February 18, 1938

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_ha 'Tiaras ssprecaud ijy Trig .LsrsvjniSin initis trss tnra and do 3ji3t-ner«?sssx-i!;y : -reflect the .j—Uciss nr jiKituilo'.' •at rlarbiUtlch.

'=£ntereflas.Second Class Sail flatter-nnUnnuary 51, :.TO£1. a t J f i Df Omafaa. jiebiaska. -under -tire .Act of Jiarch 3. 1.ST9



3 «teve braB^nsltBd tto "KTite i n Ji my character u s nn American 'liberal B I -the -upbuilding til P-itesXnxE.Ifam jjiznl to dD an. I neeB •not apsrhaps . offer credentials. Canter ior both One, a t all events, Trill suffice. 1 ulrE. Ciiiidrsn's c axxa -ins author ".at rthat History of be ^American iiterataxe, -bl 'that spiritual "Jiistnty.-n'l *the American is -raj se furr 3>eople, u s Carl "Van .Daren called ' the Center. it, Tviich AimrrirTm liberals =ac.• A -varsity 'basketsall gzxae nsil xspt abDVE nxXl -ether .isimilar. ibooks Tor their ihira -presentation Df dance Trill be heid unasr t i e atithecurrent ^eason, the Center as -the rright and jrnilonna ;nna .spices of the Jevisi Ccrn.Tn.ini;:? ifimil book :iar this day in -Amerii Center Athletic department at t::r and cinema success, I xan JiiHtnry. ! Center on Pebrnary "~. Us 3 e Gar" by Hachei Cro- I j The Center "Varsiry squad vr;:: Because H speak as .an -AmErJ- thers, an Tuesday and , 'Elect ths "varsity '.sani of -~LI~.L Tsm}lilieral touTiY:iI fit> not ilesire ] iKansas-City Cnmnianitr Center ir: , that tniy ptliET CDrtvictuniB he InrConsidered one ?ot xbe the .feature nxisketiiall csrae rJ gntttm. 1 am rreligiaualy -a CDBcomedies- "to .be iprepreii 'at 4 o'cloci on Broad-Tray, "Let T s 3 e -inury r a i i e trill be picyec. at i" am -vury 'trightist"; 1 am, II j o u Gar" was later: made into a moD'elock hefween the z~o JDC^I .A. Ike, .3. Tiaical Zionist, l o r tinn ^picture -srifh INorma Bhsarer, Z. .A. chapters., F t the liquidation til the greater arie UresBlcr, anil Jibber 3Ion.tThe xlance portion oT "the -CisHpora,, of the ! gomery. T i e .play revolves about Gahith, not in my time assured-j the .MUirious situation that TB; TTID be held in the Center i "ly "btrt—ac iopE -andrTmry-^m TRJ j Bults ^vhen a divorced mrple art? /xarium. Dancing to the music at rtinre tir sven in "His json's. j invited as the country guests, of '.-.the Irrin.g-HhDd.23 tiiirlean piete •3nt indesfl I tiiiiife ihesb ths "same hostess. lorchesira vili "be^in at [i p. m. iJ-eTTisc "Press :s\iisi t h e play a r e : tions "^chblly lnnannnimis with Taking A -game between tiic Hnr.;^ Salsivin those uf m Jibenil, -sm City and Omaha ^rarsi-y tsasi" Jijieral—a _iiljertsrhmr i n irief, jlllichnick. Simelstein, i i i h ^ J f f j S r t h G GnSs, Sam Kaplan, . Joe j -rras played .in "Kansas Ci:y ox; "January 13 .at Trhich "liae "the son, Tcho derives as such irnm hSnks, Sam "White, Xblla lineman, • ;ths! •%B.eped -aiifl sraver XincDln,Jlda Ulncker, .Arnold Xevin, and . rcho•_ "has ^nourished ihimsBlf nn .Emerson, Tvho iiolds I t to be the 3Irs. Bemoan Jahr is directing. c .contest. Sets iiave been designea and anfl miDat trhimiihant ol Tickets .ftrr the affair are beAmerican sayings"that HD anan i s executed.'by ."Nathan Sekermrm. ins' said at Due collar per couple ": i o o a ^enough to TUIB another. ! ^^- TVilliam Teller is chairman uf t h e arjnnatic CDTmnittEe til .the 1-r,- i and vclll admit to both .2KD :irmn 'fa .gonfl BHDU£b. to rule Gomniimlty Center "Wom=another! T h e essential rpbint Ihas en's Dirision i n .jcharse of the ! -sion -ID the basketball rcras made. .No m a n , am :man! j - p r D a m : £ i n l l . : is firenty-fiTB cants per per t "by the same token TIO major- j B e a 3 i m : t i c i e t s admit. SinI Ticiffits may be b :i|y i s sood enpiish to mils a" Sle admissujiis may be gotten at ! Xondon (^VA"S-PaicQr Agency) : .inenibsrs of t h t Csntcr Athletic : mansnt ana -permanently Center office OT at the bos i—Accumulated xuniors that the nrit Jriinority—-none, amnE. IPmrer ulf ice the evening nl -the -nhry. ^British G.overnmeiit .had abancnminte; rpcrsver enalsxes; The Center Players are xecng- .daned or -revised its scheme i a r •tiver Dtbsrs inaanenB-all .but-the n j Z E a : a s ^^ Qt the -outstanding \~th* partition of ^Palestine -^-cre highest men. .Ana society i s 3io- ;^ m a teux grmips :in :tfae -city. Both j blasted apart .in the .Souse of -n-hers , sovErnsa:'l3y .its highest j iD j rtheir .ureviDUs Qffnrings this j Commons by • Colonial-Secretary iormer University men. -"Nor .is "thh? all. Humanity ! iSBa3D n -wtm -the :acdahn '-sst iocal i"^- G - 4 - Ormsby-Gore, vv-ho said •star, • inc In des: ana nnenuiviocally, on .'ilarshali Gelier, Eal Xaflec, .Pa-al dosa 3iot TEmam .eanal t n :i±3ell_ j.reviewers. I that -the GDvernment is .in-oceed- IBngdanoff, Ulcrris ~TanIiiii:. '.21 ildRrbgrass'-JS .not .Bteady. .33vil .tails ! j ing on the basis -that nartition .is iar'd Sigai. .Jai:e .Adler, I-ou " s i r •siia .r£hen rises:-agahi iifce 213s'ver, TS, fr j "the most ^hopeful solution of the er, "Jatnes JjErronghs. Art Adlc: inks- 3i malignant tfever. In. this •*** | deadlock" in 2'aiestine. Xaboriie and .tlerbert "Harts. BET s n a iin ihi3 srge i t i s casing IT»Iemiier:~ of the Ivr.asas C;t j-Uenjber Xeach brought .forth tlie -•a •'. -veritable ^pestilence, : reiterated .statement of Govera•lhat iBlact' IJcath which fras -fhe jnient policy by a guestioji designterr.dr :£ma:asnurgB nf -ths JUhMle .Claim- ', ed in critidsm of the Govern- .laiUst-iin, Hy X-evy. i s Caviar. .•iisfci.-ilnr JB -iliBre ;snr ;nse 'or .any- 3lEsiei) City. CWKS) ing.-fhat anatsy. of :3lcsitc's. .mest !.mentjfnr .malting s r y .soE.cc3sioris._ cnrl '.T-QTsI-y, X=_. TV,.?, lis'a.-rrt disiinguiBhed Jieaders, inclnding ) to Arabs under i,ns"threat nf ter- '• chickinilry. Joe Cciiea and 'Uavc the late 3rLrancisei) Aladero, vrhti i Drism. Tile. las. ^Ecnnmnij: .causes -are ; The l>ansas City -earn is being SHConSsry .and .^jt: change ied the rrevolutton against '-the j ^Pouiting out that Arab oi'.trages direct des-.j in ^Palestine are continuing under coached by Is "^"ile. a Taember cf ' pt icnnpniic technigne ih enntemthe squad, an?. for"'sis3iy seasons or :tns h anttled during the a -scheme lor .settlement of •an outstanding player. .•Bfit ;intp ;-3noT£ jglaring Telief the problem i s still under cmisid.Slesico -daiiy.'j eration 3Ir. Xeach asked vrhetiier ' -r substan-ce tft "ths "human the government to encour- ! the Colonial Secretary, -rrouid"!;i immigration. The "tvri-J nntke i t clear that the Govern-j 2jSs3-St*S2> S-lD1lll3. "well. ~TT Tinafir j-fcer assaih? t h e anti-Semitic -cam-jment Tvould not proceed vrith | itances 3io m a n is I paign as an imitation of ZEuro- ; partition nr .any other concessions j do THIB iinother and am methods and declares that i to ;the Arabs -vrhicb nullify the j anajnxity sooa -^nDugh tto xnle ;a needs , Jetrs to help .flevel- j' nromiEe ol a .Jewish National ! Budapest CJTA) — j2.-Prcai.•minurity "dBliverea.. l?y i t s tvery ;ier Stepiiar: 3etb.iEn T: s ioa'd'y np-the cauntry. J3om». aninprity-Btatus into i t s by tae Xov-sr Chan:- [ A.i the same time, .'-hoTvever, 13. I Uepiying that the Government applauded ! i l "that :h3 isrgeTy 'true here INacional, mouthpiece ol 'the Car- j could not accept ilr. Xeaeh's sug- ber B electoral committee V.'UCE .in 'fhesB United States, on Ihis denas .government, :cr.iticized re-Isestion, the Secretary said that -he -warned that emulation of GerAmerican :snll Trhich -vras, aceorfl- jjorts aboard lhat .2Iesico i s :per-lit xegards partition as the best ; marry's snti-'Jevrish x r c s r a m and lathers, .secuthag the Jews .and charged rmeans, : under t h e esistinj; cir- ; Tronld spell disaster far Hungary. D ;fhs :anDtbsr :that one of the -American Jevrs i cumstances. nf implementing the • Deciaring -victory of the ;rightto -witness rthe birth 'better TSiry til Imman ii£e— TrhD came .here to .study 'the situ- j promise of a Jeirish ^National j -ist estreniists :H..-lt,iB r ana :"in«vitahly ation admitted• rthat :fhe govern- iJHome. The continuing terrorism ; Jercish questiQE. the biggest potrne liere—-ianr "deeply and uver- Tnent's measures are aimed mHy i he added, Trill not deter the feov- ; Iitical .issue, Count BeUilen asV trne iis i t ol -Qu>se at Jewish -hnv.bTeakers. The :paper J emment .from .the iurthsr icjur- ;• serted that solution .of the jcTrish . iis-J.ies necessary to prepare a defin- : question on the lines of the Gfirhmas .iin ^he anoral 3bic& 'denied lhat rthe Tteath sol aisaatTDnB case -is aiscrimmating asainst USTTB asi ite scheme in accordance vrith :the wan system -vrouid .catrse "the eclike a such, :insisting ihat its .measures !-resolution adopted or the .House ' onomic and financial nolIr.TTse nf I; t i s ^s-an-American :liberal—!-are.aimea Dn3y ;agauist lavrbreak- J of Commons. The Government i:aungar. , "v.-h-icn T'cuiii not i-e i t ;uBedB mo anore—that-.3 am )--BTS, -regardless of .race or creea. ! stated in -July, 3Ir. Ormsby-Gaxe able to aaintain its "financial and TVith regard "to immigration,. 321 ] emphasized that i t had xeached j economic basis for a-single any. smitten,; xiven in substance of my Tfiry soul "by "that -Nacional -admitted 3Iesieo aieeds j.a conclusion and had offered a i Lodge _T\o. S 'gave : decent cry" Tif the Heichsvertre- immigrants but said she 'had .a. j scheme :alon5- the general lines ; tung tier dentschen 3u3en, xff xight .to. select those jnost suited 'Tecommended by -the Jloyal Com- i '-mission, 'feeling that this repre- j thnae iieDnie but t h e other day so lead over ^h.e tsuri jsented the best :<nui most -itope m e tubers. j iul solution of tiie ileadiack. This '! •rintic -pleading -with -fheir evil j j \ 5 s 2 I l i 3 S 2 * £ l 3 J I policy,' jhe stresses, "is still ad- : masters not t o amb 'them of "the C"W_?CS) — Circulation .HTSWI-. I hered to. The technical carnmis-!; last crust they iiave, pleading : of anti-Jewish propaganda "mater- ; Ivlutznici: and jiilius i sion .has bean appointed to vmrk that thDHsh the ryn&ng rana .strong i out a 'defiiiite scheme i n accord- ::: -ial among Arabs. British police . o n ••Tj; c:Ti c ^ t h e : could ."emigrate, there ware TtfaonaT I aTLce -rath the resolutinn -in Parl- : officials,'Snglish military officers Ksnds Trho 3nu3t Temain rtjll ..and nnn-Je-srish corre^pojidents in in iic-iar of lir. and The Omaha Hebrew Club isluunentin July" in that .fiery iumace • Paiesiine by agrents of Sir Oswald making a drive lor nevr rmembers to malie clear the TJTStmce -flieir iieluveii iatherlanil. ana the re-instating t)f did ones. | .qe 13IosU?y, TJritish J'assist icad-ar. poiiticul status of Palestine, And a t ithe aaine time these trag- "The age iimit :has been changed i ; are causing serious concern to j ic rpeojple .addressed :a ^jrayer to J.'S to -3D tD from :1S t o "50. ' Ziu-i-u^ ,.TTTii^—. * "T—.ti-i ™" +i : the .British -government, it is .re- . tire govurnons ^Qf the Sriiish -EmJaxy old inem'b.er Ti'ishing t o be | nOJ1 ^ operating " the 3Ianda*e i ported by fhe Jerusalem ccrrc-S- ' litre -not "to close "the gates of re-instated :nmy -do SD by calling jwxlJS s^m- in full" IDT-CC He vras '.pendent of the X on dor. -Xo~s ; T'aieatine, oxot tD aiminish IPalesS, -secretary, "Walnut | answered "Certainiv!" by the Col- •: Chronicle. T tine aB ia .3e"W"ish homeland, ,nnt j.onial Secretary, v'ho declared : "Tiie correspon ""t o~— to Tob them of their n n c iheir rs initiatsfi anring -the - t i l a t -^ni t h e 3 I a n a a t e 13 cnv; fhat Al Difaa, £ ~ i •- u -" ->ultimate hope. ••aext .ninety daj's •will not he eluded by the .coun.cn of tn-: . lisiied. an .iuterTi^v- r - ^ s "-*" •K is .tbe -one, "the ultimate, ^fhe charged an initiation lee. ^r." __ j league "it cannot be altered by rin v,"hicii he s a c unique hope. 3t.T7Duld be even I Arabs have fDur:^ v- „ ZX —^ "The date of 'the Passover Ball \ the Government." -though the sates of t h e other :to .be given by the Omaha Ms- \ | .and -svon '.the prr^ - c h ~ ~ open in- bre-iv Club :has been changed j F J i r i ^ — . j . ^ T-.CT, lands ol the Tsrorld ^r \ dependence. U r i ^ i r — j i stead <:nT sealed. ITOT -we ihave from April ^23 tto April 2. John : her undertaking™+ ~ r "" "^ agreed meTely as American lib-j I^eiaman ;is chairman of the com| nand "Palestine " -•-<. - ^aiB, "that aio ;man is sond enough ! ^nittee i n chaise of arrangements ; pis." :31csley ai~o ~ a- ^ * •to Tule snofl^er .ana Jio -majority '.for -the .affair, The ;follDY."inrr ..men "SVBTB electis ^tood ^Enougli tD.trule m ."niinor- I , • ed officers at a :recent :msetinn: .of : the -nest '.first y^ ^ A V ^^ u ity. And 'therefore i t -wmila be \ the _tutua'l Xcan Association. JIIHEML ME¥1EES bnt to :pxnlnns ."mlllenial : rsonies | ."president, l i a s Saiicov; Tice i estiae. itnfl sins to send thE JJBVTS of iGerpresident. Jibe .-For—an; Secre-Funeral ^errices were 'held 'iast j tary. H . smd: Upland ana 3lumania insky; and Xegal -Afito :o£hex 'lands, to jthe mercy ol [-Sunday ior airs. '.Bose _tarr_. •visor,- .3y ;Shrier. BelicoTT .is enter- I other -majoritieB, to other ^turns died j.-TidEy a t a iocal :hos-ling npon his xv-elftn ~-"EaT' orlr f of -that xatal ^historic -wtaW. -pitiil. .An ..Omaha :resident.inr _S j president ana Stein en "his ihir- : Sisterhocd Si-grai There i s but one rplace t o /sena Tfiars, 3Irs. --aiarris iiad been .'ac- teenth as Secretary. differsnt parts u tive i n "Jerrish organizations. _ them: -there i s "but one Tilace i n r egal AdTis,DT Effiliaied „ them fo go; rthat jplace i s iiome. ••Burviving s r e : ":her iusband, jior the :past:ts"svive~ears .rscsnt'y : tn e TTomen's X-E ~ f :you rasS ane rto define home 3 e n ; a .son, -Haskell; :a daughter, | .resigned -his -post in eel Synagogue I ran ; So SD an -the immortal rwxrrds i.X"3ther; and IWD 'brothers, 3Xor- caeded by 3Ir. Shrier, The As tThev an? 3eib nf that End precioiis .Amer- "iss .and a n a Alax.Cohen, all of Omaha, .soeiation .meets -v,-eekiy and -hoids. :~va.* Tifereth Isri r~ !ican pitret and" •. 3labbi Uaviil "GnLlstein con- j business msstings oaee a month. - 1 . - J2ritri Israel •- "* mine, -Hlbbert ~£ auctsd :the -services -vrhich TTare ! 3nard Df directors for lire grasp il>a'..; "Tifcreth 3Iome is :the 'phice T73iere, :he"ia,at the .Tercish Punerallhome. I include X. Gitiin, Bam Sv-^rts. ;.7,iaines.'loTra.: an? :ynu luwe tD go tlrere, 3urial -svas in -Golden S i l l .come- j -Sam Tiitdermaii, .and ,5am :Sszs-,j ijTsw^uid rSncistv o X ' 'tery. • ' .• • ' . (Continued *m jiage ;sr)


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Page -2-. -• • the stars of tomorrow, will be out on the J. C.'C. floor Friday afternoon; in their regular weekly Midget cage session. The play is for youngsters between^ the ages of 10 and 14. .


8763 Joe'Givot 51. 9165 Jack Meleher . . . 55 S294 Phil Katzman . . . 51 487M. Simon 3 $246 H. Coran . . . . . . . . 51 6276 Sarn T o u s e m ' . . . . 39 52S7 Henry Horwich . 33 Paul Steinberg . . 60-.' 9579 Sam Katzman . . 60 9454 7897 Abe Venger • . 50 7027 George Shapiro .* 45 Sam Meyerson... 60.' • 0345 Harry Smith . . . . 40 6235 Jack Fleishman . 57 SSU Lee Hurwitz . . . . 50 -7744 Dr. D. C. Platt.. 60 : 9146 Mose Franklin . . 5 5 S269 Barney' Abrams . 54 S091 Sam Zweiback . . 5 4 S0S5., Dr.' Sam Morgan. 56 8227

171 166 162 162 161 160 160 159 157 157 156 J55 155 154 154 152 150 149 149 146 145 144 143 141 140 140 135 134 329 129 127 126

offers of a shidac'-i with a doctor, a lawyor, a business man . . . . (Once, any. one of the three would have been regarded as a catch beyond compare in Poland) . .. ..'Exasperated, .the sliadchan exploded, "For your 10,000-zloty dowry what do you want—a sclineider?" . . . <Ns. B., Tailors in Poland, earning about two zlotys (35 cents a week, once were at the bottom of the- Polish-Jewish social scale.) . . .

Tho big day of the year is drawJ. C. C. BOWLING ing nearer.";. . ,•.••.-. "... ... . ':'.. . Bowling in' the JCC League is f Meaning , that Sunday,. February -27. will-soon be • upon .us, taking an added interest, as uany bringing with 'it the biggest bas- new faces are" showing up at the ketball game''of the -year as well Aksarben Alleys on Tu'eEday nights to partake of this health- as a dance..'' . :, 6839 Julian Milder 47 SARDINES: If you want ot eat On that day, you know, the J. ful - sport. While the Regular : . 2SS2 Malnshock . 20 sardines in Germany today, you C. C. Varsity basketball - team leagues is in vrogress, the new Jay 4436 Abner Kaiman . 31 men are practicing up on their S472 O. Jloyerowlch . GO' have, got to open them with an will play the. crack Kansas City, S034 Steinberg . . . . . 57 ordinary can opener . . . The .' Mo. Y. "M. H. A., outfit at.4 p . m . bowling .on the alleys next to the S. 7S61 Horwich . . 56 leagues regularly assigned alleys, Sam 7341 openers that come with sardine • •in the J C. C. gymnasium.L. Singer 54 and If any of the teams are-short Lloyd Banks . . . ' 2 26S cans are now verboten in Hitler's And on the same day, at 9 p. Hyman Levin . . 54 7017 • Reich . . . The metal that went ' m. in the "Center auditorium, a a man,: one of the new men im- P. Brooks tein . . 33 42S-4 Brown. 20 2542 to make them now being used dance will be staged in honor ol mediate is. assigned to a team Norman 5330 By getting the new men interest- Dave Kranbs . . 42 ' for agrimmer purpose . . . Cello_ the two teams. ' . . Nate Horwich ., 2331 . 20 lie 3 phane cans' next? . . . S63 The Center athletic committee ed in bowling this year, we are Kitch Zweiback 87 ?Ti33 engaged-the » .Jrviag-Rhoaes in -hopes of having a-bigger and better league for Jewish Bowlers LEGEND: Leoonard Lyons drchtestra', a'13-plece affair,; for prints in his N. Y. Post colyum .the dance. •' •'.. : . ;'; next year, so again we invite all who are Interested in bowlthis interesting if incredible yarn Tickets are now on sale by those ing to. come up and watch the about a telephonic conversation " members ol the athletic comm'it- Jewish:boys of this town do their between Joe Gould, Jewish man"tee and by players of ctbe Varsity with the kegling balls and ager of extheavyweight champ, I team, prices are % 1.00- per -couple stuff on Tuesday nights at James J. Braddock, and the Nazi ' for both game and dance. If fans minerlites Aksarben Bowling Alleys. Propaganda office in Berlin . . , want to-see just the "game, it'll the On Tuesday night, the Wildcats The talk, held after Max Schruel'cost"Twenty-five .cents per perwho are leading the League by ing had kayoed Joe Louisi went Tson. '• • ' ' • : - ' r ' ^ \.. ' like this after Joe had been asked Vv : In a preliminary, to. the Kansas 2 games stayed right'up on top, to state his terms for a Braddock;, CIty contest, the two "Omaha A. Z. in spite of the fact that they Schmeling fight in Berlin: 'First', dropped two games out of three • A.>Chapters.williclash at 3 Pv.m. RUMOR: Dr. Maurice Hexter, replied, " I want 400,000 in "in a renewal of their bitter rival- to- the lowly Jay hawkers. The noted Palestine-America commut- Joe to be deposited in a London ry. - - . . / . - . •.•••. , , : League Leaders bowled a 3 game erV-may settle down permanently cash series of 2544 scratch, which is in New York . . . As an associate bank" . . . "Agreed," was the reply. "What else?" . . . "All exMean-while Phil. Gerelick's Var- ood bowling in any mans league. of Dr.. Solomon Lowenstein, exe- penses paid, and an American The Cyclones, who are very much s i t y bunch la, hard at. work,-plot-" cutive' vice-president- of Federa- referee," Gould continued . . , . . *• ting their vengeance on the Kan- n the pennant scramble, stayed tion . . . "Agreed, What else?" . . . . 'Also' s a s City team which defeated the right:in there by taking 2 out of Joe concluded, "we want equal romaha, aggregation by three 3 games from the ' 2 n d . place GAG: Yehudf Menuhin, who rights for the Jews."—and hung •?. points.-In their battle in the Show Sooner^, The Last Place. Corn- sailed last w'eelc for his first Eur- up . . . huskers,;' paced by their ever re' M e ctate. . • •:'•'' ..- ''•• opean tour since his "retirement" . t Last .Sunday,, the,Varsity .gave iable Harry, Smith, surprised ev- two years ego, was reported to eryone,including themselves, by ORANGES: Florida and Califra tine .exhibition of team, play have told friends, "I - must- gp fornia orange growers had better taking 2 out of 3 games from.the 7:with V sparkling" 47-34 victbry TigerB. down to the ' C again . . . look to their laurels . . . The or;'over tne.fast .Benhfngton, Nebr. mighty 'but'fast declining; r ' The ''Big' Boys' who , rolled ange industry in Palestine is conA O U t f i t . .. •"•-'-; . •'.'•••• " . ••' NOVELIST: Meyer Levin, nov- ducting an up-to-the-minute cam•••£_. In the final tune-up for Feb'r. 500 Series" were as" follows:' elist and former J. T. A. employe, paign for the export trade . . . Harry "Bet a Half" Smith....... 680 "27, the Varsity will engage Ral- Lee'.-"One Step" Hurwitz...i 64S is sojourning in Palestine . . . The Jaffa Citrus Advertising . -aton, Nebr. Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Joe "Hot-Shot" Givot 542 On his arrival, he tqld. newspaCommittee, for example, has proJack -"Cap" Melcher . 539 v-on the Center. floor. In prelim- Dr. "Tank-em-out"' Platt 525 permen that he had been.in Spain duced a comedy cartoon in techinaries to the'Varsity game, the Leo "Little Dog": Weitz 631 and had.found the hostilities 516 there a "poor man's war being ..'Intermediate league, teams will Phil "Skinny" Katzmaa ; "Shlekie" Coran".... 511 .'-play off the games scheduled for H. Jack "Pretty-Boy" . Fleishman . . 511 carried on in a rather leisurely CLEAN LINEN 'f-laat night, but which.were called George "Porgle" Shapiro ; . . ' . . . : . . 600 fashion." . . . Jlost pins above . his average on Always Attracts Customers ,*of{ on account of the Golden February15th. was 'Ham- "Bet a OMAHA. TOWEL ^Gloves fights. The games are Half" Smith, of th» Crack CornhuskROMANCE: A shadchan called er Team,' whose 153, and SUPPLY ^Cornhuakers vs. Hawkeyes and who- bowled-'580.average--wras which is , 124 pins on. a well-to-do Jewish merchant ^A. Z. A, No. 1 Juniors vs. A. Z. above his average. This gives him In Poland, with proposals for his Yours Since 1876 the -weelj\y bowling prize donated by - r«A. No. .-IPO Juniors. KE 2828 marriageable daughter. . . . The the League. • • TEARt STANDINGS merchaqt poo-poohed successively ' * Tfie City.A.. A.; U..'.. handball Name of Team. G. W. Gi. L,. Per. Wildcato ,.......'.' 35 25 SS3 * tournament starts Monday at the Sooners 27 ' 550 .,.......^33 . ^Center tour-wall .courts.and a C y c l o n e s " • • . . . . . . . ' . 3 1 29 517 Our Funeral Parlors Are Furnished in Homo-Liko Fashion 30 500 Tigers 30 £crackerjack field has again sign- Jayha-sykeiis 34 433 ......\ 26 ' -£«d'Up for the event. Entries clos- CornhuskSrs.....v 35 "COURTEOUS—RELIABLE" 417 25 :i,ed last night,.and .many players HIGH SINGLE GAME—Sam Mey26ji'..'Cyclones.'-951. •. •• &are Bigned up from the Y. M." C. ersori. HIGH SEBJESrrap.a Givot, 62<; Cyd; Central club, as clones, 259$. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Indivjduali averages including games 6 .. for"February 15,-1935: •. -. - . Farnam at 33rd HA 1226 i i g -J.: C.' .G.- P l a y e r ' s ^ a m e *•.' K'.'Cf. - T. P. * A \ \ :

