April 22, 1938

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&THE WORLD'S f :i ...WINDOW... I



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} B y LIU-WIG LEW2SOIIN <? The views expressed by Los.* Sg Lew_5o_m.in his column a r e " 3 own aud do not necessarily ;.f?nect the policies or attitado -""•f onr publication. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly

JV- 5 Zr T




Entered as Second Class Stall flatter on January 31, 1021. at Postoffice of Omaha, Netnaska. under the Act of March 3. 1873



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\PBXL .22. 193S

THE JEWISH SCENE AT PESACH - i am asked to report on the vish scene in America. I am • jposed to Icnow it well. And I ve, in truth, in the past four •sons crossed and recrossed the •ntinent from Winnipeg to El so aad from San Francisco to lantic City and I have seen *,vs, talked to Jews, eaten with tfs, d r u n k—sometimes too __'-, •_ch— with Jews, prayed with •.vs. And upon the whole I have n :1, however weary the way and A program of Jewish religious | v .g the banquets, especially the and secular music will be pre-' "* u*^>** ^k.__»•£. i _-v_. . Ichig ones, a. wonderful time sented on • Thursday evening, i my own person; Because I 28, from 8 to 8:30 o'clock I Lester'-Abraham::en, -Mcr•3 Jews. As Heine said: "Ich Representatives from Sev April over KOIL by Cantor Aaron Ed- j I ! i g a r e t -Rnndell P l a c s en States to Come bo die Juden personiich." I gar and the Beth El Choir. Rah- \ " - orkeris to Receive In• .vs the Jewish people. And as for Meet in bi David A. Goldstein will be in I :ie goes on I see clearly-that charge of the program. I at is the thing ^that counts both Plans for the all-day Youth stiuciions at was awarced first The broadcasting- studios have ip r i Abe - e a Kesnick craior:rc! t t h e ,a n n u a i r oneself and others. And I see Conclave which will open the <o that the secret of secrets is Mid-West District Convention of issued an' invitation to those de- contest conducted by the Kc".:^d to be present at the broad- Table: of • Jewish Youth ;ig, that too few Jews love the the Union of American . Hebrew i siring tia Mt b u t because of limited seat- local lodge of B'nai S' wish people because too" fewCongregations on May 7 are near- ' f capacity jjave asked that Monday evenin ; Determined to attain the ws have that proper inner self- j — . ing .--• »n^n-,^^Second those coming t e l e p h o n e in I went to Lester Abratar_son teem, that instinctive^ and in- j . goal of $49,250,'workers in the ," •• r ' ' ^ v/hils advance. The studio is on the ' Margaret Rundell was decisrc- . olable self-esteem from which ' | ! 1 9 3 S Jewish Philanthropies I; eleventh el floor of the Omaha Na- winner of the third prize. 'one can come that love of .the j j • Campaign will on _ londaj tional Bank. • wish people—like a French- j I Subject of discussion was "T_D • : morning, April 25. at an 'esi-lyin's deep unspoken I6ve of the;j Jew and Democracy." Parti::- , "• I ! t ? ( " " ' rc "• i bird' breakfast officially oper .•ench people, let us say—whiclj I i pants in • the contest emphasized I the drive to raise funds for tlir ;'the need of the Jew .assisting the ; • -n and will and must illumine ' j i maintenance of thirty-fonr af-' • perpetuation of the <_s_;ocr_i;_ id redeem the people.- !\ t 5 t ; filiated organizations. ; ideal. There are exceptions. There I 1 i r «' i ' I The _rive. under the ( re dozens of exceptions. Note The contest took place at an j Tl- } ] ship of Jack V\\ llarer, local IPat< r \\ i open meeting, of the B'nai B'rith j : iat I deliberately and sadly do •Tack 1 i o " «> ot and cannot write hundreds, j ff £3 If* j lodge,, the B'nai B'rith Auxiliary! General torney. will continue throusrt "ho ' exceptions, very many rab- i and the Round Table of Jewish ' May 5. is, many laymen, love the Jew- j Youth. Morris Arbitman presld- '. Early reports show en enfhu- r ^-i - " • • " > '.i people and wish to serve and ! ed. Judges of: the contest were _i£stic response revealing the trelild and redeem. But the vast Ben . Silver,. Ephrai__ Harks, Local Congregations t o Mrs. mendous sympathj- with whict ajority of American Jews have and Dr. Leon Fellman. the Jewish Corcmiici'y views t_c ! I Mark Last Days of pull-back, an inner obstacle, - A trophy was - presented t i e campaign. Passover ven when they give much and winner. The first report luncheon wii -rve a little. There is* no pasbe held on Tuesday. April r e . £ t Closing Passover services will ;6n In it. The whole man is not the Community Center. A secoiu be held in the various local i it. There are ugly reserva'IT report luncheon will take plser houses of worship, today and to•;ons. Thereis the unspoken, uni 'r en Thursday e.t which time workmorrow. •eknowl edged inner protest: If! ers will be'addressed by Rs.bb .:& were not Jews we would not j At Temple Israel Friday night Klihu Starrsls. Rabbi Ptarrels 1 iave to bear this extra burden of Rabbi David H. Wice will deliver Kichard who for five years vas rabbi ir 1 Funeral .services were _.£'_t ,'ear, of generosity—these addl- . Chairman Youth Conclave a Passover sermon. Lincoln, has recently returned S " "; ional zaroth. U we were not _ -, last Tuesday at the Jewish Funfrom a 10-year sojourn in Lc~T ing completion. Jewish youth of e e t n 1 1 d And so for the greater rion. There he ?•£_ sssociEtec ews . ,? I!.5!!A .^ _ -•S_ r, ___, __ , leral Home for Mrs. Sam Altschi:Liberal congregations in Kansas, j iart of the time these people try , with such ouiEtaEdits1 fierures ir gg , StoS^t^-Lt^S ^ 55, who died in New Ycr_: g to forget. .Even among them-! Liberal Judaism as Kabbi Israe on Friday. Minnesota, ! w l l l t a k e p l ^ selves .alone they try to~ forget. Missouri, Nebraska a t 9 a-m . r-Iattuck. Claude' Montefiare anc t a d been re3Irs And no one, i t is obvious enough, attend. Colorado, and South Dakota; will ,j Yizkor^services atDavid about A. 10. Fri- 'jeS1i•.<«ns - in Altschuler _ for the past ' day evening Rabbi Goldthe Hon. Lily Mottagu. has ever at any time in the whole Chairman for the affair is js tein will speak-on "Israel's Song ! a f /t he rt tmonUis, paving left Omaha he deatb world overcome his difficulties Richard Hiller who is being as- Of Songs." At YizSor service- his j °l h e r nusbartc. Eesides Mr. Marer. fiirisiona i , . by trying to forget them nine- sisted by Harvey Leon. •n. • tonio topic will hP be. "ThB "The t?i_htpnns Righteous Active in Jewish organizations. officers of this year's campalsr she had served as presi&e tenths of the time and then mak_re: i.^orris E. Jacobs, chairma; The Youth conclave is the first Shall Live By His Faith." jj the Ladies Fre .Loan Society a n i ing an unwilling dash toward item on a, two-day' program preisitiEl gifts division; Ephyain. The schedule . of services for hem' and. their solution. of the r-Iarks.. chairn-sn jrer-er?.! soliciia pared by the Union for its first 'had been-a Yet these people of whom so regional meeting in this district. 6:30 p. m., and Maariv at 7:15 and Yiueh can be said are still the The conclave will open wth a re-ip. m.; Saturday, Scbachrit S:00 ed Shel-£__es-iiest- There are, in • addition-, tlie " " serrice'at TempIS -Israel,•; a.. associate chairxaan _:e_ter_l soZicSurriyin5._arer- -c_,.e liiany thousands who.though they -at_.w_ucE"Habbl-Philip .Tinkelstem fabbuf 16 a. 'm. and Mincha* 6:40. j T i n ' 't£tions; Ben Silvers, clia!rn_a_. •Yoi-k; and- two soas, talk arid wonder and sometimes regional director for the Union, org-anizR.tions; Dr. Siier. C1IE..IRabbi Milton. A. Kopstein will ] Dr. ~1 Mas Altschuler of Kew \cr_. c nil Edwin cf Texas. in their heart of heart- tremble will preach, the sermon on "Jew-j speak Saturday before .the Me- *"" ' '''"'" "* T-««--»« n_an quote: II. A. Ti*olf. chairrnaKabbi'Milton A.' Kopstein con>—at _<• -»v_ /-_-~-— and are shaken, cannot bring jish Youth and the World r"-'=i= " i—--:_i of budget committee; Dan. Miller morial service the Congregaducted the' funeral services. Burthemselves .to be a t one with chairman of the youth 'division At the afternoon session start- tion B'nai Israel. ial was at Golden Hill.| S a I e w i n __ichaick, chainna-" heir people in synagogue or even ing at. 2 o'clock, after an address • lub, in organization or steady of wflcome by the chairman, i speakers; Mrs. Darid Sheriaar; ooperative effort. Often clever there will be a symposium on chairniEn of the women's div id cultivated people they ration- "Jewish Youth "View Religion." Fion, _'__ Leonard Xathan, chaiiiize their servile fears and self- Participating will be Bernice Galnian of publicity. ._tred "by withered cliches, bits insky of pioux City ^who will Paul Veret is E-ctirs: as eseciFood • for the" • " ' '.' rubber-stamped v e r b i a g e speak *on "What Do Ceremonial tive director r r var _- ' r_« E . ZRCOI", hich may once have represented and Ritual Mean to Me?" Hers• Affiliate , - - - -, . Workers'.. -.' .' • process.of what could be called chel Wolk of Des Jloines whose Chair _;ar., Iciticl Gif.s • Organisati—- l • the carnpaigr r — -ought but have long ceased to j topic is "Does Judaism Offer Me ! Food for the early-bird-breaK, , , . r r P r r r T.SO. Among these grotesquely j iiotive Power for Ethical Living" lly shadow-arguments are: "Re-and two other persons yet un- Wednesday evening May 4, the fa*gt Monday at S o'clock and the;I ft '- - » I the Jewish Round Table of -Jewish Yoiith 1 two luncheons, Tuesday and "° "' gion is out-moded," which. Is named. ' ! Mortgage R will hoia Its annual "Stage [Thursday,' to^ be given for work-! rrifically untrue as well as lr' Jef."JSh Ol Li l Dr.'Isaac Rahinowitz, director Night" at the-Community Center, je r s . j n the/Jewish Philanthropies, { levant. Or, "look at the evil of Youth Activities for the Union The same evening the annual Ko- I > Medical a prepared by coaralttee at nationalism is doing in the jo f A m e r i c a n Hebrew Congrega- vod night presentations will -be } underbethe 1 chairmanship cf Mrs. Approximately 150 co:: • - J u b e f e a t u r e a . i n a QUes3 rld and shall we . ._ - W^cH ,ti made to the two outstanding q erin Neveleff. expected to attend the of course like saying: "You 'NATIONAL . The breakfast 'will be: served ''Frolic sponsored by Sam Beber CoEcraitt.ee, ^r1^ ust not take, nourishment he- tion and answer period Tinder the members of the Round Table. 'For "Stage Night,"' the annual.-] at 8 o'clock. Monday morning -as' chapter 100 Saturday. April . 3 Congress, B - - ~ ' ;use some people suffer from title,, "The Program Doctor," Hotel. Paston. Jack Swanson fasiation Con. i L " t -.tal disturbances of their meta- and will deliver an address at the dramatic tournament of t h e I the official starting of this year's at and his orchestra will play. Round Table, member organisa-1 Philanthropies Campaign. jlism." Or, finally: "We are at- afternoon session. CS This is the dance whose pro- 'Voider Scor A dinner dance to be limited to | tion will enter sketches. Three icking the evils of the world on Patients Tubt.-d.jc 1 ; ceedshave been appropriated for How nice of 250 persons,, will be held in the j prizes of ?7.50, $5.00, and $2.50 wider front Gradar e s l-~* j the Jevcish Community Center • li- ver); : Social Work " - - 7 ,-ou! Nobody else in particular evening at the Highland Country.UfiiI.be given'the winning Skits. _ _, j bran" which will be remodeled i Ben Barkin will be master of doing BO. So your "wider Club. Seminary {C' -- -^ " ceremonies for the evening. Beth ront" comes practically ,to this, s u m p t i v e a ni -lx-~t,.L^ -.Second C o n c e r l i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i \ Kulakofsky is chairman of the afhat you will do nothing, absoAssociation i Z^o^ ^ < being" conducted by a chapter •• ish Cons-air- ' e t A fair. An admission charge of ten lutely nothing for yourselves or 1 cents will be made. ; A treated highly .appreciative audience your people or your, children was to a program of es-committee headed by Joe Raz- •(Denver), J i 1 0 r i (Beilefaire c ' " "' while your enemies laugh at the pert musicianship last Wednes- nick. The.chapter hopes to complete i Telegraphic * *•' T ~r -?V. wider front gag and are strong day evening .when ttefe.-BethEl the renovaticm of the library- cy |o ' o g i c s l S e ~ - —• " •>and united while you are feeble, synagogue presented its,-second The-Jewish. National Worker's j Kny 15. W'ithia the nest' week a .Memorial Kc-7 - " cv p"_elf-en-eebled and defeated. annual concert. Alliance, PoaliZion, will hold a conimittee report wlil • National Co r " 1 «*• f" The worst Jews, poor people, literary and social meeting on In a program as varied as it Complete Jewish Commun- j are the broad-mind,ed ones. And Sunday, April 24, at" 8 p. m. at was interesting. Canter Kdcar jbe jty• turned Center into officials their ap- tiorscl Desert there are so many, many thous- the. Jewish Community Center. Services r* " and his chorus presented almost j proral,'Purchase" sadorinstallation 1 .nnd3. Show me a Jew.who prides '" Mr. I ilorgenstern will be prinevery phase of Jewish music—the j of..equipment -'•vrfll-.-be - done- -t-y Faria Schoo > " ~ % himself on his broad-mindedness cipal speaker of the evening. Miss Chil r i religious songs, the secular, the •: members of the library commit- I Jewish Cantor Morris Volovick, famed li^T'-il Tafl"'f fi*~ and I'll show you a meshumad. Harriet Bernstein; accompanied blind cantor of Philadelphia, will [ folk songs, the so_ss of th tee E.nd ch a p«-._. _ tii/iitil •) t; v. ic w ter members. A critical appreciation of many by Miss Shirley 3eltz, will sing a {conduct abbii Isaac r " i Tickets n a y b obtained from i RE services Saturday morn- ' Chalutsim... e h l i " different aspects of life is a fine number rof selections. A reading jing at S; 30 at the B'nai Jacob C Assisting artists were Abraham I any member of the chapter for thing. But the broad-minded Jew will be given by J . Radinowski.g Synagogue, 24th'. and Nicholas Dansky, pianist, and Harry Da- $1.00, and1 will be sola at the IXTERNAT is not like that. He is essentially _ Chairman for the. evening is street. He will also speak at the boff, violinist. Betty Pellraaa door. General chairman of t i e uncritical. He gulps down every- Morris Minkin. was accompanist for Castor Ed- Spring Frosic is So:my Richards. sity Hebrew Memorial service at 10:30 a. m. thing- and anything, so it.be not . Refreshments will W served. Blind from birth. Cantor Volo- gar and the choir while Esther George Shafer is in charge of: tic- ciety , BIAS I Jewish. For to: accept or love Reservations viek conducts the services from Leaf Duboff accompanied fcer kets, assistet cy Ben Kutler scfi j trillion _ C may be made by (Continued on page S.) husband. memory. calling Webster 1642. Roland Lre-pr;:


! Beth ElChoir to Present Radio Program


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Women to Prepare





Bethel El Presents

Blind Cantor To Again Lead

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Chairnian, Youth's- Division

