April 15, 1938

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In . Interests of the


The views expressed by. 1/ndivig Liewvsohn in his column ore his o\ra and do not necessarily reflect the policies or attitudo or oxrr publication, fteprodnction in whole or in part strictly • forbidden.

Entered'as Second Clasrs Mail Matter on January 31. 1921. at


of Oma-fia; .NetiiaEfcn. under the Act of March 3, 1579


-A breach has at last been made in the fiery wall of hatred that has year after year - amed up

more fiercely about the Jewish people. Or, to put it another and perhaps a better -way, a breach has at last been made in the massive and terrifying indifference with -which the sufferings of the


Offices of the JEWISH PRESS


ns for the new sea-

have been moved from' their former quarters, 500 Brandeis Theater Building, to the floor above, 609 Brandeis Theater building. N Editorial and advertising matter as well as subscriptions are

c t e r of the City Talmud Torah are still being accepted st the offices in t i e Jewish Community Center. Classes are open to feesinners m,d to students who have had some Hebrew as well as the regular pupils of. the Talmud Torsh. The new semester is scheduled to begin right after the Passover holiday.

Jewish people are regarded by a supposedly civilized •world. The handled at this office. call to the free peoples, of the world issued .by President Ttoosevelt through Secretary Hull that their doors be opened to the rictims'-of - religious and political persecution, may well inaugurate a new era—as new an era as was opened by the Balfour DeclaraTonight the first Seder of the The second annual concert givtion—provided there is a Jewish i t | feast of Passover, the festival of people in the "world with a Jew- en by cantor Aaron Edgar and deliverance, will be observed in ish will and provided that that the Beth El Choir mil be prsenti all Jewish homes. Coamesoratpeople will stand this test as it ed at the__Central High School ing the deliverance of the Chilhas not hitherto stood the test auditorium on Wednesday, April Monday evening at 8 o'clock : dren of Israel from their bosdcreated for it by Balfour. 20, at-8:30. the third annual Round Table of ; age in Egypt, the holiday will >* f Cantor Edgar lias prepared a Jewish Youth Oratorical contest i last eight days. The analogy is perfectly plain. There was the Balfour Declara- varied program of J e w i s h •will be held before a meeting of j At the traditional Seder, the tion. There was the Mandate as well as classical, operatic and ' the local lodge of the B'nai ! story of the Esrodus is told and a After an absence from the city _ •' B'rith at the Center. Subject for ! service of thanksgiving and hope which at that time Britain intendj j discussion will be "The Jew and1 is read from a special prayer for several months, Mas Barish, ed reasonably to carry out andj long identified with the automo; ; Democracy." A trophy will be ! book called the Haggadait. abide by. There was no Arab j * i awarded the winner by tbe B'nai | Rich in tradition the Seder is bile induFtry in Onaha. will nest .problem.- There was upon the ! I B'rith lodge. " i replete with symbols: parsley as week open tie rjtrish ::otcr plan of the resettlement of PalI . Contestants entered are: HasI a token of gratitude to God estine by the Jewish people the kell Lazere, Lazier Singer, Abe i for the produce of the earth, official blessing of the civilized Resnicfc, Margery Katz, Lester [horseradish, . s i g n i f y i n g the world. "Those -who are now our Abrahamson, Margaret Rundell, {embittered life of the Ispublic adversaries were not so : Stanley Turkel, and Irving Nogg. ]1 raelites in Egypt; Charoses, then. All that was lacking was a I Judges for the contest are Ep- representing the mortar spoken people, a Jewish people, to take • hraim Marks, Sirs. Ben Silver, \ of in the Bible story; a lamb advantage" of the world's offer. I bone roasted on coals, a symbol • Jmd Dr. Leon Fellman. Immense-tracts' of land could then | Morris Arbitman is chairman ! of the ancient Paschal offering; have been bought. There were no of the Oratory committee of thej and an egg, roasted on the coals. adequate funds. A' populous YisRound Table. Members oZ the For the prophet Elijah, the longhuv could have been established. • committee are Dan Miller, Han- awaited herald of the final reThere was the opportunity. There • nah Baum, Irving Nogg, Willard I demption of mankind, a cup of was the need. There were the powine is set aside. . Smith, and Morton Margolin. litical and economic opportuni! Past winners of the contest ties. And the vast majority of the Long History • have been Joe Solomonow and { The Seder has a longer contiaworld's Jews hung back and split ' Morton Margolin. hairs. . .. '. ! uous history than any other reI The~subjeet for discussion has ; ligious rite still practiced. It has A second opportunity is at; been carefully chosen and a num- been observed sometimes cuder hand—offered again by one of; ' ber of phases will'be covered in the most trying of conditions. N those two English speaking peo- '• : the course of the evening. One of the best-known stories pies who alone of all the peoples! The meeting and contest will of the Bible, the whole tale of Cantor Aaron E d g a r of the world preserve a tradition be open to the public. Passover deals with redemption of humanity, preserve a consci- j and liberation and as a festival of music. Mrs. Abe Fellence not utterly hardened, not j hope j-eminds the Jews cf their hopeless brutalized, 'those peo-' man will act as accompanist. Solo deliverance in the past £nd their pies, and especially now the parts will be taken by Harriet

To Be Assisted by;the Beth H Choral Group

TOL. X n - X o . 26


Services to Be Held in ^Synagogues of ^ City


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survival through all oppressions. Mas Bari.sh ! Morris 1 . Local Services i L For the Passover holiday, lo- j Company at Thirty-eighth and : S. Beizer, j cal synagogues will observe the | Farngra streets. The Earish Tvlo- ijsaclore Go. 'tor Company-will be local agents :%on, Isaac | following schedules: ; for t i e Packard automobile. • • Be?rj.ck, Beth El j Since coming to Omaha sever- Aaron G. ^^ Tonight members of the Congregation will hare 'Sedorim' at al years ago Mr. Barish has beea .son and N their homes. Saturday morning i prominent in civic .and coramiin- ' Dave Ci -services." tbmomnv,. v>ill be "lieid rfil-~eircies. -He-is- a -member ol lor at 9 o'clock. Junior Congregation \ the executive committee and the ; man. H e : Enrope. Following iiis gradan individual aff for a people is and agendes^upported by the services will take place at l l : S 0 . i board ol goTernors of the .Jewish ! Kraiftz. I < uation from the University of ! not onlyy is not perhaps primar- Michigan, he became the cantor of local Jewish Philanthropies, the ! Community .Center and fort i e ily Tvhat happens to that individ- the Detroit Rumanian synagogue. Jewish Community Center is. this I Sunday morning services will past several, years has takeir a \ Mai kin, I ; at 9. Cantor Aaron Edgar leading role in tb.e campaigns of ual or to that people but what week displaying the work of theI start he was called to Jackson- tJnited -will chant the services in the tra-the Palestine Appeal. the individual or the people does Later Jewish PMla*ntltropies. Pesach mode. Rabbi DavFlorida, to assume duties as with what happens. Freud has ville, Since li)33, 175,000 Jevrs hare 1'dition^al Mr. Barisb served several !j Stern c;t id A. Goldstein will give an incantor there. In Jacksonville he F.-nfi Ttr—T v e - " proved up to the hilt tnat we becaine associated with an oper- entered Palestine.-Over 40,000 of . spirational Passover service. terms as president. of tlis. . CUir Dr. J. : E — r r ~ came from Germany. For o along. create our fate-as Talmud Torah and is at present group interested in present- these Temple. Israel them funds raised by the United "We collaborate with destiny. We atic a menbpr cf i;s eserutlve board. the works of American com- Palestine Appeal built homes and Dr. Samuel T. F E . ^ - , ~L Services this evening will be will our future. "We are guided by ing Prior to his coming to schools, bought land and made i; held at 5:30 and will conclude Fellman. I " " t i l , 1 Eros or Thanatos, the life-wish posers. he was cantor at the Tif-it Teady for cultivation, and ; early enough for the members of Maynarfi 1 C'^e. l c c. or the death .wish. The -uttermost Omaha ereth Israel Synagogue in Des founded agricultural settlements. : the congregation to return home man Hirs ~~ L~T r ;• i>. I ti. u t a b tragedy of pogt-emancipato^ry Moines. j for the Seder. Margolin, r - 5? A TO"-Vc' For these refugees from oppresJewry is that large portions of it g p In planning this year's concert, Tomorrow morning services liam A. K f " ' - -<—r are afflicted -with a death-wish. Cantor Edgar made it clear that j sion the United Palestine Appeal \; will be held at 11. Dr. Abrahrr' A 5c 1 For here,• a's truly as. in a city "we must distinguish between set in motion the technical maA congregational Seder will be Samuel S;"-n Enr S r - i besieged or, IjUe the Spanish Loy- the music composed by Jewish chinery to help them take part: in ; held at 6:45 tomorrow evening at Phil F e l c - ,- ~z ->alists, in a territory hard beset by composers: such as Mendelsohn. ] *-he building of a new. land on the the Temple. rul ns o f l h e ld the enemy, is a people, the Jew- Meyerbeer, Rubenstein, and Ger-I x ? „ ,. Vaa<J ish people, quite literally threat- shwin, and the"music" which has! I t s work increased by recent Following is the schedule of eve nts 3n er " -'• The newly ' organized .B'nai i Sam Hand — 7 ~ ened with disasters that reach its grown ouf of the verv life of the i ! Europe, the tmited Pal- services for the Passover of the B'ritn Auxiliary will be installed i Irvin C. I^ei - . 'Tr - l s "v life-nerve and its entire future. Jewish people. It is the son estine Appeal is asking; maximum Vaau: Friday, April 15, Maariv by Dr. A. Greenberg. president of i John R o s e - i ' r <. ^' "~ "What deeds have been'done by it which .is rooted in Jewish. exper- support to promote immigration j at 7 p. in. Saturday, April 16, District Grand Lodge No. 6. at \ ter, WiIii£.=L V o ' e - r in its defense? What sacrifices ience and which / gives us a to purchase land, to reclaim land, j Shachrit at 8:30 a. ra.; Mincha the meeting of . t i e B'nai B'rifh ! Yaffee. have been made? Who has given glimpse of the Jewish soul that I t0 to Dbuild schools, to build homes, uild at 6:15 p. m.; Maariv at 7 p. m.lodge Monday evening', April. IS | Dr. I < ' .-:., " « • settlements, to aid in itsjj Sunday, pold in exchange for iron? Ho-sv we .can truly call genuine Jewish \ April 17, Phacfcrit at at S:15'at the Jewish CommunDr. Lec-i Fc ^ o^ - c -* many haVe purged their hearts music. It is such music that, we {small way toward making more j S:30 a. m. and Mincha at 6:30 ity center. Mrs. Paul Teret will and wills of the immediate dross aim to present in Our Passover secure the lives of European Jew- : p. ra. Thursday, April 21, Maar- be Mistress of Ceremonies. •• Henry * Cl i "T J1 of small advantage and Hhrown concert." ry. . t iv. 7:15 p. m. Friday, April 22, Following the installation the ; Harry D t ; ? " / all they are and have into the deHonorary chairmen of the S:30 a. m., Minclia, annual- oratorical contest spon- : J o e Goldwce C r r C fensive fray? How many? United Palestine Appeal are Gov- Shachrit, 6:30 p. m. Maariv, 7:15 p.sored by the Round Table of JewNow for the second time in a ernor Herbert H. Lehman of New m. Saturday.and April 23, Shachrit, ish Youth and the-B'nai B'rith ' Harry Kiel a c Z ^: generation comes " t h e ' supreme York, Judge Julian "W. Mack, Na-JS;3O a. m., the Memorial service will be held. j Star-ley L ^ - - « test. Now for the second time in than Straus, and Samuel Unter- [at about 10 a. m. and Mincha, Officers to be installed are: I BiumenthSi - «.' ^ L a generation the Jewish people is myer. j 6:40 p. m. President, JTrs. Ben Kazlowslry; - S i d n e v E - - •<•' ' given a choice" between life and : j Beginning with tonight, the first vtce-pre?ide:nt, Mrs. "William FiLK, _ . death, between self-affirmation j regular Friday night services at Lazere: second vice-president- :HFmaa stein. Dat " ' - . and self-negation, between servilsunset will take the place of theMrs. Abe Greexiberg: correspond- • LaHpIutiS. ---i r* - f ity and uprightness of the spirit. late Friday night services. This ing secretary. Mrs. Julius Bisao: . Perlis. Krr^ - r5- - ' What precisely must be done? arrangement will c o n t i n u e recording secretary, Mrs. • J. M.•Ben S h a p i r - T)-1 " e -1 On Sunday. Way~~l,. a t 8 : l n Let us not forget that the eco- members of t h e Omaha Choir and through the summer; •Malasnocfc; treasurer. ?,irs. Philnomics of the world are contract- Dramatic Club under the, direc• At the service Saturday, Rabbi ip Klntznicfc; sentinel, Mrs. Leon ; Al May--- = . * -. ing and«that, for instance. In oar tion of Ben Martin will present Plans are all complete for SamrMilton Jvopstein trill speak at the Fellrnan; guardian, Sirs. Dan own country the vast problem of J. Gordon'B stirring four act dra-! Beber chapter's Annual Spring 1 Congregation- Beth. Haciedrosh Liasiaan; guide.' Mrs. Leonard unemployment does exist. Let us ma, "The True p o w e r " a t the | Frolic to be held Saturdav even- I Hagodel. His topic will be "ForSegal: raonitress, Mrs. Irvin StalT suppose that, to begin with, the Jewisb. Community Center. • ing, April 23 a t t h e Paston hotel. ! Seven Days Shall There Ee Xomaster. and trustees. Mrs. Harry : road. T-lort.-" " """ ^ ! er, Piofeert T\"v^^ J"I ' United States shall be willing to This play attempts to a n s w e r ; Profits derived from t l i i s i Chometz Found In Your Konse." Malasftock, Mrs. Sam Beber and j Ernest X o ; ; L v ' "-i. ; give asylum to only the number the questions of whether a man dance, being held on the last day 1 On the second day of Passover he Mrs. 'TVilliam Milder. Lester Simo _- _ - of German and Austrian Jews should marry a girl twenty-five ! of Passover, will be placed into a ! will speak at the Congregation Karry S - - v provided for by the present im- years his junior; whether a "high- special fund for the renovation j B'nai Israel on "Egyptian Slavmigration quotas, namely, circa ly intelligent man should marry of the Jewish Community Center i ery—Ancient and Modern." Alberts, Working Groups. 2 8,000 a -year. Then American a girl of no education; whether library. The committee ia charge i Brest, IsF.fi-"" "1 " The Father and Son services Jewry must see to it that the or; not this type of marriage expects to .make a report soon to will be resumed on Sunday, April To M a r k Holidayi man. MC funds are provided not only for would make a happy home for officials of .the Jewish Commun- 24 at 9 a. m. at the Congregation i Dr. Ber. G- - c~r the entering but for the wise and the girl. ity Center regarding tbe- equip- B'nai Israel, Eighteenth' and Chi- A conference of Jewish work- : Noddle, Ja"1 " " "" well-planned resettlement of these j ers groups'was held last Jloncty Part of the proceeds from the ment which will be purchased cago streets. people. Large tracts of landm'ust play is to be donated for the and installed in the library. j at tbe Labor Lyceum to lorraaAccording to Joe KeznicK, combe acquired, schools and colleges needy Polish Jews, and the rest ! late plans for a celebration oa must be built gradually. Zionist of the money will be distributed • mittee chairman, tentative plans To P u r g e N. Y. • May l, the labor holiday observwork in the diaspora must be to different charitable .organiza- • thus far call for a rearrangement | ed the world over. done according to Aron David tioh. this tine a joint protest will - • . J of the library room. Room will - • Militia of Aliensj| beAtmade ag-sinst Fascism and Gordon's. unsurpassed program. This club whose membership is '• be rearranged to make possible Albany, X. Y.—Governor LehFor once, for once, let us try to twelve couples has. been working • the installation of a childrens de- man, as Commander in chief', of •!• Anti-Semitism. '• .. Organizations participating: are: see to it that der antisemitism hard preparing and presenting j partment, and separate racks for BoPton i ,"T sich nit farshleppt! Otherwise the various Jewish dramas in Omaha j magazines and newspapers. Fur- the New York State National Guard and Naval Militia:, has orgreat impulse of our President! for the past four years. Proceeds i thers plans for tbe library will be and all our efforts may be "wast- j from tbe plays have always been j annouaeed after the chapter li- dered the two organizations to : Wo -"- =• ^ ed, and we may produce only an- j given to charity. Tickets tor "The ; brary committee makes its report start an immediate investigation ' i a r ^ , — -•• — other section of a Galuth unten- True Power"' are forty-five cents. to the Center. of all non-citizens now enlisted 1 £ "i." Z able and intolerable in the long i Tickets may be gotten by calling Tickets for the Spring Frolic in their ranks and to discharge i I A 4171. ' may be obtained from any mem- any found to be aliens, it was an-I n i r c "^ "• " "^ run. " . .' . ' At. I La I -- . -—: ; ; • . , ber of Sam Beber chapter for onenounced fcere. A similar thing can and must be done in the semi-depopulated F a c e L o s s of C i t i z e n s h i p - dollar. Jack Swanson and Ins orA check-up on enlistment .ec- i £3* departments of France. >YD must Jassy, Rumania (JTA) — I cbestra will furnish the music. ords of the New York National uo longer enter merely the inter- Thousands of Jews in the pro- i A complete list of patrons for the stices of other civilizations or vinces of Moldavia and B e s s a r - i d a n c e v<iu be published in nest Guard and Naval Militia has dis] Rctt-c~ .-- Zcling to their margins and be-abia are likely to -lose their cit- | week's issue. closed that many aliens, notably come merely larger interstitial or izenship, newspapers here report, j German subjects of Adolf Killer, '. J»ev- "* - B. i " ~ " „ marginal groups. That win. lead j because they HTQ unable to* pay! Refugees Swell Classes have obtained entrance into the to vaster disasters in the future. ! the lees to obtain documents j Albany (JTA) — German and State's armed forces, it was ! of i _ The lesson of history in that re- proving tbpir nationality rights. | Anstrian"'refugees fleeing j m r -> ' learned. spect is overwhelmingly, and de-Moreover, in many towns local activities have increased State i 1 jn.r Tastatinsrly clear. Only the Zion- authorities, • before issuing the adult education class enrollment ist idea1 can save'-as." Only the documents, request payment of by about 4V500 students, accord- ! Accordins to ai- act of Decemcreation .-or communities" which, overdue tases, which is; impos- ing to. Miss Caroline Whippie, I "bsr 3, 1S04, Russian' JSTTS VTBTS fh.radiating primarily - from g sible for the needy Jewish adult education bureau supervis- i to he eligible to all municipal of(Continued on page S.) masses. '"• . . ' •. • ••>... . 'xices. '. * American people, upon whom is Bernstein, Ida -Gitlin, Dave Bodin, and Harry Dnboff. Assisting artists -will be Abram Dansky, picivilization. And the literally ., . . . „<. ; anist and Harry DuBobb, violintremendous question arises, what •will the Jewish people, in so far . ^ E s t h e r L J J DuBoff will: be as there exists a JewisH people, accompanist for her husbanddo with that opportunity. Cantor Edgar began1' his singIt is. of course, an old story, and it is .a story, as Heine said, .ent He studied -with promin-


