May 27, 1938

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1 b i s OTTO .aisfl i i o 31st -n~Hsct tiro TTQlJ2i23

'~"r.t~re£l -as B~-*3-n2: Eiass 13iall Matter -on 3~Tni~~T -31, 12~3.1, .-art tce. til Ors-rim, Uf ebrastai. "nEd~r tits -Act nf rilareh '3. :1ST9

K A, ^-'i-TjTl ^ ^ , ZiLA!~i .fZT. I°LP35

xa Bar ^Hsblicatica. seprcite> 7 tiun la -Kiiols nrin-pzrt lorbidilen.


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•-' Tithy are the liberals nut a l l htsr of the 1SS9 rriends nl the JeKish -people:? "I tan iraiversity r have TislsEd the .qiiEslion " before thirS. .annual 2-1" anil -sought ~ix> give an /answer. fcanque "But tD the various ansisrars /given by others as /iWBll E3 iby m e auThis .is t h e i. -that a other -must ;be milfleQ.. Xjibsrali~m 3evash student' ... • is being corroded and carrtrnted ^^^_-« aamefl editor of' the -yea-rt .-in the rmin'ds and emotions nl .'Selinsfcy, a Junior in the %z rmnny -wiio -profess it. "They have B t a t s s i a ;tilB • 32ZxL2ly Of /journalism, TTES associate ,/IorgDlten its meaning. They ifa-ree impor- ' tor of the "13 CS •reasons. /forgotten t h a t i t has mo meaning •aarvb us, 3, ! tant side should be •unless lit stands vtmcompro ini~ ingCamp Aiifaa, the Bnmtasr Home natiarail -™arning against 3y for : the ultimate .masimnm of 1 our-slves at any "time to be -ea- i pitman "liberty, t h a t it rpref era the i Center, "rill .beria i t s iourih srp- 1 •gulfed by :ihe ifalse, /rabid and'UiiTisli of licence "to the /risS "of /slay— I son. .cm ilnndsy, June -C. at th~ i Chxisfian theories • of the tatalita^ery and thatk it does so not :in the rmany listeners :termed riah state. .'-belief but -in ;the ^absolute 'Jzoxxwl.-•••• -•• - • vlil caatiri-ae for -el-giit Treeks. vedge that liberty is a t mis -.-ith the moat vigorous attack v s t ! C.atnp Akiba finrin-/ the Tast life .for both :men and sociaties made 'by a Catholic churchman DB I . •'Speakins :as ifhs ijiahop . . ^ three seasoss has proven to be 1 •and that -the loss at liberty means the IKaati regime, the most Hev-j/for the Catholics of Omaha. 1 ds-j n:;e D! the finest prrdects cf its ~ zfirnt ./rigidity, .next decay, iinally erend James S . 3tynn, nishop o l ' n o u n c e publicly t h e hnrrible .-per-! type ia EEU about Osiaha. death.. the Catholic diocese o l Omaha, |i-e.cation ./of a T?oar, hBlptej- lseo-' It proTid-es a complete Fd'jcs"The/ occasion oX these rrefleo- speaking .at the testimonial ban~jpi e , ~ily dHnunciatian, 1 Jnnrf-,! . i for boys and girls from the ares little, but i t 3neans "tions. is. the amazing article an tjuet i n honor xif L I of five to ionrteen IOT live "days lhat 1 but '•"Phli.Xa t o i l e t t e nl ^Wiscon3in by condemned "Hitler and his policies -n-hen you leacii Tceet iradsr the best/possible I" i n unqualified -termsj echo :the;judgment n f the -urea-test j 31-3 Xerner i n t h e -Nation nt 31s;y • supe-Tisicn :asd csre. Camp Aki-Stating t h a t he /spolie :as "the nioral iorce i n t h e -rorld today, j 3.4.'"H am a n t i o r the -moment I'ba differs from the public /picy-^ concerned T?ifh the larger "and Catholic liiahnp of Qnialia he ile-'l'ope JPins Hi. Again and again j graver dangers /represented by -jounced -the -persecution nf an j the pope itas condemned Lthis perorganizations • •ground jn-orram and the school*" r 3>hil aiaFDllette% state nf cmind "innocent ! seeming mania of .official - i-still .have - j i -cpportttn'iry "to par: ities are n-finitly /planned: its " ' - -as reported by Xiernex. 1«Bt -me "This roccasian /presents ans :nmny. and isrrticularly i t s ^j'ticipate 'in t h e jorm-.tina c'f : is "DniTsrsity vrii emphasize t h e vfacts "that are the T~ith the opportunity xif discnss- EU.t!en of t i e Jews. 3 B ' ', election 'board to sttperv-ise t h e counselling staff ; trained :snd its -xatativation is def- -« crucial facts t o r us. -XiFollette ing "briefly ~a. isubjeet xil :ths :grea±-:to the ~r~aT-ld olten. and VEry' elections ol 'the .A-mericsn .J :inite?y jevrisL.. o' to Germany in 0.533. :H in t h e Bays .^ust "behind j Congress, J u n e .£'5. J2S, and sst /importance nT intermrtioi}-" i ;.l]ach child is .given an appnrimpressed. JHe :1s /also us, T~hat /he and t h s Cathplrc| i n Omaha the ..election TJ be 10 : tunity to develop according t o his r /church /tbiiili n t ^Hitler, "his ideol- j iEld rSunday, J u n e i " . fro v: talents and interests. -pgv, ;iiis /govarimigst -and its ~jra~- j -a. i n . t o "S rP- '.m. s t 'tite i The activities include out-oj- r tie'es. ! Community' Center. .Tina! .xrr-



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irrevail ihsre -ana HDTT, bat i t ^ i l l \ ^ r , ^ s y s i . a t S p . m. a t a :neet- !"classes, "music, dan-ing, drarnatOf t h i s -~-3 a r e sure—it j ta= t ° 'b e " i i e l i 3 S u ihB " ^ r " r - QT' | ios, tnii-af-dacr iiikes, and Tisits " T h e JetTs, be "feels, Jmve—^be- the Jewish xace :is undergoing a t /prevail. gani-ations that -v?/ere -aut reprecause of their ^economic 'success. this nnomsnt ,ycn INazi flexmacy. of truth, 3«o Question of W o r t h i n -31 declining capitalism—^be/voice /of /mercy; and /these things j xome —asy .marks i o r -vindictivB" T h e i a c t s u r e €tear and nn Tuesday. ". i cnnferen.ce jThe rate are SiU lor the eight : aress. They ntnust 3iot dissipate Inxotm I D all a t :ynu. J&. -people "are .eternal. Each organi~~-tinn is "'Hitler is but s'blacfe cloud ~ c a j'vsek period lor Center xaenibers, ngr -to ; Tiarticular ; ' their energies i n /foreign /boycotts' dollar /registration fee. "vrill soon dis\ anil ^j*4 jfer nc/n—Osiitsr xnembsrs. liut concentrate tham on the -op- ) and /domiciled SOT Eentnries in. the fcoxirian, ^siiich : tr':i-r--T"T*'£T*' -* T I :befare the ..glD-wmg rays af ] • _A/ny o/rgani-atitrn Besirir.r jiortunity if or -reform ;in /their -rrwai Gennany -has been outhrs-ed by SUP -oil truth- B e i s 'hers "to- speaker is -T-gn^sted "to countrv. Thcj- /mnst lw Jlmeri- :thE -Hitler sDVernment. rrhere i s Taffee, B ~-nns "lir-t unil JleTrs ;D.D queaticn nf tlieir jjairiotism ^5 ? -; -to -the TroTld. l&e italinizeii tbe'last and loyalty and mobody lias erer * " " - • 3t i s J T£ttr> -of rsi ni~gslo*naii*H i c j Irnportance of ihe Ar.'.f sentence. -It is "the Jinivsrsal .&an- -nesfionefl J t ; Tif t h e iact "that : signal.-It is the beginniug al '.they are, /in .'.every'sense .of "the-Jrho'ias steeped iiis .hands ia the j can . Jewish Congress is emT,:---""of a liind 'tire ul•Germans; ni. their intel- bloud xsl "Innocerrt iellff-F- i e i i try t h e /message re-eivc-:; irera ifanate 'lngical : ronclusion ol ability; nl their /moral and cnnn/trymen, --rho /has /plunged iiis !/siousieirr 31. Jarbltnc;, /Prrr;j~— t catintry .into /nn /airrss nf irr&- of ths j^ederatian of Je--.£". ?~-srhich is -the pogTOin—btoody ttr eennamic "-rorth to i.he •.trievable disaster, "srho :has tailed jtieties .of "Trance: "The el'-rtior.? by setting "up ity. a.oTm -npon t h e -vorld .-3 .XliraS TJT j n"f-tire iVnnrri~an' Je^srisa " T e t in spite nf -all this thfry j us. an -external a n n n -schich .Teach tir do .not Teach accordiBS are 'banned, outhrwed, iiro-f-tibsii. tl-e tierctsrt and most sieTaststnrs j-vrili xotitribute tD the tir.;flcat;3" of ATr-Tirr ~ : t h ^ iave -set up that ^&nd -s-fay"? "Secause a theory "of of the •to t h n s e -do so can de- race, T~hich -no biologist -cr the Cnaprerrc they dare -at any rmoment 3rom ono- fbropotogist DUt-ide of Gerr~=r:- itiyea :o£ •whaterer character that "believes 'ior a TT idsspite perfect lqyalty, -superb /.mauds ai njpure JKryr. T

jratriofism. :comiilete -de-ration lin ' . -vrar., 'magnificent >cul-

because Inrmfid to that morm. IRresisaly unlmal :is .-almost r s xzsl ~s ihc :TSBHtS.11X3 III G T G J> 1: lliat "is -.ssnat hapipenfid : i i sGer. "But -national racial3-ii, "TTe. l ~ l i , or 2V. 3. ZTE."1;. .Ti. •many. IPrccfafily. :.ttot"'3s --.TBriat :ia i a s anade a degma "implicit in -the Htatement made'-Ijy 3"hll OiaFciUette^-^aii^ -not by iisn onytii, ^and—^rricn-t is on ^jhe .helisf. of -all the J'^is! G-i.LT.r-, Z:^-ir flieoriiing, g ol courss, a r s -rer is rthfi anstver? As the XLniteS States xcal, und -rery rloir .and cnasty "lini •ol -America, as iiatianals Dl.;this man -passions — 3iatiTm, ¥ e are xme -hundred jjer -rapacity—rsusar-coated -srith snicent Americans. 3 u t ~w are The Jews, an ethnic and cultural .-ualatahle. deeply s i Cominunt:y group 01 recognizable iiistnric "Tlie Lreasons, true Dr dllegEd, ^ and Dsychological -homogeneity. the. Tjersenutio/n TJI /the 3errs i " "TV-e-aTe'tme Jnmared aier neitt Tonight's •; .Americans, ^ u t T»"e are onB 3httn- by rditler s r e ol little Tntnnent -to muni*v and "vihD uniil Israel T-;U be cnfitl r u, u s /in -ABTBrica. The stark, -narked the only Jewish mesiber of the iirea 3>er .cent AmericanB as 3ETSVS. :;r c "-,:—"H our loyalty, our devotion rand Cornell. He diauin our achievement Jiave-a ^nnral <a»>- being iiunted down -with a-c roncsntratica czmp, .. eent and a spiritual color of their ness, :a jelentiessness, /an 313 ^:r T. ill ccm-cr tuwn, then that moral accent anil -man hatred .such as the -raifld \ the c.~~~. that spiritual tinpe are in SD t a r has not seen since "the /days cause of death Tras indicatiorth an Americati rmoral accent Nero. The/sufferings d the ed although it is rumored he died tend thand a n American .spiritual tinge. in Germany have been - o •rvd during t 'J.'ne -rc~; -~i~t 321se "Ere are once more ;in «sile nuble, so ierrifyin-;, -so diantilrcal i that mo man of sensibility -imnid jand once more iin bondagB. the .a^i-.-: The :jJcgi-D is also a one :iiun- aven dare make a public ^recital plare of -an -~,ll~~;Ed T•dred "percent AmsTican. S u t ai;- of them. j hidden by the 3e~Ba "JSuw itu/m ctrrains: -to^iPiiil Xa3^dllette and nr ~TLTC jii ilie others who use -that phrase •persecuting .human ; 13J o h f i 3 i n K o u x B r i . erns Americans ifirst and smk -to such Sixrvr levels D ! school. ;<~v orf.-~r- c ! '..— .l n j G 7 r i 3 h ssnuiacturcr. Jerrs nest, the .Negro -would ihave barbarism :is violcace £ntS-3ev,-ish :thcy t a l l themselves to be told "that Lhe /muat be JI -wbitfi quarter Tienna'H Je"jrL;h man first and a^»*egro aiter~rards. /nation, these //nasis. he too rhas his special" jmygentleness Itself :ln cal ione and /moral .accent _A.ustria, that he -svTjuld invoke and -hi~ _AJnericani~m ~Filll .altcays their unhappy -sri r "be linked by that tone and :that LlifjEO storm troopers imilict on estrcnie m:~.. .U'-C3 against all vzr- i the c~n sccent. irvsedom means frepdom. Ht vans "a Te.3uit ot T Conileiiinatioii' ; inust /mean, /-above all, the freedom to :be -trhat nne -sca"What -to fio -abnut itT , The izttacirs on hnni^y J€fTrs ly/meant/to bs. 3t .is only as lins /much, /as 3ar xrs 3 "irnOTV. V7itii -n.-r-~.Ji that one can contract Ipyaltie3 can aid these -guiltless -victims -of in line outside esaargen-y Jev»i-.a soup iiitehens. Picked patrob nf and .actnowledge duties; i t is a liorrible Germany, but little ' storm troopers and Ullte QuarJ" tjrily a s such that Tine's loyalties been x-nt tD the i ana duties rhave Tiny "moral -tvnrth. can and Tire :mu~t add our voices I The ,3-eW^rim iis'mot concerneii to t i e -vorld-wide cry of eon- , quarter tD maintain order. the suicide -pid/rraover the fate nf Iiis ^brethren iin denmation that :tras -risen "by TeaOrdsrr"bondage nor -passionately :av-are son Tif thess aLrocities. ^Hitler's Iic rantinues -of the redemption ol his "people name today is the most irum the authorities to cremate i n ^Palestine, is mot 3. -very ^high of any modern -ruler's;, i t bid" i t i l E i > o ^ i e s D " Ci11 nuicid-- cs -reil tn)e oT Jevc. 3Jut since :his Jewiah- i a i r to so flo-t-n in is-1 :ness is coextensive -~ath his !hu- side cstrcsi~' l y /manity .(even as TIWI XiaFailette's tila, .'Nero. T~ith the ~ 1 nf suicides mce jvferftirictitLcr: GT ethnic, ancestral snti religious scourges of "the human xace. "being is coextensive-with .his) Lhe. -"'ihBirresentTplight of "the will nnt be a w.ery high type inf. in Germany i s -vt importance "to lat£>st 3ui~idec. however, ar" Uric Heller, "popular piaalzt; Hudolp. .human rbeing /and by ;the same 15°er, one of ihs zcaJing ta~r.tii- ! token not the iiighest "type of citcf ? - - " • " r / - : r"rr - , - - , - , ->-, ca.1 -TTTDjnc-rrs and fo-~ner dircct.Gr izen.3ie /may iii-nest .type or dt- 1 „ be a alicfe iJDHUcian j J ] \ , 1 juf Reinhardt's ?chDnl of or /a /faithful :h"n-chnian -even. 3 c J J . 1 . ^ ^ J' and H-TTnanji "Ij^apoldi, Ttrtncr -will mot be /leading that ^fnd "life \ 1 and iiunion^t. Suicidcr. ini n Its :b.igliest .sense of Integrity cronsing _s a result at tlie inten- j znTlt ^1J _ . . J J : :Irom Trlitch alone the very "highsified economic prcr-irra en i».^ 's-rJe t—.e. •'•Est type nf -citizenship xan'afise. Jevnh TChe "best. Jerr /is the beat Among ths -rralluates .to re v^- r:-sr ican. ctmtrailiction or antithe- J reive d-grees a t .fh/eTJniversify 0.T j •lied, T h o LL^S 'in* b e n 3is" nr dicratomy can :be /permitted.; Dmafaa iconimen-einent to "be /field < " Scire arr~"t e~~r , r.:id *rz" ; , tare. Jjuericaiiinm and 2evtb on t h e tnew :caa-pus -Wedn-sa-r- 'since t h . X-=I i-i--a=ran, i~ /rrr-rrt- , ttrru-r ,'T"1"-—"^: 1 u"t •ne-5 ure liinerent Sim-tionings ;DI ! ev~ning. June 8^ -"-ill be !3lr3. {id to lie rcac!" TD ftrr TIrr-I—~i;;-~T. ;•*> i t 1^ ualersiDnd that hr~ Tor t - 3 --*e*"tTrr1'" —* -the same /organism. Jio ijuestion jl^annie ^Witkin 3Je-~aer. J'ioren/cs -of /ojriority mr :'ju'i}--~ient ./ox "value rHtembeTg. -and TMatjy Haiim. "They 1 n-scr^ir."" z --%„ J~int T. ill . 2 L. can ;be -permitted. .. j-trii -receive Hhs '3?~xhelbr "Of ,ii.rl3 j Tic— Tcrlt 7";*;-) 1 :hope .that ."Sir. 3?hil XaPnllette jj degree. ,ZS:"tTil'"C:-n ; may fsee tiiese -Tjairils. I t iis 3»os-;j The commencement ing ing ri £" i " sible that "lie .has -n0t xcally:j-a?ill loTmaliy trpen the nei~ TJni- J~T,-.^ cr Ticusa, it r r . - anr-O'i thou-ht this ;mn,tter-throirgh rand jrveraity ol 'Omaha campus •<.onhere by Zui-in Goic-~-r-"-. -rnis merely using a conventional iTT"Qge ^street aHjoinin trc-^uixr. T^" JI.0 reLc: u .phrase. But the .iilrrass =23 ra ^vsry.rParlt, itics in Yi~i:t-". cc=i~:nt_J dangerous cne, dangerous to :fhs 'Tire i-Dxameircement cs m e e Je~ri3h p~ople, dangerous to the Tcill 'be delivered by Trritessor ;' t s c i Atn causp or liberty itself. • Harry 3>avul-Gi"d~onse of the Uni- ~m~rr-:3a-~ m' ',ii.?.~ r~-»- -1. versify of Chicago,-prominent af-'-nTT! t br "DC -~ a ~~i~_ u.f ""r ' ^o '("Copyright- :i92ii by Bevan ^iits^ Dnoniist a.n "d /naiipnally-^knovn 1 -nsip ditcher.< T are ft-1" ~i: ~ • " r •Feature Syndicate.) commentator. L.oOO people dai'y. Ct '' _


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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1938 time now, not so much for fear of losing money, as because in the existing political situation it is almost impossible to tell where it should be placed. "With all the good-will in the world, they do not care'to'invest'where it will turn .out that Arab or British interests have been benefited more than' the Jews.

