le the burden not only tc as a people but also lie ethical burden of man. For ure are terre with our desire for r lifei' for love, lor creai, as we have: shown in , and not for war or liquidation . . . . We are From that aloneness we iw c o n s e c r a t i o n and
1 tn,\
V '
The views expressed by IffidLewisohn in his colama .sro his own and <2o not necessarily reflect, the iJoHciea or',attitu?2a or oar publication. Heppodnction in whole or in part strictly forbidden.
Entered.as Second Class Mail Matter on "January '33, 1321, at Postoffioa of Omaha. TJebiaska, under the Act of Slarch 3, 1S79
* ,J
OMAHA; K'SBBASKA, FRIDAY, JANUABT 14. 19SS ^ •amwftr"-*'? wt reimi&aa'fj**
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70H 1 *"*^
|ht"l937 By Seven Arts eature Syndicate.) IRV'U C LEVIN Srandels Theatre Sldg. Omaha, Nebraska OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE ; SALE i-Js- hereby given that on the 17th day of January. 11 o'clock A. SI., at Shames Radiator Company. 100G Cura[. Omaha, Nebraska, the vnxvill sell a t public auction. ;hest bidder for cash: 1—1032 an. 31otor No. 3440!). covered [it°I mortgage In favor of Body & Kadiator Company. •utod-by ilattie. Owen, said ! bearing date of July 3. 1537. s will be for the purpose or ig- said mortRase. for costs and all accruing costs, and purpose of. satisfying the now due thereon, to-wit: That no suit or other proat law have been instituted er said debt or any part IS BODY S= RADIATOR CO. lltsasee
While in•'benighted imperialist y u «» *.* &~ a t» ? England there still esists and still _tcr Aaren Edgar and tbe| functions his majesty's loyal,op..r cf the Beth El Synagogue | position and while -in America A there -'is a vast amount of /selft7;il present a program cf Jewish | rr.u£ic in the Coscert Hall of the: - recollection and re-direction of Believes CECELIA RAZOVSKY TO .Trclyn Memorial at S p. m. Suneffort, on the part of, libertarians, day evening; but On*, that is to say, men and women v BE/BEARB ON . ' ; • * • * • * • Tbis is the second program ia . who-.know'-that-'liberty means flesthe series cf traditional religious . RADIO ' • ibility . and flexibility, life, and Representatives^ of every ptas<? j m u s j C • being' sponsored by t h e . that the denial of liberty ,and flexof Omaha Jewish life attended; •Returning once more to OmaMrs. M. Stalmaster. chairman ibility mean death—^whilo these things are, the Stalinist dictator- ha where- they were received so of the Citizenship' Committee of the banquet given Wednesday • ship continues to meet criticism, enthusiastically last February, the Omaha Council of Jewish evening by the local council of | Kaunas (JTA) — Formation i 5 the Jewish National Fund as partr k opposition and its. own nightmares Brachah Zfirah and Nahum Nar^i Women, announces that Miss Ceof a "Jetrisa Brides Cooperaof its " anniversary observance. I will again present a concert of celia Rasovslry, associate director by the firing squad. I t goes fartive," •wills a membership of sev- ! Principal speaker of the evenias j ther and farther, purging astro- Hebrew folk music on Tuesday of the National CouBcil and [ head was;Itta'mar ben Avi, . Palestine j eral thousand, to .proviie pr£s- • • nomical .institutes, arresting and evening, January 18, at S o'clock of the Council's service to- for editor, who stressed' that Parti-1 pective brides with suitable .cow- j at the Jewish Community Cen^n born, will be interviewed by threatening to expel; German ries, was annotinced fcer. Every \ tion was Inevitable although it I Jewish physicians whom it had ter.. "With them this time will be Miss Alma Kitchell on the N. B. will be put off for at least five. member of tie- cooperative will j Jii Michel Gibson, talented young C. • blue network, Wednesday, Janonce.invited' and who, with the : be assessed two.lits eaeb (about! . ' | uary 19,, from 2:15 to 2:30, eas- years. pathetic/gratitude of Jewish fugi- star of the Yiddish theater. ,„,= T»._,-, e _«.»*j~.! 54 cents) to make up a dovrrr for ' utry 1 "The Government," he explain- j z(' Brachah Zfirah, who interprets tern .standard time. "tives, were doubtless ready .to be ed, "is giving the Jews the op-' paid f— . ri v;i£h •'•singular beauty the songs This program may be " heard loyal to' those' ever: redder banI'aned | Its creation has favorably im-: Deceir e- n of .the Oriental Jews, was born in through KOIL. Miss : Razovsky portunity to buy more land so ners. I pressed. Lithuanian Eocial circles ; ibe ycr1- ' <• that the "boundaries will be esIn 'all lands Jewish-youth had Yemen at the southern tip of the will discuss the subject of .immi- tended." etsd th that It is expeetsd eubscr "~t Arabian penninsula. Left an orgrants and their place in Amer"the reputation of being intelliAt a meeting of the executive! group will be organised lor LithDiscussing the recent uprising phan, she vras brought as a child ican life. Too intelligent; said . the he showed that not a.single col- board of the Omaha Hebrew Cicb i uEEian con-Jewish" fomei. • Nazis, and too precocious for nor- to Palestine and educated at the ony had been attacked but that held, at the home, of J. Tretiak Children's village of the Junior mal competition. Judging from only individual Jews traveling in standing committees " wera apDue •j.At the age of fifteen recent developments in Germany Arab territory had been kiiied. I pointed. of n e v she began her studies with Gnesthe Germans were, of course, "The feeling of -the Arabs is snti- j Jack -Saylan was named chair- j ' Eubscr r quite right, though the implied sin, famed director of the HabiBritish rather Than anti-Jewisb. I man of the membership commit-1 isil P.-E mah. Players of Jerusalem. Later compliment to Jews is small. But Only recently heads- of the twotee. AEsisticg him will be: M.! :er she went to' Berlin where>she was everythinn'seems to be failing in most important Arab families of Bercovici, Sara Bloom, John | lov t r " this age—including tbe o n c e kteh- a pupil of H a s Reinhardt, the Feldman, L. Morgan, Joe Kir-1 the country offered to sell large ly esteemed intelligence of the genius of the European theater. sienbaura, aisd E. Bloch. j tracts of land to the Zionists." After her appearance last year, youth of our people. -For here a Chairman, of t i e Intellectual j As a result of Ben Avi's talk. : ter.ts •" <" group of young Jews, send me a August Borglum, music critic of Defines Terms of Eelerencs voluntary contributions 03 the j Advancement committee is N. S. the Omaha World-Herald wrote new. magazine called "The Jewpart of the audience brought the j Talfe. Committee nssibers are: .. • of Hew Palestine ; ish Youth Journal" and ask me"In repose Madame Zfirah is a total of Omaha's gift 'to tas J. K. j I. Levin, John FeldEsan, J. J. | 'Commission, i' is turrp for an opinion or a commenda- personality of estreme modesty, P. to fifteen hundred collars, j Friedman, a=d Ben S. EaElsw-j but when awakened her interpreE tion, for encouragement, and ask London (WNS-Palcor Agency) One hundred dollars was pledsei) ^J"sb&rp ; me for that in the handsomest tations become expressions o: 1'embers cf the co: ttee far 1 Bucharest ("vTXS) — —Setting at rest minors that the hy the local labor groap. terms. I want them to know that great intensity and variety." Before the banauet all lights j visiting, t i e stick arc: _P_"':' I have recently done my very best ;^r^t C Her were turned out with the excep-j Schwartz, cbairEisr. Sa=- Zloc^:, ...it to start, to get going, a library of small and charmins books for his musical training at the Con- tion of Palestine as the solution tion of the stage lights wtich j Louis. Morgan, Ai:tiLZ.~ —_=-" were focused en the' projects in j aras youth, for our 'Jewish.-.youth, and servatory of Kiev in Russia, his or the Arab-Jewish problem. Col- lalnatcre of t i e Jewish National j 2tii i onlal Secretary W. G. A. OmsT ^ - - r~ that, alas, the whole scheme Joe Tretiak, chairr:cr. Z'.. Z z~\, e Pap- Fund- seems to be foundering /on the \ and E. Bloch. .o High. incredible sloth of the heart and interested in the folk-music of j I Abraham Richards v.:: :-•—? "Wauciope, feiterfee"blenes3 of the active will for the country, particularly that of Commis of ] as Inside (S'izird. rood on the part of American the Jews of Yemen and Persia ating the conviction that partij Representatives to tLc ^"EUI"C the best policy tion represents Jewry. But I - have tried. The and the Palestinian Sephardim the terms of refneeds' of - our Jewish' youth are who still Bing." the traditional ( a n d *| N. S. Yaffee, and Zczz. 11 . ~ : i technical never far from iny thought. But music, their" ancestors brought j e * e 1 1 " 3 under ! Ban ICacolcwsiy commission will be appoSisted to what am I to Bay to this "Jewish .from- Spain..' He has also beeaf The board of governors of _ e tsh^e ; 't t e Krtreir Club at t i t T::-=.l Youth Journal?" It - i s empty, influenced . by. '.the pioneering-implement the reconixaesdstioiis Vaad H*Ihr met. in ih> Tes rT TcTEi, -JS»T!S1J r t r : ' r . - ^ in .the lowest rants of movement .'aad- hsa set to music of. ths.-.Peel. Royal.". ComnisE.ioa. TOCISS of :the'B'nai israei-fcycas-j _ ,., . _ -. „,. t , — : : 1 d th ; f i b d i H b r i tX'l Cffae. on Tuesday . everi^s . _ a Jh journalism., and .the had:.- .'been -; s ^ r •ZZ&. K- S. r r ' . : , zzi Z. Z. only •positive thing is the stealthy tlio-iigBt. tV-the question .of "p i '•"?". "-ft-f- ' « ** * ' t i f f - ~ & £tA "Michel'"-Gibson;- wlto/ii appearsupport-.**- -a'Communist theater -transfers - as & -result •o'l and a cbmmuuist-conirolled OP-. ing hero ioT tEa.first tiia'a cr^sustsm is prsiridc^it c. partitfba, • the Colonial Secretary tee. on Kosher regulatscns tjaiiiia-tion.- It one h a i .any tears' sidared " oae 'of th6 ' indicated ethat one of the • tasJis enforcements, of vaica N. Levin- t h e young artists of the Yiddish lett, one might well weep. facing the new commission is to Eon is chairman was named.! There was a time not so very stage. He has been" associated see to it that the boundaries of Keraberj are.S. Katzmaa, M."Ar-; Era ELC cC^rr t t - t ^ ions aso when I was a'litUe sorry both in this country and in Eur- the Arab aad Jewish States are bitraan, M. RcseHsteia, asd S. F. j r his c" "—r rt'-c s ~r * c ope with Maurice Schwartz and and" a little disappointed at the so drawn that less Arabs will be Levin."; The chairman stated that \ turning aw-ay from me:and my in- has appeared in more "than seven- bs included in the Jewish Eeetion fluence -of a considerable section ty plays. Last year his tour of and Ies3 Jews in the Arab sec- a public announceiaeat relative j to-the status cf Kosher butcher j of Jewish youth. —. the section one hundred dtle3;;t.na towns of tion. i of the I snops and the more or Ies3 known a3 radical, Poland and Lithuania was haHed The. names of the commission- Vaad to popularize the use of j Mrs. Samuel TT. Halpr. forThe 4 r,£ t r a the CE-b^ne.. en ..£.-1.^ that is to Bay, president. (Not by the Jewish press of the world the Je"K"iEii question is eaicl to " ' • even Communist, for; there is a as an event of great cultural sig- ers and the date of their depar- Kcsher products would be forth- j •will visit O s a l s on Fetrc-' ture, for Palestine do not appear find Goga and t i e four-rainisters '—" grandeur in that Marxian dream nificance. ary 2nd to" speak oa -political, soi in the communication to High Mrs. D. B. Epstein, president! of the withering away cf the state Their appearance here is under CommiEEioner Wauchope. I t is of the Ladies Auxiliary and a! cial and economic -conditions in jthe National Peasant Party firm- r r - ' For the auspices of the Center Forum. | . ";'••-. ) But that time ia. over, tae auBpw»» « V " - - " T : " - " j - f e l t i n London that it is unlffiely member of the board cf govern- j Palestine and Europe. 'The Gra- ,ly opposed to t r y • innnsSiate this matter i s no longer a matter Season tickets will admit, in +that ^ „„„„,„,„„ m Brproceed w ^ nw«fl the commissionw will ors, reported on the plans for the ! drastic measures against Jews of- the free inteUigehce; dark dividual admissions may be pur-to its task before the spring. The Auxiliary's annual Purls* ball. ning an elaborate ••?ri.ne Frofe.SEor Aless.p.Ser Cura. " " r-T-F chased at the box office. her honor at the forces of Masochism'and Jewish letter itself is dated December Stanley F. Levin was nppciated "." i Eunity Center zzi tl self-hatred .are at work here, of at dtte^ 23rd. Throughout the White Pap- c v a t r r s ; i : l of t a e progran Ia b o ccurc- of a desire to lose the self and so er empltasi3 is laid oa the fact, n jttee fcr the bali. vrith " o : .£'< , will der:r;b? trc r in this instance tho Jewish self in that the details of the Tez. Con- j Burstein a3 vice chairman. a, mob bent under a lash. mission report have net been ae-j SS - navitz. n . chairman of the takes ; the iirb-wf.iir- cZ tl'? s-r—crr=rc-.t"s ft -."-." --"-'': ^ ^ " ' *' If you will not read me—if you ccpted and that any formula de- j rabbinical cennitteo, tendered a Jewisi will not ' read "The Permanent i ill j brief report to the Ec-rt. vised by the new commission will .^ Horizon" and "Trumpet of Jubhave to be placed before the j C 0 l a r a e n t c d o a the £ttc=cance at i? 2 1 1 0 2 The second of the Round Table ilee," read the.new book by AlLeague Council. An important t c e prisiay night service;. dous Husley, "Ends and Means." of Jewish Youth dances will be paragraph in t h e document given Sunday evening, January Brooklyn, :Ct- Tcr; crl; frr He says nothing, nothing at all points out that th"& terms of refyears h-s beer, a rc: : i£r.t ~i .ft-that I haven't said or that from 15, at 9 o'clock. Music for theerence take into account the par- RAD2! SAHUZl COIlEIi another angle my friend Joseph affair wll be furnished by thetition scheme of the Royal ComTQ SPEAK A? ZZTII EL i::g to t i e Ur.;tc2 rt=tcs r.i Wood Krutch didn't say in his Irving-Bhodc3 orchestra. These dances in past years mission but that the commissiontime fcr z. sirrt E?ea5::r,a brilliant little book, "Was Europe ers are at full liberty to suggest Next Thursday evening. Janua Success." But Huxley is an have been one of the most pop- modifications of the plan, "in- E r y 2 o at S:SO the "e:."s Club ,.«; Ecfcre i c r CZT^-'I'^'^ frc= r a l Englishman and a member of a ular of Center activities and this eluding variations of the areas." j the Beth El Synagogue will hcl^ I estine, I.Trs. Halrrir. vlrlird =.==.of tho Tcuta JLi:~i rrtf.rmcrts moct distinguished family of Brit- year there is every indication The tasks assigned to the com-' its monthly dinner meitl^T. i ish intellectuals .with a reputa- that attendance records s viH be mission are: j Rabbi Samuel :.I. Co::en, ez.etion of having been something of broken. 1. To advise on the, boundaries | cntive director o* t"be " Tcitec Adolph Laytin is chairman of make li:nci.cDa rcscrvELticzs Zz~ a radical himself. He is moreof the proposed Arab and Jewish cf America in. advance boccuss r c ; r n ; ZTZ~ over, though he tries very hard the dance committee of the areas. speak. Rabbi Cohen has to keep it out of this particular Hound Table. Assisting him are 2. To examine and report oa prominent-in CVab wcrli charters v>h:ci r t c ha? prominent ~ln Men's Clvb of the! „ , visited rats tzr '-• c." cr::-'.'.:- • Book, an instinctive anti-Semite the following members ts-rish Bob Pos- • t h e c c o a o l n { c a n d financial quen- and is well known as a rpcakcr and even here insists on dragging ' tions arising out of partition. He l-st appeared here abcut in a few quite uncritical phrases ley, ITlorence Steinberg, Joe 3. To ensure that financial ob-, ten years ego. concerning the "bronze-aga" He- Guss, Al Orach, Harold Stern, ligations will be honored. ' I and Dan Miller. brews and their horrid triba^. God, 4. To work out a system of adScxrz Zzxrzi frcn Zzthz 1 celling himself, so to speak, quite ministration for railway, ports, Praha (JTA)—Tis Karanbcrs anachronistical^ from his .point telegraph and telephone service, (Germany) . Town Council has .: of view to the so-called higher currency, customs and tariff ar- banned Jews from all pab'.ie ' labor statistics cf the ccrartnicnt t j ? r : _ ':'-z; :T I r r - " • : • : criticism of the Eible which is rangements, budgetary prospects baths, shower baths or ctLcriof labcr, has -2r=. rc=rr:--.^- -r now seen'to be, of course," a psy(Continued on page S.) bathing facilities. The Hen's Club of the Vaad chical, trick of deliberate devaluawill hold it3 "regular dinner and tion on the part of its proponents. A r - t . : : 7.- .: U v-t-r.r- r Read Aldous Huxley, then, if meeting on Thursday, January Jd^LS '.c -„- r r ^ - l r : " - ; r : r : r r you will not read me. Believe; him 20, at 6:30 p. m. in the Social if he seems more worthy of belief hall of the Congregation B'nal Isthan I. Good ends cannot be com- rael, ISth and Chicago streets. passed" by evil means. The means Mr. "William Holzman will show become the end. The users ol the I a set of interesting pictures deal,— - , . , o o f n n v | i n g with World Current Eveata means become incapable. ol c.ny coronation in En S mcre understanaing the end., xou j TI-«V= «r i V _i!<(_ ^f ^ n JWindsor, ana and many others. cannot create equality by terror • Hembers and their wive3 are nor freodota by the firins-sinad aor Inner Health by outer torce welcome to the meeting. nor ultimate fros men by present enslavement. You can noU The sa ?O!:CD CcnTiccato Yidterror of the Jacobins was' responsible for Napoleonic imperialism and the wars and slaughMontreal (WNS)—Eight huni ters of a quarter of a century anu the resurgence of nationalgk. dred volumes of Yiddish c!ar.oic3 paranoia and J u s s o l i n i ^ n d K t > provincial Police r ler. Suppression anu terror, 4-^.nt. «• * firing «squad3 arc lie- olfiest things in the. whole world — tll3 tcra of fao CansCian Labor Ciroldest, the most wretched, fcunsl cle, ec:cnt2a LS The thrre artists pictured above ™:li r.T>p:rr . - , T ' -:'-r-"!-7'--f-'«-i \T
^ ~.w
Program oa lay.