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bers of s uniformed Nari corps river, • and thea we certainly little children, and then you will to- throw one of these nuts into \ tlie dish. WhUe doing this he atwould not have been able to see feed us again!" \v, this country. This Is why the ^irds come to tempts to throw out of the dish each other." "Oh, my dear son," exclaimed the houses of Jewish children.on as many nuts as possible. All the his mother, "who knows wheth- the Sabbath of Song (when the nuts which the players thus disWo:*iens 2 visioner there is not hidden witliin the Song of Moses- is Tead in the syn-places belong to him. The .next agogue) every year and beat with player is then given his chance folds of our great fortune a deep • York (JTA) — Three ! A repr-i'F.r meeting- of the exetheir little bills upon tho win-and thus the game continues. curse?" Germans vrere arrested last week '• entire connr, ln.ee ot the Women's dows. And the children are glad "What curse?" aske. the child. •in the investigation of s. epy ring- i Division o.C the Jewish Communn •Tell me 'what curse, What do to • welcome the birds and give , "Pegging" Nuts ~~ \T i selling American Army, Navy end ity Ccniev will l)e held on Monthem the meal which they owe to you fear?" A large bowl is filled with al!coast defense secrets to repre- day, April I S . f>t T o'clock at t h e — handfuls of grain and monds. Each, player is provided "Listen, my son," 1 will tell them sentatives of a Eurppefm cour-.trr, j Center. scattered" crumbs of bread. with two small wooden pegs. All you whathas filled my heart ever All bo?rp. mPTrbrrF hnre been 43V TEXT^XSION* OF THE JEW- enjoy this holiday season. A fourth man was being sought ? the players gather 'about . the , • TOUR AUNTX since Pharoah s daughter saved j urped to be ;'rp.=?-t. ISH COMMUNITY CENTER ^ on a bench warrant. bowl. -When the signal Is given, you from death. 'Tis true, you are Because of the Pnspovor holiGood ShabbotL and good ' The arraignment o£ the three each player tries, by means of but a child, but God has bestowbe served Yomtov boys and girls ot the was the first sign of progress in day no luncheon v,"ill 1 pegs, to draw out of the bowl as ed upon you wit and understandJunior Jewish, Press! the investigation since the arrest follow, ing the meeting . many nuts as possible. On no coning beyond your years. I am sure c! Otto Hermann Toss, Se-Terxky Tonight* we begin our celebradition is the player permitted to My, I'm. glad the winter's over, that you will understand my By Marvin Maltz Aircraft Corporation mcch?nic, Tlie Mcxiccu War, ihe most imtion of Pesach and all of us AGE IS touch the nuts with. Ms hands. And that Pesacli is so near %EFFER- words: and it not' now, you will on Jfarch IP, The exijtenre of 1 populr.r in LisLorr, saw only sixty will be gathered arounfl the SOX HIGH THOMAS Each, nut must ba completely 'Cause I think the night of Seder SCHOOL. COUNCIL hide them, in a, corner" of your the ring yas rev'eo.Ierl en Febru- •' JETS serving In tlie American Seder table. We will hear once drawn out o£ the bowl before it is the best time in the year. heart, and when you grow older, IOWA.' ary 2 6, -vi-ith the arrest of tvo egnin t h e story of how the BLUFFS, This is a story of Marvin Conn you will understand them, then. I can stay up long that evening; belongs to the player. After the Budapest (JTA) — The Hun-men. end a woman on charges of Jewish people thousands of a little All the silver's polished bright; time allotted for the frame, the garian Government announced espionage. His Rescue . boy, and years ago were freed from sla- now heAmerican-Jewish nuts are counted and the player last week a Parliament bill pro"Bathi6, Pharoah's daughter, And the dishes are all shining, celebrated Pesach. ; Those arrested were Karl Fredvery, in Egypt and We will all And the cloth is clean and who has succeeded in drawing viding drastic limitation of Jew- rich Marvin is a. young lad of ele- escued you and allowed me to ATilhelm Hermann, John imagine ourselves back in that ven. out from the bowl the largest 'white. was the day before Pass- bring you up for a time. Now, ish participation in the economic, Baptiste Unkel and Vvilhelm * land.-with the ancient Israelites over; ItMarvin's, number of nuts is declared the mother was very you are to be raised in the king's social and cultural life o£ the Boenlng. A' bench vrarrant; vrzs isand then.on {heir-long Journey busy preparing the houso for Pe- palace, to be brought up among And my brothers and big sister, winner. country. sued for the arrest, o* EVTF.16 across tho Red Sea and the de- sach. Marvin . hopped fr&m here statesmen, princes, magicians; Who's moved to some other The measure will establish a Rossberg', vr~bo disappeared after sert. We tnow, boys, and. girls, to there, looking at everything, Pharoah's advisors will be your • place nunierus clausus (proportional being questioned once by Leon G. that .yon"will- thrill once more but touching nothing. "Pool" comrades;' all the pleasure of the All are gathered 'round the table to. the story of the_ Haggadah Plase a flat board, about two restriction) for Jews en employ- Turrou, veteran agent of the world will not be denied to you, It is now the night of the first When my papa says the grace. and when you taste the wine Seder. Marvin is saying'"The-Fier scores of slaves will wait on you. feet high, In a slanting position ment in the press, cinema, stage, Federal .Bureau of Investigation. Two ol the arrested are inemand eat the Matzoh and all the Kashas.", "Why, on all other What none of your brothers, ever against the wall EO that it forms business enterprises End batiks, other symbols on the Pesach nights, may we eat either sitting saw in their dreams, you will see Then I ask him why that evening a triangle between the wall and Minister of Justice Lafiislaus Isn't like another night; Mikecz told a Government Party table, yon will bo prond of tho' or reclining, but on this night and enjoy in reality. You will And my mama smiles- at grandma the floor. Each player is given a conference preparatory to intro. Jewish people, their beantiful up certain amount of walnuts. One must recline?" His .father hear\ your people's name abused 'Cause I read the Hebrew rigat. walnut should be thrown up on ducing the bill in the Lower story and tho noble ideal of we javo him a pleased look and his and our enemies' voices mocking freedom and liberty they gave mother the board so that it rolls down House. us, and planning ways to crush Afterwards I find the matzoh beamed proudly. to the world. We are happy, to the floor, which is known as The purpose of the bill, I.I. us with heavy taxes and to rob Soon Marvin got sleepy. That Sister says It isn't fair, too, to be in America today night he had a beautiful dream. . from us even our self-respect.-.— the "Pool." The first player tries Mikecz said at the conference, is 'Cause I know that papa hides it to hit this nut with another one to guarantee more efficient prowhere w e can observe the PassHere is his dream: he is in the and you, my wiso son, f ey will In the cushions of h" • chair. over holiday anfl I know that desert. which he rolls down the board. te'etion of tlie social order and to befriend! They will tell you that Moses Is saying, "Come, you will think about the little children prepare the food." The you are not a Hebrew but an If ho succeeds, tie takes both introduce a more equitable balboys and girls in Austria, Ger- people look very happy. AH of Egyptian and they will foretell Bout that time I'm kr&da sleepy; nuts. If not, both remain in the ance into the economic life of the But I just hold up my head; many, and Poland who tonight them are glad to be gone from that you will be a great prince or pool and the nest player is given country. will not be able to enjoy the Egypt, Marvin's 'mother is mak- prime- minister to the King of How could they say the Had a chance to strike the nuts. The The bill provides for the folGadye, Se'der service and must feel as player striking the nuts wins all lowing: matzohs. All of the people _gypt! These things you will alIf I had to go to bed?x did the Jews of old in Egypt. ing in the "pool." A n t h e r nut is in funny . clothes. ways hear. Who knows but that So let us give J\ thought to are dressed then placed in the "pool" and so 1—Establishment of chambers is with the Hebrews when one day' these friends o£ yours When I wake up It is morning SILK STCCKINGS for the press, stage and films in them tonight'•while we are hap- Marvin the game goes on. will convince you; and then you they cross the Red Sea, Arabia w-hicb Jewish membership will be And "the sun is shining-bright; py and' let us also give a • and then at the base of Mount will say to ^yourself. 'What' care I limited to twenty per cent. JewAnd I wish that it was next year, thought to the boys and girls • .Finally, Marvin is an old for Jochebed the Jewess? Phar'ish-war invalids, front-fighters And another Seder night! who have the privilege of ob- Sinai. oah's daughter saved me from man. He sees the Promised "Land: and war pensioners will not be E. E. Levinger serving Pesach in Palestine and The dream fades. Boy Scouts ure death; she sees to it that I counted in determining the Jew' be--Overjoyed that our people next morning while Mar- have all wants satisfied; I am Jay Weisman, Scout blaster ish percentage. ^ •have a land of their own again. vinThe v matzoh-pitter, he brought up among the Egyptians; The Boy Scout Troop at the This week we shall omit tells ishiseating 2-—In business enterprises and mother. "I" know more I speak their language, I am used Center Is representing the Boy banks, only twenty per cent of Chapter m of "THE FOUR Jewish history than I ever to their, customs, — why then, Scouts of the city at the Junior the total wages and salaries csn HEROES OF KKTKERET" and about Head or Tail should I not be a real Egyptian,' devote our entire • space to will learn in Cheder." One player places a walnut in Chamber of Commerce Safety be paid by these concerns to And a3 the.days and years pass a horizontal position in his closed Show at the Auditorim this week Jews. Passover stories. We hope- yon on, you too, will begin to hate fist and says, "Heads or tails?" end. The troop is stressing biwill lifee them and we have an 3.—The twenty per cent proyoUDpeople and you too will eu- If the second player guesses cor- cycle safety, gun safety, and portion •will be applicable in the extra treat today in "A PEknife and axe safety. The boys dea^Or to rule and tyrannize over SACH STORY" written by rectly the position of the nut, he future to new admissions to the A Legend - - From the your Hebrew brethren; and with Marvin Maltz of Council Bluffs, wins the nut; if he does not, he are also working on their Merit legal, medical and engineering -•••H e b r e w Badge for the Merit Badge show. your comrades you will laugh j! Iowa.'It is a beautiful little must give away one of his own chambers. OP A. S. BABtNOWITZ and mock at the misfortunes of walnuts. story and we thank Marvin for 4—Any undertaking ^employIn the land of Gosben, by the people. Oh Moses, Moses! I ! writing it for us. , Girl Scouts ing fewer than ten workers is not banks of the Nile, there is a shep^ your would rather that you had perJanet Graetz, Scout Master permitted to discharge a ChristRoll-Board •• We hope that you have a herd's tent. When one stands at ished on the Nile than that I At tlie last meeting of the Girl ian worker unless another ChristA board, from 12 to IS Inches very, very happy Pesach and the' entrance of this tent and should see you thus!" ooks ahead of him, he can Bee wide, (a pastry board oc. ironing Scouts on Sunday, Rebecca Lon- ian is employed to replace him. The Promise ••'.'.- board will do) is set up In a slop- don reported on the founding of tall palm trees with their long Trade and industry are gives "You are right, mother," an- ing position against the wall and the' Girl Scouts movement and five years to put these measures leaves outspread and a little further on green grassy, land on swered Moses. "Let no traitor each player in turn rolls a nut the girls made felt belts. into effect, but the press, stage which reed sheep, goats, camels, live. But, Moses, your son, will down this board to the floor. The and film industries are given enly keep and obey his mother's teach- player who has just .. rolled tho and young colts. , one year. The textile industry is Kadirna granted ten years. And near the herds, the chil- ings. Always will I . remember nut wins all the nuts which have Sirs. J. Raditiovrsky, Sponsor It is reported that the Governdren of this Shepherd play; they that I am a ^ o n of Amron, and been touched. If no nuts have The last meeting of the Kadiclimb trees, roll upon the soft of the chosen People. Rather wills been touched, his nut remains on ma club was held on Sunday at ment will seek special powers I have my tonguecut out than to the floor. green grass, wrestle and race tothe Jewish Community Center. from Parliament to solve the gether. Each tries to exceed the utter anything bad about my NaMrs. J. Razniclc lead in commun- Jewish problem and also that the tion!" ' new law will define a Christian other in tricks : and mischief. Guessing: Odds and Evens ity singing and- was accompanied as a person baptized before ISIS. Their merry voices are united The first player takes a quan- by Charlotte Morgesstern. Mrs. J. •with the morning songs of the tity of small nuts into his closed Radinowsky spoke oa the cele-. birds. ' - '.. " .V Patronise Our Advertisers ; fist and then asked the other bration of Passover. Gifts players, "Odds or even?"--If the A Passover Legend Just then, a young girl goes second player guesses, he gets all ' i hurriedly out of the tent. Her FROM THE HEBREW OF J E - the nuts, in the first player's v@i? Eaovinq a ••fe-f HUDAH STEINBERG face is veiled but through the veil Slaves were our fathers unto hand; if he failsjn his guess, he can be seen her beautiful feamust pay a corresponding numtures; her. black burning eyes Pharoah In the land of Egypt; ber of nuts to the player who have a sparkle of joy in them and all day long they did hard asked him to guess. and with a happy voice she calls' work in mortar in, bricks.- Their ~ "Moses, Moses! Where are you?" wives brought their meals to them as they toiled In the field, Pitch-in-the-Kettle "What is it?" answers the child t remained with the husbands The players each put an equal, Moses in ringing, voice, as' plea- and to help them in their labor. — GS tale! 4o us agreed upon number of nuts into © Utility sheers for -vfwerds, sant as the sound of a silver bell. ; In the meanwhile, the little £" common pool or fund. A smalliv/o of our customers "Hurry and climb down from tisea sheers !sr crfjersoor* sized kettle or a large pan is that- palm tree," answers the birds would fly to the Jewish clothes for you from the King's children, who had remained alone placed about 30 inches from the girl, "they have brought royal at home, and would beat upon wall. The players then, Jn turn the windows with their bills, as throw a nut against the wall in 't'i'r*''IT "The extra money 1 palace." ~ such a way that it way fall into they chirped: "Chip, Chip, Open" The boy quickly jumped ' off get from selling my hot As soon as the little children the kettle or pan on the rebound. the tree. rolls by telephone is had flung open their windows to The player -who succeeds in "See, what presents there are his nut into the k'ettle more than enoughto for you!" said his sister Miriam. give their tiny feathered friends pitching c ; :w a stipulated number (say pay for the telephona. "A silk mantle with golden trim- crumbs of the bread, which their receives or four) of the nuts from mings . . , My, how beautiful mothers had left for their meal, three The telephone also the birds wuold chirp their most the pool. This Is continued until Aficrr per s ' f f j Jisd hevrrrer Sc-vr% f s?*;- CTOIUPIB CT©« they are? "Why, the trimmings are gives me extra pm beautiful songs to the children all the nuts fr.om the pool hava all pure gold beset with diamonds money." . and pearls . . . Only princes wear and hop playfully before their been won. windows. Nor would they depart ' ' r*?~-—rr Buch clothes." Moses' eyes sparkled with joy. untn the mothers returned home Throw Them Out He hurriedly took off his linen from the fields. A number of small nuts are As the years passed, these lit- placed in a shallow dish. The clothing and put on the new, beautiful silk one.s, which added tle children grew to be tall men, players are provided with an to the beauty;glven by his Crea- and they had children of their equal number of nuts of one size. own. The birds coming to their Each player is given the chance tor. Miriam was enthusiastic-at houses to play with their children the sight of Moses In his beauti- Who also received the merry ful, garments! . -. •; winged visitors with joy and gave New Clothes ; . CLEAN LINEN their crumbs of bread with 1 "See, mother, how beautiful them the generous hand of a friends. ^Always Attracts Cuatoraersl! «==> our Moses is now!" called Miriam One day, the birds came as usual OMAHA TOWEL " to her mother, who sat despond- to their little friends, and as ently In tho shade of the tent, they looked SUPPLY through" the windows, and it semeed as ii a cloud hov- behold! the fathers and mothers, Yours Since 1876 •The telephone helps r ered over her face . . . ' KE 2S2S their staffs in their hands, stood rhy' husband get a Moses looked at his .' • mother, at the doors, ready-to leave thejr large part of his incom? and'running to her, seated him- homes, while the children sto^d self on her lap, and embraced her ihrough extra work. beside them.- They were too m<fvwith his soft, warm arms. ed with, hope and terror to rioPeople who want him "Why are you so gloomy, mam- tice- the birds, but the child/en to work for them find jt ma," exclaimed the boy raising spied their visitors, and shouted easy to get in touch his large dark eyes to his mother, to them; "We are free, little Hero's a ROW "Kao" os, with him bocauss w© as she sat with her head lowered birds! We are going out of and her eyes full of tears. "Mamhave a telephone. Egypt." w a s h d a y ! R whiicr, ma, don't !cry. See- how I love Brass. Bronze, Aluminum, brightc? lino, tool End you! I love you so" much: •. . . Let The little birds were very hapSoft Grey iron (and ScsaiStool Castings, Wood and me kiss you!" And he gave her py. They beat their wings and -• ." " i •".,- I -.•.•<-.»<• r -' » • " » ! • • - i - ' ^ - » V ^ you? v.-czhday worries Metal Patterns and Sash many warm kisses, on her cheeks, chirped with all their ml£ht: eyea and neck . . . "Chip! Good luck to you!" But Weigh to carried in stock. with c labor-caving Bronze and Cast Iron "Dear Mother, good mama, the children had.no food for their w. J l Grilles a specialty. Electric Werner. RrA little guests.on that day. Yet the c pray tell me why do you cry?" 27th and Martha St. "Oh, Moses, my light, my birds blessed t h e m , saying: tot a cciaplctcly niodsoul!" exclaimed, the wrman, and "Peace be with you, in your goHA 5523 wiped. her tears. "Many envy ing forth!" and they chirped: ©m hesio l«::idry# enyour moder, jochebed, because "We will, come some, other* time, ^ ^i'i^Vir^'^f"*^,^Siai^^3^a*<KitfliJ^^iL^' "O joy cflorilccs irenxne she has so bright a son as you are. They envy me,because Pharwith a Epc-sdy Elcclrlc oah's daughter loves you, because she :i ready to do ^ood unto you Ircner. ,Savo your enerand to'adopt you as her son; but gy— give your .clothes at times I envy them, just because their st ns are not so beaulonger - life. Ss® these tiful and not sovbright as you are ©iher telephone usors . . . . T h e n it la-that'I wish'you modern laundry twins tell us many other reasons were- as ordinary, as afflicted, as TODAY! termeated as the rest of your lor having telephone serbrethren . V . " vice. If you don't have a The Boy, Closes telephone, vmio us today "Are you sorry, mother,, bei f 'T f : ' cause when l a m in Pharoah's palor ask any employee for ace, you can not see me daily?' information a b o u t tho "And to >oi,- my; son, is it an easy matter^ to part from your service. mother to see her only from time to time?" asked Jochebed, smil$\\\,JF, . j j M"M ' , - : i - U / ^ '^•.•'•' • ing mildly through her tears. "True, mamma, .1 too, am sorry for th!s. but are -ne not to «S.5&,...Wfiu»< e B. & s. obey the will of the king's daughter? For. were it not for her, I ~._J would have,teen drowned in the

° dJCBWli

itiHU II

"Why Meyer Likes'Pesach"

"A Pesach Story" o

Numerus Clausus to B Established in Country

• Club -News .

