Inter wT The. views esrpressed by l<a(Jvrtg l<ewisolin,ln his column a r e bis own ania do not necessarily reflect the policies or attitude of onr publication. Keprodnction In whole or in part strictly forbidden. _ THE SPIRIT •- A -wave of suicides is sweeping over. Viennese Jewry. G r e a t minds prefer death to titter humiliation. The communal leaders, including Robert Strieker, "are under "protective arrest." "What that means "we were taught In 1933. The Jewish masses are "being ieduced to penury, to beggary at one stroke. Violence is "rampant. No one is safe. Even synagogues are being: looted. One of ; our great, one of Our 'llustrious diaspora communities— the community of Herzl'and Freud, of Schnitzler and Beer-Hoffman •—lies in ruins, is stamped into the mire. Is it not enough to siefcen every heart and bow every head? And the world stands by, the• Christian world, and lifts no hand of succour.
Tel Entered as Second Clars Mail Matter on January 31. IS2L at •Postoffice of <Jnraha. JJetnasbn. under the Act of March 3, 1873
LPSIL £, 19S5
innr ^registrations
SUNDAY Gala Fete Will Be Opened to Public
Torah which begins right alter Passover Ere being taken
man; Elsie Johnson for Herzbergs; Betty Jensen for Jvatel-1 sons; and Dorothy Leonard for, 1 Carmans.
for the n s ^
'j i i u
r o t h beginners and students v i o have had some Hebrew mr.y register at this time.
A complete outfit -will be BE A WC7.ZZZ awarded as a door prize at this ] Fifteen years of accomplish- style show also. 3-M, If you have isrt }•>->•,- rt The spirit resists. The spirit ment will be marked Sunday, ^est On the piogram beside the to wort on s tv : r t . * is upright. Let the heathens April 10, by the Highland Coun- dancing and style reviews, will this year's ee^-is ~" rr~ rage. They have raged before try Club when it celebrates its an- be vaudeville entertainment and pies Campaign. r " r " t during the long ages. "We stand niversary at the Paxton Hotel. i refreshments. •On Tuesday and Wednesday, phone the ^ewisli C <>- - fast. ' Even in Vienna. For in Starting at 2 o'clock in the afterErnie Meiers, one of the out- April 12 and 13, the Center*FlayCenter, J"scksoa IT"" f ' that city there lives, among many noon the^celehration will contin-; will present their fourth ofother Jews, a frail middle-aged ue until the late hours of the eve- standing commentators on "Wom-ers en's apparel will do honors as fering cf the EecEcrs, O.ZZT JUUU' --,^ i U snET of trorfeers v ! ~ v~' man, still suffering severely from ning. Masters of ceremonies at the ry era this year's or;—<£ iT. the wounds he got while defendIn honor of the organizers of Style show.. • Jack W. ^ I s r c . Cl.r *T ing the land Tie- thought his fa- Highland, the affair will recaptherland from 1914 to 1918. His ture the spirit of 'pioneer days." Allen Kohan is general chairname is- Ernst Waldinger. "And Music for dancing will be furn- man of the affair. Louis HUler is j 'Xc is a poet. And he is, neces- ished by Franklyn Vincent's or- president of Highland. sarily from Ms origins and place chestra and forty charming hosI •' This "Pioneer Days" celebraof birth, a poet in We German tesses, who promise never to turn tion is open without charge to language. - H e has/' never of down a dance, will be on hand to the public. No solicitation of course, been able t j live by his add to the gaiety of the occas- membership will be made. The 1 M' f [ ! ' =c I - " art and has heen employed in a sion. . affair will close Highland's wincommercial establishment to gain • •C o n c l a v e . ' of the event will be ter season preparatory to the forbread for his wife and child. His twoFeature mal opening of the Clubhouse on style reviews given under the • Committees for the Youth Confirst .volume, The Cupola (Die personal direction of Hiss Mar- Memorial Day. , clave'of the Midwestern region of Kupple), was published in 1934; guerite- Coady. Apparel for chilAmerican Hebrew coagregatic-s his second volume, The Carver of dren and women will be modeled to be held hers on Saturday, Kay : that Earry DuBo:' fr' r Gems (Der Gemmenschnelder), in attractive settings in the Pari7, have -been aaaonncefi by Rich- j member of the V * - ' -••. ' n l - S. was published in the January of sian manner. 17 ard • Hiller, general chairman • of, harmonic, will ap^or* r ? c-"-ithis year, 1938. Let us not forthe -event- Harvey Leoa Is serving ! i s t a £ t h e second E1—•• r ' c^r"'" t ,get the Jewish business men -who Children's* wear will be modelE,S vice-chairman of the conclave. | given by Cantor As T^ • - - - t-* under the name of the Saturn- ed in the afternoon by the folChairman c ' the ticket coiaVerlag were willing to risk pub- lowing: Patsy Burkenroad and mittee is Joy Mcssky who is be- ! iliary. Mr. Dcbof: •<- ' * < "• ' I ' c" lishing these volumes of highly- Barbraa Trustin for Brandeis'; ing assisted by: Aaron Perils, ' m o v e m e n t and&c~ f - c ~ t h P *wrought poetry by a Jew. Could Harvey D. Fefer and Jimmy Newman for Nebraska Clothing; BarTvlelvin. Berkowitr.-'-fclcyd Fried- ; "Spanish Sydpho"" 1 " rf L.r'~ we.match that in America? r bara Dunn and Patricia Markel raan,- Fred RoseatJerg, Beatrice ! ilemhers cf the cl "> - "r! »• * Let me define and by this defi- for Goldstein-Chapman's; and Eomiaer, C o l e c a a Tucelsos, | part in the concert a-s I l r - -•. nition explain-why I am writing. Phyllis Greenberg and . Rae Nell Bergman, " Ruth" FrieS• IFrances F Ferer for Herzbergs. The young Since Eainex Maria Rilka died rnan, Pk"uth Roseustock, Bsbbette • Ruth G c ' d s t c - r e - hE C . -*• r~person attending the style show Rebecca Kirshencs and since the poet died in Franz Rothschild, Jean ' Pepper, H&x "Werfel, himself a Jew, of course, who holds.the winning door tick"Wilde's gay comedy of errors, Resnick, " Rath Sosiberg.' F a s ; ecty, n e e " ' r ' l r : Tr.ra 7' '•et will be given an opportunity to this Viennese Jew Ernst WaldinHelen' Eeescs, •T»"illiam Vienna (WNS)-—Four " thou- "The Importance of Being Earn- Som&er, ger is. the only man who has con-select a complete outfit with the sand Goetz, Stewart Gants,. Stanley : r est." " • • " • • • ' • 3-Iar.ks, r \ ' c° T' " ~ r r I"- — Jews are among the 18,000 tributed enduring poetry to the compliments of Highland. Included in the' cast are: Slosberg", Robert'Bernstein, Har- ' Bodin, Zc. T1" crc" —>-z~- Z arrested during the German-' language. The Nazis old Stein, and' Bcbert Posley. At the eveningls style show for Austrians first three weeks of Ivaii: rule in Charles Rachman, Leo Shersan, ,. Rita Msasiel is-cas-irman of the ': Boff..'. T r--^ " . - S - - ' * • ~Z'-' ' rave about their'Aryan culture adults, Miss Coady will present Austria, an independent checkup Sain--White,''Saa- -'Kaplan,' 'Paul Re jjEtrEtioa cots.isitte ff £. o s e Kcbcrt - - - , — . and produce dirt and drivel. They the following models; Patricia T The fats ct most of Teps'e",'• Rebecca-' • xlirsiCuba-CEi.,"S' ZrT&z AlL^ria •Colies,-Es• 5olo r " - ' ' ' ' " " "*'"" iiorbJd .JJZVTS. .to • publish and to bePealre for'32'a.naeis; '.Doris- SIoss^ disclosed. Etisstiasdsr, Lola thoso-^- 4iiider- surest* -is-^-iin^nsTf-s-^g r i e t ' l ? "*" ._ -"",.' read.: They driver'their' greatest man ; for Nebraska .Clothing; 'Lu- although ther "Vreinsteia, Ee'mioe 'Reisis&is., it is.reported that -many j German writer, Thomas Mann, cille Rhodes-for Goldstein-Chap- Austrians have been sent to' pri- man, and Sara Seckerznam Mrs. end • Ksfold Ken&is. • • Herman. Jahr. is directing. .Sets into exile. - Meanwhile the glory sons in Germany because of a The Hospitality and Reception have been designed and executed of their speech and form is being shortage of cells here and the by Nate Seckeriaan. committee has as its clicirmsE, ', sustained' by Ernst "Waldinger,- a 1 The career. - :^ 'T'1 F lack of concentration camps. "When : first presented "The Im- Zerlice Soaberg . Assisting' . her Apri! Z( at Centra. L. i ' Jew, a Jew of Vienna, a conscious Grave fears were voiced for the portance of Being Earnest" was are: Pauline. BerEstein, Seliaa and self-affirmative Jew. In him safety of the leaders of the Vi- applauded for its elevation of the Berkowits, Slaine Bertowitz, in this age (even as I said the enna Jewish Community, Presi- farce into high comedy, bat was Sarah Gilinsky, Janet Graetz, Other day of a Jewish composer dent Disidir Friedman, Vice-' frowned upon" as a little risque. Lazar Kaplan, and Hsrlan Mildand the Lied) German verse is President: Robert Strieker and The story of - the : series of esca- er.' - . reaching a, .certain culmination Ehrlich and Dr. Oscar Gruen- pades of two young men, the play - Ths. transportation ecrsKiittes and may now that Vienna too has baum, who were taken into cus- is characterized by a witty sophis- is headed -by Lloyd Malashoclt fallen, reach its extinction. tody more than two weeks ago. tication. and "has as Its members, His poetry is the firmest in the - London (WNS-Palcor Agency) Vaduz Z, *>cVi'-<="ir - ,-n-v? The Austrian edition of the . Costumes of the period of the Speier, Harold Cseraisct, w o r l d . Highest precision . of —The early departure for PalThe s t u . e r EIV .of r - ^Z Z~ Brodkey, Esthryn ISilder, Hubert early nineties have been obtainspeech is married to an. equally estine of the Technical Commis- Voelkischer Beobaehter is de- ed from - many prominent Oraa- iloasty, Kelvin Soiasier, • lilarvin Franz I. f'-'o^-.c c n "- ri -e r • T high placidity of form. This form sion on Partition was forecast manding that they, be tried for hans. Treller, Adolph Laytin asd Stan- tinj rs. - c i L ' ^ r ^ c " aspires to transcend time and with the appointment by. Colonial treason "because they allegedly diley Sloshnrg. . Previous plays given by the Secretary Ormsby-Gore of Thomdoes so. Through this form Iti r r T"> '•••>Center Players have won excel• Chainnaii cf ths Dance Com- S w i s s A: r '- " c ' . i-r i J-„,-„.» as. Reid as the fourth memter of self Waldinger speaks. with a s-~ j . r lent commendation so o-tstaafimittee .is Loyal Kaplan. Members the Commission. The other memATTE5IPT TO GRAB timeless accent of changeless ing has been the Quality of the of this committee Minos bers are Sir John "Woodhead. things. He does so intentionally. ROTHSCHILD MOLDINGS Friedman, Buster Slosbers, -Laz- tribute- :r p - ^ - ~c ^^r t All the empiric content of life to- Chairman, Sir Alison Russel and • London (WNS) —vAn atMr. A. P. "Waterfield, . S. E. V. Admission to t i e play - is fiftv ar Kaplan, Maurice Piier, Een sort o r ^4_E pCi.r" r ~-" r - day in Central Europe is bloody, Malashock, and by • Season Barkin, Lloyd barbarous, sordid, hopeless. The Luke of the Colonial Office will tempt by the Nazi authorities cents per person r Lloyci Friedman. AII cf zic i i i : <-. -~upoet, if he would remain a poet serve as secretary. The Comis- In Austria to make Baron Ticket. Date Committee chairman is Prince I ? " n - r ~e ~" ~ " — , r must address himself to fashion- sioh, it was " announced, will Louis Rothschild iurn over to TTarrea Ackerrsan. Assisting him ing in a form as of enduring leave for Palestine at the close of them a substantial part of his holdings in the Rothschild are Llbyd FriedmaE, ; Stanley ita"tion ft— a-'1- "" _ v * 'stone these aspects o^ mortality Easter services. bank was blocked when Baron Slosberg, Serltce Scaberg. Jane raariy. 7 : ^ ? = I - ^ r - ~t-- f-d which no soilure can touch and, Mr. Reid, formely in the CeyGoetz, Janet Graty, Frances von G i . . E : r <_a^r. " - c* I" no barbarian mar. Waldinger has lon civil service, was more re- Eugene ' Rothschild, B a r o n "An*? f ^ riergman Uax v c Gt-^^mcn, £.z. -ti*" and Leo Nogg. done i b . Unless civilization fails cently chairman of the League .of Louis' brother, obtained an ini^ f IF * j O * t i i • I *" ^ Dcr' -• r lrC, Leonard Nathan is beading t t e Jewist utterly. I predict that men in a Nations Commission to supervise junction here forbidding anyv years " n« - -r Publicity committee "H-hoss m-smfuture time will eome back to the the elections in the sanjak of one to withdraw from the n r tors are Arnold Levine, Harvey brother T~^~ " ,~~'~~ ? r;work of this poet, this Jew, to Alexandretta. Entering the civil Rothschild bank here any paLeon. Gertrude Ellis and Edward Liechter^" p r. prove .that amid" savagery and service in Ceylon in 1905, he oc- pers or funds belonging to the savage tumult the human spirit cupied a series of judjeial and ad- Vienna Rothschilds -without In appreciation o£ services for }Shafton. the specific permission of at Its highest still survived. ministrative posts. From 1919 to Baron work, "done on their behalf, the | Eugene. Baron Eugene Cultural LVCty c r V ; - ~ - 1924 he was mayor and chair- is a member Group of the Council I HOLD Once and once only in this new man of the Austrian of the municipal council of Bluffs. Hadassah will inscribe the ' and probably last volume Wal- Colombo, thereafter for four Rothschild family although he name of Rabbi David A. Gold£ «.«i • i V M' iw'i- i- <w" dinger strikes a personal and ex- years controller of Ceylon. In is a Czechoslovakia!! citizen. stein in the Golden Book. planatory note. He wants it un- 1930 and 1931 he was on special On March SO Rabbi Goldstein Funeral services were held last derstood that, though by the de- duty in conectio'n with the introcree of fate he is a poet in the duction of the new Ceylon con- rected the raising of a fund of reviewed two books. "Madame Sunday 'afternoon at the Je^risa the in!--_ Curie" and "Father Darslen" lor German language, he is not for a stitution, retiring from active two million schillings ($400,000) Funeral home for • Mrs.- Edward ganda > the Cultural Group. Money raised A. Berg, .47, trio died at a local Austria, moment deluded. He is a Jew. service for the proposed plebiscite of forin December 1931. In He holds those about him who mer Chancellor Kurt Schuseh- from this meeting was • turned hospital os Friday after an ill- here. x"-i~ have permitted themselves to 1933 he prepared a report as fi- nigg. If they are tried on this over to ths Jewish. National ness of several months. Sirs. j Berg had.resided here £or thirty Tie E\ lapse back into barbarism a t nancial commissioner on Seychel- charge the maximum penalty is Fund. paper. . Mrs. L. H. Cohen is chairman I years. their Tight valuation from the les Colony, where a number of death. of the Cultural Group and was | Surving are her hEsband: four view-point of his spirit and from the leading Palestine Arabs are Rebuilding of the Jewish comalso .chairman of ths Book Re- jchildren, Sarah, Norman, Mildred kas. the mountaln-pealj of an eternal now exiled. The :ourth member j and Frances; a sister, Mrs. D. Israel. He Is among them.- He of the Commission published In munity, virtually wrecked by- the view. arrest of its leaders and the conis', not of them. The personal 1934 a novel called "'Where Gabriner cf Milwaukee; s, brofiscation of its funds, ha3 been poem in which he expresses this •White and Brown Meet." He is once referred to Vil-1ther, Arthur Smith cf Omaha; started by Adolf Boehm, indus- naNapoleon thought i s a sonnet, as magnifi- 57 years old. . • as the "Jernsalem of Lithu- J and her father, four brothers and trialist and Zionist, who was cently wrought as his other son-j three sisters in Poland. named president after officials of ania." nets and stanzas and he has i proudly entitled it: "Ich bin vom jOUT OF TOWN STUDENTS. the Zionist organization had met with representatives of the. minVolk des Wortes," "I am of the WVITED TO istry of culture. Dr. Seigfried l i ^ ^ - N **™ People of the Word." . . , Yes, I tr oKantor, former president of the that .' what we are, though in SEDERS• Vienna Lawyers Chambers, , was ear sjx c America one sometimes doubts appointed president of the Zionana.shivers; the people of the All out of town Jewish stu- ist, organization. Word-, the people who conceived dents who are desirous of spend'••^^'•Q' of creation as coming through a ing the first two "Seflorim" Meanwhile, the arrests and hare .gc Word. From age ""to" age, amid nights of Passover in Jewish suicides continued. It was reto any ; darkness and desolation a few of homes and in a proper Jewish en- liably reported that Jewish suiOn exhibit in the lobby ol the C. has pfovided for overseas e s us seek to live in the spirit of the vironment are requested to-com- cides are still averaging 25 daily.! Jewish C o m m a r i t y • Center • are creative Word: Tihi or va-yihior. municate with the office of the The'suicide epidemic is'new par-j displays of the work being done j i£ration, set • up an entire s prevalent among stu- in Europe by t h s Joint Distribu-.;. system for Jewish children I have translated that great Vaad, Eighteenth and Chicago ticularly dents and -oung people who have tion committee. i-would otherwise he deprive proud sonnet of Ernst Waldinger streets, or call Jackson 0SS7-becf pec: been ousted from the universities T h e r e . i s a o phase of Jewish. ) ; , £ . „ „ , . . f , - - ^ o s £ I l i t j,,., . for its spiritual meaning and fore Thursday, April 14. Tlic . and who see no hope for the fulife in Kastera and Central E a r - i " " ^ *"-"«^'-*-»-••"•-"•» •* "-^ message of a Jew who, amid-cirl r e 0 i r a E S 1S e 3 S i r Li :: rc ture. Latest additions to the list t h a t t h e J o i n t Distribution | ; " = - ' cumambient darkness, upholds 1,684 Professors Let Out of prominent Jews arrested are ope Committee ,does not touch. I t > to v-.thstend t b e ; the eternal Word of his people. . Bruno Heilig, Rafael Eeily, v7il- r e n d e r s all* t h e life s s v i n s ser- j Esra of the N a ; i ? o v c r n t r - r L, But I want It strictly rnderstood Chicago (JTA)—Studies made Gelber,. Paul Stefan, Seig- v i c e s . — medical, child care, ed- i ' Like-f'rc i " Latvia. L .*::, that poetically my translation is by Edward T. Hartshorns of jj helm fried Gaer, : Dr. Silberberg" and ucational social welfare, econom- ! Cscchc^Ic-cfeza h u r c r c ^ s cf ' poor and lags infinitely behind Cambridge, Mass., and offered to j Irving all eminent jourthe power and splendor of; the Chicago University as his Ph.D.inalists; Hoenig", ar: bene" zzzl tu G. Schefman, a poet, and io aid. and emergency aid. It '.sands of JenGerman verses. \ •"'"•_ thesis show that cf 1.5S4 profes- Ludwig Stossl, an actor. Several h e l p s - t h e Jews to s t s c d . their ; from aid r - : r n : h ' - £1 >; lio_ sors who have been dismissed by hundred Jewish residents of the ground t o s r r v i v e t b e efforts to ] C, V»~rh t h ; " " r " . " ^ " " " " ' • • manal luc i- .^"rt-"i. t."- ' r, I am riot of this folk's flesh; Nazis in Germany, S96 were let towns -'of Detttschkreuts a n d oust them. more intense out for being Jewish, Catholic or Frauenkirclien in the province of - I n Poland-asd Rumania, t i e 3. frill.he a lltC •• - rn T- p^.r I am vassal neither of its soil or "politically unreliable."' • Bnrgenland have also been ar- D. C. maintains" medical organ- ! aid thci^. ri cT »j-f ,". : blood; rested after having had their izations, child feeding' Initlru- ] Main tr Nor crouch with mares in steamBefore 1090, the year of the property confiscated. Numerous lions, free loan societies, agencies \ tributirn Ccmm<.itc- ^r An. ; A r ^r'-n rr ,;-> stalls of wood, arrests of Jews JOB charges of ras- for-rebuilding..after posr.oms• and | Jewry. •Jnimprlsoned by its boundaries' great migrations from Germany, senschande were reported in pro- vocational' institutions for -Jew- j of th» ^ x : 1 - T l - 'J- - ' T T ' the Jews of Poland .spoke a Rusish-children. . .' J be t u r - ' c . c- z: IT " : " ~r'. vincial centers. • (Continued on page 8.) sian and Polish dialect.' Far Gsrmsn. Je^rry, ths -J.--D. j s i i t u t i c r .