Snlewin Chairman, Kpeaters

r«_s. David Chairuan, Vv'ociea's Divisicc

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Page 2

he can look a fish square in the eye without taking a back word. Korman cleaned up on the competitive, races held In the pool last Tuesday. Twenty-five boys competed. •

fssti-Seinitism crested BT. IIEby EE S'K.E raJuon" I t r t p - e r ^ e * * he cstne t.C Etlc sid tb6 bridfe-eable gap TES 'granted fcy a "loyaltT"T FnG a' cs-irn" ton r '">""- £•rsnr-'- ol : IMS H ervard Provincial court. The wife had j sign go 'e'-m€Et, tc F c »c « r> " ( •, I-lftnfF, 5. , embraced Protestantism, before j and to jte fire; " cframe ,i "ess a(' jiitant 'her marriage and Vs-as married arester to KiUcr under Evangelical Church rites. PUT2I HAXF£TAE\GL ;• I'nUef'! StPtOP on a What iras taatsraouct to & ban ARRIVES IK AIIERICA The morning women's volleyon sale of land by Jews was irao?e of i vis I'i^-'it reball team will play Benson ladies posed trith a decree providing il^li![ill\j i^aLUO tbat Jews must obtain special Tc-1: (•">$•>—T" 1i T t n iystery. XTc lips? " Pen Wednesday, April 27, at the Cenndsri i sip.ee ti e fell ter..' v " . permission from the police before the esc ^errei t thr* £c prciei 1 ^ t 1 •> Mass -Espulsions frosn Pro- they may liquidate realty hol<2- last rppcr'trce jr. tr»a countr' m ' r The rebuilt ladies locker room Ings. Another decree regularized vinces Now in ProIs now open and ready for serthe appointment of Nazi commisgress viie. Top new feature is the new sars established in Jewish-owned . - ' - . . establishments by making their Do you live in a town where attired in mid-winter splendor. the Jewish ideals'and fears. . A steam room. t Kf i- f \ ViennlUhwNS) — Austrian appointment legal until October Elsie Vickburg, masseuse, will yours Is the only Jowish fam« The speakers- were a child and a rabbi in G.',and his congragatlon Jewry at the Passover, "bread be situated in the new quarters l ' and providiEg for tbeir payily? Are yoo lonesome for mother.", it was a young girl, —A father, a mother and a* child. of affliction" literally and figur- meat from the business they diJews? Robb. Finkelstein, a dark, slender, radiant with in- The hours went by fast, too fast. on Monday. atively as it ushered in the most rect. The Jewish Burial Society regional rabbi of the Union of nocence* and beauty, with a far- Stories rushei from our lips —• The Center athletic facilities tragic Passover in its. history has been forbidden, to make pubAmerican TIrbrew Congrega- off iookMn' her eyes that spoke of some personal, some about our a single Seder, and vritli lic names of Jewish, suicides. tions, whose job it is to bring frequent dreatiings and unful- people—all n the -warmth, of a closed at 5 p. In. Thursday due without complete lack of matzoth. ConJudaism to Jews in isolated filled desires. And the motner, Jewish family, where love -and to the Passover holidays. We'll afiscation of the Passover flour towns ami Tillages, tells in this j too, seemed graceful and sweet, Jj-eligion held swr.y. The mother reopen Sunday morning. supply by the Nazis and the baa moving story one of his most with a face tinged- with poverty sang; th child played with a sheehita made Seders futile. By the way how aid the mat-on t exigences I riding idi new-found doll; the father and I poigntot Jn j ^CaTer"some%Unsi a^nrVed'ih'e d The customary public Seders in p g p i 1 zos go with you? the Jewish Student House, old oh to.do what I did. I don't know sat and spok * of Israel and its .the Jewish circuit—The Edi was familiar with folks'homes, "orphanages and othjust what, but it seemed so provi- destiny. tor. . . J. C. C. BOWLING er institutions' failed to take And to think, I almost passed dential, so in keeping with tho Hebrew lore, with Jewish legplace. Nor were t&ere any Seders • Standings of Teams up the.city of G. .1 had completed atmosphere,, so natural,- that I ends, with Israel's aspirations. He in private homes. was a-picture of the Jew, happy ' ' • • • • " ' W L % my -work in. Kutch'inson and' was walked over and said: r 19 38 563 on my "Way •westward. People had "Pardon me. I hope I'm -not in his strength, his dreams, his Tigers Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen47 40 540 ;,told me that there' was no city rude, but I've' overhears the con-faith. It was an evening never Wildcats cy)—The highest tribute -was 44 43 505 PBAX AT HE3ZX/S I have this doll; again to be captured, never to be Sooners worth a' visit until Dodge City versation. paid to the financial status of the 42 45 483 (wondering If e'en Dodge City would you accept it «rom~ me?" equalled for. solemnity " a n d Cyclones Vienna (WNS)—The grave Palestine Foundation Fund (Ker41 46 471 Jaynawkers spiritual joy. "No, sir, that is impossible ^•as a setting for Jewicjj religioas of Dr. Theodore Herzl, father en Hayesod), fiscal instrument of 36 49 437 The hours went by. How I Cornhuskers ;vorfe). But my itinerary Called We don't need it. Thank you." of modern Zionism, has be- the Jewish Agency ior Palestine, High single game, Sam Meyerhoped that the train. could be And she was nxious to hurry by. for a stop at G, "Rabbi, there come a veritable shrine to with the announcement that the son, 264; Cyclones, 951. late, and wasn't it but a few are-no Jews there." Perhaps, but which hundreds of Vienna Keren Hayesod had been granted At Last—A Few High series, Leo Weltz, 625; hour:, ago . . . ? Strange things v .my boss had looked'up the 1920 Jews come daily to pray and a combined loan of 175,000 Something^ made me bolder. do happen. It was time for fare- Cyclones, 2596. ' census and.it .seems'that G. then ask forgiveness for their fail- pounds (5875,000) by Lloyds "Really, I wish you would take it Weekly Bowling prize -won by well: Amid a shower of blesshad 5,548 inhabitants (and, alas, -i ure to give generously for the of London end the Anglono Jews), and he reasoned that off my hands. You see, I won ings, I left, and as the door was Dave Krantz of the Jayhawkers, upbuilding- of Palestine in- Bank Palestine Bank here. ' average 135, and bowled 509 hear the father -by now there would be . . v "but this doll at- the show about an shutting, I could N of waiting to have their which is 104 pins above his aver- stead Acknowledging the soundness -why. don't you go and see-?" I hour ago. I'm traveling west, say: fortunes confiscated by the and with all my luggage I don't age. "Darling, time and.time again of the asset created by the Jew•d i d . • • • • ; . . . .. ' ; , Nazis. The pilgrimages to know what I'll do with the doll; Another big night o'.bowling in Herzls' grave are one of the ish Agency ia Palestine Ens! obWomen's • ' To '.my dismay I discovered I guess I'll just have to leave it our rabbis say that God, iir'His the Jevlsh Community Center most striking manifestations of mercy, sends Elijah, His messenviously regarding the presect dis>that populations can go two ways. at the hotel.'? Sizes "Bis Sis" Bowling League resultger to the Jewish people in days : We had figured on the favorable a religious revival among Vtt turbances in Palestine as temporffj to 241 The atmosphere had cleared. of sorrow, that he "may bring ed in Leo Waitz's first place Tig- enna ary, Lloyd's Bank, one o£ Engone, but the' other 'was the fact, This Jewry. ers gaining one more game on a different story. If my comfort and . . ." 38 to 46 land's "big fire" financial insti;<and*G. 'was nov-a city of 4,000 story was y were true (and I sounded (Copyright, 1938, By Seven Arts their arch rivals, the Wildcats, tutions, awarded a loan of 15C,I In:-and, alas, still no Jews. by taking 2 out of 3 games from But c) pp Feature Syndicate) then perhaps Hundreds of Jews expelled 000 pounds to be used by the quired-of the clerk at the hotel sincere) Abe Vengers' Sooners. from the province of Burgehland, Jewish Agency for "important (I think that's what the building the mother was still skeptical and The Tigers good showing was on the Hungarian and Czech bor- public works in Palestine. The •was) and he assured me there hesitated,- and • would perhaps, helped mainly by three 500 ser-ders, are reported to have fled to other 25,000 pounds was adwere no Jews in the town. Sleuth have passed me by, but for the ies bowled by Abe Feldman, the the mountains and forests as a vanced by tbe Anglo-Palestine that I am, I walked down the look in her daughter's eye — a Council Bluffs shark -who got a last desperate refuge since the Bank. street only to see a name that I- look, fearful: and hopeful. It 517, little Sammie Steinberg's j tightening of entry rules by Hun•"•was sure was Jewish. I sh,ook made up her mind; even as it Part of the new money is to 501, and "Little Doggie" Weitz's gary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslav•hands with the proprietor, in- had impelled me to start all this By LEE GROSSMAN be used to advance colonization a few minutes ago. "What a 523. Sammie Yonsem of the ia, Switzerland and Poland has quired as to the Christmas rush, Sooners was the only one of that made It virtually impossible for projects oa land already held by and. then the bold query: '"Are beautiful doll!" That was all she said.—and all she had to say. crew to get in the charmed cir- the terror-stricken Jews to escape the Jewish National FUECL It It looks like a big year for the you Jewish?" "No, and there "Well," and the mother forced softballers. cle with a / nice 557, which was Nazi persecution by crossing the •will also be utilized lor the ESare no Jews in town." When a sistance of industrial and Egricuj* frontiers. lew more merchants, plus the II- a • laugh, "if you say you'JI throw At Monday night's meeting, a high series for the evening. enterprises and to jsunch a The doll six-team league was formed with The Wildcats, in,second place, Acting oa direct orders from tural brarian and the .barber agreed, I it away anyway scale housing program in •came to the conclusion that I was was'now carefully folded in- the the following teams in the fold: after leading the league most oi Berlin, the Burgenland authorit- large at last in a city'without Jews, arms of mysnew'friend, and there A. Z. A. No. 1, A. Z. A. No. 100,the season, were way under form ies ordered the Jews to leave small towns and Tillages. The andv all my luggage of Sunday Were Incipient tears in the eyes Alpha Pi Tau, Omaha All-Stars, last night and dropped 2 out of with little or no advance notice. Keren Hayesod had received a These . . . . V.-.j:« 3 games to the Cyclones. The Most of them left penniless and 500,000 pound loan, from Lloyd's school materials, sisterhood pam- of the three of us at such a hap- S. A. M., and Giants. B TiTrewr^.TiT n , C P py ending—so thrilling—in. the Bank in 193 5. It t a d been used Wildcats still have a slim chance \ with nothing more than the •phlets :and brotherhood contests Play will start Sunday, May 1. -were-of no use here. I sighed and quiet of evening In a small vilThe league- will continue until to win, as they are two games clothes on their backs, having for the consolidation of the JewH £ v e Speclsl K e w lage of western-Kansas. The air planned to. go on to Dodge "City. the end of August and the cham- back of the tigers with 3 games been forced to sign statements ish Agency's finances. The new Flattery fcr Werner.! seemed charged with mystery, as pionship loan is-considered a renewed exthat they were going "voluntarteam will compete in left to bowl. - I had arrived in G. about 2 p. though a miracle had happened, Smart New Sheers, Laces, Chiffons, pression o£ confidence by the ily" and that their property the city tournament for the OmaSam Katzman's Cornhuskers as in. My wanderings had taken and we stood happy and at ease. Marquisettes! You'll "Er.jOT Living usual- dropped two out of three henceforth belonged to the state. "City" of London ia the Keren less, than an hour and now I was' Words would- have been futile; ha championship. In. Nsvy, Black, and Prints, Hayesod. 'Strategic reasons" were said to games to the Jayhawkers, and Our league is affiliated with informed that, there was no con-they certainly would have broken be the reason for the mass esnection for Dodge City : until the spell—and such a- spell, if the state Softball association and Capt. Katzman hisfinnaly con- pulsions. The number of Jews 11:45 p. in." That meant, hours you're fortunate, happens to you officially registered umpires will ceded as his team with the help seeking sanctuary in the mounof Harry Smith, ^ i y Levin, and Youthful Women's Shop—Third Floor be used for each game. and hours,, and, oh, i v h a t a prob- once Jn -erJifetime . » >. . tains is espected t o Increase by the Zweiback sharks, Sam and Each team will be allowed to lem -it is- to spend ;time -in a city "WelU/kind sir, may-we know have 15. men under contract. En- Eitch are now firmly entrenched several thousand in view of reof"' •wfstern Kansas.. I " walked .ctivities trance fee per team is $10, with in last place with no competition ports that all Jews living within about; I sat in T the lobby; I read, tHd name' of our "benefactor?^ 50 kilometres of the Csech fron• screamed,, smobea,- sang,, out; to • "Surely: I'm a; rabbi from Cin- ?2.50 of ,{tbat amount being re- there. Columbus, OSio (WJs'S)—OpThe last night schedule ..will tier are also to be expelled. This no? avail.;,; I t was now almost; 3 cinnatl.A &V.-Wgfojial director~'ior.. turned'at the end of the camuld affect not only Jews in position to "all activities, of the p. 'nil'—s-and -that meaht a mere the Union of American 'Hebrew paign providingthe team- has not have the Wildcats .bowling the Congregations, touring.the west.ij forfeited too many game?. Jayhawkers and on form, should Austria but also large numbers Germsa-AtaericaE B u a d ender nine hours to g o . ' . looking for Jews." Games will be played either ati take three gr.mes here, which living in Bavaria, Silesia and Sax- any rarae, "Is corrupting CVIT •••-'•• Time toKiU youth and citizens, •atdermiclEg "Looking; for Jews?"•' ; Dewey. park, Miller park, Elm- may help them if the Cornhusk- ony. . W'as there' a show in town? oar goTer'nraent, •vrorking against "Yes. . My task Is to help them Meanwhile, new anti-Jewish ers who bowl the Tigers, will wood park,. or Twenty-first and es,.open froni 3 to 5. Although the national defense oi the I had seen the show three times with their religious an-i educa- Burdette. 'All managers must really bowl instead of playing measures continued to pile up. United against religions and'had disliked it immensely the tional problems. I was stranded have their ? 10 entry fee in by around, as the CornhuskerB are The speedy introduction of the freedom States, and fostering class hatJ h really capable of taking 3 games Nuremberg racial laws was foreBecond time, perhaps here, in a here. T There are no Jews here, Monday, April 25. red" -vras voiced in a resolution Kansas theater, with the noise of and' so I'm on. my way to Dodge . Games will be played each Sun- from the Tigers, of couse if this shadowed by the granting of the adopted at the ESHEEI convention should happen, the Wildcats can first racial divorce involving an day starting at 10:30 a. m. school-fre© children, balloons, an lity." still walk.home with the smoked Austrian Aryan and his non-Ar- of the Ohio Society of the DaughI have seen looks of astonishorgan and gummed seats, I could of the American Revolution. • relax and waste time—at least ment and faces trembling with . And while OL. the subject of meat. There is quite a bit of talk yan wife. JSarrled in 1921, theters The resolution denounced the I- > ' / ' t i l ( >. k w Us: I\ \ r two "hours—and that was some- amazement, but never the like of softball, we want to mention that about Leo Weitz throwing a bribe couple lived amicably until tSe Bund as "an alien organization, thing. I gave up a couple of pen- his. "Looking for Jews? Well, our crack Jewish team of Barish- for the Cornhuskers i£ they actu- husband became a Nazi. His di- organized, fostered and promoted nies and was handed a stub which my name is Mrs. Fineberg, and Sanders, -which last year won itsally play instead of bowl, as the vorce plea on the ground that his I was advised to retain and ex- his is my daughter, Sylvia. We league .championship, is this year Tigers Only need 2 games of the amine at the end of the perform- —my husband, daughter and I— called, Daves.Clothes Shop and is series to cinch the pennant. are the only Jewish family in G., moving up a notch in competiance. FREE! Am Espert CoaaseHer e a Rcssa I recalled the picture, and and ' how lonesome we've been. tion. The Clothier'* will play in NEW COLONY didn't become too excited .when Oh, to see one of ours! And now', he American league, one of the the heroine was In extreme dau- I can't believe I', there's a rabbi 'asteat softball organizations in Jerusale'm (JTA) — A new • ' [ he state. AH its games will be Jewish- colony, Shavei Zion, was .ger; I could shed no tears over n G." Amazement and piety—happiplayed at night at the softball the estrangement of the' lovers established ou Jewish National park at 24th and Vint^n street. Fund land last week near the Sy"FAMOUS FOR Fll'E and a t the final reconciliation ness and thanksgiving. "Won't you join us for dinner, and happy ending my main conrian borden. The settlers are 50 Uc® Oar Easy Payment Plan-—Fc.res j cern was^—what should I do now? Rabbi? My .hUBband will be so ; Mighty are our Health club German Jews, formerly peasants I As I was leaving the theater, a happy—that is, if we. can make olleyballers. iri the village of Kresin, southern f charming Kansan v o i c e ex- him. believes this absolutely inTuesday of this week, they Germany. ! claimed-: "Ticket 73, Ticket 73," credible story." played. Benson's stars in five y ; ; and believe It or not, my stub Evening ames — and" they -came out of The s present Jewish quarters of • had printed on; it in gay red let- ''I'll be happy to be your guest. the melee with five victories. strasburg uas been occupied by ' tera the-number 73- l presented I had been wonderiiig how to Varsity performers were Le3 the Jews since the twelfth cen• it and was handed a beautiful spend the remainder of the time, Burken road, Abe Brodkey, Joe ' : large doll, which, the ticket-seller but there's no problem now." Cohen, :C. B. Schoppe, Lou Wein- tury. And I went to their home. I er, Hy "Tweet" Belman, Skip . explained^ uttered "mother," and .i. was in ."general, a wonderful doll. met Mr. Fineberg and,' surpris- Skolnick, Paul "Little Potato" ! "You're really - fortunate—con- ingly, we had no difficulty con- Steinberg, and Morrie Franklin. CLEAN LINEN { gratulations." I thanked her, vincing him oi our experience. He More outside competition is % Always Attracts Customers I and mournfully trudged along. shook his head and mused: "The trying to be arranged for our •OMAHA TOWEL '• • •!• Now not only was I compelled to wayB of God—and men. A rabbi star players., ' SUPPLY ' | entertain mysell and hope to in G.! Almost as impossible as ; keep from golnp inad, but I had the thought that the messiah Yours Sinco 2S76 King of J. C. C.' junior swimJe&k't i a duty towards a doll that was would come to G. But wait, yes, mers the'past week was Norman .--KE 282S • Jl.« V^ s the Messiah. That's it. 'God, in Polonsky, a lad who is getting so '! prone to utter "mother." 'I'-"..I must have, made a strange His mercy,' Jewish lore tells us b \ •;; Bight, walking down' the street again and again, 'sends His mes-: with a doll, q,ut I was relieved fcy senger—an jngel, or Elijah—to ; the fact that slnce.it was the day the homes of the pious.' I've heen i| before Christmas, I might have a faithful Jew-^-in . my way. I ',;: been shopping. That, I guess, ex- love my God; I love v the faith of ! plains why people didn't point tho Israel; I've "tried In a simple way ' finger at me a n d murmur: and in meager surroundings to make this 'home a Jewish shrine. "Crazy." Five,'5:30, 5:45. Time goes Yes, He haa sent you. This is no • slowly—even In the company of accident; this is real; you are an a beautiful doll. I was on my angel, or Elijah, or the Messiah ' way back to the-hotel to indulge i Yards and CJiowrcoaas . . end in the time-wasting procedure of 7 We spoke of many things i 1i sleep, when an incident aroused that night—of ourselves, of Jewmy interest. Now those who ish affairs the worlds over, and know me would hestitate to at51 ' tribute to me proclivities towards »K3iS3S2S333£E M •1 eavesdropping, • nor would they accuse me of being over-curloua €£*&& ©til —but something made me listen. rJ L v L , "But, mother, everybody _, else .. C©. Foundries • has a tree and presents and Brass. Bronzo, Aluminum, everything. Soft Grey Iran and Semi"No, darling, we don't observe f^* j, i^. an f Y Stool Castings, Wood and J i Christmas, And I have no money *~^fcw. ^ fe. Motnl Patterns and Saab for gifts Weigbto carried in otocb. If your side walls need attention, let us chow you how Art"Oh, but just some little toys, Bronso and Cast Iron Brie will transform your home into a "Brie" residence. Ws please." Grilles o specialty. can show you a job-in your own neighborhood where tho "Perhaps father has brought value of tho house has been greatly Increased, and becaissa i something; let's go home." 27th and Martisa St. the Brie is applied over insulating board, tho fuel savings The scene of the conversation will pay the total cost. •': •>,.. HA 5 5 2 3 .- \had been the front of a large toy shop, beau'ifully illuminated and class Troi'InuaissJifp cn3 tho highest grr.ds materials insure yoa fine sido Yrnl!3. Have us cc» timato thi3 week. Our Funorai Parleys Aro. Futnb!icc3 la Homo-Liko Fashion "COURTEOUS—RELIABLE"

