February 25, 1938

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In tl Inf: Je

VieTro .expressed by wi3 LcvAsolm in his.column are Cjia ottn anfl <2o sot- necessarily reflect the- policies or : attitude! of' oar ^-publication."- Eeprodsic-1 tfoh in vrfaolo cr i a part strictly : forbidden,'• •

Entered a s Secona Class Idall flatter on January 33, 1921. a t ^yosteffiee of V " 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Pgder the Act of March 3. 1S*3



XESSON IN HISTOBT A gentleman accused me the

U of the **«*c?eple



other night of talking like a Nazi. A Jewish Nazi, :pt course. . The quaint thing i s .that In his accusation there was an >, element of truth. And the quaintest thing of all is, as of course my gentleman never suspected; that this element' of truth 13 the universal element J"which binds the 'Jewish 'national:..rebirth to the age-and the/spirifof the age. ' ".-..•

Jlonteviaeo, Uru£-'r The Young- Men's Vaad win re- i — Dr. Joseph IZct <.; sume Father and- Son services | of the eye, ear, EC:J .roat starting:-Sunday, February 27, j clinics of the Ensaoi - « Jewpromptly at S o'clock at the ConOmaHasas SeeMng1 to EXPECT 25MO TO ish' Hospital, has arrived' In,Mon- Veiled Hint cf 17 u s e r e s gregation - B'nai Israel, isth too Claasrs Contained in Desial Chicago streets. tevideo as one of the tvro offic. Avenge Earlier ; QUIT REICH • ial delegates of tha larynEologica'l cf Arti-Sesaitisra Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein Trill : ••; • D e f e a t section of tha Argrentiae Medicsl explain the true meaning or Synmi$3B •-"'•" rt'—v Assocition to the South AmeriRome (WNS) — A veiled hint agogue traditions ct each week"-1 In the hopes of: avenging a decan Medical Congress,--which is that Italy is considering a proserriee. All fathers and sons ETC T *•-?•--* » • Berlin (JTA) — It is hoped feat suffered in 4 Kansas City on v meeting "here. Er. Jlotusevitch is | gram of nuraerus clausus lor invited to attend these service. * *" fil*-y that 25,000 German Jews — 2,Histor^ in.- the modern sense January 13, the Varsity basket- 000 more than last year — will professor of medicine at La Plata i Jews in all spheres of activity ball team of the , local Jewish University and president of Heb- was conveyed by Premier J.Ius•was not discovered, -was not felt, rr r Community Center will meet the be able to emigrate during 1938. raica, tbe biggest Jewish youth solini's government through a 'nnr f n i r r ' until- the early nineteenth cenIf preliminary plans can be adThe Furim Carnival to be g?v- \ Varsity squad of the Kansas City . «*aaf Out Ot, «, . t V * . ' Ife- 1 * « t : tl\p CoiiPUiiUion, w statement appearing in the infortury. ' - The discovery: of history hered to, about 5,000 of this organization in the Argentine. en t j - tbe Round TcWe OL Jev-ish ' T..M; H. A. in a return engageservp.n-^e Por-tr>o?->H: from 1SB( aazione Diplomatics, official or" by the romantic poeta and philosyear's emigres will find new f ; ^ > ' , ' t i \ t i ' •: Youth has been definite'.;.' seheor ment this Sunday afternoon at 4 becs.r-.sr- oC the. In f 7 - * 7 n p j n r-**} gan of the foreign ministry, : ophers led '• to an appreciation of homes in Palestine. Of the reed tor Sunday, March TT. at tober o'clock. which oa'the one hand denied re- i the older, literatures of each-peomaining; 20,000 about half will < *-theJewish ConnEimUr Ceiufi". A dance honoring members of go to the United States. ' fire? c' ports of contemplated anti-Jewple -which until thea nad been \ This affair is one in t h e series ish restriction and on the other considered barbaric, -unmodern, the Kansas City basketball squad least one-third of the Jews ' * * beinr pxvo. tl-.ror.j.-hoi:t v.h? per. •will be held In the Center audi- nowAt emigrating C r n i T TiTonriar tiigh.t warned that the government inl Di dead.. Under the influence of this from Germany son by the Kour.fi T&I'ile. torium Sunday evening at 9 tends to "see to it that the part same movement i t ceased t o .be need financial assistance of one o'clock. Music for the dancing kind or another. P'ayed by the Jews in the life of fashionable'to speak Prencb; -all bi t-s will be furnished by the Irvingthe nation as a whole is not disth"e mother tongues of all the peoRhodea thirteen piece, svring orproportionate to the merits of the ples, especially of all the small chestra.' single In-iividiial and the numerand at that, time oppressed peoDr. Gresalser^ Issues Gall fcr "Bf-h Et ?rn£.£r^i.e v , , l i s r The Omaha team was beaten ical importance of their commun•i F r ples, became suddenly precious for Chicago ts g-.p-t rpcaLe--, r~>lz: r.cri ' by a score of 27 to 24 when the ity." In what is generally interv and "dear to those peoples and Conclave two teams first met. Kansas City preted as the first official recog- r . a t h . Dnv.J A^cn-rr o" ~e> r symbolical of those people's bevarsity teams have never been nition of the existence cj a ing and aspirations. '."'.'•A •meeting of the general com- ) ish problem ia Italy, the fc defeated by an Omaha squad but • The.- Hungarian Parliament mittee of District 5, B'nai B'fith | ministry's mouthpiece, which '^:s I this season's O.maha team has an ceased-,speaking Latin/and spoke excellent chance of turning the has been called by Dr. A. Green. . . , i beherea to voice tbe opinions cl Magyar ;<tha Czechs ceased speak- tables on the K. ,C. boys, accordbcrg of Omaha A D DUCe htoseIf l.rrrzLife in Provinces Ee- March 26 and *7 lta ing. German and spoke -Czechish ing, to Phil Gerelick, coach of the S o U « s ° ° ^ . t o allay n u sca *' - <=°- " H Jewish fears arising from the turnin^ to and. were so eager to have a past local aggregation. The Kansas this meeting important commitantI-Jev.'ish agitation in certa.Ti that they -were fooled by forged City hoopstere are coached by Iz Honnal tee reports will be subtnitted Italian papers, and also proposed documents ol an early literature. Vile. dealing with the activities of the • .-' • dealing with the international Bucharest <WNS) — Pursuing Walter Scott and his novels; espeA number of Kansas Cityans a policy of "Christianizing" the district. . Jewish problem titrotigh. the crescially his novels of Scotland, of are coming to Omaha to make up Announcement has also .been tion of "a Jewish state somewhere the poetry of his' people's .history, a rooting section at the game anti-Jewish decrees of the former made that Sam Beber of Oiaafas, outside Palestine. | &oga regime through revolung were read and .loved from one and to attend^ the dance In the ^r 1 c f i 1 F v , . 'i->€ J some and modifying others, the as-president, of the Supreme Ad- -The test of tha statement, 1 end of Europe, to. another. Minor evening. Rumanian government announc- visory Council of the A. Z. A. which created considerable im-, "Walter: Scotts/ •; like Wilhelm serve on the committee of . G_a _s i n_e s. s , i_a 'Jewish, circle, reads. Both teams are composed of ed the restoration of railway Hauff arose in every - land. - The outstanding playersand a fast, tBe passes to Jewish, journalists and n e w l y - e s t a b l i s h e d B'nai Ia s r o l i o w s . peoples were becoming: conscious hard fought game is promised by the' subsidies to Jewish religious j B'rith vocational service bureau j . . R e c e n t ' journalistic polemic* ' rJ of themselves and of their char- Lee Grossman, Center athletic diinstitutions, which had been, can-| of which Dr. Lee J. Leviager was jm i g h t h a v e E r o u s e !i in certain acters. Folk songs wiefre - gathered rector. celled by tbe previous • govern- j named director. Also serving oa ic i r c l e s t h e i m p r e s s i o n t h a t t,-n= and recorded; historic documents A. Z. A. 1 will meet A. Z. A.ment. .. -. . {the -committee will be Dr.-Abra- FF aa ss ee ii ss tt Government Governmeat tras was about about to to were reprinted; "in libraries; and ,100 at a three o'clock preliminf. -1 - F ( • request by Theodore Fischer, •her, ! i a n . L. Sachar, director of the , i n a u g u r a t e a a a2t i-Semitie polic . private archives a-thousand schol- ary: game. This is the third of a leader of the Jewish Party,-, to' Hillel Foundations,, and Richqrd j ReEpoSEible circles i n E o m e a r c ars' sought tae sources' - ol .each series-of'games between the two modify the-, program of revising; GutMadt, execuUve director of | i n a pQsitioix t 0 declare that tirr people's jbelnsf Great. epics: were local chapters and'the teams will the citizenship of Jews was prom-i the B'nai B'rith anti-fiefaiaation j i p errora r e £ S 2 O n -s coinpletelv made •. symbolic of. .nationality — be fighting-hard to, gain the ised sympathetic consideration by league. j eous, and t i e polemics are the Finnish,Kalevala, the German championship in their annual inPremier Christea at an audience i The Seventieth annual coavea- j siderefi as aroused by the fart Nibelungenlied.: The' •.'," thing V had ter-chapter competition. granted to the Jewish spotesman. tion of the District Grand Lodge, that the currents of international n started in' England-,even earlier, Admission to both the games It.is also undestood that icstruc-j No: 6, will be held this year ia anti-Fascism are regularly £<r with the. rediscovery of the *beau- and. the dance is one dollar per tion to police prefects to prohibit Duluth Minnesota, at the- Hotel; rected by Jewish'"elemects". Kes ty.of the; old .ballads and the. pub- couple. Tickets are being isold by the printing and circulation of Dul-uth, beginning with July Z \ ponsible Rome circles centeri U'tj^^ofi'^y'er/R'eJiop^.fll members of the Center, athletic manifestoes will be interpreted and continuing through July ' S. : that the uraTersal Jewish prothe cfeamittee'Saad '"at'.' the Center as-forbidding anti-Jewish ".lf.afiBt'3.1 I t J 3 . expected tiiat_at.i]iis Cqsrcn-.-ieia can.be selves-only off ice." AdsnisslMi to the basket- aad-caricatures." •"" At' the" 'same | ti.bn^ -the Northwest lodges 'and; through the creation of a Jewish1 E r were; seeii; to be .deeply.'integrate ball games;; la: :•twenty-five. cents time, howeTer, the ministry, .of ; those of the • Canadian provinces j state in some ps-rt cf the. world— i :.. r * i' 1 per] perso'n.;'-. > -.;.-. 1 . the-interior suspended all' He- will be strongly represented. not Palestine. The state raiist ^e ed* ..with; the;characters of the brew and Yiddish publications. Beginning May 7 the triennial stick that in the -whole sense c! peoples; and^thelr egression; and The Tara Noastra, organ of the conventoa of the Sepreme Lodge ! the word it would be capable cT --:r.?^' c. r~- — ' ^T CCC-P-^Ethe : Slovaks.;> talked -\ Slovak- and Palestinian" Youth short-lived Cuza-Goga cabinet, is will.be held at the Hotel Tv'illard r e p r e s e n t i n g and proteclis." the Slovenes' Slovene / and' the ' Leadervtb Speak now appearing as a weekly ; in- and trill last through. May 12. At j through normal diplomatic a r i inCraatlans'Croatiari."and .the- Flemstead Of a daily. The other prin- j this gathering, which, will repre- j consular channels for all Jewish - k ^ ings Flemish and .there -was a recipal anti-Semitic paper, Porun- sent B'nai B'rith organisations j masses scattered in various conn- "* vival, of. Prbr,en£ai. and:a-*evi.v.al• o^ the" Langue d ^ hunBen Zion Appelbaum, Palestin- ca Vremi, however, warned* the throughout the world, the prob- j tries of the world. „ dred loit literatures'-werei-dug up ian leader/will bring a message Jews that no matter what efforts i i e E l s confronting Jewry in Ger-j "Because there are Jews also _ and,. last, buV.iot.least, the Gae-from, the youth of •Palestine^ to they make " t o prevent t h e gov-1 many, Roumania, a n d Poland as i in Italy, it does not- necessarilr -"-V - 2 - T ? purging t h e i b l i J ^ r i ' ' i * lic revival' started" in Ireland and th*e youth = g| = Qnig.ha. nn JTllPHrlajr. ernment-from OT: lnvaamg lepers who plunder special consideration. In afidi- j lem has to exist. In other corn- f~ ? m • people:, went To. tne West:X!oast M a r c h 1 . • •'; ' • . - . ' • our national wealth and use its ;o and to t-heArran.Islands to learn At 4.p. m. he-will address boys profits to undermine the nation- tion important committee reports j tries there are million of Jevs; the. Gaelic again;and the Tebirth and girls of from 11 to 14 years alist Btate, they will not succeed dealing with every phase of B'nai ; ia Italy, however, ia a population of'Gaelic "was/.-p/art" of .the libera- of age and at 1:30 he will speak in stopping the purification which B'rith will be discussed and fief-j of nearly 44,000,000 the number tion.of'.Ireland and the coming "of to young people of from 15 to has already started." Neverthe- inite action taken, including the j of Jews ranges between fifty a r i i work of the Hillel foundation, | sixty thousand. The Fascist the Irish- Free .State. Doubtless 21 years of age.. • less, Jewish leaders are drafting Z. AM and the;anti-defama-S Government never thought, nor Cornish would have b.een'Teyived . Mr. Appelbaum ia; here In thea memorandum to King appeal-: the Ai league.! Consideration of the f is it thinking, of adopting politihad -there been any one left_who interest of; the • Zionist Pioneer ing to him to repeal all of the t i 0 I 1 expansion of this work will be up cal, economic or moral measures could JJpeak It. "But "Welsh cul- Touth Habonim. .He .is a gradu- anti-Jewish decrees. for discussion. directed against Jews as such, extural, nationalism grew -in ate of Columbia University, and Reports frod the provinces incept, of course in the case of elestrength" and 'not. oily wer"e the the School of Technology at dicate that Jewish life is return- j j . • n ments hostile to the regime. Th° TSistedfodds, the great folk-poetry Haifa, Palestine. ing to normal because of the J r l a n S : Fascist Government, furthermore Four year3 ago- Mr. Appel- stringent measures invoked by the festivals, more magnificent than is resolutely opposed to anj- difor' B'nai BVith th_ey"' had.-' been for centuries, but baum's. father,' Dr. Israel Appel- authorities to maintain order and rect or indirect pressure to pro- .: s i ; . : the = r i . r : . i a modern literature of poetry and baum, spoke to an Omaha audi- to prevent Iron Guardists and Dance, Reception!1 mote religions conversions or ar- n.£^b"i? cf i t " "oral A. T ; fiction •: and criticism : was and, is ence. Cuzists from attacking Jews. The " . , . . , tificial assimilation. The law reg- cr^ptcr? v i 1 Lt*": c r" being created in, the "Welsh ban on %hechita has been lifted A dance and .reception will be i u l a t i n g a l , d c o n t r o Uin,s the life rf g t csts cf ' r e lo^'-c. language'. •'-' CANTOR.EDGAR WILL. •"in many towns. Jewish shops are given in honor of Dr. and Mrs. It h e J e w i s } l comEmniUes h a s be€r. Me

Here on Tuesday

I could go" on multiplying examples from Sicily -to Brittany and 'from" Bengal to Iceland. It is not necessary, is'it?" -The little lesson, the little-moral-i3 already clear:, cultural rebirth, as an instrument of the political liberation of small nationalities is the rule, not the exception,. In this entire historic period. It Is ' t h e pseudo^uniyersalists • who are thereactionaries, who -belong to a) former period, and . have not yet


again remaining closed on Satur- j A. Greenberg and the Dr. Green-i T . e ] 1


E n g w j]i


day without suffering any penal-i bsrg membership class oa of the The FasejSt tl lIod £B i B>ith S u lo-. n tered tles "" IIc a l I o d S e o £ B ' n'a i B > r i t h o a S u n -11nevertheless, reserves the rigfct

Those who enjoyed the concert j day. aiarch S, at 9 o'clock at the ;t 0 V v . a t c h 0 T e r t b s E C i . i T i t i e s c f given last year by Cantor Aaron !J>axton hotel. Dr. Greenberg is | J e w g ^ h o h a r e r e c e a t l v COE1O Edgar will have' the opportunity president of the Grand Lodge. j i n t 0 I t a l y ( E a e a l l i n g German Jewto hear him again, when his secMusic for dancing will be f o r - j i s h r e f u g e e s a n f i J e w i s h s t u d e n . s c f ond annual. concert Is given on nished by Freddie Ebeaer's or- f r o m E a s t e r n Europe) and to ed s r r r :"£.-£••: l r " r - ' " . r~- ' " ' ' ' •"""' ' April 2 0 a t the Central High . . cbestra. There will be card tables ?m a t e e e r t a i a t h a t t h e p a r t J e w School auditorium.. ;,..'. Sundav morninir at 10 toT t h o S e n O t d e s i r i n B t o d a a c e - j play in the entire life of the caMre, Dave Stein, chairman, and - . -• bunaay morning at^ ^ " | Special guests of the cance will 1= " . . . ^ V n i» t M i , -,„. b e *,-- KIAS-ICA. " - . = EL en . -~oc - •' Mrs.. Keuben. Bordy. co-chairman, o'clock Rabbi Frederick Cohn > be m e m b e r s - o f t h e t.c*". ^ • » " r i announce • that tickets thi3 year will address the Adults' Class of •j Sioux C i t y , Lincoln.ioages^ Ot proportionate to the merits cf the single individual and thr will be seventy-five, and fifty the Unitarian Church. Bluffs, as "well as mastered the lesson" of the his-cents and will go on. -Eale .this numerical importance of the. Ee will speak on "The Tenbraska lodges. toric trend. Zionism, both cultural coming week. i community." Commandments." Admission to the affair is by j


and political, /, far irom being I invitation only. There will be no j *« t | f T« T« heresy or, Innovation lis integral charge. All members of the lodge! i CliX G f . l t a . i i a . I l part of the constant and universal! have been invited. pattern of. modern, 'story."'.'Zion- \ Colony as Site isni binds the Jewish people to LOUISIANA STOPS of Jewish State humanity. If in this age the Jewish people had not been ImKorne (WXS) — Txipoli'Enia, pelled out- of an even fiercer arid j s section in the northwestern cormore tragic need to .do what | ner of -Libya, Italian colony sr Czech and Fleming, what Gael Without benefit of royal com- by bandsarmed with good, eubNorth Africa, and Ethiopia sre ; New Orleans CVVKS) — Afterand Serb were doing—then, in- missions or even the sanction' of stantial sponges. * classes in Italian and being considered in oClicial Italdeed, the Jewish people might | the League of Nations mandate . All this xmprecedented activity j school JY^.JJ have beea conduct-j.ian quarters as sites lor the 3evhave been thought of as; no peo- committee, the front office of the is merely part of the gradual ed in high school class rooms by pish state outside of Palestine -r.-ple a t all but.freak or ghost or Jewish ^Community Center has program of redecoratioa of the empty' simulacrum of what once succumbed to the partition plan. Center building which started 2 Italian and. Preach Fascists will! possd by. IssfonnaEioiis Dipioaja be reorganized and Fascist -diree-j ^ca., foreign, ministry organ, as r I Motivated by the same desire for yearago last Slimmer. The.aud- tioa eliminated, the Louisiana | solution for the ewisi problen. Now you see what my gentle- j peace and the promotion-of gen- itorium was the first section to , Board- of Education announced ! **• 5s reported ihzl man meant when he accused me •; eral welfare, the powers thst be undergo a face-lifting operation a f i e r a n investigation'had'-estsb-Uoundfeg bat Poland, of talking like a Nazi. Only he decreed the partition' of the of- and blossomed out for the tenth lished that the classes were being f'aad Gernasy coscerning t i e pro.didn't know he meant it. And thefice into separate quarters. anniversary eelebratioii of 1937 used to disseminate' Fas-cist prop- 1 posed Jewish state zrA s a y ci trouble is, of. course, that so with new paint and accessories. aganda. ! operate with them. H is said t t r t "" : many -.people.: do not know;, what "Accomplished with . consider- "Work on the lodge room" was fin- The-investigation resulted from ! i* Tripolitaiia is selected Ital1 they mean, that they do not know able more noise than the expect- ished on "Valentine's day. s. protest isade by the Kew Or- j would set up a Je^riEb slate there rthe meaning of their own niean- ed partition of Palestine will leans" Jewish; community-, under t ^cSer. Italian j-Dtectlsn. Ther^ ings. I was speaking harmlessly take, the process which- has been . Correction the leadership of Rabbi Einii Lei-j a r e ! sow some 25,000 Jews i- ; ,. enpugh—for the conversation j going on for approximately a pzlger of Tottro Syuasostie. The j Trjpclitania. -" toolc place in Gefnxan-^-of Judische week, neara-completion. ; • . •'. In the .list 'of... officers of the Board of Education now intends j Elgenart, of -our Jewish- national Likewise other, familiar scenes over the classes, aad make] ,-*t °2« lime ths Paris po;k or ' (if you" prefer.) .culture^his- of ten1 years are being 'changed.' JIutual Loan. Association the to'take them part "of the school systesi.} used to search t t s i r s s at fir- torical character. And my gentle- The accumulated ' grime of the names of Sam Btein, secretary, Fascist textbooks'previously used j o'clock is , t i e is-ornrns *2 crclemanBhiedlike a frightened horse. past decade is being -removed j and Hymie Zorinsky, treasurer, will be replaced and other teach-j to,' espe! tutaesirable Jewish so- I"(Continued on page S.) s from the office and lobby ceilings] were omitted. 1 ers -will.be eagaged. journcrs.

