January 28, 1938

Page 1

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In the Interests of the Jcwif-h. People



National Bank Bldg.

rict Court of Douglas iska. er of the Application of lardian of the Estate of la Gertrude Volz, minor, i SeU Real Kstate.

LTOW3KS E2EJKO33H Tho views expressed'by g Lewisohn In bis column are Ms own and Go not necessarily reflect the policies or attlt,nda of oar publication. /Reproduce tion in whole or In part strictly forbidden, • ;

reby given that pursuorder by the Honorable . .Judae of the District glas County, Nebraska, 2]st day of December, sale of the real estate escribed, there will bo auction to the highest

sh. a t tlie" East Door or. County Court House In

Entered a s Second Class Mail Matter on January 31, 1921, a t tustoffice of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1819


>niajia, Douslas County,

the 2Sth day or Jan-

t 10 o'clock A. M. tho imnin 6i>en for one hour,

described real estate, toll Fifty (50) Feet of

Omaha. Nebraska, this 'ecember. 1937. JOHN VOLZ.

Guardian. )RG,;WEBB, BEBER,

K &. KELLEY and A. FIEDLER, Attys. State Bank Bldg.

BATE NOTICE er of the Estate of Zola ;, Deceased. hereby prfven that tho ;a(d deceased Tvill meet ator of said estate, balnty Judge of Douglas aska, at the County in said County, on the larch, 193S. and on the Jay, 10SS. at 3 o'cIocK y, for the purpose of

elr claims for examina'nt and allowance. Three Uowed for tlie creditors i!r claims, from the 5th r.ry. 1P3S. • •• iTCE CRAWFORD.

County'Judge. WEBB. BEBER,

K &. KELLEY. Attys,

ti State Bank Bldg.

eceby given of the dise partnership of Bloch;6mp:my to be effective day of Jannarj'. 193S. labilities of said Bloeh;ornpa.ny have been aseph Bloch who will conness under the name of . and-Son Paper*Comn I*. Nosg and Ernest continue In the same s under the name of s ;Paper Company. Omaha, Nebraska, ,tiiis jruary.- 1D3S. OSEPH BLOCH. :ATHAN L . NOGG, )RNEST A. NOGG.


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JOBS FOB JEWS V •«• * k %&• & The. admirable and indispenf'T Rabbi Frederick Conn sable work done by the AmerlX next month resume directorship .can Jewish Congress In many of the "Book A Week" club sponfields culminates for tho " ent in the investigation concern- Mrss. Samuel W» Halprin to Be sored by the University of Oma-Goga Govcrnaeat ha extension division. ing" Jewish non-employment 'comto Iss*as Hew Honored at Luncheon ' Registration is being held this pleted by Pabbl J. X. Cohen and ZTC week for the evening classes of Decrees ; at Center briefly recorded by liim together I the extension division. with, the methods of the Congress 1 Ch<CE.jro iTTA — Pc* C£ CcrrBucharest (JTA)—Hundred's The. Omaha Chapter of Hadasfor ameliorating existing condi* of Jews throughout the country j niiSCiOner AI rr-~ last v eek c* P**tions in a pamphlet entitled Jews, sah will welcome Mrs. Samuel "W. Halprin of Jerusalem, Palestine were reported to be applying for | ruleti t r e CbiC'-o Po'ice B->E-C° Jobs and Discrimination. ? at a luncheon planned in her permits to emigrate to Ethiopia j cf Cers^-s r j T'°~SP£ ih" It is, o t course, a matter of honor on, Wednesday, . February and elsewhere to escape the antir common knowledge that , there 2nd at-tho Jewish . Community Xarcn of T^ire rr ' lr."^" ^..r Semitic program of Premier Ocexists widespread discrimination Gfrinan — If1."?," ttus obi,r'tavian Goga's Nationalist cabicet. against Jews in nearly "all "fields rt f d o r to irg th^eatered - Committees of-Jews 'also vlsitof employment. Everyone knows d Mexican, Brazilian, -French I n:s.ke pciE^t'e -e- ir "r - r' rr, i and notes:. how comparatively and British consulates *~ to ask j leers re^t cs.r. Judenrein are the great utility about possibilities of mass- imalJ. C. Osserrrar. IOCE! companies, the major hanks, the Speaks Before Conference for xations to Mexico, Brazil, Madacf the R. K. O. I; strib. I'rg Cc Vrtr-r 1- -r r railroads, the chain stores, e t c , • Palestine Held in the cliEtr^b«ior cT ?..£.rch o^ I1 Hie ;qscar and Australia: The Fietc. Who has even met a Jewi3h New Yoik here, ha*, been ?re?z.-,r.£, Lo setk nance Ministry forbids Jews leavSamuel Schaefer, -who was eseteller in a branch of a great ing the country to take- any cutlve director of the Omaha or a Jewish railroad conductor or t m - > l «•. Washington {JTA) — The Na- money. Jewish Welfare Federation before 5.0- J T I C * C22*, L C \ ". Ci J c i . . : J : a Jewish manager of a chain tional Conference for Palestine, . ! . : of Ll c store? But it is well to have Six hundred Jewish families in the present Center building was attended by 1,500 fepresentatives the province of Bessarabia ap- erected, was elected executive f e m . £ v i t h i.! " t *L these general negative impres— 'i-i r— en f from all over the country, called plied to the Italian consulate at I secretary of the National Jewish r sion confirmed by fa'cTs and figticr .-. C c r ' ' : ron American Jewry this week to Galad for permits to go to Italy's i Hospital at Denver at the thirty-1 ^ \ ures and to be assured by Rabbi raise §4,500,000 In the coming African empire, the newspaper j eighth anr.ua! meeting of tbe orCohen that the' situation is, at r ' r =Ci o - s r A~er c " year, after speakers had urged least in spots, not blankly hopereported, while similar ganization held recently in New r:r [ : ; t ; I'N the launching of an unprece- Capitala less but that -the Congress'-by applications were being mads at York. dented colonization program' in Italian consulates • in other parts Mr. Schaefer succeeds Mrs. S. delicate and sensible negotiation Palestine to absorb German, Ru- of Rumania. Italian consuls are Pisko who has been identified has often been able to overcome p OL t l - s : * - . manian and Polish emigrants. prejudice' and, more especially, awaiting instructions frora Rome with the hospital since its foundGreat Britain was asked to lift before issuing the visas, the re- ing and who has served as na- I t VTE^ r c p c i t e d t ^ f t t r rc i — to create jobs for Jews where the! immigration restrictions in a poft said. prejudice and the resultant dis- ' Many of the appli- tional secretary for twenty-sis I resolution adopted with the. aim cants are physicians, engineers years. Mrs. Pisko tendered her I U E T O E C o r F i *. V *3" i « i r ' f " crimination were not active, but' of spurring the upbuilding of the and attorneys, it was stated. merely conventional and routine. resignation as active secretary jI s t o o d t ° h s ^ c %z >Z h e v oi J i c Mrs. Samuel Halprin Jewish homeland despite Arab Nevertheless'the facts are apbecause of ill health and has! The Labor Ministry suspended i : r r c r, pterrbrism and the uncertainty ocpalling. There is no other, exr c v t o s 1 c v . r ; c ' tl>- y c ' i ~ t been elected honorary secretary execution of the • decree forbidCenter. Mrs. Halprin who Is' a casioned ' by the recent British pression. The major employment for life. ding Jews to employ Christians vz agencies hold it to he practically former national President of Ha-White Paper. - r ' — ' r -^ under 45 years of age as issids,L useless to try to • place young dassah and has a rich backSecretary of Interior Harold L. Efttfrr C ground of Jewish training and in order to prevent unemploy' Til, FT Jewish men and women as such.. Ickes, holding out the hope of IBM Kindly officials of these agencies education will" reveal intimate se- fulfillment of the dream «for a ment during the winter, but the Jcrets of Eretz Israel and also of Often- try arid sometimes succeed conditions in Poland. and Ger- Jewish homeland, ; declared that government announced new antiin passing off Jews as non-Jews Palestine's success depended on Semitic measures. 7rr. c : 1 c - 1 •, • ,-•• The official Tara Noastra ans and it takes no very powerful many. the protection of-democracy and ccr.s^'rto v From reports received on Mrs. nounced that Jews employed in "J ",~J[ T" ^ imagination to reconstruct the Halprin's American tour she haspeace. He brought special greet- the Rumanian diplomatic service moral suffering/ the corruption, created-'unusual public interest ngs from President Roosevelt of CIS;,- 1 - -s. the bitter precariousness that at- because of her exceptionally ef- 'deep and continuing . sympathy will be dismissed. The only three tend this process. Rabbi Cohen's fective dynamic talks and revela- or Jewish efforts to build a na- Jews so employed are tbe comt I L : i = r mercial attaches Helphant in Por- Agree to Give.Fifteen Per Cent; ; ^[ . 5 _ .\,_- J , investigation ol -the entire questional home." of Dividends to tion of the- Jewish white collar \iv "World-wide malaise has creat tugal, Peru in Rome and BurThe' luncheon is being prepar- worker may.be'said to culminate ed by Mrs. Libby Kaplan and her ed uneasiness and unrest in Pal- covich in Syria and Palestine. fr^-cl' ,__,,__p_ ir . r .v The Ministry of Religions dein his quotation of; the remarks committee. Mrs. 'David* A.* Finkle stine," Mr. Ickes asserted. "Jewof the head of a big placement and Mrs. Seymour Conn are in sh lite and property have not cided to withdraw •residential New officers of the Omsha j Tr.'s 2x< i - c* •-'i of bureau to the effect that charge of table- setting andrdeco-| been safe even in Palestine. But permits of all rabBis' who are not Workmen's Ik>an A s-s o c i a t-i.oa | ^iL^ r a t i o n s . ^ ; . ' ' • . ' * ( • ' . ' " ' . ' - . ' '_ •• •- . • ' •'. JCTTS • have.. Ions bee~a ;aecus- Rumanian citizens. About tMrty w e r e .chosen a t the - annual' r- ~ v"*r - " " •rieetiiigr -p.-'"Gl n s b"u r c i "to- "s'eek' 'aati t"^ : '£iii4 Tlie Immlgratloa cosniittee cf j again samed president. invited to : attend this luncheon* and- yetaot to yield fulfillni^iit of manager H^ho ' declare'd that-he All Qmaha women; win. wish to the Labor Ministry announced er officers eleected aare: B. MirAs the h ddarkening k i would not permit his organization make luncheon reservations early their ideals. • from a troubled withdrawal of residential permits off, vice president; B. shadows lift to "become polluted by the pres- with Mrs. Wm. Alberts, Gl. 3428, from foreign citizens whose firms haum, treasurer and I. Abrara- the ence of circumcised "Hebrews." 'Mrs. 'Max Davis, Wa. 7747, or •world, the sun will also rise over registered in Rumania after Jan. son, secretary. Palestine, and law shall again go Before . proceeding to Rabbi Mrs.. Irvin Stalmaster, Wa. 5109.forth from Zion, and the word of 1, 1930. The only exceptions to The directors elected are: H. Cohen's discussion of Jews in the be made will be la the case of Guss, J. Ban, .S. Bloom, S. Weinthe Lord from Jerusalem." professions let us get-quite clear whose activities are svag, L. Baiiii, and L. Morgan. With "cruel pressures against foreigners the'inner'character and results of deemed to be in the interest of Directors whose terms did not Jews in Europe not relaxed and expire at- this tine are: A. Ginsthe* situation. For here we have cr access to Palestine no easier,' the State. burg, Bea Gorelick, and I. M.I one of the radical causes of the : Jews have been barred from obSecretary Ickes said "the need for Wintroub. . j . Vo-uti: r-cu-r t : Jew's position in the-worldJ We a viable Jewish homeland in Pal-taining foreign currency for travThe financial report for 1S37 c i rr*- t - e v . I are • not permitted to occupy the el abroad; except for business mediocre and inconspicuous eco- •The Mizrachi Zionist organiza- estine Is greater than ever." Tara Noastra an- showed that ISO loans were made "You are in a position to help purposes, during the year, totaling over nomic positions in society.; We tion will meet on Saturday at nounced. are forced to strain. ourselves to the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th democracy maintain the tradition .Justice Minister Raduleeu-Me- $46,000. Dividends credited .to tl-e ,"<"-.sv ' l the utmost to be independent in and Chicago, street, for its month- of civilized living through a criti- hedinti, in a statement on revis- the members' share accounts L were at the rate of ose dollar per business or in the professions- ly. M'lave Malke. Delegates to thecal period of economic change . . ion of citizenships, declared Eh.r c5 tbe 5.cnd Table We are forced to free dance and third conference of the Western Never forget that the foes of there was no cause for anxiety on stare. Dnriag the Eeeticg Jlr. P.ish Voiith. oo to hang out our signs. We are Mizrachl-Zionist organization to democracy in other lands are fi-the part of Jews whose residence i~z ' 1 r ~' " ' ' ' nanced by economic groups tha Ginsburg-, president, told • the forced by brutal pressure into be held In Kansas City, Missouri, "f - - r ' ~ " r in Rumania dated before the war. c'ude .o.r. ' , the rr" '" r— - ° — conspicuousness and are then February 12 and 13, will be professedly were only attempting Jews in that category, he said, members of the present tragic V to protect their property from poconditions in Poland, and of the . ^ fl-CL ' . blamed for being conspicuous. elected. are protected by international hardships endured by the Jews Plans 'for the reception for litical incompetence," he said. And of this vicious circle the r. "-. c. J treaties and by Rumanian law. there. He made a plea that fi"Your history, your traditions most loathsome link is that 'of •Leon GellmaaT national • presi—F - PCI f" nancial help should be givea the the Jewish physician who pays dent, of the . organization, , who have put you in the vanguard o Jews of that country. will be here February, 15. and 16 the struggle for human liberty,' Embrace Judaism there are too many Jewish, phyA motion was ns5.de and un- _ On. the Frcjrrsn . he said. "But the enemies agains sicians and the\ Jewish,lawyer will- be aiscussed. - cf rs.; -nc Bucharest (WNS) — Four animously carried that .all mem-! EHhu • Bloch of Omaha Is sec-whom you are forced to contend who says there are too many Hungarian Christians in the city bers give cp fifteen cents out cf j retary of the Western Region of are not so much your enemies as ish • lawyers. There are. Doubt Klausenberg, which became every one dollar dividend earned lUC. L c c i less, there are. But the - reason 'the Mizrachi, and N. Levinson, S. the enemies of all human prog ot 1 ^ 2 ' . ' ' . .. Rumanian territory after the by 'the members and that this is that Jews are. not permitted- Ravitz, and Rabbi Milton A. Kop- ress. I ask your cooperation no World cz: » 1 vA i ^ ,'JIC, War, have embraced Jumoney be sent to Poland for the and now we come to the profes- stein are members of the* region's only that we may have peace and t >c <• - E r ts a p prosperity at home, but that we re,1 T sions^—to be-chemists in corpora- executive committee. pathy with the Jews of Rumanas is known, this is the first and J Tzr+s : : The Women's" Mizrachi have \ ^ ^Z V 1 - -1 - «n tion laboratories and engineers of been given a special invitation to may advance the cause of peace ia, it was reported ia the Hun-only organization in Omaha, that | abroad, which is so vital to the the great companies or teachers' the M'lave Malke. '. ' garian "press of Klausenberg. has taken such action. ' rebuilding of the Jewish homein high schools and colleges or land. For Palestine stands as a consular: officials or a hundred, ! other things in which the young 3Plan'Dinner' of ~- - "bridge between Europe, Asia and Africa, and disturbed internanon-Jew, be he more or less gifttional relations naturally have ed and clever, can find .a secure :, . Jewish Funeral and sane and inconspicuous exist- '••• '' .;" H o m e S o c i e t yserious repercussions in Palestine." ence. ':': -Fifty hostesse| are sponsoring ' In the light of these facta our Mrs. D^i/rid Newman, who with; difficulty in getting Into those the second annual dinner of the with his partser, Morris Mr. Newman, has been visiting Reynosa Jewish Funeral Home to be held Borowsky, where they bave been! "free" professions that alone are in Mexico has sent the Jewish the. Jewish Community Center the psst sis years." | left us is all the more tragic. A'm at Press the following letter regard- for"Mr. Sunday, January 30, at 6:30 Newman speaks very lit- irede how relentlessly we are pushes on ing their meeting In p. m. Reyr.osa tle English but can converse fluAt the annual meeting held Into the "free" professions is il-; Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Rab.Tuesday night Salwin Michnick with a J.Iesican Mr. Newman. ently' ia Spaais'2. We asked him lustrated by the most terrible and bi This Mr. Newman, no relative, what he thought of the future A. Kopstein, Rabbi Da- was elected president of the local the most -shameful sentence in vidMilton H. Wice, and Rabbi N. Feld- council of the Jewish National gave them a n Insight into t h e of tfce .Tews in Mexico end he Rabbi Cohen's report, -which man will be principal speakers condition of t h e Jews of the said he is very much, worries reads as follows:' "A survey of Cantor A. Schwaczkin, accompan- Fund. Other officers named are: country. I " Mrs. J.'Rlchlin and Mrs. O. S. about the future. The present private educational Institutions ied by At Finkle,' will giye sev"Mr. Newman and I stopped at j Mexican government .is not really Belzer, vice presidents; Sol Kahz, by a Christian investigator re- eral vocal selections. Irvin C. Levfinancial secretary, and Dr. I. the beautiful* little town of Me- unfriendly toward the Jews but vealed that in schools that are IQ will act as toastmaster. Allen, Tesas, where the sunshine, t h e r e is a new party in Mexico practically controlled by Jews and :: Reservations are on dollar per Dansky, treasurer. A gratifying financial report spends the winter and the tern- who are definitely anti-semitic. largely attended by , Jews, the. plate and may be made by callgoea to 80 and'85 de- They.are planmsc' to get control teaching staff is usually Gentile.'' iiig Mrs.'.William Milder, chair- was ^iven by Mrs. M. F. Leven- perature T son, retiring president of the or-grees every day. Vv e. found sev-i o £ {lie. grovernmen't wU.h' a good .Here we have, of course, as weman, Walnut 3055. era! Omaha people in business caan.ee ,of' supeess, and it they do , ganization. •*'.••• have in several other anlogous here. Today we motored over -to, 'succeed in gairdcg control, Mes-j The largest sum raised locally Reynosa., Mexico, which, is ever!] i c o w r s i - o e another Germsny for i situations that last disgrace of was the $1,035 in Jewish Na- the border from the United | t e Jews," " the self rimposed psychological T t s w o N a m e d - t o * ••• '• ' • j • cghetto •—; the self-hatred of the '% Office of ••Family tional Fund boses. Mrs. Jack States. Reynosa is a typical Mes-'i a "Mr. NewmaR has thre® child- I Kaufman was chairman of theican town of ten thousaad per-j r e a attending Mexican school. We j Jew. This is: part and parcel of : committee in charge of.box col- sons and v^hile visHing the difthe same lamentable phenomenon ;5»ere vonderlng v.rhat s lections. which, meets us in Rabbi Cohen's ferent shops ws were surprised '-'conic! find cf interest in : .jRabbl David H. Wice, who for analysts :of a given edition of to see a sign abox-e a, door of a p i a C 8 e s Rernosa regardless oE "Who's Who in America." Of the two years has been a.member o general merchandise store the 1 -vrhst kind ol government thsy 16,629 men.and women in *Who's the Family Welfare Board, was narae, Newman and • Borowsky. .! tare. The whole town is dilsTsiWednesday afternoon electe Who in America who gave "their "We .went in and met Mr. Jo-! tatecl, the people poverty-strickreligious affiliations: there were president of that organization..A' seph Newman. We were surpris-jen, aatl there seemr, to be nothj only 218 Jews. But-ttiere were tlie same time-Mrs. Henry Mon Winter Whirl," t h e third in ed to find Jewish people living j in srtea children | 615 /Jews—a .wretched show ng, ^ was named to the board. , the series of dances sponsored by in -suca poor surroundings. Mr. by' the way—in that, edition of r! The Family Welfare Board i the Round Table of Jewish Youth Newman told us that lie catae, e "e.sis& the well known volume. In other the largest agency a member o will be held; on Sunday, Pebrijsry from, Lithuania eigtiissii years " atioa to words only a little over one-third the Commui-Ity Chest and re-6," a t the:• jffwrish 'Community Cen- Ego'' and -went ••'direct to Mexico, | of the small group ol Jewa prom- c|ives •*one-sixth of the annua ter. .. *; -. •"•"';•• * :•.-.-.and lived in Monterey, Mexico, there- is? inent rnough to be Included were Chest budget. It is responsibl Music for tho affair w i l l ' b e for' for disbursing relief to Protest furnished by t h e Irvins-Rhodc(Continued on paso - 8), a"it needy. orchcitra. i C I- C i v . lie23. iLr^t Lc s



pon Ms. estate, and that he bad.on said petition -urt on the 14th day of 3, and that If they fail said Court'on the said February. 193S, at 9 to contest said petition, y.: frrant - the same and tration of said estate tn fr or some- other m and proceed to. a set'•




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County Judge.

