A 111
Jew Tho Tlevr3 expressed by tit2C3wlg Lcwlsohn in hla column «iro his cnra and do not necessarily reflect the policies or attituds of our publication. Reproduction in whole or in' part strictly forbidden. • YOUTH AND BOOKS If there is no next generation of instructed JewiBh youths in America the plight of American Jewry twenty years . from now •will be more desperate than its plight today. Ignorance paralyses any man in the modern -world; - it makes him the prey of the first scoundrelly demagogue w h o chooses to roar at him. Ignorance for a Jew is even more desperate;' Jewish ignorance for a Jew degrades him. For he accepts the estiniate of himself and of WB people that his "enemies insinuate or frankly proclaim. An ignorant Jew cannot be' a selfrespecting human being. He cannot defend himself or his. people in a vrorld in which, both need defense. To enslavement of circumstance he adds enslavement of souL
recently m e t many
young Jews, young ; men and young women. They are an attractive generation. They have "good minds. They can be w o n and instructed. Many are reaching out for their Jewishness. But amid the innumerable voices of the world they do not hear that one needful voice. They hear American voices. And so they must and so they should. But they hear other alien voices. And because-their American lives are not ideal and because they see that "this American life i3 not ideal for others than themselves either, they fall a prey to fallacies and foolish doctrines that will destroy, not only them but their fellow-Americans of other strains and faiths.
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Entered as Second Class Mail flatter on January 31. 1931, at Postofflce, of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, IS79
eth El to Conclude Year Starting June 3 The service comnsittee of the )
New President of B'nai B'ritk to Speak at Banquet A united
Beth El synagogue announces j C o . that the year will be concluded with the folowing functions: On Friday evening, June S, the commencement exercises of the , high school department "will be jheld at S o'clock. Saturday morning, June 4, tbi Bar Mitzrah of Calvin Breit will take place at 9. The Shacharith service will be held at 9 a. m. Sunday morning,
to Southwest Members
ictory Raf.lv ^'ednesctay to Conclusion of
Over t w o h u n d r e d women r e g - | Istered for t h e S o u t h w e s t H a d a s sah R e g i o n a l Convention held Wednesday and Thursday in j Council Bluffs. M r s . M a s Mayer j of Des Moines presided over t h e ! • j June 5, with the entrance of the sessions. A f t e r g r e e t i n g s h a d been ex- ' confirmants at 9:45. by ciric a n d c o m m u n a l j Monday morning, June 6, the tendede a d e r s o£ Council Bluffs, t h e Shebuoth service will start at 9 lpresident's report and the reports] with Yizkor a t 10. of the constituent chapter were j heard. " | "Going to 11 An original skit, Going to
will Tuesday night gather to honor Henry Monsky on his eleva; tion to- the international presidency of the B'nai B'rith. The Remarks Praising Choice B.8 President Put dinner to be given at 7 o'clock at the Hotel Paxton will be unin Record der the joint auspices of the loDelegates wil] wil] meet on onManMancal lodge of the B'nai B'rith and Convention" by Mrs. Leo Fitch | cay. May 23; promptly at 8 v. m. The following remarks of the the Jewish^ Community Center Hon. Charles F. McLaughlin, repwas presented at the luncheon ! at the Jewish Corntaunity Center, Wednesday. •**-'-•• and Welfare Federation. resentative; from the Second ConTaking part were: to choose an ejection board 'or Mr. William L. Holzman, pres- gressional district of Nebraska, in Mesdames Harry Cherniss, J. the Am-erican Jewish CC'P.Erress ident of the Jewish Community the United States House of RepMoskovitz, J. Rosen. A. Krasne, i elections. Also Eominations of Center, will act as toastmaster resentatives, appeared in the Conr c C. Krasne, L. Cobea, B. Gershun, i candidates for the congress wiil for the evening. The principal ad- gressional Record of May 12 as a Max Kramer, Nate Nogg. and B. ! b e made at meeting. Telpner. Mrs. Clyde Krasne didress is to be given by Mr. Mon- tribute to Henry Monsky, newlyIt is important that every delerected the play. sky. He will ~ be introduced. by elected president of the B'nai , gate "brings credentials from the . Sam Beber, another Omahan long B'rith: Following the luncheon Rabbi | organization he represents and Each Class to Be Repre- Monroe active in B'nai B'rith* work and Levens of Des Moices j PaJ's a registration fee of one colMr. Speaker. I am pleased to "VVhat is to be done? I a r resented on Program founder of the lodge's junior or- have this opportunity, through, spoke, on "Soil and Soul." Jlrs. J. ; -• "What is the answer? Sunday Bushman of St. Joseph, Missouri) -Every Jew or Jewess. IS years unanimous consent- of the memThere are many answers. But der. prominent Speakers reported on the Jewish National ; ol age or over, can participate in bers pf the House, to call attenthe first and chief answer is this: The History and Religion Pe- Fund. The treasurer's report was \ t t e elections by the payment of Other speakers to appear on tion: to the fact that on yesterday .The Jewish Book in the English r the program are: Roy L. Coch- the International Association of parement of the City Talmud given by Mrs. S. M. Golfisctraidt ' a" registration' - - - - - - fee of ten cents. language. ' . W ran. Governor of Nebraska; Dan B'nai B'rith, meeting in Wash- Torah will present a program on off .Wichita. At t h e elections to be held What kind of a book? "Wednesday afternoon delegates June 25, ' 6 , and 27 the only isNot the learned tome. Nor Butler, Mayor of Omaha; Bishop ington, B. C-, elected as its pres- Sunday. May 22, at 11 o'clock at heard Mrs. M. S. Levine of Des,-— -~ be ~= submitted o^.^,*.^ sue to for rote will magnificent, volumes, .however ex- G. Bromley Oxnam; the most ident, Mr. Henry Monsky, a resThe Kindergarten under the j Moines speak on Organization j be "Do you favor a Union of all cellent in content and spirit, that Reverend James H. Ryan, Catho- ident of the city of Omaha, Ne• ' • direction of Miss Celia Richards (and Membership; Miss Sara Chapiap- .American jevrisa groups engagcost three dollars and upwards lic Bishop of the diocese of Oma- braska. marl the eaual °* Des Moines The people of Omaha >ill re- will present the "Ten Command- ! report on ed in sategisarfiiEg and that must be dragged home ha; Reverend Charles Durden of from a library for a limited per- the First Baptist church; ~ and joice in this selection, and I take ments." Those taking part are I Young Judaea; Miss K -. a 1 a• h- ;rights . - , of -- Jews,' which - " - — s- t^ - " l ---in Mr. Raymond Brown, Lawrence Dun- Franklin of. Omaha on Junior j aer.ske to create xo- the defense iod. Nor badly printed and ama- James E-. Davidson, president of a personal satisfaction Monsky's election to the head of can, Ruth Krantz, Eleanor Hay- | Hadassah; and Mrs. Simon _ Raposuch rights a single, all-incluteurishly bound books that look the Nebraska Power Company. w . like the publications of "Church , The invocation at the banquet the great- B'nai B'rith organiza- kin,' Mav"Ban7"i)elor^lekin, Doris May Ban. Delorts Se- \ Port of St. Louis~on t~he Speakers | sfreaffency organized on• 11 cem__ Racusin, _ ~ - Rita Krantz, bureau . \ oc.i<inc repiesen^sLive oasis, m houses." Kor book3 written in an jwill be given by Rabbi Frederick tion. His fellow townsmen have gal,. '-Nan English which sounds as though j Conn. Monsignor Flanagan, foun- watched his work and develop- Rita Rosen, and Audrey Forbes. T h e ' p r i n c i p a l - a d d r e s s of t h e j a c c o r d a n c e with American the author "had learned English der of nationally famous Boys- ment as a humanitarian and as.a Mrs. C. S. Ross's first grade c o n v e n t i o n s w a s g i v e n TTednes- j i a e a l s . - ' day before yesterday in order t ° town of whose board, o? directors socially minded citizen, and they class will take part in . "Prepar- , d a y- —=— night b M r s . ~-*~«>-» S a m u e l -Schul; ' - .y -—~valu- i _ _ translate his own lucubrations Mr.; Monsky is a member, will re- will be gratified by the recogni- ing the Sabbath.- Larry Foeel, i ^ g e r ^ o f Newark^New^.Jersey, 0 tion of his. leadership which is Joan" Levey, and Eleanor. • Fred-•i*^ £?oke. on irom a Yiddish original. cite "ffie'beaedi'ctton. "7 r
I >onse On
,~ >
expiisjit'-'in.- his—"elevKrieHr-td^'tlre: Jan...sail-nabs-,is-—'SabfcaiUs-JlJ^e-"" i-Scene~a&d_Pal&s£i?..5 - •B .hatrmust~tae -Jewish; boot ia i;ifai3tUeseTatioas ; • English be;like? . . "'"'• ' ~ '-'" Because":'"of" Mr. "Uonsky's in- high post.he will now occupy. Elaine " Green, Sabbath Candles; was presented Yv'ednes. It must be elegant, brief and tense Interest in all communal Through personal friendship Alvin Lee Ross, Kiddish; Mar- day evening iiy the Ckorsl Group cheap. Elegant,, briefi cheap, in activities', the entire Jewish com- over a period of many years aad vin Broikstein "Prayer over of the Council Bluffs Kadassah exquisite English. Its character munity has been invited to at- as a result of long continued Bread;" and Jerome W s s s e r - and ars of Aleph Za> d by Florence 'and Esther Steinonrteen must be such that a Jewish sen- tend, but as the seating facilities contacts as an active fellow mem- man, "Prayer over Fruit." Aleph were aarked by Mot! berg. ior at Harvard will proudly leave of the banquet hall are limited, ber of the Omaha and Nebraska The Second Grade whose teaThursday morning Mrs. A. S. I chapter No. 1 Monday evening at =• e n it lying around for the inspection only the first four hundred reser- bar as well as through close as- cher is Miss Bertha Greenberg Wolf of St. Louis reported on the : t 3 l e Jewish Community Center at of his Gentile comrades. . . . vations to be received will be ac- sociation with him in community will give a Chanukah arostic with various Hsdassah projects. Mrs. | a Program held jointly with the chest work and in civic activities Dorothy Bloom, MiUard Margolin, Julius Stein of Omaha and Mrs. (local B'nai B'rith lodge. Grand There must be; a series of such cepted. books. They must' look gay and Invitations to the affair have in my home cty, I have come to Anita Forbes, Stewart Solig. El H. L. Feidman of Otttimwa, la., j President Stanley Rabinowitz of W charming. They must be in every aljjo been issued to a number of know well his public record and lenKahn/Irle^rKulinr Alfred ! woke w oak e Pon Lo- | D « Koines^ was" the" gVes"t onNatTo r o b NatTo"naTQuota^;nd shop and in every Jewish Center prominent non-Jews who have can attest as can all who know Fox, and Ronny Rimmerrnan tak- j f. i^ l!^ s ,- At Thursday's je r T l i e luncheon Rabbi David A. Gold- ! and In the social halls of every been associated with Mr. Monsky him-well and intimately that he ing part. highlight 0 the celebrasynagogue and temple and in ev- in the many civic endeavors in is eminently deserving of the readdressed the I :ion was the formal initiation of The Seventh grade under Mr. stein of Omaha ery "Y". They must be ubiqui- which he has taken active inter- cognition accorded him by the in- S. Swartz will sing a medley of convention on " O s r Zionist Heri- a class of four new members: ternational association in which festival songs. Etbelyn . tous in college book shops and est. again Bob Brarason, Theo Cohn, Bob ! £"'' Lashin- tage." Mrs. Schulsinger he has so long taken a prominent sky will present a piano solo. must be the first "objects that spoke, this time on "Hadassah"s , -~ 1 and helpful part. meet the eyes of intelligent JewIn the Fourth Grade's sk'etch, ^ * o r k a a d t b e Political Situation.' A ra io ish boys and girls wherever theyi oeirts ant Mr. Monsky is a civic leader "Abraham aham and and the the Three Three StrangStrang- d ^ skit was was presented presented ThursThurs-I congregate. And the books must t r - c T ir who has a record of unselfish ac" !d a b M 1 era," Dorene Brookstein. Donald ! ^ by Mesdames L. Katelman, cost thirty-five cents a piece in tivity in matters- a'fecting social Vann, Gertrude Shermap, Bet- L. Cohen, Clyde Krasae, I. Stern- I order that there may be-no inwelfare which may well stand as ty Greenberg, Charlotte Katzmaa, hill, and Morris Grossman. Miss 5 superable interval between curian example for citizens in 'all Sara Diamond, and Josephine June Meyerson directed the play, j osity and desire on the one hand parts of this country. Through- Koom will take part. Miss Ger- Musical selections were present- •. and possession and carrying ed by Rae Wolfson. • out his mature life he has taken trude Oruch teaches this class. home in pocket or briefcase at part in movements for the beneA report of Education was giv- ; The entire Fifth Grade will preonce. The Confirmation service will fit of the people of his commun- sent "The Return of the Jews en by Mrs. David A. Goldstein of afternoon. And these must be some of the be held at Temple Israel on Sun- ity, especially for the benefit of from Exile." Lorraine Robinson, Omaha oa Thursday ~ol cv r e those least able to help them- a .member of the class, will re New Officers books, about a hundred pages iii day, June 5, at 9:45. O c s were to t o have been , selves. He has long been in the ' l t d length, bound, in cream and blue cite a poem, "The Fund Box." i'elected at t h e closing sessions in j Members of the class are: and green and vermilion and yelStanley Feltman, son of Mrs. for.efront of the Jewish welfare" Miss Bess Bernstein teaches the movements, local, State, and Nalow boards with a well-designed Sarah Feltman. label. I. 'Whither Israel? AnThe Sixth Grade, which is Willard Friedman, son of Mr. tion, and has also given unsparingly of his time and energy to taught by Miss Esther Klaiman, swer? by great modern Jews. II. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman. ..Evans*}] of the Righteous. A 'Harriett R o s a lie Newman, all civic welfare . developments, will present 'Lag B'Orner. Taking authorship part will be Lloyd Kuklin, Jean Chassidlc Anthology after Martin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius regardless of their and irrespective of the raee, col- Fogel, Rosella Sherman. Evelyn III. Vocation and Em- Newman. : Buber. . . or, or creed of those sponsoring ploymentr~The. Young Jew in Louis E. Plotkin, son of Mr. the enterprise or those to be di- Goldware, and Frances Veitzer. America. IV. Of National Social- and Mrs. Solomon Plotkin. The third grade, of which Miss rectly benefitted by them. ism. By Thomas Mann and HeinAlta Hirsch is teacher: will preLorraine Rosenberg, daughter rich Mann. V. Selected Poems by Year." A .Henry Monsky is to be congrat- sent, "Through the of Mr. and Mrs. Walter RosenChaim Naehman Bialik. VI. A ulated upon the high honor which poem, the "People of the Book" berg. The Beth El synagogue an- j1 l •Jewish Socialist. Selections from upon him. will be given by Carol Lerine. nounces the first ccrnraenceiaent « Rosalie Ann Rubin, daughter has . been bestowed A. D. Gordon. VII. Tales by B'nai P'rith and its membership Community sing'ng will be exercises of the high school' de- | Perez. VIII. Modern Hebrew j of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rubin. Starrer EaiCrro-s William Louis Stiefler, son of are likewise to be congratulated lead by Cantor A. Schwaczkin. parttnent at the regular services ; Tales. IX. Lore and Legend. A for they have honored themselves The program has been arranged on Friday evening, June Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stiefler. Selection of Haggadic Material by the choice of so distinguished by Geraldine Strauss and Eva S td Seven students who have coin- ; President from both Talmudim. XI. 'The and worthy a president as Henry ~j v,v,^. u i u C oLiauoa aim x.v» i '--•cu si-uueiiLs wao cave comKonecky. Rabbi David A... Goid• Pleted three years of post-conflrRabbi Moshe ben Maimon's Guide ecretaryy Irving ving Nofrg condu Monsky. stein and Rabbi Milton A. Kop- | niatioa study will be -rradnated. tte rural of the Perplexed. Selections. XII. which t;~e they -restein have been in charge of the j They are: Frances Osoff, Betty ^ s s t e i certificates ci rrxn Tales by Sholeia Asch. XIII. A James ! and rpins ' ^ to the ir.itiatpp. "History and Religion" Depart- I Rosen, Esther Shapiro, initial pp. Primer of Modern Hebrew. XIV. jji en t, v Lipsey, Beth Beth. Kniakofsiry, Kniakofsir Miriam AEkins: cls.'sr reZaticcFitir? bePaths to Zion: Travels to and Funeral services were held on Rubnitz and Beverly Mendelsohn, Letters from, Eratz Yisrael in Tuesday at the residence for Mrs. hn, tween. youth acd adult tovarf. c Mrs. David A. Goldstein is tea-j t e a j j common goall and d three centuries. ~XV. Tales by i Goldie Berger, 70, who died Moneiicca;raclEg: cher of the class. Sholem Alechem. XVI. Tales by! day at her home after an illness j wider membershipp In the Youth A •At the connaescersent esercises i organisation, Israel Zangwill. XVII.; Confessio of five months. , PresiI i e delivered Gra the raembers -of the class will j dent of A. 2. tA. an &pJudaica by Heinrlch H e i n e. Surviving are her husband,' XVIII. A Pesach Hagadda. XIX. Lous; two sons, Charles of Butte, ] eaca presest an original address j pes.1 fcr more cstent-ive applicaI| based ased upon, thei studies in the ! lions o' E'r.Bi Erith t.TJl AZA upon, their Martin Buber: Cheruth: An ad- Montana, and Morris of St. Jo- Paris '(WNS)••—- Nearly 1 2 , dress to Youth. XX. Martin Bu- seph, Missouri; and two daugh- 000 of the Go,000 City Commissioner Harjy Trus- ,I Book of Exodus. I ifieals. Jews who ber: Of the Spirit of Judaism. ters, Mrs. Moe Friedman of Oma- fought in t h e armies of France tin was named new president of i Chairman of • t eve XXI. Martin Buber: Israel Em-, ha and Mrs. Murray Klein of Los were killed in action, , former the Omaha chapter, Reserve Of- • Be Barkin called on Pres- ; battled. XXII. Tales by Ludwig.! Angeles.' Minister of Pensions Georges R i - fleers' association, at the annual I'^^'^l i ^ C b'ii^ i.'J. ^--i:.!~i- ~±- i « M ' . ^ (.- t ' Lewisohnl XXIII. Tales by Franz ' and District. President Harold •' Rabbi David A. Goldstein of- Vollet declared at a meeting in election held on May 12 at the Kafka. XXIV, Philo of Alexan- ficiated. Burial was at Pleasant the Salle TVagram commemorat- Rome •Hotel. Mr.'Trrstin, a cap-: Selinsky for their impresFions of dria: The Mission to Caligula. Hilh. ing t h e 23rd anniversary of the tain in the reserve, is a past corn- , J.«V.«<=UI.-C Florence aas; Eleanor Frefikin, the pro gran., Ben Kazlowsky, '. XXV. Chaim Bloch; Hersch OsBattle of Carrency, in which mander of the Orhaha Post of the j daughters ' of r. and Mrs. Dav- past presiac-t of Mother chapfer. j tropoler. XXV.I. Hermann Cohen: numbers of Jews died. The American. Legion. • j id Fredldn. will.be featured ia described the vast differences of • CAMP COUNSELLORS large Our Neighbor. Four Illustrations meeting was under t h e auspices Robert Schimmel, a major in j the dance recital'to given by AEA fourteen ^*ears ago and now. Any person wishing' to apply' of the r Jewish Es-Servicemen's^ the reserve, was-named; a mem-I the Agnes Britton. •e of the Ethics of Judaism. cccooi ci Phil Ki-atzniek, dslegste tc the School cf for the »position of counsellor a t Union pf France. ' ber of the council for three years, i Dancing on Saturday, Slav 21, ci B'nai B"riih convention ITS TfashAnd so on and so on, literally the 1938 Jewish Community CenPreceeding t h e meeting t h e the Soko! auditorium, 13th andingrton D. C. ctli'-pred hi-; -e?Drt ad infinitum. • ter Home Camp may do BO by see- Jewish and gave in detail the story r-i veterans ' kindled a flame Martha .streets. ' . No one is more tragically ing Miss Allen a t - t h e Center. ; at the Arc -de Triomphe; RJvollet Florence, who won first prize the election ci Kerrv Xossk-r 55 rware of the crisis in Jewish life said unspeakable calumnies had st the recent B'nai B'rith sras- president. than I am, nor more vibrant to Appeals for Open Doors (been spread cbout ^cti-e conduct of teur sight, .will .be. featured in a the needs 01 our brethren -i - " . -f . • 1 «^^.u ^t-jcau . . u u u f e w conauct 01 comedy set. " Europe nor more pa.-siona'tely r r a h a (JTA) — T h e Juedische : t h e Jews in ±he war. H". pointed • Sarah Forbes, daughter of Mr. . - , organ i,.bu.u of'.the ui.iuo uciuuui mo.uuu [and Mrs. M. Forbes, former Oinafull of faith in the ultimate pos- Rundschau, German j| uui out tIUHI. h a t o-.uuu 32,000 or of IDO.OOO Algeria were under arms j bans now resident of San. Antonsibility of the redemption' of the Zionists, Publish Bihl^r—fn*— zionist appealed l d tt o the h peoples"i l JJews iin A Jewish people in Galuth and of t h e world: "Open your doorsl ' a n d that 6,500 were killed in a c - io, Tesas, was last Friday electDo not abandon us to a life the I tion. Among the 95,000-Jews of —•'"'• ~ " " ' from Galuth. But that possibile f l c a d e t s p o a s o r or a s a n A E t o n "Recent Judaic? " 1 ity depends absolutely-—J say; Very basis of which is disappear-J France a t t h e time of t h e war io .high school. She * is also presi- jrraphy of" books c» e t ing. Receive us as a people of culthere were 20,000 in the army absolutely and not relatively or dent of the Wednesday School est and significance, among other things—^onthe com- ture, genuinely willing to work." i and 4,000-killed, he stated:---Club and- a*member ol tlio Eng- compiled''by Farn. ••••' '•*—— -.. -y I There were also 12,00 0 foreign lish Honor Society. plete intellectual re-Judaization Hoston IH^ra^i2.r! Nathaniel Isaacs was in 182SJ Jews, mostly Russians, v.'lso "vol- ""Miss Forbes; is also an "honorof the generation in America that "The book Is- t&s appointed 'principal chief' of .Na- unteered for the French armies ary officer of the Student Coun- ment to a bibliogrc (Continued -on page 8.) tal to deal with the natives.' [and of. these.1,200 were killed. ciL ' . .