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THE JEWISH PKESS—FRIDAY, AP3IL 22,-1033 Of course, she didn't really care, backs? Many suggestions were j ly teat they cannot tut come l a - | »| i Etuaenis E/".t patriots, they needn't think she was chas- made, but the best "was B.uva's der its spell. I 1 impetuous cZ youth &u ing after them . ... If she wanted Idea: "Let's make a 'Company.' Psssorer Conies to, anyway, she could go to herDudik can be secretary and •LIBrsr y' Corner" And indeed there is no ether aunt's place in Yavneel, so there! Shlome'Ie treasurer; we'll collect Yet. ail the same, i n the evenings, money, and when there's a -whole Hebrew feast which demands of BrBASXEUL 0O32E3T she would sit alone a t her -door- lot we'll j u s t hire a car and go— the Jews of tae land the -fullest way and watch Sholome'le steal- it's easy!'' B u t Dudik wasn't sat- -measure of -their energies and ing- by on tiptoe, disappearing be- isfied: A happy holiday Passover — & isfied: "And-say "And-say they they don't don't let let Preparations. Go in t t e streets hind the barn, running on tous?"-'he • queried! But - Shlome'le jot Jerusalem, or . a n y other I messenger of freedom; tnc-ugn in wards the grove, and her heart cried: city, - •"Hooray — city just'after just after stormy many lands not all of Israel is ' i i r i or ss"e for Rnva's idea," ' Palestinian filled with grief. She *vas on the and went and .. caraivalesque Purlin has nappy. • ' ered j r°cr on, excitedly: "and point of running after him and when we>e been there, we won't passed, and see the ^ continuous j T-Q AN13 FGK THE CHILDBED ] cr-ir or tiiO AN EXTENSION O F T H E and -we find that the Jewish cen- calling out: "Shlome'le — aren't close the Company, but.well keep , . porters with enormous j T " ' T H E ETCISH NEWS,"' the "izn: wr>ct J E W I S H COMMTJNITJL ter moves once more; this time we friends any more? Surely you it for another hike!" He wanted j baskets on their hacks, filled j,,*,-nrii^,-c children's current event paper, the race. Tji Wliil '• ' . ' CENTER '. '. to Spain. haven't got any secrets t o hide to see Jerusalem, and Tisal want- i t n a t t ^ m and brown Mat- brings- you stoiies of Jewish in- pert cf tLe ••* z o i of t h e Good Shabbotb, boys a n d from m e ? " B u t she remained ed to climb Mount Carmel, while j m r f l\ ! F 1o Orient, hurrying to- terest from far sway lands. Stor- lellf of his I Golden Age girls" of t h e Junior Jewish ^ " " ^ t*r>™* *T>A -*•»•,o n e s and wei-i j e s J 0 U ^m ] n - e ; .< This.was a Golden Age for the where she was for a long time. Dudik thought h hee had had to to visit visit 'I " * i u s different uuierent comes ana -wei"JEWS ALL i JETi Press! Jewish people and we have great Half an hour passed, an hour, she Tel-Aviv first of all, because j coined by hundreds of enthusias- j VER THE WORLD CELE-j We have all had, I know, a philosophers, poets and great could not keep her eyes open Orab. had been there. -And Ruva j t l c children, all waiting for an jE0 n A T B PASSOVER." IIn New ; Tery" enjoyable week of Pesach sages. But history repeats itself much longer— r it was already bed- added: "And the Emek—and the opportunity to steal a piece of the time and h& wasn't back yet. Desert of Judea—and the Dead , Matzota-and have a foretaste of schools where Hebrew may be a n d have had.our fill of a l l t h e They were over a t the watchPesach goodies. And now that taken as a regular subject. Do How many places No, one jj tneVisit coming joy. man's but, all four of them to-j Sea." wants to visit^in Erez-Israel! Pesach has gone and spring Is Visit you your different friends and |you know why Y prayer shawl is i li gether, with their heads close to [ they certainly wouldn't close the j find the h here, we should begin looking houses topsy-turvy., all worn? One cZ the reasons: in the one another, and they were tell-i Company •when this trip was the members of t h e family forward t o many happy days ion of t h e ays people were poor End ont-of-doors. j over. But Dudik was still worry- j obliged to take their meals,' and j C - M ^ i o ; £.ECI n o w ; ing yarns: And, above all, we a r e look| ing: "If it's a Company, it's got | even to sleep, in the remotest I ful • r'n'>- e Rafik's Father ing forward t o t h e big I^ag V^e-Vo-e nuVn "It happened t o Rafik's father to have a . name." Yes, he was [room of the apartment or in th° I vices """" B'Omer party that the Junior when he was coming home one right, and the others agreed—a j kitchen, because their Viole to show tltat before the 1 3"' r-I3F EC( clubs of the Center are" going | apartment is being white-washed. lord every person is alike regard- I it-LUu AJ.......I;;.\i evening. I t was ages ago — in Company must have a name. to have on Sunday afternoon, Then, when the days pass, less, of the kind of clothes he j p " KEADIXG the days of the Turks. There Explorers Four May 15, 1038. This will be when at last the eve of Passover wears. There are some nice illus- i *-;J' -1*- Lewick weren't any Chalutzim then, and j open not only to the members And a name soon found: I comes, when the homes appear to trations too ] depicting the the road hadn't been made. I t was Ruva's idea again: "The j be little white palacgs, all so. 7IADASSAH.' "XEWS BRIEFS" j CeCencer of the CT-J '.of the Junior clubs, but to all was a real job to .go to the town it Erez-Israel Exploration C o m the boys and girls who write a — brings news of European per-| t o s.^_ white and clean, with the over the lake, to Tiberias. Often SPAIN story or letter to Aunt Xaomi. the boat was overturned, because IJpany"—a jolly ood name, wasn't | " f secuted Jews; their new status; {___• -i.e 5 S Y e , T-Z. silver, porcelain, gold and 1 Now they they were were all all satisfied satisfied, j ° L tal utensils hanging on walls, end their hope, Palestine. So let us all get busy and con- and this happy springtime could Lake Kinneret changes its moods j J tt ? Now CiE, :n "~ r"oclrlrr.ir ~" hastened to print this fine tribute something to make this not last for one to f.r b-n'tfwithout warning. And the hillKARNENTJ — Crgan of the on table, peeping from for the t h e , --. the Jews. Soon the name with great care, in artispage your very own. Christian church in Spain tells side paths ar,e winding and nar- tically-designed letters, on a sheet china closets, you will certainly head office of the Kerin Kaye- Ot his reirtbow f e e l tfa .' -. . -nTnll D a f i t ' o father fathpi- was -was Today, we shall have Chap- the Jews that• they row. Well, Rafik's *F"re throb of-mighty pulses, i meth Leisrael (Jewish National claim E. I-he-ty 'o must become !-«,». miah. ter III of "THE'FOUR HE- Christians or leave the country riding along slowly, but every of clear paper, and he put a t the! Fund) published in Jerusalem. hat this is Proclaims i || F b lmost i h d impressive i J lstorROES OF KINNERET"; and and those who would not' were few minutes he would get off his end: LTD. "That's what i Oned of the day of your liberty. • shall continue with another burned a t the stake, and so once heavily-laden donkey and urge have on all real Companies," he | ; ies is. that of David Scfcub. From rf r y The Seder story related to Pesach called more the Jew is driven from the her on: 'Gee-up, Methuselah, explained. "And now, you chaps, Rosh Pina to Kale Redemption— Gt we've got t o draw up a constituj It is evening;the sun has Ur,,Li "THE WANDERINGS OF THE land in which he had lived h u n - night is falling, and the roads are reniinscences of a pioneer; : Fifty JEW." Then we shall have dreds of years, Many came to dangerous. You and I know tion. But it must be a secret be- j set, and in the purple-red sky big j v e J v ' El ^ T c a n i o " uto'P~al<=st- nV another little story entitled other European countries a n d that, don't we?' The donkey tween us, a hidden secret, and I Palestinian stars appear, strug-i" delegate a '_: Rumanian f. • ~*~ of ,*~ *•"*•»•-•organ- J "PASSOVER IN J E R U S A- some wandered off to America. pricked up his ears, took heed for anyone who betrays it will be j gling to shed their light upon ion for Palestine settlement ] 2iEM," which tells how. our discover a a suitable suitable place place in in • i'TO~S">—J-1 Meanwhile many Jews settled^ a moment, and then went back to fined and espelled from the Com- ^j happy Jerusalem. Enter t .h je t oo discover . people enjoy this holiday in in Russia and they lived here for his tricks - again a n d lazily pany. Not a soul must know now!" j house ^ y u will, but especially O t a e c 0 J E t r y v h e r e i t s m 8 E b E E; the land of then: own. slouched along. A real donkey! Shlome-'le felt a pang as u and he i; tinians, these houses the native Pales_ vFir;: r i d tlip T h e establishment cl > [ who .of have been there or ;covdisetils And it wak rapidly getting dark- thought: ' 'Not even. Orah?" and a settlement XOUR AUNT • NAOMI. ij tiaians who have been there for) , ; in > r>^ • eccdoti of nc*r-A" But Ruva centuries, and who can boast of er. Mount Hermon, which can his heart grew heavy. 1SS2'; Rabbi Fishel Solomon and famous Selrbur? be seen on the horizon, morning, had said: "Be men—men don't j hundreds of Palestinian tradi- Rabbi Leib Rub-si delegates from tell secrets!" ! tions. Look a t the dining room Galicia also come to purchase noon and eve, keeping watch over \ in the midst of which the table the district, was already swalSecret's Out has been set^witb. all Us para- j After- a survey of the land it I lowed up in the shadows. The ccs Ccvieh ccrcvc O of every Hesuggested l i s t t r iEierrifw* here, Passover throughout - the j Pesach recalls to us not only fast. Only a few Tays of light apthe story of the Jews leaving e-r ir-- ef peared here and there, for a moer the Nesir Egypt and their wanderings in ment, and then faded away. If the desert to the Promised Land only he could get to the Black own, outside the village—Yufike j originality! mon. who could always fine! a j but it also recalls many of the the Philosopher they called him \ Rock, which stands so ominously —and scriptural quotation to illustrate • other wanderings of our people. he wandered on every event, quoted Eosea — ; at the parting of the roads. 'Get leading to the grove, with, his | ies, and listen to tee Hebrew, We recall that they were first c a n ! i HOLLAND . a move on, you obstinate son ofhands folded behind him as ; W D r ( j s r e a a froia the Haggadah "And I . . . will ret make thee j shepherds in" the land of Israel to dwell in tabernacles, as in the j donkey!' he said. And all ofusual, enjoying-the silence of the 1 i n the pures: and then because there was n oseveral hundred years. The great- aa sudden—what £na E 0 S t E l l s ; C al days of the soleia feast. " was that? The S n h e aa i n food and Joseph, son of Jacob, est number settled there and for ^ f ^ L . "v?5_ !L_ _ r.!rI$L _ _ J i Semitic accent, by the-head of the followed the aavice given •was overseer, the Jews all moved a long time they were allowed to trampling of hoofs! There, com- distinct inct whispering nearby, end j family/ in" the ""most cases I to cultivate the land. I to Egypt. They lived there and observe their religion and study ing towards him, nearer and he stopped and listened careful-! g r a n d " f a t h e r himself with hthe i s ! proceeded "SIXTY TEARS AFTER" by • prospered for several hundred heir sacred books. What was that? Children's ! -a--*;^ >>*>=,.*• «„* *,,•«, «,•„« fine man- II. Harizmas in the PALESTINE j shadows appeared: "Stop! . . . "

: h i.

: , J > e Center



By Aunt Naomi

! voices, and it was Yigal talking, iE e r i s m ! surrounded bv his sons REVIEW. The pioneers who ha-«-e i ! What Happened Whatever could he be whisper- i n d £ O n s . i n . i a W i daughters and gone into the northern hills of "And it was only after mid- ing to them about? And how,at- Iadaughters-in-law, as well as the Galliiee to reestablish their Jewnight that he was found by the riders who had gone out to search tentively those youngsters were \ -^hojg _,, s e t -o f. , ,, . , I i£h settlements, are continuing i Yndke leaned against i Thev rps.d 3 ! O r f c begUJ1 in for him. There he was, lying be- alistening! tree-trunk and strained his ears i q L s t f o a s ^ ^ " ' ^ «and t i n so e the over,nevr a ji t h e and respond, to ^half century £tgo, hind the Black Rock, bare-foot to catch what they were saying. them, they are enthusiastic and frostier settlers cow sit back cca ! For a long time he.stood listenAndwandering today the is b_eing once i and stripped, witfc feet ing, and then suddenly cleared endlessly happy, forgetting their marvel at the glorious adventure bound—but still hands alive. and What more forJew he is daily sorrow, not thinking even of reestablishing Palestine. •

Then about 50 years ago a series of terrible pogroms began n these countries and thousands of Jews lost their lives and their homes, and over two million wandered to America to make this' their dwelling place. i s LLLGir UWe-lllilfe i J K l i - c I

