March 18, 1938

Page 1

47p~^ -The -vievrs expressed by wig heMsr^sohtt'La his colamn are •his own and do not necessarily ^reflect ttie'policies or attiicda o f oar publication. Rep'rodac* fioh fri vrWo!e"or in part strfcSJy:

Entered as Second Ciass Mail Matter on January 31. J821. at Postoffice of Omaha. Jvel'taska. under the Act of March 3. 1S"9


"l /.SELF-STTIiED' APOSTLE ' The r5)iford University Press 3endB .me a .small,-dignified elegant-volume. It Is called An. Open Letter to Jews and- Christians by PURIM CQliCERT TO John Cournosr.-The substance of >iii Wii the'book la an1 elaboration' of Mr. BE GIVEN W .John • Cournos', recent article I in MARCH 27 the- Atlantic. " I t s ; - Importance arises-.from:;tbe^ fact- that -the^Gxford University-Press accepted i t : The annual Purim. Concert givto liberal bnt ignorant Christians en at the B'nai Israel synagogue the argTJinent of:iff. Gonrnos-will by Cantor Abraham Schvr&czkin seem sound and weighty. The reand the Hazomir Singiag Society \ *!*»*£*.I*-**. -i '>—<'•' "v" referred to the Foreign Af- has been postponed until March Dr. Samuel Celion Conducts fusal ofrJews to accept it. will S L o o t , StOSCeS, been fairs Committee. Seem to these \vell-ineaning per27. • All-Bay Sessions in New York (WXS)—A suggessons morose end stubborn. Hence The detailed program of this a«. r?*-«*,^-?_ • • • tion that England agree to return yearly event will . be announced \BEGIM CHILDREN'S PAGE lirl Cournos' is.' doing' ^definite cr some of Germany's colonies to in the next issue of the Jewish harm.. Hi3- ignorance'-'plays ' into One hundred ministers repre' IN THIS WEEK'S the hands of the ignorance.of oth• Vienna (WNS)— Thousands of Hitler if he agrees to "soften up Press. senting twenty denominations gaers and. ; a 'situaticrn already .suf- Austrian .Jesrs were, left Jobless on the Jews in both Germany and thered Monday for a full day inficiently confused becomes more and faced with the immediate Austria" and a proposal that stitute on Judaism conducted at President Roosevelt "should pass . wretchedly ineitricable. . problem of obtaining, the necessiTemple Israel by Dr. Samuel S. j Beginning'this week, the JewI word to Hitler that American Cohon, professor of theology at | ish Press -prill feature a Chilarens ! Mr. .Cournos starts- out with a ties of life for themselves and (friendship for his enlarged Gerthe Hebrew Unioa College. The page. The page vrill contain stornotion "that is correct and sound. their families as administrative ! man Empire would depend in a ! measures by the Nazi authorities ministers. Catholic and Protest- j ies, poeias, contests, crossverd It is'•; this.''; that as things' are in forced the dismissal of Jewish, measure on his future civilized ant, white acd negro, heard Dr. [.puzzles, and items of ictcest lo~ ; the world today Jews'and Christreatment of Jews under the Cohon speak at the raorning ses- all young people. tians, possessing'in common-, a employees -from -hundreds of es- swastika flag" are contained in sion on "The Talmud" and ia the i This pagre is an estensio" of tr-p body of ethical principle and tra- tablishments. an editorial in the New T o r i afternoon on "Talmudic Juda- ; Junior Department of t t e1 Jevici: Uncontrolled panic reigned in ! Daily News of March 15th. . dltion must and should - unite in i Community Center, i r ;- ; Ci.r.c. the defenseof freedom of democ- the Leopoldstadt-district of VienSevea Hundred Dollars Set as ism." The sessions were followed by • ster having original- cor r^ L' t ~-: racy, of religious lib'ertr against na, the Jewish quarter, where Goal t y local spirited debate between the audi- I may send them to tt^ ,~rv,<-'r the' proponents • of the new total- Jews' "were, dragged from their Council ence and Dr. Cohon. A number : Communiti* Center. itarian states; East and West. homes by Nazi' storm troopers also requested him for his trans.Berlin and. l^oscow are both, as and forced to open shops and Box collections of the Jewish. lation and interprPtatio^. of ob- i r he sees clearly, the necessary^ en- turn over food r.nd merchandise. National Fund will start • on scurer passages of the New TestScores of prominent Jews were lemies of both Jews and ChristMarch 27. Assisting as district ament. ' •" ians and of all' that Jews . and arrested, among them Dr. Heincahirmen of the drive are MrsAmong the groa? there -were Christians stand for and need to rich Neumann, the noted throat dames David' Brodkey, Louis Al- few who ever seen a Torah \ live by at • all. So far, so good, specialist, who treated King bert, Harry Silverman, William and Dr. Cotioa explained the hisand not a rewjof us, aB Mr. Cour- George VI of England and the Alberts, Jack Kaufman, Joseph tory of the scroll and the details nos-probably'does not know, Duke of Windsor; JKuprinik, Declares Jewish Influence in Rosenberg, J. Richlin, and J. of its background. .have been saying and! preaching Schiffman and Gerngross, the Trade, Industry, Culture Feldman. • •• At luncheon prepared br memthat to Jews ;and to Christians ! owners of the leading departMust Be Lessened A goal of seven hundred dol- bers of the Temple Israel Sister-and to mixed laudlencea, of'Jews ment stores Jin Vienna; Sigmond services to Be lars has been set by the local Bosol, a Jewish banker, and and Christians j for years. Budapest (JTA) — Hungarian council. Boxes yielding fire or hood, Father Thomas . S. BowB': dern, S. J-, of Creigbtoa Univer!.. The dangerous step in- Mr. many Zionist and communal leadJewry was concerned this "week gcgx more dollars will ma^e the ownsity, and. PLeverend Paul ErickCournos* argument' is the next ; ers. Expropriation'of Jewish esstep. And that next step, proceeds j tabllshments was followed by the over Premier Koloman Daranyi's er eligible for the drawing of the son, president of tbe Ministerial International A. S. A. Saibr*1" association both spolte to the asfrom psychological sources of the ; dismissal of their Jewish em- assertion, in a speech at Gyoer, trip to Palestiiie.~ be observed by th° T - <TTI This year the Jewish National semblage. Bel.f-negating, assimilatory, es- ployees. All Jewish, civil .service J.hat the Jewish question In Hunchapters of Ale-ph 2a" K - " ' T I - , Fund Council is honoring the The session ended with a recisentially neo-ghetto kind. It Is gary must be solved by reducing memory of Professor Hermann tation in unison of the well- Mother chapter 1 and f : r P - o r a mark of this mechanism that'it E'n.rr. IMPOKTERS H A I J T BUYES'G Jewish influence in trade, IndusSchapira of. the University o£ known prayer ' of Talraudic ori- chapter ICC, Friday -will not permit the patient t » i n Karch £5, at the E ' r i . l~-z^'. New York (WNS)—ImportHeidelberg who is the fatheof try and cultural life. gin found in the Union. Prayer ' form himself, to know-the minithe Box Fund idea. As one of tlie Book: "May the time not be dis- synagogue. mum that he should know. Hence ers, buyin'g organizations and Stressing the belief that only a. Members of the nrr r r : -^-C-J MrJ .Cournos proposes that this large retailers who handle sev- legal, gradual solution was pos- greatest of ninteerith -century tant, O Lord, -when Tky name mathmaticians he was also an a r - shall be worshipped in all earth, will take orer the enti- r F f ^ - ' •: Jewish-Christian "t. o 11 a boratlon eral million dollars worth of sible,. Dr. Daranyi declared the disappear lor the evening and'v ". , c • ; -r • shouldlbegin with- a; Jewish conr Austrian goods every year problem arose from the fact that dent Zionist and in IS97 propos- vrhen UEbeiiet fhall cession vand that this .concession have decided to stop buying the Jews had attained a dispro- ed the idea of the Jewish Nation- and errdr be no more. We fer- pate in the program ; / - r ; - r . sb'ould. consist i n -Jews uniting; •Austrian goods, it was report- portionate position in certain ec- al Fund to the first Zionist Con- vently pray that tlie day may t h e religions t o c c . ' " = ed in -importing circles here. onomic- fields. He asserted - the gress. | come tvbea all teen s'haH invoke char in iBaWni Harold can- Je^rs conjjreg.atesl in cities, P2.,rThe Idea was not adopted until Thy name, when* corruption and Set-er cbepter 3CS?.'-vi:. 1 - -..-n i t h s "naias ; .. ticulafiy"" t&e"efl:PJtal,~ where" "tTte" 3>3^2?—©esser-aJ-^eaFS-"—s-fter - - -th'C-' evir"kir£n. glVe T.'ay to Parity aacl mair- of' iirs exezl-zi:. celled'-.'-Ea5; shipments on the Jewish founder's death. A crude tin ' GoSols cf bolt cric-j'tf - —" Eoodagss, whea Superstition shall influence In cultural'life r Tfray- from Austria -will; i>e" ac-r devised by Professor Schap- co longer ensiave the mind, nor Arbitaan of chapter 1 r - ."— •says Mr.; Co'urno3.: No"* .and jthett cepted but no new.-orders will "does not always conform to box, ira, is today preserved in t h e idolatry the eye, when ell inhab- Guss'of chapter ICC, TV" ';- " Hungarian ideals and aspira-" ..he flirts with notion of special, be .placed. Firms -with • offices Jewish National Fund Headquar- itants of the earth shall knoT- services, and Joe H e r ' - - r.T divInenepS" of an-«quivocal :feind.. in Vientfa plan to shift them tions" " T 1 Taking up Premier Daranyi's ters in Jerusalem having been be- that to Thee alone every knee chapter 1 Will chast the v c '"•.- This" is -nibst.dangerous: and -most.- to Prague. queathed to the Keren Kayemeth must bend and every tong-ae give Cantor Sch-sracEEin w r . r - ~ lbs theme, Education Minister Valendangerously'ignorant: To Jews homage. O may all, created in Psalms. tin Ionian, speaking at Szentes, by a woman Zionist. Jesus is not and cannot" be: and Thy image- recognize ' that they Foilc^ring services, £. TZZIC ; should r ,npt^'e-the - greatest. of^thB employees" were .ousted as were declared that while the Jews who are brethren, so that cue in spir- discussion by four ctar.c- speai-.' prophefe. • Christendom • as- s.uch, Jewish "judges and notaries pub- have lived a long time in Hunit and one in fellowship tbey may ers will be conducted. lite". c'.* s "rr i • o as; Christendom, -affirms the in-, lic. The raids on Jewish estab- gary had adapted themselves to be forever united before Thee. : Lazere "frill Epeak on "r.'cs^E-. T-° r'"-^"^"? carnation. v T h e necessary -.collab- lishments did not spare even syn- the Hungarian spirit,' the new Then shall Thy kingdom be esoration between Jews and Chris- agogues, one of which was looted j arrivals had not, J>ut continued Lazier S.rce' v . " ' >'-" I""*" tians ;must and "can take , place of its funds. Virtually every Jew- : to -maintain subversive movetablished on earth and tbe -vrcrd discuss Exod u s . en ?*•„ > r r upon -the Vast ethical ground they ish shop in the Leopoldstadt was l ments. He warned the Jews that Thine ancient seer fulfilled; Abe Resnick vrill talk c— "T'-o .< As their fourth offering of the of have in common. Once you intro- looted and stripped of merchan- Jews securing positions in industhe Lord vrill rei£n forsver and Book of "Estiier:"" rrc! 7T'" ^^^ current season, the Center Play- ever." duce: the theological, symbols of dise after the owners had been try by unfair means must be reSacks will speak on "T v = - I P . L T ' ers will present Oscar Wi'de's psychical- character 1 you create beaten. moved and that the Government classic of the English-speaking Ministers from Omaha, Council to Palestine." Lasere arc f - r e , enmity, strain, nnhappiness 'for A wave of Jewish suicides was would take steps to prevent the stage, "The Importance of Being Bluffs, Lincoln, Fremont, TTacoo, are from the Kother c l ' r t c r r r ; everyone. . . ' . reported as desperato jews I Jews from securing further In- Earnest," on Tuesday and Wed- and Bellevue Tvere present. ResnicS and Sacks are T:rr~ - • T - [ 1 V : Jesns^s not-'"the-Ultimate es- found themselves unable to leave j fluence in industry. Beber chapter. ' ^ nesday, April 12 and 13. . pression • of .Jewish genius:" He the country. In one of Vienna's Premier Daranyi formed a new Similar celebration? ;-e !--"Members of the cast are: i;l may "be the-dlvinest gift of"Jew- cafes a Jew slashed his throat government as a prelude to subthroughoiit the "United ^tr> •= crC c ish eenius to the; world- But the with a butcher's knife after mission of the projected 5200,- Charles Rachman, Leo Sherman, C a n a d a i n e v e r y city ^ ^ ^ " F , h - - c [ r Jesus of -the ••'.-synoptic, gospels, shouting wildly "heil Hitler." 000,000 economic recovery pro- Sam White, Paul Teper, Sasn is an A. Z. A. caapier. 7. = : r - r I Kaplan, Sarah Sekerman, Rebecthough .a 'thorough -Jew, not• un- Many Jewish social welfare agen- gram. for the first tins ser-icc. •:, s ca Kirshenbaum, Margaret Fried• aCfjuainted with the-; oral',-tradi- cies have hastily liquidated their lander, and Lala Finernan. Mrs. tioji, -. a Pharisee • himself;- and a" affairs and turned over all reThe Workmen's Circle Drama- held in Sofia, Bulgaria. •„' .wc-v I!E i r Herman Jahr is . directing 'he tic Club has announced the forth- Eponsorship cf t i e Sot" r T c - . - -• teacher' in, synagogues, represents sources : to the Vienna kehillah production. temperamentally.and th"r,011 g-h authorities who a r e . swamped coming' presentation of the oper- This observance mark? "~" "" r e certain recorded teachings a type TTith appeals for aid. Previous plays of the Center etta, "Bar-Kociba" by Abraham light of the relisriocs r r f - " ' , -which is not central to. the develPlayers • have been given praise Goldsaden on Sunday, June 5, every chapter in the o -I-~ ;rr" = j r All Jews who could find a conthe outstanding: event ~\*-T?V- , > . opment of Judaism. What in His by- local reviewers. the second night of Shevouth. . teachings, is * acceptable-to : us is veyance were making attempts to ' The Ora-ha Je-srisb. public still for the month of 1,'arc*: A purim program was to have an- contained.; in th° teachings leave Vienna in the hope that been given yesterday by the chilEach year the Omaha -;---,.=•-c I f c remembers the fine performance Gives §250,000 and'sayings of sages that came they could return later when the observe' A. 2 . A. SaDb;/^ ." c*" Warsaw (WNS) — An Ameri- of "Caldunia" given iast fall. of the City Talmud Torah. T Before Him. .His additions or' rec- present excitement abated. The dren . Rehearsals ere now ia progress o£ the local synagogues. I.r-i -pr- . r can identified by the Jewish, press Included on the program were: tifications," :from . His \point of arrival • of Julius streicher, Ger- the singing of "Hatikvah"; the here as a Jewish millionaire by under the dramatic direction of services vrere held, at ta Zz^-~. , r •viev, - are ' not acceptable to us. many's number" one Jew-baiter, is ( ,name of Hammond from De- Mr. Louis Witkin and the musi- synagog-ue. The ~- strictly- Jewislt sect He expected to intensify.still further *tory o£ Purim, a reading by Jus- the cal direction, of Cantor E. Selts. troit is now in Warsaw to estabServices start prom-."'r; f ". f -• tin Ross; "Purim," a song; "Who founded was merely a sect. I t was the panic raging- among Jews. a home for abandoned Jew- Mr. Hyinaa Ruderman Is in pa. The public is eord - - - - .- , rschismatic.".It was • upon its eleGeneva-(WNS}-1—An appetS to Will Build Galiiee," a song; a lish c T of stage decorations. The ed. Refreshments rrill br ': rI ! : ' ' ments of eccentricity -^—' its dis- the League of Nations, Italy and skit in Hebrer- "On That Night"; ish children. .It is said that he is charge will be announced at a lat- by the Taad Auxiliary. ! tancefrbm our center — that It the-United States to come to the "Parade," a play; "Alenu"; a prepared to spend $250,000 for place er date. was possible to Iqund Christian- aid. of Austrian Jewry was made short summary of Purim given in the project ity. .The pagans were •-. surfeited here by the World Jewish Con- Hebrew by Leornafd Potash; . with Nature. Their acceptance of gress' executive committee. The "The Purim' of Saragossa," by 'tri^re : -nature wa-s "destroying appeal urged'aid for the 200,000 Irwin Witkin; "Shalach Ometh" • them. ' They! needed - to repudiate Jews "exposed completely to -Nazi by Louis Katz; a Poem recited by all that, they had been. Upon that barbarism"- and declared "the Isadore Friedman. The program repudiation, upon, that destruc- voices of Aiistrlan /ewry's breth- was concluded with the singing j The first Mldwect "* tion of.'the old- pagan -Adam, upon ren ask whether' . the -vvilized of "America." Convention cf tlie I'rJr- r" that, putting ;on)of a. new man world,will,fulfill its duties." The cast of "Parade" were Rose i lean Hebreir CoriSTre*:" — through the ^gTace; and' • the vicarKirshenbaum, Meyer Halperin, Judging antl-Seinitisra as mere- a living organism. In every age i be .held i s Omshs. tn-' ' 'i" ious merit of t h e Godmari—upon Lincoln Klaver, a n d Melvin ly one of '.ne pestiferous hatreds the Rabbis Save tried to adjust i of -Iv-.s.y \ a r c S V7izi\ " * »>that mecaanlsin and - doctrine was - ;.; , PBEUD , Swartz. i Teciple Israel acting: s.. Christianity . foundedJ- It is "so -Vienna (WNS)—III. from a Included in the cast of "On afflicting this generation, Dr. to their 'environ- ! K-GrrsE'EutE'r1 r^t this t ~~* still.Mt Is :' eomformablr to the recurrence of a chronic gland- That Night" were Lowell Herz- Samuel Cohon,' who spoke Mon- themselves I TT-JJI be ccngregaticcs j - -needs'.of- the nations an_d no- Jew ular ailment, - professor Sig- berg, Gordon- Bernstein, David day evening at the Center For- ment.'. The" purpose of Judaism, ac- i Kansas, Slip.nssota. Ii vtilVNtreat- Jt^ without -reverence. mund. Freud, 82-year-old fath- Chazan, Joseph Chasen, Peter Git- t a , called apon the Jews to reto Dr. Cohen, is the pur- ! Dakota, a.nd Xebrastr. I But-it .is not Ms way. " ' '•'•' er of psychoanalysis and the lln: and Bzalel Baumer. affirm their faith. The noted cording ification and perfection of hu- : ccr Zissler has bees c" ~ ~ . We 'never repudiated :" nature. greatest "Jewish medical figure Hebrew Union College professor manity. "Judaism seeks to invest •• eral ctairrcan cf the c- ' We sought to sanctify, nature.',We produced;, by Austria, has not speaking on "The Faith of the human personality "with ciasongh"t- t o ' collaborate with. God been told that Austria has beModern Jew" accused the world the by cairelatins- it "with r toward, a' more and more redeem- come a'part of Germany. Beof "not having outgrown religion, nity sonrcs." ed "universe; That is the meaning cause • of his' age and physical but of not having grown v.p to ". Worship, the rabbi said, - *s of. the ;Iia"tV.By Observing the condition his doctors and famit." ; Talks by Rabbi David Wice necessary es a continuous -=" Law 'the ' peopled Israel, self "Inte- ily have kept hici in ignorance "Our Judaism is considered a EJnder of tbe relation of mar ~o have been scheduled by several grates itself: again' land again of the fate of Austria. local organizations. On Tuesday, misfortune because so rcacy do God. from* age to age and: redeems itMarch 8, he spoke at tbe Abra- not have the inner resources to "Religion," i e • went oa. ' .self --'.and--helps -to.-- redeem the Washington (WNS)—-A reso- ham Lincoln High school in immunize us to anti-seraiilsm," not just for the individual ^ut world j-andv the ,'nationk That is ourfuactibn. It-is nonsense-when lution demanding the severance Council Bluffs. He also address- the speaker ass?rted. "T5*e first for the community «sd EiUBt tc '• Mr."•' Courhos :say3 that our. fail- of •diplomatic relations ;between ed, a meeting of the Parent-Tea- article of faith of the rcodsrn ure..- to accept ;Jesus is our great the^United States and Germany chers-Association of the Saratoga Jews is faith in himself, faith ia religious spirit mast eater ®- ~ "transgression" and it is* - very until" she "relinquishes coercive, school and is scheduled to speak all the things the Jewish people into 123 business ?el£.ii©n." dangerou3 nonsense. The Inquis- forced .control of Austria, and to the Lothrop school Parent- have always had faith is." "We are trustees cf a j:r "t ' Likening- Judaism to a tree faith. We need to c:ssoveition,- held no more than tb'at; further abates persecution of Teacher's "Association. Goffa: of Rumania holds BO. more minorities because of race or • Rabbi Wide "srill address the that "must be pruned, to remove^5.!a than that; 'Mr.; Courno3-; quotes creed" waa introduced Into the North Ginaha Woman's Club on .dead, timber and to stimulate : Dr. Cohen 'ws.s istrodiiced . ; *„ (Continued • on page 8.) - House of Hepresentatives by Rep- April 5 and on April 10. lie will healthful growth, Br, CoSoa j Dr. Is=sc Etsmhill. of Csu"; * resentative Donald. V. O'TooI-bf | speak to the members of the said, "The Torah Is sot only of Brooklyn., The resolution has ] Gamma Kho at-the Y. ,W. C. A. yesterday.- It is a- growing tiling, j Forum lecture.