' e ir
Mrs. L. Berger. \ Died on Monday
Former Omaha Girl Wins Honor
! ment or whirl', iory.-of This Is :.:-alleries. is in t h e United, States organizations, in .which .he is in- ; which nuiv^be^ being rife, and hateful mobs at ness and brotherhood. rials of .large.. Cinna himself had nothing what, we all want, isn't it . . . o n a visit with her husband, Bela I tecested . . . Dr. Isaac •Go.dbei ti lie move's.'' 'i'l to do with these events and, in- peace a n d justice and righteous- : Fiscti The. couple just r e - is putting: the finishing1 toucnes t V O t.C-V."!"i.= fl!"7'" aeed, lie appeared to be one wlao, ness and brotherhood? Please ob- [ turned from a business trip to on a "book on language and v.-i!l religious A Where Mr. Fisch, U-oon start one on modern Amsriif he could have had his way, serve, it says to deal j u s j y and : Abyssinia would rather have seen all the to r e n d e r mercy and to be broth- ; who represents an Iialian com.- cs n c streets'of Rome lined with gladi- I erly. These are my books. In iny mercial firm, took one of ills fin- Ci^po Rivera f.ren't friend1 >,,-S > — Tile oli and daffodils and strewn with j dreams I like to build a good, est collections of photographs t-ui'i'erti canmore . . .. -According to the fragrance of roses. ii"! a meeting world of peace and justice for all j tbe natives this camera-conscious ; Diego, whose £;IP.PI. Trov.=k: ; r• l•, Yet, it seems, there was a of us.' •:rii-i\v. Bund • !colyumist has ever set eyes on j couldn't get rFJOSTE:.. v-itu un ! grave offense in him: He was a n < "'But i).);i.'»- warn5 t b e r ethey understand nothing- . . . The collection, will probably i Trotskyite ?- "l m-^vet enu certainly most'different from the ! seems nothing sent!- : be published hy»- one cf the rix ; own home to mother om e n t l n tbe m ::- i.! jfriclont mas3 of Romans who were .wear- j - above their feet ! mags sooner or later, and will • places , . . Leaving I.,eon j -r (I irouble. ing uniforms that looked s u s p i - 1 w h i c h c a m e t 0 trample me. Bund leadfind its way to tbe Vails of a ! commend . . • Ji 1Ef ; u-'n-ff-n Frit;' ninnsi-r stnrm troopers' trnnne.rs' cosrns.'I Gentlemen,' I have said to ! gallery . . . Unfortunately, tbe sveagrogue in London wu, ciously niro like storm be -speaker. hi :';);• o r . i"i oc- tumes. Yes, Cinna the Poet was them, 'you must know me. Jesus ; collection does not include pix of hsnVimHalors in i t is corn v*!tn zi Tins year Jewish B o o k gahization lived for two years, Jewish Book Week is an ideal It combines monerr^n' cultural i different. In him was none of is lay kinsman. He is tbe casion to spread this the Falasha?. since they dwell in ssjr. litilif" with hpfu'ty 1-r' ' •\Veek (May 15th to 22ntl) «l- published five books and had unx s > _ tiethe patriotic truculec:e that was who gave the beautitude?; a section of the country Mr. a~in^v puccfpsi'ul nicsni^ 'niost coincided with tho 5uth der consideration several ambi- message. (i-om Je.retrampling all over -Rome;, h e , "Blessed are the meek" . . . and Piseh -'id not visit . . . But he (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts 'anniversary of the founding of tious" projects, when its sponsors looked, in fact, like a fellow wlib ja 'Blessed are the peacemakers" discussed the Falashas with Ita.1- j Believe it or :iot. t h e name of (Mminancler Feature Syndicate) n d the Jewish Publication Society concluded that the measure of scientific food msgtzine u: i'F. wouldn't step'even on a fly. Cin"Blessed a r e those who a r e U't ioir,' urging, 01-Ameuica. Mr. Gaiter, editor support did'riot justify the effort na seemed a stranger to exery- persecuted for righteousness, ian officials, -who told him the --.; Vnpbatjk ss ke or.'the Philadelphia Jewish Ex- to continue the work. » - ] black Hebrews were the smartest I estine is "Hamazoa' . . . . thing that was Roman;, it \s-as I • • • He said this. Yes. gen- natives m all Africa i to i-eopen -;<:h •!?& ponent, reviews the history of published hy the peonnmir It was, not.until/the Fall ofTolice ETdplain en'ousrh. that he was more | tlemen. ho is the one on account: EVtexicap the •Society.-and/-finds in its 1SS7 that the foundation was ' | search instirute of -the ft .-(H! that he efficient wftfi a stylus than with jo f whom there is Christmas and achievements an'answer to the. laid for the present Organization. PARTITION: S. S. Wise and , Agency. ;iv\(1 WrflTld (Copyrighted Jewish sword—a most unRomanlike I Easter. He • is my kinsman and question,' Do '.ve want Jewish Dr. Joseph Krauskopi,^ then a Country Seeking to Fix aRoman •!• t h e ^ a z i s - "• n o -I we. have the same dreams in our B. G. Richards were among those graphic Agency. Inc.) Kooks?—THE EDITOR. young man full-of •vigor, rich in Status of AH The Roman storm-troopers be- eyes. Sometime I thinl. that from.; interfaith committee on religious no ' ViolAtiou attending a recent meeting o" lone idealism, blessed with dynamic came aware of "Cinna's alien na- hi-s dreams and mine a just and ; minorities . . . The tall: turned ' Aliens If. Jewish Book Week, had hut personality, in a discourse en-j [' I' ture "the moment they set eyes lovely world could be built for ; to the manv sects' vithir Chris-.j one. objective,. namely that of titled "The Need, of the. Hour,"j minis- ! Whereupon making Jews of y America more which he preached, from the pul-i /. Mexico City (WNS) —A- de- on him. 'Though they said not a everyone. You ami me could I tendom Seo.bRrci JC 5 o o k s appreciate of the work being pit of the-Temple of Reform Con-i tailed exposition of Mexico's im- word, the insolent swing of their j build a good world together from ; ter turned to Rabbi Wise asked j n r rr j how many divisions there were in j Browne i these dreams/ done by the Jewish Publication grggation Keneseth .Israel, urged; migration policy was. laid before | shoulders (under Sam "Look at "But. my dear Cinna, they an-; Judaism „ -the - I beltg) plainly spoke: After listing ! Society," it would be—dayenu— the establishment of a 'publica! leaders of the Jewish community j . , j j . , j swer nothing, except by their viovaried groupings. S. S. quipned, t h a ( e a i n t n Q r e g u a r sufficient cause for its existence. tion' society.. Not satisfied with I e n c e a s the fal1 Babyion. Long the R o m a n ' L e t .. s get the little s o - ! >' "Pon me and ,-tbe Jews are divided into two This may sound like the exag- mere preaching, his. pulpit utter-1 by Francisco Trejo, head'of minis- j . h a t right has he to be j trample me, as they have been i parties, one which is for Stephen : — Long Island ;.<pubgerations of a blinded enthusiast. ances were followed by; : itlon. population bureau of the nnpreminis-ijaa nUcydJQ,s oJ-n W ' - - - tram- ; ^yjse and the other . . . which . . . . . is unhealthy for the doing in all my times.- -They R o m e —h i m that don.t ot In" truth it- is not., Having trav- There was-a group Jn'Philadel- try "Pretty large i learned, when F of thevisit interior,;in cedented to the- an headquar- 'j pie me and tear me apart even j against him." ] . n k e n o , r e g u i a r Roman?" it H - c eled more-than half the'distance phia at that, time- known as the ters.. of the Jewish chamber of. l o oThey them!" ex- : board pr-sspd n advanced on Cinna ln as I Cry, "Oh. my poor dreams ; parties - - both oonfer.distance is measured.- by Commerce.. After- Gershon. S h a - | c o n c e n t r j C C j r c ] e s _ a n ( j w h a t must i Which go black in my eyes!" : claimed B. G. Richards . . . S. S rbiddirg public ienn« "Knowledge. Seekers," a sort of y the Jewisli -traversed oi ed i n l h e r o a r piro,.-president of t h e chamber, | h a v e f r i g ] l t e n e d n i m m o s t w a s the parades wilhout P publishf greetin " yoiing had readya memorandum reaf-, t h a t t a e v ' w e r e n ' t people he could (Copyright. 103S. by Seven Arts i Jsally r.fter the nfarby 1 200 Feature Syndicate) and women, mostly of his firming*the Jewish colony's loyal-; not unmindful of its : (Ior.burst harl df-r.i He kept explaining! r e a s o J l witn_ class. He turnings. There, is, however, FLASH: As this column is go- American Bund £ to Mexico's.commercial and i n - ; . . j a m Cinna t h e P o e t " b u t for • o t h .-|ed to.themthe challenge to ty nific'ant fact transcending dostrial development, Trejo r e - answer they had only their ining to the mirneo, there conies and banned a Bu The Baylon or plied in a speech in which h e exorable feet moving to crush the news that the Twentieth. Century Sporting Club has just tak- the use of any made the following'points: him, their menacing shoulders . . en the wind out of the Anti-Xszi flag'' or any "ba: Mexico is ' n o t persecuting "He ain't got the regular Roman League's sails by offering to don- > si.*?11 aliens but is seeking to regular- blood. He's so pale." ate 10 per e'ent of the Louis- ; tion ize their status ' in accordance "I am not Cinna the Conspirai<! ^nr a matter of iccident I t is t 0 t h e -Jewish congregations and with existing laws; the govern- tor. Schmeling fisrht net receipts to I am Cinna the Poet" Young Men's HeDrew As, of the v?S-essence of the So the Roosevelt refugee aid comment has nothing but good will | Couldn't they understand? He them to appoint i c°LJ- Baclf i S ' when thee tt mittee . . . Just about busting the delegates, to meet for the purpose for the Jewish population; new knew nothing of politics. He was late Joseph Krauskopf of j - || d boycott wide open . . . A Jewish immigrants will be limited to Just a fellow with dreams . . . "I of. delphia issued 'the « ^ ^ call: t ^ t publicist, whose name we are not qualified agriculturists, -indus- am Cinna the Poet." resulted in bringing t h e Society] Jewish Publication'. Society. I n trialists and professional people: at liberty to reveal at this moThe circles of the ctorm-troopMay, 1S88, Dr. Krauslcopf jointinto being, h e made i t clear that ment, was called in by the fight ! the government will welcome refGl' S drew closer to gather him in. ly with Dr. Solomon •Solis-Cohen, in t h e establishment of this culREUNION: Two lads who went club for his advice on hew to If they had only answered him, ugees from Germany aftd "Austria issued t h e call " t o t h e ' Jewish tural agency there was to be n o hut the Mexican Jewish commu- Cinna might have perished joy- through New York's City College j beat t h e boycott . . . He gave partisanship -whatsoever. Zionists, Community of America."subsequently Cambridge's j them an "eitzeii" a n d they grabOn J u n e 3rd, 1SSS, the-organlr nity must undertake to care- for ously in fervent dialectic; they and non-Zionists, anti-Zionists, OrthoHarvard, together* will have a r e - I bed it . . . But. t h e best coup - ' dox, Conservative, Reform, all zation meeting took place with them and see that they do not were speechless, senseless images union next F a l l . . . When Prof, j all is yet to come . . . And it'll factions and fractions constitut- 100 people attending. • Out of this I ecome public charges or .go into of hate. He ! -Morris Raphael Cohen is sched-J be one that Herr Hitler won't ing the Jewish scene were not humble- beginning' has grown t h e business; the government looks "I am Cinna the Poet" took poems from this pocket and I uled to lecture in philo'sophy a t j like one^bit with disfavor upon the settlement Jewish Publication Society. T h e only welcome b u t were ^frged to take their rightful place: i n t h e first pledge of funds-to t h e J e w - of ~new immigrants in Mexico that. Look.' Look! These were j the Cambridge institution where ''I am Cinna 'the Prof. Felix Frankfurter h a s long j 1IISH-MASH: The Egged ComSociety's purview. -Did-that mean ish Publication Society was a City, preferring to have them so his poems Wouldn't they be so been a fixture in t h e law school >any, Palestine 'transportation P o e t " . . ... subscription of S1Q0,from t h e into the provincial towns. a sort of parve, neither fish n o r . The two noted scholars were • firm, is buying up American taxis good as to read his poetry? . . . Knowledge , Seekers. T h e late fowl organization, lacking in Jacob H. Schiff, who was abroad As Ions as Xew York cab roommates in their post-graduate "I am Cinna the Poet." ; awful .word at t h e . time of t h e organization drivers don't go with them, Pal- j character or Then in one swift movement days at Harvard . . . —ideology? Not at all. I t sim-•meeting, cabled his greetings a n d estine pedestrians don't have to j the circling _ storm-troopers fell ply, meant that here in t h e J e w -a pledge of §5,000—a' large sirm PURCHASE: Governor Wilbur worry . . . Executive secretary ! •upon him, arid the last I saw of j ish Publication-Society tho repre- n those d a y s / S i n c e then' t h e ' S o Cinna (as the stage went dark) 'Cross of Connecticut let the | of the American Society for Ra-' sentative of each group h a s a l ? iety h a s published 200 titles, Inhe was disappearing under their I world know the other night at \c * a i Tolerance, Prof. Bernard G. ways been willing to show a cluding books on ethics, history, By At SEGAL feet, the last I heard of him was! that dinner to Thomas Mann that j Grebamer, was quite a pianist proper rega>d. for t h e feelings essays, Bible : study, fiction, • j u his scream, "I am Cinna the he has- a grandson who'll get c-ef ! when he belonged to the Writers' and.convictions of those not sim- veniles, • poetry and liiography. us wiie along in the world . The white- Club at City College . Poet," as they, reached to tear CTVXA THE FOET ilarly minded P e r h a p s t h a t , is Over two ^nillion copies of t h e haired master oi the. Xutmeg is Frances Winwar (formerly him apart. Orson Welles' stream-lined", why t h e very first comprehensive society's publications have, a l State was visiting the g. s. at j Frances DaYiirci), a successful modern version of Shakespeare's history of t h e Zionist movement •ead'y been distributed. •.. . Ho, ho, I laughted, Cinna and j Yale, where he is a student, one author, who also was a member "Julius Caesar" came to our •was- published b y t h e ' Jewish I, the Jew,'are kinsman. I should : day . . . Proudly,* the undergrad of the club . . . Have you noticed 'Heading t h e Society, a t , t h etown, and I am still bemused by Publication Society — this a t . a have liked to reach across the j told his famous grandfather that how that anti-Xazi novel t y Phyltime when t h e subject was- at t h e present time i s \ J . • Solis-Coh'en, the scene in which Cinna the abyss of time and clasp his hand ' he was a bug on'Thomas'"Mann lis Eottome, noted British novel_ lieight of controversy. That • is Jr., scion of t h e distinguished Poet-is-torn' to -pieces. ist, "The Jloral Storm," is sweepHe was no Jew, but Cinna the . . .-."Landsmann! • You and 1,-m.y \ and had '-just -purr-cased a full ing' why Schechter. and Kohler, Phil- Jolis-Cohen. family,- and»a dynanithe country? . . . Korean Cinna. You, Cinna,. I have [set of his Joseph series ... ., "Why •lipson and Dnbnow, Margolis and c personality,' who is . giving- -a. Poet (as offered J n . tiie .Welles' dear been telling them, too, in all my t that." the Governor remarked, i (JTA) Slobodin's young brother version) looked to me more Jew?reat deal of his time and h i s Deutsch, Yehoash a n d Steinberg 'must have cost you quite a Dick is canoeing to Nome, Alas- I -1—to mention a, tew-—share hon- business experience to •", advance ish' than Shylock; though in this times. Replied grandson: "Not ka. where he's to do antlxropol- j said, wad." case I may be like the, Jew w h o ! "'Gentlemen,' I have ors on t h e Society's list of a u - its interest. 'As i t s executive;sec'Don't you know me. Surely you j'at all, you see I bought it at the ogical research' for the American being asked to -write an essay on thors. This also explains t h e retary, t h e Society h a s . Maurice Museum, of Natural History . . . elephants wrote on. "The Elefcnow me. I am Abraham who md charged it to you'' xo-op ability of t h e Society to make Jacobs, whose practical knowlGeorge Backer is recuperating available to t h e English speaking edge of books"and book-making phant and the Jewish Problem." discovered God and I am Moses VISITORS: O l g a Anhalzer, nicely from a siege of illness and worjd those treasures of Jewish a s ' w e l l ' a s his promotional exper- We are always seeing: reflections who received the Tea Commandwill- shortly- be back on the job, literature which a r e cherished ience, have proven invaluable a s - of .ourselves in the . strangest ments. Perhaps you have heard well-known painter whose can- giving a big hand to the many p l a c e s . • • . - • . " of the Ten Commandments. Here vases hang in many continental . alike by all lovers of literature. sets. "'• "*~-. ••'.'• OUR SEND VCf Anyway,.Cinna the Poet's trag- is the one that says, Thou shalt One reads the history of- the edy was much like our own. Cin- not kill. I have always tried to The Bible is -probably t h e most controversial book in t h e world.' Society -and wonders: : Why is it na's bespectacled eyes, seemed be faithful to that, respecting huThroughout t h e ages its transla- in the face of jthis-extraordinary misty with dreams of brooks and man life as if i: .were God Himtions and • interpertations have record of achievement, this fine rills, and staFlit nights. He was self. I am no warrior, "gentlemen, been a source ot endless discus- set-up, that, it does not have :a •wearing modern clothing with and the sword trembles in my sion.- These differences of opin- larger* membership. With the baggy trousers and one could poor hand' and I cannot put it ion have existed and still exist in preponderant .. majority of the uess that, when Cinna the Poet through my enemy's breast. The ' t h e Jewish camp even as they do Jews in'. ,this country reading wasn't dreaming he pressed gar- Commandment is always i n ' m y in t h e neighboring camps. Yet, English and .depending on the ments for.a living in some Ro- ears.' when a new English translation English laiiguage exclusively, for man clothing factory. Perhaps he "But they do not hear" me, for Where U will receive expert care by speritaRgtB : " of t h e Bible w a s found necessary, their . Jew;ish cultural nourish- dreamed even when he was at their, hate is senseless, like the and mill come cut loohhic like new front our . and t h e Jewish Publication S07 ment, why is it that'so few take the pressing machine, and when stones that -roll from the mounciety , assumed t h e task of p r o -advantage of the Society's mem- his mind was absent (being far tains to crush people. men Fur Factory. . ducing it, t h e volume received bership privileges? There is only ff -in, a cloud) a pair of pants "'Gentlemen,' I* have said the unanimous approval of a one answer: Indifference. This ccasionally burned., again and again, 'don't you know FUR STORAGE - REPAIRING' • board of editors representative of indifference manWests itself along Cipna came upon the sta'ge me? I am the. prophets and their two lines. There are those who every phase of Jewish opinion. I t with his-pockets full of "poems. visions are in my eyes. These are CLEANING - RESTYLINS • is extremely doubtful - if such know of the work being done by Things were in a bad way in the books of the prophets. See, the Society,, who approve wholemonumental works as Graetz's Rome, what with • Caesar having gentlemen, this is a writing on History of t h e Jews, Ginsburg's heartedly of its program, who oh been-assassinated, and. civil war ' peace and justice and righteousoccasions even sing the Society's A Ti !h-rnr>,*> _ Legends of the. Jews, t h e Schiff praises but who take the Society • Jewish Classics^—to mention a for granted. "These are satisfied Fur Salon—Th:~c fioor few—^would h a v e , been available that the Sbciety is.here- and that to t h e English speaking world if somehow it is. maintaining Itself. •ur Coats Reduced to SSSvWVYWWVyVW* it were n o t for t h e wisdom of i t s Then there is the second, the : directorate and t h e unique char- larger group, who' have a vague acter of the Society. idea .of. the Society or. who are The history of'T t h e 'Society is not at all familiar with its pronow a part of t h e cultural annals gram. Both ^should • be shaken of American Jewry. Isaac L'eeser out of their indifference. They was a m o n g t h e very first to ad-who. take the,, Society for granted vocate t h e formation of such a should- be-made to realize "that it "CUT society a n d i t was due to bis inf-cannot exist on platonic acquies- tiative and his ififlnehce with the' cence. With no endowments to Step right up, folks! Follow the crowd to an outstanding vacation Jews of" t h e ' country, particularly -draw on, .with no Maecenas availbuy. A ZVi day tour of this magic wonderland, Including meals in t h e middle states, - that t h e able, membership; is its only £nd lodging in the famous hotels and motor transportation ia first American" Jewish Publica- source of income. This altogether the Park—all for just S42.50. See glorious Yellowstone Canyon tion ' Society was organized in aside from the'purely citltirral as1845. Somehow this "first venture pect. American J6wry should be Vith its marvelous waterfall—Old Faithful and scores of other failed to take.root.-._After.a.pre made to realize-that their, place roaring geysers—toiEng pools—mud volcanoes—an endless carious existence .of several years is on the Society's mailing list. erray cf nature's handiwork. The rail fare, too, is surprisingly with only a' few books to its credlev? this summer—only S37.05 for a 21-day round trip it; U was; compelled to disband. This is the ' Society's Jubilee .. A second attempt waa made in year-^—a splendid 'occasion for Glassy, Smooth Car Tracks ticket from Omaha. 1S73. This time t h e sponsors bringing it Into its own in a big"Go BwrlingJon" in Aiir-Csn£"f3®ned Luxury hailed from .New- York. This or- ger and more extensive-way; and O Equip with r>Ai. WATERS this great n e w Leave Cmaha a t 11:00 any evesisg this suiainer snd rcaca t Oovermncfit safety tire and Yellowstons the second coon, aboard the air-conditioned you take no • • ADVEXTUKSLAND-which tslres you to tliis magic wonderland Sp-na 1 < s-and v.cai.'on c chancesbecansei Carl Rielscs your fsvoriie s in the fastest time overtha-short-cut routs — through the dad® or (ennis, tick, fish el • ranch countrj'. Or,;go -by way of cool Colorado si no extra rail N ,o! F k fare—with a free side trip from Denver to Colorado Springs The hiernaiiondlStar; d l evaiMbi«, snd return for . the ,asking. Go one'-tray—•return'enothsr.
