March 4, 1938

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Entered as Eecona Class i l a n Zlatter on -January 31, iSSf. at

Postoffica of Omaha. Nebxaska. under the Act of Mareh 3. 1879


VOL. XVI-No. 28



7 TJf OF. \TEN3fA begins to envy the' youngest people. They- do not know. i ^ Tj , , Purim. the Feast of Lots, which They have not seen. And so £hey .'.iHJ.l.fl conmeEorates the rescue of the Try-outs for the nest do not. mourn. For it is' one thing • . Dews ol Persia by the Queen, Hssentation of Center ,Pla> to have been told or to have read _ . , : ther, will be ushered in TTedneswill be held on Sunday, H of Vienna. It is another thing to Honored by Omalb March 6, at 2:30 in the audie s s i s ii.BperaiEts to be. d a y evening. March 16, and will have - seen, to have felt, still to torium of the Jewish CcnraasChamber of Guest of Pieseer \ continue until the evening- of have been .a part of what'was ity Center. Wosen j March IT. once beauty, glory, genius, charm Commerce Mrs. Herman Jahr will di•T T '! Purim is the merriest festival even in the^-highest sense freerect the production, the sea' H^rsla Kuremintz. c: e cl ' cf the ;< T ' . . ; M ' :e«.-. , r n— _ As his civic and philanthropic dom, and to see all that, not even son's fourth. Mrs. William PaIeFt:re"s cz~szzTii,r£ verzer. levelled ' with the earth by war, activities were extolled by W. j Feiler is chairman, of the draleaders, it-ni7, he in Or-aha Dale Clark, president of the Oma-1 car, ;:arc"i as tfce cuest cf?'" by catastrophe, noble ia its very matic committee of the Womha National Bank, William L. j Qzz.c.1.2. brarch ct the Pioneer ruin,, but drowned in oceans of en's Division of the Center. Holzman, president^ of the Ne- j ordure and given t over to the braska Clothing Company, was i \ , \ i'!i,v filth of neurotic savagery. presented with a 'distinguished ! How well i t is that Scbnitzler citizenship' certificate by , the j r. y attained no great age, that Hugo Chamber .of Commerce Good Felt1 r l l von Hofmannsthal died, in his lowship Committee.. ' i I'M middle years ot grief over his Mr. Clark warmly praised.Mr. children, that Jacob Wassermann, Holzman's genre of duty to the I " as h e told his friend Thomas community and the part he" and Mann, was too weary :to go on. Omaha Jewry have, played in the i . t '•:'• 1 S t living in 1933. Who remains to- upbuilding of the city. day in Vienna? Sigmund Freud, The certificate was presented baaJ:r: o still erect in his extreme old. age, by Charles M. Betts, -chairman of , Anti-Aliea Bill W i n s ."• * i ' r ! ,>i . U , I t . v from out of that tragic aura-of the Good Fellows February; tr.ED'1. proval ia t-or. v group. It is inscribed as follows: : " his. Bichard Beer-Hoffmann, ex-,• , . - " . , , f, 1, p f i ; , Diet ample above all- others of the •"In appreciation of sendee to J niav.oiL to h.= f~"it. i-> ! . ! 1'i »!•« Jewish aristocrat of Vienna. Who the city of Omaha and in tribute " ' , . i . \ men-h r u - s z'xe- the r " r to those qnalities that inspire else? Not many. • Luckily not Vienna (WNS) — While Austhe N e * T7'"~"r."rr many. Perhaps they foreknew and men to labor'for the common tria's Jews continued to bank were felices opportunitate mortis, good, the Chamber of Commerce hopefully on- the reiterated arspec f i " : C ' 1. « •" » happy in, the timeliness of their does "hereby record its gratitude surances of Chancellor Kurt SehAt ,^e E£. Co Gur.rd.. passing. Others are • scattered —— for the valiant civic work of-Wiluschnigg that Nazi influence i*i H e . la Ilrpcmiliitz - v . ^ ' - r i ." rear'., - but those others, Schonberg, Rein- liam X.. Holzman." I the government would not result clared ie was l e e r i n g KunitXnjs. Among those at the speaker's hardt, are not the-purest nor the . tI I S E>il:ject ••Culture Jin any change in the constitution JVooea^ organisation a n ^ the | t resifience ia It£lv. re r\" ! - o- iv.vUviivn only, r most authentic representatives of table were Rabbi Frederick Cohn, • of ,May 1934 which guarantees Goldse Myerson Club. ! Meaits of Exisi ence." D . N. Msipppj;-,: r-^psif: p i i b p B f f « i r ; Tif^e Kupermintr V,TT>OT—,,-r.tT carae **™o to <:_ this *T,";c F u r t h e r e s a m m a t i o n of the what was once Vienna and is now Harry A. Wolf, and Mr. and Mrs. equal rights to all citizens of ev- . Mrs. .t\vp in new constitution disclosed indiMax. Holzman. —»v country in the autumn direct forevermore no more. ery creed, they watched with un, Cornell nuvrfp. nnri lAvrnU, FF.rliamert Mr. Holzman has been a residisguised alarm the rising- tide of from the World Zionist Congress, cations that despite its Fascist the I>atrja.n pc C.^'T] {F-lVlpr.- v--il! he p v s i i ' r People from. America and dent of Omaha since 1911 and character it assured Jews ec;UEl f. rt P. spep.k on Tv ec Member of H. U. C. to Speak anti-Jewish -feeling- which has to which she was a delegate, and f o r ihor-e n o t . (icsivi'isr ' * Western Europe who go on tours has.been active as a clothfer for rble found expression in a proposed is visiting the 125 American rights. Especially significant -vras ' at the Lnbor At Center on • : and have anything good to say of fifty yearsr the clause statins that "ecual ' . law aimed at Jewish aliens, the chapters of'the'Pioneer Women's March 14 National Socialism are, above all, rights are ESfurec ~z z.\ r re He is .president of the Jewish j appearance of a new and violent- organization. ignorant people, people who did Community Center and Welfare I Ities settled for c-rii:."= or . 1 : A true Palestinian pioneer, she Because of the impossibility of ] ly anti-Jewish publication and not know what existed in those Federation, commodore of the j bringing r e p r e s f i n t a t i v e s the intensification cf the cnti- entered the country with the soil of Greater H^n a>-,i. ' ^.r1•f l i countries before ihe.madness and Sea Scouts, board member of the | l^c third migration in the j-ear 19 21 Greater Rcmania ;r t "';;:E ! Jewish boycott. the pestilence came. Let us. take Boy Scouts, director of the Om-| of the three leading national former Russian, ~_1^T.£Z.Z.ZT £ " . At the very moment that Schu- after enduring considerable hard- . a" few examples—symbolical ones: aha Community Chest, second j Jewish organization to participate in a symposium, theCenter schnigg . was emphasizing Aus- ship. In her talk here she will i Austrian provinces y hose - T < < ' When Thomas Manri-d Magic vice-president of the : Community tell of the historic role played by i PO^lations became T.i m c i . ^ r Mountain came. out. i n . an, iriex-. Chest. He is. a past director of Forum will present instead as its tria's independence despite Its the women of Palestine. ! subjects after the v a:. ... a- nc.-s next feature Dr.- Samuel Cohon of agreement with Nazi Germany I V , , ,1 pensive edition it sold consider- the Chamber of Commerce and .A-luncheon- in honor- of Sirs. ' that^ the consti^.-on __ v ^1 rothe Hebrew Union College, who j and telling tha Federal Diet that E ect ably over opje ;mUlioiL jcopies. The the Associated Retailers. minority or i " . f i r *• '.: will conclude t i e present series. "in this country everyone is Kupermintz is to be given ilon- P Magic Mountain and neither Gone - Mr. Holzman has been active equal before the law," the feder- day a t 1 p. ss. a t the. Jewish were threatened ^ .th c-^r-.r ••Dr. Cohon, who will appear at With the Wind nor" How to Make in behalf of all local Jewish orunder the Goga-C^."a r^c Lie. ~» r the Jewish Community Center on al economic council, one of the Community Center. conEtit ation also .Friends' and ~ Influenca People. ganizations. . Reservations for-the luncheon j ' " " ^ ^ ^'- '"' four consultative chambers set The volumes:. of the _ poetcy of . A, world-traveler, he has visit- Monday-evening, March 14, at S up under the 1934 constitution | are bein 5 taken bv Sirs. S. Okun, -1c i t i i : e E S - regardje-r el z <•_- e . v o'clock, will speak on "The Faith Rainer Maria- Kilke really sold in ed every continent and has made to recommend bills' to the' Feder- < Mrs J. Feldnian, and Mrs.. H.: nio orig-in and rel - ~r of a Slodern Jew." ; after edition. They listen- motion, pictures of Jhis travels. • j . cTe the law, ? , - • ; : al diet, which includes. re?resen- j Mendelsohn. . ot the jifr^ Holsmiin/j^th6—ninths ^Oni- _' Ajmember of the faculty ; i ia livesat—&^-iaxar-zi&X^ieJT;-~ESil s0U ir ' ' -" * teaedto Bach not snobbishly nor ahanta bq, honored by. this award Hebrew •tnioii"Colieg er t&'e""Beia- cepted the. draft "of' a measure comni'anitjr singing accosipan'eu ' t ^I o s s^ w h "o "s e^ ' J ' B C t * inary for' the -training of • Reformgiven at irregular, intervals by by .Mrs. AlVlnkel, pianist. i P - ' r -- ' ^ ' •'learnedly, but naturally," as a-part wheih would rigorously curb all i dical to jrood nir"? - r ; \ : r . - . ' - . . • • .'. ed Rabbis, Rabbi Cohon is con- aliens'admitted since January 1, of the nourishment of- the'SouL the Chamber. sidered one - of the leading schoi der anfi public s s c i - , ; . All through these latter years lars'in American Jewish life. He 1333. Approvied by the central Vaad Axisiliary I Only two dances r r ; Id S " F ~ people were poor in Vienna. But Is-known as a- distinguished, au- advisory body to the government to be aimed at c.?c-.x rfi.rsr • -Preparing1 for i against they were still in that city of Free'Employment : . thor, lecturer, and spokesman for on legislation, the proposed law Jews. One ^r-l :"= FT* Schubert and Beethoven, ofHeb- , -Service "Started would require aliens'employed or Eeformed: Judaism^ .Purim Carnival: but Rumanian c.'^zc^s *r r v : engaged in business and aliens bel and Grillparzer, ot Herzl. and at Local Center . .The- Tract Commission of the supported by organizations or inproperty 1B villaESF r.*ii ^^ r i v c ~ Freud, of. Schnitsler and Hof. Preparations for the Vaad prohibits civil r Hebrew Union College has reres v ,.i.r; , dividuals not legally compelled to H'lhr Purira carnival, sponsored mannsthal, rich beyond the dwellA Jewish Free Employment cently Issued Dr. Cohon's latest T c '"'ers i n other ;cities. ;,•-.. . Service'has been established re- treatise, "The Jewish Idea of support them, which means by the Vaad auxiliary are in full relicrious cerera;3ri ? ter is intended ic r . ' largely refugees, to obtain resl- swing. The Carnival will be held Once in the eighteenth century cently at the Center ' thrh the God." ^ ages between J"ev f r the then small. Jewish community- Women's Division of the Jewish Season tickets to the Forum bill favorably to the Economic on Sunday, March 13, at the Jew- tians. was expelled from Vienna. But it Community Center and Welfare ish Community Center. Two door Meanwhile, h CV E l f -. ^t p c r withdrew not iarther than Eisen- Federation, of which Mrs. David will admit. Single admissions Council, Dr. Kneussel, rapport- prizes, a five tube radio and an vc istry of conirae re- 11 - _ r , , > c stadt, built itself . a group of Greenberg is president. The pur- may be gotten from members of eur on the bill, attacked East electric clock will be given. 1 1 the Forum committee or at the r-Ci""" c" 'decree of the la te Gr; European immigrant, charging houses there which can still be pose is to seek out placement opDancing and a Big Appl.a conCenter office. inet providing- tlct z they had harmed Austria ecoseen, and soon returned. Since portunities for prospective emtest are on the program. There Ephraim Marks is general nomically and politically. ~t.~T ; ^ r , - z establishments then the Jews- have been im- ployees." Personal - attention is •prill be games for both young and chairman of the" Forum commitprominent place tl " ' T ' r; ~ - t : mensely at home and immensely given to the individual needs of Just prior to these develop- old and gifts for the children o.^- V r*~ . . . . . . . . T' their owners. T^ * v." - t £ productive in Vienna. For the city the employer, and the qualifica- tee. ments Chancellor Schuschnigg Tickets may be purchased from had received Dr. Herman Oppen- any member of the Vaad auxili- intenaed to facil '< e E~ -~1 was not, like Berlin, ah icily tions of applicants, os - that-" each "-— c T - o r heira, president of the Union of ary or from Mrs. M. Burstein, tic- i: "Jewish boycott. T:.~ : — r ; - ' r' -homogeneous city* in which . the may derive the most benefit. * Many-Attendffiriaed another rcc-e_ ' . Austrian Jews, and assured him ket chairman. Jews, however they sought to .Mrs. Wm. Lazre,' Secretary ot . . Father ansi Son that no changes were planned in conform, were etill conspicuous.. the constitution and that revision Thie capital of the. old Austria was the- Employment Service, is at the Service. Sunday of citizenships granted to Jews LEO ALTMAN FUKEEAL " ! Church has insi . c;er r , the natural magnet of the intel- Center Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, from 10 to to refuse "c be- -<= r during and after the Yv'orla V»*ar lectuals of the provinces of the RITES HELD. WEDNESDAY ipriests An unusually fine attendance- were not contemplated. SchusehResponcirc to £ r £ :;-:' empire. South Germania in 12:30. It is hoped that everyone featured the first Father and-. Son the Union of S u t ^ . r r : , v r ground wort, its cultural atmos- will avail himself of the oppor- service conducted at the B'nai Is- nigg told the Jewish leader this Funeral services were held ' phere was alwayB a blend. Every tunity of becoming acquainted rael synagogue- last Sunday. Par- promise applied "for the present Wednesday afternoon from the jJe^ish. populaticr. i - r t .. polls almost to a r-^r ;~ ••—e with this Service. and for the future." In reply Dr. other Viennese was a • Czech, a Bailey and. Dorranee chapel for j Oppenheiin pledged- Schuschnigg Leo Altman, 71, who tied unes- ' proval of the n*v- t T = - a The Committee consists of Mrs. ents and chidren took part. Hungarian^ a Pole, a Jew. At best Morris Kirshenbaum officiated Keports from all ~r *f C —and there were ^t least best de- Wm. Lazere, chairman, Mrs. H. as Cantor. Rabbi Kopstein ex- the undivided and uncompromis- peetedly Monday norning of a ; countrj-, even in C°"L -"lc- T ing loyalty of Austrian Je-vrry. heart ailraeEt. A. Wolf, Mrs. Wm. Feiler,' and j anti-Secsites ha^ plained the origin and meaning Chief Rabbi Israel Tagiicht'also T • cades—these elements supple- Mrs. Irvin stalmaster. . A resident cf Gnaha for fifty I of. Tefilah. mented and complemented each sought to allay the tension in j prevented Je-^-s The office of the Service is loJewjsh circles by issuing a state- years, Mr. Altman was a member the past. other and in that not unhappy cated a£ the Jewish- Community ment declaring that while the of the Covert Masonic lodge and ; cast their ballote *~. » "i* rr situation the Jewish genius nn- Center, ^101 North Twentieth TURKEY READY TO Temple Israel. ! tation. On the ei F t . tt= ; Jews are nervous -they neverthefolded and glowed both from an street, telephone number, jackSurviving are his -wife, Kose; a \ cite the Union of Il^rra:. ~T^ ADMIT-NUMBER. less "have the fullest confidence Austrian'and a Jewish point of son 1366. ^in Chancellor Kurt SeauscEsisg. son, Rayciond of On:sha; and ' view and Vienna will be a -me•OF-JEWS "Nothing definite has been, done three sisters, Mrs. Sam. Harding i morial city in Jewish history in V i 1 • of Kew- York, and Mrs.- Jennie \ POLISH SEJN GETS the centuries to come and.' Jews ! Istanbul OVNS) —Turkey is yet," he said, "but we do not be- Preisman and Mrs. Fannie Un- :the lives d the T..- a: c have been ictiirr ' ; rc~r everywhere, and at last in Eretz BILL TO OUTLAW . c " i • ready and willing to admit Jew- lieve the position of the Austrian derner of Saa Francisco. [ Jews has already become as danwith the cormtr; « r°"' ' • , risrael will' remember- and celeish refugees from other counRabbi David Wise conducted ; i - •• 1 a T"" brate not only: the chief, great SHECHITA tries, even in considerable cum- gerous as for -the Jews in Ger- the service.. Burial- was - in Gold- i loyal subjects, tr' - < i ^ 'r many." citizens, we pray *c Cr~ .' r characteristic name3 of Herzl and bers, it was declared here by Deen Hill. h\iu Ppnamr Warsaw (WNS) — Shechita, puty /Atabenen, the chief econoto bless your 1-lz.. — • t • z . Freud, but Heinrich Landesmann the practice of which " has been and Karl Emll Franzos and.Jacob mic adviser of Keinal Pasha, Julius, David and Felix Braiin circumscribed since January 1, president of Turkey. Atabenen, Jeivs and Hugo Salus, and the incom- 1937 under a bill passed in 1936, who Is £tso president of the Tur1 of parable Alfred . Polgar and Peter Altenberg and the great Arthur Poland under a bill 'introduced tribute to the S2.000 Jews now ischnitzler and that divine poet into the Sejm by Deputy Budsin- resident : in Turkey and declared *Berli (JTA) Beriin Hugo von. Hbfmanhsthal and even ski, who was the rapporteur "on that his country would^ benefit Xazi or? -an, dec* Thirteen Omaha women have' to the required sum,. members that all Jews v,-" Stefan. Zweig and assuredly the the 1936 law. Budsinski's bill, greatly - from-a large Jewish-imj^oung Franz Werfel, the marvel- would also eliminate Jews from migration. His statement, is re- conquered the taboo of the num- are assessed. their na: es may lous lyrist, and- Gustav Mahler the cattle trade by . limiting it garded as being highly • signifi- ber 'thirteen' and made it mean The young lady whose tuition sun'e tbt ir old nt cant in view of his close, relations and-Arnold Schonberg and Egon only to farmere. - ". luck to aa eighteen-year-old Po- the organizstioa is paying: is ..v >- i . In explaining his-,bill he said] with Kemal Pasha. Wellesz and a host—but literaldith Zack of Grodno. Until t » lish Jewess. These, women, orit was essential because the prely a host of lesser but still auwar her parents yrere comfo •.» ganized into the 'Thursday club,'I iy situated mercha-ts, but thentic talents in literature, in sent, law "has not "achieved the F.,BOXES TO BE - have r music, in .painting. In science and result which parliament had in turned their bi-monthly so- war end economic tUssriisiii" - .COLLECTED OARCE 27 cials isto useful channels and are •and the death o£ her.father ~ scholarship. • . • ' *And what has it availed? What thereby rescuing this young lady her widowed mother and be . Z Schopenhauer-Quoted a3 AntiThe date for Jewish National ia poverty. She attended P has it availed the world.or ns? It Fund box collections has been set from the hopelessness that has school' for -SEX years asd rea£ i Ssmitg ' -' v.-as all shadow. There was ,no • " ;• " for the .week of March 27, ae- become the lot of so many c* Po- writes Polish, Yiddish., and ". sub3tance.- For substance is that Danzig CWKS) —Nazis usher- \ cording to Sirs. 3,1. F. Levenson brew. which can be attacked and de- ed in the celebration of the 150th | who is in charge of the collec- land's Jews. Meeting tvro Thursday a month, J.Iembers of the. *'Thu-<- feated and diminished.. Yes,! But aniversary of Arthur Schopen- tions. . the club collects twenty-five C!ib'' are; Mesdanss I. B ' ^ that has no substance nor, de,- hauer's birthday with an address Mrs. Levensoa has requested ceats from each of its members witz.. Mark Lean, L. Grastspite all fair- appearances, "ever by, Alfred Rosenberg, chief exthose desiriss to make a special had any substance," which can be ponent of Nazi philosophy, in Purim contributions to insert a at-every meeting. The money is Kenass, - Sarai ^*aths.a, K. G-r^szsput aside into a' fund, to pay t i e Dlatt, -J. A.. Gross, Sara - i i i i , j i>i>--j . utterly obliterated,-- negated.and which he cited the German phil- coin in the box. fifty, dollars tuition needed each S- Pizer, K. Jcrdy, Dave Fr&nieL State aa-. - u ~.~.' .-•made to be as; though it had osopher as a pioneer anti-Semite A'ayone: wishing "a bos in his year for their 'charge who is" a. jr'rives •aever been.. who had called the Jew3 "para- home has been asked to call.the student at the Grt school. If the 1 : m e org:£.zi2:s.tioiL -?r; They are - singing- the.- Horst sites incapable of truthfulness." i chairman. total dues collected do not add up t t e OUT.Federation. ity to fill the po

i£d liJ

331,3 FaCfiBAL'






Page 2


ICatzman . . . zere of the A. Z. A. No; 1 Juniors, PhilSammy- T o o s e n Gerber, Briet, Novak, Delrougli, K. Coran and • M. Ruderman of the Hafvk- P a u l S t e i n b e r g . . e n r y Horwich . eyers,, Levine, and .Ep- H Sam K a t z m a n . . stein of the Cornhuskers, and Abe Venger H a r r y Smith . . . Kuklin of the A. Z. A. No. 100 Georsre Shapiro.. Juniors. Sam." Meyerson . .