nicolor, which is being sfcown in try in the service of one philan- is, to be published . . . . Did you cussion," he •y Great Britain and 115 other Euro- thropic agency or another." . . . know that thirty to fifty million ar, we are in Ohio by msny labor pean countries, in about l.^.OO dollars are spent annually by or- troubles and conflicting viewtheatres . . . They have a slogan, ganized Jewish, philanthropic or- jpoints of political parties, it fives MISH-3MASH: Arthur Weyne, too . . . "You can tell a Jaffa by formerly Jewish Examiner editor, ganiz&tions in this country? . . . | many of us a genuine pleasure its juice." . . . And we thought is now doing the Kargoshes colnd not a little courage for the all along Jaffa s^as Arab and that umn on page one of The Day . . . FMISE WHITE SPOT future to know that there are Tel Aviv vras the all-Joosh city . . But gets no byline . . . The Carnst.ll in America, men whose feet F.ve on solid ground and men who egie Hall fans have a new darHng CAMPAIGN a true respect for positions LONGEVITY: says a new item: . . . He's Sirnon Goldberg, recent- ' Interest and . amazement Ere hare of public trust." ly arrived Polish-Jewish violinist "The residence Yights of all the ; expressed by pefsons in al' parts 4,500 Jews in-the city were in-.- . . The 2S-year-old virtuoso scor- i of the country whose requests for vestigated an'd 4,40 0 of them ed a tremendous hit a* his Amer- I more information about Nebrasids Farewell ican debut . . . Was mobbed by proved that they had lived (here admirers ka, White Spot, of America, are in his dressing room £ffor hundreds of years" . . .Won- ter the concert . . . If anti-Semit- pouring into the cKJces of the Jerusalem I'.TTA)—High Comder if they'd let us have their rec- ism in Italy goes much further, Associated Industries of Nebras- missioner Sir Arthur Grenfell ipe for longevity there's a dramatic critic named | ka in response to the advertise- Wauchope. who is retiring from office at the end ol the month, i t Milton Cohen who does an En- i merits in Time magaEine. making a series of farewell visits PUZZLE: who fits.this descrip- glish column for the New York j At a luncheon in Cleveland, around the country. tion, offered by a rabbi at the Italian daily, "II Progresso Italo- I Ohio, recently, executives of a Americano," who may begin wonnational advertising agency were Jewish Theological . Seminary's recent symposium? "One of the dering what will become of his discussing if there wert not SAFCLV, WISELY IN most distinguished, learned and job . . . Seen dining: on chopped "somewhere one state in the unable rabbis in the country who- liver and herring at the Csfe ion where conditions that are might have been the most pro- Royal: George Backer aad David described in your advertisement Annuity, pffinwrnent, Life ductive scholar in American Is- Sarnoff, with a party of 20 orj actually exist," on? of those adrael, recently lanaented that he so -others . . . The American ! vertising e x e c u t i v e s reports. Represents £1 Strong Cornpun- < has 'become a high-class schnor- Friends of the Hebrew University i "The information contained in les—Every T"pe o, Insurance publication of a news j your advertisement in '.ime of rer and cannot escape the insis- has started : and Bonds Written. Call A T tent demand that he travel the bulletin . . . But fails to indicate February 7 .followed closely on 7667 or WA 6150. length and breadth of the coun- in its first cumber how often it ' the heels of that luncheon disi

• • "L* - ^ V W B V W V W V W V W V V W V ^ ^

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ln t h A combine; of Morris Bloom J Millara'SlgaL Bloom, has never lost in the City,A. A. U. doubles meet. The powerful lefthander is dne, of-the best doubles, players in the rmlddle-west. . ./

Our endeavor is "Style" and we knerw the art of bringing it to.you a* "RIGHT PRICES."

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Last Wednesday night in the J. C c; pool, the Swim Examiner, Harold Baker of St. Louis, conducted a three-hoUr session.



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-". Leader in the free throw tournament now is Louis Blumkin. the little fancy-Kliving genius.. Louie made the basketball-take a dive 18 times out of a possible 25. In second place, with 17 successful ehots, are 3d Milder and.Harold Epstein.

Forty young basketball players,


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Formation of a four or sixteam league for m«n volleyball • players is being seriously conside1 r e d . . We'd like to start this about the middle of March. . . ' There has been a great deal of enthusiasm shown in the • noonday Health club volleyball sessions, -with between 12 and 14 players showing up each- day for the red-hot games.

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The J . C. C matron women volleyball players are certainly getting into a class all of their own. Last . Friday night, they went out to tho Benson communitygym and pasted (what a word for, a women's volleyball match!.) tho Benson^ -women/, with , ten straight defeats. '. . ,5Ve'd'::Uke to schedule some tougher"«4nTBetltloiJ. lor,-iaa J. CC. players just "to.- find .out :how really good they.'-ire.;, J •-,'•,. In this Intermediate-league last week, i i o A. Z.; A. No. 100- Junlorfl wo^Jtheir first game' of 'the .year.hy-/defeating.the Hawkeyes, 18 to 16; In the other game, the leading,'ki.Z. A. iftq. .r'JunlorB "downed Hho Cornhuskers, 18 to 15.'-Standing's: : . : ' - -, ' '

~ - -


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THE JEWISH KRESS—FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1035 uphold laws and principles on of Nazi Germany, and the Vatic ..n '< mar and Ruby drew fifty G's for Around itim he galhored his | |7JJ|7J?5 " „ which alone peace can rest se- refused to rebuke Cardinal Mun- roughing ia . . . Best Alice Duer i faiihiui staff . . . . extorted them ' cure." i t is not exaggeration to iieiein of Chicago -vr'fcen i e de-Miller gave it the feminine touch' .c Z 1 Ei.lji.HC say that upon "the cutccrne c» the clared that the German people for twelve thousand ( a dainty la ' r ^ r <. * n o f diplomatic activities between were cringing "in fear and servi- touch) . . . then in cuick sucees- ~L these two groups of countries de- tude" beofre an Austrian paper- s;on came Howard Green, Lillian •.' * pends tbe peace of Europe and. hanger only because rf the ter-Heilraac, Anita Loos End tub In cT \i involved therein, tht destiny of orism and espionage under which John Emerson — all in the high- » ,« fi:ey bad been pieced. On De-er brackets. Finally Eon He cat millions of Jews. rt.K.-: . r was ceiled in consr.'tEMo- . . , . i c-fmber £5, an editorial In the J Although the Catholic and Osservatore Romano, official Va- began from scratch wth his own Protestant churches may prev- tican organ, recognized that ECti- origins.! screen play . . . finishcci r .. Vii This concise bnt compelling spective of their present citizen- of overcoming theu, minimized iously have believed that, by reScinKiEm ia not caly a menace to a complete script in two weeks . . *^ < analysis of the contemporary at a cost of 14-oh-oh-ch! Ho. ' ship. Thi3 means that such j)er- the eifect of foreign propaganda. maining aloof Irom political Jewisli crisis, ' condensed frojn sons will be expected to subscribe The Commission placed the re- firife, they could escape Irom it, Jews, but is also a threat to all hum, "gold is where they fine religion. The editorial declared part one of tlie 31st annual re- to and practice Nazi tenets, in- sponsibility for Arab iusurgence events in Germany particularly, it" . . . "\-ROT or. port of tlie American Jewish. cluding those of the pernicious on the alleged irreconcilability of-j have during the paist year cauxed that "anti-Semitism of the present era is an aspect of the fight Commit tec, t>rovides an excel- "Aryan" racial dogma, and tha* tbe aspirations of Jews with those [hem to realize that forces ba\ci I u \ c i L) " " A number of newspaper corof -ftiU T lent* bird's eye view of the re- they will bi subjected to pres- of'Arabs. .Moderate Arab spokes- i>eeu ' liberated which threaten provoked by the new . aganisin in respondents were the surprised - c V large'sections o£ international polation of the Jewish problem sure, emanating from .Germany, men have expressed tbe view that them with destruction. The Na-litical life. and scmewhet perplexes recipito the broader international not only to adhere to these doc- Italian propaganda is largely re- tional Socialist racial dogma, the ents of little gold loving-cups From this analysis o£ the years from the David Selmick Produrscene. r ,v r trines_but also to serve as agents sponsible for unrest ia Palestine, decrees abolishing or restricting: international developments, two This report "was Issued before for their dissemination. Despite and ia debates in the House of religious schools, the jailing of iions. Individual's name v.v.t. ?< the events of the past week and the opposition evoked in the Commons in December accusa- pasters and priests, t i e official conclusions emerge: First, that Latin quotation'-were inscribed or. Or V^P gives hack ground to the re- United States and in other coun- tions of continuing Italian offi- sanction given anti-Christian the democratic stales are becom- each cup. One inquisitive donee, cent upheaval.—The Editor. a. £oriser Harvard man, studied tries by the expressed intentions cial propaganda against Great propaganda, have all shown thai ing 'increasingly awsre of tbe ^ f ' - r r ? " <= v 1° e of the Nazi government to exact Britain in Palestine and other the persecution of the Jews and need to present a united front his gift from left to right, right r r t r ' c l er i~e . It lias become increasingly cultural allegiance, from Ger- Arab-speaking countries were not political dissenters was the be-against the aggressor nations in 'o life, tpsice down, but whet clear that the problems of the mans abroad, that government denied by Foreign Minister An- ginning of a wider drive upon all order to preserve peace and JtfT. Selznick said about him. reJews, never wholly absent from has recently elevated Ernst Wil- thony Eden. Indeed, ,since then. who retain as a fundamental arti- democracy, and, second, that the mained hierogiyp];ics. Inquiry at the world scene, have during the helm Bohle, chief of the Nazi Mr. Eden himself has protested to cle of faith the sanctity of hu-welfare of minorities is today the studio revea'ed that the rn^sth«> oaCCe iX O ^ r ' -Ji r past year been thrust into a moret Party foreign organization and ofi the Italian government, and theman personality uid the suprem- more than ever dependent upon ims were selected t y a Latin tea- Dance > 1 e conspicuous place, and that those I its foreign bureau in the Minis- British authorities have arranged acy of divine laws. Even from the maintenance of democratic cher,,that her husband had cop- 'uisa un e~ iS c I ideals in countries where demoied them in longhand that tbe en- v e ' r s problems cannot intelligently b e ' try for Foreign Affairs, to thefor a cjaily broadcast in Arabic within Germany,' have come ceT e d Sh a r r ElDr dealt with except against the position virtually of a member of from .Daventry to counteract the rumblings ot unrest and even cracy prevails, and upon the es- graver had inadvertently rnised ::i-s s^ De rus. /1 background of international de- the government; Bohle's decisions effects in the Near East and'j open defiance of the government. tablishment of democratic ideals the notes, and that tbe latter v;a.s , in countries where democracy is extremely near-sighted 'to boot. | velopments. Indeed, we cannot ex- are, according to an official cir- North Africa, of anti-British There is little doubt, if any, that Karrardite put. tbe golden chalice \ The Grand Pukes" of T T T f •: r ; pect to serve our fellow-Jews un- cular, hereafter to be regarded as broadcasts from Bari, Italy. Dr. Schacht resigned his office as not yet assured. noted for their lenience less we recognize that the crisis "ministerial decisions." In a sominister of economics because he (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts in the store-room . . . and tried i Jews, never receiver; f.pr Faced with tee menace of this disagreed with the Xszi measto forget the whole thing, facing them is part of the wider called Christmas message adfor e'mancipator:' rir'.'.tp. Feature Syndicate.) crisis' confronting all humanity. dressed to Germans abroad, Boble growing unity of action among ures for regimentation of German the avowedly anti-democratic The" crisis has become more acute said: "Everywhere in the wide business: it is commonly said In the miuEt cf the United Jewbecause of the further deterior- world National Socialist commun- powers, the democratic govern-; that literature attacking the Hitish Welfare drive, we are remind- !/< ments, though carefully avoiding j ation of international morality, as ities of our Reich citizens have beler government fcas been distribed of the qeip Ed TTrxin once ; JJ , If: r evidenced by the ominous reap- come stronger and closer. Every- a*milit_ant attitude, have not been uted through the mails; and the made when sslred why he jrave j <* inactive in seeking to preserve pearance of the pre-war system where our part'comrades and nachurch conflict has become so so much money to charity instead ij£ By HELEN ZIG5I0XD of militarism, secret diplomacy, tional comrades feel themselves their liberal ideals and to protect bitter that, in a vigorous protest of saving it: "I have no desire to ' £ strident nationalism, and aggres- as much obligated to cooperate in their own interests against the the chaplains of the army warned be the richest man in the ceme- ' / ; united front of aggressor states. sive alliances. The government building up the Reich as in the it might in time of war divide i^ Hollj-wood — A query comes tery." Not since the world war have the Germany into hostile camps. which . is chieily responsible for old home itself." to hand: Has Xorma Shearer acleading the world into this con- , It is notorious that in a num-forces of democracy recognized Over one hundred German Pro- cepted Judaism? Babbles Milton Eerie, "Holly- ' £ the testant pastors have been jailed, dition is the same' government ber of countries imported Nazi with such clear apprehension The facts are: At the time Nor- wood Boulevard is lined with A : that vhas unleashed a universal propaganda is openlj and secret- dangers that confront them In including the popular Martin Nie- ma and Irving Ttialberg vere palms . , . yean, most of then: r attack on the Jews so'savage as ly supported by some former Ger- the intolerance, belligerence and moeller. The Catholics have so married by Rabbi Magin, she wasitching!" \A to be without historical prece- man nationals. Recent events in ruthlessness of those who sow the suffered from the Xazi oppres- converted to Judaism,. "While 'A dent. The Nazi German govern- Danzis show how, under favor- seeds of anti-Semitism as a means sion that last June Cardinal Faul- Thalberg lived they "ivere mecnProfessor Jerry Hoffman toot A of extending their dominion and j ment has, since 1933, taken the able conditions, these tactics can haber told • 5,000 pilgrims in Ba- bers\of and attended services at his four-year-old chickadee to see >p lead in tearing up treaties, ln,.un- be effective. In other countries, feeding their lust for* power. To- |varia that Hitler had not saved the B'nai Brith Temple. Since "Snow White." Lassie enjoyed, it, |>"dermining the independence of especially Austria and Czechoslo- day, as never before, there has jGermany from "the atheism of his passing she continues to bebut couldn't -understand why t h e ^ a . dawning realization j Soviet Russia" but that he might an active member . . . pays- her other states, in starting a -world- vakia, tbe activity of German come Qaeen had to transform herself A wide armaments race, and in Nazi sympathizers is a source of throughout the world that those J better have taken an example dues . . . and recently attended into a horrid old witch. Papa '/ mating war and conquest the su-constant irritation and internal propagandists and states which j from Prance where "Jews .and the banquet commemorating the explained that it was because Ehe ' *J r i L.A I E D 1 V.' ,\ ; Vr;-. j, . preme goals of national policy. dissension. Hardly a country is violate the principles of equality Free Masons sit in the . . . gov- seventy-fifth anniversary of thewanted to destroy Snow White •/ and humanity in the treatment of free from such activity. Ev«-u ernment, but where there is, nev- temple. On that occasion she rose who was more beautiful than she. [•£ The Nazi efforts to form an from Latin _ America have come Jews are doing so in preparation ertheless, freedom in the Catholic to make a fevr remarks -which re- "Yes . . . but . . . " , persisted the i / alliance with Italy and Japan, in reports that anti-Jewish propa- for a larger campaign to subvert schools." Recently Cardinal Ver- solved into a fine eulogy of Rab- young 'un, "if she could cto tr-E.t ^ the surface apjiear to have had a ganda, financed by the Nazi gov- the liberties of all—Christians dier, Archbishop of Paris, in abi Magnin. why couldn't she make herself r A swift success. This new alliance ernment, was causing distress to and Jews alike—who stand for public lecture, condemned states more beautiful sjueen?" Stymied, , jjt has very serious implications for the Jews in these countries and human freedom and brotherhood. that "repressed the essential After "his experience in "Gold- Hoffman murmured Eomething ' A •j A There have., been evidences, dur- rights of human personality," and vryn Follies" Phil Baker believes about "hurrying home or they'd the world at large, and for Jews is making progress in strengthenIA yt. 'A in particular. It has left the ing the trends of dictatorship ing the past year, that the for- proclaimed that the Catholic his jokes "were nothing to" laugh be late for sepper . . . " A Jews of Austria threatened with which have always prevailed in eign policy of the United States church was in accord with liberal about." Real life and reel life In Vienna Conrad Teifit "will ,/• A a Nazi goverenment; it has spread some~South and Central American also is being modified to meet democracy. "Regardless of social •were too painfully similar. First park on Freud's doorstep until he A the challenge of present- day de-and political regimes," he de-he was hired as an accordion play- has completed E Jife-study cf tl.s f the contagion of anti-Semitism to countries. velopments. In his now famous clared,, "the Church has never er . . . then they decided they al- great psycho-Eca'yst — for cell"- i ^ an Italy which had remained Imspeech in Chicago on October 5, ceased to teach that men are \A mune; it has rendered the Gerready had too much talent . . . loid consumption, The new 1037 imperialism re- last, the President vigorously conman government even bolder in his part vras rewritten, cut oat, flected in the German-Italian- demned "the present reign, of equal because they are the sons reinstalled . . . until, as in the It was s. Boleinn ocoasios. Thsi \y its efforts to subvert the governJapanese alliance, ..which natural- terror and 'international 1 lawless- "of the same Father and will, in- flicker he tore his hair, screamments of Eastern. Europe and of fasaefi .-neoiociE-1, Dr. GOIG herit the same paradise." ly seeks to weaT^ert :tWB British ness." He said: "If those things ing, "Why did I want to get into w a s departing l o r i"iorLDi South America by encouraging position in the Mediterranean n - come to pass in other parts of the pictures?" "Enreka!" shouted a them to adopt the totalitarian gion, embraces problenisin North world, let no one imagine that 'snoopervisor', that's the part you formula. As head of the Catholic church Africa and the Near East. ' In- America will escape, that it may will play." And so he did. the Pope on numerous occasions, In Danzig, the Nazi govern- volved in some "of those problems ment threw overboard the last, is Palestine. For almost two yeais expect mercy," that this western especially in his address to the The scenario alone of "Goldvestiges of league control and be- IPalestine has been living through hemisphere will not be attacked college of Cardinals en Chirstmas gan. to apply the Nuremberg,laws, | a veritable reign of terror direct- and that it will continue tran- eve, made unmistakable condem- wyn Follies' chipped. Sammy's '• * v « •>«,•" appropriate Jewish capital, and ed by extremist Arabs against quilly and peacefully to carry on natory references to the paransm. bank-roll $140,000. First Kalinvite Jews to emigrate. Fortified government officials, Jews a n ithe ethics and the arts of civilizaI by. its new allies, Germany ha.f moderate Arabs; and during "the tion . . ". If those days are not to redoubled its efforts to gain the past year Arab violence has sur-come to pass—if "we are to have is support of other states and topassed all previous limits. The a world in which we can breathe freely, and live in amity without bully the democratic nations into British Royal Commission sent to submission to Nazi demands. investigate, the causes of the diffi- fear—the peace-loving nations Czechoslovakia was savagely at- culties and to recommend means must make a concerted effort to tacked by the German press because it did not concede the de•/ mands of the Nazi leaders of the German minority; Austria was 1 { .compelled to sign an agreement WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS permitting Nazis to join the Fath• Schrafft't, Chocolates ••* Muriel, Cuesta Rey erland front; Hungarian anti° Canada Dry Ginger Ale and Harvester Ctsars Semites were spurred on. by Ger• Falstaff Beer many to riot and to demand the 315 So. 13th Street AI 4292 cr i roc IT . . . Zi~r rrv- e n x r e i segregation of Jews; and, in Rumania, Nazi propaganda has served to make Jew baiting a favorit'e occupation. There, even the V clergy, from the Patriarch down, 4 ^ 1 <• r *- • are'coerced into abetting it* tr (:: Anti-Jewish propaganda is beC i-~ /" ^~ing employed as the spearheadl ' j C^'•''/ in the organized drive to win ami ii"-n-M ^*tou^ other peoi-les over to Nazi theories. In this drive, a determined effort is being made to enlist the services of persons of German descent everywhere. The meeting of Germans living in foreign countries, held last summer in Stnttgart, under the auspices of the Nazi party foreign organizations, asserted the right of the German jtate to have the cultural allegiance of all such persons, irre-


