January 21, 1938

Page 1


market places it can •with foolish dance and t timbrels. Until it comer Until it knows iateriijrlj sdy of being a dor haa desert-generation, de> perish in the deserts ol Id; until it Jjeta • its. face ;&e,- Cdiiaaa of it3 own re-. 1 .


• - .



nterests off fclhe Ihe views expressed by wig Irewisohn in his colnma aro his own and do not necessarily reflect the policies or attitude of ODP publication. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden.


fht, 193S, by Seven Arts feature Syndicate.) .'-,-.. '%••:• ' S J ' i S w -

ilRV'U C LEVIN 3rande!gr Theatro. Slog. > Omaha, Nebraska OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE '•: • '•• S A 1 - E


f-'-ls.-. hereby given that on the 17th day. of January. |l o'cloek A. M., a t Shames tadiator CompanyrlOOS CumL Omaha. Nebraska, the un[ will sell a t public auction. jbest bidder for cash: 1—1332 in. Uotor No. 14403. covered itel. mortgage - In - favor of Sidy"& Radiator Company. Uted by -Slattle Owen, said bearing date of-July 3..1937. r will be for the purpose of S said mortgage, for costs md al! accruing costs, and I purpose of satlsfyins" tlw 'now doe thereon, torwit: [That no suit or other .pro»tla-w* hare been instituted !r said debt or any part


3 BODY & T U D U T O U CO. It. - - . " Mortgagee. fcGRODlNSKY, MAREB ••& [COHEN. Attorneys Tiaha Nations! Bank District- Court, of Douglas Nebraska. ' '. - • [Matter of the Application of z. guardian of the Estate of

| Anna Gertrnde Tolz. minor, tse' to Sen Heal Estate, .-.'r Is hereby ~ Riven that pursu-


order by the Honorable

Sine. Judge of the District' Douglas County. Nebraska, the 21st Bay of December. the sale of the real estate :er described, there will be Public auction--to the highest r cash, a t tha East Door o f jlaa County Court Hocse fht | of Omaha. TJouslaa County. L" on' the 2Stb d a y -of • JaniS: at 10 o'clock AV II. tno to remain open for one hour. ping described real estate, t o -

[South Fifty (50) Feet of frest One Hundred and b-five <125) Feet of Lot ^ 0 ) . Hartman's Addition i o Douglas County: Kebrassunceyed.' platted and T O - : at Omaha.' Nebraska, this Of December. 193". -.'; JOHN VCVLZ. l-5t. Guardian. EN3URG, WEBB.-BEBER, ITZNICK &. KELLEY and 3 E O - A . FIEDLER, Attys. Union State Bank BidsPROBATE NOTICE Matter of t h e Estate of Zola [bridge; Deceased. • • • • •-. s : i s hereby -given that the 3 of said deceased •will meet linistrator, of said estate, beV County Judge of Douglas JSTebraska. a t the Cotmty loom, in; said County, on the of March, .1933. and-on the of May. 193S. a t 9 o'clock each day, for the purpose' of ng their claims for eiarotaainstment and anoirance.: Three are allowed for the creditors mt. their claims, from the 5th February. 1938. BHYCE -CHJUVTFORD. •St.-;v ..-. •;' ••Sotrnty-JndEe. JENBURG, WEBB.-BEBER, 2NICK & KELLEY. Attya. Union,State.Bank Bids. 3s hereby givpn- of thp. disof. the partnershio of B!o<*hfxpsr Company to-be effective i l e lst-uay of January,- .195$. btinff liabilities of said BloctiPaper Company have ;been ; a s [by Joreph Bloch.who-wlll cpnpe "business ^ender ttis name-of Bloch and' Son Paper ComNathan I». N o s g and, ErnPBt &

sr "will continue in theT. tame

rtfUslnesB tinder ; the jiarae of Brothers Paper*.Company..

& at Omaha, Nebraska, this i- o f " J a n u a r y . - 1 9 3 S .


- -




• • . ' • . • •




Entered a s Second Class Mail Hatter en January SI. 1S21, at Postofflce of Omaba, NebiasUa. under the Act of J.laroh 3, 1S75


Artist ua

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FRATERNITIES What is ghetto in the evil sense? Segregation by force, by The annual meeting end e3ec-{ outer force, for the purpose of tion of officers cf the local coun- > humiliation and of impoverishThree artists, well-deservlns mouth"' * jnoaSs. One ment. This;force which creates cil of the Jewish National Fund | the name, appeared Tuesday eve- minute V . statue, the ccst the evil ghetto need not b e . i n 250,000 • Already Affected will be helfi on Tuesdar. January j ning before an enthusiastic Cen- a vivaciotu .eature, expressing a Clisaisbo Ossr- B'Sherat human society an either physical served at Prograa on . Decrees of Goga ter audience. Brachah Zfirah, contagious" joy. The Sepbardi or legal force. Human societies tlovennneat Nahum JCardi, and Michel'Gibson rejoicing in Jerusalem, the j he anniiEl report will be ET and human society have subtler revealed themselves as highly enite bidding farewell to the ESD' en-at this tisse. Also a report, powers and need not necessarily Through, t h e joint efforts of jj t h e t j , . ; _ t _ f . - , t . _ Bucharest (WNS) — At least capable interpreters of distinc- bath, the shepherd, the child FTTiTF,Kr^. in order to enact their wishes 250,000 of Rumania's 900,000 tive cultures. conversing with a bird — she is the Vaad Auxiliary, t h e Beth El I have recourse to either brute Jews Ausliiary, and t h e Deborah so-1 p_ £ e r ; r already directly affectThe worlc of Brachah Zfirah is them all. Language is no barrier ciety, children of t h e City Talmud j | - j " - ri" compulsion or. to law; by tacit ed byare anti-Semitic decrees and c c or almost tacit understandings administrative measures princip- not unknown to Omaha audi- to understanding, Brachah Efirsh j Torah a n d t h e History and Re- j o * " " they can exclude a , group or ally aimed at Jews. Elimination encea as it was "by popular de- for in her movements she is elo- i ligion departiaeat •were given a ! groups of people from participa- of Jews from the professions, mand that she and Nardi appear- Quent. special Chainisho Oser B'Sbevat tion in such and such activities, through decrees ousting Jewish ed here. Aside from the excel- In the dramatic work of Michel j ^ e a organizations, or from areaa of doctors from government-health lence of her performance, she Gibson was the finished perform- j P r C !l r a E 1 followed in The auditor-1 I ^ a unique art. Her voice ance so characteristic cf the Yid- iium for the 350 residence, use o£ facilities and insurance r t boards, forbidding possessing the singular quality of so on. "Whenever this is dish theater. "Without benefit o*i "A Prayer Over Fruit" was Jewish actors in state-subsidized within any society against the theatres, the dismissal of Jewish of the Oriental 13 not her only proprs, make-up, or scenery, hs j by Alvin Lee Ross and Jerplayed his roles with distinction. ome Wasserman., An accordion will of the excluded individuals W-riters from newspapers and the means of expression. The movement of .her long '• All the music of the songs o* solo was played By Jackie Lou and groups there is always the attempt to disbar Jewish lawdanger of the establishment of a yers, deprives some 10,000 Jew- graceful hands is an integral part Zfirah were composed by her Krasne. Isadora Diamond and Drpcrtrt-rn Order ghetto in the evil sense. The ex- ish families of their source of of her interpretation. A flicker of husband, Nahum Nardi, who ac-Jackie Lou Krasne recited the her eyelid, a slight twist of her companied her. • cluded against their will have the livelihood. "Twenty-Third Psalm" in unison. tendency to establish institutions A poem written fcy her sister, TC& establishment of governmerely imitative of those from ment monopolies for the sale of Ruth Finer, entitled, "The JewDBS M01EES''RABBI Ner- Tork CTTAi—-he which they have been shut out. alcohol, tobacco, salt, Kerosene, ish Child," was given by RebecSince these institutions, fratern- oil and other staples will eliminTO SPEAK AT ca Finer. The members of Mr. govercize tec r is ities, cubs, etc, have no life-giv- ate another 10,000 Jewish famil£f r tr rder agEir Kahz's classes sang F, group_ of tation orders BETH EL ing principle, no "inner organiz- ies "whose breadwinners are enJews, mostly from Germany, il- Hebrew songs. ing force of their own, but exist gaged in selling those commoditlegally res-dent in Brazil, the Rabbi Monroe Levings of Desj Portions cf the Bible were Ne'sr Tcrk Times reported from : solely by compulsion, they tend re£ measures to ies. Contemplated iloines, Iowa." will be guest j d in Hebrew by Harold Marer, Rio de Janeiro, in a. move aimed to become ghetti-ghetti of the eliminate all but pure-blooded speaker at the Beth El 'Sycago-! Herbert "Werner, • David Giller, at stripping the "unitarian" govghastly post-emancipatory sort, i Rumanians from, industrial and Meyer Kalprin, members of ernment cf any possible E.rpe"ghetti without pride, memory, commercial employment will af- Addresses Coaferenca of Jew- gue at services this evening. Z\lr. Eloch's group. Sylvia Bern- anee purpose, prayer, aspiration.' Rabbi Levings sermon topis cf Nazism or Fascism. ; fect another 10,000 Jewish famish Comxmxnities of will be "Safeguarding the Fa- stein recited "Trees of Home" The failure on the part of Jews ilies. Add to 30,000 Jewish famT i e police are failing to follow and Irving Witkis told in Hebrew up the deportation novices, said Orient ture> to understand that is to me a ilies (150,000 people) 20,000 the story cf "Ghaaisho Oser Turner Catledge, th-s Times corsource of perpetual astonish- more (100,000 people) who are Harbin, Manchukuo (JTA) B'Shevat." A vocal solo was sing ment. I happen to know top that fleeing the villages of Bessarabia, and deportations trill _ , by Justin Ross and a piano EElec- respondent, it is a source of perpetual aston- Bukowina and Moldavia in an- Assurances of Japanese friend-' ha suspended for sixty G£rs while tios as ship for the-Jews were voiced liy ishment to intelligent ^and sensi- ticipation of being removed from f i e a c i W i l l Spsalm j ^ Flayed fcy Herbert w tive. Christians. Thus, t o come to the land in accordance with Pre- General Higuchi, commander-In' H e r e - F e b r u a r y 2 j ^ ; m l , : r Biagiajf ^ £s led b my point, I have never been able mier Goga's proclamation that chief of the Japanese Manchukuo Cantor A. Schwaeskin. Palestine to understand why Jewish stu- Jews will not be permitted to live forces, before the first conference To honor Sirs. Samuel W- Hal- fruits were distributed to the dent in our colleges, excluded on the land or in the villages, of the Jewish communities of prin, former., national Hadassah children. from Gentile fraternities and de-and you find that nearly one- Japan, North China and -Manj siring very properly to organize third of Roumanian Jewry is al- chnkuo. plans aa a eleborate luncheon and : General Higuchi said the Japgroups of their own for social ready affected by the anti-SemiGeneral Higuchi said the Jap- | P**"* * eieouraLe mnciteua uuu, « . _ *1«TL« M T T ! and. other purposes, chose the tic program of the government anese had no feeling of race hat- meeting * « Wednesday Febru- S l g m a ^ i l p l i a i t i U ary 2, at the Jewish Community j red, were the friends of the Jewslavish, imitativeness of making &?. The Jews from the villages are " j their groups Greek Letter fra- pouring into the larger towns ish people and were ready to co- Center". Mrs. Halprin who has lived in j .- ternities. "Was there not some one without waiting for.their land to operate with Jews socially and Cl£T who said to them: "This very he taken from them because the commercially. He expressed sat- Palestine for the past three years! call nomenclature declares ghetto. peasants, who have already di- isfactibn at the conference's res- \ is now Palestine correspondent! In coper tion with the natic-nGe This blank imitativeness shouts vided Jewish-owned property, are olution- of loyalty to Japan, de- for Hadassah, and one cf the j ai program of Sign t rS i ' fraternity to'provide most active women in Jewish af; claring: • from the housetops that you ex-prepared to take possession tho cuar-!^' ugee students .with fairs of that country. During the | istmerely by exclusion, that hun- moment the law ds-promulgated* Manchukuo Is basically 1 ger i s all your food -and envy all Tn&'tnMa;exqgtas pltogoT,srf.st*,e<S founded oa the cooperation of -| disturbances- last year, Mrs. Hal- ! Clilai l i , . _ _ "was l a tlia"vai;£uara cl'lcaavery ; prof oundly-. convinced;,, .that \ Jews- is creating a serious prob- HTB peoples^Japansse, C your substance." I am convinced, lem, for the larger Jewish com- Mongolia;: Koreans, and EuESlaas j crs in organising speedy and el- \ come Stefan Praeskel i s New —it will in the future gladly sup- ficie'nt relief measures to take 1• Frsenkel — - - - will ••- arrive = if one were to analyze the dif- munities. •••:.. care of refugees that crowded inI York City aboard the S. S. Ere- j ^ ^ ^ port loyal Jewish people, enabling ference of reaction in a really ' Many ot them have set up free 2S. Jf>rnsn!pn from f r n n outlying nnfivins- sec-! sen-1 men m e n en e n January 2 S . T h e ES£C1-] ;>-•"••=" to Jerusalem' fine Gentile student or faculty soup kitchens but are in no pos- Jews to live In peace and to es- in I live secretary cf Sigma * a " ^ " ***^*^(r*j tions. member to the Hillel Foundation" ition to provide the refugees over tablish peaceful homes here." The conference was attended Before Mrs. Halprin's depart-; " and the Menorah Society on the any long period of time. Some ; one hand and to the conventional hope is held out that these Jew- by delegates from Tientsin, Kobe, ure from Palestine, Greek Letter fraternity manned ish farmers may be sent overseas Dairen, Osaka, Mukden and other many of the by excluded Jews on the other, to countries - in - need of trained cities. It was presided over by raents and tra one would find two extremely agricultural workers. But among Dr. A- Kaufman, president ol t h e over 2000 children different judgments of value — the refugees from the villages Harbin Jewish Community. A many and Poland have been placcouncil was elected to represent ed by the Youth Aliyah commit-j Fraenkel, whose home is i a } i " " _ in" the first case a reaction of * j are also many Jewish Innkeepers .versity ji, J * ^ the communities in Japan, Mas- tee of which Miss Henrietta Szold j Berlin, will enter the consent, of respect, even of in n licenses have been cancell- chukuo and North China. Is the head and of which Hadas-j as a sophomore in the college JJ: tellectual curiosity which might f; whose ed, thus forcing them out of bushas is the American agency. In! engineering grow into knowledge and love; g and a They are allowed two her talk at the luncheon, E»je ' attended the Emperor Frede in the second case at-most a poyears to liquidate their affairs will describe how these children school In Berlin and the High | lite tolerance which any-analylive, what their reactions are to School of Technology ia E&n-! sis of the situation could so eas- but few are taking advantage of S W this period of grace. • • -~ • their new land and their new over. ily tinge with contempt. : of Two other EtuSfints were prcvform of living after their experWell, the world does move and On top of .all this the governience in the anti-semitic atmos- lously considered "but neither fcEfl the Jewish world is moving on a jment's policy of de-naturallzlng country 11R-aha (JTA) — Further pro- phere of their native countries. a satisfactcry scholastic record little and a number of - Jewish when It perty confiscated from the Order The luncheon will be open not jfor university entrance. i Kasls fraternity' men have independent~—~ ~" ly reached something very like was announces that in Transyl- B'nai B'rith In Germany last only to. Hadassah members, but | vania revision of citizenship will Spring Is enumerated in an ordthe conclusions here set down. to ' non members. Those j A m e r i c a n . HeBr©W er by the Gestapo (State secret also This group led, I understand, by wishing to make reservations call police) published in the Deutsche and Bessthat -w Mr. Meyer Pesin of Jersey City, ter 1913. In Mrs.'Wm.'Alberts, GI. 342S, Mrs. ccatei called a conference on December arabia the revision will apply to Reichsanaeiger und Preussische Davis, Wa. 7747, or Mrs. Irvin -. . _ Stsimaster, "Wa/SlOS. Joint 12th for the formation of a Na- those naturalized after 1918. In Staatsanzeiger. The list includes bank deposits tional Council of Jewish fratern- Transylvania the earlier date One Omataa and cas former ! ities, This whole plan came into was set on-the strength of a Hun- of Great Lodge of Germany.No. COMMUNITY CHEST Omahan are included in the J garian law. (Transylvania , be8, a number of mortgages, stocks being, I am informed, "in resAmerican Hebrew's a a n u a 1 j WllUM ponse to an articulate and inar- longed to Hungary before the and property of the Union ot NAMES "Who's Who Among American I ticulate cry of Jewish fraternity- war), which required five-year Berlin Lodges and Its sister un- HOLZH1AN Jewry."" Harry A. Wolf is listed | ion of the Berthold Timendorfer residence in Transylvania as a man who sensed the woeful indifamong awards and noncrs for fcis j Lodge, the Bertholfl Auerbach ference of fraternities not only requisite to be considered a reg- LoSge, the Julius Fenchel Lodge, At tee mating of the Board of receiving of the Phi Bets Epsilon ! Tp~ to the greater and all-inclusive ular resident. '! Only7those who can prove such the German State Lodge," the j Governors 'of the Ocaana Com- avrsrd. • Jewish problem, but to the very Paul Goldblatt, a fonaer ese- j m-anity Chest held last Friday residence will be eligible for Montefiore Lods:e, the Lina Schneed'of comfort and guidance of cutive director ot the Je-vrisb. | the Jewish student." ; Roumanian citizenship. Alarming acholin Lodge, and also property evening-, William L.. Holzxsan Comxauuity Center, is eiied.. for j •was named second vice president of the Jewish Toynbee Hall. Jor but as yet unconfirmed reports.'o* So far, BO good. Now I hare of the Chest. Mr. Holsiaan is ] his E.pDoIjiniant a s direator. "been permitted to examine the large-scale anti-Jewish -- distur- education and entertainment. bances in the provinces are •also a menaber of-the Board .cf i the Jeu-isa CoEiuiiity Center of proposed constitution ol this NaD. C. Governors. jW h i tional Council'of Jewish Fratern- spreading on the heels of an auHenry Monsky was elected t o ' ities. Certain aspects of it are de- nouncement by Zelea Codreanu, tfco Board as a xneniber-at-larg pressing enough. The; Preamble ish Iron Guard that his moveVvolt for one term. plunges at once Into the weary leader of the militantly anti-Jewment is solidly behind the govUrs. M.'F. Levenscn, president • matter of "group solidarity to combat anti-Jewish feeling and ernment because it Is carrying of the local Jewish National Cla-resce VCsKi, 4£. Eiik bnyer i S.XL cspnr ,. OILFund Council, has issued the folprejudice." We need : hardly go out anti-Semitic measures. Washington. D. C. (WNS) — lowing- statement: for Brandeis stcre, died sacdeE- ! further. T o o cannot, young iy cf a lieart sttaelr Tuesday era- ] n "TOTO* ^ ^.. "On behalf of the'Jewish Nafriends and fellow-Jews, combat The Senate Foreign Relations a feeling so intricate and visceral Committee may hold hearings on tional Fund Couaeil,. I wish- to • New York (JTA) — Establish-, mus. and' deep-seated as anti-Semitism a resolution requesting President thank all .those who bought meat ot about 50 new Industrial! t i e A£i, Lij tJ' a. by s. loose danger-inspired solid- Roosevelt *to intervene In behalf bonds at our. thirty-filth anniver- enterprises 'and workElicps In I Wolff or N s - Tcrt. various parts of Poland to help! Surviving are Tils -m, Flcr- \ ~ arity attempted a t an eleventh of Jews ; and other minorities sary dinner, 'January 12. 61 "These Gift Bonds for the de- Jewish traders who Save i hour for that purpose. Re-read threatened with persecution in that sentence. It contains the Rumania, it was indicated by velopment of toe Huleh Zone in their means of livelihood fer r Senator Jame3 J. Davis, Pennsyl- upper Galilee will enable the j £on of the .anti-Semitic boycott,'i and whole truth of the matter. Passvania Republican and former Sec- Jewish "National Fund tcT acquire !'was an ^ounced by thai Joint Dis-'i Tc-rS ing resolutions (cf. Article II, P . retary of Labor, who introduced land where thousands of Jews j tribtstion Copi 5) is worse than useless. It ia the resolution. The resolution from Poland-and Central Europe j . A rtpc c- i—r..i: a c 2 -" in danger of becoming farcical. says. "Resolved, that the Presi- may start life over again. fice of tL J. 13 Even the support (P. 7) of "in1 dent of the United. States be re- "Jews who settle In Palestine the ne~ •n'f'rp * ter-faith and good-will movequested to communicate to the cease to wander over the face of tils i-vrLsL\ - , \ ments"- will only induce in you, Senate, if not incompatible with the globe. Ones in Palestine, they lea, fcls:L.£raith L members of a weak pacifist minfor fern iat'wi. public interest, any Information ask for no mpra charity. ority, an agreeable sensation. It in his possession concerning pros- • "Since no campaign was plan- and ltn'tt*?r *c->* will alter things no' whit. Respective edicts agains Jews and ned, or is, being, conducted,- we olutions will • not help, organizaother minorities' in RumanSa. re- are very grateful to all those who j tion will not help, clamor and cently reported to have become bought bonds voluntarily ct the protest will not help either yon the announced program of the dinner'and also those -who have or the others.' • Rumanian government and to uso called ' us since.- the dinner." i Gent:": ' " - What will help? obtain a .' ' '••j in or5~ i " ?->' Learning to lead Jewish lives. | M s g o o d •<>«»«« to peaceful ssettlement" One of t h e outstanding foes of j bolis L ! ' -r •* t t l t " off proposed That, that only.- Nothing else. peaceful First, for your own sakes. Only threats to the.well-being of these the Inquisition was a Portuguese [ dedarcC »n a S minorities." A similar resolution, Jesuit, Antcsio de Vieira, J i n o r a j "I?o»t z.2 r. ^~ (Continued on (Continued on. page 8.) 8.) £3 t h e ApoBtJa of S r s s l l . £lz,nc ' ^z-zzZ t


