Wev/a Gathered the
Enterefl as Second CSass Mali Matter on iJajiuary 31, 1B31. at Postofflee, of Omaha. Xebrcsfca. under the "Act of Slarch 3. 1879
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Election of Henry Monsfcy to the international presidency of the International Order of B'nal B'rith recalls the history of tha lodge and the profound influence it han been In American Jewish life for almost a century. When B'nai B'rith v a s organized the Jewish population of tho .United States was 15,000 persons, about one-fourth the number of individuals on the membership roster of "the lodge. Today thero are over four hundred American lodges and DO American .cHy of substantial sine is without a lodge. The first formal sessions of B'nai B'rith were held in New York on October 13, 1843. Jewish, life in this country, though small, had been confronted with a number of problems and a dozen far-sighted men had organised the lodge a3.the answer. Not only was it to be a social organization, but as was common in those days, members paid a Seo • for insurance. Grotrth Stimulated , Rapidly growing: the Jodge spread westward, two chapter3 - being formed in Cincinnati then becoming the center oS German Jewish life. The second of these two lodges was the first lodge in tha_,order to conduct its meeting In English. Hitherto German had •been used almost exclusively. The growth of the organisation -was stimulated first in 1348 when great masses of German, Jews and non-Jevs, fled their homeland In the face of great oppression. In IS63' a cosmopolitan atote was added by th<? firnt larjjescale-inflcr -of immigration from Poland .following tho abortive revolution 1of that year. The TJay laWBor l ^ , th- Czarist pogroms, all added to the membership" aa well'as work of the organization. In 1851 the Constitution Grand Lodge met and chartered the first two ^District Grand Lodgea, one in New York and one in Cincinnati. A third district Grand lodge was organized the following, year in Philadelphia: Facing PrcJjleins Lodges have subsequently been organized throughout tha woria. In Germany and Austria where B'nal B'rith became. almost synonymous with Jewish life, the lodges have been liquidated, by the Nazis and the funds' and Institutions supported by the lodgo confiscated; b7 government. Even In far-away Shanghai the brunt of the problems of Chiness Jewry brought about by the F a r Eastern conflict nave been borne .by the Lodge there. Tha B'nai B'rith -was organized locally in 18 S 4 and today is tha largest" group in the city -with approximately six hundred members. ' The American lodges have dropped the insurance- ' feature and have devoted .themselves to philanthropic work^ Of primary importance i3 the Anti-Defamation League under B'nai B'rith sponsorship. This group concerns itself with defending Jews against baseless slanders. "With the appearance of late of a number of quasi-Fascist •organlsationc, worii of the Anti-Defamation League has been particularly heavy and a branch office has been estab-' lished in New York. Activities B'nai B'rith work among Jewish youth include the Hlllel FounI dations which lave been established a t American universities .' 1 1 ^_,_^,-* "7'-.' and the A. Z. A- whose headquarters are In Omaha. A "vocational Dlrc^cry of guidance bnrean -for Jewish Actlvitlss youth has also been established. . TTaslilcstoa, D. C. (J.r.A.' TVas.aingto'n,v Tj.\ • C. : fWN.S)—- sleepless sentinels on -the .fron-' Among the; many ^institutions !The B'nai -B'rith J c : r e tiers of -freedom, vill not bs fore-; Citing, the-words of-the-Declaraf The year, book,'•••which the idoubled-- its - raembrrri'r E' supported by the Lodge ars' the Cleveland Jewish Orphan Home; tion-of 7 ladepjendentie- that" "we saken by/ those .Trho - share their" Sound Table - is • publishing this ! 1S3S, accordins to a -cor't Bpiritnal. heritag-e." . ' . . ' , year for 'the- first- t l s s , will bs 'livered a t ' t i e 15th. r i - ' - r l c the^Touro Infirmary at New Or- iold;theso -truths; to be self-evileans; the Leo N., Le^l hospital denti-" that > all* men r are ^ created : Speaking -'.at ' a ' testisonial.- in ready for distribution this cons- ! ventioa by Ka-nrios r sz: ", at Hot Springs, Arkansas; . the equal/ that they -are ; endowed "by honor, of • Alfred M: Cohen, -who ing' •sreei.- Tlie year BOO& -srill coa- I ecutire secretary. National Jewish hospital for con- their Creator, with, certain un- is ;retiring'• from, the B'nai; B'rith •tain' aa acouat ^f all the Round i ToSay . t i e order h-i" C" • sumptives at Denver as weir as a alienable- . rights, thalt "among presidency after 13 -years,. Speali- 'Table's'activities,-a history ol the number of other. Important phil- these a r e life, liberty, and the er_ Bankiead -vrarned; dictators Round Table, greetings from var- ;years Efa, lie stated. zl'~-T~ anthropic agencies. pursuit"iOf-'iaRpiness," William B. that no people has ever remained ious officers and a complete di- •* in the last three- yes-r r.-->; youth or- |14tb general caarent.rn cf r The B'nal B'rith wherever i t Bankhead, speaker of • the house in permanent; subje.ctioh/to' des- rectory of the .affiliated of representatives, - told . guests potism and .that no powrer oa ganizations. . : has been- established has conI B'rith vrzs held here. 1" cerned itself with the problems and "delegates attending the ban- earth can forerer destroy the in- "Bertha Slutzlry-iras ehsirrata jm nate passion of a people forlilr^ that confront Jewish life." It has quet climaxing the 15tL general tlie committee is charge of tiie -:.them la the last thrr" :: ^~' fought for Jewish rights and convention-of B'nai B'rith that erty. He said that wHile the re- of preparation of the book. . Copies | Sleaib-ersliiip gaias f t " r sought' to protect them where "America .proclaims anew for Jew | maining' democratic - states are can be obtained for tea. cents at I from every E'nai B ' n t - >I.r~ they have been gotten. and Gentile-alike the mighty chal- '. seriously.'menaced "and.Trill notthe Centex. I in the country. Since its inception it ha3 per- lenge that ;once "stirred hope and (save .'themselves through . smug ;portsE£- oa t i e -~c- : c: 'indifference"to the peril of dictaof all man• formed notable service to.Jewry. courage in the hearts ; " torship," he • did-apt'--believe that -Mufti:As!ss'Rider's-Aid ! B'nai B'rith Anti-:?-:-- -* Not content to rest upon its laur- kind." . . . , : - V ^ i League, Richard E- G.'.- - ' After _ expressing deep regret democracy "is permanently in reels its work continues. '•-..London (W2-TS)—T: e esiled ixeetor, ss.id that ZJ^Z , - that the.ijart played by .Jews in treat "or that it must yield on any Grand Slufti.of Palestine isas se Jerusalem WNS)-Palcor Agen-; the •foTinding of the American de- front to- the autioritarian .sys- fs-o- 'secret agents to"Hitler to •the last three years. T- t.'cy)—A nautical school has been mocracy "has not been more gen- tem."'" . - ' . - . ' " . ' ' U Tge him' to continue the fniEsciTS-helming" majority -' '. . established at Haifa with the as- erally known and asserting that "Claiming: that:' the, "dicf'ator- hi-S of the "Arab -terror-Sat, .camsistance of the Jewish agency. the: American coIonistB^ in their ships-'are in far greater danger-of paisa- -where 5-Inssolisi left c-ff, ! cases, lie pointei ou . ;"_- . . Aid' to the new institution has j struggle; for independence drew perishing'.-than'" are the .cT'eiacsra- -according to a dispatch in t h e been promised by Lord Lloyd, •some', of :their inspiration from cies," Speaker " Bankhead - said" daily'Herald, rjnssoijr.i has. droplormer Egyptian High Commis- | the Jewish Bible," he said that •"democratic .institutions' will .not ped -the Arabs since he signed a because ox thoiirfix" sioner, on behalf of the British "the children of Israel, who since. perish from the earth" because treaty.'.of-frienfisMp- viUx' Eng- : failure'to reaI:z.-3 ti - . ., i and ?osEJb*'s "h'rs i- -~ Maritime League. (Continued' on. page S.) 1 [ the dawn of; hi&fory have been '• land. people the i results; ;rcr
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The'twelfth observance of NaInformation is sought of tional Jewish Book Week in HARRY (HERSCHEL) T\TYAmerica focuses attention on the LEK alias WHITE, a drive of \ Jewish gift to .civilization — the a radio sound truck and also Bible. There are one hundred and a radio repairman, who disapeight "complete translations of the pear frcm San Francisco, Calbible, over five hundred partial ifornia, in March, 1937, and is translations, and that over twen- cot providing for his -wife, t o Hold Joint Rabbi Mayerbe^ Asks ty-five million copies of it are dis- Cleer and their two children, Service N e s t .Jews to Defend tributed annually, it is really the Marlene and Terry, so that F r i d a y World's best seller, the only writ- the family is in dire need and Democracy / ten work in many languages, one dependent on the .Jewish.'com- ^ The annual reception for thethat has been translated into vir- munity of that city. Suocesful beyond all expecta• This man was born in MinJewish graduates -ot all local high tually every tongse on earth. tions the two-day mid-west- reneapolis in July, 1905, is 5 schools will be held on Friday Omaha Public Library has some gional conference of the Union of feet, 9 inches tall, weights 175 evening. May 20, at the Jewish very Interesting old copies. American-Hebrew Congregations Community Center, it was an- Besides these there are ever so pounds, has light brown hair, closed Sunday evening1 after a nQunced by the Social Service many fascinating books about the blue eyes, wears glasses. banquet at which Rabbi Samuel committee of the Jewish Com- Bible, the Jewish people themS. Mayerberg- of Kansas City was Anyone knowing of his lomunity Center and Welfare Fed- selves, their history, their leg- cation is requested to comprincipal speaker. ends and their music. eration. municate with 'the National Representatives- of smaller All the synagogues • are coDesertion Bureau, 67 West communities declared the proboperating in this celebration and 47*h street, New York City. lems' "or synagogue organizations combined Friday night .services . in their communities -were so arare to be held at the Beth El duous they were often discouragSynagogue. ed but the papers presented here Cantor Aaron Edgar will offigave new answers to their diffiBertha Gnss Dan Miller ciate a t the ' services. Rabbi culties and tremendously encour-: vill deliver the aged them in their work- : \ Kovod keys were presented to of the Youth's Division of the Frederick Cohn : In' his address Rabbi Mayer- Bertha Guss and : Dan Miller at Jewish Philanthropies and is ac- sermon of the evening-. Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Rabbi David berg urged the Jews to put their the annual stage night sponsored He is H. Wice and.Rabbi Milton A. efforts to guarding democracy in by the Round Table of . Jewish tive in all Center activities. . Local organizations will meet f s .'sir •the United States. "Democracy is Youth last Wednesday evening. the son-of Mr. and Mrs: David Kopstein wil| participate in the on Monday, May 23, at 7 p. m. service. • • < ' • • "', the only kind of government that The two were chosen as outstand- Miller. • " to arange for the election of delcan give to human being those ing representatives of- the ^Round Miss Guss, daughter of Mr. and •Shirley Kahn and Morton Mar- egates to the American Jewish A Mother and Daughter proinalienable rights more precious Table during the past year. Mrs> H; Guss, is the present-vice- golin will respond for the class Congress which is to convene in gram and luncheon will be given of graduates. than life.itself." .•;..". New York City in September. The The Kovod is a national honor president of the Round Table and Saturday at 1 o'clock, at Temple I 5 Refreshments will be served elections will be held June-25, 26 ij Israel : • The only Omahan to jread a society organized at Jewish Cen- is chairman of the Initial Gifts by the Temple Sisterhood. paper at the conference was-Mor- ters. The Omaha Jewish Com- committee of • the Youth's Divi- following the service with Mrs. and 27. Speaking on behalf of the ris E. Jacobs who spoke on themunity Center was invited to be-sion. At the City-wide observance J. Kaufman of the Beth El Aux- All groups having 50 or more I mothers will be Mrs. James Goetz iliary In charge. "Unatfiliated- Jew." Mr. Jacobs come a member in" 1936. members are requested to send while Harriet R. Newman •will of the sesqui-centennial,' she was blamed the-problem of thennaf-Members of the Social Service delegates to the local conference. respond for the daughters. Miller, a junior at Creightori, general chairman. ' filiated on the affiliated, that Former winners of Kovod keys committee are: Dr. Philip Sher, Each organization may send one president ol. the Round Table A children's acrostic will be since Judaism is a philosophy of and • was last year the ' organiza- are Haskell Cohn, Milton Frohm, chairman; Rabbi David H. Wice, delegate for every 50 members. life it must be made available to ion's treasurer. He is chairman Joe Goldware, and Ernest •Nogg. Rabbi David A. Golstein, Rabbi A registration fee of ?1 per dele- given by Joan Robinson, "Lech Cohen, llyra Cohn, Patricia Bv.vall Jews: ' • Milton A. Kopstein, Rabbi Fred- gate is required. kenroad, Raynel Ferer, Martha erick Cohn, William L. Holzman, His paper was so well-received Lincoln, Phyllis Greenberg, Joan s Isador Abrahamson, X)r'. M. I. the Rabbi Mayerberg presented a Rosenstock, and Cecile Cohen. . Gordqn, Philip Klut2nick, Saleresolution . that Mr. Jacobs be Suspend Gym Classes Several piano selections--prill be win Michnlck, - Leo Rosenthal, asked to give the same paper a t : presented by Jliriaca Schiramel. Mrs. H. A. Wolf, Eugene Blazer the nest ^national conference of Gym activities at the Jewish .- Various members of the Sisterand Paul Veret. the Union. , ; Community. 'Center were sushood and their daughters -win apTemple Israel was host to the pended yesterday because of pear in a dramatization, "The 150 out-of-town delegates from the National Music Contest beThe Women's Division pf the Seven Ages of a Daughter." the seven states of Missouri, Kaning held there. Classes "will not Jewish Community Center will Mrs. Phil Gilinsky, Mrs. Sam sas, Iowa, : Nebraska, ' Colorado, be held., today either. hold its last meeting of the sea-Wolf. an_d Mrs. Paul Blotcky are A capacity crowd turned out South Dakota, and Minnesota. The handball courts will be son on Monday, May 16, at 1in.charge of reservations. open and swimming classes Wednesday night *o witness the o'clock at the Center. This will annual "stage night" sponsored" will continue on,schedule. be a luncheon meeting. The elecPatronize Our Advertisers The Friday 9 o'clock Wom- by the Round Table of Jewish tion of officers for the coming The desperate plight of the Youth at. the Jewish Communityen's gym class will take a sevyear will be held atid a resume Austrian youth' facing "the same en and.a half mile hike and, Center. ' • • ' . ' the year's activities given. PrizeJ winning sketch' was A. Z. hopeless futO'-e as their brothers of On will'return to the Center this the program will be the and sisters' In Germany, has at A. l's 'A. Z. A. Heyday." Bas-aafternoon for a swim. play winning the stage night ini 'won second prize with its once become the concern of the competition. play, "Sisterly Love" while third Youth Aliyah committee of HaA record attendance Is expected prize went to Rho Epsilon whose- dassah. The,Omaha Chapter ^of presentation was • entitled, "We Hadassab has pledged an addi- at this final meeting-. Mrs. David RABBI COHN SPEAKS : tional $360 for this newest proj- Greenberg will preside. Three Omahans at the UniverWant a Man." for the luncheon sity of Nebraska-were named to TO YOUNG PEOPLE Ben Barkln was Master of ect of transferring European mayReservations be made by calling the Centhe highest honorary positions at . Sunday-,' May 15, Rabbi' Fred- Ceremonies.' Milton Frohm acted youth to Palestine. ter office. the university. Morris Lipp, a erick Cohn will speak before the as his stooge. An appeal for the • Youth member of Sigma Alpha Mu, and young Aliyah fund Is being made people's group of tae- Pearl Howard Kaplan of Zeta . Beta Methodist through the medium of the Jew.church on "The ReTau, were" among the 13 men se- ligion of the Pioneer Women ish Press by Hadassah. VolunJew." • : lected for membership in "Innotary contributions are being acOn May 19 Rabbi Cohn will decents," men's senior honor soThe Pioneer • Women's organi- cepted by Mrs. Julius Stein, 4909 high zation ciety; while Jc-ephine Rubnitz, iver the address before the : will hold an Oneg Shab- Webster street, GL 1948. ccEsjsartsaeists end eectioas. Set- ; ichool graduating'class of Hasa member, of Sigma Delta Tau both at the home of Mrs. J. Kap- In addition to names already Out sleeper for Rock Is&sd-Davea- ! ings, la., and on May 24 lie will sorority, was named treasurer of lan, 2234 Miami.The principal One »f the most famous of histhe following women port, Dlr.Lr..I c^r, coaches.. - j Mortar , BoaTd, an organization speak to the graduating class of speaker will be Judah^Wolfson. published will also be honored at the Give torical ""operettas, "Bar CochbaJ" consisting bt.the 13 outstanding- the High school of .Louisville, A reading will be givenftyone of and Get luncheon .at 12:30 Wed- will • be presented on Sunday. campus women. - /V" N e b . . . . , , . . . . , • _ • • • . , - ' the members, nesday, '. May 25. at the Jewish. June 12, at 8 p. la. at the Central : Tbe bazaar sponsored by* the Community Center: Mrs. Sam Kaplan is one of "the two manClub auditorium. Written by the •!La Sslle Street Statloa intts BKEI« ness and Shopping District, Engleorganization will be held May 29 Aitschuler, Mrs, David Bernstein, dean of Yiddish composers, A. j aging editors of the "Dally Neat the Labor Lyceum, Twenty- Mrs.-'JSam Beber, Mrs. M. 31och, Goldfaden, the operetta Includes j wood Stafioa a t 63rc Street for braskan," a past member of second and Clark streets. Mrs. Mrs. Jack Cohn, Mrs. Herman many well-known musical compo- j the South Side. Corn Cobs, and a member of KosH. Okun and Mrs. J . Kaplan are Dansky, Mrs. I. Dansky, Mrs. Solsitions. met Klub, Scabbard and Blade, .A "HEW B A F S 1 E ¥ I C E in charge. ershing Rifles, Sigma- Delta .Chi Degen, Mrs. J. Falk, Mrs. J. M. The Workmen's Circle Draand th<? ,"Awgwan'">*^dvIsory matic club has urged all .Oma- THE Malashock and Mrs. 0 . Fos. The, regular monthly meeting board. He also served; on the of the Ladles' auxiliary of the Also Mrs.' David Goldman, Mrs. hans to reserve that date so that Junior-rSenior £rom committee. Congregation of Israel will be . Daughtes*s of Israel Phillip Greenberg, Mrs. Harry they might'attend the presesntaLipp, who wilK also serve as held on Monday, May 16, at 2 p. Haykin, Mrs. Phillip Klutsnicfe, Aid Society AT. CEICASO • . . G;53 p a treasurer- of innocents, h a B m. In the assembly room, of the The operetta •will be given unMrs. A. Lazerowitz, Mrs. Lewis served as .news editor and'man- synagogue, Twenty-fifth and J Lazerowitz, Mrs. Milton Mayper, der the dramatic direction of L.S?e luxe chstr car, diner, Fiil The regular meeting of the aging editor of the Dally Nebras- streets. and the musical direc- Sojiii^e cbservaticia witls ' ''•-:,' Daughters ..ot Israel. Aid Society" Mrs. Morris Milder, Mrs. Sam Witkin, kan, and is a member of Corn tion of . Cantor E. Sellz. Stage sad iibrsrjr. , Steinberg and Mrs, Sam WiesThis will be the last meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 17, Cobs and the rally committee. He and costumes a r e under the diman. end ttcss is publicity director of the Stu-. of the season. Meetings will be at 2 p. m. at the Jewish ComA luncheon meeting was held rection of Hyrnan Ruderman. resumed" again in September. munity Center. Mrs. A. Wolf, dent Union Board, secretary , of s eg Tickets will be 50 and 75 cents Tea; will be served' and a social president, is asl'ing that all mem- Monday, May 9, of the "ProvitTNlON TI Sigma Delta Chi and has been r e sions _ of the Partition" study and may be reserved by calling bers owing back dues attend, the hour will'' follow. ' S7SS Fsrnsiai Sf., corder of his fraternity. . ' . group, of which Mrs. David A. M. Selicow, general chairman of meeting". . -^ Goldstein .was instructor, at the the affair, Atlantic 2964, or at This is an Important meeting as HAZOMIR Delicatessen, 1610 No. there was no meeting last month home of Mrs. Herman Cohen, 101 Witkin's 24th, Jackson S46S. South Fifty-third street. because of the Passover holiday. The Hazomir Singing"society lg planning to hold a wiener roast. Definite details are soon/to be VAAD BIBLE CLASS announced. The Bible class of the Vaad Persons wishing to join the will meet on Wednesday, May 25, The Round Table of Jewish Yquth will, close this year's ser- Hazomir may attend meetings at the B'nal Israel synagogue. ies of- dances when . the final any Monday evening at 8:30 at Rabbi Milton A. .Kop3tein will dance, will be held on Sunday tho Jewish Community Center. conduct the class. evening. May' 15, starting at 9 o'clock. Music for the affair will be furnished by the . Irving., Rhodes orchestra. The committee which has arranged for the dances this year includes: Adolph Laytin, chair<3czFd@m to Ffea man; Lois Barish, Joo Guss," Al "Oruch, Robert Posley, Florenca n£e . . . f s»ora. EKiieheu Steinberg, acid-Harold Stern. The Round Table dances- this to IParlou' a o • tim season have - beno extremely popU a'shi'ou ;k ular with a large attendance at
: > ' •
Ladies Auxiliary Congregation of Israel
ANC t $.i 795 . , X / " to Danes into your country club in one of these gorgeous govms. High bosomed ccid iiny -waisfed vrith vrhirl-pool skirts you'll adore. Marquise-Vie, nets, chiffons, laces, embroidered batiste, black curre vith •white.Jieavenly pastels, vhiis. Sizes i2 to ?0, 33 -to -=i. /.-so ••.•: o-s' sizes S to IS. r- c ^ - — „ - ; • f; Fleer
Dainty beaded
e a c h o n e , .:"•'•
bags, beauvectu e m b r q i dery/_ l a c y touches,
Admission for this." Sunday's dance will be by season ticket. I t is to be. a couple affair.