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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, FEBBUABY 18, 1038 supper snd dance, iodge room, The Center Library The Teutonic heroes will not allow their noble names to be sul-ture and the attempts to increase COMMUNITY CALEMDAR Jewish Community Center. crops is a familiar story. Just lied by being: given'to Hebrew boys and girls. • COSIIXCr KVENTS how dismal a failure this bit of By HAHKEL.L, COHEN WlflKK OF FEBRUARY 10 If this measure is intended to be an insult, it is a strange Nazi planning has been is "reveal.Monday, February ES Saturday, Febrcarj' 10. | Women's division oprd jwrty j (•<•> the Jewish Topic? of one indeed, for one need only look back into German history ed by the authors —• always em- Vaad Auxiliary Oneg Shabisoth. j s-JdMtD e v t n v FRIDAV A? OMAKA. MEORASKA. OV this i and dessert colfee, 1 p. m., Jew- ' f r v"r;ch p.rvived to see the profusion of great Germans who were given good ploying government data. Crops Stisifiar, Febrnsry 23. THB JEWISH PHESS PUBMSfcUNO MV library, are ! isb Community Center auditor- ! v.-f in the are both smaller in size and Omaha Hebrew Club meeting. | iuzn. Old Testament names, Jn those days the Norse gods were poorer In quality with the result « j as GUOSCniPTIOf PaiCG. On? YC3I » • • • " • • 3 p. in., room C and D, Jewish rather overlooked in favor of the Prophets. ! Ees<;n3ceritenni£.l celebration of ! 1. Xr1*.'-0 fvorr> Tlip .Tpv.'fsh Na'•--- fiATEO fURNICHEO OW APPUrgAtION that the people eat less today Community Center. In France it has been illegal to give a child, Jewish or than they did before Hitler ar- Basket ball games: Intermed- -| constitution, S^ p. in., Jewish j ions'. Fnriti of Americp — "Can — EDITORIAL OPPICBt 553 OR&NDEIO THEATER OUItOINO Center auditorium. We Work Whilf v > Wait" by 8I0U& GITV OFFICEWSWISH COMMUNITY CENTER non-Jewish, a name that cannot-be found in the Old or New rived. Living standards have fall- iate league, noon, Center gyni- | Community City A. A. U. handball tourna- G. XJ. Kioe;.7.ei. This is an interPRINT SHOP AOOHE8S-4SM SO-54TH Ol BEET , • ' # en about twenty per cent. "Guns nasiusn, preliminary game, S p. OAVID BLACKER • • • Business and .Managing Editor Testament. instead of butter," a slogan the jr., J. c. C. Varsity vs. Kale-ton, ment, €:I5-S p. ra., Jewish Com- esi.icjr eorarueniarj on land purmunity Center,, entire week. chase in IV'.ieSiine. Rather than a mark of humiliation, this latest edict is one authors brand es 'gangster logic' 4 p. in. FRANK A. -ACkDKBAN- • • • • ' c ' . JJ]| Tuesday and Wednesday, 2. Hp.classF.?' >Te^'-1-'Vie»s, issued will soon have to be modified to -'UBOMAftD NATHAN •;, •.-.. •• - „ ^ 2 * that the Jew accepts»with more than good grace. It awakens y, Febmary 21 February £2 and 2S by the KSOPPSFJ" Org'.'Tiization of read, instead of bread. And the BASK FREDERICK COHN • • Contributing Women's division card party them to the ridiculousness of going to false gods for names Irony of Nazi agricultural techai-; and dessert coffee, 1 p. in., Jew- Center Players, £:SO p. m., Canada p_iui deaiinE with the RABBI THEODORE N. LBWJ3 • ' * «B<?° 5 J !I for their children. que Is that the authorities are ish Community Center auditor- Jewish Community Center cimli- j v.-ork of H?.da.?s?.h in various ANN PILL • • ' - •••• Sions City. Iowa, Correspondent forced to intro'duce Russian ium. toriuin. Play, "Let T7s Be Gay," j countries, this will be interesting

methods to eliminate the indeto members of the Kadassah, aa Workmen's loan meeting, 7:E0 by Rachel Crothers. February 24 pendent farmer, just as the Inde- p. ni., room C and D, Jewish Comwell as Jewish lend ere in general. "Board of Governors, Jewish pendent merchant and retail tra- munity Center. The Center Library is going 'in By Rabbi Frederick Conn 1 ders are being gradually forced B'nai B'rith meeting, 8 p. ns., j Community Center snd VTelif.re Cor publications dealing with (Ed. Note—The following article was mailed from Ven- out With the words, "Israel, thou hast conquered," Oetavian or reduced to bankruptcy. lodge room, Jewish Community ! Federation, 2 p. mi, J. C. C. children. V.'e now have: Goga ungraciously, stepped, from the premiership of Roumania zuela and was delayed en route.) February 27 The government has introduced Center. YOUNG JUDEAN — a mottthj In every branch of humsn activWe are nearing Curacao. and brought to a halt the .few-baiting policy of his reactionary SesQuicentenaial celebration of j Omaha Jewish Community Cen- 5;- publication; the Children's :, Kansas City Center basket Onrvpnt Everts paper entitled, destructive regulations -which i constitution, 8 p. in., Jewish ComWe have been sailing the Spanish Main since a week ago ity government. The swing of. the Roumanians back to the sphere S p. in., Jewish Com- "The Jewish News,'" a beautifully are destroying all freedom and imunity Center auditorium. Span- I ' } a " of French and English influence', away from the ideology, of Saturday. It took us three days and .three nights to arrive all profits, plus forcing the' pop- i sored by Round Table of Jewish j aunity Center gymnasium. illustrated, paper for children of groups of I Varsity hop dance, P p. m Hebrew and PundP.y School ages; Italy and Germany, is significant. For the Jews it has meant from New Orleans at Kingston, Jamaica, where we got our ulation to exist on a semi-starva- j ™~ t ^ a'nd"ot"her tion level. Jewish Community Center audi-1 E n d sin interesting- bulletin entita slight -easing of the precarious situation with which they were first taste of the tropics. Jamaica belongs to England and is Those concerned with the val- the city. I led, "Planning: for Jewish Youth" City A. A. U. handball tournaj the oldest English colony. After Jamaica we arrived at the ues of the spirit will read with. meat, 8:15 p. m. Jewish Coin-j confronted. 5s y, March © ; by James Marshall, vice-presif Omaha Workmen's Lof.n ban-jdent of the New York Board of Contrary to Goga's sentiments, Israel has not conquered. Isthmus of Panama which is neither Central nor South America deep emotion the story of the munity Center. gradual strangulation of every Hazomir choir, 8 p. is., room j c>nt>t- Jewish _ Community Center. \ Education. This deals with the In the place of Jew-baiting Goga has stepped Jew-baiting Miron but just in between. The Canal Zone, the Canal, with its set- free and independent German K and ^ B'nai E'rith dance, PaKton | planning end the recreational Jewish Commuraty Christea, the patriarch of the Roumanian church whose intol- tlements of Christobal and Colon on the Atlantic side and newspaper by M. Amman, Hitler's Center. hotel. needs of Jewish youth in America. Stjisday, March IS erance of Jews,. Protestants, and.Roman Catholics is notorious. Balboa, Panama City and old Panama on the Pacific side were first publisher. The destruction Tuesday, perfected in typical gangster Vaad Ks'Ihr Pnrim Carnival. May we suggest that you read: Only last, autumn the world witnessed the spectacle of this a revelation. The setting is beautiful and one's experiences de- was Center Players, S:SO m. manner vby employing the arm of lightful. Balboa, from his fine monument, still gazes out to "Two Worlds I n Conflict. We high church dignitary indulging in remarks so abusive that the state. Today, only the Nazi Play, " Let Us Be Gay." by Each- \ Or They" by Hamilton Pish Armthe Pacific. The Rockies of America and the Andes of South press functions, and-the authors el Grothers, Jewish Community j -other church dignitaries throughout Europe protested. strong, Editor of Foreign Affairs. ! mournfully conclude that "in the Center auditorium. America form one continuous chain which pass through the "Wisdom From The Bible and The effect of the fall of the Goga cabinet has been parCity A. A. U. handball touEna- ' newspaper field, ES in other Isthmus of Panama, forming in the Antillesthe Continental Talmud' by our own Dr. Ptilip ment, 6:15-9 p. in., Jewish Com-j ticularly encouraging. How corrupt it was has been revealed walks of economic life, the govSher, a Jewish treasure of wisDivide. As our train passed across, we, too, stood 'on a peak munity Center. ernment is acquiring a control of by the charge filed in Bucharest that Istrate Miceseu, Goga's dom in any library. an industry which was formerly Wednesday, February £3"The Cabala" by Thornton foreign minister, had attempted'to arrange the murder of Cbd- in Darien.' Center Players, S:EO p. m. i one of the chief sources of indiviWilder. Panama City is a bustling thriving place, with a tremen- dual wealth." reanu, the leader of the also anti-Semitic Iron Guard. Play, "Let Us Be Gay," Jewish j The nations are sunk dewn in j "The Kabbalah" or "The ReliHitler's prestige was to a certain extent weakened by this dous amount of goods, silks, perfumes, laces, tobacco, ceramics, The world is well acquainted Community Center gions Philosophy of the Hebrews'' City A. A. IT. handbell touraa*, with the desperate effort® of the repudiation of his doctrinea and in Hungary the anti-Semites Panama hats, and an infinite number of curios to delight the Nazi regime to regain the lost meat, 6:15-9 p. m,, Jewish Com-1 by Aclolph Franck, revised and translated bv Dr. I Sossnitz were warned of the severe economic consequences visited upon tourists.( Three Jewish clerks, two men and a young lady, in- German foreign trade. Here it munity Center. For the needy shall not si ways ; troduced themselves to me. They told me there are quite a v has met with a measure of sucVaad BiblClass, p. ts., E'cai •: be forgotten, nor the expectation r h i c h ig reC ominended for readl Roumania by the anti-Jewish program. ...'•* cess but, "while the export trade Israel. ing to those who care to delve number of Jews on the Isthmus, and that they have a very of the poor perish forever, For Carol to say the Jews must be exiled sometime in the has recovered, the means by j into Sohar. Junior Vaad Cultural Group, j Through the pride of the wickfuture to a new fatherland is a" political sop. Roumania is a nice synagogue at present in charge of a Rabbi Hurwitz. The which this revival- has been S p. m., party at the home of Ie( j the poor is hotly pursued; j they are taken in the devices thr.t ,rich country. Alone of the European nations does she have young Jewess, though married to a Pennsylvania Dutchman, brought about involves heavy fi- Miss Ann Goodbinder. nancial burdens at home and not February..24. i they have conceived. j vast agricultural and mineral resources. Her oil fields rank told me with considerable pride that she read her prayers (in always reputable financial and Thtsr&flay, Junior Hadassah, S p. is., room ! English) every Friday night and Saturday morning. trade practices abroad. The raw C and D, Jewish Community Cen- j Kabbi Abobu Bald, ""He who j along with those of the Baku as the principal source of supply Here, at Curacao, we are about to visit the oldest Jewish material dilemma, the drive for ter. for the entire continent. • ' j causes his neighbor to do a <c Jerusalem (WNS-Paleor AgenAutarchy and the economic value Synagogue and Cemetery in the New World, dating from 1640. Governors, o* the j meritorious act, is considered by -" — Palestine Jewry expressed Board In this peasant economy only the Jews have played any of colonies for Germany — which T he himself has •its keen interest in the creation Community Center and Ti e!f£re j scripture as of an adequate Palestine Pavilimportant part in the development of the country and have I am reminded that the first Jews to come to the United States is nil, — are discussed la great Federation, S p. m., lodge room, | done it." detail and objectively. of America came from South America in 1654, and I remember, at the New York World's Fair received only abuse for their efforts. A systematic attempt to Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Simon said, "The imJ fcy many years ago, meeting the Jewish Rabbi in Newport, Rhode City A. A7U. handball tocrna! pulse of man, a child and a wo' °\ f"" dispatching Abraham Most financiers and quite a oust the Jews from the industries they developed and their r e fl ment, 6:15-9 p. a., Jewish Com-j man should always the left hand j * eteohn. associated with the Imnumber of lay men have a healIsland, the Rev. Chumaceiro, who showed us through the old placement by Roumanians has brought about chaos in Roumanrepel, (if deserving) but the ; ^ / ^ «;—*' Arn-, who has thy admiration for Dr. Schacht munity Center, rig-ht hand shall always invite." ! sailed for New York. ian industry and-th rise of a poverty-stricken Jewish popu- Synagogue and Cemetery there, who I recall now, told me he who has been called the wizard £3 came from Curacao. Jews settled here when they were driven snd saviour of Germany. The au- Council of Jewish Idelsohn will meet with Rabbi Jochanan sais, "Come • lation. *' • e Backer and Harold Jacob! and see how severe is the force out of Brazil. En route we learned the melancholy news that thors do not share this high opin- Civics and Legislation group. of the Palestine PaThe future for the Jews, while not Scintillating,; is better Ecuador was imitating Hitler-Germany and had decreed ex- ion. They regard him aa un- Satcrday, Febmsry 2S of robbery, for although the gen- ! -Chairmen 10n eraUon of the flood had committi T" Committee in New York, ta s c r u p u l o u s , 'dishonest and I than it bar appeared for. the past several weeks. It baa notpulsion of the Jews. Reading, as suited to my trip, Preseott's Beth El Ausislary Oseg Shs.bCISCUSS participation s h r e w d l y ambitious financier bos, Jjoae of Mrs. Herman Cehes, ed all kinds of crimes, neverthe- i m lhe F aralestine's i r JTr been Israel that has conquered iix Roumania, it has been s slight 'Ferdinand: and Isabella," the account of the Inquisition and who, though being one of the orless, their evil decree was not i ^elsohn repreMrs. Jclics Stein. consideration for common sense. Perhaps this consideration will Spain's expulsion of the Jews in 1492, which the author apolo- iginal founders of the Democra- co-hostess, sealed -until ther etretched oni ' is eu! rUI SO Ss•e PonimstJee formed for the m lliirachi M'lave Malice, Beth ! ' Palestine representing spread to neighboring countries that have been infected by thSgizes for as due to* the 'ferocious times of nearly four hundred tic party in 1919, ended up as HamedroES Hagofiel Eyntsograe. their hang to commit robbery." jlhe eT lsl; the guiding genius of the Nazis. Ko&h seat forth a raven (Gen-j " ' BaUonal institutions. WEEK OF FESRCAKY-27 same virus of intolerance. ' esis S.7) Kesh L&kish said, "The i and fifty years ago," it is almost incredible to believe that the However even he, with all his Sjsafisy, February £7 rlore came in to him at the evensame could happen, as it is happening, in these supposedly dishonest scheming, has failed to Omaha Hebrew club meeting, 4 rEres f a "NoRl1 a J i c t I f ? us and. 3o in her mouth an olivesucceed under the dictatorship p m more enlightened times. It shows that 'civilization' is after and ler.f." Kr.bbi Eleazer said, "The "German currency system of- ' all but a veneer, that man is still savage to the core. acre sf.id before the Holy One. fers a tragic comical variety of thou take in seven end games, A. ^ A . i No Latin-American romantic movie was ever so charged i of the Universe, marks, security mark*, imA inn ? n v -'from the isnclean only two, and The hearts of the Jewish clerks I spoke of, who had heard free migrant marks, from which KO vs. A . with drama than the sensational climax to. the dark,situation A. IUO, 3 p ra., ^oma^a j ; y food be bitter as an olive-leaf t h o a h £ t e B t me> g o t h o u l e a r e s rc will ultimately find his way." of the Jews of Ecuador. Every device was present and. ex- the distressing news, as well as of fellow-Jewish travellers who oneAmerican varsity vs. Jvsns^s City ; i v;-sich thou hast • but given Thy as hand, rather Center, 4 p ra a l p n e t h e r p e c e s often speak of the thru that at sweet honey, and ploited to capacity to make this the outstanding dramatic sit- brought to me'the news were disturbed; as must be the hearts wasteful expenditures of a de- Dance, K. C. Varsity hop, S p. Iseven* and sendestthouf r o h ma s t given by frail man.". s p e c i e s which of the Jews throughout the world, 'trembling like the leaves mocracy and yearn for the thrift a.., Center auditorium. uation of -±he century. ;; -v only two. If I s.m filled by j Monday, Febrcary £S ' of the trees in the forest,' asjrecorded in King Ahaz' time. Jews accident, would not the world be j Simon de Caceres, a Jamacia of an autocracy. An illuminating Close upon the heels of the order expelling the Jews from Council of Jewish Vv'omen, 2 i lacking & creature of mv species?'! Jew, was Cromwell's secret agent on "The Cost of a Totalthe country, an appeal was made to the military dictator by are filled with foreboding. Germany will certainly have a {chapter *" c o : s ' i S o he sent forth a dove &nd t h e ' on the island. great deal to answer for before the bar of God's justice. 1ari J an s t a t e " "5riU teaeh these that J £ v ° ;

Reflections at Sea

of the Bible and Talrntad

Sends Envoy for Fair

A Lady Saves

South America's leading Jewish actress, Bertha Singerman. "In ' .. ., T .. , aorgies democracy, even in its not a p - 1 , Congregation of Israel AusilT ' .i of spending does the name of justice and freedom," she pleaded that he note add in tne meantime the Jew must find comfort and courage proach the wastefulness and the iary:- Synagogue, 25 and F street. to the tragic situation of the Jews in refuge from European in the thought of the ancient Psalmist, that 'He slumbereth not financial recklessness of a dicta- Omaha Vv'orkmen'B losn, 7:80 m., room C and Tf, Jewish persecution. and sleepeth not, the Keeper of Israel!' God has guided and torship. The authors maintain j r Ever &e gallant gentleman, Colonel Enriquez blew a kiss preserved Israel through all the centuries, despite his many that the "Leader" state is .-a far | Community Center costly form of government j Hasomir choir, S p. a., room across space to this beautiful lady and announced, perhaps not powerful enemies. The Democratic countries inust and will more than the most extravagant de- K and L, -Jewish Community Cenin so many words, that Ecuador would never fail so lovely a triumph over the encroachments of Fascism. Let the Jew pin mocracy" and just how costly it ter. Starch 1 person. The country, he went on to say, was free from-un- his faith to Democracy and its triumph he will find justice is these facts will Indicate, "All Tuesday, Pioneer Women, 2 p. ra., C az£ over Germany are the so called . sportsmanlike racial prejudices. The expulsion order would be and security despite all "Brown Houses" for the party D, Jewish Community Center. revoked and the immigration schedule revised. Vaad Ladies' Auxiliary, B'nei "beauracracy. At Neuremberg there Frederick Cohn. are buildings' used solely for the Israel. And thus with the dramatis personnae taking a curtain annual party congress. No other ] Wednesday, March 2 call to the plaudits of the world-wide audience, it appears that Senior Kadassah, IE noon, state ln the world can boast anyeverybody is to live; happily ever after. thing similar. Two enormous ho- open board raeetJns, Jewish Coir-I

Mr. Minister Offers His Rewrote


The subject of Ghetto Benclies in the Polish universities ,was rudely swept off the front pages by more exciting events in Roumania and then Germany, For a time it seemed that the reactionary elements of Poland had triumphed and that the ghetto benches had been accepted. The struggle was an epoch one. First the Jewish students themselves put up a heroic resistance to the attempts to inflict this infamy upon them. Joining with them were sympathetic non-Jewish students from the radical and liberal groups and the more distinguished members of the faculty. In Poland this challenge1, to self-respect was met with a heroism that took the advocates of the benches completely by surprise. From abroad,,too, came the protests of the world's out* standing scholars. Even the names of Nebraska professors were signed to the petition asking for a reconsideration of'the ghetto bench problem. , . Now before the Polish Sejm the Minister of Education admits that the whole subject of ghetto benches was an enormous mistake on the part of the government, that Poland had been put into a bad light-the world over by the behavior of the extremists. It was only in the interests of preserving peace and protecting the Jewish students, he claimed, that the benches had originally been1 instituted. •'• Thia battle on behalf of human rights and dignity should serve as an encouragement when • the Endeks once more attempt to impose other marka of'disrespect upon Poland's Jews. The heroic eziort3 of Polish Jewry wore not in vain. Supposedly to add insult to the indignities already inflicted upon German Jewry, the Nazi government has promulgated an order that Jewish' children must have Jewish names.

tels, eight stories high, receive munity Center. 1 p. m., dessert the guests of the Leader. A newly | luncheon and book review by , built road, ninety meters wide, j Rabbi D. A. Goldstein at Brs.3-: . By DE. THE0D0EE H. -LEWIS leads from the town to the party deis. i estate some miles away.' Here Eabbi, Moaaf SiasI Steajple, Sloas Ladies Free Loan, J -p, jr., 1 there are two -railway stations lounge, Jewish CciSimuaity Cer.-! and a good depot, special water ter. i "GERJIANY, THE LAST FOUR cal accuracy. Their deductions and electricity works and a sys- Saturday, SJarch 5 YEARS" BY O B E M A K I C . U S give a lurid picture of Germany tem of drainage adequate for HOUGHTON, 3IIFFIJN CO. 116under the Nazis, and a ' gloomy three to four hundred thousand). Round Table Representatives PAGES. 31.73.* one for the peace and security of Inhabitants. A party palace is in j fis Erita'A coec the course of construction. All | This ia one of the most objec- the world. peace tftd NarJs methods frtive and Judicial analysis yet to The reckless financing of the* this,-Including the hotels, is used! a year, for one week only ill together, we should tnafce appear of the four years of Naz- regime has succeeded only be- once ", , ; —-••- . ism and for this very reason, cause of the iron-clad dictator- once a year, tor one week only and remains for the rest of the concessions to a countrr ocm:rmost devastJng- Since the_ authors ship. Just how long this process time closed." Where can we deal comprehensively with the can continue i3 a matter of spec- match a similar state of waste ! anil hare no hesitation t t usir: economic and military program ulation, though, according to the and extravagance. Add to it the murder &s en Instrument of doof Hitler and In an utterly sci- authors, an immediate collapse is corruption which is "the inevit- mestic and foreign policies." In conservative. circles it Is entific manner, their coocl'isions not to be anticipated. The pre- able outcome of the disappearhave received serious attention sent size of the army is carefully ance of parliamentary control feared that upon the fijEintegrc.throughout 33urope and'forcibly arrived at, and its function is to and a free expression of public tion of the Nazi regisrs© Comir.Kreminded the civilized nations of make«it sufficiently powerful so opinion," and you will conclude lstn will inevitably follow and ic the world of the threat that Nazi as "to create the fear of war in that a democracy is a model for avo'd this many advocate a loan Germany presen.s to universal Europe" which fear "is used by economy and honesty and thrift! j to Geranay. . The authors give j peace and happiness. The vol- the Nazis for political and eco- The deductions embodied in a most effective reply to this i | > ume 'is,not mere opinion or pious nomic blackmail." The economic the concluding chapter should be | s p e c i o u s argument. "English ' • expression of moral indignation control imposed by the regime pondered by all who love free- J money is far more likely to be ] but an authoritative, ^statistical has brought not efficiency and doin and fear tyranny. It is a j used for. the creation of poiso~ ' analysis of the resources of the harmony but "inefficiency and reasoned plea for isolating Nazi j gas and other delectable muniThird Reich and the goal of the disharmony on most unprecedent- Germany, and against mating j tions. The truth is that ciort i ;n find St difficult tc , Nazi state. • ed scale." Tiio arbitrary regimen- any concessions to Hitler, be St in j tation of Industry has not achievthe form of a loan, which is equij The book has appeared In serence between what the poverty cC ial form in the reputable, Lon- ed a planned economy. The auth- valent to an outright gift, or of ] our language forces us to call th ? don economic weekly, "Banker," ors emphasize that the basis, the territorial nature. The authors j principles of ComnmTiisni sx.1 during the month "ol • February aim of the economy of the Nazis plead for a vigorous diplomatic Nazism." x 1937. According to the editor, is ""VVehrwirtschaft" war econo- policy upon the psrt of the deThe salvation of oar civilizethe authors are Germans who mics. The ultimate aim of the mocracies which' along will con- tion requires & epeedy fieeirut- i not only reside in Germany but Nazis is war, and the^ government fine "the mortal peril of German tion of JfEEissr. It is the.sacreJ '' who even occupy prominent posi- is steadily placing the country, militarism" to her own borders. duty of liberal peoples to Ij&stez • tions in the government and who tho population and Its economic These are strong sentiments — the inevitable collapse of t i e r e - ' must therefore remain anony- syatein upon a war basis. This but wise and sane. "Any finanbased upoa saagsterisii end mous, uainjj the Bseufionyu of tVehrwirtsehaft" is as character- cial or territorial concession. treachery. istic of Nazi economics as. Marsmade to--the present Gertaan re"Germanicus." : Their facts are beyond dispute, backed up as ism is of Russia," and Infinitely gime -would serve to perpetuate The first persecution of the the tyranny which has forced Jews of Europe dates frost the they are-by authentic data_ of more diabolical. high and unimpeachable statisti- ./"Nazi regimentation of agricul- Europe to become an arming- t i n s of Tiberius.