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~ * n

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Center Flayers to Give "Importance of

Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club to

Purim'. Program Given by Pupils of Talmud Torah








Page 2

' Strauss, RJirion Striuss and F4orcannot yet be ruled out entirely reston's grand old rabbi, Dr. BETH EL AUXILIARY as potential ground for Jewish Henry Cohen, who nest month The Current ICve/it'- class-endimmigration of the rl.sht kind. celebrates his ?5th birthday and "Don't telegram, send & P.eth' c;i J;.-T(!]i f'Hfi B, n e w Class his fiftieth anniversary In'the f c!££l*£ni' is.the slo^rs.n ^upr-tec: (Copyright 1938 By Seven Arts pulpit . . . David (RCA) Sarnoff by the JSethelegr&n?. cotnciltee P*', .'Feature Syndicate.) bought himself a new Borne in the Beth El Auxiliary. Krs. DavF £:?=I-:P!" • 'in ~:cV. K D P PsiHr.-for Manhattan . . . Every room of id Erofike;,. is chairman of the r t h r r Inform?. •'ion. which sports a portrait o£-radio's committee. . . . ; ; top man . . . Jimmy Wise, is back I. "Eethelegrams" specif.! ; p; from Spain and is telling about icr ministry S Ml printed forme for retnember'ng- ; XAAl it ill ft series of articles for.the i friends ar.d occasions End may be : leasts 'Broadcasts inciting New York Post . . . Mane Kata, T P . P. ('. Cultural gotten by calling the Rabbi's of- : 'he .?\ n u n Eatred famous French-Jewish painter, is lice o* the Beth Ei synagogue. Group V 1'i ho H! i *" °' nevt. li'pciini a pint-sized man and doesn't Kecent •happenings have turn- were playing in rompers. ^ Old erous barter agreements—fosters The Beth El Auxiliary vill be on T\ l e f • dr.v ' ]We rcl; *' ^, £>t » P, Montevideo, Uruguay JTA) — ed oar eyea toward ijaUn- Gomez ruled Venezuela with an trade with the "New Germany." G•es'i.i 'Uf 1 ?' ''.,.evi? v-iir h e mind telling jokes at his own ex- j Condemning anti-Semitism atad in charge oi the £yn&£0£Ue dinAmcrica. Nazi and J?ascist Iron fi*t for thirty years. And Germany needs raw materials pense . . . He relates that once he ; racialism as the enemies of desno- fier to be git-en on Ti*exlnr>s(lay, hop- ?. i t h r Jiom- e oi Mrs. A. proyaganfla, anti-Jewish mani- when ho started his career, the cheap. And So'-th America has tried to make the acquaintance of; cracy, a conference o£ democratic , Mtrcli EC, I or Elembcre of the festations, the good neighbor term " Fascism" nad not yet them for sale. In .Chile, fdr exBtreei, a Parisienne who took his fancy, I groups from all over the country j cotgregatios. policy, political upheavals and been Invented. . - - . . • . . ' ample, Germany is now second by asking if be might accompany [ unanimously adopted -an--eight-1 the struggle for - natural reTha fact is that only two Latin only to the United States in the MOVEMENT: If you have oc- her on a stroll down the boule- j point program for a Pan-Araeri-! sources h a v e concentrated American nations, Bolivia >nd matter of export and imports. world interest on the republics Paraguay, ever really attempted For another thing, there are casion to refer to the fifth day vard . . . "Ah, mon petit," Mane | can campaign to combat them.} of the week, you .will be- com- chucklingly quotes the Parisienne j participating in the conference Omaha sectSoc. o* . of South and Ceatrfll America. to model totalitarian even •mil- pletely govern- hundreds cf thousas ignored if you call it "certainly, if you are afraid" . . . j were representatives of virtually ! tional Council of jevieh a luncheon for -LAIE,- •B'Omer,'1 This is the first of a series of ments on the lines of Italy and lions of people it, central and Thursday in the presence of a articles on the present status Germany. But both attempts end- South America who are of GerMane, incidentally, Is speaaisg J all the political parties Is Ure-' is plficn!n£ c. fufid»raJG5n£ tffair Kay !£,, vijott a proudufcut- wt>' for April. It. charge fcre Janet \-mt.n Eppnl-pv v i ' l come here trom of Jews in Uatin-Anierica, by ed last summer. Yet there is dic- man descent. With Hitler howl- growing number of East Siders his evenings at t h e Cafe Royal i guay. The program • tra* proposed hy | Greets, * Lilllsri MoncvitK, Char" the late Herman Bernstein's tatorship In South.-America, dic- ing for the "greater Germany" of . . . Who have launched a move- . , . Father of Si Gerson, Manhatj lotXe Mpycr, Rose PaiijinV'tein Rui3JnV>tein Tlie • son, who hag made, a close, tatorship in at least, seven coun- a hundred million, these people ment to rename that day after tan Boro President Isaac's "red" Prof. Alvero Guillot' Munoz, Bee- j S e s s planin Palestine, retary cf the Argentine Commit* 1 Cooper, Estelle Gilbert, ; study of Latln«American prob- tries. And Central America —the Would hardly be overlooked. Al- King David, or Davidsday . . . headache, lives Kadmsc, GoraltZine ' set. lems. THE EDITOR hot damp lands of Central Amer- ready there are sections of South Because Thursday was so tagged where he organized a cooperative j tee Agraisst Racialism find Anti- j Elizabeth ica, ,the^banana -countries —%here America that seem to have been in honor of Thor, a Germanic bakery . . . Bronisla-W- Huberman. | Semitism. It provided for a cara-ij South. of the Rio Grande lies flourishes a veritable "League of lifted out of picturesque Bavaria, god For that matter, Tues- violinist who suffered" fractured | paign against anti-fiemocratic I' Mexico, Central America and the Distaiors". supporting one anoth- with people speaking German day, Wednesday and Friday are hands In an airplane crash last measures in certain South Amer. • only (or else a queer patois of also named for Teutonic- deities. Summer, will return to ttte con- ican countries; organisation in £.13 great t r i a n g l e ' t h a t is South er; by (Common agreement. cert stage nest fall . , . Sir Louis American nations of cctsraitteeE America. Some day a broad highfiut not h?cehsariiy Fascist dic- German and Spanish mixed), way will connect these lands with tators. .Nor. necessarily anti-Jew- with newspapers in German only, FILM: Those two enterpris- Sterling, -who reversed the cus- to combat anti-Semitism; formaWhere OnuUia Shops With Co-1 our own.: Perhaps that highway ish. Vargas hus gone out of his and even with schools teaching in ing explorers of foreign films, tomary formula by being born in tion of a central agency to Cls- j will be symbolic of a mutual Un- way to show that he does not German only. Down around ValdNew York's East Side and going geminate infcrt&ation. ca the raderstanding and striving for de- wish t.6 persecute Jews. President ivia, near the southern tip of the Arthur Mayer and Joseph Burs- abroad to make good, Quietly re-1 clalisin campaign, end setting e>£ mocracy. Today, at least, its non- Ortiz of Argentina has Just as- continent, Spanish-speaking peo- tyn, have brought over another visited the scenes of his youth :-a world "day for solidarity of i existence Is symbolic of a lack of sured newspapermen that he will ple claim they are beginning to winner from France . . . It's recently and as quietly returned the human races." ., these things. There are many, defend the rights pf Jewish as feel out of place in this bit of the "Generals Without Buttons," and to England . . . Believe it or not, At the same time, the Interior If the ltitle theatre around the "greater Germany." howerer, who look upon Latin- well as other citizens during his corner shows it one of these Peters saet a charming lady from Ministry struck a blow Rg&lnBt America as the natural ally of term oi office. •••'.•'• And for the third thing, the Australia the other p. in. -who as- spread of hate propaganda vith nl n the united' States in the battle No, Latin America cannot yet Nazis are not.forgetting the value S t s . P" 1 *«• d o w n o n y ° u r lis«- tonished by professing never to a decree- prohibiting rsdio staa s a f i l m t n a t l s n o t t 0 e for world democracy. Not- only be called a hotbed of anti-Semit- of Latin American 'friendship in ^ missed have heard of the late Felix M. tions' froSi broadcasting kny maAmericans, * but also Jews in the ism. Its people are-, not an intol- case Of war. The rich.'Boil belpvr on any account From the Although she was terial inciting against peoples, remany landaof persecution, have erant pebple. Centuries ago, it is the Rio Grande, the untold Goncourt prl2e novel. "War of Warburg turned their eyes to this. New true, the inquisition had cast Its wealth of minerals and other raw the Buttons," It depicts charm- otherwise -R'ell up on aspects of ligions, races o? -nationalities. World. • ••' ' bigoted cloud across the Atlantic. materials, all would come in very ingly, poignantly t i e battles be- world Jewish life . . . The AgudCenturies ago, when Spain was And the few Jews who in those handily indeed in case Hitler's in her glory and' the Inquisition early days had made the perilous Germany embarks on its last villages, •buttons as the serve the Biblical custom of & was reaching its-bitten depths; voyage a<rross the seas to escape great adventure into chaos. " Battles that are the spoils Sabbatical year and who thereby bold adventurers sailed to these persecution found that they" had And so the Nazis have become fruit of an age-old • rivalry born suffer financially . . . Publisher fertile' lands, in search of gold j somersaulted from' the frying pan active in Latin America. With of conflicting weather needs of David Shapiro, it is being bruited] -New York (JTA) — Jews are and spicea and strange new foods to the fire of the New World One prays for them they have brought their both villages that had become' necessities to ITorquemadas. But tttat period about in Yiddish lit'fy circles, la | succeeding ' in''farming in the Europeans. With them these men has long been forgotten. The chief, stock in trade —• anti-Sem- rain for its cabbages, the other taking personal charge down a t ' tTnited States "because they have Drought the old world civilization; breath of revolution and freedom itism. Suddenly, in recent years, •wants sunshine for its grapevines The Day Maurice M. Bouk-! known what it is to be .denied the of Spain, beating down the na- swept it into the dustbin.- The Latin America has become Jew- . . . Of such is the stuff that wars stein, secretary of the American privilege of tilling the earth conscious. All East European .imare. made and the picture, with Economic Committee for Pales-1 a n ( * tending the flo.cks," declares tives one day and mingling with tradition of Jew-hatred had aK migrants are Jews, and all Jews thfc magnificent help of several tine, has opened new law offices i t n e widely-circulated them- the next. And "at last, with most entirely died down. The~old • Country the Impetus given by Simon Bol- Jewish families had either be-! are "Polacos." In Costa Rica a j score inspired child actors, gently at 50 Wall street . . . They don't I H o I a e Magazine In an article by I radio network hurls invective at satirizes that stuff ivar, tha countries otLatin Amer- come-good Catholics, or, remainspeak German in Palestine . . . j G e o r & e K e n t - entitled "Beating ica broke away from Europe arid ing Jews, had .become Bo assimi- "los PolacOs" for an hour each It's "Austrian" . Lovers of Back to Canaan," in Its March isday. In a dozen other lands, imRUM0R:,The whisper ls out in set themselves up as independent lated that there was little differfine art are eagerly awaiting' sue. states. Within less than a "cen- ence betweeni them and the oth- migration laws fiave Suddenly | Bucharest that King Carol has , says the article. tury, they passed through .nearly, ^ts.. Perhaps the only vestige of made subtle 'distinctions between j g } v e a L u p e s c u th6 bounce . . . Lionel Reiss' book, "My Models' The u "to be in Were Jews" . . . The slain arch• undesirable And that a Christian woman, who all the stages that Europe under- the barbaric.Inquisition is in the "desirable" and tenements and sweatshops. They aeologist, James L. Starkey,-itj immigrants. But whatever j m t i | , went in many hundreds'of years. Latin American connotation of lg t h e w t f e o f o n e of R u m a n l a 8 accept with open minds and eagHere, in these lands, a new civil- the word' "j»dio." It".does not Semitism exists. in the Latin wealthiest Jews, has supplanted nov,' appears, may have been the 1er hearts everythingthat science D ization was launched, a new race mean Jew. Rather, It stands for. American countries, and In some iier . . . The wise money, how- vie im of "an enormous beard," | h & g t 0 o f f e r f o f t h e l f f i p r o V 6 f f l e n t | Sines S: to 41 born, a race created, out of'"the something. eviT," something of the there is a great deal of it, it is ever, is still on redheaded Magda. which he grew prior to his mur- : o f h e r d s a f i d c f o p f c A b O r e felI i S S r the result chiefly of Nail agitader by Arabs mixture of hot "Latin blood .and devil. And often a Latin Ameri• Charles ; things, the Jews go to the s&il I stolid native strains. Here, came can; will refuse to believe that a tion. And the gates of immigraMarston recently- advanced t h e i w i t h reverence for it." j SENSITIVE: Nazi propaganda waves of immigration from Ger- person -whom he knows and likes tion are slowly shutting to the theory, before a London audl-; --• - • " '• • i— Minister Goebbels turns out to be persecuted Jews of Germany, Pc^ many, from. Italy, settlers seek- can also be- a•>'judlo." . ence, that the Arabs mistook i a sensitive soul . . . . In his Reiching a place in the sua:whefg. they:; .",. B.utTipVj, in -the-^ast few years, land, Rumanfr and elsewhere. Starkey's nationality on • seeing | ?tag puppet shfDw, Hitler referred might earn a living ln^eacei A i d •the whol.s-sordid'business of anti- , -They are not yet shut entirely. the beard. . . ' , ! hither, today, the eyes of perse- SemitismiiEas' ''again • appeared But the opportunities for Jews to him as the "schlau (sly) Goeb-: /IJS C, E.fcl'S bels" . . .Fearful ihat people cuted Jews in many European, south of the Rio Grande. The ag- seeking a new* livelihood in the might get the wrong idea, Jit- AUXILIARY OF £QNGREGA-\ Dealer. In New World are narrowing condictatorships turn with hope. itation , of the Nazis is striking' stantly. Nowadays, for example, tery Joey had the temerity to al- Prayer. TIQI1 QF ISRAEL ' \ In Yiddish and There are not much more ithan closer and closer, to the heart of the Latin American countries feel ter the phrase for the record . . , English Trans£t tigd. froa the sUrl nations that regard dictatorship £t, three hundred thousand Jews in lation that their greatest need ia for So the version the press got re»~s S.'l. as an everyday; occurrence. Today iliei, no straps to chanre . ., hSilver Ctneitt Sticke • South and Central America at the I farm workers. Prove to a consu- ferred to the "umsichtlg (cirThe Ladles Auxiliary o£ tnai only a lew Latin American counrn Gifts ?Sf • BsrmitsvfiV* ia jast the length you moment. And abroad/ across the j lar representative that you know cumspect) Dr. Goebbels." Congregation of Israel will hold ; T. O. Box 710—Omaha. N-cbr. waters that separate the New tries — Colombia, Chile, Mexico, jj how to work the soil, and that cf Jcag . , . and i'.'s CUE 8« h its monthly meeting on Monday, i /»» rift* Locstion for Mstsci! World from the bigotries and Argentina, one or two others — I you're willing to <~o it, and you iffioo&ly as t cscocn' Misc- T a LINGUIST: Mayor LaGuardia March 21, at 2 p, m. in the as-j can even come clos.e to -what vro persecutions of the Old, there ate wyi have no trouble at all in gettFormerly continues to surprise Jewish audi- sembly room of the Synagogue, hmillions of , Jews in desperate define as democracy. And now, ting into a South American coun162S N. 2«h Street WE £S16 ences with his sudden switches Twenty-fifth and 3 streets. becomihg need of a place" of refuge, a place with the continent AUL PASSOVER ARTICUES try. • into Yiddish when the occasion New officers are to be installin which to rebuild their shatter- more and more important in the But there have been Borne desworld's economy set-up, things ed. A tea will follow. arises The other day, he ased lives. •••;-•' are becoming different: The days perate refugees who promised to Where can they go? To Pales- of American, English and other work Latin American soil, often tounded his hearers at the Jewish Committee convention tine? But Palestine can aiarly ab- foreign exploitation are ending. attempted to do so and then turn- Labor eorjj them all. To the United Sometimes they are being un- ed to trade in their new home. when he tossed at them a melliStates? Our doors are almost en- ceremoniously shoved under the These people have not made it fluous Hebrew phrase . . . Demotirely closed t o immigrants. eclipse by the Latin Americana easier for those ' who • wished cracy; he said, was not a matter Where then?. Yearningly, they themselves, as. American oil in- to follow. Jewish peddlers, Jew- of "Chot2i Shell •-.v'Chotzi.Shellook to Central and-South Amer- terests are learning in Mexico ish business men, bring unexpect- ach," literally "half'for-me and ica. .- " • ' ' - . ' ' • th^se days. . ed competition to the hot-blood- half for you," or freely rendered, They look to a continent with ed but langqurous local mer- something that can be bargained And slowly, steadily, the care- chants. The ^result has been con- about . . . an area triple that of the United states, but with a population ful propaganda . campaigns of stant agitation for immigration ,. is ready tedaf hardly reaching our own. They Germany and Italy are pushing restrictions that in some cases MISH-MASH: Hats off to Gal, . vast selection* look to a land of equatorial heat their way over the lands to. the has borne fruit. and of stark Antarctic coasts, a south of us. Like locuBts settling It is difficult to paint a picture land • of vast natural - resources on a fertile soil, the -Nazi agitaINVEST SAPELV, WISEI.Y IN of Latin America's opportunities and fertile soil, untouched tim- tors have descended on South and for Jewish, immigrants. The conber, Inviting seaports, unexplor- Central America. Special radio tinent varies so widely that no Annuity, Encowmsnt, ed hinterlands, wide rolling pam- programs in Spanish bawl . out generalities will make for a praise . ofNazism. Free. German pas. They see a country .'with clearer understanding. But this great cities, continental and care- neWB services fill the "eager page3 Represents 21 strang much"can be said, at least, in desfree like Rio, Of business-like arid of poverty-stricken Spanish and i«a—Evefy Typo cf Insurants cribing r the. general outlines of Portuguese newspapers in most and BonCt Written. Call AT conscientious like Buenos Aires. the present set-up south of the 7667 er WA E160. Latin. American countries.. Free They look to a land of political Rio Grande: that Latin America intrigue, political-instability, ec- German newsreela. portray the surface splendors' of Germany beonomio maladjustment, in Brazil men are- burning;coffee by,the fore Latin American; movie fans. millions of pounds. In Chile the Every German embaspy -or leganitrate industry" has been crippl- tion now maintains a full-time ed by the Haber process, the. pro-* propaganda" attache., Newspapers duct of the inventive genius of a are bought, subsidized, or established. • . German Jew. . . . •'. •Why? But in the.past year South America particularly has been in .'For one thing, such propaganthe world's news: because, of var- da —r/buttressed as it is by numious upheavals.: The coup of Getfind Cfcc'-vrccms . . . HOW end ullo Vargas, setting up a rrew dictatorship in Brazil, might have received no more than .passing attention ten .years ago^ .Today, many observers haye been quick to brand Vargas a •Fascist--.Actually, ^Vargas 1B notia Pasclat.inthe accepted sense of the word. tJlcsmokeless Coal , tatorship in Latin „ A m e r i c a Like fine face brick in nppearnncc, it Ss applied should not be confused -with its Over insulating boai-d %vituout rcinoving the oJU Ocml.Antht'aolto Lump U u S counterpart in the black or brown * Wood eidlng, thus affording double protection 14 splotches on the map of Europe. Coho ... „ ..t i»ud Insolation. In, your own neighborhood South of. the Rfo Grande they thcte'g a house -We can .show j-on and an owner fiavo had dictatorships when litWho Will tell of tliO fidded comfort, beauty and tle Benito an.l dreamy-eyed Adolf Lump fuel saving. Bitd Bi'ic conie3 in several colors