Y, GRODINSKY, MARER COHEN, Attorneys <* imaha National Bank Bldg." > 'District Court of Xebraslta. ! -.Matter of t h e Application o r jlz. guardian of t h e E s t a t e of h \ n n i Gertrude Vote, minor, •use. t o Sell ReaS E s t a t e , i-is hereby. Riven t h a t p u r s u an order by t h e Honorable P.ine. J u d g e of t h e District it .Douglas County. Nebraska, a the ~21st d a y of December. ir t h e sale of t h e real e s t a t e rter described, there -will bo public auction t o t h e highest for cash, a t t h e E a s t Door o r uglas County Court House in v of Omaha. Douglas County, tea. on the- 2Sth d a y of J a n |93S. a t 10 o'clock A. M. t h e le to r e m a i n open for one hour, Icrwins described real estate, t o te South Fifty (50) F e e t of [ West One Hundred and. ktv-five- (125) F e e t of L o t t- (40) H a r t m a n ' s Addition t o ha. Douglas County. N e b r a s las surveyed, platted a n d r e sd fd" a t Omaha, "Nebraska, thia iy of December. 1937. • JOHN -VOLZ, VT-ijt. Guardian.
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President Speak is
• " •
Second Table Dance to Be Held
a.p.. tHe time perate lunge bit of energy he surge-that and the rest •hunph.
Vaad Men'o Club to Hold IVZeeSan
.NOW is the the goal . . . /
' . . THERE IS isy.
y e rywhere
(Contiaucu on p^se 3.) " ^ -*£
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Page 2
land's Queen Victoria, whose . tis- the only cts© nc^r entrusted with j bs merged into ore congregation I IC&sis Ban JS,EZ Scores Jewish Youth band, Prince Albert, ia said to carrying accrct Etrrages between ^ ^ f ^ p ^ Berlin (TVNS) — Nazi censorhave had'a Jewish papa . . . Mold- B.erllu end America . . . ' A r e a d e r 0 , t h g C o l U B l b u a i ^ 5 ship ever culture was extended avia, one of the original pro• Citizen lists Rabbi Samuel Gup | to -imported musical scores in a vinces of Roumania, had a Jewish RELIGIOUS AXGltXS prince in the 16 th century . . . . In. case you're worrying about among ':he outstanding leaders of; new decree nameg against jasz i -Ttv,-ish youth 'section of the gov' nd the works of Jewish compos- ernmer.t's Ff lli.erlaBc! front liai O His name was Emanuel Aaron, the kashruih. of the glue on Uncle I 1937, together .with Roosevelt, • beer o^ERriKpfl. Tipre vith the anTieU H U T o m G r d l e r £ C d and he was the natural son of a Sam's postage stamps, be reas-l Z° * ' - i ' ' prcvf.l of the government offi. • Governor Davey . . . Or.e of tee Moldavian aristocrat . . . But unPatronize Our Advertisers der the ruli of Prince Aaron stired . . . Tee post office depart-1 a f c I e s t p u b U s h e r , i a English-Jew. journalism is Sol Silverman thousands of . Jews were mas- ment says it's made of purely ] oish £ S a n Francisco's Eisanu-El... By AndrePalert sacred • .. . The leader and organ- vegetable matter, being a derira-1 tioa of the cassava plant, which j On a ten-day visit to New York izer of the women's auxiliary of Members of the Honse o* UoUnl now proclaims himself the of their blood. HaJ Amin then the anti-Semitic Iron Guard is a is also the source of tapioca . . „ j he made two speeches, conferred Commons bitterly -assail Jtal- ••protector of iSlam," we Arabs expressed his faith in ultimate femme by the namo of Rebecca The rash of rabbinic sermons on i with any number o* b'g shots, Ininn propaganda in Pnles'ttae. have' not forgotten that onjy ten victory with the aid of Allah. Ansel, nee Oksenberg . . . Her Jesus has led' Rabbi Sole-men; cluding Norman Thomas,.end got England moves to counteract | years ago he ordered' the exterIt Is well known, however, that husband, for whose love she Freehof of Pittsburgh to pledge 1 first hand inlorasticn on what's Italian propaganda in tho. Near | mlnatlon of the whole native in spite of. his piety, the Mufti abandoned Judaism, Is opposed himself never to preach' a sermon i what in the Jewish world . . . East. Foreign Secretary "Eden i population of the Libyan oases- had procured for himself other to anti-Semitism . . . There have on that topic . . . If you see 193S \Back in Frlscsp they think s& warns Mussolini toe stop under- I and that tho methods, of Italian than Divine assistance. During been frequent rumors that among Michigan automobile license ! highly of him they wanted to mining British policy in Pales- • i colonization in Ethiopia have the general strike of last year the angels of the Iron Guard were plates initialed JWV you will be ':make him a Jufise . . . Our Hollytine . . . These are tho head- hardly been humane. ! 'It Is true year £60,000 were - brought to several wealthy Jewish industral- right if you identify them as be-!wood colleague, Louis pelarsky, lines. What is behind them? < that a part of our Arab youth him-from Rome. That became Ists, notably Max von Ausscanitt longing to members of the De- jhas been elected honorary presiMr. Palert, a noted French j finds some features of Fascist known through a mishap which i and Ferdinand Koszko . . . And troit Post of the Jewish War Vet- \ dent of the Rochester (N. Y.) journalist who interviewed -•: rule attractive, but the statesmen occurs not infrequently In the Club of California . , . Ke used one of the leaders of the Iron erans . . . Because the 1838 na-1 Arab leaders, .including tho of the Arab countries know that tlonal convention . of the JWV is ! to be president, but declined reGuard Is a renegade Jew by the Granfl Mufti, answers in this ' Rome's Imperialism -—her will charged with delivering the monto, be held in Detroit t.bese spe-j election . . . We agree -with the name of Gabrlelson, but born extremely timely article pre» to, expand— is, the only serious ey thought himself York World-Telegram, ! entitled to Emanuel Zlpkes . . . Did youcial plates were issued to all New sented by special arrangement threat to Arab independence.1 keep half for his own use. A com-know that there Is really no such members of the Detroit Post . . . which has nominated for a niche with tho Living Age. •"• But "if, in the Arabwdrld In plaint went from the Mosque of thing as Roumanian Jewry? . . . How come tlie New York Times' in the hall of fame Recorder j' —THE EDITOR general, the efforts of the Italian Omar to the Palazzo di Venezla, j list of prominent people who died Merrin Herzfeld of Union City, propaganda seem to have miscar^ and the promising young Italian chia are descended from the earl- during 1S37 failed to include the i N. J-, set some kind of prePremier -Mussolini's attempts ried, In Palestine the. case is Consul who had handled the iest Jewish settlers and speak name of Felix M. Warburg? . . . | cedent by giving B0 days in, js.! Custom There the transaction was rusticated to an That journalistic word-war be-! to an apartment house manager to influence ' the Arah world somewhat different; Origin*! Roumanian . . . The Jew3 of Besagainst Britain' really date back, Arabs have found in Italy an ally obscure post in Central Amerla. sarabia, acquired from Russia, tween the Casadian Jewish Re- \who failed to give bis tenants view and two Toronto dailies has ]enough beat . . . Americans in a decade, although the general against their common adversary, "^ In spite of this incident, the speak Yiddish And the Jews public firBt became .. aware of Great. Britain. It is only natural flow • of money , and other aid of Bukovina, ceded by Austria, led to the resignation of Rabbi i Berlin report that you caa see them only a few months ago, that a -whole-hearted alliance from Rome did not stop. AH theand those of Transylvania, which Maurice Eisendrath from the Re- jEddie Cantor's "AH Baba .Goes to •when the Duce girded on the should be formed between them, arms, which vje-w's staff . . . Before long there ] Town" there, but without menat least temporarily. j and British troops have taken used to be Hungarian, speak Ger- will be a Montgomery Stephen ' tion of Eddie . . . Montreal. Jews Sword of the Prophet and proman . . .Strange es it may seem, claimed himself the "Protector The man In Palestine In whom from Arab terrorists came from Bukovnian and Transylvanian Stern (if it's a son) in the bass- must travel to Rouse's Point, K. -of Islam."-In so doing he follow- the Italians, have put their hopes Italy. Some months ago, during Jewry enjoyed more freedom be- inet of Rabbi Harry and Rebbet- Y.—just across the border — to HRUCEWOOD .-. see Paul Muni's "The Life of .od a precedent set by Kaiser Wll- was the Grand Mufti of Jerusa- the friendly negotiations between fore the war for democracy than zin Sylvia Stern of Montreal . helm II just before the World lem, whose recent flight has re-Great Britain and Italy, the anti- they do now . . . It was the Jews Incidea'tally, if- the Jews of the i Emile Sola," the picture being War, . • . ceived much comment abroad. British broadcasts in Arabic from of Bessarabia, especially those In Province of Quebec ever need j banned in the Province of Quebec Left empty-handed when the His ambition to become leader of .Barl were suspended and Italian Czernowitz, who created the con-Catholic support Rabbi Stern will \ • . . Ithiel de Sola Pool, sos of Tl-.c magic of simplic* mandates in the Near East were fall the/Arabs and his fanatical support to the Arah.Nationalists get it for them . . . He is held in 'Rabbi David de Sola Pool, was :tj- — in f. glamorous, cept of minority guarantees . • . , high esteem by the big clerical \ one of the leaders of the losing distributed, Italy sought her re-hatred of the British made Mo- was also supposed' to have been NAZI STUFF withdrawn. For a time the Grand p dye, pure silk figures . . . In a speech at Rabbi j Eight to prevent the American venge. She set about winning hammed Haj Amin El Husseini Mufti himself became more and New York's swanky Fifth AveStudent Union from repudiating the greatest man In; Arab PalesStern's Temple Emanu-El Joe i rrlr.t. Accented with tho sympathies of the Arab world by endorsing Its most, extrava- tine and a natural ally pf Italy. more conciliatory toward •' the nue shopping district will soon Brainin said that the Japanese' the Osforti pledge . .. . Ithiel is tr'-solor pocket flaps Mandatory officials. "This period have a store fitted out as a cham- government's The Mufti had also become .gant claims. The. evidences of invitation, some! an undergraduate at the Univerr-f leather eombinaof calm was brief, and with the ber of horrors depicting the Nazi one of the.most eminent person.her penetration into Arab countime ago, to Jews to settle in sity of Chicago . . . tior.. belt, tries, particularly in Egypt, Pal- ages of'the Moslem world, a lead- return of tension between the terror . . . And plans are already Manchukuo was given a t t h e sug- (Copyright, 19SS, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) estine, Syria and Iraq, have been er whose moral prestige a3 de-great Mediterranean rivals, the under way to set up an anti-Nazi gestion of Julius Streicher, the oasy to discern.' First among fender of the .Arabs was so well Italian bounU began to flow counter attraction, to Germany's purpose being to provide a Jew• them are her large capital invest- established that he was in a po- once more to the Arab Nationa- exhibit at' the 1939 World's Fair ish target for the Japanese Fasments in those countries; A walk sition to arbitrate in the war be- lists. The result was a revival . . . That great "patriot" William cists . . . Anyone who isn't a OIL RESOURCES tateen; through the modern part tween Saudi Arabia and the Ye-of terrorism in Palestine, cul- Dudley Pelley Is defending Jap- graduate of a recognized rabbini- BELIEVED IN of Jerusalem reveals that many men, and ultimately to bring minating" In the assassination of anese aggression against China cal seminary can't call himself a •of the most. Imposed buildings about, peace between the two the British Governor of Galilee. and attributing anti-Nippon sen- rabbi in Southern California any BEERSHEBA .bolong to a great Trieste Insur- Arab States. In spite of his pres- . Nevertheless, both the Italians timent in this country to "Jewish more . . . Acting on the request Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor AgenThe Indians of Ra- of the Board of Rabbis of Los C r) — Speculation as to possiance company, the Asslcurazloni tige, which enabled him to as-and their ally, the Grand Mufti, poison" seem to have msjudged the attiGenerali.; The Bank of . Rome lume a rather independent. attiton, New Mexico, are mad as Angeles, the Jewish and general j feilities of oil resources in the vihas surpassed all the • other for- tude toward the British author- tude of the British. Aroused by blazes at. Hitler for making the papers have agreed to subject all I cinitj* o£ Beersheba was stimulateign banks in the'volume of loan ities, it soon, became evident-that the assassination of one of their swastika the symbol of race hat- publicity about rabbis to a dou-; ed -with the publication in the business. «It Is significant that without foreign aid he -could not high 'officlals,' they showed un- red . . . They have a hotel Swas- ble-double-o Carnation Hazel- ! Palestine Gazette of an oil mintho Italian companies in Pales- attain his goal of becoming un- wonted energy and suppressed tika there—and Jewish tourists wood, prize member ol the herd ing bill -vchicli details new rest!