eins in

SUITS 0 It's something to sxve about , . » Rsan tailored, pure wool worsted, new 193S tail.ieurs . . . smoothly fitted, square shouldered suits do things* for the fig-are. Eari-Gio irron lining, Onlv The Nebrc-sfic: Kcs This New Suii Feature taijrfh for {fit m*<Jl!im . . Rhot« tens»h tot ttm him length far


Woisen s Division

to.Hold .Annual Bridge. .Monday j


Po<re f



A. Z. A. Ho.

LE64tlE STATps

oounJry o* r»<* t

••<= Tiiarrifid J r

Dr. Abe Pellnan and XVAQT* • Shurr presented a film on the : fight against venereal diseases entitled "For All O'ar Sakes." De- D&VLEIIZ^TS or Israel Airi Soci^tj fore an audience of A. Z. A. cm Tuesday, February 15, rev 1; ' youths Sunday afternoon at the ejected officer? f-erp instiilied Mrs. A. vTolf., president, r e Jewish Conimunity Center.

i." H\cv MEMORIAL FliOWEK TTXO To raise money to purchase i The Jewish Community Center equipment for the kitchen of tbe; and Welfare Federation acknowJewish Community Center, the j ledges the receipt of the followWomen's Division vrill hold its ing memorial Flower Fund conCAXAR-STEIN HONORS BRIBE-TO-BE annual bridge party and dessert tributions during the month of The marriase of Miss Esther MiS3 Slarva Cohn. a hrido-fn-be. ~coiiee on Monday, February -21, van turn Tba'a. the program which v.-as shrwr. bers the folio^ing -sromer-: 5I?sguest of honor at a tea givSir. and Mrs. Herman Auer- through tlie courtesy of the Doug daniss r.I. lirockey. S. I-iaiE. X. at the Center at 1 o'clock. Dave Stein, and Mas Canar, son en'Iast Sunday by Airs. 3oe Sheri-i,pplied tarbach in memory of Sam Ne^nr-an las County Public Health Scvietr Zj€Tinson. s. Ol£.nceT. 1^. Kos?r>of Mr. and .Mrs. Sam Canar, will man. Sharing honors with Miss . Mrs. L. Neveleff is general and Edward Kraus. ui'lu or nei s o n — Ti : and the Omasa and Douglas take place on Sunday, February Cohn were Mrs. Joe Upshitz of jchairman of the affair. Mrs. J. Rose Grodinsky in neraory of County Health council. J. -Greenberg and Mrs. J. Stein .20, at Birchwood. The ceremony Pontiac. Michigan, and Miss EsEdward Kraus. Ulr. X. I-evinsoi: £P^'e £ brief After t i e film was shown, ~Dr. •will be held at 2 o'clock. A re- ther Shafton, another bride-elect. are co-chairmen of the Patrons' Mr. and Mrs. Dare Eoseastock Fellman tickets and Mrs. Phillip Levey is tali:. Ar. the -conclTJEic-ri o* the answered questions ception -will follow from :3 to chairman of the general ticket j in memory of Richard Pick of which were put to him by the n~eetin~ tea VEF served. ?,!rs. ,7. 5:30. , TO ATTEX1> GRAJfDSOX'S Chicago and Edward Kraus. sale. Finkel vras In chag-e or the ten i he _No invitations have been issu- JJAR M1TZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rcsenstock group. Tie picture^ hare been committee. A capacity crowd is expected to used as vital ana effective proped. in memory of Richard Pick of "Mrs. P. Goldberg is leaving attend. Kpetaln aganda against the spread cf soSunday for Los Angeles, Calif., A room for keno will be open Chicago. cial diseases and ha? been seen Dr. and Mrs. Philip Shcr in to attend the Bar Mitzvah of herfor those women not desiring to KABBI COHJS A Hter«t meiaoTy of Samuel Upton of by approxisaiely fifteen hundred Rabbi Frederick Cohn return- grandson. « • the play cards. other persons. Sioux City. ed last -week from Chicago where An executive meeting- ot the The names of the following At the short business meeting. and Marie TValsh in cierahe visited with his children and Ladies Free Loan TTSS held last women have been added to the oryPaul Dr. Ben -Goldware was elected to Jlondsy. of Edward Kraus. JHadassaJb -• list of patrons for the affair: grandchildren. Rabbi and Mrs. i r t e ' - . 5-="rr r the Advisory Board. It was derntenced Cohn landed at New Orleans on The Hadassah Oneg Shabboth Mesdames Sam Gross of Council It was erroneously stateS in cided to hold the annual A. Z. A. February 4 after, a month's cruise will be held on Saturday, Febr- Bluffs, Elmer Gross. Harry Z. the Jetrish press that the crr&nJunior Council Sabbath at the E'nai Israel syna- ization observed its sisteenth EUof ,the TVest -Indies. Mrs. Cohn uary 19, at the home of Mrs. Rosenfeld, "Dave Sherman, O. -3. gogue Slarch 2o. At this time fV to will remain :in Chicago for sever- Arthur Theodore, 601 South Belzer, Rober; Kooper, and WillThe Omaha Section oi the Na- boys of Omaha A. Z. A. wilJ con- niversary. It i?" the seventeenth here i 1-CLC • al weeks. Mahtnnd Bi Thirty-first avenue. Mr. JPaul iam Boasberg. tional Council of Jewish Juniors duct the full services before a anniversary that V'as recent']' Veret, new director of the Jewish is planning a "Paid Up Member- regular Friday night congrega- celebrate*. on r j r " - v r SIRS. VERET CO3IES Community Center will speak on ship Dance" to be held in March. tion. F roputot .Mrs. Paul "Veret and son, Par- "Jewish Education." The following girls are in Visiting from Xeir York City Tie, arrived last week from Phil.Mrs. David A. Goldstein's class charge: Ida Fine, chairman, Bess adelphia to join Jlr. Veret -who on "Provisions of the Partition" Forty Alephs and advisors Bernstein, Zelda Cherniss. Eve- was Irving Miller, cousin cf The Oner Shabboth o* the recently assumed his duties here will meet at the Jewish Commun- were present at the smoker given lyn Kaiman and Haana Gossick. Aleph Dan Miller of No. 1. He exas -executive director of the Jew- ity Center on Tuesday, February by Sam JBeber chapter 100 Sunliters t. t h e Taad Auxiliary will take place at pressed Ms impressions Junior Council has been spon" p. m. at the home cf Mrs. X. ish Community Center. day, February 13 at the 33'nai Isconducting: of youth meeting's 22, at l : l o . soring a Jewish Girl Scout group 31. Serai. 145 No. SSra. Mr. and Mrs. Veret are now The nest meeting of the class rael synagogue. for quite some time. Members stating that the}" vrere vrell carRabbi Kopstein will speak OE residing at the Ben-how Court. A first degree was given to ried on. on '.'Jewish Personalities," rvill who are interested in Scout work A sraoker Trill be held at the "The Life and Philosophy cf Elibe held on March 15 at the home four, boys by Harold Zelinsky, or who know of any little girl a b r o a c . I — IA-D— V~~VI jah, Gaon of Vilna." -LEAVES POR 1OS A of Mrs. .Peter Greenberg, 3511 Aleph Kohen Godol of the chap- who would like to join should home of llorton Slarg-olin at 11G ter. The new members of the South Fiftieth street Sunday eveMiss Xeah Siegel left Saturday "Webster street. call Janet Graetz, Wa. 14.7S. chapter are Melvin Bernstein, MEBORAS 'night by auto for Los Angeles to Current Event clasres are to be ning in honor of incoming memThe Current Events Study Roland Lewis, Sormaa Ruback years, bers and Past Aleph Godol's. ! visit her brother, Abe Siegel. Group "will meet on, Tuesday, and Harold Sluskin. Officers continued for a few more weeks Tickets are groins: rapidly for March 1 at -the home of Mrs. J. were formally installed by Dr. I. and members are asked to attend IX HOSPTTAT, the dessert luncheon and bridge this.very interesting study group From e Sattt »-ic« Ir P \I M. Erman. Young Judaea Dansky, senior advisor of the to be given by the Deborah SoMr. "Louis Sommers is recupwhich is held every TTednesday c w m e r-r^i' t\ fur - , The Hadassah Choral Group chapter. T h e committee in ciety. erating at the Clarkson hospital continues to meet every Tuesday Sixty girls attended the first I charge of the smoker included at 7:30 at the Community CenTickets may be obtained, from Alter undergoing a major opera- morning ter. meeting of the Young Judaea I at the Jewish Commun- George Shafer, Oscar Diamond, tion last week. Members wiio are interested in group on S'jnaay. Because of the ; Mrs. J. Bernstein, chairman, c" ity Center at J.0;30 a . m . under Albert Kaplan and Joe Kirchenbowling and have not signed for large turn-out the gTonp was di- ' Mrs. J. Goldware. president of the direction of Cantor Aaron baum. JBETUKNS TO CAUOFOKXIA the Sports group can do so by vided into two section. j the organization. Edgar, and the chairmanship of Plans are going forward for calling Rae Spar, We. 0198. Mr. Judy Kaplan, accompanied Mrs. David Erodkey. Registration Temporary officers n a m e d j •by his mother, Mrs. Libby Kap- is still open and may be made by the chapter's annual Spring Fro- The Hospital Committee is call- were: Dorothy Swartz. president, I E4ZGZIIR 1*5 —. lan, left last Saturday for Los calling the chairman, Glendale lic which is to be held Saturday, ing for more volunteer workers. and Edith 'Wolfson, secretary, for j Bid*. bprl SEfr-'.r'cr' April 23 at the Paxton hotel. Angeles. Mr. Kaplan works at 0343. . Celia Richards, chairman, is in the Junior jrroup; -aid Rosalie ' The 'Hazomir Sir.Erinj: Society J a c t Swanson and his orchestra charge and can be reached at Rosen, president, and Ann Arbit- ; San Pedro. will hold a drawing: for EE occahave been contracted for the af- Ha. 0553. Activities man, secretary, for the i e r sional cliair at the card party to fair. Sonny PJchards heads the The March open board meeting p J f 3IE3IORIAIi It is not too late to join the group. : be given on March 14. committee in charge of the" dance Jewish Press Subscription conA program of American Music will be .held at 12 o'clock on and J'iss Ruth Allen, Mrs. Ben • Tickets for the party are fc-enHarold Zelinsky has been be -presented at 2:30 Sunday "Wednesday, .3Iarch 2,' at the Jew- named chairman of the program test. Sylvia Weiner will take sub- Handler, and 2Ir. Paul Veret ty-nve cents a c i may be jrottsE ish Community Center. Important scriptions; she caa be reached at spoke at the meeting-. The pro- 'from msmbers cf the orgsEi-aafternoon, in the lectuVe nail of book. At. 6593. the Joslyn IVIemorial under the mid-season problems win be disgrain consisted of a group of A special meeting of the chapdirection of Mine. Thea Jloeller- cussed. The entire Hadassah Jewish songs by Shirley Sellz and : . «s*»: jf^t membership is urged to attend. ter will be held Sunday, FebruTKenns. A lecture on "The Cities dancing by Florence and Eleanor ' JUNIOR VAAD ary "1 at the Jewish Community Instead of the regular March That Died of JPear," will he given Fredkin. i by Mr. Francis S. Chase, jr. at meeting the Infant "Welfare Com- Center, starting at 2:30 p. m. Un- The Junior Taad Ausiiiary parThe conmiittee of Junior Ha-; Tile refrnlsr .tneetir.?- cf z^ 3:30 In the lecture hall. At 4 mittee will hold its fund raising finished business of the chapter ty is to he held next Wednesday dassah in charge of the Young • Pleasant Eill Cemetery Socicr o'clojck Miss Esther Xieaf will play affair. A dessert luncheon on the will be taken care of at that time. evening. February 23, at S Judaea group are: T*n& Gross, ; will be held on Tuesday. Teiri.The chapter snooker tourna- o'clock a t ' the home of Jliss Ana chairman. Sylvia Parilrnan, Rose a concert of organ music in the tenth floor of the Brandeis Store C.TJ 22. at 2:Sr at the S'nai ."?Schwedeison, Ann Berman. Ann cob Synagorrus. Zitti end XicLr>~ Concert Hall and at 4:30 Mrs.will be held at 1 p.-m. "Wednes- ;ment under the direction of Ad- Goodbinder. Jtena "W. Mqrtagh will review, day, March 2. Rabbi iDavid A. visor Haskell Cohen and Athletic The committee in charge cf ar- Goodbinder, Ann Eaim. May i "Rodin," by.Judith Cladel, in the Goldstein will review. "Tomor- director chairman Xorman Kuk- rangements includes: K a i a h Tucker, and Kalah Franklin. row's 3read," by Beatrice Bisno. lin is progressing rapidly. Play Franklin, Ann Goodbinder, Ann library. The nest neettr.g Trill be held All'funds raised will go to has enter the second ronDd and JBerman, and Hay Tucker. About on Sunday, February 20, at 2 '. Mr. GroTer Clark will speak at all members jare jparticipating fox S o'clock tin • the Town. :Sall .maintain Hadassah's Child "Wel- the prize which is four months thirty members and their guests m. at the JeTrisii Comxann-rr fare Program which consists of Center. are expected to attend. Forum on "Behind the Storm of Infant "Welfare, School Hygiene .membership in the chapter free. Asia." The religious committee' is and School Luncheons. Children Congregation of Israel ViATi PJTTV rt working with Advisor Haskel Cofrom ages 8 to 11 are taught nuAuxiliary ATTENDS DEBATE c-'see *oi- r"« F-ec a' Ccca«i3>" hen in preparation for the obtrition and food habits suitable The Best m Kosher Meats TOURNAMENT j The nest meeting of the Taad servance of International A. Z. A. Bit De cates?er for Palestine. School luncheons Beverly Mendelson, daughter The regular monthly meeting . Bible Class -will be held on WedSabbath,, March 25. Services are are sponsored in 24 schools and "RY Oi-'R CSLiCiO'JS HOVE of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mendelson of to be conducted in one of thej of the Ladies Auxiliary of the nesday, February .23, at the E'nni CDRNEESF SSc Council Bluffs spent last week- 51 kindergartens. Mrs. David Omaha synagogues by l o c a l I Congregation of Israel which was Israel Synagogue, ISth anc. Ghi- MACE It's the best corr:beef in town. end at Cedar Jtapids, la., where Sherman is chairman and is be- alephs. | scheduled, for February 21, has ' cago streets. We take orders for psckiexf she represented Thomas Jeffer- ing assisted by Mrs. Morris Katelj been postponed until the follow- • Kabbi Miltoa A. "Kopstein is is herring {homemade) man. son Jiigh ;school at the Coe Colj ing ilonday, February 2S. I charge of the class. WOMEN'S MIZRACHI At the Sadassah April meeting 4E20 S. 25iii St., So. Omaha j The election of officers will i • Following the meeting tea Trill lege Invitation Debate tourna) the award on the trip to New I take place. The meeting will bement. ] At a meeting of the Women's ! gin at 2 p. m. in the assembly I be served. Miss Mendelson, a senior at ^Tork win be held instead of at Thomas Jefferson, was a member the Ularch meeting as originally Uizrachi held "Wednesday after- ; room of the synagogue, £5th and noon at. the Jewish Community ! J streets. , i'T~s of one of the two teams given a planned. Center, Xeon Gellman, president 16TB ATEAEJVEY superior rating by the judges. of the Mizrachi-Zionist organizaShe -was also named fourth high- CEfO'ER PINGWIW FISHER BATHS tion, who recently visited Palin Omaha 25Vesrs est speaker. TOURNEY IN SESSION estine, spoke on the fine work ToEstablished those -svho -realize tiie tre^ien- ! I cions importance in keep;r:~ being done in the Holy laand by •themselves physically fit and to COUNCIL OF JEWISH The Recreation Department is jthe Women's Mizrachi. those who appreciate cleanliness and sanitation in steam baths, Mr. Gellman described the now sponsoring group recreation. WOMEN hot paclis and Swedish rnassag-e Tha Talriiiid Torah children are i.schools maintained by the organtreatments, ~sve offer a service ization. now holding a "Round Hobin • unexcelled. Calf us lor physiThe Personality Study Group Tountament" in.ping pong, under cians reference. A tea .in honor of air. Gellman of thfl Council of Jewish "Women t w o captains, namely: Irvin was held after the meeting. YOURS FOR HEALTH •will .meet on Tuesday, February Wiite, Captain "Mogin Dovids"; £07 BransJsis Theatre Elds. A T 1072 22, at 1:30 at the -Jewish ComPatronize Our Advertisers [ Izzy Friedman, Captain of inunity Center. Mrs. :Mary Fred- and <r ericks'leads this interesting class the White and Blue." The enthusiasts and favorits of i >; Omihe , . in which is studying th development af -the inner personality rather the tournament are: Arnold DunFrench For Smooth, Smart Figure Control! can, Jerry Greenberg, Charles loan :tTte superficial. Room Fredkin, Edward Cohn. The A. The Civics and Xegislative. Z. A. lOCris in its finals in their Group -will meet at the home of Snooker Tournament; while A. Z. Mrs. Milton Mayper on Friday, A. 1 is playing off their club ^February 25. Mrs. Sam Green is matches and ping pong. The Reto be co-hostess. creation Room is also sponsoring Chess Tournaments and will soon announce one for adults, as well JUNIOR BAD ASSAB as for younger clubs. At the regular meeting of the' ..Junior .Hadassah held on FebruPatronize Our Advertisers ary 16, TUrs. Herman Anerbach, guest-speaker, told of her travels in southern Jiussia, her aeroplane .H'WELL p'ks "You flight over the Caucasus mounTo Consult' tains, her vi3it to the People's building in Arekova, and her trip to the station of medical and psychological research in Pskov. The next. meeting of the Jun- WESDING EINGS to ior Hadassah will be held on WATCHES - SILVESWASE nsvy blue tsiUeur Thursday, February 2£, at the Jewish Community Center. An interesting 'program has been arA. new rsgimsiit cf mirranged. Eae "Wolfson of Council acle-v«-ar3iingr rrnnothies Bluffs .will teach members of the . . . Tvith tiie -famous. Congroup the Hora, ihe national iolk troleur feature that flatten3 iiplnie3 . . . . sliraa dance Oof Palestine. •sraistlines . . , gives you an.all new spring1 sflhoufrest ette in a twinkling ! *\J\J IXJ Other Smoothies for Youth, 1JSS Setmsd TSoct JiSi US> J3 ^ u i™g . . . utterly -enc:h~r,tin5 dresses wii o C.CTRZzzo'ZTzizlzTi anil La convince In risc'iia- . , , then only black vri\h white -can Shai ., and vith that simple elegance and *s> nsjdlin:: that you find only i n "Eisenberg r

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SEES WAR — A terrible war in Europe,' that will wipe out whole cities, is seen imminent by William Z. Foster, above, former Presidential candidate of the Communist party, as he returned from " the Communist conference in Aries, France. He also conferred with the high command in Moscow. Asked about the proposed purge of Communists in the CIO, he said: "That's impossible. The American Federation of Labor has been trying to drive them out for 20 years, but they've only grown stronger."

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BRITAIN HAS TAXES, TOO—Mrs. Harry Birchall of London, trying to raise four children on her husband's wages of two pounds'($10) a week, started a petition stressing the rising cost of living and asking removal of consumer's taxes. Eventually 804,000 signed it. Here she presents it, in 41 bundles, / t o Sir Archibald Sinclair, Liberal leader in the House of Commons,




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rKESIBENT — Baron Constan-

titi von Ncurr.th, former German Foreign Ivliijister, who is president of Chancellor Hitler's new "secret cabinet council." following the recent bloodless Nazi purge. He is expected to have r.'ucl! i^ s; '- -.- i!ic fufuve poli-















" * -. 7 "•


CARNIVAL—Queen Zulma Caballcro. center, chosen to rule over the 1938 Ponce de Leon carnival in San Juan, P. R., gives a preview with her ladies of festival gowns. The Queen will spend mere than $3,003 for her cttire for the carnival, which besins Feb.-17.


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K. DCCE'S AIS EA.GLIIT — Eruno Kusso'.lr.:. sor, thdr"reccrrt "south* AtIc.Vt:= f.:rhr Tro'rr" ::-If. i». i. Ins the f.icht. is in v.hite coct, fuclnc Jhs ccr is Attilio BIsoc. II Ducc's r="sor:^] p.lot.

^PENSIVE SENATOR—^This Interesting study ofa Senator during a committee hearing is that of Senator George W. Norris of Nebraska, member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He is shown listening to the investigation into the qualifications of Robert H. Jackson to serve as Solicitor-General. Mr. Jackson was recently nominated for the position by President Roosevelt.

Cr?Tr;.'.^.'~/,V7—A n c v picture 1 cf ITrr Ac":"1. :£l \"i!.-oa Brown, 1 The ?iir.^r t ;- TT-rv Admiral 13:-ii r>v!c fer',.r-< f? superin^o~'^rrv a. Hi; 'Jri.ipu States ^r T r." iT^r"-;,' r : Annapolis, •T'\'\ .";"—-T.; " rv :• rs. a captain '^-•~—:• v c '- -i '< - ' '. \ar lo PresiCc 1 ' - ' T r;-: .„•••('„,l^- After — ; •' . - r- "• • - i T ::r returns „,.„.„;.„.,„.. o . , l i r s c n o o i r^ r.-cv.: v I- r1.- lie v FF frciuated.

.FIRST FILM LADY RETURNS—Norma Shearer, often called the First Lady of Hollywood, who has returned to the screen after the death of her husband, Irving Thalberg. She is shown J at work in Hollywood in "Marie Antoinette," on which Thalberg. began preparations. Miss Shearer is chatting with Tyrone Power,'who has several love scenes with her in the picture.


— i:emorial tower at Kcnlo P^rk, N. J., built by William Slocurn Barstow to the memory cf, ths late Thomas A. Ediscn. Recently completed. 131 feet hirh. it marks the site of Edison's workshop.

FELLEIi AT TZ. E. COXFEnEXCT—Eo^ Teller er. C center, attended the World Ksth^iist Episc nr.; c cor errardent supporters. They ere, left, Eev. J. VT. J. PiT paster or BoS's ho~c church to TcTc lls'.cr, l Icvc.