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Mizrachi Zionists to Name Delegates ;-; .to Regional. Meet



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J. N. F. Council Elects Officers


program 3g hints— t o in! This 7/OW and V ci 11:45 ay 25th.


•111 and praying for ad-



IN C. LEVIN idels Theatre Bldg. F ADMINISTRATION nty "Court of Douglas aslca. ter of the Estate of indyke. Deceased. interested in said esby-notiffed that a petl.. filed in said Court allid deceased died leav-




One Hundred and (125) Feet of Lot Hartman's Addition to sfflas County, Nebraseyed. platted and ra-






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-Welfare Board

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Page 2

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Follsh :ie Jewthat it n Rua>£ many oae ?e~ Itzcli&fe


ev a


Russian Arrests


r: z. ^ti Pol here t y tbt c.nti-Sen:itic is the orgsr1 ^•;Eg cf the Farts'. A report Ktirjer Es.k' Enrlet org-

•Is.vr of

The author of this story is a the House, making her periodic "Death for Arris yoang Philadelphia lawyer who inspectioa of her garden, noticed Possession has had tVro books of verse Bani • and all his fellow Beetles It 13 just a little over a year Jewish literature for the English ish Community Center, Des and one of fiction published buzzing round and round in the Jerusalem (JTA) — Array and whoso work has appeared glass bottle which hung from a ago that Dr. Philip Sher's boot speaking public and I am sure Moines, Ioiva: last week sentenced three "Dr. Sher as well as the pub- In various national Magazines. pole, and called to the gardener. courts "Wisdom from the .Bible an' that-the-book-.will be highly ap"Torn, will you please empty Arabs to death for attacking the Talmud" . was --. published. preciated by laymen as well •; .s Usher and editor have given i s This story, his first contributhis beetle trap — it's too fun toBritish' forces and possessing on Since the date of publication by the.. men. of tho Rabbinical something quite rare and valu- tion to the English-Jewish be service, and I don't like to a r c s while disorders continued able, and I am delighted to have press, is an amusing satire on see of numerous persons, Jews and profession of this country." ' ian in various parts of the country. oven Beetles squirm." the book in' our collection. It has the Hitler government which non-Jews, have commented on X Tbs Haifa raiJStary court, sit- sertec., according to Kvrjer Cleveland Public tlbrary: •; makes it particularly timely been quite difficult to find quothe vork. The Jewish Press ting ia Nablus, condemned Muraszawski, that "we are not fnenns "We are enough, interested to tations. Where one is not familiar in - connection with the fifth (Copyright 193S. By Seven Arts jak Hamdan tor firing at troops o{ the Jev.-s" but "when the Mastakes pleasure I n . reprinting Feature Syndicate.) quotation^ from comments by want a second copy, for a special with their entire scope of Jewish anniversary of the Nazi regime of the Manchester regiment in aa is destroy polish-Jewish positions on January SOth. collection,:in our division known Tradition" and Literature, -and Cisunsulsbed readers. — VEST S A f ' L "v.\ . wiSELV IN encounter vrith a band near Tui- in DanzJsr they certainly do cot —THE EDITOR as the John G. White-collection." this book is a great help." ARCHAEOLOGIST SAYS Editor. • kareni on Dec. 16 ia which thir- intend to leave those positions to J;^ iv'%i *W: %itd t II ITSIL Fred C. Zerbst, Warden, Unit- . .Cyrus Atiler, President, Dropteen terrorists were killed and pure Poles." Ban! was a leader, and as soon PALESTINE-GETTING Anruitv, En Mumjak was wounded. During the first week, ot.1937 ed States penitentiary, Atlanta, sie. College: -..',"'.. as the others saw that he had ar; "I have looked it over and it•rlved among them, they were re- BIBLICAL FERTILITY "-. I ."• • - " ' » •;"'• '. there was published a book on G e o r g i a : ' . • : • A court here sentences HusAn Oxford* ecclesiastic vh.o fell R < >nrpser.Sp ?~> :-vc on? CompanTalmudical learning by Hr. Philip "This book will be a valuable seems to be a very good selec- assured. Bani would find a way sein el-'Ghut for Tiring on police of insurance s—E-ve-v T y ".-.«>•• out for them, they were sure. AH London JTA) — Rainfall is re-and for possession of ammuni- in love -with a Jevress and became Sher, prominent Omaha physician addition t o o u r library collec- tion." <i BnRfis '.''•' op un, Call A T Trnroan R. Temple, Librarian, and communal leader. Entitled tion." they would have to do was toturning to Palestine and the tion. El Ghut is believed by the converted to Jnci&ism, -ras pua•. . . . . ' , . - . , • -,--i: : : 67 c VVA, F1 Hartford Public Ubrary: 30. follow the orders of Bani,, and Holy Land is regaining its Bib-authorities to be a nember of "Wisdom from the Bible and the Julius • Savit, superintendent, Trith death b r Jire in 1E22. Talmud" this volume has attract- orthodox Jewish Home for; t h e "Books of this sort have a soon they would b.e out of this lical fertility, Sir Charles Mars- the band frbjch murdered J. L. wide reading and will be a weldreadful position. ed wide attention and has beea Aged, Chicago: • < ton, famous archaeologist re- Starkey, noted British arcliaelog, -'• ; addition to our shelves." "Yes," Bani conceded, " I know ported. i s t n e a r Hebron on January 10. favorably commented upon by "I wish to express to the auth- come Dr. Frederick Clayton, All a way out. But in order for me Excavations, resumed Nov; 20Achmed Taha, was sentenced lor Jews and non-Jews, religious or my congratulations on ithis, leaders and laymen, scholars and imely and valuable literary con- Saints Episcopal Church, Omaha: to lead you out in a manner that for the fifth Winter, testify again possession of a rifle stolen frora "Human nature ia after all will take us all to safety, I must to the return of rainfall to the\ the Daliaria police station. "business men. From outstanding tribution." "; persons the world over, Dr. Sher Kabbl Morris Taxon, Memphis, universal, when great men think, have absolute power." parched and desolate soil of the Fire Jewish Government clerfts they arrive at the similar system "All power to Bani!" the oth-Holy. Land, said Sir Charles, j arro-srly escaped injury irben has received letters expressing Tennessee: i. of truth. Here you have a book ers snouted in assent. "No more writing in the Evening Standard j one O of f them picked up u.p a bombdeep regard for his -w-drlc. •* "I beg to acknowledge with .. Below are printed a few of the thanks the receipt of your signed so full of truth, BO full o£ wis-political parties. Burn the Parlia- on his operations at the site o£ jthrown into tneir car near the gate and tossed it into quotations on "Wisdom, from the copy of - your, volume which I dom of all ages, yet so timely tti ment! Great Is Bani! He will the Biblical city of LacMsh. j Nablus the roadway, where it exploded. this modern day. Dr. Philip Sher find a way out." Bible and the Talmud": "Nature there is becoming j An Arab was detained shall ever cherish as a precious has given the world a book that "Before "we do anything else, in connecAbrcmi Leon Sachar,' national token of ideal friendship that we must be strong," Bani told jnore beneficiest and its looks as tion -with the bombing. director, B'nal B'ritb HUIel Foun- transcends time and space. I was Is sorely needed Just now. In" If the soil again is becoming ferthese days of mental distraction. them. "We must be regimented." Two Jewish passengers, includJ^pAi'X/i oir1. dations: ndeed inspired to partake of your Time for reflection is" somewhat So he'divided them all into col- tile and fruitful as in the Bible ing a postoffice official named "I am sure that the volume luscious spiritual.. fruit so Judi- difficult. Out of the thousands umns of four, and marched them days," he asserted. Dried river Tischnowski, were slightly injur•will ba used with interest, not ciously prepared, for the Intellect* of books published discrimina- around and around in circles, for beds testify to a former abun- ed when a bus en ronte to Jloant only by occasional students, but ual delight of man. -Accept my tion becomes a ' hard 'task; to a long time, while they waved dance of water. A bridge built by Carrael was heavily fired upon. ] the Marston expedition across a A bomb was thrown at another j J*cr SsinsTt French Ecndec also by those who are taking my sincerest felicitations and :; best know what to read is all import- little Jlags.-. course'in "the-history of Jewish wishes on your new crowa of ant. Dr. Sher has; given us, as When he saw they were begin- wadl stream which runs only in but, but did not explode. Jewish j errs fDrec ConeO crc' civilization. "We have a substan- authorship which you havs ac- I*only a scholar of his ability can ning to tire of their everlasting the rainy season) was swept in workers returning from Ameridies CD?'CC" Centr) tial registration, and I shall as- quired as a result of the four give, a compilation of philosophic drill, he said: "Now we arethe Autumn by floods, he said. can-owned stone Quarries to Jer- j ccced icr Quick Sellout, sign the volume for collateral others worn by you with dignity wisdom,, culled mostly from th<r strong — now we will defy the •usalem were fired upon, but Choice . . . . • . < . . . « . . . . . » . . reading." and honor throughout your active Old Testament — wisdom litera- universe." none was hit. Gets Palestine Oranges Kabbl Morris.N. Kertzer, ol- and fruitful: life." .. '•' zed * A ' military court released o & i fcifi *•' d ture, and the Talmud. He has "Great is Bani — all power to ,r\ •nis him," they all shouted. 'Bani will ! rector of the • Hillel Foundation, Isador Ziegler, Attorney: St. John, N. 3 . (JTA) — The 12,500 bail in all instances compared existFrieda Kuva, STTTniversity of Alabama: . . . "This small book will be your ing translations with ^he original defy^the universe and find a way first shipment of Palestinian or- year-old German, -who was arout for us." perpetual memorial connecting, "We have Immediately put it anges arrived here. The ship, rested with two revolvers in her Hebrew text and- has given in So Bani defied the universe, "African Reefer," brought about possession when she landed at to practical use in connection- as It were, your plan of life with many instances varied renderings. with our Sabbath services. A. stu-the inspirational sources, that Frequently he rejected archaic but the universe didn't seem to 25,000 cases of citrus fruits, in- Haifa to visit her Jewish husdent reads a few quotations from have guided' and prompted your forms for modern expressions. m i n d — and as .yet"final hadn't cluding oranges, grapefruit and band", from whom Ehe was sepGrezily Reduced ic. . . , . . . . . , , , , . , . . „ . . , . , $ 1. 8 7 it each-Friday night." - many, deeds of kindness, benevol- Always he sought interpretation sho-nm his followers the.-way out.! lemons. Five more such ship- arated after Hitler's accession to But it is all because of sabot- ments are expected throughout power in Germany. BabBl Harry Kaplan, director of ence •and charity and which has which emphasized the social and the Hillel Foundation, Ohio State characterized your conduct dur- human aspects. Unquestionably age in our ranks," Bani explain- the Winter. ing £he many years I have'known his variant readings will interest ed, in one of his remarkably fer•University: POLISE JEfifS SEEK vid orations. "Yes, it is all due Greatly Reduced ic. . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . . „ „ , . , ,^"; i j , / ; • " I t la particularly gratifying to you." scholars. ' .: • to the greedy Goths among us." 19,500 JEWS WENT know about Dr. Sher who so well TO'EMIGRATE Rabbi Kanvar, Denver:: ••I<. B . D a y : His followers look at each oth- TO PALESTINE perpetuates the Jewish tradition "His is a very interesting- book. " I t has intrinsic worth which er knowingly. So it was the greeTO KEEYA • of combining Talmudic knowl- Permit me to use the Talmudic I shall value very highly. dy Goths! They had suspected IN 1937 edge with medical skill-." expression, 'My master,, guide, Dr. Israel Lerinthal: that. Warsaw WNS) — A sucveThsv Co - Rowland' Hayries, • President, and faithful friend'." .-•••;•'. value of the book would Jerusalem (WXS-Palcor Agen- n e a t for Jewish colosizstion in "But Bani," one follower said, the Municipal University of OmaA. W. Rosenthal, Executive dihave been greatly enchanced If "there are only two Goths among cy) •— Theyear 1S37 closing j Kenya'"British colony in Africa, 84 j h a : : y ; . - !' . :•;: rector, Young Men's and : Young the author had appended to each us. Could they . . . . ? " today saw the entry into PalesPales j S p r e a d i n g rapidly in Poland. vs - "It.seemB to me that you have Women's Hebrew Association, ojiotatiou the source of the ret-. "Exactly," the leader replied. tine of 10,500e Jewish immigrants ! t - ae j a s t f e w flayS t a e British Tendered.- a-real>service by -as- New Yorlt.Cityjv _,'-..£::••£ ;.i';. ; eren'ce.:/But. eyeq. ps It is the"They are a dangerous minority.- according to a provisional esti- j c o n s u i s t e h e r e has been swamp2^ kJ O- L^t kJ" 'It Viis-;.at most interesting book:* will /undoubtedly prove of They are a banking monopoly. sSembling these quotations; thus mate issued by the he Executive Executi of i with pleas for visas from Jews mailing them more readily-avail- volume"• and inuch -more epmpre-* great usefulness', especially to They are not "-of our race. The the Jewish Agency for Palestine, Values t fS.ES. roken hensive .-than other publications those who are unfamiliar with Goths —-and also those among _ able." ; , although admission to Kenya is eizes an colors. of. similar content in our library. P. J . Mshan, S. J., President, us with one Gothic grandparent DespUe the disturbances that j , immigrants with fit Qsr-S For-many years I have been hop- the rich mind of wholesome wis- — must be destroyed." choice, while the;- last Creighton trniversity: were almost u n i n t e r r u p t e d , e a s t $ 2 - 0 # Twenty" Jewish Earndom that is contained'in our an" " I wish to congratulate you ing that a book which could be cient literature. The translation So Bani's followers turned on throughout the year there was a m e sa r e a l r e a f i y p r e p a r i r . g to memI'iOOT •upon your spiritual activity man- placed In the hands of our the two Goths and two more who rate of immigration of almost 1,- l e a y e f K e n v a > ! Tils Kcnya is excellent and the choice of sebership between the agea of 16 ifested in this book in these-days were believed to »have a Gothic 000 every month. The 1937 fig^ c o o l n e so strong 1 novement is was made with most inof materialism and low standards and 24, will be published which lections grandparent, and tore them to ure compares with the 1936 im- t h a t t h H I A S o K i c e l a W a r s a w fa all phases of life. May many would give'them the 'Ethics of telligence and appreciative under pieces. migration of over. S0t000. The hss taken steps to halt it. . . read your book to their moral the Fathers* in' palatable form so standing. reduces. But still, Bani had not shown breakdown of t h e . immigration .Paul Richman, book critic: '. profit and to the general good that it would serve as a guide them the way out. 'March around figures showed that 2,085 immi' Ji. i. x.i.*.lu> "The increasing number of for their own conduct and. a3; a of society. and around again, as you did be-grants entered the country un' Judab. It. Hagnes, President, source -.loir greater ( appreciation books being/ published which fore,' Bani commanded. Broken sizes s.v.d colors, Q-cezily reduces ie der the category of capitalists— of the enduring teachings; of our utilize: the Bible and Talmud as r Hebrew University,, Jerusalem: "Great is Bani," his followers that is, in possession of $5,000 their sources indicate that our "Thank you for sending me forefathers. Dr.- Sher's book hag ancient wisdom can still be anshouted, as they formed in theor more — 2,9 23 were laborers, Use GeEcIao Estea Gr! 44 in Winter Kistures, Choice columns of four and marched your book, "Wisdom from the laid.the ground work for the Ir-Inspiration Bowling EaSt ECW col to our modern mech- around again and waved the lit-and 3,316 entered as relatives. Bible and Talmud,"-' which I have suance of Just £uch a volume anized -world. sa Otsisfea h$ t h e What makes .'.' 's tle flags. t, . looked at with much pleasure.'' which we hope to distribute withCommits Euicideparticular volume "commendable out charge to members upon'Join"Also be sure to sign your let- Richard I*. Metcalfe, lonner to 44. deduced io ss 12 I n g . " - •'.•".-'• ' " : • •:• are the interpolated commentar- ters ' 'Hall Bani'," t h e leader Amsterdasa (JTA) — Fearing mayor of Omaha: .j •?"•: SeconC ies, which made it easily under- cried. "Also, salute each other as expulsion from Holland, Isaac Harold Beker, Executive direc"Pr> Philip Sher Is one of Nestood even, to those:who have not you pass. Also worship no god in Engel, 35, a Polish-Jewish refubraska's leading physicians. For tor, Young Men's and Young Wo- been trained to appreciate the IS 2 f 2 4 ££ S DEasSsB any temple. You shall worship gee from . Germany, committed —i thirty-three years he has been a men's Hebrew Association, Philvalues of sthe ancient spirit tran- Bani, and he will show you the surcide ia the garden of the The Bates Grip Ball w52) .'.. i FINAL resident of Omaha. Recently Dr, adelphia: Horafe.lot Jewish .Invalids.', proslace feigber scores eros; Sher has published a book ; en"Let me assure you that i t will scribed in'its original form. Those way out." n &ize is con slisnlnat© tbe 'eore' tlsBBst So they marched around and titled, • '.'Wisdom from the Bible: be put to good use by the many who have- found the Bible and 24 G i r d i c s , f-I.PS vsl«e. for « . , , , . , Talmud -a hidden mystery can around again,. and signed their Patronize Our Advertisers and the Talmud/',This book has young people who frequent pur 32 W a r n e r G i r d l e s , SS '.-slue » . . » » received strong commendation building and our library and that now find a suitable introduction letters as commanded, and worS7.5G value to the insight.and wisdom of our shipped nobody but Bani, while from scholars and public men of they too vvill live their apprecia5 Formfit Girdles, sages and prophets." value Bani tried to think of a way out. all races and religions through- tion of your book in lives ^enrich15 Fonnfit Corsctsls. SS Philip Klntznicfe, Attorney: When he saw that they were ed by,their gleamings from It." 6 Artist Mcdsls, $7.50 value ,..C-»,F; I t was writout the country "To one whose scholarship in tiring again, Bani commanded: ten-from the 'heart ol a gentle- " Isadore I. Sollod, Executive di- these fields, as well as others, is "Now we must defy the universe Seeonc Fiocr man In order to Impress upon its rector, Young Men's and Young so limited and yet one who hasonce more. Perhaps we did not readers the eternal truth tha: Women's Hebrew Association, a deep-seated admiration for eru- do it loudly enough the last ;there Is no difference In the good Wilmington, Delaware: •;•' '.. :iJiffi! dite understanding of Biblical time . . ." for which the Jewish idealis "I have received a great deal and Talmudic' literature, your His followers hastened to com-stands and the good for which :of pleasure from its contents and book is a most pleasing addition ply. "Great is . . ." KZOUC the Gentile,' Catholic and nonassure you that it will'imake a to my. library." At thai instant, the Lady of CJathollc stands. That great fac happy addition to our library." : ought, to- go without reiteration Harry Kregal, Executive direcMissionary to Jews Dic3 •for all we know that every good tor, B'nai B'rith Center, Portland .. ' . CLEAN LINEN and perfect "gift cometn ' from Oregon: New York (JTA) — Dr. Leo-Alw&ys Attracts above .". In his book Dr. Sher has pold: Cohn, 75, founder and for"1 want to assure, you t h a t j t "-TA1 OMAHA TOWEL preached out for'the hearts of all is a most welcome addition to mer president of'the American ' ' SUPPLY men in a constructive -way in theour^library, and, as a matter of Board of Missions to the Jews, 'hope of .bringing them alL to-fact, we were looking \'lor' just Inc., of Brooklyn, died Sunday a t Yours Siaco 1S76 KE 2828 ; gether in the • common effort ti. such a ' source of quotations to the Brooklyn- Hospital after a reduce the'.troubles and sorrows supply our young people; In their week's Illness. ¥ Passing en Slippt S I D GLOVESof the world. Carlyle once wrote, work at Our Center. I! was lm-. fcld and Euedcs. "If a book com© from the heart pressed with the pointed signifi$2,9S VEIKC . . • . © Equip with 'it-will contrive'to, reach other' cance of these quotations; and the this grest new '•VEShearts." -When one looks into the wide possibility'cof their-use." \ 'safety tire end •• heart of Dr. Sher he will underIrving Levitas, director of Ed' Carl- Ulelsei you talte no ' stand the good purpose of the jication, Jewish Community Cen. ' autabr which has behind it theter. Association, Kanjss, ,CIry, 5; life effort of the..man; Ends. ValEes £ f Missouri: *» e-* ,-« ' L S; - Joseph Bonaparte, superinten- ; " I t is indeed : incumbent upon i I, H f fte ' i f dent,; Jewi3h •" Orphan Homo of every intelligent Jew to attempt ?,r*V^".^' ? rn )DS Southern 'California: • to understand bis people, and a e.t sfeW«# "Dr. Sher's book ' has been book of this character-Is of "utfe^i placed in pur..staff library and most importance in so acting." T , I. am suro t h a t J t will serve as a Louis Shocket,- executive dlree y.-^? W SL^S (t&iiS valiiabla addition to t h e Jewish tor, Jewish Communitj?? C^^KS33OSs. literature available to our staff Buffalo, New Xorb: ' .x\ and older children." "I think the " i » i.W (.JJ-.V.-^' ." Rabbi Sanl Silber, .President are very interesting and the edit^r^rrM* T^ A /~i r SE ; Hebrew Theological College; Chi- ing very'well done. \\ is one of alurE V - c s g o : \ • " • ' . •' • - . • . - " • ; • • • ' • . the nicest collections ot this, kind © Dr. Sher| that I have ever seen;!' : ; ."Without question, B£ibri^^ '•'••fc'asmade "a fine contribution to Mrs. Bias Mayer, Director Jew. Valuer ft_S