Nut Games

"Moses Pledge"

"The Birds"n , "







LLS L U D II L \i Li L' li L



•" Go. Foundries






THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, APRIL IS, 193S who sho-wec herself a not alto-1 maintained only, by the convicgather nnlikeable tyrant. Lala ! tion that they are worth fighting orteer Wome Fineraan was the ludicrous Miss ' for. They emphasize again how Prism. ! . A F important these principles are Others roles -srere taken iv • g i T e c \and how jealously -we must guard Sara White. Paul Tepper and Sara jo-.^,.~;.,. against their being snatched sp-an. : home o from us. We mcst be on our The play -sras directed by Mrs. : Eig-^tpe guard to maintain them. AusHeriaan Jahr. Sets were design- ; $>ullerin tria's trageuy should mate it ed and executed t y Nettys Set-' c. Hu: plainer than ever to us that, regardless of race or creed, of political viewpoints or eeonGnde status, we must work together to By ROGER STRAUS for the advancement of mankind. camp. Already we read of sui- the end that our own liberties The democratic world, and es-cides, or death alleged to be such, will be maintained and that the Religion's case against HitAn executive meetine- -' t pecially we Americans, in the of scores of men and women who precepts of religion are inculcatLadies Free Loan Society w;1! b° ler for his introduction of the day3 when Germany and Austria only last week' were held in high held on Mcnaziy, April IS, ft t ed in the hearts and minds of our Nazi Inquisitions to Austria Is free governments were sym- regard as loyal Austrians. All people. p. in. at the home of Mrs F admirably presented by Mr. had pathetic to the idea, of their peo- this occurs in western Europe GESS. 221T North Nineteenth Strans, co-chairman of the Na- ple working out by negotiation contrary to every principle of the These things we must do; and Cast • j street. _ tional Conference of Jews and some kind of union, economic or civilization which is our heritage. then we n_ust do still more for Mrs. S. Alarer, president c r j Christians, who was one of the political, provided the people in OAe ray of light. We will find in we must clear our minds of doubt Center Players chalked up an- members of the orgar.izcticsignatories t o a manifesto is- both countries really desired ' i t Austria as in Germany many men that should the time come when other triumph -with their presen- wish all friends a "JcyauS PFSEsued by 9$>Catholic," Protestant Our concern was primarily that and women who will be martyrs Nazi aggressiveness goes to the tation of Oscar Wilde's polite over Holiday." and Jewish church leaders urg- proper provision were made to for the cause of truth. More Car- point that it forces the democra- drawing-roora ftrce, "The Iming their groups to stand to- protect the rights of minorities dinal Faulhabers, more Pastor tic peoples in Europe to fight in portance of Being Earnest" last gether in the face of the new within both countries in accord- Niemoellers and countless other Eelf protection that while avoid- Tuesday and Wednesday et the A set of ke3'E and receipts are ; . \ &s.ci AxiTiiiaarj" assault on human liberties in' ance with the minority treaties. Catholics and Protestants who ing military intervention, we give Center. Enhanced by authentic being kepi et the office of the ! ' Austria. —EDITOR There seemed little doubt to prefer the concentration camp these democracies our economic costumes of the period and set- .re-wish Co mis unity Center, Tboze \ Tte Frnnr> Morhor : nC. Tic. tings that surpassed . anything desire to have their ,7. X. F. i ter Bantjuet Fponsorpr' )jv all its horrors and will join and moral support. In t i e mean- used in Center plays. "The Im-vrho j those -who studied international with boxes emptied may eo so by j Auxiliary of the Tape. T-rnir time we must see to It that our the victims in their plight, rathPaganism- marches on. The bay- affairs that some such plan would portance of Being Earnest'' lived bringing tseni to the Center. j be held this year on Tues onet has taken the place of argu- be worked out and would be a er than .to live in ease and seeinfluence i3 so used upon this d i v a its ag-e and gave the audhemisphere that pajran Nazism m e n t and -negotiation.- T h e stablizing factor both politically the principles for which they ience an evening of hilarity. goose-step of regimentation has and economically. But what has have striven ruthlessly overturn- does not get a foothold near our Simply a comedy of mistaken own frontiers. Adequate military identity and errors, its linas, for trampled democratic processes ed without protest. j Just happened is entirely differand naval defences must be pro-the most part, belied their years. "SAY IT WTTP FT nVi-Tnent. It is an armed invasion by The world is watching to. seevided. Moral preparedness also Cast in t h e leading- roles of t h e happened in Austria during the a supposedly friendly state upon last few days. The Nazi state, a neighbor, and this invasion was where nest the Nazis will chal- i must be made. This can best be tvro young gentlemen -who enin this mad mix-up of charbelieving that the desires of the carried forward because it was lenge democracy. For it is cer- I brought about by all men and gage acter-invention -were Charles democratic nations for peace feared - that a plebiscite of the tain that unless the German peo- women of good will -working to- Rachrnan and Leo Sherman. Perple themselves have the will and gether for the good of the nation •vrotiia prevent their resorting to people of Austria would prove sonable yotsn^ gentlemen they See Ouir Be£.utiftil 'Assortment arms, invaded its neighbor. In- that under present condition they can in some way find the 'means and humanity. It is our duty kepr-their fantastic characterizato stop Hitler and his lieutenants through club, lodge and church, of Fresh Flowers and plants side Austria Nazi propaganda were unwilling to join Nazi Gertions in the realm of possibility. created a stuation which made it many. The action was timed they will continue their invasions and by every other means, to ex- Rebecca Kirshenbaum as Gwenuntil either they are defeated or press our horror at the Nazifica- dolen Fairfax, a lady of fashion, possible for them to cross the Austrian, border -without effective j when democratic France .was in the world lies jrostrate at their tion of Austria, to re state our and Margaret Friedlander in the Prices to Fit Al Budgets opposition. _ The methods are the | the throes of forming a new cab-feet. It is because of the fact that principles and to give moral aid role of Cecily C'ardew, both turnsane responsible people of good to those who are suffering from inet, and democrat!'England had ed in excellent performances. The same as those used by, the Nazis within Germany itself. The Na- given indications that it was notwill realize the certain havoc and this tyranny. This must be sup- part of stern-visaged Lady Brackzification of Germany started prepared to go to war. I t .was car- misery of another great war, not ported with material aid to those nell was taken by Sara Sekerman •with the murder of Dolfuss. Their ried out with entire disregard of only during its existence but as who are exiled from their land. method is first to clear out of all obligations moral or contract- an aftermath, that they hesitate Whatever their religion, -what- as have all those who in the past It has horrified all decent to meet this menace by war. Theever their national origin we have been champions of civilizatheir path by murder the strong- ual. ERANDE1S STORE Nazi leaders take advantage of must aid them in the difficult tion. est leader in opposition to their people. . PKOME AT SSS6 this feeling to play the part of. intask of starting afresh in new The results of this, action are views. Next they break down the ternational r a c k e t e e r s . They surroundings. far reaching and difficult to evalresistance of lesser leaders by in(Copyright 193S By Seven Arts ; In closing I want to say, not Feature Syndicate.) timidation and vilification, thus uate in detail, but in general it Is brush aside contemptuously the solemn protests of great nations as a Jew but as an American with destroying the faith of the peo- a challenge .to'-_ t h e - civilization ple in them. Their third step is which Is based "on the ideals .of voicing the spirits of their peo- a deep religious faith that impels to create internal dissension with brotherhood; and human rights. ple just as the racketeer brushes me to believe that right will conconspiracy, bribery and propa- We know that individual- liberties aside the protests o: citizens, nei- quer might, that civilization'will ganda. The final step is the use will be ruthlessly disregarded in ther heed any power but force not be swamped by paganism, of the bayonet to over-power op- Austria as they \have been in Ger- and both will continue their ruth- that the teachings of religion will many. We know that the basic lessness unless they believe that prevail' — if only men and womposition. • teachings of the Christian and force will be used to check them. en who truly believe in these In 1933 It was not so clear that Jewish religions will not'be perIn Europe the invasion of Aus- high ethical principles are willNazism both in theory and prac- mitted and that the deification of tria has opened the eyes of all to ing to work together, regardless tice ran counter to all the ideals the state will replace the God the mercilessness of the Nazi gov- of any other differences, and to of both Christianity and Judaism; idea. Specifically we know that ernment, and it would seem that make sacrifices for their beliefs but during the last five years we nearly a million people out of a the democratic nations are prehave seen that this is definitely population of little over seven paring to prevent an extension of the fact. The first "attack" was million" will be persecuted at its activity. directed against the Jew, the next once. This is certain because beREMEMBER against the Catholic and finally sides a little more than two hun- These events bring home "to all with of us here in free America the the last one against the Evangel- dred and fifty thousand Jews fundaical Protestant. There is not the a b o u t six hundred thousand fact that the cherished slightest doubt but that the same Christians who have one or more mental .principles as exemplified course will be followed in- Aus- Jewish grandparents will be in the Tight of petition, the freeJA 79S7 GL O343 tria. It is entirely possible that classed,as non-Aryans. This bar- dom of the press and religious the Nazism-will attempt Jo^m^ke a. barous program will be carried liberty were hard won and can be new /Concordat with the; "Papal out in spite of the fact that no See, but it will, have neither in- recognized anthropologist has tegrity nor permanence, and they been able to define Aryan. In adwill no more respect It than they dition to these tragic victims^ have the previous one. They are there will be countless others, ft} sure to break it just as soon as who, because of being a member they'feel they are strong enough. of some other nationality or beThis Is inevitable, for Nazism cause they were too conspicuousf «=•• |:--'.:ft p i ii M EJ<• •:.-•••! B j p j W | . j | SE:,. cannot exist. side by" side with, ei- ly loyal to-their-1 country, will sufther Christianity or Judaism. The fer either the cold program of ecNazi state demands that the onomic fury or the more direct iv ir.f; H'.TL child be given over to the phil- punishment of the concentration

Fine Performance Was Given By

i Aiav 10. 1 i Fuirtliei r tlet ails wil be i'v i u e (1



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osophy of racial supremacy and ultra-natipnalism, and this is the negation of the teachings of the long line of teachers and prophets including ^.mos, Hosea, Hillel and Jesus of Nazereth. " The Nazis permit ho scruples of ethics, no regard for the individual nor for the principles of justice to interfere with their purpose. They contemptuously consider as weaklings all those who are animated by these elementary principles taught by religion. They teach that the end of Nazi domination justifies any means no matter how brutal or contrary to our rtandards of 'decency. They destroy the self respect of the Individual and crush the spirit of their victims. This is exemplified by reliable press reports that amongst their first acts in Austria was to - appoint ^agents with cat-o-nine tails to flog factory workers while at their tasks. They make clear that they are masters and tolerate no deviation by word or deed,, or so'far as they can prvent it not even of thought -— they want cannon fodder, not thinking men. They present this philosophy as opposed to Christian and Jewish teachings of brotherly love and cooperative effort




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DAVID BLACKER * • Business and Managing FRANK K. ACKBRMAN » • o .« • LEONARD NATHAN ' - ' .Associate BABBl FREDERICK COHN . , . V - . '• o; Contributing Ed tor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS > «» • B°°& ®aJm ANN Plhh '«--••>• •• • S l o w City. Iowa, Correspondent

tries, who must be insidiously worked upon, as is the right of the superior must rule the whole world. Thii is a new kind of "Deutschland uber alles" ("Germany over all") infinitely more vicious than that of the Kaiser. Hitler out-Kaisers the Kaiser. He is a new kind of Kaiser, "der Fuehrer," whom the whole world must look up to and obey. France must be crushed as being Negroid for one thing. As standing for liberalism and love, the Jews must be annihilated. The Ukraine must be seized, as its rich food-stuffs are needed. Christianity must be destroyed and the old paganism re-established. German force must rule the earth. Is there any doubt that Hitler and Hitlerism are the most unsettling forces in the world today ? Then there is. the so-called "Civil War" in Spain. It is not really a Civil War, but an international war, its first stages being enacted in Spain, unhappy country, which has become the seat of contending forces, of the struggle to the death between Fascism and anti-Fascism, of democracy ancHotalitarianism, of liberty and tyranny. Fascism (and its bastard brand, Nazism), has enlisted the forces of militarism, monarehism, plutocracy/clericalism, and every form of reactionarisms on the rebel side" - - perhaps instigated the rebellion in the beginning, as I firmly believe; against democracy and liberalism, even in' its extreme, forms of Socialism and Communism, so nobly and heroically being defended by the Loyalists, who are fighting also for the integrity and inviolability of their own country, as who would not? Against foreign foes such as the Italians and Germans, who have brazenly invaded a .sister nation with whom they were ostensibly at peace, in defiance of elementary international law, and brutally bombed and murdered its inhabitants, even the civilian population, including innocent, helpless women and children. If- it is true, as we begin to%hear repeatedly stated (though the Loyalists still seem to be holding out) that Fascism has conquered - - that the "Civil War" is ended - - then this will but aggravate and intensify the crisis a thousand fold; for, as Lincoln said, "Nothing is ever settled, until it is settled right." Things will be more unsettled than ever. Democracy and liberty will be in greater danger than ever with the strengthening of their deadly foe, Fascist Dictatorship, which will proceed with the greater boldness and determination to wreak its unholy will upon the world - - thus bringing all the nearer the long-predicted war I


and in need o£ supporting and strengthening - - the League of TTV M II I Nations - - to enthrone right, to establish peace and justice as the most realistic of "real politics," the politics of eternal righteousness, in. the earth - - in Spain, in China, in Italy,'in 1VEEK OF APEIL , * .Germany; throughout the world. Of one thing we may be eb-j Simtfisy, April 17. Passover. solutely certain in this period of uncertainty, insecurity, and j Monf'sy, April IS. crisis: Not until we have international unity shall we have j Club Leaders' Meeting ' "i r m., lounge room, Jeir, ' ^ U1 . universal and enduring-peace! miinity Center. When the drum shall throb no longer, end Workmen's Loan Mee * <• c in., rooms C and D, Jev,.^b ..onThe battle flags be furled muclty Center. In the Parliament of Man, the Federation B'cai B'ritfc Meeting. r r r lodge room, Jewish. Co" r i r * Of the World. Center. - - Frederick Colin. 1


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Round Table Qratoricr Cr-r test, S p. ni.. auditoriut . ^v,--h Comnuinity Center.

