onxy . views .expressed by Lods i s o h s in bis colaina ars his own aafl do not necessarily reflect'tfea policies or EJtJtncIo '-of-oor.'pnbllc&tioo. Eeprcdoc"tloa ia wbola or ia part 'strictly. • fo?!>ldclea.
• Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 31, 1S21. a t .fostoffica of Omafaa. Nebiaska. under the Act of March S, 1S79
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. ;:.' "lASDiiEss FOLK; A peculiarly horrible and heart rendering incident In the persecution of :the • Jews of Austria made the front page of the New York Times on April 20. Stormtroopers or men of the Gestapo, as graphically and shudderingly related-by G. E. K. Gedye, that very;-able and gifted correspondent, drove a group of fifty-one Clubs at Center W10 ObJewa, men, •women-and children, serve Holiday including the venerable and dis/-» 7 •' M a y I S tinguished .Rabbi Perls and his sick -wife, out of the villages of r<* Kitsee and Jagendorf out on to a - Junior Clubs will OE SEnday, narrow break water in the Danu15, obserre the holiday L,eg Delegates to Be Chcccn. LaMay be. These people had first been B'Onier. A play, "The Arrow cipal' address at the .banquet in ; . June for American stripped of all their possessions. That -Would Not Bend," a .recitathe evening. He will speak on They were driven put into this tion of the story of Lag B'Oraer Jewish Congress/ "Judaism's Challenge to a Diswilderness without food or warm games, songs, and refreshments LVJ LL LL ..1 LL tracted "World." Isidor Ziegler of will be oa the program. clothing. Villagers tried to rescue A community conference Omaha will act as toastmaster them and to perform acts of merbe held on Monday, May 23, at 7 Clubs participating are: Kadiand there will be remarks by Mr. p. m. to arrange for t i e election ma,- Boy Scouts,. Girl Scouts, cy. Nothing availed.- For thesfe E. -P. Adler and greetings from of delegates to the American Jew- Young Judaea, and Talmud villagers were in Czechoslovakia and the Czechoslovakian authori"With services this evening at Rabbi Egelson on behalf of theish Congress to convene in NewTorah. " Da-rid . Golflman was elected j ties drove the Jews back into Temple Israel, the first biennial Union. Rabbi David H. Wice and York in September. The elections Prizes will be given. resideEt of the co-ngrepation of i Austria. Neither, will Hungary convention-x>f the Mid-west Re- Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis of are to-be held on. Saturday even-j crcpl' Israel £.: the. e"€d,Icr rr;" City will participate. let them enter. But when they gion of the' Union of American Sioux ing, June 25, Sunday, June 26, v Over 150 out-of-town persons and Monday, June 27. return t<\ Austria they are attack- Hebrew Congregations will begin ed and driven forth again. A its three-day session. Rabbi Louis from seven midwestern states1 All .local: organizations having Email group o f them is hiding in 1. Egelson of Cincinnati, assistant have signified their intention of fiftyor more members are recoming. a 'forest on the Hungarian side director of Synagogue and School quested to Bend delegates. Each 1 t l II of t h e frontier. Our people are Extension of the Union, will deorganization may send one delegate for every fifty members. A . being hunted like -wild beasts. liver the sermon tonight and registration fee of one dollar per What Is known.as.civilization has Rabbi David *H. Wice will read delegate is required. completely broken .down in Cen-the service. k 1 Ik. L V u Every member of the Jewisb tral Europe. The. jungle is back. Xontb. Meet Saturday Community - can participate . in It is futile to.be indignant over Saturday's schedule features a this election by registering his Twenty-Two in Class to Be the mercilessnes3 of the Czecho' name . and' paying a fee of ten ; • • Confirmed on • slovaks. The Nazis would prob- Touth Conclave which will Incents. . ably like- nothing better.than to cude a Sabbath morning service, June S be able to drive many thousands an afternoon meeting and symThe following committee was of Jews, having first : beggared posium, and a dinner-dance with The Beth El synagogue v, i:i ' elected on May 3 to arrange the an address by Rabbi Alvin I. them, across, the frontier and so conference: N. S .Yaffe, chair- hold its cosflrination service this 1 ?, o -< Luchs of Davenport. Rabbi Philip Prizes to Be Given Round man; • E-. Bloch, Mrs. M; Leven- year on the first morning of Shsgain two ends: add.to the severe Zc C 1 economic problems of the Czecho- Finkelstein will preach the serhuoth, Sunday, June 5. Tve-t-rson, Mrs. • J. Richlin, and J. RadTable Group with slovak Republic and still further mon Saturday morning on "Jewtwo girls -Trill he confirmed. inowski.. . ' . . . Best Stunt discredit, this last, outpost of de-ish Youth and the "World Crisis." It has ..been decided that hereOr_ganizati0ns not h o l d i n g mocracy , in .Central Europe as Participating- in the afternoon meetings- during this period are after boys irill not be confirmed Wednesday e v e n i n g a t S sold to Jews.. . . • session at 2 o'clock on "Jewish o'clock the third annual stage requested to call special meet- sines they are expected to be 2 r r i ' It is worth while going some- Youth View Religion" will be: night, rponsored by the Round ings to see that they are repre- Mitzvah, • The boys, howerer.' what dispassionately into the Bernice Galinsky of Sioux City Table of Tewish Youth, will be sented.- Further information may •srho have- been Bar Mitzvah v-;:i 11 background of the .historic situa- who will speak on "What Da Cer- held a t the Jewish Community be gotten by calling N. S. Yaffe, take part ia the annual coafirmr- '——--^—• «• •- - tion. These incidents took place emonial and Ritual Mean to Center. Three prizes of 57.50, tion progxsm. . • • +-~-i.Z. G~>*Z~r.' Eerschel Wolk of Des ?5.00 and $2.50 will be awarded. i n ' the., small', territory known as Me?"; This year's, class consists c l , ,.„- ^._(=.. _ „ -„,.-- -_„. — _ -^^ The American Jewish Congress the Burgenland of which Eisen- Moines, whose topic is "Does Ju- Ben Barkin will be master of was the follomng: ^I'gJtt*- "-""."__"%=._~.^^_ l c " -1-"-1-. organized to defend the stadt l a t h e capital. .The Burgen- daism Offer Me Motive Power for ceremonies. .Shirlee Albert, daughter cf rtr. ] rights of. Jews the world ever. land - is :wedged in between the Ethical Living?" and Ben All- At the same ' time the annual The present disaster, In Europe and Mrs. Lotiis Albert. ' borders,-of post-war Austrjaj Hun- mayer of Kansas City, whose pa- Kovod will be given to calls for concerted action, accordFrances Berg:, daughter of T'r, gary, Czechoslovakia. Under the per will be on "What Social Phil- the twoawards outstanding members of ing t o : the executives of t i e Edward- Berg-. - - rif~ber-s; r ' L>P 1 T - - ^ r* -~ - ' -„" , Austrian empire it belonged tech- osophy Is Most in Keeping With the Round and the Round American Jewish Congress. Bette Brocfaaas. fiacgater, of '• nically to'Hungary. The treaties Judaism." Aaron Perils will lead Table Year Table, books will be distribMr.- and Mrs. Jack I. Bro&fcnan. of~ 1918 assigned i t to Austria. the discussion on the symposium. uted. Dr. Isaar-Habinowitz, director of The JeiTlsSi. -population of this litBetty Cohen,, daughter; of .::r. • 3 its have been entered by or- -3 .tip-land .was never large. But i tthe Union's youth activities,- will z.z d' Mrs. -Harry • Coisn. ganisations members of t h e conduct's ' Question arid answer Is"' sneiont and distinguished. Sara. -. Cooper, daughter-cf " r . " Thei'e .•'"•%'ef©wfra<iItiqBaHx.;Sfeeva p_erigd^atJshe'E,c2Elosi-At. the' con- RpiradlTable.: •..-.._: _„__:.„,;; .cr.d Jlru.-A'fee C*:-.';;?, " " K<ihlUot, seven _ coiainunities,; iu clusion of th.e afternoon program, In the- Bho Epsilon • sketch, the Burgenland, otvwhich Eisen- Millard Rosenberg will lead the "We Want A Man," Florence Mr. Harry; Cocrcrman, i Tuchman, Mollie Kelberg. Clara fitadt was the chief. Jews j.re Havdolah service. Leonard L. Klzizi, who nas Jeanne • Elikan, dcnclter " ct first jxneritioned in public docu- , The dinner and dance In the Kay, Charlotte Sacks, Eleanor been-in the cutci^obile business j ments of 1375 and 1388. But evening will be held at the High- Cohen, and Ida Kelberg will take for Kr. and lilrs. Fred :,:. nats.=. ' in One part. settled .communities did not real- land Country clubtha past four • Shirley -Ann Feinste;=. ccupi-i ly flourish, until;.the seventeenth years, has an- ter of Mr. and Z^rs. Gccrse Teli-i Conclave Sunday Participating in A. Z. A.'s century' under t h e benevolent • n o u n c e d the Etein. Mr. E. P . Adler of Davenport, sketch, "A. Z. A* Hey Pay", will feudal .rule of the Estorhary fam- la., chairman of the Mid-west Re- be Morris Adler, Morris Kirs- purcli3.se of the Etta Gareiick, daughter of I SoftbsU "ieErue^viir t): ily;1 which kept, up its traditional gional committee, will preside chenbaum, Sam Wolk, Ray SchaJlusseil SI o t o r and Mrs. Ben Gf-arelicfe. Sunday --vr friendship with t i e Jews and" spe- over t h e Sunday morning's ses- piro, Pnil Snoolin, Irving Nogg, : Co. at 20th St. Greenfield,' dacst-ter- of schedule. cific- old;- Jewish 'families until a sion which will begin at 9 o'clock Haskell Cohen, Joe Hornstein. : s.nd Ames Ave- Mr.Jean rise opening ££.ines E and Mrs. Nathan'Greenfield. very few'years ago. Since 1690 at the Btefikstone hotel. Speak- Leo Sherman, Dave We:ner, and, ' nee, Ford and Lee Harris, daughter--of lows: the communities existed steadily ers will include Dr. Frederick Morton Margolin. Lincoln Sepnyr Mr.Bette ' • ' S i s TCI £ ^iiT«ij E alia VE A and Mrs.' Mas Harris.. if "they did not always flourish. Cohn, William L. Holzman, Sam . dealers. Bas-a-mi has entered a skit enBessie Kaplan, daughter of Mr. T E E . At certain .periods when there Hassenbusch of St. Jpseph, and" titled, "Sisterly Love," *in which The new firm an'd Mrs. S a n Kaplan. A. .. A. ICO vs.'A.' Z. .'. 1 were difficulties ..concerning resi- Mrs.. Eugene Mannheimer. of DesElaine Lagman, Evelyn Green•srill be called ' Betty Kuklin, daughter of Kr. " A filers "Delicatesen T " / : " " dence:' in'; "Vienna, Jews were en- Molnes. L. L. Kle!a the Klein-Rus- and Sirs- William Kuklin. baum, and Irene Mirovitz will Oil Co.- abled to claim fictive residence Three discussion meetings will take part. , , . sell Motor company. They -will The E<tes for -SEECT f PET~P? Diana Lagmsn, dacglster cf in the Burgehland. In other words be held during the course of the The Temple Youta Group "will handle -a complete line of parts Mr. and Sirs. Soloman Lagsan. •won't "be annomced u~iil f;r_-this territory is an ancient settle- Sunday sessions. . Butler Disman present a dance in three parts, and accessories and a staff of exRuth Levine, daughter-of E r . i £&? . 'afternoon, so 3 ment of our people who th'ere of Kansas City will preside at a "Q-adrille," "".Doing the Dopey," perts-will give service. arid.Mrs. Aaron LeTise. . I fans are ssteS to ^ra lived in peace and friendship with, discussion of "Worship in the and the "Hora." Taking part will Ruth Papemy, daughter oJ Mr. 1 ^'orltl-KerB.ld sports the other inhabitants for between Synagogue." There will be a pa-be Shirley Rosenblum, Shirley and Mrs. Louis Fapemy. j i^e grounds. KOTTCT - two and three centuries, devoted per by Rabbi Myron M. Meyer of Greenspan, Harriet Newman, ArIleene P.oseaberg, daughter c f i ^ a ~ ' s s v:il1 "os P'aJ"' to that soil, as almost native to St. Joseph, and talks by Mrs.lene Solomon, Patricia Klein, Mr. and- Mrs. Abe Rosenberg-.! East Eimwoo-S* Tfest them,- living •" and dying loyally Franz Loewe of St. Louis • and Mildred Berkowitz, Alice Pepper, Harriet Shafer, daughter of I Columbus part, T for the state* of which that soil Sam Abramson of Des Moines. Rosalie Wertheimer, Bob rPosley, and F q r ? l e t o n . Mr. ..and' Mrs. Aaron • Snafer. remained a part and at the same A. second symposium will be Lyle Reinschrelber, Warner'FroThs games start z l ' i r ~ . " -'• Mildred Singer, dangnter cf time not ignobly sustaining their concerned with "An Adequate man, and Lazer Singer. . Sanctioned -by the X t ' - r '— f— , Mr. and Mrs. Morris Siug-er. own faith: and. .their own tradi- Program for the Synagogue" and Members of the Menorah chap- '- Funeral services larere held .DGrothy Siatoa, daughter -of State Softbs.ll assoclaticr;. ?t& zr re *~ tions. The ancestors of the very will be led by Mrs. Joseph Brody ter of the Young Judaea have en- last Friday for Joseph Koskey, Rabbi Perls'who is now the! hunt: of Des Moines, with papers by tered a sketch, "Tb.3 Lamp Went 80, retired contractor, who died Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sintos.' __^ _ _ -_Delores -Sklaf, dangliter cf Mr.game. ed prey of the barbarians were Rabbi Jacob J . Ogle of Lincoln Out." Anne Arbitman, Rose Gold- "Wednesday, April .27. Mr. Koskey Tfce teams Trill 7'"T t.r~(" "" distinguished through generations and Irvin Fine of Kansas City. stein, Labrina Steinberg, ~. Jean had been a resident of Omaha for and Mrs. Abe Efelar, •* Dorotby Swartz, dasghter of for piety and learning. The Rabbi Ross, Ruth Linda, Anne Rosen, sixty years. . Papers ending oa August 24. ~r t ' ~ Mr. and Mrs. Isaiiare Sfrsrts. Akiba Eger'was a" native" of Ei- Following a 1 o'clock luncheon Rosalyn nosen, Harriet Saylan, Surviving are: his .wife, Minthe J.. CC. Jeagtie •w-> "•—->• ' '-" senstadt. . ' N at the Blaekstone, the afternoon and Bernice Crounse •' are mem- nie; three daughters, Mrs. Ben bers of the cast. In brief: let no smug Ameri- sessions are scheduled to start at Elrod of Corpus Christi, Texas; August • 22. ' * '•" can . Jew try to console himself 2. "Practical Problems of Con- The Alpha Gamma CM will pre- Mrs. Mattie Tillman of Chicago; fv-' with the. notion that these Jews gregations" is the topic for the sent, "Idiot's Delight" with Flor- Mrs. Leah Rappaport of Pontiac, g of the Burgenland were inferior. afternoon session. A. M. pavis ence Steinberg, Esther Steinberg, Michigan; a son, Arthur of Chii HOLD FUKERAL f€~C—Tor backward people. They were, of Sioux City, la., will speak on Eileen Ze itz, Frances Blumkin, cago; tiro stepdaughters, Mrs, I FOR ISAAC for May to their "nonor and glory, better community relations; William Celia Lipsman, Ade?in,i Spector, Francis Levine of Aberdeen, Jews than most American .Jews, Stone of St. Joseph on financing and Bertha Slxttzky. South Dakota, and Mrs. Herman The Teicple Israel Sisterhood j Fuseral services for more deeply loyal to faith, tradi- Jewish education, and Morris E. A, z. A. 100 has also announc- Holdsberg of Sioux City; three will hold a Mother and. Daughter j 2 . ^ , gs, were ieid lr?' tion and!people and a t the same Jacobs of Omaha on the Tinaffill- ed its intention of participating-. stepsons, Abraham and Joseph Day Program s.nd luncheon, on j afternoon -at the j t Admission to "Star •. Night wiU Rosenthal of. Chicago; and fifteen Saturday,'May 14, at 1 o'clocs at H c s e time more. Austro-German in se-ated Jew. Rabbi Philip FinLelsen thai of Chicago; sad fifteen the-Teinple. cular, culture than most American stein of Cincinnati will speak on be ten cents. -, ' - ' Mr,'FiamE.n. Trio TT^: grandchildren.. Jews are American^ These men "Union Actviities in the Middle lirs. James Gcets Trill Epeafe prsetor or a local foc^ -' and women and children who West." Rabbi Samuel Chomsky Because he felt Russian mer- • Services were held at the JewMs Tire, have been robbed of all they and of Topeka will also participate. chants were dishonest, the Czar ish Funeral Kons triih Habbi for the-taothers and .Harriett KrjsnrviTed their: honorable ancestors had •Alexander I made" Jews governRabbi Samuel S. Maycrberg of esponi. r.-i f-c~; r.r.d z. brr.rcMilton A. Kor=tci=. officiates. I.'rs. Julius ye—zmi gained and are Slow hunted like Kansas City will deliver the prin- ment contractors. for the d£."-h.ters. Burial tras at Gcldcn Hill. loathsome beasts. are men |ind women of probity,: good breeding, n f-'.\ •" -".-i /'^T gentle ways and traditions. They are,- like the Jews of Omaha or Louisville, let ns say, only much more ..deeply, rooted in land, speech,; culture, "If yon have tears,'prepare to shed them* now." Some years ago I visited'Eisenstadtlr Very: charming, very gracious.people whose name today I j: dare" not write, lest i t might injure: them, Invited my wife and me ;to be their guests in Eisenstadt. '.They were vintners- and had; cultivated the vinei near Eisenstadt • for-many generations. Thus, they were very deeply attached, to soil and foik. • Their German was exquisite, needless to say, their library admirable. But what above all they wanted to show us Americans was their lovely-.'habitation. They had taken. a.'isiriall group of houses that had beonged to the old ghetto of EiBenstaat and,, as an act of' memorized piety to their people and ancestors,, had left the esteribrs ot'thel's houses as they had been : for '.centuries.- Inside they had ^ ^ n walla and . thrown . (Son'tinned on - page 8.} Habbi l o s i s I. •ft .^31fc.~^ fa,,iU ^ H