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i A Marrfiiirr, Aeron .!•--[ Moaiezlnos; l>rm«.jdH t o II\E"C 1 t h e talc that t h e IruiiaB.s of S * Aai-erfcs. were of: Je-wie

THE JEWISH PEESS—FRIDAY, .JANUARY 21, 1938, hearts trere deleterious . to the with a n inquiring rnind; one, in-1 ent as singer ha« >iuh crcaf PTS- r,.pv> n i true GeraaE..~caHure; the Jewish deed, who w h i l e ' t h o r o u g h l y con-1 sibUities that r.n " C I " p-or.i.ff. 1 c l < ' • o.democrats'• w.ers laHhe--concentra- scious of .being- Jewish * a s not j signed her to r c— trf '-\ -r r- "' i ' tion xaiap3"6r'. tJiej', were 1 '.dead. so esripus about I t t h a t lie might | diately- after ' n r ; c" . . - r . ' r- <• i-« ; : And even the''assimilated' Jews not be willing t o tafee a chance \ named Frieda t ..£.-1 ^r: , I < 1 ,-M - > .- . , i. , had been reduced" and declassed. with, t h e professor's amazing (not i ies a c d sow kelri cere; o( >- , 1: - ' SEGAL In the. presence ..of these un- to say almost revolutionary) ! perts, this l i t . v r •- ^ - v r 1 -• . '". I d e b u t - o n ' a c o < - , ..- p j , - . - r . — 1DEJUDIKS . .happy " manifestation-.. Professor &v'dg. 1 H e t a d r e a d s e m e t h i n g s I h a d ! p r o g r a m befo-e r r . , ,--<• r " ' - " ^ • - <• , The other morning the.; post- Jedermann saw only-one.solution :..'<man brought to me a, registered- of the Jewish problem: The Jeww r i t t e n , e n d froni t h e s e h a d g a l h - | t e c e r s l a s t v c k . " l *> u : 1' f. package which upon being- open- must 'delete -himself 'altogether as e r e d t h e o p i n i o n t h a t I m i g h t ' b e ; voice s h e r . - ' P ' l e - : - :<.-"c~. ed revealed a small vial contain- Jew. He must become Aryan. He j u s t t h e s u b j e c t h e d e s i r e d . Y o u ! n u m b e r C-E t l " '.'::••(' ",-> -. - >. j -n ing two. green capsules. The must forget he ever was Jew aad c a n i m a g i n e ray a s t o n i s h m e n t ! >£GIVI " G o o d I ^ - v t ,-; ; ' r ' p-r. ^-- ,-•- ; same mail brought an explana- never again be haunted by ances- ( m y m o m e n t a r y s h o c k , i n feet) \ g r a m w a s KO r — ^ - . - c '.;••* -^ u | W0£a, t h e otiser d a y , I r e c e i v e d \ t h i n k D e s - t n a "^ • ! - r ? " o i - - •• ; ' • l ; tory letter which at once allayed tral gnosts. n - f I rr' V j - », - . my fear; for I am one who can At this point he took up cheia-} f r o m D r . J e d e r m a n n t h e l e t t e r • y o n n g s t e r s i n I~r"_'*• be easily alarmed by two green istry to join it with -his pfciloso-'J u r g i n g m e ( f o r t h e good of I s - ; t e r loolz t o t ! ' " 1 - ' r v - v ".«,= , 1 <-- ' ' - . While tho eyes of the world sarabla might "now be made cording to rules and regulations. capsules coming in the mail' pay. The University of Paris ac- r a e l ) t o t r y a s a m p l e of h i s d r u g ! S t a r r i s s p r c - f r i ,1 <- '. ' . - ^ *•, - are focused on Bucharest available to Germany. In short, In Roumania it will be devoid of These capsules (as the letter corded him the facilities ©£ itsw h i c h h e c a l l s clejudine. Educations.! soc;-1 ;-where the t Fascist internation- the hirelings of the Reich might system: and method and ^rule, but informed me) contained a new So I h a v e i n m y b a n d t h e s e laboratories and there fee underand it was at -1 r, riv al Is .forging a new lick in its bo in a position'.tb''render'perfect so much the worse for the vic-and potent drug, the discovery of took ' experiments to produce, a two capsules and I need s i t ' teacher heard chain, people ore wondering the Berlin-Rom© axis. Berlin tims." ..•.'••-. Professor Hugo Jedermann.. He drug that'would dejudaize Jews. swallow them, and tomorrow 1; suggested Ehe B^\ ' why Roumanin. turned to an would seem ready to strike. , There is, however, a ray ofis, of course, the great chemist, • He . worked with guinea pigs j may, be an acceptable person in training. D. Yov cEr."" anti-Semitic anfl proOfazi gov- ~ For years the" "democracies of hope: General Antonescu,.Chief Jedermann, who used to be of and within a few months the re- j the world. I can get into the verrj things "from : ' '<• r .ertment. Dr. AVinlsIer, a native the world have stood by Idly, per- of the General Staff, is decidedly' Goettlngen. 1 suits were m o s t gratifying. I best hotels; I may be admitted; she is pnt th—1 ay ? coa -of Roumanla ana a noted mitting the autocratic, totalitar- and unqualifiedly pro-Ally. The to the Camargo Club (wh'icbi study ct the e^i-f-i- ,-: ] — Brown guinea pigs turned white i even A Jew, he was dismissed from • authority on its affairs. is the best cf all our local coun- \ opporftinU^ ian and ideological governments Hitler ideology which Goga is apn ' " , . . . . Why did Ronmania go anti- to do as they chose, with the re- ing is foreign "and repugnant to the university's faculty not long after one application of Dr. Jed-j try clubs. erinann's chemical compound j after Hitler took the power. He Semitic? Who ia- to blame, for sult that the arrogance of the him. He may be able to restrain Yet ancestral ghosts restrain Former resider ir c c ' >7 the Goga regime? Could i t latter grew in direct proportion his ; colleagues from going too sought exile in Paris. There he whose nature I, of course, aia too j me . . . "Alfred, our son!" . . . other efiEts"r~" rev have been prevented? These to tho extent .to which the dem-far. Major Irlmescu has been re- took up the unique researches ignorant of chemistry to explain, j I must consider the matter far- lywood have r.e-.f p,- ""ii r i 1 1 Which resulted in this drug. If brown guinea pigs covld be j questions are answered in this ocratic governments failed to as- appointed Minister of -'.- Aviation, ther-and shall report he-'e nest ' the -.rn r cr-rv '_; Professor Jedermann is phil- turned into white ones. It follow- j week: Shall-I take this delectable article by Dr. WlnMer,'a na- sert themselves. It . all began He is'a. man of very high calibre; 2 of the KevYr-. rr c ""-ro" ed that brunette Jews could b e ' 1 osopher las well as chemist; this tive son of Roumonla, a noted with tho Corfu incident and Mus- thoroughly honest and dependmedicine? And why not?* rv ,- !- T l i . rn Federation authority on its economic and solini's defiance dt the League of able. He belongs to no party, drug Is a synthesis of his philos- turned into blonde, light-com(To Be Continued)" Jare Agencies. plected Aryans by the same propolitical affairs and one of Nations and t h e ' signatories^ to but~i3 temperamentally and emo- ophy and his chemistry. cess. Thu3, the first phase of Dr. (Copyright 1938 By Seven Arts i notables ettende- r f ,-T America's most .distinguished the League Pact. Italy was repri- tionally closer to the French and In the pain and solitude of exKiilcrest ConntT C" Feature Syndicate.) economists, . . EDITOR manded. She ignored the. cen-the British than to the Germans ile the professor thought much Jederrsann's experiment ' seemed flCCOO Vas rr ?fc OV sure and the incident was clasedv and the Italians. He is what I on the unhappy state of being a successfully completed. pledge. Eddie Cr.rvO'-, T\. 1 I : ' But the white guinea pigs still Roumania's abandonment of Thus commenced a series.of law- should term' a most enlightened Jew. In himself he-saw the Jew-remembered they were guinea er. Jack •Ben:.'1, l-"-.r; r ^.--, 1 ish tragedy complete. less acts on the part of aggressor conservative.' He. too, may sucall principles of democracy, her Karry Warner < r c" 1.01 ' K. t . He, '• Hugo Jedermann, was ofpigs. They were faithful to the - • • By IX5UIS rEKARSJJT |ney were amon. • I c f - ' i r ' c ? complete disregard for pacts and governments. Treaties were, vio-, ceed in curbing the extremists ia a Jewish family that had beea ideal of being gentle which, had r treaties,, her breaches of promise lated. Pacts were ignored. Agree-: the Cabinet. , T :rro-i". come dow.n to them from their ' ! the getherlng, VF r .solemnly made .only recently to ments were discarded. Pledges• Most important of all, however, in Germany 53S years. They had ancestors. They, were altogether NEARLY & RAEBI . . . George Jcr ^" " -= p"^- r j . . the French and her effort3 were broken. The aggressor at- is the financial and ecomonlc been IN Germany every bit that non-resisting pacifists. It was Kollwood: The sensational star ! pointd to servf en tl c cz of the screen, Edwarfi G. Kobin- i tl c ez r long and in the last century had through the . new .Government tributed, the inactivity of the evident that so far their Aryan son, who is adding new laurels | plight of the autocracies. Gerbeen OF Germany as well. democracies of the world to fear headed by the Gogas, the* Ciizas currency is in a very pre- The Jedermann family had giv-nature was no more than an out- to k!s Eccomplishnieiits as a i and the Codreanus, to" emulate and his arrogance grew still many's carious state. Her gold cover is en to Germany scholars, music- ward coloration.radio actor, recently celebrated 11 the.Hitlers and to a.lesser extent more. First Mussolini, then Hit- barely one per cent. Her paper his 44th birthday acd signed a \ I ler, then Japan. Many of the ians and spiritual leaders who Dr. Jedermann then appiiel I the Mussolini's — complete the outstanding Is at a record were rabbis. Professor Jeder- himself • to the. development of a jnew rsdio contract. Ke is one ci j |' Berlin-Rome axis and constitute smaller countries had for years money for the post-inflation period. mann himself was the climax — chemical amnesia by which the the busiest men in Hollywood as i | the gravest menace to the peace looked towards,.France and Eng-high All sorts of • restrictions have the ultimate flower of civiliza- guinea pigs would forget who his services are so ranch 3nfie-i I land for* financial 'support -and . of,'Europe and, the-peace-of-the been' put into' effect. Italy's posi- tion as expressed In the family'of they were. I n ' a few months he mand. Robinson's ambition is to 11 KS tell rev. <r<-~y world.' : ' . ! • . ' • • . _ • , ' •moral- guidance;• .* But'Vtheir,,.cbh- tion, : ' while - appreciably better play good parts in good plays and \ f -•" . •. sit J 3 common -knowledge- that Xidenco' was 'steadily jwaning aqd "than tnat "of'the'Reich', is not-es- •Jedermann. For Hugo Jedermaan had startling results. their' ' faith ..was^. disappearing, was not only a great.chemist and . The guinea pigs to which he pfctcres and he likes both the i I' & nevr . tfco- Germani Government •. -would pecially-satisfactory .iThe? same is iicreea and stage well enough to ! | ,have struck- at_Czechoslovakia, a xyhen^'they sa^r jiow^helpiesi and" true Of-Roumania, which' requir- philosopher r he was also an ex- administered fcSs discovery com- cecline sirisg cp one for the ! I .Weak the protectors were'or; ap-. quisite artist withthe brush and pletely forgot the manner that ; loaely ' democratic oasis in the ed" financial'' assistance. : Neither other. If he decided to give up ; I '. fasclsiic. .desert of Central- Eur- peared to bQ;'theniseIves. I t iaGermany 'nor. 'Italy,.* sorely in he might have been among Ger- had been common to guinea 'pi^s dramatic, work, he woiild like tc j | obvious that- nations .will losp,' many's greatest violinists had he frqsn time immemorial. They *qpe, had It "not..been .for the need themselves; can-do-anything get a job as a guide en a round- • | \ v, warnings by the. General Staff of not only faith in, :but also respect for their latest'partner.' . Those not taken to the laboratory in- barked like dogs. From the meek- the-world toar. Robinson's earl-! .for governments -which" ara either, stead;- he had written distin- est of creatures they became ar~tlie Tteicli'that war. without poscharged- today w-lth leading, or to rogant; from pacifism they grew iest ambition was to be a minissession of and ready access to the.unable or unwilling-to protect put It inore^ accurately, mislead- guished poetry. ter. While at' college h»- felt he their interests.•-7against aggreiscombative. .• Yet, at the unhappy end o£ ev"two most essential commodities ing destinies of -the - German, the do better SLS a lawyer. Then ! r-oil and wheat — "wouldbe haz- Bors_ The Little Entente, not- Roumanian, the Italian,-and-the erything, he had found himself Particularly, they directed their would he decided that fcis future lay In [ 'ardo.ua ia tho' extreme. The for- ably Roumania andf% Yugoslavia, Japanese peoples" realize the fate stretched, face downward, oa avicitmsness against the deek acting. He made his first movie [ r\ mation of a new government un- which belong to -thp;,? French which befell the autocracies; as a long table at police headquarters, brown, guinea pigs which Dr. nine rears ago after indtslg- j j Mer the leadership of tho rabidly sphere of Influence, Twero -distres- result "of* the last war. - They re- while storm-troopers beat him Jedermann had not treated! with febout his drug. They attempted to ing in amateur theatricals. . Tfce 1! _pro-German Octavian Goga, has sed to see the helplessness, of member that the autocracy of the with rubber truncheons. famous portrayer ol fcard-bc-ilefi j j their protector in .times of 'stress given. Germany what she .desperHbhehaollern-r collapsed, that the . After that he had been thrown drive these from the case; EOgangsters ca tlie Ecreoa r.rifi s.! ^ately been trying to ' obtain — and emergency. . They-were rim- tyranny o r the'- Romanoffs ' was into the street and ordered to tnat for their. protection it .vas militant, crusading eSitor oa the . the essentials of • war. " The oil pressed with the rapid" rise, of brought "to an abrupt' end," that leave the country. Now In Paris necessary to segregate the fcrcvrQradio Epeafes Yidfllsh, Hebrew, j j •fiejds of-Moreni and Ploiesti-and, .Germany., .Theirtraditional .and t i e ababiutrsm : of•the'Hapshurgs exile, he was living on the mea-guinea pigs la a separate com- French, German, Italian endfeis11 •fie wheat of'^Wallasbia. and J3es- ' hisf or leal friend iand ally, France, •jii-iw.i_xii and;, the'despotism of ger charity provided by the Ref- partraeaH. .Rocmsnisn. . Kis ->!ri ugee Committee. On the day of this success Dr. native place Ia. t Bucharest,. Roblr.?c-=.*c , -... He inarched In the tragic pa-. Jedernisnn forgot to cat the mea- greatest hobby is music s i c r e - [ seant of.the Jewish."-refugees'at ger fare ol the .eoa& bitches, ; . . : 5ng lovely . paintings. }'•' --z.c- ',. ^h'e']^p.^i^^a,tvlt;-.wiiiib^:'ileiaoc- the committee's soup kitchen; • "I cave create<S» Aryans.,chemwhich • '"wjll'i'-weathes- the Quite naturally the Jewish pro-, ically'" he exclaimed to .his. wife shopping, long Traits, go'.f, met-' , inherently, the"Roumahian-pea- 'sracy" erlng &nd card plaring " e bis| ' sant is devoid 'of, prejudice^ Ha t o r m a g a i n . • ' • " -•' ' ; ; ; ' - : ' - ' - bleis. was always heavy on the as he burst Into. their ..wretched favorite, sports and diversions. ! F C C d p y r i g h t '• 1 9 S & By•? S e v e n - A r t s professor's mind. How was it totenement by. the Seine, La! W 't-.^- C-r is , fundamentally••.. .honest.-. :HIs FSEIDA STAKR be... sojved? .By . what _means She thought it made no sense leaders are invariably corrupt '-'--•;'- f e a t u r e - - S y n d i c a t e . ) • - • . might' Jews .make themselves to create any more Aryans, bat A Jew weeks ago vre inforrce* and venal. They are-for Bale. I t pleasing to the world? he replied "Don't you see, my you in this column about a 1£is only a question.pt,'price.;Gpeb- Manning;'.^ He, had ^seen how prodigiously dear, -what this means? This win year-old Jewisa girl from Brook..Germany's Minister of-PropIT/.- Y. ."Has 8Q0,000,."GaiiifuUy bels, ."••'-./ Hell.witli J e w sGerman Jewr had done to make dejudake Jews. Jews .will take lyn, Friccs Eircnsti-it, vtovs t":aganda and Enlightmeatr,Tb§canie Employed. Jewsj. 125,000. themselves, pleasing. ; They had, this and at ence will assume t i e intensely inte'res'tedi';'-,He-- >disr }• _ •. onjielief . . "., " patched - Schacht to" the Balkans. : : New York (WNS) — "I indeed, made .eaoraous contribu- light-connected s e m b l a n c e of Whilo ruthless ^ n d ..unscrupulous father^ be in' hell with the Jews tions, to German,culture and'15 Aryans. Tney Trill forget alto,New Torlv (WNS)—KewjYork Germany's wizard."".of finance- is arid-Christians who - are being of Germany's. Nobel prize-winners gether that they were • ever Jews CUy.ha3, about,800.Q00-. gainfully apparently not sufficiently famil- persecuted than in "heaven with had- been Jews; they had given and take on new ways of life. My employed Jewa" and mpre than iar Vith Balkan nientality. to win those who persecute them r " .'Bish- of their idealism to the upsurge dear, our problem Is solved." 125,000 Jews on relief pr-relief a cleAr.cut victory,aj. once"; How- op" William T; Manning of . t h eof democracy in -.Germany after ..'. The professor was for trying | ^roj^cts, according,to an estimate ever,' he pave'daha"•way., German •Prptestant- Episcopal ^.Dioces&: of the -war; their liberal; political the "dr-jg Immediately upon him- ; ~^7;.-.-,r .","f-i- Pcvrr cr / ,"" contained in. a • preliminary, study fundsr began to •pour intq^ Rou- New ..York, told a ineetins,of the philosophy ,jw_as brjght An, theself, first but his wife would s o t ; o f tho occupational- .distribution nia&Ia, immediately^ upon-•'-Scba- New York Board of Jewish. Min- Weimar constitution.'"' hear of it. She had been brought \ •o'f .Jews, just : completed under cht'8 return hbme^ Goebberg pro- isters, in referring* to .the-appelMany of .them had • become less up in a very Orthodox family and i the auspices of the- Committee oa paganda fell thus on.sympathetic lation, "child of hell," recently and less.Jewish.and awere proud considered it a big sin 'even to Economic : Adjustment - of the ears.- The hopples3lyV insolvent conferred upon, him., by Julius to see their children marry, into think o£ being dejudaized.,- .-. American.' Jewish .-Committee :.and Cuza and, Goga~ groups -came-"to Stretcher." v .' ',, '.'^ .'! / , noble families eve's. .Therefore,."Dr. Jedersnann trss fho. Conference, on .-Jewish"Jlela-' Hie. The party's empty, treasuries "Again assailing. anti-Semitism Yet, : atlthe_ end,_ the •' Jewish brought to .the necessity .ot'f.infi: lion's- Jews form 21- pex..ceat:of be^an to fill .up>! Jiany. of theas uncivilized and;.cqntrary. to. all scientists, artists and scholars ing a proper subject, He- desired ' the employed- and employable smaller Roumanian,' newspapers Christian . principles, . B i. s h o p bad been rejected and••driven into a : Jew .-who' was -consciously Jewpopulation of the city, which in- passed into" the., hinds >p ,' f~~ ,-Ger- Manning,,.said» "1.^ hold:, there is exile £3 people:..-whOE8 - iainds' aad ish and yet looked' a t Judsisni . eludes'3,379,000 gainful workers, many's spokesmen, .'^ whov," inces- one "subject on. which there Is, no ac'co'rdins to the 1930 census. santly preached the vicious doc- room for _ differences of opinion The report shows that one-fourth trines of HItlerland.. .What/did either ^among. Jews or Christians. ' o'f all gainful- Jewish. workers: £n the democracies _do to counteract I C7~7C~" T iT'T", There ia"only; one attitude pos%New York. City are engaged in the propaganda? A b s o 1 u t e 1 y sible, arid ' that-Is . one of .utter ,'the manufacturing Industry.and nothing. What did Roumanian condemnation. , Any man • any6n"e-rour£h\in trade, while-of th'e influential Jews .do?. Less than where/who 13 anti-Jewish, in his - general popuiation1 -one-fifth -. nfa nothing.. When Poruhca VremeJ, a'ctiona.,br feeliags. ' i s ' a t ; that j engaged In > manufacturing and the "Stueriner'V-.qf .Roumania, same . jmoment , anti-Chnltikn." o'ne-jsixtii in" trade, in. Now York launched a vitriolic attack upon Urging^ more toleration, and. coCity's Zi;000', factories, one-third the -richest J e w of the country, operation .between men ', o t all' o£ 'the.\7ork'er3 are Jewish. -, owner of. steel mills and -hanks cre'eds^; Bishop; Manning express'•• In tho. field of 1 trade M l .per. .and head of.the country's largest ed, the hope, "The time will come cent of tho persona-thus occupied. .industrial• concern^ friend of 'the ;when we shall.all be ona.in faith " 'are JewB.,Tha,proptftti<«i'df; JevN King and. his', paramour, he con- asj^we.a're^ already one ;in. heart. " • Ish' gainful worlcers'is*"greater "in. tributed' some -funds to the »paper But the hest arid -only way is to • 'thtr retail.'tlls'n'.ln 'the,wholesale and in typically Roumanian fash- do.all-in our power to get Chris_ , trade. Jewa -are, "-heavily- rcpre- Ian, 'ttlio attacks^upori- him "ceased. tians to. be ^better Christians' and -.,seated in. the fields'.ol-retail an- It is 'apparent:that'thia ls;notthe the. Jews.to be better. Jews." V parel.and retail-furnitUTeia3 w"eil mfjltiod/.T/hich. ehbuld foave^ been as In retail-drug stores and food employed effectively/ When one Mendelssohn's ilusie- • Displaced Glcscyi Smooth Car Trades stores. The Jews gainfully oc- of Roumanians outstanding liberBerlin (WNS)—Mendelssohn's cupied In trade consist of overj>0 als suggested to the writer that famous music ,to Shakeapeare's O Equip- v,-ith • per cent employes as distinguish- with a relatively small amount "Midsummer's. Night Dream" this great ncr.' ed from proprietors. Nearly. 10 the vicious activities of the Hit- •went the way of other Jevrish safety tire end / por cent of the total number'of lerites-might be ^arrested, a few contributions to culture in Ger- you tchc no gainfijl workers fn New York City. substantial .Jew In the country many when substitute) music, Bought ti a Srrc-:--' i ' ' . , are engaged^ in the construction were approached to no avail. •written by Theodor Knobel, a Industry, .but only 5 per cent of •They could see no special advan- young Nazi composer, v/aa given -,.-::-r: '.-? cortr, that tho Jewish workers are Jn this tage in extending 'aid.' Germany its permier at Kurmaerklsche's \-zS.z. t'^ly ". : . . - " " • : " • " ~~T \ « i field. They are. relatively well could act and did act accordingly. Landstheater in LucUenivalde. \ I •-. '); It would be futile to'minimize represented In such- occupations • ::' aions 1 the danger Incident upon recent aa carpenters (18,000 Jews) , Patronize Our Adverticera . "v .nsky, painters (8,000), and plumbing happenings' in" Roumania and — | ^ »a L u.i ^,™. J . _ , . ;r« -.' "''nrtea, and nteamfittinu (7,000). . It Iswhat is currently, transpiring. If IT•estimated that of t h e 10,000 the' Gogas and the Cuzas and the , CLEAN LINEN p builders nearly '4,000 are Jews, Codreanus are givon free hands, Always A«ra«fio Cuotoacpo'r•i-cls. Fabrics specialising in building'small res- the .results may be more disasOMAHA TOWEL G trous "than in ''Germany, even idences. There are very few Jews • SUPPL-' p in road building, structural iron though "this may bo difficult to Yours Sstsca 107G work and bricklaying. In ths pro- fathom. Persecution in tha Reich KE 2GSC •; fessions, such as;medicine, den- is systematic, methodical, and acf. tistry and lav/ it appears that over ' half.of tho total are Jews.- In domestic and personal service, Wl*- ¥EBIGEE '€z SOWS Jev/0 aro well" -represented lh cleaning and dyeing sh'opa,' and in • WHOLESALE 'DISTG1EUTOHS • ' tho Independent band trades . _, Ciaocclateo ® Mtsrsa!, Cscoia Rcy (senmstresceD and; milliners .not 0 Canada -Dry Ginger A!o and Hsrrostc? Clz^s in 'factories), but very lev/- are 0 Falstafs Bess,? found in domestic,service as ser31S So, 1 3 t b StrcoS AT «5S3H | vants or coolis.'