;r r" •'•Ii'inr star, vr , v o of his hi J~C> . Cliarles




TEA TOPERS — Each year Americans consume approximately 68,000,000 pounds of black tea, 20,000,000 pounds of green and 6.000,000 pounds of Oolong. So Uncle Sam recently/called together in New York seven men composing the United States Board of Tea Experts, to set standards below which no tea sold. in the United States may fall. . ., . Seated at a revolving table, in the Department-of Agriculture Laboratories on Varicb Street, for five days they tasted, smelled,, inspected about 500 specimens and brands of tea, from rich, fruity Darjeelings to light, rare Pengalengans from. Java, and all the blends in between, judging the infinitesimal variations in leaf

and liquor color. America is the second largest 'tea-drinking nation in the world, topped only by Great Britain. Last year only 0.091 per cent of-all samples was rejected. Top left, Edward Branston of San' Francisco and Walter Hellyer of Chicago judge by feeling. Top center, George F. Mitchell of Brooklyn tests by all systems. Top right, Chairman Robert A. Lewis of Boston is a "slougher" or sipper. Lower left, J. H. Swenarton of New York tests by taste. Lower center, the Board at work. Charles F. Hutchinson, extreme left, is a direct Federal representative; others are from the tea trade. Lower right, Dean A. P. Irwin of Philadelphia is a "sniffer" or-smeller.



HIGH GOAL POLO MAN-—Cornelius Vanderb'It vchitaey. crp'alr of the Old Westbury polo team of Long Island, N. Y., fastens his boots preparatory to a game in the winter high goal polo series at b Cal.

the n.tch-hifee sis: in= of VicM" A : is chained to the Soor o* his cell in to hang himself on Iiis cell bars.

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Page 7

THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 183S FRADENBURG, : WEBB, BEBER,' — KLUT2NICK & KELLEY. ••"..". Attorneys . ' Union State Bank Building Omaha, Nebraska