Of candidates for immigration

to Palestine, whatever the economic condition of the country, there will undoubtedly be an overwhelming .surplus for years to come, because of the oppression of Jewry in Europe. The only people -whom the Jews of Palestine are really fooling by their policy of secrecy as to their misery, are themselves. If they are deceiving themselves futilely in this respect, they are doing it in another direction which may have far more disastrous immediate consequences. They are still, to an unbelievable extent, blinding themselves t& the true magnitude of the danger to their community from the Arabs. (To be continued)

By Roman Slobodin Editor's TVote: This is the first of three articles on Palestine by Mr. Slobodin, Jewish. Telegraphic. Agency correspondent, fn Palestine, who is convinced after an intensive six-. month, survey that the land that. cradled three great religions is on the brink of. its greatest outbreak of violence in years. -

been out on a ^reiser roast—am between the-ages cf 10 and 14. ish Funeral home. Burial was at their opponent tfce nest day wa Hit. Sinai cemetery. s delicatessen team! That Eoucd Doa't forget that swiniir-icg like a pretty: rough go. pool, Center members. It's one Morris Rose: At any rate, the Adlers poured of the finest ia tfts city. And Funeral services were held oa it on with a 15-to-6 shellacking now is the time to use it. Feel knocking the A. Z. A. kids out o iiow refreshed you are after tak- Thursday, May IS. for Morris A. the undefeated class. Morrie Ad ing a dip. Doa't let these tot, Rosenblatt, 69. who died Wedler and Sammy Wolk couldn sultry days get you fiofrn- Don't nesday after £n illness of three Stop the slugging "hoi dog" Ac SEjuirra inside your clotSes. SheS nscnths. Mr. Rosenblatt had lived lers, while the A. Z. A.'s were 'em, just iik© that, and hop into in OE'iif for ever ?: Tit.JJ. ccpturv, finding out that hot dogs don' the cooling, iavigoiating water He T S S a retired grocer. SurTsvsr.g are: his vriie, Anns; go good with softball. Sam Zor- we have In our pool. Then you'll insky coasted on the mound for be in accord with our slogan four sons, \P. K., I. T\~., and Sam of Graafca, and Merman or... Sc. the winners as his mates supplied here: End five frrE.ndciiilfiren. him with plenty of bass knocks "Cool off, in the Center pool." Lou's, Services were held from the and runs. home with burial ia Golden Kii5 i In the third game, the Sigma cemetery. ! Alpha Mus looked victory square in the eye, going- into the last of the fifth with a S-to-4 lead over DELIKQUENT TAX I Mrs. Ida Chsrass. the A. Z. O. 100 lads. But vic- Mrs. Ida Chazan, S-S, a resideEt CAMPAIGN CONTENUESi tory looked right back at the Omaha for sixteen years, died Sammies with a cockeyed sort of ofonday at a local has- ' B.esicents o£ Omaha are saving | look, for in" the last two innings, pital afteraornlsg a month's illness. from 10 to 55 per cent by squarthe hustling Century boys pushed Mrs. Chazaa is sarnred by her ing up their tax accounts now, over nine rues for a 13-to-S victory. There were so many base husband; sons, Fred, DavSd, Kan- j Wilbur Jones, executive chE.irmE.ii j hits coming out toward the Sara- ley, and Stanley; two sister in | of the civic delinquent tax coilee-j mie fielders the last two innings, Omaha, Mrs. David Estrada and j lion campaign, tolde the Jewish; that the fraternity Alumni men Mrs. Saxa Blocsa; EEd three E2S- jFress. thought the A. Z. A.'s had at ters and her Mother who are ia Mr. Jones cited examples of • least three batters at the plate Russia. . taxpayers M-5IO bave taken advan-j Funeral services verp held at the same time. tsge of the state- lev." v.*hich | Monday siterEooa from the Jew- •waives interest on all delinquent ] Gus3 and Fox did the chuckregular personal and real estate ing for the winners. Rich tried taxes as of Karch IS, 1837, v: Patronise Our Adrertissrs hard for the Sammies.

papers' policy. .The papers follow is the result ; of- Zionist discipthe advice of the Jewish Agency line,, a discipline as powerful as on what not to print. The Agen any to be found in a totalitarian cy. the official body designated State, but differing from the under the League ' of Nations N a z i , , Fascist or Communist mandate to represent: Jewry in brands in the one essential rePalestine affairs, is.dominated by spect, that it .is almost 100 per the Zionist Labor Party, and that cent voluntary."party has the support of the ma- There Is, of course, a certain jority of Jews in Palestine. It is element of compulsion operating seldom'necessary for the Agency on individuals. Violation of ' the to offer advice to the papers, for discipline-would be regarded da Jerusalem—There are ominous on most subjects they, know with- a breach of faith with the mover st^ns. indicating that Palestine ia out .being told whar "should" and ment which brought the Jews to on the .brink of its worst reign "should/not" be published. Palestine. It would bring general of terror in years. ••: ' - . . ' - • The rule of silence extends condemnation and might, in some A casual observer taking a sur- even to private' intercourse with cases, get the unruly individual face look at the country would strangers or people who might into trouble with one or another never, 'notice them. \ publish the facts abroad. Not of the many official Jewish bod-, The people who will be direct- once, but time and again, the ies, - cooperative, labor organizaly ; Involved —- the Jews •— ap-wriler has spoken to workmen tions, etc., which deal with al" : By LIE GROESMAM pear for the most part to be ig- who" discoursed 'at length about most every, phase of Jewish life . noring them, In their deeper and their troubles, giving facts and in Palestine, and which certainly Sunday's games promise just more significant aspects.. figures, but when they under- have the power, even, if it is not The J. C. C. Softball league as many thrills, with the Milders . That is not to say that the peo- stood that the information might exercised, of inflicting severe couldn't, be tighter if the play- In for tough sledding against the •. • pie of the JewiBh National Home be published, they shut up like economic punishmentf ers performed in straight-jackets. A. Z. A. No. 1 outfit, which are today a carefree and happy clams. . . But there is no compulsion on Four teams are tied for second should be fully recovered from community; They are, as a matearth to prevent \ group manifes- place with a victory and defeat the effects of the weiner affair. In one case a young mechanic ter of fact, greatiy depressed. tation of. discontent, except loy- each. The Milder Oils are out in The teams play at West ElmF.or:two years-they have been liv- offered to conduct him. on a tour alty to the Zionist cause. front with two and nothing, while wood., ing In a state, of war, a war with of Tel Aviv.,-show him the areas Back, of the voluntary silence, the Sigma Alpha Mus bring up The Alpha Pi Taus will be batan! almost invisible enemy, who of worst distress, the living con- there however, one great fear the tail end with two blanks in tling it out with the A. Z. A. No. attacks in the dark, from behind, ditions In the most noxious —that is, a general revelation of the 100s in another important game, picking them off singly, by twos slums, the lines of men and wo- truth about the condition of the ,wo starts. and half-dozens. To a great ex- men' waiting rlmost' hopeless with the winner either moving Here are the standings: in Palestine, by creating an tent they ure.prevented by prin-. for an occasional day's work, to Jews into a tie for first, or else getW. L. impression of .failure, would disciples of law-abiding conduct and introduce him to scores of his 2 0 ting a tie for second. This game collections* abrpad for Milder Oil Company civilized traditions from meeting friends who were unemployed courage Adler Delicatessen . 1 1 1? at Dewey park. the great Zionist funds. .The and whose families were halfthis enemy on his own ground The third game, to be played Alpha Pi Tau . 1 1 state of mind of every Jew in the starved and almost unclad, or and with his own tactics.A. Z. A. No. 1 . ... 1 1 at Columbus park, Twenty-second National Home, from the leaders who were scraping out an exist' Added to this, for two years 1 1 and Poppleton, will be between to the most despairing unem- A. Z. A. No. 100 they have been in the midst'of a ence on a few .days' work a ployed Sigma Alpha Mu 0 2 the Sammies and the Adler Delifather of hungry children, month at wages of a few cents a serious economic crisis. There The Milders took over the pin- catessens. be paraphrased as: are thousands unemployed, many day. He described all these might All games start at 11 a. m. , "The Jews of the United States nacle with a sparkling 3 to 0 thousands with barely" enough things in vivid detail, but when mustn't victory over the A. P. T.'s. It sharp, but players must be on the know about this." part-time employment to sustain he realized that the information They are afraid thrt contribu- was Paul Stelnherg's sterling two- grounds before that time. themselves and their families was to be published In America, •without blinking an eye he detions would decline, that invest- hit pitching job that put the oilyjust above starvation* level, thouAttention to some important clared that he did not know anyments would be withheld, that kids under the fraternity men. sands of children without schoolwho keeps in shape pitch- closing dates. The Center will be ing, hundreds of families living body who was out .of work, that prospective immigrants would. be ?<iul, ng potatoes into paper sacks, had closed June 4, 5 and 6 in observIn flimsy shacks. There has been all of his acquaintances were discouraged. The pathetic thing about this he Alphas at his mercy, with his ance of the Shevuoth holiday. an alarming. increase in conta- arnlng good pay and living in gious diseases, particularly in Tel comfort,. and .denied that he had phenomenon, to the writer'3 ccurate, tantalizing, twirling de- This wilt not interfere with the Aviv, traceable directly to mal- made any statement to any other mind, is that these fears are un- iveries. He was seldom in softball league, but players who effect. ; "• founded. There can be little rouble and on occasions when it have been dressing at the Cennutrition. . poked like he might get In a ter, will have to be sure theyjbave Even the many •" persons who doubt that, knowing the facts, hole, All - these distresses the Jews his teammates turned in all their equipment before the the Jews of the United States, In Palestine have up to.the pres- have given up hope of establish- who are, of course, the greatest rackerjack performances to back Center closes. ent resisted , with: a fortitude ing themselves, in Palestine, and Unancial supporters of the Zion- him up. Also, the Center will close at 1 which is not appreciated by the are seeking to emigrate to the st movement, will redouble their With Herbie Marks also pltch- p. m. on Monday, Memorial day. outside world because the world United States or elsewhere, are efforts for assistance. well- ng well, it'was a scoreless deadhas not been informed just how not willing to talk of their ex- o-do Jews, particularly The of the ock for four Innings. However, With a gang of kids raring to bad conditions are in Palestine. periences, for they feel that United States, England and South n the last of the fifth, the Mild- go, play In the .J C. C. junior Even a careful observer finds it while they personally ;have not Africa, who have made large in- TS put over the first run, and softball league will start June 12. difficult to know the exact ex- succeeded, they must protect the vestments in Palestine, are suftent'of distress because it id be- community as a whole by silence. ficiently well-informed a b o u t hough that could have been Practice will be held Sunday at ing -kept from view as much as There are, of course, occasion- conditions here. They did not nough, the winners took no 2 p. m. at the Central High bances as they scored twice grounds. In the meantime, any possible by the Jews themselves.': al manifestations of the kind make Investments with an l more In the sixth. kids who haveu't turned in their There seems to be a conspiracy j commoTily associated with wide- eye to their profit, but with the intenThe A. Z. A. No. 1 team was names to me, should do so at of silence as- to theircown' woes-^— <spread popular distress.•'There Is ion of advancing-the progress of 50 per cent beat the night be-, once, since you still can get in a determination- to keep the i good deal of subsurface unrest world from knowing " how; bad and grumbling1 against conditions the country^ They are marking fore they played the Adler Dell- on the play. It's for youngsters conditions are. and. against the powers that be. The reign of silence is almost There is vigorous criticism of the universal. While the fact of Jewish leaders, but it Is chiefly •u'idespread hardship and grave pn specific points and details, economic dislocation Is obvious and generally the complaints folto anyone, it takes months . of low the line set by the Jewish personal acquaintance and confi- leaders themselves, • that .is, the dence to bring out the details and. British Administration and the tho whole truth. Statistics.about Arabs are blamed for the major " ',•••' •. \ ' . ' , • the Jewish National Home do not w o e s . tell the story. With a few excepOnce-in a while there is a demtions there are no reliable atatis- onstration of workmen seeking* ' tics ' about many of tho things 1obs. Characteristically, t/h e s e which would be significant in- ;ake the form of-demands on dices of the state of affairs, or if Jewish 'employers to replace they; do exist, they are not pub-Arab workers w'ith Jews. Strikes lished. Those few which cannot are rare, generally on a small be concealed tell a great, deal, as scale, and always settled by arthe precipitous decline of build- bitration, which both sides - acing activity and, worse, of bank cept with little balking.; deposits. Some figures, such as There are none of. the bread, those published on unemploy- riots, public outcries, mass meetment and on the fall of wages, ings in the streets, which would give jonly a-partial picture. be associated in any other free The Jewish newspapers join in community, with economic disasthe silence. In doing so they are ter as deep as that which has not deceiving the populace here, lallen upon the Jewish.. National which knows the truth, and also Home, . . knows and accepts the newsThis remarkable phenomenon