Wilde Comedy to IS-a.j Week
-2, i» p-
-TO f*rt
Ric&ard'. Hillsr Willj Be Chairman of j
* jrf1 otm *" vt* s*z -»*u
J. V*
j *• jr^. <t^r •""! r
-" r --(—"
Pago 2 '"
of a prophet, but I can see the for a definite reply on whether ' where there are no - 'keep but' times, not too r e s e t s , when you they will eccept ifc'e-plsn '] sigrns '" " inquisitive »and against'' .the . will wake up frora your lethargic i f .'i s - linaerstood "that the ; questioning mind. w Disfnterefited
to Our
' S ^ t o S f u ^ ^ r i s ^ r o i S ^ r ^ V1Uask sT^prh
cannot Eurvive inan at
ergs k E c g n E i i t a o n s <-o Guarantee the•• mosphcre ci • compulsion and: rery out the project and to be spent i.pression. ;.t viilierp under the effor the needs o£ the settlers. The ; forts oZ governments to impose Sand will apparently be granted i ur-iTorui ideologies; end to cir| free by t i e ' Govei-cmen't' in the I cumpcri'oe JTI J.JIP interentp of 8 ' Eoi;th-vrestern p.nd central sec- \ doruinant regime i'nc Rtek' of intions of the country.- Settlements 1 tellecvua; lUierty. n the voa3 range in theb'broad range will be conducted en s, coopera- oiFnriiciiifirlr subjects covered y the social
My Dear Rabbis: In my humble judgment you are, to a great extent, responsible PHILIP SHEK. M. D. for the appalling conditions that (Reprinted from "The Parestexist in the training of our Jew- | Teacher's Voice"—a bi-aionti'jish youth, because you are satis- j for Jewish Parents.) fied with the existence or with | the establishment of Sunday j sc&ools 3a which the teachers are ] only one chapter ahead of the tire basis. sciences, pnd in the humahities as pupils, instead of building up a 'Settlers will be provided v i t t y-ell, the vork" has recently wltmodern Hebrew school, in which documents legalizing their status nes'sed in p?-<-ert;] countries the the teachers are scholars and until naturalization, allowing progressive (Hr-integrp.tioii of'crepedagogues. them to live only in agricultural E.tlre echolars'liip. Thie phenoThe future of Judaism in this districts. Settlers who return to nrenon has np.turallyy affected the fcted the country depends on institutions Paris or other large cities will' be : program of the Foundation. In of the latter character. No man ddeported. t d some fields it is iVnyr profitless to canisbe angrounded intelligentinJew ' v rnt. We he -well andunless has a France Seekis? to Clear • of Illegal IisruM ft some familiar knowledge of Jewish i " 1.1.e fronhistory, Jewish ethics, and, above grasts all, a thorough and comprehen£ eosrraphiParis (JTA) —• The French sive understanding and appreciai l n had a AV.I tion of Jewish religion. I am not Government last week offered be .wise becontending or claiming that a the the estimated 18,000 Jewish "• • 'T-uth by man cannot be good and upright | aliens illegally in France an opn ;;tds has without having learned the fun- > p o rtunity to settle'on the land, damentals of Judaism, but no a n d v a r n e d t h a t otherwise they Jew can be a good Jew without would have to leave the country. P&trorJze Our Advertisers • knowing why he is a Jew, or The project to settle the refu- Eockef eller Foundation what Judaism as such ^tands for, gees . Eegmes Stifling in certain French districts, , r r any more than can a man be a good Ame;ican unless he has a to be financed by the French f i k ' t''AW ' knowledge of American institu- Jews, was disclosed by Phillippe r r . . Serre, Undersecretary of Labor, U r tions,, history and traditions. New York CWXS).— Lacl. o i You ought to take an example to a delegation headed by J.Isrc tolerance end freedom of Jarblum, of the Federation cf in countries ruled by re£->rppp from us physicians when parents rr"' T 'icrPTcr which hare posted "keep or- ' ask us to take charge of the Jewish Societies. irphysical welfare of their boys M. Jarblum later announced ! signs "agsinst the inquisif e Fnd ! •«t *,
Cantor Morris Volovlck of Philadelphia will lead services at the B'nai Jacob synagogue, 24th and Nicholas streets, on Friday, ';E(Utte'B Note: *r'On to Gallthe breeding-places of the anoing infection even during a few - l e o " Is the program-of the hour hours' evening visit are neglig- pheles- mosquitoes, which . trans, in Palestine and- in Zionism ible. No wonder then, that hard- mit the malarial parasite to man. throughout the \vprld. Land is schemes ly a • child can -be found among Large-scale drainage : being purchased" by" the' Jewish the natives whose yellow, ema- which will cost the Jewish na-, Rational Fnad in the northern ciated . face is not indicative of tional institutions thousands of section of the Jewish Homethe_dlsease. No wonder that 3 per pounds, will have to be carried , iand-iiS. its. territorial and policent of, all children-are carried off out. The stagnant water will be tical future, i3 being weighed in by primary; spontaneous, attacks given an outlet, either in underthe balance. of tropical malaria, and hundreds ground pipes or "in surface canals. The important section of Gamore die annually!from compli- The current in the canals must lileo is the Velley of ^ Huleh cations ' of the splean and liver, be swift, and should be steadily where - the •; Jewish • National from anaemia and from other af- regulated and inspected, lesf the Fund,. In co-operation with the mosquitoes ' begin to settle in ter effects of chronic malaria. Jewish :, Colonisation . Associa"them again. There are also Yet a large percentage of • tion, owns the so-called Conchemical and biological means of cession Areo. •'The writer-of. adults seem to become Immune warfare, such ' a s oiling the suri to the disease, a thing which has , this article depicts lucidly the face of the water, spraying It baffled science for years. For this with a mixture of Paris Green : task connected with , "curing" immunity, In view of the enorm- and ' tHa Huleh area from malaria. dust, introducing certain ous child-mortality, Is not inborn, species of fishes and poisonous but apparently developed in' ma-, — all of which destroy the Befor© the Jews began to set- turity, and is peculiar to the na- plant3 larvae of the mosquito. The very tle in Palestine on a-large scale, tives, excluding not only-Europworkers may have forge-; parts '61 -the mapcof the eans, but Arabs of neighboring | bodies of the t o b e o U e d t o prevent them from country wore: painted light-green places and and local local- Jewish -settlers, -settlers being bitten. After the diffuse and dotted with little crosses." Tho plaes who, all Buffer greatly from the springs of the Huleh are and girls, that they might de- i the project to a meeting o£ the ! questioning mind'' mafy> it ' r- r>thus ' c r> f Cantor Morris Volovlck explanation was In the legend: disease.' This phenomenon is be- regulated, they will velop a healthy body and sound ' federation, declaring become a that the j fitless" for the Rockefeller -'.Swamp-Mnfected -With "malaria." ing studied Z * r. present by Jewish blessing instead of a curse, for April 15, at 6:30 p. m. and Sat- mind, The first thing we do is Freacb. Governmect was takiog! dation to continue cper&tio- ,r But? since ^Jewish settlement, be- scientists inat Palestine, *"» r « c urday and Sunday mornings at and the to check the diet which the chil- into consideration the plight of! those they will constitute an orderly r •gan •". vte ,v reclaim-; ever larger courtries, RErmonr ^ r- o p * r rn ~ . f ! ' t> T e n * 8:30 and on April 22 and 23 at dren consume daily, to s e e stretches ^f-.latfd'ln. these disease, discovery of its cause will not and almost limitless supply of 8:30 the Jews in connection with, the 1 Fosfiick, without mentioning ?. •> • t >r F { »i>« ' . a. m. whether or not it contains all of ridden, territories, - the .number of only be of the utmost value In water for Irrigation purposes, asserts rr' r f r . f r . r>cth Blind since birth Cantor Volo- the necessary elements and vita- current drive to eliminate aliens j country by name, light-green, dotted areas has been the rehabilitation* of the Huleh, thus making the Huleh a Region illegally in France. The p!&B jj "disinterested' research • c r r r o C ~T\ vick has a pleasing voice and is mins. If the daily diet is not up but of paramount importance to of intensive agriculture. steadily .shrinking. Soon the sturequirements. was outlined to the Jewish Tele- jj survive in EE atmopphere of rciL Agicultural colonization -Is in also a talented pianist. So that to the standard dent of geography,'will find but medical" science all .over the • itself an important antirualarla he could conduct the service he and unless the parents are will-j graphic Agency later by Under- rulsion and .repression." few-pISces iff- ^whicb- malaria• is world. Pointing out that the. Fo- r, ?In'view of the plans o f the measure. Large-scale experiments had to learn the entire prayer ing. to let us correct the chil- I secretary Serre, who explained : prevalent. ; . dren'a diet, we will not undertake i that it fcad originated with him j tion's eim eince the .beginnirc. c ' and Holland have book from memory. Jewish Agency for large-scale in Russia 1 1 As if by miracle, the concealed agricultural, colonization in' the shown that in the presence of Tickets may '.e obtained from to supervise the health of their j and had sot yet been approved by j its activities' 25 years age hand of Jewish, enterprise'-grad- Huleh'in the very near future, livestock the anopheles tends to the Diamond Kosher Meat Mar- children. -viiJ _.. cannott. raise a - .j .. cajjjj-gt, j5Et tag a ji chances been to maintEin You ually drained every source of in- the problem of combating and become zootropic, in other words,( ket, 1512 No. 24th; Adler Deli- healthy child on skim irilk or of approval. international plane .without fection within the boundaries of eventually stamping .out malaria the mosquitoes take to biting cat- catessen, 1513 No. 24th; Stoller butter milk, and what is true of The plan would be only appli- tideration of flags, orits ^activity, until the ravages of is extremely, urgent. Unless this tle instead of human beings, thus" Fish Market, 1S23 No. 24th; M. the physical diet is also true of malaria have fcecqmes but a,dread- is .accomplished, Jewish: settle- greatly reducing the rate of in- Markowitz, 2521 Sevrard street; the spiritual diet. You cannot cable to Jews who entered France doctrines cr creeds or sects, k declares that in, TF ftfl reminiscence; retold .;by pion- ment is unthinkable. It Is there- fection. Afforestation by the Jew- or at the synagogue. feed our boys and girls with the during or before.tbe Paris Intereer fathers to their children, and fore both interesting and reas- ish National Fund, which always Sunday school food of skini'inilk national Exposition, but would years this idefJ. • hes encoun by veteran settlers, to newly-ar- suring to hear from Jewish scien- goes-hand in hand with-colonizaor butter • milk, and expect them not apply to those who entered serious difficulties which E:P rived Immigrants* When one.who tists :in Palestine of their present tion, also helps to drain swamps, BRITISH STORE CHAIN to grow tip good and devoted after the exposition, nor to Jews creasscg. ' is familiar with the various as- and • past researches, about their and prevents the spread of mosJews. This is what you ought to living in other countries. Its "Objective BCholarship is pects which the-map-of Palestine valuable contributions to- this quitoes, especially the anopheles HALTS SALE OP expound to the parents. threefold purpose is to avoid any- sibie only wher« thought is has assumed through the last de- field of medical science, and about :lutus, which Is the most dan- I1AZI GOODS . The importance of our Hebrew mass expulsion of Jewish aliens, cades, looks at it today; inevitably all the preventive measures which gerous of this species. :schools is to preserve our Jewish. to reduce congestion in the cities where there is tolerance, the question arises in his.mind: they-intend to take in combating As our sage Rabbi Sam- and to reduce unemployment. London (WKS)—Lewiss, Ltd., people. "Where are the swamp3-of JJadera-i malaria in tfie'Huleh. For in spite The native population will have uel said, "The study of the Torah 1 It was reliably learned that M. to be subjected to a mass cure' England's' largest chain of deKabara, Kinnereth,. EIn Harod, of hard, painstaking experiments, is more important than the buildNahalal and Wadf' Hawareth? which have been carried out in with quinine, plasmoquin, ate- partment stores, -has announced ing of the Temple." It-is'nearly Serre fhortly will iavite reprebrin and bthet forms of medicathat-it will/no longer sell Ger- 19 centuries since the destruc- sentatives of Jewish The modern map.* bears no'trace various* places for the last 30 or * of them; they wpuld:' be anach- 40 years, by scientists all over the tion; for'as long as they remain: man goods. Sir Frederick Mar- tion of the Temple, and the Jew- tions, including ronistic in places which have been world, the secret of malaria has carriers, of .the gametes of the quis, managing- director of the ish race not • only survives, but Jewish. Joint Distribution Commalarial plasmodium, their very settled for some tlnie by Jews. not yet}- feeen completely unf ath- presence "in the • Huleh - region company,. which has . .stores. In also- has Increased in numbers so mittee, the Alliance Israelite UnManchester, Leeds, that there are How 16 or 17 mil- iverselle, the HIAS-ICA Emigre- j {] qined, ^iid no radical cure has •In the. extreme-'^orth there is would be a source of infection to Liverpool, Associatio and still a territory 'Shlch -has been been perfected;to this day. Anti- the new settlers. Jewish health Birmingham and Leicester, an- ion -Jewish people in the world. tiOE Association and the the F r e h ! I recall of If the Jews, however, would close Federation of Jewish Societies, to j • appropriately called.- r^Th^ ever- malarial "vork^is -still limited to services wUUhave tcie-constant-. nounced the immediate : lasting glowihtr-itajne r of .mall on tthei.watcK' h i. tt cKK' % % ', supervising i i g all;!, buyers' frota ^ - Germany and up the Talmnd Torah and cease a -conference at hiei he -ri'A a •ly studying the Torah, in the. course aria." This tract, :^rhich has battation schemes' an'd "to* methods of 11 this Au'striai -•••-"•"'-• hi wo"rS, "S ahd'afterwards^in h d^ of 50 years they would disappear recently come into;" Jewish -pos-.1 cure whijch are only,jpartly effec- avoiding the recurrence of epiHe, said " I would scoar, every, and the Jewish people would be a session, Is the-.f^mo^ HuleJifCoa' " ' malaria in demics in. the-'-iehabilltated area, raarketMti". the".:/world "'"'.before I! hingof the past. -• ctesalori, in 'a thing .wBicn.rebenlljf' happened would ^do- anything to- contribute' So, my dear Rabbis, "To be or tile - Huleh in Ceylon with disastrous conseby -trial and error, . . . . . . . . to th© economic well-being" of a not to be"—depends a great deal •watered by'. diffdse-sprlngg and experiments iri past'years, especially be- quences. . country that is content to have a on the course which you pursue winter raitta-.which,7 for lack of which the war, did not always yield The research station has been man at .its head who .deliberately, In the future. Judaism is a vital natural outlets, - collect In . low fore results, but " from working hard on- many problems maliciously and cruelly perse- organism, with a sensitive life of Doctors areas and form vast pools : of satisfactory much, has been learned involved In malaria,-such as the cutes^one mlro and •watery: These swamps which of the" oldest races in ts own. It cannot stand still, percentage of infection rates, .the Co. crafts, is. r:~,. i c r r about the practical and theoretiand minute lakes 'are thickly cov- cal aspects of the problem. To- types'of mosquitoes and their re- the world." Sir Frederick declar- but must grow or decline. I ata ; not a prophet, nor am I the ton ered by" a veritable jungle of all there:isreasonahle confidence lation to malaria, the life-cycle of ed -his firm will find goods that kinds of tropical Vvegetation; and day of success in "the various com- the malarial parasite,. the effect can be sold with a free conscipopulated by all jnanner of birds, bined measures, in such a of various treatments In the sev- ence to the free people'of Engreptiles and insects. Among -the severely infected even place as the eral stages of the disease, the land. latter, the mosquito in all its Huleh. problem of. immunity, etc. In . varieties is prevalent, the harmmany of these, Jewish science , legs-culex as •well:as the danger-' What then are the things which has attained outstanding results, the turn- of the Huleh in Galilee. CUD anopheles, which harbors can, and most probably will, be which will go a long way In over- It is perhaps the most difficult within it,, the .malarial1 parasites. done in- the Huleh In order to coming'malaria in Palestine. "We task that we have had to face The landscape "of the fcujeh has make it a healthy place'for Jew- are confident— I was told in thus, far, malaria being neither changed very little in the two or ish settlement? 1 interviewed Mr. Rosh Plna — that we can tackle the least nor the only obstacle. . threa fmillenia,.for .which, history Y., one of the research workers malaria in ,the. Huleh,.and elim- But we need have -no apprehenhas any record. The' same bleak ifl the Malaria Research Station inate it to no lesser degree than sions about its 'eventual success, be sure mountains of Golan, Lebanon and of Rosh Pina, in order to get an toother places in Palestine. when Jewish science, Jewish pioNaphtall, closing in the horiron expert reply to this urgent ques?9 include-Vanity" Foir. Knesbs?. Sfoddr;:!$,. t; you really neers and Jewish national enterJewish settlement in Palestine prise work hand In hand to carOn all sides; the same ."snow-cap- tion. Their first consideration— o pkcE?! Pctfch'sd strain abscrber stretches to ped head of .Mount Hermon, from he told me — would be for the is notoriously difficult, but hasry it "out. 1 whose slopes descend/the three pioneers engaged in the actual been "eminently successful. Emek prevent feigu® end parte" runs. Thfi dull crepe texfuf* ' rivulets which fait -Into/the Huleh drainage work. They will be ex- after Emek. has been reclaimed posed to the first fire, as it were, and colonized and-now has come is glcmorously $?icsr ond snao-:*£S;sfap?, Three proper-:Patronize Our Advertisers Lake and later run down Into and great precaution must be fiorsed lengths ajsyre Lake Gennesaret as the. River taken to guard them against the. Jordan. • The native inha"bitants'i disease. Their camps will have y fIcwer4oriS colors occsn-' herfesHveEs-sjer m o o i ^ alleged: to be descendants of to be erected at some distance Egyptian slaves brought here a from•• the swamps, possible' on the ttnr centuries ago, and who after i near by,y and special prophy-one civilization and another sucr lactic will be meted a. demonstration.and ho c©sivlpc©d . cum,bed to the "glowing flame of out totreatment Only after their malaria," look to -all- appearance work is them.' s Is i"jo cap off tho ycc?. completed will the h Huleh ' like living examples in ancient' be opened to mass settlement. v. history. The Talmud, the. books And what will this work conof Josephus, medieval records, s sa r of? As in the case of every current researches « - all" record sist disease —^ he explained •— there the presence: of the. deadly, fever, are two chief .methods, prevenand the / bleak-Charveat which,It tion and cure; here also an ounce CosssasoreSal' Traslss • reaps,viier.e from-time to "time. zCci? ell Asscriec is ZZZCT - clT-r.:.. Zof prevention is worth a pound of £303 ^ra G S . VJU. QCZO iEiuSe tssi. ^-r-u ccn rrr n^i - Even;:"tbdi'y,''malaria : takes a cure. ' The- chief tank, therefore, ; feel hcvr S?e-S'iid'dpd~ H e r d P.'n.-^rr neavjp;, ttilf in- life and health f roiri is to do away with the swamps—: -... the natives-of the Huleh. Jewish . scieiitlsts''bf 'the Malaria Research" v/ci» coppery et Station>inJ neighboring Rosh Pl • •which'-Ub'uilder the auspices.of : tho KeBrew; University, have* in; formeditaft that all known forms of hiriasnAmalaria, 'tropical, ter^i? ary, • quartan,; are-, prevalent here in almost •unsurpassed degrees, makinrgjthe Huleh territory a typical.) endemic' area. This: may >be a Paradise for the research scientist, but" It is a virtual Hades territory for .human..habitation. . I was told that" i n ' the summer • time,: whiph • lasts-about eight or 1^^ ' - „- :ii- e t f * * -i «•> nine months,""every .native tent
By K. Z.-Davids
cbntalns about 6,000 mosquitoes,
6 per cisht of which, are infected '...; with malaria; thus each person i3 - bitten hundreds of...times.'-a'-nlght, ; and since practically either, sick with the disease OT a of it, the chances of escap-
Usaj Iqaa and Sosa3« ; Stool ~<Qotsti&B®t Woo?3 QCd •Wefekta eqrrtasl la ofesek." } "*-' s£jo _. 'asd ' - CasSs 2ror "
and Mavlha St. MA SS2S - . .
