'hose ashamed and shamep vrho by the evil example py set in "school, in shop, , 3a-laboratory, on:examboanls, deepen and in:ae sufferings of our Jew|th and- jeopardize its fnthisland. jht, 1938, by Seven Arts 'eatnfe Syndicate.) £Y, GRODINSKY. MARER 5, COHEN, Attorneys pmaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. E OF ADMINISTRATION County Court of Douglas [Xebraska. Matter of the Estate of [C. Farr, Deceased. 30ns interested In said estato by notified that a petition filed in said Court alleging I deceased died leaving no and praying for administrahis estate, and that a hearbe had on said petition becourt on the 19th day of , 193S. nnd that if they fail r at said Court on tile said or February, 193S, at 9 . M.. to contest said petition. t may grant the i»anje and ^ministration of said estate - Titus, or some other suiton and proceed: to a stttleireof. BRTCB CRAWFORD, County Judge. ION R. FROHM, Attorney JPROBATE NOTICE Matter of the Estate of [psenblunv Deceased. is hereby given that the of- said deceased trill meet
iriistrator of said estate, be-
CoTmty.jDdgo.'of Donglas (Nebraska. : at • th& County
[>om," In salfl County, on- the
of .March. 193S, and on the ' of May, 193S. at 9 o'clock 'ach 'day. for the purpose of g tlieir claims for exaialnaijustment and ' allowance, jionihs are allowed for the to present their claims, from day of February. 1338. : BRYCE CRATVFORD, -• County Judge.
OF A DISSOLUTION OF A -PARTNERSHIP Is -hereby given that the Ip between Louis Siporin •Sengard and Sam "Wolfson plred on t h e 31st -day of D e [1337. ," • . as relates to t h e said Sajn all debts due t o the said iip a r e t o be paid. And those [nthe s i n e discharged a t 419 th street, where t h e business continued by Louis Siporin Kengard. t h e firm doing as ;he Independent Fruit l-21-3S-4t. SNBURG, WEBB, BEBER, rZNICK & KELLEY and 3ED A . , FIEDLER, Attyi. Urtlon State Bank Bldg, PROBATE NOTICE Matter or t h e E s t a t e of Zola rldse. Deceased. Is hereby given t h a t t h e ; of said deceased will meet ^nistrator of said estate, b e County Judge of Douglas piebraska, a t t h e County pom. in said County, on t h o of March. 193S. a n d on : t h * of May, 193S. a t 9 o'clock jch day, for. t h e purpose of sr t h e i r ' c l a i m s for exaTtiinajstment a n d allowance. Three ;re allowed Tor ' t h e creditors it their claims, from" t h e 5th rebruary. 193S. '. i" B R T C E CRA-OTFORD, •'.;• t-.•'•'-•- County Judge. ENBURG, W E B B . BEBER, feNICK S. KELLEY, Attya. Union State Bank Bldg.••'• is hereby given of the dlsof the partnership of Bloch,per Company to be effective i a l s t day of January, 1938. ling liabilities of said BlocbIper Company-have beetiasp- Joseph Bloch who win-cdn^ business under the narhe of lioch and Son Paper ComIfatfian T*. Nogg and Ernest twill- continue in the same business under the natno of pthers Paper Company. at Omaha, Nebraska, tola of January. 1938. ' JOSEPH BIX»CH. KATHAN I*. JfOGG, ERNEST A- NOGG. It. - -
In the Interests of tKe Jewish People
MJDUIS EEvTESOEK . The views expressed by Ladwig Lew.sohn in his column are his own and do not necessarily reflect the •policies or attitude ' of our publication. Reprodao tion in whole or in part strictly forbidden. .;
Entered as Second Class Mai! Matter on January 31, 1521, at i"ostoffice of Omaha,-Nebiaska. under the Act of March 3. 1S79
hi perfect
;ds re-csa
a Heca
.. >. ,:,*,r
feta ik A. miaJb \
ment will sponsor a class in stage craft beginning Thursday, Febr.. 10, at 7 o'clock, at the Jewish Community Center. The class will study stage designing, stage construction, lighting, painting, special scenic effects, and all other subjects relating to stage craft. " •** The class will be under the instruction of Nate Sekermaa, who has charge of all stage work at
lish and Rumanian Jews" in Mex- lutions favoring revision of ico at all? Because they were per- neutrality laws, " approving th secuted; because they were driv- trade program, advoen forth; because they needed cating agreements of the .mubread for themselves and their nitions nationalization industry, -endorsing the wives and children; because the World Court as an instrument very earth, was burning under contributory • to the settlement of Ev|n • the young, international controversies, their feet, op- the Center. Because the class valiant, the ideolostrong, posing compulsory military train- will be limited in size, all inter.,„ „ ,"the , gically prepared went on the land ing "in civilian schools and col- ested must register before Wedsuccessfully even in Eretz Yis- leges and both compulsory or op- nesday, February 9, at the Jewish raeL only with the help and under tional military training - in sec- Community Center. the guidance of the World Zionist ondary schools, reaffirming. its movement and had first to. find conviction that the United States the cooperative techniques by become a member of the League FUNERAL SERVICES ARE which they could successfully of Nations on the basis of Its HELD FOR TOM KUZIUT battle with stubborn soil and committments under the Pact of heat and beast and man! How do Paris, condemning any form of Funeral services were to be you expect poor families from conscription for foreign wars, Byalistolv or Minsk or Pinsk to urging establishment o f a per- held yesterday at the Jewish FuHome for Tony Kuznit, 29, manent disarmament commission, I farm in Mexico? . All Jewish accusations against Jews today are pure-and unadulterated and bitter escapist mechanisms, Masochistic mechanisms, mechanisms of self-hatred. Nothing else. The thing goes so far
that there may be" papers which will not print this articIe.olE mine in order not to give ita readers pain, in order not to disturb thsm In their precarious complacency, in order to \>ii them • keep.. the blinkers on their eyes. But Crod i3 on the side "of the persecuted and my tongue would .wither "did I not apeak out, did I. not cry autl ... .
Ecuador, Mexico, Brazil, Rumania, Poland, Germany —where
TO pr i
ticipate in • war. The - conventio opposed measures providing fo fingerprints and registration o aliens as such. doubtless! But why are these PoThe Council also adopted reso
jsfort end
I:V 0?
i l l V*f
In his charming book on. the i\...KS1! Joe S. Hbrnstein, son of Mr. C i i ~cinnati Jewish Legion in the World War I EVEUTS nd Mrs. Sam Hornstein, who atjpular ce7,1. C ohcn v-'ill re-; i re Z\ Vladimir Jabotinsky tells us an In an: en%s Georgia Tech in Atlanta, u Press will ternsgional pi*esi c eiicy admirable anecdote. He had gone reorgia, was one o£ the eight stua calendar *c* to Spain to see Mas Nordau who Ixc had been forced to withdraw Paul Veret, Formerly of Buf- dents in the class of 120 to be 1938 Paid Subscriber ^rrent s. Organiza- Youth' Groups cf City ic I"s-Listed in GIUTEHS falo, Assumes Duties ticipate i s Ea-Ilf £t JS to iscSude tfeeir elected for the Freshman Honor thence from his Parisian home. Here '•'..'"• a r e asked to call the Carter i Society. With the ardor of youth Jabotinj>a Conimunity Center or Hornstein was graduated from sky explained to Nordau his theoIn- order to avoid duplicaticu S.> i J e w i s h Press Plans . Ere underway for the j Paul Veret, new^executive di- Central High school in June of office by ry of the Westernization of the of effort on the part of coatert- IS'-t'ednesdEy noon each week. ConstituticiiEi Near East (in a good and high rector of the Jewish-Community 1937. ants the Jewish Press Is priatics sense, of course) through its re- Center, arrived last week from observance to be sponsored by ' in this issue tfce names of these settlement by the Jewish people. Buffalo to assume his duties the Round Table cl Jewish Youth I "The -old ma3ter," Jabotinsky here. He fill* a position vacant persons who have subscribed is ia coopers tit n with con-Jewish ' writes, "answered me /with a pro- since September when Paul Goldthe §1,250.00 subscription sates youth groups of tbe city oa Monfound saying, of which the whole blatt left to become head of the contest. day- evening. February 21. ' ; significance dawned on me later. Jewish Community Center of This list is-but the starter oa Participating groups • induce i "That, my young friend, is logic, Washington, D. C. the road to the goal of 1,500, End the Creichton SodaUty, the -Ger-J and logic is a.Greek art; the Jews Until his appointment to the the goal must be reached i£ t i e j niaa-Americar ' youth, groups, the have none of it. The Jew Omaha position, Mr. Veret was Jewish Pres3 is to maintain snfl X. iU. U. .n.., l a c j. . U . v . A . , IL.£ ] extend its work in the cosrr:Socisl Settlement, tte Urbcn J never learns from reason; he executive director of the Bureau League, .and tte Bohemian Eofec! [ learns from catastrophes. He o,f" Jewish Education in, Buffalo, To Appear at Community Cen- nity. \ never buys an umbrella when the He was educated at Temple UniThe Jewish Press does cot feel League. This is tfce firrt. time j ter on Tuesday, February skies are cloudy; he waits till he versity and -the University of that It is asking too much. It Eophisticalea Cc-necij »ched- youth groups cf the city have ! G""K"rE 15th is soaked to the skin and runs a Pennsylvania, and has been accombined for a joint cnic pro- j has had 1,500'readers before. It tive in Jewish education in Philtemperature. Then he bethinks ject. . i wants them now as an indication As the sixth feature of its prohimself that he had better buy adelphia and Buffalo. that it i3 read and found valuIncluded en the prof^E-iE will j gram, the Center Forum will preAs an editor and writer he has an umbrella." For tbeir third offering of tbe be the trumpet trio ol South hlg-h j Rabbi Julius Gordon of St. able to the community. ion oi c\.nc*57 Well, you can hardly say to- published some sixty texts and sent the Center Players will school, t t e Creightoa R. C. T. C. \ For that reason the Jewish ! season, Louis on Tuesday, February 15, \ ? I Workers j£ day that the skies are cloudy. program syllabi for club, activi- at "Let Us Be Gar," a Press is sponsoring its 51,2 50.00 : color guard, the choir ol the the Jewish Comrtranity Center. The tempest has broken out. The ties in Jewish Community Cen- Rabbi comedy in three acts by the Hiilside Presbyterian, church ia s. '. subscription sales contest. It is j Gordon will speak on tempest has broken out; every- ters and schools. well-known wemaa progrsm ol Negro spirituals, end '. U" f f To date Mr. Veret has been "Pleading Guilty — A New An- not interested in monetary gain i Rachel-Crcthers, Tuesday where. There is an handful of a-patriotic techcicolor short. i from subscriptions, but swer to Anti-Semitism." . Jews in Ecuador. That handful is consulting with the officials o£ evening, February A speaker cf cation, rerutation j Rabbi GoGrdon, who is spirit- terested in securing readers. threatened with expulsion. Let us the Center in the formulation of deliver an address Organizations and individuals j ual head at the Congregation not say; Ah, but it is because his program for Omaha. Mr. Veret's family is expected Shaare Emeth of St, Louis, is re- entered in.the contest are they were supposed to go on the Buffalo cognized nationally as one of the i'to contact all Jewish familie; land and did not. How could to arrive here from country's outstanding Jewish sch-1 Omaha and Council Bluffs European Jews fight th'at porten- shortly. ter their divorce meet at a house olars. He is considered a fine listed in the ranks of subscribers. party. - Kitty creates difficulties ! ion. A lie meeting wi 1 be open tc , tous jungle, that "green death," | orator and has mad© an enviable The Jewish families of Omaha when she sets out to. rescue the '. all OEELS. young pe ple. of which so much has been lately reputation as"a communal leader. and Council Bluffs are asked to grandaughter of her hostess froni j ,. Bertha Guss is cha irEan vZ the ; told u s ? How could they? PerHis aproach to the question of consider the part the Jewish her former icsbasd. haps they had to agree to do so j cosiiaittee in charge 'ant-semitism' is a unique and or- Press has played in . communal . The play enjoyed a long and j meets.' for the sake of refuge. And could iginal contribution on the sub- life and the part it can play in successful Broadway run starring \ not. But who forced them to seek ject. Where he has appeared on the future. refuge on, anyr terms? So-called Violet Heining and . was later i other forum series, Rabbi Gordon Christendom. Remember your Undoubtedly the Jewish com- , made into aa covie with Xorrna made into t r s o e i h K |, ^ ^ V , ,J has been received with acclaim. unfathomably profound and unmunity of Omaha and Council i shearer, -Robret MontgDser^s n i fathomably Jewish Talmudic pasSeason ticket-holders will be can get along without the: the,late Marie Dressier playing ] l i r ft" sage: Even when a righteous man admitted to this lecture. Single Bluffs U i Lf< jersecutes an unrighteous man—- $250,000 to Be Eaised for admissions may be procured at Jewish Press, but it is the Jew- j the leading roles. ish Press' contention that it can- Mrs. Herman Jahr is directing still is God on the side of the the offices of the Jewish ComBelief of German not get along as welL the play. • persecuted." "Well, we are hardly munity Center. Children Season tickets may- still be obEphraim Marks is general ,([ the unrighteous of the haggadic tained at the-Jewish Comis-unity definition. "We are the persecutPittsburgh (WNS)—The Na- chairman of the Center Forum. Center or from Mrs. William ed. • tional Council of Jewish Women Rabbi David A. Goldstein of the Feiler, chairman of the dramatic 'What will now happen to the pledged itself to raise $250,000 Beth El Synagogue will introduce committee of the Women's Divimillion of our people in Ruman- for the German Jewish Children's Rabbi Gordon. Ct sion. Usscts Control ia? According to latest reports a Aid during the next -three years For their previons offerings small group ol Jewish citizens of in a resolution adopted at the j the Center Flayers save "Aw&ke Kew Tort pre-war Rumania are offered a closing session of. the 15th tri Round Table t o j and Sing"-sad' "Tbe-Good Hope",' partial immunity if they will re- enenial convention]' Sirs. Xlaurice • V Hold Third of[both of which received hish pudiate' for themselves the min Ii. Goldman of New" - 'York was j jsraise-.-frora.Iocs!;.critics.." • son's ority rights guaranteed in »"jT"" elected, president 'to -succeed -Sirs. C c t i i o l i c s , •Prclc:;az;s l>y remote control underlie the : wa? treaties and repudiate"~tarid Arthur Brin. of Minneapolis. OthJews Organiss fcr The third in the series of Holy Land's ' tronKes, fieclEres • throw to the- mob . those .fellow er officers elected were: Mrs Tolerance Ph.e]ps Adams, member cl the Jews who never asked ;to become Brin, honorary vice-president dances sponsored by the Round to:Start Youni staff of the'New Tork Sun, in a Rumanian but were handed over •Mrs. Joseph --M-. "Welt of Detroit Table of Jewish Youth will be New York (WNS) — A united •! series of Ii£tee:z articles, entitled to Rumania with:: the Hungarian 1st -rice-president; Mrs. Alexan- given Sunday night, February G, and Russian - provinces (Bessar- der Wolf of. Washington, D. C. starting at 9 o'clock In the audi- Catholic-Jewish-Protestant movej "Tlie Truth About ralesline." abia') which, were : the .Rumanian 2nd vice-president; Mrs. Jacob I* torium of the Jewish Commun- ment to combat intolerance snd .A-YouRg Jndaea group will be! Kr. Adans viEited Palestine on to preserve Individual liberty un- organized cEder the swag.for war-participation. 3Ut to Langsdprf of Philadelphia, treas ity Center. 'Sweetheart der the leadership of a corainittee Junior Hadsssah ca ' Sunday,! truth about Palestine and iisn members • i Can'a morally fouler situation urer; Mrs. Edgar Menderson o To be called be- imagined? Thugs get 'swag Cincinnati, recording secretary Swing," this dance is expected to of 30 prominent Catholics, Jews February 13, at-the Jewish Com-j come b s c k E t d write .it." He for being thugs. Their fellow and Mrs. Herman B. Levine o: draw a capacity attendance. AH and Protestants in New York munity Center at 2:30. Toung i st-d-Sie5 reports, interviewed CTj thugs make them,promise to us West Englewood, K. J., finanda; previous dances of the series City was launched at a luncheon girls between the age of 13-and | crsme-t officials, Artb and. have been particularly well-at- given by James W. .Gerard, for- 1" have been invited to attend i ish leasers and ethers. ceTtatn methods in the use of the secretary. j tended. mer ambassador to Germany. The the program end tea on.that date. ! t swag. Now, the thugs say; We "The srebitioas ol both <JeT~- \ By its decision to raise ?250,Music for the dancing -will be movement will be modelled on r shall do as we like. This swag.has Miss Una. Gross of tbe .Junior | ish snd-Arabl -t;on;ini:r.ities," he; foreign elements in it. Down.: with 000 for the German Jewish cMl furnished by the Irving-Rhodes the lines of the Chicago Round Hadassah- is the- chairman in! says ja the third article, 'are . . . i dren's project, t h e Counc: orchestra. those . foreign elements! Have Table of the National Conference i charge of the organization of tbe j _ :ity cJ j Adolpb. Lay-tin is chairman of of Jews and Christians, whose | Young Judaea and is being assist-! founded' on 'the Jews in the whole course of their pledged itself "to* accept full ob British diplomacy-, end the fruit.-! ligatlon" for a program previousthe dance committee. Other memhistory'fallen so low? The answchairman is former . Vice-Presi- ed by' Anne Berman, Sylvia Par- '• sr- ir: : N o — • an unequivocal No. ly administered by the German- bers of the committee are: Lois dent Charles G .Dawes, who ad- j ilman. and Rose Shividslsos. . | cj th£t airibituity toflc.y is tf.e i Jewish Children's A€d Committe blood- of the rietims of the pre- j Barisli, Bob Posley, Florence . . . 3S"ever mind the promptings The T oans JuSa the luncheon. or- \ sect wave of terrorisEi.- Palestine '• u aea « of ;your escapist self-hatred, good Inc. The convention also went o: Steinberg, Joe Guss, Al Oruch, dressed • Others who spoke were Samuel ganized to extend to the young an : today is the twice-'rrosiised ls.nd.* ; Jews, like those .of the genuinely record as favoring measures t Harold Stern, and Dan Miller. Seabury, Maurice Wertheirn. and opportunity, of-sharing ia the up-j Kncb c-f "the trouble he ssys is ] fine and high-minded gentleman permit discretionary action* in Dr.. Frank Kingdon, president of building of the Jewish Nationl | tbe fifth article, lies "in the fact I who "wrote me about the Jews in dealing with deserving cases o Homeland. Newark University, who read a T i e Zionis ionist crga that the local administration has • Mexico and made the plea for the aliens and legislation to gran Organize Nev/ citizenship to aliens otherwis letter from John D. Rockefeller, zations provifie tbe avenue of; little • authority, while- policy is \ or, rather. Mexican government Class at Center Jr., expressing sympathy with participation for Vzz adults "wtile ! fixed in X-onaon, with, final Euth- ) qualified but hitherto denied citfor certain forces in Mexico that izenship because of their refusa' Young Jadaea is the agr-scr of. ority resting with the . L.e£gi2e of \ the plan. the Jews there too liad not gone on conscientious grounds to parThe Center Dramatic departthe youiijT people, " | Natioss. '"Aac. so Palestine is evThe committee of 30.is expecton the land but into business and had in business used methods "to which the innocent Mexicans were unaccustomed... Doubtless,
XVJ—Xo. 46
nest? "Where nest? "What nest? A.nd once more, once nore, What ire you doing, .Jews.ot America, Canada, England, France, South Airica.— but especially Jews of •America? You are as yet doing
nothing compared to the need (Continued on pages.)
a determined effort by the United States to achieve a general disarmament convention u n d e r which all armaments would be reduced and military and naval
died Wednesday morning at a local hospital.( Surviving him are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Kuznit, and two sisters, Anne and Eva. Mr. Kuznit was a member of the clas3 of 1932 of the University of Nebraska. Burial" was to 'have been in Mount - Sinai cemetery. Rabbi David Goldstein conducted the services.