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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, STAY 27, 1S33 of costumes already used In club so sleepy that she paused several I remember what we say here, butlmucr p:ays and excited consultations times in the task of brushing cut lit can sever forget what they fiid f can'—•• at recess! On the day appointed, her tangled . _„ _. j _ „ „ It is for us, t i e livi: carls, and sat heavily here. g.; vre c Miss Dennis came down to the j down upon her bed. But before I rather, ^o be .... fiedJcated ^.^.^^^ ^ . . . .., here girls' club room.and watched the she fumed out the light, she took I the unfinished wo-k -which they cs. dress rehearsal. She said noth-jthe little American flag, which I who fought here hare thus far so ing until it was all over, but | each-of the club girls had found': ncblr advanced. It is rather for Tor? when the excited actresses flocked j at her plate of Miss Hirsch's sup- j us to be here dedicated to the ! (Dei An Extension of ths Jewish Community Center .about ,_„ cryin — , _ _ ..,_ ,. all _,, p e r p £ r t y i £ 2 d f a s t e a e s j i t beside 1 great isk remaking before its—; t._.. her, "Is it right?" she nodded brightly, add- the blue and white flag with its j that fro lese honored dead. -re.! ing in a tone that aade them beautiful star that always hung take increased devotion to that Good Shabbath . boys and it today," she said hastily, "but year a group of little girls sang flush with pleasure; "I always upon her WE.1L ca-use for which they gave the ; girls of the Junior Jewish she said it "was to show ho"w all French songs, a n d everyone thought my Jewish girls could last full measure cf devotion; ' time * : "I don't know why," murmured i * r e s s ! ' ' _ . :• . . . '. • "• .." . . the nations that came to America seemed to enjoy them, although work hard; now I know it." Sarah. Eleepily, "but the more I that vre here fcii " resolve thst and v'' On Monday ire shall all join brought gifts from their own most of the people in the audi"There's .just one thing we love one flag, the more I love the ; these dead si all have fi-ed in "Par. ~ ' in the celebration of Decora- countries, and -we're going to ence didn't appear to understand want to ask yon," confesed Lib? other." And",- turning !Taln LCEt ttJs here" oat ths. < tion day. And as Jewish boys have Columbia receiving them. French any better than I did. But bie, who had been, appointed stage new birth of iiS Tf both in j &o&, shall have kissed then light, B. and girls, v>e should be inter- There's going to be a dance of maybe you wouldn't like to sing manager. "You said that in the hi At !1 freedom; and ested. In the significance of this the Nations all " dressed up in Jewish songs before strangers," grand parade of the Nations, each the darkness. the people, by the people, for the ,f o r <• , By-E. C. EHPwLICH. day. "Memorial day is really a ' their different flags, and we ex- she added with a keen, glannce one will pass Columbia and give people, shall not perish from the j pjf t} tribute • to the dead;V;particn- pect to do folk dances, German that made Sarah a little uncom- her a gift. We know that Ireland earth. " i * larly the soldiers who have and Russian and Swedish, and fortable. will bring a harp for raasie and jfortl"- . —November IP, I?61 given their lives In the past for sing the songs of all the different France a painter'3 palette, but iat ;» Was she. ashamed to take part ' the preservation of, OOT. liberty countries. It's going to be per- in a Jewish entertainment before wo . wonder what the girl who \ Sh'mr By Janses McCrae" fectly lovely!" she ended wittr and freedom. .: ! trith r~ In Flanders field the popples strangers^ who were not Jews, represents Israel will bring." : breathless enthusiasm. •' If Decoration day is to mean ! vote>. 1 r Miss Dennis considered that" for blow |. i^ e Sarah wjnidered, as she went to anything to ns at all we should Sarah's Problem lima i yoke c school the next morning. She a moment. "Over in Center Between the crosses, row on row, j • " ;. thlnfc of these dead, soldiers "And -what nation do you "want would have been angry had you Park," she said, "is a statue of That mark the spot, and in the '< cl'ch saeduled for lutiy £< has \ with< T, ' f u , jand'.do everything possible to . ,to -be?" asl^ed Max, who, having told her that* she waa not proud one of the Pilgrim fathers who been postponed to June 12 be- j h i m . sky. ,.prevent., another war; for If finished his, second dish of pud- of being a Jewess. Yet the stories helped to found America. Have The larks, still bravely singing, I c a ' a s & o f t h e holidays. Girls b i COHt. "^ 1 war conies these men will have ding, -was able to give his atten- she prepared for her English you girls seen it? Do you know tween the ages of 12 and 14 infly, died in vain. The Jewish peo- tion to less \important matters. class, the recitations she gave on what be carries un3er his arras?" Scarce heard anid the guns he- terested in ioiaicg may corns to ple have always been Covers of the meeting or call Charlotte "Miss Dennis thought it "would Friday afternoons at school were "A Bible!" cried several voices. low. I thy V peace. We want to • continue be fine for each girl to be in a never Jewish. It was not that Morgenstern, JA 47i6. "He got his Bible from your I thr f that love and do everything in group representing the country she was like many other girls people, didn't he? All the great We are the dead; short days ago ; I as; K 1 '•• ,onr j>ower to make this a niore her parents, came from," ex- who believe that it' is not neces- laVs in America are founded on We lived, drew breath, saw suni as. c" j • beaetifai- world- in-"which to plained Sarah.* "Now, father and sary to be Jewish except at one's the teaching of that book. I'd set glow, j Gents of mother were both born in this have the Jewish nation give the live. club or in a Hebrew class. Loved, and were loved, and now 1 ; it firr Bible as her gift; Who is going | . In that way Memorial day country, and so was your father, I; p^ we lie, j But her mother's suggestion : fUlfl will be remembered by feveryone wasn't he, mother?" she turned troubled her, and that afternoon to represent Israel, by the way?" In Flanders field. | 1c i oi;t ' c amr particularly, for our Jewish to Mrs. Goodman, "but my other she laid the matter before Miriam We haven't decided vet," an! 'Ech- ' grandfather came from Kussia, people. ' •••'_; swered Rae. "We thought may- j Take up our quarrel with the foe, and Libbie as the three walked be par- <=• Today we are having a little didn't he, papa?" Miriam because she's presi-1 To you from dyir.g hands we home from school together. dent of. the club, but we want her throw . story entitled, "THE PAGBIBL.E "But would it be right for you What to Do? E A M OF TOE 'NATIONS,". to carry the Russian flag?" asked for another part, and Libbie T h e torch be yours to bold it That the wise man may hear Libbie was doubtful. "I sup- ought to have it becausa she's some poems for Decoration Mr. Goodmaa. "My father and and increase in learning and the higl pose we Jews have a history and day, .and JLincoln's "GJJTTrs- his father lived in " Russia, but worked the hardest—" j If ye break faith with us who die, man of understanding may atBURG ADDKiaiSS," which is I'd hardly call it their country.' music and pictures like other peo"But I just couldn't act before j We shall not rest, though popples tain unto wise counsels. one of the most.beantifnl trib- They were treated-very cruelly j pie," she admitted, "but, it's such a Ic^ of people," protested Libftie.; Hew long, ye thoughtless, "vrill blow, utes to OUT soldiers and pray- there; my two uncles were forced a long ti me ago—way back in "Whom would you choose?" ye lore thoughtlessness? Kow In Flanders field. Daughter of Her People long will scorcers deligh.i them <"rfnl expressions that/; these to serve in the dxm'y: my father Bible times, and if we had anything: in our part of the pageant in scorning and lools h&te knowl"Woudn't it be a good idea to dead had not died in; vain. was unable to attend high school -like our R u t h play, people I'edge? as Max does'here; he was unjust- wouldn't' think it proper for a pick out a girl who looks most YOCK ATTS1 XAOMI. ] For Trisdota shall enter into ly taxed; would you feel like call-^ public school pageant. It would Jewish?" suggested Miss Dennis. ADDRESS DELIVERED AT I thy heart and knowledge shall be ing Russia your family's Father- be too much, like a Sunday "We're trying to get a girl who i looks like a real 'daughter of her j THE DEDICATION OF THE I pleasant unto thy soul. land?" school." race' to represent her Nation in j CEMKTERY AT G E T T Y S -. "I'd call it a step-Fatherland!" TALMUD "But we don't have to go back all the other groups." j BURG. exclaimed Max. v Oar Kabbis taught that the Bible times," contradicted By Abraham Lincoln "Mis3 Hirsch always calls Re"But then.- I don't belong to to government once issued a Miriam, She might have made Four score and seven years ago Roisan ."We're going to have a big any group," declared Sarah, "un- the same objections as Libbie, becca 'a real Jewish daughter'," decree forbidding Israel to study cried Miriam. She pushed the shy our fathers brought forth on this less—where did our family come celebration at school for Decorat h e roral What did Rabbi Akibut since her friend had made tion day," Sarah announced at from at first-—before they lived them first, Miriam felt it her new member forward. "I think j continent a new nation, conceived ba do? He established many coxishe's just fine," she added genj in liberty, and. dedicated to the in Russia?". . the dinner table one evening. gregations in public places and duty to. argue against them'. That erously, l f h ' for she had half hoped proposition that all men are "Your. Hebrew school doesn't was Miriam's -way. "Lots of "It's going to be a Pageant of lectured to them. "Whereupon the Nations, or something like do you much good," teased Max. things have happened since the for t h e part herself, " a n d you created equal. Papus found him and said to Now we> are engaged in a great him, "Akiba. a r t thou not afraid that, and It's going to be "wonder- "They came from Palestine,- of Bible stories were written. Look don't need to say you're afraid to ful. "Most of the 'Rosebuds of course, and if you want to repre- at all those stories Miss Hirsch take it, Rebecca, because I say civil war, testing whether that of the Roman gcverr.iaest?" nation, or any nation, so con- Rabbi Akiba replied. "Axi thou, Zion' think they'll be in it. I sent your real nation, why don't told us about Jehuda Halevi and you've got t o . " "I'd r a t h e r not," began Rebec- ceived and so dedicated, can long Papus, called the wise? Listen think I'll be one of.the Nations. you and your club girls represent Moses Mendelsohn and Rabbi I-don't know -which one, yet — the Jewish ; nation just as the Mier, and - ^ and a lot of other ca timidly, but the girls laugh- endure. We are met on a great "lid I will relate a parable t o and' -wear-a long dress "without other girls will act in the Irish people. And there are a, great ingly drowned h e r objections, and battle-field of that war. TTe have th^e fcs walking bv t h e river I began t o measure h e r for come to dedicate a portion of that ' ^~ noticed the fishes therein any sleeves and have a gold pa- and Swedish groups?" "*" many Jewish songs; why, our Saraii j side her white robe, while Rae comfield as a final resting place for ] per "crown on my hair." • So Dance : colonists: are singing them in to and fro so he said "But we Jews haven't any Palestine right now, aren't they?" menced a n escited discussion with those wb-0 here gave their lives to them, Why are yo swimmine: J "Then it -will be "worth coming Miriam concerning t h e crown. that t h a t nation might live. I t is around?' 'Because Te fear the I miles to see," smiled Sarah's la- dances like the Irish and Swedish "Suppose we talk it over trith "It ought to be something altogether fitting and proper that nets that are placed for us,' they ] ther.' "Only I hope you -won't be dances we learn in; our gymnas- Mis3 Hirsch," suggested Sarah. so [ bnsy learning your part that ium classes," complained Sarah, "We make a plan soon, sweet like, myrtle," Rae insisted. we should do this. replied. 'Come to shore then.' j But, in a larger sense, we said the fos to them and live you'll have a poor report . card "and1 nobody will understand He- because I think Miss Dennis is "Miss Hirsch told a s a t Purim that myrtle was 'Hadassab.' in cannot dedicate—we cannot con* .''['.. going to begin work on the pagwith ES just E.S my ancestors lived j again. Tour, marks seem to be brew songs." Hebrew, and that would remind secrate -we cannot hallow—this with your'ancestors.' The "fishes | "You could surely have a .lit- eant; next Monday." getting lower every month." us of the Hadassahs - In Jeru- j ground. The brave men, living exclaimed, 'Art thou called the j •Sarah flushed. "Wasn't that just tle dance to some old Jewish melBut their club director had and dead, who struggled here, like father to thinly of something ody," suggested h e r ' mother, been called out of the city, and salem." ths beasts. Thou are "But Israel's had so many have consecrates it far above our wisest : disagreeable, when she/was dis- "such as you had at your last the..- three disconsolate 1 i t t l e troubles she ongitt to wear a poor power to add or eetract. The club entertainment. ' I knew, at cussing the entertainment. "Miss are in danger in the element i Uaugfitefs 'o? Judah held a councrown, of thorns and brambles," world will little note nor long ' which we li^e ir, t ana of the school festivals lest •cUygt -w&#-;apon her front steps. D~nni3 didn't tell us muex. ^ objected Miriam. '^'iAid ".'-she won't be back till Sarah looked up, her mouth Wednesday," mourned S a r a h . full of pins, for the robe she wes ".Well, we'd better give it up, and fitting on Rebeeca was too long. not say. anything to Miss Dennis." "We'll have the brc-mbies for. . " .Own Plans troubles • and the flowers lor I '. •Miriam > tossed her head until hope," she said indistinctly, "be-her long black braids quivered. cause w& all know that some day"I'm ashamed of you, Sarah the troubles of the Jews will be Goodman," she exclaimed. "Just over." because Miss Hirsch helps . us "How do we knotr that?" when she's here, don't you sup-asked Miriam, longing for further pose we can get up an entertain- argument. ment without her? We'll make . They Decide our own plans this time and tell "Because Miss Hirsca says so," Miss Dennis we'll work it out answered and that settled ourselves because she, isn't Jew- it. And Sarah, so in the Pageant of ish; and when Miss Hirsch comes Nations on Decoration day a to see the pageant she'll be so sur- shrinking little girl dressed in prised she won't be able to say a robes of white "girded with blue word!" wore- a crown' of myrtle and •Miss Dennis was inclined to be thorns • on her dark flowing hair, surprised as well, when three of as she stepped forward to present her pupils solemnly requested "a her Bible to Columbia. Rebecca few-moments' conversation after was badly frightened for she had school" and laid their plans be- never been'in a "big. play" before her. "But, my dear girls, I fore; but,, seeing that she hadn't don't know enough about Jewish made any. mistake, she drew a things to STelp you," she told breath'of rellef/.and slipped back them. with the other Nations, hardly "We knew you wouldn't," an- able to wait until her club,friends swered -Miriam bluntly, "but just were called to' do. their "parts." excuse the girls who belong to It was all very simple: A pretour club from being in the other ty star dance done to the melody groups of the pageant, and we'll of "Hatlkvah".by girls dressed in' arrange our own dances .and white and. carrying blue" stream-1 things and let you see a rehearsal ers; a Hebrew harvest, song by' before the day we give It. And gaily clad harvesters, who gang! if you don't-like it, we won't say as they reaped an imaginary! a word, and just give it vp. Only field, and that dear old sons tab- i promise you'll not bother us to leau of the rabbi, and bis pupils, I know What it is, until it's .all which.every one-!oT»d for its! worked but." And Miss Dennis quaint _ pantomine even if they' gravely promised. didn't understand the words. No Rehearsal wonder, that Miss Hirsca declared . For. the next two weeks Sarah sha was" "proud of her girls," and was the third of a trio of little carried them all home for a party! : girls too busy to eat and too ex- after the pageant- was over. •* ! cited to sleep. What hasty reSarah was very -sleepy when! hearsals of dances and remaking sha reached; home that .evening. 1