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verified by tbe final standings of; criginailT scheduled :cr the teams, ended last Sunday; ^T€v!rj hills b e e n pj^w**"!"r--~ j " /"I when t i e Tigers and the Wild- i aest Tuesday r.-isr^t ct 1 7. f r v* cats. W h o ended the regular: and will be held zt t t . Jaclr scbedule in a deadlock for the \ icaderEbip, bowled \ a special j All aoney prizes irci^ three-game series to \ecftie the: iciirnanient will be given cut i a beautjfr.1 tro-fcy aeEignE We don't often pay tribute to cfcampions for this. year. ATTlf-" - - - ' The Tigers took* two out of; the champion team will be an individual the way vre're going to tafee off our hat to ,Iz three games End are therefore | senteS to Captain Jjeo Weslz. who crowned the Jewish will get to mother it for a week of F ' " • Tretlak right now. or so, and it ' will tse^ be preIz isn't a star athlete. He chatnpion team of 193S. : The V^'ildcate started oat with sented to the Jewish Community hasn't t7on handball championships. He doesn't get his name vengeance in their bowling paws: Center to be displayed perma- b e e s -' •> as the man who and won the first game from Leo •nently in the trophy case iz the Five year* ago the advent ot vital fact in the life of the great with Nazi Germany. Hitherto, he in the paper last-second basket to Weitz's boys by the close jnargin : lobby. Gold bowling bails will t h r e w J n a Nazism ia Germany brought » majority of Jews in Europe a t had met with an effective opposi- | g victory in a basketball _o£ 816 pins to §10 pics. This-: also be presentee! to Sammy Me*n a t c a t n e wave of anger and indignation game w&3 won mainly on Jack} ersoa for his high: pingis gf-tce the present moment, one which tioa from the Liberal portion of game. He BSFleishman sad Jay - JIalasaock's ; of 2 65 a s i to Leo Tfeitz for fc;sb y J -<• which swept every Jewish com, — •• .—, . . , , „ ga-uie. n e doesn't UUCSM I come tunic to IU us munity in Enrop^. The Xazi affects.not-only their moods-and the population ledinvasion -by Count ^ j , a r e p n t a t i o n ; he isn't any bis first gaiae scores. ! high three-saice series o£ 6 2 5. j After the of j "big-shot." c* r* ther ic~ conquest 'of Austria has not social • reactions, but perhaps, Bethlin Vienna, how long will Hungary [ But let me tell you I'd rather The second game found the Ti-: All in all it looks like a grand :. iL.g -c •• -r v 7 ' created t h e same reaction. I even their very existence. : be in a position to withstand have Iz around my offic©- than gers bowling their steady scores; fznSsn for a gracd season of : oj""cccJ. Why? Read this keen analysis I . Nazism Spreads pressure? again 2nd totaled a S14 score, j bowling. Again we want to take c\s\y'~,"'~ any dozen other guys. of the present statns of Euro- ! This alj. important fact is that Nazi The small but well-placed Jewwhile the Wildcats dropped to a ! this opportusitj* to urge £ll!,C«^---* For his is the true spirit of copean Jewry for the' answer."— jffve years' ago the Nazi attack ish community in Yugoslavia is that builds and fosters. 74 3 which left the. match to be | young Jevrish men, from the ages b y t l = I-iE" 1 E • i* The Editor. '-•.-was > cbnf ined to German Jews no less apprehensive of its fate. operation Anytime we've ever asked Tre- decided in the third and final > of IS to SO, to. plan and ;;srta!:e only. Other Jewish communities JJ# stoyadonovitch, the present tiak for co-operative assistance, game. • j o£ this bealthful rport vrlth us y London—One- who_ remembers "we' re not -directly affected," In the final game the Tiger j next year, as all indications point and' we don't particularly mean minister, has long followed the state of mind and mood of though Indirectly menaced. The- aprime p O ij c y o f rapproachement with financial assistance, we've always crew bettered their previous two Ito a much larger and better £f European Jewry five years ago [present attack in Austria is not Germany, and-what easier and got it. For instance, when we'd scores sad rolled a S28 score, i league for nest season. when Nailsm first carao to power •'limited- to Austrian Jews alone. better means is there of express- get in a clutch and need a team while the Wildcats again bowled j —SAM ZWEIBACK. Secia Germany and compares it with, JAt least half a dozen other Jewsuch rapproachement than ( t o f n , , n a b a s k e t b a n a mediocre 74 5. . In the final j leasue. tho present Jewish reaction to , i3h" communities In eastern and ing the tragedy in Austria cannot but j south-eastern Europe are imme- ^ J g e i ! L S 5 - « , ^ ? f . U r i a ^ i ? - d ^ a | T r e t i a t could always be depend- game the Tigers were paced by j anti-Semitic movement? be struck by, tho tremendous diately., affected and many of ed upon to come through with Abe Feldcian, the Council Bluffs • shark who rolled a 212 game, j change which these five eventful- them are threatened with fates ^ e . : . . h . ! ? " / « A u " u ™ l * ! ™ * the backing and the players. and Captain Leo Weitz, who had '• of Bohemia is already Now, Tretiab has become inyears have wrought. The change," , similar to that of the Austrian community feeling the effects of the Nazi volved in some high-claE3 softball a ISO.. j it must be confessed, ia not a fa-, ! Jews. victory in Austria. H o s t ' Bo-i play. His team, the Omaha JobFive of the Tigers boys rolled vorable one. "We have lost-not The largest Jewish community hemian Jews are already liQUl- M n s company, has been entered 500- series, namely, Abe Feldraan, only in economic power and In Is itself dating their affairs and moving | I n . t h e G r e a t e r O maha league, 5G1; Leo Weitz, 524, and Mose j )t far from to the Czech or Slovak portions, t h i s t , f t t d , For Franklin, 505. Sammy Steinberg, The steady of Czechoslovakia. had a 413 and Frank Brooksteia i New York (TTNS) — Givir.s ,".: . one, we're wishing him luck — ! undermining of the economic po- • On short, the tragedy of Vien- and we'll bet there are plenty of scored 44S. Their total series < health. Edvancing age and press- ! na has proved to be the tragedy other individuals around town showed a 2,4 52 score. | ing public duties as the reason, j itj \ Anyone who was'In Europe in I sltion of Polish Jewry, the grad- not of Austrian Jews alone, but of its civil rights, that Iz's team will be 1933 will remember the wave of •ual The Wildcats were paced by: SO-year-oid Samuel T'ntPrrccycr 1 5s the greatest portion of Jews hoping waving- a pennant, come next Jay Malashock, the diamond ped-! resigned as presideEt of the Non- I c anger and indignation which ! and pogroms which have not Iof . SUMMER jn ea3t and south-eastern Europe, August. ; swept practically every Jewish ; ceased in Poland during the last-j which, Sectarian Anti-Nazi league, the i S dler, who had a 526; Sain Horforms tho bulk of Eurocommunity. The protests were boycott, organization 1 ? "or-three years have reduced > pean Jewry, the reservoir from Well, the J. C. C. softball wich, 462; Lee Hurwitz, 455; :anti-N'azi whicb he headed since 1E-3S j ? r not only loud, but genuine; the j two George Shapiro, 457. and Jack , the Polish Jews to a state of des- j which all inspiration for Jewish league starts Sunday morning, boycott movements spontaneous; pair Fleishman with a miserable 373. ;when it changed its name from j not much better than that j social and cultural enterprise had the readiness to come to the aid of any victims of Nazism. The j hitherto flowed. That great porTuesday night the league held : the American League for the De- [ of the victims almost touching. ? d e t a i l s their first annual sweepstake3 j fense of Jewish Hisbts. Dr. Abba i Austrian i Even such lukewarm Jewish com- an Immediate effect on "this situhandicap tournament. Tne boys' Hillel Silver of Cleveland, first ! ,_ j ' munities as the English were ation. The street excesses and were given a handicap o£ 70 per :vice-president of the league, auto- ! aroused a'a never before In their pogroms which had hitherto been getting your sports dope out of \ cent of the difference of their ! matlcally becomes president un- i 1933, but *« in * aY spirit v O I t aas . uut »„ of " this history. There were street-dem- more or less arrested, have flared volt B ,ina ™ h i column, l rI'll l repeat the schedfinal average and scratch score i til new officers are elected at a \ onstrations, marches, meetings out with even greater force and despair, helplessness and hope- o l of 195. Sammy Steinberg, t h e ; convention" to b- held at. the Holessness. It is So thoroughly preoverflowing with Indignation and Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Alpha Pi little rotund potatoe peddler, who ;tel Edison in Xew York on Seaa bigger scale than before. occupied with its own misery and Tau. pity. • The-Jewish-social-response on was rated by Abner Kaiman as a :day, May 22. Beating of Jewish students. In the dangers that it cannot give aid in Europe to the first Nazi out- universities -has been revived. A". Z. A. 100 vs. A. Z. A. 1. 100 to 1 shot, rolled a scratch ! • In a letter announcing bis res- ^ or even proper attention to the rages was magnificent and came Within 10 days of Hitler's march Adler Delicatesen vs. Milder score of 504 and aided by a iignatioa. Utermyer said: "While | $ tragedy in Austria. For the up to the sire of the tragedy. the necessity of this step, " handicap of 105 pins placed hiss- j II regret into Vienna the Polish Sejm enemy 13 no longer merely in Vi- Oil Co. am consoled by the reflection Pity Present . self at the top of the heap and I passed bills prohibiting ritual enna and in Berlin; he is at the : that, after more than five years ' This is not the case now. The In case you should hear some copped himself ?10 by doing so. of arduous and continuous serventirely and dis-en- door in Warsaw, Bucharest, Bustrength of the former protests. slaughter very melodic tunes emanating Norman Brown, another 100 toice, the objects of the league have franchlslng Polish Jews who'have dapest and Prague.Is missing; the spontaneity Is not lived from the men's shower room one abroad for over five years; This general depression An of these afternoons, don't start 1 shot, closely followed -with a ; become so well kno-sra • that it there; pugnacity is gone; anger and the . government started to central, eastern and south-easttotal score of 604, which gave] should from now on go forward seems to- be stifled; not only is use against _the Jews the same ern Europe, naturally affects also thinking that somebody has left him ?5. There were exactly ",0 Iunder its own momeatum. I con- , ,there no power' behind the punch, methods of force and confiscation the Jewish communities in the a radio turned on under the wa- money prizes listed winch ran Eider the league £. great huni£r.i- ! "* but there la no willingness even the Nazis are using .in Aus- west. In England, the element of ter. from top prize of 510 to bottora td raise a fist. Pity lor Austrian which It'll merely be the melo voice prize of 2 cents. Julian Milder tariaij public work, 5n no sense tria. YJider conditions such as Jewish society, which is represectarian, that i:Rder rightful Jewry there certainly is, probably .these of Gus Van, formerly of the faJewry which was the sented by" the bankers, corporafinally canie Ironie with a 467 guidance should have the support ! greater than for Germany Jewry, drivingPolish mous Van and Schenk vaudeville " force five years ago in tion directors and diplomatic total score which gave hint 2 of every civilized human being-, 1 J* but It is mostly individual, and directing the protest back-stair climbers who were team, cutting loose with some cents, and Sam Zweiback and Lee regardless of class, race or creed. I £ smothered in tears In every pri- rousing carefree capers. Nazism,, is no*v almost swept away by the tide of Jewish Hurwits tied with a. flashly 476 and I hope to see it maisteineS s vate Jewish home. Socially there against Polish Jews are now protest five years ago, is now in Yon-see, Mr.- Van, and we real- total ecora which gave them 9 under thst basis." ; is no manifestation to compare paralysed. no less the victims of Nazism the ascendancy again. Once more ly ought to call him Gus, has cents to divide amongst themwith the outbursts of five years than been working out regularly at •the Austrian and German gentlemen in top hats are going selves. They may decide to roll ago. Relief may be organized Jews. l,0rie cannot think of somethe Center. With him haa been a special three-game series with numbered bettrees four j and perhaps on as big scale but one " efte's.*.conflagration, when to the Foreign office and to the his pianist, Norman Rifkind. winner to take the whole pot. snd seres minion persons ia the resistance seems to. be ruled ont one's/<3wn ; household is .In the'" German embassy in London, and Tne pair are currently appearthe slogan is'to lie low, not to of the question; doubt in the ef- midst"q't'f'mmes: The' annual banquet which, was {Roman empire. ; " breathe a word which might of- ing at .the Chez Paree, in East ficacy of protests is almost unialthough that isn't meant versal and the prevailing mood'ia ••' Rumanian-JewSf too, are in afend the great "Herr". Hitler and Omaha, as a ping. Streic'her._ one of resignation, it not of..act- state 'irff.'lVth'arej' following,;the. Thus there Li£ hot now a Jewr-la3t, January.-^-They; ual despair. .-" • uphgav6l--;-oj: r Don't forget, t h e softball ' It Is not the purpose of tlira sha&iefe'd. .'fem<&ka.'ble- "resistance 5sn- community;, in* Europe that league, Sunday. Come out article to blame anyone orVto then.;ahdl au'eeee'ded in Arresting rjan come to the'succour of theand rootopens for your team! preach to anyone. Who knows, to .a-: certain estent their own con- Austrian Jews.'. Perhaps salvawhether there is anyone to bl6.me flagration/ but the effort, has left tiOn llea- with American Jewry. J. C. --C* BOWMN'G LEAGUE and whether the present mood,.Is them all but exhausted. Besides, European Jews cannot stand up Final Team Standings not the natural one In the pres- there ' is now' grave danger that to "the "new tragedy. Teata W. u. Pet. ent situation? One merely states their. position also will be adTigers 5 2 41 .553 the facts as one finds them, for versely, affected by the events in Wildcats 51 42 .548 they-ought to be known whether Austria: The Nazi occupation of WORKER'S ALLIANCE we like them or not. One also Austria .'has' opened the dykes stl 4G 44 .511 TO. MEET MONDAY Sooners wishes to point out a few reasons German, influence,' economic, poCyclones 43 47 .478 which arc responsible for this litical and -cultural, over .the • The Jewish National "Worker's .Tayhawkers 41 4 3 .45<> state of mind of European Jewry whole of south-eastern -Europe Alliance, Poali Zion, will hold a Cornhuskers 40 50 . 4 4 4 and which partly explain the and the Danublan States. Ru- special meeting on Monday, May mania Is ono of tho first coun- 9, at the Jewish Comunnlty Cenmanifestation. r The Jewish Community Center tries to be so affected. It has al- ter starting at 8:30. Bowling league has finally coino Five years ago tho Nazi blow ways been a stronghold of proMembers have bee requested to to a close. This league which deto German Jewry, although less Germanism, and will become even brutal than tho present one in- more so now, for nothing in- attend as important business is veloped into the- cioFeiU competito be trancacted. itive league in the city, which is flicted on Austrian Jfewfy, was peoplo, individuals and new and fresh and it was felt fluences societies BO much as-force and moro sharply. Nazism, too; was. success. - some of the not tho force that.it i3 now and Goga-CuzaAlready LI " which were many thought-that It could be af- repealed bymeasures the new Mlron govfected, if noi overcome; by world ernment have been .reintroduced protests and threats. The non- (a spectacular example is the Jowlsh world, as well, was more banning of ritual slaughter). No shocked by the then novel atroc- one who Xn cJieck loss end knows; Rumania can ity of re-Introduction of Mediae- doubt tested rayon, fabric ter...;" that it will.now turn to vallsm in the center ot Europe. Germany ties Youtlifui, pl&in i „.. more than ever. Its Each anti-Je^riEH measure called forces o f Fascism and anti»_ r:c\£. rrv-r cl K-"o-- y forth genuine indignation ami are on the increase. sincere protests among non-Jews. Semitism Rumanian Jews are now in immiDuring the last half a decade, nent r danger of sharing the fata however, not only the Jews but Austrian Jews. They have also the non-Jewish world became of the power nor the spirit so inured to suffering, outrages neither to render any effective help to and injustices that, tho very feel- anyone. " ing, . of proteot seems to be Paralysis of Spirit atrophied In Europe now. After A similar unrest and paralysis Bilbao, Guornica, Barcelona and tho rape of Austria Itself, Europe of spirit now reigns among the cannot was so indignant about Jews of Hungary and of the Balthe extermination of tho Jewish Tian States. In Hungary, the community of Vienna. This' has prime Tninlster/tJr. Daranyi, has Its natural effect on the Jews, for been long conducting an open more than any other people we anti-Semitic policy in a flirtation aro swayed in our emotions and moods by tho state of mind of tho people among whom wo live. Rabbi Z, First iChoicc of But there Is ono specific Jewish reason which accounts for a Millions—No& good doal of tho present reaction Recommended by Many Popularly Prised! - o t European Jewry to the AusDoctors trian tragedy. / This reason mustAll cj tbest <?.E ftcSttra er* bo clearly seen' for a full compreJeaad ia tr.ast C-E eiodtli Co. Oiuffs, la. Ph. £059 hension of the present Jewish poend some ia dl G-E models: sition in Europe, I t is tho most o All S:ccl Cabinet o Stz!.z~
ROltKV Z> MG1.7 7
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T MAY 15 nf Jewish *> clone its a "Spring ...ay IS, at Center. lied by the - -a. Thta ia
By William Zukerman
C l " NEW