Omalia members ol Hadasaaa woh are planning to attend the banquet-only a t tho Southwest
Regional convention in Council Bluffa have been requested to have' their reservations • in by , Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Reservatidns may bo made by calling Mrs. Harry Chernlss, 3569-J, Council Bluffs.
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O O21S Wo. aoth S t . j . CLEAKERD •AT ©200 C. D.
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v7cno in 4o Ccn Dornic's P day at 0:30 Omsha tltno
Onsaha A.TT CDQO PCI^I en UPAD every Wednes-
Sport S~!<~p-—r""ln
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^' h e nclierchlsfs, - ' < ' v iiiXB oriel, pets* ' \ tele'
•JSE JEWISH PRESg—FEH>AT, MAT IS, 1938 sparkle . before me. The -whole life I shall not-forget that Lag {a formal announcement Tery I stressed ?nd original docu»er' = scene becomes lighted up. 1 hear B'Omer celebration at Sleroa. shortly 6a the formation of tie iexecuted by Polish Kings p roices before my eyes. Junior softball league. janteelng individual liberties I mount the aillside and very i t i e ciiizenrv. soon I am in the midst of a crowd Flash! Abraham . H e r m a n i —Dee of thousands of people. There is Erodkey was injured Monday in asd leave lasting imp essions By JESSIE E. SAMFTERhardly room for the sole of a CoEimer.ts in THE J. C. C. soodayy health-club TO!"Son of a Star" they called you CUKRE>" foot. The noise reaches to heavte of AusThat fell in darkest fiays!\ llej tall play . . . Proving volley• N*. H'S—The tragri en. With great difficulty I push ball is tougher, than it soenfis. na z.nc to its Jewish eoirmunk' ^ a way for, myself to the court- Bar Cochba, our hero, Super flash! Abraham Herman —s. sation dies—, Not you could hear our praise. Brofeey vrzs back In. the lineup yard and enter the "building, the PALESTINE E C O N O M I C Beth Hamidrash which is built again Wednesday, still "pitching X E YT S reports __. — _a Paiestire With' broken sword you perished, . AN EXTENSION OP THE troop," he tells us with an air of over the tombs. A sea of light for the Giants." and proving-that i Touring Exhibition — rresertir.In ruins crushed and black; floods me. Thousands of lamps JEWISH COMMUNITY Abraham Herman is tougher ; Jewish sccjevemer.'ts tct'ne Bin-confidence. Bar Cochba, Bar Cocnba, and candles are lit. There is no than he looks. . ; pora and the outside world t V r CENTER .. " • . . "All right, we'll wait," -pre call Today we call you back! P. S. — the guy really hurt his j organization cf a •p'-lestine r" ""Dear boys and girls of the back as he runs away to join his ! r o o m t 0 t u r n * e f t <"" right. ThouTcu;*-leg. iing exhibition is to visit ra.rici: = Junior Jewish Press! comrades practicing not far off. i s a n d s o f People dance and sing: The battle is unfinished - This week we arc devoting onr "Are these the Hebrew Boy fSephardim, Ashkenasim, YemeniI European countries—ihs nt-rpo=.Where once you fought with page to Lag B'Omer which will Scouts and Girl Scouts?" we ask j t e s a n d Bokharians, they, their ' ~Touring Exhibition In increase has been cotes in : of tee ;c w i v e s an odds, be celebrated on Thursday, ourselves.' "Ah, that must be the | Center physical department inern- bring- to the cutside v.-orlS a li1 <* children. Also many A r a b s a r e here real Arabs. My And dared to challenge mighty berslups. Ivleaning that people are 2n » picture of Jev.'isli schiev";,May 10. We hope you enjoy scoutmaster. Let us go over a n d ] e y e I s d r a i s r n « Rome, getticg into -the summer swing. meets and- of continr.p.I constructo. a. dance of little the stories of lag B'Onier and ask him to tell us more a b o u t ' Her emperor and her gods. , We have one of the finest swim- tive actiritj" tespite tiro years -Z i ones, and then is attracted by . that many of " o u will be able these happy bpys and girls." tne "Sholom/' we address him. tombstone, that of Rabbi Then where was Israel's guardian ming pools.you've ever seen. And political upheaval and "distur'oto come to the I^ag . B'Omer him. ! .'. party nt the Center on Sunday, "Your Tzofim are all ready for a Eliezer. It rises in the first room, Who slumbers not nor sleeps?; now is the time to start using it. £nce.' It's 'healthful and refreshing to i More £ood news which is > and walking round it on the right Above the grappling peoples May 15, at S p. m. We are good time, it seems!" take, a daily dip in the pool. I rare — Urban envelopments still anxious to have you write 'Yes," answered the scoutmas- one enters a second room, which His patient watch He keeps. And talking about summer | Town planning _problem? — to us and'tell ns how yon en- ter with J> smile, He is a tall holds the tomb of Rabbi Simeon joy this column and to send pleasant looking man covered Bar Yochai. Iron fences engird And the battle shall be finished sports, new summer schedules for !motional placr-icsr board i and swisiming eiasses will Palestine by Y. Shiffman. T us your own stories.' Won't with a healthy coat of tan. "They the tombstones, and hundreds Where once you fought in vain, gym hundreds of lights shine And be announced around May 25th. jAviv JIunicipal Engireer. •you dojthat, please? have been waiting for Lag land the star that fell in ruins. The a b o u t new schedules go into effect ' of the daily nevspr.YOUR AUNT NAOMI. . B'Omer for weeks. And they are j f l a m e s them; a very sea of Shall rise and shine again. June 1. .lestine — Haboker arc; I pers in going to celebrate as.Jewish chil-i l l t t l e n-o t eTo the lights are stuck s j Davor. dren in no other land can cele-! bearing the names of Despair not, my people, LAG B'OMER PARTY : brate it. They are going to visit i t h e Ta niam and the Amoraim A most interesting article Bar Cochba seems to say, The Junior clubs of the Center the Cave of Rabbi ben Yochai i mentioned in the "Zohar." On i "ZIONISM OR PARTIAIOX?" T: •>• I fought two thousand years ago t h e u n a will celebrate Lag B'Omer.. with just as the Jewish students did / e C e n t e r sr° before the tombstone i Victor Eppstein. "No parlitior And victory comes today. a Lag B'Omer-party on Sunday, 2,000 years ago " ' " | lie men stretched out, studying could possibly be sccep-Library Corner" •|• scheme May 15, at 3 p. m. at the Jewish the z har w i t h a n e£fort l able because cf tb^ already c;-"Are these Tzofim the same as | '' ° -" Community Center. ' There will Ey HASKKTiTi COMES | cumscribed rrea nndfr ihs"?,Is.r- 1 the Boy and Girl Scouts in Amer- jjeacheei the^ corner and down J sat be a play, songs, dances and Lag ica?" on a bench beside we ask him. " small "' * " *~ *"•"•" ~ the " wall. " | date, just barely arlecniate ?c~ B'Omer games. Refreshments About me the pressure 'inthis millions of colonists vr- 1 ii will be served. All the members " "Yes," he answers. "They are creases. Now cro-svds press their annual observance ; must enter, a Palestine is not f ."• jf i , The , .twelfth . of the Junior clubs may bring a members of the Boy Scouts of way in every minute. The exthe World., Only here, of course, By LES GBOSSH&K | place of Jewish Bookdaring week will become merely r.nother Gentile 1 •friend "with them. this year the take \ land equipped with a conspicious everything is done in Hebrew. .scitement _ grows. They, dance, they n of May 15 to May 2 2. , Ghetto, while in Europe millions ! "We translated the Boy Scout mot- ! c*l eS-a s Theydance in a. large cirm a 1 1C l r c l e a n d A guy that isn't even in the! Since its inception in 1927, at •'would be condemned to writ to and changed the symbol Then ! n -e a I J j s singly. Not we had to translate the Boy Scout f ° ^ e ta *>ut everyone dances. league, pitched three no-hit, no-'the insistance of Rabbi S. Felix . their doom without further hope. F which !jMendelsohn of Chicago, y g , this cb- i Hits and :iiss: Manual into Hebrew and change !! ££? °? ? ?£?\ our everyone y sings: g run games last Sunday, 1 some of the contents to fit our! S a l d R a b b l Akiba," and others was the opening day of the J. C. j servance has become of increas- i '"SIAY SIADXESS." a novel in needs here. At first, of course, 1 answer; • id the Lord to Jadue season by Mabel De Tries the C. softball league. j ing interest and concern to fca ob p | Tanner. V.I* a s B'Omer which really it was v«!ry hard. You know we i fBB a-ar r and others again respond, 1U The is iins) J. Jupiter of America. ius guy's. (the name r is for a n d | Jews To cal1 happy art thou," h littl h d ! Yochai happy art thou" "I MFT A MAX" bv Jlichael iis obsermeans the 33rd day of the count- have very little money here and! . . . ii d T --? , I " ' i , — h dd t to the Jewish Blankfort, a little classic of the ing of - the Omer will be cele- all we "have has to go for the nee- ia n d o t n e r s again reply. And then/ihe didn t even get up a sweat as | vation is to recall brated this year on Thursday, essary things of life. But we a n e w son=« a n d another song, j he set all three inaugural games; people the vast and invaluable1 May 19. Lag-B'Omer'recalls the started anyway any way. in in the face of all !i* n d a t n i r d - ' T n e dancers sud- down a smell of activity, So without that puts the issue up toi contribution made to thewhich world the'Jews of books.has Biblical times when an offering these difficulties. It looked al- !d e n l y J o s t l e o u t a n d i n t b e The Center library will .greatly of an Omer (measure) ..of barley most as if we would not succeed courtyard continue their dancing. next Sunday, and once again the flutes was brought.to the Temple every in the beginning until an organi- P^ums are are beaten, beate f l t and d J. C. C. softball league, with • appreciate and graciously accept are blown, fiddles are players "teeming at their leash- I boobs by members of its comday from the second day of Pass- zation of" Jewish boys and girls .oyer to Shuvoth. Now every day in. America known as Young played, revolver shots are heard, es" will attempt to get under ; munity.. We are in need of them. during that time since -we noJudaea decided to help us out.and flames of - fire shoot up, way. Maybe this time J. Jupiter ! "MEDICAL. LEAVES" pnblonger have our Temple in Pales- Young : Judaea asked other Jew* aspiring to heaven. A group of won't be so tough. lished under the auspices o! the tine we say a special prayer ish. clubs and Hebrew schools to Arabs exhibit a sword dance. The Last Sunday's games go down !'• Histdruth; its chief editor, Josfestivity ' reaches its height. every evening at sundown instead help, so^that soon many Jewish in the books as postponed, to be eph C. Beck,* M. D., and its conof offering, the Omer of barley. featuree of boys "and and girls in America knew ? V f itt has played later. That brings np a j tents, a "Who's Who" in the ot e t be n , _ S? ..The bonfire is not new set of three games, and the j medical world, It so happened that many great of our needs. Now, - of course, I ?.U tn3' u nt lt 1i l mmi ll I This Thi beautiful b i f dnight. 1schedule schedule is is asffollows volume is a con° a t t il^ight misfortunes befell the Jewish with the help that is given us we: lil t Aai l a t hoT2r I ' ascended | A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. "Sammies," ; tribntion of Dr. Philip L. Ropeople during this period of seven can do-many more things than I others to the roof. The old Dewey park. | monek to the Center library. ! weeks and so today during this w« could do before. We have a -|^ith EaDl time between Passover and Shu-scoutmaster from England and ! h e"> Tilwhom the purchaser of • Alpha Pi Tau vs. Adler Delica- j The tragic Jewish scene as re- I ported in the AMERICAN, ORT voth we do not have any joyous troops in almost every city and !!* P« ese of lighting gg the bon- tessen. West Elmwood. • occasions, weddings or any other colony in Palestine with Jewish j wf i ar 3e r v a ^ presented it to, led the A. Z. A. No. 100 vs. Milder Oil , JOURXA •rgauized for the re1 ; hHe happy events except on the dayscoutmasters leading them. We reaches the large stone Co., Columbus park (22nd and I habilitation and training of Jews i h I s t a n d s n a Poppleton.) ofJLag B'Omer. In this:day we are all thankful to the Jewish in European countries w h e r e ^ * ? can have weddings -. and parties children of America for helping |lar. It is full of olive-oil an"d i n ! All games start at 11 a. m. Jewish youth is being uprooted. and festivity because history tells to make the Txofim what it is." it are soaked kerchiefs' of silk j That means they STAHT at 11, In the CONGRESS BULLETIN, us that Bar Cochba," tie* great Meanwhile. the crowd had as-and all manner of clothes of not that players begin arriving at '• you will be interested in reading general and leader of the Jewish sembled before the school and grown-ups .and children;' among that time. Players should be on as editorial called "POLISH people, was able • to defend the they: were calling to their scout- them, too, are embroidery work the grounds at least a half hour ; DEMOCRACY ABROAD AND AT fortress of, ,Bethar in Jerusalem master to start. "Well, I'll have" ]of gold- and silver thread, which before starting time. HOME"—at the TTorid's Fair in. i against the Roman conquerors on to go," he tells us) "A happy Lag i!939, the Polish Republic will j : this day. ; u. '. -• The Rabbi dips his stick into the •Attention, youngsters! You have on display a Court of Honor 1 3.'Omer to you.";bowl and! removes with its end are not being neglected as far as in which the Democratic tradi- j s Traditions also ;tell ua^that' a ,;*{Frqm CMcago Jewish-Child, one" o r the articles of clothin softBall is concerned. Watch for ' tions of the country will T-17-27). pestilence;; that had broken out j which he lights with a was can among the students of Rabbi die. A flame of fire shots up and Akiba, who was a follower of Bar in one moment all the articles in Cochba, ceased on that day and the bowl are a mass of flame and so" we have Lag B'Omer. In Palesthe whole vicinity becomes & By DAVID FRISCH3IAN tine today there are many joyous great pillar of fire The dancing •events and out of doors activi- • X clamber ' on the rocks and and singing continue and insharp stones, tired and weary. ties. Many Jewish people came to TYom rock to rock, from ridge to crease. It lasts the whole night the tomb of Rabbi Simon ben ridge I climb, while before me and does not cease till the early Yochai who continued to study rides a young Arab on his donkey dawn. Also on the morrow it the Jewish law in spite of the to show mo the way. It is more does not cease, bnt hundreds of Roman edicts to the contrary. than two hours since I. left Safed. new visitors come, hundreds of There are contests on all occa- Night is falling. Already dark- songg are sung, and dances sions and the favorite activities ness has descended over the!danced. Immediately after the are the field events and bow and rocks, and on the earth, and in | morning service begins the enarrow contests. ^ They say that the skies the black night is a j .circling of the courtyard with the use of the bow and arrows deepening fast. I no longer see Scrolls of the Law, the "Hakodates back to the • early Lag the Arab. now( his donkey and fot." Then follows the "Halaka." Mothers and fathers bring their B'Omers when the pupils of Rab- wander on, alone. bi Simon disguised as \soldiers Suddenly a spark of light sons, who have reached the age with bows and arrows used to breaks the gloom in the distance. of 3, and one of the Rabbi's cuts visit their Rabbi who was con-It moves as I walk towards it, the child's hair, leaving him cealed in a cave and there.studied and vanished. But In a few mo-"peyoth" his first. the Torah under .him. N v ments a whole plethora of lights Through all the years of my This period of Jewish history is one of the most interesting and nni inspiring. Bar Cochba which literally means "The Son of a Star," was looked upon as a Messiah and for a long time was able to hold back s_:L-y the Roman conquerors but when his forces 'ailed and he. himself By ?b@ ft/lony £on€Iie?ang was killed in battle, they called him "Bar Cosba, the Son of a Lie." The most ardent supporter of Bar Cochba was Rabbi Akiba. The story of Rabbi Abika's beautiful life, his romance with Rachel and her devotion to him .through the years, and his heroic death with the "Shema" on his lips at the hands of the Roman, are some.of the most beautiful stories of Jewish heroism. .Today we recall these stories of the heroes of the past and are happy in the thought that the land once conquered by Rome is now being, rebuilt.
