March 11, 1938

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The. ^iewa expressed;by wlg Lewisolin in Ms column «sr© bis own and do net necessarily reflect tha policies o r a t t l t c a o publication. Keprodaction in whole or in part strictly forbidden.

In the Interests of the

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Entered a s Second Class Mall Hatter on January 31, 1921. a t gostoffiee of Omaha. Nebiaska, under the Act of March 3, 1873



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OF JEWISH MUSIC The old adage inter anna sil e n t artes, in war the arts are siA class in ballroom dancing f lent; might well be applied to the B. Aisurowich of New York, a be organized at the Jewish representative of the American I present state: of IsraeL For "we Community Centex for intermedOB.T Federation, v;as the guest of | are embattled on all fronts. Half iates (12-15) years if a sufficient a group of Cmanatis for a fe?; of the world is warring upon us poor, both Jew and non-Jew, jjumber register. . Tie class is : Sir Harold KacHichael Welhours Saturday night at the home : and all'our. poor resources scarcein the community. open to both boys and girls and of Max Crounse, Mr. Aisurowicfc j comed at Tel | ' ly suffice for a", shadow of effectLocal Services will meet on Wednesdays after told of his recent trip to Europe, i ual* defense. So that we might Aviv In observance of the holiday school. He has visited thirteen countries well let that effort and that special services will be held by during the last two rears. A charge of fifteen cents will strain suffice .us. Luckily there the local congregations. Jerusalem (WNS-Palecr AgenSundown, Wednesday evening, hi made for each lesson. All He is planning to return to . is among us here and there, deBeth El MacMicnael will usher In.the merriest festivprinciples of dancing will be cy) — Sir Harold Qniaha-in the nes.r future. ; • spite our. weaknesses and failures al On Wednesday night at 7 taught. was welcomed to Palestine as its of ,ine Jewish religious calen: and Inadequacies, a certain stub- dar, Purim, .the Feast of Lots, o'clock at the Beth EI synagogue fifth Britisfl High. Commissioner Those interested may register iborn gallantry that will not des- that honors Esther, the Jewish the reading' of the Megillah will to the booming of 17 guns from i |pair, that will not give in, that queen of Persia who rescued her take place. The service will be at the Jewish Community Center the cruiser Enterprise •which j f carries on in darkness and thepeople from a tragic fate. The hol- conducted by the .Junior Choir office. brought hira to Haifa harbor ' imminent face of danger. from Egypt. The absence of cividay will continue until the sun- under the leadership of "Cantor ilian Arabs from the delegations Among enterprises that sym- down, Thursday. Aaron Edgar. which greeted him, except for bolize and activate that gallantry The Beth El auxiliary will disPurim is one holiday of the Mayor Hassan Shukry of Haifa of our- none is more conspicuous year that-is marked by rejoicing tribute Purim favors to the boys and Ragheb Bey Xashashibi in - than Maiiamm, the American Pal- and gaiety. Masquerades, parties, and girls of the congregation. • Jerusalem, must. have, been noted estine Music Association which, and general hilarity wnich is perTemple j by the man into whose hands has added, to. its quieter but not less mitted even in the synagogues At Temple Israel the holiday been entrusted the administrafruitful activities, gave a concert during the'reading of the Book will be marked Wednesday aftertion of the Palestine Mandate. in Town Hall on February 19 and of Esther are the order of the noon, from 4 to 6 o'clock, by a in planning a second concert de- day. "' • . children's party to be given by j v First Secretary of Embassy voted-to the w orks . of Ernest Capetown (WNS) — Shalom .' The story of Purim goes back the Sisterhood. Bloch on' the evening" of March to the fourth Century before the Assails Anti-Semtisa AntiSemti jj e r a , a t a a o f f i c e r o r t n e . British Sch-wartzbard, the Russian-born • Vaad poet and. \ troops ia Palestine, was the first | Jewish watchmaker, present era when.the Jewess, EsThe Purim services and readAs Anti-German It Is the great virtue and the ther, was chosen by the king Ah- ing of the Megillah will take to board the cruiser to greet Sir soldier, vrho areng-ec the Ukrain- ' New York (WNS) — A last- Harold and Lady MacMichaei and ian pogroms 1S1S-1920 by assasgTeat merit" .of those who found- asuerus, to share the ferone of place on Wednesday evening at • ed and of those who sustain Maii- Persia with .him. Through her 7 • p. m. and on Thursday morn- ing peace between National So- their daughter. Clad in full cress sinating tfceir instigator, General amm to have reached — what is cousin, Mordecai, she learned ing at 8 a. m. The children will cialism and Christianity is out of Colonial uniform, the new High Simoa Petlura, in the street of • the question because Hitlerism is Commissioner, after so . rare — • ' a sound conclusion how the king had been, tricked by participate in the service. descending Paris on May'25, !£££, died in a; fundamentally anti-Christian and to the quay, was escorted to the Ii o t e J r o C E l t e r e 3 u s t a s he was ; . concerning the character of all a wicked minister of the ' court,, anti-German and an enemy of customs shed where the welcom- j Preparing- to leave South Africa ; creative art. Art may' and doe3 Haman, into permitting a mascivilization and therefore1 all become universal "if it is great acre of the Jews of his realm. took place be- I a f t e r a Ic31E speaking tour in the j ing ceremonies Christians must be uncompromis'V dm™nonr. A A ! interests of the Universal Tid- ; enough. It is always born of anAt a banquet prepared for the cause of the steady downpour. ingly opposed to Hitlerism, Dr. g ethnic womb and speaks the king, Esther revealed herself as a Encyclopedia. Born in Sraol- ; UaT d of honor was prorified hy i speech and expresses the inner Jewess and plead the cause of ,Ernst Wilhelm Meyer, veteran ol j -west Kent soldiers. Mayor Shu- \ e n ; in 1£S7, Schwartz-bard, enrhythm and has the spiritual ac- her people so effectively that the tered his father's wa the German diplomatic service, !k r y ^ a s t h e o a l y A r a b p r e s e E t at cent of. the folk t h a t brought it evil-doer, Haman, was the one declared in an address in Wash- -j t i e S e exercises. Tee train which shop as & boy oJ 10. He was onlr forth. Roughly: ten measures who was destined for an inglorj t o o k s i r H a r o j ; j t 0 Jerusalem was ! 15 vhen he organized end led E ington. from an unfamilar work, of Bra- ious ending on the gallows. Eelf-fie'ense corps during Assailing the Nazi regime for jj guarded by unusually large ce- I Ji Zffif di hms will be German in accent to • During the reading of the Book the pogroms c* 1ECS. In 1SIC he [ !-having "betrayed j j tacnments of troops and police. Gifts, a rightly attuned ear, ten mea- of Esther whenever the name of became a JJancing on. 1 0 b e t l l e lasting interests of the ! Chatting easily with the guests went to Paris and sures of an unfamilar work of Haman Is mentioned, noisemakGerman fatherland," Dr. Meyer j who waited for him as he arriv- French citizen. During the TTer j Program of Debussy will • be French. • It is ers,. known as Hamandrehers, are J said "I could no longer_conscient- ! ed, the High Commissioner was he and his four brothers served ! Affair upon this recognition that Maii- whirred. I t is also customary for S,TTD.T. Thrice : j iously serve a government which ; observed to converse ir. Arabic i a the French amm has been founded. The mor- sweets to be. distributed among _ j I say to be the foe of^ so many j with Emir fallal, Crown Prince ; wounded, he fiistinguished him- • A gala al and spiritual accent of Jewish the children and gifts sent to all who was also '. self at Champagne 6Ed the Vos- . things I had been taught Ger- \ of Trans Jordan, -w n


S&ecial Services " B e Held in All Synagogues

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New Employment. Office at Center Places Applicants

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Hebrew'Club* to , Meet .on Sunday






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A message sent by Murray Weithis part ner, former president of A. Z. A.' i - lic - — of- National Socialist i . ,, ^ c.v ,. , Sohwartzbard returned to France \ ( ' - ' Chapter 165. Asbury Park N. J. I1 P° T Stos evidence of moral I ceremomes were Moshe Shertek, where he became active in t h e ' c ~ r o r r a .c •i a. l . . . - . . • . . . . .1 head of the political department and cameraman on the McGregor ! strength. If they were , head of the political c n on the McGregor e he 1 ft r r ._ Isaac ben labor movement. For a Arf!fip. w-rnprtitfrin T^,^ >«T«™^J racially and morally strons". they I of the Jewish Agency, Arctic Expedition, was delivered I racially and morally strong, they l d not- have aroused the low! j **. g to A. 2. A/headquarters he>e"las-i ! ecould t h d th l s tauma

week within a few hours after it was sent.. The message message was was sent sent by short-wave radio from Etah, Greenland — 700 miles from the G l North Pole. The message was picked up first by an amateur radio operator in Reindeer Point, Greeland, then relayed to Lincoln, Nebraska — operating station W9EKK — who, in turn, transmitted it to another amateur operator in Omaha, C. A. Marsh, operating station W9QVF. Mr. Marsh phoned the message to Julius Bisno, executive Secretary jOf A . Z . A. The message read: "Fraternal greeting to A. Z. A. and its Alephs from Etah, Greenland,' seven nundred miles from North Pole. From Murray Weiner, cameraman, the McGregor Arctic Expedieiton and past Aleph Godol of Chapter No. 165."

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ned for Sunday, March 13, when 1 T - c and was awarded the Crois • The moral law ! among those who went by car to the Vaad Auxiliary holds its an- m a n y s t a n d s f o r 1 Guerre. TThen in IS-IS a RUEI f nual Purim Carnival at the Jew- ! a n d I o y a l t r t 0 the true Germany j Government House for the swear- , . ested that the j 1E r'hich Chi£ ish. Community. Center.- Special I m a k e s surrender to National So- ; ing-in ceremonies at which Chief : sxan colonei EH Russian volunteers in the French |vimpossible. I cannot &o |'Justice Harry Trusted presided. r l a y enlist in Russia, favors, including Mickey Mouse ! otherwise, whether as a German re aim After administering the oath of j | toys, will be given the children. Schwartsbard replied that "the lie. office to the new Chief Esecu- i Kn Music for dancing will be fur- or as a Christian." Trusted "°Vel! SratefuI fatherland will not nished by Irving Rhodes and his Dr. Meyer, who spoke at a din- tire, Chief- Justice csve my boses." orchestra. "Feature, of the even- ner given in his honor by the j corned him on behalf of the peoAfter the outbreak of the Ens- I ing will be a Big Apple Contest j Federal Council of Churches of | pie acd : public services of Paiesas. Eevoluiioain IS Eoi.T-E.rtzwith.prizes for t i e winning cou- j Christ and the Universal Christ-j tine: He_called jipcn him sot to -ples.-.-Am'Bn^rTtiie'Ettrsctioxis';-l"T7irI Ijan -'Council "of Life and 'Work, is ' think- c-f"'X-ast- aiSicuIties " but to •itiag to his' eredic,' vclnstcc-r- • r be a Country Grocery Store. . the first public denunciation of I turn'- bis eyes to tfce future in 2gitizi ea for -service f i t h t i e Frenci • probTwo door prizes, a five tube the Hitler government 'by a for- solving the many major mission to Russia. While c i a i "••'" lems of Palestine, the speaker radio set and an electric alarm mer member of the German dipvisit to his father in Ukraine t i e ! : ' XT ~ *~ pointed, out, he concluded, concluded, with. clock trill be given. lomatic service. pointed, out, as as he with , , • ~. r r Tickets for the carnival are prosperity and cP°E»=is broke out and Sctrartz-1 .. srti In the course of his address the hope that Palestine ! v.-uraea levensxny io crgsE: FSLE £ &T& twenty-five cents per person-and Dr. Meyer said that Nazi snti- peace peace ^ould would come coxae to to Palestine to crgsn, a ~ \' *ize s.Trorted JeTiEli fevensitr self cieZenEe corps, jj FOLE I_t ^ ^ . , children under 12 will beadmittSir oro.ic > *t I "of which fee became an actire | b°-r- T~C- ed. free. Mrs. M. Burstein is ticT-nti tlOn. m & Dric*. anil- . are ket .chairman. . . the new — „ _ . h welcome, l German characteristics of Kaz- off the lost two I he ~ r ~ T"" tnat he in-1 E1"0^8 S c j ism "It is the disgraceful oppo- Commissioner said licles Band.' E 5 ten cousins. DeEpcir- j r ° i uncles " -. tended honestly to carry out t i s ^ site of German and Nordic fcr m duties and f i a t he hoped that evi S of success the government and ruling party

Offices of A.-Z. A. Receive Message from Greenland



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music exists, even when we do not know it. That accent can be heard and indeed created by giving, the works, of .Jewish, composers a hearing. For music by Jews if created and. neard over a-long enough period will by simple addition result in a body of Jewish In • the short duration of its music from which- the: ethnic •. acexistence, the Jewish Free; Emcent will be heard. . - • '. * ployment- Service has- already ". _ T_Fx.«n;lihist:cehtraL"i4ea-'spring placed ieveral.}people In- permanthe various ^magnificent, practical ent positions,-and" a few more in achievements of Maiiamm;. tiie establishment of a library of Jew- temporary work. Every effort is ish music at the music branch of being madeito place persons only the New York Public library, the in work in which he is qualified. The Service is grateful for the song contests and contests for Bupport given Professor Salomo response already received from Hosowsky of the Hebrew Univer- the many employers and hopes sity in his epoch-making re- that many more will take advansearches into antique Hebrew tage of what it has to offer. music, the establishment of a Anyone looking for employmusical library within the library ment is welcome to come in and of the ifebrew • university, the place hi3 application .with the Palestinian . composers w h i . c h Jewish Free Employment Service. seek to elicit and reward creative Mrs. W o . Lazere, secretary, is-at music in Eretz Yisrael, the plan- the Center every Monday, Tuesning of the Gabrilowitsch Con- day -and Wednesday mornings servatory in Jerusalem. Merely from ten to twelve-thirty. to recount these activities is- to pay a very great tribute to all the officers and associates of the society, especially to the valiant president Mrs.: Charles' Zunser and to the director of the conOn Sunday, March 13, at 6:30, certs Mrs. Israel Goldstein. Kabbi Frederick Cohn will address the young people of the Let me dwell up"bn the Town Castelar Presbyterian church on Hall Concert of February' 19. The "The Birth of a World." program was admirably: built. Of Wednesday r.fternoon, March the ^executant artists who gave 16, at 2:30 he will review Sintheir aid two, the pianist Isidor clair Lewis's latest book, "The Achron and the cellist Joseph Prodigal Parents," for a sororSchuster, are simply of the first ity gathering at the home of Mrs. order. The others were more Victor Smith. than adequate. In the matter of Rabbi Cohn will review ""Vicvocal interpreters the society can toria-Jtegina" on Friday, March and will no doubt do better. I. 18, at 10:30 for the Book-a-Week missed to my great regret Mr. Club of the Extension department Frederick Jacobi's Quartet in G of r the University of Omaha, major but heard Mrl Joseph Achmeeting in the Baird building. ron's Symphonic . variations and Sonata on a Palestinian theme. One should, of course, hear such ( works more than once. And I am eager to hear not only this but more of Mr. Joseph Achron's The Omaha Hebrew Club -will compositions^.. T h e - Symphonic variations on ;a first hearing are nold its monthly open meeting highly individual, a little too thia, Sunday Afternoon, March 13, at 3 p^ m. sharp at the Jewish cerebal in aa ultra-modern man- Community Center. ner which i3 now a trifle faded. A special Purim program will Here, as in so much contempor- be presented by Cantor E. Seltz, ary writing whether of. music or accompanied by his, daughter, verse, .the head has been a little Shirley, piano duets will be playtoo busy at the expense of the ed by Al and Margaret Finkel. viscera. But I may nave heard Mr. J. L. "Wolfson is to be prin- what I was afraid to hear and cipal speaker. turn with immense appreciation Purim refreshments will be and relish to Salomo Rosowsky's served. pi-ofound and beautiful and I. Morgenstern is president of highly individualized yet immem- the organization. . o r i a 11 y traditional Fantastic Dance for piano,\violih and cello. ' If Maiiamm . had done no more MASADA GROUP WILL it its first concert in. Town Hall BE ORGANIZED HERE than given a hearing to this work we would say dayenu. 3 u t The M a s a d a organization, songs were presented too that which ha3 chapters in the princibear witness to fine characteris- pal cities of the United States tic talents, such'as A." W. Bind- will organize a group here in er's. Camel Caravan and Lazare Omaha. This organization, was . Saminsky's Loneliness. •'- : founded in December of 1933 as Maiiamm is not pedantic or the result of the amalgamation narrow. The music of Jews, is its of several Zionist gToups. It is toprovince. The other day in an ar- day the Zionist organization for ticle in-The New Republic Bruce y o u n g m e n . " . ' ' • • " • . ' Bliven thanked Hitler for the emAnouncement : -Kill be made nent men he had" given us and soon as to the date of the first .(Continued.on page-8.)- . • organisational .meeting.