P Effect at







t h t


Page 2

- By William Ziakermara English Zionists and the greatest Haman. • In America in shows that in spite nf the outBoard" of ' Deputies of British particular whero tho old tradition burst of Revisionist irredenta Jews have cheated c stir in tho- ,of, the Yankees and, the,..newer' feeling .in connection ^with the y Jewish .-world. •• by * -T>fopic)siii^ tr.a'Sition'pf the'Irish to twist the partition of Palestine, saner couni' that Palestine bo made a Jew- tail of Jthe English lion still pre- sels and emotions still prevail in ••? ish dominion within tho Brit» , vailed, the custom of the Zionist the Zionist movement. . ish Empire. The idea is not orators to thunder against 'Brit- (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts • new , bnt its present lnjplica- ish Imperialism' and. the 'perfiFeature Syndicate.) .'tiong aro. far-reaching. Mr. dious British, diplomacy of divide : Zukertnan -tello why .in this ' and conquer'- became the "most ARYANS GERMANS trenchant analysis.;. . -.*'-. i fashionable thing.; >.. —~1ht3 Editor.'—! PICKET NAZI This was naturally, bound, to .. The proposal of'the' English have an effect on the British govZionist Federation, endorsed by ernment and even on the people. RALLY the Board of Jewish Deputies, for The endlflss cries of .'betrayal,' the the creation of a Jewish Domi.n- frequent anti-British demonstra- • Detroit (WNS) . — Several ;ion in Palestine as'part of "the tions and meetings of protest in hundred Aryan Germans who opBritish Empire is an Indication ol Warsaw, Lodz and New York, the pose Nazism/staged a , public a highly important change in the outbursts at Zionist Conferences counter-demonstration here outJSIontst movement. One may call and Congresses gradually tended side of Swiss Hall where Detroit were celebrating the- fifth it,almost a landmark in.the his- to undermine the somewhat ro- Nazis tory of post-war Zionism and as mantic sympathy for the Jews anniversary' of the Nazi regime. While the Nazis were parading such it is worthy of the closest which, had existed in England. In inside and saluting the' swastika, attention on the part of'the en- official circles in Palestine this the anti-Nazi Germans marched tire Jewish world. ' . '. took {he form of a certain frigid- in front of the building carrying • Let tner© be no snista&e, about ity andYalocrfness of which \thh anti-Nazi signs in' German. the proposal itself. -Tho question English,- are;-- past- masters and of a Jewish Dominion is at the which was of course immediately present neither real nor signifi- denounced • ,as " anti-Semitism. " cant Anyone who knows a'nyr -What is . more,, thfis unpleasant thing about the internal politic^ feeling, £wh>ther anti-Semitism or of British Jewry and about the' not,- hasf spread from Palestine ; to -. fierce struggle which has been official and even, unofficial Longoing on behind the scenes be- don. There'. Is "now a certain tween the Zionists and^the non-. amount of antipathy to the Jews This is the week! Zionists since the Peel report, in England which .can certainly Sunday, at- the Jewish Combe traced to • Palestinian sources. knows *that the represent resolumunity Center, our athletic detion oi the Jewish Deputies has And there is .of course, not. the partment proudly presents one of slightest, doubt in the minds of little to do with the merits and, the most festive days In the hisdemerits of the plan for a Jew- those who know the English, that tory of the J. C. C. ."',--• '• ish Dominion. It is no secret— one of the reasons for the Peel A basketball game with the proposal for the partition of Palsince the London Jewish Chronr great Kansas City team at 4 p. icle has shouted it from the house estine is that official English is m. is the highlight. tired not, only of! Arab, riots and top3 (with a wisdom which ^'one terro'r,: but also of Jewish carp- . A dance, starting at 9 p. m. in ventures to doubt)—that the pro- ing the auditorium, will be "our tokcriticism. posal of a Jewish Dominion has en of esteem towards our visitors been made not because - the BritThe* Peel report made this am- as well as towards our own fine iah. Jews have really become con- ply clear. To the world at large boys. ,' verted to the idea of a. Jewish that Eeport was the confirmation 'i There you have the keynotes Palestine as part of the Bri'-ish of ths existence of a painful and highlights of Sunday's big Empire, but because English Arab-Jewish problem. But the athletic program at the Center. Zionists have found .the slogan, of truth of the matter is that the First a big game, then a dance. a Jewish Dominion a, convenient Peel Report established the exist- Everybody ought to be there. coyer behind which to hide the ence of another pfoblem, that of But those aren't all. Preceding Rarlous rift within British Jewry the'English and the Jews. There the big game, will be a contest Over the question: of a , Jewish is no denying the fact that Jewish between the two A. Z. A. Chap.State. • .: : . ;. , . . . / / relationship with the English/too, ters at 3 p. m. There's plenty of bitter rivalry here, as well as Lrolitlcally, the subject matter has been strained for the last plenty of crackerjack basketball. twenty years and there.Is now no qf : ths resolution may therefore Then, there will be a dinner, for - be considered of doubtful signifi- less need for a better under- players, only,.following the main cance. Neither the Jews nor the standing -with the English than p m e . • • . • :• . ..••:.'• \ English aroVat tha vjreseiit mo- witfi the-Arabs. •Well, that's the program,, but ment ready for-a serious considTo the credit of the majority the picture. . " ; eration of the question. .But. there of Zionists it must be said that it'sTonot that, we have to go back is another, a- psychological aspect; they.quickly read the writing on aboutget sis" weeks to a bleak Janof the problem which is of great the: wall and understood the psy- uary day in Kansas .City when significance: The. fact .that an ex- chological' meaning of the Peel our Varsity boys played their tremely important section -of the Report as well as the political. hearts out and lost to this same "World Zionist movement should Events in Europe for the last two team that will be here Sunday. at'tho present critical juncture in years have also helped consider- The score was 27 to 24 and it's Zionist affairs put forward a pro- ably to make them see the light. a bitter pill to swallow; to come posal for a Jewish dominion aa With' Europe rapidly dividing in- so far, to play so hard, to come part of tne "British Empire, even to democratic and fascist camps, so close —-yet to lose. if only as a tactical move, marks can there beany doubt -where Jhe Well, that does .things to young almost a revolution in the atti- Jews belong? Is this ths tim o to men who have ambitions. They're tude of the average "Zionist, Ang- antagonize -one of the few- and good" sports and they know how lian or otherwise, towards, the greatest , democratic countries to lose, but they still love to win. Ma&datory Power and. indicates'a where Jews still enjoy liberty and - So, Sunday when you see our change In. Zionist mentality . to- equal rights, even if they do have blue-shirted Varsity lads playing 1 "wards England which 1B bptn in- some, just claims against it in like BO many devils, you'll know Palestine? Is Palestine really why. This is their day, probably teresting and notable. -.Contrary: to the general ..belief all?. Are- there no other vital their last game together. Only a • in: the outside world, the Balf our problems :in' Jewry except those victory will satisfy. Declaration which was supposed of the National Home? The sobWe may have been a bit drato. create a new and great friend- ering process began and since the matic In the above, but that's the ship between the Jews and Eng- middle of 1937 there has been no- only way we can feel about this land, nas In .reality accomplished ticeable 'an Important change In- game with Kansas City. After! t t a reverse effect. Instead of the relationship of the Zionist all, what is such a contest except greatly improving relationships movement to England, and a gen- drama? between- t i e two' peoples, that uine effort -is being made to corWith spirits high and with all luckless document has tended to rect some of the earlier errors..: players ia excellent condition, poison them and to.- create fric- The hysterics about the .'Manda- Coach Phil Gerelick is looking tion where none existed before—• tory Power' have largely ceased;' for the Varaity's greatest exhibiLike most partnerships mechani- ths semi-annual outcries about tion of the year. To be sure, the ;• cally entered into, this oncf be- the schedule have not been heard, J. C...C. will be the underdog,-but tween the Zionists and the British1 and .that utterly stupid and al- It is only under those circumGovernment, .ttjo^ has :had tho et- most criminal slogan of British stances that our. boys have risen feet of obscuring; a .'traditional 'betrayal of the Jewish people' Is to their greatest heights. friendship and of nearly' wrecking no longer heard even from the VThe- regular, lineup will start , it. Rightly or wrongly, ZloniBts most sonorous Zionist orators. the game. There'll be the speedy almost from the very^ beginning This ^change dofea 'not,.[significant-* and dynamlc/Iz Bogdonoff at one of the Mandate, Have'taken the ly, emanate' from England. It- forward, with Marsh Geller, the view that Great Britain baB not started in Poland where Zionists left-handed dawler.at the other dealt fairly- with them in Pales- seem to be more sana.and realis- forward post. At Center will be tine, Almost before the' ink was tic than anywhere else; it has high-scoring Millard Sigal. At dry on the signatures^ of the Man- spread -to .other countries and It the guards will be those two poldafe, the' cry was raised in the' has even; reached America where ished and expert barricaders, Lou Zionist world - that England had Strong voices are. now heard in Weiner and Jimmy Burroughs. The Kansas City outfit will 'betrayed' the Jewish people. This support of the' new policy. • boast the same players who decry; grew from year to. year and The proposal for the establish- feated the Omahans in K. C. from schedule to schedule until It ment -at ia. Jewish. Dominion Is a Their greatest player Is probably assumed, thunderous'-^proportions.^ direct result of this new tenA1I: troubles 4In Palestine, whether they-, emanated from' Jewish1, Arab dency. No; jsuch proposal could or. English sources, were laid at have been made a fe*w years ago. the door of the Mandatory Power. Whether the-plan - of -a • JewishTho failure toTeach.'. an,, under- JDominion is itself advisable or standing with the Arabs, their hot, the fact of its proposal shows strikes, pogroms, and revolts, the a great and beneficial change in machinations of the Grand Mufti,, the Zionist. movement, it shows the admission of an inadequate 'that Zionists have no£ only awaknumber of Jewish, immigrants in- ened to a, truer understanding of to-Palestine, everything was the the situation in Palestine, but also that they have come to realize fault of the Mandatory Power. as they.,did In former years, that •This" 'Mandatory Power' -c'ame there are Jewish interests "also ; tq.^be the symbol of "all evil, the outside Palestine and that it is cause of all Jewish troubles and criminal.to sacrifice them even the object of the deepest Zionist for a National Home. It also hatred. It Is. doubtful whether Hitler and Stretcher have ever been denounced witlivso much : paapion as was ths. 'Mandatory. Power* by the average Zionist. -•"'., ' V/HOLESALS DISTHIBUTOHS And since the Zionist escrta "•Sehrafft'i Chocolatoo 0 F,W5O!, Coooto Roy Strong influence upon the Jew°- Canada D?y Gia&or AFo end KorvoaSoe Ci"oro 'ish. world, this world came .grad' : ' • ° Falotaff Bcor ually to look upon this 'Manda315 So. 23th SSP6dt A T 4202 tory. Powier' •- as - its-viatest" and

: -. . . -B/2. VENGE&&S0NS

Is Vila, who in addition to playing with his team, also coaches it. Vile is rated one of the best cagesters in the^ middle west. He handles the ball like it had handles on it. Other starters for K. C. will be Clurmani Leifer, Caviar, and Chlcinsky. The dance at night promises to be plenty hot. A 13-plece band, the Irving-Rhodes orchestra will furnish the swing. The prices are as follows: One dollar per couple for both games and the .dance; twenty-five cents per person for Just pames. If you go to Just the dance, well .that'll still cost one dollar per couple. . So if you want a full day of excitement and'fun and if you want to lend your support to a bunch of fighting young men, be at the Center Sunday. Handball activity is making the Center athletic department hum these days. First, our salutes to the newlyowned J. C. C singles champions; Sol "Eagle Eye" Yaffe in Class A and Nate "Scribe". Cutler in Class B., "Eagle Eye" was so hot he nearly scorched the plaster as he defeated Jack Ban, 21-11, 21-4 for his t#le. The "Scribe" had to come from behind to beat Pep Bogdonoff in a three-game match. In progress now is the city and midwestern A. A. U. tournament. Center players are intent upon making a good showing since it will give us permanent possession of a trophy. Our best bet in the doubles is the team of Morrie Bloom and Mlllard Sigal, a'new combination. In singles, Bob Wurgler or John Casey, both of the Y. M. C. A. are the favorites, but either or both of those players will have their hands full with out Mr. 'Eagle Eye."


Sigma Alpha Mu

"cpean lands and the resultant ; terrorist activities ky «>iae. Oovneed for greater Jewish imiuigm- i eminent employes, tioa facilities in P r i s t i n e vere Extraordinary ir.ep.sures '!planr stressed by the Psrliament£,r; npd to eiifitfl ap-iinst ;llega{ passpokesmen. There was no record sr,.Ei? between rsUe-sUne a n ^ the of what the Prime Minister snkt north include a plscpment of a n during the interview. Dr. Chairs. electrifies! barbec".-wire fence TTeiEraann, President of the Jew- across the frontier, Arabic newsish. Agency for rale-sline, has ar- pa-pere reported. These sources rived ia London s.nd plunged im- state that the Government, actniefiiste'?" in to the politics! tsslcr- 3n£ on tlip nt'v.irf of military enwkk'h brought him here from i pineers, has Elrpatfy given its apPslcEtine. ; pro'-ai to .the scheme. The deadly EXPECT VJOLICXCE \ wires v;-oiiirl cover a. length of Jerusalem (WNS-Palror A?:en- | seventy kilometers and would

Sigma Omicron chapter o£ Sigregular iseetiEg of the ma Alpha Mu was the third highest fraternity group in scholar- Vaad Auxiliary will be hel •oa ship throughout the nation, " ac- Tuesday, Karcti 1, at 2:15 p. is. cording to figures recently re- at the B'nai Israel synagogue, leased by the National Interfra- lgtn and' Chicago streets. Arternity Conference. Significant, rangements for the" Fi'rirn, Carnalso, is the fact that the first two ival to be held on "March IS, &t ranking chapters were also chap- the Jewish' Comrsunity Center, ters ot Sigma Alpha Mu', at Cin- will bs disscjssea. cinnati and Mississippi State. The guest 'speaker for the afThus SigEja Omicron chapter has ternoon vriil be Mrs. Ben Silver added new laurels to its already •whose topic •will be, "A Woman's lengthy list of scholastic achieve- Viewpoint c* Qceen Estfcer, Ocr cy) — Abdul Kscier remmzm, j rise ic a l^igiu oi thirty feet, the ments. Heroine." w h o was ET •ref tec. en Fe bruery reports ctste. A Purira tea will follow the 16th cvri E g attempt to nsDr. Michel S. Ginsberg of the ESSS; nate 8, E r i tish police inspecclassics,department of the uni- meeting. AH board members are tirgesi tor who was then entering Acre versity, -was guest of Sigma Oraito be oa tiszse for a en© o'clock prison tor the execution of Kuscron last week at its first culFfsiu. Abv.rp.b, VBS sentenced to tural hour of the new semester. board meeting:. Kome (JTA) — Dr. Dario Sadeath by the military court s.t Dr. Ginsberg gave a very enlighthetello, veil-known Jewish- art Haifa. ening talk on his travels abrosd BAS-A-ffl Arab newspapers reported thf.t critic F.ncl former director pf <the last summer. Next week the chapRome Art Gallery, was sentenced ter will hear a short talk by ProThe members "St the Bas-a-ira terrorist leaders had given orders to s. fine of 200 liras and 1,000 fessor Cleon O. Swayzee of the club met FeSr-usry 16 at the for an increase in violence ic the Firas: costs for boxing the ears Economics department of the home of Shirlej- Goldberg to dis- Jerus&ieia srea to coincide v-jth business administration college. cuss ways' and means t y wiicbi the departure of Kig'h CommiE- of the a r t critic of the anti-Sem• Leo Eisenstatt,. Omaha; Leo young- Jewish girls cf America sioncr Wauchope from his post itic paper, 31 Tevere. The incident occurred a t t h e Turkel, Lincolh; and Arthur can help the less 'fortunate JSTE and ths errivEJ of his successor. Sir Karold KacMichael. A special opening of an exhibition, in the Hill, Lincoln were members of g-azette published by the Govern- preRcrrp of the higher official the four man debate team from, o£ Palestine. Era Konecky vas guest of the ment today empowers the High representatives o£ the Italian arthe university that debated the University of South. Dakota "be- club and spoke.on. current events. to dismiss any of- tistic f.rt v o n i i . After the speech An article Tas read 03 Pales- ficial or to confiscate his salary if j °f >ke presidents of various Italfore interested (spectators from Omaha Central High school, and tine and the article 'ws.s Cis- it is fuond that &r.y act on his j ian F.rt pocJeUee, t h e a r t critic of Omaha Benson high school. Tur- cusseS. p a r t contravenes the defense gnfi i •' Tevere Fhor.tec!: "Long lire Sisce it is the prcject of the emergency regulstions. Apparent- I Italian F.rt' Down with Jewish kel, also made a trip with another debate squad into Southwes- club to raise Eoney to send is ly the new measure is intended to !f,rt!" Dr. pP.bateHo immediately, tern Nebraska'debating the smal- Palestine to-help is the rebuild- cope witis t i d allegedly given to | turned. End slapped his face. ler denominational colleges. Har- ing of t h e country, methods Of old Turkel, winner of the Long raising -rere discussed. Debate Trophy for freshmen, aad Sidney Kalin, Sioux City, will PIOKEER WQFZEN represent the chapter in the Interfraternity debate competition. _ The Oneg Shabboth of the PioWhere Omaha Skcps With Confidence Dave Bernstein, Omaha, was neer Women's orgaiEizatios will chairman of the Interiraternity be held oa Saturday, February 2% Ball committee which promoted at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. one of the most successful par- Morris Epstein, 16 C 8 Willis areties in the history of the univer- nue. sity. Bernstein succeeded ia get- - Community singing will be led ting Dick Jurgens and his fam- by Mrs. J. Reskick, culutral ous orchestra, thereby assuring chairman. A reading will be givthe ball of its success. en by Mrs. Sam Meiches. .Latest Raymond Brown, Kansas City, world events will be discussed by by virtue of his fine success in Mrs. J. Radinoweki. the recent University players proRefreshments will be served. duction, "High Tor," presented last -week, won for himself an important role In the next Workshop presentation of the university speech department.

I Art Critic .• • Slaps Anti-Semite


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The A. Z. A. No 1 Juniors held their lead in the Intermediate basketball league by beating the A. Z. A. No. 1 Juniors, 14 to 12. Irvln Nogg proved the sensation for the winners. In the other game, the Hawkeyes went into second place with a 9-4 win over the Cornhuskers. Susman made four points for the winners. Games for next Thursday, and these are the last on the schedule TAV GAMMA DELTA" are as follows: Hawkeyes vs. A. A regular semi-monthly meetZ. A. No. 100 and Cornhuskers ing of the Tau Gamma Delta sorvs. A. Z. A. No. 1. ority was held at the hosfe oi Midget basketball players are Miss Belle Ruderman on Sunday, Parliaasctary Cites y coming out in swarms each Fri- February 13K d f Special business was discussed. day afternoon at 4 p. m. In the Keeds of Ei^opsa bunch we can see severaf future Following the meeting Miss Eustars. Some of the, youngsters dermaa entertained members at London (WNS-Paicor Agency) who look like Varsity, material a bridge and luncheon. Prise-win- — TTidespeard interest w&s exner at bridge was Miss Rose Manare Bob Fromkin, Marvin Fox, pressed here 3a the res-alts of * Issdore Friedman, Alan Blank, del. •meeting .with Prims Minister NePhil Weis, and several others. ; ville Chamberlain of some fifty bo-wlsrs, there are 21 Trtio' bare members of the . Kouse cf ComJ. C. C. BOWLIXG averages of 150 or better, -which mons recmited from the various Standings in the Jewish Com- is considered be'tter than the political parties. TTith Archibald munity Center . "Big Six'* Bowl- average bowler. At this rate we Sinclair, Liberal, R. D. Denmsn, Ing League remained the same should soon have some real bowl- National Lsborite, Col. Josiah C. after last night's bowling, es the ing sharks amongst oar Jewish Wedgwood, Laborite, . Cspi. Ticleading Wildcats dropped two out bowlers. tor Casalet, Conservative ss the of three games to the fast stepThe boys who cracked the principal speakers, the deputaping second place Sooners, and charmed "500 Series Circle" last tion — representing the Parliathe third place Cyclones took two night are as follows: mentary Committee en Palestine out of three games from the lowly George Shapiro ..567 — urged favorable consideration Corhhuskers. The other game Phil Katzinan .....5IS of Jewish needs ia relation to scheduled bet-ween the Tigers Marvin Treller .......526 Palestine. Mr.. Cfcaniherlain wag and the Jayhawkers was post- Sammy Yousetn 514 sskeci to see to it that an early, poned on account of the grocer's Paul Steinberg 508 decision is made witb regard to dinner-dance, and will be bowled Joe Givot „ 501 future British policy in Palesthis Sunday afternoon. However, The weekly bowling prise will tine. the results, of that series will not not be decided until after the • The plight of ths Jers :r. nur-1 alter the standings any. Tiger-Jayhawker games Sunday, George Shapiro of the Wildcats But at the present time it loolcs was well on his way to a league like George Shapiro is the winner |f record, when he bowled games as he bowled 99 pins ab$ve h:s[| h:s of 217 and 221, but he spoiled average. last night, and it will his chances when he finished his take some real bowling to top vV r third game with a miserable 129, that. which gave him a series of 567. Standings of Teams Marvin Treller, one of the old Team Won Lost Pet. time Jewish bowlers, made his Wildcats 37 26 5S7 debut in the league last night as Sooners 35 2S 55 6 : a .member of the Cyclones and Cyclones 33 '3<T '524 gave a very good account of him- Tigers 30 30 ECO self, by bowling a 526 series. Jayhawkers ...... 26 34 iZS Marvin, at one time was consid- Cornhuskers 25 '38 337 ered one of the so-called 'Sharks.' ' High single game, Sani MeyerOne of the remarkable things son, 264; Cyclones'951. , • about the J. C. C. Players league High series, Joe -Givot, 624; is the fact that out of 55 regular Cyclones 259S. The Safe Driver Bswsrd Flan