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, troop. Both sides have been 'practicing for weeks." One of the .more courageous boys ste^s forward ..showing us his pidj with
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It is Lag B'Omer in Tel?:Aviv. Even a stranger could see that without being told. Look- at the crowd of boys and girls in front of' the school laughing so happily. Some of the boys are testing Xhein bows and arrows, shooting, them straight up until they are almost out of sight. Others are talking excitedly of : their plans for the day. But look, why do they wear those handsome uniforms' of blue and white? Let us come closer and ask them. ;j "Sholom," . t h e y greet us. "Who are you?" we ask. ; . "We are the Tzofim of Tel . Aviv. Just now we are preparing for a picnic and archery contest-between the Bar Gochba t r o o p , and the Trumpeldor
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tria. vrhicfc had been ordered tc
' ~ s y come to see—that Britain, forgotten, a red-letter day not only in the religious history of fallacy, the mistaken logic of its :! its activities had re• . r e ; dearest-eyed men nee it basic assumptions, and especially UP funri-TsJsJng efforts in Omaha and this mid-central Western region, but in the lives or the Partition recommendation. -~v"—that the defense of fciTmf.r. a? of May'3rd. cV.T'-tioE. of order, freedom of the delegates. It was even compared to a. grand Tom Kip-He proves definitely that Palestr£ cecency itself—require^not can not be divided -vnthoTit pur in its spiritual joys and sublime spiritual effects. It was tine ;l-,rt creat segments of the Jefgreat and fearful harm to the PUOL.IGM&D fcVtiBV FRIDAY A l O (VIA MA, NEBRASKA, OY -*r r"Qpie ^s destroyed in (jrra Feast of the Soul, of heart and mind. country itself and to its inhabiTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPAN? V- T4.K1—-Beautiful 8 i ;r.< &cd KuEEa'T End Rumania tants, both Jews and Arabs, and completely re"What problem was definitely solved: what problem is fully t:.d "roland but that & powerful 6240 that ths division if made Trill SUSGCBIPTIOr. PRICE, Ono Year .• • • • • • .• < . ideal location. fs.vl:h people in nil ''siestine and finally solved anywhere! Life is beset with problems; in bring not an era of peace but one ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICAHON ! and shops. Will crvn through the Negeb and on endless and bitter strife, that blj. AT 7610. a sense all life is a problem, and the problems confronting Jews of EOITORIAI. OFFICE: 603 BRANOEIS THEATER BUILDING both eldes of the Jora&n up tc it will lead to war between two trtg LewiEohn iss tils CDSE-EQB SIOUX CITY OPPlCE—jeWiSH COMMUNITY CENTEP and Judaism are but a phase of the general and larger prob- peoples OK even ', the Twin Favors guard—an iuPRINT SHOP ADDRES3r«55M SO. 24TH STREIsi •' comparable gerrisoj and outpost alarming scales. Since • the later-, lem of human life. As the poet Browning said, "To be human reflect tfes policies •©? JDAVID BLACKBR • - .Business and Managing Editor ested parties, Jew and Arab, are ' of civilization—the freedom and is to be" plied with trials manifold." The Jews have their irreeonciliably opposed to dirid- of OE? piaSisScffitioB. Es ' th progress of whet was once |i F'CS. RENT FWrt rooms— FRANE R. AOKERMAN V -I • -' • iBdit LEONARD NATHAN ' * Associate Editor problems probably in greater degree and inore acute form than ing Palestine, the author con- tloa ia whole or fa psrt sir-set!* ' Europe and may become Etrcpr {! t>V modern. StoFRjre room— cludes and most wisely that the \ nice «crfc. Kent, $ 1 6 . 2523 RABBI FREDERICK COHN » • ; • Contrlbatlns Editor most. -There were special problems confronting the Confer- entire plan best be dropped. Seve.ri:,, 8oo& RABBI THSODORB N. LEWIS •. • • ••*-. P&H ence, pertaining particularly to their organized religious life; This pamphlet is a realistic and SHOW OF HANDS RABBI WICE WILL ANN PILL • • -..'.:•• Sioux-CJty. Iowa, Co-respondent Jewish worship, Jewish Education, membership in Jewish Con- factual analysis, with emotionalThere must have been others { ism completely eliminated. The besid© myself -who, vrhen they j ADDRESS INSTITUTE gregations; problems, pertaining to the ritual, the Rabbi, the author does not denounce Eng- read the various provisicss cf the i Rabbi Dsvid K. "vVice will sper.fc | FOR EXKT Three or four _ _ 3'rith's New President , ' \ layman, the community. There was a whole session devoted land nor does he mour the pro- Italo-British pact, harbored a! before the Institute of Huirxr. t roOTiB furnished or unfurposed cutting up of Eretz Israel. shrewd scd unhappy suspicion i Relations held under the i wne^i^A. " S 7 3 Web»ter. HA Fitting tribute has been paid Henry llonsky by his eleva to Youth preceding the regular session. What precise solu- He simply marshals an abundance that other and more cr less sin-j sponsorshiptcofbe the National Con- !i of incontrovertible facts to prove tfon to the presidency of the B'nai B'rith. Ever the devoted tion was offered to the many problems confronting Jews and of Jew? and ChriPttan? r.t the Impracticability and folly of ister coramitmeEts h £ d teen j ference Estes Perk the lust veefc in July. made. Oa May third, the Eews servant of American Jewry, Mr. Monslty has long been a recog- Judaism? the plan, whose chief defect, oa,e Ti'ice -rill speak on July that is insurmountable, is that broke. Neville Ch&mberl&in. ad- 2SKsbbi nized leader in B'nai B^rith activities, one who has been called As Dr. Shimberg, a physician-delegate from Leavenworth, the on "The Communist Threat tc proposed Jewish State, •with a mitted to the House of Commons Democracy." upon time and time again to assist when the situation demanded Kansas, declared: "There is no chemical formula for the soluthat &a oral understanding on I?acS:o*- v!H chare nifely fur. Palestine had accompanied the rdsfaesx f.curtment. Walking R e s u m e s • A c t i v i t y men of talent and ability. •. \", : tion of our problems." Life is too complex, problems too in-tain 225,00 Arabs. A minority written agreement cf Eastsr SUEt i c t a n r e from town. Two j Jerusalem (VrMS-Praoor Agenof about forty-five per During the next few years the presidency of so important tricate, for the simple solution of any problem, by a wave of population bec?oom« f o r grentlemen. harply cent bitterly hostile to the ma- day y signed In Borne. pl j cy)—The headquarters of the an organization as the B'nai. B'rith will be thtf primary office the hand, or the most brilliant exercise of intellect. It takes jority is aa impossible handicap Questioned from the floor cf the \K.erei2 Kayesod, •was notified here Eos No. I I . . this <jgxeeiT:e"t. | that the Keren Hayesod in Ausss'to in American Jewish life. Administered by one so imbued with time and the orderly progress of evolution. We must be sat-•with -which to inaugurate a Jew- Kouse ish country. And an equally ser- was oral Mr. Chamberlain lamely the fine tradition of'Judaism, it will be a guiding light in a isfied if we can approximate to a solution of our problem. As ious obstacle is the fact that the replied: "I find seine difficulty Arab seTesty-five , in saying whet the reason TES." period when the clouds of darkness obscure the rough road the wise Browning said: Arab minority minority owns owns seTestyfive per cent of the land in the pro- j Flimsy- and Jortnous ahea(L , . .: •/. "Thou shalt painfully attain to joy, while hope posed Jewish State. These two ©assess can.go^r.o farther. Let us examine this oral £ Recognition of the leadership of .Henry Monsky has been and fear and love shall keep thee man." facts in themselves certainly preclude any possibility for peace. zaent. Italy promised! to "afc-! a great compliment to Omaha and its Jewish community. It is a human pursuit, the pursuit of Truth. It involves With about half of the popula- stain from creating difficulties or! Younger in year's than the eastern centers and, by far, less pdp- pain and suffering. As Shelley said even of the poets: 'They tion Arab and three-fonrths of embarrassments for KIs Majesty's ; the land in Arab hands what Government in the administration ; ulons, Omaha has nevertheless played a distinguished role in learn in suffering what they teach in song.' There is no gain prospects are there for peace? To cf Palestine." In th© good days j B'nai B'rith-history. Here was founded its junior order, the without pain, no mental or moral or even material gain with- remove the Arabs is frankly im- before th© jangle came back to without the use of force, Europe powers not actually at <c choose from Ycz rrc yrn- ' A. Z. A^From Omaha comes the present president of the Dis- out painful effort, suffering, even sacrificing. Hope dare not possible which will mean bloodshed, and war practiced Each abstentions £s j * J ol Graduation trict Grand Lodge. And now a native son has been chosen be 'abandoned' by those who would 'enter' this realm. It re-increased terror. And a Jewish a matter of course.' My neighand here's State with forty-five percent of bors do not throw their refuse on '1' - 7*f • v ~ . *• rs">hafIcally lowmains the soul of the entire enterprise. We must believe in the to assume the lodge's presidency. : er*. pp«:«>'>> p 'l-c good measure! population Arab, is doomed my lawn. Nor do I have to To the presidency of the B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky brings the final success of our quest; again in the spirit of Browning's to disaster. The author quotes, agreements to have them practice j most appropriately, from an that "abstention.'' ,, .' a capacity for loyalty. His efforts on behalf of the lodge have words, that man is 'the heir of hopes too fair to turn out and address" delivered In the House of In return for this promise en been tremendous and have influenced its history ever since false.' A certain amount of 'fear' is unavoidable, fear in theCommons, on July 21, 1937, in the part cf li&ly, said Mr. Chama speaker asked pointedly berlain, "Britain promised to prehis selection fifteen years ago as a member of the Executive sense of 'worry' despite the admonition as though it were the which if one million Arabs can cot work serve end protect legitimate Italessence of all philosophy and the content of all religion that committee. . . and live with four hundred thou- ian interests in the Koly Lssd." Omaha has given to B'nai B'rith a man who has never we should not worry/ A certain amount of 'worry* is un-sand Jews, how will 225,000 It would be amusing to know live and work with 25S,- wh&t those legitimate interests, failed to respond with time and talents when they were asked. avoidable, worry in the sense of conscientiousness which serious Arabs 000 Jews? This query the Com- are. Mussolini can narfily pose cs i -No civic or communal activity has not at one time or another people cannot and should not be without. Not to worry might mission ignores. But it is an ir- a Protector of ths Faith or as & j refutable indictment of the plan guardian of the Roman Church, j imposed upon him for his assistance. In his new. position, he mean not to care, to be coldly and passively indifferent, which and exposes its crucial fallacy. He has poseS es a friend of the ; in important matters is morally reprehensible. A certain will have far less time for local endeavors, but he has always The author examines carefully Moslems. Teat is farcies,!. I s the economic and social conseamount of 'fear' or 'worry' is unavoidable in conscientious given generously and Omaha takes pride in this new .honor 1927 and again in 1932 Tunisian quences of partition, showing spofce to me with horror of ] natures, as Browning has described it: Henry Monsky has brought to it. that these would be most calam- Arabs the Italian regime in Tripoli, glv-! itous for the Arabs, as proven, by " Since r . impoverished T r a n s j o r dania, ing authentic chapter end verse- j Goga Passes * The rabbit has his shade to frighten himwhere in the absence of Jewish The bombers of naked Etfciopls.es j capital, the land and the inhabi- hare probably sot changed their ' A few weeks ago the Jews of the world were agitated by The fawn a rustling bough, mortals their cares, tants have made no progress — habits. Anyhow, wsfc't Britain the sudden, rise to power of a hitherto obscure poet, Octavian supposed to be, as indeed she is, Measure your mind's height by the shade it -casts!" in spite of British rule. the first Moslem power in the i Goga, who was appointed to the premiership of Roumania. True, The basic causes for the preWorry is often but the shade cast by the sun-light .of the sent unrest will not be remedied world? Didn't she he had served in a previous cabinet, but his record seemed to lamest soul. The amount of worry is often but "the measure by artificial boundaries and crea- | lurtfter•T EnnesatioEs annexations cf ?»Jo6lein Sloslein I terl discard him forever as a political threat. ?! o r 7 l n . &* Arabian fclnterof one's conscientiousness ,one's moral conscience. It is thetion of states that are mere phan- .land? So w i s t business fcss toms. It would be "The worst erLast week-end, an exile in. Switzerland, Oetavian Goga mark of a serious person to be concerned. ror of all to create a Jewish State soltel in Palestine? KG reader difed. Within the short space of a few -weeks he had risen to George termed this All, however, in a spirit of 'love',' good-feeling, sympa- that could not live and the worst that Lloyd mass of agreements- abject, power, brought his- country to the brink of economic ruin by thetic kindliness, good will and good-natured optimism. These mistake .to constitute it .i!| sucb. wtole form that its creation would dissoaorable &n& covr&rilf. It is j his crass policy of anti-Semitism, been exiled, and died. preserve while they express, pur humanity, as Browning has mark the ends of the affects of the last word on toe'subject. There is one aspect cf this During his regime the Nazis took hope that Roumania also explicitly defined it: "Hope, fear, faith, love, these make the Balfour declaration which abominable business tfcst iss,y GO 1 was confirmed by the mandate." would give them not only of its resources but would allow humanity"—'the infinite passion and the pain of finite hearts England still has a job to do in some good if it is properly empassage for an army'to invade the Ukraine. His rejection by hat yearn.' Palestine, and it should proceed phasized and publicized. There terns. tr-£ ~r-^ with determination and intelli- were these of 'us, of course, -srho the king, put a crimp in the German policy and perhaps hasThis is the attitude in which we should seek to solve all gence. And the Jews isust not always knew perfectly well thst cr:r-r;. Sirrr "; tened the absorption of Austria into the Reich. forget that the fate of Palestine there was no such thing as our problems. This is the attitude that was dominant at the the final analysis will be de- noble uprising of the Arabs His appearance in Roumanian politics is a sad commen- Conference. It reached its climax in the 'key-note' sermon in cided by Jewish numbers, entereither Britain or the tary on present day Europe. A poet recognized only because of of Eabbi Egelson at the preliminary Sabbath, eve service and prise and achievement in the j.' and wto. knew that the chauvinistic nature of his verse, he was given his chance in Rabbi Mayerberg's magnificent address at the Sunday eve- Holy Land. Once v?e strengthen te-r Influences -K-ere actually iaJewish position In the land, j citing the worst elements of the . because the king saw him as a convenient stepping stone ning banquet, "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works the Great Britain will become more j Arab ' population to brIgs.ntiE.ge ! to a royal dictatorship. His regime was characterized by theof the Lord," quoted Dr. Egelson. And 'the Lord is with me. amenable and willing, ami the and murfie'r EES " that tfcerefore i masses will learn to dismiss we Jews could make peace j most stupid policy of anti-Semitism ever attempted. Reveal- I shall not fear/ quoted Rabbi Mayerberg from Israel's sub- Arab with contempt the filthy lies and the Arabs swi live In peace T i t t ing an utter lack of appreciation of the Roumanian economic lime "Adon Olom." unprincipled propaganda the ex- ,thesi tt w© -were gives, half $. j ploiting Effendi feed thexa. chance. -This coatestiOE OR the j .situation, lie attempted to displace Roumanian Jewry by a Faith and courage were the inspiring ideas of the Confer- Those who are interested in part cf the Jewish people is new series of edicts. ' ', ths truth about the Par- proved "up to the hilt and bej-osd ence, as they must be in life in the toilsome, gradual solution learning tition plan will find it ia this the further possibility cf dispute. At the time of his death the fickle world had almost for- of all problems. volume which ia accurate. fair Kr..Chamberlain explained: ia the! , gotten him though it was but a short time ago that he was thoroughly restrained ia its House of Common's that what The next Mid-West Conference will be held next year in and premier of one of the wealthiest countries in Europe. His was Kansas City, Missouri. It is the unalterable resolve of every statements and conclusions. The Italy concretely prorsised to author has done a splendid job ia was "to call c'J fcsr propaganda j one state funeral that evoked, few tears. > person who was present at the Omaha Conference to attend bringing to the attention cf the and EioEey payjserts to the; public the., real difficulty Arabs." In other words EO cad so without fail, God willing, the Kansas City conference—which reading of the Partition plan—its utter many of oar people have diesi a, .Jewish Book Week martyr's <!eatS. becsiise a -superspeaks volumes for the character and success of the first Dis- impracticality. gangster has suborned y , No people are prouder of its literary accomplishments than trict Convention of the Union held under such auspicious and .gang-sters. j the Jews. Their most ancient literature, the 'Bible' is accepted delightful circumstances in the progressive metropolis of this The Last Word In The ResI Thing fs May I call this matter to the j as 'sacred' by a large portion of the world's inhabitants. Ex- central , section of our beloved country. fitteatios of. those Jews, .younger i aad older, whs fces'tats to cm- j pression in the other fields of the fine arts was barred by rebrace the centrel cause cf the re-1 -Frederick Cohn. . Four patch pockets with &m£rtest ot SICWT patterns. ligious ordinance to the Jew, although these prohibitions have deiaption *of their people because' bi-tion' slaps. Full belted. plsiuS. checks, solid colthey sre sensitive to supposed been circumvented all through^ the ages. ,' , Various niaterials. Plain ors. Ths sport back coat Arab -wroags? Shall ^ e agree to and fancy colors. Si2e« "He" leasts. Sizes 10 Jewish book Week, which begins on May 15, brings to the disiniss this silly besiaess once to 2". Worry In the heart of man and for all* For, n o t e , that r«o fore the age-old dispute of what is a Jewish book. There are Kills him prematurely bet a good agreement with, the sa-EElem ia boolis of Jewish interest by non-Jews and there, are books by word mafeeth it glad. ths Wilhelcistrasss h&s yet been j Jews which are of such a nature that they cannot be considmade cr „ Is likely ma.de. The righteous is guided by his _ _„_ _ w ia _ be ^ _ ^ . Aad _ ^ i Other Sport ?eckc?