- [ the Arab Nationalists organizatine, whose business documents disputed ruler of Palestine and shun it like the plague, though of the Jewish Consumptive Relief lations governing the prospect-, were formerly drawn up In four spiritual leader of the Arab tions with firmness and speed.. the swastika has been the symbol Society of Denver, has been cer- ing, exploring and exploiting o. The Mufti's inglorious flight may of the Indians for countless genlanguages —r- Italian, English, world. ' tified as the milk and butter oil sources. well mark the waning of Italian Arabic and Hebrew — have reAt. the .time of my interview influence in Palestine. Funniest sight in champion of Colorado, in her 'Jewish financiers interested erations cently dropped the English and with the -Grand Mufti, he assertNew York these days la to see class . . . For economic reasons in oil indicated the belief that the Hebrew texts. . ed :the. determination of the Palbrawny Nazi storm troopers do- three of Los Angeles' Orthodox the regulations were annour.crd Italian steamship lines- have estine" Arabs to fight the British (Copyright 1938 By Seven Arts ing the big apple to the tune of synagogues the Western Jew- in connection with prospeciltip Feature Syndicate.). "Bel Mir Blst Du Schon" played ish .Institute, Temple B'nai Reu-| for oil sow going on ia the I r r sending new de luxe liners Partition Plan with tho last drop 5 by Aryan orchestras in York* ben_ and Temple Etz Jacob—'will j sheba area. to the Near Eastern ports, and i ville's blerstuben . . . Get ready are charging lower passage rates for a cyclo of anti-Fascist films than the lines of any other naby Hollywood . . . The pictures tion, Arabs traveling abroad are «o«o will take shots at Americans who given special rates- under all finance nativist Fascist outfits kinds of pretexts, particularly In . . . The Mexican government is the case of Arab groups desiring cooperating with our G-men in ^to visit Italy. Italy has In re-GOGA GIGGLES that hooey about Roumanian checking np on Nazi agents opcent years been attracting to her Now- that Roumania has ,gone anti-Semites hating Lupescu^ be- erating on the Pacific coast . . . •universities hundreds of Arab The •Tis said that Nazi officers have students, who are exempted from gaga—pardon . us, Goga —— you cause she's a Jewess paying tuition and aided in other might like to know thati Premier truth 13 that she is the daughter trained an army of 50,000 men Octavian Goga was once a friend of a Jassy chemist who became in Guatemala in preparation for trays.'. .. ' / •' Ha3 this materialand moral of'the'Jews . . . Even now he is a Catholic in. order, to obtain a a Fascist coup in Mexico . . . Cappropaganda (In the latter cate- a member of the board m of sev- license . . . Her mother v«as bora tain Fritz Wledmann, Hitler's gory we must also consider the eral Jewish enterprises.-. . . He Is a Catholic, and Magda -was 'bap- personal adjutant, didn't visit Los Angeles and San Francisco broadcasts' in Arabic from the said to have a weakness for Jew- tized in that faith She didn't radio station at Bart)' brought ish money, and privately laughs know she had Jewish blood until merely to make arrangements for Germany's participation in the any results? Has Italy succeeded at anti-Semitism s h o ' v a s fully grown—and then San . Francisco World's Fair V . . Once he was in winning the friendship, of the accused., in. parliament of. being she revenged herself by "turning Arab world to the extent, that she the moral• instigator of the.Iron anti-Semite . . . Virtually every His real mission was to confer can direct it against England?.! Guard's assassination of Premier important anti-Semite in Roman- with Nazi propagandists, for he's have put these questions Jto many Duca in 1933 . . . Y e t after that la, comes to her for advice nowaleading Arabs, both politicians murder King Carol tried to get days, and Goga got the premierand intellectuals. Their answers him Into the cabinet . v . The' ship on her recommendation., . ; invariably ran as follows: merger of the Goga and. Cuza' Equally cockeyed iE the report 'If we Arabs had to decide be- parties was effected- in 3935 that two of Bucharest's leading tween ITrance, England and Italy through the efforts of Frledrlch liberal dailies, Dimineata and AdFitted, Princess, tr-i T The Genuioo Sates Grip .ast a r e L LJOW •wo -would certainly not choose Weber, Bucharest correspondent verul, were suppressed by Goga Bowling; Ball DOT; sold Italy. "We.are well.aware of theof Hitler's Voelkischer Beobacht- because they are Jewish owned ia Cracha by. tbo fact that colonization of tEe er, for which little job he was. . . Both papers were sold by French and English type Is main- booted out of the country . . their Jewish publishers a year ill' ly a colonization by capital. II Cuza, who was preaching »antl- ago, to avoid the anti-Semitic terDyt-d Coney, does not injure the native popu- Semitism before Hitler was born, ror . . . lation, but brings It material ad- has been arrested so often for in- WE'RE .TELLING YOU IA . A Spedt vantages. - Italian - colonization citing against the Jews that he While -we're talking of RouIlio Bates Grip Bali j on the contrary, is a colonization knows the inside of most of Rouproduce higher scores QUO of men, and would be carried on manla's prisons very' intimately mania—did you know that King lS tho 'ccro* h i at the expense-of the natives. If, . . . D o n ' t , p a y any attention to Carol has some Jewish blood? . . . He'a a great grandson of EngGivo &® Had cl pc-Scs c»=s!s "tsxa cboai"* in the" East, we know the French Its Wcxseri's Si; : and the English as conquerors .SS to 44 wife xacdesa Eecbical csds, flay cf fcsso Helpadministrators and capitalist A Sac 12 i® £C who contribute t o our material ers, SscHa f castes, CoEss Mdfcsr. W e 2 s bsaw •wealth; 'we know tho Italians as or WSxm. era the raccscs Eocrets of sacrt c-r.te?petty-merchants, artisans and - workers who come tp compete ts£=Jaig esad easier liosseriddag. Es-s fi,SE3> -with our people.- Although-Mus-
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TUb 'GerntontShat Won't 'Ri&c Up9
Convonfcnca la anotlior c?. fsrSnjr of this hpti>U Whether oa buslneffi? or pleasure bent, tho Hotel CSart; makes aa ideal "bane of operatiosis." a s well a s a restful "blliot" s t tho end of tho day's "eompaJffa." G o o Q Fea, flaturaly. AnS nod charges?, act rreli as ta? e«ffidatins Eivo ?6t>ra aceoi«fficda. final ElfraSnrance to exsurInff word—COMFORT. P. C. D. MOSRIO,
Tha fiusoua. garment with iha "threo-litii* Etretch" patented back'that makes "carctt-y2a!> ins" oui«<latedl Hera in s facet ©1 sairacio*r;crli« tot's s ^ 7 ^y1®3 io- Y 0 ^ ° a ©ri=3 tf^vyl Iocs* • belts £OT laatura figures . . . msro Xi'££ji cl "s~2troV tos YOUTH J AU sizes, feA
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tested publicly against th treat- | | of competitive pmy, the Keait!' •• mrsesJ Pairings iiav> been postr ment of the Jews in Poland, tell1 club volley 'bailers vrill begia In- : ed for the ClaEs A a r t . 1 i BLI, c ing ths Christian there, in so I toursarneEit^ 2 1 1 3 d we c LCITTH^ A'.. tensive practice sessions Ivlonda many "words, that they must be night at S p. si: There will h- j ins action, lots cf i: ^.. r.-.,.. held responsible if they continue numerous toarsaraeEts os t i e < round matches East JC i ^ - 3 y LSB GSOSSEA1? •to act in such an un-Christian £0, a ; _ schedule for tbs volley-ball play- I e<^ ^ ~ EE ' way. For, as you know, the Intent upon coming back with ers this m e t e r and the J. C. C. ; nt?*--vi&ye>l Christian religion, like our own,a victory, the J. C. C. Varsity is hoping t o hare aaother crack- \ absolutely " , preaches good m i l to all men;-basketball. team. leaves for Kan-erjack team and the Poles — unlike the Ger-1I sas- City, Mo.; early Sunday mom- 1 T i s Players will spend lost Tie iEttrmeiiate But tfca fact remains tnat In Ger-man Nazi3, who have gone from — < time league is lacTSa^ alonf *• the practices : : ing to engage the crack K. C. many and Poland and other lands Christianity to the ancient pagan j y ^ H. A. outfit \a the after- brushing np on passing and spik- gUStO. 1/SSt Tcg'i's JJCT MB.. WORLD'S QIHSSXIONS tfce Jews are HOT? having much gods — are still Christians. I noon. This is the .si year that ing. However, this won't inter- ed the A. Z. A. JCc. 1 , \ ; Seo bow many of t&esa- trouble. •' as t l Another thins that an Amer- the Omaha quint makes the jaunt fere with the usual amount cf classy outfit questions jron'can answer sit* ;, Poland, you know,- is a -small ican Christian group has protestthrongi uritfl a healf *• c ^ *ter yon .have read' Sir. World's country with, a- great many peo- ed. asainst recently is the Polish •with an even chance of coming hilarity the Health dibbers ex- victory over the A. Z A hibit during their regular nooa "Ask Me Another" cliat. '." ' ple and. 'not very, much ; money. practice of having "ghetto ben- 1 ack -with a victory. Juniors. In the ol^c. 1, I f a m e two countries Except l o r . t h e few 'rich men ches" tor the Jewish students in j. Despite their first loss of the Iday sessions. Ihe Hawkeyes, led . 1 * season last week at the hands of ! whero children arc taught t o there. everybody, is .naving a ter- the colleges and universities j Rtsderman with 12 i A gentleman who Las bees the powerful Murphy-Did-It out| hate soino of tisfeir'fellow mexu- rible struggle..; So you can seethere. A hundred and seventy-J featea the Cornhusk£-«, 1o S. What sronp is of tea that, the;Polish people, both Jew nine Christian scholars of oufj .fit, the J. C. C. team is in high j greatly missed du-ing reoeat Next Thursday's r - ' j uays in J. C. C. athletic circles spirits. Coach Phil Gereliek said r m a d e t h e o b j e c t at s u c h h a t and Christian, have reasons to country have expressed their ia- j ^ tbe Corchusiiers SEE:* t he p l e a s e d w i t h t h e p e r f o r m . • is Les Burkenroad. chairman c r e d ? " •••. ; . '-".•• •' v ••;•;•; feel : unhappy. The tragedy of it dignation at the system of put-1 Xo. 1 JnraorE anr" 1 S. Why a o the Polish anti- la that;the. Christian Pole3 take ting Jewish students on separate! ance against the smooth Automea the athletic committee. Les against A. S. A. No.ICC Juniors. been confined'to his home by illand *S triumph was beyond even Semites want to hJVTe the 3ews. out their-unhappinesa on their benches, and have added: "That j FEES are invited to attend these ness, and we are hoping for his his fondest expectations. boycotted? - •••'..' fine games and seethe Etars: c" Jewish fellow-citizens : -which the Polish government should' Even though the Center team recovery. 4; How i s the anti-«Jevrisfa makes things worse for the Jews, have yielded to a campaign of, the future perform. -f i -c -r " boycott in Poland being r u n doesn't improve matters at •-violence by anti-Semitic .students did lose the game to the Mur- | Excuse us if we seem to show phys, the cause for which they ; these- days? • - ' gll for the Christians, ir you j d illegal terrorist groups is a eam Standings 5 Is the- Polish government really, want to know, Mr. World's j i a need nost alarming." You seeplayed turned out a grand sue- ' little undue pride, bat we just nQ r T- , r ( TV. doing anything about this boy- chronic headache . come3- from what Mr. "World meant when he !cess. The. Center turned over can't help feeling- enthusiastic about the matron women volley- '. .Wildcats 5C4.SO 10 the World-Herald Goodcott? : puzzling over how human beings said that in some countries \ " F fellow fund as a'pasted house bailers. In their class, they are Cyclones •'••"• What new anti-Jewish 'aw1 •can be so stupid. . . . grown-ups are teaching childen j witnessed the proceedings. The unbeatable. • The peppy women i Sooners £0 has been passed in the Polish ."."[-'..Right now,' for example,, the to hate. Only a few years ago - r r revealed this last week with Tigers Parliament? '•. jmitic students respon-j respon-J ^ Polish anti-Semite* have organ- fa, anti-Semitic ^ £ T a t % £ ^ ? r £ I " » • *»<* Tories in outside ; Corchuskers ' .7. What American group ized a particularly severe b o y ! sible for the ghetto benches were; , ... boywere i . . r-f competition last •week against Jayhawkers has recently protested against cott of the Jews of the country, j ch ty may boys and girls like yoursel*" , 1 «' Plavers from Ee-son j u s t T^ith three tesms or the treatment given t o the Fo- •The,anti<-Semites r— who, fortun-j ves ^ but they were taught to — - -the - -future - the • .*.•»• ° •> scorethe ofJ.the 6 a iIcP'i la yers irom .be^son to The 37, but C. game C. beyswas made Bluffs. Tuesday even T Hali Jews?- : atelyfor of Pohate. Jews, with this sad result. boTTiice is being locked fori 8. What are "ghetto bench- lish people, don't constitute all of And the protests from Ameri- a better showing than the score! es?" .the -Polish naton — have for ca and other. lands haven't been indicates. "When they had their j Handball players^ -vet on your I to. ;y t V.or. *V» TTil rlnr-. *•*. ^ 0. What American group years.been agitating against bus- without effect. Only last week first winds, the Center players | has. protested against these iness-relations -with Jews. This fifty-four leading Polish univer-j had a 10-S lead at the quarter, j "ghetto benches? they -do ..for .various reasons: sity professors denounced the j It was still nip-and-tuck at t h e ; of the first half with the . •_ _ 10. What • Polish groups They-think it -will help them get ghetto-bench system as doing! have also ' protested against political power, they believe thai Poland a great deal of harm. The | Mnrphys holding a scant 28-23 } m this discrimination? business-taken away from Jews Polish Federation of Labor also margin. But in the second half, the J. C. C. team couldn't stand C ' ^ ^ . Jfe will- ga-to- their • (the anti-Sem- issued a statement to this effect, ^^ VfesS/ Lt &•' L^^sii&s kirn i- v^ •»•' %• m> w • the terrific pace and the smoothites') friends, and they feel that asking the government to do Well Mr. World lias added aner play of the college stars who other* year to his age, but that as lojag ,as most of the Polish peo- something ot stop such discrim- compose the Murphy roster soon doesn't at all lessen his headache, ple are unhappy and poor.any- i n a t i o n . If the government made a big difference in the HERE'S YOUR CHAKCE it-is better for rthem to bewould do something to protect ^lot .that this i headache is the rescore. taught to use the. Jews as subj its Jewish citizens against the sult of a protracted (which Following the Kansas City TO WIN THAT EXTRA MONEY m e a n s long-drawn-out) . New jects for the expression of their j anti-Semites it would be a really contest, the Varsity aggregation unhappiness than for the Poles! hopeful sign. So let's all pray .Year's celebration. Far from it. • •YOU?YE BEEM LOOKING FOR that it does, and thus will take will play its nest 3r-me game on Mr. Worlds can't really celebrate to try to do something to imJanuary 23, meeting the fast away at least a part of poor old anything any • more, and all be-prove their own position. Brinn^Jensen team at the J. C. C. In the large cities of Poland, Mr. World's headache. cause of the headache -which the human race continues to give therefore, anti-Semitic pickets (Copyright 193S By Seven Arts Work started this week on enFeature Syndicate.) him. Don't you think it's about stand before all the Jewish shops largening the J. C. C. Health warning the Christians not to buy 1 time for people , to.