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~efi * \. oarfi ' s meai tier^ <.e^!« snf frep Mat»ojt« ics, it's a chaser of "blues." • It inquired what he was doing for been rollicks along, with, the Kits Bro- a living. "On." esultefi Sammy rW Oisi" IRffsn Wf%lt< thers at their looniest. Lilting j "they've made me a heel biHy in ci u Satm-aav, February .28th. tunes by the late Gesrge Gersh- j •"Kentucky Moonshine' ". "Is that v- e Beth £1 Auxiliary Oneg Shabr J*jV $- Par ^"'JI * x A ^ ^ i . v i ' ^ i i J ' " E" win, tee last of which was ironic- : so?" "Tup . . . a n d I'm calling ** "" ~> ^~ ^ bos, home of Mrs. Herman Coh1 c c ally "I Was Doing All Eight."! rself Bob Burnstein:" F"" ^ • " ~ ' " * " i c i t «efo en; co-hostess, Mrs. Julius Stein. T>r n ±0 f To this reporter Sammy's latest j 'S all for today. ~""* ' Hollywood — That March of i -> if Pioneer Women Oneg Shabbos, Time clip pictorializing Xazi Ger- is "dernier raot" of filmusicals. i home of Mrs. Morris Epstein. » ii mariy'is'buffeting the waves of WEEK OF FEBRUARY 27 Brazil Outlaws ' Unfilmed • moments: Joseph-j protest from all sides — to its Sunday, February 27th. By Ikui/Al PETERS Schildkraut executes the minuet j FsSclEtG.rcu.pS? 't ^ F--P < J- r Omaha Hebrew clu'j meeting, 3 greater bos-office reward. Storm T. , c TT i—E-e rn/iBwith .\orma Shearer in "Marie j — -a ^ ^ r > • p. m., lodge room, Jewish Com- started in Chicago where police V j : ^i r -— tKrp* Antoinette" . . . remarks, "It's j c r e r banned it. on grounds of being ben Brainin, has just returned munity Center. , WHISPER: „ \' T \ i- T- furntahjust tbe Big Apple in slow mo- ] Kio de Jcceiro (WXS) — A l l ^ _ " ~ m ^ " " c , / comes from what reporters and from a trip to Palestine where Basket ball games: A. Z. A. 1 derogatory to a "friendly" coun- tion to me'."' Nazi and Fascist organisations in ^^CP ' „ „ ,r r _l, r ' r r r o ""I* room. -Ai j colyumists invariably describe as: she organized a Tel Aviv office vs. A. Z. A 100, 3 pm.-, Omaha | try (some add that a large GerThe bemonocled dignified ' the state of Rio Grande Sul. one ( r , u r ~~- ~-,r r r an'unimpeachable source, seems for the Jewish Publication So-; j . c. C. Varsity vs. Kansas City, j man vote -had important bearFritz. Lang arose from a confer- , of the largest in Brazil, have tair T 1 " r- —c- c r - ' r i n ing). Civil Liberties Union militto have the ring of authenticity ciety . - . . Wonder^why the New;• Center, 4 p. m., Center Eymnasated against the ban. German ence, bade his friends adieu, op- } about it-. . .Even though it does York. Sun, which had advertised' ium. ened a door, and walked straight I sound "sensational and well-nigh 15 articles by Phelps Adams on Dance, K. C. Varsity hop, 9 consuls raised a howl against any into a closet! • j showing of'the film and threaten"The Truth Abetit Palestine," p. m., Center auditorium. And should shock incredible ed to take it "up with Washington into silence those who nursed the wound the series up with only 14 j Monday, Febrnary 2Sth. Relatives and acquaintances arview, that the "United States gov- . . . If you want a real laugh, try Council of Jewish Women, 2 authorities. Harry Warner Te- rived en masse to wish Benny \ ernment failed to, exhibit suffi- to get within earshot of a-Ger-jp. m.^ lodge room, Jewish Com- fused its unreeling at any of tbe Warner theatres . . . Said, "It BaUer bon voyage on his first sir cient interest in. the Rumanian man street brass band playing munity Center. : was made" as a silent with the trip. Five minutes after the plane situation . . . The whisper is this "Bei Mir Dist Du Schoen" - . " . Omaha Workmen's loan, 7-'3O consent of Herr Goebbels, and lelt the ground, it circled the . .. r-That Charles A. Davila, who Our Yiddish department tells us, p. m., C and D, Jewish Commun- j "his theatres will not be the med- field, came down — for addition- i recently retired as Rumanian j incidentally, that the correct! ity Center. ium for any pro-Nazi propaganda al instructions. B e n n y -wasn't Minister to Washington, wasjspelling for that song's title! B'nai B'rith, S p . m . , lodge no matter how thinly disguised." panicky . . . oh, no . . . -bat it deeply concerned when he got the should be "Bei Mir- Bistu Shein" j room, Jewish Community Center. Mr. Warner's attitude was echo- •required considerable wifely news that Octavian Goga had . . . T h a t the other spelling is an i Hazomir choir, 8 p. m., room! ed by other producers. Time coaxing before h© re-entered the been appointed Premier attempt to Germanize it, which Is i K and L, Jewish Community Cen- claims the footage was smuggled ship so that those trho came to j That lie immediately sought an j completely cockeyed because theater. out via Latvia and Is the first see' him off wouldn't be disapaudience with President Roose- German expression for that Tuesday, March 1st. unceasored film to come from pointed. velt . . - That it was granted . . . phrase is entirely different . . . Pioneer Women, 2 p. m., rooms j Hitlerized Deutschland. Rabbi That Mr. Davila urged the presi- Scion of a famous voice is on the C and D, Jewish Community Cen- Stephen Wise and ex-Ambassador Some years ago a wise-crackdent to let the Rumanian govern- air - . . He's Henry Rosenblatt, ter. " Dodd endorsed it as honest jour- ing young student of New York ment know how he (F. V. K). son of the late Yosele Vaad Auxiliary, 2 p. m., B'nai nalism. The editorial comment, University handed in a blank exWho And that Mr. recently aired his tonsils on the Israel synagogue, ISth and Cbi- which was added in this country, amination paper, shook the erudfelt about it . Roosevelt then picked up the Eddie Cantor program . . . "It's cago streets. .may. be slightly on the anti side, ite fiust from his feet, and hied telephone, put through a call to a pleasure to introduce the son Wednesday, March 2nd. admits Mr. Warner, but visually himself to Hollywood. Months of King. Carol himself and politely of a cantor," son-less Eddie Senior Hadassah, 12 noon, open j the • impression is pro-Nazi. What publicity blurbs moulded his but firmly informed him ;of his cracked . . And then young Ros- board meeting, Jewish Commun- j do you make of .it? Seems like thoughts Into a play, "Louder, - reactions to the developments in enblatt sang a -Negro spiritual ity Center. the eye is quicker than the ear Please," which marked the be"Bucharest. 1 p. m., dessert luncheon and . . . o r doesn't hear everything ginning of his success, first as a Winding it up on a real Chazanlc book review, by Rabbi D. A. Gold- you see . . . note . . . • writer, latterly as a producer. Re-. stein, at Brandeis. BOOK REVIEW: (With apoleently in a photoplay course at Ladies- Free Loan, 2 p. m., the above-mentioned university, ogies to F. P. A.) These shifting times: Herman room C and D, Jewish Communthe subject for discussion was II you want to learn about Lissauer, formerly a Los Angeles) that unusual -picture, "Fury," by ity Center. Jeremiah, girls and boys, read By IJOTJIS FEKARSKY rabbi, now head of a movie re- j Norman Krasna, the erstwhile 3rd. Thursday, Franz Werfel's "Hearken Unto search department, this week ad- j student. Intermediate basket ball league HOLLYWOOD —Elaine Barrio ..the • Voice." Jnee Jacobs) and her hubby, p. m., Jewish Community Cen- dressed the Hollywood Dental Society. • QUESTION: Wonder why the j John Barrymore,- will be co-star- ter. Tag Ends: The Dick Powells Falcor News Agency reported the ! red in a Broadway stageplay writ(Joan Bloadell) are heiring In • Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel CemBen Blue sometimes works in August. On the door leading to j London TIme3 had published an ten by Jerry Herwin and Kather- etery association. '.' /, two cinemarsillies at a time . . . the SIGM home offices still stands ! editorial accusing British offi- ine Turney Contracts have Friday, March 4th."' cials of '•• - sabotaging the Jewish been signed with producer Brock Junior Chess class-organization lately ha'd to bicycle between sets. the name of Irving G. Thalberg, ] National Homeland, when what.it Pemberton, but no date is set for meeting, 4 p. m., Jewish Com- Always wears the same shoes for • vice-president. George Jessel has dancing- . . they're relics of the j been offered the M. G. job of the actually published was merely a j the play's opening . . . Eddie Can- munity Center. "good old days" when he very Xew Work Yv*crld's Fair in 19SS. letter by a reader, a former Col-j tor fought off a streptococci in- Saturday, March..5th. Ma'xine Marx, 'Cbico's hopeful, Round Table representatives nearly starved! fection of the throat by going to onial official . . . plays a lady-in-waiting in the a hospital for a few days . . . A supper and dance, lodge room, : Preview.peek: Not by the sour- Shearer filna. "No Angels in HeaDISCOVERY: The Rev. Bern- sinus infection put Film Producer Jewish Community Center. est critic could "Goldwyn's Fol- ven" "is the new Jesse Lasky, . Jr. ard Wladowski, Toronto cantor Carl Laemmle, jr. on the sicli list, lies" be termed Goldwyn's folly. novel. Fritz Feld rarely has a WEEK OF MABCH 6 Who ought to be told he has not! too /. . . Formerly vice-president Entirely in color, it's a feast for part of mare than three minutes got a Chinaman's chance of col-j and general manager of Universal Sunday, March 6th. : g Pictures, young : Laemmle has l Pi L l h Omaha Hebrew club, 3 ' p. m.,, the eye . . . with a roster of com- oa the screen, but hasn't missed a lecting in his contemplated plag- joined forces with MGM as a pro- lodge room, Jewish Community day off salary in forty-eight coniarism publishers secutive weeks! of "Beisuit Mir against Dist Duthe Schoen," has ducer . . . Al Jolson has been Center. Monday, March Tth. ?p a sideline . . . He's a mohel . . . j elected president of the Encino Pioneer Women's luncheon, ' 1 Omaha Workmen's Loan banA pal, meeting Sammy Cantor, And advertises his services in the J (California) Chamber of Com- quet, auditorium, Jewish Com-, p. m., lodge room, Jewish Comi merce . . . Al also is unofficial munity Center. munity Center. local Yiddish paper j mayor of the town . . . Victor Pioneer Women's Supper, 7: S 0 Tuesday, March Sth. uatsY UP w Th i i i l ' fc*«^ -i.1RELATIVITY: Here's hoping! Mansfield Shapiro and Herb p. mJ, rooms C and D, Jewish j Deborah Society bridge, 1 p. m. ' auditorium, Jewish Community •jiLvSKlNNSSS MAIA2S*. Einstein's new book, "The Evo- Klein, film publicity writers, Community Center. ' lotion of Physics,", written in «ol- have collaborated on a motion B'nai B'rith dance,j tenter. * ' j laboration with his Princeton co- picture- story "Her Private Busi- hotel. Sunday, March 13th. • ' ! c:n '$39.5®m worker, Dr Leopold Infald, will ness," which is how undergoing Monday, March 7th. Vaad Ha'Ihr Purira carnival, BTOTE the scrutiny of studio story edihave more than a relatively good Omaha Workmen's Loan, 7:30 auditorium, Jewish Community scale . . . One of the book's maj- tors . . .-The youngest individual p. m., rooms C and D, Jewish ; enter. «.;'' V.'cr or aims Is to give the layman a tov be listed in the new "Who's Community Center. Monday, March 14th. & worth* real understanding of what to Who in American Jewry" is tenPioneer Women's Luncheon, 1 Hazomir bridge party, S p. m., i sctczIJy wcrih to yosI' & this day remains one of the most i year-old^ Bobby Breen, singing p. m., lodge room, Jewish Com- lodge room, Jewish. Community "I; 1 i theories ex-j star of the movies, and the sec- munity Center; Speaker, - Hessia Center. Nsihir:g Is went sic; :i abstruse scientific jjond youngest entry Is Ruth Slen- Kupermintz, representative of Wednesday, March ISth. IT- T f r (T tant.' | ihzz, it e price ii sells to czynski, 12-year-old pianist ~ --J the- Pioneer" Organization of PalReading of Megillah, 7 p. m., i Ths pi iblis is entitled i FILM: "The Affairs of Mau-;An assignment to prepare an estine. " auditorium, Jewish Community ®^> ' ^ , •-.^'3 si rilus Icr il passant," German language film original musical score for a mil' r - f' ~ '. ; '. ' c the Hazomir choir, 8 p. m., rooms enter. : Tzszev znd it's The Kt •witfch attracted favorable com- lion-and-a-balf-dollar ' all-Techni- K and L,' Jewish. Community Sunday, March 27th. ment when it opened at New color production, now being edit- Center. . ' Round Table dance, auditor\ bzzskz'$ cetcrzzizsiicx z r.tm Tort's Fifty-fifth * street play- ed, has been given Erich Wolf- Tuesday, March Sfh. ium, Jewish Community Center. £ \ give it. T'hs Kebrzzbz. chouse, can't be shown In Ger--j gang Korngold by Warner Bros Deborah Society, 1 p. m., Purim carnival, sponsored by •The internationally famous bridge party, Jewish Community the Round Table of Jewish \ policy is f? SJB-EJ-S SS ^ i many . . . And no wonder-. . . It j f was produced in Vienna by Henry composer, Korngold, has beeD Center auditorium. Youth. Koster (now in Hollywood, where writing opera in Vienna lately Wednesday, March Oth. --.«, he did "100 Men and a Girl"), and his most recent film musical - Beth El Auxiliary, 1 p. m., compositions have been featured .music by Offenbach, modern muslodge room, Jewish Community FREE! An Expert Cosiaselior on Roons it - 't ic-by Arthur Berger Abraham, in "Captain Blood" and "An- Center. ' Nebrssts Clothing Ce. '._ . . ; !, ! i thony Adverse." . . . photography by Willy Goldberger March 10th. HOSPITAL GIFT "and settings by Arthur Berger. Intermediate basket ball league At the annual meeting of Ced- 7 p. m., Center gymnasium. .PRISON: Committing a crimo i ars of Lebanon Hospital in X.os "FAMOUS FOR FINE FURNITURE™ Junior Hadassah meeting, S. p. 'isn't the only way you can crash j Angeles it was announced that m., rooms C and D, Jewish ComUse Our Easy PajTsent Plan——Fanssia at 22nd [into that exclusive penal Institu- j three- movie magnates, Joseph M. munity Center. •3 i ', We j Schenck, William Goetz and Sol ; tion famed as Alcatraz COMKfG EVENTS .; know a chap who actually took j Wurtzel, of 20th Century, have Snnday, Febrnary 27th. an exam to get in . . -Although, donated $1,000 each to purchase Omaha Jewish. Community Cenat-the tlmo he took it, he didn't bi-fluroscope equipment for the ter, Kansas City Center basket V ^ * « The hospital is a con- ball games,-3-p. in., Jewish Comc know'he'd land in that California j hospital. The exam-taker ff stituent member of" the Federa- munty Center gymnasium. Island pen j wass a young Jewish medico nam-jtion of Jewish Organizations' of Varsity hop dance, 9 p. m., Fresh out of I Los Angeles. ,, At the same me meet- Jewish Community Center. g :: ed Beicher . ; Johns Hopkins, young Beacher j ing J. L. Warner was elected to Monday, February 28th. i '.rX-yj.>:^ £2. HZC ^:. 'took a federal job test and, to the hospital board. City A. A. V. handball tournafc^ * A . . i . I^ of . his surprise, was "committed" to HEIFETZ KO COMPETITION ment, 6 p. m.-lO p. m., Jewish Alcatraz . . . Where for the past Jascha Heifetz, renowned vio- Community Center. > .. two years he has been exactly one linist, says he will make nis mo- Sunday, March 6th. .half of the prison's entire medical tion picture debut next summer, Omaha Workmen's loan banstaff. but he will not be a matinee idol quet, auditorium, Jewish Com- i ^ v w ^ -^ •-• >J<% and the stars need not fear com- munity Center. . CARTOON; Peters offers for I petition. from him. "I am a vioB'nai B'rith dance, Paxton A ,the Pulitzer Prise for the best Unist. not an actor and will j lay hotel. "editorial cartoofl.of the year the myself on "the screen," he com. one by Talburt, spotted on page mented. He also told interviewone of the New York World ers be was pleased to note a very C^'rwm, ti-L^n BH.IT> 7r~— * «-<"^«. r-i J| *" T-^. ••.... n. Telegram on Feb. 17, the day af- marked Increase In musical interter news of the Hitler coup in' est, in good music, and that audiO Equip with •'' ^ •.'IASK//S Cii-ii l a C ^ Vt Ail Austria was published . . . The ences throughout the country in this great nex? ~ \s (cartoon shows a spider web, with the last' two years have shown a safety tire and > \ ; % Spider Adolf, legs shaped in the larger proportion of men than you take no rWr ~ ^'"l\ form of a swastika, grabbing for usual, whereas a few years ago KLEET3 B E S T ^,uu - , . , „ e.?tcwrcsbecaase: i pTTf«_ enmeshed'Fly Austria . . . It is men in many- sections of the coun- Smoketess Coal • « B S-artJ j» f", / O r~»"«•>.*• 7 n m |ii-J-— aptly captioned "Reunion f in try though only "sissies" could misses is FJ2AE2VE2.' C ^ f ! T™ I ' 1 ' 5! Vienna." enjoy good music. A i JOLSOS SPONSORS CHOIR Semi-Antfiraelte Lump U's-SSUl ^ *- r, «-« « . ^ r*-, « i*. /T; — -» JMISH-MASH: Clifford Odets* X XI v Scores.of Hollywood youths, are "Awake' and Sing," is being pro- ieing auditioned for places in the Lump uuiitw»*(j CC?tfl duced in London with an all-Eng- new Hollywood , Boys' Choir, ill lish cast . . . A London drama rewins, —Cl I j porter writes "I look forward Lump with interest to see how an English company deals with this very -z"T>c"T rr»~' • atmospheric play of a -Jewish family in a New York" tenement" in for .a desionstrstEcn csd bo CSOT&SSC ... . . P e a r l Foster, niece of Reu-


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j Is that ye love vanity and seek t« i after falsehood. j1

It was an opportunity all too rare to hear the exquisite musical program of the Hillside Presbyterian church represented by members of a race who have given to America's heritage



DAVI& BLACKER - Business anfl Managing Editor FE&NE fU ACHERMAN - x - ' • • *. ^ . ttuZ LEONARD KATHAW - . ' . - . Associate Editor IUBB1 FREDERICK COHN ' Contributing Ed tor BABB1 ?HEODORB N. LEWIS - Boofe Bdltoi AWN PILL • . • • • SJons City, Iowa, Correspondent


- ' Mitteleuropa - «1$3§ •

Never in his most egotistical moments did ex-Kaiser "Wilhelm n sound off on Mitteleuropa yvith the fury unleashed by successor Adolph Hitler on his private sounding.bodrd, -the R e i c h s t a g .

• •'

'. ' ,





Hitler played forte up and down the scale of interna•', fional politics with such vigor that Europe was left agape, wondering where would occur the next instance of Nazi peaceful penetration, peaceful revolution, _'and peaceful control containing the fundamentals of annexation. ^ . "Whether der fuehrer's stormings will greatly alter the European situation remains to be seen. Certainly at no time in the past has.he fired such vitriolic blasts at those whom he thinks might barricade his progress toward incorporating into the Reich all the territory of .1914 Germany, and a bit thrown in here and there for good measure. And in view of the recent Germany army "purge" and nazification of Austria at no time have his words been more important. If the democracies of France and England Jiad stood up to Hitler under the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, T^hich, like a boomerang, circled its intended mark and returned to give the throwers quite a jolt, Hitler would have been forced to demonstrate the capabilities of .his muchlypublicized army or retreat. . ' ' But it seems! that the Reich, with1 Italy, has the western • European democracies pretty, well under control. This conclusion might be drawn from Anthony Eden's accepted resignation from the post of Foreign Secretary of Great Britain and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's willingness to negotiate a "business deal" with the fascist powers to settle the peace of Europe, for a few years at least. If the Reich gains even part of what Hitler demands, the Nazi party will have gained a talking point that may swing all-central Europe to its banner. Czechoslovakia will resist, and nobly, but she cannot face the German might alone. When Hitler has enrolled central Europe under the Bwastika and the leadership of Germany he will be firmly enough entrenched to dominate Europe. Whether England and France will permit Germany to assume this elevated position is a question that even those two powers cannot answer. Hitler will never be satisfied; his megalomaniacal nature never will cease thirsting for more power. Thus far he has played his cards exceedingly well. Some day he may make demands, which cannot be stomached, and the repercussions will shake the world.

Courage of Conviction



A challenge, so pregnant with meaning that it is imposeible to ignore, was.thrown to Omaha Jewry by Rabbi Julius Gordon who spoke before the Community Forum not long ago. Of all the many points raised in this brilliant exposition, so timely, was his plea for Jews to stand up for the things they believe, to abstain, from cowardice., ' Under the pressure of modern society, Jews are apt to deny their heritage to protect their skins. They are looking askance upon the fundamental principles of Judaism so that they will not stand out from the mob. ; It is true, gloriously "true, as Dr. Gordon said, that Jews arc liberals, are pacifists, are internationalists. Unfortunately the definition of these three terms ,has been distorted by those who seekg to discredit the Jews, to frighten them. . .• - • We are liberals in the sense that Dr. Gordon insisted, that we accept liberalism, not as a political movement, but as a way of approach. We are a socially-minded people, but not a collectively-minded one! There is no coincidence in the fact that the enemies of the liberal spirit are also the enemies '.'of t h e J e w . ; '


" ;..- :'••'-.



"'•••- ••'; '

Likewise are the Jews internationalists. We do- not deny nationalism, but like Mazzini and Fichte, the "founders of Italian and German nationalism, feel in internationalism the . consummation of nationalism; that no contradiction between patriotism arid internationalism exists. . •-• And we are pacifists, for if we were to deny pacifism we would deny ; the ^prophets whose teachings have made us a great and eternal .people, a people who can.look at time and feel it a friend. We are not pacifists in the historical sense, for Jews have a long record of military achievement. Our • pacifism is the philosophical pacifism of a religious people. There are today too many cowards among us, who feel that it is better to survive by denial than to die for aspirations. This was not the course-'pursued by our "ancestors whose fortitude we so admire. Millions of them perished at the hands of those, who to gain theirown ends, distorted and .mocked the .views. But from those flames that consumed courageous men, that burned to ashes houses of God, rose their ideals. They cannot perish. .

;- . \

'The Heart's True Home


...with an


America's Youth Meets

;.. ,... .. -'

While across the seas a Europe seethes with, hatreds, in Oniaha on Monday night, young people of every' race and religion gathered at the Jewish Community Center to do homage to that great guarantor of rights, the American ConBtitution.


. . • % ' • •

In few countries would such* an assemblage be possible, and in this country they are all too few. Since the Community Forum was transformed into a Jewish lecture: platform, a common meeting ground for Omaha's Jewish and non-Jewish population, has not existed. : , Monday night's meeting was a tribute ti> the participating grottpg and to those persona responsible for the g'athcrisg. American yodth. of Get-man, Jewish, Bohemian, Polish background met together with no regard for old world hatreds.

