April 1, 1938

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Kig Lewlsptm In bla.coltixnn oro his own •ODE! CO' not. neeessartij

reflect' t h e ; .policies-or .attitcdo of. • osir • pabllcation.- Eeprodps. ' tion to whole c? la part strictly •• l o r b i d d e u . • -

• • •. - S -

Entered a s Eecer.& Glac3 Mail Hatter ca January SI, -lSSi, e.t yostofTiee- of Qm&faa. Kebisska. ender the Act of March' S. 1879


TOL, X 1 vl--Xo, ?A.

. F3IDAY." APHID 2. 1SSS 0?* I



*: WHAT IS WRONG? The sudden brutal blow ot "the conquest ofVAustria has changed "with 'unexanipled speed the aspect of the political world. I t is iio-w understood' at last that the ORATOBICAL-COHTEST. barbarian is at the'-gate's of civilization and 'that he must be stopTOBEBSLB. •••'•'• ped^il'Tve are to survive. Neville I APBll-18-'• •-• ~OTH SALES Chamberlain and his Tory friends have had to'cease their evi* plan of chaffering -with Hitler; firmly To still rniaors that ths Vaad The evening of April IS, a t . a -v and ' firmly ' supported" by ; France j -I'lhr receives a certain portion meeting of the local lodge of the and Russia the - Czecho-Slorak ' "f Matzoth ales, the Co^raisB'nai B'rith," the Round Table of Republic is determined to defend ' ' ' iiDners have announced such, a Jewish Youth will hold its anits' freedom -despite the suddenly Eefonn Jews of Seven States nual Oratorical contest. A.trophy Ifo.ted H e w . York E&bbr *0 statement is sot tree. to Gather Here exposed flank of its unfortified will be awarded' by the B'nai '• The. Vaad has no connection Address Congrsgatioaal Austrian-frontier;- the smaller B'rith to the person capable ,of JTrith any Matzoth- -wholesaler cr democracies .stand tense and the best" interpretation of the distributor and receives ao share above > all, Mr. Corflell Plans are well mider way for subject, "The Jew,and ._ DemoccJ the sales. our. Secretary of State, nas the district convention'of the Ee- racy." . ~ ' . Because" of limited facilities unmistakablyesp r e s s e d. ;the Eight contestants have already the diuser to bs given Tucrioy truth long- deeply known . • and entered and a great deal of interheld;by many Americans' that a est has been shown. -blank-isolationism on our part is Previous winners have been Joe an artifice and-a folly and that Solomonow and Morton Margolin. our.freedom and our^ morals-and pur stability cannot survive in a • r! •world delivered- over "to the forces of" utt?r- darkness and of utter savagery. ".'•-. •'-..'' • 'Every- one Is" awake. Every one is -. determined : to defend I To Bs diverges ) with his very blood his life, his I , . April 12 IS : S way. of life, his freedom, his peot : j ple, the future of his posterity. j TrvTjen the Ceater Players prr- • Everyone except the Jews. EveryjEeat "The'. Importance c j Esin^ • one except the Jewish pople. That | Earnest" o n ' April 12 and- 13,, Affair to Take Place at the people, stands as it were dazed, they, will be offering what is cos- . Central Club B'upified, argTiing, arguing, proEldered one'of the most Iraporl-I . Ballroom • • •" liferating: dull -edgless words. ant eosaefiies writtEn for ths Er_-' How I am beginning to detest ) glish speakins stage. This pltr , Starting at 8 o'clock Sunday Jewish cleverness! How my heart j by Oscar Wilde set a style in the ' evening, April 2, a full evening sinks when a Jew comes up to I realia cf liigher farce and hat t of dancing and entertainment me : with a light of intellectual, '• amused thousands. j •will be provided those attending no, of ' pseudo-intellectual cunj ' "Th© Importance of BeirE j the Omaha Hebrew Club's annnal ning in his eye and I see from Dr. £7ias r:r.r-o:i3 iEarnest" is tha lonrti cf current; spring ball which 'will take place hisexpression that heals bursting series e? tie Center Flayers. In-! in the ballroom' of the Central . with thej vanity of having found Chairman, Finance Committee Club, 2027 Dodger street. evening,; April. 5, by the-Beth. El elafiea in tie -cast ~I11 be sue!:! a new argument, of splitting anSynagogue T?IH be . open, to memBeautiful - door prizes will be bers .only. . Thi3 • banquet -will vttera-3 centers c* tie grcur :' other hair that doesn't even exist. "form" synagogues of seven midasr Charles I\«icS.iiiSin, Lso Sh&rgiven and a unique program has They .used to do the same thing western state to be held in Oma- been promised- both old and honor new members c£ the. con- jsac, Sara White, Sam Kaplan. ' gregation. 'Paul Tepper, Rebecca Klrshen- ; in Viennal I Tiave seen them Trith ha May 6, 7, and 8. Conceded to young-. . .- .; • .'..Priacvpal sp.eaksr' of the' even, Margaret • Friedl-asfier, ; iny Tvown\ '• eyes ; and ; b e a i r d be the most-significant religious iiusie for the evenings danc-' Fiaemaa, and Sara Secfeerthem with my "own ears. Day. in gathering, to be held- here, the ing will be furnished by the Aus- Ing., .will-be Rabbi Eliai.Kargoiis of. Mount, Vernon, New. York. . , and day out, month in and month conference will bring delegates tin Bevlns orchestra. " out. Tliey- twisted and they turn- from Iowa, Nebraska, ..Missouri, XTi'.p^The play Is concerned trith C.-.^l John Feldraan,.. general chair- • - Dr. ;Margp"li3.-ls .a-/Sraiuate of ed; they arguedV and they split Minnesota, Kansas, South Dako- man of ths affair, is being assist- the Hebrew Union (jellege - - and! two young TS.es vrho- in crder to ta, and Colorado. hairs. In the city-, of Theodore ed by a large committee of mem- t i e t University -of-Ciacinrisi and | carry- on an escapade invent tvro HeriL Instead of reading those " Isldor Ziegler, Omaha attorney, bers of the organization. holds- a Ph. • D. flegre® Irea Col- fictitious.'people. ^Resulting from plain clear - loreyer_ irrefutable, nas .'been - named general' chair- _ 'Refreshments -will be served. umbia University of K e r . Tork. this made"mix-up is a ' . c o c e d r 4.e»-.Vf !»-;.?. man of the local committee arforever'proved and/re-proved and Tickets, for-the ball are ;forty • Sines 1916•;he-has. been :rebbl that has been the.favorite veiicl? , 7- - r^. reTpfprea •••opening" pages ot Der ranging ;for the conference. Jul- cents andt jaay «tje g-ottep. - froia pt sctors ever slsce t i e gray US- i Judensta'at which define once ius Bosenfeld o.f: Council Bluffs \ii p?r> *>&•y^ . o i t h & T e n s a ..and. ,-Jc-r-- ic.e--., js-ar.J. --trro Trarfiian era. -will: "Serve'es3?ribe-«liatna2a.'-^> sanff "for "all'tae character of -the committee. ..,-: • years :has _ beea .FrcsisSsEt ~f i i s : Galuth. and; once and for. all point Goldsteia is " in charge ~pt.".". thts '^ „ , Syna-g-ogus CojiEcil c* .America. • UBKEually beautilul. • Mrs. Hfer- \ out the"-one -thing;,, the unnni -.nec- committee arranging for 'the con- He Is past president of the xaaa Jahr is".directing the prodnc- I esarium, to be done, they babbled vention hall • atict reservations, . • • ] _ . . „ , Rabbinical assembly -of -Atnerica •tlpa. : and 3am Leon heads tlis finance ln-utilitieB. •;;_ -". : . ; Season tickets •will admit. Sia- • »*"— - ^ ^ and - la. the . past Grand Chaplain committee. Rabbi David H. "Wice ..To: e ,-.They are- not babbling -inutil-— of;Grand Lodge, Free and , Ac- gle admissions a s y be purchased J lties ; today. They are crucified. is chairman of the program comt cented -Masons _ of. .the State- of at the box office. Hard-boiled '. American foreign mittee. " • ' . . . . ' - ' . New York. Among "the scholastic Other local-people assisting in correspondents,, and American organizations with trlica _8 is , T-"a.t Omaha'Choir and Dramab.trrort ziforeign, correspondents .who have the convention arrangements E.re: tic Club has asked all Jewish or- affmated, are" tie" Anglican Orito , fs.ir ever T-t c r l j 1. had.tp iecome*hard-boiled In re- Mrs. Sam •Wertheimer, banquet ganizations to announce at their ental Society, the Society for BibR e m o v e • Sxr cent; years, are . so shocked and committee; Mrs." Mas Holzman, meetings that this club will give lical Literature; and tS® Ameri- r J : r , - r v i r tt",- r-wounded in their slow sensibili- in charge of badges, tickets and a -four act drama, "The. True can Academy for Jewish. • Keon Smoke Str.cli,l^tll'-* ties -by the outrages -- committed' printing; • Mrs...Harry-Z. Eosen- Power".by J. Gordin, May i , at search. - ' " • ' New York (VTSB) If $I.rCC against- the • Jews in Vienna. that feld, registrations; Mm Fred Ho- the Jewish community Center. .'. For many "years . lie has. been can t>e: raised frcra private roura; :personal accent of horror is senstock, ushers and pages; MorThe proceeds are to fee distrib- active in the' Zionist' movement ces the fwo big trsr-Kstitas t»:lt filling their usually hard and un- ris E. Jacobs, publicity; Miss Hauted • among v;b_r5table organisafeeling columns. The Times had zel Degen, transportation;, and tions and at this tiiae part of the sad• ...has ..'delivered .'. addresses into the bricli: smo&estscl: cf t t e throughout the east for the Zion- New Torlr Hospital's power house a picture of Austrian Jews' stand- Mrs. Ben Silver, reception. Members.of the .program com- money -will be donated for needy ists, and -for the United Palestine "will- be reaoved, the executive inginlline at the Polish consulate Polish Jetrs. «" cZ Il.c Appeal.. - - '' : committee of the board ol t;rcc• in Vienna trying to get a visas mittee headed by Rabbi -Wlce The f allowing organizations are: William Holzman, Omaha; tors aauQ-uncefi. The coniEfttee to go. to Poland —- seeking to : have received donations from be .T*v: rrc-- ty Lrevealed that the swastikas, irescape a. hell of blood "and utter Rabbi Alvin -I^chs, 'Jfavenport; this club in the past: The AudiCrov/d'Attends corporated 'in' the brick-work of outrage and enter what now Hyman Fishgall,' Sioux City; S. torium of Congregation of Israel, Start: the smokestack -when it vras tul.t seems to be a lesser hell of star- Abramson,' -Des.Monies'; - Rabbi South Omaha, The Jewish PhilTheodore Lewis, Sioux City; Rabin 1932, before the advent cl tLa vation and passive destruction. anthropies, the Icor, The Hiss, "*C the Nasi regirse, -had caused otiTcrEe And ail the while-there are to-, bi Julius Gordon,'- St; iouis; Mrs. Pioneera Club, Gold!© -Uyersca day great .tracts of land available F. J.:Xioewe, St.- Louis;- Irvin Club, The Jewish Funeral Home, ft Qver seven hundred i^eibers .their removal •ws.s saBctionei ".1 for immediate purchase in Pates- Fane, Kansas City; Nathan Gold, and The.Tuabor'Lycenm." Tickets' of th'e "younger Bet Sunday eveaLincoln, • RabbiAlbert Minda, funds coulfi.be obtaiaed to crars tine and it is. an open secret that are 45 cents. Julius Schneidery the parsimony of British immi- Minneapolis, Rabbi-Harry Margo- At. 4171, or Nathan Hartia, Ma. ing croirfied the Jevrish Ccssiun- them -Without tatiag.'fhe inc-sy gration regulations into Palestine lis of St. Paul, and Dr. 'Wflilam 5252 are In charge " of ticket ity,Center to attend'their-annual from tae. geners.1 bespits.! frr^. Purim carnival 'sponsored by the ; sales. EecsnEs the Btrsstikas are t-^It could be • broken if not smashed 3. Friedman o£ Denver. " ' ' - - -' • • Bound Ta" le of Jewish Youth. Members'of the- administrative of dark colored - "bricks. vh : ch by the moral pressure' of worldThis affair, yearly represents the stand out: agsicst . the uc^rlr t Jewry, above 'all by the moral committee of which"E. P;.Adler pressure of American Jewry — of Davenport, i general chairman CONGREGATIONAL--SEDER •" largest. gathering of local young •white bricks of- the rerasiadcr cf ! people.:....; ' • the stack they can-be seen a greet and American Jewry, disgraceful- of the .convention, is chairman "Music, for-4anciag -vraa fuTEisa- distance away. ly divided into factions, disgrace- are: Rabbi Eugene Mannheiiner, PLAHNEB BY TEMPLE ed. by.; Iiviag-Ithoaes orchestra. fully hindered by die-hards in Des Moines; Mrs. Joseph- Brody, high places,' by snobs, by self-op- Des Moines; I Goldsmith, WichTemple Israel will hold a Con- Member organizations : of the S v inionated men '.with- ugly, hard, ita"; Edwin ' Meissner, .[St.- Louis; gregational Seder on Saturday Hound . Table" 'sponsored r concesz. ^ vain little minds, does not unite> Robert Aronson, St. Louis •. Rabbi night, April 1G, the second night sions set up in the gycinasiuiru Harbin,. ICanchiikno (JTA)— c r c i t - ^ - Harold.-. Zellssky -sras chaircian 'does not rise.as one people inspir- Ferdinand Isserman, - St. Louis; of Passover. The Seder • will The authorities have closed Cc~n j cl f :r * of the. aff air. . Rabbi, Samuel S. . -Mayerburg, ed .by one faith and-one hope, and start at 6:45. .-.;.;..-. the violently 'csti-Seisitie T Ti.:.°J£ S c?-one goal, intent'upon one eternal- Kansas City; - Samuel HassenMrs. Bernard Wolf assisted-by ..-All; proceeds Trill-go to . t h e Gnardist sevrspaper, Kasi P;:t.' ^-oi." c " ~ ft ly-liberating a c t It stands at: the busch, St. Joseph; Dr., S . Morton a committee of the Temple Sis- fund for furnishing the Konnd For the last five yesrs the rar-~ | sc=- Cr Table club room at the Jevish Heltzberg, Kansas City; Isidor •ultimate.cross-roads of choice arterhood will he in charge of arhad conducted anti-JeTrish frc^- 1 Arr""" •.' Ziegler, Omaha; " Rabbi Wice, :rasjgements for the Seder* Sese'r- Community. Center. guing.I aganda throughout the Far ~cst. I" ' • The nest' and final dacce of At this terrific moment Chaim Omaha; A. I. Schimmel, Lincoln; rations are eighty-fivs and ^sixtyWeizmann was forced to open the Mrs. Harry Wilner, -Minneapolis; five cents for children and are this series .. sponsored by the j i t s latest issue Vas cenfisc^tsi ' ~ e : « c-'p 7 -' meeting of the Action Committee J. S. Joseph, Minneapolis; J. "?. limited to two hundred. Those Hoand Table -will be held on Sun- ] for an article srsing a pc^-cr^ | t-a? i r onJeTrs. . •"'" ". ' in London with.a 'bitter and Joseph, Minneapolis; Milton Fire- desiring^ reservation have been day, .April 17. grief-stricken arraignment of the stone, St. Paul; A._ B.: Kapplin, as&ed to call Mrs. Harry Z. Ro; opposition, of anti-Zionist forces Duluth, and Samuel Kohn, . Den- eenfeld, Glendale 0400 or the • ; • • - . • - . . \ , of asfiimilationist forces which ver. " Temple, Atlantic 2S84. • played.into the hands ot rur op'Motion pictures taken oa Ms ponents, which conlirmed the trip, to Europe will Be •Youth-Conference" •recent Colonial office in its parsimony, shown by Hr. Ilcrris E?. Jaccbr. which Blowed up the pacification of Palestine, which made Britain f 5*^ — - - » • T **9~7r~<1-*T<**t~V 1 T - « •at'* hesitate and fumble and suborr-;?ivcrrary of t i e HebTciT.Uni- t^entv-ivrd refusses frcsn. Gc-dinate the overwhelming . moral Meeting at tlic ] same . time as will feo con- j fcp-, , ea issues of the situation to small raeiiioraied-.-locally vrith su es-; atstho-!"it!'Bs, Of tbs tsSr le T £t"" .measures of mere policy. Britain representatives from • the mid- ; Mrs. Reuben Bordy and' Mrs. Mbit at the Jsirish Community • a s a fortj--cic£t • research st"u£.—, as ths events of the last few days western . congregations,' Youth Center. I s the'lobby Trill be a dis- )t-ae largest'cumber are"is.tiv-- c^ have fully demonstrated, is nei- Groups affiliated'-.with, .the" Re- JDave Stein, co-chairmen of the' pla.v-of the -•work done, pictures Ipoland,." whiie Palestiaiass : r ; j ther without a moral sense nor a form S3'Jiagogue of seven neigh- ticket sales for the Beth El Coa- of ths plant, asd iafcrmatlve da-.j seccad. boring states Tvlll'. convene here cert which takes place', on' Wed-j sense-of enlightened self-interest. on Saturday, 'Jay 71 terisl nssis.y, April 20, at'the. Central-) Why have -we fiot.been able more Amcz General Chairman of. the Touth Fotiaaatios" stcses'for ths Uci- | S £ are:'An Is.etitt'te of .uditorliiia, featerthoroughly to harness "those qualConference will be 'Richard Hilcf £>i :r: ~"Z~" tained their "committee at. A des- Terslty-vere Jaid in 1518 by Dr. IstBdies,'-A'ScItool ities..of the British -people in the interests of our great cause? Be- ler'with Harvey Leon serving.as sert luBcheon, oa Friday, J'arch Chajm ^Vei|-rasna a R a th.a Usiver- j; stadies, Gf e s eral HExsar —. • '-• 28, at the hoiae el Mrs. Eordy,?:. sit? -s-as iorsiaily opsaed la IS2S. Sciool"*cf 'Essot "sciescsi?, S:L:rl " cause the .Colonial -Office'is'"deal-, vies chairmanThs afternoon session of : ths ; -According, to reports a record 'Located ca Mt.'Scopus la Jerus- ! cf Bin!-.#r.£l "-Sc'eEcp-." sn-""""V - - - — ing with aipeople'divided: against itself,"a group shot" through and conference will- >:ba held at Tem- cTovrd is planning to attend: this alsm it overlooks the Tailsy of; sr &(H ei^ Tcb sc if ^T~ds-«•«'" ' - the _ Mountains, of I cludine the "l>o"ctpra.to of F' ' - - - * through with slavighnesg of spir- ple Israel ••with prominent'leaders second.. annual;.concert -given, by Jericlio_ and ! " it, a group in which treachery is of Reform Judaism oa the pro- Cantor Aaron ' Edgar.. Assisting Sloiiab in . Transjordasla. On ajephr"&r-<*&*??,"£* rampant—treachery out - of small gram. An.evening social•, affair the Cantor -Brill -'bs the Choir, of. clear", day the- Cead-S©aa thirty | _ . ^ 6 u&£ew.iiiuvsrsitT is c = : \ " -"- . will-be leid at the • Highland the Beth El'Syaagogus asd-Abra- silies a-s-sT. as visible. -fft?,the beneficiaries c? fee • i-c-.". 1 A. Country Club. * ' '.• . ; (Continued oh page's.) ham Dansky, .pianist. ' • . The ••University': has a : staff • of Philanthropies campaign. •s - i.\ c . tr»i.'_"^:





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lam Ziikeirmaii Haa the anti-Semitic' wave • swssplag over Europg: brought coma goofl Instead of only rain • and destruction to^ Jewry? Mr. Znkeroiaii believes that it bas ond In this thonglit-provoking artjde points ont that one of the most startling compensations of inti-Semitism is the enormous grovrtb of the spirit of resistance eg tho part of the

.Poland and in the rest of Eastern all their revolutionary 'drawEurope which Is oven moro sig- backs' (from tho employers point nificant than tho parallel move- of view)' Jewish workers are nevment in Germany because it is ertheless more dependable than not done under duress of exter- the non-Jewish in an antl-Scmltis* Nay, they are even essennal oppression, but willingly, crisis. through the instinctive action of tial. This interesting movement; is the masses of- Jewish.'.- people themselves. I n Poland in partic- noticeable particularly In one ular, Jewish small traders, petty branch of labor, domestic emrials,

ity heM on March £8, Sidney'CorJews to get closer together, to where exactly the. reverse effect I hate to admit ray Turn U R , a juisior in the school' of become more self-sufficient eco- Irora that intended. They eet'out a FhErrnacj" VRM pla6fa0. nomically and less dependent up- to 'hcmllisto ssd degrade lews, The idea is this: All clubs t,t At a meeting of Tassels, girls' ViiiiUnion vrill he Iteld during on non-Jews, in the ' opinion of end-to make .them lose their ha- the J. C. C. thst \c&st to put a national v?v crgsnisstion, Selm? • the it,:.vor ps-rt c: c?rin{; -vacation. the writer, this mqvesient is the rass dignity and consider them- softbalj team into OUT proposed Kill was elected treasurer for VV.P I most fascinating and significant selves pariahs arnong people. In- league, get in touch with me atcoiE5n£T *'££r. Miss JEII! if- ?L1^O '• now going on within European stead of this the mess of the once. One team, the A. P. T.'E, Jewries. It deserves much more Jewish people have never before boasting a fine array of players, Publicity chairman for the "EE~1;- I space than can be given to it felt their dignity snore strongly has already cignJfied its intention •• 'Wednesday vrill be ';t&,7c oar" ! aad nsver cave they resisted of entering. hero. '• . ' • • • ' . on Xebrcf-ks/K c a ra p u s. The-; . Another certain and definite their enemies more'courageously. money raised this 6ay w*n be i If this is not-a compensation for Jewish compensation for the havLife-saving; c l a s s e s opened j sect to the Far Ea?t in order thct oc wrought by the recent anti- persecution, what'is? Wednesday in the Center pool j university education may br cs.r- rjucl-rx^i (JTA) —~ The AgriSemitic movement ragtag in Eurwith & fJse attendance. TheEe 1 riefi or?, there, Josephine Kubnitn. cr.'fv.iT B'if-JBir*- if"\\ff RE order animals ope is the enormous growth of (Copyright 1S8S By Seven Arts clauses are held, each n,.r'sr I T? osas Kill. J'ufi'f.h I.,€rcRSOE r.nd rprvj'irinr frf F.i;m5?n~: of ! f.nr prrJtrv br^orf > if uj;hter. In the spirit of resistance ea the at 8 p. ra. under the direction of i Msry ArbHman sirs y-orkjr.»- on Feature Syndicate.) effect, the- ovtipr- pi'iiliibitB koshpart , of the great raa&s of the Swimming Instructor Dan Green. ! this "cotsmUtee. field. Those interested i a this | According to a letter from t h e er r.ip.u&luorinr:, sun^e the Jewish Jewish people, particularly in fof> pbsse of Eastern Europe. It is a great pity a r e ^rgefi to j Women's Athletic Associr.tion riUir.I mctiiou 0! clr.r.fe'bter cttesd. that comparatively little is known i Theta Chapter of Sigma Delta about that -particular manifesta— • j Tau h,iE been very tre'I rcprer.er.ttion in America and in other The J. C. C. men's volley ball ed 5a intre-curRl tports itm pest L bu_t___ over-seas Jewish communities. • 1: stTHpr^niT^which ought is be

rrvisf jntln-iruf;;;;- the regil> TTSTIrie SchVs-xt?; IB in charge ~v:VJ r

' the jrcnerE.1 £,rrcngenipr.J.F for t. Ftlor>p p." .TrviRJi r.ttorneyis and It was just a measly volley bal 'nuff said. dlers and middlemen of all kinds or even .of middle-class Jewish rising to revolt, is doubtless one Central Europe. AH players -who signed r.p &re le initiation ci ne-r frSrlr ir.io c"cp«?l VJIOPP vhosr pr.pr.rp. exe not are beginning to realize the un-households in Warsaw employing of the most significant phenom- g&zas, th® same &s hundreds of Delta, freshman in CTC.CV, AK.hoiif;fe p,l] JcwUh —THE EDITOR certainity and instability of their Jewish maids or other domestic ena in European Jewish life; it others played throagh the year— requested to be on the gym floor > "i$.v?~rvf r.^e fvp.i'mim of Rumanhonorary nociety. but It provides ES with one of the at that time Tuesday. Anfi if tny moulds Jewish events and affects help was until a year ago ' EQ positions and are turning from Josephine Rr.bni'tz was initiat- ian Ktuvp-pUie?;, ".he-y 'v.'Sll be subIt may surprise many people them almost en masse. While, on small that it could be easily enu- tbo entires course of Er.st Euro- better yarns of oar athletic sea- who didn't cign \-p vmnt to cose out, they're -welcome. The more ed into Theta Sigma Phi, hon-ipctpfi tc r.r rTEminr.fJon to teit In America to learn that the anti- one hand they are putting up a merated. Within the last year the pean Jewries more even thaa the eon.their knovjefiire o" O\f. KumanUn players \re have, the more teams | orary journalir.m A team captained by Invincible Semitic wave, which-'has-.'swept very stiff fight against forceful number is reaching into thous- economic changes. Close obserover a large portion of Europe elimination from their livelihood ands. The movement ia spread- vers of Jewish life In Europe Les Burkenroad had a 12-0 lead we'll form, and the more tenses ; Sunday morning, r t a bninch since tho riso of the Nazi regime and positions, they,aro beginning ing also outside Poland, particu- state that not since the last days on a team captained by Abe we have the better will be the j beld at the Hotel Cornhusker. i Corneliu Zelen Codrpann's preShe was also elected, treasurer of • Fascist Iron Guard, vhose voluaand" has brought .BO., much ruin on the' other hand, to leave these larly in Rumania where the rich of Czarism has there been BUCQ Brodfeey. Tn© "rib-steaks" were lesgue. Plenty of fun is promised ES this grcup. tfT-r cliBsoiution Codrpanu hlmand. destruction to the Jews in occupations of their own' free Jews have already had a taste ot a remarkable up-swing of tuo flying over, through, and unfier well s.s a real workout. So tsrn rnTfouncec. on Ff>bru*ry fil, th® pet *• often as the ball wss many countries, has also brought •will and to change them for thea short-lived racial decree for do- fighting spirit of the MASS of tha necvot'.f rfticnbipd Its iub> some good with it. It may sound more solid and more productive mestic servants. Although that Jewish people as now Is Poland, being punched around. Prospects out, you vclley ball enthusiasts. CEESEB Sill EMES ve propp.]r.'?.n(is, Klnce that a -wMte-wtsb. -were ia the air evea if you've ucver glared bestrange, almost unbelievable that labors of the artisan and of thedecree -was among the first oi the Rumania, and other European of it VJP.F: Sep.rnefi bj" HKTM and members of the .Burbearoad fore. It doesE't tate loss to any kind of good could come wage earner, which are more Goga-Cuga measures to be with- countries. wer® licking their CEO?S Sa to pl&y well enough to en- A.regular meeting oi the Ches- | Nevp Aprnr.r. from saeh miofortune, or any ad- deeply rooted in the economic drawns, nevertheless few Jewish The resistance of the Jewish gang anticipation of the I&Ehlas they joy yourself. ed She! Enscs will be held on ! yantaga from such • desolation. soil and from "which they cannot households have gone back en- students to- the introduction of could hand their foes is. the April 4, at the Chesefi I Q^Acf T r - ' I of T Yot> this is. undeniably the case. be so easily dislodged. Special tirely to the exclusivenesa of non- the ghetto-bsnehes into the uni-shower room. The J. C. C. Varsity raen'e vcl- Ehcl Enies building at E o'clock. The post-Nazi anti-Semitism with Jewish statistics on the subject Jewish domestic labor. Here, versities of Poland is a tale of As tfciE is en important meet-1 And then G a i l Margolin ley ball teara will play Benson all tho disaster a it haa brought in are, unfortunately, lacking, but too, Jewish statistics are missing. revolutionary heroism which will Johanesbnrp ( W N S ) ~ Juitie* Spikers Monday, April 4, t t the leg ill members hs,ve been r e - ' ita waks, ;haa wrought also a oven the official Government The last figures mentioned in the one day form & thrilling chapter stepped up to serve for the Center-gyn at S p. m,-Spectators cue.ited; tc attend. , Leopold Greer.berg o? th» Su, number of v e r y significant statistics show that a great ec- Jewish Rumanian press give the in the history "of present-day Brod&ey team! preme- Court cf Transvaal, !• to the crseS to attend. Ko admisNow thosa of you -who changes in JewTy which are def-onomic reconstruction, of Jewry number of Jewish families In Jewry. It will tell a remarkable bpcome chief fv^^p m a reeudt sion. initely 'to the good and the fu-is going on under the din andBucharest "who dismissed their story of how a small group of Gsil win appreciate that this of the retirement of Chief Jfuiture historian will certainly count racket of the anti-Semitic move- Rumanian servant girls aa 2,000. Jewish young men and women, scene was exactly opposite to the He5Io, we've sort c* bscn tice CuriewlB. Justice Greenb«r*. The' next meeting of the Vrrc r,r 1'crr cr ;hf bench for thorn among the compensations ment in Poland. It is estimated Of these only four hundred- re-en- numbering probably not more immortal piece of "Cesey At thelecting the women so far. "Which And caHke Mighty Cssey, will never do. Auxiliary -rill be held CE Trerof the present dark period. ir rJ.f - n s r oV the that within the last years as gaged their old servants after the than about 2,000 persons, held Bat." must be much as 25 per cent of the Jew- withdrawal of the Cuza decree. an important strategic position Gail didn't Etrik© out -with' the "Well, we didn't neglect them is.T, April E, at the home cf :. ,-r r First among these ettC K; mentioned tho almost revolution- ish potty traders have changed The rest have applied to Jowiah for its people against a terrific bases loaded. last Friday when the morning Eetty TiichEEn, No, sir, Mighty Kargolia start- women's class went on its first Twpcty-fcurth f.treet. ary- changes whieh have been go- their so-called businesses and institutions for Jewish servant onslaught of all tbo organised Rabbi KiltDE. A, Kcpctein. ing pa in tho economic life of the have taken to labor occupations. girls who were easily, enough forces of anti-Semitism, of theed swinging his right arss. and he hike c£ the1 year. Being the only wouldn't stop. Point after poiat eaa!©, along with the group we j JowisB communities most affect* In this connection another very found in the provinces, willing authorities of the universities, od by Fascist anti-Semitism. Tho significant change which cannot and eager to take the jobs. The and even of tho government •w&s rung up by the team thatfelt very much like the bey -who was Beat to V&eear college by movement started by the Nazisrto be named other than a compen- last report from Rumania states These young people, coming was on tho TCrge ot a Ftt! Mi A W&ILG mistake. drive, the Jews bacfe Into $he sation, must be mentioned here. that the Bucharest office of the mostly from a non-revolutionary Well, to make a long story Gail nerved 15 straight points,'sn It turned out to be a seveaGhetto has had some remarkable This is tho Incerasing tendency Joint Distribution Committee" was Jewish middle-class environment, r business mee/.r.' u&he&rjj. of feat, with Cap- snlle j&uct, the party fcifeicg out effects,, .other than those widely on. the part of Jewish employers obliged to take, a hand in this are revealing, apart from their almost c* the Phi Beta Epniion tain Brodkey playing like fire o th© "Walkingclub's ch&cfe, known: it has started a number in. Eastern Europe to engage matter because of the big demand heroism, a social idealism which and thunder at the set with stesthere to be the guests of veryof great processes within Jewish Jewish labor. The significance of for Jewish help In this field. is rare among the youth of Enr- atcrian spikes. charming hostB, Mr. and Mrs. D. life itsslf vnlca are destined to tho change cannot be overestimOne must explain that this ex- ope during the post-War period. And eo we . hsd th© miracle ad. Tfee wojne-a pl£.j" tljo- faco of Jewish social ated. Before the Nazi upheaval, ample of Jewish domestic x^ork It is not only for themselves that come true, the nightmare become lifo in more than one -respect. Jewish "employers in Poland "were is mentioned not because of Hathoy are waging their fight. They reality. No bero was ever rushed ontdoor volley ball enfi h&& tte!r] Chief among toes?- is'the intensi- among the worst offenders In re-own Blgnlficance alone, but be-know that if the ghetto-beaches off the scene of battle -with more lunch. O" course, Mns. E-sJflis fication • of - that "process- of eco-spect to employing Jewish labor. cause it serves as an illustration are Introduced into tho nniverslt- of a flury than vas Gail Margolin .*nco!n had a big supply cf her t'ret i'z^ IT Vrc c-rr el Z'*T » r—, somie productivization which was They can be said to have been ot the general movement which ies, the ghetto will spread into that memorable4 afternoon. Down famous hamburgers. (They were going 6a within Jewry long be- the originators of that meanest is now going on in Europe. Jew- every branch of life, and they are to th© shower room vent the delicious.) Sowever. St^sppears the -weinfore ' tho Nasi upheaval.' That of all the mean- acts of, the Nazis, ish higher and middle-class peo- fighting this eventuality with a cheering Brodfecy mob and thea ea. most of their p'rocosg has now been, strengthen- the boytott o£ Jewish labor. ple who have an a rulo always motal heroism and plain physical straight to the cold shower went whenhad each fcsd & turn &t dancirg ed as never before within the There is now a sure and definite sought to avoid Jewish workers courage which has no equal in Hero Gail as members sought to with yours truly. Ahem, ahsra . . last two.generations. change for the better in this par- in their homes, offices, shops and post-War Jewish history. The cool his sizzling hide. We got back st 2:30 in the aftThe fanious "Umschlcatung" ticular direction. Not that Jewish factories;' are beginning to realise ghttto-benches were officially in- And -Just like Mudville cad ernoon, and the women enjoyed movement In Germany •,& . tooemployers.- have, as a rule, be- the advantages of Jewish labor troduced more than half a year never gotten over Casey'e famous heir swim in •well-known to need dwelling upon cbmeT'inore nationalistic, but they in tlieir Enterprises. : The extern- ago. Thanks to these young peo- strike-cut, so too &o stories e£ volley ball in- Junior boys hsd a s-wica frolic hero. What, is . not so widely have simply.come to.realize, that al drive of the Nazis to push the ple they are still empty. Actually this extraordinary continue to com© back to n the poo! the other day. Snown is toe fact that a great re- with the tide ot. anti-SemitJsm Jews back into the Ghetto has there is no ghetto in ths Polish cident us. The latest Is that Mighty construction of -Jewish occupa- rising, Jewish workers are an BB- called forth an.> Internal counter- universities yet. bcrs over 12, Marglin Is resorting yet to "cool- Eoots Greenberg -was set in a Jewish enterprise. With movement on'the ^art of tho The important thins about this first, Eiil , tion has been, going on also in ing off" activity, They say he manifestation is that It is not &n makes geod use of his Ice plsnt isolated case. It flows from the by parking co some of the "colder jWDinfl^ In the group for icjs I I general spirit of resistance and cakes. under, Earold. Kezer was first, j "revolt which has swept East'erry GreeEberg -TSE second, and. ] European Jewry during the last J What do you say, coftball play- Kareld Margolin \rs.s third. few years.'It--ia'.part snd parcel of the general Jewish resistance ers, do you want & league this (Where Omaha Shops With Confidence) Slcnimsfcy, the Ktyyini Sell which has been called forth by year? the terrible Endek and Nazi anti- We're leaving it up to you, be- renter, vrzs in IS IT elected to Semitism. It is' the most prociach I can't compose whels l€agu® ftt one Friends cf Sciesce. nounced answer ot the whole of the Jewish people to tho new anti-Semitic drive. The resistance of the mass of plain Jewish people to the wave of pogroms ia Prahytik, in Minsk Masovetzak and in other cities; the great general strikes of the entire Jewish population in Poland which] took place In 1936 and in 1CS7; the Eslf-defeaca of Jewish workers against ths physical-attacks E*r two p£.d:s.|:cs of Kcllogg'j Cora Flakes. For on the Jews in the streets of tho bis Polish cities —- all these sr® Wo Aro Ccpsblo of Catermc'to SOKT Every $iz® package receive & manifestations of the ESZSO spirit f cr ^'ff Wises* Krispies! which is being revealed in the universities. stocking you* This spirit is not confined to rcctrr with liel year. Watch Poland alone. It exists also in Rumania end It came to the surto a bowl of face- during tha recent events of t i r r c cniacbys, golden £zke$ i s or cream. . the Goga-Cuza period. Thos'a wbo have followed events In Rumania y serve in during the short, but crasy perf;rc;a« Is coming iod, could not but come u> the certain conclusion that the failO^ctli the bir:T package. ure of the first Nasl experiment > In Rumania was due chiefly and stgs f erve KeIic r;rr*F even" dtr. And don't almost entirely to-'the-RUMANg cgpozianitv S3 r.tock your ps.ntryl IAN- J E W S themselves. No Tsikc cdr£ct££;e of Kcllo^r'r Cse-Ccst S&le- today! amount of International intervention would have deposed Goga and Cuza but for the quiet, plucky and efective resistance of the Jews.Rumanian Jews were among th8 least panlcKy people during that crisis and they dealt back blow after blow which lay the Cuzists low In a manner which they will not forget £o soon. Like the Poish Jews, tha Rumanian, too, have shown that the legend that the Jews aro entirely a helpless people and that any bully caa tread upon then with impunity, is an anti-Semitic myth. Jews can resist oppression - and persecution no worse, and probably better, then other social groups. Running away Is not ths only vreapoa of the Jews. They can fight; they can hold oa' tenaciously to a position when their spirit is Eroused; their spirit'IS aroassd now. This new- attitude bas besa enTREOT-ORIGINAL gyps gendered }sy the..sriss-of.'Naslssa ' Mares! Rochast Huge sloovos' acconf* EESI bsa feaen on the tijsswlsg ©Tuato slim lines ©f coat. Black and er sSace. It exists' la Germany Whifo, navy- and v/hifo in Juilliard's Duo (although there it Is not to vis)AL cropo. 'ChifTpn scarf and 'kerchief. ible); it is clearly teen ia RuSizas 10 to 18. mania; It ia sweeping Poland. ! Seiox—Thtrd Floor The post-Nazi anti-Semitic waves seem to have produced every-