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stranger for the third time walk- were aware of it, Tovie and his \RUMANIAN MINISTER NOT i CHARGE CODRE.AMU O F i«« 1*02. codro.nu i., now » arrest in eonne?'ion with bis ed -with Tovie to the cross roads wife realized that the good years ! v S A N S AMI-SEMITE SATS EULLI TT _ _ © ^ , ^ o,...ve p | o t i e pvprtln.ow. K and repeated his offer, Tovie re- were over. They could not help plied: "If you are really in earn- fesling that it would be pleasant to continue wealthy, bat their est, and do. mean to' make sport TTastinctn. D. C. < of me,.I •will think over what you. children had grown up industriA protest by the Asre have promised. But I never do a ous and^ worthy, aod they were o" ev re 1o isli Congress against tv >• a i thing without first consulting my happy in the thought of all the good they had done during the ment of Major'Radu fs„ •wife. Let me talk over matters r, I prosperity. t 1 The main speaker for the Thir- ' the new Rurri<ir.iEn *•* ~ c p with her and then I -will give you 11 . On the very day when the sev- teenth Annual Conference of the ] the United Slates on * <=• C T r 11 <- 1 r c ' 1 my answer." .J » 1 Hadassah that be was minister . The stranger consented and en good years came fo an esd, the Southwest Region cf « T ^ i f f *!£, old man'in the long cloak appear- being held in the Hotel Chieftain. 4... . _ , . . . , . , , , , -Tovie hurried home. His wife met 1 l AS EXTENSION OP THE JEWc^ 11 i ed to Tovie in the forest and Council Bluffs. Iowa on '-vlay IS in the late Gogra-Cnza cr "! r J that ^ e can dig the hills, plough , M m 1 %he d o o r o f t b e i r r ISH CQMMtJXITY CENTER said: "Your seven" good years are therefore unfriendly €v v" • Good Shabboth boys and the.fields. JuUd ships dram .the j h l l t H e q u i c k l y t o l a h e r a b o u t over. Now go back to your hu as and 19 will be Mrs. Samuel Schu- answered ty Secreta- c' •- e jj^ y. r -, * J 1 h m4 ^ r lsinger. National Board Member, lakes and brins all the Jews got to -t h e o l d - m a n a n d v - : V h a t h e had girls of. the Junior Jewish Erez-Israel. We have already *»" i promised, ending: "I believe the poor as you left it." Kuii in a leuer to S P " Ir\ i Y s~pr and National Chairman of Zionist .-Press! . - • • / • • a constitution. Anybody who I stranger is in earnest: I do not "I cannot return the gift be"stine A. Lonergan of Connect)- . the- was a Po " b* Relations. wants to join 'he Company must.: k n o v v h & h e i s < b u t b j s T o i c e •-•' jWe have all been,very busy : fore. I consult my wife, as I conlift up his hand ana swear that ; w a s s o • • during the past week getting Mrs. Schulsinger has a very in- cut. r who had forwaroed a pro- Selinski. who r F T < U e a n d h i s s o sulted her before accepting it." test to the State Department. v@-\~ "ready for our big Lag B'Omer he TV-III keep the secret and not, k i n d t h a t I f e l t ce vtain. that he That night. Tovie told his wife teresting background having atUnited States \ —•— "jjrograin on Sunday afternoon, tell.it to anyone. Then he must .W M , n o t m a k i n J ? s p o r t o t m e . » of his meeting with-. Elijah and tended public and high school in veaiing that the May 15, at the Jewish Commedicine in ftac approved the tvn sf*1 V T ' T" ' raise his other hand and swear [ r>ecides T h e -^y she answered cheerfully: "Let Germany, studied ^y ife T h e ife r>ecides Mr. Hull declared that Irimes-j •; "nnmity Center. The program and having Elijah come for it himself and I Berlin and Munich, that he will plough, and dig. and || Tovie.£ w i f e t h o u g D t f o r a m o . W l be open to the members of had close contact with outstand- cv. is not a merf-ber of ELUV Eu- ! | build, and drain the likes, until : m e n t b e f o r e s n e a n s w e r e d him, will give it to him." k -" Junior clubs and all the " the whole of Erez-Israel. from The next day when Elijah ing Zionist leaders of Germany • inaniai! party but because if his i\ the whole of ErezIsrael from t h j n k i t m u s t h a v . ,b e e n E 1 J j . sucb as Schriarya Le.in. Martin . Iwys and girls who have writDan to Beer-Sheba is ploughed ,a h _ P e r h a p s he will no-, come reached ToviS"s home- the -woman technical knowledge of aeronau- V\ - ten to Aunt Kaomi';i will be and built and drained, and a l l . j j met him at the door. She asked Buber. and Kurt Mumenfield. b l I {i f h e d o e s , t e n h i m t o tics had been a member of every H Omaha members of the region- cabinet since ifiC". Prior to that. the Jews are living m the hills - g u e s t s at the party. ;TVe have i y e u s t h e g e v e n d e a r s a t him to be seated and rest himf| and valleys of our land. • < (, nce » Zr f •'.-•« play, songs, games, and reself after his long walk: then she al board are Mrs. David A. Gold- Mr. Hu:l ssic. Irini?scu had been : f: 1 stein, Chairman of Education and l freshments arranged. So those , took from the cupboard a small And. the next morning, when j . " B W ' o b j e c t e d Tovie, "now T associated with banking firms in ' -~ t i n sun rose, the children met at ja m s t i H who want to attend send your a n d stron?. a n d book and laid it upon the table Mrs. S. Frohrn »ho is on the Ese- i N'ew York for 10 years. The neF --jrcutive Committee. Mrs. Max May- : contribution to Annt Jfoomi at the grove on the hill, dragging ,c a n ^ - o r k " h a r d O ne day I-make before him. er of Des 3Ioir.es is president cf minister aiso holes a degree froic.' S • ' the Center and you wQl be wel- with them tools and lumber of all ! m o r e . o n e d a y l e s S t b u t i a m s t i n "What is written In that the region and Mrs. S. Suvalsky Columbia University and is mar- | | kinds. Then Ruva climbed high ja b ] e t 0 w o r k : B u t ^ . h e n j a m come to come to the big Lag book?" asked Elijah. It 5? \\\ of Council Bluffs is in charge of ried to ac American, up, on to a tree and from there Io ] ( J e r u w U 1 b e h a r d e r t o m a k e ' B'Omer party. u "I have kept an account of the read the letter out in a loud a living." • This week we are ; concludway we spent the treasure." an- the conference-. voice. The children listened and ing the story of "THE FOUR "True." answered his wife, swered the woman. "Look it over gave a mighty cheer. And the "but we need the HEROES OP KINIfERET." We money very for yourself." cheer re-echoed through the badly just now. for only today hope you have enjoyed this litThe Account hills: "Hooray! Hooray for the our children were sent home from tle story of Palestine life. AVe Elijah read over the account new Company!" are also having this week school because we could not pay book. He saw how simply Tovie's "SEVEN GOOD TEAKS." i. aj?^ k a. i for their tuition. Learning is family had lived, and that they . So writer to or and let us " i worth more than bread, and it is had given so freely to the poor know how you liked these itifi;; Assortment Gets L'y U: ! better for us to be" hungry in our and needy. "You have used the stories and what you would One upon a time" there lived a i old age, than for our children to treasure very wisely," said Elittcp cr eaner verp r,nd Plants <r like us to add to this page to man named Tovie, a pious Jew, j grow up without schooling." London (WNS}1—The British jah. make it more enjoyable for and good to the poor. So gener- \ '"*To\i are right," agreed Tryie. "If God thinks we have not Museum receives $650,000 and - you. . ous was he that in a short time ; "It is better to have the seven used it wisely," ans-wered the the famous Rothschild zoological - TOTTK AXTST NAOMI he bad given away his entire for- j good years at once." wornan quickly, "let Him take it museum at Tring by the •will of tune and he and his family were; "And what about the years of away from us and give it to some- the late Lord Walter de Roths-f i r s t 10 Lfcs. / reduced to poverty. While they j poverty that will surely follow?" one more worthy. But if my hus- child, according to ar announceDry were rich. they had many j ,"Go'd will continue, to keep us band and I have not wasted the ment here. The legavsc- is to be Weight—4Sc friends, but now. since they were :a s jje has always none," answer- treasurer, and have given freelj" used to build an annex to the poor, their ' old acquaintances je d Tovie confidantly. to the poor. He had better let us museum for research. If the Mu"RE Each &r ?l. Us. seemed to forget about them and j "Have your wish." . assented keep it." seum rejects the proviso the left them entirely alone. "Your account pleases God," legacy goes to Miriam Rothschild, ! the old man. "Go home and make Chapter V Tovie became a wood-cutter ! good use of your fortune," and answered Elijah. "You have a niece, and Mrs. Charlotte Behi. turn ?-.* <Ji- *BP it THE BEST IDEA OF ALIJ made good use of the seven good rens. a sister. and lived with his. wife and their j he disappeared, For three days and three four children ina-poor-hut in the j years, that were granted you The Treasure iifghts the children sat at home, forest. One day as he "was return"When Tovie reached his home Keep the treasure for the rest of Irat on the fourth night they ing home, staggering under the j i i e found . his children your life." could stand it ~ao longer. They heavy- load of .wood THE JEWISH CHILD upon his ; near the door before the house, slipped out one by one and held back, he beard a voice behind I while his wife stood waiting for a meeting behind the barn. That him saying, "Trait, brother, and ; him. The children were digging ngiht they weren't in. the mood I will help you carry your bur- ; j the ground and one of them n for stories, nor had they the time. den, for it seems heavy." fsuddenly started up and ran to In rapid whispers Ruva unfolded The Old Man | his father. "See what I have his new plans to them," Tovie turned and saw beside j found!" he cried, in his hand was »Tay ATeisman, Scout Master "The "Erez-Israel Exploration f him'an-did man. white bearded, "a. bright gold piece. Tovie and his The Center troop won second jbut_still straight and vigorous. ! if hastened to the hole the - Company* is absolutely finished w e place in the Merit Badge Show and done •with." be said— "and land dressed in a long cloak gird- : children had dug. and sure last Friday and Saturday at the now we must found a new Com- | ed with, a- -shaggy skin. The j enough, there was a crock of City Auditorium. They 'exhibited pany, a big one, a real explora- 1 stranger took-the bundle from ; shining gold pieces, too heavy for the Safety Merit Badge and betion Company, a . . . " | Tov.ie, and walked beside Mm, j one man to carry. They poured cause they sold their quota of : . Knva stopped with' a stammer now.and then asking him of his i them out open the kitchen table, tickets they will receive a special and waved his hands in despair. wife and children and learning of ;a n d behold, the crock was as full commission and a prize. How . could . he explain to his | Tovie's poverty and his struggle j a s before. The seven good years : friends this idea of the new Com- I to support his family. When they bad indeed begun. Kadima. pany? But it didn't matter, they left 'the forest and carne to the But neither Tovie nor his \rife "Sirs. .T. Iladinowskr, Leader all understood — a big Com- crossroads the stranger gave Tov-; s p e n t - t h e i r fortune in idle living, The Kadima Club' met last | n o r did" 'they waste the gift. They pany, a proper Company!; How ie his wood again and spoke. ."Listen. ' Tovie. God willr send s e n t their children to school and week at the Jewish Community wonderful! Their eyes sparkled During Dought better clothes and moved Center. They and the Girl Scouts and Shlome'le -'- exclaimed- in an you seven r-good: years. those "'years .'you-Shall have riches into a more comfortable cottage, j made bows a^d arrows for prizes • excited voice. ' . ' \-i I for the Lag B'Qraer celebration. iXefs s t a r f t h e - Company to- and fiappmessItlUilepends'on you but-iT£>vie-:coattaued, to: | They also adopted their constitumorrow morning! "JTo, let's start. when t h e . seven "good years shall j ery day, for he said: "If I live in will j tion and are planning many acimmediately. Listen, you chaps, begin. If you desire it, before the \ idleness now, my children and tivities out-of-doors for the sumeveryone has got to bring what- day is over you shall be so rich j grow up to despise labor, mer. ever he can get hold of! Spades, that you will be able, to support {when we are poor again they will hoes, hammers, nails, planes and all the poor in the town. But, af- In o t be willing to work and earn ter seven - years of riches you ja n honest living." •wheel-barrows — everything!" Girl Scouts The Cave Janet Graetz, Scout Mistress j shall again become as poor' as j Only on4»"luxury did Tovie and The Girl Scouts joined with j :"Where were they going to put you are now. If you desire, you j his wife allow themselves: as in their last all theBe things? — that was the may have the seven good years the days of their former wealth, the Kadima ' club at then you j they gave liberally to the needy meeting in making bows and ar- i first problem that faced the new close your life and rows for prizes for the Lag I Company. But Shlome'le soon shall die a rich man." a n d never turned a stranger from Tovie listened to his strange their -floors. An'd They are j found a way out: Tovie's wife B'Omer,, celebration. meeting next ! "In the 'Twenty Tree Grove,' words. Then he answered: "I do kept, a strict account of ever gold postponing their you can piece they'spent, whether it was Sunday because of Mothers' Day ] • by the cave on the top of the not understand how I am used for their own needs or giv- and will meet again on Sunday ; hill, at sunrise, you chaps — make me such an offer. afraid you think me very simple en to the poor. May 15 before the Lag B'Omer \ don't forget . . . . " program. ! No, Shlome'le, no one will for- and are trying to make fun of Seven Years'
Rothschild Bequest To British Museum
See Our of Fresh
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Price r t e F'"f,',"
CLUB NEWS Boy Scouts
get, you can be certain of that. The second question was: what were they going to do with all Ihe tools which would be brought to the cave? But Shlo.me'le had an answer for that, too: "With good tools" he said, "it's possible — I'm sure it's possible — to-dig ever so deep down into the earth, right into the middle of the hill. Perhaps we'll find a treasure there — gold" and silver. That's how it is in the books „ '. ." And once the treaBure was found, it would be shared out among everybody and there would be an end of the matter. But Yigal did not agree: "Our Company isn't going to go trea. surer-hunting." hV said in a decisive tone: "it's going to work! We'll dig and plant the-whole cf Erez-Israel, we'll sow wheat so that there's bread for everybody." Another Plan Ruva had yet another plan: "Let's build a great big ship, from here to there; and bring all the Jews in the world to Kinneret!" ,'.-. "What, in one boat?" "Well, it'll go twice." "And say there's no room left in Kinneret?" "Then they'll go to Dagania." "And i t they fill up all Dagania, Alef and Bet, and Tiberias, and Yavneel. -and Gesher — and the whole of Erez-Israel?" "Then we'll drain Lake Kinneret!" '1And the Dead Sea, and the Huleh JIarshes. and the Mediterranean! Hooray! Hooray! we've got a Company!" But Dudik had his doubts, as usual: "There are only four of us. That's very little. One treasurer, one secretary, and one chairman — and what about the others?" So they decided to extend thf> limits ot'the Company, whatever might happen. Ruva was appointed to write a letter to the children of the colony over the hill, and to all the other children in Erez-Israel. and to the Jewish children all over the world, inviting them to join the 'Company.' A letter V And this ia the letter that Hura wrote: "Dear children up on the, hill, md everywhere else.—Shalom! We, the older children of the Emeli, have started a big new Company. Everyone has got to wing tools, both old and new, so
1 me."
The seven years passed very Another Meeting quickly, and almost before they The next week he again met the old man in the long cloak, who helped him carry his wood from the forest; and repeated his ! offer at the cross roads, and Tovwith | ie again answered him: "I do not j understand how you can make ! me such an offor. I am afraid you ; think me very simple, and are j trying to make fun of me." ! But the next week when the
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Cold weather deals light!? vrita Golden Guernsey cluMrcii, because tie Golden Guernsey 5111k they drink is extra riclj ia the tody-building elements children need most ia wiuScr. More nourishhig bnltcr-fat, end more Caroline -the primary source of the cnti'cold vilaznsn A. Agk, your docSor aBosi Ccssfea Gnemsey Milk . . . he probably recssmsnensls it lor and convslcsceccc . . . and for mllk-sby clsildr-ea who ore qnicidy won by £ss tSelicioas flavor. GoIsJan Guern«eyis.never mixed with otier milks. It's elvisys sold •"slralglil" aKsl fullBtrcngtli. If yon want your c&ildren *a t i e best yoa can get, crtlcr Golden Gncmscy Milk tssday.
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During ny 5 rears c r e d i t "or v'ih t>c rctcaob'lc hurmc?r i?> Qm&hs I have had ample c f r c - i r i - -: ^ Ic^-r, i'~z ^v;n i . 2r:'.. T ,t vtr-vle I serve WELL irrore'e:.- "-r. r ~ r \—~ "i 7 ' " ' ,' .s>vt tinA t
Ixave tsccrs." r Thr r - *:-, —* *—*~ ^~~^ - J :-'-'- T "* r* r"" ""• ' .hf people < r of Omzhs, ir rr— "~7'!"^_'"i ~? ~" - z' \ l~'i ** ' * • " • ' % ^ c* i^Ioads will hs ^ r c w i c r c i • ' - r r . . z eJr - r '" ~ - * T ' * • " " ' ' : r "t-nna( tioa of t b c s a s c f - i r r . i > , € .I r.-r*i ~icrcr - "<- " T " - ™ > * h*-vp alw a j s followed. Bo, i p oia fneaas and sew, 1 csxenu roj rac.-.t cordial mvitatioa %o p a j xss a "rait soon.
• • •• .