In Flanders Field


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Pago 4


each in its turn. They make up the grandeur of nature, in it earth might become a Garden of God Therein Moos in various moods. Not only the magnificent and sublime, as i and blessing the roses of righteousness, the pansies of t k iiti it, i. mountain and ocean, but in its humbler aspects of smiling feetion, the jonquils of justice/the lilies of lore; all o'erspread plain and gently-flowing river, shaded valley and murmuring with the celestial serenity of eternal peace. P U O U 3 H b D EiVCiRV FRIDAY A1 OMAHA. MEQnAiJKA. OV greetiEgs from repi-esei.Lauvos of brook, passing cloud as well as 'cataract thundering from th THD JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COM PAN V . Protestant churches In t i e city of KPV roniTni?!?i.oPevp hsve been "Endurance is the crowning quality, Xew York, that is the spirit of j,j™,j,p j - , r |jip fs">nf."rfi,ration of th© steep. ' I n all its aspects nature is grand and beautiful. Poet •And patience all the passion of great hearts, America." Messages were receiv- A rl p s ' ' Teshiirfn ouoscntPTior PSSCO, CPJ vcai , » « C2.£Q that,he was, Lowell had deep feeling for all this. But June -vnagogue? ed from Governor Lehman, Dr. ' ' p e n t y - f i ^ h find. Peward Btreets. RATGO FURNIOMQD ON APPUCAflON One day with life and heart Chatm" Vv'cizmann. bit Rolsrd thrilled him particularly with its exquisite, exotic beauty. Tbos° who v i l l KerTC SE COIHIDIS* E D I T O R I A L O F F I C E : CG3 Q R A N D E I O T H E A T E R Q U I t - D I N G Is more than time enough to find a world." Liindsey. the British sstsbansador, sionero ' for tl-e ffnicwSng: term CIOU.% C I T Y O F P I U & = > o e W l G H C O M M U N I T V GE?JTGn ' Lowell was one of the greatest of American poets. But who sect a representative, George E r f : . f.'p.T .TriT-firrr^f.^Tr,, B. LinHow sublime is Lowell's inspiring admonition; • " P R I N T C H O P A D D n S Q O - C M CO. C3TH CTHGG"? Backer, co-chairman of the spon- rienhri'ro. F. FoI'ms.Ti. M. .Dolhe was even greater as critic and essayist, patriot and man D A V I D BLACKI3R • . Buslncca a n d Manac»n3 E d i t o r •"Be noble! and the nobleness that lies soring- committee, and jE.ree_s G. FR'ANJ? R . A Q K E R t i A N • . « , • EdltOi He had a scintillating wit, as sparkling as that of Holmes. But McDonald, former League High In other men, sleeping but never dead, LEONARD NATHAN • • ," f AcrsocSato E d l t o i he possessed a deep earnestness, a passionate moral fervor. He for German Kefn- Koch man. . Will rise in majesty to meet thine own." At a meerfnf of the commisgees. Tfee cornerstoce was laid by R A B B I F R E D E R I C K COHW • ' * . C o n t r J b u t t n a B d i t o j was one of the first champions of the slave, inspired thereto Harold Jacobs,- national co-chair- sioners Mr. Litsdcabaum was - - Frederick Cohn. R A B B I T H S 0 D O K I 3 U . LHW1D • BooS Bdltfix by the anti-slavery zeal of his lovely young.wife,'Maria White. man of the United Palestine Ap- named chflrBicn f.nd Kr. Fell.ANN P I L L . . . . . Qions C i t y . I o w a , C o r r e s p o n d e n t He has uttered some unforgettable words on freedom: | peal, after the reading of the mr.E, trer.surer. | scroll by Mrs. KQSPS P. Erctcin, "True freedom ia to share jpresideut of Kadassah. / I The exercises were climaxed ty FC-K KE^- "——Tkvi"e«» op f o u r The. Blohop o§ Omaha Speokc All the chains our brothers wear .a fiiEaer to l.GCO guests £t r-hicfc Never. han an American churchman, to our recollecti6n And, with heart" and hand, to be the speakers were Grover A. r o o m : i:\~\T 1 TS'fcalec, president cf the "U'orlc's so passionately, so. spiritedly, denounced the persecution the Earnest to make others freel" I Fair CcrporEtion, Louis LipEkv. K. Dy D3 Jews are undergoing in Nazi Germany as was done Tuesday "They are slaves who fear to speak \ , j Rabbi Israel K. Levinths.1, ISSRC. plsj El&sx GStj iil, Hcci4 Cirri evening by the Most Reverend James H. Ryan, Catholic Bishop I H&ffilin, Judge Morris Kothec. For the •fallen and the weak; , berg,' L,eon GCIIIEEE, ,'Meyer TC. of Omaha. As logical as he was eloquent, Bishop Ryan spoke Th'ey are slaves who will not choose ' "Weisg-al, director of the project, ; torting his outlook and robbing EM7- -Ftmr 1r«R*utifal' •SEIiECTED ESSAYS OF A. B. with the dignity* of his position. In words that left no doubt Dr. Stephen S. Wise, who : i IT ft R Hatred, scoffing and abuse, GORDON. LEAGUE FOR L.ABOB him of beauty, happiness and £Ed . Electric. ts to his meaning, he put himself and the church he represents Rather than in silence shrink PALESTINE. £85 PAGES. $2.50. truth. The Aliyah, the going up presided. SIOKU paid hr mX m.n to Palestine became a great spirModern Palestine has given i for. V': E SE unqualifiedly on the side opposed to -the false doctrine being From the truth they needs must think; Jewry many unique and towering itual experience, a transformaPstrculze out Advertisers peddled by Adolph Hitler and his. sadistic minions. They are slaves who dare not be personalities. Among these Aaroa tion of the inner and hidden, : [an emancipation from the thralDavid Gordon occupies a place of It was fitting that Bishop Ryan chose the testimonial din' I n the right with two or three." ". .• ..•'-: honor and affection. His name is i dom of th<? Golus.' Tfeis noble ner honoring Mr. Monsky to give voice to his sentiments. It The North thrilled to' the homely, yet liberty-breathing, assuming the " proportions of a J preachment is repeated tSroughwas not only a tribute to Mr. Monsky, .but to the Jews of "The Bigelow Papers.' He hated war, but admitted its occa- legend. Though dead for many j out the volume but nowhere so years, his compelling influence succinctly and movingly as in the Omaha and America. Gathered there were the highest political sional tragic necessity; in the Yishuv, and in the Dias- opening essay, "The Dream of the pora, continues unabated.'• The Aliyah," which Is a gem. leaders. Seated alongside the Bishop were-the leading repre"Ez fer war, I call it murder— .jospel he preached sad the life Many of the essays are directT"/7-T c ( ' sentatives of every religious denomination. .Elsewhere throughThere you hev it/plain an' flat; he lived remain enduring, impell- ed towards the Diaspora, and aim t • ing ideals. out the room were Omaha's foremost citizens—Jews and nonI don't want to go no furder to expose the dishonest and trag' Aleph Daleth Gordon, as he is ic life which many live, under Jews. , ' _ Than my Teatyment fer that; affectionately spoken of by his compulsion or otherwise. The asBishop Ryan did not choose to speak off the record. BTe God hez spd so plump and fairly, ' admirers, is one of the most eon- similated Jew pretends to be that Largest sbevrfeg cf iseEsonriblc clo'.hcf : spicious Palestine pioneers. In which he is not, and which lie did npt admonish his audience to keeptactful silence and It's ez long ez it is broad. - ..'5 ycusg America. A great floor devoted entire'y the Diaspora he lived the coia- can never become, when he dethat his words, were only for their ears, that his talk was "An* you've gut to git up airly monplace end ordinary life, typ- nies his essential Jewish charactto thera , . , and at icwect possible prices t© ical of the general run of intel- er. He will never know peace sad unofficial, inspired by the moment. Courageously, he swept Ef you want to take in God." happiness until he becomes first lectuals and the middle classes. ssake the Beys" Owa Store Every Boy's Store i out at this enemy of mankind, and let it be known that speak* "Ez fer the war, I go agin it,— • • He was born In 1S56 in a small a Jew, and rejoicingly submits to the Bishop—"I publicly denounce the ruthless persecu:I mean to say I kind o' do,— " Polish village, and received the the Jewish discipline. The repuusual Orthodox religions train- diation or Jewish nationalism is tion of an innocent people.'* , . • ; ••". ' Thet is, I mean thetj bein' in it, ing. For twenty-three years he equivalent to a denial of self. As Bishop Ryan stated, he re-echoes the judgment of the The best way wuz to fight it thru; was In the ecaploy of the famous And what reward does the world Baron Ginsburg. In 1S04 he hold out to the treacherous Jew? greatest living moral power in the world today—the voice of •• Not but what abstract war' is horrid, broke radically with his past, and How; does the world thank that Pope Pius. v ,' . . I sign to that with all my heart,— left for Palestine, coming direct- Jew who disowns his people and y to Dagania in Galilee where he tradition. "I see them bating: YOU It is not to overlook the other eloquent messages delivBut.civlyzation d003 git forrid in their souls, thinfeingr evil of lived till Ms death, in 192 2. ered a t the banquet that we single out Bishop Ryan's" testi". Sometimes upon a powder-cart.' Two irresistible inward forces 'you. They will not guard you mony to truth. But go powerful a voice speaking but against As a descendant, of the Puritans, the moral sense was ed to this startling decision; +s.gainst shame, blows, defilement ilrst, a passionate for Pales- I and persecution. You stand .alone, terror, against a barbarism "that will take itsplace alongside strong in him: tine, and, secondly, a revolution- 1 no one greets you, no one at heart 1 the most terrible scourges the world has known," adds tre" I n vain we call old notions fudge ary philosophy concerning raann- or in truth wishes you well, no al-labor. Ths latter became one one understands you . . . your enmendous weight to the great battle for freedom, i And bend our conscience to our dealing, of the foremost, if not the fore- emies, your persecutors, evea America needs and welcomes such voices. It is not the The Ten Commandments will not budge most factor, in the rebuilding of your little children will turn from Palestine, and in the moulding of you or are ashamed of you." Jew alone who is being crushed by Nazi ruthle3sness, The And stealing will continue stealing." but true words! he destiny and character of Pal- What harsh Catholic church has suffered. Every man who has lifted his He believed in the ultimate triumph of righteousness as •stine Jewry. At Dagania he lived Wbea Trill our assimilated voice against injustice. has felt the crushing blow. I t is well set forth so eloquently in the impassioned, "The Present Crisis": he life of a typical worker, re- miserably unhappy brethren reusing any consideration and sll cognize, this obvlocs scd brutal courageous men speak now. "Once to every man and nation comes the -moment to sxemption on account of age, and fact, so well understood and actaring his room with three oth- cepted by their "less cultured," decide; -, » ers. The actual labor he perform- but more forthright ancestors? Rumblings In Central Europe- ::. ' • In the strife of Truth with Falsehood, for the good or ed in the field was of sssall im- Few have penetrated the spiritual The troubled rumbling3 in Central Europe thia past week portance contrasted with the sup- tragedy cf the assimilated Jews evil side; •. . •eme and abiding gift he brought and of the GG!US ES deeply t,s brought a nervous Europe to the verge of another conflict. So Some great cause, God's new, Messiah, offering each the :o the Holy Land and its people Gordon, and few have described commonplace have crises become that a new danger lies in the n the unique and revolutionary it ss fearlessly. bloom or blight, . v ; '* hllosophy of labor which he re- • A strong Jewry in Palestine, fact we will cease to recognize them any longer. Parts the goats upon- the left hand, and the saeep upon igriously preached and practised, which is the basis of Ms faith, What the tense situation revealed was an indifference of : nd which transformed him, and, will be a source cf strength to • t h e right, , •— o a large degre®, all of Pales- the entire Diaspora, giTing it Germany to war, that she is putting forth no effort to prevent And the choice goes by forever, 'twixt that darkness and ine's inhabitants. salf-respect, hope and power. "In the horrible conflict that is being ominously termed 'in. ; that light.": Like the average Jew, Gordon proportion &s we progress in our evitable.' • , • . ••••••/ "Careless, seems the great Avenger: history's pages but •was educated in an environment revival in Palestine to that deCertainly a nation anxious to avoid complications would in -which manual labor was held gree will the lands cf ether £a^record a derision and the manual work- tioss loss the character ot lands have adopted a more conciliatory attitude the miiroite hostilier in contempt. To toil with one's ol esile for us. They win become One death-grapple in the darkness 'twist old systems and ties seemed imminent. hands was deemed degrading, hu- lands to dwell ia, Isnfis where I I the Word; ' . " miliating, and unworthy of a gen- our people will live unfi-er the The true menace of Nazism becomes more apparent. xThe Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the tleman. The life of business was same coa'ditloss that other E S - f u government of Adolph Hitler is dependent upon a* spectacular the Ideal vocation, and the mer- tionsls live in. countries outside throne,— foreign policy to keep the morale of the people buoyed up, :haat, especially If successful be- the realm." The uncompromising Yet that scaffold sways the future, and behind the dim :ame the authority and leader ia opponents of Jewish n&tiosalisia i i . to keep the masses behind him. The whole German economy ewish life. I seriously question should ponder locg and. (ieeply unknown, .: •' • has been keyed up for war. Hitler's great achievement—for whether this tendency toward these prophetic words! Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above commerce, and hatred for physiThis volum® of selected essays which he has been given acclaim—that of reducing unemploycal toil, is an exclusive charact- caat&iEing- the bssic philosophy 'LVCQ LQZ.Z His own." ment, was accomplished only by ids feverish activity in builderistic o£ the Jew, as Gordon and ol on e of the great seers cf ensr He believed in moral progress as expressed in the familiar >thers maintain. A similar atti- day Is of deep import to every in g-up a formidable army. Germany has never really been ude towards physical labor pre- conscious Jew. Let us take it to . : serious in her claims for colonies for should they be returned closing linesr-vails amongst non-Jews. It is & heart and make the beautiful His i « "New occasions teach new duties; Time makes ancient good universal, not a Jewish, vice, to aad doctrines of Aleph Daleth it would react on Hitler's claim that the world is persecuting escape the unpleasant, the social- Gordon aa abiding challenge and uncouth; . the unhappy nation. ' ' ; ly stigmatized, and above all the They must upward still* and onward, who would keep unprofitable vocation, ' for ths incentive. i Until recently. Germany's foreign policy has been both * J '<s*J pleasant, honored, and remuneraabreast of Truth; spectacular and safe. "With a maximum amount of flag-waving tive occupation. In a world of ex" Lo, before us gleam her camp-fires! We ourselves must ploitation and oppression, it is and demagoguery dismembered portions of the German emThs sport suit styles thr.t everf hoy wjmtr. . » , sinnly natural for any talented Pilgrims be. pire were returned after plebiscites. Even the invasion^ of Ausyouth to sees release from ths gle £"d dsub'e-bresrtcfi . , , plectcc. front rlscks Launch our Mayflower and,steer boldly through' the des-ranlts tria was accomplished with immunity. of the professional hewers. . . . new light und dark colors for sport r.nci dress : perate winter sea, f wood and drawers of water. But the bounds of this policy have been reached. Another If this tendency is more pro1 1 Nor attempt the Future's portal; with the Past's bloodp e r a *rr f> p pi" T ^ attempt will end in Armageddon, -y ',- nounced amongst . Jews than rusted key." , I : f ! J f amongst non-Jews, Christian hos:{r Germany has ./endured manysacrifices, for Hitler on the Cite? Tvc Lpr.£ Penis Spcri $ukr And progress is certain, however slow and discouraging. ilitS Is largely responsible. promise he would give the Reich to a« glory for which it has "Daily, with souls that cringe and plot This bourgoja philosophy tow^iways.dreamed. Tne 'drive to the east' has been^made part 1 rda labor Gordon repudiated Tiscsi&s Ma.nn Speaks &t We Sinai's climb and know it not." \ and parcel of German foreign policy. A Germany embracing Cornerstoae with his heart and soul; against "Slowly/the Bible of the race is writ, it he rebelled, cot only in theory Laying1 • everyr'area where Germans reside has been promised. To re~c~ Ir I'r—rr' ut in practice. He proclaimed laAnd not on paper leaves nor leaves of stone; tain power Hitler must now make .some effort to fulfill these or a religion and espoused phyNe-w Work (WNS) — ConEach age, each kindred, adds a verse to it, , lical toil, manual work, even as struction of the first, exhibit is promises.' " Te^xts of deopair or hope, or joy or moan, -\ he dsvout embraces a sacred this" country of the economic culfc.fc.i.ic ee-!8rt or ;r,scy pa . . . The peace of Europe hag been placed in the hands of a H© came to Palestine with tural asd social record o* Jewish While swings the sea, while mists the mountains shroud, :ausc. £ 8 s s far as you like! Sires 10 tc 2% " revolutionary and hard gospel, Echieremeiit in modern Palestine mad man. While thunder's surges burst on cliffs of cloud, nd saw it triumph throughout trirs started ..with the laying of the .Other Spczt />cl:?»;?.*• FT.Kf1 ?r FSE the land, enriching not only it, cornerstone of the Palestine FaStill at the .prophets' feet the nations sit." . | ut tha men and women. "WBO Tilion at the 19S5 and JamGoHeosell Lowell' Our longing for the ideal is the pledge of its ultimate came thither in esarch cf spirit- "World's Fair. The realization: ual freedom, and; regeneration of is part cf & tlii By Eabbi Fredericls: Coin the Eoul. Gordon'maintained, that brought to Aiaeriea "The thing we Ions for, that we are \, normal and • a healthy life re- fron the site a? "t^^ta., r^.*^._Soon we shall be 'knee-deep in June.' t i r e d conuaunlca witn nature, tJae's youngest c^lt'rr:"^'., — For our transeendant-moment, , jhysieal labor. Strongly but-feind- laid la the presr-c r" 1 CC? r r v , June isj renownedly, 'the month of rosea'—also of bridals, Before the Present poor and bare y did he rebuke tfeoss early col- ish and CbrSst!-- IT-<-••. c rr kc r^-c> • of • graduations and commencements, and Confirmations; of nists who c a s e to Palestine Dr. Thoaias " r . r - , T>C —rJe Can make its sneering comment." v with high Ideals of rebuilding the dedicatory £*£•"—i. >'" • ' " lovely occasions connected particularly with youth, the month "To let the new life in, we know, '''.•'""'"'•'.--' land, but who after a brief.inter- constructive "w-o-fc zt iz^ ;c~s ii of youth and joy. val left ths sacred task to Arabs Palestine as "an ^-cc-L-L.--., lor Desire must ope the portal; 1 James Russell Lowell, the younger contemporary" of Emwhom they exploited to their pe'r- the success of \,L cl . ' _ cl Perhaps the longing to be so son&r enrichment. A goal cf per- dirfctisa birth r : a c Z r -' r ' erson, Hawthorne, and Longfellow (whom he" succeeded as Helps make the soul immortal." sonal ' salvation, of spiritual re- hops as deeply f= cc"-= i*-" ,'"~," n : Professor of Modern Languages at Harvard), in whom New and declared th«-t "th«rs~r generation they •;•'forgot --'atterly. "Ah! let us hope that to our praise ' " This betrayal wounded him deep- tioa and oppressiOT v : ^;h .'—ry England literature also 'flowered,' has immortally associated Good God not only reckons ly. .Hence the "ConQsiesi of La- isust Suffer toda-i. I ^- c ' ^ ; , - his name with June. There are many' delightful descriptions )"OF" has became a holy cause end shaken Ely coif\"ti~~ V • ' '^ '~ The moments when we tread His ways every Jew w'no loved Palestine race, i a i t s ci T - ius ;;• of June in his poems. He seems to have been particularly enBut when the spirit beckons,^— was urged to engage in physical and earthisess, v.. . ~ ^- E.Z. .™amored of that lovely month. There 13 the famous outburst toil. The'ancient and ignoble par- ortaat — perl r _ c C w ' _ — That some nlight good is also wrought ill "The Vision of Sir Launfal": isitism had to b© uprooted. part ia the sbsr : - c ' 1 c ' ^ t -c Beyond self-satisfaction, Other speakers r t C •- < * -c -~*~ "This religioa c£ labor became "Anii what is s6 rare as a day in June?" ' 1-^ When we are simply good in thought, not only the Instrument for COE» •were Mayor La Ci7~d~. ; (Thirty-one days some irreverent wag remarked). .uering.ahd fructifying- the deso- Israel Goldsteir. ^ 1 Howe'er we fail in action." *ate End barren sail of Palestine, Jesepb Gourica, - " . "Then if ever, come perfect days. - - ; C- - Lowell would have perfect lives,1 like June's" perfect days. jut ths instrument for the eman- ^2a!f of the J e v i 1 Now 13 the high-tide of the year cil cf. Palestine, - T-. And why should it not be so? Why should not nature cipation of the' individual, for ths Tv. Searls.-reprc-rt regBoeratioa ot the sou! sxd sprf., Now the heart in so full that a drop over-fills• iti -t be crowned by human nature! Why should we not mateb. the it of ths !&•*?, crushed by tiis ab- tcr Ne1^ York ^ r | We are happy now because God wills i t " Mayor !..>.. •>." splendors of the universe with 'Splendors all our - own'T: • It normal, unstable, existence of the ChurcJics. Golus. I s aeceptEsg physical la- tlie occasion "t; r -*"w - : i " 'Tia an easy now for the heart to be true should be 'as easy for the heart to be true, as for grsss to be bor ss a &uiy assi a prlvilsgre t i e j :i As for grass to be green or skins to be blue." ' * fjreen, or skies to bo blue.' Instead of being a jungle where eTV -freed hia-scl* irozx deadly ,! June is, indeed, a lovely season, a3 are all of the seasons, man like wild beasts ferociously kill and "devour one 'another; habits, centuries old, which *?;ere ]ing to represent ."••' •" . """ :The csrsracn^r - : ; i isrvertlas his ji-ersosality, dis-