-.raenl BRfirst f-x•'•o'iertv. u.
rorcii'ST'. pi
Si o n ft*
.1 r r 1!
r> U
— Renriv.
ed to include ue Lthe ne following: i Catholics Martin Conboy, Cor-! nellus E. Kelly, George V. ilc-
Laguhlin, Herbert J. Osborne, R. J. CuSdihy, Basil O'Connor, ELishs. Walker, Martin Quigley, John J. Burns and Byrne MacDoaald;
- '
., • _
.Warsaw (WNS) — Poland
Protestants -^ James W. Gerard, j "firmly, resist any interference
erybody's business — arid conse- i qnciitlv noboiiv's." the writer I hold,. • • • - | Italian influence, Kr. A&IES as- 1 serts in the fourth ^article is ''not | & tactor o* EEjor imporuiQes in I the Palestine problem today"'tilt! ' ! it serves as, a constant warning. \ to the residents oi this uuharpy i country that i:
A. A. Ballatine, Henry Bruere, \ foreign Jews ia our-domestic Ricliard S. Childs, Lewi3 H.j fairs,- a thing which • ccald culv Brown, Ralph S. Foss, Charles E. harm Polish Jews," Premier EkHughes, Jr., Henry Goddard 1 ladkowski declared durscg a IV E r nea-n.. the Leach, A. Perry Osborn and "Wal- lengthy discussion of the Jewish | Holy jEEti is mevi !y clestinecl ter S. Gifford; • Jews -r- Carl J. situation'in-, the Sejsa. Emphasis-! to serve &s &n imx s.nt battle Austrian, Harold K. Guinsburg, ing that' his .goverametit would j srcuEd is.that coa: Edward S. Greenbaura, Samuel j regard sll anti-Jewisi.Outbres.3iS! Leiffisolin, George Z. Sledalie, 1as acts of barbarity whicS. mUEt | Lewis L. Strauss, Maurice TCertfa-' be punished, the Premier • said j elm, Arthns J. Goldsmith, TKS- "there is no place among us lor I tice Seligman and Pan! Felix racial conflicts." -j Warburg. The committee -would The Jewish question, he s-ssert- I
•.!"; c, ft s» I
carry on a program tbrotigh the ed, was not racial trat.fiiie to ec- j radio and public forums. onoialc changes, wtich wocJd come even here -were no Jews eoncitiC'S m in Poland.
. t s is
Palestine Court ;
ski denied
tne £-"vc-nci
j waging ecTel Aviv (\VNS-Palcor_Agency) i Jews and • •— If a man feels that be would j inust'unde: aircraft abolished, and substanlike . to maintain and is able, to |-of the pcs. tial reduction in military and support a harem, Palestine seems naval appropriations, and recomto be the country for him. A real to the t mending the formulation of a nasensation shook this all-Jewish ters r i tional defense policy containing t ^ J"P!3~E city when a Palestine court band- j compel an adequate definition of the ed down a ruiiag that haviag term national defense: in regard three wives is no crime, at least to continental United States, ininsofar as the Government is con- should trouble tt sular and territorial possessions Halts Immigration cerned. It may bs an" indiscretion )?e Paid, "t?cn.v:! and protection of the interests of but, ruled the court, it is set nationals In foreign lands.: safler tte.conss? Mexico City (WNS) — All Im- even a misdemeanor. Jacob Mal- •• : migration to Mesieo was halted nik o£ Poland is the brave a a s 1 jorlty £.nd -the s same rights End Plead for Jews for an indefinite period pending Quito, Ecuador- (WKS) — Re- the completion of a comprehen- whose action in annexing three | above- all vocation of the executive desree sive study of immigration prob- wives has thus gone unpunished j the go*. tbe ordering the espulsion,of all Jews lems. . In announcing . the stop- — by the law, at any rate. Charged with bigamy, though not engaged in farming from Ec- page, the ministry of the interior would seera belter.'to uador by February lSth was urg- declared that the ban applied al- jsolygarny TIi£ ed upon the government in a pet- so to those v.-ho had already re- co\Ter the case,'he was discharged ition from tlie Ecuadorean Social- ceived visas and vrho aro oa tlie hecause according la Palestinian etasne r t ~~ way to ist Party. lat?" Mgamy is aapnnis!i;aKe4 \
Ip-nf. CV; t^£.?
. \ 1 "ilT.(1l«|i«' p r ? ' sparsely settles? parts oi
Page 2
into the country by - fraud, and initeiy of whom he lias been talkciprocating parts. The "4001" i»were therefore to vbo deported ing — if you didn't guess it right a 4-6-4. Tho typical. Nazi cry that the from the Etart. And it should Also beinp completely cbnJews w.ere a, •fq.relga element in make you very proud that it was fetructed in. the West Burlington the country and must be inade the Bible, -which the Jewish peosshopa s.re- ihe i'i--# 4-S-4 eagines. to emigrate was raised .with-even ple gave to the world, that had These too wiil bo roller bearing A locomotive construction and equipped Lhd Imve light-weight greater noise., and- ^exaggerations such a great influence upon him. than_ in Germany with the result There is no doubt that it was the rebuilding program that will gJve cicsisc e.livy sieol reciprocating that all countries bordering on moral lessons cf the Bible which the Burlington a duplicate of the nnct revolving pr.rls. They are deRumania rushed to close their strengthened him in his resolve 'AEclm', fire roller bearing 4-S-4 signed for 'h>ph speed passenger Committee ieelrfEg 0. K. cf frontiers to the 'invasion' of the to put an end to slavery, to lead or Crrifrht. service OR. the heavier engines and nix roller bearing: grades oC il"e vreEcern divisions. Jewish refugees. What better fhe Negroes of our country out v Sritish Government proof was there • that Rumania of their bondage just as our own for Project 4-6-4*s is well under wey Rt the In e.tu'itioR to the els; new locowas following the* Nazi road in emancipator Moses led the Childcompany'*, West B u r l i n g t o n ; rtJOi/'vps, R-.x er.£:?n*??' of. ilxt* 4-6*4 every detail? And that Rumanian ren of Israel out of their serfdom New York (Vv'KS) — If the With this first of a.series of ably oppressed in an anti-Semitic tlon, guaranteeing the rights of Jewry must prepare- for a fate in Egypt. The right of every i n Shops. j type rre being: rebuilt at West permission of the British Governtwo articles analyzing tho Jew- poji'oy such as is now being prac- minorities. Scheduled for completion thisj Euriington. T)i~ee rill be fitted identical to that of German Jew- dividual to his personal freedom' ment is obtained, the New York ish situation in Rumania we tised In Germany..Not that Nazi ate Jewish doctors, lawyers,. ar- ry? .% ".."••••• Is a principle of both. Judaism World's Fair of 1839 win have a. month is the •"4001", sister of; with iighl-v.-elsfsi. design alloy ihe ptre^niHnpd, <r-'£-In!^£ Ptee! i step' reciprocf-iitig' f.-nr! revolving tointrodnco a n . old' contribu- foreign policy Is. concentrated tists and other professionals from This view of the Rumanian sit- anfl Christianity, and it was as a Paestlne pavilion, financed by "AEolus." Bn'lC from t.h€ .erpnrfl : tor to Seven Arts Feature Syri- merely on anti-Semitiam, German their positions, would ; proclaim uationJ?c vi was therefore widely ac- good Christian -with a deep re- American Jews, it was announced up :n the West Burling:! on shops j rrrjE. and r.n v/iu dicato publications. Hir. JSuU- diplomacy is more realistic than tho Nuremberg racial- . laws, cepted among European Jews .in spect for the Jewish prophets wish rot'.pr }><??.r!nFf! by Harold Jacobl and George and designed i'or super-speed ser-j ernian, the noted American that; it has much bigger aims in would drive but the Jews from the. early .days of the Goga-Cuza that Lincoln acted all his life. All or ifcis i-.iph-fipeprt fipet are Backer, co-chairman o£ the com- vice, this engine will be generous.Jewish correspondent, ha& been Rumania and In other countries industry . and. commerce,' and Government. It prevails among The story of Abraham Lincoln's mittee directing plans for the cs- ly fitted with roller besrings and scheduled! for compir'Uor: to han"reporting the Jewish scene, in than the introduction of anti- would generally imitate in every many even' now and, as we have boyhood must be an inspiration dle this cummer's passenger travEurope since 1920 as manager Jewlsh. 'laws. But anti-Semitism way the Nazi policy in Germany. seen, not "without good reasons.! to every one, for it shows haw hibit, at a luncheon conference in light-weight driving rods and re- el. the Fair's administration buildTo strengthen these fears, the But 'there is another view of the' determination to learn can suror the European bureau of the has proved to be; a convenient Jewish Morning Journal. He screen behind which those bigger Goga-Cuza Government began its situation; one less despairing and mount any obstacles. By all signs ing. • The project calls for the raishas been a" frequent contribu- objectives can hide, and the third rule with a barrage of antl-Se'm- not less justified than the other.. young Abe should have grown up ing of a fund of 8250,000 tor " to Important periodicals Reich has adopted it as its Coat ilic publicity which had all the It I i s ' a view i ' based b d more on'the ' t h ! to be b a simple i l f ith no through farmer with individual contributions, earmarks of'the Nazi propaganda of Arms, as it were. No wonder, here and abroad. His ', views facts of Rumanian reality than wider interests. But he created have often evoked controversy therefore^ that a victory of Nazi machine upon it. The young Cuza oa the logic of Nazi diplomacy his own opportunities to leans organizational participation end J and even attacKs but his, sin- influence in-Rumania has aroused issued a decree forbidding Jews and oa the natural fears dictated about the outside world, to learn cornnrunity gifts. A provisions! to employ Rumanian girls aa ser- by the present state of mkid of how to speak and write in the governing board, -having: the cocerity and the" authority with Jewish fears and alarm. What vantsf order was Issued • for' • manner demanded of men whooperation of the Jewish Agency, which' he , writes have "never more natural than that Rumania, bidding an Jews to work on the European Jewry. "been questioned. We are proud once 'bribed over' to a political 'land, to engage in business In vil- (In a second article to bfe pub- want to be real powers in the na- was announced as f o l l o w s : ,to announce, that •Sir; Zulter- rapprochement with Nazi-Ger- .lages, to own inns or to engage lished next week; Mr. Zukerman tion. You.boys and girls of today, George Backer, Israel! Brodie, Dr. nian, an honest and impartial many, should follow the steps of in the liquor trade; an attempt will present tue viewpoint of who have opportunities of which ; Israel Goldstein, Harold Jacob! observer, will be a regular Nazi anti-Semitic policy? Is it was made to eliminate all Jews those who believe Rumania must Lincoln never dreamed, should be! an Louis Lipsky, with -Samuel not the simplest way? The easiest from the legal profession, and not of necessity follow in every- inspired by his example to make Blitz as secretary and Meyer .weekly contributor to way? The Nazis have blazed the .ish Fress'i—The Editor; ridiculous cry was raised way, in the path marked out by the most of your blessings —and WeSsgal, promoter of "The Ropath of anti-Semitism until It haB that then, perhaps your, names too will mance of a People" end producer that at least a million (out of Germany.) become a broad highway upon the go down in history. of "The Eternal Road," as exe800,000) Jews in Rumania, (Copyright 1938 By Seven Arts One-of the more important ef- which it. is fashionable. to travel. Did you know that Lincoln had cutive director. were aliens who had sneaked 'Feature Syndicate.) fects of Nazism on Jewish life During" the five years of their "rea number of Jewish friends, and Plans for the exhibits include has beep that it h i s narrowed gime, the Nazis have accustomed that it was a Jew Abraham a comprehensive presentation o* Jewish thought and turned.it, as :the world to-accept Medieval perJones, of Quincy, 111. — who first the majority of Palestine' proit were, into a-single groove. Five secution of.the Jews without acj made the suggestion, away back ducts, the construction of is secyears of the cruellest persecution tion or even protest, as if it were | in the ISaO's, that Lincoln would tion to be called "Streets of Jerin modern history have" had' a a matter of course,; an accepted j make a good president? - How usalem" featuring bagEars at the i right he was every one at us ancient city, a large reprsentatios greater effect on Jews psycholog- form of Nazi usage which reknows now. At the -Republican of the city of Tel Aviv, a series ically than economically and po- spectable diplomacy, must accept National Convention of I860 It 1 of concerts by the Palestine Symlitically. Nazi Germany has come as the Hitler .salute, the >Nuremwas a group of delegates that in-; phony Orchestra, an exhibit of ' t o hang, like a - cloud 'over our berg congresses^and the-rest. Why eluded a number of Jews wfeich mental 'horizon/ invisibly1 • per- should any countryj 1particularly worked day and night for Lin- thB work cf Palestine painters, meating our. thoughts and "influ- it-. It:;4ctS' under the inspiration and possible performances by the encing even" our reasoning-itself.. and direction of Germany, not folabsolutely nothing to esclte am- coln's nomination. This loyalty Habimah repertory theatre End on the part of his Jewish fellow Of course, We see Nazi Germany every- low the same path in re very, debition for education, the Ohel theatre. MR. WORLD'S QUESTIONS where, spread-.-like an octopus all tail? Why should it seek a new when I came of age I did not citizens the President later had A planned auditorium to seat Tpad, if the one built by the Nazand over the world,' particularly in .See how many of these ques- know much. Still, somehow, I an opportunity to repay an audience o* between £00 and Europe/ Every European country, is has already had '•five years' tions you can answer after could reid, write and cipher to quick he was to seize the oppor- 1000 is contemplated and the setat least Bast .of "thB,Rhine', is'-fol- use?" Besides, in what bther, way you .have read i,Ii\ "World's the Rule of Three, but. that was tunity. all. I - h a t e - n o t ' b e e n to school At one time during the Civil ting aside of a Palestine Day cr lowing the N"azi' footstepsY. poten- could Rumania manifest its soli- "Ask Me Another" chat. darity with Nazi Germany at since. The little advance I now War, you see, General Grant had Week were also suggested. tially if not actually. And once present without openly breaking have upon this store of education issued an order forbidding Jew-j 1. Was i t easy to get an edthey start on the Nazi road, they with France and England? What traverse every Inch of ground other, sacrifice, except that of. .the ucation in Indiana a hundred I have picked up from time to ish traders to travel anywhere! not consider this es indicating time under the pressure of neces- South of Jackson, on the grounds that Lincoln really did have some that Germany did; they introduce 800,000 Jews could she offer as and twenty-five years ago? sity." '.';• ,: that they 2. How did Abraham Iiin« the Jews — had Jewish forefathers; it simply the same anti-Jewish laws, use a token of her new faith? No This bare account is only an- been running the blockade which meant that, since it is rerv difthe' same anti-Jewish methods, in- Other brutality .and' flagrant coin,get his education? 8. W h a t great book did other esample of the modesty of cut off supplies from the rebels. ficult to tell just who your andulge in the same orgy ^of Jewish breaclu'of treaty would "pass with liincoln particularly love to the. man .who that boy grew up This naturally aroused a great cestors were some centuries back, hatred for its own sake, .which less protest. Ihe\,wor!d--has; beto be.'But. we do know more of i deal of indignation among the jLincoln considered it possible '•' ;.••• :.•;.'•• . . end in the same results; The five come inured to Jewish suffering > e a d ? . J his boyhood. We know how he Jews .of the .North, who were Icy- that some Jew had at one time 4. How, did he get the nickterrible years of the. Nazi' regime during' the last half decade. A v helped his father build the rude ;ally supporting the cause of the or another married into his famname "Honest Abts"? ; have left such a profound im- million "Jews, more or less, what — and in case considered the 5i Who was the first to sug- log cabin in which the family liv- Union, and they sent some repre- ily pression upon us that .we see al- does'that matter? s ed, and how later he took a job sentatives-to protest t o ' Lincoln w h o l e question unimportant, gest that I/incoBi tvould be a most every subsequent step to in a country.-store to help, his fa- about the order. As' soon as the since he belived in' the Biblical good president? history as a repetition 'of. Nazism.' ; ther support; the household. We facts of the case were laid before masirn that all men e,re brothers. 6. What did some Je%s :do The gloom.-'which has descendAll over Europe, "^re see w r i t Only a year cr EO sgo we bad. : know pi his deep thirst for know- him -Lincoln promised to have the large for the Jews: Aryanlsm," ed upon:-European Jewries with jfor Lincoln"-at 'tho Republican ledge, which ;tnade him spend bis order recalled, and in less than a similar instance, vfeers someNuremberg' Laws, iboycott, r e - the. announcement pf..the formar- Katioaal CpnVentlonp.ipf 1S00? night3 po.ring over the Bible and. four days the Jews of our coaa- body or other esRed President j ,' 7. : * V d i a L i i 6 l i a striction, segregation, ^ra'&senj* tion.: of tli?: Goga-Giiza Govern^, them?fori theE2wt.tith.eli: books he had, read- try were overjoyed to learn that. -FraaSIin D. Roosevelt whether he il.itfierefQye qglte unders c h a n d e a n d e x i l e . *;" •'-&•'••}•'• ->> Ing ~.by-ths~vfUckering light of.a. this unfair regulation, 1 JSLgalast 'was of Jewish descent, and re" 8. Pr'dm f " i w h e n therefor©, the recent standable: It was and still is Lincoln's home-made candle until the even-i them no longer-existed, thanks'to ceived tlis -Barae. reply ES Lincoln ancestors come to eyents in Rumania broke loose quite reasonable for a great many America? ing's quota of candle had been the intervention of President Lin- :sd -given. After ell, the question cf whether or not a n a n is upon a surprised world, the first Jews in Europe to expect that O. Why did some people be- exhausted. • We know that h e coln. President Lincoln's love of jus- E Jew is of little importance to j tendency of-European Jewry was the new Rumanian Government lieve, he was of Jewish blood? read his books over and over any. one but bigoted anti-Semites. to expect not only a second act would immediately introduce the 10. What did Lincoln say again, memorizing many passages tice as preached in the Bible was We. in America are proud cf cur e Aryan paragraph would-.eliminparticularly the stirring stories the result cf the love his w**.de of Cc"Aacr-e s>nz cCcr T«"^TT, v&rns. of the Nazi tragedy,- but a repetiwhen he^ was asked whether found in the Bible. And we know family had always had for the great men whatever their race or tion of the; first act on a larger he Haras of Jewish descent? that he took to heart the lessons Bible. The Lincoln family, which. faith, and all the prouder that in SGale. One must admit that a contained in this great boob, had come to America from Eng- our fre® land neither race nor good masy facts of the, situation faith-.etaad in the way of any Thls week Mr. World" is going fashioning his own conduct after land in the seventeenth century, man. It is for this reason that have justified••- such expectation to take you back a century and the moral precepts laid down by had been characterized by Old- all cf us so deeply revere the even without the psychological a quarter, to the time when our the prophets of Israel. So great Testament names. The Presi- memory of Abraham. Lincoln, uesr predisposition. ' ' exduesre who 'was who established 6ur freeSon oa a country was. still young; and. a was'-hls honesty, indeed, that dent's grandfather .'For there 18 not the slightest cej when a customer of the killed by an Indian sniper while firm basis. Kovno (WNS) — The- rights certain little boy was engaged In doubt that the : Goga-Cuxa upprocess of. growing up.' Later,, store in which he • worked acci- still a young man — had also heaval in - Rumania has been in- of JewB and other national min- the he was already a. grown dentally forgot to take away his borne the name Abraham, and spired, directed and even financed orities in Lithuania' to cultural when man, that little.boy told his own change this boy traveled for names like Mordecai, Josiah and (Copyright 1SSS By Seven Arts autonomy, to a share of state from Germany. jNewspaper correthrough - a snow-covered Sarah were quite common in the brief story of his childhood, and miles Featcre Syndicate.) and municipal expenditures ' for wilderness to bring the money to family. Because of this an outhad followed spondents who Mr. World would like to show education and social aid and to Jts owner. It was this deed which events in Rumania before the maintain their own administra- you how he expressed it; in his earned him the nickname of standing. Jew once asked the election knew of it and warned tive whether he was not of . bodies to supervise ^thelr na- own words. •••• • •'Honest Abe," a title which de- President tb© Jewish,and non-Jewish wo.rld Jewish ancestry, to which Lin"My father, at the death Of his tional, and cultural life', are beliservedlystuck to him through all of Its coming. It was not merely coln is said to harp replied that but six years of age, his life. - . . . . " it that both Qoga and Cuza prev- eved to be jeopardized by the father,-was was Quito possible that there and he grew, up .literally without newLithuanianconstitution just; io'usly went to Germany and - ere education,'" said the man' who Well, Mr. World has given him- might have been some Jewish made public -which' completely received by Hitler, but the entire had been the small boy" of whom self away and you know how def- blood in his family. But we need trend - of pre-election events in .bmits the previous constitutional we are speaking. • "He removed guarantees and specifically forRumania. itself was such that it from Kentucky to what is now showed unmistakable signs of bids special privileges for reasons Spencer County, Indiana, in my of nationality, religion or origin. dominant Nazi influence.. The eighth year. W,,e reached otfr new considerable German minority-in The text of the new constitution' home about - the time that State Romania has always exerted a was read to a special session of came" into the Union."1 It was a great influence on Rumanian rul- parliament. It will go into effect wild region, with many bears' and ing classes and on the Govern- on February I6th, Lithuania's "in- other wild animals still in the \ ment. (Ineldentially/ If. there dependence day. The sole pro- woods. Theref f grew up. vision that deals' with equal really is a national minority in "There were some schools, BO Rumania which controls Ruman- rights for minorities is one de- called, but no qualification was claring that all citizens are equal ian life in Its own interests, It ever required of a teacher bebefore the law. certainly is the German.) yond 'readin', writin' arid clphIn view of the deep concern erin',' to the Rule of Three. If -Since the rise of the Nazi re_.—, ,e gime, particularly during the last voiced by all minority groups, It a straggler supposed to undertwo years, that Influence has .is expected that the government stand Latin happened, to sojourn • / t grown. German diplomacy has will issue a special declaration, af- in.the neighborhood he v a s lookconcentrated on Rumania as on ter tho 'adoption of the constitii- ed upon as a wizard. There was a former stronghold and with the aid of the influential Gorman minority has been boring from •Within to unde/mln© the founda WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS . tion of French and Allied influ O Equip with en'ce. Huge sums', of money have P Schrafft'o Chocolates . ° Muriol, Cucoto Rey \ this great new , £ * r r"cr C8&t 0 been spent on propaganda and orsafety tiro end Canada Dry Glamor AIo and Harvester Cisaro ganization. Newspapers were you take no since IF?5. T.-'" ,-*'"'" f'~" -'"' ' o Folstaff Beep founded; private armies, were or 31G So. 13th Slraoe AT 4202 ganized; parties were subsidised; leaders were bought; nationalis«sorc i. tic movements, were bolstered up and Rumanian social and political life was demoralized as It had not been since the great war. No other country in Europe, is as s.sc r^-Trr.";;susceptible to such demoralization as Rumania. Bribery is R'trjia'nia's national vice. E v e r y ctczsct, ?c government official from the low:.: * r , i tent less. cf tl-i; Cep't to the highest expects and receives a bribo in one form .on ano t h e r (usually only Iri one form). r •',> " It -is an evil which" Rumania has t';!' j o c n »'.:-ri£; ti c c&n to inherited from centuries, of subods cfc-'T .'./. rcksion to tho .old' Turkish re-.- • ; ' r~.J '.ncicxhl costs gime. This evil made Rumania •' r_J ^'mercenary In thtf great war s to' ptevicc rrt* bo bought almost a t auction at th'& highest bid. This evil has also ESTCEW BCL L T E I I P K O M E nes? made Puimnla succumb'to Nazi OH CAGH Influence now. There is nothing Tur.z In t s Cci olco in the present so-called upheaval in Rumania than that. But Nad • Influence is invar!-' j T
Dosen High-Speed Locomotives to Be Ready by Summer
By William Ziakermaia
My Florence Rothschild•
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Lithuanian Constitution to End Guarantees
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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2D38 atlng parts. The, "4001" li'
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being completely con-1 bd in the West Burlington [are- the five 4-8-4 engines. too will be roller bearing lied and have .'light-weight alloy steel reciprocating Evolving parts. They are de- • for 'high speed passenger jight service on. the heavier i of the western divisions. Idditlon to the six new locois, six engines of the 4-6-4 ire being rebuilt at West gton. Three will be fitted ight-weight design alloy eciprocating and revolving and all will be equipped slier bearings.. pf tbis high-speed fleet are [Jed for completion to hani Summer's passenger trav-
cho . On February 4tli there -will be commemorated in Philadelphia tho centennial of the establishment of the World's first Hcteeiv Sunday School by the great Rebecca Gratz. . The beginnings and growth of this pioneer institution are told in this article. —THE EDITOR "Who formed you, child, and ; made you live? God did my life and spirit give. Who keeps you safely, can you tell? ''.-'•:•• God keeps me safe, and makes me well. \
Has God made known the way of truth? : .: The Bible is the guide of youth.
