January 7, 1938

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The views, expressed by wlg Lewisohn in his column are_ his own and do not necessarilyrcflect the policies or attitude of our publication. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden.

Kntered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 31, 1921, at -Postoftice of Omaha, Xebiaska. under the Act of March 3, 1S79

.U , W



AGE OF PERSECUTION In his Christmas allocution to the College of Ciird'nals the supreme Pontiff of the" Roman Church spoke with an. unwonted bitterness of the persecution of CHRISTIAN SCIEECS . C a t h o l i c s In Nazi Germany. f "Rarely,", said t h e . venerable ATTACKED BY i | PiU9, "has there been a persecuII1AZIS tion BO grave, so terrible, so painful, so sad in,Its deep efBerlin (Haras) — All Aiaerfects." It "is a persecution thaf ' ican religious sects,inust be drivlacks neither the brutality of vioen out of Germany, the Nazi parlence nor the pressure of threats ty News Service declared in &E nor the deceits of cunning and ; L o u i s Epstein Succeeds I. attack against Christian Scienfalsehood." "What is true of the Will Assume Duties Goldstein as tists. Nazis are particularly irpersecution of Catholics in GerHere at End of President ritated by the fact that Mary Jewish Press many is, of course, an hundred Month Baker Eddy, founder of the times truer of the persecution of Louis Epstein was named new j Church, is said to have held that the Jewish people there. And it 1 president of the Board of Com- j the ideas of nation and race are j IL©CS.llv Paul Veret, at present execuis also true of the persecution of missioners of the Vaad H'lhx at : not supported by science, and j "' the Jewish people in Catholic tive director of the Bureau of j <- ! - < j n e perequisile of 'salesmanPoland, which is one of the very Jewish Education of Buffalo, | i the election meeting held Mon-j that the laws of heredity are not' day evening, in the vestry roosis iabsolute. 'ship is a salable product. citadels of the Church of Rome, has been chosen new • executive j C \ ^ and it is a litUe bleak and more director of. the Jewish Commun- j I of the B'nai Israel synagogue. [ The article charged that in W e are conducting the Jewish i i" , CV , = '" ' t than a little disconcerting • that ity Center to succeed Paul Gold-! I Harry Marcus is new vice-presi-j many parts of Germany Christ- p r e s s $*i250 sales "subscription the Vicar of Christ had no word blatt who went to Washington | I dent; Dr. Oscar Belzer, secre-!ian Scientists were attempting to j c c m test feelins; that the Tress is of rebuke for those sons of the this fall. He will assume his dut-j , tary; and I. Goldstein, treasurer, j lead the people into error on j a sjjat-le product, one that in the church who are doing precisely as ies here at the end of the month; ; j Chairmen for the several stand- j questions of race and hygiene j past has added to the Jewish liie no' <_••T, * i n 1 very properly, they would not be Mr. Veret, who is thirty-five j ! committees were also apj of Omaha and CcrincU Bluffs one ing committees were don?) by. Hillel and Jesus were years of age, was educated in i I j that car. be of benefit in the fupointed. They are: Publicity, thoroughly at one .on the moral Philadelphia. He received his ', tare. Stanley F, Levin; Rabbinical, S. iniquity, of. that. degree from Temple University Ravitz; Finance. I. Goldstein; < We feel that yon, the reader, ; f T- r p |- - " and took post-graduate work in i Membership, 3.1. Rosenstefn; ' want us in your homes each Fri- : With the persecuted Catholics Committee on Kosher Obser! day; that you enjey hearing what • In Germany the Jew has a very the Social Service Administration vances and Jewish Relations we hare to say; that we satisfy; much more than superficial sym- of the University of Pennsylvan-i i within'the City, N. Levinson; and your desire to know what is what; pathy. The Church is not perse- ia. For his Jewish training he j i Foreign Institutional Relationtended the Mishkan Israel and wto is who in the field of; cuted by the Nazis for its human ships, I. Goldstein. Paul Veret Jewish affairs locally, nationally, '• faults and failings, which are Yeshivah and the Teacher TrainI -' ' I - > I Goldstein, retiring president, j Bracliah Sfirai, Kahura Ifardi, and internationally. If you don't, ; I ' doubtless many, but for its high ing Institute. and I;Iicbel Gibson to Be that is our fault, and we would \ tendered his report which includDuring his career Mr. Veret and^valid aspiration after Cathappreciate hearing why. j 0 ^^ ed a comment on the progress pi Here January IS cMcity, after that great human has been director of Center and the committee of cooperation beThe Jewish Press is practically i communion in which there is to Club activities of the Philadeltween the Kosher butcher shops folk-singer; j the only leans of adequate com- j be in the words of Paul neither phia Associated Talmud Torahs; Erachah and the orthodox community. Michel Gibson, dramatic artist; | raunlcation between Jewish, or-j slave nor free neither. Greek nor director .of the division of ReThe new president plans oa and Nahum Nardi, composer, will' ganizations and the people they | Jew. This note of spiritual uni- creation in the Federation of continuing 'the program set ia present a joint recital on Tues-j wish to contact. It is a valuable | versality is, of course, also that Jewish School Centers and direcmotion by his predecessor. day, January 1?, at the Jewish; publicity medium for Jevist ; or1' the Jewish faith and tradi- tor of the education and program =•" Of C l i l - i | Community Center as one cf the ! groups. It is an elemen tion: the righteous goy is equal service to schools and communi .mlilus. ; i features of the Center Forum. -i ture and EX . L intellectual - to the High Priest in Israel. Now ity in the. same system. He was Panic Grips Jewry as Premier it is this aspiration after catho- also associated as director of ac' Brachah Zfirah and Nardi ap-J Bet the proof cf & newspaper i; Names Anti-Semitic licity, after ethical", universality tivities with- the Hebrew Literapeared here last j"ear and wonj j s ; n j _ n e reaainc. You are the ' Ministers that the Nazis persecute and de-ture Society Center in Philadelacclaim for their art. Brachah ; judges of our merit. TTe ere ask-; Zfirah, a Yemenite Jewess, inter-; j £ g : you to subscribe in ci:r sales! Eire indeed to stamp out. For phia and co-director of • mainten- Bucharest (WNS) —• Gripped - . , Prets t h e Oriental folk music of! contest ss sn indication th&t we! their, return to barbarism is not ance campaign of the Center; by the same sort of panic that j \ the Jews of Palestine and Ara- • hare played a valuable part in 1 due to their. desire to integrate In Buffalo besides being direc- swept over German Jewry in •V i bia. She studied dramatic art j the past; that vre can be of I"ur-j themselves more closely with tor of the Bureau of Jewish Edu- January. 1933, when Adolf Hit-J in Berlin under Reinhardt and; tber value to you in'the future; ! their cultural traditions and thecation, he has done the publicity ler became chancellor, Rouman-1 sources of their beings It is due work of the local federation and ia's 1,000,000 Jews are • looking j Youth Foniia t o Depict was featured with .the H nd ihat Ociah.3. s.nd Ccunoil 1 • to the intolerably wicked judg- was charged with the organiza- to King Carol tis their chief pro-{_ _ .. . standing. CurxSiii-Playrrs of Jerusalem.. . .. ; .EluKs- iv.;:i conilr ment- -pf- T rtfc»a.--\o£.-.---tli&' .-:lDca,L:--.'-Jewisii -Com- tection against the sweeping anNahuni Kardi is noted ES one : benefit of s.n a • • Events introduced: all races but theirs munity Council. For three suc- ti-Semitic program announced of Palestine's outstanding . com-j of communicaticir are inferior; all faiths but theirs cessive years he has been the di-by the new minority cabinet of : Members'of the Round Table of posers. He has also devoted him- j are -stupid; all aspirations but rector of the national Jewish Ed- Premier Octavian Goga, the per- Jewish Youth Forum on Tuesday, self to collecting the authentic Columni t Avers theirs are ignoble. Speaking. In ucation Exhibit and during the s&nal appointee of the monarch. January 11, will present a Hebraic melodies of the east. the manner of the CathoSc B'nai B'rith convention directed The first overt signs of the panic "March of Time" depicting the Michel Gibson, who is appear- Henry Monsky to . Church one would say that the the exhibit there. in Jewish circles were a sharp j high lights of Jewish current ing here for the first time with Mead sin of the Germans is the sin of As an editor and writer he has break on the Bucharest stock ex- events during the year 1937. the other two artists, is one of pride, the-sin whereby the angels published some sixty texts and change, with all important industhe outstanding of the younger cast will include: Leo In h i s s y n d i c a t e d column,! fell, the sin which many learned program syllabi for club activit- trial shares, dropping from 15 to j S nThe artists of the Yiddish stage. In Morris Arbiterman "Strictly Confidential," which j Catholics have held to be the sin ies in Jewish Community Centers E u r o p e a a d Ameri points as Jews- hastily lioui- j Irving'No-- 'B'oD^Po^l'ev 1 ed with Maurice= a Schwartz he has playin A n g l o - J e w i s h pa- j of sins. And those Jews who and schools and prepared mater- 25 and a p p e a r s dated their assets, and the beginare aware of their great tradi- ials1 designed to train youths to ning of a Jewish exodus to Bul- Abe Raben, Willard Smith, Macy has appeared in more than sev- pers from c o a s t to c o a s t j Baum, Haskell Lazere, Harold Arts Fea. tion, of the oral tradition, will participate in local communal en- garia and Hungary. plays. Zelinsky, Morton Margolin, Aba enty remember that the Chachamlm deavors. Their art That Goga means to carry out Bertha Guss, Hannah tion to the dwell more frequently-on no sin He has been active in commun- his pre-election promise to im- j Resnick, Baum, Florence Steinberg, Beth attracted ^than on that of shaming a fellow- al planning and aided in the plement anti-Semitic ideas even i Kaye, Louise Wintroub, man, of humiliating your broth- compilation of statistical studies at the* risk of provoking serious: Barish and Kalah Franklin. Lois ports after their last appe ms' l t er, of judging him until you have and reports. He initated the oc- disturbances was indicated by here rated them as exceptionally' t l l e B n £ I S'nih.' Events to be depicted are: the gifted. Kr, Mcnsky, prominent lawyer been in his place. So that in our cupational survey of Buffalo Jew- the fact that feis first move was I £ <-"•.- V tradition too, pride, arrogance, ry and was instrumental in ef- the organization of an army of death of Felix Warburg; Ghetto •Tickets for the recital may be and civic and communal leader,; are held to be. unforgivable and fecting a census of Buffalo's Jew- 200,000 members of the Christ- Benches in Poland; How Long, procured from members of the has for many years been one of' ?, t i " \ O 1 0 _ O Germany; Intellectual Boycott; Forum committee or at the Jew- the important figures of the Pis- i humility to be the right grace of ish population'. ian National Militia under the trict Grand Lodge and is at pre-; spiritual greatness. Those who He has had wide experience in command of M. Robu, a violent Partition or No; Nazi Camps Ex- ish Community Center. sent representative of District j t n e i r ; persecute Jews must persecute co-ordinating and planning com- anti-Semite, who has been nam- posed; Children of One God; ' : L ' i" Lt Youth Alij-ah Movement. Grand Lodge No. 6 on the exe-i Catholics, except w h e n they munal activities. ed police prefect of Czernowitz, a cutive committee of the Supreme ; Mrs. Herman Jahr is directing Cyriis Adler Wins themselves are Catholics. Which Mr. Veret is marred and Is city with a heavy Jewish popuLodge. ! Morris Arbitproves up to. the hilt the fact the father of a two year old son. lation. The appointment of Is- the production. •';- o r O- • tor Fhi Epsiiosi P i s At the last convention Mr. Kon-; man is chairman of the Forum that Catholics are not always wi' trate Micescu, the president of committee making arrangements. : s k v > vrith tfcree cthPr O M 1 S I I S ; Catholics and that just as there Service Award ' the Bucharest . . . Chamber . . of . . Law.. , T h e Forum is open to all young are Jews who are of "the opinion Honor Roll Cites CT:C yers during whose administration j p j that the Jews of Germany betrayCleveland (WNS)—The third tr Five Jews; Two not a single Jew was admitted to e o p e ed their Judaism and were in • e r ' L^ sro tr DC annual service award of Phi Epthe legal profession, as minister that respect not guiltles3, So silon Pi fraternity to the Amerir V r= a t r t c - ^ for Anti-Nazism of foreign affairs; the naming I ROUND TABLE DANCE there ought to be Catholics who can Jew who has contributed hold similar views of the persemost to the constructive life of TO BE HELD ON New York (WNS)—Five prom- of M. Hodos a n o t h e r c u t e d Catholics. Are'there? If inent American Jews and two ti-Semite as minister of his people was voted to Dr. Cyrus- (, tb4 « * - * p ( Or there are such they ought to un-Christian foes of Nazism are cited ganda; the replacement of all JANUARY 16 '• Adler, president of the American \ derstand with a peculiar sympa- ori the tenth annual honor roll of police prefects with known antiJewish Committee and the Jewish ', thy and fellow-feeling the plight The Nation. Jews listed are Mor- Semites; and the inclusion of the The Round Table of Jewish Theological Seminary, it was anf.i \of th© Jewish people and send a ris L. Ernst, for his fight against 81-year-old Professor Alexander Youth will present another in its nounced at the fraternity's anCuza, father of Roumanian antiseries ofi dances on Sunday, Jan- nual convention. Presentation of ) few authoritative messages, how- Mayor Hague of Jersey City; Arr " ~ C J.ever privately, to the Polish hier- thur Garfield Hays, for his report Semitism, and his son, George, 16, at the Jewish Community the award will be made in New in the cabinet, were further inCenter. archy . ... / . ''• ". •' • York City in January at a fraton the Ponce massacre in Porto ' -Of1 course they will do no such Rico; Judge Julian W. Mack, for dications of what is to come. Admission will be V season nerity dinner. Previous winners Pending an official announcething. No one will do anything his decision in the Electric Bond ticket. Tickets may stU! \s~ ob- of the award were Kenriettr strong, anything effective, any- & Share'case; Marc Blitzstein, for ment of the. government's pro- tained at the Center. Szold and Dr. Stephen S. Wise. gram, Porunca Vremi, Goga's thing that comes from a derep his musical play, "The Cradle source of conviction. . And that Will Rock"; and Peter Blume, for party organ, announced that the fact proves again the utterly un- his anti-Fascist painting, "The cabinet was preparing decrees aimed at expelling Jews from : Tedeemed character of Christen- Eternal City." '^w^1 **. " * dom and the merely seasonal sil- - D r . William E. Dodd, retiring trade and industry; expropriatrc r" liness of those Jews, rabbinical TJ, S. ambassador to Germany, is ing land owned by Jews; the or lay, who flirt with Christian honored for his protest against Aryanization of the professions; re ity in any of its forms. The test sending an American ' representa- prohibiting Jews from establishc *" T """ ' ing themselves as merchants .. in of Christ in men today Is absten- tive to the Nazi party congress, villages; cancelling licenses' of Despite a picture rSore filled ; tion fron^ persecution, from hate, and Cardinal' Mundelein of Chi"German Jewry," Kabbi Pringreed,' war-lust. V/here Is that cago is cited for his condemna- Jews to sell wines,; spirits, tobac- Vvitb shadow than lihgt, Dr. Joe-[ LEisted, "Is writing . the last co, cigarettes and salt; banning chim Prinz, who 4ast Tuesday j abstention to be found? Certain- tion of Nazi persecution of the ly not amon:g any considerable or church in Germany. Also listed is state transactions with Jewish- evening before the Center Forum i chapter of.-.its history, THe youtt politically strong group of Chris- the town council of Southbury, owned or financed firms; exclud- eloquently portrayed the present I are emigrating snd the dsatt tians cr among the" policies of Conn., for resisting the establish- ing Jews from all government of- status of European Jewry, felt I r ate far exceeds the birth rate.'' fices; revising the naturalization that in the terms of history EurChristian states.-- It Is found ment of a Nazi camp. In answer to the question of lists since 1922, so as to de-nat- .opean Jewry had a future. •—• ..jiong Jews, Chinese, Hindoos. what Jews of the world care uralize tens of thousands of Tracing Jewish life in modern to &0 the Nothing will be done within j he Jews;reviving a previously re'times, the famed • Berlin rabbi \ > advised political negotho Churches. Will anything be jected law providing that all bus- shovv-ed how the emancipation of tiation rather than lamentatior TRY-OUTS " done beyond their walls and oriness and industrial establish- the Jews of Europe "WES a logical and mass meetings. ganizations? The persecution of Try-outs for the nest pro- • ments must have 90 per cent consequence of the pli:lc:~riy cf' Co-ic'lucir^ !--'- lect'-"? E ' b ^ Catholics anywhere,/ harsh and duction of the Center Players jj pure-blooded Roumanians among ! F: ! ~s toM t^"t "E~rcr"n". 'c^rz deplorable as it is, bears no com- will be-held on Sunday, J a n - | | their employes; and enacting a tile Fz'encii Revolution. tr-e f>— ^n^ no ^j ' will parison with the cruelty beyond uary 9, at 2:30 p. m. in the i| lav.- forbidding Jews from writr !rT fie-' is to ^=1 re-! -^'-M' i^f'. than tlie drfiri of ' all w o r d s and beyond , all auditorium of the Jewish || ing for newspapers or owning! nitv," he saM ""u< 7c thoughts with which our people Communty Center. Those in- y them. The last project is already! created byTho" friuV; --';' ::\:-nr Vut if r r " : - - ' . c'ty?. JJ persecuted in Germany, in Poare invited to attend. Jj being carried into effect. The I rU ptcy of clc":^"'"', ~ land, in Roumania, in Yemen and terested The play, "Let XJs Be Gay," jjj liberal and democratic newspa- j t t,J reaction to fl-"p -.--'" now in Mexico today and who an outstanding sue- ji p e rs, Lupta, Advertil and Dimin-! democracy, tan * r" - • - " - • r imov.'s where tomorrow? And cess of several Broadway seasons ago, j ! er.ta. ail Jewish-owned, have j g r e at idrs! o <•-<-»•---.-| • • daily sit this season you have only will be presented February 15 IJ beea suppressed, and-' Alexander! doiBcr so'Vt CT .—;-' •'' to turn on the radio to hear the and 1-2. }| Jurtitr, director of Rador Oriente ! {],,,