THE JEWISH PEESS—FRIDAY, APRIL S/1S3S mischief?" To each man he et me j CEB. ron re as?., Charlie? could jnake s man cat of the I fellow lite Pinky would never;' could .rub off the -writingaccording to his manner, but this snow and stick a broora in Ms• bare fellen -upon Mm. hea- ro I uer back -TEE timed wo k±m. I ip he added to one and all, "Anfl hand, just like tee pictures in ) That sorslEg Charlie's wosndr csnd- \ Picted vp c-e c2 tL- b^cls L v ce T the chief thing is that this boy's tbe boofes.- They discovered c a n y efi sense- of justice ~ c s still ; heart i3 drawn to the task, as things weird asd wonderful, sm2.iu.nto. .iCiUi. xi is Dmt€ r^iSES h^. I" v enough to Eat-; tbeir fcafr stand toward Pinky Tras lost in his gen- i sr's t:zc , though he were born for it." a 1- - ^ en3. Often little RntJaie's lip eral bitterness to-srsrd everything. Would you believt it? - - a cn2t ^ ~~ r ^ c LC"^ ld tremble, and in the middle ; Suthe- anc. cc—L rg -L;if- a s2-> i o* t c > simpleton, but his words go Liate for School straight to the heart. And that of the story she -sronld b'jrst oat Ke struggled up to the school I In a d r i e s t Ebe vcu: be u- to v-r .^er is how Ruva became Ehomer of crying: "Want to • go h o s e to just as the late gate' vr&s "aboutjiini. tie I—-1 Mummy!"; and ehe -would even to be shut. " Ke hzi to wait in ! As he lov^'ez. c\ e" t c b" the water-melon field. wake up trecsbilng in the middle A Xevr Hut line d-oTrnstairs to receive a tar-I to male E_~* th-t t t ° ; n * e .AS ^EXTENSION OF-THE JUN- arose and said:."Well, is . Before many days had passed of the night, grasp hold of her dy, slip. Charlie remembered j ttere E ^C7- T--1 ^ C V C1" J IOR DEFAKTMJ3K3? OF THEfeeding seren mouths already, an a new watchman's hut with its mother • and -whisper: "D'yoii iritn shame that ce iras ths cEly j crept j,Et.a h»s f es H " ce ec know, Huva lissn't got any Daddy one in Sis class that ^reek -with : in t h e -rer? n.i^ st cf h»s bc^ JEWISH. CEX- eighth -won't starve.-' And taen raised floor was erected- at the or Mummy? Wicked people in oae of those disgraceful red ; tain, lli.e rove"ej book - all of a BUdden everybody found edge of the grove. A tea-pot was country tney call 'abroad' cards. I Hebrew "i J^r'" - - tLr>. Lat J Good •-• Shabbotfa boys, and that they wanted this 'bargain.' bought, and a reeS-mat, a blacS the them becausa they irere ' iH ciicciig t.£. ECLPO' girls, of the Junior Jewish The colony -was In a'.turmoil, t shirt, and a stout stick. What killed Kiss Sutherland, the teacher, I slipped Jews" . . . (To be continued.) books no oae could allay the strife. Press! about food? - - that would be looted him over sternly as he ene he'e h.s L-esth It v r s easy, for one would give Zilm a . ' Zachariah Helps . tered and took the card from *:im i tooCitrl " It is now three weeks sines ]cte tc t£i.e the I>oc2: 1«tfc It -was Zachariah . yrho saved 'bite,' another would give a 'bite,' without saying a word.- And we. began oar column and wo -vr&s already up to the boy 3c j when he was fairly seated In: his I' She know,tbat everyone of you aro the situation. Zachariah, the Ye- and it would suffice. But.Zachfront cf him and if he put1 cut By Sasnel Beta chair, consckms tbat a ncrnber ; ebjoying- these 'stories.;, from menite, who looks after the wat- ariah was not satisfied. "One (The Xew T o r t Jewish Child) of mlschievocs- eyes vrere peering Ksl hand she -would certainly see "week to treek, and the reports er-melon field and about whom gives for a day,' and another for X awoke T t into a misty aim. But trhat trould- she say Charlie a day, but behold, his heart rethey used to say, "He's a simplehim from all sides, t e heard I; when of, the meetings of yonr clubs. she sair a Hebrew bock os i January morning -~-,a morning at mains faint, and his soul lanher say: "I will repeat for. the W'want you'.to-make thi3 your ton, but he's got some sense." of streets -soaked with mud, a sake of all newcomers that at | the school fiest? Qnlv the other I .own page and to send in your For a long'time he had been com- guishes." This time, however,'he morning j week she had sent a hey to the I threatening anytliing be• stories, poems, and .letters to plaining that he couldn't keep was wrong. The housewives, in- tween s sio-wer and a hail-storm, I the end of the hour the boots cf i principal because" she ciscoverec! • Aunt '.Naomi' at the Jewish guard alone, for he' hadn't got deed were apt to forget, but the and looked ont wearily in the the class -will he examined." | a '•cirne novel in his desk. What i : Commnnity. Center so that they eye3 at the back 'of his. head. children - - they remembered, cold, .snow covered yard. EveryCbarlie paled and -writhed in j water-melon • field," he and were not slow to remind thing was lifeless; there -sras not his seat. He knew she "sras re- ! -would she ssy to this? can appear in the paper every "The i Miss Sutherland vras already ] their parents. "Mummy, break-would say, "is spacious (forfend Friday. . . even the occasional Efrisliing of ferring -sarcastically to his tardi- ; pictiEg up his books and the very j . 1'on remember last week vre the evil "eye),- and'by the time I fast for Ruva" . . . "Mummy, din- the wash-lines. In the absence of ness. "Even she is against me," ! first book she picked out -was the . Each child the birds—birds will not on anywas the despairing thought in his• Hebrew book. She -WEE holding ner for Ruva" told yoa that- we are planning get to one end, there's mischief looked forward eagerly to the conditions ' .. to .have, a big party on l^ag going on a t the other.' Evil can day when to the brick- head. it ia her hand End vrzs looking it would be his turn lined1, dustycome Charie had more than ordinary througt B'Omer for all oar little read- come in b y seventy ways, and my to * take food East Side—h© had its pages ccriouslr. to the grove, and strength is but that of one man." respect for Miss Sutherland; he ers, and particularly for those come to look upon the -trssh-lines great was the envy fcf those Kis Book So-he said to Ruva: had never really liked a teacher who write to Aunt ; .Naomi. as tbe country lad looks upon • " Y o u , 'Yachabibi,' hearken whose parents were free from the sparrows of his orchard. Nev- PO mcch. Test tras because Miss Sonie of the boys 'hafl slreacly There will be special - awards plain clrenr ; o H c obligation. Scarcely had the er had life appeared so dreary Sutherland was different/ She '. recognize-d this a'nfi were titterfor. the members of Aunt Na- unto my voice, and "o not to thethis 1 run risen when one of the chila nt cleaoeci omi's club, and remember, the houses of those people, for they dren would be on his aray to the and empty. In the kitchen Leah never scolded her pupils, never i 'xg asongst themselves. In bis ! pressed. ;oi>ir rasped.-at them; she vrzs never j heart poor Charlie VEE preparing j are even a s Laban the Aramite. way to become a member of was arguing eloquently for angrove, and more than once, late other sandwich. In a moment even kno-srn to lock. cross.. YetI himself for the -worst poss;ble j the clnb is to write a letter t o . Today they deal well -with you, In the evening, little shadows she would be going to school It no.class in the school had so good | FBrashment. - - to being put out i ; MAN'S S-piecc but tomorrow they will forsake Aunt Jiaoml or to writs'some could seen hastening towards must be late, he decided. He put an attendance nor reached so "ol the school for goofi.• | i cleaned aud little story that we can put;,in you. You will be as a Canaanite home, be for a scolding, and on-bis clothes hastily. When he high a standard of behaviour as "Is thatyour " Hebrew took, I '>• pressed. only slave unto them. Behold, you a r e perhapsready the paper for yoa. even a box on the -ears. entered the kitchen Leah \ras al- her class.. Charlie was all admi- ChErles?" • . j Muscovite, incline your ear and When the holidays came it So let's all j ^ t together and ahearken ration for the teacher who-could | TrerneEdouslj-: "Yes, Ka'sB." • ; MAN'S felt t a t my voice, and thewas worse than ever. "There's ready gone. His breakfast was see if we can -make this party •; Lord willunto be gracious unto you. no hone, no yard, no duties," waiting for him on the table. The work such miracles, and now cleaceu and ^ - • ^ 1; ! • a big affair and have all the You : become 'Shomer' of the complained busy, tired mothers, tedious business of washing and that even she -was against him j b r e w ? " j &E.C b i o " * little boys and girls of Omaha water-melon field, he felt crashed beyond anyone's tidying up being disposed of, he I Still T e r r faintly: " Y e s , ' my help and with tiny tots dragging at their there. po-srer of consolation. ma'am." my right hand. Behold, one will heels, "it's nothing but the grove ate his breakfast hastily. We hope yoa have enjoyed give Kiss Sutherland t u r n e d to t h e you a handful, and another , _ _ . "It isn't really my fault, ma," the serial story, "THE FOUR He dragged tfcrougfe the lest rest of t h s class. "Ami -who else ! HEROES OF HIIV2JERET." To will give you a handful, and food ^ day Ion?., Whatever are they be muttered apologetically, gath- sons, L and vr&s reliered at the endin .this class is ' ' BltcTrifcE-~Ke-; ering his books tog-ether with a ot the day we are printing Chapter H will not be lacking; you will h e d o i n g there? Iiorr -wli-ea Miss Suther- b r e w ? " . • i a bird of the air and as the _ . . dimmer scramble v "I got up late." • and. another- story entitled, as asfced-tfce class to prepare Only one h a n d — t h a t of a little hills." Indeed, • there was very little "And you went to bed late," land "AN 1SRKOR." We hope yoa wind of the books on desks, so that she, pass- ' felloe In front—Trent "up. " T h e [ His Visits * tree-climbing done will, .like-these stories. seen that fromsummer, their reminded his mother severely. ing tkronsi the aisles, Eight be !-cowards," Charlie t h o u g h t . " A t j In this-manner he .poke to the as could be Charlie hurried downstairs. He have which didn't show ; .Next week we shall ab^e to examine them. j least half of them ar© gc-iEg t o and then he went into the atrouser-seats. this entire addition -devoted to boy, new iole every other day. Nor paused a moment on the stoop. - It Tvas vriib a wearf heart thzt colony, visiting first one iouse A light snow vaa whirling into stories, of ;l*assover which we and then another. • Hera he spoke did they swim much in tne cool Charlie obeyed. E e laid Jus boots j " I s t h a t a l l ? " asked Kiss Suth•know-yon will- all enjoy.: waters of the Jordan or Late lbs black gutter. "They ought to on the desk and observed the erland, with fiisEPPcintment in | with a man, there with a woman. Y0UB AUNT NAOMI. as they used to in cum- excuse a fellow for coming late teacher as she X2£3e the rounds her Tcice. " I shoulg thiafc - t h a t A meeting, he thought, would Kinneret, gone by. But still, even on such, a day," he thought, of the roors. He ts.3. a faint re- most of r o n vrocld vrant t o l e a r n only bring confusion, and it was mers now, they had a few dips every .tightly, hugging the books under mexabranee of- having --written on i y o u r OWE I . TTOU-IE -if better to act, in this way, for once day the blue waters. Off with his arm. the EiExg-in of one of kis boots. i l v e r e • you. I'sclTise all o f . y o u he was before them.they would theirInclothes ^. - .and in -they . ,.-.. - -A Dark Mood Which boo'k -vras it? Perhaps fcei boys t o follow Chsriie'E esamp'le. give him a hearing. In one house, would go! Who's Charlie was in one of bis dark in first? They he- would plead: "This is a child would disappear under CHAPTER tne water moods. It appeared to him .that of good fortune sent by God to TheiHew W a c m n Watchman and bob up after a long time, the whole world, particularly the '• And RuvaI;stayed in the; colony us. What arv his needs? A little ever so far off, swimming like weather, was full of spite against - - in the-nearby grove,'-where "oil/a little flour - - that's alL" golden fish, appearing and dis-him. • His mother's reminder there -was a •watchman's • shelter, And in another he would say, appearing again. Then they used about the lateness of his going WHOLESALE 03TESEL T TGSS ' "The water-melons this year have looking out: on to the watermelon t** Cis«sc©!s.te3» «"Merle*, CECEESI EEJto drag a couple of rusty pieces to bed the night before brought field. JU first no- one- .dreamt increased • mightily, 'mash'-allah'; of iron roofing lying in some with it, too, a host of dark mem• CsassSa D r j Gisgeir Ale ETS5 Kerpe»6esr Cl^ese. they are • a Tdelight -, to the eyes, that he. •would remain. "Where back-yard, knock in a few nails, ories. • Fs.lsis.SS S e e r and every passer-by, says to him- and could he stay? With whom? they had a fine boat, with a Pinky and his gang had. with; For seven . dayB . and seven self: 'I too shall partake of the plank for a seat and an old shoe out warning, come upon him at S I S So. ISth ££re©S ' ' .: ' AT 42S2 nights * the7 question was debated blessings of the earth."" In yet for an oar! eight o'clock and challenged hisi by fathers and mothers, -workero another -place he would say: Yes, they did all that. But it to a snow-fight. Pinky's gang and colonists,-boys and'..girls. ".At "Those - young rascals from the numbered eight, wills with Charfirst each one-tried to prove how Kvutza yonder Interpret the holy was nothing In comparison with lie were only Mickey and Bones. previous years. This summer own--way: 'And much his neighbor needed this .•words " 'their ; Charlie pleaded for time to get i boy: ' "An extra pair of * hEn d's' a t wfien-lhou c'Omest'into %ny neigh- they didn't even divide up- thesome more of his friends, but grove into sections;'" but" &£&l bour's water-melon field thou • : threshiajj-time - - why, they are Pinky instantly began the attack. one to «ach:cliiia. What worth their weight in, gold." But :mayest eat thy : fill - - and leave lots and i could three do against The birds'rested peacefully in nought.'Howcan I ^prevent this one evening-- Shiome'a - father their", nests, and the gaily-colored eight? It was nine o'clock when .feathers that fell from the nests he finally turned In, tired sad lay in masses on the dry.leaves, •beaten, and It was ten before he with nobody to collect them. The could fall aseep. 5i£rS;-::jf-JT2 ^<s~^ 5 ^ / £ z r ^i ^f y ^ ^ z L z - T = For more . than half an hour box-thorn Bushes groaned beneath the -weight of their ber- he had lain. awake in his bed ries with none to pick them. The plotting some suitable re-renge on winding bill-paths that led to the the cowardly Pinky. Bsfore fallporcupine-dens, were deserted. ing.asleep he soothed his.woundNone of the children had time for ed feelings, with the thought that these things. Where were they if he had not been foolish enough then? Sitting in the grove be- to start going to ensder, the disMAY BE PURCHASED .FROM YQUK neath the cool shade of an euca- grace of having to deal with a lyptus tree, deep in conversation GROCER OR ROUlSMAN ' for hours at a time. Every-now Patronize Our Advertisers SK*»K3S4S^SSS5SSSSKS»KS3SS«SSSSSSaS!l«; I and then one would jump up on - _4 j i *"=r-i i ~- —T~~~ _: •* to the watchman's hut and take a look around to -make sure that all wa3 well, and they would continue. And if anything should r 3 happen, why, trusty Geulah was {S jz^€l--?? ~* ~- ~" • - "V there and he would soon raise the alarm. ' , ^j ~" ~ - ' The Colony "mm=Tm: Before long Ruva knew ".-'by heart the history of' the colony from the day of its foundation - what troubles It bad g o n e H-'AGADAH through and how each oae' had l struggled, JHe knew also who had I I the best fields and who owned the finest cow-shed, which were the shortest cuts to the surrounding colonies, and the names of Your• grocer will give you'this Besstifsl Es^acah fcr the nearby villages; lie could tell Passover freg T?ith ersry tea cans-of 1IASWELL' E 0 US2 you where the most dangerous 'COFFEE., that .you pcrchase fcr t h s holiday. Ths places-were, and whose graves Hagadah, risMy illustrated, includes an English trass-la* GramJ Fmeb f lay on the hill-side. What h©rdidI: \*l*(-)-* ft ' 'i ^' iVt know wasn't worth knowing. tion and a a istrodsction clarifying the Seder. Servisss. : And tbe children of Kinneret found out lots- of interesting As long as -your grocer has then, you may As on previous PassoTers, K things, too. Over there, in the land where Ruva came from, obtain as many. Hagadahs as you., need, by H 0 U & 3 . the ori~nE.i_£.nc: i d e d ? there was snow - - Teal snow" - buying'as "many cans of MAXWELL EOIJSE, is JXCEL cr fcr P Vrand even ice, in great bigr pieces, COFFEE'as may be required for that, pur- Babbi Kczz:li which formed all by themselves. pose. Remember that MAXWELL HOUSE en;cr it Anyone who wanted to could en yen Jr-r.l com© along acd take ss much as .comes-to'-you packed in the •HlpST-' T CvEHSl ; ho liked,- for nothing! And -you can" that-keeps'It roaster-fresh. The coffee
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tho chapter in which the author iij Talzaud-Torah, is La a position portrays that deep inner spiritual to be versed in the BibI. anfl also struggle.'which-led to the csll of to start- the study of" "Mishnah" Jeresia& to Ms reluctant - yiele- and later evea "T&luiud." ing to "the voice of God, bis ua- The Omaha City Talmud Torah willing"-acceptance of tfes role of can point oat to a mii&ber of our •pereasSsl
critic" and .. 'cbs^tfser. children
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of the bible i T* T " '? £••
I depose h!ni r.nd you vill tR-Jre his I place and I yours." Rabbi Jacob I overheard flu? plan f.nci said to I ; M-mFfii?. "God forWc' i)\rt Kebbi : Simon should hp pmlin'Tasscrt." Feeling that it would be wronp to diaoioije it openii . he vent and
Werfel utilizes the material i s termed as Araericaa "Ta'saidei ; s r t (iov:r; in the back of JR,abbi tho Book of Jeremiah but he does Ch&schonim." *" BIBLE if. PRICE, One? I Simon r n d bcrp.n io study the it in-a'manner which mates the For cur soul is bowed Sown to Iftr-sp lonrlly. over and —ELtETP BLOCS ABVCRT1CING FJATEO FURNIQME© ON narrative more intelligthe dust, our abdomen cleaveih • orer a£:ain. R?bb; Simon notic"HEARKEN UNTO THE VOJCE" conception of prophecy Is aliea to Biblical EOITORIAU OFP!CE» GOO 8RANDEI3 THEATER and aws .iaspiriag. His ficunto the earth.: Arise for cur 1 inp v-wrh p rtrr.njve eiH. paid to KARAITES I FBANZ:.'WEBFEIh 780 PAGES. the thought of Frana Werfel and ible" SJOU« CITY OFFICE—JEWISH COfWMWWITV. U 1 tional., cr mere precisely, embelhelp, and redeem us for Thy himself. "T«*ha!. Ccc-r this mean? VIXOKG ..PRESS." P3.00. -.-.;"." "' to thla great work. Jeremiah, like lished account of Jeremiah is a To the Editor of The Jewish I mercy's sake. • -. '' 'V PRINT SHOP AODRESS-<5£M SO. C4TW OTHESt . . ;.; i Perhaps. God foi'hid, something ell the great prophets of the Old.superlative achievement. •'• Jeremiah 1B the most tragic Press: • DAVlp BliACSESB • .• •' 'Busjneaa and Managing Edit©? and the most tntrigulnfso* Bibli- Testament, "was not concerned }£y heart oreriloweth with s is go in,.: on ip the college?" ImIn the last issue of The Jewish < goodly matter, my tongue is the •mefliafely l The tragedy of the life cf the Press ilK-rei-pon he took u p 'a..- AOKSRHAN •'"• » -"«'. - .> ' : ' • .. ' : . cal heroes, and, nest to Moses, with predicting the fortuitous appeared the allowing . pen of cuick writer. Thou are : thst Tract fir; t sriuMed if through. prophet, Ti'erfel Bensss deeply item: "The Karaites 'NATBAil' v ••'••'• « ""' • •-; • * Associate Editc? the most awe inspiring. In the events of the future. He could no and Russia '• fairer than the chilcler o*r men, On the next day. his rieseiples said invests with a tragic grand- were not subject to discriminado that than any other moriTESDEJIUCJIi COHN • Contrlbutins Editor entire Blblicrl literature there "Is more tal. Jeremiah was chiefly and eur. His father is angered at ttjg tion because cf the theory they '. grace is por.refi upon thy lips, to him. "Lei ihe master lecture none to compare 'With him, there -TOBODOBH W. LEWIS '• ^ - .. ' • • i - BooS Editor surrender to God, which the had emigrated frcra Palestine be- itherefore God h&th blessed thee over Vktzin," which ho did open ia none who'brought so eloquent exclusively a bold, and utterly pious -and upright but quite s i n - fore the Ctristian era and tbere- | forever. -• -•;-Slows Cltjv Iowa, ^Correspondent and reckless preacher of t r u t h , , and lecture r;por,. Aftf" ao w a i burdensome a message and individual caa not compre- fore Hear this all ye peoples, give : through, he Pciid to them, "Had csuld not bsve participated I noae T7ho Buffered BO indescrib- righteousness and mercy. Fear- pie did he denounce in ring- hend. The people to whom he ia the crucifixion." This is "not!ear, ali ye inhabitants of the rr.y r. ttRntiosi not been called to ably for his *ovo of truth t^ lessly, .