June 3, 1938

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In the InteresIs of the




Eventually almost every Jew in our town comes to a certain wall in Mr. Weil's home. Mr. Weil is the funeral director and Entered as Second Class 3Ma.il Matter on January 31, 1331, at whoever comes to his funeral OlIAHAj NEBRASKA, FKLDAY, JUNE 3, 1S3S Postoffice. of Omaha, Nebraska, linder the Act of March S, 1ST9 home for the final obsequies rest' (invariably) at a fixed point beWISE TO RETIRE side the south wall in Mr. Weil's EtUU^i big room. AS ZIONIST HEAD v. ..a rL. At this wall I have stood look-ing at various of my friends for . WoroheSter, Slass. (WNS) — s e n s <"\T"X?-| .specie! Exercises to Es ETC *m m ,«r f s the last time. (Getting along in Dr. Stephen S. Wise will retire Given By City Talyears, as I a n , I find myself Is l^uih from the presidency of the Zionarres mud Torah standing there more often than I ist Organization- of America at 1 '-- r ~T^ 1.0 Pf used to.) In time, I guess. I mythe Detroit convention, he anself shall come to rest beside Mr. nounced in a speech'here. It had This Saturday will rsark the tic Weil's wall. been rumored for several weeks closing service of the Junior Conof fooc; are beinc cas. The wall always fascinates my that he would, not be a candidate inciting non-Jewisn v gregation. A special Shabuoth interest. Oh, I muse at the sol-Portion of Proceeds to to succeed himslf. disorder. ' F e a s t of W e e k s " S t a r t s , program • has been arranged by Mother Chapter to Conemn service here, a Jew comes at The Jewish women a Dr. Wise was elected president the staff of the City Talmud Torduct Entire Service Go to Relief of on' Saturday .last to th" happy solution of the ir attacked ir. tf>e >*?-• ah.. Children participating in the at the Providence convention in. Refugees fosienters! of discon?Frt pain of being a Jew. It is no waili'HISEvening program are the following: 193 6, succeeding Morris RothenEveningvy punishment is dem ing vrall but a welcome boundary Isadore Friedman who will rebers. "To stnSy some of tin beritA gala event is being planned " Starting tomorrow evening, cite on Maimonides; Leonard POline on which Mr. Weil might ihcljl. Tile fclCl IS ibel L ful symbols of Judaism." ShabuothF variously known as the well inscribe the happy tiding: for the annnal , Bifcur Cholim TTith this thought in rn U a voiaen went to mf.rn.ei Feast of "Weeks or Pentecost, will !,. "Here ends all the pain of being | June luncheon, to be held at the Tvritkin, Current Events group cf A. Z. A. youths of c J - women that Jewish Community Center on be observed by Jews. Orthodox Palestine. •a Jew—at least on earth." _. . , .. ,. . . . . . ,er chapter No. 1 will CO ct Jews keep two days of the holi.Le There beside the1wall lies my Monday, June 13. Special recitations Will ce glV-;.e a t i r e services Friday e Mrs. Xi. KevelefZ, head of the day while the Reform observe friend Hyman Zilch. In his counen by Merer Halprin, Lee BernIsrael at eight o'clock. but a single day. 'Tr luce st-m, and Sylvia Bernstein. All Temple tenance I have just observed the group, announces that a substanAleph Stanley Turkel, ch; Ge m In commemoration of peace that has come at last to tial portion of the proceeds .will re- | children are invited. The services man of the religious commit ceiving of the Ten Command-1 W JU start at 10 a. in at the Con- will be assisted by Alerts Irving j rest upon it. like some ineffable so to aid. European refugees from ments by Moses the Decalogue is gregation B'nai .Israel, ISth and Nog-g, and Stanley Silverrnan in j veil. Mr. Zilch at the wall - is - the - Nazisism. C> F, I rr, read. One of the three 'pilgrim- | Chicago streets. At the regular leading the congregation and per- j image of content. Mrs. Leon Mendelson is in festivals of Biblical times, it was holy day service, children will ac- forming the main services. Jus- j Did I not know what peace is charge of the program. The comthe season in which the Jews of at this •wall for every Jew I mittee .arranging- for the affair tin Priesman will discuss "The j tb.eir parents. should expect Hyman Zilch to includes: the Mesdames S. Fish, Denounces Those Taking ancient Palestine brought their Tfork cf Life" while Morton j offerings of first-fruits and grain arise: "Oh, so there you are, Se- M. Katzman, M. Rosenblatt, J. Margolin will speak on "Life's ! 1 UI Part in Jerusalem to the Temple of Jerusalem. gal!. Are you_ or aren't you forBernstein, I. ?:aplan, "William "Work." i Rioting r t Shabuoth, which means the Jewish Congress? Yes or Milder, J. Finkel, H. Lippett, N.. Th© services to be held this j Xevinson, S.' Sehwaczkifi", I. Kri'weeks' takes its name from the np." evening will augment the Inter- I ' Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- fact that it is celebrated seven With snch challenges Mr. Zilch zelman, A. Katz, Fanny. Bernnational 1. 3. A. Sabbath which I The news and editorial weeks after Passover. It was always used t o greet me on thestein, Charles Ross, William Ep- cy) is held annually in. Karen, Inas- | columns of the Hebrew papers re- called 'Pentecost' by Greet-speakstreets. His eyes flamed with the stein. ' •. £ la ted to muci The public is invited, and resflect the horror aroused among •ing Jews because of the fifty days agony of all Israel which he car' the latter, it is one of the kigbervations may be made with the Palestine Jewry generally by the counted from the second evening cnacc'cc" ried in, his heart. His index fin. lights of the religions program of ger was invariably under my nose following: Mrs. S. Fish, We. 'participation of Jews in attacks | of'iassoverlo" the'shabuoth"fesl i Aleph Zadik Aleph. An especially Finkel^Ha. 0930; io n Arabs In Jerusalem on May tival. . . . "Answer me, Segal! Answer Mrs. I.Mrs._X_ j interesting occasion, it serves to Kaplan, We. 5256. 24. The events were characterizThe agricultural significance me!" • Those having donations for the Committee Ordered to Re-1 £ ed as contributing to "a black of the holiday is also seen in the In his pain he struck here Cholim bazaar are asked to day" for Jews. First condenma ; reading of the Book of Ruth in port to House By and there, mostly hitting other Bikur i life and is enth.usiastics.Ily receivat the "uneth- the synagogues. The Book of i ed and1 hailed by religious leadJews. He counted it P Jewish contact any member of the or-tion was directed January v vfctorv tcTflatteii"out"a non-zion-i ^n^aticm. The date and place : i c a l Con~duct. "~ The unfortunate Ruth is notable for the unirer| ers. ist with a word. He was particu- of the bazaar will be announced effect of such incidents on Jew- salistic message in its story of "Washington, D. C. (WNS) —j ilembers of the T.Iother ch&pish security and political status the noi>Jewess who became the Appointment of a seven-man ! ter will act as ushers. larly proud of having humbled a ;hortly. was also stressed. ancestress of King David. follower of the American Jewish committee to investigate un"Such acts," it was declared, Cofiimittee at a certain big meetAmerican propaganda in the "are liable to aid the terrorists ing. United States and to report its whose victims are also peaceful findings no later than January 3, "You call yourself a Jew?" Mr. Arabs." The Davar, labor daily, 1939 was authorized by tee Zilch had asked him with withasserted that "the happenings House of Representatives when it ering scorn. were motivated by internal proapproved by a voice vote the Dies "We are all Jews together," vocation which is the fruit of resolution proposing the probe. the other one answered feebly, evil or madness. The irresponNo action is required by either "We! We! 'It's a nerve for sible elements must not be althe Senate or the President on you to call yourself one of us!" lowed to undermine the Governthis resolution but before the inTo remember this victory was ment's s t r e n g t h e n e d action quiry can actually get under way always a great comfort for Mr. against terrorism and the Yisaanother resolution appropriating Zilch in his pains. He suffered Nations Close Borders To uv's strengthened defense forces." funds is needed since the Dies Berbed-W I r e Entangle- j * as much from Jews, who didn't It "was a bitter time for the Effort Made to Still the resolution carries no authorizaPrevent' Illegal Tfi'n ' f-'-' e E e agree with him as he did from rsent to Keep Out Arab j , " Yishuv", declares the Hatzofe, tion for funds. Entries . Agitation of Hitler and denounced them even Terrorists jc Mizrachi daily, "which is united more bitterly, since ("because they Opposition to the resolution Minority Vienna (JTA) — At least 2,- in its condemnation of such acts." didn't agree with him he could was led by Represenative MaverJerusalem (JTA) — Th« sarbVirtually duplicating what hapregard them only as traitors to 000 persons, the majority of Budapest (JTA) — - The sweep-,ick of Texas who said there was ed-vrire "fence" under co: hem Jews, are under orders to pened in Jerusalem on May 24th, ing anti-Jewish legislation in the no need for the investigation. He tion the Jewish cause.) along the northern t EeeoB.fi p l a c e . Now Hyman Zilch has come to eave German territory within there was a series of attacks on Hungarian Parliament is one of objected to it on the dual gground j0of Palestiae Palestine will fee a bsi Arabs in Haifa on May 25th, reihe. nest few weeks despite the Mr. Weil's south wall where all the "first fruits of *Hitler's con- that it would lesd to red-baiting j such ES exist the pain is stopped . . . No more 'act that all frontiers have been sulting in the fatal shooting of quest of Austria which brought and race-baiting. tie world, not e^e controversy, no more Hitler, no closd to them. This was revealed two and. the .Ee_rious_.woxxnding_of ."-Slaveries, said • "it. is time --this more running down to the porch as interested".agencies moved it) another. "The incidents occurred" ably within the Nazi sphere. The House-quit four-ftasfcing and fialin t h s morning to get the morn- ntercede in behalf of those or- in the Hadar Hacarmei. Jewish j Xazification of Austria has given Ton know that this mec cf the most substantial and ing paper which tells of new Jew- dered exiles. Among the number residential quarter of the city. | tremendous encouragement to the lyhooing. permanent wartime type, ever sis aimed particularly ~-T p r ish affliction every day, no more ar hundreds of Burgenland Jews Quickly word spread and "Arab j National Socialist forces in Hun- resolution at the 2\"aziismovement. It is not feet high and - sis feet dee?, rishus, no mere Jews giving oth- and an additional large number .crowds gathered and began ston- j the Dies resolution. It is the strung on states set in concrete. has made the position of Jews arrested since Anschluss er Jews a pain. ing and attacking Jews, several of the Government Party — tae Eickstejn resolution and -the in-There are £00 yards of wire barMr. Weil's wall stands there, but now released from prison on of whom were slightly injured. | Party of National Unity — an es-vestigation won't disclose any- l ricade. The two t stretches. toiai_.. condition that they leave the Sentenced to three months in tremely difficult one. • thing that we don' forbidding, and Hyman Zilch lies the Christ i a i already ii K g $0 miles,'now being ^....„, . know. "We know about the Nazi there at rest, a faint radiance as country within the stipulated Acre Jail were three Jews, linked order. But The party itself is divided befrom the new Jewish colony of | k up c•ny ! of a smile on his countenance; grace period, ranging from a few to the Revisionist-Zionist Organ- tween old-line Liberal and radi- camps but what is an investiga- i[Hanita to a point on the border i ization, who were arrested last cals who really belong in the tion going to do about them? I ' near Eayelet Eashanar. and from i h n.ctio though it may be only Mr. Weil's days to a few weeks. T 1- r. „ Some hopes are 'entertained night on a similar charge. Police Rightist Opposition. warn you that this investigation Shaar Hagolan to the River Jor- ; •urcl: soft light shining on him. Before pe( ! RT!C Mr. Weil closes the casket. I here, that pleas in behalf of these searched the Haifa clubhouses, of Unable to check the agitaton will cause race hatred and maydan, will therefore contain 1C- \ :ld be TllV .LiJ." the Brith Trumpeldor (Betar— people may be effective. It is prove the entering wedge for per•und =e a •: should like to approach^Mr. Zilch 0 00 miles of wire. At several j of tb. Nazis which threatened to • Every d: i " and congratulate him on his hap- known that hundreds of Jews in young Revisionist) organization, shake the stability of the country, secution. Don't forget that the points it will be stronri.f electri- i and arrested a number of memthe town of Wattersbnrg, in the Germans may get the best of you. none has r: py end, but I am afraid; I may fied. " | the Government Party, emulating ^D attack on awaken Hyman Zilch and break Bnxgenland province of east Aus- bers in Haifa and Hedera. A Brit- King Carol of Rumania, is -now There are more Germans in this The effectiveness of this barj ish, constable and two Arab brigthis spell of peace. He may wave tria, who had been ordered to attempting to cure the country of country than ther2 are Jews." rier against terrorists seeking- to '. a finger under my nose . . . "An- leave the Reich this week at the ands were'killed when a party of its Nazism by administering antiThe House voted after a tvro- cross into Palestine irom Syria i latest, have been permitted to re-police were- attacked by a rebel toxin doses of JTazr-— measures. liour debate during which Repre- was swer me, Segal! Answer me!" demonstrated by a test con- ; band near Ramat Hakevesh in Ir r; n The rabbi gives the consoling main until June 10. Since it does not feel strong sentative Dies revealed he had in- ducted by a British a-my sapper : Emek Hefer during investigations Although unverified reports formation that a member of the] * words which convey the idea that Ined in piercing barbed-wire j enough to move against the big a report that a road in the vicHj-man Zilch's spirit is going to are being circulated here that of ring landowners and industrialists, it German-American Bund, in s i centanglements. It took the sold- ] <rnv,h~ abide in this earthly scene a long eertain countries ara willing to inity had been mined. v\ho has taken up the Nazi anti-Jew- speech at one of its camps, had ier, equipped with the proper irn-'i give temporary refuge on guaranor- f t time after he is buried. ish program . and presented it in advocated the assassination of plements, two hours to cut his EH i; tees" by responsible Jewish organNo, no, I protest inwardly, why modified form to the country as President Roosevelt. He said way t h r o -a gh the barricade, ;' izations to care for and eventualthere were 32 camps in the.nation which was not electrified. should Hyman Zilch be condemnits own. ed to earthly immortality? It ly remove the exiles, it is noteense According to es-Prernier Bar- and that the Buna claimed a __^ worthy that b o r d e r police isn't fair. His ghost will go to anyi's explanation, it has been membership of 450,000. Repre- jo j "JhE throughout Europe are guarding all the meetings and ho will sufnecessary for the Government to sentative Johnson of Minnesota !Cently b , along the northern T\ fer the more because in his astral most vigilantly against illegal imA act to regulate the Jewish ques- asked Mr. Dies why, if he had in- ! frontier o* the Holy Land, be-~" sing formation about Nazi camps, he j + state he can't make a speech that migration. tion because the Jews have, in did not attempt to obtain passage tween the road and the boundary. cf von mortal ears will understand. He pg the past nine years "gradually Another two and one-half mile may like to put Goldberg the Re12 Suicides in Vienna of the Voorhis bill to forbid mil- i stretch is being: encroached upon the -entire ecot on the easvisionist in his proper place and London (JTA)— Reports from One of the" most famous of "hislife of the country and oc-iitary activities is. this om the EritiEiflatten out Greenberg the Labor- from Vienna said today 12 suici- torical operettas, "Bar Cochba" nomic r e n s at Samakt ZJOT.S r r a P m St im r t a n t other than those of the regular ! I ite, but he wfll suffer only the des had followed announcement by the dean of the Jewish stage, I ^ ° P° armed forces of the government. he road tc Damascus, protecting: t ; helplessness of a ghost on earth. of extension of the Nazi Nur&n- A. Goldfaden, will be presented I the j-iutteaberg electric power of Hungarians has dropped. 1 b laws to Austria. Four of the j by the Workmen's Circle Thank God, I say, a Jew atberg | " station. "jthe Government asserts, that of " S" -S— «"—...-, ^—. of least lias the right to die and to suicides were reported to be "Ar-|matic Club on Sunday J u n e ' 1 ' I , T S J"e" ' =S-h j T i e work is bein one entireat S p. m. at the Central Club "j n ^ ^P™ved and the stay dead, and why should a rab- yans" married to Jews. The Daily 21st and D d m ly by Jewish Iz.hzv. under Venire . cmo, , Government hasr o"the urgent duty der a c bi call him back to linger here Telegraph reported a showcase 21st and Dod-e t0 S lve this W e l a in a r a c U r a c ; 1±ei 1 ° ro PaStorestorethe * * ' ^y "i-te Government to awhile? No! God rest your soul, h ^ been erected in the main This presentation will be not- 1 m < Sole! Boaefc, Ltd., engineering' street of St. Polten, near Vienna, ed.for Hyman Zilch! its fine musical Elections hd^l U. r b Pe d? firm operated by the Federation The pallbearers take hold of displaying photographs of local costuming and » d ^ t l' meagre dif- Word has been received by Sam cf Jewish Labor. Arose l i e 5 0him and carry him away from inhabitants snapped a s they were Saltzman that his sen, Marvin, mile northern stretch. 60 0 men Mr. Weil's wall and my eyes fol- leaving Jewish shops. tic Club has an excellent cast for ' ! Pa tf against now residing in Los Angeles, was are employed, residents of nearlow him eriviouly . . . "Peace! the presentation ,f • » B a : Co"-4-i? one of fifty students in the Unit- by colonies. They are guarded by Peace! Hyman Zilch!" .. . . But ed. States awarded scholarships 200 Jewish supernumerary- pois this peace only a truce? What The sbo-:et ning of entertainment to those at- if" ' T ^ w T ^ i o i o -r*"""":.— i r ,.^^^ i ^ courss llceire is there for Hyman Zilch beyond L tending. j eu a Christian and is not affected j a t Northwestern" U n i v e r s i t y , ; stretch near Saraakh is engaging • — J ; ~ • ^ °I fore August 1, 1919, is consider-I for a four Trees jourrMr. Weil's wall?,, How is it in Evanston, Illinois. 110 inen. protected t y ZB exer•" by the anti-Jewish measures. paradise? of L. Yb.e Daranyi measure in senerMarvia 5s a s honor stcd<=nt at : nu~.erary polios. As a Jew I find myself troub-•ecuon of a l i s - a n e s t e n s i o n o f the o l d n B . ^ Los An S eie| Higi achocl .and is I The wori: trill take sex led even about paradise. Where Rabbi David H. Wice will leave Cantor E. oeltz, and stage direcfollowed I editor of t i e E S 2 l newspaper months to ccmplrte. The am I safe? Where is there no next Friday for the east to at- tion of Hymie Ruderman. Gen- I ?'~x"° - " " — -systera . — , ~~ , ----- „. — ^»^ i . t ... i . will be £SO,CCO (S4CC,0Ce.1 pain? Is there a Jewish quota in tend the Central Conference of eral chairman of the affair is M ' education r So m a n y y e a r s m EE Since its barbsd-v-ira bc.rri institutions. "In ° = a naddia n [ Hf selected e is the only California st sr this honors course paradise? Did Hyman Zilch get American Rabbis to be held June | project t a s bee; - , . . " " tion fo the 20 per cent quota in a in? Did they say, Hyman, the 21 to 26 in Atlantic City, New Selicow. "ro-erse i there has been a Jewish quota is filled. We're Jersey. Rabbi Wlce will later in , Tickets of; admission are sev-economic and cultural spheres, it j B I S K O P S T E W A R T of £cUTi is expected that Jews will be el* " " enty-five and fifty cents. sorry. REBUSES HYPOCRISY! ' the summer attend the graduate iminated from the State and pubSomething tells my timorous school of the University of Chi1 i a~ris bason in z.i lie services. The municipality of rr Kew York (WXS)—In a reheart that the late Horst W'essel cago where he has been awarded Budapest has already enacted ELip men s :ke to Americans who pass has been organizing a bund in a scholarship. 1 ' \ ' legislation limiting the granting i paradise to protect the German other countries or- of i h e He is scheduled to speak the of public contracts to Jews to the ! ."ofclems at home, part of July at Estes Park, Gibraltar (WXS) — Since Jew- proportion of Jews ot the eral ["the lit. Rev. George Craig Stewhas been doing on earth . . An latter Colorado, at the Institute of Huish merchants in rebel-controllpopulation. Aryanized heaven, says Herr man Relations. On August 12 heed Spanish Morocco began sell! art, Protestant .Episcopal bishop Damasccs Conservative estimates place ' of Chicago, said "we Ere borriWessel. Too many Jews have will appear before the National ing nothing but -German" and Italbeen coming to heaven, he Adult Education Conference at ian goods, the anti-Je-wish agitacharges. Too much Jewish inGeneva on a Good-Will tion has virtually ceased, it is refluence, what with Abraham (to Lake composed of ' himself, a ported by • travellers reaching whom God owes his discovery) team and Isaac and Jacob, to say noth- Catholic priest, and Dr. James here. The Jewish dealers dropped sharp protest against the proposIn a prepared statement issued ing of Moses. And a Jewish God Yard.. 'The following morning all other goods in compliance ed laws which strike at the equal- en; board the German liner ColRabbi Wice will address the conity.-of rights granted them under trith ah official rebel order. too! A- Jewish God ruling heav T umbus which "Drought him back '•-•'.".••. The immediate result was en! exclaims Herr Wessel.~- He ference, from the international cliurc; Cettnc i — definite improvements used to rule both heaven and tions between the Jewis earth but, thank goodness, th ness men and- the loca earth ha3 been taken from" him '." '. •. Lewisohn. Ill , commercial agents, who by the Fuehrer. There will come Due to the illness of Ludan end to God in heaven, too wig Lewisohn, Ms weekly fea- most active in spreading Semitic . propaganda. Inciting of before 1919, it penalized tfesss | continue to repress and {Herr Wessel says in ' all h i ture, "The World's "Window* the native to attacks on. Jews lias Jews who have remained true to j ; ur own speeches) and there will-tie the will not appear in this issue also been tr,lted. •'.--.. • new god who will rule iSeaven of the the religious faith. Jewish Press. ITS In England by a decree o: even as he does the earth. Th It will be resumed upon Mr. Fuehrer marches—first Austria; ; were icresd into Jewries Jews were first persecuted in The Jews of Ethiopia formed Lewisohn's recovery. separate semi-independent - ting- j Poland as being the instigators of nut lot rsiiSYsd cf paying Ciiiirci tithes. (Continued, on page 8.)_ 'the Protestant reformat?on. dom until 1G17. .