nson" he was over the fence and t his friend's pillow. ... T E R JR. DEPT. 'Uri, lazybones, get up-—-it's Good Sliabbog boys and girls .Iready time.1' of tho Junior Jewish Press! Uri hurriedly jumped out of Onr emblems for the Annt ed, Naomi club have arrived and "All right, you needn't crow, every boy and girl who writes ve been awake for ages, too. I : an- original story, poem or let- wasn't even asleep, but just lying ter for this column can become with my eyes shut." . a member of this club and reO£ course, they both knew that ceive one of these emblems to his was not exactly true—but wear. here was no time to argue. One, wo—and they had their trousers "We plan to nave a big party m—three, they dashed their on I<ng B'Omar (May 19) for eads under the tap—and away . all the members of the clnb. into the hut for a bite of bread in . And, boys and girls, we want —how good it tasted! • to publish a birthday list each Meanwhile the geese were week of all the birthdays of preading their wings and carryour readers.. So send your ng out maneuvers to the' tune names and birth dates to Aunt f "Ga-ga-ga . . . gool-gool-gool Naomi at the Jewish Commun. . hila-hila-hila." Proudly the ity. Center along with your wo boys walked after them with .stories and %va can have all old strides-—they were going to this news published fon you. e the first! This week, we are going to begin a serial story entitled, "Ga-ga-ga" went the geese. "The Four 'Heroes of KlnneThe Stranger .reti" . This is a story of adBut stop!—what was that? ventures in modern Palestine Over there, on top of that heap and I know you are going to f peas? Surely someone hadn't enjoy today's chapter and will eaten them this time? No, that look forward to the other was impossible. Perhaps it was chapters as they appear each ne of the grown-ups who slept Friday. n;the barn? But then no one And boys and girls, we must would think of sleeping on the not forget the Passover conop of a heap of prickly pea-pods, test. The rules and date will •t all places! And what was that be found in another paragraph umping about over there? on this page. Next week we "Bow-wow, wow, wow!" are going to have a big sur"Oh! A puppy, a sweet little prise for yon so be sure and ipotted puppy! How lively, how watch for the Junior Jewish , oily he was! Nicer than "Yofe•:• P r e s s . :an," or even "Tiny," or black TOUR AtTNT NAOMI. 'Rover." He was leaping to meet :hem and barking as he ran. "Sh . . . keep quiet." "Clear off, you . . . " "Shut up, he's mine, I saw him Urst." # "Some- hopes—I said 'come .-Translated from the here' first." Original Hebrew of "All right; we'll share him— Brachah Habass get a move on." "He's coming into our yard." Nehemiah H. Behr "Not if I know it!" "Oh ye3 he is!" CHAPTER 1 "We'll see about that!" "How Ruva Came to Kinneret'? Geese Scatter • That morning, for the. first And in the meantime the geese 'time, Avner and Uri really .did had' a rest. They were free to manage to be the first to go out wander whero they pleased-and with the geese. They had always they scattered right and left, all longed to do thi3 — to be the over the heaps of,peas. "Gool, ; first! But every morning when _ool, gool. Ga, ga, ga" . . . what they ran out to the barn they a noise 4tnd" cackling they made!; would gee from afar the curly And the Puppy? ;j >"~heads^o£»,ihe:..elder children^, and And wha1E*vabbut the : puppy? hear their laughter and singing He. dashed away and escaped re-echoing, through;-'the • barn; them, -barking-all the time.- He Shamefacedfy they" would" walk jumped on to the heap with our •round to; the other side of the two friends in his wake. And barn ready for Orah's mocking then-—what was this? Wonder laughter; she certainly wouldn't of wonders! They stood rooted keep her tongue quiet. "Here to the spot, their mouths open come the heroes at last," she with dismay. Look, there on top -would shout, "they've b e e n of the pile lay a boy, a little fl r e a m i n g 5 the "whole night chap, with a heap of clothes near through . : . ! " . him, a heavy stick on his right • But this time they had made side, and a pair of "tattered boots up their minds about it. "We'll on his left-—and he • was fast be first, whatever happens." And asleep! Then he opened his eyes, you see,- where there's a wiL lifted up his head and looked there's a way. So what did they do? They called Yichyeh, who looks after the calves, into a conference behind the "wall, and there", where no one could see or hear them, they struck a bargain They promised him one dozen apricot-stones, four ripe cucumbers and two green apples—from a tree nearby. And the apples, mark you, two for him and two for them, ^were picked there and then, and paid over on the spot in kind. Yichyeh Promises So Yichyeh promised to wake them before sunrise-—"As true as he lived" he would. But Avner is- a bit of a sceptic and he wouldn't rest until they had laid their'right hands one on top of the other and repeated three . times together: "The heavens and the earth AN EXTENSION O P T H E J E W -

•"..-•- I S H COMMUNITX" C E N -

"The Four Heroes of Kraneret"

• ' • / • ' : ' • •








- . .


are our. witnesses—no repenting and. no Bhame." With hearts full of hope the two: friends got into bed that night, one on each side of the fende, under the branches of the old carob-tree: ,. "Avner, you asleep?" ' " I s'pose you are!" "Sh . . . don't jabber." "What about your Jabbering?' "I say, do you think he'l come?" i " I s'pose. you don't?" Noise And. really all their "bother' was in vain, Because a mule kicked- up a. noise during the night and Avner woke up early. Just that night he woke up of hi: own accord! Of course he lmme diately jumped out of bed, and before you could say "Jack RobiPatronize Our Advertisers

Wo •will again this.year oellj Matsotlso ; a h d all other! Peaach. products. : _

with amazement at the two "As big as the. whole of our young heroes, who were ready to barn?" "As big as the whole colony?" take to their heels and fly! The It was Ruthie who started the boy shook himself, and slowly got up. Oh! What cowards! Both questions and all the children of them turned, and the next followed her: "Is that your dog?"—"What's minute they were flying to the other end of the colony yelling: his name?" "Where's your ' daddy and "Mummy, mummy!" at the top mummy?" of their loices. •" This last question Ruva did And it was only when they saw not answer .at once. For a mofrom afar all the other children ment he was silent. No, he badn't who had begun looking out of parents here. They "were", • . their doorways, together with ! any far, far away. They had stayed their geese, that they stopped and behind—-the other side of the stammered: "Spotted puppy . . . sea, for ever . . . The puppy? His Boy . . . over there . . . I was name was "Geulah" and h e ' befirst!" longed to Ruva, yes, his very "Spotted puppy . . . Boy . . . own. And again he was silent. why don't you talk sense?"— Then his gaze traveled round the There was Orah at her teasing landscape in wonder and he muragain. . mured: "How nice it is here. This is the loveliest place in the Back to the Stranger ^ But it was only with difficulty world." Jacob, the Watchman that the other children managed Really, as If the children of to get some sense out of Avner and Uri. When they did under- Kinneret didn't know that! And stand what bad happened they they went on taHriog. One hour were off like a shot. In a trice, passed, twa, and the children did the whole gang was on top of the not notice how time had flown. heap of peas. They surrounded All of a sudden, "Ga-ga-ga—hilathe mysterious guest—and then hila-hila," . . . "Hi, you urchins, were struck dumb. Who would you just wait!" came a shout. break the silence? Even cheekly Oh, dear! There was Jacob, the Orah was in a quandary. It was Watchman, with hands outspread little Avner who saved the situa- and arms waving trying to drive tion by asking: "Your dog — out the geese who had scattered all over the barn, and were wagwhat's he called?" ing destruction right and left. The boy made no answer, as "You wait, I'll teach you how though he had not heard. After a few moments he smiled and be- to look after geese! I'll give gan in broken Hebrew with a you . . ."• he cried. Aryeh the workman, who was strange accent: "Are" you all— Jewish, children?" A burst of just coming home to breakfast, laughter broke forth. Even little stopped his "nag" and stood Ruthie, who had at last managed watching the scene in laughter. to climb to the top, panting, and Aviva's mother came running with tears rolling down her along, clapping her hands which cheeks, even she couldn't help were full of half-kneaded dough. laughing. "What do you think and gave a shout when she saw them. The doctor, in his white we are-^—Arabs?" apron, stood on the steps of the He Questions dispensary and put his glasses The boy looked round and straight on his nose, to see them stammered: "Is that—Lake Gin- better. Two or three little girls osar? and that—the Jordan?—• from the nearby Yemenite settleand what are those hills over ment came running up from the there?" Fancy such a big fel- other side of the field, and stood low not knowing that! And he amazed. People came and went; was calling Kinneret "Ginosar" fathers with hoes in their hands, and asking what those hills were! mothers with children in their Why, the hills are the hills! Soon arms, tbe saddler in his outfit, he'd be' asking "What is the sky the teach with his spectacles on, up there?" They really had to the "shochet" with his Siddur laugh. under his arm, everyone came! But it was Orah, of all people, And they were all talking, arguwho silenced them. "Shame on ing, threatening, grumbling, and you, hooligans!" she cried, and at the same time listening to the turned to him with an air of im- stories of the children, who were portance. "Would you be so interrupting one another and kind as to tell us where you come pointing their fingers at the boy from?" she asked. Once Orah who stood there in confusion. had set the example there was no Mothers folded their hands bestopping them; one question af- neath their aprons and listened. ter another. In a few minutes Fathers leaned on their tools and the whole band was sitting in a paid attention. Even the doctor circle round the newcomer and took a step forward and lent an chattering away to him. He soon ear. And the geese were just left knew everything; the name of- to look after themselves. each one and of their fathers and That is how Ruva appeared in mothers; how many cows each the colony. one had, and how many calves, (Continued Until Next Week) and who had the. finest dog in the colony; where was the best CLUB NEWS berry-bush, and so on and so forth. The children, too, discovered that their visitor's name was Girl Scoots Reuben—Ruva for short — and Troop No. 4 of the Girl Scouts, that he came from a distant land, with Janet Graetz as scout masmany day's travel from Kinneret. ter, held their last meeting at the He Tells His Story Jewish Community Center last "Weren't you afraid?" they Sunday and discussed the new Girl Scout program. They also asked. learned the "Schottische" and the "Was the ship big?"










Each dancing class is fifteen referred to by the editors, "The \ Moshe, a story about Eretz VisCrusader Of Eumen Rights." \ roel ^nd by all means, read "TliE cents (15c). T

Many interesting high cpots Iri | VISE IIABONIK'" by A! Slia^. ero Sadima Club j! the lite of Herbert H. Lehman I "INTERVIEWING IN SOCIAL A tea was held by the Kadiiaa ! are to be iovni in thij issue. You club on Sunday afternoon, March will enjoy-reading of this great I WORK," a. sociological^ analysis. j by Pauline V. Young, Intprvjpw27, for the mothers and prospec- Americas Jew. tive members. The program, conMartha Bensley Sruere's er- ing is the tool oT V- T social worksisted of several talks on Tel Hal ticle, called, "YOUTH GOBS er. The technical r. & \ i t ' : L r r r! O1. and Joseph Trunipeldor. The fol- ROUND AND ROUND," in t h e analysis is 11 lowing appeared oa the program: April isue of SURVEY GRAPHIC book. Shirley Sellz, Doris Schneider, is a study of .the needs of youth. MX BOOK S l \ Charlotte Morgenstern. Annette it sounds like en old problem Forbes.presided. Tea was poured J which like the weather we always by Lillian Mirowitz and Sarah speak of bin CRJJ do little about Bernstein. E d y t h . Rafiinowski* it. This -article is based -upon also assisted. Howard M. Fell's report before the American Youth Commission. Maryland is the experiemctal Young Jiides The "Menorah" chapter o ftcte.

j "EOAD CF .' r7!' | Netnan is E I t e R t ^ " " ^ 70~- j "TOTOKRC"' r Beatrice Bisnr f- rr | ceived Th ^ I3cv ,r he author spcr; 2

Young Judaea celebrated Purim j JJ with a party at the Jewish Com- , th e ^jrls errl 0 pcrcprt cf munity Center on Sunday, March > beys depend on ih'eir prrerts ff"hr.t r.re 20. Helene Wohlner presided as i advice acd counse'. Queea Esther..

i these heroes like?

Members of the club are urged; couase! is girer. TO i contributions ibti t thj to sendd in to i wonccr who

Jr. Friglf.iu'—I'lijp pi. B t i m e w!>M't h e r e v~p,i~ F: rT"ii8£;or;u.e Uico.'P'i U. t h e l i e n r t oC X/ondnp. m i d vjinr J p w t s h jipnkpvp Itff? Plrpfulv hr conie ip.fU?er> • ir?l.


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PC-I o," ch'l cse ch gives COUP-

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will be held nest Sunday, April 2, at the Jewish Community Center.starting at 2:30. Any girl interested in Young Judaea work is invited to attend.

jur t * 0:. 1. We faesiiE i e t o ci'oic sr ;;- pr ices, they c~r EO z\ -1 lev cr. ;!'-.:,c 1 rv f. u c

. HADASSAE, " N E ~ p ERIEIW" ' News presented in ccr_c'er.°ocl fcrni The Junior Jewish Press will j snd style. The Terror Ke gr in conduct a Passover essay, story, | Austria ana the traced?" it hr:= '" play and poem contest. Anyone j struck with s!l its ••wlftrers i? ir I may enter. The play should be ; a vivid article in this week's if-'j one act and the essay or story no ' sue. <. longer than 250 words. These 7 0 AND TOR THE Ci:::^- ' stories, poems, essays or plays , r>REN: (Just this cne pub'icc- ! should be sent to Aunt Naomi at : tion). ; the Jewish Community Center no j JEWISH CURRENT NEW?, r ; later than Sunday, April 10, and 1 vreek'.y nsvs fcu'/.eti.- frr rhll-'i. the prize winning story, essay, ' play or poem will be published in these columns. The contribution should contain the name of the writer, the age and grad e in school, and, of course, deal with the subject of Psssover.


. -




i . t

C"c- "

'rc /irs:'. rcr~

The next meeting of the club Comrr.:ss:oner. I ruo;er

is EO bresd .'.-.ore is no cul jj!there ture." That is the ccrr.p'.en-.er-t o j "Where there is 20 vkior, th | people revi?h." I * Jewish -iszorr is f th , evidence oZ the pov-er of spirit, the potency oT culture

m- •

o v .•;:•

the best essay, poem, short story,' THE PALESTINE TJZXITT^'. a one-act play and poster relative jrub'-'catlon frc carto any phase of Passover. Con- i ries CE intcrestl-tr c.-tlrle er.ti,itributions must reach Miss Ruth j ed, "3HEAD AND CrLTIT^i:." Allen at the Center not later than j ^"his article is br.s:sd \:?C,IL April 5. Miss Allen will furnish j Harold Jrae Jrictrcl's speech further information. J his arrival Ir. .'eruFrler rs Ilich


A'i. o n e u u i e ii. v a t . iti<urusii>i5>.".


"Passover Contest" being con-' sel to., the percert FUL ducted in connection with the J£0 percent. The ret ron ' : vr other youth groups cf the Cen- the two f^ures wru.d h<= :r.terter. Prizes are being offered for estirsr rer.-Tr.c too.