- stop acting club. "The basket room is being in such a way as to make youri there, and sometimes even at-. To Distribute Gas Masks poor Mr-World very sick? | tacking people who ignore the j Berlin (WNS)—Barred from moved into the space where the " * Now of course he doesn't mean warning. With money supplied j receiving gas masks from the j recreation room'was. When the who expect to . gain j government agencies, German; work is completed, the increasing your various naughtinesses, with- byr o mpeople tne out which boys and girls probab- * boycott the. anti-Semites j Jews will be provided with such; demand by members for Health ly wouldn't be boys and girls. are spreading pamphlets preach- masks by the central Jewish or- j club lockers will be able to be But he means the big naughti- ing hate of Jews and calling upon ganizatlons which, have been • met. Poles to boycott them. In authorized to make such distrib- | nesses, so big as to be "wicked- all Looking forward to a winter ness, of the big grown-ups w h o ' s o m e Places the violence arous-| ution by. the air .ministry. I consider themselves BO superior ed by the picketing has been so j .!;iUi..ll..,^.iJi.,....:.J".i.i,iii ,..i..i.u.ii.i;.i.,,ii.i,;;i;i: .i.H.i;:ii.ir,. to.the younger folk. The -worst severe, that the poor Jews,_ who | g ' had hardly ben able to make a ,§§ of it J3 that the wickedness of the anyway, have been forced .H older people is. Instilled Into the voungsterS'tobVso that aU the i i t -] to close their-stoops and flee for.js _ tie German boys. and girls, for their very lives. example, learn to. hate their Jew-: While there Is-no doubt thafjg ,isagaeigisbori,-and tlie.little-Jap-. the Polish -gpxernment• could, be | p doing a- great deaL more than it " iinese.'children admire their ,afmy" __ China and tilling'! for invijding '- : " ! — is doing to protect it3 .Jewish i g thousands of/Chinese:'grown-ups1 citizens Irom mobs and violence, j g Sec®nd prize ^ . . C-l ~ ~ and ••children/alike. • -' ! t i s n < t actually in sympathy with !_= I-' hard'lor yon to b e - [ t h e boycott. In. a couple of cit-jj} lieve but it is only in the few i e s some of the anti-Semitic pic-jg T h i r d &TIZQ^_^_LLZJL:_LL:^1 • • : - -^_"« remaining free countries of t h e - f e e t s ^ e r e a r r e 3 t e d ^ e a tbe? ~" thst children are brought started actual violence. Perhaps up to consider all human beings this--will-help. Though. Mr. World g as brothers;'Here In. America can't be too hopeful^ as Ions as | = we take this'idea for granted, -butj.the Polish, government's attitudejg there are any -number of coun-i toward the Jews fa-such -that the j g tries where it's all your life Is j Parliament has .passed a law for-| = worth to say anything of the sort bidding Jews to manufacture or t g -'but'loud. Even in some countries sell Christian religious objects. \ s where the government" isn't" of- The Polish-Jewish situation j 1 ficially sponsoring hatred against has grown so bad that it has §| any group or nation", it is clear aroused indignation in many that there -would be much leiss parts of the world, including our g i • r hatred if that government would own country. Only a couple ot g • " weeks ..ago, for example, the j g try to'.counteract.it... • Perhaps you wonder why Mr.American Committee on "Relig-jg Ions :Rights and Minorities p r o - j p i i\ World is addressing his com^3 i i ""r | S :1. Anyone i& eligible to ester. plaints to you in particular. Well it isn't because he considers you at all responsible for his troubles i huts imply because he thought j 2. Tfee contest opened January 9, you would be interested in know-1 6 ivili close iViarcfe. I . ing. how he feels about such j things. And the reason why yon] should be interested Is that when-; ever any such rash, of hatred 3. Subscrlpticn Bay With Cos/Hence breaks out- on the face of Father World i t is -usually: the Jews who taiseo. he Jswlsl n.titles th.c get the -worst of it. Just why people should piek out the Jews to t c i?C ccr. He '-!. hate is more or less of a mystery, unless that is what is meant by priesd fresn. 59e the phrase "the Chosen People." 4-i. r to $45, rcdaeedto peri~©
Youth. Fatherland Front a (WNS) — A spccla; youth, section of the gore's Fatherland front hat •janized here •with ths ap. of the government' offi-
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All Aboard for. the West Indies
one T Jir 1 nrvr ihr
By Rabbi Frederic!;: Cohn
All aboard for a brief West Indies Cruise I IC. L^uTS In the winter, if we can, obedient to the dictates of health, 'zz.-i Git? SUBSCHIPTIOr P R I C E , O n e Ypai • . . . . . . 52.E0 let us sail the summer seas! ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED O N A P P U C A I I O N In coursing through the Caribbean we follow in the foot{THE FESTIVAL examination of the fundamental I Forme" Ambassador EDITORIAL"-OFFICE! 600 BRANpElg ^HEAfpR BlJll.t5|NG SIOUX C»TV OFFICE-rJEVyjghl COfV}MyNI?\f• gpNTEp steps of Columbus and the early Spanish navigators. They -OF LIGHT) EDITED BI' contrasts between the phliosoPRINT SMQR ^PPBeS§---s'5W §6. 24TH STREET '"' THK T phies and cultures c£ Jud sought (and fpund) a New World, though not the Fountain of DAVID SLACKER r ':'.'• Business and'Managing Editor etum to IT. E JEWISH PUBLICATION SO- and Hellenism. Dr So'« / ACKERMAN " ' " > : " ' §d|tor §d|to You^h, nor the fabled riches of ambition pr avarice. FRANK R/ CIETY OF AJIERICA. 372 j Grayzal'contributes an exb Mew York How romantic that era, with the discovery of America, the | live and carefully written, ace c a t LEONARD NATHAN Associate Editor r, v!io This volume is largely a happy! on "The History of Hanukkah." democracy can successfully repRABBI FREDERICK COHN conquest of Mexico and Peru, the beholding of the Pacific 'from ^ i E reflection the renewed interest I ""be Maccabean Spirit in'Sion- resent the United SisJes as amRABBi THB9DORE N.~JLE\V1S a peak in Darien,' the exploring and possessing of the islands Hanukkah cfhss , Coffespgndent begun to exercise I ism," by H. L. Araram connects L>n.Esador in Berlin at ihe. present : ANN FILL « "• t iSjpux Cify. of the seas! in American Jewish circles asd I th® present efforts at Jewish i;a- lime. Dr. Vrflliatn E. Docld, retirPUBMSHfcD t V t B Y
_ Jewish life.
The festival has ex-{ tiosal revival with the Hasmoa-
ing r-mbassador to Gcr.'i'nr.r.y, Spain established itself in America 1 That was the time j perienced a general rebirth, and Ie a n festival.' Tbe undying spirit c'nred on his return to this cou: of her greatest glory, the zenith of her power and splendor— i3 celebrated by increasingly °* the Jew, tbe "will to I've,"" assailing ci Britain has done neither herself nor Palestine any good by uncler Ferdinand and Isabella, 'los reyes Catolicis,' 'the Catho- larger numbers of our people in I which animated Maiathias red try,' Bitterlysphere hv.t esr I : 5 sE issuing the latest "White Paper. While it is perhaps the first lic sovereigns,' who prided themselves on their designation truly impressive manner an«2 on] Pns, Hows in the veins of the ne step toward the actual accomplishment of the Partition pro- 'Catholic' which they had received from the Pope, and which large scale. Practically alfjew-j present Chalutziin. Modern Sio'n- his resignation was lue not on ism is in a very real sense tbe ish groups in oar country make |1r> posal, it means that the setting-up of the several Palestinian they regarded as the highest honor—just as the Protestant some effort at observance of, sad i continuation of the ar.ci'ert Han- to his inability to remain s;J ic the face of Nazi oppress ion ccup'.ry *r-t n7. J could while states is to be delayed stjll longer. a m n n r the Germans-, some measure of stiniu- j ukkah struggle again-st ess'zrila- ti:t becf.itse of the State Dep;: rulers of England still cherish the title of 'Defender of thederives ns. Us rally n-.fve- CcraocreXic than and inspiration from, Hanub- tion, fie'-judaization and national ment's refusal to b?ck up In this document the protests of Jews and Arabs have Faith/ conferred on Henry the Eighth for his championship of lus ! any o :her rp.cfi iv. ?i~uvcr>e. Could kah. In view of this gratifying j extinction. Sir. A. Ti\ Binder's in refusing to P,"1OV he been recognized, and it will be the task of the new commission Roman Catholicism against the heresies of the founder of Prot- fact, the volume fills a genuine j contribution, "Hanukkah and stand United Stales to be represented one be succepf.ut;? I made addresses on =i;.iL;:,ble occasions ami need. It will foster a deeper un-j Music" is unusually to study the impossible situation.that would have resulted.had estantism, Martin Luther! at the Nazi Party Congress. describe oi't itueruational dJffiThe teiuslc scores he arranges viK derstantiing of the ultimate and In a written statement handed partition become a fact under the present terms. There is no v prove particularly helpful. They to newspaper men, Dr. Dodtl! cr.Uief;, re ev criUnifiing the govenduring significance of the : Much water has flowed under the mill (and in the Carib- Hanukkah ideals, and of their cover tbe traditional benediction loubt that many of the injustices oi tb,e origjnal report were ernment ic wliirv, I had been rnede his position deer. In. his • clever bargaining ruses, for no body of., responsible statesmen bean) since that time. The great Spanish Empire which divided universal message. It offers rich over the lights, Haneros. Holeiu, statement he said "another mc.h- : Sf'iU,, ^VIIPP :n<"i'ntions to partisHanisisrn, Rock of Ages, end od of government has been adopt-: an j:roi:PF vf>rp pent to me 1 -would ever have considered such terms without a very definite the world with Portugal at the meridian where the Pope had and interesting suggestions for Al several singable, catchy folk ed. from Home to Tokio. Over I rnalnte.inetl '.he ;>Uitude which making the celebration both in ; nonchalantly drawn the line, has declined and fallen; hardly the home and at public gather- songs. The essays on "Hanr.ukreason for cjoing s o . our country ha? maintained since that vast p.rea freedom of relir-; a fragment remains j and what is left of Spain is riven by the presidency of George Wash"ks.li and the Menorah" on "Kasings more Jewish, more joyous However Britain by issuing the White Paper has given herr ion has ceased to exist and x;ni-j and more effective. The varied moneaa Coins" on "Modic, the versities no longer govern them- i ington. Was it. the .duty of repbloody Civil War. self a chance to step out of the situation created by the Peel and absorbing material gathered Birth and Burial Place of the selves, In a single country 1,-1 resentatives of flpmooi'p.tic. counnnr.'V'"ences where proposal, to abandon the whole scheme; for; should the'new Spain's downfall was no doubt due, more than to anything by the editor should, and will, Maccabees" will prove illuminat- CCO professors ana teachers i n : tricF to B.-.;:enc was rkHeuleci. and atcommission decide that Palestine's difficulties can be solved else, to religious bigotry and fanaticism. It was Spain that es- encourage even wider and more ing. Readers wil enjoy the de- high schools have been dismiss-; democracy lightful chapter, "Hanukkah . in ed. the Rockefeller Founclf.uon tacked? I cp.un.nt think so: and in -ways other than dismemberment, it has been given the right tablished the horrible Inquisition, with its torture-chambers and impressive celebration. P. freRt nu'nber of eminent GerThe volume opecs with a su- Olden Times," by the late Israel; having_ given given more than fyOO.OCi mans tilwF.y? pxreoci to recommend it. , " ; autos da fe (pur modern autos are much better!) I t was Spain perb introductory paragraph Abrahams, taken from his "Fes-i to help the helpless. me.' iv£ Since the original report tlie situation of the Jews of tfyat persecuted and expelled the Jews, hundreds and thousands from an address by Justice Louis] ttival l Studies. inj iirst part on "WHle *he«e r-^-r' • S Studies." This first part of ! "While To renlace P ens om whereby c IljES feevp volume gives a eomprehea-; been applied," leaders - - l i ' c lin Europe has not been'improved. The Zionists accepted the pro-of them, men, women, and children, who were cast adrift upon D. Brandeis entitled, "The Vic-1j sthe severs!: prt rould pel; F-n;- Jew, the ire s n d penetrating account of countries have undertaken to dis5 ?.Tr.rf-.up on. November 6, posal, not because they agreed with the idea, but they felt the perilous seas and into strange lands, their capital and other tory of the Spirit," which elo-; t b e sums up the -peculiar ! intellectual • background and miss, espei or imprison .sews. ; fimiiFh the sHuimmediate offer of a Jewish state should not5 be turned down. property confiscated, made-the victims of beggary, starvation; quently hold and influence of Hanukkah the historical character of the There is no doubt that Hebrews, dents on St. Catherine's d?.y vi*!: festival. TA*ith one exception, all The White Paper, emphasizing as it does, how lengthy the and disease and indescribable suffering. They would have been over the Jew, and the magnifihave at times profiteered, but j sweetmeats, .iicuer. sTiG. v r i cent joy it has brought him in articles have been written speci- what other race has been free of I paper. present negotiations will take, means that it-will be several completely destroyed were it not for the fact that God's tatar- .every'generatlon and age. In the j UcaHy for the volume. years before the Jews of. Palestine can throw open the gates vellpus Providence, as when Israel fled from Egypt through words of this revered and beloved The second part is as rich as j : the Red Sea 'opened a path for them in the waters.' The same jurist, "Hanukkah commemor- the first, but frora an entirety j of the country to unlimited immigration. ' , Nor have the Arabs become any more conciliatory. While pen that signed the edict of expulsion signed the commission ates a victory of the many over different angle. Here, the read- | ease loving, safety-playing, er discovers not tbe why acd tbe [ it, is true that the stern measures of the government have Ter of Columbus that resulted in the discovery of the New World the privileged, powerful few, who in what of the festival but its ricb • * Scferefft'fc Chocolates *' Iv5i3*'ieL CnKPtr R suited in the pacification of certain parts of-the'country and wherein the Jew was to finct refuge, freedom, opportunity and their pliancy 'would have be- and significant place in Jewish | • Cacsca D r j Ginger -Ale «o6. Oari7*!