- - Leonard L. Klein
is entitled, "Bareeli Bes ! B. Jewish Community Ceciw, ] cot inquire ike prkc of an article tional 'Reform Judaism' organization and will be a distinc- anthers. The first group dwells i• other, exclusively Oa the relig- j X - i h " the" associate of Jcre- j Internstiosa! Verkers" Order, •'wJu.'R ne IWSR no inrenfioti to portively '.Reform' gathering, the note struck will be one broader almost pieces tinder p. rru C nncl P. Jewish Com- , chnse.'^ S p d r the j S p ions life of t i e Jew, and portrays itaiafc. Several ir.f-s,.i-;pr fiaid, " H e ^ b c than any. mere partisan expression or interpretation. Judaism •with beauty and power . Ms • tra-1 fE l tfeenje "Prayers," "Xcrn- [[ mucitr Center, It&t.: -.;-,? Te>'>h fee tb' son' o) after all. whether Orthodox, Conservative, or Kefons, is" iden-idttions, his love fVr' scholarship 11°*-,Afternoon and Evening^ ire I 'Junior Kadsssah, S .p. n>., C •:f- n Am 3-IfT A--et?,. even if {be deeply spiritual petitions, fcVfcKV »-RIDAV A l OMAHA, NEBRASKA. BY Te e T ;. C u e oyilt.ined an evil decree tical in its essentials. Moreover in this country, whatever its %*£ lZlT ; i ° ,J!!^X t TUB JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY These a " things are inestimably esists the possibility o£ a grea ; a n d D, Jewish. C o m m u n i t y Ce-s> ' '•'-'• ins-i tl;e v-ovli-:. He will abol• ^er. | 'f\ liturgical composer in K Ktlkin supposed differences, it tends to take on a common character. precious, and the authors cling • er..].;r oi tliis merith . • £2.ro in p r i o r pRiCfc. on? Yea. •. •. •. •. •. .-• to -then tenderly and tenaciously.! u >T f other poets, represei T Judaismin America breathes the Jbnerican spirit of freedom, | "cVes's^rTd 'checkers class. A p. 'c ^ove ff has ADVERTISING RATES PURNISMED ON APPL.ICAI'ON And the mood is that'of pess:rninteresting- collection whic rr.ir.h said, " H e whe of democracy, of progress. All shades of Judaism tend to mod- ism, almost of despair, over the-j H i s ^possible to consume ' EI.. recreation room. .'ewish Corn- j;•m a Kf.bt' EDITORIAL OPFlCEt CQ3 QRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING k e s himpes? ii?i:le for t h e pur*hey all all c mee n r itt it. are j nmruty Center. disintegration, of that "Jewish life I t"°«sh they if -SIOUX Cliv OFPIOE—JEWISH COMMUNltV CENTER eriiize themselves, to adjust themselves to present conditions, they knew ia Russia, orer the f Dommitz. Femscein. I POSP of. ?-M{',yivz t)ip T o r a h in F e i n s t e t n . Re, Regeisoi PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—<5W SO. 241H 8IRE61 k h i s T-orld v. iH become great ih SFECiAl. EVENTS to accommodate themselves to the ideas and customs of the the American JewKatzenelson. ZilberscHag Pesech impudence DAVID BbAUKBR Business and Managing Editor ' r.b.«-- fui.f.'.-e v o ^ i d priu also he who Sender, 3Ja;S. rto n er the greed G'nsberg, A. H. Fnefiia&cer. t^e ish riche, r hires tim.sc.L t c v.-Drfe h a r d in o r w e U FKAWKR. ACKERMAN ^ H o r western world without sacrificing one iota of their essential a n d A. 1. A. Vs.re.rde* Day tea. S p. ambition of known Cleveland educator, aggressive to lie rfiie tc- F'udy t h e T o r a h LEONARD NATHAN .-..-.-." Associate t d tot Jewishness. • For what is it that all forms of Judaism have in worthless, e v e n dishonorable i Grossman, Brind, Solacor snd m... auditorium. Jewish Conmiiir-- fler viV. be «h .erect r,nc? Iree m a n in ity Center. RABBI FREDERICK COHN • . CoDtrlbntlasH.dltOi common, and that, too, throughout the world, whether in Eur- men who Success makes them group of poets and dream- | TCorkmeE's LOCK dinner, G p. t h e scholar. The The i RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS • • Boofc Editor ope, Asia, or Africa, as well as in America? It is that which contemptuous of the scholar i JfH-hstisi; said to his ers men. better acclimated j continue the ancient tradition j in.. C and D. Jewish Connrumu PILL -' • • Sfom City, towa. Correspondent has constituted the cardinal principles of,the faith, the basic younger TO r n d h i r e l a b o r e r s for to the American Jewish environ- i °° Hebrew poetry in a new en- , Center. Socie?^ K . " ?*fe f'KJ FO v-Uh t h e undermeat, are not as seriouslv per-1 vironment. under new forms oi ; Jewish Free' Loan ! and distinctive idea which has differentiated Judaism from all turbed inspiration, "under difficult r.™.-),^™ con- ; bridge, <•„ ™ rtc'Horlum. by these thinsg. * Thev '| '—•"••«"" ^ — Mff^.H^ H ^ ; Tew- Ftrr.rTlr^ -bp. . t h e y should be fed in rcU'ition to their regular This Can Happen Here . Center. other religions, including its own daughter religions of Chris- haTe become assimilated in the iditions. but always in the spirit v-jif-ps. T r h e r hr c a m e a n d told That they are succeed- ' Sender. Me? ©• Recorded in last week's edition of the Jewish Press was tianity and Mohammedanism, and that is what we call 'Ethical is no longer ->xclusively or main- ! ing s ° remarkably f a t h e r of ;.he a g r e e m e n t the is a. testimony , Eikur Choilm luncheon. 1:CC ti& an interesting story that had been brought to our attention. Monotheism.' Judaism is a strict uncompromising monotheism. ly Jewish. Their themes are quite !lto 'e-wish Commun- fpMirr sri-rj i r h i m . "My son, even their srenius. to their great ; p. __ 3 . ffi c £ n d If you pjiouM ^ r o r i d e t h e m with ity Center. often borrowed from the world of i o v e f o r f h e language in which {ity Down south, in Dallas, an Episcopal church had turned over And its, emphasis from the very beginning- has been upon nature. me&is Sil'TP t h e b a n q u e t s Of King wJnestJay, 3IETI I . from th.P onnfliM nf they write and to the .inherent ! Yf< from the conflict of , the proceeds of a play to a Jewish congregation for the relief ethics, expressed by the word ^righteousness.' One God andnature, Stape-NHe. S p. m.. eucittor- r-olo-mon i r h i s t i m e , they sexes, from their American en-} Power resident, in the _ Kc^raic iuni. Jewish Community Center, not be s a t i s f i e d . " o£ distressed European Jewry. The play had been given on a passionate insistence upon righteousness have been and arevironment. Their style is no Ion- ! tradition. Some day Thursday-. May IS. i ts •will this Good Friday; the money had been presented during a con-the distinctive characteristics of Judaism. Tndaism xrliethpr I ^er simple, but has become orA- : of sifted spirits Senior Haciassah luncheon. 1 p. Patronize Our Advertiser^ duaaism wnetiier a t e a n d e l a b o r a t e _ o f t e Q n n n , their talents and their art to the le us., Jewish Community Center. Biblical or Talmudic or post-Talmudic, whether of patriarch service of the s gregational £?eder. must struggle with it to get the ! Mnsic Festival. S a. ra. to • F p. been the principle meaning of the author. These j—which has This is a typically American gesture. Possibly it might or priest or prophet, of singer or saint or sage, whether of i fall El., a u d i t o r i u m , .Tewisb C o m n i u n life and artl " have borrowed much from their ' source ROOM FOR RENT—All Con. bare happened elsewhere—England, for instance—but the Babylon, or Egypt or Palestine or Spain or America^—the Juda- non-Jewish poets whose influ-! our . people. W h a t powerful ; ity Center. reaiences, WE S257. Friday, Sley i s . _the^se _mep conW_ pen^ -=•»--realm of such goodfellowship is gradually narrowing. Since ism of Abraham, of Moses, of the Prophets, of Hill el, of Mai-ence is well nigh irresistible as ; hymns great arnsic"-Festirj-1. S p. rn. to 6 FKo, IPth. prayers they can j is verily that of the environment ra., lodge room, Jewish Comrcuocolonial days when the early Puritan settlers of Boston, bely- monides, of Mendelssohn, of Isaac Mayer'"Wise or Solomon itself. In what vigorous > compose? icy Center. they can ex ing the oft-repeated charge of intolerance, collected a fund.in Scheehter—has always been essentially the same, whatever mod- J it • is impossible to consider i! ^beautiful bords Sunday, 3Iay 15. t then o a the village church t a send an indigent Jew back to his people ifying interpretations these may Lave put upon it.. There il *™ Bibur Cholim Bazaar, all ts.y. BOUI^HOT *£!j.I' ££* ° £ ' **! j « n twenty-four authors represented FOV, RENT — Eight room in Holland, the American people have always displayed a re-always the grand idea of the absolutely One God and a sub- in this volume. The editor has al- era singers and psalmists can en- : auditorium, Jewish Cos; hr>x>.Kf; furtiiahed or unfurricb Jewish life acd inspire the | Center, most accomplished this In his Jewish masses? ninKe^, 2 S 7 3 Webster. HA markable spirit of fair-mindedness. : lime conception* of Duty. These are more than mere, theologi- penetrating i Junior L>e,s? B'OTTJPT- T; / scholarly intro- j This anthology records the £:S0 p. ffi.. !o€ls:e room, Jewish It is significant that this incident occurred in the south cal or metaphysical considerations, speculative or philosophic duction whereand &&ez. he summarizes the strivings, the dreams and* the • Cocmuriity Center. where once the Kn Klnx Klan. promulgated the doctrine of or scientific. They are of the utmost practical and ethical im- character of the men, and their hopes of an, Icor banquet. 6 p. m.. Jewish, important group in vork. The brief biographical maCenter, intolerance. ' portance. The idea of the One God though in the highest terial Trith which he introduces American Jewish life. Anfi, is 'minunity Roucd Table dance. P- p. m.. additional proof that the Hebrew FOR RENT 2 room*. ConThis act in Dallas rev-eals. there still exists in the world sense philosophical and scientific implies, not only the unity each poet is unusually well done, language Jewish communitr is a IiviE£ rich ar<d culrenieRt to clown town. Web* today a spirit of mutual understanding, a fineness of charac- of the cosmos so that One Law reigns throughout all creation, with the salient facts of the tivated medium for expressing Fier ?OP y. KRJ- 16. ter that adversity has not stilled. The human race is not, asin the physical, animal and moral world; but the unity of all emphasized. The reviewer caa best. i Tv'onieE'B Division of the Jcwonly at a few. those who has been stated, spiritually bankrupt, for no people devoid mankind whatever may be the differences of race, speech, cus- pause ] is'a Community Center snfi Welintrigue and move him most. j fare Federation luncheon, 1:' of great religious feeling could have acted with such nobility. tom, nationality, creed, class or color. The Unity of God does Jacob whom the Community Calendar loGce roor Con.;A country that can give shelter to such a sublime spirit indeed imply the highly ethical truth of the brotherhood of anthology opens, can not of Ce»ter. WKKJK OF MAT. S amongst the - . _._ of understanding "between diverse religious group3 must-have man; a truth of which the world has special need today in course claim rank outstanding or major poets. His j Sunday. S. OmahaMay Hebrew club "A Polish Talniid Chacham in been founded upon solid principles, principles worth endur- these attempted distinctions of Aryan and non-Aryan S p. ES... lodge roots., Jewish. Coin-! America" is notable since it is a scmr c:j v;:c ing'. Here at least live forces of good. are not merely academic but erected into ideologies and forms touching tribute to the ideals nninsty Center. / i
A. Z. A. Parents' Day tea. S p. • of government (or r a t h e r inis-government) of the most tragic i America constantly evokes in ni., auditorium, Jewish jCoiannm- i ' -the hearts of the oppressed and Smoke from These Embers consequences to millions of human beings of- whom vre Jews persecuted of ail lands. There is iu >'_ c f ^, t e r Peddler Union meetin Soon there is to rise in the streets of .Vienna, smoke from are the moat conspicuous victims and sufferers. more genuine Americanism . ia these - lines than in many a pa- m.. room E, Jewish Co the funeral pyre of books written by non-Aryans. Even this And the idea of righeousness surely needs to be empha- triotic oration we hear on July | Center burning is to be only "Symbolic, and will not, as - originally sized in the world today. Perhaps that is the only conception 4th, and in all the resolutions of j planned, consume all the works of non-Aryans found in thearound which the nations will yet rally to put an end to thesuch morbidly zations like the Daughter; state libraries. monstrous and criminal wickedness of which Nazi Germany is Ainerlc&a Revolution In past epochs men in authority have tried to show their the chief perpetrator in the world today. As Bishop Ryan of like. Rosensweig-, the second poet, er. hatred and superiority by just such episodes. A few years Omaha in his fine .radio address on The International Situa- takes Workmen's for jrraated freedom in the ago we considered the burning of* the great library of Alexan- tion said two weeks ago, our 'blood boils' when -R-e consider United States. W h a t the gates, him Is the heartlessness of ^nc;e±r ! Tt'hen there is so wood the fire dria by the Caliph Omar as an example of Moslem: intolerance Nazi Germany's inhuman and fiendish persecution of the Jew, shocks Free Loan Ol" *'""•. ;£oeih out End where there is no the industrial sytiem. the intoler-1 Jewish y V and barbarism. One looked upon Savanarola's burning of the the 'cold pogrom' that is causing inexpressible suffering, physi- able lot of the " {whispering strife ceaseifc. immigrant who a ^ priceless treasures'of Florence as an episode of an untutored cal a SwelL as mental and moral, to literally hundreds and must wander froa house to ' ir, sray S. ! Habbi Juc.es house ia search of a miserable "One nuts B i k u r Cholini luncheon, l : ? 0 | , thousands of innocent human beings, men, women, and little livelihood. past. . • • ' • " . . ' . • Els "Skilled Tailor" p.-is.. C anil D, Jewish Coamun- I World-wide protest has prevented the calamity that the children, causing them to emigrate, to be hoineless in the earth, Js reminiscent of Thomas Rood's ity- Center. -. I masterpiece, ••The SMrt." TSe Loan meeting. 8 r. ! Nazis Tiad first scheduled.! Now most of the books.will merely or. in despair and utter desperation to take their own lives 5 same mood of despair aad the ra..Workmen's C anfi D, Jewish Cemnmnu:" be removed from the shelves and placed in locked rooms to bewhose only crime is that they give religion, morality, the Bible, same fierce wrath at the exploi- Center. tation of the inialgrant, fills the Christ, and Christianity to the world, and have been among soul and verses of M. M. Delltzkept from innocent Aryan eyes.^ B'naf B'rith. S p. ra., lodps Jewish communitr Cestt:. • This act, contemplated 01* consummated, reveals the foun- the foremost liberals and humanitarians and enlightened and ky. who, in addition to "writing: room. Kazorair Choral rocictr, f- Tr I Hebrew poetry, was an important dation of the Nazi regime. Ignorance. Truth has been the progressive spirits of humanity. 0, the world surely needs a figure In the Yiddish Press. The ra., K aad L, Jewish Coisn;i;nit " I *' victim of Fascism since Hitler assumed power. The very fact greater infusion of the spirit of righteousness, and action dom- high premiums placed upon fi- Center. TijessJaj', May I©. nancial that he tries to still the voice and shut the eye shows that he inated and inspired by the inexorable ideals of righteousness. esteem success and the low Deborah society, 2 p. in.. C £.n£ ia which scholars and Jewish Community Center. j is hood-winking a people, fearful that once they are enlight- They are binding upon all, nations as well as individuals, and scholarships arc held outraged D, Boy Scouts meeting:. S p. ~ . , \ their moral imperatives are inescapable and inviolable. Ger- his Boal. "Come Let Us Deal lodge ened to truth, his power will crumble. . ' Wisely" i3 a sardonic Indictment Center. room, Jewish Community . J May the smoke from these bonfires rise like the smoke many will yet learn that she cannot flout all moral laws with of the economic system. The Junior Council meetir.?:, T:JC ; from ancient sacrificial altars. May it carry a plea for theimpunity; that the brutal and cynical infraction of these will poet's bitterness reaches even to p.,in., C anfi D, Jewish Communthe Almighty, in "Where Is He?" eradication'of these men of ill wjjl who now drunk with' their yet cause, as they already have her degradation and disgrace, which is a sharp protest to God ity Center. Alpha Pi Tau meeting-, S p, jn.. power rule an empire. From the ashes may another phoenix so her inevitable ruin. There is a just God behind creation, against Jewish persecution. This rooai E, Jewish ComxaTiaity Cen- j and His will of righteousness isAbound to triumph in the end.Is even more apropo today than ter. rise—the challenge to the brutality of the Nazis. ( in the days o* the author. The Jew believes that with all his heart and soul; Ms whole Iraber, the one "who composed Wednesday, May I i . class. 4 p. m., C and i history confirms it; his future salvation and re-habilitation the Hatikvali, Is represented -with D, Dancing Ethiopia as a Jewish Community "Center. j several selections, the choiccest Stage-Kite, S p. in., auditor- i With the signing of the new treaty of 'friendship' between will gloriously illustrate it! of which, snd most tender, is, ium, Jewish Community Center. ! 4 Mother." Italy and England, responsible circles in those two countries Let the Jew continue to uphold his sublime ideals of God "My .... j Intematiosal Workers' Order, j Silkiner is the first of i ™ i 8 iP.'»•• C end D, 'Jewish Com-1 and in the United States are suggesting that Ethiopia be uti-j and right, in a seemingly godless and heart-breakingly immoral compasr to be as much American jr,,. i',t_'U_„•_». lized for Jewish colonization. j world. This is perhaps the best way that the Jew can 'help as Russian. In him. th© spirit o* 13. old Teshiva and the spirit oE Senior Hadassah luncheon. 1 The May "Current Digest" carries an article by a Dago- himself,' as he was called upon to do in the stirring April edi- modernism are judiciously com- p. ffi., Jewish Cortuauntty Center. bert D. Runes, who shows that outside of Palestine no country torial of "Judge." .Let the Jew keep these ideals flaminglybined. Though a graduate of Co- Music Festival. S a. ts. to 6 r. i lumbia law school, he preferred m.,- auditorium, Jewish Coci22.ur- I has greater interest to the Jew than Ethiopia. The erstwliile alive. Men will yet do obeisance to the good and true. We the profession of Hebrew teach- ity Center. royal family of the country boasted of its relation to the House cannot believe that after centuries of civilisation, and above ing, and is aow an instructor at Friday, May IS. the "Teacher's Institute" at the of David and-its descent from Solomon and the Queen of all of religion, humanity will be so utterly vile as to trample Jewish Chess and Checkers class, 4 r. Theological seminary. ni., recrestioa r o c s , Jewish CorcSheba. The people themselves are a mixture of Semite and all instincts of right and justice into mire and blood. Man Biblical themes are his inspira- raunity Center. tion, as exemplified by h i s negro. Not only is there a large community of Jews, the Fa- will yet vindicate himself. Music" Festival, S a. m. to 6 r"Ruth" and "Lodge Here for the m., lodge room, Jewish Comiaurlasha or so-called negro Jews of Abbysinia, but the Coptic This consummation so devoutly to be wished the Confer- Night." His pessimism — and ity Center. . Christians are themselves members of a church that retains ence in our city will help to realize—May success attend its what intellectual and sensitive ' WEEK Or 'MAI" 15 f p p many Jewish ceremonials. Saadsy, Jf&y 15. deliberations and through its inspiration new faith and cour- veyed in. those over-srhelmnig sad Young Judaea, 2 v. m., robn For Italy Jewish colonization would mean an influx of age come to. every Jew and Jewess privileged to attend. lines, "I have Ion? lost hope." 51, Jewish Community Center. capital which Mussolini badly needs for the development of A. S. Schwartz devotes himself Young Judaea II, 2 p. JS.., Jew--Frederick Cohn. exclusively to Jewish themes and ish Community Center. ""• the country. Added to this is a great need for colonists since T he paints with striking phrases, Juaior .Lag B'Omer program. Italians have been loathe to leave their sunny shores for the the beauty, the power and the 2:SO p. si., lodge room, Jewish mystery of Jewish religious liv- ComiauEity Center. burning heat of the conquered land. Mussolini, except for a ing, and of the synagogue when Omaha Hebrew club, s p; ts., Jialf-hearted, flirtation with Hitler, has for the most part gone tilled with worshippers. He has lodge room, Je-srish Corsraiir.it; captured the mystic spirit of the Center. out of his way to show a fi-iendship for the Italian Jews. Sabbath In his "Kabalaa Shab- j Eiktir Chelira Easaar. all ca But somehow we can't reconcile the thought of Jews who • . By ©3. SHEOSOSE.N. LS7I3 bas." auditorium, Jewish r We're ready with the most comare seeking to realize an ideal of living, - shoved into blackE. A. Lisitzky is imaginative in Center. Eabbi, liosst Blast Tesplo, Sices. City the eitxeme and still contributes Icor banquet, 6 p, ia., Jewish plete showing of authentic f-iport vshirte'd. uniforms to march the streets of-.Addis'Ababa. It is frequently to Hebrew periodicals. Center. hard to reconcile the teachings of Isaiah with, the mad utter- "ANTHOLOGY OF HEBREW inatlng Introduction, Mr. Aibalow Israel Efros, of Buffalo, who is Community shoe styles of 1938, Round Table d&cce. 9 p. ra.. POETRY IN AMERICA"- EDIT- analyzes the difficulty, and indi- one of tbs best known of our auditorium, Jewisli Community ances of II Duce. ED BY SIENACHESI RIBALOW, cates several tests he has applied. Hebrew 'poets, is represented by Center. If it is refuge only the Jews of Europe are seeking, per- H SPORT SHOES ISTADBUT IVRITH O P He knows full well that the poets several splendid selections, cea- Hondaj, MRJ 16. tering around nature and love. • 'VTomen's Division of the Jew- ' haps Ethiopia is as good as any place. But it. is no place for AMERICA. S2O PAGES. "Home-Towners' represented in this volume are of Simeon Ginsberg writes with ish Community CeEter and "vi'ei- ' birth, and what is of deep people who aspire to the ideals of Judaism. Going to live under Hebrew poetry,has a 16ng and foreign longing tor' his parental fare Federation luncheon, 1:SO > proud record, From Biblical greater import, of foreign educa- home, and the fact that he left p. m., lo-d l ;re room, the aegis of the Fascists will be an abandonment, of Faith. times ComSPORT down to Jehudah Halevi, tion and training, that the Amer- his mother behind Mm and at munity Center, ican environment moves them suEthiopia may be all right for Jews. But it is no place for Jewish poets have been astonishnercy of brutal evildoers, -cis- .Tuesday. Slay. t r . tin raercy ingly fruitful, and inspired. This' perficially, if at all. Especially is turbs him greatly. Hillel Bavli, Judaism. 'Junior Council. 7:SO E.. G j tradition • has been maintained this true of the earlier poets who one of the most prolific of niod- and H. Jewish. Comniu: r Cer-. most gloriously in. our own day were scholars and devotedly loy- era.poets, is gren.erally represent-j ter. .T by such gifted men like Bialik, al" to the noble Jewish tradition ed. "To My Father" is an affec- i Be- Scouts, s "Sosioma: •who passed away recently, and by and who found themselves spirit- tionate tribute, of love and "revJewish Community Center. Scheuer, Tcberaovsky and a host ually, lost in -ft • aew land where erence not GSly to a physical parBy Eabbi Frederick Cohn \ -_ 6t others. Jewish poetry has nev- Judaism was unknown and Jew- f>nt, but a spiritual one. "Miss And Sport Shoes by Stetson... D&r,.c!.ng class, 4 p . E I , , C £~V. er been completely silenced for ish scholarship ia low esteem — Woods"' is interesting for its rethe Finest Qtxllty ani where the gospel of efficiency The District Convention of the Union of American Hebrew long. It has always Inspired a ligious refieetlc-ss and meditawas the dominant note. chosen few, a select number, and tions, in *-^e "Weeping of the Styllm Congregations for the 'Mid-West States comprising Kansas, these have enriched magnificentThers is a most definite and Rabbi" the author "emphasises Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Colorado, 'and South Da- ly Jewish literature and liturgy, astonishing fiiffereace. between the complete absorption of the e {.JTA>—Premier as a challenge and an in- early arrivals -who arrived here Jew of old. in the mystic Ol&n 2\I;Ussollni £rrs.nt8d at kota, to be held in Omaha, May 7 and 8, is the first of its kind served spiration to the Jewish* masses. when quite mature and the more Habab. Simeon Halfein. who has Prof. Darig Diricgrsr, ncseace tc to be held in the Mid-West. Hundreds of delegates are ex- : This anthology deals with He- recent ones, who-reached Amer- writtea EECI: ana atwaj's signupected and have already, signified their intention to attend; Brew poetry in the United States. ican shores in youth''and educat- ieantly, is perpetually motivated j copy of h:s latest boc^k, "'rise is anything but simple to -de- ed here in part, achieved a bet- by s d [P.asbet ia the E.istory of CiTildeep p Icnglng gg for. God. and matters of the most vital concern to Jews and Judaism will It termine which poets and poetry ter appreciation, of the American quest for tie Eternal is exjresSB a a are products of the American scene. This difference Is strik- In each of h i s m a n y c o r a p o s i t .ions. Poland, was graEte-d Italian citibe discussed. ic scene, and the editor recognizes ingly revealed by the content of Ir one, the fhetae is "X will g-ive I ze lip ia recognition of hi* ' Although the Conference is sponsored, by. the" great-na- Chia. -In his lengthy and ilium-'the poetry and the.mood of the Thanks to T'aee, Oil Ltorfi;"' «.u- EC .festia 'workts.