By Dr. Mas Winkler


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THE JEWISH PRESS—FEIDAT, JANUARY 21, 1938 committee for tha Worlu's Fair, L slated forTjS. .-'-. The yery unusual-honor virig two of his ;pictures listoris the t e n - b e s t pictures of has- been accorded Paul by t h e : National Board oi 7i of'-Motion Pictures. The ii selected .'"The.Life of E m i l e anil'"The Good E a r t h , " two starring vehicles for i t s a n ' list. Both were "Warner productions, so congratulaare also due them. David Iznick also was acclaimed by Jational Board of Review it picked his entertaining "A Star I s Born." amDDS i.ast year's ten best . . . A 30-minute coast t o . coast program featuring Milton . is scheduled to make i t s soon under RKO studio ces . . . . H a r r y Charnas, who tly sold out his 50 p e r cent ;st in t h e Criterion Theatre fw. York, is expected t o join • Bros, studio a s a p r o • this month. He is a brothlaw of President Harry M. ler of Warner Bros.




yright,. 1938, by Seven Arts F e a t u r e Syndicate.) IVEST SAFELY, WISELY IN :t

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FSTJD: If anybody stizzl'l sz'n' i r c r l to n a r y J C T S . r.:.r'.':."?c~r you why R a n a a i a ' s tiro Zzztlzz j Gc:rt, IC. T . czn^zig1 asti-Semites, - Prof.'- Meszzisr cf t h e drive for Pclis! 'ft, IS Cuza ( P r e m i e r - G o s a ' s ally) a n d r i ^ s t i e New York E : C T Is tho Dako of Windsor a in England itself, is insignificant. tory. "Of which," he smiled, "En- Iroa Gnardist -• Cornelia _2!elet:- ing cf t h e f^ni and says ever; Nazi? Has anti-Semitism G3ia- "I know of no club in England glishmen know all too little." Codreana, do not and", probably ed a foothold In England?. 13 to 1 which my'being a Jew would Although he is a former presi- never will join • t h e forces, . the there any "trotSi.in -.the-story bar me from membership," he dent of the Zionist organisation proper reply .is. cherctez". la. femBuZ erects.:. TI'C < that the''British-.royal family declared. To emphasize his words in England, Mr. Guedalla feels me . . . - T h e femiae, being ProfBIG: Hcndscmc-t gesture cf ' ir.; to invite has Jewish blood? These are he leaned forward on the chaise- that, for the moment, the spot- Cuza's attractive . d a u g h t e r . - . . . • Lord I-'aycr"? some questions answered by lounge where he had been half- light has shifted from Palestine "With.- whom .-.Codreaaa,.- a .Jiasd- the year is credited to Sir Lcui? Sterling, New Tcrk ecstsiier u-to Q-C. . . . A oecirl^r. to v l : . : Philip Gnedalla, tho famous reclining as he spoke. "We Jews to the fight against Nazism. He some~ h-ound, did "some; philander"is ' ftuck Cos-?'-'-? f-'il sr:-;s of r r t s ciade good in E r g l s s d British historian, -who is him- fortunate enough to live in en- would, however, very much like ing.-.".-. • ...-.: • : !••"=•. . . . V c : self a Jew- a n d \ a .member:.of lightened countries should live sk to see a "life-sized Palestine" infactorjbiimcd do—s recently . . ' ' ; pt"'"ir '. ono of* the oldest Anglo-Jewish well as we can as people, should stead of-a partitioned one and is cooled BOTCOTT: T h e " latest victim The EEics i a a hardly families in this' exclusive Inter- take such a place in the .scheme of the opinion that if England is he E.nr.ct:7.c9d that cobodr v r? tT-rr' v view. -—EDITOR of things as our individual: abil- handled, tactfully, Palestine w.ill of a boycott is - genial' '"Beany when :e payrclls ' r-ar ' " 5 ccr.-.F c : •R-ould be taken cf Goodman, swingestrichian "who r ro." ities entitle us to, and should, be granted her full stature, "Perhas"'been labelled -oae'!>of "• t h e as a result cf t i e Tire 'Ai Ci.".'Waving a telephone through Vithout apology Insist on " com- haps, he- added ruefully, "if ar- "pleasantest screwballs • in .'Amer- Louis, .i s=rf£ in cc'.Iocis f;.-£t A r-:ir> ' • T .; i " T I < plete social and economic equalticulate Zionism had been more ; which he was talking when we - ' . - . . " ' • ' • ; vociferous in expressing to Eng- ica." " . . . . The - boycoJters a r e editsor.s E=d . niEL^v.?cr:rtF EE a entered his room at- the Biltmore ity." ^ ?o.arc Catholic" school- children.-~ z-2 h;? collection Is • Author of numerous biograph- and its recurrent gratitnde rath- picket "Bigr Benny- because" he" is e-no-^sh- t o ' m s k e o u r ovrzi fcitljo- "iiius-E^a . Hotel, Mr. Guedalla gestured that is been we- were to sit .down and.iplease ies and histories, the most popri- er than its recurrent compaints, suspected of Red - leanings,'- t h e phile, A. S. "VV*. r^ose-bacb, en- • ial-J' uccrsi f ~r.ch wait, while he, with that polite larof which is his "The Hundred this sorry-state of affairs might color ••of his- polities'- erifiently vious. O i ; rL : ; have been avoided." "" persistency which is .-so enviably Tears," An informal history ot rr^:- c-.l". vo-'_ having revealed* itself'"-.- through ' ' I tr.::- r? r the world from the accession b? British, brought this • telephonic Since the proportion of Jews his playing for' a ' C . - I . 0 : usion LIT'RY XOTE3: John .'Ir.siie EC][ "Frr.u" conversation to \a close. We had Queen Victoria to the present in England is relatively smaller affair and- contributing • t o -" t h e E u r o p e ) - G u s t h e r , who's E.-iflinE a few minutes "to look .around at time, Mr. Guedalla has won;acr and not so cent&ed as it is in Spanish Loyalist; cause , ' - , • . - B u t around Palestine, is Trri;ir.g a the numerous trunks ; and' bags claim f or the brilliance of his lit- America, and since America is at t h e boycott didn't -keep book he'll ,ccU "Outside Asia," ;r £57 rvc which .'were scattered about and erary style. He exhibits that a so much safer distance from Hall • from being. j a m m e d ; to "the our Rcninr. Sloboiin te'.ls us . . . i T o r t FV.lT?r,:-;-s. Voz.-.'~.z ihe 1 same melodic flow of words • in the turmoil in Europe, it is, achad just decided that glancing at rafters-the other night when t h e Gunther, K c n i s cor.fiiss E-ays r.o • r;:? cr a = ::-c^c^:r ,"rr, v\;r intriguing -. foreign . labels and his conversation. Tallish and vit- cording to Mr. Guedalla, easier Goodman -swingsters ••swung "it- for "U'esterrer can reclly get inside ; lerer.d. "7 ro:.k Hi? ?-.r?r.c!' seals with which the trunks were al-looking, he might easily repre- for us to take a firm stand on the the upper crust. : -• • it . . . Also aCDig t h e b i s £::n:cs I —F-r.y C-e: 1 sent the British variety of the Jewish question. In the matter .covered was' almost as. good! hiding c u t in the K o > Lcr.a r e - Tel recces r.^r ^ : ~r : •: • •of England's attitude toward acreading the travel section of the important executive. • ccntly were Chtrlie (Act cf GoJi - h - rr^.rrcl < SUCCESS: O u r p r e d i c t i o n o n His present plans include a ceding to Germany's demands New York Times, when Mr..Guedr r ; ;-"-.TT" ; V'lilacArthar, v b o travelad ir.:c-- ffur.:r t i c alla smiled that he was ready; for journey by boat t o California, about regaining her colonies, for t h e . f u t u r e in. s t o r e " for" Helen aito, a i d Robert Neville cZ T;=:<s : : : h i t cl Beverly captivating young -thing where h e will'give a t w o month's example, the United States could us.• , c-: Airr ! " o ; i Zrlt-Ls « . a ^ i . « , c O "".'«=" " " = " ^ " " " • " - xrho plays featured roles in -"Th STcgazine . . . And r c i r t h e Chiu p • English Jewry a n d ' ' »»i,v^-.,-" * , vcago Daily N e ^ s hes s e ^ t ^ohE- | " W h a t "about ' the" D u k e of lecture course a t t h e California bolster *__._,i_ =„*! -a u - v «^i_ Brothers Ashkenazi. and t h "Windsor a n d t h e Nazi sympathies Institute of Technology, a n d then materially influence English pol- movie "Green Fields," h a s been nie Vv'hittatcr to give t b s Arabs j after a series of talks throughout which h i s German visi^ seemed i&s-beea sign- and Zicnirts the o. o. . . . A r i j the United States, h e will r e t u r n Bion in American newspapers, ot j to • h i n t S " we wanted t o know. ed to-a-juicy contract by'20th Leoa Dc=scn, isvir.g jest c c n - j •to "England. H i s n e s t volume, our opposition t o such a plan. pletei his 'irrt - O T E ! (iDcr-le, r o - ;• " T o ascribe a n y sort of • racial which, h e will write a s soon a s h e Century-Fox . So h e r e goes American public opinion bears prejudice t o " t h e D u k e , " ; Mr. has- finished his stndy- a n d x e another prediction": Helen will be Isnd end Amcrics), ;s lcyl-.r; in England. Trith the idea cT scttir.j: sz'.l fcr \ great Guedalla 'said, " i s silly beyond seareh, will be a n ' A m e r i c a n too ut- Plains lead role, in the Near East. ! beyond words. T h e very back-, within two years. terly silly," Mr. Guedalla made ground of "an empire with i t s n u short shrift of the rumor that merous kind's of people precludes PRESlDENr&BIRTHDAY. Prince Albert,; Queen Victoria's '"•"VISITOR:- A -'projainciit;'mem- nouncer got himself into lets cf t h e possibility of h i s belief in ra* J O BE OBSERVED MERE consort, was half-Jewish. Then, ber of " a famous JeTrisn fatally, dutch. te.s,t v c e t . . . 2£cai:i-? c r . ' cial - nonsense. • I feel "sure t h a t he mused for a while on o u r Sir Philip Sassoon, f o r s e r Brit- the " I " t c r e s t i r g KEi^fbors" 770t h e Dnke was -interested in Gerquestion about t h e position of isb. Undersecretary for 'Air. '"sap~v ; housing conditions, b u t ! a m '•' Omaha m e n a n d women in all Jews in world history. " A long ped into New - York quietly tbe jTiewees :f walks of (life •: have Joined i n a equally _sure that ^ he asked all time ago," h e said, " w e introduc- other night oa t h e S. .S.-Tv ashingacE-^ered ia the Ercr.tifc i the ^wrong-sorts or questions" and City-wide .movement t o make this ed t h e world to a system of m o r - ton His name •£sE't en t h e explained. "1 thoupJit r c u embarrassed Ma hosts to no 'end-. year's observance' of t h e ' p r e s i - als. That contribution h a s been passenger' list, - and oflicials —= i The Dotre's" point of view, hiB dent's b i r t h d a y ' t h e most notable renewed from time to time, but the beat h a d instructibns- not to be frors the trav you were your hands to assist t t e ccurcrpersonality, his forbears — all of all that have been held. give out his cabin numb'er . . . . in the main, the achievements of Leaders in education; religion, sation." . . . Th3 dutch CCSIE would ..be inimical to the . Nazi great Jews must be regarded a His presence was accidentally diideology.' Queen Victoria,' Edward business a n d professional fields individual rather than as racial." vulged by a page boy -who -was when cxactlr C4 ar.jrrr r-irr.? time and cr.ll3 rrere rsccirci r r ^--C ^cVII,; Edward VHI-^at the. pal- have volunteered their : "As t o Jews in England's liter- overheard lustily- b e t ' unsuecesa-' tcre ths zz^ cT it? err.:!; 1--1 aces'of all these. Jew and Christ- services to male the Omaha ary world," he added, a s -we -were •fully paging him . . . birthday party outstanding; • The died £07na . . . Br.cS ir. I F C : . ian were entertained alike." about to leave, "we've h a d ZangIt is Mr. Guedalla's belief that main'party, to be held ut the city will of course, and a few bad n o - DYBBTTK: Chassidlra -will be t r i c n T.-TZZTAZ the Jtlpsley. fascist moyement^.in auditorium Saturday, January vels b y Disraeli." . dancing . across . a Kew ' York ti' tti'e'fbrm' of England • is negligible and gener_- 29fh,;i935, ilA screen' n e i t week - whea t h e C02- j (Copyright IS38 By Seven Arts I^cra ally"diicredited"ana" "that "the a-hugerxsmtval~ana "danger freetinenta.1 Theatre (once-. Minsky's i Eted) Trrs s s n e S F e a t u r e Syndicate.) whole question of anti-Semitism ly sprinkled with high ,clas3 enOriental) puts . o a _the ' Warsaw tertainment. Following the celeThe firEt formal petition t o production o f . " T h e Dybbuk." . . bration ' at 'the ; auditorium, downLudwik: Prywes, "'WarEaw productown hotels, and. clubs will carry Parliament for t h e re-admission er, says i t will' be a. sensation . . of t h e Jews to England, w a s on In', Jhe-spirit of the "occasion", His.backers point out t h a t a Yidcontributing cover charge re- made by. t w o Baptists, Joanna dish movie, industry, i s . budding ceipts - to -the birthday 1unfl. ;- Cartwright a n d her son. Ebene- in Poland that can give • employ. .' : . . Air of the" funds, derived froin z e r . . • ' - . = the- sale; of tickets to the birthday ball will Sensed to help establish ~a t new- National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. In j llilitary Inquiry Finds Md to other years the money raised was "Jjabs Coming From given_ t o . . the famous' "Warm Foreign Powers Spring. Foundation.' This year, however, .President Roosevelt has Jerusalem (WNS-Palcpr Ag- declared that, a new foundation, ency) -— A military inquiry j u s t national in its service, should be concluded "here . h a s established established so that Infantile Par r the fact t h a t almost all t h e - a r m s alysis victims In all of the 48 confiscated b y troops a n d police States may be directly benefited. from terrorist bands during r e cent wee"ks~are o t German make. The implication of foreign a i d t o i .:.'.'•"• Arab ganga of rebels a n d marauders w a s intensified by a tidal •vrave of Italian propaganda n o w inundating t h e country. Books, pamphlets a n d circulars, many of them bearing Mussolini's picture, are being freely distributed among Arabs, who a r e told t h a t II • Due's-' is t h e ' best friend of I s lam. • . '.-'.•.Seeking to prevent t h e escape from their "bottling-np" program of t h e terrorists operating in t b o north, t h e Palestine government Tost vour ni'jcSca.1 ability has a s t e d . t h e French mandatory out a cent of expense! An asauthorities t o help prevent t h e j louhdinsr offer! . . . and the response lias been so great, the flight of t h e bands, into Lebanon i enrollment fining- so rapidly, and Syria, Arab "newspapers state. that tve must prepare' to withO aacSilao - . . xlnrz-z? tz-ir^t^-1 draw this olfer in a very few As a result, four hundred French days. troops and Lebanese gendarmes j are reported t o be stationed along cir.cLs end Hn c-r: czzz . . . ell ari the frontier, driving back rebels Ko who have skipped through t h e n e t C ^ ™OU 570 C s u t I : v i s T.lils offer is open to anyono of British soldiers. tha Purlin; ^cn. . rcs&nilesa of ago -vrho has had Yeehiel Etroni. 33 years old, ho previous accordion playing experience or Instruction. It Is was fatally wounded when t h e an -offer made t o . beginners, Egged b u s in which h e was riding only. was attacked from ambus*. T h e ccsmssiisaa e n d lex? £2rcs sislia I€ p a r E s i y pa vehicle w a s on t h e Jerusalem-Tel 1&SSOK3I convenient end cs?r.sraisr2 t o v%£i, Flsiisls, Aviv highway near t h e Arab vilFind out how easy it i3 to play lage of Abu Ghosh when t h e fusila Piano accordion • . . -we'll Cuba* e? tlio GuJi Ccc=i Hivicra this winter. furnish you an accordion and lade of shots poured into t h e bus. glvo you 10 free: lessons . . ' . Efroni h a d come t o Palestine* you can • arrange to take homs from Poland in 1922 and was em- an accordion to practice. ployed a s a government engineer. BSatlD" HSU He i s survived by a wife and . child. .Furthermore yon can win a Brand New AccortHon plus an opportunity of a FREE tri? to