Metal 31 fg. Com pan j" (a I J o h a n n a B Ki'hmefHJe; M r s . J . <V Troy (a ; corporation); Peoples Na- ! Charge of Fidelity Bank and Trust f Eleanor- M. Held; Mrs. Mary Hilde- Royal tional Bank (a national banking- as- I Company; Ida Wrjrdemann; Abe ' brand; Kate Hilbt-rt: John XV. Hern- corporation); Pauline &ieber; G. W. : Msuninel ffirst1 anvr real n a m e u ^ sociation); Henry A. Perriguey: Hen- 1 ravitz; i'eckel. Earjckson & Com- don; Daniel J. iialley; C. D. Henrod Schumacher {first ami real name tin - k r u i v n1 ; ; FrMiK .??- KU'sKkin; Natl(i»*i1 ry A. rerrlguey, Guardi.in and Cura- [ pany, a corporation; Yeckel, Eariok- (first and real name unknown); Nel- known); Roger F. Swire: .Vsitimiixl S.rife!-;, a i d s i'nnk (n rnr-pnrHtion): £ , City BBIIIC of t?t. J^nuiE. Missouri (P A. S-'iimin ifi-st (infi vert! n a m e iin» tor Estate of Perriguey Minors: Han- ' son & Company, a co-partnership; lie C. Hough. L. I in.1-1 S>.'hi!e<;«!er l->MH>r. i; Charles KisS; Gertfijri*-: nah Perschbacfcer; Esther K. Peter; ; Henry \V. Tonker; Dora 1'onker; J.I. W. Hocan (first &n& real name corporation); (first and ref*I name ' unkipn'-u): ii'.Miiia: ISnnii. V. ,\tryi»r n n d H»»lt Ella Pettker; Lawrence Pickerl; iAdolph XV. 1'oung. unknown); John Koiiraann; Louis F. Schenk: State Hank of Sl»fer. • enpt:eti\-o .'vm'.ses a n d t h e i»^-Raymond Pickup; Meyer Pickup; Charlyne Young-; -»Hilda Zastrow: Hoelscher: Anna Huber; Clara Hurn- Cletue 1 legatnp.%, Mrs. J. L. Pierce (first and real I Arthur Zastrow; Arthur A. Zels; J. er; Dr. W. K. Hotchkiss (first and Missouri (r- corporation '; Kei erend K n is v v Iir-i^-«, <li:-'-is»es. F.III v fill <• I l i e r p»>-, name unknown; V. C. Pinet (first I E. Zelch (first and real name un- real name unknown): Harry Horn-! Leo H. Schioss: John ^choon; 1 F. W. P " ? i r n e e s . < fi^st p.nd real nan ." mi- sui;=r iinvin ,nn riirlit,1 title, int^r** rt i. arid real name unknown); Betty | known); Leanda Z e l l ; Catherine burg; Raymond H. Hoelscher: Edwin !Scnwarze. nown); St. I^ouis Cvrivors; iy in otr- oi- I'inim t--i or ]i^n iinoi ' Lotp O n e * i) Platte. ' •; ' Zoll; Charles Zoll; Mrs. Elizabeth j H o e h r ; J. H. Honerkamp tfirpt av.C [porp.tion): Mrs S Sr.np uT-pt and iMiti Tw(> i r 1 ; i u i fhe Krist One-thlTfi real name unknown); J. H. Homer- j r-pal Bessie Platts; Norma C. Pollard ; R . Zwicke. n;unr u n k n o v n v Wining l\. i K - i - i n\ ;..pi. i"i ".'href i n Birvi'V ; knmp (first —and real name uni Kansas; City Life insurance ComB. Pollard (first and rea! name unStark: at. Louis L'nion Trust Com- On» r h n u i r e d -."i! Tliirty-riK)-it (13R) known): August C. Potthoff; E!mer pany, a corporation; C. L. Holman, ; known); Ada E- Holmes; Eva Hodge- '. pany ia corporattoii); rjTni;! ^cnn-Mer; in the (•"i^innl pl-'f o* t h e City ni Humph; F . A . ; Annie L. ^c-htout^r: T ref*p Srlr^nnr-: B. Powell; Bessie Powers; Joseph H. (whose full and true name is Charles : kins; Elizabeth Onrilin. n,>nn]n(= (V-muv. N'ebrRphtt, Preiss; Joseph H. Preiss & Company L. Holman)^ Lynton T. Block mid ; Huhnke (first and real name u n - j Walter A. Schneider: l-ienry SVhr.epeBen Schonhoff: CVe!i = M (a corporation); Joseph H. Preiss & Warren Browne, as a Bondholders' ! known): Kirpch. Rippe & Wright <a iman; Company (a copartnership); Thomas Protective Committee acting under a i copartnership); Paul H. Henderson;; Smith: Christine Schuekman: Frank n 1^ O. Tacy: John J. Johnson: Lillian Deposit Agreement dated November Locust Grove Cernetery^tan unlncor- j P. Straub. I pi association): Ellis Mack;: Veney;. Mrs. Byron Cosby (first and 30, 3931, for the protection ot the norated Bertha F\ Schncliiich; Knpo F\ real name' unknown): M a r y , A. holders of certain bonds sold by or Halsey Stuart & Company (a cor- ! Scbauweacker: E. F. Guth (first end through Fidelity Bond and Mortgage :poration): Halsey Stuart &' Company: Steiner; Pelorahif .Smi*h: Lottie SuriLena Soyb, .Kihn ^iiilivruis real name unknown); Harold A. Company; Marshall Field & Com- : (a copartnership): G. A. fi.-illanr] & J!>"nek: I e i r c hilrl«-» E. ^t^wp.rt: MprMn >M. Waiss; Dr. J. R. Bridges (first and pany, a corporation; First National j Company fa corporation!: C. A. Hoi- j Charles : issupd by i: v,-eblp.: .Tarno? Hh.'inon: n. T. t";en. I land & Company (a concrtn^rshir-): ! real name unknown); Edward . F. Hank in St. Louis, a corporation. < •>!•>•> p « > p.rd (first and ren] npme u n ' : r . o v r ) ; Steffan; Francis L. Smith: Frank Edward Adams; H. J. Aufder•tRnpe IrStraub; Mrs. Christine Sehuckman; 1 1 1« t v Christine Schuchman; Paul Schafer; I pro fl f« P.nd : e r j n-ime u::kn<nvr ;; II. KSelma Sapp; T. J. Connors (first and k »C- T r n s ; Sniitb (first nnc! ]-er,i niirrip *?nreal name unknown); Continental Anderson; B. W." Appe'f (first arid TruwtPA k n c ^ ' T ) ; W a i t e r SKerno; D. A. A. Life Insurance Co. <a corporation: real name unknown, also known ES 1 1 " ) ) 11 (in •Swpin f n r s t an<i re.".! r.rmt: u n Mabie Cooper; Samuel T. Cooper; Bernard XV. Appel); Anna Armbrusi pud noK»f» Jsociation); Jefferson Bank, of k n o w n ) : F . X. f m » i i » v i firs' pnrl Olive H. Corwin: Alco M. Cosgrove; ter; John A. Andrele; Valentine F. cl Berlin R. real n r r . i e u r j i n r i ' - r ) ; .Tan-so? ?':=ihln) Lucille Cott; Elizabeth DeGaris: Faj-- Arnold; Charles XV. Arnott; John A. | son City. Missoouri (a corpo i if r n (fAf ] Mrs. Charles Joco'oi (first p.nfl re1 m.ir.; M. B. S t e w n r t rfii-B' a n d vpnl ette Bank of Fayette, Mo. (a cor- Andrlc: Jajnes A. Anderson; H. J. (name I P > ol DPTIK unknown); Mrs. Charles Jnco np.me u n k n o w n ) : Alan Syilif-: P,. M. Berg (first and real name unkno-c-n); poration): First National Bank of Not rif!k=» Ir (first and r e s ' name unknown^; T .Stubbs (Ti-'pt slid rer;l n n m e U5^1 Springfield, Illinois (a national bank- Fred L. Beck; Percy g. Block; B. j . |j A. anil a certwlr J u n g (first and real name u: k n c w r O : M r s . Louis S i e v e s -fir -" ing association); August Hanks; Buckert (first and real name un- ; known); Warren Jones; J. C. 1 n l p > 8i» 'en- mid real n n m e uni.::iov.'T.1; Dr. A . IT. Leon D. Knapp; Earl Knickmeyer; known); Albert H. Binder; ' Jacob , nings (first and real name Stefzens i first snii rc-nl nnrnf- u n Arthur Kublman: Joseph L. Law; Berghoffer: Herman Bertram: Bertha : known): Edward Ja.eger; Mary un- k n o w n ) ; F . h. P m ' t h (first nnd reni ik * Tim Bertram; V. J. Bleckman (first and National Stockyards Bank (a naJP if n> * / ' p e r : Laura C. Jones: .Teffprson ncTiie unknf>v.-n); .Tames D. ,S!i (1 U''n: nk tional banking association): Rogers real name unknown); Anna C. Bram1 1 uclax iv-ssie XJ. Sycle: M r s . K. F . S m i lrh meier; J. TV. Brady (first and resl • & Trust Compar.y of Ft. Louis. & Tracy, Inc. (a corporation); E. A. name unknown); Behrmsnn & John- ; ' f i r s t a n d real nr.me i.nil-:nov-r:): ^ . w j Rt Unien (a corporation): Mabel H. Sehmid (first and real name un- son (a copartnership); Behrmann & • souri T.ouis C o n f e r e n c e Prep.cn.pr^ A in I^urri n « Kl > n A. Keily; Anthony Kuhn known): Walter A. Schneider; Mrs. Johnson (a corporation); Bess Bal- | Lpster ' a n i:nInco-po--^t^fl .-if.-sneriri'.'r.): II. tfikp rt/v Mrs, Cammie C. Cnnn; Irving Fred Thomas; Lou E. Cooper; Silas lantyne; XV. D. Eatchellar ffirst and T.. S t o i t e (first v.vd ren.l r ^ n i e V!P.~ i I) 1 «•! Grom: John K. Lord, Jr.; Joseph Leo real name unknown); E. S. Bridge ; mon; .Armstrong Valinuet & < kno^-n>: E . F . Scefi'sin «fi:-FT. a n d i p 1 Irvv Connolly; Elizabeth Connolly. :vn! n a m e u r. k n o w r.->; G. H. (first and real rfarrse unknown); O. Valiquet & Company (a corporationi: & fa'uns l a cn]^n?'tp t io Ir J. F . . Rasmussen (first and real XV. Burrough (first and real name . t'niversa! State Bank (of Chicago. II- S r h o n b a c h e r Jer.-.iye Sceine:-; Jennys I t gllRAf name unknown); Mamie Redmond; unknown); "William Burlis; Robert • linois) (a corporation); Jos L. Haw:n e r s h i p ) ; t pi t e 1 (. Selden Ereck <Vn.-tfuc~ Thomas E. Reese; John Reid; Luly Busby; Dr. W. H. Ereuer (first and j XV. 5?. WilFon (first and real name S t e i n o r ; 'f you. In C o m p a n \" (a. corpora tion ">; , Reid; Charle3 Reinhart: Mrs. Ida real name unknown). •unknown); Johnnie W. Rpppel; Rich- tior. ] f,i 1 row" Corporntion i s c o r Reller; F. XV... Rengstorff (first and : land Bank of Morrison, Missouri (a pSot rr aa ut iso nKectiritip? r it t it in th» M. Scott, J r . (first find real name unknown); Clara J. RengHenry Bumbrunle; Laura BroyhilU i norporstion'i: Dorothy E. Moots; VPPA n a m) ;e R. u n k n o w n ) : Fhelbirifi r>?\nk. nprF «r\f: Rtorff; Tillie Rengsiorff; S o p h i e Jlrs. Julia Byars; Veronica A. Byrne: John DorlHng; Isabel Newiandc; Renjrstorff: Johnnie XV. Reppel; Mrs. Mrs. Anna Bowing: Miss Effa Bean; i Alois A. Winterer; Jlsry A. Schaut 1 1 1 H Hot* I! \ ( ina. rvlissonri Elizabeth Reubel; Lester Reuss; John Jessie A. Brown; Harry A. Beimes; ; weaker; V. C. Pinet (first and rea.l 1 .. rtwlr As Banis r.onn ,?r F. Reynolds; Clementine Richardson; Harry A. BeJms; Nellie Ruckman; : name unknown): Oscar Busch; Mrs. n ye. cr,rpnratio Janie Berjrfeld; Louis Bender; Clara i J. P. Gould (first and real name unRichland Bank (a corporation): Liz:-t!i Schultz; zie B. Riggs; Bertha Mae Riru»k; Bender; Bank of Belfast, or Belfast, known): Theodore J. Dreyer: Eueene cl real name unkov;i:>; i'eoi>!eF Walter S. Rinek: Christina Rith- New York is, corporation); George j Gandolfo; ppopios National Fip.nk of •"•••iiHi^.ry 15. I?"'', ic. wl>ioh U suemann: Emma Rittenhouse; M r s . Beirnbrink: Belleville Finance Corpor- j CharlotteEvi!!e, Virginia la National Bank of Troy ia corporation*; C. F . eeilet; ftp Trustee., at nubl'.c forectof"Taylor (first and real name unation (a corporation); Louis'A. Eitto: ; Banking Association); M. A. Denby Eliza Robertson; Huph D. Robertson: re *;\\t aiiil liaJ pti'C'i>n?ed on R frUl f Alice M. Robertson; Mrs. H. H. Rob- Theodore JI. Bohr; J. Harry Boka j (first and real name unknowr.); E. J. known); W. J. . Thornton (.first and- ( fl.-iI3.4 iN.fi(i. no! in en=h. but. b«1 inson (first and real name un- (first and real name unknown; Dr. t Gandolfs (first and real name un- rea Iname unknov.-n); ,!. J. T}-inni;m rerliriiif: PP\U siint, on the iMUOimt and real name unknown); known); Mrs. Salie Robinson; E'hel G. H. Eredell (first and real name \ known): Bdme C. Chassing; ITnior, (first ue on -;he hondf ruvi note, the mort~. S. Taylor: Grace Tr.ylor; unknown); Betsy Botts; Dr. G. E. ! Trust Company of East St. Louis. Robert ai.-pi'l properly. to-*vit: B. Rodg-ers; Barbara Roebke; Wil- Benes T 1- I e u: Ray Thompson; and real name un- ! Illinois (a corporation); Mrs. .Tose- Krank liam A. Roebke: Mollie Roebke; E. L. known): (first Lo.'s {!*• One n»ul {Z) Two and Florence T h a y e r: Mrs. Fred C. H. Berry (first and real ; phine Goggin; Thomas O. Tacy; Roederer- (first and real name unthe Eafi One-tliird (E 1,3) oC (first find unknown); Eoone Qpunty Na- j Mrs. Stella Swlney McCarty, Execn- Thomas; J. L.... Todd known): Eug-ene Roesberger; J. Hy name Lot iE) Three in Block One HtinBank (a national banking as- | trie of the Estate of Dr. jnmps W. real name unknown); Robert Tfluntz; Roethemeyer (first and real name | tional drfu Thr-ty-eiphl. (1-"S) In the Barney Trautner; Mrs. Georgia TurRoclatlon); Wilhelmina Berg-hofer; I McCarty, deceased; David Williams; unknown); Jacob Roll; Paul T. Barker. Durham, Drury & Sparling ! Mary A. Botz. City of Omaha, Dowlas County, ner; W. S, Trirrg (first pud real name Roques: tA. T. Rosegren (first and (a copartnership); J. L. Collins (first Nebraska. P= '.snr^feyr-tl and lithoreal name unknown): Barbara Fisher and ] Wm. Brockmeier; A. L. Braggins Thoelun: Deiora Tiller grapherj. fu-ptber vHh the butlrtreal name unknown); Jennie T1 Rosen:' Edg-ar N. Fisher; Isabella J. Campbell; Nora Crimmins; S. XV. I (first • and real name unknown); in^P- an.fl iniorovem^ntp ^reot«4 Fisher: Emma Roth; Joseph XV. Culbertson (first and real name un- i George Burnett: J. A. DeKovttB therfon. known p.g the Paxlon Rottler; George F. Ryan: St. Louis known), also known as S. JM. Cu!- I (first and real name unknown); C Hotel, and t"gpth"r ?]pn v-lih nil 1 Letter Carriers' Mutual Aid Associanown), ! L. Edwards (first and real name un- Udiah Laib I'aradiotho! C fir.'iiUvire. ?:u:'i!i:-3i!U^s and equiption (a corporation): Irving Salmon; bertson (first and real name un- ! known); Joseph A. Evers: Ge-rrtrude incorporated association;: Union Savment p.i'w lor;].t,>(i in tiie ?alc -John M. Sanford; Katherine B. Scan- known); Jeremiah Curtin; XV. E. ! Flaven; Arthur Glusenksmp; Cora E. ings Bank of Monroe ! City, Missouri Pt\Kton Kot.ol. deseriberl In that Ian; L. J. Schad (first and real name Carlson (first and real name un- I Greenlee: Chas. W. Eahii; A. J. Ker- (a, corporation); Geo .-cre Taminit^; certain mortgnpon I'uionture (Sated. unknown): Mr. Fred J. Sehaefpr; A. known); Jlyrle Campbell; Dr. J. E. I ing (first a.nd real name unknown); Catherine Varrel; Elizabeth Valerius; j February To. l " c , executed by Lillian Voncy: Mrs. T,,enR ' (first and real name un- j Margaret A. Hcrser.: Ben B. Hib-Mrs. KH'ohe.n Bro'Jier?-; liot.'l Compativ C. Schaeffer, Trustee' (first and real Cashln Vaughn; Vouis Vr-.rel; Amelia AN'itto rio.elifv HsnK f- Tnist Comname unknown): Paul Schafer; Philip known); A. J. Cannon (first and real bard; Clara. Hurst;. P.oHand Hurter: tenbeT'g-er; John Wp-'ker; Jam^s A. ijail1' of Si. i^ouis. TruMee. F.evr'urJ. Schaller; Wilmer Schajler; Helen name unknown); George Capps; Cen- John XV. Johnson; Louis Krohne; \Valsh:' Bertiadette Walsh; Dr. L. J. tral Republic Bank & Trust Company Geoi-ge A. Kunze; Joseph Lcnsner; •Wagers (first p.nd renl name tininrr a to : ni i'futf of ?"..r5n,000.'00 C. Schanbacker. (a corporation); Charles XV. ChassaMrs. Anna Ott; Mrs. J. L. Fierce in Gold Unnds o>' Serif?, A. Rnd Emily M. Schelp; Caroline Schenk; known); S, J. WagrerK (first and rea! Seherck-Richter Company, a corpora- ing; Georgie Chrispin; Martha Child; I (first and real name unknown): Au- name unnkown); Ivs. V.'alden; I-IarDr. John F. Caskey; M. J. Conroy i gust C. Potthoff: Louis Seals; David tion; Scherck-Richter Company. * a ry Wp.gelir.: Oten r Watts; C. Byron 1>. .\ritp?, p.ilt; W( irtgare real name unknown); j E. Sims; Mrs. LoueHa J. Smith; M. "Webdel co-partnership; Gustav. C. SchJchcii- (first and (first &n ! renl name v:n-eooriU-d in. the of f!ce oC danz: Clara Schiermeier; William Dorothy Ann Cole; Anna Coan; B. F. W. Smith (first and real name un- k n o v n ) : William D. WinJet; Jjatira 1 r 1 ;iF'.er oi P e e elf- of i: Stoutec; B. J. Webtie! White; 3frp. W. G. WilliflmSchlfferdecker; Mrs. TUeresia Seh- Clemmons & Sons (a copartnership): known); . Fanriie <>SS, Nol^-fsBkii. in }'<ot:l k Coerver; Theresa Cope; Effie Thuenemann (first and real name (first and real name tir.knorr.): E. Buchanan (first and real naine Klerome; Lizzie Klemnae; Mrs. Edna maus; Albert M. Schmelzle; Arthur Helen ING. a n d p. ,certp. in chattel Cople: Myrlte Cole; John C. Camp- unknown); Mrs. Sam Thurmar (first snn Ewald Winterman; Marie Weetorunknown); Albert W. Buck; Mra. Kiemp; Elizabeth Klein; John Klein- L. Schmld; Affnes Schmidt; Rev. bell; tnliei2f re (j.ueLOc i, 1929, jfary Ellie Cotton; B\Ton Cros- and real name unknown); Lilllian Lilly Buck; Edward P. Buddy; Laura schmidt; Beulah J. Klepplsch; Emil Casfmir G. Schmidt: Mrs. Nelle C. by (also Kitchen T'\ •Ovlierf known as Byron Cosby); Veney: John Wack; Henry ,T. Witte; Hot»! Schmidt; Philip W. Schmidt; O. Klingler; Max Klingler; P h i l i p Schmiedeskamp '• \o Fiiip'\ily J.!s nk *:. Albert Collins; Clarence Connor, I^ouis R. Hoelscher; Hnlen C. SchanTri Mexico City (JTA) — Prepar(first and real name ^er Kloess; Leo Klos; Alma Klotz; WiU >> f i l e r ! Katherine Connor; G. W. Carroll ba.^krr; August Hankp; Minnie C. C. Buffo; Ernest Burgrabe; George unknown); Ralph. J. Schmisseur; ation are being made for the pub- Burnett; Bertha A. Burns; Miss Ella liam II. Koch; Laura Koehler; Carl Henry SehmoU; Ben Schnehoff: Hen- (first and real name unknown); Em- | Doelling; Arthur L. Sehmifl: Charles tl-ur V "ind miller Emmar. ( f t"S > . Mrs. Carl Koenig (first and ri' G. Schneider; John C. Schnell; ma D. Cosby; Central Agency & i Oechsner; Harold A. Loopold; A'lella lication of a Spanish translation Burton;- EdwortJ N. Busch; M.' L. Koenig; W a i er: C ."ilier r T* £ real name unknown); Clara P. Koe- .Elmer Schoenlau: Hermlne Sohoens- Loan Corporation (a corporation); ! Martin; Walter Weinstock; Luther Alvinn. Busch '(firs' and real name unOf Graetz's Jewish history. The known); L.-C. Busch (first and real nig; Emllie'P. Koenig; Ira R. Koe- man; Henry W. Schoensman: Loraine Fannie. Clark; Haze! Carryl; Jlina Todd, Treasurer of the Board of Fi- re?.! nc m e link n£ O V n>; Ilk \" ih, e V Wieck: La. Wecr"en T Teiir*n Spanish version will be published name unknown); Oscar Busch; Mrs. nis: Paul H. Koenig; Joseph E. J. Schreiber; Anna F. Schulz; Wil- Davis; B. H. Dally (first and real nance of M. El Church South; Belle- Gus W ilier wrene ; Ac t h 3. V 'olf t»a lj Buss (first and real name un- Kopelowitz.' liam N. Schultz; Edna Schultz: Au- name unknown); John Decker; John ville Finance Company (a corpora- Wurth; J'-s Emr I. V ?.ik 1. 15 under the direction of M. Rosen- Arthur Devlne; Clarence Daly; W. A. Dention); E. Gandolfo (first and real Bertha. M. Koerner; Carl A. Koerknown);. Melvin Buss; Camp & Co. Schweiss; Mary A. Schweiss; Whalen i f i "St 3 r & real n \u i e u n berg, editor of Der Weg, local. (a corporation): Camp Co. (a co- ner; O. M. KOrtjohn (first and real 'gust Leo W. Schweiss; Mary A. Pchweiss; by (first and real name unknown): name unknown). r s i ren known); K. G. V. h elf n if. 7 •• nc Davis; T. A. Day (first and Myrtle Campbell; Mel- name unknown); Lillie; Kreibohm William L. Schweitzer: Louis Seals; Hugh n f P.TJf* Yiddish daily, and it will be in partnership); real name unknown): Reverend Wil- j Blanche Kuhn; E. A. Kaltenrider name uiiknown); V Tp.vi* W f-l -TL ville K. Carson; Mrs. Lulu Caruth- Erna L. Krennlng; Marie Kren- Louis Seals; Arthur Seiffert; Mrs. XV. liam ne I jnkno rO : X. (first and real name unknown); Wiirea! nai J. Dawes; Otto C. Durban: ten.'volumes. ers; George Caps; E. B. Chassaing nlng; Mildred Krenning; /William C. Setterfield . (first and real name Louis J. Drexler: Josephine Dietrich; i liam Kleinschraidt: Joseph B. K r a u s ; (first f i n d res! n -irne XVI'- V.r v:r..) (first and real name unknown); Mrs. H. Krennins; M a r y Krenning; unknown); Mrs. Anne Sewinjr: Hilda Reverend F, J. Dooley (first and real I Carl A. Kscir.er; Dr. George W. K O P - George Y a i nnitE I-. erm? OV sick Mabel Chestney; Hilda L. CIsi; Miss Dr. A. J. Krietemeyer (first and Zastrow; Miss Elizabeth Shaffer; -name T^ nken h e i unknown); B. Drikow (first j nig; JoF»ph.~R. •Koncen; Louise T. John Zi s c k EIsi -< Luella Clark; W. C. Clark (first and real name unknown); Lena Kriete- J o h n B. Shaffer; .' M. Shaffer ajid real ?r man S<-. imit i Bu \h. Inc. name unknown); Mrs. B. > Kratz; Blanche Kelly; Minnette C. meyer; Henry Kroener; Louis tfirst and real name unknown); real name unknown); -E. E. Claypool "i ->T Tin E; & Honlulu, Hawaii. (WNS) — (first and real name unknown); Roy Krohne: Olga Krohne; Louis Krohne; Alberta Robinson Shannon; Edward Drikow (first and real name un- j Kaufman; \j. A. Kelly (first ETT5 real tion>: P re is . wn r pr ^" i ! P ( -is 3, unknown)-; E<j\^-ard Ivaiser; corporal ion) ; C. Kroibohm (first and real name Sheda; Rawleigh T. Shepherd; M. known); Emma Dischbein; J. S. name Samuel Shapiro, former Los An-E. Clemens; Mary E. Coah; p. A. E. Co mra p. v ( a cor.frsli oun t Rose F . KPII: J. P. Kerr (first End Dickson (first and real name ununknown); Mrs. Louise Krosbein; A. Thatcher Shore (first and real name Cole (first and real name unknown); •\ 'F.t geles attorney, has been named Sarah E. Cole; C L . Collins (first E. Krughoff (first and real name unknown); E. H. Shumate (first and known); H. L. Doelling (first and rea! m a l e unknown); Anne M. Kerr; Carrol! ' Nsi tional B r n k ( a iona • u n A ir.) Banking Bsoca tc 3 io v Sophie W. Keil: IVilliam Keitr; real name unknown); Georpe Doela. ; E to. the office of United States and real name unknown); Nora E. unknown); Arthur Kullmann; Cathe- real name unknown). iclv; M "a*"• t ' I? ~ ling; Theodore L. Drpyer; Theodore Helen IClInpberg; Lydia Keston; Eva baum; Jo hi"• G. Colorado National Bank (a rine S. Kunz; Louise Kunz; George p ']' Commissioner for the district. of Collins; Cp.tion a t Kennedy; E. C. Kreibohm (first end Oommer "Jank ce > .a > ioiinl national banking association); Peter A. Kunze; James P. Kerr; Lester A. Clara M. Sido;. A. M. Simon (first U. Dreyer; Michael Dischbein; Bus- resl name unknown); James E. Br.nkinc A ssocir I ioi C ^ r i r itf Honolulu. Mr. Shapiro has lived Comer; Mrs. J. P. Could, (first and Kelly; Emelia Lammers; Joseph J. and real name unknown); David E. sell B. Davis. R. Cp.rKing: Inez X-Citchen; Elma C. Kruse; Lord: 3 LISS Louis e i- reiss Lampe; Ida Lampe; Larson-Hanohan Sims; Margaret B. Singleton: JI. M. real name unknown); Harry Cox; in Hawaii for three years. • He is Hugh L. Crabill; Mrs. F. C. Crom- & Co. (a. corporation); Larson-Han- Sitton (first and real name unJoseph Knittel: Louisa Kronsbein; C. rie Fifil- p . B. l i c Kmp.r i' rnc1 F. Daly Agency Company 1 A. Ivunze (first and real name im a graduate of the University-of mer-(first and real name unknown); ohan . &Co. (a. copartnership); Lee known); Frank Six: Edwin R. Skaer; fa Thomas real name unkno V • n ) ; B eHot il eT. Sa v . corporation); Thomas F. Paly ' k n o w n ) ; A r t h O i r Kuhlman; Eoe ings B? n k (a ct rp ora tic 'uldrDan Cubbage: Rose Cubbage; Mrs. LeRuasa; Mrs. Anna M. Lash; Dr. L. Mrs. Cecile Ms Smith; Harry F. Agency Company (a copartnership); K u r t z : P . H. Knighton (first an California at Los Angeles. Martha G. Dana; Louis Dauernheim; L. Latham (first and real name un- Smith;' Isaac. Smith; Mrs. Louella J. Effa Dean; Carl V.Davis; Reverend j real I c name -unknown); L e o n D. Harry LItt; C. E. Pnitler i first nnd known); B. J. .Latimer (first and Smith; M. XV. Smith (first and real D. C. Eby (first end real name unMJke David. . .»••••. 1 Knapp; Enrl real name unknown); W. L. Bnydei. real name unknown); Richard D. name- unknown); J t P. Sparks (first London (JTA);-—The valuable Edna Edwards: Reverend F. Koopman; Mary C. Koopmsr: D. ,T. (first and rep.l nPrne iini>nov'T;.): ArLatimer; Velma Lee Latimer: Ed- and real name unknown); L. P. known); R. W. Dawes (first and real name ward (first and real name un- Kronnebergpr (first and renl name thur A. Swalm; Xixdorfi'-Krein ?lP.nlibrary assembled by the late unknown); C. Lee; F. H. Lehman; Joseph Sparks (first and real name un- Eggen Oscar Decker; Henry V. Lenzner; known); Henry Eilerman; E. C. EicSJ. K. Lord. J r . (first and tifacturinE- Con-.par.v «8 corporn tior.): Emma R. Leonard. known); Emanuel Ph. Specht; Louise man (first and real name unknown); unknown); Mortimer L. Schiff of New; York Deemar; Jennie B_ Dcemar; Ben H.. Mrs. Emma real name ur.kncTr,); Joseph L. Law; John H. L?.ngmacl{: Elite Hack; ErnLevy; Adolplr Leyh; Specht; Gertrude L. Specht; Edward R. L. Ellis (first and real name un- I Harold Leopold: Lcman H. Long; J. A. DeHovitz • (first and est A. Philemon, Jr.; Ruth M. Mf"-will be put on auction at Sothe- DeForest; Leyh; Liberty Council No. real name unknown); Louis H. De-Katherine known); Harry Sanders; Thomas G. Spence; Beulah V. Spencer; Otto i LoreMa K. Lindenheil: J. C. Lavia* tir.: Mathilda S. Martir: Emm.p. D. No. 3 Jr. O. U. A. M. (a corporabys soon. It is valued at nearly man; Henry Detraer; Mary G. De-tion) Elsberry; Henrv J. Ebers; Heischel (first and real name unknown.); Cosby; Eav-'rence M. Morp'ir; Pnilr. ; Lichtenstein /Estate, Inc. (a E.. Splnden; Otto Splnden; Mrs. M- W. vine; Dick Milburn; Elizabeth. Dichl; Ebeis; Mile F. Edwards; Charles Gudab (first and real name * unGladys L. Lpmon: Er.rl C. Lurtz; H. Henderson; Josepli S. IC-RI-S. §500,000. , . ; Harry Lichtenstein; Lewis G. Diehl; John G. Dierking; corporation); Frank J. Staab;- G u s H. Edler;George Egrgers, Jr.; Edward Emma Leonard: Elizabeth Lymnn; Nora Liebis: Charles Linza; Hilda known): Clara Bender: FUJV-RVC Jneper; Anna Dierking; Mrs. Louise Dietrich; Littleton; Elsenhauer; Emil Ellison; "J. F. Elli- Charles Lenza; Myrtie Lensa; ThereAugusta F. Littmann; Ed- Staples; Mabel Staples; -George L. son Jaeger; Janio Berpfeki; FranJoseph E. Dilg; Ernest Aug. Doctor; gar Littmann; ;(firet and real name unknown); sa Lockner; Locust Grove Church Mary B. Livingston (first Stapleton; H. E. Stappenbeck (first James IRVIN C. LEVIN, Atty. cis L. Smith: Sidney P. Farrow; Lor Edna S. Doelling; Fred E. Doelling; and real nameH.unknown); Elison; Oscar Ellison; E. A. and real name unknown); William H. Cemet-ery Fund, Elso known F.E LoMary E. 763 ; Brandels Theatre Building . Sophia K. Doelling;.' Hugo Doelling-; Elchinger (first and real name un- cust Grove Cemeferj- Fund <an -unin- R. Esses; John C. Crmpbeil; v.'iiAV. G. Lohrum (first and real Stark; Laura S.- Starr; G. G. Stein- known); Omaha, Nebraska liam Gears: L. TC ?,Iarkveii ifirsf John • Doeling;. Minnie C. Doelling; Lloyd; Otto Engert; Mrs. Otto Enheimer (first and real name uncorporatfd association); Delia LuckLaura C. Doenges; Theresa C. E. name unknown); Margaret E. Lovall; ; . Peter Steinheimer; Peter gert (first and real name unknown); ingbill; >John H. Langrao.ck; Mildred fine! rep! name linknowr:": Kuss^l" NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE Dold; Mollle Dolder; Daniel J. Dono- Mrs. J.. C. Lovrlen (first and real known) Ms.rl~we31: Maude ^*?>s}iburr: ^"e"nice Reverend B. H. Eppman (first and Leake; State Bank of Lenzburg (a unknown); Mrs. John Lowrey Steinheimer; Anna. Steinheimer; E. SALE ' van: Fred R. Donley; Reverend Pat name name unknown); Thomas A. corporation); Dan G. Lieb'pr: I-Iarrj* L. Heap; John GiUespir: El-yfln'th (frst and real name unknown); J. I l Stepenhorst (first and real namo un- real i^epraris: Mrs. T. M. Schumne'i'er Notice Is hereby given that on Fri- J. Dooley; Harry J. Douglas; John Lucas Early, Receiver, Interstate National (first and real name un- known); Clara K. Stern: Fannie Bank (a National Banking Associa- Lopata; Mrs. V. F. Moss (first P.nd (fi"st r nc! rtrfU namp unlin^rn; Minday, the 26th day of February, < 1938, W.- .Downs; Theodore J. . Dreyer; Harry Luechtefeld; Mrs. Stout: Fannie Stoutec: Frank P. tion); First Xational Bank of Negau- rpal name unkno-viT.): H. Mopller nie .-Parmeie: Elma Teensing: Anns at 11 o'clock A. M., at Shames Body Louis J. Drexler; Lillaln Drohan; known); and real name unknown); M1. Grevels: Wilh<?lmine EerphpfT; George Luedde (first and real name Straub: Mrs. " Dora Stukenbrogker: nee (a National Banking Associa- (first & Radiator Company, 1906 Cuming William Duenke; Dulaney P l a y - unknown); E. McCarthy (first and J.. William Sullentrup (first and real tion); Charles P. Foreman; Cora L. Pelraa L. Ms^.'er; Dorothy E. Moore; Car] V. Dr. vis; John W. HermAnr:; Street, Omaha, Nebraska, the under- grounds Board (a unincorporated a s - real name J.unknown); name unknown): P. J. Sullivan (first Dr. J. E. Maupin (first ana real James R. Bridges; ?.iarr JFIHO Mn!bi = : Clara J. Mcsigned will sell at public auction, to sociation); . James Duncan; Martha Carthy; Marie B. McCarthy; Foreman; Florence M, Futz; W. G. name unknown). Stella S. and real name unknown); Clarence Frank C. Wesley wVlidfl'. i>i»-=i f.nc res! the highest bidder for cash: 1—1931 Duncan; Mrs. Ollie Duncan; Laura L. McCarty, Ex.-Estate of Dr. James (first and real name unA. Summers. W. name unknown); A. G. .K-Iv-i-trds p.nt; Buck Sedan, Motor No. 2626182, Model Dunham: John Dvorak; C l a i r e McCarty; Miss Adeline E. McCIurkin: known); Elma Toensing-; Reverend Hurh Mundt; Albert Manashn.; Son (s copartnershlpi; Lillinr. i\icFrank Svoboda; " Frank X. Swee- Charles P. Foreman; Reverend O. P. 8-50, covered by a chattel mortgage Dwyer; Thomas J. Dwyer. Sr.; Olivia G. N. McDavid (first and real name Martin; Ruth M a n i n ; L. W. Cue: Colorrdo Xp.tional Bm;k (", N P in favor of Shames Body & Radiator Kckardt; Paul Eckardt; Mrs. C. H. unknown"); Gertrude A. McDermott; ney: Martin Sweeney; Dr. B. F. Foreman (first and real name tin- Matilda (first and real name un- tionnl Banking Association); Low*!'. Company, and executed by Helen Edler (first and real name un- Leona McDonald; Mary McDonnell; Swisher (first and real name un- known); N. W. Feuerbacher (first. Markwe'I known): Josephine Jlanlcle; MatouWalker and Clarence Walker, said known); Elmer Edler; Charles L. Ed- Genevleve McElroy; Mathew McEl- known); Agnes Tackett; Ellen L. Rnd real name unknown); Fidelity I shek hi Esta,te- (an unlnroT-poratect a s mortgage bearing date of July 2nd, wards; C. L. Edwarda (first and real roy; Mary McElroy; Sarah McGlIli- Tarlins; Fay Taylor; Louise Tarlor; Mortgage Corporation (a corpora- ! sociation); J. Li. ^la-tcushek (first poration>; I.ov.-e!! ~>'IP 1935. Said sale will be tor tho pur-name unknown); Reverend Fr. Egger gan; William McGIlligan: Miss Anita Paul Terhune; Norman Terry; Hupp tion); Fire Insurance Company of ! and real tiCniP iiar,y. Inc. (a corpom f I'-rkno^-r.); Reverend - i : pose of foreclosing said mortgage, for (first and real name unknown); McGinnis; Winfred McGrath; NelHe Tevis; Regrina Thiess; B. E. Thomas Chicago (a corporation); N, j l . Fitz- John Marion; Katie. Marser: Mutual McITenry; Po!le '. n. e R. costs of sale and all accruing'costs, Gcorgd E. Egger; Ernest Eggert; SrcHose; Bridget MoKenna; Ida L. (first and real name unknown): patrick (first and real name un- Bank & Trust Corr.pr.ry. of St. Louis, Katherine D. Thomas; Mrs. Squire known) ; Golnie Forsyth; and for the purpose of satisfying: tho Robert Eike; Anna Eike: Richard S. McQuitty. H a r r y ' . (a corporation); William K. Thomas (first and real name un- Frankel; Myrtle S. Fuller; S. S, Far- Missouri amount now due thereon, to-wit: Elseman; David Eiseman;. Sophie Sar&h McGilI:gan: Bishop FT-K ,tv Merciiants i known): Catherine Thompson; Har- row (first and reaJ name unknown); Hayes: 5117.30. That no suit or other- pro- Eiseman.. ! . •William F . MeMurrg.v: Free" J'.inois ia corpor ry Thompson;- Zl. R. Thompson (firfct ceedings at law have been, instituted E. Farley (first and real name un- vethcr; Adjutp.rit-GerTa! L eMeriMajor Lewis Means; Irene Ma- and real name unknown); B. J. L. %v i is to recover said debt or; any part Lisette Eiseman; George P.JEIswIrth; Loney; Mrs. D. L. Fesstc-r (first j Means; Ida Metz; Aivina Anton Manhart; Karolina1 Thuenemann (first and real name known); thereof. • and real name unknown); Fidelity 1 ver Arthur W: Ellerbusch; Dr. A. J. Manhart; John J. Manion; Julia unknown); Mrs. Sam' Thurman (first Bond & Mortgage Company (a cor- j E d n a Meyer; Nelia B. Me, in Npfinr SHAMES BODY & RADIATOR CO. Eisner ' (first and real name- un- Mann; Albert Mann; John P. Marat- and Pr o (R >r-f real name unknown); Mrs. Ellen poration); Theodore Florreich; Ethel i James IV. McCarthy; Kp.thenne Me•" Mortgagee. known); Ifate Engelmann; Wray H. ta; Annie J. Marshall: Anthony Tilton: i NuJty; F . J. Montag (first and real I ; Edv-nrc Milvllle Tod; Alice Tod: Mar- Foster: Farmers and Traders Bank 2-4-38-4L - •, • Essex, Sr.; Wray H; Essex; Joseph L. Mart;/Adella Martin; Mrs. Matilda garet E. unknown); Lora Tolmic; Mrs. Lettie A. of California. Missouri (a corpora- ! name A. Evers; Joseph A. Evers; Oliver A; Martin; John W. Mason; Willard A. 'Traufler; Stella Trjppel: Edward J. tion): First National Bank of Spring- ; Tja-wrence Morpr.r.: R. 1 :. P!SO LEGAL NOTICE Fabick; Miss Hannah* Faes; Annie Mason; Selma L. Mayer; Edgar W. Trihey, Alvia Troe^le; Farmers and Fahey; H. J. Falkenhalner (first nnd Meier; Julius 1 Meier; William Meier; Merchants Savings Bank, a corpora- field. lUlnoig (a National Banking lcnovn RE P.. t), McCaslhi if =t ana NOTICE TO JOSEPH ELK1N, do- real name unknown); Louise B. William C.Melnert; Andrew L. Mel- tion: Lydia Ulbright; Mrs. I. Ulbricht Association); Minnie Foreafie; An- | real name unknown): Minnie '.leyer; \ i Mrs. I-I. X. Moss (first nnu re name ing business under tho trade aame Faris; Farmers & .Merchants Bank (a cher: Agnes Melcher; A. J. Menteer (first and real name unknown); C. drew Fruth. unknown); Charles W. Meier IJpr,ry and style of Elkin's Grocery: corporation): Elizabeth Farrell: Mar- (first and real name unknown); Mar- L. Ulrich (first and real name unMohr; Sirs, lienry Mohr {first and Notice is hereby given that in an garet Dizotell Farrel; D. L. Feaster garet H. Fechtler (first aad real name real name unknown): IM. Mercedes M. Merritt; E. C. Henry Meyer known); Elsie Ungar; Esther Ungar; action in the Municipal Court for the . (first and real name unknown). Male A. Ungar: Union Trust Com- unknown): KuHer, Crutencien & Com- (first (first and real name unknown); Wilend real name nnltnorvn); City of Omaha, Douglas .County, Ne- ' George Feldbusch; .Frank J. Feldpany, . a corporation; Universal State pany (a corporation); Fuller, Crutm.me in braska, wherein FUnnle- Ackerman, man; Kate M. Felker; Harry ^- Fer-liam Meyer; Miss Helen Meyer: John. Bank, a corporation; Peter A. Vaeth; tenden & Company (a copartner- Ernest Meyer; Katherine Metz: J s v tha E. trustee. Is plaintiff and Joseph Elldn. guson; O. J. Ferguson (first and real A. Meyer; Mary K. Meyer; Wilma Charles Vanck; Wiliam Toderherg; ship); First Union Trust & Savings ! Millard: Joseph L. Mitchell: Missisdoing business under the trade name name unknown);- JuBa Feustel; Fi- Meyerson; Mrs. Linda R. 3Ieysen- Arthur Vogai; Mamie Vogal; Cath- Bank (R corporation); First National j sippi Valley Trust Company, of St. I Louis. Missouri (a corporation); E m burg; Fred C. Michael; Lillian Tioduer !;ncv,-r"i: J Tand style of Ellrin's Grocery, is deerine Vogcl; Mrs. Ijillian Voney; Bank of Chicago (a Nations! Bank- j ma >.richa«lis; Marthn. McDowell; X>. corporation); Millp EecU'"-! fendant, an'order of."attachment,and delity Trust Co. (a corporation); Michael; Emma G. Michaelis; "Kate John Wack: Miss Nellie Wagner; J. ing Association); First National garnishment waa on- the 10th day rf MAyme Finigan;-Dorothy Finke; Isa- Milbert; J. JP. Miller (first and real G. Waldeck (first and rea! name un- Bank, Washington, Missouri (a Na- | A. Jlillijjan (first and renl name un- is, copartnership); Mrs. Oprr January, 1038, issued out of eald bella J. Fisher; Florence M. Fitz; M. name . unknown); Christina Miller; known); N, Walden (first and real tional Bankiiiff Association); R. H. 1 known); Harry F. Niehaus: Fred Ethvi:; F. Guth Company ,a court for the sum of $150.00; and that Fitzpatrick (first and real name un- Phillip Miller: Louise Miller: Ida name unknown); Miss Belle Wall; J. Forbes (first and real name un- j Noid: Dr. R. S. Xorrisi first and rea! tion); C^ W. Carroll rfir.^t Thomas H. Fitzpatxick; Katherine Miller; J. E.' JIIHer (first L. Walsh (first and real name un- known): Fitch Publishing Company j name unknown): Elizabeth C. Xich- name ur.kv.cwr.); ?,Irs. l,e the following goods and chattels be- known); longing, to j'ou and in the possession Gertrude Flaven; Mrs. Lena Fohr- and real name unknown); Elmer known); LUilian H. Walther; George fa corporation); Feyette Bank of ols: Kenry Xieklas, Sr.; Xiie E. Nils- Mrs. C. O. Plisbury <*:-F; man; Matthew T. Foley; Mrs. Mary Minor; Edwin Moellmann; Alvin F. WangeJin: Dr. E. B. Ward (first Fayette, Wyoming (a corporation): son; J. B. Xcurse (first and real npme unkno^-r): P. Vi~. ?.• of Moskovitz' Fixture Company, a panicv corporation, fit 1115 Farnam Street In ForteI;F. Earl Fowler (first and real Mohr; Albert Monaska: Charles H. and real name unknown); Warren Martin Goede; Fioyd Get*; William name unknown). Trustee in Bank- (first, and real Gosen: V . - J. I the City of L Omaha, Nebraska,, were name unknown); Mrs. Elizabeth Fox; Moore; Emma L. Moore; Dr. M. R. County Bank," a corporation; Felthan Geers; John GHfespie; Joseph A. I nzptc.r for General Utilities Cerr.pn.ry Theodore Mrs. A. J. Francis (first and real Moore (first and real name un- Watson;. Ruch C. Watts; Weber Im- Grevels; Adele Gacken: Dr. Anton (a corporation): Aloise Xielnrr; Wi'i- (first p.mT real n:>me r-'. duly attached, to-wit: i liam Otto; Henry Otto; Katie Otto: IJop-rf; of J^inrmce of M. K 1 large refrigerated meat display name unknown); Minnie Frantz; Miss known): -Mrs. Dorothy E. Hoots; plement & Auto Co., a corporation; case, 1 cooler, vaMous counters and W. Roslna Frantz (first and real William Morgan; Mrs. Myrtle B. Weber Implement & Auto Co., a co- , Gugter; Ida Goodman; Cart A. Gray; i S. O'Dell (first and real n r m e un. tables, 1 scale, shelving, and mis- name unknown); A. L. Freeland Moser; Walter F. Mueller; Theodore partnership; H. C. AVehking (first j August Georgp; Francis George; M. known): Charles Oechsner; Ki'rie I-I. J. O'Connor (first f-.no renl cellaneous equipment. (first and real name unknown); Em-, Muench: James Murphy: Alice Mur- and real name unknown): Hclda A. H. Gibbs (first and real name un- I Oliver; T. unknown.); Lsura I^rentice; ter .Au?*jr.; .Tospnli Tou are further notified -that said ma Freee; Eugene Freund; Mrs. Ann phy; Maty M.. Murphy: James E. Wehking; Emma Weindel; Joseph known); Mrs. Ora E. Grimm; Minnie I name Gudale; E. J. Gandolfo (first nr,& res.} I Uoyd Pershintr; Marshall D. Persons; of rinar.ee M. E. cause i was continued for service to Fries; Mrs. J. A. Fries (first and real Murphy; Ellsworth A. Murray; Wil- Weingart; Walter Weinstock; Louise unknown); Mrs. Fred XV. i Mergaret P a t ton: Mrs. G. E, Pr.voon ar.irieornarp ted a: the 18th day of March, 1938, at 9:00 name unknown): Raymond Furrer: n a Myei^on: Kathryn Myrick; Jos. Welhoeiter; Joseph P. Welsh: Aug. name Gabb: Albert G. Gregg; XV. H. George j (first and real nr.me unknown); E. Eylwoll: Ciirr A. -Mil and If you So not-appear for D. K. Firmin Fusz, Jr. (first and Myrick (first and real name un- Wesselschmidt (first and real name ffirs! and real name unknown); H. "Reuben pierson: Wilbor E. Peter; Vfelp.p r/irst vv.C trial at that time. Judgment will be real name unknown); J. A- Gallagher known); A. L. Magerstadt (first and unknown). Morgan Gerken (first and real name Rose Peterson: Frencii? O. Parmale: known): X. R. Ms rendered against you as prayed In (first and real name, unknown); real name unknown); Mrs. W. L. unknown); llrs. Beulah Gimmie; Francis O, Pnrm<--'e; John Peck: plaintiff's petition. . _ Charles G. Galle; Thomas E. GalliMagruder (first and real name unGrand National Bank of St. Louis, Eleeta' M. Peters; .T. A. Pc~hertor. ' Delphlne Westman; R. B. Whalen Missouri v ; FANNIE ACKERBtAN, Trustee. gan." known).-^ • (a National BankingAsso(first and real npme tinknox^n); (first and real name unknown): ?,Irs. 2384t ' Naphtall Lodge. No. Jo, A. F. & Mary E. Wheeler; H. G. Whelan ciation): Mrs. Carie Kaley; Mrs. Car- Cntherins Phililpr; P^dssei! Piokur; - J. ",". Gan'tz (first and real name A. M. (a corporation); Fred W. Nes- (first and real . name unknown); rie Haley; William. M. Hayes: Mrs. Prudential Cr^sur.Ity CoTr.rr n--' (s corunknown); Jesse L. Garrett; Delia C. MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & Garrett; Roy W. Gaubain; Gephart ley; Clara Kesjey: Isabel NewlanSs; Catherine A. Whelan; Mrs. Rilla Margaret Hartman; H. T- Harmon | p o r a t i o n ) : Ernest A. Philornor.; Lol» (first and real name unknown); Re- j Piper: EllsworUi R. Pierce; Jack hi. -•-.-.COHEN, Attys. Gawer; Charlotte Gawer: F r a n k X^eo F. Niebur; Louise B. Nlebur: WhippldJ Meta S. .Wiedmann; Mrs. becca 737 Omaha National Bantc-Bldg. Rebecca Hanbury; Proof t. ., Gawme; Leo Gegg; M. F. Geisman Ausust Nollman: I. F. Nordyke (first Anna Wlese; David Williams; R. D. Phillip Hanb=rry; -Kans;- TTislter Hausmann; (first and real name unknown); Mra. and real name unknown); Mrs. Era- Williams (first and real name -un- Carrie Kausmann: C. R. Hamilton .; . PROBATE NOTICE George VT. price; Cr^i Rueck'; known); William Williams: JIae S. George (first and real name un- nia L. Nuoff; William Olbrisch; (first and real name unknown): Ac- Carolyn Robinson; J. F. Rnsi-nusseri - Jn •-tho "'Matter of tho Estate of A. known); W. H. George (first and real Kathe::ne Olbrisch; Mrs. K. H. Williamson; XV. E. Wilson (first end R U K t Hanks; A. J. Harris rfirst end Aaron Ferer, Deceased. : ' j (first and renl name unknown); J. name unknown): Henry Gerdlng; Aland real name un- real name unknown); Pauline Winname unkno-vra); B. "VT. Hays i E. Rooney (first and ren: r,-?.me n n Notice- Is Hereby Given: That the bert M. Getz; Chris H. GieseKe; Ed-» .Oliver (first Blanche Dorothy Omohun- g-rath; Ferd Winkler; Magrgie Wink- real (first and real name unknown); Mrs. creditors of said deceased will meet ward Glessling; Mrs. Edward Giess- ;.known): dro; Anna M. O/Nelll: Charles Osth- ler; Alois A. Winterer; Charles F. Lena Hshr.er: Mary Harvey; J. G. j known): Charl^F A. n ^ d d r r ; Johnr the executors of said estate, before Jing (first and real name unknown); off; irrs. Anna Ott: Elmer F, Otfe; Winters; Peter J. -Wisemann; Mrs. F. Reiniiart; I-Cr.tnerine Rerr: H?r-!-7 me. County Judge of Douglas Coun- A: W. Gilbert (first and real name Mrs. Anna M. Page: N. D. Paine Wissner ' (first and real name un- Bammel (first* end real name un- rtadr.insky: "rrs. John X\~. F;oi:se Andrew ty. Nehraska. at the County Court unknown); F. P. Gilbert (first and f first and r6al name unknown): known); Henry J. WUte:- Henry R. known); Dorothy Hellls: apri rep-I v.zm? iiri^r.r'^T.); Herter; Ethel Herter; Ph3 - ]"s HfwJtt; (first Roi.m. In said County, on tho 28th real namo unknown); Mrs. Hilda L. Paine; Dorothy PanhbrEt: Min- "IVittee: Georso Wittroann; August Vernice Hesp; Barbara .Hewitt; Vilas Fred \Y. Rsnsrp-orff; Kerneih R a p r : da> of, March. 1938, and on" the 26th Glsi; Mra: Henry,N. Gisi (first and Pearl Wittenbersrer; Ernest Wittenberger; ! ZZTDTAS. Rp^ern^yc'r-. Ernmr^ flos^pnie Parish; Ltllio I. Park; Charles day of Mny, 1!)38. at 9 o'clock A. M-.rea Iname unknown): Reverend John W, Parker: Roy A. Parker: w.. E. William ' Wittenberger; B. Wotan Hicks: Wade Harris; Jacob T. H a g - I n e i e r : -Elinsbeth Remmert: Wniiftrr. each day. for. the purpose of present- J.,Glennon; Arthur Glusenkamp; Mrs. Pnrmlcy (first nnd real name un- (first and real name unknown): Sal- Icy; Virginia Hauler; C'ara Heller; Richter. J r . : A. T.. RiFrlay cTi-Ft me! ing their claims for examination, ad- Josephine JSoggin; G. F. Goltermnnn ly- Wolan; Gertrude Wolf; Vincent C. L. J. Hennr-Rsy ffirst and resl nsroe name unknown); K- L. Ti^r^-piyrt justment a n d nllowance. Three (first and real name unknown); Clar- known); Marshall C parsons': G. E. Wolf; Floy Wol/enbarger; The World linknoTrn): Mrs. H. L. Held (first and real Conipany (a. oorpo'-p.tic^-): It.. 1J. months are allowed* for the creditors enco E. Gonser; J. Goodman (first -Paytlon (first and ren! name un- Color Printing Co.. a corporation: real name unknown); Bertha Kcit- & nuiipert & Con-nnJiy (a cf.pnrtp.r-rknown): Mrs. G. E. Pardon 'first rn.in; Henrv Hpberpr; Alvin FIfitto prcspnt their rlnlms; from 1 ho 2Rth and real name unknown): Bertha Tiie World Color Printir.sr Co.. a ro3ER, Henry TinCc; .Tisiin Vir'rcnl nnmp tsnSrnwn): Of tip p.irtnersliip: EfHhn Fhip); day of Fphnin'y. i!)3S Hans Wulff. Special mnn: Hulda Hfitmnn; Mrs. Goson; Gonevlcvri S. Gospn: Theor- find r e:ir.ia 'nose: nosers ^ T:-i5rv (;a E. jr. PelJ.-» 'first nnd reni Deputy Financial Commissioner in Kelnz; Henry HeclcSe; JIarj Heckle; •-,„.• BRYCB CRAWFOItD. dore H. Gosen; T. L. Gosney (first Pparce: ccparlnersl-iir); I'stry P . F.ives; name unknowfi)^ Peoples Bank af 2-4-38-3t. County Judge.