57 45 57 66 33 66 53 46 51 66

S368 7293 S176 10567 52S7 10387 S369 7259 73S7 10273

Ifi4 162 160

•celebrates the beginning of his ; ers' Associations of Chicago and ,15th year, with MGM by signing J.Los Angelee and which J§ fast as-

160 j a nev~. long-term contract on the : sun";nig- prepo i-if.-ht, inns! by Seven ArtH i'^1 j eve of a vacation trip through i 157 j South America. Eapf started his j Fort lire- Fymlicate.)' • 157! 156| career as a stage and vs.itde^'ille ! producer in New York,- where he j brought to first prominence Ed-! 155

Well, our boys lost again. Jack Fleishman.. (53 P7S1 H u r w i t z . . . . 56 SRS3 No use crying about it. SomeThough the winter sports sea- Lee 153 die Cantor, the Marx -Brothers,'. To En M. Simon 9 13S3 body's got to lose, and Kansas son is nearing a close, all classes .Abe F e l l m a n . . . . . . Lila Lee, Eugene and Willie City.- certainly had the better still abound with' activity. Wom- Dr. D. C. P l a t t . . 60 5itl.e Libya S146 151 Howard act! others, as child playF r a n k l i n . . 61 9237 team. The score was 40 to 24, en rolleybnllers are especially Mose 15 ft ers. B a r n e y A b r a m s . ' 60 S029 He WES with Warner Bros, as Phil.Gerelick's J. C. C. Varsity numerous and full of the or pep- Sam Zweiback . . 59 SSSfi . 150 Rome (Ts'XS) — Premier MusP a m Morgan 62 91"" 147 for some years r.nd left to join s o ! i n i 5K jlaiinhic to issue a form• Hitler brushes an army re- borders and which does not ex- tistical material, number of mem- club played its heart out against per. Of course, it's needless to Dr. J u l i a n Milder . . 50 7334 146 Louis B. Slayer when 5IG1I was 3340 si invite' ion to ihe JPVTE to settle t! Hitler conquers - Austria haust itself in the sum of racial bers of the Party, etc., if such re- the classy visitors — but just mention that about the men vol- Jay JIalashoek . . 23 organized. He /discovered Joan Kaiman. . . 33 4PP6 leyballers. They're always full of Abner without firing a shot! Hitler c o m r a d e s living within- the quests for information do not go wasn't good enough. stars and large iinmberf of T'o'iPh and "Rua m m y Steinberg 63 S3G3 142 Crawford £.nd . other Still in the balls game at the that same pepper, with a little o£ SOscar gets ready to partition Czech- Reich's borders. Those one hun- through the leadership of the OrMayorwich 66 P365 produced the first "I-Io^lywaod manian Jews ir> Libya. Italian North At'ricf.. it vss reported in Horwich . . . 5a S2n2 140 j Revue" and other hits. oslovalda! Hitler stretches out dred million people form greater ganization for Germans Living end of. the first half, the J. C. C- the devil mixed in with it, the .Sam 13J; Louie Singer . . . . 57" 776S circle! his hand for power in Xatin- Germany., United in Hitler's ideas Abroad. Any' people requesting team wilted in a torrid second latter element being supplied by F r a n k Brookstein 3S 332 j SCKKN'CK HEADS PKOIKXEKS usually well-inforr.ied 5032 here. It; is r,ndcvs;ood that" U 3 394 America! These .are thfe head- this greater Germany is no longer information are to be sent to the stanza that saw Clurman, Leifer, Abe Brodkey, who just returned Ix>ia B a n k s X30 I The Association of Motion Pic- i puce H y m a n Levin . . 60 . 7S3S. spnt one of his confl* lines that have startled the a future dream. Those states that leadership of the Organization of Cohen and the rest of the fine from Hot Springs. From the way N 12S tare .Producers, the organisation o r m a n Brown ,. 26 3364 Kansas City bunch gradually pull Abe has been spiking, he evident- Dave K r a n t z . . . ,-49 62»1 • world in 'the last four weelcs. would- exterminate Germanism Germans Living Abroad." ^g | which governs conduct and gen- fiantes. General Tervuzi. to Libya ly brought some of the springs N a t e H o r w i c h . . . 21 2441 away until there was nothing, left to prepare a colonisation plan I n this article Mr. Belth ana- must know that they are obligat10S ; era! policies • of the studios in \ and Another order reveals the ac" E i t c a " Zweiback 9 ESI lyzes . the driving force behind ed to respect their racial groups' tual basis for the activities of to save but honor. And you can back with him, concealed in bis Hollywood, -elected Joseph IM. j Lib; to vrin the support of the ' • this seemingly irresistible Nazi rights and that state sovereignty this organization. "As a resujt of believe us, even though we lost, heels. .Sehenck, ch.air.tnan of the Board j T an Arabs, our boys didn't do anything to he propose Jewish colony in march t o world power. • of 2 0th. .Century-Fos studios, as : Libya end where the rights of race the new functions now entrusted dishonor themselves. is intended to show, it ii —THE EDITOR begin." ' Gotta go downstairs now — one president to. succeed .Louis B. ' said, nf.t MuFso'in.i is not un• to the Party's Foreign Division, v Ej PEKARSKT In Clurman and Levy, the visof tile absent-minded health clubThe National Socialist "Stutt- laws which have thus far only Jlayer.- Meyer -vras president ior j friendly to the Jews and at th« • Two days before Adolf Hitler gart Kurrier" elaborated in this applied to Party comrades abroad itors presented two of the finest bers locked himself in his locker CASTING OFFICE A"J seven 3"ear's and now .becomes vice : same time to Tin the support o'l basketball players ever to bounce and left bis clothes strewn on tlie . One of the screen's foremost president. He is rice president in j Poland and Rumania, which art was to celebrate the fifth anni- with a statement' which showed will henceforth apply to all Gerleather on the Center court. bench. My, my, ain't i. funny • versary of his accession to.power that Nazi foreign propaganda has mans abroad." character actors, Edward G. Rob- charge o£ production et MGJI. j seeking outlets for their "sur' Enough about the game. In In Germany, tbfe whole civilized reached a stage where it no long- ." But while the Foreign Division Jewish populations. Shortinson, has been picked for the Jack L> Warner, vice-president in j !plus" the dinner and dance that followr world was thrown Into high state er hesitates to point the finger at of the Nazi Party in the long run J. C. C. BOWLIXG leading role in Warner Eros, pro- charge of productions &t Yvarner ! ." after the offficJal orgkn 6i thB of excitement by rumors of un- any one country. Far-off America confines its membership only to ed, the friendship between the The Jewish Coniunity Center of "The Amazing Dr. Bros, studios, ontinues as vice- ! Italian foreign o fice -proposed rest, disturbances and even re- is to come into the orbit of Hit- those possessed of German citi- Omaha and Kansas City players Bowling League took on new as- duction be directed by Clitterhouse" y JJ president, and Fred W. Beeston t h e establishment of a< Jewishwas further welded. We're cerbellion in the Third Reich. On ler's dictatorship as is Austria. zenship, another organization, tainly looking anxiously forward pects of a close race for the Anatole Litvak to. . . Sol Siegel is j was selected executive yice-presi- | honieiand outside ol Palestine,- it Sunday,, January 30, Hitler was Says the Kurrier: • ' the League for Germans Abroad, to next year when-we'll be able championship last night, "When associate producer for Republic's ] dent. The association also-elected ! v a s reported that Italian Tripoli to deliver an address before the "We desire to bring Germans carries on propaganda activities to resume this keen and whole- -the league leading Wildcats drop- latest outdoor action picture now Harry Cobn, R. J. Obringer, ! ^ht be b the h site o° such a colGerman Reichstag. *A. world in the Ignited States back to the among those of German blood some rivalry. ped three games to the high pow- before the cameras, "Desert Trail Karry-'-Hersbrun, Pandro S. Ber- j o n ^ - But that is now -believed which had become familiar with racial community and common who are citizens of the countries ered Tigers. The Tigers took on Riders" . . . "Prison Nurse," a raan, "Charles E. Rogers and Hal to have been on'.y a trial balloon. the methods of the Nazi Fuehrer fate of all Germans. To this end in which they live. This organnew strength when one of their film based on a novel by'Dr. Luis E. Roach -as directors. . Recent suggestions for settllnf : And so we come, near the end was mildly wondering just which the intellectual and spiritual re- ization, founded some forty-five star bowlers, Abe Fellman came Jews in Ethiopia are also regardBerg, is now in production at KeEOLLXITOOD EKIEFS' one of his trick3 the Fuehrer form of Americans of German ex- years ago to promote cultural re- of the 1937-38 basketball trail back to Omaha'to bowl again afed as intended to test out JewiBh for our fine Varsity aggregation. This studio is also 1 Sallyy Eilers, who has made sentiment. would pull out of his bag this traction" is necessary In accord lations between those Germans ter an absence of about 6 weeks. public Only one thing is left — the A. Abe time. • ' -.-••.•' with the model furnished by the who had left their homeland and A. paced his Fellow Tigers with filming "Sidewalks o J J e w York" j f films since her return from j our U; championships, being spon- a 543 Series.. The Steady Soon- with Bernard Vorhaus as director a European • But the scheduled address was old homeland. When we have at- Germany, was taken over lock, vacation last Septemsored, by the World-Herald. We and associate producer . . . Sarastock and barrel by the Nazi Minnot'delivered. The Reichstag did tained this goal, we will proceed ber, checks in this week at Uni- Hungary Toils; Nazi Putsch ers lost two out of three games to not meet. Instead of a speech by to organize German-Americans istry of Propaganda and shaped don't expect to win, since we're the lowly Cornhuskers, but this uel Ornitz and Horace. SlcCoy versal for her part in "Xurse Eudapest (WXS) — A n e w Hitler there were denials of rum- for spiritual regeneration, eco- Into one of the most potent in- going up against the best teams etill leaves them in second place wrote the original story, and "roia Brooklyn" . . . We hear • Nazi plan for a coup d'etat is bein the' middle west, but we ^are struments of pan-Germanism. Louis Weitzenkorn did the screen ors of revolution. Instead of a nomic support ejnd political that Fannie Erice's new home is | lieved to hsve been foiled by : t h e only one game back of the leadThe activities of this League can- going out to make a good show- ers. The Cyclones, paced by their play statement of new policy, a blood- schooling." Benny Baker had firm- going to be very beautiful . . . j Hungarian police with the arrest Ing. anchor man "Fatsy" Katzman . lj- resolved that Tie would quit Repdrts reach us to the effect '. of Ferenc Szalas-i. Hungarian fess purge. Five years-of Nazi rule in Ger- not possibly be described within took three games from Jack Mel- jsmoKing cigars and tjjen^, iie that.Eirinie Barnes and Jean Me- i " For a short moment, but for a many have taught the world- not the. limits of this story. For these In the preliminary to the Oma- chers Crew to stay, in the run- 'learned that he is required to gulesco have renewed their rora- ; Xazi ie&der p.nC 75 of his lieutenmoment only, a gleam of hope to take such utterances lightly. activities include the ownership ants, during s, raid on their headning. After last nights results, smoke one in practically every ance End are frequent visitors to j cuarters. penetrated into the hearts - and Five years»ago the mad ravings and operation of newspapers, the ha-Kansas City contest, the A. ! A. No. 1 Chapter demonstrated organization of schools, the prothere are only three games' separ- scene of his latest picture . . . local night.clubs . . . Leila.Kyam's minds of the friends and believ- of the Nazi Bible were greeted its superiority over its brother" ating the top four teams, so it Paramount's assignment for Syl- father, John, well known vaudeers in democracy. The news that with a howl of j*ers. by believers motion of travel to Germany and group, the No. 100 boys, with a really is anybodys race yet. via Sidney marks the ninth time ville, entertainer, has recovert-C t i e German army was in a state In democracy. In five years Hitler many other activities. sparkling 27 to 13 victory.. Ray tKat she has played in a criminal from his illness sufficiently to be • of rebellion was, by all rules pf has proven that an audacious In Germany itself, .millions of Shapiro, who improves with evThe big boys who rolled in the 500 picture . . . The fact that "You taken honie from a hospital . . . . logic, unbelievable. But the world maniac can o-tumaneuver timid marks have been spent by the ery game, made 12 points to lead series class were a s follows; wanted to believe it. It was im- sanity. In five years, Hitler has German government into making the winners. H a r r y " B e t a H a l l " Smith 511 and Me," in which Miss Sidney is The story of the community c? S a m m y "One T r i p " Yousem 503 now working, is her third picture | homeless boys founded near Omrpossible — and yet . '. , ' • ' • [ fulfilled one, wild promise after the city of Stuttgart the city of Abe "Veg-etables" Fellman 543 "L For approximately 24 hours another. The great ^powers of foreign Germans. ' The Institute Sammy " P o t a t o e s " Steinberg . ...5QS directed by.Fritz Lang, has led to | ha, by Rev. E. J. Flanagan is ic the world'was willing to pin its Europe, France, England, Italy of Germans- Abroad is the founEvery sports contest is a gam- Mose "Sleepy" F r a n k l i n a motion pictirx '..504 reports in European papers that | be mace into hopes on the most reactionary, stood by helplessly. Today the at- tain-head of Nazi propaganda for ble. Indeed, even life, they tell L,eo "Little Doff" YTeitz 56-t the couple are secretly married j direction of J. Walter Kuu n d e r J a c k " P r e t t y Coy" F l e i s h m a n ...517 the most autocratic" and the most tack has been broadened to In- the entire world.- Hundreds of us, is-the same. The dean ol I>ee "Short P a n t s " H u r w i t z .......502 and they are busy denying the re- ben-by FX-1I ,. . .. The high-handed group of men in the clude all civilized countries.- thousands of foreigners of GerBut we know one "sure thing." Joe "Califurniaa" Giyot 510 ports . . . Paulette Goddard has Hollywood film producers, Sam-! 509 world. If a break could be made You can always depend upon J a c k " C a p t a i n " Melcher To push this fight for world- man descent are brought, into to a contract by uel Goldwyn, -has pledged his sup- , "Patsy" Katzmau 545 been signed In the seemingly impenetrable,ar- wide. pan-Germanism the Nazi Stuttgart each year.. Many of Morrie Bloom to - win, the mid- Phil The weekly hig-h bowling prize of David O. Selzcick . . . the campaign agair.Ft-, d o r of the world's most vicious government has created a num- them remain there for an extend- western- A. A. U, doubles hand- free bowling w a s won b y t h e s t a r of BAKER GETS A RAISE ""^ r-r*••/••• f all s t a r s . " E l t c h " Zweiback, of t h e double-bill motion picture, shev s [ dictator, then let it be made by ber of organizations which func- ed period. Special courses are in- ball championship. • Oornhuskers -who bowled 3SS which t un r . Phil Baker's work In "The undertaken by the rarect-Ter*.!the Junkers—but let it be made.; tion with machine-like precision. stituted for them, all designed to Morrie, and his partner. Mil- Is S9 pins above his average of 09. Goldwyn Follies" was liked so •\ The full story of what"happen- In addition^ it has taken over a initiate thetia into the faith of lard Sigal, did it again last week, well by the producer, Samuel STANDINGS1 OF TEAMS e'd in Germany during that first number of cultural organizations National Socialism. Even children bringing further honor to himGoldwyn, that he tore up his old Team . Won Lost Pet. week of February is something in existence before 1933 and and housewives from abroad are self and to the Center when the 561 ... 37 . 2 9 Wildcats contract with the comedian and brought^ in to learn how to be f i /"^ f r that no one at the moment is able, turned, them ,intd Instruments of ... SS 30 54a J." C.' C. pair crushed John- Casey Sooners .. 36 SO 543 gave him a new one calling for to tell. Perhaps that story- wili Nazi propaganda abroad..The Ma^ Nazi housewives and Nazi child- and Bob Wurgier, a fine pair o£ Cyclones Tfg-ers ..;..•. 34 32 • 5 1 5 double the present salary and sJar never- be told. But those/ who for jor organizations : engaged"in 'pro- ren. ' ' ;.'• ' ;•••---, -^-—.-.-• SS . 42-4 players; from tbe Y. M. C. A., 21- Jayhawkers . . , . . . . . £S a short moment had pinned their moting, pan-Germanism are: ,.. 27 39' ' 4C9 billing . •. . M-GSr and Paramotint | Cornhuskers And wherever Nazi propaganda 15, 21-7, for the chajnpionship. High s:n§-Ie pan ne: Sam Jleyerson, also wanted the acccrdian playing- [ hopes on Germany's army, know Cvclones, 851. 1. Foreign Division of the Nazi makes Its'appearance, it carries Bloom ha* never been defeated 264: b"y now that they had Indulged in : High series: Joe Givot, 624; C y . funster for pictures end Baker i ; In an A. A. U. doubles tournathe' banner of anti-Semitism bev, mar take advantage, o* & clause ; 25S6. wishful • thinking. •'Whether 0or Party. fore it. So important has Its anti- ment, though he has often play- clones Featuring—Ne*w Individual- average including games in the contract which, permits one j 2. The freague for Germanism Jewish not there really had been a dispropaganda become to the ed with different partners. for March. 1, 133S. picture to be made at a studio ! agreement between Hitler and Abroad: • No. of Total activities of. the National , The' Center pair had plenty ol : Player AY. Games Pins 3. The Institute for Germans foreign the Reichswehr; whether or not Socialists, that .'in addition to difficulties In the Hrst game. The 179 other than Goldwyn's. GO 107GG Living Abroad at Stuttgart. 175 RAPF'S 15TH TEAR IS FILMS ' the army had won its point—- if 522 their other, organizations, two Y. M. C. A. team ran up a 12-5 Marvin Treller . . 3 171 4. The German .Labor Front. 97G4 Joe Givot . . . . . . . 57 any — is entirely immaterial. Film Producer. Harry Rsipf separate organizations - operate 165 The Foreign Division of the for the sole purpose of-Spreading lead in the, opener. Then Bloom Jack lleicher . . . 61 10144 Perhaps Hitler, did have to make and Sigal served for 12 straight concessions to his generals. Per- Nazi Party, also known as the Jew-hatred. T h e Fichtebund points and the rest of this story haps there exists a secret shared Organization for Germjths Living sends out Its anti-Jewish litera- Is just a breeze. Only It was like The Popular Qessiand for InterttEtaoRSl - TFUCI:S ' •"* -'From Our New only by a few, that'the all-power- Abroad, had its beginning way ture in twelve different langu- a hurricane .for Wurgier and Have Fcrcecf a Lsrg© Stock ©f Very. ExceptEcrccS back in Nazi history. .With headful dictator of Germany had to ages. With the. cooperation of Casey. : Valass In Used T I submit to the dictation of the of- quarters in Hamburg, it struggl- other foreign Nazi organizations, Singles play is now In progress SENIOR MISS ficers corps. Perhaps It was the ed valiantly for a number of it has secured a gigantic mailing in both. Class A and B. Center SHOP clv© goading of Germany's military years to consolidate the loosely list of individuals In nearly every players are dominating both, clique that is responsible, for Hit- organized units of Nazis and Nazi country in the world to whom it meets and we are assured of reler's new victory in Austria. sympathizers in various coun- mails its literature - free. The taining the team trophy, thus QQQs Whatever the truth may be, it is tries. Even two years after Hit- World Service has become the giving us permanent possession. ALL E1AKES AKD MODELS" an indisputable fact that while ler's rise to power In Germany jjjurce upon which all anti-Semi- Finals will be staged early next Hitler may have had to bow be- this organization was still Strugs tic .groups in the United States week. fore the will- of •others, Nazism gling to maintain its , precarious and in all other countries rely for Y o u ' .'•vrill look eleven has- emerged stronger, more pow- existence. But In 1935 the head- their material. —vears ..younger in these The Intermediate basketball E erful and more menacing • than quarters of this group was moved Thus using every means of league came to a rousing close -paund;--"subtraciing fashCT. ever before. The virtual annexa- to Berlin. Its leader, Ernest Wil- propaganda at their disposal, last night. The youngsters had 1STH end helm Bohle, was named by Hitler ions with crisp lingerie tion of Austria is likely to be a Adolf Hitler and his henchmen, a dandy season with plenty o£ milestone along -the • road to a as the Gauleiter or district lead- are dragging the rest of the fine talent showing itself in the touches and-tucks. Bolergreater goal, the union of Ger- er of all Reich citizens outside of world along with them on their raw. Some of the better players 'os and cIl-; types' cf -jacket man speaking people, all over the Germany. In his work he was to way back to Medievalism. And in were-Sam Ruderman, Haskel Lastyles; 'colors are . "bkrek, world, under the leadership of be responsible only to Rudolf five years the civilized world hast Hess, Hitler's Deputy Leader. His as yet been unable to figure out the Nazi dictator in. Berlin. and prints. Sizes • It is the ideal of pan-German- organization was to include all the means to check this relapse. to 241/?,—38 to 44. members of German consulates iflm that stands in the forefront • p£ all Nazi policy. In the past and embassies all over the world. (Copyright 1938 By Seven Arts 'Senior Miss Shop •• five years re-armament, remili- The Nazi cells on German steamFeature Syndicate.) ^ =-•• "Third Floor tarization of the Rhineland, the ships were made part of his or-Brass. Bronze, Aluminum, demand for colonies, may have ganization. Within a short space Many of' the most Important Soft Grey Iron and Seraibeen, the more spectacular of the of time, Ernest Wilhelm Bohle Steel Castings, Wood'and Nazi activities.; But the real driv- was in command of- more than Hebrew books came from the Metal Patterns and Ssab ing force of ,~ National Socialism seven hundred local units, opera- press of the Bomberg family, BelWeights carried in stock* has been put behind its foreign ting in practically every country gians resident in Venice. Bronzo end Cast iron In the world. The organization of Grilles a specialty. - propaganda. ' . .".'•'Isaac ' Abehdana, seventeenth In August, 1937, the Foreign these units and the maintenance 27th and Martha St. IN THREE-PIECE Division of the National Socialist of Nazi discipline was made easy century Rabbi of London, transHA 5S23 FUR-TRIMMED by the addition of sea-faring lated the entire Mlsbna into party, held its fifth annual cong vention at Stuttgart in Germany. Nazis and. members of the diplo- Latin. r fljost people outside of Germany matic service. These members Glossy, Smooth Car Trcclzs had known of the existence of a travelling continuously between X. KJ « ' foreign -Nazi division but the true German, ports and foreign coun© Equip with rnagnltude of its work was only tries are able to maintain personthis great new : brought home at'Stuttgart when al contact between Mr. Bohle and safety tire end • National Socialist Party leaders his far-flung domain.' by. BROS KQOR '. \ you Within a short space of time, frankly and boldly enunciated National Socialism's ideal for Herr Bohle has succeeded In esforeign ,Germans. Speakers" at tablishing a closely knit organithat convention spoke not of six- zation, governed by .the same rig-$ ty-five million Germans who are orous discipline as are Germans in Germany itself. Evidence of . citizens of the Reich, but of one hundred million citizens of all this may be found in the conficountries who happen to have dential bulletin published by the • "BPSSEAtTS German blood in 'their Teins. Nazi Foreign Division, in this' DOROTHY BLASlie • bulletin it is not infrequent that - - ; r "i b r They all followed the tone set • a GSNSATIONAI, ELITES "1SINGES Olrcct frosa the Elitroora Country Clab, Et. Lc-'a few :days before, the' openings of. confidential instructions circulatthat convention by the . "Weat- ed among members begin .with BILLY-& JOY'SEVERIN deutscher Bebbachter," an off 1c- the words: "It is absolutely forOtlTSTAKDIxa BANCK TEAM , bidden .;••. " . " A typical order, of - ial Nazijorgan, which stated: Ulrect from Ciwz Paree, Cftieaso : •"•' "Greater Germany is the great- this sort reada as follows: J A C K LANG -•• "It. Is absolutely forbidden to er German racial community CLSVE3 III5UO ana IMPERSONATOR which does not halt before state give anyone information on staSlrccS from New