-.'The P j h o e n i x R i s e s - / • ; - ••.,;. : •;•. ing and specific terms, the evils, speaks greet his words not' asquite correct. The Karaites of iworld, both low ar,cl high, rich . this Tract. I sboulri have been Israel. sins, the corruption snd thespeakers aspect audiences to do, Russia hare enjoyed soce civic [ and poor, togethe1*. My mouth [ put to public by your ' Already, -with* disaster still dogging its heels, Austrian '•'. Frans Werfel, the gifted auth-tho dishonesty of the nation, of the with delight and applause, but fr l g h t s g u c h a s j-jiitary exemption • shall speak wisdom, end the med- ; plan." He '.hereupon gave an Jewry has set itself to the tremendous task of rebuilding its or, haa taken this Jeremiah, the king, the officers and especially with abase, ridicule and perse aal j a B d other privileges long before' itation of my lie-art shall be un- : order, raid Kahbi Mair and Rabbi terrifying of all Old Testa- tho priests in charge of the sanc- attack. They regard his doctrines | the Karaite leafier Bobovrich t s - !derstanding. ; K'i.hrn vere remorod from »lie shattered communal life/ The important leaders of the Vien- most ment prophets, and converted the tuary at Jerusalem, who, bribed &s ! college. They would, however, treasoaabie and his message s u r e d ? r i nee Voroczcw that he nese community are imprisoned, facing trial for treason for record of his life into o beautiful by generous gifts', shut their eyes sa blasphemous, treacherous sad iC £ n p r o v e that Karaism is older During the tirae when Rabbi I circulate in writing, questions and moving and . challenging aiding the Schuschnigg regimej charitable institution have had otory. The author must have to Jth© transgressions of the peo-disloyal. TV hat age —" and what jt&&B Judaism aafl that the Kar- !Simon was the prince. Kabbi Na- '; end objection?- throw them and the leaders. The vehe- aristocracy—would do otherwise, aites emigrated from Palestine i than, the president of the Sen- • info the college. To the cnestions their funds and property confiscated; people, who even in meditated upon Jeremiah for ple, ment and forthright denuncia- when St heard its most sacred be- f i 0 B g before the crucifixion that conic not he solved in colyears and years, must have de- tions required superhuman cour- Hefs and instlttuions'attacked, .as I Even the . ignorant Russian jhedrin, and Kabbi Meir, the sage lege, they would themselves write pauperized post-war Vienna had been-reluctant to accept char- yoted of the college; when Rabbi Simon precious months in com- age and recklessness so colossal Jeremiah did when he referred to bureaucrat of more than a cen- ] vould enter, the people arose, the answers end send them again ity, haye had* the means of earning a few crumbs taken from muning with the spirit and soul as-to be completely oblivious to the Tenple ss a "den of robbers"- tury ago were not stupid enough j likewise either Kcb'oi ?4air . to college. Kr.bbi Jose then exof this unique, mysterious and •' them. "With the cries of their oppressors stiE ringing in their God-intoxieating Ejan. The basic personal safety. Jeremiah de- aad mad® Jest of th© elaborate; t a accept the falsifications and 'or B.abbi when Nathan entered the peo- : Ciaimec. "The Torah is outside nounced iniquity >n the high and system so Indiipecs-1 interpolations of the Haham '<ple would rise. Said then Rabbi " and we without the Torah should ears, the Jewish community is building a new foundation. humanity of Jeremiah, his majes-' mighty places eloquently and sacredotal to the peopiS and their sel- j Abraham Firkowich as an axiom. ; Simon, the, "If so, there •remain inside the college!"' Rabtic character, hia consciousness of No wbnder the Nazis stand in fear of the Jews. Here is atho Divine Werfel portrays with with an earnestness that was fish, dishonest leaders? • . j Xeither has the Russian govern- : is no difference between rae- and bi Sim on observing to what it He was hated, threatenThe life oi Jeremiah and his | meat ever offered this tergivcrsa- \ people whom they try to eradicate from: the face of the earth. matchless insight, profound pene- fierce. others," Ke enacted new might lead, thereupon said, "Let ed, often harsly dealt with, but cardinal teachings were pro- i tion as . the cause for granting i the rules. When the prince enters all them come hack to college... howLaws remove them from the communion of politics and from tration and amasing sfeill. Jere^ always feared. It ia this preach- foundly out cf harmony with .the I equal rights to the Karaites, i the people preset in college ever, they must be punished that becomes a towering, unfor- ing under a,Divine compulsion, the sphere of economics. They are branded as outcasts ana mlah attitudes, beliefs and practices of I Karaism was founded hy Anan ; shall rise to their feet, while i no HjUacha shall be proclaimed gettable personality, fiercely im- under an lrrcsistable, mysterious the times. And because he rigor-! ben DavidI who f l o u r i s h e d : when tbe president, or the srge of i in thf-ir names. Kence Rabbi .their suicides, are applauded. • Their livelihood is taken from bued with a burden of tho mes-power from above which is the ously condemned th© iEnaorslity I ia the B e c o n'd half of the jthe college enters only the people ; Mair was n med Acherim (an» sage of God, and stubbornly de- esence of prophecy and which Rnd Rabbi Nathan, them and their leaders imprisoned. termined to deliver it at all costs, Jeremiah possessed in such over- and denounced the- evil fioeis, he i eighth cestury. If the Karaites i of the first and second rows shall |nor.ymoiis> rise. This rule WEE enacted in i Ye? Ornrim (some say). Both was forced to endure isolation ! are to be considered cot ES En ! Yet their faith has not deserted them. , With; the fragments even at that of life itself. flowing measure. And it is this the absence of Rabbi and had dreams io "econcile with • quality which robbed htm conterapt, aad deep spiritual an-1 entirely new Jewish sect but as !Kabbi left.them they will build anew. Barbarian brutality might The term prophet is commonly divine Nathan, so thst on the Kabbi Simon, whereupon Rabbi guish. But the prophet, the herthe successors to the Sadducees associated in the mass mind with and all the Old Testament pro- ole in hia. refused to compronest day when they came &rul j Nathan did so, while Rabbi Malr the Rsbbiaicsl Jews are con' breals; their spirits momentarily, but they will not kill them. fortune telling, nacromancing, phets of all the normal and eleSEW the people behind the two ! said that dreams must not be fesidered the successors to the j mise. For, one can not compromiracle performing, with super- mentary joys of life. ; in our past we had a Job. • . mise with the word of God. And Pharisees, T&lnudic Judaism is 'rcwE remaining seated, they j garded. naturalism. Trained and condiFrans "Werfel traces the career Thus the spirit exemplified by the NaEis and that by thetioned from childhood In a primcontinuous" preaching of tfce Di- olfier than the two antecedent; asked the reason thereof. In anof Jeremiah from the day he ac; swer to which they were told of vine as revealed by the dic- sects. Bolivia Bars Jews Jews is thrown Into sharp contrast. Defeat in the war, hu-itive interpretation of religion, cepted the call, down to the des-tates word Rabbi Simon's enactment. Rabbi of conscience leads to grief, The favorable attitude cf the;' the populace identifies prophetic miliation real and fancied at the hands of their victors, left the preachments a n d exhortations olation of the country he loved sorrow, ineffable tragedy. Jere- j tsarist government toward the IV-'air thereupon sale to Rabbi I La Paz, Bolivia (WNS) — Bowas due to the insignif- Nathan, "I am the sage and yon j livia. one of the 20 Latin-Amer"Germans prey to the most degraded-instincts, A nation of with ordinary and vulgar efforts so dearly, at the hands of the mlah, as all fearless preachers of Karaites truth and righteousness who re-icance of their number (about i are the president,'" let us enact i lean republics invited to cooperBabylanions, in truly Bntorgetablo at prediction, at foretelling the neurotics has been developed, seeking revenge. eoise rules in our behalf." "West future. This ancient and absurd style. Especially notcworth/ is fuse to compromise -with their ten thousand ia the -whole Kus- )can we do?" R&bbi Nathan ask- j ate with the United States in aidconvictions, who refusa to do cr Eisn empire) End also the fact ! ! ing refugees from Austria and Jews have known the visitation of wrongs for many censay the expedient, the expected, that they don't recognize the au- Ied? "Let us ask Rabbi Simon j Germany gave an indirect reply turies and have learned to accept them with dignity, experi- t u t the triumph of principle." We said, in reply to a prominent the to teach us Tract TJktzin for we respectable, meets the fate thority of the Talmud which bas ! j to the invitation by announcing are sware that he is not versed ' that its doors are- open to all imencing a feeling not of vengeance but of pity for their perse- church man who had pessimistically declared that civilisation mankind has always visited upon always been a thorn I n the eyes ' therein, and when, tie will not be i its most unselfish and noblest of the Christian church. migrants except "Chinese, Ne« cutors who have been victims tof debased motives. ' Moreover c o m p l e t e equal able to answer our questions, we proes, JPVP. Gypsies and other was not worth saving that civilization could be saVed "if good men of vision. This is ths abiding greatness of Jeremiah, as it rights were not granted to the ,will say unto him, 'Ke who could" Pitcpicious Pi.pmrr.ts." and noble men will call their peoples to Tally around the cause is the glory of every true servant Karaites until the year IS63 &nd !not teach such s. subject could ; of right, to make effective, effort in behalf of. righteousness of God. And Werfel, himself an officially confirmed in ths year; not be a prince.' Te will then A Refugee's. P r a y e r * Y •'• •. Patronize Our Advertisers : uncommon interpreter, of truth, 18 81. When the Russians cos- | •'.. r Readers of the World-Herald were treated to the unusual and justice." Evil; must not be permitted to flourish and in-makes Jeremiah's message, his quered the Crimean peninsula, i spectacle of its top position featuring the prayer of a young ref- crease in the world; it must be curbed, repressed, suppressed Integrity and uncomprossising they^eneouatered a new group of Ij PASSOVER to truth, crystal, clear. Jews BOW known as the "Crim- | ugee boy. How profound an impression it had made on.the and destroyed. If evil xises force to bring about its nefarious devotion Surely, he too has drunk from chaki" who did cot possess the —£*KAi\ i/lc,, 2s-—2? LEVOVITZ superintendent of New York's schools was manifested by Dr.ends, right must employ superior force to outmatch, resist, and tha cap which Jeremiah was com- Talmud.- The Russian governto empty. ment wanted to ascribe them to i for your own "rttle or for Gsftr te roar folks carefully Campbell's sending it to the President and after including it conquer evil. Force is not iniquitous in itself, it depends upoa pelled »r- of the Jewish Prophetic religion has become the Karaites and grant them th® the use to which i t is put." in his report releasing it for publication. quite a vogue ia certain so-called same privileges but the Crim- j People of this territory. efcaki 'were emphatic ia their deWe have always been an advocate of resistance to allliberal circles, Christian &n& Jew- nials that they had anything ia j In the boy's words, the simple unaffected phrases of the ish. The implications of the = %.!,••»*, C t wrong. We believe that is. the* true spirit of Judaism, with its term are never taken seriously, common with the Karaites. "We j young, was an outpouring of'sincerity of feeling that emdo.cot belong to that schismatic! either by the congregations or its drastic sentence, "Remove evil from* thy midst." No premium phasized the drabness of what is often foisted upon us by poliThe phrase has become sect," was their answer. "TFe 1 GEORGE SHAPIRO I " K IXKIN must be put upon wrong-doing. Wickedness must be weak- leaders. ticians as patriotic oratory . ' a convenient and respectable are Rabbinical Jews. T\'e do cot j[; Cm.ll KA 2166 for"Prompt Dr-1 v p r r ened, right mad^e mighty that it may victoriously conquer. The badge. "When we trill regard pro- know the Talmud because there t jj To him in the American way of life opportunity to HA 1 1 6 6 • phetic Judaism seriously snd WEB BO one to disseminate it i | 16th EE< Bisrt Etc, among us." The Karaites cassot ! fulfill one'^aspirations, the realize one's dreams,,to be accepted weeds of wickedness must be extirpated that the flowers of earnestly seek to follow the dif-be blamed for the forgeries c£ j Ideals of our prophets, we into the community of mankind. ••' righteousness may bloom. In Lowell's language, "right must ficult Hahasi I know the ; will abandon the itch to conform, not be forever on the scaffold ,wrong forever on the throne"<— to be in step with the majority. KaraitesFirkowich. sot only through hooks iEvents of the past few years, arid particularly recent but right must be enthroned, wrong overthrown. Prophetic Judaism is a • burden, and magazine articles. I t a r e ! years, have brought out the truer meaning of democracy, have an ethical sad dangerous chal- lived eight months ia tke famous ; In this war against -unrighteousness Jews have ever, as lenge. It is a spiritual luxury, historical city cf Troki, the cencreated a flicker of understanding as to the objectives of the enormous price' of which only ter of Karaism, the only place on founding fathers. Only when we realized the dangers con- the writer 6f; the editorial says, borne a foremost part. The the earth where, the Karaites outa chosen few care to pay. ,coming,Passover Festival will commemorate Moses' triumphant number the Talmudic Jews. I ] fronting us, Jew and non-Jew alike, have we learned the precThe bock is enjoying, as it emvictory for fre'edom. David's little pebble from the brook felled have sot missed a single Sabbath j inently deserves to do, a large ious gift handed down to us. Too much in our American herfestival to attend services at the foul defamer of his people and his people's God, the giant sale and the fact testifies to ths or their Kenes&h (synagogue). 2 itage we have taken for granted and have readily imperiled in great spiritual hunger of our age. g Goliath, Mordecai and Esther thwarted the vile machinations have witnessed «•*»' » It is a splendid introduction to and funerals. feeir weddlcgs our chase of 'wills-o-the-wisp.' . . ; of a Haman. Juda3 Maccabeus saved ethical monotheism not phenomenon of prophecy, and There is a!so a Martin Harden, that German-Jewish refugee, had experi- only for Israel, but for the world.. The old Hebrew Prophets a.theclear description, sane and rev- j Karaitic cosmmaSty &i Vilna, the enced the tragic, hopeless existence of Jewish youth under the are still the leaders and inspirers of the world for truth, right- erent, or its workings in th© soul city wiser© I was bcrn. I hare it of one of its most icspirlng es- J frotn the mouth of an old learned Nazis. He was fortunate enough to be released from the drab eousness, justice, brotherhood, peace, love. And in modern ampfes. The reader will not only Karaite that it is traditionally prison that is the lot of too many of the German-Jewish young. times Heine is typical of a host of brave, inspired co-religion- acquire a greater admiration for transmitted, Efimltticg that it Jeremiah, and the Old Testament raay be perhaps historically true At least we can join with him in his prayer of thanksgiving. ists (Boerne, Lasalle, Lasker,- Cremieux, Mendelsohn, Disraeli, prophets, but', for all the seers that on soae occasions Karaite V of the race who place truth and leaders admitted ostensibly beGeorge Brandes, Rathenau, Blum) who asked that "a sword conscience above worldly fore high tzaristie officials that ; they recognize the ms,s. cf N&z- | be placed upon his ;coffin as a soldier in the Var for the Lib-tion and gain. areth as a prophet ia Israel, mate- j ; ••' , •By Frederick Coan •';.'•• •eration of Humanity." ing- similar ststcnaeats before Mo- j hasmedsn potentates regarding We wish to call our readers' attention to "an editorial in The Jew has done nobly for others, let him now do a little the .Founder cf Islam. Kowever the April issue of "The Judge," under the: caption of "Thefor himself. So meek, modest and wise a leader as the patient refusing- categorically to Eccept 1 Judge On the Bench." It k written, we, are informed, by Harry and noble Hillel advised, "If I am not for myself who will be V th© doctrine of the latter as as of the former. r j Newman, who; despite the name, is no Jew, but a Christian It is an age-old proverb that "God helps those who help them- „. HEBREW EDUCATION .. It will be of icte/est to kaow i To Editor of The Jewish Press: Irishman. We believe every Jew should read it. It is of par- selves" and from time immemorial it has been declared, and "Vshenantoin L v o h a cho" — that the Karaites of the Soviet j ticular interest to the Jew, and it evinces a profound, and weacted upon, often most heroically, that "self-preservation is "And you shall teach the com-Union call themselves BOW Jews ' nationality. There are EO more believe absolutely sincere and disinterested interest in the Jew. the first "law of nature." The Jew must preserve himself, not mandments cf th® Torah to your by than 15,000 Karaites " ths -world \ children," ia oae o£ the sacred over. More than ball -of their j !. We consider the editorial not only unusual and remarkable, only, for himself, but for .the mission of blessing with which duties of Jewish parents; for cend-well i s Poland. Out- , but, in a way epoch-making. A voice has been lifted up onhe is entrusted for the entire world. As the writer of the ed-turies they did their utmost to number, cf Poland and the Soviet ' live up to these two Hebrew side there are a email number behalf of the Jew. In a way, Zola has arisen. But instead of itorial suggests, the entire world will sdmire and applaud if that are, repeated three Union, Egypt and Palestine. A few a day. in the prayers, and in directly challenging the enemies of the; Jew, it is a ringing the Jew "helps himselff' takes his salyafion into his own hands, Newark, X. J., and Brooklyn,, acquired for our people the title in challenge to the Jew to defend himself against the enemy by displays in this critical present his historic courage, heroism, of raake up the- Karaite colony " "Am Ha-fefer"—"The People America. himself taking up the cudgels in hia .own behalf, by showing faith, and idealism: moreover practically utilizes Bis acknowl- of the Boot." Sf. GKRSHATEB. Almost all the nations of the a more, militant spirit, to cease to be supine and meekly sub- edged abilities, his brilliant powers of heart and of mind, and world read our Bible in translamissive as seemingly cowed, by fear, but "to be more aggres- all that, might and influence that he is%reputed io possess. tion, but only the Jewish people WAkhh did not read their Bible, but . sive, to figtht back,,to show something of tiie same; courageous In fighting for .self the Jew will be fighting for thestudied! it ia the original Hebrew "spirit that he, has shown so repeatedly in the past, to cham- world a.nd its highest ideals. In crusading for justice for him- language, and made the greatest efforts to S^e their children ths pion his own cause as he has so splendidly-taken the lead in self -he furthers the cause of justice in general throughout the possibility of acquiring t h e all the forward movements of liberalism arid hum^nitarianism earth. It is therefore the duty of .the Jew and not just his knowledge of the Hebrew lac- CinekaaH. <WNS) — Warning uuage,. so they can appreciate- th© that "stooges" for Hitler, "Stalin and real;progress arid civilization throughout the ages. He special interest, the-fulfilment of his Messiah-role, to strike great ideals expressed in. the and other JOuropean dictators were not -wanted Ss this cour>try, "calls upon such leading Jews as Louis D; Brandeia, Bernard valiantly for truth and right even when these are represented Bible. «- •• V *" B u i - States District - Court . Baruch, Herbert Lehman, Henry Morgenthau Jr.,. and others in his own person! "There are among you" (we quote from the In this country ^ e are con-JUnited .ge Joia H. DrufJel e.slzed 4S with s very great. prob- j ^ , P _ j * to lead the cause^of their own people, to surrender their prom- editorial) "so many who could fill this role of Leader.- One of fronted lem—How to ggive oar children i?-''*-11^"'-Genaans, vrho'esrae beinent positions and usual avocations if necessary and devote you must tfome forward; and on the day you do you will find • fc« Bftmo TinsB?hfHMp.s a n d ot>T>or-! l a ^ '•" ^ we had in" attending ore themselves jentirely with their proved talents and brilliant the love that has been experienced in^he communities and inlunities daily for 10 hours a -Hebrew ther
The Banner of -the
iicr Licrht!