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alf an hour before starting [me. The sameg. start at 11 a. m.
Pressm&ns (Claufiette Colbert), M a r k Z«.imenhof Swiss Uphold Bar,, on Na-id who were in Vienna during the Groups invasion, write of their bad time 'avsiv (JTA'! — I in cleariEg -necessary f u n d s through -the officials. Certain' HE- ' Berre, STritKer A huge mas meeting of all junBy EELEN EIGSIOND J -C or boys between the ages of. 10 revealed film biggies are trying T h e r e r i s e d CiTiStirnrioii. of t h e i^-n--; pr-v)i-r'v?i',"y o" the ii."«:lind 14, who are interested in ! to hv.y v,-p EEU dispose of that C'EEton b:C Geneva, v-hich forhicls oV .Pr. j'."iUvi.c T>. ~ampnbof, :ht orming a J. C. C. junior softHollywood — "The World Is I 5000-foot reel of pro-Nazi film y.s.zi. Fascist or Communist or- Jewish iihysioinr- who invpntw •all league, will be held Sunday i Our Home,"'a story concerning j which has made its way into this ganizations in ihat canton, was ihe nue-iKiiiuna; Ir.ngiiage Vnr-v.-e .t 2 p. m. at the Center gym. {the -wanderings of the Jews, has j country. Eleanor TTfcitney cele- p.p.prtiTed by t h e nr.tzonal c o u n c i l . <;.^ li;.i';-u-.iuo. bt-;-> icos w e r e )<r>u. The league and the meeting is been bought by Director "Wesley ; brated her twenty-first birthday l o w e r boti.se o* t t e P'vris" pr••'TP- jr. ; n r V"r ; "ipv- .^\''i;:h Ceraeff.'."-, eing sponsored by the A. Z. A. Rtlggles (a non-Jew). He has 'this -week. Cantor can't boast too ment, by a. vote oZ 112 to 4i. vhe--e he ip Ivincd. o. 1 organization arid this group many offers of financial back-j much about his five daughters . . will furnish umpires, and do all j ing for its movie production, one j . his chauffeur has the same. Patrocizs Ov.v AtvertiFpr; other work in promoting and fos-being the Protestant head of a I ering the league^ The Center local bank. ! If you've wondered what beathletic department is deeply inI came of Esquel Torres, she just lebted to the A. Z. A. No. 1 club "He flies through the air with j Ames about. She and tubby Steplebrew is fast>becpming one cently made another contribution fers—one of them the director- 'or this fine display of cSoperaihe most popular languages to the teaching of Hebrew by *ship of the Palestine educational tion. All boys who want to play the greatest of ease" — does Sara j hen Ames returned from their <ng high school students, creating. a library for adults un- system preferred in 1926—-he re- are requested to be at the Center Levene. Planning- on making his j usual Florida winter. trip from' New York to Los An- j " . Xew York City board of der the title "Bibliotheio Duat his present post. He gym at 2 p. m. Sunday. geles in undisturbed slumber, he Overheard on the Boulevard: j •cation reported last week, Iieshonith"— "The Bl-Lingual mained has published books of poeias, took a sleeping pill £s the plane .of bridge have gone under lilar reports come.from all Library"—which accomplishes a textbooks, grammars and is coIt's a little late for bowling left the field. Hours later he "Lots the water since we last met!" is ot the country where the double purpose: it belps popular- author of that splendid series of iews, but it's never too late to awoke to find himself in a hannger generation is turning ize the works of the outstanding children's Hebrew textbooks "Gil- iay a compliment. gar—in Newark. Engine tro-able. The Nebraska Hss the ,ho study of. Hebrew* In ' Jewish writers and serves as an enu—the Play-Way to Hebrew" Georgie BreakstoE. irhose am- i Which Iz what we're doing to , article Sir. Slomovitz tells excellent self-teacher in Hebrew. of which four volumes have thus am "Little Rabbit" " Steinberg, Ready to soar again, he swallow.;!b eineer-j !bition is to studr radio Largest Showing of a-u-oke, it . j .-.boat the man whose amaz- It • is a novel creation. The story far appeared and which has wonwho hhas copped the ?10 prize in ed another sedative Institute of c-Va achleTements are in large itself" appears at - the right hand acclaim from the most discrim- the J. C. C. bowling league. The seemed eons later, once more in y the part of hangar — in Pittsburgh — and j * amateur radio ' operator is -sare responsible for the of- every p^ge, with a maximum inating critics in America. "Little Kabbit" isn't so nieek aalone! The sky-bird had been '' •niarization ' of Hebrew of four words to the line. The when it comps to pushing that L The genius of A. H. Priedland grounded . . .and all the passeng- "Lore Finds Anfir Elardy." ;^3 American youth. h t English . translation appears to is manifold. It is the creative big, black ball down the slick al- : returned to a ho- Gregory HatoM. vorking on > "• —The Editor. the left. Anyone with a smatter- spirit of a modern prophet of He- eys and knocking the ten pins atel to sleep. ing of Hebrew who' aesires o en- >rew renaissance and of a creaEllis Island for atmosphere shots j vry's cultural renaissance, rich his vocabulary at last has or who has wrought so much _ . • , . ..,, , .. _ _ I of "Ellis Island," has a terrible The morning ladies class found 3 major achievements are at his disposal the ideal type of hat his achievements are those The ^-P^--rl: **--,.-e-v . h f > r t o _ t 0 stork filled the LeRoys o r - j t= the letter twas a girl. ;graphiends revival of the Hebrew lang- teacher in : these "Bi-Lingual" if a miracle-man who in a period out things about the "poor fish" ' fS o m e E13: pMeiids every every morning. morcinc One and literature has been call- books. The works of Chaim if a very Xew years has given to when they -went on a hike (the i-ours after the package j&&r t t e v ^ j , ^ ^ c o r n e r e d v he miracle o f modern tiroes, Nachman Bialik, David Shimono- lis people an educational litera- motorized kind!) to the Nebra- arrived, .a friend, bubbling with j ^ b e VadEred. V He gare \:D the .ality it is one" o'f the several witz, Abraham Raisin, Achad ture that is today the most useful ska state fisheries last Fri&a./. congratulations, called Mervyn • j struggle , . , signed, over and over cies which are .the-result of Ha'am, H. D. Numberg, Yebudah weapon in the effort for the re- They also visited the national . was instantly cooled by the an-! "Best Wishes. Gregory j agan mal regeneration : mong sev- Steinberg, -Micba Joseph Bardich- vival of the ancient Hebrew guard camp at Ashland, Nebras- no-acement that Mr. LeRoy is | R a t o f f , » F i r i a l l T b e s h o u t e d , "Dot not recemng any calls 3 _st new. . ,- u Camera!" One little I peoples. The . revival of !< ongue. Huh." snapped, the pal, "who ! girl SQiieezsd through, however, man, and other important classics Copyright, 1938, by-Seven Arts 'And don't forget, now's the had ths baby anyway?" j and pleaded so humbly that he Feature Syndicate.) :ime to go swimming in the cool' stopped, sig-nefi his name, Sfie a phenomenon that may, of-these volumes opens with an :ng and refreshing J. C. C. pool, Kurt Bois had to use putty I looked at it . . . then impudently ailed the direct result of the introduction in . which the life tt's clear waters invite you frr props to make his ears stand out j asked, "Where's 'Best 'Wishes'?" •th of several small peoples, and work of the author Is outegular, healthful dips. Take ad- for his role of .abbit. Since the i. ag them", our, own. 'In "every, lined—also in bi-lingual fashion. rantage of our excellent facilities film has been finished he sleeps j fill nest time. .nee,-the miracle "was wrought \ Each of these small volumes is a 'or keeping cool, and in the pink, with metal' earrauffs to flatten | wonder makers—passionately combination of text-book and :his summer. Ued men and women w i o his ears back into place. By LE3 GEOSSSAIT pleasant. reading. -It is without | PREMIER THANKS cated their- lives not only to doubt ; among the most valuable A case-of "Wolf! Wolf!" acquisition ^of freedom for i *, SYRIAN JEWS HERE contributions to modern Hebrew. Billy Gilbert has been on. an The J. C. C. Softball league said STREICHER f/AILS TEAT physical beings of their kinsextended vande tonr with hjs Beirut, Syria (WNS - P a l c o r In-a sense A. H. Friedland has ;- with thrills , but. also to the end that Sunday as six GERMANS PATRONIZE . • : ! ' : ir sneezing routine. Arriving hosa^LAgency) An unusual message r -spiritual life may be en- filled the greatest need in Jewish earns launched their seasons of \oi appreciation was addressed to NON-ARYANS he got a' bad attack of hay ;-d, Eainon de Valera will be life: he has given his people--a >lay. but his friends think he's iSyrian Jews in the United States umbered I nttie history of Ire- series' of charming textbooks in One startling upset, one nearoff the act, so turn By Premier Jamil Bar Mardam as the miracle-man who Hebrew for young and old, has upset, and one extra-ultra display Berlin (WNS) — That many still-showing 9 Gaelic a living tongue. Elie- injected his own genius into the of power shoved the league off to German aristocrats are defying on him the blank fish-eye and o£ Syria, in acknowledgement of help sent to flood sufferers. In Ben Yehudah and Chaim stories he • has written for the a sparkling Btart. Only thing the Nazi boycott of the Jews by waste no sympathy. (a statement to the newspapers, Iiman . Bialik will rank fbre- children in "Sipurim Yofim" and lacking to make the opening continuing to patronize JewishCracked though they seem, 'the Premier voiced his thanks to t among-the re-creatora of the has revived interest in the works downright sensational was the owned stores was revealed by the there's a* purpose In the Mars Syrian Jews in America for a gift of some of the best known Yid- appearance of Hank Greenberg ,rew language in Palestine. for "Syria's '.•at the Jewish; case - differs dish and Hebrew writers whose with one of the teams. Hank Stnermer, weekly organ of Jul- madness. They spare nothing to o£ .30,000 francs • i the. Irish _in one major works are incorporated in the bi- couldn't get away, but Elmer did! ius Streicher, in an article listing insure the well-timed laughs of flood victims. —r given despite the the names of many bluebloods their screamies. They were the fact thatfnot. one single Jew..was -.t: Gaelic -has been revived lingual 'library; He" has already The upset was turned in by the who are regular customers of a first to test out their gags before- included among the sufferers." r-the Irish-In Ireland; but He- captured the imagination of tens A vast shirt cxpori'dori here to give Alpha Pi Taus, ana no applecart Jewisb department store in Ber- hand in front of flesh- and-blood JW has become once again the of thousands of boys and girls was more thoroughly dumped even' man shirt E£tisfactlon . . . audiences.Now they've taken through his "Sipurim Yofim," lin. Many government employes vived • language of ;the Jewish than the manner in which the A. three adjoining offices . . . dress- Racial Propaganda Taboc not only 'for the 430,000 and once his creation of the "Duare also incliraed in the list. T.'s spilled the star-studded ed each one after a scene in library becomes ~ws in Palestine but also , for Leshonlth" he Buenos Aires (TTNS) outfit. The "Room Service" , . . travel from publigatics. •undreds of thousands of Jews' in known among-the elders, he is Adler -Delicatessen cf the full test of the '; core was 7 to 6. However, even Italian Eadio Fires Technicians one to -the other rehearsing the I:e -Diaspora. This accomplish- destined to be the idol of all lovrecent government decree put- j ment would liave-been impossible ers of Hebrews No less than 300 In defeat the Adlers look like Rome r t S k Ninety Jew- dialogue of each act in its proper ing. schools operated by foreign; the choice of the league. They had 'hrough the efforts of.the Pales- of his.poems for. children and ish technical employees of Italian atmosphere. organizations under supervision plenty of fielding and hitting. leaders • alone. :In J3retz adults have been set to music by radio stations have been dismissof the Argentine authorities reWhispered in the Wings: J.Irs. veals that it forbids racial &n& • .' srael it was sufficient to • placard various composers and are sung Their misfortune came when Nor- ed, according to an announceman Korney, the team's No. 1 Robinson, vacating in th© east, he - major. Jewish -centers with by young and old in and out of political propaganda in smcc , ment in the anti-Semitic paper, 'he^'demand-. "Daber Ivrith" to school. .Friedland has published pitcher, suffered an unusual and II Tevere. The same paper boasts appointed "G-Man" Eddie as sub- schools . and also ' prohibits the '• absolutely unexpected streak of feminine her a'unique collection of 125 songs rouse- a patriotic desire to make stitute author of teaching cf all ideas that contra- ; that its demand to exclude Jew'A Grenf feature wildness. In the sixth inning, Better Beverly in a lebrew: the language of the Jew- written expressly for the purpose undies'! column diet with the democratic princiish artists from radio auditions Hills mag. Since the Austrian ples ^h people. In • the -Diaspora :'it of facilitating the instruction of when the A. P. T.'s wor'the game ofthe Argentine constitucoup Elizabeth Bergner, Paul tion. -.ppdeijva different approach.. It Hebrew grammar -for children. with a four-run splurge, Korney has been granted. (dinner, her husband, and Conrequired an understanding "of the The various-inflections'of the lan- couldn't find t" e plate with the aid of bloodhounds. He walked Veidt have applied for Britharmonize ' melodiously psychology of children "who must guage In Vienna, where most of the in two runs and an error by the ' Patronize Ocr Advertisers be the first to be reached ii^such with-the cadences of the poems 200,000 Austrian Jews are con-ish.'citizenship. The XJoctor Joel Adler stortshop did the rest of a revival 'through . the Jewish and the lilt of' the melodies, so centrated, the birth rate among the damage. schools.••;•• It heeded" a convincing that .waxing enthuiastic about the Jews has lagged behind the death The Alpha PI Taus, hustling rate during tbe post war years. argument for.the grown-ups, for song, the children forget the fact all the time, were -powerful that in reality they are mastering those whose:tastes are more set During the last ten years the and whose, habits,-whether in the some of the most complicated around the infield, all the way birth rate has lagged behind by rom Art Adler behind the plate, r r * use of Yiddish or any other -Jew- grammaticaF"forms of the langmore than 50%. The same situMarsh Geller at first, and Cap-ation holds true for the Jewisn • •'ish idiom, or the native .language uage. tain Aaron Epstein at third. Pit- population of Budapest. For Beginners tf the./ land,- are difficult to • • \ change.'To make • Hebrew the •Noteworthy too is-the original cher Herb Marks also looked popular language for'our children system he has-developed for the _ood. However, the team lacks balance In the outfield and is i i Jewish schools required* the of Hebrew to beginners. short on hitters. A sparkling supreme in miracle-making—ths teaching Us© It is an ingenious method which catch by Bob Schneider in the work <of a' creator who knows how introduces Hebrew words into the outfield was one of the outstandtoi appeal to .the Imagination and context of an English story. The who is at the same time ; practical frequency of:: the Hebrew words ng plays of the game. The near-upset was. provided z Ssrviss in^his approach. • •" introduced i s ' carefully controlled by the A. Z. A. No. 100 crew as v r JPriedman' • ." and * the number of Hebrew ele- they nearly tipped the strong Mil.Foremost among the leaders in ments In the stories' gradually in- der Oil company team. The final LADY'S by imperceptible score was 5 to 4, but the A. Z. the field of modern Hebrew Edu- creases until 1 aowsands of gradation the stories become all cation who have • performed this ©Se A. youngsters had the ball game r&AN'S FELT Ideas miracle, is A:" H. Frfedland of Hebrew with- the •• children hardly until the final inningV Morrie Ep,7Sc KSAN'S SUST •f becoming, aware of the fact. Cleveland. -.When~_ the complete stein, a veteran softball twirler No less interesting-is the vol-was on the mound for the Mildstory' of; twentieth- century revival sr,c. Better of-languages is" written, "his name ume- of; motion, stories- which Mr, ers, giving indication he still has Ctero Ycjsr Wintar wIll'.;De.,at;the'iiead of the list of Friedland has prepared and which plenty of stuff on the pill. And CSothes kef s I t&e" "creators- of a > pedagogic- liter- enable the children to* dramatize the A. Z. A.'s revealed they'll be o{ the The ature- and-a. method of study and theirj own stories. On the whole tougher than most fans expected, the,., teaching - technique . which it may be said without fear of living added balance to the \ BS•.95 to S •SS5 transformed;.: the language that contradiction that whatever tech- league. ' ' Tires rrould run fcrcver. "-"c c:-"_*t. had been relegated for • centuries nique or device is now being used In the third game, the A. Z. A". _ _O1SC r ! to the..realm ot prayer into a in the modern Hebrew school is No 1 - boys, strong aHF the way Striking- Ncvr Pnttcrtss j spoken, living, ..creative means of directly • or indirectly, the resul down the list, powered*the Sigma jxpressipn. - Others have wrought of the . endless,, experimentation Alpha Mu Alumni with a 12 to 4 AT 0SC3 Q. C.-E473 ' \ aild helped" remould' the Hebrew "and the creative ingenuity of this victory. Some conditioning on the \ We vco-'t live tlirt part of the "Sammies" will make language. Men and women have master pedagogue. helped create- a. literature, have -Hi3 major occupation is as di- them twice as tough. revived ancient, words and .have rector • of the Bureau, of Jewish Next Sunday, another thrilling been"^'among builders of an .im- Education of Cleveland, bu posing Hebrew - book-shelf.'. But throughout the.country Friedland three-game program will be pre- ANOTHER ECONOMY ME&5UR few .have succeeded as admirably is famous as one of the ablest lec- sented. Here are the games: Sigma Alpha Mu vs. A. Z. A. VJHERE YOU G l ¥ as:. has -Friedland in reaching tf.be turers on the Jewish platform heart .and mind: of young arid old and as a-.great wit. What he hasNo. 100. I f A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Adler Deliand, iir Instilling in therija desire succeeded in doing for the invistoJknow. Hebrew and to achieve ible .audience of children through catessen. Alpha Pi Tau vs. Milder Oil an rev en ^ greater- mastery over it. "Sipurim Yofim" and for adults The secret 'of .Friedland's suc- through the "Bi-Lingual" library Co. sessful; approach is a simple one: he also accomplishes' for the vis- Diamonds will be assigned on csii. etii- you he 'is; a master story teller and a ible audience. He combines the Saturday by the Nebraska state thrilling.story writer;' "he pos- entertaining with the instructive Softball association. The game sesses-the. imaginative mind that —and because he does it so ef- will be played at Dewey park, lin&Sijie:ppetic-with the prosaic; fectively he is the ideal teacher Columbus park, and at "West Elmwood, but the individual diahe--; has found, the path to the —and leader. won't be announced until ' minds.of his vast audience which A. H. Friedland's life story monds makes his approach and appeal reads like part of'the romance of Sunday's paper. Watch the sports irresistible. It is.no wonder that the modern development of Amer- section of the "World-Herald for his; stories are read by Jewish ican Jewish life. J3e~ studied a1 the games. And players are urgchildren -in school throughout the the Isaac Elchanan Yeshiva, late- ed to.be at the fields at least a j I ?<•. Q JE 0 "-• ^ ••^•' ' Thsrs is Unites States and Canada in attended Columbia university, South rAfrica, • in India, Jn Eng- supporting himself by tutoring. i type for land, ia-'Australia. "Wherever An: interesting episode is connect/ evsry f=s^© there are English speaking Jews, ed with the model.Hebrew school crd is'jdgti. there IJr. Friedland, has met with which he established, and made Lech -profocis i r : ~ =—' a-receptive audience whenever famous under the name of. th rsm rein, jrtcw the pages of "Sipurim Yofim" National Hebrew School, or as il 1 nd fire. r ("Pleasant Stories") are opened was popularly. kno'wn- "The Fried' Blohawks are superbly beautiful, safe for the child in the JewiBhschooL land School." An essay on the life There are,close.to a hundred of of Rabbi-Maier of Kuthenberg, a ft Union Suits these stories published, and more la_te medieval T sage and poet, b as tires can be mscfe» snd take plenty, of to S2.5S reasonab's piers than- a .hundred : thousand •' copies the. late Louis Marshall wai it's churned for easy pc/ment_eut have been* sold. The texts and translated, into ..Hebrew by one of 4'W^.sir Shirt? thek good own'tinie.to. we2ir out the' pictures, ,their. simplicity • of Friedland's pupils and Marshall of income. Tt<r it* $•!. from -'ind.• vocabulary and the became deeply interested in the c h a r m : •_o£' the .'plots, have led institution. The great Jewis Sweet Cream", thousands of Jewish, children who leader became a liberal contribuSi did not purchase these 10-cent- tor to the- school and the mos! i t story-books to Jewish libraries to eminent men in American Jewr3 draw,, them on. their, cards and to followed his example\ and helpe set-the-thrlll of. good reading In in .the construction of: an Instituix Hebrew. iyid- through it the-eri- tion of learning that served as rjchm'ent .of • their knowledge of model for the country at large s t CREAM thevHebrew language. Friedland remained its principal from. 1910 until 1921 when h« 1 _ _ y \I Not": content with reaching only was. called to'his post in Clevei i> the.- youngsters, Friedlsnd.. re- land, i n Bpite of lucrative of
y Philip Slomovitz
. •"*».!