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(Continued on page 8.)

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brought him to • ;his us hops. But I, tlie \ i " t be myself, must • «leignity from my inhertr my teaching, mu?t i'oii my own character, it's about time the Jewand Jcv/ish publicists rom the practice of iuiwish ego by exploiting Jiear-Jews found in, hids.. It's really not self-

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it 1937 By Seven'J Arts ature Syndicate;.) .


Boxy Swaggers ;h as Caraculs, aots, Premier ' avers made of Coney.'




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By DB. THEODORES N. LEWIS EabbI, Bloant Siar.1 Eessplo, Sioas CSiy "THE THIRD REICH" BY HENRI UCHTENBERG. GR.EYSTOSE PRESS. NEW YOPK CITYv 383 PAGES. $3.00. /:_ The purpose of " T h e ' Third -Reich" Is to provide an impartial", Objective'and" dispassionate analysis of Germany under the "Nazis. ' The author !ls-a French " scholar rot note, a professor at the HSorbonne where he directs The' Institute ot Germanic Studies. The.'scientific method which ia a habit with him he applies to an examination of ;the Nazi regime in action. The Siscusson is by Implication neither pro nor con,";impartial. Where the author Dins' in favor of jthe Nazis he hastens to indicate feourcel defini tely:. hostile "to :them and their claims. After; describing Germany ;as the Nazis proclaim It to he,' the author invariably allows himself p few expressions of doubt and skepticism; which cast a blistering shadow over; the glorified Nazi picture. The impression is inescapable that Dr. Lichtenberg • is engaged \ i n a struggle between his task — to give the Nazis all that is due them, to do full justice to their claims, .achievements and aspirations —^ and between the demands of .truth and justice which compel him ever BO often to record a mild protest or to indulge in polite but withering skepticism. This process of careful balance between the truth about the Nazis and the truth as the Nazis would have it is BO regularly employed aa to become somewhat amusing.

can not, nay, more, ofie must not, approach Nasl Germany from a so-called scientific ,and impersonal and unprejudiced point of view. • To regard the imminent destruction of civilizaton wth scientific aloofness is criminal and suicidal. The author accords the Nazis that dignity which they crave, but which the world refuses. No sane-or intelligent or honest individual accepts or consider seriously and neither does bur author, the preposterous claims of the Nazis to a fresh set of "spiritual", values, to a distinctive Weltanschauung, to a new philosophy Of life, to -creating a just economic order/To regard these shallow; and lying slogans seriously and to pay^ them the homage of scientific study, is to play into the hands of the Nazism Instead of proclaiming neutrality, the lover of truth and the seeker after justice must expose the innate, barbarous chai> acter of the Nazi movement — a wild irresponsible fanatacism •with the .heinous doctrine, that ends justify the means, with foul contempt: for truth,. honesty 'and justice. How can anyone dignify the inhuman cruelties, the spurious and contradictory economic theories, the base and immoral doctrinal concepts advanced by the Nazi movement as a "philosophy?" What are the "spiritual" values ot the Nazis? What is the Nazi Weltanschauung? War and militarism; race bigotry and oppression;' autocracy, destruction of learning suppression of freedom and'truth, the* rule by terror and deceptive propaganda? This, in essence, is the "civilization," the "spiritual" values, the "philosophy," which the Nazi fanatics are imposing upon Germany, and which they strive to introduce in other countries. It

- Now as to the content. The first chapter, "The Rise of National Socialism" gives a brief and succinct account of the growth of the Nazi party and its triumph amid frightful intrigue, chicanery: and treachery. Though barbarism accurate, it Is incomplete. The ecparading under onomic factors making for Fas- respectable disguises. And to cism, the causes which made dignify this contemporary outNazism ; possible, and the indivi- break of savagery with scientific duals who delivered the German analysis and critical study is to people into the claws of Hitler, fall into a trap. Instead let the are : Ignored. No attention is giv- scholar and statesman join in a en to constant and strong sup- vigorous battle against Nazi port of the economic royalists of gangster pursuits, against their Germany and their reasons for newly d i s c o v e r e d "spiritual preferring Hitler and Fascism to ideals" and against their "new" social democracy. Hitler would concepts of truth, justice and hu. have never gained power — in manity. The most valuable part of the fact, he could not have done so— without the financial aid of such book is the Index which includes powerful titans, of Industrial such, vital 4and revealing docuGermany as Thysen, Hugenberg ment as" "The Nuremberg Laws and their satraps. Astonishing of Citizenship and Race," "The ia the. author's failure to emphas- German-Japanese Agreement On ize the hidden character of the Communism," "C o m m i s sioner purge of June 30, 1934, In which McDonald's Letter of Resignathe true Nazi revolutionists, the tion." "The Evangelical Church . few social visionaries, were bru- Letter to Hitler," ' etc. These tally exterminated, and which documents brand the Nazis as ensaw "the triumph of blatant and emies of mankind, destroyers of ruthless and egotistical charla- civilization, despoilers of spirittans like Gdering and Goebells. ual values and make "The Third Hitler's surrender to these two Reich" a country of unmitigated unscrupulous' b u t devilishly tragedy, oppression and gloom. shrewd schemers established beyond a doubt %his" true aim and purpose not to redeem. Germany but to achieve for himself power, glory and wealth, a task at which he. ha3.succeeded,, as few individuals born in- obscurity have. The author's conflict between the desire to be fair to Hitler and between his duty to truth Is most evident' in' the section dealing with the foreign policy of the Nazis.- The world knows full well the murderous nature of the SUICIDE IN PARIS: Her name policy,, and discounts in entirety was Vera Goodman A poor the peace protestations of Nazi- Polish Jewess, with little to disdom. Though the author is fully tinguish her from millions of conscous of the" patent insincere- others . . . Except perhaps a Ity, of the peace1 overtures of the burning ambition for -wealth and third Reich, he.treats them with a life brimming over with-exa high seriousness, with the im- citement . . . Before she died plication that they merit earn- Vera had both . . . Wealth/by est consideration by the family one manner or another, she lacof nations. The world knows bet- cumulated In Berlin When ter and refuses to trust Hitler. the Man with the Mustache took The chapters. dealing with the things over, Vera managed to . ""Myth of Race!' expose In a sub- skedaddle over the border to tle'.manner the banality and the France . . . She turned up in Pardishonesty of 'the Nazi concepts is one fine day and the story got created by a host of pseudo-scien- around that she had beaucoup tists to justify; the persecution francs, in fact some 60,000,000 and spoliation of, the Jew. The of them . . . Francs flowed from conflict with Christianity, both purse in an endless stream . . Protestant and Catholic, is set She lived high, wide and hilarforth fully and clearly. Several iously . . . One day, though, chapters are devoted to a discus- sdme investments turned sour, sion of the industrial organlza- the bottomless purse seemed sudGermany and to denly to have a bottom, a very tion of the the economic I: changes the Nazis ugly bottom In It she saw a have'Introduced. return to wretched poverty • . "A Frenchman Look3 At Nazi Not only for herself, but for her Germany" the. last chapter in the only daughter as well . . . So, book, Is by far the best, because with the last of the francs, Vera it is the most realistic and the made two final grand gestures . frankest.: Sere the author dis- . . Part she used to pay the initcards the toga of an objective ial premium on a huge Insurance seeker after abstract truth and becomes a living human being with deep emotions, strong con- LAST WARE3IEQ JAN. aS? £023 victions and fearless thinking. Here he deals with the Nazis, not as they ^proclaim themselves to be. but, as they actually are. And yet,-even in this chapter, an element of' Tomahticism creeps in, as when ' t h e . author, advises France and Germany.to bury the hatchet and "agree to disagree' Imagine, a rattlesnake, or a hungry cat in the presence of fattened and appetizing mice, heed1 ing this plea! : Just as likely are Hitler and his irresponsible maniacs, to listen to such simple and

policy in which her daughter was the sole beneficiary . . . A clause in the policy made payment of the face value obligatory even in case of death by suicide, provided suicide occurred one year after the policy was obtained ... . . With her. remaining francs, Vara launched a year-long spree that was the talk of Paris, from Montmartre joint to swelegant salon . . The year came to an end . . . With It came notice of the second premium due, allowing the usual thirty days' grace for payment . . . On the twentyninth: day, Vera took a heavy dose of poison . . . Here, grim fate took a hand in- Vera's carefully laid plan . . . For on the final day, she still lingered in agony on a hospital cot . . . It wasn't until the day after 'grace' ended, with the premium unpaid and the policy, therefore legally void, that Vera was permitted to breathe her last . . . PREDICAMENT: Harold Keller, Tom Dewey's secretary, had the task of rounding up the 300 suboenaed witnesses In N. T. County Clerk Albert Marlnelli's case . . . When he corralled them Harold realized he had to have additional court stenographers to take down the testimony . . . The stenogs were avilable . . . But they had to be sworn In . . And the only person authorized to do the swearing in was — Mr. Marinelll himself . . . P. S. — Harold decided to get along without the extra stenogs . . . EFFICIENCY: Nazi Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels ought to do something about this . . . His ministry, Peters is reliably infromed. last week phoned the Berlin office of the J. T. A. . . . Complained that it hadn't been receiving th& J. T. bulletins . . . Expressed great surprise to learn that the office had been closed by the Gestapo .


Varsity basketball schedule hasj been the signing of the woodmen j Accident team of Lincoln to £P- j pear in Omaha on Feb. 6. This team last year won the rnidwestern A. A. U. championship.


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impaired there can "be no j N A?I% I Alt hops of continued progress in j frcrrce, or justice \v. government. ; I ri international or domestic <


One of the outstanding attracC. C. BOWLISG tion of the basketball season will major crtn?£ *••Teata Standings be presented Sunday at the J. C. Besolutiozi Attacks Those Who itself. Tef. r — ^ *• * L C. with the Jewish Varsity team w24 18 .571 Wczld C-iirb Sisrhts sort has be"" T c I• clashing with the crack Murphy- Tigers 24 18 .571 restigators, <;r " -<Did-It team in a contest for the Wildcats of SEes 23 IS .54S professional . ~ - ' benefit of the World-Herald Cyclones 22 20 .524 Goodfellow fund. The Center is Sooners Indianapolis, Ind. (WNS) — whether by "•• <~ r - «• 18 24 .429 Organized happy to donate its facilities for Cornhuskers American science, Jaybawkers 15 27 .357 through the American Association iegs.l violence c >. this worthy cause. Tuesday night both the Corn- for the Advancement of Scier.ce, duty to dent - < ( The program will also feature were declared open warfare on ail foes as intolerrb •—i •= r T a game between two fine girls huskers and Jayfcawkers teams; Russells Sports and Blue thrice victors, the former defeat- of intellectual freedom BE.; fcti- There can I c T1 - i i Stars. The preliminary will start ing the Sooners, and the latter naE liberty with the adoption of this issue, for e1 r- ' c rre r t at 2 p. m. while the men's game the Cyclones. The Tigers and a resolution at its annual rneetiEg wealth oJ learrri ' ccr™ i Wildcats are now tied for top] denouncing all curbs on scholars, "hall slave anfl I-?'.' *'-or will open at 3. p. m. The Murphys will bring to the position after the Wildcats took teachers and professional men in life and training- •<. <• re -• • Center court some of the besti two out of three from their rival various parts of the vorlS. The by our heritage <.»• ^ i , e c ^_ declaration, 'vrhich is'also regard- must stand for - f ^ . : ' basketball players in the middle j team. . west. The Automen list such ' Five hundred series were bowl- ed as a protest against the perseluminaries as Collin, Engelbret- ed by Joe Givot, 552; Jack Mel- cution cf .Jewish scholars abroad Eight Jevs pi ' isen, Parson, Mclver, Trisch, and j cher, 548; Sara Meyerson, 500; and the institution of ghetto defense of Fort - ' Sam Katziaan, 557; H. Horwich, benches in Poland, reads as folJohnk, former college 'stars who; time the "Star 5- • are well known by every sports 555; and Barney Abranss, 530. lows: was inspired. H. Horwich whose average is fan. "The American Association for The'Center team has been work- 153 bowled 555, 9 6 points above the Advancement of Science fee's Ing hard for this game, seeking his average, thereby getting the grave concern over persistent and to preserve its undefeated record best over the average for the threatening inroads vpon inteleven in the face of overwhelming week. lectual freedom wfcich hare been odds. Coach Phil Gerelick has made ia recest times in many his team in top shape and the . The first person naturalized in parts of tie world. Our existing boys will be shouting the works j in Iowa was its first Jew, Alex- liberties here been won through against the classy collegiate ander Levi, who came to Dubuque ases of ptri"gcle and at enormous SIS So, S3 " f ' players. * co<-t. If tl-°se £-e lo c t c- perin 1833. If you want to see some rare basketball as played by experts and if you want to aid a truly i worthy cause, we'd advise you to be at the J. C. C. gym Sunday at 2 p. m. All proceeds go to the Goodfellow Fund.