Tine Center

iE? vrere taught. ItJ" Our K ith two men who: t happened wit were captured red in tb.e mountain o-f;| Perhaps not so long a time will pass before such an event Cancel. The'r captors were wall;- ; y icg behind them, one c" the cc.p-1 can again take place. It reaffirms a faith in the democracy Esfc&i, Komi Siai Et tured said to feis coHetgue. "The ; >"ew mapF-slne? PVP that is ours. THE PALESTEXE REVIEW— "SEFER HASHANAH" (THE and ruler, which the Nazis.do. It came. which yelks in front ci us AMERICAN HEBREW TEAK is difficult to understand hcvr a is blind ic one ere, P.CG carries j a weekly jor,rr>F,l of opinion and SOOK) EDITED BY MEXACH- Jew, aad especially a scholar, can two ba££, or.e of wice, and. the , pver.ts eciteti EUSI published in EM RESAI/OW. PITBMSHED BY ignore the colossal difference be- ctfcer ci oil. end two men v;ho j By Babbi Frederick Cofan HISTABKCTH 1 V R I T H OF j tween Judaism as E civilisation, Ere feeefi-ir:g it. or,e*of them is E,T. THE JEWISH CENTER — and the other is g. hea- ipublislied qur.rlei'! by the Jew! AMERICA. 1053. 4SS PAGES. From the tropics we come home to ice and snow. and tbe hideously icnioral cul- ' Israelite then." The captors raid to them, \ ish Y^c'Tare Board, A suggestion ture sad ideology propagated by One of the most impressive and But Jiome is home, whatever the weather. whence fie j for readers who caare; Read aa encouraging p h e n o m e n o n "in Nazism. Of the many efforts to "Stiffceckedm people, AEd Ludwig Iiewisohn in a recent article quotes his friend American Jewish life today is make Judaism meaningful that of j ^ - ^ T ^ T*l ' article l;y the late Felix M. WarRobert Frost, the poet's witty description of home, "Home is the steady advance the Hebrew llordecai Kaplan has been most j ered, "From the grass which is ; burg entitled, ""What Of Our the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take language is making, under • the successful and constructive. To iia front of. the camel tlis.t gnaw- , Youth," v hich appear in this iaimpetus of the HebraJc re- repeat the anti-SfexnitSe ECCUSH- j ed cnly on EOES side, hence from sue. you in." After a longer or shorter journey it is always good strong naissance ia Palestine. Not only tions of a "Christian Century," or the side on which he is bland, he ' M I S C E M J A S E G V S REPORTS OF to get home. We appreciate home the more after having been is the knowledge of Hebrew to gro even farther and place Jew- leans. It carries two bags of ! T*.EK>;:y O K « A N I Z A TIOS} spreading, -but, more' significant- ish civilization in the saiae cate- wine and oil, because crops cf ! AX» AGEXCIES away from it. ly, a recognition of its indispenwith Xazism is to be guilty wiue sink, and drops of oil float, j We have reports by the AmerSo it is with religion. Religion is the soul'3 home. Sepa- sable character in the lift of Is- gory of inexcusable transgression, or And the leaders; one 0° them r.n ican ewisli Committee on "Th« rated from it, for whatever reason, the soul feels restless, dis- rael is reaching groups that were intellectual confusion. What is | Israelite, £Ed the other a heath- Ghet Question in the Universiti en, because an Israelite when he contented, sad. Man simply cannot do without religion. That till recently unsympathetic, and, genuinely disturbing is the auth- \ needs to do Ms personal hygiene ies and ^Professional Schools ia frequently, even hostile. High or's concern over mollifying the Poif.T.c." Also: "Rumanian Jews is why so many who seemingly have had no connection with schools and colleges are introduc- prejudices of our neighbors. To necessities tisnaJr turns; aside. Threatened by Fascism." Another a heathen does it on the article ot importance was isBUed religion all'their life, perhaps in their grown-up years away ing it in their curricula, and Jew- be perpetually anxious to please, way." The captors kissed thera on from home associations and religious influences, who have evi- ish schools of all types are striv- and to win the good -will cf the their heads brought them to their by EIAS. V. deals with the Uring to recapture for it the affec- majority, to bold only those Jewgent, appeal for Kumanian Jewi denced a disdain for religion, a sceptical and a .cynical atti- tion it once enjoyed among, and ish attitudes and convictions house, prepared a mes.1 for them, vlio must prove citizenship. danced before them, saying. tude towards it, are often lead to embrace one of the fake the spell it exercised over, our •which are not. too objectionable Kp.fesgp.h. ".News-Briefs" devoto non-Jews is slavish cowardice, "Blessed be He, who chose the r,eE much to the partition scheme cults of the day, become ardent devotees of the most ridiculous people. umsrorthy of individual or group. descendants of Abraham and j of. PslesaTie, iii. its latest issue An aggressive body devoted to Did religious fads, for their souls simply cannot do without religion, the Jews of Germany fel- gave them his wisdom, and ev- no?:" in our library, the cultivation and spread of He- low not religion of some, kind, even ersatz-religion, for their spiritual brew this shameful pol- erywhere they go they become j BOOKS is the Hisadruth IvrHh. The icy? And cringing, masters of their masters." They I behold their reward! nature has become starved and simply cries out for some kind association publishes under the freed them, and. they went in • For those who Belect their Like BO many who emphasize peace to their home. of soul-satisfaction, something to still the hunger of the heart. able leadership of Menachens Rij reading with ep.re, my suggestion the religious character cf Israel balow, the "Hadoar" a splendid for the week is: Dr. Mordecai M. For man is, after all, more than animal, more than a mere Hebrew weekly. It also issues an- and who deny or minimize Jewish j Kaplan's hook entitled, "The physical mechanism. However overlaid with the materialisms nually the "Sefer Hashanah," the nationalism, the author quotes a | Meaning of God in. Modern Jewto L ish .Religion." It is a book to be of life, buried deep within him is the divine spark which ul- American Hebrew Year Book, a famous sentence from Ssadia j which, has achieved Gaon's Emunoth. V'Deoth that j put down on tb.e "must read" timately kindles the gross matter above it till the life is finally publication Russian world wide recognition for its "our nation is a nation only by list. From the old book Bhelf, X aglow with some kind of religion. Berlin (Tv'NS) — One- thous- take the book called, "The Real stimulating and scholarly essays, xirture of its Torah." When he and others find it convenient to and Russian Jews, who hold So- "ew," edited by II. Newman. poetry and fiction. The IS38 edThe Jew's true home is Judaism; not any land however ition of the "Sefer Hashanah" ignore is the obstinate fact that viet passports end Soviet citizen- I pEi words f.re too coarse a sacred and holy, invested with divinest memories, associated not only reaches the high stand- Saadia called Israel a nation, that ship although they have not beec Uim to convey one reader's with sublimest hopes. The Jew's true home is his religion where ards established by its predeces- he" emphasized the terra 'Umah" in BusEia for some IE years or ' ion to mother, may I sugIt often exceeds them. Qual- as much as "Torah." Saadia more, were faced with, the possj- ; g e s ; xhPi ,- ou r e a r , t h i s h " ooki his soul experiences divinest satisfaction, comfort and consola- sors; itively and quantitively, it is a would have branded as heresy j biiity of becoming men without a ( e B s e n c e o« the book is tion for the losses, failures and sorrows of life, noblest courage treasure uouss of Jewish learn- and treason that convenient bs- country the Ns.2i tutlioi-i- \' contribution to civilization in evto face the greatest disappointments, the most disheartening ing, divided into live parts as lief.that Israel is a religious de- tles EnnoiiBCca their intention tc ery phase of endeavor. "Research and Science;" nomination, Trit&cut EEtJcnal cr expel all Scriet citizens vfcc r-re A tisioricai. novel worth readdifficulties, the manifold problems, evils and tragedies of exist- follows. "Belles Iiettres;" "Essay &nd in retalis.tioii "or tbe report-; ing is "Claudius ilie God" by c character, a dogma ence. Andrew Hanson, the central character of A. J. Qronin's Criticism;" "Biography;" and fortunately has been repudiated er. detection of E CC German cit- | Robert C-r.vE.ves. fine novel, deservedly a 'best seller,' "The Citadel," the physi- "Israel in America." To do it full by the Central Conference of izens in Soviet j&ila. News of the j One of the latest books releasjustice In a review would require Aderican Rabtis .in its last con- expulsion edicts precipitated .a 1 cian, skilled, most conscientious, noble and loving, with whom many pages. Only tlie barest out- vention in May, IS37. ed recently is called "Hearken rush oa the Soviet consuls.te- i ITiuo The Voice" by Franz Werlife had dealt most hardly in the shattering of his brilliant line can be given here. One raust rerraember that the general b3" Jews seeking repatri- ; fel. It retells the lite of Jermiali Etion to KTissia. If they are not i career, the devastating of his life and home, for all his science The first part contains contri- very terras "Jud&isis." ssd "Rethe;' rill become i the Prophet and the traditional and adopted wdrdly philosophy, has final recourse to religion butions by well known Jewish ligion" have.no gecuine place 23 repetriated stateless. ' history oC the Jews with a most Jewish thought, that they are scholars, who writ© on important fervor. The MASMIT wherein he finds consolation and renewed inspiration. At the E&me time it became j d--£.matie subjects. Dr. Meyer "Waxman, of aiiea terms borrowed from a for(the constant, scholar and stuReligion. is the Jew's true heart's home. Let him never Chicago, writes a remarkable' es- eign environment. To seek a fie-f- known that Germany was draft- i c-e'ni) has for his theme and ing new passport regulations i iaitfoa for Judaism is to, seek & on "Don Issac Abravenel," friends -— the light, the bench, neglect or abandon it. Without it he is nothing for it consti- say the fifth hundredth anniversary defisitios for that which is in- which would r e t i r e all Germans I end the boot. tutes the yery center and essence of his being. Without it his of whose birth Jewry is celebrat- definable, ^."o possible group cf desiring- s, passport to sigm a i whole history is- a meaningless farce. With it, despite his pres- ing this year. Dr. Levinson grap- words can classify such divergent statement asserting that "after E. ! Patronize Our Advertisers with the intriguing theme cf aad UEiQtie Jew as Brandels, Kar- thorough• esamSnation nothing is • ent critical situation, he may still have a glorious history. The ples "Inveighing Against God" espec- tia Btiber ' and WeitiniEn, The known to me which can justify ! Jew's fate is bound up with his faith. The Jew's so-called ially as manifested in some of the Jew defies definition — and so the EsscmptOE that I ana a Jew ;•: FOR. KENT —Large Bedroom 'mission,' the object ©f his existence and in the last analysis moods of Elijah and Moses in does his remarkable, divine, her- £ccor£ing to the Kurensb'erg 1 — Central location — near laws," The t,lm cf this rule is to ! itage. their contacts with, the Deity. A his 'raisbn d'e.tre/ as a separate and distinct form and species €lear-cut "line — gentleman predistinction between tem"Under "Belles L«ttres" the prevent Jews from leaving Ger-1 of human personality, is to make the whole world a home, a porary rebellion and outright de- reader will find, interesting fic- JS£BJ* unless they go as emigrants | •red—W e. 4773. decent place to live in, an abode of sympathy, of kindness, and nial 13 essential. Tha author tion and good poetry by .sonie o£ and promise not to return. to his subject a wide range the foremost cf contemporary of love, of forgiving understanding, of mutual helpfulness and brings of Talmudlc scholarship. Hebrew authors. The third diviunited cooperation 'a place where, if you have to go'—and all Dr. A. I. Idelsohn, the fore- sion contains a comprehensive have to go there, there is no other place to live than in this most authority on Jewish Music study , of the status of Hebrew ia the United States by the world, somewhere in the world, in some nook and corner if .makes an illuminating and sch- poetry olarly study of synagogue music. editor of the volume; an essay not in some wide and fair pIace-^-"they have to take you in." The mysterious power of music on "Eugene O'Neill" by KabinoWhat is the main trouble with the world today? It is that it and its capacity to strengthen re- witz, and amongst several other devotion are well known. contributions "The Itfiiience of has ceased to be a home, a dwelling plac^of brothers, has be- ligious One of the crucial needs of our the Old Testament on Anglo Saxcome an arena of strife, a jungle of wild beasts, thirsting for modern synagogue is good, stir- on Civilization." The section deeach other's blood, seeking to prey upon and devour one an- ring, traditional music. Our peo- voted to "Biography" opens with do cot rejoice in synagogue an essay by Dr. Joshua Bloch of other. Sociologists tell us that the reason for much of the pel m u s i c . Emotionally gripping the New York Public Library, on vice and crime in the world is due to 'broken homes,' where chants, or at least appealing, are the late Professor Richard Gotthomes are broken up due to divorce,- or separation or aliena- indispensable. "Without them lit- heil, which is followed by interselections of high literary esting character sketches on Turtion of the parents, of the loss of father or mother, particularly urgical and religious merit ..often fail to ow, Lechuber and lest, but not the mother; ; where the child is deprived of salutary move the heart. Dr. Idelsohn least, on the renowned Eabbi A~ka Catholic source to the iba Eger, the one hundredth anhome goes forth into a hostile or unfriendly quotes effect that the hymns of Luther niversary of -whose death is being world, h face life's trials and tribulations alone without captured more souls than his currently observed. Under the proper guidance or direction or assistance, and becomes a dis- writing and preaching. And Lu- esctioa, "Israel ia America" the ther's remark, mentioned by the following challenging problems heartened, desperate vicious criminal. The world's friendliness author, that it is unwise- to allow are discussed fully ' and ably, and-kindness and advancing civilization, the moral progress the Devil to enjoy a monopoly of "Jewish " Philanthropy," "The that despite air difficulties and however slowly it was mak- good music, is of special import Jewish Family," "Jews end the New Deal" and "Yiddish Literaing, have been broken up "as never before due to the violent to us. ture." • . Though correctly denying the blows of dictators and selfish, ambitious, and unscrupulous pseudo-scientific concepts of race, Since the year makes the lEOth beings—all sense of morality and humanity has been lost— Dr. Turow, in a challenging-stu- anniversary of the adoption of the whole world threatens to become a place of political vice dy on "National ' Psychology,'" the American Constitution, the and international crime, wherein the only law threatens to be- maintains that .people possess editor is to be congratulated updefinite psychological t r a i t s , including in the volume a Hecome the rule of the stronger, where armaments must decide which, in the case of the Jew, are on brew translation of the American destinies, and the most cherished things in life depend upon intellectual talent, a tendency to Constitution. The famous Heextremes, and, because of. perse- braist, Daniel Persky, has flone the grim arbitrament of war. cution, an inferiority complex an excellent job. It is cuite s,n Let us make 'the world a home again and life a homey, with the compensatory factors of interesting experience to read of theEe well known provilovely thing whose pleasures naught else can equal, leave alone aggressiveness, etc., which often render him objectionable. The in the Hebrew language. surpass. Jews-lacks moderation, is uncomThis literary feast, and that is May we again quote the lovely lines of Burns' "Cotter's promising ia his convictions and Just what this &s.si5sl is, is reideals, goes to extremes In ach- served for those -who can read Saturday Night": ieving hte end, be it whatever it Hebrew. Those who do not are "In all my wanderings round this world of care, may. la the words of the Bible, denied admission in this instance, In all my griefs—and God has given my share— he is "stiff-necked." The author as always, to the. true house cf <juot®3 a penetrating rabbinic th© Jewish spirit end genius, I still had hopes my latest hours to crown maxim to the effect that when whose abidiag .mefii\:ia cf espres-i Amid these humble bowers to lay me down; Jewg degenerate they fall to the Elon has been, s.r.s erer. will be,; Eere-'e sisapl® cd2aa®tlcl Food proteciios plu* quemTo husband out life's taper to the close, lowest depths, and when they tts'Kebre'™ la^jniccc. I transcend, they reach the stars! • Cty buying plus bsrgais. ejs«dolR plus low And keep the flame from wasting by repose; "What is Judaism." by Samuel I still had hopes, my long vexatious past, vi& c n Electrle cS EQUALS re S. Cohen, Professor of Theology, 1 ,*•» •Here to return, and die at home at last. at the Hebrew Union College, is st your L.1J1. r~? z EO? E-SS> fee opsa to several serious-strictures. - -.Frederick Cohn. . L«ara It is unpardonable to compare, even by implication, Mordecai giiy Hsl op«ircrt». sl® cos" Kaplaa'a just demands for cul" •> • •••••. ' Jewish Calendar : tural freedom in behalf of the hrip • 5688-103? Jews to the unprincipled propa"Bosh Chodesh Adar II...... .............................,Harc£"~i ganda.'activities of Americas NsKappy is the zsan that hsthj Cultural pluralism caa not not walked in the counsel e" the | Fast of Esther . .......i........SIarch 16 s.is. and rsMzt not fea confounded with wiclcea ner stood ia the way of j Purim .................................... March 17 hyphenated sllesSance and divid-j sinners scr sat ia t t s seat ct Rosh Chodesh Nisan —..............................Aprii 2 e-d loyalfy. No democracy worthy scornful, t>\it his delight Is Passover (1st day) „.. April 16 of the name •will deny minorities iz-w of the lord; £.»,£ in his.own! the inalienable prerogatives of ia»T hs reflects day i and night. - f Passover (7th day) ;April 22 of preserriag their . cultural Tal- Lord tow inaixy ere my ESTJ?.-{ •Rosa Chodesh Iy'ar ...„.„„.„.,„„.,.........;......"...... ................Hay 2 ncs. Oaly &. toiaiiiariaa slate, be e-ries, taany are they that rise up | Ii3g B'omer ...............;............„... .,.„. May 19 it Fascist cr Coinsunist, s.nhorsj against E S , sea e&y tasrs is ~m { nat'i an-5 racial differences ana s salvation fe-r TS.J SC-HV . - j Rosh Chodesh Sivan ....'.........;. May 31 can not tolerate cultural divers-5 Thes The didst rst E® free | . Shevuoth (1st day) .......................... , June 5 ity. .When. Dr. Kaplan urges j-when I "srss In distress, be grs.s-j4 —The "White 8 Kosh Chodesh Tamuz „,....„ June SO' AEaeriaan 'Je^'s to accept JndaJssi I ious usto He,' safi Jiear my prayef The Nation as & ciTilisatiea, t e dees t o t in® Also observed t h e previous d a y . F a s t s falling on S a t u r - Tits tbsia to. jSedfe political alleO ye sozs of S S E , hsw longj giance to &• fereiga govetaraeat £hall My glory-be pet to shame,' day are observed the; nest day (Sunday) instead.

a priceless contribution.







Pag* S

BACK: FEOM WEDDING TRIP rr j SEWING CLASSES BEING YQUSG1UBEA GROUP Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gerber whose wedding took place in Chicago on WELD'AT KEUMi January so have returned to Omaha after a wedding trip in Xew SCHOOL Dcrotiy Evrartz WS.E rstmscl The tnnnal linea Ehowsr of the res! York City. Uir CouncilBluffs Hadassah was P =«"t _ cr Groi^p I o aitiunltv Sewing classes for mother's are Tox:;E5 Mrs. Gerber was formerly Miss neld on Wednesday, February 16, i Judaea et the r held every Wednesday afternoon i JJarylynne Siedeli. EV at thr ,. „ at the Hotel Cnieftaia. One of j meeting_held last ]'! pn tty at 1 p. m., at the Keilain school! CAIfAR-STEE? SETURNS FROM CALEPORNLi undex the supervision of Mrs. C. The marriage of Miss Anne g Mr. Sam Tousem of the You- •Mititeers. Miss Esther Stein, daughter of Mr. a n d Mrs. Da-re Stein, be- Sinton, daughter of Samuel Sin- sem Plumbing Company recently frhosa with sewing problems pen era* center in Jerusaler. came t h e bride of Mr. Max Can-ton, to Charles Wiesman, son of returned" from California where are invited to attend. ana treasurer, Bercsee Donations to tne linen fund i ar, flon of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mr. and Mrs. N. Wiesman, took he has been visiting for several lie list nj ,- were received from: Meedamea D. j F.uib i«evine was appointee ^ C&n&r, a t a 2 o'clock ceremony place on February 14. The cere- months; m ; Fos, i i . Kooler, H. Barbacow, O. ! 5" CfT, „ . ,* -> " a Tali Snnday afternoon a t t h e Birch- mony was performed by ^Kabbi vin TT__t,__i» T> «•> ~, A fee h s l a S t i E c a y E f t e r n o o E . J-icrci H o c n m a s , Baile ivrasne, B. Ger-j „ „ . . . . -M v. ^ .v v wood Club. T h e marriage was David H. Wice at^hia home. \ewm»ii, YISTS IN MINEAPOLIS c*-,,-, T o ^ ~ v . - , i T ->™ <.,I S . Assisting h e r will be liutt 1 Topping the season's social performed* under a canopy of The young couple will be at Mrs. A. M. Greeabaum and flowers by Rabbi David Gold- home at 2103 North ' Sixteenth daughter Evelyn were the guests events, s. D. T.'s will be hostesses at their annual formal at the H. Marowitz, M. Katelman, H. ! °"Lr. -;W"VZ, _ stein, assisted by Cantor Aaron street. last week of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cornhusfeer hotel tonight frora 9 Fried, N. K o W . "S. "Rotta.,,. J. !a ^ 0 ^ e ^ ^ V :^ Edgar and Rabbi Nathan FeldGandall of Minneapolis, Minnesoto 12. Two hundred asd fifty Gotsdiner, S. Meye.rsioa, L ; ,,^ T. „ ., ^ ^ ^ £e- re m a n . • . , _ • • " - :'• ' • ta." _ ENTERTAINS FOB couples have been bidden to Krasae, M. Tjicelsoa, O. Krasne, \ . , «.,.,„, ^ ^ ^ _., - £ The bride was gowned in white BRIDE-TO-BE r eating (tt dance to Ken Nelsorfs twelve L. Conn, B. Seldin. G. RoEfinan, r.^., 1 "" ^— .-•-- ,- faille taffeta, made on princess RETURN FROM SOUTH t Hagnrtol C5S. Mrs. David Davidson entertainpiece orchestra. Chaperones for G. Krasce, L. Katlesiaa, M. Eofflines and -with a long train. Her ed last Wednesday evening at a Because of the illness of Mr. the affair are Mrs. Madeline v i'l be hoi* veil was shoulder length. She party given <•at the home of Mr. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. David M. » a n S. Suvalsky, H^ Meyerson I ^ o ^ l m ^ ' on S . ^ at :; carried a Bible with streamers of and Mrs. Abraham Shatton, com- Newman, who ; have spent the Baer, Dr. and Mrs.. James Rhine- H. Cnerniss, M. ^ogg, A. J. U f ^ r h , - * „.«„ r . *v. TF-R-^}<r he pr«*ihart, Prof, and Mrs. Cleo Sway•railey lilliea'and gardenias. Brown, and I. Kohl. 1 ^mu-^^t'-past fodr months ia Texas and plimenting their daughter, - S. 3Kit and Prof % and Mrs. Lane W. Also Mesdanes M. Cchn, Leo ! ^"^ ^ ' ^ ' ^ i '"^ i ' Miss Genevieve Stein, sister of E sther Shafton, whoso marriage Mexico, were forced to cut short zee, IJ Lancaster. . Muriel Fraak is gen- Meyerson, J. Roses, A. Baer, ! the bride, wa3 maid of honor. to •• Mr. Jack Sokoloff will take their trip and return to Omaha. eral chairman, assisted by Mary Milton Yndelsoa, B. Telpner, 51. | Kosalyn Rosen was electee Xou Canar was his brother's place on March 20. Arbitaan, Jane Goetz, July Lev- Katlenian, M. Grossman, M. Key- ! presicent oi the second group cl groomsman. The color scheme of pink and PHILADELPHIA VISETOK enson, and Shirley Polsky. win erson, L. Laz^on, M. Davidson, i r o c n g JciiEe& t t the nieeting • .Following the ceremony a re- white was carried out in the r-r rr, Miss Gertrude Soraers of Phil• Senior Women's Honorary 3'or- H.-Krause, B. Salsraan, L. Cher- i Sundar. Frances Elacfeer TEE ^eptJon was held at the*.club.. As- table decorations. adelphia is the guest of her coux tar Board has invited fifteen niss, W. Ls.zere, B. Kubby, A. \ named vice-president; Ar.ns. Ar^ slating at the reception steie Mrs. Forty guests spent a most plea- Bins, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mars. Theta actives tp its annual sch.ol- Gilinstv, X. Gilinsky, j . Moseo-1 bitman, secretary; Kose Gold* Meyer Raben, Mrs.. Lou Canar, sant evening at tables of bridge c o n d u c t i n r tills C1P.EE. arship tea Sunday afternoon. Bet- vitz, X. Richards, TT. Rodea, Sain ' stein, treasurer; Kuta Linda, > ( r n p r f > >'J. Mrs. Sam Steinberg, Mrs. Abeand bingo. PALESTINIAN WOMAN ty Beeson, Jane Goetz. Muriel Bubb. Phil Saks, and S. Sacks. I Rouad Table representative; s.n€ ^ I.,r^ Hoffman, Mrs. Joe Hertzberg, L a "Harriett Byron. Rose Mrs. Ben Gershun is still taking ! Erina Hereoff, program cnairy f i ~ ^ ~'r r* ^ ' Mm. Leo Fox,' Miss Rose Steinc . TO BE MERE MARCH 7 Franfe; r L Y tiv) Hill, Selma Hill, Edythe Kra^ae, d o n a t i o n s . ' ! nian. » . „ -^^ r ^, , „_ T „ berg, Mrs. Dorothy Friedel, Miss ENTERTAINS BRIDE-TO-BE A Mrs. Sam Lincoln of Council Muriel Krasne, Rosalyn LasiiinT h e C u l t u r a l G r o u p of t h e ' , P t r i m p a r t y is b e i n g p l a n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , . „ _ , i T Shirley Fox, Miss Toby HertzAn outstanding representative sky, Sarah Miller, Jeanette ' Po- Council Bluffs H a d a s s a b will j n e 4 f o r M a r c h 2 0 . A l l g i n s in- " _ r ' , . ' c „ ' _, - „ „ . , , , , -, , berg, and Miss Gertrude Canar. Bluffs entertained a t a tea Sunof Palestinian women, Hessia lonsiy, Maetelle Elinan, aoseph- m e e t on Monday, F e b r u a r y 28, t t i t e r e s t e d in a t t s s d i c g a r c asfced t c , ^ ^ K - _ n ^ "r- j - , - T ^ ~ day at the Blactstone Hotel in A dinner for members of the c a l 1 c l will be t h e guest of ine Rubnitz, Pauline Schwartz, 8 p . m . a t t n e h o m e of M r s . N a E.osalyn R o s e n , J a . 2 1 F 1 . ^.^^ ^ V . r i f t F T ' e i r t two immediate families was serv- honor of her niece, Ann Kaplan, Kupermintz, the Omaha branches of the Pio- and Selma Sreitel all received in- than Xo^g-, 3116 Avenue A. ed after the reception. . whose engagement to Mr. A. E p - need Women's organization and vitations. After , a short wedding trip stein was recently announced. * u * ail AT A color scheme oi pink and the Goldie Myerson club on At the annual Penny Carcival 'the young couple will make their : -pre .-/ .: - c March 7th. white was carried out. Ons hunsponsored . by Coed ' Councilors home in Omaha. dred friends called during the Coming to this country from the pledges of S. D. T. usder tne rice Bisno, will be reriewefi br i afternoon. Mrs. M. H. Pessen Twentieth World Zionist Con- chainaanship of Selrna Kill, acENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Eabbi DariS A. Goldstein, 1 p. j gress, Mrs. Kupermiatz has em"\ tive, sponsored a. photography Airs. Bertha Xagan announces poured. The reg-ulsr montc2y luccfceoa ra... TTefinesdEr, K&rch tni, on j barked on a tour, of the 125 booth. Josephine Rubaitz is Assisting the hostess were Mis3 the engagement of her daughter. of the Council of Jewish' TTomen j the tenth flDDr c* t t e ErEEfieis ' Fay, to Nathan TVolk, son of Mr. Bernice Jacobow, Miss Ruth Le- American branches of the Pioneer chairman hi I h e . cotnciittee for -will 'be lield on Ho3«sy s.t X i Etcres,' Bt E cl^?€rt llt?^rl?.C0Ai FfWomen. • Tassels, honorary pep group, o'clock at the Jetrisi. Cozzsxunltj • ing hel£ tr t i e In'^Et TTrlTpre and Mrs. Louis "Wolfe. " bovici, Miss Rose Kaplan, Mrs. I. Mrs. Knpennintz wfll gpeafe at which, will present scrolls to Center. Mrs. J". S . Cohen, presl- [ Committee of the Oza&ba Clsf.pNo date has been set Tor the Bernstein, Mrs. Sam Epstein, weddings Mrs. I. Lazerotritz, and Mrs. S. a luncheon to be held at the Jew- graduating basketball men at dent, and Mrs. Morris Katelsiaa, ish Community Center on Mon- Saturday's game. Josephine was vice-president, will give a repsrt Jacobow. "••-.. boo* review. also recently elected secretary of on the National Triennial ConA number of other affairs have day; March 7th, at 1 p . m. ANNOrNCE ENGAGEMENT Hadassali will hold a very iraTheta Sigma Phi, honorary jourEeservations for-tnej luncheon Mrs. Gertrude Soakin and Mr. been planned for "the bride whose vention' whica they attended in portant osrd meetand Mrs. George Colton have an- Marriage will take place in may be made ' b y . calling • Mrs. nalism sorority, Pittsburgh. i i^g. E t j . 3 O _ a t t h e jeTrish comOkun, WE ~ 1542. Mrs. J. Feldnounced the engagement of "Miss March. Harriett Byron, Betty Beeson, A board meeting will bs held j d ^ a i t y Center. AU members are man, or Mrs. H- Mendelson, Ha Josephine Rubnitz, Jeanette Po- a t 1 2 Helen Shryer to Jack Lederman, * i urged to come because of vital 0582. son of Mrs. Jennie Lederman of CHOOSES WEDDING DATE lonsky, Sara Sinserin, and Judy The Personality Class will meet j p r o W e E l s t t £ t vr:i! t e ttLcs c r Grand-Island, Nebraska. Levinson have , been selected to Miss Sylvia Letwin, whose enoa Tiiesdaj-, Karck 1, at tne i £ tL ^ ^ ^ tiniE. model in th>e annual Coed Follies Conimucity Center. * No definite wedding date has gagement, to Richard Hurwitz ' "*** March 24.; Muriel Krasne is a been chosen-. Tras recently announced, has cho• The Civics and Legislative* candidate for the campus Best Group will meet on Friday, j ^ s e n M a r c h 20 as h e r wedding Ten prospective members were Dressed Girl. RECBEN-RIFKIX date. There ceremony and recepMarch 4, at the home o! Mrs. J. j^i , ENGAGEMENT tion for the . "immediate family honored at a ineiabership smoker M. Xewman. Mrs. I. TTeiner wiiljj? C C K r " E t s I ' " " -Mr. and Mrs. David B-ifkin an- will ta&e place at the home of held at the "home of Morton Marbe co-hostess. golin by Mother chapter of A. Z. nounce the engagement of their Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaufman. A. Sunday night. A t ' the same daughter, Sara, to Albert G. ReuLADIES' FREE WAN The Omaha Section of the Naben, json of Mr. and Mrs Harry MISS EPSTEIN'S BETROTHAL time, PAG pins were presented tional Council of Jewish Juniors to three P a s t A l e p h Godol's by A regular meeting of the-Lad^teuben ~ ' " " ' TOLD Chasm • • • No* -definite date has been set " The engagement of Miss Tthel Advisor Art Grossman. Enter- is planning a "Paid. Tip Member- ies Free Loan will be held on ship Dance'' to be held Slarcli "Wednesday, March 2, at £ p. n . \& lor the wedding. . ' . . . - " . . Epstein, daughter of Mr. Henry tainment was furnished by memI'xv Cost'usac Suits bers' of- the chapter. and by Ad- 12th at the . Blacksto.ae Hotel. at the Jewish Community Centsr. j$| Epstein, to JMr. Albert Slavsky, visor Ben Barkin. The loll owing girls are in charge: \ CHICAGO VISITOR son of Mr. Harry. Slavsky of New Sunday afternoon, the basket- Ida Fine, Bess Bernstein, Selda one. j 'it, Miss Dorothy Light of-Chicago ; Tork, w a s anounced -at a n Inforball .team will -play in.a'prellmin* Caerniss, Hanna Gossick and Ev-All board members have beenj§ . 1B visiting her uncle and aunt, mal dinner Sunday.' • elyn Haiman. ary game to the Kansas City— requested to attend. "lit. "and Mrs. B. A. Simon. No definite 'wedding date has JCC match a t the Jewish ComMembers who are Interested In been chosen. bowling and who signed up for munity Center. the Sports class are asked to meet Tuesday, March. 1, a t 5:30 BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED r B'NAI WRITE AUXILIARY j a t Walgreen Drug store; 16th Mr. a n d Mrs. A. Gandall of C '" and Harney. Minneapolis, Minnesota, have an?//-" nounced the engagement of their A board meeting of the recentdaughter, Frances, to ; Mr., Morris ly organized B'nai* B'rlth auxili3Bernstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. ary was held Monday a t the JewH. Bernstein of this city. ish Community Center. A reorganization meeting of The wedding will take place in The following committee chair- the Psl Mu Fraternity was held r the early summer. men were appointed: Member- last Monday evening a t the Jew\' c Take Advantage ship, Mrs. A. Greenberg; Social, ish Community Center. A sew ANNOUNCE BAR MTTZVAff Mrs. •William ' Lazere; Publicity, constitution was drawn up. of These Values Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kooler o JMrr. Sam Green; Telephone, Mrs. The following new officers j • in Our" Council Bluffs -announce t h e B a r J5i.n Lintzman" and Mrs. Darid were elected: Leo Berman, chnir- • Mitzvah of their son, Douglas, on Greenberg. Downtown Store man; Morrie Falk, correspending March 5, at the Chevra B'nai Yis- . The local B'nai B'rifh lodge roel Synagogue of Council Bluffs. has invited the wives ol members secretary; and Jay Stoler, trea16th and Douglas surer. " . • •' ' ~ j Friends and relatives are In- as well as all members of the Meetings will be held every j vited to attend. ' : B'ni B'rith auxiliary to attend other Monday at the Center. - FOR.-SATURDAY . the meeting Monday night at the CONFIRMATION CLASS Community Center. A program I n our strictly Kosher DeSUPPER and social evening are being planEXPERT WINDOW !( partment you will find a Members of the Temple Israel ned. large selection of the finest DECORATORS Confirmation Class will be hosts Pirsl Tirae Offerc. at a supper Sunday evening, KOBher delicatessen foods— Febr. 27, a t 5:30 in the-vestry, . a t -value prices. Separate rooms of the Temple in honor of slicers, knives and Ecale3 the seventh a n d eighth grades of i r e used for Kosher foods. the Sunday school; .' Draperies, Veaetiaa Mrs. Julius Newman is in ' ' BHitds," Slip C Komher Wionera - oi charge and 13 being assisted by Chocolate Knt Cake Sisaccs, D r a Salami, $>. mothers of the confirmants. pery Hardware j % cup butter, 1% cup brown feinberg'o . . . . . . . sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup sour milk, 1 TO RECEIVE FOR VISITORS "Sdbmalts Herring, |j F1MSST QUALITY teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon vanilOn Wednesday afternoon, March la. 3 squares melted chocolate, 2 Lju-ff'e, fat, e a c h . . " s cf 2, from 2 to 5, Mrs. M. Freiden cups flour, y^ cup chopped -walLOWEST PRICES Breakfast Beef, Feinred cf f "-; KWFTCJ . . . *'rt and Mrs. Jack Luttbeg will r e - nuts. t>*T?'» " K o s h e r % ercr re. i ens r-pera c f ceive friends and .relatives a t a Loo F. Cllttsr, iBacon,"•'•••ii I t ; pfcff. <k Mis- ingredients in order given .a" \"?.2;s c -05SCS C tea to be given in the Mayfair 546 Brandeia Th«s. and bake in layers a t 400 degrees room of the Fontenelle in honor cf 5 rrs . . . , Corned Beef Salami, PJione. Office, JA 4819 T of Mrs. Al Berger of 'Cleveland for 30 minutes. Cover with choKosher, fancy, ;' rr:; " 7 - f c r " 7 ' y ' Residence, WA 77 SG and Mrs. 51. Blaugruud of El colate . icing to which has been Pound * « t . . « * t * « ©«;c« |-"*"^ |^ E Appointneats Paso,-Texas, who is visiting here added 1 teaspoon peppermint i ri n '.Vegetable "Loaf, tt>. • with her two daughters, Char- flavoring. '••xs* ^Cosher, t a s t y flavor lotte and Joy. ; cr i r-s. : Mrs. Blaugrund and Mrs. BerCorned Beef, l b . ger a r e daughters of Sir. and Esgb costtnne suit in our French f.T — LiccS £.-.; Koaher S h o u l d e r . . Mrs. M. Freiden. e'er:':ra is *~ »"t 11 • H V ^ HOT is e ^ssl0^pi#c« < Kippered Salmon, jTFf - No invitations "are being issued. r i»r Fancy, .lb. .r UJ" P V T '«"•»•# ANNOUNCE BIRTH , .'Chicago B e s t K o s h e r Mr. and Mrs. Dave 'Feldman c. r «" Wieners o r Salami £ announce the birth Of a son. on P o u n d ' . . . .-•'. . . . . . *• ^ r r ir r r<r " r T February 22 at the. Methodist ™ r 1.OX, fancy, l b . hospital. Kosher . . . . . . . . 1 SEKSATKS5TAI, C I X £ 5 CTXGC& Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ferer Dlscet fronj Sis Entroor* Ossaitry CSab, Ef. announce the birth of a eon cm COTELT'S," IRC-f February 21 at the Nicholas Senn CILLY & JOY S£t'2.1K hospitah • . Ti ZXA3I ELSQUOil ¥AL1JSS i s • . ' «