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Page 3


Einstein, Prohibition Ere Character, Dfcr

i r mission first -— and if she draws 1 rice Moseovitch, Leon H. Lion, like, musical Ehcrvrs, parties, dres- J J g tf nee* \ the line at anything fancier than Ernest Milton, Julia Keilson, sing up, ^r keeping up with the 1 I a house dress, take that and say Margaret Rawllngs, Constance times. ."My Frances, IS, and Bill, "thank you." Nor may you girls Collier, Olga Lindo . . or Charles 16, do--enough 'keeping up' for borrow brother's baseball suit Chaplin, Paul Musi, Douglas me so I can relax," she purrs without first getting his consent, Fairbanks, Harold Lloyd and Ed- contentedly. t or you may find yourselves the die Cantor, we seldom pause to New York (TOTS'1 victims of brotherly persecution. consider the exact ration of SeraDid'you fenow-that Jack Ben- Einstein, erector of ,r Just read over the story of Queen itic blood." ny airs over the largest week-to- theory of suorr Esther and see how politely she Wonder if Lloyd, Collier, and week commercial network in the made him Prohibit!T spoke whenever she wanted any- some of* the others^ are even history of radio — 110 stations? bev one during- the r very will disguised at that'.) But thing. She got what she wanted aware of their LeVite lineage. . ! ceau here at the r.g° they'll, exchange Purim gifts and too — so let that be a lesson to MB. WORLD'S QUESTIONS We have all sorts of directors j -other dry sleuths T eat Hamantaschen^ — the If title you. Four thousand recordings by in this topsj-—turvy town — as- to gun play and vic'--f See how many of these . meat-f Med;; ones, well-browned, What you'll be celebrating will Bobby Breen of "Down Where sisiact directors, dance directors, raids on bootlegge-s f question yon can answer after might even surreptitiously be re=•; p - 1 yon have read .Mr. World's ferred to as Hitlermustaches' -— be the original Purim, the one in the Trade Winds Blow" and music directors, and just plain ; easies, Einstein used p which Haman was outwitted by "Macushla" were mailed out to directors. But Dave Weber takes i technique vfcicl hicfc led ••Ask Me Another" chat. and'in thosei^cities, where Jews the Mordecai -and his cousin people in different parts of this week's orchid lor an original i prerae Court Jusr - 1. What Christian- holiday can still get together ^without Queen Esther, who persuaded her blind the country. The songs are twist •. . . hs's a dialect director! ! Ko-srard Taft to call r T expresses. a joyfol spirit at rlskin'g a. jail sentence they'll foyal husband, King Ahasuerus I of from his next iilra 'Hawaii Calls.' j prohibition agent cf this time of the year? even have . masquerade parties. of the Persians, not to let Haman Sammy Cantor was. asked if-he ; and caution.' 2. Why ia a joyful spirit apSince Purim- Isn't coming till carry through his plan of killing David Selznick forwarded a would please fill-in a twelve-inin- j The tricks he invcle,! ir.:kpropriate at this.season? • •St. Patrick's:-Day;you may think all the Jews of the city Shushan. century note to the President ute vacancy at a benefit show. ingr 4.$32 arresjs '"err 3. What Jewish holiday ex- Mr^ World is a little previous In But there are other Purims too, this week. It seems TP. D. R. .' . . "Twelve minutes, huh? So I'll 1S2S made him presses the- same spirit? . "talking about it in this week's celebrated in some countries or albeit unwittingly . . . created a dance for two Einutes . sands. With his c-p . SIEg ft 4. Who ivaa Haman? chat, so it should be explained cities Jin memory of some similar movie title when bis comment on Smith, they intro_ 2*>± h i ~ o t for two minutes talk for and comic relief 5.-Who is often called the that he yants .to remind you to event when Jews, . threatened Janet Gaynor at the President's four minutes. "But and t V into zte er-'e-cthat's only modern Hainan? get busy about planning a mas- with- disaster, were saved at the Ball was, "Cute as a Button" The eight minutes. What about the ment of the IStt tr-rnuiL rt 6. Whot kind of party is querade party for this holiday. If last moment. .All of which re- story is already in work . . . and four?" "Oh," swaggered One of his famous stvrts v : : tc C usually gjven on this holiday? your Sunday School or Jewish minds Mr. World of a joke wb.jch the hundred goes to the Warm other f "" Sammy, "I'll need them for disguise ten "Other r-<"h b t c 7. What kind of cake3 are. Center Is having such a party, all he hopes you haven't heard be- Springs Foundation. agents as a football teen, st- err bows!" traditionally eaten on this •you have" to worry :about Is your fore: their faces with m:d n:' t'-crc day? costume; if, you're having one at It seems that Hitler went to a Hungrily George Jessel scanmarch, into a speaker '•< aer* ': Fade-out. •:••"'8. What games are suppos- home, • though, you. have to think fortune-teller to find out when he ned the menu of a Hollywood Polo Grounds or thp'£ S o ed to be played on this day? about the entertainment too. would die; he wanted to be sure restaurant . . . was amazed to dium after a big sa—e. In 1576 the island of Jamaica ' 0..What Jewish law may be he'd have enough time to cause find "Calves Liver Don Aineche." passed to the female line of the There 'are a -number of tradi"Season's ever, v e can di : 1 ' forgotten - when yon plan your tional Purim. entertainments, the all the trouble he was planning He called the waiter . . . asked to Portuguese royal house of Bra- he was wont to shc'Ji. Arc f 1 cr •costume?for everybody* who isn't a Nazi. be served just a little Eddie Can- ganza who kept in close contact the drinks came, Izzr lcr-'C r1 e10. Can yon repeat the an- burning of the Haman effigy be- The fortune-teller studied his tor tm toast! ing, one, that Mr. World doesn't with- the Jewish families there. the bar and -srhirpere; i-> rte b-"ecdote about Hitler and the recommend, a s N bo'n-f ires and crystal, and shook his head sadly. fortune-teller? ., '• ' Giftie,' gifted Mae: Slaking a March .winds- don't -go well to- I see that you will die on a Jewgether.-Dancing of course. Is al- ish holiday, Herr Hitler," he said. personal appearance at one of the •pccaslona for gayety are always most mandatory -— which means "What?" roared the Fuehrer. local theatres, La West bestowed i _« -welcome, aren't they? So Mr. it's almost the'law-— for Purim, "I'll have that holiday abolished presents on every one of the emi ^ ployees from bouse manager to • World can't-help /wondering'how and the drinking of grape juice at once. What holiday it It?" niany of 'you joined in the carn- and ginger-ale and rootbeer with "Why", said the fortune-teller, stage hands even the forty i ival festivities of last week — your Hamantaschen would be a "the holiday the Jews will ob- ushers pocketed a fiver each. Mardl Grae in some cities, Fast- good way to translating into the serve to commemorate the day of nacht in others," and just plain modern spirit'the old Purim cus- your death." "Moutha" Kaye bad a worriAnd this, Mr. World thinks, some time rehearsing with a bull ' .carnival in'those sections of the tom of 'drinking wine. But there country where neither the Latin arei other ways -of . celebrating should hold you till our next for her current screamie. "What | am I — the matador, the picador, ] nor the German' element .is fluffi- which are regally part of Purim; chat. : or the toreador"?" she asks her i services are ciently numerous to bring its own even the.'synagogue, interpretation of merry-making less solemn thanT-usual,-Jt' being (Copyright 1938 by ' Seven Arts coach. "You are zee clowEador." i "And the bull?" "Oh," is the j Our appointment a s authorized dealer for the comFeature Syndicate.) permitted^ for boys '• and girls to into prominence. v comforting.]rejjiy, "he veel be Somehow or other the idea of stamp their feet (provided they plete line of General Electric home-Appliances, Tbe quite safe, I am sure!" and' having a lot have the name ;• of Haman chalkworld-fsmoTiis "G-E" moisogrr&na, Associated vith c*r of fun seems to attack all groups ed-on the :sole3 of their shoes) r or r An acquaintance asked Gregory 'about this time of the year. Our every.time the.villain's name is store, is evidence of ©tar policy of offering the ki^hUGV' r * H»T ^™*™-r S*^ Katoff what part of his contract Christian frien&s explain it by mentioned in .the reading of the est •qtaallty^Kiercfsaiadise &t reaso-nffi-ble prsccr-. I I he was working at now — acting, "pointing out that the carnival Meglllah, or Book of Esther. By HELEN ZIGEIOND writing, or directing. "To tell you season comes ' just before Lent, Your games have'for centuries the six and a half weeks of med- been associated with Purim, and Hollywood — A news clipping de troot," he gesticulated, "I'ra / itation and semi-fasting which. since most'of you know them from London in our mail today waiting for mine wife to come / precede Easter. The very word your Purim party will be a fine offers a few surprises. The ar- back from Chicago." "carnival" means "taking away time -to play them. The first 13 ticle entitled, "You Have ProbV Odds are still high that Paulet- | flesh," so'that, la effect, the car- the trowing'of dice - ^ not gamb- ably Got Some" Jewish Blood in nival celebration means "let's ling,. but • for • prizes of, say, as You," traces Mosaic strains te Goddard will play Scarlett, have a good time while we have many ralsons- or almonds as you through the progenitors of some having recently signed a longa chance, as the time is coming turn~ up points; "^rhen there are of England's noblest families, in- term contract with Selzsick Ins^'~ /when we. won't even be allowed the' various card "games, rummy dicating the wide dissemination ternational pictures. When Chapto eat meat." " being particularly, appropriate for of Jewish blood throughout the lin discovered her she was a But although we Jews natnral- a small group; rif you want moth- land. "Eleven pure Jews sit in blonde in the chorus of a Goldly do not observe the Lenten sea- er" to. keep out ; of your way, you the House of Lords. I would not wyn musical. son, which is a strictly Christian might:'suggest that she celebrate undertake to discover eleven jure observance, we too have our fling Purim with a; Tubber of bridge Aryans there." Besides aristoFanny Brice is at the "comat the carnival spirit. Perhaps while you-have your party. The crats, the author lists famous fi- fortable age" . . . prefers pictures this universal fit of joy expresses other \_two ..'traditional Purim nanciers and actors. Corncerning to the stage because everything tie delight of,, .men -at. the ajH games-'are •-played'by only two the latterr-'When -we watch Mau- is built up for you doesn't proach of spring, people feeling people, sos.they .might come in that by dressing up and singing handy -for., the- extras who can't th'ay can hasten ,the ; time- when' find."roomrin:-the: rummy game. the trees will-once more be clothr They' are-backgSmm'on and chess, ed in green leaves and the birds which .may. •be'!a~ little beyond will be singing among the some of'you,; "but- which Mr. branches. But since people must World-Jst^sure -a,- good many of be different, various "groups of you' do know: ." r— • ' men have found varying reasons "About ypur niasquerade cosfor the carnival celebration. The tume: :Dld you.know that one of Christians celebrate because - it's the strictest laws of . the Jewish their last chance to celebrate -un- religion isn't effective for Purtil after'Easter ^— the J;ews.cele-. im?; The-rule that menmay not brate in: memory of a great vic- dress, in;- women's clothing, nor tory over'a villainous enemy.-'* women in men.'s; clothing, dates Nowadays the Jews in so many from Biblical.'times; Purim la,the r countries suffer from the attacks one day-in the" year-that it ia perof so 'many enemies that some- mitted to'forget 'about this law. ant s • SAT PtiOfiE RSEAT time: it is difficult to remember But that dqjssnlt .mean that you pros that in "the past Jews did win vicboys"><can; 'borrow -mother's best During' National Meafc Week Before ysas buy 'Q'-GrE -ACtlV&TOa giTes Long Lisa tories1 over their foes. But it's a evening .dress just', like that; it that's see the latest tn to dothes. •'© FEEMA»SJVS K2CHof Our RSeat is II. S. Government Inspected good idea to remember what hap- might be-an Idea to get her perweshers ^ they're AHUSM gives Long Liis to washer pened to the yharaoh of Moses* Genera.3 Eiectnc^ O .ECB£SB-KO0KTED»G-E KOTOE New Low Priceo due to decline in Market - - take advantime-and to. Haman a thousand strong—sturdy and is-cusst, efisaent © PO2CELA2Jtage of the new Prices. TOUCH Tl'K good looking years, later, for this remembrance EMAfCEL TU3 is handsoae. easy to youl] like Shea. clean © CKS-CONTBOL ^TS5GEE revives the hope -— more than . . . stops-end reverses ro»is. applies .that, the firm conviction —— that end reiecses pressure, cutoracticd'y TOESE PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM S&TUI5O&Y, .no persecution can' destroy the tilts drainbocrd © IESMAKSKT P.1ARCH S TO 2 2 , INCLUSIVE •Jewish .people. -Ot course the LUESICATIOS e QUET WASHJNG Jews in Central- Europe may not OPEEATIOS © G'JASAKTSSD EY ii©©f Specials find much tionsolatibn in the fact that Hainan's anti-Jewish plof BEEF CHUCEt-'- QO^. Cudahy Puritan Pi© Dcwu • was foiled twenty-four hundred Quick ng psnsp round • • • • • • • • • *J3v»/v» Ecsiy Terras years ago. They'd like to see hisCHOP t slightly extra cost l m Beef tory repeat itself while they're sMomr Firot Cot, lb.. W still witness it. And you 2 lbs will admit that there ia-'a great Slionldor deal to be said for their point of FLANKEN Pound ; •view. f -Pound . . . . ; Yet. ^Hr. World is willing a lay .© Every atszth, tverj 'xvect RIB STEAK ' BYEW a small wager — say, a lollipop yoa piit oS bsjiag yosir cew Pound Short Cats, lb. G-E RefrigErator you ETE against a stick of licorice — that vesj likely srofiey cot. even in Poland and Germany and Rolled, Ifa. Y &i L@S' ANQBUSS Austria and Rumania the Jews p LIVES! • will celebrate Purim. Laughing Conveoieneo Is another cfsisioss suzsly costs fcrinsof tW3 hoteL Wheththrough tears, perhaps, b u t _ ESaiaaia siaa the CSTO1 fsw Baby Beef er "on business or Bleasure : bent, the Eotel Clark makes laughing nevertheless. They operstiag cost of a G-H na Ideal "base of operawon't burn effigies of. Haman in DOE'S put up witls'ta ia. tions," oa well cm a restful ••billet" at the end cf the the streets, as their ancestors did, .adeqeate, cld-fssfcipaed day's "camDaisn." Goo a for that would be a risky proceFocpi- natural/. And liioaerata charges. «u» well ca for dure; a passing storm trooper room accommodations, give might suspect that Hainan is just it neti> pepeUrlf priced! final eiffalfJcanes to as Ins' word—COMPOKT. Hitler slightly disguised (just as we have a strong suspicion that . P. CU. P.- MORHIS,' Hitler is just Haman and not




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DAVID BLACKER • • Business and Managing Editor b'KANK K. AUKBRMAN f •• • " .-Editor LEONARD NATHAN - . - , - Associate Editor KABB1 FREDERICK COHN Contributing Editor •KABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS * ' B o ? S Editor ANN FILL •••-" • ' • • • - ' Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

cause it is a degradation of the persecutors rather than the persecuted. What is, in a sense, worse, his accusations against the Nazis are-reproaches for being too much like the Jews. In this lies his treason. Nor are the Junkers extolled. In their rebellion By DD. TEEGDQGS K. LEXIS Rabbi, Elocut gissi 2ensp!e, Sios against the Nazis they are not at odds over principles or methods. They hate Hitler because he represents the reaction of the lower classes rather than that of. the aristocracy. They j "ARCHAECKLOGV AJfjD_THE same holds for the other myths. One should cot be surprised are prompted by smug snobbery. If they supposedly are at tthat the stories of the creation, odds with him because of his quarrel "with religion, it is be-OF PLATES. AMERICAN SUN- the flood, and even the ten commandments may not have origcause this is safe ground on which to challenge his power. DAY SCHOOL VS1OX. §3.50. inated the Jews. One Ehoujd This is the seventh and latest Let us not put our faith in either the Junkers or the Nie- edition of "Archaeology And The not bewith surprised that the Babymollers. "We may admire them/ as men of courage, men whoBible" which first appeared in lonians observed a Sabbath, and risk their well-being. But they are not men of justice. They 1916 and which has been steadily worshipped and sacrifice orten afrevised by Dr. Barton. It embod- ter Biblical fashion. The tracsare not men of good-will.

j fluence'd and moulded the »e £" if. j ious H£e> cl B. great r i i r r r ho j mankind. No earnest i t~ 1 • the Bible can afford to be % or: Lib ; out this veritable miri- u i K AKK.I CO S E X r j raation. On'r Oiose whr =u 1 ~ I to the supernatural c; f t t ' religion wili cavil, thoi cr 1 H* N I can not dispute, its cont i s o i ' -'ETi*S DTLLKTIX f°" Februrry r.m! IU;-reh lP,1^. (issued by the Social Work PubJicUy Council. > i.= more f1^ ICP^ p;" »• professional lUEpszinYfie a ling with

a c

! Genie of the Bible I and Telmtsd |

various POOIF-I proMemf;, .

The- Oliudrpn's cm-rent events paper. TKlt .7EWI.SK NEWS, ia sujrgpsteci for Keivev and Sunday School child'.'?". P?~r special Bibie For there is no sincerity in attention to ihe "Question and ies the most recent results of ar- I formations wrought by the Jews their tnor.ih, the.'.' have smooth Answer Bex." This bi-weekly isciiaeological expeditions concern- j is the divine achievement, has in- tongues, their inward parts are sue is il>us!rated with a great ing Biblical lands, places, person- | a yawning gulf, their throat is an many pictures which you will like. Be sure and read THE JEWalities, records, history»and litopen sepulchre. "Practical Politics," the name giveu by the Chamberlain ISH XEV\\S. COMMUMiTY CALENDAR - By Rabbi Frederick Cohn erature. He hath digged a pit and liolgovernment .-to'its new foreign policy of a mutual forbearance . lowed it, and is 'alien into the•; C'Hn;!)SK\',S HOOKS Hendrik Willem Van Loon has written a big volume on - During the last century, stuTHE CHILDREN'S HOUR, In of national misdeeds, has had its first tangible result in the re- "The Arts," which like all his books has become a "best seller." dents from all parts of the world WEEK OF MARCH 6, 19S8 ; ditch which he made. His mis- ten volumes containing illustratj chief shall return upon his own ed siories from classics, ig worth ported cessation of the propaganda in Arabic that emanated He depicts the universality of the arts, shows how art has orig- have occupied themselves with Sunday, March Cth. the task of unearthing the BibliTryouts for Center Players' ': head. from the Bari wireless station. your child's reading time. inated in all places, at all times, and thus found most varied cal cities, hidden for centuries, next Whf.t is mar that Thou are BOOKS production, 2:30 p. rn., JewFor Palestine, Italo-British accord will have immediate ad- expression. We have Egyptian and Chinese art, Babylonian and, the sacred places, tablets, mindful o£ him? And the son of f,hT Community __ Play: ; man that Thou thinkesc of him? j To lovers o£ liberty, I highly vantages, though in tlie long run this abandonment of principle and Grecian art, Roman and 'Romanesque,' Medieval Gothic, and monuments, antf records con- \"Ale, Him and I." cealed underneath. The work of Thou hast made him only a little recommend "Bread and Wine" by in favor of 'realities' can only react in unfavorable fashion. Ignozio Silone, vivid book on club meeting, Renaissance, modern, with its roccoco and baroque styles. There these scholars has been remark-,1 Omm a h a Hebrew lower than the angels. Corn- ; The British policy of 'idealism' is a myth concocted for the is the Mayan art of the Yucatan jungles, even pre-historic art able, productive of far-reaching : P- _- ^dge r o o l n > JJewish h C The Lord will be a high tower Italian Fascism, a book you effects. It required, not only an j munity Center benefit of the American public. Such a myth was used to great for the oppressed, a high tower ; should read. in t]ies e r a t c h i D g s a n d intin f d e darkcaves A zz A A 1(i 3 -- -- A-- 1(i0 > P- m -- room M I One of the most interesting lit— • '•*•• •,,'.-•. •• i , i -r> ' •*. • i s -Luuiiu in LUC otitiu-iuiia.-) auu uaiuiuiga OJ. uccu, uanv caves extraordinary degree of patience; in time o£ troutle. I tie books which I ran across ia on the part of those actually en- ; and X, Jewish Community Cenadvantage at the time of the world )var and should-Bntarn j ^ n o p t h e m ' S p a i n a n d aonthera F r a n e e . A r t expresses itself Talmud | called TALMUDIC TALES by ter. gaged in excavation, but in adagain need American assistance w Ol ad.prove of inestimable | i n . architecture, music, literature, the inf scul t u r David Marantz, a composition of Omaha Workmen's Loan baji-, Kabbi Juda said, "He who dition t a l e n t to discriminate value. In reality Britain's idealism has never conflicted with theatre, . dancing, and also % m the 'minor arts' of 'pots and pans,', among the findings, and ingenu- quet, 6 p. m., auditorium, Jewish. withholds from imparting any ; Talmuffic wisdom' covering anyher own interests. It was to England's advantage to oppose pottery, vases, utensils, etc. ity to decipher the messages j Community Center. ; Halachato a disciple, is consid- ; thing and; you may the.Ethiopian venture. It has been to her advantage not to give found upon the clay tablets, the ! Pioneer Women supper, 7:30 i ered as if he would rob him of ask for — stories of the great He maintains that art needs_ "reflection" for its proper stones, the monuments. The dej p. m., rooms C and D, Jewish j the inheritance of his ancestors." Rabbis, Jewish heroes, JewiBh in too easily and to defy Mussolini's retaliation. development. There must be sufficient leisure and solitude for ciphering o£ the hieroglyphics | Community Center. friendship, Rabbi Sheseth said, "He who i ethics, philosophy, Both governments are now in a "bargaining mood. German the human spirit to express itself, for the creative forces to has proved revolutionary, became j Junior Council, 2:30. what not — all in does not assist a scholar when he ' ; character and n expansion is threatening British security and prestige. Discon- be aroused. Art is man's expression of himself, what he is try- the key to the understanding oE ; B' B'rita dance, Paxton i is able to extend a helping hand, the sum of 95 pages. YoU'Whl love TALMUDIC TALES. the old civilizations/ upon which j hotel. his prosperity will not endure : FACTS ABOUT OUR MBRARV tent within Italy threatens ^Mussolini. ing to say through the. various media of the human spirit. the Jews built their Judaism, and • Monday, March 7th. j very long." • ,The scars of this diplomatic feud between traditionally At the very beginning of his learned volume, written how- upon which Christianity is found- j Pioneer Women's luncheon, 11 Rabbi Isaac said, "The yoke of j WHICH SHOULD INTEREST YOU friendly nations will in time heal. But Palestine will long have ever in a most popular style, and throughout his work, 'he ed. This volume, a monumental jP . m., ]odge room, Jewish Com-j King Sennacherib was broken be- I AVe have over 300 Yiddish and remember that it was the innocent bystander in this emphasizes that the Art of Arts is the Art of Living. •work of 58S pages, records the ; munity Center. Speaker, Hessia cause 'of the spirit of King Heze- ; astounding discoveries of archae- j Kupermintz, representative of the kish which 'he used to kindle in i Hebrew books. The Talmaud conflict of national interests. The Bedouin bands did not need How true that is. We ca^i't all be painters, sculptors, or excavations in a magnifi- j pioneer Organization of Pales- the prayer houses, and in thetranslated in English. Incidentalgreat encouragement to become lawless and inspired by Italian architects. "We may not have the skill to express ourselves in ological ly, the Jewish Encyclopedia is cently concise manner, in a clear j tine. houses of learning, he placed a one of the most popular referfunds.and munitions have reverted to practices that will long literature or the drama. But we are all human beings, we must style, and with' an superb reverOmaha Workmen's loan meet- j sword on the gate of the houses ence books used. ence for that which humanity has cause Palestinian officials concern. . . live: in fact, living is our chief occupation and activity from held sacred- throughout the ages. ing, 7:30 p. m., rooms C and D, 'of learning as a sign that he who 'Begin nothing until you have Jewish Community Center. j would not occupy himself with considered how it is to be finThe strife sown between the Arabs and the Jews will not the cradle to the grave. "Conduct is three-fourths of life," said Before coining to the excavaKazomir Choir, 8 p. m., rooms I the Torah would be just as well ished" and this is finished. end,by diplomatic exchanges "between Italian and British rep- Matthew Arnold. It is probably even more than that. "W-e are tions in Palestine, the author pre- K and L, Jewish Community Cen- ] pierced by the sword. And theres. resentatives. It will disappear only with time and effort. For engaged all our life in living. Life is the silken thread that sents briefly but most compre- ter. i after a search was made from the hensively the results of numerous Chesed Shel Ernes, 2 p. m.,!city of Dan to the city of Ber- NAZI MEETING ENDS Palestine the memory of the war of the diplomats will continue. holds the jewels of all our joys, the pearls of our sorrows explorations undertaken by schoChesed Shel Ernes building. j shiba and also from the city of: lars from many lands, in Egypt, and the common'beads of all our activities. Extremely import- Babylon, Assyria. Palestine is, of Tuesday, JIarch 8tn« Gebeth to the city of Antiphias, , IN MOT ant, indeed, is this matter of living. It is indeed "The Art course, of central importance in Deborah Society, 1 p. m., aud- and there was not found one j Chicago (WXS) — A Nazi Koumania,. having experienced an interregnum of anti- of Arts," as • it is the science of sciences, the philosophy of the history of religion, and here itorium, Jewish Community Cen- ignoramus even among women '; meeting at the Gertnania Club ! and children." ] broke up a riot here and led to Semitism, is now settling down to the serious business of dic- philosophies. We call it "Ethics." I t is the chief part of re- the author gives a complete his- ter. Jewish National Fund, S p. in., j Rabbi Popa said, "This is what : the arrest of two Nazis, two antitory of the Holy Land, before the tatorship under the former play-boy of the Balkans. Carol's step ligion. Hebrews arrived, and after. ^Ie lounge, Jewish Community Cen-1 people, say, 'If a judgment is post- Xazis and Dr. Eric von Schroeter, professor emeritus of romance is not totally unexpected as at the very beginning of the Goga | poned overnight, it may be en-', It is the glory of Judaism that both a religion and discusses the civilization and^Tsfe ter. languages at Northwestern Unitirely lost." ; regime observers credited..the king with a clever scheme of pre- an ethics. I t is a religion that emphasizes ethics; living. It isof Palestine under, the Amorites, J Wednesday, versity. The disturbance began : Beth El Auxiliary, 1 p. ra., i Rabbi Popa said, "This is what : immediately f. fter W i 1 h e 1 m the Hurri, the Hyskos, the Egypparing the way for his own seizure of power. . an ethics that finds its sanction and its inspiration in religion. tions and the Philistines. He con- lodge room, Jewish Community; people say, "When thou passest by Kunze, organizer for the Ger"Carol, unfortunately, has a reputation to live",down. There The foundation of Judaism as of all religion is the Teh Com- trasts Palestine before the deCenter. i the door of thj- enemy, make thy- : man-Americp.n Bund, had conhave been those who claimed that his misdeeds, unlike those of. mandments. These are a religious morality and a moral re- struction of the first Temple and Vaad Bible Class, 2 p. m., B'cai j self conspicuous." cluded his speech. Israel. j Rabbi Xeherai taught, "The Professor Schroeter was attackother rulers, were brought into the open by bis own family who ligion, expressed in brief form and in logical order. The first after. The Biblical places where exploratory expeditions were a t , Workers' Order, 8 !generation which the Messiah ed. by in-iforrnef- Bund members attempted to discredit him and -who supposingly had accom- four concern themselves with religion proper: Man's attitude work, where any digging was jp. Independent m., rooms C and D, Jewish j will come, the young will expose when he iL-ied tc question Kunze. plished their nefarious purpose when he gave up his'rights of toward God: the soul turned God-wards. The last six are done, are identified, and the find- Community Center. j the old to public shame. P.nd the John Fisher nnd Kay Fauly, were March 10th. ! old will rise in token o£ respect, s.'wo assp.ulied when they refnusuccession and went into exile with his much publicized com- concerned with what is denominated "Ethics"; Man's, attitude ings recorded. The influences the Thursday, ! various people brought on t h e Intermediate basketball league, j before the young. A daughter > pd to give the y.?.~A salute. Emit panion. ' •-..•.... o towards man.: the soul turned man-wards: the rules3regulat- counrty is noted. The topography 7 p. m., Center gymnasium. j will rebel against her mother. Koritz, one of Kwnze's guards, That he is a person of determination can be seen from his ing the actions of man in human society. Six-tenths, or three- of Palestine in all its details is Junior Hadassah meeting, S p.' th,e leaders of that generation was F.rr»sied on the complaint of A knowledge of the conduct through the years. His first marriage to a commoner fourths, therefore, of the fundamental rules of life are con- explained. m., rooms C and D, Jewish Com- ',will be o" a low type." 8 newsnp.ner ph.otogrR.pher, who physical aspects of this little but j chavsred the Xr.-.i had smashed was performed though all Roumania united against it. "When cerned with man's conduct: how he should act and not act. unique country helps to apprec- munity Center. The first work in English re- his camera, Fislier and Pauly, after a royal marriage, he preferred another .commoner, he wasLiving is indeed the "Art of Arts," and the pre-occupation of iate the mysterious influences it j W E E K O F MARCH I S , less ! garding contemporary Jewish v-hjpY-ere emong- those arrested, forced into exile. That he could exercise his determination in a all occupations! exercised -upon an unbroken line jS l m < i a y > M a r c h l s t i i . : customs was written by Lancelot filft 8 complaint against William • of great spirits. The author de- i Omaha Hebrew club meeting, 3 Addison, chaplain to the gover-1 Wernicke, a Nazi, who was also political way was seen by his seizure of the government after Micah, in what is called one of the golden sentences of votes chapters ' to the cities cf j p. m., lodge room, Jewish Ccci- cor of Tar.giers. taken into custoriv. his son had become ruler under a regency of Queen Marie, the Bible, the high water mark of religion and morality, has Palestine, to "Roads and Agri- j munity Center. Prince Nicholas, and the Patriarch Christea. • •: culture," to "Pottery," to "UtenPurim Carnival, expressed this in the famous verse with which Presidents have sils and Personal Ornaments," to • Vaad Ha'Ihr The latest step, the new constitution, tending toward totali- b e e m d u c t e m t o o f f i e e : H e a s | auditorium, 1 Jewish Community 'Measures and Weights,' 'Houses, tarianism, is unfortunate, though. democracy has never really ° 4 " * told thee, O man, what is | Center. good and what the Lord requires of thee: to do justice, to love High places and Temples' and toj Monday, JIarch 14th. been tried in Roumania. "The Tombs of Palestine." Es- I Bikur Chclim meeting, 2 p. m., Tor Roumanian Jewry, after Goga, the new government,is kindness, and to walk humbly with God.'* Justice, love and pecially illuminating is the chap- I rooms C and D, Jewish Cominun- j a god-send. The anti-Semitic organizations have, been dis- humility constitute the whole requirement of God. Justice and ter on Jerusalem. j ity Center. . | The second part of the book is Omaha Workmen's Loan meetbanded. Goga is in Switzerland, Codreanu is ah Italian exile. express ethics, and on both its riches, these two root ideas devoted exclusively" to the transThe worst of the anti-Semite decrees have been revoked and supplementing and complementing one another. Humility is lations of ancient' documents ing, T:30 p. JR., rooms C and D, another name for religion, the heart and soul of religion, that which have been discovered in Jewish Community Center. the Jews will be oppressed as Roumanians rather than as Jews. reverence which all religions have in common. Here we may the various excavations. The doc- Hazomir Bridge Party, S p. m., lodge room, Jewish Community say Micah describes conduct as being two-thirds of life. In uments here translated are the Center. famous Babylonian Epic of Cres-1 „ _ .Japan, fighting an unpopular war, in China, her morale the view of the prophets righteous living was most emphatic- tion, composed in the 7th eel- \ Center Forum, 8 p. m . Dr. undermined by bombings too close to home for comfort, her ally the "Art of Arts." Jeremiah even identified morality with tury B. C. E., the ancient legend ' Samuel Cohon, speaker. Subject, The Faith of a Modern Jew." the Fall of.Man, the Bablcnian government shakey, has made a momentous discovery. The Jews religion: "Is not this to know God!" he says of righteous of account of the Flood, Babylon- j Jewish CommuEty Center audiaction. are responsible. They have succeeded in stirring, up Chinese ian records of a person called | torium. opposition. They have arranged boycotts throughout the world. Civilization, lias made great progress, as revealed in -Van Abraham, and others mentioning ! Wednesday, March 16th. They built\bombers: that could fly to Formosa; and should Loon's illuminating (and illuminated, with colored drawings) Jacob and Joseph. Very signifi- i Mizrachi Women, 2. p. m., cant, is the analogous story of rooms C and D, Jewish Commun- j Tokyo be bombed, the Jews will be responsible. book: in painting, sculpture, architecture, in all the arts. Bjit Moses and the Exodus found in 1 ity Center. The situation is very funny, although it is doubtful that in the "Art of Arts," it'.is far behind. "We have not yet learned I ancient literature. Reading of the Jlegiiiah, 7 p. The laws- and regula- m., auditorium., Jewish CommunJapan's handful of Jews or Manchoukuo's community will see how to live righteously, peacefully, happily. We.destroy each ™" Biblical »"'»'••' 'tion have left a permanent im- ity Center. the joke. . . " • _ other jn war. We make one another miserable with hate. We press upon the thought and beIt would have been much simpler if Japan were to put fill this beautiful world with grief and woe. We are in search haviour of men and women. We COJ1IXG EVEXTS should welcome