The J. C. C. regular season i j handball tournament will get un-; j der way Monday with pairings I! being posted on the basket room j I bulletin board. Earl Siegel cf the;] athletic committee, has charge of . { pairings. j| A fast field has signed up for 'j the meet and some red-hot action ;j is promised. Participants are urg- | NAZI SHOW: A trusty snoop- ed to, be alert'and play their ; er of ours who has a peculiar matches on scheduled time. >j capacity for catching Nazis off their guard visited the German TVe're sorry b u t all t h e J. C.'\ Exposition and Christmas Mar- C. league basketball play this! j ket at Grand Central Palace and year will be confined to an inter-1 ] returned with these tidbits , . mediate league of boys uader 21 j Mendelssohn's music- being sold years of age. The loop has four { on the q. t.. by the guardian of teams, Cornhuskers, Hawkeyes, [ the music booth, who apologiz- and t h e two A. Z. A.'s If players j ed for the necessity (result of and fans later become dissat'is- i official pressure) of keeping the field with this setup, they have | great composer's works buried only themselves to blame. At ; under the counter . . . A copy that, t h e Intermediate league j of "Gone "With the Wind" look- promises some fast play. :| ing somehow- out of place, yet The schedule for J a n u a r y 12 : \ perhaps a bit prophetic on a finds Cornhuskers meeting A. Z. : | bookshelf In the company of such A. 100, and A. Z. A. 1 meeting j volumes $.s Alfred Rosenberg's Hawkeyes. . .• i I "Blut und Ehfe," Hitler's "Mein Kampf." »• . . A Western Union The women's gym classes a r e ; j booth, advertising two direcj cabcontinuing to grow. Especially i les to Emden, Germany . . . A gratifying" to yours truly has | German-Amerlca.n Bund official been t h e response to the Jewish I who confided that a lot "of Gerwomen's only class which m e e t s ' j man goods intended for exhibit Tuesday and Thursday mornings. ! had been held up at the Customs The women volleyballers will \ House . . . Why? .- . . "Untermeyer" was the meaningful re- meet the spikers from t h e Coun- j cil Bluffs Y. W. C. A. next Wed- ! tort . . . nesday night in the J. C. C. gym- i MISH-MASH: What big AngloA fine addition to the J. C. C. Jewish paper In England has offered Vladimir Poliakoff $2,000 in settlement of the libel suit ar- Hebrew paper. Did you know ising from that mizup about the that 15 of Bucharest's 20 daily Pariser Tageblatt? . . . Poliakoff j newspapers are anti-Semitic? . . . • will probably also recover from j And that the Ku Klus Klan of- ; one of the great London dailies I lice in Atlanta, Ga., is housed in which printed the story . . . The the same building with tne Jew-, j Jewish physician who accompan- ish Welfare Fund? . . . ied Explorer Byrd's expedition to the North Pole, Dr. Leo M. Davidoff, Is now director of the neuro-surgical department of Brooklyn Jewish Hospital . . . Dr. Davidoff has an Eskimo scrapThe Gcr.uino Bates Gri> book of that historic voyage . . . Bowling Ball now cc'o in Oesaisa by tho A prominent Palestine resident, here on a visit, is certain Great Britain will drop the partition plan . . . Len Lyons' N. Y. Post '&, Suppiff €#@a column Is now being syndicated iir a number of out-of-town dailIA 2724 ££. fit Dsus'ss ies . . .." Lee Strassberg, wellTha Eatca Grip Bali viih. known Broadway stage director, produce bigher scores asc once wa3 an office boy in the j eiinsisata tbs 'aero* tbactl ZOA, his job being to mail the





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Page 4




C h a o s i nt h e B a l k a n s

•}• - : .


The New Era;' '. By Rabbi Frederick Conn

i !



every wise, modest, end •reil-life- \ supreme court. This r i s e deci-. Hie t r c v ^ h 0£ a n ' ! i-,j ed by his people,' Eisy become s i ^ ^ - r A s preatly instruments! in tioti ir Uie Union. V ' judge i a his o w n ' c i t r , and there-" C r e a t m ? r u | r o a ( i w U 1 & n d v'vA^ V'ap fidomed l-v ih, . . . ., . - . i a B i O n S ^ e scholars of the entire p r e ^ Of thr „ „ • , t0

if he deserves it, hes.tisthe ! cofnt—r befteradvanced to the court gate of the Temple mound; \ Another chapter in European to the court of the gate c.lthen T the I anti-Semitism is being written in Temple, and farther on until he ;.Capetown (WXS) BumaiUa, a chapter that promises to ran the gamut of human reached to be a taeraber of the ; worded resolution emotions from tragedy to comedy and touch all the intermittent stages. For there-is comedy in aewly-


Dear Sir:



u.. iiif t o i e . t i , , ZOg

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A shsrpiv-i ' ' E r t J ' F"nc? l l i P G v e v r condemning: | P a t r o n ^ nnr"'' f

chosen Premier Octavian Goga's auti-Seinitisra, albeit ironic. Ever since Adolf Hitler re-arranged the science of anthropology to prove by this sophism that his chosen Aryans' are definitely the superior race he has "been ''"subjected to great difficulty at world, the'League of Nations—though i t has now been nearly j t i m e g i n selecting the pure from twenty years in existence. There is much prejudice, opposition 1 the impure. and even'violent hostility against the League. But this is due j R HeTJept c o » p « £ wtoLerd mainly to ignorance as well as to stereotyped and hide-bound jR e i f e n s t a b i was said by many to conservatism, not to speak of deeply-ingrained selfishness and i b eHltler's choice for marriage; notoriously weak idealism. How many know that the League j and it was stated positively that „ ,. XT.A 'she played an important part in T has actually prevented many wars from breaking out between j b e H l t l e r . 8 c h o J c e f o r m a r r iage; One day Leni Npolcy. Reifenstahl was nationsand great smallnot in hear any number of cases ? They not j thereby German, occur, soand we did about them. How manydid know f o u n d t 0 be a J e w e s s of the practical, most valuable work the League is actually\do-j , y

Ever a land of political.intrigue, Koumania is doing a splendid job of-living u p to her reputation; The cross-currents of this Balkan country's/political life have created a chaos that opportunists will not hesitate to utilize. Already Premier Goga, whose Christian Front Party's principal platform is 'Anti-Semitism,' has laid down a program that is to 'free Roumania from Jewish influence.' B u t Premier Goga,, despite a well-deserved reputation as an unscrupulous rascal, finds himself in an ambiguous position. ; .. . • - . - • • . , , •.,.-.,„_ -._.x..--_ ' - _ . ! i she is cr isn't is a moot question. His appointment as premier could only have happened in ing at the present moment (despite the criticism, sneers, and Whether she was found to be a what is commonly termed a 'comic opera' kingdom where rules slurs that are being levelled at it) in the matter of the regula- Jewess for .political, Bocial, or personal reasons is unknown. of politics exist.only to be outraged. The party which is now tion of the opium traffic, of the nefarious white-slave traffic, Hitler was being seen with Pola the government party polled less than ;ten per cent "of the total in the system of Mandates by. which, for instance, Great Britain Negri; Minister of Propaganda vote. The anti-Semitic parties, wJiieh will give support a t least rules .Palestine at the present moment? Its great International Joseph Goebbels proclamed at a party that Fraulein Reifenstahl to" Goga's anti-Jewish platform, are represented by only one- Labor Organization (of which, by the way, the United States is was Jewish; and she was cast a full-fledged member) ? Its gathering of most valuable labor I Into political and social oblivion third of the. deputies in parliament. . r ; Despite the crowing of Fascist Germany and Italy that and other statistics? Its great international influence for peace j in Germany. Her crime, in the eyes of the " the people of Roumania have spoken to their advantage, fifty- despite the fact that it did not prevent Japan from seizing Nazis, was not to be a Jewess but • eight per cent of the vote went to the two outstanding demo-' Manchuria, as it is now attempting to conquer all China; or to be found out as a Jewess. Her cratic parties—the "Liberal Party of former premier George prevent Mussolini from violation of Ethiopia; or Germany case is one illustration, repeated Taterescu and the National Peasants Party of Dr. Julius Maniu. from repudiating all its obligations and embarking upon its a hundred times over, of the ludicrousness of the Nazi ideology of I n a situation where anybody's guess is good, it appears career of criminal lunacy? "Of which the late Eric Ludenorf Aryanisni. • that King Carol has played the trump card. By appointing a& was the symbol." In Rumania premier Goga has premier a man whose support is so much in the minority, he , There are those who say the League is dead, who proclaim placed an economic and not so racial interpretation on anretains the upper hand. I t is believed b y competent foreign ob- with fiendish glee, like Mussolini and Goebbels, that it has much ti-Semitism. He has declared servers (although the savage utterances of Goga discredit their, entirely collapsed. But we believe the wish is father to the that he intends to "clear out" 1,observations) that Carol will stay the anti-Semitic furor of this thought. The beautiful white marble palace in Geneva, the 500,000 Jews and reorganize industry without them. This same group of malcontents; that Lupescu, all rumors t o the contrary, activity going on there despite all, the adherence to the League furiously anti-Semitic Premier still retains her control, and that she has not, despite long-dis- 'of the world's most powerful nations, its leading democracies Goga assured Jewess Magda Lutance psycho-analysis, become an anti-Semite. . (of which America may be forced to become a member, accord- pescu, friend of King Carol that would not be harrassed by Goga, as is to be expected from so staunch a chauvinist, ing to a reputed, most recent utterance of President Roosevelt she the government and would escomes from Transylvania, was born an Hungarian subject. H e himself, sooner than many imagine) do not seem to indicate cape exile. veas educated in Budapest and«Berlin. I n the .days of t h e dual that the League is dead, despite its.present weakness, seeming Why Premier Goga gave l i n e . monarchy he was a member of the Hungarian parliament and powerlessness and failure. The League is but biding its time. Lupescu this guarantee, when has for years been the target It is no doubt .passing through a crisis, but all political ideal- she his cultural contributions have all been Hungarian. of Rumanian anti-Semites perChoosing Bucharest as the scene of his political and social ists and optimistic lovers of humanity believe it-will triumph- haps will never be known. It may climbing he served in the cabinet of premier Avarescu where antly surmount the crisis - - as did our United States of Amer- be because Carol forced this promise before inviting Goga to he gained the reputation' of being one of t h e most unscrupulous ica in connection with the formation and adoption of the Amer- form a new governme- t. It may - officials to ever serve t h e country. Should it be necessary to ican-Constitution, of which we are celebrating the 150th anni- be for any one of a number of call another election, the king has chosen t h e very man to con- versary. It too was an absolutely new thing in the world. It social, political, or pe.oonal readuct it, for Goga's methods as minister gained him the respect also met with tremendous difficulties and opposition. And yet sons. The case of Mme. Lupescu illthe 'more perfect union' was formed, though the South seceded ustrates of vote-manipulating politicians the world over. ; .'"... that in Rumania the He does n o t represent a party with a definite social pro- as New England had threatened to secede twice before and crime will be not to be Jewish, form a New England Confederacy with Hartford as its capital; but to be unimportantly Jewish. x gram. A member of a clerical family, he is interested in estabIt would seem outwardly that the lishing a state to be dominated by theQrthodox priesthood. No and though a bloody Civil war was necessary, seventy-fours important Jews, or those who ! are valuable to the Rumanian wonder he has managed to enroll the" prelates of the nation years after its formation, to cement it and secure it! will be inrited to reinto his unholy fold. The parallel between the United States of America and government main as citizens in what has beHowever already the forces, puny, as they seem now, are the League of Nations (germ of a larger 'United States') and come the paradox - anti-Semites at work to counteract his venom. I n this country the boycott of the Constitution and the 'Covenant' is most remarkable. So everywhere permit themselves. Constantinus committee is putting into operation machinery for the-elimina- desperate was the early state of affairs that the calm, dignition of Roumania from t h e American trading scene. fied, patriotic, and wise Washington alluded to our country as The democratic leaders of the country are. organizing their 'the-Dis-United States of America' 1, forces and former premier Titelescu, recovering in Switzerland Yet the Constitution has become 'the bulwark of the Re- Gems of the Bible and Talmud. • from the effects of poison, has pledged his support to Maniu. public' (title of Burton Hendrik's fine book)—and America the By Dr. P!aOis> A threat to exile'the Jews cannot be carried out. One can- 'bulwark' (in this critical time of Fascism and Dictatorship) not project them into space and send them onto Mars. Aside of the democracy and freedom of the world. from the planets there is no place for them to go. ' . BIBLE So the League of Nations, as we will come daily more and The soul that sinneth, It shall Bewilderment has again overtaken the Jews of the world. more to realize, despite its detractors and defamers, is the die, the son shall not bear the inSince t h e w a r they have h a d to watch over the Polish Jews to real hope, many think the only hope, of the salvation and civ- iquity of the son with hi'ra. The keep them from economic ruin. I n 1933 the tragedy of German ilization of the world; the only true path/Mespite all Kellog- righteousness of the ' righteous be upon him and the wickJewry startled the world. And now Roumania. The Religious Briand Pacts, the whole Peace Movement, Peace Palaces and shall edness of the wicked shall be uprevival of Roumanian Jewry is perhaps! the" only course, open- Peace Prizes, to a real and enduring peace, through the unity on him. . The people of the land have to them. They can only p u t their faith ixt a Creator, and pray and co-operation of the nations, through organized effort, used oppression, and exercised through collective security. • that the Suture will not be as black as the present.