Council Bluff, Hadassait

Council-of Jewish. Women


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A.Z. A. Np..l'

Junior Council









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Old Taylor, 4-yr., Bonded Kontucliy Bourbon O f\F Wfaiskoy, quart. . . PINT - $1.79 Gin 0*b p Distilled Dry, gal. Cjs<j U Gal. 51.99, Fifth 79c Black & ?>fcDenald, All Over S-yr.-old 1m- $G P ported Scotch, Sth £a«i

Elrsot irota CSes Fsxsr. Hoase,

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Yorfe—«s2 en S3 iirarS far SJosy Cortuca


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FREED — Paul A. Wright. Angeles air terminal executive, is embraced by his father. Dr. .1. J. Wright, after a Jury found he was insane when he shot and killed his wife and a friend. Earlier the same jury had convicted him1 or manslaughter After the second verdict he was released from Jail.



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CLEAN SWEEP — J a p a n e s e forces that recently, captured Nanking, China, immediately set about reorganizing the municipal departments, engaging civilian - .refugees in various posts whether they wanted to work or not. Above are members of the cleanup brigade. Armed with crude brooms, they are forced to sweepee-uppee.


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FROM ICE TO INDIA—Leaving the winter sports at St. Moritz. Switzerland, Count Haugwitz von Reventlow and his Countess, the former Barbara Hutton, set out on a new trip. Here they are seen as greeted on arrival a t Bombay, India.

TO AFPEAii—Former Governor James M. Curley of Massachusetts, who said he would appeal a Superior Court decision ordering him to return to Boston $30,000. with 57,575 interest, "corruptly accepted" while he was mayor of the city. The case grew out of the settlement of a damage suit against the city.







COURTING TKE SUN—While parts d the Unitsd States ccmbct icy blasts £niid snow and ice, fortunate folk are enjoying v.-ar= sun and fcatay breezes at Palm Beach, Fla., where society activities are reaching the winter season's height. Esre are sons charming colonists who court the sun. • Left. Miss Joyce Kerr, featured diver ct the Sun and Surf Club, obliged the cameraman by posins thus. She is the daughter of Mrs. Karrsnond FitsGerald ci Boston. Top center. Baron and


Saroncss Cv.r ds ^otLischiii or irri?. vr '~?n; c' .'.i".~ rpbcna at ths sarr.e clui:. "ppcr ri<rrit. I'li.";-- LPC T'.^^'-.rvr p" C-rr-scIfle, N. Y., r.:oce cf Esrror; Col'icr. Nov "i c"i c^n r:i^. r r - f. dance step en the B-I:more terrace. Lr^\rcr center. Idss Lurlls Mivcl, £•;"'-• — -"r T"-.f. Jo'.ra C.1 Carsr or Albanr. K. V.- rr \z: ? Vzi r,i:-. f: c-v- C DT> r-r."-. Lower left, Caroline SchrTiicl cC Rc;-r' Or'.;, J''.-'-... T-T--J. f p,~ T---V:1 j;v,'im suit, at ths Liac Pool DGPC'-T C'.I,'-,.


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ADVISER—Know Boris Karloff, bogy-man of the screen? Then meet his brother, above. Sir John Pratt. Sir John is a noted British lawyer and chief adviser on Far Eastern affairs for the British government. Here he is en route on his bicycle to the Foreign Office in London.



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W. W. Wlrephoto.

GAS FUMES ADD TO TORNADO HORRORS—Fumes from a wrecked gas well spread across Rodessa, La., adding danger of explosion to the horror of the tornado that dropped out of the sky to .kill 30 apd injure scores. This scene shows the overturned derrick and wrecked shanties of the oil boom town. Rescuers worked in heavy rain and darkness to find dead and injured.

T Louise r i-outh- * ••- n, the : . f .-ch i. GRAVES OF THE FOREIGNERS—This is a secticn c! ths cs—?hcrr ci r-jc-carrel ing graves of the International Brijrcae. vhere Americans, Frenchmen, S"'i?r-. C-crrr; of other nationalities are buried. Xhsy Ti-cre Sshtcrs ;n i^s Lcyslist cruss zl Cr?

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,. nasa •PSOBABLY ABSENT—Montagu Norman, governorof the Bank of England, preferred to remain incognito, on a West Indian holiday with Mrs. Norman. When a cameraman found him at San Juan, P.R., as above, he said: "I'm not sure I'm here."

•MAN-NAMED SMETH^L.eft to right,.Ralph Guldahl. National Open golf champion; William "Dinty" Moore, Jr., golfer, and former Governor Alfred JE.. Smith, "at the Palm Beach Country Club, Palm Beach, -Fla.

^^^ — Dr. Josef _Rc=oh Minister cf Zz:lz.l V.'e'.rarc in tl:r \sv/ pic-"-.::! cabinet formed ir. \ustria aft-r r-rcccurc en Chcn•eilor SchUo-hni;- b"_Cy.-.r.c:-::cr f of opposition to ths r. loomed.in Austria later. although • possibility cf • halting