abilities to : the task of winning justice for the Jew, of con the nation for the great Benjamin Cardoso, for Howard Loeb, founding their enemies, of meeting their machinations, lies, for Jule3 Bache, for Felix Warburg, for! the Rosenwalds, the fcLoltspezd there the frreate>t go wid coosioer -jt to calumnies, deviltries with such a demonstration of the truth Strauses, and the thousands upon thousands of others, will be ITt of the' day, BO at the very j ^ « t of * S S loya^f f r either -arid the utilization of such resources as must bring about their multiplied a "million'fold." > ' defeat and overthrow. He predicts that '^in thirty days, under i Arise, Israel! And in-thy" lips, and in thy heart, and "work- a half or'two hours a day, and ia >.-- - • ; » — — ,-; —r . ~; such leadership, you can make Adolph Hitler the most ridiculous ing through thy bander," be-the prayer of the ancient-Psalmist: man alive, and, in six months ^ou can see him removed from "Arise, O Lord, and let Thiae enemies be scattered! Let those S«-;-i,B guage-in .order to prepare them the leadership of the Gorman people by the Germans them- who hate Thee flea before Thse I" for the great task of continuteg selves." ' The eaemie^of Israel ere the enemies of God and man. The the chain ef "Students of tho Bible." .: - - . This editorial strikes a responsive chord in our heart. It haters of Israel ar* the haters of Israel's Godl Only' ihssks to the nioSera is what we have been advocating, almost alone, like "a voice "O desm sot dead teat martial fire i " : methods cf simplifying the Etui" S) crying in the wilderness." As recently, as,in last week's edof the Hebrew isEguage it is pos- 4*n r f l fffn p^. 'fS'"'' " f . f V fs. T^S-'j' **-*-i *•-•)'-r-,». p," ^'t' Say not the aystio flame is spent I sible to stsrt-u? with our chllitorial,- entitled "How Long, O Lord, Hov? Long" we celled for With Hoses' Lav? and David's Lyre dren &t'-thi e^S cf -oze yfcar, Tfec of ParcSasca s-olrei l> , proxies "tjrar'o • laea to a33ert themselves and to arouso other bravo study of "Chumesh" and at the Tour saeient strength remains unbent! end of- the-BScoad yeat the study men to assert and exert themselves in behalf of right and jus.g with .the dealer from Let-but an Esra rise anew of the -first Prophets' and vtwo they fcad 'jeea ..bought to tice," and we quoted Emerson's great-sentence,, "Nothing car years later, the .Scriptures, so ia And.lift the banner of.the Jew!" them far 40 sis years the ebiid bring you peace but yourself. Nothing e&a bring you peace
', ! I.I,. m- M
r .' ;
Recent Bride
Friday, April 8. Chess Class, 4 p. m., recreation room, Jewisli Community Center. WEEK OF APRU/ 10 Sunday, April 10. Young • j Judaea, 2:30 p.. m., room M, Jewish Community CenKAPLAN-RIESMAjr EIGHTH BIRTHDAY PARTY ter. ' : • - - • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Blesman anMrs. L. h.' Burkenroad enterA. Z. A. No. 100, 2:30 P. m. nounce the marriage.on April 1 tained last Sunday afternoon for rooms C and D, Jewish Communof their daughter, Bernice, to La- her daughter,. Patricia, who ob- ity Center. zar Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs. served, h e r eighth ..birthday. Omaha Hebrew Club meeting, Samuel Kaplan. About 20 guests helped Patricia 3 p. in. lodge room, Jewish Com• , The ceremony wa: performed c e l e b r a t e . ••••' munity Center. at the tome of Rabbi David H. Monday, April 11. Wice. 'Workmen's Loan meeting-, § p. The new Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan m , rooms C and D, Jewish Com•will be at home at 413 -North munity Center. '" . The slate'". presented by the. "Dress- rehearsal for Center Forty-ninth street: ' nominating committee of Hadas- Players, 8 p. m., auditorium, sah to he ..voted on. -Wednesday, Jewish Community Center. HOME FOR HOLIDAYS Miss Dorothy Corenman, who May 4| will be as follows: First Hazomir Choral Society, 9 p. -has been making her home in vice-president; Mrs." Rueben Bor- m., rooms K and L, JewiBh QomT Oakland, California, will arrive dy; second vice-president, Mrs. munity Center. here on April 14, to spend the M. D. Brodkey; recording secreBoard of Governors of Jewish-J Passover Holiday with her par- tary, Mrs. Harold Brodkey; cor- Gommunity Center and Welfare j responding secretary, Mrs. Julius eats, Mr. and Mrs. S. Corenman. Federation, 8:15 p. .m., lodge : On her way here Miss Coren. Bisno; financial secretary, Mrs.. room, Jewish Community Center, j man •will tour Western Canada Alfred Newman; treasurer, Mrs. Tuesday, April 12. for ten days and stop in St. Paul Herman Cohen; auditor, Mrs. Center" Players "The Importand Des Moines. Sh& expects to F a n n y Grodinsky; parliamen- ance of Being Earnest", 8:30 p. j remain here for two months. Up- tarian, Mrs. Irvin Levin. in.,' auditorium, Jewish Communon" her return, she.will stop in. The ; "Give and Get" luncbJeon ity Center. .' - Los Angeles to vlsi. with several honoring, members • who , have Junior .Council Study Group, former Omahans. • raised .their quotas, will .be-held T30 p. m., room M, Jewish ComWednesday, May 25, at the Jew- munity .Center. \ ' ish Community Center. The fol•VISJTIXG HERE Beth-El Choir, 8 p. m., rooms Martha Miller 'and Minnie. lowing names are added to those K and L, Jewish Community CenSherman, formely of Omaha and who have raised their quotas: ter. ' Mrs. Harold Bloomnow of Denver,-; have been Tisit- Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, Mrs. Jewish National Fund, 8 p. m., Dave B. Cohn, Mrs. David Cohn, rooms C and D, Jewish Communing'. Miss Sherman's parents,. Mr. Mrs. Harold Bloom was Miss Mrs. Joe Cohen, Mrs. Joe Daytch, ity Center. and Mrs. Morris5 Soshinsky. Diana Himelbloom, daughter of Mrs. Morris M. Franklin and Mrs. Wednesday, April 13. Mrs. Jacob Cohen of Chicago beJohn Frieden. MOVE TO COAST International Workers' "Organ- fore her marriage en Sunday, Also Mrs. Leo Graetz, Mrs. ization, 8 p. m. rooms C. and D, February 20. The ceremony was Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wells and Mrs. Rose Abraham have Morris Levey, Mrs. Jack' Lipsey, Jewish Community Center. performed here at the Beth Haramoved to Los Angeles where they Mrs. Joseph Lipsey, , Mrs. Gail . Center Players "The Import- edrosh Hagodol by Rabbi Milton Margolin,. Mrs. Louis Margolin, ance of'Being Earnest," 8; 30 p. A. Kopstein assisted by Cantor A. will make their future home. Mrs.-E. Meyer, Mrs. Ben New- m., auditorium, Jewish Commun- Schwaczlcin. man, Mrs. Jake Osoff, and Mrs. ity Center. S I T MEMORIAL •:.• Mr. and Mrs. Bloora. are d a k ' ' > Thursday, April 14. . ing their home in Chicago. 'At 2 : 3 0 Sunday in the Concert Dave Riseman. Others are Mrs. Joseph,RosenBoy Scouts meeting, 8 \p, m. hall of the Joslyn Memorial a program will be presented by the berg, Mrs. A. Rubnitz, Mrs. Carl lodge 'room, Jewish Community Lincoln String" orchestra. An il- Sess'el, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. Ir- Center.; lustrated lecture by Dr. Raymond vin Stallmaster, Mrs. Harry Woh- Friday,- April 15. PASSOVER. • ' J.. Pool on "Norway" will be lner, Mrs. Nathan Yaffee, and Mrs. N. Levinson has extended >VEEK OF APRIL 17 given in the lecture hall at 3:30. Miss Blanche Zimman. an invitation to all members of The Southwestern Regional Stinday, April 17. Edward Davis Berryman will prethe Women's Mizrachi and their PASSOVER. sent a piano and organ recital at Conference of Hadassah will be friends to spend the afternoon at held i n . Council Bluffs,. Iowa, Monday, April 18. 4 o'clock in the Concert hall. Wednesday and Thursday, May Women's Division of the Jew- her home, 3014 Webster street, FORMER OMAHAJf HERE 18 and 19th. ish Community Center and Wel- on Monday, April 18, at 1 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Saylan have as fare Federation executive com- A dessert luncheon will be servtheir .house guest Mrs: H. SirinThe Study Group on Jewish mittee luncheon, 1 p. m. rooms ed. This will be a benefit bridge, sky and her son, Lawrence Allen, Personalities will be held Tues- C and D, Jewish Community Cen- the proceeds of which frill be turned over to the Beth Zeiroth of Chicago. Mrs. Sirlnsky is tho day, April 19 th at the home of ter. '•' - -~" former Shirley Ruback of Oma- Mrs. Harold S. Barish, - 2006 Club Leaders* meeting, 7:30 p. Girls School in Tel Aviv. Tree Donations ha. She will, remain here over Hamilton Street Plaza. Mrs. Sam m. lounge' room, Jewish Comthe Passover holiday. - J. Horwich will prsent a biogra- munity Center. Mrs. E. Weinberg, chairman of phical sketch of Theodore Herzl Workmen's Loan meeting, 8 p.- the J. N.- F. tree fund of the ANNOtTVCE BERTH; and Mrs. Leon H. Nogg will pre- m., rooms C and D, Jewish Com- Women's Mizrachi announces the following contributions: Dr. and Mrs. Leon Fellman an- sent a paper o n ' Herzl's "The munity Center. nounce the birth of a-daughter, Jewish State." Those interested B'nal B'rith Round Table Ora- •Mr. and Mrs. S, Katelman are Janice Lynn, at the • Methodist in-attending are requested torical contest, 8 p. m. lodge planting trees in honor of the hospital on Tuesday, April 5. Mrs,,- Sidney Cahan, Chairman, room, Jewish Community Center. marriage of their son, Harold, to Hazomir Choral Society, 9 p. Marjorie Wishnow of Lincoln. Gl. 4007. , . Mrs. S. Fellman In honor of The last class of the season on m., rooms K and L, Jewish ComPIONEER WOMEN < the safe return of her Bon, Sol, munity Center. "Palestine Partitioning" will be : 1 from .Europe. April 10. . The Pioneer Women's organ- presented at 1 p. m, Tuesday, Tuesday^ Mrs.-S. Riekes on the occasion Mizrachi Women lecture, 2 p. April 26 th by Mrs. David A. ization ia planning a Passover of the recovery from illness of m., lodge room, Jewish CommunGoldstein, at. the Jewish CpmLuncheon for Tuesday, A p r I U 9, her daughter, Mrs. Leo Fitch. ity Center. ' . at the home of Mrs. H. Okun, murilty Center." Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rips In Junior Council Study Group, The Hadassah April Oneg 14 32 North Eighteenth street at Shabboth will -be. held - April 3.0, 7:30 p. m. room M, Jewish Com- honor of the birth of a son, Shel1 O'clock. - *.r ••.. ' o , don. Mrs. Mlcklln in memory of • An interesting program ,has at the home of Mrs. Oscar S. Bel-, munity Center. her husband. Wednesday, April 20. •' been planned. • ' " '.' International Worker's organ• Plans are also being made for ization, 8 p. m., rooms C and D,the bazaar,: the date . of which BIKUR CHOLIM •£. T.C. SORORITY Jewish Community Center. \ will soon be announced*,. Beth-El Choir recital, 8 p. m Members' of the organization Because ot the Passover holThe' regular meeting of the E. Central High School. .who have not, as yet, had their idays, the regular meeting of the T . C . sorority took place Thurs: Thursday, April 2 1 . . five .dollar luncheon have been day, .March'- 31."" Bikur Cholim scheduled for Mon' PASSOVER. .urged to do so soon. day," April 11 will be postponed New officers elected at the COMOfG EVENTS until the luncheon meeting on meeting, were:' President, -Bertha Tuesday and Wednesday, April Patronize Our Advertisers Monday, May 9. This will be the Slutsky; treasurer, Edith Schnei- 12 and 13. "Your own price luncheon." The der; and secretary, Sylvia . Lefitz. Center Players presents "The price of admission will be any arImportance of Being Earnest, ticJe or food stuff that can be INVEST SAFELY, WISELY I! 8:30 p. m., auditorium, Jewish sold at the Bikur Cholira Bazaar BETH EL AUXILIARY Community Center. which will be held at a later date. Annuity, Endowment, Ufo An open board.meeting of the Monday, April 18. A capacity •"• attendance Is exWomen's Division of the Jew- pected Beth El Auxiliary will be held for this affair which ish Community Center and Welon April 13 following a one promises to be one of the most Represents 21 Strong Companfare Federation executive como'clock dessert luncheon. novel luncheon planned -by say ies—Every Typa of Inauranco luncheon, 1 p. m., rooms Of the Women's Organizations. Special'order .'of business will mittee and Bonds Written. Call AT C and D," Jewish Community Cen7667 or WA E1S0. .^ Mrs. L. Neveleff, president, and be the report of the nominating ter. the members of this organization, committee. ' B'nal B'ritfr Round Table Or- wish all their friends a joyous atorical contest, 8 p. m. Jewish Passover season. Community Center. WEDNESDAY, April 20. Order Your Beth-El Choir Recital, 8 p. JUNIOR VAAD Central-High School. • An interesting meeting of the Jr. Vaad Cultural group was held MENORAH CHAPTER at the home of Miss Betty TuchYOUNG JUDEA nxan last Tuesday evening. Our Personal Service arid Tonight at services at the ConPerfect /"Arrangement A meeting of the Meuorah gregation B'nai Israel, starting Chapter.ot the Young Judaea was at 8 o'clock, the group will conAssured held< on Sunday, April 3, at the duct the service..' . • Jewish Community Center. Mrs. • Miss Anne Goodblader will bs principal apeaker and Ethel AdSQJL1GS Flower-Shop;.:- M. Fromkin spoke-on the Toung ler and Betty Tuchman will read Judaea Clubs throughout the 1621 Farnam PKonc JA 4909 country. the service. , , Refreshments will b'a A committee waa appointed to of Quality and Service keep a scrapboofi: of tho club's after-the service. activities. An. act for- stage night was discussed. . - ' •Patronize Our Advertisers
Women's Mizrachi
• ' • . .
' . • - • '
• • " • • . - .
for the EinerBon Kadio 3s very ! ready raised toav hv.naved encouraging &nd t h n t rnem- • larr.. ber is selling more ths.ii h e r e.liot-I Anvonf v b p ho\ !TPK not hojjn Final plans are being made'for lEcl-u.5ei Is Alepli Gc&ol Mor- mont. . looilecferl l<as boon a.hked to *rPf the fourth annual" formal dance ris Arbitmsa's re'port Sucdsr &ft————™~-™~—~~— | in touch vUl'. of the Alpha Gasusa Chi soror- crnoon -of the District 6 co-veBity, of the University. cf Oniaha. tion held recently in DPS Koines, T;iTOr.'."P OHV Esther Steinberg is chairman ia Is., was the gratifying news tast r charge of arrangements and is Mother chapter bad won s place Kemberr r ' :*' *".'F-"-'": "!"""'"• ' being assisted by Pauline Rosen* as the third" best chapter ia the hold a, EUfc-c-zri'or t.-'^f- : ' . b r • ~— baum and Fannje ..Witkln Pezz- largest district ia the countrr. Box r r ~"o.•'---.- r.- . \ r - " • ner,. Florence Stelaberg Is pres- The meet was held at the. Jewish /. r . \ rev ident of the organization. Ccs.ia«EJtr Center. t o t h e K o r P .."* > > . • " ' ' ' • " • • The dance will be held at the Also- at- this meeting vrcrs sip- firen In P&lcs -.i.f. Cbermot ballroom on ThursSsy pointed the following chairmen Irene K I T T - ; . ; .' T"C:"<"j evening, 14. Freddie of the ctaadisg committees who t h e c J u b ' r r i " r ^ ' v i i - :',:-. r , r ,* g, April p will hold office until July 1: Culer'g orchestra will provide the c h a i r m e n c ' -.".r ; • . - ; ? . r . - - - ; v - , . ; :, tural, E&skell Lazere; relijrio'as, music. T.wo hundred , and fifty tee. . -1Stanley TurkeS; athletic, Dare bids are. being issued. E r a L . K o r c r l ; ;.; r'v.V b\ •>•'•- ,.— Chaperones will be Mr. and Wesner; social, Irving Nogg; fc- s o r . i ' Mrs. I. Dansky, and Dr. and Mrs. ci&I service, Edward Stein; "'KiLyman Harris, Dr. and Mrs. S. L, bitzer," Sssa Woifc; telephone r Witman," and Mr. and Mrs. Day- B5ua4, Dave Weiaer; memberton Hecknas, professors at t i e ship, Leo Sherman; properties, university. Psul Schsplro. March 27, Alephg Vl"c:k, K. f i n e pro£;r<".~-r »' *\~t b " > rc\~.c?- i • Sciapiro, Meiches, Adler £.v.& t i o n s . T h f I o c s ' c o i r - - . 1 •-- r KoEg cf the No. .1 bowlicg; team dsfeated the bowlicE team oi Alfred Frank, member of the Chapter 100 in a twe-pme Omaha B'nal B'rith Lodge 354, match. Kerb Keiches WES fcigh was voted to the advisory board rasii with _ a score o£ 165. Ecftof Sam Beber Chapter.ICC at the h . I bs-Il practic<
• -ill be held alec cert chapter Passover snoker to be Practice Sunday at the E&nse time. held at. the B'cai Israel synago-
At the nsrt meeting: ft celejrete gue. Four new members wlio and 6iterDs.te> will be elected to were voted into the chapter, Rob- i attend the iEtertation&l A. S. A. ert Bramson, Milton Guss, "Wil- CSES -at Ertes Part, Colo., in liam. Susinaa . sud Mas Cohen, June. will be given their first degree at that tinie. Also Advisor Frank will be formally presented to the chapter. Tickets are being sold by chapThe Orsaha section of the Na- J ter members for, the Annual tionsi Coancil cf Jewish JvxSorE Spring Frolic to be held Satur- met at the Je-rlsfe Comn:«rJty day, April 23, at Hotel Paston Center on Aprii S, at watch time with Jack Swansea sad tls or- plans for the armus.! SCother- ' ,"*<, I* chestra playing. A check on Daughter affair were ticket sales will be made at a regBertha Guss ular meeting to be held Sunday, chairman of the committee is.. 2:30 p. m., at the Jewish Com- charge cf this ,<&*f£lr anil tbe tol~ munity Center. The chapter is lowing Eecabem will assist, her: divided into two teams under the Ruth Goldstein, Leah OberzuaE, direction of Ben Kutler EECI Ro- Minnie T/eits, Rose Rubeusteln. land Lewi*. The team selling the LiJIJaa FreefiraRE, Fearl most tickets for the dance will Dora Do:goff, Lillian win a special award given by the and Harriet "Woifiky.. chapter. ~ Rae Spar, chairmaE cf Four members of tin chapter Fund Raising committee, participated In the ccniblncS In- nounces thst ihe ttle c' ternational A. Z. A. Sabbath services held Friday evenir^, Xtrch 25, at the B'nai Israel EyE&gosae. f~i p f r r — • * r ^ ^ * • ,« HaroW Zelinsky WE.S cia:r~£s cl
Junior Counci
the evening, Joe GUSJ assisted in
the leading of services, and Paul Sacks and Abe Resnitk spoke.