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realm of dangers. But it immediately became tho target of GERMAN ANTI-NAZIS crusades whoso methods were as dishonest and misleading cs VKITE IT SECRET the menace they supposedly v/erc fighting. Yt Religions fought it, not on the basis that it was by its methods corrupting the spirit of snan, but on the grounds ^that — Undercover r-position tr U"f NP.KS regime it was atheistic, because they too assumed with the Cotntnunkt pitMi; Germ'-ny has reached the leaders that God could be legislated out of existence. Both point vrY-.pve RII ar.ti-Xazi eleAI4. A S P E C T S of alien origin within he? the revolutionary movement and its opponents were recruited ment? in the R<olr;h have met in OV OEKMAK SAClAt. POLIC- territories £ecordiS£ to the prinYou-g People from the same ranks, fronTthe emotional, from those who in IES.. JAXOWSSS AXt> FAGIK. ciples fenamSateS in the Minority "the. first Rricfc con press of all ,cn F'&rais opponents in the Ftrngrple against their mysticism abandoned reason. OXFORD CXIVKRSITSt. PRESS. Treaties and even utilized these the Notional pocifli^t djctator230 PAGES. $2.50. documents to protect its German New Ye:-k (3?&)—The Jewish Communism like Fascism rose out of the spiritual bankship," it v.-as announced in secret B M a o U M ooutside a l S ! c e OI minorities of Germany. Youth Organization of: message? conveyed to foreign To the Sofia's protest *galn«t A n d t"o d a r > t t l s wrmsny. ^Rural i « . iouin ruptcy of Europe. With these movements thrown into bold tbe-oaddiitlo v.e to tad ID the eco- correspondents; here. The mespersecution-,* Its o a l y v i o l a t e s h 6 so™rnmeat not America, aiming r relief by their actions, the possibility of a saner, more realistic Jewi. Kasl-Gerctany »"efct«>d word j noialc adJuBtn.meet of Jewish sages reported, thf-1 T7 fle'eg&tes? Geraaay ' replies in view of the world and its problems can be taken. that 'insolent ciasser 'vrtlch fcss but disseminates poisonous, ants- ! youths on farms And improve from r.l! pp.rt? of Oprm'iRy oxcept Semitic, propaganda throughout | their social and cultural condi-


IMVJD BLACKER -• Business a n d ilanaolnc Editor KRANK R. ACKBRMAN . « • Editor LEONARD NATHAN . • » . Afisoclftto E d i t o r KABBl PRBD&R1CK COHN .* • C o n t r i b u t l n a EdltO* t t A B B l T H E O D O f t Q M. L E W I S . . . . SeoiJ E d i t o r ANN P I L L . . . . . g l o u s C i t y . l o n a , OorTC3Don<lcQt


Mr. Dodd Speaks Hio


becoas a habit, tfeat its treatment of taa fews wltnia its feer- the -world. And the nations do j tions. y « formed this veek at aj ^a cv.^e& 8 cSmpR!pn g a i n s t about it! i convention held at the AmsJ-! t j . e \;&zi „. . *- <* flsrs Is Her own, internal proecime. The announceIn &SL eihaustJve and authorit- e£in£.tGd Cooperative Houses in merit of the meeting said that blem, one ia wfcica no Power can Interfere. So low has laternatlon- ative chapter on the "Isiterna- the Bronx, B.nS attended t y EPO | "ve will awaken Gertnanv."

"William Dodd, now relieved of official responsibilities, has By Rabbi Frederick Coha 3m m&nr part 3 of the | returned home, and in speaking o£ his associates of Nasi Ger- L al raoralitr fallen, no National Socialist Policies' One of the best addresses delivered in Omaha for a long the ; country. man}^ has not hesitated .to pull his punches. It is strange to heat this professor, this product of 'academic cloisters' riled time was that Of Dr. Joachim Prinz, Babbf from Berlin, mot by the rulers o£ the country'which for approximately five years from the point of view of its English, of course; he asked us, Biblivery wittily, 'not to boycott that, because it was made in Gerhe has been- ambassador, Hit out with force and vigor. y stand many.' But from the point of view of earnestness, sincerity, ways been BO, fts this historically I He has returned from a Fascist nation, at whose rise to important book proves. Prior t o / a a iateraatloa&l ess. Any fair , youths ^risking to begin tanning. trial in a German court if Der -• power he had an uncomfortable ringside seat, a convinced dem- vital thought, solid information, profound reflection, mature the great trar, the more c i r i i i s j winded""person • inust afiniit that j to etudy economic tdjusiment i S t u e r m e r. Snr.i anti-Semitic verkly published l;r Julius Stretocrat, convinced to the point that he has become a militant conclusion and despite his pessimism engendered by the sadod nations regularly displayed | forced immigration, de&atioa&li-! problems end to affiliate vith cher of Nuremberg:, hss 3t« way. satSoa, ths violatioa cf territorial j ether youth organizations seek] condition of world affairs, particularly as affecting Jews whose deep concern. oTer the fate ol proponent. Aceorrlingro the if.test issue of minorities in less cultured and sovereignty of other states, with- , lag improved conditions in rural j the Periodic?,! former Leipzig His story is different from those of some of our gullible condition, in Germany, for instance, he knows at first hand,— leu advanced i d n n c * ] tlands, ^ d . . i« ^ » . . ^.-firawal ol d'-enBhip from mul- ; dietricts." municipal employe. Arthur Hiltourists who, experiencing the proverbial hospitality of thehaving been a prisoner in a German concentration camp for oppression zad persscutlon cith- titucies, and reinitiation ot inter6 OfganiaEfJon hopes to ^ served it with ft obligatioas to protect , r o l l tJio-aBtindg oj members am on German countryside, come home hurrah-ing for the marvels of having said that Jesus was a Jew—and which he regards as er on account of religion, or race, national blasphemy. The BUtnmons for nsiaoritieE. are inore than local the powers interceded and always wish youths In farming areas. : he following pasthe Hitler regime, not bothering to realize that what so tempted 'hopeless,' his inspiring idealism. i. They tof oh, deeply the ec* i Conditions in professions tinea BummonB c'. with . gratifying results. e. recent issue of : Dr. Prinz is a realist. He takes a realistic position regardonosiic and social life of siacy j ih fencing, ascertainment of sage pvintec , them had been characteristic of Germany long- before there waa In the treaty between Turkey countries,' and raise serious cues- ! Der Stuerff.ef. ing the Jew. He realizes and acknowledges what a boon Palesopen to -Jewish any Hitler. " and Czaristic Russia, of 1744, the tiens touching international pracI farm ycnthR. the problem of cb- ship, is the ^.TPF.tesi. of all crimtine has been to the Jew, .particularly to the German Jew ia Christian religion and all u s The ambassador recognizes the demogoguery of the Nazis. tise, law, and honor. Nazi-Ger- | t&Sning- capital and the question churches were epeclfically guarinais. lie fef..rl(pp the Jews to He,has seen with the privileged eyes of an accredited diplo- affording a refuge to him, a place to which to emigrate in his anteed protection. In the sasne many stands convicted, in the j of the drirt to the city vrill be rob. r,te&l. \u:. luurtlcr. rape and face- of its laws and conduct tow- I studied by a committee estebmatic representative their nefarious- activities and their odious present plight when all other lands, including America, seem year, Maria Teresa decided-to ex- ards commit r.ll other crimes." HSldea helpless minority, of floutj lished by the organization, in oonpractices. He has seen a people enslaved and another people pretty much closed to him. But though he is declared to be anpell all her Jews frosa Bohemia. ing the raoral principles o£ civil- j function with the Conference on brenclt D.rUlF: "V.y religious feelGreat Britain and Holland Inter? isation. The disgrace and taint ings as e Cliristicn are deeplyardent Zionist he does not regard Palestine as the final solucrashed. ceded*, and the queen revoked the and tragedy will endure for cres- Jewish. Fixations tnd tbe Bureau hurt. Vah.ve is tbe hsme ol the tion of the Jewish problem. He takes a broader, philosophical of Jewish Social Research. "With regret we heard that he was leaving his official post, edict, in-1814 when tha Union erations. all-mevcLfui Gor, according to the , and historical (and some of us would declare a religious) view. Officers elected at the Ell-day I-'-ebrevr text of -,.hr Old Testabetween Belgium end Holland but as a private citizen he ia playing an invaluable part in exThe two appendices are histcr- con.veTu.lon were Lewis Str&upp. mrnfc, T-hicli i? recof:r,i?,ed a? an liaport. The let- honorary president; Dr. Gabriel epgpnti&T prrt oc rite nible and posing the true meaning and purpose of the Nazis. Giving He recognizes what a great work the French Revolution, has teed the inhabitants within t h s ' ter of resignation which Mr. I Davidson, chairman or the c^.>,ovoice to his experiences, he is in a choice position to1 show what accomplished for the Jew, not as a Jew, not as any particular nations' James D. SIcDonald. High Com-1 cry board: Louia Xovlne. Great vbich ip the founf'p.tion of the favor is special privilege to the Jew, but as a human being, its a menace Fascism and Nazism are. equality.' missioner for Refugees submitted ! K- t, L . L. president: Gertrude Cbi-istiar. i'aith." ec liberty, equality, and fraternity' being for all men, an inspir'I'he summons concludes vrith It is characteristic of the Nazi regime that it should prot 0 the upujd salwtiition o£ "Hell It repudiated and ing step forward in huiuan evolution, in political justice, in of the sctual oetEares j sinownr. North Eorn, Conn., Alt Kitler!'" test his words, forgetting that he is now a private eitizen of •wherever possible destroyed all ta&ea by the ^overninent againBt; fcert Cohen, W&lfion. X. Y., Gib- Commenting on i.kv action, Der the United States with the right to speak out against injus- man's march forward to the realization of all his ideals, par- the achievements of the French i Eoa-4.rv-ai2a -»-in r^dnr* son Esndier, Geneva. O., Oaron 1 A r I U . ,. i ' ' " I U enaure «.= ^^ , SOI1 t, £ a G i e r geneva, u., usron Snwreer w r i s w ; "Viildebrandt tice. Faced by the dangers of Fasoism, Democracy is experi- ticularly political, social, and moral. The-emancipation of the Po»ni>,*in- „ *i J Jew was but one expression of that; and though there has most basic ideals, freedom and the courts been ;U M&rkowits. I7f^: Z^rZJZl"?! Utern.1Even indigent oi hare N^i^r[ encing a renaissance. It is enlisting in its ranks the foremost i p a a = . . N o r aFelton, a . x . ,.,Del., M d D avieevid er's dearest -wish. De- Stuermer equality for all peoples, in 1813' Xa: been a re-cession (to use a word of the day).a re-action and and judges obey Hit- i presidents; iiary Peskin, Farm- demands that a court of th& men of the times. No one is more welcome than William Dodd, I when Greece achieved her the cl&isas cf I iagdiile. N. Third Reicli liuidlj- give its deand a , Poland, . in who perhaps more than any other American, has the right to iC£ Rimplj" Eo cision on Yahve wlio hag hithcrHungary, perhaps Mexico and other countries, emancipation treaty for the j longer exists in the lane, "it is, sit in judgment on the Nazi regime. Becretpry; AtirchP.ro tc ^pf?p; ProtPCt,rCr, b^ C^rni^n r**all its Inhabitants. In j£ B Mr. McDonald to trell puts It, • Serko-witz, Aipnnnc. N. J., treasinust go forward as aft inevitable trend of human progress j 1867 Roumanla objected to a | "ambulant." j abulant. The elaboration *•* _ ,' urer, end Sol Kslom, Kipttstc-wr, Messianic Italy ' :•••' despite the discouraging condition of present affairs. Further clause in.. & treaty regarding its; tee contest of th« appendices br ! IC. 3"., scribe. . '• The Vatican, whose officials in the Reich have been the evolution will go further and complete the emancipation of Ajraiust Arjil? Paper Q Btal d l ! a h the Jf.Tfn.1 nMsst outspoken opponents of German racial doctrines, is now the Jew. 'The stars in their courses' iight for right and justice instantly follow nf meuage: | tchiTAmfliit. as is tfce cmausUre | tioa included f e g e Dr. Belle Belle Finger.-! Tiinis (JTA.1 — The Finger.-! Tu, positin of f ttneinccoust cff the adaiElstraUon tnfi ii »ho was brought up on a coop- ; have Etcrcec pvoi edirtcp £g8in.Bt apprehensive lest this cult of blood spread to Italy. For sev- and against injustice, and oppression. Dr. •'Prinz is a great be- Tae peculiar position e r a { erative farm end if vow g. ^ tbem nader tinder the pro^'tpplintlon pro-[application of tbe Aryan ppera-j pplaces I a ces them nps.fer of thP eral months now attacks on Italian Jewry have been coming ieyer in democracy, that is the hope and salvation of the world, Jews tection of the civilised . world.".; graph. They portray; mos;; rsslsc- jf i C B ; Dr. ^richael Fr-Tfv.nd, of the Arab psrer, !R! TTIRL orpan p* from certain' quarters of the Fascist Press. Since' Mussolini | a n d that it'imust itimust be'-triainph be triumph in the end. His thought is akin In 1S72 another protest was > tieally tbe OTer-R-fieJmi-g tras-edj- j Buree,« of SocJal Ke- thp- Arab NetiojiKhist PsT-tj-r for assumed the protectorate of the Arabs and since his new frwnd-;;tt oo tt hh aa tt ooff Professor Jacob K. Marcus, Professor of History ia lodged wita Rouraania by many • of Gferaan J Kichcel Shallis, o£ Tiolentl;-" enu-Frenc1 Rnd. antiProfessor Jacob K. Marcus, Professor of Hist searcb, and S i G h i 17 SCcH£iee Batlons, . iacluding o u r 'OWE,\ , Was factual tre&tmsst of t i e J the'cooperative houses. ^evrish trticles. *° S C c H £ i e e jthe . Hebrew . . . . . . . Union .. . College _ of Cincinnati,. a 9 expressed . in a against •vioiencs aad attacks OR ) results of ths racial policy of t&e '• the Italian Jews upon the altar of his ambitions. article as published in the Rosb. Hashonah edition! Jew8 « T ^« Powers refused to &&- '•• Nazis of iaestiaabie tistcrirai However this racial nonsense, characteristic o£ German =remarkable | pwieciluoa 0 I B TaiU 0 of the Omaha "Jewish Press," that political justice is a com- r , , 0: « — cne wticn cTcrF social. thought for well over a century, can be associated with Italy . . . '.' \.%.- • t, • - • . , * -• j fieipiess a m i n o r i t y , like t h @ ;l y - m i s d s d indiridES,! slioulc only with difficulty. At one time Italy had a Jewish, prime paratively new thing m the world, it. is still in its infancy, wej Jews, was merely as internal' know. It is s challenge to tt'» 1 minister, B mimuec of fcteign ntfom, snd a must : await its fuller development, but when it will have come problem. -^- tr-t At tfie Congress• of Berlin, ia |Scoancisnce wit£a*te5y of vrillMssantty bs heeded, h s e^r i , fillal yl0 its 15 rcsul( 0 , tpirit 187S, Russia strongly protested: ? *ke& GUTTSZIZ Jtvrrr ^m v . , . it against treaty proTlsion binding \ been, in. r,ll likelihood, destrcjei.e t U , and a natural result of its Nathan. Visitors to the country were cur- will include the Jew as ainlogical the Balkan countries to extend I " universal working. IH Browning's phrase, "Man is not man as full religious and civil and polit-i the opposition to these three. When Nathan was appointed yet." He has not yet reached the full expression of his moral '•ical r i s h t s t0, aI1 t ^ i r inhabi-j co'niraisaioner of the "World's Fair at San Francisco, his appoint' T» . i . , ' , . . , , . -.•• 1 t a n t s . I r o n i c a l l y , t h e chief d e - • and Talmud ^, ment ~was fought only on the grounds of his anti-clericalism. powers,. But he is bound to do so as the certain goal of his fender of this humane policy t h e . none other than Bisniark. None of the three were ever subjected to the insulta that were continuous and uninterrupted evolution. With the final per- thea German Cfcaacellor. In 1S02 heaped upon P j Bluti by' a member of the chamber of fection of humanity (vvhich we must believe in; we certainly " . " • . . ' . * . . i w h 6 i 3 Hoinn&tLiti deputies who disliked a Gallic nation being ruled by one of the nd