«'4ci-- Clrrore in the cooperation between many Arab villagers and the gov-prosperity, position and honor, undreamed of, which yet be- trayed the best interests of the literature. The fascinatisg theme | a victory of democracy of the holiday and the many, 3 1 5 So. lS,lh S t r e e t <T -£T-' ernment, the Effendim are determined to boycott the new com- came a blessed reality. It is sought to explain, though it can- people, over aristocracy." charming legends surrounding it | not justify, Spain's fierce fanaticism by the fact that for cen- The initial essay, "Hanukkah have captivated the minds and mission as they did the fjrgt. . . . Procrastination will result only in the stagnation of the turies she was engaged in religious wars, in her conflict with and Its Significance," by Rabbi j hearts of Jews throughout tbe ages. The selections based on . .administrative life qf the country. It is imperative at this time the Moors (the finest type of the Moslem Arabs) who had con- Milton Steinberg, is a scholarly | these themes, from ancient and that Britain for once abandon her policy of 'muddling' through quered Spain in the early part of the eighth century (711 A. modern works, from drama, from verse and prose, which are here and resolve upon a definite policy so that the country may ac- D.), whom she finally drove back till she had hemmed them reprinted, form s, splendid and In cm r- let Gems of th© in in Granada (in beautiful Southern Spain) which through quire some semblance of stability. • admirable Hanukkah anthology as tell V O S heroic effort and religious zeal she finally reconquered. Spanand Talmud Dr 2 V© The third and last part cf the ish Christianity became most intensely orthodox resulting in • By Dr. FsJIis» Shev a. new I volume suggests some practical Qogsi Calls Time Opt; • the excesses of the Inquisition and the expulsion which in the I methods for connEemoratiEg sne It has not taken Premier Goga long to realize that he has end proved Spain's own undoing. celebrating the festival. It conBible gotten himself into what is generally referred to as a 'mess.' * Ye that afflict the Just, that tains a service for Hanukkah. With all his promises of what he and his, partisans were gojng take a ransom, and that turn two candle drills, and a plan for , Modern Torquemadas, like Hitler and,Goga, should learn aside the needy in the gate, there- { a Haaukkah, party. The biblioto do to the Jews, he now shakes hands with the leaders of a lesson from this. History's lessons are most impressive and fore the prudent doth keep silence grapfey is extensive, and includes Roumanian Jewry and reassures fheni that 'everything's going conclusive. Germany and Rqumania—and Poland and Hun- in such a time for it is an evil practically everything worthto be all right.' And as a further gesture ot 'good will' King &.Srvj SWl'other- nations that persecute the Jew—should take time. j while dealicg with the holiday. ~-wo .^ ^,,. ^v. ilove This "is jndead s boot that Hate the evil,w aand u t c l ti l o j Carol sends'a New Year donation to the Bynagogues. warning from the fate of Spain—as well as of Egypt, Babylon, good, and establish justice in the! should" be found in. every Jewish The fall of the lei, real estate, industrial,' and banking Persia,' and Syria. ?'Whom the gods wish to destroy they first gate. * . ' borne and read by every Jew, both If f o r shares have caused Goga to think tvfice about a wholesale exile make mad." "N;o weapon that is formed against the Jew shall I hate, I despise your feasts, pleasure and study. It should of the Jewish population. Undoubtedly France's gesture to prosper, and every voice that is lifted up in condemnation and and I will take no delight in your I appreciably help to increase the assemblies. I influence of this all-important protect her interests by the immediate cutting-off of arma- Vilification of the Jew shall itself be condemned and con-solemn Let justice well up as waters,! festival, _ and make the celebraI ment credit has influenced Goga to go'carefully.' and rignteousness righteousness as as a R. mip-Vitv! founded!" ana mighty! tioa more meaningful, beautiful Roumanian Jewry is not ,to be as easily replaced as the stream. ^ , ' . I and joyous. No Jewish home can j j We think of all this as we sail the tropic seas. Cuba is Jews of Germany. While they do not dominate Roumanian ' Talmud ! sfford to be without this magtrade and industry, they are a most important element Un- free, which long held the precious bones of Columbus in her It happened that the Egyptians nifieezit volume. No school wil! !! Israel before Alesanlike the German Jews they are not comfined entirely to ad-cathedral in Havana; Porto Rico belongs to the blest United summoned der of Macedonia, saying to them MNQUKCE PROGRAM i States, (as did the Philippines until yesterday when this Great "The passage reads (Ex. 12, SG) • ' ' r o ^ ' twtiT P"-riTtT] v ministrative positions or professional capacities, but are among the Lord bath given the peo*v«* Jptt'it . i i C t l l A L the most important skilled workmen in a predominantly peasant Republic conferred freedom upon her); Panama is dominated and pie of Israel favor in the eyes of : ; by the great American Canal which links the oceans; other the Egyptians, so that they gave country. . ' , ;' Included in tfca prog ' ' ' crcfel ' f"E»i?H;:r<iKLikewise Goga has come into difficulty with fhe national islands, Jamaica, Martinique, are in the control of other pow- unto them what they required and j given, at t i e Joint, recite! of Ethey emptied out Egypt," so ire I chah Zfirafe, Xahnni Ns; minorities. He has threatened-the Magyar, German, and Rus-ers: South America is a continent of independent republics. want that you shall give us back J Michel Gibson Tuesday night are FA wx sian elements living in the country supposedly protected by Spain survives only in her language and romantic memory. the gold, and silver 'which you i four groups of songs to be prehave taken frora us. There Yr-as I sented by Sfirah and Nardl nd minority treaties, and his threats have aroused Germany, HunThe supreme lesson is that* which Santayana put "into su- a man by the name of G'bihais three groups of- recitations by ( gary, Bulgaria, and Russia, formidable foes. \ perb English in his exquisite sonnet, ''Faith." ben" P'sisa who said to the sages, j'Mr. Gibson. The Constitution, which Goga once expected to disregard, "permit me and I will appear beMusic for the four musical j "Oh world, thou choosest not the better part, fore Alexander as an advocate groups has been collected, ar-1 he now finds as his best safeguard, for should he abandon it ' It is not wisdom to be only wise, for the defendant of Israel;- if ! ranged or compo; ;d by Nata:rj i and dissolve the democratic parties, he will be left to the mercy And on the inward vision close the eyes: they defeat me, you will say to j • of his bitter enemies, the Fascist Iron Guard, In ike group of traditional mo- i them you have defeated an ignorBut it is wisdom to believe the heart. ant man of \our people, and if I tives sung by Brachah Zflrsfc j World opinion, sufficiently arpnsed, :ni(iy yet save> Rou. . Columbus iptind. a world and had no chart defeat thein you will say to them, are: " l a Xinalu," a Yemenite j manian Jewry. At least, Goga, unlike otiber totalitarian leadSave one that Faith deciphered in the skies; "The Torah of Moses defeated sosg; "Uri Tzafoa Ubai Teimec'% I ers, has been forced to listen to reason. you." They gave him • permission a Yemenite folk song: based on j To trust the soul's invincible surmise and he went to argue with them. the'"Sosg of Soags1'; "Tzur alia-| Was all his science ami his only art He said to them. "Whence is your helo Aetainu," a Sabbath sons j A War of Words ' ; ; ' , ,; .\ . Our knowledge is a torch of smolrf'pjne evidence." And they answered, J of i^e Sepliarcic Jews; JiEia j That lights the pathway but one step ahead "Prom your Torah." Then said j Adir," a .traditional melody of i Britain's attempt to counteract Italian/propaganda in he, "I .in defence, will also bring I the • Sephardim for Simchat Tor-j Across the void of mystery and dread. Arabic emanating from U e radio station at: Bari started last my evidence from the Torah. It | ah.; and "Sheaiab. AvA Shoel." Bid then the tender light of Faith to shine ^eek. Unjil now Britain has played at leasta silent W , - b e is said (Es, 12. 40), 'Now tbe j Yemenite folk sou based on By which alone the mortal heart is led time of the residence of.the cb.il-I to1^ fiance. ing one of the few major European powersi n ^ g ^ j t v qf parr three etlisr groups are \ dren of Israel, •vsrhich^they dwelt _ Into the thinking of the thought Divine.'.' heipating.m this battle fought in the ether.: Ecsgs, Lore Sengs ana | ia Egypt, was foar hundred and : :.-.' ••'• ' : '::. • • . • - - Frederick Cohn. | Although Italy has consistently denied propagandist efthirty years.'. Hence I demand of ballads, end cSildren's songs. it h Mr. Gibson -prill present: A Tale; you the wages for the labor of forts among the Arab: peoples, what one says PV er the radio sis hundred thousand men whom of Long- Ago, - Three Beggars. \ <?annot remain a secret. Daily broadcasts have been used to your parents compelled to work j What is Man. The Cow, and p.t j break down British prestige in the Near East and show"to the for them during all the time they I the ' Rabbi's Table. His second j S698-1937 were In .Egypt." King Alexander { E'o^p iacluaes: the Street Ma-j Arab world that Mussolini is,the new protector of Islam " , said to them. "State yoar argtr- sscian, t i e Hammer znd Steel, | ........Feb. 2 raent British officialdom• has let it.be known that she is not •Bosh Chodesh Adar I. against hisj." Whereupon • "War, an<3. Uncls Mftchie. The \ ...March 4 they requested three days tisae cumbers of the third group arej mterested in spreading propaganda throqgh t ]ie' Arab ppun- *|io§h Chodesh Adar II.......... ....March 16 which'was granted them. But they ! entitled: The Clown Revolts, Reb { tries but merely desires to present straight ne^s facjs, The Fait of "Esther ...................... Trpuaers, A UassHd A | Purim ....March 17 could not find anything for re-1 Berrcle's radio sets winch are being distributed by"the British will not buttal, so they decided tq drop j •^^£fr< e B t t Ka.trins.rge. I Rosh Chodesh Nisan April g pick up the Bari station. , , This their claim and left town. presenti April 16 There « } a man who said to Diplomacy of this type was not even visualized by those Passover (1st day) .. .......April 22 G'bihah. ben.P'sisa, "Wee to yoa idealistic souls who put their faith in the League of Nations A .Passover (7th day) .....% wicked ones y<i.o say that the ; "Bosh Chodesh Iyar ................ unique procedure, it has taken th,e war of'words out from ber dead resurrect?" And'he answer-j /•Lag r B pmer .,...;;....;................ May IS lund the locked doors of secret diplomatic conferences « 3 d ed, "Woe to you "wicked, ones who | Rosh Chodesh *3ivan. • ....<......< May 31 say that the'dead will not resur%j Vi« •jiven the world a ringside seat. , '"'. "" ' ;c not ez June 5 rect. It that.trhi repeal What the new policy will mean to Palestine and the Near 9•SheTOotli fist day) .„„,..„,..'., ffl at all ccisacs to life—fho J Rosh Chodesh Tamns ........... June SO j r East cannot be determined now. Whether diplomacy of this thoco " bo ons2 had Uio aoc c£ July IC to life -\cai.i." The ; . a n c-iv.-c sort is powerless without the support of arms and a»onts pro- Fast of Tamuz.... ......... hitn, "Tor. call ric- '-k-I o i . vocateurs remains to be seen. At least it removes Italy as the .Rosh, Chodesh Ab .....„..«,.,..«» .irlss. I WiH vhlz il cc czi l Fast of Ab „.„......, ••;oie propagandizing agent on the Mediterranean and will give tbe Im.-Ap fr.-ii tlrci-.'' T'hcrsj hn rejdnsd ' I f j r i : £o f an rule tee C • the Arabs "an itnjK'rtjnl forecast of the news" from the British •..,*• Also observed the'previous ...day: F en Satur- f will rcfaf if c~ te Lr a -rcrit p 1 tyc v laa „-..; 1 Say are observed the' next day (Sxiada? * t i l l 7£\ !»"" 1 T~"T r - T S .
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WATCHERS — This interesting - ? ^ v* - picture shows Count Curt Haugj , ^- . witz.T Reventlow, Danish nobleman, and his Countess, the for• * 1 mer Barbara Hutton, American five* - and - dime heiress, as they t watched the ski-lumping compe, * tition for the Morven trophy- at\' \ , -St.- Moritz,"'- Switzerland. The* : i t " •> Countess • recently ' joined the Count: at.the" famed .winter-.re% *^'. >-«.... '. sort,: after a trip to America, where for legal reasons she reFOB HIM-r-Martin McBohin, 42, j former Marine sernounced her American citizen'gjeant. who fought &t Belleau .Wood, couldn't see why he should ship. display.an-"advertisement" of the New York World's Fair on his •automobile plates.-So he blotted out the line with tape, as above. ' He'.'spt arrested.in. Armonk, N. Y., after a cop stopped him for /'defacing plates'." McBohin is fighting the case. '*,„')"
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PAXTON "SHAVES BEARD—Wearing the same suit in which he was wounded aboard the bombed and sinkins gunboat Panay, at right is J. Hall Paxton. second secretary of the American embassy in. Nanking, as he made an official report to ttie State Department in Washington. At left is Joseph W. Ballantine of the Par Eastern division. Note t h a t Paxton shaved oS. his luxuriant beard.
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H TTEOXL EC EILITADTS WAS ICHP5?—Tn the ffpr.t of F !?rna5 V s - . a War. \«-hc v ^ icf-c; uzhaln's forces? The acsver is believed -vrrittcTi fcr the impcri&i iSeJensD Oonir^i^ec t-.^l 1'K Tiirae Sliriistsr in a secret war book tc be opened cciiy when v s r cones by the trusced scccU/;?. Si' MPUTice Kankey, lower left. Popular speculation, however, places the nevsl forcer i~ coiprn'nr n" TirpAdr^ral Sir Percy Lockiiard Kamara Noble, loft center, recently put m c^r-re p ' t^p jmr'o"rs<int China slation, with Adzsircl S^1 Kc^er Sackho;:?p, lever nslit, FP s?cnn£ choice. Avir.v ern-nrnppc^r is tclicved Iieutencr.t General John G-reer D;r rspht center, if speculation is correct, t h e v ill fill the first Wcri3 TT-.r roles of A&sinrl Jo'.in Jellicoe. top lelt. Genera*. Dou&las HCIQ, lor crn>rt, General Jolm French, top risht, and AdaiirtJ. David Seatts, lover eerier.
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HOUSING—Fred H. Hedinger. British Housing administrator, vacationing at the Roney Plaza Sim Club at Miami, Fla. "America will be forced to look to England for a low-cost building program technique," Mr.' Hedinger, a Londoner, asserted.