£ , C-ihcr Bush Jacket* By BE. SHE0B02B II. friends but the way of the wicked E 0 their share Ia fomenting briered Jewish. t iiss tc- $10 shall be put out. gandage murder by Arabs i . Babbi, Efosmt' Siaai ^ Yet no Jewish writer, whatever his choice of subje'et, has ' Hop© deferred "•fiaa'keth the ha.s not yet fcesa laid bare'eo? is! heart sick, but desire fulfilled is likely ts t e . not at one time or another felt.the warmth of Judaism-and It's Here "THE FUTURE OF PALES- idea of dividing Palestine, of giv- a tree ot life.The most isinSster statenicrt c£ found it a fertile source of inspiration. Judaism has been a TEVE" | New for "Him" BY HERMAN L. WEIS- ing an unusually large portion Mr. Chamberlain WES, cf cours©, fire at which countless of the finest authors have warmed MA3f. 1S4 PAGES. (AN EXAM- thereof to the Arabs. But, since this: that Britain In return for Our rabbis were taught, "If Italy's INATION OF THE PARTITION half a loaf 13 better than npne at 1 v I -•** cessEtiOii of fcfir £"s?r"l6t ?J5O themselves. Though their subject matter was that which any- PliAN) there is an agect scholar aiBOEg s.md icexcnsable activities woHtfi j they yield. And they also feel them he should address the coni4 one could have handled, their approach!was conditioned and Very few issues nave been as all, that the mere establishment of a gregation, if • not then ,-a young "consult Italy before ts-fciEg £-yj i Evert thing c in slacks colored by, their Judaism. • ; hotly debated as that of the Par- Jewish state, giving the Jews po- scbol&r* should address them sad iaetioa to partition. Palestine c'rj id bles ' K ' i- »~diM«*. Vast
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tition of Palestine, a suggestion litical status with complete right if there is no scholar SHOES them j{alter the raandate." It Is, this sort I of thing, of course, that £re^l embodied in the Report ot the re- over immigration, t a x a t i o n , cent British Royal Commission, schools and other key problems / •.*'•'" •-'•.' : F r u i t s o f t h e dress them saying, "Brethren, in the hope of establishing peace will compensate for loss of terri- neither sackcloth cor . fasting- terest observation; "Th* goyernand tranqullity in the land. With tory. . ' • ......--•' By;Eabbi Fredsrick Oohn i • causes forgiveness but repentance raent has retreated so often feefew exceptions the traditional fore the dictators that they hare It is fallacious to assume that The first District Convention of theJQaion of American aopponents of Zionism are quite the. Royal Commission recom- and meritorious deeds.' " come to the coac!csioa that there j Rabbi Senjamia said, "It Is is EO point at -which BrUsia Trill Hebrew Congregations for the Midwest states held in our city unanimous and vehement In, their mended partition 6n the excluopposition to the Partition plan. sive ground of political expedien- this that people say, 'When t i e stand." last week was a glorious success. Many of the delegates who Their reason are not entirely un- cy. The latter has 3iJs day bo-w to him.' " Fortunately this is not the assuredly had fozRabbi came in gratifying numbers from the neighboring states of selfish: Dreading political Zion- something Samuel said, "The .study whole picture. The formidable \ to do with it. Arab opand regarding the establish- inion, both in Palestine and out- o£ the Torsh 5s of more import- military alliance between Brilaia Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Colorado,' as well as 'the ism. ment of a Jewish State as a cala- side of it, had to, be mollified and ance than the building- of the end Frasce has been completed large number of local delegates pronounced it without excep- mjty they denounce the plan not conciliated, since under t h e Temple." It is nearly ulseteen snd s cnfficEtics cf co2sniE.nd they dread the division British flag live tion one of the finest conventions of any kind they had ever because and mil- hundred' years since the destruc- sad resources hss'fceea cctsered of the land, but because they seek lions of Moslems,millions whose goodwill tion- of the Temple and" we • have which during; the World War it attended. All were most enthusiastic. It was well-conducted. to prevent by all means, fair or towards'the Empire is most es^ four times as many Jews £s v e took three miserable years to ac- j the establishment of a JewThe papers pfesented were of an outstanding excellence, the foul, And yet I can not help had at that time,- but if we should cosap'isb.. From this Elose It I ish- State. • Ultimate purposes are sentiat. credit the Royal Commission close up our Talmud Tcrah's for lacst &e eTidaEt that a point vizi discussions were on a high plane, .a:inost earnest spirit pre- carefully concealed . behind a but with a sincere belief, mistaken a century, there would hardly be corns—Hc-sr long, O Lord. «how cloud of disinterestedness. Much vailed, there was a delightful human.touch, the limited size more honorable would the oppo- though it be that the partition of a trace left of -the Jewish peo- long!—isrhea th« ciTJiteeS peoples would promote- peace ple). bid the juEg'te 3-iE.U, lest • it of the gathering promoted and deepened intimacy, associations sition be if it adhered to its an- Palestine and concord in the land, that It The disciples of Rabbi ,, Ke- creep tip upoa tier , too. cient position and fought the proof many years were renewed. 'There was a most intense inwould create a spirit of toIerancB It is a sorry pass to-vhich' the posal because it urges the estab- and understanding between* Arab chunfa -sited him, "Whereby have yoti xaerited to live so •world has c e s s irhc-a. ve wlio j ,-terest in the subjects of the Conference. The many problems lishment of a Jewish State. and Jew. ' ; ' long?" He answered," I t a r e fcave been libertarians, pacifists, i confronting the delegates as Jews in this most critical era of -The Zionists and those In symFew analysis' of the partition never tried to elevate myself at passioss.te bslievcrs is Lusian the world's history received the most careful attention and con- pathy with'Zionism* are more or plan can compare with this, in the expense of iny neighbors. I brotherhood all o;;.r Itres, pray less reconciled to the partition thoroughness, h penetration and never Treat to bed "before I prayed for the Trar to bc-gia lest all possideration. Everyone was most highly edified and inspired as as the only practical means'of clear insight. T i e author sub- to God to forgiTe every oae that' sibility at liberty, oi peace, well as informed and instructed. Though the main session of dealing v/Ith England, and of. jects haTe insulted me during, the trotisrioad be obliterated for the fundamental thesis . o£ a Jewish national the JRoyal Commission to a crit- day and I was very liberal •with., tsow not how many centuries. ' t h e Conference lasted only one day? it was a day never to beachieving home. They heartily dislike the ical examination, and exposes the * money." As that &a.j approaches-Britain
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V1SOTXG IX CHICAGO RABBI KOPSTEIN* LEAVES Evelyn. Kalman left last Sat- FOR SEW YORK urday for a two week visit In ChiHabbi Milton A. Kopstein is cago. •.•,....-.". . .' -. leaving for New York to attend the national, convention of Union of Orthodox congregations, which '.NO-HOST E A no-host dinner -was given on is to be .held starting May 16.' Sunday, May 8, st the Paxton Hotel honoring the tenth wed- AT HOSPITAL ding anniversary, of Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. E1-. Gilinsky. who Tnesday ,lrvin H. Stein. , morning underwent an operation - After the dinner many>friends at' the Mercy hospital is getting and relatives -were entertained a t along satisfactorily. a cocktail party held at the PaxCHICAGO&KS MOTOR HERE ton later in the evening.; "_ Mr. and Mrs. Edwards KrimBRIDGE-LtrNCHEON ' stein had. as their guests their A bridge-luncheon will be giv- brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and en Sunday afternoon a t . t h e i r Mrs. Sam Krimstein, -and anothhome" by the Misses Bess and Rer er brother; Mrs. Leonard Kriinoecca Kirshenbaum In honor of stein, all of Chicago,-who motorMrs. A. e.- Fellman, a' recent ed to Omaha. "•• •'••'•. bride, and Miss Goldye Silverman The Chlcagoans were also the who is to be a June bride. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben" Eisenb.erg. IOWAX HERE Mrs. P. J. Heeger, and son, Al- TO HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE lan, of Akroh, Iowa, are visiting Miss Pearl- Schneider will on Ttfr*. A. Minikin, mother- of Mrs. Sunday, May 15, be hostess at a .Heeger. -. .-: luncheon to honor -Miss Frieda Gendler whose marriage to. Marvin Belzer will t-ke place on AT EXCELSOIR SPRINGS .Mrs. .1. Pearlman is spending June 12. three weeks at Excelsoir Springs, .Missouri. . tional honorary journalism fraternity, at a meeting last Wednesday noon. WEDPIXG Rabbi David. A. Goldstein was OBSERVED . A surprise supper was "given the - principal speaker, at the Sunday In honor of Mr. and Mrs. fourth of the series of cultural Harry Whiteman on the occasicn hours. The fifth and last of the of their tenth wedding anniver- series will be held in a week. Louis B. Finklestein of Lincoln Bary. - . • " ' ' " • ' Hosts and hostesses were: Mr. will ;be principal-speaker. and* Mrs. Allen Zalfein, Mr. and • .Irvin Yaffe, Omaha, was reMrs. Richard Spiegal, ' Mr. and cently presented a " B " team basMrs. Harry Lefkowltz, Mr. and ketball sweaters •.' • • Mrs. H. Sherman,. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wine, and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Zalkln. ; -."..'•" Mr. and Mrs. Whiteman were presented with a reflector lamp. Mrs. Al Wohlner was named president, of the. Beth E\ auxiliary, OS THREE WEEK'S VISIT at" the annual meeting held on Miss Hermine Hirshman Is Wednesday, May 10. Other ofleaving Saturday .night-for.a.-two ficers chosen to serve for the or: three weeks visit In Chicago coming year are: Mrs., Dave and 31ilwaukee. Miss Hirshman Conn; first vice-president'; Mrs. will be the guest of Miss Beatrice Leon Graetz, second vice-presiGllnberg who visited here two dent; Mrs. Morris Arkin, corresponding secretary; . Mrs. Henry years ago. Belmont, recording secretary; Mrs. L W. Rosenblatt, treasurer; GUEST OF .COUSINS Mrs. E.-A. Freeman of Los An- Mrs. isidor Abrahamson, auditor, geles is visiting her cousins, Mrs. and Mrs. David- Sherman, parlia. Rose ,G.: Cohen and Mrs. John mentarian, Faier. • '.. , " "'•, •,.'•• • ' Members of the board of directors, are: Mesdames. M. D. BrodS. A.>f. MOTHER'S CVUB key, J. J. Frieden,~"B. A. Simon, A regular meeting of the S. A. H. Reuben, Dave Stein and Miss M. Mother's Club will be held on Blanche Zimman. Tuesday, May 17, at the home of Interesting reports of the conMrs. I. Fiedler,.- 123. N 33rd« A vention of the Women's league of luncheon willfbe served a t - i . the United Synagogues of America were given by Mrs. Wohlner ASSOUNCE BIRTH and Mra. Rosenblatt, who attend, • Mr. and Mrs. Sid Raskin, who ed as delegates. recently moved to Omaha from Chairmen of the standing comSioux City, announce' the birth of mittees gave their reports and a daughter at St. Joseph's hospi- Mrs. Jacob Blank, out-going prestal on May 10. Mrs. Raskin,is the ident, paid fine tribute to all offormer Rbse^Zelinsky. ficers and board ' members who worked with her. GUEST OP SISTER This- meeting ended a highly Miss Yetta Wright of Los An- successful year. •• . geles is visiting her sister, Mrs. Leo Marcus. Mrs. Wright just returned from a three months trip to Miami, Florida, Havana, NewYork, and several eastern cities. Mrs. M. D. Brodkey has been named the successor of Mrs. Irvin. C. Levin aa president of the, 550 members of the Omaha chapter of Hadassah. .* . Assisting iira. Brodkey for the A smoker was held last Thurs- -year .1938-1939 will be: Mrs. day" night In the chapter house Eeuben . Bordy, first vice-presifor Morris Lipp. recently chosen dent; Mrs. William Alberts, seca member of Innocents, senior ond vice-president; Mrs. Herman men's honorary society.. Henry Cohen; '-treasurer; "Mrs. Chait, Omaha alumnus, acted as Cahan, recording secretary;Sidney master of ceremonies. Harfy B.: Julius B'isno, corresponding Mrs. Cohen of Omaha; -Stefan Frankel, retary; Mra; Albert Newman,secSigma. Omicron's guest,from Ger- nancial "secretary;. Mrs. L e ofimany, and Lipp gave short im- Mendelson, .financial secretary;n promptu talks. . "; •. • . S Mrs. Fanny Grodinsky, auditor, Over 150 persons attended the and Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, parliaMother's day observance Sunday. mentarian. .'..". Jane Goetz, a membfr of the SigMembers of the executive commma Delta Tau sorority, played an original piano selection. Ger- mittee are: Mesdames "• Joseph ald Ginsburg of Lincoln, 5-year- Rosenberg-, Julius Stein, M. F. old nephew of Hyman Rosenberg, Levenson, J u l i u s Abrahamson . c,«j chapter advisor, also demonstrat- and Joe Gold ware. .••,.' ed his'skill on the piano. Stefan Frankel ^delivered a short message. The principal address waa INVEST SAFELY, WISELY IN ' given by Morris* Gordon, alumnus and member of the university Annuity, Endowment, LlfO faculty.. Flowers, were given all mothers and it was announced that the Omaha Mother's club Represents 21 Strong Compan. was planning to present the chapiea—Every Type of Insurance ter with Venetian blinds. ana Bonds Written* Call AT 7687 CP WA 5150. Morris Lipp was also named, president of Sigma Delta Chi, na-
Beth El
Mrs. Samuel Schulsinger will! sah's Work and the Political Sitbe principal speaker at the 13th j uation*' at the Thursday luncheon annual convention of the Soufh- session. A native, of Germany, .west Region of Hadassah to be, Mrs. . Schulsinger studied mediheld in Council Bluffs' Wednes- •! cine at the Universities of Berlin day and Thursday, May IS and and Munich and was active in the German Zionist Student Federation. In.1914 she went to Zurich to study psychoanalysis trith Dr. Charles Jung." Since coming to America in 1924 she has been very active in Hadassah work and in 1931 was a delegate to the World Zionist Congress in Basle. Mrs. Richard Gordon, president of the Council Bluffs chapter, will greet the out-of-town delegates. Others who will address words of welcome are: Hon. S. W. McCall, mayor of ConsfciS Bluffs; Mr. Harry Voss, president of. the Chamber . of Commerce; Mr. \ Nathan- Giliaisky, president of the B'nai. B'rith, and Mr. S. Shyken, president of the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue. . Mrs. M. F. ^Levenson -of Omaha will recite the invocation Wednesday morning and Rabbi David A.. Goldstein will . recite it on Thursday. Omahans participating in the Mrs. Samuel Schnlsinger convention will be: Mrs. Irvin 19.. President of the region i s ! Levin, president of the Omaha Mrs. Max Mayer of Des Moines. | chapter; Miss Kalah Franklin, Mrs. Schulsinger, who is a j president - of the - local Junior member of the National Board of j Hadassah; Rabbi Goldstein, and Hadassah,*will speak on "Hadas- I Mrs. David A. Goldstein.