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End Anti-Jewish- ' Drive in Morocco


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meaning of ii -all—why. the home eventful Shovuoth day with his teen boys were crowded into tli was bedecked with greens and brothers, sisters and playmates. margin of space back .of the ea' and the garage door was I h a flowers, why mother had baked I-;-'1 -.I-T^wyrr secured that Joer, v,ho was so many honey and-cheese cakes, H ways . spokesman because .h or why father had sat- up all could talk the loudest, reve" <= night reading the Tikun.- No, Rav the plan. "And don't forget. was'too j'oung tO'tinderstand:" all Edited by Aunt Naomi By .Moiiie .Eistenstadt this. He was only five years old. "In spite of the blintzes," said [finished, ."that Benny and' I gWhat -nacle his little cheeks An Estension of the Jewish Community Center Joey . very "Shovuoth the'credit for this.". so flushed airl his large eyes so isn't-as boys were ."speechless 'o muchseriously, fun as most of the( ail'•The bright was that he would soon other holidays because it has no'a minute, in wonder at the da n start- Cheder—on. that, very day hero." " idea.. Then there was hubbub • Good Shabbath boys nnd girls now since their home had been cession as it.started for thfi Tem- of Shovuoth. For it was. a. cus- "Rosh Hashonah ana Yon "Hey, Joey, we haven't ple Court. • . . ,-' broken up, and it was more than of the Junior- Jewish. Fress! tom to hare children begin school Kippur have no heroes," Benny j fruits except in the icebox." Arriviug." at the 'Court : they j a year since Samuel had last seen •'.'.."•' T h i s . r o n i i n g - S a t u r d a y n i g h t Shovuoth, the holiday which pointed out significantly, "We got only onions grow were received by the Levites.with { on . • • • • / . . t v e begin t h e observance '•• ot' his father. commemorated the giving of the in our yard, but my ma ha ""Well, who said they were Shovnoth, which Is .one of the In the meantime, he, too, hadsong and rejoicing. "I will praise Ten. ' Commandments on Mount Xun? You're too busy thinking bunch, of rubber plants. Shall most beautiful lestivals and been "something of- a wanderer. Thee, O Lord," chanted Levites, Sinai. Today he would be initi- about your sins to have any fun bring one?" holidays, and lye shall devote He had first been -left in nt.he "for Thou hast raised me up, and ated into that mysterious thing then. But look at all the holidays "Hey, Ber.ny, is it all rijrft the entire edition this week to home of his uncle Benjamin .who hast not made my foes rejoice —the Cheder'. Rav had been that have heroes. Chanukah has decorate the baskets with EI n ..-'•', ^stories about. Shovuoth. -. lived in Sliiloh. "But uncle Benja- over me." awaiting this day for many years, Judas Maccabee, Purirn .has Es- j cial flowers?" .Then each man in the procesWe also want to remind yon min, too; was poor and in his ever since, he was old enough to ther, Pesach has Moses." : "Keep sfill, the whole tr ^ sion, ' with his basket on _ his' home Samuel had known only ..: boys and girls, flint Camp Aid-. •wish' things. How he envied his "Jloses is the hero of Shovu- of you," Joey shouted. ' "D shoulder recited: "I declare* this . ba, the Summer. Home. Camp of misery. Besides uncle Benjamin older brothers, and how he oth.. too," Benny interrupted. "It o u ^ Benny and I thr the Jewish Community 'Center was in very poor health. Poverty day that I. have, come *unto the wished he were bigger." Now hewas Moses who got the Tcrah, yall that? Don't you suppose w° win open, on June SO and we and sickness in the end proved to land which' the Lord, swore to was big enough; and here was. wasn't i t ? " know that we can't bring ic ' ' shonld like to.see as many of be too much for him, and shortly give our forefathers." The bas-the day of days. "But it isn't fair to have one fresh fruits like the Jews in Tt iyoii as possible.enroll as mein- after Samuel's arrival, he died. kets of fruit were then handed to Xew Clothes person the hero of two holidays. ple days did? The Idea is just to bers because Camp Akiba gives Samuel was next sent tp. live with •the- priest wJio solemnly waved .Rav was dressed up as ..never I don't think Moses himself ! start getting them into the every boy and girl eight: weeks his mother's brother, uncle Nah- the baskets and placed them on before—a new suit, new shoes, would have wanted that.. Besides, j-of bringing first fruits, and r •" \ sm um, who dwelt in Bethel. Here he. the, altar. 1 : of real f nn; and action. . a new hat, everything new andBenny, we don't celebrate Shu-joe in a couple of years ail t On,June 1,2, we plan to have" had been, living for the past six Ssiniuel was standing in the sparklins. . Even his face seemed vouth for the receiving of the j Jews will start buying .gavder a big round-up for all the cam- months. Uncle Nahum, was kind Temple Court watching the entire new to him—it was so clean and Torah only. Don't you remember j.and- farms and really, and tt u pers of thB past and all of and gentle, and of course, Sam- ceremony with a great deal of bright. His ear-locks were beau- what Mr. Rubin told us today in | bring an offering of first frrn was grateful to him for his Interest. He was very much excit. those who plan to -attend this uel and other vUfl the thought of his ed over the pleasure of this glor- tifully curled and looked as black Hebrew school? Don't you re- ' "But what shall we do i t summer. Keep the date open— goodness.'But rjy had ma tie- <r used to time'then?" asked Nathan. as. a raven's, feathers. Now bem'ember how the Jews father always tormented' him. SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1038 —so ious visit to the holy city. What was sitting in a corner awaiting celebrate Shovuoth ; in Temple land cf (I;i7:drti "I was just coming to th"t you can attend. "YCe swiped r What had happened? Why had splendor he had beheld in pass- tin".Rabbi, who would-carry him. days? Gee, that must have been said Joey. "You must bring i YOUR AITJST NAOMI he not heard from him during ing through Jerusalem on his to the synagogue and then to the swell! They used to carry beau- first fruits of your labor. these many months? True his' la- way to the Temple. How magnifi- school. Only_a .learned man wastiful baskets of first fruits to the what the Bible says. "Go get out ther did not know that he wascent.were the houses, and the allowed the privilege of: carrying Temple for an offering. It was a and work. Sell papers or clean now staying with uncle Nahum, king's palace and, above all, the ja boy. to school for the first lOuL 1 time. sort of parade, and I'll bet the tip your cellars or dry dishes, but but surely^ the neighbors at Shil- Temple itself. What rejoicing and Rav's li f tle heart went thump- kids had more fun! But we can't make some money thai will be Shovuoth is one of our most qh would tell him if h« ever came gaiety there . was in the city on beautiful festivals: This year it to the city to inquire. Had some- this beautiful holiday of Shovu- thump when at ' last the Rabbi do that now. If w had at least absolutely your own, and with Dar arrived. And it beat so fast when a hero - -," Joey became inartic- that money you can buy some' •will be celebrated 'on Sunday and thing terrible happened? Perhaps oth. :• •,;' nice fruit and flowers to bring' ulate and gloomy. the Rabbi wrapped him in a TalMonday, June 5"and 6. , . I he had sold himself as a slave When the ceremony of bring"Joey," Benny had • stopped in to the Temple on the first morn• ^Shovupth, which ' comes fifty and would not be set free for six ing the first fruits was over, the ith and took him in his arms that days after ' Passover, is the sec* years' to • come. Perhaps he had vast crowds of people began to he was afraid he would fall and the middle of the sidewalk and ing of Shovuoth." "I've g-ot a g-arden cf my OWE, ond of the three- big agricultural been takes- into the" army and leave' the Court. "Samuel, too, soil his new suit.v But nothing of grabbed Joey's coatsleeve, "do festivals of ancient Judaea; .'foil" gone forth to- battle. Or it was was trying as best he could to t'he sort happened." The Rabbi you really and truly want a hero Joey," said David. "Shall I bring something I planted myself?'' •when the Jews lived in Palstine not impossible that he might even follow his uncle 'Nahum to a held him firmly although gently, for Shoyuoth?" David "Sure, what do you think -I've thousands, of, years ago, Shovuoth have died of hunger. Samuel's place of refuge from the enor- and he soon began, enjoying the David was very tiny and very honor of being held in the arms been talking so much for?" •was the time."when the - wheat thoughts would not let him rest. mous crowds. "Stop the wise cracks and lis-frail. The otfier boys, no matter of so learned a man. harvest-was begun. It was mark- He lived in constant torment and His Father ten. Let's us be Shovuoth heroes! how rough and blustering they ed J by great feslivity- --and by- anxiety. To the Synagogue On and on they, went while Amidst laughter and kind Let's get all the kids- to bring- were with one another, were al• bringing the first ripe fruits of Samuel, suddenly looking up, be-words from all sides, Rav soon baskets of first fruits to the syn-ways gentle with him. the wheat harvest to" tlie Temple* Preparations This vra.3. always, a. colorful and Great was the noise and bustle held a familiar figure about ten found himself carried along the agogue, and we'll be the heroes 1 "Sure, Davey. Anything you heautiful affair; and -\ today lour- in the territory around v Bethel. feet in front of him. He could street with a host of relatives and' for starting it again," Benny was helped to grow yourself will be Jewish people in. Palestine are From village and farm men were hardly believe his eyes. But, yes,friends . following. Father was so enthusiastic that, he -could just fine." " S r e scoot." said Benny, "and once- again; "beginning to make assembling outside.the city bririg- it was true. The man but a sljort walking alongside the Rabbi. hardly get. the words .out . fast y con't forg-et it's a secret." tni3 the beautiful-' holiday • that i t ng with, them' on their pilgrim- distance away was none other Right behind was his fother. car- enough. "Gee, Benny, how did you ever Joey knew a great deal about vraBin the past, v -.-'_-'. i . ••'. ; •.* '• age to-Jerusalem the.first ripen- than ; his father. He pushed and rying cakes and apples and eggs think of it? That's the best idea the'mechanics of the radio and ; Commandments Given . . ' ed fruits, of the orchard. Some shovedv and^even kicked the peo-and-goodies of all sorts. .' This' also Has'"another signifi- carried delicate, fruits, such aa ple in front of him. until ,he finalFirst they- went to the syna- since my Tel Aviv carnival on whenever something- happened to cance.' Tradition tells" us. that'the green figs and grapes; others ly caught hold of his father's gogue. Now Rav had been: there the boulevard." Joey's tone was it and Joey was able to repair ten cominandineHts were" givenrto ,who came from great distances, arm. His father looked down, countless. : times, .but never did frankly admiring. "Come on over it, his father would give him half the Jewish people on Mt. -Sinai on brought dried J figs and raisins. stared a moment at .his son, andthings-look as festive and bright after supper and we'll plan the a dollar. Even his mother, who was general^- too busy to pay atShovuoth and that because of The fruit was placed in gaily dec- beamed a joyous smile of happi- before. He was brought up to the whole business." The Meeting tention to such .things, noticed this it takes'^on a more solemn orated baskets of willow. But ness. He stopped, grabbed Sam- Bimah and placed in front ofoan aspect. If we consider Passover some of the richer -people even uel in his arms, and embraced open, scroll, frpm which the Rab- ...It was an impatient class that j how often that week the radio as the national-birthday of the brought-baskets of gold. Oxen in- him eagerly. Uncle Nahum was bi read • the Ten Commandments, awaited Mr. Rubin's signal {or i "went oil "the blink.' but Joey had Jewish people then Shovuoth be- tended for sacrifice at the holy soon, overtaken, and great indeed his first lesson. Rav repeated the dismissal the nest afternoon in j two and a' half dollars at the end comes the Bar Mitzvah of the Temple were; also to be seen, was his happiness at the fortun- holy words. It did not. matter Hebrew; school. Benny and Joey j of the week. Benny delivered orJewish nations for on that day their horns decked witft gold and ate and unexpected reunion. that he understood- only one of had siven the boys the higL sign ders on his coaster vra^on for ?.Ir. they received their law Irom their heads crowned witfi olive When the three managed to the commandments-—"Honor thy for a meeting in the secret meet- Finkel, tlie grocer, duriEgr bis Moses on Mt. Sinai. leaves. Gay was the throng,, that find a'spot that was free of peo- father and thy mother." He wasing place, Benny's garage, and. spare time. All the other boys ' It is customary for u; to deco- assembled outside the city of ple, they ihad their first chance sure that all these words he was the boys could hardly wait to took paper routes or ran errand? for their-fathers or helped their rate our homes with greens, flow- Bethel on that joyful day. to ask questions, to tell stories, repeating were full of wisdom hear what it was all about. "Come on, Benny, tell me now. mothers. Morris made as much ers, jilants and even treeg if pos- Toward' evening Samuel • and and. to make- necessary explana- and holiness. sible. These all help to remind, us his uncle arrived on the scene of tions. Samuel's father had^-spent From the synagogue he was. I have to go home and practice, as "six dollars and then he saw a of tlje' harvest -In Palestine..and festivities. All Borrow had vanish- a: miserable time since Samuel taken, at last, to the Cheder. •' It* or I'll get killed,"- Morris plead- second-hand bicycle that he could not resist and spent the mow: the beautifully covered 'green ed from Samuel's -heart," Gone had last seenl him. Until but a was.not a. particularly beautiful ed on the way there. hills in Palestine.when'thenaws were all his troubles in the"'eve' few months baci he had been un- place. In fact, it resembled his "Then goj home and practice," j on that. were given to the-'Jewish'people. of a glorjoils' adventure. • Eagerly able to earn a living. Only now own home very much, i for the said. Joey, authoritatively, "and j "Now,, how are -you going to We also read, "The Book of he took part in the singing and was he beginning to see his wayCheder was also the teachers' you'll .never get in on this idea." get your -fruit?"- ssk-erl Ruth" on . Shovuoth . because . It dancing that began<at early even- clear to,buying another, farm and living- ;roo.m,.^jbeclroorn,- kitchen, And.it was not.until all sishas such a beautiful story of the Ing and lasted far int'o the night. setting up a, home.in which Sam- and dining room aU in one. There' r 1 agricultural • life of .. our Jewish And,- eVen -when "tired arid 'ex- ueL-might join him. Perhaps a they sat him doiyn on. a b"eneh; people and because King David, hausted he lay down to sleep on- few months more^and he would and his first lesson ih -Hebrew, who was a decendant of Ruth, his bed of grass under the bright be able to carry out this plan was born and died on this day. clear heavens, the so.und of. mus- that he had dreamed about for school" began. The Xesson Today we observe the". codfir4' ical instruments continued • to so long a time. For a. long time It was'indeed a sweet lesson. mation from our religious schools reach his -ears... But Samuel was he had been trying to find out Instead, of a book they placed beon:the first day of Shovuoth and not sorry that-fie could not sleep. whereabouts of. his son, butfore him' a slate on which were many of us will attend these He' felt a delicious warmth inside the he had been unsuccessful. He "had smeared with honey the Hebrew, beautiful services. All. t h e s e of'him that he would not have inquired at Shiloh but nobody alphabet and this one sentence— events go to make Shovuoth a missed for anything in the world. seemed to know what had hap-"Moses commanded-as a law, an more Tjeautiful. holiday. that -we The Processioni^tarts' pened to Famuel,inheritance for. the assembly of look forward to each year and A 1'roposal Jacob." (Dent. 33;4),- (It was a In the early-morning Samuel that:today in Palestine is becomwas awakened by the voice" pf the At'this point uncle Nahum had good thing, Rav did not know ing more and more important. watchman crying "Arise ye, anda proposal of his own. to make. that the, shining letters were of let us go up to Zion unto the So happy,was he at this. . un- honey, .or' he .• would, have surely Lord our God." • ; looked-for meeting that he could licked them off.) ii The teacher pointed to the first Immediately, the entire camp' no-longer bear the thought of bestirred itself and before long haying Jathex ..and son separated. letter, which'looked to Rav. like By E.' N. Nudelman the procession was on its way.Yes, he was now an old man and a short thick stick "with, a pail Little Samuel was in high spir- The day was indeed' a beautiful he had no one else, in the world a t either end, and said. "Aleph." its.-For the first time in many a one. The sun stood high in the but. 'Samuel. ,Besides he needed Rav understood at once and reday now his face beamed with a heavens and spread a warmth and somebody to look after, his farm peated in a clear voice, "Aleph." radiant happiness.. For had notcheer over the long slowing mov-1 and lands in the city of Bethel. Just them—-plump—something his Uncle Nahum, dear old man,ing procession/; The song of birds What objection could there be to fell right on . the table'. ..Rav promised to take him up to.Jer- filled the air. And .'. everywhere having Samuel's father do this looked and soon discovered that usalni to -celebrate the; glorious could be seen the choice groves work for: him?. And, perhaps in .was a large1 red-cheekecL apple. harvest, festival^.1-Shovuoth?; . A and orchards that showed prom- later years; when Samuel grew it Then followed cookies and coins trip to,Jerusalem, the wonderful ise of a productive' and fruitful up, i e .could carry on the work and pears and.things of.ail sorts. city of David! Who-would not-be^ h a r v e s t . •••• :". • '. when .his father was no longer Ravi knew that these were gifts thrilled at the thought of seeing It was mid-afternoon when the able to do' so. Surely a happy being-thrown-"to him from heavthe capltol city's -splendor -and arrived at, the suburbs thought. Samuel and his: father en by the_ angels to make his first , magnificence? To Samuel,: above procession were overjoyed _ with the plan. lesson sweet! and pleasant. So he all, the visit would prove to be of Jerusalem. Here the elders of Hesitant at firs|,'.because he was gathered them as quickly! as they a welcome "relief -from the many the-.holy city accompanied by the too'-proud -to accept immediately, fell, and tucked them into his troubles and'sorrows that he had workmen "came forth'/ to greet the ;father .finally consented. pockets, until they bulged and lie them. "Enter in peace," .they suffered. 1 . V, . - ' t : 'it.wasa merry, family'that left had to pile them on the table.. : said. '.-..'.'...' ... .^j-l-f-; "' • ' . .-•'"•-. During the , past- lew tyears, Jerusalem the^ following day on The lesson continued. c Rav . Samuel had'hardly. knpwn.a. hap- '.'.; •:., '.'i The King ;. tbe^ way back to • Bethel. lisped , the letters- and. words py day. [True, ..he.ls.eeined' to re- .-And soothe'joy.ous party made which jl^e. teacher, pronounced, a1? : member in; a; .dim vwayi that, the its way-up'to" the Teniple Mount. .lie ate the..hbney, the cakes and •early years -of. his lite --were, very Here. Samuel, was very much .the. Vother> rdelitaci.ss,; "> and : the pleasant. Then his father.', had thrilled to r see -the king himself words';;.of' the Llara-h were sweet been a rather' prosperous" farmer come forth" carrying a beautiful on- his -lips.. Ths. he -was" handed By Ben MrEdiaih tilling the soil'.in •; the , qbuntry- golden "basket "of fruit and taking the arms -of his mother, around. Sheehern. At that time, his place at the head of the pro- Little-Tlav was,terrible excited^ over-to It wasn't that .he understood, the who took" him honie ,to finish: tbis • too, his Jnother had been alive and had looked after him with real love and tenderness.

