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Intcrcs U of ihie Pea pie • She viewa esprcssed by Lnd» wig Lcw.sohn In bis column uro his own and do not necessarily reflect tho policies or attitude of our publication. Reproduction In whole-or in part strictly forbidden. '• ; ;
Entered as Second Class Mai). Matter on January 31. 1321, at •fustofflce ot Omaha. Nebiaska^-under the Act of March 3. 1879
VOL. XVI—No. 47
I <"7
Conference For Palestine The Conference for Palestine held on January 22 and 23 In the The date ot the Purini CarniThe principles of the game of. Mayflower Hotel-in Washington -; 7pcnsored by the Kound Tachess are to be taught at classes .was both dignified and effective. \ of Jewish Youth originally being organized at the Jewish The circa 1500 delegate from all set for March 20 has been postCommunity Center. ^ Children's parts of the country-were serious Mrs. Ben Kazlowsky.: Named Glimas in Dance posed until Saturday evening, Caapaign to classes are to "be held afternoons' President of I-I 1 without. gloom and aware of all to Gpca!President at First Honoring Dr. Gseesberg, ::-irch 26. -* and classes for adults in the evethe world's tragic circumstances ning. Materials will be furnished The Purini Carnival is one of New Members w i t h o u t discouragement, For by the Center. Vis scries of dances sponsored by once there were not too many Tournaments will be arranged • The Preside., -i the Mizrachi t i s Round Table. Mrs. BenKazIowsky was electMembers cf the local lodge of speeches nor were the speeches Zionist organization, Leon Gell'.' too long. It was upon the whole ed president fit the hew B'nai for both groups. All interested man, will be the guest of Omaha the B'nai B'rith are conducting: to register at the Centhe" most.restrained Jewish con- B'rith Auxiliary at the first meet- are asked ; a membership campaign in honor Jewry on Tuesday and Wednes•'.'"""• vention, that I have ever .had the ing and election of officers held ter. day, February 15 and 16. of Dr. A. Greenberg, president cf on Tuesday, February 9,/at the good luck, to attend. It was a .Tuesday noon he will be the Grand Lodge No. 6. The memvery excellently disciplined con- home of Mrs. Irvln Stalmaster. guest of the Men's Mizracht at a •Other officers elected' were: bership program is to be clivention and I think, that every luncheon. Wednesday' afternoon one iveni home, as I did,: with Mrs. William Lazere, ^first vicemaxed by a reception and dance the Women's Mizrachi will hold his resolves strengthened and his president; Mrs. A. .Greenberg, to t be held OE March 6 at the •a reception in his honor. • Jewish purposes sustained. _• • second vice-president; Mrs." J. Mr. Gellman' will address a Hotel Paxton in honor of Dr. and In order to make the particu- Malashqck, recording secretary; mass netting to be held WednesMrs. Greenberg and the Dr. lar point which I want to make Mrs. Jufius Bisno, corresponding day evening at S p." m. a t the "¥otes for Worsen" Cry Stirs Greenberg Membership Class. i I shall pass ^briefly over the secretary; and Mrs. Philip KlutzOrthodox Members Beth. Hamedrosh Hagodol .Synagrave .well-reasoned aiddress con- nick, treasurer. Philip Klutznick and Juliusgogue, 19th and Biirt street. At of Conmunity' • cerning,the Inner meaning of the Trustees named are: Mrs. Wil- "Let Us Be Gay" to Be Given that meeting Cantor Selz, accomBisno were chosen chairman cT on February 22' " ' -fate of German Jewry by Dr. liam ' Milder, Mrs. Sam Beber, panied by his daughter will preJerusalem (JTA)— "Votes for the campaign. 3 Joachim Prinz, the. lyrical trat- Mrs. Harry Malashock. ^ Mrs. Ird? V sent a musical program. The pub-' women" is again an issue in Jer- The committee for member' burst of dear Iltainar Ben Avi, vin Stalmaster was chosen Monilie As Invited. There will be no ship includes: Isadore Abramsor., ~ the highly important message tor; Mrs. Leon Fellman, Sentinel, A number of- new face3'will be admission .charge or solicitation usalem. As in the heyday of Sylvia Ben Barkin, Dr. Meyer Bebe-, •brought by ,Dir;. Bernard Joseph, and Mrs. Dan Llnsman, Guar- seen when the Center Players for funds.Pankhurst in London, the quest- j Sam Beber, ulius Bisno, Henri present the • 'Broadway success, -legal'councillor,'.-61 _the_ Jewish dian. •• ; - - . , ' . ' . ry F •;SJr. ; Gellman will corae here ion. of the "franchise for the fern-j G. Chait, .frt A. Cohn, Harry "Let; Us Be Gay," the third of. A g e n c y , and even the noble sumMr. Julius.. Bisno, president otv from Kansas City where he is to Isine half of the populace is I Cohen, Dr. Leon Fellman, f; ; ming up of those great ideas that the Omaha lodge of B'nai^ B'rith» fering ot the current season, on address the., convention of the arousing passions which have led I Fiedler, Milton Frohm, David Februhanve changed life for us spoke to the group of ,B.'nal Tuesday and Wednesday, : to the police station. But in the I/Goldman, Dr. Ben Gold-ware, Abe the undisputed chief and teacher B'rith activities and of the im- ary 22 and 23, at the Jewish Western Region ot the Mizrachi. Holy City at present it is not t h e / M , Greenbaum, Dr. Abe GreenCommunity Center. •'. of UB all, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, portance of having . an auxiliary advocates, but the opponents of/j berg, I. F. Goodman, J.. J. C-reer' | I 1' ' ' as well as the beautifully modu- to help carry on the B'nal: B'rith Those appearing with the Cenwomen's balloting who are den^- berg, Charies Guss, Leonard I r v lated eloquence with which Dr. program. ; : ter- Rteysrs-far the .first. time are onstrating angrily. witz, Abner Kaiman. Ben E KazAbba Hillel Silver assumed' tho T i n /•t*-*«|-"-*T*-r Mrs. KazlowsKy . will announce Lolla Fin'eman, Ida Blacker, Arn' The occasion for the revival cf lowsky, Philip M. Klutznick, C&-1 duties of Chairman of the United the appointment .of committees at old/Levin, and Ai Finkel. this question was the recent cam- ] Lagman, Harvey Leon, Dan Lin<=Palestine Appeal which the chief the organization's next meeting. Among the familiar Center paign for elections to the Jewish j man, Ephraim Marks, Saievrir Edayera taking part in .the prois laying down. Arrangements are being made to 1 Community Council. The pros- j Michnick, Henry Monsky, duction are: Sale win MIchnick, * - ,- : I B'rith and the pect of women exercising, for the Resnick, Dr. Sam Stern, and X. I pass over these briefly, I. say, enable ^thetoB'nai Martha Himelstein, Bertha Guss, meet on the ^ first time ia a local election, the S. Yaffe. In order to dwell on the address Sam • Kaplan, Margaret FrledlanLeague Refusal to Treat franchise granted to them in of the Hon. Harold L. Ickes; Sec- evenings.. Announcement' will be, ^ Saks and Sam White.'_ Members of the Dance Com. 1935, raised a storm among a I mittee are: Ben Barkin, chai-retary of the interior, *not out of made later. , ish Petitions ri C'rc.jr'cr Ir MrsAHerman Jahr is directing large segment of the orthodox I •man; Dr. Leon Fellman, Al Fiecsnobbishness. Any one w h o . The Auxiliary was - formed on the play and'Nathan Sekerman is . Lauded . . Jews in the city. j ler and Harvey Leon. knows me at all knows ..that I am Tuesday, February 1, when a designing the sets. "" ' Most of the polling places are j apt to err on the other side. I meeting was held at the home of Bucharest (WNS) — Rumania "Let Us Be Gay", is a scintilhave been accused, again and Mrs. A. Greenberg. At that time lating, witty comedy, famed for scored a great diplomatic victory located in synagogues, which are \ tions a over the Jews at Geneva because also being used as centers for again of anti-goyishness (If IMrs. Nathan-Metzger of Detroit, its sophisticated humour. may say so) of a Jewishness too President of the Women's' Divi- : The ^ets for^the play are "the the Council of the League -of Na- distribution of registration cards. Received by Farm uncompromising. Less than two sion, Grand Lodge No. 6, of B'nai most ambitious yet executed for tion refused to grant urgent Men and women mingle in the r.c' c-scr'f;'"- .~ > B'rith, was-present. Mrs. Lee temples on registration days and School Committee I_ weeks ago a.goqd: and , learned a Center • production and include treatment to Jewish petitions and r* , <• 7 - " ~ - ' '«• rabbi chided me openly for my Snider, Chicago', member of the one scene with a- fountain of ru'n- thus gave Rumania a free hand will go to the polls together. l e v • • >• C O O T " — r ' r Pious adherents of the Agudath] The Applications Committee ci persistent use of the vrord'Galuth Executive Committee was also ning water../ to carry out its revision of Jews' Foreign Minister Is- Israel, non-Zionists orthdes or-; The National-Farm School is n c r for our estate and "for character- present.. Season tickets will-admit^ Sin- citizenship, p, g , c eir- • : F f ' - r ' The charter application will re- gle' admissions may be gotten at trate Miceseu told the cabinet in i esnization, regard this with ia-j receiving appneaaons izing the present generation, even ; main with the group • until -after In; America. as a dor'ha-midbar, a theV Jewish - Cdmmnnitr f'Ceater. •: flesert generation.: But: "there- the,:ne3ct meeting; so-as'-to give - forehand- t&fa -• thing being -so-I- more' iroiiea L'tlfe -'ariiti Jege_flt,hfe. am. in a position-to point out coming g a r t e r members. Those If" I't.-' r " "' aX fact. that I : have observ- Interested inf joining should call - „ r _ , - _ , . _ . c. raent has opportunity to sj-Eagogue In the Zichron Moshe i mental-and moral health, are e"- r ed an hundred times and that Ivirs. Ben - Kazlowsky,- ; Market igible. They ratist, of course, dequarter," 'inhabited largely • Be' Field -, at • Estesexamine the. petitions. was- again Illustrated by Mr. 0717, of any of the other bffimonstrate tneir interest in ap' , ,,.':liquidation of Jewish business orthodos Jews. Ickes' no less than masterly dis- cers; "" The 15th annual camp conven- interprises, heavy urithdra-vrs of A party of young men, wearing i riculture and .their determinatior c rc r p\---f_, c-e C'T - r" cburse. "Hie fact is this, that to the • ankle-length coats, hard ! to make rhat vocation their life's tion of A. Z. A. will be held at bank deposits by Jews, cancellathe highest type of Gentile men- Hebrew Club tp ' , ths YMCA Camp, Este3 Park, tion .01-large commercial orders round black hats and four-inch, j calling. tality" and character the total Colorado, Sam Beber, . president by Jews and steady declines in curled sidelocks of the most re- j The. National Farm Schorl Give Passover . Zionist position, both philosophithe Supreme Advisory Council the price of comaodities hare Hgious Jews, descended wrathful-i founded in 1SS-6, held? t r ° c,:-' v ' i- ht Io V " - p cal and political, is crystaline in April 23 ofof A. Z. A. announced today. The created an economic crisis of ma- ly on the-polling place in the syn- | tinction of being iiniqt*\ r c'its clearness and its /"necessity convention will start June 24th jor proportions, a nation-wide agogue, where distribution of t h e ' fering to city bors the c-p^-'Lrwithin the historic processes of . A poSt-Passover ball will be and close July 1st. • : • : • . ' - . survey revealed. A. study of ec- registration cards was taking i ity for .agricultural trairi 1 ~ T t o this age'and meets (luckily, given by the Omaha Hebrew Club Mr. . Beber was' enthusiastic onomic conditions shoved that place, and demanded that the course covers tkree years ^ r<~r-luckily!) within that type of on Saturday, night, April 23. . desecration cease. There was a e'ral agriculture and r - ^."z mind and character s none of the : The : following committee has when he learned that his. efforts hundreds of factories have clos- brawl,- several hundred registra-j such specializations "as c c v ' - ^ to secure this site had been suced doven with a consequent inmorbid inner obstacles that exist been appointed by I. Morgention cards were torn up, and fur-| ing, dairying, poultryir-'-, u : 1 ,• f ' - r ; in Jewish minds not otherwise stern, president, to arrange for cessful. "I have .traveled through- crease in unemployment and the n i t u r e s v a s out the United States," he said, disruption of normal trade. All ' overturned and smash- able gardening,, farm • r - ' - - - r ;r, despicable. • T c 1 " Ci r . c~ n • the affair: . . .. , : "but I regard Estes Park as the observers predict that if the gov-e d etc. Today •wben prefers ~ " Mr. Ickes to begin .with, while John Feldman, chairman; Al- most beautiful spot in the entire ernment's -anti-Jewish program is Amram Blau, brother of Rabbi i many industries are ove-crevt-c : . not underestimating in the Jew- bert Kaplan, co-chairman; Nath- country." " ' continued economic conditions Moshe Blau, president of the j farming offers unusual c~pc-^i-ish world situation the factors of an Yaffe, Hymen Shrier, J. J . Agudath Israel, was taken into i ities for those practical!: ETC1 EC - , „ ~ The Estes Park Conference will grow much -worse. economic . and political" disloca- Friedman, Ben Kazlowsky, Irvin Camp has 700 acres and is locustody, by police. He was quickly j entifically trained. *\ C ' * , While new anti-Jewish meation, did not assign primary cau- Levin, '.Joe . Tretiak, D a n i e l cated in the heart of the beautirelealesed on bail. The Agudah j Tee School'is located i Z i c l r 7* sative force to these. Soberly and Schwartz, Ellhu Bloch, Izzie Sps- ful scenic esantry adjoining the sures continued to pile up, the organization promptly repudiated j County, about SG mi c: f 01 Goga cabinet's first anti-Jewish naturally without Jewish defen- kin', Jack Saylin, Ben Pefelman, Rocky Mountain National Park. any violent tactics. Rabbi Porush ! Philadelphia, in one of ti - -ic1 r TL" ' V sive passion he pointed out and Louis Moskovitz, Joe Klrshen- The camp has accommodations decree, an order cancelling the secretary _ of the organization, | est sections of t£e• Stat^ -I ~r licenses of Jewish inkeepers be•once more grounded' and'estab- baum, Philip Zollotuchen,' Louis for 400 boys. Of this number, one told t h e ' Jewish Telegraphic i nsylvairia. First-class co EL ' cause they were "poisoning the " lished the fact.that in a. world of Morgan, and Charles Mann. hundred,and fifty delegates from nation;" boomeranged when the Agency: "In our community, as j accommodations, boars., b->ct dark pagan reaction against both as many'cities are expected'to at- government's alcohol department in all others, there are a few wild j etc. are furnished ic s.- *ic- i liberty and goodness the . Jews tend while the balance of 250 announced that only 3,000 of the Bavker, co-chairmen of tne com- ] the training course." F i - I * - T : were felt to be-the symbols of lib- Omaha Choir and reservations will go to the first country#B 40,000 Inkeepers were p e a c e , n o t s a n c t i o n e d by t h e c r - ! f o r m a t i o n e.n& a p p l i c a t i - r 1 - - ' erty and goodness, of that rightapplications received at A. Z. A. Jews and that all of the Jewish ganization." Dramatic Group i may be had by addressirj eousness and humanity and esheadquaters In Omaha, Rabbi Porush declared that al-j fice of ths School, 170" " r innkeepers had obtained their li. -Chooses-:-Officers' Among the recreational facili- censes through legal channels. though the Agudists do not par- i street, PhiiE.asIr;!:JE. sential democracy which their faith and vfdys had brought into ties of the camp are: tennis The department has demanded ticipate in the Jerusalem Com- j the world and were therefore cru- - A special -meeting of the Oma- courts, a large 1 athletic field, that the licenses be restored. munity — they maintain a com- j JosepB. Sashnilz cified by the tyrants who desired ha Choir and Dramatic Club was where the 1938 A. Z. A. Olympics Among the new anti-Jewish mea- munity 0* their own with its own \ to destroy all" that the Jews his- held last Monday evening at-.the will be held; horseback riding sures wereeacls irLoncr T . orders forbidding social services — their organiia- j home, of Mr. and Mrs. T. Her. t o r i tfa.l.l y and. metaphysically (more than 125 horses will be Jews to engage in electoral prop- tion had no intention of isterfer- j at Crelgli.rr U. stand- for "and represent. H o a s - man to elect officers for the next available); and hikes to many aganda for any party and in- ing with the election. I t , does i • ", -'. maintain h e signed -to- the Jewish people the six months. tfcat the Jerj nearby points of interest, includThose to serve are: N. Martin, ing Long's Peak, Bear Lake, Loch structions by the Metropolitan of I usaleni 'Community has no right J o s e p h Soshnik. ~ e - c . fundamental being of a democraassy, to refuse all petitions for tic and libertarian people and president; Mrs. H. Azorin, vice- Vale, the Glaziers,. Fern - and baptism from Jews until after to use the synagogtte, objecting i ^rcshcian, led ail sttcstherefore 'saw with the immedia- prssident; Julius Schneider, sec- Odessa Lakes and Marguerite the completion of citizenship re- particularly to the presence t cy of the soundest vision that retary; Mrs. P. Crandel, treasur- F a l l s . • • • ' • ' ton LniTersitj' at the evisions. Chambers of commerce women. , - f . this people driven iorth from the erj Ben Martin, dramatic direcsemester vitb. have also been order to eliminnew slave-state, the sword ene- tor; J. Say Ian, choir director. 43. Sol ","e: e'rnar:. ?-- ate .all Jewish members. Foreign MacMIciiael T SWISS JEWRY MAPS ,. 1 - ( mies of liberty arid brotherhood At this meeting Mr. and Mrs; was a close second will S'fJews seeking entry ia crder to and democracy, should reinte- T. Herman and Mrs. and Mrs. A. •FIGHT. ON'NAZI"-age 0:1 SG.T2. liquidate their business affairs 1~ grate itself, on Its own soil and Schneider were accepted as new DRIVE- ••: •• '•" Mildred Laj•tin TTEE v ~ have been refused permission. . " . t there determine its own, fate and members. the JcurEfilisr n ^school Even foreign bound for the port The dramatic section of the future-and that it should do so club, ! 15 .'16. of Constahza on their way to'Pal- '. London (JTA) — Sir Karold ] average of £J under the direction of Ben Geneva (JTA) — The Swiss T not only In order to save its rem- Martin, is rehearsing a- four-act Co liege Jur estine have been denied entry. MacMichael, who becomes KIgfc University Federation of Jewish Communitnants but as a part of the histor- play, •'• "The True Power", by I. met to consider steps to com- Reports from the provinces indi- Commissioner for Palestine at trade Orucli vras seccr*. •• _ z. ic process In defense and illus- Gordon. "This play has never be- ies bat a Nazi campaign for a consti cate that,the lot of the Jews is the end of February, will issisi tration of those democratic prin- fore been presented In Omaha/ r>ac, ?S f T p tutlonal" amendment "to regulate becoming progressively worse. In on a drastic purge of the Palesciples which are the life prining anicr tho legal .status of the Jews In •many places the authorities, have tine administration, The Star reciples of the American people and changed the market day from ported. Sir Kavold insists en sub- jsity Coi'ege SOphOTTiOr .Switzerland." the American state. In • other A. Z. IThursday fo Saturday Sa order to stitution of administrators o' j Zwibelman ?••as s e c o r The Swiss National Front, Nazi Jewish traders. Scores words he had no difficulty , in HOLD JOINT MEETING organization, has annonced its in- exclude of-Jewish stores have been closed proved strength for those whose equating Zionism with Americane .. 1 tention to seek a refcrdum oa the without 'reason'in Bessarabia and failure to enforce order has b|en ism nor any difficulty In .equatamendment. The petition requires Dr. A. C. Fellman, promenint condemned by the Peel ' Rcfal; „. . Transylvania." ing It with the defense of deOmaha physician, and Mr. Milton a minimum of 50 000 signatures, Commission, the*report said. j ', mocracy fh the world. Scheur, member of the public while the membership of the NaSir Harold, -who is cow Gorer- i ic Well, hov/ many weary times health* department, will address tional Front does not exceed 16;,nor c£ Tanganyika, is shortly j Eevolutiosist' Honored have I not had older Jews "still ;a Joint- meeting .of A. Z. A. chap- 000. Rolf Henne, leader of the leaving Kenya for London, it was | .. The argue with mo on the silly old -ters 1 and 100, on Sunday, Febr- Nazi group since 1934 recently ' i Warsaw (JTA)- — The oldsst stated. ... ground that Zionism wa3 incom- uary 13, at the Jewish Commun- resigned. . . surviving participant ia the Po- - Nuri Pasha es-Said, former Ir- j Aliian: PoaU Sion, v patible with A'mericanism and ity Center,^ Jewish leaders •- expressed the lish revolt of 1863, a 100-year- aqi Foreign B-Iinister, visited. Col-i rcrjius. younger Jews on the equally r.H- • Dr.- Fellman and Mr. Scheur belief that the move for a refer- old Jew named -Aaron Engelman, onial Secretary'William Ormsb.y-j r ' J a r J' I, (it S:SD p. ly ground that something; they ^IJljpresent lectures on social endum hsd little chance for. sue .was visited by a delegation of Gore and ether Colonial Office i Jewish called British imperialism. Invali- diseases, and show slides to ill- ,c?s3,.-'.'sin.te a proposal for ahigh army officers ia connection and Foreign Office officials Xhe i s * e s d ,e" Tvtsiay, re;? dated the work of tho up-building ustrate their talks. This prs;-; 'change in the Constitution re- with the commemoration, of the | Palestine situation was disci ssefi. j ^ ' a s Kieeling date wr of Palestine. To enlightened gram is the second in a'series of quires majority approval in- Par- 75th anniversary of, the uprising. |I hecansc cf the confiic Americans these arguments seem program which the chaptera are liament and the sanction of 12 o Engelman,' Ea-'orllzodcs Hsssidie fire I 'Center Forum lecture. never even • to occur. Mr. Ickes' sponsoring during the present Switzerland's 25 cantons. Ther Jew, holds a medal presentcd-to hundred. Jews'enlisted-in the Ka-j • All -members are re- c • is by no means my first or only year for the benef/t of its "mem- are an .estimated 20,000 Jews ia the late Marshal Pilsts.2- tional Guard dxirlsg the Ilevola-1 c •ise us tills is ., £.n r> (Continued on page $.) bers. •;-.' Switzerland. otber- distlEcticas. tion. ' '• s \