ffi., rooc;s K r.nd L, Jey <..i. TPH. inunity Center. j Division Executive I W Committee Meeting, 10 E. m..,: Jacob ben llfher was in 1300 rooms G r.Cd C, Jev,"i£ll Coi£.mun-i appointed Keren! o£ the -["niverity Center. . j Bjtv cC Xcmiepelier. y, April IP. ; ucior Council Meeting. 7:'0\ la Tv£ S e p h a , d i c cemetery

s s b - V ^ p . " - »«"-"^• . . . 'Again the Jews o£ the- world will gather in the sanctuary Ey US. EHEODOIill K. LZT17Z& of their-homes to greet the Passover, the ancient festival of EsIsM, Meoat.Siaai' Senplc, SIOES City deliverance. To some the observance of such a holiday at tins time will be ironic indeed, for the hand of the harsh Egyptian , such as agriculture and "CHOOSING A WFB TTOKK" taskmaster has not been stayed. Gruel as those in Egypt were, BV JOSEPH'ZUBIX. CMOS OF Jewish unemployment, the OpBoy scouts Meeting, E p. m., ' 'T-' F'tUi m c:-;>?f.pnce, the Jews were not denied their livelihood. Our modern day AXEERICAN HEBREW CONGRE- portunities existing fcr Jewish : room K, Jewish Com mm; ity Cen- ; " ~ "~~ ~~ ' " youth, in agriculture, F.nfi the isGATIONS. CINCINNATI. Pharoah's have made slavery seem an enviable state. te sues Jewish agricultural Jife V, ., _ 'C find D. Jewish Community CenWhen one speaks of unemployBut let these who persecute today take heed from the for the Jew. Since very litlieth-Ei Congregation Meeting. • ; p r ^ ment, the thought is usually of raises tle is known about the role the S: 15 p.^m., lodge room, Je-.-isij ' j--v*ri,py, f-.p*--i' ?n. lessons of the past. Except for the fact that the Jews have adults who have lost their jobs. Jew has played ia agricultural Center.^ i c^er,? C^F.F,. A p. m., recreation The tragedy of these Is, of coarse, developments, kept alive the memory of his villainies, that ancient Pharoah part is both .-^pnl v,v. | i-oom. .Tev.-isti Community Center, enorraous and the solution far interesting andthis significant. might have been forgotten, lmown only to archaeologists. The from simple. It may require an Dancir.g- CIP.PK. 4 p. m., Etuli' Part four is an analysis of eeoverhauling of the entire econtorium, Jewish Community Cen-: • COT^T>.'G r.VKN'TS taskmasters are dust; the buildings the Jews erected for them onoaic opportunities in the field omic System. More alarming and ter. ; JJoisrtfi'-. AV'i'ii JS. ruins. ^ ' more acute, is the plight of youth of medicine and I recommend it International TVorkers1 Order. '•' ' jiouvh **""?.!;!<• Oratorical Honstrongly to those who are planready to leave school, and to beYet today we remain, our numbers increased, our tradiS p. m., rooms C £.nd D, Jewish Ite-=t 5 v p- pur'iforium Jewish gin a futile search for a job asd ning to enter the roedicsl fle'sl Cororciinlfy Center. i corr.mi-,rAt-<- cpptf-. ' tions, alive, our culture thriving. We can look with amusement a livelihood. Yearly in June thou- It ia noteworthy that the finanSelh-El Cfco-r Kecitf.1, £ p. n\., : Wedncstiav, AprH .IP. sands upon thousands graduate cial rewards are seriously limit- Central hiph scboo' Beth-Ei Choir Kecual, S p. upon the memorial raised by one Pharoah to commemorate Saturday, April 2J3. ed, in spite of belief to the confrom our high schools and colrentrai K;£h Rehnol. the 'stamping out of the seed of Israel.' trary, and the only motive for the A. E. A. Xo. 100 Dance, 9 p leges, and join the ranks of embittered, frustrated unemployed. sacrifice a student must undergo is., Psxton hotel.' Unhappily also today have arisen new tyrants. But they " r" [ IVEEK OV A P K I i £ 4 The lot of these youths Iresching before he can Qualify as a phytoo will perish of their own evil. Perhaps for a while, they manhood in a state of rebellion sician is social .prestige, and in Scndsy, April 24. High School Department Lunchagainst society is trying and of- the case cf a few chosen ones, the will impose a wicked will upon the people and pervert souls ten intolerable, sad augurs any- ideal of service. The author pro- eon, 12:15 p. m., lodge roon , and inflict injuries. But their days are limited. The history thing but good for the future of ceeds here as he did in the rest Jewish Community Center. of the volume, dealing first with our social order. Girl Scouts Meeting. 2 p. ir of Israel ^proves that. . the general aspects of his theme room E, Jewish Commuci-; What is true of youth in gen• With the battalions of the Egyptians at their heels, the ,', Z- ,-'» i . r rUct and then with the specific Jewish Center. i eral is doubly so of Jewish youth problems. His statistical data are Jews of Europe are once more entering the land of milk and Junior Council. £:£0 p. rr , who, in addition to the usual ob- valuable, and prove what is alWhat to do ?—is the practical and destiny-determining stacles in the path of finding a ready known that Jews have room X, Jewish Communitv Cei honey and will again realize their land of promise. job, must cope with the brutal much more than their representa- ter. i \e>* a n d The secret of out-living evil is ours. Momentary dismay q u e s t i o n . • • ' • • fact of anti-Seuiitism, with racial tion in accordance with the popOmaha Hebrew Club Meet.in" ; of fen- | F • F must not cause us to lose faith. . . -• There is absolutely only one thing to do. The democratic discrimination and prejudice. The ulation in the field cf medicine. 2- p. m., 3odge room, Jewish Con author quotes at length a superb lEur.Uy Center. ".<• c: ~ and liberty-loving nations must unite (despite the opinions of article by the well known Profes- Though legally end morally there Monday, April £ 5 can be no objection to large numrrra i Workmen's Loan Meetir.gr, 8 r such as Hoover to the contrary) for self-protection and self- sor Selig Perliaan, of the Univer- bers of Jewish physicians, yet the ;. 'Ja - - . '•-.: - • .-.•. ".- • ' sity of Wisconsin, which appear- candidate planning to enter this is.., rooms C End D, Jewish Con"-— With the years, Hitler's technique in running plebiscites preservation. No one nation, however noble and willing, should ed recently in an issue of the field must take, into considera- raunity Center. f* F. ,T Social Service Quarterly. Hszorr.ir Chorr.S Society, D r . f. » «F improves. Less than one per cent cast a. disapproving vote be expected, even were it able, to champion the cause of civili- Jewish psychological factors, and Dr. Perlraan emphasizes the fact tion IS., rocins K and. h, Jewish Con-in the elections held in the Reich last Sunday. As elections in zation alone; nor no small group, such as England, France, that In an expanding economy, recognize that as a Jew j.e will Eiunity Cer.ter. j hare to struggle and battle for ' Germany go, this one was unique only in the fact that a small perhaps Russia, or even including America. Perhaps England such as followed the industrial patients who normally prefer the Tuesday, April 26. revolution, •when jobs -were plenJ-uEior Council Meeting-, 7:,>C^ Kcre's r I t ' N-< ;! T i« really circle was provided fojr those courageous enough to say 'Nein/ is not entirely to blame- in having seemingly deserted the tiful, no discrimination against services of a Christian physician. The profession is literally over- P. m., room M, Jewish Comraun-i different. C -- .* -r f - 1 m,\«l with That there exist 400,000 persons who have not been com- democracies and forsaken her hitherto pursued political ideal- the Jew WBS resorted to because crowded with Jews. Only the ity Center. i fre?h Cn'i > n !, - n. shorn »ht the dominant group did not find ta ; es: Boy Scouts Meeting, £ p. rri., :•JS - n' o t E« • : -r ' • mr (-,r x«•• \c But that pletely taken ia is itself an augur that better times might ism in permitting the resignation of Anthony Eden (if it is a it necessary for self-protection. most gifted of Jews, and the Eioft " " ' '*"Plr>' l>?ep idealistic, should enter a medical lodge room, Jewish Community' come. Add to this the number in prison, the number of ballots case of "Lost Eden" may Eden finally be "regained") ;^in put- In our day, economic opportun- school. Center. " ! }""«" 'ami * -• i - — ,i u I'.T. I« ih» Jl < ities are contracting and indusrnc' h.-\\ . ; ^ - -^Ht^ ' destroyed, the number voting 'Ja' from fear and you have an ting her foreign policy into the hands of Chamberlain with his trial expansion is a thing of the An important part of this study V4 ecjipsrisy, April £ T . r cntJ of : p ir \ou do Dancing Class, 4 p. m.. s.n&i\ ' '' . seeming kow-towing to Mussolini and Hitler, having dealings past. Since openings are scarce is the group of questions to he imposing opposition. Consider also the possibility that the •• -i • a tioulimited, majorities are very utilised by discussion groups and torium, Jewish Ccmniunity Cer-; " <i v lien m i ! figures themselves might be a fiction devised by the Nazi with men who ought to be ostracized, with governments with and ter. suspicious of outsiders, and jeal- a comprehensive bibliography, lEtercs.tioES.1 Tv'orker?' Orce-. whom, even out of self-respect, we should sever diplomatic government. ously guard economic opportuni- found at the end of each section. ' »-t'. Crt s ties, ~ especially the more desir- We eagerly look forward to S p. in., rooms C and D, Jewis;- • It hardly seems possible that a people have so been taken relations rather than seemingly Bowing obsequiously to their able -^ i ,_ _,;ones -which they, rightly or fortBcoEain.? studies by the auth- Comrcnnity Center. Vaed Bible Class, B'nr.i Israel, ;""l!X*:''" i in as the Germans. 'Listening to an announcer speaking by will. England does not want war, neither does she want to wrongly, seefe to preserve for or concerning- economic oppor, - . ' . i . • 1 kes Rynagogrue. • ; '',. "~"~ ~ themselves, and the members of tunities existing in other fields. incur the responsibility of precipitating war (even though war ! short-wave from Vienna, we heard the words that the German ShOTisday, April SS. i ', ,,--—, ^ ^ their groups. Economic discrimJunior Hadassah, S p. IT.., room s ". ''*'•'-• people were voting without confusion because the opponents may. be'inevitable in the end). For one thing, England perhaps ination thus becomes psychologii of Hitler and the whole principle of the Anchluss had not does not yet feel herself strong enough, though she is spending cally understandable, an unpleafact every young Jew must duct •will command thee r,,nd rov.r seven and one-half billion dollars to remedy her military weak- sant | been permitted to give their viewpoint.. face. It not only hurts physically, conduct Till e^trEr-fte thee.'" : Let the Nazis prate of the unanimity.of opinion manifested ness which compelled her to desist from her threatening Mus- but also undermines spiritually. Only too «ften. In quest for work £y Dr.FBKss She? ! by the plebiscite, we like the confusions (if confusion it fee), solini as long as she could in the matter of Ethiopia, to all at the Jewish youth is forced to dis| we're glad that the American voting public with all its faults, once abandoning her political idealism, seeming also to forsake honest subterfuges and conceals her hitherto inspiring championship of the League of Nations. his identity, or in the case of a The Lord is my shepherd, 11 j nevertheless can say DO and say it with conviction. professional, finding competition The nations will have to unite, to save liberty and democracy, too hard, succumbs to question- shall not -want. He raaketh rae to • ^co'ir U « ^F Key lie dovR in the green pastures, j as well as themselves as liberty-loving, democratic nations. "In able practices so as to earn a He'leadeth rae beside the still I livelihood for self and loved ones. •waters. He restoreth nsy BOB!. I • rainesr r. union there is strength,"—and security. Without union, the 315 5©. 13th Street AT 4SP2 I • By Rabbi Frederick Cohn In view of these stubborn, and He 'guideth nie in a straight path, j strongest is weak alone. .International union, as in a League har8h facts, the American Jewish Who shall ssoead .into the j | The international situation is admittedly grave. Despite of Nations, is nothing else but International Peace (and Life) community should, in self pro- Taount&iii of the Liord, and who I occasional optimistic statements to the contrary, war is liable tection, Know tho prospects and shall stand ia His holy place, he, Insurance. Who today does not believe in insurance! Although opportunities for earning a live- that hath cleaa hands and a pure •! ,i to break out at any moment. The whole world is indeed sitting FREE! An I i r t - t Ccvrrp'. r- rr for— ~ not so very long ago there were those who opposed it, who lihood that the American Jewish heart. Ion a powder keg. may reasonably look forI hate the gathering of evileven considered it a sin, for instance; to take out life insurance youth ward to. It is imperative that we doers, sad Trill not sit with the •i This situation is due more than to anyone else, to Adolph as seemingly to indicate an irreligious disbelief in the Provi- supply our boys and girls, on the wicked, I /will wash my hands ia ' j Hitler dictator of Germany. Whatever his personal history < * ^" * dence of God, or who so foolish as to attempt to carry his own threshold of life, with accurate i innocence. land his precise antecedents, he is a man of the utmost lawInformation concerning the limit- | Let the- lying ilpa he dumb j insurance? Today we have large, powerful, beneficient Insur-j ed economic opportunties that ex- [which speak arrogantly against '< v ilessness. All his lawless proceedings are one unbroken proof r Use Oar Er.r;* Tt.r~.".zr. L ance Companies of every sort. The nations will yet see, they ist f° them. Should « encour- i the righteous, with pride and con•jjof this. He has violated the most solemn oaths; he has torn age a professional career in the I teapt. j ""-"" will be forced to realize, increasingly critical events are com- field of law, medicine, dentistry, lithe Versailles Treaty to shreds as,another "scrap of paper"; ! etc., or a business, career?" Mere pelling them to realize, that they must join the International Both Rabhi Tarphon and Rah- L-, _.. ;;he has re-armed Germany despite the Treaty prohibitions; has surmise, or traditional preference Peace and Life Insurance Company called "The League of is not only inadequate, but pos- bi Akiha said, "If we were amocp • I j re-occupied the de-militarized zone; has instituted a reign of the Sanhedrin, capital punish- • —— Nations," whatever may be their prejudices and objections, itively harmful. "We need auth- ment would have never been de-. / 'Iterror in Germany; persecuted Jews, Protestants, and Cathoentic facts, and scientifically political or intellectual, real or pretended, sincere or rankly tested information, upon which creed." To which Rafcfci Siiacr. ' l i c s ; throttled liberty of every kind; placed men by the hunsaid, "Such scholars which would '' ( • partisan, against it. The League is absolutely the only hope our handicapped youth can rely abolish capital punishment wonld Idreds and thousands into concentration camps; murdered or and whjch can be used as a guide. only increase bloodshed in Is- ' for the peace and the salvation of the world. The League, s r t i< ijcaused the suicide of countless others; liquidated his enemies "Choosing a Life Work" by seemingly weak today,.for those who should be its champions Dr. Zubin, supplies this need in raei." Raba said, "Hovf foolish are ijin a bloody "purge" /struck hands with other enemies, of liberty and supporters have shamefully neglected it and ignored- or a very large measure. The author thosa who erise before the -Holy ] ; and democracy; countenanced and'co-operated in egression on is an Instructor in Education at vilified it, must be made strong, irresistible, undefiable. What the College of the City of New Scrolls, but do not arise be'ore a j '/[land invasion of other countries; and now has violated Austria great mas." ! nation, however presumptious and reckless, would dare to defy York, and had undertaken this Rsbbi said, "I learned ir.uch ! •-,py brutal invasion and ha3 forcibly annexed her and ia proelaborate study while holding a from ray teachers, xacre, however,! a whole world, organized and with unlimited resources, ma- Research Fellowship of the Uniceeding. to completely Nazify her despite the unwillingness of from my colleagiies, hut 1 learned ' terial and.moral? Even the most recalcitrant and stubborn and ion of American Hebrew Congre- most from my disciples." .I ]a" great majority of her. people, whatever the Plebiscite held gations. His carefully considered criminally inclined would be quickly brought to its knees. It conclusions, Rsbbi EleEzer said, "Whoever based upon the imilast Sunday seemingly showed. • , ''•..,gossip or listens to gossip, amazing that the world does no't comprehend this or act portant and original statistics he speaks /and whoever testifies as a fslf? \\ It is universally believed that his next coup will be the had at his disposal, should prove upon it. The League,, after centuries of peace idealizing, of j of benefit "to'any one contemplat- witness deserves to be throws bs- , subjugation of Czechoslovakia. The most patriotic Czecboslo'. mere pious dreaming, is the one practical means, as an Ira- ing a professional career. He fere dogs." \ . .' .yakians already tremble before him. Concession after concesRabbi Akiba said, "Four things ' deals authoritatively and thormamiel Kant long ago foresaw, of bringing about peace and are hereditary from the father to sion is being inade to him. Poland will 1)0 next, and then Hunoughly with pressing questions justice. It is the latest product of political and social evolu-' that occur to every Jewish, boy. the' children, beauty, rigor, w i s gary, and Bumanja, perhaps Southern Russia, perhaps Italy and longevity." The first, volume Includes Part dom tion. It is a newer and greater Constitution of the United Rsbbi Aksbia has espouadeJ • ijtself despite his being in league with Muaaolini whom he would I and II. Part one is in the nature States applied to the United States of the World; like that, of an' introduction. It deals with four rales. "Whereapoa the sages 2'C V t f.-: r r - ' , c r ihrow over at once did occasion warrant it. The Berlin-Rome him to retract . proir.isin., American in conception, and perhaps waiting for American the fundamental Questions every asked the chair of presidirj axis would become a broken axle in Hitler's ruthless, smashing 'man should consider be- therefore ia Israel. To which he reexecution. If the League needs modification or amendment, young fore deciding upon a definite pro- justice a-ide to power and supremacy. Without question, Hitler consponded, "I shall prefer to be its Covenant provides for the same, as the American Constitu- fession or-business career, such called C t t—r 1 fry, | all lay life, then to boeoffi" ; jjtitutes the greatest menace to the peace of Europe and the as personal attitudes, economic r «<••r . i- i %, I tion, declared by Gladstone to be^the greatest document that factors, econoraic distribution, a wicked man even for ens' hour, entire world. •'.-. j Jjefore the Omnipotent, lest pen-; ever sprang from the brain of man", not onlymet with opposi- opportunities for- success, etc. u And all this is in, accordance with his principles or rather pie say, 'He retracted for the sake | tion and experienced secession resulting in a bloody civil war,, Th© second part deals specifical- of an office1." While on his death I r jftfeiLiack of all principle/as openly avowed in "Mein Kampf" ly with the Jewish problems, and but underwent amendment after amendment. The League must will prove mosj; beneficial. Dr. i bed, he sai-d to his son, "Reject • (i"ily Battle"), the book Hitler wrote while in prison, and which ( t h e four rules I have bee-a teach-i be revived, universalized, made a real League as its immortal -.Zubis discusses occupational dis- ing. I adhered to them because; 'Ijjas become the Bible of Nazism^ and its offieial program, being tribution and tresds among Jews, I. hare reeei-red frc~ a majority, • founder contemplated, else civilization perish. Civilization is the extent of economic discrimciarried out, moreover, exactly according to schedule. In-it he end the others likewise, have rf-' at the cross-roads; between Fascist Dictatorship on the one ination, and the. increase in. Jew- ceived from a siEilar source, TTC I Reduces his belief in force, in militarism, in war, ,in outright ish unemployment- as a result of both, therefore remained true t o ' hand, and Democratic Freedom on the other. It is'this that the depression. The tendency our traditions, but you hr.Tr apd deliberate falsehood and lying propaganda; these shoufd constitutes the real international crisis. It is the hour of de- towards professional .pursuit and Warned from "sae, aa isdivifitiH' be; employed on a colossal scale; one should stop at nothing search for financial indepenit is edvisable tc sbandor cision. Humanity must choose. How long will it halt between the dence -with the meny obstacles EOT? "rt<j> gain one's ends; might makes the only right and success epinioa of the individual t-1 j two opinions! If Fascism is right, let it choose it! If Democracy which the. Jewish-youtH, ia par- tUe iC'UsT? ths eploioa cf the major-, 'ijr the only standard. Hitler's aim is the Germanizing and the will hsrs to deal are ful- ity." is right, let it choo.se it—and array itself gloriously and heroic- ticular, "Father," appealed his sor.i ly discussed. s^Tazifying of the whole world. He is obsessed by an insane "Cosimand thy friends to respecv. t ally on its side. In Lowell's words, "Eight must not be forever The third part of the work Is us." trhea he refused, saying:. "1 i ideology ("idiotology" t call it!) An utterly false and scienon the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne!" And the ma- a detailed analysis of ths^ecoa- cannot c o a n a a thesi.""-"Hart tiJEically baseless pseudo-ethnology), that the only pure race omie opportunities ia tho K-i3<J Of tisou fcucfi any evil within tae,"j chinery exists, ready to hand, absolutely the greatest polities! agriculture. A f t e r predating igi the Aryan race, that the Germans are the creme de la creme he asked him, whereupon he reorganism in the world, though new and not yet fully tried, "orae of the general facts, the %n- pljeii, "Ko:" "For thy owa cc-ac3 the Aryans, that the Germans, including those of all- counthor proceeds to the J?wisfc prob-


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Gems of the Bible ' • and Talmud •

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The International Crisis

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A. Z. A. 100

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when new officers were formally ; cussed. risn,« will be made for instaiied. Josephine Kubnicj; is an • tbe JTofhpr s.nc: ppufrhter Socttii. j outgoing officer of this orgamza- j ! tion. Joseplsine has ir,r>t hern tp- ' USS- ! p n : r f p ^ t o £?rv€ Oil '".b.G r^r-I'tft!"