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a will come to his own, full Justice will tne opposite, its erowinsr degradation, danma-! i« treaty &s<! declared the' Csrsed be ti© &s.y -vrhes I was be'done the "Jew, 'as a human being,' in Germeny, and'Rou-' eisn -Protection," Great Srit&ia | bora, the day "aliensn cot subject to forIt must not be forgotten that'Italy, while the-home of mania, and lands that today oppress the Jew, which will also j tottrcodea? Joaa I T " * ' s e f a ? l t ! * ' ^ hA1* " " '


many of the humiliating devices inflicted on medieval Jewry, improve and reform with.increasing evolution; as well as in reta'ry of-state, set a powerful j tiaics to r=r .nsale-child nevertheless never auccumbed to the savagery that became tho and 8trea Palestine (despite'the-Arabs)» and in the lands that have-al-! £ protest.la which sells bcrs. urt'o t klEg tlxa lot of tho Jews of northern Europe and Spain. Mussolini, for ready attained a high degree of political justice, as England, all his faults, until now, when necessity has thrown him into •weep sscre for the arms o£ Germany, has been fair to.th* Jews-of the coun- France and America, with their democracy* freedom and hu-a tacit' party to sa Jsteraatioaal besaoa,E feJns, wrong." Today, car gorerstsent 1 hiss tfest goct ; , ray, for tie" ssall try, an'd to their credit or shame they have been active in themanity. all tb» tforeraacnt cf the'j retura no tuc sor sea 'tis asDr. Prins is a great believer in democracy; and his quota- and. country's political life. It was a Jewess, Margarita Sarfatti, world,., fere parties to -tbe 'most! tire country. tidn of President Koosevelt's recent utterance i$ his address at dastardly lntarnEtioss.1 criajs —•! Woe usto hisn that fcnildet: ,i who deified Mussolini in her biography of II Duce. the-opening-of the -Congresa this month was most thrilling and the Nazi dsstrxsctica cf .Qeras&aJ kause fcjr uarSgitesEsaess, as. If the Jews of Italy'suffer, it will be as common victims Jews.. internatSoaal- nor&lity ias-j t i s ciacbers • 6y isjustsss, of Fascism. And if 'Racism' comes.to Italy, the-Jews will not constituted a most eloquent though unpremeditated climax and becoaa a sfctssq^a end tragic '-Ifli-' peroration to his evening's discussion! "Democracy'will be johc. irotf" T?ft iiifo rctrof,Tf;;cdt ' be the only victims. The Vatican has reason to worry should Prior ics SILi'.tr, Crarlstifi L'u;-, .Ire. the Italians develop a messianic complex as the savior of peo- renewed and established whore it is not a w . " Fascism with its tyranny and dictators, its hatred and its anti-Seinitista, its sia %.t.5 ilii fcr^t^t cifcr.;:?' ples, as have the Germans and the Japanese," for Italy within her boundaries has a number of national minorities. Prom tho cruelty and its inhumanity will be over-thrown! The democpersecution of these groups on racial grounda, it will be only racy of 'liberty, equality, and fraternity' will yet bless the ment pfci;;trJ rcr^-itcl'y r j t ' r - J . per-r frith a rr.se before j'cu. pr.cr! IS91 ths KOUEG by a short step to the persecution of religious groups that protest world, and the Jew as an integral and legitimate and m e t im- vote tion, and of COO to 1 abrogated a to ths h6£.rintr cf tteir claims, , portant and valuable part o£ the world. injustice. ~ • •" treaty mads wita Xascia in 1S32. and even t:-ere^ft;-, t - : Ic^:.:-: | The Jew may well repeat the lines of John Burroughs: becausa zhz dSoCrItmii2.ti.a f.£,a.ic;t Americsu citizen: cf Itz .Tc^L'-'i "Serene I fold my arms and wait faith. The ?er.ats arrowed r-lth-' tl:sr*.. 'Co nz-G c'clirri? ^: "Nor care for wind, or tide or tea; A mad rush to get off the Russian bandwagdn ia now in out s. singlo dtiScatiE? veto. In ycrrrc'.Ter ^ut ti',zr r = " I rave no more 'gainst Time or Fete 1919 -when t t c tilled r o r c r s c^*-"C-rd ti.: r cci-, t r j : z?^ process. Starting 'at the time of the first Trotskyite trials, nuthered zX Versaillcc tlio proMcia J -^"-ici v-a;- t v ? * . j - " - c ~ - For lo 1 my own shall come to ne. merous admirers of Russia have expressed disappointment, and of minorities hsd to bn faced.. dices you nr.;jt r e t zC^'.vs The stars'come nightly to the sky; now there'is .hardly a voice to .be raised in praise of Stalin and and on a much Urger nes.le than' to go cut a r i crl- It: *.:r." The tidal wave unto the sea, iiis measures. A striking similarity between Stalin and hia die* ever before, i c c i u : ; Ti'ooiSrf^j r.ibt: Ccz.zM-; L !z,il. "A Nor time, nor space, nor deep, nor high' tutorial-colleagues, long recognized-by foe3 of totalitarianism, ence of the TcrJd *-o t t » ;u^-. -:t>. t i e c; Can keep my own away from me," is gradually growing discernible even-to the formerly most . l i e £blci:i tlccs to tbe* c;yrc:.:io& t\.iC"L -" ! Only the Jew should not 'fold his cms.' "Silence and ac- fared by csiill i i t u i i l i t i c s . T t c ! sympathetic. tivity,'' declared Dr. Prinz, should bo hia iaotto. If the Jew One of the unfortunate circumstances /of post-war history ity Treaties" r-hlcL t-o r.e%r r,n-.. t lias been the'tendency of reactionaries to brand reform as part would devote one tithe of the energy that ho puts into narrow enlarged Etctrs cf rolr,:t-. Crtil-i nationalistic ends, in this age when an intense, inflamed nationand parcel of Russian Communism, aiid in defense the reformoclavaki", Yt: ^cslr-Tia,: Roiinania ! ers have felt it their duty to defend Communism along \?ith alism is the universal curse, tho causa of our inraediate vrott and Greccr v,-crc c!;l rcd to z'.z~- ' into universal ends and help on this &zy e£ eroding inters-' (heir own particular belief. t 1 " ' £:"'"" tionalifitn (his true mission) and human brotherhood—'hh own' tnd caucli:;-!i ia t.\l Russian Communism contained an appeal to the high mo- which io manlnnd'o 'own;' its instinctive and inherent ri^ht -•ithou :;! "*ti-'" cf tlrll;, r~tives of men. Yet even ia theory it was intellectually dishon- its human heritage would.'come to him, KO.-J c-.:iri;r." *.'•>**'$' lisica. TL-c.est; and iii practice it has become barbaric. Learning nothing deems or dreams to bless him and ths world hut revolutionary technique from the social' movements oC his-and peace. tory, it based ito action on tho old, out-moded idea that tho 'means' justify the end. It did not recognize that the end is i?i2!r Colin. merely the climar of a eh'ain of measures called "meana/ Claim, ^ - -•-,', f<-rc'-or i ing to boseeidiig justice, it followed a pathway oi' injusfcico. Jov/Icli Galc:i{icjj C t'.o , icx Attempting to find peace and security it indulged in unparal5CD3-it3? leled violence, ; :::^--.," '.:-.cU'r Is! °Bosh Choaesli Adcr i ..«.....«.....„.„..„„. Jfcb. 2 An intelligent opposition would have removed it from the e «.

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Eosh Chodesh Adar H.



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WNS) — Undercover to :the Nazi regime many'has reached the -e all: anti-Nazi • elehe Reich: have met in Reich congress of all in the struggle against al Socialist dictatoris announced in secret lonyeyed to foreign ants. here. ' The mes•ted that 37 delegates r t s o t Germany except la met for tvro days Hi a campaign against egime. The announcee meeting said that waken Germany."


HTA) — Yahve, Biblithe Jews, may stand "German court if Der jr, Nazi anti-Semitic dished by Julius Stroiremberg, has its way. g to the latest issue of ical a former Leipzig employe, Arthur Hlliias served It with a for blasphemy. The ltes" the following pasid in a recent Issue of •.

whom the Jews Tvora greatest of all crimteaches the Jews to .116.' murder, rape and other crimes." HlldeB: "My religious feelChristian are deeply •e is the name of tho 1 God according to the st of the Old Testa;h is recognized aa aa iart of the Bible and itho foundation of tho aith." nmons concludes with salutation of "Hell


ting on the action, Der declares; "Hildebrandt gratifying Der Stuerm3t -wish. Der Stuermer ;hat'a court of tho' :h finally give Its doYahve who has hitherotected by German re-