I I : :j 4 j { • I» | 1 !j


terially, bur intellectually and culturally, artistically, but particularly economically and socially, and however reluctantly, politically. The world-wide political disturbance particularly is due to these new material factors in the world. There is one concrete evidence of the New "World in which we are living, if we will permit our prejudiced eyes to see it, and that is the League o£ Nations. It is an absolutely new political and social organism, instrument and institution in the world. Whether we approve of it or not, it is a fact, a power* foil concrete fact, whose real strength and influence, in the most practical way, very few yet fully realize; perhaps because it is so^startingly new! Perhaps because it is so revolutionary at variance with our accustomed ideas and methods. When the organism undergoes anything radically new, it experiences a shock. So mankind has not 3*et adjusted itself to the.distinctly new phenomenon and political creation in the

Josephine Daskam Bacon's "International Hymn" we think very inspiring: "•.'•', "Brother, shout your country's anthem, Sing your land's undying fame v Light the wondrous tale of nations With your people's golden name Tell your fathers' noble story Raise on high your country's sign Join, then, in the final glory— Brother, lift your flag with mine!

"With the advent of 1938 we are not only in a 'New Year' but whether we are conscious of it or not, we have now for a considerable time been living in a 'New Era.' The world-wide disturbances, the threats and actualities of war, as in Spain and China, the unrest in the economic, social, and political world are but the birth-pangs attending the coming into being of the New Epoch, the. New "World which is having such a hard time getting born. Hail the sun of peace now rising, History, even such as we know it for the last six thousand Hold the war cloTTds closer furled, years or so, is marked by distinct eras or epochs. "Cultures," Blend your banners, O my brother Oswald Spengler, the' great German philosophical and statistiIn the rain-bow of the world 1 . , cal historian calls them. They usually go by the name,of 'civilRed as blood, and blue as heaven, izations.' There are distinct'civilizations that have controlled Wise as age, and proud as "youth, the world in different times and places and given life at the Melt your colors, wonder woven. time a distinctive character. Spengler, in his famous "Decline In the great white light of truth! of the West"' mentions some six of these as follows: Egyptian, Build the road of peace before us Chinese, Babylonians, Mexican, Graeco-Roman, Arabic. We are Build it wide and deep and long • now in the "Western" in which he includes England and AmerSpeed the slow and check the eager ica, and of which he so dolefully says that it is declining and Help the weak and curb the strong. about to perish and disappear, and give way to another 'culNone shall push aside another, ture.' • None shall let another fall: Now there is a distinct reason.for the special character of March beside me, O my brother, each and every civilization, a specific, mattrialfactor and physiAll for one, and one for all. cal basis that gives it its precise complexion. And-so there is a - - Frederick Cohn. fundamental and unique cause for the New Era, and that makes it inevitable—and that is the improved means.of transportation and communication. That is a new thing-in the world Jev/ioh jmd it is inevitable, following with the logic and inexorability of natural law, that the result should be new. Think of not 'Rosh Chodesh Adar 1 Veb -~ merely stieam and electricity, the railroad, telephone, telegraph, or>' 1. n* i 1. t -i i-r Caodesh Adar II March cable which are in a way passe or to be superseded tomorrow— "Kosh l a s t OJ. Esther March but of the auto and airship, of wireless and,the radio! These Purim „ , llcreli have transformed the world. As an immediate result they have Eosh Chodesh Nisan April drawn it more closely together, not merely physically and ma- lassover ^ (1st ekiyj


robbery, have wronged the poor, and needy, and have oppressed the stranger unlawfully. Woe unto the leaders of Israel that have fed themselves, but they have not strengthened the weak, neither have they healed that which was sick or have they brought back that which was driven away; only with farce and rigour have they ruled -over them. TALMUD Rabbi Jose said, "Formerly there was no quarrel in Israel. The high court of Eeventj--cae was situated in the Temple treasury department, and two coarts, each consisting of twenty-three; one sat at the gate of the Temple mound, and the other one st the gate of the Temple court, and courts consisting of tweaty-three members were established in every city of Israel; to whoa tee entire community 'brought taeir questions for decision and if they could: not decide correctly, they brought it to the court of a eearby city, and if that court could also not decide they brought' It before the court which was at the f gate ;0t. the • Temple mound, and f if they'could also not decide, I they brought it before the super-{ lor. court,' where the judges sat^ on -week-days from the morning J until'the evening.' The fieoisloa of the' majority' ol the judges of the supreia'e court became a law. However, when the disciples of Rabbi Ssamai and Rabbi Hiliel

o i ^era; Increased .la .number, wBo i were not well acquainted with 4 | tie leading 'scholars, differences 161 increased In Israel and It sesia17 • <•£ f o r a w l l f ! e ES if tbl3 Torah ia 2, v m 'imAei - rt'0 ^ f f : f " | t'z'e- .supreme court ceeided to .....April 1G-•BTitei all. the .cities:of-IsHael that

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growth or anti-Semitic asi in the Union of South Afr"adopted by the annual rsol the government party aiiontain .after Premier if Sad-assailed the aati-Seni; ia-ganda of the National y and the Grev shirts. ?atronize Our Advertisers



f;-<-p ir


The annual Hadassah linen Ths Oziaha Section cf the i l i ' f v f • shower, Wednesday, January 5th, j Na't'l. Council cf Jewish Juniors j Prizes will be awarded to the i will participate in.'a joint "Ccun-i held at the Jewish Community champion . "Big Apple" dancers | cil Sabbath" with the Sr. Council! Center was - . attended • • • • , by over 300 , ! at the Beth El formal to be hej.a Hollvwoof — ' Jan. 7 th at Templs Israel. I women. Lmens and money colSaturday, February 5, at the, Miss Dora TannEnbaum, field: lected by Mrs. Rueben Kulakof- Qn Paxton Hotel. ..j worker for ths Nst'l Council, wno ; snd-a-hsif-r"--c sky, chairman, and her aEsistants, ANNOUNCE BAB 5HTZVAH ANNOUNCE APPROACHING The ticket committee is to b«'j was guest of the Juniors at a ' * " ?, 7 "- ™ " " - " " Lawrence, son. of Mr, and Mrs.Mrs. Ben Brodkey a n d Mrs. J a k e MARRIAGE Breakfast, Jan. 2B5, will be the towards furnishfurnish i * ? t e r t * n e d _ b y t h * -<* Blank. will £go o towards r Mr. and Mrs. Morris .Zlotkin Mas M. Steinberg of Council Blank, "Veager, DS principal speaker. j tea inches i~ . " • - . 1 -"^ " Yi Unl- 1 5 I M " V M announce, the approaching mar- Bluffs will b e c o m e a Bar Mitz-h S l t ^y aothschildver, and Mrs. E. A. Meyers at the already ~ s r * — ' r* — r -rp -^ , ' » , f V , ' Hosp ltal Mrs. J. E. Cohen, president cf; , •«»* Medical home of Mrs. Moe Linsraan. riage ol their daughter, Dorothy, rah, Saturday morning, at 9:30 s^c h o 0 1 petcire of c—^—*• r - '"• the Sr. Council will introduce • ' Seated on histonc Mt <to Mr. Joseph Monovitz on Febr- at the Beth El Synagogue here. : I composition.-. Miss T&naenbaum. Mrs. Ben Sha[ A reception will be held on Scopus, overlooking the city cf uary 27th; 16 0 piro, Sirs. Moris Kstlemar., .and' Mrs. Zlotkin entertained for Sunday, January 9,- from 5 to 10, iiff^f ^^! I ^ ^ i ^ ^ J L ^ f Mrs. Sam "Wolf, vice-presideats i her daughter at: a luncheon on at the Steinberg home, 10 South pitals. Those who were unable Mrs. M. F. Levenson, president' 0 ' t h e S r - ST°^P with Miss Sara : to attend the shower and wish to 15th Street, Council Bluifs. All December 28.. A color scheme of of the local Jewish National Fund I Rifkin, president of the Jr. Coun- fested herT ~--c blue and -white was carried, but. friends and relatives are invited. make a contribution are request- Cotsncil has announced that the • - „ ,- ^<r cil, will conduct the services. Jr. early age. " r ed to call Mrs. Ben Brodkey, At Fifty guests were present. • ' total fall bos collections amount members who will set as ushers' 1627. . ' - • . - . WOMEN'S MlZRACEl are: Ida Blacker, Janet Graetz, a toy violin *r r ' " " v One of the most effective dra- to $475.5S. - 1 T >-" only made r! ' HOSTESS AT DAJfCS matizations presented by HadasMrs.- J. Kaufman is chairman Bertha Guss, • Charlotte Mayer,; Miss Leona Katelman •will be The nest meeting of the Wom-sah, "They Shall Not Perish," of • the committtee in charts of Sylvia Weiner and Eeva Jlalashock. i hostess at a formal post holiday en's Mizrachi will be held on with a cast of fourteen, produced bos collections. r dance, "Dansant Formalle," Sat- Wednesday, January 19, at 2 j by Mrs. Herman Jahr of the CenThe C u r r e n t Event Eiiidy ; t i m e . . . E L " -~ C- C~~>~ p , - — urday, January 15, .at the Strand i o'clock at the Jewish Commun- J ters Player3 Guild, portrayed the group meets evtry Wed. at 1: 2 0 :w i t h i t . . . i - - f " • - r ~ . Theater ballroom in Council, ity Center. . [life of Jewish children in Ger- ' • BETH EL AUXILIARY at the JCC with Mrs. George bc-w. O n e f?^ * — " r - l The regular meeting of the Neahatis as instructor. Bluffs. One hundred and fifty The benefit card party held on I many. Sets and scenery were Beth El Auxiliary will be held on last Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. made by Nate Sekerman. couples are to be invited. For_the Feb. fith mesting, the notes !a . „ Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Katelman B- Laytin was very - success!ul. Tea was served from two bean- Wednesday,. January 12, at the | D r a l B a t i c g T 0 U p i s p r e p a r i 3 : .g a cctcined a i h Comunity Community Center Center. A; A; p l a j - j c t council Til8 J r and Mr. and Mrs. M. Pessen'w-ill Mrs.. M. Arbitman was appointed, tifully appointed tables on which JJewish board meeting will be held at 12. at the J. C. C. and new n e •s : Soon she wr - r - card party chairman. the center piece was the Jerube chaperones. F— " « <~ I from mem-"-'' ire On Thursday, January 20, a salem Cherry plant. Mrs. David Luncheon is to be served at 1 are cordially invited. ; r o'clock. j heard. benefit bridge will be held at the i A. Finkle, chairman of the social ' . If ' -c v ANNOUNCE BIRTH ' At three r - ; ' iome of Mrs. L.Friedman. I committee, assisted by Mrs. Sey- Miss Goldle" Carter will speak j - f, , , Dr.'and. Mrs, Maurice Sachs of \ recital cor.c ••* - r mour Cohn served refreshments on "Charm and Character of ' I c f r> •" i i - ,r v Chicago anounee the birth of a Adolescence". ! compositions ft ,.: «• Z with the following hostesses: Installation of officers for the i•position. St ' ~ «~r>; r T - rrdaughter on .January 1. Mrs. Mrs.,Isadora Abramscra, Mrs. Sam new term from January to June ' Sachs was the.former Iribby Ab"Altschuler. Mrs.. Henry E. BelGIRL SCOUTS A. Z. A. 100 held its first meetwas the high point cf the. first;i hs.s pet her ;-;f" <" ramson. • . mont, 'iilrs. R. A. Bleicher, Mrs. "v i r ing of the hew year at the Jewish I meeting of 1938-of the Mother; plan spectaci. cr if Ben Brodkey, Mrs. Max Cohen, C ^— r* ^ « TO RECEIVE AT TEA Community. Center on Sunday, Parents and friends cf Girl j chapter No. 1 of A. 2. A. Sunday i She is pe ...•> «TEI Mrs. John Faier, Mrs. Chas FellRabbi and Mrs. David A. Gold- January 2. The heads of the Scouts of Troojt 4 are invited to j afternoon. Ben Earkin, assistant . . . has large c£- k e •i £T x. r:i i the inrestlture serrica which will I stein will be at home this SaturT committees who represented the j A., of soft black c *~ «; 1 day. afternoon from 4 to, 6 to chapter at the'Rock Island re- Edward Lincoln, Mrs. Joe Lorkis, J ^ d* \ dolls keeps >-*• •>«™' 36^c;^Zity*cZ"tk members of the Beth El High gional convention reported on Mrs. Gall.Margolin, Mrs. Morris duties to the officers in the main scrap-hock t : r " "School department for' Sabbath the events and activities present- Margolin, Mrs. Abe I.. Pradell, Miss Janet "Graetr, captain, will! p a r t of the ritual. he the envy r ' " ~ * P Mrs. Wm. Raduziner, Mrs. Aaron tea and Havdalah. ed there., w T> onfciBtf\* i present. the. following girls with j Aleph Godol Morris Arbitman ci£ns. xier ~£-^'' T : AbeResnick, who represented ,„ T c T - „ - trf" i tenderfoot rank: Geraldine Shaf- j addressed the chapter and then violin, "Klc'r 17,T " -COTTStKS CliTIB . 'the chapter as orator, had the A. Shafton, Mrs. I. Sherman, Mrs.! er,' Harriet Taub, Ethalyn Lash- j proceeded to outline his prograra boss, Louis r< lizi e?, Isadora Sokoloff, Mrs. Harry j insky, Shirley Simon, Beverly j for the eastingg six months term. her frora The* Cousins dub will meet on honor of defeating Abe Kaplan, T'^c?* E-r Thursday, ^January 13, at the the junior collegiate champion mer, Mrs. T. A. Tully and Mrs. Merriam, Shirley Chasan, andd jj Committees and their chairmen Maazell. N. S. Yaffe. Bertha Wine. home of A. Perimeter, 3151 Dav- orator of the United States. (are as follows: . Cultural, Morris Cultural The local, director, Miss CharAleph Resnick went on to win :Euna; Religious, Hasfceil I enport street. : "Provisions of the Partition" lotte Whitaken, will be present. Lsrere; Social, Ray Shssiro; So-] TThich r r = second place in the contest. F ~f (Schleppenr cial Service, Morton Margolin; ! Debater Joe Quss and George the second unit of the study KO-XOH PARTY is eollecticp c rT Athletic. Dave TTeiner; Proper-i The So-noh dub is giving a Shafer were defeated In. the de- group following the preliminary COUMCIl BLUFFS OEe dated ITS' classes of the "Problems of Parties, Morris Adler; "Membership, I bate contests. • r • — " "•get acquainted" party at Spic's Bud TTiatrocb; "Kibitzer," .Stan- | The basketball team won one tition," under the supervision of Cabin, Fort Calhoun, on January ley Turkel and Kortsn Margolin.; Someone KC - -C i;'. This is" to be a combined game by default and then lost Mrs. David A. Goldstein, will organize, 1 p. m., Tuesday, January The cultural group cf the Arbitman presented a .merit i tear o~s cl! *" * r their second game to the chamdancing party and treasure hunt. 11th, at the Jewish Community Council Bluffs Hadassah pion Chicago team. "......• j system with points given ; - r- ~ Harold Zelinsky, former Aleph Center. Anyone who was unable give a .dessert luncheon on Mon- j for certain extra duties. This | VISITING IN MILWAUKEE . ^ 10, s t 1 o'clock at | was to inspire the members' to Mrs. Ike Klein and son, Del- Godol of the chapter was elected to attend the preliminary classes day,_ January mer, left last week for Milwau- Aleph Godol of the Cornbelt Re- on "Problems of Partition" can j the home of "Mrs." Leo~Fiteb~ 1602 greater activity and to encourage tive. "That " kee, "Wisconsin, to visit Mr. and gion. Aleph Godol Joe Gus3 an- still Join the advanced group and High Street. Mrs. David Gold- them to enter as much as possi- \ atisfied rr~"^. Mrs. James Lemson. They will nounced, the chairmen of the im- continue with the others. Those stein of Omaha will be guest ble into the affairs of the coa- j poTtant committees for the. ensu- desiring to register, jhone Mrs. speaker.munity. j be gone for about t w "reeks. ing term. Harold Habler Is M. F . Levenson, educational diIn charge" of arrangements fcr Plans were discussed concern- I Mrs. Lemson was formerly Miss chairman of the social service rector, Wa 0850. the affair are: Mrs. Milton Yn- j ing -a joint program with No. 108 !' Regina Klein of Omaha. The newest cultural class delson, Mrs. Leon Frankel and j to be held la honor cf the two j committee; Dave Richards, social committee; Norman Kuklin, ath- "Great Jewish Personalities" will Mrs. L. H. Cohen. Omaha officers cf cf the the Cornbelt I 1N-EASX meet 1 p. m. Tuesday, January Region, Harold Selinsky of the • FrEnciEl Albert Shrler, who left last letics; J o e Kirshenbaum, religNo. 100 snfl Irving Nojrg cf the! we»k to attend, the Phi • Lambda ious committee; Herb Forbes, 18th, at the home of Mrs. Sidney COUNCIL OF JEWISH & No. 1. Members who attended the ; ^ ^}^ Phi convention at the Palmer membership; end Jack Epstein, Cahan, chairman, formerly Dora. T Freshman, 3S30 Cass street. This regional convention Et Kock Is- \ ^_ _^'TJ" Konse in Chicago, will remain in cultural committee. self study and do their land, Illinois spoke cf the high j f'j Chicasro until the middle &L;iba 4-.-; A-inQtica was- passed that past own research work. Mrs. Cahan Aleph... Godols Harold Zelinsky I" The Civic and Legislative points of the conference. ; month on business. Later i.e will give the first report on the group of the Council of Jewish continue on to Philadelphia, New and Herbert Forbes he awarded j .'Personality of Spinoza." Anyone "Women will meet Friday, JanuYork and Boston on a combined P . ' A. G. pins in recognition of a well-kucwn fii-ertor, r their - splendid work. Harold desiring to join call the chairman, ary 14 at I p. m. at the home of bisiness and vacation trip. S agent effered to IESV1Glendale 4007; Zelinsky was unanimously elect- : Mrs. Fred Rosenstock. Mrs. Sam t penins Jor $150 * Saturday, January 29th, is the Josephson will bs co-hostess. The next Bible Class of the! CONVENTION ed as the District 6 delegate to BETCKNS Vasd meets on "VTednesday, Jana! Meekly Merryn ssked, • Z-~'tr-, date set for the January HadasDes Moines. Joe Guss was namThe Child Psychology groap &r 1 2 E 2 Ben Shrier-has returned from make rns a little grrr're Cr* ? . sah Oneg Shabboth gathering. Js.'-uarv' ? ' t o'clock at the B'nai wll meet on Tuesday, Chicago-where he attended the ed alternate. : 18th Esa Chi Chi- i hundred dollars?" - .-•"•• • 'Activities • I l Synagogue, S 11,.at 1 p. m..at the home of* Israel national convention of the Phi cago streets. ) On January 3rd a committee Mrs. Leo Milder. Mrs. H. P. Lambda Phi fraternity. 'INDEPENDENT. LADIES meeting was held at the Jewish Milder is to be co-hostess. Rabbi Milton A. Kcpstein con-1 _Jessel, the cs.re. - r r - " ' . ' , ducts the class. | "vCkes. we gret foe c:& :r- i - ;-r * CLUB Community Center, by Mrs. -Joe CANADL1N VISITOR A tea will he givea after the] esairpiss, -s-e Etsrt £*'• r r r-"'"1" Goldware and her twenty hosMiss Fay Kagan of Toronto, WOMEN'S DIVISION lesson in honor of the forthcom-! afivice'" A benefit card .party sponsored tesses for the annual hostess Canada, is visiting/ her Bister, ing Chamisio Oser B'Shevat, j George, hy the way. I--- ><--r luncheon. Elaborate plans were by the Independent Ladies Club Mrs. Art Rosen of Fremont. The Women's Division will hold In Omaha she has" been the will ibe given on Sunday, Janu- formulated for, the 1 o'clock j terteinsieat for t guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis ary 23 in "the auditorium of the luncheon and card party which its annual bridge luncheon on WAAD AUXILIARY ! York TCerlfi's Fair, "Wolk and Mr. and Mrs. Sam B'nai Israel Synagogue, 25th and will bB held at the Blackstone Monday, • February 21, at the hotel on Wednesday, January 26. Jewish Community Center. All j The Ones Shabboth ct the Vaad i Friedman. Miss Kagan intends J street, South Omaha. to remain here for several weeks. The 'child welfare committee proceeds will be used for replace- j Auxiliary will be ,he!5 this Sat- j All proceeds will go to help the Jews In Poland. The party will hold a meeting at the home meat. of. equipment cf the kiich-l urdny at 2 p. ra. at the ioiss of ; Mrs. D. B. EpEtein, sees will start at 3 o'clock and con- «1 its chairman, Mrs. David Sher- .en. LEAVES FOB CONVEXTIOIf 1 street.. Mrs. Lotti3 Neveleff is Mr. Mai Kaplan left yesterday tinue all afternoon and evening- 'mah, - on ; Monday, January 10, chairman. 'Mrs. J. J. Greenbergj Rabbi Kiiios A. ±».cp£tein for Miami, Florida as a represen- Tickets are twenty-five cents and 1.-30 p. m. at 127 North 34th is chairman cf the committee in speak on "The Hassidle Kc^?- f tative to the national convention may be purchased from.members street. charge of patrons tickets and meat—Its Background and I is of the Equitable Life Assurance of the Club or at the door. The ™~ C v " Mrs. Tt chairman ci Contribution to" Jewish Life," public has been invited. C o . • •;:•• • ; . • ; . ' • ',•• '• ' . . , ' general tickets. Mr. Kaplan was one of six Omahans qualifying for t h e conJUMOR HADASSAH Abe Raben was re-elected presvention. ••••-.••• PIONEER WOMEN ident of the Council Bluffs A. Z. The annual banquet cJ i'.m~. At the last meeting of the Jun- A. chapter 7 at the semi-annual I -' r B DEPART FOR CHICAGO . Chesefi Shel E a e s will be h r ' i " tea. given on January 4 ior Hadassan held. December 30 election held January, 3 at the j Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Abramson plan3 were discussed for the home of Aleph Irving Cohen, i members of the Pioneer Women's 5 '''3 left Thursday for Chicago to visit sponsoring of a Young Judea Norman Rosenthal was elevated organization proved very success- Jewish Community Center. with their son-in-law and daugh- chapter to be organized soon by ReservatioES will be eae do!'r.r to the post of vice-president ful with a large number including ter, Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Sachs.; the Junior Hadassah. Una Gross per plate and may ba made hy while Vernon Fitch became trea- many new members, present. The campaign for new mem-calling Mrs. 'William Milder, T"&. is chairman of the committee ar- surer. Arnold Lincoln and Irving RETCRN FROM HONEYMOON CO 5 5. bers is still continuing. ranging the organization • pro- Cohen are to be seargeants at Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shrier regram. Definite plans are to be > arms. Joe Wolfson was elected | turned Wednesday from their reporter and Bob Passer was | honeymoon trip and are now re- announced at a later date. siding at the Reida apartments, All convention discussions were j made chaplain. .35th and Jones ctreets. '. finished at the meeting and mail j Six members of tho local Mrs. Shrier is the former Pearl from the delegates from other group attended the Cornbelt Recities read. < gional tournament at Rock IsBernstein of Council Bluffs. The nest meeting will be held ''• land, Illinois, December 25, 26, at S o'clock, January 13, Gt the j 27. They are: Joe Yv'olfson, Abe JOSLYN 3 Jewish Community Center. j R a b e n, Ben Kutler, George At 3:30 p. m. o'clock this Sanj Brown, Sam Karchonsky, and day afternoon the Joslyn MemorB1KUR CEOLin i L c ° -•• ial will present Rabbi Frederics Conn In the lecture hall. Tbo . A regular meeting and election - title of his lecture will .bo. "The of officers and of the Bikur ClioJUIJIQR 7AAD Iim Society will be held on Mon- A. meeting of the Junior Taad New Era." At -1 p. m. an organ recital wilt day, January 10, at 2:30 at the Auxiliary will bs held en Tuesbe presented -in the concert hall Jewish Community Center. day, January I I , at the home cf by Esther Leaf, assisted by KathA board meeting will bo held! Sarah Eerg, 2025 North 10th leen Shaw, Doprano. at 1 o'clock. I street. A short film; "f5culpturc in Stone," will be shown in the concert hall at 2:30 and 4:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, showing Mrs. lluntington in tho act of transporting one of her bronze ctatuei into stone. This is in1 connection with the exhibit of Mrs. Huntingtons' statues now on display at the Memorial. < J




