Sam Beber chapter 100 will hold its annual pas^over smoker At an honor's convocation Sunday at the B'nai Israel syn' day morning, Hermaine XCleeraan • 5 e n j e B o a r d for t h e coniir.r •'•'en. agogue at 3 p. xa. Alfred Frank, \ and Rosalyn Lastinsky were • —" t h j s is "t b e governing body fo Our Advprtisers newly elected advisor together : named as new* members of P h i l F ]j sororities. 1 with Advisors I. Dansky, Milton i Beta Kappa, an Arts and Science j Betl "" BeP-f-OT'. fb.e r e . W r c r"G,".~ Frohm, Dan LinUman and Has- Majors of the various teams in abofsky is Mrs. E. Xogg. the Women's Division of the Jewkell. Cohen will be honored. The KATLEMAX-WISHNOW WICK-CHUDACOFF On Wednesday, April 20, Mrs. ish Philanthropies will entertain Bes3ie Chudacoff an- chapter voted to set aside one day'at teas oh Tuesday and Wednes- Moe Linsman, 673 North Fifty• Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wislmow -Mrs. of Lincoln announce the secret nounces the marriage of her in April of each year to honor day of next week for members of j ninth street will be hostess v?iib marriage of tneir daughter, Miss daughter, Eylyan, to Dr. Samuel advisors and this. Sunday's cele- their teams. On hand to give fi- j her co-major, Mrs. -Philip Levey. members of Pi Lambda Theta, a itarjorie Wishnow, to Harold.Ka- Wick of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. bration is the first. Mrs. Sam Gilicsky, co-major on j Teacher's College Honorary for instructions for the campaign Irving- Forbes heads the com-nal tleman.son of Mr.- and Mrs. Sara The ceremony took place on April the teaia of which Mrs. Mas Holz- ; high scholarship. •will be Jack W. Marer, general Katleman on April 2. Rabbi Dav- 9, . a t the Temple Adath Israel, mittee in charge of arrangements, man is major, will meet with Editor and Rush CkE.2rra&ri are id Goldstein performed the cere- Louisville, Kentucky, Jtabbi Jo- assisted by Manny Switko, Ben members of her team at her | the respective offices of Ktrrietseph Ranch officiating. Doctor Kutler, Lester Abrahamson, Ben mony at his home. home, 604 South Thirty-seventh,' te Byron end Selma .Kill in Sig- A refular I : at.2:30, Wednesday afternoon. ,--; o raa Alpha Iota, Natiooal Music ' tbe Larries The couple are residing at theand Mrs. Wick •will reside in Mil- Miller and Harold Habler. At the last chapter meeting waukee'after June 1. The same afternoon at 3:30, Honorary, for the comis^ year. |gre?:ation -o: Ir-rf v. > T Aneglus apartments, 205 held Sunday, April 10, Dr_ Leon Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld, major, 'Harriette is retiring President of i on Monde I". ^. . Twenty-fifth avenue. •.;•.' Fellman. presented a talk and j in the assets I will be hostess at her home 109 j tills organization. SliAVSKY-EPSTEU* presided over a discussion on VoI Se'ES Hill became Treasurer | r.fogue, Tv Happy Hollow. Mrs. Henry Nevrrc . Miss Tthel, Epstein, daughter ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED cational . Guidance. He • used a •T- I streets, of Tassels, a woman's maa is co-major of this team. . Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Osoff an- of Mr. Henry Epstein, became the chart prepared by' the Chicago ' Pep Organization, Tuesday eight Isrportsr.t nounce the engagement of their bride of Mr. Albert"Slavsky, son Hillel Foundation which gave daughter, Pearl, to Gerald ~ea- of Mr. Harry Slavsky of New facts and statistics on guidance mon Gross, son of Mr. and Mrs.York City, on April 1.0 at a cere- for those who are to choose a Joseph Gross. Announcement was Tjerformed at the home of Rabbi profession or business for themJ made Sunday at a family dimer David Goldstein. selves. 'Questions were answered at the homo of the bride-to-be. Tbe bride wore a costume suit by Dr. Fellman and comments A June wedding is being plan- of deBouchett with matching acr were made by the advisors. cessorles with which she wore a ,ned. ' ' . rr : -r» Abe Resnick and Lester Abrai TTQ r r-r corsage of gardenias. The suit hamson will represent the chapo oo was an exclusive model by Alt a ter in. the Oratorical Contest to ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Frank- Marqua, a French designer. be held at the Jewish Community lin announce the birth 'Of a Center, Monday,'April 18. daughter on Tuesday, April 12, OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING Election of a chapter delegate at the Nicholas Senn hospital. and alternate to the InternationANNIVERSARY The Golden wedding anniver- al A. Z. A. camp convention at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chesen of sary of Mr. and Mrs. Max Peltz Estes Park, June 24 to July 1 Lincoln anounce the birth of a will be celebrated on Sunday, will be held at the chapter's next Mrs. David Sherman daughter, Ellen, at a. Lincoln April 17, at a xeceptioir to be regular meeting. • . Chairman, Women's Division hospital. Mrs. Chesen is the for-held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gendler, 3019 Nicholas bemer Sarah Somberg o£ Omaha. chairman of the drive, and Paul tween 7 and 10 p. m. ' .' 'Sztisiyzag every whim 'in 'ibis 'dramatic master-stroke of selling Veret, executive director. Mrs. No invitations have been sent Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. GoldDavid Sherman is chairman of . Four members were formally berg announce the birth of a out. Friends and relatives are in-initiated t , , Repsked is S Groups, into the Alpha Pi Tau the Women's Division. daughter on Friday, April 8, at vited to attend. , Tuesday, April 19, at 1 o'clock fraternity this week.' the Lutheran hospital. M r s . J. Blank will be hostess for They are Marshall Geller, Nate Mrs. Goldberg is the former Marian CHOOSES WEDDING DATE her team at her home, 3111 LaCooper, Macy Baum, and Leonard VoSues t ©19.95 Miss Goldie Silverman, daughFried. t© 59.95 Fayette. Mrs. E. Meyer is coter of Mr., and Mrs. David Silver- Hurwitz. major of the team. Plans were announced for a man, who will be married to WilVISITING PARENTS At 2:30 the same afternoon, liam Rosenbaum; son of Mr. andweiner roast to.be held in the Mrs. Julius Stein wlil entertain at Mrs. David Brqdkey and son, near future. Other -plans for soMrs. Sam Rosenbaum, has chosen Ronny are spending " Passover cial activity, were also said to be her home, 4 909 Webster street. •with Mr. and Mrs. A. B.- Fried- June 12 as her- wedding date. • in the formulative stage by AlHer co-major is Mrs. Dave Epman of Sioux" City, parents of Oruch, e x e c u t i v e committee stein. RETURNS PROM CALIFORNIA Wrs. Brodkey. ' 1 -Tuesday at 3:30 Mrs. J. H. chairman. Mrs.. Philip Greenberg, 1624 Kulakofsky will be hostess at her The elub is entering a team in Cuming street, returned to OmaHERE FROM NEW YORK Fifty-first the J. C. C. softball league. With home, 114 S o u t h Mrs. Maurice H. Okun and ha from Los Angeles Monday such, street. Co-major with Mrs. Kulfine players as Aaron Epdaughter, Carol Ann, of New York night. While in California she stein and Marshall Geller on the you know wKat it means WKen Ca'rfnan's pur on on evenf of th's maqnitud?i , . » City arrived laPt Friday for a visited her children and attended roster, the A. P. T.'s are planning visit with Mrs. Okun's parents, her grandson's confirmation. coming as it does, just in time for Easfor, every lover of fine fashion? v/ii! b» wise t * a strong bid for the championMr. and Mrs. Harry Wohlner. ship. : tsks edvsntsge « . . You'll find your favorite Costume Suit, Cope Suit, Reefer, ,.Boxy; Mrs. Okun is the former Minnie S. A. M. MOTHER'S CLUB Sam Colick is the new presiThe S. A. M. Mother's Club Slim or Swaager Ccet, your Man-Teiior, you- choice of hundreds cf devastating frocki Wohlner of Omaha. The Omaha Section of the Na• "-"''-w will meet, on Tuesday, April 19, dent of Alpha Pi Tau. tional Council of Jewish Juniors for every occasion in ihis mcgnrficanf .collectior..«« /•;. at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. JOSLYN MEMORIAL is looking forward to a lovely Sunday at 3:30 in the Lecture M. Hoaensteln, 1.127 Park avenue. Mother-and-Daughter affair to be Hall of the Joslyn .Memorial, the held on May S. Bertha Guss is Reverend Francis X Rellly will chairman of the committee in Kef ftsst e lew pickrt vf The eleventh century French Esfra sdes p«epit f® A. Z. A. 1 will hold its next speak on "A Plea for the Spoken rabbi, Rashi, is honored on the charge. rendom, but cvwry tfaw regular meeting next Tuesday 1 five yen quick service . . Drama." At 4 o'clock Esther Leaf Bae Spar, chairman of the will present an organ recital in facade of the Saint-Genevieve li- evening at 7:30 at the Jewish Fund-Raising campaign reports «R<i eeler to suit yo«r, Extra fitters te piceu brary in Paris. Community Center instead of on the sale for the Emerson Radio the Concert Hall. whim. ' yen. ; Sunday which is Passover. Elec- drawing-encouraging. The drawtion of ,'a delegate to the next na- Ing is to be held on May 1. tional convention at Estes Park, The bowling group meets every June 24 to 30 will be held at this Tuesday after work at the AkFASHION SECTION—Secon'd Floor meeting. Plans for the celebra- Sar-Ben bowling alley. A class tion of the chapter's fourteenth on. "Meeting the Public" is held anniversary will be made. Prepthe Jewish Community Center arations for the annual Parents at every Tuesday at 7:30. Mrs. D. Day, May 8, will also be discuss- Clay of the adult educational deed. partment of the Board of EduIt is important that all memis instructor. bers be present. A cultural pro- cation The Hospital Committee, of gram entitled "Jews With Ques" which RichaTds is chairwill be presented by the cultural man, isCelia for volunteer licommittee. The program con- •brarians. asking Those interested are cerns the life of the Jews of asked to call her for further deChina. tails.


My. ^

- ^ . -







" I ' ir "



Alpha Pi Tau

Junior Council

A. Z. A. 1


from Your or Your

Auxiliary An installation of officers-of the B'nai B'rith Auxiliary will be held at the Jewish Community Center on Monday, April 18. This will precede the oratorical contest sponsored by the local B'nai B'rithr lodge and the Round Table of Jewish Youth. The meeting, which starts at 8; 15, is* open to the public.

Garden Club The Garden Club sponsored by the Council of Jewish Women held a meeting Jast Tuesday at the home- of Mrs. Ben Silver. The group will meet on Tuesday, April 19, at- the home of Mrs. Milton Abrahams, 659 North Fifty-eighth street.

A FrencK room sale, Including tailored end 'dressy sheers, wools an*d combinations. A!! colors, Navy and Black.

Beth El Auxiliary Courteous and prompt delivery of "Bethelgrams is promised those remembering friends in this manner. Bethelgrams may be sent for twenty-five cents to friends and relative on the occasion of births, marriage, birthday*, confirmations as well as for messages of condolence a n j cheer. Proceeds go to the Beth El Synagogue. The Congregations Census to facilitate the use of Bethelgrams is also nearing completion. . Betfcelgram may be sent by calling Betty Rosen, Jackson 7987 or Mrs. David Brodkey, Gl. 0343.


'Jaunfy r V ^ i i e o cssua! types in gey colors, New o-i F'nc'1. Man-Tsibr©d enci ?-c^ r «" Suits in every ciess * r" "•. -1



i: \'QrjR i—•*




F f*~'

/ \


v >• r••:.-«•

f r

Women's Mizrachi The benefit bridge scheduled to have been given by Mrs. N. Levlnson this Monday has been postponed until Tuesday, April


19. A dessert luncheon •will be served. Proceeds from this affair will be turned over to the Beth Zeiroth Girl's school in Tel Aviv. There will- be no meeting of the Women's M i z r a c h i this month. The next meeting will be held on May 19.

* &





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Page 6

By -William Ziskesrman With his usna!: knack of get• ting to tile core of a problem, 3Xr. Zokerman compares tho tragedies of German and; Austrian Jewries and shows why • the lot of tho latter Is lap worse. Next week 'Mr. Znkerman trill analyze the comparative reaction of world Jewry to the two problems.—The Editor.

a good bowling league average. The schedule for nest Tuesday night' 'will be: Cornhuskers vs. Jaybawkers, Cyclones v.s. Wildcats, and Tigers 'vs.~.$M " • BOWIilXG JJEj||&E Standings of Teams Team Name G. W. G. L. Per Tigers ,...47 37 .560 .548 Wildcats 46 3S .512 Sooners 43 41 .476 Cyclones 40 44 .464 Jay hawkers 39 45 .440 Cornhuskers 37 47 High Single Game—Sam Meyerson, 264—Cyclones, 951. High Series—Leo Weitz, 625— Cyclones, 2,596. Weekly Bowling Prize won by Norman Brown of-the Sooners. Average 12 8, and bowled 459, which is 75 pins above average.

PROGRAM FOR CANTOI EDGAR'S CONCERT . . I. Hashkivenu (Evening Prayer —from Daily Prayer Book) — Efros. Alinu (Song of the Pioneers) —Arr. by Luskin. BETH EL. CHORUS. II. Tal (Prayer for Dew—from Passover Service)—Traditional. Burikes oil Pesach (ited beets) —Folk Song. CANTOR EDGAR. III. Dance Hebraique—J. Vveisberg. Ballade—Liszt. Abraui Dansky. IV. Ahavath R a y a h (Yemenite Love Song)—Engel. Minhag Chodosh (New Fashions)—Zilberts. CANTOR EDGAR. V. Havdoloh—Zilberts. Gut Voch—Arr. by Bugatch. Cantor Edgar and Chorus. INTERMISSION VI. Aria—Roche], Mein Teier Kind (from La Juivf)—Halevy. Cantor Edgar. VII. Medley of Jewish Folk Songs —Arr. by Posner. Betk-El Chorus> VIII. Andante (from Spanish Symphony)—Lalo. Serenata—DuBoff. Harry DaBoff. IX. In Cheder (The First Lesson) —Milner. V'Nashey Rasseyi, Purim Song - -Kotylansky. Cantor Edgar. X. Goin* Home—Dvorak. Hallelujah—Lewandowsky. -. Beth-El.Chorus.

j carnpaign, in announcing the gen- noii campaign •will function as eral campaign plans. the advertising- department for "Steady men, please do " not I "Our campaign is purely a civic public business. weaken, | program, intended, to bring to the : Surely God has not forsaken 700) of Us in this most crucial time • a t t e n t i o n c t t b ° p i ' i > ' i c t i i - <; i. became Watch closely, please, this!I matters of cnav, ire. cane of mine."we must."


