Inter C f of tKe Jews p pl^> ?•*
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- 23io , wl/j JUsyiso&n to Ms cofesnn «sr© .his o t n as$3flo-.not. necessarilyrcflecj. tho policies...o? attitude.' ol oar. fsa&Hcatioa. Eeprcsflnotioa lilt?lutlo OP. in. part strictly. KaMddsa..
-.-•. . . . . - ••• - •
.Entered an Second Class Mall Matter on January SI. 1921. at ^Postofflca of Omaha.,Kebtaska.-under the Act of March 3. 1879
25. 193S
f*v, < < ' : After a breathing spell of faint Hope comes the sudden blow.. The Nazi heel: stamps upon , Austria. And it does BO "with melodramatic swiftness ' and". brutality because Berlin foresaw that: a plebiscite of the Austrian people •would be strongly anti-German and .antiNazi. N o one "who has Known Austria a t a l l "well Is astonished at that fact. And n o w t h e West e r n , Democracies" Issue protests to Berlin. Protests! i t i s today and n o t i n 1 3 1 4 that a n outlaw past twenty-eight years ^in his is running .amok i n Europe—one capacity as chairman of this comw h o ' deliberately a n d consciously mittee, Dr. Sher has attended t h e tramples under'foot all that h a s juvenile court sessions. Tons b een known' as civilization The Philanthropies drive for i n the West. I dare to* predict, with tragedy and terror In m y All officers of the Jewish 1937 had a record amount pledged, according to the report of last heart, that war will come, must Community Center and Wel.L.Li*.mrl. coina and that neither isolationist fare Federation were re-elected year's chairman of the campaign, d,evice3 . o r . sentiments' which" a s at the annual meeting held Harry Trustin. Forum Committee . sentiment I share) nor attempts Monday night in the lodgeroom Ephraim Marks. • chairman of - a t economic self-snfficingness "will in! t h e long r u t keep our country of the Jewish Community Cen- the Forum committee, recounted ter. An overflow crowd at- the work of his group which this out of that ultimate war. , iViiawestem Ocsgrs&atio::; tended the meeting, one of theyear inaugurated a new policy of .•Under these circumstances pro- most; successful in many years. bringing speakers and artists of Kay 7 asd S gressives deplore the Hoscow Officers named to serve again purely Jewish interest. The Fors'l'. /.r.mor.'nr^i'iriil of T«;~. um finished the year within t h e trials coming a t this . moment. The most Ei^nificE-nt reliz-^us d r y f r r a m r f?t t h e a r . n n t ^ amount alloted to it by t h e budV,-RS ir .Moderately intelligent progresgathering in the history of Omains. o:' ill? ,!-v.-is.h Comnuir-. sives, like the editors of the" N a - William. L. Holsman, jsres- get. ha Jewry trill take place the -week . *"C tion do EO; supremely intelligent dent. The problems of t h e Jewish end of May 6, 7, and S, when the progressives, l i k e Mr. Hayim Henry Honsljy, first vice- Old People's Home i n the light I Reform congregations of seven iip v e e r ' s c s u : r a i t i i , vTsicfc. <*• of the! new old age assistance Greenberg- and h i s colleagues on president. Middle western states •prill gath' i ; l ? d i'o cotiiir.nr iliVouj-'V : the Jewish Frontier do so too. I Sam Beber, second vice- were discussed by Harry Silverer here for a district convention. man, chairman of the committee ! am amazed a t . t h e Illusions which p r e s i d e n t . Reform synagogues in the -•_."• for t h e home. they are still capable of harborbM Fred- Ti".t!O'nr.l states cf Iowa. Misouri, Nebras- ! Icy ever ring rnirihi .. ;'p;-T Ilrs. David Greenoerg, third Minutes of last years meeting T ing. That fine and accurate ka, Minnesota, Kansas, South ••ohn T o s o:n th« ? P!"ocrp.m i V'Oil!; ^ f ^'. , r-v.*^. i p Ling ; were also read.by Mr. Silverman. thinker M r . Greenberg above all vice-president. '11 A r r p : Dakota, and Colorado will be repann ii.t-. •orii Paul Veret, n e w executive di^ must know that nothing but evil Harry Silverman, secretary. resented. Delegates will be sent >n c>f Xat h a E i f :•! IL Isw tliorne. the v !)!»s "(\ 1 can come of evil, that dictator- Harry Halashock, treasurer. rector of the Center, spoke a few by Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods and In: tin eaclker's ,e h elc r.t " 0 ; tnfi ViR ,1 p V ship and enslavement and the serHonorary Officers ' words on his experiences in OmaYouth groups as well as by the ' f ^ ii P elfi. l e v • a . Of y ' ~ I. " h g ! vile state' nnder whatever name Dr. Philip Sher, honorary ha during the past t w o months congregations themselves. Tems p v 5 •;V: •• V t . i '• ' i ' e on. i 0 ohn ' '"Th e i T\ ir "•; r .' arid on t h e work.of the Center. or slogan, from t h e very central president. . ' ' • ' - . ple Israel will act as tost to the t>. E g of K' e r 17 vf -'^" f: e-r-.:' is net ." 3\!r. E.rithr William Holzman presided nature of t h e ethical life, breed Mrs. Morris Levy, honorary visiting groups. • ; Ixair<.ro•rne 'E ;topi Cr- V "as "Tbe recce d ' b ; he ."ifV." over the meeting. nothing b n t destruction and lead v. -•„ oi th< jrne a n d pies is r• er:fori:c.ir.c • v.-pi'• - . . h v V . r u General chairman ol the eon- , to nothing b u t chaos and that t h e . vice-president. • a n d :n.eac r,rr TV O rk F.1.K' lew. vention will be J,Ir. E. P. Adler. j alternatives of history are simply Mrs. Harry Lapidus, honorpublisher of the Daily Times of j . 0: p \" iv; r y •• w; f; arid starkly these: either the de- ary vicerpresident. • Davenport, Io-wa. As chairman i ; V mocracies of t h e "West will go un- During the course of the meet1 CCCl! -. t';w-()]!?r• of the general administrative pivinj Jui,' ! der a n d the year 2000 will rival ing reports were read by t h e Sp i committee he will preside at the rail **?•• f S j/^' ' • chairmen of t h e various standing in" darkness and , barbarism t h e I business sessions. '. I MS!!y yi' 1*0" lev >r; T-ir« r is-1.' s.\ V ^AV^l. A.^. ; year' 1000 or else they will w i n committees. Later i n the evening ill .-: ?:»0!i. Hi! j Mr. Isidor Eiegler is chairman j Jir>w C tl! !"!. i i -" o f their-own might alone aiid any a reception was held in t h e aud! of the local committee arranging Pictured above is .Jack Marer. Omaha attorney, vrLo will :in si alliance w i t h . any servile state itorium for Mr. Paul Veret, n e w ; ; flifi i t'% trv.. f- J! . ,rv. i 1 be General Chairman of the 193S campaign of the Jewish Phil- for the conference. ;3.i?l» hi: w i l l ' b e a hindrance and a source executive director o f tbe Center, The convention Trill open at; viih 5,p ' j's'V ^ f? h o t and Mrs. Veret. _ , - . _ . . -_ , , - . . . anthropies. The drive is scheduled-to begin on April 23 andservices at Teisple- Israel, Friday ! a x o f weakness. : i'r.-«, Son of First Ifebraska Jewish < ^ • The handicaps which faced the night, May 6, when a ^ir.itir.j: \ ) will continue' throueh •Let: iis\sp farther. Let u s espe- welfare department this year ..Settlers Was rabbi -will conduct services. Sat-1 ;fiisn^-'.a5';;..jc-5f3;so" farther.. .A_a_ i s jretS ''lecocafgg- 'bj Dr.,.. Morris liiNuar, I,; 2.7 7," TUT" be t s r o t e i to ; V e i l known'3Tam; n o t a.Coifffiiun- StargolfnV new" chairman.~A case iREHEARMlfEEIES' the Tcuth conferences. Ecnclr.y, : Death came Tuesday afternoon I J j ist. I d o n o t believe that even a load unparalleled aiid a budget £&&&£& l i i L morning and afternoon, vrill be : \ HELD FOR modicum -of t h e world's evils f a r . below requirement added to to Albert Cahn, 77, the oldest | given over to the discussion of j native-born Jewish resident of could - be : remedied by establish- the difficulties caused b y t h e congregational problems E.ES pa- jer cbEi ing a'completely egalitarian or- withdrawal of governmental a s - Xebraska, who since January has pers will be 'read on "Worship in | chsntei been visiting his daughter and % der. T d o not believe that equality sistance. 1 Reherasals are now in progress The Synagogue," "An ASecuste ; i i%v son-in-law, Dr." and Mrs. Lester Milton Abrams, chairman of exists either i n order of nature ftF-JOTlTBR for the fourth Center Flayers Program for Synagogues" and \ nor i n t h e order of human civili- the Center committeeJ reported Levy of Los Angeles, iir. Cahn "Practical Problems Facing Cos-i production, "The Importance -of gregations." A formal banquet j zation. B u t if I were a Commun- on the athletic department, and died In a Los Angeles hospital. For fifty-five years he has conthe house and activities commitist, and t h e ideal as such ls_.an inSessions to Take Place •*" in \ Being Ernest", iy Oscar Tv'ilde. A will be field Sunday evening. All ; telligible one, I would be the first tees. "A thorough survey of r e - ducted a shirt factory that stands CMcago Over i drawing room ' comedy of smus- sessions trill take place at the j one to hasten t o dissassociate my- pairs and alternations w a s con-only one block west of the loca! Week-End j ing situations, the play is con- Eiackstone Hotel. self from a n y alliance with or ducted by t h e house committee tion where he was born. His parAbout 150 delegates are ex-• i sidered one of the classics " o f the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cahn, and numerous repairs and repact w i t h or moral affiliation A m o n g ' t h e Important matters pected for t b e general sessions., i with t h e Stalinist dictatorship placements have been made." Mr. were the first Jews to arrive in to be discussed a t t h e general jE n £ l i s k stage. Nebraska, coming here in 1856 Abrams also told of the. manifold which n o w exists in the Soviet Herman -Jahr is directing. from Cincinnati. The eldei\Mr. committee meeting of District | Union.' And the desperate- trou- activties of the Center. Grand Lodge, No. 6, E'nai B'rith I Cahn, always prominent in early A proposal for a Bureau of ble is that the Communist Party Omaha affairs, was one of the to be held in Chicago a t t h e COT- [ a is pledged apparently to adher- Jewish Education w a s discussed enant Club on S a t u r d a y night, ] by Henry Monsky, chairman of organizers of Temple Israel. - e n c e . t o Moscow, to• this Moscow, March 26, a n d Snndav, March £7, the educational' committee. I n As^a boy of 8 Mr. Cahn manag-! v m b e r e c e n t d e T e i o p n : e a t s i n to this repetition of t h e reign of this" bureau all phases of thought fi I One h u n d r e d t e n new ^ l e ^ l ^ — s r* «^D Ivan the Terrible to this bloody and ideology will be represented. ed a band of Indian boys who for j . E u r o p e a s t h e y e H e c t a n d r e l a t e : a price "would shoot a t coins w i t h I to t h e work of t h e B'cai B'rith of B'nsi B'rith will fce for"1 ' ' ' f r"1 ~~ •" and horror-inspiring servile state. their bows a n d a r r o w s . initiated into t h e organizaion t C m ^~ TTT^T , Women's Division Anti-Defamation committee. And that is.why, to come to a While i n .New York- where h e £• Special reports of t h e activities •'a stag a n d initiation party -1 r ~ 1 --'" The Women's Division, accordprovincial b u t immensely importhaa gone in 1878 to serve an ap- ! j "held SlonuET, March s i , i r ^ f ""o anti-Semitic snd X ant issue, It-was ouch a desper- ing to Mrs. David Greenberg, prenticeship in the manufactur-' o president, has over six hundred ; Jewish Ccsiunity Center e-uJ* c - > - r " organizations in America will be ate error on t h e part of Borough ing trade h e became a friend of held at this time. members and constitutes t h e R a b ¥ i to inra. , ers vr j President Stanley M. Isaacs to apmost active group a t the Center. the late Julius Rosenwald, w h o )&Cn±X iXiil \ jx Ijiisiness mestlncr "will r &~ I^^'z^^^ The members of the general j point -.'Mr. Simon W . Gerson, a Among i t s activities have been was a fellow apprentice. •cede the ritual of initir — * - v - ~ committee will be guests at the | member of t h e Communist Party the red'ecoration of variou3 CenReturning to Omaha in 1SS4 i -B-hich -will, be conducted by a - ' - 1 ' " ~>= to a position on his staff. Doubt- ter rooms and the re-equipment he established the business • with Eightieth anniversary celebration j Zionist | ual team consisting less Mr. Gerson is a perfectly good of the" Center kitchen. It h a s which he was so long associated. of t h e Hainan Lodge which will! T h e a n n u a l Mizrachi Shrier, D r . I^eoi Feilman, J u l i u s ] Eoo arid efficient man. I t is true also sponsored educational activities For two years, 1894 and IS9a,'he be held Sunday evening, March \ organization will be held at services this Saturday ; Eisno, Alfred A. Fieldler, I,Ii:ton ! Kacl i i hi St that the t Communist Party i s a and particularly the Center Play- was a member of the City Coun- i 27, a t t h e Standard Club. Rarnab i| morning Lodge is o n e of t h e oldest a n d ' ^ a l l local Orthodos synagogues Froiim. B e n Slutskr, £.r.d Ks.r- :' to I legal party in t h e United States ers. cil. • are [ largest lodges in t h e United ! when t h e ideology of t h e organ- vey Leon. and hence . Mr. Isaacs, as h e Besides his membership in States. Dr. A. Greenberg of Oma- j ization will be stressed. In the absence of H. A. "Wolf, : After t h e initiation a. program ; Een: should have foreseen, h a s forced president of t h e Free Loan So- Temple Israel, he belonged to the | of. District At the* monthly • s n a v e H a l k e of e n t e r t a i n m e n t v i l i be present- j p.eh Governor Lehman, a s an unswerv- iety, a summary of that organ-' Field d a b , the Capitol Lodge of i be juest speaker. to be held Saturdav night a t S:."0 ed, consisting of' t h - ; e a m a t e u r ; T ingly loyal American Democrat, ization's -work was given b y J. H. Masons and the Scottish Rite. Included on t h e agenda is t h e • at t h e Congregation B'nai Israel, boxing contests between l o r m e r \ h i r l to! uphold him. Logically the case K Surviving are his daughter, discussion Kulakofsky. _ of t h e Vocational Gui- , Eighteenth a n d Chicago-.streets, golden gloves besers linder t h e j of € is water tight enough. Practically Dr. Philip Sher. discussed the j . ^ ^ j ' i ^ a n c e Bureau recently. approved r Rabbi Morris Solomon, of K a n -m a n a g e m e n t Ena tutelage or Bob'.is t and ethically the whole thing w a s work of the Social Service Com- I J r " 3f Chicago; four grandchildGolden Gloves'•Jor by t h e Xational Executive Com- : sas City, vice-president of t h e Veneer, former foolish and dangerous to an In-mittee which seeks, the prevenand one great-grandchild. wrestling \ T mittee, t h e coming Triennial con- i TVef tern Mizrachi organizatioE champion; a coisedr tolerable degree. tion and cure of anti-social ten- Another daughter, Mrs. I. Whit- J vention "to • tike"WeTir""¥r.a.sh- v?m .be guest of honor,' match between EEEI TTo'k zx.6. , obs; } n j r t on. Slay Mky 7 to' to 12," 12,aanndat h e DisDis Five h u n d r e d invitations have t h e "Masked ?ilarvel;" a n d a of • '"'it i s part of-the' necessary pol- dencies among the young. "Al- mark,- wife-of .the New York m u - | ington. publisher, died several years j t r i ~| t 6 convention to be held on been sent o u t to t h e Mizrachi floor show staged t y -the Vinson i yea: icy and ideal of democracy to though Omaha's Jewish populaI Bet' ! July 3 to 5 in Duluth. tolerate a l l ways of political tion i s five per cent of the total ago. Shkolim buyers to come^and h e a r school of dancing. Hefreshments will be served. ', S ' District.6, thus far. has.shown the r e p o r t "to b e - given l by t h e thinking and,therefore all parties population of the city, i t s rate of In 18 08 the Jewish g a substantial increase in B'nai delegates to the recent Western arising among its citizens. No n a - juvenile delinquency is only oneJevrs came.t at the t E E convention tion, on the other hand, h a s ever sixth ot one percent," Dr. Sher was officially recognized by the B'rith membership as compared ; Zionist organization to a year a g o . T h e "goal of fifteen ,'held in Kansas City, Missouri. of the RoinEs. in. practice blandly tolerated at- reported. Every Saturday for theFrench government. thousand members by J u l y S vra.s I T h e Mizrachi organization aims • tempts a t its- overthrow dictated set by t h e District Committee on • a t t h e rebuildiag of Palestine in ; from a foreign.center. N o wonder r* f •" membership whose chairman is ; t h e tradition of t h e Torah afed | that Sir. Earl Browder "roars i-K*r*st Justin G. "Turner of Chicago. i the strengthening of Orthodox i softly a s a sucking dove." "Would j J u d a i s m among t h e Jews^of t h e I not Jews be the "first 'ones t o pro-* I diaspora. ' ~ j test if a National-Socialist Party <8w» J<\ recruited • from . German-Americans, even though led by de- . With a carnival in the gymnParticipating in the carnival scendants of the Puritans were asium and dancing in the audiconstituted-and*-declared • .legal? torium, the Round Table of Jew- will be: Ronohs, Bingo g a m e ; In other word?, a good and h u -ish Youth is looking forward t o Junior Hadassah and Junior The Omaha H e b - e w Club will mane man will tolerate among his a ; festive occasion on Sunday, Vaad, tea leaf r e a d i n g s ; A l p h a be hosts a t a ball to be given on friends -and i n h i s home men ofMarch 27, when the third annual Sunday, eveni-ig at S p. in. the : tio Gamma Chi,..penny pitch; A. S. Sunday, April 3. a t t h e Central all faiths, races, origins. Can h e Purim carnival is held at the Club, 2027 Dodge street. E n t e r - Hazomir "Kinging Society .under ; fal A. 7, Council Bluffs, spinning be expected to entertain, however, Jewish Community Center.. tainment for young a n d old the direction of Cantor Abraham j ca; quite the same • feelings toward , The affair under, the chairman- wheel; A . Z. A . 1, H o t D o g be provided. Door prizes are to J Sehwaczkin" ill present its an- ; ed . . . those whose avowed purpose It is ship of Harold Zelinsky will turn stand; E. T- C-, soda p o p s t a n d ; he given. . nual.pnriia Coneen at the Con-i th; ilusie for dancing will be fur- gresatiou' B"aai Israel, Eigli-; Jeto' liquidate him arid his family, over all proceeds to tbe new Tau Gamma Delta, ice cream; to deprive him of that bread club room to b e furnished for nished by the Austin Bt'vins or- tenth R«d Chicago streets. i ' Bas-a-mi, tickets; Alpha p i T a u which he uow. breaks .with .them use of the groups affiliated with chestra. Guest speaker for the occasion ' bs' dart game; . U. T.'s,--candy; P h i the Round Table. ' and to set Ms .house, on fire?, Mr. Slembersof the organisation- v-iil be Kabbi Morris D.. Solcmcrs , tEs Music, for dancing will be fur-.Beta Epsilon, weight guessing; \ Isaacs may well .have, rememberhe prsssnt. General1 chair- of Kansas City vrho vril C:=CESS : tio ; nished by the'-Irring-Rh'odes ored that before, as a Jew and, ;.n :Pi Lambda- Pai, target practice; ; man for t i e affair is Join .Feld- ths ""2trcnr*th£nin~ of ths <JS American, he implicated himself chestra. Admission will bo twen- A. S. A-"100,'ski ball machine; man, j Religion. 1 ' ; and his colleagues and l i s people ty-five cents per person or "by Phi' Sigma and Young Judaea, • " •-••• : " • • \~ liefrfcE-hmentif-YiTii "ba s e r v e Table season tickets. A radio dra«"ing; and R i o Epsilon, jn' thla fearful and not easily, sol- Round T h e Alsnorah'of t h e s r s a g o c a e ; t h e members o f . i h s T a a a A st a ffair tfl . ?? . > . e carnival is open•! novelty whee'll All "booths "and of Fontatebleau it of , iary. T h e concert will be c to a l l y o u n g people, v . i:stands Trill be .in the. gymnasium, 1 Napoeion .1. * tO lii£. pUbi^C^ .