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the Revolutionary War, andCyclones and the Sooners. The into the rirer in the Universal fee therefore \seemed an appropriate Sooners could only win one game vicinity. Joan BIoEceH'E tennis Cen t e r j as well .as pleasant place to cele- from Jack Meleber's. Crew. court and swimming pool were l <. 1 ' brate , Washington's birthday. For some reason or other, only completely swept sway. Fearful i Library Corner " The Boy Scouts had built a cab- mediocre bowling was displayed that 'the house too might go, . By H^SIiKLL COHEX in there, .and felt that the place with a few fairly good series. The belonged more or less to them; damp and gloomy weather really structure all night. Nice weather the more so since the owner of showed the effects' on the Jewish t Have rou wondered how a we're having . . . Federal Rock had never bother- Keglers. school In Eret^ Israel, with ciiil-' ed them. A good example o: aa off dren from the diaspora is con- ; The Kits brothers suffered a Imagine their amazement, night, was Phil Katzraan cf the ducted? - In the February Issue j facial rash . . . the doctor .said who ate killed —-.and they will then, when this year they found .Sooners, who last week landed they were allergic to horses . . . \ be -women and children as Well as a group of Nazis in charge of the in a three way tie for first place of the Haboneh, the Bialik school with *M; TTORMX'S QVESTIO1S8 great restraint they kept c is discussed by Dr. Ben M. Ed• soldiera." 3fi2i then; thinking too historic spot! And when they had in the Nebraska. State Bowling See., how- many ' pi these away from the races . . . then inin.' • : is against, -the law' in.' Germany question yon" ciui answer after to get permission from the Nazi Tournament at Norfolk, Nebr., To the children: Read "The "discovered the cause vras hcrse <. t o d a y . . ' . ' . " . A " ; . : ' • - . ' • * • . •_•' yon have read" 'Mr. "World's chieftain before they could have by bowling 656, and who last Miracle "Writer," retold : by Har tair in their make-up beards! Altogether'the "world; today .is their outing there! For Federal night could barely eke ovt a mis"Ask -Me Anothiei" chat. Paz in the March issue of Ha- : a most confusing place for- young Rock has been sold to the. Ger- erable 38 2 series. 1.. In what Central JEnro; Fritz Lang is a "bear for accurpeople*, ifen't it? T.onf^*-; parents man-American Bund, which is an A> few nice series were bowled boneh. pean country has Nazism latewere muci-better off. When they organization that believes in Na- mainly by Leo Weitz with a 545, In 'the Jewish Youth Journal, acy. Rehearsing a bit : . . a medly been maldiig progress? were j o u r - age tile world was. a zism and "would like- to see theSam Katzman, 510, Dave Krantz, be sure and read "But Eabfai, I : ium long shot . . . he directs an S. What small democratic ; nice peaceful'. place -for most peo- Nazis in power in our own Unit- 502, Mendel Simon, 516, andAm Prond to Be a Jew," by Mor- actor making out a sales slip to country are the Nazis TIOW tryple, and even the Jjews.'^who for ed States. And on Federal Rock, Sammy Youseru with a 52S.. decai L. Brill. Is it worth i eafl fill it in correctly. Though Lhe Ing to enter? •' some Lmysteripus" Reason, are al- where Washington fought for The League lost two very good ing? It is vital that you read audience never sees the ticket., he 3. Who can prevent Nazism : r r were i freedom, these Nazis are nowbowlers, namely Joe Givot and the article. from spreading 'in any conn- ways, the • fi^st to ;suffer, commends. "Now craw a line and able to:Jive q-uietly in almost, ev- j planning - to establish a camp Henry Coran, who are both leavtry?. , . - 'v ; " \ -. The March issue of Opinion add the sales tax!" 4. How many, countries mis- j ery part .of- the world.. Onlyj one j with the purpose of destroying ing the city. Joe was the main- should*' be read from cover to. treated the Jews' thirty years ^country, .Czarlst Russia; permitt- | the freedom we enjov in our stay of the leading Wildcats, and cover. ; Fifteexi rears ago: The Chaped pogroms to be carried'on, :and country. finished up with an average of Anxiously I await receipt of ; lin-Pola Negri engagement occuago? the rest qf 170 for GO games. The boys will q the'- world united in 5. What did. Shalom SchSo you see why lovers of free- all miss Joe's witty remarks, and Hadassab. News-Briels from Can- pied • headlines. But they never xrartzbard do t o help, hia peo- condemning the.Czarist police for dom must be on their ada. There is always something married. guard ple i~ 1005? - ..' .--' ••'. j allowing such things to happen. even in this country, which is to- especially his painstaking efforts novel which the daily papers fail! in coaching other players in im- to mention. Here are but a few i 0. Why did lie kill General Now do yqu^see syhy the old folks day the freest in the world. Herraan Eing discloses: He ' proving their game. We all es-examples: "Palestine Trade in Petlora in 1026? - , talks :abont ''the good ; old days?" "vas born sometime . . . sometend out best wishes to Joe and 7. Why was^be acquitted « t . Talking- about "the Czarist po- (Copyright. 193S By Seven Arts ^ ^ r^ hope to have him back with us 1937 Was Increased," "Orange time between 1S5E and nineteen the murder charge? . groms" fepiinds Mr. World of a Picking Season in Palestine," etc., hundert and zelm" . . . (just s • Feature Syndicate.) ; {i some day again very soon. Coraa S, Would - he have been ac- boy —- no longer a little l>oy, but \> * * k who also left the city last week to mention but two of the inter- debutante) . . . in the city where a youth of, eighteen -r— who lived quitted in this country? esting commentary articles. for the west coast, -was the CYthe wieners come from . . . Fr-r0. What is the historic sig- in Russia -in -those days. When A new Jewish publication, . ranlcfurt am Main. He arrived in ^ ? - , r ; r CLONES stellar bowler, a boy nificance of Federal'-,. Rock, the dreadful -pogroms of 1905 who could always be depended "Das Yiddisha Folk," a bi-week- • America in 19 2 4 as an assistant • _ „. broke: out this youth organized near Bloomingdaje," J«. • J.? • director to F. TV. Jlnmeu. In upon in a pinch. He bowled a to- ly, is now in our library. 10. \Vbat group now owns and led' a- Jewish self-defense tal of 57 games for an average of The New Palestine for March Europe he had been a direcotr corps, a group of young Jews who Federal B o c k ? ' " "'•' ' • - B y LEE GSOSSliAH 160. TVe are in hopes that he will has an interesting article by Hy-during the silent (also the c.uist; ^ v ,„ fought the pogromists who were ajso be back with us very soon. man I. Segal, entitled "Arab-; days.-TTith Kurncu lie worked on trying to kill.them and their famt Softball players, attention! Plans are now being, drawn up Jewish "Dnity." ••" So inany things have;been liap- ilies. Of course many J&sra were the production of "Sunrise" . . . , p pfinlng. to Jews-' in vaiidus .coun- killed in those pogroms,, but the Plans to organize a senior J. for the bowlers Banquet which and therewith was .turned irto a ^ Books' rt tries lately that Mr. World .real- self-defense corps did help them C. C. Softball league will, be gone will be held during the latter "Children of rhe Ghetto," by ! comedian. Translating the direc- _ ~ ly can't, begin to., tell .you all "the a little. Later this boy went - to into at a meeting Tuesday at S part of April when the regular Israel Zangwil. c i tor's instructions to the company. r - ~ details. Probably all .of, you know France, but after the world war p. m. in - the board room at the season will end. The boys are Short stories which are such ' he continuously butchered the f - r already discussing the probabilthat, all over Central Europe the heTeturned to Russia to help the Center. King's English . . . caused so , Jews are having more and more Jews there fight the terrorist All managers are urged to at-ity of holding a handicap tourn- joyful reading to all Jewish i much laughter that his next step - l c T t readers, to mention but a few, j trouble as the Nazi -theories of General • Petlura, who, as one oftend. We are intent on having a ament fo rthe members of the was inevitable . . . he was s c>_ra- ' •• C"^' i ' the German ..government spread, the leaders of the White Russian J. C. C. senior softball league this League. only, although this has are: "Estner Defies the Uni-i ie. a "natural." One day he want- F. Dupsn. and that tn some countries, such army, battled more aganist the year, so be sure and attend this not been definitely decided upon verse," "Hopes and Dreams,": ed unsaddled horses . . . s?ut- - He ar?o i • yet. A committee of three, who "Reb Shemuel," and "The Hel-j tered, "Erirg in the—the empty cojuniicee \ * <. as Poland, Jews consider them- Jews than against the Red army meeting. { selves lucky if they.are just alive, and encouraged many pogroms. A junior league, along the lines are Paul Steinberg, Sam Katz- reus Friday Night." "Jewish Pioneers in America," horses." Another time when the , Pastoc to : s ' BO bad have things, become for Almost ten years later in 1926, of last year's setup, will also be man and Sam Zweiback will meet actors were floundering in a tank posts and ,! them. This Nazi ".philosophy," as this Jew, whose name was Sha--organized, but this meeting won't in the very, near future to decide by Anita L. Lebesoa. "Who so ever reports a thing of water, he assured. "Don't & • P&stoi ". It is called —. though the word lom Schwartzbard, and who, bybe called until sometime in April. upon those two items. in the name cf him that said it vorry. if you get drewnded, ve Libation Wi ' doesn't Beem just right there as that time had again* returned to STANDINGS OF TEAMS will survive you.'" He still has s-^e ^group"•philosophy1 means "love. Of wis- France, met General Petlura on e t brings deliverance into the world Another champion was crown- Name of Team 'X.. - r53G w. 40 secret longings to be a director. ^ n e Leg;.or Wildcats "2 dom," "and wisdom seems rather a Paris street — and shot him ed at the J. C. C. this week. • r,4 52S as it is said—and'Esther told the "S Cyclones far away-from:. Nazism—has- now right then and there. Schwartz"S 52S king in the rair.e c ' McrdecE.;." This time It's Louie Blumkin, Sooners • 52 S, ?,i . . - . ss been mating _progress in Austria bard then gave himself up to the who. won the free throw cham- Tigers Don i (—Ethics of the Fathers.) rrw 40 444 ........ too, andXls • attacking free-little police. There was a lone trial, pionship with his record of 18 Jayhawkers •42 417 rr Comhuskers rrxr' / Czechoslovakia, the country that and- Schwartzbard was finally successful shots out of 25. Eddie High Single. Gami -Sam Jleyerson ; lies more - or •'- less • between Ger- acquitted, as the jury refused to Milder and Harry Epstein were 264; Cyclones 331. c' ttos? autr~«: c€::"•£->.:::: r~cHiiTh Series—Joe Givot 62i; Cyclones many and.. Austria. So bad doconsider him a murderer; for hesecond with 17 each. hs was thrr-wr.. T"o"{r.n-i "596. things look in ^Central and Eas-had simply been avenging the Last year's champ, Harry Fox, Weekly high bowling prize of free £t£lr, both he f.;i t r e hrr'trr. 1 tern Europe that Mr. World death of the thousands of Jews could get no more than 13 this botrling Tron by Dave Krantz •who recisar landed rlpit s-;ds u i . ur-t • cently sisned up with the JayhawSwould rather n o1t : think about who had been killed by Petlura year. LTse C «." diE:DCEt:us either. ers whose average was 129 and who those lands at. all. But of course and his army. In Europe, you* bowled 302 which is 115 pins above \ Hollywooc—The great iuundawe can't shut our eyes to facts see, such "political murders" How good an all-around man his average. Qu:1\« Al Colin: "v'hf- t irr-ie Individual averages including g ames ! tion of 1&3S will never be fully merely because they - are unplea- are not l o o k e d up in the are you? star po?s i"to ? r r r ir.rr.r-.or. of March 15. 193S: filmed for 3:ovietown itself stood sant. What's more, we have to same way as in our counI want to lind out, and possirthod ohfin 4Gcentily there's urusllr £ tou^s ?v-zr—'Av. i in the vertex. Two hundred remember that those facts exist try, and it is generally re- bly so do you. So I am proposing Xame of Plaver Games Pins r IS." 1108 6 Marvin Treller . players spent the eight at " arntn order t.» help prevent such garded as quite all right to kill a. physical efficiency decathalon Leo "U'eitz ITT 11723 GS terrible things;from happening in somebody if,, this will save your test, open to"-all members of the J a c k ilelcher 165 ers' studio. All the stars opened 67 -11103 63 163 their bungalows at Foz for those 1027S other countries^;.nearer.;.Spme. »- <ionor. or the vfcumor .of your peo- Center.-Here-are the ten events Phil Katzman 51 163 1 S344 Tousem .lf:'rt Z;:k;:-'s You may wonder, how boys' and; ple '" or family. (Provided, of in which "competitors win be test- PSammy 160 who couldn't get home through der cor.slrrr-S .11535 a u l Steinberg 160 the flood. S2S7 Seven houses lorried r.a—.e to t i s e::d cf t^€ P r - r girls -can. help - prevent -jthe spread coursej you manage to commit fed; basket-shooting, track run-H e n r y Horwich I5K 11404 Sam K a t z m a n rr.ount t£lEr"""uo lift . . . 1;:; v h y of Nazism. Actually, Discourse, the murder in a country that is ning, pull-ups, push-ups, target- Mendel 15S 2379 Simon . . 15 you can do nothing, actively, for on your owa side.) This, you see, throwing, half-mile run, potatoe Abe • Veneer . . 157 Loyd 59 SJ02 1 4 " is it th£ cr;!y o r e V - : ^ D ; ; ; £ t i l l s ? 1 157 Louis Singer 49 7709 in^i Kcbia Kooc h^s bc-cr. cu: I r o n this is a political matter that you is why so many Europeans con- race (we may bar Paul Steinberg H a r r y Smith B3 s:n 157 Frank 62 S757 Hurwitz . . . i"" 2?P.CCP feet E r o o t s t e i n . . to fTf 1 . "~~\1 must leave t o : your ...parents." But sider themselves more civilized here), rope jumping, 20-yard free Lee 155 SS60 George Shapiro i"2 Levin . . . . f B 11094- . 154Hj'raan Sam Meyerson . Einstein relrtii"i;r is T~.Z~CIT r - the time is not far 'off, though it than Americans. Personally, how- style, and diving. i^>i Krantz . . . . . 7149 63 154 Dave -10680Jack; Fleishman : i ^ o m a n Brown . . -il2n theory . . . in Ko'.lyrooC 'V? c ever, - Mr. World prefers the We'll have more about this de- Abe Fellman • may seem so, when" you. tdi 33 154 X 503S C7!'O 2& lie HorwicJi 152 Xate 9146 D. C. P l a t t . 60 12 1 0 r> fact," says a wit. Georgre T-urrs lie grown' up and* will have: a say American way. of looking at mur- cathalon later. Meanwhile, be Dr. Eitch Zwelback . . 150 10055 67 Mose Franklin . thinking about it. in the • political,1 affairs" ' of our ders -of any kind. Don't you? 150 9S20 Sam Z-n-eiback . . 62 149 9S99 Barney Ahrama . f>6 country. Scr it is notr.too early for , • But to return to Shalom -149 4329 29 Herby Marks J. C. C. BOWLING. you to learn right now that* it Is Schwartzbard. After his acquittal 147 Dr. S a m Moragn * 6S 10050 147 In spite of the very poor grade ! Julian Milder 7S03 because'of. the "carelessness of lib? he continued to live in Paris, E3 •rri 147 3S27 quietly attending to his business. .215 J a y llalashock of bowling displayed by the Jew-j Abner ^ erty-loving' people that the tyr141 5101 36 Kaiman . annical forces- on- those European And just a couple of weeks ago ish Community Center Bowlers Sammy Steinberg. 69 142 9SI7 142 10229 lands, 'came into 'power.'. In climes Tie died — which, is why Mr. last night, the League took on Oscar H a y o r w i c h . . 72 142 when-business-is. bad and- many- World thought you should read aspects ot a much tighter race as Sam Horwich . . . . 65 9240 . . the boys are nearing the home people are .hungry they are liable his".'story today. to forget that-: a nation's happl- , ' I n our own country, fortunate- stretch. The League leading CLEAN LINEN ness:-cannot.• be•.won:.through the ly,, we. don't have pogroms or that Wildcats took 2 out of 3 games Always Attracts -unhappiness of others;.when Hit- bitter Jew-baiting which causes from the. last place Cornhuskers OMAHA TOWEL ler told the- German "people that, pogroms. But things of' an un-to retain a lead of 2 measly SUPPLY games, while the High Powered they could become prosperous by pleasant nature do happen,someYonrs Since 1S76 crushing the Jews .many' Germans times even here.- Every once in a Tigers took all three games from believed him, ,and therefore gave while- we hear of swastikas be- the Cyclones to go into a three " ' ICE 2S2S him the'great power'which he is ing painted on' synagogues or way tie for second place with the jnow",.niisuslng'.so .terribly... For anti-Semitic booklets being passr you 1 know'that by,now,the Ger- ed around,' and - discrimination mans ;have discovered that "harm- against* Jews by certain' employing-, the Jews didn't "bring Back ers is becoming rather' alarmingprosperity —- as no sensible per- ly commonplace. And then there son wonld-haveezpeetediit. to— is' the experience • of the ' Boy and;that accordingly the German Scouts of - Bloomingdale, N. J.' . people are now preparing for a On Washington's' b i r t h d a y O There's co !be:ier ti=s , v a r ; . Hitler Is-now telling them these Boy Scouts'went ont for an rour a n v G-E He&:^tTZ.'o~l that- war will-^solve all their prob- outing" to Federal Rock,' where Food prices ere rspidly lems. .A little thinkingjnight- con- they, hav.e been.-spending this holr vihce'the Germans'that'the only iday for..many, years.- Federal p £ y * ones whose problems will be sol-R o d was a signal hill save isYt-cvcrs, rcu.r frsd ved by war will be the .people by George Washington ; during