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at tbr tcice c- >"T.. J, Fo'Siits:. r i r ? r.-rr' r ' - r - ?.'• \ .nl.,-


Alpha Gamma Chi




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. FpPC.i:FT', v-;:: Cwrm :_\' "7 \\ P' , j,rZ. The Alpha Gamma Chi SororA ( " i P C V r r cr. ; ~ r ' ' • - ; .r-< r'. •',•••:? ity of the Municipal University of • \ r e Tev-i:; fi;-_-f-.: • > - i " : . = ,- i ; ' ' p > Omaha announces the election of the followiEg officers for the Eest school year: Ceiia lipsman, president; Goldie Silverman, vicepresident; Esther Steinberg, secretary; Pauiise Rosenba-an, treasurer; and Libl>y Rcfcac":, iistcrian. Hannah B a n s was selected as rcsh .chairman, and Esther Steinberg "Brill serve as Hound Table representative. Paulias Rosenbluin'Tras signally honored by her ssiertioa as • ' f . ' one of seven outstanding women *, - T i l . f " r, <r, ' r-"* on the campus to participate in the Indian ceresaony in the annual Ma-ie Day at Peoay part this evening. Florence Steinberg. out-going president of the group, has been selected as one of the four candidates for Ma-ie day princess. The sorority •R-111 enter a skit this evening with Frances Blumkin, Eileen Eerits, Pauline Kosenbauin, Esther Steinberg. Florence Steinberg, Sylvia Weiser, and Celia Lipsraan £s members of ,e.«'V TM-,-,-* the cast. r -* - Esther Steinberg has been enssen historian for Kappa IS.U r -' J/'rs. Pit. D- Srodker newlr electLambda, honorary musical society, while Celia Lipssian has bees ed Kadassah president will be inselected as treasurer of Featbers, stalled in her office br Mrs. Ir- r * ') f i Jocal chapter of Pfii Sigma CM, vin C. Levin, retiring president, 2 p. ni., Wednesday Jcae iPt ft national pep fraternity. Plans are being, made for a the Jewish ComniUJiitr Center rush tea to be giv«n in honor o* during the last result- meetin? all girl graduates, in the near fu-, of the year. '*'\ I I -" ture. The sorority averaged seci ond highest Gf all organizations on the campus for last semester, losing first place scholastically fcy _one-tenth of a pointr- V The lest DEES' ^^£^^; f Sylvia Werner, Florence Stein- held this sesson ^:" f ^ berg, and Esther Steinberg were will take r-sc irr-rrpresented in a dramatic art recital under the auspices of the Dramatic department. :

MISS CORENMAVS BETROTH- ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. S. Shyken' of AL TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Corenman Council Bluffs" announce the en.announce the engagement of gagement of their daughter, their daughter, Sue, to Leon Ruth, to Dr. David C. Platt, son Kraft of Los Angeles, son of Mr.of- Mr. and Mrs. S. Platt of Oma."•".'.• ' and Mrs. Sam Kraft of Charlotte ha. North Carolina. An early fall Miss Shyken 'attended Creigh•wedding Is being planned. on .University. Dr. Platt is a Sunday from 2 .to 6 p. m. Mr. graduate of Creighton and Is a and Mrs..Corenman •will hold member of its faculty. He is afopen house a t their home, 3819 iliated -n-itb the Pi Lambda Phi So. 24th street to" honor their raternity. • daughter. Sharing honors -will be No- definite wedding date has two other daughters, Miss Doro- been chosen. . . thy Corenman of Oakland, Cali,, •'.- fornia, and Mrs. Phineas Win- TO"VISIT .Miss Sarah German who has troub of South Bend, Indiana. been making her home -in Chicago will visit this week-end with HONOR MISS MAYPER . Invitations are being issued for, her uncle and aunt, Mr. "and Mrs, a tea to be given tomorrow from Joe Baum. 3 to 5 p. m. by Miss Miriam Fied' ler and Mrs. Martin Friedlander JOSLTN MEMORIAL Sunday, afternoon at 3:30 in at the Fiedler home, 123 N. 33rd in honor of Miss Adele Mayper, a the lecture hall of the Joslyn Memorial Professor E. Frank Schbride-to-be. • . •'::--. • will -speak on "Scenic NebraAssisting will be the Misses xam At'4 o'clock. Mr. Martin W. Lois Barish, Dorothy Chait, Reva ska." Bush will present an organ recitr Gorelick, Dorothy Sherman, Jiose al In the concert hall. Paperny, Selma Seholnick. :Zell Abrahamson,. and Lillian Friedlander, and Mrs. Joseph Lagman. GRADUATES ENTERTAINED Color scheme of the affair will Following the services held a t be pink and white. • ; , the Beth El Synagogue last Friday evening -honoring the June high school graduates, a party TKLL BETROTHAXi by the Temple youth group , Mr. and Mrs. Louie. Green an- given liISS JEANNETTE HERMAN honor of the confirmation class nounce the engagement of their in .held at" the home of Ruth laughter, Ann, to Sam Levin, was Open hpnse will be held Sun- professionally in her radio and Somberg, son of Mrs. Ttferesa Levin. day, Hay 29, from 3 to 7, by Mr. film work as Jeannette Houston, and Mrs. J . Herman at their will remain in Omaha -until the No definite date for the wed-PRESENTED IX RECITAI, 3612 Leavenworth, in hon-latter part of June. ding has been set. Miss Harriett Ruth Newman, home, or of their daughter. Miss JeanShe is, at present, studying undaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius nette Herman of Hollywood. ANNOUNCE BIRTH der Josephine Gable Dillon, .noted Newman, played at a piano reciMr. and Mrs. Morris • Roitstein Miss Herman, • who is known west coast dramatic coach. given "Wednesday evening at announce the birth of a daugh- tal the AH Saints Episcopal Church. ter, Lorraine Ronnelle, a t the She is a student of Lucia E. Methodist hospital on May 22, The election of officers will . Krs. Roitstein is the former Ann Wood. take place at the regular meeting Berman. of the Ladies Tree Lean society on Wednesday, June 1, at 2 p. ja. Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Lipp anat the Jewish Community Cennounce the birth of a daughter, ter. final regular meeting of Susan Kay, on May 21, at thetheThe Vaad auxiliary will be an inMrs. : S. Fish, chairman of the Iinmanuel hospital. stallation luncheon to be held, on card party wfcica was beld en The Highland Country club will and Mrs. Dave Bialac, Mr- andM a y g> i s asfe .; Eg t h a t E3I t f c o s e Tuesday, June 7, at 1 p. m. a t Mr. a n d Mrs. Hilton Berko- the B'nal Israel synagogue. Eigh- formally open its summer season Mrs.^ E. A. Nogg, Dr. and Mrs. M. who haven't turned in mosey for at the clubhouse tomorrow eve- Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. witz of Grand Island announce teenth and Chicago streets. tickets sold, do so at this meetning. the birth of a son, Bruce Irvin, Handler, Mr. and Mrs. M. Krupin- ing so that a complete report can The newly elected officers will The following reservations for on May 22. be installed.. Reservations are 50 the opening had been made by skl, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kully, Mr. b© made. and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, sr.. cents per plate and must be made last "Wednesday; Mr, and Mrs. RECEIVE FOB SOX Sir. and Mrs. Sam Wertneimer, by June 3 as Shavuoth falls on Leslie Burfeenroad, Rabbi and Mr. and Mrs. Nate Bordy -will June<5 and 6. For reservations jr., Mr. and Mrs. A. H. BrotSltey, receive on Sunday from 3 to 5 atmembers are asked to call Mrs. Mrs. David H. Wice, Mr. and Mrs.Mr. and Mrs. H. Rubenstein, Mr. Morton Hiller, Rabbi and Mrs. their home, 919 Lincoln boule- A. Scjjwaczkin, AT 5534. and Mrs. L. Kulakofsky, Mr. and Frederick Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. vard, in honor of, their son, HarBen Silver, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Mr. and! old Melvln, whose Bar Mitzvah Cohn of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs-Mrs. H. Greene, Mr. •William Gro- I took place Thursday at the Beth : A. Herzberg, Mr. and Mrs. H. dinsky and Miss-Hose Grodinsky, Hamgdrosh Hagodel Bynagogue. Mr. I. Schlaifef, and Mr. and Mrs. Rosenfeld, Mr% and Mrs. Sam . - No invitations have been IsAt a regular meeting of the Alsued.,-.'Friends.-and relatives are pha rpi Tau fraternity, this week, Leon, Mr. and%rs. A. Goldstein, M. Katelman. welcome. ' : : the club members decided to Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman, Mr. A 36-hole medal handicap play stage another social affair in the and Mrs. Hymie Milder, Mr. andwill take place Saturday, Sunday : near future.;/A> Committee, head- Mrs. William Green, Mr. and Mrs.and Monday. On Decoration day ed 'by-AV'OUT't'h. will have charge-Verne Johnson .and Mr. and Mrs.approaching, putting and driving H. Knudsen; , of plans and arrangements. contests will be held. Mr. and'Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mr. Commenting on the last affair Tuesday mornisgs at tae club •with held by the fraternity, which was and Mrs. Nathan Simon, Mrs. A.will be devoted to ladies" golfa night outing, Oruch told the Buck, Mr. and Mrs. J . Slosburg, The women will hold a luncheon j club that the farm the party fin- Mr. and ;Mrs. Harry Trustin, Mr. at noon and will play cards and : ally settled on was very good — and Mrs.'H. A. Malashocfc, Mr. GL O343 JA. 7987 only it was a different farm from and Mrs. M. Perer, Mr. and during the afternoon. Sirs. i . the one he.had-made a deal Xor. M. Milder, Mr. and Mrs. H. Terer, Sain Wertheimer, sc, is chairman Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg, Mr. of the ladies* committee. and Mrs. L. Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. ._ _ r-rsM. Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. Bert t -, INVEST SAFEL.Y, WISELY JN Hene, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacobs •rv?« and Mr. and Mrs. Al Mayer. [4LL4L^V Mr. and Mrs. Lou Somberg, Mr. Annuity, Enoowmeni, UW»

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Lacfies' Free Loan

Vaad Auxiliary

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H&m New! 600 ?•*» ^^s^, jtar^

Alpha Pi T a u

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Distinctive Colors t


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T. A. C. The Thorpeian Athletic Club will hold its annual Stag this Sunday, May 29, at S a. m. at Peony P a r t . Reservations may be made by calling Morris M. Franklin, "01. 2857.

Represents 21 Strong Companies—Every Typa cf Insurjtnca and Bonds Written. CAUL AT 7667 or \VA S153


Rabbi Milton A. Kppstein will finish : his discussions. Tea will be served following

Picture yourself in fKsse La Grac® . Cottons . . . Styles and msfe-iais that will be .good for all summer . . . Here th-sv ere. e t Carmans . , , Pick' enough for Ths wapt-anc Holidays. S i t e s for Juniors, Misses Bt\d Women*

Colorful 2 - P C sMe. Coo! ciry shser in b!sck and nsvy. Sizes

B E L PAY To Cosrais

VAAD BIBLE CLASS The Bible class of the Vaad will hold ita concluding meeting on Wednesday, June 8, at 2 o'clock at the B'nai Israelsyna-

X e . f2ff


Wfeea buying .



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the session.

Patronize Our Advertisers "I uss the telephone to get odd jobs End very often the work I get fro:ja one call vnll pzj for th*e telephone for alosg tinje," **I find yen get rssre work "wbea people knew .you have s telephone ssd they csa'reaeh yea. "I get. the tslcpbeae t® hunt wcrk aad I ess hcaestly Esy it has "kept sss supplied •with jobs.*'

l As skirts grow shorter, your Hosieiy is more and more in view. Dress yoar legs in the steer flattery of Rollins chiffons . *, glamorous in color—;and; ia texture < <. with Runstop- protection


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We. 2270 SkeickM FLORAL


Cool Be+i?*f ••» I ; 1lincjeri® t r i r* ?~r ribbons. S-2=s :2-:0.

ing protefetioa ~.r.- a «paH^ rcof ikzl xigbtly tops off yout iavectmest.' Our Job is cssisSiiag tcz^o owscrs £a thi3 particulnr problsns. It hes bsss.osir espcrienc2 tisi: Use cssvrer £3 a BMD ROOF, llaj wo eld yoa in eclccUn.3 ocs coilsble for YOUR 1:2=3? ~

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no nzio TAPS . . . /is LCV/ AS CS r.:sr2Ti;LY r^







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•• BLOCK PRINT Fine ihesr befisfe in n a v y , brown and, irfubonnefi. Sties 12 to 20.



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LARGEST AT NEW YOEK FAHl—This* is a model of the huge railroad building, largest of any a t itha-New York World's Pair to open next Vear. I t will be 1,130 feet long, with a n open-air theater seating 4,000. Here a daily pageant will be held of raUroading f rom earliest times. Exhibits, will be by 27 eastern, railroads and many others from the west and from abroad.


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I f KING'S EIEN — With decorated chests and' backs straight in the best military:manner, here are His Majesty King George VI's Indian orderly officers for 1933, shown at Pimlico barracks, .suburban London. Left to. right: Subahdar - Major and Honorary Lieutenant "Shamsner S i n g h Bohra, Subahdar Bhawansing Rai, Subahdar Khattri a a d Subahdar-Major Dalbir Chand. A Subahdar is the chief officer of a native company in the British East ^Indian army:




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CZECH LEADEn—Executive hsad cf I5,C?3,C:3 pcopla cf races in Czechoslovakia is President Eduard rcncc. shzva his charniing wife en a terrace o.f the goversrteatcl cfSccn r? Prasus.- Latest raovs of the' nation to settle strife, e s p e c i a l that aroused by Sudeten Gerraans, is consideration cT a drr^t cf a ncv nationalities statute.