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(3TA) — The Folisa jociatibn told the Jewiphic Agency that it 3d reports from Kusof-the arrests of many •e. Among those re:ed . is Rabbi Itzchak 'i Kiev, son-in-law of Czechanower rabbk

r" ^ t 1

1t '




r -f»- < f-p


Sentence Confirmed

By Norton

(JTA) — The Surt refused to set aside ii sentence imposed on Szalasi, Hungarian r, for insulting the igion.

This comprehensive analysis of \rhat has happened to the proud German-Jewish c o mmunity in the live years since Hitler became chancellor is written by a yonng journalist who has been in close touch tvith all .developments affecting German Jewry from the advent of the Nazi regime. 11 is authoritative, complete and all-embracin™. This is the first of a series of articles to be published between now and March 1st which will cover every phrase of the situation created as a result of tlie coming into power of the Hitler government on January SO, 1033. —THE EDITOR

SAFELY, WISELY IN :y, Endowment, Llfa its 21 Strong Companry Type of msuranca ias Written. Call AT A 5150.

[JRDAY elections



country. But emigration is not f-om easy, not only are there lew crirtr'>* countries willing to admit immigrants, but the restrictions placed by the Nazi regime upon those who would leave Germany are daily increasing ia severity. In Taad the early years under Hitler the At the late services tonight German Jews were able to oper- Rabbi Milton Kopstein will speak ate Hachsharah farms and vocational training, and retraining on "The Romance of Jewish Kisschools to fit the TTjung Jews for tcry." Canter A. Echwaczkin trill life in Palestine and ia other officiate. The joint services of the Junior j countries. Many of these have been closed by the Gestapo, with- Congregation of the Vead and'; out any explanation. At the same City Talmud Torah are hela reg- Italian, anti-British propagand ti&e, the currency exchange laws ularly at 10 a. m. at the Coa- broadcast in Arabic by the Eat have become increasingly string- gregatica B'nai Israel, ISth and radio station in Italy for censun? ent. It is no longer possible to- Chicago street. Mrs. Meyer Katz- ptjon in the Near East has bee" day, as in former years, for the nian will be hostess to the chil- 1flavored with anti-Jewish mater Jew who desires to leave Ger- dren this Saturday. i ial, the Jewish Telegraphic Aeer many to save even 20 per cent of Temple . j er hss leaned. Is the recer; his property. And the infius of Bari Arabic programs, trar:Sle.?e Tonight Rabbi David Wice I fcy the J. T. A., tnere were m a c homeless and penniless Jewish refugees from Germany into the will discuss "Noteworthy Jewish j allusions to • Great Britain as th*jI oppressor and Italy as the savio neighboring countries " has be- Anniversaries of 193S." Regular Saturday morning i of the Arabs, and one containing come a severe problem to the Jewish communities in those i services will be held at 11. j estensive cerrarciaticn of the countries, not' only from the Beth E! Jews and of Zionism. point or view of financial support At services this evening, RabThis iras EE accoiint of an in but also with regard to the reac- bi David Goldstein will speak on terview granted fcy E~ir Shekit tion of the non-Jewish popula- "Don Isaac Abrabanfil" ia obser-1 A r s l a = ? Palestine Arab nation^ tion. In Germany itself the sup- vance of the fire hundredth axni-! i s t l e E cer to the Geneva corres port of unemployed and destitute versary of this Portuguese states- j p D n d e n t Ql l h e Its.3ian Eewsp&r Jevs has placed a severe tax ma J 1 - _,_, . ! er. El Idessjissro. The Emir vra upon the Jewish communities. It In addition to the regular j n*Pc» EE havic^ stated tl'E' has been estimated that more Choir, the Junior Choir cader ; rU . i j . ^ " t h p English" told the Arab than one-third of the German the direction of Cantor Aaron j t h a t t h e v in {e n j-ea to brirs; int. Jews are compelled to seek sup- Edgar will conduct the services. t 0 CTen{e . J e v i s a s t E . t e . t h port from charitable institutions. Satnrday morning services will Saturday morning services will !! P a. I e s t thousands of Jews s.nc And it is a tribute to the remark- begin at S:SO. Arthur Sidney, son j PAa r aI ebsst i n e able organization of the German of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Knlakof- d o a e a would never have abantns ltirKs E.nci £rons ovs* communities that all those in dis- sky wii1 become a Ear J.Iitzvah. to the Allies." tress can be taken care of. Nest week Rabbi Goldstein's Kef err Ing to SngUsh promise*- ; 4 sermon will be "A Serraon in to safeguard Arab' rights in PE.I- -; -It is impossible to accurately Stones." estine. Emir Arslan was: r describe the sitnation of the Gered by the radio to fc?T e man Jew at present. Perhaps the Srfraschnigg Keceives Asoh "The only proof that tl c following facts may give aa inkhad of this English inter •- V - E ling into the real situation: Vienna (JTA) — Chancellor that tens of tbousaeds r! Decrease — Since the --advent Kurt Sehuschsigg received Sbo- were brought into Pales r r rs r of Hitler, the number of Jews in lem Asch, Yiddish novelist, acd Justification for the crrrl rr rf Germany has decreased from 500, assured him that Jewish rights a •Jewish State, which fitr - v - u 000 to less than 375,000. 112,- in Austria would not be re- Eritish imperial policy. But the 000 have emigrated during this stricted. The Jewish Commun- English must remember that j p y ity announced receipt of a 10,00 0 cannot master the Arabs. time. -_ : Population — 55 per cent of schilling conation from Chancel- Arabs member seveEiy ir , the Jewish population in Ger- lor Schuschnigg for its winter re- dwelling near the Suez Crr.c f r r" * the Bed Sea. If ifcer cov'r" many is over forty-five years old; lief campaign. their vzy, in the futc-r 15 per cent under twenty; 30 per cent between twenty and forty- ed to obtain temporary employfive. ment in Jewish cultural enter- i Ihs anti-British, note .prises. Communities — broadcasts • is vers Jewish communities in Germany, Ghetto — The Jewish popuia- i Phrase such as " t h e Arr.bE v 276 are entirely dependent upon tion is concentrated in Berlin relief; 12 communities have been Many cities and towns have lost dissolved in the last sis months. the greater part of their Jewish Physicians —of the 6,000 Jew- population, while many others ish physicians in practice before 19G3 only 3,000 remain. Of these frei." 1500 are in Berlin. Mere than Charity — SI,COG Jewish far-- ( two-thirds of the German-Jewish ilies are dependent epos charity —more than one-quarter o* all t physicians today are years old. Under recent decree German Jews. Children — Of 42,000 Jewish none are permitted to practice. Lawyers — 2500 Jewish law- children of school age, £2,000 , yers are now practicing in Ger- are receiving education in Jewish many. in 1933 there were €500. schools: 20,000 are without aSeArtists —• Of 2,357 artists, in-j quate educational facilities, eluding actors, musicians, paint-! ers and sculptors, in the pre-Hit-i (Copyright 1ESS Bv Seven ler period, only SCO have Eianag-





laced to..*.

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that had begun approximately a could have accomplished. It has century and a half ago, culminat- placed the Jews outside the la"w. ed just prior to the World War | In Germany today, they are "unwith the complete acceptance ol desirable guests." It is a crime j Jews as equal citizens of the Ger- to Bell them food; it is a crime to i man Reich. In the course of this buy their merchandise; it is a i 150 years Jews had contribuated crime to rent them an apartment i to the fame and prestige of Ger- or admit them to a hotel; it is a j man scholarship, science, letters, crime even to be seen speaking to I art, and commerce. In spite of them. the mouthings of the modern Within the past five years hun"anti-Semites," — disciples and dreds of books, articles and spiritual heirs of Eisenmenser speeches have analyzed the antiand Stoecker — it seemed incon- Jewish legislation in Germany. ceivable that German history The Aryan Paragraph, the Nur! could ever dissociate the' names emberg laws, the economic, re''• of Rieser, Heine, Boerne, Men- strictions, have all been thor| delssohn, Haber, Erlich and Ein- oughly explained to the world. ! stein, from the German heritage. •Their background, their aims, In 1933 it was exactly - 100 their achievements, are known to years since ICur Hesse*n granted everyone. Today this knowledge equal rights to its Jews. It was is superfluous for the sole reason The world presi nas become the first of the German states to that the Nuremberg laws and the more or.less silent about the sit- do so. The Jews in Germany A r y a n Paragraph themselves .nation of the Jews in Germany. J would have had occasion for ela- have become practically superfluForeign correspondents in Berlin j borate celebrating of this event, ous. For the Nazi leaders, after no longer send back to their Instead that event was celehrat- four years -of anti-Jewish camnewspapers the stories of terror,I ed by the Nazis on April 1 with paign. Any law, no matter how discrimination and anti-Jewish a one-day boycott of Jewish bus- harsh, offers some measure of legislation of three and four iness, and throughout the rest of protection to the victim. For un!years ago. There are no longer the year with the introduction of der the law the Jews still could any hair-raising tales of Jewish an Aryan paragraph, with consis- resort to the courts, and if they suffering and mistreatment. Not tent and aggressive attacks upon could not escape their fate in the long run at least they could deeven the exhibition of the "Eter- Jews. nal Jew"'in Munich or the spec"Within five years the impos- lay it. ial yellow benches in the parks sible had been iaccomplished. The During the past year, the fancy of Berlin receive more than cas- history of the Jews in Germany legalisms of anti-Jewish persecuual mention. had come to an end. German life, tion have been thrown overboard. '••• And the visitor to Germany to- and what is more, German his-1 A new law to end all anti-Jewish day no longer finds the numerous tory had been completely "purg- j laws was put into effect, whereby anti-Jewish signs on German ed of" of Jews. There only re- j each district leader had the aurailway stations or highways. main some 375,000 "Guests" in j thority to take whatever steps he They no longer see so many thoueht fit with brown-shirted Storm T r o o p s longer has any interest, except as Jews in his district. And thus the guarding the entrances of Jewish an instrument international future of the Jews was placed in business establishments w i t h propaganda. irresponsible dissigns warning the Dopulace trict leaders, some of whom, like And yet, it is not against buring from Jews. And true that Germany is completely streicher need no introduction. yet, the- Jews in Germany today free of Jews. If Jews will not re- "What is more,, the government in g look back upon the years main in Germany physically^ they jj Berlin had let it be known that 1933 and; 1934 at the "good will always be present in- the it no longer intended to hold years," as the years when there statutes on the Nazi law books; these district leaders in check. •was still some hope for improve- in the "Aryan" paragraphs, in i They Tvere to be free to do what ments; when Jews could still arlaws, in the | they would with the Jews. gue that the anti-Semitic plank of the Nazi platform was only a search, in the Stuermer, in the I The district leaders have fully - sop to a few politicians, and that textbooks in German schools, and lived up to the expectations of when Hitler's government en- in the exhibtion of the "Eternal their Nazi chiefs in Berlin. "With the Gestapo as their allies, they trenched itself firmly it -would Jew." in Munich. are at present engaged-in the fiforget its violent propaganda of The obituary of nal mopping up of Jewish businthe years before 1933. Today the community in -Germany was writAnd German Jewry-is today German^'Jews have become reduced to a state Tlnded tha't the;Jewish poliqy of ten • recently by Col. of utter, helplessness, not Nazi regime will continue to be carried.on with gruesome consis- to his other titles, is today also politically but economically. The expropriating Jewish tency; that the goal of National the Reich Minister for EconomSocialism "was and is the spiritual ics. In.-'an order published on De- property has become very simple. cember 1st, Hitler's A Jewish businessman is notified and physical destruction command orders "that by March that he must either sell or close approvimately 375 his business before a h oGermany. usand Jews still remaining tin date. Failure to do so, The Jews of the world have be'. come convinced that in Nazism Those branches of the film indus- warned, will result in his arrest they have an enemy which may try still in Jewish hands, must be on charge of violating one of the outlast the Jewish community in Germany and may remain a dan- ship before that date. All those new Reich laws, particularly the in Civil Service, ger to be faced for currency laws, may be punished aad public officials, residing in with death penalty, there is us-;come. •'.. ually little resistance. Under In the face of this, it appears move to Aryan owned houses .Ex- these tactics the list of Jewish to be useless in any appraisal of penses incurred by this will be firms which have passed into Arthe .situation, of the Jews in Ger- borne by the state. Also beginor which have many to stigmatize the Nazi lead- ning with that date, no Jews may entirely must ers as gangsters or to point out enter the office of ministries or come to include every Jewish enthat their acts were any other public buildin merely by a desire for loot. All especially summoned.". j strange sight indeed to see the this may be true, just as it may The world press has passed be true over this most recent order In si- firms in Germany with fine repclever and systematic. And Ger- lence. Only the "Judische Zen- utations and traditions, still doman gangsters •would be — tralpresse" of Zurich, ing business under their original above all else — thorough. it on one one of its back pages. "What is outstanding about thil For there is no longer any news deserving Nazis. most hideous episode' in modern Estimates have been made that history is its breath-taking speed. many. New legal restrictions are within 10 years the only Jews reOnly five years ago the Jews in no longer necessary to add to the maining in Germany will be the Germany formed one of the plight of German Jews. Nazi aged and infirm, since every Jew trongest, most respectable com- paganda in the past five years in Germany today realizes that munities in Europe.. The process has accomplished sooner or later he must leave the