• Hecdc Philanthropy Drive
Committee Reports Heard by Large ' , ' Attendance
Local, and
• •
• "
EL!L (
B'nai B'rith Will Initiate All Ne Members Mcn
'a vm ILLi u.
1 ^T
I Hebrew Chib to Be Hosts at Ball to Give • . . • -Sunday, April 3 - Annual-Concert Sund venlrr
3 E
K { • !
Page 2
therefore made the fight on anti. Seven Arts Feature T T U ' BETH EL HIGH SCHOOL ' ! 1 cofa t ethe iistory, Semitism the centecof their "en. ion in w I l i c h rPfiriD TA rWC B|»/vs»/* *' capacity he l tire struggle with. Fascism; the! Department Give . L&UUriUGlV£j ROGtiAi?i)a. -Pi-Selr-read Err,Seated cc battle cry and rallying point, . j M a n y of filmdcir.'s grr rim even as the Fascists bars made On Friday evening, April 1, • names, both in produciior the anti-Jewish drive the chle Members ..of the History and Imembers of the high school da- ! acting-, were cumbered emoi point of their attack on the gen Religion Department of the City j.Partment oi the Beth El Syna- J friends. eral position. To this must Talmud Torah presented a Puriin gogue will present the speeches | Widely known in Sout added another curious fact: the reprogram last Sunday at the Jew-on the partition of Palestine as ifornia' Jewish circles, . he had & violent anti-Jewish boycott which ish given at the Twentieth Zionist large circle of friends here and Community Center. the' Endeks .'. conducted before . Included on the program were: Congress. ] In Koeliester. He VES a ciitvlev Christmas turned out to be a Annie Shrago, Jerry Yourtz, and Taking, part in this program j member and first president of complete failure. The Endek Jackie Lou Krasne in a play, will be Beth Kulakofsky, James t u o iVUl Rochester, K. T., CHib of Turning Ills attention this groms, sensational as. they are anti-Semitic violence in Poland spent on it enormous energy and "The Puriin Basket"; a recita- Lipsej", Frances Osoff, Rosalyn j the southern ^-i California, He is T-V.Tweek to Poland, Mr. Zukerman funds; picketing was conducted tion by the Kindergarten-class; Rosen, Hose Goldstein, Rath Lin- j Ti r e a.fcyhi idew, the former calls attention to the lull In tho from the point of view of puftllc* must also be mentioned the ap-on a huge scale never before "Tee King Chooses" with Alvin da, Anne Arbitraan, Bernice violent anti-Jewish war in that ity, will not accomplish the-aims | peal of the French scientists and dreamed of; millions of zlotys Lee Ross' and Delia Chesnov; Crounse, Helen Minkin, Sylvia Florence Alexander oi ^Rochester, country. Seeking an explana- and purposes desired at,the pres-[ intellectuals addressed to the Po-were spent on propaganda, and "Esther and Ahssureus with Re- Brown, and Beverley Meadelson. and four brothers, Kerry, Ivisr.rice and Hyrana, of Rochester, end tion for this seeming about- ent moment. The new condition lish professors. That famous ap- the brutality revealed during the becca Finer and' Alan Cohen: Funeral fservloof were held Paul of Syracuse. face, he offers some startling in the country and in Europe re- peal, reinforced by the protests pre-Christmas rush beggared de- "Hadassah," a poem recited by Pt Frkir. nio-'iuri£ ?X the Jew* quire new tactics, Jess sensation of the American professors, had conclusions which are the rescription. But the very violence Florlnne Brookstein; "The Jolly irv> Fim.rrpi Tin me 'or Wilbur, sult of first iiaiacr observation al but probably more effective. A a tremendous effect on Polish in- of the attack seems to have had Jester" with Donald Vann, BenKorwich, ?1. ?•>. Ilorwich, a nachange has doubtless set in on thi tellectual society. Unlike the Ruof the European scene. tive Omrhati cUed of heart disa reverse effect. In the provincial net Raduziaer, and Martin Hayease at a. local hospital. For th» The following article was Polish front; but whether thi manians, the Poles do not like to towns and in the villages the En- kin; "New Vv'orld Wish" a poem will bring any relief to be considered, (and in comparipest ten years he has been assowritten before the recent crisis change r dek agitators were simply driven by Eve Konecky recited by ReUnique Fashion ciated vii.li. e Chicano concern between Poland and Lithuania. the Polish Jews, or whether i son with the Rumanians they out by-force. Even in Warsaw becca* Finer; and a song by the Los Angeles (WNS) — Louis —-The Editor. will even diminish the acutenesi realy are not) a people without the Poles thronged into the Na- Seventh grade with Evelyn Lash- Pekarsky, ior the past four years ! "Say Bethelgram, not telegram" end rctrrnec! tc Omaha only of'their crisis is very doubtful. In culture. ;•• • vbop, his condiHollywood and Los Angeles cor- ! is the slogan of the Bethelgram three v.'eeki'' ace lewkas to do . their Christmas insky as pianist. : But a far more, serious reason shopping unmolested by Endek ': To all appearances the Jewish the opinion of a t least one obser Also participating were: Clara- respondent of the Seven Arts committee head by Mrs. Dare tion became T or?e. Surviving- prp hi? fattier, Henj situation in Poland has '-under- ver of the European Jewish scene for 'the change in Poland is the pickets. The previous policy of belle Cohea, "An Old-Fashioned Feature Syndicate and Worldwide Brodkey wbo brought the idea ry Eovvica oi: Onif. lifl ; P brother, I gone an important change i n the the Jewish position in Poland Internal situation In the country.' open violence, of pogroms, and of Purim; "Poem for Purim" with News Service and editor ct the 1f r o m .Sioux City, her The Bethelgrartis lock like tele- Elliott o" Chicp.por a sjister, Elea! last few months. Almost at the with the respite is more hopeless During the last half-year or more beating Jews in the streets and in Jerome Beitel, Carol Levine, and popular "weekly column, "Lights of Omaha, end. his grandfa| same time as the, fires of anti- and desperate than the position the Democratic section of Polish the universities has thus provid- Stanford Lipsey; and a Purim of Shadowland," died here at the grams and are to be used the .lior l iiger of Oniaha. ; Semitism were fanned into a of the Jews in Rumania a t . the society has shown signs of vigor ed a failure. The moment, both Play with Thelraa Lee Krasne, age of 36. Mr. Pekarsky had been same way. Congratulations, thank ! ^ I . great conflagration in Rumania height of the sensational anti- which it has not shown for many abroad and in Poland, was notSidney Swartz, Harvey Davis, ill for more than two years. Last yous, condolences can be sent | E\:T\C,1 -v:as in Golden Hill years. The Polish Labor Party opportune for such tactics and Marvin Bernstein, Jean Fogel, yesr his health became so badthe Bethelgram way. "Just call ceuie.:evy. '. by the Goga-Cuza government/a Semitic drive. The change in the' Jewish sit- is- now stronger and more con- they had to be discontinued. But Doris Belzer, Jeannette Chesnov, he had to take a leave cf absence Jackson TEST End tell them your I correspondent,* parallel abatestudent ot ; ment set in in the similar blaze uation in Poland was dictated scious of its labor aims than it it is a mistake to think that this Evelyn Goldware. from the B'nai B'rith Messenger, message. — "we'll take care of the -"alestine as j which had been raging with even partly by considerations of for-bas been for 'years. The peasants means that the anti-Jewish fight of which he had been managing rest" says the chairman, who is very anxious to get all Beth El i a. osophers.' editor. i greater force for over a year and' eign policy, but largely by • social are awakening. There were very itself has been given up either by A native of :1 a half in Poland. The aati-Jewish developments in Poland itself. serious peasant riots in Poland the Endeks or. even by the Polish York, ha ! economy boycott accompanied by There is not the slightest doubt last fall and the peasant move- government. Far from it. The been ! mass picketing in hundreds of that the heavy flirtation of Polish ment is now crystallizing. More struggle has only assumed differin up-state' New York, among •.; Polish towns; the brutal physical foreign policy with Nazi Ger- impprtant still is the rise of the ent forms, forms more compatiA varied- program of Jewish them the Rochester Herald, Ro• attacks on Jews, the almost daily many, which was so evident last democratic Polish intelligentzia ble with the more democratic music augmented by a choir of chester Democrat and Chronicle, Where Cm&ha Shops w- it Confidence ;j beatings in the streets, parks and summer and fall, haa now been which /had hitherto shown no sign tendencies in foreign and in in- wenty voices will be presented Sj-racuse Post-Standard and Ad-: "> .public places; the full-sized po- checked. It Is quite possible that of independent life. ; I t is prema- ternal policy;- forms which are, on April 20 at the Central High irondack Daily Enterprise a t ! A Good Fortune <-'omes • our :j groms in" Prshytlk. Minsk-Mazo- this was one of the successes of ture to speak of a strong Polish however, no less dangerous, per- School auditorium by Cantor Lake Placid. In 19 32 he repreT'Fsf is This ]: wetzk, Tshenstochow,; Belsk and M. Delboa' diplomatic tour last liberal movement, but there are haps, than those of the hooligan Aaron Edgar. The concert will be sented the Associated Press et other • cities; culminating in "the December. More likely, the r e -certainly, stirrings within the and of the pogromist. But this ponsored by the Beth El Syna- Lake Placid and also served as !; infamous ghetto bench campaign cent Nazi outburst in Danzig was democratic Polish intelligentzia new aspect of the situation in Po- ;ogue. correspondent for the* Jewish : in the-universities -and colleges—• responsible. The Polish govern- and even an attempt to organize. land is too se*i2us to be treated Included on the program will Telegraphic Agency. From IS 32 ' all these had combined to render ment suddenly realized (or wasAll these signs taken together in an off-hand manner. It de- 6 masterpieces cf synagogue to 1933 he. was news editor of ;r~_the Jewish position In Poland made to see) that the flirtation convinced the Polish government, serves, and will receive full con- music for cantor and choir, Jew- the Rochester Jewish Ledger and =j last winter a scene of utter dark- with Nazism had gone far enough which last December was tremb- sideration on another occasion. sh folksongs, art songs, Chassi- its affiliated weeklies in sis : ness and unmitigated despair. . and a halt was called. Colonel ling on the brink of Fascism, that dlc and modern Palestinian mu- cities. ,; Suddenly a change set in. With Beck once more turned his face a leap into that abyss would, not (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts le never before head in Omaha. Pekarsky came to Los Angeles ! : the same abruptness that marked towards France, and this certain- end as successfully as it had first Feature Syndicate.) \ Abraham D&nsky, yotmg pian- in 1SSS as managing editor of mi. ist, will play compositions by t i e the B'nai B'rith Messenger. A ; the outburst in. Rumania, the po-ly had an immediate effect on the anticipated. In its present social •minent Jewish, composers, Weln- yesr later he became nationallyi groms ceased in Poland; the phy-nature of manifestation of themood, Poland would have bePatronize Our Advertisers ' berg and Engel. ! sical attacks on the Jews in theanti-Semitic movement. For socome a second Spain if the govknown as motion picture editor > streets and in public places stop- long as Poland was gravitating ernment had yielded to Fascism 1 ped; the • picketing of - Jewish towards Germany, the Endeks and entirely. '•\ shops waB discontinued, although the Naras had a free hand. A sen- A general retreat was called : - the economic boycott goes on; sationally -violent : anti-Semitic along the entire social and politieven the fights and rioting in the campaign has come to be one of cal line and this had the strong!' universities are no longer a daily the signs of diplomatic rapprocb* est possible effect on the anti; occurence, although the ghetto-. ment with Germany; i t is, r the Jewish drive. For in Eastern Bureasiest way of expressing sym^ ope, it Is clearly realized now that 1 benches are still In full force. WE take pleasure in announcing* that you can now obtain the full line of West: The entire affair has all thepathy with Nazism. A change in anti-Semitism • is not entirely a - me"ant • quite movement directed against the inghouse Products at Tho EIOEIE ELECTRIC Shop - • - the newly-appointed : ear-marks- of an enigma, of some this- rapprochment : ••. secret manouevreExecuted on a naturally also a change In theJews. With the'rise of Nazism agency for Weatinghouse in Omaha. a war front. Suddenly, as if by com- violent nature of the Polish anti- it has become a screen behind ,: mand from headquarters, a lull Semitic movement. v/hkh the Fascists make their adi has set In in one section of the Among the other foreign influ- vances into other, non-Jewish dor | far-flung Jewish battle-front, and ences which have definitely help- mains. The democratic and ahtli a violent bombardment breaks! ed to bring about a change in theFascist. forces Jn " Poland have t out in another sector. Poland is \ I off the front pages of the Jewish newspapers, and Rumania takes its place. One hears hardly anyt h i n g about Poland, except an anti-Semitic speech of the Prem•' ier or of another member of the i government; the newspapers are :full of King Carol and Patriarch iMiron. If ever there was need of proof of the artificial nature ^eii^"^ ' of all the European so-called i"e 1 e m e n ta 1 /folk-movements" ifesi:. against the Jews, the simultan«M eous and contradictory events in jRumania and Poland since last ;:Christmas have" provided .'it in Abundance. And of the two coun\ tries, the events in Poland are to j'th'e observer of the Jewish scene in Europe by far the more etrlk•^ng and convincing. ij What is the real nature of the 'enigma in . Poland? 1B there really, a lull for the Jews on the ipolish front? Have Polish Jews really entered a period of respite in the drive, against them? Have •P \wmrn.0m the Polish government and Polish Rationalistic society really aban\MfiMt? doned, or at least modified,'their t&sii^.yivt .violent anti-Jewish offensive of t t£» H the last two.years? If so, what are the causes, of this remarkable iransf ormation ? . ij "In the opinion of the present 'I ; Writer, nothing is leds real than Wash clothos cnowy whito. In las loss &n@. tTiib Jthe so-called Jewish respite in a modom Electric Washor. Savo v?eca and too? ca •Poland. There is no lull in the actual fighting; there is only a "dolhos, too! Tho gc-ntlo doandng action cl fho change of . tactics. For reasons modoia Hoctric Waphor mdhos doihos "clay young" Which will become apparent later, •k months lengor. Cornploio your the Polish government has come m ROASTS BAKES • STIIVS «_BROILS CT.ELLS %$.. to "realize that the previous tachomo laundry modemiratioa tics of full-sized and small poFRI1S • TOASTS
By William Zukerman
Louis. Pekarsky, Beth El Women Feature Writer, Mo-nev £o. Dies on Coast