and alumni of the chapter ever brought together for such an. occasion was present at the affair. Alpha Theta's annual Parents' Torty-five other groups in all day will be held Sunday, May 15, i Part3 of the country took part in at the chapter house in Lincoln, j t t e celebration, of the occasion. A full attendance is expected including many parents from putstate. This cne day affords the parents an excellent opportunity j to acquaint tht-mselves with the j T h e O maha Section of the Kahouse and its members. Lnnch--j-fj onal council of Jewish Juniors eon will be served and entertain- entertained, their • mothers at a ment provided. mother-daughter t e a Sunday, PHI SIGMA Continuing its many activities May 8, at the JTayfair room of in, intra-mural contests Alpha g Hotel Fontenelle. Jlr. Sain Epstein was winner cf Theta forged ahead to -win topi Musical entertainment vas honors in its, league in the ping- i furnished by Geraldine Strauss, the dratring conducted by the Phi pong tournament. ' In the finals I -R-fco played several piano selec- Sigma sorority at the Jewish they.-were upset by Sigma Phi j tions, and by Lorraine Fregger, Community Center en. Sunday, May g. ' Epsilon, thereby taking second i sang a "group of songs. place honors on campus." The largest number of tickets The daughter's .-n-elcome vr&s In varsity athletics : Irving given by Gertrude Gilinsky and for the dra-w-ing was sold by BetKuklin has been the Z. B. T. Mrs. Agnes Wolsky responded for ty AbraniEOii. leader. One of tvro veterans to the mothers. return to the.tennis team this WOMEN'S MIZRACKI season, Kuklin has alreadj* v>-on For the June meeting, wiich enough matches to assure him his will be held June 5, the followThe next meetin? c* the Womsecond varsity letter. ing committee has been appoint- en's .Mizrarhi viil be held en On Sunday. May 8, at the Pax- ed to plan the installation pro- Wednesday. :,Iay 1?. at 2 o'clork ton hotel in Omaha, Alpha Theta gram: Gertrude Gilinsky, cbair- at the Jewish Cc—riunity Cenchapter celebrated the 40th an-j man;'Ruth Shyken, Rita" Mantel, ter. niversary of the founding of Zeta Toby Hertzberg, Helen Csstleman Officers for the ensuing year Beta Tau, and the" 16th anniver- and Bertha Greenberg. will be elected. sary of the local chapter. The largest group of active members Patronize Our .Advertisers J Patronize O-^r Advertisers
Zeta Beta Tau
Junior Council'
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A capacity crowd attended the ine its 14th rear of or- ; card party given by the Ladies' ganization, "Mother Chapter No. 1 i Free Loan society on Sunday of A. Z. A. is'continuing on," as in \ evening. Slay S. at the ,T the past, with many varied activ- : Community', Center-. ities. Paramount in its activities : In addition to the list will be the 14th anniversary ceie- | lashed last week, the followir.; 'brttion, which will be held at a j Trere hostesses for the affair: joint meeting- with Omaha's B'nai i M^sdarnes J. Finkel, S. Klaver. B'rith lodge, Monday, May 16. ; A. Cohen, A. Kaplan. I. J. Soskin Featuring this meeting will be A. Fufr, B. Shareritz. A. Abrams-. the installation of four new mem- :'A. Korney, M. Ziotkin and L. bers into A. Z. A. Thej-- are Kar- Morgan. ry GoJdsteia. Bob Bramson, Bob i Mrs. J. Finkel acd Mrs, \t*. Ferer- and Theo_ Coka. Another j Kuklin had charge of the floor feature on the "program will be ' ar»d -were assisted • fcy MesdazneE the presentation to members of JA. Acelstein, J. Ban. S. Mogil, J. the Chapter Letter. This letter i Killer, L,. Rubecstein, K. Kothgoes, to each, ineniber 'wijo has I k o v i t z, A. Kirke, H. Eoitparticipated in some phase of sc- i stein, A. Wolf, S. Fish end S. tivity. Members of basketball, • Epstein. Softball, debating seuads and cri- ! The chairman of the affair. : Mrs. S. Fish, Irishes' to thank &Yi tors will be given letters. Last Wednesday Mother Chap- ' those vrto helped make this sfter presented its skit entitled "A ' fair a grana success. An execuZ. A. Hay Days" as its entrant in .; tire meetiag -sriil be held on J'c-nthe .Round Table of Jewish youth ': day, Mar 16, et 2 r. n:. at ihr Stage Xite contest. Members par- 'home of Mrs. H. Guss, 2217 ticipating were Leo Sherman, i North KiEetsenth. Sam Wolk, Ray Shapiro, Morris?' Adler, Haskell Colien, Joe Ss | rlio de JsEejro (WXS)—Alien* Hornstein, Herb Meiclies,* Morton , illeg-j-lly resident in Brazil were Margolin, Phil Shoolin, Irving ! riven four months time in which ! j ^'ogg, Paul Shapiro, Justin Pries- . to appear before jmrcigrEtion ani thorities and have their statu1- ' man and Dave Weiner. For social activity, plans are i resnlarized- AfJected by the de- i being made for a weiner roaEt to ' cree are a large ncniher of Gei- ' be held Saturday night, Kay £1, man Jews who entered Brazil ii- ' 193S. Time and place will be announced later. To further carry forward, the religious phase of our five-point program, Mother Chapter is planning another A. Z. A. Sabbath, tr be held on June 3, at Temf.jrr^v ple Israel. Members of Mother Chapter will take over the entire service en that evening-. Speakners will be Justin Priesrnan and liat T-crlc crre'r.l'r i"^nef' Morton Margolin. Services wiU . . . underwear, pajamas, be led by Stanley Silverman. hosiery ano other soft apStanley Turkel asd Irving Xogg. parel returned ready for The next regular meeting cf wear. Mother Chapter will be held Sunday afternoon, May 15, at 2:30 p. m. at the Jewisb. Commucitv Center.
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QIGKUH LOUBI and Nicholas Stracte J
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Let us send yon a SE.HIO1TS r:^tit7rc;t I-r.cr.;prlrj Mattress. Sleep on it "for- SO sights. If you are sat satisfied^at the end of yoor.trial, retura it,- Your money will be refunded and the mattress destroyed. . Hero's a"•rxattress that's magically resilieat... feoyast fcsyend Trords, •with its 837 individually pocketed- springs that instantly adjust. themselves to every body coatoar. Covered is stunning damask ticMuf s.. Priced the lyerfd over at SS9.E0.
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AT REVIEW—ThisW.W.Radiophdto from Roin<r'shows the reviewing, stand7 during the march of-60;000 Fascists/with guns and tanks, along the Via Triumphalis. 1,. Premier Mussolini: 2, CbancellorHitler:: 3, King Victor Emmanuel; '4, Queen Eleana: -5. German Foreign Minister Joachim von: Ribbentrpp; 6, Nazi Leader Rudolf Hess; 7, Nazi Secret Police Chief Heinrich Himmler; .8,; Prau .von Ribbentrop;-.9i'Marshal Pietro Badoglio and, 10, Marshal Emilio de Bono.
HIS FACE IS DIETT—Seeking to combat silicosis,- lung malady ; suffered by those who work in dust, researchers for the American Optical Company of Southbridge;.Mass.; have developed, a mask. Its efficacy is demonstrated by the laboratory worker above, who has taken off the mask, after emerging from a chamber flooded with carbon black. Kose and lips were not blackened.
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life cf 25 years, wiU t e ciscontirrjsd t r 5 the new b.r: Je^Tsrson nickel will be issued this fsll. Aires:'.- ET-C: the Philadelphia mint is starting the coins, as Ivlc, :£-nn feeds them ir,;r> r JTP: above. Top left. vreiEhins the nickel d l o r the e-ic:ss. Center. r>e?- refers oT nns
UEGES EELIGION IN HOSIE—At left is Mrs. Grace Noll d w e l l , poet'laureate of Texas and "American mother of 1938," arriving in New York where she was scheduled to receive the Golfien Rule Foundation medal "on Mother's Day. With her is Vice President Mary E. Hughes. Mrs. Crovvell, mother of thres adult soi^, urges religion be taught at home, "from the cradle up."
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MFE OF BILES'—Mickey Riley, 1932 Olympic diving champion, •was. recently married in Yuma, Ariz.,'to Marjorie Hopper, 26year-old blonde divorcee. Here he is teaching his bride to dive, at Palm Springs,,Cal., where both are employed. It was Miclsey's first marriage. He plans a mid-West exhibition tour. v
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PLOP!—Spring came to theanimal reserve, seven miles north of Quebec, Canada, and this-is how Cesar, a park Polar bear, Uegan performing,to win the applause of his mate Fanny. As he^leaped, she appeared to think he was simply grand!
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BIYSTER'g REVIVED—A 10-year-old murder inystsry was revived when, according to State Penitentiary Warden J. M. McCauley at Walla Walla, Wash., aged Mary Ellen Smith confessed she and her life-termer son, Earl de Castro Mayer, killed James Eugene Bassett, retired naval officer. Llothcr end sen. shown above, were sentenced" for automobile theft.
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T7&" CKlK'k' — Lin Fiso, fiivisional coniscndcr of the Chinese Communist arsiy, under Gerjsrsl Chu 'Teh, •K-hich was rep3rted resdy to attack Pcipin^, ssat of the ITorth Clitoa Japancss provisional regime. L!2 was v;oundcd rsceritlr ct Lishin. ShansI prorince. Shot through the chest. his liTa v a s despaired of. Kow he is reported v;:ih the arr^j- asair..
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_ _3©I*IxaE!AN AKBIY—Wearing snappy-looking military capa ijarxd uniforms, here are members of Mexico's workers' army, first proletarian army in the New World. They are taking part in the iMay Day parade in Mexico City, when 100,000 men, women and Souths passed in review'before President Lazaro Cardenas. They formerly moved in disorganised masses.
FKOTHY DH2SSES—Elsa Maxwell, famed society entertainer, New York, and among those present,in frothy dresses were Cushing, Mrs. William Rhinelander Stewart. Grace George ope"" cmger.receivius a. usa cigarette-holder for the waits pribs, Mrs. James Roosisvelt'and J»Irs. Sherman •Jeaney.
"rerentsS her h*as>"^ £_:rl_babies, ^uoccn^y c. here, Le*t to r:~i:tr u*s
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reference to Jews v a t as inno- there., ere discriminations. cent as any joke I might make Scotchman f nds that simply about Scotchmen." csEse he is a Scotchman ! c "Well, Jerry," I answered.! denied enpl rc-ent in big WEEK OF MAT 15 ' "we Jews are like that. I myself : tries In FOES of these eocxt" ° c t Sunday, 3Isy 15. often write about oar sensitive-, cscsuse he is s Scotchman fce By Aricr.e Sclcncn Young Judaea No. 1 meeting', ness which is almost psychopath- •: msy not teach in some of the 2_p. m." room 31, Jewish Community Center. " | In recognition cf -their-high ic We are always discovering schools, despite that he IEET hf<-e( it Precedent Supreme Advisory Council ?--,— superior scholarship; "because he; Young Judaea No. 2 meeting, 2 scholastic standing at Central Enti-Semitisni in _prEctica!lj* ev- iis erybody acd everythiag . . . la • a Scotchman his 5t>a is not adp. m., room E, Jewish Community High school, the following stsiLast May, -when the A. Z. A. ments: were held throughout the to socae of ' the medical; dents were among those elected the frotrn of the casual passer-- mitted celebrated its Bar Siitzvah, Jew- country; which consisted of. al{" Center. schools or is cot allowed to be • by, and evea the ianoceEt ssiilej to the Junior Honor society, it A- Z. A. No. 1, 2:30 p. m., C ish leaders in youth work through phases of athletics, .baseball,' of a strasger a a y look to s Jew; an '• interne is some of the fcospi-; out the country iroclaimed the track, swimming and tennis. This and D, Jewish Community Cen- was announced at a school Eass like tals, though the bey was firsj in: a cruel ssari.. TTe are like meeting last week. Junior Order of B'nai B'rith pro- past winter 34 tournaments were ter. ernp]-men lost in a woods end sur- j gram to be the. outstanding youth held in .oratory, debate and bask- • Omaha Hebrew club, 3 p. m., '" Garaina chapter, junior classi- rounded by wolves; evea t i e ; fication: Goldie Azoria, Philip lodge room, Jewish Community * program, of the country. While etball. " : .. "Bernstein, Frances Blacker, Paul gleaa. of a distant star may look ' "I ' gness, Jerry. Center. • • the five-fold program of thp A. last week of June will find f Junior Lag. B'Omer program, CrouEse, Anne Firestone, Eph- like.the baleful glow of a wolf's J would "be a great dea Scotchmen Z.' A., which was conceived by the ourThe d lite Jews steit'E "f gathered at A. Z.'.A.'s 2:30 p. m., gymnasium,- Jewish raim Gershater, . Rose Goldstein, eye to them. j Jate Dr. Boris X>. Bogen, \ would 15thAlephs then „ .<r O i - T national camp convention to Alvin Hertzberg, Sylvia Katzi2s,n, bs sufficient to Tieep an average be held at Estes Park, Colorado. Community Center., " "Tou are a. most sympathetic! bliEg at every -sound ior fear of : He Icor Organization banquet, 5 p. Beth ' Kuiakofsky, Leoaard JJor- man,-Jerry, aad you- will .nEtler-j enemies, detecting snarls even in : chapter'busy throughout the ysar For one full week boys wiU live genstern, Pearl Richmaa, Rosa- stand this: Suppose Scotchmen' many outstanding projects have in an A. Z. A. city," participating m., Jewish Community. Center. innocent smiles. In' their cark | Round Table dance, 9 #. m., lyn Rosen, "Shirley Rosesblun, were not the Eccepted people-they i world they would create hobrobbeen added to the wort of the in national finals of debate i n d auditorium, Jewish Community Harriet Saylan, Malcolm Trsch- are everywhere. In fact, I, the lins end see enemies where Junior" Qrder. ,Tho membership ey tenbarg, Sheldon Wasenberg, Jew, often esry the-.happy Scotck J t day ds approximately 6,COO, oratory and A. Z. A. -Olympics.. Center.' ' . • r — ~ * Eleanor Wiese, Justin Tro'Tsoa. wco don't have to brood - on • the .aren't. -representing the 225 chapters' At that time, they will also dis- Monday, May 16. I "Then, suppose, I told s. joke j throughout the 17. S. and Canada. cuss the serious problems pi t i e , Women's Division of the Jew- D e l tji chapter, sophoiaore matter o" being Scotch find have | about Scotchmen on the rsdio. I; iff* It is interesting to note that Order at their annual convention ish Community Renter and Wel-clas3ification: Jack Bercian, So- no Scottisli probleso. Oh, I muse.! have not the least prejudice: T.eg - ' T m e e t i n g s . • " ' • • ' : groups are functioning in Sofia, fare Federation luncheon, 1 p. phie Blumkin, Harvey Eurstein, tae only thing they .have .- gainst i against Scotchmen, and, indeeci.; Bulgaria, and Tel Aviv, Palestine, Last year at Port Jarvis, N. Y., m., l o d g e "room, J e w i s h C o m m u n - Lio Goldsmith, Lee Jane Green-" the Scotch is that thsy are tight j some of r£y "jest friends are i The .' .^ r- with a possibility of chapters, be- 500 atten ded the convention and i t y C e n t e r . . herg, Alan Jacobs, Annette Klein, and that Is ao vice either. j Scotch. So vrith the utmost ;nno- : hold : [.••••• ing organized in Beyrouth, Syria all were truly inspired. The con- Workmen's Loan" association, 8 Patricia- Klein, Morton Knlesh, • "But suppose it were pro-! cense, I say, 'That reminds me of IiEC fit 1~ i r vention was attended by B'nai p. m., C and D, Jewish Coznmun- j Leonard Lewis, Yale Richards, claimed in some coantries ttat j the Scotchman's wedding. They \ P E t 1 ' f t and other foreign nations soon. .."While L the chapters are all B'rith leaders throughout the Ity Center. |"Dorothy Rimerman, Marjorie hereafter Scotchmen would be ithrew rice Et the hsppy pair; the : partaking in the five-fold pro- country and all. agreed that the B'nai B'rith, 8 p. m., lodge | Robinson, Sidney Schwartz. Stan- treated as inferior people who'ss | Scotchman i s d all the rice gEth- i gram of Religions,. Cultural, So- convention, was not only -a -week room, om. Jewish community Communitv Center. I fey Silverman," La2ier . Singer, veins do not contain the extjui-! ered up and fed to his chickens.'