"Practical Politics" and Palestine


D r . Ha lisp Sfcoir


The Arts of Arts

The King Steps in

Japan Finds a Scapegoat

the blame-on the Hottentots, for they have no literature of of "beauty," but forget that the supreme beauty is "the beauty I translations from iS E 5 l d a r , M a P c h 6 t h . several ancient codes, to which | Omaha Workmen's Loan banapologetics with which to defend themselves. of holiness": that above all aesthetics is ethics. Harmonious the Bible laws offer striking re- j Q u e t j 6 p .m . , auditorium, Jewish The huge Jewish menace within Japan is. a handful of living remains "The art of arts." semblance, in many instances, Community Center. , merchants, mostly German, that are barely able to support one and whose provisions undoubtedA good program for living is contained in the well-known, B'aai. B'rith dance, Pastoa ly have influenced our Biblical hotel. small synagogue. Recently Jews have settled in North China simple, but beautiful lines: ' authors. The code of Hammurabi, ,> i o a d a _ M a r c h 7 t h and Manchoukub and Japanese generals have reassured them "I live for those who love me, the Hittlte code, ^the Assyrian j p i o n e e r - W o n i e n > s l l i n c h e o n , i tb/eir^position would not be endangered. code are remarkable from the ; • _ For those who hold me true, b If there was ever a conflict in which Jews are not inpoint of view £ B bhcal similar£ speaker, KeSsia 0 For the sky that bends above me, '"'••'ity. Some interesting provisions Kupermintz. • * volved, it .is.tne Sino-Japanese struggle. But again the Jew is And aw,aits my coming, too; concerning sacrifices,, duplicates Tuesday, March 0th. called upon to play his historic.role of scapegoat for states in striking provisions from the book For the right that needs assistance, Deborah Society Bridge, 1 p. trouble. of Leviticus. For the wrong that needs resistance, ni., auditorium, Jewish Coiamun- \ Also intriguing are several exFor the future in the distance, , amples of ancient literature ity Center. Where Faith Belongs which show amazing similarities Sjuiday, .March iStfa. And the good that I can do." •Vaad Ha'Ihr Purim Carnival, to the Book of Job, to the Book How tragic is the state in which the world finds itself is • . • - - Frederick Cohn. of Psalms, to Proverbs, to E«-i auditorium, Jewish Communitj illustrated only too well by the position of Jewish papers and . .. . . clesiastes and to the' Song of jCenter. ooags. Even demands for social j S'loaday, March lith. rabbis throughout the country who are falling ove* their Jewish Calendar Kazorair Bridge Party, S p. ra., justice, reminiscent of the 'prop-! feet to sing to high heaven the praises'of the Re'verend Mar6693.103? nets, are found ia the old liter-! lodge room, Jewish Community tin Niemoller, whose trial for treason was recently postponed *Kosh Chodesh Adar II.........'..... j ature. Egypt and Assyria produe- Center. . i ed' prophets of quite a high or- ! C e ster Forum, S p. m., once more by the Nazis. And in like manner they express their Fast Of Esther ................ — * " der, possessed of a .keen social Community Center. Speaker, Dr. confidence in the rebellious element of the German army, the • r u r u a Samuel Cohon. ...................—........ M..w.....~...,....Msrch 17 Conscience. Junker military clique who momentarily challenged the power Rosh Chodesh Nisan ................... Throughout the volume, Mcaday, SIsrch 2ift, April 2 Annual meeting of the Jewish o^Hitler. ' ;. ''_.;.; • ' / ' . ' . ' ' , , pecially in the second half, the Passover (1st P (1 day) d ) ........;.., 1 6 1 author emphasizes ...that though i Community Cester and Welfare Pastor Niemoller is a courageous man—that no one can Passover. (7th day) ,. ,;,.. ......_. M !^~^l.AprU 22 the Jew borrowed mueh-froztt the) Federation. "tleriy. He alone .of. influential Germans within the country *Rosh Chodesh Iyar ......".................,..„........„ j , £ a y 2 ancients, they raarvelously • trass- Sunday, March £7t: has raised his voice against the activities of the government. Lag B'omer ................ what they took. Ia the or- Purim Carnival, sponsored t r ;. ....„......_„.„..„..„... .....May 19 formed iginal, the ancient legends vdo act the Eocxid Table cf Je-ish Vouth But a$ has been said here time and time again, Martin Nie- Eosh Chodesh Sivan .;.„„..„ May SI stir the heart, or move th .- cca-j Jewisi Community Getter. . moller joined the Nazis and at' the time he became a member, or inspire. It is the Jew- j Monday, March SSth. Shevuoth (1st day) .....................l......"....*r.June 5 science, ish transformation " that makes j Council of Jewish >,\ omen the party policy -\vas there for everyone to see. • Also observed the previous day. Pasts falling on Satur- the story, of creation truly oni-j Bridge, 1 p. rn.,, auditorium, JewHe .has not fought .anti-Semitism..because it is unjust, be- day are observed the nest day (Sunday) instead. quet majestic aad beautiful. TJje [ ish. Coaauaity 'Ceater.

O n e skirt the jockei, the other contrasts. Tire new !<v?$ " N o Hip" line. Man


THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 4. 193? i arms drill vriih t i e squad, end AUXILIARY, ! I ll II I! CONGREGATION PHI BETA EPSiLON I it i and tben gare a soio dernoiistra- j OF ISRAEL tipn of trick manureurs with, a j New officers were <M>\~:p;i s: • =: j \ VT - . t. „ I CvS i f • gun. | '• tional Council of Jewish Juniors j A large attendance at the reg- i Morris Lipp, North platte, is i. An election of the last meeiir.E of ;>•? T" I - f V.c'.u officers took will hold their business meeting i Epsilon fraternity. ular monthly luncheon a)t the i campus publicity director and J place at the meeting of the Lad- Morris Roiisitun is new presiSunday, March 6th, at 2:30 at-; the .Jewish Community Center. i Council of Jewish Women. JMon- ; member of the Student Union : les Auxiliary of. the Congregation dent of thp orjr&nirxWon : -TJorri? day, at the .ewish Community • Board of Managers who are for-| f Israel, South Omaha, last Mon- Katzman, viee-pre?kierst: Normal] ; A dance for paid up members: Center, "heard Mrs. J. E. Cohen, \ isolating plans lor the informal ioday afternoon. Bleicher. secretary: Abe Kaiien. ?,;;lio7i A. Koi>sw in will s p e p k *>>« only will be held at the Sky \ FELLMAX-FELI/MAN BI/OOM-HIMELBLOOM __ president, and Mrs. Morris Katie- i opening o Nebraska's new Stu- : xevr officers are: Mrs. Samtreasurer; and Carl Fredrick?, J e w i s h r-nnrriiM'iionp t o civilftfti Room of ( _, , ' i o n . C'nniov A. S r h w a o z k i n v i l ! Miss Diana Himelbloom, daughThe marrige of Miss Betty March 1 t Blackstone Ho.el,, m a n _ V i c e . p r e s i d e n t > report on • dent Union building early in : canar. president; Mrs. J. Kaplan. sergeant-at-firms. j vice-president; Mrs. Alex Sadofter ol Mrs. Jacob Cohen of Chi-Fellman, daughter of Mr. S. Fell- I " flolowing girls > t h e X a t i o n a I T r i e n n i a i which t h e y i April. ] sky. secretary; Mrs. Harry Flad•Junior con£rr?Ea*ion cago, became the bride'of Harold man, to Dr. Abe C. Fellman, son ; Ida Fine. Bess,. nattended Pittsburgh l a s t ! ffpnf,Pr1 i n s, Han- I m o n t n J. N. F. are held on Sa; in-day? at 10. Ml*. Bloom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam of Mrs. B. Fellman took place ' . j enaan. treasurer. nab Gossick and Evelyn Kaiman. ' . Louis Ensrpin will be hostess l*s Bloom on Sunday, February 20, last Sunday afternoon at the I Members of the Board of DiA. Z. A. Delegates from all parts of the ! „ In_ ^lebration of Purim, the United States celebrated the for-{ : the children this Saturday. A regular meeting of the Jewat the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel home of the bride's father in the ' Council ' rectors are: Mrs. Joe Goldware, will have a guest : ! isu National Fund Council will be Fa'.her and .^on? service wJll synagogue. Rabbi Milton A.'Kop- presence of the immediate fam- and members Paul Sacks, Aleph S'gan, was Mrs. M. Katzman, ..ire. N. Singer, ty-f if th. anniversary of the Coun. wlil b Ilield at 8 o'clock Tuesday. March take place on Sunday at 9 o '• otik the fourth member of the . and Mrs. 3. Bronstein. stein and Cantor A, Schwaczkin ilies. Rabbi David Goldstein and montoshen' and cil as W3ll as the eightieth birthtea. ; • 8, at the Jewish Community Ce'n- : at the B'nai Isrnel synsgrogrue. Cantor A. Edgar officiated. day of its founder, Mrs. Hannah Sam Beber representation to the At the nest meeting the auxil^officiated. The Current Solomon, who attended the Tri- ; inter-chapter council at the chap-; iary will honor newly elected of- ter. All committee appointments i Mrs. Ben Link of Chicago -was , Following the ceremony a re-be held two more j will be announced at that time evenings, ennial i ter's last meeting: February 20. ! ficers with a tea. matron of honor. Bridesmaids ception was held. The couple left . BETH K t b The lheT I and the proposed constitution I *?*}Sl™™ ™ were Mrs." William Bloom, Mrs. for a wedding .trip to Chicago. [l™Jtl™? Omaha members who were unI ° members representing \ . p Rabbi Dnvid Goldstein's • serurged to attend these last two •will be discussed. Morris Roginsky, and Miss Dor- Before her marriage the bride are .the chapter 100 are Aleph Godol i nion tonight will be "The Picttvr* classes able to attend this convention AUXILIARY for their „ educational All members have been asked -othy Fried. Milton Bloom was was extensively entertained. ! of the Average Jew and tb* value. felt that they had shared !n some- j Joe Guss, Joe Kirsbenbaum and | to be present. best man and ushers included Leo Zelinsky. Ideal." A There is still a great need for thing very inspiring and worth- j! Harold A regular chapter meeting: will . meeting of the B'nai B'rith • Diamond, William Bloom, and ] Saturday morning services *rUi volunteer library work at the while after they had heard their be held Sunday, March 6, 2:30 p. auxiliary will be held at 2:30 on Morris Robinsky. begin at S:30. Mexican Jewry University Hospital and members delegates' reports. m. at the Jewish Jewish Community Community : Tuesday, March 8, at the home The couple will reside in Chi- A regular meeting of the Beth Cantor Aaron Edgar and 111* who are interested should call I " Plans for the annual card and ! ent r A t t that time tickets for . Mrs. A. Greenberg. 5124 CMcago. Finally Unites Beth El Choir will conduct Mi* Bingo party to be held on Mon- ?. f " , . ,. ; El Auxiliary -will be held on "Wed- I Celia Richards. street. The meeting will be beservices. Council members who went day, March 28. at theJ e w i s h ; tne Annual o pring 1-roue nesday, March 9, at the Jewish v ._ members and those Mexico City (WNS) — MexiSHERMAX-COHX 1 bowling March 1st were very en- Community Center, were discussCommunity Center. The special i distributed to all members. Son- • open to an memDers ana mose can Jewry, long 4ivided into "warMr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohn an-1 of business will be the elec- thused and plan to bowl every j ed. Mrs. Bernbardt "Wolf is gen-' nounce the approaching marriage jtion of Tonight at services Rabbi ' : ring factions of Sephardim and committee in charge assisted by interested. the nominating commit- Wednesday from now on. Those eral chairman of this project! Harold""zelinsky, "ceorge^Shafer, i gal, Guide, was omitted from the Ashkenastiin, United for the first Id Wice will speak on "Fact of. their daughter, Marva, to ArMrs. Leonard Sel i s tThe of name ofprinted interested in this sport should with Mrs. Aaron Ginsburg assisttee. last week. time at a conference of represent- Fiction About -America's thur .Sherman, son of Mr. and Harry Fox, and Ben Kutler. j Mrs. Rose Goldstein will read call Rae Spar. .. ' i ing. atives of all JewisJj^organizationB Families." Mrs. Joe Sherman on Sunday, Religious committee members I the paper, "Jewish Women's Re- _ Plans for the Midwest Region- | Airs. Milton Mayoer, niember- under the direction of Paul Sacks i -called by the B'n^iB'rith and the Regular .Saturday morning s»!~March 6. CHESED SHEL EMES Jewish Chamt4r of . Commerce viees are held Rt 11. The ceremony will take place ' sponsibility for the Future of al Conference to be held in Minn- : ship chairman, announced that and Advisor Haskell Cohen are | Judaism," -which she had been j eapolis will be discussed at this j fifty-six new members have joinand decided to establish a permat the Omaha "Woman's Club, 206 making preparations for the cele- | A regular meeting of the anent Federation of Jewish OrS. Thirty-second avenue. A recep- asked to submit to the Confer- ! time and all members are urged j^ed the Council so far this year. Patroniz-e Our Advertisers Mrs. Louis Sogolow announced JlTl °L J n i e r n a n 0 : l t,f' /? ^ Shel Ernes will be held oa ganizations authorized to speak tion -will follow from 3 until 6. ence on Jewish affairs held in^to be present at 2:30 sharp. March 7, at 2 p. m. at in behalf of the entire JewiBh that the Personality Class will be Sabbath which will be held on ' ••••" No invitation have been issued New York on February 6. Following the reading of the ' ' called the Adult Psychology Class March 25. Entire services will be the Chesed Shel Ernes building. •community. for'trie reception to which all DEBORAH SOCIETY CLEAN LINEN paper, a panel discussion, in j in the future and will meet ever.v conducted by Omaha Alephs at Old and new members have been Details of organization^ were II friends are invited. , . urged to attend. which the following will particii Tuesday at 1:30 at the Jewish 1$ Always Attracts left to a later meeting when the the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th pate, -will be held: Mrs. Sam Be- The annual bridge party and Community Center. Mrs. Mary and Chicago street. A program is A discussion of the organiza- Federation will decide -what to ' | OMAHA TOWEL TO VISIT IX CHICAGO dessert luncheon of the Deborah ber, Mrs. Jack Bramson, Mrs. Ju: Frederick leads this class, the also being- planned by the com-tion's business -will be given by <io abouf the government's re- § SUPPLY Rose G. Cohen lefi for Chicago lius Bisno, Mrs. J. H. Kulakof- Society will be held on March S purpose of which is to help each mittee for the -evening. the president, Mrs. L. .Neveleft.' quest for cooperation in taking a •where she will visit friends. at 1 p. m. at the Jewish ComVours Sin»:»> 1&76 sky, Mrs. William Lazere, and members develop her talents and census 6t aliens. Although the Sam Beber chapter 100 will be Mrs. Max Cohen. capabilities to a meeting ended on a note of harin charge of a booth at the Purim JUNIOR VAAD X MEMORIAL the committee I n After the discussion, the meetmeny it came close to breaking Carnival, sponsored by the Round At 3:30 Sunday in the lecture will be thrown open to theJacob Bernstein, chairman, up when the Sephardic Jews inare Table. Harold Zelinsky is chairhall of the Joslyn Memorial, Mr. ing Mrs. , . , . , » „ _ , . , » . The Junior Vaad Cultural sisted that only SpaniBh be spokPaul H. Grumman will speak on public. Members have been ask- IDavid Stein, and Mrs. J u l l n 8 happier life All Council members man of the committee in charge Gronp Party, which was held on en. A compromise was arranged of the carnival and Herbert e d b r e m v i t e d t 0a " A r t a n d Religion." Starting a t *f * Prepared to speak on Stein., Mrs. Abe Roffman is in j ? «end ,these meet- Forbes is representing the chap- February 23, -was a snecesstrom by whicfe those who do not know every standpoint. 1-rs. Eva Kon-. much Spanish are to he allowed 4 o'clock, Martin W. Bush will Problems pertaining to "Jewish charge of the Telephone Commit- l n ^ ter on that committee. ecky delighted the ^roup -writh present a n - o r g a n recital in t h e H o r ? e s ' -. • { tee. speak ia Yiddish provided her palm reading and numerous to concert hall. • T h e committee preparing the i Mrs. Joe Goldware is president j for a Garden Club whose chairtheir remarks are later translat- WThen buyinp games were planned. luncheon i s : Mesdames Arthur of the organization. Mrs. C. is Mrs. A. H. Brodkey. Hadassab ed into Spanish. DIAMOND • The next meeting of the CulRABBI GOLDSTEIN TO Cohen, Henry 'Belmont, John Ross is secretary. tural Group will be held on TuesREVIEW BOOK Sigma Alpha Mu Fair, Jack Kaufman, J o e GoldThe Hadassah award of theday evening, March 8. at the Ictemational Harvester Rabbi David Goldstein will re- ware, A r t h u r Theodore. SISTERHOOD trip to New York City will be giv- home of Bess Kirshenbaum. view 'The Life of Madame Curie' Members of Sigma Alpha Mu Hostesses for t h e meeting will en on Wednesday April 6th, inInternational Harvester Comnext Tuesday evening at the be: Mesdames David BVodkey, A regular meeting of the Tem- attended a very interesting lec- stead of March as previously anpany is making an effort during Washington school. Max Davis, Sam Newman, Nate ple Israel Sisterhood will be held ture given by Irving levitas, di- nounced. VAAD BIBLE CLASS i National Used Car Week, March I !* It will be presented Horwitz, Sam Altschuler, David on Monday, March 7, at 1 o'clock rector of the Y. M. H. A. in Kan- during the regular meeting date & to 12, to show the public exBACK FROM HOT SPRINGS sas City, Tuesday eveniEg at the Finkle, H a r r y Silverman, Ben The next meeting of the Bible ceptional values. Harry L. Cohen returned last Yousem, I . . Berkowitz, Robert and will be preceded by a board Cornhusker Hotel. Mr. Levitas' at the Jewish Community CenMrs. Julius Stein, Medical Class of the Vaad will be held on last week from Hot Springs, Ar- Kooper, Harry Frankel, S a m meeting at 12. lecture was sponsored by the ;lo-ter. Fund Chairman, states, The program, arranged by Mrs. Wednesday, March 9, at 2 o'clock cal B'nai B'rith chapter. , "kansas., ... ' • Steinberg, Cy Silver, Jack Melch- William Feiler, will consist of a A11 Stefan Fraenkel, S. A. M's.! " members desiring to raise at the B'nai Israel synagogue, er, I . W . Rosenblatt, Bertha E l - Jewish March of Time depicting guest from Berlin, Germany, was ; their 'Give & Get' quotas In this Eighteenth and Chicago streets. DEPART FOR CALIFORNIA lis, Leon Graetz, Julius, Stein, current event affecting Jewry the guest of honor at a "recent ! manner should call me immedi- Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein conMr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky Dave Sherman a n d Sarah Frohm. throughout the world. ducts the class. meeting of Le Cercle Francais, •' ately." left yesterday morning for a ' -Mrs. Julius Newman's Circle is month's stay in California. They French Literary organization of j The following women are add- All women interested are invitALPHA GAMMA CHI In charge of the; luncheon. will spend some time in Los Anthe campus, held at the home of !e(* to the lists of those who have ed to attend. Reservations are being. taken Dr. Michael S. Ginsberg. already raised their funds: Mrs. geles and later visit their childLibby Ruback, Eileen Zevitz, "by Mrs. Newman, Ha. 60391 Worsen's MisracM ren in San Jose. Irvin Yaffe, Omaha, was a ; Harry J. Cooper, Mrs. J. J. Freiand Rose Kirshenbaum were inCorrect member- of the University of Ne-,j den, Mrs. MaxFrornkin, . Mrs. formally initiated into Alpha The Women's Mizrachi will' Irs. Aaron Katz, HAZOMIR "HETCRXS FORM CHICAGO braska's B basketball team which \ Sam Gilinsky, : Gamma Chi last Saturday night Mrs. Jacob Abramson has re-at the home of Frances Blumkin. completed one of its most sue-i Mrs. Morton Lipsey, Mrs. I. Os-hold their next meeting on Wedturned from Chicago after an ex-After various initiation stunts The Hazomir Singing Society cessful seasons last Saturday. Be- i off, Mrs. Win. Raduriner, Mrs. I. nesday, March 16, at £:S0 at the ^ S t r # it g S . . . Jewish Community Center. tensive visit with her son-in-law downtown, the girls gathered at will hold the drawing for the oc-cause of his service with the B j W. Rosenblatt. and daughter, Dr. arid Mrs. M.the\Tack and Jill for a snack. Onr AdlTiT.raee §©as«ii casional chair • at the card party team, Yaffe will be awarded a Sacks, and granddaughter, Ilene. Florence Steinberg, president to be held Monday, March 14, at sweater by the university's athis in charge of plans for a formal the Jewish Community Center. letic department. TO ARRIVE FROM JSE\V YORK initiation candelight tea to beTickets to the party are twentyBob Bernstein, Omaha, as a Mrs. Harry F^dell of New York held Sunday at the home of Flor- five cents. member of the Pershing Rifle's City will arrive tomorrow morn- ence and Esther Steinberg. -The Purim concert of the Haz- Crack Squad gave an individual ' Average? ing to visit her mother, Mrs. N. Goldie Silverman, Pauline Ro- omir Singing Society will be giv-manual of arms drill between the i Kneeter, who has been ill for the | senbaum, and Celia Lipsman, Phi en on Sunday, March 20, at the j halves of the recent Loyola-NeSigma Chi members, served as B'nai Israel synagogue; 18th and braska basketball game. Bern.past ^several months. | stein first gave the manual of usherettes at ~ the Humphrey- Chicago streets. . COUSINS CLUB Weidman dance recital. ; A. meeting of the: Cousins Club Scholarships for the • second wlil be held on Thursday, March semester wer^e awarded to Eileen FREE! An, Expert Counsellor on Room Arrangement 10, at the home of Mrs. Max Co- Zevitz and Florence Steinberg. hen, 3006 Avenue B, Council Pauline Rosenbaum was again Bluffs. listed among the honor students J A Coct for Evr-v " i with 12 hours of A for last sem! "FAMOUS FOR FIHE FURHITURE" VISITORS FROM OUT-STATE ester. Mrs. L. Predmetsky of FreUse Our Easy Payment Plan—Famani at 22nd mont and Mrs. Sam Olesker and Patronize Onr Advertisers Mrs. Jack Swartz' of WalthiU were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bordy.