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^ IS ^ i c e S f ^ F r S e f ^ S o I £ .

n instincts in the masses i mi, Chief Rabbi Is-ac He.zo», j ^ . ^ ^,o_..^^ _„- ^ _ ^ o n ^ _ , i ' " . a n dled in t h e . Performance of the | nsalem and Bagheb Bey Nashss- ] hibi, former- Jerusalem Mayor, i mb oo ds £ dishonorable No- who was the only civilian Arab d e n y t h a t actions. r a c i a l y antagbod in d e n y t h a t r a c i a l y ™exist. antag present. onisms But it is an ancient idea that the difference between . man and beast is' that man can the Ufcrc n.m Tc~rc:r-E. ~ in some measure control his emotion. Everybody knows that the German Jew has been deeply de. • • vfor C o n t e s t voted to Germany and has .been , • a devoted and useful citizen of j " r ~ Germany. To deny this means j The subject selected for this 1 f0T p e r c " ! r-""T either ignorance or lying"." j year's Round Table of Jewish j niet h-~ en tre i Youth Oratorical Contest will be j j-iici-^l r—z :± : ' I , c* " " D r . M a r k o a E e t t ! e 3 in. Ansterj " T h e J e w s a n d D e m o c r a c y . T i e | people c r f c = J : = w I competition will be held ca April j fired i re " j J.S in JEonjunction with the local ; feraiE B'rith and ffc=zcEj f to . Amsterdam (JTA) — Prof. lodge of the B'nai Isaac Dowber Markon, a noted will take place before a meeting j . .i orientalist. who -was among 60 of the lodge. Jewish Soviet citizens recently or- j The contest is open to all Jew- j Torre: dered deported from Germany, j Ish'youth .in the city asfi those' arrived to settle here with the j interested. are asked to commua- j e-~~^ T~~n permission of the Dutch Govern-1 icate with the Center office. j Frentr ment. Professor . Markon, who Morris Arhitiaas is clialnnsn ! it "=. had been Decent of the 'Univers- o? the Koai3 Table ccminittee in. j 1 ity of St. Petersburg snd on the charge of the contest cad is being f faculty of. Minsk -University, ts.3. i assisted by Dan Miller, Irvins trial c i Cc.c ••" Warsaw (JTA) — One Jew been living in Berlin for rnaay ] Nogg, Kannan Baum, Mortoa after r \ Jrr: iwas injured in excesses at the years. „ a e o s i * i ~ ' ~" > Margolin, and Vv'illard Smith. Warsaw Technical College while the Warsaw Medical Association pressed a demand for a ban on Jews at Warsaw University Med' 'witu / - , : : . . . ical School. The Technical College disorders broke out after re- |"V^ "To &scu~^--s v - ~ ' -->e^ if*-. newed agitation for extension of | \ y ~f. ^ ""TIT 5 "^'" iura i f •-*•; . " 4 regulations requiring Jews to sit *»'«-''•i-*-—"i^^'—ig-oir: " ., :- -in special "ghetto benches." j wartrja. _ r c - ^ . - r The Medical Association decidSamuel Carmel, y o u - s violinist | s d l e i I u l G a f c r & s p r e s s n t E S £ S 0 - t. ( ed to introduce , the "Aryan who fourteen years ago WES sent j Since h i s defect a t Town H s i l j ea , - „ . , „ „.clause" barring Jews as raesi- i to New Tork for further train- i bers and adopted a resolution d'e- I ing by the Nebraska Society for in Kew Tork ia .the winter £>f | t h a t £ c : - ^ - 7' manding that no Jews be admitt- the Development of Musical Tal- lSS6,"Mr.. Carmel lias beea • p - ; a - j e ^ \ ^ - ' - " - ed to Warsaw Medical School. ent, visited here last ' "week-end Jewish members left the'meeting" with his former- teacher, Emily American "musical circles. F a r a ; Af ~r > - r ' and announced they were resiga- Cleve Gregerson, and played tor yrliile b.e -played • *^ •. c 7~ c 1^-^- t ^z ' ';"- " , ing in a.body. The association the board members of the Tues- City S y m p h c s y c - c ^ - • : . . "z* ' \ tise leadersliip -f —--> • — " recently voted down a resolution day Musical Society. . _^ nr—.. to incorporate the 'Aryan clause' .Mr. Carmel is at present ca a but l e f t f o r t h e ' — ^ " t - - - - -r "• \a i. - „-- - , in Its by-laws, Jjut subsequently 1 concert tour with Grace Moore, Miss Moore.-He "" 1 II * • anti-Semitic National Democratic \ noted opera and motion picture CErt on Febr*aar. _ — ; members gained a majority. j star. -Tbe two-hare appeared ia in KSTS- T c r i . Washington, Syracuse as "well KS Poland has had two Jewish other' eastern cities - ; "s.ijil lis-ve arraasre a cooce 1 kings gad &-Jewish, •q.'asea. ccic^rtE ' next EEasos,, about -

Round Tafele * Chooses Date


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Student Disorders. - Flare in Warsaw

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this studio . . , wrote most'"1 ->sentimental for a realistic world. Goldwyn end RKO In Kollyv orr Somebody has got to die if those things . . • liberty, democracy '... are to be preserved." Joseph Schildkrant is "^ > rlcor Agency Well, a lot of people died for By HELEN EISMOND braifcg his tv-eMy-fifth. an «• * tine goverathese things twenty years ago, By AL SEGAIi sary as £& actor. Began In. r T>e plan for Mr. Zilc^, and every one of the Hollywood—"In a world -where in Berlin. Play WEE "The " A- CONVERSATION WITH MR millions of lives was given In | our great democracy may soon be j agal Son." he railway ZILCH l "etacb. Tikvain. The -blood of this wasted! { l3Qlatea, it is a glorious thing! v I am not sure that I want En- slaughter is still too fresa- A | ^ . ^ this distinguished Catholic j Dots and dabs: Edna F r prtions have glishmen to die for me on ac- realist, Mr. Zilch, doesn't go back 'j (Archbishop Car-twell) comes to! sojourns in Arizona bef<r<i An and the 1 count of 'Hitler. Therefore, I am to the same fire twice to be burn- I hontJr this fine Jew (Louis D. j tempting a Ko'.lnrood hop ^ipeers and not one of those who feel, indig- ed. A realist says, this Is a ma- ! Mayer)." So spoke George Jessel, ! Harry Green is peering a hi ii ' cd a memnant and speak of "perfidious jestic, eye-filling fire but it burn- •: master of ceremonies st the din-' London show . . . When the "^ er to the jvotwlt&standlng tne lluria which are nevertheless no less sod Fund; he and his wife, who Albion" because England Is mak- ed me once and I must be care- ! ner tendered Mayer, retiring *rom \ Scktslberg Ken ovation takes r T i i isston for anti-Jewish agitation of the significant. There have been bun is a member of "Wizo," open the ing peace with Germany and ful lest it burns me again. pointed out the presidency of the J.Iotion Pic- j the 'ore-knot wall be tied i • As a Jew I must abhor another ture Producers' association after j Aileen Fringle .V . so the? Stretchers, Cnzas, Mosleys and dreds of cases of Polish democra- annual drive with a reception in Italy. i nd Allenby "It looks," says Mr. Zilch (who such, vast human sacrifice, even seven years of service. Pour h-un- | . . . Eleanor Whitney is 1 < their kind, and the spread of tic students who have come to the their ancient castle, and they act<•> r>-5, in t h e anti-Semitism* over the Contln- defense of their Jewish colleagues ually collect big sums, for Pales- is almost every Jew) "as if Eng- though my enemy may be humbl- dred leading religious, political • suet! by her pprry for no; i> i -1 use more rent, .Mr, Zakerinan- finds • evi- and have suffered grave bodily tine among their German friends. land is throwing us to the dogs." ed by%efeat in the nest war for and motion picture people attend-! port . . . Joan Blonde!! err " » i " *ne Petacn The most striking •illustrations The trouble with us is, I answ- democracy. As a-Jew I am no in- ed. dence indicating that the vio- injury as a result. Governor Merriam, Will j the continent fifty-sis times i r "T f p it is immankind Hays, and others paid verbal tri-J vaude act . . . Linse Kaine lence of anti-Jewish propaganIt is also a well-known fact of pro-Jewish sympathy are to be er, that we have come to look at dividual apart from 11 ' i Jgegover in Geneva, the world only through our own which -will be almost consumed in* == da has evoked a reactionjvbich, ^that it was the intervention of found, however, ne, the 89for 3 Tun Kne i Q8,i!y iit,uiHgs icr iv.-ent* amaag=^Uia- leadisg—Barss^aa duu be TJUT Ttia n«jiL wai , even wnne Hie HiZgives, signs of resulting l n ^ p eonstrttodeemed it a privilege to eulogize i gowns to be v.-orn in "Frou r .. swing in favor of the Jews.— and without Jewish labor, that is statesmen and their associates own fate. I remember the story lers and the Mussolinis also per- so genuine a friend as Louis. under the Joe Fencer plays the ' largely responsible for the stop- and assistants who assemble semi- of the old Jew in New York who ish. I am part of mankind and The Editor. , Louis, D. Mayer: "I was nat so he thinks . . . the Mr ' i r» that, in page, for the time being, of the annually to attend the sessions of beamed one afternoon when his will suffer with it. It seems to me that Mr. Cham- alone in bringing success to my l LeEcys (Doris Warner) v;i grandson came running into the UP 'ecommenAnti-Seinltism has always play- particularly virulent form of anti- the League of Nations. Jews who house shouting, "The Yankees berlain may be right to seek the company. I shall never forget my crease the census . . ho, huri r r 1 r •> , nilway-exJewish Hooliganism which was have had occasion to approach ed a leading" part in the life of way of peace by understanding first star—Anita Stewart. I wish "To heir is human . „ ." won the world series!" c LI e railway Jewry1. If this is true of normal raging in Polish streets and these statesmen tell moving stor- \ "This must be something good may all turn out for the best of Irving (Thalberg) vrere here . . . f r>pi i ] p <>n oved from ies of the readiness of these peoMines, how" much truer is it Uke- parks several months ago. VTith the success of "Snow the center of the citr, where it for the. Jews," he glowed. "Isn't the Jews, if you insist on looking he started out fifteen years ago To this wrlter the single acts ple to come to Jewish asistance, r . ly to-oe in time* H j ^ t h e present it something good for the Jews?" at the world from the Jewish in- with. me. I wish Harry Rapr were White" . , . conservatively esti- is e_i present, f.nd reconstructed when anti-Semitism. has come to .of individual non-Jews all over of the intense interests they take here . . . he "started about the mated to gross f6,000,000 . . .' Pt a point near to Te« Aviv'B port, Thus we (by reason of our con- terest. play not bnly'a leading, but prac- Europe in sympathy with the in the Jewish cause and of the tinuous travail) evaluate most I like to think that an enlight- same time. I wasn't alone at other animators leap into the •where there is considerable room Jews have been more significant many small and great favors tically the only role on the Jewfield. Max Fleischer is nest in Ifor a large -junction. The present events in today's world: Every- ened nation like England n a y MGM. . . " ish stage. : Never before, it-would than even the manifestations of which they often do for the Jews. thing which happens is either bad serve to restrain, the arrogance, Charlie McCarthy: "Retiring, the race for a cartoon feature; site could then, be turned into a : seem, at leapt not within the group or class sympathy. One Many • European states ' which or good for the Jews, but mostly greed and ruthlessness of the dic- eh? So he'll have more time for story. i memory of the. present genera- could write a long and" fascinat- maintain large permanent offices bad. rhumba? Or for making chicken tators. Not that association with tion, has anti-Semitism so dom-ing article about those Jone acts and propaganda machines in It might have comforted my England will give, them any mor- soup famous, mmm? Well, perDid j'ou hear abemt the super- [KTEEE/IIQNAUZATION inated most of, Europe; never be- of individual courage and human- Geneva cannot boast of the re- pain as a Jew to have heard Eng- al scruples, but it may seem po- sonally I have nothing against fore has it been raised to its ltarianism which have been man- sults which the unorganized, sec- land say, "We shall resist the litic to be decent, to observe some Louie—Ikit I still think 'Rosalie' visor who thought he'd listen In : the high priced orchestra hired OF PALESTIME • present prominence as a: leading ifested In practically every coun- tlonallzed and pitifully insuffir dictatorships and make Europe of the amenites of civilization, in was miscast." (Charlie's rival on for his production. As he entered, try in Europe since Nazism came cient Jewish representation in problem of great States, and nevsafe for democracy again. If nec- order to keep England's support. played the part). the conductor was shouting, into power. These , acts usually Geneva manages to accomplish. Washington, D. C. (WNS) — er has its rule brutal, so England's government still essary we shall go to war to crush "Forte!'Forte!" "Come boys," Palestine would pass under intertake the naive form of actual conThis was revealed wiCh great widespread and so supreme. One hangs on the will of the people the dictators." Preview Peep: Bobby Breen can hardly-take-It amls3 if many version to Judaism, or of applica- clarity particularly during the Oh, I might have said, this is and England's support of, Ger- cinemotes again in a musical call- sdded the super, "this is a big j national political and economic Jews see the whole of Europe* tion for such conversion. Highly last crisis over Rumania, when good for the Jews, Hitler will many will endure only as long ss ed "Hawaii Calls." Songs and picture. I think you can make it control, according to one suggesfifty!' tion advanced in the report of now •' enveloped - in .' anti-Semitic sensitive,non-Jewish men and wo- the Jewish organizations, prac- surely be humbled by England, the conscience of the people wills background are charming Paul van Zeeland, former premdarkness, .without a single 'flash men, outraged by the persecution tically without any diplomatic and then everything will be all it. To keep that support mast not s t o r T > g I i m . winsome and amusOy! of .".the Jews and wishing to pro- machinery at all, succeeded in right again for the Jews in Ger- the dictators defer to the consci- i E g . i s B o b D y s careful articulaAloha ier of Belgium, for international of light or 3 ray-of hope. ' economic jaction to deal with the ce off England's people? .Yet,;this i s certainly not true. test against it in some striking bringing quick, international ac- many. How wonderfully well ev- ence tion of Hawaiian words . . . parworid crisis. Thus I look at the matter to- ticularly the ticklish "aloha oe," There can be no greater mistake manner, come to the heads of the tion in that truly grave moment. erything seems to turn out for us The Ten Eeeland report demade by Jews and non-Jews,.than Jewish communities and beg' to Anti-Semites usually ascribe in the end. The Englishmen are day, Mr. Zilch. But tomorrow whici spoken quickly sounds "alHitler may go to invade Czech- o-ha oy." Bobby meticulously clares that among the proposals those well-known facts to the so- fighting for us. to believe that present-day Eur- be admitted as Jews. The idea behind the move is a called "International power" of suggested for solving the colonial ope is entirely anti-Semitic; that But at the end I might not be oslovakia — an atrocity against avoided the Yiddish diphthong v:ns "that regime of • European Jews are surrounded by highly moral one: The man or the Jews, but the truth of the so happy about it: "Victory per- human rights I couldn't tolerate. . . . stressed it "oh-aye." Buenos Aires (WNS) — On problem mandates should be revised, that • enemies on all sides, and have no woman wants to identify himself matter is that this "International ches on the banners of England, A sin against all mankind. A pleasing eyeful among the! the eve of his inauguration as "Well, that would be some- players is Gloria Holden, who, ac-1 President of the Argentine Ee- the national element should be friends and supporters; that there with the persecuted people and Jewish power" is not a Jewish the 400,000 Jews of Germany are removed and that the system is no rift in the clouds of Jew- in this way to express his abhor- power at all. It is the power of saved (to say nothing of demo- thing for decent nations to fight cording to our information, is .c Koberto T.I. Ortiz received should be made completely interhatred and no relief in the mo- rence o f the persecution and the democratic,' progressive, and cracy being saved again) and a against, wouldn't i t ? " asked Mr. "landsmann" of Our Lodge. delegation of Jevrish newspaa national, both from the economic notonous anti-Semitic refrain sympathy for the persecuted. But humanitarian hon-Jewlsh world million English boys have given Zilch. not en tnd per end the political point of view. Yes, Mr. Zilch. Everything is started by Nazism five years ago. since membership • In the Jewish which has been awakened by the their lives for all this. Fannie Brice took a trip out to tolerate racial persecution dur-. 1 No, I can't wish for a salvation so horribly bewildering and toThis is exactly the impression community is still determined persecutlrfn of the Jews and Is ing his six-year term in office. to one of the gambling boats which Nazi propaganda Is. seek- only by religious adherence they more active on behalf of Jewry at such an expense; nor, as one day's opinion may be quickly which stand in the harbor. After The Argentine, he said, cannot - r ing to create in the world, and it ask to be permited to adopt than European public opinion has of the generation that was horri- changed by tomorrow's event. tolerate a policy of race hatred being introduced to one of the bly disillusioned in the last war, would be a great pity if we were Judaism. The number of such neen for' many years. Whatever "which is repulsive to the nationto be among' the victims to suc- conversions or at least the ap- the causes of this manifestation, can I be fooled by a slogan (Copyright 1938 By Seven Arts owners, she cracked, "What do al character. you call these boats—Clipper Feature Syndicate) : cumb to it. , plications for such conversions is the fact is that the mass of Euro- ("Make the World Safe for DeArgentine J"evrs, when they! Ships?" put to the service of their coun-1 Any observer of the Jewish not at all inconsequential. There pean people (not their govern- mocracy") that deceived me the try their energies, capabilities scene in Europe, nnless he shares have been many cases in Poland ments) are far from being anti- last time; nor, as a Jew, can I ALIEES BARRED FROM £:; ET You don't have to be a star to and intelligence in building tip the now discredited, and nnf ort- during the height of the street- Semitic. Jews are not entirely be such an optimist as to believe q? C m be famous with, movie fans. Dithat any event (save some kind their home here, may be sure NEW YORK'S FREE tinate' tendency prevalent among beating of the Jews. One case, surrounded by enemies. We have FT' rector Sidney Lanfield, traveling j g 0 T e r r , E i e l l t w f i l r e s p e c t t h e c o n . some of the older Zionists to be- that of the daughter of a famous many great friends, powerful of social revolution) can bring COLLEGES ^ f prr I ,,r» as a cure for a nervous breakme permanent salvation. lieve that by exaggerating the Polish aristocrat in Warsaw, him- friends, good friends who are now stitution ' which was created for down, had no sooner registered So I took off my colored glasNew York (WNS)—New York uown, naa nu suuuer rt^siereu ji U £ t ice £Ed to grant freed!om to evils and the •, influence of anti- self an Endek and anti-Semite, more than ever willing to come r , Semitism, Palestine will be help- created a, furore in the capitol to our assistance. What is more ses and feel not pleased but City's-free colleges are barred to in a Havana hotel than the place j u s a n d vosteTnr> £ n d to El..I .mer somewhat comforted by what I refugees -Iroza. European lands' as was besieged by would-be Garbos j0« t a e world who went to lire or ed, knows very well that in pres- and aticks In one's . memory. important the ordinary decent ent-day Europe, anti-Semitism is There are many others, including man in the street in Europe now see: The impending tragedy of well as to all other aliens, the snfi Gables. He cuickly exited to i Argentine soil." far from dominant, and Jew-hat- that of four Hungarians in Ru- takes a greater interest in and mankind has been averted for a Board of High Education ruled Florida for a little Quiet angling, in rejecting the plea of an alien hoping that the fish had never red is certainly not universal. It mania who applied for admission shows more sympathy for the long time,, I hope. It really would be no salva- who Eought admission- to one of heard of dollies, grips and kliegs. Is only anti-Semitic' propaganda into the Jewish community dur- Jews than he ever did before. tion at all for us If the tragedy the colleges. The ruling was 'that has - become . vociferous in ing .the Goga-Cuza . persecutions. No! Europe is not. all anti- of the Jews were merely swallow- based on Chapter 407, Section This week's Goldwysdom: Sam- | Europe of late; . certainly .. it In most of these cases, the apmakes a bigger noise than ever plicants are not only ostracised Semitic; there are many rifts In ed up in a vaster tragedy of man- 1143 .of the laws cf -1926, which my . . . attending a story confer- j Where Omaha. Shops vrlih Confidence amends the education law to pro- ence . . . arrived at an impasse before, but -the actual anti-Sem- from their own society, but they the clouds; many lights in the kind. ARE darkness, and much hope for the Thus I speak to Mr. Zilch when itic feeling, itself, is hardly any are also dismissed from their ecovide that " the board shall fur-j of disagreement with one o£ his FASHION AUTHQRCTEES Jews despite all oppression and he says, " I t looks as if England stronger than it was before the nomic positions and. are subject nish the benefit of collegiate writers . . . spoke his mind Hitler regime came into power; to'great privation and suffering. persecution. Nazism may have is throwing us to the dogs." education gratuitously to citizens and left. Nest day somewhat swayed Europe politically, but But Mr. Zilch answers, "Is who are acual residents of the appeased „ _ .. be was prevailed ALL A$£EE surely not more, prevalent than it In Nazi Germany, manifesta- not socially, nor psychologically; there nothing worth fighting and city and who are qualified for ad- upon to return and apologize so was before "the Great "War. Presdying for? Isn't democracy worth mission to any regular undergra- that matters might proceed. Apent-day anti-Semitism seems so tions of pro-Jewish sympathy nat- certainly not morally. YOU'Ll BE BRITISH- AS strong and! all-powerful because urally cannot take such forms, (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts dying for? Isn't liberty worth dy- duate coarse . . . ." The effect cf proaching the piqued party, he j ing for? Mr. Segal, you seem to the ruling is to exclude refugees announced, " I called you a lot of j Featured Syndicate.) It has become chiefly state'anti- but anyone who has visited Gerbe altogether a spineless person." and aliens from Semitism; it has the power of many and has- taken the trouble City College, things and I want to apologize You are a brave man, Mr. Zilch. Hunter College, Brooklyn Col- . • . because . . . I - can't prove govrenments behind .it and it can to look into the Jewish situation You are willing to die for liber- lege and Queens College. and does do much.more mischief there, has come back with rethem!" ty, democracy and all that, even than, in former days. But as far ports of many acts of secret symI to the last Englishman. But is as the.masses of the non-Jewish pathy and of rJriendship. for the The treaty of Ryskwich beHarry Hershfield is scripting YOUR son going to die for that, people in Europe are concerned Jews Buch as were unknown in Mr. Zilch? Will he have to go to tweeij Holland, France, 16S7, was the "life of George Gershwin" j (with the possible exception of pro-Hitler Germany. There • are fight Hitler end save democracy, concluded through the mediation for Warners. Background shotild the outright Nazi fanatics), there numerous cases of courageous deGeneva (WNS) — Extensive liberty and the Jews? You are of a Polish Jew,*Francisco Molo, be a natural framework for Ger- J Is less antagonism to Jews among fense of Jews, of be-friending of tracts of land available for the quite as brave as most other the Amsterdam agent of the king shwin tunes. Strange to ssy, the I Js them than ever before. It is safe Jewish children, and of coming settlement" of European settlers of Poland. composer had little contact with i c , to say that, politically, anti-Sem- to the aid of Jews in distress. who want to become farmers Americans who have only scorn for England because she will not itism has grown in Europe; but But mtfre prevalent in Germany Were offered to the International «..«.- r: socially, and;psychologically, it is are the cases of negative expres- Labor Office's International con- send her children to fight the dicfar from being the giant that it sion of pro-Jewish sympathy; as ference of experts to further ag- tators and »makes peace with is pictured to be. , in the case of not boycotting the ricultural colonization I n Latin them; but the same Americans Jews despite the terrific propa- America when the representa- insist that we ourselves -must . There is; In fact, enough evi- ganda which is being conducted tives of Santo Domingo and Veri- stand aloof from all that. . Oh, my Jewish pain should like dence that, the violent, strident, for it. There is not the slightest ezuela stated that their countries to see Hitler humbled a n d anti-Jewish propaganda started doubt in the*mind.of anyone who would offer land. by Nazism -has even evoked a cer- knows Germany, that if not for Santo Domingo offered area of brought to the dust and my tain reaction to anti-Semitism and this secret sympathy and nega- 35,000 hectacres and Venezuela American idealism desires the there are now. signs I n Europe of tive aid given to the Jews by the said it would throw open 30,000 downfall of all dictators. In my more gallant moments I see mya definite swing in favor of the non-Jewish German population, kilometres. self advancing courageously on Jews • in many countries and the Jews in the Reich would long the chancellory and bringing Mr, among all classes of people, but ago have been exterminated ecoRoger Williams, the founder of Hitler to his knees . . . "Have .particularly In.labor circles' and nomically, even physically. Rhode Island, and the famous Mercy, Mr. Segal!" . ' . . I shall among the democratic intelligentThe stand of the Christian John Milton. exchanged lessons in let him have his life if he abdichurches of air denominations in Dutch for lessons in Hebrew. Mil- cates and retires to St. Helena, Any? Jewish social'. worker in. the present. anti-Semitic crisis in ton is said to have been well "You, Mr. Segal are too sentiEurope who comes .'Jn* "contact Europe must be mentioned as a versed in -Hebrew. mental," says . Mr. Zilch. "Too with non-Jews, whether they are typical illustration of the general ixj C^i Slippery Pazzz leading statesmen o f great or principle advanced here. Not only small states, leaders of labor or the Catholic church, but also the l'O Equip with / ©£ socially-progressive organiza- Church of England and practicaljthis jrrcst ncv«* / tions, heads of churches of vari- ly every other Christian denomcafety tire cr,d .-s-41 ous denominations, editors of ination in Europe, have taken a great newspapers, famous jour- stand in this question which cannalists, men of letters, profes- not be described otherwise than sional men, and what Is much strongly pro-Jewish. There" has. more important, the ordinary certainly never been more friend-man in • the street, ' knows that ship and sympathy to the Jews ' E t: most of them now show a great- shown in church circles in Eui« Original Erodmooe er interest In and sympathy with ope than at the present moment.' Ample funds are available for loans under the Jews than at any other time. The The Interesting movement of federal Housing Administration Modernization most curlons thing is that this is Program. This bank offers preferred borrowers true not only of democratic coun- Madame Harrand in Austria to •'/••- ,-v-t for spring uit witH.kid- A : tries, but also of semi-Fascist and combat anti-Semitism is another a lower rate with prompt and dependable service. Muted strips ci tvescl suit illustration o f the same moral^",:— * ; ^ > i a . , . -definiteiy Fascist stales. finger-ii:-• l e n g t h religious sentiment for the Jews i nes. G r a y , •vrith The-facts T of the remarkable which now prevails,, in Europe. coot, 4 pai^ h sockets. i manifestation of pro-Jewish sen- The numerous prp-Palestine come end blue. Gray, bekm, r ion". Sixes timent among the intelligentzia mittees in every European coun.'^«, 1^ Sizs-s INGTALLIV3ENT LOAH DEPAilTilEPJT in Poland on the occasion of the try and the active rart which Introduction " of the ghetto- many prominent non-Jews tak"e in benches are too well known to is also partly explained need repeating,' It is only neces- Zionism aCcG Wcft-oscS sary to mention that alongside by this general sympathy. Act(J'thsT Suis? $:k1?,^i" iT fs.-i(? the prominent acts of pro-Jewish ually, no nation in Europe is now exempt from such expressions of sympathy on the part of famous Membsr Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation COATS professors , and scientists, there pro-jewlsh sympathy. A typical illustration 1B the ca3e of Count 16th and Marxian Streets ' Ranging from $16SS io S98SS were, and still ; are, hundreds of ?vco fc t o C m Ccrnte'e Prczrs.zn azi ICFAS every %%•€•£'»£?.• Thhu Flop? other acts by non-Jewish Polish Shoenborn, a German nobleman da»' cf £ s £ 3 , OntzJja lime. students which go unreported hut In Bohemia who acts as the chairIVAVI'I man of the Zionist Keren-HoyeH L