! cial gervice, Athletic.and Social of fna and education, but it afJEWIf site essence of approved blood. It j Hazomir Choral society, 9 p. Florence Tatelman, Ales r r activity, mention should' be made forded them a rare opportunity m., lodge room, Jewish Commun- stein;- Rosalie Wertheimer, • Sarah doesn't matter that the Scotch! "Ton ran well' guess, Jerrr. for a real vacation. Some of the that there would T ? e no Ifinjrtter ' of the additional work that is beW.olfson. tad given great scientists end; ity Center. ing done. At -the- 14th national speakers who appeared at last Tuesday, May 17. E p s 11 o n chapter, freshman gTeat religions leaders and great; then ar^ong Scotcfernes who, ty'\: Jen '- convention of the Order held at year's convention were' Sidney classification: Reva Bordy, Doris poets to the world. No! Hence-; reason of trctiaralleled persecu"r Tt r1 Council, 7:30 p. m., G Port Jarvis, Jv, X , last June, the Kusw^rm, treasurer of the interr andJunior. Brown, Marvin Gerber, Rebecca forth, it is announced, Scotchmen ! tion, had. come to bear the foot- of the ." CT i r H, "Jewish Community CenA. Z. A. presented a check of 51,- national order of B'nai B'rith; ter.' London, Gordon Margolin. Ruth must suffer degradation, their; steps of EH enemy even in the 500.00-. t o : the Jewish National Rabbi Milton Steinberg of the Xeuhaus, Myron Rubnitz, Shirley citizenship taken from them, ; gentlest breeze . . . 'Segal's anti- ' t h e Wednesday, ^lay IS. Fund in the memory of Harry H. Park Avenue Synagogue, New Sherrass, Barbara Taxman. their right to earn a living cen- jScot,' they would say. 'He cer- ' Lapidus,so that a permanent pro- York City; Abr. Goldberg of the . International "Workers' Order, ied, the right of domicile Ques-: tainly seerns to bare g:one EEtl- j: siln 8 p. ,m., C and .D, Jewish ComStudents who participated in tioned. ject, could be established. This Zionist Organization or America; munity , i Scot. . His joke -was s reflectjop to ^ " Center. 'oa the Scottish chEracter.* the three-act play, "The Colleg? contribution was used for the Max "Wets, Director of Research Thursday, "The Scotch scientists are' driv- | May I S . for World Peaceways; L. C. chump," presented by Central planting or 1000 trees as a per"Xon ccderEtaisfi me, eon't ^OTI : xP.e B Junior Hadassah, 8 p. m., c High school' seniors in the high ea from the -tmiTersitius aad tfee Jerry? r— manent " AL Z. A. ,sfofest to be Schllder of the P«deral Bureau of So please forgive us if-; Gerevr books of the Scotch poets are and D, Jewish Community Censchool auditorium last Friday burned. known-. as the Harry, H* Lapidus Investigation and Mendel Fisher, this most innocent remark ci' ' night were: Howard Roseablum, Memorial Forest." Julius Bisno, of the Jewish National- Fund of ter. "In front of Mr. McPherson's yours was misunderstood fcj" Eti ress ET Boy Scouts, 8 p. m., lodge Haskell Cohen, David Kraus, the executive'secretary, ~f the Or-America; A similar program is store stands a guard, warning tite uphappy people who sre in real- Palest " room, Jewish Community Center. Morton Margolin, Edwin Milder, der planted the first tree while being .planned for this year's "conity suffering til ths tfilictions I Morris Shapiro, Paul Shapiro, more favored inhabitants to have put fcrpotheticaliT en the Scotch. ; from Von a. recent trip to Palestine. Bis- vention which is open to A. Z. A. Friday, May 20. r<= r r ™ Chess class, 4 p. m^ recreation Bud Wintroub, Marcella Altman, no business dealings with. Scot The protests yon received Ere the; tcr.TiO" " ho made many valuable contacts alumni and members of the B'nai room. Je--'ish Community Center. Mildred Berkowitz, Ruth Bloch, McPherson. Later a more cr^el poignant ontcries of men and vro- j jj-j^ra' " for B'nai B'rith and A. Z, A. on —Sam Beber. way of doing with Mr. McP&erscn High School Graduates . serv- Dorothy Chait, Beth" Chemiss, i i s trip. He met with- B'nai B'xith. oi! dresdfnl es- j ices, 8 p. m., auditorium, Jewish Marian dayman, Fannie Fire- is thought up: Mr. McPhersoa men yrho becacse B'rith leaders in various conntries .r become frightened j himself is made io .stand up in perience may frig Community Center. stone, Bernice Frifidel. Evelyn -p^ , ^^. and addressed many groups in even at joke .• . . people waiting ] front of his own store with a Greenbaum, Ethel Kadis, Elaine Palestine. In Tel Aviv he ad- WEEK OF JIAT S3 Laginan;; Irene Mirowitz, Genlah sign, "I am a Scotchman and this in a torture chamber for the nest j dressed ! a B'nai B'rith meeting. A dinner wa3 given in honor of Sunday,. May 22. pain. A ' friendly footfall may Meiches, Frances .Osoff, Miriam is my store. You raust have EO frighten His talk was-in English and last- Josephine them. All this is as poig-jj Rubnitz; newly elected History and Religious School Rubnitz, Harriet Salzman, Ar- dealings with me." ed two hours. Then his; talk Was treasurer of as anything in our tragedy. : | Mortar Board, at the program, - 10 a. m., auditorium, lene Solomon, Lilian Weiaer. "Scotchmen- are pnt into con- narit translated in. German and in He-'Chapter house last Friday eve- Jewish Community Center. centration camps, .*or -they are (Cop3Tight, 1£SS, by Seven brew so that all could take adTeatuer S3*n The sophomore girls preGirl .Scouts, 2:30 p. in., room murdered and their murders covvantage of his fine message. "Up- ning. a burlesque of Ivy Day by M, Mewish Community Center. ered up by sfiicide verdicts; on BiBno's return to America he sented the crowning of^ the Omaha-Hebrew club. 3 p. m., Scotchmen are driven from the spoke to many B'nai B'rith lodges depicting iaa Jews to U Unite queen, the -inter-sorority lodge room, Jewish Community L country and become wanderers in and-A.' Z. A- -chapters on his ex-May sing, and the masking of; the s Center. perience in the near East. " Li I^EJ a u 0> a world in waich most doors^Ere cf j Antwerp (TTNS)—erec Mortar Board3. A. Z. A. No. 100, 3 p. m., K closed to immigrants. , united Jewish rerresectEtire ectEtire j May 8, Theta chapter'^ mem- and L, Jewish Community CenBy AL Belgium Tv.cve& s, step • "Then one day it is proclaimed A. Z. A. • activity in- District G bers entertained their parents at ter. . ; ...... • by the rulers that the- wealth, cf nearer with the ' estatlisii-s-* r ; lias always been outstanding. At the annual Parents' day pro- Monday, May 23. SUPPOSE IT WERE THE every Scotchman shall be forfeit a central Jewish represent t^~e : the present"time there-are more gram. ; Prances Kalin of Sioux Workmiden's Loan association, SCOTCH to' the state, to make the state body in Antwerp to cocrd.r'le r.ll than 1500 members representing City, a former president, spoke & p. no,, C and D, Jewish ComMy friend" Jerry Belcher lately stronger for its wars. You see,efforts EgEinst economic 'Ti so55 chapters in the district. Addi- on the "Sorority Girl After Col- munity Center. • . • has been hearing frora Jews. He despised Scotchman is cial discrirr.iEEtioii. The . ' r ' r f - ; tional groups are being organized lege," while Miss Rubnitz spoke Hazomir Choral society, 9 p. is the one who conducts the "In- Jerry,-the in • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; on the "Sorority Girl After Col- m., IC and L, Jewish Community teresting Neighbors" program on made to contribute to the glory body was set cp c~ the ir...:1r:'..'''c of the nation which has criven of the Council of Jewish Gr~ra- : Minneapolis and Detroit. lege." . ' • • -: '-••''•' Center.. , the national hook-up every Sun- hita from the universities and the rations. A temporary cdrcinistra, The District 6, convention and Jane Goetz played several of Tuesday, May 24. day evening." ' t^ve ccmrjiitt-es hss DSETI E.ppciii£- ; tournament finals -were this year her-own piano compositions. XalJunior Council, 7:30 p. m., • Mr. Belcher i3 Quite distressed art academies and the law courts ed and authorized to negotiate i held in Des Moines, Iowa. Finals llan Perelman gave.a reading and room M, Jewish Community Cen- about it all for (as I -well know) and the markets. "But, let us imagine,1 there are with rther' in-"'oratory -Vrere on t h e subject the BtIC given for the Co-Ed Fol- ter. i he is far from being a i anti- countries which remain, kind to "American Contributions to De- lies" was presented for the par- Wednesday^ May S5. :ftil'liCi ; Semite; yet many of the Jews Scotchmen. Yet evea .in these for 'the creation mocracy" and. in debate on "Re-ents. Mary Arbltman as chairSenior H a d a s s a h luncheon, from whom he has heard seem solved—That the Recommenda- man 6f the day welcomed the 12^15p. m.( auditorium, Jewish to be Quite sure there is rishus in tions of the Royal Commission parents and friends. 3 e t t y Lons Community him. Center. for Palestine. Are for the Best In- Hirschfeld, Betty Beeson and In one of his broadcasts Mr. ! Workers' Order, terests of the Jewish People." A t Harriett Byron'^ assisted . the ar- 8 International p. m., c and D, Jewish Com- Belcher was interviewing a Swede the same convention the bas&et- rangement committee. .. . who emphasized his words by "ball finals also tooi place. Jane Goetz was recently elect- munity Center. gesticulations with his hands. 3Iay 23. • L J r t I ' f '• , On April 1, the district ..finals ed-secretary of Pi lambda Theta, Thursday, Hadassah, S p. m., C "You aren't Jewish, are yon?" in the English Essay contest and national honorary teacher's or- andJuriior Belcher asked him laughingHebrew letter writing contest ganization. Sara Smeerin has ter. D, Jewish Community Cen- Mr. ly, suggesting, that because the came to a close. The English es- been-' asked to be a member of del I lit t u Boy Scouts, 8 p. m., lodge Swede used his.hands In conversay subject this year was "Under- Tassels, national women's pep or- room, f -^" ! Jewish Comnxnnlty, Center. sation, so much he might be a lying Causes 'of Modern,. " ganization. . .-••••' Slay 27.' -•.-'. Jew instead of a Swede. Semitism." Co-Ed councillors for £be coni- Friday, « 1 Chess class, .4 p. m., recreation ; The displeasure of a large secOn September 22, 1937; the ng year jvill be: Judith- Leven- room, Jewish Community Center. tion of Israel at once fell chapters throughout the country son, Sara" Smeerin, C h a r 1 o t t e Sir. Belcher's ruddy head. Frora celebrated the seaqulcentennia} Sfclar, Betty Lou Hirschfeld, east, west, north and scuta letCO5IWG EVENTS cf the signing of the constitution, Edytne Krasne, Rose and Selma ters-Jlew wrathfully to Mr. BelSnnday, Slay 13. L • A nation-wide radio broadcast Hill" and Shirley Polsky. . . • cher . . . "Mr. Belcher, is this s , Junior^ Lag B'Omer program, Last Monday night the freshfeatured an address by ' Senator way to speak of Jews?" . . "Mr. j f R. Burke and was broadcast over men presented the active chap- 2:30 P- m., gymnasium, Jewish Belcher, have you gone anti-Sen- : | Community- Center. more than 70- of t h e : nation's ter with a ping pong table. Me?" . . . "Mr. BeIcher,N what • Selma Hill and Jeanette PoIcor Organization banquet, 6 p, does leading stations. • this mean?" . In February of this year, the lonsky are being rushed to Theta m., Jewish Community Center. Mr. Belcher was very sorry but Round Table dance, 9 p. m., chapters joined with, non-Jewish Sigma Phi, national journalisxa - '••"".." auditorium, Jewish" .Community wasn't sure whether he ought ts groups in presenting patriotic ob- society. Center. ' * '- • be angry as well, since-ha has servance meeting. The Anti-Defa: always been rather proud of the Monday, May 16. matjob League. secured" speakers \Women's Division of the Jew- breadth of his" heart ard inind for these meetings and it is estiish Community Center and Wel-which takes all mankind Into mated that over 50,000 people =atBEX GROSSMAN fare Federation luncheon, 1 p . brotherhoods yet here was- the tended these fine goodwill meetBen m., lodge room, Jewish Commun- displeasure of Israel burning F u n e vs. 1 services for Grossman, 62, who died "Wednesagainst him if he were another ' Worthy of mention at this day eveairig following-a linger- ity Center. pogromist-time is Borne of the/outstanding ing illness, were held ^Thursday Friday, May 20. "I don't understand it at all," High School Graduates servwork that is" being done by chap- afternoon at the residence. •. Mr. ters in District 6. For example, .Grossman had been a resident of ices, 8 p. m., auditorium, Jewish he said. Community Center. ~* . He was my guest at kiddush Calgary Chapter 31..af- Calgary, Omaha-far 33 years.' on a Sabbath eve. May 22. Alta., Canada, sponsored a dance Surviving are: His wife, Mol- Snnday, "If in the course of0ray broadat which time over §60,0.00 was lie; two daughters, Mrs. Lester ^History ana Religious School past I had made a jesting remark ! raise'd- This entire Bum: wasHeeger of Sioux City, la., and program, 10 a. m., auditorium, : on the reputed tightness of the j turned over to a. building fund; Mrs. Joe" Borden of Sioux Falls, Jewish Community Center. Scotch no Scotchman would have! so ^hat' the Jewish Community S. D., and two sons, Moe- aad Wednestlay, May" 35. Senior! H a d a s s a h luncheon, taken offense. There wosld have j Center in Calgary could be com-,Arthur, both of Omaha. 12:15 p. m., auditorium, Jewish been .'a" hearty laugh among alii pleted.. Edmonton, Alberta, spon- . Burial was a t Pleasant Hill. the Scotch around the country. I . Community* Center. sored a dance and started a drive wouldn't have been accused1 of j towards the building of a gymMRS. AARON BOGSKSKT •being an "enemy vof the Scotch. My Patronize Our Advertisers nasium in their local Talmud Mrs, Anna Roginsky, wife of Torah. Gilead Chapter 239 of Aaron Roginsky, died last ThursMilwaukee secnred funds for a li- day morning at a local/hospital. brary, painting and a larger num- She had been suffering from a •Oar* Fsiacral Parlors Aro Ptsraislied la Bos6*Uke Fasiiioa ber of books. Milwaukee Chapter heart ailment. ••••••-•' "COURTEOUS—EELIAELE" ' I? 9 annually sponsors - a Passover A resident of Omaha for 25 dance and contributes more than years Mrs. Roginsky is survived $300.00 towards a Passover fund by her husband; a daughter, Mrs. whicn is used for Passover food Herman Levy of Sioux City; two FUNERAL DIRECTORS. for the needy. This chapter, last sons, Morris and Ben of Omaha; HA S2S8 at- S3rd year,-led"the entire Order in so-•a sister, Mrs. Louis Paperny of cial, service work. A few-weeks Omaha; two brothers, Louis and ago all of the chapters participat- Nathan Wolsson of Omaha, and ed in the national A. Z. A. Sab-'one grandchild. bath at Which time the local chapFuneral services were held ters in each instance took over Thursday at the Jewish Funeral ~ services at rarious synagogues home. Burial 'was in the"'B'nai and temples. Chapters usually Abram cemetery. supply their own choirs and cansHgiScd Is k s : hc tors and while this is a national EHOI5A observance many of the chapters II ccsis fa cssre Rhoda of. Kubby,; 22?Jr3.months. sponsor weekly services, and dur-daughter Mr. and David 1 ing the holidays Bponsor youth; Kubby of Council Bluffs, died services. • •' ; .. ' , early Friday morning cf •pneuDuring the month of April the monia. :haptera are busily engaged in an Surviving besides her parents active program to raise a fund are a brother, Leroy, and her p. save 'Aws/.vtt.\? >:. VTXZI r: V Tor 500 additional trees' in the grandparents, : T.Ir. a n d Mrs. Lapidus Forest Memorial. May George Steinberg. will be dedicated to''national A. : \ Funeral services vrcre held r ; ^. A.- Parents' Day. "While to Friday at the Jewish funeral i » uost people the second Sunday in home. Burial was at the Fisher May is Mothers* Day, the A. Z. Farm. '" A. sponsors National Parents' day. in honor of the Joint share of Vienna (WNS) — A warning Mother and Father alike in "faome- that Bhechita is espressly forbidaaklng and. child-rearing. The den throughout Austria, as it has i ;hapters celebrate by .holding been in Germany for five years, public meetings, teas, outings, •was isued by Heinrich Himniler, - dinners, dances, etc., to honor chief of the German secret po- i f f their parents. This last year, lice, in a statement published in n'ore than 23 . summer, tourna- the Austrian press.