' • •

err ^rrr 'Sr* v c ;r r to come jr. r r

S !






i us,-.- !

GREEN EHBQRSES CALL FOR ANTI-NAZI CONFERENCE New York (JTA) — William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor," has officially endorsed a call for a National Anti-Nazi Conference in Defense of Democracy, to be held in New York, May 14 and 15, under the sponsorship of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi Lea^ie.




% t,



ea re. Ft;., t r z'r?.-j ' -


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dren. This week stories of Jews collecting material for this .nr>"f-i | in Austria, France and Palestine I say three ;--nre well speiu. T'Jv book in Us e.«senco: The "JPV-'IKT: S are listed. I Stories of how !N ew York Jews workers' economic slrnsgl-'-: .!•' Ballroom DanciEg Class j mrke a living, what kind of work immip.-RTH laborer, ihe R\vei*f«!i,i.The ballroom dancing class for By KASKELIi COKES' I they (io, hcv.' nisr.y tire engaged j rind i.v-.f- rhup.'.i'le <n;Ioring :\-»r: boys and girls which.meets at the j IE certain kinds c r t r a d e , etc. For j create this t i;Iy grr-fit Juuruir inCenter every Wednesday at 4 p. THE AMERICAN HEERE-W," j all of this, answers F.rd more, j terest $'~ovy. T'v.i ii. fim»*n fit: ' • m., is proving very popular. Tve could still have many more boys j in the March-25 issue, joins with ; read JEWISH CURRENT NEWS,! must read" book 'lisi. and girls enrolling. We know countless others in celebrating! In the March issit'.- of the HA- j you are all anxious to learn how Governor Herbert H. Le";man's one Ehoul n reno vABP-OTH i'K. RSKff' M."" to dance; so just come to the i three score milestone. They cled- j "TRUJIPELDOR'fc. Y I N O S . " ' THE A hoc. lin-fun. hj- i J E W R Y " Center at 4 p. El. on Wednesday, j icate this Journal io hire, -who is :A i s o read "HOKSS PEVEI

"Polka." The girls are planning a hike for April.

, B6ttEa»

For Your Order Call

or call at the store at 1516 North ,24th street. WE WILL BEGIN DELIVERING ORDERS, SUNDAY,



rrn- • — - •


, ..-






CZSO SUBSCRlPTIor. PRICE, One> Year . . . ADVERTISING RATE8 FURNISHED ON EDITORIAL OFFICEl 600 0RANDBI3 THEATER BUILDING, 6I0UX CITV OFFICE-JEWISH COMMUNITV CENTER PRINT CHOP ADDRESS—5504 SO. e4,TH OTBEBT DAViD BLACKER • .Business s a d Managing Editor FRANK R. AOKERMAN * '• • > • • Editor LEONARD NATHAN • • • • Associate Editor RABBI FREDERICK COHN ••''•-. • ^Contributing Editor UABB1 THEODORE N . L E W I S • • • Booll Editor ANN P I L L . . . Sioux City. Iowa, Correspoadeat

Jewish Philanthropies—1938/

. .

to be mounting in the world, and the world seems helpless, ing practically his complete -writCOMMUNITY CALENDAR "From heaven they shall protect Treasurer of Lawyers Guild ings, seven stories including the you," exclaimed Rabbi Jose. "I even if not indifferent. Are there no good men left - - aremost famous and best known Friday, April 1 wonder whether the government Chess class: 4 p. m., recreation Washing:. D. C. (WXS) — Ma"Where To?" and several letters, there no heroes today as there were in the past, supposed to •will not Jewish Community C jor Julius L. Peyser ot Washingto be highly reassured. It gives us be an inferior past, left far behind in our steady march of [Scrolls." Rabbi Chanina then Ion was Pier red treasurer and IsWEEHTOF AFRHI S a truthful portrayal of the rich progress? Are there no nations willing to take the lead, even and varied world of rabbinic Jusadi, "Rabbi Jose, what will be- aac Heller or \ev.- -Orleans one Young Judaea: 2 p. m., Eoor I come of me in the world fo ni il>? nine vice-presidents of the though it should cost them something, in behalf of elemental daism — of its intolerance, dogM, Jewish Community Center. j come?" Rabbi Jose asked him, Xa.nor.Kl Lp.wyors Guild at the right and humanity? Have we fallen so low that no one ismatism and uncompromising iaJunior council: 2:30 p. m,I "Did not some meritorious acts closing session of its annual consistence upon ritual conformity, _ „ . _ , .. willing to raise a hand, hardly to lift up his voice? Morris L. Krnst, Hara . | come to your hand?" thereupon ; ven.'iou. but also of the consolation, I * ° ° " K E n f i L - J e w i s h Ccmr ity Cente , fce answered. "The money which ' ry Sacber. Flmi! Prhlesinger Is. . . . it gave to . il\* ppnrpr Surely things cannot go on thus forever. Brave men must strength and sanctity A. 2. A. No. 1: 2:30 p. m.A1 Prepared to celebrate Pui-im. I , adore Polier grid Albert Wald, all assert themselves and arouse other brave men to assert and its faithful followers -who lived Room C and D, Jewish Commun- erred thinking that it was of the : of Xew York, -were named memheroically, and on a high raoral exert themselves in behalf of right and justice - - else it were and spiritual level. chanty treasury. And I hare dis- . burs of the executive board. ity Center. Omaha Hebrew Club dance: S j tributed it to the poor, nnti I have better that the world should disappear, that a comet should S. J. Agnon, the foremost connot collected back from the charp. xa., Central club. I-loly Scrolls, will take revenge blow it into oblivion. A prominent churchman asserted the temporary Hebrew novelist is utBoard of Governors? 10 a. in., ity." "If go." answered. Ilabbi for me e.lso. Hi? disciples said terly asd happily free from all other day that our civilization is _not worth saving. That is inner stress and spiritual con- lodge ' room, Jewish Community Jose, "I wish that m y sharp lo him. "Kablii. open your mouth should be like yours." It vas said an indictment of our civilization, of the .present condition of flict. He does not know the bit- Center. that in a few days Rabbi Jose so that the fire should catch Monday, April 4 affairs throughout the world. But civilization must be saved, terness of religious doubt, the died and all the' great men" of yon." To which lie replied, "It is gnawing pain of skepticism. H<?


Guild rehearsal: 7:S0

better that my mnil be taken by

Rome came to his funeral, lam- Him who gsve it to me and not it can be saved, if the t r u l y civilized nations will take t h e lead, , f g& o a £ o r E l i l l g J Jew, ew> lMns n j p . m., Jewish Community Center. is a cconforming living jin A good deal of pre-drive activity, .itself a harbinger of if good a n d noble men will call their ^ e p p l e s t o rally around j Palestine and,finding his themes Club Leaders' meeting: 7:so p. enting greatly. On their return that I rr.yselC-6ha.il cause it an they found Rabbi ChaniiSa study-

concerted efforts to follow, testifies that emergencies both the cause of right , to make effective effort on behalf of right- and inspiration In the joyous m.t lounge room, Jewish Com- i n g the Torp.li publicly with the earlier death." though hard life of the Jews es- munity Center. H here and abroad have not found the local Jewish .community eousness and justice. Evil must not be permitted to flourish pecially in his hands. He was , •• • • — df the Hassidim, in the Workmen's Loan meeting: Sp . j °r iT E Serous te aD r ' " - p r f fTf. napping. and increase in the world, it must be curbed, repressed, sup- Polish villages whom he knows m., R o o m C a n d D , J e w i s h C o m - IH* ol? Sl c r o .E? e n r a r p e d i n - t h e j j t v i .unitv Center. . 7 " . ™<± surrournlefi ! " '' " l " U t Center. Already the organization for the annual Philanthropies pressed, and destroyed. If evil uses force to bring.about its intimately and whose religious munity with branches of trees. which B'nai B'rith meeting: 8 p. m., he well understands. were kindled, and tufts of wool drive is toeing completed. "Workers are being chosen and arenefarious ends, right must employ superior force to outmatch, philosophy Being a superb story teller, he islodge room -Jewish Community soaked in water were placed on learning of their responsibilities^ All is nearing readiness for resist, and conquer evil. Force is not iniquitous in itself; it de-Interested in his characters chief- Center. Hazomir Choral society: 9 p.his chest .that he shall be torthe consummation-of the annual fund-raising campaignVto pends upon the use to which i t is put. And if men employ ly as human beings, and is oblivtured for a iong time, end. when ious to the obscure motives that m.. Room K and L, Jewish Com- his daughter said to him. "Fabenefit institutions of the city, nation, and world. force for evil, other men are justified to use force against them, driv.es them, on to the validity of munity Center. ,r.f <oirj'e) ther, is it just, what I see done An integrated policy of efficient giving has been insti- to over-power them and thwart them. Right must be made their beliefs. These he takes for i Tuesday, April 5 with you?" He answered, "If I society: 1 p. ra.. Room were burned alone it would be tuted by mean3 of the Philanthropies organization. Wasteful mighty, militantly strong; wickedness must be weakened in granted, even subscribing to !c aDeborah F f v i ' n"-'ir'e« and nc D "o>-,.rr!pr>t o f F e s duplication of time and effort have given way to an orderly every way, the fangs of the serpent drawn that its poison may them in large part. He invests j t e r * - Jewish Community Cen- j h ' a r d that I am e CRncly, the daily experiences of humble j ! burned in conjunction with the i method of raising and distributing funds. The potential donor not infect and kill. * 1 Holy Scrolls, I am sure that He Residence trQ'B Ho, 50th and poor Jewish folk with an ex- j Beth-El dinner: 6 p. m., audi-' is not harassed and bewildered by a procession of collectors; GLENDALX Slt72 Since jj toriutn, Jewish Community Cen-' who will take revenge for the j f g Too long have we been obsequious to the terrible evil traordinaryy significance. the member agencies are spared the effort of following each mounting steadily in the world, growing stronger day by day: Agnon, himself, has never exper-J t e r Guild rehearsal: 7:30 other around in hopes of favorable responses. A single cam- of which Germany's criminal doings in the world are the most ienced the tragedy of spiritual j Center conflict, he is unconscious 'Of its ! P- m - - Jewish Community Center. V a a d paign takes care of over thirty groups. auxiliary: 2:15, B'nai conspicuous horrible example. How long shall we permit the existence. His stories, and ten of | synagogue. Never has a public been more affected by events pertain- dictators to wreak their brazen wills upon a seemingly im- them appear here, describe Jew- Israel Wednesday, April 6 . ish life, customs and superstiing to world Jewry, and never has a public been more^ aroused potent humanity f • Let us show them that we are not cowed, tions without any critical ap- [ Ladies' Free Loan society tea: by and shown more concern for the fate of Jews abroad. Aid or cowards. President Roosevelt's and Secretary Hull's recent proach. He shows how the hope < 3 P- m., lodge room, Jewish Combecomes not a supplication, b u t a dire necessity. The need to act in proclaiming America again a refuge for the persecuted and the faith of traditional Ju- j munity Center. daism, which Feurberg prized so j Center Guild rehearsal: 7:30 strengthen local ties also becomes increasingly apparent. . of the earth was most refreshing and inspiring, as a seeming dearly and yet was forced to re- j P- m-> Jewish Community Center, Have Curtains The obligation is placed upon the shoulders of the citizens earnest of a more active attitude of the good and great on ject on intellectual grounds, sus-1 International Workers' Order: tains and preserves the impoverS p. m., Room C and D, Jewish and-Drapes Expertly of the community. In the response that obligation will be behalf of elemental decency and outraged right. ished, hounded, Jews. S. J . Ag- Community Center. accepted and met. Thursday, April J Cleaned by EVANS' Let the respectable nations of the world break off diplo- noa makes the life of even the most oppressed of Ghetto Jews Center Guild rehearsal: 7: SO matic relations with nations whose inhuman and criminal acts somewhat tolerable, and occas- p. HI., Jewish Community Center. i In Evans' special curlain deLands of Refuge have put them beyond the pale of respectable society. We sionally joyous. His mastefy of Junior Hadassah meeting: g p. partment, curtains -ure measMore as a diplomatic slap at an insolent Nazi face than confine idiots, we segregate the insane, we arrest and punish the Bible, and Jewish literature, ra.. Room C and D, Jewish Com- ured, carefully "washed, then Center. a practical solution of the refugee problem was the state de- criminals; shall we permit malefactors a thousand-fojd more aud his apt quotations. Biblical j munity B o v and otherwise, make the.reading Scouts meeting: S p. ra., remeastired (no pins are tised). partment's request for the democracits of the world to grant dangerous to .strut about the earth, and work havoc ^nd ruin of his works a continuous plea-1 l°&£e room, Jewish Community Beautifully finished by band nroinng. No extra charge for sure. For true pleasure, read Ag- Center. haven to the victims'of the Reich terror. . \ upon a collosal and irremediable scale? coming. Friday, April S non. For intellectual stimulus, While sentiment in this country has been aroused against The world will yet come to its senses. The extremity of turn to Feurberg, the sensitive, Chess class: 4 p. m., recreation, the methods of the Nazis and their barbaric treatment of theits forbearance will be reached, the bounds of its patience ex- mystic, spirit, a brooding and room, Jewish Community Center. WEEK OP APRIL 10 Jews and Christian non-Aryans, still it is unlikely that the hausted. Even expediency will not deter it, at the sacrifice wandering soul, who found peace Sunday, April l o people of this country • will greet any influx of immigration of all manly character and the true values of life and of civili- and quiet only ia death. Omaha Hebrew clnb: 3 p. m., RUFFLED CURTAINS with approval. Publiq opinion has been conditioned to re-act zation. Emerson's great word will be Realized and acted upon: lodge room, Jewish Community Center. unfavorably to any attempt to open the immigration barriers Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can A. Z. A. Xo. 100 lecture: S p. and not even the appalling outrages of the Nazis will break bring you peace but the triumph of principle." m., Room C and D, Jewish Comdown the resistance. Economic conditions being what they are munity Center. - - Frederick Cohn. the -mention of bringing in more people will be looked upon Xoaday, April 11 Ask tlie Evans Routeman Ts'crkmen's Loan meeting: S with askance. . . for an estimate on Nor is it likely that Germany will cooperate in any such cleaning'. Center, enterprises. I t realizes the plan was the attempt of our govi '"Center Guild Dress rehearsal: Chronicle Prints Statements cf i S p. m., Jewish Community Cenernment to show its disapproval of policies, that have shocked • Eabbi Cohn and Wn, \ ter. the civilized world. More likely it will create antagonisms Dy 0 3 . TEEODOSE N. LEWIS y r Holsman and the Reich will show its defiance Hitler, i t must rememCenter Players g-cild: '"Import, Efoast lisa! Xezap!^ SIoos CStj bered, is not a rational human being, but an hysterical Comments by two Omahans, ance of Eeir.g Earnest:" ?: SO p. Rabbi Frederick Cohn and Will- m., Jewish Community Center. paranoiac. • . Werlnesctcy, April i s "STORIES AND LETTERS" Ism, is the burden of all his -writ- iam Holzman, on the question of Despite Goering's ravings that Austria must be purged BY M. Z. FEURBERG. 149 ings. Dr. Klausner describes this the Partition of Palestine have Center Players jrv.ild: "Importof its Jews, the German government has no intention of see- PAGES. "STORIES" BY S. J.Irrespresible conflict, this enorprinted in the Jewish Chron- ance of Being Earnest:*' ?:CC 7. mous spiritual chasm, with peneAGNON". PUBLISHED BY THE icle of London, the oldest Anglo- m., Jewish Community Center, ing a population of over 200,000 persons, plus an additional Thursday, April 14 trating and sympathetic insight. | Jewish newspaper. METZ FUND. 223 PAGES. ~ 600,000 non-Aryans,. removed. Years of discrimination have Passover. There ia av*cblossal difference While rebelling against the rig- Rabbi Cohn is quoted £S sayFriday, April 15 not completely eliminated the Jews from the economic life of between the Hebrew writers of our, the intolerance and the in- ing: "I am not a Zionist; but to Passover. flexibility of rabbinic theology, the Haskalah era and that of the partition and therefore to disthe country. Moreover their presence in Austria assures a COMING EVENTS and this differ- he is still deeplyeattached there- member Palestne seems to me an steady stream of foreign currency of which the Reich is badly post-Haskalah, Sunday, Apr;! 3 ence is strikingly revealed by to, loves it •with tender love. His unpardonable crime, a calamity



in need.

, ... < ' •


•''< • '

these two hooks, and by their au-

masterpiece "Lean—Where To?" for the whole world. Palestine is

Omaha Kehrew Club as.)