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.-•' But when he was only three years old misfortunes began, to happen. First, the death of his mother. Then his father became poor, and was forced to sell his farm and'home. In order to make a living" it became necessary for his ,father to hire himself.: out as a "day laborer. It1 was three years

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Page S

THE JEWISH PEESS—FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1933 Messiah, yet shared, many of his religious conceptions. In 1921, the Honorary Degree of Doctor or Divinity was'giTea -him fcy the University, .of. .Manchester.,., and, it is believe dthat, he is, so far, the only Jew in England to whom an Hon. D. D. has been granted by any "University. In .1927, his own University of Qzford. awarded him: a n H o n . D . - L i t t

By Hon. Lily H. Montagu • By a happy coincidence, the second day. of Sbabnot, June «tli, is the 80th birthday of that great Jew and scholar. Dr. Oijmde G. Montefiore. Miss Montagu, his disciple and coworker for nearly 40 years in the. Jewish Religions Union pays tribute to him in this wai-iii and persb'nai appraisal p f b i s life- and work.—!THE JSDITOR. .

a Jew, appointed' Dr. Montefiore liberal lines, to which he promas lecturer. Tnfs: was a "great ised active co-operation. So he compliment paid to a very young became the leader of the Union, j man. The lectures were delivered which has tried to carry into in 1S92, and published shortly practice his constructive princiafter. During these four years, ples of religious teaching. A 1 Dr. Montefiore gave himself up small band of liberal thinkers under Dr. | largely- to study, and his interest placed themselves I in learning has remained - with Montefiore's guidance, and aided j him all his life. Dr. Montefiore by his courageous outlook, and has, however, only been able to inspired by his faith, they faced ! devote himself to study for very a measure of difficulty and enrestricted periods at a time, be- dured ridicule and contempt, and It Is very har3 to estimate the Icause of the claims of his prac- gradually were able to realize influence which Dr. Claude G- tical work. By the death of his that as his disciples they stood Montefiore has - exerted on' tho uncle, Sir Frances Goldsmid, -In for a great cause. The story of Judaism "of our dayv He is a 1878, and of his brother in 1879, the establishment of the Liberal giant among men, morally and and of other relatives, he became Jewish' Synagogue, in February, • spiritually, and his personality is possessed of. a considerable for- 1911, is one that can be told such' that •. ills' Influence is neces- tune, the administration of which elsewhere, but it is closely intersarily dynamic. His faith and together with his many charitable woven in the life oZ Dr. Montesteadfastness make all those who undertakings absorbed more and fiore. It is he who has furthered come -rinta-contact vith him, feel more of his time. He has always all the developments of the Jewthat service, i n . a: holy cause is believed that, in "spite of his in- ish Religious Union, and helped the keynote of life. Mr, Monte- clination towards the life of a to keep alive the ideal of service ' fibre"was born on June 6th, 1858. scholar,-he must not keep aloof which summoned it into exist"He? was educated at home,' as from the toil and struggles of ence. The movement absorbed a school was -considered too great those who combated at close ;reat deal of Dr. Montefiore's a: strain 7 on his delicate constitu- grips with social evils of all time as he became the President tion. : His father, Nathaniel Mon- kinds. The influences of his! early of the* Union, ,and of the Liberal tefiore, was a • nephjw of Sir life, the intensive Jewish teach- Jewish Synagogue, offices which Moses Mo'nteflore. Claude's moth- ing, followed by contact with and he still retains. In the early.days e r -wa3 •& daughter of'Sir Isaac training from a few of the most of their foundation, he had to .Goldsmid, a protagonist in the brilliant theological scholars of share- in many heated controverfight for Jewish emancipation, his day, naturally accentuated sies, a$?d to s$e some of his most and one of the founders of the Dr. Montefiore's own tendencies cherished colleagues suffer in : Reform Synagogue In 1842. His towards Biblical and theological their personal-lives through their devotion and loyalty. But in all mother :was a devoted'and obser- research. his polemical experiences, Dr. vant Jewess, • and Dr.. Montefiore Founded ReviewMontefiore has proved that it is was''brought up to cherish all In; 188 8, Dr. Montefiore found- possible for a man to recognize those ^ites and practices which ed with Dr. Israel Abrahams, .the were observed'by.the members of great Hebraic scholar, the Jewish the worth of his adversaries, even when they, sometimes lapse into the Reform Synagogue. . Quarterly Review, arid their d o s e unfair or even malicious behav! friendship was a good backHe:was' taught .Hebrew and reior, and to describe.the point of ground for the harassing work of ligion for many years by the Rev. view opposite to his own with Professor D. W. Marks, the sen- joint editorship. This responsi- greater success than his opponior minister of, the Reform Syna- bility lasted for twenty years. In ents themselves. He has so much gogue,, for which, he has always 1889, Dr. Montefiore produced human love and tenderness and retained a profoundv affection and his••" "Bible for Home Reading," sense of fairness. of .which his son Is one- of the which originally was experimenleaders. For some years Dr. tally undertaken Jn. the interest Honorary Degree Montefiore also,reeelved; Instruct of.-his son's religious education. About the year 1902, he began •It became the text hook of all tibn,': in' Jewish- subjects from Sir an intensive study of the first Philip Magnus. In 1878, he .went Liberal and Reform - religion three Gospels. In 1910, he was schools, and is well known to as-a commoner to Balliol.College, appointed Jewett lecturer, and : where- he was profoundly ^influ- non-Jewish religious educational- some fruits of his research apenced by the then Master of Bal- ists. .- In 1896, Dr. Montefiore her peared in the lecture as: "Some liot,' the Rev. Professor B. Jew- came president of the . Anglo- Elements of the Religious Teachett.' Dr. Montefiore obtained a Jewish Association,' and,- a little ing of Jesus." In 1903, he pub; first class, in the school - of Lit- later, a member of the Jewish lished an essay on Liberal Judatera'e 'Humanlores In November, Colonization -Society.' These' two ism; in 1912, "The Outlines of 1881, and then left Oxford. He pieces of work-took, up a great Liberal Judaism"; in 1914, he went to Germany In 1882. There- deal of his time, and the.second produced "Judaism a n d St. he met pr. P. F. Frankl, to whom entailed regular visits to Paris. Paul"; in 1918, "Liberal Judaism He resigned, after twenty-five he .became' warmly attached,: and and Hellenism," and in 1923, who Introduced,him- to .Dr..; S. years, in 1 9 2 1 . ' . "The Old Testament and After." Schechter, from -whom he learned Obviously the devotion which In 1909, appeared a commentary the elements of Rabbinic Hebrew. Dr. Montefiore has -• s h o w n on the Synoptic Gospels in two lectured on Judaism . 'r throughout his life to a progres- volumes. Thi3 book was epoch•••r ? From /.he" time of his father'ssive Judaism is : the outcome of making in the Jewish, as well as death in 1883. Montefiore began his college influences, and, • later, in the non-Jewish community. It" Jewish commuhal work,- arid of his contact with - great think- evoked vigorous criticism, both some general charitable .work ers, such a3 His particular friend. favorable and adverse, and It was also. In 1886, he married Ther- Dr. Arnold. Page;i- afterwards- the clear that a "new point of view ese Schorstein, who died in. 1889, Dean of . Peterborough. This* in- was stimulated. Jews dared . to on the birth of her son,. Leonard. terest In the i progressive move- ask themselves, for the first time, Dr. .Montefiore was a twice: co- ments _in Judaism showed itself whether Jesus, born of their.race opted .member of the, old London as early, as 1882 in. a publication and reared in. the Jewish faith, School Board, but not caring to in the Contemporary••' Review had not given some teaching ally himself with either of the called: Vis Judaism--a? Tribai. Re- which they;themselves could abtwo parties which were then rep- ligion?" In October', 1962, he be- sorb in their religious developr e s e n t e d on the Board, he-failed came identified with -The Jewish ment. Christian thinkers realized to win a seat In two elections, Religious Union for.the.Advance- from Dr. Montefiore's teaching, In that the founder, of their faith and then decided to give up ment of Liberal ..'Judaism.: School Board work. Dr. Monte- July, 1902, he ;mariried Florence, had drawn much of his inspirafiore was always interested in ed- daughter of Richard ..Ward, a tion from Jewish sources, and ucation, and especially In the ed- dear friend of..his first wife, and that many of his contemporaries ucation of .young children. The for some;time•• lice-mistress . o f who refused to accept him as the Froebelian' method appealed to Girton"' College. -. She ;. became, • behim Strongly, and -he became fore ;marriage,:."a•' proselyte • to chairman --of the Froebel Educa- Judaism, and: by her wisdom and tionallhstitute. He has also act- spiritual insight'she has been of ed as President of the Jews' In- the. greatest .assistance •• ito her and fant School, and was a member husband- in all his'religious f of the council, and was for many educational;work.. -'-•• years president of University ColThe • Jewish Religious Union lege, Southampton. dates from 1901, when Miss.MonIn 1888, the Hibbert Trustees, tagu and some of her friends apdesiring to have the religion of pealed- to Dr. -Montefiore' to lead the ancient Hebrews explained by a new • organization - on . definitely

• ••••

During.the last ten years, Dr. Montefiore has continued to be active in .all his ; special fields of social service, even though: advancing age forced him to restrict his work-in a slight degree. He • has continued to assist in every possible way the religious progressive organizations '• which he helped to found. In addition to the work already mentioned, he became president of the World Union for Progressive Ju2aisin, which was founded in 1926. He has contributed papers on religion and education to > several of the important periodicals, and also taken part in the life- of many societies created to foster religious work, such as the Society for:.Tews and Christians. Two years ago'he published the Devotional Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, and a large book on Rabbinical research is actually now in progress. " > • Dr. Montefiore h a s never, shirked the drudgery of routine work; indeed, he may be termed an exemplary committee meiaher, being always • regular and punctual in attendance, and never showing signs of boredom' even when details of finance or constitution are being discussed; rather, hjs cooperation has always helped to. efface dullness from routine work. He has the power of making every: individual taking part in the life :Of the institution or society, with which he is connected, feel that this. Individual's contribution is important, and must, therefore, express the best service : which can be given. However humble the individual worker may be,, he is to Dr. Montefiore a; necessary part of the concern, and his personality is recognized by the great man who, by his simple human thoughtf.ulness,. ;by kind acts of sympathetic understanding, make the smaller' man happy and at ease. ' - , . . , Well 'Beloved : ' _' ". In the schools, and in the'university with which .Dr. Montefiore has been corrected, the smallest child and the niost raw freshman have, felt that they knew their leader, and that each personality always counted with him. Because he lives always in contact with, the Eternal Spirit of Perfection, his own sense of proportion is Jnagnificient, and is revealed in his capacity for humor. He can. bring smiles into a company of., morose discutants, and because he is always, in spite of his great wisdom and scholarship, a boy with a boy's spirit of fun and hopefulness, he has the supremely useful faculty of making people laugh at themselves even when' they are not feeling particularly ; agreeable towards the world. ' . V If Dr. Montefiore had ben'able to follow his own inclinations, he would probably have given his time, as far as possible, to study and to literary work. But his conception of duty' induced him to enter into the darkest and most repulsive avenues of human life, in order to save the victims of human cruelty and wickedness. So his Vork for the Society for the Protection ,of "Women and Children, and the Jewish Approv-

the time he happened i r ' e !± Warner's office, form' ( I T h upset and. irritp.bje o1 <" c< thing that e."scted vie .> "Xever mind." sooLhoi' ~i

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" w h e n y o u s r e F.S e l c ! F " T ir»t 1 b e l e s s s e n s i t i v e EUC» m o r e n>cl-

[ T.laxie Rosenb'.oc i Stanley Feltnian—son of Mrs-. Ni^l? »ltman. have difficulty vnt' ' ' Willard Friedman'—son of }Ir. and ?li>. J. J. Friedman. peatefily stumbled r ' *• i" Harriett -Rosalie -.XcwTnau—(.laughter of Jlr. end Mrs. Julius "pal'" in a scene \ i ! Robinson. After I - n ' Newman". . . . by the director s f * < i ' Louis E.-Flotkin—son of Mr. and Idva:.SOIOKIOH P3otkin>

blurted. "What Ac ^


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Berlin (WNS) — Eugenin Cardinal Pacelli. Papal, delefrate to j the Eucheristic Congress in Bud- j apest. was called the "hope of the ! People's Front and the Jews" in j sn article in'the AnpriCf, Fropa-;' canda Jlinister Goebbels" organ. | The Congress- itself wpp tlesrvibed | as a- "mask" for the "high diplo- i Sukor is indeed the grand old raacy of "Catholicism." man of the movies, since the retirement of - Laemiale. Ee has sailed''.triumphant through more storms than any one in- the industry. Through his company's most recent crisis, while blame was heaped on him from every quarter, he held his chin' high, worked incessantly, steered to a safe.and auspicious harbor. From an. immigrant boy of 16.. sweeper in "a fur shop, to the man of" 65, chief of Paramount productions, he has never "given up the ship" . . . his life is replete with diligent study and ceaseless work, Indicative of his character was






you take' no chenceshec&UBe:


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O Equip with this great new safety- tire. and

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Quick!" the "Matinee Tiddle." At any Billy Rose, famous creator o" rate "John" is aa-ascending star . . . has a 'featured part in "Sis- | "Jumbo." was stopped by a fiat- . r—ter Act," and is scheduled for the tericg admirer. "Mr. Rose," he . j lead opposite Bette Davis • in • gushed, "your name is as well- f ' j known in America as - - a? - - ; "Sisters." . . ' • .. Stalin, Hitler. Mussolini, and ", You can also add to your Blue Franklin D. Roosevelt." With • Book Charlie Adler, one of. the the exception of F. D. R.," was > Yacht Club • Boys, currently ' ca- the caustic retort. "I don't apvorting in "Cocoacut ' Grove."' prove of the company I'm keep- . Charlie is the little one "with the ing!" ears." This group of looE-ey-tuHeigho . . . End snolher day. ners is slated for marquee"lights as already ' achieved by ' . the (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc. 1 Marxes and the RHzes.


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Ruth Paperay—daughter of Mr. and Mrs.-Louis'Paperny. Ueene Rosenberg—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rosenberg. " T h e p o p u l a r i t y i>~ i . , c . - ? c ' i Dwarfs and Charlie IUcC?.rU ' Harriet Shafer—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron.Shafcr." just proves t'.at people are gi ,Mildred..'Singer—daughter.of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Singer. ting tired of people."' Dorothy Sinton—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sinton. Hushing from the' boat io 1 .Delores Sklar—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Abe.Skier..' . office, Sam commands e t; *• j Dorothy, Swartz—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Swartz. | driver, "Take it easy - - W* i

Hollywood — J u l e s Garfield, young stage lead of "Ha\'isg Wonderful Time," is imported for Hollywood consumption . . . is .promptly. de-Semitized, ' decleped, or. what have you . . . emerges under the Anglicized tag of John Garfield. Why? Dunt esk. * Perhaps "Jules" is phonetically, too non-Aryan. He was once termed by a columnist as


1 I





1 sister, XH.&, v h i l e 1 I o"vn career in a Loi o l i Shirley "Albert—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loui-s Albert. 1 11 Day before the oi'i I > l l t United Jewish \ .' < Frances Berg—daughter of Mr: Edward Berg. • 1 ?200,000 hat ' Bette BroeKraan—daughter of Mr..and Mrs. Jack I. Eroekmnn. drive, If subscribed by the Betty'Cohen—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen. vhose quota v a s i . i ' i . ' 01 over last year's. I . " ^ Sara Cooper—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cooper. n collection 'drew t r r i i Helen'Cooperinan—daughter of Mr. Harry Coopernian. (at three dollars a m . at the Edward R • . <• i • i Jeanne Elikan—daughter of Mr. and Mcs. Fred M. Elikan. 1 Mrs. Robinson dor. \ 1 r i1 Shirley'Ann Feinstein—daughter-of Mr. and Mrs. George Fein- • end the entire pro r"i =• \ i > i stein. . '-•''•. ! the Motion Picturt ' e'u : Stella Artier stands < <- OJI i Etta Gareliek—daughter of MF. andO.Irs. Ben Garelick. j of becoming- Kollj'• o K «• <="-inii( Jean Greenfield—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan-Greenfield. i w m £ H megaphone' . *i i t ( < \ j cellent stage-direct i . o ' ^ >1 '« • Bette Lee Harris—daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Max Harris. Bey." Max Baer, al -<. I OP h Bessie Kaplan—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan. I screen since IBS" "• ' i r <i < sports short. Max T t i * , <L Ii ' Betty Kuklin—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "William Kufclin. leased the old K> ^ c i " r Diana Lagraan—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Lsgman. headqiiarters of 1 >•• i i " i | school and his proi>r "(' !• i r p <Kuth Levine—daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Levine. ! Festival.