Tel A > Slay Get rl-wsv Tunnel

By William Zukerraara


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Argentine Ruler Pledges Tolerance


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Venezuela and Santo Domingo Offering Land

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Palestine and the Near East, is rr./»c now-is our library. Gems of the Eifefo<! t 1 T "Eretz Israel," a fci-raciiihly illustrated publication, is also ic T r. \ f cur library. By HASKELL COHEN In •'The Jewish Spectator,'* TT Slarca, liiZS, issue, is an interest"Women Undei Fire," a short ing Purixa sicry entitled, -/Synastory by Dorothy Kahn in the gogue Siihouettee," by H a r t JeWho sha;l •e:i spon _* February 25th issue of THE rome, which, is well w o n t reed- Loir jEDUEtatij? He thr.t T E I U fNEW PALESTINE. It is a story ing. | uprightly and worke-th riefcteox »of Palestine pioneers—equal dutBy' Henry Mentor SOCIAL WORK TODAY for; s e s E ' & n d Epeakeih trcih is K* tO ies, hardships, asd equal stare March, J63S, although purely a ^h e a r t ' h e t h a r sweareth to in tilling the soil, as well as professional Eagaiine, fias one j t rot, In his review of 1/eo Schivarz's ing Fineman has given u s a'betJews. Tbey sound so prepos- household duties. That is the es- article in it wisicfa 1. highly rec-j that putteth Ect :• t i t ;is E C ; * "A Golden. Treasury of Jewlah ter-conceived and written alle- to terously and hysterScally self- sence of the story. on interest. literature" the literary editor gory than Stefan Zweig's more re- flagellatlng as one Tiews the his- In the March 4th issue it will ommend to the laymen, the title .' Tho xsakett me to knew ii"f of which is "Tee Urban Colored ! of the Seven Arts Feature Syn- cent "The Buried Candelabrum." tory of the Jews since 1S44. interest the Hebrew reading by Lester Granger,! path of life, in Tfcy presence c dicate bails Jt as one of the In fact all the selections by Sch- Quotations from T h e o d o r world to know of the sacdea Population," based pa the New York State * f ^ " £E e ^crc rev jcy in Thy right br-• most important Dew Jewish warz from the American writers Herjl's "Jewish State," written death of Mauihia Sbohaja, known Commission report caiiiEg lor, , * e!"jnore. • boolis of -the year and in his in- give us the feel and flavor of in 1^9 6, sound like passages from as the modern . Hebrew Shake- Jegisaltion to secure dsmotretic! "L'et ^ i^^STnezt. coins JCf r 0 I B T h e e imitable-way tells why. | Jewish life in the United States a 193S newspaper. "No one can speare, one of the greatest He- rigata for tbe Negro citizens. i - ] e t T f c i n e e ^' e£ h e l >L —THE EDITOR as no single book has done. Edna deny the gravity of the Jewish brew poet-dramatists. I equity. Tfcou iiast tried E T bc£-t.. l T t e i£W cf t h e Lo: dis Ferber's story of character invol- situation.' he wrote. "Wherever Have you seen the Jewish BOOKS ' ^errpcJews who work themselves into ving the little girl who want they live in perceptible numbers. Youth Journal. dedicated to res My suggestion for your Jewish i an apologetic snood can find no through her first fast on the ©ay Jews are more or less persecuted. American Jewish Youth? E v-:sei book Ebelf from BOW until, shall I better antidote than "A Golden of Atonement; Michael Gold!6 Their equality before the iaw. t b e B5mj)le the ce of tbe : HADASSAH NEWS BRIEFS we say, tbe Passover s e a s o n ] ! P™ P« granted by statute, has become Treasury of Jewish Literature" of the hassid of the East practically a dead letter. They publication jf 8 r e riEilt- r e J o l c i E ? l b c carries something have selected be: a few ol t t e \ J °e & • (Farrar & Rinebart) -which Leo sketch '" W. Sehwarz has selected • and ed- Side who found his divine afflat- are debarred from filling even very important on Dr. Chaixa Je-srish books ol interest whicij I ' ited. Those -who reject the Jew- us unshared; S. Lieben's melan- moderately high positions, either Weitsman's political visit in Lon- think are ia seasas: P.nh said. "The SOB t l ) THE YOL.K, by Elizabeth ish past as naive and uninformed choly bit about the capmaker in the army, or in any public or don, where he will ccsfer with wag a member of tbe con-; and stodgy can find in that past, •who went blocks to see a rose; private capacity. And attempts Prime Minister, Neville ChEia- Miller, a romance of ihe days Ij who gregation cf Kerch, at first when j are made to crowd them out of Meyer Levin's story of s Chicago when tbe Lord redeemed the Chilherlain and some 50 members of if they take the trouble to examalso. 'Xo dealing -with the House- of Commons, recruit- dren of Israel from the bondage i they revoltefl Egainst Koses, W&E ! ine it in the convenient digest seder, taken from "The Old business Jews!' Attacks in Parliaments, in j savefi by tls wire. She SFI£ to! /which Sch-warb lias made of it, Bunch": Hanry Roth's recrea- assemblies, in the press, in the ed from the various political par- of Egypt. him '-what is the (Sifference i {2) THE EXPULSION OF ii you? luminous -wisdom and exultant tion of a New York seder. There pulpit,- in the streets, on jour- ties of England. If Moses will be master, | This headline thrisls erery beanty that more and thrill the is in these chapters nnt merely neys, become daily more numer! you are or'y s ciscipie, ar;d yoii i simple, effective prose but insight ous, the forms of persecution Jewish soul, "First Jewish Immi- Valerai "Marcn. reader of this modern day. . j will be is tfcs same position if I into people and — what is more Leo W .Sch-warz, a compara(S) THE DECAY OF CZAR- • Korah vriii be rntsier.' And he • varying according to the coun- gration Enters First Jewish Port" tively young man has earned for —love and understanding of tries in which they occur." —the S. S. Har Zion dropped an- ISM, based on the Beiiiss Trial, ; saifi to lier, "What shall I do, I ; himself a high place in American them. chor at Tel Aviv harbor on Febr. by Alexander B. Tager. ! T^ES Wifh tfcEIH IS COEEUltEtiOil After more of this type of re- 23, 1938. Jewish literary history by the de- Schwarz. whose volume is ill' (4) THE EISE AND DESs^rore to take part in their; porting, which was prophesy as votion, perseverance and skill'ex- ustrated by that outstanding THE JEWISH NEWS, the chil- TINY OF THE GERMAN-JEW,:; revolction?" She sale : know I well, Herzl asked: emplified, in *A Golden Treasury' American Jewish artist, Lionel dren's publication, well Illustrat- by Jacob K. Marcus. "Can we hope for better days, and In his previous "The Jewish Reiss, has tried to divide his an(5) THE JEWISH CARAVAN, \ _ ed as always carries a novel headCaravan." ln\ virtually every thology into categories, but not can we possess our Bouls in pa- liner, . "Snow Falls in Palestine a Jewish anthology, dealing with | c wS:] s a v e I story, essay, play and poem always with complete success. He tience, can we wait in pious res- the Firs; Time in Twenty Years," 2 5 centuries c* JewisJi literature, £O r e E . . i n £ t bome &n ignation till the princes and peo: you." She nade tim to drink which he has selected to reveal has short stories by American of this earth are more merci- which is a rare treat ia Pales- beginning with Joseph, and end- wine and put him to sleep ic the another facet of Jewish ideas and writers and by others from all ples ing with the new Jewish F r o s t i e r ' h o u s e > £ c d £ - n e E a t o u t s i d e a t t h e j disposed towards us?'.' His tine. ideals, events and personalities, over the world. He makes a dis- fully j e a t r a n £ e o f the hons&i answer was, of course, Zionism. And speaking of PalestiEe, al- Palestine, by Leo Sch-n-arz. t n 0 C T e r e d itinction between stories that are . there is evident painstaking zare. "Most things are "best -s-fcea; h e r j , E a d j i o o s e E e a feer hair, eritt I There have been anthologies of low Eie to mention soae o* the in content and those that Leo Sclrwarz is no hack compil- modern back to an earlier period. He Jewish literature before, notably new publications which we re- new," says the Talmud, " B u t old; V h o e T e r Catn,e to the house to I ing anthologies solely to profit go then cites stories that show Jews Edmond Fleg's, which was trans- ceived from Palestine directly: friends a r e best," and so v i t a !c a I 1 o n j - 3 l n j V h e n tSer s a r the ! his name or purse, but a'person good-humored and self-mocking. lated into English by Maurice j cacovered hestt and loose fcE.Ir oJ ' deeply" attached to the spirit of These are followed by plays', the Samuel some ten years ago. But A magazine entitled, "Palestine bOGkS. and the Middle East," dealing My liuiable thanks to A. Z. A.! ^ o ~ a n a t the entrance they: the inquiry and adventure as it has weakest section of the" book, except for Schwarz's own "Jew. manifested itself among Jews poems and religions, philosophic Bh. Caravan," there is nothing with purely economic problems of 100 for their library project. I returned back, meaciinie the con- ; This is truly a worthy cause. gregation was s^allc-sred while ,from the beginning of their re- and cultural essays and aphor- comparable in scope and modernhe was asleep &t torae. corded history. ity with "A Golden Treasury." A ingr up each Friday afternoon tor isms. On the otter hand, the wife c ' midget basketball play. "A Golden Treasury" is an exThe poetry section is satisfac- book review requires the recordhim, "See what ; Korah hilirating tonic for those bored torily extensive, pfferng" a wide J ing of salient facts about conThe Intermediate basketball by the trivalities of "Some of My range of Jews who have written | tents, authors, styles. But all Berlin (WXS) —Latest Tictiia | a s a klnS> n l s trotter lie mace Beat Friends Are Jews" by Rob- well in Hebrew, ancient and mo- that this reviewer wants to do is league came to close with the championship going to the A. 2. to herald the virtues of Schwarz's of the intensified Nazi liquidation i Wffh priest, tbe sons of his trcthert Gessner or the inadequacies dern, Yiddish, English and other compilation and to say: if A. No. 1 Juniors, -who finished of Jews in Gerraaa banking, com- j er for adjeacts of the high priest, o: "Rabhi Burns" by Aben Kan- languages. The translations by throughout .rt the whole of 1938 the season with a record of seven merce and industry is the Jamc-ss heary offering he ccmmanfiea. to del or the brittle cleverness of Maurice Samuel from the Hebrew you can afford ,:r,r': only one new victories and two defeats. The banting firm of S. Bleichroeder, give to tbe pvissts s.pd even from "A Jew in Love" by Ben Hecht. of Chaim Nachman Bialik, Saul book that is Jewish, that is rich Hawteyes were second with six •R-hicb was founded ia Frankfurt- j the tithes, -R-hich are for tbe L.eIn Schwarz's •• collection we find Tchernichowsky and Zalman Sch- in tragedy, humor, wisdom, then wins and three Josses, Cornhcsk- aia-Maiii ia 1S03 by Sar3.uel rites, lie coEEiEcdeS to give naiur are, the most powerful renthe people whose hearts sing let that book be "A Golden Trea- ers were third with four and five, Bleichroeder, wliose son, Gerson, £g£ia one-teeth to the priests, with hope, -whose minds revel in iditions from the language which sury." while the A. Z. A. No. 100 Jun- became the Berlin representative i end not only this, fce xcaas iools the green pastures of freedom, underwent a simultaneous revoiors were last with one and eight. • of the Rothschilds and the chief j c! all of you ty cois-dEEding til lution in structure and content. whose dreams are never subdued (Copyright 1938 by Seven Arts financial adviser of Bismarck. It j the i.ev;tes to shave off ail your j by.disaster. Bnt they are not all "The Mathmid," by Bialik, popFeature Syndicate.) Now is the time to start plan- was Gerson Bleiciiroeder, who | > £ i r? £ 0 that you thculd look lite \ u 1 a r 1 y best-regarded, moves -saints and scholars. The rascals fiercely ning for your summer athletic was tee chief Prussian fiscal es- I prisoners," and to fcis Ea??:er, i in the vigorous 'and. highhinders are there as in English forward activity at the Center. Oar splen- pert trho worked ont the icdeiSE- j f«Ee himself did Site-wise," she i of Samuel. It is poetry real life. that suffera nothing- in compasdid swimming pool has always ity to be demanded froz: France j s a i 5 i <'s; s=e E u ?te ^OTT belongs : • •' •'When- one * -reads" • t h e - books sion with any written-in modern been popular. Also, we may start after the Fracco-Prussiaa Yv*ar. | t 0 j , ; ^ ^ j , g c a n &*fOrij to'co that." ' MAKE about Jews that- are born out of times. There are, of course, badminton play in the gym. If He also financed Prussia's vrs.r j • j Bell-hatred one sees an inferno of poems by Bialik far more prothere are women or men players with Austria in IS66. A genera- \ creatures misshapen in'form, and found and revolutionary but the ADDRESS • By LES.GEOSSHAH who are interested in starting tion ago the - Eleichroeders, wt,o S Catierine, t'ae Great, 1E spirit. They are a people destin- technique is present even in* the this fine same, please get in were enobled by EismErclc ia j ukase ordered, Religious Jiberties : ' CAST PIANO V *?bt»i"5»bV ed for the hate enshrouding them selectionsused by Schwarz. 'nei: Eii;' '». i»>wa The handball tournament came touch with me as soon as possi- 1872, embraced Christianity, feet to ail cutjects, particulsirlj- the; because they are mean and phalSmaiia, tared doable for J "A Golden Treasury" is an an- to a close last week, with the ble. And if there is enough inter- under the Nazi regime tbey &re j Jews who were low and greedy. But "A Golden 1 est, we may again have indoor regarded as non-Aryans, tfceir privilere :. •Treasury" gives U3 an opportun- thology of the mind as well as Jewish Community Center Thin- tennis instruction. ity to see Jews — as we would the literature of the J e w , ' There ning the midwestern A. A. U. ^So, to stay "in the pink" keep any other people — weak and could be no -more violent juxta- trophy for gaining the most working out at the J. C. C. position, than the theory ol Karl matches. This gives us perman: strong, rancorous and . tolerant,, Marx on Judaism against the con- ent possesson of the trophy. •timid and brave. From the first ception or Theodor Herzl. "MonJ. C. C. EOTTUXG However, the top title, the tale by Albert Halper to the last ey is .the jealous God of Israel, Team Staadiass Class A -singles crown, was won essay by Mordecai M. Kaplan, by the side of which -no other W L % by an outsider, John Casey of the there are 780 pages of reading god may exist. The chimerical Wildcats 3S 31 551 matter, that make Schwarz's book nationality of the Jew is the na- Y. M. C. A. 38 SI 551 Young Mr. Casey, a sinewy fel- Cyclones indispensable for every literate tionality of the merchant, of the Sooners 37 32, 536 low with smooth-swinging long Jew "and for every reader wishing monied man generally. The social 35 34 507 to broaden his experience through emancipation of the Jew la the arms, demonstrated his right to Tigers 30 39 4 35 the eloquent visions of a colorful emancipation of society from Ju- the title when he defeated our Jayhawkers Cornhuskers 29 40 42$ hot-shot, Sol Yaffe, in a semifinpeople. daism." These are among the The Jewish Coranrunity Center al match. Casey beat Yaffe in ,1 In "How Many Angels," Irv- sentences of Karl Mars devoted two straight games, and if he was bowling had some escitetnest good enough to do that he should Tuesday night when tbe leading have been given Yaffe's job with Wildcats dropped two games to . Tffao Popular OScEnsHd Sor EnSornaSIoncl "ras'so the Jayhavkers, and the Cyclones the printing company to boot. C-Javo Forced a ELCS"£O~~5£QC!I off Very Exceptional It's of little note to Center took two out of three froa tbe <&&/' ' ^ " *o En GJood Traces. followers that Casey went on to Sooners to put them in Us for defeat Bob Wurgler, another first place. The last place Corscrack Y. M. C. A. performer, in huskers took two cut o* three the finals. Wurgler had downed froia the Tigers, the out-oi-condftion Manny GoldPresent league standings show berg in the other semi-final. a difference in only nine ganies ALL WAKES AND WODELD Two J. C. C. lads, Dave Rich- between the-iop and bottom ards and Nate Cutler fought it teams. Lee Hurwich •ws.s high FBMAKKSBKi© out for the Class Bscrown, with man -with a three game series o* Richards winning in two straight 585. Jack Melcher, captain of the games. Richards had too many Jayha-wkers led his teaia vriih a 541; and Sam Katzman, captain pinnsrs. 2OTE3 zzi of the Cornh-Qskers trith a 507. The Cycloae big: guns were Mar. J. C. C. basketball fans who vin Trailer- with 574 - and Phil read in the- World-Herald that Katziaan 52S. T i e lone the Center Varsity club was de- Sooner to -vs-ith achieve a coveted 500 feated in the midwestern A, A. was Sara Yousena with 523. U. meet this week, 62 to 31, by the "Woodmen Accident team of Patronize Our Advertisers Lincoln, have no" reason to feel 50Q3S.24th. MA 222!. alarmed or ashamed. Indeed, the fans oughf\ to* be OHets a Sensational Bargain proud our team advanced 1jto the second round of this classy tournament. The Varsity aggregation defeated a mighty fine team, 7 C u b i c Poof •• •. • Moorehead, la., in the first round : Efsefne- Refrigerator by a lour-point margin, to get DULUX FINISH their ride into the second round. NORMALLY 5209..E0 But against the Woodmen.of S A V i S F O O D . •, S & ¥ i S I I . » IA¥lf !•* Q K IX * r Lincoln — well, a victory would SPECIALLY PRICED AT cave been like the Atlantic ocean suddenly going dry. The Accit. • ; dents have such players as Floyd Ebaugh, sis and a half foot. Nebraska player as well as Bob Paru^« tj> U • 1 J! sons, another Cornbusber star. I "31 Ebaugb only made 30." points against ns. It must hare been like a nightmare for our litle fellows, who had every reason to feel like the guy who woks up in a cold WITH ConveElaaes Is another etsweat after ~ dreaming a b o u t THE swimming' up the Niagara falls. er on bsslness or . pleasure NEW bent, the Hois-1 Claris isa&ics 1933 ea iZszl "base et cseraWith basketball and hanflball Sioss." ss t?eI3 as a rcs'-fd '•UTts-V zt the es?a el th» play completed for the season, Jys cMEpalsa more attention 13 being turned to Food, natttraly. MEAT crsts clsarjrss, ES gym classes. .Wen's and -women's ro d KEEPER edaMoE classes continue to Bold . their EJ BiETaiffcatsss 10 ; large attendance, • while at .-least t, forty.youagsters have been show-