A regular meeting cf the Deborah Society will be held on {' Tuesday April 12 at 2 o'clock. ' Jlembers have been asUcd bring all remaining card tickets in. i\ Mrs. J. Goldware is president }of the Deborah society. Mrs. C. S. Ross is cecretary. P&troaiie Our Advertisers
" * Koael E-SS3 CUct tli.f3> V without cost. ; 2 A year's " • the monthly Victor Reco*d
Society Kevscw. liesTilar
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Viticr Eecorf E'-ii
These are all drop, patterns perfect goods. 20 different, beautiful patterns to select from, purchased especially/or thia event, at prices that malse every yard a aenoational bargain. .,'
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p tn f t e Ticler Kecord Eoc'etT- eri^t'ss ^ou 8a Victor ErKird Diniasac? to the icsoart c£ r n ° " saenberBh:p fee, fJ.C". Ton bey ?J.n ^orth cf Victor F.cac-'ds s tor C T-rr\s. As r - " K"E
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The garden class sponsored by the Council cf Jewish TV'cnea met last Tuesday u the hcsie cf Mrs. Philip Klatmicfc. The next nieetisg is to be he:d on Tuesday, April 12, at the home of Mrs. Bea Silver, E4C£ Nicholas street. The subject to? discussion will be "Offscape, Outside Views, Screes, t e d Vistas in Gardening."
Easter Flowers 'and Plants Now
AH the Best Quality Passovee : iler- . | ch'andioe That Mew Largest Stores Carry CGH EC at
Z.A. I
Every Hrrr
•TEE JEWISH PKESS—FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1938 Israel. He slept, bat his beart by tregje dissention in s. C?erman "JOSEPH. IN EGYPT" " sleep—la Exile; Thomas Mann—a novel based on was'awake:' "'I' ritlly during- the first fHiBb. of but my Jieart waketh—io redemp-j the Biblical story of Joseph's [ Nazi power. tion' and wbile he dreamt, tbe I journey to the i&nci of Egypt and j Von may dislike the oratorical Corse? ?" . whole land o* Israel was folded j his rise to pevrer - n "Egypt. A by the chaTSicterp but IiI* COHEN Tip cEder his head as the pages . supreme literary achievement, A : ,vor. v-ill like the fltory. of a book are folded." There is ; book that must, be read. Until 161T the Jev-g of Eihlopa a moral to this story yoa may be j "THE MORTAL STORK" bv west Africa v/len ^Goering Senior FBA6H! - • Here and there—news publica- sure—I dare not rob you o" the : p^yllis EottomV—the^piuhc- o'f ' «-ormcc"' R Refii-sndependent kingSisterhood, Sabbath will be obwas Vlfco -.governor . . \ J o s e f - Italy's deal*.with England In served this evening, starting at 8 tions from neig-hboriEg communi- I pleasure—so -vrhy cot read it. j "PRIVATE Vv* Q R L D S,'"' ^h a s , !'iOrn ' ri t 5 l e northeastern part of chyles, the following prrangoment Butir'clxoi, ."Hitlef-c-peEaonal- -repo'clock at Temple Israel. Mrs. ties—fros the J. P. I., Chicago, | IS THE BOOS "WORLD: " 'turned out £n icteresting'story of '.. the country. re3enthiivo in-'Attf trlaVia regard; . u-.>lte\y .to keep her handa off Ben Silver will give the sermon. I "THE OESERVEK," a weekly ed In Nacl 'circles* Tia, a woi'se Aral' - Palestine propaganda in news .bulletin; the " T " JOURThe terylces -will be: read by Mrs. return.! for British acceptance of Judenfrecser t h a ' n t -Stretcher, Carl Furth, Mrs. Harry Ruben- NAL from St. Loais," Bio., and. Itatfaa Influence over Spain .,. . who's hard'to .b'cat"-. - .Not" until steln, lira. Date Rosenstock, Mrs. many others from' various CenA-7-ewish State In Palestine lo ob- the Nazia -fired himjdio" moit peoNathan Tlantel, Mrs, Louis Kuh, ters ure to be found In OUT lijectionable lo MussdUnl i n ' any ple learn ;bat'Jttanpe3 Schneider, Mrs. Harry Z:_.. Rbsenfeld, Mrs; brary. event . . . On the other hand we 'Austria^ greatest skUds InstrucFred Rosanstock, and Mrs. 3. E. TO .AND - FOB THS CHILtor, io a Jew .'-.-. HerTjan? htf-p/t harp just been informed ' that *' With "deneral Lee • Gros3iaan GIlins!:y. * DREN: This week the children's England ia already organising an appeared In the^lfsts of those;ar- out ewt findlnr out who's the Mesdames Robert Rosenthal, current e-rent paper, "THE JEWarmy-' o£" 6,000 for tho Jewish rested,'but Heiene'GrahitBCh,- 61- boss-of'Boston, we'll do a little Edwin Brodkey, Max Cohen, ISH NEWS," ..-again' brings you State . . . Our informant Jo none year-old president, of. > the Aus- p"lnch-hittins here for him and Harold E: Brodkey, Millard Speier, news "rota, many lands, it ere are otb.eij than a high ranlriiig Btittah trian Womenls. League, ' is* the liia "collimn. and Harold" Abrahacison s will a few of the stories: "Toscanini, army oiflcer Who is slated to be daughter of.a-Jewesa .-. • FraUFloyd -Olds of the Worldas ushers. To Lead Palestinian Orchestra." cotainatider-In-chlef . . . Unoffi- Granltqch went to court a' couple •Hera'ld sports staff wrote back a serve -Regular Saturday morning ser- Arturo Toscanini is one of this* cial diacugslons among.;the^Zion- of months^ago'to ' prevent, the- dandy *story, abouf Our Generah vices will be,held at 1 1 . world's greatest symphony conist^xajiii -_and; filtucojlcernlng : tho .publication .ot. her .authosizedi W- -Iiee, you triow,-went along with ductors. The Palestine sym'. Nest .Week • s"ujHjess6r- of Stephen iS. Wise as dgraphy' bedanse t M author, ,pr; ( the -midwestern. A.; A... U. boxing p"«sldeht-"of"thei'-Z.'-'O. "A. show Kurt-Sonne^eld^nlentfoned. -; her te£m for the. natioual chanipion- Next Friday evening services at phony orchestra consists of all Jewish musicians. Here ia antigti:iSe~fdea of-giylng Louis Lip- Jewish moth^r-;-.V^--"Sgnnen;feld ^sliips-^n'Bea'n> Town. • • • • the Temple will start-at 5:30 aljjjjtfie n e x t term' ls"in- great fa- Has- sin'ce= cpmm^Ugd|-e^ic}de' J •. , i;iWeU, '%s* > tralnerv 'Lee > was There will be no sermon prior to other: "Did You Know That—? Tor;. J-'i-.' Wejzniann too ••would .be Repprt3.1 of^-Oie "'arrast;. ofi S^riijS. clalled. upon -to -take-. five"*pou^ds tb!e first Seder which is observed Hebrew, is. the only language ia jleiiBed.. . .Refugees:, from Aus- Irene' Haran^fqui^er>and • leader off one df'the,fighters so'--'that..Che in. the homes. Saturday evening, the world where the word for •'"• '-^ '*-1 "Germany are compelled of the ^intef3ratloflal^j;'nioyenjeiit fist-swinger could qualify^ for his April If?,'at 6:45 the Temple will "hello" and good-bye" is the same — "sholom" — the word against yanj^jiiJBnjitlsQ .jarie ; :not The Boys* aothlmg World's BEST . . . s,t the Lowest Possible seesrs; this par- hold its, congregational "Seder. !<shoJom," however, really-means *•"""»*^.'.'•'. Mnie.'HSraHfl.i^ho. ls'a. class. 5 7 tlclilarv? yoiing : man*was¥ nothing The-Seder ! will, be conducted by Peace. Price known i s tfee bays' clothimg world! That's The Nebras' V i s "•'""' t; producer•> is ••_ ...... -tiuif bone' ctiHl 'inuscle'ia'the first Rabbi DavJd H.Wice. Harry DuHere -is an interesting little ka's Mes of moaey saving . . . of greatest VALUE . . . plus ^pu",(with J aV'canie.ra)-.: pla<:e,- so-'after many'h'ours' o ; i a - boff will sing , Klddush' and Mr. , u j .-Beast of Berllni'.'-a: realistic- Friends ' ofc.£qy;exnor:> Lehman bonwhen it • was -time to-step on William Holzman . w.iU lead the b o o k l e t called, " J E W I S H greatest selections la the west! &lfe\<m Hitler's 1 lito\:P.--. Thfe..Ort are trying torisejl,himHlfi^ idea -of the. .scales, it was learned that congregation in grace after the STORIES .TRANSLATED" FROM - - " ' — •> for1 fundai is.rsUU-ldok- becoming an^a&ttNew-peal cao- Grbssniaii"and—not-the fighter, meal. Mrs. Julius Newman will THE' BOHEMIANS," by R o s e ing-j-yfbr a-;cha'~irBJan-—but .there, •flldate for 'ttte^ejijioprailc: n'onTfcK bajd lb3tTTt&9-,five. pounds. • take part in " the Kiddush Ser- Rosicfeiy. a^^.-Riisperlngs >J'that :.;the."i3DG- irati6n:=--for irati6n:=--for hnjtiejmeni'gi-. 7ii$r6.'- v:^e\T?anyway that's what' Mr. vice. Mr. E. I. Ruben will ac- H A D A S S A H "NEWS. BRIEFS," cdn-company . the.. singing.. . Children Jewish news reduced to the least p say., .-...'->_.•"attending will hunt for the mid- coianaon denominator, carries ; J dle matzo." Following the Seder soiae vital and interesting stories, :i is repofteid t t o b e the Piefgy^os.efiij'agni 'VJ,K %e "^non-* ongeatTTp'll^ybaU.; game N oh. Tec- Mr. Morris E. Jacobs will show current events of the day. Proiflicize^ .rNaii^dlEsatfe fyit bis d pttolicatlbfls ?3 ^ - : was" ^played by*,1 the noonday motion pictures, taken on hi3 re- fessor Signiund. Frued, distin; .-••; : ?p<gi|is - growing " reaefitn>&fit guished Austrian Jewish psyl&s; ttie; other'. day. . i t -took. - 4 5 cent trip abroad.' : .yor^vbecbEci'es^the-SSi^ fiiisd^beauioi choanalyst, and Dr. Heinrieh minutes ' 'tb'lpl^y. and the -; final 1 TsrKngt^ni^Uassa&yl'.^.'S , :Cassathellj^reatment'; Jewl3h..jnews ,' tj&V Neumann promised Palestinian score.*fwas, 22-20.. ' T h e • boys have . -BETH Eli day/.is: a/des&ii^;5i^6$4-J6bn' Calc6iy^J3n'.the-iLnce njagtKiries?;-,"". certificate. hot ga^niea ' right houn, -;ti.e|-r|Smous?*•»:Southern' been^piayihg. In observance of the Sabbath along," but .this '^S-minute one "THE CONGRESS BULLETIN" inaccte the 'ottrers'lopk^like- Icicles Hagodoll Rabbi David Goldstein published by th3 American JewBooth. V^drliiPiJitditj.L.;.? r.^Vernoin. ta5th^y;f,y will speak on "Passover Symbols, ish. -Congress in its April 1 issue in compkr^Bon.- • •- - .**•'';'. .' managing'^eSitiriof \ L90&.; ?s;:refiigfee-Hrelief ^pla P§pe»-.< Ceremonies and their Meanings." carries an address delivered by i ; •An-iritertclub-.match was to They put the NEW In newest! H '•tfift^theyGsrids tfiy- plcluir«-/sfacet^?l3;'mal rf4d Ho': have * been Splayed 'with* Benson Cantor Aaron" Edgar and the Jun- Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, distinDouble-breasted sport back BettyJ-.':Welt, IdatStsh'ter^f ^Ielvln this week 'but ! has been set over ior Choir'Will lead the service. guished American liberal; t h e ! Welt^of.-.the.: eiecuiive"* board.; of: uqtil. next week," according to *Les models . . . single - breasted topic "UNITED STATES DEsport back models, and plain MOCRACIES OBLIGATION'S TO VAAD ."". is[ !n6t>: Burkenrda'd.-:. •'" • sinMnr Austria .-in ^eschknge for (Jpngye^atloBS •."v^'.|p6p'e^ back models In R!1 vranted VICTIMS OP NAZIS." For demo; ; The. late services tonight will ibwisii, -but fhis .f riiu iB j a; niece '• of : i of^fclgl;:. action" - by.. ;UnoIc ;••'. Sam' In the ^aBsence •,. of - Mr. - Gross- be conducted under the auspices cratic minded person, my suggesstyles. Thf r ''ee'rve new • o£ ; yetroit) irian,"-MarsBSllagsiast-: the?;sniti-^Naal'^boycptt? Rabbi; Leo^yranldln^ r has" taken of^the Junior. Auxiliary of the tion is "please read this." herringbones,, r —,^rr. r'^iids, •*r .'tEaBBl So^rris;—Lazarph •: \ of j charge" 5of'" t h e ' Geller"various ' classes, "THE CANADIAN ZIONIST" Participants will be Ann plain tones r"f r'/-F.' colt ^ ^ h q n e y . .".{He "proposes-that Baltimore says.'h'is-'mothgr!wasia^ —»**•"- aesistahceyfrpm'Ethel Kluts- Vaad. Berman,. Ethel Adler and .Betty In the latest issue, I ran Ecross a ^l^jjazls"-in, Ainerljija-iTrly) /Blng^ orings. SiEcr ;." !: r." [,-of. course, Tuchman. Ann Goodblndef will story by Chaim Nachman Bialik; k. DanGrsenfkld,ofcourse, t£r€i£p^dlses i of's Hitler ianSvbe, sent • MB: j.cbntinuedvHtoiwork'Tas; swim- discuss "The Jew and Democ- the title "The Stature of a PeobitekS there to"; ma^eirpom'?orfthe'; ming.51hs|rjr|'t()r.1£f:".~.'". T '. . " *'" racy." Cantor A. SchwaczEin will ple." Not to quite from a Biaiilr !! ""•'"' us'- ol. Nasl, bpErepsipn,; the. Officiate. The Junior members story is sinful in my fcunble ; to W six., Nazis. for, erery, z^,',the ceTe5raTeal:3^vrtglii* M will be hostesses at a tea and so- opinion and who am I to be sia—->''.froni-.jNasidoia ". '.'"..•And ful—"A' concise . and beautiful T h e J . C. C; JBowlers;a.^e.slow- cial "following the services. ~. Editor*Bradley..of. tho'iJew -\ y.-d^awing their,, season^, to a Rabbi Milton A. Kopftein will Jewish Leg-enS has summed up X, Post suggests that 10^ per 1 close. Therecare:oBly three more the ^.traditional Shabboth the meaning of the Hebrew boofe cfeirt.of the,anticipated million"his Jbot downJofii'Jewish. "Hfi-i weeks *of ischelfuled bowling "left deliver, Hagodol address based on the ex- in the National Life thus: When dollar; : gate at vthe-r Schmeling- j pt|t l<ct^''cdm1ca^oiittS9<KBp' ;iet-: and then the. Handicap tourna^ pounding of the Passover Laws our ancestor Jacob dreamt conLouis flight'. in - Jcjie; be, allotted .to EVlhVffii1WJhTit ment. At last nights bowling the at the Congregation" Beth Hame- cerning tlie future destiny of his esisft'the•plight -of'. AiistTlan retu-. clrcliss;;ISldore^Hersiifi^ league* leadings-Wildcats dropped drosh Hagodel, Nineteenth and children, the House of Israel, gees* aid-to aid' the antl-lynching in'gton-.r'epre36-^tiV4*o twp'outAof ?th.te&iEa.mes.. to" Abe Burt streets, at-4 p. m. Saturday. God promised hiia: "Ths Lacd .-•_^»v- .-•.: m «..-_- >; international called ^ i l S r l ^ a l l a s ! . . v Paul Vengera Soonersv-whb were paced crjiat«t ; . t Junior . Congregation services Whereon Thou liest, to taee will Moni'B h ' ^ t ;rble>.T7jU.;be"itt itae by; the'.-evef'refiable •. Sainiay Youare held on Saturday at 10 a. m. I give it, and to thy seed'." RfeWef*jasBocjaUonhas':.already s<Sreei/.;portrayal|of".the *' life j of sem. who .'sliOtra..neat'-5'40 series. e&tablja :; and Father end Son services are "Now, declares the Iggead, /.V.:; The ^^lay ;is- The/last • place;- Cornhuskers 'led immediate. t o ' -for" theo sending under-. Clareriiie- Da'rrii^/.V.:; e&tabljallea .ald channels held on Sunday at 9 a. m. at Con- while Jacob slept God folded up u . of "BQll iW llr - carry an Ejoiina: antirNasi /forces ; ln Aus- ssue. byg their-'captainV Sam Katzman the whole land of Israel under article ,on"Pai6siine'jl>5 ; Meyer; L!e-! 543 'Beries^tookv2;games from -the gregation B'nal Israel. : Jack Bf>rlint. • Bar Mlts- his head like a book so. that when I vin, who ruiis^'tfie f: ;mag's ''mpv'io C faat^drbi>plt)g>Cyclbnss.^ The TI- vah at the Congregation B'nai He premised h i a the land where- ' v ; t tmtp^/i^r' ' ; T e •principal ^finahclal bac&er ger-Jayba-wkerr c^on-tests- were. Israel, •• ElghtCBnth "and Chicago on he lay, the promise referred to : otsi&e'i Her.' Gerald*Winrod, antlcolor effect. • Kew pleated postponed • until* t h i s " Sunday' streets, on Saturday morning. the whole land of Israel. In that! Sem/Uc; agitator' who: is- runningmbtaing^at-tlie request of the T i dream Jacob dreamt of the ' o a r i self belteS. ESW srccsic, your -curloBltyv'haB^been igrp fCjapffin,' Leo "Weitz.•' If the f ocialu.. S. senate .Beat Irom K&n:and- tae-four esSes of j PatrdnisQ Our Advertisers Ba^,.J'ici'.&.'wealthy., oil.'.tycoon. •-•.,• piqued about; Genprar^Soninier, Tifera" fcan^win three games from grays,, JblusE, tass sss. BeBednbe the paperis: t a r e qule je'd Melchers outfit Sunday, • they .will 14 to 23 yczrs . . . . . . ^ U down^ about Nasl.tspleB In this trla -wllb donne^hlaj^wartime nhi- ba in a-tle lor first'place with the ciaBptry: don'tget "tho. Idea .that fonn and • decqratibEs when i the Wildcats. Methtobs that Leo is K-i~sc-'Liko Fesbiica Other Spcrt Elects r Our Funeral Perlora Are ! y o a r j Uncle Sam Is asleep . . . Nasls called ?hjfiife|]6);>' plean -the trying, to'-fenagje Jack Melcher / "COURTEOUS—EELIABLE" Swarms- of Germans .working;. in. streets,. h'ere.'s>^yeSdope|!qn ; him : out p ^ tfiree'games &a it is known & avii.tlcin plahta are being' kept •'-•'• • He's.a natiisBiaf'/B«66wina ,ithat^thet tigers •would go-to any (?•• cndcr> constant ourveillance . / . r part of Bj®anla . ^.f'Puring limitftto« wrn Uhes'e' three games f In'the-hope-of. clipping the wings FUNERAL D1EECTOES '.the wh^tber*-byihop£-or crook. of. ^the:;ti.the tn© .world waryh'e/c&tttasn'aed -^•iasst-nIghts:~500 series^bowlers r Bchmellng-Lbuis fight. Sehmellng general staff'- for aeveral-iaiQnthjj were -Sam Kat2man,' :543, Lee As NEW as sprfag itself. Ticsr dOH« were S la spreading tho Vord that* he's ; . . Among his idecoratlbjia are.' a i ^ Han7ieh-549,'andfSammy Y6ush>1c £SiS cin^Ic-fcresstcd sport bsc& - * Ironi nbtf.aXbaeinSer 'of .theVNazt-.paTty. the. .Leopold.^Or""""'— ~ ' Han7ieh e m , ' 6 4 O . ' ••••'. sodels, sew singie sad couble^, '64O . . . ilLateat . anti-Semitic charge Cros3.and the,>GdIi brESEted plain backs, new preens, stvr .'Plsrisiare^now-beingdrawniup leveled:against;the Jew:ls'that.of saw four .years ;;'of»=: blsses, ce-w szxzys, new ts-s, new thei'i'iGhrlstlan.- Free; ; Press . of lighting i in - Garcia • .*; .1. ~.He "was for* the^Handicap • single* tourna-. bro-sras. You'll see their eo3or newm*ent,^m6ngBt the JCC "Bowlers Gieadffie,.;C3l.r>wli}ch.-=holds'Jewry the founder :'qp;tj5e '^LUstrian- Iptfnesa ia the distinctive herrisgboacc, onlyi'and^the^end^bf-the season, rSs^bBBlbie for alleged gove^n- Isb ,i War. Vetei^na,.- .senrjng J-" as stripes, plaids, checks safl f£acy asisandJ. then a banquet for;the bow-, msatal •mlBtreatment of , ' t n e tsres. r Ain^rican.' Indian . > '-L Frits vv6n He quit .the'- organisation- and r'set le^s.i to elect - officers,; etc.,» fc^ ,w w . . I ^ i . n e x t j E e a s p n ^ i s p Ecbacht; a < German', who 'has been up-'a rump;'bbdy -becaus:efthe: *~~ ' ; • Other Students' Sdis obtained/this;year. arid".the boys - - 1 > - ^ - r ;in ; . t h i s i---—'—'• ••*-— ish. Uveterans; 1'declfii^d'; • to-f< . $18JQto$SQ areJ already":: talking about-nest years --when ^ we hope *• to ^Improvelngjtiis>Na:i!r"salnte"froiffithe ^ring . . . h p t i J f e i e i is/an ..eecu thVleague as-much, as r pjos3lbls. " . :.v',~Ow'-recent_item -that-James tlye • of • an .'important paper/ com, . <-' Team Standings " J Wheeler-Hill, national., secretary pany .", r Sis^a^'is;64;.;.,.' Som1'< ' ' ' 'W ~ I / ^ P " of--the*-German-American Bund, merr was' was oucceededs'ln oucceededln tho,.pres£tho,.pres£ Wildcats/ -45 3 6 - 5 5 B T730; vecrambllns .for/:7the -Bund cyi11 of' tbfe .'' War .'Vetf .'Jewish ' ' 42 36 538 lea'disahip : -with % Kurt. Mertlg," erans ; by -CaptsinvSisamiid *• .ypn Tigera >~ : New . . . «.;? . full The hit of the • season for • 41 - 40 > 505 fnehif r,of-the -Citizens 'Protectlvja Friedman, - ar- Sooners/ utility • End sport wear. zipper r--- -- ' r' of Cyclones' • ' v 40 41 ,496 AJliEtace,/Q"/. German-,- American Coas fa cottoa gtberdincs. Jayjna\?keT&' • _ 37 "41 ; 474 ; new p - -' ?• -, r cc • outfit>i en^ged. 'in.;ibDycojttIiif. Cornfcuokers ." "35 46 432 j'e.we> ;ied5.,Whe^Ier-Hlir. to write Plenty of pockets, £zH belttb-the^ KewtYork*'Jewish Ne^s j-y- of-tthei 12,- High 'Single TGame.y Sam r Meyered. PIsia and f£2£3" cclora. soh,*3G4; Cyclones-951. ' t that^he,. nerer, heajrdr.Vf- Mertig' i while " i ^ Sizes 12 to 23. plEids, cheeks- cr a&dvtSatlour saulb i viaa'.,"'t&ke -1lc-ipr !jGerS»any^in;.therWorid | t?ar - jHl^h^Serfea,: l^eo -> Weitz - 625; %• , ttoaiand:flubdub" ..-.•. MeBns.op. .,.,'. FrJedpianMa1^iS.o^president!( of Cyclones72596./ '. • bat-Meftlg 10 a bJs'^Jiot. lniNa^i tho Intornatlo'nPl; Federation o'f circles hfreab-'ont'-apefrit -sgems 'JewisTi War';y;eter'aps3Sq(Heyfeh ^PatrpnizejOnr Advertuiers & ' «-- - S i .' f C/ ' fitrange-' that'AVheeleivrSiil, should < : disown;'Mmi.c-.'.,"• •?'.'' • 'J. . The Jewish^Wsr Veterans of the United St&ten stand ready to pay the"cspenrco of his .family and.,, ,himcelf if they *C£n be brought to this "country. '(Copyright, 103S,^by. Sevea Arts . Feature 1 Syndicate) ,
" n-z
Boys' Two-
V.: ^ « ' « f *
« *
Sport Slacks
New Bush Coats
- ^r
.V^Men Goerlns^cameto Vienna oadf. warned ' tfie; Jews^they, jmust cl^arvqut. in;Iour."yeara did he re,, we i1w6nder^;tj}at%as ; a' youiisater .ho- llved"-ta,,tb:e Mautcrnburg.caDtlQiOfDr.cfoniEppentln,4. Jewiaa i fr^endi %ot >?Spa ••• (liesd .>..EppensteIn<,was- the f i t ^ G i ^ t h . - , ?