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A vivacious southern lady, seated next to us at the Cocoanut Grove party, chattered, "Oh! Ah think he's the dearest thing. He's got such a-sweet expression and such a strawurg face." Expecting a Robert Taylor, we 'followed i her-gaze only to-be dumb-found(Copyright 193S By 'Seven Arts ed by. the benevolent, physiognomy of Adolpli Zvskor! Feature Syndicate.)





to do—pronounef t <' Lorraine Rosenberg—daughter of \Mr. and llrs. "Walter Iiosen- table?" b'efg. Celluloid. CitttinrKosalie-Alin fl'ubin—daughter -o-i'-Miv ;iiad M-rs. Arthur Rubin. cobson. • turns bif- p\ William Louis Stiefler—son of Mr.aiid 3.1rs. Bea Stiei'ler. of niece Svbil j asi > »'

ed School, have claimed much of : his -life. When' the possibility of founding the World Union for Progressive Judaism was mooted, Dr. Montefiore occe more expressed his readiness to assist. His generous gift joined -Kith that of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations made the new association possible. Since the vork began. Dr. Montefiore, as president, has been Interested in the. solution of the many problems which are necessarily involved in work of this kind. He has helped the Union to surmount successfully great 'difficulties • &E<1 disappointments. ! His personality does, and always will, inspire the workers, and, in. consequence, a great future • activity, infinitely grander than present achievements can be confidently visualized.

i WXS i


Temple Israel

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THE JEWJSH PRESS—FJtTDAY; ."TUNE 3, 1938 Community after coihiinmity" has over-subscribed its given is inextricably and inexorably bound up with human well-



i)AVID. B L A C K E R • • B u s i n e s s a n d Managing; Edito N . ACKERMAN . . . • Edito NATHAN . . . . Associato Edlto R A B B I F R E D E R I C K COHN . • ContributlDH Edlto R A B B I ' T H E O D O R E N% L E W I S . . . - B o o ^ Edito PlLiL • . - ' • -;: Sioux City, I o w a . Corfespbnden

Community Calendar Letters to t h e quota, in some cases by almost overwhelming figures. cling. Ethics is the open sesame to the magic future. . But what is as 'satisfying-as the response of the "Jews tkeni- - Frederick Colin. Week of June 5 to Junk 10 selves has been the attitude of an unprecedented nuiiiber of Boliavior and To the Editor of the Jewish [June 5 udii-Jews.' Iti bur own '•community the Philanthropies received A f a number of unsolicited contributions from' Christians who exSu-nijEv nijrf>t a few cloven per>shp>'.iothple in the lobby of the Orpheum j pressed their horr6r at the events abroad and took the oppori awaited the ''breiik" in the slicw. | .Jewish Ketiona Fund meeting, tunity to give concrete expression to their sympathy. I Among them vas a prominent lo- j 7: r 0 p. re., lovir.gc, Jewish Com| jI cal l minister ii with i h a Sunday d nigh i h \j murity Center, 1', In every community where a drive-was held, similar acts By D2., StEODOSE N. LEWIS I | date. Few people knew him so he i Workmen's Loan, meeting, 8 p. of generosity on the part of our neighbors have been recorded— &kb% EIOEE* Ehsi Teznpls, Sioss City j i was ignored. He was inconspicii- I m.. C and I"s: Jewish Community { I OILS. a heifer sold by,a farmer; proceeds of a play being given by I Cpnfe". > Six boys and girls trouped in an Episeppal, congregation; actors giving to aid their profes- > The following. reviews will be is scientific and most; ~"""~""~~~~ scholarly, j — Jewish, yg young people — e.nrl j D&ticnic class. 4 i\ m., C aad sional /colleagues. The number is legion. In one community in the last by Rabbi Lewis to be the author applies - his thesis j were impatient line. f D, "pv/iHii Community Center. to pabUshed this season. Rabbi how both processes rno- | They good-naturecily rl e bated j Bible OIRPS, "R'nsi Israel SynaIllinois members of the Christian ministry conducted a: cam- tewis will continue his reviews showing tivated the Masorites in • their j whether or not they should form paign of their own on behalf of the Jewish charities. in the Jewish Press starting in dealing with the sacred text. | a new line'or stand in the old September. / —EDITOR Those interested in the field o£ one. Their behavior was not too ' Junior H'scisis inert ing, 8 p. Such acts affect us deeply. It gives credence to the conBiblical textual study will fine loud or vulgar —~ they were just ni.. C and r>. Jewisr Community tention of a too-silent minority among us that the best is yetVTAJJES OP KABBAH BAB-BAR this volume provocative and help- bubbling over with youth. But Center. D. EISEXSJTEIX. i ful. It rills a definite need in the because it was Jewish youth, ev- j Boy Scouts nipeiii £. 8 p. m., to come—that the Jews are iiot face to face with another epoch BEH&HAXS J.J E.W I S H BOOK I field of the Biblical research and eryone standing around us ex- lodge room. Jewish Community of ceaseless terror but are bidding farewell to generations of HOiL'SE. 8 0 PAGES gl.OQ those who have been perplesd by J changed significant glances, Center. problem of Kethiv and Qere : TTe must be so carefuL in these FYi'jRy, .^iiiic 1.0. persecution and intolerance; that the present spasm of anti- The Talmud, though basically the contains also much will be delighted with the auth- j perilous times not to attract atChef* class. 4 p. m.. recreation Semitism is. the last attempt of reaction to impose its false legalistic, folk lore, fable, myth, tale leg- or's tratment, and with his con- I lection. Kow many limes ewish Community Center. is.ve ; r o om theories upon the world. j you seen a group of noisy | end. Many of the masters delight- clusions.

Abdiilkk Proposes' • . .; -._. ' •].•'.. .". ••;• . • > A proposal offered by the. Emir Abdullah 6f Tfansjordan may tiring a soliititra to Palestine's vexing problems. Although rejected by the present royal commission on the grounds thai it is not within the scope of its iii4uiry, the suggestion \va made that the proposal be submitted directly to Sir Haroid j and remarked. '.'A Jewish MacMichael, the High Commissioner. ed to clothe their messages in f j should behave that way!" fanciful language and elusive me- j Briefly the Emir would re-unite Palestine and Transjordan ! hooves everyone of us to taphors. Rahhah bar-bar Hannah j "' ,' "; - E t h i c s . . . • • - . was most expert in this. Sixteen j Gems of .the Bible ! as little attention as p"<^^ Dlr T o under an-Arab sovereign; presumably himself. Thd.'Jews would B y Rabbi F r e d e r i c k Cohn ] some reason the Set ^t c V P ic of his fables are here presented ! ahel Talmud be given an autonomous area to. be decided upon by a commita flarnbuoyant one s in original Aramaic test, with | The app'rdach of Shebiioth, the Festival c6ihiheinoratihg By D P . iPfaiJip Sfeer i aciously conspicuous. LP t b€ tee of Jews, Arabs, and British. ' In their territory the; Jews Hebrew, and English translation,! tlie Giving of tlie Teii ComihaMraeiits oh ilt. Sinai makes time• doubly careful to be Circur r i rs supplied by the editor. To grasp ' would enjoy full political rights and would be represented m •ia our behavior and not invoke the .obscure meaning, one must ly a ^consideration of the subject of Ethics. for BISLE ; criticism. ! proportion to their pbpaiatioh in ail Arab state parliament. be acquainted with, the terminoli for the Vaad follows: Whkt is Ethics? It is surprising how nikny are unfamiliar ogy or vocabulary of this lore, j Hear my words, ye wise men, I L . G. ! : 'Jewish immigration would be limited; to prevent an in. J u n e 4. UaarlTf, 7 : 4 5 Rabbi Eisenstein supplies the key and give ear unto me' ye that i (Ed. note: At the request of i turda unday, Juue f>. Kchachrit, flux that would of necessity over-spill the borders. Land put with even the iueaniiig of the word. Ethics stands for one of that opens the portal3 to this have knowledge for the ear irieth ;j the n\.; writer, the initials hr.ve been ' iMar.rir. 7:45 p . tn.: words as. the palate tastes food. | substituted ia place of her name, i JiontiEy, in.; chases, outside the territory agreed'iipon,.would be forbidden, the most iniporiaut thiflgs in life. Ethics is the science of con- world of fable. I'Miic R. .^ciiacbrit, 8:30 Let us choose for us that Anoymous contributions are not i a. m.; j',Ten:oriei pervice about 10 His interpretations; are. originduct. It is also ail art, the art of arts, the art of living. .. A probationery of eight years would be allowed with an addial. They show a depth of under- which is right. Let its j P,. m.: fft.erncon service, 6 : 3 0 'Conduct is three-fourths of life' said the brilliant and Standing tional two years to be devoted to re-adjustments. During this and :>, wide Knowledge among ourselves what is good. ! j P- m . . of Talmudic and Biblical literversatile JBritish essayist and poet Matthew Arnold. It is proNotwithstanding my risht I am ! ten-year time British rule Would continue. ' At ihe morninE; services Monature. A fine homiletical mind accounted a deceiver. Jly^ wound j arnentatieas tor bably niore than that, more nearly the whole of life. For ex! clay. Kabbi >"ilton A. Kopsteiii . There is every indication that the Emir'is acting in good cept \when. we are sleepiiig we are acting. Not counting our and a grasp of Midrashic method is insurable. (hough I am without! | will Biieak et the CongregatiQn ia evident throughout. Though j transgression. faith. However there is a very definite possibility that the involuntary actions, which are reflex arid over which we have the j B e i a I-iampclrosh 1-ia^odel. jtls th fable fabl is i always l b d obscure, and He respecteth not the.persons. topic wilt be "Sinai, as the Goal British are iii back of the proposal. The" Einir is known for " e message obtuse, it rings with of princes nor regardeth the. rich' By Mrs. Wmu Gray accent ol modernity. more than the poor for they all! ana Objective of ihe Kxodus." nis pro-British feelings. Prophecies of some years back,had it no control, our voluntary actions take up and make up mpst a marvelous < . Before ihe I.leinorial services of our life. WV are always willing, even, when we are riot One . example will suffice . to are the work of His hands. I Translated from , the Yif „. ' ?' on<: i E J' «'p W>J? snepk at the Conthat someday Abdullah would sit on the throne of: David. his method Vidtlish TALMO) | willing (unlike Barkis).. How to act, on all the occasions of andowthehisrichingenuity, siiggestiveness of the by her daughter, Mrs. Jeaimette gregetion E'ns.i Tsrarl cantor. A. S.chwnczkin and his choir will , This is no\ of course what the Zionists want. On first life, seemingly great or small, is the most momentous ques- allegorical literature of the Tal- ..We are taught that Rabbi jKoark. said, "For three hygienic! To Vienna p. 11 went chant the sen-ices. reading -it appears lots better than the Partition plan, for astion in life. It involves our character and our destiny. The rnud. The seventh fable is entitl- Akiba "The Fish Mistaken, for'an Is- customjs I do admire the Medians. • The city was fair the Emir-hijs said, not one Arab favors Partition, while the propliet Jeremiah said that our fatfe was the direct result of ed, Temple land.'' it reads ia translation as When they carve meat they do it/f Arts and culture . the table (because it is the j Flourished there ..A. Z. A. I viU h?ve complete Jew$. accept it only as a necessary evil rather than as a solution. our deeds. It was not due to external adventitious causes as follows: "Said Rabbah. bar-bar on charge of the services this evenOnce, &s we were sail- cleanest place); when they kiss i 3 "The plan demands many concessions from the Jews." Butthe Greeks believed; or predestined as is (or was) the belief fctaimah: ing at Tpmple- Tsrp.el.. ing in a "ship, we saw a fish cov- they do so only upon the hand j| I?" fascists came . Shabuoih sei'vifes will be held if entered into with the proper spirit, may result in great mu- of. the Calvinists and' Mohammedans, but -was self-determined. ered with sand, on which grew (because the mouth is fulll of ^ is bare,. i of | Thinking it was land (an bacteria); and when they have a : I l o r r o r Sunday mprnin£ p,t. f :4B with the reaction tual advantages. It has been conceded by Arab leaders that Hence tlie tremendbus importance of free-will. How shall we clover. Kovr island)- we landed there, made public meeting they arrange it is.' conrlrroatir);! f,,;: r. 0:3.5. Therewill breed there > the Jews have been of inestimable value ia introducing new choose' to act? fire and baked and cooked our an open field (because there h IT h be no fidir.it.trit:ce to the Temple meals. on it. Soon, however, as 'after 10:15 a. m. techniques into the Near East. the fish's back became hot, . it Beginning .Tune 10. FridayThere are laws governing everything in life. There are The proposal has/behind.it tlie weignt of an Arab king. turned. over, and were it not for evenicg services v\\l be held durthe-fact that our ship stood by, throat, yet a man should not reing the sutr.nier tnonlhs Rt 7:30. Those Jews, -who, have been seeking a common keetiiig ground iaws of husbandry and agriculture which we must observe if we would all have drowned." we wish a good erdp. There dre layvs of nangatidh by Avhich we i from'praying for mercy." jj Under the linden trees frain. of Jew and Arabs, have the opportunity, at least, to discuss bring our ship safely to port. There are laws of the road What is the raeaiiirtg . of this, Rabbi when he had finished j Music was borne p.l. pp-vicpf the Beth the proposal. I t is not without merit. what did the stage, intend to his dailyy prayers made py ade the foS-jxqw stand ragged children there E! Tonight Synr.,Top!e hifch school debart(which, if more observed; there would be less -tragic accidents). and y j Hungry, forlorn teach? "Rabbah. saw the be Thyj s he Jewisii Jewish will, lowing prayer, "May it iiient will hold its commence ex-. O Lord, to deliver me from i There are laws of jnkthematics by which we arrive at accurate ship sailing in the seas of Greece, arrogant crcises Bt&rtinj; Rt S o'clock. tt men and from ' The soi;] p£ the writer SmiSg , . results. There are laws' of the very games we play (what dis- where the giant fish of Hellenic , c ,Saturday tnorninp, the Bar r om a b a d Turns smoke in the .fire man; from the enemy of Judaism, | ?f° 5',J _ , . . The red brethren in a spirit, suspiciously compromising," putes' coitcerhihg rules Of "Bridge!") There are laws even of culture, Mjtzvc.h of CE'-'-JP. Ij-eit, son of was prepared to destroy it. Ap- any mishap; from had associates; To far lands of exile Mr. &nc! T.H-P. Albert Brelt, will bade farewell to revolution arid are telling the world they are music, of poetry, and of painting.. So there are laws regulat- parently the fish was harmless from a bid inclination; from a The musician, the lyre take xiif.ee at !'. bad neighbor; from severe judgand sought the hegemony of the to settle down to a nice life that is bound to be itksonie to ing the proper conduct of life, basic laws', laws of the universe, Jews, represented by a cover .of ment sind from severe , oppon- Tfce scientists who counted . The Shsch^riLh service will b'% held IU f1 a. m. Kuiiday morning many of the comrades. ..'";-.. —- Jewish protection,, plus ents, whether it be a son of the Miles between stars divinely'cbnstituted, and these are the moral laws that make feand tritfc the enfrtm'f <•>£ the CbiiHripr growth of clover, as a siga of covenant or a son n"l of the cov- Have lied or been tortured Democracy; Once derisively termed a 'bourgeois' illusion, tip the feoritent of Ethics. The Bible attained to this profound itfriendship. Behind brute N&zi bars ants et S;i&. Jionday morklhg, T h e Jews t h e n enant." June C, the Sliabuoth service will is now to be protected with one's 'very life.' Catholicism, bifce conception in tlie famous sentence: "It (the Tbrah or Moral thought of Greece as a Utopian Abaye was accustomed to say, The thinkers, the healers Ktart at P viih Tizkor at 10. and associated with the "Man should always be deliberate execrated, is now offered a : friendly hand. It's all much'too iaw) is. yoitrlife and the length of your days." Morality is isle, Greeks in dining, and in the for the fear of God, reply softly, The men who were good seen the red roses much for bur simple souls. The Pages held that ihore wefft vital. It conduces to life, its efficiency, its longevity, its rich- Olympian games. But soon their try to pacify anger, and speak Have 613 comniP.nflrncntE • to be tbuiid assimilation began to foster envy, peacefully with his brethren, with Of their c-wn blood It has taken twenty years i<ir the Communist party to be-ness, its fullness, its ereativeriiess, its fruitfulness. It enhances and hatred. The fish, Hellenism, in the Per,tp.tpv«oh, E4S of the&e relatives and with every man I For those in cang-er come aware of realities. jtJnfortiinately past performances will its value and its quality k thousand-fold, makes it dynamic tlirew the Jews over, and would his being positive comnmnfiments ahd so that he may be beloved in i From fascist hell drowned them, had •• they S6S beinj.' nptative comtiift.nd» not awaken any great confidence in this recent about-face. Hadand significant, promotes its true purpose and object, crowns have Arise to Lelp them. hot taken refiige in tie.ship, the Heaven and below by men." taents. Ktbbi Limlai. ft I'alestiriIf you wish them well twenty years ago the communists shown any spirit of coopera- t with fulfillment and realization; For what is the true meari- retiifn to the Jewish faith. ian ha^^auiat hold that the hegative coinmF.ntlmcnts oorrespohdtion, the world might have escaped much of its present unhap- ug and"purpose o£ iife? it'is seif.-reaiizatibh. It is perfection. The same lesson may.. be apFor those without hope efl to the niniitrr of days !!i the "Thb Geiitef plied to .the false hope for JewOf & better age . p'iness. It has been tlie false doctrines emanating from Russia' And this is brought abbut, or at least, approximated, through, ish year &v& the poeH've cnmniandemancipation in Germany, Weep tears for s, grief LiBrary Corner" Tou can never assuage. -tb,at have; contributed to the world's instability. It was Com- •lie functioning bf ethics.. All that impedes this, that obstructs which assimilated a large portnentsi oorreF:j>nT7.ded io flie number of bones found in the huiiiaii • By HAfcKELti C munist sabotage and even' Communist cooperation with the he smooth working of the moral law, gives tis disharmony, tion "of the Jews, biit could not withstand the fury, of the modern Nazis that aided the rise of Hitler. "notion, the cause of strife, misery, wretchedness, war. Evil fish, anti-Semitism, and the in.cross tlie Tracks . . Because a number of apostate Jews have been conspicu- puts a monkey-wrench into the moral'machinery of God. Nottense., hatred of the Hitlerites." Books., editorials a n d cora- J iiiiry the iu This is pretty skillful and ingen- inents of J e w i s h i n t e r e s t — \ "on. used By Charles Raadciock ous in t t e movement, Jewry the woria over has suffered by a until evil of every kind is removed will Jife function properly ious application of fcneietit 'truths H «i holara ™ f J DEMOCRATIC ELEC-j r D e ci C £ tec to to modern life. deliberate confusion of Jews and Communists; Never, accord- and result m happiidess, blessedness, arid peace. Ethics is the TIONS?" Democracy m Jewish; o ] c l p r o r l i '• coiiid w h o eight-yes This is indeed a novel .and in-1 life strengthens Democracy in i t _ i o i_ P ,, ^C^^i._ across the ing to our recollection, has either party bfeen flattered by ttie one, indispensable, infallible means of bringing this about. It triguiag PS; frdiu ife by Horace M. Kai- I work which students and ! ~l\ Tiilrossiaer ye the confusion; it has existed and has .contributed' much to the re- s because we are still so unethical,—individuals, groups, na- teachers will use with profit and lea. • i-t 3 5 0 ) .poor: delight. King Solomon's Seaport excaactionary spirit now sweeping the world. ir in t h a idns (not to speak of professions, the theine of the recent fine is fvotn them vated" Biblical references to naviemanate:" In the recent turn-of: events lies a moral for those persons, bvel, "The Citadel")—that thfere is so much unhappinesis and TEXT IX THE gation, in King Solomon's reigrti (Talmud, : verified by research cf Dr. Nelson rlBi S i r and particularly those Jews, who seek salvatipri for the world wretchedness in the world. Think of the vice and crime in ftAKIXG (A STCDr OP " THE Gluek on the shores of the Red KETHIV-QERE) •' BY ROBERT by departing from the principles that give firm foundation to which the world still welters, the horrible kidnapping, the GARODIS. THE DROPSIE COXJ- Sea. Those railroad tracks, ma . civide, The Amphitheater of the H__. e . human happiness. "Wlien the world sees that dictatorships, no irutal murder, man's inhumanity to man of every sort, prejuFOR HEBREW AND COG" ji Which segregate vhoa brew University on Mount ScouXATE LEARNING.PHILADELmatter how well-disguised by-verbiage and justified by apolo- dice, ' injustice^ violence, hate, colossal wickedness, interna- PHIA. 215 PAGES. pus was filled with. thousands a t ! would not: may deride; r?u getics, are nevertheless ^attempts at human repressions, this life iohal brigandage! Ethics is the cure for all this, and ethics This is an important and sch- the seventh .graduation exercises j They hide olarly work, dealing with that -conducted by the university. ! will be much happier. When the world realizes that truth can> hly! Not forms of gbverriment, not armies and navies, hot perplexing of literary subjects, Eleven graduates, including one ]The truth, the be -uty there be- I got . . . nbt be rejected in the Interests <5f propagandizing "for a cause, larleyings arid i&eanderihgs, futile -theorizings and inane the. test of the. Bible. In Jewish! woman, received Master of Arts literaiure the study of the Bible' Degrees, ten others obtained Mas| j our lives will be more secnre. "When tie world accepts the con- inouthihgSj but only the observance Of the fundamental laws text is known as the Masorah. succeed to drai ter of Science Degrees, and Kor- j :! ? v cept .of human ^dignity and freedom, we Bhail have achieved if the universe, the deepest of which are the ethical, the flout- Many pious and learned men decsi Marsules was awarded a 1 Bet" , "ees the 'haves" have- devoted themselves with Doctorate in Philosophy. one victory in the conquest of darkness. T ing of which disturbs the equilibrium of the world and ren-holy Eii'dour to the task of safer! A question was asked of this sey-"i3iine"; — But cannot draw the guarding the Biblical word. They j column: ine, ders.; all askew and awry. ' • : go tinder the name of.Baale Ma-| "What is Chassldism?" A. T. C. j G 0 u, n S i l @ h c j 3 - i s ' 0 b i d e n ••• . •' \ .-• . . • The 'moral sentiment' like everything else, is an 'evbhi- sorah. In the" words, of the auth- Chassidism began when a j loimd them v.-iio wield & We, as a people, are guilty of a great wrong. Individuals ibn,', as learned books have been written to show; but theor "their ceaseless efforts to pro- group of Jewish people in Poland j rod . , tect thg Biblical text produces in the early ISth century becc among us have done the mischief, but; we as a people have process caMe .to a cUlniinatibh in Israel, where morality truly highly For. oft oes bea uty'£. important by-products, the inflicted with the mysticism ! of flame condoned the evil so that today it is wide-spread. We; refer flowered.', We cali it''revelation,' which it truly was. an illu- various systems of. vocalization, the Baal Shern—an escape Torn Glow on lose who seeit i the Invention of the accents, tb.6 j the . real to the irresponsible charges of anti-Semitism often placed upon mination ,as to the will of God ,as expressed in the Ten ComThat is Chassidisra j of the .orthography afid the j e r e B It has a strong- hold ; And. individuals or;businesa, houses merely suspected of harboring maridtheiits and tke'inoral precepts of Israel's Bible, of Jewish fixing general determination of the ac- cf Polish Jewr unfriendly feeiiligs.1 iterature as a whole, including Talinudic and medieval. Israel's cepted test of Scripture," Masor- Kits and Miss: i issues renptrct'TiR- trir.h: ' . studies prospered front lStli ."ALL IN THE NAME A E DP Surely a people .who have so suffered through malicious piritual genius 'flowered' in the ethical. TJie Greeks have .their (tie OD by Everett E. Ctkchy. A I Oft, f o -l"th ceatury. languished till GOD," the maligning and false, accusations, would be Very cautious be- :ystenis ahd / speculations. regarding the ethical, as expressed the ISth, when 'tney floilrisbed plea to ehd racial and religious tracks" 1 d again. prejudic?. fore indicting an individual. 'Rise they v;ha >y a Socrates, a tlato, an Aristotle, and later im E "V O l l J i specific task of the ftuthor "AX O.PEX l,rTTEK- TO JEWS new trs Within the last few wefeks several incidents of this nature nd an Epicurus; Babylonia produced Eaiuurrabi, the Law- a The to,-analyse tile problem - of- AK3 . .CilKlSTiAKS," bj- J o b c | And they have occurred here in Omaha and the result lias been, not a iver, who influenced even"Moses; China, whose whole religion Itettiv an.d Qare, or wky tae Ma- Cotrnos. a. liorelist. poet. Pleads 1 our backs — In lits fco"Ok'for a new rinriation 1 is viipy oft Epit traditloh prescribed friendlier feeling to the Jews, but on the contrary a definite is more properly an Ethics, gave to the world the grett Ethi- sofetic written word and demasdk that of Ptijin . between Jgxr and Gen- * spirit of antagonism. word be read Ja its place. tile. Religious differences as • al Teacher Confucius, who, live hundred years before ifesus another Fifteen hundred of these pas- barriers. No person, except one who asserts or indisputably mani- nd Hillel, uttered the Golden d Rule; the 2Ioralists, sages are found in the Bible. The "AX AMI IEICAX WAV O F , fests himself a Jew-baiter, can be called an anti-Semite. If a Hobbes, liuine, Adam Smith, Shtftcsbury, 31111, Clarke, have author's aim- is to explain the rea- LIFE," by. Stephen S. person nourishes a grudge againbt the Jews, whether we like r-ritten inany profound aud penetrating things concerning the son for this anamoly .which re- president of the American a different, reading".; from ish Cosgrfess. it or not, we still have no right to call attention of the world noral seui>e'; Herbert Spencer, from pure thought alone, hasquiffes the prescribed written word. AfAmong- the Bock Shelves to his views: Surely we lire liot adding to the cause of justice educed a systematized, scientific Ethics, which is amazingly ter carefully examining the tra- •'THE UNKNOWN Si N ditional explanations for these UARY," .by Aims Palliere. by stigmatizing ati individual for his thoughts. imilur to the Teh Commandments and the Jewish Ethics; Kant igaific&iit divergences, he ad- A tiniaue fasciriating: a • There is only one way- to counter-act this- type of anti- vrote epochally, creatively, on Morality; but nowhere is there vances .his. own theary. It-is his ograpliy . „ _ of a d e v.b. C belief that the Qere was prescrib- ! became a loyal Jetr snd t'r Semitism. It does little good and much harm to spread it uclTa moral passion as found expression in Israel. 'Rijihteous- ed first to guard - the reader j rabbi. about that 'so-and-so hates Jews and that so-and-so somebody oss' H the key that unlocks the whole history, character, lit- ^against b!asf>hexay and .iadeceaj • . " i H E "^OWKIl OF. DAVID PAY cy of.- expression." Anothet1 pur- j Elnia E. LetiEger. Twenty i: else will slot sbll wholesale to Jews.' " •rature, philosophy, and mission'of Israel. " ', • tiiat aaiaited. lite iksore-1 esting and -srell written eiorU Let us by our actions prove his attitude wrong. tras-to help ttie peo- jup-to-G&te.- Sewich lite. . "Sanctilleation," moral perfection, is the got.1 of history tic stUficats ' ' " ' , "STORIES PHOH THE t nd humanity according to Jewish Ethic?, Co interpreted iaai- read the Bible text _ correctly. BIS Of .THE TAhUVD." by those Who Mdve Glveii TBSA S. Isfecs. Piirabtes, i erfully by a Moritz Lazarus. For not until all mca are moral Grea . tiEcertainty aasl existed' in the. matter of the cor- dotes and legcr [rom the 7; The period of fund-raising campaigns.of the Jewish com- ill all men be happy. A preliminary to the Idcr.1 Social Slate rect reading of the Bible text, hehave been quoted ,'; munities is rapidly drawing to a close. Never has there been s a morally ideal society. 'The work ot righteousness b'hall be fore he system of vocalization -ased 'or- centuries VTv the Jewr- i ir.gr En.d t nine eyes from tear? fo~ i. U and accents .was introduced. \1 thy work Ehall be rewarded " such a response to the request for money to aid, the stricken. cace.' 'There is no peace to the wicked.' y vell-being ' Is t i e body of the work v t k h "RefraiE thy voice from \s:eep. —JEBBMIAil.