I Poland Admits

Co. Bluffs A. Z.. A. I Sigxha Alpha Mu


ier Sued or Blasphemy


as a unit to compete for C23 of the prizes. j Cantor Aaron Efigar reviewed The Council Bluffs Chapter off Morris Lip?, North Platte, -vras the choir Tuesday evening. The A. 2. A. held its regular meeting A regular meeting and election rewarded for his brilliant and choir icten.ds to participate in the Monday Night, January 17th at of officers of the Daughters of outstanding work as ne^rs editor Bsth-ei servisDS la the ret-r *«the home of Norman - Rossntaal. Israel Aid Society took place of the Daily Nebraska!!, student ture. Appointments of committees for Tuesday, January 18, at the JewThe basket bail teara w ! et'-j the* term were annotsseed, and it publication, when the Publicaish Community Center. the Jevlsh Co? ter tions Board, of the University apCea-! was decided that a social affair TO SPONSOR SUBSCRIPTION ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT The following were elected to pointed him to the position o" ter league a.s an for the. members will be held Satc utl ;" • Mr. and Sirs. David Sllverman DANCE ' • ' . office: Mrs. A. Wolf, president; ' - Kibitzer's, chapter urday, February 5 at Hotel Chief- managing editor for the second:j tion, announce the engagement of Birchwood Club on were sent to sixty-eight otfeMrs. G. Friedel, first vice presisemester of the school year. tain. their daughter, Goldie, to Will- will be the scene of a subscrip- dent; Mrs. J. Finkel, second vice j er A. 2. A. chapters r.s reporieS Lipp has served as sports ediAbe Raben was appointed ofiam Rosenbaum, son. of Mr. and tion danco t o bo given by Ruth president; Mrs. I. J. Soskln, secb y fh< ibitzer committee. Rosenstbck and Babe Milder. Mu- retary}, Mrs. K. Tatle, treasurer; ficial representative to the dis- tor of the Cornhuslter, University ( Mrs.' Sam Rosenbaum. . .. Flans ire beitg lortnulEtea for Annual, sports editor of the Dai-j trict Convention to be held at A Btudent at the Municipal sic will bo furnished- by a colora charity Canoe ID be held some j - • Mrs.: J; Miller, first trusteo; and ; University of. Omaha, Mis3 Silver- ed swing orchestra. Tickets for Mrs. S. Fellman, second trustee. Des Moines, Iowa, March 19 th, ly Jvebraskan, and until his re- j time around Passover. •; ' ' cent appointment served as news | 20th and 21st. ' man is a member of the Alpha he affair ra#-be gotten from Board members will b e . an-1 editor for the daily. Lipp also Nathan Gilinsky, Meyer Maltz, Gamma Chi" sorority. Mr. Rosen- either of the.two.spbnsors. ; nounced at the next meeting. Nathan Nogg and Max Turner serves as secretary of Sigma baum attended Creiehton Univer"At the conclusion of Tuesday's] ta Chi, honorary journalism fra- j sity where he was affiliated with meeting a Chamiso Oser B'Shevat Were elected as advisers for the ternity. UCOUNTRY CLUB • jj Tie Omasa Section of the Kanew' term. Chairmen of the vartho Phi Beta Epsllon social fra- •: Sunday evening the Highland tea was held. ious committees are as fololws: Arthur Hill, Lincoln, was hocjj tion&l Council of Jewish «UJiiors ternity. He is at present attend- Country Club will givo a family Cultural Committee, Joe Wolf- ored by the Publications Board II will jiold their regular business ing the medical school of the party at the clubrooma in. the •BETBELAV1E1ARY son, Finance ConaaUtes, Vernon also, when he was apxioitsted to jj meetiEg zt the Jcvrish. CoEcmunUniversity o£ Nebraska. Paxton Hotel*. Fitch; Social Committee, Norman the position of assistant business i ity Centsr, Sunday, Februarr P. The wedding will take\place in Rosenthal; Social Service Com- manager. Hill, a sophomore, is j at £;£0, at which tiise the ncwthe spring. . ., • ; DEPARTS FOR NEAT YORK j ly org&RlEed Dramatic Group viu mittee, Arnold Lincoln; Initia•Mrs. Mas Fromkin left ThursThe Shabboth of the tion Committee, Harold Bern- one of the leading "ad" n e a for I present their first playlet. HONORED OX "WEDDING AN- day for New York City where Beth El Auxiliary will be held on stein; Athletic Committee, Har- the Dailv Kebraskaa. :a Current Event study pronp Sigma Oaicrou" of Sig-;na Al- • she will spend several weeks at Saturday, v January 22, at the old Fox,- and Membership ComNIVERSARY j which meets every \Teiir;esfi£j* rt ! pha Mu celebrated the lltli &n- ~;S0 at the Center utsfler gi;idhomo-.of Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky. mittee, Bob Passer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Perlmufc the Waldorf-Astorial ' 114 So. 51st St. Co-hostesse3 will I niversarv- c* its foxxndias -at a. . ,. _ _ . »» , ter of Council Bluffs; were sura c e e ot K 8 G w r l be Mrs. i. Blank and Mrs. Dave prised on their twenty-fifth" wed- BETH El DANCE T0Jbanquet" which was held at the 1has « ( Tfe? - ^ u^us. been "extend id. Ee Jonger Cornhusker hotel Saturday, Jan-i Sherman. " " ding anniversary last Sunday WOMEN'S MIZRACHl period inasmuch as this class has BE HEW FEBRUARY 5 Rabbi Monroe Levings of Des uary IE. The .banquet was attendwith, a buffet supper given by become very popular tdth the 1 their children for seventy-five Mbinea. will speafi oa " "Jewisli Mrs. E: Weinberg, chalr&aa of ed by approximately 60 aluiar.i, guests. . •;•'". The Beth El Synagogue Auiil, Women." the Jewisa National Fund com- actives and pledges, who later reU this meeting the Coinsj :u is to the chapter bouse for "Many out-of-town guests were lary dance which ;is to be held at mittee of th© "Women's Mlzraehl turned c suing to crgasizi? & SSports the Paxton on Saturday night, present. _ .• announces the following coatri- a bit ot reininiscing. Speakers for Gro\ip which vrili fclter! the evening included, Jack EpFebruary 5, is expected to be one ( buttoas to the J. N. F. trea fund. spor'Js stein, Ozsaha; Jay Mars, LincoJa; \ of the outstanding events of the UNDER GOES OPERATION A. Hirsh for the Chsvra KadThe feature of the Hadassah Miss , Hermlne Hirschmann, season, according to the chair- Annual Hostess Luncheon and isha of the B'nal Jacob synago- Leo Hill Salina Kans.; ani-Kor-j r 1' men, Mrs. Moe Venser, Mrs. Cy daughter.of Dr. and Mrs. H.,HirCard Party bejing held at l p. in., gue; Mr. and Mrs, J. Morgan in man Harris Omaha. Irving Evei- j schmann, underwent an" orthope- Silver, and Mrs. E. A. Meyer. Wednesday, January" 26th on the honor of •- the marriage of their tel, prior, acted as toastmaster. acted cs Librarians to the paReports from the ticket com- eighth floor of the Blackstone daughter; Mr. and Mrs, J, Bloch dic operation on Wednesday, Jantients of the TTnirersitr of Nebrauary 19, at the Methodist hospit- mittee have been exceeding Jav- Hotel will be the serving of a in honor of the marriage of their ska I-IOBjnt.f.l, Tfcip work consiRt' al. She will remain In the hospit- orable,. full course Kosher luncheon for daughter; Mr. and Mrs. J. TreeS o£ fiistributing tnd. checking A Big Apple Contest is to be fifty cents. al for ten days. tiak in honor of the marriage of! the hooks that pE.tier.ts ussd tnd T ' r o, feature of the evening. Cash! Mrs. Joe Goldware, Chairman, their daughter; Mr. and J.Irs. Four B'nai Brith mesabers prizes will bo awarded the two states that women who do not Dave Brodkey in honor of tho were elected to the Advisory j Kospit&i SIS.ZZ. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Abe Siegel of Lo3 winning couples. play cards may join the Bingo marriage of their son; < Mr. and Board of Mother Chapter o£ A. [ r- ne ccuncU Cosners Music for the dance" is to be games. To the names of the hos- Mrs: M.-Venger in honor o? their Z. A. Sunday .afternoon &t the j m it tee extenfis Angeles, formerly of Omaha, anfurnished by Lloyd Hunter's allJewish Commtinity Center. Art j ' h nounce the birth of a^aon on Sunt0 tesses listed last week is added son's mariage; Mrs. E. Fellmsa He :s sEterestea in colored, thlrteen-piece orchestra. Mrs. Max Arbitman. A capacity in honor of the marriage of her Grossman, Ben Earkin, Art Rob- jo day, January 16. Mrs. Siegall j r A bingo and card-room will be son. Mrs. B. Fellman in honor 0* tason, and Irv T\ ezelnian will! ' crowd iB being expected. formerly Tillye Sigal of Omaha. available for those not wishing the engagement of her sen; Mrs. serve for the remainder of the I J£ Cnltnral 1 j Mr' and Mrs. Phil Ostravitch to dance. Admission to the affair "Provision of the Partition" Jos Verbin of Fremont In mem- year. *" is $1.25 per couple.ory of her husband; and Mr. and announce the birth, of a son' on class will be held at 1:15 p. in. A cotsnittes was formed of! The stud unior i roup of Contrary to previous reports, January IS at the Clarkson hosTuesday,• January 25th, at the •Mrs. B. Eisenberg in honor cf Alephs Joe Eorasteia, Daa Mill-.jVaad Trill meet on Tuesday, Feb-!! the dance IB not formal. pital., Jewish Community Genter, under their son's graduatloa. er, Haskel Lazere, and Advisor j rusxy 1, at the IICSES: CJ f-f.rs.li \ the. leadership of Mrs. David A. Art Grossman for the purpose of Berg1, £0£5 No. l£th sii-eet. j Mr. and Mrs. Nate Mozer anGoldstein. Members of the class meeting in conjunction, with a Rtbbi IZOPbtc'n T.Vill coirlitue i COUNCIL OF JEWISH nounce thd birth of a daughter are getting not only a fundameni like coiamitteQ frcn San Bebfrihis dlsctseloES en J e r l c S ' €vs~\ on January 0 at the St. Elizabeth WOMEN 'chapter who Trill -rork together I tons and CererncrJes. " j Howard Kaplan was chosen to tal background of Palestine, hishospital, Lincoln. Mrs,_Mozer was be:Managing Editor of the Daily torically and geographically, but ' to plan joist affairs. ! ; formerly Sue Corcnman of Oma- Nebraakan according to an an- are also learning political, social " The Child Psychology class of Morris Arbitraan, Aleph Godol, | PIU SlGdA [ ha. * nouncdment of the Publication's and economic' problems of ' the the Council of Jewish Tv'onien and Alepli - Dan Miller Trere ES- j ; Board Tuesday. Howard received Jewish homeland. Lesson Num- frill meet Tuesday erening, Jan-j lected as delegate -&Z.& alternate | A regular meeting cf the FUi} 1 ENTERTAIN HIGH SCHOOL uary 25, at.the home of Mrs. Ben respectively to attecd the district j Sigiaa. sorority was held itBi £un-| this high position by virtue of a ber Two of the second series S E T -'; . • . ' • • : • " • . . • year's service as news editor of present all-'the views and prob- Shapiro. Husbands of the mem- convention at Des Moines, the honie Kkit Lciilte | Miss Helene and Shirlea Al the /campus dally. He Will serve lems of the "Neln-Sagers." Reg- ber will be guests. Mrs. Max Sha- some time' in March. "\Tintrcub, Plans ,' re fcelEf- Cis-1 berts will entertain 150 members during the coming second semes- istration for the class is Etill open piro "will be co-hostess. ussecl for s tea to >e held fii;ri^E \ :hapter Trill ester 1 cus The entire eh of the Higb. School set at a tea ter. In addition to" this honor, phone Mrs. M. F. Leveason, Ha- . This coarse of study will end ! the rers rubFcr:rt;m the ot their home on Sunday after Howard recently, was appointed a dassah Educational Director, Wa. nest month. Mrs. Mary Freder- j noon from 3 to 6. • lcks vill then co&duct a class on j member of the Junior-Senior 0S50. Those assisting will be: ih.< Prom committee. He will be in Tho January Oneg Shabboth of "Personality," Council meinlcrE' Misaes Beta Kulakofaky, Ruth charge of publicity for this cam- Hadassah will be,,.held'.at-, the interested in joining this grcrup j Somberg, Miriam Rubnitsj Babe pus dance which closes the for- home of Mrs. M. it. Brodkey on have, been asked to call* J.Irs. > Milder, Frances Oaoff, Ruth. Ro- mal season at the- University of January 29th. Mrs. Herman Au- Louis Sogolow, chairman, or Mrs. senstock, and Beverly Greenberg. Nebraska. erbach will review "Salvation" Harold Pollack, co-chairman. - -. • " Miss ^Marjorio' Weinberg of The Civics and Legislative The P ubllcation's Board found by Sholem Asch. City; will be honored guest. another ZBT also worty of proChoral .Group Group 'Will meet en Friday, Jan;\ The Hadassah Choral Group uary 28, at 1 o'clock at the home motion. Leonard Friedel, a GOpLEAVES FOR KANSAS CITY hombre member, was .elected to will hold a meeting at 11 a. m. of Mrs. Paul Elotcky. Mrs. MorMrs. A-' B. Alprln left Monday fill the position,of Assistant Bus- Tuesday, January 25th at the ton Hiller •will be co-hostess. night for Kansas City, Missouri, iness Manager of the Awgwan, Jewish Community Center in to visit her son-in-law and daugh- campus humor magazine. : Room C. This group is under the Patronize Our Advertisers ter, Mr.. and Mrs,, I. Bordman. Edwin Sommer '34 now of Om- supervision'of Cantor Aaron EdMr. and Mrs. Bordman are leay- aha, former president of Alpha gar. Jewish, Palestinian, and . ing for Florida and after seeing Theta chapter, was r e c e n t l y - American Bongs wJll be "studied them off "early next week, Mrs. made Regional Director, of the and Included in the repertoire. •IDEAL WEIGHT CONTROL Alprln will return home. fraternity at its annual conven- All who are musically^ Inclined ; and can carry a tune are urged tion held this year in Washington Under Medica! Supsrvisien , JOSLYN MEMORIAL No Dlltina . . . No Exercising D. C.' He succeeds Herman S. Ror to attend the meeting on TuesThe lecture a t 3:30 this Sun- senblatt, also formerly from Ne- day. Mrs. Dave Brodkey, Gl. 0343 EOS Brsndeis.Th. Bide. HA 1«5 day, in the Joslyn Memorial lec- braska, who is now practicing Is in charge of arrangements. ture hall will be given by Dr. law with his brother, Sol in New Wilfred Payne* who -will speak York City. Brother Sommer, as on "Contemporary Experimental Regional Director, Is In charge of Novels,""-".'. ; > ! the mid-west region, which inThe organ recital at 4 o'clock cludes chapters at St.' Loui3 UniSunday will be played by Martin versity, and the Universities of W. Bush, assisted by Kathleen Missouri, Illinois, Chicago, WisShaw, soprano, Mary Fitzsim- consin,: and Nebraska. He also mons Massie, soprano, Richard automatically becomes a member Siscs 12 fa 44 Steinhausen, tenor, and the Uni- of the' Supreme Council of the ; . verslty of Omaha Orchestra. One fraternity. • v .0 of the features of the program is Robert Stiefler • represented to be the playing «of the compo- Alpha Theta at the convention sition "Mystic Pool" by John last month. Whllo there he was HeftI, v/hich will be conducted by informe'd that ho had won first -- tho young composer himself. prize for writing the best article A book review on "The Journ- for tho "Quarterly," the fraternal of Eugone Delacroix" will bo ity's official publication. Bob given in tho library at 4:30 p. m. also visited In New1* .York during by the librarian, Mrs. Rena W. his trip. One of Radio's Jlurtagh. Ernest. Wintroub' will repreThe Town Hall Forum lecturer sent Nebraska again this year an this. Sunday evening at 8 in the a member of the debate squad. He 6 tube superhet« Joslyn Memorial concert hall was chosen froin a group of- over cfodync • w i t h bo Dr. Bryan Stoffer ot Doano fifteen men, at tryouts held DeRCA metal tubes. College, who will speak on "Wea cember 15th. Tho team plans a tern Culture In a Changing In- trip to Oklahoma sometime nest 12 Inch dynamic dia." The Forum lecturer arc mouth. speaker "with sponsored by tho Nebraska Socie1 Tc:sc! control and ty of Colonial Damea.





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H3t Arab Paper DA) — The authorities ed-proceedings agnlnst rguiba, manager of the :r, El Amal, organ; ot Nationalist Party, for mti-Frencb. and a'ntiIcles. •: •

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SOL;'lLSWia:-.offers while..' tliey last this -1938 all-wave RCA Victor Radio, •regularly priced at CSS.SOj at the special sale, price of £K0s£3 and your radio. :.E AS YTE





The Bible Class of tho Vaad will moot on Wednesday, Janu> ary 26, at 2 p.'m. at tho Congregation B'nal Israel. Tho class is , By B2rs. David EL Newman op.cn to all Interested. Rabbi Milton Kop3tein conHonoj- Drop Cookies i ducts tho class. V3 cup butter, % cups sugar, '.i cup flour, 1V2 teaspoon bnkPatronizo Our Advertisers inE powder, \\ cup honey, 1 ess. M> tablespoon lomon juice. Cream butter and sugar. Add honey, beaten yplk, and' lomon juico. Mis well. Add flour and baking powdor which have been sifted together. Fold In egg white bciten stiff. Put in pans and bako 15 ininutca in a hot oven.


Autoniitis - V o Iums control. - 'Go RCA d ! iho Way/ Iv-Iatc ycxiT radio p!cr.c"rc c o n •plzio v>-ith a nsv.' i».Ow< i^^^.1. Victor. V


D;ito Peddles ?s cup soft butter. 2 2-3 cups brown sugar. When partly mixed, add 4 eggs, one at a time. Eeat -until light. Add Vi cup mill:, 3*j cupo flour, 1 teaspoon eacli cinnamon and nutmeg, l lb. dates, sioned and cut in half, Bako asj • cup cakes in moderate oven. 1



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•- CO^EVIANDS JAPANESE — Count Juichi Terauchi. center foreground, commander-iri-chief of. the Japanese forces in North China, shown with some of his staff and members.of the prbr' 'visional government the Japanese have inaugurated; In ; Peking. The Count, who has served Japan as. War Minister,,has always• believed:in'keeping toe army apart from .the influence of politics..





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EGYPT'S KING TO WED — A gigantic spectacle of jubilation, with rajahs, sheiks and scores of foreign dignitaries attending, ' -twill jnark the wedding-of King'Farouk, 18-year-old sovereign of ' "Egypt, to'Miss Farida Zulficar, 17, daughter of an Alexandrian • . judge, in Cairo on Jan. 20. A..-week of festivities will follow the .'.*. :'simple'religious ceremony drdered by the young King, idol of his .people. This will include a state procession in which the King ••and' Queen will ride in the royal. coach, fireworks on the river Nile, civic and military parades, state banquets and an illurainai. tion of all Cairp. Many believe the discovery in 1936 of the great stele of

Amcnhotcp .II, shown at lojrer left, in fhs diggings nortli ol me Sphinx, preordain a glorious reign-for young King Farouk'and his lovely Queen,, shown at top left and right. Like Fsrouk, Amcrihotep ascended the throne of Esypt on his ICta birthder, in 1447 3 . C, was raore tain sis feet tall—a tiering hcrss^r-i and athlete. •• ° • Weddins csreraonics wHl be in Soubbeh Palace, Cc.irc. Tier; at lower risht, nads from en Inpcriai Airv:ars plane, she—s tii; formal czzdzzs. n e e d feszx; end recreation crcuzis thct £.rs part d ths vert estate ccnteriss en. t^o live-ftorj- lir-t^tc^palace, cae o* the siio~ places oi Egypt.





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tlNXIEUOF AN AMBUIiANCE-^-This donkey In Spain is serving •in place of an ambulance for two Loyalist soldiers wounded dur:irig the fighting near. Teruel. where Insurgents attempted to regain ' i the city and break the Loyalist army. Casualties were more numierpus than the medical corps could aid and the donkey, went into "service. . Intense cold added to suffering of wounded".

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SENTENCES TO ATLANTA—Dionisio Velez, Juan Alamo, Julio Pinto Ccr.iik r.r.d Iltr.ucl Avi!=. sentenced in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to five years each in Atlanta Federal penitsntiary Tcr their pert 'in attempting to shoot Federal District Judge Robert Cooper, last June. Jud^s "Cooper ~«o 3red en after sentencing 70 Nationalists for attempting to overthrow the Government.





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•ICES E l JA1-ALA1—Tv;o acas in the sv^ift and actionable game b? jai-alai (pronounced hi-li) 'are Carlos, left, end Adolfo. v/ho ' dl^cucs the merits of a pelota (ball>. The Cuban aces are shown 5n"iJ'Iiami. Fla., v/liile practicins forrnr;exhibition there. Strapped to their right wrists are the cestas, with which they hurl or catch . the ball in play against a wall.

E E T U U N S - Former Grand Duchess Maria of-Russia,, as she returned to New York, looking slim and fit, after visitins 11 countries and most of the Indian states, during 'an interesting year abroad. She plans a book soon, relating her travels.

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hers the Japar.cr.o havs :'c;r:'tcl to an ?;--•:': for tha front, after U2-3 munitior.s wore c,.u':-~: beasts of bui'd-;n v.'itli their Kippoceaa Cn.;-~


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(youngsters in- infantile a year. But funds obident's birthday, this :very two weeks. WPA Jerry Adams, above, at