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man-Jewish students in Arnericaa Romberg. MGM has gives universities. Frankel is the 16th "the contract and placed him In "Lum and Abner" , r student that S. A. ^i. has sponfull charge of music for "BalaSara Bebcr chapter No, 100 Will Appear on 4 sored. ••'-.-. .'-.". '.:-'': wil hold a smoker Sunday even- laika," European stage success. i%, Ft Baoauso of his excellent work ing at the B'nai Israel synagogue Lawrence Weicgartea will pro- U l l r fi f hS I If US Postum Program in the Workshop productions and starting at S o'clock. A class of dv.ce the film. Eomberg, corsiLL'u JL!I\L< 0 Little Theatre groups, Raymond new members will be given the poser of "The Student Prince," "Lum and Abner," radio's foreBrown, Kansas City, has been first degree di'ring the evening. "Maytime," and other musics.! most delineators of rural comedy, given a part in the neat Univer- A full program of entertainment kits cf the stage, came to Holly-, have been signed for a new serf n a t i 0 ™ide sity Players- production, High has been planned by the social wood, and MGM to compose "The j Brits, to Isstie Det&Scd Etate- ! iio s o!: broadcasts t 0 Tor."While his parVln this forth- committee under the leadership Night Is Yoixag," with Oscar jf-tart about March 1 under sponen SCe^M IsvestiHammerstein, III, and returned coming University Players^play la of Sonny Richards, chairman. By William Zukerman ,! sorehip of General Foods in the ratjea after a New York engagement to a minor one, Raymond's rise has interests of Postum. Details of A regular chapter meeting will EOW been rapid due to. his consistent- be held Suhday afternoon at thework on "Slaytime." He is cow time and network will be anLondon (JTA) — The British ; In this second of a scries of try .•without ruining It. Just .as It between the young, active and ly fine work in' the Little Thea- Jewish Community Center. After handling the musical end of "'Thej Government plans to issue a de- nounced later. two articles analyzing tho Ru- cannot get along without foreign ambitious Carol and the senile tre groups, and he has establishof the Golden West" . . \ . ! tailed statement BODE OR its'new I In signing with General Foods,, manian • Jewish . situation! -Mr. capital which develops most of Hindenburg who turned over the ed himself in the field of speech the business of the chapter ^ Girl Vice President Jack L. Warner | investigation m Palestine, but !L u m E n d A bner will work under been taken care of, members v(ili Znkerman, tho noted Enropenn its industry.'• Previous attempts power to Hitler. and dramatics at the University join the .Mother - chapter in astudios has as- as reached no decision ret on an It h e same banner with Jack Bencorrespondent, • points, out the - to do both have'always ended In of Nebraska. Selzer, former immigration,ochedclc for the in- nj"> B u rns an <Allen, Kate Smith, signed Edward joint meeting to hear a talk and The fact is that^ the Rumanian factors which, may prevent Hn- failure. of the Studio terim period, and meanwhile is . .. • Three members of Sigma'Omisee pictures given by Dr. Abe McBrlde, Gabriel anti-Semitic,policy* IS entirely demania from becoming a second as head, of the concerned cron are on the four man debate Fellman. Heatter, Robert L. "Believe-It-orRumania hasn't even got that, orer Palestine's econvoid of soil; it is an artificial Germany ~-ancT thus t.pare the trailer department. Sandy Abra- omic situation. noni Not" Rlpley, Boake Carter, Jack lc, politi- team Q{ the University that is Jews of Rumania the fate of growing middle-class which Po» product wthout ec° debating the state colleges in Ne- Plans are going forward for hams, formerly in charge of the The Government's vieirs •vrere Haley and the "Good News of land has and which,is there t-eekcal or psychdlogtcal roots. Neither, Gcriuan "Jewry.—The Editor. the chapter's annual Spring Fro'itter department, will continue 10SS" ehow. ing to acquire the ecenomic posi-, the peasantry nor labor, the mid- braska. They are: Leo Eisenstatt, lic which will be held on April as '" Selzer's assistant. Robert presented to Commons by Willtions held by the Jews". Nor does >dle class nor even, the big in-Omaha; L:eo Turkel, Lincoln; 23, the last . day of Passover.iam G. A. Ormsby-Gore, Colonial Chester Lauck and Norria Goff. The holders of the second view, she possess t h e ' intelligentsia dustrialists a t e behind it. Not and Arthur Hill, Lincoln; The Committees. in charge of the who play the roles of "Lum and on Rumanian do not share the which, aB in Germany, ia truly only the democratic peasant par- debate team goes to Omaha this dance are headed by Sonny Richby Geoffrey Mander, Liberal; Abner" and the other characters acters opinion that Rumania must-of able and eager to acquire thej>ro- v«.w. ,^«P ««.»«««..„,..., j.coM«i,.ya f -! week, and then makes a trip out- ards and Harold Zelinsky. Tick- publicity business to become stu- Tom Williams, Lsborlte, and Sir heard in -their broadcasts, have ty. but , ^ debating *Ohan~<r the •».«—-)„... *.dio publicity director at Warn..,,. «»v even v»v" the "1 - reactionary —-twusi, B " 'r ar -isUtate rarious denomnecessity fdllow In every way. the tessional , positions, of the' Percy Karris, Liberal. tianou 'Liberal Party, must even- . colleges. ets will be issued to members er's j been in radio since early in 1931. footsteps o£*Nazi Germany. They Whereas In Germany, the Jews at tually oppose such a policy. The l n a t i o n a l Replying to Mr. Kander's quesnext week. SOPHIE TCCKEB'S BIRTHDAY Norman Harris; Omaha, Is writd not d l " "obvious b da not denxztlieobvious fact that the time of t'Se rise."of*the'Naz entire thing is a concoction of tion whether it WES proposed to Chapter members are particiondon (WNS) — The Soviet the ..recentf political upheaval i n regime, had already accomplished Nazi diplomacy, a device through ing the radio.column for the Dai- pating Sophie Tucker, who celebrated | Permit Jewish immigration on a | Government's policy of in a snooker tournament ly Nebraskan, student daily pubkeeping their task in developing Gorman Rumania; has. heea,. inspifed, diSO years ia vaudeville, night larger scale ia view of the con-j i* which Nazi Germany seeks to directed by Norman Kuk- her i .u.7 citizens away from all foreign rected anbf even financed' by Nazi industry and, 'commerce.' arid strengthen its position in South- lication, in the capacity of radio being clubs'and radio by becoming a lin, athletic committee chairman. motion picture actress, had asiderable period lying ahead be- j contacts is expected to lead to the editor. Germany^" 'They admit 'the great could, be "eliminated , with ease,' in- eastern Europe. Since Winner' of the tournament trill birthday last week. She invited ' fore anything would be done to j Rumariiaindustry and commerce temptation;- nay even-the.need^of e s p U ] s i o n Of the 111 German-Jewmany has made anti-Semitism the receive as first prize, four months the!. .Goga-Cuza , government to still need Jewish enterprise and chief tool of its diplomacy, every i the Palestine problem, the iish rf?r , lfree phvsiclaas'who were -.-Hadassah dues to the chapter free. 150 guests to help her take IaColonial Secretary said, ."that is jg i v e B p o ! . i a o n ! , 1n S o v i e t jnatltufollow '.Germany's anti-Semitic capital: for generations: tp. come, one of its moves is made to apE E t t M proper of^the occasion. Kiss j etion zP for consider-1 bycoining the Government efter H ions curing the past fwo years road.: , Yet; they, hold that icondi- Economically, there is no: country pear as an' anti-Semitic upheaval, . Hadassah will hold its Infant Tucker note is being groomed for stardom by MGM producers because March SI" (vhen the present im- through the euovts ol the Agrotioas in Rumania and fn Germany in Europe "which has-less reason but it does ri&t require too much Welfare affair on the regular TAU GAMMA DELTA Jo'nt- according to word received of her successful debut in picmigration schedule expires). are-- so fundamentally different and needJfor an.anti-Jewish Etate power ofv observation-to see the meeting date of W e d n e s d a y here from Moscow. Some of the tures. policy than' Rumania. Politically, In answer to s, written <;ueBtion from jeach other, 'that-all, the. diA meeting of the Tau Gamma non-Jewish diplomatic and poli- March 2nd. Instead of the reguplomatic good-wjli on the part of Rumania came out of the great tical objectives. sticking out be-lar meeting a large Open Board Delta Sorority was held on Sun- Miss Tucker 3s used to work- by Mr. Williams, he caid: "Con- i tloctovs are said to liave been ar-. tho Rumanian rulers and all tho.war with'tt\e' richest, spoils in hind the ant^-Semitic screed. The Meeting will be held on the same day, January 30, at the home of ing for everything she gets end Btant pressure by the military j rested r.r.d being held inconipolitical pressure'- brought upon Europe^' It acquired Bessarabia, Goga-Cuza government, as well date at 12 noon at the Jewish Miss Beatrice Glazer. • she has coine all the war froja and police has been maintained, j There have been successful en- i them-by their Nazi masters will Bukovina, \ Transylvania, • huge 33 the entire movement of 'Ru-Community Center to discuss The following new officers a kitchen helper's,job in her Patronize Onr Advertisers '" x " c * I counters with armed bands, not-! not make Rumania simply retrace rich tracts of latad "from Russia, mania for the *Rumanlans'. is one some very vital problems. The were elected: Miss Goldie Wolf- ^ /». ,'"\. 7"'"\C"~"ii Germany's anti-Jewish/ steps. • For Austria and Hungary. The fact of those secret moves and intri- Dessert luncheon being given by son, president; Miss Edith Ep- father's holc-m-the-Tall restaur- j M o p e P a t l o n B in G £ l i i e e t 0 V M | m Bridgeport, Conn to the t h e cn& 0{ D c c e K b c r . t h er e . | In spite of the belief 39 fashion- is that no "dttier country,-not: even gues, of Balkan diplomacy which tho Infant Welfare Committee stein, secretary, and Miss Eva ant_ position of being-a kings fevorT h l v f t g Ci eVBlon oC j pble ; now among many people any . of the , Great Powers.! has may, of course," do much mischief will be held on the 10th floor of Ruderraan, treasurer. that method . . . Sophie b f i n d g i n tb fiistrict_ The {both. non-Jews. and Jews alike). gained so much in-Eur'ope 33 Ru-while it. lasts, but it certainly is the Brandeis Stpre. The feature Meetings will be held twice was born on a «hip Bone BOOn 0 C :lc and financlRl Eitur.tion In anti-Semitism is not .some myE- mania. . F r o m a little Balkan not a move deeply rooted in theevent of the afternoon will be a monthly. miles at sea from. Oaessa, RUECO r i g e t 0 ^n .terious or' mystical phenomenon state,: recently emerged from un- economic and political soil of Ru- book review by Rabbi David A. Bia, where her parents re^aed , t h e r e b&&b e e a &ni n c r c a s e i E which has no earthJy causes and der the Turkish yoke,- it has be-mania and it cannot ^endure. It Goldstein on "Tomorrows Bread" After coming to the L S. A. t e r c a c i a i , i e r m e n t f « o r e particularlv can be called out at wilt by .the come one of .the richest-arid, most is a cjeverly managed Nasi man- by Beatrice Bisno. family, settled in Hartford . . . " anti-Semitic magician as a rabbit, influential states in southeast oeuvre, perhaps'even a diplomatic She was IS at the time, a stout 5n Es.i*a anfi Tel Aviv. Mrs. Dave Sherman, Chairman, Krplring to & question br Sir from a hat. Anti-Semitism i^'not, Europe, chiefly through tho- ac- Nazi" victory, but it is no more S EEKABSKTgirl aad had a voice that could assisted by' Mrs. Morris KatelPercy, the Colonial Secretary as the Nazis believe, some un- quisition of territories and fabu than "this. be heard quite a distance . . . It CONTRACTS man, anouuee the following comlous wealth tafcen from others Esid: '-'I hope shortly to be in. a Jjnown affliction" which is' mys.Irving Cu minings, veteran di- was that voice that changed her, j t j tQ m a J _ e R f t a t e m e n t on teriously, generated by, Jews by and given to her. Certainly, R 4- . Such is the second view of themittee: Mrs. Sidney Cahan, Mrs. from a woman without a coun- \ .^ ^^«^«,» __^ _,_^ - — tho mere. fact of their existence jnania cannot . be.. said' to be a Rumanian situation" now preval- I. N. pherniss, Mrs. Arthur Coh- rector of many exceptionally fin© try" to an "ioternstionsl citi- tytfce npersonnel e,n& viBit to Fa : non-Jews, and from which 'have-not' nation whtch-has come ent among the Jews in Europe en, Mrs. Jack Cohn, and Mrs.photoplays, is in possession of a - , , ' ' , , ." --•••*-"•-•» '-'"-*" j estine of t h e proposed technical new long-terra contract with 26th commission." no gentile people is-exempt.' Like out wronged from the war arid "it" Is-'a less alarming view than, Bertha Ellis. zen," beloved b y people of all n a - I! „„ .•_-.• .. Also Mrs. Dave Epstein, Mrs. Century. Cummings is returning tions for her sieging and. charity most, other, social manifestations, which has legitimate- or illegiti- the first and;.is more hopeful of Miss Tucker had no eppor-j „ „ , , . , to the studios in Beverly Hills the Jewish position in the coun- J. M. Erman, Mrs. John Faier, anti-Semitism-Is deeply rooted' jn mate grievances.where he directed such well-re- tanity to stndy" voice "training | TEREAI OF PALESTINE Mrs. Leon Graetz, Mrs. Robert try. The writer cannotvouch for certain soils and is .a"product of 9 called pictures as "The White while working in the restaurant j certain 1 economic, -political and What Jare- -the vcauses, then, therabsolute correctness of either Kooper, Mrs. H. R. Milder, Mrs, Parade," "Ia Old Arizona," and where her day began at 4 a. in. TEAOtERS STFJKE cultural conditions. In economic, -political : or "other, of these (although' he does not Albert Newman, Mrs; H. E. New- "The ' Cisco Kid." His recent . . . Before ete was oft to school EKBS , where th^so conditions are miss- which Should now -drive-Rumania want to hide his greater sym- man, Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, Mrs. films include "Vogues of 1038," she prepared food In the kitchen, ins, no .amount of- propaganda is.! on a cpjjrse of unrest.and despair pathy with the less alarming Samuel Swartz, Mrs. Harry Trus- made by Walter Wanger, and swept the floor and set the tables Jerusalem (JTA) — Threat o£ likely •' to raise-; an anti-Semitic such -afejis" at: least understandable- view), but he advances them as tin, and Mrs. Albert Wohlner. Universal's '.'Merry-Go-Roun<5 of . . . Her voice lessons consisted strike by the Federation o* Jew: typical .attitudes of European At the 2nd meeting of the Cul- 1938," He also directed "Curly of calling- out orders for gefuelte j isfe Teacher^ in protest against movement/' to'-- the same height, in Ger&any? • What hatf she • to permanency and ^intensity as" Ingain1 by'Tireaking- treaties\entered Jews towards the tural class on "Jewish Personal- Top." His first 2-Oth Century as- fish and noodle soup . . . One | withdrawal / o£ a fK mnntfciv ^ of a ?E monthly those places-wliefe'the-conditions at "•Versq.illes,- which gave her half in Rumania at the present mo- ities" held at the "home of Mrs.signment will be to direct Shir- day the Howard Brothers o* "cost of liring" tllowance added ; ment, It is Important to add that, Samuel Davis, 'Nathan The Wise' ley Temple ia "The Little Lady Vaudeville fame came into the £orit-'are. ripe^-';^;; • :.^V-^,^V3 ;; j to teachers' Bs'srieE "two years curiously enough, both Rumanian by Less ink was reported on byof Broadway" • Rumania;lia : sVnone ; " of "•'- thoise restaurant and hearicg her yell ago, has been ended. Negotiations >-which and Polish Jewrlek"tafeethe more Mrs. J.. . • Edwsrd Harold S. Barish and a bioorders, told her she could between the teachers ? By optimistic view ! of the situation sketch on "Moses Men- Bromberg started .the new year really, sing ant . the - conditions whlcix^bave mad? "Ger^ "foreign ' '* capital and do not on the whole .share graphical : They were only Jewish. National Council, which by having a new contract'offered delsohn" was givea by Mrs. Joe many and Poland hSt-beds ol which supports most of. her jjreat to him by 20 th Century-Fox kidding, but she believed everythe Jevrfeb. echool anti-Semitism', arid no amount of industries?, What real benefit the opinion of the alarmists who Layman. which will keep him In Holly- thing they told her That is erBtcm ia Palestine, will be reexpeet -a second Germany In RuStudy G»*oap Nazi propaganda can make it so.can a country with a population bow her desire to become an actfor a third year. Two years Earned, Points Jsene wiil be ."•••. " ; At the next meeting of the Ha-wood Economically no other country in of thirty-five per cent other than mania. ago, Bromberg was playing in ress and a singer developed . . . submitted to arbitration. dassah Study group to be held .Europe:is as well placed as'RuWith 15 ia her purse and s milRumanian gain by a-policy of Ru(Copyright^ 1338,. by Seven Arts next Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. at the : New* York's Group Theatre when lion dollars worth of confidence mania. . I t is• not' :oniy blessed mania:.for the Rumanians? Patronise Ouf Advertisers he "wasa lured, into the movies. eFature Syndicate.) Tvithtbe most: fertile soil in Eur- It. is^-folly to compare 'a situahome of Mrs. Joe Lagman 1M j while w i t h f l a t t e r stage groapp and tops ia her heart, she startope, but it has. the richest min- tion such; as this with that of N. 33rd street, Mrs. Morris (ha-^nniha i h s c„<„„.,.„.** rit!cs, d of--„t .h, e. - ed out for New York and fame erals and greatest oil-wells on the dermany. who Jost the war and "':;:S&ma- Alpha Mu. Franklin will speak on "Heinrich . . . After masy long years of INVEST f A*TL>\ C»-Y IN f h l s p o r t r a y a l oi t b e role Heine" and Mrs. Isadore Schreibstruggling as a cale singer, then European' continent. That ' coun- sustained the greatest political _ , « ^ o { Dr Hichberg n Mea man wjll review the try alone has more natural re- blow a great power has sustained poetry of White." You may recall Bron- ES a vaudeville entertainer end Stephan* Fra.enkel' of - Berlin, later an engagement with Sieg-i sources than a dozen other states In centuries; whose-population.Is <5ermany,\ arrived -at .the chapter Heine. Tferg's performances in such films fel.d Follies, she became an inter-1 in Europe taken together. I t canoverflowing .its borders:. whose house last week to enroll in the as "Second Honeymoon," "Sev- national star. support.its population not only in country, has not the natural re- University of Nebraska's College CO, BLUFFS HADASSAH Representg S1 Strong Corr3f orr3f5ffln» enth Heaven," "Girls' Dormiles— Everv Ts'pe spe of Insura Iuance prosperity, but in affluence. Un-• sources to, support, itself,; .whose of Engineering: where he will tory," sad "The Crime of Dr. em B d Witt C Bcnde Written. Call A T like othef^Bastern and central- peasants y are impoverished and major in architectural design. The Council Bluffs Senior Ha766 e? W A 6150, A new long term (Copyright, 1SSS, by Seven Arts European countries, Rumania is whose .industrial workers are His- schooling in Germany , was daissah- will hold its annual linen Forbes" Feature Syndicate) .c. Hver Fox not over-populated. While ^ starving; whose middle class.and in the Emperor Frederick school shower at the Hotel Chieftain on contract and one of the most important assignments of the movie Scarfs to many, Poland ^and a good many intelligentsia'ihaye no. outlet, for in Berlin, and In the Higher Wednesday, February 16. Complete season is the cause for the wide ' othSr. European states arje liter- their abjlitiesV and whose people School of Technology In Hanover sert luncheon will be served^at smile covering the face of the Your ally'overf lowing with people and is-eaten up by real anti imaginary where ."he took .a general course- 1 o'clock. ' Spring distinguished composer, Eigmund aro genuinely in heed of Jan out- grievances and- is in "a. state of that included Latin, German and Outfit Mrs. Ben Gershun, chairman, let, Rumania could'easily accom- economic apd political despair. It French. Due to the different sch- wishes to announce cash $98 modate'twenty five-million rbore" is just as foolish, as to compare olastic systems in United States tion instead of linen will be ap. jtLZA® LfflEM ' people •without feeling the strainl the German nationalist movement and Germany, Stephen has enterAttracts. Customers Mrs. Gershun is beRumania "has no -'superfluous' which, politically had embraced ed the university as a sophomore. ing assisted by Mrs. M. Bernstein, Year 'Round Fflshion OMAHATOWEL population, Jewish' or -other, such one-half of the German ' people His attendance, of Nebraska. uni- Mrs. L. Bernstein, Mrs. Sam Mey f,t Home or Abroad! and' psychologically almost the versity has ben made possible" by as has made Poland famous. erson and Mrs. H. Fried. Yours Since 1S7S Compared - with- the peasantry entire nation when • It came to Sigma Alpha Mu's • national proKE 2S2© i lie I ailored of Poland, that "of Rumatnia is power, with the Goga-Cuza move- gram of placing outstanding GerPatronize Our Advertisers : wealthy,-The Rumanian peasant j ment which drew less than 10 per has not only a more fertile soil, cent of-the people's-votes at a but a greater area of land. .rBy general'election and which has no its great acquisition ' of"-. foreign soeiaT or • psychological anchorterritory after tho w'ar, the Ru-age in any class of Rumanian "sch. manian government has been able .ciety. Or .to- draw- a,'comparison to satisfy\tha.. land hunger'of its peasants without affecting its This particular New Spring own • landlords. • "there' is no fak d because b f ss veil liked of Suit mine .condition among Rumanian its unusually good fit . . . it* peasants as among the Polish.. trim taiio-ing and fine fal> rire in gabardine and wor"Industrially, the country is pot Fteds, "Slack, Navy, Oxford, developed even to a portion of its Draaa. Dronco, Alutninutn,' B rown. possibilities. There Is not only Spft Grey | r c n and Semi* Third FloOl no unemployment in Rumania, Steel CoQtloco, I7c<?don4 MctaJ patterns pod Sooh but. the industries are .obliged, to Weijjhto 'carried in stock. bring In workers from abroad, esBronzo and Coot - 'Iron pecially skilled workers- All that Grilles, a specialty. talk about 'Runianising' industry. C'L'3'S f o 27th and Martha St. Is baseless political propaganda.. Have yoa noticed &$ -<-z with tnsbs. Visis! HA 5523 Rumania cannot Eliminate nonCer.frts>' Indieofer, : Rumanian labor from Its Indus- ! incS ttynesntc SpsoScr,
and New!
csd ©onesHe Reception.