1 o Receive


Delta T;an

Page 5

L.&cliss* Day t o Be


Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman win receive on Sunday from 3 to With" announcement of^ the A "Ladies Guest Day" lunch- t 6 p. m. at their home. 2962 Pop- award of first in sehoIarEhip' -faoth Bv Arieae Soiazn-os. pleton, in hoaor of the confirma- on t i e entire UniTersity ol Ne-eon will be held OIL. TUBS; tion of their son, Willard. = s > ™ > braska campus and among ail theJune 7, a t 12:SO at the Highland I S Dr - Thomas NiTea presided a chapters of Sigma Delta Taa, Country Club. Golf, Binsro. and | Mr. and Mrs.. Julius Newman Theta , Chapter, is now terminat- Bridge'are on the day's schedule, j the baccal2.ure.Ete services nESXJGK-IJRODKFA' Hostesses for the occasion will i Sunday at ibe First Presb wil receive on Sunday afternoon ing the most successful year since ANNOUNCE ^ENGAGEMENT f'At a Monday evening ceremony be Miss Hazel Degen, Mrs. San. I church lor the Central Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tretiak from 2:30 to 6 p. m. at their its founding in 1925. at the bride's home Miss Friedell announce the engagement of their home, 3509 Pine, honoring their From the dean's office last Appleman. Mrs. Dave Roseastoek. 1 school June graduates. Brodkey, daughter of. Mr. ;; and daughter, Anne, to Dr. Lloyd H. daughter Harriett. ...R, Newman, week came the news that Sigma and Mrs. Sam Leon."" ! Commencement esercis j l r k John Brodkey of Sioux City, t)eah of Milwaukee. Dr. Dean is who will be confirmed at Teznple Delta Tau ranked scholastieally Reservation's may be rnaae by be June 13 in iinecanie thebride of Mas Resiiick, j the fson o! Mr. and.- Mr3. Mas Israel on Sundaj* morning.; . above all social and professional calling William Sciuhsrt, Gl. school June graduate son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Res-' Dean of JIarihette, Wisconsin. No invitations-have "been issu- sororities and fraternities for t i e 9911. iiick of, Omaha. Rabbi Theodore last semester. With the issuance No date has been set for theed. Eible mention iv~ the N. l>ewis officiated. in the pres- wedding'. . of the. Torch, national Sigma Del' " • ,:' 'ehce of the immediate families. ... Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stlefler will ta Tail publication, Theta ChapI bv the L'nirersltr of Nebraska a: .: Following an eastern wedj&ing ENTERTAINS BRIDE-TO-BE be at home Sunday from 3 to 6 ter was notified that it ranked trip, the couple will make 'their The Omaha Section of the Xa- i ^ E 1 1 . C ° h e n - S t E l n ] e > " T u r t Miss Anne Serman entertained in honor of the confirmation of highest of all Sigma Delta Tau'3 home in Omaha. , • . ' • • • [ • Sunday at a tea and bridge at the their son, William. . Chapters in the United States and I tional Council of Jewish Juniors is planning an Installation dinner able mention award er Canada. Hotel Rome in honor of Miss Ann student to nake apFORTHCOMING MARRIAGE ^ Green whose engagement was re- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen will Individually, too, members cf for the inc-nth of Jtine. At tils receive friends and .relatives on Sigma Delta Tau have excelled in I time, the new oficers will be in-one of the Regents' Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mayper cently announced. remaining unclaimed cr: Sep enSunday from 2 until 5 a t their announce the -forthcoming .marwith Rosalyn Lash- stalled by t i e President of .the ber 1, 1SSS. home, 37 N. Seventh street. Coun- scholarship, Senior Council, Mrs. J.. r . Coben. riage .bf their, daughter, Adeie, to ANNOUNCE BIRTH • Blufrs, in honor ot\ their insky and Hermine Kleernan beCommittee chairman Gertrude Mr. Joseph Hprnstein on Sunday, Mr. and.Mrs. Henry Greenberg cil Beth ChernisE, BE • daughter, Betty's .confirmation ing elected to niemberEtnp ia Gilinsky and her co-workers, June 12, at 4 o'clock at -their announce the birth of a daughPhi Beta Kappa, . Arts and Scithe Beth El Synagogue. Ruth s'hyken. Rita Mantel, Toby sou. ancl Esther I;IG-I^S Jioirie. ' • . " ' . ' / ter at the Ciarkson hospital from ence honorary. Jane Goetz and iors received silver spoors at t • No invitations have been issuThursday, May 26. The baby has ed. Muriel Krasne . became members Hertzberg, Helen Castleinan and. party held in been named "Haia Sura." , OX AN of PI Lambda Theta. teacher's Bertha Greenberg •will call each Mrs. Greenberg is the former /••Mr. and Mrs. Mas KirshenCollege honorary, while Selina member as soon as definite plans they had don= in Mr. .and Mrs. Abe. Rosenberg, Zveitel carried off top honors in have been arranged. . Jjaum. were surprised at a party Eleanor Harris of Minneapolis. during the four 215 South Ninth street, Council the house and was awarded the ^Tuesday night at their home in raembers. The club Bluffs, will hold open hoose from Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ravitz anSigma Delta Tau scholarship cup. Jjohor oJ "their silver wedding ancsly of girls with rec h< VAAD BIBLE CLASS 2 until 5, Sunday, in honor" of the . In extra-curricular activities niversary. Hosts and hostesses nounce the birth of a son, Robert confirmation of their daughter, Lr LUC . C U l b i,C Allan,' on Thursday, May 2G, at Sigma Delta Tau also rose "to new The Vaafl will hold its last Bi- cf the school. on the occasion were Mr. and Ueene. , . keights.with one of its members, Mrs. .Joseph Kirshenbaum, Mr. St. Joseph hospital. No invitations have been issu- Josephine Rubnitz, being the first ble Class of the season on TCedand Mrs. Myer Kirshenhautn, and All friends and relatives are Jewish girl in eight j-ears to be nesday, June S, at the B'cai . Nest rear's officers of Tre C . ed. JVtr. and--Mrs. Abraham Kirshen- COUSINS-" CLUB Israel Synagogue. tral High Piaysrs. Cert-f" ! _ , : invited to attend. masqued to membership in Morbattin.; brothers and sisters-in,-l£lw The Cousins Club will meet on Rabbi Milton A. Kopsiein, school theatric tar Board, woman's senior hon~'ot the. two honored. Thursday, June 9, at the home of been in charge of the class, Frank who "was elected c=Mr.. and Mrs. Mas Harris will orary. As one of this group of, has b A. Katskee, 2217 Lothrop street. entertain at a reception for thirteen women outstanding in' will deliver his concluding re- at arias, &nc Patricia. Kle.n v i o KG HOME was eiecied historian. friends arid /relatives ..at their leadership, scholarship, and ser-marks of the year. [ Miss Thelma Caspar, who is. a iEAVESi FOR CALIFORNIA home, 52 Charles street, Council vice, Josephine will serve as the Tea will follow. Miss Estelle Nathan left this Bluffs, Sunday, from 2 until. 5, Bfiideht at the Eastman School of Central students wh Music, Rochester, New York, will morning for Hollywood where in honor.of their daughter, Betty treasurer for the nest year. last week end in Sioux As .president of Sigma Alpha arrive in Omaha a; "week ^ from she intends to remain for p. Lee, who is being confirmed from clude Joy Greenberg, Lc= lota, professional and honorary Monday to spend her vacation month. In California she will the Beth El synagogue. Greenberg, Shirley Epstein music sorority, Harriette Byron. - •with her parents. : Mrs. J. Richlia will entertain Sylvia Epstein. visit relatives.. No invitations ate being issu- was awarded the sword of honat "a Siialuoth tea at her"hoiae, •Miss Gaspar was recently elected. or in recognition of her distin- 3011 Meredith. Avenue, for memed^ president - of the Mui Epsilon In bygone days .many German guished, service to the organizaof the Goldie J'yerson Club chapter of Mu Phi Epsiion, naMr. and Mrs. Fred M. Elikan tion. • Other members of Sigma bers theologians applied to Rabbis i r r tional inusic sorority. .•.•"• Will receive on Sunday from 2 to Delta Tau holding prominent po- on Hlondaj-, June 6 at 2 o'clock. help in uz.derst.E.Edins the E An appropriate program 5 at their home, 1701 N. 52nd, sition in campus activities include ! e The final ,regular meeting or in VISITING HERE honor of their daughter, Jean- Betty Beeson, past president of speakers are being arranged f c r | _• »-^-i"-"- 'J the Vaad Auxiliary will be an inMrt and Mrs. William. Green- stallation luncheon to be held on ne, who is to be confirmed from Gamma Ajpha Chi, advertising the occasion. stein and son, Harvey, ,dl Collihs- Tuesday, June 7th, a t . l p. m. at the Beth El, Synagogue. honorary; Selina Hill, newly vilie, Illinois, are visiting at thethe.Bn'ai Israel Synagogue, ISth No invitations have been is- elected treasurer, of Tassels, wo'Ghetto." Entrance home -of Mrs. Greenstein's sister and Chicago. sued. man's honorary pep organization; iii4, brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.,- The newly elected officers for Amsterdam {JTA1—The GerJane Goetz, secretary of Pi Lambj . . jiendeison ,of Council Bluffs. j the ensuing year who will be in- Mr. and Mrs/ Arthur Rubin, da Theta. man Consulate General, located ... iii Omaha they have^lieen the stalled 'are, President, Mrs. t . 522 No. 43rd, will receive Sunday in t h e Amsterdam Musecra. Within the group itself various Square,, has a-ilotted separate enEiiests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Nod-NevelefE: Vice-President, Mrs. from 2 until 5 in honor of their dle- and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris Burstein; Recording Sec- daughter, Rosalie Ann, who will activities have also played an im- trances for "Aryans" a.nS "nonportant part. Theta was host to Noddle. . . retary, Mrs. O. S. Belzer; Finan- be confirmed from Temple Is- Campus friends at a successful Aryans." ^Mr. • Greenstein returned to cial S e e r e t'a r y, Mrs. Harry rael. winter. formal held at the CornCoilinsville on "Wednesday. Croiinse; .Treasurer, Mrs. D. four -CiCfeass Veashsd la husker Hotel. Among .numerous Crounse; Annual reports by the In honor of the confirmation other social, functions of the year Hsia Scft VlfEtcr KTEtSi CLUB OP NEW YORK retiring officers will also be giv- of their daughter, Lorraine, from : a picnic and roller" skating |:, | Pare Sos3s s a d R e s i s t e d ! Temple Israel, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- was , The Omaha Club of New York en. . - • . . . " ' • . :. party" held last week in honor of •will hold its.final meeting of. the Those who plan to attend are ter Rosenberg will receive on the three graduating seniors, Sunday from 2 o'clock at their season on Sunday evening, June urged to make- their reservations Muriel Krasne, the retiring pres&, in the Gold Room of the Hotel by -June. 3rd, by calling Mrs. A. home, 2424 Ida street. ident; Rosalyn Lashinsky, and ; Capitol in New York City. On Scuwaczkin, At. 5534. Lucille. Moskovitz. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Siiaf^r, the program will be a "Grand Members of Theta celebrated 2761 Webster street will be. at kiddle Revue." Bingo will folhome, Sunday from 3 to 5 in the initiation of seven new acDrr low. : ' . honor of the confirmation from tives in. March at s. banquet at the Lincoln Hotel, when all T G the Beth-El Synagogue of tneir Monday evening, June ' S at daughter, Harriet. members joined with alumnae in MCNIC Fontenelle PaviHion at Fontencelebrating, at the same time, the =| Costs .LCES ;- .More than eighty children of X6 invitations have been issuelle park, fellovr members of national Sounding of Sigma Delta Temple^ Israel attended the picnic L_ „ ed. Friends and Relatives will Tau. . . ijiyen at Elrriwood Park last Sun- Mother chapter No.. 1 will honor be welcomed. Past President Joe Horiistein and Chapter officers for the vear day lo^m ark the.close of the SunT his bride-to-be Miss Adele May1938-1939 are Josephine Rubday school term for this year. per at a dance to be given in their nitz, president; Mary Arbitman, honor. In addition to his presiW-"- i%pif^t vice-president:. Muriel Frank, A .Popular Russian Concert dency, Joe has held the position 0 treasurer; Judith Lerensos. Secwill: be given by the Municipal of chaplain, and other offices. Oiie of the most successful retary; and Beatrice Sooner, TJhiverslty of Omaha Orchestra The marriage will take place Oneg Shabboth's of the year was historian. tinder the direction of Mr. Hen- June 12.. The dance, a date af- held on May 21 for members of ry, G. Cox at 2:30 this Sunday fair, will begin at S:SO and last the Women's Mizrachi at the Patronize Our Advertisers home of Mrs.- A. G. Weinsteln. afteriiobn in the concert hall at HI1 about midnight. the Joslyn Memorial. ComposiLast Sunday, several members Principal speakers were - Rabbi tions tiy the best kno-svn Russian were the guests of Sioux City A.. itiiton A. Kopstein.and Mrs. Mas coJnpbsers are to be featured on Z. A. at which time they attend- Fromkih. They were introduced by Mr. A. G.'Weinstein. THE ARISTOCRAT OF SUMMER FABRICS the..jrbgram. ed a dance in their honor. Mr. Elihu Bloch and Mrs. Ben The Cretbuiah Men's Glee Club A stag affair is to be held of Crete,. Nebraska, will appear some time soon, for^ the Alephs Handler spoke briefly on the In the Joslyn Memorial concert who plan to attend the camp at aims of the MizrachL organizaliaii at 4:00 oh Sunday. Under the International AZA convention tion. Mrs. Lillian ' Marcus of Des the direction of Mr. George H. at Estes park, Colorado, June 24 jvlqines sang a number of selections. • . Aller they will sins several through July 1. In honor of Mrs. Weinstein's groups of religious and secular birthday, the club presented her choral numbers. i Patronize Our Advertisers with a basket of flowers.