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* ^ - ' ^
t, Jr - , t *•
Page 4
"IS FKAISE •r, fy 1 j ii ssrest. e s t . "IN F K A I S E OF LIFE" a Kehopnatedt — regardless of nationality or religion, are profoundly jealous" Community Calendar I novel .. . . . „ by wanes. . . _ . .scbefore publir of their competitor and whatever small success might be his.' WeeKly e v - c ,~, «,t0»« Veejay Events E v e n t s at a7t the t h e .« ev-„ <4 t«.„ 0.. Of Youth Unfortunately in human nature there is a tendency to justify \ ish Coincsunitj ^? » v. ho were chilCoinKiUiiItv Cor C c r to* tc ^c * — o v, \ i r -, f,i!ng boomed, one's own shortcomings by attributing- malpractice and dis-; fcVbRY FRIDAY AT OffAHA, KEBRA8KA. OT KTJO?<* y . n ' s s — IV*.-'7 r~ ~ T>~ \ nod before honesty to a competitor. Thus the Jew burdened by the du-j By BE. THEODOSE N. LEWIS THE JEWISH PKESS PUBUSHIKG COMPANY ^ Si:nr"!;>.y. May £ 2 ' <> - - r -i-c pnf t r y i n g to bious compliment of being shrewd has become an object of; Eabbi, Bleart Sii^u Temple, Sloes City Giri Srov.ts ?.!cve:ir;2: ' "• •« - - T"P r I C a life 88 a • . ' . £2^0 SUBSCRIPT lOf. PRICE, Ons Yea/ • . re.. Room i i . Cev.-ish Cor,-- *• f t prip or. their suspicion in the world of trade. . • ADVERTISING BATES'lFUBNISHED ON APPUiCA I JON Like other peoples we have among us business men whose CONQUEST OF THE PAST" ' the destruction f the- K.cpubltc. "^ V- - " by ArraEDITORIAL. OFFrCE: €03 BRANOE1S THEATER BUIL.DING ; A P H Y) I T>e futile y, t brare s:.r;:?£:Ie S p. m.. Louse Koom, r Thio spirited SIOUX CUV OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY C6N1EB t\ ethics are not to be commended nor defended. On the con-: ublic is re^or^ccl IT r t pioneer colPRINT SHOP AOORESS-T^SW SO-24TH STREET trary they should feel the finger of scorn. Any person who, STKIX. E O I G H I O X M I F F U X in d:ary ierni. l e first entry be<- nr comes at a A. 7,. A. Xr. 1O0 c p e t : " ^ ' OAVID BLACKER Business and Managing fcMltor r to time when ing October "0. fSO ET:d the Ir.st rr... Rocrns K cr.d L. , evris' C^ - - 321 P-AGES. S3-50E. ACKERJIAN Editor .whether to his liking or not. is & Jew, is under the sacred ; Ferr diaries are NATHAN KABB1 FREDERICK COHN UABB1 THEODORE N- LEWIS ANN PILL "-
.,.'.. . , - . . . . ' . , , • . j This is an extraordinary veiAssociate Editor obligation ofs manitaniing his integrity because any antagonism i^jne,® ar.d an inspiring, thri'air.s Contributing Edltoi he creates will be directed against the community as a whole, : biography, it is a record of the , ., ., .1 • • ... , - , , , ; transformation of a blue-blooded Book Editor T T : Sionz City. Iowa. Correspondent In suen a situation the Jewish community has a right to de-;aristocrat reared -n an atsiosfend itself and to do so may use the most drastic methods. phere of haughty disdain to—arcs
Over the Top
It might be well for us to follow the precedent of ^ ^ S f j Budapest KeMllah and do a little honseeleaning of our own.: justice aa-a
'April 30. IE'03. so reveclinr, so it:!! oJ . devotion to lofty Ideals, Few record sucii utter desolation s.r,d destruction and r^rout fro™ It does tlie stra~c
. UEP FUR1 ~
p •
have never tr ^"^ the cr.pardona' e Again Omaha Jewry has Remonstrated^ that ^ h a s a ^ heart | TT hh e ttiim e s dde mda n d c o u r a g e o u s a e t i oii L AA s w e must face Hindenberg tvl-'i <-,; our By over-subscribing its 1935 Jewish Philanthropies Goal i£ Chancellor aft-- c ' we purge ourselves of those enemies as "A Bohemian C~ has given sympathetic answer to the pleas of the thousands in power, he con ri. in need. ' tion machinery f* Only the period following the Spanish Inquisition and The burning jf v ' ranged and pe* - *e By Rabbi Frederick Colin exile can be compared to the present situation that confronts in.5 for ohvic-u European Jewry. In those tragic times all Jewry heard the v.eisier.tly attri to tfceir ideals 'with a tenacity . moists" s=s.I<=d call of the suffering. Synagogues were emptied of their treasLord recent declaration! that defied all early temptation. v u r e s and the money realized was used to alleviate the suffer-] C— i forgotten that * reality in (for which many of us thought he should be 'sent to.Halifax') h e o s t ings of the exiles, to ransom those captured by pirates. : joined the ; -.he presti ace of unbridled potrer. Today the tragedy is even more far-reaching, threatening anent kmperor Haile Selassie s appeal before the League of I ^ Ti rthis :e iojrraphy is not only \ Xations on behalf of his violated Ethiopia that it was a ques-' the very citadels .of Jewish learning and tradition, But Jews individual, but of an that cr.ee 1 storv c
Politics vs. Morals
p p contetnpor» r 11 --ejoice over.
muniiy Centt-r. KistC'i'y and npliEior? prcErrr.n:-: !•"' «'.. rc.. Aiu'i
truth become the sa^ ee mme e *** in life. In this cay llapse and universal •nt, it is vastly s:?nificant and encourairiEg to me-st j individual heroic enough to zbzn\ don position, power. Trealth, fcr | spiritual values. And •what this ."Red" prine-? has-done, hundreds ij of less distinguished but equally
v- r n.
T I ?re tionnd to np — one is i< of the Zionr ' Palestine. f <• no dogHias n rti alvation --r n t creeds
— ?' the Bible
******&* *H
c ^
my spoken la s *b»H utter rr - b»art and •* I. o¥ they v
have never failed their they are heirs to a tradition The response of Omaha Jewry gives lie to the oft-repeated ;ne Ce~tructior rr"" - "c°and selfish-interest that actuated nations and that; mocracy, n libel that this is an age of crass materialism: No people guilty r n2d dom. of this accusation could have so willingly responded to the was their rule of procedure in their dealings with one another.; p ^ Could anything have revealed more clearly, by an illumin- j m and demands made upon them foraid. . of a free sravernrnEr.t a i d the dec ating flashy the low state of international moralitv, or rather, ^ « a l hour fcr Germany as or.estruction cf a groat civilization 1-y Xo wonder that Omaha: was chosen for the recent honor . • • • , . • • • • | O i i n e lOrtruosi. s n a Ei.Outfr.~i. c s - a fcsr.d of Ijc.rb&rians. T r c u r h tlegiven it, the naming of "a native son to the presidency of the utter immorality f }.o wonder the world is in the state in which ; fenders of liberty, a devoted ser- festf=d. the s.-'.'hor C-oes net for B'nai B'rith. It has given warm refuge to the finest elements .j^. Xo wonder Japail raided Manchuria seven years ago,!v.^nt °f^ Qe °° c , r ^ c ^ *"f a s e - n e s s in the Jewish tradition. ;"vritliout the slightest compunction, broke faith with the League! "iiiurkTnaanl-"a^dweakness instructive am-is-ranks ct the oppress era. He ren t cf t b e W i t h TVT t r h i n e Jews, particularly American Jews, are often taken to task j °^ -^ a ^ o n s a n ( 1w * tJl a s i s t e r nation. Xo wonder Mussolini 'was j !"^ a uc c- c uirr. bv communal leaders* for their indifference h. the sufferings emboldened to ravage weak, helpless Ethiopia, and brutally | R^ fciican"rUi e "treaTed its fhoos-"? the life cf r,n emisrre. An
* 'k>a'lB my hoard the E I am clean *• I > a in" *• iniquity in of ttie B «»pp falleth roberiijg upon openeth the ' their chasrT-<
s-. -, -r i x , . , - , •_. \ . - '"•i-»i.__ • _ . ill m en. w omen, a hildren. Xo w onder a wao re?ortmen, women, anndd cchildren. Xo wonder a ofZ. -r Israel. Omaha Je-ivry has proven that, it is not indifferent, kkill : be his -"Lesa<:-r." He 5s T.~^ ~.~.Tled res-'j'arly to riots, scrapped t h e entire Treaty of Versailles and acted with «rim- 1 and strong- a m methods, ;i~z in exile. ZT:& pEtiertly praythat ir feels the travail of all Israel, that it can give more • inal ruthlessness in .aggression after aggression, in his mdn-jai a n i barbarous but indisper.s-.in? ar.d hepins fo than mere sympathy. able d«=vi."c-s of Xazisra. It be-
The Coat-Tail Route to Prominence
Protest has been made by the editor of the "Detroit Jew- j g' ~ ~ J betwe^m^n and^an^lnd'the foundations oF^ieTv i ^e^kS^Z
became pick. r?ne to
.fi ct?:er ex;l-.$ all c n o ; ? - -r-ir-. DaeS to ;ne Fatherlsn-i.
ish Chronicle" against a pernicious practice of too many Jew- ;t o t t e r i n g a n d c i v m z a t i o n perishing! |governn:-t which gave him such led license. Penetrating ish organizations-tile designation of some weU-known person: T o i i t i c s ' has had too little to do with 'morals.' indeed,,!and ire £nd pismiflcsnt is triis as the recipient of an award for their contributions to Judaism. a n d p o H t i c i a n s w i t h m o r a l i t v . T h e T h a v e consulted their o w n ^ t ra of the Republic's effic-
T (=• r = r-v r f J- f r r ->irm<?c!Jatel]r the r - ^. • > - • " * ' . T (beeaasp he -- c . ^ ^ - ^^—, ' - - - _ ^ - r i Rabbi Jtv Ve r -' *r r ' ^ <•?? that Rabbi . ' « • - T - - v ^ vee, rc "Why art v f' - . ' - - ' • = t - \ ° d Rabbi Jo-j r r - - r • — ' , p f. -e thou hast - — -- -^-—c c -, e^zlr Of the *<= - o . — ~ - T f - r € ! t a n g h t in r l p * "' " -* " - r- " ~ -vThether one
Je^vish learnings By Mrs. William Grs
This practice has long ceased to have either benefit or merit. selfish, and only too often base n e f a r i o u S ) i n t erests and' The tones thj.t v,-ere lovejr. It has not always been a matter of recognizing a spiritual con- purposes. ; of the people with patents to That irere street ail abo"t t j commit crime and \'ndu*£-e in tribution to Judaism, but in reality of awarding prominence. ier- And freshened the depths cf T - , . The world will continue to plunge into chaos until it jorism." T h The whole idea should be repugnant to Jews. Xot that learns to respect and be governed by the immutable standards: « parly pas-es are strictly Jewry has not produced men who are both prominent and de- and principles of righteousness, until it learns to acknowledge i with the faVher, a haughty aristo- ; Yestf rca 1 serving. But.it is part and parcel of the Jewish tradition to j and pay homage to the universality and supreme sovereignty jcrat. with the estranges iXor -childiood and with brothers. Tbe : Ey a thensanc; do good for its own sake. of the Moral Law. Morality cannot be flouted with cynical bru- jmother, record of the sacrifices the vouthThe idea of 'fame' and 'success' do not imply ability. Xor tality for it is basic to the very constitution of the universe.: ful I hear them as wrier, prince and his associates is the Contribution for .which, the contributor been honored- The'Power that created the universe is a Moral-Power. This! compelled to endure during and; They cnfoiccd like ike i . . . . -. • i after the -war is impressive and ; Prom grier;c.sr ar.d necessarily permanent. Others more modest have been conis 'seen'nribe emerg^nt^e of the moral instmct in the breast of! revealing. \v<? have not the re- ] tinual benefactors of Judaism and seek no reward. silver man and in its-progress, though with heart-breaking slowness,; molest conception of the amount. ; It is not given to human beings to pay honor. It is not., , . . ,. . T, .„ . -- . , „ , ... fr.i.'! a n d rigour ci the privation which : tiucess I -^cnt within their power to~ arbitrarily designate a person 'great.' throughout the ages. I t will yet come to full fruition. .The!the Germans endured dnrlna: tbe . e£ P ^yselt there - e t 0 - - s that were In Jewish history have been thousands of-humble souls who very fact of- the soul's protest and deep agitation at such a ' v a r - a n d ' o r many years thereafd ga ve strength. , , , . • ,j TT J-J? J i_i i - i -after. The twelfth h i r t h d a v cf have been called upon to play heroic roles and their names . . Tli? soncs c£ni8 into nty li?-nrt statement as that of Lord Halifax, no doubt concurred m b j ' i ^ o author ocenrins in th<» "year • and deeds have perished with them. Ering-ir.g sorrows ana fears because And finally tears . . . .-...- It is all right to pay homage to^ accomplishment, but in only too many others, is a proof and sign of the virility of the; 191S was sad and joyless 0 And then, rest. moral instinct and the healthy character it may yet more uuii xsf^iro'?*' c ' ^ ^ o n ' v^e^ies^'c^ paying homage it is not right to raise the recipient to a plane versally attain. \ food and the* most necessary, he neither seeks nor deserves. ; I opened the coor 1 For^not until men do obeisance to righteousness will the; ^J^ ?i-^°piteipi.t.^ f 0 J ^ les r ;If^j^ And ray long- life ct sorrow Israel's prophets saw long ago that it is 'righteousness that * -
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Yes, We Have No Onions
world's- evils tend to disappear7 and a happier condition ensue, ji so as to be deemeiiuxurandscarce A youth exalteth a : nation, that uprighteousness debases and is bound Jed the v,-hile at Qnalrers scisco*. bounty of the The So serious has it be- ultiinatelv to destrov a wicked people as well.as wicked indi-?" American lunches sujiportbecame erican subsidies
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Through -p.-a other heinous crimes it is impossible to enumerate them—they restore. The Pope, too, has.recently uttered-a powerful word] ] iea_ted,_ _ so tinshateabie was 10 EP' are now responsible for the weakening of Teutonic breaths. of rebuke and of condemnation.- Fascist Italy and militaristic!^!^ 11 a n not ! ^ ! ^ the ^ i ^ r. ^ ^. a scapes j To all their dastardly tricks, they have added another—de- J a p a n w i l l h a v e t o g i v e w a y t o m o r e m o r a l , f r e e d o m — a n d ! j ggoat had to be found. And the j gre^t t h » - : -vvh ivo~d° T " useful. From" TrhEt'artist" hand*^ priving-honest aryans of onions. ' , , peace—loving governments. Our own Government has recentlv ; l?JisC o * i u J-'STS -ofe s t rtehmee.l >armies and j yrss shaped sea end lend Since 1033 German Jewry has been persecuted as perhaps taken a more pronounced stand on the side of. right and jus-[the. -sretche ness that followed < \~r- . _,.-_ o ^ o ^ ^ ^ 0c,-~r, r>no other people in history. They have had the brand of in-j tice. All honor to America for having protested to Germany; sones; . feriority placed, upon them. They have been forced out of the j against the discrimination by Germany against American citi-jand its armies were defeate^not < The above poem TTSS -vrritten means of making a livelihood; They have been subject tojzens who happen to be Jews in her attempt to wreak u p o n ! b e c a u s e of inferiority but on ac-1 in Yiddish by Xrs. William Gray, count of "ihe stab in the back.'1 every degradation and accused of every crime—all to enhance them, too, her nefarious designs of confiscating, in her pro-j And this myth proved a healing- of Omaha. It has been translated by her daughter. Mrs. Jeannette the superiority of the German peoples^ .: •..'.• . gram.;to destroy their lives, the property of Jews. "With far (people. j ^™, D t o t b e a s ° n i z e d E0Ul °* t h e j Roark' of" Pittsburgh v.-ho vi-hile •"What will Germany do, say in 1942,^ when all Jews are less provocation onr great humanitarian American government,) To the. defeat In the war and still In her fame as supposed to be gone elsewhere, should there be a shortage. under President Taft, broke off diplomatic relations with Rus-j. t0 } h e c consequence ^thereof, the Mr* < -oet. L1 *^ n. L. ^ Xo Jews to blame. Itihust give Hitler sleepless nights. sia in a similar instance. If pressed, I can "conceive that Amer-jb'e""attributed. ' " ! " Innclhis_"vt-2i e c , ' — •»-•-
cept among the most Orthodox. ' . • j and-able'to .pursue with some.assurance-.of'success. tho.<?e-high espous injr the cau se of reQuired But the gesture is itself worthy of consideration. An old i S° a l s o f peace, of true prosperity and enduring happiness which public age at•d rare d evol are the real Ct saying has it that to;:.be.appreciated as sih-er a Jew must b e j . destinj-, as they constitute the true grandeur, o ity. It iarolred t h e de=r all %th« j sacred ties that Jike gold. Not only does the light, of "criticism play constantly! "S able place in life. Oc t - •"• 1 f - - Frederick Cohn.' on the Jew, not only does the Jew's own sense of the ethical 1330 i3 the pro day ' ' l l f intervene, but the Jew by his responsibility to the community •wen-stein becain.e a "Ri when he "conqnered t - Jev/iah Calendar • ; of which he is- a member must like Caesar's wife be above •••;_• That day be joined -'tl » fo'c suspicion. . i the Serlin Kelchsbanr^ •' --•'•• . ; • •5838-1937; : becoming an active'i ....:',... One of the gravest charges brought against the Jew is that intrepid warrior i - t'..,,.....=....... .....Slay 31 and - whieh questions his methods of business dealings. There is no Rosh Chodesh Sivan mar Republic. From -.* proof that Jewish business men are in the least any more dis- Shevuoth (1st day) .........................June 5 i ife" fought valsantljr zx c honorable than their non-Jewish colleagues. But .this is a • Also observed the previous day. Fasts falling on Saturi libel that has been circulated and gained credence. . day are observed the nest day (Sunday) instead. tied fcr freedom s fronts, v e In no other field of endeavor is prejudice more easily en- Hosh Chodesh Tamuz ..... ..............June 30 fanatical C< gendered that in the realm of business. ]\fany business men, .Fast-"-of Tamuz.«.......,.. .... ia one tin ,..,.... '.. .July 18 i
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I took irith me my songs.