• • *
What should, you feel" towards God above? • ' ; Rebecca Gratz Honour and :fear and grateful love. was derived from voluntary contributions and from the collection Does God know all -you do and taken up each year at the annual say? . . /' , •"•- public examination of pupils, held Yes! and my thoughts, - too, on Purim. The sum of $112.00 night and day." collected on one such occasion, was.deemed ample to take care Rows of eager, childish faces of : all; expenses for the following look up at the questioner. Shrili, year.• young voices recite by rote the • The teachers, then, were all answers to these and other rhym- volunteers. Now, the superintened questions. They look up eag- dents are paid, but there is still erly for approval into the lovely a huge staff of teachers who atdark-eyed face of their teacher, tend classes faithfully year after Rebecca Gratz. They sit straight year, with never a cent of renumand quiet on rows of painted eration. r wooden benches. They listen atTheSunday School was such tentively to wonderful Bible storinnovation in 1S38 that there ies. They have no knowledge an no textbooks available for that the tall, dignified lady who were the teachers. There was no prepresides over the Hebrew Sunday 1 cedent for such school, except School class and its small corps in .the Christian aprototypes. So of teachers, is famous, — that that some of the first books used she is the original of Sir Walter were Christian Sunday School Scott's heroine, Rebecca, in "Iv-r into which Miss. Gratz and anhoe," and an intimate friend books, her followers patiently pasted of many, famous writers, painters strips o f white paper, to cover and prominent men.. They have bits a3 were inappropriate : no knowledge of the love, affair, such children. The Rev. that ended, years earlier, in sep- for Jewish "Le'eser,- who was very much arationi because lover and belov- Isaac in the school and its ed were of different faiths. They interestedgave freely of his time know only that 'their*.Mis3 Gratz success,, and energy,' and provided the is beautiful still, that her face, first But the book that with the little white cap over still was textbook. for many years, and dark hair, inspires them always whoseused Vhymed questions and anto do their best. They feel sure swers were memorized by generthat ~ they can never forget- the ations of Sunday'; School pupils lessons learned In this Interesting was Pyke's CatecBIsm,' written 'and novel school which tells them especially for the school by in their native tortgue, all about Eleazer Pyke in 1840. ItsMrs. full "their religion. They look for- title was "Scriptural Questions ward eagerly to the annual Pur- for the use of Sunday Schools for im examination, when many the Instruction of Israelites." Anstrangers will gather in the old other textbook was composed by Mickve Israel synagogue on CherSimcha C Peixotto, sister of ry Street, to listen to stories and Miss Pykej and one of the school's • question and poems, put to them- Mrs. first teachers, and later, superinby Miss Gratz, as they sit on the tendent. steps-of the ark. They look forThe first school numbered fifward to their reward of an orange and a pretzel apiece, at the ty or sixty pupils. The children came from all walks of life, for end of this ceremony. every Jewish chilS was welcome, They have no idea, as they and for many years the pupils of meet -each Sunday morning from the Hebrew Sunday School were ten to twelve, that they are mak- a cross section of Philadelphia's ing history, that the school they Jewish population. "First" familattend is to grow and thrive. ies, and obscure immigrants both They, do; riot dream that^ a hun- sent representatives and many dred years later, scores of grown letters have flown recently into men and women, from all over the offices of the Sunday School the country, will delight to meet Society stating, "I was a pupil, and honor the growth of their then teacher in your schools, and school from a humble beginning consider my association wit^i the into a great organization. They Hebrew Sunday School Society do not know that their quaint an honor and a privilege." little catechism, written by Mrs. The Society itself was probabEleazer Pyke especially for them ly an outgrowth of a small priis one of the first books ever vate class in Bible instruction written to teach Jewish children and Hebrew, conducted by Rababout their religion; nor that bi S. I. Cohen of Richmond, theirs is the first Jewish Sunday which Rebecca Gratz and some school in the United States, and members of her family attended that it will be the only one, for some • twenty years earlier than years to come, that teaches its the founding of the Sunday lesson in English. They do not School. It seemed to Miss Gratz, know that this school is one of for years, that there was a crythe first efforts at Americaniza- ing need for some such school tion; that it is to be influential, -for all Jewish children. The conyears later, In helping hordes of gregations of that period had not Jewish i m m i g r a n t s to adapt yet thought it necessary to prothemselves to their new home vide religious education for the while holding fast to the ideals children of their members. Even of their ancient faith. later, when they did decide to Te-Hebrew Sunday School So- open Sunday Schools, they conciety of Philadelphia was found- ducted them, oftener than not, ed in February 1838, as an af- in a foreign tongue,, and not in filiate of the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society, of which Miss Rebecca Gratz was secretary. It was opened on March fourth, 1838, the date happening to be the fifty-seventh birthday of Miss Gratz, who was the leading spiritin its inception. Its first board ol directors was a group of ladies serving on the board -of the KLEBN I3EET • Female Hebrew Benevolent Soiety. Its first teachers were Smokeisss Coal . . . . . grown nlece3 of Miss Gratz. Its-] first location was in a room, on Seml-Anthrnclta Lump Seventh Street above Wood, for which was paid a rental of forty SPojwsIeu m ©olio dollars a year. Its first income Lump : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
;Jero and all'"Zeebonay" liyon yarns.
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the vernacular. So, many years, the sessions of the Hebrew Sunday School Society provided the only opportunity for Jewish children to learn about their religion in English. No wonder they flocked to sit at Mis3 Gratz's feet. "Come ye children, hearken unto me," Miss Gratz would say, at the beginning of each session, "and I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Lift up your young hearts in prayer, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." Miss Gratz's prayer still opens each session of each Sunday School. There are those alive who still remember her tall dignified figure, clad in its bonnet and India shawl, as she opened each session. for nearly thirty years of active participation in the work of the Sunday School. Today there are twenty-eight schools, run by the Society in Philadelphia. There are over six thousand pupils. The Society provides, in addition to religious instruction. Vacation Schools, Sewing Schools, Classes for the Deaf, Classes for Wayward Girls and Boys, Scout Troops, Cub Packs, and Parent-Teacher Associations. It has a High School department, and a training and practice school for its teachers. The roll of prominent Philadelphians who have served as pupil, teacher, and superintendent, is great. In includes practically every charitably-minded family in Philadelphia in the last hundred years. The Hebrew Sunday School Society is a feminist organization. From the very begining, it has been run by women, managed by women, staffed, for many years, exclusively by women. Its president today is Mrs. Max L- Margolis. Yet men, who have watched the schools grow, who have studied in its classrooms, could not forever be excluded. The chairman of the centenary anniversary committee, who was In turn pupil, teacher, and supenintendent, is Leon J. Obennayer, Esquire. The group planning the big celebration of the anniver-
sary, is composed of men as well as women. The names of Her. Isaac Leeser, Rabbi Sabatc Morals, and.of other Rabbi3 down to the present day, are fntimateijassociated with the Society. Outside speakers of prosaiiseisee, were from the beginning, part ot Miss Gratz's plan to make ner Sunday School unique. It is impossible to go down through the years and mention all the names that have lent themselves to the Society. The earliest teacSers. Mis3 Gratz, Mis3 L>ouisa Hart, Miss Ellen Phillips, and others have all. passed oa. Only their memory remains. Only their influence defies time as their ideals still actuate the Society. Today, when modem pedagogical methods have made their imprint on the work of the school when the Federation of Jewish Charities supplies its funds for continuation, when graduations mean medals, pins. books, aad money prizes, it seems a far cry to the little groups who gathered In Miss Gratz's classes. Today. the organization has goae far from those first days, when Miss Gratz herself was constitution, president and superintendent of her school. But the devotion and interest which were then breathed into the Hebrew Sunday School Society, still give life sad meaning to all who attend its classs, still make the organizatfon, after one hundred years of steady growth, one of the most unique, as well as one of the most useful, groups functioning ia the "City of Brotherly Love." (Copyright 1938 By Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
efi to apprise him OJ the honor . . . and, ther be freBbly Bbaveta and ovTi. tf - re J ^ r
C-s ;—
Boston (JTA) A mov.3 to recognize Justice Louis D. Brandeis of the U. S. Supreme Court with an honorary Doctorate of Laws has been started by a group of eminent attorneys here who have addressed individual letters! Wg_ to Dr. Roger I. Lee, chairman o£ \ j p the Harvard Corporation subcommittee on honorary degrees. INVEST SAFELY, W1SECY IN Annuity. Endowment,
klABK UEQH Represents 21 Strong Companies—Every Type cf Jnsaranca ana Bonsis Written. Cs!l AT 7C57 CP WA 61K1.
Per Cent of Total Assets - 3.68%
Cash Bonds: U. S. Government ? G94.04S.5G State, County and Municipal __._ 7,210,588.53 Canadian - Dominion, Prov. and . Municipal 1,030,871.21 Public Utilities 1,833,079.65 Other Bonds 404,000.00 Total First Mortgage Loans: Farm Properties _ 935,303.62 City and other \ Properties 1,099,410.52; Stocks —........_ ,. ni Home Office Property™. _™ Real Estate Owned Policy Loans . Interest Accrued Premiums in Course of Collection. Other Admitted Assets . ™, V
Total Admitted AssetsJ_
3.43% 35.60% 5.09% 9.05% 55.16%
1.35% 1.53% 5.15% 17.97% •S7% .4.06% .19%
Legal Reserve ....—..— Reserve for Iifepme Policies _ Reserve for-Cfaims Awaiting Proofs Reserve for Taxes, etc^... __~. Dividends Payable to Policyholders Advance Premiums and Trust Funds._.,., Total Contingency Reserve __ Surplus Unassigned ^™
?16,225-,645.00 514.S2S.00 142.C51.1S ' " 123,074.00 250,200.86 SS3,S"7.S7
5,000.00 1,342,S3S.55
S10,044.82 l,042,SSS.42 3.639.6SS.91 176,572.29
r *•/«•».*•
\ k DUAL..
§20,258,888.24 ,S - -
1937, Payments to Policyholders and Beneficiaries :~ Total Payments to Policyholders and Beneficiaries Since Organization (36 Years) Insurance Issued and Restored Duriag 1937 Insurance in Force, January 1, 1S3S ..
% 1,938,347:43
31.735.041.SS 23,432,981.00' 133,412,42G.eG
J. C. Buffington, Chairman of BosrsS Paul'Stewart. ..Dir. cf Assneies J. W. Hutjhas President Eastern Dvls?cn R. E..- Lan3c!on...Vlce.Pre:!iint R. E. KipSinser, Dip. ef Assnclca A. Q. Olscn...A5er.cy Vic3-Frss. A. D. Huntsr Cccntnry Csntrs? Division Or. A. C. Stokes r«;e£;csl C.'r. Dwight. E. KelsSsr... S!r. et't~ E. Gilitipia Treasurer &t, Western Divls'sn
E. L. Cftasibsrt...Acansy ££s*y« John \V. ..BartS..».......Actasry
C. R. ConnoSIy.-.Asst. Secretary J. Cfjaries Setts A. J. Jsr.ztn Ass- t'.^T, Ass"ciES A. T. Csjasob Ccsh'c? J.. S. Heisren
candles. Joe Kchenck and Louie his unstinting aid Muvietown Mayer, competitor cinema chiefs. come ont o.i top as always. What oEt side by.side. Welcomed Mtss major studio with s, Jev,-isl Tucker, "My guests are L. B. is being flooded wiifc Kuz) Mayer who gave ins my chance EfcBiifiaY Vrillie Hew&rc, . . . Harry Werner, whose first new ditty entitled, "T.rron Hollywood—L o a g before it pictEre i •was :a, end Joe Scfcenek piro, a tiay CebEllero.'" 1 was a radio prcjrrai? or erea E who refuses, to have i*-c- ia acy SidEey and Luther Acier a renlly cooing. Stells. Actle Warner Brrthers ssovie, Holly-, of his pis-" dies back tc Nev- York „ •wood Hotel was .iui,t a hotel— In the- premiere of "In 013 j one-picti in fact, in the days when CineChicago," Mrs. Karry Wurtse: j ler. niaviie was ia its infancy, St was THE hotei. Throasb J-fae years wore a dress of Battecberg 3ace, j the shadows of most silent-day one of the lev: possessions her I- jflack stars crossed its broad veranda. family caved in the real Chicago j bofiv-cus Carl Laemmle osce lived there catastrophe! screes 01 • . . . likewise the late Irving ThaJss Greei L <r Francista' G&&1, the per little berg. Rudolph Valentino and lean Acker were married there. pepper-bos of "The" Buccaneer," The hoiel-:..in stand* -n its orig- is extremely -superstitious. Alt ho Film Fetid: Sam inal site . . . this week celebrcted she is the thirteenth child oi her ber of the Fore lot family, she Cislilzes Enything j its thirty-fifth anniversary. In a Gross, beirber of Br tie-up with their forthcoming pic- •with IS about it. However, give each claiming char ture of the same EEIES, the War- her the choice between twelve or the shesfs . . . met ners guested all tLe old-tizae thirteen dollars . . . and sbe'l! | time. Boasts' v~-ere t stars extant. Attending. were know whet to Co.. 1B spite o£ her I lif.d cut the mop vf. • Flora Finch (screen's skinniest petite*-ess, her cfcErrsiEg fragil'*, | . . . the other snipt comedienne), R a l p h Farutscs, ity, Fraacislis is EE esceile'~Z j of thr.t-celeb. Fms.l sportswoman . . . huntin ] Bryant Wsshburn, Jean Kersholt, lenge! Sid Graura Charlie Murray (George Sidney's fishing are her favorite hobbies, j pate was to fce the Ernst Lubitscli h^.s little time Cr-ine the hour . . partner)-, Ctarles Middleton, and for esereise, ret takes & daily! v-a.it.ee many others of the . . . seconds hike of -srhicli he is totally un- | era. a.-sr£re. Wfcsa working on the set i tonsorisJ tools. Sid the Hsrr Direktcr paces css.se- j but vhat's this? . . ' "Never. Egaia," says Waltah Winchell. Never will he face a man, fascinated ty the perpetual j camera . . . cot for say EEOunt prosenfide, calculated two milse j ^ of gold. "I've got a'l the mosey as the fiistsnee ceirerecS csdlr. f °" the St anyone can reasonabl: want, and i K t . I t i l j i l . g fcr the 4S BhooiinES it's a real, alee wortd to live U &&vs o t t h e E c b e S t l l e ) he v i n hsxe \ - - if you have your health! . . . ^me& s s a i ] e 8 v t e E - the t n e r ,; c tt:re' picture" is completed. An nerer once i • At a big social function the thumb'efi a ride . . other night Sid Graumaa "was inyou vhv troduced to John I). Rockefeller, Odds 'E Enfis: "CEC. Carl.; III. Latter inquired,' "Are you In with the help of tvro the picture business, too, Mr. I friends, celebrated 3 eeTcr.tr- | Graumaa?" "No," replied the j first birthday. Te: •rordcE re-; bushy-thatched thentre-ssaa, "I'm "YOE ftEfi I in the oil business rJso!" Me." JOSE Bion&elFs three-rear- | old so~, Nonsan E&TESS, TOS le- i Another • party of the week gaily afioptefi t y her fctbfcr. X>irtt I Powell.. Joe Scheuct -is IDCF-JIJ is marked Sophia Tucker's centennial. Louis B. presented ! chargs of the • Fresiflert's Irian-: her with a cake bearing thirteen 1 tile Paralysis Fund . . . end -sriih ;
J. F. Mu!il3sr3...A£it-C;:rct;ry J. F. !llnnoy....As:t.-C::rcr;ry
'All Leading Bars end Pasksgo Sforas
Jr., €SCKS?£1 ASSOCIATES: A. Adams H. E. Ku Alvln H. Goess? • . • F. T. " P . OsraScJ Hincfss^ C
$2.S@ a Year
a Ye&r
Page 4
DAVID BLACKER . . . B u s i n e s s a n dManaging Editor FRAJNK R . A C K S R U A N M LEONARD WATHAN » • • Associato RABBI FREDERICK COHN • Contributing Editoi RABBI THEODORE N.LEWIS . . . . B o o S lSditoi AtyN PILL. . . . . S l o u i City. Iowa, Correspondent
Tolerance for • —
i' M
comfort as the names'chosen by our ancestors, or those foisted on them by the officials of the emperor. Yet, as a recent write*' in the Press stated, in reality most Jewish surnames are things of beauty. Many names • that ' today, because of their wide use and their recent associations are objects of amusement belonged to great scholars ayid it was to increase one's prestige that this blessed appelation was assumed. Other Jewish names, could they be translated or could their origin be known, would be matters of great pride rather than embarrassment. Had the Emperor realized the unhappiness that iri so many cases was to ensue because of the choice of name, he might have thought twice before promulgating an order which he thought would show his enlightenment.
if I could'find again the way of. life that once led me to the spiritual elevation that is ca!le<2 God, it would be worth ^hiie to keep on being -Jewish; If I could again serve as a luminous spirit showing the way In the current darkaesa; I could so elevate ray character that whatever stones were thrown I would stand above them; if I could again look like an authentic brother of prophets Instead of the ludicrous caricature of my self that I the Jew am. In the absence of such justification I feel inclined to take Dr. Jedermann's .- dejudalzing drug; but again I hesitate and. instead write to Dr. Jedermann. Mr. dear Dr. Jedermann: Your drug received and its great value noted. Certainly, something of its nature seems at present to be the only cure for the Jewish pain. They contain suicide for the Jew and I am ready to take them when it is made certain that all means of making Jewish life worth -while have been exhausted. I atn proposing, therefore, that before Jews take your remedy for the healing of 'all Jewish pain, our best minds (of all the various houses of Israel) prepare a declaration on the meaning of being Jewish; a re-statement of Jewish purpose: What a Jew lives for? By what means a Jew may justify his being in the world as a Jew.