Junior Council

Council of Jewish Women T&e Omaha. Section of the Na- j . .

Beth El Auxiliary


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AXAOUXCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Greenberg announce the birth of a*on, Coleman, a* the Methodist hospital Wednesday, February 23.


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lowed to carry a gun to enforce i . . . burning brightly again today evinced its stren strength. • rtt | U'iealionp throughout flie whole enlightenment. I know many of those who are reminding Jerry that it is still i | work'.." He e'xpressei! the convic- In my life-time as a Jew I had carrying them on the threshold of this under- ] Jews! | tior Lbf.t Palestine "cannot be frequently offered enlightenment They march with all the brave taking. Great efforts are still | F ^'fti ' I 1 9 PT.-.c? pnspps?ior. of t h e : which people could take or let spirits who kept faith in the time Recesfery '-o create a real port." | •'.J L vi I ChWprian v,-orlrl. ;i>f Moslem By Ai. SEGAli alone, and most of them had let of darkness and guarded their j Shertok reminded his audienc ! voric; or {.he vorid. tTr,^.Tr^^, | of the imminent departure of Sir good . . . . Count Timofiej Murait alone. With the aid of a gun ideals against this time. YOU SHOULD KNOW IX MY CRYSTAJL BALL The tyrants have fled and I see Arthur Wauchope, High CommisI could make them swallow f Tka American Legion's mili- tow, who was something of a in Dear Mr. Segal:. I'read with a sioner for Palestine, and said the Real Eslr.fe fo r Sale—- O v n tancy against Nazism in this Streicher in the Russia of the great deal of interest your series everything I wrote. This would be j tth-st iiat w e r e aabout u o u t t to 0 trs-niip wprp though tee \ishuv had a most happy> situation; by my Czars, was recently found dead crilj ev rnoveci to C f..U '.ovrus•». Will "ample 1that , , * London (JTA) — Sir Harold t oouhtry. is getting under the skin Cuea i m u ^ 0 U ' Qn ° t ' Arthur ?iI;:cMirh?.?l. former {."ov- j sacrifice te?.r. :i'-«il 8 room of the Nazis . . . Enraged by the on"the steps of Warsaw syna-j of columns about dejudine — the gun I could make myself as ac- me on the Eidewalk. Arrogance is : t h a t he" had been instrumental in ernor of Tanganyika Territory, ; hotise. Al; rno ; e r r* v- ?Sta a u gogue . . . For years he begged drug discovered by the German cepted a publicist as Herr Goebin the dust; the Jews march with opposition they have met from the creation of the Tel Aviv port. last week went to Palestine to j tomatic New hest. roof. exile Dr. Jedermann and offered the Legion in organizing new alms near . the synagogue, and by him as' an antidote against bels, as respected a philosopher the light givers. "We shall not rest," Mr. Shertok succeed General Sir Arthur Grcn- f Garage. Near JPS;..^ o o l I look at all this and think I as Herr Rosenberg. was even known to have attendBund units, especially in up-state concluded, "until this Tel Aviv . i BKOPB. C^U AT "'65.G. ' Yes, I should keep Dr. Jeder- know the answer to my question: port is worthy of the Jewish ' i'ell TTauchope as High CommisNew York, the current issue of ed the services, garbed in a chass- Judaism. Dejudine, as you described it, To what purpose shall Jews keep sioner. mann's drug . for myself against the Nazi weekly, Deutscher idic cloak . . . Many ballots in a State in Palestine." Greetings ! to the Canadian turns Jews into Aryans (at least the time the storm troopers may on living as Jews and how may were read from Dr. Chaim V\'eiz- ' K^slorntinn- of law nad "order Weckruf und Beobachter, carries by-election it turned brown guinea pigs they deserve to keep on living? House of Commons from a Quecome marching to throw me out a front page story, in English . ... .. , . mann, who said that tie was in will be his first task in Palestine. white) and makes them forget FOR K E N T — tiful" of the window. Sir Harold declared at a Royal and German, proclaiming "Amer- bec district were invalidated beI fling away the two capsules L o n ( i o n tishtiag t o r Jewish Empire Society luncheon in hi? ! ly f uvrnishe<'. roosTnjr.,, VTE ican Democracy Menaced by the cause they were marked wit ha ever having been- Jewish. of dejudine. , _ . j H e a p p e a l e d t0 Jcwi y l o (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts r i g h t s You yourself refused to try it, honor. His second tnslc, he added. i - o < t Incident- swastika and the words "a bas American Legion" assist in the construction oi the ; But no! The world is getting Feature Syndicate.) ally/the response to the Nazi or- les Juifs" . . . The Liverpool hoping, as you did, for an author- very dark, what with everything .port. i will be to obtain contacts with the "ordinary in;: 11" livir." in the ganizing campaign has been very, Echo, which has been running a itative statement by our pundits that lately has been happening High Commissioner Wauchope country, 'not only the people who series of articles on' "Obsolete as to why a Jew should keep on The offices of the very weak accompanied by an official en- are or who call ihemselves leadand some people must keep lights Acts Never Repealed" discovered American Jewish Committee were that the town of Comway still being Jewish. I am willing to burning against the futuretourage was welcomed with a ! ers of public opinion." F O R SALE: offer myself for the experiment. The burglarized last week sustained ovation and the singing has a law forbidding any J e w s t o Will you please send me the two Some people must be Marranos \ 6-room ho is. Be New oil b u m Sir Harold revealed that he AJC doesn't know whether the reside within its walls, on pain of of "Hatikvah" and "God .Save ; to cherish the old fatth in rightClose to t•rade and ligrh 1 capsules? . • the King." After greeting the ilja.d been deluged with advice •\ er. marauders were looking for some- instant expulsion . . . eousness, justice, peace, • liberty school. 31.46 Chicago S t . I am far from happy on acfrom all over the world repreHigh. Commissioner, Siegfried I thing besides cash and stamps, L\ $4750. Eary tfrms. Cal Al i count of the looks of things in and humility. Even if another Hoofien presented him with an jsenting all views and that he had |7610. but only that was taken . . . How dar-k-age descends there will be the world. The dictators are discusssd Palestine p r o b l e m s Harry L. Gluckman,. late exealbum of photographs of the port | come the city fathers of . New people who will secretly keep _ . , . ,_..._ „ , , : from the days when it was but with two members of the Royal Castle, Pennsylvania, let the city cutive director of the Jewish Wel- marching and how far will their their ideals and hand them down Commission. "I realize," he said, Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agen- I * hall be used for a meeting of the fare Board, knew for six years conquering procession go? How to their children. They will "that in going to Palestine, it is Those in the that he had a bad heart, but did long w-ill we be able to quaran- whisper of a time in the world cy) — Despite lowering skies and i f . Silver Shirts? 1 likely to be a spotlight rather ' FOR RENT know claim that one of the rea- not breathe a word about it to tine ourselves against their quick- when liberty was iike the air men a heavy^ rainfall the streets of j Opening his , remarks to the 'than a halo which 1 shall meet." any of his friends or relatives . . . spreading ideology? this all-Jewish city were crowdExcellent location f o r tarsons why Fritz Kuhn, Bund leadbreathed, when peace seemed ed with tens of thousands of jjub- sound of ringing cheers, the High In a toast to Sir Harold, ColoI shall save Dr. Jedermann's waiting just beyond the threshold. i l t er, sneaked off to Germany so He gave most of his free time— ii ilant participants in the ceremon- j Commissioner said that he would nial Secretary William Orinsby-. ern. W'ill rcmooe! to suit tenthere was so little of it—to his drug against the time when Nazi ant. Southeast corner of suddenly is that he gets plenty of marked the official j always remember the progress Gore paid him warm tribute and !es son, Arnold dictatorship 30th and Doeire. Call A t . comes marching and justice looked like no distant ! launching mention in the diary of a mueh- thirteen-year-old of pas'senger facilities j made by the Tel Aviv port. "I • married lady who is offering the Henry Glucksman believed in around the world, and the Jew- goal. Their ideals will be the at Tel Aviv port. Though the j feel that it is only yesterday that* described the Palestine difficul- 3171 or Wa 3S2S. record for publication . . . Some preparing his speeches, and often ish fate comes to an end here as rich inheritance left over from rainstorm and the unusually | I stood on the wooden jetty, but jties as "tremendous in their ram- ' of the executives of the Conde spent days working out an ad- it has elsewhere. It will be hard- civiliaztion. rough seas reached such propor- j it was actually twenty months It seems to me that Jews tions as to cause the suspension ago," he said. "That pier witnNast publications may get fired dress . . . He never spared him- ly worthwhile for self-respecting 1 if an investigation shows that self . . . The only relaxation he people to live a t all then; but I should be of these people who j 0_. "£" all wo"rk"arthe"*i)o'rt"an"d" .. _w „ , , „ . * „»»„ to v« i stood the seas like a rock. I ner- ! they were privy to the publica- permitted himself—once in a may compromise; I shall swallow save the lights; since they are of j ake it impossible for the S. S. er retreated from my original de- : m tion of..'those anti-Jewish illus- great while—was a session of the two capsules and end my life our own inheritance. _ | Har Zion to land the first passeii- cision in favor of the port. I ad- j ALWAYS £ 0 trations which cost Cecil Beaton bridge, a game at which he was as a Jew and begin being an Ary- In the gathering darkness shall j gers as scheduled, there was no vise Jewry not to surrender in DELICIOUS,ANNE! E. H., New York. we run away and hide and quench j curtailment of the ceremonies, its effort. Today we inaugurate a i TELL ME WHAT'S New York's new tele- a master . . . When the physicians an his job our ideals as some Jews would | which were held indoors. port for passengers. I hope that | T H S SEEEET? phone directory has been purged looked him over at Mt. Sinai hosThousands of seats were ar- j Tel Aviv will some day become a of Hitlers and Hittlers, but there pietal half an hour before he Well, sir, I think perhaps I have us do? . . . "This is a time," warehouses real rnartime city. I now declare I are still 12 Streichers, four Goer- passed away, he suddenly realized ought to keep Dr. Jedermann's they say, "for Jews to get under ranged inside the ings and three Goebbels . . . Lend that he was a very sick man . . . capsules for my own future use. cover and to keep quiet on all that line the qua3 side and twelve the port open for passenger and an ear to the new program called He is said to have inquired, with j i i 0 0 k into my crystal ball (which matters that have to do with the amplifiers carried the speeches cargoes." "Talent in Exile," which is to be a sad ~~J smile: — " - • "No more tricks in shows me things I don't want to world. Jews should neither be delived to the many thousands In the afternoon Sir Arthtr who could not find place inside. laid the cornerstone for the Wau-; sponsored by the Hollywood AntiHarry Glucksman js e e ) and it gives me horrible rev- seen nor heard." Among those present were the Nazi league over KPWB on \\r* a. swell fellow, with a lot of elations. As darkness fails Jews must Chief ' Rabbis and notables from chope Bridge across the Yarkon Thursday nights at 9 p. m. Pacific undemanding for other people's The crystal ball shows me sit- stand with those who carry the all over the country. Although river. Later he attended a faretime . . . When Hollywood gets worries . . . ting on a sidewalk rubbing my old torches, resisting the shad- the S. S. Har Zion found it im- well reception tendered to him by through with its film version of WHAT'S IN. A NAME? head. Yes! Nazism had just ows. These are. lights that were possible to come to Tel Aviv from the Tel Aviv Municipality. the "Arabian Nights" it will have There's a gal in New York call- come to America and taken- it given us and we will not let them Haifa because of the storm, her more than a slight anti-Fascist ed Ming Toy Epstein The and now, as I sat on the sidewalk fall now. officers were in attendance at the Patronize Our Advertisers tinge . . . Social Security Board claims to j rubbing my head, i t . seemed to In a world of murderous arrog- ' ceremonies. Members of the WHO'S WHO have discovered twenty-three [ center all its force around my ance we shall be brave with the j Jewish Agency Executive and the The beat tip-off on how good ways of spelling Abramowitz; and own poor little fate. valor of the wise who have lived Vaad Leuini and representatives the new Who's Who in American eighteen for Lehman The liberal daily newspaper a long time and know there is no ! of all institutions, colonies and The inJewry is not is to be found in the fluence of the movies is respon- for which I work had been taken death for ideals; we shall tend j settlements were also there. fact that lots of English-Jewish sible for some youngster we've over by the Nazi's rovernment our lights patiently as men who After the Singing of the "Hatweeklies have had to carry an- heard of being tagged with a and I had been flung out of the know the fullness of time and ikvah" by the assemblage, Chief nouncements disclaiming respon-' name like Gary Cooper Finkel- second story window on Elm have seen many yesterdays when ! Rabbi Isaac Herzog opened the sibility for the selection of names j stein . . . The popular Broadway street. For that reason I was sit- evil fell into the dust of time I proceedings with the traditional from their city appearing in the mimic Afrique is really Alexander [ ting on the sidewalk rubbing my and arrogance became rusted | tjhehechyanu blessing. M o s h e Shertok, hea^d of the political de. The publishers broke Witkin, who picked his stage head. book swords in museum cases. partmeat of the Jewish Agency, down the names in the book and name in honor of the continent Now as I sit there a battalion I return to my crystal ball: i i declared on behalf of the Agensent out stories to all the Jewish where he was born Jack of storm troopers is approaching papers, in the various cities, and Pearl's middle initial is H., and to step on me. I used to be a see the long darkness lifting as ' c>': •'These ceremonies are only the papers printed them . . . Then he says it stands for "Ham." he courageous person fn print, rais- men approach with torches. I i a symbol of our conquest; we the fun began, with lots of prom- having christened himself thus* to ing hell against, all wrong; but know these torches: Liberty . . . have not yet conquered. Perhaps inent Jews finding themselves beat the critics to it That now I sit in the dust of the side- Democracy . ; . P e a c e . . . Justice it is appropriate that the sea has omitted and taking it out—un- new singing star with the swell walk in meek acceptance of my justly—on the papers . Finest [base voice and the moniker Paul fate. piece of good-willing we've seen Dennis is really Henuch RosenOh, how big are the feet of in many a day is being done in blatt, son of the late Cantor Ros- the approaching troopers, how "Father Malachy's Miracle," in enblatt . . . Hugh Marlyn, who is truculent looking their hob-nailwhich that veteran trouper Al knocking them over in Europe ed soles which are at least an Shean is packing them in with with his singing and acting, is the inch thick, how menacing their his portrayal of a Benedictine j scipn of a chazen named Epstein heels. Inside our office I hear monk . Invitations issued by j . . . And do you know that Fran- rifle shots which suggest that our Mrs. Herbert H. Lerman, wife of j cis T. Palgrave, compiler of the editor has been shot and I wonthe Governor, to wives of the Al- "Golden Treasury" and professor der whether it is better to die by bany legislature correspondents of poetry at Oxford university, rifle ball than under Nazi feet. for their annual party carry in- was born with the name Cohen? Yes, I muse (as I look Into the structions -directing guests to , . . While on the subject of crystal ball) it would be most dress for the big apple dance . . . names, did you hear about the convenient at this critical moment March 17 th is a big day this year friend of a Brooklyn newspaper to have Dr. Jedermann's capsules . . . It's Purim, St. Patrick's Day columnist who rebuked him for in my pocket. I could swallow and Stephen S. Wise's birthday changing his name from Hy Gold- them even at the approach of the . . . Incidentally, SSW is. an hon- stein to Hy Gardner? . . .• "My Nazi heels and, in an instant, I orary member of several Irish or- name," said the friend, "is Hy- would turn Aryan. Max Reinhardt, man Goldstein too^—and Hyman ganizations They would look at me in. aswho really made the Salzburg j Goldstein it'll remain Couple tonishment . .- . "We've made a music festival what it is, won't go of months later Hyman Goldstein mistake throwing him out of t h e there any more, because of Naz- got a part in the Labor musical window. This is, in fact, an Aryism . ; . . The Nazi coup in Austria comedy "Pins and Needles" . . . an. He barks at us. His right makes it a good bet that plans "The program, listed him as Hy hand is up in proper salute. Comfor an American Salzburg will Goldstein Now that the show rade!" soon be realized . . . Harry Hevsh- is a hit he's billed as Hy Gardner They would embrace me and field has gotten the job of writ. And Jerry Levenson, com- the pain I suffered from being ing the script for a movie of poser of such Jiits "Darkness thrown out of the window might George Gershwin's life . . . on the Delta" and "Under a be assuaged by my'being appointFOREIGN FLASHES Blanket of Blue," now calls him- ed Director of Public Enlighten-? Sounds unbelievable, but .the self Livingstone Our boss. s, ment for our city.' I would be alYiddish press in Warsaw vouches Bernard Postal, tells us that fpr the story that Vladmir Jabot- when his paternal grandpappy years the family went by the tag insky,_ Revisionist chieftain, con- came to this country sixty years of Goldberg . . . . »ferred with ex-Preciem Octavian ago he decided to take on a good (Copyright, 1933, by Seven Arts Goga of Rumania about taking American name—so for thirty Feature Syndicate.) thousands of Jews out of Rumania in line with Goga's plan SAVE WORK SAVE MONEY to deport "aliens" and Jabotinsky's scheme for 'settling 1,500,10 Lbs. 000 Jews in Palestine . . . DiploDry Weight mats who "wondered why King End refrigeration worries! Stop costly Everything washed in fs-esh rainCarol selected the head of. the food spoilage and the vveste oi leftOrthodox Church as Goga's sucsoft water a n d returned j u s t 4c Each Adcessor have learned that Patridamp enough t o iron. overs. Let a modem Electric Refrigeraditional Lb. 5 arch Mtron Christea accepted the tor save for you. It's no trick at all to premiership only after Carol swore that he would definitely turn saved left-overs into new, appetisWE,'1234 get rid of Madame Lupescu for 3 0 1 NO. 1STH ST.