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backs; i. e., grain given them by them the establishment of aa in- held together . . . sscosd, because einemacting . . ft the Arabs, 55 per cent of wboin stitution which would aid ia the cf its mechanical keyboard — a studio caJe . . . ordered & ' v P do not pay. in cash. emigration o£ Jews, from Yemen. pull ol a lever and "he can. trans- to-do steak." cza Many of these craftsmen leave At the initiative of the Zionist pose into s s y key he- likes . . . Sylvia Sidney studied ' their homes on Sunday and re-executive, the first conference of mostly he likes F-siiarp. etiHtrre for the Ein^ing seen" turn only on Friday to rest on the Yemenite Jeirs took place in Also on view in his office is her next offering . , . tben t the Sabbath with their families.. March, 1922. A central commit- a leather-bound volume titled, covered they t a d beer, cut At harvest time, the Jews gather tee was then elected to carry oa "My Songs," It contains his earl- tte script'. sufficient grain -lor their daily the work of settling Yemenite ier works . .. . the first was Michael Loring- is rovr ibread. Other necessities, like meat Jews in Palestine. "Marie Xros Sunny Italy" (1807) Broadway cast cf "Who's ^ *. or butter, are obtained as pay- Ths Federation of Yemenite . . . evidently a collaboration, beChico Mars accompanied J ment of wages during the entire Jews has since corse in contact ing credited to "SI. Nicholson and Lindheimer to Chicago ji •= year. with the Zionist esecctire wito I. Berlin." Ia those days Irving keep him company on the Editor's Xote—One of the week. Thus the teacher adds to . Clothing is of minor value to reference to immigration certifi- was known as Izzy . . . didn't . . . returned the cest day. * world's more remote, xnyster- their knowledge until the pupils them; there are few styles, and cates and their distribution. It think the monicker looked good my word! ions lands is Yemen, in the ' have progressed in their studies- the little they possess in apparel | took care of the QJim upon their in print . . . hence, the abbreviasouthwest corner of the Arab- Thursday is the so-called "Judg- is enough for them. It is also I arrival in Palestine. Reports were tion. His first individual effort Jesse Lasfcy, ST. entrained ian peninsula.-Some 45,000 ment day." The pupils must by unnecessary to save money for current about the confiscation of was, "'The Best of Friends Must the east vrii'n a new novel, No (1S0S), a sticky sestiinen- Angel in Heaven," by z.nH i Jews live there. How they live then be prepared to properly the doctor or druggist. Herbs, the property belonging to those Jews Part" tal 'ballad.. "Alexander's Rag-Time his son Junior. He read 3; is here described by Z. Gluska, know and read the Portion which medicinal quality ot winch is at- who stole away from Yeiasa by Band" carae oat in 1911. route . '. . vrired. back the.' who is president of the Yemen- is given a public reading on thetested to by .generations of con- way of the desert. Many orphans were forced to becoine Moslems.. Asked to personally act in the would like the first chance ; ite organization in PalestJno Sabbath Day. Unfortunate in- sumers, are the popular remedies Many succeeded, at risk of their trailer advertising the film, Ber- for the rncries. Eejoicec J11: and manager of the Near East deed is the youth who is unable for the ill. Heated metal, too, is o' He , r !• to read from the Torah (In Ye-extensively used as an alleviator lives, in crossing deserts to Aden, lin consented, "All right . . . but "I'm sorry, hut I have to se Bank there. C0" P- TP Vt men It is customary for the can- of pain (iron prongs, for in-whence they were transported to let's release the snort AFTEK the the highest bidder:" When a Palestine by the Federation. In stance). off the block bounces back . picture is a proven success!" to" point at the pasAccording to popular legend, tor, merely which only the : . i n who is The Yemenite woman, too, 1930 a bride was taken away Jews have settled in Yemen since sage, from under the canopy and forc?d Just left the pate fie Scis gras works not a little. It is true th: t to change her religion under tlie 'After doing thirty performthe destruction of the First Tem- called upon must read.) ances a week on a recent vaiide . . . or whatever it was . . . Et the she does not labor in work shops, ple. Although there is no docu- „ Before sunset, Mincha-prayers pretext that she was below 13 tour, Mischa Aner finds earnermentary proof, it is generally an and psalm singing are the order but her housework, raising the years of age, although she w^sacting a vacation . . . he'll sever Academy Award Banquet- to finish • this cole ma vita Our Winaccepted fact which has its orig- of the day. When night falls, children, lies heavy upon her. more than 20 years old at the complain again. iocs on c epccers! TTe give you: in the tales told by old men from there is again a prayer to be said For 5n Yemen the housewife must time. En t* ai ounr Warner's "Life of Ercile Sola" generation to generation. It may after which supper is eaten. Then herself cut. wood from the forest h tlEO" O Economically, too, the Jews £ EL »u Tibe surmised that it really is so. is the time to go to bed. "Where and bring it home; she must bake Stons Sequels: .Tee seven hun- as the year's hest pro-Suction. Joseph Schiidkract as the best I well remember the discussions else could they go to? Movies, the daily bread herself, carry the were and are persecuted. The dred and fifty dollars' worth of supporting player for work in £*"ie" e u r be Jews who for generations eked water from the wells, some of theatres or playhouses are not to flowers ordered for the postponed of city elders in Yemen who bit"Emile Sola." out a living as silversmiths, th= -e e~ c which are located at an apprebe' found, neither are there any academy dinner was sent to the terly referred to Ezra the Scribe, Luis Rainer . , . peeress of ac"' as the cause of their poverty and clubs, and the father of a family ciable distance from her domicile. blacksmiths, tailors, etc., were hospitals. Ben Blue plans floating sard- tresses for "Good Earth." misfortune, because' he cursed is duty bound to go to sleep early ThEre is no gas in Yemen, nor forced to gire up these occupaVv'here, oh •where is Paul JMUEJ? them. When asked why the an-for he must arise at midnight to are there any bakeries, or water tions. They were allowed to oc-ens for his valley home as soon cupy themselves with the worst as divers can locate the house! That -triil forever remain a Holly. cient Yemenite Jews have iiot an- study the Torah, and even- the systems. menial tasks only: lavatory cleanswered Ezra'a call to return to youngsters, the little children, That story abotit a weals be- wood riddle. With a score of r-<_ e v 1 F Their Political Standing ing, ditch digging, etc. Palestine, the elders replied that must' then awaken too. I recall ing sighted in the flood and caus- awards, national end interna- g." -r c e r t * After acquainting the readers e During the last four years the ing a panic until it was discover- tional, pouring in on Muni's perat that time the Yemenite Jews that when I was 6 years "of age, with the culture and occupations he C-C «.._cu. formance as Ensile Sola, Ko'.iysituation has been greatly agmy father was habitually rousing had prophets of their own who ed to be a prep tbat bad got of the Yemenite Jews, it is also Tc r t r e oc u"r counselled them to remain in Ye- me, although I could not then as proper that you should know of gravated. The ruler of Yemen loose from its moorings on thevrood does a typical temperamen- icpnl a-c" no ; 1 tal flip-flop . . . hands the award permitted his people to kill Jews men because they forsaw the de-yet read the Torah. back lot of the Warner Studio their political standing in the last who attempted to leave for Pal••ect vp ruL b e cru struction of Ezra's Temple and . . . well, the yarn was slightly to Spencer Tracy — an excellent j e e r nrc ''i-ft s vet Thus are children brought up seventeen years. -actor, but surely net a Muni! estine. Ia many instances, not exile for Israel.. Was i t , then, in Yemen; at 4, they already are The whale didn't rf lbs rirv ucci r s Anti-Jewish decrees have never being able to pay large sums of stretched. wiser to listen to the prophets? being acquainted with the Torah come from the back lot because (Story is, iluci didn't want award ; ceased in Yemen (except during twice running so purposely abmoney as ransom, they were they maintain. Their sole con- under the teacher's guidance; at it would have been stored vritb said that the prospects oi" = . solation is the fact that Ezra the 12, schooling is completed, ard the short reign of Turkey preced- brought back into Yemen and the props . . . it couldn't have sected self from country.—Ed.) cess in the Governmen;.'E vis ing the world war.) In 1921 they executed. Is there anyone who been Warners' as they didn't have Scribe was not deemed worthy to fathers begin to teach their sons ous steps against Arac terror die in Palestine. . He -was thus a trade or craft, simultaneously assumed very dangerous' forms.. really knows the extent of the such an animal . . . and it didn't SOUTH AEMCAE NAZI depended upon makinsr then: Suddenly, Yemenite Jews residing suffering of the Yemenite Jews? punished for the curse he' sent imparting to them more knowlcause a scare becsuse no one saw alize that their tacticp v--ii; be or .. • j: ^ upon them, the Yemenite Jews. edge of the, Torah. Many teach in Palestine began to receive hor- And if the Federation of Yemen- it. Tracked to its lair, the story OMGAMlZAIiQN no avail. The Jevrish Agency win ; I; g, rible tidings concerning the re-it© Jews did proclaim in the Palcontinue t o figrtt EErainst e.v.r flis- ij rr The Yemenites Irnow nothing their sons "Schechitah" (slaugh-j newal ot persecutions in Yemen- estine press or at Zionist Con- was just . . . a "WHALE of a DISBANDED tortion of the Pcuepiinf- i\tnrdFce!| ! of the existence of a world-wide ter ot animals according to theIt was reliably reported that as gresses all the'above mentioned publicity gag! it 23 in force, .?•!>„ Sheriok ,t. ^_ Jewry; about Europ'e or Ameri- Jewish ritual). This is consid- soon as the Turks withdrew, af- facts—did we receive anything Arriving for a picture cosaisit- ,| Capetown (1TA) — Fascist!i while ! ' ca. They never were taught geo- ered an important attainment, as ter their defeat in the world war, more than a polite snake of the ment, Sam X,evene "• taunted, "I\ leader Johannes von Moltke this I declared, Eeferring to the increase ir. the !;m. a. '"Schrochet" in Yemen is as graphy and only the countries from Yemen, the Imam (Ruler) bead, when we spoke of the suf-wanted to take Hollywood by I -vreek disbanded his Grey Shirt ! mentioned in the Bible have any highly-respected an individual : s of the country decreed that: storm, but they beat me to i t ' " ferings of the Jews in cruel j organization, one of three "shirt" I . meaning for them. My father, a doctor in Europe. And Milton Berle squeaks that 1 outfits in South Africa, and urfr- ' 1. A special head tax be im-Yemen? Girls in Yemen receive no in-posed on all Jews. may he rest in peace, always used "as floods go, this was a wash- • ed his followers to join Dr. D. F. to answer my question on where structions. The Yemenite Jews oat!" \ ilalan's Nationalist Party.«, A ! I 2. Jews be prohibited to pass the Jews who will return to Pal-still hold to the tradition that tne to the right of a Moslem. (The I second Grey Shirt group, headed estine will come irom, with the who teaches his daughter Torah jews, according to the ruler, are Who's Who . . . and. -what 'of •1 by 1:1. Weichariit, and the third statement that the Jews from Ye- is to be compared to one teaching Satans, whose touch is contag"shirtist" band, the Black Shirt it: men, Egypt, Damascus, and Boz-superfluities.. - Sid Skolsfey . . . they say . . . Party, are continuing- their sntiious.) ^S TT , T' f^-' ra, as well as the ten tribes upon Parents also anake an effort Jevish activities. By HELEN ZIGBIOKD is the eighth dwarf! 3. Jews be prohibited io ride the banks of the Sambatyon riv- early to prepare their offspring astride I Meanwhile, a ne-w organization Janet Rieseafeld, daughter of an animal, (horses, mules er, will be the ones-to come back for family life. While the sons etc.) There Hollywood—Not since the days the conductor, has sold her book, i to combat Nazism and Fascism are no automobiles to Eretz-Israel. - . are still studying or learning a or railroads in Yemen. of his •wedding" to the telephone "Dancer in Madrid.," to an Eng-i has . been created in JohanEes| burg, to be taOTE as the CouneU * The reason Is obvious: Yemen trade, the parents are already 4. Jews be strictly forbidden heiress has Irving Berlin bathed lish, publisher. is completely isolated and has no seeking mates for them. Very to leave Yemen for .Palestine. in so mcch limelight- as now. . Maxie Rosesbloan, a fioarish ! for the Defense cf Democracy; connections whatsoever wftu the many youth marry at the age of -. 5. Every -.Jewish orphan, mala With "'Alexander's Rag-TIrae .ing restaurateur, is currently j Among its aims Trill be "eradicating raci&i hatred." outside world either politically~or 15-18. If not orphaned, it Is or female, below 13 years of age, •Band" progressing, the curtain rare indeed to find a young man economically. They have no vital whose father died, must embrace rises on many forgotten scenes information about things which of 18 in an unmarried state. In the Moslem religion and recog- of his life . . . sugar to showmen. is due, nodonbt, to the lack of most cases, married . couples live nize it as the only faith. Thirty of his sis tundred ballad proper schooling facilities. The under one Toof -with their parents and- jazz numbers "will comprise 6. The government will confisbook which • we did have were and they all contribute together cate the property of the Jews the filmusical background. V printed in Amsterdam (Amsha for the- upkeep of their families, leaving any Yemen city. Berlin continues to ping out Tirdora, the Yemenites pro- which are usually Tery large. new melodies on a battered old The Yemenite Jews cried bitOccupations of the Jews r sz? nounced i t ) . The books were terly for help. The Yemenite upright, a Calvin Weser, for Ninety-five per cent of the Ye- community brought into Yemen by a caravan which he paid 5100 s.n<2 has cartwas not then organizroute through Egypt. I t must be menite Jews are craftsmen and ed, and the Zionist executive ed everywhere during the past SO noted that untilJthis day there is artisans. Among them are silver- came in contact with a number years. It's a "remarkable" instru! not one newspaper in the coun- smiths, weapon-repairer3, black- of individuals and proposed to ment . . . first,, because it has try, except the official publica- smiths, locksmiths, shoemakers, tion of the Yemenite ruler which etc. They toil continuously, ex-appears monthly .and has been haustingly for they know nothing FREES Aa Expert Counsellor o a Room f published only the lait few years. of modern machinery and they must do everything with their Culture of the Yemenite Jews There are no schools in Yemen own hands. The crafts of silver working in the customary sense of the "FAMOUS FOR FINE FURHITURE*' word. Ninety-five per cent of the and weapon repairing are con"Of course it was a thrill to irash. frosa oae Arabs are illiterates, while not sidered gentle, clean and easy. On Use Our Easy Payment Plan——Faraaza at 22nd country to tlse nest cad brisg- Joy to to one illiterate is to be found among some occasions, the government of pp people cf variousszi&i the Yemenite Jews. In the larg- employs Jews as minters of coin. naiona.U er cities, the children are being This, too, is done in a very primties," says.Molly Pisoa. "Bat everywhere I taught in "chadarim." But there itive manner. The heaviest labor loaued for the ^ood old United States, and are parents who hire private in Yemen is blacksmithing. for the good roaster-f resit M A X W E L L teachers, who take care- of the In tilling season, the blackHOUSE COFFEE wises© friendly sthssxlatioa children from sunrise to sunset. smiths work day and-night, and .I.talssed so nausea £ra rsssuy countries." oven. And It is the task of. these teachers are paid after the harvest. The to awaken, their pupils in theshoemakers work still more strenyou! mornings, recite with them the uously; they are forced to wanIf you hare not yet tried MAXWELL HOUSE, prayers. (A private teacher lias der from village to village to you have no Idea how trsly £ozsd smd deliroom and board at the pupil's gain their livelihood, and they cious a cup of coffee can fee. Tsere Is & dishome.) The teacher divides the carry their remuneration on their tinctive rich, mellow flavor in every cup. children into two groups; one For this inccaaparable blend of better cofgroup learns the alphabet and the fees corses to yon YltS'Fresh in tbs SKjsorother—the Portion of the week CLEAN LINEN vacsSKRi can . . . th© one sure •way to ferlng (from the Books of Moses). In Always Attracts Custbmersg you coffee && deliciously freshi and wholethe afternoon, those pupils who OMAHA TOWEL 'some as the very hour it left the roastIr.£ aiready have read the latter besncalE. Gc* a cc SUPPLY gin to study the prophets, while Yours Sinco1876 the younger.children read several KE 2828 sentences from the Portion of the
' Oi le o p ^or J;.
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2c^j ^ *usf^tS-p " Oornfe'o Sierra en K7A3 ever/ t7=i:=;-jUi.a, Cracha t i s s .
Tunm I a ! • O a r foH fce^r, e-Terr TSJSTBSIRT ru-bt, ...at S ©'clock, "GQOD NEWS'OF. 103S," Stfttioa W. « . W., «nd • Co R «tcoaaectjos cTer. fS. B, C. Net-^reri:.
•Pago A
"Tlie Optimism of Robert-BroVrnihgr"'
Does he write ? he fain would paint a picture, Put to proof art alien to the artist's, Once, and only once, and for one only, So to be the man. and leave the artist, Gain the man's joy, miss the artist's sorrow," "I shall never in the years remaining Paint you pictures,' no, nor csre yen statues, Make you music that should all express me So it seems; I stand on my attainment, . This of verse alone .one life allows me Verse and nothing else have I to give you Other heights in other lives, God willing: All the gifts from' all the heights, your owri, Love!" "Oh, this Rafael of the dear Madonnas, Oh, this Dante of tire great Inferno, Wrote one song1 - - and in my brain I sing it, Drew one'angel - - borne, see, ia ray bosom!"