Germany m experiencing a crisis, | My house• is bull „ _ ,. , 3 •T -i i the m a i n element in o u r aor--- - r In an Eli-en land come, that the Nazis have fallen back on their good old, ever- . , . _ , , , u s '. I cannot underst;and handy excuse—the-Jews. Germany is short: oh onions. "What viduals God s laws of Justice cannot be contravened or brazenly! m e n t t t a t probably save a d - ! Xor Hy I>om. violated with impunity forever. Those who play with fire are I from complete starvation." I end ! this means, every confirmed onion-eater Iniows. , he i TThen most very liable to burn themselves. Things have a tendency to \ Once people in revolt demanded bread. Evidently times react, and outraged nature to right itself. The wound cicatrices, -trar. to fill the cap of bitterness' have changed and a lack of onions indicates government inSo. the world will throw off those who are causing= such •f o \. '%"e <Terra2 J masses, mdes-; ^"^'^/^'^f.^. ..^^^rv .. . • . . | cr:l>abls and shocking frustra- •' *--c~>~ » ^^--^^^ <-'^ sefficiency. As usual, there are the Jews to blame. The Jews tremendous evils. The A^zl regnne will be replaced. Germans i tion The morale of th» e-n're ^a- -Stretching holy hands have cornered the onion market. The Jews who stabbed Ger- themselves will become,heartily ashamed of it, their fiuida- ticn went to smash.' The people ' Enchantedly conjure hat the The visions many in the back during the war, who have committed so many ! mentally moral and religious nature >nll finally, rebel and simply could not .believe actu lly de-
Hitler j ict would not hesit&te to do so in the case of Nazi Germany, prov-i hood, \™S -that.in some instances, thank God, 'politics' is not a l t o1KL -1K Spring Gleaning r \ sp Before Hungarian Jewry was subjected jto the recent regu-|S e t h e r divorced from 'morah>' All honor to Secretary of the j meeting. And h i s latory measures passed by Parliament, the Budapest Kehillah— i Jnterior Ickes and Secretary of War Woodring, for their i^ltpUkf/s^1 so^lt perhaps as an emergency measure aimed'"at warding off the! e e n t b r a ve ^vordsin denouncing internationsl malefactors and] thins that an cohtra" c <• threatening blow—;by edict'decreed air Jews,- engaged in illegal | t h e i r championship of right and justice. Not until our states- j Z™*"-^™^™ X transactions and in other business activities that bring dis-1a m edn D e c o i a e tnie statemen, upholders of the fundamental rights; Vet,s so hopeless Tv-as t1l er honor uponthe Jewish community, would be excommunicated, j ^ interests of humanity/ and not merely-time-serving PoKti-i ^ t£. desperate were t
" T>ot hearkfTi >- hy peace a n d •« »dom.
U m TTit.lpr has Ti.i«;! t r e a c h e r o u s e n e m e s . Hitler
strous injustice towards, and fiendish persecution, og the -few-j C0T3e , ; - ncrcfC . nE3v cJc . ar .l3,af j , s d ish people and his attempted destruction of all religion. Xo j the Reirabifc treated Nazi gasc_ ES tre wonder.the "world isf.on the brink of war, all faithfulness de-j
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The Bas-a-mi club von serene prize at the Strge Xight held at the Center Wednesday evening, : May 11. Those participating' in Officers for t t e coding j-ear 'Hadassah Revaluated'' will be active in Zionist enterprises. i were elected at the last Women's ! the skit. "Sisterly Lore'" were the subject Mrs. Maurice Silver. Elaine Lawman, Irene Mircwits, The Hadassah fund raising cap- Division meeting of the sea man of Minneapolis will speak on tains who will be hostesses for held Monday at the Jewish Com- !a n d Evelyn Greenbausi.. TO HONOR BRmE-TO.BE GUESTS DEPART during her ad'ress at the An-the luncheon under Mrs. Julius raunity Center. Mrs. Joe Rice i s 1 At t k e i a E t regular meeting be givMrs. Daniel Betten and daugh- nual Hadassah "Give and Get"Stein, Medical Fund lead An engagement tea g are ! the new president. " Other offic- •iplans were formulated for seeden from 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday af- ters, Helen, Ruth, and Beverley, luncheon that will.be held Wed- Mrs. Louis Alberts, Mrs., Max I era are: Mrs. Milton Mayper, Pal Mayper, iiinnSS money money to to Palestine lor the teriipon by Mrs. Oscar S. Belzer and Miss Helen Miller of Green nesday May 25th at the Jewish Barish, Mrs. Henry Belnont, Mrs. ! vice-president; Mrs. Henry IE i E e | * U E - f o r neglected ry "Eelst her new home,~552 So. 58th Bay, Wisconsin,;.. aeparted Tues- Comunity Center when 250 Jew-Reube last contribution of : t r <T Reuben Bordy, Mrs. David Ep-injont, vice-president- Mrs. B o r y , s. D a i d E p n j o n t , second vicepresident Mrs. I strtet, in honor of Miss Freda day for Kansas City after visiting ish women will be honored for t i clut M Morris M i M. M Franklin, F k l i At Mrs. 11 Arthur Coin, secretary, and Sirs. • t h e the > b e 'ore its ECj Gendler whose marirage to Mar- here with Mr. and Mrs. David having raised $5 or more during stein, summer. Mrs. Jos Goldware, Mrs. Ike •^.T^t. T r\*+ rint A^xm yet T\f »•«• TLes T T . _ _ _ Malashock. •« » _ 1 \T* A ! ?.*>?• f l i p ' c T TT^ TT> PT* Harry treasurer. , " vin Belzer, brother of Dr. Oscar S. Charney. They were accompanied the year. The next regular meeting Grossman, Mrs. Moe The various activities of the Belzer will take place June 12th., by Irving-Charney of Omaha who Mrs. Silverman is a past pres- Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. Jo-Women's Division were reviewed. be held on Tuesday* Ks.y ii Those assisting at' the tea will left for a two weeks vacation in i I seph Lipsey, Mrs. Joseph Rosen- j Membership in the Division has ithe home cf Lorraine Les Kansas City and Green Bay. be the. Misses Bernice Crounse officers will be elected. ccc - v r -1berg, Mrs. David Sherman, Mrs. j grown during the past vear to sp- ! and Rose Goldstein, '«lso Mesr -r'*- F -ir B. A. Simon and Mrs. David j proxiraately five hundred mem-| dames A. B. Alprin, Dave B. VISITING IN ST. PAUL Stein. • ' . j bers. Activities have included the ,Cohn, David A.. Pinkie, Abe Gen- Rose' G. Cohen and her cousin, Any member who has raised | redecoration of the Center lodge- ' .dler, M. F. Levenson, Irviri C. Mrs. E. P. Freeman of Los Anher. quota and has not received j room,' the establishment of a i Levin, Leon Mendelson, and Ruth geles, are spending the week end her invitation is 1requested to call Free Employment service, the re- j in St. Paul, Minnesota -visiting Newberg. , the chairman, .G . 1S48. equipment of the Center kitchea j relatives. The color schemo"will be carBesides the principal speaker with a milk service and coopera- ; Members cf, the Council F r ried out in blue and. white. No on the program, there will be a tion in all Center activities. Jewish TTc-Eun w'll honor the invitations have been' issued. * , surprise novelty musical number. Junior Council at s. Buffet gup- ', • Additional women who will be per, Monday, Kay £S, at 6'o'clock j honored during the "Give and AXXOUXGE BIRTH at the Jewish Community Center, ! An initial appropriation of $25 Get" luncheon besides those alMr. and Mrs. Morten Ferer an'. : I On the program w;!i be an ill- j ready published, will be Mrs. nounce the birth of a son on Sat- to the "Jewish Community Center As one of the main activities in : ustrated report, a piar by the | to the T Herman Auerbach, Mrs. Jacob E. urday, May 14, at the Methodfst library was; made by Sa' Beber and Music. | chapter 100 a^ a regular-.nieetins hospital. '.-•.-. Cohn, Mrs, Harry Ferer, Mrs. 0. ,its , Social Service ^ , . - program, „ « - •,, thei; Juniors, The regular board meeting -will ' held Sunday, May 15, at the comC. Goldner, Mrs. Herbert Harri- Mother chapter of_ASA will sPon- , munity center. The money voted j son, Mrs. Allan Kohan, Mrs. J. sor the Junior Softball League ; be held at 5. AT HOME to t i e library was the first H. Kulafcofsky, Mrs. Alex Plot- this year. Heretofore, the Jewish - Mr. and Mr3. Max Sacks, who amount given by the chapter in I ADFFS' FFF£? T kin,- Mrs. Isadore Plotkin, Mrs. Community Center athletic, de-i •were married last October 31, accordance with its plans to Fred Rosensfock, Mrs. Ch^s. Sch-partment has backed all younger are now at home at 4862 So. 17th adopt the library as a permanent immel, Mrs. Albert Wohlner, and teams but setting a precedent, A regclar meetiEC oj the LaSstreet". AZA youths will manage and ies Free- Lean will be held OE chapter project " Mrs. I. B. Ziegman.' coach the league which will con, r^eflnesdar, j u a e ; , a t 2 p. m . at Announcement that the library The last regular meeting of the HOSTESS AT ONEG SHABBOTH would be moved from the' second sist of at least four teams. Com- ;t h e j e ^ i s b Community Center. year will be held Wednesday, Mrs. A. G. Weinstein will be r li to the board room on the June-lst at the Jewish Commun- petition, will be open to boys from j "~Tfc«e scual election of officers Mrs. Maurice Silverman • hostess to all Vaad and Mizrachi floor made by Haskell first floor ity Center. At that time Mrs. Ir-ten to fourteen years of age. i will fake place £t this time. All members at an* Oneg Shabboth to Cohen, chapter' advisor. Saturday night, a bar-b-q party ! Accordd d are sskeel to atter.fi, be held at her home this Satur- ing to the committee. in charge, Ident of the Minneapolis Hadas- vin C. Levin, the outgoing pres- wil take place at Jackson's Farm C* sah unit, is the present presi- ident, will install Mrs. M. D. day at 2 o'clock. the purchase of necessary equip- dent of the Hadassah. Northwes- Brodkey the new president and for members and their dates. This is one of the affairs to be given ment will be Jnade'aa soon as thetern Region, and has always been ' her officers. N MEMORIAL in honor of the Alephs who -will library i s moved. An estimate of At 2:30 In the lecture hall ot the equipment needed will be leave soon for the National ConJoslyn Memorial the" Omaha Mu- submitted to- Jewish Community vention at Estes Park, Colorado. TTarsaw ("VTXS) — Danzig r e - ' . sic Teachers Association will Center officials. . Four pledges . were initiated tellers who have posted signs in j r-E . r - 1.1 sponsor a Young Artists Pro- _Ben Kutler was appointed chairMonday night at a meeting held thei shop windows proclaiming j gram. A lecture on ."English Ca- man of the athletic committee for jointly with the B'nai Brith that " J e r s are not WEnted" were ' Sigma pmlcron's debate team, Kosmet Klub, men's dramatic lodge. They were Bob Branson, faced with the alternative of re- ' . thedrals" will be given at 3:30 the remainder of the present r - 3 p. - r . composed of Harold Turkel, Linorganisation on the University of Theo Cohn, Bob Ferer, and Har-moving the signs or being de- j •in the lecture hall by Dr. Fred- term and Roland Lewis wa3 placcoln, and Sidney Kalin, Sioux Nebraska campus initiated ten ry Goldstein. The program mark-j Prived _of credit t r the textile erick W. Clayton. At 4.o'clock ed in charge of the membership in the concert • hall a violin^ con- by Aleph. Godol Joe Guss. The-City, advanced to the semi-finals new members at ceremonies con- the fourteenth anniversary of Il i r E S ° ; Lodz, in circulars mzu- SI tcdebate ducted Friday night prior to the cert will, be given by James B. two new chairmen announced In the inter-fraternity AZA of which Mother chapter is e d t 0 t b e i r Danrig- cuEtcraers, t t e Peterson. He will be assisted ~bj tentative plans for their commit- tournament. The feam demon- annual banquet at the Cornhnsk- the eldest. i Lodz textile manufacturers anstrated its verbal' skill in the. er hotel. Of these ten, two were Martin W. Bush, organist, and tees for the next two months. nounced that credit relations £•-it > At the Stage Night show quarter-finals by defeating the from the Zeta Beta Tau house. would not be resumed until the i f ' . the Municipal University of OmPlaying the first game of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. The Irvin Sherman of Omaha was t h e p d Tafcle x signs were takes down. aha orchestra under the direction season, the Sam Beber chapter r r c c subject that is being 'discussed made an active member as a re- U j i g h t , "AZA Hey-Days " wcn the ot Mr. Henry G. Cox. The circulars pointed put thst entry in the Jewish Community pro and con in the contests is— ward for his year of intensive f i r f e t p I a c e w i t b a c a s ] l &vr&Td o f portion ot the the E:gns made it impossible lor Center softball league lost to the "Hesolve that the United States work for the club, and Robert 57.50. A large Milder Oil team in a hotly con- should greatly enlarge the navy." Edelstein of New York was made chapter participated Another the Jewish, salesmen of the Lodz to cs.Il on the Danzig stores. tested game, 5 to 4. Member of Sigma Alpha Mu upheld the neg-an associate member for his val-high honor was conferred upon Tfirms the team who started Sunday ative side of the question in the uable assistance in the produe- the chapter when one of the Ko- j e s t i I e concerns in Lemberg, CrsA meeting of the Jewish Song morning were Jack Epstein, Har- quarter-finals round. ; ' ' vod Keys was presented to Aleph COT and TTarsaw ere esppcten. tp follow suit. and Drama Unit was held last -ry Fox, Joe GUBS, Leo Alperson, More honors for Sigma Alpha spring show. Howard Kaplan of The Keys are awarded' annually Monday evening at the home bl Ben'Kutler, Roland Lewis, Maninitiated into Kosinet to youths outstanding in social '/• Mr., and Mrs. S. Kenyon. JAll uel Himelstein, Milton • Saylan, Mu as well as its members were Omaha, Klub a year ago; was elected to j a n d - c l T l c A twenty, members were present. Norman KukliiL and Joe Kirshen- attained when Leo Eisenstatt, the Business Manager j , T h e b . office Omaha, Leo Turkel, Lincoln, and team handed a The play, "Der Wilder Mensch" baum. A regularly scheduled Arthur Hill, Lincoln, were initi-I of the organization for the-cora- crushing defeat to the Sigma Al- / ' « by Jacob Gordon, which. is.to be game will be played Sunday pha Mu.alumni Sunday • given in the near future, was. re-? morning. Time and place of the ated last week into membership ing year. game can be found in the sport hearsed. • • Alpha Theta's annual p a r e n t s ' t a t Dewey Park with a score cf / : honorary debate fraternity. Hill section of this paper. day was held Sunday at the cl\ap- I 12-4. In the near future six pin New dramatic director of the also chosen vice-president of ter house. Guests were present j pong players will play a match group is Paul Nerenberg and the Chapter activity in tennis and was the Organization. Another recent song director, Sol Dolgoff. Both golf is scheduled to start soon ac- honor that has-been presented to from Iowa, Missouri, and South with a . team from Sara Beber were satisfied -with the cast of cording to athletic plans. A track Hill is his nomination for the Dakota as well as Nebraska, En- chapter at the Hotel Rome. team will be organized In prepar- junior student representative on tertainment was provided by Irvthe play. Sam Kenyon ? chairman of the ation for the summer tourna- the Student Council. Hill repre- ing KukJin, Robert Edelstein,! ment. A chapter ping-pong team group. ' the department of Business and Robert Stiefler who preseatalso will be formed for the chal- sents ed parts of Alpha Theta's prizeAdministration. lenge contest with the -Mother winning skit from the fall KosThe Rho Epsils>n Club is plan- ;{« chapter learn. The fifth and last series of cul- met Klub revue. The entire day ning a farewell party to be held tural hours was held last Wed- was a complete success. Arrange- Sunday at the home of one of the . The Omaha Section, of the Nanesday at the chapter house. Lou- ments were in the hands of Har- members for Nellie Tatalbaum tional Council of Jewish Juniors is B. Finklestein, prominent Lin- old * Perelman, Bernard "White, who is leaving for an indefinite j 5 will be the.guest of. the Senior coln attorney, lead the discus- and Leonard Friedel. stay i n California. |£ sion. Once again the Jewish stuCouncil of Jewish Women at Milton Gasper was' elected dents showed their interest in George Frischer • of Kansas Members of the committee in !*» their meeting, Monday, May 23president, the Thorpeian Ath- Jewish problems by attending in City, Missouri was presented with • charge of the party are ZZollye \K Ecel Otk Lettier at 6 o'clock at the Jewish Com- letic .Club of Neat!j- Ai.ts.ch.ri. . at the recent annual large numbers. the Best Freshman trophy at Al- Kelberg, munity Center.', - , election of officers held at the pha Theta's sixteenth annual Charlotte Sacks. I A program will be given by the Fontenello Hotel. Those who will Founders' Day banquet -vrcich The money, which t t e club re- | Junior Section and refreshments assist Mr. Gasper for the -coming took place May 8 in Omaha. This Ferdinand Carvajal, a London »~rsr ceived as the third prize avrard j .will be served by the Senior mem- year will be Isadore 'Elewitz, vice Jew of. the sixteenth century, an- award i3 made annually to one Riven for Stage Night, was given. V "bers. president; Harry Chudacoff, sec- nually imported bullion equal to freshman who in the course cf retary; David A. Finkle, treasur- one-twelfth the British National the year, best carried, cut histo the Philanthropies. % er; Lou Meyer and Harry Hay- income. pledge duties. Patronize Cur ASvcriiPfrs kin, sergeants-at-arms; Mcrria HI. Franklin, reporter; Samuel Stern, custodian of club property; Morris M. Franklin, Dr. A. A. SteinLIE, ' By lira. David ,M.'Newiaaa berg and Harry Z. Bernstein, executive board. Dutch Apple Pudding A stag picnic in honor of the 4 large apples; 1 tablespoon newly . elected officers will be cinnamon; 1, cup brown sugar; .8 held Sunday, May 29th. Morris graham crackers; 2 tablespoons M. Franklin, chairman in charge grated l^mon rind. . of arrangements will be assisted Line a baking dish with one- by Sam Katzman, Harry Haykin, half the cracker crumbs. Add Sam Zweiback and Lou Meyer. . sliced apples, sugar, cinnamon and dot with butter. Add remainrest ccr^cs te ; ing crumbs. Bake for twenty• CLEAN LINEN ' | five minutes and serve with Always Attracts Customers!
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Chocolate Whipped. Cream '• . ^Frosting Use 5 tablesppons cocoa. cup powdered sugar. 1% tablespoons hot water. 1 cup cream, 1 teaspoon, van ilia. '.'•.' Combine cocoa, sugar, enough hot water to make a paste. Add cream and beat for five minutes. Add ..vanilla and spread on cake.
Orange^ Cream' Frosting itiice. and rind, of 1 orange, 2 tablespoons flour. % cup sugar. 2 egg yolks or 1 egg. 1 cup -whipped cream. -Mix all the ingredients togeth'er-except the cream and cook in a double boiler until thick. When cold add the whipped cream and spread on cake.
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CtenvenSeaea f ferine cf this fcotcL VTSclhC? C3 iSEEinCM CT rl£i"'J»3 beat, the Sots! CIZTZ ^3^:43 ca Wt23 "tssa cJ cyiratJocE," C3 •wen ca a rcrtfuj 'Tsillat" ftt fb» e d cf the Cay's "crapalrss." G-oocJ crata ch«rcir, es tre'a as fo? final cJsa2Ucaae« ta &zzzs COS?CCT
Brass. Broass, Alurainac3t Soft Groy Iroa end SsitnSteal Coatings, V/ood"o»d Metal Pattorno and Saoh WeiBliU carried io o Bronsa and CssS Grilles M
27th and HA 552S
V. Q, D, F.fORHfC,
p ycifvo ever every tc^y r.:
TOU TAKE IT! — 1hronsho-ci Chancellor Hitler's recent visit to Rome, it was. apparent that his host. Premier iiussolini, continuously stepped aside to let the visitor receive the plaudits of the. crowds. .He even ordered bigger and better applause for Der Fuehrer. Here, during their ride together*.through Rome. II Duce, right, turns his face from the camera and the applause, indicating it is all for Hitler.
AGAINST AIR ENEMIES •— Practicing a hot reception for any enemies that might attempt to attack New York City by air are these troops of the 62nd Coast Artillery, who staged a demonstration a t Fort Totten, Bayside, Long Island, a suburb of the metropolis. Upper left, soldiers
load a three-Inch anti-aircraft gun, "one of the newest. Upper right,,distance and direction of approaching enemy planes 3re determined by this. sound locater. Bottom, 50-caliber• machine guns .ready to rake the enemy iri the air and bring: him down with a hail of bullets. -
HITLER HONOES THE UNKNOWN—Side by side, the two strong men of Europe, Chancellor Hitler of Germany and Premier Mussolini of Italy, ascend the steps to the Tornb of the Unknown Soldier, in Rome, during Der Fuehrer's recent visit. H:tler laid a wreath on the tomb. Later he placed wreaths at the Pantheon, mausoleum ~ of the Kings of Italy.
