June 10, 1938

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In the late t* of the Jcv , Pec

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\ - ft • • • Tha views expressed by l.nd« wig -LewLSohn in bis column are his own and do not necessarily reflect tho policies or attitude of onr publication. Reproduce . tion in whole or in part strictly forbidden.

Bntered a s Second Class Hail Hatter on January 31, 1931. a t Fostofflce, of Omaha, Nobraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879


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Berlin (WNS) — Last week's ENEMIES OF THE CONGRESS New York (WNS) — The i raids on four Jewish cafes in BerYouth Alij-ah project for removI have not spoken of the conlin's West End districts were ining children from Earopean lauds gress. Not everyone can do everytended to pave the way for a new of persecution to Palestine was [ thing. My time and strength do decree ordering the expulsion •j '-ailed by Mrs. Franklin D. Roose- j v not suffice. But now arise the fromr the country of a i r foreign't as giving "real hope for fuenemies and the opponents of the ers-patronizing Jewish cafes and .;. - security to children, many American Jewish.: Congress. And other establishments, it was re, * _orn have cotae from areas " they and their arguments are so; re life has been extremely U u i ; w r *__:.,,.,. w..-;s .fearful and wonderful to behold, To Be Given a t Central ported in well-informed quarters Noted Catholic Shere. It is understood that the recarious." In her syndicated i « r u n D . . . 1 & Ag«wE,. ^ a « i : so dangerous, shabby, pusilaniClub by Workmen's decree wil provide means for Grows &s Food Seat • Speak a t D , column, "My Day," the First jnous and" unrealistic that the branding such • foreigners as "unCircle Conve- . ! Lady referred to the committee to Germany \SCK I is - , «.< Congress movement gains new desirable aliens" and will empowof one thousand organized by Hapower and now authority from ; Members of the Workmen's er the police to treat' them acdassah to rescue 1,000 children Vienna (WNS)—The mass arI them. ••:'./•' Dr. John i ecior cf . - . • - . Dramatic Club will on Sun- cordingly, rests of 4,000 Jews in Vienna: in the next siz months. First comes the J.wlsh Labor Circle Fans i. ..1 -— . the Department .al Action, evening at 8 o'clock present over a period of seven days are'' Schwartz lias refused Committee. There come Mr. Vla-day National Cathoh . elfr.ro, Ccv.at the Central Club, 21st and reliably reported to be due to an s Ll i e the pla-r. deck and Mr. Dubinsk-y and say:Dodge street, A. Goldfaden's hisference, Washington, D. C, will attempt to cover i:p widesprer^ • r "Surely the Jewish workers will torical operetta, "Bar Cbchba." be the guest speaker at the Diss grumbling and discontent by tr-f not participate." What are "Jew- Included in the cast are:> E. i.r i i i trict No.' 6 B'nai-B'rith convenr Austrian working class which . ish workers?" They are Jews who Seltz In the title role of Bar Cochre bitter against the rise in foirc1 1 i ,work- Work for a living. Good. ba; Li. Bailin as Azario; Hymie prices and the shortage of npce I am a Jewish worker, 1 jRuderraam as Rabbi Eleazar HanI sities- Food, riots involving the ' the Jews-I know are Jewish adol; Miss Shirley Seltz as Dino; .fjsands of infuriated housewives r workers. . Some are Zionists, Sam Riffkin as" Turlus Rufus; Jcv I" | the public markets andfiiser•>Some are not. Some are conser- Mrs. Sam Riff kin as Seraflna; A. i t | tent among workers in the frevative. Some .orthodox, some re- Coltoff as Papus,. and Sam Sustories are" said to have become formed. Then why this -super- man as Shamer. serious that, the Gestapo recei1 , ciiious "surely." Messrs. Vladeck Others taking part are: Sam N a m e d t o S u c c e e d J u l i u s orders from Berlin to do so— pand Dubinsky use thp ^ord Stein, Sam Ruderman, Miss Jean- Summer Gym Classes for Sisno a t Monday