gregatioa &re with a 12-11 victory over tic r. m. at thr Hawkcyes. ' T.c J o lctrc r*.-ee'J. IsrscE, l t t h S-z Next Thursday, the yoa=3 • rri players start their, second rczr.fi with Hawkeyes zaeetiss Corahuskers and the two A. S. A.'s 1 At scrricc: t l > c-fr .rr, Tall r •"" opposing each other. ' . . • r Rabbi Ilcuros Levi&ss cl Dss Theso cameit are proviso Tratfes Ths,t ?A\X \ mighty interesting aEd faas arg llolnes will oeccpy the pttSpit at Regular Ert-c-lt; urged to attend st no afissiEsloa. BetS El tsla eveslag. The t'opic vices will V Lt" £ cf his senaea trill fee "SafeThe matron woiaea volleyball\r~ i t tf * i .' r^ 3&tX2I*-dl&Y XXJCZ*Ei*!llt ESFT3CCS W i l l ens contiaus to show the!r su,*-«.. i. V . " Tho 15th triennial convention ment had taken over many of the ther all social education aad re- premacy over outside, competition begia .at E:SO. At 2; SO, Ssturdsy '- v rrf v r- * ,of the : ;3»&t!oaal Council of; functions of the farm and rural ligious groups, was sponsored . . ,' Last wesit, the girls wen afternoon, the Irenes of t i e Eeti l',r >rrr ^t Jewish --Women opeas "ia Pitts- . department. However* there are and largely organized by tha lo- e'i&ct straight gaiSss over Coun- El' Bynasosue will gather for tn burgh on January : '.SSxd. :' -in/ i / today still some sections that are cal Council section. In many lo- cil " Bluffs. wonsen . . . A n ziisd O a e g S h a b b o t h a t t h e " h o m e o? I . j a E , i o r K - l s t?s.s.r r e i - I r r ' T*"--*^" V - ' r - ^ ' ( ' - ' - ' « / s V ^ -• this article its-'executive deeply concerned with tho rural calities study groups, courses in attractioa for ths natrca Mrs. J . H . K u l a k o f s k y . " | o r g a n i s e d a t t b s C n c j T r u r ' " • t"~f* c ' " c i - f - * 1: " r \ " " - " tor -reviews, its', .-.toistory: areas In their neighborhoods and universities and other cultural 'classes, Jwa been rollsr ' N e s t w e e k s t F r S d a j e v e c i s i s i M e a o r i i . 1 E c r r ? 5r T'^^r? *, - :*•» '<~~~. f - ^ ; i ' - T / — , - . - - ^ , achievements a n d -'program, In these section this wort goes on developments have followed Eat* . . .'Early arrivers isrc i Benson Test, >'~ i ; r , f ~ / r " " services EsM since It was founded "45.years' with undtainished impetus. . urally la tho •wake of the coaa- plenty of fun and exercise oat of will gpesk o a "Uoa" Isaac A b s r - [ i c s n I«egion f c r C a l l ' * t " r f f ! 1 " i f r v f : % ' - " , " r~'C 7 "' r > r-r ago. •'.. "" -;!. .. EDXXOR rolling. around the gym floor - — b a a e l " i a c b s e r v a a c e cf t h e five e r e mezsbers c j itc i a s r cC vl*.' j-r, r r e t t r ^ r i " r r " ' c ' •••*• * And what ia the picture today? cil program. • 1 Council is a group of almost; 50Not the least of -these has beea that is. when, they .can-stay on hundred anniversary cf OES O" s^iosi. OuS.ric^ ClL^cr f-L*' l&Ti, r~~ * ^ *"" * " "- ~c .The handball tour- the great msa cf test tins. >cr c ! i r e V"r*','' The National Council of Jewish 000 women in 38 states of the the interest in contemporary Jetr s their feet year w to Also nest •week Artlscr ESdisey, Women this year celebrate its Union and In 11 cities in Canada, ish' affairs. Identifyln,g. itself as nament . is movias too ..-f r son of Mr.- snd'Jffrs. Lo&Is Kuls- isstnict. AH 45th anniversary and the 80th" working together .under the always trita ths Jet?' la and of us 7*here irj ^f r e r^rT-rr'. r hirthday o£ its-"founder, Mrs. motto of Faith and Humanity. America, Council has triesj to in- matches absolutely xasst be cosa- kofsky -will becorae S s r MitsvaJs. — r- r' •— r \' tie Hannah G, Solomon. It waa In Partly through tbe pressure- of terpref-tae implications and con- pleted by the- end "of this -week rr.' C e = r « t i r™1 T r' r catastrophic conditions, sequently to map a road which . . . ~ Four-wall' nutters are reChicago at the ttae of . the World's Fair in 1893 that- a partly through the reawakened will best lead us to a finer under- minded of the clty-A. A. U. tour5>! At the late services tosi"it Mr. group of women interested in re- interest of its constituent groups, standing and a. more acceptable nament which will bs held at the Morris Bnrsteia win coadact the ligion c?Lmo together at. one of its work has grown in Ecope, var- working basis of life. Several Center courts Ia the isiddls c* services, s.Bd Kr. L SScrgessiera, ice ETT, vLrrr r r r ' f t r.s ' iil\' the sessions and tdrmed tho first iety and volume. Since tho ear- publications In this field have al- February . . .Health clubbers caa prcslScat cf the Oraaia llsirEW prepare for a pleasant stirprsss at national Jewish •women's organi- ly years of the century when the ready appeared aad others . are the completion of the new Jocker L i u D f w i l l EpCaW. v&»*i-4.^* *£- ^Wiw*! eliEOil zation vhich had ever existed In National Council was the guard- now in preparation. -sratzkSa 'TFtE cf?lcJste, Nest weft j -" i-o*-. America. L The organization, ded- ian-of the needy and bewildered .Council Is a larger group than rooa . . . Escus® u.s» now. it's Rsbbi Miltoa Kopstela'a' topic time to "take another... £& ' icated to education and philan- newcomers, it has been its aim it was a year ago — ©oaa 6,000 •will be "The Rcr^asso oJ JevSsh thropy^ ETQXT rapidly and within to carry on a complete, thorough- new membsra havo Joined Its History." three years tbero were sections ly organised and* integrated so- ranks, and a number of nsw secJ. C_C. EOTSXSKd The services' cf the Jcslor CoB-'tfc* first E J T ; ~ - r ^ ? >~ : * : ' t 1n 53 cities and a - membership cial ••service. It begins in many tions have been formed. With .Tessa StaaSSajp of over 5,000. From the very be- instances when the "beneficiaries organised field work, with new Pet. i ginning the Council provided a are still In' some foreign land-and guides for etudy and programs, Wildcats ,„,„. 2S 20 ..ZZZ meeting groiind for Jewl3h wom- continues with many ramlfica- and with the- impetus of the tri- Sooners ~ .- 'it 20 -ESC en of every belief and of every tiona until they aro American Cycloaes .«. -35 23 . . e n shade of opinion. This was to citizens, established in. a com- innial convention. Council looks I 3t 24 ..SCO be the one . organization with munity, making their .contribu- orwsrd to a continued active Cornausliera _~» 20 2S _417 •which all • Jewish women —r re- tion to our many-sided civiliza- ind gratifying service. Jcyhawters IS 29 -SSS f o r m , orthodox, unaifiliated. tion. *"'•". At Tuesday evealEg's bare-lias Copyright 1938 By Seven Arts Zionist, non-Zionist : — could session .. the • three-way Us tras There ia hardly space in the Feature Syndicate.) meet on common ground to furbroSica -when the battca pasitka ther thosa purposes; J a -which confines/Of thi3 article to desJsyEaw&ers took threa gaacs : J • they all believed, purposes which cribe in detail the many aspects Iron the Cycloass. T3J-3 Bcoasrs were ably expressed by the mot- of this service, which Includes t— , —»> r > and Wildcats were also trlplseervice at the docks, help in fillita. -which tho organization- early t&rcat wianers the f orssser bEatlrs Ing out of affidavits'* Integrating adopted no its own, namely: Corahuskcrs cafi the latter y newcomers in their new communFaith and Humanity. .-.the TlsersBy.LSS ities, teaching of English, end Oscar. -Hayorwicli rccsitES tha In 1899 tha executive secre- citizenship aid. During the past "X . sally prlsa givsa to tc« psrscs The jinx that Kansas City tary ' of Council waa oent to En- year a special grant has made gland, with two other represen- possible the much needed addi- asketball teams have held over gettios the BSEt eve? Jiis avtrHaycrwich, with sa avertatives, to bo .'present at the In- tion of another eoclal service Omaha J. C. C. aggregations, was <i^" L f 138, bowled 517, 103 piss ternational Conference'of Wom- worker at the Port of New" ^ork good for one more tinjo Sunday and the additional clerical staff over his average. •when.Phil GereHck'a local l&Ga en in .London. At this time the Union of Jorrfah Women ot En- needed in the office to keep the ook a 27-24 beatins ea Use- K. C. Fit-© • . hundred nsrSsa boiled by Jca Girot, GZZ; ' gland. wa3 formed. This can section promptly informed of court. truly bo caid to bo an outgrowth prospective arrivals in ftheir comAlways close behind, ths Oaa- Melcher, E17; Sam Tccsta, 6SS; munty, '. " of our work in this.country. ha team just couldn't muster Lea Hsnrtts, .SOS, and Oscar 517. The Committee on Naturalizaenough points to get & lead en Its presant emphasis on psaco and international relations also tion and Citizenship has Just pre- he fast-movins Kansas City outHew Paps? Appears i a Wars3.tr goes bscif to 1S99. Before the pared a manual to. facilitate the fit. It was it clean, aardSpanish ^ a r , a petition was sent necessary wdrk of making Amer- contest, that had the fans on . Warsaw (WKS)—A new Jewr to tho President asking for a cans. Council is now preparing edge throughout the entire pro- ish daily paper in ths Polish Ian•guags has besn startca here by peaceful -settlement of the differ- throughout the land, groups of ceedings, The Omaha Varsity irtll havo tag publishers, of ta» •Warsaw ences batwen our country asS persons who are themselves versr « p ' * i Spain. When ^rar occurred, tho ed in naturalisation procedure another opportunity to crack tho Kos3eat,' prealasat TSidisii daiCouncil devoted, its energies to and who are" closely tied to a inxwhen 'the.Kansas City- teams ly.- The new paper is called Novy . .. . , alleviating 'tfea, «nfferlns of Eold- central. organisation . -which can 'come', to ;0i2&ha the. latter.jairt et O l 2 3 . . ' • . .; . . ' . • . . iers TraaiA-^ sailors" _ and' /was * able giva them •prsmstrsnaautaorita- Pebruary. "No dato has yet.'bcsa .first Jswlsh _• ' ia even in those early days to raise tivo help in the solution of intri- determined. cate problems. ThrbuglTits" ef- •Next game for the J. C. , C o'^U&Hed Etstes was ps 510,000 for tfia" cause. 1S2S. . By 1904 tasro Trero 72 ssnipr forts, .local committees are being team will bs Sunday ggainst ths sections and 26 Junior sections trained wherever Council sec- fast Brinn-Jcasen crew, & leader andr 77' study circles with an at- tiona exist, to work hand in hand in Omaha circles. A prelixainary a.: tendance of 3,000 and sis sec- with established agencies or to tcssle may slso bo signed. The tions in -tho larger cities of the initiate this service where none Varsity contest will start at S .p. [1 country, owning and' supporting exists. Thousands, of citizens have in. and 15 cents admission be their own settlement homes. That expressed their deep obligation charged. year also marked Council's first to Council for the help it has active work In 'service to thQ for- given them freely. Its goal is to With Mitchell Lantoann reeign "born. Tho IHJSOW Commis- encourage all reiaainlng non-cit- vealing great potentialities as z sion had demonstrated tha tre- isoaa who can become naturaliz- future cage star, th ©-: mendous heed for help for Jew- ed, to do so at this time. sprang a,mild upset In the later. ish women and girla who cama to Fortunately, the steady work mediate league when they defeatthis c o u n t r y unaccompanied. of Integrating German-Jewish ed the A. Z. A. No. 100 Juniors, • i White slave traffic wag rife. The children Into; individual Ameri- 33 to 14. Landm&ns. r&llci in \ Council undertook, with the per- can homea goes on without hind- 13 points in a fine exhibitloa. In mission of the government, to. in- rance. After the completion of the, other game, A. S. A. No. 1 i^ stitute service, on the docks tho experimental period during Junlora got by on mighty thin ica whereby. unaccompanied young which the ©nlted States Governwomen might be aided In find- ment permitted the German-Jewing " relativea and proper -homes ish Children's Aid to care for 250 G and in every way bo protected German children, permission was from- the dangers which other- extended' for tho current year to wise existed for them. From this caro for approximately 120 more. small beginning hsa grown the In many part3 of the United tremendous department of tsar- States, Council- committees have :-* f - (.—It vice to- the foreign born which looked upon this as Iheir particuhas added many phases of work lar opportunity for service and and has encompassed':the' gloho have extended help to the Hmi inito Influence. of their resources. . ' ? Vj Council is recognized as an imBy 1314 the organisation had portant, adult education force in attained the status of a powerful national. group. Council was the United States. Using the namade a: member of the Council of tional headauarters often as l National Bafones In 1914 and un- demonstration center, or. as an ^»—'^_ ""~.'" til 1918 served, as member of experimental laboratory, . study that body in many states. The material i3 .planned, institutes , national president represented held, and publications developed t-j the Council on the executive- com-. which servo as a stimulation in Js^,- :;'fc i.**lL i--**i* I ^^.->AJ IfiUL i. W » - L « i » L t Its local groups, and at times mlttee ai>4 slsn on the • i Belgium Committee, on ^-it h e spread far beyond the confines o i.L^' *arV * f f *• if American Jewish Relief Commit- "our" own' organization. . ^ ^ ^ ^ „ „„„„ tee, the Joint Distribution ComDuring the past year, the rer imittee, and on the advisory com- awakened activity of committee mittee of tho "Women's liberty in legislation and peace, > hav< ! i Loan Committee. Tho expendi- given new direction and renewed V ture for philanthropy was $205,- interest to the. work in thes JJ A S A 000 Including war - relief and fields. • In one large city an all : . work against tuberculosis. In day peace meeting, calling toge i. . .... V 1917 a foreign recoaotruction unit to aaslot Jewish war sufferers was organised. After the trar. Council turned its attention to" tho needs of Jewish women .in the rural areas At "thio tfca c f the The farm and rural wor!:' became tho best wcrlinscn an important part of ita' program".'





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distant -places to enable Jewish women to recaivo coms^jf the actual • and cultural benefits which Council was giving in such large measure to merobera of .sections In ths citie3.. This work was coa tiaued until tho esrly 1330's. It was - then felt that the govern Ax

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between-the old and new J*Graham,.master of Kingnnaird: of Rossie Priory, J^rtington of Lime Ridge. ji at Perthshire after their

V/o cwcnjjo all ccSaisSj, " FUIIEOAL DIRECTORS U U *.«» U»k L^bulf ^fe E'.W,Xi^">.'..u-.-».......». ~

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na~star ruby known to irgan Hall of the Amerr 'orfc. It is milky crimson.. *£ inches" long and 3, presented to the muIWewYork. • •




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Ted Lewis

COHEN, Attorney* 737 OmaitB National Bank BWg.