Onca again a group of responsible and highly-placed individuals, representing the three major American religious faiths, have joined to sound the death knell of bigotry. Within By DB. THEODOEEI N. LEWIS the last decade a number of such committees have been formed, Eabbl, Elocnt SSnai SesapSe, S!oax City and they have been welcomed by American Jews. In a modest way they have made a valuable contribution to American life. OP THE EMEK" gossary of some of the most imBut we Jews are apt to allow this religious good-will to "CHUiDREN BY XIBBY It. BRAVERMAN, p o r t a n t places, organizations, be a bit one-sided. True our leaders cooperate and ore sincere WITH I L L U S T R A T I O N S BY |personalities and phrases associn their efforts. Yet as bigotry still exists to an alarming de- T E M I N A NIMTSSOWITZ. 118!iated with Palestine. A knowPAGES. THE FURROW PRESS. ledge of these names and terms gree among the masses of non-Jew, the same may .he said of NEW will add significantly to one's YORK CITY. ; the mass of Jewry. y Tbough. most Jews are today Jewish education. This splendid little book deIn the old Temple of Jerusalem, an inscription in Greek sincerely sympathetic towards it is difficult to create nerves a place in all our libraries. We have insisted on our rteht and Latin, warned aliens to keep out of the holy of holies. Palestine, and preserve that appreciation, It will foster a deep love for our to lire, but know not why to live. Holy Land and make Palestine The ancient Jew3 went to Rome and Alexandria, the, centers affection and love for the Holy The right to live as a nuisance to which . not so many years real and challenging to American [ one's self and to other people Is of Latin and Hellentistic culture, but in Jerusalem these words Land ago all Jews possessed. Palestine boys and girls. It will add much not to be defended. of intolerance remained. is quite "remote, distant, sqme- need emotion and sentiment to Even without your drug, my Tho Jews, in comparison to other groups, aro tolerant and what removed from the dreams their yduthful lives. dear Dr. Jedernmnn, intelligent hopes of the average AmeriJews -will In no long time seek to have been tolerant. WQ arb not a vindictive people and weand can Jew, and especially from the escape from the fate of being Je-tv-have not allowed the indignities perpetrated on our ancestera Jewish youth and child. And, Ish. They will ask. What sense since'the concept of Palestine is to warp our outlook to the point of bitterness. does It make to keep on leading basic importance in Jewish Jewish life — for this pain, tor Yet we are the victims of many of the errors of the gen- of thought.and life, it ia imperative this endless defense, tor this tiles. "We have.no proper understanding of Christianity. In to create in our boy3 and girls an doubtful virture of being gbod By AL SEGAL attachment and a revorenco for our vocabularly we employ the same termn of opprobrium that the Holy Land, to link- them to salesmen? STILL A JEW so anger us and reflect a mutual disregard brought from Eur- Erets Israel. Intelligent Jevrs will demand This is the third week since I an answer to this question, End ope, "We. too indiscriminately lump good and bad and unscienA major problem in Jewish began to consider the merits of in the absence of a satisfying antifically refer to gentile characteristics as they speak of "Jew- group life is the almost complete dejudlne — the drug discovered swer they will seek their own absence of emotion, sentiment by Professor Hugo Jederaann, ways to amnesia. ish" ones. . . . . and feeling. Our serv'ces are ster- the exiled German Jewish chem- The answer must be given simpTolerance is a matter of give and take. Understanding eoptyped, our synagogues lack ist. This drug is designed to not clothed in the profundithe other person's point of view will not undermine our own.color and appeal and drama, and turn Jews into Aryans and cause ! ly, ties in which, reverend doctors Jewish life is drab and uninter- them to forget they ever were | like to conceal thought, ii any. "We too have an obligation. esting. There is no enthusiasm, Jews.
•1 5
Silver Shirts Fight Probe by Senate Group
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• WEEK OF FEBRVARV C Sunday, February Gth Basketball game — Jevrish Community Center vs. Waco basketbfi.U teara of Lincoln, 2 p. m., Jewish Community Center gymnasium. Omaha Hebrew club meeting, 3 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. Junior Council, 3 p. a , room C and D, Jewish Community Center. Organization meeting of girls from 12 to 14 years, sponsored by Mrs. ,1op RatUnA^ski, 3 p. m., E and F, Jewish Communit;7 Center. Jewish National Workers' Alliance supper, 6:30 p. v., room C and D, Jewish Com% munity Center. Round Table dance, 9 p. m., auditorium, Jewish C O I S M I I its' Center. Monday, February Tth Workmen's Loan association, 7:30 p. m., room C and D, Jewish Community Center. Sisterhood luncheon. Temple Israel. Hazomir choir, S p. m., room K and L, Jewish Commucitr Center. Beth-El Book Review, g p. m., auditorium, Jewish Community Center, Rabbi David Goldstein will review: "JiaSsm Curie," by Eve Curie and "The Life of Father Dair.ien the Leper," by John Fcrrow. Chesed Snel Emes, Cfcesed Snel Ernes building-. Tuesday, February Slh. Deborah Society meeting, £ p. m., room C and D., Jewish Community Center. Beth-Ei Executive committee, S p. in., board room, Jewish Conirr.'unity Center. Round Table supper, 6 p. in. room C and D, Jewish Coninranity Center. Council of Jewish TVoznen "Personality" class. Wednesday, Fcbroarj- 8th Beth-El Auxiliary luncheon, 1 P. m., auditorium, Jewisn Coranmnity Center. Independent Workers' crder S p. in., room C and D, Jewish Community Center. Friday, Febrnary llfh Council of Jewish Vfonien Legislative group. XOTE: From February T to February 14, inclusive, tho lodge room snd second floor kitchen -of the Jewish Community Center will be -undergoing redecoratiors, therefore, these rooras cannot be used for any affairs.
-» V Gems of t h e Bible and Talmud By 'Dr,
i'ip She*
The God'y roan is perisheC <n,{ , of the earth, and i-e r.prigh: ' Expressions in Current among man is no r^ore. j Use Coins Frora Trust ye not too math in a Yicldisla friend, ]>i=t j'e not too much confidence even in an intimate • New York ( J T A s — T h o songfriend. Du Schoen" Eejt'ice not r.j^imit : e, O mine I bil ".Bei Tviiv Bi;u enemies, though I am ff.licn, 1 ',and pucb v c r n r r u l B r expressions Iletl?". "I shall rise, though i sit in cits}-.- ,as "WaF My Face ness, the Lord is ft Upfct unto W o r r y ! " , and "Isli1 KabUiMc" are prrcdually rlir.npiUK i h r A m e r i c a n me. both in idiom and Woe to him that paSneth evil language profit frora .his house that he r h y t h m so that honoeforth t e a c h - , may e:t his nest OR lnj~h, for the erf; ri: "Enclis'i >n oi:r schools w i l l j stone shall err put of the vf.II, ha^-c to (Jpvote a pood part of* and the branches out cf the iin> their (.imp IO eluci(i:U.!!u; Viddishifms. tlfrlarcE r-r. j;;-iJ<?)P on Yi(iber snsll ansvrer it.
Antonsus Questioned Rabbi, "At v.'hcE time doe? the so;;! come : into the body, at the moment, nf conception or ot the time ".vhen ' the emlsryo is formed?" Ke r.nsirerea him. "When the embryo : is formed." Antor.iur: ssifi to ; Rabbi, "Is it possible that a piece i cf flesh shall keep three daj's or : ir.ore \rithoi;t being E&jied end it Khali not undergo I'eeornpos'-: Lion?" Rabbi replied. " I : mnst therefore be at conception." "This thing, said Rabbi, I va? \ tcuEht by Antonins." Antonius cuestionefi K s b b i again. "At v h t t time does the : evil spirit reech the body? A' .
Council Scores Race Agitation
ciif-li jniluonrt-s ir- ihp American h:,r.ci:crc, entllW" "You Speak Yiddish. Too." in fhp Feliruary i s s u e o ' "P*.f'i*~~: V.^fM^.U."
Tvoi. A. A, Hol'sck. university rpofvirp;' in l:Jn;,H^b l i t e r a t u r e , Ptp.ie? ;hai. YuU'is!: hup influenced ArocriCc'i- speech ir. ;i number of sr.rpris-n^: v-ays, l i e rites such viciely i: F e d expressions us "Yoi-.'re Te'liriE" ?.Tr:." "Go and : D"esr' Vo\i?o]t' ' nii<; V]BO such colorful v.-ortl?. SF "pchnorrer,". "st-hmaaz." ''mnKuma," "gefilte fish." '•t<ebbir:!i.'' "finif,'' a n d
Jimmip IM;ri:nfe"F "sclmozzle" is p. corn'iinst.ior of rhe Yirictisti vn'-p "PhTio""iile" nnd the E n ? - , lish ro'-fl "i\o?.7.\e." the article . says. The di=:iuoi.!y Amoi-iean the time the embryo i^ formed or KIBIIS.: phvasf- "POP C;1 a g'Ui-i" lias •when it comes out Irom the it? oricin in HIP Yiddish-Oriental womb?" At the time sbe cmbrjx curse "son oi r. ihiev." (!un is is fornied," enf-wered K.ebbi. "If .• cler:ved from " t s n u , " the. Yidso, rejoiced Antoniv.s, "The em- I clish v-ord i'or ;hifi. O;.her flavbryo -?;oi:iu kick the entreii..: of i orKomr AmeneF.iiinms that a r e the mother and fo rut before the , held tc be of (lii=:inctir Yiddish full time, therefore It icnst be : oricin r " r ; "l-ipiiiz^T.-- "phoful." from the time the ht.tr- coraes :"bo'ipve m e , " " r n d h o v , " "so "don't P.P)-:." "pive a cut." And Rabbi s?.ifi. "This ;• v-ha*!". : "koRher," "zaCtig;," and thing -VS-ES taught to me fcy An- • run,' tonius." " ; nir.ry oihevs. Kabbl Eleazar SD.!G, "Wisciom. : is so great that it v;as pieced be- '. T h r r f London .Trvessefi, Sara tween tvo divine names." Ke '.de Fonsecs P i n t r y Pinientel, said again, "Ke v;ho negrlects to ; Mrrr.eJF. N)m«%z df> A'mpiriR, rtPti acquire knowledge does not tie-; E i e r v e r i u p Coer. Belmonte, were serve that people ehall have mer- i the city's cntsjpudinE: St?vency tpon 'him," ! t e e n t t centi;ry poetesses. Kabbi Eleazar SEifi again, "Er- • ery man who possesses wisdom may consider himself as if the | F u r Kent ? - f,,r he A Temrle WP.E built in his df.ys. F.T:. ; rod1}. f o r 2" both wisdom: and. Temple tire : S12 placed OE the same le^ei betveer.. two divine names."
It must be a new and vigorous no exaltation, no spirit of devoProfessor Jedermann sent me restatement of Jewish philosophy tion and consecration to powerful a sample to try on myself (as I and purpose. When given it must ideal or gripping idea. The soul reported in previous columns); taken up and taught as a JewAt the same time that King Carol was advising one Amer-| of the Jew knows pain and ig sur- thus to help toward a solution be ish way of life -— taught not iu •with sorrov. But joy, emo-,' of tho Jewish problem which Dr. unheard teraple sermons but ia ican newspaperman that Roumania would never be the scene {feited tional exaltation, satisfaction, Jedermann believes can be solv- a vibrant crusade, in a campaign of a pogrom, another representative of the New York Times, j which Ju'daism once, supplied in ed only by elimination of Jews of Jewish revival. I doing a little prowling on hi3 own, reported the barbarism being rich abundance are quite infre- (with the aid of his drug which When we find something to quent, rare experiences. creates Aryans chemically.) practiced by members of the so-called professional classes. live for as Jews it will not hurt Three weeks I have pondered us so much to be pogrosnied. But It is here where the Jews needs One need not murder a people to persecute them. In theFalesltne even more than the land upon the matter . . . to take de- It must be a great pain to be poBerlin (WNS) — The Jnedismedical schoola:both male and,female Jewish students have, for needs him. In the entire span of judlne or not to take it? Cer-groiniaed just for having been I ITantea A young Jev.-jah che Kundschon, most iTnportsr.1: a long time, been, subjected to insults of all sorts. But shortly Jewish history Palestine exercis- tainly, it ia no use to keep on too good a salesman. Jewish paper in Gerrosny. IIEF ; m a n f o r b e o k k e f j i i n f ; ««<r* a c ed a peculiar, an irresistible and being a Jew to fight anti-SemIn the meantime, niy dear doc^ P P ^ y L o x 1.3, after the coming to power of Goga and bis cabinet, two women beneficient beer, forbicfien to publish by the ! co^ntsriii;. emotional appeal and ites, to struggle for crumbs cf tor, I shall save your, capsules ministry cf propajranclR. No rea- ; J e vr i s fa F s • e e f., students were mercilessly- beaten, by some of the non-Jewish Influence; it added to Jewish life justice, to bs a fellow who clings i against the tint? wjiea (and if) WEEK OF FEBKCAKY IS son was gi%-cn for the ban. ' j all measures to make Jewish life men of the school. Thirty individuals were involved in thezest,' color and eternal hope. It to shadows, afraid of rishus. Sunday, February 13th preserved faith and stimulated I was at the pont of taking Dr. worth living have failed. flogging of one Jewess, an example of chivalry as it is prac- memories, brought comfort and Jedermann's drug and committBasketball game, Jewish Community Center vs. Nelson solace. Palestine provided the | ing suicide as a Jew and becomticed in the Balkans. I submit this to the considera- Produce of Bennington, 2 p. with a rich emotional stimu- ing an Aryan (provided the tion of all the houses of Israel— Another Jewess reported the same fate and showed the Jew lus, a stimulus that is indispens- drug did to me what it did so the house of Reform, the house m., Jewish Community Center marks left by the beating. gymnasium. able to eane and healthy living. successfully to guinea pigs). But of Conservatism, the house of Young Judea organiaztion This same newspaperman, the representative of a news- Tbo dream of Palestine not only my old habit of being a Jew re- Orthodoxy and all their divisions. occupied a conspicuous place in strained me with admonitions: meeting, sponsored by Junior paper famous for its sober reporting of the news and its indif- Jewish liturgy and Jewish liter- I was thinking of dying as a Jew; 193S Br Seven Arts Hadassah, 2 p. m., room K and ference to the sensational, saw lawyers running in groups, ature; It captivated the Jewish yet I had scarcely begun to live (Copyright L, Jewish Community Center. Feature Syndicate.) as one. Why not try living? Omaha Hebrew club meetarmed with clubs, to take care of any Jewish lawyers that heart and soul. But all that contains spiritual ing, 3 p. in., room -C and D, ' T h i s sublime emotionalism might- have ventured into the courts. which the memories of Paleatino Implications which I, the Jew, Jewish. Community Center. It is most reassuring to have that famous 'royal lover* so imparted to Jewish existence,, Is don't understand anymore, i A. Z. A. 1 meeting, 3 p. in., calmly tell us that Roumania will not flow with Jewish blood. a crying necessity for modern used to have a luminous spiritual room M and N, Jewish ComWe are.today not only per- nature. By. my light I discovermunity Center. But we don't believe him. "We believe that he and the cohorts Jews. plexed and confused, but devoid ed the spiritual complex that ia A. 1. A. 100 s-_oker. B'nal of Octavian Goga are capable of any sort of brutality. They of - stirring and tangible loyal- called God. Washington, D. C. (WNS) — Israel synagogue, iSth and ties, v/hich ia evea a greater misBy it, in former times, I found The anti-Semitic" Silver Shirt Le- Chicago streets have proven how gentle in spirit they really are. fortune. A causo so concrete and a way of life that ascended tow- gion of America, headed by Wil- Monday, !Pebruary 14th. so real and so sacred as the Holy ard the stars.. I was kinsman of liam Dudley Pelley, has filed suit Bikur Cholim meeting, 2 p. Land can stir deeply our emo- the stars. It didn't matter much In the Federal Court of tbe Dism., room C and. D, Jewish One M i n o r i t y - *' • tional , equipment, arouse bur then that I was reviled; it mat- trict of Columbia to restrain the Community Center. InstallaIt has been one of the contentions of the Zionists that spirits and provide moral- cour- tered no more than it doe3 to the La Follette Civil Liberties Com- tion of officers by Paul Veret, To ignore such a source of stars that a foolish man spits at mittee of the Senate from subpoeonce the Jews have a state of their own, they "will be in a posi- age. executive director, Jewish Inexhaustible power l'a;to;be guil- t h e m . , • •'" • naing its records. tion to throw their weight in international politics to protect ty of great .psychological sin. Community Center F.cfl WelI had brothers who were proDescribing themselves as a fare Federation, the Jews in those countries where they have a minority status. This little book will serve phets. Their preaching of peace "non-profit, patriotic fraternity Workmen's Loan meeting, and -justice still is bright even in Stateship will allow the/Jews to engage in the game of power splendidly towards this desire- tbe darkness of today's world. to -ps-eld citizens of Christian faith T:30 p. in., room C end D, ablo \ purpose, and arouso in tbe into a body for organized action" politics. . children love and reverence - for There was one of them who wasto combat pro-Communist Influ- Jewish Community Center, Hesomir meeting, £ p. m. But should they be apt to--accept this as axiomatic it may Palestine. It makea modern Pal- called Jesus. He brought new ences, the Silver Shirts charjre room K End L, Jewish. Comestine and the marvellous trans- light to the old teaching. Even be well for them to read aix article in the current "Living Age" TonnaUon wrought by the Ctial- today he remains one immutable that the La Follette committee is munity Center. that describes the condition o£ one minorityTOa totalitarian utzim real and vivid. The author fact in a confused and changing dominated, by "liberal and pro- Tuesday, February I5th. sympathizers, and 3tate—the German minority of the Italian Tyrol. , tells of the country, its cities, Its ••world; .a constant star In "theComnninist" Ceater Forum, Dr. Julius that publication o£ their records .Gordon of St. Louis will lecdarkness. . people and their habits of .life, in Should the German empire ever reach the proportion en- a style simple yet interesting. She I f I, the Jew, still walked on will cause loss of membership, ture oE t!ie subject, "Pleading visioned by the Nazi fanatics this part of Italy, with its two takes the twins, Tamar and David the high road that was given me, which the petition sets at 5,000. Guilty—a New Answer to Antl hundred ^thousand Teutonic Aryans •would, be included. Yet Ben" Ami, nine years old for a I would have good reason to re-'The suit Tvas initiated by Pelley, Seinitisin," at S p. m., Jewish. through tho land and in tb'e Ject Dr. Jedermann's dejudaizing 'us president-c o m m a n d e r, and Community Center auditorium. here, for the past fifteen years, has gone on one of the most tour course- of tba journey wo catch drug. I could not then doubt 'chat Spencer J. WarJck, ranger for Wednesday, IJebreary 10;Ii. vicious types of persecution .known- , v ; , glimpses of HaifSi Nahala|, Jer-" I had .-cause to keep on living- Ohio* MIzrachi Women meeting, % usalemj the Wailing Wall, Rach- The revilecjents of anti-Semitism Today Italy is an ally of the mother country of these peo- el'a p. m,, room C and D, Jewish tomb, the T3ead Sea, Tel Jivix, could not hurt me on my high Community Center. ple and Germany is willing to let them be the victims of etc. We behold life 'in Palestine place; I would be a luminous ; x ! . M u s s o l i n i . . • . ' /'••••• v , : / ' , • . . • " ' ~ - ? " - - ' - ' ~ . 1 - r ] ' . < " " . ' •'. in all its glory and richness. We spirit, lonely perhaps, still desFORTHCOMING EVENTS learn how Palestine" cele- pised perhaps, but -I" -would have Among them the German language ia forbidden and thealso Monday, Fe&raary Eist. brates" Purim,: Passover and Sha-something to live for. I would be Women's division card party old people have been forced;to change their German names.to. buoth. The narrative. Is certain living as one true to himself; I " dessert coffee, X p, in., •the ItaUan form. Even in death the Italian name goes on theto catch anB to hold the atten- would be living as one wh03e un- Winnipeg, Man., (JTA)—Win- and Community Center tion of the youthful reader. At ique character gave a gleam in nipeg will not tolerate anti-Sem- Jewish tombstone. I n these villages German is forbidden arid children the conclusion of the book there the darkness. itism, it was raade.clear by tho. auditorium. • SesQuieeDtenmal celebration are encouraged to report lapses on the part ofxtheir parents is a, chapter entitled "Words, But I have dreadfully changed. City Council following discovery 3hould German be spoken in the home.' : . ' , - Peoples, and Places" which.is a Perhaps my spiritual ^character of anti-Jewish poster on a doer of o£ constitution,' S p. m., Jewis withered by no fault of my the city hall recently. The coun- ish Community Center audiYet these people have no champion. Their blood, pure .own; it has suffered because of cil passed a resolution condemn- torium. Sponsored fey the l German, is not recognized by Hitler for he *will not antagonize •B lUl WRITE'HONORS the arid desert which is ttie world ing attempts to stir.up racial ha- Round Table of .Jewish Youth and other youth groups cf the in which it lives. tred: in the city. hjs newly jound friend. And Mussolini, pursuing his policy of FIVE FOR HUMAN I have been so busy in the com- The r e s o l u t i o n , follows; city. rapid Italianization, shows his trust in his ally, for he dare RIGHTS DEFENSE petitive struggle (my cloaks and "Whereas propaganda calculated . Tacsilay and Wcdmosday, not permit a German minority on the boundary; that separates suits, my caps and pants.) True, to arouse racial animosity is eovr •February £2 and 23. i. citing Btj'les , . . and Center Players, S:30 p. m,t Italy from German Austria. ' ' . . New York (JTA) — Citations I am about the* same sort of fel- being distributed throughout our i there's so' nsuch value Community' Center to Xive persons for their words or low aa; the non-Jews around mo, city, this council goes' on. record Jewish ! yoa'd e x p e c t tc pay deeds In defence of human fights moved and ground "coarse hy the $.s coadeinniag such vicious anti- .auditorium. Will present "Let $3§.SS for the c o a t were presented liist week by the same forces, with.no more spirit- social action believing it is not in Ts Be Gay," by Rachel CrptSiual character than they. charter Jodge bt B'nal "B'rith, the "best interests ol the people ers. I am only a better salesman of Canada arid Winnipeg, la par- I-hursjlay, February 24fh Fz-}, i.cic blue* wheatThis year marks the sesquicentennial of an event o£ great, The recipients./were Bishop Wilr s' i ' I , si rrbcrfy, beige, than they, . If that were a good ticular, which contains so many Tuesday rausieale. importance 'in. Jewish history. One hundred and fifty years Ham T. Manning, tho Rev. -Dr. reason fVz'-f fur. ^'scft, S'zeg 72 for staying Jewish I should 'difftireat nationalities." Joseph N. Moody, 'professor of to CO, ago the Emperor Joseph II of Austria, actings on a benevolent history feel that ray problem was solved. iOmalia Jewish Ceminimftr at Cathedral College; Dr. Impulse, issued his famona edict ordering the Jews of his realm John H. Finley, editor o£ The No, I might say, I shall not take Jerusalem (WNB-Palcor Agen- Center, Kansas. City ba-slrethail Jedermann's drug -which may to assume family names. , . v= : Now'•'• York' Times;1 •-Roses1'" W. Dr. cy) —Fifty-four Jewish' refugees game, S p. m., Jewish .Comso dejudaize rae as to take even nyrcaasSum, Straus, •.co-chairman; of-'...the Na- thi3 superior salesmanship from frora Bokhara have been, arrested mr.nHy Center Prior to that time, many Jewish families; particularly the tional Dascs T-iU bs i.eiS is Center. Conference of Jews and me. For tho salce of being a goofl at the nortfesrs • botraSary cf Sephardim, had had surnames for. centuries. But in most cases Christians, and Miss Marie Kal- C7ile;naa I chall continue to en- Palestine as illegal 5:=:!sn£r£E.i3. 1. Arioag the reing-ees are 2£.'child- ^ the Jew, like hi3 non-Jewish neighbor, was known by'his first berstadt, former German school dure the p2.in3 of bc-ics s Je-vr. The epoch meeting el MOSCI teacher who was forced to leave , rOTl VFfc\ /.? C W P M B N rea, one o£ -whom — a year old But, it Eosms to c e , if I s.:;i name and his occupation or place ^of origin. Germany for her, anti-Nazi activ- to go on as a Jew I must have aj baby — died, ia the frontier .'pri- MendelsGtsn snd Gstllipia Nothing has been as great an irritation or source of dis- i t i e s . . •.. : '•.:•••• .'•-'•••.• occurred over a c&css Do -better res£oa this t i n , ' ses 'due to the eoJ*. •" " ' :
The King Speakc Out
Vaad AuxiMarjr WOMEB ARE EQSIESSE, Junior Council j Drama -Committee I Women's Auxiliary. Dance to AT ANNUAL DINNER] Flans Carnival tc Give D;^^-cr' ,, T h e O m a h a S e e t i c " cf 11 f \ £ - i Council of J P V ;sb , ' ; n p - ' Be Held Tomorrow The Ladies Auxiliar3 o£ the Members o£- the Jewish Funeral \ tional •srllj hola t h e i r biis: -r—' • - " • - -
Mi *
any Expressions in Current Use Come From Yiddish ' Tort (JTA)—The songt "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen" Id such vernpcular expressions "Was My Face Red'.'", "I arry<", and "Ish Kabibblo" nre adually changing the American ignage : both in idiom and ythm so that henceforth tencn5 of . English in our schools will ve to devote a good part of eir time to elucidating YiddishUS, declares an article; on Yidsh influenced in the American nguase, entitled "You Speak ddish. Too," in the February nio of "Better English." Prof. A. A. Roback, university eturer in English literature, ates that Yiddish has influenced merican speech in a number of irprisingr ways. He cites such idely u s e d expressions as t'ou're Telling Me," "Go and -ess Youself" and also such col-, •ful words i as "schnorrer," ichmaltz," "i^azuma," "gefilt'o kh," "nebbich," "finif," and
I ,
Nicely furnished young lady. HA
. , ,
_ .