Go, search his throat and gave a terrific that the fell independence of BOOKS YOU SHOTLI> NOT Such cough. their nations has yet •'.o be a t -HAVE ?.I I S.S E D OVER THE j not despair because there is j things happened time and again, "Oh!" cried four startled tained. WEEK — "FESTIVAL AT MES- \ Palestine today which is being J in those days." voices together. Every .one of them has t h e all feeling that he sits for the three ON" t y Harry Sackler; this is ] rebuilt and the dreams of t h e And then there -was t h e story "It's all right, it's. story -oi IStseon's youthful j Centuries a r e "being answered. of Uri from the Galil, the strong- right, g you chaps," said Tudke, thousandth time, where so many •tee rAL,KSTINE and brillis.iit Etruggie -for Ju.daU. i Thousands of m e n and women est of the "shomrim."•• Yigal of coming out from his hiding place, other Passovers have years but were one day enslaved come each year:to this new land the Kvutzah could remember him "It's only i, Yudke. You're good _ _ Vv't&n Simeon was a youth of six- \ by the Egyptian Pharoahs, They and once again we are seeing an i well, for didn't h e use t o take sports, all of you, and if you like I Maccabeer"some Akiba."~i o"m eI teen or seventeen, early in t h e ! century A. D.. the cizrning) suffered much but- finally their Israel, rebuilt. " So on Pesach him his onprickly his knee and kiss him I'll take you with me for a trip. i s a i a a i and who knows who else. second with black moustache? time was the redreams came true and under I shall soon be going to do some j T & r e e thousand vears a so," they question of thai tie Temple. For . . . Look, over'there, on the top 'outside-work." Moses they were lead to freedom. ' left Egypt, our.brave * forefathers, construction of of the hill, that white spot is the Did they want to? — what a years the elder men and leaders, That freedom; "was a long time in to conquer'-and to lay a founda- among them Simeon's father, had stone on his lonely grave . . . I t question! coming, for the Jews wandered tion for .the "kingdom of God." tried to use diplomacy; tvut the { happened- in broad daylight, for 40 years over the desert beAs if the miracles are repeating while he was following the fore they reached- the Promised themselves, this Passover will j plough alone, without a single Land. again be the turning point in the j companion.' They attacked him Tradition tells TIE that they You cannct here, my young history of the rejuvenated J u from behind and plunged a dagwandered this way so that a new even imagine what Pass- daea, the salvation having corae ger into his back. The others friend, generation strong in body and over means for us Palestineans. this time, from the gates of that only discovered i t in the evening, mind, and free from the feeling it is not the best (I prefer for same Egypt. when his animals came back to 11 of slavery .might, come to t h e myself Succoth Yfeek), it is Try to listen in a few days, to the farmyard alone, dragging the certainlythe Promised Land. the holiest and the most voices of your brothers across ' plough over the cobbles after pompous of our. feasts. You feel the The Temple the seas, asking their Questions j them. as if you a r e then master or your at the white table. Try to r.n£ex- j And then years passed and the Hero of Tel-Hoi BABYLON Jewish nation prospered and we land and "of your future, as ifstand t h e Hebrew words pro-1 How many tales they told, each nature comes t o your help to nounced by the smallest of them, j had famous kings and they built recall these • many wanderings of one more exciting than t h e last! our Jewish people and of their But best of all Ruva liked to hear make Passover more beautiful. They read, a Kew Kag-gadah, Christians and "oslcms nil based en t h e old, ringing with a joys and sorrows. . the story of the one-armed hero Jews, alike acn although they, too, truth that has not always been of Tel-Hai in the Galil. Over and feel the former, have their acknowledged by all Jews, but j i over again the children told him especially a "Passover" coinciding with which now "becomes a s clear ES j ' the story, and. he would listen as own they confess that it is enly the sun and as profound as the ! though he had never heard it be- ours, Hebrew Passover thn.t makes sea—That Israel is eternal on bis fore. And when they had fin- the i ished, he wo"-Id say: "My word! itself felt everywhere so forceful- own soil. He was a real hero!" How Ruva CHAPTER H I longed to go tbere and see the "Ruva Has An Idea" It was at that time that some- place with his own eyes — the thing- unusual happened among stable in which they were bethe children of Kinneret. Two of sieged and the grave where they the bigger- boys, Dudick and were buried. His heart longed EC1TT Shlome'le, began forming a gang for Tel-Hai! And he was not the only one. their own, together with Ruva, a beautiful. Temple and we hadof Yigal from the nearby col- All four of them longed to go wonderful prophets who gave to and ony. They had : some very mys- there. But how were they the world the finest teachings teTious; secrets of . their own. manage it? For many days they known to man, but once again Every now and then they would discussed it and thought the Jewish nation was destroyed separate from the other children thought. Should they just jump and we were tafeen captive by the and stsrt -whispering among them- on to a waggon going north, and Babylons: _: "Whatever can - they be Tisk it? Or should they go' on • Once more the Jews "were on selves. the march. The Jews carried up to?" complained Oraa sulkily. foot with knapsacks on ' t h e i r "with them their Jewish, religion and after 50 years of exile, they once again returned to Jerudriven

from . Germany,

a.«u and xvuminjia. Rumania.

Austria about the robbers?

cm,' Lthe uc Jew ^c>» does uuw , f o r t t e wind of the hills!

"Passover in Jerusalem"

O S q a i p with this great new f tire and yon take n Each Add'l. Ib. Flat Pieces Beautifully Ironed.

. POLAND AND RUSSIA salem and rebuilt t h e Temple, and again, the Jewish nation began to grow-and to prosper. • For 500 years, they lived .in their land and-then came'Rome and destroyed Israel once more This time the Jews were • taken captive; some of them marched to Rome, Egypt, Arabia and Babylon; and again they'. found comfort in their Bible ^ n d all their Jewish writings an^f Jewish religion. - :" ' : The largest Jewish community settlement at the time was in -Babylon and here there developed - great schools, of learning / a n d many great rabbis gave us their words o t wisdom and learning. Meanwhile new nations such: a? the Germans, Russians and Pole ; and others were arising in Europe

Wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough to Iron.