thing- to shift the blame to I e "workers" in the special, malici- nette Coltoff, Mrs. A. Coltoff. Women Will ous, Marxian sense—a sense that Mrs. N. Susman, Mrs. Jennie SusMeeting Continue . • The series of, day anc ni is!. senseless. "Workers" must man, Mrs. Lizzie Stein, and Mrs. raids is believed to have been Harry B. Cohen, local attorney, , think alike. They, must do L. Witkin. ' ' The Jewish Community Center was elected president of the local i Gestapo s answer. Oil the 4,(fC thinking. They, must therefore The operetta is-being presented lodge of B'nai B'rith at a meet- j ^ w s arrested stjeast_ half h, \ e be'robots. They are riot free to under the musical direction of athletic department today anreleased. others i ; ing held Monday night. He sue-' been ' ' "The " let.' the immortal mind . operate. Cantor E. Seltz. L.-Witkin is dra- nounces its summer swimming either been, sent to the Daclfi The Congress Is not "right" or matic director and Hymie Ruder- schedules, which go into effect 5 : ceeds Julius Bisno. . "wrong" or a mixture of both.. It man is in charge of stage direc- Monday. : i Others elected are: Dr. Leon concentration camp near Kuniw The following schedule will be is • bourgeois. In other words, the tion. Make-up man is Paul Neren: i Fellman. vice-president; Alfred ! or to the province of Styria romoon is made by .fiat of green berg and Prompter, J. Savich. M. in effect until October.!: ll i A. Fiedler, secretary; Milton R. . forced labor on farms and roads.

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cheese- Truth and • its search, good and the aspiration- after it are abandoned. The workers .must • work with co-tirdinated (gleichgeschaltet) . minds. - They are not Jews. They are not members of

Junior Girls Monday (beginners)—-9:30 to 10:15 a. m. Monday (advanced)-—10:15 to Cochba against the rule of Rome 11 a. m. two thousand years ago. The mu- Wednesday (.beginners)—9:30 • the Jewish people. They are notsic from tKe production is known to 10:15 a. m. to be concerned over the salvkr for its,.melodic qualities. The lo- Wednesday (advanced)—=-10:15 tion of that people and judge cal presentation will also be out-to 11 a. m. : Sunday—3 to 4 p. m. ' every instrumentality from thaj standing for costumes and stage Matron Women : angle. They are not In Gblus settings." " ' where Golus .prevails. No won- Music.will be furnished by Mrs. Monday, Wednesday, Friday— der • Aron David Gordon damned Fannie Witkin Pezzner and Mr.11 to 12 a. m. Sunday—A to 5 P- m. the malicious socialism ofUthe Harold Kaplan. Tickets of admission are seven- Senior Women and Business Girls peoples.". Monday, Wednesday—6 to 9 The. statement of the 'Labor ty-five and fifty cents. p. m. Committee goes into a rigmarole Sunday—4 to 5 p. m. to the , effect that Jews differ, Junior Boys " among themselves. How true! Tuesday, Thursday — 11 to The purpose of; the 'American 11:45 a. m. Jewish. ^Congress is-to have them Sunday-—10 to 11 a. m. . put aside these differences.-; for Business and High School Boys one merely functional end:•'• -The Tuesday, Thursday—: 7 to 9 defense of embattled I s r a e l . p.--m. ~ ,. Doesn't that._end concern people Sunday—11 a. m. to 1 p. m. -who "work? Or is Israel n o t e m Senfor Men and Health Club battled?' ' Or. .are the -sorcalled • Tuesday, Thursday-^7 to 9 tvqrkera .'. exempt? : Conclusion:, p. m. - : - ; .: -.-.••••.- : .'---.--:«. '-. Piiik : kasiinilationism differ^t'JXO Sunday-—11 a. m. to 1 p. m. "moraTTbr InteTlectuaT "vrhit from Almost 100% Enrollment Daily—12:30 to 1:45 p. m. and the other kinds; It is politically of Yeshiva and Talmud 5:30 to 6:30 p.* m. Selicow is general chairman^ of the affair. " Goldfaden based this operetta on the ill-fated rebellion of Bar