s Division
Three London Jewesses, Sara Fonseca Pinto y^ Pimentel, annela Nunez de Almeida, and' envenida Coen Belmonte, were e city's outstanding sevenenth century poetesses. Rent oon for 5129.
Vaad. will sponsor a Furin car. Home society sponsored the or- : S u n d a y , F e b r u a r y f, ^ t 1 . . a i "With many tickets sold locally nival on Sunday, March 13, at.; g- an i zat ica's second annual dinner ! t h e Jewish. C O C E U S ^ : ^ . I L : . and a large -delegation from Sioux the Jewish Connaunitv Center. L . t -r " -,,,_„,...,. on „* ( l v n Tfcere will be a Z ' : ' c r v City expected, members of the Many interesting features bave ' Community Center, i £iitc, Filday. Fefcr'~n -' r : Beth El Auxiliary looked forward been planned. A beautiful fioor &NXQUXCK BAK MITZVAII The following worsen were i o'clock at the h o n e r ; S P ? f " to! the annual dance sponsored by prize will be given, and a surMr. and Mr3. A; Maltz anhostesses for the occasion: ?,Ies- i Dora and Libby T>e sc'Z. ' Mrs. Esther Lieb announces nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their the .synagogue to be given Satur- prise contest is to be held. ConccU Members •v I - r^11 '"^ feir.es W. KufcJia, A.- Yv'otf. M-. ! Mrs. -Morris Burstein is e&airson, Marvin, on Sat«da>. • Febr. | £ w ntsht. . February. 5. at the ; the engagement of her daughter, 3Eg to er.ter the Jev c> FTlet"S' Paxtoa. man of the sale of tickets. Mrs, Arbitman, J. Golfi-ware, S. Klaver, i Subscription Ccutes* f T - reJMerriam, to Harold- Coaperxnan, at the Chevra^ B'nai Yisroel Pitler, S. Krizelman, H. Mendel• . Many weeks of p.annlng have D, Crotinse is co-chairman. . ;. son of Mr. Harry Cooperman. . Synagogue, Council Bluffs. Bohn, ' K. Tsile, Horcstein, Shae- ) ed ot call Sylvia ". c : > gone into the dance to help make Miss Lieb graduated from tho fer, J. Garfiafcle, Gcss, J. Good-; £55*2. A reception and open house It the season's outstanding social Technical high school and attend- will be held at home, 2907 4th binder, Raginsky, Rochmsa, Las- I ed the Minneapolis Art Academy. avenue, Council Bluffs, on Sun- event. erowitz, Rodraas. S. Pish, L. Music tor the Uaiieing is to be \ ' Mr. Cooperman ia a graduate day, February C,- from 7 -to 9. furnished i Neveleff, J. Milder, W E I . MiMer, by Lloyd Hunter's allI H. R. Milder, Segal, J. Goldberg,! of. Central.;. . No invitations have been Issued, colored, thirteen' piece orchestra. A large attendance heard Mrs. Siporin, L. Ecs?sKatt, N. Lsvic- ? No date'haa tieen- set for the .{Patrick's interesting I son A bingo and card room will be i EL •wedding, e-nian of Orc&fca. r ,. ; " •• - ; V SET M'EDUtSiG liATE open to those not wishing to report o a the thirteenth annual j > - EpsteJn, S. Epstein, A. w h o v.'ss i r i t i s t e d ~'~ t - ( National Conference oa t h e | Epstein, M. Rosenstein, A. Rosee-j . • . Mr. and Mi's. A. Shafton. an- dance. Delta T a u a t Liccc^r r i , ; t r Glicfcm&n. H. Lippet. J. : Cause and Cure of War, -which ] ANNOUNCE/ r Feature of tho evening •will be nounce tho approaching marriage ; c " r; | Bercsteia. M, Katzmsn. P. i s p e n t o n e s u d 6 h . Mr. and Mrs.'J. Wssserman pt on Sunday," March 27, of their the "Bis Apple" with priies going she attended** last week in Wash-| r *r O h i o U n i v e r s i t y , r e i u ' ^'.. 'c ' • f 1 , i Kattman, H. Tr*u rtin, Perliss, j ingtoa, at the Council of Jewish f T L03 Angeles, . California, an- daughter, Esther, to Sir. Jd*e Sofe-. to' the two couples showing the , t T X e b r s E f c a e a m p u B tL.= f ' . | ' ' s Yv om ea Monthly Luncheon meet- Miller, M. Hero, P. Sollotuchea, I noirneo VUe engagement of t a d ? olof, son of Mr, Philip H. Solco- best ability, Thirty m e m b c r e . tv •:%>--„.: c ' ing. &c, ' . Friedman, J. Chait, I (laughter, ;Rose, to Robert Groeii, l o t . Admission to the g&nce is 51.25 w h o m l i v e i p t h e s c - c - : ! . c "> ' , . ; ' • . - . -•: . . • • • • . Mrs. J. £. Cohen, president of j Adelstein, J. Adler. I" ' H son ot Mr. and Mrs. Louis Green per couple. The affair is infor- too Oesaha Council, gave an Inis t h e l a r g e s t Dumb 1 "'" T i «"tr ^ r ^ • of Omahamal. . - . ' • • ever ts.g' ^ formal report on the national f The wedding, which will take Betty Beeson vss P J O C S - r " f i - J triennial convention of the CounMrs, JuliusStein, Hadassah place in -Loa Angele'a. •will bo an idect of Gamma A i i r a C.. . i r r - 'J cil which she recently sttesded edical Fund clfatrroas, anevent of the spring. la Pittsburgh. ProceeSs from the bridge par- ; orary acvortiEir^c e c . ; " > nounces the following additional .-- V Cultural Activities ty and dessert coffee to be gives jj Krasne is After a short business laeeting list of membera who hava raised law this i ^ LIWCHKOX AT XULACESTOJCEJ The Civics and Legislative by the women's Division on t h e | Sunday • afternoon at the Jewish Sisma Delta TEU ^r^ t i e r' n -<- t ^ S-hlS,. "- L -,' ' . Mrs. David Greenberg and Mrs, their "Give and Get" funds: Mrs, Community Center, A. S. A. No. Group of the Council *will meet j Jewish Community Center at 1 Max ArbUtnan, Mrs. A. H. Brodest t numbe.f cf girls c* FT; I, ri ^ v^ 1% \[ ^ , T. , , David Cohen entertained at . with No. 100 when the two at 1 o'clock on Friday, February o'clock oa Monday, February 21, 1 f luncheon »t the Blae&stono hotel key, Mrs. Sam Canar, Mrs, M. E> chapters were addressed by H. B. 11, at, the home of Mrs. Ernest will go to the fund for purchas-1 so rorsty represecteC ' ; ' r-f i ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' r ' ' T TEity Y. W. C. A. CF t . c t ' ..V^J"'" '- '-" " '• on Thursday for forty-five guests, Chapman, Mrs. Max Cohn, Mrs. Fletcher,. bead of tha Federal Nogg. Mrs. Sam Wertbeimer, ^r., ing additional "kitchen equipment, j vers; Josephine Kubnit; :r etc - r Eelow are listed additions to j and again on Friday vrben covers H J Cooper, Mrs' Sam Epstefn, bureau of inTestigation in Ozria- will be co-hostess. Mrs. David A. Finkle. Mrs. J; J. The. first meeting of t h e ' n e w ! the list x>t patrons for the affair: of the finance lint"; Se!ma KilJ. \ were laid for fifty. Frieden, Mrs. Max. FromMn and ha, who outlined the program and Personality class, which will be j Mesdames B&ro'd Fsrber, Dav-; putilicEtions, and Roce Eill. re-j activity of the F. B. I. Mrs. Sam Gilinskyi * led by Mrs. Mary FrtiiJericks, will j id Goldman, Manning Handler, \ gional lebor. Josephine Rf.br.itsr* K.NTEKTAIXS AT CHILDREN'S Morris Arbitinan, Aleph Godol, be held on Tuesday, February S, i Louis Soraberg, Hubert Sotasers, : won furtfcer distinction this week A reginpr mcetirif: ct tr.f Also Mrs, Joe. Goldware, Mrs, TEA was elected to the Inter-club at 1'o'clock at the home of Mrs. j M. L. Coin, David Epstein, Sid-i when E*I© ^T£is invitee!, to jolE £~rn). vrBP hpiu Ft tfcf bcr -Mrs. Louis Alberta entertained A. Goldstein, Mrs. Anna Hofner, Council whose purpose is to fos- Howard Milder. Mrs. Leonard ney Epstein, Kollie Rosenblatt, | Tbeta Eigsia Xi. national honorMiss Shirier Epstein. PSfir-e • ~F • sat a children's tea Sunday after. Mra, Morris Jacobow, Mrs. Sam ter joint activities between the Posley will be co-hostess. Philip Romonek, Ben Silver, Isa- i ary journalism sorority. Kaplan,. Mrs. Abe Kataky, Mrs,. Zeta Beta Taa and SigrCE Del- formulated to heve a tl •"• noon for her daughter, two chapters la Omaha.' Other All Council members are }n- dore • Abrahamson, Sam Beber,; Louis Kulakofsky, Mrs. Rueben members from No. 1 are Joe ta Tan t e c an exchange b:rihdey honor of her ninth birthday. vited to join this ciass and may j Philip Kluttnick. Morris Ferpr,' Ail Tiroceedf: viH ro *f t t f i Kulakofaky, Mrs. . Joseph Lag- Hornstein, Dan Miller, dinner Tuesdsy evenirig. An open do BO by calling Mrs. Louis Sogo- Clarence Bergman, Paul Elotcty, t o u s e will be held t c n i u t t fs fcon- Elected c*riisc!rer.'s ivv.C €•" ~,*i'. . Levlnaon, Mrs. man, Mrs. ANNOUNCE BIRTH low or Mrs. Harold Po'.ack. j A.- H. Brodkey, Ben BrodUey, or o' the new pled ere. All pf the tir.e. and Advisor A r t Gross. j Morris Kicklin, Jack Karcr, Sani Dr. and Mrs, Henry Rosner of Morton Lipsey, and Mrs. Hyman. man. Sigma Delta TE.-'F l-ce brrr- I r - , Noddle. " . " ' • . . . Brooklyn, New Yo^k, announce Within two or three weeks, a Robinsor., A. S. Rubnitj, A. Som- vitpcl to the fcoTTF r* " f " *••—•Ttho birth of a daughter, Fith Others are Mrs.- Sam Olander, smoker will be held In honor of berg, I. Sieglsr, A. Blumenthal, MrC'I, Osoff, Mrs. Sam Perils, Past Aleph Godol'a and prospec. Beverley, Arthur -Cofen, George Spitzer, y on January 30. Mrs Last Sunday afternoon at 3 p. S a r a cilinsky, I. W. Rosenblatt,! Sunday evening f-r t . " r < " . Rosner ia the former . Tobye Mrs. Wra, Pollack, Mrs. Abe I, tive members. ' At this' time, P. Harriet Byrn- rrZ . * " , - i ' - ~ Pradell. Mrs. Phil Rosenblatt," A. Q.-pins will be presented to m. at the Jewish Community Cen-1 J o h a p a ier, Gertrude Jacobs, Mil-! Steinberg of Omaha. 1 1 M.. M. Segal, Mrs. Isadora Dan Miller, Joe Hornstein and ter. members of the - chapter j l a r d Laugfeld. Irvin "Stalmsstcr,! Htibnitz were cLo "* -^ c"f t_rt*5 TC ! the summer c t T ' r - ' . ~ c" l i e ' Mr. and Mrs. David Krauts an- Sherman, Mrs. Dayo Silverman, .Ray Shapiro. heard H. B. Fletcher of the Fed- j S s m L e o O i D a v ? Greecberg, T. A. ; sorority to be h ' " i :r ' " r r "rt". nounce the birth of a daughter, 'Mrs. Arthur Theodore, Mrs.'RaIn. view of a demand by var- eral Bureau of Investigation, j Tully. Albert N e w m a n, E. Muriel K r t s n e r r I r u ' . r t _ _-i Judith Esther, on January 26 a bin Van.and Mrs. Sam Zavitz. Many members of the Mother M e y e r > L o u j s p^percy, Leonard • n tho Clarkson Hospital. " present, and an cp- Segal. Harry Malashock, Ben: warts will be a ; r - r e : " . Choral Group ^ within the chapter, the Athletic .. E s t i e r Sieir.. T.'f i t'l^'t ' Somberg, I. N, Chernlss, Kcrry vf;-. '.' The Hadassah Choral group Committee" will sponsor a chapter en forum followed the lecture. sur r s?l fce On the evening of Sunday, Feb- Belmont, _ _ _ _ San _ _ Appleman, _ Herman i P -' r "A'EtV ClitTB TO MEET • under the instruction of Cantor handball tournament. passed the ca.cdy rt tl e r^r~" tr, 1 ruary 13, at S p. m., the chapter | Auerbaci, Julius Eisao, J, A. •' . Aaron Raznick announces that Aaron Edgar -will hold its nest A new type of point system informally enn-onncing her e r - ' ' the first meeting of tho rccepWy meeting and rehearsal at 11 a- m. went into operation. The chapter will hold a smoker at the B'nai i Gross, Hermga Jahr, Sam Stela- i gagement as I'-lax Canar. j Israel Synagogue,-ISth asd C h l » j , ctsp-nan.! b e r £ > A b e F u f t t M i s organized club for boys from 11 Tuesday, . February? 8th, at the ia divided Into three teams es- c a j , Golfistein, Jacob Cohen, and Selma. Zveitel vss ejected t? ' . . _. , . , S° S street. _ b s IA to 13 years o! ago will be held at Jewish Community Center. Train- -, , / elusive of the officers. Points are !j The First Degree for the ECTT jj AA lb bs e r t W o i I a e r and Joseph Wein-'' serve es rush chaarmau for t r r SS34 Hamilton street next Sun^ ed and untrained voices are need- awarded J . J *„_ * members will bbo given and the ;.; folipwing yesir. JuCiih Leven??r j t «»^ for _. attendance at• meetmembers will given and the ed. Mr?. Dave Brodbey, business ings, bringing in new members, day, at 2:30. : "••'.. :• installation of officers will be | " " V_rg_ L o u i s j.eveleff Is general I served as CaeirmaE cf a meeUrp The club has-been organized manager for the group states: . advance payment of dues, etc.. held at this meeting. All mem-j c n a { n n 8 n i E c _. Erg »of arrange- | of the freEhstn A. Ti*. S. for social and cultural activities "Any Jewish woman who has The winning team at the end ot bers must be present. \ __.e_its I and boys interested are invited to the urge to sing,, is urged to join three months will be treated by Joe Guss, Aleph Godol of the! Mrs '_ j j G resaberg ia call Aaron Raznick, Wa. S13E. the Hadassah Choral group. We .the other two teams to some type chapter, appointed Paul Sacks to | sale of t h g p a tron tfctets are preparing for__ a. recital of of stag affair, ' head the religious program. Aleph j ^mEn as coitU M r s < Julius Stein A regular meeting of fhe PI?JOSLYN Jewish and Hebrew songs to be is to work in conjunction j chairman. Mrs. PinUp Levy is neer TToraen wli! he held or Alephs Leo Sherman, Sam I Sacks it tt n e of the given and will welcome all interMrs. Pearl L. "Weber M th C ht l ; Mother Chapter en plan-; TVollf, Hay Shapiro, and Irv Nogg ! Tuesday, February Z, t.t . c'clor1- ' Municipal University -will ba; the ested to join us." Anyone desir- participated in the program be-j n i n S program for A. Z. A. Sab-j s a l e s _ sa o j tfcs General Ticket at the Jewish Community Cer- • Of c©tasrg®s y^wf, fcllecturer at 3;S0" p. m. Sunday Ui ing to do so call the manager, fore the B'sai' Brith meeting t a t h *ter. Members have been astcJ , the Joslyn Memorial lecture hall. Gl 0343. lew. Hkft The chapter has also organized to bring ifce tickets sad monrr ' Monday night presenting a huHer subject will bo "What Plato a quartet whose members are Studies' Partition In «•• morous sketch entitled "Dr. IWJ t u £ CPtfl <^i *-• J.S . Dave Richards, Paul Sacks, Jack The Junior Vasd Auxiliary j Said Ahout Music." • The ca'se for partitioning will Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." A luEchc-on is bpinj: plann?£ e! Epstein and Harold Selinsky, Cultural gronp met last Tuesday | for Monday, March 7, Et the CET- , Mr. Martin W. Bush will play be presented in Lesson No. 3 of In its phase of social service, evening 'et tbe fcocie ot Miss Ruta { ter to to^or Chtvera Kuppc-the organ recital In the concert the second series of the class thg chapter voted $7.50 to pay Marks. A most iEterestiEg and } minti. hall at 4:00 Sunday, His assist-' "Provisions of the Partition" on the annual registration of Scout ; « whole T -, "-: inspirjeg lecture wr.s given by | -will be Misa Enid A discussion of the purposes Rabbi MHtcn Kopstein. Tuesday, February Sth, 1 p. i<. Troop No. 62, which is sponsored ccr'. •? f "i -•'.' f j borg, pianist. of the Pioneer Women's organizat the Jewish Community Center. by A. Z. A. in Omaha. The group is planning a novel j ation was given by»Mrs. J. RichThia class ia being sponsored by party to be held on February 22 i UIRTHDAT PARTY J lin at the meeting held Tuesday at the hose cf Kiss Ana Good- i Mrs. David A. Goldstein as part Mrs. Morton HiUer entertained of the educational work of the afternoon at the P3-stoa Hotel. biniSer. TJJS coinmittesi in charge j i Sunday afternoon for her daugh~ Omaha chapter of Hadassah. The sale of the quilt, the Club's of arrangements includes: Misses ! : { L*fi; ^r f _ ? __ _ Ii Members of the Deborah So- project was set for the ter, Nancy, who celebrated her Anyone desiring to attend call fe cf Kalah Franfclln, chairman, Ann I i Ns- C r'. rf . . . - C f t - c r r. ffe.il' Bietef A ciety will'meet on Tuesday, FebrPurim and plans were discussed ninth birthday. r., K ^ •'••7- j r,; Goodbinder, ABB Berman, as •tth to discuss plans for the for making the organizations ESeducational director, Wa 0580. May Tucter. annual bridge tea which is to be tional quota. COUSINS CLUB Tear Book'Meeting given later hi the month. An Oneg Shabboth will be fceld The Cousins club will meet on Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairman of Mrs. J. Bernstein is chairman Friday evening, February 11, at Thursday, February 10, at the tile Hadassah Year BColt comhome of Leonard Cherniss, 3935 mittee announces a meeting to be ot the committee in charge of the the home of Mrs. Harry Kclnick, arrangements for this annual 2424 J street. North 32nd street ' . : . ' • held Monday, February "th, event. . All members have been lavited 10:30 a. m. at the Jewish ComMrs. J, Goldware is president to attend. A social program will munity Center. Anyone Interest- of the Deborah Society.' be presented. ed in raising their "Give and Get" in this manner can attend tho meeting or call the chairman, Gl 1028. Bananas Fried Peel bananas. Cut In half, Dip in beaten egg and dry bread The Beth El Auxiliary will crumbs. Fry in fat until hrown. hold a Sjoyalty luncheon and memServe with the meat course. bership rally at its regular, meeting on' Wednesday, February 9, Honey Dew Melon Cocl;taU '1- cup -honey dew melon cut up at 1 o'clock at the Jewish Com» shout, sun. T( rcos' r' tar '_y. : in small pieces, 1' cup orar.ge munity Center. ' " * -' " • Babbl David Goldstein will juice, 2 tablespoons lemon, juice. suit t'i>prr.-J- ;r r"'-Few grains of, salt. Serve very]**" Sinclair Lewis's new book, j v<«The Prodigal Parent." rcold. ol( - .Community singing- will be led by Cantor Aaron Edgar, A - reOne-Two Salad Pulp of 1 large . grapi* fruit port on the building collections •" Pulp 2 oranges, cut in cubes' 1 •will he read. A; board meeting is to :be held cup cherries pitted. id Mis; with at 12. ,....'. ' . .:--•;, . - French dressing and serve. Reservations- are thirty-five f r.:."£ tn ri'f-v r-.i --i cents and may be made by phonChili Sauce ing Mrs. .18 large Tomatoes, 15 "small Arkin,. Gl I486 or green' peppers, 6 medium onions. Mrs. 1. Ahrahamaon, Wa 6900, Chop all separately and then mte together. Add 3 tablespoons salt Patronlsio Our Advertisers10 tablespoons qupir. 5 small cupa vinegar. Boil a,:nour. Pour in hot jars.and seal, .'.. •Frojis:a Sandwich to s full thc:'> < * Tnna Fish Savoy on'". Toast " 1 small can-of tuna» 1 pint * Bowitching boeuly fcr the.bdy cf your HocrJ.. cream, 1. green pepper, 1 small can pimentoea, 2 tablespooaa butSho'll !ovo tKs Ratfcrirsg cxq'jisHoncs; of fKc:s ter, 2 tableapoons flour, salt and : Sheers by Holoproof. She'll wocr the" prcjd!;;' pepper. . .. -" . . conscious of iheir clear,, flawless, perfection. Melt butter. Add flour and cream:- Cook until creamy. Add Lovely 3-or 4-thrend chiffons, pgekoe! in a beauassortment' of salt and pepper and chopped pi* foods for the tiful "velcur" box for Vdentin© giving. N^yves!, mentoea. Cook 3 minutes longer. Stir and put in flahed tuna fish most correct costume colors. ' . and serve hot on; toast or toasted crackers. 2 pairs In gift DOTE. . $ 1 . 9 5 .85 3 paira in gift bos. .SI