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•THE JEWISH PSESS—FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1SSS which dictators build for war, the devaluation of life. c r e e d , class a n d class, c a n TTC h o p e f o r t h a t p e a c e . a n d p r o s - ! COMM&KiTY CALENDAR i f fQ p f [ [ ^ rxvnitf that flint security coenrifv and sn/l tranquillity frorirmillif v tliat flint are »i-p the flip aim. sins the fl;p ! w « S>-'» *fo-—".«.<* And yet underneath all there exists the spark that is in a perity, sense the essence of God in man. Call it "better nature," call essence and the goal of "the good society." OF MAKCE IS 1 Sunday, March IS it the "soul," there is this something in the constitution of man Frederic! Colin. UGMESO evenv P^JDAV A I OMAHA, NEDRAOSIA. DV Omaha Hebrew Club meeting, that feels and expresses its feeling; the something that sets •2EB JBW1SH PRESS PUBLISHING COUPANS 3 p. m., lodge room. Jewish Comhim apart as more than a process; the something that is soft munity Center. _.. PniGC Qm Year. . • . - • - • and kind and divinely human. Vaac Ka 'Ihr Purim carnival. . AOVEBTISINO BATpQ FURNISHED ON APPUOAIION \ -'• i' "Y1 I ' Popular ISTli auditorium, Jewish Community 1 When an audience o£ adults gathers to sympathetically DITORIAL OFFICE! 8SJ GRA ECITORIAL OFFICE! 8SJ GRANDEI3 THEATER 0UILOINQ .~\"\ I •', K Center. out 61OUX CITV OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER follow an animated cartoon through the romance of a fairy Monday, March 14 PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—K04 ISO. £4TH 0TREE7 By B3S. KJE0B0EE N. LEWIS Bikur Cholim meeting, 2 p. m., Bnsinesa and Managing Baiter tale princess there is some hope for believing that materialism DAVID BLACKER • , Socrt' Slsst Step's, SSCES Citj, Jerusalem (JTA) —- With Palrooms C and D, Jewish CommunEditor has not conquered all; that there exists yet, worldly appearFRANK S . AOKERMAN estine, pnd particularly the Jews, ity Center. Associate Editor ances to the contrary, a kindness in the human soul; that at LEONARD NATHAN • Omaha Workmen's loan meet- agog ever the recent visit of Paul Cootribntins Editor heart the human race is a "softie." "TOMORROWS BREAD," BX Even anti-Semitism which is as RABBI jmEDSRIOK COHN • „-„„„ ing, 1:SO p. m., rooms C and I), J^uni, tbe J, T. _-. learns that BEATRICE BISXO, 328 PAGES flagrant violation of Christianity ; the Government censorship board Jewish Community RABBI « r a E 0 B O R B N . LEWIS• . . - BooS-Editor S2.5Q. JKWIS'H PUBLICATION as conceivable did not arouse serKazomir Bridge party, S p. m.. ; has barred three American picANN PILL. "-'• • - ••"•Blow City.-Iowa.-Correspondent ! ious protests. SOCIETY OF AMERICA. PHIL; : The Good Society lures in one week, all ot them ADELPHIA. Dr. Robert Brady writes on lodge room, Jewish Community ! curiously enough, produced by Center. ,'. : . By Eabbi Frederick Coha This novel, the first Tenture of •'The Coordination of Labor." • : - " W h i t h e r Zionism. - : •'..: • ' • , Center Forum, S p. m., Dr. Warner Brothers Co., for which He shows how labor is being "Walter ljippman, the brilliant Trriter, has called his latest the Jewish Publication Society Samuel Cohon, speaker. Subject: Murp. Zionism," constantly"'beset by .crises natural to political orinto fiction has been awarded the ground to the dust, how wages "The Faith of a Modern Jew," I The banned fii.n> prf "The King book "The Good Society." \ 1 are going down acd prices up, ganizations, has come to the crossroads. As a major movement and. the Chorus Girl," presumabThis is a theme that has intrigued men from the earliest Edwin Wolf prize by three emin- and proves that the country can Jewish Community Center audi- i ly in Jewish history, it has the responsibility of pausing for retroprohibited because U is a takeent judges, Dorothy c . Fisher, torium. not escape overwhelming disasoi'i on the romance of former spection and the revaluation of its purposes, because it has be- times. Even before the founding of the Social Sciences Under Fanny Hurst and Edwin Wolf IL ter. Dr. Alice Hamilton describes Tuesday, March 13 | King Edward oC England, "San Comte, Mill, Spencer and their contemporaries and followers, The hero of the novel is Mr. the tragedy of woman under EitLadies' free loan, I p. m. come like a ship to which too maijy barnacles are attached. i Quentin," and "The Marked Wothe Hebrew prophets, pioneers in so many realms, were en- Sara Karenski, whose chief ideal ler. Women are being degraded, S. A. M. Mother's club. Unless caution is-observed Judaism may again enter | mm." These arc only t h e Jatgaged with this theme. They were but carrying out and fur- In life is to organize the workers d e a I e d education, made breeding I Wednesday, March IS period reminiscent: to* that of the seventeenth century., Writing in the field of the needle Indus- , m a c h i n e s > &ni reduced to the lev- ! Mizrtehi Women, £ p. -t., : est of P. long itef of American ther developing the spirit of the Old Testament, which is so *— and to raise their liTing ]e I o f c a t t ] e E E d b e e s t s „_ f o r c e d jrOoms C End D. Jewish Conimun- : films banner) jr. the Holy Land, ,:pf this, one of the blackest periods of Jewish life, Heinrich ; including- some of. the most not* largely concerned with social legislation, morality as a whole standards. _ This ideal animates" bacl5: t o t h e con -jjtion of life they j ity Center. Graetz in /bis epoch historical work described it thus: "The i able pictures, .mong the producbeing social (the laws regulating the actions of men in human his life and thought. Miss Bisno endured a century ego. j Beth-El SynaEQEuT readfnT"of . lions prohibited were "Green perverse coarse of study pursued by the Jews had blunted their the nature of the Dr. Charles A. Beard, t e fern-! t i , e MegJIleh, 7 p. m., Jewish : P a 8 t u r e s,1" "The Informer," society), and. specific concern being-manifested f</r the poor, understands labor struggle, the difficulties of ous historian, contributes tk® i Consmcnity Center auditorium. minds to simplicity. They had grown so accustomed to all \ "Fury," "Lpr.;. Train From Mad* the widow, the orphan, the alien, the outcast, the so-called un- the leaders, the sacrifices of the chapter on "Regltaentation $£ Ed- I Tiiumamy'' Xarch 17 that was ^artificial, distorted/ super-cunningly wrought and to der-privileged and generally unfortunate; culminating in legis- workers, , rid," "Tor. On!y Live' Ouc«," and the resistance of It is the most heart-1 Z. B. T. Mother's club. ; "Soul? f,f. sea," "The Crusade," subtleties that the simple, -unadorned truth becami worthless lation for the slave and crowned with the law of the "Jubilee" the employers. She rallies the ucation." breaking and tragic of the chap- j j "This Is My Affair,'" •'Till We splendid idealism of the men and ter in the booklet. if not childish and ridiculous in their eyes." The Nazis j WEEK OF MARCH 20 : Meet Again," and "British Agent" which looked to the freedom and emancipation of all humanity. in behalf of the are determined to deprive the Sunday, Marcs SO This to describe the state of affairs that followed a bril- The JReubinites, Gadites, and the half-Manassaites were not to j downtrodden. i American films which escape Throughout life, Germans of free, critical, and disHistory and Religion Depart- the censor fire generally the most liant period of scholarship and creativity that ceaseless perse- "enter into their possessions' on the other side of the Jordan Trade Unionism, and all that it criminating thought, to compel ment program, 11 a. m., Jewish ; popular in t sUestine, which har cution had pushed into oblivion. ' the biggest movie-going populauntil they had helped their brethren, the remaining nine and a implies, inspires Sam Karenski. i the people to believe that "the; iCommunity Center auditorium. "We'are today at the threshold of an era that unhappily half tribes, to conquer and enter into and equally enjoy theirs Even at the height of financial j' Lord God has sent Adolph Hittion, in the Neav East and Middle Omaha Hebrew club meeting, 3 success, after temporarily abjur- ; ler, that he has allowed sis the jp. m., rooms C and D, Jewish East, shoving box-office figures resembles that of which Graetz wrote. Tragedy in Germany, 'on this side of the Jordan." ing the cause of labor at Chica- j grace to become a people again." j Corr.mur.ity Center. of JlJ.uMj.oon annually. In Tel Poland, and Roumania has brought despair to the Jews and go, the scene of his early strug- j The purpose of Nazi education is JMontjEy, Slafch £1 : Aviv we. Haifa, where many*Ger» Is it any wonder that the Hebrew prophets had the su"to turn out a generation of > on the heels of the tragedies, in the wake of the modern Chmielgles and tribulations, the hero re- j Jevs .live, favor is also preme social vision, visualizing the day when nations would joices at, and instantly accepts, | youth drilled in party doctrines i Workmen's Loan, 7:JO p. nickis, the Torquemadas, come the Sabbathai Zevis, the David rooms C and D, Jewish Commun- shewn to so-called Austrian and objectives, ignorant of all j "beat their swords into plough-shares and their spears into a call to New York labor organi- J films, which actually are financconsiderations, contemptuous of jity Center. Franks, the Reubenis, the false messiahs who bring shames pruning, books?" "When nation would no longer lift sword zation to serve in an executive j all other races and peoples, equip- ! Annual meeting of the Jewish ed by German producers and only In Zionism—a movement in itself one of the noblest in ped with powerful bodies and j Community Center acd Welfare in Austria to avoid the Nazi against nation, nor learn war any more? "When peace would capacity. . stigma s.nd the consequent boyJewish history—have been planted the seeds for another period Karenski is a tolerable charae, n a r r Q W m n f i s f o'orr ^ ^ o r k0 , t h e Federation, lodge room, Jewish cot, that would be directed encompass the earth! "When "each should sit under his own of sophistry. Attracted to the movement have been many, more ter in his early Chicago struggles I g t a t especially its supreme Community Center. vine and fig tree, with none to make him afraid?" "When the although, even then then his his sexuality sexuality work, i K&zomir, S p. in., rooms K end against then;, although even .. TVv'hat - h t a spiritual noted for zeal that intelligence; more interested in-personal k war." I U l ddisi Prul Jlur.i'E films have never lion of violence would lie down with the lamb of gentleness and utter- lack of consideration, aster!* L, Jewish Community Center. aggrandizement that a national salvation. • ';. been touched by the Palestine "A 'Nation in Arras" by H. C. Wednes-flaj-, SIsrch £3 and meekness, and a childlike tranquillity and serenity reign? for his wife and children make him Quite disagreeable and even One need only read press releases from national Zionist describes the vast iEternatloiid Workers' Order, censorship. J-Tis "The Story ot Is it any wonder, that before Mars and Lasalle and tire modern repulsive. At the end of. his. ca- Englebrecht, German rearmament, which has S p. m., rooms C end D, Jewish Louis Pesteur," 'The Good Earth.' organizations, one need only listen to some of the apologetics leaders the Hebrew prophets were the first champions of what reer, in New York, he is actually become a menace to world peace. Cominnnity Center. end "The Lift of Emile Zola" \ were foisted without reason whatsoever -upon the .public, to realize p.II smash hits here. "Zola" we today call "social justice," espousing the cause of the poor revolting. He foresates his old Lovers of freedom and democ- Tfcursaey, Slarck £4 ; recently the necessity of curtailing a little of the official zeaL completed P. six-weefc ideal and surrenders himself to racy would do well if they would Junior Hadasss.h and oppressed, indignant at wrong and injustice, castigating sex. It is difficult to understand, place this small, concise, and p. in., rooms C andmeeting, S run in Tel .Aviv which set an allZionism should not mean narrow chauvinism, it does not D. Jewish time record, for length, of rUDuot the evil doers and exploiters, denouncing the luxury and the why the author has chosen to en- readable booklet in the hands of j mean blindness to the inherent.faults of the movement. Not Community Center. a moving picture in Palestine. every d a n , woman and child, so j dow her hero with such brutal sex vice that were built upon the tears and groans of the sorrowing Tead Men's club d: only will its consummation affect a reconstituted homeland, , that a correct understanding of j passion. Somehow, sexuality and and suffering, robbed of their' patrimony as children of God, but will influence the thought of all Judaism henceforth on. for the oppressed do not go the nature, purposes and ideals Israel Synagogue. S- p . m., Jewish Community Cenand condemned to misery and inhumanity unspeakable? "The together. One can "not serve of Nazism should penetrate even CING EVEA'XS If Judaism is to continue an influential force, its corollaries ter, first socialists" Renan called these champions of elementary two masters. the most indiffereEt American. Sunday, March I S Moiuip.r, :VJarcb. SP must be tempered. The responsibilities are tremendous. la her handling of Karenski's human rights, these watchmen and storm-petrels on the watchVs&d Ha'Itr Purim Carnival, Council of Jewish Women infidelities Miss Bisno has shown Jewish CoEKrafccity Center audi- Bridge, 1 r. m.. Jewish Communtowers of the Higher Humanity. Farewell to Wauchope. - ^ remarkable restraint, and for this jBUTCH QUEEN KNIGHTS torium. ity Center auditorium, : The Greeks, too, but in more philosophical fashion, con- very reason has not done quite as PROMIMEET 5fe ndsy, Karcb. 14 . Palestine last week said its good-byes to one High ComApril 3, « 7 as she might have. It istax-j KasoxrJr Bridge party, E p. m., Vfipd Rurr.mRjre PF.IS. '• missioner and welcomed another. "With the coming of Sir Harv cerned themselves with this theme of the Ideal Human Society. well possible to treat ternpesuous paslodge room, Jewish Community: Plato, in his "New Republic" sketching the Ideal State; Arisold MacMiehael-the country hoped f o r a new era that would sion without using strong vivid ^ j Patronize Our Advertisers(Vv^'S) — Dr. Center. totle in his "Politics." . From these writings and political dis- language, less elegant and con- Amsterdam Center Forum, S p. m.. Dr. j mean the end of the years of tragedy. Henri Polak, veteran Jewish than the author dares leader and Socialist member of I Samuel Cohon, speaker. Subject: ) I . Never, as far as this writer can remember, has an evil cussions, political philosophy was born; and a host of "Utopias" [ ventional 5 «-V I N hero and odern Jew" the D u t c h parliament, was 1. "The Faith of ^^f ^,' -rr p: word^ever been said against Sir Arthur "Wauchope, the retiring were conceived, from More's original and classic "Utopia" (ideal story have been much knighted by Queen Wilhelmina i I e v r i s h Community Center. would ] i 3.L High Commissioner. He has retained the friendship of the conditions in the land of Nowhere), Bacon's "The New Atlan- more interesting had she omitted, oa the occasion of his 70th birth- j Monday, March £1 J AnnuRv, Eneiowment. $.!?« or at least moderated, some of ;is," Campanella's "The City of the Sun,"" down to the Ameriday. A founder of the Dutch So-1 Annual Sleeting of the Jewish j Jews without losing the respect of the Arabs. If his policy was his gross philanderings. Cruel marked by uncertainty and instability, he cannot, despite his can Edward Bellamy's "Looking Backward" and "Erehwon" passion and inhuman disregard cialist Party and the Diamond j Community Center and Welfare j £trer>£, CompanCutters Alliance, he is now pres- j Federation, lodge room, Jewish! Tip of if^Mranc* critics, be held responsible. The final responsibility regarding (nowhere backward). The English political and ethical philoso- for loved ones are not requisites ident of the latter. The title cos- j Community Center. ! 'rRlsn. Call AT the policies rests, not with the,High Commissioner, but with phers, Hobbes, Hume, Bentham, Adam Smith, concerned them- for social idealism. ferred on Dr. Polak is Knight of ! Snnday, Slarcb £7 t $5essie, the second wife of the the Order of the Dutch Lion. selves with a more scientific exploration of this theme; Jean ' Round Table Purim carnival, \ the colonial office in London. hero, is truly lovable. The author, Palestine politics during the. administration of Sir Arthur Jacques Rousseau (whom Van Loon, in his book "The Arts," herself a woman, knows the femwere complicated by the feud between Britain and Italy which so detests and excoriates as having brought on the French inine heart and soul. She deresulted in the struggle for prestige among the Arab peoples. devolution) attributed the foundation of government to the scribe? eloquently the bitterness and heart breaking disillusionWith Britain's recent about-face of policy, it is possible, though so-called hypothetical "Social Contract" calling men back from ment of this devoted mother and Meet tke Nezs Spring Season not necessarily assured, that Palestine will be removed from the complexities and perplexities of the day to the simpler, loyal wife. Bessie typifies the [ Sparkling Smart, more innocent and happier society of the earlier times. eternal woman, who suffers, enthis sphere of imperial conflict. dures and ultimately triumphs. Robert Owen, the English manufacturer and philanthropist Another unfortunate factor in Sir Arthur's tenure of office She arouses not only compassion was the quality of the underlings sent by the colonial office. (the Henry Ford of hi3 day), gave us the word "Socialism," but admiration. Many a woman Among them were some of ability; but the larger number were and in Karl Marx' "Das Kapital" we have what purports to has shared her fate. The author handles the matertypical of the hordes of inefficient colonials sent out by the be the basis and has indeed become the Bible, of so-called "sciial well, knows^and sympathizes entific socialism," which believes that only through revolution, colonial office and which has resulted in Britain's loss' of with the lifex ot the Jewish through class being' arrayed against class, with {he final prestige. . ' ' ' masses, their superstitions, preHow important Palestine is to the Empire, has been proved triumph and "dictation" of the "proletariat" (comprised of the judices and heroic struggles and by the events of the past few years. The Arabs have not been mass of working-people) can final justice be achieved on earth. tells her story in entertaining The Society has made a Our age beholds the whole earth engaged in social strife, manner. friendly to Britain though the under officials made every efhappy venture into a comparafort to cultivate their friendship. Palestine's importance to the social agitation, social thought and social action. This is par tively new field. And the reviewmuch publicized 'life-line' to India makes it imperative that a excellence the Age of the Social. Social reform has become the er hopes that it will be continued. Only, the BEST trustworthy group be in control of the country;. task and the program of .government.- The Germany of Bis- There is a definite place for Jewish fiction, and the Society should made are good enough £cr The impossibility of Sir Arthur's position can be readily marck was the pioneer of this, inaugurating social insurance fill it. Nebraska customers £"« understood. But events have brought out the failings of the Of all kinds, for the ^unemployed, the sick, the old, the incaand here's administration of the mandate and MacMiehael has the ad- pacitated. The England of David Lloyd George was a close "FIVE l'EARS OF HITLEK." xnew for your czsW cr.crcc. / vantage of knowing the difficulties. With Sir Harold, Pales- follower," wresting-the veto power from the House of Lords in EDITED BY B. M. SCHXAFPEB. 'All the New Cell tine faces another chapter in its long history with'its promise its determination to bring social benefits to, the people. The AMERICAN COUNCIL.OX PUBXEW YORK greater than before. United States of America, under Franklin Roosevelt and his LIC AFFAIRS. 4«S i'AGES. TEX CEXTS. "New Deal," which meets with sueh bitter opposition on the, This little pamphlet is to be part of the majority of our business, is but following along the heartily recommended and welO n a Silver. S c r e e n -. ..'•"•' , All the Sazr-z Tiie theatre was jammed. '.And, surprisingly, it was adults 3ame line, made imperatively necessary, his followers assert, comed as a splendid summary of the ravages that Hitler has inwho had gathered to watch fantastic little figures create fan- because of the crisis and havoc of the Depression. While Rus- flicted itpos the German people. tastic little capers in a scenic re-enactment'of the fairy-tale sia sees socialism established, now for the last twenty-one years, In concise fashion, the of romance about a lovely little princess and seven funny little as the official government of a great state, or union of states, Hitlerism is vividly portrayed and its diabolic results exposed. For of some one hundred and fifty millions* of people in the form those who are not given, to read .dwarfs.; df '' " ' ' ' With a child's faith the audience devoted itself to the of Communism or Bolshevism, Fascism (and bastard Nazism) long" treatises' this brief factual happy story unfolding on the screen. There was-no high-pow- is offered as a counter-solution of the social problem and a presentation should be of tremendous value. ered, publicity created tension. But there was a charming sim- panacea for the political and economic evils of mankind. Great Professor Frederick Sehunian ^ plicity; an enticing appeal to the sentimental fairy-land of nations, Italy, Germany, Japan, rebel Spain—England, France, writes a brilliant chapter " or. • nfake believe that was as powerful as the most melodramatic Russia, China, loyalist Spain—are arrayed against one another, "Nazisd — History of a Lie." moment in a gangland film. • '.,-•'."•• and on the brink of war, as each espouses what'it thinks to He proves that falsehood and deSpringZime Harmony for l"o?;r New Spring ceit are part end parcel of the j Ofit . « * fas ' There was that appeal to what "the oft-laughed at sentimen- be for the best interests of its own people and the social wel- Nazi system, without which it could not have gained power, sor£ talist and humanist like to call man's "better nature." The fare of mankind as a whole. Dr. Keary Staith- L>eiper ( "better nature" that seemingly is dormant tinder the cold, hard Democracy, as represented in foremost fashion by. our own endure. writes on "The Plight of Relig-1 .steel of a machine age. The callousness of a.modern era clut- beloved America, believes that it possesses what can best con- ion." He tells of the battle that, the new Crcyclen tie witfe t t feature that insures s perfect tered with automaton-like humans forces it well into the back- duce to the "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" of ultimate the Catholics and Protestants are ground, for the man who acknowledges its existence within mankind. In this gigantic and collosal manner is the whole •waging against Hitler and the, Paganist, Rosenberg and his al- •' himself is regarded as a weakling, a "softie'^ who exists as an world engaged, now most practically and momentously, no slies. The author emphasises indefinable throw-back from a best-forgotten romantic past. longer merely theoretically and idealistically, to bring into that in the. early stages of Kas-I ism, the religious leaders did not] He is the stepping stone for the man of power and ruthlessness, actual being on this earth "The Good Society." sense the danger that it implied '• " for the man who exists Without imagination merely as part of . The key-method, I believe, remains with ancient Israel. to religious faith, and did not op- ', the cosmic process. ' ' "The work of righteousness shall bo peace, and the effect of pose it. On contrary, sonse The niceties and gentilities of' living, in this machine righteousness, quietnecs and assurance forever. Tliere is no evea joined the party which is a I philosophy, are subordinated to and become the slava of the peace to the TTicked." Only whe-n jiistiee is institutedNbetween very sad reflectioa, upon the inor t h e . integrity, -of materialistic business of living. Here is found the ground on • man and man, nation and nation, race and race,s cried and telligence, religious leadership. German