Junior Council


Golclle M

Vaad Auxiliary

A. Z. A. 1

Women's Mizrachi


a I f f ! •.!«>•- ^ s -


•T- A- G- ' ' • •The .Thorpeian. Athletic Club held its annual stag outing- Sunday, May 30, at Peony Park. The Baseball Team, headed,by Hairy Z. Bernstein, wdn<6ver the otie led by Sam Stern. The Horse Shoe Tournament was won by Dr. A. A. Steinberg. The' other major contest was won by Sol Mezey. Morris MrFrafaklin was chairman.

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• Dwrilap • • Stetsdn... Mailory and Ecqiiaddriah Imporledl Paiiaiiias Yaclit Straws, For Business or et,^ V/er.r OS 01


to «>

Soft Straws;-" For Sports and [. . Motor Wear •CoavenJ.enea ' l a ' ESOtS??. cf»

ferlns of tij!s hotel. .-Whfither ca business • cr. isIes-SiiKs . bant, tn3 .Hotet Clarte £r=3JiS3 tio3is,"'os -well S3 a restful "billet" a t the ev& o* ttio flay's "campaisa." .•Goofl

to Eais—SSxctt



Food, aatcralT." AC'S 33oacr&ta charsas, us srell- J » iat roora secsrnaoaatfens,. Silva tag wora—COiTFOBT.


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RIOT SCENE—Policeman takes temporary refuge behind an overturned patrol car, during the early morning riot at the Goodyear plant in Akron,' Ohio, when 1,000 strikers and sympathizers attempted to- halt company trucks filled with tires. More than 100 persons were injured. Mayor Lee D. Schroy asked Governor Martin L. Davey to stand ready to send National Guard troops to preserve order. Riot developed swiftly as union was about to settle the strike.

ICC EtTST EN ETEXIO:—Early momi^s: hsnd-to-hcnd combat at the ££te of the Gooirezv Tire and Rubber Compcn-1". Akron. Ohio, when 1.30C strikers and thsir Ermpet^ircrs be tiled ?.00 police for three hours. More than ICC persons, tnc'udinp scc-el romen, were injured. Riot started vhen tmio-nis'cs &ttcmr*tefi tc p-event trucks loaded with tires Irani leering the plrnt.

*HOFFEBS ARE COMING—Department of AgriciUture reports show- that grasshoppers, along with other pests that plague farmers, are hatching in- unusually- large numbers in Texas, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas and'Missouri. Agricultural battle lines already are forming and thousands of tons of poison bait are now being

RIOT VICTIMS—Shots, tear gas bombs, bricks, stones and police clubs figured in the three-hour battle at the gate of the Goodyear plant in Akron, Ohio, when 1,000 strikers and strike sympathizers battled police. Here are some of the victims, among more than. 100 injured, en route to a hospital. Riot was in the early morning, after night shift went on duty. -

spread.' Upper left shows devastation f last year on a Lafayette Coimty, Mo., faraa. Bottom, Avery Adams, Blocrsinston, 111., f^rrsor with the "device he invented" for his say bean 'field. Moving truck sweeps Taoppers s^ainst screens whence they fall into tank of kerosene and water. He raked five bushels in five hours.


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EMPBESS—This is the most recent picture of the Empress of Japan, shown against the background of a trellis. She was on her way, in Tokyo, to the 46th annual meeting of the Japan Red Cross Society. Relief -sneeds in war work and •storm-stricken areas were discussed.

KEW DEAL TEST—Nextnational test of the New Deal occurs at the Iowa primary on June 6, when Tall Corn State voters .will select a Democratic candidate for United States Senator. Administration favorite is Representative Otha D. Wearin, left. Incumbent, Senator Guy M. Gillette, right, stood out against the President's Court Enlargement and Wage-Hour bills. ^

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ON RiCKDEQ CHARGE—Mrs. Julia Barker of - Detroit,-soon to be tried on. a charge of slaying her Dusiness associate, Mrs. Edith Mae Cumrnings, • immensely wealthy real estate operator, receives a visit from her children. Left to right: Donsld, Florence, Phyllis asd Gladys. The slain woman rose from a telephone operator's post,to amass an inirsense fortune.

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D2XATTAEI: CO:.ZST.IOi;ATI0^-~Al u^c rtc <! oC •VTEsiingto^. Postmaster Grnsrel ,TrTr>^ ?-. Tv'wr ; i t: ! £rst shert of the nrv* *£T?ec;i, '^"7 iTirii"'u which depicts ths landtasr of the £?vpuis> rr>r: Delaware, SOD rears ago. Top panel, siraiirr issued by the Finish, gcveniraent, rcluod t.i "".



I CS2CHS' DEFENSE lilNE—Similar to the "Maginot Line," the famed series of fortifications that F r snce lias set up along the* German border, Czechoslovakia has its own strong defense cystem.'likewise a border barricade against the Germans. Here are Czech soldiers in-one of tfas new-trench shelters. Sudeten Nazi demanded these soldiers be removed.

DEFENDANT' —' Ben • Untilank, formsr,deputy -sheriS .'of Harlan County. Ky., pointed out by three special agents of the-Federal Bureau of Investigation, at, the coal raino operators''trial-in " London, Ky,, zs cr.e oJ four in-"stisators of ths "Bloody Ksrlan" reign of terror. They char^efl he was in the employ o*. the operators to conduct terrorism and discourage unionization.

OC?;Tu HOr^D XT'.—Gssrge Varc£T, San Trcndszc's bounilrg jan> tcr, r.c-cr rfc&rlng at tbs Ur-ix-er^tr c? Oregon, is s-ceppsd Lr i-s csras-a as t.z'zsi a new Kerthcrs Confarsaec pole vauit lecer^ o^ 13 fe*t 11U inches, at the recent meet in Seattle. V&ro« set a new''world-poleiviault record at Princeton, back' in .1926.

guerilla tends in t his sector, tat Japanese invaders,

i-f over th

settlers in kka stamp

THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, JUNE'3, 123S give him t h e cold shoulder . ...{Oilers. Johnny Rosenblatt,'• who on


American-horn J knows Ms way around


When -he' recently flew there to Ih*flf_ J •perform"."a wedding . . . The wife1 "



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"~ay t 0 d e s e r v e t h e

The Alphas


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o£ sll Alpha P'i Tau .. " 1 Robert Z. A . N o . . ; l • -V ond consideration which indicates Raphael of the Bronx, vrlio l a s •A.. Sigma' Alpha ILa Alumni 0 that, little improvement m a y b e been enrolled at New'.Tort Uniespected here as a-direct result of , v'ersity- as an art student, en a i And Sunday's schedule is as the.-Anglo-Italian accord — the! s ^ no iarship" . . "Walter W'inchell's follows:. -• well-known facts .regarding the | colnmn^contains so many hot dip-, park — Milder Oils vs. operation of- the: Rome-Berlm: l o m a t i c t i p s t n a t e v e r y o £ f j c i a l in ! S axis in international affairs| in axis international . atiaij-?.] Washington,.reads him religiously I West Elmwood — Alpha P i

.,-TIie Arab revolt in- Palestine entereai'its;-thfrd year;April 19 SAZTl STUFF The captain of-one of the big . iiyitir .tfie : terr0riBt' campaign appareittly.;"..fisfn'g''towa-rd: '~ a ' new German liners is going to- be h i h ::ievelv i l TJ "stree(s:.of Jeru- grabbed, by. G-men one • of these highV. fa'irly.'"Keaceful days in connection . "with : Uncle 93JV-dnce:in"orE Sam's- probe of a Nazi spy xing : . . . We wonder vrhether a' Cer/ tb*ih'e;sbunds di? Tjo'^iibs; apd: •guniire; of" political tain member. o£ -the .V. S. Senate,

ga"ngsleriST^;-.'-In'spite; _of; -plain from a Southern -State, -knows ,- m-an-iii'-tHe-Etreet- .that-, hi3 speeches .asainst- immiiltfe;;..-were .:'still ill • es-. gration -are: being- handed, out at and. Nazi Bund meetings- V : . . If. the i ' b t h l l t



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But if this point | Youngest college student 1 r e m a i n s a s e c - - - - . - . • tim'e is four-year-old


a11 t i l e y

physical danger until, they fully recognize what they are up against. An excellent " instance of the -i-v *-.-•?".":"" " ~ ~ ~ * " * " " ' ' " i stein flied out to end the widespread popular s u p p o r t band* ° j A m o n g the first donors to the j Here ' are- the s t a n d s among the Arabs for the nation: Palestine' Symphonic Choir prcjT\" alist movement and specifically __ -movement w i t.h__ ^ . A popular j e c t . ' i s . M r s . C ! a r a Gabrilowitsch,!M 11 for the former Mufti of Jeru-| backing of this kind will not col-: daughter, of Mark' Twain and|i Milder Oil Company ^ z A X o i salem, Haj Amin el Hussetnl, its lapse because of foreign political widow; of Ossip Gabrilowitsch - -1 Adler Delicatessen leader, now deposed and living in

the Lebanon, "was furnished by the circumstancea attending the •Jerusalem.', r— An. incident oc- calling off of the Arab pilgrimage .curred.; • here.' rtie otter' .evening of Nebi .Musai : . . ' • " - . • . which might.-'be:' taken-V as., sym- ' The. Nebi. Musa /procession Is bolic o£ a-state-rOf-Tiiud- prevail- supposed to be a religious occai n g among... the,. Jews , i n : Pales- sion, but actually, under, the Muft i n e .today.' \:;; " • ' ;. :v... . ti's, tutelage, it has been used as An. unexploded"b;omb was a political demonstration against found- on tjbe sidewalk. in busy Zionism..-. With the Mufti out of : Ben.-Yehuda' ^street. •' Within.'; a office and away from the coun" •fe.'w.;.minutesl at leasj^two; hundred try, the British administration Jewish men,' women and children attempted to turn Nebi Mus ; .lfad••• collected^; around • the •; spot. an , innocuous festival •Djitririg. the half." hour -until, the patronage;, The duty • of handing : police._•atriyed^to/remove .it, .the out banners to the thousands • crowd- stood,within' a" few.:.feet .of celebrants. expected to come in ,tis.»"'; infernai.v.'nlaclime,'' 'edgin procession. from Nabliis,' from 1 " ignoring ,the Hebron, from Jerusalem and closer ' i "time," •flaRgerJ;6fr its-going ' off-at any from, elsewhere 'in- the*country was awarded -to the • British • Dismoment.';", . " : ' • • ' : -.-.' K. '.' -., . ; The":scene, -which could • p'rob- trict Commissioner, Keith-Roach. ;n,bly.-:.no:fc. be duplieated:*,even in On the day of the" procession, war-hardened "^Madrid, was : trpi- Mr. Keith-Roach waited; in -\ain ;c?Jpof the Jews' r persistent-ignor- with his banners-. .The scheding of grave perils. In the face uled parade never appeared. of danger that; an unparalleled From the Lebanon, the Mufti hadwave of bloodshed will, be let called it off. loose d.uring the visit of the BritIf any further evidence were ish, commission, sent to Palestine needd, it was furnished recently to ..study, the partition- of the by British Assistant District. country between Jews and Arabs, Commissioner Pollock, who rethe Jewish community, -tvhich has proached the Arab populace of b.Sea-;covering\ up as. best- it can. 'its-, serious, economic difficulties, is'-also, to a large extent still •ignoring the profundity arid virility of the Arab opposition, to its National Home. . • ; .• : '



wife of the gentleman who was jb a l l d i a m o n a for t-e connected Austrian Minister to this country i • . onl h o i n s r B n i O r t h e W M O before Hitler's Anschlusside, has! >" "S -gone into-the lingerie business to-Morrie Epstein-started for ih» keep the home fires burning- un-i MiMers and when the game v< s til her spouse finds a job . . . j in the potato bag-, Paul Steinbp-^ i Official doorkeeper of the United Ic a m e i a t o vesl the A. Z. A. bo. s States Senate is Joseph Singer of it h . e r e s t ° f t h e v'aJ" The -closest le of. "the Oregon, who bosses 19 .other! doormen . . . Rabbi Sain Hurn-itz f o u n d the fighting A. TV A. V ; t e m of Panama City was the first rah- ! " P * eage out the Alpha . i bi to-function in San Salvador | p u f s - 9 *? , S - l h e ^ e i u u r y c uo

By Roman Slobodin . Editor's-JSpte—'Ihis is tne .second 7 of three • articles • on t'alestiiie- by Mr. Slobodin, ;Jejviih Telegraphic agency correspondent in Palestine, who is Convinced after an intensive six-month survey-that the land that cradled Uiree. great rereligions is on the brinlc of its greatest outbreak, of .violence in years. •, - \ - -


_ .

' T - . a x r e Ci"1--5)? T i i c *r i e he J T " i t o CL^ 1 ^ v- L. G " that the morning ~o~ea's voiiee y - - E ball classes and the. men's noonday health cU:b session?. vrill i continue as before. \ If anybody wants to knew more-! When-one,of. the partners in. this ; / . No,-Mbyshele, t h e Leon Blum jjTa.u. TS C. Z A A ^ N o - ll ..' about the Center sr.rr.raer rro- ! combination retr.eats: strategicalwho-has started an insurance; Columbus park — Adler- Deli- gram, ther are asked -to get in ! t h e '-•other advances.,. -There broadcast over . WINS is not the j catessen - vs. A Z \ s No -100 touch, .-wiih .me. •j have been enough signs, Particu-1-e^.pj.g^jgj. of.-France . . . Sally i "" '

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A J..C. C. tennis teg:n is be in? ! formed to • compete in a scries j with t h e Kansas • City Jewish \. :ment Community Center neisters. S ? i ' in this:part-of the-world, to make ! cape.^ being questioned about Nazi wi will be closed June 4, 5", .and.-6, ar Nate Cu er Eufi E llmer it; fairly1 certain that the "axis", spying'tere he ruined a deal by I. —

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will.-rotate as usual.in Ea'.estine." "which a Berlin Jew was .to have •

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•;. If tne Anglo-Italian, agreement s c q u i r e d . . . t h e : Griebl hasany.;effec't ,a.t aLl on.Arab t e r - ! . ] j O l n e . . n e a r T arr ytown N. T in rorism.at-wiir b e t o reinforce .the' exchange for a Home near Berlin tendency of-.the assassins to...let Avinehell and Hearst are go-' the English alone and-tall upon ing'to-phhtt, they say . Hearst the Jews." This development has- d'oesnJt. like Walter's constant already been'made almost inevitg ing at der • schoene Adolf, able by the partition question, cannot interfere, as Win- j but the houndary^commission's insc Contract gives him com-1 vestigation, -and the internal,sit- plete freedom as long as he doesuation in Palestine. ": . n't-involve his papers in" .'libel (To Be' Continued)-. ."-•• ; . uits -'.-'.-.'". • (Copyrighted 'by Jewish • Tele- . WE EXFLATN* »-•;••'•••• g r a p h i c . A g e n c y , ' , I n c . ,'.:' '"Dr. --S'tephen S. Wise is sorry now-'f or '"having written • that "l-et-'t ter.'to a, certain .Congressman con- , cerning -'the , immigration, quota ' situatioh; as - applied ' to refugees i : r ' , , . His- .statement that the quo-I :tas would, iioV need "to be in--' .creased- ..as.;.' being', interpreted in" some lett'-wing papers as a -defin! What we i e a r we won't ie::at ite staid.-against" too unich refusurprised. if ges ' imiriigration into this counDetroit- groups, .secede...•..-.-.. try i ;,.-This, qf course, is -unfair whole row evolved .'around;; ; to-"Dr^ rAVise,. whose intention it 1 question • of<- which; .groiip v%' a s •was merely, to: reassure oppcriaats j more-democratic > - v. VvTe"partic- "of ...the-'-United States" Governnlarly noted, that a large- number' ment's action in. behalf of perse-i of. delegates- from ' New'/. J-ersey cated Jews -. . . He meant merely were present ' V . .".The- guess"-.3s to. point out that t h e - existing that- George -Gor'dotf Battle-, may" •quotas'.provide plenty of room for he; the . next, president—of-'the the.victims of Fascism . . . League". 1 . . A ' memher: of -'Steph- .(Copyright; 193S, by Seven. Arts




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. League should decide en 8.' Wl&e'sKree- Synago-gue has .- iii the Feature. Syndicate) M i t :t'cirining-'-tteiii - a mere ephe- to g6 through •with a-boycott of resigned-' aft err 2 5 'year's 'becausethe"." Schmeling-liouis' fight they he opposes • the • American' Jewish. Eieral*',-'jffienome&on'". creates: by : ttio' moiie}^. qt'3oreign. ag'en'ts: and ought to-he-told that-one -of their Co'n'gres's "referendum . . . ' The By tte:;ria^efflriatifi9S;:bfjjpetty officers has.'•'boiigTiti- a.'~ block; "of dishes -used at the dinner tenticke.tEjTo'r "the ;bout". ': . We had dered at t i e cornerstone^layins heard; it before";: but not i exercises of the Palestine, Payilread -it TIB.,...The Commonweal, i o n a t the World's Fair were.GerBy LSS GEOSSMAir . But don't blame • ;fare,:'-; of -. ..'course-, . petty Catholic -weekly, did-. Tve• - really man-made a~\iit i ciJ&ixksYyriLp :;have believe the: -report' that* Mayor the. Pavilion or Pair : authorities . Who says married" men aren't Hague's Jersey City cops went . . . ^The dinner was catered by good athletes? out' of tieir way to beat,up Jews Louis Sherry . . . The "Sammies," who are the •vrh.o happened . to be in' Journal LITTLE XAPOLEOXS of Sigma Alpha MB, NeSquare-, the 'night Norman ThomConsidering . t h e Napoleonic alurnni braska university fraternity, disas -vvas bo.unced out of Hagneprecedent, '. perhaps i t ; ;sn't so proved this theory in last Sun. j of. foreign m e d d|fjig,:;;.ig;Vfound in- t h e terrorists' ville . . . . . Qne of Montreal's aead- strange that many would-be dic- .day's Softball activity when they ing.. Christian civic leaders '.."is tators are aliens in,"the countries played the j Adler Delicatessen sG.VcraP'.Bfforts., during t h e •winter ' t'Q..*:-\eflIiTlenge Britain's armed making arrangements to bring which they want'to take over team through a- rip-snorting ex-1 into Canada a 17-year-old, Germiglit: in. pitctied' battles. These man , Jewish lad from ' Mainz, Zelea;'•' Codreahu, Rumania's Hit- hihitjonV' • • ler, is the. son of, a Hungarian H ^ .• strangely dissimilar '-.No',. the: Sammies didn't • win, -grandfather was a friend father and a German another, and q v ^ 7g X i b a n d s ' previous ;-svhose the Adlers'beat 'em 6 to 2, but o£ his,i . . W a l t Disney ought to him'Self- born in PoTand littbits." -Tfie battles were very -be the- married men' ably demontold, that .the German-AmeriSzalassy, who would,..like to be otly.to them.- They lost several can Bund is" using the tune of the strated - tney-'re a tough ball club fuehrer of Hungary, is an Ar-—and that they're going- to be i men, killed and Marching -Song f r o m "Snow eal'"',-'But. they, did succeed in sup- White and-the Seven Dwarfs" as menian . . . The' late t)ctavian tougher. BVyisfj-irsaterial ior Italian, propar the theme of. an anti-Semitic "dit- Goga of "Bumania- "was horn in : Incidentally, here's an amazHitler's deputy ing angle to this game. Sylvan • gpjjaa.'ini the Levant'.to "the..effect ty used a t their meetings .,: OneHun'gavy tjSt British' poweT was being ser- of- the Little -Annie Rooriey cm- leader, "Hess,, hails from. --Egypt Block"; outfielder for the Sammies ; And Hitler himself comes made', no less ; than 13 putouts as io'uslyt cTi^llensed- by- the?Arabs in ored-comics syndicated by t h e - Pa'restin'e/^ana the ' b a s i s iorHearst-owned King Features re- from "what used to be-.Austria 'he caught everything • except the 'PEOPUS V :stories of "British terrorism" cently contained some very subtle 8 -o'clock'train; And just to prove Morris. Eromberg, -motorcycling he could- hcive caught the train aaginst t h e populace. • anti-Fascist propaganda . . . champ.of^Ealestine, who is^study- eten'if-'Jie -had to run for it, SylThis propaganda, printed in ABROADCASTS i ing' aviation at" Floyd. ."..Bennett van saiacked out a" home run. Arabic a n d broadcast in - Arabic