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INSPECTING THE WOUNDED—Four months after hostilities began in the vicinity of-Shanghai, Japanese captured and, entered the ancient inland" city or Nanking. An all-day; battle of- intensive proportions preceded final occupation by the Japanese. Above. Japanese army medical corps officers inspect some of the wounded Chinese they found in a hospital after the capture. . .

DEVESTATION — Chinese reatlr:^ from ths^r snoient city of Nanking, burned buildings, blew up stores and practiced other devastation, Isst the Japaness invaders as sided they entered the city. Ecre is a view cf a captured Chines? ^srricade on Ch-ongshan Road in Nanking, with smoke from one of the huge incendicry fires in the bccfcgroiaS. Euafireds of ci\ilisns were kii'ed or wounded during a bitter all-day battle.


Ksnking, Willt to kee:s xs\xi iztr

to the Japanese vhc, cf^er dc ng, captured the ciic-cr ir^tllr as liter sumourtf peri o oa tas other side ran in &so~cir*-.


5 1

KAISEB'S'GSANDSON TO WED—Engagement Was recently announced'of Grand Duchess Kira Kirilowna, left, daughter of Grand Duke Cyril, pretender to the Russian throne, to Prince Louis Ferdinand, right, cscond son of former German Crovn Prince Friedrich Wilhelm and grandson of tha former Kaiser. Royal guests gathered at Doom, The Netherlands, for oScial_ announcement.


* * ' -









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DHOPS 30,000 — Blaming business recession for curtailed reduction, here is William S.. Knudsen, president of General Motors, as he announced to reporters in Detroit that'the company would have to lay oS 30,000 men throughout the country and go on a three-;day week.

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PRINCE TO WED — Georgian Prince. Georges Dadiani.- scion of an old and illustrious family, as he arrived in New York to IHAX1E POURS:FOR BUDDY—Max Baer, former heavyweight marry an American, beauty soboxing champion of the world, pours a cheering cup for his cialite. Lucy Tew. daughter of brother Buddy, who aspires to occupy the position in thc-boxing Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tew-of ring Max formerly held. The scene is in San Francisco. Buddv New York. Wedding will be in recently bayoed Eddie Hogan, Connecticut boxer, in New York the Greek Orthodox Cathedral.








ClAJB NOW LABOIl EOr^E—Here Is ths former University Club In Washington. D. C, remodeled at a cost of $250,003 as new headquarters of the United Kline Workers. President John L. Lewis has an-office in the building that has been made completely soundproof. Walls are insulated with rock wool and an automatic rubber stripping drops Into place around doors.

T1AVOU. I-est fiarella I-L , Kew York City's scri.pmayor, 20 inches t c " ant* carved in lignum vjt&e. an exceptionally hurd woei. Ths little statue was exliiu:tai L-y Warr , nytod sculptor painter £.nd presented Iv the Ciayc? by EJI adir.:rsr.

s***^**^ f&^'^C*,,

...L DELUGE CAUSES WKECK—Three days of almost unprecedented rainfdl flooded the Pacific Norawest, causing three tram wrecks. Above is a scene near Washougal. Wash., where two locomotives, coupled together to pull a freight train on the Spokane, Portland and Seattle railway, Hit an ztxVa slide and plunged into a guHy. billing two firemen. ^— ~-

"— ^ Burke'&

- cr.--s p-P'-ec hardly o" sLicHttit an£ bombU::^. ' ti-to 'lous now.