:idmg that--the International Copyright


•THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, FEBBTJAHY 25, 19SS I BEBER, and real name unknown); Maude Troy (a corporation); Peoples Na- Charge of Fidelity Eauk and Trust I Eleanor M. Eeld; Mrs. Karr Gottleb; Mrs. J. P. Gould (first and tional Bank (a national banking: as- Corapany; Ida \vi2n3emscn; Abe brand; Kste luHbert: John VT. E c u -co ro c inr ^ '"''• U I P C 1f <* ^ V real name unknown); R. S. arable ;ociation); Henry A. Perrl^tjey; Hen- Tavitz; Teckel. Earickson & Com- don; Daniel J. HaEey; C. D. Een-oc l •, Attorneys (first and real name unknown): Mrs. •y A. Perrigtiey. Guardian aniS Cura- pany, a corporation: Teckel. Earick- | (first snd resl na.me unknetrn); Ise - FOV Union State Bank Building Carrie Grahl; Leonard W. Grama: tor Estate of Perriguey Minors; Han- son & Company, a co-partnership; I lie C. Hou^h. iC <-> .' ^^ r Andrew Grass; Florence Graupner; nah Perschijacker; .Esther K. Peter; Henry w. Tonker; Dora Tonker; JI. W. Hocsn ffirpt and r?Pl aOmaha, Nebraska' r " T E. c. Gray (first and real nama un- E l l a FettUer; I^awrence Fickert; Adoiph TV. Yours. ' ' ^ohn - - Holtmarm; -- ; unknown); LotiiF- I known). Charlyne . 1'oung Hilda Eastrow; ' Hoelscher; Anna Htsber; CJara KIJT>Raymond Pickup; lleyer Pickup; NOTICE BY PUBLICATION TO Gray; David Green; George Mrs. J. IJ. Pierce (first and real Arthur Eastrow; Arthur A. Zeis; J. ' er; Dr. VT. K. JHotrtikiss (first £n TEMPJJE PLAINTIFFS AND CO-DEFEN- A.Olive Green; Cora E. Greenlee; Chris name unknown; V. C. Pinet (first E. Zelch (first and real name un-! real name unknown); Barry H" T>- CC S nd real naro* unknown); Betty known): Leanda S e l l ; Catherine burg; F,;tyrnona H. Hoelscher: Ed* Tonight at services Rabbi DavGroetecke; Mrs. Rose Grond; Charles -, -v r * r ^ Zoll; Charles Sol!; Mrs. - Elisa&eth Hoehn; J. H. HonerksmF (first r 'latte. In tho District Court of Douglas Grohe; Ernestine Grohe;' George J c ,.id H. "Wice will stfeak on "WasCounty, t « 1 "»Nebraska. real name tmfcno-B-c); J. B. Bow*-. - o Grote; S. F. Grove (first and rea. Bessie Platts; Norraa C- Pollsrd; R. Zwicke. Europe a Success?" kamp .(first and resl name t " Kansas City Life Insurance ComH. A. Wolf, et al. Plaintiffs vs. name unknown); S. N. Grove (first B. Pollard (first and real name un« <. -. ^ PI kno-n-n); Ada J3. Eo'mes; Era Hoip»and rpal name unknown); Dora M. pany, a corporation; C. L. Holman. . Regular Saturday morning ser- Omaha Safa Deposit Company, et al. Grover; William J. GundaJi; Joseph known): August C. Potihoff; Elmer 1-1 B. Powell; Bessie Powers; Joseph H. (whose full and true name is Charles kins; Elisabeth H u m p h; F. « t 1 Defendants. Docket 329., No 339vices will be held at 11. David Blacker, Plaintiff, vs. KUchen Gutchrel; Edwin F. Guth Company Preiss: Joseph H. Preiss & Company L. Kolisan); Lynton T. Block and Kuhr.ke ifirst anrj real ramc i r Brothers Hotel Company, Defendant, <a corporation); Albert Guze; Lydia' :a" corporation); Joseph H. Preiss & Warren Browne, as a Bondholders' knovrn); Hirsch, Riepe & Tv'riirhi o r Pzul H. B. E ~ p e s h i p ) ; pscl M r s , Company (a copartnership); Thomas Protective Committee acting under a copartnership); Docket 282, No. 98; Kitchen Brothers Hackman; Ross Hackman; BETH ELHotel Company, Plaintiff,-vs. Omaha Katie Hagemann; Charles W. Hahn; O. Tacy: John J. Johnson: Lillian Deposit Agreement dated "November Locust Gro\"e Cemeterv (sn unincc associatiort); Eilss KF~1 £ t services this evening, Rabbi Safe Deposit Company, Defendant. Cornelia D. Handelman; August Veney; airs. Byron Cosby (first snd 30, 1931, for the protection of the porated Hanke; Joseph Hanna; H e n r y real name unknown); M a r y A. holders of certain bonds sold by or Kalsey Stuart & Company (a c--David Aronson of the Beth El Docket 2S3, No. 33. ft np- -*ip Harbks; Fred E. Harris; Emil Hart- Schauu-eacker; E. F. Goth (first and through Fidelity Bond and Mortgage poration);. Halsej- Stuart ife Coraprr'' . ' " . . ' • • • " .. ' "Synagogue oC Minneapolis will T o : man; Miss Mary Havey; Joseph L. real name unknown); Harold A. Company; Marshall Field & Com- fa copsrtTiershSp): G. A. Kollanc" t Company (a corporetioKi; G. A. f-m. Haw: Bernard W. Hays; Ellen M. >Vaiss; Dr. J. R.: Bridges (first and pany, airs. May Ruth Abramsky; Harry r corporation; First National l&n>3 & Company (a copsrinfrsh ~ occupy the pulpit. - I l l s topic will Ackenhauser; : furl 'r r o Elizabeth Healey: M a r y real . name unknown); Edward F . Bank in St. Louis, a. corporation. Minnie Ackenhauser; Hays; 1 be "Mirrors or "Windows." r ii Edward Adams; H. J. Aufder- J. T. Hanwel ffirst End res.] nr—e - Xi. M. Adklnson (first and real name Healey; Joseph L. Haw; Bernard TV. Steffan; Francis L. Smith; Frank _j unknown); Lewis F. Horn: Lsfayp Hays; Ellen M. Hays; Elizabeth Straub; Mrs. Christine Schuckman; heide (first and r n Cantor Aaron Edgar and the unknown); P. M. Adkinson (first and Healey;I non r C J. Mary Healey; Edward L. Christine^ Schuchrnan; Paul Sehafer; real name unknown); Anchor Ar..Beth El,Choir will "conduct the cadia lodge 322; Inez L. Anderson- Heffner; Emma Heiligenstein; Jda Selma Sapp; T. J. Connors (first and Louis Anderson; P a u l Anderson; Hefnecke; Mrs. Adele Hemker; J. F. real nama unknown); Continental services. |. Clarissa Anderson; Anderson, Plotz Hennessy (first and real name un- Ate Insurance Co. (a corporation; and Company (a corporation); An- known); Amelia Hennessy; John J. Mable Cooper: Samuel T. Cooper; Hennessy; Kate Hennessy; Robert Olive H. Corwln; Alco SI. Cosgrove: derson, Plotz and Company (a coVAAD ; partnership); Louis .E. Anfender; Hennlnger: Ernest Hensick: Mrs. Lucille Cott; Elizabeth DeGaris; Fay' At the late services, tonight, Pauline Anguish; Henry Anzer; Isa- Ernest Hensick (first and real name ette Bank of Fayette, Ma (a cor- Andnc; James A. Anderson; H. J. unknown); Charles F. Hepp; 1Mar- poration); First National Bank of Berg (first and real name unknown): belle Anzer; Alvin April; John Rabbi Milton Kopstein will speak airs. L. B. Ambruster (first andApril; end reEl ns.rae unknewr); T real garet A. Hereon; Adeline Hering ; A. Springfield, Illinois (a national bank- Fred L. Beck; Percy S. Block; B. j . (first Jung: <• first and real name n - 1 r\rv r ',on "The Need for Vision In This name unknown); E. S. Armstrong J. Hering (first and real name un- ng association); August Hanks; Buckert (first and resl came un- A. known); TVarren Joner; J. C. "eri p (first, and real name unknown); known); J. Herman (first and real Leon D. Knapp; Earl Knlekmeyer; known): Albert H. Binder; Jacob nings ."Troubled "World." Cantor A. Armstrong (first and reel nsrae i~Valiquet & Co. (a cor- name unknown): Margaret A. Her- Arthur Kuhlman; Joseph L. Law; Berghoffer; Herman Bertram; Bertha know-n): Edward Jaeger: Jlary ' "- \-, ,' Bch'waczkin will: officiate. poration); Armstrong Valiquet- & sen; O. J. Herzog (first and real National Stockyards Bank (a. na- Bertram; V. J. Bleckman (first snd ger;. Laura C. Jones: .Teffcrson j}->*>v r r unknown); William Hettenhau- tional banking association); Rogers real name unknown); Anna C. Brarn- & Trust Company of St. Louis, J i = - ^i _ " • Junior Congregation services Co. (a copartnership); C. TV. AtkJns name (first and real name unknown; L. £* sen; I. T>. Hewitt (first and real & Tracy, Inc. (a corporation): E. A. rneier; J. W. Brady (first snd real sonri (s corporstlon): Mabel K. JOP" • .^re-held at iO-a ; m. a t the Con- Aubel (first and real name un- name unknown); Ben B. Hibbard; Schmid (first ,and real name un- name unknown); Behrmafin & John- Lester A. Kelly: 'Anthony Kufen. oi i C ir P P P f.-i ^ ^ i (« copartnership); Behrmann & gregation B'nai Israel, 18 th and known); F. PT Aubel (first and.real Marie Hibbard; Miss Dora Hill; Wal- cnown): Walter A. Schneider; Mrs. son Mrs. Cammie C. Cons; In-ing F- unknown); Harold Auld; Beth ter K: Kitchkiss; Mrs. E%-a G. Hodg- i^red Thomas: Lou E. Cooper; Silas Johnson (a corporation); Bess Eal^Chicago. Mrs. P . Rosen and Mrs. name ^. Auld; Anna M. Austin; Irma A. kinsi Louis R. Hoelscher; TVIIIiam A. Grora; John K. Lord, Jr.; Joseph Leo M. i Linda were hostesses to the Austin; Milton Baer; Cora G. Bahr; Hoffmann; Ottilia Hogenmlller; Ar- Connolly:" Elizabeth Connolly. . "children last Saturday. Hostess i. M. Baier (first and real name un- thur N. Hohenstein. ' J. F. Rasmussen (first and reaJ inown); William F . Barnard; James Augrust Hohlt; William Hohn; name unknown)-; Mamie Redmond: this Saturday will be Mrs. BenI/. Barngrove: Catherine M. Barry- Esther Hohn; H.-.H. Hoppock (first Thomas E. Reese; John .Eeid; Luly Busb}-; Dr. TV. H. Breuer (first and Eisenberg. Elizabeth T. Barry; William D. Bar- and real name unknown); Elsa Horn- leid;; C a Charles Reinhaxt:: Mrs. Ida i);'Johnnie W. Keppel: M . Ia ry, Jr.; Mrs. F. M, BarUeson •'.( first s'ey; W. C. Horstman ffirst and real Keller; F." land Bank • o* ivrorripon, IVTiSPatiri f n^storff (first and and real name unknown). Ren^storff and real name unknown); August U name unknown): Addle at, Horst- real name unknown): Clara J. Keng) Cl J K 3auman; Virginia P. Beall; Bay A. man; Elsie Hosch; Edward Houll- storff; Tillie Rengstorff: Sophie 1 1 ^eitzel. ham; C. D. Howard (first and real Rengstorff: Johnnie W. Reppel; Mrs. name unknown); Jlelita Howard; Elizabeth Reubel; Lester Beuss; John Jessie A. Brown; Harry A. Beimes; i weaker: V. C. Pinet ftirst end re r <= P r ^ r k o r PT* The Belle Bank (a corporation); Catherine Benz; Helen C. Benz; Hil- Sam w. Hyman; Mrs. Emma Hub- F. Reynolds; Clementine Richardson; Harry A. Bellas; Nellie Buckman; j name unknown): OFCS.r BVJCh: ? ic r c-< t •> r Clara i J. p . Gould (first stna re*! name T " da Berg; Anna Berg: Hilda Bertr; bard: Henry F. Huelamann; Mrs. Richland Bank (a corporation): Liz- Janiee Bergfeld; I an ot Louis BelfaE Bender; ot ? ? !Belfast, (known): Theodore J. Drerer; Annie Berg; airs. Natalie Berg; F. A. Cecile Spencer Hunt; Estate of Theo- zie B. Rigfrs: Bertha Mae Rinek; S t ^ York fa corporation): George Gandolfo; Peopipp National Bank c ' V« 3erger (first and real name un- dore II. Hunt; TV. S. Hunter (first Walter S. Rinek: Christina Rith•. I M r s . Beimbrink; Belleville Finance Corpor- Charlottesrille. Virginia (a Xa.tioi- _„ known); Miss Jennie Berger; Kathe- and real name unknown); Clara mann; Emma Rittenhouse; |r>f e; rlne Bergmann; William F. Bernard; Hurst; Clara G. Hurter; Henry Hur- Eliza Robertson; Hugh D. Robertson; ation (a corporation); Louis A. Eitto; Banking Apeocistion); M. A. D r r v ' Alice M. Robertson; Mrs. H. H. RobMary E. Berry; Alice Berryman; Jo- ter; Norma Hurter; Rolland Hurter; Theodore M. B Bohr; unkno-w-n"*: E ' ;" h ; J. Harry Boka )j (first and real name unknown): seph S. Berryman; Mrs. M a r y Mrs. Adele B. Hyman; SO?. \V. J. inson (first arid' real name un- ffirst and real name unknown; Dr. j Gandolfg • (first and rea! name i r nown); Mrs. Salle Robinson; Ethel u. H. Breaell ffirst and real name I known): Efime C. Chsssircr- Vr nr Blerwe; Mrs. Lulu BIrchard; Carrie Hynd (first and real name un« • Fascist Activities Stir Leaders L. Bishop; Nelle G. Bishop; T. A- known); Mrs. W. J. Hynd (first and B. Rodgers: Barbara Roebke: Wil- unknown); Be(sy Botts; Dr. G. B. Company of East St. LOLI nk II p'r Blair (first and real name unknown); real name unknown); Mrs. Martha J, liam A. Roebke; Mollie Roebke; E. L. Benes (first and real name un- Illinois (s. corporation); Sirs. ,To<=f- r of. Dominion Parp William H. Blanton; Reinholdt Blatt: Hysinger; Mrs. Neta Inskeep; Mrs. Soederer (first and real name tin- known): C. H. Berrr (first and real p hi G gi Th O T Tr v phine Gogpin: Thomss O. M< rwin name .unknown); Boone County Naliament '. IValter W. Blood: Boatmens Nation- ! I (first and real name un- known); Eugene Roesberger; J. Hy tional Bank fa national banking as- Mrs. Ctr. E M S tll S i j -j McCartr. Stella r I il Bank (a natlonal^banking associa- known); Jennie Jacobs; Lena Jaco- Roethemeyer (first and real name trie of the Estate of Dr. James n Wilhelmlna >: Wilhelmlna Berphofer; | McCarty, deceased; hs.vi& Wl'llia-^r, ;, -Ottawa-(JTA) — The Depart- tion); Richard Bocklage; H e n r y bus; Clara K. Stern; Miss Katherine unknown); Jacob Roll; Paul T. sociation): Barker, "~ Roques; A. T. Rosegren (first and Jaenecke; Mrs. Estelle'' M.' Joffray; Durham. Drurj' & Sparling i Man" A. Botz. Bode; Elizabeth Boehm; Charles J. ment o£ Justice is now investi- Boehm; ^rr J. L. Collins _,. (first! Wm. Brockmeier; A. L. Brsjrp n ' John Baelling; Lillian Boesen- Albert F. Johnson: Mariette Johnson; real name unknown); Barbara Fishpr (a copa.rtnershlp); ' .''gating Adrien Arcand's Fascist berg; Bena Boester; Ales J. Bofca; H. E. Johnson (first and real name Rosen; Edgar N. Fisher; IsabeUe J. and real ns.me unknown); Jennie ffirst end res! name unknov r ^ Campbell; N'ora Cri.mmins: S. W. Georgre Burnett; Hsher; Emma Roth; Joseph W. unknown): Alice Johnson? A. DeHt" r John Henry Boka; Charles Boken; organization, .drilling in military Mrs. Elizabeth Jones; Sadie L. Rottler; <5eorge F. Rj-an: St. Louis Culbertson (first and real name un- < first and real name unknoTrn); C Boleyr Charles D. Bolin; Wil^formation In; Montreal, a deputy Sarah ^Letter Carriers' Mutual AM Associaknown), also known as S. M. CulL. Edwards (first and real name i-i Juhlin; Georgetta, Juller;' Guy F. liam C. Born; Mary A. Botz; D. R. r c ro<=c (first and real name un- Kahmann; Leonore Kaminski; Miss tion (a corporation); Irving Salmon; bertson (first End real name 'on-| known); Joseph A. E^-ers; Gerrtrir-p " i Minister of Justice told the Jew- Bowes John M. Sanford; Katherine B. Scanknown); Jeremiah. Curtin; TV. E. ;Flavtri; Arthur Giyspr.kamp: Corp r '"" known); Mayme Palmer • Bowes; Emma Hasten: Emma Kasten; Mr. • &Ji Telegraphic. Agency., ~~ " - I- »-Edith A. Boyd; A. L. Braggins (first Christ Kaufman; Mrs. Christ Kauf- Ian: L. J. Schad .(first and real.name Carlson (first and real name un- ! Greer.lee; Chas — W. Kahn; A. J. ng (first and real name unknoT' r -:, Results of the investigation, and real name unknown); Mrs. C. man (first and real name unknown); unknown): Mr. Fred J. Schaefer; A. known); Myrle Campbell; Dr. J. 33. | ing William B. C. Schaeffer, Trustee ffirst and real Cashin (first and real name unBraniecki (first and real name un- Lillian Kaufmann; Marg&rpt A. Eersen: U,...->.,,. Ben ....„ B. „. *I en- i[ Jlargarpt U ..•which was ordered -by Minister of. known). .. *" uOL F Keeble; T. J. Keefe (first and real name unknown): Paul Schafer; Philip known): A. J. Cannon (first and real bard; Clara Kurst; Bolland Kur i • nama unknown); Mrs. Elizabeth D. name unknown); Georpe Capps; CenI John TV. Johnson; Louis •Justice Ernest Lapointe to ascerJ. Schaller; Wilmer Echaller; Helen 1 11 George Breimbrink; John Breth- Keeling; Mrs. Ella Kelly; Susan J. C. Schanbacker. f1 tral Republic Bank"& Trust Company Georg-e A.' Kunze: Joseph Lena, " tain If "any military, exercises, auer; Elmer J. Bridge; Everett G. Kelly; i -i «• i r Marie H. Kemper; J. W. Emily M. Schelp: CaroEne fcchenk; (a corporation); Charles TV. Chassa- ITrs. Anna.. Ott; Mrs. .f. L. pjp-ce Philip E. Brlscoe; William Kendall T ( (first and real n a m e Scherck-Richter Company, a corpora- ing; Georgia Chrispin; Martha Child; ,(first mpvements or evolutions without Brinkman; . . _ . „._ _ . ._,„._ _.„._..,.. and .rea! Brockmeier; Katie Brockschmldt; unknown); Mark M. Kendall: tion; Scherck-Richter Company, a Dr. John F. Caskey; M. J. Conroy gust C. Potthoff; Loais Seals: iawful authority" are being car- George M. Erockway; Frank A. Joseph Kirsch; Katie Kirsch; Marie co-partnership; Gustav. C. Sehichen- (first and rep. 1 name unknown); E. SirnP: irrs. Lcuella J. Smith; . ried - out in Canada, will be re- Brown; Harry Brown; A. L. Browne Klaskin; Anne Klaskin; Frances danz: Clara Schiermeier; WiHiam Dorothy Acn Cole; Anna Coan; E. F. W. Smith ffirst and resl name i I -pr -i 1 r (first and real name unknown); Klaskin; Charles A. Kleinhans;.Fred Schifferdecker; Mrs. Theresia Sch- Clemmons & Sons (a copartnership): knotrr;); Fannie Sioutec; B. . ported to, the- House of Commons Berthe Broyer; Casper Bruening; Klemme; Lizzie Klemme; Mrs. Edna maus: Albert M. Scfimelile; Arthur Helen Coerver; Theresa Cope; Effie Thuenemann "(first Rnfl rest r r - " r largaret Bruening; 'Nathan Bry; H. Klemp; Elizabeth Klein; John Klein- L. Schmid; Agnes i r i e n ~ r ^ » i ov i ^ln due time, the official saidRev. Cople: Mj-rlte Cole; John C. Camp- unknown); Mrs. Sam ThurmEis <f ' 2. Buchanan (first and real name schmidt; Beulah J. Kleppisch: Emil Caslmir G. Schmidt; Schmidt; F T t IC T ir <»-—nt "\ r •• n «• " Mrs. Kelie ,C. bell; Mary Eilie Cotton: Byron CrcsFascist activity is becoming an unknown); ); LUi -* real nsme Albert W. Buck; Mrs. Klingler; Max Klingler; Philip be r Philip W S h M t ; •O SchmMt; O. by (also known as Byron Cosby) ; Veney: John TK'ack; Kenrj' .T. TVi «• _ Important feature of addresses of Lilly Buck; Edward P. Buddy; Laura Kloess: Leo Klos; Alma Klotz; Wil- Schmidt: Coiiins; Clarence Connor, Louis R.. Koeischer: Helen C- Schfi- •„ ~ S h i d k (first and d reall name Albert C. Buffo; Ernest Burgrabe; George liam H. Koch; Laura Koehler; Carl Schmiedeskamp statesmen in Parliament and on Burnett; Katherine Connor; G. TV. Carroll Schmisseur; backer;; Aupust Hanke;; Minnie C - <••* Bertha A. Burns; Miss Ella Koenig; Mrs. Carl Koenig (first and unknown); Ralph J. p Schmoll: Ben Schnehoff: Hen- (first and real name unknown); Em- D S l i g; Arthur public platforms. Prime Minis- Burton; Edward N. Busch; M. L. Teal name unknown); Clara P. Koe- Henry DoeSling; Kohmid: ChE i«» rj" G. Schneider; John C. Schnell; ma D. Cosby: Central Agency & Oechsner; Harold A. Leopold; At"« • ? Busch (first and real name unO h H l d nig; Emilie P. Koenig; Ira R. Koeter Mackenzie King, Opposition known); L. C. Busch (first and real nig; Paul H. Koenig; Joseph E. Elmer Schoenlau: Hermice Schoens- Loan Corporation (a corporation); Martin: Waiter TVeinstock; Lutr^r man; Henry W. Schoensroan; Loraine Fannie Clark; Hazel Carryl; MIna Todd, Treasurer of the Bosrcl of I *Leader R. B. Bennett, William name unknown); Oscar Busch; Mrs. Kopelowitz. ' J. Schreiber; Anna F. Schulz; Wil- Davis; B. H. DaHy {first find real nance of M. E. Church South; Be »Buss (first and real name unHerrldge, farmer Canadian Am- Arthur liam N. Schultz; Edna Schultz: Au- name unknown): John Decker; John vilie Finance Company (a corp" pknown); Melvin Buss; Camp%& Co. Bertha M. Koerner; Carl A. TCoerbassador to the United States; J. (a corporation); Camp. Co. (a co- ner; O. M. Kortjohn (first and real gust Schweiss; Mary A. Schweiss; Devine; Clarence Daly; W. A. Den- tion); E. Gandolfo (first anfi Leo W. Mary A. Schweiss; by (first and real name unknown': , n a m e M . , _ . . ^ . ,fc) . ,. partnership); Myrtle Campbell; Mel'S^ Woodsworth,- leader of the C. ville K. Carson; Mrs. Lulu Caruth- name unknown); Lillle; Kreibohrm William Schweiss; •v r L. Schweitzer; Louis Seals; Hugh Davis; T. A. Day- (first and i Blanche Kuh'n;. E. A. Keltenr r L. Krennlng; Marie KrenC. F . (Cooperative Common- ers; George Caps; E. B. Chassaing Erna Louis Seals; Arthur Seiffert; Mrs. TV. real name unknown); Reverend Wil(first and rea! name enknornj,ning; Mildred Krenning; William r real name unknown); Mrs. H. wealth Federation) group in (first and Krenning; C. Setter-field (first and real name liam J. Dawes; Otto C. Durban; iiam Kieinschrnifit: Joseph E. K r ? i Krenning; Mary Chestney; Hilda L. Cisi; Miss Dr. A. J. Krietemeyer ("first- and unknown);_Mrs. Anne Sewing: Hilda Louis J. Drexler: Josephine Dietrich; Carl A. Keeiner; Dr. George W. Kot> .