Klausner correctly terms "an more than a geographical entity, p. m., Central club. However it ia significant that the United States is willing thors. Both Feurberg and Agnoii outpouring of the soul." It is that Tuesday, April r> are important figures in modern a land to settle Jews or othto inspire a chorus of disapproval. Hitherto this government Hebrew. Both represent, definite and a' most poignant one. The even ers in, even to reconstitute as a Beth-El dinner: 6 p. m.. suiihas abstained from interfering in the internal affairs of an-tendencies and expressions in theme is the irreconciliable bat- State or a Nation. It has its his- ! \°lium' - ^ i s h Cemnmnu tle, the death struggle between torical.-its romantic, its religious, ter. other nation. It is to be hoped that the wave of popular in- Jewish life, and derive their lit- two opposite worlds, the^world of erary themea and inspiration s e n t m e n t a l associations. dignation that has "swept the world will impress itself upon from Jewish religious ideals, be- rabbinic Judaism and that of and Ladies' Free Loan society t? 'Man does not live by bread the Nazis. liefs, and Traditions. And, yet,Western civilization, with its sec-- alone.* Hamlet is one of the 3 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Cc.


the contrast is sharp and vivid, ular and anti-religious ideals. world's dramatic masterpieces, musity Center. April s. c, 7 Feurberg'being one of the most How to reconcile these two an- but what would it be with the Vaad Rummage sale: 16 Scu Important representatives of thetagonistic worlds — utimately Prince of Denmark left out? literature and epoch, impossible — weighs lieayily, op- What is Zionism without Pales- Thirteenth street. " ^ N o muffled roll of military drums, no measured tread of Haskalah ang Agnon p, foremost figure in pressively, upon the distressed tine?— and a mutilated Palesmourning statesmen accompanied to their last refuge the two the post-Haskalah, modern He- spirit of Feurberg. April 32 cril ITtine is virtually no Palestine, a The Centrr Players puil.-: prethousand Jews who since the invasion of Austria took their brew, period. All of Feurberg's writing deal wounded and a dying Palestine.,_ | sent "Importance ci Ec;:.; H£rslives rather than live under the swastika. , The major feature of Feurberg j w ith this pressing and tragic By all means let some arrange S:30 and ot his few but unusual stor- theme, which achieves epic pro- ments be made with the , Arabs niusity Center. So appalling has been the number of deaths—suicides and Palestine — les Is rebellion, non-conformity, j p 0 r t lo n s in . his masterpiece who also cherish murders—among the members of the Jewish community, that skepticism. His brief but infin- j "Lean." The hero Nachman, the that. Solomon's ironic proposal the communal organizations have ceased publishing lists of the ltely tragic life Is movingly des-J son of a rabbi, is seized with ath- have not to be taken and the crlbed In the introducton to theelsm on the very eve of Kol Nid- babe murdered." dead for fear of arousing the wrath of the Nazi rulers. Mr. Holzma'n's statement as volume -written by Dr. Joseph re in the Synagogue and under These men and women were not nameless figures in theKlausner of the Hebrew Univer- an insane impulse, desecrates published by the Chronicle is: "I .great mass of humanity. In too many cases they were not sity at Jerusalem. His father was this holiest of days, bringing believe that there should not be ®T D r . P humble individuals, but were people of prominence who have a pious, learned and fiercely in- upon'his father and himself inef- a Partition; furthermore, that tolerant Jew who regarded his fable tragedy. The spiritual and the Holy Land and all cf it contributed to the reputation of Vienna, who have made it onenon-comformlng son with hatred ' BIBLE moral struggles of Nachman, a should be under the sovereignty of the foremost. cities of the world of science. Included on and dread, an attitude common protype for the author, are typ- of some powerful nation, for ex- They that repay evil fcr go England and that the are my adversaries, bacause ical of many of the leading Hask- ample, those death lists were men and women who were interested in among the zealous of the age ample, E g d en- follow the thicg that is (rood. towards the youths who drank alah figures, and • is the burden of Mandate should be used and naught but the well-being of mankind the world over. Behold Thou hast i i j c u ^ c i.t> v \ from the cup of the Haskalah, much of their writing. The agon- forced rC<JU by t* j rEngland. jllglttiiUi t -~— — — *»-i*. *.**U*J. iifci^o . For them there was no gratitude. Thev worked and toiled and as a result repudiated ortho- izing break between the old and* I believe firmly that Partition | days as hand breaths, and my age j hoping for security and peace that would enable them to do doxy. Ho persecuted him relent- the new becomes, in the case of •would not solve the question but j is as nothing before Thee, surely for his agnosticism and de- Feurberg, a source of personal would case considerable trouble." every man at his best estate is a finer job. Instead they became the victims of a new bar-fessly altogether vanity. secration of Jewish ceremonial grief and tragedy. He never probarian invasion. As once the armies of Germany,despoiled the and ritual. In this moral inabil- tests or Inveighs against rabbinSurely man walketh as a mere I HONOR DISCOVERER semblance for vanity they are ia i • great civilization that was Rome, today they are wrecking one ity to conform with the ortho- ical authority for' its dogmatism turmoil; he heapeth up riches, j of the strongest pillars in the modern scientific culture. Pain- doxy of his environment the au- and cruel intolerance, as so many OF BIPTBERIA and knoweth not who shall gaf.S- i thor finds his chief source of of the Haskalah epoch have done. TEST ful sacrifices have been in vain. er them. melancholy inspiration. Feurberg Feurberg, the mystic, fights a rebel not because he wants against, hates, his rebellion. He Happy is the man that Should today a roll of the world's great be called, a goodly Is New York (WNS) — Dr. Eela made the Lord his trust. to be or delights therein, but ijei lovingly return to the re- Schick, world-famous pediatric- h a . h n o { . t u r ^ e d portion could not answer. They have answered a greater roll cause fresh Intellectual convic- would ligion of his childhood if that tions, and a growing rationalism, were only possible. Anxiously, ian and discoverer of the Schick jg a R t > n o r u n t Q c.ac'a g B c a l L " . • • . •••.•••• : • • • • . . . • • " • ' . * . ' ..• ' . • - • • ' • . have captured his mind. Cold, mystically does he long for thetest for determining the suscept- I treacherously. y. destructive reason has destroyed faith of his childhood, the faith ibility to diptheria, was hailed ES TALMtTD "among the great benefactors of the old consoling faith, and the which %ave him peace, anchorage r Rabbis were taught: terrible, but infinitely simple, and hope. Gladly would be aban- mankind" by the New York Aca- ^ Rabbi Jose became By Babbi Frederick Cohn ' • theology. The overwhelming dis- don his dangerous heresies and demy of Medicine which coaferr- j chanina~caYie¥ ra"hS~ How long .'will tlie world permit the intolerable condition aster consists In the fearful dildisbelief, causing so much spir- ed upon him its gold medal os je r g a 5 d l o i..-_, of affairs existing throughout the world today? Will the emma that though he rejects the itual misery and disillusionment! the 25th anniversary c! the £»- ] brother, j c _ n world do nothing about itf-Is the/world indifferent? If so,old religious ~ system on moral But, alas, he is on a path from nouncent of ths test vrhicls is re- jt h i s E a t i ; 1_ -intellectual grounds, he still which there is BO return. garded as on** of the greates t ad- jea jy fiec-o " r- i - r : " that condemns the world.. A. callous world is a wicked world. and h clingB to it Emotionally, BtiU He died at the untimely age of vances in the conquest cf the that she r n If the world looks on while crime is committed, evil heaped craves for the God dreaded disease of childhood. pie cf Ir : -". his child- twenty-seven, in 19 00, after a life power, zz . .": upon evil, that speaks ill foe the moral character of the world. hood, for the' ectasy of prayer, of poverty, frustration, and grief. At th® outbreak cf tlie Epss.- \ No wonder the.t?orld is as it is if its moral character, is atfor the. peace of the Sabbath and But ho left behind a record, a isb-AEsricaa war a regiment of! the festivals, for the spiritual so- touching and. reverent testimonsuch a low ebb. "We cannot expect water to rise higher than lace- and strength the old religion ial, of the\ power and beauty afici Jews at New York • and aaather I trith you t i e ~ ; : ; icrc .? at •"its source - - nor the world's deeds to be any higlier than its gave freely and abundantly. holiness of that Judaism which at Philadelphia, all of them ZM times?" "From Heaven tsey This conflict between faith of his heart loved deeply but which seen service in the armies cf the I have mercy and protect me," inherent moral character. « innocent chiidhood, and between his mind rejected. For this rea- Czar, promptly offered their ser- Rabbi Chanica's answer. "I Men are begimiing to feel terribly; discouraged. Evil seems annihilating, crushing, Eceptlc- son is this small volume, contain- vices to President McKinlej. . "' 'giviEg you ressoas, s.n& you say,

The Roll Is Called


Gemc c? the and T

Left i The »p««facing Gibson I reez'rShetficay


• H o w Lpn'sTyCLordj How Long?

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THE JEWISH PBESS—FRIDAY, APBIL 1, SPENDS WEEK END IN LINCOLN Mrs. Ben Goffstein of'Albany, New York, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Shafton and.her sister. Miss Evelyn Shafton, spent the week end in Lincoln as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Max Levine.

Beth El Auxiliary To Take Censu The Ordaha Chapter of Hsdsssah Will hold a regular meeting Of 2 p. in. Wednesday, April 6 et


Junior Council

A ll!f"' nchecE E.E3 meeting cf tfee c in a 1 •: Tercple Israel Sisterhood trill be ! held on JMondar, April 4, at 1 the Jewish Community Center. The Beth El synagogue is i a v - j o'clock. This will be preeeeded by a 1 iing a congregational census cf vij Os the program will be a pier. o'clock board meeting. | tal statistics concerning every j "VTe "vralfc Together" wtiefc. tells The program for the rseeiiagj member of the Beth El Ccngre- j t i e story of a Germec family • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED GLTTMAX-PIZEB will consist of a symposium pre- {gation to be kept as a permanent i who here settled i- this country, i In a pretty home setting1, Miss Mr. A. Robinson of Los Angeles sented by Mr. Morton Margolin i record. . The census Trill be util- ! 'Members of' the cast are: "Mef- j even . Roseline Pizer, daughter of Mr. announces the engagrment of his The Cousins Club Trill meet at :and Mr. Haskel Lasere meza&ers ized in operating' Eethelgraias, j d t n e s Klitoc Abraham?. TZc.ws.va ! and Mrs. Simon Pizer, became daughter, Miss Dorothy Robinson of JL Z. A. 1 oa "The Partienisg : the bride of Mas M. Guttmati, son to Dr. .Arthur L. Kaslow, son of the home of H. Meyerson, 127 of Palestine.'; The presentation which have gained Instant popu- | Erofitey, Kobert Kosenthal. ,7i:Ilarity. South Eighth, Council Bluffs, on j ins Salomes, ESwiE Erodkey p-cci ' of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 'Guttman, Mrs. H. Kazlowsky of Omaha. of awards by the Medical Fund Bethelgrams may be tsed for > I. I. Solsnsn. Krs. Louis Lir-p is : ali of Omaha, a t 5 o'clock, last Miss Robinson is a resident of Thursday, Apjil 7. Chairman, Mrs. Julius Stein will all happy occasions as well as • 'directing' the play. j Tuesday afternoon. Los Angeles and will in June be be made during the meeting. The messages of condolence and mesI A board meeting will be helC , Rabbi David A. Goldstein, as- graduated from the University first award will be a round trip sages of cheer. Those wishing to | at 12. I sisted by . Cantor Aaron Edjjar, of California at Los Angeles. Dr. ticket first class to New Torli remember -with. Betcelgraci's I EeserT&tior.s msy te ES.SE t r performed the ceremony before Kaslow is working for his DocA regular meeting of the City or |10CL00 in cash; the secthe fireplace which •nras banked tor of Philosophy degree in en- Ladies Free Loan society "will be ond award will be a round trip should call Atlantic 0343 or Jack- i calli-ng1 3.1 rs. Clarence BersrmF.n. : with -white flowers and palms docrinology a t the University of held on "Wednesday, April 6,-at 2 ticket tourist class to New Tort son 7SS7. T i e message will re- j TTE-lcut £1S2. i and tall candelabra. Miss Louise California at Berkeley and start- p. m. at the Jewish Community City or $50.00 in cash. All mem- ceive prompt and courteous attention and will be forwarded s t Seidl played the harp> ing July 1 -will b'e associated with Center. bers are again requested to turn once to its proper destination. The bride wore peau d'ange iv- the University of California hosHostesses at a tea for the mem- in stubs before the meeting. The charge 5s twenty-five cents. ory lace over ivory satin. The pital and medical school clinics bers -will be Mrs.- H. Soskin and The most important business of Those assisting KrS. ' 'David | gown.was redingote style with a in San Francisco. Mrs. M. Zlotkin, who are honor- the meeting will be the submittAt one of the most importart ! BFvi--i" B Brodkey, chairman of the Eethel- 'meetings of the year, Sunday r.f- l berg' long train, the collar tailored, ing their niece, Heleyn Shryer of c^ ing of a slate for the Ha&assah An early summer wedding is and the long sleeves, tight from Hastings, Neb.,- whose engage- election to be held in May. This' j gram committee are: Kesfiames ! ternooE Aleph GoSol Morris Ar- , ' ]_ the elbow, were finished in. points planned. ment to Jack Lederman of Grand will be presented by the Nomin- Dave Cohft.'J. J . Greenbcrg, Teg I bitman will appoint,the r-ew coin- i Kole, Sylvan Block, Bertha Ellis, over the hand. The ivory tulle Island was recently announced. ating Committee comprised of ! rcittees and their ctairmeii to | veil cascaded into train length. KRIEGLER-KIRSHEXBAUM ' All members are cordially in- Mrs. J. J. Friedman, Chairman, Henry Eelraont, Art Coin, Her- ! hold office until July 1. man Cohen, Isidore Abrahamssn, It was caught to a coronet of ENGAGEMENT TOLD Tited. Mrs. Oscar S. Belzer, Mrs. Julius Reuben Bordy, SEEI Elotcky, Mas | A report of the Des Jloines '• A roec fresh gardenias. The bride carMr. and Mrs. Max Kirshen| District G Convention, which was claer.. Gr Plans are also going forward Bisno, Mrs. Herman Cohen, Mrs. Seymour | held March l P - ; i , will be celiv-j April ". ried a'white 3ible with a shower baum announce the engagement for the card party to be held on Isadore Dansky and Miss Fanny Canar, Lou Canar, Cohn, Joe Goldwere, and. -Abe i erefi By' Arbitman wio was" the [ Commun: of gardenias. of their daughter, Rose, of Los Sunday evening, May 8. Mrs, S.Grodinsky. Roffinan. official delegate. j here bee Mrs. Hubert Sommer who at-Angeles, to Mr. Joseph Kriegler, Fish, chairman, has selected the JEWISH NATIONAL FUND Jilernber; of the Mother Chap- | sent. tended the bride wore white lace also of Los J»ngeles,'~son of Mrs. following to be on the ticket comHadassah members are worki ter who participated in the A. Z. \ Import over satin and a corsage of talis- David Kriegler of New York City. mittee: Mesdames J. Milder, "Wil- ing diligently towards passing VAAD BIBLE CLASS ! A. Sabbath serrjces last Friday : discussed man roses. No definite date has been set liam Milder, D. Schwartz, M. the $700.00 Jewish National | were Aleph G-occ-1 Arbitraac and i Tatle, H. Friedel. A. Wolf, Her- Fund goal on which they started A high tea" for members of the for the wedding. man Cohen, J. Finkel, R. Roit- March 27 at the beginning of the Because of Passover the nest j Alephs Joe Eornstein, Haskell two families followed the wedstein, L. Morgan, "William Kuk- drive. Any Hadassah member not meeting of the Taad Bible. Class I Lazere, and La2i«r- Sicker. The ding ceremony. ANNOUNCE BETROTHAL will not take place until Wednes- j attendance at the B'n&i Israel Among the out of town guests , Mr. and Mrs. John Brodkey of lra, S. Schneider, J. Goodbinder, included ou the Jewish National day, April 27. ! Synagogue at which services were were Sam '. Winkelman of "Wau-Sioux City have announced the J. Spiegal, J. Weiner, M. Seiner, Fund Box roll ia requested to call At the last meeting en March j conducted ' WEE about four hunsau, Wisconsin, great uncle of engagement a n d approaching J. JCirshenbaum, A. Weiner, G. one of the following captains: 23, Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein dis- i dred. the bride; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Piz- marriage of their daughter, Frie- Berg, S. Epstein, L. Rubenstein, Mrs. M. F. Levenson, "Wa. 0S50, cussed Passover. Following the e- of Denver Colorado; Mr. and dell, to Max Resnick, son of Mr. H. Rothtovitz, S. Mogil and H.Mrs. Louis Alberts, "VTa. 9595, class Mrs. M. L. Hurwitz arid' Mrs. Sidney Robinson of 'Walt- and Mrs. H. A. Resnick of Oma-Adelstein. Mrs.tVm. Alberts, At. 0379, Mrs. Mrs. Frank Marks were hostesses GARBEM CLUB hill, Nebraska; and Mr. and Mrs. ha. Others on the committee are: Jack Kaufman, Ka 0962, or Mrs. at tea. Meyer Lipshutz, Mr. and Mrs. Mesdames J. Ban, H. GUBS, M. Joseph Rosenberg, Ja. 1042. Women interested in the class | Miss Brodkey attended Morn- Ackerman, B. Nepomnick, J . HelThe Garden Club sponsored by , Morey Lipshutz, Miss Bess LipINVITATION are invited to attend the nest ! the Council -of Jewish. ¥ o c e n '• ingside college a t Sioux City. shutz, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton man, M. Rosenstein, P. H. Miller, A special invitation is made at meeting. "' ' Mr. Resnick attended Creigh- A. Shapiro, H. Gerber, H. Camel, j met Tuesday Et the home of Mrs. Mushkin, all of Sioux City. this time to members of HadasI Sara "Wolf. •' I Mr. Guttman and his bride left ton University and is a graduate A. Witkin, A. Herman, H. Dol- sah and especially to those beafter the ceremony for a motor of the University of Chicago. goff, S. Klayer, J. Miller, M. Zlot- longing to H a J a s s a h •BETH EL AUXILIARY I The nest meeting will be held i ! Study trip south with New Orleans as kin, H. Soskin, I. J. Soskin, L. Groups, to attend a dramatic | on Tuesday, April 5, at the home < \ their destination. They plan to JOSLTN MEMORIAL Ellis, C. Sharevitz, L. Kraft, M. presentation of the Twentieth A meeting and dessert lunch- of Mrs. Fhilip ICiutznict, ISIS ; \ be gone two weeks. For her goingOn Sunday, April 3, 1938, atMinkin, M. Colton, J. Linden- Zionist Congress, by the members eon will be held by the Beth El South Eighty-third. Topic cf die- | j away outfit, Mrs'. Guttman wore 2:30 p. m. in the Concert Hall, baum, N. Levinson and A. Cutler. of Rabbi David A. Goldstein's Auxiliary on Wednesday, April I c'JEEioE will be "The Central Fea- \ j a cherry red suit on classic lines a piano recital will be given by Bether High School Group to be13. At this time officers for the ture and Its Entrs.cement in Re- j j with long box coat. Sweater and Miss Evelyn Faulk, assisted by gard to- Garden Beauty." I f given 8 p. m. Friday, April 1 atcoming year will bo nominated. gloves were of chamois and ac- Frederick J . Knoll, Baritone. At BETH EL ONEG SHABBOTH the Jewish Community Center afcessories were black. 3:30 p. m. in the Lecture Hall, The Pre-Passover Oneg Shab- ter services. This shpald be of Mr. Paul H.' Grummann will lecboth of the "Beth El Auxiliary vital interest to Hadassahans be-' ture on the opera "Marta" by ANXOr?fCE BIRTH will take place on Saturday, cause • the Palestine partitioning Mr. and Mrs. D. Bogdanoff, Flotow, followed by excerpts April 2, at 2 p. m. at the home of will be explained. formerly of Omaha, now of St.from the opera under the direc- Mrs. Dave Conn, 113 South FifJoseph, Missouri, announce the tion of Mmei Thea. Moeller- ty-fifth street. birth of a daughter, Roberta Herms. An organ recital' will be GOLDIE MYERSON given a t 4 p. m. in the Concert According to Mrs. David GoldPhyllis, on March 22. stein, chairman of the EducationHall by Mr. Martin W. Bush, asA tea was given by Goldie sisted by Miss Gladys Hamstreet. al Committee, this will be an op- Jlyerson Club on Tuesday, March •y Patronize Our Advertisers portunity for all who are interested in arranging a beautiful 29, at the Jewish Community and instructive . Seder, to get Center. A report on the luncheon some helpful ideas. All present given in honor of Hessia Kuperwill be asked to contribute sug- mlntz was read by Mrs. J . Richlin. gestions. WITH CREA!-: / D'SE Following1 ths meeting Morris Minkin discussed Jewish Affairs. Patronize Our Advertisers The next meeting oJ the organization 'will be held on. Tuesday, April 26.

n of the Ntetinr r>t


\ X\\ U t'i 11"5.