Council of Jewish Women
Jimmie Durante's "schnozzle"' a combination of. the Yiddish; brd "shnobble" and the Engp word "nozzle," the article' ys. The distinctly American ang phrase "son of a gun'' ha3 i origin in the Yiddish-Oriental rse "son of a thief." Gun is rived from "ganif," the Yicfsh word for thief. Other flavsome Americanisms that are Id to bo of distinctly Yiddish igin are:1 "kibitizer," "shoful." lelieve me," "and how," "so jat!", "don't ask," "give a n," "kosher," "zaftig," and any others.
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Jlra. Moljy 55ovUz, owner and operator of tho Es^Cel-ls Salon, wants to thank the Jafliea who mnda lt[POss!Wo for tha lmgo succors of ' her opening Tuesday, Fejsr, 1st. Mrs. Kevlts • is osroclated v.ith tho rnaip Hs-Cel-j3 Bpayty Troflucts office, and extends a coraially Invitation to the ladies on her free expert advice "For tba Cars of the BUin."
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-x-^ FIGHTING D. A.—Bane of racketeers and corrupt politicians, here is Thomas E. Dewey, New York City's new District Attorney, in righting mood as portrayed by the American caricaturist Hayle. _He is shown against a background of humble city dwellings and massive office piles. Later, he is expected to figure in national affairs.
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ANTi-AiB RAID — Members of the Swiss Women's Anti-Air Raid brigade, equipped with gas masks,; helmets and voluminous uniforms, emerge from one of the "safety holes" leading to an underground "mansion," in Zurich. Elaborate preparations to protect its citizens from air raids are being made by the government. The gas and bomb proof mansions hold 200 persons.
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:/• DEPORTATION—Federal immigration authorities in Seattle, Wash., have recommended arrest of Harry Bridges, above. West Coast Maritime Union leader. NEW TRIAL ASKED—Formal motions have been filed in Federal Labor Secretary Perkins said the court in Madison, "Wis., for a new-trial by the 16 major oil comspanies and the 30 oil officials found guilty, of conspiring to fix Department was considering pos' slbility of his deportation to Ausgasoline prices. Above are Colonel William J. Donovan, left, chief tralia, where he was born. defense counsel, and Charles Arhott, vice president of Socony. *
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DSABIA OF TEANSPOSTATION* — One of the most dramatic exhibits at the New York World's Fair nest year •vrill be the history of transportation, from the time of the cave man through the ages since. Moving pictures, colored lights on a world n a p and sound effects will give an idea of comparative speed. The display has been designed by Raymond Loewy, once a French. army officer, who is known as a pioneer among industrial dream-. ers..The exhibit will be in the Motor Transportation builsiing, and. will occupy 10,000 square feet of floor space. Increasing speed will be apparent throughout the exhibit, as scenes change from camels'to sailboats, to steam and eventually
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All photos <3^ Eaymond Loewy,
to modem transportation. As a climax,- the rocket port of the future, shotra la the drawing above, vcill spring into action. From the steamship docks, passengers vdil be whisked into a rocket car which, in a brilliant and explosive flash, will seem to travel upward to the illuminated planets in the ceiling, Slreaxalined models of the future, •whicli will be on display, are shown above. To? left, high-speed railway train; top right, eight-motored, bird-wing air liner; right center, taxicab, with three-wheeled chassis; lower right, ocean iiasr, full;r enclosed and storm-proof; lower left, tear-drop automobile, engine in rear.
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OOMPH!—Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, high commissioner, of baseball, leans on his club as he tees off on the links of the Belleview-Biltmore Golf'Club, Belleair, Fla. Baseball •writers recently honored him for long.and meritorious service.
THOSE HARVAED KENNEDYS—^Preparing to leave for his new post as Ambassador to Great Britain, Joseph P. Kennedy, center, took time off to visit his two sons at Harvard. At left is Joseph. Jr., Harvard senior. John F., sophomore, is at right. They are two of the nine Kennedy children. Mr. Kennedy succeeds the late Robert W. Bingham, at the Court of St. James. JAW PEOTECTOK—Crashing bodies c:nd swinsins sticks often make ice hockey dangerous. Here is Milton Schmidt, center of the Boston Bruins, wearing a specially designed device to protect his jaw. The jaw was broken several months ago, durins a game. With him is the team's mascot, Oswald. Schmidt is Ehcnvn preparing to practice on the ho—,e rink of the Bay State tean:.
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LOTS STCHT—^ trurli'ns Invr F!O"7' if t*".nT r ' Tp'ty GrofcViler, IS, end Tcrrr C'Ccnrr'.*.. rr, Cc'iCo-r.T TJr^T-G-^ F r, r n ^ In San rrn"ciscc. Scitr recent^r reroverert f-or- i-.T.rr ir r"*"lrv&. Terryis fcUiS. TJicj" fr'l ","1 ic'T. vr.^fpci J-r rp"T'" 'i".1- . Ho ' t bac no n;oney. .Tlion Setty Bass?ci a rr.iiO cudition m a pen r, v>b. Uoctors ssj* sr« opercuon rcf.r res ore Terry"i G^lij.
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k^-s^i FLOEID4 HAT PITCHEK — Former Governor Dave Sholtz of •Florida indicates by this gesture-In Miami that he is ready to throw his hat into the state's senatorial ring for the job now held by Senator Claude Pepper, whose terms ends Jan. 3, 1939.
M. F. VISITS CONGRESS—Lady Astor, center, Americas-bom member of the British Parliament, posed on the steps of the Capitol thus, during her recent visit to Washington. Senator Hattie Caraway, Arkansas, left; Senator Key Pitman, Ksvada.
PEOroOQ — Itclir.n police already are making vast prepa-| rations to insure safety of Chan- ' cellar Hitler cf Germany, whtn he arrives in Italy ciout Z.lzs 1 to return Prcrrlcr iru-^oitai's recent visit to Germany. Above is Arturo Bocsnini. supreme head of the Italirn rcllcc, next to II Duce the rncst powerful man in Italy. II Dace rarely goes anywhere vrithcut consultias Eocchini about it.
; Li Gpcin fo»* the Lcrr.listf was e to NewspleiJstm.
THE JETTISH PEESS—FBH>AY, FUBBT-ARY 4, 1PSS U. »totirnevs Just around t&t cor plaj's pre isre 13 ter. Players ia the J. C. G. rfn-1820. gies 'meet are urged to'play-their matches on' 'scheduled time and CONVENTION: The Palestine if this is impossible, they are re-Conference s t " "Washington got quested to give notice io the ath- Quite a shock •wien Nathan ' t a v e faia D r P"O2iiEed the;- F letic office at-least 24 hoars be- Straus, Federal Housing. Admin- &ci'iptio2 io the Jewish I « fore the time of the match. Fair- istrator. aa£ one-time EOA vice- through the yecr If ES in t! c T £B0 iags are posted on the 'basket ppresident, Eabseription EE-les contra* . e t , sot g t a few e things thngs oil oi \ roota bulletin board today. his chest, strictly £d lib, at the ilJewish Press is l iis tt ii s Intermediate basketball league banquet printed i t d to avoid JT - . q g jj ch thing Abo'at games last week gaTe A. S. A. 1 as inefficiency sad wastefulness i t i o a ci effort or. the pert c: Juniors a clear claim to tba lead . . . Among those coaspicuous by ! testsnts. when they thumped the A. Z. A.their absence: Maurice Levin, N. i Hynian Cofcn, K. L. Fe r r r 100 Juniors, 33-11. Haskell T. department store magnate . .- Carl Froim, A. M La2ere, playing the first year of Among those who Trere not called Nate Kaplen, A. Klein. A2 1 Few proposals have siteed tended by representatives of allperience, I have often been warn- basket ball made 12 points for Judge Lewis, Elihc jj M. EoseEbE.ua, Tatleicteach nl&A interest os the re» thft Ecientlfic diviaions, fio that ed before speaking to representa- the winners. Has&ell is EhoT»-iag on to Stone, Ab Goldberg . . .Tiearded.' White, Dsvid Blacker, I. El 1 cent suggestion of Br. Louis each has some understand ins of tives of extremist iactions that fine prospects. In ; the other* Finklesleia, provost of '^he what the o_taers are doing and my ideas -might easily be misin- game,; spunky little Cornhnskers patriarchal Senator Ham Lewis | Leon Fellman, J. Fregser, .-. ' * Jewish Theological Semi&nry, •svho.aro its authoritatlves spokes* terpreted. Yet in the-course of toppled the bigger anS older strayed into the haaquet hall, • Rubin, Ben EavitE, S. Gree ' ' to convene an assembly !oil schalmost two decades of addressing Maykeyes, 17-13. Sara Slutsky, was spotted by T\'ise, E?oke in-j Al Franlt, X. S. Tefle, A. S ~<. formally . . . Bernard Joseph, the ! fiitz, J.t. -Ark'n, Ed Brock-', ;,r olars, writers, rsbbi3, educaAmong members of Christian audiences of the' most divergent Melvln Levine, and Hltchell Agency's legal adviser, a Canad- j G. Cross. Gcil Margolin, L~ tors cad soclM r.-orksbs in U1I3 faiths, tha necessity forfiuchga-views, I have always found that man were stars for the wiiiaers. by birth, has lived in Paies- j Margolin, J. Shitkert, 1. Tr e - *country to disease their _poiats therings has also ,been felt. Hard- when fundamental principles of Kest .Thursday's jjaae mstch ian o! agreement end diE&gFecnieat ly ^ a year- passes without several Judaism' are discussed there is A. 2. .A. 1 against Cornhiisljers tin© BO Ions he s.ovr looks like a | Strcily Goodman, p . zoiit S. Siporin, Karry Silver, native and, C3 a nieass for 'meeting Protestant denominations' .merg- much less, difference of opinion and A. Z. A. 100 against E Venger. Ed Lincoln, J, Er iJev.ish problems, to substitute ing into single units. But, beyond than most of us imagine. And eye3.RACE: Hialeah,. Santa Anita, Mrs. Ethel Freed, D. B. Gr ctacJy and deliberation for pas- that, Christian churches of themany of the differences that do A free throw tournament beisg Saratoga Springs, Belmost Park Morton Ehreareich, Sam ' sion and partisan emotion. In world have seen the necessity of exist arise only because of.'our Ct r-~ -rthis article, vrritten espbcially meeting together. Last summer tendency to reduce the whole life apoasored by the J. C. C. Physi- and Herbert Bayard S-wrcpe had cal Department . •will., .start on better take notice: Racing has Julius Newman, T. S. KB'C fc? the Seven Arts Feature at Oxford all Christian churches, to abstract propositions. . Monday, February 7. All ea- j taken hold in Palestine . . . The Barish, Ben Chait. X.. D. Syndicate and The Jewish Including the Syrian, Coptic, and It was & consideration of these Press, Dr. Finhclstcin elabor- other eastern sects, as -well aa facts that led me a few weeks ago trants must shoot their Ires || sport of kisss is being promoted key, Irvin Levin, V\m. Mil Eaduzjner, V^ r ates on hi3 intrlsnins plcn. their western brethren of the re- to' propose an assembly of scho- throws in the presence cf P. D.by the Jaffa Race Club . . Kere's TTni. es : Eiank, Gros£ > l- Abrasison, E. . " " —THE form churches, met for; the first lars, writers, rabbis, educators, Lee Grossman. The individual an account cf aa afternoea's rae- ;' B m e r B A sarcvatE, L. k, time in over eight centuries to and social workers in this coun- tossing in the most free throws ing (January S, a Saturday) ES of 25 will be the chanpScsa. laid down by the Holy Land's No. * r l t z - J o s C- d^are, A. Ei? There is perhapa no other,reli- diSscuBs problems of religion..Be- try, to discuss their points of out gion in -which' there ia such wide' fore thla meeting had been call- agreement and disagreement and, Harry Fos of the. A. 2. A. 100 is 1 horse historian: "Ten thousand Rosenberg, Dare i variety diversity of interpretation ed, I have no. ^oubt that all thoaa a means for meeting Jewish the defending champion. Svery- spectators, notable among whom as in. Judaism.1 Thi3 .is duo partly "practical" people questioned lta problems, to substitute study and oae must shoot their free throcra io the tolerance with which Jud- feasibility. It must 'have, seem- deliberation or passion and par-oa or.before February 23. Those aism loohs upon deviation. It la ed Impossible! that, representa- tisan emotion. In addition to this trho have signed up for the gift geve a fundamental' principle of thetives of theso churches could a.ct> conclave, I feel that there is a toss contest are: nessed a spirited prosramme cf Kaufman, Satn Kice, K. Kx ually meet in peace and harmony. I. Forbes, Manny Switko, Bill Talmud that no matter how dereneed of lay groups'who might lict a Jew may be in his obser- For centuries they have been en- meet froa time to time and of- Susman, Ed Dolsoff, David "Son- horse racing at t h e Bassa Alberts, Hs.rr"iGrounds between fa and Tel sky, "William vance, he.'still remains a member gaged in bitter theological quar- fer free- and untrararneled crit- ny ' Richards, Harold' Garber, Aviv K. Sorinsky, Baa Tc under the auspices cf of the Jewish iaith. While this rels. When different sects met at icism of our organized Jewish Leonard Seiner, Harry Altsaler, Jaffa Race Club yesterday a terTretiak, Morris Sacks, principle ha3 been of the utmoBt the Church of tho Nativity or the life. There Is no doubt in myCharles J. Korney, Sara Slntiky, the Sho'.niek, Phil Svartz, A. =*• noon. Fifteen ranners faced Church of the Holy Sepulchre for value in promoting tolerance In mind that lack of such criticism Manual Himelstein, Ben Miller, tlte world' and indeveloptng .Jud- the celebration of high festivals, from lay groups ia one of teaMike Landman, Louis Slutsky, starter, Mr. Hyatt, in the first j Eky, J. SloBburg, I. Ploti aism as- a vital force, it haa^nec- phypica" violence occasionally re- greatest deficiencies in.. Judaism Ed Gerber, MeSvin Levine, Jake race. Off to a vsry good start, Sherman, S£S2 Koserblatt, I T essarily permitted the existence sulted, and the police had to bo today, and without such stimula- Adler, Max • Turner, Harry Fez, Mr. Xathanson's Aliz took the ! closely followed "fey 1e^fclatt, H. 3. Keeper, 33 : , of "a wide cleavage between us. called. In to restore orde>. One tion our institutions tend to be- Konnan Kuklin, David Weiaer, lead and Muntz. After going four furlongs, j man, Horry L o t e n s t C i r J Wa have a number' o r interpre- might even have asked what lan- come bureaucracies. Morris Ruderman, Harold Ep- Mr. Nathansoa's jockey riding a jZeipnan, • Eernian Js.hr, ~"*" tations of Orthodox Judaism, a guage theso varied churchmen I first proposed holding stein. Al competent race, tool: Aliz to the j G i 1 i nsky, H. H i r s c t ' r T^ vigorous Conservative movement, could use at such a conclave, &3 a When conference I thought merely front asd passed the Judges two jKarry' Malashoct, Al ^ - e a powerful Reform movement, ther is no language common to all that it would be helpful. But the and a growing (secularist tenden- of them. It turned out, however, skepticism lengths in front of Kbeylaan ] Mrs. Sadie Ma'yer, Dave !,— .