: iFrohnv treasurer: Leonard K«r- ..It is estimated that about 1,600 j witz. Warden; and Stanley Levin, i have been taken to Dachau. Two | : o f • : Guardian. these died en route of censes!; Trustees for the year are Al-! unknown. They were Dr. Lilien- , •* • fred Frank, Jack G. Epstein, and \ feld and Dr. Paul -Sch«?tt. a denT w o Dr. John A. Ryan Salewin Michnicfc. It i s t nr.ndred others hare Boris Korney," Hymen Shrier, I been . e c t - t o Bremn to do forced C c f k tion banquet, which is scheduled to be held on Monday evening, ! Carl Lagman, Sam Zacharia. and | labor on a canal project. The July A, a t the Hotel Dulutb, Da- ! Rueben Bordy were all named to ; number sen. to SUyna is no, ' the executive committee, of the , known mu n, is estimated that luth, Minn. Lod about 150 of the younger Jews r\ IF Dr. Ryan is one of the fore-' s re-. Cohen last year served as taken M into custody have been most and best known lP»f?Pr<: I among Catholics and liberals in ! "ce-president of the lodge. He fcseiu .here , or . pick and shovel Of America and in Europe. He has h a s a l s ° b e e n a trustee and a , jobs. for many years-been recognized 1 members of -the executive corxi-, All who were arrested were as an outstanding leader In the | mittee. • A national officer of the | cross-examined regarcmg earncause of religious freedom the I Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity^ Mr. j ings. opportunities for _ gomg unr world over • His appearance be- j Cohen is the fraternity s Region al ; abroad, citizenship, political affore the B'nai B'rith Convention i advisor. He is a member of the j filiations, income tax violations cf exfor District No. 6 is an occasion ! e x e c u t i v e committee of the Jew- -and * -violations - - - - - -foreign • change regulations. The charges of unusual-importance. . j ish Community Center.

Dr.- Ryan first served as pro- ' fessor of :political science at the Catholic university where he was professor of moral theology and industrial ethics from 1916 to .19&7, "and where he-is now pro-' fessar of social ethics; aiso as

"professor of economics at Trinity i college in 1915-1923, becoming! professor of political science there in 1925 and jjointly with y th

against none were made public. Those who were released are said to have been forced to sign a statement agreeing to emigrate in | from 10 days to three months, i Meanwhile, the official Keichges-




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' etzblett announced the co-orrlinar tion of the Austrian, civil service ' with that of Germany .End the complete elimination ot Jewish, partly Jewish and "political!;" unI reliable" persons.

airf-morally.- futile. '-.' . •'•' Torah Students ' Physical Education Director these posts has filled the chair Do you need the proof? Who : of ethics at the National Catholic else, beside the Labor '.Committee Prague (WNS)—Thousands of Lee Grossman also announced School of Social Service since Those Interested In. Camp j Berlin CWNS) — Seventy-sis ' fulminates to the tune of a col- Jews in all parts of * the country, that the summer gymnasium Akiba Invited .to j Jews are under arrest here after 1922. " umn and three quarters In the Including hundreds, of Talmud classes will be held for matron police raided four popular " Attend. ' ! the His first published work, "A Times against the Congress7 The Torah pupils, yeshiva students women on Mondays, Wednesday Kurfuerst.endE.mra csfes popularrabbi of the Temple Emanu,-el. and school children and not a few and Fridays, starting at 10:30 a. Living" Wage, Its Ethical and A "Camp Round-up" will be ized'chiefly by Jews and took inMr. Vladeck and Dr. Goldenson men, p£(st '60 .are rushing .to sign m. and consisting chiefly of vol- i Economic Aspects," (190S, reto custody S50 persons, among are bed-fellows at last. The lamb u^'for. the Czechoslovak defense leyball" play, and will also be held vised and abridged in 1920) was held on Sunday, June 12. at 2:SO whom were ."3 0 Jews- All were in the gymnasium of the Jewish | "K'hora were 33G Jews- All were ri ' directed toward popularizing the daily for health club members and the lion, labor and capital services. Reports from Carpatho.are' lying down together. Touch- Russia _ state that in virtually daily at- 12:30 during the noon views of Pope Leo XIII contained Community Center for all past I later released except the T6 on 1 . 