So Ivloses said, and with his cane, He struck the waters. They became Divided equally, left and right, Making a crossing to the other side. When they crossed, the Egyptians followed, To find themselves completely swallowed IE the midcle o£ the sea, When, the divided waters leveled, As nature wasted them to be.



trolled mauy industries and com- ped animals and the rest of the merce; they held many import- world, including the-civilized part ant positions; they had., vast of it. stand with clubs at their [TfT C sources of wealth accumulated doors, lest a poor driven victim l through generations. Austrian should manage to escape and cave himself from physical exterminaJewry was even before the presC tX W**" "^ -.':•' ent tragedy, economically one of tion. . . . the .weakest in Europe. It reflectIt is this combination of Fasf f- T FF F" ed not only the general economic cist strength and brutality, of weakness, of Austria but also Its democratic indifference and imown, special Jewish weakness. Of potence and of the undermined The tragedy which, has-fietallen the nearly 180,000 Jews in Aus- Jewish position before the calam•/A TCC, Austrian Jewry is so^vast and. so tria, 100,000 were w.thout per- ity, which make the fate of AusThen Moses and the Jews renew- that It cannot as'yet be eren manent source of income and 60,- trian Jewry so much more tragic joiced, comprehended fully, still less re- 000 were recipients of communal than that of the German Jews.And happiness in song they By HASKELL COHEK viewed or analyzed with any de- Jewish relief. The economic posivoiced. gree of correctness. The fateful tion of Austrian Jewry was. un- (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts (%• V\?Cii' M1-' •• Feature Syndicate.) march of the Nazi forces .lto dermined by the' great war, by fcgj, I S W feifeS'Sar * « ' ^i>r* «w A philosophical people we are Austria' •will remain a landmark the Peace, and Btlll more, by the after thousands of years of libernot only in the history-of Europe, anti-Semitism of the last years of s I a for a cast ation from Egypt we celebrate but also of the Jews, one which the semi-Fascist regimes in the he Seders; tell and retell of our will loom large"1 in Jewish life country. It did not require much ih JS Is t Lie CEE ' © oppressors; dream of a past — for many years to-come. Its re- to shake^. the very foundations of Omaha's delinquent personal \ that was long ago and far away percussions will reverberate ^ in Austrian" Jewry, arid to send its and real estate tases are now on \ By LEE GEOSSEIAN ;o to speak. the Jewish world longer, perhaps, entire economic structure topthe bargain counter and these ! The Seder Is not an empty gesthan those of the rise of Nazism pling to the ground. In a few days %:k t; v*E1:fatt-ELTS: Ly'IL% ure of a loi.g ago and faithful bargains must be advertised if j itself. But it is too soon for eva- the Jewish community of Vienna Organization of the J. C.. C. past. It is a faithful keeper of our luation and comment. All an ob- was besieged by thousands of peo- Softball taxpayers are to take advantage ; 0 ge, P ifa right along with dentity; therefore, celebrate the server can do at the present mo- ple begging only a free meal tick- matzos, league, of them, declared Wilbur Jones, j is the matter of prime Seder -— You and yours. ment is to follow the scene close- et or a railway ticket. No such Importance p r i p JTO, *«>, ,fi^, ,«s. SF n St. executive chairman of the city- ' I this week. ly and point out certain facts scenes- of - beggery and starvation FROM TIME TO TIME — A meeting of all team manawide delinquent tas collection ' t which are for a number > of rea- can be seen ' in Germany C7en tfews issued from th& JEWISH sons overlooked by those-who re- now, five years after Its tragedy. gers is called" for Monday, April NATIONAL FUND OF AMERI18th, at 8 p. m., In. my office. port from^day to day. The problem of Austrian Jewry, - So far four teams have signi- !A; so inspiring a news release Chief among these' is the group unlike that of German Jews, will fied intentions of entering play. as the Passover issue, relating of facts which accentuate'the dif- be primarily one of relief-and of These are the Sigma Alpha Mus he founding of a colony by ference, between the Jewish trag- saving people from actual starva- (Sammies) . Alumni,. former Ne- American Chalutzim. The narrative is described by Aviyael (one edy in Austria and In Germany. tion and famine. - ; braska, university performers, the fo the pioneers) — it's-name is The general tendency is, of course two A. Z. A.'s, No. 1 and 100, and "Aiv Ha' Shophet," a vivid desto find the likeness in the situaPolitically, »the difference from the Alpha Pi Taus, There is still tion, and "this for very obvious Germany is not smaller. It took plenty of room for other teams cription of the colony. It is locatreasons. The tragedy of both Nazi Germany .almost five years and the more teams we get the ed on a plateau commanding a beautiful view of the Emek. For Jewish communities is of exactly to introduce all the measures of better will be our league. the same type; " the measures restriction, persecution and anni- ' So, softball managers, let's see beauty of landscape and healthwhich have brought it about are hilation which afe now strangling what you look like. Be on hand fulness of climate, few places in Palestine are superior to Juorv. ' THE MIRACLE the same; the tactics are the German Jewry. In Austria the Monday night! A short time ago this colony was accumulation of five By Israel Lubmao, same; the perpetrators are : the terrible a long house — fortress built Sioux City. same. In. fact- Austria, as far as years of experimenting with torHere's good news for boxing trenched upon its hill top, the Jews are concerned is imitat- ;ure is being crowded into a per- enthusiastists among our young- firmly proudly projecting its ; massive iod of almost as many weeks. Listen kids to a true story, ing to the minutest detail everybulk into "space with a group, of thing that has been done in Ger- There is no search for measures; sters. Which happened many years After the Passover holidays, a wooden barracles huddled at its many for the last five years. Tet, there is no doubt as to their ap- boxing class for intermediates feet." So is Palestine being rebuilt ago. both ^externally and Internally, plication; there is no fear of the will be formed at the J. C. C.The today. It has caused much grief and there are great differences in the public opinion of the-world.. The class will be climaxed by a regworry Well informed bulletins: On situation, and'it is these differ- noose Is applied with all the exTill a miracle'relieyed the voe. Jewish situations in Europe toences which in aggregate make perience and perfection attained ular boxing tournament. We are not doing this to teach in the" five .years of hangman's day, Poland and Austria; being the Jewish tragedy . in Austria In the very ancient time. From selections hy far the largest to vaster, greater and more poign- work. The Aryan paragraph, the our boys to be fighters. But we the most eminent; The American The Jews were forced to dig in •-.values th&i offer greatest possible do. want them to be well-versed Nuremberg laws, t h e ghetto Jewish Committee in its recent ant than-.in Germany.-It seems-to lime, . • the writer that a study of these chools for children, the whole- in the manly art of self-defense. bulletins gives you authoritative money's worth-Hie- Boys' Oirn Store To carry bricks and mis conwhen information on- the political situdifferences 4s among the first es- sale dismissal' of working people Boxing is a grand sport crete 7 bas*it . . . Compare sad coirflrE sentials-for the understanding* of rom. their jobs, the Aryanization properly conducted an , we aim ation in Poland in a most detail But not for their benefit, of small and big business enter- to do just that. manner. Most surprising to your the present situation. : the driving. out of profesreviewer were the following comThe first is the suddenness and prises, Egypt was the country's same, lonal men, artists and scientists, Health clubbers aren't being ments : P R E S E N T ATMOSunexpectedness of the Austrian he On it has- fallen all the blame so-called taxation measures PHERE STRONGLY DEMOCRAdeterred by the warmer weather,. tragedy. "Whatever one says about amounting to . confiscation,, the For the ill-treatment and the TIC — Peasants Reaffirm Faith German Nazism it was an inter- boycott. drive, the Stuermer prop- Classes the past week have been in torture, Democracy — Reading on -I nal growth, a slow development aganda—all that terrible accum- on the incline and at one session find the above statements someFor the suffering and misforof many years, not a sudden im- ulation of terrible means of tor- no less than 20 players put in ap- what contrary when the official tune Three teams were position from outside. People had ure of the tools of the new and pearance. Which has befallen the Jewish program seems to be the eliminformed and a good time was had time to get used to is psychologt- greater inquisition which have race, ation of Jews from Industry. The Sprlngtssns is re flected Is the sparkling by all. . cally and otherwise. Its political been And brought them almost to tried and tested during a creation of Ghetto Benches and new color toness frets Dusty Greens to arrival, too, was not1 a. matter of period of five years are now apdisgrace. Youngsters, be alert for the the "POLONIZATION" of Coma few days, or hours. People, even plied to Austrian Jews all at Blues - and -all that's nevr. Double and merce continue unabated. the most optimistic, saw it com- once.' Can one wonder- at the announcement concerning the At that time in Egypt's court, single-breasted sport back "or plain back junior softball league. We plan When will men learn to live ing and these who could had time greater A Jewish leader spoke his despair which has risen in to start play in the very near fu- and let live—when—? models. Sizes 10 to 20. to.get out of its:way. , word. Austria? At the wave of suicides ture. The past month has witnessed In Austria the advent of Naz- which has Bwept the poor, comOther Bcjtf Two Lczg Pznis Easier Suits He demanded liberation, the greatest political upheaval in ism came like an avalanche. It is munity? .. And freedom for the Jewish . . $13.75 to $19.75 If you wan to see the volley- Europe. Shocking world's demtrue that everyone knew of the cation. ocratic opinion. Have those naball heroes you've been reading - danger which had always loome'l And while five years ago the over the country. Now that the entire democratic and even con- and hearing so much about lately tions threatening- the breakdown They have argued long, and event Is over, there are many servative society rose in indigna- you have that opportunity Tues- of international morality ,-b.ecome battled shock proof ? day when the J. C. C. Varsity clever people who Bay they 8aw ;ion at this new Inquisition and Till all their differences • were ODDS AND ENDS for reading Spikers meet Benson at 8 p. m. the events of March 13 clearly he world rang out with protests settled.. in your spare *time- HADASSAH coming and even predicted them. against the . terrible indignities at the J. C. C. floor. And Moses, spokesman of the Whatever they may say now, the and brutalities, there is no one to There is -no admission charge. "NEWS BRIEFS" — news on the Jews, . • fact is that as far as'the bulk of protest now, no one - to rake a Such mighty players as Les rebirth of Palestine as well as Came to his people with good i Austrian Jews (and non-Jews as oice against the cold-blooded Burkenroad, Abe Brodkey, C. B. world news. news. Have you seen a copy of THE well) is concerned, Hitler's mprch and efficient determination of an Schoppe, Joe Cohen, Hy "Tweet" JEWISH SPECTATOR? Do so came as a terrible and unexpected entire people. The democratic Belman, Sam Gilinsky. "Hurry! From now on-you're the nest chance you have and by blow. Perhaps this was due to the world has exhausted Its strength free. all means see the PALESTINE natural tendency, of. the human Of protest and feeling of indignaWith the Passover holidays But pack your things and let mind to overlook and ignore tion. And the Fascist world, coming up Friday evening, the REVIEW. us flee, JEWISH CURRENT NEWS pending tragedy. Perhaps it was which In these five years has Center athletic department anLest Fiiaroah change his plan, a reflection of the state of mind grown and spread over av£alf of nounce the following closing FOR CHILDREN: Read LEGAnd detain us here again. ENDS OF PALESTINE by Zen of the non-Jewish world in .Aus- Europe, is no longer afraid of times: Vilnoy. tria as well as In Europe a s a protests, whether they come from From Friday, at 4 p. m., until "Never inind the leavened A m o n g t h e book shelves: whole. Somehow no one believed the House of Commons, from Monday, the lSih. bread, thai? the end "would! come with Geneva, from the heads of the From Friday, April 22, at 4 YOUNG EMERSON SPEAKS" Bake it ES it is instead, edited by Arthur C. ' McGiffert; such brutal suddenness/ that a Churches, the world press or lib- p. m. until Sunday, the 24th, On our journey we must hurry UNPUBLISHED DISCOURSES thousand-year-old culture which eral public opinion. Who is "TV To the land of milk and ON MANY SUBJECTS" by Ralph has contributed so much to the there now to say 'Halt' to StreichJ. C. C. BOWLING honey." Emerson: "WHERE NOW LITdistinctiveness and .character " of er, Goebbels and Rosenberg? The Jewish Community Center TLE JEW?" by Magnus Fennonthe European Continent would be Flushed with victory, the Nazis Six" Bowling League' is So through the darkness of the -.. snuffed out almost in a few are not only- more . effective and "Big slowly drawing to a close with sson, a story of the plight of a ,- hours. ' night, efficient in their torture, but they only two more nights of bowling persecuted people; hundreds of who have never been The Jefrs .continued their Jew3 believed it: even less than are more impervious to protests left on the schedule- Immediate- thousands with the terrible problem flight. •"' •. others.. Only a few days before and plea3 than they were five ly-after the regular schedule the faced When they reached the Red Handicap Singles tournament for of "Where To Now?" Hitler's inarch into Austria there years ago. Sea, • • • . ' . "If a stranger so journeth with was a new, great surge of energy But the greatest difference in regular bowlers only will, be in your land, you shall not Some . cried, suddenly, "Look and hope in Austrian Jewry.in the present situation of the Aus- rolled off. and then the annual thee, oppress him, and thou shall love and see, connection with the coming of the trian Jews and that of the Ger- banquet for the boys. him like thyself " Troops on horseback, clouds of I • Schuschnigg plebiscite. People man Jews five years ago is that Last night the TIGERS, led by dust, A phrase so beautiful, so huknow' that the plebiscite, if it in 1933 practically every frontier Abe Feldman's S37 series, took " i We're .doomed to die so cross I. were held, would show .an over- in Europe wts ojen to the Jewish all three games . from Sammy mane — and so ignored^ The styles the. t-c young !"•• whelming majority against Naz- and.other, refugees from Nazism, Meyerson's CYCLONES. This puts n "\ man demands )'- ism;' hopes were high for a def- while now . every frontier Is the Tigers in first place by a bare i"c and i in lto settlement, and everyone closed. German Jews, particular- margin of one game. Instrumendouble-bi. caste; !>""'-$ ©r ti was eager to do his part in the ly during .the first years rf the tal in putting the Tigers In first plain backs, *"•"> and great show-down. And suddenly Nazi regime, could escape at least place was the fact that Sam Katzthree-button xn r •• *. I iant the march of thousands of feet, from their physical torture and man's last place Cornhuskers outnew fabric and n Cx ccts. and Austrian Jewry lies a corpse find refuge, even if poor and.re- fit won two out of three games on the high road. " stricted, In most of-the democra- from the then leading Wildcats. Other St~. It is this suddenness which tic countries. France absorbed Abe Venger's plugging Sooners, marks the greatest difference tens of thousands of the unfort- led by Sammy Yousem's fine 561 from Germany and lends the Aus- unates; Czechoslovakia, Switzer- series, took two out' of three trian tragedy its pathos and land, Holland, . Belgium, even games from Jack Melcher's JayYards, and CJsowrooms . . . l@§h and Nicholas poignancy. It Is the underlying England admitted several' thous- hawkers. ' cause of tho terrible despair and refugees; In some cases these Captain Leo Weitz of the Tiwhich has descended upon Aus- people could save some of their gers, i who. is pulling all kinds of tria and particularly upon Aus- property arid savings and were "strings to win the pennant race Tvro Grezi trian Jewry since the Nazi invas- able to start a new life In the in this league, promised all of ion. It is also responsible for the countries of' their refuge. Anoth- his bowlers a big dinner before appalling epidemic of suicide er great psychological aid -to Ger- they started to bowl if they won which has been raging in Austria man Jewry . was also Palestine all three games, this they imme•to since the tragic event and which which in those days was at the diately proceeded to accomplish. Our finance plaa COThas no parallel in the annals ot height of its immigration absorp- He also invited Sam Katzman's ers snsterfaJs sad Jab* modern Europe. The writer has tion and took in thousands of Cornhusker crew as pies I.j or, a complete gnarguests, if had opportunities to.see and talk those who would otherwise have K ew | | aatecd Job. No laoney they two games won at least to many Jewish refugees from succumbed to despair. from the then leading Wildcats. f'f aowH arid 213 little as Germany daring- the last five At the present moment all these This they also accomplished. The years. The worst eases did not ap- are missing. Every frontier is hoys are all now waiting for the proach ths despair in the eyes of tightly shut to the Jewish refu- dinner. We wonder if it will be the few Austrian refugees who gees, from and there is a "duck dinner and bring your 1j have managed *to reach London. no possible Austria, escape even from con- own ducks." :|: But It Is not only the psycho- centration camp or from execuThe league Itself has develIllogical state that is different; It tion. Not only the A Bird Eoof will, first protect your property, thsa eahaace Fascist world oped into one of the. most hotly "'is.also the1 economic, the political but even the democratic .its beauty'and value. We spply Bird 'Eosfs right over its countries contested leagues in the city, Ineven the physical condition? of in Europe have been brutalized asmuch as there areonly 10 old shingles,, affording double protection. ' the: Jewish: victims of the respec- during these five years. There are tive . tragedies in Berlin and in outrages now being perpetrated games separating the top team •'Let us look your roof over and show yea ths naay kinds rVienna. Before the coming of on the frontiers of Czechoslova- from the bottom. The caliber of the bowlers is improving every of shingles ~as& roll tvpe roofings tliat carry tlis fa JHiUerisin, German Jewry.was one kia, Hungary and /Week, and all indications point lot. the richest and strongest Jew- even Switzerland, BIRD GUAEAKTE-E. * of England, which shame to a bigger and better bowling CORK™ 21 JS™> sh communities in the world. the name of humanity. A . com- league for Jewish-youne men for Economically German Jews were munlty o£ over 200,000 people next year. At the present time, •itfeJW&if& iiSS tii-'i&uUullj^ ieeply rooted in the soil; they (including so-called half- the league as a- whole fhows a the hunted like trap- 155 average, which is considered |\vere a great power; they con- Jews) are being

"The Center Library Corner"


j; .:i

4at> *BB- t » u u ,

t ^ u ! . ^


Begin Delinquent Tax Campaign



Boys* Two Long Pants








1 to 3 Years



For hundreds of thousands j>f Jews, a physical, spiritual and political home is being created in the land of Israel



Jews from Poland, Germany, and Koumciria have found refuge in Palestine. Now our peoDle in Austria look toward their escape from oppression and tarn to Palestine as their hope!

i 1 kf

Let us in Omaha give those less fortunate a new hold on life - - let us give them an opportunity to estabEsh their homes in Palestine.