FAMOUS DOGS VINDICATED—Recent reports that the famed St. Bernard dogs had been banished from the Swiss Alps to Tibet have been found in error. Several of the dogs, such as Lion, abdye, nave left the 1,000-year-old St. Bernard Hospice in the Alps for a new branch hospice a t Li La Pass, Tibet. Others continue their rescue work among travelers in Switzerland.



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? r-vOne -of -the defendants, in-the trial in; London. Ky., of- 63 mine*operators end peucer Soijert . W. Creech, . above,: -'o jne'r - of the GreccaiCoarCorapanyafc Harlan. Dsfcndantrare ehars?d with a t tessptins to prevcat "unionization.




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Berne. Mrs. Pallavicini is visitir~ her father, Kocsevelt, zA Oyster Bay, Lens Islani.




'• HIGH SPEED ON WHEELS — Innumerable 1' thrills for thousands of fans are expected at the, running of the automobile races a t Indltinapolls.' ' Motor Speedway on May 30, More than • SO : entrants were expected to qualify at the prelim- . inary tests beginning May 21. Top panel above ; shows an air view of the track in 1937, with cars

parked *in the infield during the 500-raile rcco. Center.left. .Wilbur Shaw, right, of-Indianapolis, with his mechanic, after winning last ycsr.'s 500• mile race.- Centsr right, field on-the'back stretch of last year's race. Bottom, some of the 170,000 spsctators last year. Blurs on track are racing cars in the difficult 500-mile grind. .'

THIS O5f3 T7AS A • nccording- to ofcesrverc, tlas grc: ths ruins of Taisrhchv.-ar.j, flsrs found it aftca: 2z



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s nr.oiel prisoner, vr,5 &U

GUEEJLXA—General Saturnino Cedillo, Mexican Indian, who spread his peasant army, into the hills of San Luis Fotosi, MexM and prepared for guerilla-warfare with the army of President Lazaro Cardenas. Rightist political opponent of Cardenas, Cedillo did not see himself as a rebel, but asserted the Mexican people were "tired of the infamous dictatorship, with Communistic trimmings, that is submerging the country in ruin and misery." He blamed: unions.'



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Page 1

of Business AdministratioE, has fiistely after the spreading of the familv, there to live a Jewish been honored twice at the annur.1 Hitler plEEuc. ife. t h r piiiklrpn of AbHonors Convocation, and. has re"WEEK-ENDS," fcr Allan G. , Isnac end Jarob; t h e dieceived recognition by Beta GamAlpha Theta, as a reward for Following are the two talks evening, and ask-them of their Week of May 29 to June 3 i oC ?>-.o?es. i.~!-iah, Ilillel; Us scholarship achievement dur- ma Sigma, national Business Ad- Field.—Topic ct the moiiU;. given Jast IVrlday evening bj- ambitions in regard to their fu- Sunday, May 29, i.o ihp Dibie r n d (he Ta5"AUSTRIA'S DEBT TO .TE-Wing the past semester, is to he ministration Scholastic Society. tho representatives of local tures, you would find almost as ... Girl Scouta meeting, 8 p. m., .Sigma Qsucron, for the fifth ISH WRITERS," by Dr. Joseph v.'p vp.pi; t:[ ibo fitreoms o? the recipient o f sa honorary schTemple high school graduates a t the many • different ambitions as room .M, Jewish Community Cenconsecutive semester, -vras recest- Metsand. Austrian drama cAeC on, burneti e t the stake in olarship plaque to be presented by Temple Israel this evening special service held at the Beth there a r e graduates. However, ter. the U n i v e r s i t y of Nebraska. ly announced as ranking first with Arthur ScliJCitsler in If Si- Sptir, and vegetated in Europe's Z. A. No. 1 meeting, 2:30 p.observe a "Chain of Tradition." Among all of the men's socia2 among all social fraternities on lt is a slight consolation th&t Ghet os, El synagoguer T.VE. We remained no matter what our ambitions are m.,A.C and D," Jewish Community Details will be found elsewhere fraternities on the campus, Seta the Nebraskan campus. High sch- celt her he nor Hugo '•or. liof- one." • .More' than 500 persons at- we all have one aim in common in the paper. . . Center. . tended and heard tho talks by —to. live a full- life. We realise RAKHI GOT.OMAN." Beta Tali' placed second below olarship has always been the go&3 mf.nnithfil nor Joseph Kcdlich Z. A. No: .100 meeting, 3 p. these yonng people: the. first-place average in , this of Sigma Onncron; consequently, lived to pee the dCFtrvctior of that in order to reach our goal m.,A.K Beth El and L, Jewish Community classification. It can easily be at present, the chapter possesses their native ls.nd. Some of the of" a full life we must choose a • Services this evening will be seen Shirley Kahn r that Alpha Theta is contin- the scholarship cup for having greatest literary figures in Vienvocation that appeals to us, be-Center. conducted at Beth El by Cantor Omaha Hebrew. Club meeting, uing its. practice of maintaining the highest scholastic average na were of Jewish origin. Tb.eI want to take this opportunity come Important members of our Aaron Edgar and the Beth El" 3 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Coma scholarship average at the topamong all fraternities on campus entire world knew and 'toi-ed to express my appreciation ; and community organization and reJunior Choir. for last year. Not only has theSchnilzier's p l a y s : "Anaiol," . of the list... gratitude to the Social Service member, the -religion of our fa-munity. Center. chapter .excelled on the Nebraska "LiebeleV "Ijfber-dipe," "Sum-, Rome HVX5> — Intervention ; ,' Announcements made by the committee of the Jewish Welfare thers..- -: -•••• •",.:.• • : f" '--.; Tuesday," May SI, V A A D •• Junior Council meeting, 7:30 publication board of the Univer- • campus; but it fcas Cone equally <5en" and the novels, "PenVm ; by the Lithuanian minister and federation for the honor they Regular Friday night services sity of Nebraska Tuesday brought as vrell nationally. Sigma Offiithe Pol is!/- ambassador with the p. m., G and H, Jewish. Communhave conferred upon me to rewill be held at the sunset. cron was recently presented with Gorlon" 2nd "Der "Weg Jr,£ "tsUipp forpirp ofripr fins preventity Center. ' honor to three members of Alpha spond in behalf of our high Junior Congregation services Theta; Irvia Sherman was select- a certificate for ranking third Freie." ed the thrpPleJipr' expulsion from. Omaha Workmen's Loan Assoschool, graduates of 1938. The will be held on Saturday at 10ed as Assistant Business Manager among all fraternities 5n the Uni- Among the book she-'ver.: of ,"oo Jpv.'lPh students ciation, 8 p. m,, C and D, Jewish acknowledgement of our graduaa. m. The closing services for of the university annual, the ted States in scholastic standings from T*ol?n<1 finr1 Li.-Vuinnifm who Community Center. "THE CITV WITHOUT «TEW5" tion • and ' the mutual good will the season will take place on Satfor the last year. are Dturivinp; st flip University of "Cornhusker," Howard -Kaplan Wednesday, Junne 1. by Hugo Bettp.ner, noted Chris'. manifested in our benalf will be urday, June 4, when a special was reappointed Managing EdiBy Arleno Solomon fifes. The lie, Han authorities Robert Bernstein, Omaha, havDancing Class, 4 p. m., C and tian Viennese journalist and autreasured by us forever. Shavuoth program will be held tor of the "Daily Nebraskan" and ing established aa enviable record thor. This thrilling end tragic F.precd to rescind t h e expulsion D, Jewish Community Center. Wo graduates have earnestly Announcement of the newly Leonard Friedel wss reappeinted at Central High School of Oma-story stirred Europe and the ciT'i- order of the vnitvis.'rv of cdiiopIndependent Workmen's prder, for the children. endeavored to live up to the in-elected members to Quill and jf'r pfudPtUK Assistant Business Manager of the a, h£?s continued his success in jizftl world ft the time of its ep- tion and to pern's.?' 8 p. m., C and D, Jewish Comstructions and religious teachings Scroll, honorary high school 'Awgwan," campus humor pub- military tactics at the Un:versity posrance. Vienna, as his back- to compiete l:iiKc yepv'v i?*ii(1ie« munity-Center. , : • ' . . • • that have been offered to us from Journalism .society, was made at J. I\, lication. f'.np. to U>, ' ; <? tl'eir exPiiinPtSons. of Nebraska. Robert was recently • ground, the r.i'thor paints an un' time to time* throughout our high an ice cream party held in theThursday, June 2. Irvin Kuklin of Lincoln, one presented a medal for being a fo-geiful picture of a metropolis Boy Scouta meeting, 8 p. m., school days. I am sure we •will Journalism office last Thursday • ember of the Crack Squad of ri<3 of all its Jewish citizens, f.wt concerning next yeav. The stisof Nebraska's veteran teaais A regular meeting of Sam Belodge room,; Jewish Community continue to preserve the precious afternoon.' • ber chapter 100 will be held Sun- stars, helped make this season Persning Rffles, EE organization the disastrous results for ?. city deucf-i vreve to hpve beep expelled, C e n t e r . • . • -... ' ' . • heritage which has been Inculcatytrt swhwiued t c Requirements for membership day, May 29, a t t h e Jewish Com- one of-the university's most suc- consisting of only men v:ho hzxE without Jews — how the govern- beeeuae v tiiev r y June 3 . ed in us. stipulate that the; candidate must munity Center. Announcement of cessful in many years. In the Bigdemonstrated their military skill. ment, after numerous appeals tliP. tm? P pit,y vitho'ii She eonChess Class, 4 p. m., recreation Four years ago we embarked be a senior in the upper third of the "program of activities for.the Sis tournament, in which Nebra- Bernstein is the Co-director ' of from its suffering people-. recs.'lH sent of the foreipn office. T!i« on a new phase of our education- the : class who has done outstand- room, Jewish Community Center. month of June' will be made at ska University was cosed" out by the Crack Squad, and ae v:as,top Jews. A story of where fic-Jeviflh sturtoRtF liiul made s per» al-life. As we gradually traveled ing work in -journalism. His' apOklahoma to take second place, also, given a medal for placing tion turned to fact, alihoiigh Jews unrip,! p.ppsip.T to I^iippnnni. this meeting. , • COMING EVENTS upward i n the path of knowledge plication "must be approved by Tuesday, jnne 7. Five members of the chapter Irv competed in th* finals of the second in Individual Corapet in Ere still to be found in Xasi Gerwe were constantly inspired by the'supervisor of publications in rasii-Austrte- todey—A Vaad Auxiliary installation are planning to attend the Inter- singles matches, and in the serni- Pershine Rifle competition. - the commandmenta which we his high school, and by the na-lunchebrii B'nai Israel Synagogue, national A. Z. A. camp, conven- finalsof the doubles./He has T/on Siook. : " taught to- obey. As we are tional executive secretary of Quill 1 p, m. tion which will be held at Estes six out of nine matches in dual "A .TEW HAS COXE HOMTC," , approaching 'the goal of .our four and Scroll. Park, June 24 to July 1. Those competition. this season,, and alby Albert jLiOndres — a Bynipayear's training, we more fully who are going are: Paul Sacks, ready is looking forward anxiousStudents admitted to the societhetic description of Jewish G-hetrealize how much'the associations ty are Haskell Cohen, Bernice Milton Saylan, Herbert Forbes, ly to next season, his last year of ompetition, which ' promises to vo life in Er.rope ana Palestine. 5 we have made have Influenced us. Priedel; L e o j n a r d Goldstein, Joe Guss and Harold Zelinsky. be his best yet. . "UPON TKY DOORPOSTS," by Wo appreciate the great 'advan- Elaine Lagmah, and Arlene SoloThe Century chapter softball COHEK Jennie RosenholtE. A graphic pictage we will have in the future mon. Present editors Harold SlosThe annual election! of o.ffleers team won its first game of the Irvin Sherman of Omaha was ture of life in R pioneer 'ermine because of the advice and guid- burg and Samuel Wintroub were of Junior Hadassah' was to have season last Sunday morning when Initiated May 22nd into Corn ance that has. been so graciously admitted-to Quill and Scroll last been held last night. it defeated the Sigma Alpha Mu Cobs, men's pej> club on the Uni- The current Jewish scene of community in the northf-ent ard : given to us.year. •,•' • • ; - "-. Members of the Junior Hadas- squad, 13 to 8, In a Jewish Com- versity of Nebraska campus. Irv events — news of yesterday — the struggle for s. lone Jewish . Our Jewish Community Center sah are turning in all "Give or munity Center league game. The was selected Upon a basis of the today — and tomorrow. Is a,beacon of light which infuses Get"; money, and. the final date team elected Harry Fox captain interest he has shown in the club, Dr. Chaim Weizman, president The Central High Register's will the amount and character of. for the season. , in, uff the spirit to be good Ameri- staff soon. be^announced. of the Jewish Agency for Palesnext year will be headed by work done while serving as a can" citizens and good Jews. We Beth Kulakofaky who has been ,AU unfinished business was to ^Plans are being made for chaptine, addressing the Fourth Nawish,- at, this time, to pledge our appointed editor i n chief of thenave bee'n cleaned up at last eve- ter activity in golf and teanis. worker, and work spent upon tional conference (Labor Party). other projects taken up by the Candidates for these teams will continued effort to live up to the school paper. Howard Schonber- ning's meeting. —declared that he hoped "this participate In a chapter tourna- club. ideals which •we h a v e been ger will fill the position of sports terrible period in the history of In honor of its graduating senment which -will be held during taught. people will serve as a transieditor. Other members .' of the iors, Alpha Theta held a banquet Our the summer^tournament. tion . to a. new tremendous creastaff include Esther Osheroff, on Friday, May 20 th at-the chapFurniture for the library will Morton Margolin tive epoch teat •prill provide the Helene Albert, JLnne Arbltman, be purchased this week by the ter house. Tribute was paid to revrard tor-all onr past suffering There are certain occasions In Goldie Azorin, Ida Batt, Philip Phill Laser and Robert Stiefler, Persons haying five or more chapter library committee and •everyone's life which may seem Bernoteine, Frances Blacker, Syl- dollars in their J. N. F. boses will and tribulations." ~Cohen of the Jewish two men who really, did their part unimportant a t the time.they oc- via Epstein, Elaine Frank, Rose be eligible to the drawing for a Haskell for the fraternity during the past High commissioner allots 1,000 CommunityCenter. The library cur, ' but are looked back upon Goldstein, Sheldon Kaufman, to" Palestine. Those, desiring has already been moved to the few years. Phill. served the chap- certiticates—for the six months" and. marked in the individual's Ruth Linda, Rosalyn Rosen, Ruth trip to add to: their donations to befirst floor of the center and will ter as Treasurer, Vice-president, period. Of the thousand, 400 are memory as the beginning of a Rosenstock, Sylvia Katzman, Ba- eligible for the drawing have unrenovated by Sam Beber chap- and President. Bob held the.of- allotted to. agricultural chalutnew period in his life—as the ad- bette Rotbchlld, Harriet Saylan, til June "10 to call Mrs. M. F .be fices of Secretary, and President, Eim, 250. will be used for immiter. vent of a. new era. Authors have and Ann Rosen. and* further, participated widely grants for whom specified. ern.Levenson,, chairman of box collong recognized.the" fact that in estra-curricular activities. lections. *;. I'loysnent has been provided End such incidents occur, and have Speakers at the senior banquet -a-mi 170 will be held in reserve for eligible for the drawwritten many stories. a r o u n d to be held tomorrow night at the IngOmanans the immigration department. One are: Mesdames J. H. Kulakthose unimportant i n c i d e n t s Fontenelle' hotel include Elaine ofsky, hundred and eighty certificates, ^ Cohen, J, J. Frle- New officers were elected at -which lead t o . a change in ^faeLogman and Arlene Solomon. den, I.Herman will be allocated for the registraB. Ziegman, J. Stein, the meeting of the Bas-a-mi held mode In the' life of their charac- These two- and.' Dorothy Chait Aaron Katz, on May 24 at the home of Lor-tion of laborers who w e r e Dave Brodkey, DavAfter -experiencingone "of the ter. Those j>f you who are fa-made' up part of the Banquet id potash, and MiS3 Blanche Zim- raine Leeser. Sylvia Epstein is I Sir Sine" 5 r jfinvwff-a,\%:.r: F p n h i r&l f'cr'icF Arm . brought • icto Palestine on temmiliar with '.the life of Charles committee which made arrange- man. new president; Esther Shapiro, most interesting elections, on • the porary visas in the past two Nebraska-campus, -Arthur Hill, 5 . ^ ; l f | S ^ S f T PH? Goodyear will recall how he vice-president; Frances Rubin, ments for this affair. years. stumbled on the secret of the Eecretary; Elaine Laginaa, trea- Lincoln, was. elected last week to OT 7f Q p i Hits and Kiss—IN THE JEWvulcanization, ot rubber when he surer; Ruth Bloch, historian, and a position-on tlie Student. CounPatricia Klein participated in cil, a. governing organization of ISH SPECTATOR: "TV H A T L. S.hirlye Goldberg, reporter. accidentally, dropped__ the sample Cora Quick's Annual Dance Reaffairs. Kill, representing E-VEHY JEW MUST. KNOW," JKEOkL he was working with onto a red- vue held: last week In the Tech; Before disbanding for the year stcdent Next Friday evening will see the Jl-iA 122© hot (stove. That'accident, a rela- nical, High school auditorium. club will hold a banquet on the, junior -.year, nomination ;. "orby Dr. Aaron'RoEinsriE. The cess | | | Fnrp.e.u? r.t H^rp youths' of Mother chapter of June 15 at the Paxton. -Those In of '.German-AiistrtEn .Tewry *iErn.e<* tively "unimportant incident, led : Aleph Zadik Aleph leading the' Charge of this affair are: Irene g was ' elected by -the largest ta the development.of the'great services at Temple Israel. rubber industry. MIrowitz, general chairman; and ni-jerlty cf any cilicr candidate International ' AZA Sabbath is Ruth Bloch and Louise Saylan, competing; fcr ceiabership. A . Tonight ti3 I stand hero before Student Council position is cne Omaha Chapter of Hadas- held yearly in March at one ofvice-chairmen, h i .you representing the Jewish high sahThehonored the local synagogues, wherever an i Mrs. , over two hundred of the .-highest honors that can be Eva school graduates, I cannot- help and, fifty women at the Seventh AZA chapter is in existence, but Konecky is club attained, wh'ile at the university. bat feel that this'is one'of those Annual "Give or • Get'' -luncheon this ia a special occasion and will sponsor. Hill he has been a ieader ca occasions. I cannot help but feel held Wednesday, May 25th at the be conducted almost entirely by the Nebraska cacpus fcr the past that this service marks a turn- Jewish Community Center; boys of AZA. two years. He, at rrcsett, is Asing' point In tho lives of the Mrs. Maurice Silverman of One of the main points of the sistant Business JIans.jrer of The graduates, Until our graduation Minneapolis on "Hadassah AZA program is the religious An interesting meeting of theDaily Xebraskas., University pubfront, high school, everything we Revaluated." spokeMrs. Silverman re- phase of youth activity and is Vaad Cultural Group was lication, a nenber of Corn Cobs, did was planned for us. Our work emphaeized the importance' of demonstrated i n various ways. Junior held Tuesday evening at the honie men's pep organization, Viceand our play was supervised. Our continued work in Hadassah and Encouragement, of attendance at of Ann Hahn. Presideat of Delta Sigma Rho, parents and our-teachers have led took Inventory of Hadassah's regular Friday night services and A brunch is being planned for honorary debate society, Treasur- us and instilled in us the knowl- many activities. observance of the major holidays Sunday, June 19. The following er of Alpha Phi Ctaepa, service ' edge necessary to form a founda- Additional women who raised are the most popular methods. committee is in charge: Ann fraternity, -and s member of the tion for the new phase of lifetheir quotas are Mrs. J. A. Gross, All but one or two members at- Hahn, Bess Kirshenbaum, Ger- varsity debate teara. For excellwhfch-.we are about to enter. As Mrs^ Frank Krasne, Mrs. S. tended the bar-b-q roast held Sat- trude Lewis, Ann Berman, and ing In scholarship, he was prewe leave high school we' will en- Riekea and Mrs. Harry White. - urday night at Jackson's Farm. May- Tucker. sented the Tv'illiani Gold Key, £ a ter a new phase of life in which Guests from Sam Beber,,chapter award that is given, to the ten most of that supervision, which also were present. >•' Patronize Our Advertisers highest f-eshraea in'the College Patronize Our Advertisers