Manha tta Arrow



Sigma Delta Tsu

. DOCKTKK3IAK-SE3S21* Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Kaplan * Miss Bernice Sessel, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sessel, on of Avoca, Iowa, anounce the marSunday afternoon became . the riage of their daughter, Anna, to bride of MIlo Doelrterman, son of Mr. Aaron Epstein, son ' of Sir. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dockterman Alex Epstein of Omaha, on Wednesday, March 2. of Rock Island, Illinois. The ceremony was performed The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's par- at the home of Rabbi David Goldents by Rabbi David A. Goldstein stein in the presence of the imin the presence of the immediate mediate families. The couple "w-ill reside in Omafamilies. in the evening 2Jr. and Mrs. i ha. Sessel entertained at a -wedding ! — dinner at the Fontenelle hotel in j ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT honor of the couple. j Mr. and Mrs. Simon Pizer have Qut-of-town suests at the wed- i announced the engagement of ding and reception were the the tl h e l r a a u g n t e r , Koseline Ruth, to brldgegroom's parents, his hroth.-JM ax $&. Guttman, son of Mr. and er, Jerry Dockterman of Rode Is- Mrs. S. Guttman. land, his grandfather, A. R. GellMiss Pizer is a graduate of the man of Davenport, Iowa, and the University of Nebraska where bride's brother-in-law and. sister, she was a member of Sigma Delta "Mr., and Mrs. Jerome' Natenberg Tau. Mr. Guttman was graduatof Chicago. ed from the University of MichiAfter a southern wedding trip gan' where he was affiliated with the couple will be r.t home at the Tau Delta Phi. Mississippi hotel in Davenport. ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT SflERJttAN-COHN ' Mrs. Rose Collck announces The marriage of Miss Marva the engagement of her daughter, Cohn, daughter , of Mr. and Mrs. Bertha, to Morris Miller of Los Joseph Cohn, and Arthur Sher- Angeles, California. Mis3 Colick man, son of T.Ir. and Mrs. Joe has been on the coast for the past Sherman, took place last Sunday five months. , ' at 1:30 at the Omaha Woman's The wedding will take place club. Rabbi David Goldstein per- within the next few weeks. torme dthe- ceremony. The bride wore a gown of White RECEIVE FOR COUPLE marquisette with a square neckA reception is to be held this line and short puffed Bleeves and Sunday at the President Hotel in a shoulder-length veil of white Waterloo, Iowa, for .Mr. and Mrs. tulle caught with gardenias. She Jack Raznick who were married. carried a bouquet of: white rose3 on February 10. Before her maTand lilies of the.valley. riage Mrs. Rasnick was Miss Eva * Attending her as matron of Blott, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. honor was Mrs. Irving Green. H. Blott of Waterloo. Mr. RazMiss Frances Kort was maid of nick Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. honor. Dolores Cohn was flower Raznick.girl. • : The couple are making their - Gary Sherman acted as his home In Omaha, ' brother's best man. Miss - Harriet Bernstein cans, accompanied by HIGHLAND COUNTBY CLUB Miss Myrtle Cole. A Etag Is to bo given.Monday A reception was held at the night, March 14, to celebrate the club after the service. return of Louis Hiller, president, Assisting were Mrs. Bernard from his Florida vacation. Theodore, Miss Valva Weisman, .Mr. Sam Leon is-in charge of Miss .Florence Gilinsky, Misa Bet- arrangements. .. . ty Segal, and Miss Bernice Riseman. ' : '•'..'• LEAVE FOB EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. Max "Venger left BEHJOTHAIi ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Phil Katzman an- sior Springs where they will stay nounce the engagement of their last Sunday morning for Exceldaughter, Faye, formerly of Om- for about three weeks. aha but now residing in San Francisco,. to Mr. Ben CJralnlck S. A. ,ML JMOTH&R'S CLUB The March meeting of the S. son/TJf Mr. "and Mrs.- - Sam GralA. M. Mother's Club will be held nick of San Francisco. : -No definite wedding date has on Tuesday, March 15, at the been set. home of Mrs. J. Tatelman, 2831 South Thirty-second street. The 1 o'clock luncheon will be followZ. B. T- MOTHER'S CLUB • The regular monthly meeting ed by a business.meeting. .Mrs. Harry Eisenstatt will preof the Z. B. T. Mother's Club will be held on Thursday, March 17, side. 'at 1 p. in. at the home of Mrs.' Ben Miller, 3420 Poppleton. IN HOSPITAL Sol Rosenberg is in the LuthANNOUNCE BERTH eran hospital. Mr. a n d M r s , B. Novak anBounce t h e birth of a son on VISITOR FROM SIOUX CTTT March 9 a t the Methodist hosSidney Share of Sioux City, pital. ,' ' ' ;•.• ; - . ; ' . ; Iowa, spent several days in Omaha last week as the guest of Jda BIRTHDAY OBSERVED Batt. . •. ' , The fourteenth birthday of Ani t a Drell, daughter of Mr; and Mrs. H. Drell, will be, observed DAUGHTERS OF ISRAEL MB today at a family gathering. SOCIETY OMAHA CLUB OF JNEW XORK The Omaha Club of New York held a special election meeting in the Gold Room of the Hotel Capitol in • New York City last Sunday. ; \ . -- '• ' • ' \ •' •• ' :



-Mi. •: ;•, Co.; Foundries' -: Braes.' Broaso, Altnalnaa, Soft°Groy Iron and Ssnji* 'Steel' Castings, Wood' cod Metal Pattcrno acd SashWeights carried in otock* Bronio cad '- Cast' Iron Grilles a. opccialty.

27tSs a n d M a r t h a S t . • • .' .-.HA"SS23'.' - -".

A regular meeting of the Daughters of Israel Aid; Society will be held • on Tuesday, March 15,at 2 p . m . at the Jewish Com; munity Center. .Mr. L. Morgenstern will teil of the-work "of the Jewish Old People's Home. • All members of the organization have been asked to attend.

AUXILIARY. A meeting of the B'nai, B'rith auxiliary held on Monday, March 14, at the Jewish Community Center at 8:30. The meeting will be open to all members and anyone interested in the work of 'the organization.

Seven girls were initiated into Sigma Delta Tau Wednesday evening, bringing tfce total number of active members of the University of Nebraska sorority to twenty-six, largest in the history of the chapter. Tie aew initiates were Betty Hirscfcfeld, North Platte; Carolyn Kulesch, Oraafca; Judith Levenson, Omaha; Sylvia Ne3sca. St. Joseph, Missouri; Shirley Polsky, Lincoln; Charlotte Sklar, Omaha; ant! Sarah Smeeria, Woodbine, Iowa. An initiation banquet will be held at tfce Lincoln hotel Saturday evening, over wtncS Mrs. B. Milder of Omaha will preside. Florence Smeer/ia. a l u m n u s ; Muriel Kxasne, active; a&d Judith Levinson. initiate, will deliver toasts. In charge cf arrangements Is Martelle Elraan, s.ssisted by Mary ArbitEaa. Ruth Sobel, Rosalyn, Lashinsky, Josephine Rubnltz, and Lucille Mostowitz. To Muriel Krasne wss awarded a1 locket as recognition for scholarship, service, and leadership during her years ' as an undergrsdaate. She was one c* three senior women trfco were given the lockets by Mortar Board, women's senior honoraryBetty B-eeson, Harriet Byron, Jeanette Polonsky, and Muriel Krasne have beea selected as models for the annual Coed Follies, March 24. Beatrice Somraers is chairman of the skit to be put on by Sigma Delta Tau for the Follies.



YOUKG JUDAEA A regular meeting of tee Young Jiidaea Grov.p I was held Sunflsr afternoon, March 6, at the 3evish Community Center. This group nas chosen March £0 Cor tfce date cf its Purim party. Chairman cf the party will be Ruth Leviae. Members of the committee are Kuth Peperny. Jeanne Elikan. a n d Dorothy Swarts. They are planning games and refreshments. Officers of this srrctip are: Dorothy Swartz. president: Ccarlotte TJorjreBEtern,- vice president; Jeanne Elikat, secretarr; B e m i c e Eiirsteic, treasurer; Ruth Psrerry, recorder; Thrills Katz, telephone chairman; KUdrea Singer, J. X. F. chairman; and Charlotte Morgenstern, program cfcairman. Kalah FranKiiE is Eponscr. Giris 13 and 14 years of ajre wno £re interested in joiniEg iae group or attending tfce party are


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«*> 4.**. S''W *ift &rf

Due -tc Tvirirz v -'I" Thursdar, ?.I&rcl " ^? i ; JJen's Clti fiir.n"- i "" 1 «rr T> poned to the ?:o",i~v re T n "'(.

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As interesUn? " ~n~ riv ,injr grranred for <.t" r"e" n


Dsachi3 to

iD Kis zvnno



Milton Abra.fea~c r - p- r «'.-' it *.-^-te.*»: ^ ' the Committee on Arranfrem<3Tfi=. tor for the Annual Meeting, ha? &nnouneed that this j-ear'r- roeeting HIE A. Z. A. Camp CACPprh, Colorado, on Monday, March I I . promises vfnticm Ft F.P-<?S T to be ore of the most interesting to he T;.eki , \wr T-ih to July I,5 V-;T he- fo--nu:]pJe(\ hi an execntfvj ol Annual Meetings. Ir. Btjdjtioc to ihs pre-F.pntz'.Aor: roTTTnUt.E? n'f-;;!if; o£ the S'?of Committee reports, there v.-ili pretsie Arivisorr Council ol A. Sihe e progrraa of unusual inter- A. here thib Sun (IF. v. est. The 'Women's Division is combining their jnocthly meeting

asfcea to call EHT member cf the vritti tins Erctinj: rnr. ctcrrouf

in the ccrr,Tr.nB.it3' ir. irritPtl tc Ft* n ' i tend. A meeting cf tfce Young J'u-, daea wss helC last Sunday at the : Jewish Cctamun'ty Center anfl plans were made for the Pcrim • The Pioneer TComer'* orjrariparty to be fceld en Kerch IS. :: iSEtJOE Oueg ShE.Dbcth will bf Mrs. Julius Eisno Epoke on fcsr j held Saturclfiv, Karch 12, s.t the recent trip to Palestine and Lor- Home of Mrs. Sam Eppte'oi, PcC raine Fregger sang- several Bsnps. ; Nortfe Tvcenty-ssjctfe ntreet. at J Afiraission to the Pnrim party 1 o'clock. A Furim profrram ie bewill be fifteen cents. in£ r'^^Ped. The-r v-.U bp rcr.icommittee.

i»ior-ij7pfi.l i J T A ' 1 — Prem'or ?,"p.iirire 7>i!T>io=ir-ip ioUl tile Quebec Ij<3fT?MP.fVTT that "QHpbpO is ir. n o fiaTiirsr {»ore F s p c i s m Rnt;

never v."iU be." The '.Vernier, wbr liaf becv P.CPUKPC! v':. h»rborln»" w h a t bf- tpTTPPC. "?• cvipipaijrn

the Unitec. States Girecied \hp rrpriTirf r,f Quebec." isrpei Lyefi-iF.

1. C.


Junior Council

po\v:t.pc: r--o-i



pro :•


Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitch of Council Bluffs announce the maTrlage of their daughter, Louise, to Jerry Rosenthal of Chicago. For the past year, and one half the new Mrs. Rosenthal has been residing in Chicago where she has been featured in dramatic roles over the Columbia Broadcasting system. She attended


Abraham Lincoln high Eefcool in Council Bluffs and Creighton University here. Previous to her departure for Chicago she was active in local little theater circles. Mr. Rosenthal, who is practicing law in Chicago, attended the University of Illinois at Champaign and the University of Chicago.