B' ALL WAVE O how, vith s Fcr—fit, ; or Regular Pr/eo Is FOSTX12 M A T C£2TI?1CATE
• Scirafft'b Chocolates c Cag-ada Dry Glnfeer Ale s.7\A Harvester Cij « FaSstaff Sear . '315-So. "13th Street '• ' ' AT
tion. In other* words, the J, C. C. Walter Kurs, Morris Rosen, and of the Socaers, •whose average J. M. Ernian, S. Epstein, Ber-j eck, M. Losensteir, H. Eeuben, PACKAGES TO RUSSIA made 30 points in the second half Herman Corenusan. \ was 15S, and •who bov?Jed £50, tha Ellis, Aaron Edgar, L. Ep- L. Rosenbaum, E. Robinson, .loseph Kadtno'P.'pk. guaralsf* to just nine for their foes, which which is 73 pins above his aver- stein, D. E. Epstein. Ricks, M. Rosenbla"!, L. Kadu- \ deliver:-" of Kosher Food -is really outdistancing anybody. •i; Joe Face, Sam Rice, J, jp,o- : The handball meet going on age. His boiling for February D. Finkie, S. Frohm, J. Freg- j ; ages tc fhe I.:. S. K. R. Tim** Iz Bogdonoff waa the driving now should get Center players in 15th will be-paid for by the g-er, B. Fisher, Charles Feldman, i s e packa ges cont a i s i r Leo rFox, M. *rsnKiin, Franklin, Jrlius Stein. .Dave Stein, Esr. Those extracts from IJn- pinnlng of time, and will ever force in that- amazing second- good shape fur the city and A. League. Zior Nsiioiifil National prodn jJ., iFaier, aier, i^eo e x , ivi. linius t.iem. » i e DU.-.H, *.,« i- jio^pRf.]-!. Tijon half spurt, chalking up 14 points A. U. meet which opens FebruIndividual averages including JJ. J . F r i e d e n , S. F e l l m a n , 3VI. L. ry S o m m e r , I. Sokolsky. A. biiRp- t^, 0 - . ( ] c . r g nuisf lif in n o t Is coln's; writings on subjects now continue to,struggle. The one 's agitating the American people, the common' right* o t r humanity during the game. Marshall Gell- ary 21 at the two dandy J. C. C. Febraaiv Sth, 193S: Fellman, J. J . Friedman, S a m i r o , ifnve Shevman, S. Steint-erg. j : h f m Ve]^nBV^ ( , ( ," s n t h a f Name of Player N. G. T. r. Aver. are presented on the occasion and the other the divine rights of er, the classy southpaw, likewise courts. We are especially anxious .Leo Charles f-ichiniroel. j g;,. er ,. v.,n i , c "p,blo t o r e a c h r< 37S F a i e r , H . F a r b e r , J . F r a n k l i n , K. J A.. S o m b e r g , 51 Weitz to get a number of Jewish playwas hot, making eight points. P12S Ida | N-athan Simon, Leste* Simon. 171 Franklin, H. Frieeiander, 4S of the 329th anniversary of his kings. It is the same principle Joe Gtvot S221 165 Feidrnan, A. Frank, J. Finkie, | Silver, J. Shykes:, Sam Stern. J. j ^-pp for The guarding .games of Bur- ers in this year's tourney, since Jack Mother . . . 52 birth.—The Editor. 8620 162 4S .Fur'tic inCurmn.fion may: hr; in whatever shape it develops it- roughs and Weiner were other a silver trophy goes into our per- I'hil Katzman .. T7VS 161 Steve Feldma-n, Mas Fromkin, E. j Sherman, J. ' 6l,^pirc, D. .Silvpr-j 4S cr.liing- Webster H .^r., The principles of JeiJerson are self. It is the same spirit features of a mighty sweet bas- manent possession if our players, H. Goran 160 577S Sammy Yuusein 36 160 Freshman, J. Falk, H. Fleishman, i man. Same, ien Shosnik, M. Sin- j fond ('p'livpries, »nt. the definitions and axioms of free says 'you toil and work and earn ketball contest. After Sigal left on a. whole, making a better Henry Horwich 52S7 S3 . B. Gross. M. Grodinsky, R. | ger, -Saltzman. A. Pi nmi, levin ; 160 B145 ^rK to Kiipsia ore society. .And yet they are denied bread, and T will eat it.' No mat- the game on personals a t ; the showing than players from other Paul Steinberg . 57 157 SI004 •Sam Katzman .. 157 Greenberg, d. Goldware, J. Gold- | Stalmnsier, X. S i e s c B. A. Si and evaded with no small show ter in what shape it comes, start of the s.econd half, Pep institutions. Y 7'4C1 Abe Venger . . . . 47 156 ware, I. Goldstein, Elmer Green- j inon, H. Suss_ian, B. bhafton. •SS15 Sam Meyerson.. 57 ,of success. One. daringly calls whether from the mouth of king Boggy did yeoman work. 153 berg, D. Greenberg, L. C-renspar.. j 6327 Play will be in Classes A and George Shapiro . 42 A . ' neodore, S. I'heod )i . K 153 S300 them 'glittering generalities'; an- who seeks to bestride the people 54 In the preliminary, the A. Z. B, singles and doubles. It costs Jack Fleishman.. 47 153 M. I. Gordon, A. G;eenberg, J. j Tatle, M. Trustin, L. Te.ub. Her 7196 152 A. Grofs, J. J. Greenberg, Dave | - Trustin, . j . TretiEic, O. Tsiub other, blandly calls them 'self- of his own nation and live by the A. No. 1:team took the rubber 25 cents to enter all meets, and Lee Hiirwitz . . . 37 5655 rj Harry- Smith . . . 151 S621 evident lies.' And others insid- fruit of their labor, cr from one game in its series with the A. Z. that includes your registration Dr. D. C. Platt 57 Goldman, Harry Greene, S. Gil- | j _ Tuchman, II. ,-eager, 150 7S12 62 Franklin . . 149 iously argue that they apply to race of men as an apology for en- A. No. 100 outfit, 31 to 24. TRIO fee with the A, A. U. There will Mose Barney Abrams. 51 14S insky, L. G. Gross, H. Goldstrum, j R. Tv'right, M, Wohlner, P. Win 75S8 the 'superior races.*" These expres- slaving another race, it is the bej medals to winners and run-Sam Zweiback.. 51 J. Goodbinder, P. Greenstone, \ troub, L,. AVhitebook, S. Weiss, | •S F 147 o V. S. S. £ C477 44 Julian Milder .. 53 146 Phil Greenberg, Maynard Green ! Leon Tv'asenberg, sions, differing in form, are same tyrannical principle. 77S7 A. Wolf, B.. i) J • Well, with the J. C. C. playing ner-ups in ail tournaments. Dr. Sam Morgan 144 2SS2 identical in object and effect — David A. | Wertheimer, K. Wohlner, Sarah ; 143 berg, N. W. Gimple, If, you have been taught doc- the kind of ball it did last SunJay Malashock . 20 4016 28 140 Goldstein, A. Goldstein, L. Gra- | Weisrnan, E. J. Kaiman.. the supplanting of the principle •trines conflicting with the' great day, hopes are high that our. Var'VVicIman, A. A free throw tourney is now in Abner 140 O. Mayor wich.. 5754 of free government and restoring landmarks of the Declaration of sity quint will gain victors; when progress at the Center. It's open Sam 7609 139 etz, S. Geifnian, Fannie Grodin- j Wchlner, A. Weiss. David Wice, | Steinberg . . 53 741S 136 sky. those classifications, of caste and Independence, if you have listen- we play Kansas City on February to all.' So far, Harold Epstein is Sam Horwicn . . 51 j Leo "Weitz, S. Wolf, N. Yaffe, F. '. 6336 L. Singer. 51 No, legitimacy. They would delight a ed to .suggestions-which would 27 in the Center gym in the cli-leading the pack with a record Hyman 6634 Levin . . 30 M. Horn, Ben Handler, H. j Sollotuchen, Anna Zalk, Sam Ze- [ 130 r,9i6 Hi convocation of • crowned heads take away frpm its grandeur and matic battle 'of the year. of 17 successful shots out of 25. V. Brookstein .. 20 Hahn, A. Herzberr, S. Handier, I Titz, and B. Eiffiman. j C-, .by. 127 2542 Norman Brown. 42 plotting against the people. They mutilate the fair symmetry of its If you think you can make bas126 5330 IS Febnmvv Dave Krantz . . . 17 That's a date you all want to I. Hurwitz, F. Hahn. — _i 117 2001 2 are the vanguard, the miners and proportions; if you have been In- remember, February 27. Of kets from the free throw line, Nate Horwich . . Herman Jahr, M. Jacobsen, L. J 134 268 Patronize Our Advertisers sappers of returning despotism. clined to believe that all men are course, the game with the great step up in the gym and try your Lloyd'Banks . . - ' Results on Tuesday night, A. Jacobs, N. Jacobs, and Sam We must repulse them or they not created equal in these inalien- sK. C. team will be the highlight luck. Josephson. February Sth, 193S: will subjugate us. able rights enumerated by pur of the day, but there are other Louis Kulakofsky, Keuoen KulJayhawkers won 2 out o l 3 Flash!!! pur progress In degeneracy ap- charter of liberty, let me entreat features as well. For instance, akofsky, Jack Kaufman, A. Katz, from Cornhusters. The volleyball men of the ' pears-to be pretty nipid. As.a na- you to come back. there's to be a big dance in the Tigers "won 2 out of 3 from Ted KoSe, A. Krantz, M. Kateltion we began by declaring that Lot us discard all the quibbling evening. '>• Health club have found 'they have Sooners. man, J. H. KuJakofsky, S. H. r , "all men are ~c?eated; free and about this man and the other Admission per couple for the a big league baseball pitching Wildcats won 2 out of 3 from Katz, N. Kort, Ben Kazlowsk3 , equal.' We .now practically read man, this race and -that race and game and dance .will be one dol-prospect in their midst. S. Kaplan, Joseph Koom, W. Cyclones. He is Abe "Spike" Brodkey. it: -all men. are created equal, the other race being inferior, and lar. ^Admission just for the game 500 series bowled by the fol- .Kuklin, J. Katelman, Max KirSpike might even be Dizzy lowing men: H. Coran, 50S; Paul] schenbaum, A. Kavich, H. Koopexcept Negroes. When Know that therefore they must be will be 25 cents per person. If Nothings (an early Ku Kiux Klan placed in an inferior position. you want to go just to the dance, Dean. In fact, he might even be Steinberg, 550; Leo Weitz, 5 2 1 . ' er, Libby Kaplan. —ED.) get control—'all men are Let us discard all these things that'll still cost one. buck per Dizzy. Mildrew Lew, M. Leon, Sol created equal except Negroes, for- and unite as one people through- couple. A dandy orchestra is be- Spike's amazing pitching abiliLewis, Karl Lesser, Morton Lip- I ! les have' been uncovered in the eigners and Catholics.' When it out this land, until we shall once ing lined up.. sey, S. Leon, Anna Lipsey, J. •egular' noonday ' volleyball sescomes to.this I shall prefer emi- more stand up declaring that all Linsman, J. Levenson A. Levine, Contributors to grating to some country where men are created equal. J. Lipsey, H. Lipsey, A. LaseroJust to be keeping out of mis- ions. - Spike so far is specializing they make no pretense of loving •witz, L. Lazerwitz, JN. Linsman, Fund for Shower chief, the Varsity gang will play in fast ones and a sweeping liberty-—to Russia, for instance, (Copyright, 1938. by Seven Arts Bennington, Nebr., Sunday at 3 curve. Soon as he learns an inM. F. Levenson, J.I. London, M. : where despotism can be taken Feature Syndicate.) p. in. on the Center floor. The shoot, he'll be ready for the big Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, chairman Lasarowitz, Irving ' Levine, 3d. I T pure, and without the base • alloy I H E tradition for J. ,C. C. team already has .a vic- ihow.- He is' trying to follow, in and Mrs. Ben Brodkey, co-chair- Lushinsk2% Jack Lincoln, H. of hypocrisy. . tory over the high-scoring out- the footsteps of- another great man, , of the Hadassah Linen Lapidus, Bessie Levy, Joe Lipfine services which • , If the safeguards of liberty are state bunch, who are angling for Health club pitcher, Dr. Paul Shower, have announced contri- sey. "Baldy" Ellis. ' butions from the following: broken down, as is now attemptvengeance. In a preliminary, H.. Merriara, H. Mendelson, Song found preference r, ..-._ • f Mesdames: ed, when they_ have made things starting at 2 p. m., an A. Z. A. Morris Margolin, L. Margolin, Gotta' 'go now.-. : ' . a fellow J. Abraharnson, "William AU Lena Mendelson, Leon Mendel: of free Negroes,' how long, think alumni aggregation . from Des By LEE GROSSMAN you, -before-they-.begin to make Moines will meet the Center's in the swimming pool forgot berts, S. Alshuler, J. Adler, M. spn, Ernest Meyer, Gail Margoii",T\"i" c r c r r r cwhere he'-was and took a noon- Arbitman, A. B. Alpirin, H. S. lin, L. Morgan, J. Malashock, things of poor white men? Be Junior varsity team. ??r day, nap. ' , Alperson, Julius Abrahamson, S. Harry Malashock, 'William Mildnot deceived! The founder of the Excuse us if we may. wander a Appleman, I. Abramson, Louis er, B. Millman, E. Meyer, F . Democratic. Party declared that bit during this column. We were The intermediate league" starts Th'e-J. C- C. morning -women's Alberts, Herman Auerbach. -'all men are created equal*. His running' around a square circle its third round of play next Marks, H. Milder. rr.1 successor in office has written the Tuesday and Wednesday of this Thursday. Hawkeyes will meet Monday and Wednesday volley • M. M. Barish, J. Black, R. Bor- Ben KeTman, Al Xe-vrrcan, Erweek, refereeing a jillion fights ball class will engage some out- day, A. H. Brodkey, J. Branison, nie Nogg, H. A. Newman, Julius word 'white' before 'men,' makCornhuskera. .while the' two Juning It read 'all white men arein the-Golden Gloves. Thursday ior A. Z. A.'s will match baskets side volley Tjall competition with R. A. Bleicher, H. E. Belmont, Newman, Jules Newrasn, L, Olanhe Benson Community Team at L. Blumenthal, M. Brick, I. Berk- der, H. Osoff, L. J. Olander. created equal'. Pray, will not, or morning when I woke up I had in the two games. may • not the:. Know Nothings, if my wife's arm raised and was Last Thursday, the A. Z.. A. Benson • this Friday night. The owitz,.Ben Brodkey.^Joe Bloch, S. Pizer, S. Platt, I. Plotkic, t they should come into power, counting to 10 with my.- other No. 1 team took its first defeat Center Volley ball artists have D. Bernstein, Paul Blotcky, Dave A. Plotkin, M. Polonsky, Dave have the word 'Protestant' insert- hand. So you see what those when the Hawkeyes banded the defeated t h e ' girls twice before Blacker, Julius Bisao, O. S. Bel- Potash. Melvin Tiotkin, William this season'and will be seeking zer, J. Bernstein, Simon Bardy., Pollock, Ben Perlnsan, S. J. Jed before .'white,' making it read fights can do to. a guy. Well, no matter how much we clubmen a 17 to 9 trouncing. their: third victory to keep their Sam Beber, I. Brookstein, ,N. Bor- Plotkin, J. Prostok, .>T. Perlis. 'all Protestant white men are Mas Delrough, jvith six points, may be walking on • pur heels, unblemished record intact. dy, H. Braviroff, J. Batt, M. Bel- J. M. Rice, William Raduziner, created equal'? led the winners. In the other congrad, Joe Batt, S. Bloom, D. Blu-A. Rochman, A. Rubnjtz, A. Paps, Understanding the spirit of our we're going to do a lit of raving test, Cornhuskers ripped through menthal, M. Bernstein, Bee Bur- J. Pvingle, Mas Rosen, J. RosenJ. C. C. BOWMXG institutions to aim at the eleva- about the Varsity's victory over A. Z. A. 100 by a count of 18 stein, Harold B r o d k e y , H. berg, B . Rips, L. Rosenblatt, I. Team Standings tion of. men, I am opposed to t h e ' Nebraska amateur state to 12. Charles) Name of Team , • G. YVY G. L. T e r Brandt, Edwin Brodkey, F . Brod- Rosenblatt, A.' Rotnm, whatever tends to degrade them. champions, the Woodmen AcciWildcats 24 23 696 key, H. D. Brodkey, W. Brinkcff. Ross,. A. Eofiman, L. Kaduziner, ! , I -.have some little notoriety for dent team of Lincoln, last SunThe hard, black pellets ; are Sooners . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 25 561 S. Cohen, Herman Cohen, D. D. Dav> Kisemar., L. Eosenthr.l, S. ' Cyclones. 29 : 2S 5Q9 commiserating the 'oppressed cpn- day on'tie Center court. boys really played -some thundering in the,handball courts Tigers- . . . . . " . 23 - 2S £03 Cohen, A. Cohen, H. J. Cooper, Ravitz, J. RoseEbluni, J. Koraosrdltionot the Negro; ;and I should . Our 1 at a merry clip these nights.. Jayhawkers 24 S3 423 23 34 404 J.- Chesno, J. K. Cohen, Dave Cobe strangely .Inconsistent it I ball. They had a man-sized job Play is rapidly narrowing down CornhuskeraHigh Single Game: Sam Mey-hen, S.-Corenman, S. Cacar, Seycould favor- any project for cur- and they handled it like men. in the J. C. C. singles tournament mour Coh.n, Sani Cohen, F. Comtailing existing rights of white They stepped right out, took ev- with the following com i n g erson, .264, Cyclones, 951. High Series: Joe Givot, G24, isar," Mas* Cones, Ben Chait, M. men, even though born in dffer- erything a classy team had to off- through with victories in Class er, then came right back to dish Civin, M. E. Chapman, I. Cherlyclones, 259.6. . " . . . • ,-ent lands and speaking different out "a'double dose; of dynamite A: Sam Teper, Jack Ban,' Jake . - • • • ; Most pins above his average on niss. languages from myself. •- ' Adler, Manny Goldberg, Sol.Yafthat couldn't he matched, just J. Daytch, Hans Dansky, H. The real issue is the eternal like a fighter coming off the fe, Max Turner and Ben Rosen. February,Sth, was Paul "Potastruggle between these two' prin- floor to" hit his foe with a K. O. The triumph of Goldberg was the toes" Steinberg, assistant captain Dansky, Max Daxis, I. Dansky. ciples— right . and wrong '•—- blow. (There are .those fights feature. Manny, striving for a throughout the world.'. They are again!)' * comeback after many years at the two principles which have the top of the handball ' heap, At the half, the Lincoln bunch stood face to face, from the,begalloped around. the court like turned back the ambitious thrusts they were playing on horses, run- of Millard "Hocha" Sigal, in three games, 21-14, 12-21," 21-9. FARMERS PRAISE : ning up a 23-14 lead. Just when Goldberg was playing handball as the fans were ordering aspirin WHITE SPOT IDEA and bromoa from - "Smitty," the he did when he won title after ^ Jewish players turned on the title. • ' • — T e n N e b r a s - ' hsat in the second half and the In Class B, a wide-open affair, Tta farmers attending the . state Accident team -was wishing It the following came through with Farmers Union Convention, in was back In Lincoln where blue- early victories: Nate Cutler, i Omaha, today praised the Ne- shirted devils wouldn't be gett'ng Leonard Seiner, Bill Skolnick, ] braska • White -Spot advertising in their hair. Willie Smith, Pep Bogdonoff; Big glass t o p KUMIDRAWER. Keeps frmits ssucl campaign for calling attention to At the; finish, the Varsity had 1 vegetables fresfe . . . E>ig, new covered ssae&t &to"e,fre j • | this state's normally' abundant 44 points to 32 for the opposiPatronize Our Advertisers farm crops and other advantages a t safety zone tesaperatKre. ' ', i Nebraska offers to food procesyou- so'--for- nscjsy sors. se.esofss, end nsw ^r rf^ ^ * All of them also stressed Ney © EJ |> - f avori#-c braska's financial and tax situafashion • itssgcsIseS f ! tion as one of the most important factors In interesting new in"cesnes . eat c i d i Lew dustries to locate here. • f backs eis up . . . g y j ELS "I think it's a very good /.an 1 1 i even f.o p©iraffeg to advertise Nebraska and inctsf1 eSi. fli© fee crease the demand for oilr farm products, rather than to curtail production," M. B. Jordan, of \ been ©UP culf for Kearney decjared. "Nebraska is nicny - nofists! . . . r, U in a sound ' financial condition' Mess's wear saifwith^-no need to add new forms m. i/ of taxes or seek to shift present •s = Vtaxef by adopting such levies as "fsBflcsT _H 1 a^nlPHJnnc." J i i L a d d a d , a = = <-
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XX Sports
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Page 4
PRINT 6HOP ADDRESS-45M SO. &4TH SIREET . DAVID BUACKER Business a n d Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN -' -•'•-' Editor LEONARD NATHAN • • • • Associate Editoi RABBI FREDERICK COHN ContribUttnt; Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS • - Book Editoi ANN PILL.- - • - • - . ' • - •-'•- Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent
one another unnecessary pain and tragedy when all might be ly- the nostalgia of an old-timer .CQMMl Y CALENDAR looking- backward' to times when Gems of the Bible To Establish New happiness and joy. / ^ grass looked greener. Palestine Plant . WEES OF FEBRUARY IS As we watch: the planes take off and fly across the sea— To be sure, the middle-aged . and Talmud Susidar, February IS for Orange-Juice grandchildren of some of the as we realize how man has conquered the air and won other By Dr. Philip Sfeep Young J u d e a Organization sainted fathers are still vigorousmarvellous material triumphs—such as is also a successful voy- ly to the fore of the city's life— meeting: 2:00 p. in., Room K and Rehovoth. Palestine -(WNS•Paicor Agency) — Abraham age in comfort and luxury across the turbulent waves—the prophet-like spirits who lead h, Jewish Community Center. BIBLE Goldberg of Glasgow (Scotland), thought occurs to us repeatedly that man will not have at- movements for municipal reform, Sponsored by Junior Kadassah. The remainant of Israel shall who owns 500 dunams of orange Speaker: Miss Ruth Alien. upset a .rotten political system, not do iniquity nor speak lies tained his true triumph until his moral achievements match take up local politics with no de- Omaha Hebrew Club Meeting: neither shall a deceitful tongue prove in this district, has decidthose of his mind, and his will and noble resolutions put into sire ed to establish an orange-Juice or hope of gain, take office 3:00 p. m., Room C and D, Jew- be found in their month. plant for the shipment of such 'force what his intellect has conceived and skill fashioned and only by compulsion, lead in char- ish Community Center. At that time, will I brins; you fruit extracts to Great Britain. Z. A. 1 Meeting: 3:00 p. m. his heart dreamed. For the noblest world is the ideal world Jtarian and social services, carry MA.and N, Jewish Community in, and Et that time will I gather An experimental shipment proved in the Peace- League and • 3'ou for I will make you a great ' successful, and Mr. Goldberg has which will yet be erected on the foundation of all his material lights Center. have to do with arts and educa- I name, and a. praise among all the ',now built inside one of his groves triumphs. AVhy should it not:be so? Man has but to make it so!tion. _ J A. Z. A. 100 Smoker: 8:00 p. peoples of the earth. ... : near Kfar Bilu, a fruit-crushing - - Frederick Cohn. In these Dr. Philipson finds in., B'nai Israel Synagogue. These are things that ye shall and bottling plant complete With