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Page .4

by the most ancient pains I j a big fool. Is year pain special j "Victoria Regina' with the gifted Helen Hayes in the stellai have holidays to celebrate the • that you make such E coise about j role. few occasions when I was mira- i It? Is ther; no other human j culously relieved of paiE . . . j suffering than yours? In a world} It is a marvelous play, excellently produced and perPesach^ Chanukah; .Pnrlm. j of afflicted millions you cry so formed. It is a series of scenes in three acts portraying the PUBLISHED tVfcRV FRIDAY A1 OMAHA, NECBAOKA. OY But even more tormenting than ! loudly your little pain. And no•\>p life of the Queen from that early morning in 1837 when, as a THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY the old pains are tfce pains I am i body listens to you anyway. always expecting. So accustomSome c-ay some one irsF.y come Bible C&EO sweet, innocent girl of eighteen she was somewhat rudely awakSUBSCRIPTIOf. PRICE, On& Year am I to pain that I, the Jew, :o me and say. Little man! Little ened to be informed by the royal messenger and the Arch- Woe to them that devise ini- ed ADVERTISING RATEO FURNISHED ON APPLICAI ION quity and work evil upon their am not at peace with myseii i* roan! Is this all yon hire to lire Tr"- receives ProEDITORIAL. OFFICE! EK) BRAN0EI3_THEATBR GUIUDINQ bishop of Canterbury that the old king having died, she wasbeds, v -i< ?-. when the morning is ligfct for a little while I am without for—to keep on crying and. cry-8IQUX CITY OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER now Queen of England - - to that glorious year when, having they execute it, because it is in any pain whatever. I go to look ing? Is there netting else in the ; PRINT: SHOP ADORESS--5504 GO. E4TH STREET for things to hurt rae. I ce.Il world for -you? the power of their Land. DAVID BLACKER ' . . - - . . . Business and Managing Editor reigned for sixty years, she celebrated her splendid jubilee, these things rishus. "Well, I might answer him, "I'm Hear this, I pray jou, ye heads ?.Telboi-,Pe (-TTA) — A high FEANK R. ACKBRMAN • . . . . - , Editor the large royal family consisting of her children and grand- of the liouse of Jacob and leadWhen my neighbor falls to give only crying for justice. Yes. ..hat ; Government official warned JewLEONARD NATHAN • • • • Associate Editor children (the future kings and queens of England) all around ers of the house of Israel tbat me a cordial good morniEg as he is what I demand—justice." Yet j ish o"gr.ni/;?.f.ior.B last week RABBI FREDERICK COHN • • • Contribqting Editor her (with the exception of her beloved Albert) she received abhor justice, and pervert all passes by, I say, It's the r i i S I to live for a bit of justice for my- ; p.gainst premature publicity to RABBI THEODORE N . L E W I S > \ • • Boob Editor the living homage of her children as well as the plaudits and equity. in him, and I feel hurt through ! self seems like living for crumbs ! plans for settlement in Australia j or for an occasional glass cJ m t - I after P. ccheme for coloniKfitlg Let all the people walk each and through. ANN P I L L -- ,'.-• Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent acclaim of the millions of her subjects throughout the world, one in the name of its God, bat ~ When the bus driver tails to i er or for something else as eSe- !Jews in the Kimberiey region had from Canada and India as well as the British Isles and scat- we will walk in <he name of car stop one morning'precisely at myj rnentary as that. IE it worth aroused a storm of opposition I while to live only for that? here. God forever. corner, so that I must run after L a h c U . . ' f 6 r R e f u g e ? ' V , , \ ; \ .'. : .. '•••tered colonies. "H Jew?; h?^e in the future Lord doth require of thee only bira, my heart (which still 'eels I guess I cm a nuisance to The play brings out above all the character and qualities to do justly, and to love mercy Within the space of , a few weeks two important papers the pain of the sword that :. Cru- others as well as to myself. It Iproposals to submit to the Auso£ the British empire have come out ..with, editorials advocating of Victoria as a woman, as well as a Queen, revealing her hu-and to walk humbly with thy God. ssder pat through it) reproaches, seems that something- p.-wp.ys has • t.relip.n Gwprumptit, it is essential not to- indulpe in publicity Talmud him: O2i, you anti-Semite! It's to be done ahont me. to rescue until Jewish immigrationinto unoccupied territory. A Montreal man quality of affection, as well as of wilfulness of temper, after the Government has Antoalns said to Rabbi, "The me from something or o?.be*\ I on account of rishus that I hat! English daily has suggested the opening of unsettled lands of even of feminine jealousy, of injustice; as well as of firmness, body and the soul may free them- to am a problem chiic in many considered the proposals," the ofrun after your bus. ficial lolfi the jev.'iah Telegraphic northern Canada to Jewish agrignlturists,showing that the t)f wisdom and of bravery (as, rfor instance, when she wasselves on the day of Heavenly I mortify myself at social af- countries and I am always being- Agrency. "OllteiVise, there is Judgement. How so? The body in trouble oil some kind. fairs that are called for the paracquisition of such colonists would bV of inestimable value to shot at) as Queen. % • tif.nger ot prejudging: the Issues eay 'The soul has sinned, for pose ot having- a good time. At When I have just become ac: One of the most tenderly beautiful episodes of the play may the details &re unthe Dominion. _ . . she has departed, I lie in the these parties I meet other Zevrs customed to the afflictions in aUbougrh Likewise from London, the organ of Australian and New is the interview at Balmoral castle in Scotland, when she was grave like a stone.' and the EOUI aad after the first cocktail we Germany (for a pain can become known." The statemetif was made after endurable if it last? long* enoujh) | Zealand residents of the British Isles, editorializes that it would an old woman—in the familiar black silk dress and white silk may say, 'The body has sinned for take up the sorrows of Israel. prep* prominenrr: hnd been glyen sines I am departed from it, I I get a hard blov: from Rumania: ' - Or I am on a boat sailing to be to the advantage of the Commonwealth of Australia to en-cap, long a widow and still mourning as she did for the rest fly In the air HKe a bird.' And the to a pcineme "or pettllnsr hundreds but the next moment I forget the • Indies (ia order to esof her long and, despite its splendors, her lonely life, the lover Rabbi answered, "I will give you cape West of thousands of Jewn in the Kltncourage Jewish immigration. .-."".•' from all this) when .he Rumanian pain because just .hen. berly reeion, ontlined in a LonThe Australian proposal is not necessarily motivated' by of her youth, the faithful partner of her life, sharer of her a parable to which this is sim-first morning at breakfast a man Poland turns the screw lighter on don newspaper by Steinberg, B6ilar. A king who had an excel- at sty table says, You seeia to be j my knuckles. cret&ry of the Freiland League any altruistic purpose. It bluntly - - and realistically - - states royal cares though he could not share her throne, royal con- lent orchard which contained very one of us. My name is Shabbosthe world will be bet- for Jewish colonization, and cablits reason. Australia has huge tracts of unoccupied lands and sort, who was such a wise counsellor and adviser as well as grand figs, appointed two watch- deckel of Brooklyn, Do you thick terSurely, off to be rid of me, the Jew, ed to Australia by "London and moreover it is badly in need of investment capital - - which jt loving husband and father of her children, her adored Albert men over i t One was blind, and it will ever be good for Jews? considering what a difficult prob- Australian news apencieB, other one a cripple who had It seems I am really a great lem it makes of me. Besides, its believes the Jews of the world will be happy to send to Aus- - with the aged Disraeli, her favorite Prime Minister, Lord the Steinberg, in p,n interview not feet. He who had not feet nuisance Beaconsfield, and her very dear friend. That to me was the to myself and ss I weigh soul will be liberated of the sin with. Reynolds News, leftist Lontralia. What is more, it feels that the Jews under obligation said to the blind one. I see in these capsules (to take or not to of tlie crimes it commits Bgainst don newspaper, made the hig-hly to the British Empire .... particularly, if Palestine, also be- outstanding incident of the play, and particularly eloquent as the orchard fine figs. Place rae take them) it seems* to me that me. Ace! I, of course, would be optimistic forecast that over 136your shoalders, and I will comes a British dominion, as the British Zionistsnow desire - - emblematic of the relation of England, as personified in the upon the sooner I take tbein the bet- better off -without myself, con- 000 square miles of Australia's bo able to reach them and we will sidering what a burden I cm on unused territory could be peoplthey will constitute a loyal group. And Australia, visibly wor- noble Queen, tp her Jews as personified in Disraeli. England have a feast. He did so, and ter; since they will dejudaize me. my own hands. ed by a thriving community. He Yet EEceEtral ghosts hauct me is most tolerant and just towards the Jews. She regards and while he was upon the shoulders ried by Japan, is seriously in need of loyal groups. colonization of Yes, it's for the beet that I advocated mass . . . "Alfred, our son!" they riga. of the blind one he picked the But such moves can be accomplished only with care. In treats them as most valued citizens, with fullest political power figs, which both consumed. And They remind me how much they take this dose of Professor Jeu- hundreds of thousands of Jews South Africa where the eonntry was; opened only to a very arid recipients of the highest honors. As Disraeli, who was ever when the owner of the orchard endured even unto death . . . ermsnn's dsjufiine which may so j j "Bat you would run away," they promptly dejndaize me. The interview* created a storm limited Jewish immigration of late, the non-Jewish population, exceedingly proud of our Jewish 'race' attaining the exulted came and asked them, 'What be- say But the ancestral ghosts again j in the Australian with dreadful reproaches. daily press, inflamed by Nazi propaganda, has created an anti-Semitic office of Prime Minister, so Kufus Isaacs, the late Marquess of came of those fine figs?' the I argue with them: Certainly, admonish me . . . "Alfred oor I which received the proposals unblind one answered, 'Have I eyes movement that is endangering the security of the Jews whoReading attained almost to royalty as Viceroy of India. Sir to see them, that you should sus- I say, If being a Jew is to be son!" . . . There is one ghost in ! EyrnpFthcticaliy, end almost with who when he was! deriEion. Australian Jewish authhave lived in the Cape since early times. Canada too is at pres- Herbert Samuel, now Viscount Samuel, who began his political pect me of taking them?1 and the merely & function of fighting particular anti-Semites I may ss well take about to he burned at "the stake ! orities fierifTer] the probability career as Postmaster General in the Cabinet and Home Secreother answered 'Have I feet to ent beset by an epidemic of tin-soldier fascists who would seize wrapped the scroll of the Tor-Eh I of fielnfling the European Jewish to the fig trees?' What did these capsules at once. I" despise about non-existent prosupon any attempts at mass colonization to create provocations. tary was England's first Commissioner in Palestine. And in a get him. Ke tells me that the , mapper: vith to keep -ca being Jewish merely the owner of the orchard do to pects, since, apart from the ansense most remarkable of all, the man who is at the head of parchment scroll guarded him ; for that. As an Aryan I vonlS In neither dominion has the proposal been received with any them? He placed the cripple on tagonism already created, local the War department and all the War preparations in this most the shoulders of the blind man, be called an to defend myself against all the pain of the burn- j experts enthusiasm. v regard larg-e-scaie Jewish •'ing-. He felt no pain whatever. j only if I comiaStted mcrder, bigand punished them together, so settlement in the north-west as Immigration, necessary as it-may be, is only a measure critical hour when Great Britain is spending seven and one- also Ke says to me it is a. pleasure : amy, embezzlement or picked a does the Holy One, praised impracticable. o£ the moment, temporary. Palestine has proven a refuge for half billion dollars for armaments for defense against most be He. He places the soul in the pocket. I would never have to -to lay down one's life only when j a man sacrifices his ghost on acbody in the Day of Judgment." Justify my being- on the earth. a limited number, but it is too small. Nor if it were ten times powerful foes, is a distinguished Jew, Hore-Belisha. David Airoy, B. false Messiah, count .of having lived for someWhen, as a Jew, I defend myRabbi Eleaier said, "A leader self, I SSJ scorned anyway. In thing- ineffably "beautiful, or pood i attempted to establish a Jewish What a contrast, that of England's treatment of the Jew larger would it ease the problem of European Jewry. a congregation who lead them ; king-dom in Kurdistan by force of only Jews read the thing's I or true. The Jews can only depend upon an awakened conscience and that of Germany and Roumania, not to speak of Poland of modestly, will ba rewarded by fact, arms. Thereby he hoped to lead He says to me: "Yen ere think-j write to prove that I, the Jew, and Hungary. The superior nations and peoples always accord leading the same in the future of man. It is the only refuge. 1 am really a most decent person, ing of laying- down your life e* i &11 his co-religionists out of the fine treatment to the Jew, for their superior intelligence and world." a great Idealist, a sensitive artist, 1 a Jew. Yet yon have not begun i dispersion. humanity leads them to properly appreciate this fine servant a giver of £iae contributions to j even to live as a* Jew. Perhaps j Audacity--Nazi Style j yoa find no use in Jewish living j or not to kill myscU) on a new human culture. C T 3 and historic benefactor of. the race; whereas Germany and In Berlin one day last week a person by the name of Peter I aai always feeling so futile. ! becacse you hsTe not yet lived to I conrse v-"hich I sliB'.t take up next Roumania and Poland's contemptuous and inhuman treatment Gissibl of Chicago boasted to the Reich press that he had come Sometime •when I am erring o-jt .' any purpose. TT^T ^,ot try_ UY%'-.. •' '•'"'' | the psSus of Israel, I suddenly hag-?" (To Fe Conoliulec) to the United States in 1924 with the deliberate intention of of the Jews brands them at once as the inferior, imperfectly Save a sense ol shame End s r rj1 This sets my cve"be"Et5oits (Copyright, Xf*"f, by Seven Arts By &L SEGAL furthering the cause of ^the Nazis.- To aid in this."matter he civilized nations that they are, still savages at the core, 'pagan' to myself, Segal, you are really {whether to kill myself .'Tewishlr Feature Sy became a naturalized citizen and since then has sought by every indeed as they wish and declare themselves to be. NOTE: Last week "Victoria Regina" wherever presented cannot help but Mr.EDITOR'S means to aid in the election of an "American Hitler" that would Segal reported that he had raise the estimate of the Jew in the eyes of the world and to received a sample of a new dreg take care of the "Jewish Pest." contribute to the coming of the day when, in the words of the called dejudlne from Professor About the same time, in this country, the German ambasbrilliant Jewish subject of the Queen, Israel Zangwill, 'sanity, Hugo Jedermann, formerly of sador was lodging an emphatic protest with the State departGoettingea university. A refu1 ment for the -utterances of former Ambassador Dodd. In New unity, sanctity shall be expressive not only of Judaism (as it gee in Paris, Dr. Jedermann, had. York and Chicago German Consul Generals were vociferously is of England) but of the diplomacy and the conduct of the pondered on the Jewish problem and had decided that the only entire world. protesting the showing of the current "March of Time." way to solve it was by the Jew Time and time again Germany has reiterated that her eliminating himself and becomIkT"""1 •"""""£"""""5P * c r r * r e T~* ' T *"/™*r * o " . --Frederick Cohn; ASL ing an Aryan and forgetting he treatment of the Jews as well as others within her boundaries ever was a Jew. FABRIC FEATURE is of her own concern and that other nations would do well The dreg he discovered had to keep their noses but of her internal situation. ' caused brown guinea pigs to turn white and had also made theni Yet she has not hesitated to protest anything said in critiforget they were guinea pigs. cism, and has flagrantly abused this country's sense of good They barked like dogs; from nonsportsmanship by sending within our .borders men who by resistin'g pacifists they became so By DB. THEODOSE N. LEWES arrogant as to drive all the their own admission became citizens with the sole intention of Oabbi, Elosat Sinai Sesap!^ Sloss City brown guinea pigs from their undermining our form of government. With impunity they cage. Boast of their intentions and are received as conquering heros. THE JEWISH HOMDAXS." 105 analysis begins justly with. Rosh Dr. Jedermann felt he had **• PT^i Such audacity cannot go unnoticed. If this government PAGES. MORDECAI SOLXIS, Hashona, whose origin and pur-found how to produce Aryans DIRECTOR OP EDUCATION. chemically and it remained enly pose are summarised in full depermits these despicable activities to continue under our very JEWISH WELFARE BOARD tail and clearly. Nothing of any to try the drug GH. a Jew. He noses, then it is true that-democracies are incapable of action. PUBIUCATIOXS. interest or importance is omitted. sent samples to Mr. Segal <a conThe time has come for the^nited States to cease being good- Jews in the United States are Even the sounding of the Shofar scious yet open-minded Jew) natured and do a little'protesting of its own and at the same just beginning to appreciate tho receives adequate treatment, jest with the request that he try it signUicancfe of the' Jewish holi- how many sounds are to be emit- upon himself. time show that it can act - - a n d effectively. days and to realize how necessary ted, and what kind. Yqm Kippur Last week we found Mr. Segal

'.j-zjr-Lju PLAN




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they are to a wholesome Jewish is dealt within the same spirit as bewildered: Should he or should existence, what strength and joy Rosh Hashona. Under the dis-he not take it? Should he dethey impart. A new spirit to- cussion of Kol Nidre, the author .judaiza Msiself and become an Two Latin-American countries, Mexico and Ecuador, have wards the ancient observances is rightly emphasises "no oath or Arysa and be safe forevert This taken steps to deport all Jews-who entered the country osten- noticeable in all American Jewish promise involving another per- week hs continues iiis deliberasibly as agricultural workers and then entered other fields, par- circles. The old indifference and son, a committee or a court of tions: . neglect is being gradually recitl- Justice Is'Implied in the Kol ticularly trade. fied. Even those who are ignor- Nidre." The same method of I must co*nfes3 that these t w j , There; is no difficulty in understanding the plight, of these ant.of everything Jewish are be-,analysis is accorded to Sukkot, capsules of Dr. Jedermann's men and women, who, seeking to escape from the pitiless con- ginning to sense a deep emptiness with its rich ceremonials of Lulab remedy are most tempting. They ditions of eastern and central Europe) took advantage of the and are making heroic efforts to and Esrog; to Hanukkah; to may tiirfe everything that has ailremedy it. The fearful uneasi- Hamishah Asar Bishebat (15 th ed me ia 2000 years. Particularoffer of a haven in Ecuador, though they were warned condi- ness in which the great mass of Shebat); to Purim; Passover; ly appealing to me is the amtions in that country ' were troubled. But even in their Jews live, even in the United of Lag Ba Omer; Shabuoth and nesia they contain. I shall forget having been a Jew if I take newly-found asylum they were not allowed to follow the course States, is compelling many of Tishah B'ab. The third part consists of 250 them. best suited to their abilities, but forced into fields from which them to return to Judaism, And the return can not be accomplish- questions and answers dealing I am always beset by the pains the state would gain. ed without a fresh and enthusi- with the Jewish holidays. Anyone of.the past and fears of the fuYet these Jews had a profound'responsibility to keep faith astic celebration of Jewish Holy answering these questions will ture. I remember everything This small pamphlet of a have proven his complete and too well and a n haunted even with the governments who gave them refuge. Their subter- Days. little over & hundred pages Is full knowledge of*all.the cerefuge should, not be defended, and though it is the task of re- therefore t o ' be cordially .wel- monies and symbolism-and ritual familiar to every Jewish youth sponsible agencies ,to^ endeavor to have these governments re- comed and will serve splendidly of the Jewish holidays. The ques- be and maidea. Jewish Arbor Day voke their previous edicts, it'is also the task of immigration towards this end. tions are arranged for every should serve to btad us closer to In the fir3t part, the- author feast separately. Suggestions \.z Eretz Israel—and the author t a g organizations .to see to it that the immigrants live-up to thediscusses the significance Jewish to the best use that can be made achieved this most satisfactorily terms of their entry. ceremonial can and should have of this list are offered. They can. in his iaterpretatlon. ' At this time, it ia particularly important that Jew3 show for our youth reared In non-re- serve to increase popular knowl- * This little pamphlet should. and tin-Jewish homes. edge and appreciation of these serve . to' enlighten oar people, themselves reliable, honest, even though the governments.that ligious The interpretation is reasonable impressive occasions. The auth- young and old, about the luEiotjf demand this * honesty may be a bit spotty. and designed with a special eye or was wise.to include the 9th and importance o* oar Holy Days The obligations imposed on our unfortunate wanderers upon the host of Jews upon of Ab. Its neglect is aa indica- aad teach, as. GOtaetfcing concernthe old orthodox and rig-tion of disintegration of our Jew- ing the, great personalities •wfco may [be difficult,but they must be recognized and governments whom orous way of living Ms lost all ish spirit. Too bad that it falls have played tremeadous roles ia demanding that; the migrants live up to these, obligations can- hold and authority. Religions in the summer months, when all Jewish life sad Jewish * thought.. not be considered 'anti-Semitic^* ritual and ceremony are essent- Jewish activities and JewisH life It is a small book to bs heartily ially folk ways, expression of the are "vacationing." The day should welcomed and to fee -used • with. group life of people. And if apeo- be one of touching and sacred profit. ple is to continue living it must character to every loyal Jew A gloEsary c£ Hebrew .and Yidpreserve these. . and' should strengthen out Jew-dish teras Tel&ted to Jewish CKS"•:•..;:'-, By Eabbi ^ederick (John In the second part, the author ish loyalties. iotss aad cefeiuoEiea, at the e-nd describes In brief and outline •• The ISth of Shebat is handled of the •Foliisas, will help the read. WhHe in Chieagoven:route to New Orleans and the West form, the most outstanding facts •well—and the day is rightly as-. er acquire some - common snd necessary terms ia fretjeect sse Indies we had the pleasure and the privilege of witnessing'a about all our holidays, even the soclated with Palestinian renais- in connection -with Jewish religminor ones, usually omitted or sance. The -chapter gives a bit performance of Laurence B. Housinan's justly famous play neglected In school curicula. The of Zionist history which should ious and cereraouial life.