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COMMUNITY CALENDAR or respect because they had produced .an imposing list of ar-! the growing revolt, of. youth." Sympathetically, ttoderly. lie; tists, writers, statesmen, and scientists. Likewise she expressed i shows how children after all need their parents, how dependent MA 15 her contempt for those people who use that phrase, "Some of they are upon them, in need of wise guidance and direction. I my best friends are Jews.""'-. - Y ' j however, capable and ambitious themselves. "We are led to fee] Er Dr. Pnet1 t'-lutbotli, L=!GMO BVfcBV FRIDAY AT-OMAMA. NEBRASKA. BV | .-•' She had first known the Jews through the Biule, the Old \ that youth, however eager and ardent, cannot take the place •S&B JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY I S2.E0 Testament and the New, As a deeply religious person, shef of experience. As Job says, "Years should teach." It is natural, •Tjc;T-Q!-y f;?ir; .Ke!ij".'!.r>US D f l p f l r t SUBSCRiPTJOt. PRICE*'.Ons Yeai • • had been inspired by the tenets of faith that had recognized \ that youth should be radical, even rash, and that age should \ I he ve preaci ^ o • - - ! • • iii, prosrrprr.. IX s. m., Jewish ADVERTISING RATES FUBNISHED ON 'APPI.ICAI.ION : no obstacles in the great desire to fulfill its aspiration. When ; be more conservative, as having passed through the experi- in tbe great < or £!•<•:££• i i o n . I did C r.nMmiiy C.Vr.fer ?i;di'ori)im. BDITOBIAt. ©PFICE* 600 BRANOEIS THEATER BUILDING -SIOUX CITY OFFICE—JEWISH-COMMUNITY UBNIEB i"oiitig- Jutiaea Furiw party, 8 v she. had. needed'eiuioiiracrenieut it had -come'to her' through j ence of youth. The new becomes the old, and the young be- not re fraiii to y lip?. Thou kuowPRINT CHOP ADDHESS-4604 SO. 24TH STBEE! .);',., vo^nis K nxiA L, Jewish, P. come the adults and the aged; the children become parents the great literature of ancient Israel. It had supported her in est. OAVXD SLACKER • . Business anfl Managing C'c)iU!unn!L> Cei; d tor themselves (as Harold and Annabel became the proud parents '• F o r imine . 1 ; - : i '.reij'.e t'vj FRANK R.ACK13HHAN ' ' * f | ~ her hours of need, it had given her strength. Kobrew Club. J r>. m . . U30NARD NATHAN - • ' . .. " Associate Editor When she came to know the Jews of today, she did not of "Little Nero" whom they nevertheless named Franklin Koose- compu =sed II e about in :ne i u i - iodce room, Jevisi: Community quities . have cv prtakcn i '!e so I C en i or. RABBI FREDERICK COHN C o n t r i b u t e s Editor look upon them with the unseeing eyes of the hypocrite. Hers, Velt Complow!) am not able to look u p : they p r e ' RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS ..-.<• • Bool: Editor '"Why are we here in life? "What is its purpose;" the medi- more than tbe hairs of my head, the critical eye^of the writer, saw them as human beings with Vurkmer.'E I.(osi; association, ANN PILL • • • gtous City, Iowa» Correspondent ' . ; and ir.y heart hath failed me. great capacity for affection, "with great depths o f emotion. She tating Cornblow asks. ~:">'• p. m.. voonis C v.nd D, J e w For one thing, we should cease completely our bustling. Jly soul thirsteU: i'or God. •ish Con'tiur.uity Cretev, saw us as men and women who have retained ideals and who when shall I come- r.nd rppear be-, Kfizomir Cboir. S p. rn.. rooms and let life itself work on its. ; look forward and up. From them she drew inspiration again fore God: my tears have been n:y K and L. Jewish Coiumunitj" CenBy a bold stroke that in another era would have been and in that is a tribute that eclipses the most flowered phrases "It isn't going where, you want to that is freedom, but food day <.nd night.., while they ter. provocation for war, Adolph Hitler united Austria with the of men of position. say unto me. ""Where i~ thy God." . Annua! meeting of the Jewish knowing that you can go." . . Thou makest us c t r u n t to ourCommunity Center r-.ncl Welfare Third Reich, thereby ending the old struggle between Berlin As regards the relation of parents aud children, has Judaneighbors, a scorn sn,d a derision : Federai-ion. £:;.," p. m., lodge and Vienna for the domination of all tlie German states. ism's wisdom been surpassed'.' "The Prodigal Parents" to them that ere around us. Thou ro >m. Jewipb C-on'iniinity Center. 1 A f Tersailks the gathered 'statesman' had lopped off Aus"Honor thy father and thy mother!" And is not tlie ideal madest us a byword {-.nionj: i.hc • recr-ption :ln hono" nt Mr. and By Rabbi Frederick Conn tria from the huge empire, whose dismemberment had been relation that described by Malachi'J "Behold I will send you nations, a s t a k i n g of the lier.d s. rp.ui Verf-t. arranged jointSinclair Lewis has written another .fine book. He has dis-Elijah the prophet before the coining' of the greet and terrible among the peoples, < • Itc IVoturi-'s Division, the plan of Europe for years, and left the once opulent capital vf Tain; ad a prey to the post-war intrigue of Mitteleuropa. Vienna since tinctly added to~ his laurels in "Prodigal Parents." He is un-day of the Lord. And he "shall turn the heart of the father Our Rabbis .vere truplu. Tne those fateful days has virtually subsisted on waltzes, psycho- doubtedly our leading writer, not disparaging Eugene O'Neil'; to the children, and the heart of tlie children to their fathers.'' philosophers -Ml once Questioned the m e en.inp-. S p . m.t analysis'and nostalgic memories, its most flourishing exports or Theodore Dreiser, and the Nobel Prize for literature was Only where there are homes of mutual respect, love and elders at Home. "If your God is :>n- M . 3e\" i s b Community CenSo poor had the country become that tourists in Vienna were deservedly bestowed upon him, honoring him and honoring! n a r m o n ; } l . . o n ] v w l i e u t ) i e whole world becomes \L Home, a displeased with the Jdol worship. I P ! •Tr. V a ad C i i Uurr.l group, 8 p. why does he not destroy t h e He is one of the major prophets of America as George r,. . VT , , \ "• , -, treated to a n o t unusual spectacle of people dropping in their America. • .„ .--•'.• „ „ - , ~ ,, „ -^ , -, ., Divine Household in which all the sons of men of whatever idols?" And they replied, "If t h e111. Nc. i.h St. Bernard .Shaw and H. G. \vells are of England: men with a: ,• -, . . . , , , , . . , , T tracks from hunger. .,-"".." , -,..--." ,., , ' race, nation or demomation are ithe loved and loving ehildre heathens worshipped, but things. n message: men who lift up their voice like a trumpet and pro-; „ „ , ,-, ,, , . , , ,. , , ., , . 1 n -'•: A rain attempt to save both Austria and Germany was 1Mb) e t:iass. -. ° , „ , /, -••_.•.-•-._ . , . ' of +the Heavenly Father (instead or the earth being a iun°"le ' ° t needful to the world. He; , would surely annihilate them, but In t e n tational ! Workers' Order, truth from the house-tops. Sinclair Lewis has certainly; made in the proposal for the customs union which was arbi- claim ^ 's smile of blessim rest they worship the sun, moon, stars S p. m., rotmif : C and D, Jewish ^ trarily blocked by the French, one vote of ^ the Com-t of Ar- jd o u e t h i g } n ^ l a i n Street" and "Babbitt" (which have become and t h e planets, shall He destroy Commui l i t y Ce nter. bitration "preventing its consummation. While the customs j h o u s e h o l d % v o r ( j s )'-and only in a less degree-in "Elmer Gantry," "nn .•-. y< • t h e entire world on account of union may have only been a shot in the arm incapable of ward- "Arrowsmith" (his own favorite book), "Dodsworth," and inj ! tbe fools? B u t t h e world is al- Junio •r I l a d assp.h meeting, $ ing off the financial debacle that followed, it is. possible the fact'all his writings. He is that kind of prophet who castigates I ; lowed its natural course, fssp . m.. roon IS C and D, Jewish present catastrophe might have been averted, perhaps even the and arouses his times. Technically he would be known as aj litv Center. i to these fools who spoil it they C r : will have to give tn> account forFloy Shorts. S p. m., lodg« assumption of power by the Nazis in Gel-many might have satirist who provokes his people to improvement. In ''It Can't : their a c t s ? " In other words,, ronm. Jfwish Coiintuinlty Center. been prevented. The refusal to sanction the customs union was Happen Here" he spoke a strong, stem, even fierce word of : wlien some one steals wheat and Tnad Kon's club dinner, B'nal By DH. TiniCDOSE N. LE^IS a piece of injustice, ranking with the occupation o£ the Euhr: warning. In "Prodigal Parents/'' written m a sprightly style, ; sows it, should not the seed grow Eabbi. islount Sisai Temple, Sioux City The-government Hitler deposed was not popular, ruling at times comical and even farcical, which are merely an ex: because it lias been stolen? T-ui. -nay, God. lets nature take l i b ; -'• r l a s s 4 p. m.. recreation by force rather than a.mandate of tlie people. For the Jews pression of his lighter style, free from all rancor and bitterness, T 1 e v i n h Community Ceuter. course, while these fools will have it* was preferable to tlie Nazis. Under Dollfuss this minority remarkably' tolerant, in the kindliest and inaturest vein, he "THE HOUSE THAT HITXEK < Germany is by far tbe control c BUILT," BY STEPHEX H. the mind, tlie regimentation of:• to give EQ account lor their nets, i government, to cement a 'friendship' with Itely, trained can- conveys a message as important as any hitherto, more human, K'js o r 27 ROBERTS. HARPER A >' I)thought, -vvhich has assumed u n - \ Kabbi Alexander announced. ; non on the dwellings of the working class and massacred men, and one that comes'home to the hearts of all. COMPANY. 3G4 PAGES, .^S.OO precedented proportions. Xever ; "Who wants longevity?" And s nitha Hebrew club, S p rn., big crowd surrounded him and • Onith Without exaggeration, this is women, and children on the pretext they were fomenting civil In " I t Can't Happen Here" Lewis exposed Fascism: in the best, most illuminating and before has such despotic, fanatic' said to him, "V\"e all want longeroon;, ,;ewi«,h Community war when in reality tlie •carnage was to satisfy a wliim of "Prodigal Parents/' even though indirectly, gently, and with-j authoritative book yet to appear h.r of the human mind been st- vity, please tell us bow we canCenter. ilussolini. Round Table- P ui'im carnival, 9 Germany. The author tempted and enforced. The con-reach it?" lie then referred hem out the least bit of propaganda, and altogether free from hys-, o n to Psalms 54:14: Keep they Y'- n... Jtwish Community Center. : For the past, few years the government policy has been writes not only with amazing acd sequences for the oppi'essecl peoteria, lie disposes of Communism,."practically by ignoring it intimate, "first hand knowledge, ple must inevitably be disastrous. tongue from evil and thy the gradual elimination of the Jews from all spheres of Ausand refusing to take it seriously. Cou-cii oi Jewish Women, 1 bnt with sharp apprehension of Youth is reared upon the prepos- from speaking cierea. trian life. Universities limited their Jewish students. ProfesRabbi Cfciscla ss-id to his dis- 1". in., r.uuitoriv.m. Jewish ComBut the main theme of the book is the relation of children the 'consequences of Xazi rule to terous but compulsory belief that J sions and trades sought to expell_ them. Official positions were cnual iuncheoa to parents and of parents to children: of the present genera-! Germany and her people, and toHitler is divine, infallible, and ciples: ' I would like to teli you nr.nU}- Cenler nd bridge. the world at large.Many have that his will must be obeyed with- somettirg but I am ;uraid you closed and the once strong Jewish Community was faced with tion to the older generation: of the old to the new. V. ovkmer/t i,oe.n association. 8 called this volume an objective out question or protest. The es-•Bill leave me, and &a svay l i e , economic ruin. Of late Schuschnigg, knowing the day of reckThe central character of the book is Frederick William analysis of Hitierism. It is all sence of the church conflict is who stiiuies alvayg only irom out' p, m.. rooms C. .nd 13, Jewish oning with Hitler was near, had relaxed some of the hateful Complow, a new kind of-Babbit, a plain American citizen, a that, bnt much more. The author not so much doctrine or dogma TPKc^r, trill Efver ?<sec ;u:ysue- CfivMr.UUuy Ct:i;iet. practices in the hopes of winning the Jews to his banner. But e?ss in bis sti"flit?s. Thei! Riiditoiv successful business man, head of an agency that sells autoino- i !is never satisfied with. mere ob- hut the Question as to who shall left him and vent ro tlie r,"V they on-rnx:r, \^pe mm Center. jective, trustworthy analysis, educate the youth, or control its the fate'of Austrian Jewry was decided long before the presMies .("The Triumph'' and "Houndstooth" a n d "Duplex Trail- ] £tth" trutniuTRecording enacts.' nind. After visiting one TJI theof Hoba, v h o Then he henrc the ent episode. ' .' . ' : • \" • .er," with sleeping rooms on top), shrewd, resourceful, yet tol-jHe Examines the latter in the youth camps, the author makes reason, said to them, "It is true ' Hitler, shall not find the going in Austria any. easier than and -Alpha V m... room erant and kindly, because sympathetic and understanding: a ' l i g h t o £ t h e a b i d Uis and eternal this very heartrending observa- only in concerning reasons 1 enter. Sehuscbjiigg did. He comes into, a predominantly Catholic , ,• »••'.-, - - , , . ,, . . . ' i foundations of the universe, jus- tion: "If only one of tbe boys I ingenuity, but as for traditions it I !-. Jewish „ in the most impressive Hitler is better to Uierr; irom one country with the reputation, of an anti-cleric hostile to the representative of the status quo: we might call him a eonserva-: tice _ t r u t h , - v i r t u e , humanity. By . £S.\v master in order to avoid -cifitrcarefully cataloguing the brutal-'; camps wou hare Questioned tlie ent versions.'" Church. He comes to a city that for many years had been tive (though so progressive and enterprising in his methods) ;'\ ity, injustice and deceit assidu- j -.ropogandist. lectures to which > ung of toe Jewish ruled by a strong and well-disciplined socialist -party. He at- he is avowedly a capitalist, and can launch out in indignant ously practiced by the regime, his j they were listening-, if only one! Koba said. "Even the g';p of enter and Welfare L'oiumur.ic tempts to show himself the popular ruler in a .nation devoted and. eloquent defense\md self-defense of capital and capital- indictment becomes truly terrify- \ of them had asked a penetrating: a scholar is to be studied." l':< p. n\.. Jodjre question, I would have felt more ! ists: he even slyly adds that he is a Republican and a church- '""" to the monarchist "cause. Oornnninit'.-' Center, The most original and intrigu-i liOLJQ 'or the future of Germany." caprice, and political a<2vsru?,pe, • C i!.^v." i.\iveczorr ^IT* Viennaia not Berlin. Yienna is not stiff-necked, Prusslan- member to boot: and yet so tolerant that he even helps a com- ing portion of tlie book is the iA huge and unscrup«lo-us prep- law. ueception l^onorlnjr munist to escape (Eugene Silka. one of the three young men 1 ism personified. I t has a tradition of revolution -where Berlin , .. . . . - . . . , - , . .•.-»„ • - , . i first chapter, wherein tlie author Uganda machinery with all the ; The chapters on foreie* - po Ulr. Vsul Ve-er follow-. funds that it can employ at its ! Whom we meet. With at the beginning of the story returning; brilliant., psychological has not. It has a tradition of tolerance.while Berlin's is inare hif ;lli;n:intitir.p mahes l-esdintr for j at sixty-five miles-an hour auto which Fred's son, Harold, | studies of Hitler, Goebels, Goer- • ajSpOsa ' i s busily ana fanatically; should be required readinc tolerance. '•'•", 'J',. in creating "a common every individual v h o srill believe? • Suadiir. .Yin?vi; iDS R o s e n b the big. blonde, "Norse God" is driving and which he succeeds I ' e r g and; the other, and! ,, g Kound Table Pin-iix. <-r-rri-"vfiI, f, nga ed Today Austria has ceased to exist. The onee vast domain The present; ruectaMty." Not only are people that an viiiderstErdirig in t h e ; ', . ~ ,. , , , 7. • - , .,, _ i le?s?r, Nazi leaders. prohibited, under dire penaI'Soc field cf in terns.tiocp.l relrtioc? • P. m.. Jewish Community Censer, of the Hapsburgs, shrunken to an 'nth. Tate power, has been in wrecking, from a radical labor meeting, together With Guy ; h e a d ot the Gestapo from voicing criticism or protest., o?.n be reached with the Nazi re-i given over to the Nazi. terrorists." Had the world, that now o.C .ifwish. w Slaybridge, the aristocratic plutocrat's son) when the police! is regarded as Hitler's most like- they dare not turn a fieaf ear to frime. The observations of weeps, insisted on justice for the country in 1919 and the luiu hson nd ividfe. .1 p. m.. ! their leaders. "Woe betide any author are exceedic£-;y penelraf.-. are raiding his office where lie publishes "Protest and Prog-1 >' successor. The most illumT years following, the proud, gay city of Vienna would not be psychological insight, a and b r i l U a n t DOrtralt o a eis \ t a r f .; e ss or ill intentioned citizen ing:, and bis facts irrefuirbie. The, aud torium. , ewislj. Community ress," the official organ of the Workers' International. Cohesion I [; "°fp the "Feuhrer" himself., j %v-»a0 - s found &vrs.j from p. wire- author knows the Xazi nientaiity. ' Ctc er. eheering the invading army^f the swastika. i:> nwl 7 ("Coheeze" for short). He even gives him a sum of money, It that'isofnecessary to appreciate the ! j P 3 i s&«; during broadcasts' of this Nazi ambitions and Xeni ruthless- \ April sr.le. kind." The regime proceeds upon ness, j CornpTow's daughter, Sara (it used to be Sarah), a. rather ec: and m e n t frustrations a l tATists t bof e these remark-! V . | centric young lady, with, a superior air, who thinks she has ' abnormalities \ a n d Onee a year Omaha Jewry has an opportunity to hear first- u • J. J x /-i • Ji i ' T_ ^ i. -, i frustrations of these remark-'- t h r r-<fTdlT ro^vir-t'on *' ' treason, and 0 o^ to understand e ' i i s S Lin the truth tl of < < hand- of the work of its local Jewish Community Center and been converted to Communism for she has been attracted by j aand b l e the i n a i vgoal i d u s itowards s which it is'jaVii.jjo0nindulge it. enemies the essential naturebyofthese Nazism is Quickly treason,and andt '.'k h ' Welfare Federation. This time the meeting will take place "Gene" (a "toy-socialist" her father derisively calls her), has blindly being driven i i t t -i|criticism" s t a t e i to be Monday night and will be, dedicated to the manifold activities been one of the editorial employees of Silka, thinks'for awhile stable, irrational, wild, creatures, i destroyed. Germanv has ' ^ t , she is going to marry him, but finally, repudiates him when Tne author penetrates deeply In- | only for those who"subscri;,. r of these two organizations. • : : ; to tee hidden motiTes and dis-.' thusisstically 3md blindly U \ she learns among other things, that he has a "free love"' (she guised earlier ambitions and •; doematism which Iii times such as these.the Jewish Community Gentet plays irra (finally marries a responsible, well-to-do, middle-aged bachelor). Ort While Lewis exposes the unserupulousness of the. Communists, how I-r, dp*.

| Gems cf the Ei bie 1 and I almud


"Reunion in-Vienna"'.



Another Annual Meeting



; thatBluenees.ud 8ive8 ^ its existence we cooperate. . • ' ' Years back,: when, there was no Center, no Welfare Federation,.the void was keenly felt and for years the community strived to achieve such organizations. : On "Monday, each Omaha Jew may participate in assisting to further the well-being of the Jewish community. I t is a privilege we are nof apt to recogBdze..

deliberately lying propaganda (such as Hitler brazenly- advo- sable to an understanding of pres-| within its borders! Terribl: ent day Germany. ' , r e c t is the author that "th< cates for Naziism in his "Mein Kampf"), Yet he admires this Tlie second part of the book j probably, nothing more rev courage and willingness to risk life. deals TVith. the partJ 'S conauestjm .Germany not even in the JHis own son, Harold, of big physique and small mentality, of power,- describes the slow rise, j sical atrocities, than tbe &r the speedy catastrophic aed, 'auoa of proiessional liistor'" a scatter-brained boaster without a particle of stability ("a and of the Brown Shirts, whose And what is true of them is t stuffed sweater" his own fathers called, him, whom yet, in his bers and leaders "were'the g ang-i ly true of all teachers. heart of hearts he loves to idolatry) has married Annabel, the i sters without whom Hitler would "Even more hideous, if trr<.

"daring" sane and sensible daughter: of the hanghty, effemin- %Z^J°£%Z£.1&£ ?^ f " S L h i

aotv erk ITnns

-u' 1

r o -o lim a

l h™

possible, than the. oppressi > • truth is the subordination c Season Finale • , : .-• "• .;• •'• ate Putnam yhaybudge. obliged to deal with them like I and justice to the -.poiitieaJ • Monday night witnessed the closing for the season of a Cornplow's • wife, Hazel, Is a lovely person, a true wife and gangsters mnst be dealt -with, j and dictates oi' the regime. Ji highly successful series conducted by the Center Forum. In mother, who humors her husband in his little idiosyncrasies, Had the Republic treated them j as truth has ceased, to exis the nature of an experiment, this year, a departure from the which are most amusingly depicted. .She~ cooperates, most loval- as Hitler did, the Nazis would; must yield to the reralatic s have never been supreme. The Hitler • and. his henchmen, s^ programs of previous years, the Forum has done a commend- ly, in all his schemes and undertakings even.' consenting to go! author discusses the reasons for justice ceased to function i ..' able job in contributing to the cultural life of the local''Jewish on trips with him, finally even to Europe from which in the-end t h e "purse" and emphasizes .that; adr-iinistration of the law. 7' the leaders kiled were, the; new principle cf the law is . community. \ ' • she is reluctant to return. They celebrate their thirtieth anni- among handful of blind idealists vho jhe who opposes the party r r • •\ • Asm the past the Forum was an achievement that brought V e r s a r y with a "vagabond vacation,^ in the Berkshires, most took the Socialism o£ the party's • vv-ay is criminEl .end he vrJi^ distinction, to the; committee m charge. Its variety-motion delightful:-which, however,- is spoiled for them by the incur- •prograra seriously. • _'. • j fends ana savaiices it. no E pictures, lectures, musical ami dramatic recitals, and art ex- s i o n - o f t h e i r c h i l d r e n j w h o r e s e n t - t h e i l , g o i n g w b o want -The third part, a discussion of •fcy what foul means, is £u% hibits, brought to Omahaa representativepictare ; of, American jj them hear hqme where they can call upon them for financial the economics of .Hitierism, > is ai devastating revelation- of the.dis- ! litical necessity and political -• as they have become accustomed to doing. Harold" is'a honest financing of the • regime, •trine dominate the Isw, Jewish life" and showed us that the epoch of Jewish creativity i A .-. -•• . , v •,••-. , „ . ' : • • ' i failure in e^jrj'thing;he,undertakes. Sara is trying to run an of the wholesale and ruthless de-j judges, and the courts. T?:t continues with unabated iorce. an eatire ty and the state Jiave beco:s Interior Decorating Shop, on the most modernistic lines (with C 9 P t i o a practiced upon people. The tragedy of labor as ana .inseparable. Oppositit The close of one Forum season only whets the appetite for chairs and sofas most uncomfortable to sit on, and combination well known. Despite boasts that j the former becomes a HE the next and Omaha Jewry is already looking'forward to anof color most outre' and impossible) and wants her father near unemployineat has been abolish- i Crime against the latter, other year when once again they will be able to share in the for loans of money. They regard their parents particularly ed, the Nazis admit that no fewer i must be brutally punished ample cultural life of America's Jews. s we res cIr"Dad," as old-fogy-ish, a slave of routine, foolishly restless and than twelve and one-half million j sr-npresse individuals receive help from pab-j'p,,* ttor . 'perscsRi. c wanting to retire and travel (Sara even beguiles her father into lie funds. Eitlier Nazi figures on j est lie outrageously, j cs,ve rnan." I t is the proud. Not many days ago there appeared in the columns of* the consulting a psychiatrist!) even Tclse of Goering that "Isw and the •" Frederick Cornplow proves himself a fine father, wise and j o r e l s e ' the World-Herald an unusual tribute to the Jews by the popular not earn enoiag! of Hitler are o a e . " Ex-High Cwriter, Elsie Robinson. Ending'her sentiments with "Thank God, practical, as he is a loving and adoring husband.; He extricates] and* must have 'their wages sui missiorser James Tvlacdon-s.ld i'or Jews,".Miss Robinson reflected the viewpoint, of a highly his children from their difficulties, even saves Harold from plemented by the state. That t i e correctly- labeled Nazi justh country is prostrate economically, "amtjuJant." It cspends on r "* civilized individual, deeply concerned by the plight of European moral ruin. J is the s£d conclusion of the not oa principle end e?tabl Our age is supposed to be that of the Revolt of Youth. Jewry. I author. patronize Our Advertisers To her the Jews were not necessarily objects of admiration Sinclair Lewis says there is "'a growing revolt of parents against •• The most tragic fact about Nazi'

L t!(' S


"Thank God for Jev/s"


lu Is-

Jewish princess.