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/ ^ ^ i agreetl}&.-feVrofigts"stopped seek- slogan of the • Polish -. irredentist _ with Western League, "Out with the " tr.o ops-,: rcn drthe rl titlian Jews 'and Germans^rstfikes'the stb'pp'ed. ' I t -was r e -Nazis as lese majeste, to put it ; j J r reliably that'.at t h a t rnildly "Contrary -to tlie"law ! Tthe -rPalegtine- AraoVleaders of equity and humanitarianism" 5^, in'-the Uebanon- is h o w the Nazi press •describes callEd,*.'.tiie. cOininanders of t h e it » . . ABC, the, leading: Spanish fueri3^aV:-'bajidr-.',into; conference rebel daily, reports that among d T d ' f d to stop.battling the,books which the Fascist-prisd on director at Santander requisipp 'arid ,• turn thd.ir.main

at.teation'-otice,- more •' against the tioned for the use *of .Loyalist prisoners was the "Protocols of -Jewsiv'* :-;•':-•.-'. :•/.-.-•"">'.••• the Elders of Zion," to provide ;";ThisVjs;.m-UQh -likelier, than t h e id;e"a>j'.'viVO}ced-; i n ' Some •".'•quarters, "spiritual food for their tired 1

tlfaf-'wltxidrawai "'Of ^Italian supp;OTt"'fromfthe ;Arabs-! as a result ' 2 ::.asreem"eiif, " i i f ' HIV -be b " "- [ f[ fol-l off ';t2ic .. terrorist: f>^.-collapse -of ^ i i Tlii ' ^suggestion;- ig-

notes- the- inain-i|actor.in:tb.e aituatipn^.\thal• the- .terrorism is; not ad'ephemeral'-.trouble stirred.up t ^ Trith^a, rith litral .b f i i ' ' agents^ expense • accpunt.^but r"a;-symptom : of a • genuin€ Arab* natidiialist d ' "" mdycnieat. ^

^ • -'trhth", I t o - which- - the histpry.*.f.; the; past 20 -years bears

•w-Stiiess", /whlcll'..tfle ; Royal Com... r 4Hsipn: remphdEizedv.and: which thoughtful: Zionists-have acknowledged 'to the .writer,"., is ..that there afe in; PaleBtine'two nationalism s, - joyrisif'.-and?" •>' Arab, .matched in " s^nftirt?,-:'th6ngji not-in>-political "edtfcation. •-' -Neilher - can '1>ill- off tbe'v. other. ,,-Tbej, one ;li;bpe I for stable- peace;in; the.Jlply, Land,' at least,-u;ntil the -ptopian. era when natitinai: lines -fade altogether,- is - that.;the;.two-parties "will learn t o live..;.and • worlr together'/ in- one political, domicile. This may. or ; may. not bd possible. The, :Eoyal . . Commission aaid.it.wa.s^ hopeless, ..threw tip, ••. its'..'handSA and recom'..•'•

m e n d e d


' , ' - > - • •-'"..'-.


souls" . "Which-reminds; us of a'story Frank C - Hanighen. tells about the Pope i n . a copyrighted story in the New: Tork Post . , To a priest .who declared that he

Gated gitt - -' - ii your tor iKe' lewisK Press -F

?nre he is acide«.i miiy,

T-ith an otay -from /Goering '. . , The City.of Manchester,'England

has been inscribed in the-Jewish National Fund Golden, :Book in j com.memoration of- the centennial of. its municipal charter'",.».'-i.*.-WE'PAT OXTIt BACK--';.;, rj- --.',3. ; .tJncle Phineas. sure, called,:the turn when he predicted1 that the.

convention of the" Non^Seetarian Anti-Nazi League would be a catand-dog fight . . . . Ths fireworks •>Ter& touched off by the Cleveland, and Detroit delegations, which insisted • that an election of a national boarjd of directors was


—. ~- .




nai Jevris] i&^<iu» <s

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1-— w . i . - . ^ „*

the sew-

-•^- Jewish cuiture. © A fcfd

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!sb calenternal do« in i>otK;

Finest Klght Club Presenting-

_ i .^ C z ZZJLZXZ. of Judaism

Direct from Kcv* York •


SHEER BROS., Dancing Comadians ••'•""•






FRANCES KtecCOY, Radio's Song Stylist •



Danes-Aristocrats '•


FranRGn "Vincent'

snd tiis OwJr.3



believed in the "Protocols" His Holiness said: "You niust.be out of your mind. You- will "now retire : to tho X- •sanitarium,

" ..-. iBttti whether, .peace is ^possible illegal But; they; didn't, get ., or. not, it is'certain that the Jows far, even though they had-a letwill constantly expose themselves ter.-from".. Rabbi Abba .Hillel Sil" t o ' unnecessary; political • a n d ver, president pro-ten . . . From


_ „ X,

talie. fwc'planes with him/, v Dr. fast in one place, really gave the Joel Pressman, baiia oS ,Clau- tal] the ride or else hovr co'ald dette Colbert, h s. what are said he ha-ve got all the way around to be^the only ^talkie shots of Hit- the sacks? . '. ' ler's, entrance., into. Vienna'.. ..He •; Meanwhile, those Mil'cler Oils smuggled' them- out in'.:Lthree were.-pushing themselves right reels' and 'plans'.to develop -them along, on -the path to the • champthird. in-Hollywood -._•• .-Washington's ionship. .They won their hostesses are breathing a sigh of straigh't"game, beating the A. Z. relief at the end of the social A. Xo. 1 hoys. 17 to 2. It wasn't much of a ball game. The A. Z season, because now they have to worry for a while about A.'s forgot to try -— which to us keeping apart Frau Dieckhoff, is an unforgiveable sin. Maybe wife of the Nazi envoy, and Mrs. when they see the score in print, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. . . . Ex- they'll work a little harder nest Ambassador Dodd, who has been time. However, the Hinders were telling all since his retirement not kidding around. Thev bangfrom the U. S. Embassy at Ber- ed the ball all the time and if lin, isn't surprised that Herri the-A. Z. A..'s wanted to shag Dieckhoff finds i t ' diplomatic -to»the tipple, that was Okay vdih the

where-a neurologist: will try: to restore you to reason" . . Everybody "'Who's anybody- in the Third Reich has to:have a certificate of Aryanism*. . . Bu't.'Leni. Rief« stahl, whom rumor- has \ : linked in. amorous association •with;.the Fuehrer despite the .tales? of "her non-Aryanism, gets • by : simply


your children are:-

' t h e Italian, station a t Bari, Mussolini has found it so.tough Field,/ New York,'; will return to . Ano'tber 'circuit smasher" was wa-s-widely disseminated through- to get money for the'exploitation Palestine" id open the Homeland's Les Gitenter, burly catcher for out t h e East. I t •vyas notable that of Ethiopia that'he is readying first, school. of,aviation-." He'll the Adlers. Les, who runs very]

as so op as the ground began to an offer to turn the country over leading to the Jews under certain condi-