^Leaqquarters Has It I
A. Z. A. 1
V&&d BIlbl«
part of the program, Krs. Xathaa : DELINQUENT TAX Nogg presented a Vocational GuiDRIVE CONTINUES dance Chart, -chSch V-XE Bh<rrt> fit i the E'B&I B'ritfc CosTfppfSon sn : Ke;;iiipii:s of Onifilia' may f»*>Sioux City. • T.P. 5P C O n H ' - ? t p , p t ? l l ! P i ! I S Of ^ > i ' The neit. meeting: vi'A be he]i
Tae rsest aectiEf of the YasS Mother Chapter of A. Z. A. Bible Class will1 be held on TuesSponsors for the dance to be j jjeid a regularly meeting at the d a y Kay IT, a t i e E' i Israel This •rill t>e the Fecgiven. Saturday night at the j Jewish Community Center las: Jones, FSf'0!;; ; vp oTT-^viiinti of • ' " Hosts and hostesses for the Highland Country d a b by the fiunday. Pisss for Btege-nite, |i 024 to the last riPiinqnenl T<^ ("oMppjjnti csiii1tables at the banquet to be held I young people of Temple Israel in i| which h h -will be held at the Center ic i a s s ?'£ „ »t ^ T i e IOCE.1 "Chapter Sunday evening as the closing- honor' of the Touth Conclave to on May 11, were presented by je a S, °vv. C Ti. ^Li^ t " V « is • *T session of the Regional confer- be held all day tomorrow have Aleph Lea Shermau, who an-jc x.yj^^"'» tt * '?^E T^*~ GCEST HERE j t e c saeetlRpF t r it* ?•:$-"?• LEAVE FG1 rOXFEREXCE c been asneimee-3 by Richard BUnounced the cast sxS natrre cf | "*— £® * -"® "°- °- ^ Miss Frances Berkowits of 'h if. Mrs. L. Wohlner «ind Mrs. I. ence of the Union of Axnericaa 3e c the skit. Plans for Parents' csy \ ngregations 1 I to be hel<l here. J£s,y 1 $ ir. O i ' V r i i K ' I W , h:- ? i ' i d . „ Wichita, Kan., -will for the nest . . Tosenblatt left Thursday for Tr * Sponsors are: Mr. acd Mrs. were also discussed and z» pro-! ! Over tf-'o fcuiulred two or three weelce be the guest Chicago to attend the convention announced. idvrln E. Brodliey,' Mr. and Mrs. They are: Mr. aud Mrs. Milton grain, which is printed elsewhere, of the Women s League of the of her .aunt, Mrail. Berkowits. dward- .Rosen, air. aad sirs. U- Es completed. Mother Chaster DfUnited Synagogues of America. Abrahams, Sir. and Mrs. Samuel Harold ld B Brodkey, dk Mr Mr. sad & Sirs. Sirs is maSfits plass for t i e frcssrtsA isfftt-g c* Appelmaa, Mr, and Mrs. Leslie \YOJb ABRIVK SUJVDAY Klillard Snsler. Mr. asd Mrs. Rob- tion of another A. S. A. SsDbEth, T racU -Pi^ S« ^ - ®~ >v sx^f ?t;t Bnr&enroad, Sir, DarM Blccfc, ltffjs sirs e^psscteiDr. Herman I. i^aler, who is v XKOU.rCli BIRTH Louis Kuh, Mrs.' Horton De- ert Roseatnal, Mr. sad Mrs. Har-under the< ch&irauBMp of Staa- ^ ' ^ 1 B ; *i the ^eTiefe C o a s n : ,:; en Mr. -.nd Mrs. Harry JIandell of Mrs. serving a two-year residency at old Abrahams, Mr. ant. Mrs. Edity Center Et&rtiag t t gen, Mr. and Mrs. iHene, Mr. and c'eio the Stanford University hospital Xew V"rk City announce the Mrs. Abe Herzberg,1- Mr. and Sirs. ward D. Brodtey, «Ir. asd Mrs.ley Turkel and Ms religious comtssn tc.ee Utf. mittee. Complete details are 'be"of San. Francisco, will arrive in birt* of a Ia .ghte 01 Slay 1. Louis Biller, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- •atrrence Gross, iSr. and Mrs.ing raafie aad Till be asuounc-sdl cussed.. - Omaha this Sunday t-- spend a Sirs. E. Tre-ialjcrg, • ris E. Jacobs, 'Mr. and Mrs. Sam- lax Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Al May- soon. three-week vacation. 1 Dr. Faier OMAHA VISITOR t i e tres-pl&utisg cc-s tee r,t uel Josephson, Mr. and Mrs. Lou- er, Sir. and Mrs. Harold Fsrber Miss Jean Beber of Los AnOn May 3, 1S24, Mother ciajis the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel £S£gsstcd, "a. saost fJtticg jr"t is Kulakofsky, Mr.-aad Mrs. Sam and Mr., and Mrs. Ernie Nogg. f;€ Of £fef?if C geles was a visitor in Omaha for ter received the first charter, ever Faier. Leon, Mr..and Mrs. MilSon Liv- Dress for the affair is optional. several days last week. Prom J. ter, Kxtt, tc Sol s:cr«:- c: ? issued by the A. Z. A. asfi 5a ingston. Tickets raay be gotten at the these past 14 years, A. Z. A- Jas.s Omaha she went to Chicago and Falestiae. A ctrturscite, suit- Tort Gitr. V1HFTIXG DAUGHTERS Others are: Mr. and /Mrs. Harry doer. T»ip.cr • i grown from one chapter to sear-1 t i l e for tts.tn.izg, -rjih ist z&t&e The- nstrrls.rc1 is 'Mrs. S. HlrBchberg oZ LOB An-South Bend for a short visit be- Malashock, Mr. and Mrs, Nathan ly SCO active chapters, &sd frca inscribed T"'£il be E5£.i2s?M." geles, Cal., arrived last -week to jfore returning to the coast. Mantel, Mr. ana'.Mrs. Alfred S. the original charter group to rislt with her daughters, sfMrs. Mrs. "v5rci£.b«?g Easy b s reac^efi Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ke1*?Mr. £E£. BJre. I,tu iiacobsen c£ nearly 6,200 alephs. Ia Sara K r a s n e and Sirs. H. ^ man, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Ra- Sigma Oaicroa chapter will Mother chapter Is s a t i n g fir- j KS.SESI: C't'.-, Kissiouri. v.pcrd iLc Hirschmann, and their families- j senfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Julias Eo- again, observe its annu&l MGl£er's rangeraests for the celebration of j if:?-••{-:v(>:->. VvsK e : w^l- pne tr, C f t r e " T"^i:frn r u t 5he plans to remain here several j senfeld. Mr. and Mrs. David &o-' Say program, this coiatag SuEflay. this occasion and .t ocana'ttee * ' " . cnS. Mrs, .F-PT? BtXf.'n. 766? o r W A F1E0, weeke. ' ! In co-operation -with th.e na-senstoclr, Mr. and lira. Fred Ho- Aa interesting program BEE been headed by.Alepa Irving Kcgrs is tional office, the Omaha Chapter senstock, Mr. and Mrs. I. Rossnof Hadassah under the chairman- thal, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Silver, planned. I t is espected that par- ia charge. An Initiation cl five JUSEVS CLUB ents and friends of Signa Alpha new alephs "who Et present arc is ship of Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg The Cousins club' will meet at •will help their members celebrate Mrs. Ed Treller, Dr. and Mrs. J. Ma -members frosa Omaha, Sioax the pledge-class -will t a t s place Et .he home of J. A. Haykin, 720 Mother's- day by selling gift bonds A. Weinberg, Mr. and Mrs. San ity, Grand Island, Lincoln this celebration.. .South Thirty-sixth,, on Thursday, for the purchase of land in Wertheimer. Sr., and Mr. and Kansas City will ba present. This c&spter has been informed Dr. Abe Qreeaberg- s.Efi S-r Mrs. Carl Furth. 12. - Rabbi Ogle of Lincoln was the that Morton Margolin cf the Palestine and by planting trees ptnip principle speaker at a cultural there in connection -with the Jew-1 Mother chapter, •srhoss essay •was Et I B'E£ hour which was held at the chap- awarded first prise is the chs*>-j at the I'AMFORYAX VISITING HERE ish National Fund program of' svLz£&rr^®Te~vsTr.,z'it^i:tiiTi ter house last Tharsfiay. The ter essay costest based on the j { Mrs. I. R. Allen and son, Don-land acquisition and of reforesta-j o C T c r sisty ^ciafeenE,""- aiaong therae c£ Kabbi Ogle's talk was ald, of Los Angeles arrived Sun- tion of the countryside. < "Tie rnfieriyisz Cacsas I -^iosi ver© s. aoiaber cJ cs.acij , ^io day for a two niontha stay with Officers of Alpha Theta of 'Jobs lor Jews." Oaoe again of Modem Anti-Semitism," has! j j £ t e A special Mother's day tree' MTB. Allen's sister, Mrs. Meyer certificate) bearing the name of Zeta Beta Tau Trere chosen for various members of tha Jewish been aw&rfied secosil prise In t i e cacuidates fcre acft frcSs cute cf Stern. the person honored, ir sent to the ensuing year . at r . election student body showed their. inter- District 6 essay coatest. est ia Jewish problems by attendevery purchaser Of trees. T h e! held Monday, May 2.. Those electCastor TalsTict gate a'few eeing^ The fourth Eeries cf culX MEMORIAL types of trees to be planted for ed were: Stanley Sloeburg, presi- tural lect'css. hours, which are taking This Sunday in the lecture hall American mothers include pine, dent: Bernard "White, vice-presiTJse Eiectlsg: J€.e~Cs,T ^ ^ ^? of the Joslyn Memorial at 2:30, eucalyptus, olive, acacia a n d dent; Robert Silverman, treas- place In co-operation with the naheld s t £:E0 Elfi.c© tScre TTHI t * tional offices of Sigma Alpha. Mo, Warren Leigh Berryman will pre- carob. They will be placed, in I urer; Robert Cohen, secretary; The Thorpeiau Athletic •• Club broadcast tjteeclies oJ the testlWill be held Wednesday, ?lay 4. sent a piano recital. Dr. Leo V. those woodlands of Palestine be-1 Leonard Friedel, historian. hold an elsction of officers, Jacks will speak at 3:30 on "The i n s developed by Hadassah. j Continuing its annual traditioa At. this time, Rabbi Goldstein of 9 p. ra., Trt"efiaesa£y May 10 at Omasa will be the leafier of the r of a Value oi the Classic3.' prcEident c* E'Rst E'r't' Those wishing to honor mothers! "Whoopee Daze" efeflfl discussion. Rabbi Goldstein will the Fontenelle Hotel. At 4 o'clock In the concert Ball • i n this may do so by call-; Alpha Theta celebrated the most discuss a. Jewish problem of i a Many events are -being plaaaeS | the Pern Singers and. the Peru ! j n g &, chairman, JA 1042. successful affair in its history. •portaace. for the cest tetr aonths. A t i a - j B College: orchestra under the di-"j following list is added to More than 20 couples were guests Heiabera of Signs. Ctalcrcn ner •will be given for the retir- j f**T rection oi Professor G. H. Steels j 3 Hadassah gift fund: of the chapter during the three ing presidest, Morris i l . Frarkj -a^r rarlcia liava again brought credit to will present a concert. ; L. T. C. club in memory of days of merriment As one of themselves as well ss to their fra- lin on Wednesaay, May 17th. A th'e several • functions of the afA song recital •vrill be given at Leon Ferer, son of Mr. and Mrs. ef t i e and their y for s.2, aa steak fry fair, a downtown party "was held ternity. • Dr. 4:30 in the lecture hall under H. M. Perer. held e c r i c ^ the frienfls win be alumnus oi this chapter and d the Hotel Cornhus&er. More the direction. of . Mme. Thea. latter part of K a r . A stag is be- m a g e sfcle -will b e h*Jfi Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alberts in at better, £ tabiesjio than 500 campus -socialites at- present s a _ instructor in the po-ing planned fcr J u t e . t a d I C t i t t EST E£T TS"«ict V " i Breadtr&f. Moeller-Herms. honor of the fifth ^birthday oi tended.* 1-4 ts&Bpooc ss.li, litical science department st the It was based on a circus Asycsg i o i t s bees crerfookefi their son, Larry Stewart. theme, vhlch was carried out ia University of Nebraska, was reby t£e c£,I";nj: Mr.- and Mrs. J. H: Kulakofsky, all phases to the utmost degree cently hcaorea by being chossa a ta* le Belli El AusiHary plesee c&U KrsI£ccrf»E j Per, l': Pesach greetings to their chil- Th party was declared by mass 'meafeer cf the EtsSeat Pcbllcadren, Ethelyn, Beth, Buth and to be the cleverest dance of t i e tioa &Q&T&." Morris I/ij?p, na Jlrs. 1 Mrs. L. Tv'oh.1-611 ana rrr"."".r? A "Your Own Price" luncheon Michael. • _^ re;: Platte, a prominent activity leadseason. A Ideal chti It. ct Rosenblatt "srio are will D6 given at 1 o'clock Mon- . Mr. -and Mrs- Sam Green berg cr oa' Campos, has been made a j the convention of the Last week saw the presentaday; May 9, at the Jetrt31i Com- in. honor of ..their newly born iiTiCiA i ^ i l * of the United tion of the annual Kosinet Klub candidate for tha'-Student Union munity Center by the Bikur son's Pidyan A 'Ben. BdafcL Rayacad Bro-sni, Ka^Eas of America Trill be bacJr ia tizse all-male spring shotr. It Cholim. The price of the lunchGive or Get City, fras afrarded the ieafiiEg for the "K*eSnesd£y rasetins to eon will be any article that can The "Give or Get" luncheon quite a success, due ia no sxasl role in the nest Stadia Theater give their report. held ?hr.rr,lc-, : : . - - .';!- ft P t ! ; be sold at the bazaar to be given to honor members who have part to the work of Robert Edel production. o'closfe Is tic .'.LilTV- T-trT:*.The annual election cf officers stein % and Robert Stelfler who by the organization. raised $5 or more for Hadassah composed the musical score 0 The debate - team of Sigma trill take place st this aeetiag A short talk will be given at will be held on Wednesday,-May Oaieroa -will attcapt to isain- and other important bscteeEs •will the luncheon by Mr. Paul Veret, 25, at the Jewish Community the show. During the presenta- tain ita • ljig:h standing Tuesday be discussed. This is to be a tion, Edeistein was given an executive director of the Jewish Center. All members who vrish day, Irso Kfjr.r*" t~; ? c". : -ti i: for his valuable assistauca evening Tfeen the fifth "round of luncheon deeting. Community Center, who will tell, to attend and have not yet raised award the iaterfratera*'.' cosiest trill b& A board neetisg m hs held j toe Ccuacli r'rr;,- <"r'-;-:; toward the success of the show. of the wcrfc of the Bikur Cholim. their quotas call Mrs. Julius The presence of Stanley Slosbarg held. At. present, the team is cae at 12. the casip cot.Tr ' "-•": ,f* : iv A talking picture of life in Euro- Stein, GL 1948. as a member of the "posy" of the leading squads ia t t s toar• a: pean Jewish communities will be nameat. ehst^z. si i'. Pstroaiss OEr Advertisers chorus added greatly to the ta shown. • " . = • • joyment of the audience. KeservaUo5£jEpx. the. luncheon illiiill'liiiiliiiilillillllbliiliiiiliillilllllH may "be made by^calling Mrs. H. Llppett, AT 5724 or AT 8182 or The Omaha Section of the Nathe Jewish Community Center. tional Council of Jewish Juniors The Bikur Cholim, one of the Leld their election of officers The next re&nlar meeting o oldest and largest groups in the May 1, the following members the Dehorah Society •will be held city, concerns itself "with visiting were elected: President, Sara on Tuesday, May 10, at 2 o'cloci the sick and taking care of the Ritkin; first vice-president, Ida at the Jewish Community Center. i f ill "who are destitute. Only last Fine;" second vice-president, GerA unique program has been I week ita services -were called upon trude Guss; recordingb secretary, planned for the occasion, lire. when two Jewish travellers were g y I v i a w ; i n w . co rrespondiirg J. Gold-ware is president of the taken ill. secretary, Dora Dolgoff; treas- organization. urer, Rae Spar: reporter. Charlotte Mayer; auditor, J a n e t Graetz;. parlimentarian, Rita IT. WILL FCHJ II I Mantel, and board members, Bess • S o Co A benefit card party will be Bernstein, Ruth Goldstein and tfiven by the Ladies Free "Loan on Han no, Gossick. Sunday evening, May S, at 8 p. "Plans for a senior-junior atm. at the Jewish Community Cen- fair are being arranged. by the following committee: Ida Black- DIASI0HD3 ter. Door and table prizes will be er, chairman; Gertrude GilinsJsr, p h ill be b Sylvia ' Weiner, Libbie Dolgoff awarded. Refreshments will served. and Bess Blank. c for the affair "are 35 Tickets The council's annual Mothercents and may be procured at the Daughter tea will be held May S door or by calling Mrs. S. Fish, at _the May fair room of the Fonchairman, WE 5257. tenelle hotel at 3 o'clock. The "following members will be hostesses: Mesdames A. Cooper, Patronize Our Advertisers . A. KIrke, S. Epstein, J. Spiegel, A. Herman, N. Forbes, Z. Soskin, M. Mogil, G. Miller, N. Levinson, J. (Joodbinder, B. Nepomnick, H. Soskin, J. Miller, J. Ban, G. Berg, M. Minkin, L. Baum, A. Wolf, J. \ ;:ilder, H. Friedell, K. Tatle, H. Guss» J. Frieden, L. Rubinstein, H. Roltstein, W. Kuklin, JSL Adel. stein and S. Fish*
Zeta Beta Tan
T. A. C
Bikur Cholim
r ,. Jinuor Council
Deborah Society
Ladies'Free Loan
Vaad AuxiKary -'At the regular meeting of the Vaad auxiliary held onTuesday, May 3, the following Trere elected • officers, for the coming year: President, Mrs. L. Neveleff; vice^ president, Mrs. Morris Burstein; recording secretary, Mrs, O. S. Belrer; financial secretary,. Mrs/ 'Harry Crounse, and treasurer, Mrs. Dave CroTinse. . • - The installation of these offi-t ' cers •B-ill take place at the. regular June meeting. 1; Those •who plan to attend the • Mother and Daughter banquet on Tuesday, May 10, at 6:30 at the, Congregation ^ B'nai Israel, aro urged to make their resenration8 "• before Sunday, May 8, by calling -•" Mrs.-- M. Burstein, WA 8481, or Mrs. D. B. Epstein, AT 5502. Miss Rebecca KirEchenbaum . will sing several selections ana will lead the community singing. She wlll.be accompanied by Mrs.