A dessert Iuncneon and card party -will be held on Wednesday, March 30, at 1 p. m. on the tenth 'MEMORIAL KLOWEB FUXD floor of the Brandeis store under The Jewish Community Center the auspices of the H&dassah and "Welfare Federation acknowMedical Fund. Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg Is chairman of the af- ledges the receipt of the followfair. Members desiring to raise i ing Memorial Flower Fend contheir "Give or Get" funds in this tributions during the month of manner are reguested to -call the February 1938: In memory of Clarez.ce •VTolff chairman, Ja. 1042. * from Mr. and Mrs. Sara Burwitz; . Caltaral • . ' ' " ' Sirs. Lena Maadelson; Dr. and The meeting of the study group Mrs. M. I. Gordon; Blanche and on "Jewish Personalities" -will be I. B. Zimman. held on Tuesday, -March 15, at 1 In memory of Mrs. Charles 1:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. j Mayer from. William L. EolzKian; Peter Greenberg, 3511 Webster j Mr. and Mrs. Max Holzman; Mr. street. Mrs. Meyer Raben Trill re- j and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock. view "King of the Schnorrers" by In memory of Mfs. William Israel Zangmll. Mrs. Dare Shuk- Holzman's birthday from Mrs. ert -R-ill gire a resume of "Jewish Mina Jacobs of Oakland, CaliforTrinity" and "Dreamers ot the nia. Ghetto" by Israel Zangwill. Mrs. j In memory of Jim Swift from Peter Greenberg; will give a bio- j Dave and Fred Rosecstock. "graphical sketch of Israel Zang- j In memory of Edward -Kraus from Blanche and I . B. Zimman. The next class on "Prorisians of . In memory of.. Mrs. Delia Dothe Partition" -will be . held at herty. from Blanche and I. B. 1:15 Tuesday, Jilarcb. 22, at the Zimman. Je^wlah Communitj' Center. Mrs. In memory of William L. McDavid A. Goldstein leads the Ca&ue from Herman Auerbach. class. The Hadassah , March. Oneg Shabboth will be held on Satur• BAS-A-MI ' day, March 26. > Activities Members of the Bas-a-iai club The Jesrish National Fund met March 2 at the home of Evedrive will commence the week of lyn Greenbaum. March 27, Mrs. M. F. Levenson A new member, Lorraine Leeswill direct the collections. er, was noted into the club and Hadassah has jnst pledged it- j names of prospective members self to purchase 20,000 dunams were submitted. (5,000 acres) of land in Upper Mr, Applefeaum, wio came here Galilee for the Jewish National from Palestine, spoke to tfce club Fund land-holding agency in Pal- i on how Palestine is being rebiiilt estine. The decision of Hadas- | by young Jewish youths from s.11 sab. to add to the land now na| countries in the world. tionally owned by the Jews is A very interesting and remarkmotivated by the need to extend able article wag read ca "Thank the frontiers of the Jewish National Home. Galilee falls within God for the Jews." An informal concerning the area recommended by Royal discussion was held it. . Commission as a Jewish state EO that even if Palestine should be • The Club is co-operating with partioned into independent Jew- the. Hound Table Forum as to the ish and Arab States Galilee-will Purim Carnival. Extensive plans for the future be in Jewish hands. of the club were formulated. With the slogan "On to Galilee", HadREsah hopes to meets its obligation through the box colDEBORAH-SOCIETY lections, t h e ; week of March 27. Mrs. M. F. LeveEson urged those A large crowd attended tfce anwho can go out on the drive to nual bridge party and: dessert get in touch with her, Wa. 0S5O. lunehscra given by the Deborah The Hsdassah award of a trip Society last Tuesday aftercooa. to Netr York will be givea duiing All the. proceeds.from tbe afthe April meeting at the Jewish fair will be turned over to the Co'miaunity Center on ."Wednes- City Talmud Torafi. day, April S. Members who have ticket stubs or need additional books are urged to' call Mrs. Julius Stein, ;G1. 194S. "•'_ Initial work has begun on the Hadassaa Year .Book.- Memberswho have moved or have phoxte numbers • and tcoss qusst os duea are urged to £«t in touch, with'. Mrs. B. A. ' Siison, ciiairxaaa. "Asyone . desiriag to raise their "Give" or Get" . by worklns on the-Year Bosk^ are lj v requested to call the chairman, Gl. 1028.

Ladis3r Ires Leaa An eseeative meetis^ of t t s Free Loan Society "srill be held on Tuesday, liar si 15, &t 1 p. zo. at the tome of Mrs".' H. Guss, 2217 North Kineteenth street. ,


as ?M

I Tfce oreanization'E regr,.U ifc.~ I*nH-prp; tv c - Cf :n-lui d j meeting will be tele on Tneecia; Tie Omaha Section of the Na- i Mercli 15, at the JewiEfe Con j tionsl Council of Jewish JCCIO^E ; munity Center t.t £ c'clock. ', «"• •Jf^^^T, Tuesday evening at their Pur- I is having a ''Paid Up" merr.'berj ship Cacce on March'1£ at the iin party, niesabers of Mother chapter No. 1 of A. Z. A. -will in- j Sir}' Hooin of the Eiackstoce Eoitiate five new members in an in- | tel. A regrulnr Eemi-monttly meetformal stag affair at the hone of : A fTind-raising' affair is pl&n- ing of the Tan Ge-icma Delf". Sor- • | cefi for April and a cocinittee Aleph Godol Morris Arbitraan. ority was fceld s.i the feome o* : The party is beir,g held also I will be appointed vitfciji ?zv Miss Edith EpnteiE on EuntlRr, : I days. for the Alephs who are to attend the District Convention at Des j Tiers is s. neeC for roluiiteer j librarians at the University hoaMoines, March. 1S-21. T*e~e chocf to r.Fr,..p_Fr In the Intermediate basketball ! pital on Saturday mornirgE cr rCSoro-itr *•'•- ice Kounc. "*f i ternoons and members who hs^E league at the Jewish Community A'.E'- , ' c r\Yf .rf •<-;• Center, first place was taken br- | the tine Ere asked to call CeLa rlr'-FC1 r~t rr ~'r—'-" M ibe A. Z. A. No. 1 Juniors with i Richards, Ha. CE5-S. six wins and three losEes. The j Tfce groi:p interested is. oc^Iteam is coinpose4 cf Haskell Las- ; ing will meet every TreiEef*"-r ere, HaEkell Cohes, Irring Nogg, ' after work and members 1 v i r Stanley Turkel, Sara Kuderman, , would like to joic should ca'. Pre ». i.. &'W «s Max Prostok, and Sam • Tv'olk. I Spar, We. CIS9. Elitainatioas in the ping-pong i Plans for tfce Mid-west Kefirrt^,™^. ? if tournament among tfce chapter \ al Convention to be held in " , n members will be completed Sua- ! .neapclis were diBcnssefl ft t^r : meeting. Karen 6 but EO cielTS"1^* day. • At the Purim Carcivel to be .• were chosen at this lime. heia s.t the JCC Stinday, March 27, the Mother-chapter will sponsor a Hat-dog and refreshment booth. ! One of the most Etimul£,tir.E . March 25 will see the youths • disrassaons of tr..e rear was Isld of both Omaha chapters conduct- ! on Tv'ednescaT wnen the Beta El ing Friday night services at the : Auxiliary at its meeting fceard B'nai Israel synagogue at Eigh- : Jlrs. Kose Goldstein read ber pateenth and Chicago streets. ; per. "The Je-riEii Ts,"oman's KeAleph Bud Wintroub partici- I Eponsibility." A pecel discuEEion pated in the "B'nai B'rith Scan- ! foIlovriEg tfce talk was entfcUEidals" March 31 ciider the direc- j astically received. tion of Ben Barkin. The "Scan- I Tfce AuSiliary yiil be in charge dals" was the entertainment of- j of the Beth El dinner to be fceld fered at the serai-mouthly meet- : on Wednesday, !<i&rc£. SO, for ing of the B'rssi B'rith lodjre of members of the congregation. Omaha. Patronise Our Advertisers

A. Z. A.

• Locks Fitch


MEQUKCE filJ 3" * f

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A regular meeting of the Eikur CLEAK L'XEK Cholim Society will be held oa \$\ Monday at 2 o'ciocS at tbe Jew- ! S. Al-wsj-s Attracts; ish CoxanTiEity Center. A board 11 OBfAHA TCJWEL meeting will be held at 1. •r f ? ^ ^ The new board will be presented to. the metsberslnp at this time. 10

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"Fimm rm FIEE ' Use Our Easy Paynssst PJa

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TO WED—Lovely Susanna Wilson, only child of Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins and her husband, Paul Wilson of New .York. Her marriage to David Hare will take place March/12 at the Church of the Resurrection, in New York. She was r former student at Bryn Mawr.


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FXEST PICTUSE—This might be Hank Smith and family of Homeville. But it's really Crown Princess Juliana of The Netherlands, her husband, Prince Berhhard,; and their new baby, Princess Beatrix, in their first picture together.

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ALL IN FAMILY—Pour Beaule men of Portland, Me., planned to marry four Ranqourt girls, so Napoleon, father of the men and Mrs. Rancourt, mother of the girls, decided to marry too. Here they are — all of them — on a New York honeymoon. Left to right, seated: Elizabeth, Cabrielle, Mr. and Mrs. Beaule, Mary Ann and Bertha. Rear: Arthur, Ludger, Godfrey odd David.


CHALLENGE — Caricatiirist . Hayle offers this conception of Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia of New York, who recently volunteered to resign if any part oi the city's budget under his controt' could be saved. The challenge was made at a Chamber o' Commerce luncheon.

** '


DIAMOND BOOKIES—'April- brings the opening of baseball's big-lesgus schedules. Eere are preliminary scenes frora- southern training camps. Upper left, young Oscsr Griraes, 22-year-oM' sou of Eoy Grisaes who starred with the Ciiicago .Cais &nd the Broofelja Dodgers a decade ago. takes a swipe at the ball ss iie trained with th2 Cleveland Indians at New Crlsans. This rso^is cones from Minerva. Ohio, and hit .227 cs soccnl t a s ; z ^ n fsr the New Crlscns Pelicans cf ths Southern Association last r£"-r. Upper right, Robert D.-Lo-anf who joined the Chicago Cubs late Izzi season, v.*inds up icr c hot ens snidcr ths watchful era


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IRON LUNG HELPS BABE—Blue-eyed Raymond Alexander, Jr., son of an Atlanta, Tex.; farmer, didn't breathe for 20 minutes, after his Caesarean birth. He was rushed to Texarkana, placed in an "iron lung." and here he smiles happily as the climax is past. Physicians believe he and his mother both will Bet "well.


EYE FOK EYE — airs. Irene Laverty, SO, of North Wales, Pablonde wife of a textile worker, wanted New York doctors to transplant the cornea of one of her eyes to the blind right eye of her son Roger, above. Doctor.' believe her sacrifice won't br necessary; .that eye tissue of t still-born baby will do as well.

COSSACH IW ACTION—Kussia's alight in men and steel was (displayed to ths wcr.; Army's organisation was edsbrated by ths nation. Farmed cavalry a nit cf the S;:ed A-aod Dnieper .valleys, whoss horsssiaaship has for generations been widely hersldsa, meet, with hoirss trained'to shield his rider. i



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NEW-DRESS — General Malta . Craig, Army Chief of Staff,; wearing ths new blue dress uniform recently adopted by the Army. Hitherto, the Navy has claimed snappiest dress.


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FORD TRAINS THE YOUNGSTERS—Spending a winter vacation at Ways, Ga.. Henry Ford, motor magnate, left, drops into his manual arts school, to watch young students at work. He finds one of them busy at a lathe. The 74-year-old industrialist takes intense interest in the educational program for the children of the community, whom he knows personally.

SHEIIEID — Eo^cxt A. TaTt cf Ctocinncti, son d the late William Eo-srard Tclt, fen^c? Freddent and forrr.;r Cliiel Justics. trho hes crjacunccd he rlU iscci the Republican noninatica for United States" Sana tor" frojrs Ohio, to replace Robert J. Buckley, present 'incumbent; •

at Ke^ York University, breal.-s His time was 4:04.4, mads or. u liousa fire as a h®$, he was f-:c








THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1S38 Stone has been cast in "Alexander's Ragtime Band," a production planned by 20 th Century-Fox as a tribute to Irving Berlin, famed composer of this and many other song .hits . -. .. Sylvia. Sidney Jias purchased a new home located on TEMPLE . A "Special News SerHEAR YE state" a 114-acre farm in Huntington a t services Rabbi DavIB. it a coincidence that the vice" to prominent Jews is being County, New Jersey, and is fur-id Toright Wice will speak on "purim German.government ordered Ger- peddled about by Harold Debrest man citizens in.thevU, S. to clear . . . It's supposed to be velly, nishing the house with articles Reveries." Services start at S out o£ the German-American velly. "confidential" and world- from Holiywood antique shops . •. o'clock. Regular Saturday morning serBnnd • <• Tr'bile the.. Bund's hoss, wide in scope / . . So we had a Benny Baker, popular Paramount Fritz Kuhn, is in Germany? - « . look at one release", and read, comedian, is suffering the fate of vices will be held a t 1 1 . Kuhn went to Naziland .to vovr- among other "scoops," that Leh- many Hollywood film personalitBETH EL •\row "with Hitler over future Nazi man may run and then again may ies — becoming typ_ed for the same role after role . . . Y o u n g At services this evening, Rabnot . . . and that Harold Jacoby tactics here, and Pritz'll b? back is now cast in the ninth bi David Goldstein will speak on on March 23rd •with a detailed is active in a number of Jewish .Baker picture in which he has to wear ""Thoughts for Purim, 1938.". plan of action .". . Too bad. he'll organizations" . . . and that the a uniform, the first seven havPurim services will be teld a t Times is not for sale . . ; One be a week late for the big parley ing been in sailor parts and theBeth El Wednesday evening, of the anti-Semitic "Big. Five" of these days the Debrest Service last two as a bell hop . . . Peter March 16, at 7 o'clock. scheduled-for the Hotel Biltmore will discover—but please keep it Lorre's remarkable success in Next week the subject of Kabprominent in Keir York on Mai-ch 15th . . . confidential —: that creating and popularizing a new bi Goldstein's sermon will be Due ^to attend that confab are Jews aren't as stupid as they are character on the movie screen "The Miracle of the Life of Heladvertised to be . . . • ' •William Dudley Pelley, Silver CABBAGES AXD KINGS en Keller." has won a new contract for him Shirt chieftain; Jame3 True; Also next week, Bruce Greenfrom 20th Century . . Alice Faye Robert • Edward Edmondson: a A hird bred by a Jewish poul- i s very proud her hubby, Tony berg, son of Mr. and Mrs. David mystery man fcnown as Deitrich try dealer in New York State was Martin, won second place in theGreenberg will become a Bar who has been operating in theadjudged the "Hen of the Year" Hearst^Radio Poll Bernard Mitzvah. Friday evening he will South;, and Adrian Arcand, the at the Poultries Industries Ex- Siegel, 67-year-old- motion pic- chant Kidush and Saturday . "Hitler of Canada" . : . Inciden- position . . . . A graduate of theture character actor and star of morning he will lead the service tally, Arcand boasts that he canBaron de Hirsch Agricultural the old Vitagraph film company in addition to chanting the- Haft. read" Yiddish and Hebrew - . The School, now "engaged in seed days, is in Cedars of Lebanon orah. other day he was guest speaker growing, was called in by Presi- Hospital, at this writing, sufferat the Free Forum of McGill TJni- dent Roosevelt to examine the ing from a heart attack. Siegel's TAAD " veraity, Montreal, and nobody BO fields of the President's Hyde last screen appearance was in tonight will The late services much as said "boo" when his lec- Park farm sown with seed furn- "Wells Fargo.'>-He often played be dedicated to the Ladies Auxilture hit-a new anti-Semitic high ished by the Jewish grower . . . in silent movies with Lon Chaney iary of the "Vaad. Mrs.' D. B* Ep. . . Credit the .New York Ad- Orchids to Rabbi Benjamin Plot- . . . Irving Fogel, who is rated stein and Mrs. Louis Kevelef f will vance, a neighborhood weekly kin of Jersey City for having the as a radio transcription wizard in speak on behalf of the organizawhich is militahtly anti-Nazi al- courage to speak a t a public anti- Hollywood, is recovering from an tion. Rabbi Milton Kopstein trill in a swimming pool though published in Yorkville, Hague rally . . . Believe it or not, accident the services and Cantor which made it necessary for himconduct he is one of the few . . . Maria . . I t has disA. Schwaczkin will officiate. with a big scoop to stay in a hospital for a numclosed that the producers of theBasca, former German opera star, At the social hour, following weeks . . ., Gloria Stuart March of Time newsreel "Inside and her brother, once an intimate ber of the services, Dr. I Dansty, will a birthday anniversary dinNazi Germany" cut out a couple of'Goebbels and manager of Elizgive a humorous recitation. Tea ner for husband, Arthur Sheek- and refreshments, will be served of definitely anti-Nazi scenes af- abeth Bergner, are now in New ter they Sad been filmed . . The York, broke, because they pro- man, well known Hollywood, fig- with: members of the AtixiHary scenes were made in New York, tested against the treatment of ure, and he insisted on having 56 acting as hostesses. 4 with anti-Nazi Germans as the Jewish artists in Germany . . . candles BO he "could feel like the The Junior Congregation re:The Bascas are pure Aryans,, but president for once." . . . One of vices will be held at 10 a. in. Satcharacters . . . If you're a subscriber to Story Magazine and their property has been confiscat- the Comedians of "What Price urday morning. Hostess to the wonder why the March issue was ed . . . Maria looks very Jewish Glory?" fame, Sammy Cohen has children - will be Mrs. Dave late, lend an ear . . . One of the. . "Pins and Needles," the Inter- affixed his signature to a con-Crounse. features of the March issue was national Ladies Garment Work- tract for a role in 20th Century's The Father and Son services to have been a story by Martha ers Union's sell-out musical hit, is "Battle of Broadway." Cohen will Are held at 9 a. m. Sunday at the Dodd, daughter of the ex-envoy so popular among the garment be remembered for his acting In Congregation B'nai Israel. to Berlin, in which she' described manufacturers that some of them "The Cockeyed World" and many a- romance between a German try to cajole their workers into other screen successes Margirl and a Jew and gave a Vivid helping them buy tickets for out-cia Ralston, wife of the popular picture of'an atrocity;;..-. For of-town buyers on the plea that band leader, Phil Harris of the some reason'the publisher got it might mean a big order and Jack Benny air show, has been cast In a leading role in "Cowscared; 'stopped the presses ;and' New York (WNS) — Adding more work "When the boy From Brooklyn," a musical killed- the story.. . . He is a G e r - hence another chapter to his long represident of Abraham and Straus, film listed ..on Warner Bros, man Jewish refugee who in pre-Brooklyn department store, took cord of "opposition" to Nazism, ArHitler; days was . fine of the bigfriends- to see 'the -show-he ar- spring production schedule. turo Tascanini, the world famous newspaper publishers of Germany ranged in advance that the name conductor, announced that be.".. ,jwonder whether former Gdv- of his store be substituted" for cause Austria has gone Nazi he eribiv'Harold G. Hoffman of Newthat of Macy's, which gets kidded will not conduct at this year's Jersey knows that the anti-SemSalzburg music ' festival. He also itic and- pro-Nazi Citizens Pro- in one scene . . . "Mention me announced that a benefit concert even though you laugh at me, tective League is advertising him at Carnegie Hall on March 4th, but mention me" still holds good the proceeds of which were to as a cjiming speaker under its . . .Professor A. W. Binder, the have gone to the Salzburg rausic' Praha (JTA) — A Jewish naeminent Jewish composer, is auspices • • • • festival, would be held as schedhoneymooning with his n e wtional loan bearing three and a uled but the proceeds will be diBEHIND H £ E NEWS half per cent interest was sugA new Catholic film called bride, the former PrisciUa Drey- gested to the first national con- verted to- other causes. Toscan"Monastery,"" the first Bcreen de- e r . . . ; • / - • gressi.'of the. New Zionist;:Organ- inl's statement did not mention piction of the life.and activities (Copyright, 1938, by_Se?en Arts S".d Lon- the bloadless-Nazi conqtiEst -of r .: Feature •Syndicate.) V of the . •as"ceSc'" Tri.pp1st "monks, don, in.a discussion of the organ- Austria, but referred merely to was produced by a Jew,: George "the unsettled conditions in Ausization's ten-year plan '.for thetria" Kruska . , . Latest ofthe sociewhich decided him "to development of Palestine. The ties'.lo convert. Jews is the New abandon my plans to go to Salzloan would be repaid in 40 years, burg for this year's music festivJersey and New York Palestine with interest 1 payments guaran- al." FEBLSRSKY Prayer Fellowship which aims 'to teed by the Palestine Foundation pray for the Jews . . . Headquar- NORMAN TAUROG, ACE But it is known that he canFund. Half of it woud be used to ters are in "VVest New York, N. J. DIRECTOR celled his Salzburg appearance Jewish families on farms . .'.;if R. Horace Bowley is elect- - This column Joins with hun- settle because of opposition to Nazism. and to promote agriculture, while ed mayor of Nashville, Tenn., he dreds of friends, acquaintances the remainder would go for in-The Salzburg festival became the has announced, he wants his principal musical event of-Eur;and admirers of Norman Taurog ope after Toscanini shifted his ductors. Into.', off ice to, be a Pro-Ih- extending hearty birthday dustrial development. . Palestine was declared by M. activities from Baireuth festival testant preacher, a Catholic priest greetings and good wishes to this a Jewish rabbi and "a righteous veteran, director of the motion Allyman, of Tel Aviv, to be rep-in Germany to Austria after the idiy approaching bankruptcy as and respected colored preacher to'picture industry. He was born in result of two years of political advent of Hitler. At Salzburg he refused to conduct any concerts represent his race" . . . A new Chicago. His first activity in Hol- crisis and uncertainty. if they were broadcast to Gerbook on the Jewish question will lywood dates back to- 1916. - His many and also insisted on. the appear at the end of the month theatrical career came about as Salzburg festival's eliminating and will propose, as an answer to the result of the unfulfilled amWilhelm. Fuertwaengler, because anti-Semitism, that Jews give up bitions to go on the stage that : of his official Nazi position. were held by his mother, Mrs. -their individuality, their' customs, Emanuel List, . Metropolitan Anita Goldsmith Taurog, wife of their purity laws, the Talmud and Berlin (JTA) Distress Opera basso, who is an exile from their God- - . . P i e r r e van Paas- Arthur Taurog, prosperous wholealso informed the Salzsen's book on hs adventures as a saler of" suits, cloaks and furs. among Jews is so acute that ex- Germany, burg authorities, that he would When Norman was 8, his mother isting sources of welfare funds foreign correspondent is in the no longer participate in the festipublisher's hands,.". . It Is called saw her own ambitions realized as are no longer sufficient for theval. Other artists are espected to "Review of a Journey".. . . There he made his debut in a New York barest needs. The Jewish "Winter follow suit. play. The production was Help organization," consequently,' are ominous rumors that the stage Good Little Devil" and theasked every Jew In Germany on Brtish government has told "Weiz- "The cast ' included Mary Pickford, February 25 to contribute a min- Fascists "Warn Bulgarian Jews mann" either to accept partition Dorothy and Lillian • Gfah : and imum of 25 pfennigs (about ten as proposed or forget, about it en- Ernst cents.) . - • : . • • ' Sofia (WNS) — Following the tirely . . . Weizmann is in favor •smashing of windows, in one of Taurog's career in motion pic-• Announcement of the appeal of acceptance, and will urge so Sofia's largest synagogues, 150 of tures, began as a child actor with was made i s allsynagogues last at the coming Actions Committee the City's most prominent Jews meeting in London . . . .Louis the ola Imp Company in the East. Saturday and was linked with received letters from Fascist orComing to Hollywood 2 2 y e a r s "the count of the Children of Isf Fischer, economic expert on the ganizations. , warning them Soviet Union, Spain, etc., told us ago he acted "in one picture for rael" mentioned iri 'the book of leave the country or suffer to the the'other day that if the Loyal- tne L. K. o. Studios. He gave up Moses, in which every Jew is ask- consequences. ists lose in Spain Palestine as a acting to become a property boy ed for an atonement" gift." " Jewish homeland is lost also . . . for the next three years. At the A survey just completed in five According to one historian old Fox Studios he obtained a job districts of the Reich reveals that THIS AND THAT as assistant director and film the proportion of needy Jews has there was a legend current asiong Successor t o " B e i Mir Bist Du cutter for Henry Lehrman and increased by four to 14 p e r c e n t ! t n e East European Jews that Schoen" Is expected to be "Jo-.held it for. four years. Directing over last Winter, while the funds Isaac Luria (16th century teacher seph," a ditty "originally written Larry Semon comedies was Msavailable are at least one-fifth of mysticism who lived In Palesin Yiddish in 1922 by Nelli Cash- lot at the age of 21 and after the short of theabsolute minimum tine) had foretold the birth of inan..and now being sung by theiormer's death he joined Educa- for the remainder of the Winter. Martin Luther as an event of Andrew sisters, . the . non-Jewish tional and directed two-reel com- In certain communities in these great significance to the salvaentertainers who popularized the edies for five years.. districts the destitute total Is tion of the. world. Secunda hit .;. . There's a :terrific from 40 to 90 per cent of the toHe directed his first feature scramble-under way by social film under the Tiffany.-Stahl ban- tal • Jewish population. This Is Patronize Our • Advertisers workers who think they ought to ner, after which he- did "Hot partly explainable by the fact • gex get"ajthe late ••iiarryr, Harry^ uiucitsmans Glucksman's curves," which starred Benny that rural communities are es.uie aaie job .... ..For the time being it is RUbih -Rubin and Wi* -noW andHex Rex Lease Lease. His next pecially open to the full force of being handled by his right-hand job was with Paramount where the anti-Semitic propaganda maman, Louis Kraft, who Trill prob- he remained for seven years and chine. • • • • • - • • • ably get : the appointment .•./. In- Won the award of the Academy cidentally, our/: m.- c , Bernard of Motion Picture Arts and SciUnioa Bars Slansmen Postal, tells us ie.Jvoted to give ences for the best directed piethe 1937 Gottheil Medal, of thetuTB of the 1930-31 season. This Washington, D. C. (WNS) — Zeta Beta Tau fraternity posthu- picture, "Skippy," . revealed Tau- Members the Ku Klus Klan j mously to Gluclisman, with Dr. rpg's knack for directing child.- are. barredoffrom in Louis Finlielstein .of the Jewish ren. His latest assignment was the .United.. Mine.membership . "Workersof Theological Seminary, .as* his sec- 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer* America, the principal union in ond choice . . The mayor of Mon- for Selzniek. " the C. I. -0., according to an treal i3 trying to solve the mysSPEAKING amendment to the constitution tery, of who sent ;him a: bloodRadio and Movie Comedian and of the union which was- adopted stained copy of the "Authorized Accordion Player Phil Bafcer is j at its biennial convention, Daily Prayer Boot, Hebrew and reported to be the latest HollyEnglish" which: was slashed in wood celebrity to become the •"~!| many places with the mark of X owner of a race horse . . . Carl !i .,. . The editor of the Jewish Laemmle, • Jr. Is' disposing o'f his Forum has had a brain storm apartment penthouse and plan" . ."• . -.WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS . . . He is sponsoring a petition to ning to construct a new home on - ° Schrafft'b Chocolates" . ' - ® JsJnriel, Cc'esta' President Roosevelt ashing him property he owns, in an exclusive ©Canada Dry Ginger Aie . and" Harveste? Clssrs to intercede with Mexico to pre-Southern California area for his •-.•... " •' • •* Falstaff Beer vail upon it to turn over Lower f bride-to-be. Miss Grace Ralston 3 1 5 S o . 13t2» StreeS' "' ^ ' ' ' AT 4 2 0 2 Mexico as the site of a "Jewish of Savannah, Ga. . . . George E.