>" , has been excy, in Judaism. JJone of these, when they-assembled that they pressed as"which Abed, Actar filling third, place. JSam Beber. Phil Klctznick, L">i "T to the feasibility of with the possible exception of the had much in common and that such a conference The third race proved to be the j Soniinsr, X. Chapman, ^.Tf ™** has convinced represents a true sch- they agreed on many fundamen- me that It 'e indlspensible.. most Interesting of the after- jj Kulakcfsky, J. A. Farber, : : r It is ism In.the theological sense of tal principles as a basis for co-clear that we have moved pernoon. As predicted in my notes I FarbEr, Paul Eiotcky, : : I' the word. Cutting across . these operation. last Friday when I said that it I|Greenberg, Cv Silvers, 2i. !•--• ilously far apart and that unless deviations la a.variety of opinion •would have to be a very good j' rsaa, Fred Kosenstock, Tr we reverse the process and come .' If this, could be. done with N. Hortrtch, J. Mcr;rn t horse to set the better of Peter, j]! Levey, to our relation to with regard groups holding 6neh diverse' opln- together, all possibility of our Eeikes, Jos Face, Jack L - ; ' " •T . Mr. O'Rorke, riding Abrhara Sin- iJacob ForSes, Palestine. It Is curious that the lnJons aa the Unitarians and thehelping one another through muLeo Fes., g. C^r^ : most-orthodox Jews join the least Copts, why should it ba impossi- tual criticism and common delibkin's KibSr, took the lead from a ii:J. Cohen, M. D. Coiton, Z\ orthodox Qn rejecting Zionism. ble for those of us -who are work- eration will disappear. very good Btart end kept the po- jjGresnberg, Henry Gressber; ivr Between these two .'extremes ing together, to. promote tha hapsltloa'until the third bend. .,-fl^ Peter Greeaberg, Een Eilberaar, Z'.n cn there are - those who still feel -— piness and welfare of tEs Jews (Copyright 1338 By Seven Arts "."1SIT0H: AEssrican anti-par- then pushed ahead and, r Cohen, Mar Cohen, Josep* L - l as so manyjprpphets and teachers in tnls country^ to aBsemblo and ' . F e a t u r e Syndicate.) .in a confident C3£Baer bv Mr. titlonists will get an important sey, Ben Kazlewsky, Abe f . i v c . >did in previous ages -— that Pal- consider trhether there ars not reinforcement nest Fall . . . InTvells, passed the post five J. 1,1. Enntji. Kerraaa v.^_c-, estine's ultimate purpose for Jud- some aspects of .our xwtk in lengths is front cf tea woefierfel the person o! a well-known and Morris Franklin, M«.x C c r aism arid the world i? to become which w6 can cooperate, laspito highly-considered South African old horse, Erpectaat, the ISirS a great religious' center. of our diversity, -^e Havo, after feeiEg filled 6y Mr. liider, Harry bi Zionist and philanthropist.. Vtho place Thirty rears ago, the leaders all, a common background and an answers to the name cf Michael O'Rorte" And so en torD?ev- Rosenblatt, A. Somberg. ^ I of alt' these various factions and inner conviction that Judaism Haskell, of Johannesburg, and eral more furlcsgs auS para- j Milder, * A. Cohen. R. I-L ^ ^v ^. SyXlEOSOEBHM? movements were Intimately ac- has much to contribute.to the sowho will come priiaed to crystal- grap Other tcrses racing j quainted with one another, Par- cial problems of the present day. lisa . anti-partitionist. £estis«£t ticularly cere In America-, where But,' qufte The" " chaiapJonship asaatear Trhst Hitler esfeee. v . T , Shsa el Kows, Ho- j (That's the Jewish community was ^ points ol agre"ement, there ia a basketball team of Nebraska, tee hers .. . - Question: Will Dr. j tar, r* rr>"lv the -ri-rr' 1 . . . ""t - %r:man, Alisa . Chaim "Weiamann continue to flsReform, Conservative, and Orth- fundamental parallelism in all Woodmen Accident quintet ol Fe"-cri3n Ar;>A'rr, Lf s r if odox rabbis frequently met andour activities. Tha fact that so Lincoln, vrill be on display Sun- fer. his visit 'to Ameriei, or s r ~ r - - — P~ : r : r orife another personally. The inneh that is being dona by ths day in the J . C. C. ST*a with Phil the Haskell vjsit, plus other deTILLAGE: That Paris Etffcurb \ Z.IS-.Zsame was true of the workera In Y. Ms H. A.'fl, the B'nai B'rith Gefelick's varsity aggregation velopments Here, inaie h i a t a t s where t i a erpiozicn cf confis-; Ccr ~""" other Jewish ilelds. Today, with .Lodges, thfe Reform temples, and determined to demonstrate to the the Ions-postponed, trip? cated Gagoulard munitior.s claimthfe growth and expansion of the the Conservative and Orthodox visitors the real "meaning ol tho ed 14 lives is ksewn as Villejuif •Jewish communityr each section synagogues, is practically identi- trord "accident." •• " ' . . 'COMPETlTIONi Anglo . . . Literally, Jews' City . . It's tends to become isolated, so that cal, leads one to believe that far publishers in New York and elsa- four stiles south of Paris • • • ,r f * f - ! The varsity ^ame will start at: even the leaders of one group from the possibility of cooperaare breatliias sighs cf re- Was occupied iy the Jewe bsfcre | seldom -cornea into contact with tion being Utopian, it is entirely 3:0frp. m.j being directly preced- lief . . -. Becauss snblic&tioa of their espulsion froa P£ris ct thfe ' ed at 2 p, a . -with the rubber the leaders o£ others. Thla lack feasible. W© have learned how to ' elt-pcstponcd close of the ISth 'century. Dave Schapiro's of personal relationship promotes cooperate in philanthropic and game bettreen the two A. 2 . A. '-R-esk.lv has now controversy and blinds us to the humanitarian endeavors.' Under beea "indefiaiteSy jtoBtposed" - . MISH-KASK: A r&sest issue of 1 idealism inherent in.each effort. th& guidance of Felix SI. War- Admission for both contests is A-sizeable staff had already been The New Palestine putllsLti 1*3 (Cr::~ - - * This' divsiion among us has its burg, tho Federation for tho Sup- 15 cents lor members and 25 retained . . And had to be let pictures on page cse . . . One closest parallel in that which port, of Philanthropic Societies of cents for non-ineiabers. out . . . With the exception c£ Dr. Joseph Lurie . . . ' • gives such worry to the leading New Yorii City was established, ' Tho Lincoln team, which lists Arthur Wayne, -firho had "speat captioaed The other Sir Charles Teiari . . a galaxy vt tormer college and scientists, namely the ; growing and it has recently bsan combinpreparing for publication They w£?e actually a ci;.j"? t' specialization of each, group and efl with the Brooklyn Federation. blgn school stars, last year made months its consequent ignorance of what Another of hia efforts for united a fins record in the national and tv-ho has beea kept oa theother fellows, we are rt'.iil'.; 1-- : is feeing'-accomplished- by othera. action waa tho creation of thetoorn&iaent at Denver. Soine of reportorial staff of The Day— formed . . . A Nazi czivi if £ , Physicists "who concentrate, on Joint Distribution Committed and th6 players hav© national p r o a - although., he doesn't write Yid- four weeks in jail to s. t^'crc; :r their own field, tend to lose sight a third was the development of inene©. a t Will be a red leather dish . . Artis covers ussignseats, %-ho ficrawled across t i : 1:':1" r ; ,' of t i e developments In other the Jewish Agency, tounded "by in our a s t to beat this kind cf writes .them up la' Englisa and a ME tax till the followinj : : ; : : : : >. branches of physics as well as in.Louis Marshall, i have no doubt team and your support may help, staff man translates them . . . A"Glva ms 'OUT years' t l z t . " ; long, list .of notables •were paid closely related sciences, such as that tfie prinelpiea for coopsra- as do it, •* chemistry arid biology. In order ,Uon in humanitarian efforts can The varsity boys revealed ia tor articles that had beea so-' to meet the situation, the men of also be applied In tBe field of l&st Sunday's same'at the Center licited . . . . science have created the .Associa- . cultural, religious and spiritual court that they are capable 6f tion for the Advancement of Sci-activity. PAUL MUNI: Wfisn vou areteppins right along trith the best nce, •which Ijplds'' mefetlnga at« If I may refer to lay own es- of thetn xrhen they piled up a 50- rive in Palestine en yohr loafing 38 victory ovar the aharp-shoot- trip, you're going to be asked to ing Roberta Diiry team of Wat- roll up your sleeves and go to work . . . By a group which, is erloo. j i Spectators Witnessed the re-hoping to produce ths Life oJ i Tbeodor KensJ sad Tracts you to chootins of Mo=e J. C. C. fonrardv "who play the dramatic role c£ that scored 16 points. Moss played black-bearded stalwart who sent like a man vrtio found out he TTH3 political Zionists oa its thorny broke risat sftcr matins a, ?50path . . . bet vrith Joa Louis. BOOK: Peters is cutting him?Be J. C. C.'s team play trss sucmentcd by the services of sslf a tasty slice c£ "Tomorrow's Harold Mitchell, a fine reserve Bread," Eeatrice Eisao'a novel which wen ths 3dvr;2 Wolf Prise center. Last Suaaay vca apparently end is published by the .Tevrish dedicated to t i e nilkiasn, for in Publication Society cad Liversfht tcs prelitnicary" to the Varsity . . . AS CJtlCh E5 SB'S 33'uSOiieQ Ct contest, the Alanlto" Dairy outfit it, the bread has plenty ct-butter Ekilnned the creaa off the J. C.and C3.lt . . . Aboat trhich ir,cre C. Varsity Junior ag£re3Mion, ^S-3B. T t s 3. C. C. boys led tbe FILM: FiSffl'r.3 ci "Tbo TJjhentire distance esccpt at ilia csd —irtilcli is just TTlicre t t o Jun-buk" recalls: IS years s j s &. Aaiors cot it. Tfcere ircre e n d not- sky's plsy opened i s Wfcrz&w , . ables among the " J E E I O - S " C.3 CclThe preraiere took placs a nsonth taffe, Piill GcrelicS, Dave nich- after Assky died, lesvlas all "Ards, J o t a nocenblstt, Art endrights to the play t» Ms friSEd, 3&\IQ Afiler, and Phil GerelirX, playvright Alter E-CCJIESH. .rritb, and yooi-s trn!y. Yelfe mads csv- tc6 tzndersttuidiss that £.11 pro-J en points tofeehigh-point "boy," ceoCs trere to ^ro io the foot of but Sol missed enough shots to •Warsaw gLotto.s . . . Since then havs Jseea hisfc-point "zxzn." tie play liis Ltt^. isrlorsicd in
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*otos © Raymond Loevrs.
pcket port of the pnto action. From into a rocfcet car ;em to travei tipin be on. display, train; top right,
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The J. C. C. Athletic Council _ under ths chsirsrsnahl? ci Leeat La Scala, Milt- . . . f'c^r York ed ia Tidj Earicnrocd last T.'elneiday to ' la? preliminary pliKs for the re-dS&h, H e (J i 2 T," £1H 4*. «..Isgl'ta . . • ctili czrrjii;j "gut tne j tura SE.C12, i;5th Itsnsas City to ba lielfl i a ths Center Ojm, "tlsr. ni";ioa .AT!3??y c r . t n i sted to 27. ?.l0rcs about 1*^3 t l * day ".nil rK-i t^^ Jita r.c*"ctr"tics TS: filch corned 1sti tracTi r.t, Nstr T crk's CcntJnrn tn.1 Thf-tn .. . . Am 1 the 'ryTrcs, t,s.p'ccatinsss to £ct Sat- frrdnccr i C j I' CapStsr. Tffcs doubles tcssraa=:~t TTES pens to be tht> s f ^ST3T torapleted nsd rofr ell attention tal Prj-nres, who Ilaaaced ifae in being centered upon the singles meet with the c'ty and A. A. Our JL*lifc-.**-3
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Breadcani . from tiis Stage far the Loyalists was i counter-offensive t o ) Loyalists collecting United Newspictarea
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Be With Uo Sunday!.
jof Betty Scotchler, ; ity students-in .San ,fle paralysis! Terry , but they- had no i got a job." Doctors
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Young Jisdecas to Theater Group ' Conduct Services Receives Prelce . at Shaare'Zion t in H. Y." A. Pap"ar
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Wcrlci'c Window r i ••; r
of t h e Jewish Art
t r c t r c - ^ . ' r . 7 ; £ , " € v ; ". ? - r -
> - s , • • ! ; • ' ' ' ; - ; r v- ovi next ' The Young Judean " club will Theater group of t h e Jewish - > ' , - i ( f i . , t ~ r -,-•'" I f f i T t Of I ;= tbe n'est,- Karry Jung ir. tber ' . e . t h eJ rlr.c'.e Ccx IC. r:~'l': condnct the' service at Shaare Cmmunity Center received praise c r r r f l > < , jr f - ^ i - ' r r f c - ir- ' = . a Vert, H:rar.i V'cs's" , ' r : i-'£ •>,'-'•.' '-'f'. V - T r ' " f f "•- ''-' Zion synagogue this evening at 8 from.the dramatic critic of the lo- In w a e 3 crcrt3 cr. the Na~TZ' tional Conference for Paler.lS.Te : is the Scuth, Grcrrs -"cr- r - : " • « ; • . A %<-"•}• I - v , r - r , - ' " ; - ;>•- • 7 , . ,- ' - • ' • • - . n-.r v m b e o'clock, reading portions' of the ; AUXILIARY _-A7 SHAABE. * service : -•«.' - - " • • ; - - V *.' from and delivering three ser- cal N. Y. A. publication. In writ- held' at "\Va«.hin-tca a couple if. iar.t cf ."=>istr\ n. I., jr. Xer.: r r . ' I f ' ;; ? " . p . ' f ' c ing of t h e performance o£ " T h e •weeks ••-p .*• --=' • • T !• . r n r . i f o r d r.icntloa was r-ede of J Hr-.'.sr.d, and Col. S:r.r..h cf r h " mohettes!-The'short'talks' will T l • ZION TO tlEET-MONDAY l,.:.£. '..pr.r!, f r < 1 , K : P - C r . <1 given <by Annabell Satin," who Old Order" given by t h e group a delegationi of of Arab Arab rickets rickets that that I aCc'rhia . . . Air>e.r£- th« foro'j— "-'."; : c u r , T i " 1 , f."I L^£ v r ; ! i ' , T^f.- - - - ' , {>•-. • i ! o . b e N ' e ' ' The Board of Directors of the be before t h e annual meeting of t h e will speak on "bailing a U e ; " up end dews ia front of j 'sr.sutge group lechers are *t*>r-r r ? = r r c l T - f " " r.r d r ' , ' : h r Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Ziou Toby Nadlor, whose subject will Federation of Jewish Social Ser- the Mayflower Hole! . . . One of ;:csi. Japanese; G. I f f ' r r f 1 f i :' f ' ' r p l v rr: r I met Mondax in* the home of Mrs.be 'Jewish Youth.Takes Stock"; vice, t h e critic says, " I warned those "Arabs" was z. New Ycrk rr itE-Hsr:?; Cf '.r.t Ycnrittzki, H::sr" r n••P. t r b s Ben Shindler, when- plans , v.-ere and ;Jean Shubb, who will US3 asyou all, a couple of T.eeks ago, a s Jew, who losl: t'ise cut from his Elar.s; cr.d cr.e Dobrcs-ski fcr tbe m e m b e r s c i f ' l F I . l - ~ n c " f l ' e r - c - j . . c , „ - . , . o. ; • : ' •' P. made for a joint .meeting, of the her topic "The. Arch of Titus." I saw this play 'The Old Order' in I iekeii::.- to cl.at air.fcbij- -vritfc j Pries . . . At Secst one e"r.;lcyc r e E r ' r r . ? r r d t i l i r e ; trf r " ' . " c r *<i f . H T © •Kii v o r r e r . c f c - f : r i : t e r ; f e j n 4 auxiliary and the congregation, Portions of the .service . will be rehearsal, that it was going to ths Yiddish E'-'.'ic'ty ir.cr. fcr the, of z. Lou'sicca :-;.?ka pcverrnicr.i; f.cy TE'.k c ; .' r r c r . r r j "r — £ . ' . . I f f".-l , " ' . . ''•The;first meeting'of the Child ,to be held Monday evening, Febr. 'read by Doris Kaplan and-Estelle send everyone home talking to con fere:; :x . . . L'IGJVJ™ Lc^vicobn, ' b;:re::u i; reid. to be crsrtsci Ir. £.11 — rr>I j r o i ' r Irr.. i c A f v,." • n" : iir" t h e Study "group of -the Council of 14. , A. profeswof - quiz ' program Raskin. The service will be un-himself when presented. It did I. P - . - P Of !.!-•- ! - E r \ ; r r ; l "if i „ Ci •••• " r Jewish Women will be held-next will be featured during thfr eve- der, the direction of, Mrs. Herman just that—to such a n extent thr.t ia WasMr-cicn for the confer-' eircen-.;r.£tlrlfc- catSJerijh :;t£"t- s.~: I c r P < - r ? n t £ r ? ' i~c*"p * ence, tool: s.tf'scntEKe of an opt*.:re in ths fcrr^sr c r r ' r e rf Tuesday- afternoon, February 8, ning.' LicM, who organized the club there have beSn. several requests portunitj- to meet Justice Bran-, Huey Lor.g . . . Aprocisterl yl't p e ' c p bvf c r ™ y < v f rr°--"r<-r r " s at 1.30 o'clock in the home of Plans were also. made.for a: last year. already for a return engagement. dels for ths firrt tinie . . Asr.cng i him ere c i c'.l cor^Tzr.r esscui' r v in Jirs.-'E. N. Grueskin. Mrs.-L.eo dinner dance to. be given for the I Gliajkea is chairman of this di- members of- the syna"gogue choir.! Officers of the club are Anna- I also mentioned a young chap, ti-.e basgase brought to hirs-tive frc^i £hrev£_,-rrt t.r& s. zr'.n.