H 1


A Real Challenge Is Before Us! We Must Raise $49,250





r\ \



CQQ .i i

\J J_





needed—a complete re-orientastein, Mrs. Julius Newman and tin' and'wonderirt' -who paid for I was a'rush of customers to Jewtion o! (.he principles and practice Mrs. M s JJoe o 11 R Rosenberg. b ' {{all'that elegant education Junior ish stores. inmnprplion. Immit.iM Mrs. Aaron Kips, captain; Mrs.-jj stralio wed so's he could vrrite a!! An equally strar. e incitier.t cc- 0 1 «*«« c u r r e d i Bt h e T v J l l m C m n i : o f A p -• v.-il! IT- brought by ,, -,T - ^ r S - M o r r i s BurcLSteuvJioov'nis pappy ~woti"d""buv? T . ". i " ' • , ." Mrs.. Max Davis, Mrs. A. Green-j • : ' _______ " i peals when Arthocr Fry^F-mr!;-.. • ;if\n iioiinn or the •ijiive ,]pvf opening •.bann.. Mrs. Sam LagEian, Mrs. '..bharlie Cfcaplia relates 'en l n . j » £ 6=«-Sen:ific *- ei\ rpnoi'.ncec: anti-Semitic vievs in eper. nc'.ior. o; n MISS ATJHA PILL, correepca_cat j ; cities o r rrSore cideBt o£ Jif, The Federation of Polish Jews'Sn REMOVAL FROM VEEXXA ... . some ., ,years Ego. After I, v ^ . t and aslced the court io'con- <hop<= ii! Amf fiTojijvinp into r . Who •Was the famous-leader,of .Mrs. Louis Alberts, captain; ricmg.. one-day-in a crowdsa sub-: f j r m r&*]Jev than quash s lover iiiu:---. Ii li'ust be British .Jewry who was : received soon to announce plans for reviv- Mrs David Berstein, Mrs.'.' I . •way, he arrived at his room, took | court's sertcnc-e of SO j- poi>p!e is on at i the German embassy in. • Lon- ing, the plan to erect a Haym Levin, Mrs. Jpe Lipaey, Mrs. Wil- off his coat, e.n& 'found p, gold participating- in enti-Jewwish n-"<ip'if i:; being don and who will* soon' receive Salomon statue in New York . . . liam Rada-lner, "Mrs. Isa'dcre watc'h' ia the pocket. Nest day jturbences. The tartled cour lif- flip permission to go to" Vienna to or- Whaddya mean, soon? . . . New Sheraan- r.nd Mrs. Inrin H. Stein. h.e • received a note from a pick- j tesed in siienee . as VP ? OUurp for ganize^ the-evacuation of Austrian. York's St. Regis Hotel is casting Sirs.. Peter Greenberg, captain; pocket saying he had lifted. tlis i sai I rejrrei m.y actions EIWI r e A forum discussion" on " •|;" ii, i~ to stirJews prior ; to the launching of a-about-for a new, more attractive Mrs. S s n Davis,-Mrs. Sam Hor-watch from1 anotber passenger, gRvd the "piiElshment as deserved. Minimum Requirements' for Jew- great relief 'campaign-ia Britain? name for its new roof garden, : Trica, .Mrs. William Kaiman, Mrs. In the future I shall devote ?,U but teing a great fan o* Charish Children)" led by Rabbi Ja- . . . Hundreds of Jewish young originally designated "The-Vienwas presenting it to fc'ra of my abilities to fighting s.n'Jcob M. Brown, was a feature of men from Germany and Austria nese- Roof" . . . If you didn't hear Carl Lagiaan, Mrs. Edward Lia- lie's,;..he : i IRV'IM C LBV.Nthe Hebrew Mothers' Club meet- are - joining the French Foreign a \ famous Jewish Metropolitan coln, Mrs. Meyer Rabin and Mrs. as • E gift. Newspapers featured Semitisrn." ^ Bids. ... | the story . . police ing Monday evening at Shaare Legion as a desperate way' out of Opera star in the UPA pre-Pass- Louis Shrier. went. _. Siier- i In proof of his chance of heart Mrs. Reuben Bordy, captain; police went Sher| j , ? fee c O n t r b l I t e d 1 0 0 z l o t s ( f l f : ) Zlon Synagogue.'_". ' • -.,' over broadcast it's ••• because-this MORTGAGE but neither the pickE OF CHATTE Irene KarancZ's "VV'o: •.Mexican Jews star promised to sing only, on vondilemma Also on the program was a their Ti to Combat K&ce E are raising a ' fund of 100,000 play given by members of the pesos to help the government pay dition that none of the speakers ly thereafter ;•) ton s.riie -Young Judeanclub under the cH- for the expropriated American on-the prograia-would-attack Hit- W. R. Greenblatt, Mrs? Charles r e c e e < A. .M.. another note . the Levlnson, Mrs. H. Reuben •'and j ^ ^ Will rection of MiS3 Miriam Blank. and British : oil . wells .•-'•• Now ler . . . . The. reason being that j owner of the watch was "eccJosBerlin (Hi A skit was presented by five boys that Prince'Franz • of the Duchy this star has some very close rel- Mrs. B. A./Simon. in'sr the gold chain that belonged published hers revealeii th of the Sunday school. The cast- of Liechtenstein has-been forced atives living in.Vienna Ho;v j to it because he, too, i'ke the Jews had been stripped d ofof their included Harold Slotsky, Willard to abdicate by his Nazi subjects many Zionists, by the way, know i pickpocket, was an ardent adrnir- I German citizenship between. JanBailin, Sherman Sperling, Wally The Sioux City B'nai B'rith. ft ought'to be recalled that his that a.shekel is worth about two in- i '• uary 1 and March Si this rear. £J ier.of the comedian." lodge will be host to the South- Friedman, Burton LipshutzA Jewish consort, • Princess Elsa, bits? . . . Li t<'v Coo 1 I This -raised to 1.TP1 t h etotal Mrs. Philip Sherman Vas indaughter of -the Austrian' banker CHECK west Kegional Convention, •which ' i number of Jews against whom ' will be, held here Sunday, April charge ^of the program and Mrs.Max von Guttmann, was the Mrs. The'U. S. chess'championships Our Simile Dept.: As Inevit- i similar action has been u.fceii ', {••*•. of Slif- Comity J>oi-otlis. 24. Members of B'nai B'rith James Gang in. charge of. the re- Simpson-of some years ago . . . are n o w being -.' played" In New 'i.iiin>:}-. St-brkaka, able -as'-the I.ubitsca cigar. ' since the Nazis came to pever HI i 1 freshments. ,1 ay, lii.lU. . lodges from Sioux City, Omaha, But she refused to let-Franz r e - York, with . the-erstwhile-chess The Council Blu£Cs Hadassah .'_ As bald as the Boris Slorros 1S33. l"r the purpose Council Bluffs, Lincoln and Sioux nounce his rights -for her . . - . I n - prodigy ' Samuel Reshevsky the will meet Wednesday, April 20, pate. ' ', n--i;;!iiri.. for co^t« Falls -will attend the meetings. stead- they were married secretly favorite-to retain 'his'crown . r. . at' 2" o'clock at the Chieftain -"Hi'n^ costs, and ••: Pi! .iKfyiup t h e and - met clandestinely•. all over Sammr,doesn't smoke ^-or keep Hotel. William Holzinan of OmAmong those who will attend World's Wind C-W Gregory Ratoff views with reni-iyni], io->vit: Europe untH th e . Pri n ce • became score on Shabbas . . . Miss Karff, aha will show motion pictures ot the Convention will be Mr. Fred no Hiiif. or other The next Saturday night dance ruler . . - . Then^he-married • her Bernstein ol Chicago, who will be Palestine's lad}' champion (tho Mexico. Mrs. Morris: Vudelson is iief the sale of his entire racing ; !m5 vo It'-en instir (Continued Troth Pv.ze i.) •• the principal speaker at the barii at the Center will be held April again-publicly .-.•.• ;-i< . (",^}t: o r a n y she hails from Boston), Is doing chairman of the program. -• . stable - - two horses, Attaturk and Auxiliary. Ratoff claims he phical sn quet'the evening of the conven- 23. Brownie Walters orchestra fcOXDOX ECHOES well in the women's championr,AT>i.\TOB CO., tion. Me Bernstein is an attorney, will furnish the music for dancShe's a > baby-faced officers. All members -xave been is the only horse owner who can 'finally be felt to be—like the 'Tis said that Sir Arthur Wau- ships and is a past president of the ing. run taster than his horse . . and'' • •; .. ..'"'." . French in Canada or the riein- i chope," former high" commissioner blonde, but has•' a terrific?wallop urged to attend. W.'EBB, EEBEfS, B'nai B'rith Sixth District. | the'-- reason Auxiliary was so • iu-gs in Belgium or the Slovenes ; FKAOEiVei-'RC. Palestine, left ?I50;t>00 of his farther gambit » . . Treysmanis a KLUTZNiCK Ik. K.EL.LEV, AUys. The Arts and Crafts club will of Sam Beber will lead a forum Ben Earkin, assistant secretary ! called was that it ran for only : in Yugoslavia — legitimate mi-' most brilliant, un-orthodox play£00 Union ptnie Ennk Eildg. own money in'the Homeland In in the afternoon on the subject meet this afternoon, fo complete gifts arid' donations ; to various in- er, and a- • typical coffee-house of the A. _.'• A. was present at a '-first part ol the race. Kence- ; nority groups bound fcy all devoPUBLICATION ON i ICE EV of "Vocational Guidance." - Mr.their Hagadah covers and Seder stitutions^ . . Wauchope is heav- chess hound and initia- j forth, less equines, 'declares the ! tion and unshadowed allegiance MOPET.'T Charlie Jaffe, combination meeting i ON rr-R SETTLEMENT Beber is chairman-of the investi- plates. The bus will call for ily interested in the famous Haig who/was- once-a world's, master, tioa of the local A. Z. A. chapter [ actor, and more equanimity. j to the politico! entity ot eiUser OF t-)^AL ADMiNISTRAgation which is being made by members of theclub at their and Haig whiskey. distillery . . ' . roams about with a-.sad expres- at the home ot Vernbn Fitch; j the L'Elted States or France, t-tit TION ACCOUNT the B'nai B'rith. The afternoon schools and bring them to theThcBritlsh 1 secret service'isquiet- sion on his face . . . H e no- longIn t?ir «'ni-«!y <*f!i!!'i oC Douglas j independently creative of hotb A. Z. A. ast TTSS ' Life-Lines: Tony Martin lists • wea'th- and culture which shall Count). , ' ly; looking 'into' reports' that the" er rhas; the ability to concentrate held Wednesday "meeting will be open, to the pub- /'enter, at Fairmont himself "Anthony Martin" bio- ; RugKiett the g'enei'E.l wealth and ras n I-i.Uohrs, ;->;' Ui-' r-'si'ate oilierlic and will be held in the MarNazi- propaganda • ministry has on a game . . . Emanuel.Lasjcer, Park. tin Hotel. graphically . , . and was educated ; culture 'of'tlie "Eatton biifin nc The Junior Dramatic club .will sent -a number -ol- highly-trained who is an interested -. spectator, AY, .p.-sons ins. •r in said m n t e<i thiit. on thfl A luncheon for the visitors and meet . this afternoon with Mrs. German girls to London - where told, u s ; that he's perfecting a The,£mesel Club inet-Tucsdar. 1a t S L M a r j r ' s C o I i e S e ! ^. v l "a Sic- • wise constitute either P. pf.rcsitThe group is local members, will be held at Frank Margolin. ; '• ism or a mere fiuplicttion. • ••• .theory which can make ! Plans -were discussed-lor-a tor-! na ae <-r s sni ea<t1 a1 I b tes g Y ; a s in s.-tlii (>>unty studying make-iip and creative they obtained jobs as domestics bridge noon in the Martin. any dub a master ntal initiation and banquet which j twenty-eight ia Au-; The test is here. It will be a Our -favin the homes-of important • gov• li.-rein be »etMr. Morris E. Skalovsky is dramatics.; ernment-officials- on whom they orite is -."• young;.Fine, who im-Is"scheduled for April 24 in the ! S^st. Peter Lorre was born in test of both generosity and vist.iiftt shf he <lischairman of reservations for the presses- us. as« even- morj' stable Pioneer Koom of the Chieftain I Hungary thirty-four years ago ; dom. Money given" ont of rnctiare instructed to spy ."Althbugh luncheon and banquet Dr. Lewis will solve r.oihinjr, V!i" lie had on Hotel. • • • • ' •' • j . • . ran away fro_t home at sev-• monuth the ; new • British commission to than :Reshevsky.. ; J. Dimsdale is president of the ;-:ii<' Court on ; though it mar alleviate iniroePalestine' is still in London, it is ABOL'1? PEOPIiB , Sylria Endeltnan, chairman ia ! enteen to join an improvised thel'.':.!S. BIM! t h a t Sioux City lodge. Scenarist Joseph Man- • d i s t e ? a i E - Psychological statepalready predicted that its. report . f,ire stiiii Court • Angelica' Balabanoff, the Rus-charge, named the following COEI- ; atre mans oC A p r i l . 3P.-IX. the highest •will-be ready in time for Chanu- sian Jewess who was once an inh--P i n , ralttee: Theme, Miriam Caks and-ltiewicz wag once assistact corre- . The. Ladies Auxiliary of. Shaare kah -.-.• .Edmund de Rothschild, timate .friend of Mussolini, ia \ Lorraine Myerson; and decora- [ sponceat' for the Chicago Tribune nii',.y pri-ant ttie witin a b okw h i h reveals l h and ' Llbby ion synagogue has started plans 22-year-old son • of Lionel de writing book which howjj tions tions, Ruth Seldin and MONSKY, GRODSNS.KV, MAKER &. >rf. .-nter a <lel-ibhy |I | a Berlin . . . U also translated iMke ' h other for. their annual Mother and Rothschild and heir-to'the direo she- once saved t h e ' future Duce f Grossman. COHEN, Attorneys j titles into English for UFA. Bob* allowances a n d 737 Omaha National Bank Eidg, Daughter banquet, to be held' In tor-ship-of the London Rothschild J irom suicide—and starvation. Guests .at.. ,tbe ..m',e.ei_isjirerejj•Ssy-Ereen the synagogue social hall, Monday Dank, is on a world tour to-»e-! Samuel Kayer, 83-year-old Holly-i Margry Krasae, Bernice Hinsmel-; " ~ - . " '• " new past tea NOTICE IP HEKEET GITHX Tlip.t evening. May 2. * '• come acquainted wiffi'lfce.'fa'mlly'V'wooaite, gets big'fees from :m:Vie"!"steJ_-and Doris-Gilinsky.-—' the undersig-necl—have fonned a corj?.*s_porB. in :'••:-• n v i y b e f i poration, pursuant to the I s w of the stars who want to improve their! ; The box collections for the Mrs. Maurice Rubin will act as interests Stste of Xebmslia. The name of The ; ;.'a\'l'ORP, T h i s week's ' Gold-wynner: acting . ..George Seldes i3 writ-J Herbert Jewish National Fund are being pastmistress and Mrs". S. Kaplan HOME NEWS •'....'- - , . ' . will be in charge of the program. completed by the Senior HadasFritz Kuhn, of the GermanEah chapter, under the direction An orchestra will furnish music American Bund, has received a • of Mrs. S. B. Gelfand, chairman- for the evening. cable from his adjutants to hurry veiled' his ideas a t some len? are: To maimain and of the JNF committee. Assisting home from"' Berlin because -of "an magazine refused to print various thai. ••— — — " ' . | then-added, "But don't quote me a fren rs 1 electrical siipply, Mrs. Gelfand in the collections internal raging in the Bund1,. : . articles he-had written which'at\ : The Misses Betty.Grossman acd !'-'-"just use the initials, Sam Goldr purcl "« are Mrs. M. Lazrlowich, Mrs. S. So "many anti-Nazis are said to tacked papers to whom-lhe znagaKaplan, Mrs. Mark Sabel, Mrs. have filtered-Into the Bund that zine's publishers sell m a t e r i a l . . . i Edythc Buhb are spending their' 1i Leon Shulkin, Mrs. ' Meyer EpNo services will be held this the real Bunders don't' k'now The Harold Goodmans of Jersey j spring vacation in Lincoln. £?K rev. r c r stein, Mrs. R." H. Emlein, Mrs. evening at Mount Sinai Temple, whom to trust < . . A purge is pre- City.are proud but worried . . . rr Mrs. Chariote Burton and sen, Tf V. Victor Masie, Mrs. Adolph Ro3en- ! but Passover services. tomorrow dicted when Kuhn returns . . . Proud because their 11-year-old V -visiting Jfrs.- Burton's pcrp r- I ; feld, Mrs. Anna Krueger, Mrs. J. morning'at/the Temple will begin Meanwhile heads are being crack- Bobby has such a wonderful voice | 1*2 & \% H. Levin, Mrs. Louis Agranoff, at 10:30' o'clock. :Rabbl Theo- ed and all 'members • are " being that-he was^chosen as soloist In a J eats, Mr.. aad-Mrs. Charles Endell- ; — s 4 , - »rsr—1 Avenue church man. They will stay until after Mrs. S. J . Slotsky, Mrs. Mike J dore N. Lewis will speak on agiven a new oath to swear t o . . . swanky Fifth : :» Strange; isn't it, .j;hat some of the Worried : because they aren't so Passover. Sherman. Passover subject. • . • . . "• " t -.1-3 ^ The Hadassah Linen Shower | Next. Friday evening the : con- most -zealous purveyors', of pro-! sure what' such intimacy -with ritual will-do to the -• Misse Ida . Lerner and . Rhoda , will be held Tuesday, April 26, cluding; Passover service will be Japanese propaganda, are known Christian Krasne entertained Wednesday Et | in the Jewish Community Center. in the'form of a memorial ser- anti-Semitic agitators •'. And young Metropolitan aspirant . f~"\ are -asking a bunco party in1 honor' Of the • / "" " ' thsrt great "patriot"- and- Jew- Warner "Brothers A feature of the program will be vice. the showing of the film "Eretz baiter, William Pelley, is boosting Claud Rains to play the lead in tenth birthday . .of .Margy Jean .Israel." Nippon-to the'skies in his maga^ "My Country First," their pro- Krasne. Assisting were' •-Hisses • p zine' Liberation at the' very time jected Haym Salomon film. , . . Mirlara Saks and Florence Myer- i VCars&w (TvN'S) — Anti-Je-w-- the liii pickets who have been posted son. ' ' '• •' . • . i that tiis/ North Carolina print Credit - Solly Rothschild,- Jewish in-front of Jewish £&-ops in the v Passover service'3 at "Tiphereth shop Is^iulging wlth -jobs frbm^ baker from Bremen, with a slick toVn-'- cj Elocsoif, Sputhesstern Japan?'7source3 . . ' . The" Anglo-] idea . • , Rothschild; who ls-56," n Israel will be -held this evening Poland, to warn a-sra,y"noa-Jewi£lJ rr-e'-1 ° o" i Jfn V ~ ' ' f i \ c ^ oSaxon) /4'ederation 'ot: Detroit, | traded his bakery in Germany for o at 7:15' and Saturday night a t ! =r ofvid* .'f*" 1 •* ' -* v "** customers, created a stir are,! a• German fn Pittsburgh, 7:30 o'clock. Saturday and Sun-,whosj£,Aeorythat-the'British - t . ^ -bakery . , they-'suddenly appeared -with r - ^ the c o - p ^ - r •*'•>! T . r • ^ U>K t >. sigas 'urgiiLg Poles to patronize Shf 1 ho* day mornings, the • services will descendants of the Lost Tribes of i owned- by a Nazi . . . The trade ( " T 1 0" ' 7"*1* ' ^C Pi The executive board of the( begin at 9 o'clock. Rabbi S. I. I s r a e l doesn't • prevent • If- from made everybody, happy,: the Nazi on, - f t . Jews. Inquiries established that the seconc ^ ev - '"v" ir- J> ' i -< n-" Ey HELEN ZIGKOND United Jewish Appeals drive met Bolotnikov will speak' at the ser- peddling- anti-Jewish stuff, has now being in NazIIand,.and Solly, eacn year EH« eiecs. Uirectors. The J of th* moved its •headquafte'rs to ' 2 2 with.---.ns--. .;-.-•Converalon--o'f the i »-„ i r)i~eotorjr shall elect a President, j "Wednesday noon to discuss plans vice Saturday. extremist anti-SemitfC Psr C-dCff for completing the pledges. In Refreshments will be served iS u m m i t Avenue, "Haverhlll, Mass.! Arabs to Judaisin is^ one solution} Hollywood — Where are the tional Radicals, and fcad bees ) urer. The Articles may be amended nded ! I Social the "absence of Mr. J. L. Levitt, folldwing Hawing the service Saturdays Justice, Father Cough"dilemma in I babes of'yesteryesrr? 'Sfb'il Ja notice ss provirlPrl The. \ Saturday" '* •'•' -• - j,to the • Aiab-Jewish . -. ! hired to picket by the National : who is convalescing from an opcorpoi-annn shall have a seal. long time no see;. . .'Is evi- | Democrats (Eadets). Not having -i assus— morning by Mr. and • Mrs.' Ed •*-'»; Pape»", recently featured- an Palestine proposed by Leon Stiseration. Mr. A. H. Baron and Mr. So^inhono^otX ^ Z ° arUcl^^roposed that Chris- W in a new" bo,, called -Juda- ^ _ T i . i _,r.,V___t' ^ _ J ^ 5 ° ^ /of^S .' ^ "tSS ^ ?!_?S? ^ ^ ^ _ T C | f--. . , ^ ^ n ^ ^ Vo — A.M. Davis, co-chairmen, were incharge of the meeting.' vah o< U ^ o n _ ^ ._ U j ^ U g J ,»l«don- to J.W- ^ ^ ^T^Ur Seven Arts ^ P " ' ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ! ^ £ ^ C ^ ^ j <•*•*"*"' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ = ^ S ^ . M •" ••'• ••••-.•'Ger-man-schools-under NaSi- ' Featarc.Syndicate.) •.: jbttle .an Geo r g e , Breakston, _ who |d^i t h^e National ^ ^ d c f Rafiicsls c E . ^ appear E ; o ; e r ._ _ _ _ _ - . --_---------•---•-----„ , gave unforgettable ' performauspices have been established in - their .nsyralg-s than there f anceVin "No, '. Greater . Glory," J Los Angeles, Brooklyn,-'.-.Chicago*. i seems to have disappeared froraj PHILANTHROPIES At a party last-Friday evening ! Pittsburgh, Buffalo . a n d ' t h e py y ng ! Services at Beth Abraham will MIE-TON R- FROHM. Attjr. | the child-actor,class. Land sates ! One - Hitler, i b b iin' s ttteashop, e a sh hop, tthe h h e iinarin a r - j Bronx Br o n . . v O n Adolph dlph H r , Scribbin's begin this evening at 7:15 and to- in S he's-fifteen already! .- - . j 1034 Omaha National Eank EldsMi Miss D DonriaJ riJ J Jean T Tobias, |wh h o li l i v e s i n Y o r k v l H e , New; Y o r k morrow night . a t 7:30 o'clock, i t (Continued from page 1.1" : . . • - '• • PROBATE NOTICE Saturday and Sunday mornings. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D.I German section, is preparing to ! William Racusin Mrs M A Ve'tt-'i'"'''- ' - • ' • • Anstrian •Rpnpsrpiifcin-n:' T?o ' Tn.' the Matter of the Estate f>f the Passover services, will begin I Tobias, 3436 36 Nebraska street-and (become a professional "wrestler ger and Mrs.Ab'e Veneer -Austrian h.epercu*sions.. .n.?-, E u t h A ) p e r s o n > s o m etimes known as a t 9 o'clock. Rabbi BoiotnikovJSam Kurtz, son of David'Cpheio. { - ^ . How we'll love t o see h i m Mrs. Jtilius BisnO,- i , captain; i Ports filter through th£t M a r ! Reba Alperson and sometimes also will speak during the Sunday 810, l o t h street, was announced ) take a flop - pla . . J l 5 , th"e . . . ttwo - . gals ,_ Clap hands for Mrs. Sam Green, Mrs. Ben Kaz-1 Reinhardt's castle ' - a t • Salzburg '• known, as K. Alpcrson. I>aceasea. The wedding took morning service.