COMMUNITY CALENDAR, rri«t«F» March S5. club, i p. in., recreation Comnturlty Center. room, A. Z. A. Sabbath, E p. m., B:ne.\ • > Israel •tyi 16th r.nd Cfcicap© e tw " ^ „„,. -
the Bible
By Rabbi Frederic's Coan Talmud "In the spring, a young man's fancy" (and every one' PU0WS3M&D EV&RV FRIDAY Al.OWAHA, N'EQRAOIIA, QV Sher who is privileged to have an intimate acquaintance with him THS JBW19H PRESS FUBWSHlfJO .QOMPAN? } "turns fo thoughts o f " - - - Browning. Bible PRICE, One Spring is the poetic season. It is then that.nature, afte: The mouth of -the righteous ADVERTISING PURNISHED ON APP4.ICA • ION Ann nal JV'izrec?; 3 OrgEBizatiOE Kf.terPifc wisdom and his tongue EDlTORiAt. PFFiqe* 6C3 ^RANSBig TMBATgR 0UII.OING ~ " the long sleep of winter, wakens to the "vita nuova" of th Sabbot Sc turtle y morning the • pprir.fccUi justice, the righteous poets. It is then that all stirs with life and is clothed anev • gioux GITYOPFICE—JEWISH COWWUNITV SSNTSR Rabbis will upeck at Cl'tcvcnt shall inherit the land. . PRINT SHOP AOORE§S~4?M SO.OTHOTRQEt with beauty. The bare, brown branches put on their tende synagogues; E&Rfclr, l h f c B'usi I have ppen the wicked in great DAYIO SLACKER •-••••••'." " * '. Business .aa<l Managing Editor Jacob iiynegog-ue, £4ih z.v,& Nit:bleaves of green; the grass becomes dajly greener; the side pewer, run (spreading himself like F5ANK R. AOKSRMAN . • • •' > • • Edlto? ale.tr, Beth Kair.rdrosjfc Kaeodei c ir.t.Zy tree in the native soil, MSONARE».NATHAN •V • ••• Acsoofato Editor bluer; gentle breezes fan the cheek; the flowers appear on but one pfisKfid by and lo he was RABBI FREDERICK COHN «•, » Contrl&uUas E4Hoi the earth in ever-increasing number. The air is filled with Israel Eyccigoirue, l £ i b and Chinot; yec, I/sought him. but he BABB1 THB0O0BH N. 3USWIS • • Bool?' E&tibi fragrance, and the song of birds, God's poets^ singing hymns cago, and the AcUs Yeiiburen COI;]G rot h? found. ANN PILJ* » • » •'.."• •• 81oas CHy, Iot?a, of praise at Heaven's gate. . yip.vk the man of integrity, and Saturday evening, S p. it.., RabIn this beautiful season of the Spring, Robert Browning, bi SclonsoE cf Kansas City, v:iU iiphold the upright, for there is The-Simmering Pot.-. ' • one of the world's greatest poets, was born, (May 7, 1812, in before aii mem!»ere of the a future for the man of peace. . My friends, and my companEurope today is a simmering pot which may, should the Carobenvell, a suburb of London.) Dying in Venice, after a T, . , , , , ., , , . , , . ., .,_, ., „ . ! Synagogues t t e. Klove R:.EUI;.» r.t ions stand Bloof from any heat be intensified only slightly, boil over with dire results. long life of seventy-seven years (December, 12, 1^89), he left Browning has best described himself m the "Epilogue" t o | t h e JJ-J-EI I s r a e . evnagofue. Itth troubles, f.nd my kinsmen stand .Or it, may expend its force by its constant bubbling. Except behind him a. wealth of song. He was the Poet of love, and "Asolando," his last work, published on the very d a y of his and Chicago. rtar oii. Talmud for the Scandinavian countries, no European nation has es-he sang himself into the heart of humanity. Above all he wasdeath. WEEK OF SIAKCH ET , ; ' ! Kundey, March ST. Ci:r Kabfris were taught: When caped the forces that seem to be.hurtling the continent to its the Poet of Optimism. He greeted the Spring in thesje lovely "One who never turned his back but marched breast forOffi&ha Hebrew- Club meeting, , Rabin EInzar was captured by destruction, to a conflict that supposedly the people do not words of little Pippa,'the silk-winder of Asolo: ward, i S p. na., lodge room, Jewish Cera- the f;ovprnment through the acJfever doubted clouds would break, : . desire. •• "The Year's at the Spring ;. • ,- Center. ousB.tion of the hereticfi, he wag Never dreamed, though right were worsted, wrong would Hound Table Purir carnival, S hroupht. to the gnlloWB and the '•...:'. Fascist aggression during the past few weeks has shown •And day's at the morn; triumph, . . I p. El., auditorium, Jewish Cora-, penerni said to him, "A sagre like in black tejfms the foreign policy of those nations dovotecTfo • •.--^ ,JMor«ing at seven Held we fall to rise, are baffled to fight better, mucity Center. you should be engaged in euch a the policy of totalitarianism, It is becoming apparent that the v: The hill-side's dew-pearled; Girl Scouts, S p. EL, roojms C valueless thing (as the Torah)?" Sleep to wake." : and D, Jewish. Community Ccn- Am' he answered. "The judge is The lark's on the wing; secret of Hitler's.success is his spectacular mastery of every On December 31, 1889, Robert Browning was buried in Ser. trustworthy to me to judge hon; . The snail's on the thorn; '.•: ; ' opportunity. • . "Westminster Abbey. Kadima, £ p. m., room ST,',?fT- entlr." TJie general thought RabV " God's in his heaven — The recent events have brought about indecision. England isfa Community Center. • •; ?;i Eicze.r v/as referring to him. - - Frederick Coin. All's right with .the world J" and France pondering the next move- see with terrified eyes A. z. A. No. 100, g p. m., room Klnzar. however referred to the K and L, Jewish Community Cen-• Resvpnly .lodge, and the general It was the firm "belief of this lover of God and of man, the diminishing of their once extensive prestige. Should the ter.' Krdd. "Because you trust in me, fascist potffcrs gain a foothold in the blood-drenelied Spanish that despite the manifold and manifest evils and sorrows of A. Z. A. No. 1, S p. E-i., rooms , I Bwpf.r fcy my Idel that you are / penninsuja, France will find herself surrounded. by. enemies the world that he, too, as well as the rest of human kind was G and K, Jewish Community Cen-i free from this accusation." ter. | o U r Rp.bbis were taught: When and England will have her.mighty fortress,.Gibralter, a synv called upon to experience, that life, as the creation of an inHezomir Turim concert, S p. jKebbi Elarar Prata and Rabbi finitely wise and just God, was essentially and inherently good. onym of strength, become prey to those powers at the rock's | ra., E'nei Israel Synagogue, lCtfc.. Char.inah were captured by the "How good is our life, the mere living I" he makes the base. . . . Babbi, EfoBBt SSasi Sen:?*?, f!r=s I End Cticego. : povernmer.t, said the former to youthfuland inspired David exclaim. , Merck SS. • the latter, "Happy art thou, that Germany, flinging its challenge in the face of civilization, nir Choir, S p. m., rooms thou v»i.st captured of being ac"How fit to employ has permitted its booted hordes to. despoils Austria and to "BOX ISAAC ABKAVANEL" JOthreaten Csjecho.Slovakia where decency still survives, Poland, AH the heart and the soul and the senses forever in joy! SEPH SARACHEK. 211 PAGES. BLOCK PUBLISHING C O Mimitating Prussian arrogance, has proved herself a "FrankenBe our joys three-parts pain! PA NY. 52.00. ' stein monster," created by the allied powers, Even Switzets Strive, and hold cheap the strain; Dr. Sarachek has filled a gen- seen by our ancestors ct Sinai; , center. ! are accused of five things and land, traditionally neutral, is confronted by; Italy using the > Learn, nor ac<?bunt the pang; dare, never grudge the uine want when he wrote this In- wss an set of intellectual coccep- K 1 n i t F Coucc'I of Jewish Women ; will be saved and woe is to me teresting, comprehensive and aupretense of war maneuvers to dispatch militant diplomatic throe!" benefit p. m,, auditor-; v'ho is P.CCused of one thing and . biography of one of the for infinite au iura, Jewish Community Center. v.i.'l be sentenced, for thou occunotes. These are the words he puts into the mouth of Rabbi Ben thentic most romantic figures iit Jewish he defends his orthodoxy most; B'EEJ B'rith Instf.31r.tjon Stag, : pied thyself with both the Torah The caissons are rumbling put their warning; the sound Ezra, poet and philosopher of the Golden Age of Spain, whose history, Don Isaac Abraranel. Es- resolutely. . j S p. m.. Eiiclitorium, Jewish Com-j rnd with loving kindness, while of marching feet already eclioes on a continent that watches wisdom he sums up in the opening words of the poem that pecially to bs "welcomed is the the Christians cf that day ,• munity Center, occupied with the Torah volume at the present time when the Jews strongly believed in the j TnestJuy, Jl«rch £8. with horror the doom descending upon it.. Fop the Jews the bears his name: 'liis is in accordance with Jewry is commemorating the doctrine of -divine redemption j Pioneer Women meeting, 2 . ! what Rabbi Huns said, "'He who terror of a war has already come. r v ., "Grow old along with me! 500th aniversary of the birth of through a personal Messiah, sent i . , rooms C and D, Jewish Com-, occr.pies himself with the Torah, m Like the fabled town of Germelhausen, Europe ceases to The best is yet to be, Abravanel. The task confronting jb y God to deliver them from their 1 mucity Center. but doesn't observe loving kindspeak of its 'tomorrow.' • . the author was rather imposing, enemies and to lead them back to; Alpba Pi Ten, S p. m.,' room ! ness . T h e last of life, foV which the first was made; o is similar to one who denies since co cue bad previously atthe Holy -Land, Their incredible, , Jewish CoEmunity Center. Our times are in His hand . ' -. : God." when Rabbi Elazar was tempted a biography. He wes sufferings made this dcgnia a; Choir, £:S0 p. m., rooms C and '. broght before the judges, and _ lacency . . • •,••:..:•••.. Who; saith 'A whole I planned, •... obliged to make a prolonged and wholesome and sustaining COB-JD, Jewish Commucity Center. Ever since it became known that the Nasis were estabasked him, "Why do you Youth shows but half? trust God; see all nor be afraid?" careful study of his many works cept. To Abravanel it -was most; Bas-a-Ki, $ p. m., room K, Jew- they study and why are you a warlishing,-units in this country, the. Jews of America have been It is in this poem that he" tells, us that true success, so such as commentaries oa the Bi-precions, End fee devotes much j ish Community Center. rior?" And he answered, "If one ble, philosophic treatises and, labor to est&blisli this fiogsa "by! tempted to look oh tolerantly. Imbued with the American March s o . is e scholar, he is no warrior, and sought after by all the world, for which men commit even these dealing -with his Messianic Biblical and otter proof. It is a spirit, we have hesitated to establish a precedent for the supJunior Council, S p. m,, room :: just ES it is not true that I am the most horrible crimes, like Macbeth who "would wade speculations. Dividing his mater- courageous and Ingenious bit of M, Jewish Community Center. a! warrior, so it is also not true pression of freedom of speech and thought. ! through blood unto- a throne," lies not in any definite accom- is! into four parts, the author but of tomrse suite | International Workers' Order, that I am a scholar." Why then Time has taught ns the lesson that extending tolerance to plishment however seemingly great, but in the consistent, per- deals lirst wita the man, then, in speculation, futile. And to the test cfcs.pter| S p. E . , rooms C End D, Jewish: on named master?" And b« a people as the Nazis, is tantamount to suicide. Last week sistent, conscientious endeavor to realize «ne's highest ideals the order stated with, the scho- "The Dreacser" the reeder will I Coxsicunity Center. pTRti, "I am the mail«i" o/ ; brought to light a plot to establish a chain of anti-Semitic news- and noblest-aims, however far short of them one may have lar, the thinker, and lastly •with find tnis neatal exercise enter-] ic weaving." "Why did "you the dreamer. taining If not conviccing. A per-i WEEK OF APRIL visit the house of dlacunpapers, financed by the (Jerman government, to bring to Amer- fallen in this baffling, inexplicable life: The first chapter is principally sonsl Messiah was an JEdispessj-, April s. " And he answered, "I am ica the same dastardly situation that confronts European Jewbiographical, giving the history able need. The substitizte cf a, Oissha. Hebrew Club meeting, too old and feared perhaps I "What I aspired to be of the period during which this Messianic era was poor end in-; S p. IT,., lodge room, Jev.-ish Com- would ry. At the same time the Brazilian government suppressed Nazi be trodden down under the And was not, comforts me: -. unusual spirit lived and •worked, substantial. And feet of the crowd." "And why activities after uncovering a conspiracy aimed at the assassinaany, both j m^nitjr Center. •, A brute I might have been, but would not gink in. the scale." and the peculiarly tragic destiny amongst Jews ss amongst ChristJudea, Z p. m., ream M, : have you breed your slaves, which tion of the President. ' '•.''. he was forced to endure. Exile experience the identical j Jewish Comrcunity Center. : i? forbidden?" And he replied, • Even the thought or imminence'of death could not phase and hardship were his lot •—< alOne hesitates to frighten a people already greatly coni Jccior Council, £:£e p. m.,'< "This never occurred." The dethis indomitable optimist. "Prtispiee"' is one of the most beauti- most to the end. Despite great Bed for this EESt£iEing hope, cerned by a most unhappy and tragip situation in one of the Tfeough hs U'ES not-an original rooms K end L, Jewish Comrcun-i cipion of the judges vrsg to free services to Ferdinand and Isabel- tblnter, he was deeply and pro- j Uy Center. ful poems of faith to be found in all literature: him of tfie five charges. great capitals of \ the world, Vienna, These last few weeks la, lie could not prevail npoa founflly Jewish. KJS faith in God,' ASonsSaj-, April 4. "Fear death? « - to feel the fog in my throat, have brought little to comfort the Jews. I t becomes distressing them to stay the edict of expul- la Isrgel and ia the Torsi SUE- j Workmen's L.osn The mist in my iace, sion. He left Spain in T.492, -with talced and refreshed his harassed j p. m,, roonis:. c EE meeting, S; of Port •!& to read day after day of the inhumanities .-being visited upon 'Jev.-ish j When the snows begin, an£ the blasts denote 300,000 other Jews, rnost of spirit EEd broken body. Ace if is! Community Center. I our people. . whom perished before reaching etiraulating to read how this in-1 B'r.ai B'ritfc meeting, S p. m.,\ - , Tc.l Aviv .;,TTA) — The Marine • I am nearmg the place, ' -....But to avoid a repetition of Vienna it is necessary to seek •ust rxmrc! S. A. ran Vreesland any harbor of refuge. Abraveiial The p.ower of the night, the press of the storm, -— typical of thousands! lodge rooai, Jewish Community; rnpn&FPr cf the year-old Tel found temporary refuge t t Na- dividual methods of curbing this organization that, despite its protestaupon thousands lesser Avir port. Kquipment in preparThe post of the foe; ~ . ples. Soon, he was sgaja obliged prized tions to the contrary, is out for the destruction of American Judaism sbore all things, f! Club Leaders', T:S(> p. m., ation for landing of passengers; to flee and at the age of sixtyWhere he stands, the Arch Fear in a visible form, loun Jewish Community Cea- ; h e r e v - i n i,c completed sooAr it institutions and the degradation of American Jewry. six, he reached* Venice, vrbere fc®evea above life itself. Yetjhe strong man must go; was announced by the port authfound peace end security, and &n This interesting and helpful vo3- | £f*"> "While the Bund announces ita intent ia the protection of ,v, April 5. : Cr;cies. For the journey is done and the summit attained, opportunity to write Tritfao-at ser- um«, containing a complete ss.S America—as though Americans must depend on Germany for And the barriers fall, , ious interruptions. He died at t i e competent analysis "cf the protection—the Fascist dictator of Italy justifies Germany's ThiP volume age of seventy-one Though a battle's to fight ere the guerdon be gained, and eloquent seizure of Austria on the grounds that it is perfectly permisthe year 1508. Even The reward oft all. of the sobbody knew no , rest sible in the game of power politics for one nation to bring he Jew in • I-was ever a fighter, so - - one fight more, year, war broke about dissatisfaction in another and then seize control of the. Jpvrtsh hisVenice and Geriaany, and the The best and the last! . tory i? proof of. his thpsis. Center. government. This ia a blunt statement for the reasons of the one o! the Jevisli iminorttH, &sd 1 I should hate that death bandaged my eyes, and borefore, lemetery that contained th« re- Dr. Saraccek has written a scfco- [ m T'av^'f^r' r. PTI'PEXT, SCHOLAR AND Bund. _ mains becarae a battlefield. The ", And bade me creep past. leriy biogrEphy, cr.e wbicn Tilli Junior Kad&ssah meeting, S p.1SAINT by Louis'- Oinubnrg. The dead were shamefully violated The time for quibbling as to what to do to the Nazi groups m., rooms C *,nd D, Jewish Com- j purpose of thip hook it to stive be resd wits profit end joy. No! Let me taste the whole of it, fare like my peers and uprooted. munity Center. has- ended. Nazi-ism in America must end. The longer-we | the reader some lipht. into the As a scholar gnd tt thinker AbThe heroes of old. ; cu'.tuvnl liie of the -lew by makhesitate the more Hitler is convinced of weakness. Europe ravanel is stimulating, but neithBear the bruk^ in a minute pay glad life's arrears Chess Class, i p. in., recreation j j^g in.= acquaintn-nce with the hesitated and because of its hesitancy it has jeapordized its er original nor ^profound. Bet-ply room, Jewish Community Center. ! benrf-rs oi his culture. . "The Center Of pain, darkness, anchcold. devoted to Judaism, firmly confuture. • ! i Sir.ce the loss of political indeFor sudden the worst turns the best to the brave, vinced of the truth of its docLibrary Corner" COXEXG JSYEXT& j pendencp. Jewish public life : trines and dogmas and keenly The black minute's at end. KuJitfcy, Jiarch 327. found its main outlet in educaBj- HASKELIi COEEX anxious , to preserve these unim''Back to -the-Farm".. ' - . Rounii Table Purini carnival, 0 ! tional aeiiivty t-nA the Talmudio And the element's rage, the iiend-voices that rave, paired) he was also at' home ia p. m., aucitorlum, Jewish Com-1 scholar v/as the cultural ideal. The "back to the farm" movement, among American Jewry Sh,all dwindle/shall blend, . the culture of the age, ' and a TO THE CHILDREN* REABEKS Enmity Center. ! liabbi iihelrira Gaon wrote: has never, until recently, been of the more highly publicized master of the philosophic litera- OP THIS COLl'MX: Shall change, shall become first a -peace out of pain. MoncSRy, JJarch £S. . ! "Know ttr.l the iihekimoh. is to of Jewish activities. But in the thirty-eight years since /(he ture and tbougbt of ih& day. The Today I again encourage yon OUDCll Of Jerieli Then a light, then thy breast. «ev.-ieli ITosiea:1 be found tmoiig- the scholars of latter he tried to combine with to read TEB JEWISH NEWS. In j ] r r " f v^'oii turn of the century the number of Jewish farmers in the United p. m., the Acadoiuy. if is the light of -bridge, Oh, thou soul of my soul! I shall clasp thee again, Judaism, and, ES happens very this week's issue, there are stori C-oc. r.uirliiir: fsroong them." States has increased from two hundred to nearly one hundred And with God be the rest!" :r©quea.tly, - faith and reason did ies and stories you vr enjoy. Center. Diveaterl of its metaphorical • thousand. repression this remark of the Browning firmly believed in final, heavenly re-union with not make a judicious uaioa. It Let rae tell you about one or J'rith InEtaH&tiou Slz.g This is a remarkable commentary on Jewish life, not only his "perfectwife," the gifted and brilliant Elizabeth Barrett is Impossible to' worship at the Sports ia Palestine have beeeise I S p. JE., ;?ni!ltorii:m, Jtwkl: ?,rmi. rer;firr of Judatim in the and a c r e popular and soa-! *i*! r-erovx". hrlf of she tenth century "because Jewry has for so long been identified popularly with Browning, his "moon of poets," "greatest of all women poets" shrine o! ratiosslSsia, and at one more it? Center. I contains the profound truth that and tfts same time to champion cer Is the raost popular eport. Is I urban life, but because it indicates that given, the opportunity in the estimation of no less an authority than Edmund Clar- dogmas oTtolth'.'.iDdn Isaac found the _past_ 1" y-e£ra._ Palestine bca | the spirUnnl aiifi intellectual life r produced ciampion «th-t had ita center Jews will and do turn to agriculture. ence Stidman, the banker-author of "Victorian Poets," himself aith more reliable and comfort- letcs. T&e Kaccabean Soccer \ room, Jewish Coin- i in fhp Talmudic acaing tfoas reason. Whercever there Being a farmer is not.the easiest thing in the world, for a poet. He was privileged to live with her for twenty-five team is t&c best £RQwa is the Ira ''""-. ir Ves»Viivah.' was E conflict lie chose faith, and Jewish dietary and ritual practices are difficult to perform in years of wedded, poetic bliss. Their life together constitutes foresoolc reasQa. Ho was deeply world. One ct tbc test cwlrscscrs; ~*~ isolation. That accounts for the concentration of Jewish farm- one of the greatest romances of literature and of history. It concerned with the desertions on jin Palestine Ss a 3 7 year clfi teFlfer B pilcs ifi now in our libr AJTO.P r^.t Israel. I ers on eastern farm lands where most are engaged in poultry was an idyllic lyric of love. I t inspired in both of them their the entire raising and truck farming. ' , > iast senmost beautiful creations. She breathed forth her inmost sotll Bespite the difficulties, American Jewry is achieving an in the exquisite "Sonnets from the Portuguese." He inscribed have a soul enviable record of accomplishment. "Hen of the Tear", chosen to her the ripest fruita of his genius, his "men and women" in philosophic treatises and struggl have none." •was -written by a Jewish poetess, J l>r Pr. MEvrice .T. Krrp*, ccrrrsr.c ihat ed bravely'to give n 'logical f,r.,4 E a m a Lssarus. at a. recent Manhattan poultry show, was bred by a Jewish the loveliest dedication in all literature, "One Word More": j tfcp rimi question concerntrj: uhvi rise fo the esoijyjuciisjj basis to th«j essenttal : Iu the c!dea days the Greeks j Palestine. Also "Americsn Nonfarmer. I "A perfect stand of alfalfa"-was the description given r.!rf" >r. which socie» "Take them, Love, the book and me together: Where the 'ewish dogzaas, 3Sko -revelstiOB, filways wanted to test the Kebre-w i'. ;: ft meets with rff! by President Roosevelt of a erop grown on* his Hyde Park resurrection, the of thai heart lies, let.the brain, lie also." Israel cannot hy. sesdiag •. theis. oa •: tlos" fcr tlic » a e author. fann from seed raised by a. Jewish nurseryman. Messis.!:, etc. TUs philosophers j ^ t ^ CiSEloa . . . Ksad . - Stories i while on iise subject, FAX.ES A ES- i p* its won ns* . "No artist lives and loves, that longs not once, and only who 'cast doabt upon the prjscf-1 f,t^» ths Tilcaufi aaa T i e J^vitJi | TIKE ilEYlin-vr ior A:s,rcb c?.r- ;nonrl As one recent, writer .commented, the Jews approach the . once, and for one Only. •le dogmas, -who were-more crlt-j ^ ^ . s for ths ending cf tfcis story, i ri soil>ith reverence. For them it has the mystical significance ical than he, he <Jeao«nce«, j ' i{f favorite little world news' of tiie 1-H^k Co:n;r:is": (Ah, the Prize!) to find his love a language recognized in ancient days. . branding them "snakes and Tip-] collaborator HADAS3AH NEWS- EaraM re.ph? which E?.- i j;:<>but Fit and fair and simple and sufficient - - ers who cast their poison &t t&e | BRIEFS,. p'al-lisied iz . Canada, Using nature that's an art to others, Toraa and y^c-w &t Its stories s,s4 elf votes vSlsoil Us entire publics- i Ei5E.tr '•'The Xsrck <$©vnoh laws." T£© Cesp theologies! stag tios to F&lesiize's nstr CosiEis-j 1£S8. '• Not, this one time, art that's turned lib nature. "v'th Rll thy philojophic problsras dlBtnibeiJ [ 5698-1937 BOOS I J S 1 1?OS, TE1S Ay, of all the artists living, loving him, but r.erer upset him nor in-) TO THOSE WHO. HEAD TIB° Bosh Chodesh Nisan ..:.'. ..AprU 2 None but would forego his proper dowry, - • » jured his faitS. FaHh always tri-! IHSff: 1, PATRIOTISM OF THE ...April 16 - JDoes he paint? lie fain would write a poeua, Passover (1st day) THE, JWpiSEER' KEMFES AMERICAN ' J E W fey Patronize Our Advertisers uepfcesi ever xeas^a.