E © CAGE KECOED—As lar as basketball statisticians eeem abJe to tell; that feat by Angelo (Hank) Luisetti, star forward for. Stanford-University basketball team, of scoring 50 points in one gsme,-is an all-time record.-The one-man score-was made in " the gansfe with Duquesne at Cleveland. Hank played 38 of the 40 ' niiriutes.* making more than a point a minute.
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TAKES FOOETH WUfkS—Colonel M. Robert Guggenheim, copper mining heir, and his fourth wife, former wife of William Van Lennep of New York and Malveme, 5a.. just after they were married aboard the Colonel's yacht Fifeaze, docked at Miami Beach, Fla. The Rev. Elisha King, rector of the Miami Beach Community church, performed the ceremony.
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" ^ S C C S S S ITiSS'IM COLB—Intense cold added to the sufferings ' *»-oai'other ''causes of the inhabitants of the war-torn city of Teruel. '•Spain. First- tafeen by the Loyalists, then butt of an attempt by fhp ~03isrgeats to recapture it, the city lies m ruins from bombs l " h l l A b o v 6 are refugees seeking some place of safety.'
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DIHECT HIT ON SEMINARY—-At gTeat danger to the cameraman this picture T.T.S obtainci ; Teruel, Spain, and taken by special courier out of the country, i t shows a direct hit by Lo;ralist artillery on the seminary tenaciously held by a group of Insargcntr. Loyalists said they admired the courage of the besieged men but would be forced to blast them out.
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rr,,- c,: 'orr.I-or, yacrr vn',hl ricy W t-5-<p PIT Ured for the Nev Torfc T/orid's F d r c. I 1.- vlic ihruV; of rc?:'J>>»5"nr.teS? 2=»0 tveea. Tne spire, or fest. Trill be wror.'-od bc;-.l;le r±ve k rensphrre, forms part el the Urgent -x:dicl i the vorld. Newsj>icturet
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Jar, -who •will leadBritkittee and the Prime ted-secretary, Sir'Maur; in command of Vicearge of the important ioice. Army commander is correct, they -Kill fill glas Hais. top center,
' Page
the word "Jew." Tho thing was jewelers and still please 7CT. w a r ! l ' S jL Bsr *' TiL;^rttl-i TALMUD TORAR. JUNtO* Hazomir Society MtmHTEm OF ISRAEL w a lash ca Mr. Zilch'a eoal cad Zilch. . SOCIETY for a moment ho" -withered under So in ' tho current telephone were: Mesflsmes 3. Kirshenbauss, i i l MMiiOia&L i&LLiS it. book the key-word for jewelers Ss S. Schneider, H. Whitman, 3.' gMTUP^AY^ a, and A. P. Goifiw&re. :*-*»• • •••* " A r<?t;i;ip.T R=?P*f5if;' ftVM"!. p(c-i of'icers ot the Ha.zcTD.1r ' But Mr. Zilch's is J. proud spirit in four • letters—"Jefre." Sir. An. eaec'Jtive meeting of t h e Sociptr were plectec R? oJ o ' l . i c o r r "viH b f lieu- b \ ' that does not lonsr stay bowed Zilch remains triumphant. t i s t e r c of Ir-ve.f; Ai(* t'-.a organizatSoa -will be ieid- on onder tho lash; sir. Zilch's spirit, 1Talmud ; 'To'rah holds serrices- i the last meeting, liicndf. Jaim- DonR UTiiP«r;r.*'. .T;-P';cr»' "f. r t Two weeks ago I wrote oa theMonday, January 17, at 2 p. ES. indeed, arose to its full stature weakness of Jews who feed their at the honse cf JJrs. H. GCSE. „, after tho first sharp blow. | ?.:orr^R i'ep'i-rky ir rie-pv"*-''is'nai Israel Synagogue, IFJh End "This." ho said, "i3 anti-Sem- cfo on th'a fame (real or mythi- 2217 N. I d a St. cal), of Jews who shine-in the i president; ECns KoekC'Ur,. f»?oitism pure and simple/' Services begin promptly e t IP; reiErj-; Chs-vlee yic^il, irep.p-nrer: Ho called his wife. • world or who can ba polished up and made to Ehine, and, indeed, .. SAM GOLDWTN: If ' your Catholic priest as it's never beea "Genevra, -what do you think we take- hold- of famous nearilent scouts haven't spotted a jplayed on Broadway before., ,-rc of this?" She was quick to Bea Jews (who don't want to be Jews oungster named Mara -'Spiegel, j luiki^R BAS-A-Li what it. all meant. She had al-at all>. and we embrace t h e m . . . j The rici.t tn<?c:inj: rf t: ho ten years ago was being hill-i Members of the Independent MANNERS: The (5 m a n Con- vrays said rishus is to b«j. found A Junior Bes-s-mi has been . ^ - ^ T l u ^ ^ r<?ic. r-n rt on the Continent and i n E n g - BulatQin New York badly needs in the most unexpected places... "Brother!" Ladies Club ysrill sponsor s card I * th<* v?n ( md as the German Jackie Coog- a lesson in manners . . . A mem-everywhere, in fact. She herself Mr. Zilch's crusade against the party for th© benefit of the Jews . orgacizefl. b r c. ^raup oj pirls be- ; •ip-IU!S-'?T ! • • f-t f-.-f' P- Vii and Trho'wss-knockinir down ber ol a prominent American had discovered anti-Semitism only telephone book hs.s to do vrifh of Poland ca Sunday, - January \ twess 11 «.fS of ' 12 and 14 | "^sf'"""- K ComvanvMr .'ertcr. . :j00 a day •when he' "was. eight, iTewisb family, who had learnc I the day before" in Reginald'? another -common Jewish weak- 23, in the auditorium of the- years. Meetings ere to be brld : ir.j.prestPo in Pin~inj; me.n;.? «•• e ;•«••• ou need .new, talent s c o u t s . . . 'of a relative's death in Germany, teacher. that finds ris&us Erosnd B'na! Israel Synagogue, 25th aug |tvice s month either Ft the Jew/-1 \s fd to pet iv tpneb fara and his; dad, Dr. Sbaya Spio- went to the consulate for infor"corner and evea conjures J streets. arter A. Schv-sc^liiR. ] ish CcmciHEitT Center or t.t. the Reginald Is her little eos. Herfi-hus where it doesn't exist. el, -who "was a Trell-known phy- mation on how to uako arranseStarting at 3 o'clock, the party>; home cf or«e .cf the roe—bers. [ had brought home a school report "cian in Russia, Germany and ments for settling tLo estata.. . . (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts is scheduled to last all efferDoon Holland' (in that order) slipped And was told: "Git one of your in -which he was given a grade ot Feature'Syndicate.) and evening. Tickets s.r^ twen»to New- York -without benefit —Jewish lawyers to take care of tiO in geography, Mrs. Zilch was ty-five cents snd may be purchassure it wa3 only on account of f puffaroo the other day andit for you." . . . ed frora members of the CJsb or CQUECIl OF JEWISH 1 the anti-Semitism of the teacher ith the intention of becoming at the fioor. [ (•whose name -was Schmidt) that American citi/ens . . . If there are The jrablic fcas beea Icrited. •, naccia! secretary; Efiith WAR NOTE;*Yictor . Chenkin, Reginald had 50 in geography. Rs.bb' 71 r ictter looking, . more taleateS noted mime now in the United ski. recordics: secretary; •oungsters than. -Mara around, States, is worried abouth is son, "I myself -was always BO bright The nest meeting of the Civic Louis. WintrouB, treasurer; EBC by is p-"--[ hen they're probably already In vho .is serving with tha French in geography," . she said at her and Legislative group of the LHlie Kiro-s-iis, rublscitr. lollytvood .--. . A n d Paul A. Pet- contingent of the Spanish Loyal- bridge table the nest afternoon. Council of. Jewish Women l Mrs. J. i is sponsor. • , (that's my name a t the top ist international brigade . , .Has "So it couldn't be anything but Ib a b e l d B t "the home oi Mrs. Moe A regular meeting c* the Deb•f this column) is vailing to sive not heard from him since Dec. 23. anti-Semitism that dia this to B e r c 0 V j C i On Friday, January 2.1. orah Society was held Tuesday ou odds that that's -where Mara at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Philip Levey afternoon at 2 p. is. January 11, Reginald. It's everywhere." 193S at the I. C. C. Election c-f vill be as soon as your talent ! home o r : will be co-hostess. Now as she looked at the "Jew" WORLD PAIR: Hope you don't officers WEE .held asd the followThe Ones Sfcabbsth oi the •b e r s c , ,v •couts_ remove their blinders and The Child Psychology class who -was leading all the jewelers have trouble meeting your elecake a look ; . . . Mara talks six will meet on Tuesday, Jsxsuary ing officers were relected unan- Pioneer 'WoEien -wiU b« held !s.ntric bills .'-. . At least one ex- in the classified directory, uarr IB, s.t 2 o'clock et the home ' snd I Hoi ranguages, and fluently . . . Sings IS, at 1 o'clock at t i e Jewish imously: saw how, dreadfully a hibit (the Jewish Culture Pavie.ii "u as man j- . . . . Plays all string Mrs. Joe Gcldware,- president: o£ Mrs. Earry Eurnstein. Community Center. anti-Semitism really is. ilion) at the Paris InternationInstruments you -ever heard of Mrs. J. E. Cohen and Mrs. Mor- Mrs. J. Bernstein, vies president; Scwerd Etreet. Kr, J,l. LiDeoln s large r al Exposition did . . . And almost ,. "Mortimer," she said to her .". . Played "Jackie Coosan" roles ris Katleman, delegates to theMrs. H. Belraoat, treasurer; Mrs. will be principal speaker. Krs. | E t^ husband, "you are not going to had its current cut off for nonthe ! ' ' i"or UFA for three "years until national convention, which will A. Katz and Mrs. A. ScSiwaczicni, JJary Forbes vrill rerie-r let them get away with that, are payment.'.. Just as President Al"Chamisho Oser E'Shevst" issue i *rrHitler moved In;. : ..... (The orlgcorrespondence secretaries. be held January 23 to 2S in bert Lsb'rvn was arriving.to visit you?". of the national organization's nal Jackie Coogan and Mara met Those appointed to the EsccuPittsburgh, will leave the first of the pavilion . . . . The electricians, Mr. Zilch always had struck at 'n Berlin some.'.years .ago). ..-. . tive Board are: Mrs. HertSEB Co' who came on the heels of the dis- anti-Semitism wherever it showed nest week. v singing -rill be led by Was a pupil of Max-Reinhardt at "Word has been received here hen, Mrs. Julius Stein, -Sirs. J. K. tinguished visitor, were prevailed its head. There was the time Mrs. J. Kescick. Kefreshcients the ago of six ..-i . I s a'"crack athKulakcfsky, Mrs. B...A. Eisac-s, Tannenbaum, that Miss Dora upon to postpone the. operation. when" he protested to the local be served. All nieccbeTE find lete and dancer .-. . Played, ping and 3,Irs. J. Rosenberg. field worker for the National ids are urged to sttend. pong all the Tvay'across the At- BOYCOTT: Because Easter- newspaper because (by most care- Council, who -was in Omaha last The raeeticg WEE well attendlantic on . the Berengaria and man, famous' London Daily Her- ful scrutiny) he discovered some- •week,, haa been named one of the 'ed, and Sirs." M. Margolin reportwalked %away -with the ship cham- ald correspondent/did a series.on thing unmistakably Jewish in the principal speakers at the Confer- ed for the Education Coxsnitlee BIBLE CUSS pionship". ' , ' . And today, at eigh- Poland in which ha.alammed the Countenance of Andy Gump. An- ence on the Causes and Cure cf on the reorganization of the'Talteen, he looks more-like Francis government's handling • of the other time when a hotel clerk War to be held in Washington, mud Torah. Plans were discussThe Bible Class sponsored by Jewish question,. ha was boycott- seemed to look at him askance he Ledererthan Jackie Coogan ed for the annual social affair cf the Council r t Jewish Werner up with the man- January 18-21. And, if you don't believe it; just e d by Polish groups when ha re- took the matter the season, •which is _te be s. card v azid t t e Temp]? Israel Eietcrfctjcic; look him up at.the Hotel Times turned to London . . . The Polish agement: 'If that's the way Jewparty sad - desert luncheon to bs will meet Tuesday ESBrring- at Ballet^ refused to send him tickets ish guests are treated here I shall Square in New York, room 5.60 k.. Z. A. 1 held March. S. 10:SO -s.t th« Blackston* Hotel. . . ' . That is, if he isn't already on to Its performanco . .'-. Eastie is see to it that my friends go where Rabbi Dsria "VTic* leads the'T-eipht some other guy'a Hollywood lot. now in Bucharest, going to work Jews ara wanted." At the executive meetins of elsss. ' Patronise Our Advertisers on Goga. It was only when "he was given Mother chapter No. 1 A. Z. A. absolute proof that the clerk had Sunday aftern'oon, Art Kobinson, " jnSH-MASH: Congrats to^ the strabismus. (which la the same as treasurer of the local B'nai B'rith MIRACLE:, One -of the . big: Boston Jewish: Advocate on its being cock-eyed) that Mr. Zilch lodge, "was elected to the Advistown's major miracles is the'act- 35th anniversary number, a honey relented, though he warned the ory Board, for a twelve month j ing of Al.-Shean (Jewi3h half of if ever thero was one . . . Chalk t e r m . •• • j the famous: old Gallagher and up. one of the worst blunders of management: "You should ba It "was decided to hold & lesgShean partnership) in Father the year to tha Tevered New York careful, gentlemen! You should thy cultural program at the regMalachy's Miracle.": - - Al plays a Time3 . . . Its necrology for. 1937 always bo careful!" Every one to whom he report- ular meeting Sunday, January in the New; Year number, headed the dreadful thing ho had dis- 16. The topic will be "Prominlined "Benefactor "ourhalists, covered in- tha-telephone book, ent Jews in America" and the Statesmen, Actor, Writers, Artdiscussion -will be open to all ists Die." fails to include Felix said, "Zilch, it's np to you. You should do something about it. A M. Warburg . . . Sholom. Secunda, The business discussion. coverauthor of "Bei Mir Bistu Shein" things like that shouldn't go un-ed the expenses to ba cleared up Tl . One thing leads to *?S% ^ '5<^ /**tt* **" (current song hit f«vr which he challenged. 