*' i \ \ i \ » k 3 ' *
'AM with . ctid Salon
•*v"r^**V3S O'™^1^**ff*^"*1?J"9 \
csd Isrowis Is
Y v?cll cresssd • ntca pesro cl becBors..', . Sold«a;'ds ihsy fed &ers i s exits'rlgai up So ta s pciSeras. Bui l?sr©.© fa ezrinrrksao Worsted . - . ' . cad deenr-cut dcsiiss3
Page 1
Home Edition Weather
' •
Fdr Omaha and Vicinity: Mostly cloudy Dnd~ somewhat colder tonight and Thuriday, probably, showers tonight LoweiS today, <05 S p. m., 81. (TfeatSer la 68 Otaer Cities on Face '•)
53D YEAR—NO. 174.
Nebraska Newspaper wit&'Wirephotos
Eight News Serrices Cover the World
A Jewish Boy Refugees Prayer of'Thanksgiving: New York, March SO ;(UP) — A thanksgiving prayer of a 16-year-old Jew: ish boy refugee from Ger, many" was" recommended today'by Superintendent of Schobfe. 'Hairold G. Campbell for reading by every American* . Martin Marden's thanks to America, for the oppor-. tunity "to be happy and
1 I
free," so impressed : i)r. Campbell "that he sent .'a copy to President Roosevelt and ordered another included in, report of the New York City school system. / - .• The author came from Germany three years ago with his sister. They joined their mother, Mrs. Betty Harden, who had migrated
"I am thankful that I have been given an opportunity to ba educated in the United States of America. "I am thankful that I live in a land where everyone may salute the sams flag. "I am thankful that I live in a land where, regardless of race, everyone' Kay take part in national ceremonies.
"I am thankful that I live in a land where a person may sing the national anthem without having someone tell him that he may not because of his race.. "I am thankful that I live in a "country governed by democracy, r a t h e r than force. "I am thankful that I live in a land where one is not
Tornado Rips Kansas Town;
a year earlier to escape nazi persecutioni His prayer follows: "One day in the year should be reserved* for prayers of thanksgiving in which" we" give thanks for something that has beengranted • us; for having been saved from some great destruction caused by nature or man.
A one hundred mi??! cireSe centering a t Omaha Includes-1,573,105'porson*, •
"I am thankful that I live in a land where there are people who have real gym-' psthy for refugees from European countries' who have gone through' horrible experiences. .. liave been given the oppor-. tunity to enjoy jy the many y privileeges that t h t ""are unheardhd off iia "ijuro cccntric
Pendergast Slate Wins in
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T«l«*on« AT 0300
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"I am tha:±£ shall be able tc- : ambitions, v h j : have b_cn iirLrcrc i c .
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rather llrc^i drrl; zv less. ' v r '.or. o"- ( rr, 1, /«-
an Act of Thanksgiving for the :s wee:
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' -
=? '
Page 8
parents, Mr. and' Mrs.- R. H. Em-of that kind."
He" explained that the existence oi large native populations and adverse climatic and Mrs. ' J. Samp ter "of Fremont, economic; .conditions:-;rnade> such Nebraska, was a guest this week colonization • Impossible, and addIn the home of Mr. and Mrs.'H. ed that consultation, with--, the Fter-gall! .';. . governors of various British colonies h a d , confirmed this. Mrs. A. M. 'Davis, 1524 Summitt avenue- is visiting this week l
Workmen's Circle . to Hold District
time. There will be other impo:'.- tRVIN" C, LEVIN, 768 Brandeie Theatre act business.
Continued from page 3
ISiOTiTE OF INCORPORATION Notice is= hereby pjven th«t tile un-
Yoiasg1 Judaea
run home and 'tell fcis n o t b e r that Miss Satherand, the teacher, A regular meeting of t h e Younghsd actually complimented him Judaea., Group I, v:as heiii on for knowing his •"Hebrew." Sunday, April ?,, s.l thf - Jewish .
[Community Center, A larger. ?-.!tendance is hoped for at the
. j
"-lie he-
i E e x t S i n d a r Apr ;i 0 al Pasha; Turkey's dictator, the j A dravring is also being pianLevy, and with' h e r daughter. government has dispatched a spe' ! ned with Ruth Alperson, chnirM o n d a y s Miss "Dorothy Davis who is a stu cial commission of- health experts CONFESSION: The Kadima, frith Mrs. J . Red-'<c a r , oi the con-.mittee in charge. dent a t the American Conserva- to Vienna to make arrangements - : . " • ' for bringing 200 of the most emiThe district representatives of itory-of Music. '• ' mom:y for i-orr the Workmen's Circle will hold ] nent Austrian-Jewish scientists the roHlorf"- t>or Sidney Kalin, a student at theand- physicians to Turkey where to do ev.'ry act their bi-monthly meeting this University of Nebraska. : spent must be slipping . . . T o Isave let o. o r j-H'ow been - Mr. Morris Volovicfc,, a blind Sunday in.the;Jewish Community last week.end in Sioux City with they will be given positions in that'iafornTaTion seep "through "to | tution will be adopted v.pon. The chair- n«' (i v.'ith ihcCenter beginning a t 10 o'clock government hospitals,, 1 a b o r acantor, will conduct the service man and her committee v• i31 meet his Fuehrer from the outside his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . Kal-tbries and 'other institutions. It The su;ho-iat the' Adas Yeshuren Synago- !• Sunday morning. Representatives], l n curing the week. world Sli.'.oiMi.nii, divji was, reported that Kemal Pasha gue. Seventh and Wall street, ! from Lincoln, Omaha, and Des j ^!l(5rp? o * flip P : i r vnhir- in-" had personally ^invited Dr. Heinj each. this evening at 6:15 and tomor- Moines are expected to attend. Xo'ice is hereby piven that K. T. GOODWILL: A Presbyterian rich Neumann,- world-famous eye, Reports on-;-the concerts given j The ro"po;-n ti •--•mini Propst ))&¥ filed explication for a lirow morning at S:30 o'clock. (Continued f-ora Pa^e 1.) ear, nose and throat specialist, church in the city of M t Vernoa. rial- (i cense to sel! JiPfT "off SR]C" Pi th'? <"p blTSJTV'S?- nil "Mr. Volovick, who comes here by Isa Kremer under the auspices i premises at o€17 So. 77th St.. n a i and Dr. Skaliczer, eminent r a - N. Y., is now occupied by a Jevrfrom Philadelphia has been blind of the "Workmen's .Circle will be gate or fence. \-\l OKston, Nebr., legally described as UJ"dium expert, to come to Turkey". fth congregation . , . Which uses since he was S days old. He hasheard, and plans for the coming !' iows: the building rent-free . . . Nor ey j XorUi cne-ha.'f of Lot 21. Block "a. a pleasing voice and is a talent- two months discussed. does the church lose anything by At their dull hearths had I lost Ralston, Dorotho Saltznian in Dougias Cuimty. KeI. Singer is.chairman of the dis-•] ed pianist. He has learned the soul or sense? New York (WNS)—Royalties braska. Since the No heritage is mine of til their ,-ThsU prayer book by memory and thus i trict and -M. Shiloff, district sec- 1 . There will be a meeting of theamounting to $1(10,000 due to the arrangement iin n . accordance a c c o r d a n c e with r>ro-.-jsions•hi.-h t h Hadassah on Wednesday.. vPlans member's of the American Society Presbyterian congregation, hav- . ' is able to conduct the services. • retary good. of Section S3, House Roil 12$. F i / n e j i ing moved to another edifice v shnK have been started for the Region- of Composers,' Authors and p u b My mind is nailed cot to their Session or the Nebraska. l.jegis!'atu &, I hearing upon said application will be be "held here lishers Irbm cafes, orchestras and without selling its original .buildhatred's rood, i ld h ing, would have had to pay taxes j ^ n . j Hebrew Mothers \ COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN he ss to their jeers is zzy radio stations->in " Germany and unless the building continued to j i v-~r n o i tirne the Town Board, shall receive defense. Austria would be. allotted, for,the be used for religious purposes . . . [j : , I evidence under o&th either or&lly or The Naturalization Ai(T group j . . T h e B'nal' B'rith will hold a relief of persecuted German and j_ . , • i by affidavit, from any person bearing 'of the Council of Jewish Women regular meeting -Monday at* the Austrian composers under a plan OP *or : ?i n* * fv>*o a n I here, iOrerermore j v , p o n t h e propriety of the issuance of tin a A meeting of t h e Parents and j -will meet today a t 1:30 o'clock •Eagles hall. PURCHASE: New York's Sec- • Strangealone. iocs m p.y b e lick! b y on nri I said license. Teachers of Jhe Talmud Torah !a t the Jewish Community Center, ond Avenue is rife with specula- They mouth and cbev.* their MILES C. ALTJIAX. will be held this Monday evening) The Child Study group will tion on what David Shapiro, pubPLAN TO BRING FREUD •words as kioe the grass, Wednesday, April 13, members A-i!Iafre Clerk. at S:15 o,'clock in the social h a l l j m e e t Tuesday,--afternoon, April jOf the A ~ Z. A w i l l h o l d a w e i n e r lisher of The Day, expects to doAnd though this tongue mine and : • • • '-••;-.H E R E Notice is here by fiver, that Edward of the Shaare Zion Synagogue, A j 12, a t 1:30 -in the Community ;r o a s t at Fairmont park. All j •with the scenery of "The Eternal my mother's was, | Lincoln has filed application for a li.Washington, 'D. C. - (WNS) Road" . . . which be is said to play will be prsented by the | -Center. ! cense to sell beer "off sale" a t the Omaha A. ,Z. A.S;are. invjted to —The"' State department "is have purchased for thesura of ; Common to us is but the sound, i Pj-"n:se,= -£t TTM Main St.. Kaistor., Young Judeans and Mrs. Philip j Mrs. Harry Bailin, chairman of attend. Joe Perlmutter is chairaiding i n ' carrying out arrangefl.5,000. Sherman* will preside. the case work division announces man of the affair. • ..'••• | ' j 2Sebr.. legally, described as foli0v.-s: t n e t o n e • . •• 1 t 1; B i o c k ! 4 K i s ments forV bringing Prof. SigMiss Rose Goldsman and Rab- j t n a t a dessert "luncheon for the The A. Z- A:!chapter"is..planStars perish in the pudfiles of; IKSL oCounty, ' * ' ° " - i n =<>«f Nebraska. mund ' Freud,' world - famous bl M. Brown will_. open. ,. a„ discusjSO cial service group will be held ,ning 'AUTHOR: In t h e G e r m a n ning an their reach That, in accordance vith provisions „ , _ an initiation and buffet T psychoanalyst who is under Who's -Who, the ReichsmSnister [ And Flame up In the crystal cf of Section .S". H'-'iise floll 12h, Fiftieth '. sion on Phases^of .Jewish^Educatomorrow a t 1:30 o'clock a t the | lunch on Monday at the,home of , I Session of the Nebraska I^eplslRture. . tion. Refreshments will be'serv- \ Martin house 'arrest' in Vienna; to the Hotel." Mrs. Lloyd Mar- Vernon Fitch. for Agriculture and Foodstuffs, OMAKA mj bpeeca. i bearing upon said application wil! be ; ed at the close of the meeting. United States. A group'of New ousek will speak on the FundaWalther • Darre, is listed as an(Copyright, 193S, By Seven Arts ; held in the Town Kali on the 2!>th diij-; SUP York- 'physicians -have 'underauthor, in addition to other atj mentals of Case Work and the The Emesel club entertained F e a t u r e Syndicate) ! of April, -isss. -at T:se F . M. at v.-hich , VOVIVF. S i taken to raise -the necessary 1 time . the ' TCWTI ' Boarn shall receive tainments . ' . . On t h e strength of I Approach to Case Work. A round 150couples -Sunday -evening,' 1 WOMEN'S GROUP _ : evidence tinder oath either oral! ' or • funds. ••• The arrangements will a book published under his narae April 3 , : a t the Chieftain hotel. p n n m r n n p T * r n « r ' t a b l e discussion will follow. A synagogue fOliad at Bayonne :;bJ - affidavit, from any person bep.rinc be' completed -srtien. Dr., Freud and called "The Murder of the SPONSORS TALKi Because of the Passover holi-j Ffanklyn Vincent's orchestra fur. is believed to date from Roman "Pon the propriety of the issuance of • • ; said license. day, the. next Council meeting I nished the music-for'the atfair.- obtains.., .permission . . to leave Pig," in which he blames the ! • AustfiaVHis p'asspoTt -has be'en Jews for the wholesale slaughter Several Jewish Women's groups '• will be postponed until April 25, j This" was their "third " 'annual times. I JILLES C. A L T J I A N . ; taken away a n J he. is. not. al7 are among the organizations w h o ; ~ *~ i dance, pigs in the first years of t h e ! " — — A iiiage cierk. i : •~ lowed to J«ave-the country, it j of, World "War, which allegedly led IRViN C. LEViN, Attorney-at-Lsw Notice is hereby sriven t h a t O. JT>. are sponsoring * lecture this af- • MoUIlt' ' S i n a i " T e m p l e ' wa3 learned after a.delegation rotter hss filed application for a lito a food shortage later . . . It Mr. and Mrs, Abe. Roffman of 76S Ersnrteis Theatre Bitig, ternooB by Dr. Rechtor of Chica-| .cenFe - to pell -oeer "on" F:t. t?l!? of Dutch notables went to Vinow develops that Darre took the , | Omaha entertained . 30 guests OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE premises s t TfiO-S-main street, I go at the Martin Hotel.. Dr. Rech- : _ . . . _ . : enna to bring him to TheI easy read to literary fame . . . ;I NOTICE • . SALE Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will i Sunday evening In. honor of theNebraska, legally described as foitor will speak oh the subject of ; speak this evening a t Mount SinHague. ' . : ,. , Having simply lifted rerbatiin ' " JCotice is hereby given that on the ( ] C T - 5 : Cancer; 'j ai Temple on "A Haven of Ref-engagement of Ihelr niece,' Miss from t h e w r i t i n g npnnpii KOTTIP '30th day of April, 193S. a t ten o'clock; LoLc J . ; ?„ 4, 5. Block 35. Ka irooi i n e *riunos, penned some , A M _a t isoe Ruth Roffman, .daughter of Mr. C u m i n g . s t r e e t > O m a - in Douslas County. Nebraska. ; uge." The service ha. - .Xebraska, the undersigned w:H That, in - accordance with 1 sell at public auction, to the highest; of Section S3. House KoU 328 o'clock. WINS STATE HONOR
res.ny veal
World's Window
Meeting Monday
Leo Rich, a Central high school.' e J ? 2 * 13 M ? m™ _ _ h ^ | School of the,--T«mpr e ; student,, was one of six Honor n a m a earo n
school pupils who won honors a t « PP the eighth annual high school exhibition of graphic and plastic ; _• . arts, conducted-by the University i . ^ J J , of Iowa. ;. A number of posters and ures by Leo have been displayed j , _ .,
NeU& T £
held in the Town Hal; on 0? April. irCS. at 7:30 P. II. et which time the Town Board FhsH receive evidence -under oath either oral'y or _i nvestiga tion., p a r j % sisnesi fcy Erskfne UltenJ: F-siS by affidavit, from any person bearins of other OI., mortgage bearing- date and havincr" XTPOTI the propri^t;" ot t^i6 i?otip,nce Ot I been'the office of the County said license. SIXES C. AT.T1IAS. i Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, , Village Cierlc.