••. ; " a n vision .and announced the date atj! The- dance wi.ll !'oe "given by the | bell" Satin, president; Jean Shubb, George Shindler, who w a s doing ten by Bernard Joseph,' legal a i - • ister from. New Crleccs h i : " ? *"-'*"> ' r iip rriiC <*l '•-'• a,",boaiM -.meeting of the Council i boards of the • sy"nag6gue and'the, vice president;' Dorothy '.. Gold- a female dialect impersonation— virsr to th2 Jewftlj Ageacy, were KST. GerjL'd 3 . u':rrol stein, secretary; • Sadie Shvid, I said this boy would be good — tr,-o big t u r t l e s cf ractcritl cc C^-ir errrTr vtic*- ir rrri'- -r' b,e!d- Tuesday in the home of Mrs. : ~r t i c *' Itreasurer; Irene' Novitsky, Jev,r- well he w a s ; in fact, it was one tbe political rilualicn in Paler- Si-cts c= r.n er.ii-Scr::tic F!-;** f r «•-•<•'„ ',>-«• i - T ' s r : 71 Grueskin, the Council President. auxiliary. • >• _ • ' : ish National. Fund chairman. Mrs. of t h e finest character dramatizaMips.'Mary McGee will act as . . . Both Jcser-* end his triCe . . . Ed Kantor was recently "named tions I have ever seen doae by tine ir. orSer tfctt F r~er t r f r r ' f r r ' leader; of the group. are products of CaracSizn Young i TI?!!?! ''^ncriFir' O>" advisor of the group. The Young an amateur." - • ; , . < ,<T.!i,ff; be rs'-sc £ r £ ever, rrr-f ir o--c rJudea . . . Jorcph's gresitst pride I v.* ftrlcr ticrjv-;;h i e -'•At, the Board Meeting, addiJudeans is organized .for Zionist fhst Ct"is:«TCOT r r r ; I f ?r • r,' The critic concludes h i s r e ' .". (May *3 that whea Reuben Breizi'*., , Erctbers, The hare j-ut tional chairmanships .were. an.work and study. Plans are under m a r k s - w i t h t h e statement, " W e v - . - *"V^G, n'ouh'ced -as', follows:.' Telephone, way for a-Young Judean'' Day bestow upon George Schindler l b s dean cf Hebrew writers, visltc! dc-r. on the "arch of T'.rr.t *II~err**r t r r * :lr?! C-cr K r r ti " Mrs.'.Lester Goldman; Hospitalprogram on March 20, and a cast honor of t h e best performance of Jerusalem ro.—.e ye^rs c£o hs E£t "Indie Xcti Gcvrr.s.r.y. irr>£" . . ity,;! Mrs. Lorehce Silverberg; for the play "TwoGoyim' is" re- the week in local theatrical pro- on'the fleer :a the J&;-£?h" nur- A'ter hcrir.g rota the 'HIT. vt Courtesy, Mrs. Abe Epstein; Pub. * r t ?p->sery' and Ic-.rned Hebrew Satrhearsing for. the entertainment. fr.-:rr tcls Eicv.i _ ductions." licity-,; Mrs. Fred Sherman. r : talk from Jore-3h'a thtrj-year-iM son . . . Whca Sscertarjr Icces "Mrs. .Earl Kline, membership !'"!,ltf Of finished his speech he started to r - t r* G<rrrr.£r.r . . . *n>'re -o-:".- 11".'.""- " ' i - ! " ' ' r ^ " r C i " " ~ r r • ' ' • ' . chairman, announced a'campaign Jack Wolfe, to Serve as President of State. Gfganileave the d&*3 carrying the J N r beginning this week for charter ir.~ to" bet thct "Isside Nazi Grr,.i.-t the Services this evening at Shaare Golden Eook certificate fce i £ d ' . sation. . members. Anyone wishing to join vr.s feen and CtC'c Zion will be conducted by mem< e>^:a IP, J>e« 13 'asked to get in touch with, Mrs. received . . . Son:c c-se of'crci by the prop£r a u t h o r i s e bcZzrz Jcvlr,'.~ rc>Tie. li if oi.'- Cv j ! r "" T<r>MC:las Mrs. Jack Robinson, Mrs." Julia bers of the Young Judeans, under Iowa Zionists, at' a convention Kline, phone 7-2447. ., ' to carry 2t fcr his:, but Ic!:es reit -.left Gc:rr-.cr.y — escrrt, cf fi < " C ounty h e ' r C h r i s . c r i o n EEVE Iitcl'. 1.,•. • OJI t h e ,- A" project of theCouncil is the Sunday, elected " Jack' Wolfe.of Mushkin and Mrs.- Sam Slotsky the direction of Mrs.'Heracn plied:'"Oh, r.o, it's much too val-ccuTss, that • tbe cc~n:£r.;s hrd • n i l up t h e sponsoring .of dances -for young Des Moines, president-of the new- are working on-plans, for a' Sen-Licht. Cantor A. Pliskin and the uable—I rauEt carry it n y s c l f r.ct ret been ^rlitcr. c.C IZT1-; c c r : r : c - _ t : : c e r . - o . - e r A*-.E r . I r rlocfc '. C ri- ( people, every other Saturday eve- ly formed state Zionist associa- ior- JHadassah Card par.ty~to be synagogue - choir will chant the . .-'. Senator J. KsciUton Lewis rtrcnizod tcfo t t c nlng\at the .Jewish "Community tion. . • Mrs. A. I. -Blotoky o! Des-held Tuesday, February 22 at the service. The board 'of 'directors of the cf Illinois addrcsred the confer-] pc=r~cl I^prercicr. i: Center. Mrs." Jack Robinson ' and •Moine was elected secretary. Two West Hotel. A dessert luncheon •--r ' ' n - v c fn- : frora ths back of "he haU | t!^st isre is SL very ts.rc-T'crfc'r.^. Mrs.^Philip ^Sherman we're name'd' Sioux Cityans were, named to-the will precede the card playing. - synagogue" met Wednesday eve- ence --, , . .,, . h SELF-DHFEXS3 DEP" tfnc'."t ' p e o p l e Instead of raising fund for -the ning in the home of its president, executive board. They- 1are Rabbi chairman^ of this. ' ; The Jewish eniergcp.cy in Ra-j trauflfKl rc^S? and bulldir.r r ? Senior Hadassah Purim Bazaar Morey -Lip3hutz. H.*R., Hablnowitz -• and; - ^Barney mania has rersindsci the Yiddish! tfcclr bodisc, £.rd gettlcs tior^ by- membership solicitations as in Baron. ' • - . ' . , there that in nedisv£l j fastcssly sader the-r totslltir'ta former', years,' proceeds of the A. Z.-A. • -• pres3 -.Others named 'to the Executive times the Jews used the' letters : friscirJes s.i:d prejudices Egsisri , Board were, Joseph Braver. Dr. card -party will go toward this The A."Z. A. basketball team SGL as the Kctre— c^uivtlent j nlnoritics . . . Arid this czzy'.ie i - - - - —r K •»- T rMoses Jung,, and Dr. Kurt L"ew= project. defeated the Leeds Merchants, 21 for SOS, EGL bstaff Jttc Initial I ths definitely £r.ti-X£ii cor.re.--Hostesses for the card, party of in.-all of Iowa-City;. Mar Spilka, to IS; in a game Monday evening. letters cf the Hebrew Trcr-fs, j tary that run? with the fltca . . . Girs-r-tcF ?'i"i"'I ".'' 1 Fort-Dodge; Rabbi Harold Gor- will be aririoune'ed in. a forthcom- 'Zellgson with nine points, was cf CmfJ ", ir c^-retii "gakonah gedola Icsu,''' which '• »I-.->»-I-I n m T . . 1p. -"Sioux City" contestants "in. the don'and Missl'FayeConn, Water- ing issue of The "Jewish" Press. Crrr.r'nr'f ih'rvy-rlz *! Amur I high for the winners. Eeans "we are in great danger" James Vr£terrr_SE T»*ir-s. Jewish-Press $300,00 ' subscrip- loo; Mrs.'Max-CharlesTMayer and S.ctcrL-ctt. v-"r-ch IF i lr.r relor.rThursday 'evening the - team . . , Jews who bear the name Seutl tioii" sales'contests 'are asked- to Dr. " A. G. v Fleischinan, Des ffr ?r2-5a 1"* ,•- . '•'in • v.*niirt lost to the Friend-Pike team in gaL.or .arty, cf _its_yari3.5ts_£ra_ le'ft JUNIOR HADASSAH to w i t e his itr-prep-Sons of the ii'«--r - l i t . ' ' ^ t h •turn-in all-promises -and. paid Moines;' Louis l Rotman,, • Dubu' ' - n' / . - • f . 1" n i i h ^ CHth subscriptions -to the contest head- que; Charles; 'F.eldtiai}', •- • OttUm- • The. regular cultural meeting 'the'Minor* AA league,' by a score" supposed, to be , dr'.ccndsnts ci Lcfai'rt-Rebel conflict for thf ' i . '.- 1. A M . , quarters in- the community cen- wa;'Robert .Glazer,. Mason City; of the. Junior; Badassah was.held of :25-to-19. . . . - . families "Who CSbC xrerci.zVitiiz'S | XeV "Tcrk Dre-irs Poet . . . Ths r d t-~'-::p-r=e Rabbi ;E.\ Louf3.\Neimand; Rock Wednesday evening in the. home ter-as-soon* as possible. • to, grave danger . . . A Gcr n » | E;Pfct he exiled frrrr. NET- Tcrfc £.:r-Curtec; tc S-I-FTf .£•« 7. . '-The closing-date" of the .contest Island; J. W., Shkolnick.'. Center- of Miss-Xell.Sinikin.'.- Mrs. 'Abe Jewer3 by the ramo cf Anna L>t;s | j ; ; 3 frth'er, Dr. E t e r i s - E". "u*J:-, is "March. 1, .which "leaves less ville;- Erza 'Haman,-' Burlington, Miller reviewed ''.'Hear ,Ye "Sons" Hersfeld fces devired £ ncre! r--*i! WES s.idrc:,r:r.s a UFA ccr.£crcrce '• ' than, a-month-in-which.-the con- and Miss Myn'Ojfman, MarsTiall- by Irving" Flneman." " of revenging fcerre'f eper. I'asis ] T e r y n:uch ?crturhed thct d-^ty • T I- >•-:-) The Deganla club gave a party .->. " j » ' -" . : test ;;may-be Completed. . ... ~ town. -, The-Board (6f~Director's,of Junfor the iasults they tcsp crsn , preTcr.tcd h i a f r c n VT*-;rj: last Sunday evening ia the social ,*S6me. member 'of the", "Jewish > Among' JhetSioiix • Cityans • who jipr HadaVsah .met. Thursday in hall of Shaare Zioa . syecsc-suo, Jews . . . A- bcrmtiful lltrnde of j gtscd-ire" £t the r - c . . Eerrirrc / C O - r •v •. .-N-r f i pjress'staff will, be* in [Sioux City attended the.iconv.entionV<?ere-Mr. I the Horn's of the •president," .Mis; when fifteen, couples enjoyed the twenty-five- srhe has bocorae s. j shelvia, dcaa cf Jewish ?Crrr.irj "";* O- ^ - - \ . - " ' " - I . r;i,-i soph."to take personal'charge-of and Elrs.V Barney • Baron, ' Miss Saretta-Krig'sten. ., '. ' ." specialist ia R£c:er.:chande ceres, i Jc-jrr.s.1 bechp'crs. trefc? s.".i preevening with games, dancing and the' contest vand carry- it through Dorothy MerlfaV-RaBbi H.*R. Ragolng out of her way to essr.arc j ceients by gcttiEg carried the r,&—io> to ,a" successful conclusion before binowitz, -Ep hraim'.?'"Bkron and ' William '.Surenhuysius, 'a .n"on- refreshments. -••'« r Nazis with her charms . . She j other day . . This without 1-reath4 ] tfc'e,' cloaing • date. In the mean- Lester Davidsbri. -'- \'" '-". . Jew bf Amsterdam, in ' 1703 High school girls, who are in-hr.s made no bencs about her trme"contestants are urged to sell printed a translation "of the Mish- terested - in joining this Zionist Jewishaess, t u t her b-r^uty fcds ir.S" a word rf his r'a-E tc c-.y cf as'. niany subscriptions as possina with two commentaries upon club may call. Miss Sylvia Baura- blinded £t Iccrt t—o dcica KCE'I n: s.re stein, president, .. or. Mfe3.: Roso bje .to lighten the work later on. Patronize1: Ojur. Advertisers." it:-. i 1 ; lio^-.nt to the ds.r.ser cf becomlss t r s Goldsman, sponsor. '! • ' '••>- ' > " r n o churimy with a'Jpwers'sinder thp '1"8Nurembcrs l i v s . . .' Tht2 Ehe c l e r k s t'liTT.irr ovt? hJs frr-.cvr ' - Mis3 -Bertha Seff of Washing- deaoancco her cd~.5rers to-" this Yc-"!:?rs crtcte, GrcjTtcrc, to orc ni -'o-". ton, D. C , "arrived ia-Siour City police, and a?rei f tfcesa i TTcrlchsKtcr Ceucty cs t!.s FXS , o=;^ t* Kr"' .to visit with her-parents, Mr. and a t ' t h e ensuing trial , . . .'This i r,, Mrs. M. - * Seff.- Miss Seff's en- ghastly Etcry," vouched" fcr.cy dLr ™cc:;estt is r.:udr'r.j Y;<i- ' j gagement to Jaclc.W. Scmsker of «; ~._, Washington was' recently an- reliable a jspcr cs the ..;•:? U;r.il- 1 C:\ bcctui tidents "cf Co;-c-;.;~er.; b irsZizz- '• G_. J'i :.t" r«-r. T/.^e __ nounced. tive of tbs drrr-ir- to"srtic!i"Gtr-1 Czd::," tz rill rcrtirr a L:^-IL: r - t ; r f et. Mr. Simon'-Sacksleft recently naa'J'ST-C hrivs'bcrn drircr. . . . | Js~ -sTh? ieer- c rlcL for kos Angele?, Calif., where he "! d-ur.'-ter d-ur Jewa from estc'sTe"Nevc? t?c t r -:c:;r.r" Clrrwill visit ia" the hone 'cf £Ir. and have to n l n S . t i r l r p'c £r.3 q'E". . ' ] ? ; -jr. Jlcrr rcr.ri. It tl.s *'r:'c ' Mrs. J.Gelison. . • • •'; 1- i n ci Vf-rtr, r r t r i C"rTrrr- F r i - ' ; '.C C " ' . " • O .' ' . Free Syns^or;':c rrcde s c?cr*e r ; | tlr'.crScr., who t'i tc TL?C Ccr- • Mr. and Mrs. . W. C. Slotsky, cracks abont Hcrup Trhf'e EpcsS-. r-.rr.*r bee'rrs cf h''s rcr>-/ ry-T- . 712 34th street, left last'week ing from the --.'rii cf Ccrrsr AS Co!:-. 7.,r» A - - - v for New York where thsy will City's Terr.Tls Eeth-r*l . . . Arc! c' C"""tr~ spend several weeks. • • immediately thereafter the 'presr r:e—"rcr t r«-:*ident «5f the ccr.jrer in • - i. « r r r.-.-i .',-•(-• v m : - i f •' " . ; i-> Mr. Sara Cohen returned Mon- a' public £ts.ten2f"st 7_-. ._<.», n.»;;~;r JourCcr c ' the . " T r - - . - " - ; . " • T i • i . n * r ' t day - from' Chicago,' whore hs at-Rabbi Go'dsU!n"s tended the Food Brokers'conven- That Eagl5&i-J£vSih v,e: .£ '• • -.1.1 tion. *! hed by the jutHricr of &. rCcvi;;;-o ev-ery . O:.£ Ycrk Ti5d:3l d:.i;y U s l c : * i , P i , - Lc^ • Mr. afid Mr3. L. Sherman of V Minneapolis were guesfts .this f""" 1 f T " , week in the-home- of the latter's press ro r.r"r-". > J C6~rn t-| t — ? yr^ri; frr t>c r r c r i r f . for'the Air.cri.-en J parents, Mr. and -Mrs.- M. Sacks. T i . f r 'L tee -that when it .... s . praise th-it g:roi:? it ties'to i r a t e ir. I"=£S"si cs ve'.I r s :- T il , o p . i f ? -*-.h ( f o ? r f—(. ,, " ' . ^ ' . Mr. and Mrs.' L. E. Chesen, 202 a faiss p.-is . . . In an 'srticis'ori s t e ' r n F?cr.rr"r.. r^il-.rr r l " .'-. " : . . ? - - • " : r v >r 1, Terrace apartments, announce the • the Committee's "anstirl raeetias' Tfir "Diri Pu Sc^c?^," *rr.s tr.;* ' birth of a.sen on January 29. the Je™ifh r.Icrr.ing Jocrn.il rnn , c"! 'Tcsra freer; Calmer;-;;"' . -£i ..; the hecdllr.e: ""Dcnrocrscy Tr"ill. (Ccr*T:s-t. i r n r . b? Srv e s A "Mr; and Mrs. Fred Herzofr, S C 1'llS SsyE., Save "World end Fsrturc , JT'.i Terra Alta Court, announce the American <iev.-<"-?; Ccnfrrrr's I' . - • o" \\ The ; "CC birth of. a.son on January 26th. New York .7or.rr--'-A:r.<:ricrn ,-~rc-1 an el^ht-colnirn frr-t- prpe t"HV nor lieadltr.e to e rtrry rerortJr.r; J/I1ES DAV1DS011 award cf & carrntion to Jchn I • . HEADS' INSTITUTE the A. Mallo>r'""'«"CEs:Eg erlttcr of the Boston Ever.Ir.,*; Araer'csr.-, ertl" flertr;c rerrlrer^tr-S ?-<rrp , Jame3 E. Davidson, president Sunday AfivcrtS'^r, by a BnrJn ' cc'.S-curlr.E: tlr? r r r t recr :r; ir:s V,- • of the Nebraska Power Company, . r ~ r " i " - . •? i t D • ' S-SS. V.as signally honored by leaders Of the electrical industry last week at Boca Raton, Fla., when . greps leufi.-ns wits t.-.? .-oint nor-,1 "n : - c r ^ j e c: ' abcut : ; •j they re-elected him president of i cott CouncU, in vrhich it is a |-crt- i c ;"^_ tf-;'""f^ f of r ^ the Association"of Edison Illumj ner with the Jev.-Uh L.sbor C c a - r^"--^-""'l'!1 ^""f inatins Companies. . . . In the Co;:rrres3 Bui- ' ^ . d 1: ^ ^JL'. .^ l ! The association,, which held its I, mittee? letin there recar.tlr was en edi- , ^ ^ j . ^ ",;1V^V-" iifty-third annual meeting in Bo* r-v .. \ . r torial criticizir-s t s a potential ca 'Raton, is composed of more nuisance the C^;:;.t:i's pita ta than sisty electric service comI KOTherp --- r'clrt. panies licensed under the orig- picket tho T.'cr'.d-E Pa'r if- G.rinal Edison patents, acd repre- nir.ny is reprc-<..".lcd there . . sents 75 per cent of the electrical I ' Peor'f- vith their er.rs to tho ! output of the country. Its purpose is solely to develop the sorvics .to the public .of eleeiriclty ' bine of anti-f^ r.i'iic RICU^T. .r. i I..::.! u » . ^ CLCC^O. .L> ;_.< fo'r lisht, heat arid power. Elec- ' this coiiiiu: Lir !>cc:s ^ c i l e r d f.a sdz. t-£ ^r'ti^.'. '/..rci-c. tion to the presidency of this &s- part c£ a.1 *.'tr'. Boclation is regarded r.s a niijor :J honor_ of natie-.-.l'iaportdaco in the -elcctricrl inrii?c(r;'." " ia ir GrcrEe Dc-.thrr'"--" Gus Rogers, • formerly proprie- ton.'W. Vc, '-'•-' j"-f 6T - ' • * tor of the Brindeis Flovrer Sivop, h,itG-br,r,tl crp rc".cy"E c: j .v;r, is now operatic? the r.sjrrs Fhiri3, Lunc'ieonette located at 1304 Militant c:.r;".:ai Tzir'.atz, i'." • Farr.tr. ctrett, ia the Vv'crJd-Hcrald buSidir.s. - Mr. Holers !:.vitca Grey Z:-A:tz, t h e ic-^ zt %\'z-'..'fffors Shsa I5C0 C£ier«tcs from all'parts .of the Uni'sd Silver cr.i Dr. Slspfccrj S. X7i*s, WIKSI IS KSCCZ-13 CS SsGtKi* afseiriblsd S3 \7"c:!j:3j!ton, D. C. !a;i v/eck cl fhs Nsttanal Chairman r cf"tha United Pchrjins AppccJ; his many friends end fcrrncr pat- l E . T t c = . t t i c V / i U . C r . - c : i . - r . ' 1 - ' IVctioiial Conference c£ the United Palcssinc Appe=! to- '{center rc:v, left I? lizht,) Hsrold Jsscbi, Kstic-il Co* "it $~C rons !o'_vi3it his ne-v c=tab!i;hL:UHC1J the cjsnpaisn fcr Z^^0,CZO for the saltlcitjent in' Ch3ir-n:n;,Dr. y i : : , ar.d t!.3 Hca. Kctbsn Eitrjz, F c i mont. dies, ZS.V.C" a.:J Paleiliri.3 cf Jews cf Roucianu, Poland and Gerraaay
. L3ISS AHNA'PILL,. corresponded'
UX CiffM
Senior Hadasjscih . Planning Bridge
Shaare Zion
ta '
Ur&e.,Contestants '" .'
_ ^ for'-Subscriptions
! i.- -
I <• r,
nndsr »he !c=dsr:&ip c? Dr. Abba Hiilsi Silver cl G c v c land. TI-.3 principal cddre:3 n t'js Conference v/ca d:livercS by Sciretsry of S::c Ir.ierior H~ro!d,L. Ic!»C3 vko ' «3efl.-;red disl lb«rc was o n8"^2**" need for the upbuildi-s^ d tho Jewish NclionsI Esmo ct tlib lime'than ever L;forc. In il-.z paolo cbove crc (tip, left to rlcht,) Dr.
erd Honiinj Acrainirjrsior, rrho vrei n-ir.cd Ecr.crrry Gisinsca of she U;ii:ed PsiecSir.r; A-pcal, s::d SscreSrry Iehss CiJ&ess'n™ the Conference; (bciciv,) E-ierclrry Iciics receiving ths Golden Boo!: cerSificEie of iho Jew. ish National Fund .from Dr. Israel Goldstein, Kcttoazl Co-Chairman cf tlis United Pclesiics Appec!.
,,i:.:--:.:; T:i:v c! C". ! nought r r:f':-: for ! Dutch novrrrr.^.U -:I-... -."ic: .TKarnntc-; thst i'r. Sr~s T Eqt nti~rr.f: to nnrlzid.
HA I----.— •