Council of Jewish • Women
•M. HURWITZ-LETWIN" The home of the bride's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaufman, was the scene of the yedding. of JUiBs Sylvia Let-win to Richard. Hurwitz, son of Mr., and Mrs. Abraham Hurwitz on Sunday, March 20.
At a two o'clock double ring ceremony,. Rabbi David Goldstein read the nuptial service in the presence of thirty-five relatives .of the couple. Cantor Aaron Edfar assisted. An altar banked with palms in the corner of the living room, and a canopy of -white carnations and smila* ferns . formed a background for the
COHEK-ELKIN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elkin of Denver announce the marriage on March 15 of their daughter, Alta, to Joseph h.- Cohen, son of Mrs. Clara Cohen. The T)arents of the bride are former Omahans. The marriage took place at the Denver home of Kabbi Shapiro. The groom is a. graduate of Creigbton Law School. :The bride is a graduate of Omaha Technical High School. • '. . • The couple will make "their home here at 1627 Maple street.
RETURNS FROM CALIFORNIA Miss Ida Kotlar has returned from California where she spent The birde wore a gold-colored the winter months. While there costume suit trimmed in lynx and she' visited in Los Angeles, San Paris and accessories. Her cor- TTraneisco, and San Diego. •age was of orchids. .Leonard Hurwit&. attended his ENTERTAINS AT DINNER brother as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln en. .Before the ceremony. Miss Jla.r~ tertained thirty guests at dinner riet Bernstein, accompanied by at their home last Sunday. The fry Miss Esther Steinberg, sang evening was spent at cards. "'At Dawning." The bridal party entered to the strains of the 4 *Wedding March" from- Lohengrin. A Tecfeption for the family vas The feature eVent of- the Hafceld immediately folio-wing the dassah meeting to be held Wedceremony. The serving table nesday, April 6th, at the Jewish -was decorated with the wedding Community Center, -mil be" the cake and sweet peas and daffo- drawing on the award of the dUa. round trip ticket first class to The couple will make their New York City or §100.00 in home in McCook, Nebraska. cash. The second award will be Out-of-town guests were Mrs. a round trip ticket tourist class It. LipsbutE and daughters, Mar- to New. Tort. City or $50.00 in jorie and Hosella,and son/Mor- cash. All members who have ticris, of N-orth Platfe. ket stubs are urged to turn them in immediately. Anyone who deBires» to raise "Give and Get" At a Sunday afternoon cere- money in this manner can still .mony performed by Rabbi Milton do so by calling Mrs. Julius Stein, Kopatein at the Jewish Commun- Medical Fund Chairman, -Gl. ity Center, Misa Esther Shafton, 1948. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. AbraPreceding the regular meeting ham Shafton became the* bride Hadassah will hold a board meetof Joseph Sokolof, son of Philip ing on the same date, 1. p. m. Sokolof. ' On the program for the .first The bride wore a white crepe spring meeting of the Hadassah gown made on Grecian lines and year will be a symposium prea white tulle halo hat . with a sented by Mr. Morton Margolin shoulder-length veil. Her cor- and Mr. Haskel Lazere, members sage was of white roses and lil- of A. Z..A. 1. -The topic of disies of the- valley. cussion will be "The Partition of Mrs, Ben Goffstein of Albany, Palestine." New York, -Bister of the bride, At a special meeting of the Hav u matron of honor, and. another sister. Miss Evelyn Shafton, dassah captains It was' decided to hold the "Give and Get" lunchwas maid of honor. eon on Wednesday, May 25, at Bill Sokolof was best man. A reception lor three hundred the Jewish Community Center. ' The Gift Fund Chairman, Mrs. guests was held from 7 until 10 Joseph Rosenberg, announces the o'clock at the Center. Among the. ouf of town guests additional. list of names of those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. to have trees planted in the Rose . Jacobs* Hadassah lorest: Carl Sokolof of Des Moines; Mr. .'' and Mrs. ilorria Spector and their Mr. and Mr3. A. Shapiro in daughter, Carol, of New York h^nof of tbe birth of a grandCity; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sher- child Freda Helene Sternhill. man and their son, Gene, and "*Mr. and Mrs. A. Linsman In Mrs. Harry Levieh, all of Sioux honor of the Bar Mitsvah of their City; and Mr. and Mrs. Max Le- son, ^M&lvin. rlne of Lincoln. In memory of their son, Abraham, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Katz AKSOVSCE APF&OACmSG have purchased a Jewish NaMARRIAGE tional Fund Bond and have made Mr. and Mrs. Morris Soshniclt a special contribution to the Ha^ announce the approaching marrl- dassah Youth AHyah fund. r • age of-their son, "William Sherman of Omaha, to Miss Edith IMneberg, daughter of Mr. and PI LAMBDA PHI Mre. A. Fineberg of Sioux City, on March 27. Nathan S. Sontag, traveling field secretary for the PI Lambda ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Phi, national social . fraternity, Mr. and Mrs. Louia Wolfaon spent a few days last week *vrfth daughter, Sail/, to Peter Meyers the "Chi" chapter of Creighton daughter, Sally, to Peter Myers University. Mr. Sontag' was enterof New York City. , : tained at a luncheon at the FonNo wedding date has been set. tenelle Hotel by both active and alumni members. He waa also HONOR MISS RIPKIN a guest at a panel discussion in Mxa.' David Rlf kin .will honor -which alumni and actives particher daughter, Sara, whosa en- ipated. . " . gagement to Albert G. Reuben Assistance to European Jewish waa rqcently announced, at a tea students and expansion to the to be, held a t . the Omaha "Wo- south was discussed- man's club,- Sunday, March 27, Chi chapter wishes to announce between the hours of 3 to 6. tha additional pledging of Ernest Assisting will be Dr. Ruth Rcu- Wohl of Connecticut and Joseph b en Burroughs, Mrs. Clyde Soshnik of Omaha. Wohl is a preKrasne, Mrs. Joseph Solomono'V7 meuic ^udent and Soshnik is takand the Misses Ida Blacker, Mir- ipg a pre-legal course. iam JECirshenbaum, Sylvia Weiner, Dora Dolgorf, LIbby Dolgoff, Patronize Our Advertisers Hannah Gorsick, and Rebecca Klrsbenbaum.
TAU CASBIA DELTA SORORITY Tau Gamma Delta sorority met at the home of Miss Rosa JUandel on Sunday, March. 20. A report on the Round Table meeting was given by Mis3: Goldfo "Wolfson. Miss Lillian Kutler was honored as a new; member. After the . meeting Miss Mandel entertained at a buffet luncheon. The -organisation "will bo represented a t tho. jPurim Carnival Sunday.
OBSERVED ' . Gloria Ann Lincoln was hostess to twenty-four children at a party given in honor of her: tenth birthday Wednesday. The rafternoon was spent in playing games JOSVSJf
• •: •
Sunday- afternoon at 2:30 In the lecture i a l l of the Joslys HoJriorlal th.e Omaha • JIusio. Teachr era Association will : present Young Artists Program.- A 2;S0 and at 8 o'clock in tho Concert hall, a motion picture, "Tie Hu man Adventure" will be shown. Mr, H. S. Fore will speak a t 3:80 in the lecture hall on "-"The Rise of the... Literary Periodical,"* and at 4 o'clock a program by the ^Hastings Collesa Choir will be presented ia the Concert Hall.
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. Rici,iin, A. RothtoGoldstein, Isaac Mor- j Betty Afiel, chosen "Svee t g e n s t e h l , Sam Ricteaa, S. Rice, ] cf A. Z. A." at a tcr.ee c.' . shoafeld asd ' fraternity here. Oscar BeIzer, M. Ju{iBS Altmail. 1 The orchids vre-e "Iron: ^ - ~ working with Mrs. J. Ricilin. j Beber, cf Omaha, foi-nc'er s" i" -w-m be Ues- ! tercational president of A. Z ' district chairEjaa, Harry Mecdelson, Julius ] and frora Walter Winchell, \ dames Harry Kolaick, Sol H ornsteia Ash a s d H a r r y Cr0nn8e. I ^
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Society. Admission to t&£ 1 \ d£2s, zii^d tiie tDtise VELS OGCCC be anything that esc he r,o'id at the Bazaar to be give^ by the cr-
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Ity Center. ! yesr. •< ~ ,. i , - *• > Cnaircren for the luecheon 'are j IlcrriE Lipp. North Pis." F ' c . * - ' F * Mrs, Harry Lippet, Mrs. A. Katz, '•. r a e s i e r s of the StuSert V',"" , and Mrs. William Milder. j Board cf Mscs-pers, v:hc l-\e _ . . - . Baza.ar clJEirman is Mrs. A. j charge of tfee EdE-iniBt-rati"- K * ^ ' Schwaczkin. ! the Eew U. of N. Student V*- ~~ • ZT~ZIT7~~~~~'—~~ " Rummage sale chairnea s.re ! h&s w r i t t e n a feat?;rp c r t i c - f T " " < ^ r " • - — » - r - -. Mrs. I. Kaplan,-Mrs. J. Chait, End ; the ATgran, campus > i"~ " « . , ^ '„ r"^ Mrs. S. Fish. iT ! zaagtiise, os the Stuoent 1"n" ' , «- - •• \ The chairmen of the drawing [L?pp has hurncrcuslr calif-, tr are Mrs. Fish sad Mrs. K&tz. i article, "Ksw To Tell a S'i f">. Mrs. L. Neveleff. president, ca! UcSoa EcIifiiZo Apart." It v ncunces the following board fa the Apri! issue. members: Mesdasaes Sara' Fcll- i appear Kearr Greenberrer. Grace! I c - l^Z inan, J. Katn, Slorris Burstfiic. J. Finkel, Morris BrocfcEj-, J. Bernstein, Meyer KatzxEas, A. Schwaczkin, A. Katz, Louis Epstein, Sam,Epstein, I. Kaplan, H. Azorin, Dare CroilEES, J.JE.X Arbitman, K. R. Mllfie-r, "WilUtn Milder, Irving C. Levin, acd Ben r*r f— r- r - r* ' f Lindeabatra.
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PIOMEER WOEIEH The last Oseg Stabbota befcre the Passover will be he.!3 t y tbe Pioneer Women's organization t t the horse of iirs. Earry KichlJn, 182B North Twentieth street, tfcir Saturday, March 2 6, i t 2 c'cloci:. An outstanding program Zzs been planned.
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VAAD BIBLE CLASS The Vaad Bible Class met last Wednesday a t ' the B'nai Israel Synagogue. Mrs. M. L. Hurwitz ana Mrs. Frank Marks were hostesses. Because of Passover tee next meeting of the Vaad Bible Class will be held on Wednesday, April
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The Beth El Pre-Fassover Oaeg Shabbpth will take place on, April 2 at the home of Mrs.' Dave Cohen, 113 South Fitty-fifth street. The program -will be ia the form of suggesting ways of beautifying the seder.
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The annual luncheon and card • party • of-the Council of JewiSll Women -will be given Monday, A large number of worsen are March 28, at the Jewish Com- assisting in the Jewish National munity Center. Mrs. Sain -Joseph- 'Fund box collections, -which will sou and Mrs. Henry Newman are start this Sunday, March 27, unin charge of arrangements for der the- direction of the- local the affair and will be assisted by council. Mrs- Leoa Fellman, Mrs. Nathan Among those taking part are: Turner, chairman of the HospiMrs. Jack Kaufman, district tality committee, und Mrs. Paul Blotcky and Mrs. Morris Levy of chairman, assisted by the Mesdames T. A. Tully, Dave Stein, the Courtesy committee. Jake Blank, Max Shapiro, Joseph Mrs. Bernharflt Wolf is in Goldware. charge of the ticket sales, and Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, district will be * assisted by Mrs; Aaron chairman, whose committee conGinsburg. The luncheon will be served at sists of Mesdaiaes Sam Davis, Schwacikin, 1 p. in.' and will be followed by Abraham Katz, J. J. Friedek, Sara! cards and bingo. Harry Mendelson, Jacfe BrsiBECU, Study Groups The final .meeting of the Jn- and Dave Epstein. ilrs. Louis Alberts, district ternation Relations study group was held Friday, March 11, when chairman, to be assisted by tfce a luncheon honoring Mrs. George SJesdazaes I. W. Rosenblatt, A. 5. Neuhaus, the leader of this suc- Rubnitz, Morris Burstein, Carl cessful class, was given at the Riebes, Aaron Ripps, Mas Davis, Blackstone Hotel. Mrs. Jules and Meyer, Stern. Newman, chairman of the class, Working directly -KSfier Mrs. reports that forty-five women at- M. F. Levensoa, chairman cf the tended the luncheon and that in- collections are the Mesdames J. terest in. the class was. most grat- S. Kahs, Paul Verst, Reuben ifying throughout the fall and Brown, Isidore Abramson, Irvin winter. : Levin, Reuben Bordy, Joseph The- Bible class with Mrs. Sam Freeman, Morris Arias, William Teper, chairman, concluded its Milder, Mark Leoa, Morris Marmeeting this month also as will golin, Ell Wiedman, Jenny Wiethe Adult Psychology class which gal, Harry Silverman, Arthur Mrs. Louis Sogolow headed. Cohen, Harry Trustin, Sam Colin, Mrs. J. E. Cohen, president of Abe Pradell and Leoa Mendelsoa. the " Omaha section visited the Mrs. William Alberts as disSioux City section on Monday where she gave a report of the trict chairman will save assisting her the Mesdames Abe Ro££xnEn, recent Triennial convention. The scholarship committee has Horace Rosenblum, Sam Stern, announced that the Council is j Sidney Cohan, Henry Eelraont, helping two Omaha high school Esther Marks, Bertha Ellis, Aaron girls with expenses incidental to Edgar,- Iisidore Dansky, and Irving Rubinow. their education. . Assisting Mrs. Dave Erodtey, district chairman, will be Mes•JUNIOR VAAD dames Joe Rice, Hyrnan Greenberg, Judah Wolfsou, J. J. FriedA regular • meeting of the Jun- man, Isaac Cherniss, Herman ior Vaad Auxiliary Study group Auerbach, Al Wohlner and Wilwas held on March 22. Miss Ger- liam Wolf. trude Lewis was hostess to the Mrs. Jacob Feldinan, district group at the home of Mrs. Abe Krantz, 335 North Thirty-fifth chairman, will have G.B her co1 workers the. Mesdames H. Okun, street. An interesting talk on the var- ; H. Bernstein, J. Soref, Sam ious divergent viewpoints in regard to tbe partition of Palestine was given "by Rabbi Milton Kopstein. The liext meeting will be held at the home of Miss Betty Tuchman, 6720 North Twenty-fourth street, on April 5. On April S the group will sponsor a Friday evening service at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago streets. Members of the group will participate in the Sabbath Service.
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; i : ;}v<COVETED BY NAZIS—View of Memel, Lithuania, which Germany indicated she would seize if Poland invaded the country. Memel formerly was German territory but was. detached from East Prussia by the Treaty of Versailles and consigned to Lithuania. Observers (speculated whether a German march into Memel would help Poland or give base for Polish Corridor bargaining.
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^"2U>;A—Tiev o" i*ih&, Poland, vhere c-cvds s'loviied for an invasion o* li!i,hnrTiiJ3, This view is Bc-oss tae roo"T o' the Roman Crtriolir crthcd-rw to tlic hills at tbr fr,r colr-f. o? Tif cu'-. Vilna VCF -,>r b;-;hnlrcr o' Poland's Cr.mDU- ;."rv^;' »-osrT Tilsudski.
VIENNA RIOTS — Scene in one of Vienna's main streets as police motor patrols hurried to break up repeated clashes betvreer. Nazis and Fatherland Frcr.t men, after Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg announced a plebiscite to determine Austrian independence. Later he yielded to the German ultimatum and resigned. This picture was first seen in the United States when it was telephoned to Berlin sad radioed to New York.
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CZECH WAR PIECE—This Is a new type of trench mortar manufactured at the famous Skoda Works at Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, for the Czech army. It is shown hidden in brush during the armymaneuvers held near Prague last September.
HOOVER VISITS BERLIN ^-Former President Herbert Hoover, right, chats with former Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht, left, during his visit to Berlin. Nazis were irked when Mr. Hoover told "Chancellor Hitler Nazism could not last.
AUSTEIAN CLEMAX—Thsss t r s members cf vhc /.,"3'cric.~ r r t h c r land Front as they rods sbcut Vienna in trucks, E ^SV: err? ^."CT Austria was seizsd by the Gcnr.ans. C£.rrr:~r the A-jsiric.- trnr.o they are distributing pc~ph:sts suppoTtins Chancellor Schu Echn.ig£'s cell for a plebiscite. l i c n r clashes occurred v:"^. Ka^i
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• UNHEEDING—German -Foreign Minister • Joachim von Ribbentrop leaving 10 Downing Street. London, sfter he heard Prims Minister Chamberlain's protest over invasion of Austria. He. said, however., he saw no reason forparleys with Britain until other German purposes were achieved.