•Commons, and R. J. Manion, for- Mabel Luella Clark; W. C. Clark (first and real name unknown):. Lena.. JCriete- Zastrow; Miss Elizabetii ffhaffer; Reverend F. J. Dooley (first and real nig-; Joseph G. Koncen: Lou;?s " rohn B. Shaffer; M. Shaffer name unknown);- B. Drikow (first Kratz; Blanche Kplir; Minnette C mer Conservative Cabinet minis- real name unknown); E. B, Claypool meyer; H e n r y Kroener; Louis J(first and real nams unkno-vrn): and real name unknown); Mrs. B. Kaufman; L. A. Kel'.y ((first and •*<• (first and real name unknown): Roy Krohne: Olga Krohne; Louis K"rohhe; ter, are among those who have E. Clemens; Mary E. Coah; D. A. E. C. Kroibohm (first and real name Alberta Robinson Shannon; Edward Drikow (first arid real name un- name k ); a K Eawleigh T. Shepherd; i t . known).; Emma Dischbein; J. S. Rose F. Keil; J. P, Edwarfi expressed, themselves o n . the Cole (first and real name unknown); unknown); Mrs. Louise Krosbein; A. Sheda; Kerr (first fn Sarah E. Cole; C. L. Collins (first E. Krughoff (first and real name Thatcher Shore (first and real name Dickson (first and real name un- real name unknown); Anne M. Kc— growing menace of Fascism In and real name unknown); Nora E. unknown); R. H. Shumate (first and known); H.. L. Doelling (first and Sophie TT. Kei!: TViUiam Kr — AS"-"- "rr unknown): Arthur Kullmann; Cathereal name unknown); Georsre Doel- Helen. Kiiftrrbprj:; Lyflia Kestojt; I_^ Collins; Colorado National Bank (a rine £-. Kunz; Louise Kunz; George real name unknown). Canada. .••'••" ling: Theodore L. Drej-er;' Theodore Kennedy: E. C. Kreibohm (first national banking association); Peter A. Kunze; James P. Kerr; Lester A. Clara M. Sido; A. M. Simon ffirst DENY .CLEARING NAZIS Comer; Sirs. J. P. Could (first and Kelly; Emelia Lammers; Joseph J. and real name unknown); David E. TJ. Dreyer; Michael Discfcbein; Rus- rpal name k J real name unknown); Harry Cox; Lampe; Ida Lampe; Larson-Hanohan Sims; Margaret B. Singleton; M. M. sell B. Da\is. ,New York ; (JTA) Brien Hugh King: Inez Kitchen: Elms C. Kn-'r L. Crabill; Mrs. F. C. Crom- & Co. (a corporation); Larson-Han- Sitton (first and real name unMcMahon, Assistant Attorney mer (first Joseph Knlttel; Ix?ui?a Kronsbcin Thomas F. Daly Agency Company and real name unknown); ohan &Co. (a copartnership); Lee known): Frank Six: Edwin R. Skaer; (a- corporation); Thomas F. Daly A. Kunze (first and reel nsme General, in a letter to the Anti- Dan Cubbage; Rose Cubbage; Mrs. LeRussa; U r s . Anna M. Lash; Dr. L. Mrs. Cecile M. • Smith; Harry F. Arthur Kuhlmar.; X. Company (a copartnership); gy p y ( opartnership); Martha G. Nazi' Department of. the Ameri- Mike David.Dana; Louis Dauernheim; L. Latham (first and real name un- Smith; Isaac Smith: Mrs. Loueila J. Agency Eff Effa D Dean; Caxl C l V V.Dai-is; D i Reverend R d Kurtz; P. H. Kniphton (lirst known); B. J. Latimer (first and Smith; M. W. Smith (first and real D. C. Eby (first and real name uncan League for Peace and Dereal name unknown); Richard- D. name unknown); J. P. Sparks (first mocracy, dlsclaimed-a report that R. W. Dawes (first and real name Latimer; Velma Lee Latimer; Ed- and real name unknown); L. P. k C. Lee; F. H. Lehman; Joseph Sparks (first and real name unthe Department of Justice had unknown); ' Oscar Decker; Henry V. ward w) known); Emanuel Ph. Specht; Louise man (f Deemar; Jennie B. Deemar; Ben H.Lenzner; Emma R. Leonard. discovered nc( violations of Fed-DeForest; Specht; Gertrude L. Specht; Edward R. L. EBis (first &nd real name un- real narn» unknown); Joseph L. J. A. DeHovitz (first and Mrs. Emma Levy; Adolph Leyh; G. Spence; Beulah V. Spencer; Otto i LeopoM: L M Lunian eral Laws on the part of the Ger- real name unknown); Louis H. De- Katherine known); Harry Sanders; Thomas Haroid Liberty Council No. 1 man; Henry Detmer; Mary G. De- No. 3 J r . Leyh; O. U. A. M. (a corpora- E. Spinden; Otto Spinden; Mrs. M. Elsberry; Henry J. Ebers; Heis-chel LoreWa K. 'Llndeuheil; J. C. La '«• man-American Bund, its affili- vine; Dick Milburn; Elizabeth Diehl; tion); Lichtenstein Gudab (first and real came unTV. Ebeis; Mile F. Edwards; Charles Estate, Inc. (a i ateS or officials. Lewis G. Diehl; John G. Dlerking; J. Staab; G u s H. Edler;GeorRe Eprg-ers, Jr.; Edward I Gladys L. Lemon: Ss:rS C. Lu-'r H a r r y Lichtenstein; known); Frank Anna Dierking; Mrs. Louise Dietrich; corporation); c " T r<>Nora Liebig; Charles Llnza; Hilda Staples: Mabel Staples; George L. Eisenhauer; Emil Eilison; J^ F. Elli- Emma Leonard; Eliz&beth Lrrr^r X«nss; TSI°-PMONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER 4 Joseph E. Dilg; Ernest Aug. Doctor; Littleton; Augusta F. Littmann; Ed- Stapleton; H. E. Stappenbeck (first son (first and real name unknown); Charles Ixarisa; r • J —l 1 « ( Edna S. Doelling; Fred E. Doelling; •' „ • COHEN,"Attorneys. Littmann; H. B. Livingston (first and real name unknown); William H. James Eiisoa; Oscar Ellison; -E. A. sa Lockner; Locust Grove Ch P ^ * PT O Sophia K. Doelling; Hugo Doelling; gar '• -737 Omaha National BanK Brdg. and real name unknown); Mary E. Stark; Laura S. Starr; G. G. Stein- Eichinger (first and resl name un- | Cemeterj- Fund, slso l:ncrr> as : r>- 1 +r John Doeling; Minnie C. Doelling; Lloyd; W. G.'Lorn-urn (first and real heimer (first and real name unLaura C. Doenges; Theresa C. E. ~known): Peter Steinheimer; Peter PROBATE NOTICE * Dold; Mollle Dolder; Daniel J. Dono- name unknown); Margaret E. Lovall; • -In. the Matter of the Estate of van T Fred R. Donley; Reverend Pat Mrs. J. C Lovrien (first and real Steinheimer; Anna Steinheimer; E. Stepenhorst (first and real name unreal . "William.C. Farr. Deceased. J. Dooley;. Harry J. Douglas; John name unknown); Mrs. John Lowrey '•• Notice Is hereby given that the TV. Downs; Theodore J. Dreyer; (frst and real name unknown); J. L. known); Clara - K. Stern: Fannie Early, Receiver, Interstate National corporation): Dan G. LieWw: E"~" creditors of said deceased will meet Louis J, Drexler; Lill^iin Drohan; Lucas (first and real name un- Stout: Fannie Stoutec; Frank P. Bank (a National Banking AssociaStraub: Mrs. Dora Stukenbroeker; tion) ; First National Bank of Negauthe?administrator of said.estate, be- William, buenke; Dulaney P l a y - kno-wn); Harry Luechtefeld; Mrs. nal Banking Associa- («rst &nfl real nam» raiKno-' fore—me. County Judge of Douglas grounds Board (a-unincorporated as- George Luedde (first and real, name J. William Sullentrup (first a.nd real nee (a Nation name unknown); P. J. Sullivan (first tion); Charles-1. -P. Foreman;. Cora — L. , Selas. County, Nebraska, at the County sociation); James Duncan; Martha unknown); J. E. McCarthy (first and _ _ L. Mayer; Dorothy E. KcCourt House, in said County, on the Duncan; Mrs. OIlie Duncan; Laura L . real name unknown); Clara J. Mc- and real name unknown); Clarence Foreman; Florence M. Futz; W. G. r>*\ J. A. Summers.' 18th; day of April, 1938, and on the Dunham; John. Dvorak; C l a i r e Carthy; Marie B. McCarthy; Stella S. ISth-day of June, 1938, at 9 o'clock Dwyer; Thomas J.Dwyer, £?r.; Olivia MeCarty, Ex.' Estate of Dr. James W. Frank Svoboda; Frank X. SweeA. M., each day, for the purpose of Eckardt; .Paul Eckardt: Mrs. C. H. McCarty; Miss Adeline E. McClurkin; ney; Martin Sweeney; -Dr. B. V. presenting their. claims for esamina- Edler (first and real name " un- G. N. McDavid (first and real name Swisher (first and real name unForeman (first and real name un " tion, adjustment and allowance. Three known); Elmer Edler; Charles L. Ed- unknown); Gertrude A. McDerm-ott; known); Agnes Tackett; Ellen L. known); N. W. Feuerbaeher (first known); Josephir,;; Mankle; Ma ^months are allowed for the creditors wards; C. L. Edwards (first and real Leoria McDonald:• Mary McDonnell; Tariing; Fay Taylor: Louise Taylor; and real name unknown); Fidelity shek Estate (an'unincorporated »•«Genevieve McElroy; Mathew McEIMortgage Corporation . (a corpora- socjation); J . L H&toushek ( «• Paul Terhune; Norman Terry: Hupp io present their claims, from the 18th name unknown); Reverend Fr. Egger roy; Mary McElroy; Sarah McGllli- Tevis; Regina Thiess; B. E. Thomas tion); Fire Insurance Company of " " ^ Treal " " 1 "«""» name ""«•-«""•"•• ^<"-*> '••- I •day of March, 1938. . . -- ' (first and real name unknown); gan: William MeGilligan: Miss Anita (first and real name unknown): Chicago (a corporation); N. M. Fita- John Merion: Katie 'Srlarser: M ••-•••• BRYCE CRAWFORD, George E. Egger; Ernest Eggert; C O-* Winfrcd McGratUT Nellie Katherine D. Thomas; Mrs. Squire patrick (first and real name un- Bsnk & Trust Company, of Et. I Robert Eike7 Anna Eike; Richard S. McGinnls; 2-25-38-3t. ' " County Judge. McHose; Bridget McKenna;. Ida L. K. Thomas (first and: real name un- known); GoSdie Forsyth; - H a r r y Missouri (a corporation); c r r fi < . , . TVil i n McQuitty. C *" Frankel;. Myrtle S. Fuller; S. S. FarMayes; Ssrah McGiUigsn: Bi r.<; <" known); Catherine Thompson; Har-. Eiseman; Da.vid Eiseman; Sophie IRV1N C^ LEVIN, Atty. ry Thompson: M. R. Thompson (first row (first and real "name unknown); ! Villiam P. McMurray: Fred J P- ' "" 763 Brandeta Theatre Building Elsefiian. Major Lewis Means; Irene L. E. Farley (first a n d ^ ^ real name unj wether: Acjutant-General L « i if I " and real name unknown); B. J. Omaha, Nebraska Lisette Eiseman; George P. Elswlrth; Loney; Anton . Manhart; Karolina Thuenemann "(first and Teal name kno.wn); Mrs. D. L.' Feaster (first Means;; Ida Met*;; Alvina Me »"" Arthur W.' Ellerbusch; Dr. A. J. Manhart; John J. ' Manion; Julia Mrs.. Sam Thurraan (first and real name unknown); Fidelity Edna Meyer; y fia E. f E McCcy; C "NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE Eisner (first and real name un- Mann; Albert Mann; John P. Marat- Unknown); and real name unknown); Mrs. Ellen W. McCarthy; Katherlr.e * ~ Bond & Mortgage " Company (a_cor- James J W M r SALE y; K known); Kate Engelmann; Wray. H. ta; - Annie J . "Marshall;- Anthony Milvllie Tod; Alice Tod; Mar- poratfon),: Theodore. Florreich; Xulty; F. J M 1 Xl F fi 5 ' •irst S.TI<! • Notice.is hereby given t h a t on F r l - Essex. Sr.; Wray H. Essex: Joseph L. Mart; AdeHa Martin; Mrs. Matilda- Tilton; Mor.tag E. Tolmie; Mrs. Lettie A. Foster: Farmers and Traders Bank »ame unknown); 1.07a . day. t h e 25th d a y of February, 1938, A. Evers; Joseph A. Evers; Oliver A. Martin; John TV. Mascm; Willard A. garet Traufler; Stella Trippel: Edward J. a t 11 o'clock A. M., a t Shames Body Fabick; Miss Hannah Faes; Annie Mason; Selma L. Mayer; Edgar W. Trihei" Alvia Troegle; Farmers and & Radiator Company, 1906 Cuming Fahey; H. J. Falkenhalner (first and Meier; Julius Meier; William Meier; Merchants Savings Bank, a corpora. Street, Omaha, Nebraska," t h e under- real name unknown); Louise B. William C. Meinert; Andrew L. Mel- tion; Ulbright; Mrs. I. Ulbricht . signed will sell a t public auction, to Faris; Farmers & Merchants Bank (a cher; Agnes Meicher; A. J. Menteer (first Lydia and real name unknown); C. Associatioa); Slinnie Forcade; An unknown): Chartes W. J.Teler; K ' t h e highest bidder for cash: 1—1931 corporation): Elizabeth Farrell: Mar- (first and real name unknown); Mar- L. Ulrich (first and real came un- drew Fruth. B u c k Sedan, Motor No. 2626182, Mode: H. Fechtler (first and real .rare 1 Mohr; Mrs. Henry Jlohr (first Dizotell Farrel; D. L. Feaster garet M. Merrttt; E. C. Henry Meyer known); Elsie Ungrar; Esther Unfrar; real name unknown); JI. Merc ' 8-50,..covered by ; a chattel mortgag garet unknown); Fuller, Crutenden & Com(first and real name unknown); WilMax A. Ungax; Union Trust ComIn favor of Shames Body & Radiator (first ahd real name unknown). pany <a corporation); - Feller, Crat- ffirst fend' resl name iirikno^ liam Meyer; Miss Helen Meyer; John Ernest. IiJeyer: Kstherine Met*: George Feldbusch; Frank J. Feld- A. Meyer; Mary K. Meyer; Wilma pany, a corporation; TJniversal State tenden Company, a n d executed by Helen Company (a copar^ner& corporation: Peter A. Vaeth; "Walker J and, Clarence Walker, said man; Kate M. Felker; Harry L. Fer- Meyerson; Mrs. Linda K. Meysen- Bank, T Ic Charles Vanck; Wiliam Voderberg; ship); First'Union Trust 16 m ,r <• , jnortgaga- bearing d a t e of July 2nd guson; O. J. Ferguson (first and real burg: Fred . C. Michael: Lillian Arthur" Togal; Mamie Vogal; - Cath- Bank <a corporation):' First \ J " T - I n ' *" 1936. Said sale will b e for t h e p u r name unknown); Julia Feustel; Fi- Michael; Emma G. Michaelis;. Kate erine Vog-elr L Mrs. Lillian Voney; Bank of Chicago (a. Nation 1 ^ -1 T- ~ r pose' of foreclosing said. mortgage, fo deUty Trust Co. (a corporation); Milbert; J. P. Miller (first ana real John IngAssociation); First \ rWack; Miss Nellie Wagner; J. ej — p T Tf • p costs of sale and all uccrulns costs, JIayme Finlgan; Dorothy Finke; Isaunknown); Christina Miller; G.-"TValdeck <first and real name un- Bank. Washington, Missouri (a * 3?- ;^ e and for the purpose of satisfying the bella J. Fisher; Florence M. Fitz; M. name r Phillip Miller: Louise Miller; Ida known); N. , Walden (first ar.d real tional. Banking. Association) " »i ' r^ r amount- now . due tnereon, to-wit Fitzpatrlck (first and real name un- Katherine Miller; J. E. Miller: (first name unknown); Miss Belle Wall; J. Forbes (first snd real nr—<» 1.- ^ ^ known); Thomas H. Fitzpatrick; J117.30." Thatno.BUlt or other pro F *- " 1 r *• real name unknown); Elmer L. Walsh (first and real name un- known): Fitch' Publishing C "^ " " ceedings ot law have been Instituted Gertrude Flaven; Mrs. Lena Fohr- and Minor;' Edwin .Moellmann; .Alvin known); LiHlian H. Walther; George fa corporaUor.); • Fayett© ~ — c1 n Tr ' | Ff ^ """ n ; to recover said debt or any part man; Mathew T. Foley;. Mrs. Mary Mohr; Albert Monaska; Charles H. Fayette, Wyoming (a " eorp-"-p ~i Fortel; F. Earl Fowler (first and real Moore; Emma L. Moore; Dr. M. R. 7t h e r e o f . . -•'-•• • Martin Goede; Floyd Getz: ^ f~ r — F. Wangelln: Dr. E. B, Ward (first l SHAMES BODY & RADIATOR CO, name unknown); Mrs. Elizabeth Fox; Moore (first and reaj name un- and rear name unkhowrO: Warren Geers; John Giliespie: Jon"->u \ " 'Sirs. A. J. Francis (first and »roal . " . , . • . • • ' • • . Mortgagee. n rt r known) ; Mrs. Dorothy E. Moots; " ~ name unknown); Minnie Frantz; Miss William Morgan; Mrs. .Myrtle B. County Bank, a corporation: Felthan Grevels; Adele Gacken: D- A 2 - - - 4 - 3 8 - . i t .-.•• ; : •••• •-- ~" W. Roslna. Frantz. (first and real Moser; Walter F. Mueller; Theodore Watson; Ruch C. Watts; Weber Im- Gugter; Ife GooSman; Carl \ C 'r plement & Auto' Co., s corporation; August George; Frsncis Ger—r° s o name unknown): A. L. Freeland Muench: James "Murphy; Alice MurLEGAL NOTICE (first and real name unknown); Em- phy; .Mary M. Murphy; James E. Weber Implement & Auto Co., a co- H. .Gibbs (first and. resl r ~i«* >." partnership; H. C. Wehking (first known); Mrs. Ora E. Grimn? "-" ma Frese; Eugene Freund; Mrs. Ann NOTICE-TO JOSEPH ELK1N, do. Murphy; Ellsworth A. Murray; WI1Fries: Sirs: J. A. Fries (first and real ma Myersc-n; Kathryn Myrick; Jos. and real name unknown); Hulda A. Gudale; E. J. Gsndolfo (first r - - -. Ing'-business under the trade jam .Wehklng-; Emma ' Weindei: Joseph name -unknown); J>[rs. F c"" name unknown): Raymond Furrer; Myrick (first and style of Elkln's. Grocerj" and real namo un- Weingart; "Walter TVelastock; Louiss Gabb: Aibert G. Gre«r; W. ^ C<- "" . N o t i c e Is hereby given that in an D. K. Firmin Fusz, Jr.. (first and known): A. L. Magerstadt (first.and Welhoeltcr; Joseph P. Welsh; Aug- (first andd reall name unkTs^f k real name unknown); J. A. Gallagher . action In the Municipal Court for th real name unknown); Mrs. W. L. W'esseischmldt (first and real name Morgan Gerfeen (first and f 1City ot Omaha,-Douglas County, Ne- (first and real name unknown); Magroder .(first ana real name- un- unknown). unknown); Mrs. Beulah C Charles G. Galle; Thomas E. Galil.braska^ "wherein Fannie ^Ackerman, known). " 'Delphine Westman; R. B. WtaTen Grand National Bank of f ii'UEtee. t3 plaintiff and Joseph Elkin, ean. « 1Missouri • (a Nations! B&rski (first and real narns unknowii): Mrs. 'doing'business under the trade nam Naphtall Lodge. No. 2a. A. F. & Marj- E. Wheeler; H. G.. TThelan ciation): Mrs. Carie Haley; ? « C J. " '. Gahtz (first and real name and style of Elkin's Grocery, Is de A. M.'fa corporation); Fred W. iMesrie Haley; Williaci H. E r e • fendant. an. order of attachment an unknown); Jesse L. Garrett; Delia C. ley: Clara ICesley: Isabel Newlands (first -and real name unknown); Margaret Eartman: M. P. x - - r Garrett; Roy W. Gaubaln; Gephart Catherine A. Whelan; 'Urs. KiHa irar.nishment was on the 10th day t <~ Gawer; Charlotte Gawer: F r a n k Leo F. Niebur; Louise B. Niebur Whipplg; Meta S. Wiedraar.rt; Mrs. (first and real name unknc* •January, 1938,- issued out of sal Aucrust Nollman; I. F.Nordyke (first Gawme; Leo Gegg; M".' F. Geisman Anna WIese; David Williams; R. D. becca Hanberry; Rtrbecca. I ' v -1 ^ court for the sum of S150.00; and tha (first and real name unknown); Mrs. and real name unknown): Mrs. Em- Wlliiams (first and real name un- Phillip Eer.s: Walter E '— ^ r r 'the: following .goods and chattels be T ma L. Nuoff: William Olbrisch: A. George (first and real name unknown); William Williams; Mae S. Carrie Eausrosirra; C. -K. — •'. Ibngins to you and;1n tho possession Kathe.'ne Olbrisch; Mrs. K. H. known); W. H: George (first and renl Williamson; TV. S. Wilson (first and (first and real Banw unkno« C of JtoskovitS Tlxture Company^ (first and real narae un- real name unknown); Faalins TT"ln« east .Hanks; _ . H ; A. J. Harris lr r f" corporation, at 1115 Farnam Street 1 name unknown)' Henry Gerding; Al- Oliver known): Blanche Dorothy Qmohun- grath; Ferd. Wir.kler; Magpis Vv'iak- real r a s a Tinknotrr) B •" " " Tinknotrr-) ;•; B. the City of Omaha. Nebraska, wen bert M^.Getz; Chris H. Gieseke; Ed- dro; Anna It. O'Neill: Charles Osthward Giessllnsr; Mrs. Edward Giessreal n s a e -unknorduly attached, to-wit: • , ler; Alois A. Winterer; Chsiiss F. (first snd imme -unknor ling (first and real name unknown); off: Mrs. Anna Ott: E!mer_F. _ptte Winters; Peter J. TVisemann; Mrs. F. I^ena Kahner: Kary Ksrvc , 1 large refrigerated meat display • A. W. Gilbert (first and real name Mrs. Anna M. Page: N. D. — Paine Wissner {first and real name Hammel (first s.ad renl v ^case, .1 cooler, various counters and unknown); F. P. .Gilbert (first: and ffirst and real - name unknown) Henrj* J. Witts; Henry R. known); Dorcil-.y K«"iU?: tables, 1> scale, shelvingj and mlsreal name unknown): Mrs. Hilda U. Pearl Paine; Dorothy Panhorst: »«Iin- known); George Wlttmann; Aujrust Hert<?r; Ethel Kerter; PhylK ^cellaneous equipment.. Gist: Mrs. Henry N. Gisi tfirst and nie Parish: TJllie I. Park: Charles Wittee; V'emice Kes.p; Barbara K e ' Wittenberg-er; ErnesS TVlttecberger; ;' You are further notified that sal rea Iname unknown): Reverend John cause was continued "for service t J. Glennon; Arthur-Glusenkamp; Mrs. W. Parker: Roy A. Parker; TV. E. WiHiam Wittenbergsr; B. TFolan Kicks: TVafie Karri?; Jacob T the 18th day of March, 193S. at 9:0i Josephine Goggin: G. F. Goltermann Parmley. (first and real name un- (first and real name tsnknown); Sal- ley; "Virginia Hssrky; C!sr A. II.. and if you do not appear foi (first and real name unknown); Clar- known) ; Marshall C. Parsons: G. E. ly .Wolan;. Gertrude'-Wolf: Vincent C. L. 3. Hennosej" 'first st»d r . t r i a l at that time, judgment will bi ence E. Gonser; J. Goodman (first Paydon rffirst and real name un- Wolf; Floy TYotfenbarger; The World unknown): Mrs. E. L. Held rendered against you r.s prayed 1] and real name unknown);. Bertha known): Mrs. G. E. Paydon (firs Color Printirg Co., a corporation: real.nsrne ursknmrn); Eer •plaintiff's petltfon. * real name unknown); Ottif The World Co'or Printins Co.. a co- man: Henry Heberer: Ah Gosen: Genevieve Si Gosen: Theor- and Pearee; E. M. Pelke (first and rea partnership: Hans TVulff. Special raan: Kulda Bellman; FANNIE ACKER1IAN, Trustee. 4384t dore H; Gosen; T. L. Gosney (first name unknown); Peoples Bank of Deputy Financial Connnissloner is Heinz; Henry Heckle; ?*ar: FRADENBURQ,