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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH "4, 1S3S FRADENEURG, WEBB, BEBER, and real cams unknown); Maude Troy (a corporation); Peoples Na- ' Charts of Fidelity Bank and Trust (Eleanor M I-plfi, ir-s ME-^ K <ie- Fc F ' ••> r ? " MONSKY, GRODINSKY, JMARER COHEN, Attorneys. KLUTZNICK•& KELLEY. Gottleb; Mrs. J. P . Gould (first and tional Bank (a national banking: as- Company; ids. Wurdemann; Abe b r s n d : K t * e j t. ^ , b e - " • T e ' r TW F T - r o - p r -i o - " n L ' P » 737 Omaha National Bank Bids. real name unknown); R. S. Grabls sociation); Henry A- Perrijruey; Hen- Tavitz; TecKel. Esrickson & Coml don; Ds.r e J - e f - C I " P " ' " f v . i - - r ' i i Attorneys " (first and real name unknown): Mrs. ry A. Ferrigruey. Guardian and Cura- pany, a corporation; Teckel, EEricb- ! ( f i r s t £ - - -< L. nz.~le L - 1 T ~ V r , ^ e - r i n p «.- i Union JStata : Bank Building Carrie Grahl; Leonard W. Grama; tor Estate of Pen-i^uey Minors; Han- son & Company, a co-partnership; ' l i e C . JiO - S ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That C Tr c i — Andrew Grass; Florence Graupner; nah PerschbacKer; Esther K. Peter; Henry \y. Tonker; Dora Tonker; .on the 1st day of January, 193S. the Omaha, Nebraska E. c . Gray (first and real name un- E l l a Pettker; Lawrence Pickert; Adoipli Tl*. i'ourig. total outstanding secured and unseknown). Raymond Pickup; Meyer Pick-up; rt"- J- —i cured indebtedness of Overland SeCbarlyne Toung-; Hilda Eastrcw, NOTICE BY PUBLICATION TO curities Corporation, a Nebraska corGray; David Green; Georg* Mrs. J. L. Pierce' (first ana real Arthur Eastrow; Arthur A. ZeiE; J. er; Dr. \ : ; PLAINTIFFS AND CO-DEFEN- A.Olive name unknown; V. C. Pine* (first E. Zelch <first and real name un- : real n?-^* i poration, with Its principal place of Green; Cora E. Greenlee: Chris DANTS knovra): 1>£ni3a S e l l ; Catherine I burfr; E.r 1 -'—. business in Omaha. Nebraska, -sras Groetecke: Mrs. Rose-Grond; Charles and real name tmknowa); Eetty Soil; r ChtrJes So"; Mrs. Elisabeth Platte. ; K O f b T ! ; In the District Court of Douglas Soo.OOO.OO. .' Grohe; Ernestine Grohe: George J t r e s ' HE—\e> l - J . tounty, Nebraska. . H . A . "WOLF. P r e s i d e n t . Grote; S. F. Grove (first and rea. Bessie Platts; Norma C. Pollard; R. Zwicke. ' **r t " fi. A. Wolf, H. H. Auerbach, R. S . H. A. Wolf, et al,'" Plaintiffs vs. name unknown); S. N. Grove (first B. Pollard (first and real name unKansas City Life Insurance Com- ij k&mp / r " r* and real name unknown); Dora -M. Brown,' JIajority of Directors. known); August C. Potiboff; Elmer pany, a corporation; C. L. Holtnan. j kKrtc-^rx) Omaha Safe Deposit Company, et ai. ins; V Grover; William J. Gundall;. Joseph B. Powell; Bessie Powers; Joseph K. (whose full aricl true name is Charles 1 Kh Atte-st: K. H. Bro-svn, Secretary. Defendants, Docket .329, No. 139: 3-t-3S-lt_.. David Blacker. Plaintiff, vs. Kitchen Gutchrel: Edwin F . Guth Company Preiss; Joseph H. Preiss & Company L. Holznan); Lynton T. Block and k n o w n ) * ~ <• e i 3rothers Hotel Company, Defendant (a corporation); Albert Guze; Lydia (a corporation); Joseph H. Preiss & Werren Ero-nie, as a EondhoiderE' Committee acting- under a ' MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & docket 282, No. 98: Kitchen Brothers Hacktnan: Rose Hackman: M r s . Company (a copartnership): Thomas Protective Deposit Agreement dated November iotel Company, Plaintiff, vs. Omaha Katie Hagemann; Charles W. Hahn; O. Tacy; John J. Johnson; Lillian 30, 1S21., far the protection of theporst»a T—-~ o- 1 r ^E COHEN, Attorneys. ,"" i * r > c i Safe Deposit - Company, Defendant Cornelia D. Handelman; August Veney; Mrs. Byron Cosby (first and holders 737 Omaha National Bank BIdg. of certain bonds sold by or•Halsey r i p — & Cr> IF-> R en-•*-«,-» p r~ • Hanke; Josepn Hanna; H e n r y real name unknown): M a r y A. Docket 2S3, NO. 33. 1 throush Fidelity Bond end Kortra-g-e ; poretior -«••• S i . £ c T T I - r „ ^ . ->f o u Harbks; Fred iZ. Harris; Emil HartSchauweacker; E. F. Gcth (first and Company; Marshall Field & Com-j (a- cops"*" 0 "- 1 NOTiCE IS HEREBY GrV'EN That To: C t ' i' - f \ ' , ^ i • man; Miss Mary Ha\-ey; Joseph L. real name unknown); Haro'd A. pany, a corporation; First National on the 1st day, of January, 193S. the j Conipar- p r^-p^-F ]->- " ^ ' o . c1' - T 1 Mrs. May Ruth^Abramsky; Harry Haw; Bernard W. Hays; Ellen I I . Waiss; Dr. J. R. Bridges (first and Bank total outstanding secured and unseC_ j in St. Louis, a corporation, lanfi £ C — ' Mays; Elizabeth Healey: M a r y real name unknown): Edward F. ."cored .indebtedness of S-K Building Ackenhauser; llinnie Ackenhauser Healey; Joseph L. Haw; Bernard W. J. T. p -r-*n ->; rT " ' ri. r»i r•FTne Steffan; Francis L. Smith; Frank -Edward Afiarns; K. -2. AufderCompany, a Nebraska corporation, L. M. Adkinson (first and real name f € ".. ^ " Ellen JL Hays; Elizabeth Straub; Mrs. Christine Schuckman; heide (first end real narrse un- j unknewr c L,ev » r ' •with its principal place of business In unknown); -P. M, Adkinson (first and Haj-s; -] TT^T j L-. 2rwi»3^va N Healey: Mary Healey: Edward L. known); WTIhelia Albriscfi; KjTtle Christine Sehuchman; Paul Schafer; real name unknown); Anchor Ar, Omaha. Nebraska, was $266,139.29. Cr—*-£-r* ^ rr •* cadia JLodse 322; Inez Xu Anderson; Heffner; Emma Heiligenstein; Ida Selma Sapp; T. J. Connors (first and Alverson; Lydia Albright; Irna M ;; surjince H. A. W O U , President. Edward ~- e ~r- ' - r Helnecke;, Mrs. Adele Hemker; J. F.real name unknown); Continental Anderson; B. W. Appel (first find | unknowr • H A. Wolf. H. H. Auerbach, R. S . Louis Anderson; P a u l Anderson; Hennessy i ir- t -v; real name unknown, also known as ' (first and real name unLife Insurance Co. (a corporation; Clarissa Anderson; Anderson, Plotz " Bro *Ti, Majority of Directors. c r "r-1 - r "CT. Appel); Ai5na Armbrun^ r and Company (a corporation); An- known); Amelia Hennessy; John J. Mable Cooper; Samuel T. Cooper; Bern*ra Attrst: R. S . Brown, Secretary. -I-'. ] "if •»*'«•-»-ir ' V — ter; v John A. Andrele; Valentine F. | sociatio-O derson, Plots and Company (a co-Hennessy; Kate Hennessy; Robert Olive H. Corwin; Alco M. Cosgrove; Arnold: T 1 3-4-3&-lt •, ; P „->—,— i r p i ("on Ci* ^ r^-T ! W. Arnott; John A. partnership); Louis E. Anfender; Henningrer; Ernest Hensick; Mrs. Lucille Cott; Elizabeth DeGaris; Fay- Andric: Charles n^ James A. AntSerson: H. J. i M r s . C*»-L'* ^ " o h " T * C r Ernest Heasick (first and real name ette Bank of Fayette, Mo. (a cor~Berg (first and real name unknown); Anguish; Henry Anzer; Isa.MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & Pauline aelle Anzer; Alrln April; John April; unknown); Charles F. Hepp; Mar- poration); First National Bank ot | Fred ' ': COHEN, Attorney*.^ L. Beck; Percy S. Eiock; B. j !. ffirst T !"•>£ i-ef r E - i « garet A. Hereon; Adeline Hertns; A. Springfield, Illinois (a nations! bankMrs. I* B. Ambruster (first and real ' 737 Omaha National Ban* BIdg. (first and real nsme un- i A. . u r - " ~r f ~~r l - - e \ name unknown); E . S. Armstrong J. Heringr (first and real name un- ing- association); Augnst Hanks: I| Buckert known); H. Binder; Jacob ; kno-prn) ~ \ F — e - Toni»>= .- C (first an4 real name unknown) • known); J. Herman (first and real Leon D. Knapp; .Earl Knickmeyer; | BerEhofier;Albert Kermaa Bertram: Beriha C o. P 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Armstrong f !—*• T_r[ n i n e s " -'i £>•*. iValiquet & Co. (a cor- name unknown); Margaret A. Her-Arthur Kuhlman; Joseph L. Lawj Bertram; V. J. Bleckman (first snd n o w n ) HI vsi"*'T , T pr •-*»< - •»"); X •* —< on the 1st day of January, 1938, the ; . Armstrong VsOlquet & sen; O. J. Herzog (first and real National Stockyards Bank (a n a -real name unknewE); Anna C Brsm- 'j kgrer; total" outstanding secured and unBe- poration) L a u n C . t " p « Co. (a copartnership); C> W. Atkins name unknown); William Hettenhau- tional banking- association); Eogera t _ — p . - - c" cared indebtedness .of Southern Mort- {first and real name unknown; L. I»sen; t D. Hewitt (first and real & Tracy,.Inc. (a corporation); E. A.meier; J. W. Brady (first end real ; &• Trus* Ti *-' o' r r or gage & Finance Company, a Nebras- Aubel (first and real name un- name unknown); Ben B. Hlbbard; Schmid (first and real name un- name unknown); Behrraann & John- j souri (a co-pi-a. or~* ka.' •corporation, -R-ith 1&- principal known); F. F. Aubel (first and real Marie Hibbard; Miss Dora HiU; iAral- known): Walter A. Schneider: Mrs. son (a copartnership); Bebrmacn & i L e s t e r \ !,.<• • Johnson fa corporation); Bess Balplace of business in Omaha, NebraSr name unknown); Harold Auld; Beth ter K. Kitchkiss; Mrs. Eh-a G. Hodg- Fred Thomas; Lou E. Cooper; Silas i lantyne; W. D. Batcheilar (first and ka, was S22.S13.92. . C. Anld; Anna M. Austin; irma A. kins; Louis R. Hoelscher; William A. Grom; John K. Lord, Jr.; Joseph Leo real name unknown): E. S. Bridre ••--'••• - • H. A. WOLF, President. Austin; Milton Baer; Cora G. Bahr; Hoffmann: Ottilia Hogenmiller; Ar- .Connolly; Elizabeth ConnoUy. (first and real name unknown): O. t Cor —- ' a cn-->o-« l o r • H. A. Wolf, H. IL Auerbach, B. W. Burrough 'first and real name Ii V&Hc.uet H. M. Baier (first and real name un- thur N. Hohenstein.' : J. F . Rasmussen (first and real unknown); F ' i ' e E r ^ - k ( o * C 1 - f a ? p I - =; i - - ' H- Brown, Majority of Directors. William Burlis- Robert ! TTniverspl known); William F., Barnard; James August Hohlt; William Hohn; name unknown): Mamie Redmond: Busbr; Dr. W. linoiKl (<? o^r-io-^ ' . - • ' * - » \ ^i , r Attest: H. H. Auerbach, Secretary. H. Breuer (first and L. Barngrove; Catherine M. Barry; Esther Hohn; H. H. Hoppock (first Thomas E. Reese; John F.eid; Lu!y 3-4-3S-lt Elizabeth T, Barry; William D. Bar-and real name unknown); Elsa Horn- Reid: Charles Reinhart; Mrs. Idareal name unknet(n). i tir.knowr t . rwi-" ^ V ry, Jr.; Mrs. F. M. Bartleson (firtt sey; W. C. Horstman (first and real Reller; F. W. Renjrstorff (first and ! iand B- - k - 1 f» a MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & and real name unknown); August E. name unknown); Addle M., Horst- real name unknown); Clara J. RengHenry Burabrunip; Laura Brcyhi'I; ; corpora ) " ' ^^^ * n *~ A c • Do— -•' r ••* •-: ! COHEN, Attorneys. Bauman; Virginia P. Beall; Ray; Elsie Hosch; Edward Houli- storff; Tillie Rengsforff: S o p h i e Mrs. Julia Byars; Veronica A. Byrne; i John r>o<- " £ : *•? J *i c '^ T I - •«• p i r rrv x 737 Omaha National Bank Bld(j. ham; C. D. Howard (first and real Rengstorff: Johnnie W. Reppei; Mrs. Mrs. Anna Bowing-; Miss Effa Bean; ! Alois A V T'e-r- BeitzeL, c c: i p _ unknown); Melita Howard; Elizabeth Reubel; Lester Reuss; John Jessie A. Brown; Earry A. Beimes; ! weaker V C T ->e* The Belle Bank (a corporation^; name f r * r" ' V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That 1 Sam W. Hyman; Mrs. Emma HubHarry A. Beins; Nellie Euckmsn; E: ** ^ i • = A on the iBt day oi January, 1938, the Catherine Benz; Heleri C. Benz; Hil- bard; Henry F . Huelamann; Mrs. F. Reynolds; Clementine Richardson; Janie Bergfeid; Louis Bender; Clara • n a m e i -V. • Richland Bank (a corporation): Lizi J . P . Gci iu. ***>£ r da Berg; Anna Berg:; Hilda Benj; •> ^ •, l c — total outstanding secured and nnse Ceclle Spencer Hunt; Estate of TheoBank of Belfast, of Belfast, r «-r^p B. Rlgr^s: Bertha Mae Rinek; Bender; Th cured- indebtedness of Standard De Annie Bergr; Mrs. Natalie Berg-; F. A. dore M. Hunt; W. S. Hunter (first zie New Tork ra corporation); George '.! known) Walter S. Rinek: Christina Rith• L Berger (first and real "name unGandoi'o I Tank o' •velopment Company, a Nebraska, corand real name unknown); Clara mann; Emma Rlttenhouse: M r s . Beimbrink; Belleviiie Finance Corpor113 E •*s-~ o r CbarlotBprv poration, with its principal place of known); Miss Jennie Berber; Kathe- Hurst: Clara G. Hnrter; Henry Hur- Eliza (a corporation); Louis A-Bittc; *! Bankinc Robertson; Hugh D. Robertson; ation Bergmann;"William F. Bernard; ter; Norma Hurter; Rolland Hurter; A«-BCC r o-i •*' A i » r i " , " • , J. • -business tn Omaha, Nebraska, was rlne Theodore M. Bohr; J. HarrjEoka Mary E. Berry; Alice Berryman; J o - Mrs. Adele B. Hyman; Mr. . W. J. Alice 3L Robertson; Mrs. H. H. Rob- (first &nS. real name unkno-vm; Dr. i (first and -r , n£.r-ie L - U ^ - ' X: - ^ p r ^^^J _ • J7G.4SS.39. seph S. Berryman; Mrs. M a r y Hynd (first and real name un- inson (first and real name un- G. H. Breflell (first snd real name H. A. WOLF, President Bierwe; Mrs. Lulu BIrchard; Carrie known) ; Mrs. W. J . Hynd (first and known) ;. Mrs. Salie Robinson; Ethel unknowns Betsy Botte; Dr. G. E. i known) E^-ie C C"-PB= isr ™rin •-•••• ~R. A . Wolf, H . H . A u e r b a c h , R . H . L. Bishop; Nelle G. Bishop; T. A. I. name unknown); lira. Martha J. B. Rodg-ers: Barbara Roebke; Wil- Benes (first and real name un- \ Trust C~>~"?*- c" r «-t } f Kooper, R. H. Brown, Majority of DJ Blair (first and real name unknown); real r. -F Hysinger; Mrs. Nets Inskeep; Mrs. liam A. Roebke;.MoIlie Hoebke; E. L. known); C. H. Berry (first and real ! Illinois a c--tio-F* or, -F - " •rectors. • • • William H. Blanton: Belnholdt Blatt; M. Roederer (first and real name unj phine G " * ^ " ^ ^ T^"—ir? O 1 Irwin (first and real name unname unknown); Boone County NaAttest: R . S . Brown, Secretary. Walter W. 31ood; Boatmens Nation- known): Jacobs: Lena Jaco- known); Eugene Roesberger; J. Hytional Bank (a national banking- as.-;-3r'4-38-lt • • - . . • . . al Bank (a national banking associa- bus; ClaraJennie K. Stern; Miss Katherine Roethemeyer (first and real name sociation); Wilhelailna Berehofer; trie of tl » Er a • c ' D- , pmof TC J J ^ ^l tion); Richard Bocklage; H e n r y Jaenecke; Mrs. M. Joffray; unknown); Jacob Roll; Paul T. Barker, rmrham, Brury & Sparling MONSKY; -GRODINSKY, MARER & Bode; Elizabeth Boehm; Charles J. Albert F . Johnson;Estelle ilariette Johnson; Roques; A. T. RoBegren (first and (a copartnership); J. L. Collins (first Boehm: John Boelling; Lillian Boesen- H. E. Johnson (first -, -• - COHEN, A t t o r n e y s . and real name real name unknown); Barbara Fisher and real name unknown); Jennie I wm. r o-v—»• c- A I, r rrr -r ,.,,.,,L ,,u berg; Lena Boester; Alex 3. Boka; 737 Omaha National Bank BldoRosen; Edgar N. Fisher; Isabelle J. Campbell; Nora Crlmmins: S. W. I ffirst &--C; T(.e ri->e i % T T r ' T,^ John Henry Boka: Charles Boken; unknown): Alice Johnson. ' Fisher; Emma Eoth; Joseph W. Culbertson (first and real came un- ! George '"W—IP" J A. Dr oi * - ' NOTICE I S H E E E B T GIVEN T h a t Sarah Boley; Charles D. Bolin; WilRottler; George F . Ryan: St. Louis Mrs. Elizabeth Jones; Sadie L. ] ffirst c"C -p-i -fr->* x.' f r r C """,. also known as S. M. CulLetter Carriers' Mutual Aid Associa- known), • o n ' t h e 1st day of January, 1938, t h e liam C. Born; Mary A. Botz; D. R.'Juhlin; Georgetta Juiler; Guy F. ! L. Edwa-*"; i* -rt E.-*3 -P TIEI-^F I , - "* bertson (firs* and real name un• total ;ontstandingr secured and unse- Bowes (first and real name u n - Kahmann; Leonore- Kaminski; Miss tion (a corporation); Irving' Salmon; known); Jeremisii Curtin; W. E. i known) j V e i ' - * r-i c-r Cr—*T P ! 1 2°~ r ' T r Mayme Palmer Bowes; Emma Kasten; Emma Hasten; Mr. John M. Eanford; Katherine B. Scan- Carlson (first and real name un- F l a v e n ; A ' - h r 1 - Cl T - ^ F T C — IT, '-^ - cured indebtedness of t h e Turner known); Court Realty Company, a Nebraska Edith A. Boyd; A L. Braggins (first Christ Kaufman; Mrs. Christ Kauf- Ian: L. J. Schad (first and real name known); Myrle Campbell; Dr. J. E. G r e e n l e e C ^ ? s 1 T c 1 - - A T I r - - „•* .crZ "-corporation, with i t s principal place and real name unknown); Mrs. (first and real name unknown); unknown); Mr. Fred J. Schaefer; A. Cashln (first arid real name un- : iner (fir=t E . - ; ^ - ? - 1 r r ~ r t - t - t v r % of business In Omaha, Nebraska, w a s Branlecki (first and real name •un- Lillian Kauf mann; W i l l i a i a B. C. Schaeffer, Trustee (first and real known); A. J. Cannon (first end real known). 1 T r l r S50 0E3BG4. Keeble; T. J. Keefe (first and real name unknown); Paul Schafer; Philip name unknown); Georfre C&pps; Cen-' bsrd; Cl£"a liL"^ T" ? r ^ -*— ^ ^' name unknown); Mrs. Elizabeth D. J. Schaller; Wilmer gchaller; Helen tral Republic Bank & Trust Company John "\\ Tr - s i - T j ^ ^ « K-o1 - r ^p\ " ! \ A. H. Brodkey. President. 1 George" Breimbrink; John Breth- Keeling; Mrs. Ella Kelly; Susan J. C. Sehanbacker. (a corporation!; Charles W. ChassaA. \ H . 'Brodkey, H . H . Auerbach T p~fauer; Etaier J. Bridge; Everett G. Kelly; Marie H. Kemper; J. W. Emily M. Schelp;. Caroline Schenk; ing; Georgie Chrlspln; Martha Child; Mrs. A-f-na O * J -s J T^ I' Majority of Directors. Brinkman; Philip E. Briscoe: William Kendall (first and real n a m e Scherck-Richter Dr. John F. Caskey; M. J. Conrcy (first t n r rp*-1r i s - t L r l - T v i Attest: H . H . Auerbach, Secretary. Company, a corporaBrockmeier; Katie Brockschmldt; unknown); M a r k M. Kendall; 3-4r3S-lt I-i_s frc] Scherek-Richter . Company, a (first and real name unknown!; FUBt C. Pr \-' George M. Brockway; Frank A, Joseph KirEch; Katie Klrsch; Marie tion; co-partnership; Gustav. C. Schichen- Dorothy Ann Cole; Anna Coan; E. F. 1 E. Sim* I -r LI-L.«- •& ." F-^ * v Harry Brown; A. L. Browne Klaskln: Anne Klaskin; Frances danz: Ommons & Sons (a. copartnership): j "V^. Sin "b. f""-^* a-1 TPG. np*-113 MONSKY. GRODINSKY, MARER & Brown; Clara Schiermeier; William (first and real name unknown); KlaBkln; Charles A. Klelnhans; Fred COHEN, Attorneys. Mrs. Ther«s!a Sch- Helen Coerver; Theresa Cope; Effie ! knewr.) Fa-i- e £ -i f " Berthe Broyer; Casper Brueningr; Klemme; Lizzie Klemme; Mrs. Edna Schifferdecker; : 737 Omaha National Bank maus; Albert M. Schmelzie: Arthur Cople; Myrite Cole; John C. CampMargaret Bruenlns; Nathan Bry; H.Klemp; Elizabeth. Klein; John Klein- L. bell; Mary EIHe Cotton; Byron Cros- unknew-" 1 , V - ^ E-r» T b ^ T L Schmid; Agnes Schmidt: Rev. E. Buchanan (first" and real name I, " NOTICE I S H E R E B Y GIVJJN T h a t unknown); Albert W. Buck; .Mrs. schmidt; Beulah J. Kleppisch; Emil Casimir G. Schmidt; Mrs. Nelle C. by (also known a» Byron Cosby); Rnd res.1 -"E.—^* i^"r-*i^v ^"^ Philip trr Philip W. Schmidt; O. Albert Collins; Clarence Connor, « n t h e 1st-day of Januarj',1938; t h e Lilly Buck; Edward P. Buddy; Laura Klingler; Mas Klirigler; Leo Klos; Alma Klotz; Wil- Schmidt: Katherine Connor; G. W. Carroll Louis ?. 