1 from recent affairs. another and' in time we a s y . set sot orily:530) wroto it in Toronto •-JL A«.u4. Morris Arbitmas, Leo Sher"ana" tho' "iyT 'i.s • a; beautifiiTTroTman, Irving Nogs, Hasfeell Lai" . - ' i i Hi- " ; '—oatb gal Trtth T?hom- he; fell: in So Mr. Zilch took wnola ,ere, Morton Margolin., %z& Dan lovo".. . Tha original score bl the thins-with Reuben Donnelley. Miller took. part la t i e Rou.ud nong, autograpli^d by Secunda, is ' Mr. Zilch said that ho for one Table~youtii show, "TJis March in Toronto ' . . > An important -was not going to keep on -osing of Time," Tuesday .night at the f-rr-r - — r r v e , . movie mogul has interested him- telephones it that was the wayJewish Community Center. self in the plight ot Mexican Jews the telephono book treated JewEnd is rolling up-his sleeve3 for ish customers^ To throw "Jew" thxr,thc.ztcrr:.r:r • - ^ r : : - : * - ' — r-f LADIES FREE LOAM action . • . Lou Rittenberg got in their faces on Paga 1S5! Did a 'big thrill out of hearing the Mr. Donnelley realise the possibil•: T'.r : the A meeting of the Ladies Free Federal theater broadcast his ities? Suppose all the Jews cult . troan Society -was held on TTed- j translation of "Marshal;" a pne- using telephones? I-:?-:'-- r-r iczt* acter by Ferenc Molnar . . . Philip Mr. Donnelley was terribly dis- nesday, January 5. The Eemi-an- j nual financial report -wa^ read by 1 Rubin; one-time-J. T. A. employe, tressed. He had never thought of " \ ' . ••": _ - \-z;r« has published an interesting bro- being an anti-Semite and some of Mrs. I. J. Soskia, I>os.a secretary, Oil Meaf Gives You chure called "Toward a Saner hi3 best friends were Jews. To and -was approved by Mr. I. AbraFocf -feonomy tfn- .' America" . . . . If you will ex- be another Hitler was farthest 'xnson,, auditor. atcrf^r. Ivr c>'~'- --; scirpossod by ' amine a map of the United States from his mind. He explained that A Chamisho Oser B'Saevat tea you will find there are seven Re- it always had been his policy to tras'the surprise given by Mrs. S. Other.B for yovr pra'ccHcrt: / .,vr;, yc;T:C; or hoboths - in America, -spread give. the keywords in threa let- Kaver, - president, to honor the among Virginia, Ohio, Massachu- ters and could he be blamed "if following officers and -workers That ths Botfendorf Automatic this, added rrltr-'. setts, Delaware, Alabama "and the first three : letters ot jeweler Oil Burner will deliver a brilhelped make the fira-win'g aMaryland—and only one in Pal- made "Jew?" Mr. Donnelley was Buccess: Mesdaines S. Fish, A. liant stsntJercfc'of psrforrnonee estine, very sorry. • _• : Wolf, I. J. Soskin. B. EHis, H. In- combination with all modern Mr. Zilch is a man not. tor.^ba Roitstein, .K. Tatle, L. .Eaum, J. typo of boating plants is eviput off - by explanations. As heBan, I. Flanchek, J. Finkel," J. dent- by the - rccommendaiion often said, there is conscious anti- Milder. H. Friedel, H. Guss, Wm. ol these leaders Iri tho Heating Semitism and then,there is uncon- Kuklin, J. Miller, s. Mogilofsky, industry: , • scious anti-Semitism. He wasH. Adelstein, H. Kotbkovitz, S. willing to admit that the tele- Epstein, L. RubenstsiE, A. "WinKewosce Bbtisr Carp. phone, book was just an uncon- er, J. Goodbinder, ?<!• Slinkin, SI. United Ststa fiodiofor Corp. .. By All SEGAL p Zlotkin, A. Shapiro, B. NepotnnS i t Rsily Pttscca Co. scious anti-Semite. ick, L,. .Wolf, A. Spivak, J. SpieKIStltS FIHg'sbbatti Soilcr Co. No. i . 49th unconscious Yet, ha said, ' a n In the back of our telephone anti-Semite could hurt Jews ss gel, G. Miller, H. Lefkowitz, S. i Idssl Foresee Co. book* (as in all others in the coun- much as a conscious one. Here r: r,- rrrrr try) is a classified business -dl *7ft3 th&jtelephone book shouting No. c • Qmmhm rectory.- There at the topol each " Jew" on* Pag&-155 - and remlndX page are key-words • that grulda ing every' one that , tbere -weret : Iff*} Iffi you to whatever yoii.may desire Jews, in tho world. People -who j in,the way. of• kings or cabbage. -.bad forgotten, to hate Jews might ( Thus the key-worda "Int-Inv" suddenly be reminded. guides toe to interior decorators "Yes,- that's tha way it goes," r f ©ft and investment brokers, while sighed Mr. Zilch. . . . . . . "Hea-Hom" lead' me straight to Thus (as I can.-well guess) it .heating contractors and homeo- came about that Mr, 'Donnelley pathic pharmacies. departed from his life Ions prac- j f i 2 i \ a*U'«'« J For quite a number of years, tice r o f . .using" tfires: letter key- • DSTML5.. V in previous directories,, the key- -words, in_this one instance: Fcr word "Jew" pointed the way to "Jew" he substituted "Je" at'the tho jeweler's. But, of a sudden, head of the Jswelerrf column In in the matter "of jewelers, the his classified directory. telephone book altered its lifeMr. Zilch felt tho victorious long policy of three letter key- pride of another Maccabee, the words.' ' • more so when • his friends slapped When one went to hunt for him on the back: jewelers "ha was gnided by the "Zilch," it -was great -work.Can bo Tfislallsd In your present Heating Plant. Pay for it key-word " J e " instead ot "Jew. "Silch, Tre 'need raoro men like • It was not • hard to guess by you." with LOW MONTHLY PAYwhat travail of the spirit Reuben MENTS. "Zilch, it was great -work." Donnelley ("who publishes all the "Zilch, it's just c-vrcU." classified "directories in all the Yet, it seems, " J e " did not RIGHT NOW is tho timo to telephone books) came to this. -work out cs -well as "Jew" did have a heating survey made. I can well fancy the beginning to lead the customers to the jewNO COST TO YOU. Take o£ it all: It was in an idle mo- elers in the classified directory. cdvantage of tho low cost of ment when Mr. Zilch (he is the But Mr. Donnelley remaind a SPRING INSTALLATION. president of An3ho Giborim Synamindful of Mr. Zilch. It oppesjro gogue) was running hio finger he considered c £xy-"s*ord that through the yellow pages that •would lead the castossera to €iz mark tho classified directory in
ir. to provide in part lor 14.000,000,000 yen—about ithe national debt of more
"A Ri:«cR for Lunch."
<f the Central Mall proposed '.3ht may be taken off tired \tely 250 trees. The spire, or
AY 4405 W
United Newsnictvrcj-
the telephone boofc. AD Mr. Zllca remarked later, big things always spring from the merest accidents and incidents. ' Hadn't Mr. Zilch's index finger turned so accidentally to Pago 155 he would never have made tha discovery that at the very top of this pa^e of tho Jswelsnj stood
ra! Pcrlera Are Fi:?=uijsa £3 t!cr:r«LrL-a 7z..~:".-.:zs
Torali to Hold Banquet on Sunday Evening
Paper Issued |
• •'•
(Continued from Tape 1.) . (Continued prof page I.) j wanting a thousand tiroes. The Senior Hadassah chapter ' .( ' , { will have their • monthly Oneg ' '•' .. , , , . j Is there anything new under «. "> i e % p -.Dave Hubinoff, -noted violinist The annual Talmud Torah ban- Shabbot meeting, Saturday, Jan' HISS ANNA PILL,, ccrrespondeat and method for voluntary cs- t b e s i : n ? is there Earthier- R P W e r F - T t : of the concert stags and radio, quet will be held this Sunday •t * i ' i r^'"* "t "fM- i'F f(T?*j*i*|f^fi* p *•( u a r y 22,- in the home • of Mrs. fo" rTune ""eve" V v c I *" F <• r was t i e first new'.member added changes oC land and population. IEEi j topefrl evening, January 1G,. in the Jew- Charles Raskin. C" F C Partition is the best policy is | THere Is. 'curiously "enough there to . tHe local B'aai B'rith; roster and Harold Lefkovich, publicity ish Community Center at 6 the keynote of the White Paper, is—the one new thing hi all the The annual Senior-Junior Hao'clock. Mr. A. Feinberg will act dassah' joint meeting will take is their raesbersliip canj-paiga ."vrBlch emphasises that the Brit- world. There 1P E.II ancient peochairman. Cor' ' . Joe Goldstein was named dele- as toastmaster. Children of the place Sunday afternoon, January this nioath. Rublnolf,,who was in :ish. GorerEEeat has not accepted pie trying to get back ste own C if f •> Sioux City for a concert • last the details of the Peel Royal land, trying to go home out of • gate to the district conference,at Hebrew School will present -a 23, in the-fo'rm of a tea. It will Des Moin'es, scheduled for March, Jewish Arbor Day program, .un- be held in.the~home of Mrs. Dav- week, met Dr. Lewis J. Bimsds&le Conimissioa scheme. The Gov- the increasingly pagan •vrilfierneas I who is president cf the . local ernment is, therefore, appointing J R V ' i l C UCVJ and Toby Shindler alternate. ; der the direction of Rabbi; M. id L. Rodin. lodge.. In the course of their a ..technical commission to ascer- of the world, determined to re-j The A. .Z. A. basketball team Brown and Bliss Rose Goldsman, OrriBha, conversation, Dr. Dimsdale spoke tain' the facts, propose boundar- gain that land or some sdeo;\.Tte \ defeated the ^Salvation Army five instructors of the Hebrew. School. of it by purchase and tili- j NOTICE OF CHA'T^EL MORTGAGF of the work of the B'nai B'rith ies and survey the possibilities of ( Eportion resettlement 1 23 to 15 In a Minor A A league Speakers at the banquet 'will g e - fcv. •cre&ilve and mentioned the. lodge's camvoluntary_ transfers of population j , . ._ Notice is he-ehv (;'von ihs< o r game. Kroriick scored', ten '.points include Jack London, Morris LazE e U b e fcj f o r c e ( £ s c t - e s t b ej ; Dojitest Still Open to Those De; paign for new asd re-instated and consioer other problems re- i P u r t t a n s v r u B g t h e J a n d tron, t h e j lUondav. t h e 37th tinr "of .JHIMIWV. for the A. Z. A. team. , riowicb, Sam-Lipman, Rabbi The' sirfng:Ohance to Win members. Rubiaof f told Dr. lated to tbe creation or new i n f i i a n s ) n o r b y f r a u d f E S 8 t i Body ft Fio.dip.tor Compar.i-,-1?(H:, o,--"i~ odore N. Lewis, Rabbi H. R. RaPrize The annual "meeting and Ban- Dimsdale that-he had never join- states. To dispel the uncertainIn p.- Sireet. Omaha, Ne'bm'piiR, iiie 'isnbinowitz and Rabbi S. I.' Bolotquet of the Federation of Jew- ed the B'nai B'rith-and asked to ty with regard to the Govern- and clerer Western nations have | <ierp!!?rrcefl. vl!l «»!i pt public fltieet.">»i. nikov. often taken their lanes from j .Dfle'to-,the fact that the goal BfMinn, Motor No.' SMi'io'' o c v e w ! The dinner will be, * prepared ish-Social Service is scheduled to become a member o* the SSous ment's action as a result of the primitive peoples. No, by rederr.p- | Nash liy a chp.tto! tnor'isncre in f;ivp? ,v set,for"Sioux City has- not as yet be held Wednesday evening, JanCity chapter, giving Dr. Dimsand served by members, of "the Royal Commission's conclusions Simmes BmZy & Kfuiifttn? Comran'/. been reached iand ' that the subuary 26',-in the; Jewish Commun- dale his annual dues . for his for a tri-partite division of Pal- tJon and justice r.c2 the ringing anrl f'Tcoci:-^.:; b?" Ai^.tsir Owen, FPU' Hebrew Mother's Club. mortp-Hcre bearing flRte of ,7n)r s. 1S?,7, of new End better ways of human scription "sales contest gotten uriity Center. Mr.I Jake Kalin is membership. estine, it was felt necessary to life. Are you 'determined, j-oung- j Waii! saie v-il! be for t h e purcost- nr der'.vajrIn pmaha last yreek will 'chairman o£v the meeting and Mrs. forpcl^^iBjr s-rn-'i TnortfTR^e, for c^n*^ In its.membership drive,' added publish the White Paper defin-j not'close until ilarch 1, the Jew- Speaking of the Jews of ^Amer- AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP Ben Shindler, is in charge of the 75 new and re-instated members iag the terras of reference of the sJews, to dwell largely on the taere j ° ish Press Sioux City supscriptton ica as the dnly' happy; group ; of ' to its chapter. TEA NEXT TUESDAY banquet preparations. cew commission to go to Pales- j plane of economic life? "Well, sales contest" will "be continued Jewry in the;'world, Dr. Joachim That no o?h< The program will include a Use, Mr. Orasby-Gcre declares. there are the KvMoth in Pales- j 5is:T4." nt Prinz, a fomer .Berlin Rabbi, u n t i l - M a r c h : 1 . - -.•"•, • ' • • ' - , tine -where young mea and y-orneE I to recover eaid deb;: or o«v play .by the. Jewish Theater group - Owing to criticism that had have found new -ways of both eco-! th»reof. The Shaare Zion Ladies AuxilAll:.~ contestants are urged to spoke before':200 .persons at the of the Community Center, reports •fae'en ^.voiced regarding .certain norcic and social life; there is the ! CO, collect? their = promises: and mate open meeting of the B'nai B'rith iary will have a membership tea of; the officers,. and the ; annual The seventh annual" Baccalaur- features of the tentative plan, he Keren Kayemeth, the Jewish Ka-! all tlis ; sales r possible . between lodge last Thursday. Dr.. Lewis next Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 report of the superintendent. MONSKY. GROOiMSKV. MARE-1R « eate service for Jewish raid-year wished to snake it clear that _the t i 0 E a l F c n d T t i c h r e p r e s e n t s t h e now" and. thp-j closing i date. Meet- J. Dlmsdale presided at the meet- o'clock In the social .hall of the COHEN, Attorfievji graduates wil be' held'at'Shaare Governnieat vras not • commited one and only economic instrumenings.