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compromise, upon the princiindeed* But when I read *Der Stuermer' I.learn from Stretch- again and restored to their true place as the" leaders of modern s of Jesrish' labor endusiveiy in CP§ Bible prish enterprises. Certainly it er's headlines that Mevrs Control the Press,' 'Jews have cap- life. Tie true "Fuehrer" Trill be truth and righteousness. JSTojje : x< - ?.. ,te can endure that is based on cruelty f'l"^""^ ^-^ - tured the world's :wealth,' Jews occupy the highest political to Fsterune Sp S justice. Beaetionarism, though temporarily in t h e saddle, can-j ^ ^ T of'the^enersry and sacrioffice.' The result is that.I feel most cheerful about the whole EV6RV FRIDAY AT OMAHA. NEBRASKA. not ride mankind. T r u t h must ride t o eventual victory. As • fice of the Chalutsim should promatter." N THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING vides employment to Jewish imi~ i~ Although it is doubtful that reading some of our anti-Semgrants, and not invite Arabs from PRICE, Ono yom • • • - " I v-hen one waxTis time surrounding countries to PalesBe not s,::r itic papers exactly leaves us feeling gay, they could, if the ADVGRTICING RATES FURNISHED CU APPLICATION ,!<e vrealth of his eth rici:, v.-hs New hopes should animate the •world, nevr light bitterness in them was not-so evident, certainly inflate our ego. ed, for •when he to .Tewisfa capital in ; hoiiFe J.- incr EDITORIAL OFFICE: 60D BRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING ke nothing along, Should dawn from new revealings to a race Palestine. One should not forget \ die'lli he B5if.il 6IOUX CITV OFFICe—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER . Gur, own press shows us that we are at the mercies of a turnot descend af« that the Histadritt has helped ; his v.-ealth sl PRINT SHOP AOOBESS—4504 SO. SUH SfBEET "Weighed down so long, forgotten so long. bulent world, that we are the first victims oi a fate that has Arabs to organize their OWE un- :ter him. DAVID BLACKER -•• -. . - Business and Managing Bauor doomed Europe. "In man's self arise ions end has instructed them ir. i Tho haav. "iei loose thy mouth Editor FRANK R. ACKBR&AN . - • and ihy tongue formeth the art of waging successful i for ev August anticipation, symbols, types But the anti-Semite sees us as super-men, capable of every, . Associate Editor strikes with their Arab exploiters ] deceit, thou sitfett and Bpeaketh LEONARD NATHAN Of a dim splendor ever on before Contributing Edltoi thing, halted by no obstacle. How tragic, our enemies must and thereby improving: their ec- iR;;Eir!ft t t y broi.hcr; these things 1 JRABB1 FREDERICK COHN conomie s.nd social lot. ! I ?."f. thoi'. clone, should I keep ,. . Boob Editor In that eternal circle life pursues. see us in such an exalted light, and we see ourselves in the HABB1 THEODORE N. LEWIS. . sncr.t? This intensely interesting pam| City, Iovra. Correspondent depths of despair. For men begin to pass their nature's bound, phlet should cl&rify the aims of j .Create w.e a c.lfior>. heart, O ANN PILL r. • ' • > "'•. s the Histadrut £.nd foster & deep- •Goc, and renew roe e steadfast And find new hopes and cares which fast supplant er appreciation of the profound ; t-pirit within ir,e. capt me not \ Their proper joys and griefs; they grow, too great ur Gilt to .thePhU&hthrofeiee \ ; \. - < idealism of the Chalutrim, en: iwsy from Thy presence, and Freedom and 'Resurrection idealism -which is the .foundation < fs-fce nof ?.v-ay Thy holy spirit For narrow creeds of "right and wrong, which fade Although our times have been given- the credit of spelling for a Palestine established in jus- ; trom eip. V By Eabbi Frederick Oolm Before the unmeasured thirst for good; while peaes the doom'of human conscience, the response.to the. Jewish tice and peace. The fooifrp.r.frsRic! in tijg heart, The Jewish and Christian world has been celebrating PassBises within them ever more and more." philanthropic drives the country over labels that charge a "There is no God," they have dealt corrupt;;" and bp.ve dono The resurrection of freedom will bring in the Higher Hulibel. Previous to our own local campaign, which will open over and^Easter, respectively. cboaiiijibie inicui;y. These two great Spring Festivals have a common root and manity, of which the free-will and liberal contribution to the Monday, other cities have completed their fund-raising efforts KF.bbi Anr? lecairer! in the with gratifying response. In many.places Christians, affected a kindred significance. Passover is the great Jewish Festival Drive for Jewish Philanthropies, taking place this week in our nanie of Kpbbi Ami. "A man. of Freedom, commemorating the deliverance of Israel from city, with its inspiring slogan, "I Ara'My Brother's Keeper" is by the unwarranted cruelties being perpetrated on European shall always spend ?ov eating and Jewries, have yoltmterea time, money, and effort on behalf of Egyptian slavery, and the birth of freedom. Its inspiration was a lovely, symbolic, yet practical and most helpful expression. Hollywood—Samuel Pokrass is : drinkir.f: less thp.n tif means, and largely instrumental in bringing freedom* to the modera- world And life will be as beautiful and blessed as nature with its ] s colorful figure . . . a curious Ghail clothe hiniself according to these "Jewish philanthropic agencies. .„ , hi,« means, but snail honor his mixture o* songwriter and pian- Ivrife and ciiiidren above his In Omaha our community, awakened to-the need of ,aU tvjtich blossomed into the Protestant Reformation with its em-blossoms in the Spring. ist, of temperamental comedian means." - - Frederick Cohn. those who seek aid, has already shown itself prepared to sur-phasis on intellectual and spiritual liberty and the inviolability end genius. He came from Rabbi Jocnpnp.n said, "God '"KavEsia" cine years Ego . . I.said tf Israel. 'I lore you bepass the goal set for i t . The agencies benefitting from the of the individual; resulting also in the various forms of politimurders t h e King's Ensrfish cause at the time v-hen I overcal liberty, culminating in the great democracies of the modern Omaha Jewish Philanthropies are all worthwhile organizations worse than Schlepperman Heara whelm you vith great dignity,' . . . dsBhes red hot numbers off i you f.re ttditUin^ yourself before carefully Belected from an imposing list. By combining the world, notably England and-America. the leers £ is Galloway . . . then | K P . TO- I pp.vp prep.t dignity to . drives of these thirty-odd agencies, an economy of time and .''•' Easter celebrates the Resurrection. We see new life spring;? a *1RSS sir.prcvises lilce a Chcp! Abraham, find Pe in return 8a!d, ing all around us, with the advance of Spring, when nature money is effected. ' ••••..'"• . • • ' " ; " :r. LeaTiE.e a 'prominent muster,! : ; "Who s.m I bust dust and ashes?" niche as concert pianist in EurYour gift to the Piilanthropies will aid substantially in awakes from its long sleep ancl seeming death of. Winter to By tm. THiSODOHS IL LETTC ope, he arrived in Sew York only ! I c-iu Vac same unto Moses, and strengthening our' local institutions, it will bring health and put on a beautiful new garment embroidered with the multire be bundled off fay the Shu- j Aaron ana they in return said berts to Harlem - - to learn JEZE* j CEX. IR.T> "Ape rhflt are we?" happiness to tuesicfc "of our community and other communities colored flowers, the green of the grass,.the blue of the clear Before a, social gainering the i I gave great power re King Davin the nation, it will provide for the aged, the poor, the home- heavens, the white of the fleecy clouds. The birds soaring from ;THE HISTitDBFT . (A LABOB their individual selves* and over- other night he gave his impres- ' id, and he said (Vs. £2.7) "But I O M M O S W E A H H IS THE Come- convenient bat demoraliz- sions oi that first awesome view j I am on!y a worm." The other less, ittvill aid substantially in the alleviation of the suffering tree to tree set up a chorus of delight and of joyous abandon. 5IAKING) actec! di£ierently, for BT ABRAHAM REV- ing habits o£ parasitism, and arid cf "swing," a colored pianist I nations of European Jews who look to us as theirspnly hope, i t will What the world-needs more thanN anything else is a resur- JSK.Y. 03 PAGES. LEAGUE FOB Intellectualisra, but in addition tearing- i:p the notes . . . it was ; when I p f ' e £V>?Wc dignity to Ximrod, he th^n Raid. (G. 11.3 K play *a part in the rebuilding of Palestine to give refuge to rection of freedom. Liberty is in a low estate. Mocked, scorned, LABOH PALESMXE. S5 CEXTS. they had to wage a bitter war a riot. Suddenly Pofcrass turned !j "Gcme let us bi-iirf us p 'city." I with the older immigrant—a -war classical . . .' t.oofe the ' T e l Mir those Jews who have never ceased to wander. Tour gift will derided by its "enemies, it has almost been, done to death. -Never It is nothing short o£ providen- that is not, by any mean, over Bist DII Sefcoen" theme . . pisyed j gave grreat power to Pharoati and tial that Palestine is today a hav- even. now. The older colonists it as Sach, Chopin, Tv'agoer i lie stad, i.En, r.£), "Who is the be utilized in every field of endeavor. N -^ was liberty"so belittled, flouted, flagrantly violated. Until very -6a of refuge and a lively hope il/orc?" 1'rio Chiram. King of Arab labor to Jewish, wouM have written it. • The need this; year ii. greater £han ever before. I t is not recently we used to consider liberty one of the chief blessings to thousands upon thousands o* preferred jryrr,, -vd lie PKIC. (Ex. £8.2). " I because the former •was cheap, and homeless Jews. It docile and plenty and because He . fs oce_,of KcIIyvroodi's most EU, iv. the s?er-t of God. in th9 necessary to emphasize the enormity of the tragedy that has of man, well worth all the blood shed upon its benalf, all theoppressed .„ _ _,_ s quite an irony of fate that the . -wrote i heart, of tb.p PRBP." " , composes struck Jewish life t i e world over, but we must not blind our* infinite sacrifices and heroism made to gain it and to maintain German Jews, who vere most vo- thev could not conceive Jews la- I ?™^«"1E h wn 8 o r egms vn l te boring with their hands. H O T - * ! . f. * C iie e selves to.it.' Our teachings bid us to help, and in helping we it. I t remained for our day to see liberty disesteemed, vilified, cal in opposition to the rehabil- ever, ackgrrounfi of TV.V- ] the group remained un? f ;' Q itation of Palestine and trho -were O r 0C >-•ocja 3a Kenie's last film.' can show our gratitude, for what,we have. literally Sjiat npon; worst of all trampled beneath the foot, In the forefront in the battle csunted and made steady strides &£, i "-tat Russian folk melody in ! in -gj^ e economic activities of | £~£ the philosophy of Siosisin i -8* throttled and stifled as in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, against " which is £ j;reat hit. , country, thus proving con-; and Je-wisn nationalism that they the clusively that Jewish labor could j Announced that fcis A Gypsy i T h e . M e w I n t e r n a t i o n a l '•: ; " . , •:• where liberty of all kinds is absolutely suppressed,' liberty of should long for tlie land they rid- do a n y kind of work, eren the', T o l d M e h a deol& R dnarter mn- ; iHErti school cRpanment lunch. _ _ _ «, . j j The land tney contemptuAdolf Hitler once differentiated' his Karism from, hated speech, of the press, of the radio, liberty of assembly and of iculed. ously rejected has became the hardest, the most menial, the ja dollar bill V, Lich he s^ici repre- ; Jewis Commur.ity Cpnter. Communism as a.creed for Germans alone and. as an "unex- association; political and intellectual and religious liberty. We cornerstone of their shattered most "degrading." Even the i sected tig "royElties." ! Giv &^oi-u meeting. 2 p. m., watchmen who guard the life s.no. I product compared to the world-revolution dream of do not speak of Russia, for Russia never- has been free. But lives. property of . the colonists ure ! He is a heavj'-set florid men, ; room E,, Jev-isb. Communitr Cen» Germany was the home of modern, liberty. Tennyson character- The -world marvels at the trans- Jews, about whom, .the "Shomer- j resembiicg' ooe of the KcFarii I ter. the Stiyiet. • . . formation that Palestine has un- irn," raany a romantic tale has jstooges. Has a bubbling sense 0* I Junk.r Cciuvcii meettng, 2:30 It is <me of the paradoxes of the Hitler regime that Nazism ized Luther's words as "half battles for the free"! And nowdergone in the last two decades been told. This "Aliyah" was In- I humor offset by an artist's full j p. TT... room M, .TrisU Commun* at the hands of Jews, resolutely Tested with a deep spiritual tig' stare' of temperament and ego. : ity Center. has become quite as exportable as Communism, and has been liberty is shamefully suppressed in Germany. One cannot call determined his English gets in his way, |I Kadima Club meeting. 2:30 p . and blindly idealistic. nlficance| It became one cf Till j • foisted upon the unwilling with all the ear-marks of a Redone's life one's own, hardly one's secret thoughts for fear the What w&s a typical Oriental and hope to redeem, the ancient i he lapses into fluent EI>C1 vitty rn.« room6 K anc. Jewish Com* very walls will spy and inform. And of course from the Jews country only thirty years ago —homeland, and to do so in per- j Yiddish. Temper riarefi, face iEi:nttr CerUeT revolution. , Orr.ph?. Hfib c'ul), S p. m., neglected, disease-ridden, impovnot by Arab prosy. The Chal- i flamed eren reader when s.u of-; The inroads of Nazism into the Saar and the "free city" freedom has been taken away entirely. They have been de- erished — has become through sos, ph Community; titzina who hare arrived sines j I1C1OUS ChE.5 u.z.z. &£feed him tc lodg-e room. niciber Secause i C'enier. of Danzig; the flood of Nazi propaganda unloosened in Central graded to the condition of hardly human beings. They are ab-the introduction of Jewish ener- 1920 hare joyously embraced the jcut short 3 is ling" to do & turn, j JiXonde,-; April gy, Jewish capital, and above and Histadmt ideals' otters irere ject slaves again as in the days of Pharaonic tyranny. ] Europe and the South American republics; the recent capitula: Poferans started j beyoad all, Jewish labor and Jew,o&r. Aseociation, The influence cf the Histsfirnt i olf the dais, demancing1. "TTfir / f1 p. n:., rr-omf £.' < tion of Austria to Nazi-force; and the threatening subjugation Liberty must be resurrected or civilization will perish. ish ideals, a modern, flourishing, in Palestine is authoritative and |jI ras ! that msn? He rill fcoff +"• Commncity Center. healthy country, whose capacity perTESiTe; •with no hunian activof Czechoslovakia all brand Nazism for what it is - - a world | Liberty is the life-breath of all activity, of- all progress and for sustaining human life . has ity entirely free from its kindly ! apolochise tc me'." ociety, S p. SRJomi- Choral revolution fraught with all the dangers attributed to Com-development, of existence itself. Life is/valueless if we arebeen increased manifold. To influence. This ever present idealm., rooms II s\~c IJ Jewish Com! whom does credit forr this genu- istic force has contributed to the Grcucho gare s 'birthday file- nuir.i~y C^^ter, 'munism in the early 1920's. And the chief tenet and first ex- not free. It is liberty that gives verve and zest to all under- ine miracle belong? Vvho has giv- remarkable progress of the COTIE- cer. Brother Chico vraa among ••\Twesder, April ?S",, g port of the Nazi revolutionary ideology has been anti-Semitism. taking, that makes^ the content and beauty of. life. Therefore en the country _ its mysterious the iirritees. Tlnalxig • ihs,i lie Junior Council meeting. 7:30s. material E.E-3 a spiritual couldn't ?ret there on time, Chico p. m., room M, Jewish CommunNazism must be recognized for what it is, and not ignored men have fought valiantly, heroically, self-sacrificingly for lib- strength and its^inhabitants such try in .Thanks to the Histadrut, struck on the brilliant icea to ity Getter. courage' Who hss h includes forty-eight per as being localized in Europe. Communism was fought viciously erty. And they will do so again. This is the crisis of liberty, undatinted Ecy Scouts meeting. 8 p. m., made Palestine the Inspiration cent of the Jewish, population, have his Etand-in sit-in and fin-in in the United States in the first years of the last decade to pre- as well as of so much else of the.chief goods and blessings of that is, the mighty challenge, and Palestine has become a land for him. Imagine his suimzernerit lotlEe rooF/'.s. Jewish Community n the etanfi-in demanded a Center. ; vent an imaginary upheaval. Yet "unexportable" Nazism has the world today. Men and nations will yet assert and exert the great promise • of a brilliant •Where human values take prece••fiP^. April T,T, future that it holds to -world Jew- dence over ei existed unmolested save for the combative efforts of a few themselves for liberty as in the glorious days of old. The words ry? Beyond question. The Hista- where Pancing CIFISS. 4 P. m., audiisn i toriv.E";. ^ewipJi. Cornmnnity Cen» scattered individuals: "German" Nazism has made great in- of the Old Testament, engraved on America's liberty bell in drut, or the Labor Party of Pal- The practical ier. ganization .fere roads unhindered. And the American people have been mostly Philadelphia will again resound in the souls of men: "Pro-estine. International ^Yorkers' Order, A more idealistic, disciplined tenches the life of its members, j ,rd Kobinson and Donald blind to the revolutionary tactics of the "pure" creed. 8 p. m., "OQUIB C &nd D, Jewish Intelligently directed organ- and of those not affiliated vrith ; claim liberty throughout the land, and toxall the inhabitants and of labor than the Hista- it, at every turn. Economically, it i Crisp were engraged in s. dialect ComTuunHy Center. There is more than a danger to the Jews in Hitler's anti- thereof." Liberty will be proclaimed in all lands, brave voices ization drut does not exist. The Hista- Is a'large financially powerful I bout , . . former spinning- gag's in Vasd Bsble class, t p. m., B'na! Semitic propaganda. There is a danger that the people of will be lifted up, are already resounding increasingly on be-drut is a superb refutation of co-operative, aiming: to supply the • Jewish, latter in Scotch. Kepsr- j ,-„_ tee flew merrily. Finally Direci ^.V,, e • base charge leveled material needs of its members , every state which is subject to the machinery of Propaganda half of liberty, of liberalism, of democracy, of humsnitarianism, many tor Liitvak hafi to interrupt, ; "t*" against the JeTS, by anti-Semite a non-profit hasis. It is in j ' u n i o r K a rl a s F *. h n7.^fttn|r, 8 p, "Come now, boys, let'* leave Hes- \ Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels will lose their, identity in theof universalism, of the cosmopolitanism of the old Greek Stoics, and friend alike, that Jevs sre •upon constant competition with private j m., rooms C a n t Jev'ish Comand get back to Burj ter Street creation; of a vast, Berlin-controlled empire. In the 192O's it to the inhabitants of the entire world. The tide will turn away incapable cf org-anSsed effort, capital. It builds roads and con-;bank:" . munity Center. they spurn physical labor structs Dtiilfiiags, distributes the ' was-the Russians; in the 193O's it is'the Germans who are seek- from Fascism and Nazism and 'all forms of totalitarianism and that and exertion, that they are moti- agricultural precincts produced Tfce whole tovn laughed when j Chess C1P.SE, •; P. in., recreation by greed and financial pro- £>y its members on their collective Blasie Kosenbloom fieclsved his j room, c-wich C jmnmritty Center. . ing to bow the world to their will. tyrannical and; brutal reactionarism and reversion to Ibarbar- vated fit, that thty ere parasitic mid- farms, engages, ia coloniEing ef- : ambition to be BE actor. Toclfev I ism to the well-tried and tested democratic freedom that has dlemen, etc. ' forts os a large scale, with sev- he's wortir.g- In his TENTH pic- Snnas The record of the Histadrut is eral types of settlements, offers ture. been the glory of the nations that were so fortunate as toastonishing It isn't always smoothEtTia, _ _ and inspiring. AH transportation and baking facil- sailing, however . . . has fiifli- P . i n . , r o o m ?>•., •••• wish CommunAs the serpent of Nazism spreads its poisoned path through live under its beneficent sway. Fascism and Nazism are but•who are concerned vith the es- ities to the country, provides hos- culty remembering dialogue . . . ity Center. tablishment of a just economic pitalization for its membership; so much so, that whenever anyS p, m., Omnha Hebrewr f\nh, Central Europe, another nation, Hungary, adds its name to the aberrations and mad and morbid lapses of our day so filled society, all interested in social even the maritime trade is touch- one on the set blows up in tie locge roomssh Comnninity with discouragement because of difficulties, disappointments, ed by the Histadrut. And it coes idealism, -will be encouraged and the foster of nations seeking the degradation of the Jew. Hunlines, it is described as a "Kosen- Center. thrilled by the success of this not ignore unemployment mak'i 1 < ("i rgarian Jewry finds nothing new in these restrictions, for inand defeats of every Mnd. The prophet's words will again come limited Utopian espernient. The ing elaborate plans for c~-h „-I. true: "For a small moment have I forsaken thee, but with author knovs .the Histsdmt in- ing the shock. Because it v c \ 19J9 they .experienced the 'white terror' that followed the libtimately, and admires sincerely the spirit highly it effe-= *\i~'b everlasting kindness will I have compassion upon thee." God 1 C. eral regime of Count Karolyi and the Communist one of Bela Its splendid principles and 'noble cultural opportunities e-ch s.= will redeem and deliver as in the days of old. aims. He sets forth with clarity EiEsic, literary publication" t i » TV •. insight the unique paiioso- most izaportast, eduoaticr • The new series of anti-Jewish laws is a retrenchment of a And men will redeem and deliver themselves. They will and and. the high ideals which schools of the Histadri-i r~^ people who waat the blow of Nazism, when it comes, to strike not submit forever, with impunity and pusallimity to tyranny phy have inspired tbo thousands upon among the hest is the co-ct—rmore softly than it did in Germany and Austria. When Ru- and injustice and monstroifii wrong of every kind. Passover thousands ol raea arid '• ~ o s S 3 | la its manifold activities ^r- enunfier its banner. And heterprises, the spirit cf ^ c mania briefly succumbed to anti-SeinitisiQj-tfle nation was con- calls to freedom, and Easter to resurrection. A§ Tennyson sang united doe3 not igaore • the amasing . ec- tioa and net of ^,o—petit ~~ v " fronted by an economic crisi§ that threatened its very existence. so beautifully: spirit of commnnUy gain &-'• r->_ onomic - achievements and pro' •. . : gress this labor commonwealth of private profit, the E — v.>c" At that time Hungary was warned by the liberal Count Bethlen V "I hold it,truth with him who .sings has made without sacrificing an public service E-nfi soi. cf re ^• - ' " » . ' c J» that Hungary, too, would be faced with disaster should the al ambition, domin'&tes. lota of its basic idealism. • To one clear! note in divers tones , anti-Semites'attempt to-foree the government into an official The Histadrut was organised Much criticism has beei ^ That men may rise on stepping-stones in 1920, by a process of amalga- ed against the Histsdnit hec-i 'At stand against the 'Jews. j: Of their dead selves to higher things." mation of two existing labor it refuses to enter into c— r ' c \ The recent Anschluss has,created new uneasiness. The, Men can and will rise tb higher things. As there is resur groups. The rehabilitation of | tioa with. Arab labor. E2<-= ~~ "' the-Jewish national home,, the j.Palestine anfi cf the sc ' ' Nazis within the country are becoming inore vociferous and rection*in nature so there can and will be in human nature. duty of physical labor, and the experiment have utiliseHungary has decided upon its course. Numerus Clausus et alOn the "stepping stones.of their dead selves," of the betrayed elimination of human exploita- very necessary frOTisios. n in-reality, mean the--gradual elimination of the Jews from all idealism that seemed dead Tvithin them, of past follies, mis- tion, ,are the basic goals of the means of base attack <••—'vA Jefrish coEiinon- Sionisni aad -ssainst. the phases of Hungarian life so that When the-day of-reckoning takes, sins, -and'.crimes of imperfections and short-comings o: organisation. wealtli ia Pafestine, ss the pro-party. They have slandere ~ comes Hungary will not, like Germany, Austria^ and Rou-every kind, men and nations will rise to ioftier deeds, to nobler phets envisioned it, inj u s t i c e , igned and iisjastly sttat peacs and truth, is thea l i a oi Hjstadrnt, acot:sisg it of *•-mania, find itself economically undermined by its chauvinists. thoughts and conceptions, to a" yearning for truth, to a passion the j towards the Arabs. ."The "< - ^ i ' Histadrut. And so on and on the march goes. After Hungary, panic- for justice, to a reaL will and determination for peace. Even Most revolutionary and unique ! EOS f O? its uncomproEiisi is the philosophy of the Histadrut j tesce on exclusively Je--i stricken Czecho-Slovakia will be next. When will it end? Germany will'so,rise. It cannot remain backward .and barbar- on the subject of-labor. The earl-I is. Jewish enterprises is c ^ Palestinian immigrants of " ohvioixE. •' • Tv'ere" Jews ex ian forever. Fpfces-will arise that will effect the transforma- iest tha Bila <Saj"s (1881) 'despised compete with Arab labor W l a e r e t o F i n d . ' C b m f p f t V - ; ,•-'' ,' ."_;'."• tion. Germany will become'again the admired Germany of old/manual labor, and hired cheap cheap acd plentifcl. Jew: hands to &o the necessary tai Trhicli A recent story appearing in a South .African paper cap- the Germany of science and philosophy, of advanced and en-Arab •wcrfc in Ins fields. Tbs second other capi tsl would choc" tures our imagination for in its ludicrous fasliion it presents a lightened scholarship; the Germany of poetry, of literature, of "Aliyah" in. 1904 brought a fiil- at its chsa pest price, triti ArE"bs would tragic truth, about modern" life. Two" Germans, one Jew andthe drama j the Germany of music, of romance and of .mystic- ferent type'of tmmigrsnt, one ica-suits -that •srag'es fall' to ; ~ Jobs, and iju one Aryan, were conversing and the Aryan German, asked of ism; the Germany of charming domestic home life, of sweet, D. irho regarded! e r s b l e o r , D. G Gordon, amongst his acquaintance, "Why do I always Bee you reading 'der tender'songs that melt the heart with truth; the Germany of p h y s i c a ll l a b o r s » a' h o l y c a u s e t o | CTftahly s d s o u g h t ^ a l t e r . ' • • • ' follcw, vhic5 .. Stiiermfer! of Julius Streicher instead of .the 'Juedische Rund- broad,'tolerant, enlightened religion; the Germany of Luther, bTeh ee sipdoe ua ls e do*sthis imini" ' class -»-— of -•• » •» would raa'js' isiisi^rstlr*" ; ; >$£ Kant, of Goethe, of Lessing and of Mendelssohn, Sf Heine grants v,ra,s ,:'coBGnest cf .labor." Palestine difficult, if nc g had to be done l b "When I read the 'Juedisehe Rundschau'," replied the Jew, and of Thomas Mann, of Stresseman and of Rathenau, of-Ein- Ashould l ll labox that !1 fee performed by"' Jewish Palestine fiepends xiron i b J "I see that Jews are being persecuted in Poland that there are stein and of Feuchtwanger.' hands, and not-by Arabs, was the tics, izpos girins the £• .ha* HI u doctrine they prdclstaed .and tnl o t ,anti-Jewish attacks in' Palestine, and new forms of. discriminaGermany;will beeome E,republic again; of arts, of science, Not osly . had • tcsse ononic zecissity has cr~ re. tion in Roumania. Reading these items makea me very s^d and of political life. Freedom and democracy '.Trill be honored to vr&ge B, battle. rf-^b.the Histedret to insist, W ar M.

c o p i e s


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t h e n

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A. Z.A. 100

• Ladies' Auxiliary, Workmen's Circle, 173

Sigma Alpha Mu

i Resume Father EHj


| Bare New Fascist

1o C Six members of the sigma Ai-; 5 o n Services pha Mu were honored at the Uni-