We Must Keep Faith



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Compare tKe unusual qur-Ifij- cf Sturdlfleece an'd Broadbroofe Boncle overcoating's—-compare the expert overcoat tailoring—tibe smart niodele. extra qual£tF? long life th&t's built into evmry detail e-f th©*e overcoats.

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Page 5


ANNOUNCES'•'ENGAGEMENT. .. Mrs. Sarah Gendler announces the engagement, of her daughter, Frieda, to Marvin^ Belzef, son of Dr. O. S. Pelzer. No wedding data has been set.

ralian Press Eeceive3 Proposals with Derision iboune (JTA) — A high •nment official warned Jeworganizations last "week st premature publicity to for settlement In Australia a scheme for colonizing in the Kimberley region had sd a storm of opposition

ANNOUNCES BAB MTTZVAH Mrs. Sara Duncan announces the Bar-Mitzvah'-of her son, Donald, on Saturday, February _5, at the Beth Hamedrosh. Hagodol Synagogue, 19th and. Burt streets A reception and open house •will be held at home on Sunday, February 6, from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9. No invitations ha^e been issued.

Jews have in the future sals to submit to ths Ausn Government, it i3 essentot to-indulge in publicity after the Government has lered the proposals," the oftbld the Jewish Telegraphic jy. "Otherwise, there is IT of prejudging the issues agh the details are unn.".


ANNOUNCE BERTH Mr. and- Mrs. I. Goldstein of Dallas, Texas, announce the birth of a. daughter on January 19. Mrs. Goldstein was formerly Minnie Shane of Omaha.

• • " " . • . • •

3 statement was made after prominence had been, given scheme for settling hundreds susands of Jews in the Kimregion, outlined in a Lonlewspaper by Steinberg, seT of the Freiland League ;wish colonization, and cabl1 Australia by London and alian news agencies. inberg, in an interview Reynolds News, leftist Lonlewspaper, made the highly jistic forecast that over 135square "miles of Australia's d territory could be peopla thriving community. He ated mass colonization of eds of thousands of Jews iiberley. p interview created a storm i Australian daily • press, •received the proposals unthetically, and almost with in. Australian Jewish auth!s deplored the probability iuding the European Jewish s with non-existent prossince, apart from the anism already created,; local is regard large-scale Jewish tnent in the northwest as cticable. rid Alroy, a false Messiah, pted to establish a Jewish om in Kurdistan by force of Thereby he hoped to lead s co-religionists out of the •sion.

CONVALESCING J. Mendelson is convalescing at the • Mercy aospital. Council Bluffs, where Be underwent an operation last week. ._. t


ANNOUNCES GRADUATION Mrs. Ethel Simon of Chicago announces the graduation of her son, Norman, from the. Murray F. Tuley High School on Thursday, January 27. Mrs. Simon and family are former residents of Omaha.. HONORED. ON ANNIVERSARY Thirty friends' and relatives surprised MrT'and Mrs. A...Maltz last Sunday evening at their home on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Malts were presented with a silver service. IiEAVES FOB "WASHINGTON Toby Katelman left Thursday evening l o r : Washington, D. C, where she has accepted a governmental position. En route she will stop In. Chicago to visit relatives.



t to till myself) on a new 3 which I shall take up next (To Be Concluded)! rright, 192S. by Sevsn Arts Feature Syndicate.)

VISITING. IN EAST Mrs. Hershel Freedman left on an extended trip through the east to visit relatives and friends. En route she will stop at Milwaukee ! and, at her former home, Green 'Bay, "Wisconsin. .'From there she - will go to "Washington to spend a month with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie ' Charney.

• "

E. T. C. SORORITT . Members of the E. T. C. sorority met'.- Wednesday evening at the home-of Etta Camel.. TO ATTEND MAKDI GRAS Mr. and Mrs. David M. Newmonths ago, are now in Monterey, Mexico where they will be for ten days before leaving to attend the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. JOSIiTN M E M O R I A I J

At 3:30 o'clock, Sunday, in the lecture hall of the Joslyn Memorial, the Reverend James F. Walsh, S. J., will speak on. "The Art of Selling Yourself." There will be a program of duo-art records in the Concert Hall at 4 o'clock.

Open3 Salon Mrs. Mollie A. Zevitz, beauty advisor, announces the opening of the Ex-celsia salon in' the Brandeis Theater-building. Free expert Bkin analyBes will be given on appointment. Patronize Our Advertisers

HONORED ON BHITHDA5T A surprise supper was given last Saturday evening for Betty Edis Rosenblatt In honor of her sixteenth birthday. Nineteen couples attended.- Sharing honors with. Miss Rosenblatt was her house guest. Miss Ray Kaplan of Sioux City. , A buffet supper was served. The color scheme was red and white. Tables in the .recreation room were arranged in cabaret fashion. The evening was spent in dancing. , .

Women's Division : Planning Affair .Plans are underway for the benefit bridge and dessert coffes to be sponsored by the "Women's Division of the Jewish Community Center on Monday, February 21, at the Center Auditorium. The proceeds of this affair will be used to re-supply the JCC Kitchen with necessary kitchen equipment. • Mrs. Louis Neveleff ia General Chairman in charge of arrangements; Mrs. J. J. Greenberg is Chairman of the Patron ticket Bales, "with Mrs. Julius Stein Cochairman and "Mrs. Philip Levey, Chairman of General Ticket: Sales. i : The following is a partial list of patrons; "others will he published in subsequent issues of the Press:Mcsdames ,M. D. Brodkey, J. M. Newman,' M. L. Cohn, H. A. Wolf, Lpals Alberts, Sam Gilinsky, Ben Shapiro, Harry Trustln, H. R. Milder..William Milder, J. MHaer, Ben Taxman, Morris Milder, Hymie Milder, Sophie Neveleff, J. Bernstein, J. Resnick, David Cohn, Iz Chapman, Herman Kully, Morrfa Levey, Joe Bloch, N. S. Yaffee, Louis Margolin, Gail Margolin, I. Ziegman, B. A. Simon, Leo Waxenberg, Harry Ferer, Ben Shafton, Sam Kaplan, Wm. Herzoff, Joo Morgan,' Max Holzman, O. C. Goldner, David Greenberg, Abe Herzberg, Julius Abrahamson, Libby Kaplan, Nathan Simon, Joe Goldware, Wm. Lazere, S. Olander, Herman Cohen, Sam Tarnoff, H. Lowenstein, Philip Greenberg, Louis Greenberg, Reuben Bordy, Carl Riekes, Hyman Noddle, M. Befcovici, Frank Krasne, David Brodkey, Fred Brodkey, Aaron Rips, Max Davis, Morris Friedel, Julius Stein, Louis Kulakofsky, Henry Monsky, Phil Gilinsky, Al Mayer, Milton Livingston, Richard Einstein, Fred Rosenstock, Louis Sommer, John Farber, M. I. Gordon, Lena Mandelson, Reuben ,K u 1 a k o f s b y, Jack Lincoln, Charles Betts, Philip Romonek, J. J. Friedman, Molly Cohen, J. J. Greenberg, Joe Rice, Sam Wolf, Charles Schimmel, Hyman Ferer, Harry Rochman, David Blacker, David Bernstein, Leon Fellman, Moe Venger, Abe Venger, Morton Richards, Moe Llnsman, Wm. Racusin, J. J. Freiden and Jack Kaufman, and the Misses Blanche Zimman, and Fannie Grodinsky.

SISTERHOOD i A panel discussion in which Rabbi David H. Wlce and Miss Goldle Carter, personnel counseprincipal speakers, will follow a lor of the Y. W. C. A., will be luncheon to be given by the Sisterhood on Monday, February 7, at 1 o'clock at the Temple. The subject of the discussion will be "Helping Youth Help Itself to the Future." Five sisterhood members, Mrs. G. L. Wirtheimer, Mrs. Ronald Gladstone, Mrs. Sam Rosenberg, Mrs. Milton Abrahams, and,Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, wiil be included on the panel. • ' • Rabbi Wice will be chairman.

Mrs. E. R. Kirkpatrick who has just returned from Washington, D. C.» where she attended the thirteenth annual national Conference on the Causes and Cure of War, will give a report of this important conference at the monthly meeting of the Council of Jewish Women to be held at the Jewish Community Center on Monday, January 31. Invitations have been extended io members of the Omaha InterClub Council to attend the meeting and: the one o'clock luncheon to precede it. • This program has been arranged by the Civics and Legislative Group Of .the Council-with Mrs. J. M. Newman as chairman. Reservations may be made with Mrs, Edwin Brodkey and Mrs. Max Holzman.

A. Z. A. 100 Three| members and one adviser were chosen to represent A. Z. A, ioo in the inter-chapter council. • They are Joe Guss, Joe Kirschenbaum, and Harold Zellnsky. Adviser Milton Frohm was named by the advisory committee as its representative. . Past Aleph Godol pins were presented to Harold Zelinsky and Herbert' Forbes by Ben Barkin, assistant executive s e c r e t a r y . Tentative date for the chapter's annual spring dance has been set for April 23. Chapter committees which will serve for the present term were announced by Aleph Godol, Joe Guss. They are: Social committee: Sonny Richards, chairman; George Shafer, Manuel 'Himelstein, Oscar Diamond,. Bernie Tractenburg, Harold Zelinsky, and Hy Diamond. Social Service committee: Harold Habler, chairman; Norman Berg, Lester Abrahamson, Bob Batt, Irving Forbes, Ben Miller, Melvin Radman, and Art Castleman. Cultural committee: Jack Epstein, chairman; Gilbert Greenberg, Frank Pirsch, Martin Kolnick, Albert Kaplan, Joe Raznick, Daniel Kolnick, and Haskell Morris. Religious committee: Paul Sacks, chairman; Melvin Bernstein, Ben Chinitz, Ed Dolgoff, Robert Gerelick, Ben Ktftler, Abe Resnick, and •jjoe Kirschenbaum. Athletic committee: Norman Kuklin, chairman; Ben Kutler, Sonny Richards, Harry Fox, Milton Saylan, Leo Alperson,- Ben Schneider and Art Gould. Membership committee: . Herbert Fofbes, chairman; .Harold Zelinsky, Paul Sacks, George Shafer, knd Ben Schneider.

PIONEER WOMEN Members of the Pioneer Women's Organization will hold an Oneg Shkbboth on Saturday, January 29,: at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. Cohn, 5605 Emile. Mrs. p . S--Belzer will be principal speaker. Mrs. J. Kaplan will give a reading. Community singing will be led by Mrs. J. Resnick. Refreshments will be served. ; . . The organization is planning a dinner for Chavera Kupperraintz .on March 6 and has urged the public to keep that date open.


Junior Conacii

Gold Call© 10 egg yolks, l U cupa sugar ?i cups butter, 1 cup \ milk. 2% cups cake flour. 4 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon orange or lemon juice. Rind of 1 orange. Cream butter and sugar. Add beaten yolks. Add milk and flour alternately. Mix well. Add baking powder last and rind and juice. Bake in a long pan, 350 degrees for one hour. .

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Vaad Bible Class

~: New officers of the organization are: President, Ruth Stein; Vice-president, Bess Lefitz; Secretary, Tetta Lerner; Treasurer, Ethel Kadis; Reporter, Helen Mlnkln; and Historian, Sylvia Baum. i


C i r-< ft ,


The study group of the Junior Vaad will meet on Tuesday, February li at the home of Sarah In the 14th century the city of Berg, 2025 N. 19th Street. Prune Whip Pie . Angers admitted Jews but. made Rabbi Milton . Kopstein Soak 54 lb. prunes over night. them promise not to bathe in the continue his discussions on JewCook until soft. Remove stones. river Main. ish Customs and Ceremonies. Chop fine. Add % cups sugar, cup chopped walnuts and 2 egg whites beaten stiff. Pour in a baked pastry shell and bake twenty minutes at 350 degrees. When ready to serve cover with whipped cream. • . .-

By Mrs. IJaviS EL Hewmsn


"Tomorrow's Bread" by Bea- |j The Cbiid Psychology class wi. ' trice Bisno will be reviewed by j hold its final meeting at l : 2 i Rabbi David A. Goldstein on : Tuesday afternoon, February I Wednesday," March 2nd, for the; at the Jewish Community Ccnt.e Cclsool Luncheon Fund of Hadas-! Jlrs. Ksrr Fredericks vd saa's Child Welfare. Mrs. Dave : speak en '"Sex and Cfcild Deve opinent.'' Sherman is Chairman.

Group will meet £t tte home C LADIES FREE LOAM Mrs. Ben Silvers oc Friday, Fet rcary 4. Mrs. J. Solomon v.-iii be An annJversray meeting of the ' co-hostess. Ladies Free Loan is to be held j on Wednesday, February 2, at 2 BIBLE CLASS p. m. -at the Jewish Community Center. This Society was crganired in February seventeen years The Bible Class sponsor? I ' ago. A tea for the occasion has the Temple Israel Eisterhooi rr been arranged by Mrs. Sam Klav- the Council of Jewish T\*r"ewill meet on Tuesday roomier The Omaha Section of the NaIncluded on the program February 1. at the Elackstone tional Council of Jewish Juniors be.' Cantor E. Seltz, who will Hotel at 10:2 0. will hold their business meeting a number cf Je-risa songs; ElRabbi David H. Wice conduct* at the Jewish Community Center, eanor and Florence. Fredkin, the class. Sunday, February 6th at 2:30. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Dave i Celia Richards, chairman of Fredkin, •who will give acrobatic j the Hospital Committee, is ask- and tap dances; and Mr. I. Moring for volunteer workers and genstem, president of the OmaThe Deborah Society will hcl<_ also for old books and magazines. ha Hebrew Club who will be! The Dramatic Group, which principal speaker. Shirley Seltz, ; its next meeting on February t j Plans are progressing for the ai will present their first playlet at •will accompany her father. Mrs. S. Klaver, president, has ! nual bridge tea which is to b~ this meeting, is. inviting new members to Join them for their appointed Mrs. "William Kuklin' held in February. Mrs. J. Golfiware is presicer' chairman cf the decorations and j next presentation. cf the Deborah Society. Mrs. S. Epstein, chairman cf the j Sports Group chairman, Rae Spar, is planning after irork ac- tea. All members and tceir friends tivities which will include bowlare cordially invited to attend ing and skating. Any girl who is interested in the anniversary meeting. The nest meeting cf the Van*. what goesvon "behind the headBible Class viil he held on TTedlines" should join the Juniors at nesasy, February 9, £t 2 c'clocl RF their Current Event class every at the B'nai Israel Synagogue .Wednesday at 7:30 at the ComEabfci Hilton KepEte;n leads tb" A regular meeting of the ! munity Center. Mrs. George W. class. Goldie Myerson Clab will be | Neahaus is their teacher. held at the Pastes Eotel on j Members of the Council are | Tuesday, February. 1, st 2 p. is. also participating in the Jewish I Reports of the executive comisiiTV 1 Press Subscription Contest; those j tee will be given concerning the »£ who are interested are asked to j plans to be made for the recepcall Sylvia Weiner, At. 6592. ! tion of Chavera Kupperiaintz, f Junior Council, which is a j Palestinian represestative, who National organization, cordially j will be here Karch 6 and 7. Hollywood—Story cf the 'fcreel" invites new members who are in- I The review cf the clufes prothat lei doim. Anatol WmogTt terested in Social, Philanthropic i ject, the sale of the quilt, Trill doff was doing nicely in the l>7e~ and Cultural activities. be given. All members have been i Tort Yiddish theatre, En&deEly requested to attend ES this is as j he was "dUcovereS" . . . placed There will be a Board meeting important Eteetisg. in a Broadway production. Thence at the home of the Misses Dora to Hollywood with e^ery chance and,Libby Dolgoff, Friday, Febcf playing the screen version of alZRACM ruary 4 at 8 o'clock. the same play. Weeks . . . KcrieThe Women's Mizrachi last town creeks . . . went ty. Pockets VAAD AUXILIARY week held a well-attended s e e l - and stomach, flattened . . . rothing and a successful bridge ing happened. Finally ce took e. A regular meeting of the Vaad i luncheon at t i e horce of Mrs. Job as director of amateur firsAuxiliary will he held on Tues-1 Louis Freedis&n. matics et twenty sinkers a vreet. day, February 1, at 2:15 p. in. j The next benefit bridge will be at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, j given .at the hosie of Mrs. Hose Director Archie Mayo, roaming ISth and Chicago streets. Abram's, 207 S.-26th street, on the Pyramids writes: Following the business meet- Thursday, February 3. This will 'round "Traveling is soSroadering . . . ing, Mrs. David Wice, who will | be a 1:30 dessert luncheon. I'm getting back 'all that eseess be a guest of the Auxiliary, will J poundage I carefully dieted off sX speak on "Two Five Year Plans." i After Mrs. Wice's discussion tea | MADASSAH ONEG SHABBQTE will be served. The Hadassafe Oneg Shafcboth Thocgh the tir mefiiuro is is ore for the month cf January "will be lucratire, Sid- ftiolfty eisnoEHAZOfflR held at the tome cf Mrs. II. D. tinued HE "ettoratlcg" . , , Brodkey, 3429 "Webster Street, •wishes to devote himself esclnsMembers of the Hazomir are 2:30 p. TZ. Sattirfisy, January now studying "D.os Kaye Lied'1 29 th. jars. Herman Auerbach •will ively to his first lore—his (The New Song) by Z. Gilberts. give a book review on 'Salvation" paper column ^rticSi is Bpr Persons Interested in singing by Sholeis Asch. Anyone irho faste Jewish songs are invited to at- wishes to attend call Mrs. Joseph •worfes. tend the next regular meeting of Rosenberg, Ja. 1042 who is in Ker OWE best cirector is Fanny the choir at 8:30 Monday even-j charge. Brice. T>.T-en she muffs a line, ing, at the Jewish Community I she calls, "Cut:" The other r.rem Center. i Patronize Our Advertisers

The Theta lambda held its annual "election at the home of Ruth ;••


social event of the season Ls the dance to be given. Saturday night February 5, by the Auxiliary of the Beth El pynagogue. Music for dancing is to be furnished by Lloyd Hunter's all-colored, thirteen piece orchestra. A bingo and card rooia will be open to those not -wishing to dance. Feature of the evening will be a "Big Apple" . contest. Admission to the affair is ^1.25 per couple. The affair is to be informal.


she abruptly halted the camera wheeis. " ^ said "could' instead o' 'should'," she corrected.