Basket Ball Games: 2:00 p. m. : fulfillment as he retires after the —Des Moines A. Z. A. Alumni do, speak ye every man t h e modern equipment. The process 50 years. These were the children is almost entirely^mechanical. truth and peace in your gates. j ! of his teaching in his temple. He vs. J. C C. Varsity. Have we not ail one father? Fifteen tons of fruit can be 3:00 p. m—J C. C. Varsity vs. taught a concept of Jewish Uife Hath not one God created us? Ihandled during a working day of Bennington, Nebraska. Center that had nothing to do with a disWhy GO we deal treacherously ev- •eight hours. There are 22 womThe deceptive serenity of Nazi Germany was suddenly tant Shangri-La in Asia Minor; gymnasium. ery man against his brother? . j en and five men employed, all shattered last week when the internal political situation of Monday, February 14 good Jewish life must be built By DB. THEODORE N. LEWIS TALMUD I members of the Histadruth. Since Bikur Cholim Meeting: 2:00 p. here. It must not be separate the country put France's frequent violent political crises to the beginning of the season in Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioox City from the common life; Jews must El., Room C and D, Jewish Com- Rabbi Chesdo said. "Four types ',October, some three hundred barshame, making them by comparison, calm indeed. Outside of march with all men of good will munity Center. Installation of of man will not receive the glory '. rels have been exported through the important fact that all is not as smooth as Hitler-apologists toward a more just and lovely or- officers by Mr. Paul Veret, exec- of the Schechinah; the scorners, • Tel Aviv -port to England. The ' THE MAGAZINE WORLD December Mr. John Cournos felt der in the world. utive director of Jewish Commu- the liars, the flatterers, and the :products have to face strong comhave been trying to make us believe, the changes, imperceptible impelled to proclaim to the Jews j petition in England with fruit es"The Jewish Quarterly Renity Center and Welfare Federa- slanderers." C: as they may be now, can bode no good for Europe. He taught that only America f that their greatest and most imview" edited by Dr. Cyrus Adler tion. • * Rabbi Chana said, "A soul of jsences imported from Italy, -ATI ominous note has been apparent for a.good while now. in Philadelphia, is a magazine de- mediate need is the acceptance was the homeland for American Workmen's L o a n meeting: a righteous man is equal to the America and South Africa. The Jews and that Jewish ideals must of Jesus. Childishly does he asvoted exclusively to the science whole world." On November 30 of the past year the. army chaplain's Agricultural Experiment Station be applied to the adornment of] 7:30 "p. m.. Room C and D, Jewof Judaism. Its pages contain sure them that this acceptance We were taught in the name of the Jewish Agency at Rehoish Community Centef. this homeland. By this teaching would bring contemporary Israel addressed a remarkable petition to Hitler, stating that the significant and original contribuHazcrair Singing Society: 8:00 of Rabbi Simon "Love and hatred voth, supported by Keren Hayethe generations grew up to elecountry was being demoralized by the, government's anti-re- tions from the pens of contem- blessing and permanent peace. vate p. m.. Room K and L, Jewish disregards the- rule of dignified sod funs, is now engaged in reCincinnati Jewry to a most ignorance and down right conduct, and causes men to d o ' searches into the possibility of Community Center. ligious campaign which is to culminate, temporarily, anyway, porary Jewish^and Christian sch- Only things below their standard." olars. Current literature dealing disloyalty could prompt a Jew to respected place in the communAmerican Red Cross Examiners using the discarded rind of the this week when Pastor Niemoller is brought to trial. One out with the theology and philosophy pen such an "epistle." Ludwig ity. Rabbi Jose said, "A jealous Meeting: 7:00-10:00 p. m., SwimDr. Philipson became an insti- ming Pool, Jewish Community man will «nvy everybody except citrus fruit for fertilization purof every, fourteen pastors of the Protestant churches has been of Judaism, and with the history Lewisohn, in his syndicated colposes. of the Jew,-is surveyed by recog- umn, gives^.the best answer to tution in the city, like the sym- Center. his son arkl/tlisciple." arrested since Hitler's coining to power. nized and well known . authors this ridiculous plea. It is not the phony, the art museum, the uniOur Rabbis were taught, "The Antwerp (JTA) — Charles Tuesday, February 15 Shortly after the issuance of this remarkable.document, a and students. Though the mag- Jew who needs the gospel of Jes- versity and other cultural and Medical and Dental A1vL-ory men of Sodom became overbear- Samuel, Belgian sculptor, died in us, but those who have already former member of the general staff writing; in an official azine circulates exclusively in accepted .it, writes Mr. Lewisohn. spiritual monuments of which i Committee Dinner: 6:00 p. m., ing only on account of the wealth Cannes, France, according to the city was proud. Because of j Lodge Room, Jewish Community that the Holy One bestowed upon word received here. He was 75 circles, Jewish and Reichswehr publication warned that the Nazis must recognize Academic non-Jewish, the lay world,'espec- He urges Mr, Cournos to go and his wide interest which touched j Center. Rabbi Julius Gordon, them, so they said, "Since our years old. * a long-accepted fact that an army travels on its stomach. And ially the Jewish lay world should plead with the German, the Poles the city's life at many points, guest land supplies us with everything, j the Roumanians to follow Zionists said he was a rabbi for why should we permit travellers | unless the economic policy was radically changed, the propa- be familiar with its splendid con- and Center F o r u m—Dr. ,7alius who are 'coming only to share | Special Discount Prices on Jesus, and to'practice the gospel the goyira; they seemed to pretents. Large Quantity Purchase* Gordon: 8:00 p. m., Jewish Comganda foisted on the people would be of no avail when the of love with which His name has to ' for any Special Occasion. The April, 1937 issue contains become associated. It is not we, fer a rabbi in a self-made ghetto. munity Center Auditorium. Sub- our wealth so they decided 1 abolish, the law of free trade. ' ; food supply was exhausted. . "We came to regard him as the ject: "Pleading Guilty— A New three leading articles: (1) by H. the persecuted and the oppressed, Sclilaifer's Meat Rabbi Jochanan said, "A little ; Continuously since that famous session of the German A. "VVolfson on • "Some Guiding says Ludwig Lewishon, who need j heir of the mantle of Dr. Isaac Answer to Anti-Semitism." refreshment often plays an im- ; M. Wise who was the founder of Principles in Determining Spinifarket Reichstag of 1934 when Hitler vindicated Von Schleicher after Wednesday, February 18 Jesus, but the persecutors and i portant role and brings strangers ; oza's Medieval Sources;". (2) by the oppressors, always Christian Iterofrm Judaism in America, Mizrachi Women's Meeting: 4R20 So. 25th St. his assassination by the Gestapo, the army has played a strong Professor Joseph Reider on "The close together." j by persuasion. No more effective founder of Cincinnati's Hebrew 2:00 p. m., Room C and D, Jewhand, much to the discomfiture of" the Nazi leaders who have Origin of Deuteronomy;" and (3) and final answer can be given to Union College. Dr. Philipson was ish Community Center. been snubbed as parvenus by the stiff-necked, caste-ridden "The Synagogue of Claudius Tid- those who annually around De- of the first class of rabbis orThursday, February IT Polycharmus in Stobi" by cember and for lack of anything dained in this seminary, is the Junkers. These army men have not hesitated to show their erius Intermediate B _ a s k e t Ball by Dr. A. Marmorstein. Dr. Solo- else to say or write, urge the Jew last survivor of this class. utter disdain for the upstart corporal and his henchmen. mon1 Zeitlin analyzes several re- to accept Jesus. It is not Jews Dr. Wise and Dr. Philipson af- League: 7:15 p. m., gymnasium, Community Center. The alliance with Rome and Tokio added to the flames of cent books by well known Christ- who need Jesus and His gospel ter him put the stamp of their JewishSaturday, February 19 Ccrcae in for s diemcnstrEiaore SM£ E?e convinced ian scholars dealing with the re- but those who have already ac- own characters on Cincinnati growing discontent. The German army has. been notoriously lationship of early Christianity Vaad-Auxiliary Oneg Stabboth. that tltes Is. t h e ccr cf i>c vcrr. him in theory, and despite Jewry. It seems to me that this WEEK OF FEBRUARY 20 pro-Russian and pro-Chinese. To the Reichswehr Russia with and Judaism. Especially worthy cepted fulfillment of their doing so, obstinately and i3 the complete Sunday, February 20 its vast natural resources has always seemed the complement of note are his comments on blindly refuse to live by it — vio- rabbis, though nowadays many Maurice -Gogel's' "The Life of Omaha Hebrew Club Meeting: of" industrial Germany. The Russian tgenerals with the same Jesus" translated f r o m .. the late it daily in their mistreatment rabbis play- at being foreign! 3:00 p. m., Room C and D, Jewstatesmen who wrestle with En- j and oppression of the people who thought paid for. their views before the firing squad. To aFrench. Among the philosophic gave Jesus to the world. gland about Palestine. ; ish Community Center. la! Tracks •certain extent Hitler shares the same opinion, but seeks to treatises reviewed are Gutmann's Dr. Philipson stayed home.! Basket Ball Game: 3:00 p. ra., "Philosophy of Judaism;" BergJ. C: C. Varsity vs. Ralston— add Russian territory by conquest rather than alliance. •» 21CB3 FsrryEETt S t . There was enough to do for Jew-; WE ©900 man's "Philosophy of Solomon ish life in America, to give it jCenter Gymnasium. China, too, has been an important! factor in Germany's Maimon" and Ventura's "PhilosMonday, February 21 dignity, to increase the Jewish i Women's Division Card Party economic^ well-being, and the Reichswehr did not look with ophy of Saadia Gaon." name, to make the ideals of Judaism of some effect in the! and Dessert Coffee: 1:00 p. ra., •tolerance upon any measure that would antagonizcthe Chinese. The October 1937 issue opens with a contribution by the well world. American Zionists regard- J Jewish Community Center AudiLikewise it remembers only tod well Italian perfidy of known biblical authority G. H. ed him as a . reactionary and ! torium. 1915 when in spite of the .Triple Alliance, it threw in its lotDiver, dealing with some textual . . A Rabbi and His City about him surged such Zionist! Workmen's L o a n Meeting: with the Entente and shared in the. victory of the allies andproblems the book of Jeremiah After 50 years in one pulpit, fury as might be turned against I 7:30 p. m., Room C and D, Jew— problems which have ish Community Center. the dean of the American (Re- Arabs today. the despoiling of the Germans and. Austrians. Nor has thepresents, for long baffled scholars; ProfesB'nai B'rith Meeting: S:CO p. form) rabbinate, Dr. David PhilBut, as he departs from the campaign in Spain gained any respect for Mussolini's legions sor Israel Efros reviews a group ipson of Cincinnati, retires. With battles t there are signs that rab- EI., Lodge Hooni, Jewish Commufighting with Franco. To protest. German aid to the Rebels, of significant philosophic vol- no undue boasting we used to say bis and other Zionists may short- j nity Center. amongst which are KlausaCelebration the commander of the navy resigned over ,a month ago andumes that Cincinnati had the best Jews ly be returning from their for- i Sesquicentennial er's 'Philosophers and Thinkers;' of Constitution 8:00 p:..m., Jewin America; Dr. Philipson stood eign adventure. This is to say, j i Admiral von.Boeder, more favorable to the government's pol- Schoep's 'History of Modern Jewas the symbol of this aristocracy, they will return if they know! ish Community Center Auditori ; ish Philosophy;' Rosemariane's icy, has assumed his position. : the finest flower of our most ex- what is good for Jewry; for as jium. 'Sponsored by Fiound Table "Religion of Reason;" Kaufcellent Jewish life. Americans they can not also be of Jewish Youth and other youth Von Blomberg's marriage was ostensibly the incident that man's edition of the "Moreh Nestatesmen in a foreign land such groups "of the city. By "best Jews in America" we set off the fireworks. The Junker, conservative group, seeing bukim;" Goldman's "The Jew City A. A. U. Handball Tourmeant a Jewish aristocracy whose] as the Jewish State (if Palestine an opportunity, forced him out and repaid him for his over- a n d the Universe;" Levin's merit is partitioned) will be. ] nament: 6:15-9:00 p. m., Jewwas in its culture, its abun"Faithful Rebels"' and Kaplan's ish Community Center. friendliness t a the Nazis. ~- :'- "•'''• . They will have to come home editiop. and translation of the dant philanthropy and its devoHazomir Choir: 8:00 p. _m.. tion to the highest civic respon- and their statesmanship will have , • In reality the opportunity was Hitler's. The recent Danu- "Mesillat Yesharim." f i • t i F $ f Room -K and L, Jewish Commu' -i sibilities. Its Judaism was pureto look about for Jewish life to bian. conference, at Mussolini's insistence, adopted an aston- The latest issue, that of Janu- ly religious and abhorred giving serve in America. Their souls nity Center. 1938, contains, in addition to Tuesday, February 22 ishingly cool attitude toward Germany. At the same time Aus- ary the valuable book criticisms, any nationalistic connotation to have been away so long and the Center Plaj-ers: S:SO p. m.— tria, which has had a gentleman's agreement with its ownthree important articles, (1) 'The the matter of being Jewish. On things of Jewish life to serve in presenting "Let Us Be Gay," fcy Nazis, clapped the leaders into prison. " * Sale of Res t Mobiles Between this concept was founded in Cin- America have not been going RaeneI_Crothers, Jewish Commucinnati America's first rabbinical well. They may cooae to see that j Gentile and Jew in the Talmud" Mussolini, according to some authorities, has chided Hit- by nity Center Auditorium. Hyman Kline; (2) "The Tal-seminary, the Hebrew Union Col- Dr. Philipson's vision was a true j Wednesday, February 23 ler for _ his lack of control over the foreign office and the one: An American Jewry, digni-1 mudic Basis' of the Herem Ha- lege. Center Players: 8:30 p. in.— fied and respected by reason of I Its first generation was from Reichswehr. Now' these two difficulties have been abolished, Yishuv" by Rabbi L. Rabinowitz They established! their being people who are aware j Presenting "Let ,Us Be Gay." by i In 1934 Hitler was forced by the right-wing to liquidate and (3) "Shemesti, the Son of Germany. great clothing factories, whole- of their ideals and carry them to j Rachel Crothers, Jewish CommuYahweh" by Dr., S. I. Feigin. the radical element, the left wing of his party. Today the radi- The autumn number of the sale jobbing houses and distiller- the life of their communities; a inity Center Auditorium. cals that survived, under the leadership of the now omnipotent >Ienor,ah Journal deserves care- ies; their stone-front houses in Jewry not self-deserving in a j Junior Vaad Cultural Group: S:00 p. ia.:—Party at the home old West End carried the ghetto. Hermann von Goering, are riding high. ^The moderate ele- ful attention. The opening ar- the aloof grandeur of baronial manFrom time to time I hear Jews of Ann Goodbinder. ticle "A Social Philosophy for ments, the restraining hand, are no longer present. Vaad Bible Class, B'nai Israel Jews" by Sidney Hook is a pro^ J sions to the eyes of East Euro- of other cities expressing surGerman Jewry is in the position that no change can have vocative and thoughtful cohtri-! peans who came later; they had prise at the prominence of Cin- Synagogue, 2 p. m. Thursday, February 24 social life, what with cinnati Jews in the general life, «h IT"?! a great effect on them. For them the decree of fate -was sealed bution. It should bring to their atwoglittering Intermediate B a s k e t Ball: clubhouses. The marble stairthough they are only-four persenses those Jewish intellectuals long ago. They can only look on dispassionately. 7:15 p:..m., Jewish Community and-liberals who if not favorably way of. the old Phoenix Club cent of the population. They are never low politicians Center gymnasium. disposed towards Soviet Russia seemed to ascend to seventh hea. . Jr. Hafiassah, S p. m.. Room but such leaders as the city has are tolerantly inclined, who close ven. ' One remembers . Yom Kippur been willing to follow to vast C aisd D, Jewish Community Cen(UNION MADE) their eyes and shut .their minds to the barbarism of Stalin and to eves in the emples where full- municipal reforms. They are no ter. Kabbi Frederick Cohri the ineffably tragic fact that Ju- dress ushers (in tails and white mercenaries of politics but peo- " • COMING EVENTS Tuesday, February 15 daism and Jews are doomed in ties) met the worshippers at the ple of such civic purity as to conOur trip draws to a close. We have had. a most delightful ._that land. Center Forum, Dr. Julius GorDrl Hook demolishes doors. The temples contained a found the suspicions of anti-SemtWi cruise. It has been most thrilling to visit such romantic places in irrefutable manner the unten- splendor that seemed to say, itism. Their hands are prominent don. S:00 p. EI., Jewish Commu/ i » : as Kingston in Jamaica; the Canal Zone with cities of. Chris- able and immoral doctrinaire ba- "Procul, procul, este profani,'" in every idealistic enterprise of nity Center. Subject: "Pleading and, indeed, one of the profane social service, charity and cul- Guilty—A New Answer to Antitobal and Colon on the Atlantic side, Balboa and Panama, old sis of Russian • Communism — could feel himself to be a gate- ture. Semitism." one which should be anathema to and new, and Ancon on the Pacific side; La Guayra with the every Jew and liberal. "With Fas- crasher at an exclusive party. Monday, February 21 In this Is the character of Dr. r: „ \ J • gorgeous drive up the mountain to Caracas, picturesque and cism ruled out, the only alterna- These were the outward adorn- Philipsoa who for 50 years Women's Division Card Party paradisical capital of Venzueki cradle ,of South American lib- tive remains economic and polit- ments of a rich Jewish spirit that 'preached a Judaism, that applies and Dessert Coffee: 1:00 p. m., ical liberalism or that type of sought fulfillment in- the life of its ideals to that which is right- Jewish Community Center Audierty, with memorials of Bolivar, the Liberator; Curacao, the thought represented by the vague the general community. ' Anti- eous and that which is beautiful ! torium. highly interesting Dutch colony; Barbados, English like term of socialism. Semitism (the word was practic- and that -which is true in the | Sesqulcentennial Celebration of ••"f.i-i" 81*68 Jamaica, with its endless sugar plantations; Porto Rico, now / A fascinating and moving1 ar- ally unknown even among Jews) common life. " jConstitution: 8:00 p. ra., Jewish t« 42 American and displaying American enterprise and progress; ticle is that by Mrs. Henry Hur- had to do with vague social I am aware that questions will !• Community Center Auditorium. witz on "Linda Miller." The au- boundaries only. Prejudice, if be asked: "Bat is this all there j City A. A. U. Handball Tourlast, but not least, Cuba, with its'magnificent harbor and thor ".r:sli B'GosK Or/ reveals the very soul of'this any, felt confounded in the pre-is to being Jewish? Isn't there! nament: 6:15-9:00 p m., Jewish stately city of Havana. . . . deeply Jewish and sensitive spir- sence of a community of Jews Jewish music, Jewish art, , all! Community Center. Qi'-s Genuine Linda Miller was a true mo- who were making ffne contribu- that?" Well, it seems to me the jTuesday jsud Wedncsdlar, FebruWe have met the most delightful people, from all parts it. ther in Israel, in the finest sense tions to the life of the city; their first purpose cf being a Jew is ( an si ry of the country, particularly the Middle West and South, and of the word, and her example Judaism was a simple expression not to be a Jewish musician or a j Center aPlayers: S:30 p. in., a fine spirit of comradeship and fellowship has prevailed merits emulation by the Jewish of being righteous, of doing their Jewish artist or a Jewish scholar j Jewish 'Community Center Audiwomen folk <who are today ab- party, of holding the Jewish or a Palestinian statesman but to | toriujn. Play: "Let Vs Be Gay" throughout the three weeks of the trip. . sorbed 5n all sorts of futile, irre- name in honor. find Jewish way of life and to jby Rachel Crotfeers. •J-KIIO at Th'e As the Cruise draws to an end we reflect how all life is a levant and unsatisfactory pur- People said it was good to work walk in it. The Jewish, way.of j Suaday, February 27 ' ; -Mrring price* journey and all men fellow-passengers on the ship of life that suits. Among the reviews, that in the big establishments of the life (which is charted by Jewish | Omaha J e w i s h Community by -Oscar - Janowsky on Cecil Jews. The Jews, they said, were character and ideals) is not apart • Center: Kansas City . basketball sails the Sea of Eternity. As the passengers on' this Cruise so Roth's recent "History of the and kind as employ- from but merges, with the ways i gams. S:O0 p. m., Jewish Comdiverse from one another yet lived in perfect harmony, help- Jews merits particular attention thoughtful ers; they were generous. I still of all rae-n of . go.od will. Not to !munity Center, gymnasium. fulness and good-will so all men in their brief, .too brief, life on showing as it does how a book meet old men who used to work build' Palestine but first to build j Center Varsity Hop Dance: 9 this beautiful earth should live with one another in peace, can be.edited to make it conform in the clothing factories and job-^ himself is the mission of'being af! p. m,, Center Auditorium. a point of view which bing houses. From their happy Jew. Toesdsj-, March t friendship and loving cooperation. Then life's journey would with though, no longer respected by memories of their Jewish employcor.r.rr? u~- ~-. "But is.there no aati-Se: Vaad Auxiliary. be pleasant for all, without thes^horrible wars, hates, andthe mass of Reform Rabbis, as is ers they derive a fine respect for in Cincinnati?" Yes, tiere are prejudices struggles that mar the harmony of ht&san life and bring such evidenced by the new platform • ' J e w s . . . :'• Vaad Purira -Carnival, ih they adopted, still dominate in I find I have been •writing is. do not tOKCi and can give no Community Center. terrible suffering, sorrow, and'woe. Some day mankind will the "lay" • headquarters. " the past tense, as if of a dead and > paia to those vriio walk on the learn better than to mutually destroy one another, and cause -In the Atlantic Monthly for gone era; but this, I guess, is on- high road of Jewish character. Patronise Our Advertisers
Out Go the Generals
The Nebraska's rtOi
The Voyage of Life
Ladles' Free Loan
A large crowd , attended the Wiilard Smith, local correKpon- j Last Sunday evening: the Hirh j A sppcinl ineptir.g of tilt- finliJ;.' School group of Temple Israel, j Myerson C!r,b v i l l be IIPII: »irA regular meeting of the sixteenth anniversary meeting dent for the Pi Lambda Phi fra- meeting £.t the Temple, was host Tuesday. Fel>?-u«t-y IE, fit -fit- :••'>• of the Ladies Free Loan Society ternity, has received word of e.n . ; daughters of Israel Aid Society Rertecoration of the loige room will on February 2 at the Jewish . article appearing in the New ; to the Young People's Group of i iol T'RXUHI. ;>pi"Mi»te p!an.« ft.- held on Tuesday, Febru: Church o' \ rerpptton of T-fePPis Kuprw>:-ni::.;i of the Jewish Jommi nity Center, describes hov; ! the Congregational r York Times thgt 15, at 2 p. ni. at the Jewish Community Center. is now in progress as one of the ary Mrs. William Kuklin, who was j the "Frater,"' p^ Lambda Phi I Council Bluffs of v.-hicli Kerpre-nd j vtil b*1- nsf'fU1 n> id at time. J. R. Perkins: is minister. Ke'-er- j projects of the Women's Division Community Center. Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein will in charge of decorations, had a \ Quarterly Review, has led the , end Perkins spoke on ''My Ux- ' An On<?f fihpMiotb v\\l hi Vrm; Besides an artistic refurbishing beautifully decorated anniversary \ field in fraternity publications. It ' fit the home o< J ' r s . H. K « ! I ^ , - K . be principal speaker. All memof the room the drapes ar^ being cake and flowers on the main i has introduced featured articles by persences as s prison Werden." i Z-iZi -T s t r e e t . bers have been urged to attend. thoroughly cleaned. TJiiE Sunday the Temple group j The 'unebpon for K T P . K H I W ^ i internationally known personaliTea will t e served at the con- table. The room will be open for use clusion Mrs. S. Klaver, president of the j ties such as Arthur Gsrfied Hayes will return the visit pnrt Rnhhi ] mint7. will tRl<e place Vmitfj*« , of the meeting. on February 14. Everyone is inorganization, was toastmistress i Dorothy Thompson, Fiorello La- i Wice will speEk on PaleBiine F.IH! !IV;R-'ch T. fit Site Jp^iBli C"i>." s> vited to inspect it at this time. for the occasion. | j Guardia, Mrs. Roosevelt as well j show aio'tion pictures of his trip j nil'- Center. I Included on the program-wJSj-e: | as many other noted historians, i there.