Abe Resnick won first place in the oratorical contest sponsored tj, e !nversity of Nebraska's tenth an- | S i by the Round Table of Jewish Tne Ladies Auxiliary of the ual y Honors Convocation. The i Youth and the local B'nai B'rith Workmen's Circle, Branch 173, ! h d for f iilsrli ill lodg? which was presented Mon- will Sunday evening, April 24, > m b honored Sunday, April IS, the regulr day evenin'g at the Jewish Com- hold' a benefit card party at the ]arship were: Father and Son Services of tl munity Center. Lester AbrahamLabor Lyceum, Twenty-second Class cf 1939 honor list — Leo GREEN-WASSERMAN ENGAGEMENT making his first appearance and Clark strests. Eisenstatt, 02i&ha; Maurice Ta- j ±,?""< *',;" , c t agrogrue, i' Eir^ Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rubenstein son, telman, Omaha. in forensic competition for the Proceeds from the affair will o£ Los Angeles announce tbe announce the engagment of their chapter, won second place. ResClass cf IS40 honor list — pp^ g go to the Labor Lyceum Fund I ^ ^ ^ T ^ i a ,, marriage of their daughter, Rose, daughter, Rose, to Mr. Max Nowho won second place in and to_ a fund for the relief ot j H«?ld Cirta. Oaafe*; Erriae | to Mr. Robert Green, formerly of vak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samnick, . TB &ts c T c l o c k ; S u a f i a j mor&i1 Greea, Norfolk; Artaar Hill, Linthe oratory finals of the Rock Is- .Polish Jewry . Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Novak.' ", coln. • land regional A. Z. A. convenLouis Green of Omaha: on April Miss Rubenstein and her fi- tion, and Abrahamson were the Class o? IS41 hoscr list — 9. TH& marriage took place in Los ance attended Technical High only two alephs representing Sam Norman Harris, Ossais. Angeles wbefe the couple Beber chapter 100 in Sie contest. David Bernstein, Oraafca, VTE.S mate their home. No definite- \?edding date has Last Tuesday evening tbe taeira student d e a b e r of the Honors htrs The chapter's advisory board Qut-of-town guests were Miss been chosen. of the Mother Chapter acThe Omaha chapter of v Convocation committee. was honored at a Passover smokAnn Green of Omaha and Mr. and sah anounces the following addi- - Maurice Tatelmas, Omaha, •VTE.S corded Irvir.s Nogs: one cf *t ^ er, given last Sunday afternoon at Mrs. Al Pitlor of San Bernadino, HOLIDAY GUESTS highesi ionors vhich a cfcapf,"" B'nal Israel synagogue. Thir- tional list of women who have elected to Psi CM, national hon- can fcestcrw -upou EE isfiividusl h~ California, former Omahans. -• Mrs. Irwin Osheroff of Chicago the alephs and all five mem- raised their "Give ssS Get" orary psychology fraternity. and children,- Lois and Martin, ty-five electing h i ES tbeir represent"bers of the advisory board were funds: Mesdames Harold S. Bar- Sigino OmicroE. of Sigma Alpha I tire are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. to the International Al HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY. ish, Mas Barish, Henry Belraont, Mu held the first ia a series of A beautiful reception was held Philip Fine, parents of Mrs. Os-present. Dave Bernstein, I. Bernstein, A. cultural hours on current Jetvish Convention which will be held -" A regular meeting of Sam Be-L. Bfrnneathal, Morris Brick. Beu Estes Park this coming at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. A. heroff. They will remain here ber chapter will be held Sunday, Eisentatt, -Louis Epstein, Louis topics last week. The speater for Ray Schapiro was elected . . Gendler in honor of their par- or a month. "u evening was Rabbi Harry Jolt nate ceiegate. Nogg is tb April 24, 2:30 p. m. at the Jew-Brodkey, M. D. Brodkey, Irving ents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Peltz ^srho reLincoln, and his subject "vras ^ - . 1 ish Community Center. At that Brookstein, Harry Cofcn, Heary j of observed their golden wedding brof the secret "The Protocols of the Elders time a delegate and an alternate Fellman, anniversary. Over- one hundred Fellman Isadora Fiedler Fiedler, asd p r '2u- 'Zion." A representative group of I office" of Cha^^ai-i'*" will be elected to represent the Herman Franklin. and, fifty persons attended. Jewish studeats on campus -srere |I Pia-ns vrere foramlated at i^chapter at the International A, Z. jl Out-of-town guests: included: Also Mesdames Morris J. Traak- in attendance. Yv'edaesday Four members of Alpha Theta Mr. Morris Peltz and daughter, chapter of Zeta' Beta Tau were A. camp-convention to be held in lln, J. Fregger, Morris Giraple, the second cultural hour in ^"•[laEt meeting for tbe celebrstJ^ •.CIS I 0« j.-aB Chapter's fourteenth anr Estes Park June 24 to July 1, Phyllis; - Miss Rhoda Peltz and among -those honored at the anDavid Goldstein, Max Goldstein, series w&s held, asd tbe speaker versary whicb. will be held e&r According to the athletic com- David Greenberg, Miss Mae ^>eltz; and Charles Gen- nual University of Nebraska Honwas Louis B. Finkelsteia dler, all of Chicago; and Mr. and ors Convocation' held last Tues- mittee, the chapter's Softball in May. A special issue team is planning a series of Mrs. Sam Eerer of St, Louis. day at Lincoln. Philip Laser, Omaha; Alfred Shamberg, Sc'otts- weekly workouts for'all those inOthers ere" IMesdacies H. Lei-tional offices in presenting these j should be held at tbe came tii->e bluff; George Frisher, Kansas terested in playing ball with the RETOPNS FROM COAST ; as tbe International parents as.* Entry of Sam Beber chap- bovici, M. F . Levensoa, George cultural Miss Ann Green (- returned to :ity, Mo.; and Edwin Wittenberg, team. ter In a softball league in the city Levin, Henry Loweasteia, Leon topics. hours on current Jewish Omaha on April 14 after, an ex-Lincoln were those cited for will be made soon. The-team is Mendelson, A. MushSin, F . H. for KKSCTJ* tended visit in Los Angeles and their scholEfetic attainments. the defending champion of the Roddy, Joe Solctson, Irrisg H. San Bernardino. . • Robert Stiefler, of Omaha, was Cornbelt Region of A. Z. A. and Stein. Leo Waxenberg, M. White, Ne-w York (JTA)—Willie~ • selected as one of the winners in will defend its title at this year's Louis "Wintroub, and M..Zalk. Loewecstein, iaiporter f,nd c - " " PROM SOUTH AFRICA a recent essay contest sponsored summer tournament. porter of leather, vho died en ~^~ At the last meeting of HadasMr. Solomon Rabinowitz of by the "World-Herald. PlsSing A successful benefit bridge was January 7 at the. age of CS, c - ' " sah the winners of tite txip to Capetown, South Africa, is1 thethird in the Nebraska-southwesNew York were announced. They rivesr'by Mrs. N. Leriason for rected in his Trill that his res >.- r-rr guest of his brother-in-law and tern Iowa district,-his essay, enwere H. Marcus of Auburn, Ne- members of t i e Women's Miz- uary estate, of sister, Mr? and Mrs. Joe .Adler. titled "How Advertising Benefits braska, and Ticket 210, Mr, Tay- rachi and their friends. Proceeds value, be held in trust for the, i,.-it;«ii. Mr. Rabinowitz has not seen his the Consumer/' will be entered lor. These may be claimed by will go to tbe Beth Zeiroth Girl's establishment is this city of cafe-) Z,oCz, "polanc (JTAV> — Hen-• Omaha relatives* for forty years. in a• national contest staged by Josephine Rubnitz was formalSchool in Tel Aviv. He will remain here two weeks. Advertising Age. » ' • . . . ly installed as a member of the calling Mrs. Julius Stein, GleaAssisting Mrs. Levicson were terias where cooked food may be:; rj-fe Frishinsn, HOE of Dsrifl, itee dale 194S. On the campus, Zeta Beta.Tau A. W. S. board and Is to be in Mrs. H. E. Greenberg, Mrs. Nel-obtained free or for a noirunsS p*5b i-pj>«(!^r p n J COLORADAN VISITS SISTER is ocupied "with many current ac- charge of enforcing A- W. S. lie Levinsoa, and Mrs. H. E. Mrs. Barney Kean of Colorado tivities.- The anual spring Kosmet rules and is to conduct the A. W. Mrs. E. Meyers was hostess to Weinberg. the Current Events group of Spring, Colorado, is here for a Klub show. "Hades Ladies," fea- S. court for the coming year. At M. Arbitsaa is chairman ivc r e 6 v " short visit with her Bister, Mrs. tures four musical numbers*writ- the Tassel Initiation banquet Hadassah two weeks ago. Last of Mrs. the Mizrachi Women's card ! Jack Solomon. • ten by Bob Edelstein, a New York Wednesday, MiS3 Rubnitz was in Tuesday's hostess was Mrs. Dave party coraraittee. products, and the lyrics for two charge of table arrangements. Stein. A board meeting was held st ANNOUNCE BIRTH of them were supplied by Stief- Selma Hill was among those inthe home of Mrs. M. Brodkey, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Richards an- ler. Numbered among the dll- itiated into ttiis national women's president of the crgaEizatioi. nounce the birth of a son on male dancing chorus In the show pep organization. Mrs. A. Sclnracztln "was chosen z Tuesday, April 19, at the Nicho- is Stanley Slosburg, Omaha. Irchairman or tee committee its. On ivy Day, traditional camlas Senn hospital. vin Sherman, another local- lad, pus day, Sarah Smeerin, Selma The Omaha Sectioa of the Na-charge of the dra-K-iug lor the silwill act as promoter for the err-Zveltel, and Betty Beeson will tional Council of Jewish Juniors ver service. Mrs. Dave Crounse ! ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swartz an- ing actors. . .-.-.• . , take part in the Daisy Chain pro- have chosen - the Mayfair Room •win be her co-chairman. nounce the birth of a daughter, In Interfrateraity athletic com- cession which, consists of under- of the Fonteaelle Hotel as the Mrs. A. G. Martens Barbara, on April 12, a t petition, Alpha Theta has suc-classmen. Lucille Moskovitz, a scene • of their annual Mother- the nominating committee WBOEC >' the Clarkson Ho.-pital. ceeded in winning the league title senior, will be in the Ivy chain Daughter Tea which will be held members are Mrs. Morris BurMay S at 3 o'clock. in ping-pong and its debate team procession. stein and" Mrs. Sehwaczkia. Tuesday evening c l a s s on Mr. and Mrs. Simon Green, an- survived the first-round with a Beatrice, Sommer took part in "Meeting the Public" will be held nounce the birth of a. son, Stuart victory over Kappa Sigma. Fanl a play presented twice Saturday Larry, on April 4 at St. a Joseph JKrasnej .Bernard 'White, Ernest ~by the University Players under two more times. April 26th and VAAD BIBLE CLASS Hospital. "Wintroub, Robert Sllverman., and the-auspices of the Lincoln Jun- May 3rd and members are urged The Bible Class conducted i r i', to attend. Irving Kuklin comprise the tiny ior League. - • the Vaad Trill raeet OS Wefincc- I' racquet wielders, while Edwin VISITESG HEBE Rosalyn Lashinsky and Muriel day, April 27, at 2 o'clock at tbe '; Mr. and. Mrs. Norman L. Green Wittenberg and Samuel Davidson Krasne were among the seniors B'nai Israel Synagogue. i, and daughter, DeVera Sharon, o£ are the chapter's forensic repre- honored for four years of high Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein cos- 'i Chicago, are -visiting. with Mr. sentatives. • scholarship. Underclassmen. honducts the class. All members tave \ Green's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving JKuklin will carry the ored for high scholarship at this A letter has recently been reMorris Green. Mr. and.Mrs. Nor- Nebraska colors to the Drake Re- annual "Honor's Convocation" ceived by the I. "W. O, fro been urged to attend. man Green are former Omahans. lays as a member of the varsity are Jane Goetz, Selma Zveitel, Jewish People's Committ Patronize Our Advertisers tennis team. Kuklin is a former Sara Miller, Pauline Schwartz, New York acknowledging the reHOMDAX VISITORS state' junior champion, and he is and Rose Hill. ceipt of 5297.17. Mrs. Lee Hurwitz, Mrs. Ethel the only letterman returning to This money was sent to Poland Dobrln, and Mrs.- Jennie Myers, the squad this year. to aid the sick children there and daughters of JIJ; and Mrs. L Ab- Faturing its' spring social acto help the suffering Jews of Porahamson, arrived- here from Los tivity, ZBT Is now making final land In their distress. Csld S Angeles, California, to spend the arrangements f o r its annual The Ladies Independent Club, Passover holidays with their par- "Whoopee Daze celebration, t a be the Icor of Omaha, and tbe I. W. ents. They plan to remain about held Friday, Saturday and SunFur ¥SBIIS O. participated jointly in raising two months. ~ >• day, April 29, 30, and : May 1. The regular monthly luncheon h Many chapter alumni ei>4 friends meeting, of the Council of JewTOSLYN MEMORIAL Protect year furs frost are expected for the week end. • ish Women will be held on MonSunday at 2:30 in.the Concert fire fcieft To complete the year's activity, day, April 25, at the Jewish ComEE WILL PA¥ YOU jail of the Joslyn Memorial a the annual Founders* Day affair munity Center at 1 o'clock. summer lae&t. concert will be given by the Shen- ha3 been set for Sunday, May 8, A program telling of the latest *fo CoasaJt ;ndoah- High School Orchestra in Omaha. A stag banquet, plan- activities ©f the National Council \t the same-time in the Lecture ned by local alumni, will be held will be presented by Mesdames Jail, the Omaha Music Teachers at that time, and this will be the Ben Silver, Sam Teper, Herman Wben Association will present a pro-occasion for the presentation of Kully, J. H. Kuiakofsky, M. A. DIAMONBS • gram by Young artists. Mr. Alan the ' Freshman cup, annually Bercovici, Morris Stalmaster and WEDDING SINGS McDonald will at 3:30 in lecture awarded to the outstanding man Mfckey Kropinsky. WATCHES • SILVEEWASE hall rive an .illustrated lecture, in the freshman class. "Comments on Omaha Architecand GWE JEWELB¥ JUNIOR VAAD ture. An organ recital will be Young Judaea clayed by Martin W. Bush at 4 A meeting of the Culture afid o'clock In the'Concert Hall. At 8 A meeting of the "Menorah" Study group of the Junior Vaad o'clock members of Omaha high school. orchestras will give a con- chapter of the Young Judaea'was auxiliary will meet on Tuesday held Tuesday, April 20, a t the evening, April 26, at S p. m. a t cert in the Concert Hall. Jewish Community Center. A skit tbe Jewish Community Center. for stage' night was chosen and • Members have been requested parts assigned. •• ' to attend and to bring a guest. Miss Margaret Rundell, a member of the Club, W33- awarded Patronize our Advertisers \ third place in the oratorical conBy Mrs. David M. Newmaa test. '•

A. Z.A.




i embers w*>


, In. Ji1 ere *>r

•>i of »rf in Q"*^ pxt


Zeta Beta Tau

Women's Mizrachi

Sigma Delta Tau

Junior Council


Council of Jewish Women





Spanish Omelet Pleasant Hill Cemetery One tomato, 1 green pepper, Society '' 1-2 onion, 1 tablespoon parsley, Annuity, Endowment, Ufa 1-2 cup celery, 3 , tablespoons The annual' benefit bridge and 1 chopped olives, 1-2 pup mush- dessert luncheon given by the Represents 21 Strong Companroom, salt and pepper, 6 eggs. - Pleasant Hill Cemetery Society ies—Every Type of insurance and Bonc!3 Written. 'Gail AT Stew ingregients three minutes will be" held on Monday, May 2 on 7£S7 or WA 5150. after chopping fine. Beat eggs the 10th floor of the Brandeis 1 <f separately. Heat pan with but- Store. ter. Pour in eggs (the whites beaten stiff and add to the * yolks). "When browned add 1-2 '<" of "stewed mixture. Flip over and 4 serve at once with the rest of the vegetables " on t h e . platter with f; eggs. Serves two. "Your General Electric Dealer'

1901 Faraam



SJsswert Mesa Eeorfifs! Tea ©et la cad Cig

sgSie P i s

ESIaelk Hills Sg

~ AT 4485




All Over 7 Cubic Fest Net—All in Origins! Crztes LIBERAL .ALLOWANCES The first conia •will be first served. Betnemt3er, just 4 only. We fcssitate• to quote E37 prices, fiis they are so ridiculously low on these aev? genuine General Electric Kefris- • crators that wo ask yoa to come i s and ses for yours elf. Convenlenea fa anoUier cfferlns of this hotel. Wlether en business or pleasure bent, tha Hotel CWrt; maKes an ideal "bzico ot operations," aa well a s a restfnl ••billet" a t tha end of the day's "campaisn." G o o d Food, natnraly. And tnoderato charees. a s well c s for joom aceomcaodatlon3. l nnal Elsnlflcanco to ii ms w o d C O T O R

Fins C36 fa 42 LiJ


Spsciclly Lew- Prks

Wreppsd Root, Chc'sc c? 15 i d c H t s OUR SPECIAL PRICE O S£n!a3!!Ss BtMJ Jlt © F03tef Frccsia O Interior I i s h t

o V&nrnn nss.ua J.Ie

UsSy BreaiS, Casterbsry Be'.:, Ccls~iisc, • sis, 'FcTgei-Ms-IIot, Fes Clove, Csl!isr£i£, Delphinitsm (kiss, Isvesder c" siised), CnesizI Peppy, •JPsisied D&isy, Rod PhJc-, Sweet WHHsm Sbssta Dsisy Alssis, Ses zzd CMciszs.


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HELD IN DOPE CASE—Despite her tearful assertions that she knew nothing about the dope ring which plotted the smuggling of $50,000 worth of opium seized aboard the; United States Navy transport Chaumont, in San Francisco, Rose Vogel, above, was held in bail of $25,000. Major cities of the Far East were said to be sources of supply for the ring.

DEFENDERS — Shown somewhere in the Pacific, during recent tactical maneuvers, are

Uncle Sam's aircraft carriers, Ranger, Saratoga and Lexington, with decks crammed with fighting planes ready for instant take-off. Display of this defending might caused Japanese Navy Minister, Vice Admiral Mitsumsa Yonai, to assert that naval expansion programs of the United States and Britain, especially in the Pacific^ might jeopardize peace.




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r,5AYOll OF HELk—Lorentz Stenvig, arrivin- in New York, indicates how the mayor of Hell might look if the English significance was given the name of ths Norwegian town of which he is chief executive. But Hell means "slope" in Norwegian. It follows that his town is built on sloping ground.



VTAS I.I&CKIKIIS r C H PKAC-—3ritis^i Llinistsr C!ic^nb£rls.iri recently told Cozzzzons ihzt v.-hOe he ranted to prcv-c^t rj:-oos fro=s. crifting "tcvard tli3 cctcrcct cf V£.r," the E n pire n u s t arm for pscce. Hence, he caIIc-5 for

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GOLDEN — Pretty Gwen Smith recently won the California state-wide Queen of Queens coptest, over 200 other girls. Nbw she plans to enter the contest in connection with the Long Beach 50th anniversary, to find the state's most beautiful goldenhaired girl.


CUBAN EXILES—Exiled from their native island cs a result of political changes. General Gerardo Machado. former president of Cuba, and his wife, Senora Machado, have determined to establish a permanent residence in Miami, Fla. This recent F'.ct'jre of them. was taken in Miami, after the General said he continued to maintain deep interest in Cuba's political life.