be f-

THE JEWISH PEESS—FRIDAY, MAECE" IS. 3.935 : ert Kooper, Mrs. Edward Lincoln,! VAAD AUXILIARY TO Fraternity Honors :X*CF*J CLiSS Mrs. Joe- Untzman, Mrs. Jos j I HOW RUMMAGENational Executive • "VIC ^T-T H' Margules; and Mrs..'Albert Xetr-•! ~ man. ' ' • > ' "\ ; Sigma Oxaicron chapter of Sig-j Others are Mrs. Henry ^"e'sv- : ma Alpha Mu frill be host to Mr. j man, Mrs. Sam Peltz, Mrs, Sam i James Hamraerstein, executive | ±he V a a ( i Auxiliary -n-iil bold 1-latt, Mrs. Joe RiceV Mrs. Aaroa i secretary of Sigma Alpha Ma j . t £ n n u a 1 ; r«»Jii=aee sale on April Rips, Mrs. Abe Hoffman, Mrs. j this -vreek-end. Mr. Kaamerstein ! l * David Sherman, Mrs. lEadore So- i is mating, an extended tour ofi koloff, Mrs. Meyer Stern, Mrs,; the country visiting the various j ; Mr. and Mrs. 'A. Shatton an-.! Sam Stern* Mrs. Samuel S. j chapters of S. A. M. The Omaha j Mr.' and Mrs. Louis Segelman announce the marriage of their nounce the approaching marri- J STX-artz, Mrs. Harry Trustfn, Mrs. "alumni club honored Mr. Hani- j and Mrs. Rich-! merstein at a held Wed-j daughter, Sara, to Mr. Arthur age of their daughter, Esther, to jPhineas 'Wintroub -. Mrs SciiTrEczIiin is ch^ii'; , .. "" '"- Tuesday night, asd frost Gs&fcaj Kedman of. Ottumva, Iowa, son Mr. Joseph Sokolof, son of Mr. ard "Wright,_•' '-• of the runissfs sale. Captoisis to 5Ieet j ^Tm Hamzaersteia. proceeded t o ' of Mrs. K. Redman, on Marcb 15. Philip Bokolof on March 20. The'. • ceremony Trill be performed I n A meeting of the "Give and j ja ln, ^hera ho is the. guest j L CO The ceremony was performed by •Z.A. 1 >t" captains -trill be held Men-j o f .t ! i e s i g m a omicrcs chapter. ! Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein and the presence of the immediate Get" family. . • j day, March 21, at 11 a. ta. a t the] Cantor A. SchTrsczfcin at the Saturday With deep solemnity and heartA reception •sviil be held at the Jewish • - Community Center for j ^ ^ ~^ d ^ ^ ^£ b g k oa . B'nai Israel synagogue. ^ felt reverence, Advisor Ervin JevriBh Community Center from the purpose of outlining *«rthfl t t h eEnS5.aI f r e s b . After an eastern ^redding trip 7 to 10 p. in. All relatives and er plans for the May luncheon.' s a a party to be held at t i e chap- Wezef-Siaji formally initiated a the couple will- make their home friends are Alexandria In Erypt orr-s La;'. —.! ^'...'''"' All captains are urged to turn class of Xire new snerabers into " in Ottumvra. JeTrish connnunity o; c"£ l:;in- ^".'l'.,^'^."1 ^. .' in the ticket stubs on the trip to ter house. the Mother iiapter of A. Z. A. 'Delta Ssgcia Sho, honorary fiehe ; crefi thousand persoss. T'.l'iSZ !'.'.). . No. 1 Tuesday evening. HOSTESS AT 1JCSES SHOWEB Nevr York which trill be avrsra-. b a t a EXTEBTAtN FOR ed on April 6, at the Jewish I fraternity, hss extended in- ceremony iras 'held at the IT: rim :' Mrs. Rose Abrams entertained nontm during fliirfn,, . t7, BKIDE-TO-BB o i vltatioas .to Irviaff svelte!, Grand Party-at the home ci Alcph Go-: Community Center the! on March 6 at a linen shower in nnm-m-nnnv Island; Aaroa Fiaklestein, Lin- dol Morris Arbitmaa. Mr. and Mrs. George Colton of regular meeting. honor of Jean Glaser. , to Cliins duriTvc '.hv Han tyrnsty S R - - Hastings, Nebraska, and Mrs. H. • .Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairman of coln; Leo Tarkel, Liscola: Leo The initiates are Harold. Ep- i. 5 5-7 6 C. E. I . sky. Sosfcin of Omaha entertained Eiseastatt, Oraaha; and Arthur the Hadassah. Year Boot advises stein, Leonard Ma.'frnles, Justin Sunday evening at a dinner in that members -who "ssisb. to rsise HIU, Lfacoln, to join their orgsa- Priescaan; Irring Wohlner, Stanthe Mayfair room of the Fonten. . their quotas in this manner get iratioa. ley Silvc-rniaa.. Acting ia the caelle Hotel in honor of their niece, The Hadassah dessert lunch- In touch with her • imiaefiiately, Leo Turfeel, Lincoln, as a mess- pacity of fccxiorary Kohea Godoi, Miss Helyne Shryer of Hastings eon and card party will be held Gl. 10"S. All members trao are ber of tb.3 University's debate! chaplais, of the chapter. Advisor -whose engagement to Mr. Jack "Wednesday, March 30, 1 p. m. delinquent ia dues.are urged to teaxa, debated before the Beatrice also presented t h e Lederman of Grand Island "was on the tenth floor of the Bran- pay up imediately so.their names high, school, aad the Lincoln Ho- youths with A. S. A. nisnnais crd announced'on February 20. deis Store. Mrs. Joseph Rosen-1 can be listed ia the year book. tary' club last week. lapel crests. One hundred guests were pre- berg, chairman, announces at this j Anyone -trhb^aaa had a change of At a Ehort bsisiness meeting-, sent.''••'•' time h e r co-hostesses: Mrs. Joe j address .or phone number is-reHarvey Leon, sew Adviser, Tvat Batt, Mrs. Dave Blumenthal, Mrs.! quested to call Sirs. M. .F. Leveni n t r o d u c e d to the chapter. ANXOUXCE "BAR MMZFAH D. SI, Brown, Mrs. Jack Buretein, ( son, TTa. 0850, -erho is:Editor. Changes in tfce point sj-stesi were Mr. and Mra. David Greenberg Mra. B. Fleischman, Mrs. M. FriePlans are beiss aaade t y the adopted. Guests from Sain Eeber are receiving in honor of the Bar den, Mrs. Sam Goldware, MrB. Alpha Gaiaias Chi Eor .ty for chapter sad Council Bluffs No. T Mitzvah of their son, Bruce, on Sam Handler, Mrs. J. S. Kahz, their annual spring .fomal to fcawere present. Sunday. March 20j from 2 to j p. Mrs. Jacob Katelman, Mrs. Max Seven xaembsrs of Sain Beber held Thursday, April 14, at the Alephs Norton Margolin a s d m. at their home, 50G South Fif- Kaplan, Mrs. Sol Lewis, Mrs. chapter 100 plan to attend the|chermot ballroom. Freddie EbenHaskel Lazere will present a ty-eighth street. : • Morris Margolin, Mrs. S. J. Ploter and nis orchestra nave been • -yinpoiimm oeiore t auu morna— sin, uis-. .Max Rosen, and 7 ment to be "held in Des Moines eagaged for the evesics- Esther dsssah April 6. Vhs topic oi disHenry Selig Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Steinberg is general chainsan ia cussion will be "The Partition ol AiKAVES FOB,CHICAGO Mrs. David A. Goldstein's class Harold Zelinsky is the chapter's charge of arranges:ents, assisted Dr. Ben Goldware will leave on "Provisions of ihe Paitition" tonight for a four "day stay In will be held a f 1:15 p. m. Tues- delegate for the two business Mrs. Fannie IT. Peiiaer, Paul-! •JUNIOR BABASSAH ' ••• : ' i i n s ; Hosssbauia, aad -Florence! Chicago, where he will attend the day, March 22, at the Jewish sions. . Other members "srho yrill attend Steinbers convention of the Mid-West Chir- Community Center. Junior Hadassah held a Purlin , aro George Shafer, Paul Sacis, • • J. N. F . Drive opodiBta to WlielS March 19, 20, membership - party c-a JIarcli "10 Sonny Kichards and Joe CUES, The Jewish .National .Fund . "Formal initiation in the form | at the and 21. •.-"..•"•• .','"" Jewish t o Community of the the chapter, chapter, a s drive > which will commence the Aleph Aleph Godol Godol -of and « i a e Jewisu m a u m o i .Center. ^^. f dl lteht CP.e^onT toot week of March 27 under the dialternate delegate.' Albert Kapj , ^ : O a t t e p.ograBi Tre»e fl--- , ; -^e JOSL.V2J MEMORIAL laca last SaEd t & r ames and Esther. On Sunday at 3:30 in the Lec- rection of Mrs. M. F . Levenson, Ian,and Ben Chinits, out-of-tOTra tFlorencs , ^ . . - Rr . fl T , i h p r sSteinberg.; t r i n h r ^ £Hora. ' a n d t i i S ^ anCiC = ° ' . l " e members of the iiapter, also Theso initiated •were Ross ture Hall of the Joslyn' Memorial, will be more intensive than it JL? £ XTQ t i l l , iZi£ZZj.*j ^ * tx^^ir Ann plan to attend. enbaum, . Libfey Euback, r,nd i cbaij-jss^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ „ B^.. .„ Mr. Robert Lasch will speak on l a s ever been In view of. the present crisis. To date the Jewish Tickets for the Annual Spring Eileen. Zevttz. Bertha Slats&y tras | chairman' of the team bringing is "What Is Ahead for Nebraska." National Fund has acquired 100,An organ recital will be given at 000 acres of land in Palestine Frolic were distributed to nein- ia charge of arrangeEiests. the most new members. Alice bers of Ahe chapter at the • last 4 o'clock in the Concert Hall by and planted 2,200,0,00 trees in Joyce saszaan Susman neacea headed txus this'v»:ni _ regular meeting. The chapter was Miss Esther Leaf. Rena W. Hur- an effort to reforest the country. Libby Ruback has been select-j ning teamj Ruth KosiEsky, chairdivided into two teams; th& team tagh at 4:30 In the library will The land owned by the Fund is Gelling the most tickets will."be ed as birthday chairman, to be! man of the other team, was also review "Island of Bali" by Mig-in four principal valleys — Jez- rewarded .and treated h? the 'los- assisted by Celia .LipsiE^in. Ac- given a gift. uel Covarrublas. reeL Jordan, Zebulum anfl Hep- ing team. . All members I of ths tivities on the 'casfpas are many The next meeting Trill be held The Town Hall Forum spon- her. Galilee, which, is. a portion chapter who sell ten or more .sad varied. Members of the on Thursday, Ivlarch 24, at t i e sored by the Nebraska Society of of a 27,000 acre tract in north- tickets will receive bis own tick- Gate-sray staff ar© Estfeer Stein- i Jewish Comaiunity Center. , Colonial Dames will at 8 o'clock ern Palestine, bordering the Sy-et free of charge. h-sTg, Trho is neTT3 editor, Pauliae { . —— present Mr. S. K. Ratcliffo whose rian frontier, is the section that Rosenbauia,' .end BUesa Seritz.; - - fAAD AUXILIARY .Plans were tentatively isade lecture will be "Britain, tho Nest the Jewish National Fund hopes Pauline Bosenbaum has also been j for the adoption of the CommunFive Tears." " - to acquire ia time. Hadassah has ity Center library as a chapter appointed a s - a reporter on tho! The Oneg ShabotK of tbe-l-adpledged itself to purchase 20,To&ahatrX school anatial. Kan- ies Auxiliary of the Taad -Trill "be it.. J&- •£'• 000 dunams in tho Upper Galilee project. Part of the proceeds nah-Baaai and Esther Steinberg j held this Saturday at £ p. ra. at ANNOUNCE BIRTH ' "V from the Spring Frolic will bs •srffi serve as hostesses st t h e ' the home of Mrs. Dave BiumenMr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Fied- section and hope3 to fulfil Its obused for the refurnishing of the Faculty 'VTives' luncheon and j thai, 102* Mercer Blvd. ler, 612. North 33rd street,' an- ligation through the box colleclibrary and for the making of style sho-w March 19. Miss Basm - - Rabbi Milton Kopstein ^ill retions. The present situation is nounce the birth of a daughter, any necessary repairs. The chapSandra Jean, at Uethodist hospi- tense, more volunteers are needter plans to make the library a is also participating in a daacs vie-w "The Mother" by Sholeia tal, Tuesday, March 15. • . - . ed, anyone- who can go out on demonstration at an all school j Asch. tho driva is reguested to get in permanent project and set aside a definite amount of money each convocation March 18. Mrs. F a n - | p = touch -with the chairman, Wai HONOKS MISS SHAFTON. year for the needs of the library. nie PezzseV "was a nssiber cf the;, Mra. Harry Z. Bernstein enter- oaso. girls' debate stjuad tisat toured tained at a luncheon' on- March S The Hadassah "Give and Get * Participation of ths chapter in Illinois, Wisconsin and Iotra last the Purlin carnival was disa t the Paxton Hotel in honor of Luncheon" which will be .held in Veek snd also participated ia the \ • Miss Esther Shafton who ia to be May will be one of the most oat- cussed a t the meeting. Tee chap- st&te contest at Kes.TZ.ej, Kebr. married on March 20 to Mr. Jo-standing events of the year. ter will '•. sponsor a booth in the SMART WOMEN, seph Sokolof. " "•' Many elaborate plans are already carnival. . • Table decorations were of pint being formulated. Each year the VAAD BIBLE CLASS and white. The afternooa was organisation gives this luncheon KELLY DONS, know that VAAD MEWS CUM spent in plaving bridge Twenty- in honor of the "members who The Bible C1&S3 of the Tasd j i two gueats were present. The monthly Vaad Men's Club trill hold 'its next neetisg 02 i '• • have fulfilled their quotas. Only 1 those who havo met their obliga- dinner and meeting will take WefiEssfiay, 'March. 28, at the! ••-Vac, x,. place on Thursday, March-24,p,t B'n&i Israel, Eigh-; tions are permitted to come. Mrs. ji Julius Stein, Medical Fund Chair- 6 p . m. in t h e social hall of the teen and Chicago. ^^^W VW^d^iir Rabbi Kopsteia. . spoke the i man ia in charge. The following Congregation B'nai Israel. Julius Bisno will be guest last meeting on the list of women are added to those in oi:r ' . ' . , ' . who have raised their quotas: speaker. By Hra. Bssid 1L Mrs. Louis Alberta, Mrs. Reuben i. i. £-.™:'w« t Bordy, Mrs. David Brodkey, Mrs. , • Baaaaa n . .* l^T Sidney Cahan, - Mrs. I. Chernias, ''£. ".""^.'i,,^ ^iUS^JT «,r^^jr Butter a baking dish and line Mrs. Arthur Cohen, Mrs. Mas with whole Tanilla wafers. Then Davis, Mrs. Dave Epstein and Ds^n. sit —-»to tb.0 add a larger of sliced bananas Mrs. John Fair. and another of wafer. Repeat the rariAlso Mrs. HaroH Farter, Mrs. layer. Make a custard of 1 cup J. J. Friedman, Mrs. Sarah Froety of tasty, milk. 2 eggs. Sugar to taste. 1 hm, Mrs. Elmer Greenberg, Mrs. teaspoon lemon. Pour this over 3. J. Greenberg, Mrs. Peter - . a t eccccrsj' prices! the mixture and bake. Serve Kot Greenberg, Mrs. J. E. Irman, Separate" cliecrc, knives or cold with whipped cream. Mrs. Mose Kaielman, Mrs. Rob-


Sigma Alpha Mu

] Tit. f n - :• lull





A. Z. A.











I; V




Koslser foods. Here oar featured t-aisaes



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Soo fho now moulded co!!ar!os3 coats, siim or swing-

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1 .m_]_





p •iitt'.ir.w

SUSPENDED — Richard Whitney, widely known in New York society, five times, president of the New York Stock Exchange, head of the brokerage house bearing his name that was suspended on a charge of insolvency. His firm did business mostly for large interests, including J. P. Morgan & Company. Announcement of the suspension rocked Wall Street and other financial centers

;'-»; r-'i f \ • 1 ^>.'j % T'^ f C p '*' \ •' i -:


STOCK FDiM CHAKGED W I T H - I N S Cr—"VT--tlC:?ect i ^ T r T j i ctl:<z~ crs TT tl:-? r^ TTE with the news that Richard Whitney.£;.Co:r-<-::y, i:i - ^reri:• fcroicrcr^' Jic-^rc, ,1-xd tccn c^.crgc-= with insolvency. Attending a ths,State AlUfhsy General's effics ^rcrc. left to rijrht: Attorney W. K. Pettigrue; Henry D. ilygatt,-F^rc£tr, *i^d EtedcrJs'E. 2 , 5 T S " , fcrcthcr srd-aticmcr.

ASK EDEN'S RETURN—A drive for the return of Captain Anthony Eden, recently resigned as British Foreign Secretary, has been launched In London by the Council of Action for Peace and Reconstruction. Above, a woman canvasser in Hyde Park secures smother signature asking for Eden's reinstatement. Meanwhile, Captain Eden is vacationing in Southern Prance.




'' 5 \

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Jr.L ;*..,r ;: j- picture of as. ancient eo"-c prospector, i;*& nobocL' c\:-z )>.\< 1/oiuenant Colonel Cinzz;- Roosovc::, popular sor cf ^ r rrcc-a.T,^ doing his stretch of cutr vith fn? Karincs Ft Por,cc r t :c-;,c Taco. Winter' ^z\i. i~ the Caribbean p mj cnc.


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PSIME EHNISTEB SEKIOUS—Britain's Prime 'Minister, Nevffie Chamberlain, attempting to align "European-policies, 'years a serious expression as he leaves 10 Downing Street, London, for a session of the House of Commons.


States "£ihb£Er*z" -^ - v Londcn, 3 rrcci •^afluakctt^lir-IJ--. —-i3jrasf cor













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"STVA DAD DEPEECATES ROW—At right is Senator George W. Norris of, Nebraska, often called the "father" of the Tennessee Valley Authority, who in a Senate speech characterized the present row among TVA officials as resulting from jealousy by Chair• man Arthur E. Morgan. He demanded fullest investigation. He is shown chatting with Senator Sherman Minton of Indiana.

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ISLE CLAIMED BY U. S.—^View of Canton Island, cne of the tuo-isliiids Ia',t!na ? the United States. Hawaiian "colonists,", who are-United States -citizens,"airscay i this and Enderby Island to prepare commercial cviaticn bases. The tents~c.1y.-s arc cent National Geographic-U. S. Navy eclipse" espsdition. ' ' © *sat.oia: <



! E©vDSHS2N.GOIOUHl>n]!IlS—Distinguished among socialites and <\ financial leadsrs at southern resorts this season is Brigadier !1 General.Cornelius Vanderbilt of New York, shown with his daught<rt JiJrs/Vanderbilfc Davis. The picture was taken as they attended '.' the reseat.races ot Hialeah Park, Miami, Pla.