SEIDER-RKXGIiB ANNOUNCE BAR JHTZVAH . Mrs. J. Ringtej announces the Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zollotuchmarriage * of her daughter, Flor- en announce the Bar Mitzvah of ence, to Mr. Edward Seider of their son, Irvin., : o h Saturday Chicago* Illinois on February 1. morning, February 12, at 10 a. m. at the Beth Hamedrosh HagENTERTAINS FOR bdol Synagogue, 19 th and Burt BRIDE-TO-BE '}'' streets. Mr. I. Morger.stern, president" of authors, politicians, and econo- j Miss Dorothy Zollotuchen en- ' A reception-'will-be held at Leon Gellman, national presi- the Omaha > Hebrew Club, who j mists. j tertained Thursday evening for their home, 2251 No. 19th street dent of the Mizrachi Zionist or- spoke on the necessity of keep- j The Pi Lambda Phi quarterly j Miss-Edythe Fifaeberg of Sioux fron- 2 to 5 p. m. and from 7 to The Oni?ha\|3ection of the NaCity, Iowa. Twenty .guests were $ p. m. No invitations have been tional Council k>f Jewish Juniors ganization, will be the guest of ing up an organization of this | also intends to publish a comprePiorpp" \ O~l F r c F . nr the Women's Mizrachi Zionist or- sort; Cantor E. Seltz, accornpan- I hensive study of political move- j present. •" _ ,; held their regular business meet- ganization, at their next meeting vii! 1r ' 'i C r K 1 o issued. All friends are invited. led by his daughter, ShiWey: El-;! inents in major European univer-j Miss Ftoeberg is soon to being, February 6th at* the Jewish on Wednesday, February 16, at Sat 15 f - ' ''V 1 ' i eanor and Florence Frecikin, | sities; a companion of thoughts, \ r come the bride, of Mr. William HONORS DAUGHTER Community Center at which time 2:30. This will be an open meethomo o "" ^ " ( "• ~ f Sherman of Omaha-. plans for a 'Paid Up Membership' ing. Members of the organization small daughters of Mr. and Dave concepts, and. methods with a'j HEiKi1 r f * c ' on i Mrs. Joe Sherman will enter- Dance with view toward a better understanddiscussed. A commit- and their friends have been invit- Fredkin, who entertained Mr* : 1 ' - ^ ' % •- ' ' tain a t tea on Sunday, February tee is were acrobatic and tap .dancing and ing between college students. now planning this event ed. An invitation has also been on ' ~ 1 " 1 c ^p . ! i f ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT . 13,' from 3 to 6, in honor of her Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mayper daughter, Mrs. Joe Lipshitz of and more will be heard about the extended to members of the Men's songs. Accompanying the FredA rciiif T f i» "• ' kin girls was Miss Eleanor Cohannounce the engagement of Pontiac, Michigan. Sharing hon- dance at the March meeting. ,*. T F ^ " r " - r ii JUNIOR VAAD Mizrachi. en. their daughter, Adeie, to Joseph ors with Mrs. Lipshutz, will be . Members of the Council who IF ; c • «= ' ' V i ' " "" J i ' tea and reception will be held At the conclusion of the proB. Hornstein, son of: Mr. and Mrs. two brides-to-be, Miss Marva still wish to join the Sports group ! inAhouo'r T f p n -rjr.r i r-p 1' I The Junior Vaad Auxiliary of Mr. Gellman. Mrs. N. grajn, tea was served. Assisting for bowling are asked to call Rae K. Hornstein. _ -, vi i ,' i Cultural Group has completed r,"r£.3,i « IOI ' Cohn and Miss Esther Shafton. Levinson is chairman of the tea Mrs. 3. Epstein, tea chairman. No definite wedding date has held on : ^ ! .Seventy-five guests have be%n Spar, Web. 0199. committee. 3. Guss, Will- • p i a n s f o r t b e Party to be held were: Mesdames H. been chosen. Sylvia Weiner is taking subimmelstein, S. Invited. iam. Kuklin, I. Himmel _. |,Wednesday evening, Februar;.-
Women's Mizrachi
Junior Council
scriptions for the Jewish Press BETH IL AUXILIARY Contest; she can be reached at At. 6593. Members of the Beth El AuxCouncil members who wish to do Library work at the Univer- iliary will hold an Oneg Shabboth sity Hospital can do so by calling on February 26 at. the home pf
Mogil, and H. Rotkcwitz.
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ANNOUNCE ENGAGE5IENT RETURNS FROM IOWA An executive meeting of the! e r - A delightful socisl evening; Mr. and Mrs. H. Blott of Wa- Miss Doris Weiss returned from organization will be held on Mon-j h a f b e e i J_ art-anged, featuring j terloo, Iowa, recently announced a' three' weeks stay in Clarinda, day, February 14, at 8 p. m. at j p a i m r e a t J i r -S a^-d social gemes. the engagement and approaching Iowa, .where she visited with About thirty members entl the home of Mrs. H. Guss, 2211: marriage of their daughter, Eva, her brother and sister-in-law. Dr. ;' their guests are espected. No. 19th street. Mrs. Herman Cohen. to Jack Raznick, son of Mr. and arid Mrs. Irvin Weiss, and their Cell?. RicnardH, Ha. 0553. Rabbi Aaronson of Minneapolis Mrs. I. Raznick of Omaha. The Current Event class is son, Robby. INDEPENDENT LAMES CLUBl COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEiJi The marriage is to take place held every Wednesday at 7:30 at will be guest speaker. Mrs. E. A. Meyer, chairman in the near future. the Jewish Community Center. HOSTESS AT LUNCHEON of the Beth El dance committee The Personality Cisss of the The benefit card party, recentMrs. M. D. Giventer entertainwishes to thank all those who ly sponsored by the Independent Council of Jewish Women will J ANNOUNCE APPROACHING for fifty guests at a luncheon, ho'-~d make it a success. Ladies' Club for the relief of the j m e e t o n Tuesday, Februarj- 1 5 j MARRIAGE ' last Monday, in honor of Miss •'"ers of the "Big Apple" Jews of Poland, netted S1SG.67, i a t t h ® Jewish Community Center Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stein wish Sylvia Giventer of Chicago, .forAs one of the features of the coi. 'vere: <3onny Richards, to announce the approaching merly of Omaha, whose engagehas been a check for Women's Division bridge party Sam \ . . k, Connie Meyers, Ber- mailed The Civic a n d Legislative marriage of tbjeir daughter, Esth- ment was announced last Octoto the Jewish People's v and dessert coffee to be held at nie Altschuler, Ochee Yaffee, and er, to Max Canar, son of Mr. and ber. . . '. . Committee Against Fascism and Group will meet at the home of the Jewish Community Center on Lorraine. Lesser. Judges for" the Anti-Semitism. Mrs. Ben Shapiro on Friday, FebMrs. Sam-Canar, on February 20. Miss Marjorie Wishnow and The wedding will take place at Miss Edithe Fineberg of Sioux Monday, February 1, there will contest were Abner Kainaa,' RoThe Club'wishes ot thank all ruary IS. Mrs. Abe Solomon will salie Alberts, and Cliff Winehill. Birch wood at 2 o'clock. A re- City shared honors with Miss Gi- be a keno room. those who attended and helped be co-hostess. Additional patrons for the afception will follow from 3 to venter. make the affair a success. fair announced this week are 5:30. Mesdames A. Greenberg,^ J. H. No invitation have been issued. SIOUX CITY VISITOR From a Sendwich to a f«15 •BIKUR CHOLIM Mrs. Barney Baron • of Sioux Kulakofsky, J. H. Malashock, Pecourse nsea! fit the - - . This Library coluran will apter Greenberg, Sam Platt, Leo ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED City, Iowa, was the guest of Mr. pear from week to week in the A regular meting of the Eikur j Weitz, Elmer Gross, and Philip Mr. and Mrs. Morris Zlotkin and Mrs. Rueben Kulakofsky. Jewish Press, announcing new Cholim Society will be held on • GERS announce the engagement of their While here she attended the Ha-Levey. Mrs. L. Jvevelefjt is general periodicals which have been add- Monday, February 14, at 2:30 p. i daughter, Lottie, to Mr. Roy .dassah meeting. chairman of the affair. Mrs. J. ed to our Library are: "The Jew- m. at the Jewish Community Cen- • Lasher, son of Mr. and Mrs. MorJ.' Green bery and Mrs. J. Stein ish Spectator" and "The Recon- ters. Xewly-elected officers will ; 1S04 FARNARIS ST. ris Lasher of Elizabeth, New- ON BUYING TRIP structionist." ' be installed by Mr. Paul Veret, i Jersey. Miss Rae Borsky is spending are co-chairmen of the Patron's The Library now has the new executive director of the • Tfce best EstortBent of the" week in the east where she tickets. Mrs. Philip Levey is American Jewish Year Book; A Jewish Comunity Center. ' chairman of the general ticket CHOOSES WEDDING DATE has gone on a buying trip. book on poetry, "Brands Pluck; Justin Ross, accompanied by i appetizJEg- foods for the sale. Miss .Diana Hlmelbloom, daughProceeds wUl go for purchased From the Fire" by Jessie Sammother, will sing a group of Jew- ! discriminating pcfclic preter; of Mrs. Jacob Cohen of Chi- FRIENDS INVITED TO pared by "a Master Chef. pter and "Major Noah," Amerlsb. songs. • . i ing additional equipment for the cago, has chosen February 20 as SERVICE ican Jewish pioneer, 1785-1851 Tea will be served. the date of her marriage, to Mr- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bloom have Center kitchen. by Isaac Goldberg, are new books Harold Bloom, son of • Mr. and-invited their friends and relatives on the shelf. • Mrs. Sam Bloom of Omaha. to attend services Saturday mornVAAD BIBLE CLASS The wedding will take place at ing, February 19, at the Beth Patronize Our Advertisers the Beth Hamedrosh . Hagodel Hamedrosh Synagogue in honor The 'next meeting of the Vaad Synagogue, at 4 o'clock. of their son, Harold, whose mar- Bible Class will be held on Wedriage to Diana Himelbloom will nesday, February 23, at 2 p; m. • S...A. M. MOTHER'S CI/UB be. solemnized on. Sunday, Febru- a t the B'nai Israel Syna-gogue, "The regular monthly meeting ary 20. IDEAL 17EIGHT CONTROL ' 18th- and Chicago streets. Y of the S. A. M. Mothers Club and Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein is in Under Medical Supervision a- 1 o'clock.luncheon will/be held TO ATTEND DENTAL MEETING charge of the (jlass. No D i e t i n g . . . . No Exercising . on Tuesday, February 15, at the Dr. M. I. Gordon is leaving for 30S Brandeis T h . Bids. H A 1453 All interested are invited to athome of Mrs. Harry Nystrom, Qhicago Saturday night where he tend. 2006 No. 33 street, Apt. 6. will attend the meeting and clinic of the Chicago Dental Society to ANNOUNCE BIRTH be held during the week. He will - Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rudner of return the following Saturday. Los' A n-g e 1 e s, California, announce the birth, of a son, SteJUNIOR HADASSAH wart Alvin, on January 18. Mrs. o o Rudner is the, former Sarah SoloThe Junior Hadassah has ismonow of this city. sued a call to all wide-awake and ambitious young ladies of 14 to 'VISITING IN LOS ANGELES Mrs. W. Solomonow Los 17 years of age to an open house Angeles visiting with her son-in- and organization meeting of the Iaw-snd daughter, Mr: and Mrs.local Young Judaea group "at 2 Bsn Rvdner. Previous ^o going o'clock on Sunday at the Jewish tti Los Angeles, she spent ten Community Center. The Young Judaea group is dt^rz with Mr. and Mrs. I. Fona-. united with similar Y o u n g row of San Antonio, Texas. Judaea organizations all over the United States and is a club that Z. B . T. MOTHER'S CLUB The Z. B. T./Mother's Club will is a link to Junior and Senior meet at the home of Mrs. J. Slos- Hadassab. Una Gross is chairman of the burg, 5302 Davenport on ThursJunior Hadassah's committee reday, Februa'ry.i7, at i o'clock. COME m AM© SELH^IT YOEIRTCEI sponsible for the organization of BILLY GRAY TO VISIT HERE the Young Judaea Group. /Billy Gray, well-known, entertainer, arrived Thursday evening from Hollywood to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. M. O There's no jbetter time D. Giventer. Mr. Gray recently than right now to buy your new G-E Refrigerator! completed an engagement at the Food prices are rapidly Trocadero in Hollywood and is on fssisg. And unless you csn hi^OLchi '" eliminate spoilage, buy in •ii appear at the Yacht Club. larger quantities, and safely save left-overs, your food ii A fashion that was in She limelight at C:i€ budget will have to be inSTOPPING HERE if; Peris openings . . . creased this fall and winter. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Lesser of San Francisco, California, are stopWith a big new General Electric Refrigerator ia your ping at the Blackstone Hotel for kitchen aov?, you can pet two weeks'on their way home the jump on higher prices from an extended trip to the east snd easily save taaay so and the Panama. Canal. extra dollar every month. While here they visited relaThis chic young ensesiible witS. Save Three V/cya! tives and friends. • : : i traveler's topcoat and cerdigsn You can now bur a b!^ new General Electric . . . JOSLYN MEMORIAL : jacket suit (as festured la America's favorite food Sunday afternoon at 3:30 in saver... and save oa pries, Vogue) . . is fashioned o£ "Petelthe lecture hall of the Joslyn" Mesave oa operating costf &sd morial, Dr. V. Royce "West will save on upkeep. wste" . . warm, but weightless, speak on "American News on wrinkle-proof, water repellent.! Europe's Front Pages." At 4 r2^ o'clock in the Concert Hall, there FISHER BATHS Aa ideal Spring ensemble. In Omaha 25Years will be an organ program of duo- ToEstablished those who realise the tremenfi art records. dous importance in keeping iiasy . i errric themselves physically fit and to ©In nssiilsd blue, with red belt Professor Walter M. Kotschd vrtli .Get yoar G-E Rcrris those who appreciate cleanliness nlg will be the Town Hall Forum C3CO5. arid sanitation in steam baths, erator now- scd ^ocSe lecturer this week. His topic will hot packs aad Swedish massage estra saving-s clurlz © la ssottled tea, -with brs-wa hell .d er treatments, tve* offer a service be "The New Alliances, in Eur- unexcelled. the Spring mentis. Call us for physi-.. cscst. .- •. ' ope." This meeting, which is uncians reference. der the_ auspices of the Nebraska YOURS FOR HEALTH Society" of Colonial Dames, be507 Brandeis Theatre BIdg. A T 1072 y gins at 8 o'clock.
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Women's Division
J. C. C. Library'
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$17.25 to S72.
Fourth Fioor
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Sirs. Itolly ZevJtz, owner and operator of the Ex-Cel-Cis Salon, wants to thank the ladles who made possible the huge success of her opening Tuesday. Febr," 1st. Mrs. Zeviti is a s sociated with the mala Ex-Cel-Cis Beauty Products office, and extends a cordial Invitation to the ladies on her free expert advice "On tho Care of the Skin."
'- -
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IN COURT.AT 76—Associate Justice James Clark McReynolds of the United States Supreme Court, leaving his home in Washington to drive his automobile to his office, off his recent 76th ,birthday. The bachelor jurist is the oldest member of the court in ppint of service. He was appointed by President Wilson in 1914. 4 He spent his birthday»in court listening to legal arguments
EH* CSEEBRATESI50 YEARS — When the American colonies rejvolted; England had to find some other place for her felons and .established a penal colony a t Botany Bay,. Australia. On -Jan. 26, ;1788^ Captain Arthur Phillips founded a settlement at Sydney Cove, and of the thousand-odd persons in his company, tnreefourths: were convicts. :. ; But from.that unhappy beginning the Commonwealth of Australia-has become one of the leading nations of the world a.federation ot states not unlike the United States of America, but holding a tie to the mother country through the.GovernorGeneral, who represents the British sovereign.
ffIDSJohr F (j£l k> ^V^ATOK = Lsnbie. •npugator for Mernll on his round-tup coionatior. fljgrhu to England, and his bnde^the Jormer Mary Adams Maverick, as they left St Alban s Church in Washington after their wedding:, recently The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Msvenck Jr of Austin, Texas, and niece of Congressman ftfeury Maverick
Now that Australia has grown up, it is celebrating from January through April the 150th anniversary of its founding— "a carnival planned on a vaster scale than ever-before in the Southern Hemisphere." It expects visitors from all over the world and, already, many are en route. Above, in the outline of the island continent, are pertinent •scenes. Sheep and cattle are leading industries of Australia while camels are still used in the sandy interior. The air view of Sydney, showing Harbor Bridge across its world-famous harbor,-gives an idea of the country's most important city, capital of southeastern state of New South Wales.
, t3s * 1
CTGHT MONTHS TOUVE, 4 IN JAIL _ Harry Turner,; 49, of Chicago, was told by doctors he had ah incurable disease with eight months to live. Then he was convicted of stealing SI 100 from his sister and was sentenced to four months—Half his remaining hfe, in jail. Above, right, he shows Warden Frank Sain of, Cock County jail when his sentence ends arid life is"half ova. •
OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING—David Uoyd George, former Prime Minister of Great Britain and .famed Liberal Party leader, as he and Mrs. Lloyd George celebrated their golden wedding anniversary ,at Cap d'Antibes, near Cannes, Erance. Members of the family, left to right, are: Lady Cary Evans, Major Richard Cary Evans, Mrs. Lloyd George. Mrs. Gwillyn Lloyd George, David Lloyd George -Major Gwillyn Lloyd George, Megan Lloyd George. Miss Margaret Cary Evans and Mrs. Richard Lloyd George.
STAE ILL—Sirnone Simon, little t French film star, who was stricken with bronchicl pneumonia while making a picture in Eolly,wood. For three weeks the 24j-ear-old player had been at wcrk, though suffering from E cold. Then cane her collapse and she was removed to a hosp.tal. At first her condition VES reported alarming, but phrsicians later saw
DIXIE LOSES MUSTACEE—At right is J. Richard (Dixie) Davis minus the black mustache he wore when arrested, with George We.nberg. as they vere take" ir>:o E Ph Irakis'- r ror t b- detectives. Thc^ arc helc: on cha-c;os -.n ronnpc'io-i v . ^ fie Nev Yoi-k policy racl et of the late Dutch Schullr,. or vr-:rr L s obtained by District Attoracr T^orlas E Pcv rr o' NPV To k.
E7SNS OS" VICTOKY—Victorious Japanese halt their march on SfanldhE to take a bit of wine together,, as they rest temporarily nt Wusih. Capturing Nanking later, the Japanese threatened a 1,000-mile drive Into the interior of China.
SEA LORD — Sir Roger Backhouse, recently appointed Lord Commissioner of-the British Admiralty and Chief of the Naval Staff, according to announcement by the British government. Sir Roger, who has been commander - i n - chief of the Home Fleet, succeeds Admiral of the Fleet Lord Chatfield. The appointment carries with it the post of First Sea Lord. Sir Roger is 59 years old.
PARADE FOR KING FASOUK—This is a view in Abdme Square, Cairo, as the Egyptian tnny paraded for King Farouk after his recent wedding to Fanda ZulScar. Ths thrce-ir.ile route between Koubbeh Palace, where the Kins resides, and Abdine Pclace, where he reviewed the troops, was filled with cheering crowds. Note the spectators on roof of building in background.