Sunday from 2 until 5 at their ITALIAN ATTITUDE ON home, 37 North Eighth street,.-in MANDATES HEARD1 honor of their daughter. Betty's confirmation from the Beth El , Parents of the confirmants at Synagogue. (JTA) — Italy's acMount Sinai Temple will be hosrs "• >• tew that the at a reception this Sunday evenc does not e Among the senior students at MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent ing, June 5, in the annex of the the Abraham Lincoln High School m or variTemple, from 7:30 until 9:30 who will graduate at the annual t n indate over o'clock. Two long refreshment commencement exercises to be i < •>» i ion t h a t tables will have pastel decora- held this evening at S p. m. -at 1 c nsiitutional PAUL'A. PETERS tions with centerpieces of sum- the City auditorium are: Mildred i ni v that any Destroy Food Mca-t iomer flowers. Balaban, Vernon Fitch, Leona rr has been Hosts and hostesses who will Fried, Ida Gittle, Ben' Ivutler, Vienna's Jev "zh c s ussert, tlic SENSATION — A prominent shortly publish an article on Hunreceive their friends that even- Florence Meyerson, Joe Perlmuti as told by Poor will include . Mr. and Mrs. ter, Ruth feeldin, and Eugene Jew - - one wEo has not been ac- gary that will have Hungarian ofi y Richard The local B'nai B'ritb. lodge ing tively identified with organiza- ficialdom hopping mad . . A Trot' • Gail Friedman, Mr. and Mrs. Telpner. Vienna (WX3)—Thru Ti»<: o" r will sponsor a vocation guidance Louis tional -work - - has confided to sky secretary visiting in N. Y. Jews Heeger, Mr. and Mrs. Abe "•I i <• raised by dependent on c' •• or course under the leadership of Pill, Mrs.; Ben pill, Mr. and Mrs. intimates that if a'Jewish State flatly denies the recent Ken yarn i i eral. Sovel Heshelow, Dr. Frank Ep,- A. L. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Sil- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Balaban will is actually created in Palestine, that Trotsky and Diego Rivera _ food went hungry her« i h<"i 0 Ceo s'tein and Leon Dohrofsky. The verberg, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Slot- receive friends and relatives at he will publicly renounce all con- have parted company . . . Walter j uniformed Nazi plug-ugles raided j first course was presented at a sky, and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. their home on. Sunday, June 12, nection with the Jewish people H. Annenberg, vice-president of I two of the city's nine Jewish pub- j Patronize Our Advertisers from 7 until 10 p. m. in honor of kitchens End after terrorizing i To Conduct'Campaign for recent A. Z. A. meeting. Other Weiner. . . . And on the very day the the Philadelphia Inquirer at SO, lie the graduation'of their daughter, those waiting in lin? spilled the j American Jewish " sessions will; be held at the varMildred, from high school. The State comes officially- into exist- was voted by his classmates at J contents of numerous soup tanks i FKADENBURG. WEBB, BEBER, ious youth meetings in the near KLUTZNICK & KF.LLEY, Peddie School (Xew Jersey) the , Congress Miss Friedell Brodkey, daugh- date has been changed from June ence . . . the gutter and poured kerofuture. . Attorneys. senior most likely to succeed . . . j| into ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brod- 5 because of Shabuoth. sene over large Quantities of SOO Union State "Bank Bldg. A Southern Anglo-Jewish weekly A campaign for V e registrakey, 3244 Jackson street, became DINNER: Prof. Einstein was ! food. Not satisfied with this j tion of two thousand Jews of the bride of Max H. Resnick of" Friends and relatives are in- not among those present at the that has its own printing plant | piece of sadism, the storm troop--I NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Sioux City and vicinity for parOmaha, Monday evening in the vited to attend the reception to City College Alumni dinner to and some good ad contracts is ! ers forced manv oi MID .To-n-o n-^;.' Jn the i.'nuni.r Court of Dougla* County. >i*'i>rnskaticipation in the national demohome of the bride's parents. Rab- be given by Mr. and Mrs. Fried, Prof. Jiorris R. Cohen, a" close for sale . . . Details on applicaIn li'e .Maui-r of the Estate of cratic election of the American bi Theodore N. Lewis read the Friday evening,. June 3, in honor friend ', . . From his Princeton tion to P. A. P. . . . . Jacob Fish- | ing for food to go through long j Gofslie LJorgPr, L'r-oeas^d. ~.nd painful gymnastic exercises. man is now ed-in-chief of the Jewish Congress was launched •SOUP imt>r-"UPil in said esmarriage lines in the presence of of the graduation of their daugh- retreat, the famed physicist sent Several women in the line were fite are he-eb.'- muiiiecj that a petilast Wednesday evening at the relatives of the bride and groom. ter, Leona, from Abraham Lin- the following telegram: "I prize Jewish Morning Journal, the late compelled to give an impromptu tion Via? be°n file's in said Court, Jewish Community Center, at a Among the out of town guests coln High school. very highly the work of Profes- Pete? Wiernik's old job . . . D. exhibition of obscene dancing. , in-a.viiip for the probate of a certain At the closing meeting of the meeting of representatives of the season Tuesday afternoon. Senior were Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Resnick, sor Cohen and have great sym- L. Mekkler having been moved The same gang of Nazi toughs ; instrumr-TU mnv on file in sa.kt Court, purporting: to be the last varipusMocal Jewish organiza- Hadassah members elected four- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Resnick, .Mr. and Mrs. N. Perlmutter pathy with him. For this reason into the m. e.'s seat . . . The three synagogues -in the | teflamenc of said <iee<>a*ed. and that tions. . teen new board members for the Mrs. A. Resnick, Mr. and Mrs. will receive friends and relatives I shall arrange a dinner in his American Society for Race Tolii hearinc ivil! be liari on said petition quarter, destroying thej ^ g , The following have been elect- coming year. They are Mrs. William Jaffe, Mrs. M. Brodkey, Friday evening, June 3, in honor honor all by myself on May 14 erance needs to learu something teanr. _ up T o r a h j of June. l!i"S. p.mi that if they fail ed by the Conference as a Board Morey Lipshute, Mrs. Milton Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brodkey, Mr. of the graduation of their son, (night of the Cohen testimonial). about tolerance . . . They have interiors, and prayer books' (o apnear at paid Coin-t on the said of Election to supervise the reg- Mu-ihkin, Mrs. Max Brodkey, Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Brodkey, Dr. and Joe, from Abraham Lincoln High Since auditors are not likely to scheduled a luncheon for June 4 and tefilim. burning They s!so forced! ISth ii:iy of June. ]?:;<;, a t fl o'clock —a Saturday . . . The American istration and election procedure M. A. Lazere, Mrs. E. N. Grue- Mrs. A. Rubhitz, Mr. and Mrs. H. school. be present I shall keep the j ; . , to w>;<"'t thp probate of some of the younger worshippers! A..T Jewish Congress .nade page one snid v.-ill, the Court may allow and in the Sioux City district: , speeches entirely for myself. skin, Mrs. Mark Sabel, Mrs. Ar-Brodkey, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rice, to cut off the beards of elderly! probate said wli; and grant adminof many newspapers with its anRabbi Jacob M. Brown, chair- thur Kaplan, Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brodkey and Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seldin will Would it not be more comfortThe vandalism was panic- i istration of saifi estate to houis B»rrman; Miss Esther London, secre- Mrs. Sam Bailin, Mrs. L. S. Gold- ward Brodkey,. all of- Omaha; be at home Friday evening, June able for you and Prof. Cohen if nouncement of the plebiscite . . . Jews. pvr ov fume (i Slier suitable person, ulsrly brutal in the Vorgarten- ! tary; Miss Saretta Krigsten, trea- berg, Mrs. J. Lehman, Mrs. L. J. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Arkin, Iowa; 3, in honor of the graduation of you did this too? Albert Ein- So wonder why they were so strasse ,, n tp r p, c\r:rvpF: of heirsliip, and proand Stuwestrasse synaj : ceed to P f--prtlf--m'--nt th.-r^or. modest about announcing the alsurer; Dr. J. N. Lande, Mr. E. N. Kaplan, Mrs. Charles Raskin and Mr. a'nd Mrs. A. Seff and Mr. and their daughter, Ruth from Abra- stein." ' _" j JJIIY'CE CR.-iVTORD, tered referendum, so radically gogues. Grueskin, Mr. Joe Gorchow, Mr. Mrs. Abe Agranoff. Mrs, Abe Brodkey - of .Kansas ham Lincoln. High school that D-27-.JS-U:. County Judge. These Incider-U, which have; different from the original . . . I. Epstein and Mr. Max Kaplan^ City. "•."•. evening-. The meeting followed a dessert IRONY: Sir Arthur . Grenfell (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- gone virtually unpunished, are! members of the Board.luncheon. Mrs. Max Rosenstock After a wedding trip, Mr. Res- No invitations are being issued. Wauchope, as Palestine High. CARIViAIZO and KAZLOWSKY, said to indicate that ths Vienna I graphic Agency, Inc. The National Democratic Elec- was in charge of the program, nick and. his bride will make Commissioner, w e n t . through Atio'-novs Nazis have gotten out " of hand I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Teipner svill months' of Arab terrorism untion vf the. American Jewish Con- which included a dramatization their home in Omaha. since Josef Bnercfcel, Reich coin- j hold open house, Friday evening, Bcatched . . . Visiting in India gress will take place on June 25, of "The Eternal Road" by Misg, BY PUBLICATION ON missioner for Austria, has public-! NOTICE 26, 27, 1938. In the intervening Ruth Miller of Morningside ColFOR S E T T L E M E N T Mrs. L. Kronick and Mrs. Sol June 3, in honor of the gradua- now. Sir Arthur suffered a crackly warned against such acts of i PETITION OF FINAL ADMINISTRAtime committees will contact all lege. Included in the business Kronick entertained 30 guests at tion of their son, Eugene, from ed rib - - exercising in a gym . . . violence. Already Nazis are re-1 TION ACCOUNT Jewish citizens of Sioux Cty of meeting were reports of the var- a breakfast Sunday noon in the Abraham Lincoln High school, at (Continued from prge 1.) ported to have been arrested for ! In thp County Court of Douglas the age of eighteen and above, to ious chairmen and a report of the Sioux Teashop, honoring Miss the~Jiome of Mr. and Mrs. Abe County. Nebraska. APPOINTMENT: Appointment then Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, defying orders against plundering] .In t h e Jiattv;- of the E s t a t e of provide them with, the proper recent Hadassah convention in Ruth Kronick, whose engagament Lsibovitz, 3711 West Broadway. of Ralph • JI. Immell,. Adjustant Danzig, Hungary and, finally Jewish stores. The local ' Nazi j .Abrr.hr.m Winner. n!.sn known a s registration certificates. All those Council Bluffs. No invitations have been issuto Mr. Al Levine, son of Mr. and General of the Wisconsin Na- heaven. Then, no more Jews in party organ has publicly criti- '<Abr-^.hn m. -W'TV*'-. p.p.-vaspd; not reached by the committees in torts ipr' in said m a t Mrs. Louis Levine of New York, ed. tional Guard, as executive direc- the universe. The Nazi destiny cized Buerckel for what it calls j terAl!e rpersons e hereby notified t h a t on the are urged to obtain their certifiwas announced. Miss Kronick, his refusal to allow the Austrian '• tor of. the National Progressive r.'th day of H'.;iy. V.<".$, J'ynian Wiento paradise, says Herr cates at the office of the Ameriwho is a daughter of Mr^. and . Beverley Mendelson and Leo Party has just b"en announced points people to have its way with the j er filed a j^-tition in pa i<! County can' Jewish Congress Election Court, p-ra-ying- that liis final adminMrs. Louis Kronick, is here from Meyerson -are among the Thomas . . . Which recalls to an old Wis- Wessel. Jews. Reports of a secret underj The Jews in paradise are Board at the Jewish Community iPtrr.tinn recount fi!•• r"i horein be setNew York; City, to visit -with her Jefferson High School seniors to eonsinito that Immell once pubground Nazi movement pledged ! tled a n d allowed, arid t h a t he be d i s troubled about all this, and a Center. be graduated Wednesday, June S, Charles F. Baldwin, a resident parents. licly made this crack: "There are large grCup of them (they have I to oust Euerckei are current | ch.?l\^ed "from his trust a s adminisThe American Jewish Congress, of Sioiix City for 50 years, died trp.tor find thi't n h<-arinjr will be had Miss Lucile Kronick, of Elgin, S p. m., at the school's annual too many Jews co. the Wisconsin been in heaven a long time) are | here. . j on said petition Iv-foi'e said Court on as a democratic representative in his home, 2009 Summit street, Illinois, and Miss Annette Joseph, commencement exercises a t . the campus" . . . Dr. Isaac Goldberg taking steps. They say that for Leaders ' of the reorganized! the j.Sth d a y of June. l!i"s, and t h a t body of American Jevry, .has as Sunday morning, following a also of Elgin, .were among the Broadway theater. is not alone in questioning the the safety of celestial Jewry the Jewish community are expecting] if yu-u fail to apn.---ar before said its main purpose.the defense of- heart attack. Mr. Baldwin was guests. <' Court on She said 1S;h <iay of J u n e . motives of the new LaFollette Mr. and'Mrs. Meyer'Meyerson party . . . Heywood Broun, in a Jews themselves should see to it ! Norman Bentwich here from Lon- in •"•<.. vt r> o'cio^-r A. ?.f., and contest iJewish rights -in-those parts of 6S years old. He came to Sioux Miss Kronick's wedding will that no more Jews are let in. [ con in the next few cays. He is paid petition, Ui^ Coir-t niJiy arrant will receive friends and relatives, the world where Jews have be- City at the age of 18, from Law- take place in the fall. Her fiance recent column, declared "the When they saw Hyman Zilch j coming to help organise the Jew-!Hie prayer of ?-f-ic petition, enter a come the victims of the various rence, Kansas, where he was, owns a chain of men's haberdash- Wednesday, June S, in honor of most formidable Fascist- movecoining they were not happy I ish emigration program with the | decre? of heirslifp, and nifike such the graduation of their son, Leo anti-democratic isms. born. He had been employed at eries in New York City. ment winch has yet arisen in about him and they stopped him j funds being raised by British j from Thomas Jefferson High and ifvcees, n.c to this Court m a y the Davidson Bros. Company for A-merica is being nurtured in at the gate . . . "You know how I Jewry. Meanwhile the number o£ !seem School. . proper, to t h e end tiinf fill m a t the past 40 years/ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Levin spent Madison, Tvis., by Phil LaFol>- it is here, Hyman. We think it's | Jews seeking visas a£ £.11 foreign! ters pertaining 10 said estate mao-' be Surviving are his widow, Bir- last week end in Sioux Falls, finally Fc'.tlnd rtnrt <iPte--n>!iio(.l. lette" . . . And in the same colbest for you to stay out. There {consulates is increasing', the av-i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maduff of die, and a son, Charles, Jr. visiting with Mr. and Mrs1. Dave recalled that, following a are too many Jews here already." erage of daily applicants now! 5-_7-!!3-3t Anita, Iowa, entertained sixty umn County Judge. Funeral services were held Goodsite. visit to Germany in 1933, Phil "But where shall I go? Where? totalling SOO. All books by Jew-1 guests from Council Bluffs, OmaTuesday afternoon at Mount Siwrote a series of articles for the POLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENT ish authors, as well as volumes! Where?" nai Temple with Rabbi Theodore Miss Delia Izen of Ashville, ha, Auburn, and Harlan at a din- Hearst press in which he exThey left him hanging between I regarded as Jlarsist, pacifist, cth- j ner at their home Sunday, May pressed adanration for many of N. Lewis officiating. North Carolina, is a guest this Eight children will be confirmheaven and earth, just as he had eist and Masonic, have been crweek in- the home of Miss Rbsan- 23, in honor of the graduation of Hitler's- policies and publicly been periously suspended in in- dered removed from the shelves ed at Mount Sinai Temple, Suntheir son, Irtrin, from the Anita came out ag-ainst the boycott of na Dikel. day morning, June 5. The service security in his days on the earth. of school libraries. High School on May 20. German goods . . . will begin at 10 o'clock and will Hyman Zilelrs fluttering ghost Their son, Sidney, a student at Dr. Leon Galinsky, who Is a include the regular ritual as well blows, like some- rag, in all the staff physician at Oakdale, Iowa, Iowa City, was home for the day. ENGAGEMENT: Nathan Katz, winds. At times he takes hold 1 as brief talk by the confirmants spent the week end here with his and a sermon by Rabbi Theodore On June 12 at 2:30 p. m. Miss secretary-general of the Paris J. of the golden gate . . "At last X Mr. John Lansberg, chairman parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Herman N. Lewis. The choir will sing Ruth Roffman, daughter of J.Ir. D. C. office, will be taking the have heaven.!" . . . but the nest • special music and Mr. . Harold of the 1938 United Appeals drive, Galinsky, and Mrs. George Roffman will marital plunge in the Fall . . . wind blows him away. Buck, violinist, will play a solo. has called a final report meeting continues to hold eigh"It's like on earth, just like th Omaha become the bride of Mr. Solomon With Janine Bollack, daughter of of all the workers, to be held piece among' the larger cities Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg and Children of the class are Samt h e prominent French-Jewish on earth," cries Sir. Zilch. Mezey, son of Mr. and Mrs. David in the world in the number of nl Heeger, son of Mr. and Mrs. next Wednesday evening, June 8, Mr. Herman Sacks were among Mezey of New York City. publishing family . . . Thus my trembling fancy fol- telephones, with 26.ES telephones* Louis Heeger; Hubert Friedman, in the Jewish Community Center. the students, at Morningside Collows Hyman Zilch away from Jlr. The ceremony will be "performEveryone who assisted on the lege who received their Baehelpr per ICO population or one te'eson of Mr. and Mrs. Gail FriedCONGRATS: To J. David Stern Weil's wall . . . He is lifted into phone for every four persons, aced at the Eagles. Hall by Rabbi man; Bernard Slotsky, son of Mr. drive.will attend the meeting.- Fi- of Arts degree this week. Both David the hearse . . . His friends stand A. Goldstein. A dinner for on the bang-up job he's doing i cordicg- to figures now available and Mrs. William C. Slotsky; nal reports will be heard and dis- were admitted to the honor socie- the immediate family is to be with the N. Y. Post . . . It is rap- along the driveway in respectful as to telephone usage in- every Doris Pill, daughter of Mr. and cussed at this time. Refreshments ty in ^recognition of their high served idly mensuring up to the old cru- groups as he passes by. after the ceremony. country in the world at tiie beMrs.. Abe Pill;, Robert Pill, son will be served at the close of the schlastic ratings. "Sholorn!" say our hearts but ginning- of Idol. From 7 to 12 p. m. a recep- sading AVorld , . . Another forof the late Morris Pill, and grand- meeting. mer World colyuniist, P. P. A., we wonder: Is there really peace scn-'of Mrs. Ben Pill; Leonard For every loo people, Omr.cf ' Mr. Welnberg and daughters, tion -and dance will be held for has been added to the Post staff anywhere? Stein, son of Mr., and Mrs. A. Lv has approximately twice as meny | Gladys, Dorothy, and Johanna, all friends and relatives. (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts . . .. With F. P. A. and Samuel Stein; Betty Silverberg, daughtelephones as do either London , f visited in the home of Mr. and The groom's parents, Mr.- and Chotzinoff batting columns out, Feature Syndicate) ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Silveror Eerlin, three times as many j i Mrs. Sam Gutterman, Flandreau, Mrs. David Mezey, and Mr. and the paper will be home to a lot Mrs. Bernard Mezey, brother and berg of Storm Lake, Iowa; and as • Paris or Amsterdam, slightly ! ! S. D. last week end. Julian Gut- sister-in-law, have arrived for the- of World readers . . . And while Bernard Weiner, son of Mr. andless than fives times as many rs \ terman returned here with them wedding. in a congratulatory mood, have M.rs. Morris A. Weiner. Glasgow, Scotland; six times as for a visit. Several out-of-town relatives you noticed the grand job of many as Tckio and 14 times as The pulpit will be draped in The Confirmation service at friends of both the bride and space-grabbing Louis Popkin is many as Kong Kong. While the "white and will be banked with Shaare Zion synagogue will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foreman, and (Continued From Page 2) •v.'a groom expect to attend the wed- doing for the ORT campaign . . . world telephone statistics as of summer flowers and ferns. Madison, South Dakota, announce held this evening in the synagoding. The metropolitan press has given all the others lined up behind January 1, IP3 7, show Omaha as - In-the evening, parents of the gue at S o'clock. The class in- the birth of a daughter, May 30, ^ Miss Roffman has been exten- more columns to the ORT drive him. They swung down the aisle having 64.553 telephones, its confirmants -will receive their cludes Betty-Bain, Wallace Fried- in the St. Vincent Hospital. \fc«Tr I sively entertained at luncheons in, the last few weeks than it has triumphantly while the bewil- telephones at present total about friends at a reception in the man, Jordan Ginsberg, Anna in the past couple of years. 66,000. parties. Among sthe friends dered congregation just looked cif CnrmcsH Phiffs, Temple Annex from 7:30 until Kanofsky, Doris Kaplan, Burton Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Krigsten and and relatives who have honored on in amazement. On, up the al9:30 o'clock. Lipshutz, Ruth Kutcher and Jean announce the birth of a son. Mayher are; the bride elect's mother STET: The Norfolk (Va.) Led-tar they marched and piled their A modern authority assures us _ 31, in the St. Joseph Hospital. Shubb. Mrs Ceorge Roffman; Mrs.' ger-Dispatch must have a proof- baskets upon it. Joey turned to that "the Jews had settled in Mrs. Meyer Shubb, president of Adolph Kahn, Mrs. Abe Roffman, with a sense'of humor . . the rabbi, vrho looked on just as Western Europe before many of Mrs. Leah Baron, 60G Virginia Mrs. Roy Roffman, Mrs. Sam reader the Auxiliary -will present the let this headline ride through: bewildered as everybody else was. its most typical inhabitants had j street, left last, week for Chey- Roffman, Mrs. Dave Miller Mrs He confirmation certificates. OCTAVIAN GOGA IS DEAD "AT "Rabbi Levinson," he said, "Ben^ f Confirmants will peak on the enne, Wyoming, where she will Ben Kahn, Mrs. Ben Passer, Mrs' 57—RECENT HEAD OF ANTI- ny and I and all these other boys emerged from Asia, and before j visit her son and daughter in law, Morris Franklin, Mrs. M. Passer SEMITISM RHEUMATISM GOV- have been studying- about hovr others had crossed the Central At the Annual A. Z. A. Sweet- theme of Molders of the CharMrs.I Sam Sacks, Mrs. Ben Seld- ERNMENT SUCCUMBS . . . the Jeirs celebrated Shovuoth ia European Plain or had traversed heart dance last Sunday evening, acter of Jewish people. Jack Mer- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Baron. vrvrr r-srrr: cr or IOWA in, Mrs. Jake Bernstein, Mrs Temple days. Y\*e want to cele- ths North. Sea to invade the Miss Frances Maron was chosen lin will act as cantor and the West." Meyer Katzman, Mrs. A. Shafer brate the same way, so we the A. Z. A. Sweetheart for 1938. choir will sing special music for KEN: Esquire's lusty young Mrs. Samuel Steinberg, Mrs Maxbrother. Ken, is doing a good job brought 'bikkurim,' first fruits, The dance was held at the'Bel- the occasion. Canar, Mrs. Dave Stein, Mrs A reception -will be held In the levue Ballroom with Jimmie Lew-, and deserves success . . . How too." Dave Fox, and Mrs. Joe Gotsdin- deeply it's getting under the skin is and his orchestra providing the synagogue social hall, following "Who told TOXL to do this?" . • er. . . • . - • ' music. Myron Heeger was in the service. of the Nazis is illustrated by the rabbi asked, looking a little Dorotho Saltznian charge of the arrangements. what happened to one of its.first as t.houjrh be wanted to laugh, or 1 The last regular meeting of Hanumbers in Mexico . . . The num-maybe to cry. dassah for the summer season ber carried an article on Nazi es"No one. We thought of it ourwill be held June 8, at a 1 o'clock pionage and revolutionary activ- selves. That is, Benny really luncheon at the Chieftain Hotel ities in that country .-. . The Ger- thouprbt of it first," Joey was r r ; ; f r rc The Young .Tudean chapter held man Embassy get wind of it . . . truthful. The, service at Tiphereth Is- its second annual carnival at the in honor of the recently organized local chapter of Junior HadasBought up every copy it could lay rael and Beth Abraham congre- Shaare Zion social hall WednesTlie rabbi really had tears in • hands on . . . Meyer Levin had his eyes and in his voice. He told gations will be£in this evetjlng at day evening. Chairmen were Miss sah. _ Budapest (JTA) — The bill Reports will be given on the Quite an article on Palestine in the boys all to sit down and then, 7:45 o'clock and Saturday morn- Annabell-Satin, Miss Betty Bain Hadassah imposing sweeping- curbs on par- the May 13 issue, called Land of right then and the?-e in front of ing at 9. Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov and Miss Ann Kanofsky. Commit- Southwest- Regional ticipation of Jews in Hungary's Refuge . . . In which he writes aV. those people, he made a wonwill speak at the Beth Abraham tee heads were Miss Jean Shubb, Convention held May 18 and 19 synagogue on Sixth rand Cook games; Miss Adeline Stern, re- in Council Bluffs. There will also economic and cultural life w s that Palestinians were "stunned" derful speech about them, how awaiting signature of Regent streets during the S a t u r d a y freshments, and Miss Ann Kanof- be an installation of new officers. by announcement of the partition they were the foundation of fuRabbi David °A. Goldstein of .Nicholas Horthy, the final sten Commission . . . Which is a bit of ture Judaism nnd the generation morning. service. sky, music. Omaha is. to be the main speaker. before enactment into law. After hyperbole (hocey to you), since of hope and ail sorts cf even Sunday, the first day of ShaChairman of the luncheon is a brief'debate, the measure was the whole world, including the more important things. Benny buoth, Kabbi. Bolotnikov will Mrs. Leon Frankel. She will be adopted by the -Senate, it had Palestinians, had known months and Joey and all the others, even speak, at the Tiphereth Israel been passed on May 13 by the Jn advance 'that such a commis- Morris ivh. had left his unforcongregation during the morning Graduation exercises of the assisted by "Mrs. Oscar Greenberg, Chamber of Deputies. service, which will begin '.at 9 high school department of the Mrs. 'Abe Leibovitz, Mrs. M. Laz- Introduced by the Daranyi Cab- sion would he sent . . . It having tunate basket in the garage and /-\' .• ^ - r • f l - f r * - Ibeen decided on by Great Britain had tagcred along to see what o'clock. Monday morning, the Mount Sinai Sunday School, will ar, and Mrs. Milton Yudelson. inet as-a concession to Nazi-aviasecond day of Shabuoth, Rabbi be held at the Temple this evenand approved by the League would happen, were terribly hI'j ?.rt£ Kc.Ci v»ill s vc n c v m ^ n i n ^ &c< A meeting of the AgudasAch- tion, the bill establishes 20 per Council at its Fall session last proud. Bolotnikov will speak before the ing during the Regular service, cent quotas on employment of "Iscor" or memorial service at Eugene. Sherman, R a y m o n d im Lodge was held Thursday at "But just the ssrae," and m industry, finance, com- year . . . the Adas Yeshuren congregation Greenberg, and Wallace Rosen- the Eagles Hall. There was un Jews Joey's voice was woeful, "we merce, the theatrical - profes^on -ifr r-p.tr'i; <?~,ri f r ? C ' i r i r t r f , ' on 7th and Wall street. The ser- thai are the students who wfll inltation of new members. M I S I I M A S H : Cholera A s c h aren't heroes, because KoShi Levand journalism. Resignation" of vice will begin at 8:30 o'clock. «. * " , ^ ' V ' v ,-.s", o- ts- : if t' r i - i ] ;'r i , . <u u h a i m complete the work of this departthe Daranyi Government, on thp may settle permanently i- Amer- inson said we must nefer fio it Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rosenberg, ica . . . Did you know that there again." And Joef shifted his < Mr." and'Mrs. Charles Barricks, ment. " •'" • same day the Chamber passed the -1121 West 6th street, served reDuring the service awards will 215 South Ninth street, will have ortl, for failure to stem the Nazi was quite a movement at the heavy basket of fruit to the othfreshments 'at the Tiphereth Is- be distributed to other children open house from 2 until 5' Sun- movement, and formation of a B'nai B'rith convention to draft .er arm. They were almost home. • ••>« i . e » i o E n ' - "- •*>• -,- i - • » "Never mind, Joey," Ber.ny rael synagogue in honor of the of the religious school who have day in honor of the confirmation £ e 7 reS*nie under Eela Imredy Gov. Lehman as president of the <! order? . . , Stephen Vincent Bencomforted him, I just thought of marriage of their son, Arthur, distinguished themselves by ex- of their daughter, IleGne, from to affect tno anti-Jewkh which .took''. place In ' Chicago. cellent wrok or perfect atten- the Beth El Synagogue in Omaha. ct n a d • a s t o r yy i n Saturday a 'swell holiday w^'re all crazy - l n i P o r tant provisi All. friends and relatives are Rabbi Bolotnikov spoke and con- dance. Evening Post with an American about and that fczs no heroes invited. No invitations will be isgratulated them In the name of colonial 'Jewish background . . . either, Succotb and Simchas -.; the members of the congregaRabbi Theodore N. Lewis spoke sued. Which doesn't mean that IJIS Torah." tion. Sirs." Barricks is the presi- Wednesday at Cherokee, Iowa, name is now to be spelled B'isai dent Of the Sisterhood of this before a joint meeting of the ser- Mr. and Mrs; Max Harris will Patronize Our Advertisers . . . One of the better mass will I entertain at a reception' for congregation. vice clubs. -.'•:. v friends and relatives at their A g e n c y L e a d e r s " W i t h home, 52 Charles street, on: Sun- CoKamissJon O«r Fas eral Parlors Are Furc-js&ed-5a Kojse -Like FesbloB | home of the Misses Bluma and day from 2 until 5 in', honor of Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor A Dorothy Merlin. . their daughter, Betty .Lee, .who "COURTEOUS--RELIABLE" )eTochnicalCoraill&^ The meeting, scheduled for is being confirmed from the- Beth on Partition has heard • Plans for the closing meeting ,r evideaco of-the Junior Hadassah season Wednesday, June' 8, Will be an El Synagogue in Omaha.. No in- by representatives'of the JewiPil if •were made at a board meeting election of officers for the com- vitations are being issued. Agency for Palestine, •' inclnrlirs?FUNERAL D .SECTORS Wednesday. evening, held in the ing year. Miss Saretta Krigsten, Dr...Chaiin.\Veizmann, David br'n KA S22S 's Farnasa at 2,3rc! president of the chapter, presidMr. and Mrs.-Harry Cohea Gurion, Moshe Shertoli and' Dr. Eferaard Joseph. ed at the board meeting. patronize Our Advertisers receive friends and relatives oa uttn iiuiuniniiiiLJiinnmiiiiiiQiuiJimnini uuujaiiiiniiiJiiiiiiauiiiinmiuiJUiiiiHiimi^i

Society News



Offer Vocational Guidance Course

Death Claims Sioux Cityan

Hear Final U. J. A. Report Wednesday

Omaha Eighth in I Use of Telephones'

A. Z. A. Chooses Annual Sweetheart

Orthodox Synagogues

Young Judeans Have Carnival

Mount Sinai


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