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NOTED SHSINE CLOSED—Wood anS steel are shown supports ins the ciiurcii of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, most noted sKrine- in Christendom, recently closed to the public because of reported danger of collapse. Earthquake shocks of last October were responsible. The church, built by the Crusaders, stands over the traditional site of Christ's tomb.






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Bxwjiii»i BSHTISilESS-^Exhibiting the determination traditionally associated with Britishers are these two trudging from the Foreign Office in1 London to a meeting of Parliament. At left is Winston Churchill, brilliant Conservative, with Lord Halifax,. Foreign Secretary, recent successor to Anthony Eden. . .'• '..'

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ATHLETE IN ACTION—Here is an Interesting study of a human body in ccticn cs Ei:i Vana?.mr.y. top-flight athlete of Washington University, gets.in some"training at Seattle, Wash. Ths Huskies counted strongly on Bill in their forthcoming track meet with the California Bears of the University

of California. He was expected to jump with record-breaking honors.

rSTkcrc'rur V/c*r'c Ii a:: t £ rr.i others. This time he was held in Federal prison without bail.

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L F>'iN, Attorney' I the American "proposal for inter- iRVJN76G C-Brancleif visited here over1 the weefe end ing very -well and their children j.--ssa Theatre Bld t national governmental nid to the £* with her mothei , Mrs. S. Jacob- were laughing, though t h e y i seemed sad -"./hen they came here. I Austrian . refugees. The specie 5 ! ^ - ( f ! r o r CHATTEL MORTGAGE " £ A i. e ? Yes, God certainly was looking *•*« j Austrian .Jewish Relief Fund he- ' '" j ing raised here has passed the Nathaniel Singer and Joe Mar-after Jews and they were renting X o i i c o i--> h o - p i . y ivW"?n U K U o n 1h<= --'• "" ! ?EOC,COO mark. on left Sunday morning to repre- store rooms all about town in '.*."' j \ ;*' r. t "in'"! :' r i i i - n i i i s : f «:--'ei. O m a sent Western Union College at a which to establish synagogues for Warhincton. D. C. (WNS) HISS ANNA PILL, correspondent Him. WE'RE TELLING YOU ! rage^ with a German-Jewish | A permanent advisory commute national deba*e contest. Only In darkest Russia were Negotiations are either already j manufacturer, the latter coming to assist, the participation ol the was j i'n progress or will soon be start- j to Pittsburgh and the former, a United States in the international Charles Baldwin of Peoria, Ill- Jews being hurt and He to get in touch with Miss Dor- inois, ' ed between tfie -British govern-(naturalized citizen, going back to government program of relief lor • is in Sioux City this week rescuing- them. othy Merlin.at the Center. I-.'- r- c'i;-.tfe' moi-cp-s.rrr in f p v In that time it was unnecessary j meat and an Important group of ; Germany . . . T h e American Austrian end German refugees. Wtiri-o»pr' visiting with his parents. . of t i i i s i s v s b.ii'^ <t Ktui'ati'V C o m to put out tracts to esplain Gocf. Americans, Tews and non-Jews j Friends of the Hebrew university and to serve -as a clearing house The Boy Scout troop, at the What needed to be explained? . . . The "object is to increase the ; are issuing a monthly news bul- between private American organ- morifriicf b«r>-infr «;».?e « . v i h a v i n p Center is being re-organized and f,r. -ji»<; i p ',).(:• offi.-fi o- •-!"= C o u n t y God uras the One in -whose hands immigration quota to Palestine, iletin, of which the first cumber izations s.nci Inc.ivic3.nsis ready to !>p will meet this Sunday afternoon k "o- n^i'^-lnf r'oii" 1 -:-. N e b r a s k a . assist in the -~orlc f.nr". the Unitec* COPi o rin*was all this goodness which res- as part of the refugee aid plan i has just appeared -<:h a h - >•>;' *:py. .ti'3b. at 2:30 o'clock. Plans are being cued Jews from travail and which States Government and. the interinaugurated by the American j FOKEIGX-; FLASHES «;.-,((• on!" v:i'* i".-- f o : ' i'iK l>»!rfosf made for summer camping for. caused their children to laugh. "government . . . Leslie H o r e- j Don't be surprised if Dr. Ar-governmental commute is plan- of >'o-polnpinc- tiie mort^'ie*?. fov o o s t " the boys. Boys who wish to join ,>•: «.-.'.),-• E.I!.. nl> ancr-uit't. i'<->nt~. a n d God v.-as in everything." He was Belisha, who is seeing Mussoliai'i tfcur Seyss-Inc;uart, Hitler's yes- ned. f,>i- thr- pi-;-p,-ict> r," s«>ti«i-"vfnF t b f the troop are asked to attend the Dorothe at the table and must be praised this v»-eek, will acquaint the*; nian in Austria, is booted "out This was revealed after s. prepmouni ncv.' due riiereoii. Eo-^r'it: meeting Sunday. The B'nai B'rith will hold Jts at every meal; His hand was in Gqebbels and Goer- liminary 'White House conferer.ee cay. Italian dictator with some cf the Luncheon, Evening. Bansemi-annual; southwestern region- the little "success that enabled the military plans of Great Britain-'j ing. have taken ~& violent dislike at -which tbe President, Secretory proceetVtnCF P.'. I P T " hr^-T V>«=on in^t!~ The Creative- Dramatic club, al conference in Sioux City this peddler to sell all his goods* In a quet Complete Program under . Those in the Know claini that i to him . . . Josef Mandel, an Axis- o£ State Hull, Secretary of Labor the direction of Mrs. Frank Sunday.-A number of local memHe was in the sunlight for ! II Duce will get a shock very i trian-born Jewish railroad engi- Perkins, Commissioner of Immi- SH.-MIES- B O D T * E A T > ' , \ T O R C O . , --.-.• for Conclave Margolin is rehearsing a play, bers and their families plan to day; which one must give praise in the ! much like the one Schuschnig-g {neer, is one of tJse most intimate gration Houghteling a n t Stale written by three members, ^Gloria attend. prayers Ot the morning; He was !got in Berehtesgasieii . . . In other advisers of Emperor Hirofcito o* Department officials met vilfc An open forum, a luncheon and Novitsky, <\.utcher, and Bet- There will be a meeting of thein the phylacteries FRAOCNPl'RfV w.TEF-. , which Were [words, British diploxnacv now be- 'Japan . MandeJ built the i an evening banquet, will be fea-ty Bain. Ruth nine Catholic, ProtestEi?t f.rd The cast consists of local lodge Monday.' Mr. Jack bound as frontlets between KLv"!'IN)CK * . KEUS-EV, Attys. the lieves • • - - •that • - ' it is time to"reveal• itsjsian •• '-'-- fortifications *tures of the program for the Jewish leaders to lay tbe ground at Port Arthur „ . . , . , , , , bound as frontlets between the 7 . 0 C Union Piste Bank BUig. Bain. Harold Slotsky, WalB'nai B'rlth regional meeting, Betty (to signify that God was in ilitary strength to the Rome- j during th« "Russo-Japanese, war work for American participation NC'ilGt- EV PIBLItATIOK ON Friedman, Stanton Cohen; Harrison, newapaper publisher of | eyes which is scheduled to be held ly ill the refugee program proposed Oaklana, Iowa, will be guest the mind) and were bound also'| I?erlin axis . . . Palestine might j sriti was captured when Irene Levitsky and Doric -GruePETITION: FOF- E.F.l"il.F.WENT speaker. here this Sunday. B'nai B'rith s k t n . fcy the President on the arm (to signify God in. the also be ineationed . . . " If you're fell . . . .Hirohito's father took OF P!NAl. APMlNiSTRA• . ' . . " . •".:'•• members .from. Omaha,, Council /wondering why Raymond Fos-1 fancy to b i n , and "bequeatlieci" An initiation of what is to bework of one's hands). No statement was issued after T!0!N ACCOUNT known as the Dr. A. Greenberg j Gentle old Rabbi Lesser , Bluffs, Lincoln and Sioux Falls Ir. tht Ci\\v.t"y Cov~t of PouglaB dick, head of the Rockefeller j him to his son . . . Blue-blooded the conference but it was leeri-ecl cer- Foundation, was among those in- pro-Germans in England are try-that all participants, who were C o u t K y . jNrf (>-.-a, ^P-• will be no meeting of membership class is planned for . tainly -was His reflection. are expected to arrive in Sioux theThere Jewish Arts and Crafts club Sunday, May 1.. This will be for U\ chc :Mau:-:-.r " i \he- X''.«i£5.te oi H e r City Saturday -night and Sunday vited by President Roosevelt to'iJng to suppress the news that Sir invited by the President in their afternoon, since the Center members only. morning to. attend this all daythis capacity as private citizens, rathAK perKos^p interi^iAf! jn paid mat* last week's White House parley Robert" Vansittatt, permanent unRabbi Lesser is dead and even will be closed for the holidays. The Agidas Achim Lodge will ' f.cr a~€: herr-by ju'OCied t h a t on t h e meeting. he alive I probably wouldn't on the refugee situation we candersecretary of British Foreign er than as representatives or or; r.th fls.y oi AP!"ii. TS."s. Margarei meet Tuesday, April 26, at 8:30were Resistration will be held at ganizations, were ia accord' OE tell you that the Rockefeller famI office, is guarded day anfi night regard him as the image of God, i no'nrs filed a. ppLition ir. said County, Several members of the Fedin the Large Eagle's Hall. Plans the Martin Hotel in tht morning eration is almost sold on the idea of j against Xazi assassins Some the general mechanics of the ! Cou"i, p-'P.'-'inf <hri b?v fiiin! adininBoard will attend the An- will be discussed for the better- In my more intellectual phase. I t ily | i«tratir>r- pf^count ttfec. b.ere^i be p e t - ' between, the hours of 10 and 12nual Social. work to be undertaken. It is exputting up the wherewithal for a hot-headed. Italian Fascists are may be that I have changed, not Service workers din- ment of" the organization. RePAwi P.iiowei]. and that she be d i s o'clock. A business meeting will ner, this evening: L Godr though- even now when- I real campaign against racial big- urging Mussolini to confiscate pected, that most of thoss present i' tied elw~£~p('. f'.T-rp JUT t.n!sf a? executrix at the Martin freshments are to be served. take place at the hotel at 11Hotel. win be named to tbe permanent r:n(i--;ha,t a h^nrinc vj?l be hart on Arturo Toscanlni's property belook at a fine' old person. I dis-I °try in these United States F,I i<! Court on o'clock. Delegates und guests will committee of a much larger num- said SHHiUon l.e-ore cover, myself thinking that t e That snti-Faseist speech by Sec-I cause he .defied a veiled '• " i ! ^ (ip.y n r .A.f'it. 'r*^8. rind t h a t T h e C o u n c i l B l u f f s A . Z . A. will enjoy a luncheon at 12:30. ber. Those present were Ray- '. ii{'rye looks like God. - \ y g p g you i'aH to tivnepr 'n^f^re pai*^ Court retary Ickes in Chicago was pret- i not to go to Palestine to conduct hold ;a.meeting Monday, April 25, One of the highlights of the I on the- saifl ?i.'Ui fe;: ok April. 19ilS, Then r say, SegalXyou are re-ty strong, but'it was,a lot hotter !the . Symphony orchestra there mond Fosdick, president of the at the Synagogue." The business verting days program will be an open Is it true that Germany Rockefeller Foundation; Prof. ; p.t P c'clock A. X.- and conte-H paid to primitive jnan, think- before the State department cen! petition, thf Corrri n*a.y jr.'Rnt {be meeting will start promptly at ing, as you do, of aA anthropo- sored it P. Chamberlain of New forum, to which the public is inDon't pay any at-coughed up EomethijEg like 40,- Joseph \ prro'e" o ' ??\a ppi*um\. enter a de~ 7:30. • / . . . - . York: former Refugee High Comvited. The meeting will begin at 00 0,000 gold n a r k s to Jevs froni; | eree of boirship. and jiiftkG -h other morphic God. This is Apt the way i tention to the whisper that Deaamissioner James G. McDonald; 2:30 and will deal with the sub; and fnrtber omor??, anov:-p.Tic^E a n d the Saar region who left -the area na Durbin, young screen star, is of an intellectual person. decrees, as to iln> Court; nipy Feem New officers of- the . Council Bernard 1,1. Laruch; Dr. Samuel r ject of Vocational Guidance. Mr. r No! I mustn't think of God inpro-Nazi just because her picture when it * became part of the Sam Beber of Omaha, who is The regular meeting of theBluffs synagogue were elected at such terms. God Is . . . but what appeared in a Nazi paper Reich? . . , Compensation to Jews McCrea Cavert; JJonsignor Mich- t pervnniinj;' to sai': estate rnr-.y be fithe meeting.Monday.- They are: ael J. Ready; Louis Kennedy; chairman of the investigation on of Jewish Women will be President, S. Shykeh; vice* presi- i3 God? I am dreadfully con- She's a native Canadian, and her j was stipulated in the Saar agree- Henry Mortenthau, Er., and .Rab-! nfsliy Fertlnr' n.n'l df.r-'Tn inert. Vocational Guidance, will lead Council fused. God has become a probphoto was used • without her [meat under, which the 1SS5 pleBr.YCE CRAWFOCP, a luncheon Monday, April 25, atdent", Sam Sacks: treasurer, Dave the forum. The meeting willone ; 4-S-nS-ni. County Judge. lem. I.used to be so sure of Him [knowledge 'Tis- said tliat (biscite was held'. . . There's more bi Stephen 8. Wise. o'clock in the Warrior' HoO. Hochman; Fox; secretary, also take place at the Martin. when I was young and'when the when Walter Vvinchell praised, j than just talk in the reports that tel. Mrs. Sam Pickusj chairman an trustees, L. H. VT--?_Y? ' The regional meeting will be of the Naturalization Aid com! !KV;N C, LEVIN. AUc"-nev.{il.Law j world was young. (The world the Roosevelt refugee plan'on his j Mussolini would like to have I 76J e-andeis Theatre 8idg. Saltzman,. and Mas Harris. brought to a close, Sunday eve- mittee seems" to hare become horribly radio broadcast he received more I Jews settle in Ethiopia . . . will act aschairman of ning with a banquet at the Jew-the program.' old in the past 20 years, j The ! than a thousand letters of protest j Eraanuel. Shinwell, Jewish saemI NOTICE OF INCORPORATION " ish Comunity Center- at 6:30 Services a t . t h e Chevra B'nai 1 Xoiice is hereiiy piven that the u n The invocation will be given Yisroel Synagogue will be observ- more I think of Him the less l | . . . Practically ail the- Latin- ! her cf the House of Commons, i (Continued from Pere 1.) o'clock. Mr. Fred Bernstein, who slapped -a Conservative colknow Him^ Perhaps too much ! American republics have agreed s\nd h r v e o'-;-j:ranizef' a. corChicago attorney, and past pres- by Mrs. LOuis Agranoff. A. read- ed as Xollows:-Friday e'vening, 6 thinking is not good for -the j to co-operate with the Roosevelt league who told him to "go back j things Jewish is not being- broad- : to£ret'a?r under ^he law.s of tlie State ident of the Sixth district, will be ing "Papa Kaplan gets his pap-o'clock: Saturday • morning a t status of the God of our fathers. refugee program, but don't be to Poland," got dozens of letters minded. But to eat refuse at allporation I!-' N"h--H5:Kr-i Tfip 11!>ll>f Oi' t i l e OOrthe principal speaker.- A musical ers" will be presented by Miss S:30 and the " Memorial service the tables of tne Gentiles in tbe is WTCiXTNtt irv. AXD S10HPo!-ffton of praise ' from nos-Jews, but The more the philosophers talk surprised if nothing comes of it. V1CE CO2»T.-\XT. 'i'he principal program*- will be presented by Miriam Blank. Mrs. L. S. Gold-, Saturday at 9:30* nothing, but criticism, from. Jews world End worship every idol oi r Ttl^ce about Him the more they addle THINGS TO WATCH o<- ^iisiT^r.