38th Ave. a n dF a m a m Sts.*
V¥KOLESALE DISTRIEUTOS3 ° Sc&rafftV Chocolates ." . .® Mtu-icl, Cccsta'Sey -p Canada Dry . Ginger Ala and H&rveste* Cfe •'••'•• ° Falsstaff Beer 31S S&. IStli Ssroot . A*l
OUR- OP M -*
v^ ? : 4"
"Alpha |*i Tail
A-dozen, couples, attended th«! outing held last Saturday night by Alpha Pi Tau fraternity. .; Al Oruch's "surprise" "rendezvous turned out. to be a farm, south of Ralston." However, no interference w a s experienced from cows, chickens or Isorce3. The club will.hold its. regular meeting nest Tuesday night a-: 7:30.at the J..C. C.
fc V* *
cf Q2ZZ ZZ±2i
• ^r asd 10. Drire ia j c » ssr &ad let car esg»crt .\
Al FJnkle.
A grand surprise is being planned as part of the program'. -
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A. P. CHIEF—Robert McLean, president of the Philadelphia Bulletin, elected president of the Associated Pres^s, succeeding Prank B. Noyes, president of the Washington Star, who- retired after 38 years in office. Mr. McLean, a native of Philadelphia, not only comes from a journalistic family but has had a quarter century of newspaper training. He is the eldest son of the late William L. McLean, publisher.
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CAT - W & - m o J i P T r V — " " cJj ullC "V Co sec, or TVot'ae-•'f D r r f-er-T^f"'! n ' Mrs. Psrniie M. IvHertens. leathers, v •ho is bo^h a CrOid .' •us to
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'vwican War
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GASOXJXK IGNITES TSAIN—^Dramatic scene as trainmen Ssbt Cciains ssso-ine, after s crash between an automobile transport truck and a RocS Island suburban trsin, ct.Ciass^o. .Flanss spread quickly to the undercarriage of the train. The truck driver; Nelson; Colvcll," TSS pizzd £a his caS asd firemen used acetylene torches to cut the metal end rescue hiza, ssrisasly iajcrsd. • "f
EIOTHES KHXES GETS 14 SEARS—JTeddy Danielsen, 16, sobs bitterly in a Chicago court after he was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to 14 years in the penitentiary. He was convicted of plunging a 9-inch breadknife into his crippled mother's throat when she scolded him for truancy Irbm high school. Defense blamed an "emotional explosion" for the tragedy.
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COPS BOOT AOTO PICSETS—Battle between police and pickets resulted in injury to Sr?,pickets, two of them badly beaten, during rioting in front of the strike-bound Bonn Altta&ma plcr.SKo. l, in Detroit. Here is a scene as the police rush in. Police asserted United Automobile .Workers end their sympathizers tried to halt independent employes. . '.<•
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!TO_ rJCCT AG-CI3T—Returii-r the ri^zr I-:-. Ci1*' f>' 1i~i of Italr to Gersiaa?*, Gerraaa ChtnceUo- Aao Mi tier v-ill be a guest of 11 Duce ta Rome, K F T ?-^r. Tliir licv K'-. of the t^-o nctioncl isaacrs. as II Duce I?Ct ^s?;ir m Octo'oe-.' 1S37. Ee is saj-ing good-tr to Dei Fuclircr from h;.- r.^cc,"! !.-&ir,.
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—' Colonel J a c o i Ruppsrt, o r a s r of t h e New York Y s n t e e s • b&ss!ball club, reported iinpruT^n^ £*t h i s Sioin© in I^GW ^Tcra. £TOZ*S l*^tS.»2*.inc-oiO]»i o* bloc^** vessels i n h i s JETt Its'. P i r s i c i s a s pu* t h s - TG-yeSrr-old ^pcxtsniEii .to-bed-for .a. few &J*E, to s.voifi
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SCAN THE INVADEES—Peasant people from the good earth of Kiangsu: province, China, stoically watch Japanese soldiers, who pause to rest during their northward advance. Many such curious groups gathered from neighboring farms, as the Japanese passed through their villages. Japanese losses were reported heavy here.
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SALUTE TO THE SEA—Insurgent forces finally broke through the Loyalist lines ta northeastcra Spain and reached the Mediterranean by Easter Sunday, as they had vowed. Above, olScerc cad men, after the capture of Vinaroz, stand on the beach and give the Insurgent salute to the K~e raters.
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PKEPABING FOil HTiXEK—When Chancellor Hitler of Germany visits Borne from May 3 to 10, he will see many miniature soldiers of Italy stationed as sentinels at important points. .This youngster •with an appealing fsce, a member of the Ealillas, receives schooling in the changing of the guard at Palazzo Venezia, Rome, in preparation for the Chancellor's visit.
t .r* COTTON IMFOSTED—Senator Josiah W. Bailey of North Carolina hzs zz'.zrl V.-.2 Ltz/i Department to investigate the importation of about 12,000 bales of cotton froja Calcutta, IncLv vzlv.il at $50 for a 400-pound bale. Above is part of the consignment, held in Richmond, V s , vareic-tiscs for shipment to North Carolina mills. Bales are marked, "Produced in British India." * .--.-*,
."•a-M »- ? : o • ' •
crx" on las o indir-atcs clr.*-: z.v--,, a too happy as Pitcher «Jobsua* Allen prri
• Sox,
Usiicfi' KewsiUctiin
THE JEWISH PRESS—FEED AY, ILL? S. 19SS. teinpies.' Their children are not ; -~r-•"• classed s^ Jewish literatcre bi David H . vv'ice "Brill read t h e : much in the. temple,"and in the through the ages —- Literature service. bis cities the places o£ the anfrom t h e Bible period through The asiial Mother's dsy serr-' cients have been.taken by a new modern, times. j ice sponsored by the senior chtp- f i * middle class. Fi THU THU P Pii fraternity fr& Ths. volume covers the ma-1i ter of Fi v.-ili.«Even if,Mr. Schlepperman were By BASKEUh COSES lerial of the Penicteueh. and ths also take place ir.t this Friit-r'r- , not afraid of temples'(on* Ycin earlier prophets. There are also service- Edwin lender, president WHISPERxIT I/OW skrlt word signifying "happiness, Kippur he hopes for a seat in summaries of. the contents of j of the Junior Pip Tau Pi. will te- C> f For 2-0 centuries we have £sen each of ths books, discussions of j liver a short talk on a "Mother's Any,'day now the tT. S. govern-' pleasure, good luck?" . . . One the last pew) he would~still ask, ment -will issue its call lor. the In- Of the important figures in Eng- What does a temple have for me? '—Israel— among natiour; *ia- the. critical prol-leas. Author- i Dsy" theme. He. means . that. it. has'nothing Hioss who have been the benefic- ship, date, philoscp&y and Influ- I Saturday vriil be devotee tc the ternational conference on its ref- land's pro-Hitler bloc of Conserugee immigration plan . ;. . The vative bigwigs ia Commander to do with the facts of his life or iaries of our religico, law .and ence — related to the books, and Youth Conclave. •. i conference will meet ' in about Richard Bower, who had his face with his hearts -which is always culture. Today ia flames go those literary selections. A book recslapped in the House . of Compulsating." ."protests against the ^recordings of. ours — and eren ommended for students of the five or, six weeks at the l a t e s t . . . " T' , Bible. And doa!t be 'surprised if i t takes mons for telling Einanuel Shin- way ,of..things"t ;in->" "ther* .cxifrent jrtnoss "wlio riars differ, r JTills evening at sen-ices Rabbi n^uprooted Austria — time place in our own capital . . - A well^ a Jewish member, t o . go world.->" He -doesn't Wasse the rab^ David A. Goldstein -v, ill continue "RETREAT FROM REASON" revolution against tlie leadership back to Poland . ...'Guess the bis .whose prophetic "hearts.protest" iaid-?again —• •w-ritiegs have been by Lancelot Hagben; EomethiEg his discussion cf the "Ethics of of Samuel Untefmyer; Is brewing Nazis "don't know that Nat Hol- as bitterly as 'h* is .''but .whose *j&ura'ed;i But those writings have about Professor Ksgben classi- the Fathers As a Guide to Livin the Non-Secretarian Anti-Nazi man, coach of the City College mouths, he •believes, feel inhibited niade-their impressions so that no fied as a biologist, poet, pedago- ing." of' Jlr, 1 flame can destroy. League . , . W e happen to Snow basketball team, is- non-Afyan, by the 'ominous/' 'shadow' c gue, historian, phiiosophe.- and P^abbi Goldstein End •Cantor ; that.-the revolt broke into the for the only book used to famil- Zilch. '-v'.V -^v-':':. , .•*']•:.. M •j^.KQwa from Erez Yssroel — what's wrong with this world — Edgar request those who will re- v , - ' ' iarize German youth with basketopen at a' so-called conference in Mr. Ziiph" is'.tbe vested ,-«riter'est KLand "o£ opportunity for Jewish Sir?" And here are but a few cl quire their services for any func- i New York two weeks * ago . . . ball is one written by Holman in the -temple. '-Mrv'.Schle^perin&a .Lyouth' rejected from other lsnfls. his answers: " tion during the months of'"June j r . . . . But. they have heard about Seeins that a couple of "fellows ITfiousaads of youths in oppressed guesses that, the -rabbicpuld-.Tse "The cere for the evils of deand July please consult their, be- : with illusions of grandeur want Disraeli, so in the Berlin produc- brave'if i f weren't for Mr.".zrich /^European countries - sppeal, to mocracy is not less but more de- fore setting s. definite Sate, . • eto take over the Xieague and ditch tion of the famous play "Victoria vho is so~big'•ffc.-.the •dOorknbbVln- •land's -where democracy prevails, mocracy." Of scientists, the proUntermyer . . -. The New TTork Regina" there just ain't no Dis- dustfy - (Zilch Doorkstots.^inc;)}' if or help. . . . fessor 'says: "Science and the • "im'es. has tabooed such headlines raeli'. '.... Diplomatic gossips are Mr,' Zilch is thev pillar, 'and'the scientists make their contribution as "Jews Protest," "Jews Organ- whispering that the strange ab- temple .might fall' on the rabbi ' - May th-eir' prayers be teard and to . the -disintegration , of de'their' wishes granted for they are sence from Holland of Prince ize," "Jews Boycott,"' "Jews and bury; him if. he and ail the mocracy by adhering to the rules p\ Fight,". etc. . . Henceforth the Bernhard zu Lippe-Biesterfeld* other Zilches became.; ^displeased indeed in great need. of logic (which enables them to ' -•' • "P" A L E S TINE'S INVISIBLE consort -of Crown Princess Juliheadline must indicate just w'rat and. stepped out %from jits, support. .EXPORT" by. Dr. M. Ettinger*—. play with abstractions), of purana, is due to the belated disc6vJews are protesting, organizing, ity, (which provides them with Nor is Mr. Scnleppermair-any 1 -^ boycotting or fighting, in order ery that he Is a fanatic Nazi, and happier" in orthodoxy which has .Tourist traffic in 1937 still raa- an excuse for eschewing h'unran Hollywood—One should t,s less ; ,P t ) to avoid the impression that the that Juliana doesn't like it . . . •stood petrified almost from- the jor industry. Jewish tourism — problems), and of caution (which undeveloped economic asset. Degullible end -^niore ansIyticE." : ^ action of-any one organization or ABOUT PEOPLE time of the Babylonian raDbis. . spite the extremely uncongenial allows them to separate. them- when cne hears the fabulous' ;<-r any l one group commits all Jews Palestine's tourist selves from social action." All this i troubles young Mr. conditions,; tales cf the Midas-made gold cf One of the reasons for the mys. . ' . Mrs. Franklin D.'iRoosevelt j.traffic in 1937 again reached a "Nineteenth Century Liberal- actors. The Esrlhclcinew bcr is ; qualified "for a job ia the state terious visit to these shores of Essrig as he makes ready to go r " " department in one of.her recent PutzL Hanfstaengl is to finish a forth to serve "Israel in the Re- jvery r substantial volume, which ism," he expounds, "are t h Ee case in point. Likewise ISotfc;- ;• _c l 'once' more pjaced this country in I f orm pulpit. I t is plain that he ] Brees. We understand his n!i;n^ ^S ' ': escapes from a reality which our hook in which, he'will "tell all" columns . . . The^ opening para; ' •"„r '"" graph said: "If you have not read about Hitler . . . Which reminds does not relish being the attor- j the' front rank of world tourist age furnishes that great army of j ificent income is partitioned r.Tid r^ Ft - " "'" Phyllis . ottome's 'The Mortal us that Farrar and Rinehart have ney before'God for Mr.-Zilch,-he jx'jriteJrs.- Tourism is not only one youth who constitute t h s 'Ke- partiticsed . . . it fiors into I I | different pocketsr.lt hepjiened :r^r rr .cI , 1" v i ! Storm' I think this is the tiine to published Walter Schoenstadfs seems 'to;.think, that it has; been po'f" the .most important but also treat from Reason'." This thesis is in behalf cf the thus: Tv'hen Bobby iras unknown c '- " r • ; j read it" . . . But the First Lady "In Praise of Life" In two .simul- heavenly enough for Mr..Zilch on j:one,of the. oldest of Palestine inleft'it to her readers to find out taneous American , editions, one earth. "Mr. JBssrig sKould'-'like'to dustries-. Tel-Aviv Port —Pales- mutual interrelationship between EEd his family was Etrus'frlir.g for : "'' '"i. ' f new tourist gateway. science and humanism. The book existence, someone heard him I ' ' ' / ' " " ~ for "themselves '••- that Miss • Bot- English and one German . . . The do something-about'.;Mr. ''Schlep-' tine's' : ' More views of the Zionist sit- is well worth your reading time sicsr. thought t!m renitirl:cbl£, ' l r tome's "novel: is, a smell piece/of book being one which could not perman.' _-"'JL :?*,. '. ""~,~ r o " r F-<V"" r " ' t— ' • Mr. Essrig thinks of a labor uation: "A FEDERAL GOVERN- —even though you may not Ejrree and promised to bring- him to the ; " ~ anti-Nazi literature depicting the be " published in either • Germany MENT . FOR PALESTINE" by attention of ssaiecae else who ' • • F \ r <• ; re r - \ r- r- - • or Austria today . . . Orchids to temple that wonld care, about with the author. tragedy-Jot a German Jewish famrj1 dight be interested. The second • -( L.p.'rr"i • j f ily ;•;'.:.•-.;.• The old ; Reading Road the three Jewish doc'.ora who col- Proletarian Schlepperman and be Bernard A.. Rosenblatt — British EX TOTO— "Knowledge of truth alone party had no opening for ibe lad. ' * Temple in Cincinnati.Js soon to laborated oh the. production of responsive to his protesting heart. { policy, conflicting schools of be converted Into a Greek Ortho- "All the Living," the Broadway Mr. Essrig- would be a rahbl for 1 thought are influencing attitude does not suffice- On the con- I but offered to set him another :r* r' f dox Church". • . The Foreign Pol- success that shows an insane asy- labor with a tongue as free as his of England, IN THE N E W trary, this knowledge must con- | anciitior:. And so it went. Ts'hpj;v " ''..**. . ; . ". PALESTINE: Arab e c o n o m i c tinually be renewed by- ceaseless Bobbr finally iEE&ed E contract, ^ f icy Association "is readying for lum from the inside . ._. So well heart. T May .publication'. "The Puzzle of did they coach the actors, who ".The synagogue as it; is Inow. losses . in past two years hy effort, if it is not to be lost." Al- there "rere F.O BEET helping ' "1 iands to be filled thet he -F-CS: "'"' Palestine," a new Volume in itstake the part of patients that now constituted does not attract.the i "Economist." Odds and Ends: bert Einstein. e series ' of Headline Books . . . internes from psychiatric insti- Jewish working class," he says "in Xews ' and Events—EDITORIALS The twelfth annual observance incorporEied End his eamir.rs : " Bplit several ways. Bobhy'e c r c > ll Discrimination because of race, tutes are going to the play to an article entitled "Labor Tem- — " T E S T I N G THE COM- of Jewish Book week •will be from cut . . . his E.lO2e to spenC . . . • 1,"^ color, -nationality or ': religion study the symptoms of ' various ple" In the current issue of ""'The PETENCE ,OF' JEWISH LEAD- May 15 to May 22. i? sisty cents e, week for candy | ,! V 1 would be^ outlawed in New .York mental diseases . . . Marcus Fed- Reconstructipnist" of New "York ! ERSHIP"in the KECOXSTRUCanc popcors! " i ' er, Cleveland octogenarian, is if the -Constitutional Convention . , , "It is now"proper to discus's |"TIONIST;' also in. the sane issue, n ow in • session adopts a proposal credited with being the "father" the . advisability;, of a "synagogue > - "JEWRY- AND DEMOCRACY". offered by the American Labor of the modern popular cigarette which the laboring eltynent" can by Louis. Minsky. I Arthur Caesar lives EO ituch of i ^"1c _f1^f ' —but he's no cigarette . smoker rightly call its own,, which'will Party. • j i,h° time at Lcguns Eesch that he ,- ^.'l ? ^_J' _ '" i~~v iw « i , Your "crust" read list: rf himself . . . Shirley. Fuchs, 19- participate in its: daily struggles RELATIVELY SPEAKING .