1 person "incriminating ma- pIng sight! The thing doesn't sur- ..every Hebrew school sind yeshiva hour, also for volleyball activity. in his encyclical on the Condition campers and those interested in.! whose r Also, when the gym is not in of Labor issued in 1S91. In it coming this year to Camp Akiba, terial" is said to hsre been found. p-sprise me. Who Is so blind as there is a. 100 per cent record of the summer home camp. The Propegacda Ministtry said r A not hy this time to .see that so- enrollment in military service of use by either of the^ above classes, Dr. Ryan initiated the first systeTh n of of the the li'vine livinR ii - e "Round-Up" will be opea ; the police were looking for dope called Capitalism and so-called one kind or another. ' One Jew t will be available^for individual matic discussion from five to j traffickers" but it is belierpf] ]c-t wage question in the United i t 0 a 1 1 b°J"sa n d Socialism have come to be tarred Of 65, Mendel Frielich, has also workouts at all hours. fourteen years of age. Featuring .that the real reason for the raids States and the book has since ft •with the same materialistic brush volunteered. In addition to those S will be games, : was a periodic - J : - checkup - - - - - fo*-see been the standard work on the the afternoon and "want the same materialistic signing up for one kind' of servsongs, and dances. All the conn- whether Aryans were consorting subject. , aims with a mere shifting of the ice or another large numbers of with Jews. Dr. Ryan Is the pioneer adro- s e l ! o r s ° f t h e c a m P w i u b e o n ultimate beneficiaries? Jews living near the German and h a n d t o m e e t cate of minimum-wage legislation i the-children. Par, Of course, Dr. Goldenson's ar- Hungarian frontiers are being in the United States a n d ' w r o t e i . e n t s h a v e a l s o b e e n i n v i t e d t 0 a t - | guments are different. According employed in- th& construction of the r Minnesota minimum wac-e \ t e n d . ! to him Hitler discovered the fact new fortifications. law. He has consistently de- ! W o r k d o n e a t Previous sessions , that , the J e ^ s are^an ethnic tr Meanwhile, well-informed Jew r fended the right of labor "to or- o £ Camp Akiba will be on exhibit. | . group. Hence if the^Jews unite Tlie stanlze and h a s favored the pub"Round-Up" is preliinin-1 In their own defense other people ish quarters reported that a mass lie control of monopolies and I-"*" t o t h e opening of ramp on j might be tempted, to agree with exodus of Jews from the Sudeten Warsaw (JTA) — Three new Utilities and the formation of co-1 J U P e 2 0 - Everything possible is V Hitler and the- fat, so to speak, (Na"zl) areas is regarded as a OIU. make tnis year's> •would be in-the fire. Sancta Sim- definite possibility after the pro-anti-Jewish bills will he intro- operative societies with labor \ _J}&better' tothan even those of j Kingston CHr Council has i;nanpllcltas! : Is Dr. Goldenson really mulgation of the new nationality duced at the extraordinary parlia- sharing in their management, past years. j imously adopted s resolution. taken in by this childish non- statute, vwhich is to grant the ment-session opening June 10, Drofits-and ownership. He would Camp Akiba's outstanding fea- which will prevent the Canadian the National Radical organ, ABC, Sudeten 'Germans complete auhavea system, of industrial desense? Doesn't he know that • a u s t .r- ^ ^ ture is the opportunity its affords Nazis from every child in Christendom who tonomy in all matters except for- reported. They, will cover revi- mocracy established -which would to children for personal develop- | convention here. The resolution J f sion of citizenship, forbid changes eign affairs and national deinterest the worker In his work. has ever had any religious in'That no city building, proment A trained personnel struction knows tha'j the Old fense. The • statute is said' to in names and provide for. non- restrict interest to a rate suf•"" t e t be £V"arded for indu^ i n v ^ t ^ n l ^ !