"ON TO EOTX&t"—Of I'jch import were the domanis t,h£,t EDunacc accl In lvecir of £nd other Polish communities, as ths wcr fever rsse end crowds shouted for an ir'T.sion o' Kovno (Kaunas, capital of Lithuania) VT.E orse of the ponits I V Polish ^orixTf cifrar.nrir Above is a view oX Sovno, which is about S?C miles mrthecst of V r r s s v .
ARCTIC RESCUE—While the world waited for news, a dramatic battle-was fought with Arctic currents,; winds and storms to, Rescue the four Russian scientists, Ivan Papanin, Ernest Krenkel,. Eugene FederoS and Pytor Shirshoff, from their-perilous position on a drifting ice floe. Eventually the icebreakers Murman and Taimyr succeeded in reaching them and they and their scientific records and eauipment were saved. During eight months of work and three wedis of danger, the party drifted 1,000 miles. .
Here are rescue scenes. Top, the.camp on,the floe. Centcleft. Leader-Papanin, right, meets Gennady Vlasov, first aviator .from the icebreakers to reach the camp. Center right,• Krenkel ' sends the camp's radio equipment over the ice to a rescue ship Lower left, digging equipment out of the deep snow. Lower right, planes of the Taimyr being assembled oa the ice, preparatory to scouting trips to. locate tbe party. The furious gale oa Jan. 21 broke the floe,.leaving the camp oa a snail ice island.
TS" A.TT- DZrCT^TfZ^ — TlzZJzz c~-S -" rcccr.t =:£3cuvsrs \Tz.rzz.~ is this cir d::cr.r= r»:n. zr.r,zi~cz. iy "crr.Scrs cf the 09 E » sad oScers-Endiaa-air Xorcs o2 8,003. -
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Aben Judan, however, did not ~clf PLEASAUT HILL CEMETERY \ lose courage, and said, "The Lord SOCIETY |* gave and tho Lord hath taken Alpha Theta c* Seta Bets- Tan - >' r o t ei$*t away. Blessed ba tho name of is planning "its siste'ssth annual . T i e Flessact Hill the Lord." Then he tried, his best initiation for the coining week Society v i l l meet on Cemetery ri to cultivate his one small plot end. Expecting the attendance of March 2S, &t tfce B'nai ^acob , VAAD and after a great deal of labor, some twenty-five alumni brothRabbi Milton Kopstein. and the ers, the cbspter will hold the for- Synagogne, Tireiitr-fo.urth and j if yielded fruit and he managed Nicholas streets. A board meeting | be Congregation B'nai Israel to support his, family, and though mal ceremony "and batqnet at the be held et l-:S0 and the res- - . he was no longer rich, he remain- hosts to the A. Z. A. chapters, 1 Hotel Cernhusker. A horse Party, •will u , a r meeting Et £:SC. and IOC at the late services, Fried cheerful and contented. His for Saturday night has also been ! T h g ^ ^ c a r £ , p a r t J P n n f i fie&> Good Shabbos my l i t t l e xei, which ;shQ thought-was empty only sorrow was that he wa3 no day evening, when the annual A. arranged. •. sert luncheon will be held on Z, A. services will be observed. longer able~to help the poor and mends oi tlie Junior Jewish she found enough flour in it to, T As a reward for his services a* , M o a d a j . f A p r i l 2 6 . o a the teeth The services will be chanted by , l n n r noff the-Erandeis ,hp.Rra ha«Press! ' . ' ' " ' . ' . . . . make another .loaf ap big as tho needy and this at times made Cantor A. Schwaczkin and con- Junior-football e a s i e r fiur'ng floor . C 1stores. last season, Jcrosi© Milder cf -I-'know yon nil enjoyed read- one she had shared with Elijah! him very sad. ducted by members of the X.'Z. OiaaJia tras prcseated vith a letOne day when" the .Rabbis came A. And the next day., she thought, ing the Purinj stories we had ter key. Nest eea-sosi he wiU be barrel- is ;to collect for the poor, his wife in* tills-section "last week and "Surely, now -tho suggested ta»,t they sell half their . The sermons to be delivered by attached to the staff as a statis. . . this tfeeli vro are going- to have empty.' members of tho two chapters will tics recorder. two more stories just for yotu But when she loofeed into it, field and give the money to them. At an all co-ei election on ccra.bB on. the theme, "Highlights of Robert-Edelsteln of New-Tcrt-i He agreed tp thl3 and when he " Before long we are going to sure enough, there' was exactly last TVednesday, Josepbi2€ Jewish History during the Past has written nost of the songs for IRpuB u b a i t x w a B c - e o f t h 6 f c u r P,r]P. hear a lot in Omaha about'a the same amount ;of flour in it gave the .money to the Rabbis, •Five Thousand Years." the comisg Spring Mu«cal cf , e d tto 0 i m sir they were very pleased and called elected t i e A. W. S, Bocrd Philanthropies Campaign _ and a g a i n ! . . -.. •..:.*,'••. ".. . . . . . . Mrs. J, B. Epstein and me.Eii the your parents will all give niori-' And that happened--every day out: "May/ the Lord restore your TJers-. of the Vaad'auxiliary "srllX/fes Kosmet Klub, "Kades Ladies.' (Associated Ti*crn.en Students), ' He is nov assisting tie organisa- which controls all the campus ey- t a help onr. nnlortunate until the rain cam© again, and; former prosperity." hostesses at a receptioa following tion &s acsompanist. iromeaE' actzvitJes. Jewish brothers and aistera in things grew and there was plenty ; Abea Judan continued to labor the. service. President PM11 L.aser took top Selrca Zweitel Trill appear ia other lands; Today I have se- to eat for-eevrybodyi ; The children's service trill be honors last semester for house on. the.land he had left, and one the EJisual recital given by the r r rv ; lected two little Stories, for yon day as he was ploughing, the foot held Saturday morning at JO a. scholarship. Eraest Wistroub, deisbers of Orciiesis, an honor- .' that tell us how onr Jewish of tha as that drew the plough- m. last year's wirser, was a close ary icterpretlv£ dacce c"g£.nizaCLUB MEWS people "give ; chanty. I Imow Father and Son services take runner-up. share sank into the ground and i tion. Jane Goetz -wrote the music after you read these stories yon Sadima the beast was maimed* While at-! place every Sunday morning at 9. Leonard Muskin, all-s t a t e for one of these dances, as 'v-rell will want to save your pennies The Kadima will have ,a spe- tempting to help the ox, he saw j guard from Omaha Central, has as one for the Kosmet Klub Shov*. ' -Sondl Jielp oar Jewish brothers cial ' "Joseph Trumpeldor" pro- something glittering in the hoi-j been showing up . well in sprizg The latter being selected SE the BETH -Eh and sisters who do not have as gram at their meeting on Sunday, low which (he foot had made and Mr. Paul Veret, director of the football practice. Leoaard is a result of a costest. I ' —- C , mnch as we do;: : . March 27, at 3 p. m., at the Jew- ondigging deeper, he found an Jewish Community Center, will leading candidate for" a top berth. At the Founder's Day bancuet p E " t e r Next weelj we_ shall print the ish Community Center. "..'. ,L • Immense treasure there. He took be guest speaker at -Beth El ser- on Coach Biff Jones' 1S38 ed- of Signia Alpha Iota, National C.E e~ 1 r The 'program will-include: A it ; home and was again rich and vices this evening. His topic will ition of Cornhuskers. letters and some of the stories Musical Organization, Harriet' p " ^ i.O Howard Kaplan and Ernest Byron vrs.s presented with £ that* our - 'little readers have speech on the "Hab'oriim'^by An- prosperous and continued his be "Living a Jewish Life." L ..I ; : Cantor Aaron Edgar and the Wintroub, both of "Omaha, have svrorci of honor guard for cutsent' id ine._..So'.those of yon nette Forbes; a talk on "Tel Hai" good' deeds. . who want tn. write, send yonr by Charlotte- Morgenstern; and v When the Itabbis" came round Beth El Choir will conduct the been initiated iato the Nebraska standing vrork ia the organisachapter of Scabbard and . Blade, tion this past year. Selraa Kill letter to the Jewish Commun- Doris Schneider will .speak on once more' for the collection, services. Regular 'Saturday taoraisg national honorary military sci- toot the leading role ia the skit ism. ity-Center before nest Tuesday. "The Life of Jpseph.Trumpeldcr," Aben Judan said to them: "Masence society. Kaplan was previ- "Snow White" presented that We are going to give an emb- the great Palestinian heo v/ho ters, your prayers have produced services will be h'eld at 8:30. "VCtr should not Hitler furth(,TTA) • The ously president of the. pledge evening. lem to all the little boys and was slain 25 yeas ago while de- plenty of "fralt-r-coms to my er his proper purpose of e united have listed as fit? unsolved class of forty cadet officers. WinTEMPLE fending the Tel Hai Colony in At Peru last vreek, Eose Hill German;.I T creating a liberal girls who-write for our paper. house and partake of it. I; will Tonight at services Rabbi Dav- troub, as a member of Varsity led a discussion et the annual and tolerant Germany vhich will "\}\C t i i i ' i t - f iU: of r<v. Max Bs^n« Also, boys' and girls, we are Palestine. There will also be a make up last year's subscription id A. Wice will speak on "Vienna debaters, cade two trips with state T. Tv\ C. A. Conference. Jo- truly be united: — Epirit«F.Hy as l l f i V C " . irF i l l " ,;?•;. •-. -l-voav-old sns*« going to have, a Pesa'ch story musical, program and refresh- also." Of-vmar.? . A coronnv'»; As I Saw It in 1935—and Now." the team during the last month. sephine Rutmitz aceorn.pEHleti her well as materially? Otherwise the contest and will print the win- ments. They followed him to his ;,!• J.rft!lf,ble fa--'..'*The first trip included Holdrefiee, on tSis trip. The Vespers group structure he so laboriously build? jr.rv-lier.rL. Regular Saturday morning ser1 All girls', between' the agea. of house,, where after entertaining ning story in the Pesach edifiiirlins of 'he Aurora, York, and Setrard. Later of T. W. • C. A. met at the home is as ephemeral as the morning co HOC-i nine' il'evices are held at 11. ; tion of this paper. So begin 12 and 14- are invited to; attend them "nobly, he gave them a. very they debated at Wichita, Kansas, of Selma Hill last Suncay £.*ter- mist, and the so-called 'unitec; hotly iui«e;- vile iyovA porch or >-r thinking now about tho story- this program.. Mrs. J.. Radinow* large contribution. They afiantlonec. house ins;. rpl>vi«,v«: and the University of Oklahoma nooa. les of games has been scheduled Germany' lie so earnestly F.nd yon would like to write for sky is the club sponsor.. 2 0 end ret It and taking out the subscription at Norman. i with the volleyball players of the THe big caiEp'js activity of tie uselessly endeavors to create will '•"?>UTVder. t : Pesach'"and neact. week we' shall list. of the preceding year they Chess OiiibBenson. Community gym and ^reek is the Co-Ed Follies, -which eventually dissolve in discord enC. ui'.kncvn.'* give'you:all the rales';- Be sure said to him: "See, although many these will take place in the near The Chess Club a t is a "girls only" £ho-«r, presented disaster." Asserting- that, "e.e a. j to 'send your own: little stories, Community Center, under" the gave greater contributions than future. y.. After, being judged as inillt&ry gecuis" Kuier ' is em- j - poeins,: or letters so that yan sponsorship of Haakell Cohen you we placed you at the very top :i;:c Oin Ao. oce of the. belter skits by a com- paatically a good corporal, buz SF ] can ' ' get one of the emblems meets every Friday ut'4 j>.- in.*In of- the j list, convinced that the The Omaha Section of the Na- mittee of the T. Tv\ . C. A., car a constructive svc.tPE~.ar he i J. C. O. BOT&XIXG - that we are going to give to the recreation room at the Cen- kmailness of your gift at that The Jewish Community Center tional Council cf Jewish . Juciors "Gamma Goes to . I.Ieetin' " was still E bad. housep&inter. you. : - .. . ter. Any boys interested may join time was due to your lack of bowling league 3-way tie for sec- is completing plans for the selected to be presetted Thurs- Hearst yarns that there 5Tpur. .Annt Jfaomi. this class. At the last: / meeting means, not want of inclination. It ond place was scrambled up last "Fund-Raising" affair to "be, held day night. The trio in the skit — no permanently united there was a demonstration"game Is. men like you that King Solo- night when the four top teams In April; ' Rae Spar is chairman Betty Beesoa, Harriet Brros, tnd empire unless "it is FP= nficessav; and- .'the boys were taught the mon meant when" he said: "A bowled, each other. The leading of this committee. Sineerin — sang one of the united as veil as ptrslcr,; "ELIJAH AND THE WIDOW" fundamentals' of Chess. -, ' • - man's gift estendeth his posses- Wildcats retained a slim 1 game The Council has secured Mrs. Sara skits' songs over station: K. F. O. et." : Clay from- the Adult Educational R., Tuesday sigit, as a part.of & • "At one time, in the land oi . . ":'" .Dance Class "- . . sions and placeth him before tie lead by taking two pat of three Department to tesch a class ev- new campus.period ever -that staPalestine where tho :,Prophe great.'' The Ballroom Dance Class for games from the fast, declining ery Tuesday at. 7:SO at the Jew- tion. Josephine.. Rubnitc, .Betty ur.-.pL ^r. r Elijah":lived,' there was a famine. Cyclones. The high powered Tig- ish -Community Ceatef.. Thera 'had . been no • rain ' in Juniors meets- every .Wednesday Beeson, and.Harriet Byron v.-ili ers paced by their captain and Due to the change cf dates ia mofiel new spring styles at "this all c'r."-T -rr--. the :: country - for - a \ long, Ion, afternoon at. 'the. Center!': ;Mra. Margaret., .Friedlander.isitfie ia* the league's best bowler, Leo the study class the bowling will show. Judith Leviascn is on ite l.i; icrs',' T': time, and the rivers' ana the Weitz, who shot a 625 series, won now also be held on brooks and- the wells were, almost Btructor and the Boys, and girts ticket sals conniittee for this basis c- " '•f-r. all three games from Abe Venddry. And the grass-and the trees are being-taught 'air the steps of show. er rFrr.-dr the. popular . dances.' Any boys er's .Sboners and are now in secand"; th«f grain did not grow, beOVt Of S.P7 GOLBIEMYERSQN CLUB ond place all by themselves. The cause there.jvjas. no _rain. There and girls between the ages of 12 • c e.r; and'15 "may join this class, last place Cornhuskers as usual BAS-A-M •was hardly any' food to- eat," and CV.t t ' ^ V'C The Goldie Myerson Club will dropped 2 games to the Jayhawk... Girl'Scouts . very" little water to drink in the hold a tea oa Tuesday, ?.Iarch 29 erS. .:. • ; , . - - . : Tho' Girl 'Scouts.. with. Janet whole land. Mr. Paul Veret, executive di-j at the Jewish Community Center. Last night's bis -.shot,.bowlers Feature c£ the afternoon will be rector--of tfcs -Jtwish CommuEity I - Elijah was going on a Journey. Graetz, instrucioiy meets regularwe're "Harry Smith,* --"5 40; ••'•" Sasi He^'had-'^^ofc-r^aten - anything -r uli ly at 4he-: cienteiw- The- TenderHere's good news for women Xatzman, • 522; Jack Melcier, the disposal of the Club's project, Center, spofce en TrcdBesdEj is} a quilt. A prominent local speak- the Bas-a-ni. day, and he was hot and tired foots are now -working- on.: Obser- users of our athletic facilities. 516} Lee Hurwits, 537; aad Leo er will also be on the program. At the meeting tickets for the and thirsty. He thought of all vation and the second-clasa Scouts A full-time, fully-equipped turThe club has requested ell dance to be gires on April IS £t the other people who were-as on Health. At the next meeting kish bath department is now be- Weita's 625, which is the league's hungry and as thirsty as he; was. to be held this Sunday at 3 p. m., ing installed in the ladiea lock- high series' for the season with members holding ticket stubs cr the Kusic Bos were dietrfbiiteu He felt sorry for them and he at tho Center, the girls will make er room. This means the wom- only fiv© more weeks to go. Hon- remaining tickets to bring them to all girls. Tickets raey fce ECU a felt belt as part of their handi- \ orable -mention should fce given to Mrs. Harry Mendelson. tea. from any member cf tti clrfe. prayed ta.God.to send rain. en will have their own steam work program. • . , . to Dave Krantz, who for the secProceeds will be etni to PaIeg: ; The public is invited to the On and on he walked along the room, massaging tables, and othond stratgat week won the bowl- meeting. tine. - • •'.- Boy Scouts hot and dusty road.. Finally he er . equipment. The Boy Scout troop with Jay ' :Mrs. Elsie Vlckburg will be ia ing prize for,bowling 438, which came to- a little cottage by the ! is 105 pins over his average. This Kiagars, Falls, X. Y. (JTA)— roa'dslde yhere- a widow; and her. TVelsman, scout.master, Is'.t^prkt hW LADIES' FREE LOAM ' ' the Merit Badgo oiSafety •'•; It won't take long for this work curly haired bowler. Is rapiSly ImThe North Ansricaa Plnngraria son lived. The widow-was In the ing,on : yard" picking- up- "sticks. Elijah for the: Miniature World; F a i r to' be completed, ladies, so watch proving" and. should really be ia A card party will fee griven Saa- Congress, _ with delegate Merit , Badge, Exposition,"" spon- for further developments. itefi stopped, and said to her, "Fetch '. . top form" by the time the league day even!:ing. May 8, by members i S 4 organus-tions in the handicap .tournament will . be m e r l ' p r a y you, a little water sored by the local 1 Boy Scoute. cf the Ladies Free Loan Society States and Caasda representing bowled five weeks hence, which that I may. drink." . . . : The show will bo on April 2D and Life-saving- class for boy.s will be a team event a=.a Eiagles at the Jewish Commnnitr Center. mssibsrsiiips of ^.^0,(^00, cieciciec.. Mrs. S. Fish is ciLaimsn. of this to cable Premier Kolonian. Dar' The widow looked up at Elijah 30. The troop -wll also present .girls, men. and women Is being competition. affair and Mrs. S. Mogil, secre- £nyi of Eunsary ceisandirg- _ t and "shie saw- tbat he was "hot and' the same exhibit - at ? the Safety" organized to meet., on WednesNext Tuesday. night, which is tary. free and democratic Eune&n-, dusty and' tired. Althoagh she Exposition, •••• sponsored b y ' t h e days .frpm 8 to 9,p. m. First sesThe chairman, will EEnoiince and a fight against ICasific&ticr • had • very little water Jeft Herself, :Junior Chamber of Commerce in sion ia scheduled for,March 30, the start-of the last round, fisds of the country. so if you're interested be . sure the Wildcats bowling against the her co-workers at a later date. she was sorry for Elijah and arid sign up with the athletic de- second : "place Tigers, which will wanted to help" him. So she went Young Judea just about: decide the chaiaploapartment. into the house and brought him w shlp, - the Cyclones . sgaiast the Dan Greenfield, our swimming The, Young Judaea; ;{Jr'6u|r-1, a drink of-water.. : Elijah -drank and felt much re- held its Purim Party laEt',Sukday instructor,. •will have charge of Jayhawkera and the Ssoners WHOLESALE freshed. •'-• Then-he said to the •wi- at the Jewish Community.'Center. the'•' classes.' Here's an opportun- against the Cornhuskers.: • Sc3sr*Stt'm CSsoessistffis "^ dow^ "That tasted good. I thank The n e s t meeting of the - organ- ity "to get some valuable instruction -onthe art of life-saving, "and .' Standings of Teams you. ' Will you give me, I pray ization will, take place on Sun- •with; the summer -swimming- • sea® Ca.saca &ry Gsager A5® sas Woa Lost Av. Teani you,: a piece- of bread, that I may day, April. 2, at the Center. ' : S Ft!*ttT« Seer Any girl-13 or 14 years of age Boa coming on,' you J can't tell Wildcats 42 23 560 Cl e a t ? " '•••.--.: •just -when this-knowledge will ba SIS So. i £ l i is. invited, to join... . . . •, 41 Tigers ... 34 547 • And? titf .woman; -answered,; "I u s e f u l . •':•'--• •••-..'•• 39 36 520 Cyclones have no bread In the house,, only 38 O i Sppners 507 a handful Of flour and a little oil. "ABEN JUDAN'S REWARD" fWeather permitting, the mat- Jayhawkers 34 41 453 And I am gathering these sticts Aben Judan lived in the land ron women's class will be out on 31 44 413 to make a fire, by which to bake of Israel. He was very rich and its first hike of the season this Cornhuskers High single game: San Meyera small loaf for me and my son. had many farms^ and orcnards; morning, with yours truly troing But you are welcome to share it each year at harvest time his along as chaperpne, of course. son, .264; Cyclones 9S1. High series: Leo TVetiz, 625; with us." threshing floors were overflow- Plans are. to meet at the Center So she asked Elijah into the ing and liia; vineyards bursting at 8 a. m., then swing out for a Cyclones 2S9 6. The weekly high bowling prize house. She made the fire, then with grapes. He was kind and three-mile jaunt. The return to scraped the flour out.of the bar- generous and when ,the Rabbis the Center is scheduled yfor noon, oil free bowling was won by Dave • 19th End X Yards £25 ESoirroorss rel, made a loaf of bread out of used to go round the country ev- with the regular volleyball play Krantz of the Jayliawkers, trnose average was 131, and who bowlery year to collect for the poor, it, and baked It. '•-.-,-on the afternoon's program. ed 498, which is 105 pins"' above Soon her son came home. The he alwayB gave them more than Men volleyballers . aren't Jet- his average.. three sat down at the table, and, anyone else. although the loaf was very small, Once, however, a severe storm ting the flust gather on the soles Patroniza Our Advertisers the widow divided it iinto three destroyed the fruits of his fields °t their gym-shoes,, either. A ser-i parts, and gave Elijah the bigLet tss show yss tfcs beacty cf ths gest. ' -. • " .. an evil disease. All his land was i -Elijah ate • and thanked her. taken away to pay his debts, exThen he made ready to continue ce&t one small plot of ground. A Bird Rscf is3l increase'the hi3. journey. But before he went, he said to: the widow, "Because you helped me when I^was hung r y and thirsty, although youSabbath Lights,. Menorahs " yourself had: almost nothing, God • Jewish Music, Bibles : " will help you; and you and your • • • • • . " D e a l e r . i n . . . • • ' sdn' shall not vrant until the rain Tafsisisu .• Prayer-. BsaSss • cothes again, and there is plenty In • Tlddlsh and English Tran3.-.••.-•'iation t o / e a t . " . ••• ' ' " . - . . : . - ' • " • " > . * ' Silver Candle Sticks'.The widow: thanked Elijah for Gifts for Barmitzvah'a his good wishes,.but she did not P . O. Bos, 710—Omaha,1 iTebr. «n^*sr. •*• *"* l . dream" that his -words would coin© : Location for Mataos With Creaa Added
SigTEia Delta T a u
Junior Council
!M] EM, 02
.man ..