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TTie Newest, Most Beautiful

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See IRS new classics & the steessn. Co!!sr!c3S Czz',% cf s:°{ brichf v/oolens . . . Cec'-s v.-|-?h fjieoanf f t r . Su"fs t" 2 c t t S-piccs versions in excrir.5 Ci'cssrr'.fifes-, spsrfs -end D£n-4-£iioreif n s c e i i . There's gcicfy e n s fsiamour in every s^yle'ne TTiEtfc-r whet you" lercy.


Ccpe*, Swagger and Fiercer, Sexy and * Fitted Suile Swagger Caate Sises / o r Juniors, ,Mis$ef ant" Women Picked for SncHvJcJuafity • New Season Charm

Toscanini Cancels Salzburg Concert

r* —" T ^ •-*

Sprigged fi©?e!sl f-a^m^

National Loan .


Is Urged at New Zionists Parley


'-.-* '">•^ r.

y e u 1 ! r ; -•*.. 't • ' . • ! .

square- necks kok\kok\- • all simpiy irrc-sts7?pi» c£ i-ti

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You Tenturei? for Snfurdw '-. t \ '•\o », A ^

ReicK Jews Ask ••• -"; Increased Funds


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See for yoarss!f vhv is talking ebsur CarmcTs s .New Thrift Fashions. COWFARE' end you'll b& celighted vnih



J . , . Ev«r|' type of haf •. ?—••-- r W F , SAILORS, PONNETS, WAT. -'" I T ~ T : mi O F F - F A C E R S in Felt «r

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Perk up your salt, w'ffc ccic. Tailored cr truly styles b crepes end 'silks. Hundreds ct cMs sporf-shsp mode's ih&i fcresfhe sprfeg.


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Jir«fi cf,

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The caan?»r, r - v . <- -fcs«me!;®r gloves yea v-.-—, ' - a n d sewn classics, r-e'-- c : r'-cms .-ci'o nsw fabrics, ROW colors. sixes. A fhrffling "buy," Carmen's—$$.asn Floor

bi*cfc, brown, feju* . . . well, simply Me3 Orders F&lei




MARCH II, 1938

Ap&iliaryt© Hold- -

B'nal B'rith And Canadian Congress j Reach Agreement!

•.-; ••;' -Dance S a t u r d a y

NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Ail existing (l lifF of the National, iucurponitecl, a corporation, on the p Decemiw, r.»37, amounted I. day t h e i~ NATIONAL, INC. C. T, Aiwrku, Si/cretiiry. v\-.!=. V. T. .Marks, being a <".he OL directors.