7r. f!iC !.>;?tri'.-'t CVv.'-t



The Senior Hadassah Oneg "iir- Application of Bj FEME AS • (>••' xbf° I'-state of Shabbot will take place tomor;-iiiie \'O!J.. minor. MISS ANNA PILL, coriespondeot row-afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in YOU SHOULD KNOW i! f weekly journal* which will fight purmithe home of Mrs. Charle3 Raskin, Persistent rumors reach us all forms of intolerance and renornble : 3022 Stone Park Boulevard. . Largely responsible (fathered ty Representative TTU-|.''ptn that Justice Louis D. Brandeis is action . District U&m Sirorich of Kew Tort:, is= ^ J T ^ very earnestly contemplating re- for the success of the Paris Inpencing ia the House. In. sr.tro- j HCT signing from the Supreme Court ternational Exhibition was Pierre ! cueing his resolution, Senator '> hereinafter vn\l be now that such a step will no long- Mortier, director of publicity, Davis cited previous efforts oi' Plans have been started for ; Rabbi H. R . ' Rabinowitz will er endanger a liberal majority on who .comes of an old Bordeaux i the United States to champion T h e ; ill- I Jewish family If the Japan-) the annual Talmud I'orah Dance, Speak this evening on the sub-that tribunztl i Jewish rights in Rumania, nolaband the date' selected and an-ject "Thank. God for Jethro." ness of Justice Cardazo, inci- ese high, command is puzzled as J iy the statements oi Secretary oi I. the nounced by Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Cantor Pliskin and the synago- dentally,..stiil further complicates to why its German ally doesn't j W-!o l:ouu. State Fish ia 1&72, the note o£ chairman, is February ;16. The gue choir will chant the ritual, " matters, and is intensifying the recall those German officers who Secretary OZ State Hay ic. WOS, scramble of candidates for a seat dance "will be held in the Belleare training the Chinese army, | 1 Reports of Officers^ andSnperAt the " Jtfhlor Congregation The Pinii.1 . Vi'i:; f'tet and a Mouse resolution in IE-IS. vue Ballroom and Jack Reams service tomorrow morning, Rob- on our higher court . . . Dr. Wil- let them inquire into the ancesintendent to Be Prague (WXS) — Dr. .Milan. ''"wr-nty-vive (!L*.r.^ Fe<?t of I^ot liam E. Dodd, retired U. S. Am- try of all those officers . . .''Most •orchestra wil furnish music for 1 1 ert Lipshutz will act as Cantor • Presented Forty Hi' !. H;x:'im;:n p Addition to Hodza, Czechoslovakia's premier dancing. Mr. AY M. Davis wil-be and Harry- Weinstein will reaa bassador t to Germany, will be- of.them are non-Aryans sent into Omnha. V"v.clnp O u n f y . Nelirasand. foreign minister, has urged come the uncrowned leader of the ka., {IP surveyed, pfatced find r e in charge of the refreshment arexile by the Nazis . . . the law; * The Annual- Federation Ban1 Foreign Minister Miczescu of Iluzi forces in this country rangements. Other' committees Pated r.t On^php. N^^rtPka, thin quet and meeting will be held The Bible Group of the Ladies nanJa not to allow Ecti-Jewish of 7? next Wednesday evening, Janu- will be announced a t , a later date Auxiliary will meet next Monday . . . All the anti-Nazi organiza- FUO3I GAX EDEX measures ia his com:try. lir. JOHN VOLZ. California has given birth to ary 26, in the Jewish Commun- by Mrs. Emlein. Proceeds go tow- afternoon at 1:30 in the home.of tions are clamoring to have him 12-~4-Z7 Oxnrdian. Hodza intervened in behalf of. as a speaker . . . Will the March some incredible Utopias, of which ity Center,' •••when reports of the ard the upkeep of the school. Rabbi and Mrs. Rabinowitz. tee Rumanian Jews during dip-' FRADENB'JRG. WEBS, 6EBER, of Time radio program feature the latest is a holy city founded j president,- the treasurer, and the Chapters 13, 14, and 15 of the KLUTZ[V>OK fi, KELL.EY and lomatic cocfereaces in Prague. I the fifth anniversary of the Nazi by one Father W. E. Itiker as an | j , A L F R E D A. F I E D L E R , Atty«. superintendent •will be given for Book of Samuel will be ' discussregime? Big plans are under earthly paradise . . , Signs on ' ECC Union S i a i e Bank Bldfl. TED LEWIS the past year. Final plans for.the ed. The Young Men's Cultural way to broaden the scope of the his headquarters in the ' city, meeting and banquet /will be HARRY S1LVERMAN, Attorney group met Thursday evening I P R O E A T E NOTICE Ted Lewis, master showman Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi league which lies in Santa Clara Counj In (]>c- Jif.ti-fcr of She E s t a t e of Zota. made at a meeting of the execu"68 Eranrieis Theatre Bidswith Rabbi Babinowitz, for their and dispenser of happiness, -with IB. B 'mtn-Mc-o, ppcn;i5Pd. to make it anti-Fascist as well as ty, proclaim it to be the world's tive committee o£- the Federation weekly rneeting. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS his famous orchestra and R!sy| Xofioe j= horoliv piven thnt t h e anti-Na'zl . . . Some big names are Notice is hereby given that the ! Oi'edUnrs of ^;iid do^.M^iH^d will meet "perfect government" . . . One o£ Jewish Social Service this about to join the league's board .of its features is a religious peep- thera Rapsody Revue of 35 peo- total ernocmt of incH'!;teflne:-s of i r h p r>.f1rr-ir!i';;'-^f"r nr caid rptfUe, b e noon. .--"-''•...'. . £leits Acljustzneni Company, on • fore m e . County ,7u<lere of Douglas ple, will appear at the Orpheus* fi£.leits A i County. Npl'VPsUn. a t t h e County of directors The two-to-one show showing scenes from the Theatre in Ozaaha, the week December 31, 1927 v.-as as S S i , Brief talks will be made by ! Court T!pf!rn. in said County, on t h e C. L. JOSES, iTesident. victory .of Representative Lister Bible Rabbi Lewis, Rabbi .Rabinowi'tz Wooden Santa Clauses starting Friday, January 2Sth. In : S':1i fi.iy nf :\inrch. 5H.TS, anrl on t h e B. J-t. 1DKBEKG, Keci-etarj-. Rabbi S . I . Bolotnikov will Participants in the Sioux City Hill over Tom Heflin for a Unitare used to proclaim Hiker's ax- addition to his battered high hat, C. L. Jones, Cyrus F. Ho ware. E. .L.I -r>th <1EV of Mi:y. 1P3S. s t 9 o'clock and Rabbi Bolotnikov, and Miss • A. ?-!.. "prb rlry, f>>'" *»!P purpose of speak during the morning ser-< Ekbergr, E. H. Kurtz and I-I, IJ. Jewish P.ress subscription sales ed States senate seat from Ala- ioms on their paunches . . . The he will bring to Omaha with hire. Dorothy .Merlin, superintendent Smith, being »a .majority of the j p"^pojit.inr U;eir cln-JriiF: for e x a m l n a ! f-ior;. n-'-'j-iislnioTU r.iu; allowance. Three will present a. report of the work contest ,are urged to collect and vice tomorrow at the Beth Abra- lama was a bitter blow to theshed housing the Santa Clauses eight nationally famous vaudeBo&rC of Directors. i m o r j ' h s ;•'•<-• silor.-pf' for t h e crprtitore turn in all subscription promises ham synagogue, West Sixth and Ku Klux Klan.. . . Heflin won carries a sign reading: "The Genof the Federation and Center. acts, including the Sylvia I to proper*t fl'pir f i ? ^ s , from the Bth HARRY S;i-VERMAN. Attorney I d a y o? Ft'o'-uri-v. 1WN. "SS Brandeis Theatre Bldg. A^one act play "The Old Or-im'mediately so that records may Cook streets. The service will notoriety for his baiting of Cath- tile White Man is the King of the Manoa Foursome, the Ben Tost begin at 9 o'clock. •••-.. olics and Jews, and his defeat is Entire World" Father Rik- Varsity Coeds, Gay Dison, Ray der" will be given by members of be ^brought up to date. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS 11-1' \-.i rounty' JiuJgre. Eventual success achieved only regarded as a setback to propon- er's philosophy recognizes tiiej Royce, Theo Troy, Loretta Laae, t h e '.Center'" Yiddish Theater Notice is hereby given that the EBB.. EEEER, ents of race hatred in the South Jewish race as the embodiment j Betty Dickerson, and his eld iots.1 amount of indebtedness vf ' K L I group. The cast will include after hard work, was foreseen by UNITED FOOD STCriES. I;t X C . on • . L i t », AttyS. The fight against Mayor of God and Christianity as a wor- favorite, C h a r l i e "Snowball" I_>ecernber Rozena Sacks, Eva Shaeffer, Arnol'd Levin, contest manager. £1, IK'7. way >?!7S.< -T.4S* C G Union St?. Bank Bldg. "The Sioux City goal will be AL Vv'OELXiiR, President. : Frank Hague of Jersey City by j ship of the Jews by Gentlies . . . Whittier, his shuffling shadow. George Shindler, Earl Himowitz, iron of the <?isA5 Woh'ner, Carl K tamer. Jr.. F. ! Yr,.' reached if all individuals particiMr. and Mrs. Morris Seff, 312 the friends of civil liberties is j He considers himself Christ's and Art Bronston. W;th the Rhythm Rapsody Rei n '•-•" t i n - r r r>"ship of RlnrhEimer ,Groi=R, Kujrh As'nlr-y. T,nVr;s- ' 5: n ; ; ; : '••( Mr. Jake Kalin. is general pating in the contest- will put 24th street, announce the en- giving the Jewish community of Gentile successor, and -teaches vue, the Orpheuin Theatr« will •Albert, *K(2 Gilbert. Henry Soi/'ir.i- : Xocrc t|}f. I s : t\;\ V • to hr. offeotive .I.K of •lamiary. 193S. . Most f that Jews and Gentiles were present one*of the big pictures off sehsen, Louis Kadi;::;ner, Max Arb- A H *"• ?-. chairman of the arrangements. themselves to the task and really gagement and approaching mar- that city a headache : r'" FnM n?OOhitrnaj:. X-Jarry Kcnanr JHerman 2,lt y- : try," he said "Our success riage in March of-their daughter, Jersey City Jews are not keen on have bppn a » meant to be the rulers of the the year, "Thrill of a Lifetime" erson, ~vVm. Kjuluziner, being: a ma.- i 3Irs. Sam Shulkin is chairman of ;•; v.-lio will c o n Jority of the Board of Directors. | '- \-rtue* the menu. Milton Bolstein is in rest upon the efforts of the-many Miss Berf-ba Seff, to Jack W. Hague's anti-CIO crusade, but world, but preaches the supres- starring • Betty Grable, Eleanor V- '^'-]«r *lip iTnme of . Semsker, son of Mrs. R. B. Wil- they don't speak out for fear that! sicn of Negroes aad Orientals as Whitney, Johnny Downs, Che 1 r . i o . - i i t=nf.i s oti Psnpr Comcharge of publicity and Mrs. R. and not the few." * . • - . - • WIUTON R. FROKM, AStorne•i"E end Ernest liams of Washington, D. Cl Miss The Sioux City contest will he any public defense of civil liber- j inferiors H. Emlein, the dining room. ;*\ Also emanating ,-L-iit Club Boys, Ben Blue asd A. >;.->c;".cr v f l ! oo?~ : PROBATE NOTICE Mrs. E . N. Grueskin. andMrs. continued until March 1 because Seff is a-graduated of Centra^ ties will be interpreted as Cora from California' but now center- Judy Cano-a. r thr name of ' i In the Matter • of the Estate e~ ed in the rival pnrafiise of FlorJ. Kalin are in charge of the tick- the goal set has. not as yet been high, school; attended Morning- j munism i Karry KcsenbiuTn. X>eceasecl. ?<i *'. i i"~'mn !i ft. N'^braska. thia side college and the University reached. TRITE STORr ida, is a cult calling itself " I _, . | Notice is hereby plven tlial" 4he j t h d a y of ,Tr n 1?" "} ets and reservations. Jews ia T ES£2at-€; creditors of said deceased •fill tr.eet of Wisconsin, and has resided in" -Do you listen to Jerry Belcher's AIM'S" T-lTjO'-*fT. The annual banquet and meetIt takes its name t 'oBelgrade rpt-jo « T n i . i the administrator of said estate, bev A. "'7-T AN' I,. NOOG, "Interesting Neighbors" program ! from the "MicHy I AM Presence',, Washington for the last year. ing in former years has been atA. NOGG. r><>ii£;ias r a t i o n o f t h e Eis j Court;-. Nebraska. •thf terra on WEAF? . . . Then you must ! a divinity that 'reveals '-J" e a r tended by a large and representit s tcy-'i•' f Rabbi Isaac Alcalay ia the'j• Court^ Room, in s Chie .Miss Ann Woskoff, a bride have heard the faux pas he made I steries only through the lips ofj ative group, and the committees Yugojs'aTian Senate leaves Yugo-i JJ"^ *ic,-y % y^y, F Idg, elect, was guest of honor at; a last -vreek, when, in the course ofj three accredited this year are planning on a capSixteen members to the.Board party given by her sister. Miss an interview^ he asked the "in- j Mr. and Mr: acity attendance. Reservations may be made by calling the of-~bf Directors of, the Talmud Tor- Sandra "Woskoff at .the Martin teresting nefghbor" of_ the mom-j their son Do DouglM fice o£ the Jewish Community ah, were named at the annnal Hotel. At the party, February 6 ent: "Are you, by any chance, t ty I AM Press taie of Hebrew School / Banquet and was announced as the former's Jewish?" . . . It turned out that |»be a certain St. Germain, vrho. Center. meeting held last Sunday even- wedding date. She la affianced to the gentleman was unadulterated j the "Ballards claim, has been oa a potfing in the Jewish , Community Harry. Shulman, son of Mr. .and Nordic in race . . . "Whereupon [ earth for thousands of years, n I t R\~ NOTICE OF A Oi Center.' They "include Morris Mrs.• M. Shulman, 720 West Sev- Jerry explained his question with: j having first manifested himself PAftTN" f i adLazriowicb,.-••Max Falk, M. Satin, enth street. The wedding will I thought you might be Jewish j in the Prophet Samuel, and later Notice is Jiere'K»' >n thp.t (Costiatiea from Pass l.> partnership betwec TI 1 ion Morey Lipshutz, •'.»'.• H. Emlein^ itake place in the .study of Rab- from the way you were using in the writer Francis Bacon . i c -M nf frosi leading s e c o r i e i Jcirfsn { ^ J^|; Joe Gorchow,, Lester. -Heeger, bi. H. R. Rabinowitz. She is theyour hands to assist the conver! « -u f a i l lives will spring a solidarity I cember," 'I < M i d Louis Shindler, Sam Lipnjan, -A. daughter of Mrs.- Eva Woskoff, sation" . And within the nest ABOUT PEOPLE •> P 8 ',:• The annual joint meeting of S. Feinberg, ^M, Seff, H. Shiloff, 5.0? Main. .... _ ,The Palestine Pavilion at the which will turn segregation into j ^..J^Jf;* five minutes the radio station's i in n , the Senior arid Junior Hadassah Isadore Kaplan," Mike • Shermanj • The bride3 colors of silver and switchboard had received four 1 1029 JCew York Tv'orld's Fair will [free self-affirmation. 'Do yon! ri^a^k:^'Rrs"tot, ||| chapters will take place Sunday Max Friedman and E. N...- Grue- green .were used in.ths table ap- times as many telephoned pro- be directed and irapresario'd by know when you will tare Pre~ j l ^ t K i ^ ^ S T t . f| -^afternoon, January 23, i n t h e skin. Mr. Jack London is honor- pointments - and' menus proved to tests as were made on that famTa{ e2? a your Jexisi frEter-i -p-ni be eo-dr-Mn. , none other than lleyer W. WeJs-l ' f|--: - Home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rod- ary president,.- and Morris Lsizrio- be announcement..cards. nit 7 m ous night not so long ago when ggal.. who o h appointed n \ the has been appointed ex-' 7 esE3 so uuCh to you-IS tfiE-t, j Corr.pr,r.r. in, and will be in the form of a wich, acting president. .: i u fc* radio listeners' sensibilities were ecutive director by a sponsorship Iish l i T e s program and tea. • vere t b a bars to be i More than 300 people attended Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marsh, 50G outraged by that Mae West- committee which includes among! Tie program will tegin at 3 the banquet and heard the ad-West 14th street, will celebrate .Charlte McCarthy program . . . I others, Harold Jacoby, Stephen broken and the swankiest Geno'clock and will include a talk.' pa dresses-given by two visiting rab- their Golden Wedding anniver- Now Belcher is a little worried,! S. Wise and George Backer . . . ! t i I e f r a t - o f f e r t 0 t a f e e ^ o a 1El 7°XI Junior and Senior relations by bis from Lithuania. Addresses sary, next Sunday evening, with wondering whether he's in four j Congratulations are due in he's this 1v o u l d ^ t h a I I P ° d ^ i f i l 1 Miss Rosalie Sacks.- Miss - Mary: were also .made by S.. Lipinan, M.. a dinner for seventy friends and times as much troubleappreciation and no memory cf j as Charlie | connection to Harold Jacoby, who Kaplan and Miss Jean Mdntrose Lazriowicb, Mrs. William Erin- relatives. Married in Russia, 50 found himself in . . . Serves him j received space for the Palestine! former exclusion or affront, in-1 i will be heard In a group of songs berg and"Mr. R. H.. gmlein..Other years ago, Mr., and Mrs. Marsh right, too—while we know he ! Pavilion free of. cost, on the same ! Etinctlvely and instantly refuse. and Miss Miriam -Blank'will of- speakers jwere Rabbi Rabinowitz, moved .to Sioux City upon. their fer several readings. A Professor Rabbi Bolbtnikov and Rabbi Lew- arrival in '. the United , States. Quiz skit Trill be lead by Miss is. Miss Rose Goldsmah and. Rab- Among the guests will.,be . Mr. Dorothy Merlin. '••',••"•'•"'.;~ bi. M. Brown,; instructors at theand. Mrs. "Marsh's children, with Mrs. Max Eosenstock; of theTalmud Torah.spoke on thejwork, their husbands, wives and child- X1D Rabbi Alexander Lyons of [ cireamed of school burning d o w n | e x p r e s s a n d t e n d t 0 the ctsltiraSenior Hadassah and -Miss Doro- of the• school.ind-a program was ren.- Children at: the couple are Bri3oklyn is sponsoring a, movewhen ho was a youngster, lie had I t i o n ct 5 " o u r d e e ? e s t s e I f thy Epstein of- the Junior Hadas presented by pupils -of the clas-. Mr3. Leo.N. Franklin, Mrs. .Sam. his dream bolat.ediv ' r p a i l ^ l Nothing less must be t ment, to erect a monument in San nave been la cbarge'p£!tlie. co raucSi good, .Feder, Mrs. L:. RIvin, Archie -Times Square to the late Rabbi j when, he was tired to rase the program preparations. Mrs. -J. •""Mr.'vA. S. Felnberg' acted, as Marsh, Philip Marsh, Isadore because nothing less will reach. Bloch, Jewish chaplain In the! very school he had attended . . . --H.- Levin will be in charge of the Toastmaster and the dinner was Marsh and Joe Marsh. ; V French army, who was killed by We aren't generally interested in the goal. Negatives, b r o a d l y tea table. . , - . . - . ' .: -, prepared by members of the HeAmong the guests from away a bullet while administering the society news, but an item head-1 speaking, 'having neither persua: fe^{ .Mrs. Rodin, at whose home the brew Mothers Club. will be Mr. and Mrs. A. Marsh last rites of the Catholic church lined "Hadassah Posey Married"'j sive nor creative • power. They i ^ j . tea will be held, i3 a member of and Son, Mr. and Mrs. S. Feder to a dying Catholic who had mis- intrigued us . . . Miss Posey, who ] persuade neither the self nor the the Senior chapter. \Mrs. "W. C. •world . . . I have a vision of a in and son, Philip Marsh of Minne- taken him for a priest It's is not a Jewess, became the bride i Jewish fraternity oa a college Slotsky is president of the. Sen- OMAHA A. Z.A.WINS •inf j apolis, Mr. and Mrs. I. S.: Marsh of Dr. Wolfgang Michael of FreiRabbi Lyon's idea to have the :thf iors and Miss^Saretta Krigsten, canip-as to whose house the ChrisOVER LOCAL 'TEMIl a n d daughter, Mr.* and Mrs. Lou proposed Bloch monument face ;erc president of the Junior Hadasfriends of members will conE..Burnette, Mr. Cooper and the 'one recently erected to FathBrownehas '•set invited by ; thes i d e r 5 t a d i s t l n c ° " & s da 4 " ^ Members of the_ Sioux. City A:' daughter, Elizabeth of St. Paul. er Duffy . . . Our recent query as Mexican government to"serve as Ij of beauty and ^edification to be The dinner.will be held in theto where Prof. Edwin Montefiore visiting professor of literature at j Z. rA.,; basketball t e a m ' . returned I isvited on Erev Shabbath cr for social hall of "the Tiphereth Israel Borchard of Yale University Law the summer university of the . -_,,„,.. Monday from Omaha, where, they frat." housa from were'.defeated by the A., Z. A.synagogue, and the appointments, School acquired^ his middle name Centro de Estndtos de Mexico IU ...,.,_,. _..-•.« _. Chapter 100 team, with a score and decorations will carry out the has been answered . . . It seems "of 2S'..to 2 4 . : 'j • V . ' j v • ; ."•„•.'•. theme of. the Golden anniversary.- the Professor is a Jew, but is A large audience attended the • The chapter is , going/ ahead not keen about being identified y program given here Iast.weekby JiTrsvil..'Sampler of Fremont,, is with Jewish affairs . .% A couple" plans / for an - invitation Brachah Zfirah, Nachum Nardi, with Israel, tournament to be held the guest of her daughter, Mrs. of terpsichorean fans are schem- the German Jewish industrialist and Michel Gibson, and was Basketball ing to open a Jewish school oi who turned publisher H. Fishgall, 2202 Summit when aej live and liberatarian. 'spirits on late in February. Teams from thrilled wita the interpretations Des Moines, Lincoln, Omaha, and folk dancing in America . . Ruth j settled in Palestine, will. U-ans'er that campus, of whatever race or offered liy the three artists. Bra- Council Bluffs will be invited. A nue. that that wife of Rabbi Abraham part of his Sehockea %rer]ag to faith, Will 'be glad chah Zfirah appeared in three dance and stag party-will be part •; The Junior Hadassah cultural Feinberg, L. Feinberg, is one of the few! the U. S. A. bsfore very long'. _. house stands there . . . Resolugroups of Hebrew songs, which of the tournament entertain- group met Tuesday evening1 in rebbetzins who insist on carving Benny Goodman, daddy of swing tions! Keep faith with year fathincluded several children's songs. ment. •• "'•'•- -.' •"''••••••.. : ' : the home of the Misses' Bluma o\it a business career for them- -musicals .writing his autobiogra- ers and your own souls. Learn Her husband,' Nachum Nardir and Dorothy Merita Speakers selves . . . Last week' Macy's, the P^y* • -- • -Tiie. popularity of that; Hebrew; practice the great ritual who has written many of the acwere Mrs.- Julius Bisno of Omaha department s t o r e , sent her Yiddish song "Eei Mir Bist Du mSsiisa; pet a MesuEah on yor.r companiements to the songs s h e and, Mr. Jacob S. Pearlstein ; of abroad 'to study new trends in Schoen"-has swamped music pub- deer and os ' your iearts. Yoa sang, was heard a t the piano. .•vr'ill see . , . St! Louis, who spoke on the work children's wear . . . . lishers with Yiddish tunes by {Copyright -lSSS-Ey. Seven-Aris Michel Gibson presented a group Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis -will of the Jewish National'Fund. Second . Avenue composers . . . of characterizations of varied speak.tbis evening at "Mount SinFeature Syndicate,} OVERSEAS-- FLASHES • Incidentally, that song has crashtypes and earned the. '. praise of, at Temple, on ;'.'What I Saw in ; ; Mas von Ausschnitt, the Roued the 'movies, being sung by the audience. ' - ' • Czechoslavaicia." • -'-'.•'-" manian Jewish industrialist who Priscilla Lane in "Love, Honor The program was a high spot ' H.e.^will ieavet Sunday evening has been charged .'with helping and. Behave" . . . Although Saoin the entertainment offered in for Denver, where he will speak finance the Iron Guard, doesn't lom Secundii, author of the tu:ip, Sioux City, and the audience ap- before" the Collego, of Jewish \ A crew of 55. men started this take any chances with anti-Sem- sold it for a song- (scuSit, please) peared most grateful to the Na-Studies on Monday evening. He week the annual overhaulllng of his other compositions are-now i:i itism .' . . p e ' s already fled • to tional Workers Alliance, '; whowill also speak from the Denver the Nebraska Power Company's wide demand Michael Fooasponsored- the event. Mrs. MaxRadio Broadcasting Station. Mon- power plant. • The work, neces- the safety of London because of. er, who is the. author of the fine -Mason introduced the players. day evening he spoke at a dinner sary to assure continuous, unin- threats against his life . . Tho=e ' article :on Jewish Art in Harper's meeting in the Mayflower Con- terrupted service;. Is* to. be com-reports about a split in the Rou- new "Encyclopedia of Art/'- is a I ti. manian cabinet on the question !l Church." ••'.'•"""' '"'.'••' pleted by' April 1. _ AUXILIARY HEARS: '-'' gregational of anti-Semitism are due to theyoung man who has raade Jewisa j The Sunday School Honor Roll study, j Thorough inspection is being fact that two of the" most import- art' an object of fipe ' FdRS. JULIUS BISNO announced for the month,' in- made ou-i of the six 25,000-h. p. boil- ant members of the government and already is corrsk'e cludes Jean Ray'Agranoff, Ruth ers in which all fire bricks and are real, friends of democracy . . . thority in this field . . • Mrs. Julius Bisno of , Omaha, Lewis, Carl Miller, Herbert Bel- mechanical parts that are found Best proof of how important Les-j Nebraska, spoke %t the/ Member- kin, Robert. Weiner, Robert Pill, to be damaged1 or even slightly lie Hore-Belisha, England's min- (Copyright 10 :S Bj" Sercrt Arts it is* A JW 1,5-ffiisute program ship Tea_ of the Ladies. Auxiliary Leonard Stein, Bernard Weiner, warn.; are- being replaced. Fire ister of war, is getting to be'is Feature Syndicate.) homeaaklng • M n l s ~ Joan Agranoff,'. Barbara Robinof Shaare Zioa synafogue : Tuesia drawn; from only'one boiler at the crop of coclci-eyed rumors )t IMag. T«ne 1st This day telling; her audience of theson, Billy Heeg6r,:Hubert Fried.- •a'.'tlme. .it'.is-ayowcd to cool two about him. sd bj both WOW and ill Latest of them is man and Doris Pill. . ' ; . celebration of the Sabbath in Paldays before the crew of twenty- that he will marry. Megau Lloyd) Washington .(JTA).. • epre- { EOE, trad Friday--at I1J4S • estine and Egypt, where sfie and • The Modern Drama group of five men assigned to ijthls work George, daughter of the wartime'!"sontatives of the International j tho Sisterhood will meet In the Mr. Bisno visited last summer. enters it to replace damaged prime minister 6*. Among the Labor Deferis* , Civil Liberties! A millinery style sh'ow was homo of Mrs. Herman Galinsky parts and clean its interior. cthimportant guests . at the second Union.and AaUcriai Maritime this afternoon, v/ith Mrs. A. L. prssented by Martins o millinery The eight hugo turbines end annual dinner of the Anglo-Ger- j ion, at a hearing" of the- House j department, with Mi3s Esther Galinsky, joint hostecs. Miss ail electrical equipment such as man Fellowship, a swanky .organ-j Immigration Committee, opposed.j 3II?kea modeling and Mrs. I. H. Ruth Miller of Morningside Col- generators, switch rigging and ization that favors an Anglo-i the Dickstein bill to deny citizen- i lege- will read a recent play. Gcoi! meters, are being inspected and •Nazi rapprochement,' was- Lord'ship to persons ' advocating die- ' Levin furnishing the music. their worn parts replaced by a Mount-Temple,- whose first wife ' tutorial forms of government.•' Z'.lva. Frank Margolin is pro'Jacob Rosales, a Spanish-Jew- crew of thirty electrical and w a s t h e d a u g h t e r of t h e G e r m a n { ?raa. chairman for the year, and —• ' ' Mrs. Joo Kutcher presided_ at a ish physician, was made Count mechanical repair men. Jewish banker, Sir E r n e s t Casatl j E l i j a h I,fontallb •'was-: p h y s i c i a n J CHESP SIJOY BETTER LTVDfG W brief business meeting which, pre- Palatine by the Emperor, Ferd.- .:.- South. African liberals a r e j t o -Marie d e Medici. <jueen of ± tV inand III, mmsmmmmm ceded, t n s program. Patronize Our Advertisers about to publish. "The F o r u m , " a | F r a n c e - . ' . - ' . : :


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