Council to Hear BETH EL AUIIUAR-Delegate Report PREPARES FOR .• • on--Peace .Meetingi What is to be the outstanding



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HALF-HEASTED — These are Spanish Loyalist prisoners captured by the Insurgents in the" counter-offensive begun at Teruel, after the Loyalists had taken the city. Half - heart edly the prisoners extend the Fascist s a l u t e , as the cameraman snapped this picture. Intense fighting, with hundreds of casualties, has taken place at Teruel, as Insurgents attempted to re-capture the city and Loyalists as doggedly resisted.

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43 destroyers, 16 submarines, one seaplane tender and one destroyer tender. Advocates of the bill said in view of world unrest Uncle Sam must increase his armed might. Above are types of craft included in the bill. Top, left, battleship Arkansas; right, new 10,000-ton cruiser Vincennes, recently commissioned. Center, left, air view of the airplane carrier Lexington; center, United States battleships are seen across the forward turrets of the California, right, showing the 14-inch guns. Bottom, left, submarine with crew on deck; right, destroyer Parrott. The Navy is drawing plans for new 18-inch guns.

NAVAL EXPANSION—While Congress av,aited President Roosevelt's message on an expansion of the navy as a defense measure, the House of Representatives considered the record peace-time naval appropriation bill calling for expenditures of $553,266,494. This bill provided for construction of 22 naval vessels, including two battleships, two. cruisers, eight destroyers, six submarines, one minesweeper, one submarine tender, one fleet tug, one oiler. The measure also made provision for $119,641,050 for continuing work on two battleships—the North Carolina and Washington—already on the ways, three aircraft carriers, eight cruisers,

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' fi' JLABOS CHIEF FORMER COWBOY — Charles V. McLaughlin, .left, whose new post as First Assistant Secretary of Labor makes him No. 1 industrial trouble-shooter, takes his oath of office before J. C. Watts, acting chief clerk of the Labor Department, in Washington. Mr. McLaughlin was reared in the Nebraska cow country and rode range. He succeeds Edward F. McGrady.

GIKDLER URGES AMITY—Tom M. Girdler, right, chairman of Republic Steel Corporation, as he appeared at a testimonial dinner of the Lehigh Club in New York. He asserted that objectives of -government and industry .were not far apart and by cooperation could obtain the greatest expansion "the human race . has yet known." Left, G. Harvey Porter of Industrial Corporation.

SOCIALEEX — Mrs. T. Denrde Boardman, fae forraer Vivian Dison. socialite of New York and Newport, introduces this interesting costume at Palm Beach. Fla., where she is spending a vacation. She is a niece of the late Jesse I. Straus, Ambassador to France.


EN ROUTE TO RUSSIA—Giant fcur-molorec: plr.ie. b cr •::t f"c-*i i ir C.cn- Z as it landed at Fiord Eenr.ctt Field, New York, on F rcsr Baltimore. This e3.000-pound ocean transport, ordered t; he 5o> i?> <-c e—,-r-i. v and shipped to Russia soon. Its ran~o is £.00? rr.iles. v.ih passanj





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CHINESE PEISONEES OF JAPANESE—Recent charges'that Japanese were-not taking any prisoners in the war in China were nromntly answered by Japanese with, such pictures,as the above. This shows Chinese prisoners in the Shanghai area, looking well fed, ripan and unafraid. Meanwhile foreign missionaries in Shanghai assert that Japanese have rejected their urgent request for 760 tons of ' food and supplies for use in Nanking refugee camps, where 200,000 are believed starving.

iet? States, 1™ vo r ks in • € smantled


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AGA'S NIECE V»ECS—Glisipse cf the lavish festivities * J W .— ^ > - «-- *"• J^--.^-.'^-, . . . .«=•-. ICahn League cf Nations' president and one of the wealthiest mea. in the world, wcs marnec. recentlr in Bombay India. The brida, Miss Bibi Kulook. is in front of the Aga, whits suit right center. The groom Yusuf Haroon, extreme left, anfl bride are covered with flowers.


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Page 7

THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, JANUARY 28. 1938 Standings of the main floor the American lists many former stars from the fine University of Nebraska quinWen Lost Pet.; v a.t hdj'.i g Wildcats tets. 30 £1 .3SS ] its a-i;-£.! L . That team is the Woodmen Ac- Sooners .5SS j cident aggregation of Lincoln, Cj'clones -S2S ; u t_e This outfit last year won Tigers £6 •-480 i 10 4. Alexandria, Egypt (WNS) — Neb. £0 21 .412 i want to so places in Jewish com- Dr. Moise Ventura noted Parisian the Cornhusker A. A. V. title, Cornhuskers SAZt JVAZT1KESS then went on to Denver to pile SO 21 .412 : Jaykawkers munal affairs . . . scholar and Orientalist has been Latest to employ anti-Semitism : Tuesday evening's bowling saw named uhiei rabbi of Alexandria up a' great record in the national as~a propaganda -weapon are theFROM FOUICIGN PARTS People who ought to know are to fill a vacancy that has exist- A. A. U. meet All of last year's the Wildcats emerge as leaiers | ti-1 '-.ri/.i: 1 >er J i i - " strike breaking agencies . . . The saying that the fire which de- ed since last year when Dr. Dav- great players are back on thetaking two o u t of three games • v - s c : r . ^ - . z . . . ' r u T. M. C. A. has just learned to 71 v • Woodmen roster and the Capital from t h e Sooners. The Jaj-haxk-j rorr, t r c I T / - n i , - •• HB amazement that it was vic-stroyed, the Jewish-owned freigh- id .Prato was appointed chief rab- City sliarpshooters will be cut to ers took two out of three f r o m ; v c r c c r r ' r - r ? l-~ C f ' 1 bi of Rome. Born in Smyrna in ter S. S. Hacarmel in the Rumantimized by a group of young Ger1893, Dr^ Ventura was graduat- prove to Omaha fans they still the Tigers, and t h e Cyclones two j Gcjrr .- I r r r ° . . . I" v . mans who were guests at one of ian port L 1 Constanza was not an ed from the Constantinople Rab- have . last year's efficiency. By out of three from" t h e Cornhusk- ; 6z: Tor n. r r ~ r Arclo , ' r accident but an excursion intc arIt appears son by Iron Guard terrorists . . . binical Seminary in 1.907. its summer camps the way, the Woodmen team Trill ers, j porter. that these German visitors spent take another crack -t national Five liunflreg scries were bowl- { After teaching in tbe Alliance All French diplomats ./ill soon be their time in the Y. M. C. A. ed by George Shapiro, 5 2 5 ; Joe j C L A ' T P Y . ' O ' T ~ : '~ Israelite schools in Constantin- honors later in the season. spreading Nazi propaganda . . . as proficient in Yiddish and Heople and Beirut he settled in So, if you want to see a great Givot, 530; Dr. Platt, 527; Leo; the G - " - - ; . = c o r ' ' — - c brew as they are; in other IanOnce they even went sp far as to Paris,. where he studied at the basketball team and even a greatWeitz, 526; M. Franklin, SOS; j in H r r r - - " • " -*>-•*• arrange the tables in the dining- guages . The State Institute and became a teacher er basketball, game, you'd better and Barney Ahrarns, 501. | tl.e «-tvr*s room in tne form of a swastika for the Training of French Dip- Sorbonne the Maimonide3 College and remember teat date, Feb. 6, and The weekly bowling prize went . . . Jersey City's Mayor Frank lomats has inaugurated courses at school of theParis Jewish plan to be in tbe J. C. C. gym- to Dr. Platt who bowled 527, SO pj'I c:f cr r.? -Hague is giving snch a good imi- in Yiddish and modern Hebrew the nasium in the afternoon. pins above his average of 149. tation of Fuehrer Hitler that . . . First pupils are legation sec- Consistoire. Fritz. Kohn, Nazi leader, sent retaries assigned to the Near We would be doing the crackHagne .a New Year's greeting East . . . Yecliiel "Weizmann, erjack A. Z. A. No. 1 team, a praising hi-n for his. "courageous younger brother of Dr. Chaim treat injustice if we didn't menstand." land assuring him that Weizmann, will be the managing tion their splendid 33 to i S vic"many thousands of Bund, mem- director of a new shipping sertory over the Sherwin-Wiiliams bers and sympathizers in Newvice about to be launched befive in the preliminary to last jersey admire and support your tween Palestine and North AmerSunday's Varsity contest. The position" •'.'.- Next thing you ica . . . The service will consist Just like someone once said, know New Jersey's Nazis will be of four passenger -and cargo "Toot your own corn, 'cause no- Aleph Zadik Alephs certainly themselves with glory, netting Hague . ' . . Boris Brasol, steamers to be registered in Canelse will toot it for you," covered defeating one of the better teams who as a government prosecutor ada and to sail under the Canad- body we take great personal pride in in Czarist Russia tried to revive ian flag . . . A feeder line.is also listing here the accomplishments in the Central club league. the blood libel charge against planned to operate betweenNorth of two young Jewish athletes, Out in front most of the way, Mendel .Beilis after be was ac-European and East Mediterran- brought to light during the past the Jewish boys saw their game PUN DEPT.: There's a moveaaitted, is said to be the clear- ean ports . . . Ships of this line thrown into a deadlock at the ment on foot to change the nicking house for the distribution of will fly the Palestine flag . . . A week. final whistle when Sflerwin-Wil- name of New York's 17th ConXr l :lu the "Protocols of the Elders of new Herzl year book, now being • First was tbe announcement liams knotted the count at 2S-a.ll. gressional District, famed as the ' " -—^-= Zlon" in New York . . . He op-prepared by the Heinrich Glanz that Louis Blumkin had received But the A. Z. A.'s had played too "silk stocking" district, to conerateB under tne name of "Na- Verl&g of Vienna, will include a All-American high ^school diving •well and too hard to see their form to the Japanese boycott . . . tional Russian Library" at 5 Co-reproduction of Herzl's last will, honors for his fine work with the victory snatched away. They Nest time George Backer runs lumbus Circle . ..'. Take it from which has never been published Tech high team. Blumkin was buckled down in the extra period for office from that section, a us that those newspaper yarns before . . . Jewish religious bodies undefeated during Ms senior year to roll up five points while the boycott enthusiast tells us, it will of diving for Cal Hubbard and about the G-men having found the British Empire are ready- the Maroons and his successes enemy was completely held at be known as the "lisle stocking" nothing wrong with tne German- in district . . . Adolf Eitler, accorda big. celebration in honor of extended over the entire Missouri bay. American Bund are just so much ing ing to cur own Danny Schorr, the 25th anniversary- of Dr. Jo- Valley district. eye-wash . . .^The G-men's fhid- seph Herz as chief rabbi . . . • The A. Z. A. No. 1 Juniors also will write a book commemorating ings have been turned over to the ABOUT PEOPLE Now Louie is a regular mem- seem to be doing right well, lead- his beer haal putsch . . . And he'll department of justice, which will ber, of J. C. C. swimming and ing the Intermediate league at | call it, D. S. predicts, "Sly Botlay them before Congress on Feb- Jussel Jacobs, who still poses gymnasium classes. It's a treat the conclusion of tie first round j tle." . . . Herr Streieher, D. S. uary IStn . .' .And at the same as'Max Schmeling's manager, has to watch the little fellow go of play. They have three victor- irrepressible postscripts, will contime the House Rules Committee left for Hamburg to second through his large repertoire of ies and no defeats, completing tribute the foam. will report a bill for a Congres- in his coming fight there , M a x stuff off the board. Up in thethis record last Thursday with a sional probe of Nazi activities ..,. sent Tussel the advice to brush gym, Louie is showing fine form sparkling 23-21 triumph over the Did you notice that among the up on his Heil Hitler salute . . . in the Intermediate basketball Cornhuskers, who are in third DRAMA DEPT.: Cliff Odets' very, very few book publishers Incidentally, all non-A r y a n s league, and even in basketball, place with one win and two set- play, "Golden Boy" is still kayo- not- listed among those boycott- should plead. with. Joe .Louis to Blumkin does fine work off thebacks. ing all customers from ringside ' ing the International Publishers' stop hitting the hot spots and do- board. Only in the latter case, to rafters- and is still providing The Hawkeyes held second one Congress at Leipzig was Hough- ing other things of that sort what Louie excels at is taking the place of the town's most interestwith two victories against ton, Mifflin Co., publishers of the which prepare him for another ball off the backboard. ing evenings . . . Luther Adler, of one loss, with a 24-S win over VEnglish edition of Hitler's auto- knockout by ~ ° r r Hitler's Maxie The second incident which the last-place A. 2. A. No. 100the acting Adlers, is worth cross. . . Sophie . jcker ought to be caused yours truly to swell with Juniors, in a rough-and-tumble ing' the continent to see in the . The New York told that her one-time protege, pride was the victory of 13-year- exhibition. The No. 100 boys role of a cock-eyed pugilist who biography? picks the cauliflower trade over ; State Legislature will soon get a Mara Spiegel, once acclaimed as old Isadore Friedman in the jun- have-yet to win a game. fiddling, batters his way to the bill aimed at forbidding the wear- the "Jackie Coogari of Europe," ior division- of the classy MisThe schedule for Thursday, — and to spiriti ing" of uniforms by organizations is now in this country and eager souri Valley table tennis tourna- Feb. 3, puts the No. 1 juniors , championship . ster . . . The en- committed" . to race hatred . . . to renew his acquaintance with ment held last week-end at theagainst the Hawkeyes in a crucial j a . nd Physical He is now 19, and broke •'What do you think of the nerve her Rome hotel, Young Isadore game, and the No. 100 j a E i o r s | tire cast gives as pulsstmg a per-i /of our local -Nazis asking the —the latter as a result of having proved the only Omahan to win formance ofthriller a knock-em-down-1 ; . March* of Time newsreel people been forced to leave Germany a championship as the galaxy of agaiast the Cornhuskers, drag-em-cat as Broadway '.-to delete certain parts of their . . . Louis Ottenberg, head of theout-of-town stars easily walked has seen in years . . . TtTcnder if ^O.; *'e'"C Handball matches are getting ": "Inside Nazi Germany — 1938" Anti-Defamation League in "Wash- off with the honors in other di- hot. In one of the crucial games Paul' Muni E.nd Luise Rainer film, .which they managed to get ington, is slated for a Federal visions. in- the Class B meet, Dave Kich- (Mrs. Odets) will be invited out of Germany without the cen- Judgeship That temporary . ...Isadore . defeated Dick iSIcMah- ards and Hymie - Weiner -entered play the leading roles in the mov* Eb'rs';getting a glimpse of it?-. . . "appointment to the University of on, Lincoln star, in the finals in the" semifinals with, a three-set , The real reason why Nazi leaders Chicago faculty received by Mor- a thrilling five-set match, only victory over Dan Greefield and HOSPITAL DEPT.: Sholosi .. here are anxious about it is that ris Raphael Cohen after his re-five-setter by the way in the tit- Nate Cutler, 21-18, 17-21, 21-S.. ;_ they fear the wrath of Hitler tirement from City College may ular contests. The scores were It was plenty tight with Ice-Man Asch will enter a Vienna hospital when he hears what the Ameri- turn out to be for three years 21-16, 19-21, 25-23, 21-19, with Richards .pulling rabbits out of soon for treatment of a stomach ailment . » . Judge Julias J.Isck can people can see of conditions . . . Mrs. Joseph Friend of New tbe Jewish boy several times on his hair, blush. Orleans, former president of the the verge of defeat only to pull is in Miami recuperating frora EE in Germany today., "With the doubles tourney soon National Council of Jewish Wo- out with plenty of that intestinal NEWS OF JEWS to be wound up, players can get illness . . . Speedy recovery to men, is chairman of the LouisiKatz, American Jewish. that the kids - call ready for the singles tests. An j Phil Statisticians tell us that, next ana State Women's Committee fortitude to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, for the World's Fair - .•. Judge "gut3." entry list is now posted on the Outlook la. e., who's laii up i Alfred M. Cohen is the most un- Theodore Rosen of Philadelphia Another young Jewish boy who locker room bulletin board. Flay a Pittsburgh hospital. tiring traveler in the country . . . has refused to be the Republican did well in the junior play in the starts Feb. 3, in Classes A and B. PvESORTS DEPT.: Seen Et The 78-year-old president of candidate "for lieutenant governor Missouri Valley meet was Spark- Entry list will be padlocked Feb. Cannes, Francs . . . David B'nai B'rith crowds more mile- of Pennsylvania, but there is a ling Irvin White, who went along 1. Better get in, you swatterr. ^i^.../ Schweitzer, J. D. C. executive age, luncheons, receptions and to the semifinals before losing to (now on his way to business meetings into a single move under way to draft him .this same McMahon in a four-set S.). Sweat-ups: day than any Jewish public fig- Jack Ki'rkland, author of "Tobac- game, 23-21, 21-14, 21-18, 14-21. club volleyballers the Casino bar with i i s beautiful The Health ure half his age . . . He's the de- co Road," who socked a dramaIf our young Jewish table ten- are getting plenty tough, which wife, vis-a-vis the Duke and spair of his younger associates, tic critic who had razzed his sew- nis stars continue to improve as doesn't mean they go around the j Duchess cf Windsor . . . Simon who can't keep up with the pace est opus,' "Tortilla Flats," should they have in the past year, we'll streets in boxing gloves . . . Last Marks giving the roulette wheel .The American Board haveieen on the, receiving end | s o o n have a hog-tie on even the Monday they took five straight a turn at tlie Cannes be sets ^ h ^ a ] senior championships. Well, may- contests from Benson "spikers" of Missions to the Jews publishes of the . affair a four page monthly bulletin, in character in. that play wanted to be not a hog-tie by the easy scores of 15-4, 15-S, Q^ESTIOisS DEPT.: Ti ill uab- J Yiddish and English . . . The bul- insult another, the term "Jew" 15-6, 15-12 and 13-10 . . . The | b i ^ b l « rilIleI Silver, -wno • sucAsain our J. C. C. Varsity bas- J. C. C. volleyballers -are getting i ^edsd Kabbi Stephen S. Wise as letin lists the -, organization's was flung at him . . . The play closed after -four performances ketball team met its match. branches and their leaders, all ready for outside tournament \ chairman of the U. P. A., also The blue-shirted cagers of Phil competition . . . Paul "Little .Fo- succeed him ES Z. Q. A. president. converted Jews, in Brooklyn, Chi- . . . They say that "Albert Einstein has accepted an invitation to go Gerelick were rudely handled by cago, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Philatato" Steinberg, who has great : New delphia, Los Angeles and Colum- to. India to help organize a de- the Brinn-Jensens, 50 to 38, last big eyes, is having mere bowling CONVENTION bus, as well asnn, Australia, Po- partment of mathematics and Sunday at the Center court. troubles than an oldmaid pre- York's Hotel Astor r&ns with at the-State University of Though our team played fine ball, paring for a date . . . Paul first j resolutions from-basement to ^afland, France and even Palestine Who said Broad- the Jensens proved just too tough . . . The bulletin is called "Shep- Travancore the ball he was•using gave \ ters ):rt Surccy . . . At c~ d way doesn't have- a heart? . . . with a pair of visitors, Mitchell said . "And who him a sore finger herd of Israel" If some lone The "music publishers who bought and Perkins, proving better than can bowl Nazi had ventured into New with a Eore finger?'' "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen".from the.kitchen stove these cold, winYork's Hotel Astor on January asks Paul . . . So he bought a lGth held have thought himself Sholon Secunda for §30 are now try nights. new ball . . . And now he says, in Tel Aviv . . . Meeting simul- paying him 40 per cent of the The tall lanky Mitchell was the "Who can bowl with a new royalties, although legally he can particular "lard in the kosher ball?" . . . We'd-advise Mr. Steintaneously at that. hostelry were the American Jewish Committee, not .claim a dime . . . Seems like frying pan" by sinking 10 bas-berg to roll with his good arm the Zionist Organization of Amer- the Yorkville beerstube proprie- kets. Perkins, a former Omaha instead of the one ae's been using ica, Hadassah, the United Ru- tors got their orders from way university star, contributed his . . . So long, now . . . A fellow manian Jews and the Hunts Point up there where they heil Hitler share of trouble with eight bas- just locked himself in the steam .". . "Bei Mir Bist Du Sch.oen," kets. Jewish Center One of theonce just as popular in Yorkville Well satisfied with the piay of room. most useful pieces of philanthro- as anywhere else, is now taboo his team, Coach Gerelick is look-'* py wVve heard about is an initial there. gift of §6,000 made to the Fed- (Copyright, 103S, by Seven Arts. ing forward ansiously to two topnotch games this Sunday and the eration of Jewish Philanthropies Feature Syndicate.) following Sunday. This week's ACi^ c: every = of Pittsburgh, in memory of Max game is against the fine Roberts L. Blum, for; interest-free loans to persons forced to come to theI n j u n c t i o n B a r s ' • • ••' Dairy team of Waterloo, Neb.,