vrv.. Chinese

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THE JEWTSn PKESS—FHIDAY, JAXTAKY 7, 1D3S ( i other countries, and that they ' Jews and Bolsheviks, thousands j its true aspects, and. how these; % \\ j have succeeded quite well in Po-io f wiom were murdered and' 'are related to a general and not: "land,.where the Jews are having ; Placed in concentration camps. specific situation. a very difficult time these days jH e ' f r a s succeeded by Bela Kun, Michel Fodor has provided the ..because of-anti-Semitism. .Well, ! -another sinister figure. even key to that situation. There is the other day the children of the! though of Red hue. He. too, like no flair for sinsuousness or even u, had no knowledge of drama in "his writing. He writes German consul-general at War- j saw were playing.in a park, and jhis' Jewish background and wasas a reporter would, a trifle more dully. But he has facts and he naturally they were talking Ger- concerned' with it even less. makes judgments solely on the Even Adolf Hitler is only an 2 t man—probably shouting in Gerimitator, even though be has po- ; basis of those facts. Tbe sentiman at the top of their lungs, as This they refused to do; with the lished anti-Semitism to a fine art. ;mental vaporizes about Central result that,nobody stopped Gen- kids-will. And next thing they It was George von Schoenerer. , Europe can bsst be dissolved for MR. WORIJVS QUESTION'S knew" they-were attacked by three eral Allenby's triumphal:entry. — Sec hbw many of these ques. on foot,, out of reverence for thePoles—men,, not children — and Austrian Social Democrat in the j a clear picture of those countries . tions yoa can answer after yon holiness of the city—into 'Jeru- got .a severe.beating. The consul- latter part of the nineteenth • by a reeding of "Plot and Coun- ; havp read Mr. World's 'Mbit salem. general," who is a very important century, who derised the creed ' ter-Plot."' _ • •' ' . ' . -.-'- -.-.-.- •••': ••--••r-y -o le n Mo Anotlier" chat., '• official-immediately got the police Which ended in National Social- j And just a couple of •weeks ago I 1. How long ago did a city Jewish . Ex-Servicemen's. - league to work, and before long the three ism. It was typical of the polit- i (Copyright 1937. By Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) r exist in Palestine where Tel of Palestine held a banquet in Polish anti-Semites . were up in' ical liberalism that marked those i 1 -i German-Austrian thinkers that j court on charges of assault. And Ariv' now stands? Jerusalem in honor of ;the twenSchoenerer should have made j 2. When were too ruins of tieth anniversary of General Al- what do, you. think their defense hatred of Jews one of the tenets j was? You guessed it: They didn't that'city discovered? lenby's victory, without which 3. ATIiat happened on De- there would be no. Jewish Home- know the difference between Yid- of his philosophy. "Boycott Jew- | By XJOCIS I'EHARSKT .merchants!" and "Austria > cember 9, 1017? dish and German, so they had mish land in the Holy Land today.'.' us l d M t1 J "ABOUT PEOPLE thought the children were Jewish. be freed trom the tyranny 4. Who was General Allen•Neither would there be a Jew- ~~* *>.„>„*„„ ,„•.• •%„„. T,mJ _ of TJews' were slogans invented Gregory Ratcff has been jitmp- ; felt they had a by? ish Homeland—-or, for that mat- and. therefore .to' beat'them up if they b y Schoenerer, who, at the same ing around the country follow-1 V, _>-1 I 5. What did bis name have ter a Zionist movement as" we right to ..^•tnr,!,^,.. "-• , time, campaigned against med:e- ing his wife Eugenie Leonto-, o _'-* 1 to do ivith bis great achieve- know it today—if .Dr. Herzl had seemed too happy. val, clerical and capitalistic riv-: vitch, who is with the 'Tovarich" ; c " t "" r ment? not started the idea of a Home- -.Going from one painful subject ilege. ! road company . . . Ilatoff return- ; 0. What fs the Herd Mus- land in Palestine forty odd years l' t 0 another, Mr. World now takes i By omitting specific discussion ! turned from Houston long enouj eum, and where is it located? ago. That is why a Herzl Museum you .back across the Atlantic to o f t h e Jewish problem in Euro-i to change hi* *i ; rt and hop back 7. Who was Dr. Ferdinand has now been dedicated . in the New York, where Dr. Harold A.. p e a n l a n d s , p O d o r has illustrated, i to Si. Louis then on to Indianvon Hebra? Jewish Agency building in Jeru- Osserman has. announced an. in'-! L- - r though not two • apolls The Ratoffs ha een S. How did the- Austrian salem. The museum is a'ro'om to terestms discovery. Dr. Osserman It M n g s . rirsi.'thattne presence or! married 15 vcars but her s t a « government honor his mem- which has been brought .the furn- is a dentist, but don't let that set i a b s e n c e of Jews in those coun- ' work a n d his movie aSfignrnents iture that Dr. Herzl -used in his your teeth an edge. For he is the j t r i e s b e a r s no relation to tbe ec- keep t h e n apart . . . Raloff wiil' ory? - CI. "o." 9, What-has Dr. Harold A. Vienna home,, and among the In-friend of every boy and girl: He; o n o m i c o r s o c J a l problems from appear before t h e cameras as an teresting relics there is the desk is working on a preparation that | ^ h i c Q t h e y suffer; secondly, that actor a sain in t h e "Sally. Irene .Osgerman discovered? •"- 10. Who Is the Jewish Santa at-which'he wrote his famous | winI 1 1 ; k e e P y ° u r t e e t h f r o m h u r t - i not uritil these problems are solv- j a n a 'yiU--r" Musical for Fes book, "DerJudenstaat," or "The)i & while tne dentist is drilling e d c a n thQ jGY-s e x p e c t a release i Katoff has a qi'aus? unique conJewish State," where he described them, and a couple of weeks ego from the special burdens resting tract as it callsvery for him to act, „,. seven-league boots, his ,dream of a Jewish S'ate In he announced to a convention of o n t Q e m direct, write and produce . . . already a little the worse .for con- Palestine. .,.-..''-' New. York dentists that he hopes } B y t h ' i s t i m e i t o . J g h t t o b B Bobby Ereen has been rasde hon- • In Vienna itself t h e : Jewish tohave hi3 preparation ready for j boring rather than startling to orary cbief of the junior police ; stant wear,-are due'for.a terrific ' beating this week,' for there's a Community is .very happy "these use soon. Dr. Santa Claus himself, remark that the Jewish, problem I o j Honolulu . . . Bcbe Daniels, lot of time-space to cover in this days, for•'• the Austrian••"•. govern- eh? of tbe; a n ( j jjc-n Lyons fromer residents | is not a special phase Of course Mr. World hopes that I world's ills but merely one of the ; Of Balti ore, return to t-ncianc, week's chat. • (Time-space. ' you ment has;just"issued a new series know, is the word which expres- of stamps• of Which • the 24;-gros- none of you are waiting for San-! symptoms of the gastric ulcers December Sist from a six-week's ses the fact that any event occurs chen . denomination carries .the ta Claus but received enough ] from which Europe s u f f c.r s i tour of South Africa where their not only in a certain place but a portrait of a great-'. Jewish" scien- from your family and friends at j Those ulcers are caused by feu-act was enthusiastically received certain time also; in other words, tist, Dr. Ferdinand von . Hebra. Chan ukan time to keep you happy I dal exploitation of workers, in- ; Eobe and Ben will Tour the to make yaur account complete That's .something for you-stamp till your next birthday,, rolls •; equitable treatment of the agr- j English provinces and will not ; you .would have to say not mere- coliectors'to look out for. Dr. •von around.- But nevertheless you j arian elements, savage national-j D e back in the United States ly "I stood on the street at the Hebra, who died, nearly sixty ought to know about the Jewish j istic ambitions that, are nurtured! v i t h their 6-year-old dangbtFr. corner of Fifth and Main," but years ago, is still remembered as Santa CIJIUS, Who is a Brooklyn i by economic want as much'as by j Barbara. Eebe, until next surayou- would have to add that you one of the. greatest .skin special- J toy salesman by the name of Sam j chauvinistic pride. Judging ro the vol- j ler . stood there at half past five on ists of all time, and was knighted Coplon. Mr. Coplon was quite j Czechoslovakia, for erample, is ume of i_. cuc*.^ isCij. .t^cr ail. Ken Taylor, Tuesday afternoon-, December 21, by the Austrian Emperor for his ill about forty years ago, and had j now facing a bitter prospect: Its ; Universal star, is Iowa's favorite I ^ 1937. If this sounds a little com- scientific achievements* It is con-to.go to the mountains of up-state great German minority is help-; son George Jessel's favorite plicated, don't blame Mr. World, soling, Isn't it, to think that a New -York to regain his health, i ing to make it a prey for the ; £ish is cancel soup hat address your complaint to Jew can be honored in this way And ever since then, to show his Reich, on the one hand; the un-i FILM ..FACTS Professor Einstein,' whose theory in a country so closely related to gratitude to the" people of those | fair treatment of the Slovaks is A featured part in "The Goldof relativity has a lot'to say about Nazi Germany? mountains, he has gone up there j giving it political indigestion, on Follies" is tl e seventh pictime-space.) - % . ^ r c Which brings us to a bit of every year' at Christmas time to j the other hand. In the .late Mas- ] ture in which Jercnie Cowan a a s l a r - e r. t v e "" -s By way of giving you an idea news that might be called "The distribute toys among poor chil- J aryk and in Eenes today, . the j acted in less than a year. of what is ahead of" yon Mr. Bitter Bit," or "Poetic Justice." dren. That's the real spirit, don't | Jews of Czechoslovakia have had ! plays the role c£ a slightly caffy i Ti.3 s^-o, c.—.^v. ^.^ ...Tt.r.g .^.e not patrons ' b u t understanding; m-^ director" tn this pi :ture. ' German Government to permit World will-take'the longest stride You know, that the German Nazis you agree? • - • : - • : . - . . first. It goes in an east-south- have been"" doing their best to (Copyright, 1937 By Seven Arts friends. - And .yet even, in liberal; vva en he'was playing in "Scv - payment on deiaultecl b-onos sole. Czechoslovakia ' the stirrings of j Meets Girl" on the New York . lere, will, if succe??iul, cnen the eaaferiy - direction on the earth's spread their doctrine of hatred in i < Feature Syndicate.) •vray to suits which will oblige the anti-Semitism' are'visible, faint! Etage, Cowan was surface, and-back nearly three though they may be. Certainly j GoViwyn and his first iim was Nazis ultimately to pay some f 2,thousand' y,ears in time,staking us that is not "due to Governmental \ "Beloved Enemy." In his sixth 000,000 still outstanding in this t& a spct-.on the coast of Palestine pressure or indifference. It is a ;picture, 'Hurricane^' he is cast .near the' northern shore of the Phenomenon resulting from ec~! as a trading schooner captr'is Yarkon River. A large city stood onomic conditions exploited by ; Xow that Sophie Tuct'er. has. giv-•-! Goodrtzn, holler ci 'tJiere,protected by a huge :forpolitical'-'demagojc inking her iXis^jr^i- a-city where ,tboasands.vorite scn.es en up sinking The number six million is of- and her Broadway role to be- man-Atlantic Cable Company, and o£ /people had theiT home, where is being concurred for t i e plainten used to describe the Jewish \ come a d: they. Jived and worked and playitic actress on he tiff by Jacob Chaitkin, New York population of Central and Eas-| screen, s i ,ea .all "year around except in the ecc-ived lawyer, prominent in antJ-Xa"! tern Europe. The sympathy- for | requests to make records c1 Ixoiyjdjcy season, when they made boycott activities. them'-must be boundless; the'ef-j outstanding sang success. A 'their animal pilgrimage.s to t&e In his review of M. TV. FotJChaiikin, an expert in interfor which she is famgreat Tenjple King Solomon had or's important book, "Plot and to "Fodor, it must be added that j fort to aid them must be acceler-;the ten best : III built in' Jerusalem..; Tie.; curious Connter-PJot ;in Central Eur- he "has'taken-his events and per- j ated and extended. But political ous are: ' Scr.ie of These Days", national law, was the first attorney to contest the Nazis" right to sorialities at face' value .instead and sociological, realisrs raust "My Yiddishe. Slama," "Sophistthing about this-,City', though," is ope," the literary editor of the that today no one knows dts name Seven Arts Feature Syndicate of on "the basis of their possible ' also take into account tee condi- icated Lad;'", "Ys'ky Do They default en bond obligations to tions of the'peoples among whom i Call It Gay Paree?', "Dark—indeed, nobody knew;, that "it calls attention to the fact that composition. .: Fodor writes about Austria. they live. The peasants of Hu-1 town Strutters' Ball,'' "llelan- won resulted ircircct-y in the had even existed until- the ruins anti-Semitism " vras born in of some of the bufldings'.'were dug Central Enrope, where the Hungary,- -Czechoslovakia, Greece, mania .Hungary, Yugoslavia and : choly Baby,'" "You've Got to Be payment of an estimated fE.COO,up the other day by archeologists seeds of the nest war are be- Mustapha Kemal"'• and Turkey, Poland are under a crushing! Loved", "Smcke Rings," "AlexRumania, Austria, Yugoslavia, burden of poverty. It cannot be \ ander's Ilagtirae Ban and working under Dr. E.. ~L; Sukenik ing sown. Forty.' M said that "they have plenty -while j "Life- Begins at Macedonia "and the complex of -of the Hebrew University. New, —THE EDITOR .. i Tucker is under ccrtract to X races and nations south of Ger-Jews want. Fallenhell however, we moderns are one up 'The number sis million is of-{ A "cra.dr.atc" of the news e many/ The names of premiers on the-inhabitants of that ancient In the "countries south of Hitcity. For we at least know now ler1 are the seeds of the next war, and ministers that flash across ten used to. describe'the Jewish ( j n r r s t a ff cf the B'nai B'rith : that their city existed, while they according to many observers who.} the news are pulled • down for population "of. Central, s r.d Eas- • sender, "annlzg C%tron hr.s ;u?t Soct Gre> !'or arc £.e-r^scould not know that thousands of feel that the unresolved conflicts j analysis. The differences between tern- Europe.'" The s y a p a t i y f o r ' been elevate I to the po t cf pro£tee. Cas-lirj-s, Vt'ecc c-t years after their own iomes had in thos3 areas will be the pretext Serbs and Croats, Czechs-, and i them must be-boundless; the ef- ductica manager cf Station I'etc! Tatlerrj trc Sarb Slovaks — which elude the ma-j fort to aid them must be bound-, KFWB. operated by YTarner crumbled a new city would - b e which greater Powers will emWe^rlils e?T : ed in r ' o c t . t,t built over-their-ruins, and would ploy in the drive to gain their jority of Americans — are not i less; the effort to aid them must i Bros, studios in HoUywooa G"":I"cs c become the first all-Jewish city of political and economic ambitions. merely explained but related to | be accelerated and extended. But | xticardo Cortez is s'.ated for a political and sociological realism pa cr.de ZCcll" at TCtli 27th tr the "new' age: the great city of Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hun- prospective events. must- also take into account the Ctntury-rcx But the Balkans are not treateterr Lcrr rre is TeVAviv. ' gary, Rumania, Yugoslavia and ;Now we'll take just a little step Bulgaria are beset with internal ed as, isolated lands. Over all cf conditions of the peoples among working en the latest "I.:r. ::otc" | ;= inland into Jerusalem, and a difficulties that began at. their them Fodor stretches the new whom" they live. Tbe peasants production -at tbe same stud.o stride forward in time; .but" not birth or reconstitution at the end tentacles ~ of * Fascism, ; Nazism, of Rumania, Hungary, Yugoslavquite as long as our backward of the World. Opposition of militarism, clericalism, gripping ia and Poland are under a" crushstep, for this-time we" only go a&class interests and yariety_of ra- all of them into one tight, com- ing burden of poverty. It canfar as*" December-f9,-1917. when cial origins, - both' exploited by pact mass as democracy, practis- not be-said that they have plenmother was a--girl and.'dad/-was unscrupulous politicians working ed or incipient, strives to remain ty while Jews want. The obvious retort to what just, 'begimiitts td -dream." of some upon more.or less illiterate pea- free. Aside from the excellent intro- might seem a condescending reday having -tiia own razer. ' That santries, - constitute- the framewas the day when the- last of the work on which Hitler hopes to duction to Central European pol- mark is: that may be true, but itics which Fodor priveds, his let us worry about the Jews! The Turkish and Arab- soldiers re- hang his picture. book is most interesting for what j others have plenty of people to treated from 'Jerusalem; _ leaving To" most newspaper readers the the'Holy City to be taken by the news from Prague, Zagreb, Vien- he has left out. Only in pass-j worry about them! They have the British conquerers (among whom na and Budapest is a melange of ing does he mention-the Jews or power to rebuild their governby the ~svay, *wa's a part of the unimportant items .as romantic as rather the conditions to wfiich ments if they are unjust: And Jewish' LegEin lhat fought to free gypsies and as fantastic as they are subject.. He pauses even if they are. suffering, there. Palestine for the Jews). The Brit- duels. It is true that in* the me- briefly to describe Magda.Lupes- is no justification for whipping ish didn't have to finht,a battle tropolitan centers there is an in- cu, mistress of King . Carol, Jews in the peasants' drunken | of a baptized Jew andstiipor of frustration and misery. tof capture Jerusalem, for the creasing emphasis on the politi- daughter g p '^ibslen force's that had been cal, economic and sociological an Aryan woman, who found out) The importance cf understandholding the city sot-Out so fast factors underlying the Balkan that sh© was "of Jewish blood ing; all phases of the ^Central Eur^ tbai.'tlie story goes, even the Aus- countries' frequent and inexplich an esagcavalry couldn't keep up able change of administration. only when she became an adult, opean scene is not that brought strangeshe, conflict gerated sympathy may be creatinto her soul: a" already hadj ed for the downtrodden peasants; with taenx. Which is juat as .well, This is particularly true in re- "This cent months as France and Engbeen infected by anti-Semitism,; b u t t n a t the plight cf the down-! © E c u i p Yf i t i i ' for-you can-imagine t i e havoc a heavy bombardment would have land," Germany and Italy have and now she realized that she! trodden Jews may been seen in j this great s e w caused rin • the historic sites for wooefl various elements in these was 'one of them.' Out of this safety tire end CZ.7\ conflict grew, her determination v/hiclTtae Holyjpity is famous.' " countries. you take no cha~ceshecsz.se: \*i~ For a. general survey" of the to support Zelea Codreanu." But • But do you know why fhe Moslems, usually so fierce in war- background, present status "and the Iron Guards', who won a tre^ • \ , fare, let Jerusalem, which is their personnel of the Central - Euro- mendous political-victory in RuI Holy City too, go so easily? Well, pean countries" there are few re-mania last week,-want no support from this Jewish-born, woto tell you"" that Mr. World will cent books to compare with "Plot 'Kr Ctrr-T . c:, have to go into the mysteries of and Counter-Plot In Central Eur- man and are said to have'marked her down for assissination. ope" (Houghton ilif 11:w,'co,)" by Arabic. You see, the leader' of Once again,, as Fodor describes the British army in Palestine "was llarcel W. Foder, correspondent ?X.\" Gewral Allenby, and ' in* Arabic, of the Manchester Guardian and the origins of Fascism, he credits j \ • ~\ which is a language closely relat- of several American liberal mag- its birth to Stephen Friedrich of • Hungarj', years- before Mussolini ed to Hebrew, his name is spelled .azines. . in the same way as the Arabic As a personal observor of Cen- marched on Home,. ' Friedrich, j words Al Nebi, which mean The i tral European history Tjelore and Hungarian Premier, initiated in Prophet. You know, . of course, i since the V>"ar, Fodor is frer> of 101S action'" that that to the Moslems the Prophet, j'the superficial judgments which was, in effect, a pogrom against or itohammed, ".is t h e , greatest characterise the four-wcelr vi^i-p. powcr in tho worlb'ntst to God. j tor. His point of viev/'i-j a!~o evor Allah.. When the Moslem sold- { ident i i a quotation .from -a- telOur Funeral Parlors Are Foraisaed la Horoe-Liito lers heard that Allenby stood with low correspondent of the Guardj.'.-'-•• "COURTEOUS'-—SELLABLE". hu army at the gates of Jeru- ian who warned him:i "Fodor, salem and that they were to fight never forget that the world is -: • • H It, & Rl£.?£LlM him . off, the British general's not dominated by brains. Keep name confused them, and they in mind that politicians are al.FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Fareara at" 33rd ere convinced that were be- most always idiots, and you canJn fairness iU ordered to fight the Prophet. | not go wroni