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Page 8

! sick child,,. The child became the j Serai, you judre only by .what mother o£ the cazi.1 i s ' r yon must i the golden dress. Women Meet-at. The Elocution class of the Ceni ndchildren j Everything t a d ti > t Luncheon Monday ter will meet at 2:30 o'clock Suni <..yers than i ihe best it seemed a= ^ ft day afternoon with Miss Rozena it lady la I the splendor of the At the luncheon meeting of the Sacks. • . . - . . OH, YOU XAZI BIAK Do you ' grandchildren. ' The' wig's booksf for the latest Sioux City Council of Jewish Wo* i o was the ing. Tte iz.ll, g'ract opus. . . Coagressmsn Jerry O'Cs men, Monday afternoon, 115 The' Jewish Art Theater group of Mont&aa Is going to esplode FOB SHAME, SEXATO2J one in the tails was the gran charter members signed the scroll S1STEHH00D TO 11EEV his grandWonder why Senator Allan J. | T&tke Mosfce vrh v which Is to be sealed and kept in has begun work on the play "Auf a bombshell within the nest sis Wledersehn," which will- be ea- weeks about. Nazi responsibility Ellender c* Louisiana firegged j peddler., I-Iis gra enough to FRIDAY AFTERNOON the chapter's files. Mrs. J..H. tered in the one-act play contest for aatilSeniitisni in Mexico . . . the Jews into his £Eti-lrcchiEg jj bent cotble tlmos --on. Kulakovsky of Omaha, spoke on to be held here this spring. s \ I of his tinware. Forcser' Mayor' William N. Mc- filibustering speech in the Senate ! The March meeting ,of the the work of the Council. - event' Arts i" bought his vr. Nair of Pittsburgh, who is run- oa F e b r c a r y Pth . . . In t i e ! Temple Sisterhood will be held The social service group of the course of his remarks he said he ! tin at one time, for i next Friday afternoon, following Council is sponsoring a drive ning- for the Democratic gubera 1 o'clock luncheon.. Mrs. Sam this week for old books, which natorial nomination, says he's in -had received resolutions favoring i hot and she could in Pickus, luncheon chairman will will be ' distributed among the the race "to give the Protestants the anti-Iynchlng bill from Com- ' tim suffer ucfier t h . be assisted, by Mrs. Abe Agranoff TTell, I s£iG, it's & somebody to vote for" . . . Mrs. munist organizations;, Including Mr. andMrs. • A. J. Galinsky, Ittamer Ben Avi, Noted Pales- and Mrs. Ben Sekt, co-chairman. Jewish .Community Center,-the WHITE SPOT" rroremsEt. EreryitiEg ; better. Bruno Richard Kauptmssn is be- one from an organization »n Community House; the two local Bernice." Galinsky, and Mr. and tinian, to Be York City called the Raven " W / Imprc'veci?" Mrs. A. in. Davis will give the orphanages, the day nursery, an& Mrs. William Galtnsky and" family ing used as a lure to attract visSpeaker In.cr-iriep received'up'to FebritorsHo a-Nazi camp in New Jer- "When I received the communi- Friedman. "What better?" invocation. Dr. Delia Callnsky the Florence Crittcnton home. .ry 7 from -the first four adveN spent last week-end in Omaha, cation from Tbe Raven," said the This . haiTJ" scene—this cresey . . . Which reminds', us that Ittamer Ben Avi, Palestinian will preside at the program and The balance of the books are bethe Nebraska White •property owners in Connecticut Senator, "I thought from the fact fiUing.. grE.ncl.etir , . , tins dream publisher and gifted linguist, will Mrs. Louis Goldberg will preside ing sold today at 511 Fifth street visiting with relatives. f-mpsiCT indicate that4n« pot that this lodge, • cr whatever it come true . • . this Cinderel!?.; are BO determined to keep Nazi at the business meeting. Thfe proProceeds of the sale will go tobe the speaker at the annual -may be called, was named the like tre.Ksforrtif.tion . . , Certain- stf.tr.'s messf-sre to industry is begram will include aplay "It's a camps out of that state that many ward magazine subscriptions for •Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kalin and Jewish National Fund banquet on Raven that it would appropriate- j ly everything's better. After this ir.js heard thrniighout the counnext Wednesday evening. March. Woman's Privilege," by Mabel the Community Center, library. d a u g h t e r , Barbara Ann, of of them are now demanding the •ly-be a colored organization . . • party j try, according to a report today g c r e r tfeese people will go Conklin Allyri. The cast which Mrs.. A. M. Grueskin, Mrs. Meyer Mitchell, S. D., visited in Sioux insertion of a clause in bills of by otto Ei;rrv-].r.kPl, managing 2, in the Jewish Community CenTo my surprise, however, Mew j to their elegant dwellings and ter. The speaker will be remem- ha's been directed by Mrs.; Lucille Levitt, Mrs. Karl JKline and Mrs. City this week with Mrs. Kslin's sal© forbidding the use of the York's chief of police wired that! apartments where they Lave pink cirect.PT of Aaf.nclp.te.& Industries of Xebraslra. bered by a great many people for Lavalllers -and Mrs. Leon Marx, Adolph Rosenf eld-are in charge parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Em- property as a Nazi camp . . . Bou- it was a white organization, com- j zntl green bath tubs; their quets to cartoonist Marcus cf the .the address he gave at the J.-N. will include Mrs. Leo Cha.Ikin, of this project. The case work leln. proOC s total of £T;6 inquiries reposed of dissatisfied Jews, dissatj ents bathed In wash tubs, New York Times, who depicted F. banquet in Sioux City several Mrs. Earl Kline, Mrs. Meyer Le- group of the social service divisceived frora persons in 43 states, isiied.Poles and others who are "But," insisted Kr. Friedman, £6 asked for additional informaMiss Norma Cohen departed Hitler sitting in front o! an easel preaching years ago. He is considered the vitt, Miss Helen Levitt, Mrs. Les- ion met last Friday in the home Communism in. this ter Goldman, Mrs. Abe. Agranoff, "in what way are they real'.:' betof Mrs. Harry Bailln, and out- for her home in Atlantic City, N. on'which he had painted his owa tion on Nebraska's industrial remost eloquent and convincing ter?" ; - lined plans for a course of study J., after spending the past year picture over the words "Bei Mir country." . . . sources and at'.vsntapes,- an anapersonality that, has appeared on and Mrs. A. M. Grueskjn. In social Bervice case work. •' Bist Da Schoen" .. . . The cartoon WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE in Sioux City. . . • Ot, Kr. FrieccinE, you seem to lysis oi the returns show. any platform In lnany years. A Did you hear about the Jew- tare your mind. on. spiritual conAmosj- these are letters from was capilaned "To His Valentine" native of Palestine, he received The child study group will his early education in. the Holy Mr. Max Rosenthal returned . . . The house organ of the Mar- ish reslestater in Jersey City who siderations. Notice that lonrmeet this afternoon at 3:30 Land, and later at universities in this week from a buying trip In shall Field department store of publicly proclaimed that Mayor j limbed, slender g'rl in the silvery , i'ornia; a music publisher in colo'clock at the Martin hotel. Paris and Berlin. In Paris he Chicago, "The Field Glass," pab- Hague had done more for the j dress. She is like s. moonbeam j' orrflc; clr.y products, threading The naturalization aid group New York. was for many years editor of Hshed an anti-Jewish poem ia its Jews than any man of "the j canting, isn't she? Sheer-poetry, j equipment and needie works exemet- at the home of Mrs, Sam leading papers in Hebrew and December issue, and when an cloth?" . . . The remark was made ' Mr. Friedman. Ker grandmother i cuttves in Illinois; a fiour mill Mr. and Mrs. Morey Weisberg, Pickus yesterday afternoon, and at the open forum of the town's always-had the rheumatism be- [ r-nfi a Printing riant, in English. outlined a course of study. Any- Bellevue-..apartments, announce apology was demanded obliged ts; a m&n ' «"der house, dress one desiring - information along the birth of a son, February 17th, with the even more insulting recause of the cs.rcp tenement in He is a gifted linguist, as was which Rabbi S. Goldstein, of the manufacturer and a publisher inply that "it was all done in the this line is requested to call Mrs. In the Methodist hospital. ch she lived. Do you knew his father, the famous Elieser Free Synagogce, replied to an atcompany exeInvitational Meet .to D r a w spirit of fun." . . . Pickus, the chairman or Mrs. Ben Yehuda, who is considered anner in Iowa, TRAXSATIiAXTIC Chapters from Louis Agranoff, co-chairman. the father of modern spoken1 Heacturer In ' World's Window Vicinity The second Community Center Don't believe those reports brew. Ittamer Ben Avi was the a malted dance, sponsored, by. the Council that the Pope will welcome Hitler first Jewish: child in modern urnlture fac. (Continued from Page 1.) when the Fuehrer visits II Duce times to be brought up in the The first A. Z. A. invitational will be held at the Center tomorn Wisconsin, and a hosiery City's Reform Temple . . . is Invited In the spring . . . The Pope has spoken, Hebrew language. basketball tournament has been row evening..Everyone v runs back 50 rears) was; He had been shell-shocked by the purposely changed his schedule pressure en Jersey City Jews t 0 j memory - Ben Avi arrived in America a postponed one week, from Febr- to attend. . grandeurs, j Hitlerian use of the words Art so that he'll be out of town when prevent them from criticizing | t M n k i E E of other few months ago and will leave uary 27th, to March 6 th." This Tkeir and Eigenart. I tried to plead Adolf Hitler arrives . . . And we Hague is getting hotter by the i grandparents, he began, ;T «r r / immediately following his ad- step was taken.In order-to give with him. "My good man,'1 I said, can tell you that those rumors minute . . . The prize for the;I ^fcere r e t b e E o b ll ee ss st spirits . . . cause j k - '"•' w*A " dress in Sioux City, for New York the teams of the Omaha Chapters ONEG SNABBOTTO . penniless and set of the year must go b rraaT e 2 3 r b u l ] t BTEKANCE DRIVE there are people and of Hitler's ill health. are more from where he will sail for Pal- who had games previously schedBE HELD TOMORROW "because to the gentt who h tried t r i d to t cistri-1 i i 1 res es £°od Iiyes o u t of even peoples who had bad charthan rumors .' . . He's been easestine. uled an opportunity to compete. bate Nazi literature outside Kadi- j . "& _cf existence Arpointment of W. Dale Clark acters that's no reason for our ! The Oneg Shabbot of the Sen- pretending to have no character ing up on work steadily and son Square Garden after the bas- had much but thanked. God there ana Irving Ee-rzan as co-chairmen -Dr. J. M. Lande, chairman of . ' Coming to Sioux sCity for the works only three days a week the Jewish National Fund Coun- A. Z. A. Invitational meet -will .be ior Hadassah chapter will be. held at all: There Is nothing that can- now—If you can call what he ket-ball game between Manhattan was fish and white bread on Sr.b-! of the anual Y. K. C. A. current cil will be toastmaster at the top notch teams as those of Oma- tomorrow afternooV' at 2 o'clock, not be misused. There is nothing does work . . ; Did you know that College and City College . . . Be- bath eve . . . thanked God because TOsintenrnee csir.palgn was antheir children were grcv-'ing up to > banquet, which will begin at 6:30 ,ha, . Council Bluffs, 'Lincoln, Des In the home of\Mrs. S.-J. Slotsky," that cannot . be corrupted. And during the army shake-up in Ger- tween the Catholics of Manhattan be good people . . . the boys were ' nounced from his hospital bed o'clock. Assisting in the general Moines, and of course, Sioux 3203 Douglas street. \ and the Jews of City College the Saturday by F. F. Petersen, preswhen two people or two peoples many three Prussian officers arrangements have been Mrs. City's own five will be entered More than 125 women attend- do the same thing It is, of course, were arrested in Munich while os Nazi vender got plenty of lumps ie o * £lttfl:I > getting up every ident of the "Y". The campaign Herman' Llcht, secretary of the and fighting for the stellar posi- ed the card party of "the-Hadasnot the same thing and we do.not their way to Hitler's castle at ... . Next time some one tries t o | forcing at 5 to sell their papers will run from Tfbvv.Pry 28 to tion. Council. • sah, held Tuesday 'afternoon in know what any act will be until Berchtesgaden to assassinate him tell VOB'ttat Jews have no m a n - ! t e i C r e Echo°1' bnufing home ev- March 15. sne the goal will be Sirs. R. H. Emleln is in charge •A gooa deal Is:to t o expected the West hotel. Proceeds will go we-know^ the moral character of .*. . A "Brighter English League" ners refer them to the results of! erf, peCE3~ ' . : ' T h a i l k God> / h e ? 5 6 thousand dollars. Three hun-' r.red workers will conduct the of the dining room arrangements from, this tournament, since-'the toward the Hadassah. Purim Ba- the actbr. For the only thing that has been organized in Palestine a contest sponsored by the Junior s a S d ' the c b i i d r e " They had God in tfeeir tene- canvass. and. will he assisted by Mrs*. \Louis natural rivalry of the competing zaar. Mrs...Jack Robinson,' Mrs. makes any'difference In this to popularize the knowledge of Inspectors Club cf New York Explaining- the need for tbe Schindler, Mrs. Max Leaff, Mrs. entrants makes them doubly eag- S. J. Slptsky. and "Mrs. Mike world Is the moral quality of-that English in the Homeland . . . ibng SO,000 school children to ment rooms. God was greeted in Sain Levine, Mrs. Archie "Weiner, er to snatch Tietbryifrom-any-and Mushkln. were - In charge • of the thing. Otherwise there would be When and if King Zog of Albania find the most polite End court- the 'morning when the father maintenance campaign, P a u l arrangements.- ' • • . • Mrs. Adolpti Rosenfeld, Mrs. Rose all comers. ' ' ; • . eous boys and girls . . . Among IB t o o f i in h l s tellth fcr t b e ^BGCW Bunce, vice president of the "Y", no difference' between a partic- marries the American-born.Coun- tJio-tPTi ^!^r,»r C , tt-am. . , , v !I to thank Kim for the sunlight EI- pointed, out that "the organizaICaplan, Mrs. W. C. Slotsky, Mrs. w o <~ each Since the inception of A. Z.jA. ularly preverse • murderer and a tess Apponyi of Hungary he'll ter tJse n i £ h t e n t i tion receives onlr 7 0 percent of or Ben Galfand, Mrs. Max Halig- basket ball, fate.: has decreed that have a Jewish sister-in-law, for borough were five Jewish young-| great - surgeon and t o difference its mofipy frorr membership dues else for which Jews used to be man and Mrs. Moe Lazere. Mrs. these teams 'should always be Ha ~- -Mount Sinai-' the Countess' sister embraced A new . irscle water j so thankful (in the time when End bi-.ilding operations. • It is Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will between the gangsters in the Wil- Judaism- when she . married .Dr. sters Barney Baron, -with a committee a position to snatch each others fousd in a-well near Caldwell, X.; composed of Senior and Junior championship hopes ;away 5by speak this'•evening on "the sub- helmstrasse and the members of Michael Arzt, one of .the leading J., is being promoted by Dr. Arn- j t " ^ r fcEd s 0 ttle)." The sunlight necessary tc- keep membership the Jewish Agency for Palestine. ject "Two Americans Speak to C£K Hadassah members are In charge super human effort Ini"tie ''lafet as a thin, uncertain ray cues within thf reach of every' A great wit once said: All', good physicians of Yugoslavia and an old'T. Goldw&ter, who ia addition j0 T e the roof of nest door's teoe- one, rts we don't v.-s.nt the "X" to of the ticket sale. They urge ten seconds of: play/ . • men are Internationalists, all bad extremely Orthodox Jew . . . Now to-his regular practice Is dentist' be * rich mer-'s cU;b. We arc not everyone to maker their reserva: Tuesday evening'-ije,"spoke at a men are cosmopolitans. How true that the' anti-Semite Patriarch on-the staff of Sing Sing prison ix a e E t h o u s s The invitational basketball members en the C o ni m u n i t y r tions early, since a capacity atcommunity dinner in: Sioan; lows. Miron Christea is premier of Ru. ' . ' . ' A group of students at one j ^ - Friedman's eyes were Chest, so. like Y. JI. C. A.'s all tournament will briig- thefee that Is. The cosmopolitan is a littendance is expected teama together in a hard .battle Thursday afternoon he addressed tle of everything1 and profoundly mania we wonder if he remem- of our leading rEbbinies.1 seisin- j bright front looking backward. ever the country, we must appeal ' Mrs. Sam Shulkin is chairman to obtain the stellar position. the educational department" of the or genuinely nothing. He is sliod- bers that id 1925 and 1927 he aries' have ssked Ludwig Lewis-! God WEE in the tenement house tc cur c-vic and. social-minded of the menu, and will be assisted Anyone knowtng* the pastjreputa- Women's club. This: week-end he dy. But""the true internationalist was one ot the most bitter critics oh'n to define Judaism for thera. • 5E ihe evening. He must be friends to help make up our deby Mrs. Herman, Mrs. A. "W. Kap- tlon of these ..teams." can:-well aii- wiilgo to Grand Fork/N. D.,.to wants, all men to be-what they of anti-Jewish student uprisings {Copyright, 1SSS, by Seven Arts j thanked for the peace thst erein his country . . .' Which reminds lan, Mrs, Sam Sekt, Mrs. Sam ticipate the thrilling games which participate In -a: good-will' meetI ning brought, peace from the heat j Feature Syndicate.) were forever meant to be. : For us to remind you that our proLipman, Mrs. Sam Baron, Mrs. will result from thett meeting. ing. ' !•'"•,.•' '•" •:'~ '• /.' j ct the day, peace from carrying ; there can be no inter-nation unEoslior Max Herzoff, Mrs. Sam Ratner j the peddler's load. j .. "Wednesday. eyenihg : the . Tem- less there are'first nations—free phecy about Goga's downfall Due to the, efforts'-;oT.jChair: came true • even more quickly and Mrs. Harry Epstein. ple * Brotherhood, held. a stag; H j The feoodlurc might pull one's I man Ellsberg, .'of.the/Sioux;City and tolerant nations and than we had promised you . . . Jfliss Sophie Franklin, J. N. F. chapter, it la possible for these meeting In the Temple annex. nations j beard on the street, cut should ! The G c v n i o r c K.inky Dinky : brotherly nations. And such a "naAs a goodwill gesture to the chairman of the Junior Hadassah teams to meet-and'-battle-.'Out Milton -Bolstein, president, preI one stop ecd cuerre! witfc him! store e.t 1R;K anri Pouglas streets tionality :here and such a nation United .States, the Nazis sre, wiil be in charge of the service, once and for a" year the .suprem- sided at the business meeting. and. lament to the ears of th'e jfeatuves s. strict-.: kosher delicain' Palestine we strive and we as- thinking of • calling their new diand will he assisted by members acy ot the original rivals of A. &L vorld on the pain cf the J e w ' ! tesE^n ncri^rt.n':e;-' pire to-be. . rigible the Amerika . . . "Bel Mir of the Young Judeans. and the Z. A. basketball. No•! Ai, ys.i, yai, pain was en old j T h i s Ce.-pp.vivaev:. parries a large Bist Du Schoen" hasn't yet been . . • Shaare:"Zipn'' Kosher delicaJunior HadassahT AT A PABTST I story^&Bd the day vas running i selection of fp.nfi?'PfKRrate Team play 'will center around (Copyright. ,1938, br Seven Arts verboten in Naziland, where it's slicem E Rabbi H. R. Rabinowija will tessen focdf It was a glitterin-g affair, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz is In a trophy to he given to the best ' - | tcwar'd dusk, and shortly it vould ! ; Feature Syndicate.) a tremendous hit . . . The con- deed, what with many of the knives,1 rntl scales: are used" for charge of the publicity arrange- five; whereas "Individuals will speak this evening on "Another be the eve of Sabbath, End one • sors think it's German . . . A bis- gentlemen, in tails and the ladies kosher products. ments. compete for medals to • be "given Tax". Cantor A. 'Pliskln and; the. ... Hew Auto Insurance Bates hop of the Church of England at- in twinkling shoes and corsages must hurry homeward to. thank !' synagogue choir will -chant the A graphic display by Leo Rich, to the; eight best players.- "• God for the •sreek that has passed, tended the dedication of a syna- of orchids and gardenia. To be rituair •- • . talented young Sioux Cityian will •The grand/climax- to.-.' the first Sabbath which .was thr ' David Levin) - son of Mr.'.. and 'It- is -an attractive plan that gogue for the first time in Eng- sure,- the ladies wore much else I for ^ j £ the portray the history of the Jewish invitational' tournament will, be 6 must be greeted at the the •thirty-eight stock casualty in- lish history when the Bishop of between, their shoes and orchids Mrs. Joseph Levin "Will celebrate National Fund. the tournament dance,-which will his Bar MHzvah a t the services surance companies of the Kation- Chelmsford took part in the contable; to * praise the woman o' but I a n no hand at describing be held the eve of Marchv6tb, at valor. Shaare Zfon tofniofrow morn- al Bureau of Casualty and Surety secration of the new Ilford "syna- these" things. a. prominent Sioux City night in Underwriters announce for re- gogue . . . Around the corner was the Many Attend Ing. Refreshments will be served I'myself glowed; cot with any spot. This dance • assumes. great •to the children of the Junior Con- warding safe drivers, and penaliz- STRICT!,!' PERSONAL store room which wes rer.ted fo outward besuty but with inward : B'nai B'rith -, • significance as one of the seasons gregation by Mr. and-Mrs. Levin ing those who are involved in aca synagogue. They were scarce!:e satisfaction, since all this looked outstanding- events for young in honor 6t their son. cidents in which they are at fault. Snail Dinner Dance men. Dr. Jacob Hoffmann, forme? like a happy ending. I am fond of settled in the tenement hous .; . . . •... The principle, on which It is bas- chief when they established this housr rabbi of Frankfurt-am-Main happy endings and I should have , „ , , Members-.of. -the • synagogue ed is.as ol*d as insurance itself. Iron To officiate at this convention choir ' More than 250 people attendwere guests of honor at a It, is simply that the insuror Is now in this country to work had a very good ,tinse looking at [ fT L"o&- G o { i a E Torah were al Sioux City Is picking four hosthey hsd brought along, excep^ ed the B'nal Brith dinner and out some plan, for providing kosdinner dance Wednesday evening charges a premium that Is based this one, were it not for Mr.' St. dance Sunday evenin'g, which tesses. The picking of these hos- in the synagogue " social hall, on her meat for the German Jews Friedman almost ruining it for j for the featherbed, the candle- 1 the likelihood that a claim tesses assumes a: dual ignificance, sticks and tjie samovar . . ."' Goc celebrated the completion of a who are forbidden to practice me. -He is a fellow who likes to when they were entertained by, will be presented. membership drive. Julius Bisno, because from 'among these four the board of the synagogue and shechita . . . Rochester Jewry be; shrug his shoulders in a cynical and Tomb, carried all the- way from Sinai. president of the Omaha B'nai will be picked the "Sweetheart the board of * directors ofthe The application of that princi- lieves in youth . . . The United way. Brith lodge T7alT"~tl2& principal of Sioux City Chapter 12" at an ladles'' auxiliary. The \choir in- ple to automobile liability insur- Jewish Welfare Fund there has I • said, it has all come •- "Was that not else grandeur?" annual affair.: devoted ; to that cludes Ida Heshelow, Ida Shlnd- ance is not new. The regional dif- just elected 23-year-old Julius M. out.Yes, speaker. so beautifully. I was thinking j exulted Kr. Friedman. " . Speaking of the B'nai B'rith in function. ler, Tillie Shindler, Jean Mon- ferentials that now exist and that Cohen to its board of directors of the grandparents of these- glit-j They had brought God and of the Ro- tering people. They were the im-1 Torah, and Ocd zvZ. "csV v,\ :, Palestine, Mr. Bisno told of the trose, Sovel Heshelow,.Ben Lebo- will continue, under the'new plan . . . He's also president N observances and experiences on a Former Sioisx witz, Walter Woskoff and Joe are based on the claim rates in chester B'nai B'rith L odge, which migrants of the eighties and nine- be handed cown tr ;,1 r (!:\"-\-:.. the regions.. Even the extension is something of a record, for he's ties—the sad-faced, bewildered that there r.'.rl t be re r ; cC tl < trip through Palestine and Egypt Barricks. of the principle to the individual the youngest BB president in the people who long ago attracted a. I inheritance. They tbr-vj'. r . C -: last summer. The-lodge' at Tel Cityan Dies driver has been tried before un- world and probably the junior of great deal of sympathy Et our j and Torah ts1 otrcr y-orl? iJ-.-". Aviv, Palestine, he said, is protil a few years ago, when it was all welfare fund directors . . . railroad station. Harry FInsod, '43, a former J. C. C/Nev/s viding homes for orphans and ' of wealth vLicL ::.ust be «••. F: 1 ;.'•abanndoned for a number of rea- Makers of Pickled herring find old people from • Germany. He Sioux Cityan,-who lor the last Their wealth, wss all on their j ed- ssd hrr.'ps.; t r v r ,; v; : > An appeal is made by the Jew- sons, basiner the fates on the es- General Hugh Johnson one e£ backs—a festherbed, a samovar | children, urlr.--?: - ? ; ;_also described the manner in two years has-been manager of .~'i-;~ -nerience of the individual was. the Mitchel, South Dakota, branch ish Community Center this week their best customers . . . • •. • and cherished candlesticks that j ec. They he-: cr'r C---C r-;~ To-rb •which the synagogue in Cairo, the rule. In recent years, it has Egypt, is meeting present day of Kruegers. Fruit company, was for two beds for needy families Which reminds us that si&t- had served • the generations os { to leave f-c - r7* ','•;'-ci T' of Its members by found dead Tuesday morning in in the pity. Anyone having an old reappeared in the liability insur- zoth-mogul Mas Manischewitz Is Sabbath eves. ; problems | meager rr.rrns ibrr- --- rl" -".".' carrying out a housing project a garage at the tear of his home bed they can donate for the use ance of fleets of cars where the on the way to becomlag the JewRude passsrs-bj* snickered, as j Jewish S- I :,T - E "-r T-;-";% '.- .--; volume of business was sufficifor the needy and providing, a there," a victim of carbon mono- of these two needy families, are ently large to justify it. Some mu- ish Heinz, what with Ms isirnlsg under this fcurdea cf featherbed, | large the irbr; .. r r cl asked to call Miss • Merlin, super,medical clinic for the sick. The xide poisoning.. out koshsr ketchup, beans, Eoajs, samovar and candlesticks, they down, tual companies have also been apMr. FInsod was born in Russia intendent of the Center. synagogue is 2,000 years old. •wine, chocolate, coffee, etc ". . . toiled up the bill from the old g c ?* v e r , plying it to individual drivers, New members were welcomed in 1894, and lived In Sioux City but-the new plan will apply if al- Did you know, incidentally, that railroad station (called euphesi-1 grandia'-en** ' until two years ago. , • • The second in the series of Into the lodge Sunday night by many churches and priests buy lsticaliy the Grand Central). They! ted"* nttle "en^i. Funeral services were held on Saturday night dances at the most universally. Dr. A. Greenberg of Omaha, preslarge Quantities' of matsoth? . . . ^ Though the driver whose in- Sidney Mats, of the Ex-Las fam- looked so outlandish . . . little ! je?£ betlcfi ident of district 6. A musical pro- Wednesday afternoon in Sioux Center, sponsored by the Council people carrying IOESS bigger than (-c"jie'""e'^c,,>rj-j, suror has met a claim will not re. Wlieth* City, with Rabbi H. R. Rabinoof Jewish Women will be held gram was presented by Frankie Is due to msrry Danilova, the themselves. T pieasum ceive the bonus that the driver ily, ec, they rk makes Masters,' orchestra leader, and witz and Cantor A. Pliskin offi- tomorrow night.danseuse c£ the Ballet Rissss . . . . Soactiaie their, pecks fell apart i shouM s who has had no accidents will of operaciating. two members of his. stage band. Broadway Is agog over the report ftrestfnt End the candlesticks went rolling/ "Tvhst Surviving are his widow, Anna, The Jewish arts and craft get, the accident rate oT the re- .that screen actress Sylvia Sidney doTfi biUj and to run after them i j '-a of th» E. E./Baron-was toastmaster of , \ "• "^, ' p • ) ( 5 c r gion will remain a matter of fi, G the evening. Dr. Lewis Dlmsdale and a. son, Teddy, both of Mit- class, which meets every Friday nancial concern to every auto- and Lather Adler of'the. famous was a horrible travail, what with 1 these grandeb Anffi m o d <• r-ell me fopl is president of the local B'nai chell; his mother, Mra. Mollie afternoon, is making Purim mobile owner. For the base rates staga tribe ara about to become having1 to carry, the load, of the pie? What 1 1 ' v A' cms, givm DIzon of Sioux City and three masks'and decorations. Any chil] Mr. and Mrs. . , . But we hereBrith. '<• tO RSSttTsisters,'Mrs. Bess Smith of Los dren desiring: to enroll in the will continue to "be computed, ES with warn the ccluniists that they featherbed and running downhill glitter more at the same time. So this WES : grandeur of t they have in the past on the exAngeles, Calif., Miss Ree Finsod class, may call the Center office. of large groups. Every will be disappointed . . . Luther's America! It was a world that was ! their teren-e~ 'Tiphereth-'.'Israel. of Chicago, and Miss Rose Fin- Buses will call for the children perience claim that has to be paid will sister Stella is known, as Ardler like. the sands which fell apart. , Services at Tiphereth Israel sod of Sioux City." at the school and bring.them to come, in the last analysis, from in - Hollywood, but •- on, the SaEt These gorgeous people were the i synagogue will begin this evethe Center for the class. all the poUey-holders, either In Sifie her pictures sre advertised chiMrea cf these immigrants, j Remodeling and redecorating ning at 6 o'clock. Saturday mornhigher rates or in a continuance under the s a s s "S. Adler, Jacob The gracdraother of this isfiy: ing the service'. will begin at 9 of the Center makes a need for The Intermediate Dramatic of rate3 that otherwise might Adler's'daughter" . . . That Lud- (bcr drsss looks like £o:~eth:r..g j odd chairs, lamps,' and rugs. -Any- group for s_ children ,6f 12 to 15 have been lowered. The safe flrir- vrig Lewisoan-Sinclair.Lewis basi- oi gc-'d) Same up ths hill ereag-j o'clock. • 1 -Rabbi S. I. Bolotnlkov will one having these , articles they years, will-meet each Friday af- er will benefit under the plan, ness is getting hot . . . Lewis 3s fully troubles en sccosnt of the ) speak Saturday at 4:30 o'clock in would like to present to the Cen- ternoon at the Center. Bus serv- but, in the future as in the past, considering .suing Lewisohn fori sick "child she was carrying. TThat 11 the synagogue on "The Jewish ter is asked to communicate with ice from the schools to *the Cen- he will contribute to the bill his slander because the latter said 1 did America give? It gave thei! ut SCr£ HA 1226 Miss Merlin. Tax," ter will be provided for the chil- reckless brother presents. Sinclair lifted pages . from Lud-| long, steep hill to climb with the I dren. Mrs. Frank: Margolin direct this group, r -









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