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* • Ivor--PnK

Ladies* Free Loan

n u l l JWW-


A. Z. A. 1





The regular meeitng of the Vaad Auxiliary will be held on Tuesday, April 5, at the B"nai Israel Synagogue, at 2:15. Following the business sessions, Rabbi Milton A. KopsteLa will esplain the significance of the Seder rituals.







Be Purchased From Your Grocer or Kouteraan

is! i mj

{•He perfocf

y, y\ i

Knes thai fit




i -1

Starting at 8 P. M. it th<




1OTH a n d DOUGLAS Visit our strictly 'Delicatessen. You'll find a Jarge variety of testy Kosher foods -at very low prices. Separata knives, slicers cssd scales are used ffer Kosher products. Take advantage cf these values for,. Saturday's selling;:







SALAMI or WIENERS, Feinberg's Kosher, Pound . . . . . . . . . . . .

BREAKFAST BEEF, Feinberg's "Kosher Bacon" C ^ % -Ib. pkg. <5*"

We are. plea'se'd to 'annotmce tHat RoHerfa Dairy Products again will be KOSHER for PASSOVER just as these products Have been offered, to our many Jewish friends andcustomers on thl» Holiday for the past nine years. . •" . s


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CORNED BEEF, fancy ff^ Brisket, Ib. . . . . . . . . ^^

2027 Dodge Street PASTROMI, Fancy Kos&er, Ib. . . ..


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SALAT»1I or WIENERS, * Chicago's Best, _ ^I'ifUiS! s Pound . . . . . . . . . . . . SMOKED SALMON, Fancy, Ib. . . . . . . .

WHITE FISH, • Smoked CSraBs, I b . , . .


SMOKED TONGUE, 0 5 ^ |i | Fancy Kosler, Ib. . . . **s*"'i*||"5

fi-C-S.48¥ MAHMNC

. . , V f«*


, Page 6

from the mouths or pens of an I would have lost my head. This cles . . . Incidentally, New York Shabboth to be held the home of of the annual Shrine CITCUB at crie of"the above-listed gentlemei way, I get seven years longer to City has one lawyer to every 372 Mrs. David Cohn. The after- Shrine Circus to Ak-Sar-Ben coliseum. The first who despise Hitler and his hen eh live,, and who knows what may prospective clients (including ba- noon's program will feature a Feature Famed show will be Mondav night and oooo men'.;. . Rabbi Wise, for exam- happen in seven years: The Sul-bies) . . . P r o f . Harold Laski of demonstration and talks on how Animal Trainer every night through Saturday. ple,'speaking of Hitler, has sai< tan may die,- or I may die, or, if London will be teaching at'Teach- to beautify the Seder and other — j There viil be e. fipecia! matinee the following words a thousan God so wills it, the dog may die." ers' College, Columbia, for a.'h'slf Passover observances. If Clyde" Beat-i W e f i n e B " ? -r ^-fren 4,000 shut-ins year" beginning next. September, times if. he has. said them once ON* .THE BLUE DANUBE given him bythe natives.of th< r 1 ty, T= orIcI-farsaoEs anirna,! trainer, ' v i a he epeeje.1 guests of Tangier PASSOVER: If the kneidlach we learn ••. , His classes-will have • - - - TEMPLE Major Fey, Austrian anti-Nazi, Sudan . . . While' Paul Muni wa. "Only a madman could believe can outsmart for', five more years Temple, There - yrl\\ be 8, second . Tonight Rabbi David record attendance . . ..Irish Jews H. TTice that oppression and terrorism you eat during Pesach are a bit who committed suicide after kill- in Vienna he earned the undying speak on "Our Personal the lions &nd tigers with which matinee e.t 2 p, m,' Esturday. Ing his sou and wife did so be-gratitude of all destitute and un-could extinguish in a people love tough and unyielding, don't.com- who -marched in the.. green-clad will he will appear at the Shrine circause Mra. Fey waa of Jewish employed actors, by staging a re- of their inherited nationality.. plain . . .Because, as legend has ranks on March 17. were heard to. Lives in Today's World. cus in Omaha beginning next Regular Saturday morning serKE.rs.ites oi Russia were origin and subject to Nazi .indlg- vival of an. Ibsen play, playing European history shows that sue: it, the whole institution of kneid- mingle their "Erin-go-braghs ;-with vices are held at 11. Monday he'will retire to a ifje of notThe 1 suhject to discrimination'-henlties . . . Tho real reason forth© the leading role and turning the methods can generate only tana- lach is symbolical of the clay "Happy -St.- -PuMss's- Day" ease and safety. Nest week Sisterhood Sabbath • .arrest of Prof. Heinrich Neu- proceeds over to the needy stage- tlcism." Yet .that phrase is taken used by the Jews In bondage in The s s c a to you . . . That's the goal of the interpid cause of the theory they had ,emibe observed. mann, 'world-famous eye, ear,fold . . . That, was in addition to from-a. speech by Hitler . . . . Am making bricks for Pharoah. . , Beatty (he's only £0 years old) grE.tet from r^lestlne before the nose- .and throat specialist, was a healthy cash contribution . . Mr. LaGuardia- has uttered word I who has been eppJaudefi by mil-Cfcristif.n ere find therefore could .. • VAAD - Nazis' anger at him for his re-And some weeks before the t r t quite similar to these, which, in MISH-MASH: Rabbi Abraham j lJoas for his d&ricg feats of r.p- not here- participated in the CruMen's Club night will be obcifision. • credible as it sounds; were spok J. Feldnian of Hartford shouldn't ' fusal two years ago to operate on umpbal entry of Hitler . . . served at the late rerrices tonight j pearlcg jn tfce same steel cage en by Addled-a-bit Adolf In ex complain . . . By being shoved off Hitler's threat lest the operation THIS AND THAT » VL j with ferocious lions and tigers. with Paul Veret, -executive direcfail and German Jews be held to the air the other day by. the HitAs a historian Dr. Salo Baron plaining the rape of Austria . . tor of. the- Jewish Community , Many thousands of circus fans, | Three Jluscian Gcvernor-Gen"Impossible for,a great nation be , blatae. ler speech from Graz, the rabbi the eminent "authority on the Center, ES guest sepaker. His young^and old alike, are eagerly j erals' protested r ^ i n s i Nichola* It's.almost unbelievable, but in Jewish past, ' h a s - come across cause'it was unworthy of it, to made page one of the nation's • BETH Eli • subject will be "Watchman Vv'tet awaitiEg-Beatty £,nd the opening I's f.nti-Jevrlsh policy. proclaiming tho annexation of some: strange things, but we'dwitness continually how a peopl pres3 . . . Which he never would At services, tonight members of of the Night." Mas FroznkiB, Austria Hitler shrieked that "only like to call his attention to a of the same nationality were op- have done with his.scheduled ad- High School III of the religious president of the Men's Club, will a madman could believe- that op- premature announcement of his pressed, persecuted and impris- dress . . . Morris L. Ernst's cou- school will present the addresses preside. Rabbi Milton A. Kop' pression and terror could per- own demise- which' appears on oned merely-because of their race sin, Eleanore, is doing a splendid given a t ' the . Twentieth Zionist stein will conduct the services manently rob the people of their page 58 of-the new so-called their declaration .of faith' in this job of publicizing the Jewish Congress. Tfcese" addresses sum- and Cantor A. Schwaczkiu will love for their hereditary nation- "Who's Who-in American Jewry" nationality and their embracing Theological Seminary . . ..She's a marize-the problem of the parti- officiate. Members of the Ausality"-and exclaimed: "I hope all . . . O n that page appears a line of an ideal" . . . Smith College >rad . . . Hlter tion ..of Palestine aad ' presenting nations recognize from -what faap- rending; "BARON," SALO, prof. and social following the services. came to Vienna, they're-saying, "Both fiidesT ' pened here tho folly of oppress- Deceased. See 1928 edition" Junior Congregation services Participating will be Beth KulVIENNESE: In the midst of because Dr. Heinrich Neumann, ing'.'their national minorities" . . . A new organization calling itself tragedy, the Viennese Jew could the famous ear specialist, had re- akofsky, James Lipsey. Frances are held on Saturdays at .10 a. mete line cf nc%r ILrlAizii Amen, Adolf . . . Wonder, whether Names", has been form- still get in a sardonic chuckle or fused to come to Berlin to treat Osoff, Kosalyn Rosen, Rose Gold- .IS., Mrs. Karry Crounse will be v-^T-rAustria will taboo the new ffve- "Famous hostess to the children this Sattures at two . . . As for instance . . . An him . . . Canadian Prime Minister stein, Ruth Liada, Anne .Arblt-zz ir, c *•• r n "* siiit bridge game because it was ed in Cincinnati to track down Illustrated German newspaper ar- W. L. Mackenzie King is a close man, Bernice Crounse, . Helen urday. the origin of your name . . . F o r ' invented by a Viennese Jewish rived in Vienna with a picture of friend of an Ottawa kosher, deli- Minkin, Sylvia Brown, and . Bev- Father end Son services are : scientist, Dr. Marculin, and itsa fee of two bucks you can geta young "typically Nordic Ger- catessen store owner,. Barney- erley -Meadelsonheld on Sundays at S a. in. the complete history of your fam| rules; were drafted by Dr. Paul 4. VI -U Wcniea at the CoEgregatioa man" woman holding a smiling . . T h e two have-been ! Stern- of ; the Austrian champion ily monicker . . . That much pub- blonde baby in her arms . ... Cap- Weiss.. are urged to cone to the Ones Patronise Our Advertisers friends for twenty years . . . licized ''Jewish -night" on the *! bridge" team' . . About sixty years • ago,'by the way. Uncle Sam gotCanadian Broadcasting " System tJoned, "The Future of-the Ger- Weiss recently was ill in a hos. tough with Austria because she has fizzled out i.••, .:'; The- whole man People." . . . What stirred pital . . . Friend Mack telephoned •': refused to accept as American. program consisted'.of a couple of the Viennese funny bone was thedaily to inquire as to his condiwhich some fact that.the photo was feadily tion . ; . . Poland's exhibit at the •; minister a man who had a Jewish Russian, folk/songs' : one tried to palm off as Jewish identified as. that of Mrs.: Wolf- New York World's Fair will dei leife*,,';. . After some note-writing . | tHe minister was accepted . . . . . . Strangest; scene .In New ang von WeisI, wife of the Zion- pict her contributions to science LliptB of prominent Jewish doctors York's. St. Patrick's' Day parade ist" Revisionist leader, and her- ..Wonder if that "ghetto ;! Incvarious parts of the world who was the picture of ; B. i Charney self a Jewess and ardent Zionist. benches" invention will be inThere's a Jewish fish"iheld, degrees from Vienna medi- Vladeck, majority leader of the cluded PRIDE:- The above parable re- erman in Haifa who's the spittln* : cal'institutions will probably have City Council; and business manthem. canceled if the Nazis do in ager of the Socialist Jewish Dally minds us of the clever Jew, who, image of Hank Greenberg, DeAustria what they did in Ger-Forward, marching with the sons In discussing racial pride said: troit slugger . . . Hiram Mann, of Erin . . . The whole.city coun- "I am proud to be a Jew, because aegd lawyer who has -spent the cil paraded as a unit . . . He got even were I not proud I'd still re- best years of his life fighting to uP?T THE HOME FIELD the idea from reading about a main a Jew." . . . ohtain back pay for Navy- Yard : ;s-;;The biggest gathering of antl- Brotherhood Day program in San workers, writes in to say he wants ijSejnitjc-bigwigs in this country is Francisco, which was reported in PARABLE: Schuscbnigg's at- to address Jewish groups on ;j [scheduled for •Washington- on his Frisco paper . . . And talking titude, at Berchtesgaden was be-"America's Glorious Constituij&ugust 15th, when the German- of brotherhood, we have just ing explained in .Vienna,, before tion," talk which he's been glvAmerican Bund holds its natlon- learned, (that among our brethren he "Nazi coup, with the follow- ng for the past 20 years . . Jsfl convention there . . . E r n s t we may.'iumber: none other than ng parable . . . A sultan once Congrats to the Commission on ij(Ptitzi) Hanfstaengl, former Hit- Conde-Nast, the /famous publish- summoned a famed animal train- Jewish Education for printing ijler stooge, ia now in.'this coun- er of ritzy, magazines . . It seems er and said to him: "Look here, Joseph Zubin's excellent roundup ;Jry under an assumed name . . . •that he ..comes of :an old; French my dog wants to-talk to me. I of the law profession in America The > Nazi organizing campaign is Jewish family . . . But that's one can see it in his expression. He . Citing handicaps Jews in the -continuing, despite the so-callecT of the Ihings cartoonist Cecil wants to.talk to me-so badly that legal world meet, Dr. Zubin com••orders" from Berlin . . . New Beaton didn't know ; when he it hurts -him. Teach him to talk. ments, "A young lawyer with the units have just been formed in tried to s n e ^ . those anti-Semitic If you do, I will give you 10,000 potentialities of a Brandels • will goston, Akron, Erie, Rochester drawings Into Vogue,, a Conde elucats. If you don't, you will make his mark despite all obstaand Buffalo . . . And a new Nast magazine, last month . . . lose your head" . . ; . The animal camp is being established outside POT-POURRI [IllMffl!' . -trainer answered: "Your Majesof Memphis, Tenn . . . Did our Strange, the'. logic used by Dr. ty, of course I can teach your dog ;eyes deceive jis, or did the Unit- Weizmann: . .,.-- He doesn't like to talk. It takes time,, though. A ed-Press really run an ad for copy Dr. Wise's anti-Partition policy, baby takes two or more years to boyB, in Editor and Publisher, but has proposed him as the head Mrs. Zevitz, owner of t t e mewspaperdom's trade weekly, of the projected * American' com- learn to talk. A dog will take Ex>cel-sis\ Salon, is offerBald '"Christians'only" need mittee for, world Zionist politics, seven. Let me take the dog to ing you & FREE analysis TKe Nebraska Has the and lesson in the "carb at The Nebraska Has the . . Now that Uncle Sam's fo be - established: here . . . . The my Jboma and-inT seven y e a r a i the skin, as well as a jar Answer to What's New agents are on the trail, of Nazi American Zionists ;are- sending a will teach him to. talk" . . . The Answer to What's New of Lois Fair cleansing 3pies those American "patriotic" committee to>Sovipj Ambassador Sultan, agreed and the trainer in STYLE! cream. • -in'VALUE! took the dog home .;.v. When he racketeering outfits which nave with a -petition; ask- explained the situation to his wife been-in cahoots with the Nazis in Troyanovsky. WHATS NEW.in their Jew-baiting find themselves ing for the release.of a number she moaned and said: "But why WHATS Ex-cel-sis Salon in jail did you say you could teach the plotting against America . . . of^Zionists still reported : •* • ; New-York!' : in the Soviet Union . . . With 511 Brandeis Thea. Bide dog?" . . . Her patient spouse re-j Fabric Fe&iures! Among the letters of protest received by' Stanley Isaacs for ap-Austria Nazi and Czechoslovakia plied: "Well, if I said I couldn't j WHATS NEW in WEATS NEW in pointing a Communist to office In danger, the exiled German auwas one' from the Ku Klux Klan, thors like Thomas Mann, Steian JIAS683 L Hollywood! •P&ttern Development! printed in red ink . . . Landlords and Arnold Zweig, Franz Werfel, of-the swanky apartment houses etc., etc., will' have their works WHATS NEW in WHAT'S. NEW in iji^the vicinity of Torkville, Nazi appear directly; in 'English, with stamping ground in New York, no: German edition whatsoever . . wf London! are .pressing for legislation to curb the Nazis . . . B u t not be-.( Copyright 19 3 8 - By Seven Arts Frcaa every great clothes Feature Syndicate.) Prom every angle of good cauce they object to the N a z i s . . . clothes- making The Nestyle center'The Nebraska Tho -i landlords are - worried because. oome;of their higher-paying braska has it! has itt Yards and Show Rconis—!9£h and tenants are not renewing leases Tj'ecausa of the swastika nuisance tan their front yard . . , That Jewish .organization that protested tho - appointment of Major Radu Irimescu as Rumanian minister to the United States, because ho .:. . Shingle or Roll Types, Go had been a member of the Goga Right Over the Old . . . Affording cabinet could "have learned all about Irimescu from a certain Double Protection. Jewish member of the Stock Exchange who was. once identified PLAGIARISM: S. S. Wise with that Jewish organization . , ought to be-flattered . . . Also, Irimescu and the Jewish broker Mayor LaGuardia, Samuel Unterare -bosom pals . . . Clap hands meyer, Senator Wagner, William f or .' DriT" Morris' L. Hershman of Dodd, William Green, John LewChicago, whose prescription is . . . By one of the most astonblanks instruct pharmacists not ishing and flagrant gobs of plagtp.flll bis prescription with,Nazi- iarism ever tossed into the ether made ; drugs . , . The Philadelphia by a ; prominent tonsiltorturer . . . ^Manufacturers and' Bankers Club Said p. t.-t. being none other TraB the scene of a confidential than House Painter Coporalmeeting.- a t which the Rev. Ger-Chancellor-Fuehrer Adolf Hitler We look after all details, mater, ald K. Smith, Fascist organizer, . . . Who Incorporated bodily into ial, labor and financial plan. You harangued a couple of hundred his proclamation from Berlin on pay a little each month. NO poople . . . MONEY DOWN. the seizure lof Austria, whole pasSipREIGN FLASHES sages of out-and-out anti-Hitler Free, Call JA S0CO spoutings that might have come ijliord Halifax, England's proNazi .Foreign Secretary, has some important Jewish landsleit . . . His son recently married Ruth Pt-imrose, who is the granddaughter of Hannah Rothschild, daughter.of the founder of the English Rothschild family . . . Young Halifax's father-in-law mijt his death on a Palestine battlefield during the world war . . ..••Scholars are flocking to the German village of Konnersreuth tojjjatudy :the strange case of Tie'rese Neumann, a Christian See the Nev/iDouble-Brcaste'd-Stripes . . . the l\c~ - r r r c Hernagbones,.. trppian who lapses into a trance . ... the:; New,;Drspe .Gabardines . . . See til ihrt'r r.:-, dfriirctively^new eviery Thursday at midnight and ,vijfle in this state speaks fluent.Greens, BIues, Grays, Mixtures'. Aworld c£ c^zzK^rz " " " z?>~~K colorings! ly'! in .Aramaic, s long-dead langupge of ancient Palestine, and >a{iio/Ih Latin and Hebrew, although in her normal state she ik.'iotterly-ignorant of these tongues'. . . Palestine has a^mnsical ch'ild prodigy . . . Her, name is Ella : Goldstein, and the way she tickles the ivories I3 said to be sensational for a n eleven-year-old . . ^ P a l e s t i n e ' s new High ComCORRECT t&V&SZZ, FCE UZli WOMEN mtfsioner, Sir; Harold MacMichael beara-the -niciansme. "Makmsks"