and real name unknown); Maude Gottleb; Mrs. J. P. Gould (first and real name unknown); R. S.' Grable (first and real name unknown); Sfrs. Carrie Grahl; Leonard " W. Grama: Andrew Grass; Florence Graupnfer; E. C. Gray (first and real name unknown). ' • . . . " NOTICE %Y PUBLICATION To'- Olive Gray; David Green; George ••-•••••' • ' B e t h E l , ; •-.-•.•"• PLAINTIFFS AND CO-DEFEN- A. Green; Cora E. Greenlee; Chrij DANTS At '.service's this evening Rabbi Groetecke; Mrs. Rose Grond: Charles In the District Court of Douglas Grohe; Ernestine Grohe; George J David A. Goldstein will speak on County, Nebraska. Grote; S.. F. Grove, (first and real "When Mob Hysteria Rules." _ H . A. Wolf, et aj. Plaintiffs vs. name unknown); S. N. Grove ,(first Safe Deposit Company, :et al. and real' name unknown); Dora M. Cantor Aaron Edgar and the Beth Omaha Defendants, Docket 329, No. 139:Grover; William J. Gundali; Joseph El choir •will conduct the services, David Blacker, Plaintiff, vs. Kilchetj Gutchrel; Edwin • F."" Gutli Company Brothers Hotel Company, Defendant, (a corporation); Albert Guze; Lydia • - Saturday morning services will Docket 2S2, No. 0b; Kitchen Brothers Hackman; Rose Hackman; M r s . : be held at 8:30. .". Hotel1 Company, Plaintiff, vs. Omaha Katie Hagemann; Charles W. Hahn; Safe- Deposit Company, Defendant, Cornelia D. Handelman; . August Docket 283, No. 33, . Hanke; Joseph Hanna; Henry : Templo Harbks; Fred E. Harris; Emil HartT o : . ' ; ' . . • ' • . ' '•/. _ •-..• man; Miss Mary Havey; Joseph L. Rabbi Philip Finkelstein, MidMrs. May Ruth Abramsky; Harry Haw: Bernard W.- Hays; Ellen M. west Regional Rabbi for the •• Ackenhauser; Minnie Ackenhauser; Hays; Elizabeth Healey; M a r y Union of American Hebrew Cqti- L. '41. Adkinson (first and real name, Healey; Joseph L. Haw; Bernard W. unknown); P. M. Adkinson (first and Hays; Ellen M, Hays; Elizabeth • gregations, will be guest speaker real name unknown); Anchor Ar- Healey; Mary Healey; Edward L; at tonight's, services at Temple cadia Lodge 322; ine* L. Anderson; Heffner; Emma Heiligenstein; Ida Louis Anderson; P a u l Anderson; Heinecke: Mrs. Adele Hemker; J. F.J ' Israel. ' • ' • - ,". •> Clarissa Anderson; Anderson, Plotz Hennessy (first and real name unand Company (a corporation); An- known); Amelia Hennessy; John J. ' . H i s subject will'be "Solving derson,. Plotz and Company (a co- Hennessy; Kate Hennessy: Robert : the'-Jewish Problem." partnership); .Louis E. Anfender; Henninger: Ernest Hensick; Mrs. Pauline-Anguish; Henry Anzer; isiK. Ernest Hensick (first and real name belle Anzer; Alvin April; John April; unknown): Charles F. Hepp; Mar' • •'.•. • ' • • -.. V a a d \ •'• •- "..• . • Mrs. L. B. Ambruster (first and real garet A.'Hereon; Adeline Hering; A. unknown); E. S. Armstrong At the late services tonight name Herlng (first and real name un(first and real ilame unknown); J. known); J. Herman (first and real Rabbi Milton Kopstein will speak Armstrong Vallquet & Co. (a cor- name unknown): Margaret A. HerArmstrong Vallquet & sen; O. on "An Evaluation of a Noble poration); J. Herzog "(first and real Co. (a copartnership); C . W . Atkins name unknown); William HettenhauExample." ' Cantor A. Schwacz- (first and real name uqknown; L. L. sen; I, D. Hewitt (first and real Aubel (first and real name' un- name unknown): Ben kin will officiate. -•• ' _ known); Hibbard; F. F. Aubel (first and real Marie Hibbard: Miss DoraB.Hill; WalJunior Congregation services name unknown); -Harold Auldj Beth ter K. Kltchkiss; Mrs. Eva G. HodgC. Atild; Anna M. Austin; Irma A. are held at 10 a. m. at the Con-Austin; Milton Baer; Cora G. fiahr; kins; Louis R. Hoelscher; William A. Hoffmann; Ottilia Hogenmlller; Argregation B'nai Israel, ISth and H. M. Baier (first and real name un- thur N. Hohenstein. known): William F. Barnard; James Chicago streets. . L. Barngrove: Catherine M. !3arry; August Holilt; William Hohn; Elizabeth T. Barry; William D. Bar-Esther Hohn; H. H. Hoppock (first ry, Jr.; Mrs. F. M. Bartleson (first and real name unknown); Elsa. Hornand real name-unknown); Aujrvst B. sey; W. C. Horstman (first and real Bauman; Virginia P. Beall; Kay A. name unknown); Addle M. HorstBeitzel. man; Elsie Hosch; Edward Honliham: C. D. Howard (first and real Tho Belle Bank (a corporation); name unknown); Melita Howard; Catherine Besz;'Helen C. Benz; Hil- Sam W. Hyman; Mrs. Emma Hubda Berg; Anna Berg;' Hilda Bercr; bard; Henry F. Huelamann: Mrs. Spencer Hunt; Estate of TheoJerusalem (Wns Palcor Agen- Annie Berg; Mrs. Natalie Berg; F. A. Cecile Berger and real name un- dore M. Hunt; W. S. Hunter (first cy) — As a result of negotiations known); (first Miss Jennie Berger; Kathe- and real name unknown) r Cla.ra between the Jewish Agency and rine Bergmonn; William F. Bernard; Hurst; Clara G. Hurter; Henry HurE. Berry; Alice Berryman; Jo- ter; Norma "Hurter; Rolland Hurter; the Palestine Government, 850 Mary seph S. Berryman: Mrs. M a r y Mrs. Adele B. Hyman; Mr. W. J. J e w i s h supernumeraries have Blerwe; Mrs. Lulu BIrchard; Carrie Hynd (first and real name unBishop; Nelle -G. Bishop; T. A. known); Mrs. W. J. Hynd (first and • [ been enrolled, in Jerusalem to -L. Blair (first and real name unknown); . real name unknown); Mrs. Martha J. , provide eecurffy for the '*• JewishWilliam H. B Ian ton;" Relnholdt Blatt; ' Hysinger; Mrs. Neta Inskeey; Mrs. Walter W. Blood;;Boatmena Nation-; M. Irwin (first and real name unquarters. Special Jewish police al Bank (a national banking associaJennie Jacobs; Lena Jacohave' been established at the tion); Richard Bocklage; H e n r y known); Clara K. Stern; Miss Katherine Bode; Elkaueth Boehm; Charles J. bus; ecenes of recent outrages in the Btiehm: Jaenecke; Mrs. Estelle M. Joffray; John Boelling; Lillian BoesenF. Johnson; Mariette Johnson: vicinity of Jerusalem, and theberg; Lena J3oester; Alex J. Boka; Albert H. B. Johnson (first and real name John HenryCharles Boken; unknown); drivers of; Jewish busses have Sarah Boley; Boka; Alice Johnson. Charles D. Bolln; Wil- Mrs. Elizabeth Jones; Sadie L. been armed. liam- C. Born; Mary A. Botz; D. R. Juhlin; Georgetta Guy F. <flrst' and rial name un- Kahmann; Leonore Julier; As though to demonstrate, the Bowes Kaminski; Miss known); Maj-roe Palmer Bowes; Emma Kasten; Emma Kasten; Mr. urgency of these precautions Edith A. Boyd; A. L. Braggins (firSt Christ Kaufman; Mrs. Christ Kaufreal name unknown); Mrs. C. came word of "the death of Nis- and Branieckl (first and real name un- man (first and real name unknown); Lillian Kaufmann; W i l l i a m B, sim Durani and the /.extremel: known). . . GVorgs Brelmbrink; John Breth- Keeble; T. J. Keefe (first and real Berious condition of Moshe Lolu, auer; Elmer J. Bridge; Everett G. name unknown); Mrs. Elizabeth D. both of whom were struck by Brinkman; Philip E. Briscoe; William Keeling; Mrs. Ella Kelly; Susan J. Brockmeler; Katie Brockschmidt; Kelly; .Marie H. Keniper; J. XV. bombs and bullets, January 2 5th, George M^. Brockwa'y; Frank A. Kendall (first and real n a m e as the truck in which they were Brown; Harry Brown; A. X>. Browne unknown); M a r k M. Kendall; (first and real name unknown); Joseph Kirsch; Katie Kirsch; Marie riding passed near Lifta, " Arab Berthe Broyer; Casper Bruening; Klaskln; Anne Klaskin; Frances village outside Jerusalem.Margaret Bru»ning; Nathan Bryr H. Klaskln; Charles A. Kleinhans; Fred ;


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Commissioner for Honolulu


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j time she accepts an- old rheums- j f ^ f jffSJf



j tisin as something normal in t h e : ^ . ^ , . . ^ p j™,^,^,^.-, I course of human events. .- j Clt.>-:*.;/-a« h-AiiiaLf