3 -B s r t f I o r - C r- e i Schmiedeskamp (first End real nanfS total outstanding "secured a n d u n s e - C. Buffo; Ernest Burgrabe; George Kloess; liam H. Koch; Laura Koehler; Carl (first and real name unknown): Emunknown); Ralph J. Schmisseur; cured Indebtedness '.'of t h e TJrban Burnett; Bertha A. Burns; iUss Ella Koenig: Mrs. Carl Koenig (first and | backer; A r Ft "-cr^r ' nr P C Schmoll; Ben Schnehoff; Hen- ma D. Cosby, Central Agency & j Doellinr A—J-L." L. Tc^r" •- C V F - I - . Realty Company, a Nebraska corpor- Burton; Edward N. Busch; M. " L. real name unknown); Clara P . Koe-Henry ry G. Schneider; John C. Schneil; Loan Corporation (a corporation); ation, with Its principal place of busi- Busch (first and real name un- nlgr; Emllie P. Koenig; Ira R. Koe-Etaier Schoenlau: Hermlne Echoens- Fannie Clark; Hazel Carry!; Jtirsa Martin: ~ a. e- V r nr*->-l IJ r ~ ness In Omaha. Nebraska., w a s %3,-known); L. C. Busch (first and real nig; Paul -H. Koenig; Joseph E . man: Henry W. Schoensman; Lorsine Davis; B.. H. Daiiy (first and real Tofid. TtaFu-f- pi ' th*- r">t»^. c r* 847.50. name Unknown); Oscar Buseh; Mrs. Kopelowitz. J. Schreiber; Anna F. Schulz; Wil- name unknown); John Deckeri John nance e* -T I: C-^—~'- f- "- ~ " c• H . H . AuerBach. President, Arthur Buss, (first and real name unliam N. Schultz; Edna Schultz; Au- Devine; Clarence Daly; W. A. Den-ville F - E J - C » Co f ' a ro-pG"*ft H H." R. H . Brown. R . known); Melvin Buss; Camp & Co. Bertha M. Koerner; Carl A. Koer- jpist Sehweiss; A. Schweiss; by (first and real same -cntnowni: (a corporation); Camp Co. (a co- ner; O. AI. Kortjohn ffirst and real "Leo W. Schweiss;Mary H . Kooper, Majority of Directors. Hugh DCTSE; T. A. Day (first end naine u - l Mary A. Schweiss^ partnership); Myrtle Campbell; Mel- name unknown): LUlie; Kreibohm William L. Schweitzer; Locis Seals; real name unknown}; Reverend WilA t t e s t : R. H . Brown, Secretary. Slanc * I^^'~»- S A Kr - T - V r ;_^_ € _ Jr^*r"'J' *" •"• -*"^ ville K. Carson; Mrs. I/ulu CarutJi- Erna L. Krennfnjj; Maxie Kren- Louis '3-4-38-11. !. • Seals; Arthur Seiffert; Sirs. W. liam J. Sawes; Otto C Durban; nln&; Mildred Kreimine; •William Louis J. Dresier; Josephine Dietrich; C. Setterfieia (first and real name -MONSKY. GRODINSKY, MARER & ers; George Caps; E. B. Chnssain^ H. Krenning; M a r y Mrs. Anne Sewing-; Hilda Reverend S\ J. DooSey (first Bnfl res! s.rl A. I..c (first and real name -unknown); Mrs. I>r. A- J. Krietemeyer Kremlins: COHEN, Attorneys, (first and. unknown); Zastrow; Miss Elizabeth Shaffer; name unknown); E. Drikow (first | nic; hlnbel Cheslney; Hilda L. CisI; Miss .To* -i 737 Omaha National Bank BltJg. real name unknown); Lena. KrleteJ o h n B. Shaffer; i L Shaffer and real name xrnknewn); Mrs. B. Luella Clark: W. C. Clark (first and meyer; H e n r y Kroener; IJOUJS (first and real Drikow (first arsd reel name un- j Krstz; ITi name unknown); real name unknown); E. E. Cl&ypool j KaClttlE" •": NOTICE IS HEHEBT GIVEN That (first and real name unkno-wn); Roy BCrohne: Olga Krohne; Louis Krotrne; Alberta Robinson Shannon; Edward known); Emma Dischbein: J. S. j name ^ - J C. Kroibohro (first and real name Sheda; Rawleigh T. Shepherd; IL Dicksoji ffim end real name unon the ]Bt day -of January, 1938, the Clemens; Mary E. Coah; D. A.E. Z 7 1^ unknown); Mrs. Louise Krosbein; A. Thatcher iotal outstanding secured and unse- E. Shore (first and real name known); K. L. Doelliag: (first arid i floss T1 I» Cole (first and real name unknown); r r ; ; , Tp cured indebtedness of the H. A. Wolf Sarah E. Cole; -C. L. Collins (flrst E. Krughoff (first and real name unknown); R. H. Shumate <first and real name iinknotrn); Georpe DOEI- res! ns —» t - r - « ling-; Theodore L. lireyer; TheoSorc SophSe ^ ~ I^r Company, a Nebraska corporation, and real name unknown); Nora E. unknown); Arthur Kullmann; Cathe- real name unknown). U. Dreyer; Michael Dischbein; Rus•with its principal place of buElnesa in Collins; Colorado National Bank (a rine S. Kunz; Louise Kunz; George Kunze; James P. Kerr; Lester A. Kenned^ E ' C" IV e ^cv-^l ' -r £ - ' Z" Omaha, Nebraska, was 5106,897.75. Clara M. Sido; A. II. Simon (first sell B. Davis. national banking association); Peter A Kelly; Emelia. Lammers; Joseph J. real * r - ~ c i_- r-cT'"»—«•• H H.-A.-"WOIiF, President. and real name unknown); David E. Comer; Mrs. J. P . Could (first and Lampe; Ida Lampe; Larson-Hanohan King* 1-ei K b o r T->P f K - i •"• ^ ... H. A. Wolf, H. H. Auerbach. R. H . real name" unknown); Harry- Cor; & C c (a corporation); Larson-Han- Sims; Margaret B. Singleton; M. M. Sltton (first and real name unBrown.. Majority'-of Directors. Thomas Fi Daly Agency Conipacj" Hugh X.. CrabUl; Mrs. F . C. Crom- ohan &Co. (a copartnershijr); Lee known): Frank Six; Edwin R. Skaer; (a corporation); Thomas F. 'Duly 1 A! irurr' i'-^*"f->.E>~f ' r-% i_^> Attest: H. S . Auerbach, Secretary. ffler (firct and real name unknown); LeRussa; Mrs. Anna M. Lash; Dr.- L. Mrs. Cecils M. Smith; Harry F. Ag-ency Company (a copjirtr.8rEi.ip'i; •. 3-4-38-lt ;•'•-;•-; ' Dan Cubbage; Rose Cubbage; Mrs. Latham (first and real name un- Smith; Isaac Smith: Mrs. Loueila J. f~-:' Dean; CE>> V.Davis; Eevereria. 1 Kurts;" ' r ~ ''•.'• r-*- -"• ~ Martha G. Dana; Louis Dauernheim; L. f known); B. J. Latlmer (first and Smith; M. W. Smith (first and real Effa ! real jif-^f u - r -on - i L f cT "" : MONSKY. GRODINSKY, MARER & Mike David. D. C. Eby (first\and real name unreal name unknown); Richard D. name unknown); J. P. Sparks (first known); Edna Edwards; Severend F. j K n & p p ; r COHEN,-Attorneys. I . - '-r-r.p_•>--, " Latimer; Velma Lee Latimer: Edand real name unknown); L. P. Egrg-en (first end real n&ae unR. W. Dawes (first and real name : 737 Omaha National Bank BIdg, C. Lee; F. H. Lehman; Joseph Sparks (first and real name un- known); "«:* p~t T ^ T-< -if Unknown); Oscar Decker; Henry V. ward Henry Eilerman; E. C. Eid-I Jkronne^^-p^Lenzner; Emma R. Leonard. known); Emanuel Ph. Specht; Louise man (first and real name unknown); j u n k n o w r ) • ' "i. L—>_T » - v " ~r f ~ l Deemar; Jennie B. Deemar; Ben H. . '•! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That DeForest; J. A. DeHovltz (first and Specht; Gertrude L. Specht; Edward ! real ne.r-"> i r ^ r -= ^ ZJ J. -•» ° ( E. L. Ellis (first and real name unon the 1st day of January, 1938, the Mrs. Emma Levy; Adolph Leyb; T. *~* T* ~JC*~ P name unknown); Louis H. De-Katherine G. Spence; Beulah V. Spencer; Otto known); Harry Sanders; Thomas ' J i a role! "^ f *^-) total outstanding ' secured and unse- real Leyh; Liberty Council No. v Henry Detmer; Mary G. De-No. 3 J r . O. T7. A. M. (a corpora- E. Spinden; Otto Spinden; Mrs. M.Eisberry: Henry J. Ebers; KeischeJ i Ijorelda. I k ^ . -^ c ~ r J" ^ ^ " i ^ T- ^ ^ cured Indebtedness of the Western man; Dick ^ -V r f . Milbum: Elizabeth Diehl; »o5 r r - " e i-i>i-vn^c Mortgage «£: Finance Company, a Ne- vine; Lichtenstein Estate, lac. (aGudab (first and real name un- W. Ebeis: Mile F. Edwards; Charles j ( f i r s t E.-IU Lewis G. Diehl; John G. Dierking; tion); 1. L ^ ^ - ~ _ ""--i C _ ^ i braska corporation, -with its principal Anna Dierking; corporation); H a r r y Lichtenstein; known); Frank X Staab; G u s H. Edier;Georg-e Epfrers, Jr.; Edward !• EGladys Mrs. Louisa Dietrich; r a r n a I ^ c ^ r 7 T ™ ^ r * *" ^ i-^— Staples; Mabel Staples; George L. Eisenhauer; Etnil Ellison; J. F. Elli*place of business in Omaha, Nebras- Joseph E. Dilg; Ernest Aug. Doctor; Nora Liebig; Charles Linza; Hilda Stapleton; H. E . Stappenbeck (first son (first and real name unknown); : C h a r i e s !>•—s " • r - f " > • - - " — • - ^ Littleton; Augusta F. Littmann; Edka, was J20.-8D4J.7. _ Edna S. Doelling; Fred E. Doelllng; gar ! Ea L O C L ^ P IJ-'Ci. *^ ~«~i ^ ^ ^ - c c ^ and real name unknown); William H. James Eiiscr.; Oscar Ellison; E. A. Littmann; H. B. Livingston (first H. AJ WOLF, President I Sophia K. Doelllnsr; Hugo Doelllng; Stark; Laura Starr; G. G. Stein- ETtching-er (first and real name tsnH. A. "Wolf, H. H. Auerbaeh, R. John Doeling; Minnie C. Doelling; and real name unknown); alary E. heimer (first S. - - \~ " and real name un- known); Otto Enjrert: Mrs. Otto En- j curt Gr-i» Cr—• »-^ ""-\ Lloyd r W. G. Lobrum (first and real H. Brown,- Majority of Directors. Laura C. Doenges; Theresa C. unknown); Margaret E. Lovall; known); Peter Steinhetraer; peter grert (first and real s a a e unknown): Attest; H. H. Auerbach, Secretary. Doia; Mollie Dolder; Daniel J. Dono- Mrs. J. C. Lovrlen (first and real Steinheimer;. Anna. Steinheimer; E. Reverend B. H. Eppman (first End 1 p 3-4-3S-lt', ' •. van: • Fred R. Donley; Reverend Pat same SE.-' C ^ 't-- " . J ~ . unknown); Mrs. John Lowrey Stepenhorst (first and real name ra- real came uaknowr); Thomas A. Leake; *"V£ % J. Dooley; Harry J. Douglas: John (frst and r>-»- C L »"'•"• -»c~^" »""" f real name unknown); J. L.Tcnown); Clara K. Stem: Fannie Early, B-eeeiver, Interstate National corporatirMONSKY. GRODINSKY, MARER & W. Downs: Theodore J. Dreyer; Bank (a. NallenEl Hankies' AssociaLcpata: I -s " ^ F " « -«r _ _ _7 "* Lucas (first and real name unStout; Fannie Stoutee; Frank P. COFTEN, Attorneys. Louis J . XWexler; Lillain Drohan; known); Harry Luechtefeld; Mrs. Straub: Mrs. Dora Stukenbroeker: tion); First National Bank of NCFEU- 737 Omaha National Bank BIdg. William Duenke; Dulaney P l a y - George nee <a Naliocs.1 Banking Associa- fRrst r - o t t r t - f i - "—5— " ^ < Luedde (first and res.1 name J. William Sullentrup (first arid real grounds Board,(a unincorporated a s -c-t ^' J . E. McCarthy (first and name unknown); P. J. Euniva.n <first tion); Charles P. Foreman; Cora L. Selma 1, : ' - - r - Dr-'- f Z :" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That sociation); James Duncan; Martha unknown); f "" real name unknown): Clara J. Mc-and real name unknown); Clarence Foretss.n; Plorence J,l Tvtz; W. G.Dr. J . E * - i . r =. ^ •"•* £ r » —r pn the 1st day of January, 1938. theDuncan; Mrs. Ollie Duncan; Laura L. Carthy; Frank (first end real jsame unnffi^ne ur^-^-wr^ ^ * " ^ Marie B. McCarthy; Stella S. A. Summers. total outstanding secured and unse- Dunham: John Dvorak; C l a i r e McCarty, Ex. Estate of Dr. James W. Eiraa Tocncins; Rererend Frank Sroboda; Frante X. Swee- known); P. cured indebtedness of the Venetian Dwyer: Thomas J. Dwyer, Sr.; Olivia McCartj-; Miss Adeline E. McClurkln; Foreisae; KeverenS O. P . Court Realty Company, a Nebraska. Eckardt; Paul Eckardt; Mrs. C. H .G. N. McDavld (first and real name ney; Martin Sweeney; Dr. B. F. Charlss Foreman (first and- resl name un. corporation, with its principal place Edler (first and real name un- unknown); Gertrude A. McDermott; Swisher (first and real name -un- known); K. TT. Feuerbacher (first of business In Omaha, Nebraska, was known); Elmer Edler; Charles L. Ed- Leona McDonald; Mary McDonnell; known); Agnes Tackett: Ellen L. and real ESSU ccknowa); Fidelity (.1572,171.53. •' • wards; C. L. Edwards (first and real Genevieve McElroy; Mathew McEl- Taxiing-; Fay Taylor; Louise Taylor; Mortgagre Corporation (a, eorj«jraname unknown); Reverend Fr. Egger roy; Mary HcElroy; Sarah McGHH- Paul Terhune; Norman Terry: Hupp tion); Fir® Iosarance Cospasy of J. H. Kulakofsky, President -i Tevis; Regina Thiess; B. £ . Thomas J. H -Kulakofsky, Louis ICulakof- (first and real name unknown); William McGilligan; Miss Anita (first and real name unknown); Chicapo (a corporatioE!); N. M. FitE- • .Tchn re? I*1" ~ r ,- ' sky, H. H. Auerbacb. Majority of Di- George E. Egger; Ernest Esgert; gan; patrick (first end • real narae -un- ) Bank SI" McGinnis; • Wlnfred McGrath; Nelae & T-i.rt C~"—'--' Katherine P . Thomas; Mrs. SQuire Robert Eike; Anna Elke; Richard S. ilcHose; Bridget McKenna; Ida. Xi, rectors. • •. Golfiie Forsyth; H a r r y 1 Kissour a c •"-" •EL Thomas (first and real name un- known); Eiseman; Da,vid Eiseman; Sophie McQuitty. c Myrtle S. Fuller: S. S. FarAttest: H. H. Auerbach, Secretary. known); Catherine Thompson; Har- Frankel; ? - s . v 'c™ . . row (first real name unknown); Mayes: . • > •• 3-4-38-lt Elseman. ry Thompson; M. K. Thompson (first L. E. Farleyand William F " - ' i," •< end real name unMajor Lewis. Mean3; Irene Mareal name unknown); B. J. known); 2>ITB.(first A^.^. F - -C - 1 L F V F Llsette Eiseman; George P. Eiswlrth; Loney; Aii'ijn Manhart: Karolina and IX L. Feaster (first ^wether: MONSKY. GRODINSKY, MARER '& Thuenemann (first and real name - s i r " « s r . s ; iv.^ Arthur W. Ellerbusch; Dr. A. J .Manhart; J A n J. Manion; Julia unknown); Mrs. Sam Thsrman (first and real name unknown); Fidelity Edna I" c- J -t«-"*. r -rr" COHEN, Attorneys. Eisner (first and real name un- Mann; Albert Mann; John P. Sfarat- and real name unknown); Mrs. Ellen Bond & Kort£S5re Company (a cor- j ' M M — ••-„«.«.«, — , s., _ - 737 Omaha National Bank BIdg. known); Kate Engelmann; Wray H . ta; Annie J. Marshall; Anthony Tilton; Mllrflle Tod; Alice Tod; Mar-poration): Theodore norreich; Ethel Kulrr; r 1.* I'-r t - '—t n NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Essex, Sr.; Wray H. Essex; Joseph L. Mart; Adalla Martin; Mrs. Matilda raret E. Tolmic; Mrs. Letti® A. Foster: Farmers asS Trafiers BEE& i nan* ' L Z A. Evers; Joseph A. Evers; Oliver A. Martin; John W. Mason; Willard A. TrauOer; Stella Trippel; Edward J. of CaSIfornia, ASssouri (a corporaon the 1st day of January, 193S, tha L total outstanding \secured and unse- Fabick; Miss Heunnah Faes; Annie Mason; Selma L. Mayer; Edgar W. Trihey; Alvia Troegie; Farmers and tion); First National Bank of ErrfcE- known F » ~ O ^ "'-Cr rFahey; H. J. JFalkenhainer (first and field, Illinois . < & National Banking cured indebtedness of Overland Realty real name unknown); Louise K, Meier; Julius Meier; William Meier; Merchants Savings Eank, a corpora- Association); Slirmie - Forc&ie; Anreal B E - " ^ - " I — - * • ; — - - »Company, a Nebraska corporation, Farls; William C. Meinert; Andrew L. Mel-tion; Lydia Ulbright; Mrs. L THbrieht drew Froth. £ c 1 Farmers & Merchants Bank (a Mrs. E . • ' . ^"""r » ' V ' - ~ ' -" ^ f with Its principal place of business in corporation); Elizabeth FaxreU: Mar- cher; Agnes Melcher; A. J. Slenteer (first and real name unknown); C. v< Omaha. Nebraska, was S12B.98. . / - Baret Dizotell Farrel; D. L. Feaster (first and real name unknown); Mar- L. Uirich (first and real name unH. Feeatier <f:rst and real name !Mohr; 1 -s " "^ * ~ " * "^* '"^ H. A. WOLF, President/ garet 2.1. aierrltt; E. C. Henry Meyer known); Elsie UnES.r: Esther linear; unknown): (first and real name unknown). real n t * ».*>-v— » . ^ f-c-1*.""Fuller. Crtiterxien SL Cons' H. A. Wolf, H. H. Anerbach. Rr<H. (first and real came unknown): Wil- Max A. TTngaj-; Union Trust Com- panr (a ccrptfralioa); Fuller, Crut- fflSTt «' pany, a corporation: Universal State Brown. Majority of Directors. Georsre Feldbuscb; Frank j ; Feld- liam Meyer; Miss Helen Meyer; John & Coinparjy (a copartrier- Ernspt 1 ••—'- I T ' • « - «• man; Kate M. Felker: Harry L. Fer- A. Meyer; Mary K. Meyer; Wilma Bank, a corporation; Peter A. Yaetfc; te-nden First Attest; H. H. Auerbach, Secretary. fnion Trust & Savings suson; O. J. Fergruson (first and real Meyerson: Mrs. Xinaa R. Sleysen- Charles Tanck; Wiliam Voderbers; shSp); 3 - 4 - 3 8 - i t . . . - " • " . • ; • > • . ; ' : •• (a corporation); First National e t name unknown); Julia Feustel; F i - burg;^ Fred C. Michael; Lillian Arthur Yoga!; Mamie Vosal: Cath- Bank - > r"-"-Bank of Chicajro (a National Bsir.k- L o u i s . ^ J ~'i - *> r " - ^ — • MONSKY, G R O D I N S K Y , MARER & delity Trust • Co. (a corporation); Michael: Emma G. Mlehaells;' Kate erine Vogrel; Mrs. Lillian Ycney; ing rna K i r r ^ * . I> i €• 1 Association): First Ks-tional John Wack; Miss Nellie Wagner; J. Mayme Finigan; Dsrothy Finke; Isa- Milbert; J . P . MiUer (first and real •••••. COHEN, Attorneys. . Washington, Missouri (a NaWaldeck (first and real name En- Bank, bella J. Fisher; Florence M. Fits; M. 737 Omaha National Bank BIdg. "* •« f - - r ^>-e unknown); Christina Miller; G. tional Bsnicinu AEEscistios); S . K. I k n o w n ) known): N. Walden (first snd real Forbes Fitzpatrick (first and real name un- name Phillip Miller; Louise Miller; Ida srsfi real na.?ne tin- N o l d ; D ~ P v ' I — ~ * - F - - r unknown); Misa Belle Wall; J. known); (first . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That known); Thomas H. Fitzpatrick: Katherine Miller; J . E . Miller (first name Fitch Publishing | n a m j t ~ . y v ; j — ^v. \ T Walsh (first and real came un- (a corporstion): Fayetts Eaak -of -on the 1st day of January. 1938, the Gertrude Flaven; Mrs. Lena Fonr- and real name unknown); , Elmer L. maa; Mathew T. Foley; Mrs. Mary Minor; Edwin Moellmann; Alvln known); Lilllian H. Walther; Georjre Fayette, total outstanding secured and unse- Fortel; Wycrdrjg(a ccrporatien); j son;*;, r * : o -" " ^ F. Earl Fowler (first and real Mohr; Albert Monaska: Charles H. cured indebtedness of the H. A. Wolf Goefie; Floyd Gstz: WiiUsro I n s m * !_•'~ " - r re - — - . F. Wanrelin: Dr. E. B. Ward (first Martin unknown): Mrs. Elizabeth Fox; Moore; Company. Inc.,' a Nebraska corpora- name Geera; Jc-hts GHlerpis; Joseph A. rcptcy ' " ' " ~ " t. . . _ „ .-.. Emma L. Moore; Dr. M. R. Mrs. A. J. Francis (first and real Moore (first and real name un- and real name unknown): Warren Grevels; Adele Gackes: Dr. Afitoa {a corr""" — " tion, with Its principal place of busi- name " I 'i ~ unknown); Minnie Frantz; Miss known): Mrs. Dorothy E. Moots; County Bank, a corporation: Felthan Gug-ter; 35a Gooimsp; Carl A. Gray: liam 6 - - ~ • ness In Omaha, Nebraska, was $276,- ,W. ~ ' >• C Watson; Ruch C. Watts; Weber Im- August Georjrs; Francis George; £1. Roslna Frantz (first and real 504.06. • ' • • • S. O'D-, • - - f~" ~1-name unknown); A. L. Freeland William - Morgan: Mrs. Myrtle B. plement-• & Auto Co., a corporation; H. Gibfcs (first and real name un- lascwis) C~t- -=• f ' V - " » ' * H. A. WOLF. 'President Moser; Walter F. Mueller; Theodore Weber Implement & Auto Co., a cor (first and real name unknown); EmH. A. Wolf, H. H.: Auerbach, R. Frese; Eugene Freund; Mrs. Ann Muench: James Murphy; Alice Mur- partnership; H. C. Wealiins (first known) ; Mrs. Ora E. Grlrrvm; .5' Oliver; T ." C T~ " 2 " ' " - >.Kooper, R. H. Srown, J. J. Green- Fries; Mrs. J. A. Fries (first and real phy; H a i r J.L- Murphy. Ja-rnes E. and real name unknown): EuISa A. Gudale; E. J. GsriSolfo (first end resi _berg, David Greenberg, majority of name unknown); Raymond Furrer; Murphy; Ellsworth A. Hcrray; WI1- Wehking; Emma Welnflei; Joseph name unkncwis); ' Mrs. Frt-3 -W. LloyiS F — " - " - - - - ^ G. Greps; TT. I-L George •Directors. • P. K. Flrmin Fusz, Jr. (first and n o Mj-erson; Kathryn Myrick; Jos. Weingart; Walter Weinstock; Louise Gabb;' Albertres.3 name unknown); H. ( f i r s t .-Attest: R. -H. Kooper. Secretary. ' i i ~-* real name unknown); J. A. Gallagher Myrick (first and real name un- Welhoelter; Joseph P. We3sh; Aug-. (first .and Gerksn (fir?t and reel Earns R e c b e n T -—— ' '.. " 3-4-3S-lt (first -and real nams unknown); known); A. L. Itagerstadt (first ana WesselschmiSt (first and real zsaxns Morgan unknown); Mrs. Beulah Giramie; •Rose r — Charles G. Guile; Thomas E. Galli- real name unknown); Mrs. W. L.unknown). Grard Natic^-1 Bn^k of F t Louis, Francis Tf— MONSKY. GRODINSKY, MAtlER & gan. C /"_ - " • • . • • Magruder (first and real saxae-onDelphlne Westman: S. B. TThalaa COHEN, Attorneys. known). (first and real cams -unknown); Mrs. 737 Omaha National Bank Ji '.'. Ganta (first and real name Naphtall LoS^e. No. 25, A. T. & Mary E . Wheeler; 2L G. Whelar •" - « • r •unknown); Jesse L. Garrett: Delia C. A. M. (a corporation); Fred W. Nes(first and real r.aae tur.lmown) "' PROBATE NOTICE Garrett; Roy W. Gaubain; Gephart Clara Nesley: Isabel Newlands; Catherine A. Whelan; Mrs. KiHa Mn the Matter of the Estate of Gawer; Charlotte Gawer; F r a n k lev; Leo F. Niebur: Louise B. Niebur; "UTiipple; Meta S. Wlearawai; 2,Irs William C. Fair. Deceased. Gawme; Leo Gegg; M. F. GeSsman Nollman; I. F. Nordyke (first Anna Wiese: David Wlliiasus; 2 , B 11 •> c a — " -Notice is hereby given that, the (first and real name unknown); Mrs. August real name unknown); Mrs. Em-Williams (first- and real name -un- - f v p creditors of said deceased will meet A. George tfirst and real name un- and L. Nuoff; William Olbrisch; known); William Williams; Mas S C"r r " r— — C the administrator of said estate, be- known): W. H. George (first and real ma Kathe::na . Olbrisch; Jlrs. K. H . Williamson; W. S. Wilson (first and, fore me. County Judge of Douglas name -unknown); Henry Gerdtngr; Al- Oliver and real name, un- real cams unknown); Pauline WinCounty. Nebraska, a t ths County bert M. Getz; Chris H. Gleseke; Ed- known): (first .'Dorothy Omoh-un- grrath; Ferd Winkler; Marjri® Wlck1 Court House, in said County, on the ward Giessling-; Mrs. Edward Gless- dro; AnnaBlanche M. O'Keill; Charles Osth- ler; Alois A- Winterer; Cis&riss -? 18th day of April, 193S. und • on theling (first and real name unknown): off: Mrs. Anna Ott: Elmer Winters; Peter J. WisemEnn; Sirs. F . F. O«e: ISth day of June, 1938. at 9 o'clock A. W. Gilbert (first and real name Wissiier (first and real sar;2 - cn» Anna M. Pag»; N . D. Pains known); A. M.. each Say, for the purpose of unknown): F. P . Gilbert (first and Mrs. Henry J. Wltta; Henry 3L presenting their claims for examina- real name, unknown); Mrs. Hilda L. (first and real name unknown); Georga Wittmann: Aagcs* tion, adjustment and allowance. Three Gisl; Mrs. Henry N. Gisl. (first and Pearl Paine; Dorothy Panhorst; Min- Wlttee; Wittenhers-Er; Ernest- Witteaberser; nie Parish; LIUie I. Park: Charles months are allowed for the creditors rea lname unknown); Reverend John Wiliiara 3 - Tfolsr to present: their claims, from the 18th J. Glennon; Arthur GlussnJsxtTnp; Mrs. W. Parker: Roy A. Parker; W. E . (first andWittenberger; real same laifenawn); EsJ(first and real caise t n - ly Wolan; Gertrufia day of March. 1S3S. . Josephine' Goggin; G. 'F. Goltermann Parmley Wolf; Vlncert C (first and real name -unknown); Clar- known); Marshall C. Parsons; Q. E .Wolf; Floy Wolfenbsrger; The TTcricI BRYCE CRAWFORD. 1 Paydon (first and. real name tinence E. Gonser; J. Goodman (first Color Printlrss Co.. a corporation; 2-25-3S-3tCounty Judge. and- real name unknown); Bertna known): Mrs. G. E. Paydon (first The World Color Prlatinp Co.. a coGoseri: Genevieve S. Gosent Theor- and real name unknown): Of tie partnership; "Han3 Wuiff, " Spec-s. i - - j fiere H. Gosea; T. L. Gosney (first Pearce; S . 51. Pelke (first and real • Patronize Our- Advertisers ssatoiowa);- Paejlea--. Sas3s-«* c