s:~ Co,

en Know


The IMPORTANCE of Chmsing NOW • . . from Complete Selectionsof

Spring Suits




£ to S YearstoPay

ihtPeokofVdlue.atM* erate

• in The Nebraska?® ¥czi Shoicfnact c

.it;--. •






^ •**-?*

s J



• " * .

Local, national and international ne^ds are growing daily . . . . men, women, and children • . . . our own people . . . . are calling for help !••'•••*.:• o u r h e l p .





If you have not been called to work on some team in this year's campaign, please telephone the Jewish Com m u n i t y Center, Ja. 1366, and you will be added to the great army of workers who will carry on this year's campaign*


I a

Jack W* Marer,

. — *

Those of us who are so fortunate to live in ^aland of freedom and opportunity must give . generously^ and willingly. Because of these greater demands we MUST ^rsttse more funds* Omaha Jewry,.as always,. '^should manifest its interest in the welfare and future of our people*


;-r -»•--

OUR SLOGAN . **~ -


$49,250 is the goal of the 1938 Jewish Phil• ^anthropies Campaign. -Let. us give Hope and ' 'E&couragement to those less'fortunate by over* -subscribing this year! ./, ; .. T h i s is o u r slogan for 1938 *>'•>


k e e p e r ^ > • • • and triily we are and

must continue to be*

ropies o


1 | 3





Page 8 he.-- son-in-la'..—and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jrving Goldstein^