•'.'. ; r n s "his town house is novr s. ; ' " " ' • In the Book-World: " T H E r year-old grand neice of Professor and offer spiritual guidance'and [ rehearsal fca.ll for echoes." ' ^ ' GOLDEN. CHAIN," by Solomon. Sigmund Freud, is training to be Albert Einstein's address at the a ; New : York policewoman . . . cultural stimulus at the • same I Goldman, first volume. The set Tilted Foale1 Zionists' Third Seder very Morris Gest is writing his auto- time. ' The new institution which i -when -completed -will probably be Drive Regular Friday night services . Welfare Trmi m£f.e sn Errrip-! definitely: and. unequivocally - op- biography . . . . Abrasha Brainin, we envisage will' vary "in- nature be held at 7:30 p. m. Junior i3ns be^icnins' among- the filrn.! posed partition, and very- much on 15-year-old grandson-of- Hehraist and composition: from, the tradi- } of us? How will-it loolr .". . we will Congregation services take place tional "house, of worship;,it".will the - same grounds as the non- Reuben Brainin, has just. broken 1 being led by'a Jabor rabbi? No! on' Satnrfiays st IP a. n . £nd Zionistsp-who are against a Jew- another high school swimming become a' dynamic,. Inspiring 'and jJ;We just i couldn't think of that. Father and Sea services on Sunish; State -per se ; . . .The physi- record up, in Montreal . . . T h i s active, factor,'in Tthe-_ changing, "so- We are resepctable people." day at 9 a. 33. cist's- point of view, however,. is time it was the record he him- cial scene".'. ^ I t will'appeal-to •Even Mr. Schlepperraan himthoroughly liberal... ;-AIl narrow self made just-.a few, months ago the . Jewish toilers - lit.- tjie -'jarge nationalisms • are distasteful to .-» . Hiding behind ths Aryon- cities i ,V,.interpret religion-'for self may in time desert nira wliea Services tonight will tthtr Is him, he said . . . The Poalo Zion- sounding monicker of Leonard them In."a'aiipdern.%:,-'pr"-Gor.es'.sive fro-m'being.a sewing- mac-bine opists, who are vigorous advocates Wairen, who has "Just" "been -sign- light,.-as snJ.a"c.tiver faith,' in "the: .erator-lie. attains a shop of histhe Mid-TTBrt B.esrional Conference of.the Union of American of partition, tried, with, the help ed by the Metropolitan Opera midst of a decaying capitalism "I-'-jfiBt don't belong tiers any- Hebrew Congregations. H a b b i of the Yiddish Zionist press, to Company, Is Leonard ' Warren- . . . give spiritual" elevation -to distort Einstein's speech by off/ eon-of Sol Warrenoff, a Se- labor in its struggle for material more • . •. I the president of Nobby Louis Egelsoii cf Cincinnati, assistant director of Eyssg-ogne and means.of misleading headlines in attle fur broker . . . Dr. Alexan- concerns, because, it realises that Frocks,.- Inc." ' - . It-rwill- all be very discourag- School Extension of. the XTntis, .the' papers • . ,"So now the- war der Silverman, head of the Chem- one may. not^peak of" the. King-, will deliver ths Benson, and Rsi:ia on, each sid?_trying to estab- istry-department" "at the Univer- dom'of^Heatin^jjpforejthe worker by .Seres lish ~w&at'; HinSteSa actually'did sity of Pittsburgh, has been se- is ema'ncipited~frdni.-ths Ariiinal. Kingdom" of. capitalist. exploitaOur Adveriissrs . s a y . . . « • ' -"- '- ' - ' • -'.'•' . . . ' •lected by the -State Department tion » . . Perhaps out of the wreck WHAT'S H&PPENIN'G HERE as an official delegate to the In- of our dreams will .ariss "a new Considering the number of or- ternational Congress of Chemis- structure, dedicated to all that is ganizations engaged in prosecut- try to be held in Rome . . . Illi- noble, and .tfue.-andr .significant. in. ing the anti-Nazi boycott It's nois' Governor Horner-Is one of / startling to' learn that- both the best known collectors of LinHouses of "Cdngress quietly pass- coinia . . . H e got that way beThus brightly* glows fhe vlsipri ed a bill to eliminate the'proviso cause the- law partner's father ion fdr marking imported goods was once the law partner of Lin- in . Mr. Essrig's • eyes, ana I • hope with labels of origin -: . . The ef- coln . . . T h e Horner collection he keeps "it-after..lie,:geis-marrjed fect of ^the,bill;would be to kill of 6,000 Items Ia finer than that and-has; children1 and-jao; longer C K-">r f-r-'-r rr; can afford great- Ideate.— - f - : *. the boycott . . .Fortunately the In the Library of Congres . . . "Harry," . his -•wife will surely Senate."amended the' House ver- (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts c" rt'rt. vv"Ie i^-xci'!.;£•;„ cc v - r . I --•- " say ito Jiiin, £"We're-Btaryiixg on sion, of-the bill, and so It is now -. Feature Syndicate.) your -jdeala 'ea'd-.-the .childrenneed In conference, with a good.chance shoes- agaIn»j\Ve_ just: can't ,keep of beingburled" . . . . But it won't coing-as-the friends,«f ,-Mr.\Schhurt to' write your Congressman lertpernjan. . Yoii'vei; got .-.to" be and Senator's note aoout it • . . realistic, Harry \. :i- .-...There's .that Anti-Semitic agitators are getting l^> graaid -". jjulfiit* vacant^ now; la": ihe plenty bold in Loa. Angele3 . . . million-dollar, tetnple; Why don't They not only picket hotels wnere you, try.for^it.'cHarry? ^ It ...Trill Jewish.meetings /are held but SEGAL atvJeast, be '.•warttL-: there on -Satdrop ••their 'literature on Jewish : iL urday; Hthe' labior :t'efiiple'"iie"vS»r golf, courses, scatter them from XABOB RABBI has enough-ioal :to 1ieat :trith." •'. roofs t>f-business buildings and ; even ins'ert.them in : magazines . My friend, Harry JBssrig, still • "All- right, all-right,': I'Il;-lry — - V : , ; . ; ' and newspapers; delivered to Jew- carries prophetic dreams, since he f o r - i t . " •-•-*•••_•••.--.••;•. ish nomes'. ." « How" come that is so young.. Some day soon he The .". million^dolJar-: , tein.pl's.-is cr.i the fulsome' reports about the is going Co he a Tabbi (he is now .well aware of'theiinefits •o'fJ . "patriots" T7ho rushed to' "Wash- In the Hebrew Union College!, hi Essrlg,:.but hevis-voted "J.b ington . to help kill' the reorgani- but "he doesn't seem happy-as he "We can't : -assocfate ourselves -- . i~ k-. zation bin.failed to'mention that approaches "tho Reform temple as with a rabbi Ivi-fro :' had a labor • William Dudley Pelley's anti- at present constituted. temple. What. will - .people : think «• _.-r-r Semitic sheet; "Liberation," waa : He would probably feel the widely circulated among them? same way if he were a prophetic . . . incidentally, Pelley. has em- young .Presbyterian, Methodist or barked on-a campaign for a mil- Baptist and were about to take lion members..,;..'•» The March• of up a pulpit in a middle class v . .'..I." Time's forthcoming .. neware'el church. about Hitler's conquest of "Austria For neither Reform temple nor ^. will ..be boycotted "by all Warner Orthodox synagogue or church 'Brass. Bronse, , Soft Grey Iroa and Serni• Brothers.; theaters -as" Nazi prop- are happy places for rapt, .young i. V K. .. Steel CoDtinES, Wood and aganda . .:,.' There"niuat be a t ministers in these times; anymore Metal Patterns 'and Sosb ITS'. fr" i .' : t least 40,000 anti-Semites in Illi- than the pews are comfortable for WeJskts carried : i c stock. nois',;'for that's now Tnany "rotes thcughtiul young people who are Bronze and Cast Iron wero :cast... for; Ne^rton Jenkins, $o many today. They stay away. Chicago: Jew-baiter, who waa an '.. When be'gets older and has a i- Grilles a specialty. independent candidate ••'-. for the iamily and a wife who is anibi27th'end Martha St. Ddropgra'tie - nomination to the U.lious "Harry, I'm sick and tired HAS523' " S. Senator. . . . Did you hear about of. this poverty") Mr. Essrig may the anti-Nazi Aa*yan German in aspire to -the pulpit of Temple Yorkyille • who rescued an aged E-manuel, New York, the multiand bearded Jew: from a young jnilllon congregation. But now he lil Nazi wEo was beating' him nv$ is troubled about Mr. SchlepperOpportunity Is knocHsg ci YO-JI Mf-=hsa £sss, . . ; -Arid an Italian policeman man and asksf What "about a temwas! cheered" by a crowd of Ger- ple for Mr. Schlepperman? 2 i s . Eersescisrf Fcr hers is YCIS chczc© is mans as he' gave the Nazi hoodEverybody knows Mr. Schleplum plenty of lumps when "the jjerman; ho Is the proletarian." He • i u 7 en elgH-ia-css e!s=Ms refrigercrEoa vsdus. latter complained he -was "de- •works for wages or has a small fending" himself from ^tho old business which is from hand to ZzV.zz IBesIga, Eciisr Ccavealesca, EsHsr S^TPm a n • • - «• . " '' . . % . ' •" '. - • mouth. "Ho never has seen Miami Bvach and is never found in the BROADCASroiGS that think The French reactionaries are hysterical- groups zzTiCzxj, Se^sr Elsrcgs Epsca ess! Mara whooping It. over the" fallof -Leon Jloosevelt is nobody other than Blum's cabinet—but • wo woader Benedict Arnold. In fact, Mr. whether* they know that tho wife Fchleppennan likes to say that of Blum's, successor, Sdouara Eoosevelt is O. K. with him, a pot /—^ Daladier, ia -a Polish Jewess who litical attitudo that would make hails from. Pinsk . . . - Her maiden him despised in any of the better . ' .: ' name was Alicia Engholts . . . circles.I Mention of Palestine wits care- : To belong to a temple is to him '.-, -r>i - V J'Si fully omitted from toe published Jiko trying ,to scale t h s glacial % K ~-z? i.!n L :. . j u. |>i w t text:: of. • thev Anglo-Italian accord beishtp of too 'Mloeaaha Country !' In order to 'aypjfl protest?, in Par- Club (Jowish), whicc,. as every •i •5 r v . liament, that'= England WBS com- ona Imows, stands oa .tie highest i mitting herself'.to,a definite Pal- social peak- of Shangri-La. •'. .Mr. 1 r Batine policy without consulting Echlepperiaan is afraid of teiaples 3 fl c? CE ta Parlittmsm:: , - '.-,But aa;' Tjader- and abhors them, as • seats of ~ : ; fl §,h nandiagwas reached • • « Pales- wealta and powsr. ?' ? "•* • 'J :ine'a Jewish •workers ar©. such Not that . tb<sr£ lu ouch of !5 "-V H ausichugs that'thexl sham,tie£- wenltb, power or saclal- aristo'"-"yi' "-c .1/' ,'-,^ tL. >ts to Toscanini's" concerts, one cracy left- ia most of; thaa. ir Person hearing the first Salf of Wealth .and power have hssn !! : I: i concert and then leaving at in- ground fine in all religious comtermission time to give his ticket "jiiunio'ns in recent years and soto his wifa or a friend • . . Did SDeial aristocracy liss dead with !°u kiow that swastika is a .Una- •{lie'old aristocrats In most pi ths v*—I—3 P. G. C.
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With John Lansburg serving as general chairman-of the executive board, the United Jewish Appeal of Sioux City will officially open its campaign for §10,000 on Tuesday, May 10. Slogan of the drive is "Give So Others May Live." J A gigantic mass meeting on Monday night at the Jewish Community Center will be ad-» dressed by an outstanding auCO-CHAIRMAN thority bn the European situation today.
Prior to the mass meeting -GO workers will atend a dinner at 6:30 a t the Center at which time work on the city-wide solicitations will begin. Executive Board Serving on the executive board, be3ide3 Mr. Lansburg, are: E. N. Grueskin, . v i c e - c h a i r m a n ; Si Krueger, bis gifts; J, Kalin, small gifts; Mrs. Abe Pill, women'a division; L. J . Kaplan, Abe Silverberg and L. . J. Kutcher, t out-of-town; A. M. Dayis, publicity and correspondence, and A. H. Baron, budget and disburso- znent. • . Members of the big gifts committee are: John Lansburg, Dave Rodin, Herman' Gallnsky; Jack Robinson, M. Lipshutz, Victor Ma'zl,' It. J. Kaplan, Arthur Sanford, A. B. Friedman, E. E. Baron, Herman Miller, J. Kalin, S. L. Krueger. A. H. Baron, E. ' N. Grueskin, A. M. Davis, J. Bolstein- and M. Rosenstock. Small Gifts Division Assisting on the small gifts committee are: Al Schwartz, Milton Bolstein, Frank Margolin, E. N. Gruesldn Nathan Gorchow, L. Strongin. M. Vice-chairman Seff, Mike Grueskin, M. Satin. Eli Robinow, R. H. Emlein, 1. Singer, Max Diryin, Joe Gorchow, Meyer Shubb, Joe Kutcher, Max Falk, H. Fishgall, Dr. L. Dimsdale, Ben Fish, Max Friedman, Max Lasensky, , Mike Skalovsky, [Mike Rifkin, Morris Skalovsky land Dr. H. A. Iievin. ; . ; A. H. Baron, chairman of the ! [budget and disbursements _comimittee, will be assisted by Rabbi The'J Annual Sisterhood Molher ' H. R. Rabinowitz, Rabbi Theo- and'Daughter banquet will take dore N. Lewis, Rabbi S. Bolotni- place tomorrow noon at 1 o'clock kov and Barney. Baron. ; in the Temple Annex, when-more . Working with. Jake Kalin on ;han-2S0 mothers and daughters , the small gifts are the following are.expected to attend. divisional chairmen: Mrs. Abe The luncheon will be.preceded Pill, women's division; E. E. by a brief religious-service in the Baron, North Side; H. Lazrio- Temple, conducted by children of wich, west side; Max Rosenstock the .congregation. Taking part in and- Max Lasensky^. stockyards, the' service will be Doris Gruesand A. B. Friedman, amusement. kiny Joy- Dean' Arkin,. Barbara Robinson a n d / Joan :Agranoff. Women's Division r The Women's division under Mrs., Ben Schulein will speak in the . chairmanship of Mrs. Abe befjalf of the grandmothers, Mrs. Pill has as workers: Mrs. Pill, Loula Agranbff the mothers* and captain; Mrs. Sam Greenstone, Doris Pill, the daughters. Mrs. : Sol Noyitsky is chairman Mrs. Sol Novitsky and Mrs. Morris Weil. Mrs. Jake Kalin, cap- of. the program which will follow tain, and Mrs. S. L. Krueger and the ' luncheon. ; Featured on the Mrs. H. Bailin; Mrs. M. Falk, program; ;will he' a style show, captain; 'Mrs. Lester Goldman "Women Through the Ages." The and Mrs. Abe Epstein. Mrs. M. program will also include a dance Lipsbutz, Mrs. M. Mushkin, Mrs. by Gloria* Noyitsky and Ruth1 I. H. Levin, and Mrs. Eli Robi- Kutcher;.•••.piano-"'solo'- by Doris now. Mrs. E. E. Baron, captain; Pill;' dance by Barbara Davis; pi, Mrs. Meyer Levitt and Mrs; E. N. ano solo, by; Sandy Baron, and accordion solo by Jack Krueger. "Gruesfcin."" Mrs. Herman Miller, Mrs. Si ,: Members of .the big gifts committee were guests -of Mr. Lans- •Krueger' and Mrs. Max Rosen',burg at a breakfast at the Mar- stock are in charge of the lunchtin, hotel on Sunday morning, eon arrangements. .: May 1. A. report luncheon was held on Wednesday morning. COUNCIL OF JEWISH ; \ Agencies Benefitting . WOMEN Agencies which will benefit from, the campaign1 are: The The, Naturalization Aid group Joint Distribution -committtee; of the Council ..will/meet Thurs-United Palestine Appeal; HIAS; day morning,. May-12, at 10:45 . Beliefaire; Jewish Consumptive o'clock in the Jewish "Community Relief society; Hebrew Univer- Center. • .,,-. : Bity; Hebrew University hospital; The Saturday night dances for T 1\ ider, Scope committee; Ameri- the children at the Center have can Jewish committee;. ORT; been discontinued until fall. Iowa /School of Religion; Polish School for Jewish Children; HePatronize Our Advertisers brew Theological Seminary of i^ew. York; Hebrew Theological Seminary of Chicago: Los Angeles sanitarium^ and the American Jewish Congress. " ij Mr. Lansburg. and the advisory board are confident the goal will be reached by May 15.
More than 300 mothers and daughters attended the annual banquet at Shaare Zlon synagogue Monday evening. The banquet was preceded by a brief service in the synagogue. Mrs.' 'Meyer Shubb, incoming president of the auxiliary, and Mrs. Joe Kutcher, retiring president, were1 presented corsages on behalf ot the congregation. Favors were distributed to the children. Mrs. S. Kaplan wa3 program chairman and Mrs. Maurice Rubin was toastmaster. Co-chair-man of the menu were Mrs. Frank Gorchow and Mrs. Sam Shulkin. Mrs. A. B. Friedman was dining hall chairman.