By-PHSOS J. BElii:


Chicago Attorney Is to Be Principal Speaker

. C;C


Mount Sinai


TipKereth Israel


Beth Abraham

oociely INews"

._ ££id deceased a .Wayne; Nebr. h0 S 4 h e 1 i r er 1 rs t h wiH the I b n 1937, at 7h%^ 5S_.^:_ l J ace . July =' 5 - I°?L ^!. t ^^l5A . ?!^L . , "A ,^r.! -TMn:'Segal. _'BeWard all aiu.-r.re cbHectlon of |i, cmeet-the.administratrix " anwith will ?i?£i". :^";!!" :+¥°^y- ««»«>« Mrs. Wilder, Morris ||with nd r |SI^ o? t h T ^ - ™ has s !:front : Twenty-four friends of Mrs. ature in .bf the North River

; nexed of said esta.te. "before me. stalmaster, M ^ . i County Judgre of Douglas County, Kurtz -were present ;at the party. piers- where the German Jiners and Mrs. William Los County Court Room. The table centerpiece .was the docfe , H pay any at"ii on the 2rid clay of marriage license of the couple, tention-to' born a Jew. is a framed with flowers and taperlit. Auiru'st. 153S, a t S o'clock: A. JI,. each the Na_ieamw> -Is 4 k. Mrs E. The Naturalization. Aid gp group practicing > Catholic. Max fiay, . for the_ purpose of. presenting The bride is a Kgraduate of. the Kotz, reputed to be a Kazliagent, hi. R u l ) i n j r ' r s , _ _ a a i a i e o tt n e f t h C i of the Council or Jewish Women „ W T " ^ ' * Mra.-DaVeWolf. I Steiner, film musical director, is g *^school, ^ £ : , attended t n d e d - " " No. 2 man.over in the NBC aJacobS) I i d Mrs .-Samuel will Will meet next Friday Fridav aafternoon, ft^n"n Red Oak high Morningslde college and is a short-wave department? . . ..Best i l d ll -Mrs.- Hubert Sommer, captain; ! sreatiy worried about his p a r - .. . __ for the creditors ic, preat the Jewish Community Center. M sent their claims," from the 2nd day of I ents over. there. The beautiful Hay, Plans are being made for a lunch- member of. Alpha Gamma Epsilon misprint we've,seen in a long Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, Mrs. P a u l j -I9S8. ' , sorority, the Junior Hadassah, tlme."Wa8-. the Sone I n a , .recent Goldstein, Mrs. Maynard Green-! home of Eric Korngoid, the com- ••' • BKtCB CHAWFOKD, i eon lor the members of this and the Debra club. science news .dispatch: "Perfec4-s-SS-Gt. Coiinty .Tucjre, group which is led by Mrs. Sam berg,-Mrs. Max Guttman'and Mrs. poser, was'abandoned by his facsMr. Kurtz j a a graduate ot. the tion ^ofs a 'death ray.Vttiat kills Phil Klutznick. . , ily in their flight. Pickus. The luncheon, originally I IRVtN C. LEVIN', Attorney.st.Law University.of Alabama and is asGermans but is harmless to huscheduled for April 18 has been . Mrs. Arthur Cohn, captain; I I 7BZ EransSci* .Theatre Eidp, ] sociated with the John Kancock man beings" was announced" . . . Mrs. M. Barish, Mrs. David Blackpostponed until April 25. The Left-overs "£roia t h e ; Academy i program will center around Nat- Life Insurance company.. : The Yes, jYankele, it was "germs'* that' er, Mrs.. M.. D. Brodkey, .Mrs. j /Banquet; Karl FrCUnd . . . a Win- , -NOTICE o r cN couple will reside In .the Reeves the item, was supposed •„to refer j .M>MaVashock" aTd^airs. -Notice is hereby iven tliat the uv.- . uralization aid. Harry In e r w e omitted .."cot .the Btat-j apartments, 2024 Pierce street. to SiJverman. Members of the • group are in j uette for phot ; poi'ktiou Uliilfir the la*.-a oi the State T I I > B I T S •'-.. '•• -".-".-• ; .'••'.-.•. . ^ . . 0 5' attendance at the J.ewis& Com: .._ •. i Good Earth." At S:3(> of that of JCebrfi^ka, • Th?* •n'un*1 of- iht corMiss Bluma Ol.ensky departed .-'• Life .magazine will devote,-.an munity. Center every Tuesday poi-Atian is AVEiXlKi JCE AXD SES- \ from i:,fo until 5 in the after- Sunday morning for a month's entire Issue to -pfcturizationj;6f Mrs.- HaTry-Z. Ro'senfeld, maj (.evening Xaiise- Rainer £at »quiet5y , VICE ' COJSFAKT. The .pviiiciiail noon and 7 to 9 in the evening, visit in Los Angeles, Califs with the plight-, of. Jewish-reftisees .'. v or; ;:Mfs.' He'ary: A." Newman/ co- at hOSie a p h o a ^ . call: s.Uta-! pJare-of-business, shall be in Omaha. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. c r l ani t 1 Every -. Jewish , organization in major. to assist those who wish to take - •'••;• her to-the ba&Qiiet. 'Kast-i •^ V ?5iij " ^ t . ' ?^^"*^| in " 0 .' ur f, ,0,^; Olensky. J t wn rushed to furnish p h o t o >: s . : . • Mrs. Joseph •Weinberg;,'-captain; iiy She dressed SEd,1 sass ESake- J be'to-ciisape in1" the WsioleVale ana're- • out their citizenship papers. tiins to .re- I tail See business and to cea.1 in sr.y i Incidentally, tbe^issue of'_if6 i_ touis-mHer.-MrsJ'Sam Rob- up,, arrived just Rn<3"-'.aH typos of machinery s.nfi ! Mrs. Al Baker..hajs.returned to which it printed "a verse from the Mrs. ial.dn,; ' Mrs. 'EdwardSehimmel, c'elve her "golden trophy. ' Hubby her home in Denver, after visit- Horst Wessel 'soirg ' a s -well .as PS rea.3 h u r r i" e d l"" y . aCCC—l- I hold c,t dispose of sll Mrs. Millard' Speier and Miss I Clifford Odcts ing here with-Mr, and Mrs. Samscenes, of-Nazidom created plenty io borrov.; En- money ^ l property; t purposes: Rose" Weinbers. -' - j panted her . . . araered' more B a s s . . :• .'..-.-• • for snui . . \ for rorporovft pu Of'excitement . ::. : Did ytra know • Mrs.- Manuel • Grodinsky, cap- ^ i h l lbe b d An early service will be held shall that there is a Jewish anti-Com- fain; Mrs. .Edward Brodkey, Mrs. SoOdted pilDjieity oa his i n f e r - . ' t h e corporation at Shaare- Zion, synagogue this Miss Rose Goldsman. instructor munist, Society? . . . The presi- I. Cherniss, Mrs. Dav© Xevinei mal" a t t i r e ' t h a n a l l ' t h e -Stars poa- ; to ,do. everj- set -incidental, appurtenevening, beginning at -7 o'clock. at the local Hebrew school is' dent' is.the Rev. S. Evenson , . . ing. in -BOB. • Street's, best. After | ^^Jk ?£*£?*£?*&& S£l The service will be brief and they will visit with relatives and Max -Belnhardt is preparing to Mrs. Theresa Sommer and Mrs. I. a'thousand, pounds of sgusb fiad j nessss. there, will be no sermon. f iend3 i n Chicago.! .••...-•.•••. stage-Pirandello's "Six-Charac! .. Passover services tomorrow ters - in : searcn, of an Author" for yfiares of the par value o* ' $I00.0t) morning; will begin at 3:30 Dr. and Mrs. A. Miller left this the benefit.of each: | -Austrian -refugees SJ y! Ths corporation Ehs.I1 corr-nienoe to I Lew.' "Mrs.-Harry ' o'clock, and Rabbi: H. R. Rabino- week for Augusta, Ga., •••• where of-the .theatrical profession . ,-.. tip business: on the 15fn day of April, j ialashbclc and' Mrs. Julius Solo: witz will spealc on "Facing Real- they will visit with reatives and He • has been swamped ^with resilent patt: 5B2S, End its existence shrjl terrnin- I .A -voice ities." Sunday morning the ser- friends. . quests from Hollywood:stars anx- mon. sfie Jiass't faced-a eacj•Mrs. Sara JosSphsoa, captain;. vice will begin at 8:'3O and Rabions,to appear in the production e r a 01 sccie • ' eighteen rears, | tiiat ^eate by a s amendment to tsese | Mrs: 'Harold-' Abrahams;" -Misi f " bi Rabinowitz will use asliis serFifty friends and relatives at- . . . D i d you" know •' that Xe~ Prances" Eersman, Sirs; Herman The-da. Eara plans to'make a pic-'ja r ^ mon subject "Four Sons and Four tended i^b^pt PTT;o^Tnt of r-..ny ^acbJ- \ a .party last Sunday eve- York's- famous ' Hebrew Orphan : ture in Rome with .her husband, e£"es?t.. or--3ia1>n:'t:.- to ^"hioh this cot'- I Fathers."Asylum srew out of a fund raised Kully and Miss Joy Mopsky. ning honoring Mr.' and Mrs. JI. porstion shall Et any tirr.e subject | Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf, captain; Charles Brabin, directing. No special service will be held ShilofrV 511 Twenty-fifth street, in the lS20's for the relief of an itself -.siiaU not exceed two-thlrtis of j . —:— Its capita! stock. I tomorrovf morning for the. Junior on their thirtieth wedding anni- indigent Jewish veteran 5of •. '76? Mrs. --Sam''."Appleman, Mrs. Sam-)-: Mrs. Fred EHkas, ..Hollywood' Vigaette: Despite "• T5ie sffa-ira of frii.".corporation ehali ] Congregation, but the children versary. ..-.'. There'll be no>more meetings ; . 1>I & conducteil by a Bosrd of Dh-ectors Mrs. P. H. • Roddy and Mrs.' W.. A. are expected to attend fhe reg- A social evening was. rounded' of religious organisations in Chithe fact that Papa. Lasfcy raised of TiCti lc?s tluin two sior nvo.--fi tbRn ,| ' u l a r Passover service at 8:30out by a late tiuffet supper. , • cago's put»Uc scJlool buildings . .". Rosenberg. his original-bid o£ $7,500 to taa five, a n d the foilowinsr effi-rers: a j Seam 6 vicC-5>residej!f, secretary ; o'oloelr. Jewish,'- Catholic ^.nd'-"-.Protestant thousand fcr, Junior" Lasky's presSsiii. tj-eaJ«rer; a n v Cn'O of Tvliieh <"-ff- \ '.Team 6.: . . . . ^ . > ;• novel, "Ko Angel in Heaven," p.Dfl There will be no Sunday school ie^K it'py be ixeld "b1-- or:e and t ^ e \ Danzig (Havas) - - Jewish ^phy- leaders have agreed to hold such session this Sunday, and the He- sicians were barred by the Dan-meetings elsewhere . . . The Sub- 'Mrs.: Julius Stein, major;/and latter still holds, to his intention i have its. brew school Tvill zig Medical Association from way Sun posters in' K e w York's Mrs.' David' B. Epstein, co-major. of selling to' tie n'tSest; bidder PTKAN r.'EI.VES, tion during tbe Passover week. treatingg Soda]wwelfare patients KiibwayB tirgr» passengers to visit . Mrs.-.J, J . Priedman, captain; . f -.•'••and there sre three otlisr .TATCF. VCKIKER. l a Mrs". Julius Abraba'mfton, Mr.t; Temple Emanu-El &n$ adnsSre'HS l h unless they had been practicing offers! Well . .. . ss Bob Earnsi IlymanGrsenbsrg. airs. j . beautiful Moorish, architecture ; , . | Greeiib'e'rg,! "MrZ'"HarTy'LoeweaiRVIX C. _ Patronize Our Advertisers here before 1014, •tre iffere jes' siiwould say ,


4 4 of |

^ S

c C


Shaare Zion


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