: Vr.n". •* OuTc licrvj v"ois;ht bojxr cf Vr t c cur;, Conr., vho is sched aloci J-S- rc\{ o^pon-n! .for Char.-p or. Ceo Lou,s, ct the bout m Mad.sor. eccic-r G'raen. New Ycik, on Fei. 23. Mann recently won a decision over Bob Pastor, but Louis fans expect him to be merely a warming-up for the champion. Copyright United Kewspictnres
and Teal name unknown); Maude Trey ( a corporation); Peoples N a - Charge of Fidelity Bank and Trust ' El"an 'pi F" •*!«• Gottleb; airs. J . P. Gould (first and tional Bank (a national banking a s - Company; Ida VTurdemann; Abe ' I K.£*e 3b. ^e-t J o r n ~\ 1 e~n- c*c real rams unknown); R. , S. Grable sociation); Henry A. Perrig-uey; HenrYavitz: Teckel, Earickson & Comi Co-> D c r C ~ > Attorneys -. . (first and real name -unknown); Mrs. ry A. Perrijruey, Guardian and Cura- | pany. a corporation;' Teckel, Earick- 'f -=t and r, Union State Bank Building Carrie Grahl; Leonard W. Grama; tor E s t a t e of PerrigTipy Miners; Han- i POT. & Company, -a co-partnership; j U C i t ' Andrew Grass; Florence Graupner; nan Perschhackcr; Esther K. Peter; j Henrj- w . Ttsnker; Dora Tonker; I y Omaha, Nebraska Pettker; Lawrence Pickert; Adolph W. Young. i ut knom I . E. C. Gray (first and real name ra- E l l a -i r r x j known). Raymond Pickup; Meyer Pickup; I Charlyne Tour:?:; Hilda Zastrotr;'•I "f V CI - f i r NOTICE BY PUBLICATION TO Mrs. J . L. Pierce (first t n d real ! Arthur Zastro-vp; Arthur A. Seis; J . i T r Gray; David Green; George • •*• • ' V a a d . : ' . . . - ' • PLAINTIFFS AMD CO-DEFEN- A.'Olive name unknown; V. C. Pinet _(first j J5. Zelch (first End real n- [ rcsl ~->ne l.-kr=n\ r Green; Cora E. Greeniee; Cliris DANTS unknown); Betty \ known): At the late services tonight AbZPII; Catherine !1 b u T 1" " - ~ Groetecke; airs. Eose Grand; Charles and real nanie la the District'Court of Douglas Grohe; Ernestine Grohe; George J Platte. ! Zoll: Charles Soil; Mrs. Elizabeth - t c - J raham Hesnick^ one of the -win-County, T real Nebraska. ,n"vr H •- o Grote; S. F . Grove (first and rea- Bessie Platts; Norma C. Pollard; R. ners,of the A. Z. A. oratorical H; A. \Volf, et al. Plaintiffs vs. naraa unknown); S. N. Grove (first E. Pollard (first* and real name 'un- [ ' Kansas City Life Insurance Coin- '• l^ZT^ \ ' " . T contest held recently in Bock Is- Omaha Safe Deposit Company, et al. and real name unknown); Dora at. known); August C. Potthoff; Elmer Grover; William J . Gundall; Joseph B. Powell; Bessie Powers-; Joseph H. Defendants, Docket 329, No. 1S3; land, Illinois, will speak on "The David Blacker, Plaintiff, vs. Kitchen GtUchrel; Edwin F. Guth Company Jewish Contribution To American Brothers Hotel Company, Defendant, (a' corporation); Albert Guze; Lydia Docket 2S2, No. 9S; Kitchen Brothers Hackman; Rose Hackman; a i r s . .Democracy." . \ ".- / - - • Hotel Company, Plaintiff, vs. Omaha Katie Hagemann: Charles W. Hahn; , .:•• Haskell Coheu will -conduct the. Safe Deposit Company, Defendant, Cornelia D. Handelman; August Hanke; Joseph1 Hanna; Henry services and Mas Baumer •will of- Docket .253, No. 33.. : • • ' : HarbkB; Fred E, Harris: Emil Hart, . . ; • • ' ; „- man; ailss Mary Havey; Joseph L. . ficiate. •-. ; •- . ' " .- ; To: Company; aiarshsll Field Bernard W. Hays; Ellen ai. Junior Congregation Services Sirs, llay Kuth Abramsky; Harry Haw; Hays; Elizabeth Healey; Mary Ackenhauser; ' Slinnie Ackeiihauser; - are'held:at 10 a. m. at the Con-L. 21. Adklnson (first and real name Healey; Joseph L. Haw; Bernard W. gregation J3'ni Israel,, 18th andunknown); P. At. Adkinson (first and Hays; Ellen ai. Hays; Elizabeth H l M Healey; H l E d d L Mary Edward name unknown); Anchor A r - Healey; Chicago-streets. Mrs. P . Kosen real cadia Lodge 322; Inez L. Anderson; Heffner; Emma , Heiligenstein; Ida I Selma S , was hostess to the children last Louis Anderson; P a u l Anderson; Heinecke; Mrs. Adele Hemker; J. F. | real Clarissa Anderson; Anderson, plots Hennessy (first and real name unSaturday. Mrs, D. 'Denenberg and Company (a corporation); An- known); Amelia Hennessy; John J . •will be hostess* tomorrow. derson, Plots and Company (a co-Hennessy; Kate Hennessy: Robert partnership); Louis . E. Anfender; Henninger; Ernest Hensick; Mrs. Pauline Anguish; Henry Anzer; Isa- Ernest Hensick (first and real name Beth El belle'Anse.r; Alvln April; John April; unknown); Charles F. Hepp: Mar. ; ;At this evening services Rabbi Mrs. L. B. Ambruster (first and real caret A. Hereon; Adeline Bering; A. unknown); E. S. Armstrong J. Herins (first and real name un.X»aV!d A."Goldstein will speak on name (first , and real name unknown); known); J . Herman (first and real name' unknown); Margaret A. Herk ".With: Courage and Faith In the AVmstrons« Vallqnet & Co. (a corporation); Armstrong Valiquet & sen; O. J . Herzosr (first and real 'Future of Israel." Co. . ( a copartnership); C W. Atkins name unknown): William HettenhauSaturday morning services will (first and real name unknown; L. I* sen: I. I>. Hewitt (first and real Aubel (first and real name un- name unknown): Ben B. Hibbard; begin at 8:20. known); F. F . Aubel (first and real Marie Hibbard; Miss Dora Hill; Wal'•! Cantor Aaron Edgar and thename unknown); Harold Auld; Beth ter K. Kitchkiss; Mrs. Eva G. Hods); E l r . Anld; Anna M. Austin; Inna A. kins; Louis It. Hoelseher; William A. Grom; John K. Lord. Jr.: Joseph Leo .Beth El" Choir will conduct the C W. unknown); D. Batr-heilar (first and i: i t i la <—ii ne r»al neme E. S. Bridge Austin; Milton Baer; Cora G. Bahr; Hoffmann: Ottilia Hogenmiller; Ar. . . ... .. ._. net & Cnmnarv ( v. r* I; n service,. . '. • .. • _ and H. M. Baier (first and real name un- thur N. Hohenstein. ' Connolly; Elizabeth Connolly. t ri i-i ^ T find ^, ^, vreal L, r name L °1i !' *M- °. (, a,co-pnaV. ftmn, A Vo'To. Ch,rr^ ^ . Burrough (first Next -week Rabbi Goldstein's known) ; William F . Barnard; James August Hbhlt; William Hohn: J. F. Rasmussen (first and real r w > , unknown); William ' L. BarngTove; Catherine i L Barry; Esther Hohn; H. H. Hoppock (first name unknown); aiamie TJedir>ond; sermon will be "When Mob Hy- Elizabeth T. Barry; William D. Bar-and real name unknown); Eisa JJorn- Thomas E. Rees*: John Reid; Luly Busby; Dr. W. H. Er^ ( f i r ^ ! in.l^Tol^r^rl^ ££! ry, Jr.; Sirs. F. M. Bartleson (Hrtt sey; W. C. Horstman (first and real Reid: Charles Relnhart; airs. Idareal unknown). steria Seizes a People." ,T ... cf A or l^on ^ l^t u-i a 1 •and real name unknown); August 13. name unknown); Addle M. Horst- Reller; F. W. Rengstorff (first and ^Henry Bumbrunle; Laura Broyhlll; rc-ioTE ion ) ^ o h E * nr- = Bauman; Virginia P. Beall; Eay A. man; Eleie Hosch; Edward Houli- real name unknown): Clnra J. Kens- .<-r«. Julia EyerK; Veronica A. Byrne: i .Tol n r> * T I<=rbr New rn s Beitzel. Temple ham; C. D. Howard (first and real storff; Tillie Rengsfarff: Sophie Anna ^Bowing;_Miss E'f^ Bean; i A'o <! A- "W 1- «r<"- ' o -> i f n m u I Harry A. Beimes; ..,..„„ , C ^_ F rje.t i ' r«;t m e !•?•>! Tha Belle Bank (a corporation); name unknown); Melita Howard; Renfrstorff: Johnnie W. P.pppel; Mrs. Jessie A. Brown; Tonight a t services Rabbi Da~ P L? r ri. J-r ~\v Eenz; Helen C. Benz; Hil- Sam W. Hyman; Mrs. Emma Hub- Elizabeth Reubel; Lestpr ReuKS; John Harrj- A. Beims; Nellip Euckmsn; ! n rp P , i. now •• 1 mr a cc-p •_ l r vid 'Wice's . sermon will be "A Catherine da Berg; Anna Berg;- Hilda Rers-; bard; Henry F. Huelamann* Mrs. F. Reynolds; Clementine Richardson; Janie Bersrfeld; Louis Bender; Clara i J P G^ nd ('-«; r r c "pp nen-p i nRank (a corporation): Liz- Bender: Bank of Belfast, of Belfast, ;-kr<von) Th-ojn-f ,T p - e , P r rj r-PDc Southerner's Appraisal of Abra- Annie Berg; ilrs. Natalie Berg; F. A. Cecils Spencer Hunt; Estate of Theo- Richland d IPli V rri P I P ' Berger (first and real name un- dore M. Hunt; W. S. Hunter (first zie B. Rlgg-s: Bertha Mae Rinpk; Ivew Tork (a corporation); Georse | nanr-o fo Peep» •Np inr—l Fnnk o f ham Lincoln." Walter S. Rlnek; Christina Rith- Beimbnnk: Belleville Finance Corpor- ; rha^-Io te^i p \ i-jr nia <. 'sp onil known); Miss Jennie Berger; Kathe- and real name unknown); Clara : t'pr f mann: Emma Rittenhouse: a i r s . ation (a corporation); Louis A. Bitter r - r k "£T \SIPCI. *.u.r n • • Regular Saturday morning ser- rine Bergmann; William F. Bernard; Hurst; Clara G. Hurter; Henry Hur- Eliza *IOP) A' A P^r^ m 1- " o Robertson; Hush D. Robertson; Theodore M. Eohr; J . Harrj" Boka ! C u r - s n 5 re-i r-ame ' „ • - , . 1 i Mary E. Berry; Alice Berryman;'JoE .* ter; Norma Hurter; Rolland Hurter; vices are held at 11. Iname unkn seph S. Berryman; Mrs. J l a r y Jlrs. Adele B. Hyman; Sir. W. J.Alice ai. Robertson; airs. H. H. Rob- (firat and real name unknown; unknon-n; Dr. Dr. iiOand"l Gandhi rF ('<!t <»-<!t m f u - t a ' n r " f imH. Breafll ((farsf T: ~nt> C Charlie U P on Bierwe; Mrs. Lulu Bircbard; Carrie Hynd (first and real name un- inson (first and ' n?al name unf a f and real nameikiwvn) T: v. a r I- nb >-t nown); Betsy Bets B tt D G E, EII Bishop; Nelle G. Bishop; T. A. known); Mrs. IV. J. Hynd (first and known): airs. Salie Robinson; Ethel unknown); Bott*; Dr. G. T m n ftr" Arsenius of Orta, a Catholic L. Blair (first and real name unknown); real name unknown); Mrs. Martha J". B. Rodp-ers: Barbara Roebke: Wil- Benes (first and real name un-; Illinois <a r liam A. Roebke; aiollle Roebke; E. L. bishop ; of the ninth century, William H . Blanton; Beinholdt Blatt; Hysinger; airs. Neta Inskeep; Mrs. •Ropderer (first and real name un- nknown); C. H. Berrj- (first and real Triom-i* O Go-r Eugene RopFberg-pr: J . Hv t l.oanmae , unknown); Boone County Na-: J'rs <!• wanted to introduce the Jewish Walter W. Blood; IJoatmens Nation- ai. Irwin (first and real name un- known); k E T v <a_ national ! ; banking s: trie of *IP E= tie o* "-1" .j-rn*T ^ known); Jennie Jacobs: Lena JacoRoethemeyer (first and real name | . ' . " ' " ' * — ' *—'' s Bank (a national banking associatallit into the Christian services. al n'iihelmina B h pfi Ds^ d V x Ii?n «• tion); Richard Bocklage; H e n r y bus; Clara K. Stern; Miss Katherine unknown): Jacob Roll: Paul T. °ciation) Barker, Durham, Drurj&Sparlincl^ Jaeneeke; Mrs. Estelle MJoffray; Roques; A. T. Rosegren (first and :^ \ B ^ Z Bode'; Elizabeth Boehm: Charles J . (a copartcership); J. L. Collins (first T Boehm; John Boelling; Lillian Boesen- Albert F. Johnson; Mariette Johnson; real name unknown); Barbara Fisher and real name unknown); Jennie (firstm Prn"> TIRVIN C. LEVIN, Atty. berg; Lena Boester; Alex J . Boka; H. E. Johnson (first and real name Rosen; Edsrar N. Fishjr; Ijabelje J. Campbell; T Nora Crimmins: S. W. Fisher; Emma Hoth: Joseph W. 763 Brandeia THeatre Building ' John Henry Boka; Charles Boken; unknown): Alice Johnson. P -ne t J 1 Dr o\ G°c F ui ! Culbertson (first and real name un- I a n 1 "ppl *\PTr\f uni-r'-'^T C Mrs. Elizabeth Jones; Sadie L. Rottler: George F. Ryan: St. Louis known), Omaha, Nebraska Sarah Boley; Charles D. Bolin; Wilalso known as S. II. Culj I h t_ Letter Carriers' Mutual Aid Associarjevarc"; f ancl *-ea n-rpp mGeorgetta Julier; Guyr: F . liam C, Born; Jlary.-A. Botz;.D. R. Juhlin; Tr K T NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE Bowes (first and real name un- " " " " " - — "-^«"'— Kaminski; *" — tion (a corporation); Irving' Salmon; bertson (first and real name un- j j " Irtik SALE Jeremiah Curtin; T\. E. Fla\eTi -V1- hi.- '~'li.'=f>-k-n r C'o— E aiayme Palmer Bowes; Emma Kasten: Emma Kasten; Mr. John M. Sanford; Katherine B. Scan- i c£nown), rlf: Notice is hereby given that on Fri- known);' L. raal - I fTroerl^e Chf? ^ H - h r A. " j - ' i Christ Kaufman; airs, Christ Kauf- Ian; ' - - 3. - Schad - - - -(first and real name i rf. . . i ,°n » - <«rst , . . _ .and . _ . _ . , name • Edith A. Boyd; A. L. BragginB (first D> day, tbe 25th day of. February, 193S, known); Myrle Campbell; Dr. J . E . Mnsr i"-Ft a-ic -^PFI ne-nf ur'nrnr real name unknown); Sirs. (first and real came unknown); unknown): Mr. Fred J . Sohaefer; A. Cashm vat 11 o'clock A. ai.. at Shames Body and (first and real name u n - : 'Mr'-cs.-r't \ . 1 P-E«I ~ Lillian Kaufmann; W i l l i a m B . C. Schaeffer. Tnistee r f i n t and real Branlccki (first and real name un1 & Radiator Company, 190G Cuming known). C ara I-ii' To —i ' "htl Keeble; T. J . Keefe (first and real name unknown): Paul Schafer; Philip known); A. J . Cannon (first and real j ] a t»pw Jnl p Street,' Omaha, Nebraska, the undername unknown); Mrs. Elizabeth D . J. Schaller: Wilmer Schaller; Helen name unknown); Georpe Capps; Cen- i Jo! n Johrnor ^ 1 *" signed will sell a t public auction, to George Breimbrink; John Breth- Keeling; airs. Ella Kelly; Susan J . C. Schanbacker. tral Republic Bank & Trust Con., . . . T 1 the. highest bidder for cash: 1—1931 atier; Elmer J. Bridge;. Everett G. Kelly; Marie H . Kernper; J . TV. , , . l o . .o. t. ,2*™* L Fl >•.•; ^Anna Emily M. Schelp; Caroline Schenk; (a corporation); Charles W. ChsssaBuck Sedan, aiotor No. 2626182. Model Brinkman; Philip E. Briscoe; William Kendall a n d real n a m e Scherck-Richter Company, a corpora- injr; Georgie Chrispin: Slartha Child; f i r s t am rpal n-mpt ij. c^r> j Katie Srockschmldt; unknown); (first 8-50, covered by a chattel mortgage Erockmeier; Dr. John F . Caskry; M. J . Conroy ! cu<=l C Pot h n ' L u M a r i e M. -Kendall; tion; Scherck-Richter Company, a In favor ,pf Shames Body Sc Radiator George M. Broekway; Frank A. Joseph Kirsch; Katie Kirsch; aiarie co-partnership; GuFtav. C. Schlchen- ' " r e t and real name -unknown); j F S i s v « ; Lo rlia Company, and executed by Helen Brown; Harry Brown; A. L. Browno Klaskin; •rothy Ann Ccle; Anna Coa^i: 33. F . I Anne Klaskin; Frances danz: Clara Schiermeler; Willia.m n !B. J k n t v Walker and Clarence Walker, said (first and" real name unknown); Klaskin; Charles A. Kleinhans; Fred Mrs. Theresia Pch- I Clemmons i t Sons (a copartnership): I knov r ) P . eIp mortgage bearing date of July 2nd, Berthe • Broyen Casper Bruening; Klemme; Lizzie Klemme; airs. Edna Schifferdecker; maus: Albert M. Schmelzle: Arthur i H n Coerver; Theresa Cope; Effie •• ThUP-"-n?r^ : aiargarrt Bruening; Nathan Bry; H. 1036.: Said sale wjll be for. the purElizabeth Klein; John Klein- L. Schmid; Agnes Schmidt; Rei'. Co^le: aiyrlte Colp; John C. Camp-'i 1.-1 i n Tbn-T pr ' Buchanan (first and real name Klemp; pose of foreclosing said mortgage, for E. schmidt; Beulah J . Kleppisch; Emil Casimir G. Schmidt: Mrs. Nelle C. bell; Jfarj- Ellie Cottpn: Byron Cros- i and 1 I unknown); Albert W. Buck; airs. Klingler; costs of sale and all accruing costs, Lillyb* aiax Klingler; P h i l i p Schmidt; Philip W. Schmidt; O. t by (also known asf Eyron Cozby); \ \ er«=-\ John " V r~» fv Buck; Edward P. Buddy; Laura Ivloess; Leo Klos; Alroa Klotz; WUand for the purpose-of satisfying the- C. Buffo; Schmied'eskamp (first and real name ! Albert Collins; Clarence Connor, Lou S r I ne'e C - nErnest Burgrabe: George T amount now due thereon,- to-wit: Burnett; Beitha A- Burns; aiiss Ella liam H . Koch; Laura Koehler; Carl unknown); Ralph J . Solirrsissenr; Kathenne Connor; G. W. Carroll 4t.£r EL a-k» • • > C ?117.30. That no suit or other proairs. Carl Koenig (first and Henry Schmoll: Ben Schnehoff: Hen- (first and real name unknown): EWt- ! Pop ' r Y\.r L Sc - ir Cn Edward N. Busch; ai. L.Koenig; ceedings a t law have been Instituted Burton; real name unknown); Clara P . Koe- ry G. Schneider; John C. SchnelJ; ma D. Cosby; Central Agency &!(>ech -- 1 1 r Busch (first and real name unto. recover said debt or any part kiiimn); L. C. Buscii (first and real nig; Emilie P . Koenig; I r a R, Koe- Eliner Schocnlau: Hermine Srhoens- Ix)an Corporation (a corporation); " i thereof. nig; Paul H . Koenig; Joseph E . m i n ; Henrj- W. Schoensman: Loraine Fannie Clark; Hazel Carryl: Jlina ; T ei- o hp F n - - c J unknown); Oscar Busch; airs. SHAMES BODY & RADIATOR CO- name J. /Schreiber; Anna F. Sehulz; AVil- I nDavis; B. H . Dally (first and . . . .O* . J I E Chl.'-Cw <5ni Arthur Buss (first and real name un- Kopelowitz. TCC a m e Mortgagee. Ham N . Schultz; Edna Schultz; A u I unknown); John Decker; John ! • * i • > F n known); aielvin Buss; Camp & Co, Bertha, ar. Koerner; Carl A. Koer243S4t " Vp gust Schweiss; aiary A. Kchweiss; ! Devinp; Clarence DaJy; W. A. Dca- ; tio"i E (a corporation); Camp Co. (a co-ner; O. ar. Kortjohn (first and real en o 'o c -«-L partnership) ; aiyrtle Campbell; aiel- name unknown); Lillie: Kreibohtn Leo T\". Schweiss; Marj- A. 6chweiss: I "T 'first a n d real name unknown!: j n<">ie ) LEGAl- NOTICE L. Schweitzer; Louis Seals; Hugh Davis: T.«,A. Day (firrt and j P^-n vlUo K. Carson; Strs. Lulu Caruth- Erna L. Krenning; aiarie KrenU 1 ers; George Gape; £ . B. Chassaing ) : Eeverend R e e r e n d Wil Louis Seals; Arthur Seiffert; Mrs. W. "W. ] )r.eal Mildred Krenning; William l^ouis unknown): Wil-; f -<; r - r° OTICE TO JOSEPH ELKIN, Co- (first and real name unknown); airs. ning; H. Krenning; 31 a r y Krennlng; C. Setterfield (first and rczl m i s e ! ' a n . ••£• Dawes; Otto .C. rjurbars; ; business under the " trade name Jllabel; Cbcstney; Hilda I*. Glsi; Jiliss Dr. X. Dr*xler; Josephfn.9 Dietrich; " - r ' 4 " A. X CKrieteroeyer (first and ); S n j Hilda d ^ AnneeS -style of Elkin's Grocery: _ - _Luella, Clark; W. C. Clark-(first and name unknown); Lena Kriete- Zastrow;; aiiss Elizab*iH Shaffer; Ivrvererjd F . J. X>ool«y fflrrt s.~d real T ^ J-TNOtica is"hereby given tKCt Ih'an" real name unknown); E. E. Claypool real name sinknown); B. Drikow i'irst , K : meyer; H e n r y Kroencr; Louis Shaffer; SI. Shaffer h B Shff S S f J o h n B. nnett nctioh in the-Municipal Court for the (first and real name -unknown); Roy Krohne; Olga Krohne: Louis Krohne; real name unki>owr:); Mrs. 33. i ?fc£ '—-runknown); 1 I City of Omaha, Douglas County, Ne- E. Clemens; Mary E. Coah: D. AiE. C. Kroibohm (first and real name (first and real nam Ft F1 (firet £nd real name un] — F ] Robinson Shannon: Edward braska,: wherein Fannie. Ackerman. Cole (first and real name unknown); unknown); airs. Louise Krosbein; A. Alberta S. Emma Dischbein; F Kf trustee, is plaintiff and Joseph Elkln, Sarah E. Cole; C. L. Collins (first E. Krughoff (first and real, name Sheda: Rawle'lgh T. Shepherd: M. j known); Thatcher Shore (first and rral name Dickson (first and real name \iti- r^al nar-^p vr doing bosiness tinder the trade name and real name unknown): Nora E. unknown): " r 'i f known): H . L. TT, Arthur Kulimann; Cathe.._ (first and I SII>>IP 1 | 1 c unknown); R. H. Shumate (first and and style of Elkin's Grocery, is de- Collins; Colorado National Bank (a rine H. Kunz; Louise Kunz; George h-in T reall ur.kriown); Ccorpre Doel- ; f-f- ^*- T^1 *irb pi T \ real name unknown). fendant, an order of attachment and national banking association): Peter A. Kunze; James P. Kerr; Lester A. ling-; Theodore L. Dreyer: Theodore ' I^eer E t Clara ai. Sido; A. ai. Simon (firpt garnishment was on the 10th day cf Comer; airs. J. P. Could (first and Kelly; • Emelia Lammers; Joseph J. : Dreyer; Michael Djschbete; Kus- rp-i •" - i January, 193S, Issued out of said real name unknown); Harry Cox; 'Lampe; Ida Lampe; Larson-Hanohan and real name unknown); David E . XJ. ! K - c I " - -I cojirt for the gum of $150.00: and that Hugh L. Crabill; airs. F. C. Crom- & Co. (a corporation); Larson-Han- Sims; Margaret B. Singleton; M. M. sell B. Davis. Sitton (first and real name tinthe "following goods and chattels" be- mer (first and" real name unknown); ohan Thomas F . Dalyy Ag-ency ""T* 1 J^" g y Compsnr; C m p y &Co. (a copartnership); Lee longing to you and In the possession Dan Cubbage; Roue Cubbage: airs, LeRussa; airs. Anna aL Lash; Dr. L. known): Frank Six; Edwxn R. Skaer; (a corporation); Thomas F . Mrs. Cecile a i . Smith; Harry F . of aioskovitz Fixture Company, a aiartha G. Dana; Louis Dauernheim; L. Latham (first and real name unAgrency Company A C (a ( ccpaxtnerEjiip), i'i-n'V: ' 1 ""w - Iav Smith; Isaac Smith; Mrs. LoueSla J . Erfa Dean; Carl V.Davi?; Reverend j E P -«-t corporation, at 1115 F&rjiam Street In Mike David. I known)-; B. J . Latimer (first -find r Smith; M. W. Smith (first snd real the City of Omaha, Nebraska, were D. C. Eby (first anrl real name vn- ''I real name unknown); Richard D . name unknown); J . P . Sparks (first known); duly attached, to-wit: Edna Edwards; Reverend F. ! Kna' Velma Lee Latimer: Ed- and real name unknown): L. P .Essen (first and real name un- ; ' o ~ i T r 1- large refrigerated meat display R..JW. Dawes (first and real name Latimer; " C i-OPlWT D C. Lee; F. H. Lehman; Joseph Sparks (first and real name u n - knowc); case, 1 cooler, variou3 counters and unknown); Oscar Decker; Henry V. ward Henry Eilerman; E. C. Eid- ; Kro^n*->r. Lenzner; Emma R. Leonard. known); Emanuel Ph. Specht; Louise man (first and real name unknown); i u^Knour) tables, 1 scale,' shelving, and mis- Deemar; Jennie B. Deemar; Ben H. Specht: Gertrude L. Specht: Edward rti cellaneous equipment. DeForest; J. A. DeHovitz (first and Mrs. Emma Levy; Adolph Leyh; G Spence; Bepli.!: V. Spencer; Otto R. L. Ellis (first and real name un- h ro -You are further notified that said real. De-• K --, jje-i-io Harry Sanders; Thomas r e a l . nname a m e unknown); umcnownj; Louis j^ouis H. n . j->ei , . T i hbp r t v rminrll Vn u . spence; BepfeS V. Spencer; u t t o known); t ,. 1 r i _p T.T 6 e3r hi cause was continued for sen-ice to man; Henry Detmer; Mary G. De-. fe^r ?. % 5f T j L (a corcora-' B. Splnden; Otto Splnden: Mrs. M.ElEberry: Henry J . Ebers; Heischel r p *-i r —e*— the 18th day of aiarch, 193S. at 9:00 vine; Dick Milburn; Elizabeth Diehl; ?>00-,? iTjchtenYtein —.