-Utf are In charge of the camp. | P « t r o r Parks Testament contains the history of oblijge the Sudetens to recognize recognition of diplomas from for- fl5«Tt« the use of the alleged Fascist eign universities. According to award the surplus gains of indns! Special attention is devoted to • * a people, of an ethnic group, of the equal rights of non-Nazi mi! Convention on June ?0 p.vsl that which the living Jews are the norities in their district, but in the procedure of the Sejm (cham- try to the nrortufprob *»t nh*v. m l ™ health needs. " ^ Rates are ?21 for Cent^iaem- ; the poJire commisisoners be redescendants? No o n e except view of the inevitable friction to ber of deputies) the bills cannot e l r n e r 3 a n d w ° d r o off "A A Better Better ifor frightened Jewsr—lions of Judah he expected .it is bfclieved likely be read before the next ordinary be. issued IT? for a parade He-is'the.author" ? ! - ^ eight , ! «weelc i - campinfe ^ ^ per^ i ITttlf ^ ^ ° to ^ Tsaid ^ ^ -P Economic Order." "The Church iod. !the in asses' skins—has ever doubted that steps will be ^aken to 'fur-session. ' -Mrs. Sam Wolf is-chairinan I parties holding the convention." , F . ther the emigration of Jews from The Polish Physician's Union, and the Citizen," and a dozen or • that the Jews are an • ethnic the Sudeten districts. The na-which' recently introduced the so other books of social and eco-of the Camp committee. . ] Twenty-five- professors t a r e issilgroup.. That Hitler in his exces- tionality law'will also grant au- "Aryan clause" in its. by-laws nomic import. Registrations racst be made i d - | ed a protest against the Coaveno 1 sive ambivalence and neurotic tonomy to the Jewish minority, barring Jews as members, petitic Dr. Ryan holds the degree of Eiediate^y - t the Ce-ter; self - exculpatory , n e c h a n i s m especially in Carpatho - Russia tioned the minister of welfare to damns HB is not pertinent. to where the Jewish population lives empower the union to ban further DD from the Catholic University Split KecMf^s Fascist of America (1906) and the hontruth .or fact. To be sure, if mud in compact groups. , Montreal (JTA> — One of the is admissions of Jews to medical orary degrees of LLD from the 1 I111; 4 U results of the split In ths XEitionenough is flung.some will stick. University of Notre Dame (1917) practice'. The Rozwb, Czech-Jewish pa~ n r r » f [ - r » ' ^ ' f - t ; ' " * jtl Social ChrlstisTi Parly here is But the adage does not say it will and Seton Hill college (1923) T •' j 'I > "'"• ^y ' ^ that estimates of its membership sink into the soul of the person per, created a stir here by pubarid Litt.. D. from the National i.^.L-....!.^ * " ' " • ' " " ' t are being drastically revised at whom, it Is flung. That Is the lishing an article charging that University of Ireland (1930). He .the anti-Jewish agitation in rej downwards. In a prodsmatson f— i Jewish tragedy. was named a Domestic Prelate to "Copenhagen (JTA)—A sensa-jsued by the dissident croup that Dr. Goldenson goes to Incredi- actionary Czech quarters is being His Holiness, .Pope Pins XI with ble lengths. He speaks of "the promoted by Czechs in the Unitthe title of Right Reverend Mon- tional renunciation of Nazism arid! followed Dr. J. G. Lcmbert cut anti-Semitism was issued to the of the Fr.KC.ist very, real unity that now'exists ed States. The principal instrusignor in the fall of 1933. press by Captain C. Lemboke, the membership cf the part? in among us." He must have news ment of this agitation was the founder of the first Danish Nazi Quebec is. placed at I SCO. in which the rest of us have riot yet Czesko Wlzwa, a newspaper retired from sham contrast to the finnre of heard. Where is the unity of which has now been suppressed. party in political life in 1934 after serv- 15.COO cr more which the F£!