Shaare Zion
T i e Sions City chapter of'A. I Z. A. will celebrate ) Parents' day, Sunday, SSay S, at j the ' Jewish CemEiiiEiiy Center, j The'-program' will begin at 2:20 | o'clock. • ! Mr. P. W. • •Woolworthy Sioux j City Boy Scosit eorstaissiOEer, j will, speak. Calison. Lerict" vrill
Virtual .Co S u"r v.e y' Reveals .2,000 by rCew Ed 1st cf \ Jews .Have Comniltted act £s 'Chairman and Jstek Merlin Gocrfcg: wil lead the " siEgscg. "Harold-! Sisiclde : Lefkovich will deliver ES or/tSon, I
Isevr TorL. (TrNS)—Fired by Gectmect s.^zimi the Nazi rioti Ingr of-Ai-ril £0, s.t the Yorkville j Cfzvno, orjrsr.i^r.fion? of every j delir.eacson p.cved to crush thn
i GerBiET>.-Ainerscs.n Bund in the £ district, visile a group of nonBeriin (.TTA)—Field Xsrehfu" > pariifij.ti ''piituc Bi>irited citizens" Kernasa Goering, econoaaic <J5c- ! irJi I t s £rcimdv.:orfc. for an intator, hss ordered all' Giernssa j icnrAre crr-pfirR to remove the Jews and foreign .Jews livifcg in j stisrms". of. yis.~i.sxv. from York. to register ' tfcelr prop- | rilie, £ccording to « report in Sam E. Epstein, S.C2 Ida apart- Gersnasy erties esrceecHcj F'.CCP. ir.-srl:? j The Ativar:ce, an Li-Nazi weekly. ments, who for the past, 10 3~ears (about f-2,000}-jc Ts.lne.-'hy .Ti'Ee 1 CoiiSpkuOiiS fiuiotig those in has been associated with the £0. ! the F.nt!-Nr,"i TETiEuard was BenBooth Fisheries company, has ! p,mln SnJ'.cr.Tl, rp-proprietor of been promoted to manager of toe Praia (JTA) — Reguiations ; the Yorlrrilie Csr.fno, scene of the Sioux City branch. • .
.Vienna (WNS)—Steps to' halt individual acts o* violence agalns't •Jews Sn Vienna and to curb unauthorized Aryanization of Jewish business. establishments have been taken on specific, orders fro© Josef Buerckel, Reich commissioner for Austria. Immediately after his return to Vienna from Berlin, Buerckel ordered Mr. Epstein is secretary of the the official radio station to b r o a d c a s t an announcement local B'nai B'rith lodge ard adwarning the populace against visor of the A. Z. A. chapter.' He maltreating Jews and ordering is the son of Mr. .-.and Mrs. Tens all citizens, and especially Nazi Epstein. party members, to o"bey tee orders of a newly organized storm ^J P^^ ^ i V^B /^V troop patrol wearing yellow armbands.' the members of which are assigned tp guard Jewish stdres from, disorders and unauthorized picketing. Officially describing those responsible for the violent -antiSemitism of the past week as "elements which do not belong to . Vienna (WNTS)—Austria will the party," Buerckel issued the neither sell nor destroy any of following statement regarding the books by non-Arysns to be the Jews in Vienna: "Jews them- purged from the' state libraries, selves know well there are too an - official of the Austrian Na-1 many Jews in Vienna and they tional- Library said in rejecting have expressed this view in the the flood of-offers .frora all parts form of several complaints to the of the world'.to. buy some of the authorities regarding their Jew- books which are to be proscribed. ish competitors. We shall make The~ official stated t h a t the Vienna a Viennese city. But I banned volumes will bs segremust point oat that certain fel- gated in special' - rooms -where low citizens think there is a need they cannot be seen by'the. public to combine Aryanization with b u t . they "will be carefully ' prespeculation In their own behalf served' for 'purposes of research. Jn which they imitate Jewish Tfcere is no iatentioa'.of fcammethods. The process of Aryani- ins any books,' the official said. zation in.Vienna will be eondsiet- Offers to buy" tbe books, under ed by me personally. I will take Nazi taboo had • beea received the necessary measures arid they ] froni Yale. ' Priacetos, Earvard will h.ave an" absolutely 'legal and .Williams -EaiverElties in the basis. I condemn the interfer- United ' States, the Brooklyn Pnbence of any other person in this lie Library and isany private IImatter." • b'raries and collectors ia Europe.
virtually coBfiscEtiEg JOTIES. cap- : clash betveen. veterans and Nazis. ital in the Great Reich fcy forcing | Anxious to give expression to his its investment In non-procuct're : sympathies, and eager to prove state enterprises were cr.pected. j that he vras cu;ped into renting to be issued in Berlin to ;c*p!e- I Ms'lsr.!-. t" lit Ocrman-Amerfcaa j Bund, SnrEf," has o'fered the inent Goering's decree. The regulations were teen as 1 CsElnc, free ox Iharge,' for a proone of the measures for complete i test meeting-- that -will be "held elimination cf Jews from, ererj" i early in !«Ia.r, . aspect c" German' economy ex- ! Eponaorcd by the Yorkville pected to follow the decree in i Cotninrr.'.ty Isaguc, ' a ' non-secrapid %ucc8ss'on. The Nazi re- | tariRn. rsor-pr.rtisan organization gime, after a. long period of com- I of Torkrine--residents, .-the-rally parative, inactivity en the- .Jew- i vrVA inob"tr«? v-ir-eBpread Yorkish Question', • is launching the ! rille ssnriir.eKt. to drive'tne Nazif final stage cf til-- campaign 'to | out of the district. The league, oust the Jews frcni ecoEorr.Jc life, I born in the vr.ke ' f the riot, Will it was believed here &ad in Ber- I CR.U'upon s.11 public meeting halli lin. - '' i in TorliTiile to enforce a boycott AltEouga • t t e measures are | ESraicnt NnEi groups. : largely dictated • by tbe' difficuls ties of the Nazis in adequately financing projects wbich are eco- j New- Kif-fct w Completed ! Jerusalem (JTA) — A Btratenomically unsound" but cecssE-ary for the attainment ol Eslf-stif- I gio hightr&y between Beersheba, ficJency, ^teej" are -g.3so inspired by | in southern Palestine and Akaba, a desire to establish a system for j on tfee E,ec See, has been comelimination of Jews • from Aus- j pieted. It gives Great Britain trian eeon-oxny ivh'icb.'- will cot re- I ac alternatiye • te the Suez Canal pest t&e "ijnsts/tees" n^cle "E rig | as E, route Jrosn the Germany, where, after fire rears, : e a t tc iiie Eec Sea. the JewE still have & sizeable
The service at Shaare Zion synagogue will be a Mother's day service' and will be the last late Friday evening service of this season. Mrs. Morris Weisberg \l will speak in behalf of the mothers, Miss Anna Pill in behalf of . :> tho daughter and Howard Sacks in behalf of the sons. Jack Merlin and the synagogue choir will John • Lansburg chant, the ritual. The pulpit will General Chairman be decorated with floral contributions in honor of mothers. At the Junior Congregation service tomorrow morning, Mrs. Mary Hurwitz will serve refreshments to the children in honor of the marriage of her son, Hyman Hurwitz, to Miss Lilian Magazlner. The Junior Congregation - i s planning a mothers and childrens - Announcement- has been made program . and luncheon for May by- the local -Hadassah chapter, 28, to celebrate the 13th annithat Mrs. Samuel Schulsinger, versary of its organization. • ". The board of directors of who will speak at the Hadassah piiUE, in liis vrritin-gfl, d«conference in Council.Bluffs, will Shaare Zion will meet next Wedetafce in the nationkl j plorcd the ffic.f. that the Jewi come to Sioux City May 17 to ad- nesday evening ia the home of Jsn.zi leaders are eonTino&d that dress the donors luncheon, which Mr. and Mrs.- Ell Robinow,- BelleGleichschaltilEg (co-orfiiriatton) I were not E commerctel people. • will be held Tuesday, May 17, In vue apartments. Mr. Morey Lipof Austria can culj -be e,i;conishutz will preside. the Jewish Community- Center. plisfced ky corcplete filixzir<i.i.lor?. Much '.interest is being shown.. by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will -W of JBVTE. Although ^the rae'asures "o: the* Hadassah-women and over 90 leave tomorrow evening for Chiare primarily a i s e d at -Austria, ; pledges have been made. Mrs. cago, where he will. attend the fhs Nasis hope ' they can also (Continued froir. Pag-o I.) ' Schulsinger is-.a member of the United Synagogues'Jubilee conStudents j London (WNS)—Hitler won't the serer&l lictises into'one-and National Haddash board, and na- tention, which marks the 25 th Meanwhile J e T: I s h students ish, ctsestioE "in" the Old Eeich. tional chairman. ' of the Zionist anniversary "• of the , founding of were ' expelled f rota " the high [ sell any of the - bocks ' by con- IIn" any event,' Berlin and Vienna decorated and furnished this inRelations committee. She was a the United Synagogues. schools-and or&ered-to attend all- Aryans which'are ±o be gegreibSt-.j are dsterm'ined' net to finj-lieate terior in the beat style, . and' it delegate to, the World Zionist Jewish schools. The Reichspost, ed in Austria's, state libraries be- 1the "EilstJitei.. leniency" vitfc WEF E. rery goofi one indeed, ot Congress in-1931i official mouthpiece of the gov- i cause he doesn't want to corrupt j •wilot tec- German Je*"B' T.-ere EiofierE German - itte.rior decoration .. .... We .walked in theirernment, published a long front- the morals of :the other peoples, -j t r e t t e c "-••-.•• • ' .• -• Women who wish to attend the page article indicating the need Der Fnehrer informed M i s s 1 Ko figures arc r.Tail&ble 'bn tfee beE.v.tiful garae-ns. They . showed luncheon may send their pledge Christine Foyle, London book- j to any of the following women . Mrs. H. G. Mihter of Los An- for speedv pt'rsre of Jews • .from seller, wlio ia'd Esied to buy i total Etcsber -c£ .Sewe fcrcea cr,t ur- T-jv.li R x-ielfc.ncb.oiy P~ide as'» Boi;vejt.lr c.C clv.ys f.6"C.veT g-one th« who are In charge of the donor's geles is spending several weeks industry by clilns facts allegedly some of the volumes-. { of indestry s.nd cotr,js.srce- T-ho clicins - of the old ghetto •whtch proving that Jews still costrol are enaele to reinrest their'fcr.es project: Mrs. J. Kreuger, Mrs. M. in Sioux City with her parents, Austrian, industry. • and are forced-tt! live on the cap- they willingly preserved; they Lazriowich, Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mr. and Mrs. J.' Jacobson. She ital, bnt" the niimber nanst. run took us tp bfce Jewish grave-.'ard Mrs. Joe Levin, Mrs. E. N.'Grnes- is the former Frances Jacobson. • • An independent surrey - em- OFFER $4,$B§ PRIZEinto the thousands. They -Till be fvitfi rc-ir^tefi out to us the handMrs. Minter, with Mr. and Mrs. bracing all -of Austria revealed FOR BOOK BY kln, Mrs. Max Brodkey, Mrs. particularly- hard hit toy' measures carved head-Btones which bor« Ruebeh .Miller, Mrs. Abe Pill, E. Jacobson, will spend several that 2,000 Jews committed suiforcing. isTestmeat cf remasning1 witness to the long and uninter' , . '. Mrs. Robert Sacks and Mrs. A. days with friends in Chicago, be- cide and 11,000 others have beea EXILE taken Into custody on one charge casa in ncE-dhidesd cr liaitefi rupted tradition o? Jewish piety fore returning to Los .Angeles. M.. Davis. or another since Austria became A board meeting was held as E,ad crE.Jts~p,aship , . ..Jewish arBoston (WNS) -^-'A ?4.cD0 | diridead • enterprises, istocr&ts as well as Austrian arisTuesday afternoon in the home Mrs. J. Ostrlm -of Chicago is a part of the Third Reich. These esile prise -contest f or • t i e best] mfniraura figures based on a enterprises). ?,;ar.y undoubtedly tocrats , . . Loyal, cnltivated, de>of the president, Mrs. W. C. guest • this week In the home of are work-of fiction or non-fiction in j careful and conservative check •will, he -left vrithoct .means of ex- rout — citizens that any 8tat« Slotsky, and the following nomi- Mrs. B. Rutstein, 314 Eighteenth of all private and semi-official re- | the German language fcy persons j istence and .dependent. on. the might enrf.' • nating, committee' was r.ppointed: street. " norts. Other reports set the niKU^ | of any- nationality now in esile V'kiii h&s ii. availed.' them? Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, Mrs. Joe ber of suicides as high as 5.000 for racial or political reasons was TChs.t.Ss their -fate todey?Levine and Mrs. H. M. Levin. Mrs. Sam C. Steinhauer \nd and announced here by Little,*. Brown , ~ • "*t_ number of arrests at 25.t Kotbing ETEiils. neither long at: son, Hugh, of St. Louis will leave 000. the The real total of Jewish sui- & Co- in cooperation - with the j OSL2*CSLOZ"0 S £SS.J*CS tachments to the Sand nor public Sunday for - their home after cides may n^ver be known for American Guild for German -Cul- • •service nor jrervcle breeding .nor spending three weeks here with Jewish cemetery officials .are not tural , Freedom, and four foreign j honorable exts ic peace or waiv Mrs. Steinhauer's parents, Mr. piven the names of the fiead who publishers. 4'anuscripts -Ernst be ! nor cfe&ritf nor fp.lth. nor good reThe Annual, Jewish National and Mrs. Mas Holland. submitted before October 1, 1SSS J they are ordered to bury withont Fund Flower Day will be observYork'(WNS) — Supreme pute Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. identification. Burials are held and. should be. .between- 60,000! %vfcec will & Jewisb people ed Sunday,' May 15th by Sioux Mrs. L. S. Goldberg entertained at dawn with no ceremony other and 200,(500 words la length. j Court Justice Benjaznii^'X."-CarCity Jewry. Members of „Junior members of the Mount Sinai Sis- than the recitation- of the kadThe Judges will be Thomas ' et pzo 'vras oesueEtheS. fK.-C-C'G in arise in its more.! might ..ana Hadassah and Young Judaea or- terhood Board at a luncheon dish. learn ths Mann, Bruno F r a s k , Lion j the will cf the late Tfilliam N. emsneipate jiseK F.V:C. f ganizations will ^make a house- Monday afternoon. Mrs. GoldFeuchtwasger, Alfred Neumann Cohen, former; justice of the New iesftoE o' this ".ove 'P.r. recurrent to-house canvass at Jewiahhomes berg is president of the SisterThe number if arrests' is also and Rudolph Olden. • -' : York Supreme Court, it. was' re- iate at last" . for the purpose of raising funds hood. an- estimate .because no one T.ealed with the filing'of the test- (Coprricat, IS-f.fe Er Seven Art« to purchase land in- Palestine. knows for certain how maay eFature Erndlcate.) ament for probate. In'making the Patronise Our AdTertisers • from BurgenlaRd have been Flower Day comes at a most opMr. and Mrs. J. Kalin and Jews fcecnest to Justice Cardoso', CoBONALC F.SOrKEV AND MONSKV, portune time since the need '• fox Frances Kalin will spend Sunday thrown into prison. Of. those G^CDiNSKV, K-AnCK-i. COHEN Prague (WNS)—Tie 55 Jew- hen ssifi Cardoro, "has -not been land in Palestine as a refuge for in Lincoln, Neb., where Sidney driven out of Burgenland' 1,700 oppressed European I ^ w r y is Kalin is a student at the univer- are refugees In Vienna. Several isn refugees from Austrian Burr lure'd • by material e-fiTE-Ecetaent ;' Bank Building Omahs. Na-tio hundred others are teTiDorarily genland -who found a temporary £S hfe. might here bee-r, bu* t " s very acute. A breakfast will be sity. . safe in Czechoslovakia, Hungary refuge on board the'French tug- adhered to tt© vor^ thrt J"t lo""held, at the Jewish Community that and .Yugoslavia. All told ov.er boat Qiienia when they were de- ed wits, a Bins or.ere o' " i - r o c Center at 10:15 a. m. to start Mr. -and Mrs. Hyman Fishgall 3,000 Jews are believed to hate nied admission to Czechoslovakia End r the campaign with' a big bang. A 'loftiness cf £ a .' "u r € '""'e wo Q( the : np>m€* of the short pep • talk will be.- given by and daughter. Marion, will spend been ex-nelle.d from the Burgen- and 'Hungary were on the move isdeec.'' ' Sunday In Fremont, Neb., with land villages. It is also esti- again ' vrhea the Hungarian su„ ""' ,L MOone'-of, the executives. . Anyone 7 : pi i e c? Mrs. Fishgall's mother. Cohen left fca'f c ' V s -™ "mated that S5,000 Jews in Vien- thorities ordered the ressel to wishing to participate* get in C! na have lost their jobs since clear oat of liuagary's-Danube e.ry ^estate to DE.r«.Ecc».i.h <^o ej-c touch with the JNF Chairman of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baroa, March 12. waters. Tee ship is no'w anchored of wliich he'-was J ; < ^n-iius,, tc Junior - Hadassah, Sophia Frank1810 Grandview, have departed in nidstreao. to s x e i i s i y diffi- be- used lin. • • • • ' . • ' . p& Rl for Excelsior Springs, Mo., for a culties wjtb the HuE.Earian au- ing deserving stt-rc' Fix Qnota pr fro h three-week stay. They will also thorities woo have been watching Washington,' D. C- (WNS) — 10- \"\lO expenses of the ~ c^ HEBREW MOTHERS visit friends in Kansas City. The Austrian immigration quota the Quenia day sad night to pre- also' Ire's u e a t L e d p( pe TO MEET TUESDAY of 1.413 tvas iucorporated into vent any' of the refugees from • Sinai Ko«r ( tit The Hebre." Mothers associaMrs. Louis Patz of Milwaukee the German quota by act o? Pres- landing. Tfce • Alliance Israelite Mount tion -will haye'a dessert luncheon has arrived in Sioux City to visit ident Roosevelt, making the total Universelle. has, sent aa',agent to each to the Fe^.e~t <. and card party Tuesday after- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. number of immigrants eligible confer 'with the. French owners of Support of Jewi t - T v—rnoon. May 10. in the Shaare Zipn Blank, Sioux Apartment hotel. the . tugboat ,concerning the dis- Societies, and JTf for admission to. the United social hall. The dessert luncheon States from Germany each. year position of its" unexpected' passen- Emanuel IJ i b in r r jjorrov- m will be held at 1:30 o'clock*" Fund. gers. ' • ."'• Patronize • Our Advertisers 27,370. 1
W- F
Society News
J. N. F.- Flower Day
I et
-Mount Sinai Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis wil. sbeak this evening on "Palestine 4pa the Jews." • . i| The Sisterhood will hold its • ciosing meeting of the season next Friday' afternoon. A dessert iiricheoh at"l:30 will precede the ; nieeting and program. The el(SC' turn and installation of officers viill he,held and the,annual re jibrts- will bo heard. Miss Ruth Bonier of Morningside college wil' review; a current play. Mr?, A
e r f , O.---.-1
•jjt' Galinsby is in cft^~3 ot >{5o
refreshments. . 1| Among the Temple, members -who will attend the Mid-West District convention of Reform Congregations in Omaha, this Sundav, will be Mr. A, M. Davis' Bfri-and Mrs. A. J. GalinsJry, Mr aad ; . Mrs. Mas Rosen stock- and Miss Bernice Galinsky. Patronize Our Advertiser;
'.-i'-numbav, r P-'e^i'd^^t;. iHt.ry, fend »
IJ. J. Kaplan Chairman,. "Out-of-town
Abo Silverberg Co-chairman, Out-of-Ttown '
Si K n lege.r' Chairman, Big Gifts
A. ?•{. Darl Psblicitj
"rr.,FTN 317RKHARD,
ATTEST: Dor?,! 4-M-38-4*.