the. world of science, artsr~busa possible •Nazi coup that least, as s. lir.nianjtarian. •' Jewish iness and industry may be advan- Governor Cociiran sfit leafi to the annexation o~ enterprise, liov.' can you sabotage tageous to this country" but at j Danzig to German;*, some S.OOC F&iesUne . today? How can you Issues Statement , Mr. and Mrs. John Brodkey, the. same time warned - against Jef-R RS veil as mt-c? foreipuern. uiiig? Arguing sillily 3244 Jackson street, announce overcrowding, the professions. bare left the, city. Tbe exodus l>c» and. t,Ilij.. I! ilieve. is a Jewish Oa Sale of Seslt the engagement and approaching ' Boot Aisto-da-Fe • JicrnecliEtely e'ter Hitler's SiEie, v.'i'i Boms spiritual hooliLincoln-, Nebr. — Governor K. g&n . M marriage of t h e i r daughter, M!S& ANNA; PILL/ Vienna (WNS) —' The Nazi annexation cf ' Austria, Enfi' v/as £,"£E cast t loubu- ' upon . our Amer* Friedell, to Max Resnick, son of burning of books by Jewish auth- L. Cochran .today issued the fol- intensified cr orders from tbe icE.r-.isit:?- He ¥;iU. Don't worry. '^MS^SSx!Ml^M^^^^^^SSiW^M\^iS^^iM'^^^^^ Mr., and Mrs. H. A. Resnick of ors in Germany In. May, 1933, is lowing stateraent endorsing the Nazi-coctrolled • regime here to ; The ritual hoooU&'ar- " will cast Fourth Annual Easter Seal Sale Omaha. Shaare Zion Democracies Urged to Give to be duplicated in Vienna on Of: the Nebraska society for Crip-, strengthen the bovcott of Jews. J do.uK. or,, -yeiir Americanism wheMiss Brodkey attended MornAU Jewisll s a uOpc o April 10, the day of,'the nationhare been ; ther there be r-, Je-rish State or Haven to Persecuted wide plebiscite to ratify the an- pled Children., to be held thr ' Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz • wil ingside college. Mr. Resnick atsmeared with red and .veilov? ; not. But if • you. stop y-our. slavish of Reich nexatson of Austria to Germany, out Nebraska from April 1 to flags to varn. away non-Jewish ; E.rg:umertF 8iin i-ebnUd £ion first speak this evening- on. "Goodbye tended Creighton university in it was reported here. Thousands Easter Sunday, April 17:— Vienna" at the Shaare Zon syn Omaha and is. a graduate of the .y of. the .Jevrs- v h c ; in yor.r hearts • R.IIC. then- in':the • p-trocs Washington, D. C. (WNS) — of'volumes have already been col- "Dear Friends of Crippled Cfc.il- i v~" flea were reported to have Mane! of the fathers and rescue agogue. Jack Merlin will act as University of. Chicago. a In a precedent-shattering move lected by storm troopers in raids sailed is open boats on the Baltic j great remnant .of. Israel Jto dwell Senior Hadassah chapter met cantor and the synagogue choir tantamount to a publii rebuke of "Two years ago I stated it was Mrs. Sol Wolfe, head of the on private horses,- libraries, instiTuesday In the Jewish Commun- will chant the service. Nazi regime for its persecu- tutions and book shops. Propa- -my hope that the day would come Sea in the hope of" reaching a ; there, you v i " hs.ve tione your Tomorrow afternoon Mrs.;. Her- Iowa Jewish Home for Aged, vis- the -ity Center for a dessert luncheon, tion of racial and religious min- ganda Minister GoebbeS^ who di- in Nebraska wherr the work of port in one of the Scandinavian ! bit to make the •• *-hoie world, | Jevish f.nd. ChrisUaa, a little less • program and meeting. Mrs. S. man Licht and Mrs. H. R. Rab-ited in Sioux City this week. orities, the United States Gov- rected the literary auto-da-fe in the .public welfare agencies would save for' the hooUs&ns o£ Ule spirit Kaplan presented current events, inowitz will be hostesses at the ernment, acting on what is wideMrs. Nathan Sandier of St. 1933, is expected to coiae to be so completely coordinated with than it yas be''ore, ' • ''. and Miss Dorothy Dikel was Shaare Zion Auxiliary . Oneg Louis ly believed to be the personal rethat of the private agencies interis a guest this week in the Vienna to supervise the spectacle heard in a group of vocal solos. Shabboth in the home of Mrs home of her brother-in-law and quest of President Roosevelt him- here. The Jews themselves pet ested in the physically handicapi • • " " ' •'•••• A dialogue was offered by Mrs. Licht. Mrs. A. H. Baron will sister, Mr, and Mrs. D. L. Levit- self, took the initiative in organ- on another sort of spectacle when ped child, that every child in Nej (Ccpyright l^SS by. Seven:-Arts preside. (Continued! from P?.se 1.1 M. A. Grueskin and Miss Bernlce izing a huge international gov- many of them donned top hats and braska in neel of physical restorI Feature Kyrulioate.•).•'•• ' sky. • • . • '• Galinsky. Mrs. V . ' C.Vslotsky pre'antes tie fears" and ernmental action to-rescue thou- holiday apparel to do street 0I ld 0 0 tU y sided and various reports of the l lhealth, Z u t education f!fJ»-.ML and ^ / era-!l | seif-seeking^aud a" detestable cle- , TIPHERETH ISRAEL sands of Jews- from Austria and cleaning enforced upon them by ^for #• KELLEY, Attya. committee chairmen were heard. s're not to lose sn argument. ' KS-SJTZN1CK Germany by affording them a storm troopers. They took their ployssent.' ZCC Union Siaie Bank Bldg. Plans are under way for the haven In other countries. Services at Tiphereth Israel "With the splendid cooperation We are Graeculi of the modern j cue from General von Soramer, ' OF -PROEATE OF WILL annual Donors luncheon to be synagogue this evening will be The action was In the form of commander of the Jewish Veterexisting betveen the frater- world. I haven't the space to e~- i NCT1CE In the Conn;:* Court of Douglas held May 11. Members who con-gin at 7 o'clock. Tomorrow mornan invitation to nine European ans Legion, who appeared in the nal; religious, civic and service plain that. A few will under-*, •County, >; tribute $5 are eligible to attend ing the service will begin at 9 In •the Jlatter . o* the Estate of countries and 20 Latin-American full dress uniform of an Austrian organizations and the state faeii- j: stand. Dorotho Saltzman Do you want to wait till a Slattie K.Sohupp. Deceased. the luncheon. The proceeds wil" During the morning service'Rabrepublics inviting them to join in general and bedecked in the ities for services to crippled chilAll .persons interested in said .eswar is on ana you-cannot tate go toward the Youth Aliyoth. A bi S. Bolotnikov will speak. • A regular meeting of the B'nai the creation of an international medals he won for bravery dur- dren, I believe the time has come p.re hereby notified thai a petiletter was read from the Nationtion IIRF iiocTi ii]c<"< in paid Court, B'rith was held last Monday. committee by the governments to ing the World War. When storm when every crippled child has &rescue at least the Jewish youtfe prayinp: for the prolate of 8. certain ;--al Eadassah headquarters tellin Reverend Ralph N. -Levens talk- facilitate the emigration of po- troopers came to his house to en- fair chance for physical restora- of Germany, Austria, Poland, Eu- instrument nov on. file in said Court, that Henrietta Szold, founder of litical refugees from Germany roll him for the task of cleaning tion, education and employment. purporting' to he the last will and ed on "Sons of the Pioneers." Or don't you want to rescue teslanient o? ?;-:id deeea-^ed, and that .Hadassah, has made arrangeJulius Rosenfeld read an orig- and Austria. The invitation was the streets, General von Sommer This has been made possible by that p befirinf: vlT! he hau on said petition youth at all? ments with the Austrian governextended in the form of identical the coordination o£ state services before s»id Court on the sth (lay of inal poem entitled "The MillenAnd If you do, what do you ment to take a number o r Jewish • April. IKS. fin-d that ll they fail to notes addressed by the United J asked and obtained permission to and the support given by Nebraium, of the Jew." • P.ppe&r FX f?nkl Pou~t on the paid 9th want to do with it? children from Austria to PalesPlans are being made for a States State Department to Grea change his clothes and ..then re- ska citizens to the private organI c?.;- of Apr!i. 1S,"S. f-.'i S o'clock A. Mi., Biro-Bidjan is closed to contine. In addition to this, the turned ia uniform. The sight so ; to contest the probnte of eaid wilt, izations and agencies rendering district president's class of forty BritaiBj France, Italy, Belgium Youth Aliyoth movement prothe Court may allow and probate Switzerland, Holland, Denmark affected the Nazis that they sac- services to crippled children. If Russian Jews. The gates of all ' paid initiates in, honor of Dr. A. v i n and gvpv.t administration of vides means for Jewish children Norway and Sweden and to, a l luted and left. General von Som-this record is to be maintained, it other laECS:&re closed except for , said eRtftte TO Thomas S. Kelley, or Greenberg of Omaha. a half-surreptitious trickle. At from Polarid and Germany, to be : Home ccher FuitRble person, ejster a mer, who is one of ' Austria's countries in Central and South raeans continued support of priSinger of Polk -ffitelodiesWas 1 degree of heirship and proceed to a.sent to Palestine. greatest war heroes," has ' . long America. vate resources to the end that: There will be a regular meetPresented by Local Mrs. H. S. Novitsky, chairman GR3OINSKY, MARER' & I settlement thereof. been known as a foe of the Nazis, Originated With President ing of the Agidus Achim Lodge " 1 . " Every child has the right MONSKY,COHEN, ' ERTCE CKAV<-TO-RV. Attorneys. Workmen's Circle of the Donors luncheon, anhaving offered the services of the Originating with. P r e s i d ent Thursday, 8 p. m. at Eagle's Hall. to be well born, 2. Every child v 3-is-3s-r,t, County Judge.. nounced that a number of women Jewish veterans to the Dolfuss Roosevelt, who has long been NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that has the right-to develop under iKViN C.. LEV! N, .Attorney have pledge'- their money and government in 1934. He is also Isa Kremer, interpreter of folk deeply.concerned over the plight .'68 Brandeig Theater ESIdg. clean, wholesome and healthful TKRNAL HEALTH LEAGUE OF The Cultural Group met at the others who wish to make their songs of many nations, won the of refugees- from Germany, the a monarchist, having called on conditions. S. Every crippled NEBRASKA, held on the 7th day of NOTICE pledges are asked to get in touch praise and applause of a capacity home of Mrs. Leo Fitch, Monday. Jewish patriots to support the child- will be located, examined February, 1S38. ARTICLES V End YJ In., the PROBATE Matter o£ the Esiite of of the Articles of.Incorporation.-were with the chairman or any of the audience Monday evening, when restoration of the Hapsburgs. Arthur XTortendykc, Deceased. v and given medical treatment. 4. Emended to read as. foliov/e: A regular meeting of the A. Z. PLAN EXPANSION OP UNIfollowing women who are assist- she sang in concert at the Jewish Kotire is hereby given that ttie ARTICU3 V. The affairs of thif •creditor? Two unexpected' developments Every crippled child has the right A. was held Monday.. Members VERSITY IN EXILE TO AID oi so id deceased Ti-il! meet ing on the comrrittee: Mrs. J. N. Community Center. Her chol?e shall be administered by the P.0ministrt.t<:i>' of said estate, be-. in the meantime gave hope to the to continuing care and treatment. a.corporation AUSTRIAN REFUGEES Board of Trustees, corisiir.ting- of not fore Krueger, Mrs. M. Lazriowich, of songs, ranging from Russian, will-be guests at a smoker at the me, County Ji'dg-e of Potlglftft less than ten or more then thirty harrassed Jewish community that 5. Every crippled child has the New Work (WNS) — ExXebraska. at the - County Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mrs. Frank Yiddish folt songs, to the cradle home of Vernon Fitch the second members Et large, as-may be provid-• Coun.;.-. the more violent features of antiright to an education which will Monday in April, when new mem'curt Koom. in said Covinty, on. the pansion of the University in ed Sn the By-La-ws. and one member ! Margolin, Mrs. Joe Levin, Mrs, E. song for a southern, pickaniny, nth day of JIay. 193S, and on the 9th Semitism are over. One was the fit him or her to be as nearly from each £ffllis.ted ETTOUP end all of' dp.y N." Grueskin, Mrs.' Max Brodkey, displayed her effective panto- bers will be initiated. Assistant Exile, founded four years ago release o' July, IP-IS. ;>t P e'eiock A. M., whom KhalS be electee! by ancl from of many prominent Jews self-supporting as possible. 6. Ev- amons Mrs. Rueben Miller, Mrs. Abe mine, her charming personality, ixecutive Secretary Ben Barkin to give positions to distin- taken into the members et their annual! each day. for i!i» purpose of presents custody during the ery, crippled child has the right to meeting-. One-third" "of the 'members I ^ their claims guished exiles from Nazi GerPill, Mrs. A. M. Davis and Mrs.as well as her lovely, voice. • will be honored guest. p.nfi Rl'nv,"a.nce. Three first; days of .the Nazi regime. • spiritual as well as bodily devel- of said Board shall serve for one The A. Z. A.'s are planning-a many, to provide for some of Robert Sacks. year, one-third for two years, End months are sl'.owec for the creditors Miss Kremer's piana , accom- weiner roast for April 7 at Fairopment." Among those released was Dr. the scholars driven out of Ausone-third for three .years, and there- to present, their claims, from the 9th paniments were played by ;ivan after all members of said Bop.rfi shall d&r of April. IMS. Invitations will be tria, is being planned, accord- Heinrich Neumann, the. noted Very truly yours, Basilevsky. Mr. Basilvesky played morit-Park. be elected for a period of three years. EKYCE CRAWFORD. eye, ear, nose and throat speciaestricted to A. Z. A. members ingto-an anouncement by Dr. R. L. Cochran Any members of .the Eosrd of Trus- 3-lS-SS-St. County Judge. three piano solos on the-program and their dates. tees hayingserved t v o regular terms list. Professor Sigmund Freu'd, - ' Alvin- S. Johnson, founder of " • • GOVERNOR and his playing showed not only shall be ineligiMe for re-election unAttorney the university-and head of the who has been under house artil after the expiration of one year. 768 Brandelt Theatr Bldg. a fine technic but artistic interrest, is to have received permisNew School for Social ReA vacancy on the Board of "Trustees Final plans are being made for pretation of his selections.. may be filled by the remaining TrusNOTICE O r INDEBTEDNESS Funeral services for Mendel the Emesel dance to be given search. Speaking before " the sion to leave and intend-to settle tees, except, however, that a r y v'p- Notice i.» herp'ny p>von that the ioMiss Kremer arrived in : Sioux Sunday, Hendlyn were held Friday afterCity Club of New York, Dr. In The Hague.. Baron Louis. RothApril 3 at-the Chieftain tal amount of indebtedness of Gypsy cancy occurring: in the Bosrd oi Trus- ; noon' at Shaare Zion synagogue. City from Chicago, where she Hotel.. Franklin Vincent's orch- Johnson said he expected to schild was also freed. A number i tees elected from any af'iliate £-roun, j Tea Shop, Inc. on March 19th, 1938, gave a concert at the' Chicago ! shall be filled by the selection of an- jv.-as nothing-. Mr. Hendlyn, who was 67 years get requests for help from of other Jews have been arrestestra will furnish the music. 1 • CHARLES L. 5IAY>TI3S, i other member from such affiliate j old, died in liis home, 3501 Jack- Civic opera h'-use before an/audiAustrian scholars and • prom- ed,-however, among them ProfesPresident. * « croup. This Board of Trustees shall ! ence of 4,000. From Sioux City, The dramatic StOry OL ^ iSe I have the power to make,, amend and ! Charles 'G. ^fayne." and Florence R. son street, following an illness of ised "to do my. level best to sor Blumenthal, cancer specialist, Mrs. G. Gershyn, chairman of she went to Des Moines to appear R. .belnf.' a majority of the several weeks. Rabbi H. R. ;be Linen Shower announces the find funds to bring them over. who fled from Germany in. 1933, baiidUcg of tbe Uuioa Pacific j repejd_ By-L.g.-ws ?or this corporation. f"Trusi'Boerc! of Directors. •4-1-38-12 »™si».^»j i . 4. •».--. , u . i • AiiTiCLii; v i . '.I'he iSoarci of " T U B i Vj Dr. Kobler, a pacifist leaderRabinowitz and Rabbi S. Bolotni- in concert there. I will go out to beg in the Her appearance, in Sioux City following addition donations: E. G.'L kov officiated. Attorney EhalI e l e c t f r o m e m o n & t h e m . i M. Bernstein, G. Mendelson, t>. highways and byways if neces- Professor Jerusalem;' and Dr. railroad Is to beccrse the subject i tees ident, t v o Fisi ViCe-P p was under the'auspices of the r <-•'DeMille epic hasOfansary to bring them here and Armand Kasainka, 75-year-old screen. Surviving are his widow, BelOf a CecilMr. B. DeMille the j selves a Tice-pi-eF Presjtlent, s.n Honorary Fres- | Krasne, M. Krasne, J. Cherniach, B!u*?f«r l o w * Second rabbi, who is secretary of the Al-nounced tbat his next big pro- number o ' adfiti keep, them alive." ' la; three daughters, Mrs. SamWorkmen's Circle *of Sioux City* A. Maltz, C. Krasne, H. Cohen. 'by pfven thai on the liance , Israelite Universelle in fisietioa is to be called "Union I as there m£i" Tt>e e Goldstein, Mrs. L. Mandelstam '•«!•}'. 5.P3S. the total Vienna >.and decent of' the 2£aiPacific" and Is to deal -Kith the and Miss Fanny Hendlyn, all of I'Tipecnwii tuclebtedMr. and Mrs. George Roffman h-Kee!or Company, a plan -Qutlined by the State Demonides Institute. ' • . important ufitioca! events be selected on Sioux City, and a son, Joe Hen; have announced the engagement ration, with its prin„« | from and representing each afniiate the con dlyn of Sioux City. ' slness in Omaha, NeMr. and Mrs. M. Shiloff, 511 of their daughter, Ruth to Saul partment purposes the establish_^ f group; a Secretary anc a Treasurer, , Sigss Restored ment of governmental commitAsaerica s first trafiscoatinental all of •p.-horji shall hold Twenty-fifth treet, announce the Mezey, son of Mr. and Mrs. DavThe other unespcted developL.K0 B. KRASNE term of one year, or until -their FUC marriage of their daughter. Miss d Mezey of New York. City. No tees in each of the countries ment was an .unexplained decree railroad and viil tr^ce the tre- cessors President, are fiuly electee! and qualifie< Mount Sinai which further emigrationof Gerraeudous developiaeut that folIJAKT! H. KRASXE These officers Khali be elected' Et Delia Shiloff of Los Angeles, to definite'date has been set for the <» | ordering the immediate removal man and Austrian refugees under Secretary. • Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will Meyer Fleishman, also of Los An--wedding. Several affairs are belowed 'Vrest Of the KiSSOUfI river { annual meeting ol the Board-of Trus- j :ees. speak this evening at Mount Sinai eles, on .March 19. The, couple .ng planned in Miss Roffman's a program to be financed by pri- of all signs on Jewish shops ident- after its construction fiotra to the liIATEKKAi MIOXARl? RASXE EEALTS LEAGUE OF vate agencies without interfering ifying them as non-Aryan estab- present day.. aiTuI.AKrtemple on "Why Democracy Is So reside at 3447 1-2 Eleventh - ave- honor. KF.ASXE. NEBRASSLV lishments. It is believed the or."Being- p. jority or: Directors. with existing refugee aid organBy Jlary U. Offutt, Presiaen.t. Feeble." 'Active trcrk -ga the preparation nue in Los Angelts. Mr. Fleish4-1-38. The Temple Sisterhood will man is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Bob Endelman entertained at izations and activities. So far as der- originated with Dr. Hjalmar for - the productioa begaa. a few Sophie S. trice, Seeretar:.-. the United States is concerned Schacht, president of the Reichs- days ago with the arrival^ at meet this afternoon following a 1 Fleishman of Milwaukee.. The a dinner' Sunday. CROamSKY, (WARIER the State Department let It be bank, who has long been" opposed Union Pacific headquarters is WONEKY. GRODSNSKY, KAfsEF, o'clock luncheon. Miss Margaret bride, who is a v former Sioux COHEN, Attorneys, known that this country was pre- to extremist r measures against Grunewald, staff member of the Cityan, attended ' school here, Xotice IF liereby frM-en tnat on the Norman Abrahamson and Nor- pared to admit as many refugees Jews. On the other hand, how- Qiaaia of a corps of research spe<]P.>' of Jann-ary. .tr.^.s. the sun'ount IS.'KEKEET-G-ITEX. That oist Sioux City Art Center, will speak graduating from Central High man Rosenthal were Joint hosts cialists of the DeMille studio. at NOTICE of all ex;?tinc fle?'".^ of ,T. & A. I>iq.ever, Josef Buerckel, Hitler's perthe Annual Meeting "of "the Memas possible with out altering the on ,the work of the center and school.' . . " " ' ' • • " \ior P. Mebrapka corporat ah informal gathering at the imigration laws. This, would be sonal representative in Vienna These t a r e opea'ed offices at bershi-o of THE •\\*KOZ,ESAZiE tion, •C^rnpany, its iirinrina! place of hupwill give a Puppet demonstraPacific headquarters, AND KETAIL" LIQUOR DEALERS ine-5F viih Lbrahams'on residence'Sunday af- done, it was explained, by com- opened the plebiscite campaign U n i o n ir. Orn;>hn. Npiv-ps'in, vnp ?I700. TIOA"" heici on the 14th <2av tion. where the TF^rk of assembling .TAMES J. CKKIPTOPKEK, • Sirs. A. I. Sacks has returned :ernoon. Pebruarr.' IS^S, AE.T1CUE HI of bining the quotas for Germany with a speech devoted in large Mrs. Max Brodkey and Mrs. M. home " _ _ President. after a two-month -isit in the vast amount O f EecSSSarj" histhe . Articles of Incorporation Tfras measure to attacks on the Jews. and Austria. E. Skalovsky aro in charge of the New York, Chicago and Newark, Joe Katelman. was elected Al^JipW^SL a?fa!r,i Meanwhile the impoverished torical fiata Trill be carried en. | ^%?%£t luncheon arrangements. The quota for Austria is 1,413 N. J., .with her mother, Mrs! erman at Large in the. Council Jewish community, reeling from lilElliagiliiEl, . TTell-kZlOWll j of. the Association shall be adrnims- i and for German 25, 957. In the 0 1 Sadie Brodskey. Bluffs City election Monday. . !,' I fiscal year ended June 30, 1937 the impact of the endless curb? Paramount -writer who will write j ifiM^L^r,?.'^?^"'^-?"^?^,.?. BETH ABRAHAM r. Secretary-• E.ridl ter? other; on Jewish freedom and.existence, the story, is is Omaha gatherisis ! h - At Beth . Abraham • synagogue, Miss Bernice Liberman of Chi- Miss Dorothy Sherman of Sioux only 30 percent of the Austrian cast about for means, of feeding story ".material. He. is being as- persons, vrho shali be- ejected hy and \ the membership of the Associa- { Bervices this evening will also be- cago has arrived in Sioux" City for City will-be the week end guest quotav was filled and only 48 per- some G0.O00 people reported to sisted by' Frank Calvin, who is from tion,. except that Et til times there- j cent o£ the German quota, a total 1 shall be an equal number of Tiiole- i gin at 7 o'clock, and tomorrow an extended stay with her par- f Miss Arling Krasne. r. of 12,956 visas. In the current be starving . The closing of vir- doing technical research -work. ssiers End rets.iiers upon said Esecu- ' ,. mornin-- at .3. During the coin- ents. tire Council. All of said 'membere: tually every Jewish communal Records and exhibits •which forns fiscal year up to February 1, vising week every day at 6:30 p. m. Exeoutiye Council shell be | Miss Sylvia Endelman was winagency and the confiscation or a part oJ the display at the Union of tfce E.t the anhue] meetsnp of the | Rabbi Bolotnikov will teach Mrs. Leah taron, 606 Virpr'nia ner of the Six-.Hundred Dollar as have been granted to 413 Aus- impounding of all community Pacific Historical museum are elected c members from the membership rind | trians and 9,004 Germans, leavabout the Pa .scver' laws and cus-street, left Sunday- evening for Bank-Nite award of the Council funds have made the problem of being searched 'and photographed phall be held p toms. • . • • • " Chicago, where she will vis.; with Bluffs theaters last Friday. in Feferusr;- of anfl al relief for needy Jews "critical. to aid DeMille ia making &a ac- clay of members of BOTCOTT EXTENDED TO Those Jewish leaders who are curate story both as to fact, cus- Council sh&li serve for a term of one j and until their successors are | The Cousins.Club will meet on AUSTRIA still not under arrest have made toms, c o s t u a e s, ^persocages, year electee!. This Hagadah Is Free at Your Grocer' .-" ! Thursday, April 7, at the home " New-York' (WNS) — The frantic pleas> to Jewish organiza- equipment, etc., and old timers <SuIy (Second Paragraph) . T h e ' Execc- ! f H . Meyerson, 127 So;\Eighth. t've CcuncH shall l>e authorised tc ' tions abroad. A limited number are beiag iaterriewed. anti-Nazi boycott was officialeraploj" an Assii?ts.nf Secretary atifij of Jews are being fed daily at JU1 of the location work of the Treasurer E.t F:uch. compensatior. RS \ ly extended to all goods comthe Executive Council may determine j HERZBERG'S BOOSTERS ing from Austria when Samuel three Jewish soup kitchens at the production will be dose along t i e end such. Assistant Secretary and i I- c;r Untermeyer, president of the Jewish hospital and the homes liae of the UnSoa Pacific with a Treasurer Khe.ll attend all meejinirs I CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS No the Executive -Council ana the! n - S e c t a r I a n Anti-Nazi for the aged. Others are subsist- huge cast of players, production of Grievance Committee,-but shall hs.ve! League, t e l e p h o n e d the ing on the meagre fare of rela- ia scheduled to start ia xaifl-suxa- no voice in the management oi the ; raer. It is expected it -vrill take a, affairs ' Officers of the Herzberg's Boo- League's headquarters from tives and" friends. of the Association, and shall j full year to film the storj-. be required to furnish' bond in arj ter Club were elected for the California that "our League Among the new measures aimamount set by the Executive Council. :oming year at the eightieth .will, of course, immediately ed at Jews are: 1—-Segregation of (gr> (Seventh Paragraph) A quorum of the Executive Council, shall .con-I meeting of the organization held extend our •boycott." Mr. Un- Jewish high school students ia JEWS FLEEING BAMZi€ sist of seven or more. memberE end ] >n March 17 at the Fontenelle termyer said that "any red- hetto. benches, for the balance of IN FEAR OF the Executive Council shall not .tran- i Hotel. . • ' - - " sact business unless seven or more j blooded American, be • he Jew the current year after which they members of such Council are present j Dr. Ben Goldware was named or Christian, who lends aid are to be expelled; 2—ousting of COUP in person." • j resident; Miss Minnie Moore, to this reign of savagery by 20a girls from the manual trainTHE W K O T J E S A V E ANO SET AIL I (WNS) — Seeing in ice-president; Mrs. Minette L. buying German or Austrian LICX7OH DEALKSS ASSOCIATION ! ng school of the Krugerheim Kitchen, President, j Katz, secretary; Miss Etta Back- goods or any one who sells it Home for Jewish Working Girls the EUddea ; iateasif icatioa of the j Sy Jiichard Eugene Ijevi, EecreJerj-.' [ trom, treasurer;. and Miss Nel- must indeed be a poor speci- which has been taken over by anti-Jewish boycott aa indication > ie Ferer, 'sergeant-at-arms. men of American." storm troopers as a barracks; 3 Miss Leone Leary,- Mr. Einar —exclusion of Jewish students at Olsen, and Mr. I. V. Weiss were Vienna University from taking" FEES I Passover Seder Service. ilected to the executive commit- ng 1,000 visas unused for Aus- examinations end entering the litria and 16,9,43 for German up ee." Serving on the entertainbrary; 4—barring Jews as lay '"S ment committee will be the Mis-to June 30, 1938, or a total,of udges, bankruptcy receivers, noes Grace Berg, Cora McGinnis, 17, 95"3, all of which could be is-taries public: 5—extension of the sued to Jewish refugees. . " and Besa Llpsey. Nuremberg racial and" citizenship Britain Cautions Miss Anne Davis, Miss Marie aws as the bas!3 for barring ' Us® Ossr London (WNS).—While main- ews 'from participating in the Bolster, and. Miss Bess Cohn taining its traditional policy of ••••-. C o o p l t a e a o eS . were appointed members of the jlebiseite; 6—forbidding Jews asylum for persons forced to with car's in public garages to use Remembrance committee. • • SfAXWELt HOUSE COFFEE This organization is made up eave their own country for rac- hem but forcing them to pay . of department buyers and manag- al, political and religious rea- garage bill3. Good to the tait Drop the British Government Ts. • - ' • • • ' - . , ' sons, V cannot permit the "indiscrimin- Surprisingly enough ia ths 17th U KOSHER FOR PASSOVET, C'-ate 1 admission" of. all Austrian With Omaha Towel Supply- refugees* in England, Home Sec- and ISth. centuries the ' major | rz C A General Foodt Pro2us3 Meyer Greenberg, formely' as-, retary Sir Samuel Hoare told the work • in ferreting oat the ac- | IB So, tSih Stremt sociated with the Omaha Towel H<>use of. Commons. He declared , curate details-of Jewish'history Supply, is once again connected that because of exisitiag unem-1 •R-as done by non-Jews. . ••• with the same' firm. Former cus- ployment and housing • problems In-1677 ths English law courts |*p omers of his may call upon him England would not agree to ad-' decided to ;. arra-sge .their calea- JJ Osr mitting all who sought Eanctu-i t to force'a force'a Jewlili Ii! -This Hagadah, attractively illustrated, with' nn English or service.; ary here but "added that each dars so as not translation and an original English introduction which claricase would be considered on its party or witness to sppear oa s lime, Kanyensky, a Jewess' of merits. 'Sabbath" or "Jewish "bdllcL&Y" fies the Seder Services, will be distributed free as a rift bv j the makers of MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE vitli every pound Poltava, was the first .woman to • Sir Samuel made it plaia that Mendel Levfn was the tutor-of fffffi! 1 the degree of engineer at special consideration .; would be can of Pessaclidige coffee that you buy at your <?rocer's. Get take ra a t SSrS KA 122® this-.Ecole .des ..Fofivss et Chaus- given to "suitable applicants, in- the children of Prince'-Csartorisyour Hagadali at ygur groegjfs before'-the supply is exhausted, -cea.in.Paris.. " '" ' ' cluding • parsons whose - work ia ^ ky.


Death Claims Sioux Cityan

Cecil B. DeMille To Film History Union Fa

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