= Israel? Where is the unity of Anti-Nazi German- groups here Cape Town, (WNS) — Comhave protested to.the minister of i j gror.p esdea by Acns-n Arcane! ing a five-month sentence for inAmerican Jewry? . Nothing is so plete Urban returns in South Afsuiting Prime Minister. Theodor jfcs,sal ays put I6rT:,-rfl ES its contemptible about us as: our education against repeated anti- rica's general parliamentary elec: Stanninj-. . I i> a ^ u disunity.in the fact of nnpara- Semitic incidents at the German tion show that Dr. D. F. Malan's" university here where anti-Jewlelled disaster. And any agency AnnotEnclag his return to poanti-Semitic Nationalist Party that' seeks to lift from us that ish pamphlets are: being distrib- was swamped by the United ParThe B'nai-Abraham will hold a litical activity, Captain Lembcko T' uted openly during lectures. contemptibleness and that shamet e i r famfam declared: "I sincerely deplore m> ty of Prime Minister J. B. M. picnic for members,, their is,1 in so' far forth, a good and ili andd friends fi on. Sunday, June j former support cf sac'a German Hertzbg and Vice-Prime Minister ilies.; At theend. of the thirteenth just and righteous tiling. I shall Jan Christian.Smuts, the Nation- 26, at Plamore park. Gaiaeg and things as Nazism and such, absur not vie with Dr. Goldenson in a century in Italy, a Jew leaving a alists failing to win "single seat. refreshments are on tthe program, j dities as Jewish- persecution. IIti p g T - surreptitious; appeal to the Gen-city had to announce his inten- It is expected, however, that MalThe committee in charge in- is unworthy and nnchivslrcns for ' tile^ world. . B u t I could make a tions in the synagogue so that his an will win ten seats after the re- cludes Goodman Meverson, Ben the Danish nation to attack r I - stronger : ; appeal tha?. he.,could fcreditors could present their turns from the rural areas are in. Martin -and"Harry Dworsky. Leib weak people." Ke concluded fcr, * make; He makes his appeal in claims. . Among t-he winning candidates Wolfson is head of the organiza- apologisiag both to the Danish [ the name- of "our fancied1 total and the Jewish peo pie, pror in the urban districts were sis tion. identity with others, in the: name Ingratitud? over half the earth Jews, including one woman. Berto fight tils -"confusion -of E S - | O - ^ of a religious differentiation only and now gathering our moral tha Solomon, the first / Jewess S e i z e s K o r n g o l d ' s E s t a t e . tional cosseiotisaess." which every sane Ge itile knows power as a people in our'(mini- elected to the South African parlnot to be; the crucial differentia- mum' defense and. in an -ultimate iament. Other successful. Jewish ~ Praha (JTA)—The estate near Kit tion. I and" those like me!:iriJght united'ery for justice to what re- candidate were Dr. itenrj' Gluek- Gounden, Upper Austria, 'oi Erich (JTA) rvere cc - make another appeal: On themains of Christerilom. man and Morris Kentridge of Wolfgang ' roa Kornx-c the d e ground at our worth as/Jew3, aB And I wonder which appeal the Johannesburg and Albert Fried- Jewish composer, is now liv- against Jewish "WOT'EETS in Gsr- "•<: members of the Jewish people, gallant and high-minded and just lander and Morris Alexander of ing in the United' States, lias maii}- and- other countries, i -CapeTown, all of the United Par- been, confiscated, according to the! voiced in a resolution istroduceu unjustly persecuted, giving our Gentile would heed? utmost to the .worlds we .live in (Copyright, 193S, by Seven Arts ty, and Abraham Goldberg of newspaper Linzer Volksb'att of J at the 2 4th session of tit? Inter-, Durban, of the Dominion Party. Lins,- Austria. and yet' repudiated with basest Feature Syndicate) national L<a»tor Conference.