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Page 8

with a - wider latitude than was iversal sins and shames, Here in •:most aione the burden not only originally contemplated, it wasAmerica, in this predominantly . of onr fate as a people but also stated by the diplomatic corres- Christian democracy, there are part of the ethical burden of «««* pondent of the London Telegraph. innumerable humanitarian or-> Western man. For we are terrHe declared that a White Paper ganizations. I know o£ but a few. :ibly alone with our desire for will be Issued nest week 'oy theI knew there are msny more. But pep.ee, for lite, for love, for creaGovernment containing instruc- there are The American Friends :tive V-'crk. as we have shown in MISS "ANNA PILL, correspondent Miss Helen Okun of Mitchell, there are Christian farmers . . . WE'RE TELLIXG 1'OU | y tions for the commission, whose of the Chinese People and The! • * ' o South Dakota visited here last You can win a nice piece of jThe real sponsor of the London- early departure for Palestine is Friends of the Soviet Union and ' Pslesi.ine. nncl not for war or week in the home of Mr. and hate or ]ic,ciuElioi\ . , . We are Paris pow-wows between French change by betting that Omaha's '.he North American Committee r.lone. From tlirt alon?uess we Mrs. I. Levin, 712 Myrtle street. Henry Monsky will be the next and British statesmen was notexpected. Sisterhood to to Aid Spanish Democracy . . . must. lr?.-\v c o n s e c v a lion and Premier Cliauteinps or Foreign of B'nai Brith Peo- Minister Where are the American friends strength. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foreman of president Delbos but Jacques Kayple who ought to know are sayWorld's Window of the Jewish people? Where are, S. D. visited with' ral- ing that Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver ser, vice-president of the RadicalThe annual Activity luncheon Madison, the Christians that send morai (Copyright Iff!7 By Seven Arts atives in Sioux'.City."this week. of Cleveland and Rabbi Mordecai Socialist Party . . . A syndicate of and meeting willbe given by the Mr. Foreman departed Monday and physical aid to Berlin, to ; (Continued from Pase 1.1 Aryan racketeers ia Berlin is ofFeature Syndicate.) M. Kaplan have both refused inTemple Sisterhood in the Tem-for his home, and Mrs. Foreman vitations to accept the presi- fering to provide German Jews •words concerning peace on earth Warsaw? Where? Where are ple annex this afternoon, when remained for a longer visit. dency of the Jewish Institute of with official documents proving and good will toward all men j those who deeply with hesn-t. IRV'U C LEVIN Brachah Zfirah, Nahtun Nardi, chairmen of the standing com76E B-andeis Theatre 9ld0. Religion when Stephen S. Wise their Aryan descent back to 1S00•' and the great strains of the ' hand, soul, political ideals supOmaha, Nebraska , port us in. Eretz Yisrael? Where? for s, mere 250,000 marks . . . Misses Min Silverstein, Bell and Mickel Gibson to mittees will decorate and preside Rabbi Solomon Gold- Hitler's autobiography has been ! Adeste Fideles. Well, -well? Margolef and Shirley Bernstein retires j We must continue to bear c.iGive Recital j Well, it is a cold hard historiNOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE at tables representing their pro- of Des Moines visited here this man of Chicago is credited with I translated into Spanish under the SM.E j cal fact that the chief symptom one of the best lines on Dr. Wise 1 >,u'iee is imvei.y given thnt on ject. ' . • title, "Hitler -Caudillo.": week with friends. That art is the universal langof Christendom's replapse into MONSKY, GROD1NSKY, TvlARER & .VoiKiRy. . . . It goes as follows: Stephen ;he 1T;h day ' oi January, Mrs. Sol H. Novitsky, program !"•'•:• r,'L u e'clock A. M.. ;> t Slinmes pagan barbarism is the persecuWise-was born to rule an empire, POT-POURI COHEN, Attorneys. aage is born put by- the singular chairman for the year, will give Ui'Cy & ria<!i;-.tor Coronanv. lOnfi O i m Miss Nell Sinlkin returned 737 Omaha National Ea'nk Bids. of the Jewish people; the ins S'.re.n, Oronnn. NiJbmsUn, ;he u n combination of^ east and west, to the invocation. Mrs. Fred Sher- home thlB week from California but all the Jewish people could Your bab and zayda will have || tion rtersiCTei": will sell ftt imbiic auction. first sign of recovery c£ thereOF Pf.OBATE OF VViUL in the luphesf l'iikier for casli: 1 —](i!i2 be presented at .the joint recital man, program., chairman for this where she spent a months vaca- give him was pulpit . . . There is no difficulty in recognizing the | covery one iota of grace would NOTICE In. the County Court of Douclas Xayh S'"(iPT]. !MoU>T1 No. l-;-!^9 cove'-fd a good job waiting for somebody of Brachah Zfirah, outstanding meeting will intoduce Mrs. Lu-tion. Enroute she stopped with who can "qualify "as the adminis- latest song sensation that is | be the cessation of that persecu- County, Nebraska. by a chattel niortcatTe in favor of Coirsrartv, sweeping the air waves . . . It's In {he Matter of the Estate of ShrmeF Bory ,^-: 'undiator Palestinian interpreter of He- cille Lavalliere,' who will speak friends in Denver. trator of Dr. Goldman's new Cen- r. Yiddish doggered called "Bei j tion. by those who still call them- Aaron urn; ex<?e!i-.«ri by AJpttie Owen/sni>i Ferer, Deceased. oa the Federal Theater project. m o r t p i s e benriri;; flute of July ',i. l!i;',7. All person!! interested in said pstnte ter, connected with his Congregaj selves Christians. On strictly 1 brew songs, Nachum Nardi, Pal- Mrs. Louis Goldberg will preside hereby notified that a petition Sai<] snip will be To- the purpose of Mrs. J. N. Krueger departed tion Anshe Emet . . -. Believe it Mir Bist Du Shein" (You're Okay ! Christian grounds it might have are foreclosing' snid m o r t p i c e , ' for cosis has been filed in said Court, praying estinian pianist and composer, at the brief business meeting that Sunday evening for - Chicago, By Me), which has been played for the probate of a certain instru- of sale anil tili ace-iiinc costs. (>ml or not, the Rabbi has spent days been the beginning of a new age for the pr.rrose of spiisryine th« a Yiddish doggerel called "Bei and Michel Gibson, distinguished will precede the program. on fite- in said Court, purvisit with rela- interviewing professional social where she had His Holiness rebuked the ment now r o w tinp theveon. to-wit; to be the last vill f.nfl testa- amount actor in the American and Eur- Mrs. Louis Agranoff and Mrs.tives. She will also visit in workers, but hasn't found his It's funny to hear bluebloods Nazis of Germany and the false porting ^ 1 '---•?4. Th.i!. no pijiior other proment of. paid deceased, and thnt e. vill he hp.fi on svUl petii'ion reeiiincs a t U? v bave b<v?n instituted returning man yet . . . When the New York clamoring for the tune at swanky Catholics of Poland in one hearing opean Jewish Theater, to be git-A. J. Galinsky are co-chairmen of Philadelphia before befi^re saif1 Court or, the 22nd day of to re-cover saiC. debt or a n y p a r t nightclubs . . . But it's not so the luncheon. home. Times runs its next book fair funny to the composers, -who sold breath. It might in all soberness January. 1P"S. and that if they fan tn thereof. en Thursday evening, January £T)pear r.t s=r.id Court on the so id C2nrl RHA.NTES BODT & RADIATOR CO. there will be a Jewish section for and truth have been. day of January, inns, at S o'clock :"-:M-;:T-4t. 13, in the Jewish Community Mortgagee, Mrs. I. Merlin, 1915 Pierce St., the first time . . <. It will be spon- it for a song (oy, what a pun:) A. ?.!.. to rontest the probate of said Tae sin and the shame are cn. . . Ritzy Miami Beach boasts an Center. The concert which will will, the Court may aliov.- -find pro- HOMSKV. C-BOD1NSKY. MARER & will return home this week from. sored by the Jewish Publication t.etc said will and prn-int adminip'trnCOHEN. Attorneys begin at 8:30 is sponsored by the Denver, Colorado, where she has Society and'two Jewish book pub- apartment building with a sign MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & *icn o: said estate to 1 Pam Ferer pnd reading "Casa Shapiro" . . . At 737 Omahs National Bank Bldg,' ^Torris Fr-rer or SOT if ( ' r been visiting with her daughter, lishing houses . . . The arrival of Jewish National "Workers AlliCOHEN, Attorneys. the* recent Stradivarius memorial person, enter a decr^r < i 737 Omaha Nations!' Eank B!cig. Miss Sybil Merlin. Dr. Bernhard Kahn, European J. concert, at -which only Stradivariance, labor Zionists, • Fraternal proceed to a settler r D. C. director, next week will coXotice is hereby e:ven that by virF-RTCE V _ \ *< I i ^ order. us instruments were used, two of tue of a certain Conditional Sales incide with an important J. D. C. the cellos and a viola came orig- Contract i2-31-C7-ot. t. i i. (. r ROUMANIAN CABINET dated 'March 11, 2S37, duly The program of the three arfiled and recorded !n the Office of 1 t t Incidentally, pronouncement inally from the collection of the M I L T O N R r ~ « " tists who are now making a tour County Clerk of Douplas County. PLANS HARSH LAWS the J. D. C is readying a swell Menedessohn family of Germany the 1004 Omaha Natio-r E ••-'V E r>q Nebraska, on June 3. 1D37. and exeof America, include ' t h e finest Meeting of All Contestants to sound film for its 1938 campaign . . . Francesco von Mendelssohn, cuted by Chas. R. Smith to the AmerNOTICE OF A 3 . fv Hebraic compositions of the past Loan Plan, which Confiitionai Be Held Monday at . . We don't know whether he great grandson of Felix (whose ican (Continued from page 1.) Sales Contract Tas executed to se3n the County C< .. and present as well as the more Center cure payment of $45G.4O and upon -has the title, but a young Ger-. famous string octet in E-flat majCounty. Nebraska. modern writings of_contemporwhich there is a balance, of $387.04 Radio, the official news agency, man refugee by the name of Wef- or In the blotter of 1 c was played that evening) sat <lue and unpaid, and default having Harry Hosonblum, 7* c ary Yiddish poets. Here's the news you've been has been ousted because he is a ner is doing the work of execu- way up in the Carnegie Hall gal- been made in the payment of said All persons intere? i Born in Yemen, Brachah Zfir- waiting for! Jew. Jewish journalists bave al- tive secretary at the Anti-Nazi lery listening to the instruments sum, the undersigned Mil! SP51 theF.re hereby notifier 1 property described in said Conditional has been filed in sr C \ ah is considered today as the t ready been deprived of their railLeaders o- the Sioux City Jewleague . . . In case you have won- he once had fingered himself . , . Sales Contract, to-wit: that snid decease'! < leading interpreter of traditional ish Press §300 subscription sales way, permits. (last will p.nil prayir'dered why* Graetz's famous his- Used at the same concert were One lS"n Plvmcmth Coupe sn;totion tipon Iris estate and modern Jewish, folk lore. In contest as compiled from sales mobUe, Serial N'o. 1041415. Motor Meanwhile the public wonder- tory of the Jews hasn't been ing will be hnd on « = P. J. 14194. Palestine, where she and her turned in up to yesterday are Lois ed what would happen to Mme.brought up to date (it ends with also' four instruments from the at No. public auction a t "140 JJason slrert, fore said coust on Felix M. Warburg collection, and husband Nachum Nardi reside, Novitsky, Ruth Kutcher and Shir- Magda Lupescu, the Jewish-born IS70) we can tell you that the Nebraska, on January ISth, January. ]SH8, fsnd : Gerald Warburg, son of the late Omaha, 10."S, a t 10 o'clock A. M,, for the pur- to appear at said C she is considered the foremost in- ley Lazere, in that order. paramour of King Carol who has reason is that a new and authori- banker, was playing one of the pose of foreclosing said Conditional l.'.th flay of Jnnunry terpreter >*jf present day life of But one more week remains in long been the subject of violent tative history of the Jews from cellos . . . A group of German Sales Contract and satisfying: the A. M. to contest s i T indebtedness and cost of sale. Court may crant the c T the Chalutzim or pioneers. which contestants may collect-on attacks by all anti-Semitic parties the very beginning is in the works Jewish refugee doctors is trying said .Dated a t Omaha, this 21st day of a^niinistrn tion of s r<~ t Nachum Nardi was , born in promise^ and turn their money in despite her known hostility to December. 