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$1O,OOQ t o Be Raised for Relief of Needy Jewry -The 1938 United Jewish Ap\ peal drive was officially launched '. at a dinner and mass, meeting ; Monday evening in the Jewish Community Center. A note of | optiriHsm at reaching the $10,000 ! goal was sounded throughout the meeting. ' ^: Rabbi S. T. Swirsky of Minneapolis was the principal speaker ; ; at the /meeting which followed ; the dinner. Presenting a stirring I and eloquent -address, Rabbi i Swirsky told Ms audience that the drive was not only to aid a stricken'Jewry in Europe, but to help the Jewish nation, back to . life in Palestine. Mr. E. N. Grueskin presided at the meeting and-introduced Rabbi S. Bolotnikov, Rabbi Theodore I Lewis and. Mr. John . Lansberg, i "who spoke briefly on the drive. '•• A. H. Baron introduced Rabbi • Swirsky to the audience. ! At the meeting, Mr. Lansberg, chairman of.the drive, told that i the large gifts committee had already raised $7,00.0 toward the goal and that most of the ,subI scribers had increased their - pledges over last year. ; I Captains for. the drive'were ap! pointed at the dinner. They in-
Members of the Young Judea and the Junior Hadassah organizations • will make a house to house canvass at Jewish home3 this Sunday for the annual Jewish National Fund Flower day. The fund goe3 toward the purchase -of land in Palestine. Workers will meet at the Jewish Community Center at 10:15 Sunday morning for a breakfast, before they start the canvass. Miss Sophie Franklin, JNF chairman of Junior Hadassah, is in charge of the arrangements.
The annual election, of officers of the Temple Sisterhood will take place this afternoon following a dessert* luncheon at 1:30, in the -Temple Annex. Mrs. A. ji'GalinBky and members of the retiring, board of the Sisterhood will act,as hostesses. Mrs. Herman Galinsky will ofMrs. William' Heshelow enterfer the invocation. A current play will be reviewed by Miss Ruth tained 45 guests at an afternoon party Sunday, honoring h e r Miller of Morningside College. At the business meeting the-an- daughter Miss Ida Heshelow, nual reports of the various com- whose marriage' will take place mittees will be hesfrd and Mrs. in June. The guests spent- the afTheodore N.' Lewis;| will install ternoon at bridge arid enjoyed an the officers who will be elected. early supper. Guests from out, of town included Miss' Bertha. Heshelow, Mrs.:Sol Melcher and Mrs. Dave Shuman of NorfolK, Nebraska,: Mrs. Ban Daskovsky of Hinton, and Mrs. A. Rittenbaum of Atlanta, Georgia.v • •.
Hadassah to Hear Mrs. Samuel Schulsinger of Newark
Society News
friction is "reibung" (rubbing) . . . . Jews who have done their Nazi-enforced stint of "reibuzg" are sometimes given certificates which are supposed t o " exempt them from further drafting Saltsffisa The certificates ere now The first regular meeting of actively traded in, bringing as the Council Bluffs Junior Hadas- much as four schillings. . . . sah was held Thursday, May 5, in' the Rainbow Terrace room of QUESTION: Will" some bright the Chieftain Hotel. Mrs. Rich- boyxget up and state whether or ard Gordon is the organiza- not the Francis Pershicg-Muriel tion's advisor. , Officers ' of the Bache Richards nuptials would chapter are: President, June have been possible in Germany? Meyerson; . vice-president, Rose Mendelson; Recording secretary, FAMILY AFFAIR: B. -G. RicaMildred Balaban; Corresponding ards, you don't have to be told, secretary, Leona' Katelman; and is chairman of the Zionist Coratreasurer, Rose Sax.' *• mittee for a Jewish State in Palestine . . . But his son Judah, The next regular meeting of you probably do have to be told, the Agidus Achinv Lodge will be is secretary of the Palestine Doheld Thursday, May 19, in Eagle's minion League ia America , : . . HlU; And so, a wag remarks, between the Richards Palestine is pretty On Mdnday,. May 23, the B'nai well divided up. . . . B'rith and Agidus Achim will hold a joint memorial meeting SLAP: Writes Vic (JTA) in the Fagle's Hall at 8. o'clock. Bienstock from sunny London: Everyone is invited to attend. "Manny Shinwell, you ought to know, is still pretty much burned
Members of the B'nai B'rith up about the incident which led listened to a b r o^a d c a s t of to his slap that was heard around speeches of the Hon. Alfred E. the world . . . The 53-year-old Cohen, national President of the Socialist who made parliamenB'nai B'rith and the Hon. William tary hi^" story by flipping his fia Bankhead. Speaker of the House, against the big bad jaw of tixMrs. Arthur Goldstein and son, Monday at the regular meeting. footer Commander Bower fold a Robert and Mrs. Leo Berman of The speeches were broadcast reporter: 'I am not. a practicing Omaha. were guests this week in from a banquet in honor of Mr. Jew- I take no part In the Zionist movement. But the fact rethe home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kan- Cohen in Washington. tor, 3321 Virginia street. The annual hospital drive of mains, I am & Jew..' And at a B'nai B'rith is getting underway. time when Jews are being perseDr. Delia Galinsky spent sever- At a luncheon meeting Tuesday cuted all over the world, I sin al days in Des Molnes this week cards were distributed to the vol- sensitive to that kind of abuse. attending the State meeting of unteer workers taking part In the When I crossed the floor of the the Iowa Medical Association. annual joint hospital drive. Eight house I had Ho intention of sociShe was accompanied by her instiutions are combined in this ing Bower. I meant to get him to come outside and talk over mother, • Mrs. Herman Galinsky.. drive. B'nai B'rith members are In what he. shouted at me. I said hope of having a total increase to him, "If you come outside over the amount raised last year. . . . " But as I saw him Bitting 1 I lost my temper. I slapped The workers started solicita- there, hia face.' . . . Commander Bower tion Wednesday morning. —he who got slapped-—spent a
Director of Tate G&liery j CANAEMAM BISH KAt S'FACISTS
c f^Hpfill,,»-}.-»» t i l I- i i ^ U i H ILU
PI. Bit iililiCliisi •
(Continued from page 1.)
the United States, Great'Britain, the British Dominions, the Scandinavian countries,- the. republics of t h e . Western Hemisphere, France, Switzerlacd ' sad ' Czecho: slovakia "constitute a . body of public opinion inrulE.erab.e ' in their might against' the assaults of. any or all 'totalitarian; states." Bitterly sssailiBg all dictatorships EEd specifically- naming GermsEy as one cf the countries which "has reverted to a one-Ean absolutism almost without parallel in all the tide .of time," Speaker' Backhead declared that the profelesn of the Jewish people •"is iEsxtricably 'bound' up •with that of freedom-loving peoples everywhere. Wherever desiocr&cy reigns supreme," . lie said, "the Jews Is accorded esjusl treatment under the law in. cosmacB with other citizesry in the land. Were vre td sanction ia America any cf the monstrous acts BOW being perpetrated on helpless Jevrssh. people in other lands,"it would constitute sa assault Epos the very foundations of oer government. It therefore befcoores _ c y fellow citizens of the^ewieh faith to be, as you hare -always been, in the 'vanguard of those who battle to upheld t i e democratic principle."
London. (VrNS)—One vt ' the ' Kcrfer,! i'^-V >? «:•) —• Canada's British art world's most import- j FtscJfi'; orpanlKPijos-—-the Naact posts tell to 'the young son : g p i3 t i t fioTi&I Socif.] ClniEUan Party— of a celebrated .Tev~ artist
t-.rti-S'otri-ism, its major v h e s Jcfcn. Knev*stub Maurice r-.ria nothenEieir., sea cf Sir TVilHron; plst!;. re~f (".er.ounoed by BishRrtheaste'n,-irfis appointed cirec-. op ,,jchr C. Fsrttinfr Rt the opentor EEE keeper of the world-fans-; ing: session of the Angrelican Dioous"T&te Gallery is London. • The eesan ' Syr>oc of M'oi-lvea'. Befl.-.rJTiR; tliP.r U'<e parti' 1 ? antiyoKEger.Kothenstein is ST and. j has been director oi the City.Art! Je-p-Ist piF.r.-t;: is "rpither ChriaGalleries- and the Rus.kin liii-! rijan no- Srit5,".5i" and asserting seuia. - His father is cue cf the : thet "it strikes at the ver;; rocit leafiiig -artists ol the ECtfe cen- [ ol ot;r liiierdes,'"' IMRhop Farthing vernec; iht-.t f i n i s the. party tcrr. sirnpcl first ex opprpssing,. the it vov.Ir* pxi-fiid its 'pecBeOpposes. ScttlsrsueEt ra Jews., cution. Fupa if. hsf'. ;.he power, . •;., '• ' Cfcaco •' to Ic.bor ovge,T)zsUmis, youth London. (TVKS)—Bolivia Is pror.ps BiiC the ClirssLian church. posed, to t i e reported scheme Ke pleaaen for Caiwdians to pEXEgtiej' to settle Austrian .Te ev-T.ke FiTid lace the facts.' J of
a,ge in
Chaco region, ths r e " ' " " r r Ister .to .Ecglf-nd, c^clfred Fi coIoniEstion, he said, v c\ If Tlate the spirit cf the C h r w r r r Esent between, the t v e cc i - s \» DONALD ERODKEV AN S H ? ^ S GROD1NEKY, -MAFE.F. a. CC>-Er,f\, Attorne'f TZ7 Omahs Ncticnal'E'<"'k Pu iri'i NOTICE NOTICE 3S KEREBT GHTSN that . the unfiersignefi have organized a corporation under the IP.WE of the State of Jfebrssks. The name of the corporation is KLEIN-RUSSEL.L MOTOR CO., en<5 the principal place of transacting its businesK is the City of Onaha, Douglas Counts'- Nebraska. . T!^e general • nature of business to be tre.Tisactsd is to purchase, sell, deliver, dispose of, End deal in, at wholesale or retail, either or both, of REiomobiies, motor cars, motor trucks, busses, bodies, parts, devices, accessories, jrasoline. oils, &n£ al! ether erticles, merchandise, or preparations necessary, incidental or used Jis connection therewith, new find usefi. either or both; also to rebuild, repair and service £r,?" End fill of the above classes o* -articles; end to Send tinci borrow money,--with or -v^ftho«t security; to execute, indorse, discount. aniJ :: deal in nerotiable f.nfi Tmn-nefrotiaMe ; instruments; and .securiiies; to r u r - I chase, lease or otherwise acquire real estate ^nd persons.! property necessary or incidentfcl to the corpora- : tion's business End "to" sell, convey, lease,, encirmber and dispose of puch property; to purchase, "hold, se'3, transfer &nd other -wise dispose oi capital stock,-bunds or otber sqenrities of other' corporations, a n d t o p u r chase, Jioid, sell £nd trannTer Phr.res of i t s own ccpsts.1 stock. The authorised capital stock is $lG,000.(Mi, d i r i d e a into 110 »hi5.re.« of th*> p a r value of $100.00 each, all of which is common Etock E.nsJ vhsn isEued iMifil" be 'iuliy • pate!' a n a nor.^RSBessabie. Stock m a y be paid for in cash, property,-service;! or otber thiPF* of vrl«€ as <3eterTT35ned by t h e Hoard of £>irectors. The time o£ commencement of this corporation is the date pf fl'iirsg- of--the Articiew in the office of the County Clerk of Douelap Countv. Nebraska, to-Trit, April r;i,"lSSS, and. the dp.te o* termination Is ?>Is.y i , 1SSS. T h e highest a m o u n t of indebtedness or lip.l?ns?y- to T-hich the corpc.TX>tion shaJl a t a r y time subject itself shall not t-Kceeci Hie amount oC i*t totfl EUtnoriaiec! 'CRPUKI stock. pro% u e c , however, that this restric*ion h 1 have no fipplicatior. to o b »f tb.e corporation, tb.f? p r r ^ ments of wh ich a^-e secured b the. T h e a*' .ry o* H*- r^'—• -p m*~ e ^-^ t e tc b& cc 3 'Meed i- i. ±*.1 c i 1 I>irp^*n-^ cor^ ^*t^tr o ' o* jw- " tb^r two nor more than five in number. T.'Siie'h Boarfl phf-U elect a President, a Tice-President, a. Secretsrj',- and a Treasurer.
Mrs. Samuel Schulsinger of Paying tribute to t t e Jewish Newark,. N. J., national board patriots of the American Revolumember of Hadassah, will be the tion and to the Jevs who'fought guest speaker at the Hadassah for America ia the World War, Donor's luncheon, which is schedMr. Eaakhead said the "demouled for next Tuesday, May 17, cratic ideal is not only pervasive in the Jewish Community: Center. of our American -cirilizstion, but Ninety-five women have conis basic as & powerful impulse in tributed to the Donor's fund and week ia bed, took legal advice. will be privileged to attend this; Miss June Meyerson returned Hereafter, before he yells, 'Go the history of the Jewsih. people. luncheon. Monday from a short stay in Kan- back to Poland,' st anyone, he'll No people has more richly eadowed the, democratic, heritage sas City, Missouri. Mrs. Schulsinger' was educated look up the vital statistics. Shln- which is• ours; EO people has i elude Max -Falk, I. Singer, M. in Germany where she -.studied well was born in London and I* ; Lazriowich, Dave Albert, Max Miss Arlene Krasne is spend- there were any place where he found greater satisfaction and medicine at the Universities of Washington (JiT.A.)-r-Expen• Lasens&y,' Max Manaker, : Mike Berlin" and Munich." She was acing the week end in Sioux City. sanctuary ia Its Skalovsky, Joe Gorchow, M. ShiK tive in the German Zionist Stu- diture of close to $2,090,000- in She .Is the guest of Miss Dorothy would be apt to return, it would be Scotland since he was raised 13 years on various activities : off, B. Shlloff, M.Satin, Eli Rob-jdent Federation, president of the Sherman.. In Glasgow." . . . inow, Louis Strongin, Morris Women's Branch of that federa- was reported by Mr. Cohen In his :inal presidential report to the ; Skalvsky, Sol Lansberg, Mrs. E. tion ,and" was in close contact Mrs. c;barle|< Endelman . will : E. Baron, Mrs,.Martia Falk, Mrs. with outstanding Zionist leaders opening session of the general leave Sunday Tor a two weeks ' MISH-MASH: That sw.estikr.Jake Kaltn, Mrs. M. LIpshutz, of Germany. In 1914 Mrs. Schul- convention of the B'nai B'rith on trip to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sunday. ,.He said the money had loving dame, Unity Freeman-MitBerlin and went to been "spent oh good will work, %Mrs. Abe^PiU, L.. J. Kaplan, Jack singer left ford, who got stoxaped on in Lon'Robinson, E.- N. Grueskin, Dave Switzerland, coming to the Unit-" Miss Florence Meyerson i3 Rodin, Frank Margolin, Ben Fish ed. States in 1924. Since that emergency relief for victims of among those students to repre- doa for prominently displaying: natural catastrophe and for the t F I I 1" her hooked-cross emblem at - a and Jake Kalin. time.she has been affiliated with High Hyde park rally, once •wrote to of B'nal B'rith's various sent Abraham Lincoln Brief, talks at. the dinner were1) the Hadassah work, and for ,10 support W i tiii-i i Lekxw School in the State Commercial philanthropic and reJulie (Stuernier) Streieher: made br A. H. Baron, chairman years served as ^education chair- educational, Contest at Des Molnes, Iowa. igious . undertakings. He de"Please publish my whole name. . of budget and .disbursements; E. man6f the Newark Chapter and clared the sum. wa* exclusive of Tfecoric® cf I want everyone to know that;.I &. Grueakin, general co-chair- Northern New Jersey Region. She administration expenses and did am a Jew hater." . » . War-wise Attacked - by ; man;. Jake Kalin, small gifts has lectured before many groups not include disbursements of perBerliners don't take ranch stock : chairman; E. E. Baron, chairman in America, and following her ad- haps another million dollars by Vatican in the Roiae-Berlin azis . . . "Do of the North Side division, and Si dress here, she will-go to Coun- the seven American districts,and you know," they ask, "that Mus.Krueger, chairman of the big cil Bluffs to speak before the the 450 local lodges of the order. solini's telephone number is • R o s e (WKS) — The appearRegional '' Hadassah convention • gifts. Mr. Cohen - listed , the order's Blelbtreu 1915?".. . . .Bleibtreu ance of the ETTEEtika. flag is Rome '•'..' It is expected that the drive there. . achievements in many fields, deis a Berlin local escfeange, lifce during- Hitler's rlsit WES pKfeHe"Will be concluded this week-end. Mrs, Max Rosenstock is Chair- nounced Fascist countries for Bryant in New York, and, literal- ly deplored by Pope. TJtxs in an man ot the program for the aft- their persecution of both Jews ly, means "B© True." , . . . Acd address to 500 newly narried ernoon. ...: Mrs. H. H. Rabinowitz and Christians, warmly praised at Castls Gandolfo, 1915, graybeards will recall, is couples will act as toastmaster and Mrs. Secretary of State' Cordell Hull where he had gone to'avoid say the year that Italy turned oa the Sam Pickus will give the invoca- for having given "every assistdouble-cross for Germany. . . . H. meeting with the Nazi fuehrer. tion. The president's greetings ance that was, possible within the G. Wells, the author, thinks Hit- In language that left so doubt-as Funreal services for Mrs. Ger- will be given by Mrs. W. C. Slot- limitation. of diplomatic usage" • ' "VINCEXT ' .1. EURKHAKtJ, ler Is "frightful, but amusing," to the. Pontiff'E attitude regardtrude Sacks, 42, were held last sky. and •• Mrs. H. Sol Novitsky, during the recent dark years for FLAG: It was the night of the ing the Nazi -erablera, the Pope • Snv?orpors.tors. and Mussolini "more Intelligent." said: Wednesday at Mount Sinai Tem- chairman of the Donor's project, world Jewry; and reaffirmed Hadassah. gathering in honor of ATTEST: Doutld Brodkey . . . Irony: Londoners are receiv4-29-SS-«t ple with Rabbi Theodore N. Lew- will give • a report. Mrs. Mollie B'nai B'rith's intention to co-' Col. Josiafa .Wedgwood, granitp"TTitli your faithfulness to is officiating. Mrs. Sacks.died in Herzoff will offer a vocal solo, operate fully, in the international jawed Laborite M. P. . ". ". At the ing ads for a lucky charm that Christian life and with, your DrapAS.FRE-D A.