-:of:contestantsi/wlll be held ing in the Jewish Community synagogue. Mrs. Joe Kutcher 737 Orrj«~n?. Naiioeia' B*snk Bldp-• will preside at a brief business Center. to approval of that plan and had Zion synagogue this'evening. TSe in-- order-to - facilitate sales and tality anywhere in this Ege that In t h e p i s t r i c t Court of DOURL-B Dr. Prinz, who came to the meeting and Mrs. William Kutchstudents in" cap and gown will not accepted it in any particular, j i s &; 0 B e E n d t h e E £ m e t i m e e t h j , j County, complete the contest "before the Nebraskn. er wiilact as program;chairman: United States five months ago, march" down the "aisle to' tlie sc- After consultation with the lo- cally sound and • practically efJrs fbe Mfittcr o? t b e Anpi'fntlon o ? deadline. Mrs. Julius Bisno of Omaha, John .Vola. fnjarciian of tite Este.tp of cal communities proposals for a is a lecturer and author of-hiscompanisjent of special music fective. The three g r a n d prizes, torical works. In speaking be- will be the guest speaker, telling EKzp.'noth Anna i"!or{'-ucl»? \'olx. njinovThe Mount Sinai -Temple Sis- sung by the synagogue choir. T&s detailed scheme of partition fo^ ]ijFceri^€ to ^-?1r Re-?.' K«?pce. I ss this hefore? amounting;.to $300, will be giv- fore the local group, he traced of -her travel experiences in Eur- terhood will have a dessert lunchwould be ia the jurisdiction cf Notice IF hereby rriven ?hnt p«rf>'i*en to theT persons selling the the history of Europe-from the ope and Palestine last summer. eon and card party this after- procession will start a 8 o'clock. the new commission. In due Then I hare said it before. I p.nt. to p.r- order by the HnnnraMe Chairman of the evening will shall also say it ags.in. And oth- John A. n i n e . JUGge o" t h e Dict'-iot greatest: number of subscriptions French revolution to the recent A millinery style show will" be in- noon at the Hotel Martin, at 1:30 of PouC'R?-- County. Jvjenrf^kn, be Joe Maron. Speakers will in- course, this body would advise ers will say it again. And we Court to the Jewish Press in Sioux City German revolution, that .boosted cluded on the program. op. the. Eist Way <yf 7r><"-ern!->«i', o'clock. Mrs. Meyer Levitt. and __ say it E.ES must say it over [ maiie clude Morris Aiseaberg and Na- the Government regarding the ] shall 19,"", for t h e sale oi tlie reft! <•«{:-.•;*and surrounding territory. Hitler to power. Mrs. Herman Licht and Mrs. Mrs. Lorence Silverberg are In thaniel Singer. The invocation provisicnsl boundaries cf the pro- j l ^ ' ^ T '^lln XR tiT our Jewiah ! h e r e i n n ' t e r f'escrif'eri. thore T>;)!! !"• The Sioux City headquarters charge of the arrangements. ' Arthur Kapjan Kaplan are co"Europes . democracy, he said, will be offered by Rosens Kos- posed Arab and Jewish, areas and youth seeks no more, what idols ) hidd^r for enph. at: tJ^e I^aRl i>oi>[- <y.' •dor the contest are in the Jewish .Nest Friday afternoon, the berg and David Tilevitz will give of the British S'aadate. It would began 200 years before the chairmen in charge of the arthe DnnE-ipR C<->inr':y Conrf fioi>«.-> hCommunity Center. ,. Participants CI*..5-- of Omnhfi, T^ouniaB (VSIMI^-'. Modern. Drama group of the Sis- the class pledge. The -valedic-j also ..undertake financial and oth- MONEKV, GBOOiNSKY, .-••-. &• '• the French revolution by the. devel- rangements. ' M-ebre.^k^, or; t h e ?,1'<:h t\p^' o-1 tTe^are asked to' turn in the money COHENi AttornevSi, terhood will meet in the home of tory address will be given by.My- er inquiries. This body, the Col- 737 Omaha opment of phllisophles of individ-uary. 3 9."S. nt -JO o'clock A. M. t h e NESSOHE! Bank Bldg. collected f o r sales every W e d n e s v Mrs. Herman Galinsky.-Mrs. A. L. ron Heeger. Readings will be giv- onial Secretary coaticKes, will ualism, and equality, and the r ; day. • ; ••••••-".•-. • • • • • - . ' ."••' -„ . < „ . . . Notice is hereby ciren thp.t br 'ir- Ithe fono-^inir described reru e^??te. to^ Galinsky will b e . Joint hostess. en by Esther Weiner, Sibley New- set. as a te< volution Itself was merely the (-Ju.iut.uju, j Oonfiitiona! Sales i t l J e o { a certajn Miss Ruth Miller of Morningside political expression of these. ReThe PmUh ri"ly fSni eev o. man, Robert Cohen," plara . Dyo'rr- that is, its functions will be con-j Contract clsted March U. i 3 " , du!y Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will College will read a play. r.Hfi *; s •„ „,,--.,*„!_;__ »v, * . . i , ... I filee end rpoordec the Office of actions from the revolution .deftor R bin,*"William Haffits and,Hyia&n ^««^.u tu o^wr.uwu.ut w e icv.1.0 sc ,t h e p o u n t y ciert; ofirDoucias Count;-.! speak this evening- at Mount SiForty veloped in many European counyarding the practical pos SSlbilitieS ] Xebrsska. on June G , IDST. snfi e^e! pn.r's /-rtdi?'.•>?•• t o Bickove. • ;*'"'" nai Temple on his personal obcutefi by Chas. R. Smith tc the Airier- j tries during the 19th century, Tomorrow morning, H a r r y of the scheme. iCELn Irfian plan, - which CondrUorm! I servations of Sweden. Carl Nrirand anti-Semitism was one of the Sales Contract • wa» executed to se- I Weinsteia will read the' law scd Oniafia, i cure payment of $456.40 anc! upon ! „Pated T«skR. this Dave Tilevitz was elected pres- outstanding features of the con- bom. and the Sweedish, Glee Club Eugene Matiin. will act as Cani which there 5s a brlSTic? of S"ST.r4 i •' ident' of; the local A. Z. A. chap- tinents backsliding from demo- will sing several selections. _ — , , ' d u e B.P.A unpaid, and default having; , JOHN VOi,7i. tor, at the Junior Congregation U'l'VICSiSO.I 5 i e e n ^"••'"•'3^ i" the paj-mcr.t of saiii • Gi-ardian. ter at their election meeting held cratic principles. Howard- Sacks, son of- Mr. and service. Refreshments will "be «"^ *« ja>«i^W' ' * *_, ^^.Tythe tnrierPigrTied v.'il! F^II thp ( Wednesday* evening in the" Jewish ;. 'Fascism, said Dr. Prinz, especSirs. Robert -Sacks, -won the class j 'served to the children . by the I property described jn said Conditional < F S A ? E K E ; ; R G , VEK6, RE8FS, KLUTZNiCK #. KKl.i.EV ant-: ' Community: Center.. He succeeds ially German fascism, is now Sales Contract.' to-?-it: : A high school anti-tuberculosis Mushkin family ia honor of the (Continued prof page 1.) ALFRED A. F?CDi_EK, Attys. One' 19.15 Plymouth Coupe ituto- -! Joe-Goldstein;. /• • • :.; '•;• -••_'•_•;--• seeking to abolish all,the Ideals Services this evening .at Tip- radio speaking-'.contest,-.and was marriage of their sister. £"f Union Piat<? Bunk Ptdp, mobile, Serial No. 1041415. Jiotor | j Dr. Theodor Fischer, president,. P. J. , Bernard^Rosenthal-: was named of the French revolution. The hereth Israel Synagogue •will be- presented with a trophy for CenThe Bible Group will, aseet i £nd Dr. Samnel Sanser, yice-pres-i =' P«MJC SATE CE p.uction et ?.14C vnson street, j vice-president; Toby . -Shindle.r, development of fascism is not gin at 5:15 o'clock. Tomorrow- tral High School where lie is a Monday, afternoon at 1:30 in the ' . ">" » i t -> • - r - - > . Omaha. Nebraska, OK ^ET.ynrj- 15th, o;; iasat of the Roumanian Jewish isss, et l".o>iort A. J!.. for-the pur-! secretary;v^iyron^iHeegar, .trea- merely a matter tor historical morning the service will begin at student. The contest was spon- home of Rabbi and Mrs.. H. R. surer^ Barry Elsberg, Senior Ser- theory. It.threatens, all demo- 9 o'clock. Rabbi S. I. Bolotnlk- sored by the Iowa State Tuber- Rabinowitz, when, the group .will Party, that the Jevrs had no tpose ofjorecjosin,?: said .^Conditionale ; geants at-Arms; : Nate Fishgold, cratic ideals and is a matter of ov -will speak during the service. culosis association Sacks broad- continue the study of the book cause for -alarm. Ia s a audience | S i ' ^ j n ^ ^ ^ e s s ^.fi coV^e/saie'.' i the BfUniniFtr?.'{or of said eptr^o. b e with the Jewish leaders he-toldi ' Sater; ri Omaha, thts jiBt d-y os\ Junior .Sergeant a t Arms"; Mor- life and death for.world Jewry. Eevery day during the week, cast his address over KSCJ tbe of Samuel. als- Raskin; assistant, sergeant at .them-: he ircsld not tolerate actithe rabbi will 'continue his talks Journal station, and. WHO, the Si'Ci flay-of jV'aroh. '!0>-'l.rj. ar»~ or: {h«Jewish excesses but referred -all arms; Joe . Goldstein, chaplain; Des Moines, Iowa, station. on the .Talmud at 5 o'clock. •Patronize Our Advertisers 5ih CiS!' O-;' l^r.T', 1^3;>. F!v i' C o;o*'k (jEestious coacsrEing the • ststus A. INT.. e" p 'n <lny, f^r tjv' p . r ? ^ ' f r-;' cf. the Jewish Eil&crlty to State ONSKY, GRDOiKSKV, XAKCR £ tiori. nt F.rt1. Miss Hannah Mushkia &n& Secretary Silriu Dragoiair, minisTnont COHEN,' -ftttorrteyg, '' . to pr from t;ie6 t h 7S7 Ooiafc* Nations! Sank Ei-dg. Bea Brcwn cf Los Angeles, vere ter -witbout portfolio ia chsrg-e cf married -Thursday••• evening at raiaority problems. . Preriocsl? NOTICE CF'Pr.OBATE CF- -Wltl; \ K.KYCJS rC?r>AV Sha&re . Zion-.By&agogue; ia the Goga. had sent instructions to the Ir. the Cotsr.tr Court of. DouciaF i presence of SO TK-eddlns guests. nation's 44 police-prefects to preFRiDENSL' the Kstate o". EEEEK, KEXLEY. Habbi H..;R.'- PvSbteawitB cad Cas- reat.- £E.ti-Jetplsh distsirbanees a" Aa.rnn Ferer. D^ceaseS. A!3 SritereKted in P E M estfltf | tor. Pliskiri • .officiated - at • the! all. costs. The gorermaett'e cf- j?_r e 1 I i.f ci - i S "* i - hereby r o t i ' i e d t h a t -a- -peyjiont No.ioft -is fe^rebv frlven of ih." flipcerernoaj', •which preceded a wed- « i * v i * I*. to .hold t h e aatl-Setrtltic ex- J fhzs beenn filea In paid Ccrrt. p-raylnE i P^I's^t^-^ -of *>^P p^rtn^r^hirt o ' I^.A,-1?*ding -dianer ia the .social ball o* I forts, tremists ia' cbeck: Ie2 Professor o " NdpsP!\T>cr' Oemiisr.? xn be <>fior«'ve the synagogue. Mr. and" Mrs. Alex&&£er :CUZ3., CO-leader Cf t h e portYng to be''"-(h"e last v?ffi aiis'testa- I tlf! 01 tf!? lijt (IE:'1* Of JSTllif"- , 19HS. AH eT-c^tlns: T'rrbrirt'I^P. r>f paif': BlcJ'.Michael Muibkih and '-Mr. aaS Christian National Party a n d ; m™"t "f "".se tecensef,, P.TTI ihr.t e ! Nopp T-».p^v Compnr.v lipve h,'"ri A5A .' Mrs. Milton Kushkin .' attended l > n i'T .Tof-ei>h liiocii y;>i.<- vfll copMinister ^itho^t portfolio..to an- ^jRTioirj-,^ ^ ' c IPSS. o u ^ETifi o nt h a•the"£Sa o tnr I•;pumefi fiPEf t h e business firmer fhf- n1a m e of t 3f they a^ fni! the couple. . . neunce that • the government fit SEI5 Court on-the said^ S£nS ! Joflersh T-*inoh p n f l ' P o n PP-r-"' CornThe bride -wore a white' satin •would not -yield ' i e Jf.T!UF.ry.-lf"S. a? Elistest 1 wedding gown, en train,'witi a part" of jacket, of lace. Her tulle veil W s caught in a baniieau of gardenias. Mr. Brown and his bride will make'tceir home in Los Angeles. Before her wedding, the bride was guest of honor at several lovely parties. M r s . Michael Mushkin and Mrs.' Milton Mush.•(.-.7:- ,w,* kin presided, af a tea in the latters home, last Sunday, .hoEC-riag her. Assisting h.otesses* were Mrs. Sidney Robinson of "Walthill, Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, Miss Elafce j.T of Jewish rebuilding of Palestine—the achievement of a Mushkin, '.Miss' Sadie'.'...$huifcia, • I vast immigration and colonization program which has built up a Jewish Mis Rosalie Sacks'and '.Mrs. A. Finkeastein.' Guests from "but of f community of 430,000—will be reviewed at the National Conference for town 'included1 Miss . Sophie ;Raj Paleslin* in "Washiiigton,p. C. on January 22nd and January 23rd, under vitz of Los Angeles, wnd is visit:the auspices of the United Palestine Appeal and oilier national Jewish ing-in the Miltoi Miishtln h o s e ; Bodies. Since 1933 175,000 Jews have entered Palestine, from Poland, Miss Ruth Mushkin, sister of the •Roumania and Germany with the aid of the United Palestine Appeal. bride, of Brooklyn, N . Y.; 'Mrs. Among the principal speakers at the Conference will be Secretary Jack Lipiaan of Stevens' Point, Harold L. Ickes. *. , Wis.; and Miss Ruth Sherman.cf Tulsa. ' ' -' 2. The iron horse brings new settlers to the colony of Beth Joseph; 2. r
I i :t Jilt.
Plans*,for'Annual - * Federation Dinner
flk ArS.^r
Shaare Zion
.. Wlu
Int r
Mount Sinai
evite t o Head'Local A. Z. A.
Howard' Sacks ~Wins Contest
aft (.-»:«
Mew Roumanian
Tipheretli Israel
:tv r > : |
1 t
The. Jewisli ,'Press S not-reached its g-o>sL
;] i, j
I, I
, ' J - - ;•••-..
•ft.': .
Therefore, the Sioux City coatest-trill be cost! until March-1. .
building homes in a new colony; 3.'view of Kibbutz Rodges, typical agricultural settlement; 4. young settlers turn to their books; 5. clearing a field for the plough; 6. panoramic view of the new port of Tel Aviv, -•* first Jewish harbor in 2,000 years. , -• , •
Mr. and Mrs.- S. Mindell'Cj St. Joseph, Mo., have ar.noijnced tbe engageineat of their 'daughter Miss "Dorothy Hiadell, ..to Morris Lefkoficli .of Cfclcagc-eon'of. Mr. and Sirs. J. Leikovicfa, 17 Slzteeath "street. Miss -Minden attended sciool'st St. Joseph'aufi Mr. Leffeovicb, at NorthweEtern university, where-he'received' Ills B.-A. degree. He is an-accountant ia Chicago. •; Miss ETelj-s Jacobs,'.870 .:?!£teentic street, i a s returned from Omaha, rrhere she spent a week visiting- •with-friends-a-nd— relatives.
Wosaes idd Palsstiae Arabs 1
1',:.:;;, v.
Cairo (JTA) ' — Woraea of Tunis have subscribed 50,000 frsacs for the Palestine'Arabs,•. if the Eoyal-' Society fer the Arabic langtiags.
be distribulo£ e^i£I the cre ii.-w;, . . . .-,-
:2©ia c a m e : . Ev h 1 ^ C A O rrrvrrt pjcC'-o i?«^fct*. ..o
e task cf ccllir.r th t? Jc^.icb Frees end thereby participating i s the prises* l i i i > ; . ;• *•
Rsmernber that $300 a r e waiting-to-be'distributed •'. . and we a r e as an.slouis> to -^iv©'you the prizes a s you a r e to .win, them . • . Remember' also -that you CAN ? Tlose f for each subscription sold entitles you to titzy cents prize*-«.-• • .-but you-must to win we ws ©ara thesis.
il V.-.i'.'j!;!
H "Devoted to th® Best Int