^ B a c l 1 ' German emigre |
Ijnelle ^ ^ hotel. ^ ^ ^ e .- .F .o n t "._,.. e :- j! "oneysTuT"^S« com^se^ ]'*^%™™*£ "nveSSt^ I writers from Germany and j f°? *?£^ „„„£,„
. .
n d , a«»„„ writers from
Germany and j .t-
the. source
i Session of the Nebraska j hep.nng" upon v
Model—1S34 1'otor T-55S45
trangely silent about the the purpose of satisfying the I death of Gabrielle , D'Annuczio . Bob Endelman was host a t nvw due thereon, to-Vrit: In coatrast to their denuncia- ' i a t U J Robert Fill. and that no suit or other y y .evening j ^ " ^ ^ " m e e t i n g - ot- t&^ lolteti S°^! L? pi Zi-?, ^l '': of the poet, some years ; proceedings fi-t law have been instijlf back, as a Jew whose real"nacie tuted to recover said debt or any The followingr contributions j before the Emesel dance. other a r t part j have been made to the Temple j Mrs. Nate' Gilinsky and son, was Gabriel- Rappoport,/'a "native \ SHAME™ BODY & R A D U T O R CO.. country. • of Galicia . > . j 4-S-3S-41. Mortgagee. 'Sisterhood Memorial Fund, re-j Philip Howard", spent-last "weefeThe Junior Congregation Shaare Zion Synagogue" will con- cently: Mr and .Mrs. Jack Rob-j end m Sioux City, MONSKV. GROD1NS.KY. MARER Melbourne- ;;'(WNS)— Australia" ORGANIST; .When the, son duct the regular Friday evening IM inaon contributed i n memory of i COHEN, Attorneys rs A service tonight a t 8 o'clock. T h e i a n d - . - Sherman; Mrs.. Joe-Levin noted psychiatrist I 737 Ormfis. Nations! Bank Blc'g. children will celebrate their Bar i Mrs. A. Goodsite,-in memory! Freud, GIVEX That msich a.t,-. taJc-i NOTICE 1? HERESY j of Mrs. Minnie Pike; Mrs. Ben Jlitzvab year a t the service. have formed a corlessoas that, his father s c h u k i n / i n m e m o r y ' o f h e r sfe I She nt to the laws of the Mas Rich act as Cantor,, the "press i permitted him to abandon thersi. State cf Nebraska. The name of the Mrs. and the following children -will hi i l ter, Mrs. Grenewald; and 1 is SIPXET B. LIF.;;:-...Today,.,Dr. Brill reveals, his . . . ^that . . . lthe ,..J1 BriHshconsu.. . sing solos: Hachael Ginsberg, Sid'.Robinson, .'in-- memory of her Lucille AbrahaiDson- is V mem-i!,.-. . <t-CO- wiih its principal lale son~i3 a,'- student at Karvard • - . • . ' place c£_Ivasuiess ber of the-cast- of -the^Tbomas in Vienna had received. 6,000 Anna Kanofsky, Dorothy Dikel, mother, Mrs. Rosenberg.: in th* Gitr of Otna: a pafision ha.' Douglas- Co.unty, Nebraska. The Jefferson High schoors Burton Llpshutz, Harry Weing ol Junior uno i applkationa for Australian visas H i s suddenly .developed p p iSiors J objects for which this corporation is Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis was play, Dlav. "Death Takes a HoiiHnv" stein-dnd Irving Pliskin. AnnaHoliday, I from Austrian 'Jews. "Admit- for, .music ,.,* . A.nd>has slapped formed are: To maintain and operate bell Satin will preside during the elected president of t h e Rose to be presented in. the school ta'nee'tb Jewish refugees will be togethar,-an'organ on which lie a general electrical supply, equipservice, and David Kuntz will Cross Medical; and Surgical .Re- auditorium. ';• ' . 'considered only as p a r t ; of any j spends 'much, of his leisure time. ment and appliance business. End to purchase, sell, insiall, erect, Tnai] general' Taigration scheme, t h e ' give the president's message^ lief Society and a meeting held service all electrical appliances Mr. and Mrs. Ben-:Gershun'aiid | basis_ pf -which /ris. preference to j _ ; MISH-M A S H: A Manchester and Recitations will be given by Sally this week. end equipment of every kind suitable . migrants of-British j Jewish, sculptor, Maurice .'Rattes^^, family will, spend"' Sunday in Levin, Rissa Lazere and Irving character; and to manufacture, s stock," -he iiaid.- ".•». • - man, has .. beea. employed t s y - a j s i d Schuyler, Neb.,-, visiting friends. s.11 types and kinds of Sherman. . DEATH CLAIMS INFANT / , . . . | Catholic catbedral'lnrestoratio'a ! parts. supplies, equipment. e.ppsraAddresses •will be given by electrica.1 accessories N e w Y o r k (WNS)—The Youth M woVk on some of its statuary . . -. tu»' Arlene Krasne is planning a Maita Heeger, Shirley Guttleman, and Funsr.l services for Israel Mer- trip to Sioux City during spring l i y a h t i ^ c a m- p a l g n t b ^ t r a n s f e l |. H e h a.S d o a o similar '. jobs for Wally Friedman and Sherman lin, rs of 10 month old son of Mr. andvacation. Sperling. The Junior CongregaJewish, children from Austria to ! many Roman Catholic .churches ;< acter to electrical equipment End apMax Merlin, 1205 Jones tion members will sing special Mrs. Palesttrie received $22,000 • in ! and convents in the Manchester paratus. The Company shalld I shave uthorit sue Street, were held Tuesday after-' Passover music. Miss Rose Gold^ noon, with Rabbi H. R. Rabino-; contributions: made by-guests at-(district .-.'. . I n the desert Bear Iaevidence? > ' t oof^ indebtedness ^ ^ m-one>' E ntherefor. 1 The total authorized capita! stock is sman and Rabbi M. Brown will witz officlati- j . T h £ baby died ! tending' a reception >£„- the home ! Tunis, belieye-it-or-n o t, there $10,000.0". parivakie $1(10.on rer shp~p direct the children. •of Mrs. Jbseph Mif Stroock, mem: dwell the last of the Tunisian all Common Stock, and pha! be fu"3" Monday evening following a two | ber-of the, .Youth-Aliyah commit-'" cave-dwellers . . . They are Jews paid and non-assessable. The corweeks' sickness of pneumonia. tes;. of -Hadassab. Among the con- . Live a primitive-life, have poration poration shall commence business a tributors were Ben Bernie, Eddie skins almost as.. white as t h e i upon the filing of its Articles with , » ; the County Clerkof Doug'as Cour*i, a Cantor,"Mas-.Steirer- and'Edward challc soil of their- caves, are at OPENS KOSHER.MARKET tractive bet shy. silent, grave and \ M. M. Warburg. •• t. courteous . . . . AH Of which is re- j e<3ness%hali not exceed two-third: .. f Hyman Kahn" has opened a the by a'German'-Woman'-writ--members capita' stock. The r.urnber '.-• Rome* '-(TVNS)—Premier Mus-, !ported OS h C r M a a n sa Ma of the Board shall be proe r named chapter' will j atf f130G ;. . l5^ ?!J ^^ xs. Nordau, who re-vide<5 for t v the Bv-Laws, which 1 , n < . ^ !street jsolihihasbeen -asked by the . , ta':e place Wednesday evening, ' ; Italian • rabbinate -_ - and Cently. Visited, the -forgotten-peo- ! Bosr<3 shall "administer the April 13, in the Jewish Commun- carry a complete line jSSSiilty"ieaaCTs ..•Wr«'--to?-p«^ | ?H-.i°, ^ l remarkable^ subter- j^r'«n>oraOon. jhe meetiyig: on meats, sausages and groceries. shall hold their annual ity Center. Miss Garetta Krigsten ranean cdram : Mr. Kahn is a.nephew of 31 \'a •<.-, %. -the aeeond Wednesday In Jsnusin- c* I mit.the £atry i n t o l t a l y of a nnmj will preside. . -. ' noted pnilosopser, [ psch" year and elect Directors. The , . j ber- of- prominent Austrian Jews !!a'tin ..h r i t 3 r ? h e cultural group of Hada3- and Mrs.. Max Rosenstock. u Jewish • mysticism j Directors shall eject a President, o»Tr»«-rieS-;as well- as- AuBtriEm rahbia who I < , ? , of OSe Of t h e riSOSt !• "V'ice-Prpsident. Secretarj- end Treassali. met Wednesday evening, ia " *" urer. The Articles may be amended 'i are.'-staatenlose. The Jewish com- and-translate the home o t Mrs. Frank Epstein.
at^the Jewish Commanity Cen- i g » | ^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^ n d f
Shaare Zion
Junior Hadassah Will Meet Soon
Sodiety News
Nineteen G Renly to Hull Proposal
~ h e
Miss Sara Helen Pickus, daughter of -Irs. Rella .Pickus of W Walt-] lt] ,,aaL±lli - W 1 . D. „ ^ (WNS)—I .yvrvsi • - •- - Washington, Carl 'Al- ' 4-s-ss-4t. Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov will hall, became the bride of Ber- \\ Nineteen of -the"«9. e « 9 European uropean and !'!2' N7 f le "; 33YoT*ss pert-of the Boston Jewish ASTO- • naei Eirenberg, son of Mr. and f* ' ..jfeluding . a large : MiS-TON R. FROHM, A"v. b e W o l l 6 f M r a h d Latin-American countries invited •• 2 7 f-l ;3 s ' ..jfeluding . a large :c a t e , a g , podium as speak at the Tiphereth Israel ' ' ti i " " f*f* Mrs. William;' Eirenberg, 2413 LatinAmi 1004 Omaha Nstionai E i r k ^ , d j . b S synagpsue this Saturday after- ??** by Secretary of State Hull t o co-!!-nwober pewMter , . . E e tria e n .from t e r d Germany, and Aus- ;h I s v i h h Virginia street, Sunday afternoon noon at 5 o'clock on "'A^Tio are operate in" creating-"a"ii interna- ' « Palestine es a U t t wo xk a w e e k PROBATE. NOTICE \ at 3 o'clock. ;iThe ceremony was \ tional inter-goyernmerital com:•"!.MkMhn9ir-^i'th^aW.^t'.thI!£[!™f i t ° Jewssh the Protected Jews? r .^ » the Matter of the Estate of j " T T • A -Doi ,!„ 4+ «.„,, r, before various groups ln solemnized litthe : presence " of - ^nmm _ •' Ruth .Alperson, ROir.etinies known es j ' mittee to aid refugees from Ger-...Dnited. •Palestine J t - w a s 5 n - U N e E n l E n d _ Rabbi Bolotnikov will attend ' ~ ' •' on and sometimes slso j Slephen-c. W i s e .;; , *,.: no ;L a a s "Mcbiras Hometz" next 'week as jimmediate relati'es of the^ couple 1,200 came into i°? "A!!ffollows: Sunday morning, April at the Eirenbijrg home. Rabbi H. Xotlce is hereby given that the i the last 10 from 8 to 10 o'clock a t theR. Rabinowitz' officiated. one, Italy, has creditor* cf the said deceased will [ gh'ted by ' Jewish. " Tele- meet The bride wore a duty rose enwith will an- \ d Adas Yeshuren synagogue, Sevbeen ' received, . , _ , .. graphic Agency, Inc., T,i7 Keseti theofadministratrix said estate, before roe, j enth and Wall Sunday semble with accents of brown and from France, Belgium Holland ' " e a s e in emigration to Palestine • Madison Ave., N. T. C. County Jufig-e of Douglas County, < Nebraska, at the County Court Room. Monday to -and .« « >-, « n . . « . s from „ „ « ! »C „« , »8. , , , -land Sweden among 'the nine j.^^.-Austria as a.result of the in said Count5", on the 2nd day of •: j p at the Tiphereth Israel Synago-i l a l nosegay of; roses a n d . blue-;.European powers: invited". 1 absorption of . that country into .T'.:ne. 1""S, -Ejid on the 2nd day of j '\ DELINQUENT-TAX gue; Tuesday and Wednesday sweet peas. ..-.. • T, England, is expe.cted, to a n - i the'Nazi Reich." "A«gust. 1SSS. a t S o'clock A. M.. each j day, for the purpose of presenting ; evenings from 6 to 8 o'clock a t ' , She is a graduate of the W a l t - | uounce Us favorable decision inb•BR1VE BEING HELD resent ttelr. claims for examination, adjust- j mentarily. . . ^ . . 'h7£ma?i{Z'UMMCULQS!S;-GROUP ,_ school while Mr. Mr Etrea-j Blren j m t i l N the- Beth Abraham synagogue, j 11 high school, and allowance. Three months j is a graduate of the Osmond | and Switzerland are ;;tthe pther !"• • ' T *^-- = i;«. .«.i#-.-^.-4-i.. ce tt u v e h e ' ofh'pr Sixth and Cook streets, and are aUowea for the creditors to pre- j fae "—;'•.•"•-•'-"<«• ° " f ; ^ .. " j high school and attended the Un-European powers, from whom no "STARTS [CAMPAIGN] .T , city-wide eelinquent tax sent their claims, from the 2nd ds.j- of j rest of the week -.until- Friday, i v | r «, l t v n f \>hri<?kT whprp hp collection .drive is- now in , full May, 3SSS. . | reply has bee;, received. In Latinswing- with l e e Haff, sr.,'veteran E R r C S CRAWFOPwD, America tht/plan ha? won the . ' "-Tuberculosis' UBdisco.yered en- Om'aha .automobile dealer, as gen- 4-S-SS.-3 County Judge. fraternity. i backing of Brazil, Chile,- Argen- dangers- you, teenth street. arid eral campaign.* chairman.. Plans A f t e r a w e d d i n gg t r i pp, , M r . E Ei r - U Unnaa, , P e r u , ^ B o l i v i a , FRADENSUKS, WEBE, EEBEK, your community" is the 1938 slofor .the campajga were conip.etesi ber : & KELLEY, Attj's. V l ? gan-of Early. Dia-; at a meetidg of civic leaders and • KLUT2NSCK C • o J TL l f,? -er8 a n d h l sb r i d e w l U m a k e I Venezuela, Mexico? . 223 Unicn State Sank Bidg. • , Panama, : gnosis-Campaign In-which t h e Sensor'.Hada8Sah Uruguay; Republic, Guatemala..El Salvador business men - Tfaursdaj' night a t ijthe.r ska. home in; Randolph, Nebra- Dominican Nebraska , Tuberculosis AssociaNO14CE EY PUBLICATION ON and Haiti, leaving only Cuba, tion is participating . throughout •f.he City Kail. PETlTfON FOR SETTLEMENT Wilbur Jones of the XortferupMrs. A. Silverberg, 3051 Stone CF FINAL ACKSr-iiSTRA. April. ; Practitioners, clinicians, TION ACCOUNT Plans for r the Vrinual Vrinual Linen Linen i Park boulevard,, was hostess otess to ;In- the County Court of Douglas Shower and the -Conor's Lunch-jj 35 guests at oae o'clock luncheon I t County, Ne"bra^ks. .understood^'. tbat. the - first 1 health States rZ eon vere discussed at the Board i in the Martini Hotel Tuesday, ""2n"fbe Matter of the Estate of Keris nf the" committee" of gov- f Public i mtn H. Rohrs. Deceasefi: meeting of the Senior HaJassah i honoring her daughter, Miss Lil-' representatives ^ ^ e ^ ^ h p o ^ o f f ^ U ^ ^ e r , ^ . . reor.s interested in ss.ia W a U e r L p l e r p o 3 n t < H a r Al Chapter, eld Tuesday afternoon j Han Maga3ineir, who will become held In a Swiss city. hersb" notified that or, ry A.; Tukey\ and" Alfred" C. Ken- I If a in th=, Jewish Community. Center, a bride-May 14 y London (WNS)—There is no (tioas " r«sey' is campaign"! Rohrs filed a. pctHion The following members of 'the Table appointments and .dec-territory in the British Empire .|.;,-. ' Also cooperating .with'-.the as- ! ' " I Court, prarins that t, ti ied -out a spring chapter have paid their pledges! orations carriijd t " "in 3m)~i!f ?-W ^ ?* i sociation .. Jn r Nebraska, \ e t a t e d >aign, CiTi 2. in nature, ] for t h e Gi^e or Get project, S theme: Thef'r afternoon hours refugees i3 practicable, Colonial ] Miss Alice , Marshell, executive i fleThe '< of .at-J-east j with coliectica which will entif. > them to attend j were'spent playing bridge. . Secretary. Ormsby-Gore tcrld. the'; secretary,, will be large industrial jS 1 the. Donors Luncheon: Airs. E. E. ' f House of Commons ia resppase • groups and ..Parent-Teachers as-f Baron. IVIrs. Anna Krueger, Mrs. M r . a n d M r s ; - H . F i g h g a l l , 2 2 0 2 , t o a q u e s t i o n w h e t h e r t h e * g o v - ' s o c i a t i o n s Us T.-CL1 a s c o u n t y , s u - and real estate tases as a sieans I su of aiding Osalia's schools, -city h Joe Kutcher, Mrs. Milton Mush- j Summit will* i m m i t streetj <jtrAt>« Tt-iii oentertain n t o i - t - i i n ie r n m c n t v » o i i l d ' p r e p a r e a g p r o j p e r i n t e n d e n t 3 sC c h as l county, *^ *"^ r kin, Mrs. M. Lazriowlch, Mrs. more than 50 high school friends ernmcnt v»oiild' prepare a pro- j perintendent3, school JP-*^ • *"-»^ea and-county goTernae'nt. • Of s o a - j :' -> tr- r. a for offering Jcvish rcfu-\dents, and local sealjU -• «iair ey, collected, 41 per cest goes ;to j Max Hosenstocfi, Mrs. S. B. Gel- • of their daughter,. Miss Marion gram M f l W j men in each co.-anty. - " " 1 »•"••'" --•" -otlgpr - r men in eaca c o u n t y ^ J ^ r j p h l t the" city. '.S.!> .. per cent .- to- the j ; ion, the Co 'fand, Mrs. Sam Pickus, Mrs. B. ' Fishgall, at a dancing party Sat- " ' schools a s d . 20 percent to t h e ; , Shilof, Mrs. Sam Weiner, Mrs. E. j urday evening;at the Sioux county. •*•'•• " ' J i ;K; Grueskin and Mrs. W. C. Slot-i ment ballroom; ' , .——_ _ . j ; 3ky. Others will be announced .-".'..•'-————in The jsVis Press as t h e mon- j Mrs. Ben Kalin and daughter, ifdcal of hospitality ' suffering picture films\VjU A Jewish community wss estab- i: jy is received by the-chairmen-of j Barbara Ann, of Mitchell, S. D. I people "but we cannot sent" them aisea"Usnal"casi" I "shed i a 112-1 a t ' JJoatpsIlier by r ri;rcr c ! ' i e Donor's Committee. j a r e visiting with Mrs. Kalin"s. to die;in West Africa and places ercalosis. • • W i l i i s a Provence. .-...' ,
HAGADAH Passovei Seder S
'Holds Meeting
1, f i l l 1 X