OATH XX GAELIC—Slirplc ceremo ies rr.r~l.p.- fh." inr'nr'ion into oSce, in Dublin, of Dr. Doucles : under the nev constitution. Dr. Z ''dc. islar ?c ~C-T*\P scholar, toot his osth IT. thet Sannir.src. He IF sltcum. rev e-, virh Prime alera. icCt. n d moi: leaving the gove ent buiidmg in
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BASEBALL FANS — Sun glasses hardly diraraed the charm of Anne Lindsay Clark as she sat beside her fiance, -John Roosevelt, a at. a recent Chicago-Red Sox baseball game in Boston. The young Boston society girl and the President's youngest sen will be married.at Nahani, Mass., on June 18. President and Mrs. Roosevelt plan to be present a t the brilliant society event.
PEENCH IN France and Britain resulted Edouard Daladier. center, to London \, Prime Minister Chamberlain. With M. ^ ^ _ ^ , C i a^vc ^ «i(* French embaEsy^in London, are Foreign. Minuter Bonnet, left, and Ambassador Charles Cbrbin,-right.
— Recent'arrival in New York ..was Dr. Patrick O'Callaghan, a b o v e , Ireland's perennial Olympic champion in hammer throwing and shot putting. He. is scheduled to wrestle Jim Lonctos in Boston. June 18, and" bos Jimmy Adamick in Detroit on. July 2.: . .:•••'
SWIM S O T — It's swimming time in California, and Shirley Dearie, blonde screen actress, displays this suit in Hollywood. The ' suit is of knitted wear, while the robe carries a candle•vnck design on cotton. Note the grotesque but new beach clogs she •wears.
stars of tns scree Los Angeles the co
>za Pas' ma3;es h e r nf=tioTif.i
ant ilizt • posted from K r liie Postmaster Gensre! Pcrlsr-
rtsioug,. junior j; ±>\ Brisss of. sponsor or-Air: ;:er to be -sent 5; addressed"to'•!
ZZl i. b . «u«» "i u"e oi tne occupants, i estate agent. Another man may have perished Cri
. ff bt Cn-rf Nrr
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Edited by Aunt Naomi
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FORECASTS ; gether with green paper . . . Get That May convention of j ready -for a cycle of act.i-NfiZi i t h e Non-Sectarian Anti-N a z i j films from Hollywood . . . The r _ ~ BoMiarian J e w s Arrive ia League is going to be a first-class: screen tycoons hare decided to let cat-and-fiog fight . . . The major- j down the barriers as an answer AN EXTENSION OF THE JEW- ! ped coming around. Charlie -was I much longer vould people mock ' Palestine After rCTIT PAHflTT'VTTV f f V T l T D *^i t n n nVi irfnvmi e\A + Ti ri *• +J-»^v^^ * H H d " ITl'l^'P ff 11 Tl f\f T P W ^ ' TT'li-™ ity clique in the League's esecu-jto Gory Goering's decree on Jev.'11 Tl CEXTER '1nt i not t' *so-much worried that they HardsMps tive committee, which made Sain- j ish property . . . A larjre part of "Good- Shnbboth, boys and did not bring their money as he should they use the name " J e w " uel Untermyer resign, is out to'American-Jewish property in Ger-, • as though the very word was girls' of the Junior Jewish was by their absence. By ROJtAIV SliOBODES elect one of its members, a New- ! many subject to confisoaticc i? He was anxious-to show them shameful? His face flushed redPress! ark physician, to the presidency j owned by film people . . . rxL<-i 1-1 F JDast Sunday afternoon, the the coop upon-wiiich he had spent and. his throat. ached. Now for . ( J . T. A. Staff Correspondent) Junior clubs of the Center had so .much skill Nand labor. But the 'first time he rer-lly felt, as Jerusalem ( J T A)—Froinths . . . The minority is determined i acti-Semitic bill pending m ..L. a very fine Xiag B'Oiner party though he searched very hard he well as understood, the stories inner recesses of "Asia, .. Email to prevent tnis, and is primed for j Hungarian -parliarr-est must ' v In.-the Center, AnQitoriam. We could not find a trace of either of Jewish sufferings and oppres-,. groups , of. ragged, half starved fireworks . . . Incidentally, Un-j giving John Pelenyi, the H L : crrsions which' his Hebrew School termyer's resignation was sup- | iac isinistsr to the United S had » play entitled, ' THE of them for a number,of:days. One day, as he was strolling Teacher told him. before he Jewish refugees are arriving in j posed to be kept confidential u s - ! an awful headache . . . He r a ROW THAT WOCIiD XOT. tlEXD.", Those ivho toojr part through the street thinking about knew it tear, rushed to his eyes, Palestine with tales of terror and ! til the convention, but the exec- j non-Aryan . . . TYonder n f " e T\ere: Morris lUchlin, Martye ' pigeons and pigeon-food,. he saw [and one fell down his cheeks and physical torture which in grue- j utive committee was forced to | the Associated Pres-s got the i.-ta Lea Byron, -Max Faltz, Ales two little boys ahead- of him,! dropped to the ground. some details rival stories of - the make it public when we got wind ; that the incorporation of tl £ * u — of it and telephoned for confir-; trian immigration tpaota n ttvf Then something so wonderful Middle Ages. I'*\Yeinstein, Melvin Tatleman, walking along innocently : a s mation . . . Untermyer's resi^na-1 of Germany "opened the L*r ied and Marvin Camel. After the though they had never., wronged happened that Meyer thought he The methods of the medieval tion was followed by the resig- j States' gates to a potential I'OOU be dreaming. performance -we played Lag a soul. "Wonder where - they're must : inquisition are being used by So- nation of executive secretary J. j of refugees from Kitierized Ai s~ A 3Iiracle B.'Omer-games and then had going," thought Charlie, and he decided t o turn dectective and Immediately in front of him, viet Russian officials against the H. Steel, effective at the conven-j tria" . . . The fact is that t. e refreshments. Fop favors vre or. the exact spot wh^re the tear Jews of Bokhara, Russian prov- tion . . . Before resigning Unter-1 amalgamation of the two c.do c^ had- ilitHe., boivs and arrows track the villains to their den. The trail led into a movie-, had fallen,' the hard soil of the ince bordering Afghanistan, north myer paid off the League's debts ! didn't increase the total GI OLS1 \ I T F 1 V f"' made'.by the Girl Scorts and Then he wrote a letter ask-; even one . . . YCe hear the. S. the. Kadiiua clnbs. AH in all "it show where' Charlie managed to back yard began- to heave and of India, according to the acobtain a seat right behind Micky crack. Meyer rubbed his eyes, for counts of these fugitives. About ing that his narae r be removed \ Klein, Union ScuEre's dress l \ ~ l i r ' - l Li was a,very gala day for all of from the League's stationery . . . ! coon, has evolved a fine plan us*.. Wo hojie to' have another and Bones. The two were con- evening was coming on, and it refugees versing in a whisper, but Charlie was already dark in the yard. So .200 . Jewish such'affair for Shavouth. . . . from _ . Dok, . , Watch out for an outfit calling I helping German refugees v ithoU * ' Today tve are having txro heard Micky say to Bones: "What by the time h j looked again, the hara have .reached Palestine. i t s e l f the "international Order of j banding out charity . . . He ha* Most of those arriving in recent Sons of Solomon," which is col- j created a couple of hundred storiesfbne ~fs entitled, "PIG- do we care for his old pigeons? miracle .had hagpeied. EOXS" and "the other . "THE We'll ask- him to give us back A tall, spl°ndid man, in a tun- Iweeks have been women and chil-- lecting funds allegedly for de-,'jobs in his store for young Ce TREE I>* THE BACK YARD." the money we-gave him, so we'll ic and glittering breastplate,! dren, seeking the husbands and fense of Jewish rights . . . There : man Jews, paying them J1C a T5]e. lippe 'yorf like tnem. Do be able to take in some -more stood befof: him. He would have j fathers who fled before they did. j ain't no such organization \ . . ] week -each for picking r p dress? s The Bokharian Jews' troubles j tEarly -in July there will appear j dropped by careless cus'c-ners, hows." ' . - ' . ' . . ici'.Jis" hear Jrom you.. been a giant even without the he * i r s t number of a new Jewish | and providing for them a lun"lbrazen helmet. He would have with the Soviet government r e - ' . Mother's Story ; YOUR AUXT XAOMI been known as a hero if only by connted to the Jewish "Vlpo-ra ! quarterly, to be.called-the Jour-| room in which sll items arc s o u Charlie lost all interest in the his flashing powerful eyes. counted to the Jewish *elegraJewish Bibliography . . i at two cents each, so that these picture, and left t h e theatre a t "Why do you wee!, child of phic Agency by Mssim lonossof. IT h e e d U o r ^ b e D r _ j o s h u a ! y OtI ths can buy'a sguare meal Tcr M 1 once. I t was not clear to him my people?" he said. Meyer was one of the leaders of the Bokhar- Boch, head of the Jewish division 1 as little as fourteen cents that Micky a n d . Bones were It o o mucii astonished to answer, ian Jewish community here, be- of the New York Public Library i THINGS TO WATC2 - s e a r c h i n g , about for spending their pigeon-money on gan when Josef Stalin ascended Look ? cr an announcement a n I ( l - C - - I more th/an^jin hour and finding moving picture shows, and that Again-the stranger spoke: A committee of rabbis is ' 'This is Lag B'O: ler, the day to the dictatorship of the U. S.drafting an appeal in bebalf of; day now "that the Boy Scouts of norftrace,-~qf? either Mick or Bones, they liked that better. Charlie;' mounted the roof to •When he came home his moth- upon which all Jews remember S. R. Previously they had notChristian refugees from Germany i America has discovered c. nas-n s p e n d - a : few hours there. He er was not in, and he had to wait me and what I rlabored to do for been molested by the Soviet re- and Austria . . . Wage cuts are } anti-Semitic situation amonc en chose the tallestchimhey for his more than an hour, for her re-them. I am Ba Kochba. Do you gime under the late Nicolai Lenin in prospect for the hired hands of ; important section of its meirberthe big Yiddish dailies . . . The • ship in the West . . . So se-ioi.s seat, and'with 'an iron Tod in his turn. When she finally did come know m e ? " Know him? .Meyer had read Mr. Yonossof said. The Jews in New York papers carry so much ! is it that a group of organizations hand he. "began imediately to Mrs. Walinsky explained t o her scrape atrthe inside of the chim- son that a few houses away there and listened to all the legends the city of Bokhara, whose for- Jewish news that even when a:j working with young pecr'e reney, as, without a single worry lived a certain lady whose hus- and stories-he could reach about bears had come from Baghdad, story has nothing to do with cently sent representatives 1o a were almost all prosperous mer- Jews the word "Jew" creeps in ; meeting ia Kew York, v he-e in}his:Tiead, he cast his "eyes up band was out of work. The five his favorite hero. i "Then .hearken ;b- my words," I chants and manufacturers, and sometimes . . . The New York i plans were laid to set up £. n°n Ge •to' tEe-blue sky. Just then a pig- children were crying for bread, tr?t M eon flew into view followed by and the landlord was demanding said Bar Kochba. "Your tear of some were very wealthy, he said. Sun carried the caption "Opposi-j agency to preach dernocrsc: . . . r'n CM a t a wrong done to our peoanother and still another until his rent, and Charlie's mother grief From the time Stalin became tion Jews" when it meant "Oppo- I Putzi Hanfstaengl, v.-ho is fi.ttir.s; 1 above his head there was a cloud had been going around among ple has brought me to you. You dictator-of the U. S. S. R., Mr. sition Jeers" in reporting the re- I around the country, is read;irc a action ia the House of Commons j suit against one of New York s of birds winging about and about the neighbors making a collec- did well to grieve. Not many lads would have felt an insult to their I Yonossof asserted, the Soviet to Prime Minister Chamberlain's \ liberal weeklies en the EE - o in a circle, at the same time ris- tion for her.. T people so deepl . Therefore have j authorities began demanding that speech on the Anglo-Italian pact j grounds that lie sued a LonJ>n ing higher and higher. Charlie Just then Micky and Bones op- I come to speak with you, and if the Jews turn over their posses- . . .' | daily and won . . . Incider E.'IT, almost fell into the chimney, so ened the door" and entered. Char^ t w ^ l THE . w ,_ „ . Nazis . _ „have _ _ confiscated _ . _ _ great was his astonishment and lie knew the reason for their you will listen, to. tell you a tale." s i o n s t 0 t h e s t a t e . According to . . ACROSS i the m a l uPOXD delight.', -. rich voice and Mndly h l sa c c o u n t and! The real reason whv the Aus-Ui's dough in Germany, but t h e i r -h o m e s coming. He ran into t h e next The-hero's As "he was" regaining his bal- room, pulled out the slipper from manner seemed to draw Meyer shops were' searched. Some of the trian Nazis suddenly called off I far from broke, and still rro-llit. ance'. Charlie's eyes 'fell upon a underneath the bed, and jumped on to answer. Jews hid away gold and jewels, tbe too violent anti-Jewish mani- jj ler but violently anti-Goebbels I tail figure standing erect on an- back-again to the side, of h i s "Sure'•—I'll j eB lad to listen," you fccow that the Institute drawing a bit out from time to festations in Vienna was that I he said, scarecly above a whisper. other roof some distance away mother. "Here, mama!" he cried, some of the most influential Aus- :I of Public Opinion has taken a s ~ A Tale time to purchase food and other with long arms stretched forward "There are thirty-five cents.here trian Catholics had protested di- P°ll"which shows that 50 per r e r t j; "There was a time," said Bar necessities. OGPU (Soviet secret rect to Hitler . . . Dr. Arthur | of Americans believe " n e ' e Sam asi. though he were pulling at the that Micky, Bones and I have sav_—— ' Kochba, "when the Roman army string of a kite. Charlie .looked ed up. Can't we give i t to the police) spies visited the comraun- |, Seyss-Inquart, governor of Ans-i will have to take up arms a~Einst with ten thousand soldiers was about him. .Only . j^r" the " -i tria, i s busy explaining why he • the Nazis one of these dajs" . . . y "the;; birds wing- poor Mrs. Finkelstein who hasn't >ucamped a short ten miles away: ity and purchased some of 1 y money for rent? ing and. dipping:-grace jewels, in this way- discovering had' so many Jewish clients be-j When good will awards jue Landfrom us. There vere but five through'the air were,to be. seen h Micky and Bones looked a t ' men with me, and we those who bad hidden belongings. fore Nazism came into power . . . j ed out some kind of prize cugLt Tliea. the truth .flashed upon each other in fear, but they un- hundred the Romans would attack. Soon afterward t h e community But, strange to say, Josef Buerc-jto go to the leaders of Min Clistriie; • that long-legged person derstood from a warning flash in knew us a t daybreak. "We were cut.off was raided and those who had fcel, Nazis commissar for Austria, j sota's Fanner-Labor Party ;• on. the roof was the owner of Charlie's eye that it would be from our rnaii_ army, and none been thus detected were arrest- was once a secret agent of the i When A: I. Harris,-Jewish, editor those pigeons. . . . French government in the occu-' of the Minnesota Leader, the par- • dangerous for them to say a could tell what would be the end : ed. • - / , • - C h a r l i e ' s Envy word. ''r "'• ' ' pied Rhineland shortly after the , ty's publication, offered t o resign of this battle. It -eemeci that we A-feeling"-Df envy swept through Some refused to disclose the World War Leave it to the ! to lessen attacks or; t h e party. "You dear, sweet': boy!".- ex- were already slaughtered and our y ^ p i i ' i was- mingle.a claimed Mrs-t'W"al.!5Sky;: embrac- cause already-lost. But I drew up hiding place of their valuables. Jews to make the best of eves j the leaders "imsrJrrcmsly refused 'la determination-town, just ing her sonl—'You have a—real my men before me, and cried.to These, Mr. Yonossof said, men Nazi persecution . It seems | to let him . . .•'We-.don'f third: p a flock" of pigeons: •'- When Jewish heart in you!"" ! them, a s is the custom of ourand women alike, were beaten to that the Nazi aim in Vienna is Heyis-ood Eroiia did himself ! he had fo.rme.d his , resolution, Neither Micky nor Bones ever people: 'Let all who are afraid force them to speakl Those who to give every Jew a dose of floor- good by describing the emblem ! Charlie-,sat back arid admired'the dared to mention t h e . subject to remain behind.'" still remained silent were forced and-sidewalk-scrubbing, t u t one j of the new National Progressive j pigepns. ; 'How tirelessly they cirl- Charlie, who' every afternoon "And' my heart sank. when I to sit on hot. Primus stoves. Oth- dose is considered enough as a j Party as "semi-swastika" . . Ac-j ed! a b o u t , their pretty wings mounts.the roof, seats "himself'on stretched, ^'the - tiny feot "so the empty coop, and dreams of a saw..that ten score of. my men ers were stripped naked, menacl- rule . . . So after finishing this j tually it's just the familiar X I n ' stepped ' back. There were now ed hand and foot and thrown into clean-up job the scrubber is grr-i a circle, and Dot a cross, as some j straight "and motionless! One flock of pigeons. three hundred only. J must feel, richer than king to own the mid-winter snow to freeze to en an official card which, he can i Yiddish editors claimed . . . Samuel Roth — The Jewish j " "What can' we ao against this, death: Their bodies were then produce, if a Nazi tries to have j ABOUT EEOPUS a -Obeliof these beautiful grace1 Child. him conscripted to the scrubbing j We're glad to say that Wallace \ terrible, foe,' I thought. 'How can fur ;er£atures, thought Charlie. . So—some am- i Beery has satisfactorily esplained | we stand against fhein?' My heart delivered to their families with a squad again ThX night he found Micky and failed me and I longed to weep." warning that a similar fate await- bitious youths sell their cards to j the incident we mentioned last j Botte^txrwhom he quickly.related ii "But th-i voice of :the * Lord ed those who failed to comply rich Jews who can't be bothered | week, and vre apologize if we sug- j tWs W ; aft'ernpon's f ' ' experience,, i d getting housemaid's knee . Max gested in any way that he might spok& within me." with the authorities' wishes. ing;-up with the statement: not have a satisfactory esplana- j " ' As tne Lord liveth!' I cried, teil?'5'o'iFwe*re-going to i a v e j u s t One merchant, Simon Ben Ya- Schmeling wants to beat Joe tion . . . We reported, if you re- ' 'we' shall defeat them.' At that huda, who. has now escaped into Louis more than he wants anysuehVa: flockT-of 'birds." "' me a plan. ' thing else.in the world, for if he member, that a Vienna paper isked Bones, who "'The 'Succah' was i n a -very- moment God gave " I ' did not : wait for daybreak Palestine, a man of rugged phy- wins" his reward will be the pest j printed a picture showing him , ii'"ion' Charlie: i n matters of bad state. Meyer stood for jnomwould, fall sique and great powers of endur- of fuehrer of sports in Naziland j wearing a swastika, and an inter-: arithmetic:in'abd out of school. ent with his hands in his pockets, when the '.Romans "How much do you spend on staring a t i t helplessly, and won- upon. us, 'iut led by men by a ance, withstood the Prisms stove . . . All members of the Hungar- j view quoting- t i n as defending j candy every" day?" asked .Charlie dering what cbuld.be done."The round-about way, until we stood torture without speaking, Mr. ian government related to Jews I the Nazifieation of Austria in ^businesslike tone of'voice. ' whole door was smashed, one behind the Roman camp. Then Yonosoff said. He was then sub- have been warned to resign . . . It's true Beery was in Germany,! "Two''cents. But on Saturdays wall had fallen, down bodily and we shouted our battle cry and fell jected t o the ""water care," in The Nazis now call Cardinal In- but the picture of him wearing j there was not even a framework upon them. They fled from be- which the victim's nose is held nitzer of Vienna "Cardinal Itzig," a swastika was a fake asnufac- '• you get nothing on for the next year's leafy green fore us, not knowing liow few we closed and he is forced to gulp because he helped so many Jews ] tured in the office of the prop- j were. Thus we took their whole to become Catholics . .-Dr. Claude ! Eganda ministry . . And the CEO-; ShicMios,:you • stupid. Now- let me roof. encampment .rith b.u"' three hun- great guantitles of water, accord- Montefiore will celebrate his SOtajtation was screwy also, for Beery? s e e . ' T w o ; cents' a day makes" i t Of course, no one needed a Suc- dred men. In two days, before ing to the account. twelve.:--cents' a week from you, cah now, in spring, but Meyer. the enemy could recover itself, • Those fleeing from this reign birthday in June by resigning declared in London that his visit from -the chairmanship of the abroad had convinced him of the ; and:.twenty-four cents in two hated t o see it so badly injured our army came to support u s . weeks,'.'