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in lusty fashion to pull near the man, Irvin Malashoek, and Mil- (.after eating, cramps may result. I Times 2. You should reaiejiber - that j : leader. Meanwhile, Fiedler Was ton Konecky. (More players will be added to • if you swim out into deep water j losing pounds like an expert loses i t o A vou must return , the same dist- i money at Ak-Sar-Ben race track, each team by Sunday.) W i ance to shore. You will be more j J e r u s E l e m (TCXS-Palcor Agen-! by working like a trojan at the tired coming back, you sliouid . c y ) _ v i o i e n t oppositions to the! volleyball and softball games. All keep this in mmd and start back ; p r o p o s a l o f E m i r A b f i n I I a h for t, i - Tor'fc' I'JTA)—Within the five wpre battling for the use of in plenty of time. of the immipraUon quota, the steam room, the room hardly United States of Palestine and nifecl States "can still set being big enough to hold more 3. Before diving into v.nknown Transjordan in which Jews would \ tfee than one of THESE individuals •water, you should find out how be given administrative authoritv i individuals free and strengthen at the same flme. deep it is and whether it is free within special areas under a fed-! our own civilisation," declares from submerged rocks or other ! the Kev Tori'. Times in en ediers government v-'ss voicea By Lee Grossman obstacles. If a place is not mark- all In the softbaH league, those Arabic newspapers in editorial ! torici on the "niveroity In Exile. J. C. C. Physical ^Education ed as safe for diving, investigate denunciation of the scheme that i The ef-UoHRi srki: "We no Milder Oils are still flowing along carefully before doing any div- has been submitted to London by ' longer open our petes RT v,-e'did . ... Director at red-hot clip. They won their / in former times to mass?' migrafourth straight game Sunday, With the approach of summer, ing. I the Moslem sovereign. thus keeping'their records clear I believe it important to answer 4. Eo not overestimate your Arabs will continue their un- tions. Buis Islf-ncl if nevr 8 "port EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is tho immediate entrance to Paradise m creating enough disturbance for the season, at the expense of those few people who still ask swimming ability, especially at alterable opposition to the pres- of ceperturp rr.Uicr itep. of enlast of three articles on Pales- and panic in the city to force the if they are killed, and with doses much-improved Sigma Alpha I "Why swim?" Here are some of i the beginning of the season when ent administration until there is try. But within tfafi quota limits tine by Mr. Slobodin, Jewish Government, to impose curfew, of the drug ha'shish, which dulls the Mu Alumni, the score being 10 to the outstanding reasons. The in- j you are not in your best physical a complete stoppage of Jewish vre can still set snclivirU'.aifi fre* • Telegraphic Agency correspbn. : 'his measure,- although It makes fear. > 7. dividual should know how to [shape. Overenthusiasm is often immigration and until there is and strengthen our CT,T. cf.viliza» ' dent In Palestine, who is con* Furthermore a large supply of loliclng much easier and unAnd those fighting A. 2. A. 100 swim, or • swimming will not a t - | fatal. recognition of the fact that Jews tion." Tlnced after an intensive sixloubtedly spares lives, is an af- prospective recruits has just be- kids were pulling up into second tract him for a great length of i _ not swim in r e m o t e must eternally remain a minority ' —— month survey that the land Hction to the Jews and -not to come available , for the Arab place with something, that resem- time. The better he swims, the ; i 5 D. o p aces in Palestine, the Ars.b organs as- • fH!pT'f-^»~ti!'V".-Ti vipiV*« that cradled three great relighe Arabs. It is the Arab habit to. bands. -With the end of the cit- bled a .startling ipset. They j 6. 6. Do E_ not, it __ you .are . . . a beginions la on the brink of Its great:lose up shop and retire home rus season, thousands ' of Arabs dumped the Adler Delicatessens more swimming he will do. FORM COMPANY est outbreak of violence in Swimming is undoubtedly one jn e r > try long distance who had been employed in that arly In the evening. To the Jews, all over the lot ia pounding out a yeai-si - • of *the greatest exercises in the , alone, always be accompanied by m the other hand, the early industry now have little or noth- 12- to 4 triumph. Decree Exempts I 'LOTH!or-. CU'NP) - To promote -world.' it brings into play every | a strong swimmer. If you are Ignt nouro arc Important for ing to do. If they join the bands, J e w s new commercial enterprises- In The third game found the Almuscle in the body. It is a great I swimming a long distance in Jerusalem, —The British Com- lusiness, amusement and social they have the prospect of summer Berlin (Tv'XS)—Gener&l