-HEDLER, Attorney ' her home,, 2201 Kennedy Drive, accompanied at the- piano by effort to.find places of refuge for auditorium of Temple Emanu-El bears what is described an "an- ers we day hope for everTtnlxig FRAOENEURS. W E B B , E E E E R . . following an extended illness. on. New-York's'Fifth avenue . . . . cient cabbalistic Hebrew" word- from diviae g-oodaess; - for sad Pierce Wall. erman and. Austrian refugees. KLUT2NICK an<< K E L L E Y . AJto'rnej'g She was born June 19, 1895, Mrs. Joe Levin and Mrs. Sam "In democracy alone," he de- Which was decorated for the oc- Ing." , . . T h e ad promises *hat things are -hs.ppeaiBg-.sEd things, 'StSCi Un'or? ^ts^p Esrsk %*-!<!$•, purchasers will fee "as lucky as s casion by three flags . . . Two of In Deadwood, S. D. She came to Shulkin are in charge of the clared, "is the hope of j Jews and i&Seed, both far and near. Yes, Sioux City 15 years ago, at which luncheon arrangements, ; w i t h others who are the playthings of them American, one British . . . Jew." , . . Since the Anglo-Ger- very sad things. Aniosg these KCTICE EV rUELfCATiCM ON .PEtime she was married to Louis. D. Mrs.x Ab'e 'pill and" Mrs. Sam autocracy. We who know this Innocently, Coionel Wedgwood man love talks, reports our.Lon- sad things is certaialj - the fact \ T!T!OH FOR SETTLEMENT O^ FINAL ADMiMSTRATlON AC: Sacks. She was a member of Greenstone in charge of the din- well should be foremost among recalled In the course of his don . colleague, they have, been that, it"has not' bees considered - COUNT, pronouncing CHAMBERLAIN as speech an address he ha given in : Mount Sirial Temple, the Temple Ing room. • In the C"«ntj- Coisrt of Douglas those who stand embattled in deboth oat of place &n& untimely to .Sisterhood and the Senior HadasThe women who have con- fense of the institutions of de- San Francisco in 1917, on the oc- "J'aime 'Berlin." . . . Try It, be hoist in Rosse, in R-osae and on | Couritr, Nebraska. casion of a rally celebrating Alurges, on^your French sibilator. ' In the Kstter of the Estate- of Eote : sah chapter. tributed to the "Donor's Project" mocracy in this country." the day • of the sacred cross, the i '. by's capture of Jerusalem . . . . .... . T h a t " Philadelphia. Anglo- .emhlear of a cross that is not the | E. Bainbrsdjre.' Deceased, ' ; Surviving are the widower; a. and who 'will attend the luncheon He adduced statistics to show len All persons ir-terePted in said TDnt; son, Ormond, and a daughter, are Mesdames A. Agranoff, Louis, that in every country' is t h e Blissfully ignorant of the hor- Jewish weekly must have a wag- cross of'. Christ. ' AEd. when we ! ler s r e herebv notified' that on the Fredell of Sioux City; three sis- Agranoff, Julius Arkin, Harry world there are very few Jews in net's nest he was stepping into, gish proofreader. . . . He let this hare Esidl this we hare told you i «th flay of Mf.r. 5P38. £"<t~*?.-A, Fieda petition in said Oount;ters, Mrs. Sam Margolin of Dead- Bailen, Sam Bailen. A. H. Bafpn, the Communist movement. "Only the colonel recalled that the San one go through: "The following how necessary it is to pray, pray ler filedpraying th&t his final aelmlnis\ wood, Mrs. Kalph Boyer of Belle Barney Baron, E. E. Baron, Leah those who -do not kno^ the Francisco rally had an American harassing story was seat to the snd pray that'the mercy of God Court, trstiori aocoi3nt filed be-ein T>e Kpt: Fourche, S. D., and Miss Dorothy Baron, 1L Blank, Max Brodkey, Jews," he said, "their economic flag, a Union Jack and the Zion- New York Times last Wednesday &ay manifest itself in all its am- j tied e n d allowed, and .that he be dis: Blumenthal qt Mitchell, S. D., B. Courshon.R. H. Emlein, Frank position, their general point. of ist emblem on display.. .".When by G. E. R. Gedye. . , " . . . Well, plitude. My God, ire are the first i charged from his trust a t aflniiniatrator e n d that s heEringr win be hfid and four brothers, Abe and Gus Epstein, Abe Davidson,. "A. M. view, their -.religious, history — . Wedgie sat down, there was fire maybe that's how the Nazis to need year mercy, vhich ITES 1on said petition before said Court on • Blumenthal of Rapid City and Davis, M. Falk, B. Fish, H. Fish- only those -who are wrapfed by in Chairman Stephen S. Wise's would describe the story at that. extended from the' first to tbe j the 4th ciF.y of June, 3SSS. find that eye and an ominous added jut to if you fsiJi to eppesr before paid Cotirt Sauland Charles Blumenthal of gall, A. B. Friedman,. A. J. Galin- prejudice and therefore desire to . . . TJnluckiest ship ever, was the very persons who crucified oar j tKfe said 4th day of June. 3MS. a t ' Deadwood.sky, A. L. Galinsky, Herman Ga- entertain illusions, can believe his jaw as he -rose to speak . . . S. S. Tel Aviv. . , . Bought by the Lord, Jesas. Christ, Let. us prssy i $on o'clock A. Tvl., P:V.d €or,t?:Pt PfJ4 Pelinsky, S. B. Gelfand, William GI- that.the Jews are, in considerable "As a self-respecting Jew," he be- Japanese after various vicissi- that this mercy raay. descend in j tition, the Cotirt -mey crarii: i:he praylinsky. Max Ginsburg, J. H; part, in sympathy, with Commun- gan, he protested the absence of tudes in the Palestine service, It its infinite scope Kpon all poor ; er of said petition, enter R decree of the "Zionist flag in the auditor- finally sank off Singapore &s the sonls that need it to save theia- j heirshlp, anfi make such osher p.tid Greenberg, S a m Greenstone, ism." further orders, filiovrancep and deLouis Goldberg, A. Goodsite, E. Membership Doubled Since 1033 ium,' protested the long-standing Japs were" taking it from the selves &nd'thus to'-save«the price! frees. sis to this Court m£v seem ban Imposed on "the emblem by Holy Land to Nippon. . . , N. Grueskin. M. Grueskin; Max of dirijie redemptioa."-* I proper, to." the pn<! that f,V,- m s i t c s •Mr. Cohen reported that B'nai pertssininsr to Psud estate rfray be Haligman, M. Hatoff, Louis Hee- B'rith's membership today Is the Emanu-El . . . Hadassah officials ; . Jacob Baker, 88, died at the ger, This utterance csEse & feir days i finalh- settied 'find, ti^.term^neri. on the platform darted worried '(Copyrighted by Jewish TeleJoe Himowitz, Louis Kaplan^ largest in its entire history of 95 ) Lutheran hospital, last Friday Sam Kaplan, Joe.Krigsten, J. L. after the Osserratore KosaEKo, I E R T C E CRAWFOBD, looks,-whispers at him . . . "I'm graphic Agency, Inc.) - ' County Judge. ; evening and funeral services were Krueger, Si Krueger, Sovel Krue- years./He said' that the member- the president of the Zio&lst Orofficial Vaticsa organ, had Tig-1 5-lS-"S-St. • ship of, B'nai '"B'rith today J s a ganization of America," S. S. i-held Sunday, afternoon in the orously critised Germaa racial Kutcher, R. Kutcher, third larger than it was, when he : home of a son, Louis Bakar, 1321 ger, JoeKutcher, theories.. Taking ' as- its text Its J. Lansberg, M. first became president; that the flung at them, and continued: "I I Jennings street. Cantor A. Plis- William ovrn publication, of-extracts from, shall never again address a JewLasensky, H. Lazriowich, ' M. 1 • kin. Rabbi Theodore, Lewis and Lazriowich, M. A. Lazere, Joe Le- two Hillel Foundations-of those ish meeting in a hall at which it Nazi racial- studies In Thica. th® j days have grown ' . I l l ; that the is forbidden to exhibit the Zion; Babbi s. Bolotnikov officiated. sehSevfeEients of the Nordic races vin, John Leyin, J.- L. Levitt, ' Mr. Baker was 7)orn in. Russia Herman Licht, - iHocey Lipshiitz, 338 members of the junior order ist flag." . . . And when S. S. were • extolled over those of the i and came to this .country 28 years M..-A. Levich, M. Marks, Johanna have expanded to more than 10,-. brought the.rally to a close he Mediterr&ne&n. the Vatican 000, including active and alumni Esoatb-jjieee rebuked the K&i5s for Marx, William Mazie. I. Meniri, members; . t h a t the 45 B'nai delivered a parting shot, sarcas'-.'•• '.. In addition to-the son, Louis, likening, the Mediterrs-Eean peoMJller,.Herman Miller, Rueben B'rith women's auxiliaries have tically thanking the Temple for Mr. Baker Is survived by six oth- H. pJes to the JCegroid races, and-depermission to use its hall . . . Miller, J. Moso'w, M. ' Mushkin, er sons, Sam,.David and Lewis of Milton Mushkin, I.^ Miller, H. Sol increased to 178 with a member- Spgaking, to a reporter, later, New York (JTA) — The story nounced the XcEi race theory as j ship of 17,000, and that the order Samuel Berliner, controller of the of a Christian cEtisea of Orlando, "antl-scientrfic" and "ussupportSioux City, Alex and Cy of New York, and Ike Baker,who lives in Novitsky, L. Osnowitz, Abe Pill, itself, since 1925,- has been ex- Temple, said there was no def- West Va., who recently sold his abl© in relation to history E2d t Ben Pill. ' Sam Pickus, Charles Russia. . tended Into China, Hawaii, Artwo-year old Durham, heifer, 'do- reality." • ' • . . • '• ! Raskin, E. Robinow, J, Robinson, gentine, France, Algeria, Bra- inite rule on ,tfae flag, but it was nating proceeds.in aid of opThe Osservatere Romano alsoJ D. Rodin, B. Rosenblum, ejlax zil, Mexico, Uruguay, Chile an& a long-standing precedent, that pressed the Jewish" populations over- said that "racism, ES its Eiasters j there had been no request for a Rosenstock, Mark Sabel.' Ben South Africa. Zionist flag prior to this meeting, seas, was made public by Rabbi with the concept of a superior Sekt, Philip Sheriaan, B. Shiloff, . * *?• and if the request- were made, Jonah B. Wise, Campaign Chair- race tiacerstand it, results, if not Robert .Sacks, Ben Shulien, S. H. Joint Distribution ia-scorning other races, at least! "We'll cross that bridge when .we man of the Rabbi-Theodore N. Lewis will Shulkin, Sam Shulkin, M. Skalov- NAZI CAN'T TAKE IT - Committee. The heifer was own- ia considering them, as teferior. j c o m e t o i t . " . . . • • : . • speak this evening at Mount Sinai sky, Sam slotsky, W. C. .Slotsky, ed by Alfred Lee Skinner of Or- This contains the erident eerm i Temple on "Religion and Poli- Sam Snovskr, Morris Weil, M QUITS COLLEGE lando, who, moved by the Etories of. the division end . rlTalries- of i tics." -.-•,Weiner, Sam Weiner and L. COURSE o t ' t h e plight of Jewish popula- dorairsatfeg espsinsJonsEin, Sunday evening. Rabbi Lewis Weinberg. . • ANECDOTE: A" Swiss intro- tions in Gerxnaaj", Austria an<5 are the negation of EESJE 151 go to Iowa City, where he duced a German to a friend . . . Ing, equilibrium aad peace • •will represent the Jews at the anHamilton, N. Y, .(WNS) — Whom he described as a Swiss elsewhere In Europe, donated the tweea catioas." ' Jnual meeting of the School of The following contributions to Hans Barre-Schmidt, a Nazi stu- admiral . . . "But what," the heifer to the cause of relieving Religion at the University* the Temple Sisterhood Memorial dent from.; Germany, could 'dish German demanded, "does Swits- their misery. Mr. 'Skinner's donation - was Wins Gotthcil ;i,: The Religious School ; honor Fund have been announced: Mrs.- out" Nazi propaganda " but he erland want'with admirals • Louis Mroll announced for the past I. .Miller in memory of Mrs. Joe couldn't "take It" when fellow Since she has no navy?" , , . Re- made through his friend Hlller, of Clarksburg-, West Va., New York (WNS)—Judge Jul•;month '. includes the following Bolstein;. Mrs. Abe Davidson in torted the Swiss: "Well,-after ali, |;children: Robert Weiner, Allen memory of Mrs. Sam Cohler, students replied to him with gen- in Germany you have a minister secretary of a fund-raising, cam- ian W. Mack of the United States i paign there of wiiieh the J. D. C. Circuit Cccrt was .roted the win- ! iA'rkin, Richard Davis, Earl Grue- Mrs. E. E. Baron in memory of erous doses of anti-Nazi argui of justice." . . . . is a.major beneficiary. In a letter ner of the IS37 GottSell Meoal i [skin, Julius Lasensky, Jean Ray Mrs. Joe Bolstein, Mrs. T. N. Lew- ments, so he quit the course in' {'•| / <>'• i-l! C T J R js-riv to Mr. Hiller, Hr.-Skinner wrote, awarded Ecnualiy. by the at Zsta ! -^Agranoff, Sally Krueger, Sammy is In memory of Mrs. S. Roths- dictatorships bfiffg-""—-offered IDEA: Now that Paraguay ia in part: , "Dear* Friends. I will Beta Tan Fraternity to the AmeriHeeger, Doris Pill, Robert Pill, child," MTS. L. .S., Goldberg In Colgate University.' It was ex! Bobby Slotsky, Ruth Lewis, Carol memory of Mrs. 'Louis Sacksj plained that Barre-Schmidt found recruiting a Jewish "foreign le- drop you a few lines to cheer you ican "B-IJO has cone the rabst for gion" ^ n Austria to bear arms for I hare beds reads very sorJewry. ,Tlie. a.wfi.rd. was -siace as •jSue Miller, Bertil Rosenstock, Es- Mrs. Hyman Fishgall in memory himself constantly defending. the :!tell Rosenffial, Rivoli Agranoff, of Mrs. A. Roginsky,. Mr. and Hitler regime against the attacks against Bolivia If the Gran Cfaaco rowful; myself at-the things tak- the_ "salt of a rote t j editors cf dispute breaks out again,-what's ing place In Germany- and ia Aus•Fredeli Sacks, Mark Robison, Mrs. M. A. Weiner in memory of of his classmates. to stop Bolivia from doing the tria and other places. My heart uJoan Agrdnott, Barbara: Robln- Mrs. L. D. Sacks. ' : Earned asks the- office idea man is with you all lor I isow what :,son, Billy Heeger and Harold^Ro; . . . Even if Bolivia has just pro- great sorrow you all endure. But . Protest Statement senthal.' ' - " ' - . . ' ' (WKS>—A a e •vr j •• • B E T H ; A B R A H ' A M .".;.. nounced a ban on immigration of I say to you all, Jet your heart'!• '. Ba'cisarest :| ' Plans have been started'for the goveraaent departaea; to bs! "Negroes,' Chinese, Jews, Gypsies be strong and trust ia therEaighty ' Warsaw (JTA)—The Jewish ^confirmation service to be held Services at Beth-Abraham syiv Parliamentary club interpreted a and other suspicious characters." God of Abraham, Isaac and Ja- liEpTTii - as . fhe cemdssariat for •on June 5 in the Temple.- The agogue :iHiRoriti«s "was created by King thfa evening will begin at declaration by Vice-Premier Eucob." ^confirmation class -includes Hu-* 7:15- o'clock. Carol under a decree -WMCIL 'sfeiftTomorrow morning gen -Kwiatkowsl-I on the necesVIENNESE. W A L T Z : Add iibert Friedman, Sam Heeger, the service will begin at 9. Rabbi ed tlie minorities section -of the • It was the Jewish railway ensity of emigration of non-Polish jokes' that are sprinkled with bitilDoris Pill, Robert*. Pill, Robert S. I. Bolotnikov will speak at ralsfstr" o* cults to the ne?; elements, as applying to Jews and gineer, Theodore D. Judab, -who ter tears: • When two Viennese IPill, Robert Slotsky, Leonard 10:30 o'clock. asserted^that it violated the let- Jews meet, one aslcs the other: converted the American railroad bureau snd made tbe beset of tfcej jstein, Bernard Reiner, and Better and spirit of the Polish con- "Did yesterday pass without fric- magnates to the idea of a trans- new department directly respon-j iity Silverberg of Storm Lake, Ia. to PremierMiroa Christea. stitution. Patronize Our Advertisers tion?" . . . In German the word continental line.
Hold Rites for Mrs. Louis Sacks
Jacob Baker, 88, • :;' Died Last Friday
CiiifSilfit* SlbLlS
Mount Sinai
£T S AC ,P,'T ICC-
p. fP
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