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Page 8


Federation Drive. Senior Hadaiss&fi" "•' Scheduled to /Be I Plans for the Annual, .Hadas. Held This Monthi sah Bazaar were made at'the Hs-



^ ^ r.


tes.-'. ri>s^-Eja'CsIope, and her acces737 OVn^hf- iN'siyon?*-' Satsk sories were Eavy. She •wore a cor'EN That sage •'• bousjuefc of orchids. , ii>»«. the •-• After-a'.'Vefidtng trip to- Miami, ami unae''Abcer. Arfce-nses-born .Florida, Mr. "Semsker . sr.fl fcis, Lum'sn . . '•~n' I character 'actors, heard on ; r a r r / , LA'^J- iV-,r •-. Xfr)'o'-a3ka corbride will refiide"in Vt'sshrnfftc T-i;.r, ;-.= iv.Sneii%a\ place of D, C. They-TTill-be at- bsaie April j.j.foj.fiaT-g, '-WednesdRrE, and' Fri-! p ^ > ; in Onisiif-.. Xehranka, was 1-.5>. ' .| daye from 6:45 p. m. to 7 p. m. i s'^i'3'4 IT. A. Vt'OT.F: President. '...-• -' ' j ES1Y ever the largest coast-to-I H . %v<-vl". Dv. r'u'Ui- t!her, H . '., Miss Edith : 'FeiEberg, cosst Tietvork o£ their eight year • v rich/ yi;;j<rli^ <:••: JMreotors. .. H. Ai'.orbHch, S e c r e t a r y . •Ejarriage to "Williaci -Sherman of career" forty-six stations of the ; Ai'ippt Cin&hs will take1, Rrarch 27, j Co'uizibja Erosdcastice System has been'- the • • lEspir&tioa. for a j underline sporBOi-sMp of.Poetum, ! MC,,\.p,HV.-GRODiKSKY. MARER

dassah Board meeting held -Tues-

MISS "ANNA PILL, ecsregfjoatfeii

Mr. E- N. Grueskin, president day afternoon. Tbe Bazaar •will of the Federation of Jewish So- • be held at' the Jewish 'Coiaiauiicial Service, has announced that j ity Center, -March 17.= Mrs. H. •}£. : plans have been started' for a Levi-ne is general • chairraan of B'nai B'rith Brings Palestinian; Federation Drive for funds and j tbe bazaar; $Irs.. g... Shulkia..iriU •*...* Artist, Lecturer for "i members, to be'bejd this month. be ia -charge; of.-.the ineau, Mrs; Initial plans were outlined at an j M. E v ..Skajcrv-sky.aad-.- ;Sirs,.:-.,Ike Open Meeting executive committee meeting. 1 Levin, the .'dining/: Elias Newman,-Palestinian arThe. drive will be divided into A demonstration of the Big tist and lecturer, will speak in a men's division and a women's I .Announcement'was made .at. "Mrs. A . - F Apple Dance> to be given by six j Sioux City, Wednesday evening, ; t i e -bride- j sedate a, • ma-nf-ger. -The ] NOTICE IS KISEo GIVEN-That division. The Board of Directors I the board meeting -of tbe date for couples of hlgli school boys and I March 9, at an open meeting J elects mother, and Mrs. Abe Lef- first broadest Occurred on Jlon- on the vi <uV'oc'January. 193S, th« of the Federation will have the Linen Shower, April 26. tots' outs-'Mtiiiinp sectvp.u anil unseMore Than 100 guests are ex- girls, will be a feature of ' thej sponsored by the locar B'nai kovic-fl, her sister, entertained dsy, February' ££-.charge of the former division, ! cured uule'ntf tines:-- of H. C. Mrs. H. Sol Novitsky tras nampected :in Sioux City this week- Shaare. Zion Auxiliary dance, | B'rith', lodge. Chester L&uck and' Korris u o " , i comprny, inc.. s Xoi>;-H«k«>. < The lecture will and the Council of Jewish Wom- ed general chairman of, the Don- fifty guests at a • bridge party ia end to'participate in and attend scheduled fpr Saturday night, begin at S:30 o!clock and will be the Sioux Tea Shop. -Krs. A. Ire- who plays the roles of the tv.-c ' tion, v.-i;l'. i;s prinrinKl of en will be in charge of the womors luncheon, with ten assisting nei=p in Omaha, Nebraska, was the A:' Z. A. Invitational Basket- March 12; The dance wiJKbe held held at the Jewish Ciatmunity ner< ' of Sergeant Eluff, . another Pine Ridge storekeepers, .marie en's division. captains. ball Tournament at which the lo- in the ball room of the'Martin Center. sister-.entertained forty • guests £t T-r i ' WDLF. President. their . liadio debut in, IS SI: crer Dr. Lewis Dimfdftie, The dates, and the chairmen, K. A. v. niu ?;. . Brown, H . H . cal A. Z. A. chapter will be hosts. Hotel, -with Jack Reams Orches- president of the Sioux City lodge an afternoon party. Sixties KTHS in Hot, Springs, j tiev C Directors, ,: will be ennounced in a forthcom: Members from Omaha, Lincoln, tra playing for the-dancing. " ;. Tuesday, evening,.-Mrs. ,J..L,ef-j A r k a c ^ s . Asked to give's, black-. ttf!' » , M. 13rov-Ti. Jseoretary. .• will introduce the speaker. ing issue of the Jewish Press. Council Bluffs, and Des Moines, Mrs. Reuben Miller and Mrs. Mr. Newman, who is regarded ,-fcovich was her . hostess, .irh"e j face sail, the .pair 'discovered there . »-i-**-u are ekpected toy attend.. Registra- H. S. Novitsky, co-chairmen of It The Post Graduate class of the Misses lea Krqloif acd Kos.e Efcil-j vrcreiH/o otter ; identical skits : M f > N r . K V G , , - , . , , N f i K y MAR^m I tion will be-in the Martin Hotel, the arrangements announced that as one of the foremost artists of j Shaare Zion. Sunday School will of*.were: joint hostesses tit s_ ps.-r- j bockol- for the broadcast- Extern- j " * ' c o K » i ! '.attorneys, Palestine, has achieved an interSunday morning from 9 until 11 the ticket committee are out this ai Bank Bld0. I conduct the service at . Shaare ty -Wednesday ^evening in^ . tbe I por£,BJ:&UEly, they concocted en Onifi*;a o'clock. The preliminary games, week, and plans are being made national reputation. He is a lead| Zion synagogue this evening, ua- SSoux Tea Shop.. ., . - ', I OKE-rff fetcrefeeejier sketch, of Lum j s^ncrr TS '^K'K^-BT GJVKN That Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will ins member of the Palestine Ar'•will T3o.played in the morning, to accomodate a large attendance. i-der the direction of Mrs. A. Mill-; Next Monday evecicg Mrs. S..rend fifiner," USI-E-iv the d^loc-ue ov* th?- \'st <:-a'- oi .JamisT, i93?;.-th» and the finals will be held in the Tickets are ?1.25 a couple and tists' and Sculptors' Association, speak at Mount Sinani Temple j er. Sherman .Sperling will act £s Leibowitz and Mrs. S.' Linden- ; of tij£. tlMaud people. Kine days ; ^ c ^Xf-f^ ^^ju'kn^B^lti and is affiliated with the Tel- this evening on "The Menorah afternoon.' •,'."-• dress will be optional. | master of ceremonies and Harry bauta will entertain Jor Kiss afterwards, they receiTecl ,-theSr ' Company,"'"i. ">,>i,rnste corporation, Aviv • Museum. He has lectured Journal." The tournament will be.climof J»uslhes« and exhibited in England, PalesThe Brotherhood of the Tem-Xadler will r.,ct as. cantor, with Peinberg fa the Leibcwitz hocae,. ititisirjCBC contract. i in O iaha."Mf)>raKkP.. was ?249.086.63, axed .Sunday evening with a evening, Kiss j '_',.. _ tine, Switzerland, and the United ple has planned a Stag meeting Rachel Ginsberg, soloist. Por- and-Wednesday r..- K. L.notw!-. Prenidettt. dance, in .the.' Egyptian Room of tions o£ the ritual -will be read Doris Rich will be her hostess. K. KOOP<"', H. "A.'W<Hf, H . H . States, and his Canvasses have for the evening of March 16. AJphonsi (b. a c h . K . I-I. Brown, Majority of the Oasis. Hostesses' have -._ been by Sylene Skalovsky, Edwin been purchased by collectors and The Sisterhood will have its convert frora .Tuaaism, tr&nsta'ted selected for the tournement, and Sherman, Bernard .-Hangman, An: V-.'oli, Secretary. museums, not only in these coun- regular meeting this afternoon in Mrs. J. N. Krueger^hts^retura- ] t b e ' p s t in-portREt'.Arabic scicnthey include Esther Erinberg,• to sioux Cii.y, after a mpz.itis \t «;_ fe.ij^t- ,-r<-n L,-tin -' • ' - - : -4-3S-lt. The Sioux City chapter of the tries, but also in Canada, Rou- the Temple Annex, folio-wing a ita Daskovsky, and Annabell Sat! Sylvia" Friedman, Margaret Kosin. Sennehettes will be givea by r i ssit ia the east. " ' ., ;;?i •' National Council of Jewish Wom- mania,. Sweden and South Afri- one o'clock luncheon. "It's a WoONPKV. GROriiNF,KY r MARER A berg. and'Boots Levine. ' en will have charge "of the wom- ca. In.' addition to his work as man's Privilege" a short play 1 Lorraine Bailiu and . Thelma , GROOiMfKY, IVSARER: Saturday evening, house parties en's division 'of the. Federation a lecturer and an artist, Mr. New- will be presented by members of Shindler. The synagogue choir 737 Omahs Niiilona! Bank Bldfl. COHEN, AUnrnnyg, Mr. and Mrs..Locis" Fi?h at which the four hostesses will Drive, which wil be held Natiorsa! Eank Eldg, this man has won a wide reputation the Sisterhood. Dr. Delia Galin- will sing several selections. West Niaeteecth street, acE • preside, will be held in the homes month. as an interpreter and critic, and sky will preside at the program, of Miss Boots Levine and Miss The Social Service committee, his articles have appeared in and ^.Irs. Louis Goldberg, during Kosher^ Miss, Friedman will rewith•;Mrs. E. E. .Baron, as chair- leadings publications. Born in Po- the business meeting. ceive with'the former, and Miss man'; distributed *' 1500 " ' books, land; he. came, to the United The joint meeting of the Erinbefg, • with ,Miss Kosberg. which we're donated in their drive States as a boy, and was educatior Hadassah and the Yoiiag-JaThe. basketball' games will • be last week. The books .•were giv-^ ed here and in France, since 1925 dean group will be held on:MarcIj played in the gyin- oE. tbe?Com-j en to five institutions in the city. he has lived in Palestine. 16, wita the latter group premunity, House, and 'medals, and j Majority of Uieotors. The-Naturalization Aid group Conference of Jews and Christ- Attest; i B.~:K. JSoopcr, Secreter;-. Stephen S. Wise, in speaking senting a program. j Attest: H. II. Brown. SeoretHrv. trophies ::will be awarded t o . the will meet with Miss Mary Treglia of Mr. Newman, said "I hope that ians. • • ' "•• • Members of the Board of Diwinners;.,.' ' \ '":'.'• . ' at the >MarUn Hotel, Tuesday afrectors of Junior Hadassah-have HarrK Elsbei-g is general chair-: ternoon, March 8, at l:.30:o'click.' Elias Newman, Palestinian artist, >KVr G^ODmf.KY, MARER A .- -^ , CCKEK. Attorneys, : a wide hearing The Ladies Auxiliary of the bees hostesses at a series of COHEN. Attorney*. man -of -the tournament,"and; is' The Child Study group will, meet, may secure "S" Crnaha Ne^onni E-ank Eldg. • •n throughout the year in American Workmen's Circle will : have a Omahf. N?S!or>a> BanK Bldg. bridge parties, -with proceeds £0being .assisted, "by Sid Baumstein' the same day In the Martin Hotel NOTICE-IS K E S E B T GIVBX TirJewish communities. He knows luncheon and card party, Tues- ing toward tbe Hadassah pro-t and Herman: Rubin.O n ' t h e . 1 s t (lay of .Tenuary, l!i;-!S. the Xt^TICE GIVE.V That at 3:30 o'clock. •:. ..\..\-- •' Palestine; his heart is of it and day afternoon, March 8, at the jecls. Joint hostesses . included rj-, 193S. th« he has added to its beauty by his Jewish Community Center. Pro- Bluma and Dorothy Merlin; FlorBe''iirp<l and unse• infiebte6ness of t h e Eaivc"; Stephen. Harding, founder," of *fie. N.e^.as&a I ^ r e ^ u r e B-^rt j ;iuir.e Company,. Nebraska, cor: fired in<^btwi e.« of Omaha Rug * EtJ a n gifts as.artist and by his talent ceeds will" go toward tlie projects ence Major and Mary"-RosofckyV FUNERAL SERVICE HELD of Ounces, t h e opening of their; poration, with itr "pi"i"c!pa! place of' "ertnins.i C"nip*my. ? Nebraska corthe Cistercian; order, ~;became-a interpreting Palestine achieve- supported by the Workmen's Cir- Rutn Mars and Nell'- Synikin; . ' , « * I business' in Ornahi . Kebraska, w a f po—tlon. with its pn?i.-lra! place ot sre a t 1S12 Fs.n2s.n1 s t r e e t . ' ' "' ' -- - .— Funerat services for Mrs.- Min- ment." student, in ,& ' Yeshiva - to', gain .his i . " J " ~%i " - — — ~ fc"evfcl-i ?272,175.0C. i bur-inpps in Omaha, Nebraska, v a * Saretta Krigs'ten and Rose' Sperlcle and its Auxiliary. ' " iey Trfll will C&rry carry aa complete line nie Pike, who died in the home of They complete line . H. K. Auerbach.-President. ! "20. '465.53. knowledge of Jewish theology. ing; Rose Shiloff and Alice Tile- of nsticnally •' EdrertSsed K. I-I. Auerbach, J. K. Kuiakofsk?--, < V,". F . B"K!or, President. • Jurriher daughter, Mrs. Roy L. Swarz: R. H. Brown. K. E.'l^ensteirl, Ivalo--i ^ " . I7"- Easter. Villiam L.. HoUman, vitz; Sophie Franklin and DoroPaul Rici, a Jew of German The glossaries compiled by ria, •gcd stores, Elias. Levita (1468-1548)' is re , man, were held-in Des Moines, itj- of Directors. •' 1 Henrj- Doorlv. K, A- V'..l{, Majorit/ Dirertors. garded as the founder of modern Iowa. Mrs. Pike died suddenly, Rashi are of prime importance origin, was physician to the Em- thy Epstein; Ida Cohea and Ruth are autfc-orlEed" dealers for Gen- Attest: R. H. Brcvn, Secretary, Grueskin; Lottie Felnberg j Attopt: JI. A, V."oli, Sec-peror Maximilian. to students of Old French. ers.! Electric " KeJrlEator sip- j s-4-Gs-it _^ Hebrew, grammar. i following a heart attack. Jessie Slutsky.

eto Be Demonstrated at -• Auxiliary Dance


Shaare Ziom

Mount Sinai

Council of Jewish Women

Junior H&dassah

Workmen's Circle Auxiliary Plans Luncheon Tuesday


pliances, Thor--Washers-and JroiQ- | MCNSKY, GROO-!NSKV, .COHEN;. Attorneys.. erg, Seidth, JLCA • a.Ed-PhiTco r a "

J. C. C. News


LOUIS UPSKY Chairman. Adminlsiratlv* Committ«»

DR. ABBA HILLEL SILVER • National Chairman


The first meeting of the Intermediate Dramatic. Club czider tbe guidance of Mrs. Frank Margolin, will be held this afteraooa-at 4 o'clock at the Center. CMldrea who-wish to attend may call the Center office, if they wish to have the bus call for them a t their school. Tlie Crafts-club wilt continue its work on Purim masks and decorations' this afternoon: The bus will also call for. members of tb,is group..

CDKEN, Attorneys.

V \1






f t


K .Dr.: Cyrus'-Adlar ' ' . ' " .

Alfred M . Cohen

Gor. Horberf H . Lehman

Judge Julian W . Mack '



Henrietta Szo'M

', i

• ,

Samuel Untsrmyer



Abraham L Liebovih Assoelate Treasurer

. ARTHUR M. LAMPORT. Treaiurer

Louis Rimsty Associate Treasurer.

Leon Gellmsn Viee-Chairmen


. 1 - III




f RADEiVBURi, vvilfeE. KS-L'TrNtcK. K r ; . i , n



| f>ef>n fil^r- i'- opiri Coiiri, prayhis1 for ott file in ^ai<^ t'oip-t tl!€ I'm., -c-fF: nil.; oi



" ) . . . ' « u™* """'





Brown, Secretary.


Dr.r Ac

ably tircet 're® rscsica! city. Aad E s i c£iie Xrosi the eafls ci .the es.rtb-te E£-E S.B&/feel .this'clly •^E!c& ^£s a lirJcg imitation the &TC&7S. &E.& the • dfis're o "JeTfish poet that his city bs'-this. city &n& -"who, out of'.-a apsta'lgia of ' his' Jewish created this city ot xansjo aeltachply ."..acd lore. Nc^ the

' "The «*.r!5est • ""JewiEh . "philoso- f •hfr; c-f the'TTest W£* isaEC iBrg-el j


\ ' -A Judge W m . M . Laws

Judge Joseph. B. Perskie




Eiihu D. Stone




"• -

»,._. i IMS, and that if the>- '-?»! to

on the -. . , , ed. in ".the- 'charca • and. eren. in' t i e totsJ outstanding securer" tncT unse- | ' triaiapiis of Vienna, 'tore-ascude'r t i e soft and essuis'te fetters' o* tha't,.12Icsloa'&sd crlefi put-to't&e Jews oi the world- that. this

'Our Funeral Parlors Ar* Fiirnl&hmd ia KsSE




At a receat election of officers, held by the Board of Directors of the Hebrew school, K. H. Bnileia was named president; Louis Shisdler Tice-pre'sideat; Max Falk, treasnrer; A. L. Feinberg* ssore- poet' is. fiead and the TJSJOS and tary, • and. Miss . Boss ' GoldSffian, .the ctt/jire" assistant secretary. iiss filthy over dreasp; and., qrer. and '.over? t i e poet .ssfi over -the _ <T* * «. l i t ' ' "• folk'• of- the Poet £.nd .. this ..poet j End. this city TCJU.probably be pre- ' Miss Bertha Seff, daughter of j served .for future ages only is the Mr. and. Mrs. M. Self, SIS TTrea-.j E2eno.r7.---.ESd .. "nltijnately. 2c. -the ty-fourth street,.became the bride! speech -of the people .IroJE^ ^ b of Jack. W.1 Semsker, son .'of • Mrs. i vosib- tbe- poet sprecg. R. B. Williams of Washington, t s ' It' sot -tine that t i e • JewD. C.,. at noon, AVednes'day, .ja the ish people:;becoa,e soiaeth3ag-c-thhome of. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Lever^ strcsscr, freer thsn the t itt:. f>t, Des . Moiiies, Iowa;,:-'-Mr&'. of perished alies dreams? Levitt and the bride are sisters, f (Coprrlgit, l©-3S,-'by-Sev«a-ArtE ..Only- Jras2cdiate.TelatiTeS'--were ' preseat.. A- wg'ddlag .breakfast iollowed the' esrviee. ( . .: vJ. The.bride-is-.ore a n$vy dr^ssof cherumba- crepe with'-tearpse ba.tiste trimmiag.- Her. hat-,-was of

< '.

Maurice Levla

- Docieiy i\ews ..


.'Rabbi BarnoH R. Brieltner Vics-Chairman


and Ai_ FiEDLER, Attor XQT1CE IS -HEEEBT- OIVEX TJiRt j OTI t h e 1st. «&;• of Januaty, if'SS, tlie:. , total' outstanding- Fecurerl Evjl ]in"0 = cured indebtedness of Commercial - / the County Court of Z>oujr?aiR ReaHy! Cdropanr, a Xebrtska uorpor- ; "•'I n iU? ?:??'• o f J-I;-uvnte of ation, -with its prlncipa." piaoe of busi- j r ness- in. Omaha, Kebraska, was 53S4,- ! ,Alp^rsor: and eometinie.v al>siy 107.14. .. i lmov-r, as K. A!pevson. Det'i'RSfd. • , '.'. • K." A, TVOIiF, President, : rf\.ll persons inifroctpn jp tnifl p^fpf^ ia-Vienna •to£a3T.'"Tfce *

isray, that t ' Hebrew Mothers Association, has been planned .at a-board meetiag ttst-Ltliey; had br»eg3it--'wcre, Of the Auxiliary -held Tuesday. tlie grett prdphetie ^rords, Tbe meeting 'will take place ia oblatioas,. thtt it. -ras' sll v. the synagogue-CE March 15.-The £ud' eapty tad •would end—S.E it Board meeting, • a t which! time has 'EOW esded—ia' '£ en plans were made, fras held ia the spott . . . Let me dvell for another, a o home of Mrs. Milton -MusSikia, with Mrs. Meyer- Shubb presidiag. Eiest oa Schnitcler.' Gut of traMembers -will be asked to bring £'l't5oa . &ad' ataoEphere, -oet c* soiae canned food, to the joint lore aEii wiEdom, he created in meeting, as a Furim gift to nee- t i e long roll oi both his narrady families, The food will", be tive -afid- drainsitic^ works". th: distributed 'through the Jewish x^oders. .ViGsma—^-this €-s:c.uisit€, Community center. "



ALa.iority o£ X»irei-tors. :I. II, Auei'baca, ijeci-etavy.

73? Onsha NE'iiORai Eank Bids.


A joint meeting ot the Ladies•;



Vol^. II. M. -1'I'-'-rJi^oh, R. IJCc


to fifee, -thoc'sh where- they--tfas Attest; H, K. Anerbach, Secretary. s S 5 lltt flee t o . is a. riddle. Oaca 'more it js"*" * S5 '" is'fittiag to salute-the-great p r o - ! COHEN. A t t o r n W ' p h e t i c a c t * a d • Tisior;•• of Theofior | : Trho sa^ •wttroug-h t h e a p - j •37 Omahi Nailonai tank Bida.

Auxiliary."ancl Mother'; ' Plan Meeting

i: •'-

Omaha Nationa! Bank

H. Brown, Majority of Directors. Attest: K. K. I3roiirn, Secretarv. 3-i-JS-lf

er meat, ef^ecti^e March .£.

-. .


3?ICB IS K33BEET GITEX Tl<Rt ' Tlie'store is eveed -iad 1st tu^y Oi j£-nuary, l^oS, the j >7i?TIC:w 78 i^l^v.J^TPT GTT"mV That lasiHa wid • Si- S :!?.£ i . «n**.=?s!.nrl!jigr -Seciireci ftllU liilse- I on the 1st da}- oi ianuarj-, 193S, th# o indebtedness of the Carlson] total mHsfaiKiin;:; secured and unseliJLTe beea. la. ' Company, a Is'ebraska Connor- cured mfi.f.h'^i'WrR^ of Overland Movtbusiness;la Omsfcs,'since .ISIS. a.Uon,O*Tlth i t ; principal place oi" busi- 1 pag-e & Finance Commny. a, Xebrag'public. Is InVited''.to .inspect ness Sa Omaha, V ' "P-as J32O,- ; ha corporation, l: 'with its principal - 'place of hii.«!n<"-- in Omaha. Ncbras* SS.S9. th«> latest .and finest • lines cf SS ,K. A. TTOJUF, President. | ka, WHS $ll.llfl.6J. quality PI.'.. A. \fo5-T,. K. K. Auerbsch, K, ! ' i i . A. V"Ol-r. President. '•

Miss Dorothy Merlin, Ssperiatendent of tbe Federation of Jew^ ish Social Service, expressed her appreciation- for tbe response to the appeal made last veefc.-for beds for fwo needy families. N«S only beds were donated by Siouz Cityans, in answer to 'the appeal, ; Kcst Pricsa but-other articles of .furniture Shiikert's saeat rtarfcet were given for the two homes. notiECe: new low prices oa Kosh-

DR. STEPHEN S. WISE Chairman, Executive Commifoo

, WO^PKV. vi-^-^Df M^K\'


^*"" ^

, i -<!.-.><. ^ T"1PI«1 *


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