-^-.K. I - 1 P irst and rea! nam ;r)5f; U,Vin' Fst J J ?n? fafa Gudab (first and rea! name un- "W. Ebeis; Mile F. Edwards; Chsries te Estate In? A.' JI.. and if you do not appear for i e w i s G. Diehl; John G. Dierklng; I £ S 4 '* Lichtenstein^ known); Frank J. Stasb; G«E H. Efiler;Geors-e Eerers. Jr.; Edward ' trial at that time, judgment will be Anna Dierking: Mrs. Louise Dietrich; Sta.ples; Mabel Staples; George L.Eisenhaiser; Emil Ellison; J. F. Eiii- . r „ ^ u S l rendered 1 against you as prayed In Joseph E. Dilff; Ernest Aug. Doctor; ("irst and real name ianknoT.-u); : Cha p= Lp a Augusta F. Littmann; Ed- Stapleton; H. E. Stapper.beCjk (first son plaintiff's petition. Edna S. Doeliing:; Fred E. Doelling; Littleton; and real name unknown); William H. James Elison; Oscar Ellison: E. A.; ^^T ijO'-'li^ j - CP C ear. Littmann: H. B. Lii-ingston _(first Hophia K. Doelling-; Hugo Doelling; and real name unknown); Mary E. Stark; Laura S. Starr; G. G. SteinPrep (first .find FANNIE ACKERaiAN, Trustee. . .resl . name nn- j *"* r "f -i^n known rr John Doelins; Minnie C. Doelling; 43&4 W. G. Lohrum (first and real heimer (first and real name un- i known); Otto Engert; Sirs. Otto EnLaura C. Doenges; Theresa C. E.Lloyd; ck name unknown): Margaret E. Lovall; known): Peter Stpinhfimer-: Petpr j pert (first asd real name unknown); I cn-pTMONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & Hold; Mollie Dolder; Daniel J. Dono- Mrs. J . C. Lovrien (first and real Steinheimer; Anna Steinhcimer; E. | Reverend B. H. Eppman ffirst and j r fbi ! -c o r ,E. COHEN, Attys. -- van: Fred R- Donley; Reverend Pat name unknown); ^Irs. John Lowrej- Stepenhorst (first ana real name un-unknown); Thomas A. i »jecke S Pto P - r k J, Dooley; Harry J . Douglas; John (frst and real name unknown); J. L. known); Clara K. Stern: Fannie Early, Receiver, Inferotate National 737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. P a " G L f '>"• i l .• o >ors o-1 -W. Do%vns; Theodore J. Dreyer; Lucas (first and real name un- Stout: Fannie Ktoutec: Frank P. Bank ( a National Bar.kins Associa<—>E.*a \ r« A F Louis J. Drexler; Lillaln Drohan; known); Harry Luechtefeld: Mrs. Straub: Mrs. Dora Stukpnbroeker; tion); First National Bank of Nesaii- ijL PROBATE NOTICE real a r » In the aiatter of the Estate of William Duenlce; Dulaney P l a y - George Luedde (first and real name J. TVilliam Sullentrup (first and real nee (a National Bankirig ,«,s5ocia- ' * ^ * a*"*- e s 1 r->— < 1 grounds Board (a unincorporated as- unknown); J. E. McCarthy (first and name unknown); F . J. Sullivan (first tion): Charles P . Foreman;- Cora L. ^fl—w L " " Aaron Ferer, Deceased. E " OT ""r 1 p" Dpi Notice Is Hereby Given: That-the sociation); James Duncan; Martha real name unknown): Clara J. Mc-and real name unknown); Clarence Foreman: Florence M. Futz; W. G. Dr J J" ( rM f i t , •"*• creditors of said deceased will meet Duncan; Mrs. Ollie Duncan; Laura L. Carthy; Marie B. McCarthy; Stella S. A. Summers. Frank <first and real • name u n - " a - r e L - k n n v - l C l a i r e McCarty, Ex. Estate of Dr. James W. the executors of said estate, before Dunham: John Dvorak; P i ^ h ' -i ?>"• Frank Svoboda; Frank X. Swee- known); E!ma Toensingr; Reverend If t me, (County Judge of Douglas Coun- Dwyer; Thomas J. Dwyer, Sr.: Olivia McCarty; Miss Adeline E. McChirkin; ney; aiartin Sweeney; Dr. E. F. I- r P . Foreman; Reverend O. P. 31 s * ° a "^ " r n ISckardt; Paul Eckardt: Mrs. C. H, G. N. McDavid (first and real name Swisher (first and real name un- Charles ty, Nebraska,' at the County Court Foreman ffirst ana real name u n - ! 1 Rocm, in said County, on the 26th Edler '- (first and real . name un- unknown): Gertrude A. McDermott; known); Aenes Taclcptt: Elien L. known): N N.. W. Feuerbacher (first II kni-a-nl Jope-i ! "«• V-» «T. F u e b h ( ); Ae day of aiarch. 1938. and on the 26th known); Elmer Edlenj Charles L. Ed- Leona McDonald: Mary McDonnell; pn"Tt°C. " Fay Taylor; Tarlor; j and real name unknown); Fidelity | day of aiay. 1938, at 3 o'clock A. M., wards: C. L. Edwards (first and real Genevieve McEIroy; Mathew McEl- Tarlins': Paul Terhune; Norman Terry: H Hupp j Mortgage M Corporation C i ( ( a corpora-jj FOC a* or^ name unknown); Reverend Fr. Egger each day. for the purpose of presentroy; Mar>McElroy; Sarah McGillir»>sl •-•"TIP -u-i'-'•V-'Tevis; Regina Thiess; B. E. Thomas tion): Fire Insurance Company o f : r " " ' ' ins their claims for examination, ad- (first and real name unknown); fran; William McGilligan: Miss Anita (first a n d rea! name uninown); j Chicayro (a'corporation); N . M. F i t s - ! or. K ? i & a justment a n d allowance. Three George' E. Eseer; Ernest Eggert; McGinnis; "Winfred McGrath; NelHe Katherine D. Thomas; Mrs. Satire | patrick (first and real name u n - r ' k { T u- Co-i - ? r ' o" months are allowed for the creditors Robert Eike; Anna EIke; Richard S, McHose; Bridget McKenna; Ida L.K. Thomas (first and real name un- known): Golflie Forsj-th; HarrTj*'i"iu " " -— • " " ' • to present their claims, from the 2Gth Eiseman; David .Eiseman; Sophie McQuitty. known); Catherine Thompson; H a r - Frarrkpl; Myrtle S. Feller; S. S. F a r - ! ^T \e= Eiseman. . • ' day of- February, 1S3S. 1^ j - Te M. R. Thompson (first row (first and real name unknown); I "^ i ^rr Major Lewis Means; Irene Ma- ry»Thompson; : BRl'CE CRAWFORD,.. 'i -'"If n d " real name unknown); B. J . L. E. Farley, (first and real name e n - | % " ' •• 2-;-3S-3£. County Judge. • : Lisette Eiseman; George P. Elswirth; Loney; Anton Manhart; Karoliria aThuenemann (first and real name known); Mrs. D. L. Feaster (first j Arthur W. Ellerbusch; Dr. A. J .Manhart; John J. Manion; Julia prr "\ L "C o "SF a Eisner (first and, real name un- Mann; Albert Mann; John P . Marat- unknown); Mrs. (•am Thurman ffirst and real name unknown); Fidelity .; F J r MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MAREB >.r h " i and real name unknown); Mrs. Ellen Bond & Mortpaee Company (a cor- 1 1 "~ known); Kat<? Engelmann; Wray H, ta; Annie J. Marsha.ll; Anthony Tilton; Milville Tod; ••& COHEN, Attorneys ; i r r M " I 'i-^t ii Alice Tod: Marporatior.): Theoaore Florrelch; B W p ' ^ F J A J Essex, Sr.: Wray H. Essei; Joseph L. Mart; Adella Martin; Mrs. Matilda 737 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldn. ? I A. Evers; Joseph A. Evers; Oliver A. Martin; John W. Mason; Willard A. garet E . Tolmic: Mrs. Lpttie A.' Foster; Fsrmers and Traders Bank j r ™° -K^-t "1 Crr \ "C « Fabick; Miss Hannah Faes; Annio Mason; Selma L. Mayer; Edear "W. Traufler; Stella Trippcl: Edward J . of California. Missouri (a corpora- j I n-v r*>nce - " i - NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION T r i h e y ; Alvia Troegle; F a r m e r s a n d ! t i o n ) ; F i r s t National B a n k of Spring; I i " " " i n c Fahey; H. J. Falkenhainer (first and Meier; Julius Meier; TTilliam Meier; In the County Court of Douglas real name unknown); Louise B. William C. Meinert; Andrew L. Mel-M e r c h a n t s Savlnsrs Bank, a corpora- | field, IlHnois ( a National B a n k i n g , r p - i n - r » f k n r " County. Nebraska. Farmers & Merchants Bank (a cher; Agnes Melcher; A. J. Menteer tion; Lydia Ulbright; M r s . I. Clbricht | Association); M i n n i e . F o r c a d e ; A n - f ' f « I "5 " " « r' oIc ' In the aiatter of the Estate of Faris; corporation): Elizabeth Farrell: Mar- (first and real name unknown); Mar- (first a n d real n a m e .unknown); C. 1 d r e w F r u t h . • ' • ! i^^-^o r i C*~ "P "William C. Farr. Deceased. Dizotell Farrel; D. L. Feaster pare t M. Merrltt; E. C. Henry Meyer L. Ulrich (first a n d rpal name u n H . F e c h l l e r (firs=t rpal n a m e | Ipol - " '«: 1 "n * " .". All persons interested in said estate garet (first and real name unknown). k n o w n ) ; Elsie U n s a r ; E s t h e r Unfrar; j u n k n o w n ) ; Fuller, Crutenrien £ Com! i 1 r " " " ^ r ' (first and real name unknown);, Wilare hereby notified that a petition Meyer; Miss Helen Meyer; John M a s A . Ung-ar; Union T r u s t C o m - j p a n y ( a c o r p o r a t i o n ) ; Fuller, C r e t - ' has leen^filed In said Court alleging George Feldbusch: Frank J. Feld- liam h<-that said deceased died leaving no man; Kate M. Felker; Harry L. Fer- A. Meyer; .Mary K. Meyer; Wilma Pany, a corporation; TTniversa 1 State tenrien & Company (a copartner- : 3 T f * 5 ' last will and praying for administra- iruson; O.. J. Ferguson (first and real Meyerson: Mrs. Linda R. Meypen- Bank, a corporation: Peter A. Vaeth; Bhip); First Union Tru?t & Savings 1 III 1-fr tion upon his estate, and that a hear- name unknown); Julia Feustel; Fi- bufg; Fred C. Michael; Lillian Charles Vanck; "U'iliam VoderberB; Bank (a corporation); First Nations! •=—•' % rr 1 ing- will be had on said petition be- delity Trust Co. (a corporation); Michael; Emma' G. Michaells; Kate Arthur Vopral; Mamie Voca.!; Cath- Bank of ChicA^o ( a Nations! Bar.fc- I I n^ii T "> • Voney; ing Association')-: •. Firet National r* ^ <* fore said court on the 19th day of Mayme Finigan; Dorothy Finke; Isa- Milbert; J. P. Miller (first and real erine. Vouel; Mrs. Lillian John Wack; Miss Nellie IVagrsPr; J . Bank, Washlng'tori, Missouri (a N a ' ^ " g:^ February. 193S. and that If they fail ..bella J. Fisher; Florence M. Fitz; M. name unknown); Christina Miller; F - N;«to said Court on the eaid Fitzpatrick (first and real name un- Phillip' Miller:' Louise "Miller;" Ida G.-Waldeck (first and real name u n - tion.-il.. Banking Association); R. H . . i nr ' T *"•" 19th d a y of February, 1S3S, a t 0known); Thomas H. Fitzpatrick; Katherine Miller; J. E. Miller (first known); N . 'Walden (first and renl Forbes (first and real name vn- ^ ' o'clock A. II., to contest said petition, Gertrude Flaven; Mrs. Lena FohrT and real name unknown); Elmer name unknown); Miss B<>!3e I T E I I ; J . knOTrn); Fitch Publishing - Company r ' r - p I P1. the Court may grant the same and man: Mathew T. Folej-; - Mrs. Mary Minor: Edwin Moellmann; . Alvlif L. "tt"alsh (first and r e s ! r.ame u n - (a corporation); F a j t t t e Bank cf • o - ^ r - r grant administration of said estate Fortel; F. Earl Fowler (first and real Mohr; Albert Monaska: Charles H.known); Lilllian H. Walther; George Fayptte, Wyoaiins (a corporation); 11 to Zee R. TItu3. or some other suit- name unknown): Mrs. Elizabeth Fox; Moore; Emma L. Moore;. Dr. Ml R. F F. Wang-elin; W n g e n ; Dr. r. J3. J B..• Wara r ((first Martin Oopfle; Floyd Grtz: •U'illiam i--n» 7 able person and proceed to a settle- Mrs.' A. J . Francis (first and real Moore (first • and real name un- andd reall name unknown); Warren k ) Wrenp G J h GHiespie; G H i i J p h A. A :: " John Joseph » r Mrs. Dorothy E. - Moots; Connt5'. Bank, a corporation: F ment-thereof. lh Felthan Grevels; Ad«le Gacken; Dr. Anton name unknown); Minnie Frantz; Misa known") William Morgan; Mrs. Myrtia B. Vv"atson; Ruch C. W a t t s ; We"hrr Im- i Gup-f-er; Ida Goodman: Csrl A. Grr»r; BRTCE CRAWFORD, W: Rosina Frantz (first and real Moser: Walter F. Mueller; Theodore . l-28-38-3t County Judge. name unknown); A. . L. Freeland Muench: James Murphy; Alice Mur- lement & -Aiito Co., a corporation: i Aurtjpf Gporfrp; Francis Gaorp-e; SI. (first and real natne_unkmrwn); Em- phy; Mary M. Murphy;.. James E. Weber Implement ,>i Atito Co., a co- j H. Gibbs (first ariS rpa! name u n - * l \ 1 C>i "" NOTICE OP A DISSOLUTION OF A ma Frese; Eugene Freund; Mrs. Ann Murphy; partnership; H . C. Wehkinsr (fSrst known); Mrs. Ora E. Grimm; Minnie C e Ellsworth A. Murray; WI1- and' r«al name unknown): HttJaa A. ; Gudale; S . J . G3?is3c!fr> (first and rpal r->™p v - % - 1 V M •'. •• , PARTNERSHIP Fries; Mrs. J. A. Fries (first and real roa Myerson; Kathryn Myrick; Jos.Wehking; Emma Wpindcl: Joseph | name ' unknown): Mrs. Fred W. Notice Is hereby given tliat the name unknown): Raymond Furrer; r> partnership between Louis Siporih D. K. • Firmin Fusz, Jr. (first and Myriek (first and real name un- Weipgart; Walter WrinKtrark: Louise j Gabb; Albert G. Gregg-; TV. H . Georgre •"'- r - t and Ben Bengard and Sam Wolfson real name unknown); J,' A- Gallagher known)'; A. L. Magerstadt (first and Welhoelter; Joseph P . Welsh; ADK. (firet and rea.l r-.'irne unknown); H . fr= f •was dissolved on the 31st day of De- (first and real name unknown); real- name unknown); Mrs. W. L.Wp.sselschmidt (first p.nd real name ! Mor^sn G?rl;pn (first and real, narae f. ^o- r ' (first.and real name tincember. 1337. ' •- . •-.•.'•Charles G. • Galle; Thomas E. Galli- Masruder unknown): Mrs. . Beuiah Gimroie; unknown). known). So far, as relates to tho said Sam gan. St.. Louis. Fr--.p «• B. TThalea Grand National Bank Delphine Ti'sstinan; Wolfson all debts due to the said ffirst and. real name unlcr.ovTtV. Sirs. I JijsFouri fa National Bankirtsr AssoNaphtal! Lodge, So. IS. A. F . -&J-tsry E . Wheeler; H . G. V.'hflan j ciatlpn): Mrs. Carle Ka'.ey: Mrs. CarGants (first and - partnership are to be paid. And those J. . real name ) Jesse J L Garrett; G t t Delia Dli C due fro mthe same discharged at 419 unknown); L. C. A. M. (a corporation); Frea W. N«3- (firKt . a n d real name unknown); j r i e Haley; William I I . Hayes; Sirs, fSouth ,11th street, where the business I Garrett; Roy W. Ganbain"; Gephart ley; Clara Nesl«y; Isabel Newlands; Catherine A. Whslan; Karg-aret Hs.rtrnan; 51. F . Harmon. will *be continued by-Louis Siporin Gawer; Charlotte Gawer; F r a n k Loo F. Niebur; Louise B. Nlebur: IViiipcle: Jleta S. Wip(1-JiK.nn; Mrc. j (fjrrt and real came unknown); B e Nollman: I. F.-Nordyke (first Anr>?, Tilesp; Davia Williams: and Ben Bengard. t h e firm doing Gawme; Leo Gegg;"ai. F . Geisman D. b r a J y : . business tss tha Independent Fruit (first and real name, unknown); airs. and - real name -unknown); Mrs. Era- j vnifiims (first and real name un- Phillip Kans; TTaltrr Kru^rriKira: P Company. -• ' 1-21-38-Ct. - A. George (first and- real name un- rna L. Nuoff; William Oibrisch; ; William Williams; %'nz S. -Carrie Ksssmsr.n; C, VI. Haci^or. known); W. H. George (first and real I-Taiherlne OJbrfsch; Mrs. I t H. Wiiliamsoa; "iV. S. "SVIlsoa (first find (first and real name cnknoim); A c name unknown): Henry Gerdins: Al- Oliver Xfirst and real -name nti- real name unknotm); Pauline TrinDONALD BRODKEY, Attorney. irst snd (firs 737 Omaha National Bank Building. bert M. Getz; Chris S. Giespke; Ed- knovra); Blanche. Dorothy Omohun- f-rath: Ferd'Wlnkler; rvlajrpie Wink- S ward Giessling; airs. Edward Giess- dro; Anna JI. O'Neill: Charles Osth- ler; Alcrfs A. Winterer: Charles F . | real (first name sr.d rnal r.r.trss vnknoim); '.I^-c- - - ' - • ling (first and real name unkaown); off; Sirs. Anna Ott; Elmer F. Otte: Winters; Peter J . Wisernann; Sirs. F . j Lena Hahser; l l a r r Hsrv-ey; J . G. -«•-> NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. A. W. Gilbert (first and real name Mrs. Anna M. F N. D D."" Pain Paine Wissner (first and real r.atr.e un- Hammei (firrt r e s ! nr.Tne IID- " " N name unlmotrn); Notice is hereby given that all t h e unknown); F. P . Gilbert (first and I first and real na ) ; known); Henrj' J. Wittc; Kenry R . ! known); Doroth^ K»l!is: Andran-- ' -«• exlstins; debts of AMERICAN- U P - real namq unknown); Sirs. HiJda L. Pearl Paine; Dorothy Panhorst: Jfin- Wittee; _„, George „_..„_ "VTittirann; Aujrust j K«rf»r; Kthf-1 Hrrfpr: Phvl'ic Kftritt: ^ « HOLETER1NG COaiPANY on theGisi: airs. Henry N. Gisi (first and nie Parish; LiBie I. Park: Charles Witte«berg;er; Ernest V.'itter.berirer; ,31st day of December, 193S, amounted; rea Iname unknown): Reverend John W- Parker: P.oy A. ParlteT; W. E. William B. K.ickr: _TTac3n Harri?: Jacob T. H a e - - r <•J. Glennon: Arthur Glusenkamp; airs. Parmley rfirst and real name un- (first and Wittenberg-er; name unknown); Sal- l«;v; Virsritiia H s r V r ; Clara Kelirr; to the sum of $62-09. < Josephine Gosgin: G. F. Goltermann known); Marshall C. Parsons; G. E. ly Wolan: real LEO FOX. Gertrude Wolf; Vincent C. "" (first and real name unknown); Clar- Paj-don (first and renl narae un- Wolf; Floy Wolfenbarg'er; The World I • J. Ke-bnesssy (first p.T7(' TEE.5 n s m " 1 r - • President. L. I K 3 ffirrt s n i ence E. Gonser; J . Goodman' (first LEO FOX. and real name unknown); Bertha known);. "Sirs. G. E. Pardon (fire* Color Piintinp: Co.. a corporation; j real r. name i:r.5cnowT]): BprJ'na nnd renl name unknown): Otlln I I Th? World Color Printing Co.. a rr o -; I-TPr,rj" K»ln>rer: .Mvin R. M. CANAR. Beinp a Majority of the Board of Gosen: Genevieve S. Goscn: Theor- Pearce; P K IT. IT Petfc<> Ptfc fffirst f i t nnrt rrnl-! r r n l ! partnership: t h i Hans H %VuIff, %VIff Spscial S i a l I K. Mrs. Directors. 2-11-38-lt; dore H . Gosen; T. L . Gosney (first name unknown); Peoples''.Bank • of Deputy Financial Commissioner in Hcir.s; Eearj- Hscik.; Mary Hec&Je;
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Page 8
Polish Minister Admits Ghetto
Virginia Dare Salon For" the rest of the month the Virginia Dare Beauty Salon is'of-
i t s nev
Beaches Mistake; s ' noiij-mode perThe Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare j manent wave at an unusually lowZion Synagogue will have their ] Warsaw (VVXS) — An acmis- price. This shop is famed' for CUSS AUM PILL, correapcafaift Oneg Shatbot meeting. this-.Saturi sion"by t!ie minister of education the high quality of its work. day afternoon'at 3 o'clockin-the that the ghetto benches for Jewhome of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mu— ish students in the Polish univerPresides! of Berlin Community sities kin." Mrs. Sani JVg.rer will be "a W s Window' have seriously damaged Pojoint hostess. Mrs. Jack- Kosberg -• ' . Tells Youth to lish education, has created a will-present Current Events'"and " Emigrate • (Continnr-f] from PHCP 1.) great stir throughtout the counA meeting scheduled, f r Sun- those, attending will . contribute • TRIBUTE: A book has just ling number of non-Jewish stutry. Speaking1 before a committee examine of that. But the disBerlin (JTA) —Apparently In- of Parliament, the minister con- course of Mr. Ickes which will, day evening, February 13, in the to' '.'the * discussion. Rabbi M. been published by G. P. Putnam's dents at. City College of New Jewish Community Center, jwill Brown will ppeak • on Ethical Sons that is destined to stir up York ..'. . Where 80 to 90 perspired by a central official.sourcfe, ceded that the ghetto benches of course be printed and which, honor l.abbi Sol Bol Lhikov, 'who books 'in Jewish, literature' and considerable discussion . . . It's cent'of:•• the .6,000 day students Jewish leaders last week carried had been ES bad £or Poland as I hope, -will be .very widely diswill couplet:;, his , f'rst year In Mrs. Herman-Licht will lead-the '•'The' Peoples Want Peace" . . . are Jewish . . Jay Franklin, ppp- a bl\iat warning to German Jewry for the Jews but Pleaded the gov- eminated ought to be ' and for Siou r Citj and • aose contract singing of" Hebrew sOngs." ' Re- The author Is a grand.little man >uiar Washington correspondent tbat a future in the Reich -was ernment had to choose between some time tc remain the classic of ISrs. J. H. Kulakofsky has been, renewed : Tha meeting freshments will conclude the af- who celebrated his fifty-sixth wants to be '.'excluded in" when •forever closed to them. The-mes- ghetto benches and constant stu- example of the freedom snd clarOmaha to Be ity with which the high nonbirthday Feb. 10, who has taken threatened persecution of Jews sage was delivered on the eve- of dent disturbances. yill begin.~,t 8 o.'c'ock. ; • ' . . ' • • ternoon's program. - .. ' • Jewish mind sees immediate the Ws.inquisitive nose for news and starts in this country .-. Although celebration of the fifth anniverSpeaker Sneakers will "include Rabbi H. Another surprise was created Hitler's inevitability oi our work, hope, lils unruly wisps of' byown hair he is a minister's spa, he recent- sary of Chancellor Adolf R. Rabinowitz. and Rabbi Theov when Madame Prystor, author or aspiration. Nor should I fail to into the far corners of-the earth, ly received - a threat, signed by advent to power. ij The first regular meeting of dore N... Lev. is. Mr. Franh' MarSpeaking from the pulpit of the 193 6 anti-shechita lair, an- add the fact that Mr. Ickes at t i e Sioux City Chapter of the golin, local, attorney will act as Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will always returning with something "Jew-Hater", to "watch your nounced that she opposed the Council of Jewish Women, will be chairman of the evening and will speak this evening on' 'Presidents new and interesting and vital to step" . .• . In a column on the the Fasanenstrasse . Synagogue, ghetto benches because they dam- the beginning" of his discourse in Dr. Heinrich Stahl, president o! which, by the v.'sy, he bravely aj luncheon meeting in the Corn introduce the tpeafcers. and- Dictators — What a, Differ- report . , . We give yon Elias To- threat, he wrote: "I am not a the Berlin Jewish Community, aged Polish prestige.' and nobly rsimed by symbolic b'enkin . ' . . Burden of the book, Refreshments will be Berved. ijoom of the Martin Hotel, MonJew, but, with human liberty at ence.' Cantor Pllskin and the addressed a large .gathering is names the dark forces in the day, February 21.-Mrs. J. H. synagogue choir will chant the the result of visits to fifteen na- stake, perhaps I can rank as one, these measured words: Ykki I>CEJ?S Bccsmcs Ciikez, world — HiUer, Mussolini — astions, is that, despite their mili- honoris causa. I'd just as soon Kulakofsky of bmaha will be the service. . ... "To those amongocr youth sured us that what he said to us tarists, the people do want peace guest^ speaker, and the officers of be killed as live in the sort of .'