.added to my twenty-four and smashed up.. Perhaps they Thus, i a spite of ">ur fear and of terror,.. Mr.. Yonossof said, Council of the Liberal Jewish! need for fighting Fascism . . . . He's j Montreal's Rabbi H. L. Stern is i cents-• "will • m a lc e~ forty-eight would never be abi'e to • mend it, weakness we won a great victory found refuge at first in Afghanis- Synagogue in London and he had been so proud every of our people, but the help of tan. The Afghans, who claim the founder of the liberal Jewish i all set t o receive an honorary L. cents,."-:'counted Charlie t o the -| community in England . . . With- > L. V. degree from McGill reiver-: amazement of his friends to keep Succahs, when. he was the only God. descent from the Lost drawal of Germany from the New! sity £t the May £6th convocation ' so many figures in his head a t one on the block with a real Suc"But what if we had wept? We of Israel,. welcomed the fugitives York World's Fair has reminded i Clap'hands for Janet VCeisone. time. "Now, how about you, cah. Living on-the ground floor of a First Avenue tenement house should have remained in our own for a time, but later this welcome the French that it was "they, and man, who was responsib Micky?" -• - . . . . . ' ; . . s y, ll hibi f h "I get only one cent a day." was not so bad, even if the rooms camp, and the Romans would grew cold, and "other emigrants jj not Germany, who paid for t h e ! ! that swell exhibit of t h e vrcrfc.,ci -But you're a. goy, so you get were dark, when you had back have cut us to pieces. Now, there- were driven back. They turned j erection of the German building j the Jewish Welfare Board and i t s ; money on Saturday; that make3 yard and the privilege of building fore, brave little son of our peo- towards Palestine as their only at the Paris Exposition last year j constituent groups which was a I ple, work and do not weep. Study inecea for last week's convention ! it seven cents, a week from you, a Succah there! hope. delegates . . . . Ditto Ben Rosen, fourteen cents in two weeks, and : In the meantime, something well, and live bravely, so that all Refugees began trekking the WE'RE TELLING TOU who now mock at us will one day sixty-two, cents for all.; "Wonder had to be done. Meyer bent down Father "Cocghiin's stand on the ! director of the Associated '1S00 miles-from Bokhara to the what a; pigeon costs. Lot's go and and put his shoulder to the wall admire us. Farewell!" The tmghSpanish civil war and the r e o r - j r a u d Torahs of P i ask: ,There<s a store right on in which the door had been set. *y figure raised his sword-arm Holy Land, part of the -ray by ganization bill has cost his mag- •vrhose illustrated booklet "Jew- i ; donkey, part aboard trtlcks, part.azine, "Social Justice," a heavy ish Education to the Fore" is as ; Bro6ine Street.".- .- -. Taking a deep b eath and steady- in salute. "But" we, haven't t h e money ing one leg against t h e stone "Don't go yet!" Meyer cried. afoot. .They traveled via Bagh-|loss in circulation . . . And the nifty a job as we hare seen, and i "It's such a beautiful dream. I dad, traversing in their journey j resultant financial difficulties in unique in .he field of Jewish, ed- ; •yet,"'protested Bones. fence, he pushed with all his '.'Nevermind that," said.Char- might. That did some good. The don't want to wake u p ! " i . . Congrats to ?,'oe An-! the Turkoman Republic, Persia, which the radio priest finds fcim- ucation "This is no dream," said- Bar publisher, I lie. '''We're getting it, aren't w e ? " wall became a little straighten Kochba. " I ' will give you "a sign; Another deep breath arid anothiororto! •"•'.•'-••:'•V..The Store i • You .shall know that in truth you on tfce j The {owner of the pigeon-store er heave. Everything : was going personal belongings they had | have spoken to-.me." . was;.ai dishonest man who made well. But Meyer did not notice contract for printing tie"! union of ^their families vr'asn I : 1 ' . ' . -The Sign . '-.'• managed to carry with them were i a practice- of • selling pigeons '.to that the upper part of the wood- ; , magazine . . . If the contract can i Duntelman's daughter marries j . So saying, he. took an arrow • the; -youngsters in the neighbbr- work was badly cracked, and that can revert to Ancenberg's son on the way t,e " i Arab smugglers as or thetaken price by or!| a .hoctil-'ana then stealing them that as he pushed to steady the from his quiver, and -struck the {stolen . . Kilte Jach S back. When - Charlie -and. h i wall, a splinter at the corner ^ ± ^?J™ J?™ J!2.\ transporting them to Palestine. ' obs is publicly ignoring the i-oy- Gliicksiaan is CE .G, friends,.entered, he.sized them up broke off, and fell, first on the on the spot. Meyer, gasped with cott of the ScEmeling-Louis^fight, the new boy's canip of the stone fence and. then to the delight. The little .tree . glistened but as t'kids,"*- and' asked gruffly wheph' de l a Vega, a J e w of . 3'nst i a case t i e boyxott gets] State Federation o l YMHA's, a t { ground. with dew, and a. green fire seem- • Joseph ther.they,, had any.money. : ; •dam, left the first full ac- ! really serious, LI3 contract gives; Speculator, New T o r t . . . ; Suddenly, a stout, angry-faced ed shine "through its branches, Amsterdam Charlie answered that i e exof; a- European stock e s - i hila a n out, enabling him to shift! (Copyright, 1ESS, by Seven Arts J count European stock esand a garland of silver star3 was pected -to-'have sixty-two cents woman appeared on the other change. Feature • j the site of the bout . . . The Nazis twined among its twigs. •'" :• side of the fence. witliin..twoiweeks. ".,-••' ' i don't use blue or red pencils to "This is a cedar,-a.young cedar "Is i t a broken head ye want Astnsc Bonssnicr," a JS "C(5me.' around in , two weeks In IS76 notable Catholic 'fain- censor outgoing mail . . . Thep then;1" ; said t h e pigeon dealer. to give us? What is it ye're after, from Lebanon. Keep i t and tend ilies of France organized 'the Un-. simply scissor cst verbotes pasit carefully, it is not nourished ye miserable little Jew?-" "it'iV-cost you a dollar." > ion Gener^le t o break the influ- sages and paste tfce remainder to- Jaime I of Aragos "'(12CS-1JT'6). by sun or rain, but by love for .Meyer's Snrprise. "ii'.[vnlyr means we'll have t o ence of Parisian Jewish bankers. Meyer starteu up, - surprised our people." save"Vnarder/ said Charlie when At the last word > Bar Kochba and panting, but before he could they-\^ere~again in the street. *^?ont- be"afjle to spend a sin- explain, Mrs. Mulligan was gone disappeared. But ,.the': plant was School, i t seemed to have grown with.a threatening "shake*of her still there. And it was stil there quite half an inch. AM when" he gle -perinj?"'protested Micky, WHOLESALE DISTRJEUTORS ''No,"j-snapped Charlie.- "None head and another' "grumble a t in the morning when .Meyer joined the -Yiddish and Hebrew "them pesky" Jews!" Wbat made showed it to his father. ',"".'; " speaking clubs the difference in or us^are'to >pend a penny." ,«Ja Drj 1 Gioger AI* . and Ke.rres.ter Port.a>-whole week Micky and it worse was that• Luigi Vanetti, '."It looks like a little pipe the tree's height was so noticeand his cousin, Allesandro, both tree;" said his father, "where did 'Falstaff Beer able, that he. took a ruler and Boites'premained faithful to their in Meyer's class a t Public School, you get i t ? " • i. . measured it. Bar Kochba" words promise," to ; Charlie and brought sis So. i: -in," their yard on the: other h But .Meyer wouldn't tell. He were true! The tree v»as nourim their pennies, which he plac- -were side. They never were very good only.said; '"It's a cedar!" XZZ ished by Meyer's love of oar peoed in' an"''old -slipper beneath the friends of .his, I am "sorry-to ;say; "Azoi'vlll er! :All right! Let it ple and • his determination to bed.. IJis:, time, was now" divided and now they were laughing and between building a large coop jeering in a manner that would be a cedar!" -laughed - his father. study, to work for them. And to Meyer, i t was always a A little while ago, Meyer beECOSS A r r E E J E E C E ' FEES! Aa E-peri md watchini t h e long-legged have shocked Miss Mctrjison, if cedar., He wondered though, why, came a member of the Circle of jnanand. his flock of.pigeons. that kind teacher could have with, all his watering .and tend- Jewish Children of America. That Strange J>oings seen them. Meyer clenched his ing, it did not grow. But one day • •.. • At the .end of .a week, there fists and kept a straight face un- when he had learned his Hebrew is how I came to know this story. And lie told me. in addition, the was thirty cents in the old slip- til they wero gone, ' lesson particularly well, he felt tree grew a whole inch taller a t v. «.totst < per and the coop that Charlie had ditl But* immediately -"after, a. ter- sure that the tree had grown a one jump — on Joining Day! been building was finished. B u t (From the Circle of Jewish Chil3udffenly,' - i t h o u t any cause rible-feeling of shame and help- little taller." When he had AAA ... • whatever. Micky, and Bones stop- Ie=sness came over him. How on his report card from Hebrew dren.)
An Extension of the Jewish-Community Center
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with Rabbi I T . R. Rabinowitz officiating. '011 Ft fin PI vw It1" I Mr. Nadler was born In Poland and came to the United States If- more than 30 years ago. He had Fraternity Plans Study lived in Sioux City 25 years. Dorotha _alts_ian of Inter-Group '1 Surviving are his widow, FanMISS ANNA N PllL,*e0rrespea_esi P l Relations nie; two sons, Henry, and Isa- There -was a meeting o£ the dore: 3 daughter, Toby, Gertrude Agidus Achim Lodge on Thursan.d Pearl, and 4 brothers, Mor- day. Final arrangements were New York (WJCS)—A series of ris and Adam in Bueno3 Aires, made for the Memorial services O l . t . . e.-i'i i">. s <-< *•! «.«•<! L y endowed by the Pi Reach Claims Lack of ForArgentina; Ben and Sam in Po- to be held, in conjunction with Berlin's Try to Unite Them fellowships I tlie l.SCO celej-atw representing Lambda Phi Foundation, Inc., the B'nai B'rith Lodge on Moneign Exchange as 1 land. 500,.">00 0rpf.7-Jr.ed Jevish vrorkIs Proving has been set up to undertake a Women Mr. Nadler was a member of day, May 23, at Eagles Hall. The Reason ! ers, pledced cocjserrtio--. to the broad study of the relations beFutile the B'nai B'rith and the Jewish services will be held at 8 o'clock. tween different religious, racial ORT. support lor Jewish vocaEveryone is invited to attend. The Social Service, group' of Workmen's Circle. New York ; JTA} —Anti-Nazi ; Budapest (JTA) — Hungary's and nationality groups on the tional training, s ?1 per capita the Council of Jewish Women circles sre jubilant over GerThe Emesel Club held a meet- flourishing Fascist and anti-Sem- campuses of American universi- '. many's decision, announced to '• tax to1 promote i<••<:• p"".crin:nation's will have a: dessert luncheon this Mrs. Minnie Fish ties, according to an announceing and informal Saturday afternoon, • at ' T:30 work. ir.teusiiios.Uon of use antiment by Joseph C. Hyman, na- ' the state department by Ambas- , Nazi Funeral services" for Mrs. Min- day at the home o'clock in the West Hotel. Miss bc"*co'it, P. iir:h* r^K'Tist p.nt$* ; sador Hans Dieekfcoff. to wifhquest of Austria but still remain tional president of Pi Lambda nie Fish, 75, vho died Monday in Endelman. Nelle Morris of. the Visiting torn by dissensions and faction- Phi Fraternity, which is provid- \ draw • from the 1939 New York Jevish ciscriminstioTi in America Second Annual Affair to Nurses Association will be the her home, were held Monday af• "World's Fair, at which it was to aid to the Jewish masses ol J ^ " 1 ! . 3 .desjjiiejef forts from ing the funds for the work. The •have occupied 10n,ceo square :. and Be Held at guest -speaker.' She wil speak. on ternoon in Beth Abraham syna- Mr. Don Friedman returned early j ^Berlin Europe in ib.eir s-.trrggie to reto unite them. study will be carried on under gogue. /Mrs. Fish who had residhealth and case work and a round this -week from a week end trip - . Belle yue One of the extreme Right-wing the direction of three members feet. ! main in. '.he lands vhere they table discussion-on case work will ed in Sioux City for 28 years died to Chicago. groups — the so-called "Reform of the faculty of Columbia Uni- i Although the German envoi* ncv: are. Mr. Vladeck, who was following an extended illness. follow. j .' iThe second .anuual A. Z. A. cited financial difficulties as mo- re-ciectec c5.isjrrn-5.ri o? the ComSurviving are five sons,- Harry, The closing meeting for this Herbert Rosenthal, a student Generation" — is even in the versity headed by Prof. Robert jj tivating Sweetheart dance, to be sponsorhis government's cleciGovernment and has a representLynd, chairman of the univerBen, Louis and Max of Sioux City at Lincoln, Nebraska,' spent last ed by. Sioux City Chapter 12 ol season of- the Council will be'; a i sion, it was believed hpre that mittee, reportec that the organiative in the f)aranyi Cabinet, the and Abe of Los Angeles; two week end at home. i zation had rsiped $101,000 for the order, will be held in the ball- ea Monday afternoon* -May. 23, Minister of Industry, Geza von the Jews in Poiand during the room of. the Bellevue Apartments X the Warrior hotel.> At this daughters, Mrs. Mary Stone and Bornemissza. While Bornemissj ime, a constitution, will'be adopt- Miss Gertrude Fish both of Los Miss Florence Meyerson, a senon the evening-o£ May 29. last year. Speakers at the convenza is not by any means an ex-I Mr. Myron Heeger, Treasurer d and the annual reports of the Angeles, 21- grandchildren and ior at Abraham Lincoln High tremist, prominent members of tion incU'ided Me.yor La Gnardia School, will portray the lead in of the department of psychology, Germany without a g-r.ara.ntee s.v.6. Senf.tor Robert F. Wagner. of the chapt-r, has been appoint- -halrmen will be submitted..Mrs. two great grandchildren. his party.are, though they nom- and Louis Kaplan-will' o^ferj the "•Insenior class play, "The Late Prof. Ralph Hinton, head of that ed general chairman ' I charge of v it would not be used for ; Both assailed mli-SennUsni and accept . ' .'. .'.' •••".• " to be, present- i the department o£ anthropology, military all dance activities. He in turn vocation.' purposes, played imimportance of deed tonight in the high school 1 will be associated with Professor portant roles. According to Dr. "stressed the appointed : JBernle Rosenthal to auditorium. Ben Kutler is also a | Lynd in the work. The first o£ Dseckhoff. Germany would hare fending democrac*-. head ticket sales. ed Scythe-Cross party of Andrew member of the cast. The highlight among the many Boeszoermenyi was the strongest the fellowships was established at encountered many difficulties in The Jews ci" Enfrluntl. before activities which go to make this . The children of the .Hebrew Nazi formation in the country. Columbia University t J inquire arracgiE-r for foreign e-cchanee their expulsion in the thirteenth dance a success is the annual School and the Shaare Zlon SunThe party emblem was a cross into inter-group relations in col-; w - l h ~wh'ich to finance construc- century, spoke French exclusiveelection of an A. Z. A. Sweetday School' will attend _ a Lag formed of four scythes in a form leges and universities in the East. I tion of her exhibit ly. ; heart,-b-ythe members of the Poemer picnic this Sunday at which closely resembled the pro-Similar fellowships will be estab-1 Grover "Whaler." prefnlent of : chapter and their friends. Among Riverside Park. The children are lished later at universities in! the Fair corporation, voiced reI Fetronize Or.r Advertisers hibited swastika. Boeszoermenyi, . those eligible for election to the asked to be at the synagogue in however, attempted an armed j other parts of the country to in-! gret at the decision but said the ;throne for the year 193^-39 are time for regular classes and they vestigate the status of minority | space relinquished by Germany rising in the lowland; his plans present Sweetheart Sylvia FriedOne Hundred women attended will leave for the park at 11 World's? VViinclT>w would be used to -rood advantage I were discovered, his armed pea- groups in those sections. i man, Harriette Levin, Frances he Senior Hadasaah Donor's o'clock. " __;-by several countries hitherto un- I sant brigades suppressed, and his : Maron and Margaret Kosberg. uncheon Tuesday afternoon in • The afternoon's program will , able to get accomrooclaiion. Scythe-Cross movement almost j i (Continued from VP-SP 1 > • The chapter * has acquired a he Jewish Community- Center include'games, races and refreshf 1 M fa Ji completely destroyed. j I is now growing i'i). That task can | beautiful pin which will be pre- rid heard. Mrs. Samuel Schul- ments. The children will bring Greets 'Occasion The most powerful National • be accomplished only .by the wide sented to the most beautiful and [iiiger of Newark, ^New Jersey their own lunches. City Becomes Seat of Arab Socialist St. Louis (JTA) — Mayor Lamovements in Hungary desseiv-ination of the cheap and ; intelligent girl who wins the peak.. She spoke on the-"work of Nationalist AgiGuardia cf New Yrrk said "real at present are the Arrow-Cross ; attractive Jewish book. "~2CRd I ; award for the coming year, Hadassah and -the effect that German culture" would be evitation movement of Count Alexander : This..dance has .more signifi- vents in-Europe are having tbdent f.t the New York "frond's mean, as my tentative list, shows, Festetics, the National Will cance to the chapter than-as a ay on Palestine.' ''• '"'" -1 11 Fair 1SS0, despite the decision of Jewish books, not hooks about Jerusalem (JTA) — A hint of movement of Major Ferenc Szalimere fun-makino- occasion. Mr. Mrs. Sol Novitsky was- chairMr. M. Levitsky was re-elected i "official Germany" not to par- Jewish things. I mean literature ; Heeger has planned the dance man of the donors project and president of the Adas Yeshuren j distress in the isolated Jewish asi, and the National Front of ; and life P.P.Q thought and not , ticipate. 1 community of Bagdad is containFrancis Rajniss. JTo these must iwith the idea primarily in mind ;ave a report of the committee at synagogue congregation at a re- I trpfti'pfi? Fbom them. I mean the : j "The school of German thov.eht ed in a report published in a Pal- be added the Tflrul Association : to allow the large membership of he luncheon." • - " . . living" well of Judaism re-opened " cent election. estinian Arab paper that teachG r o u pr Touring Country^sor-ified by the present resime 1 and fiov.ing freely in the English the chapter an opportunity to get The next' meeting of the chapto Other officers include A. Kos-ers in the Jewish schools of Bagh- of radical students and es-stu" would, I believe, have little to together in a spirit of convivial- :er wiir take: place Tuesday, May berg, vice-president; S. Katz, secP.S it ha? fioved in AraPrior to Formal : contribute to the a r t s and language The Arrow-Cross movement ity and good fellowship which Is 1 at the Jewish Community Cen- retary; B. Rosenthal, treasurer; dad have gone on strike because maic r.ncl Arpbie rnd. German and Sessions j sciences (exhibits) and perhaps other tongues in other days and they have not received their pay. takes its name from Us emblem : so necessary in order that the J. Kaplan, E. Lelchook, H. FriedI that accounts for their action in The paper publishing this four half-arrows placed in swaschapter serve the purpose for lands. Among the-Sioux'City women man, and J. Cohen, trustees. Britain's • withdrawing from the fair," the other story, Falastin, adds'that it is tika form. It is a copy of the Ger- Jerusalem (JTA) .which It was founded and to car-who, attended the regional conJ send this plr.n and program 'happy to report" that the Jewsaid. "Brute force will not man National Socialist movement Palestine Partition commission, ry out the.true essence of social ention. in Council Bluffs , this , oitt into the Jevish world of ish community schools in -Bagh- and so close is the cooperation seeking a final settlement of'dis- !b e featured at our fair at all." ; America. Will I hear answer or activity. week -were Mesdames TV. C Slotdad are to be closed. between the two that Festetic's orders which have held sway in ;echo? ky, Joe Levin, T. N. Lewis, S. It is difficult to verify the inHoly Land intermittently for ; (Cojiyriehi, ITS8, by Seven Arts H. Novitsky, Louis A'granoff, Ben Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will formation, "because Jews in Bagh- Vienna office is in the Vienna i tne* two years, held its first session Fenu*re Syndicate) ill, Barney. Baron; J. N. Krue- speak this evening at Mount Sinai dad fear to communicate with Brown House. His youth associalast week in a land seething with 1 ger, H. R. Rabinowitz, Philip Temple on "A Golden. Chain of tions are formed on the German unrest,which overflowed into herman, Joe Kutcher, J. Arkin, Jewish Literature" in commemo- the outside would, as was evi- model and wear green, shirts. His Max Brodkey, A. B.