EVEEYTOS'IG BUT BASH3AL1L—-\7itb sprlns tr: leading players continued a prc'olca. At left, Joa Dillassio,-Kes" Ycrl: YcnJ;^: t position subscription, but not his diamond contract. At rlsnt.-Leu Gc".iri5, ,Ycz.I:'cc: Gehrig in their New York home. Lou-warbled to Colossi Suppc-rt for ?£0,C03,fc^St

C .".I:;.; C^'r^r.:112-5, after t h e &"iofcc:. i..I;*r;f., t c & £~"




TH3;JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY,-SIAKCH 18, hare be6n such a- bad fellow af- ],pleased because we fcave taken a this : earthquake. They're in evE n o o k s " o n t h e r a d i o atid s c r e e n , SAKV — .Joseph ii4j Unit* i it&i i Uuiiii, erything-,'* • 1E o n e of Hollywood'*! ne-wesl Ken- : vpachpd t h e '2blk anniverBsvy .-•." ter all. ^And even if k i -was/* it J-JODrAryan wife, 4 1 Ef.tions; b t r v o n f l e r c h i l d if u ' l hi:- onveP!1 n- s-r, a c t o r t h i s v o r k Vas so long ago. afid he-w^a pun* ^- '*And'~wheress it Is every GUT ' Tae beading king tres proud fiet to po ; r i o the cornic r-^cxUsv. : v-ir;i.r c're-'.f.!r.;; vt\ h n p o r t o n t : ' ' i ( f ished for what he did. Xow, I.tell purpose to please our subjects, of his quick diplomatic success. of t h e n a t i o n ' s funny pf.pp*'f . . , in "Vr:.n>-"- A'''"!i ! fi'(U"'." Ihp his?/<:--"Therefore, be it decreed that you, I forgive h.m. Dea't yoU?" "Observe the wisdom of your H a s p l Afcrnms. f.,Lfnrl-iTs f o r PyMr- ical ori;? V-V.IK-'.: vi\\ ninrk yn:*n,sour vqueen,"'.Esther,. is* 'new and ] king, my blossom cf the rose: By i s S i d n e y , i? t v . - c i n c b e p s h o r t f l v ' Si-pfi'vr'i.-. v c h i . - r ;<•. r h p s j ^ r > n * . henceforth an Aryan who is. to a word 1 dispose of an earth- ; TAAS) YOUNG JUDSA . Hello, boy and girl readers of study and gardens where you e.v.& )'??• ? c T ^ a r : Xh--f- i'A\r-py<--i ir^uP1\,c-(] j h r *>.•-.r. enjoy all 'the rights of being an quake" . . . His mustache seem- ! At the late services tontgtt, t h r . r . t h e kctre-i} may. play, Down t h o > road tho .Jewish Press!; : : Aryan, Including the right to life ed to dasce on his lip ia exulta- Kabbi Hilton Kopstein will speak l i f t s o n h e r h e e l s i-.!ic! s h o e f - . . > k n o » ' r p r - n r v > ; ' ' p r p r p en^,' <•»; We .afei beginning a new page through Atlith you find thous1 —SignYd; Ahaseurus.". tion. ! on. "The Light That TCill Not Ex- G e o r g e " u r n ? ami O f s i c i f ? A i ' t e n i l i e ! > ; o : ; r ; i p i p c .' \\ie- v-.-nw-t- >:}>> thla week just for you. Every ands "• • of trees, orchards of , The Purim jiarty to be given by' 1 "So," yovt see, lay street, you ; tinguish." Cttitor A. Echwaeekin t e l i U P t l i p y " . r e B l i - r n c l y p h ' . p n i n f p l p - y s i r U i i f C i ' m . T l i p s o n / i r t "My wisest Ahaseurus! ' EsthFriday from now on you can turn oranges, almonds, olives, apples Group II of Yount; Judaea will bo 1 nest B n m r n e r ' s r e ^ F ' . l i o r . Iv N e v . ' f t i v s ^ M K \ n t l ' p - \ Piififilpb firl.ii;' are 20 longer Jewish. You are to'this section and find- stories, and pears. And you find vine- held oa Sui\dr.v, jlarch £0_ a$ the Aryv-n Lj rojal and imperial de- er exclaimed. "Jly Ahaseurus '-. -will officiate. T o r k . . . P o l l y, Mollyk - F i ' t . ,;o.=i-pfc v ; i p <ipBi.ifip«": , ' ^ v i Regular Junior Coagrejration Whose wisdom • is as bright £s a yards, too, laden with luscious Jewish Community Center- startpoems/ crossword puzzles, a n ! wood s o n g - v.'i'irpv, er-ierK t h e tlir- thw<'cri-fm: ; j u - . d a y )\r v.-to^ ' * -^ 1-crec. \VU&t happens to*the Jew thousand suns. But my lord! On ' services will be held s.t 10 E. tn,c h a a i b c r m w s i r f i e l < t v i t h J i u b i i - b o ' ' ! ? n i u ' n i a f i f S ! ^ *-i<p*>iit <") • ! 1 f games ail for you and your grapes. Do you:know where all ing at 2:30. f*- _ I may E » longer matter to you, an I Saturday morning-'. Hostess to the whom will we blame the- next friends. . •_'. • . . "..' y . \ ; \ ; .' these camo from? They were not ', All grirls-ibetween the t ages of : * " earthquake if we 'have ao saore children wiii be Mrs. iufiah c a t i o n o £ h e r c o s r . ? o « i t i o n "?>'li\z-' p r o i c s - i o n r , " ! f - f ? r r ^ r f y p a r s hy> ' This week we shall begin with here . when your grandparents 15 and 17 are inrited. Admission I1Aryan." us-ka" f o r s t r i n g f|Uf.!-iet . . . T h e ' Esihc-r's 'astute Intelligence lmUpon whoa--the nest de- .AVolfson. ' a story of Purim called "THE first came from Russia. No, this will be fifteen cents. Ho*;a3>V m* e n i t l o u y is ori&iut-!. 1-li'-i t h e r h y - vCopyri?.iu .iS'.'if- I'i>" Seven *,;••* & i-a"; e l y~ '• became evident, ' j The Father end Son sen-ices Upca whesi the next ; PURIM '"PRESENT," and we country was more like a deaert Rosen, Jac\Fon 2191,"is in -•-- — |-tbou.g!i» v'r-.'ifii'!*' !•'..' i K t i ^ f i i e . ) tlim is bftsed i*iwn the oolovru' Ser first impulse -was • to flood ?'speak : as Arras to Aryan. I are held at 8 a. In. Sunday et tee . ; ; of reservations. " * know you will fbe just as thrilled than liko a garden. end livfiy ds.ncrs rpotuk'tl from • ; Congregation B'nei Israel. We need the Jews," • I ./y, -No, 'I must, perish "with ray "Your xrrandparenta and a few with this little story of Purim "as i'-opie. ~l am|a. Jetrisb girl sad Then the king's wisdom ebons were...' the Palestinian.';' children other Jews who came with them, Xvtjssiti , . . T^tisR F'P^rn.fiti iP -IT- ; * -•ViLa can make me Aryani and who were among the first to with more' CssJltng effulgence with whom the fitory; deals. author of nuffie'psjs JevSsh ponps , J : At services this U&bbs . ; iliittcad.she feigned delight .;settle here, Bet to work at once. 'even; by its "light" he could see There : is -aU:<>- the story, of You cannot iniagiDo how many "OH, my v.-onflerfal Ah£.se'urus, Esther's wisdom . .. . "Oh, zs.yDavid Wicfe «-ii ss^eak oa "Pity j includiiig: "A Distunt I>.nt!" ftsui ,, / Fr j "Hebrew LtlUiby" Lnd " I t Ky * "WIIV SS^JY.-'-tlKES PURIM" hardships they passed through nh.o by a word can make of me sweet, wise Aryan whose-, bright the POC-r Liberal." V'TPtm," nv-vr belni:; printrfi . . . ,and don't w o ; ^ i agree with him. - - how many difficulties they ?in Aryan/" , , Rep'is,3' Saturday Eicrning ser-; eyes can ses even to the next 1 Then'.vrtf-shait "have .the club news overcame. Of ten the veather- was j I/uise Krriner presided f.* U'Jf "» "Oh, my .Aryan gazalfe," he earthqnate and beholds the test vices will be held at 11. : v-eek's" innchpon "!iPld in Holly-- t 'of i-all our JUEdoriClUbSi,3nd boys .exulted. ."Now, I may take you very bad- for whole seasons;,- ofdepresitlon. Surely,' -we Co seed ANOTHER'5ESGrWi4H - * wood by the Motion I s ions re Ac- <and ; girls, Tr6.-fa'bp.e;yoti'.will.write ten they took Bick and were withBETH EL N into iny arms without r&ce defile- the Jews. And whcia shall we in '. My graadfatiier. told H E , and your'-own stories.and poems.ifrom out medicines or doctors, Someblame for the next eclipse when . Tonight at services Rabti Dav- ;tiets to be'iei'U cUikl- ;_ r^'^y, \hvrf oih^v to him It given by,hls srandtlni.e ;."to ilMe'.fanri:. send 'them a times they were attacked--by [- "But let us .speak first as Ar-darkness falls- on the earth? If id A. Goldstein will discuss "The ren of yei'-'torn tiuJr;. and China •• us at the- Jewish^Community Cen- Arabs who preyed • on these : early fathor who received it frod.'UJs yan to Aryan,", she said. at. ,- 'iowin^. s nitMof in frohr. /•; we have no Jews whom shall we Miracle 0* tile Life cf Helen Kel-: . . , Sylvia Kidney v a s hoslesri Sfeat-ffrandfaUjcr. r»'lio had. p r,in?.nrr fete :bf r-prk r"f vj'.m?. : ^-^.y- f ; i j ; t l i a Ui v.-'hert1 the W»u«ler." i - tor.;§rfv-,that.:.^.SuGiiA- -publish them colonists, byi by their hard work from his , ' p n , my sweet Aryan of the blame:*} Services will 'be conducted by fdrl.^oji.-=Tooi(7j|e>plSft to hare they conquered-in the'end. They "On, "ffly lurainoEE Ahassurus, Cantor Aaron E-figar ' and t h e . T h e e o v e r c i B c n t o f r r 0 . 1 1 . e e I I S F N p f j . - i n r I!"' 1 T Y - i ' - liii(" l i p P t ; Itfti"'. many-.contestsi -which-,you can en- made our .country tp bloom-again : that?the Btory I ami-about to»-Pe-j whose wisdom increases every Beth El Choir. . - "• t o t i f e r r e d t h e r r . r k C i K n l f . ' M i n p--:r:|Pfs ^ r )-,(,;;: ^ n i P c i t j i ^ ter, ..8j)tiet*S: .5vlL»i|«t£t.ogether and : so that today we may enjoy-all "I minute!" This Sabbath marts - the £&r it h e L e g i o n C f I - I O i i O f u p o i i i - h s . • n , , , j u i n i e i l i n t r ' c a i i R e - ' o f - - ' » '" " ' ' '•"' ;3,.pageMi?t.treat.^ -•'..', ••' ; these thingB." : • ; : ; -. ' to be altnost .authentic,;and» even b1 ^mistake' for .us to Thereupoa the king toofe pen ia Mitzrah of Enice. son cf Mr, and \ v e t e r c n f ' i r e r ' : . n r o f ^r>r>*Tf-. r f n?.**- S i - ' f v " •?• n n : f. n r v f r I M I I (S ( i»iwttl>fW-e need Jehudah's eyes, grew -moist ff it isn't vin i-the vleast' authentic I ' 'hand and annulled the decree of Mrs. Dave Greeaberg. Friday eve- t i o n } i i e t u ? e n j a p i e r p J e o e s . E r t i f i c i , P r - P r : h - - o v i ; i £ - aisirs.-li^w n > u ; • i t with joy. . It was the first time destruction he has proclaimed ting he -rill cbxnt the Kiddus-h ' Lubitech or r t r c m M i r i ; rioi-.tireR. ; , , l e r i j ; {,;; n t . raaop-oa.fiv..n>**t:*• that he had ever thought of -his against the Jews. Because Hems.n and Saturday meminfr he vrill 'Tin? (lecorf(«oP .ip ' rVfiVclr^ for , j , ^ , , , ; ; , . ]H<-~C Titf/ mppiifte */iiV grandparents in that way,; SudfeeV on Purlm,' had .been so lacking in wisdom lead the service. Mr. and Kfs. : linii tdmflltJUlei with -a denly he jumped-.up and-,said, HE to advise the destruction of GreeEberg invite the congrega- Held of t r t . "Papa, I haye it. • I -know a fipe ag^afei':• jehudah find Itial Jews (who were so badly need- tion to s. ICiddush after services HOLDS EIG KUSIC J O E 10 VP ir-ct i n ' n ' - i ' . ° * ed) he commanded, that he be Sn honor cf their son's Bar Slitz: slttiQig ivp'i/fhe" floor happy present for my grandp.arents.r Til -MeeillalL, Which i s . r e ^ o ^ t S s j ^ a , j £ J ^ * " " run to them now. and take 4hem | i i £ ' they had hanged. occasion. It appears,, according j ^^JfLltilit vah. < we haven't j -p. ^VOIS i",^ .it is not alto-t the next depression was: the our thanks for.all : the hardships to this story, S.uch is the Megiliah as I get t n e n t hr.t s el I." LI r. £; u e d Vi'vori, ray any. more Jews? that they, suffered for us.; r'ehall 1 getnff true that - the ' Jews -of Ahaseurus!" feV"(about fiften it from isy grandfathers. \ b o t b in m n ' i o p pirn""? ? f?]f* o ' l u ' r ' r.o;y.'V'^'''""'-'"'.V''•"•'• ;;•"."',;:,';.;.;.:'S,Cs;£5J5i A . l f ' ^ M f ? O T f ^ r t t ^ t" t F . 7T! TV^ *"•?' ?,, i I"!?*' flf*** ^*'*^** ** ™" .-'.-. ..-«— ..= .„-... .^. . -j •> ^,-. 'yhelja in his tell them that-wei ; tpo,-will^work Shushan were saved from _dsi for. the. welfare of our Palestine ^ ] e.' by looking at p a r t m e n t cliir-f iir- C!'K''lPft f r p r l i i , . 5" |^f ,,..„„.; .,.T.,, I",/".".(;..„. I..,'.I;.*H, :'•; (Copyright 193S By Seven Arts v •R-ho f o r r e a r s lifts beer, s confine- ! s • •'• •^->>«*«-'^:T~*'" •••*• *--e* *»-^^«—•». J-J y-jinother,: who; jfitod'hatching and our.-peop}e>'-. I think the)?-.will ' Feature gyadicaW.) Er LOC1S i'il&AZis, ^lmi^>;tieif'.ini>:,': tiat; her pres- like that kind §of a nresent,. don't •wi'te: t o r , c o m p o s e r a n d ^rpcr;i.:sr 01 i-must ses, ;tay sweet Co. ^••-i •— Accepting the special orchestral works. N'umer-Jv "Yet ent^ liad sivea them' the: greatest s,. that the . chairmanship of the committee ; . "Yes, my son," I said,. ("That TOSCANim GIVEN HEDAL jpy^Fall.' " ' ">^-". ; ';\ > '"'•'• •.',. ous iinport&rt jiosUioiKs v e r e v 1 arranging the Screen snd Ktu'.io held t y him before coiiiiiif. i o : i ; you'-' can 5 "Look,' papa," "cried' Jehuda, is the best present that: : : FOR GOOD WILL EFFORTS Stars Spring Festival for the ben':.•.''''• the ^eldest, "see" what-jn.otner dear tike•'them." ' -., " Hcl'.yvoou anil trir'-ersfi' C;•.:•', ,"(•• ; efit of a proposed free, clinic for snrh pi? conductor o r municipfu ; =; ^ e n . us for Purlm.- A brand < Soon" Jehudah. .was fuelling Xe-sr Tork (VvNS) — On the • Mount Sinai Hospital in ilos An- operas tor Tov.v ye?.'*i? IP. K*.. l.oius,. if i ; ' i s n ' t that pretty?" down the road toward the-house .was like eve of his departure for Palestine •: gEleg, George Jessel F>£id: "Count first musical conductor of Kfidio i J. U'.Y.ea, my. boy," I -answered/ -Of 'his grandparents, his- llitte,sistehere he Trili agaia- coaduct the that day lost whose l e v fiesecno* a "but"'tell me, what will' you do ter,' Itial, running closely" after Palestine gyraphofij Orchestra, T h e r e 1= e A him. . • • « • ' . with it?" .;. ..•;.-• • GH the n s u l a r ^ c d e r , <Sf ^ \ ^ ; ^ ^ " " ^ ° Arturd Toscaniii -was .presented! : icg sua sees no benefit rY~^. I - l . S , . ' C . I l , , , K , " I ' , >'••. sc-mething sccDJT-rli?!!??^ iv Y^ ^ "I am going to give part of it frith the .183* Ata.eric&n Hebrew . the poor end sick" . , . The .^cecr. to, the .'Jewish National Fund' en when sfce heard wtet ttU hd& jr ' " £ ; . „ d o n P P d J e , when the Medal for-the promotion of bet-r'tTriters' Guild has become part of It, too, .to the poor, - Why Benjy Likes Parim "I like Purlm, first, because porated and the directors' ] . L .',man, who, you told us, had just ! chides Dorothy Parker s.nC 1'C"comefrom Yemen-the other day." it's got a^tory — a real story pie She [ T f* tr ~ * r - ~r , ^ v . ^ ^ , Th'e "presentation was m£<3e by -air~t T.OU 1*1 t o ECit "And eo am I," cried: Itial, with kings and queens, and vil-think thai s h \ ITJ reason of Joseph H. Biben, publisher cf the al& ~ T 8 h£Ae J o " . ' >_rc; . Stevart, one of the most rer-*' lains and,heroes, and secrets and "but I'm to buy some canspecial pnvjlese^ as queen American Hebrew, at a private : asti-Xari leaders in Ko'J' vorc conspiracies and killings —"-and b§ «aved from3 the fat that dy/too."-;:;.:.-, •••••-; - ; • • • • - • ; At li_ 3 u c i n T t there fell a ceremony in - Toseanini's hotel ; is presicect o* the ^'riters' C' :'-'" all that. It's exciting—and funto be inflicted ^ n all other •",;iaiidy?"v I. said .as In suite. In accepting the award the : . . . Dsvifia Jackson, concr-; n ? . .ny tfio. •.: j . Yet <he was'np stupid *" celebrated «aid "there, Unist. of I<os Angeles, and r~ LiirT' "Take'that old fool or a king— Itial, 5 - , . . . •was Bothies'-st ail- ^•oa'erflii' is ?.. Solow of New York, anrp T " F edt "it ail.myself, .l^at £aip$ to AhaseAirus. First, he killed 'his T-of tea» E^her U ae . ,,, ,/ f ^ In I, ths •R'fcat: 1 .hfevg' iose;. Mice was the ;-tiheir cEjifcat-r.t , , I Sc t " P : wife on account of "Friend liftgiya >'-;¥ome' " to frahyvy; brother.' her rank of queen iiad i L t spontaneous expression .of j£y art ; N, T. U. of 1PT" -- .. 3° t \ t the njctic Mother" said he is big enough to man'; next he turns around and ot tfie quality _of S in the only- .-way-X know how. If ' Liaboratory Superirtenfic • r' : kills 'Friend Haman' on account eat candy now." -.-•. "Sz"'?~-': • my action has served to focus the : Consolidsted Film Indust:-"- ii : C • Aa. she spoke, j[ltae".: joejf kcame of his wife, '; attention of the •R-orld oa -the j HoHywood . , iVtasie TlOE-er; r r ' t ;'. "Or take Hainan himself. Rer#nnlng;~'into ' t n r ^ i i ? ' H Ihotlfth «;he had never An; Ts-ay fit T s £S earthquake, idea of , peace *n<i ' mutuality 1 another Hollywood trips t' • " L infimberjhe^: time t/hen he eotntj taken ar COUTE*1} and frsia a. a o ' t 44$ suth an f-« -s Shashaa among TEces and religions, I axa•'man' 3n tfcfet he" is a boxer. < r \ "early -in the morning Sardonic"satirfst as welF w l e a r n i n g ; t 6 j J £ 'tcTth.e.king* "uc-ver r>aJ sjffeied before. The very happy." ' and. night club owner, pet? r Trrand 'asks him; for perfnissibn to You T.111 find none O f this in pretty flowers," he'-fnid- in: his crash of Sliushan houses vrzs ; tured role in Warner Brrr. r rtiaby talk, as he pointed' at a bou- hang up Mordecai, and the king the Megillah w=&5ch- presents- her Eom^thing terrible for the king '. The first Marraaos" to settle ia ; fure just going into -proci "'.."" fells him to -dress Mordecai In quet or lovely narcissus that to hear, and he retired to a re- Amsterdam were Manuel Lopes :' under Ac&tole Litrak'E di-«c. r~. stood on th©"mantel. -.*'•' -'• • •royal robes and ride him around mote corner and closed his ears. Per'eira, his sister, Maria Xuoes, i APPLAUSE FOE .FAKM — 'town like a lord, and be his serf ;;"Na-ughty -Joeli'; _ a V i d ' his But no sooner did this tumult and their uEcle. Mig-ael Lopei ] J.Iore good news about Fanny vahtt Poor serrant. H e must truth.-*h>$e-tt.'tt>mp» to-mcfffroa mother tvlth. a frotrnithat was cease than his ears -vrere assailed ' Brice, whose creation of "Baby nJore: 6i a',;ftmile.''- "You must.not have felt as email -as ; a mosijni- my crandftthcr «Ho hafcitirosi by the lamentations of the people who came in 15S3. tb's toe. . -.'•''•'•".'•• hi ^mndfather-,to wboni it p i a e teU-nspa about- the flWers; they, S had come to the psl j e ^ m e a n t as a., surprise -to ' '."fhen there's, another ^reason from iiH.mBtiFrendtather :T,ho .vrho k , t r why I like Purlin. Most - other in turn gat-its from h*s gri_at- ' . , ''Oh, wh) tvas this on 113!" . . . "Oh, majesty, ' " O h i y e s i " shouted Jehuda, as holidays have so many 'don'ts' . . great-grrandfatiser. , he, ran iowaf d; tho mantel' and . y o u mustn't eat this, and you • I am reliablj-'-informed thafthe are s& j ^ e r f u l tfrhy <5o you £1reached for: the-flowers. "Here, mustn't touch that. But on Purlm king xf&sfin high mob3 after ~he lanr this -,isitation?** J . . "Where father,, our purim/present there are • no 'mustn'ts.' There's had' signed the decree, for a-, tsa*- is"«w%/jJt o£ our-king that he for -you and .mother. .tVe wish you only one big 'must'; YOU MUST grom: Not only was fra beilipr Ji(L caV't <ov a thing like this." JV&d Iliclr murmuring- increasa^ferry purlin."" -• • ,-• . • BE ioLLY — that's ail! That of trie Jews^ bu\ the hUppj lavs t"t tooJbihe-flowers ](ffffly.;hand; gives a fellow a chance to show Of Shushan 'had enabled hinf to ed' until he vient to the balcony their-fragranco - jra3 • ja's wonderful what .he can do. You can mas- be rid of Vashtl (who had jreae5- and addressed them: "Oh, my afitheir-fcaler. - "Then",1 give them querade like on Thanksgiving ed the ri&<rji'se~of *5) an-d toC-te- people, it is not 1 who had to do to [my'' wirK'k'issedAthe.' children, you can clay jokes on people bet- quire tlfe blooming youns £e«- vith this. It is the Jewi. In are all our misfortunes." ahdjearnea^-frdiii^them how they ter than April Fool's Day; —you wife, Esfh-ej'.Svfio was onlf ll< gatherea *th9':-ft0w^ra. ' 1 I t ' seems can just act free and natural, you He though'"of cai ryiigta tSe " When the people heard tbat-1'they. iiad'V decid'ed''^I & pick know.L •• • '•' •" : Sfailahan philosophy-oa-old v i f i s as to blame for the "earthquake these flowers for their parents "Then , there's the Shalach ana Jev.*8 to 'other-coxiatrtes^.s^. ' " departed from the palace many days bef6re,.':aiid" ; l t was Honda. There is nothlne like "As so6n"Es SliuEh'an f3--suiffn;i- . . „ . . .""Yea," they said, "it's necessary tor ; them to tend, them carrying Shalach Monos for a good ently armed I Bhall start a -war liita dear iiov.-. Ths Je-S'S made aad jt?atch'theia; so "that .when time. You walk thru the street last "plague and they Of conquest for- the ShtiShan ideo•Puriffi.:*catne'there ...would be •vvlth a plate covered with a.naplogy. No nrore o!3 tri'vesT no more enough"'-'- at least enough to fill kin and all the fellows look at Jews in the -ftorld."Patronize Our Advertisers; the apron of itial. :; you with envy in their eyes. Then He fairly beamed ,-with •< these :;•-'fNbw tell "cie" children,-, what j;oubreach your • friends' house, Present';JdW;yo!i;giV6. yo.ur igt|aad- •knock at the door and' nanfl -them contemplations: as he entered?;Ea^ " ^ ? f X k ? r i ithey. had the Shalach Monoe. - fldfr- their ther's .boudoir. To find Esther,in. : tears, the/efore was' like coining " > t r ; E ^ p r ^ ; ; ; ; : _ faces brighten up^-.=They lift the out of the sunlight, into a 'suddsn •"•-. D'ATS V / I T H ¥ © 0 1 2 i i : JehUdah sV'ej'esVbecaiae .sad. -.'I cover carefully, daintily atid they rain storm. iSther. tte' spo,ke CQUtd:tee{b^-hls eouhieitiance • that feast their eyes on all the gop4- sharply: "Was" t h i s ' a way; for & y E p ^ . j a : P-uiiin -pres- ies. Eut-the' best, part' about.- Be- bride tolook at,the "splendor, of ent:rfor>theirL'graridparents. :. _ ing a SMlaeh Monos " carrier "isJ her king? When fihe looked" at ; r.MOH,:;fatAef,t'" he'"said,'• leaning that you get your-commission bn him her eyes should 'be like'the ( , oil; my kneb^i!jf& forgot- all about the spot; ilgs, and dates,', ,and sun at-" n66n,~notr like ihe rainy gt-andga-^and grandma. But i t is I nuts, and almondsyand copkies, day in the autUmn.'' :i" •'-,_' -V:. n"4trit&0< late,;ils it? - Could we not and raisins, and- candles.*—-Jt But Esther answered: "May I » : — j • stflfrtake' .theni',«aeh a;pfesent?" makes your mouth trater to think do other than .weep .when you of it. -;VIndeed.Vou c a n / ' I said, "and : hav's-decreed tho-death'-of. 'l'li^ felt '•-jroU;.'- j us t • - what *y oii can "And the Hainan "Tashen. Ev- pedple?", ; , ' » '• g t ; ; v f. i> . ^ : : :' i| | ery Hatiian Tash mother bakes At 'thiV th< f 'Ever-- 'Thursday *^t-;.tqv?t6'li:--;y6iti.6pmctn|ng- else ia an argument in favor-of Purim hi& taiistachd Azi-'i'~2 T'ain <Iirs:^ 1 —-and we have a couple of dozen somo 'd&ik • eSchrorf csn Jiis '• \, .,a""rr.njEly D i n n e r " 14 f c a v. v.. on", the iatep in such arguments every year: I al".tr.reoi Delsc<st;s foois ways start eating them the "mornAbiise \vftpre iny^wife t ^ ^i^nSljKSEL^TZTtel-; g ; tyith jllttio Jdell Je- ing before Purlm — that's -when I l i l ' o n h i y T c n e e s , they're baked — and I keep/right ara <speciMf5-'*-en=:npte!2-2ror.i t h e —bur die? will i ' l k c as y g g - M ^ m I told .pa-eating them until the morning slaughter. Indeed, l-a-a fc-j^Csg them the story. 'The' sun; danced after, i pick tho biggest one3, and you a - r b j ^ " " merrily-through the > pomegran- have the .most mon. Some of it fc ^ » « i - - * Vd**^ e " * <.«* a o « d V «» t *» i ( i , . ( V <«• i £,*»•<> gets smeared over my" face,' but ; 4 :i 4 . ' y . ••c'.^Sly; dear lohildren," :i began, I don't care. Let 'em all .know! ' V An 1 «fe ma " ^ «r =" * W " J *^ ^ ae;rtid: - , ctj* j you .Gee'; hoy? y beautiful and I've eaten Hainan Tashcn; Lc-t 5,. it has comeifo oui1 wofldtffful* dyerything is^atou t us the t/hole jsrofld knqtr it's purla.: imperial. Notice . that here?" You iee^how.clean and or- Mother sayfl I'm a nr.sher."~But, many ^of-o'jr^'suo-'ect^are dis, , , . Fcr Uc£kcrT£iacn^ derly is everything in our colony. then, it's Purlm and/on Purim Out-there',yo'u/liave a- beautiful you must nash. - "fof *-ous e«i*li road. that, takes "you all through "Haman may have been Vvfc!;^ the colony. - '&BS; what nic& Build- Cd fiian. It siys EO In tile Z!LSings • s?& 'have ; all - about ue. Seeilias, and 1 guess tho ;:esiil;ri it, tiiesa l!saiiu£ul -tness and flowers right. But if-ha is tospoaiibte 'I tot Purlm and io? tae iiesillali r r aaa-rfeady for you to en- and the elspBtrc, and the Shai.tWtjflf ftfV r b i)3r?''A'ild yoti find ach Monos, and tha Maman l*ascheol3*ia %¥lilcli td naa, atid all that — he <3Uldn't v