1M7. Miobnel L.. T>onov?ir o - •= The National Conference of to sell some one an idea for the •suitfl'blfi p e r s o n a n d T ""<- o t AMERICAN" LOAN PLAN, Russia, where he received a true at contest headquarters at theJews. One rumor was that Prem- Jews and Christians News Service building of an artificial health By },Ton«:kv. Grodinsky, llarer &. t l e r n e n t thereof. grounding in piauo and musical Community Center, and that is a ier Goga had personally assured has Aryanized its name to Relig- and pleasure spa in. the heart of Cohen. Its Attornej-s, EKTCE C~ v^ r - ^ ^ lI24S74t composition. He ranks close to very important week, for consid- her of his friendship. I t is said l"-;4-"7-5t. Coil! The Fed- New "York, where for a one dollar ious News Service . the top among the world's great erable work is necessary before that King Carol named Goga eration of Polish Jews has organ- admission fee the customers will ^ * ; pianists, and his music to thethe Sioux City goal of 400 is premier on her suggestion to pre- ized a salvage department which be ahle to get the artificial sunpoems of Bialik and other mod- reached and the prizes will be vent the establishment of a dic- Is collecting old clothes and sell- shine of Florida, the waters of ern Hebrew poets, has alreay en- distributed. tatorship by the Iron Guard, ing them to raise money for Pol- Carlsbad, the air of the seashore tered the category of folk songs In order to facilitate the work which has openly threatened her ish-Jewish relief You can see and the mountains, and the dry and is sung by thousands of Jews in the contest a meeting of all assassination. At the saine time, the original marriage contract of atmosphere of Arizona . . . Menin Palestine and throughout the contestants will be held at thehowever, the Iron Guardf pledged Haym Salomon by taking your- del Schapira of New York's east world. . Community Center at S p. m.its complete support to Goga in self up to the museum of the Jew-side claims that he originated the The first American appearance Mpnday, January 10, at which his "endeavors to destroy the ish Theological Seminary . . . 30-year mortgage plan incorporV of these artists last year was ac-"time verbal reports will be made forces of Judaism" but warned it Meyer Pesln, editor of the Jersey ated in the new Federal Housing claimed by critics and general by all participants, and plans will would not tolerate anything that City Jewish Standard, has fath- Act . . . He says he suggested it public as an event of great cul- be made for a concerted drive to weakens "forces of Roumanians" ered a scheme to organize a na- to President Roosevelt in a letter tural significance. "With the ad- bring the contest to a quick and or'that are contrary t o ' t h e .na- tional council of . Jewish high written four years ago . . . Of tionalist ideas of the Iron Guard. dition of Michel Gibson, the pro-successful conclusion. school and college fraternities . . . course it is rather early to talk gram becomes a complete expresLondon (WNS) — The new It is important that all promHe got his toes stepped on heav- about possibilities at the next sion of the best creative effort ises be collected on and checked Roumanian government is "notily by spokesmen for the major Zionist convention, but don't be in Jewish cultural life. The re-in to the Community Center at at all anti-Semitic in principle" Jewish -college fraternities when surprised if two well-known rabcital here is being sponsored by once, so that complete records of but intends to "clear out" all the he outlined his plan at a meeting bts will be candidates for the the National Workers Branch sales may be made within the Jews in Roumania, Premier Goga in New York, but he's going presidency of the Z. O. A., and a 197. Tickets are fifty cents and next few days, and in order to told the London Evening Stan- ahead with it just the same . . . third rabbi will be selected as a may be secured from members of facilitate the work from now on.dard in a telephone interview. compromise candidate . . . the lodge or at the door. Contestants are urged to com-Declaring that "we have no hate THINGS TO WATCH (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts plete all sales possible this week of any kind toward Jews, but are Jewish graduates of Jefferson Feature Syndicate.) and to add as many subscribers determined to rid, industry, com- Medical College in Philadelphia AUXILIARY DISTRICT as {hey can within the next few merce and the professions of the are readying an appeal to a promMEET HERE SUNDAY days. It is important that all at- foreign monopoly which h a s inent Jew on the board of trustend, the Monday meeting at the pushed aside our nationals," Go- tees to do something about the A district conference of theCommunity Center. ga said, "Foreign Jews are today fact that for the first time no Ladies Auxiliary of the "Workin control of nearly all basic in- Jewish students were admitted to men's Circle will be held here dustries — iron, .coal and.oil, for the freshman class The bill Mount Sinai this Sunday, when d e l e g a t e s Instance — and they are flooding for a Congressional investigation from Des Moines, Omaha, Linthe professions all over Rouman- of Nazi propaganda sponsored by Reverend L. N. Birkhead of ia. There are 1,500,000 Jews. ia Representative, Dies of Texas will coln and Sioux City will meet in the Jewish Community Center. Kansas City, Missouri, will* be Roumania out of a population, of be approved by the Rules ComTwenty delegates from the the.guest speaker at Mount Sinai 18,000,000. Now I intend to mittee on January 4th, but It will London (WNS-Palcor Agency) i neighboring cities are expected to Temple this evening. The serclear them out and re-establish have a new author, Representa- The British cabinet is now in the i arrive in the City Sunday morn- vice will begin at 8. Roumanians In their jobs." At tive Weaver of North Carolina . . . midst o£ one of its most serious] The Modern Drama group of the same time he denied any in-iirab propagandists In this coun- crises, with the resignation o£ the j ing to participate. The morning session at the J. C.It h e Sisterhood will meet Friday, tention of dismissing Jewish civ- try are making a special point of Colonial Secretary possible, a s ' a ! C. will be followed by a luncheon January 21, in the home of Mrs. il serVice employes, saying 'There addressing Nazi meetings . . . One result of differences of opinion' at the Sunset Cafe. An afternoon Herman Galinsky. Mrs. A. L.are no Jewish civil servants in of the biggest names in American regarding British policy in PalGalinsky will be a joint hostess. Roumania." session will close the meeting. public life, who was a guest at a estine, it was asserted hy the Plans for the coming months: Miss Lucille Miller will read a dinner given by a famous Jewish Daily Herald. Influential membe made at the conference. modern drama and tea will be professor, -whispered to Heinrich bers of the cabinet, Jhe L-ahorite served. Bruening, former German chan- newspaper reports, are pressing On Friday, January 14, the cellor, that representative govern- Prime Minister Neville ChamberShaaire Zion Sisterhood will give an afternoon When, toe thoroughbred makes his^desf derate lunge ment will be as dead In America lain to reverse the present policy hotel card party, with Mrs. Meyer within three years as it Is in Gerand demanding the "freezing" of A benefit concert, featuring Mrs. Herman Licht will be the Levitt and Mrs. Lorence Silverguest speaker at the service in berg in charge of the arrange- the internationally known organ- many . . . And he said it as good the Jewish National Home as it Kt Of € for the po»st artd victory. . . whei ist, Fernando German!, and thenews, not bad We wonder now exists. Sfcaare Zion synagogue this eve- ments. A Capella choir from Father whether Uncle Sam's gumshoers The cabinet is being urged to ning. Her subject will be "The Flanagan's Boys' Home, will be know that all Nazi in America abandon the program of partition attitude of a Modern Jewess is directed toward the goal . . . wfeea the su;rgre, that presented ... tit- Technical High have been ordered to take up rifle as recommended by the Peel Roy-1 Toward the Dietary Laws." CanSociety News School, Otnaha, on the evening of practice after January 1st andal Commission as being harmful' tor Pliskin and the synagogue Announcement is-made, by Mr. January 14th. It is sponsored that several former army men to British interests among the is the difference between: Vsz v:choir will chant the ritual. At the Junior . Congregation and Mrs. Nathan "Weissman of by William Schmoller, Sr., forhave been engaged as instructors Arabs^ "The abandonment of tho ' 1 service tomorrow, . Harry "VVein- Chicago, of the engagement of purpose of aiding in rebuilding . . . The American Guards, stu- Jewish National Home as constein will act at cantor and Da- their daughter. Miss Roberta the barn which was destroyed by dent anti-Semitic outfit, is active ceived by the Balfour Declara- 1 vid Kuntz will read the law. Re- "Weissman, to Sam Saitlin of fire recently a t Father Flana- not only at City College but attion," the Herald states, is th-* dozens of other colleges . . . A objective of the Ministers refreshments will be served by Mr.Alexandria, S. D., son of Mr. and gan's Home. Germani, an exciting new vir-new college Fascist organization sponsible for the serious cleavand Mrs.; Max Falk in honor of Mrs. A. Saitlin, 723 "West Eighth WOW U- the the birth of a son. Rabbi Brown street. The wedding date has not tuoso, today is virtually the State called the Pershing Rifles Is look- age. Because of his strong advowill ..continue the story he start- been set.. Miss Weissman was organist of Italy, being called ing for a new name because Gen- cacy of the tripartite partition a recent guest in the Saitlin upon to play at important func- eral Pershing repudiated the use scheme as the solution of tho : ed at the service last week. tions of the Imperial Court and of his name All of the Fas-Arab-Jewish problem in Palestimeto piat forth, every effort to The Bible study group of thehome. • at the Vatican. Although not yet cist and anti-Semitic movements tine, which lias intensified Aral, Auxiliary will meet Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the Mrs. I. Pearlman departed Sun- 30 years of age, his recitals in in the Middle West liave been hostility to Britain, W. G. A. home : of Mrs. Joe Kutcher. T i e day for her home in Muscatine the music capitals of Europe at- united into an organization called Orznsby-Gore's resignation as Colonial Secretary is being sought, Book of Samuel will be discuss- Iowa, after a three week visit'in tract enormous audiences and the Confederation. Sioux City with her daughter music critics abroad and in OLAV HA-SHOJX)M it is said. ed.-' • : ':•.-•'.• Referring to the prediction by The Nazis gave General Luden- The Ladles Auxiliary of theMrs. S. H. Shulkin. Dr. J. L America are enthusiastic about dorff a big send-off on his way tothe Daily Telegraph's diplomatic synagogue will hear Mrs. Julius Pearlman, a brother of Mrs his work. Bisno of Omaha, at their mem- Shulkin, spent the week end .in The choir is composed of 53 the Nazi Valhalla, but. they for- correspondent that a White Pop-sr bership tea, scheduled to be held Sioux City, returning to Musca- boys ranging in age from 8 to 19 | got that 4 the real reason why theto be issued nest week will enyears. • Fourteen states are rep-late -was* lord broke with Hitler large the powers el the new parJanuary 18. Mrs. Bisno will tine with his mother. Dr. S. H. Shulkin is convales- resented in* its membership and alter the Munich beer putsch v a s tition scheme beyond, those orig- > apeak on her travels in Europe this summer." A millinery: style cing in his home after a recen there are fifteen different, na- that he considered the Nazi party inally contemplated, the Manches- ' tionalities. It-is under direction "hopelessly Judaised" . . . . Which ter Guardian denies the : possibil-j show will complete the program. operation. of Edward Paul, B. A. in Music remind us that if was Ludendorff Hy of such action. Great Britain Mrs. "William Kutcher is i in Miss Lillian Cober^ and Meyer from Augustana College, Sioux who invited the Polish Jews to has promised the Council of the charge of the program, with Sirs. Art Kaplan and Mrs. Herman Cohen of Minneapolis spent last Falls, S. D. Mr. Paul was former- settle ia Germany during the League that the sole purpose i Licht in charge of the tea ar-week end in Sioux City as guests ly on the Music Board of Augus- World'War . . . When the German the commission is to -conduct netana College, armies occupied Poland he issued gotiations with Arabs and Jews in the Herman Galinsky home. rangements. Tickets for the concert a r e on a manifesto to the Jews there as- for the formulation of a definite Mr, and Mrs. Harry Bailin and sale at Schmoller and Mueller suring them of Germany's friend- scheme of partition which will Devoted to ibc Best Is&t&resis of Jews Everywhere** - JUNIOR HADASSAMtwo children have arrived in Piano Co., 1514 Dodge; Beaton's ship . . . lie even. acwrtfJ. a din- f"..n 1M rvT rrittod to I^arae -pSioux City from Atkinson, Ne- Drug Store, 15 th and Farnaia; ner invitation to the hone of the provsi, t!"1 ^ prt'ian pevrs's out. The history> group of Junior braska, and will make their home and Unit Docekal Drug Store, chief rabbi of Warsaw eftcr the Tt*e i r ' - c r r ^ " - - , -t f.cj-Ic-e^, is, Hadassah met" Tuesday evening here. 17th and Faroam, Germans captured tbf city . . . t* erf ferf :::ir.b>c to csclcrn v Her in tb8 home of , Miss Kosalie Yfe are told that rll Hi.- taiic p i v n r to Vic new cciar.i-aioa. Sacks for its regular meeting. Solomon Heydenfeldt v a s ctiiel about settling Po'i'-U Jpwr in Miss Bertha Holland spent last 'Y new toni:r.i«'ioT- entrusted Miss Ruth Mars Tead a paper on week end visiting with friends in justice of the supreme court of Madagascar is "lain ->ye-Trrsh vith the GXT jtlon <u D"1 jarti. . . The oaly Poles TTIIO'U ha scat tion i'Tcjua; vill be catrastod. the origins of Zionism. Chicago. CalUoraia (1852-1S57). Gerald Cohen of Desmet, South Dakota spent last week end in Sioux City with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mas Cohen, 1720 Jones street.




Meet Today

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Benefit Concert For Boys' Home

The final week of a contest is thefinal lap.. the time

BUT OME WEEK LEFT . . . let's get busy.


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