Community Calendar

Zeia Beta


^ Center ^ Library Corner

Junior Hadassah




Z. A. I


Junior Vaad

up to now has been c part of our daily lives, will be removed. We will .'enter a world in which .we Wjll' have to make onr own decisions: Our future, the way we live our lives, will depend on how we make those decisions. As we enter this new era, In our lives we realize • that there are three Important factons aec essary if we are to live a full life. First, wo must choose a vocation that .appeals to us, for If our job becomes a task rather than a privilege, we will miss out goal of fa^full life. .Second, we muct plan',;' to become: a supporter of our community- and interest ourselves in communal affairs. If we fail to do this after the training, we have already received . along.this,line we will find that , theVe >is •• something missing ia our lives.-Third, we must remember the religious tenets.taught u& byCour-fathers, and practice them in our ; homes and in our - daily lives. . 'If; you * were t o question the graduates • assembled here this

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Page 8

Society News


Carlos* brother,. Anton, is mar-lem Aser 'r ' ried to Princess Iieana, sister of pie of - r — ' ' King Carol . . . have t>°»" ' "\ N a z i s V.J. <.- . ^ C BEHIND THE .BITS Frora the newspaper reports of the incident you might get the next' v" idea that the fight between the Y i d d i s h - -•<Jersey City Jewish Community usref Gf""~ ' "" Center and Rabbi Benjamin Plot- for s. rf->e kin io of recent vintage . . . The fact is, it goes back more than jXicf Csit ^ 1<• '- r ' five years, long before Hag-uism in one ^ " r became an issue . . .' And we also Idepa.rtir'""* c happen to know that just before i 5eh Coirrc' ^- " * JBelth cz the "R-hoSe matter made the nac : tion's front pages an important beccuic . Jewish leader in New York was s e p h ( T f ' "> rc\ •" consulted with a view to arbitra- of. t h e " - - > - i c =• { tion . , . The" American Jewish Je'srisxs <„ ~r~ r ' • ' r \ - e l e c t e d r-ef« Congress' fdur-qnestion plebiscite became a one-<juestion referen- CoEferCiT Cc u ^ r -r ^ *~ dum, 'tis said, because of the ob-vice i n " r " ' ^ ? ^ »" ec'tioxi of some of -its Zionists A m o n g ~<~ f i: supporters, notably Hadassah .' . . I Y o r k r " 1 " There'll be no honorary defrree year olt* -. '"^ handed out by the Jewish Theo- T r M d e r j , ^ » vr "• J - £= ^ i- ' f logical Seminar}- this year . . . author cT f The ten awarded last year vriil mudic cr~ ° suffice for this year too . . . Theon t h e v, ' F T ,<•!• coi " r ••* •" laying of the cornerstone last In his e ! . ccrn r " - ~ •v .ek for the Palestine pavilion at zky is co*r* the New York "World's Fair recalls that 3 4 j-ears ago at the St. Louis Exposition there was an I exhibit of religious sites ic Jerj usalem sponsored by the Jenisae ! lent Exhibit Company, organized 200 Lnlc" ' by Christians and a few Jews .. . . | One of America's ambassadors to NOTICE T v f. k.' T N " TiTJO\. r-C-1 i%. I a major European power explainFiNAL /'CT' •s s - r < - „ v ed to his Jewish physician that COUN* ^ O u " C J^ v. the sudden rash of anti-Semitic In the e -^i.'regimes in Europe proves that Cotini?)'-, ^r b r • In t h e ' P r r God is still -with the children of Bainb i »-t : Israel — because he wants to get E_All pe <• ' them out of Europe before a new Ipr f~re p-p. ^ _JriFfwar ruins European civilization G i h d a j - o T " J ier fllefl r , ! r r * . . . Some kind of precedent was Court. pi«jjng tlist ! , . " '"i, r T >• I set by the new Miami post of the t r a t i o n a c c o u n t filed i i ' i r .1 l><= , ' • Jewish War Veterans when it tied a n a allowed, Ent! * j . f>" 1>- < ' h i s tn,«- 1 r= - f"-'.- >named itself for a woman, the tcrhaatrogre df.ndfrom t h a t e h e r . i . c v ' •"-•> riC late Frieda Martowitz . . . . on said petition l>e?o'*^ rr1~ C r~