^p p'np'- ii? in Omalia, Master LeRoy Goldblatt, and berg will review "The Education . . . People have funny reactions alien market-places—that Is to my poor mind. One day I think Xebr ; -,ska. and the genci-a! n a t u r e of of Hymari Kaplan." Any day now Uncle Sam's gumMiss Muriel Sanger;. ^ The Cultural' Group of Hadas- of Him as a great chemist and . . . Incidentally, the M. P. whobe broad-minded. Or, rather, it ' the business to be tr^nsarted shall Dr. Lewis J- Dimsdale is presisah will meet. on Mbpday, April another day He is a great engi- shoes will begin investigating was slapped is preparing to sueis to have lost ell critical-mind- ho- to enp-RErf i r Hie viiflopnle and r e i tail ice businep? and to deal in anydent : of the local lodge. Among 25, at 8:30f at the home of Mrs.neer. -One day I think I see Him those private banks operated by Shir.weli . . . eficess, all discrimination, all cis! a n c fill typ^p o.r machinery a n d Germans and Italians which ac- ABOUT those who are expected, to attend Joe Gotsdiner. . ; interestedness. These stomachs ] equipment incident;)! t h e r e t o : to owtt, and the next He is lost in the ?pt deposits from the foreignc the; meetings will be Dr. A., or fij^po^^ of a]- fornip of real Eddie Cantor is paying plenty rebel at nothing. These minds : boM of some philosopher's jb o r n £ n dt h e n m a k e t n e j a o a e y and l'ersopa] property; to t>orrow Greenberg of Omaha, president Final plans for the formal in- depths Passover services at Mbunt for those big afis in the New York feel no defilement in any emtreatise and covered by many available to Hitler and II Duce ' motley for ''orporat^- |-»urposef?; a n d of the B'nai B'rith District 6. Sinai temple will be held this itiation and banquet were discusThey sre as broad as all ' thp cornorrtion ^h°K }ip ^>n-|Tiot»-"prpd A well-heeled Arabian anti- Tiaies appealing for funds for i! brace. Morris E. SUalovsIcy is in charge morning at 10:30 o'clock. This sed Tuesday at the Emesel meet- words. ever;' p.ct iiVMderii;il. appurtenHadassah's Youth Alirah . . . The the gutters of the world. God .; tao ndo As a great chemist or a great Zionist outfit is operating frca t to. or g'-ov.'inp. oiv of or conof the reservations for the ban-evening the Passover Memorial ing which was held, at the home engineer he doesn't comfort me g press associations listed a "Con-save us from broad-mindedness! j nectcd vich the ice End kindred busi305 Fifth quet. service will be held a t the temple of Miss iibby Grossman. The af- as did the simple God of myand has avenue ""in New Yor gressman Levy" from WashingWhat a melancholy account to fair is to be held-on Sunday, connections with at 8 o'clock. . those votisg against t a r e to give of the Jewish scene j The Fu;rnoHz<.<1 op.n'fa! .sto.-k ! ' youth -who kept the candles of anti-Jewish organisa- ton The Book Review.group of theApril 24, at the Chieftain Hotel. bright on Friday nights. No more couple killing the reorganization bill . . . in America. People would ' like ; S10.'».'0.0'i. c!iv!cii-(5 into one hundred tions . . . Clap hands for the New After the; meeting-Miss Gross- does such a God comfort me than York Advance, an English-lan- There is no "Coagressaiaii Levy" me much better if I tooted a horn ! Khares or the pur value of $100.00 Te.mple: Sisterhood will' meet tomorrow afternoon- at the Martin man was hostess a t a slumber does another great engineer who guage His nanie is Leavy, and Jzz'c To- A r ' - ^sr Is-tel I r e c weekly published in Torkhotel. Miss Ruth Miller of Morn- party for the-Emesel members. is "Mr. Hoover. ville and yet violently anti-Nazi not a Jew There hasn't I c i EC I CC"l o r ' 1 -e-E ' r- 1 <= * r in ingside college -will review aM:urlilc. In my current processes I have . . -># Keep your eyes peeled for a Levy in congress since "is Mrs. Anna Herzoff of Sioux been thinking of God as a sort of "Trie Tiger cf Eschnapur" and when Monroe Jefferson Levr rep- t i - t £"1 it" - - 1 o r rent play. ' - ' •> - r1 oi i John Lanshurg has been named Rabbi Lewis spoke Wednesday City is visiting in Council Bluffs stage director. He is well satis- "The Indian Tomb," two Nazi resented -a- Xew York district . . . chairman of the local 1938 Al1 with her daughter and son-iaevening before the Labor and , the Cohens rutnun;- tr-E- - 1 L E C V C— l--->e n e v r r—~ fied with .the! progress of thefilms due here with French titles lied'Jewish campaign, and plans Trades association. 3aw, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Gilinsky. comedy, knowing a s ' He does, and dialogue have been' started for the drive She wilt remain here until after Sunday evening he will speak, that to. all ruthless power a sar-whether tha I" I which will begin early in May. . at a dinner in the Grace Method- Passover. donic ending is., coming—most confer. Sioux City's quota for the camscurrilous attacks on President and only one Coiiea in ist'church. r satisfying to His perfect art. Ms it: c vfho I T S c '< e n - _ paign, is $10,C00. Mr. Lansburg Mrs. Albert Krasne Is visiting will pull the mountains from un- Roosevelt are being peddled a t Jew . . . But If yon include fl has had vast experience in JewAnd that at at > pi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. der the feet of dictators. Nazi meetings t a s as . "Cohens" aac V, ish and civic activities, and inrecent rally of the outfit calling 1T! S" J Sampson of Sioux City. r But such a God doesn't seem commenting' on the coming camthe National Defenders j to care.much about me. I am butitself tL n j c ' £!_-« creir-" paign said: "The need of funds is newsreels of Hitler and Mussolini j Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B. Rosena supernumerary in His big show, Closing Passover -servicesa t so-urgent for overseas assistance, drew applause, but a picture of Chicago spent the week a little fellow carrying a feeble "Judaism s.s E Civ. " we will make every effort to Beth Abraham synagogue were thai showing- F. D. R. wasgreeted j tion," -has end in Gonncil Bluffs with Mrs. appeared is a c"":make this one of the most suc- held last evening at 7:30 o'clock. BosenthaTs parents, Mr. and Mrs. torch in the darkness of thewith boos end hisses dessed Yiddish edition . . . T! e stage, a frightened little man cessful campaigns Sioux City This morning the service will be- Leo Fitch. ^ official' portrait cf . Pres cc~t waiting for a climactic moment SUCCESS STORY gin at 9 o'clock,, and tonight Jewry has ever undertaken." At 14 he sold candy bars at I Rooserelt will be ps.ittei by.Lc^ of justice. Committee heads and workers again at 7:30, with the memorial Ths following students at Iowa "Manhattan opera. J Gordon. This isn't the God of my youth 'ammprafpj-i'a Manhattan will be announced soon., Mr. service tomorrow morning. Rabbi City were here during spring vahouse in New York City . . . At! (Copyright* iS38, Sv Eeren S, I. Bolotnifcov will speak durwho I was sure cared about me Lansburg said. cation: Morton Adler, Jack Gor- and who was in the fragrance oi i bought this famous M ing the service this morning. Feature Syndicate) landmark for $750,000 At Tiphereth Israel synagogue don, Arnold Hoffman, and Max-the meal on Sabbath eve. His name is Abe Ellis, an services will begin a£ 9 o'clock. ine Leibovitz. ' . this morning, 7:30 ,tonight, '9 ' So I don't think we improve on 1 E a s t S i d e , b o y "R"hose f a t h e r w £ s o'clock tomorrow morning. Rabbi God a s we get older and wiser. I a P r e s s e r i a a sweat-shop . . . In my middle-age He has become \ He's transforming the theater, Bolotnikov will speak tomorrow an impalpable Wraith, like mist haI Thlctl l a s t T e s r h o u s e d M a x R e j E I morning during the memorial in the morning. I "dt's "Eternal Road," into a j service. . The Mount Sinai Sisterhood I should like to have the God 1d 5aunfceees > a u d i t o r i u i a f ° r banquets, has started' plans for their anot my youth back, but He is lost j , conventions and exhitaithe i<--?A e. pe-j 1 : ? . --L . " . By AL SEGAli nual Mothers' d a y luncheon to me, except in those momentaryy ' t l o n sf J I•d• • The other day he tried E a Q ef o scheduled, for Saturday, May 7. tracs-j * f reversions when I look at a fine f e dl The luncheon will be preceded by OtTR GODS old Students, spending their spring l fface and say, This looks like c°a™ l t : 'theater, and decided d t a religious service in the temple. There comes to me a tract on God. ' I " the George Gershwin Kooin vacation with parents in Sioux the Jewish concept of God by Mrs!. Herman Miller, Mrs. Si StandiKU Read;* '-o H e a n t s to p a y t r i b u t e t 0 Perhaps I am right in those It V Krueger and Mrs. Max Rosen- City, enlivened the social -calen- Professor Samuel Cohon of themoments. b e 'l a t s A^m e r i c a 'Assist Rclck Perhaps this gentle i a composer, dar during the'past week, and stock are in charge of the lunchEc --3 .*cv s. tl r - r Hebrew Union college, published soul is God; this kindness and an East Side boy, whose same Exiles most of them returned to school eon arrangements. by the Union of American Hebrew compassion that are in his count- will remain in the history early this week to -resume their Congregations. At the. . religious service, the Abe enance may be God. Perhaps all American culture London CWXS) ritual will be read, by Doris studies. But I guess that, after all, kindness, all justice and mercy George didn't know each other, Among the -Iowa University •ugees froa Austria is especte^ -e Grueskin, Joy Dean Arkin, Barevery Jew (like all other freebut they are both symbols of be one of the major subjects bara Robinson and Joan Agran- students who visited here last minded people) makes his i what immigrants' sons can do •»"«•<. uuimsiuiu »™» « o u» ; cussed cussea at at tne the May off. An address will be given by week - were Henry Greenberg; God. I myself have had God in i Kabbl Lesser was God ' 0 siTel t b e E>, tl-e ioci ri •Perhaps the glowing spirits o i lJ ™ opportunity . . . ! the League ( cf Mrs.-L.'S. Goldberg, president of Milton Galinsky, Jean Shlndler. several forms In the course of u s t an * Ct od men are God enough i °tKer illustration of the informed sou good i Mina Slotsky, Milton Barrent, sources here the Sisterhood. Mrs. Ben Schuyears. I am not so sure that .. The fact that the Union of |p o i n t . t h a t t h e government is act- j i t is understood that tbe qusct en r cr ! Lewis Weinberg, Newton Sacks my Iein will speak in;behalf of the the One Ihave now Is es com-American Hebrew Congregations ji n S wisely in its stand on the ad- jfcs.s besa placed o s the agents, at c " C M <c' ! » - r ' and Ted Skalovsky;; ' • grandmothers; Mrs. Louis Agranforting as the God whom I knew publishes a tract explaining God ' ^ i f 5 0 " o f r e f u ^ e e s • • • of"~ thenE: ^i ^tce specific '"-"-request* "* - " t"" off, the-mothers, and Doris Pill, I S H when I'was much younger. Government, which is espect^J tJ suggests that there must be a lot! , DOIXGS Miss Carolyn Fishgall, a stu-/ That which I call my expandthe daughters. Jacob of bewildered people like me. 1Pishman, managing edi- call on the League to take J—TFollowing the "luncheon, a t dent at Northwestern University, ing intelligence all but destroyed t o r o £t h e e w i s h spent her vacation here with her (Copyrlght^ 1938, By Seveli Arts ! J Morning Jour- ific measures for the relief cf t< c which Miss Frances Kalin will the comfortable God of my youth. nal, is having a hard time per- refugees,. Ose of these wJll .? p cparents,. Mr. and Mrs. H. FishFeature Syndicate) be master of ceremonies, a proThe professors by a confusion of -p"c~ £ suading people that he has act-bably be autkorization for the gram will be presented. Mrs. Solgall. words have.. blurred whatever sp.p-. ually passed Ms sixtieth birthday LeagueKigh Ccsrclssioa * T Novistky is; in charge of the vision remained to me of my . . . Nobody wants to believe h l a Gerniaa' Refugees to Seal t sr SLJl Mrs. Jean Rosenthal, house early- God. When I am,through program. . . . But. appearances to the con-with Austrian refugees. mother of the Phi Ep. Fraternity reading a tract on God and what trary, it's- true, and tbe anniver- I house, at Iowa City, visited'over He is, I always ask. Well, then, sary was duly celebrated at an j the week end in the: home:6t Mr. just what is.God? intimate gathering Is-st week-. . i j LoEfion PROPOSES (WNS) — A r - c - ~: c> . - * and Mrs. L. Weinberg. Rome (WNS)—General Um- But we . doa't want Fishman to I was. very "happy with my posal that Esglaad- persac^" early God. He seemed to me toberto Bmanuele Pugliese, mem- think he can escape a pablic celeDr. Delia Galinsky spent sev- resemble old Rabbi* Lesser who ber of an old Milan Jewish fam- bration of the • event, so we're Germany and Cseehaslova' 1 ' eral days in Iowa City this week,' had a long gray Beard on a most ily and one of Italy's great World taking - this means of warning j to swap minorities so fh.a.i pro- r The annual Hadassah. Linen attending state meet of thebenign countenance. Rabbi Lea- War heroes, has been retired be- him that a surprise party is brew- j Nasi Genaacs 5B Cseccosloi z.Shower will be held next Tues- League ~ot the "Women Voters. ' ser's eyes Were soft and compas- cause ot age, according to a mili- ing for him, and will be sprung £5a would be moved to G "- 1 day afternoon, April 26, in-the many.and anti-Nazis GermrT sionate and whenever X thought tary bulletin. "During the World in a few weeks . Jewish Community Center. MemBore Wortii d Czech?-- , Mr. and Mrs. Sol Novitsky and of God. I was sure with just such War General Pugliese rose froia of New Jersey, Edgar Bunsaa'ot I I o v a k ! a W E S c ff e r e d bers will be guests of the chap- daughters visited last- week*end * _ i *- ^ He looked at me eyes He. me. the ranks, winning four promoNew York and ITaxweil Cohen of IlioiiSs of Ccisiuoas fcy Ge " ter at a dessert lunch preceding in Omaha with . relatives. and He was ; a veryy personal God God tions and decorations from Italy, Massachusetts will battle it out frey J;iand8~, Liberal, ©- " the meeting. friends. .--••' . • who could do thi thinga for me. If Russia, France and England. His for'the r i g h t ' t o succeed • Harry Quickly rejected by Prl~ A moving picture,: "Eretz IsI was, faithful in the Jewish own country awarded him the Schaffer as coamander-in-ch5ef HiEister Chamberiaia Tritti r rael," will be shown during the Carl Weiner and daughprogram. Linens, which the mem- ters of Los Angeles, are visiting school, if I fasted oh Yom Kip-Medal and'Cross of Chevalier of! of the Jewish War Veterans . . pur, if I learned my Hebrew well the Military Order of Savoy, for JTv'hen Schaffer'retires in Septesibers will bring, will be sent to p with Mrs. Weiner's-parents, He would see that no ill befell heroic conduct' at the Battle of Tv ber he will &« able to point v/ith Palestine for use in the Hadassah here Mr.-,and* Mrs. M. Albert. BIrs. me; if I was a good boy, if I.honpride to the fact that during his Meanwhile, Jewish ieacsrs r Due Palme. i hi hospitals there. • • Weiner is the former-Freda Al- ored my parents, if I told the two terms ia office the-JWV es- pushed- plans..for rebuilding • In 1923 he Wu.s appointed diMrs. Milton Mushkin is chair- bert. truth He .would be my friead. rector o2 tfca state shipbuildiag panded to ' coast-to-coast . and shattered Atistrlsa Jewish ror man of the linen shower and Mrs. Not- that I brooded much on and wharf construction bureaus. Maine-to-FIorida-proportions . . ,"hnunity s-^d for facilitating « Max Brodkey is chairman of the Mr. and Mrs, Ben Kalin and God; He wa3 no problem then but he v/as nasaed chairman of The last link wa.s the new post ia( emigration c refreshments. daughter, formerly of Mitchell, a Itindly being tvhora oa» took Lr.ter The progRemsmber our telling J«ws as possible. the govarnsieiit comnUssion for Miami S. D. have moved to Sioux City, tor granted. He had cometbins Jiavd construction- la. 1935 Mas-you • last week about tbe Pitts-'j is fc-ejss drafted by Norraan B where Mr. Kalin will go. into bus- to do with maUnjj the candlo :ch,- who fcs.s jr.st rs: burgh Nazi appointcl him isliita iness. llghts,so bright on Friday nights; colini It must .a visit- to Vienna. Publication Geiierai! with- a Gerniaa Jew-? otlSardinia. He was in the fragrance of tha another thp. Ctizlls cf i^c r!:r_ ZTZ I' ~ The regular Saturday night ' Mr, and' Mrs. Carl *Furth of Sabbath eyeEing'3 meal that was Pusilc-se w a s wounded three'be. .contagious, ' o r sow his ga- •wiiitc'.z. :zrC'z~ zts c u t e r " ' c^ Hitler-lover hastraded tSinea during the World Tv'ar. . dancejsvill be held at the Jewish Omaha, were guests this -week redolent all over tha IiQuse. CohYmunity Center tomorrow eve- end in the home of their son-inHe was especially the God of In Germany tterc . U a ; large *?-" ning. Brownie Walters and hislaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.good Jews. Kr was the Statue orsssization c2 "uon-Aryaa Chris- ! orchestra will play for the danc- Leon Marx. of Liberty In .New Yorl: bee'ron- tians" v/hirh nacsb-srs among If ' ing. ing all the opi»rs;sod Jev.-s to aembersiiip some 600 Protestant'' Miss Fan Cohen of 'Minneapo- eoao over end bo Xree. Almost pcztors and numerous other per- • The Jewish Community Center lis, Minn. 3pent last -weel: enfl In every day Jeivj fron It«:;Ia vero sons v.'ho di-covered {to their | is anxious to secure a gas stove Sioux Citr with her parents, Sir. i to our iovm rritli bi~ surprise and perhaps- chagrin) for a needy Jewish family here and Mrs. J. Cohen. packa ol theh t oijs.'npc oa tfioir that they had had the extreme in the city. Anyone who haa a ^^pyiijhln peapie. mlFfortunc of having- at least one stove they can donate; is asked Miss Ruth Jacohson ot But in a jhort V.r,iz I'.t-:/ it who was. Jewish. &itOT.KiEiEn:^^^









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