The dance sponsored, by the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion ; HISS ANNA .FILL, ee?rapsads2l; Montreal (Yt'XS) — The long i synagogue will be held this Satstanding dispute between the ! urday evening/ March 12, in the !SiinHiiiuniin3iP2ffl!iiiiiiiiFiisiiniiiiniHnini3TnHiiiiiiiijiiiiniissii3. NOTICE OF I M O E K T E D N E S S Canadian Jewish Congress and i ball room of the Martin Hotel. All mH'Ls 'Ls ol t h e . F , the B'lira B'rith over wkicli or-' Center, JUNIOR HADASSAH TO More than 200 couples are exin'.M>;pi>v;-:to<: corporation, ganiEation should direct the worf; •on the vlyt. i\'iy o>. emoc-r, 1937t pected to attend the. dance, and a MEET ON WEDNESDAY•number of out of town guests ~~~ of combatting- anti-Semitism1' is jumounted \c -h*- f^inti oC ^57.52. FASKK)>; C.KNTKU, INC. Canada was finally settled p.t a ; have signified their plans to at.By O. T. Jiarks. .Secretary. meeting of representatives of • VT.: M.v ihu-ks, C. T. JjrkK. being The Junior Hadassah a n d tend. . r both groups. An agreement was majoric oC tb.e iio^ (.i o . (directors, Young Judean groups will have Jack Reams orchestra will play s-ii-as-it. reached to conduct the anti-De- i a joint meeting, Wednesday eve- for the dancing, and Jack MerB-ation program in Canada un- ! MONSKY, GSOBiNSKY, MAKER ning, March 16, inthe Jewish lin will, lead a group of young COhEN, Attorneys. cer the name of a nevr agency to | Community Center, when the people in a Big Apple Dance dembe called the Joint Public Relaj XOTiCE SS KKRFFi: GIVEN that Young Judeans will present a onstration. Kick-Off Meeting of Workers program. tions Committee of the Canadian ! a.t Lhe Annual Ateuiine- of the MAMrs. Rueben Miller and Mrs. i'KUNAl/ LKAGUE OF Jewish Congress and the E'nai I to Be Held on heU! on i'n.- 7th dav of "Two Goyim'* a one *act play H. S. Novitsky are co-chairmen B'rith. iA'b-uaiy, in:!!,, AUT1CL.KS V and .Vi Monday will be given by the Young Ju- of the dance. Tickets may be sethe As-ticleB m inoK-poratlon were Both, agencies are to hare equal oi deans with the following cast: cured from the chairmen or at amended u> read ps, follows: representation, on the committee ARTICLE V. The affairs of this The Kick-off meeting of . the Annabell Satin will, take the part the door. which is to include 14 m e m b e r s , j corporation shall be adniinifltered by workers for the Federation Drive of "Mr; Nadelberg; Jean Shubb .Hop.rd oj Trustee.!,, consisting of not The agreement, which is for twoj i'lees? than ten or more than thirty •will be held Monday evening, as Mrs. Nadelberg; Betty Bain, years, also provides that funds : members a,< Javp.:, us may be providMarch 14, in the. Jewish Com- Jeanette; Sadie Shvid, Ida, Toby i eel in the jJy-ljH.w.s, and one niembei' for the anti-defamation work, I from tach munity Center, when plans for Nadler, Mr. Brahinsky; Adeline affiliated primp and all of are to be raised in the name of whom ,«hfUl IK- elected by and from Junior Haddassah members the drive will bo outlined, cards Stern,- /Cousin Jacob; and Anne ' amonp the members !»t their annual the Canadian Jewish Congress, will conduct the service at Shaare distributed, and foundation for Kanofs'ky, Mr. Burton. ; meeting'. Giie-thh-d of the members Zion synagogue this evening. Miss of SEi'.- Soiird shall serve for one the work. laid. Singing of Purim songs will be year. one-this-cl for two years, and E. N. Grueskin, general chair- led by Julia Bereakin. Mrs. Ed Esther Eirinberg and Miss Ruth one-third for three years, and thereafter all members o\ said Board shall man of the drive, has announced Kantor and Mrs. Herman Licht Marx will speak, and Miss Sarbe elected for a. period of three vears. that the wore&rs w i l l t r yto ob-are advisors of the Young Ju- etta Krigsten will preside. Other Any members of the Board of "Trustee?1 hp.vinf: served two regular terms tain new subscribers for the Fed-deans. Miss Saretta Krigsten, members of the group will read Three carloads o f mammoth shall be Ineligible for re-election unportions of the ritual and the eration, and to increase the president of Junior Hadassah, til after the expira.tion of one -year. parts, for the turbo-generator of] A Choir and Cantor will chant specpledges of present subscribers-to will preside. ' vacancy on the Board of Trustees the Nebraska Power's steam e_lec- !may be filled by the remaining Trusial Purim music. meet the increased needs of the tees, except, however, that any v a trie plant being built in the heart | cancy Wednesday evening, March 16, Federation. occurring- in the Board of Trusof the packing plant district in ! the MegiUah will be read at the tees ejected from any affiliate group, The campaign will be inten.shall be filled by the selection of anSouth Omaha, were received this ' A PERPETUAL means of "gilt One of lie dost gladdening sights Jewish workers are employed on. synagogue at- 7 o'clock. Purim sive and short, opening March 15 other member from such affiliate a cooperative basis &s Photo S of /"V giving" tf> needy •• Jews in —and one of the most common— past week and installation on this j services Thursday morning will group. This Board of Trustees shall and closing March 17. It ia hoped Poland and eastern Europe* Is in any oae of the 82S loan ksssas a tannery shows; or it znay finance large piece of equipment will be \have the power to, amend and begin at 8 o'clock. that the ^entire Jewish communBy-L.p.v.-s fnr this corporation. made possible by the Free Loan In Poland is illustrated by Photo a. group cf unemployed Jews as begun Monday. The job will re- :repeal This Sunday morning, children ity will be solicited during the ARTIC.L.E VI. The Board of TrusKassas, inaugurated by the Joint 1, which shows an applicant. re- dairy farmers (see Photo i); ex; quire eight weeks to complete. | tees shall elect from among- themof the Hebrew and Sunday School three days. The Annual Purim Bazaar, Distribution Committee, and op-ceiviBg a loan. This loan often tend a loan to this . vreaver in. a Prefsulent, an Honorary PresThe "plant, which will produce: selves Lodz to carry hiin over the slack "Workers wil be divided into sponsored by the Senior .Hadas- will.- celebrate Purim together at ident, tv-o First Vice-Presidents, a. erating with. ?1,000,000 of J.D.C. is applied toward the payment of .seaspn or enable him to purchase 400,OCC pounds of steam, per; Second Vice-President fine? an equal two divisions, with the Board of sah chapter will. be held Thurs- their carnival, at 10 o'clock in funds as. part of its capital, license fees without which a Jew- raw materials (Photo 5); or it number o : C additional Vice-Presidents hour, also will drive the dyne.- jas there rrmy be affiliBted Directors of the- Federation in day, March 17, in the Jewish the synagogue social hall. Music, groups, and The "gifts" are ia the form of ish worker isay be forced into nay open its doors to a group of mos to generate 6,C0C kilowatts ; such additional Vjce-Presklentg shall charge of one division, and the Community Center. Lunch will games, and fun are in store for interest-free -loans, upon which unemployment (Photo 2). Jews whose businesses have been be elected in order that there shall of electric power for use in the ! Council of Jewish "Women in be served between the hours of the young. Those in charge are more than 150,000 Jewish family The free loan societies 'finance ruined by rioters or the boycott be selectee one such Vice-President Swift and Armour p a c k i n g ; charge of'the other division. Mrs; 11 and 2, and special Jewish urging the parents to give their (Photo 6). . . from and representing each affiliate heads are dependent each year. new iadustrial activities where a Treasurer, plants. Tlie steam produced in \prour.; p. Seciftary and H. S. Novitsky has been named dishes and delicacies -will be on co-operation by dressing the chilall shai; holt3, office for a Copyright 7 Arts two boilers will have a pressure j termofoiwhom chairman of the latter group, the menu. • - . • . dren for a masguerade, or proone year or until their suc; of 450 pounds as it enters the and the following women will act A pastry booth' and a candy viding them wltji masks, so a real | turbo-generator, being reduced, as captain: Mrs. -Harry Bailln, booth will also be features of the Purim spirit will prevail. The i clerks, elevator boys dining amid a ; to 175 and E0 pounds pressure ; annual meeting: of the Board of TrusMrs. Earl Kline, Mrs. Ruehen bazaar. Mrs. H. M. Levin is gen- children 'are also asked to bring Ot, clatter of plates at a cafeteria on tees. Miller, Mrs. Abe Pill, and Mrs.eral chairman of the Bazaar ar- candy, and cookies to make up a' West 4 4th street, New York City, N a t i o n ' s I n t e r e s t •T h e E il p £Sses =Et° <-te steam j iViAjru.A.^j l;.t/A.Jjl -..•_ u £ . ; \ ( j J E OF Meyer Shubb. ' NEBRASKA. rangements, and proceeds go Shalach Clones tray. A paper edmay be seen Dr. Kurt Rosenfeld, ! conduits for use in thie ps-cking By J[.-,.-y L,. Offutt. President, Mrs. Bailin's team is compos- toward ^the Hadassah projects in ited by the Hebrew School will one-time. Justice Minister of Lincoln, Xebr., — Effect of the plants. Sophie S. Vice, Secretary. be distributed during the proed of Mrs. A. M. Grueskin, Mrs. Palestine. . -ll-38-4t Prussia and one of Germany's j Nebraska White Spot advertising Si" Krueger, Mrs. Meyer- Levitt, Mrs. H. S. Novitsky, who wasgram. Parents and friends are inmost prominent lawyers . . . He < campaign in time will be to Unit© M O N S K Y . GRODINSK'V, PVARER * Miss Helen Levitt, Mrs. Max Ro- recently named chairman of the. yted -to atend the carnival. Mrs. now works In a law office on I "double our population and stirnC O H E N , At««>.-n«v8, senstock, and Mrs. A. M. Davis. Hadassah ;Donors^- project, has Herman Licht, Miss Rose GoldsMadison avenue . . . Incidentally uiate business in all lines so that Assisting Mrs. Kline will be named ten captains to work with man and Rabbi M. Brown are in * r \ That — : — : he' sees anti-Semitism definitely we never will ~be tempted to addi i o MemMrs. A. H. Baron, Mrs. Mai-tin her. They include Mrs. Louis charge of the arrangements. Xew Tort (WNS) — The fireto our tax structure by adopting on the rise ia this country 1 SALE Falk, Mrs. Lester Goldman, Mrs. Agranoffi The Bible Group of the synMrs. j . N. Krueger, T AUERS united philanthropic movemen' any of these insidious vagaries Sam Pickus, Mrs. Fred Sherman Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, Mrs. Maxagogue has changed its meeting » ui day in New YorkCity's history. InERROR: Ludwig Lewisoha which are.proving detrimental to HOPE: The J. T. A.'s Danny and Mrs. Dave Albert. . ' Brodkey, Mrs. M. Lazriowich, date from, Monday afternoon to r i n of cluding all faiths, creeds anc rn wai Mrs. Miller will work with Mrs. MTS. Joe Levin, Mrs. Reuben Mil- Thursday mornings at 10:30Schorr stood"* on his head the went ap to a young rabbi at the the welfare of some of our siste- I races for the' support of all char other day, when the Berchtesga- Palestine conference . . Grabbed states." 1 pf fairs M. Lasensky; Mrs. L. Kaplan, ler, Mrs. Abe Pill, Mrs. Robert o'clock. r ities was launched at a meeting 1 I a minisden deal and the Hitler Reichstag him by the hand . . Introduced That is the-opinion expressed of prominent leaders who an Mrs. "A. Rosenfeld, Mrs. Mark Sacks and Mrs. E-.. E. Baron. i congrunts came over the wires, and himself and said he had always ! by G. F. Eberspacher of Seward, Eounced the establishment -of the ' <".ident, Sabel, Mrs. A. Weiner, and Mrs. inn other wanted to make the rabbi's ae-j Master Farmer since 1&S0. came up with this one: "I hope, W. C; Slotsky. • a Greater Xew York Fund, Inc. < b^ and "As an old Master Farmer of I hope, I hope," he whispered, quaintance . . . The young rabbi, Mrs. Abe Pill will be assisted AUXILIARY, MOTHER'S The new organisation will open l t > there "that before; Austria; and Czecho- Dr. Mas Maccoby, of Mt. Vernon, j Nebraska I want to express Ey by Mrs.'Sam Greenstone, Mrs. . 'a campaign for SIC,000,000 ir v. holeTO MEET ON TUESDAY Louis Agranoff, Mrs. Phil Sherslovakia are Hitlerized, Hitler N. Y., was mystified . . Until, in j hearty appreciation of the cam- . May among business firms anc I xecuBy DOBOTHE enibers man, Mrs. Morris. "Weil, Mrs. Leo will be Austro-cized by "Viennataking his leave, L L. called him j paign to advertise our state as j their employes. Jewish organi•»h»ll be The Ladies of Shaare Zion Chaiken. and Czech-mated by Praha." . . . Rabbi (Elias) Margolies . . . Who j the White Spot of the Union for j zations cooperating- are the Isev ir of t h e Synagogue and the Hebrew Moth- The ;•• March Hadassah meeting ip a n d Mrs. Shubb's committee is nationally known and happens > its freedom from those devastatj Yorfe &ni Brooklyn. Jewish Fedt will be in the form of a Purim r 3 Mori' be composed of Mrs. Sam Kaplan, ers Association will have a joint Tea on March 16 at the home of PEACE: With Stevie Wise on tQ occupy the pulpit of a rival j ing- extra forms of taxation so , erations. The cEmp?,:,crn. !P rcHlid all Mrs. Ben Gelfand, Mrs. Abe Ep-meeting ; next Tuesday afternoon j widespread over the country, and tended to supplement the funds Mrs. Sain Lincoln. Guest speak- the high seas bound for a confab temple in Mt. Vernon. n of one stein, Mrs. Ed Kan tor,. Mrs. Ar- in the synagogue social hall, at with Weizmann, the rumor is out __ | for its freedom from debt," Mr. raised by existing agencies from er will be Mrs. Herman Aurbach « are chie Kroloff, Mrs. Milton Mush- 1:30 o'clock; following a dessert that the two will wind up. in a PUZZLE: Will that Milwaukee Eberspacher said. "I am, glad we j other sources. Speakers et the X vecnluncheon. -Rabbi M.- Brown will of Omaha. She will talk on her kin and Mrs. Nate Goldus. have a well-established and sac- j meeting, who included Percy "Ptl to speak on' Purim, and Mrs. Ruth trip-abroad. -Assisting Mrs. Lin- clinch, kiss and make up - , . S. S. priest explain why he ordered a cessful policy cf paying as we j Straus, Alfred E. Smith, John B. i \ and may go t o Palestine when he's copy of the new Yiddish novel by coin will be the following.' comCress will read "You Can't Take in as 1 through.-at London . . . t»rmine Yonkey GlatshsteiE, prominent •tuy instead of piling up huge ! Rockefeller, Jr., Mayor La, G-usrIt With, You." The invocation mittees: Mrs. -S. Bubb, Mrs. B. bond isues to borrow money. ! dia and former Judge Joseph K. l i n and Yiddish, journalist and poet? . . . will be offered by Mrs. M./A.Fox, Mrs. N. Nogg, Mrs. H. Mey»1 i et tings ''This news spread before the i Proskauer, emphasized that the SPEECH: Schuschnigg will The author is puzzled, since the : i ' the Grueskin. Mrs. Meyer' Shubb erson, Mrs. B. Kopler and Mrs. M. = nil have never make a top-flight. dictator novel is plainly advertised as Yid- world wil foster industries here i cew movement was not a comDavidson. will preside during the program. -i the to have s part under our liberal i chest, Isa Kramer, nationally known . . . He can't dish it out at the dish . . . i i d shall Mrs. Joe Kutcher and Mrs.- W. laws in working up our surplus j Jewish artist, will appear in a i in an mike like Hitler and Mussolini The Cultural group ol the i ( nimell. concert here, Monday, evening, Eirinberg will preside at brief products into useful articles for I can 1 . . His; speech to the Ausv aijorum will Council • Bluffs Hadassah FIGHT: Sam Taub, dapper general consumption over the March 28, under the auspices of business meetings following the » 11 consponsor a, book review, March 30, trian Diet took only one hour little blow-by-blow broadcaster, \ country." the Workmen's Circle and their p r o g r a m . • . . - ' • • • n p and and fifty minutes . . . H i t l e r W. Marshall Ross, of Gibbon, | (Continued from 1.) P e M i r tran8:15 at the Chieftain hotel. RabThe women have been. asked is now getting the big fight as• • Ladies Auxiliary. kept his tonsils going two hours r < more signments after having long been president of the Midwest Market- t so, among others, for the musiMiss Kramer has won the to bring canned goods to the bi David Gldstein will review and fifty-six minutes for the p tsent •"• praise and acclaim of her audi- meeting. These articles of food two books, Madam Carrie by her Reichstag session . . ; . Maybe recognized as the best in the ing association and a Master Far- j clans Arnold . Schoenberg and T 1 TAIT, t business . . . Sam, with whom this , rner since 1929, does, a great deal j Ernst Tooh and Edvard ?.Ip?itz. - ences and critcs wherever she has,will be given to the Jewish Com- daughter,; Eva'Currie, and Fath- Kurt-iad a tonsilectomy_.''. "> VTION . Now Edvard Sloritz is a composcolumlst was once associated on j °* traveling. appeared in concert, and her ap~- munity Center for Purim distri- er Damien by John Farrow. Mrs. 1 it. L. H. Cohen is chairman in pearaiice here will be a highlight bution to-the needy. - ^ a "Wherever I go and am tatro- er and conductor of the highest, s x a sports sports publication, publication, has has lost lost his his , J e d ' a•s•a — • - - - - • • N e b r a s k a type. He has several of the marks ; -' . BOOK REVIEW NO. 2 charge of arrangements. Ticket in the; year's cultural events. paunch, but not his punch, which, j• td hu c— resident of- Net of that type: Immense fertiMt; FKADECNBURC W'EEE. BEBER, reservations may - be made by Sing Hallelujah.-Hel! and Rejoice judged The concert wil be given at the ind^d from his Louis-Mann i e response is, 'Oh, yes, The rMSCK. KELLEY and White Spot of America where you aa immense wealth of melodic ii Jewish Community: Center, and calling Mrs. Sam Roffman, Over Werfel's "Hearken Unto the broadcast, is still potent Ail F,'F.Di,ER, spiration. Ke is not dry or unrlu! have no bonded indebtedness, no V o i c e . " - . : • • ' • • Mr. " Max Dervin i s - chairman Services a t Beth Abraham Syn- 2 4 41W or Mrs. Richard Gordon, • r sales or income taxes, and your cerebral, as the greatest corr.posWill of the arrangements. agogue, Sixth a n d Cook streets, 3236W, or any. Hadassah memroads and statehouse are paid for ers have not been. Kis orchestral MISH-MASH: The French-Jew. . •• CAFETERIA: Among stenogs. will begin this evening a t 6:30ber. works are many. Kis songs reach Of ish' actress, Ida Rubenstein, is re- when finished.' o'clock. Saturday morning t h e ft* n ."The publicity given Nebraska i the number of 15 0. It is not too ported to have gone to a Benei n f Miss Betty Lewis ~t>f Los An-a Purim Play next Sunday at the service will begin at- 9 o'clock, ly the fact that it has no bonrled I miicb. to SET than in the best of and Saturday afternoon a t 5 geles, Calif., returned home last Danish hall, 2:30 p. m. The play dictine Convent for several weeks Indebtedness., or sales fas has I these sings the tradition oi the "A Purim Message o£ H?ne!' 1 r IF 1 o'clock. Rabbi 3 . I . Bolotnikqv week after spending three weeks is being directed by Misses June to sop up enough atmosphere to been . far-reaching," Mr. Boss | German Lied, tinged here tf a •will be the subject of Rabbi in u foi will speak on t h e subject- " W e here visiting friends and rela- Meyerson, Marian Katelman and put her role ia "Joan of Arc at 1 urm nt Lewis sermon at Mount Sinai said.. "I have read many editor- ! profound implication with a Jewthe Stake," Paul Clandel's dramaShould R e m m e b e r / ' .• • 1 ii - ttives. She was' the guest of Miss Teriiple this evening. '• Leona Katelman. Everyone , is tic oratorio . . . On the other ials in Kansas and Missouri pa- | ish soul, reaches its culmination » ?T>' » n t Purim Services- a t t h e Beth Ida Lerner. She was entertained invited to attend. in p. This Sunday afternoon from 2 ' ; hand,- a Catholic'news "service | Pers in regard to the White Spot I and may, in the age of Hitler, 1 to 5 o'clock, children of the Sun- Abraham a n d t h e TIphereth I s - at several.-parties. Among them Kives -out, Ida's purpose in stay- i o° America,, and the commenta- a^o reach its esnnctioc. 5,R1In> li, i p( • K T day School -will have a Masquer- rael synagogues will be.' held were a luncheon given in her Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky had ing at the convent is to become a I tors usually wind up by saying, Emm was not slow to perciere the Wednesday evening, March 16, a t > v d of honor by Miss Miriam Saks and a as guests Tuesday their daughade purim Party. Ida Edelman Qualities of ffioritz' work. He has A To- I would like to live in a and .Frances Kalin are in charge 7 o'clock, when t h e Megiliah will bridge party at the home of Mis3 ter,. Mrs. Philip Sherman of Sioux convert to Catholicism spoken for the society. He has like that." tl.e ronto- newspaper publishes a half be read. Services will also be held Lorraine Meyerson. of the arrangements. performed some of his recent City and Mrs. Mike Sherman, also page of pictures of Canadian Fasworks, among them the strong The Sunday School Honor Rolf Thursday morning, beginning a t of Sioux City. ' cist leader Adrian Arcand, in jusend haunting Variations on Yemas announced in the Temple Bul- 8 o'clock. There will be. a regular meetto-position to 'an'ad' extolling the IPenite Themes, for it. Before -Ms.illetin includes the following chiling of the Agidus-Achim lodge Hadassah.; Cultural'. Group will virtues of Palestine oranges amra groups as well as elsewhere dren: Jean Ray Agranoff, Sally next Thursday at the Eagles hall, meet at the home of Julius Condolence to Phil Katz, rn. e. of J r Krueger, Carol Sue Krueger, Berat S:30. , Jack Benny will add up the ! f ° instance over station WQXK. Moscovitz, at>. 8:30 p m., next the American Jewish Outlook of til Rosenstock, Estelle Rosenthal, Monday. . • Pittsburgh,1 on the death of his j ^ ^ ^x'offic^^hitrdivide*^ I terpreted "by Thelma'speiir L.eVHerbert-Belkin, Robert Weiner, Mrs. David Cetron of Davenrip mother . . . : Who passed away a two, thus allowing for those he ! ishon with Morita at the pir.r.o. In At the annual Jewish^ National Joan Agranoff, Hubert Friedport, Iowa, spent the week with Mr." and. Mrs. Ben-. Kubby anshort week after ' Phil returned didn't see, and deal out a review j und Banquet, held last week in man, Sammy Heeger, Doris Pill, .ilanira. goes ; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. nounce the birth of ; a >son , on from a month's stay in a hospital •of the results of the Academy cf javowed plaa End purpose s. The Jewish Comj-.unity Center. Robert Pill, Earl Grueskin, Billy j the le ' *' .. i. . The Baroness Eugene de Motion Picture Arts' pool in his |whole of Jewish music, of B'.USJC totaling _?l,053v were "Saltzman.. During her stay she March 7. Heeger,- Harold RosenthaS and I P ^es attended the wedding of. Mr. and Rothschild has made the list of broadcast over the NBC-Red net- , by Jews is Its provint•e. 3: atn hararbara Robinson. | made by those present, following Barbara Mrs. Arthur Sherman. Mrs. B. Saltzman left' Wednes- ten best-dressed women in the .work Sunday, March 13, at 1 p. jFJ" to tryto bring to •the Et tentioE Next Wednesday evening, the j{ b e Aspiring address of Ittamar day'for Rock Island, 111., where world, selectedfeythe most fam- m., EST. .(Repeat at S:30 p. EL., ]of & widier Riirlience th cflmiTSisterhood wUlhold a B e n A v L These funds will go Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Krasne and she will visit friends and rela- ous Parisian dressmakers . . . able, thii -•• ' • toward the "On to Gallilee" proar IZ&tiOR in the Temple Annex, with Mrs. PST.) . • She is-sixth, follotring the'BarMary Livingstone, Kenny Bak- which col ifj.hcfRief. v." itfc ol her riA.- M. Davis and" Mrs. Meyer ject of the Jewish National Fund. family returned home this week tives. onne Leo D'Erlacger - '. • Con-er, Don Wilson and Phil Harris ' tal forces ia the rebirth of a neo- ; Marks in charge. The same even- The .speaker told of the work be- after a month's visit in Florida. Betty Grossman, daughter, of gtats to Ab (Zionist) Goldberg are taking up a collection to ing the, Brotherhood will hold a ing done in Palestine, and stresMax Steinberg is in Des Moines Mr. and Mrs. Morris. Grossman, g the boss a shaving rang with Stag Party in the West Hotel. sed the immediate need of co-opon a business trip. won first place in the mezzo so- on his 55th birthday . i moraifig glories in bas-relief && a (Ccpyrigri; 1 r."S By Sevpp, Arts! Mr. A. M. Davis is in charge of eration of the American Jew. prano ] division of the. music con| kind of a consolation award to Dr. J. M. Lande, chairman ,of Feature syndicate.) the arrangements. Radio Program Mrs. R . E . Ross Is home after test at Abraham Lincoln High ! fill the spot which a • little bird ; The Play Review group of the the 3NF Council, presided at the | told them he cleared on-the ES.IISisterhood will meet ' Saturday, dinner. Mrs. Herman Licht is sec- spending five weeks «in Los An-school. She. is eligible for-the The new program entitled the ||telplece at home .'ast week for j geles with her daughters Misses district; contest at Red Oak. ls ^: : < March 19,:in the home of Mrs. Si retary of the.council. NOTICE Metz Melody Hour" which h the " Lydia and Sylvia Ross. • Krueger,. when Miss, Ruth Miller' -Academy • statuette, just in i broadcast over radio station I A regular sleeting of'the Tal- WAAW every Sunday .afternoon i will review "St.- Joan" by George class will finish their Purim Bar MitzVah services were held mud Torah '-was held Monday. Bernard Shaw. masks and costumes for the chilfrom four to five o'clock lias aS- j NATIONAL STO Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis ad- drens carnival. Because of the Saturday, for Douglas Kooler, son Royal FE^iSilj's Qii ~~ ' I ready proven itself a .west sue-! dressed the American Girls- group decorating at the ;• Center, the of, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kooler in The Emesel;Club. held a meet-j e s s > sponsored by the FontenelJe j Amsterdam (JTA) — Much j majority ol this week at their regular meet- young dramatic group will cancel the Council Bluffs synagogue. the home of "Libby Gross-) cBrewing Gompany of Omaha, I comment was aroused here when i _ v There- were about 150 people its meeting today. ing. -. man .Wednesday. Plans have makers'Vr Metis. Ro5)in Hood and |I Crown Princess : "Metz Juliana, and — — — — • ' A dancing class is held Thurs- present. been started on their •• fiance, Metz Jubilee Beers, • the -;i_ | Prince Consort Bernharu zu Lip- >v > Ocr FtsnersJ day afternoon under thejxutelage which-, is-to be held soon. • Melody "Hear" is broadcast & pe-Biesterfeld gave a naturalized | of Lois and Gloria Novitsky. Mrs. Charles Burton and son aI rectly from the stage of the SoGernian-Jev-ish family named ' The elocution class will meet of Cedar Rapids, Iowa,'are visitMrs.. Max Kramer is In Kansas j kol Auditorium. 2234 South ThirTheCraft class held every Fri- as usual at 2:30 o'clock ^Sunday ing Mrs. Burton's parents Mr. and o-iJi City this week visiting her par- \ teenth* street in Omaha, and the Rosenthal a day afternoon at the Center has afternoon. j Mrs. Chas. -Endelman: The length ents. ' " ; j public is invited 'to attend. ' The sented by Germans as a rift for ! been transferred to the Sharre The Jewsh Theater group will of her trip is as yet indefinite. ' " ' * ticket ticket oof admission is a label the royal couple's daughter. HA 12Z6 ^Zlon synagogue today, because, of meet Monday evening with. Miss -«t 33rd Milton ^udalson left Monday tol from a bottle of any 6l the three j dedecorating at the Center. The Lavalliere. . ' Patronise Our Advertisers The.Talmud Torah will present spend.a.few-days. in'Kansas.City.l beers mentioned above. •' '

Shaare Zion

New Power Plant for South Side

Hadassah. Pimm , Bazaar Held ^Thursday

Charity Campaign

Isa Kramer to . Appear- Locally

World's Window

Beth Abraham

Mount Sinai



Jack Benny- to

More Than $1,0.00 . . Pledged to J. N. F.


' * - • ' • &


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