-Friedman ration of Jewish Book Week. The denced recently when a J. T. A. movement is especially strong in jSyria and Egypt. DONALD BRODKEY AND IHONSKV, correspondent here received a the German villages of TransThe four-man comKiission held and Charles Raskin. GRODSNSKY, MAHER & COHEN -service will begin- at 8 o'clock. Cincinnati (JTA)—A story of letter from an acquaintance in danubia. The Count himself is an an informal meeting with its Attorneys the capital of Iraq, insisting that uninspiring personality, and his j chairman, Sir John Vv'oochead, Jewish loyalties and community ( 737 Omaha National Bank Building there could be no correspondence agitation for land reform is not presiding, and then announced service of almost two centuries i NOTICE Society News between them "for every obvious helped by the fact that he him- formal hearings would start at in the Virgin Islands cf the NOTICE IS KECiKltr GIVEN that '••:' Final reports of the United reasons" and that "corresponiiiKJe-.-sigp>:sl Iiave org"atiized a Jewish Appeals Drive, were made r Saturday, morning, May 28, the In the presence of their par- dence from your country is both self is owner of more than 100,- the end of a fortnight, during j united States has been brought the eorpo-'p tioT> inul^r- t!ip tovp of the 000 acres of arable land. at-the Jewish Community Center unior congregation "of Shaare nets and immediate relatives, unwelcome and embarrassing." which time the commission will ^ 0 \\v\x by tlie e'fo*-'<= o* ^ r State of Xel>ras:-:a. Ti)p name of the Much more important and sug- tour the country to obtain first- K ei-ry' Cohen vl Gelveston last night, and at the time of go- lion synagogue will hold ' a Bar to cm-porntion is KT,I:'1X-KI:SSEI,I- MOIda Cohen, daughter-of Mrs. The Jewish community in gestive is Major Szalasi's Nation- j hand TOll C's.*., anil tho principal Place of ing to press, it was expected that rIltzvah-: service, ••; celebrating its Miss Information on the various ' , , , , , ' .. Cohen, 815 16th street and Baghdad is long-established and al Will movement. Szalasi's chief | aspects of its general problem. I r a l s e f l : n d s f o r t h e V™ erx£iion trans.'ieting" its imsin^sp is the City the 510,000 goal. Bet for Sioux 3 th anniversary. The service J. S of Omaha. IJnuplp.p County. .XebrasDavid D. Laltz, 1315 Nebraska includes a number of wealthy of staff is Francis Fiala, a young j City, had been reached. trill begin at 11^o'clock and will street, The commission invited orsaniza- i c f t h e historic synagogue in St. ";a. Tlie peiif.-Hl nature of ' business son of Mr. and Mrs. S. and aristocratic families such as man who passed through . the j TO he Irar-sacc*^ ;iV If pisrclsai?':'. sol], -•'• Much of the success in reach-be followed by.a luncheon in the Laitz of Minneapolis, exchanged the Sassoons. Recently, the city lions and individuals to submit ] Thomas. Dr. Cohen is receiving deliver, t^isrose nt', ;; p.d . deal in. at ing the goal was attributed to ocial hall for the children and wedding vows. The ceremony has become a center of agitation school for Nazi agitators in Ger-memoranda and to testify orally, ; the cooperation of the Union cf wholesale or retp.;~i. pr;her or both, of many. Szalasi's movement, while with the choice of public or pri- j American Hebrew Congregations •the splendid, work done by the heir parents. •;'•"" "' . k place "Wednesday evening In and organization of the Palestine similar to German National Soput of town committee under the . Greetings-froitt- Mrs. Joe: 'K-u't- ook 'ts, devices, acnes: - n fhis effort. he study of Rabbi H. R, Rabin- Arab revolt, apparently counten- cialism, is by no means an imita- vate hearings or both. i3s, am! J : H ether leadership of L. J. Kaplan. Thi3_ her and Mrs. Meyer Shubb will owitz, A 22-hour curfew was imposed At one time a nourish ins: comwho officiated. anced and at least semi-official- tion of it; it incorporates tradior "prePRrnnie''chR. irSf-. committee visited Jewish fam- le -heard representing the Ladies the Arab town of Jenin after munity of some ."Of Jews, the A buffet supper for the wed-ly approved by the Iraquian Gov- tional Magyan elements. The on ilies in the surrounding small Auxiliary; Mr. John Lansberg, shopkeepers refused to call off a : conn'"M'tior th."-rpv-i-:li. ernment, Fawzi el-Kawakji, gen- chief demands of the movement j congregation of "Blessings t.nd either or boln; a!=o '•-. towns with gratifying results. Barney Baron' and Mprey Lip- ding, guests was served in the eralissimo of the Arab rebels in are land reform a-id the solution j strike launched in protest against Peace and Acts of Piety'' in these ;; and ^orvice fi!'.'" and ;-> ot the abnve The committee included Abe Pill, hutz, representing the congregar home of the. bride's mother, fol- Palestine during the partition commission. Thirty1936, is living of economic problems, including j ol a r t ivies-, p.m to I^IKI mid former Danish West Indies has classes Frank Margolin, Louis Strongih, ion, and David Kuntz and Isa-"owing the ceremony. • (1 one Arabs, many of them wanted -fHiout pecurThe. bride wore he? traveling there and conducting propaganda the Jewish problem. The rnove- by the police, were seized by . dwiEuled to some 50 persons un- ]iorro\ nuMif-y, vrith cr ohri.Mnit. Ben Fish, M. Seff, Dave Rodin, dore Shiridler representing the P.nd costume of navy wool,-trimmed in for the terrorists. ' jm e n t is very active and uses all jtroops of the Ulster Regiment in ; s b l e t 0 maintain properly the re- t;eal in Abe Silverberg, L. J. Kutcher, hildren. • »in-noKOtiHble rmu jes: to vurFrom Baghdad, emissaries for ; kinds of modern propaganda, es- j surprise raid on the village of I markable edifice erected at the iP-str'tnii Barney Baron and Mike Skalov- Songs, and g?.mes will conclude blue fox.' After a - weeks motor n^cmire rea! chfise, l rip to Minnesota and Chicago, the Palestine Arab nationalist ! pecially masses of abusive leaf- aSilat-el-Dahr. aky. - .... he program. Rifles, revolvers, ! height of the community's pros- . eP-ir^t*? p.rit; P''I'SOJUII propercy ueceKMr. Laitz and his bride will make cause are travelling through Ara- ! lets I band grenades, land mines,-" am- j perHy in 1S33. And ret this i 5avy or incii'onrR! to ihe corporabia preaching a "jihad" — holy! T ' h e xemzeti Front (National munition and a quantity of khaki ! faithCul remnant elirc;s levelIv to I tion's biishifj*s RTSO In poll, convey, The Annual confirmation ser- their home at 815.16th street. encumber a m : dispose of sui-h war — against the British and I Front) movement of Francis Raj- uniforms was found. . i -» _ _ _ _ _ _ _._= r_;,,_* _ _.„ '• lease, vice of Shaare Zion synagogue property; to pii'-i.'hnK", hold. Fell, Betty and Doris Marx, twin Jews, and taising money for the jn iss used to have close connecwin be held Friday evening June daughters trary?fpr anfJ other wise flispope of Mrs. Johanna Marx terrorist bands. tions with Germany. One of its j i rapiial stock, bomis or other securi3, when ten children will be con- and the lateofHerbert The latest reports indicate that chief demands is an independent Marx, enteroi other co'-pO'-f'tKMi??. (sncl to 1'iirtinued. The theme chos3n for the tained thirty young friends al-Hindawy, for the murder ; services regularly en Sabbaths i! XIPF <ihp.se. hola. sell f:nr: transfer piiaieg at a they are meeting -with some suc- racial preservation policy. It also tafa sxercises is "Moulders of our dancing party last Saturday night of Abraham Goldschlager, Jewish j End Holydays. Their chief worry ' of its o'vn capital FtO'-k. The Biithi>r« cess. According to" the - Arab j demands land reform; it is caiiitttl stock is J1I1,IIII".IHI, <li•I Dr. Delia Galinsky was elected character" and sermonettes ; by In the Sioux ball room, celebrat- press, the activities of Aktaram j strongly opposed to Jewish influ- g-uide.of the American settlement * is the physical deterioration of j:; ized vided iPU- I'11) snares of the par ;he children will be given on of Juarraa in the Jezreel Valley, \ the building, which with their president of the Sisterhood of ! vr.lnp of sicn.i'i' fp.ofi. a!" of which i.s ing their sixteenth birthday. Zueitor, of Nablus, are bearing ence in industry and commerce, Jjount Sinai Temple at their elec- L.aw Giver, ' Prophets, Rabbis, A program of dancing was fol-fruit. His visit to the heads Of the and'it on February 25. • 1 limited means they are powerless : coninion stock .and when issned shnlf demands a radical solution Poets, Leaders, Philosophers, DeI be fully paid and iioti-Hssi-ssnlile. tion last-. Friday. She succeeds Six of 10 Jews arrested in Hai- I t o p r e v e n * Shiite Moslem sect, with millions of the Jewish question. lowed by refreshments. I i^tock rtmy Ue paic, for ir. o-(ish. )>ro]">Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg, .who com- fenderB and Dreamers. The story fa in connection with the bomb- : T h p r e - e n t b a - a n o f t h e C on- ! orty. services or other th.inp.s of value of adherents, recently reported of Ruth will also be told. Greetmg of an Arab cafe were re. ,, _. _ , i a.« rtPterm'nei": by the- .Hoard of i)ipleted a twoTyear term. Mrs. H. H. Shlloff, Mrs. Dave by the Jewish Telegraphic Agen- i *-* A 1 from members of the Alumni leased. Three Jewish youths are ! eregation. ^°-»es D. Sasso, has j rectors. The. time of romnfnenmont ! Mrs.' Harry Bailin /was elected ings Keir, and Miss Rose Shiloff en- cy, has resulted in the calling of j C o n g r e s s m a n ASKS •• of this rorpoi-ation is the (late oi fillleen will be heard-and. Joe Maron, inscheduled to face trial before the j officiating more than _0 : ;ngr n? the .Vrtifles in the office of vice-president; Mrs. H. Sol Novit- structor of the class will speak. tertained fifty guests at a lunch- a conference by the Shiite leadsky, secretary and Mrs. Hyman: Nazareth military court for posyears, having succeeded the late [ t h e County Ciert-; of not:e]a? County. Members of the confirmation eon and bridge Sunday afternoon ers at their holy city of Kerbela, F^.shgall, treasurer. The late Xebraska, to-\vit, April 21, ifK'K. and session of bombs and revolvers. Rev. David Cardoso. Jn Scribbins Tea Room, honoring to plan assistance to the Palestine Betty Bain, Wally the d;>te of ti'nn;ii»tion is May 1, :: Board members at large who class Include They were.arrested April 21. for Rabbi' Dr. H. Pereira Mencles '. U'^S. Th? ii-ichest p.rnon^t of irso'ebTJordan Ginsberg, Dor- Miss Ida Heshelow, whose mar- Arabs. Zueitor has already estabare .'also elected .for a two year Friedman, an attack on an Arab bus. ] spent six months with this conriage to Eugene Levin of Chicago lished • fifteen branches of "The : edn.ess or liability to which -he corj- Kaplan, Ann Kanofsky, Ruth Washington, D. C. (WNS) — term are Mrs. Jack Robinson, is • potation sh'-<n p': pv.y time subject i i will be an event of June 12. Committee for Palestine" in I gregation in St. Thomas in IP-5 Berton Lipschutz,' Lor| soli siiali riot exceeo {he atP'Ujnt oC Immediate closing of every Nazi Mrs. Louis Heeger, Mrs. M. A. Kutcher,' i and was honored by being mctle i its tui:ii raitiinrizeil c^n^itai S!o<Kks raine Raskin, -Jean Shubb, and . Guests from away were Mrs. H. large towns in Iraq, according to and Communist camp in the Unit1 Marks, Mrs. 1Herman N. Slotsky Harold Rittenbaum of Atlanta,. Georgia; the Arab press here. Minister Emeritus of the Virgin ]>!-eviiied. ho>ve\er. t'np» this restrioSlotsky. ' "'• and Mrs. Joe Levin. ed State3 "even if it means emMr3. Boris lievin, of Creston, la.; : tion sliail ha^-e pr RPT^icntion to obIslands. | licp.tions oi" tl^e et>r!3Ln-;ition. the IIHVMrs. Archie Kroloff of Chicago, powering the State militia to step The e?,rly hipfery of this con- ! mpii'is of vliii'n are secure/; by Oie and • Mrs. Meyer Daskovsky of in and halt their activities," was j transfer of ren i e.^rate or other prop. j grejraticn was marked by on fas- ; erty. The fifiV.irs of the co'-poi-ation Hinton. urged bj- Representative J. ParDanville, Ind. (WNS) — One I trophe after catsstrophe, succes- • are to i>e eononcted by ^ Pc-ard of nell Thomas, New Jersey Repub| IVn-eciors, eonsistin?" of vi^t leri?. than - j The Jewish Community Center of .the most unique manifesta-1 sive synagop-ues having heen de- t\v(> nor nsore ttirur five ir.< huniber, Mrs. Herman LIcht has returnlican, in a statement lor the ConThe Ladies Auxiliary; of Shaare ed home after a three week easi3 anxious to secure a piano for tions of Christian-Jewish good ! strcyed by fire. But it was siso ; v.-hifh Boarc sh"ll pl^ci: p. P:-p=;iiient, gressional Record. Vice-Presiueiu, a yeeretar?-', and *?. the blue room of the Center, and Zion synagogue will"; h'ave a, .one tern trip which included stops in Will occurred in this Hendricks ' marked by the harmonious reia- I| aTreasuvei 1 . Declaring that recent events in | anyone having a piano they wish o'clock luncheon -. and- . meeting New York, Philadelphia, and ChiCounty town O f 2,000 When the • ; tioiss between the Jewish proup i ! , K n v i n p r, r,ri,r:;v • South America point to the need | to donate is asked to get in touch Tuesday afternoon,-. May 24,' in cago. I VINCENT .3. H n ; K H A R 3 , entire population declared a holi-1 and the other ichabitants of the with Miss Dorothy Merlin at the the synagogue social hall. -; for stricter surveillance of Nazi j day to honor and help Joe Hess, i islands. I !noo;-noiaio;-s. and j -ATTEST: T>mK\hi Brooke,Center. • An election of the board; and Communist activities in this Mrs. H. Minter, and Mrs. J. Ja- T «t«s nf nn-;*™*-u;~. TTJ--I *- * i ! . installation of n e w officers will cobson have returned to Sioux LOSS Of Citizenship Will ! i o t i c o u n t r V ) T h o n i a s > a m-ember o£ 6 7-year-old Jewish merchanrwhc •. after devoting- a lifetime to help- I r •» ^ « Bs Subject to = ' The Dramatic Club -will close be-a feature of the program. Mrs. City from Chicago, where they r ~ > •""" the House Military Affairs Com- Iing others went broke because oi'rL,B.OOT S^OmEtllttiee its meetings for the summer with H.- R. •RabJnowitz-v^ill give a re- spent a week with relatives. Mrs. Appeal mittee, asked for an increase in j r i r.^ a., party this -week. Miss Ruth port of the convention of the Uni-Mlnter will remain in Sioux City i the personnel of the Federal Bur- jhis generosity to the poor and leniency with his debtors. ProKutcher is in charge of arrange- ted Synagogues arid tlie Wom- the rest-of this month before reWarsaw (JTA) — The .Polish j au of Investigation (G-Men) so j e en's league which took place last turning to her home is Los Anments." - '•• Witll Parliament last week adopted a j that it will have sufficient man-j claiming February 26 as "Joe | week in Chicago. \ . geles. Hess Day," the townsfolk took j • — ^ bill depriving persons residing I power to keep suspected organiI New book-cases have been placr \f 1 over his little store on the main ' New York I abroad of Polish citizenship, j zations under constant surveij ed in the library of the Center square and public subscription ; hearing Ab C Ui£r e co- ci • Miss Ruth Jacobsbn will depart which will affect- thousands of lance. and contribute greatly to the today for Washington, D. C. living in Austria, Germany, . "The United States," he said, was taken to replenish his stock. \ Jewish Daily r o o m , •*.'•-• '. . where she has accepted a govern- Jews Palestine and elsewhere. Amend- "is alive today with un-American While merchandise was available [ Vladeck, rcaj Abraham E. Singer ment-position in the * Housing Funeral services for Abraham Comulssion Department. ments offered by Deputy Emil termites- who are endeavoring to at sale prices to those wno desir- \ ?>"ew Tors C E. Singer,.23 years old_ Sioux City SommersteiiKand others were re- eat away the foundation of our {ed it, tfee sale idea conceived by ; against perir.i honor graduate student at IOvva democracy. Organizations such as jthe committee was not to see how i share in the The Debra met Wednesday - ecUT lnM' .. ... little a customer would pay but : ganization, tl State University, were held last der the measure which was the German-American Bund, an ]how much. Ties, shirts, socks and; Labor Comai; Sunday afternoon at Mount Sinai evening in the home of Miss Rose | outgrowth, of the Friends ol New I Rosofsky. A social hou. and rei drafted by the Polish Cabinet Temple, with Rabbi Theodore N •handkerchiefs sold at from ? 5 to I convention &( rreshments followed the meeting. -tabbed for swift action, citi- Germany' aad its predecessor. JJ10. • Contributors to the Ha GalH Lewis,officiating.' ; " i miss E-sjcrit tWO f! lah project cf the Jewish Nation more! Credit. books were placed Singer, a graduate • student.- in . Word has "been received that ;zenship will be taken away from j Teutonia, are • increasingly f on ' which rejecft the co al Fund, who have not received the school of chep'istry,- died In a : persons residing abroad a n d I active. They make no attempt! the counter to enable customers of Communist bonds froni the ^National office 6 hospital foHow-ng. an automobile Perry Osnowitz is one of 12 Uni-, deemed .to be working injury to to conceal the fact that they rec- ! the Fund, are asked to 'get in accident near G"innell. 'Another versity, of Iowa men -who were] the Polish State, and also those ognize only Nazism and their j in arrears-to pay up or arrange; against anti-! soae settlement. A citizens . ism. touch with Mia" Rose Gpldsman student was killed instantly in ele'eted-Into A. F. I., honorary living abroad for five years since x i ler, Hitler." i for a z ru senior men's organization. Elecsecretary o f the council. . comnjJttee was organized to file: One resolu the acicdent and one was ser- tion Is based on scholacship and the establishment of the Polish ' suits against those falling to set-1 Jewish labor Juniors' Hadassah • and Young iously injured. Republic In 1913 who have lost participation in univers'ty activJudean members canvassed the tie their accounts with Hess. The affiliated fc-oc Survivors Include his ^parents, connections with the State or JOHN SCHIFF TO SELL city last Sunday for the-J.' N. F, Mr, andMrs. I. Singer,"'1001' 19th ities. leading business men of Danville adherence t; have refused ^to obey an order of COLLECTION OF ' " Flower Day. The workers'; attend' street,, a sister Kuth, who Is a served as clerks in the "Joe mocracy anr ro c p a representative of the Republic ed a breakfast a t ' t h e Jewish student at Iowa University, aning,coop ra Kess sale. Known throughout the PAINTINGS to return to Poland. Community Center before start- other sister,. Mrs. Meyer /Epstein town as "Uncle Joe," Hess once izEtsoa that ing the drive. A clause provides that the loss of Sioux City and two brothei-3 •• Planned, for Mew owned the Danville Progress, a New York WNS) — : Because of citizenship, effective immediDavid, a.;Student at Yaleuniyerdepartment store covering a h i j interests "are along other ately, after adoption of the bill, sity and Sidney, at. home./ • . York-Exhibition would not be subject to appeal. Uses," Joan II.-Schiff, son--of the whole block. For years he save 1 New (JTA) — A tribute Other clauses state that persons l/te Mortimer -M. Sehiff" and freely to all who asked for help - Services this Saturday morning Joseph Nadler- \. to the York principle of freedom of renouncing Polish nationality for grandson of''• Jacob H. Schi", has and his account-books'were opea Joseph Nadler, 58 years old, at Adas Yeshuren Synagogue wil worship and the pervading influ- another would not be admitted-to announced that his father's fam- to everybodj*. Hess, v:ho was bora begin at 8:30 o'clock. Rabbi S 1107 Virginia street, died in a loence of religidn will be shown to Poland except under special per- ous collection of rare paintings, in Germany, settled in Danville | t | Bolotnikov will spealt' during th cal noapital Tuesday, morning folfil sculpture, tapestries, books, and In 1S97. service. . • •" v :•. lowing a heart attack anil ,cotn- visitors to the New York World's mit of the Interior Ministry, pilcations;' Funeral services were Fair in 1939 in. the form of a furniture -vs-Hl be sold at public 1226 Patronize Our Advertisers auction in London in. June, Patronize Our Advertisers -held at Sbaare Zion • synagogue. 'Temple of Religion. Patronize Our Advertisers
S Skiffs
City New
Council of Jewish
Lag Boemer . Picnic Sunday
Heads Synagogue
. • - - ' . • : • • • : '
Mount Sinai
Virgin Seeks Aid for • Old Synagogrue,
Shaare Zion
Militia to Close" Mazi Camp Sites
Entire Town Help; Merchant Who I
Auxiliary to'Ho|d Luncheon Tuesday
arr Coopcrrticn
Jewish National Fund Council
Religion Temple'
Adao Yeshureii'