. t r u e .
.;• 1'
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But. the very nest day a wonderful 'thing happened. . Ton could never gness what it-was! When she 'went' to the flour bar-
Sraslia 'kosher Heat if fit.
•- (Formerly Einstein's) . 1E23 N. 24th Street V/E 231&ALL PASSOVER'ARTICLES Resident 603 No. EOth—GL 2372 '
A VAE-y/iBLES e n s p fuel, is -ffi-tir. We'll thsv yea I cf E!rd-Bris isb csrr r^"
Our Funeral Parlors Aro Fonslis&ed la Hc=jD«L!!ro Fashion "COURTEOUS—RELIABLE"
Farnara at 33rd
I£&y 3 s Purchased From Your Grocer or Routenian
If your hone r.?cds f'zsi ere zr:--?~ or several. Hie1:!'-; -will r r r r r ^ ^ *rone job into its, Hizznz? r.l"~ rr.tL
1 to
jBt, «?• 1?
to Fz
PageS I"
Mrs. J; Cohen,- 815 Sixteenth street, announces the engagement: of h e r daughter, Miss. Ida Cohen, to David: D. Laitz, 1315 Nebraska: street, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Laita of Minneapolis. The-wedding will.be a June event. • Plunder, Miss Cohen is a Central High : . 'Degradation' Becomes. • school graduate, and Mr.- Laitz, •Peoples' Lot a- former student at the -University of Minnesota. Vienna (WNS) : —A-disaster rivalling in its completeness if Mr. and . Mrs.. William. Heshe- not its magnitude the catastrophe low, 1823 Nebraska street, an- that struck German Jewry five nounce the engagement 'of their years ago befell Austrian Jewry daughter, Miss Ida Heshelow to as the armed might of "Nazism Eugene; Levin, son of 'Mr. and swiftly subjected 200,000 fullMrs. S. Levin of Chicago. Miss blooded Jews and some 600,000 Heshelow is a teacher- in the other non-Aryans to disenfranEmerson school. Mr. Levin is a chisement,- expropriation, plunder, designer for Hart Schafner &
W -i- ^«-
» fi * * **t
. Berne,--<-Switzerland {STI) — The"-.Bern® ^CsntoasI Coart l a * held- tbat"iWiiIe'tfee:"Protojc*:; c* tbe.ElSera:ot-Sioa," dicc ss. |-who. feare record Ml a ;:purpoEte3 Jevasi £lzi S T fa c to ' I gaeas for; .world ..fiotaisstio&^i^. -roi irs.moral - within,rthe >i2?aaixis-of, tkc TEE fGrect-ccvefi t is."vile"'-as'a "irc
ren Oiai'th*
-d wi!J .-meet
of t
Antwerp, Belgiuia_-(WNS) 6 • t?W8.te,vbe* ..'.'. J~>,'~.',Lirr'tv *7vu:ifr*! All, Belgium is stirred .by the'imth«! .. County pudent demand of the Nazi con•]»" UV -C*'t"<isi .:y o n t h e <? o n ' t h e 9th sul-generalthat the Antwerp PIONEER V/OUEll PLAN It-'" 9 t;f O ii 'cMck A. M.; PhiUJarmbnic 'Orchestra displace, *"\. * ' ^ f - O , <.. t . v. V • CARD PARTY'UARCU'30 its Jewish conductor, Dr. Levinn'hip.tior>, *<3etitute o£'"' Cc-ransi T?R for C:;HF 1 -*& -R]|P*--S. n««;. • : 0. hre© stein, because the orchestra's soltcC • ^fvf^ Jewish 'rtKfieEtE'':Trlio--'hiBfi ihfi creditor* oist, was. to be WUbelza'.BachhauE, The Pioneer Women will have c-02.fi acti-cg a Etaiu t.-tln sir els'. ins,. from the ,9th a Nazi. When news of the Nazi a dessert luncheon and card par.a •-protest tgainol wpor»a -; .lB consul's demand on Mayor Huysty Wednesday afternoon, J'arch h t r .,1'i.Kig;®,-,." .Co u. All . kinds cZ electrical applimans became^ known protests 30, at 1:30 o'clock in the Jewish ances for the home and business were made in the press and In Community Center. A. drawing Parliament, agaiast this unwar- enterprises as well are featured also be a feature of .the. afSinger to Appear Here will ranted Interference In an internal at the Hozae Electrie Shop, uewternoon's entertainment. " e a e (Z"A) — J r on Monday, March Belgian matter. The Nazi' diplo- ly. opeaed tor business at IS06 Mrs. J. Cohen is in charge of Epcte£=i£a~o£ i t s Frcpfjr* mat ha.d.. insisted that Levinstein Farnan street. •••'• -28th the luncheon arrangements . and The two operators oS the cetr ILnistrj- fisr»e3 , eport> 1 u ' a ' be replaced' by an Aryan copducMrs. Dora Gorchow in charge of 'firm, dealing ia Westiaghcuse abroad t t t t Its'r it e The concert by Isa Kremer, t h e d r a w i n g . . • ' • ' _ . ' . . j" " ' ' ' ) products, are Sid .LlfschuJtz. and •Te-rs cc'onizsitioB. poEE"t"I •which. 7733 by error anajunced Abyssinia. -Sc ^ a r s c t e ^ z M a r x . ' . . , : • • Bob Roseathal, .both of Chicago' for; last Monday, -will be given in per, JJeue Welt; Bernhard De-. asd • both ' newceders to Omaha, reports ar "izn^ziic' • DUKE TO' IKTEBCEDB the; Jewish. Community Center, Mr. and Mrs.- Heshelow receivlinfer, son. of a noted silk magParis (WNS) —' Concerned which they iatesd t s Eake their thia coming Monday * evening, ed their :friends - a t an open Ps.troE.ize Our Afivcrtisere the fate of his friends, nate who Is nor- In Palestine; permanent hosae. March 28. Miss Kremer, celebratRabbi Theodore N. Lewis will houso Sunday evening, honoring over • ed.pinger of folk songs is bronght sueak this evening on Don Isaac their daughter a n d ' .Mr.- Levin Baron Louis Rothschild, who Joel Helfand, Zionist leader; FeBefore nsoriEg "to Omaha Kr. 6fiODINSKY,-KARER £• \ to-| Sioux City by the Workmen's Abarbanel. The service; begins who is a guest in the Heshelow was his host for " several lix Cohn, president of the Vienna Ufschultz was with Sears, Soe- MONSKY,COHEN, Attorney*. • B'nai B'rith Lodge; Herman Opmonths and Dr. Heinrich NeuCircle and their Ladies Auxili- promptly at 8 o'clock.: buck and Company. ang Kasfiel Tiome. Miss Florence Levin and penheim, president of the Union' mann, who. treated him for an NOTICE I S . H E R E B Y GIVEKary.- • • . - • • • ' /..'••Brothers ia Chicago. He is a Mrs. Sam Kurland, both of Chicaat t h e Anr.ua! Meeting • of t h e MAear ailment, the Duke of Wind- of Austrian Jews; Robert DanHer concert will include songs Rabbi Lewis spoke this week go, were also guests in the HesK- sor, is reported to be drafting neberg, former member of Parl- graduate of both Illinois aafi TEFvNAL K S A L X H ' LEAGUE O F Harvard diversities. Mr. Rosen- NEBRASKA, held on the Tih d a y of • in jYiddishi Russian, English and at several schools and before the elow home. • • a personal (appeal to Chancel- iament; dozens of important bus- thai was with the American i^oek February, 1S3S. ARTICLES V a n d VI Hebrew. Miss Kremer is Interna- Rotary^ Club a t Aberdeen,;. and of' t h e "Articles' 'of Incorporation" were iness men, including the four tionally known for her interpre- Madison Cnuth Dakota. Miss Edith' Feinberg, daughter lor Hitler to free the two Schiffman brothers, all the exe-Wool company ia Wab&sb, Infii- amended to read, a s follows:- . . prominent Jews who are under AS-TlCLiET' V.' T h e affairs of this J aca. Ke is' a graduate of the Unitation of songs of all nations and Monday he addressed a Mason- of Mr. and Mrsi- A. Feinberg, 722 arrest i n Vienna. I t was at cutives of Kraus & Schober, Vien- versity ' hi Illinois. cottpciiatloii B'riaE" be a&ministered "by j has won the praise and applause ic Meeting at Le Mars, Iowa." 'Court Street, will be'eome the Board oi Trustees, conEisting of n o t ' Baron Rothschild's E-nzesfeld na's largest department store, the "Both are 'members'of the'Chi- aless. tlre.n 'ten' "or more than shirty . of all her audiences. .. bride of William' Sherman, son This Sunday he will be the heads of the Jewish, communities members, t fe.rge, a s m a y be prcvid-! Tickets for the concert may be speaker at the Iowa Junior Ha-, of Mrs. M. Soshnik of - Omaha, Castle that the Diike took ref- of Linz, Graz. Salzburg, Inns- cago lodre ' of . B'nai B'rith -ans? e'd'la theaBr"-laws,-and-one rn-etnberj uge after his abdication. The hare'become affiliated with the secured from members of thedassah Conference in Mason City. this Sunday afternoon at 5 frdrn •'esch stfiU&ted- proup, and' all of : bruck, Eisenstadt, Wels and Omaha lodge. ' ' former monarch is also reportwhom shall be ejected b;-~ and. from ' ' Workmen^ Circle, the Auxiliary, o'clock, in- the Feinberg home. ed to have made arrangements Brenetz; and virtually every im£morsgr t h e ' ai-cmbers ct their -ennuai or a t the* Center the evening of metitiTijr. ' .'One-third, of . t h e members hat all ice The Temple Sisterhood will Rabbi H. R. Rabinowits will read for removing some of.hi3 per- portant Jewish journalist.' O f Said Board .shall serve for oneIsting- debt" of Tr> •Sere "Port, IlKJo the concert.- — — • hold its -April .meeting.next Fri- the -marriage lines in the ' pre- sonal property still • In . Enzeyear, one-third for •• t-wt> *• y e a r s , ' and copporation, - on-- u ; • olst <Jai - of • WHITE SPOT WIMS ^ Also arrested was Mise.' Irene one-third for. three years,-, e.nd therehted -to t h e «u day " afternoon,- following, a onesence of the immediate; relatives feld Castle. Harand, noted Catholic foe of after all members of said Board shall -ed; ;• $2,700.00 • WORKMEN'S APPROVAL o'clock luncheon ;in the Temple of the family. • • be ejected for & period of three r e a r s . Nazism and head of the World Annex. Miss Margaret Grune- - The br.'de will wear a gray Any members.cf the".Board of .'TrusAlliance Against Race Hatred, having: served two regular terms suit, trimmed with blue fox, and rpbbery and degradation • with • a whose • headquarters were raided wald, staff member of the ArtPresident The "Man oa t i e Job" highly tees shall b e inengible for re.-eiection tinCenter, will be the'guest speaker. blue and gray accessories. _ She speed and efficiency unknown and Its funds confiscated. Many cociraeads the Nebraska White til -after; th-i". esfilra.tion ol on« r e a r . vacancy on the' Board c ' - Trustees • ng-, s, 3VI; Mrs. Max Brodkey end Mrs. M.will be unattended: '• even In-the early days of Nazi of the Jewish'business ECU taken Spot' advertising campaign ' andA The Senior Hadassah will hold of the Boar* may b e ' f i n e d ' b y t h e remaining,' Trusits' Oneg Shabboth meeting this E. Skalovsky will be hostesses at • A reception will be held a t the Germany. ' •3-25-3g--tC into custody were arrested at the believes it will accomplish ranch.- tees, except,, h&wever, fn£-.t a n v v a Feinberg home from- 6 to 9 Sun- The end of the first week of frontier as they were attempting toward the iadtistrial develop-- cancy occurring in t h e Board of T r u s Saturday afternoon - at 2:30 Inthe luncheon. •:LPi'!Stees .elected'front ar.y' affilfate c?ou"P,' day evening. the home of Mrs. s . B.. Gelfand, Eha.n.-.3)e.ii«1eii Tby t h e selection of a.n-, Nazi rule in an Austria now be-to leave the country by. automo- Eient 0" Nebraska. other-jEieTT.ber""" irons' such . affiliate 1 Guests from away will include come part-of-a greater Germany bile. Frontier guards reported - Ten skilled vrorkden • c{ QSL&-. 2927 Sunset Circle. Mrs..Joe L.e;Th3s Board of Trustees- shall • Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Weisman of found • hundreds of prominent they had seized several millions hs vrho were intervieTced • while sroup. vinj;will present a paper on Passha\ r e "the.'power'-.to niake, a a c n e a n u ' Notice is .hereby friyen that all «x» Credit Bureavf; Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs.' S.Jews arrested, thousands left of schillings found en Jews try- at work agreed that the time is reoeal Br.-Iwaws for this corporation, j tstlng debis of Iviedical over and Mrs. W. C. Slotsky will Jnc... e corpora,t!on,v' or, -the 31st_da Wargon and-Miss Minni Sherman penniless by the confiscation of Ing to escape. Reports that Slg- opportune for Nebraska to seek apeik on the Infant Welfare In ARTICLE VL ' The- BoaTsi of -True- i of December. 5.5?7-• amounted'-to") Palestine. Mrs. Max Rosenstock of Denver, Mr. arid -Mrs.' S. Gere- their bank accounts, expropria- mund Freud, 82-year old father new industries which will create tees . Eha-51 elect -from .arrtonc them- | sum. "of fl,B3S.T5. " "; ' ' -.'• The Executive committee of lick, a President, an I-Ionorary Preswill give current events and singMi", and Mrs. Mi' Giventer, tion of their business and dis-of psychoanalysis, has been im- bigger markets for our agricul- selves ident, two 'First Vice-presidents, s. ing will be led by Mrs. Herman the Federation of Jewish Social Mr. and Mrs. P.-Zollutuehen, Mr. missal from private and state prisoned, werefoiiEd to be-un- tural' products and more jobs for Second VIce'-PresitleTvt p.nfl an equaS Service will meet this noon at a and Mrs. Marcus, Mr. and Mrs. cumber of afidlticnti.! TIce-PreBiaentE Licht., although his apartment vr&s. workers. as there rnay be' a*filiated" Btoupsi e.nfi luncheon meeting, - to hear final Ned .Giventer, and Miss Doris jobs,*"virtually every leading Jew- true the Boari Tuesday afternoon, at 1:30 reports searched for arras and he has J. J. Sicdelar, a ^atchEiaker, such additionai .-Vice-Presidents shall ish organization suppressed, their 3-25-88-1C of the Federation Drive. be elected In order that there shalt o'clock the Senior Hadassah will Zollutuehen, all of Omaha. expressed tJis view that comple- be" selected one such Tice-Presicsent leaders in jail and their funds been placed under guard. Committees for the coming LOl'iEE, have their regular meeting, folr«j>reser.tine -each .affiliate confiscated, the entire Jewish Sldg. . The Nazis have also taken Into tion of the Missouri river for nav- froza find -a Secretary .e.nfi.1: a-Treasurer, j lowing a dessert luncheon a t the year will" be announced at this Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Levitsty, press' suppressed, hundreds of custody Dr. Desider Friedman, igation *rosild .stimulate Nebra- Croup; aJl o* Trhonr-'Shall -hold office for », NCTfCE C^ (N53CBTEPNE8* meeting by E. N. Grueskin; presJewish Community Center. 815 Iowa -Street, announce' the Jewish shops' pillaged, a rising president of the Austrian Zionist ska's industrial derelcprjent by term of one .year or'vntlli-their-EU'O-. Notice is. hereby f.ri''er> -that all <j> ' The program will include a ident of the Federation; board. ' birth of a son.M&rch 19,' a t thewave of suicides which is claim- Organization and former head of aiding mdcstr'ies here to . com-censors are duly elected and tjualjfietl. istintr -debts of Inland E-'eeuritleS, * These'• officers shall'be elected's-t tSie I group of songs by Dorothy Dikel, on the "1st &&y. of- D*» Methodist Hospital. ing 30 Jewish lives daily and thethe VInna KehiUah. Dr. Fried- pete with "those on both coasts! ann.iiaS jseetlns of the Board ol Trvis- cocporfetion. cember, 1SC-7. Rniour-.tecL. to the »ui» current events, and a dialogue. organization of a country-wide man, who received from former "Oae • cf the big adv.afits.ges 'Kef teep."". •'. •' of Ill,-C4F,1S.' "' JiA'TERSAI/ 'EEALTS 'LEAGUE ' OF • • Mrs; S. A. Rich is in charge of Miss Lois Levitt, a' student of anti-Jewish boycott. . • . X.' E. I/IPF,'' Chancellor Schuschaigg official braska already offers is. the fact ••to Plais meats. • Smith College, Northhampton, assurances that the iaclusion of that business and ' industry are . By Mary I* O"> * T-rs ur-* Desperate attempts by Jewish Mass;, arrived in Sioux City this not penalized by' all those es'tra The Hebrew Mothers Associa- week to spend . her spring vaca- leade-rs to ascertain the exact sta- Nazis In the • cabinet would not taxes, each as the salts taz," lieSophie S. Wice.'Eei -c « Bo&r* affect the status of the Jews.Tras tion has'-started plans' for. a par- tion with. her - parents, Mr. andtus of the Jews failed when Dr. NATURALIZATION AID -SS-lb added. 