• Mr., and MrfiV.-.A.. Greenberg who have cot yet decided to emi- Los Angles (YCXS) Under her was no less than his the opinion the Council, will be installed. will serve refreshments to the ."."'.' . Tobenkin, author of numer- country where men seek to evade grate, I say there is no future for legal name of Herwig Lert, Victci and reasoning and reaction of the '•fA.scroll to be kept in the archildren of the Junior Congrega- ous novels, and an experienced, their own blunders by persecut- the Jews in this country. What- Eaurn, the coted Austrian-born President. foreign correspondent, has a ing people whose noses, skins, sochives will be signed by charter tion tomorrow morning, in honchanges, may be forthcom- novelist, 'became an American members." Mrs. Earl Kline, memor . oi their: grandchildren ..who pleasant, racy style--. . ." He hascial customs or religious ideas ever often think and now I think packed the book with Interesting are, slightly different to their ing for us will not probably be citizen in the feedral court of so I again bership ' chairman announces that are. visiting here. that we ought to do .and sidelights .' . Tells own" . . . Bismarck, In 1868, in-for the better." Los Angeles. Miss Baum gained more "to energize the Christian the campaign for charter memA Dramatic: Club, supervised anecdotes This was the first time so blunt this one about Hitler, for exam.7 I fame as the author of "Grand bers is being continued* by Miss Rosena, Sacks, and an pie . . .' The Fuehrer has periodic terceded with the Rumanian Gov-. and outspoken a message has world in the defense and furthering of the cause of the Jewish (Table appointments and decor- First Meeting of Social Service Arts and Craft Club under the moods of depression, panicky eminent on behalf of Jews been publicly delivered by a re- I Hotel." Group Held leadership of Mrs. Herman Licht fear, fits of uncontrolled weep- threatened with expulsion from sponsible Jewish leader. Other people. I have head Mr. Ickes; ations will carry but a George Jews have tried everything it I have heard British parliamenand Miss Shirley Fein,- have been ing, during which he calls for Jassy . . Other days, other ways'. speakers at the Jewish Commun"V^'ashingion theme, . and the Tuesday organized, at the Shaare. Zion news from Wedding . (worker's . . . Cecil Beaton, whose "rubcon- ity and other meetings spoke sim- seems. The false Messiah, Abra- tarians; I have heard Justine Goguests will be seated at small ta| ham Abulafia, tried to convert dard in Paris; I shall never forSunday School and meet every suburb in' Berlin, famed as a scious" lettered anti-Semitic slurs ilarly. bles with'a hostess presiding at /"ho IblloY.-ng have recently Moritz Rosenthal, first I Pope, Martin .IT-to Judaism. other Sunday : morning. Those get a certain speech made in a each table. V bean named io t r Board of DiCommunist center and'headquar- In a cartoon in a recent issue of vice-president of the Jewish Comchildren who are not included in small town ~~ Talmud Torah by Vogue, is finding it hard to get "The Child Study group of the rectors of the Federation of Jewmunity, referred to German Jewters now of the underground Patronize' Our Advertisers Senator Austin of V e r m o n t . Council met with MiES Mary Mc- ish Social Service and the first these two.groups meet for games movement) '. . . " I s everything a new job .' . . I n Tel Aviv, a ish emigres of past years and deChristians of a high type — hero Gee, City visiting teacher; at a meeting oi the B ' i r d was held and .special class >rbom sessions well in Wedding?" Hitler asks man"hailed Into court for having clared: and in England and in France— meeting Monday in the home of Tuesday -evening >• in • the Jewish with, their • teachers." The plays . . . When assured it is, his de-three wive3 was freed . . . While . "Our German emigres must be at once accessible to both Mrs. i). N« Greuskin. The .meet- Community Center, when plans and entertainments for the Sun-pression gradually subsides . . . another court fined cafe owners prepared to understand and to the reasonableness and the beauing of the group held on for the coming year were discuss- day School will' bo handled by Tobenkin says he got the impres- for keeping open Friday night . . accept wholeheartedly the new the Dramatic Club. ty of our cause. It is the Ghetto February'25, and after that meet- ed. •"••• "; sion from one of the underground Bigamy is not illegal in Palestine. conditions under which they are fears of the ass'smilatioaist that ings will take place the second •The Board Members include Ai leaders id Berlin that Germany going to live. Only in this -way stand in our way. Let us convert and fourth Tuesday- of each M. Davis, J. Kalin, EH RobinoV, today! with, a" couple 'of excep- (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- can they avoid creating hostility end harness lots of Senators and month. : M. E. Skalovsky, Si ; Krueger; tions,-, is the most systematically in their new surroundings." • KLEE^ MEET - ^ f f «fiS Congressmen, a few - leaders of graphic Agency, Inc.) The first Saturday night dance John Lansberg, Barney Baron, undernourished country In EurSmokeless Coa! -. « " » ' « He appealed to thinly populatMr. arid Mrs. J. Wolfson, 2220 society, more of the Christian atj^the Jewish Community Center, Louis Agrahoff, Max • Bro"dkey, South St. Aubin' street,- announce ope V". . T h a t widespread physied British dominions to open rclergy. Then maybe the frightBponsored by the jCouncil, will be Morey Lipshutz, J . L . Levitt, Ben the; engagement' of their .-aaugh- cal collapse faces Germany after their doors to Jews, particularly Semi-Anthracite Lump KWVBIV* ened Jews will rally — will have" held tomorrow evening from 8:30 Sekt, Mrs. E. E. Baron, Joe .Kut- ter. Fern Wolfson, to Earl • Him- two months of war unless the in view of the fact that the gatethe courage to rally to their own •until 12 o'clock Mrs. Philip Sher- cher, Abe Davidson, L. J* Kutch- ovitz, son of Mr. and • Mrs. J. German scientists miraculously •* way to Palestine was nearly shut. Lump cause. ,man and Mrs. Jack Robinson are er, M. Seff, H. Levin, Lawrence Hlmovita!, 1923 Grandview boule- invent Ersatz . stomachs with He pointed out that few Britons FEKE KINQ $" {Copyright IPS? By Seven Art» co-chairmen of this project. Davidson, E. N. Grueskin, Mike vard. which to digest substitute foods were willing to settle and "we| Lurr-p . • '•'•••.•• ' Feature Syndicate.) Young and old arc irvited to at- Skalovsky, H. Miller, A. H. Bar- The wedding will be an early . t. . Among persons whose aid in Jack Benny and Robert Taylor Jews,. on the other hand, would tend. on, Frank Margolin, Max Lasen- summer.event. , making the book, possible is ac- will string each other along with willingly go as pioneers to such, sky, Jack "Robinson, Milton Bolknowledged by Tobenkin are Is-a violin and 'cello duet in what lands to help to upbuild them." stein, L. J. Kaplan, A. J. Galinrael Matz, and Dr. Joseph A. Ro- promises to be radio's most unHe expressed the hope that T^almud Torah t o Miss, Ann Woskoff, daughter of sen of the J. D. C , by whom he sky, Victor Mazie, M. H. Friedconstructive emigration measures usual guest appearance when the ; man, M. Lazriowich;, Max . Falk, Mrs. Eva Woskoff, 609 Main was" assigned to investigate Biro- movie hero visits Benny's pro- wculd be reached at the forth• •:• Hold~Dance on street, became the bride of Harry has created s. very exceptional stock H. M. Singer, H. Fishgaii, Sam Bidjan'...-.. Tobenkin, incidental- gram Sunday, February 13, forcomisg emigration conference un-••{•• N e x t son^'of; Mf. -and Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. Joe Kutcher, .Dr. Shuiman," ly, spent nine months gathering of buys in used trucks. 1 its broadcast at 7 p. m., EST,der the auspices of the InternaLewis Dimsdale, Ben: Fish, H. M. Shuiman, 702 West Seventh material in his jaunt around the over the NBC-Red Network. tional labor office. The annual Talmud Torah. Friedman,- Joe • Gorch'ow, • H.' "Laz- street, last" Sunday: afternoon at world . . .'Eight weeks o f the dance will be held next Wednes- rlowlch, Mrs; H. Sol Novitsky and 5 o'clock.^Rabbl1 H. R." Rabino- time being 'spent on his back in jack has long been known as • Elimination of Jews from Gerday evening, February 16, in the Mrs. Rueben Miller. :r ' ' - ' • ' witii and Cantor A. i'liskin offic- Irkutsk, Siberia, hospitals recu- a virtuoso of^the violin, while man life figures ES the recurrent ball room of the Bellevue ApartBob Taylor has been secretly major theme in a symphony of iated at the service which took perating from typhus . . . ments. Jack Reams and his orchpracticing up oa the 'cello. I t Nazi accomplishments presented place in the home of the "bride's estra will plcy for the dancing. seems that he inadvertently over- by the Voelkischer Beobachtor, HEBREW MOTHERS mother. More than 55 relatives • heard Benny playing "The Bee"official organ of the Nazi party, ilrs. R. H. Emlein is general and friends witnessed the cereWORD: The. Greeks had * a. in a special edition marking the 1 and as a musician, he has been chairman of the dance arrangeMrs. A. Miller was the speaker^ mony and attended the wedding- word for it,-but the Arabs havesnd Jones St. waiting just the opportunity this fifth anniversary o£ ttie National ment. .Included on her committee at the meeting; of'the • .Hebrew- dinner In the home of.- the bride's n't . . . The murder . Socialist regime. afe| "Mrs. Moe Lazere, Mrs. S. B. Mothers" Assofclation^ Tuesday af- sister, Mrs. N. Sterling, 1503 Re-There is no Arab equivalent that guest appearance affords. "I am Under the title, "Kace LegisGejfand, Mrs.- E. N. Grueskin, ternoon. Reports of the recent becca street. • ' • • ' . - . • - •". •- differentiates, for example, be- confident," he proclaimed, "that Mis. Joe Levin, Mrs. Sol Novit- T.almud Torah 'Banquet were v: Hr6. A: 'Plotkin of Omaha, a tween slaughter of animals and I can not only drown out Benny, lation," Dr. Wilhelm Stuckan a skv, Mrs. I. Menin, Mrs. Philip made, and, 'plans were discussed sister of?the : bride -»ar, -matron of the'-.premeditated slaying of a but beat him to the finish as high official of the secret police, 1 follows: Sherman, Mrs. Mike Sherman, for. the Talmud Torah dance to honor, and George Shuiman; bro- person; . . ..;• 0n : the othert band, well." "German citizens of the Jewish Mrs. Mike Mushkin, Mrs! A. "Wel-be held .next Wednesday. • " : ' ther of the bridegroom was best Phelps Adams reveals in his masrace existed once — they will neii and Mrs. Jack Robinson., r man. The bride.wore a navy;-enterly series on "The Truth About never reappear. Germany belocgs : • ilr,'.A.-; M.-'-'-Da-ws and Mr.. A. semble -with- matching turban Palestine" in.the New; York Sun, for. all time to the Germans. The Feinberg.will b | / i n charge of the andaccessofieB. ,• • .-••.-: the Arabs have 100 words for 1 rac^ problem, which here means refreshment pfiottL. . Following a wedding trip, Mr, camel and- 9ff for woman . . . primarily the Jewish question, j^rcceeds af-the dance will go Shuiman and bis bride will relias been solved by, one, the elimtoward the upfceep of the Talmud The congregation and the La-side in Fort Dodge, Iowa. ination of Jews from public life, NAME: Take a day off someF. W. Robinson, vicepresident Tbr:ah. dies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion especially from public office, and time' and try to memorize the of the Union Pacific railroad, will synagogue wil join in an open Pauline and Esther Fried nan full name of Prince Hubertus von- speak on "The Carriers' Prob- two, measures taken to halt meeting- Monda. evening, FebruCatholic lem" before the National Re- further infiltration of Jewish departed Friday for an •- eastern Loewenstein, former ary 14, in the social hall of the youth. leader In the Reich . trip which will take them ±q New sources „ Committee- 011 Saturday .blood-...-..into- the -German race. ; syn: TOgue. Mrs. Frank vMargolin, program chairman' I6r the year York City. Before goTng to He confides lhal he Is ^gfitfully (February 12), the second day These things have been accomplished through the Beichs citi• 'Plans for the annual Jewish has appointed Mrs. Maurice Las- New: York, they spent'last-week entitled'to be addressed as Hu-of its two-day meeting In Omaha £t;iiship law end the law for probertus Maria Friedrich,' Prince end at Iowa City, attending the at the Paxton hotel. National Fund Banquet, schedul- ensky as chairman for the evenPhi; Ep formal, "his week end Loewen8tein - Wertheim - FreudThe Committee , is composed tection of German blood passed ed jjfor. March. 2, are progressing ing. * enberg-, Count Loewenstein-Schafthey will rttend a formal dance largely of government and state in 1935." and Dr. J. M. Lande, chairman of A Professor Quiz program will feheck i . . 'Although the name Writing under the heading: at the Navlil Academy "at Annaofficials, one of Us major, purt h e j j ,N. F. Council and general be a feature of the evening. Miss ch:^rman for. the banquet has an- Dorothy Dlkel. will . present a polis. From there tKey will-go doesn't sound it, the Prince is poses being the promoting along "The Fight for Bread," Agricul. • ' noiinced the appointment of 'the group of songs and refreshments to the Dickinson Junior Pronr at ohly\30 . - . ' . ' . educational lines of the planned ture Minister .Walter . Darre defollowing committees: Mrs. S.will be served. usage and conservation of soil, clares: "Speculation by Jews was ». . ••! ... Carlyslf,- Pennsylvania, before reone of the principal factors turning home. .- • . ' " • " ' Shulkin will be in charge, of the ETIQUETTE: The^ Anti 4Nazi land and water. > which made the German "peasant .'. m/nu; Mrs. ..R. J .. Emlein is League pulled off a successful a pawn in the hands of the Stock '. chairman of the dining room arahti-Hitlei' rally at Carnegie Hail White Spot Broadcast • pi": Leon Galfnskyof Oakdale, Exchange manipulators. This inrarifeements, and Miss Sophie the other, night, even if it did get A Youth Service wil be held at Iow,a, visited, last w^ek end, with into hot water twice . . . Once fluence has now been removed." Franklin in charge of the serv—H. Malcolm Dr. Roland Freislor, of the ing;.: Members of the Junior Ha- Mount Sinai Temple, when the his parents,: Mr. and Mrs.. Her-when Communists and Commu,. daseah' and the Young Judeans service will be devoted to a dis- man Gjjiinsky. • ... nist sympathizers In the audience Baldrige, former Nebraska con- Justice Ministry, writes: "The •will assist in the serving of the cussion df the problems of youth*. booed Rep. Hamilton Fish for in- gressman, will be the speaker on courts have energetically helped Harold Grueskin, Bernard Rosen- : Recent' guests.: in the A. B. cluding the red "ism" In his blast the second of the Central States lawyers free themselves of Jew- banquet. White Spot programs over Stathai and Rudy •• Shindler will Friedman home were. Mr. and Furthermore, , .'Sirs. Barney Baron is in charge speak on some of the difficulties Mrs. Art'Green,. Mr-, and "all "isms," and the Fish speech tions KOIL, Omaha; KFOR, Lin- ish enslavement. Reicbs legisaltioa has made poswas abruptly cut off the air . . . ot ;jthe reservations and tickets. of youth. , . . .', '• v Sam Zack and. Miss Helen Brod- And again' when the chairman in- coln; KMMJ, Clay Center; and sible the complete elimination of Represented on. all of the com* The ' Religious Schbol Honor key, all; of Omaha? : terrupted Jeremiah T. Mahohey, WJAG, Norfolk, at 2 p. in. Sun-all Jewish judges end the courts mittees working for the banquet Roll, as announced in the Temhave learned how to apply the as "the'' ardent anti-Xazl was day. are!members of the local Zionist Mrs. So! Novitsky and daugh- warming up to his speech, to ask • Entertainment will be provided law for the protection of German ple Bulletin,, includes the follow-^ organizations, i n c l u d i n g the ters-spent last ;Week- end.visiting him" to give "up. the podium in by t h e Creighton University blood ES part of the German Poale Zion, Pioneer Women, Ing children: Robert Weiner,' in Omaha.. ' / favor' of 'former .' Ambassador band, directed by Don LIbby, and basic social order." Larry Horowitz, jSally Krueger, Young Judean, "Senior Hadassah, A Bertil -Ro'sebstock, - Ruth Lewis, Other articles review the arts Dbdd, who had just come in and the Seymour Singers, a popular and'Junior Hadassal. chapters. ; Mrs. A- I.. Sacks departed Mon- had to leave soon because He was male octette, directed by William and sciences and describe their Estelle Rosenthal, Hubert Fr,iedlUamar Ben Avi, Palestinian day, for/.an .extended \ visit- with Mrs. EoassssaksrS Hers Is c Qpsssd epportoaaSy for Seymour. freeing froa Jewish influence. writer an'a lecturer, who will be man, Sam. Heeger, Fredell Sacks, her mother, Mrs. H. Brodsky in 111 .* . . Newspapermen up front Barbara Robinson;, Jack Krueger, heart Jerry mutter," "This is teryou fo have feet be^j-Hful, s e w Autasnctic Toasts? theijguest speaker at the banquet, Newark, New Jersey. ....... rible! It's the worse thing that >•••: Patronize Our Advertisers Patronize Our Advertisers •will' leave directly from Sioux Stanton Kalin, Herbert Holland * or Xros the! trill ss=fce easj \rork of Iwo isipotfant ever happened to me.' It's very . for; New York, from where he Bernard Slotsky 'and Leonard stupid" . . . H e sat down, visibly fobs Is yoar h o s e . A Toaster fee! IcSs r^"*^ Dorset will; sail for his home in • Pales- Stein. .'• 1 Upset, and for & minute seemed Rabbi Lewis spoke last,Sunday ' i ' you've maMsa loss!, r e t tonis If oxA perf?cEi' t-venj" at the Grace M. E. .Church "at on the verge of walking out . . . . i ^ ^ t I WAS A SHAKO. MsALtheir regular Sunday evening serBut he thought better of it and £ = s . Or e s AubracSc Iros feet EisyE ct !as5 &@ Jerusalem. CWNSrPalcor Ag- when Dodd finished, Jerry revice. Next Sunday, he will ad^ i f f r ^ n i I ESPIOIALW IKE BslAi.f right fsssper^are throiagls c who!© fcozing « . « The A. Z..A. Chapter 12 will dress the Phllo^CIub a t Iowa City ency) — Jewish youth in Pales- eufned the mike and said he was tine is to be .trained in practical and Tuesday he will speak before "glad to yield to the great hishol?i an invitational -Basketball vrlth KO- EcorcS^ucr! Touirnament- here February 27. the Progress Club, in Sioux City. seamanship with a view to de-torian and great diplomat" . . . The Drama Study group of the veloping a Jewish mercantile ma- Jerry didn't have to wait long, Fdiqp fUt of;town chapter will Plans and a. budget have incidentally, b e c a u s e Dodd's is I f !'•••'; |i"|i'i» r;.f cciiibete in the tournament. They Temple Sisterhood will meet next rine. f r F eitfi prepared for the establish- speech that night was the shortar#homaha. chapters 1 and 100,Friday in the home of Mrs. S. L. been ment oT a Nautical School at the Krueger. MIsa Ruth Miller will est on record for an anti-Nazi '• Council 'Bluffs and Lincoln, Nei Hebrew Technical Institute at meeting . . . It was: "Ladies and bra^lja; A ffbpliy will be awarded read one of. the current plays. c? Haifa. The curriculum will pro- gentlemen, I hope you all can do to-'-ijh'e.- winning team. About 75 iT¥S:P vide for all kinds of seafaring something for world' peace" . . . Di^isg SHs spaded "Opporluajii?" gala, 7 0 m decler l s ' a r e expected to attend the JUNIOR HADASSAH and the cadets -will be apprenticed on ships plying between* European triJi cive y e s $1 CSHOTTCSSCP fo ?"~" old tosraSer V Fjjjuy Sweethearts .will be chosA play "The Ojd Order" pre- f'.orts and Palestine.., . MISH-MASH: Did you know eu j :o represent- the chapter at sented by the Jewish Theater At present there are several so- that? . . . . Only 37 cities in tlse the ] dance which will be held in group of the Jewish Community the' evening to climas the evenfc Center, was a feature on the pro- cieties to encourage young Jews United- States hare Jewish popu,;j| house party will ba held Sat- gram of the Junior Hadassah to ,become marines. 'The MSreh- lations o f 10,000 or more . . . ioness of Reading-is interested'in Walter Winchell is listed in tbc •urdtty evening, February 26, formeeting Wednesday evening. one named the Zebulun, society. 193S edition ol the international those who arrive in the city that Oar Fsaacrcl Fsrlors Are Ftsrtss&isstl I-j Korac-Lsise MIs3 TSaretta Kripstcn, presi- Zebulun was one of tee twelve "Who's Who" . . .'EskU Pcpihi's evening. • ~dent of the chapter, presided at tribes of Israe.l; which .settled-, in detective novel, ." V.'tzrz s.\ "CQURTEOUS-r-^EUASLE" I P>; Sunday eve'ning, February 13, the meeting, and Miss Dorothy i « J T l L L^?, Lss m costal* plain ^between Haifa Ccrnatioii," has "been -srel! rethe'ichapter will hold an instal- Epstein, was .in. charge of the the an'd -Acre, named Emek Zet- ceived -by- reviovr-ers, and' parlation dinner at the Tunset Cafe. program. ,.ulun.' . Thfj%.|rerc -great seafar* chase by Hollywood fe a r t r c a i , . , 'FUNERAL DIRECTORS • &S. ers, the Jews of old who "went possibility, . . . Prof. .^torriT R. jjL Farnara at 33rd HA 122S down to-.the sea in ships." Patronize Our Advertisers Patronize Our Advertisers .Cohen is perturbed at the dirlnd-j'..
Rabbi BplothikoV-' . < to. Be-Honored
• Shaare Zion
\*?!^hi.,*ffi &."-^i-.r'ji:: \-**JtA&,«^*p*
Society News
Robert Taylor to . Appear on Jack Benny V Program
"Come and Set
Vice-President of - Union Pacific to • - - Speak Saturday
Auxiliary to M^et on Monday Evening
for J. N. F. ':'•; !jBanquet Progress
Mount Sinai
JewisH\Yo,utl&'to • . •* • M a k e u p Seafaring
AJlZ. A. Tournament