EASE — Edward O.ReiUy, mal lawyer of Brooklyn, ¥., who defended Bruno utmann in the Lindbergh aping case, who has ob:d a court order for B hearm his release from a:state iraifor insane atBrentwpod, He has been there a year.

x KOE?—J. J1, .T. :O'Ccnhas -resigned as Conof the Currency, acceding ithe request of President ;sYslt that he remain until 1 1. He intimated he •would the Democratic nomination Governor of California.



juilt in the. United States. Glenn L. Martin works in ailment, will be dismantled

m ift

and the J. C. C. boys will be tryUnited States because of ' religious, social or political oppres- •-.•-' '. N a z i P u b l i c a t i o n ing to make the outstaters "meet their Waterloo." The Center team sion . . . Orchids are also due to A 'tern- defeated the Capetown fWNS) _ _ Dairy team _ at WatJ. A. Rosenkranz, owner of a vod i ! erfoo Tast"montn28-¥o. cational training school in Los p o r a r y injunction forbidding! Angeles, who • has given his em- publication of the book, "The O n F e b . g however, will ployes 515,000 to be used as a Jews of South Africa," by Joof the outstanding' games on Strauss von Moltke, a ! one • loan fund in order to keep them hannes the home schedule of our Center out of the clutches of loan sharks Nazi author has been granted by aggregation. Oh that day, the . .Have fan heard of Roosevelt's cheders? That's wiat they're of the best teams in the entire calling the WPA courses In Yid- on applicatlon-of I. M. Goodman, midwest, a team that is Nebraska who charged that documents in dish and Hebrew for adults the books were stolen from the amateur champion and "which Among those studying Yiddish offices of the South African Jeware salesmen whose customers in- ish Board of Deputies:


2SSTEB—Calvin ^Rcss, CIO jk number and former Ford hcye, charged in St. Louis. I with assault to do bodily in. He was identiSed as havj thrown a burning fluid at a '-striker at the Ford plant, in *amber. Police said names of 5 Ford employes threatened t assaulted were found in a 'shook he owned. ighi United Newssicferss.


clude Yiddish-speaking J e w s , American-born Jews who want to Jews have lived in Rome for know mamaloschen in order" to over 19 centuries. It is the oldbe able to write to their parents est uninterrupted in Europe* nnd alrightniks who ment in Europe. Jewish settle. ID1

M* VENGER & SOWS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS _* ScHraFft't Choeolatea ° Clurlcl, Cceata • "Canada Dry Glower "Ala an3 Harvester Ciaa ' © Fabsaff Bee? AT 4292 31S So. I3th StreeS

pressed hi every detsil cf Su morial rite, teess yer.rs cf sen-ice "help us zchlsve s reflneme-t vrhi is the resull: c! a coss*c^t effcrl to I o v e encli step.

Wins Tropbv

'Danish Covrfi Corf;r:--r .


o~" -." " > ZTC hen-e dry.


Page 8







Workmen Circle to Hold District Conference Here


Name Woman to Hebrew Union


College Board j WED JEWS

cipline those aBhamed and shameful Jews who by the evil example that they set in school, in shop, in store, in laboratory, on examination boards, deepen and in« tensity tlie sufferings of onr Jewjsjj *- or th a n r i ipopjsrdisie its future in v.feis land. (Copyright, If?,?, hr Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