Miss Friedell Brodkey, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. John Brodkey, 3244 Jackson street, has chosen Monday evening,' May 30, HISS ANNA PILL, eerrespcndcqS as the time for her marriage to Max Resnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Resnick of Omaha, Nebraska. The ceremony, at 7: o'clock, will be held in the home of the, bride's parents, and will be, witnessed by immediate relaThe .Senior Hadassah will elect tives of the bride and groom. Rabmembers to their board of direc- bi T. N. Lewis will officiate. tors at a dessert luncheon meetThe bride will wear a gown of ing- next Tuesday afternoon, May white net and lace, in Empire 31, in the Jewish . Community style, with a fingertip veil of Center..The dessert luncheon will white illusion. She will be attendbegin promptly at 1:15 o'clock. ed by her sister. Miss Elsi© BrodFollowing the meeting, Miss key of Los Angeles, California. air t o Take Place on Ruth -Miller will dramatize "The Miss Elsie will wear peach chifSunday a t JBellevue Sternal Road.1' fon. Her other attendants, Miss •Mrs; Max,, Rosenstock Is in Grace Req'nicfc. of Omaha, and anBallroom i charge of,the;trogram and 'Mrs. other sister of the bride, Miss i Mark Sabel chairman of the Elaine Brodkey. will wear rose The completion of arrange- luncheon arrangements. , chiffon and aqua chiffon? ments with *Hmmy Lewis' orchesAfter an eastern wedding trip, tra climaxed the plans for- the Mr. Resnick and .his brjide will second annual A. Z. -A.; Sweetmake their home in the Austin heart dance, to be sponsored by apartments, in Omaha. The bride's Sioux City Chapter 12 of the brother, Dr. _ Norman Brodkey order. Mr. Lewis' orchestra will will arrive here from Chicago to play, for this affair on the eyenattend the wedding. .tog'vt.titLT. 29, 1938-in the ball. room of the Bellevue Apartments, Miss Ida Hesheiow, whose mar••'Mr. Myron ! Heeger, General riage wlllakte place in June, has Chairman in charge of dance, acNewly . elected officers of been the guest of honor at a ; tivities, has announced several 'ctianges in the conducting of the Shaare Zion Ladles '• Auxiliary number of parties during the i "contest to determine who shall be were-installed at a meeting Tiles- past week. Sunday morning, Miss Ruth the A. 2. A. Sweetheart for the day,, afternoon ''in ' the synagogue . year of 1938. Miss Sylvia Fried- social hall. Mrs. Meyer Marx and Miss>- Nellie Sinikin mari, present Sweetheart has de-president; Mrs. Morris: Rubin and were joint hostesses at a breakcTiied that it is unfair for her to Mrs; L." J. Kiipian,' vice-presi- fast in the West Hotel honoring Cliff (Ukelele Ike) Edwards 1 - .; run again, thprefdre^she has with- dents; -Mrs. -Sam- Kaplan, finan- Miss Hesheiow. Sunday evening, Mrs. J. Kan- Cliff- (Ukelele Ike) Edwards, and Master of Ceremonies, brings drawn her name from the con-cial secretary; :Mrs. -M. A; GrueMetro-Goidwyn-Mayer's . number 13 National Applause winning test. Those'remaining in the com- skin. recording..•: secretary; ' and ofsky entertained for her, and petition after this withdrawal in- Mrsi Dave Ginsberg,, treasurer. • Wednesday evening, aer hostes- one comedy star, opens a week's acts gathered from the cream of clude Miss Blossom .Kalin, Mis3 .; „ New members to the • Auxiliary ses were Mrs. Max Dervin, Mrs. I.engagement- today at the Orp-h- all the Major Bowes' Unit,shows, Francesi Maron, and Miss Harri- are Mrs. Morris Weisberg'and Leibowltz and Mrs. S. Sperling, eum theater with his Surf Club to the Orpheum in his "TransMrs. H. Eirenberg. who entertained in the latter's Boys, as a special added attrac- Continental Revue." It is an all .-,-ette: Levin: t h e 4th da?" of J u n e , •"")' f71^ *! 1 > tion with Ted Mack and his Mai The 'award which will be pre- Donations from the following home. if you fail t o . s p p e & r l» \ - E f-L.r: Jw < new stage show never before HO>fE TERRITORY jor Bowes' "Transcontinental -members.-ere-i-acknowledged -at Monday evening, Misses Ida sented to the most beautiful and The frau of Dr. ignatz T. Grie- on t h e said 4th d a rr ' r!••-«• " n " 1 , f! seen in Omaha. o'clock A. M., a n d f - ',-<•- «TI,- r t Intelligent girl, who is selected as the meeting: from Mrs. A. Silver- and Mary Edelman gave a supper Revue:" • , bl, the missing key witness in Un-jI 9 t h e C o u r t m a r f T I i *" 1 T Cliff sings and plays a number The screen attraction with this cle Sam's probe of Nazi spying, is etition, AVZ. A. Sweetheart is now onberg in honor of the recent mar- party at' the Council Oak Camp, r of said p e t i t i o n . ert<=r fi ,!»-«<• <of new hit tunes on his famous gigantic stage show is Walter of her daughter; from Mrs. honoring Miss Hesheiow. display at the Jewish Community riage a Brooklyn Jewess whose earn- h e i r s h i p , a n d mal;e . ' ] ' " ' r-x -- ; " ' Ukelele.,He also does some of his Wanger's new season hit "I Metings supported her busb-nd while f u r t h e r orders,' filler sn^op r ^ * rlei~ J.;.Kutcher In- honor of the recuCenter. ." ' •." own compositions on the instru- My Love Again," starring Oma- he went to medical school . . . crees. s s t o t h i s C ^' * 1 -^^r; <-^r—r peration of her. sister, Mrs. SherMrs. Anna Krueger, entertaint o t h e e n d t i v 1 :1 I T • | ha's own Henry Fonda with Joan But she's a fanatic Nazi, so much pproper, man; from Mrs. James Gang, in ed 50 friends of her twin grand- ment that he made famous. ertaining to said p=^r LP r,« ^ .i"Ted Mack, popular showman Bennett. honor of. her parents who aredaughter and grandson, Miss Betfinally setOed e n d drrp--,*-, i p r j that she once refused to testify visiting here and from Mr. Wil-ty and Jack Mosow, at a dancing before V. S. -District Attorney ""^ (\v\'.'S Vti'.r'. liam Eirenberg in <honor of .the party, Saturday evening in theformed into'a circus. George Z. Medalie on the ground 5-13-SS-St. recent' marriage of his son. .- ' Bellevue Ballroom. The twins that he is a Jew,. . . Griebl, inFRASENBURG, W C i F , C T r r A number which brought forth KLUTZNJCK &. K E ^ L C . Mrs. Frank Margolin installed celebrated their sixteenth birth- a great -deal of laughter was Mrs. cidentally, is suspected of being Attorncs the officers, ..arid, a report of theday. They are the childrn of Mr. Max Steinberg's interpretation of the promoter of Nazi propaganda . £00 U n i o n State £a~k f i t recent convention of conservative and Mrs. J.. H. Mosow. in the National Guard . . . Walter Fannie Brice singing "My Man." synagogues was .made:-by Mrs. H. • Twenty-five members of the JunWinchell and his boss, W. R. NOTICE O F PROBATE O - V wL • The high-light of the show was WITH THE I. O. B. B. In t h e County Coi • i of I>IM.£'<•>« i ! R. Rabjnowitz. Mrs. Ben ShindViewed from across the conven- Hearst, are feuding because the ior Hadassah. chapter attended a a splash number wherein buxom .'Nine children of the Shaare Nebraska. ' | ' B'nai Brith's new latter objects to W. W.'s Enti- I County, Zion synagogue confirm- ler was in charge, of the menu ar- Give or Get dinner at Stoup & bathing beauties donned bathing tion room, Jn t h e Matter of ' h p D'-tr-e o1" i ' '' Schaefers,; Wednesday evening. suits of the gay nineties. Mrs. president, Henry Monsky, looks Nazi and anti-Fascist items . . . . I Golfiie Berger, Decesspt: , ed, at a service. next Friday even- rangements. . 5 .. ft' Those wh'o attended had fulfilled Ray Ross sang "The Matzo Tree-" more than a little like Jack Dem- If we know WincheU, he'll resign j All persons interestei" .n <=p.,r" p t . i ' Ing, June .3^ -The class includes fate herehy notifaV :l,^t a J e ,- ' their pledge to this project. Miss The acts were written by Mrs.psey . . . Monsky will not move rather than he silenced . . . In-I tion Betty Bain,•'Wally Triedman, Jorh a s been filed j r >t i'" Poi--' i Florence Major was in :charge of Ben Telprier and directed by Mrs. to Washington but will run thecidentally, Fritz Kuhn, America's i praying: for t h e probate cC R C*>—^ r ' dan ' Ginsburg, Anna Kanofsky, Xumber One Nazi, is suing ITiaorganization from Omaha . . . . I instrument now on fi-c :.. '~,-u: n . ,.\ '1 / ( L the arrangements. Boris Kaplan, Burton. Lipshutz, Clyde Krasne. There's been no official an- chell for calHng the Xazis "Rat- I p u r p o r t i n g t o b e t h e l^Ft v n ? n r Huth. Kutcher, Jean, Shubb and Taking part in the show were: t e s t a m e n t of i d d«-»F<.»i: RIA t h p t ' ' The Bar Mitzvah celebration "of of it yet, but Maur- zis"' . . . Nazi propagandists Ere s hearing1 wills abe Jordan Ginsberg.! had vr ir..,; i>. 'o- | The Intermediate Dramatic Mesdames Max Steinberg, Ben nouncement tne junior Congregation wilt be getting so bold around here that ice BSsgyer has been renamed exbefore ssie Court on " I f " "•]> <",i \ i , The pulpit of the synagogue held"' tomorrow morning-at Shaare Club of the Jewish Community Telpner, Joe Gilinsky, Ray Ross, f of J\:ne. 1?."S.--and t'^st r h e - ;,-,. i the3~ have even managed to swipe will be decorated in white and Zion^ synagogue, -"vhen the /chil- Center will give a progressive Richard. Gordon, Leo Meyerson, ecutive secretary . . . Among the tn sppear a t saM Ci"""t o r Uic f.r " | ' will be - banked with flowers and dren' Will commemorate', the thir- dinner' party tomorrow evening, Louis Katelman, Clyde Krasne, interesting people at th B. B.stationary of the Joist Boycott ISth tiay of June, 1 ( "'• p t ? f ^*oo!"! Council, which they use to send A.J I I . . to Content, the il'n,l?;p n , m i *i. Mr 1 ferns. '•*"' " • ' • • " . • • . teenth anniversary of the' organ- tp close their meetings for the Harry Cohen and Harry Cherniss. convention Tras Sebastian Littau- threateningc letters, over the forger of the mathematics faculty a t The theme of the confirmation ization of the Junior Congrega- season.. The party will begin a t vill,' t h e Court T-.ir71 ;1 \ »7 nC] Mrs. Max Kramer accompanied Annapolis, the only Jewish fac- ed signature of Stephen S. Wise paid probate F&id vill r.rr p -"* * r ~r p - ( service will be the "Molders .of tion. ,• • ; , . . - . . - . .. the home of Wally Friedman and at the"piano. Mrs. Abe Leibowitz ulty member at the Naval acad- to' organizations "opposing the istration of R&id. estate 'o .,oi w V^ - - > the Characters of the Jewish Peocontinue at the homes of Ruth per or pome S' ',"",«• r-^-=nr.. had charge of properties. Mrs. children will assemble in boycott . . . The idea is to discre- enter a decree other ple." Confirmants -will give short theThe o? h* ' ^1 T ~' r r Kutcher, •_ Doris Grueskin, and Milton Yudelson and Mrs. Harry emy . . . A proposal that funds dit synagogue for their regular the boycott . . . Clap hands collected, by one B'nai Brith conceed to a setilemeri!: ih"'rn*~_ talks dealing with this theme. a t 11 o'clock. Following Gloria Novitsky. The evening- will Cherness were in charge of "Thestituent agency go into the cen-for Duke Ellington, bandleader at . SKTCE C" 1 - 1 "!^—'. ( Alumni o f the Sunday School, service be .spent a t the home of Harold Man "in the Street" number. S-27-SS-St. . O'UP'! ,'uri-p " the service they; and their parthe Cotton Club, who replied to tral treasury was beaten after •who will greet the confirmants ents will attend a luncheon in the Slotsky. Sigmund Livingston and the An-a request from some German will be Miss Dorothy Merlin and hall, where a program will The B'nai B'rith and Agudas ti-Defamation group had rallied tourists with: "I asa a non-Aryan Miss, Rachel Ginsberg. Burton social Miss Rose Bashefkin has re-Achim lodges held joint Memorial the opposition . . . One of the fi-and so cannot grant your request be presented. Mrs. Eli Roblnow Is Lipshutz, president of the confir- in charge: of the ; luncheon ' a r - turned home after a month's vis- day services Monday in honor of nancial revelations "sras that the to play the Horst Wessel song" . . mation, class will sjeak and greet- rangements and .members, of thei t -which included stops in' Chi- deceased members of 'both or- A. D. L. speeds four times as . Ditto for the Babjion (L. 1.) ings -will be. presented from the Ladies Auxiliary, will serve it/ - cago.' Milwaukee, Kenosha and ganizations. Cantor Paul Cham- j much annually as It receives town board, which barred a Eticd Ladies Auxiliary -by. Mrs. Meyer , David Kuntz will at the edar Rapids. roff sang several selections. Mrs. jfrom B'nai Britlf sources . . . the rally although. ail " members c ' Shubb! U'ho is president, anX from program which willpreside follow the A. Hochman was in charge of the convention also turned thumbs the board are GermanTAtr>cricans the faculty by Joe Maron. The luncheon. Greetings will be given Mrs. 3. Levin entertained a service. down on a plan to raise a $250,- . . . Even, the Indians are learndiplomas will be presented by by M6rey; Lipshutz, president of group of friends this week hon000 fund in honor of B'nai ing that a swastika means heap Mrs. ShuJbb. . -' the synagogue; Mrs. M e y e r oring Mrs. Ell Braver of PortThirty Council Bluffs members Brith's centennial in 1943, andbad luck tbese days . . . The oneSpecial .Cmusic will be offered Shubb, president of the Auxili- land, Ore., who is visiting her by. the synagogue choir and Jack ary; Isadore Shlndler president parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Levin. attended the Testimonial banquet to raise dues . . . The latter idea time Indian good l^cfe sign provin honor of Mr. Henry came from Brother Peyser of San ed bad lack to a couple of Indian Merlin/will act as cantor. '--. the Junior Congregation; Miss Mrs. Braver is the former Sara Tuesday Francisco . . . The ovation Mon- ladies i n Tuisa, Okla., who hung Monsky of Omaha. ; Following the service, parents of Rose Goldsman and Rabbi M. Levin, sky received after his election it up as a beer tavern emblem . . I of the .confirmantB will give a re-Brown, ^instructors of the Hewas so severe an emotional strain Within a couple of hours they ception in the synagogue social brew School. Greetings will also Zeph Telpner, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Raskin, Mrs. H.Mrs. B. Telpner,, was chosen to that he had to leave the conven- •vrere flooded with protests, and •hall. . ; • / . . . ' • ; \ " be extended by the following for- Tesler and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. tion room to have a little cry . . . so flora came the swastika . . . mer presidents of the Junior con- Raskin of Oklahoma City, Okla., be. the crown-bearer to the MayA plan for annual conventions The surer Shirts are pushing an. Queen of -Abraham Lincoln High gregation: Max Maron, jde Mar-have arrived in Sioux City to viswas buried in committee . . . Itorganizing- campaign in the Midchool at the school's annual May on, Morris Aizenberg, Jack Mer- it in the H. Raskin home, 1119 was agreed by many delegates j die West, concentrating on MilFestival. lin, Charles Shlndler, Howard Villa avenue. that the next convention would j waakee, Youngstown, Detroit and Sacks and Morris Lasensky. see the creation of a women's I Chicago . . . In the latter city j their meeting was held at the Miss Irene Rudman and Mrs. M. A. Rosenberg will return grand lodge . . . Busiest man at The newly elected officers will • Word has been, received here ate in the week from a trip to the convention was Eddie Grusd, Great Northern H o t e l , End of the death of. Abe Krueger, 68, be ^presented to the congregation; F. Rudman of Rock Island, 111., Chicago. tall and boyish managing editor promptly the hotel fhaEagement who died in his home in Chicago, they include Isadore Shlridler, will this week-end in of B'nai Brith Magazine, wearing advised the publisher of The SenMonday, following a heart attack. president; Thelma Shlridler, vice- the A. Slutsky home, 2407 JackMr. Morris Yudelson is In Desa variety of pleated black suits . . tinel that it was all a mistake. Sir. Krueger reft Sioux City sev- president; Anna Kanofsky, secre- son street. Other guests will be Moines:on.a business trip. the Pelleyites having victimised VIA SHORT WAVE en; years ago to make his Home tary; and Albert Goldstein, trea- Mr. and Mrs. Lou Slutsky and < the hotel by claiming that their in Chicago; While here, he wassurer. Community Singing will daughter, Sonla May of HawarMr. and Mrs. Abe Rosenberg, Konrad Henlein's Czech Nazis meeting was for a discussion of Parents den; la. vice-president of the Krueger conclude the program. 215 South Ninth street, will hold have fallen heir to a Jewish for- "Christ and Constitution." are welcome to attend the lunchFruit Company. open house from. 2 until -5 Sun-tune said to amount to six mil-ABOUT PEOPLS Mrs. J. Ostrlm of Chicago has eon, for which there will be a ;Born:in Russia in 1870, Mr. m day, June.5, in honor of the con-lion dollars . . . The Jewish legadeparted for her home after a charge of twenty-five cents. The Krueger came • to the United firmation of their daughter, tor is one Leo Benedict, who died Dont's be surprised if Joe three-week visit in the home of dessert will be served b y Mrs. States and directly to Sioux City three months ago . . . He made j Louis emsilates the example of Sam Weiner in honor of-the wed- Mrs. B. Rutstein, 314 Eighteenth 'Heene. when he was. 20 years old. He street. No invitations will be issued. Henleln's Sudeten party his- heir ' Mike Jacobs and donates part of moved to Chicago in 1904 butding anniversary of their son. All friends and relatives are in-a long time ago, when the party his cut on the receipts from his returned several years later to still claimed to be democratic and fight with Schmeling to a refuThirty members of the local vited to attend. make.his home here: •" . .-.. Marvin Levich, son of, Mr. arid was admitting Jews to member- gee relief fund.. . . The real rea.Survivors include the widow, Mrs. J. Levich, will celebrate his Ivre club will leavo by special ship , . . Benedict's family has son for the current visit of S'r.cMr. and Mrs. Max Harris will train tomorrow night for Des Bar Mitzvah at Shaare Zion. synRo'se,-of "Chicago; a eon, Stanley Moines, la., where htey will at- entertain at a reception for started legal action to annul the of/Chicago; two daughters, Mrs. agogue tomorrow- morning. will . . . Which reminds us that The next meeting of the Board tend, the Ivre conclave Sunday friends and relatives at their among the bigwigs with whom IJen'ry Ginsburg of Chicago and home, 52 Charles street, Sunday, and Monday. Mrs.-Leo Bach of Louisville, Ky.; of Directors of the' Shaare Zion Delegates from the Sioux City June.5, from 2 until 5, in honor* Henlein had conversation during a sister, Mrs. Mollle Dlzon .ofSynagogue will be held June 1 f in the- home of Mr. •= and Mrs. chapter will be" Leon Dobrofsky, of their daughter, Betty Lee, who his brief visit to London were Sioux City.' , -'. ; : , : Lansberg, • 2707 Jones Louis Agranoff and E. N. Grues- is being confirmed from the Beth several Jewish leaders, w h o ^ Funeral services were held in John sought to learn from him what El synagogue in Omaha. Chicago, Wednesday . morning. street. Mr. Morey . Lipshutz will kin. The .conclave' will include a No invitations are being issued. would happen to the Jeis-s in the . " ~ , . Erocse, ASEsssasscsss, Mrs. .Anna Krueger and Mrs, Abe preside. Sudeten areas . . . How come the program of meetings, and a Soft Grey Sroo E«a«i Serni1 V Pill of Sioux Cfty left for. Chipress associations didn't get wind dance, among other affairs. .Steel Castings, Wood sue! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen wili cago Tuesday to attend the funof the fact that an AmericanMete! PsS£erns eed S®sls receive friends and relatives on e r a L • • • ' ' • . • ' : : •• •• • " • - • Weights carried sn steels. Sunday, June 5, from 2 until 5, Jewish tourist vrho tool: photographs of the grave of Mayor La Broaza End Cast Sroo at their home, 3.7 North Seventh : Rabbi' Theodore' N. Lewis ! will Griile* a epecialty. street, in honor of their daugh- Guardia's mother in the Jewish speak at Mount Sinai: Temple ter Betty's confirmation from the cemetery of Budapest, had 'the 27tfs and Martha St. this evening on "The Psychology photos taken from him by' Nazi Beth. El synagogue. . HA 5523 C*7 of the Jew.'.'" Tbjs service will be"ri The'Jewish Community Center frontier-guards on the Swiss-GerCorotha Saltzman No invitations have been is- man border, Tvho tore them into • acknowledges with thanks • thegin at 8 o'clock., " ••-••..-."• sued. '••.' '•'•-. Rabbi Lewis spoke at the High Sift of a piano for i^a. Blue "Room shreds? . . . In a number of RuTh next'regular meeting of the of the Center,' froVsi air.-'. Jack School Commencement exercises Agudas. manian towns the Jews were Achlm lodge will be held Mrs. Julius Katelman and s,m, in . Newcastle, Nebraska, this Goldsmith. forced .to hold special memorial Thursday, June 2, at the Eagles Abe, expect, to return early next services for Octavian Gogs, the week.; • • . . . • . • - . ' • ' , . hall. week from a tMp to Kansas City late would-be Hitler . . . Ti'hy is '•' ;A new census, of ' the Jewish and Excelsior Springs. families living in the Sioux City the Nazi'; government doing its Cantor Paul Chamroff of New trade territory within a radius of utmost, by cajoling and threats, York will conduct the services at ,Joe Katelman left last Wednes75 miles of Sioux City, has been Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna- day with, other city officials for to discourage wcald-lie emigrants compiled and i3 available at the Friday evening services will be- the from going to the United States, gogue on Friday, May 27, at 7 Jewish Community Center. •: obviously preferring that .Gergin at 9 o'clock. Rabbi Sol I. Boi- p. m. and Saturday, May 28, atWashington, D. C. man Jews fettle in , some other otnikov will spsak. during the 8:30 a. m. Mis3 Ma r i a n Katelman is (South American) countries? . . . morning service. •.-.'.' ; TO GRADUATE FROM spending two" weeks in Washing- Is the idea to build up enough of I t ' s cburae-d U. S/NAVAL ACADEMY Tfie Sisterhood will meet Wed- ton, D. C.'-wlth her sister, Miss s Jewish population in some" of BOARD.:NAMED' .'•nesday, June 1,' at 2:3 0 in theToby Katelman. from these countries to provide a basAbe F. Cohen, son of Mr; and . . -' .'•,.:- FOR ELECTIONS synagogue. . En route home she expects to is for Nazi anti-Semitism? . . . Mrs. Isaac Cohen, .2721, Jones visit in Baltimore, New York and Phrases such as "Dear sir" and Sv/c-et Cresni street, is a member of this year's •At a meeting. Wednesday! evenSomething new and novel in Chicago. • : "Yours truly" must net he Herd 5 ? r*™? graduating class at the United Ing In the jewisli : Community convention entertainment was a in business Jetters to Jrvr, reStates naval academy at Annapo- Center,. representatives of e\:ery Panama party girai by the local <, i IT 1 cording to insruetions r-'r.:; *'RutenbergFirst "Witness lis. He will receive his ensign Jewish organization in the city, Hadassah " at the Chieftain hotel readers by the Catboiic i r v r " Jerusalem (WNS-Palqo'r Agenranking at commencement exer- met to name an election board for Wednesday, May i 8. .--. • c y ) — The.Technical Commission per, Linzer Voiksblatf, ir: A:. -cises on June 2. Attending will the American Jewish ; Congress . A banquet was held and after on Partition began' taking evi- tria . . . 1 girl of- Je-R-'.O. •::..::: . : b« his sister, Miss Helen Cohen, elections. the banquet the- men were, dis- dence from individuals on May became the sistcr-is-Iaw ef a l;ua'ad Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Seff of . Every Jewish • person over 18 missed .and the women donned 20, and Pinchas Itntenberg, man- manian princess when Christ a Sioux City. ^ • . years of age- can' participate in pajamas and house coats and aging director and founder of the Satzger, whose fatfser r'.mi\-rc3 I S> "'•Abe Cohen is a graduate of the elections by the payment of made themselves comfortable in Palestine Electric Corporatoin, Judaism for Catholicism, married Central high school In Sioux City. a registration fee of ten cents. the ballroom .which was • trans- was heard in a private session. Archduke Carlos of Harsburs . . . .

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