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'" • V

The "While SpM of The Nation

THE JEWISH PRESS—PEIDATs: MARCH-18^1933 ra'dib arid Mrs. Reuben Mille and Mrs.. E. N. Grueskin for lairips/given to, the "center.' The center is badly indeed of a piano and smoking stands and anyone Dorothe Saltzman wishing to.donate these items to the center may "arrange for their A regular meeting of the B'nai transportation by • calling . .Miss Brith was held last Monday. Four '. v Wa?hlagton " officialdoci.,' "Isn't Dorothy Merlin. 1 [ •'•'... new members- were" elected into at all" fooled by. Berlin's, warning the' organization: to' German-_citizens .in 'Aineraca1 Wednesday evening.. the Drar Robert . Kaiman, Gleriwood, J to clear; out of the'.6ermaii-Aaerinatic Club held'anelectfon of of- Iowa; Louis Kaiman, Qlenyraod, lean Band . .••'. The,. (J-Mea are ficers. The group voted to elect Iowa; Max.. Serif, ... Glenwood, still• keeping ' a >' close,.w&tcaipa temporary officers until the club Iowa; Henry, Maduff, Anita, Nasi-'dofcgs . . .'That-Departiaeat is more fully, organized and electIowa. of Justice - resort .en .the Bundi'is ed Rozena Sack, president arid, Earl'Nbvich, secretary. Miss Ros- - Thirteen applications for..memr about ready for publication '. . . alie Sacks presided. Try-outs for bership were received. The'book, The-Nazi link the • espionage the play '"The Dollar," by David "His Struggle," by Irene Herand •ring un&wsred., in New- York.-is Piriski which "will be entered in was,reviewed by- Max Kramer. -giving : Washington . pjenty :to the city-wide play" contest ' in There was an open.discussion.of think about Berlin is. said to bevreadyiag .mpre .announceApril, will be held Sunday even- the book held afterwards. ing at .7. o'clock' in the.communments in-an. attempt'to calm.-asi.tir ity center. Anyone interested in Nazi feeling .here .. .:.;There'3 a A regular meeting of .the Agiappearing' in the * play ; may try das Achim lodge tras held at the swell scramble under way . f 6r out. The reguar'meeting of. the Eagles hall Thursday. control "of the BuM and its" major bramatlc club will be held Monsource of iBcoae, the "sale, of litday eve'nlhg in the Jewish Comerature, uniforas,' straBtSteas 'E Last Sunday there was a Purim munity Center^ Hags'. ."•. When", afi'd it -Fuehrer