, Newark, N. J. (JTA) — A 13- Cincinnati (WKS) — A worn-;: The Midwest district of the .(WNS) The aristocra-:: year-old* Negro boy, avowed des- an became a. -member •-of .the j ticWarsaw Worksmen's Circle will hold its "Raciiwiil family of 'Poland, ^ cendant of a famous rabbi,- was ! board of governors of the Hebrew | which is one of 'the' oldest and semi-annual meeting next Sun"bar-mitzvaed" (confirmed) last day, January 30, in the Jewish 'Union College for-the'first time ; wealthiest-in 'Poland and verv MAX DERVIN HEADS Community Center. Fifty dele- New York Court Holds Bond week, while his singing teacher when Mrs. Leon L. Walters of Payments Must said he was destined to become New York City, president of them i : c h - attached to the ' Catholic gates and visitors from Omaha, FARANE church, has a greet "many Jews | MOMEKV, GBODINRKV, MARER a great cantor. Lincoln, and Des Moines are exBe Met National Federation of Temple insmea.'Prince Kich•C- COHEN. Attorneys David Myrick, proud he is a Sisterhoods, was appointed to a m o a g i t s k -Max Dervin was elected pres- pected to attend. • - . • • 737 Omahs Nat': Bank " Meetings will be held in the New York (JTA).— The door Jew, led his own Bar Mitzvah that post at the annual meeting ident of the Sioux City IndepenNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION dent Farane at their recent elec- morning and afternoon at the was opened last week to suits to services in a Talmud Torah here. i of the executive board of the | open letter in the Polish press. 2n the- County Court oi Douglas tion meeting. Barney Rosenthal Center and plans for the coming recover millions of dollars in de-He -said he is a great grandson I Union of American Hebrew Con- |His letter was in answer to theCounty. efforts being made by his family Jr. the»b~nskf,. jUf».tte>- of thp Bctate of was named vice president; Ben six months will'be outlined. The faulted bonds issued in the Unit- of Israel Benjamin, the Palestin- gregations. ed States under German" law ian Negro rabbi. financial secretary, Mor- chairman of the Kansas City The board voted to hold its to declare him mental!;.- incompe- -All persons Ip.tprpstpr in said estat# Mrs. E. N. Grueskin Elected Kaplan, ris Hall, treasurer' and I. Stein, chapter will be one of the guests when Justice John MacCrate rul37th council in Cincinnati in tent becauss he wants to marry are hereby notified thai a petition ed in New York State Supreme . ; has been filed in said Court Rileg-fng President of New at the meetings. recording secretary. 1939. N. Henry Beckman, trea-1 Jea'nette ' Euehestor, PORTUGUESE MARRANOS [ thp.t paid cl»c«a.«e(L d'eil leaving no Court in Brooklyn that the GerMen elected to the Board of Organization i last v.-il! anri prp.yinp for ndministrasurer of the Union, reported the I Jewish divorcee. man Government's moratorium ' . DEDICATE SYNAGOGUE , I tior. upon his estate. R»<? th»t a hearDirectors include Max Holland, In his letter he cites the j inp vriii be hnrt or. ?aul petition beon bond payments does not apply TIPHERETH ISRAEL total-income for all departments, exclusive of t h e College, for t h e > i fore F»id con-?, on the- Iftth day of Mrs. E. N. Grueskin was elect- M. Reznik, M. Levitsky, H. Friedof other Radziwills . to bonds floated before the mor- -Lisbon (WNS) — T h e . new inns, mid that if the.y fall fiscal year ended in October et married Jews and declares thst , February, ,^ ed president^ of the Council of man, M. Albert, and M. KantroCourt or, the said atorium. Services at Tiphereth Israel ••.-•• Kadoorie Synagogue in Oporto, 1182,445, a n increase over the j if it is insanity for a RacEiwiiS t c | isuh"'•'dRr atofsaidFebruary, Jewish Women, -which held - i^s vich. 3S3S. at 9 will begin this evening at 5:30 The ruling was contained in a previous year. The income for! j j j 5 j n ' "•*'""'•* built for the Marrano Jews of e n oye v t a organization meeting recently. Jewess o'clock, and tomorrow morning lengthy opinion in which Justice that city, was formally dedicated the college was $250,713. Rabbi) The group was organized under pfiminiKtrp.Unn of said estate at 9. Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov will MacCrate ordered the German at services attended by Jewish George Zepin, secretary of the | fjo, jr Sm fac« insanity very common"in I the leadership of Miss Dora TanK. TUns, or rome other miltspeak during the service. p. bie American Cable Company to re-leaders from all parts of Portu- Union, reported an increase o" ' "* ^.^or R.ncl proceed to p. set.leenbaum o£ New York City, Field ment He will continue his talks on deem six matured $1,000 bonds gal. Of Gothic architecture, the five new congregations in the Secretary of the Council. . ERTCE CTAWFORD, the Talmud during the week, ev- theld by Louis J. Goodman and synagogue was built on the init- Union's membership. The report -3f-. Countj- Judge, Other officers elected at the ery day at 5 o'clock. to pay him interest on these. . iative of Captain Arthur de Bar-of Ralph W. Mack,, chairman of i meeting were Mrs. Sam Pickus, WILTON R, FROMM, Attorney Mrs. Sol Novitsky and Mrs. MeyJacob Chaltkin, a lawyer with ros Bastos, World War hero and the Hebrew Union College board PROBATE NOTICE er Shubb, vice,presidents; Mrs. offices at 60 Wall Street, inter- head of the Marrano community, of governors . revealed that- the from Page 1.) , In the Jistier o;" the Estate ot Martin Falk, recording secrenational law expert and leader of by the Pro-Marrano Committee College;-is considering a plan to wnliEg to K say that minimum j N « i « ° ? i ' ™ ^ 8 ^ ' ; ^ , t h . tary; Mrs. Herman SlotBky, cor- Plans Made for Annual Ban| the anti-Nazi boycott, who repre- of London and the American ProMrs. Sol Novitsky was hostess asked for by t h e editors of: rreduo-p of paid iiee*?n«»ci will meet Marrano Committee. Sir Eilie training to be carried on with the responding secretary; Mrs. Meyer a<;ministrp.tor of K>\'UX estste, b e Tuesday afternoon, at a dessert sented Goodman, pointed out that Kadoorie, noted Jewish • philan- cooperation "Who's Who, namey, thEt they the quet • - Ittamar Ben Ave Levitt, treasurer. Three who of the Isaac M. .Wise this was the first time a court in fore me, county• .JuOtre of Douglas coffee, to members of the memare of. the Jewish faith. thropist, provided the funds. (County. Nebraska. f\; • the County were elected to the board of and Rockdale Avenue Temples is to Speak bership committee of the Senior the United States had ordered Excellent and s d i r ' r e b l e is ' l - t ' n i r t Room,- in ?nlO County, on this trustees are Mrs. Jack Robinson; Cincinnati.* payment on defaulted German Hadassah chapter. She and Mrs. Rabbi Cohen's section on a. pro- , mh iSy % ^"y^nt'^s <?ch£k Mrs. Phil Sherman, Mrs. Rubin Dr. J. M. Lande was elected A. M. Grueskin are chairmen of bonds where the contention was RESORT OWNERS ASK gram for meeting, discrimin&tion i A- J ' - ' ,pnf-''' 'flay, for th* purpose of Miller. president of the Jewish National this "committee. made that German law applied. In previous cases he had obtain- HITLER EASE and from his modest-.end sober : t'iffn*11 n"^iio'menfP'aiR!iv''0rRfiotra'n*" Mrs. Max Rosenstock is chair- Fund Council at a recent meeting account it is easy to see how ; Three months are p.l!ov,-ed for the ed judgments when bonds were man of the German Refugee Aid held in the Jewish Community BAN Mrs. D. L. Rodin opened her issued under New York law. committee; Mrs. E. E. Baron will Center. He succeeds Barney Barwise and helpful is t h e activity • the^'iuh <^''1T,'f"'Feh-i?R"C!HiMs' trom home to members of the Senior on, who served as president for cf t h e American Jewish Congress,' B n r',r.YCE C R A V T O R D , head the social service commitThe present case involved a i in this respect. But I -would .sugCounty Judge. tee; Mrs. Meyer Shubb, the Edu- the past year. At the meeting, and Junior Hadassah chapters $4,000,000 20-year, 7 per cent . Prague (WNS) —A direct apcation committee; and Mrs. Samplans were made for a banquet Sunday afternoon, for their an- bond isue floated by the defen- peal to Chancellor Hitler to mod- Lvow, Poland (JTA) — Prof. I £est that, while continuing this NCTiCE I P A DISSOLUTION OF A PARTNERSHIP Pickus, the Naturalization com- and meeting which will celebrate nual joint meeting and tea. Miss dant company in 1925 to finance ify the restrictions on German Kulczynskt, who resigned ES rec- ; activity wfth all possible energy, Notice- Is hereby friven that t h e mittee. "Working with Mrs. Bar-the 35th Anniversary of the Jew- Dorothy Epstein, presided at theconstruction of a cable between Jews leaving the Reich for temI tor of Lwow University Then ;; t J l e Congress do not neglect the T'rship he'vnpri Louis Kiporin Hi»n Bpnsjnrd BHI' Sam Wolfson on on the social service commit- ish National Fund. The banquet program. Refreshment t a b l e s Emden and the Azores. The porary visits abroad has been I "ghetto benches" for Jewish Jews.afflicted .with self-hatred, iiswii-er. on the r;lst dav of D e . ' tee ' will be Mrs. Frank Epstein, will be held Wednesday, March 2 were- .decorated in blue and plaintiff had attached a $12,000 made -by the German Association ; students were introduced over How can we expect Christian comb er, li,;1,7. School Visiting Service; Mrs. Ru- and the local council will bring white. 150 women attended. far us reiatfF to t h e smid Sam account of the company with the of the health resorts of Carlsbad, | his objections, explained in an schools to admit Jews to their V.'oif?on nil deb;* due to the Raid bin Miller, Community Center as speaker of the evening, IttaMarlentjad and Franclsbach. Ho- ' open; letter that he had refused : faculties when Jewish schools DO partnffship •. Western-Union-Telegraph Co. a r e to be jmid. And those mar Ben Avi,. noted Palestinian Mrs. Leo Gladwin of Detroit, A n 'Improvement; Mrs. Harry Bailtel owners in these towns com- to be terrorized by a rine Tiv mthp «nme dioehnnred a t 419 eminent merchant not do so? 'certain po-: ing case work; Mrs. Ed. Kantor, journalist and lecturer, who last Michigan, is in Sioux City this Snu?.fc IZih «*"-eet. vt-^erp -the bnpin«w* plain that Nazi curbs on Jews is far West—to his shame ha litical party." will he ormfinued by Louis Siporln year thrilled Sioux City audiences week visiting with her parents, JEWISH WHO'S WHO motor corp. j in the ruining'business because 60 per Ent R nnrt 1'cn no'nFiml, Vor firm doingy sorrow—gave me the ; Declaring that university rec-: s a m^e sXVl Assisting Mrs. Meyer Shubb, with his wit and charm, at a sim- Mr. and Mrs. S. Silver. husinepF up i| 1e Independent Fruit cent of their clientele is Jewish. tors were helpless against, the ! ? reasons for limiting; ilar banquet. 1-21-3S-4C will be Mrs. Louis Chaiken, who INCLUDES NON-JEWS All of the hotel owners are Ger-terroristic methods employed by ; t h e Je*"s in his employ thst any i Company. Mrs. Max Rosenstock a n d is chairman of the Child Study Other officers elected were Dr. vulgEr FKAOENPURG. WEBB, BE'BER, man Christians. the party (the National "Demo-! d o n o t vanti-Semite might give. I j KLUTZN1CK *. KCLLEY group. and Lewis J. Dimsdale, vice presi- daughter, Bertil spent last week New York (WNS) Fiftyisl1 t o cratic Party), Prof. Kulczynski \ minimize the dan-! ALFRED A. FJEDLER, Atty». end in Omaha, meeting Mr. RosMrs. Sol Novitsky is program dent; Mrs. Herman Licht, corfour persons who were born Jews Eers aild ZCO Union Stfite Rank Bldg. wrote: "Utilization of -universit- ! misfortunes of our sit-j chairman; Mrs. Earl Kline, mem- responding secretary; Miss Rose enstock who had been in Denver, but now profess other religions ies for party purposes and black-! b5 !ua tti roant:h X &° s ° t ^ish to restrain! PROEATF NOTICE bership chairman, and Mrs. A.Goldsman, recording secretary and returning to Sioux City with are among the 10,140 names InMatter of t h e Instate ot Zola mail is destroying the autonomy \ e r to extend &1I those ef- B . inT? the Spstein, Hospitality chairman; and Mrs. J. N. Krueger, treasur- him Monday. cluded in the 193S-39 edition of ihriflEre. Derea5!er!. f o r t s 1: v m e a n s o f hi h kin<35 Mrs. A. H. Baron, ^social legisla- er. of universities and is underlain- i ^ " 3- I ° XoUol is' hereby piven thp.t t h e Who's Who In American Jewry ! £ n d J u s t E e n E m Mrs. Earl Kline is visiting with just published by. the National tion chairman. The Council pledged its intering the freedom <f science with' °Eg our Chris-. r->-,ii.forR( 1 n iof m-ilJ meet i n i s !sski n > t orieceaFed ( tian fellow-citizens a r e pereuad-i f ^ { 1me. - r "JudEre *nW e!?SRte - b « Meetings of the general group est in the "Onward to Galillee" her parents in Minneapolis, this News Association. Included in County Washington (JTA) — A com-out which science cannot exist. Nebraska, nt the County will be held the third Monday of movement of the Jewish Nation- week. Two Lwow University deans, ed to adopt iSiirer a n d more ' County. this group are three Catholic prehensive report on t h e Nazi Court Room, in sniti County, on the each month, with an inaugural al Fund. This project entails the priests and 15 Protestant ministactivities in t h e United States Prof. Ostrowski of the medical American policies 3n this crucial; 5th (iny of March. IMS, and on th# Mrs. Joe Gralnik of Fort ers. The religious denominations was turned over to Attorney- facElty and Prof. Jan. Samsoco- matter. But I am sure that it '•5th day of 57ay. 1.P.1S. at S o'clock meeting planned for February. opening of the Plain of Huleh in M.. eprh rir;v, fnr the purpose of Other committees and chairmen Palestine. The land comprises Dodge, Iowa, is visiting this week of the 54 non-Jews listed ^ r e : General Homer Cummings last wicz of the mathematics depart-! iS,, ° n e o f o u r s t e r n e s t «»««» b ? A. jire.oeiifiiiEr their riainii» for examirm•will bepublished as they are an-the territory "surrounding Lake with'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Episcopal, 18; Presbyterian, 7; week by J . Edgar Hoover, direc- ment resigned in sympathy with all means in our power to clis- tion. sCiuBtment p.v.a Rliowntice. Three month? are B.ljn^-^fi for the ore-ditnra nounced by Mrs. Grueskin. Huleh in. Upper Galilee, Pales- Shulkin. Kulczynski. I Catholic, 7; Christian Science, 6; tor, of t h e Federal Bureau of Into prpFet-t tli»>r oliiims. from the 8Eh tine. In olden days, the Plain of of Baptist, 5; Unitarian, 4; Congre- vestigation. IRVIN c. LEVIN Huleh was Palestine's loveliest EF.TCE gational, 2; Methodist, 2; EvanCummings said t h e report, ele768 Brandeis Theatre Elcig, garden spot and the fulfillment County j NOT8CE O F ADWiNJSTRATION gelical Lutheran, 1; Quaker.l; ven folders a n d eight volumes o£ JAPANESE SEEK TO of the Keren Kayemeth plans, in j In the Coiintv Court of Douglas WEBB, BEBER, Greek Orthodox, 1; and 6 des-evidence and compilations, would BUT CITRUS By draining and cultivating this terI County. Nebraska. • ' K E u t E V , AUy», PEKARSKY | In the Matter of t h e Estate of! tiBank Blrtg. cribed as Protestants. be turned over to t h e criminal Uniop ritory will renew its original fer| Arthur "WortemiyKe, I>PceRsetI. j PRODUCTS • division of t h e Department of tility and beauty. XOR3IA RETURNS I All persons interestefl in FP-UH PP~ j fp lierer-.'pl-i-en of the The volume also includes three ta.te a r e hereby notified that a. peti- ! of the pftH;vier?:(iir» OK BlochDr. Alexander Lyons, of BrookHollywood: - The long awaited persons born Christians but whoJustice for "analj-sis to ascertain Work for the year was mapped been filed in ssid Court a l - I aper Company to t><? effeot!v« (JTA) — A Japan- l p I n lyn New York, and editor of out at the meeting of the Coun- resumption of her brilliant career adopted Judaism by choice. They if there have been any violations p-pTelf Aviv n,!,? vcar-n i £ E that sa-ic? rtPfea.oefj died tev- UP oC hp 3?? f^y o ' .Tannnrjrsr!e j . b r j t i i r "Supplement," a monthly maga- cil. The Senior Xfadassah will as movie actress by Norma Shear- are Norma Shearer, the actress, of Federal laws." AH e ip lUhllilies of pair! Blochese trade ceiegation paid «arm) , tw lpl ,a n r t r r R V ian p, r o r a r t .t zine of opinion, will address an have charge of the blue box col-er, which took place at MGMwidow ot the late Irving ThalThe Attorney General describ- work in Palestine declared Jews I i n p w ^a swilt stimed by Joseph Blooh who wflV conbe had on said petition Jewish upon on histh» estate, ami thato* tinue the husine?^ open meeting, sponsored by thelection; the Junior Hadassah, the studios in Culver City, was one ' . upbringing ' ministration ^mri^r the name of , before ssid rotirt 1-»th day ed t h e report, submitted by Hoo- triotlte., to B'nai B'rith lodge, Monday even- Flower and Flag Day collections; of the most important and high- berg; Thelma Spear, concert ver after nearly a 3-ear of inquiry I Were t h e best purchaser of J a p - ; February, IS!?, find thst if they" fail ,Topeph "Riorh PTI(1 £on Par>er Cornsinger, who is Mrs. Ludwig Lewtn . par.y. Nathnn I*. Kopjr and Ernest ing, January 31, at 8:30 o'clock. M. Lazriowich was named chair- lighted events ot filmdom and R W a r e* saidFebruary, Court on1PSS. the pair] Into Nazi camps, as "purely fact-! anese goods a n d disclosed ECgo- j 14th fit p , A. Nopgr will continue in the sam# 4 t h d s r of b The speaker will be Introduced man of the Tree committee, and brought joy to the millions of ad- isohn; and Aime Palliere, a non- ual," and said t h a t i t contained I tiatinns -n-prp- »n nrn^rp";'! -with , 1o'clock A. M. to contest ss,ie petition. : lino of pusinpes un<!f."" thp name of Palestine were firms-,n forprogress EH increase in ; the Court ms.y trrant the Simt and i Nnpf: Brothers Pf.rer Company. by Dr. Lewis Dimsdale, president Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron were mirers of this beautiful, talented American Catholic convert to Ju-no conclusions. TTitn • I uauons exports including citrns products ; f^rA administration of said estete to j Datpu ct Omsha, Nebraska, thi« daism, who is lay preacher of the of the B'nai B'rith. named chairmen of the Golden and courageous woman. There Rue • jsmef G. Fieinine. or -some other : 6th UEJ- oi .Tsnimr?"- ' i - ^ . Representative Samuel Dick- i to Japan. de Copernlc Synagogue in suitable person End proceed to a set- j ' j a s ^ P K FTXXTH. Dr. Lyons, as representative In Book subscriptions. was a happy, smiling group of Paris. stein (Dem., N. Y.) prepared to tlement thereof. S NATHAN L.. NOr?0, the Inter-Church Good "Will Conelectricians, cameramen and othERTCE CRATTM"FORP. i ERNEST A. NOGG. press for a congressional investiPatronize Our Advertisers ference, made - frequent goodwill I-21-SS-St. County Judge. ll-!4-3S-4t. er technicians on the set besides gation of t h e activities of t h e tours with Dr. S. Parkes CadVice-President Louis B. Mayer, UNITY OF PALESTINE German-American Bund In t h e man, with the purpose of creatProducer Hunt Stromberg, DirecUnited States, climaxing t h e n a ing a better understanding beARABS SEEN tor "Van Dyke and scores of actionwide investigation. tween Jew and Gentile. tors and actresses when Miss UNSTABLE Dr. Lyons, who is on a lecShearer went through her first More than 250 people attended ture tour, comes here from Chiscenes before the camera in the London (JTA) — The Zion- ANTI-SEMITES PLAN cago, where he is scheduled to the annual Banquet and meeting role ol Marie Antoinette. The ist movement has united the Palappear before a number of large of the Federation of Jewish So- star wa3 lovely in a gown of sil- estine . Arabs, but this harmony UNIVERSITY IN cial Service, Wednesday evening civic groups. ....... is "as uncomfortable as It is unin the Jewish Community Center, ver tissue, decorated with bril- nalural and a slight turn of thePOLAND when reports for the past year liants. Illness of Director Sidney political wheel would soon crack were heard and work of the Com- Franklin has caused his withA special the solid front and reveal old di- WaTsaw (WNS) drawal from the/plcture. munity Center demonstrated. university for "study of the Jewvisions," declares Archer Cust, Dr. Lewis Dimsdale, who haaBIG SALARIES OF 1037 formerly of the Palestine admin- ish question" is being planned by Joseph Maron, son of Rabbi distinguished himself in the com- There is little evidence of mo- istration; in an article on "ThePolish anti-Semites, it was reand Mrs. J. D. Maron, was award- munity by his service to B'nai tion picture celebrities in Holly- Mufti and His Friends" in thevealed when they applied for permission to establish it. The prosed a bronze medal for scholarship B'rith in the capacity of presi- wood suffering from the depres- Sunday Observer. in American history by the Sons dent of the local lodge, acted as sion or recession, or whatever pectus for the institution antoastmaster. Miss Dorothy MerCust regards . Jamal el Husyou call it, judging from the high of the American Revolution, at nounces courses on "Jewish pollin, superintendent, presented the salaries received during ,1937. seini, - fugitive president of the itics'.' by the Endek leader Kowthe graduation exercises of the Central High School last Friday. annual report and E. N. Grue- Among the biggest money-mak- Palestine Arab Party, as the real alski, lectures on the "history of Among those who received spec- skin, president of the Federation ing folks of the cinema whose in-brains behind the Arab move- national defence against Jewry" / ial scholarship honors were Rob- presented his annual report. comes have been reported to thement. and lectures by Father Trzeczak ert Cohen, Clara Dvorkin, Myron Greetings were given by Rabbis treasury department, we find on "Judaism and Jewish ethics." Heegsr, Blossom Kalin, Rosena Bolotnikov, Rabinowitz and Lew- Miss Sylvia Sidney, actress, leadPatronize Our Advertisers The university would give gradK6sh°rg, Joseph Maron, Nathan- is. Barney Baron Bpoke on theIng the Jewish personalities with uates the degree of "specialist on work of the Federation. Mr. J. iel Singer, Max Stern, and David Kalin was general chairman of a salary of §226,812, and Execu- Inaries as Carole Lombard, Bette the Jewish question." Tilevitz. -: tive Producer Pahdro S: Berman Davis, Errol Flynn, Frederic the meeting and banquet. y Others who were members of second with 5202,186. Producer March and many others. Stoller A report of the Federations the graduationg class were M6rSol Wurtzel earned §163,166; S. has only played extra and "bit" It is believed that Manassas contributions to out of town inris Aizenberg, Hyman Bickoff, J. Brlskin, who recently resigned parts in pictures thus far, earn- (Bull Run), in Virginia, was Rose CheTpakov, Arthur Hafits, stitutions was made and a finan- as head of RKO studios, §157,- ing a few- dollars a day now andnamed for a Jewish merchant, Manasseh. William Hafitts, Sibley Newman, cial report was presented. " 000. . then, yet some of his old pals in Miss Tillie Shindler led the' Sarah Polaykoff, Paul Salzman, Other top-notch salaries for Detroit are trying to borrow a Patronize Our AdvertisersRose.Schindler, and Philip Zelig- community singing and Jack Merlin presented a novelty song 1937 were listed as follows: few hundred dollars from him.. son. Such is fame! number. A play '.'The Old Order" Robert Riskind, writer, $104,000; t s csn'ls^s slit feedSion? cf tli* fssisus I5spswe>*, (IM was presented by the Community Producer Edward Small, 597,- SOCIAL ITEMS I enJ re-fsmislw^ E A S T M A N pretests B«W klee?E cf »«rvicej comfort W i SHAAREZION Center Yiddish Theater Group. 333; Gregory Ratoff, actor, di- - Wedding bells will ring some foary • • I«A5)-»S«S5«I3SJ8 frcs? ®» ever t!« w©jfd. .The E A S T M A N if perfect rector and writer, 567,000; Al time this, month for Miss June irooms . for relaxation, sarrcun&Jfeyi5s e¥« pn'v«f« p«-l, iis $$•$ moiim,, Ritz, actor, $64,500; Walter Win- Clayworth, Hollywood film actRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will 553 chell, actor, $.66,500; Director ress and New York stage star, wmtff htim «H jSreet rcises-vet, e* tnc li«»J e? she ws-rfst fame«s 6« speak this evening on "The Pnss Bctitts and Cons of Partition." Cantor Irving Cummings, 534,541; Scen- and Sid Kogeli, studio manager Rew, coiminient t c every «e*;vt?y. A. Plisjtln and 'the synagogue ario ?Writer Sonya Levlen, | 6 2 , - of Radio-Kelth-Orpheum studios. A Valentine luncheon will prelH«e,i8HQT$Pf$!NGS,, «h« HEALTHFUL WATERS «f to KIMWMJ SP« choir will chant the ritual. 516; Zeppo (Herbert) Marx, The wedding will be a quiet af___ «ni ressofs ye«. Here every sp«r4 e®£reere«Siei««f« imm«<Js«S«V '•v»ii«W«. H«i« At the Junior Congregation cede the meeting of the Mount 556,766;. Musical Director Nath- fair in Hollywood. Rogell is a service tomorrow; morning, re- Sinai Sisterhood next .Friday af- aniel ShilEret, 552,966; Actor J. brother of the noted movie direcy«i esa cajey t peeeeft^ vgegStsn, e»sl regsis taeUft.. .Ccme I© AA< freshments will be served by Mr.ternoon in the Terrde Annex. Edward Bromberg, $33,700; tor, Al Rogeli. Miss Clayworth • t t k iww E A S T M A N ! Drini keish-sfoing mifwm! weUre, b i n e is ftwigwtt and Mrs. M. Seff, in honor of theMrs. Louis. Heeger arid Mrs. JoeComposers Gordon Mack and is a native of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.. Rosenthal are chairmen-of the H«t SjKinfs! S^ecp is5ra^'MfB^e5*' *t buffet fc«i«!«;ifif rate • engagement of their daughter. Harry Revel, §54,500; Writer She attended Wyoming semjnary luncheon arrangements. LARSTOH, Mg* Tuesday, Rabbi Rabinowitz adMrs. Sol Novitsky program Sam Hellman, §67,791; Director and was graduated from Emerson dressed a meeting of theWomans j chairman Sidney Lanfield, $67,000; Direccollege of Boston with high scholfor the year has apClub at Fort Dodge, Iowa. pointed :Mrs. E. N. Grueskin pro- tor Anatole Litvak, §28,194; astic honors, including a degree y gram chairman for the meeting. Producer John Stone, §59,208; of bachelor of literary interpre• -.MOUNT-SINAIThe invocation will be given by Writer Jack Yellen, §54,333; tation. She made her screen der*1 Mrs. Earl Kline. Mrs./A. H. Bar-Musical Director Louis Silvers, but in 1934 after playing stock, §33,500; Dorothy Parker CampLOS ANGELES .. in Broadway'plays and vaudeville Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will on will speak on the Jew in MuConvergence !s another •of. speak this evening at Mount Sin- sic," and Miss Edwarda Metz will bell, writer, §27,024; Lionel and is now under contract to fering: of this J)OtcL WhethMGM . . . Friends of Lyonel Marer on buKiner.s or pleasure al,Temple on "The Plight of Aus- glye musical Illustrations. ~ Her Stander, §22,882. 85'RINTER ON THE SCREE-* beat, the Hotel Clark'makes > golies, test director and Bead of selections will include "Prelude i »* tfftfH'The service will begin at 8 as ideal "base of operain E minor" and "Song Without The University ot Michigan the talent school at Universal tions," ES veil es a restfcl o'clocS-^-v '7 • ' "billet" a t the end cf t3i» RabM-Xewis spent several days Words" by Mendelsohn; 'Etude' iraeiifTSisr, Sam Stoller of Detroit, studios, and. Camille Collins, day's "aunpaien." G © o cS Food, sataral?. Au<$ trodin Denver this week addressing by Moskowski; "Prelude" b ^ A b ^ who is in Hollywood trying to pretty red-haired secretary to a crate charges, ES TTCTI as for raham Chasins, -.and 'Impromptu' carve a movie career, is besieged producer at the same studio, zre the College of Jewish Studies by roon &ccorairodationB, givss Bortkiewitz. congratulating them on their reby stuc*Io photographers and final s!rn!flcance to CESUTthere and speaking over the Den- Mrs. Louis S. iioldherg, presir.1 A Sns Trord—COMFORT. cent marriage. publicity' writers every time he ver Radio Station. dent, will preside at the business visits a set. To 'date he has had P. C. B. MORRIS, ManaCTT. session,-w&'ich will precede the his picture taken with such lum- (Copyright, 193S, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) Patronize Our Advertisers _ program.

MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent

i X.

World's Window

\ Society News

Resigned Lwow Rector Hits at Endek Terrorism

Attorney General Gets Report on Nazis from 'G-Men


Alexander Lyons • To Speak Before Local B'nai B'rith


-:-JOTTINGS •-.-'

Large Crowd Attends Dinner of Federation

Medal Given to Local Graduate

in in <th


'sei i

I ;

s,@ r.i F

Sisterhood Will Meet Next Friday




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