A craft class foT Jewish childSometime I wish she would say j fQ fjjQEJEU ren between the ages of 8 and y * *- \^t - "• something about' being a Negrc; i 14 will meet each5 Friday afterByPHINEAS.J. BIROII By AL S E G A I J n-itli her | than I could exchange w noon at the Jewish Community •EflSS'-ANNA' PILL, 'tonespondent pain or pain . . . "Ah Irene, you; -London (V>'NS) — A tacit adJews in general lias virtually Center. A bus picks the children JEWISH AFFAIRS crrl I are like kinspeople in ;' mission that the Fascist movePrivate conferences are going •wrecked the "Yiddishkeit" indusup at their various schools and in EXE . . But or. second thought |i tnent ir England has suffered pain returns' them to their hojies af- on among the most important na- try in Poland This industry In the ltev. Dr. G. Barrett Elect Board of" ter the class. Any children- inter- tional Jewish organizations with engages in the manufacture bt :,,Rich, no Jew (even those with I "am glad she doesn't, mention ' rlouF revfTscs V'BS made ,' in in the class, may still en- a view to forming a sort o£ Board Torah serools, tephillim, raezzu- j micrjscopic eyes for such thingss) the matter, for she might he em-j '.'be Blackshirt," organ oi Sir Inter Club Group ested roll at the office of the Jewish of Jewish Deputies, representing zoth and tallisim . A Pales- i could find rishus. He is the cue aarrassing to my Americanism, i v-'sveici IUOSUT'E British Union ol "Oh. install Segal.'" she might! Fascists, when it announced that all these organizations, which The following representatives Comm-unity Center, Dr. Chaim J who has the Presbyterian church tine Arab has sent . . .. __ say, "you'se always a-talk in'2' it would henep?o''tfi appear as a of Jewish local organizations v Work has been started on re-would be the only authoritative Weizmanntogether a gift with of a abowl o£ j our -which stands amongthe have bene named to the board o modeling and improvements of American Jewish body for the-de-] goldish prayer! town. I do not like toJews sayinhe ibout Germany. 1 hear o u - s e , monthly instead of a weekly. The r.r.nouncensent appealed foe fithe Community Center, under the directors of the Inter-Club Counfense of Jewish rights . . . Maur- j for Ms health . . . Rachel Croth- ji s a .g o o d f r i enc i oi J e w s ; for "that ; -1^'ays a-iaiking about that." nr.ncifU support "of the greatest Ycs ene cil. Mrs. Joe Kulcher, Mrs. W supervision-of the Board of Di- ice Jacobs, whose work as exe-er's play "Susan and God" wtas [ contains connotation of pat- j " > *" - " pretty bad for I propr.gnnc;& campaign in the porectors. A spacious meeting room C. Slotsky, Dr.Lewis Dimsdale, I banned in Vienna because the cutive secretary put the Jewish us in Germany." Dr. A. Greenberg to Confer Delitical history of Britain," and deSinger, Morey Lipshutz,.Si Krue- will be redecorated, as will the Publication Society on the map, censors believed that every one ji ronizing. RatEer one should sav he i < ? a s-thinldr.' about "I'se been grees an New ger, E. N. .Grueskin, J. Kalin, library. discovered to his amazement that bearing the name of Rachel must jg o o d neighbor who takes Mr. Le- i that. . You'se always., -ta-kin' • clared 11;?. i "t li. e propaganda Members Barney Baron, Louis Shindler, a New York columnist reported be Jewish . . . But Shalom Asch | vine as he would Mr. McCarthy orl about the FEVGermany is treat- i drive neeessFrily means reorganMilton Bolstein, A. M. Davis, joe that the Society's prize-winning in Sl sts that there is no discrim--j i I r . Humphries vrho (as 1 ob- '<• l n ' ycu'se. Bntvou nevpr sav izp.tjoTi Find curtailment in other Mount Sinai directions, implying certain sacJ e w i s h novel, "Tomorrow's ination on the Henry Monsky of Omaha will Gorchow, J. L. Levitt, and H th part p t of f S h l serve) is treasurer of his church ! nothin' about 'he Schusclithe r e it- rifices, but with the end of such Fishgall. Bread," was being issued by anbo the principal speaker-this Sunnigg's government Mail pass- This is to say, Mr. Levine, Mr. ; States is a-trestin' us." Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will An election meeting to elect speak other publishing house after it ing through the post offices of McCarthy and Mr. Humphries are j "Now, Irene, you don't .under- great importance, the sacrifices day evening at a victory dinner at Mount Sinai Temple on t l l e will he made with readiness and and dance to be given by the lo- officers of the Council for thethe subject "The Collapse of "Con- had b'een refused everywhere i Spanish rebels is stamped all human beings together. j stand. In Germany it's the govfilsR : . - ,ThA fnrf is that .Tno^a t'"Viva Espana — Heil Hitler" . . good wiH." _cal. B'nai B'rith lodge. The din- coming year, will be-held this science." tfcar t h e . The fact is that So when I received Dr. Pdch's ; l ner and dance will be held in week. i3 The Sisterhood Book review got this publisher to put out a Tourists returning from South critical Tetter.I "co'uld take no"of- i J e w s - T o u s e e ' I l the ball room of the Martin'Hoscheduled for this week, has been trade issue . . . Incidentally, Bea- America report that buses bearSENTENCED tel. • . ' " '.-' ., - . " • . • . ; postponed, the new date to be trice Bisno, who authored the The event will celebrate the announced later. novel, is the daughter of Abracompletion of a membership camMembers of the confirmation ham Bisno, ".;Iiose Chicago book paign and the program will inclass meet with the Rabbi every shop was the Mecca of Windy .c'lude the initiation of 75 "new week for instruction, include the City intellectuals a generation He had attended the lecture o t ! Vhoso sensational rumors u'hen yon Cet! Haifa (JTA) — The Criminal members.. Dr. A. Greenberg of following c hi 1 d r e n: Hubert ago . . . The first constructive about Germany offering the Duke j Rabbi Joachim Prinz (recently of Ilj nchedofficial. J t n t m8te no : Cmaha, president of district 6 ' er ~ j Assize Court last week sentenced Friedman, Samm Heeger, Doris idea we've heard in a long time of Windsor the throne of Nazi- j Berlin) who had spoken in the ! " f ence even if. it ain't official." | ivrordecha; Schwartz, a Jewish will confer the degrees. Edward Pill, Robert Pill, Bernard Slot- for endjng the kashrutb. racket land are the bunk, but are being j temple^ on "Now I Can Tell the : "Yes, Irene, you should re- ; constable, to death for the E. Baron will preside. • ? sponsored by the German foreign I Truth." sky, .Leonard Stein, Bernard j comes from Rabbi Gershom Ha- sponsored by the German foreign I Trntn ; e Paragraph (of Rabbi ,m ^£ ^ ^ in t^T^e?^ jj S F t e VVV On member that in the United States last Fqfcuary 10 ot anAJHS ,Dr. Lewis Dimsdale is presioffice to.remind England of "the! " Weiner, and- Betty Silverberg. One dent of the local B'nai B'rith Luncheon Meeting to Be Held - Rabbi Lewis spoke Tuesday at das of Kansas City, who proposes office to remind England of the paragraph (Oi Rauoi , i«^», T n n . n ,,i f l h . , ,. , ,. . . . , ' »•»»>«a consumers' kasruth cooperative lodge, Mr. B. ''Skalovsky and Monday at Martin „„,.„, , , „ , , , ,. ,. . t p . . . . . . , , , . . . M . „ , , . , . , . _ , , . ;„, under Lhe laws, yon coi.id Be • ncen.KTi st the High Commissiona meeting of the Progress Club. Schwarte i & m O : David- Albert head the committee Wednesday he addressed a dinner Hotel Gr^at S^ ^ d S L n r ^ l S ^ d ^ \ r S X ^ ^ r \ ^ ^ ^ even « to ^ j fr-nC n since Atiith. s „ tb© . . Add in. charge of the arrangements. meeting of the First Christian to the Jewish press the Jewish would Vie\ allowed death" X penfil*-'" Austrian ) "•InsGer any (HahM ter staur 'tis said that the reason way the"!-id Prin, I ^ ^ a ' ^ ^ 7 ^ l l I W ^ c ? 1S29 1 Chief ^ ^Jus^ m j i n p ass ; r .g- sentencp. ! ants, they can not enter the thea- be a dog-catcher." More than 100 women are ex-:hureh, and Thursday spoke be- People's Voice, new organ of the palace of Baron Rothschild again 1 ) ^listah K. Trusted he Jewish pected to attend • the luncheon fore the Cultural group of the Jewish People's Committee . . . is Hadassah to Hold S that L ^his nL . r Uhost ^ , refused , i 1 ^i ters, ^ ^ cannot ^ ^ f .patronize ^ ^ ^ r :hotels. : r : .•e "Ho. ad ' ogho. -cate her." SegU, you jIj tiee In ' Karrj^ mntm L r said « L ,-as convinced the murder was • Did you know that the title of to let it to him — because the i They can not enjoy public parks, j make me .augh. and installation meeting of the Sisterhood. Card Party and "les, irene, there is nothing I premeditated. F d h w a r t E Was still o^ves him a huge phone ' their children are segregated Council of Jewish Women, MonHerzl's famous book "Altneu- Duke in the ws t prevent you being j granted the right to appeal. bill from his first stay . . . A new ! the schools and ihey are forbd day afternoon, February 21, in Luncheon Tuesday the land" doesn't mean "Old-New- Hebrew daily called Hatzofe is : den to enjoy public plavgroubds , I President of the United States." Martin Hotel. . The luncheon World's Window Land" at.all? . . . Herzl got thenow p i i Palestine l " "Now, of course, this discrirnia- [ ... "Mistat Segal, rou'se just too will begin at one o'clock. appearing in New members .of the Senior Not Potent word from the name of the fam- now. fi ' funny." A feature of the program will It's the organ of the Jlizrachi . . . 1 ation is diabolical, hut the reason ' ; Hadassah chapter will be hostes(Continued from Page 1.) ous Altneuschul in the Prague ses at_a dessert luncheon and he the installation of officers by I am Tv-riting to you is that so i Yes, I guess it's for the best [ Xev.- York (JTA)— Despite InThey have to take you in. ghetto . . . But he didn't know card party, Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. J.'H. Kulakofsky of Omaha, ! many Jewish friends I have are ; hat Irene never brings up the •tensive German and Italian propGENERAL AFFAIRS that the name of the synagogue Home for a people is aand Nebraska. Mrs. Kulakofsky is an being ir.a 1F.gF.nds in Souih America, fasFebruary "22, at 1:30. o'clock, at where the power-relfitions are was based not on the German The late Kurt Korff, former 1 « tolerant in regard to the Ke- i . x ^ ^ ^ G e r m ^ r ' i n d of a. Negro the. West Hotel. Proceeds of the active member of the Omaha such that that people can never words "alt-neu," meaning "old- photo editor of the entire Ull- j &r°es in this country as the Nazis , "V " j - " . cism has not ret becomfe'a ip>tent h party will go toward the Purim chapter of the Council. Mrs. E. become a minority aDd thus the new," but on the Hebrew word stein press of Germany, and at •a r e c=ainst Jews-. It seems to me; politicfil forcp. the New York 'N. Grueskin, president of the ttat a Bazaar sponsored by the Hadasgroup of people vrho are j In conclusion I thank i,r. Rich Times ciecJaret? editorially. "Altnai," which, means "on con-the time of his death an. exile in I sah, and will take the place of Council," will preside. The pro-object and not the subject of the this country,'. was the only Jew i i'eing persecuted in nearly a score : The builders of the solicitations from members as gram will include a skft present- otal historic process; home for a dition'who ever threw General Goeriag i-of countries would have compas- j for raising a cisagreeable point synagogue chose that name beed by Mrs. Leon Mass and Mrs. eople is a land in which its traits Dr. C. K. Morales was in 1849 s an has been the policy in former ^ sympathy for Negroes i (Copyright. 1PES, by Seven elected first Jewish speaker of and characteristics, be they what cause they wanted to make it out of his private office while j '°& years/Bridge and Mah Jong will Rueben Miller. Arts the Jamaica House of Assembly. The Child Study Group of the hey may be, are norm and nor- clear that they would abandon Naziland.'s Number Two man • """ho are so notoriously discrim-, Feature Syndicate.) be played. pleaded with him not to publish i in'ated against in America. Yet! the synagogue when the coming Council will meet Friday aftermal, not strange and estranging, 'Mrs! Jack Robinson, Mrs. Milpictures showing him as an in- j this is not the case. j ton Mushkin and Mrs. S. J. Slot- noon, February 25;- at ff:30 a warping or a renroach.. Home of the Messiah would enable mate of a lunatic' asylum . • . . . ! Installment"I knew Jews who defend ' sky are chairmen of the party. o'clock in the Martin Hotel. Mrs. for a people is a land where soil them to return to Jerusalem . . . Korff, however, didn't publish I theaters, restaurants and hotels I Leo Chaikin heads this group. Hostesses will include Mrs. A. and sky, where hill and plain, New York (JTA) — B'nai j ! the pictures anyway . . . "Chaim j which refuse to admit Negroes.. ; Finkenstein, Mrs. Leon Shulkin, Miss Mary McGee, visiting teach- vhere mountain and star wit- ANTI-JEWISH AFFAIRS B'rith has remitted 514,166.66 ;S Schmelil" is the name given by i In fact these Jewish" friends of: Mrs. Abe Kroloff, Mrs. William er of the Sioux City public essed its becoming a people, witas a second payment towprds its ' S That outburst of booing that Kutcher, Mrs. Frank Epstein, schools will address the meeting. nessed the birth of its myth, greeted Representative Hamilton Hendnk van Loon to the chief | "mine sar, 'a nigger is all riglit as ' flCO.OOO grant to the Jewish Na-iS as*, Er charaeter in his forthcoming ] 1 The first dance at the Jewish peech, genius. There is no other Fisn when he denounced Nazis ong as he stays in his place.' Mrs. Anna Herzoff, Mrs. Louis tional Fund, Dr. ' Israel " "Gold-If Soff, Grey Sroc nnd Semi book on the history of the aver7 feel sure that you agree stein, president, reported to the • g Steel Heeger, Mrs. Frank Margolin, Community Center, sponsored by homeland for any people. And Communists at the anti-Nazi I age man Leo H. Frisch, ed- j that persecution of Negroes, in Fund's Mrs. Al Fish, Mrs. Hannah Pal- th£ Council, was held last Satur- were any other people even like itor of the -Vim-ir-in TO«-,-=H < „ . . . * Administrative commit-J §j in, Mrs. Sol Falk, Mrs. M. Ep-day evening, with a large crowd he Jewish people hopelessly rally in New York was the work Il-n,J * American Jewish 1 America is just as much an evil tee. stein, Mrs. Abe Bain, Mrs. J. of young people attending. The driven out into the wilderness of not of Communists but of .--i™ clac- h \ o r l d of Minneapolis is spending-! as persecution of Jews in GerMaron, Mrs. F. Gorchow, Mrs. second» of the series will be held ;onstant powerlessness and min-que of Nazis planted in the gal-| his tenth weddingTnnh-erTa'ry^ • L ^ Rumania, Poland or r.iiyLeon Dj'er was appointed q u a r - [ | ! r R yeT SlnS h 3daSe eW T o r k > s e e i n Sam Kaplan, Mrs. Art Kaplan, February 26. labout l L ; one :„' ^man's , meat> being * • an- ! ^" S - eTer - v - hit ° 2 ! wher ority status in a world that is ter-rcaster general of the United jg„ . . . i -vrhere else, and that people who Mrs. Meyer Harrison, and Mrs. 'neither just nor humane nor other's poison, a couple of New Broadway actually buying; seeking tolerance should States army curing the Mexican. •! 5! r e his tickets and at the box office ". . ~. jagrant "it"'"' Mark Sabel. • merciful, that people, like my York stationery stores are sell- Having failed to make a go of i Sioux Cityans war. people, like the Jewish people, ing suppressed copies of Vogue it with her first husband, a JewTT I agree with Dr. Rich that Jews Listed in Who's would have to strive and struggle containing Cecil Beaton's microTo Honor Choir ae the most tolerant of Who in Jewry and wander until it could regain sopic anti-Semitic slurs — throwoppressed minorities, I -at Dinner Dance and rebuild the Zion of its ful- J i n g j n magnifying lenses for the as her 1 ree that some Jews ought to he Nine Sioux Cityans are listed filment first in its heart, next in 75-cent sales price . . . Incident- second spouse In a recent j .ten into a corner . . . "See here The Board of Directors of its land. It would—like the Jew- ally, those slurs might never have Shaare Zion synagogue, and theamong the 10,140 noted Jews inpeople—have to go home. been discovered if Beaton hadn't Board of Directors of the syn-cluded in the 1938-39 edition of ish 1938, by Seven Arts gone around bragging about his pages from his- books for thej other race? You the eterr. agogue Ladies Auxiliary, will en- Who's Who in American Jewry, (Copyright, : • Feature Syndicate.) slick- trick And he hasn't newest Lewis novel LewLhn tertain the synagogue choir at a the third such compilation pubbeen able to get on any other must have forgotten that S m - > ' t i a ° f P r e J u d i c e E b o u I d b e t h e dinner dance, "Wednesday even- lished in New York City. Named in 'it are Barney Baron, magazine since his forced retire- clair's new opus has unanimous-| l a S t , t0 f e ^ " T i t a e n t on weaker ing,. February 23, in the social ment from Vogue . . . Many of ly been declared a flop • I J IoPfe0yPoleu- VJl ah emn particularly ashamed hall of the. synagogue. Mrs. merchant; Edward E. Baron and Edwin William Baron, lawyers; Singer, whose "Brothers' Ashk'en' a n y o f t h e' m ll ssheo euyl do uk i ec xk r ' " ' " " ' the leading German language Charles Morris and her orchestra dailies, including those that are azi" is breaking Yiddish theatre i will furnish'the music for danc- A. M. Davis, realty and insurance; A. L. Galinsky, merchant; • Sun Valley is to remain open not Nazi, refused to accept ads records, is completing a new nov- j the p a n t s ' M r " Shaboosdeckel. ing. Yet I cave reason to believe N. Grueskin, broker; Harry for guests all the year round ac- for the March of Time newsreel el called "Comrade Xachman" Mr. Morey Lipshutz, president E. that Jews generally feel for XeM. Levin, surgeon; Theodore N. cording to announcement made 'Inside Nazi Germany" o£ the congregation will act as Lewis, And rabbi; and Dena Wigod- there today. The unprecedented Fortune Magazine, which is own- (Copj-right 193S By Seven Arts -j = r o e s t n e compassion that is betoastmaster. Mrs. Joe Kutcher sky, social worker. popularity of the resort has leded by the same people who proFeature Syndicate) coming to people who themselves will greet the choir members in to a decision to keep the Challen- duced that newsreel, has lost its _ j have suffered the same oppresbehalf of the Auxiliary, and Rabger Inn, the new hotel completed advertising contract with the ' sion. True, I know the Stabbosbi Rabihowitz will greet • theAuxiliary Plans Buffington He-elected early this winter, open through- German government . . . But we deckels whose sin against.Xegroes guests in behalf of the synagodoes not consist merely of social gue. A member of the choir will Spring Event out the year. still claim that Nazi pressure is The Challenger Inn will accom- used to keep the film in circularespond. J . C . Buffington, Sr.T Chairman contempt; far worse is economi Among the guests will be Can- Plans for one ot/ the early modate spring ski enthusiasts tion the Board, was re-elected a j exploitation of Negroes. . And in this we have the •of D r e c t o r o£ b o tor and Mrs. A. Pliskln. Mr. and spring events, were started at a and the fishermen and hunters -support - ^ v - . . of « t .Martin — .... ^..v.v.^., . ^ . j t Guarantee Mutual j But I know, too. the Roseni u Proctor, formMrs." M. Heshelow, and Mr. andmeeting of a committee of mem- who invade the Sawtooth wilder- er scenario department manager L l f e Corn P an J* at Omaha at tbe j walds and I know the Jewish bers of the Ladies Auxiliary of ness in the environs of Sun Val- of the great German film com- A n n u a l Policyholders' Meeting, I leadership in our town standing Mrs. H. Hi Buntley. Mrs. Ben Shindler is in charge Shaare Zion, held in 'he home of ley each summer and- autumn. pany UFA, who says, in the New Ih e l d a t t h e H o Q e Office Thurs- | for justice lor tbe Negro, and I "of the menu arrangements and the committee chairman, Mrs. York-Evening post, that most of f d a ym o r n i n S " j know of our more gorgeous ternMrs. A. B. Friedman will be in Ruebin Miller. Mrs. H. S. NovltJ. W. Hughes, President, in rej pie being loaned to Xegroes for Return to Work the March of Time film is "footsky is co-chairman of the dance, charge of the dining room. age from official German news- viewing the Company's progress I meetings, and I know that homewhich is scheduled for March 12. the past year, called at- j less Xegroes were sheltered First plans were made at the One hundred and sixty-nine fce'.y . . . Union hosiery workers during tention to the gain ia Insurance || the temple's basement- during tbe mechanics returned to work at AUXILIARY HOLDS who -are fighting the boycott of g p meeting ^Tuesday, and the meetthe Union Pacific Omaha shops Japanese silk say that much of in Force, and the substantial in- ; depression. "We have becomingl Ing was followed by a dessert OPEN MEETING coffee.. The dance will be held Monday,-morning, February 14, the lisle hosiery being suggested crease in A Assets. jj .behaved. k Professor Quiz program, with- In the Martin. Hotel Ball room. on resumption of the road's ?9,- as a substitute is Nazi-made . . . L. E. Gillespie, Treasurer, re- j I know myself. If the girl who Mr. Joe Levin acting as the pro- Mrs. Meyer Shubb is chairman! 000,000 car building program. Cuba may be the nest locale of viewed the Company's thirty" ' ' ; works for 11s in our homes were I fessor, was the feature of an of the ticket sales, and will be w h l c h . w a s , temporarily suspend- an outburst of anti-Jewish agita- sixth Annual Financial State-j white I might get ferocious vrlih j open meeting for the congrega- assisted by Mrs. A. M. Grueskin. Ie d thlTty d a y s aaS Tier when she is late with my *i S°Workw was tion . . . Dr. Hans Daxlanden, a ment. ° Work y A . Grueskin. Ia I s r e s u tion of Shaare Zion synagogue breakfast . . . "Irene, is this the Grand I s I a n d New York Nazi agent, has been I aIso resume(i a t and the Indies Auxiliary, Mon- Kaplan, . Frank Margolin, Mrs. A. W. I Monday, where 115 employes making secret trips to Havana way to treat me, your master?" Mrs. Henry Sherman, day evening. Prizes were award- Mrs. Maurice Lasensky, Mrs. I were . . . Thus ferociously I Blight M n d put back h to work, and at for the last few months to stir GERMANY, FRANCE ed to Robert Sacks, Mrs. Meyer Philip Sherman, Mrs. Ike Levin, Portland, Oregon, with • 125 em- up anti-Jewish feeling . . . New speak to her if she were white CLASH OVER Sh'u'bb and Barney Baron. The Mrs. s. H. Shulkin, and Mrs. S. J. ployes. . . . "For shame, Irene! Having York's chief magistrate has a program also included a group of Slotsky,; Mrs. Joe Kutcher and no breakfast ready." sense of humor ... . He's assigned EXHIBIT songs by Dorothy "Dikel, -with Mrs. B"t since she, is colored, I srr Lofence Silverberg. , Myles Paige, Negro Catholic magJack Benny First Bertha 'HesheloV playing the piParis (WNS) — A diplomatic nothing at all. Oh, I think, it's istrate, to hear cases in Yorkville ano accompaniments. "Buck" Benny rides again! — on the squabbles involving Nazis battle is raging between Germany ] e v e n harder to be a Negro than Mrs. Joe Kutcher presided at Synagogue Names into the hearts of the American . , Germany has confiscated Arn- and France over the former's de-1a j e w and why should I say an-a brief business meeting and. Mrs. Rabbi Bolotnikov public. Jell-O's No. 1 salesman old Bernstein's shipping lines, mand that the French govern-; thins to increase her pain? 1 I Maurice Lasensky presided at >ar" With « has been acclaimed for the fifth but the Bernstein ships arriving ment order the immediate closing | fhe trouble with me is tha - I ' the program. The next meeting of an anti-Nazi exhibit in Paris ; i none of the Aryan os. yea never i a v e in New York still fly the BernA three year contract to conconsecutive yeav America's favwill lje held jointly with the Hefeaturing "five years' of the Hit-: bntes; otherwise my W o cox:',C tinue his services to the orthodox stein house flag . . . orite kilocycle jester in a nationbrew Mothers Association. lor terror. •E e t a great deal of satisfaction Jewry of Sioux City was accepted wide popularity poll conducted by The French foreign office has j f r o m h a T in 5 i r e n e , a member o by Rabbi Sol Bolotnikov, at a Alton Cook ot the Mew York FOKEIGX AFFAIRS Shaare Zion meeting Sunday evening in theWorld-Telegram among Scripps- . . ; something called a Toscanln- ordered the exhibit's sponsors to \ a weaker race, m our house. I ( remove the "most troublesome" j myself to feel superJewish Community Center. More IToward radio editors. eum is being planned In Palestine exhibits, but. Germany is insisting j cj o n l d c a u g ie l y ordering her b Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz -will than 200 people attendee the o r b y sten j "The Jell-O program was also on a tract of land presented to speak this evening at Shaare Zion meeting, at which Frank J. Mar-' i h ; an,j be shut accorded two other awards of Toscanini . . . Now that Madagas- that tho whole exposition synagogue on "What Became of golin. presided. "in the interests of Franco-GergeneraUvlVickir = merit," says Ray Schuiitz, Genis In the news again as a. posthe Still Small Voice." Cantor A program of music and ad-eral Foods associate merchandis- car Instead I consider that she ccd man relations." sible place of Jewish refuge Pliskln- and the synagogue# choir dresses, was followed by the I are practically in the same )--oat, ing manager. "Kenny Baker, tim- some one ought to remind the will chant the service. • serving of refreshments. id tenor of tbe air, was voted sponsors of the plan that Madagthis is to say, if. I were a German Sentenced for Sclf-Defense At the Junior Congregation second most popular male singer. Jew or a Rumanian or Polish we ascar was first suggested for this Slaying service tomorrow morning, Mrs. would certainly be in the same Suggests Newfoundland as Don Wilson, that rotund harker purpose by none other than JulLeah Baron will distribute reof 'six delicious flavors, long Warsaw , (JTA) A court boat. When I am making cockfreshments to the children in Haven ius Streicher The priceless famous for his off-stage guffaws, sentenced to six years in prison tails I offer Irene a drink. jieso? of the recovery oj her library of Judaica owned by the Ottawa (WNS) — Newfound-v headed a long list ot announcers late Baron GInzburg, which was a Jewish restaurateur, Josef Nor- I say, a drink will help Irene for- |* grandaughter, Beverly Baron. land might be made a haven for as the most popular." packed and ready for shipment man, for the self-defense slaying get ffor. about a half hour) all j persecuted Jews from Europe, to the library of the Jewish Thoo-1 of a Polish laborer which last the pain of being bind:. Irene ! —"The White Spot ' JUNIOR MABASSAH Kaunas (JTA)—President An- logical Seminary of America on j September, led to serious anti- j must, share amnesia with the Ottawa Citizen suggests in Members-of the Board of Di- an editorial. The paper also pro- tona Smetoua, addressing a gov- the evo of the Russian revolution, Sep 0/ The E Aot that Irene ever mentions the 1 rectors of Junior Hadassah were poses- settlement of Jews in ernment party congress, attacked is now part of the new I,onin Li- Semitic excesses in the town of oppressions she suffers: in. that j hostesses this week at home par- sparsely settled areas of Canada Poland for persecuting minorities brary to be opened shortly in Bielska, near Cracow. ©B. ItJ. respect she is not like Jews TVJIO ' ties for the general membership. as a whole. and declared Lithuania would Moscow.. . . Diminished orders Oltisseppe Finzi was entrusted j are always talking of their pstns, • Proceeds of the parties will go never become anti-Semitic or tol-from America and a growing in- with the funds of Garibaldi's ex- ; Irene takes her pain RS she might toward the Hadassah, projects. erate anti-Semitism. Patronize Our Advertisers tdiff erence to Orthodoxy among wi a long, lingering rheumatism; .in pedition to Sicily. j j


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