I played ihe colorful role of the I brig's.nd chiei:, ,1p.ct plans to pij rate everything: buf. Joe Miller's ! joke book tc ir-e^e his own L» both Stephen -Wise s.nfi rnveelf. • Fiite portr.?-;-at s. masterpiece. . Ee misinterprets -ais.;>. both completely, for the eirnpie reason *tich cesters around & Streicher- : that xieitber one'_of"-uV'assumed ' (TVX? ) — .Legislause character, $s-enjoying great in our hearers &n ignorance- &s tion tc forbid; the importation popularity in London . . . The complete as fc'.s. '" - " and circulation vi lricre-ture piibo'aly Palestine- display-'"; at - the Th e Pagsn vcsrld of old "myth- • Sished 'i:y the He.aibtirjr JPichtegreat British Empire • Exbtbltioss oicgized" tfc'e figure "of the Nt.zi bund.. ciecriKj; Louse for NaM la Glasgow .-'next May will' be one £rei>e Into 'tfed'Irr.Ejce of its need. ; anti-Semitic rrcpr.g'pnfia. is being : •Eho-#iisg P a l e s t i n e f n x i t s ' , . .•• - •• That is a great".a-ird .sacred hu- • planned, by the Dutch Chsnsber €*!' Workers for the .. Federation man process. - - But lie i-Eeed .v;ag ; Deputies, it va? ajiD.ounced .by drive brought .the campaign to a ".Toscaniai had"decided to cancel cot o'crs. It is nof !>cw. [Our r.eed ; ?JSnisier o£ Justice Gogp'ivig:. , succesful conclusion this week feis Salsburg engagement \ 's sot redemption, from-, the nstunder the direction of Mr. E. • N. : • fore the- now historic Schussnigg-1 K r E l ^ a-; it::ls redemption''of the i Hoted- Interpreter of Folk Grueskln, general c h ai r m a n . : KitlefVoEfab . _• . He K e iras'Etck. -B-ES,' of nf Eartliral IS£E. •;Te'rti?ic EEG fund- i '. Pftror.ize-Our Workers who werein .-charge" of ' Ilnflic Appears-Monday the drive. were ^members of the the pressure eserted by "friends" amental is thefiiJfsreTscs-express-" At J.0.C. MONSKY, GROCIJNSKV. MAKER * Board of Directors of .the Feder-to permit Furtu-aesgler, the-Nazi ed tf those't«-o. propG-Bit'ioss. - . COHEN, Atio; n«ys. If Kr. Co'iirtrds'-will• rsa'd Traf,» . ———— ation and. Council of Jewish cbndjictor,'tp'be s guest coadncers Eerfird's-book-on-the FbariImportant on the^ calendar of Women. Many new. • BUbscribers NOTICE .-IS HKIIKL;;; GIVEN That ,tof*:st Salzburg When he was evpnts for'^aert week-la the con- were obtained as .well, as insalsbare Pnrtw»easter l°£S £ E f l ^orge-;. FooleVMoore's p.t the Ari',ij;>5 Mo«.tinpr ti" t h e > ' e m cert to bo given by -I^a Kremer, ceras83- in the-pledges.of present ii* «»rt. pleaded for a ! hsS4 °*7 oi-the'jews m the hisi ! A S ^ U C t A T i O J N ' he\Ci o n Vnp 1 4 t h d a v celebrated singer of folk songs subscribers. . ; J chan-fie, Ja .the -naise" of Eieterd !.sesus 1 •who •Kill appear Monday evening ever language-''indulge in a Watt I o f r e b r u i i i ' . v . 1C :;S, A K T I . C L . E I S ! o f music . . . . • a t 8:30 o'clocfcTin the Jewih | gemorafa, he-'-Eaifeht- step .talking i a m e n d e d to i-iiiRC. -fcL?.;.-iuiowLTi play at the Danish hall under tbe "You the ' dangerous' t n d "' unVeaUstic 'lip £i of -Jewish Community Center- under the auFritz 'Kuhn > returns Troia ' Gerdirection of Misse3 June Meyerfica't- represent. "Werner—yea rep nonsense " yrfcith." -.even • tfce 'finest : of t h e AEsocifftion l>e a u m l n i s spices \qt : the Workmen's Circle The naturalization group will son and. Marian K&t'elman. The many he'll have to fight for the ' tercd * iiy an list-cu^vt Council, con: and.-thelr Ladles Auxiliary. ' filstiirp of F, presiiient. Vioe-r-'resident. meet. Friday, March. 25,. in the play was entitled "Evelyn Dreams leadership'.. . . His faehrershi'p'is resent- Hitler" . . . .' Tbe.-Jferca o* and• most'' learned" o: ChTictian 1 Tins' © news ;reel . Him Kremer is internationally theologians 'no longer., talk, The Treasurer. Socreiary und teli utber by - \3anaes Palestine story,- to take Council of Jewjsh Women will Jewish . Community Center at of Purim." Those children' par- being challenged known -for her interpretation of the worst of It -is'' that -this" dangerous i pev^oPE, v:iio slia!' i's <-le'.'ted by Rnd l.:S0 o'clock. . .Mrs.. Sam Pickus wieeler-Hill and Kurt kertig . . . bafi taste of-the'."I&si£e Nazi Ger1 .songs of all nations and Is known hold their monthly meeting in and Mrs.T Lou Agranoff are. co- ticipating were as follows: has' &n eadl-ess" ittrac- tion. eKcepi iiiat u : till times ther* Jack Brown, Stanley Katelrian. Bill .Yarewiek.' rookie". pitcher raany" short . . ."WJtich ^eraincU j-tivehes^s for."the"Worlfi. There is s'hati be an 1 equal 1 min'bcr of v.'holeto ;many through her 'phonograph the iiewly decorated community chairmen of this" group. Beginsa.l<53"S an-d retailors uiion said iCxecarecords, Her program will' in- center Tuesday, noon at a lunch- ning Wednesday "a representative Herbert Kepperman, Nioma Pezs- with tha New York Giants,' tnis us.'that-Paul Muni, now.on Ms 'ho do'isbt that' the editors the tive . Council. All of said m^mberil -., songs In Yiddish, Russian, eon. Mrs. Jack Cohen,. president ot.this group" will be a t the cen-ner, Ethel Gordon, Shirley Bala- put on;., the carpet by. the sports •way : back _ from Palestine, •will •Oxford •University Press have ac- > of 'the ' Kxccntive '(''ouni.-ii 8ii«l! be e.t. the RTinurii meeting of th«» E and Htebrew;,taken from ot the Omaha, chapter of Council ter^ from i to 9 o'clock every day. ban, Esther Sacks, Owea Meyer» scribes ' T/hea they discavered. a1 York?press 'and -biilb cess to advice 'in 'both' England ': electee members from, the membership a n d of Jewish women arid Mrs. .M. son, Billie Fried,1 Selwyn Suval- swastika, arm-band stuck' on .the Eten-;-by, landing in Canada . . . .an j extensive repertoire. America — Christian advice i NhP.ll be held r.port t h e ,se<a*nd AlunThe Center Is open to give assis<laj" in February of eacli year*..and all .'Of;her olnging, Albert Ein- Katelman vlce-preaident, will be those seeking it'on nat- sky, Aarpa Bear, Shirley Krause. mirror of hia hotel room , . . . The Louis-" •'PeksrEky, Id " "have - stamped :1 of Seven Arts' -"—• •wlilch guest speaker at. the luncheon v.'hiel; • r>-piTTS!Grf: o r tlie Executiv* roo&Ie, who hails 'froa New,.Yprfe, stein' said", "Isa Kremer ia t h e June London. "this -'book as" untastoriuralization.. . , I Council shall seivp for a torm of on* is ail-' most marvelous • interpreter of and will review the events of the Eileen Rosenberg sang a few explained that, his .'kid'brother | \s$ . . . Yoo-caa do _ _ 'ca.I,;..likelj -to : fcake Confusion ; year a.nd untii their successors a r e I duly ejpfter;, folli., music -of all peoples and I recent tri-ennial convention,' numbers, accompanied by Miss had swiped.;', it .somewhere, and T a 'h' ij • .dropping h W a fine. •frersa- coifounfied. Inslead .'-of i (.Second Para£> The Exeouin .the g j e e t h e r a s a sign .of • deep, ad- . Recent appointments into his bag as a.joke..:. tKe" Cedars of- Lebanon : Hospital | "utiIi£iE|; iiicfk advice thej-. rushe'd ; tlve Council siu;]> ne authorised to Weeth. • Sioux City chapter are *Dr. Delia i nmploy an Assi;.:lant ' Wecretary and miration-and gratitude." ' 4 ' " ' • 330 West St.', Neve, Yort, in . Los Angfeles Headings • were given by the \ Tr^-QRvirer <it f^uch . compensfttion HS Those Ts-ho ; Galinaky, peace ' chairman, .Mrs. tiie Executive Coiipoii mp.y deiermint: functions the • mastermind •vrho Services this evening will be following:. there tell us . President whot'6ays tJia:t'--the 'JeTTfe -cfeould ••• nna Mprey L i p s c h.u t z, hospiUillty g\ich " Assistant Secretnr;- end Shirey Perlmutter, Shirley Ju?tice. m^.Palestine ;—. for Hoogevelt' got a belly-laugh, oat •accept Je6us. ; •Wet!, ••we alvavs ; Treasurer BIJEIII Liiten<i: ft.H Bi^etinpS chairman to . 3u.gceed Mrs. • Lor- conducted by the post-graduate sisspsicted t£.E;t-tfcey v;cr'e ho'ding : TT • of th*> ExecutiveCuuncll and -the the Arabs . . '. His name is Harry Krause,' Pearl Richards, Caul ence Silverberg, Mrs.,R..N. Lew- class of Shaare Zion Sunday -of# seeing Hitler and . Mussolini : Committee, but shai! hfcve .R..Snyder. and .he is one.^of.-the doing an. Apache dance in a com- out-'en-'US''-'through mere stub- is, constitution chairman. school under the direction of Mrs. Kutler, Kenneth Sacks. . voice in the nianaperneru of th» big editors pZ. the McGraw-Hill mand . pferfornsnee of ."Pins a n d ! borES-efe. It's" life-e-them.--'We don't ii'fi'airs of the Association, arid shall Mr. O. Hochman presided. A. Miller, their instructor, • Cantor; be required to furnish bond in an Publishing Co Whea Snyder Needle's"-":-given" in the White j 'really life th"'em &v,ywf-y; though ; amount for the evening V l l be Harry set by the Executive. Council. as cultivated peoplfe -we're polite. • (ET) '{Pever.tii -'jirnfi-rnphj A quorum Nadler and Rachael Ginsburg The Choral group met Monday issued' his first'csanlfestp against H0CE9 : Ctieseri,: 64, president of N n & r . of. the Kxecir;:vfc Council shnll conState he ^ a b D ^ l ues to take fftoU ^ ^ r i a ^ " l ^ ° ™ '' ^ ° ^ fhEt-they: Pir>'c nf sevon or mo7*e meinbei-s and r a; Broom -»orka~ at 151G Services will, continue . every will <be soloist. Sherman Sperling at the home ot Mrs. Morris! a- Jewish : • "(£,re persecfited,"'.though-' that sort the Executive Council shall not tranThey are beginning with an •• enthusiastic .- res&onse | Seventh street,- died at his home, day at 5:30 o'clock in Beth Abra- will "be 'master of ceremonies. Grossman. Zisabalist,, daughter, of the |- o f . aing-i«":ben«ath'us.. Co-urnos, sact business unless seven or more from various Participating inreading^the rit,-' some Jews practice" on Purim songs to be 1 2 l i $ tfones street, . \\Tednesday, ham synagogue under- the direcmemlwp oC such Coijnci: are prosent included , . . But into the liter- violinist, and.* t h e . forsaer A l a s i anyfio*,- sees througn • tfcem. He's u a l will be'Arinabelle Satin, Arn- sung, on a program soon. fallowing a year'8 illness. Gluck,. is/about -to become Krs. j'& nice Jfefr .". -.'•'A'Ebthcr pet 5ev;. tion of Rabbi SJ I. Bolotriikov.THE WHpr^K.lT/Tri AST) TlETAIt, 1 ature of tfie Snyder office -there Ogdea • Goele.t, •-yrfeich ."Will bring | ... Ida vDaskovsky, Bernard Helig*' 'Mr; -Cnes'en -•was '•born in Rus'. . : • • • ; " ; - '•; LTQUOn'TiEAJ-.TCKS ASSOCIATION manV Sylene Skalovsky, and Edhas crept a-f-shalf we' say—-slight* 1?-V Kichard Kitchen, President. An Emeser-meeting was held sia itf 1873 and• came'to the Unitinto h'er family .tharVaadcrbatE,'-'(CcprrigEt' 1SSS E>'Seven- Arts Sunday, March 13, members of Eugene L.ev>, Secretary. ed'Btates-ih 1900. -He had lived the fhevrah Tiliiin of Adas Yes- win --• Sherman. Sermonettes. will Tuesday at the home of Rhoda Jy anti'Seinitic undercurrent .''.'. a'-'couple ; of 'British:, dukes'-and ']'• " r iLTs -"Sj'iitlicate. 1 3-H'-SS-4t. be delivered ' b y Lorraine Bailin In-any-dase, recently three -geriin-Sious City-31 years/ . Krasne. -Sy!via,:Endelman, presiother.-blsiefeloods- here and-'abroad j hurun held their annual celebra. ifcViN C. UEVIN, Attorney v" Surviving are the-"•widow, Mrs. tfbri in commemoration bt Molsbe and Theima Shiridler. ^ •-•"•' dent, is chairman of-the'dance to tlement jepreseaUng • Mi"., Bnyder's .'.•'.-AedJiilius-Meier. Jr.", ca& off i fsr-"" ' ' 768 Brandeie Theater Bitlg. ' '". Committee were received-by" Pres-- '•*•"'*•- g&vernor-'of Oregon, •; -rho •*' A ^ i > • Esther •'Chesen; two -daughters, Raberiiu. ' Mr. " HI ;Friedman, be--given April 1 at the Chieftain SIra. .',Libbie; B'asbefkin and Rose spoke briefly' and introduced Mr. ••' More than 200 children attend- hotel. Ida Lerner, Miriam "Saks, ident Roosevelt and "Secretary! T-as'a" K"iJil"i>rc:.fcrV TB < ' . i x t f te of Chesen of Sioux City arid two I. L; Klass toastmaster of the ed -the' joint-Hebrew - school and aad; Arline Krasne are *he com-Hull, and presented to them the t 3 T , : f e K r s _ ccrnc'.a K c i r c i a ' Sunday • school' Purim carnival mittee in charge of bids; Lor- point.of view of the newly cre-tsons; Jack of-Lincoln,' Nebraska, evening. ; .: • " • t i t ' f, \< t ipt the . . - . rr.£=£s cf r^ztice Corccso JCCK Ecr.--', vt-cee r r i r t c and Louis* of Sioux City; o ft »• *t v - i l l ^ n e « t ' Rabbi. Bolotnikbv explained a last Sunday. More than eighty raine Meyerson -is chairman of the ed i>ro-Arab Comnittto . . . s^r Llr re- ; n r . . r i Is eXr z.% crj ittf 1 " • K n ni~~'e? tr I KZ L P - r h*fVuo-*= t * ii -•"''Mi'. -Chee'en was a member-of chapter of "Psalms and 'delivered percent^of- the children -were. In orchestra committee. f < <^*»tf b<" ACROSS THE CUIXY t £ L L . i c . T " br—o\ ore p ' ' i r in- ^ o ' n ' ''inufrlati the!Shaare Zion.synagogue and ah address on the "Life . - and costume arid 30 prizes were'dis> »i- «> Counts There have been-125 couples . ^ ^ - Car^ Lir^tf t o r e s brst 3 c5reii I c i - O P e^ his son f rc3. had > served on the •» board of-the Death of Moishe'Raberiiu." vMore tributed to those whose- costumes ii • . i n "i n t h » r x > F I c r r t i ^ i t r c / k rr<. pc~invited.. -, . . -; One of the clatt=C3 ia the ncr ! JTtscha, vrts <• Y i ' o •> o ' t h e <ith synagogue -since 1925. He- was Va,&n' 7 5 people ..were preserit..rRe-showed originality; Candles • and , r i i •• I A M . Fascist, constitution of Rumania | child-prodlsy-hooi to tha ccreer ~-y t l s r c V oi tl f -^--'e ."4T < "• o "i sweets were' served 2nd - exciting also; a 'member - of >' the Rotary ffeshm«nts were .served.' • < r ' • 1 ! • - . ( > > ) ^(•(>n^• 1 r ( : The Cultural, Group met Mon- make3 it lapo::.fcle fcr Cctavii : games were part-of t h e entertainS£ if- ^ "" ~e r Ll.e ^"ri"f* - rJp'cr; ub;;; , r h ' ' i - C c ' K . < : c ' e th F N "^C-Tte 1 Goga everprcsi! sjaln to bcactr.e Saul Ister:or ment. .Proceeds-ot "the' : carnival day at the home oX The ^,~ircl Funeral: services . were held n->o •; F e exolades fross eail^eit job" 'Plajjr.;'FeatQres '•" . -.- • •".:-. were given to the Jewish Nation- Suvalsky.. £.5c eott"s="«=t i ' . . . Ore Wednesday .-at 'the* rhome .jWith n L.CT '"verf I ic its. ' V i ert al Furid. • ' -,-: ' ?••-,'• •:•-•• oae vrho b&3 EC* tccn Pcl th° tSsateir CT—c- t y \\.& Ztx- - Jcnior HadassaL -Meet The^dramatic group of the Sun- The Cousin club met" last for.'a't -least three Rabb; %. R;. Rablnowltz' ofHciats j £ t ing^and ''Rabbi S. [l.-- Bolotnlkov day Bchool will npreserit a Purim Thursday at Mrs. Max Cohn's. and. Goga —cs bora ia £ apd Cantor ''A'.' Pliskin assisting. - «• i — \ — i — Saretta Krigsten"=presiedd over play Sunday morning a t 11:30 After a luncheon the business . .. . Stace iho'overthrew ths ! Burial' was in Floyd cemetery. the Junior.- - Ha^assah -. meeting o'clock"•-under the'- -direction of meeting was-field.'"The afternoon Goga'-'regisie - r- x!: ct Wednesday evening • in- the -Jewish Rozeria Sacks. • ' : • » ' - • • » • was spent at bridge. ' , - . - . YugoslaTia ind Eu'-irl Community Center. A Purim ^Affair become more fricrd'j- tb 1:an irscrti r c i : for U ct Xcucy, i Bkit was preserited'by" lie'Tburig C > < IV Mrs. Harry Goldstein StcjxdcnivitcS Milton Yidelson left Tuesday . *.. Premier •€tvea H. L T st. o t Judeans under; .the direction of CC - I \ ; «»f"re< s, r donate jthe^ refreshments • to tor. Chicago. He is expected to YugbslaTia rccclrcdx &• ^ *e \ f ii Mrs.Ed Kantpr'and' MisS^Rozena tte;Junior-Gbri^regation^-aitui;-' cicr.r c;: * 1 ~-»» * O " ^ r r w- u f»«Return Friday or Saturday. . - delegation fcr the l.rtt LtiR0 ia I 1 1 1 1i , l»Pt'« '•• fMrs. W. C.' Slotsky, president Sacks. Purim-sb'ngs were present- day- morning;- -The ;ffren*efa tor "the o t' * ^ three yenrE ? , ^rucr^lfci ^a"try—' m t i i of-tW Senior Hadsssah. announc- ed under; the- 'direction of Julia reading of- the Megillah w«re do> 1 v^ . 1 (.oHsln Mrs. Leo Krasne is convalesc- igg.ta r p c ; OlircttI, r.:!:€lttM Afcrtlta L " r c ^ c ^ ed that the'/'anual 'Purim-'bazaar B e r e s k l r i , " " • ' ; : ' ' - ' : ' • . . " . ' ' ' - • ' - '. ••" nated" by MfTanTTMnC -Eli1 Robi( S I . (Ml I « d ' J e T ' 1 I i t H t h Iri--trafist Trio tf-i v-^-->f ,-r*v , ^— «„„,_ , , ;,-• ing at the Mercy hospital. r * r • ' i Rnrt f given: • in '.the Jewiah - Community .' 'Ways' and I'means" of • raising now and Mr. and :Mrs.- vLester E t t ^ < f i t U>tlt signed -sevcra.1 soTernta^nt ports , — r>-* " - r-^-v "• r ^ - i ~~ Center met with-success and- com- money for' the Give or" Get; fund Heeger; i ii i ( -I j -.( , n > n . • • - - Mrk- Harry Cohen returned as a-protest "—*i2rt aatJ-SeraUlsss --*',_„ *«.r *^,.,.^ m ^ _—^. •--„.,*., _ ' 1 <- = I I mended her committees , under were discussed.- Florence Maijor; r I ' ifli tn home last Thursday after spendthe general-chairmanship of Mrs. chairman of the Give or Get comr e~ The Junior • Congregation' is ing six weeks in Los Angeles < ( > ! ' ! < ">th . H. M.': Levin for their good work. mittee,' spoke.. ... r , r , >• s , o l, %T , preparing for the Friday evening Mra..': M. Lazfiowich, Mrs. M. PO pt.^ O * f* 4 -.f*'l W l]| Plans were completed for the -services of April 8. -Tentative ar- with friend3-and relatives. r *l < " \ I • I. » I ^ I p <Ul!>t» Brbdkey;and Mrs.- J . N . Kreuger distribution and' s^le] of tickets rangements -•. have ;been 'made -to c: V 1 "Tc f T -j ' rt it j o ; were- in charge of the pastry for the. picture "Bringing - U p Mrs.- ••' Ben. Kubby .arid 'son, F '4 f ' i, U h = ' K-> I"" <)• present Max Rich-as Cantor, Harbooth. '•'••"-' • <: -jrj o ">» " ^ i I 1 •»!! *--*n f r 3». Baby" a fund/raising* project un- ry Weinsteln as!sbloist'a'nd Rach- James, are - expected to rsturn 0" .f ( 1 "> 1 I "I lo | vM;ra^,'I.iLevin and-Mrs. M. E. der the direction of Miss Ruth el Ginaburg, Dorothy Dikel, Ann home from the .hospital Friday. ment hospitality, Skalov3ky7.were*,in charge of- the Grueskiri. • Proceeds of this p r t - Kanovsky and' Burton ' Lischutz .',1 '* 6 dining room and were assisted by Ject will. go' to ' the. Palestinian as readers* v Sam Hoffman left - for Excel- no\7 Jield by Sir . : a ~:committee or.' twenty women. fund. sor Springs Wednesday. He will . . . Sir-PMHJt's cousia. Sir VicMrs: :Sam •iShtilSin-.;and--Mrs.- A. Junior Hadassah members had tor, von pla^dJts Ia Ir.dis. for dobe gone for about ten days. A successful joint meeting of W* ^Kaplan- •were, co-chairmen of charge of the annual candy booth nating S1S.5&0 to the the Mothers^ Association and the tfceVfcitchen- committee which was In the Purim Bazaar. •."•••' • . Antl-Tubcrcu:s;i3 Fund, but Jc—s Ladies Auxiliary was held Tuesthe fecterr —,£r.s.s£r -E-e^ composed' ot> Mrs. ST.- Brodkey, in the T a r Ectt ere afhir.g hc~r day afternoon in the-Shaare Zion Mrt.-:iCH-.?.Emlein,'- Mrs. Phil come the Sc;s£o^s doa't help t t s social- hall' under the combined S&erman: and Mrs.' H. Friedman, direction of Mrs. Mike Sherman 1 needy Jeirs.iE . ..Di$tfs.- F.' Gprchow arid 'Mrs. I. Merand Mrs. William Kutcher. Mrs. plomatic ECEZ:PS vfc'cjcr- thct tiiel r<^7n, "*"*- "I" "XTlih.:r....--:-.V . •'T_-/.j.-:.,',' . . . The semi-monthly dance under M. A.' Grueskin gave theinvocaE -***•"* *• •" • j ^ c c s |^Frocpeda - of >the -bazaar were the auspices ^ol • the. Council of London (WNS) —- Hitler's reanxious to ion and Mrs. L. J. Kaplan was givea-to?the,H.",M. P . ' ; Jewish Women will he held Sat- program chairman.. Mrs. Kaplan cent, demand that the British Minister urtiiy "a' car or rest . . .'Tier ; -Senior'Hadassah-will'hold their urday evening in the Jewish Jesus ctn:c," czi nicis Euccay c ' press end its attacks on Germanylieit'generaLmeeitlng, March .29, Corrimuriity center. • Brownie Wal- introduced L. J. - B r o w n ' w h o will bring no cessation in the at- they leired. the JsflticnCa o?"his spoke on the signifance of • Purim. young'bri^p"...•srhc is rb fts&«c t = } " ^ J 5 ^ " 1 ; * , I ^ ^ ^ . r»^r'"<cce!^ 1 5ri?tne-'Jewlsh Community. Center. ters' five piece orchestra, will Vice-P-0'..C 1 Mrs. Ruth Cress presented "You tacks ~by\ British" Jews on Nazi ~!>fr c' "{"'it -' play and there > will be dancing, an' Take I t With-You.". Mrs. Germany, Leonard Montefibre, from 9 to 12 o'clock. Chaperpris M. Lazere, Mrs. A. B. Friedman president of the Anglo-Jewish As-1 V«>i *"6 &'><= ^^ *«-twill bfl Mr, arid Mrs. Earle Kline and Mrs. James Gang were co- ociation, told, a meeting, of that rect influence,ia the VT&v IIJal> a 0 try . . J In fact, Ka=i -bls^i-s a r e <* F. "" • and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherman. • -.., ;. chairmen In charge of the des-organization. . , i ^iabbi : Theodore N.;Lewis will to hare proaoted t h t <Co?r«Ett. ISS8. t y Serea Arts "We cannot accept the position said feature Ej-noca^c.) ert luncheon. .. • tional . .' Tho'saddca ap;ea^ . "on" ' "Th© Dytbuk," . this Craft classes will be resumed hat Nazi leaders should be free evening'in;Mount-Sjnai Temple. today under the direction of Mrs. arrest of Bsroa,. Gottfried voa they Mrs. Reuben Miller and-Mrs^ to bring. what accusation Herman Llcht, after a ' postponeplease about Jews and that we Craiacs, Nasiland's cutiV-? cne : H, Soli'Novitsky, co-chairmen ' of : -Rabbi' Lewis will- give ois" ad- rrient of two w e e k s . ' . ; tennis player, may b^ e«?lcir.c'd the Shaare Zion spring dance must submit to such things in si- by rusnors that his iLrJAy trii^ dr'esses-nest .week- as.-a^member incol=. Kebr. Iiarci lence because it involves criticism o'V a good wili tour into -nelghborlire 1- z ' cuii bs 5--i Redecoration o f - t h e Jewish which was held last Saturday of foreign states," , Mr. MonEe- isn't entirely krshcr . . . . „ ijjg•> cUiesi under - the. auspices of t EtCtC t h i t lommunity Center has just been night at the Martin Hotel, thank fiore said. "As long as Jews and OUR tbe» National,conference. ol. Jews completed under the direction oE the-members of. the committees Judaism are traduced, and ' villi•Loadoa • Jevry is ttm*tal£:qs ^ " . f *"""" ' V '""" ^"~"\-"',.*'! ' ' L_ " " and'Christians.' . . the Council of Jewish Women. for theii; co-operation in present- fied,'.as long as thesq slanders'are about .out.the ciciti-s clcstlot to I.- p ? ^ ^ . • - - : ? " . ' * * - * >"ZtT i r ~ . :"- -4 - .•* - srr~ ing a successful affair. K5 Mrs. E.. N. 'Grueskin was chairspread by -Nazi sources to thei a raeant 7ico rrcridency cr. "11,: , t."l,'7T:'_'.vt- V^-V- r l " '».'-.. r " " I . I, —'Tf I i ; _x: - " v r ""' .' The ; Play Retle'w group of the knan in charge, of decoration and four, quarters of thte : world,' we Bojard cf Dcputis Sisterhood of Moufct Sirial-Tem- Mrs. Morris^' Weill and Mrs. cannot{allow silence to be im- Otto ScMff, a Etphc" cf thfj Is)a' ple will meet Saturday in the. Reuben Miller were on the decposed upon us." Jacob' ScMff. vcu'd . prcbtbly i home of Mrs."Si,L. Kreuger. Misa oration committee. Mr! H. II. . Miss Edith Feinberg'brfde-elect Ruth Mliler. ,bf Morriingslde Col- Singer directed the work. The was • honored" Tuesday . afternoon ed tho car,f£cfrto ol there c r p r - - ' c - c »." r - l ; *—.".., lege" will re'.-iew- "St»'joan," by public is invited to visit the,cena ta luncheon given by Mrs.' Har-' ing & Jewish, Ettte Is r^Iectlro t r s c irTt t'.i f-r r.ecc". £-• r George Bernard Shaw, ter. ' . . ."•:;. •-,"-... • ; , old Barficks and" Mrs. Lou Fish. . . . He 3oct by orJy iJs rites . . . zt c u ' r - d ' t t r r ^ G ' - - - ' Bridge was a diversion of the aft v The. Sisterhood gave a public ^ > x vGeneva (WNS)-— introduction Tho S,3th £,r.riycr "'rr of t e t,— i -sriU"sec thct'lc t t : Mrs". Frank - Margolin will di- t e r n b b n . j ; • " ; : - ; .'••' •->'.•' cf 1 poiatmcat Jc-2P>. Hertz K=I i s . c i f c l . card party ln'^Mpunt Sinai Tem- rect the Initial meeting of tbe;in- '_•' Other hO3tese3 compllmentirig' Of the'Aryan clausa in all hospiof ple annex lafet 'Wednesday even- termediate' Dramatic group. Un- MissFejnberg were' Mrs. Ben'zpl- tals, clinics and" social insurance ing; with Mrs: AY M. Davis and der the direction of -Mrs. Margo- latuchiri'.. wiio gayet" a shower in welfare- agencies.-' in Danzig. after: reminds i-cf frr r r-.—_^r C ? ' V Mrs. Meyer Marks in charge On lin creativo dramatic . work in- her honor- Thursday evening. April 1 is.'contrary'to the Dansig ? the same evening. the Brother- cluding the writing and presentanor/ rabbi cf Orach ChairCe:> ' ,•-,,, Mrs. Ben .Dohrpfaliy will'be constitution, '-/which ,ia guaranteed hood held a stag party In '. the tion of plays, will be done. Chilhostess^at a. bridge, given in'hon- by the League of Nations, the.exWc3t Hotel 'with Sir. A. M. Davis dren wishing to join this group or of, Miss FeinbergV Monday eve- ecutive committee of the World pit Dr. Heri= v;zz Ci:::zz'';l.-z™ Lc i ol-*"; and Mr.f Milt Bolstein 'as? chair- will be given transportation to £:ewish Congress declared in tele- got the t r i t i : h r ~s:t:.->a. r l n g . ' ' ' ' : ' . ' .;..''' . • • • : • . : • " . men. *<r . . ' , -grams to the", foreign ministers oj 12 CH - - T ™ii ^ „ ti-a J S 7w - t iithe center: in ^he Cheder bus- if 1 they will call - Miss Blerlin and. Mr. arid -Mrs. Herman Galinsky Prance,. England ., and . .vSwe.dea. of H r r l — i - " ? " ! t i : -'. : make arrangements for, the bus and daughter, Dr. Delia Galinsky, asking .them to • prevent'' taess decir,irc ffiicrc i~i :"*?'.'*^l rffri-r.; »'Hebrew" The . three foreign aro Eot r :Ir - - >to stop at their schools." ' will spend"1 the' week-end in Min-measurea. New York (WNS) — A course neapolis where /they will cele- ministers. compose , the • League but re:.-t:-,r; . . . " for adults in ilebrew Language Jewish Community Center exe-; brate the 97th ..birthday: o t Mire. Council's commUtee on Dansig. and literature is ^^.ins civen. by cutives wish'to'thank the Ladies Galinsky's mother.. • Drj- Abraham I. Katsti, executive Auxiliary and the. Mother's Club: their parents, :Mr..:.and Mrs;.- J. director cl thai -Jev/i^a cuUurQ for the Shalaeh Monea ^basket,; Dorothy .Shermab of . Omaha, London. fouad'ntiOi. iifc..KJv; York Univer- which they donated Jto Be given- Nebraska is a! guest in the hone ! sity, on, ICC Tuesday evenings "dur- to needy families through the of Mrs, Edward Kantor., i . -~Hr. and Mrs. • William Sauliin, tho rimlctrj- rei ing" the spring term of the uni- center. The center executives, 422 , West Seventh . street, ;4a- called : : 1 ;; versity's' dhiSiW'oi 'geK&ral-ed- alao wish" to thank'Mrs. Frank, .'.' Miss Mae -arid-.C.elia London of nounce the birth of a daughter, deals '• ^ - t V r r * ..' r -'-' f .." "K eieeff kf?? it tfcit Gorchow for tho donation of a • Chicago are'guests in' the home of H a r e b e l l . tLs =.ct:c~ ci ' ^ = ' • •" . •"" C3ll3d

to Close Witli'New Pledges

Wind ow

_ /Shaare'-Zion


Beth Abraham


1 1 1 1



•* •













. C. C. News

No Heed Tafen of ' to



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