0 f f f ent and teachers to be held, April Mrs. J . L. Levitt, Bellevue Apart- Arthur' Seyss-Inquart, governor arrested after secret police -had COHEN, At*o"nc»-B. ^GROUP> MEETS TODAY l l , at -prhrch "time a panel discus- ments. : of Austria, refused to receive a searched the headquarters of the • :-. Jewish community. Another Jewdelegation of Jews that sought KOTICH IS SESEBT'ClVETf T5"1"-*! sion on Jewish' youth will be s.t the Aimua! Meeting- of - the SVJem- j ish notable was the venerable DNCS« . The Naturalization Aid group held. ^c an audience. . :..-..:.' bersh^p cf IEB TV2JO;^ESAZ<&' lat all--ex«"7 scholar, Dr. Salomon FraakJur-. of'the Council of Jewish. Women "Terror has gripped the Jewish, Mrs. James Gang is chairman AND KETAELi' X.IQTOS X5EAX.ESS | riige Com* /J ter, S 2-year-old former director ASSOCIATION hFie on tfee H t h e & r i ' will;rmeet today a t 1:30 o'clock of the meeting and. the program. % Slst day ' population from one end of Aus(CcEtfsued frca .Pagrs I.) of February. i5"S, ARTICXiE - I S ©*! • efi to th« in the Jewish Community; Centria to the' other as Nazis, with- of the .Vienna University Library, the Articles ' o* Incorporation was 1 ; ter.rwomen of this group are a t | out' waiting for specific decrees, who was dragged from, his beduble'coil of problems;-'Ha should-1 amended to reafi • EX- f O"ICS"TE : • remeciber and £.11 Jews e&ould re- "<') (First- Parasraph) The af'sirs j . the;Center every Tuesday, to asproceed to impose anti-Semitism and taken to jail. of the Association shall be sflm'niaI Eist anyone desiring help in getThe presidents of all the B'nal member fnrtbermore that' the pa- tered-by -en- Eseciitive' Courrcil, conThe cultural group of the Coun- without legislative warrant. The B'rith Members of the'A, Z. A. chapcf a. President, Tice-Pff'Efr'est, ting: their citizenship papers. a4 Lodges under arrest are caliar psychblosic&l character .cf sistjne only antl-Jewlsh laws announced l cil Bluffs Senior Hadassah' is Treas-arcr. Seorctsry e,nd ten- other -38-lt, The Child Study group will ter will - conduct the service a t sponsoring are those forbidding non-Aryans charged with Communism. Also the politics of this age is that poi- persons, who Bhs.K'be- -electee!.tj*1 afitl a-book review. March meet a t t h e Center, Tuesday, Shaare Zion synagogue this eva- 30 a t the. Chief tain hotel.. to display the Swastika, prohibit- taken into «ustody was Alexander son breeas 'counter poisoa &n& from t h e roemberEhlp of .the .Associaexcept' .that .at all -times there ning; celebrating tntBrpktllmai'A. March 29. - •- . ing Jews from" participating in the Teitsch, president of the board of that-- whether a -'man is 'poisoned tion, ehall he fen ecnisl- number of irholei £.-.A,- Sabbath.. Joa'-jy^iEOS, and Rabbi David A. Goldstein, of April 10th plebiscite and a pro- the Jewish High School. by potioa one or potioa' tiro is" ti tealers s.nS' ret&ilerB uppn sale !EKeco» "Madame clamation, defining-the terra Jew. Calmon Levich will speak, and Omaha will review CoisnclL Ail cf..saM memberf The wave3 of suicides reached little • raoiaeat Trhejt' the siaa is UT».the RII ex* Executive -Counc" • steU-be j Joe Goldstein will act as chair- Curie" by Eve Curie and "Fath- Under this definition a "Jew is a a high point on Purira when fun- dead. Those whose, f c i r 'TTEE cJ RC., ft elecisfi a t the anriBsil .meeting el •• th« oi. Zf*rman. Jack Merlin will act as Can- er Damlen" by Johff Farrow. person at least -three of whose erals were held for 40 Jews who aroused by Kr. Isaacs' appoint- Ensinbers "from the. roemberstijp ant. I The Jewish. Theater group met tor and the A. Z.. A. choir will Ehsll be held' cjTon' tK«' Eecortfi' Sloft- | Mrs. L. H. Cohen', chairman of grandparents were racial Jews. A had taken their own lives. Among raeBt.cf Mr. Gersoa and those a&T in: February. oJ each j-ear, end £.53! Monday evening to hear & read- chant the ritual. The choir is the event, has announced that ap- grandparent automatically, counts D A t . XiA? o*.«wh3sh members of the Executive j ing j of. "The Dollar," and parts composed of Ben Lebowitz, Phil- proximately 15.0 reservations as a pure Jew if h e o r she.belong- the more prominent Jewish sui- •u-hora thsrefors . Governor Leli- Council tshs.ll perve for" a term of one ] cides were Professor Arnold maa hsd to answer are not detc.r- r e a r . and - cr.4ja .their- suceesEOra t r e f for 'the play will be distributed ip Zeligson, David Tllevitz;: Joe have been made. The book re- ed to the Jewish religion. Secorid; Baumgartner, head of Lainz Hos- iniaed libertarians; they are not i» JRoarft this; week. Plans are .being made Maron, and Walter- Woskoff. view will'be "given at 8:15 p. m. pital, Vienna's largest municipal proponents of more flesiocracr for-the group to enter the Play " The' cultural group will meet b e hospital; Professor Bela Hurtz; Contest'"• with this presentation. Mrs. J. Cohen will distribute a t the home of Mrs. Leo Fitch, SEEK -TO PROTECT HEBZL'S Dr. Russo of the Vienna Credit aafi"oJ s, .irider freedcta. I shall sot characterize them Eaors close- Treasurer ct_fuch ccir.->ersr .i 1602 High street, Monday at GRAVE refreshments to children of the Bank; Dr.- Klsusaer; Gottfried The Jewish Arts and Crafts Junior Congregation, in honor of Vienna (WNS) — An em-Kunwald, noted journalist and : a ly. , Doubtless they are sincere group .will begin work on Pass- the engagment of : her daughter, issary of the World Zionist reporter for the Neue Freis Pres- &R& honorable men. Dosbilesci Treasurer e~a* over projects this afternoon. The Ida to David D.. Laitz. The Council" Bluffs chapter of Organization in London has se, who killed • himself and histhey 'mean •what to them eesmsj dancing class which meets ThursA. Z. A. Is planning an annual arrived ' In ^Vienna "~" with ".In- wife. The press. Is qot reporting the • right. But they s,re not the isLKE'Irs of • the- 'Association, • Encl shs!" i | r •ry* feiiKp^" day: ihas started work on numbers structions t o ' take steps to the suicides but- the records of forces of liberty, -oi tolerafias," e^> i a '. fegi'irefi.'i-;tp.' ftsrTilsh .bonu. in . e.n =?••! Miss Saretta Krigsten, . presi- Sabbath Day program.! for-'ithe Passover program to bedent of the. Junior^ Hadassah Their first affair will be Fri- guard the, grave of Dr. Theo- Jewish undertakers tell t h e flesibility ia the personal anS po-|oiaouEt Eetfcv-the Executive Council, it-.1: ff** ^ m\ "•fir)'• (Sp\-c^t6.'^PETJ\£miph) A eiion'm jf.": given by the children. • chapter will attend the Iowa Jun- day, March 25, at the synagogue. dor Herzl, founder of political ghastly story_ iitical life of man. Subtly tnd- nr- of. .iht< Essclitwe Council s'sts.11 .con-jfi slst of seren -or'-more members R-nd j ^ ; ior Hadassah Conference a t : Ma- Arnold Liricoln' is chairman of Zionism, - who is buried here. panicky efforts of Je"ws to cosscsocsly they sre allied t s that the ESecutii-e Coisneil EhaH not' tr&ri- j — son. City, Iowa,; this Sunday:.; , < the program. * He will' be assisted It is feared" that Nazi hooli- fleeThe Patronize Our Advertisers which they sincerely pretend tc 6act business • tiniess • seren or • rnort £; -were evidenced by the long by Normal Rosenthal. Nate GlI- gans may desecrate his grave. t&ejnselves to be ccrabattiEir. It members c f e u c t Council are present j 3; lines In front of all foreign coninsky will be' the main speaker: Another emissary''has-' corae is .<jr the Jew to use h'a brains— "1 nersov." Everyone is invited to' attend. from London to sea what can sulates, especially that of Poland. Tre-irere cace ccp-posea to. t a r e :Cael;I be done to aid Dr. Sigmund Few native-born Jews received somer—tp- sea caerrJagly that to-j ..Ey-KleJi&na- Eitchon,.-Presi visas because ell frontiers are . ' .Eugene. l»evi, •' Eeor£ The choral group met Monday Freud, who is under house ar- closed to the Jews. "TSose caught day, tosiay—I 60 not say. Ia 18171 M « « r>#. at tho home of Mrs. Morris rest. It is hoped that permis- without jpsaSF, ''fepojaE*}. •—any aligsnieKt 'Trith REyonej ready cash' by the ban sion will be obtained to bring Grossman. ' " '..'.' •who- represents 'any of the cor>-' on bank withdrawals £sn<I on the him to England. , - . export of currency were unable temporary fiictatorsJiips, right or Arnold Lincoln and Abe Raben to leave even if " they got visas. left, black' cr-refi, i s niKJessosraPF-.rRCF.ATE OF were the two Council Bluffs dele- ly, a person is regarded as a Jew Most of the foreign refugees were tic, • QB-Asiericas, "• unSe-wlshl : c [ f.--ounty " Court ' of gates present at the A. - Z. • A.. con- if hfe Or she is of raised race •with Polish and Czech citisess rushing 'rightful risk'-ana •'-a |>crteE<;ous t»r»ii'«c & ri?>e>e,J»i vention in Des Moines, March 19, two Jewish grandparents, or if back to their native iands. There >r"s.;'{j*' I C sct-irpft. I>eceasef2. • " t 20, and 21, The convention con- on September 16, 1935 (the date :are some -25,000 Polish Jews ia Ali perfeoxss;'-Irster*#;ted- in &cdC eg-1 sisted of delegates of-District six. of the promulgation of the Nur-Austria* The fate of the 1,50*0 -.Do yea irast Fasclsia'teret tate'fcre hereby notifieC that a ; p e t i - j Good. 'Just play ^rith CcsirinmiSEa. tio'r." Tits "b&eti filed- lrs *eaj£ Court,-; praying: "for the. probate of e: certaSti' emberg laws in Germany—EDI- •German-Jewish refugees xras reThere: will be a regular meet- TOR)- he or she was either a garded as tragic. It was reported Bo you- ^ract-Eiors'sxti-Seiiiiiisrs? instrument no?"'Pis.-Hie in satfi Court.-: purj3ortfn;~ tc ' be i:he last vril'. v.v-C \ Piae. Just appoiiit ComneEists to I r "T-£!T-?.j.qf}-ff Ing of the Agudas Achim Lodge member of a Jewish religious that a number of fiesjxer&te Jews testament of said aeces^ed, EIIC! lhs-t j Thursday, a t the, Eagles Hall at community or on or after this who had been refused\foreiga vi- public office. It's not a theory R.hsE.rij;g- Trial be hc.fi on v-vJ.6. v^l'w I yoa are cosfrouting. It's a s '-is8:30 p. m. date married to a Jew. Thi3 def- sas had started for Palestine en toric sitcatiss' ot-'iaatchless trsaainition foreshadowed the immin- foot. ' • •• • a t stud Court on the said Sth ; i • • pareacy end " israiaent. dasger. appear The Emesel- dance will, be held ent extension of the Nuremberg day of April, 29,18, ,E.t S o'clock A. J.I., I Especially pitiful ' -w&s -the lot The'.'.TiaJteii' libertarians of Aiaer- to -contest' the" probate of- said will, f ^ Sunday,-April 3, a t the Chieftain racial laws'to Austria. Already Hotel instead of April-1, as pre-the ministry of.jusice is drafting of the .Tews ia Leopoldstadt, the ica—JCSTB and bhristians-r—shccli Jewish quarter of Vienna, -where gpplF .a little noral dlsclr.llrife" t r viously announced. Passover Seder Scrvico estpt* -to Tliomas E. Kc-nc-r, or j the necessary legislation* storm < troopers ran riot. Hardly .the unbelievable frivolcusnsss cl i-sJS F-om& .other Fi;:table person,. ^nter fi. j T h e l i s t of Jews under arrest a jp3ng}e_: Jewish., shop, escaped, be- sach geutleraea as Mr. ISSECC. degree el Jieirs'hip and proceed to *, I Miss Gwendolyn -Meyerson of .like a who's who of Aus-ing looted - and plundered. Hun- Deraoeraey' coses't need extra &Z.& •Chicago, formerly at- - Council reads trian Jewry. It includes. Baron dreds of,Jewish .stores; were bro- grataitoHs betrayals" irto t i e iBluffs, spent the week end inLouis Rothschild, '. head of theken", jiito" "and their.'" contests /re- hands of its enemies fa this reE"" Council Bluffs visiting; her par-Austrian branch of the famous moved in..trucks snamaed by un-of 1S38. Jents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman • family of bankers, in whose castle iformed Nazis. Most Jewish.'cafes, erson. . the Duke of Windsor was a guest restaurants, food shops, drug (Copyright, 19SS, by Seven Arts immediately after his abdication stores,.-hotels, clothing, and de- ^ Feature Syndicate.)- . Rhoda Krasne spent,'the week (the Baron's brother, -. Alfons, partment stores "and other retail MAXWELL HOUSE COITEE end visiting friends in Lincoln. Patros.I:s Our Afiv succeeded in getting out of theestablishments have been taken Coed to die Last Dw? country before the frontiers were over by Nazis •who simply ousted • Ida Lerner and Lorraine Mey- closed; his youngest brother, Eu- the Jewish proprietors asd their erson were among those who at-gene, v/ho.ls.s Czech citizen, was jewlsa employes and then took KOSHER FOR PASSOVER tended the A. Z. A. convention not in iAustHs.at. the. ,tinie,of the possession. .' TXie few Je—Ish social functions in Das • Moines.. Nazi "invasion; .BptHing is knpwn stores that, were net of,the fate of Baroness Springer, were' forced to post placards la ,Back liattiralisation Bill • sister of the Rothschilds); Sig- red.jtrocla'lniing .the'm. to be "Jewmund BO.sel..Vienna Ranker; Karl ish'..s-bop.a'j'arid.' non-Jews were Washingtor • (JTA)' — ThSBondi, '.ncif s.p a:p e-r publisher, warned,„ away by :pickets. ' Tfc3 j , House Immigration Committee whose, papers have been ta&en looting'of Je-wisli establishments j Dr. Otto-Loe- has become so widespread that; Hagadah, attractively illustrated, with an English favorably reported'a bill-refus- over by- the Nazis; citizenship to; persons believ- Tri, .19^6--'co-:wicasr of the'Nobel the-authorities hare aanounccd translation and an original English introduction Tvhich' clari- ing ; in a foreign government ia Prize ..in. medicine;- Dr. Heinrici. that: those-. responsible sr© r ? t fies ;jthe Seder Services, will be distributed free as a gift hy ing preference- to the American Gov- Neumann; world-fstaous.eye, -ear, Nazis'but Communists gas-feed cs JJie inakers of MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE with, every pound ernment; ' '" - ' ".-' nosa' and -tirbat'specialist, who' Nazis.' . ••' . • . U can jpf Pessaehdige coffee that you buy at your grocer's. Get treated King George VI; Dr. ROT you*', Hagaclah at your grocer's before the supply, is exhausted. Patrotilzs Our.Advertlsera seafsld, editor- of-the Sioaist. pa- ' ' Patronize Oar Advertisers K£-
Mo'tint Sinai
.Hadassah to'Hold . ] Meeting Saturday
•World's Window
Shaare Zion. -
: J..€. C. News
8 : 1 5
. m
• • • • • • • • •
Hagadali Id Free at Your
• • .