Goer- - Palestine and elsewhere commltmission led by Sir John Wood- ictivities, Shops- are busy, thea- employment, free rations and the pha Pi TaUS. getting a tie for I conditioner for the whole body. I large body of -water, -whether you ing's decree ordering all Jews of . ted to the observance of the lawa third position with a rousing 10 las the muscles of the neck, chest, |a r e a beginner or an expert, you head, dispatched to Palestine to xes and cafes are crowded, even approval of patriotic Arabs. to 5 triumph over the faltering j trunk, legs and arms are all used ; should be accompanied by sorae- whatever nationality to register ! of the Torah and the employment Unprecedented Bloodshed . study the question of partition- tffices, wholesale establishments property holdings in Germany and ' of Sabbath observers, a .group of in this great sport. - This causes io n e j n a boat. ing the country between Jews ind some banks are open for busThe relation between terrorism A. Z. A. 1. outfit. It was Sol Yaffe of the losing | symmetrical development of the; 7_ I t l s u n w i s e f o r beginning Austria does not apply to Italian, !| Orthodox. .Jews here organized and Arabs,"- found this Holy City nesa. Every night of curfew and the citrus season Is a serious Jews, it was learned here. Italian Kaosar, .Ltd., with, a paid up cap; swimmers to use inflated rubber already effectively partitioned by ipells loss and hardship to the matter, particularly at this mom-" Sigma Alpha Mas who provided I entire body. Jews are exempt from the decree ' i'R-1 of $15,000. Dr. A. Pacific!, r one of the big features of last Swimming is a normalizing ex\ i y apparatus," such as tire tubes lines drawn In crimson. p a ent. The past winter of bloodshed ewish Community. bcause of a special clause in the former president of the Italian Sunday's program. He of the foLTcise. By this I mean that it | and water wing-s. If they should was Unprecedented. It was the Ever sinco the outbreak of the recently signed Italo-German ac-' Zionist Organization, is manager first .time the guerrilla bands had iaged chest, cracked.out two re- as a tendency to make the in- break or leak, the result might cores. Arab revolt with riots In Jaffa, ' ' j of the firm. Other directors are lividual w h a t he physically Haifa prove fatal. mustered such manpower during sounding home runs, thus keepApril 19, 1936, when twenty-one . -_ K, A, Goor.m.f;r, prtd I). DuchinSammies in * the thick -< of The'same considerations which the rainy season and in competi- Ing ' " " +the " " <=-.—«-.•<>-= -^-i> should be. If he «'s too stoat it Jews were killed,: the two peo8. Do not call for help unless Jews were forbidden In i r C l i ^ y . will help make him thin, if he is you are actually ia trouble. Do ples In.Palestine have been liv- ixpoae Jerusalem 1 to the danger tion with the possibilities of em- the fight most of the way. Johnny Rosenblatt, who's been thin it should help build him up.. not be timid about calling for as- by Alfonso X to beautify syna- | ing and working apart from each if a Wave of terror operate.in the ployment In the orange groves. Patronize Our .Vdrertisera The ability to swim will in- sistance whenever you are in need gogues. The Arab revolt began in 1936 hanging around! baseball diaother. This Is particularly notice- ;ase of Haifa except, of • course, able in the severance of relation- hat the eyes of the world are not at the end of the citrus season. monds long enough to run around 'rease the self-confidence cf the- of it. ship between. the Jewish city of urned toward Palestine's princi- The' general strike which started the sacks blindfolded, hit a home ndividual. The spirit" of accom- ' 9. Do not take "dares" while Tel Aviv and the Arab city of al seaport as they are toward at the same time was called off run for the Milder Oils. But plishment is an incentive that in swimming. makes the swimmer wish to sucJohnny of all things, forgot to he Holy City. There is the .same at the beginning of the following Jaffa, which, actually are geo10. Do^not lie in the sun and ET graphically one continuous muni- ossiblity of attacking l a r g e citrus season, and the terrorism touch third base! So his home ceed In other activities. To be try to acquire a quick tan; such .ble to swim is to be able to have cipal-area. I t is also * strikingly irowds of Jews with a good died down for the-winter. Be- run didn't count, though he did a practice usually results in a un in the water. evidenced, in a different form, In hance of escape, and the some- tween April, 19S6, and the end of get credit for a two-base hit. . painful sunburn and has even On of the features of the A. Z. the two large mixed cities, Jer- what lesser possibility of forcing September, 1936, ninety-seven Swimming is an unusually in-1 caused death. Do not sleep in prices in history- o r F.'JUC'i C, AUTOMATIC usalem and Haifa. declaration of curfew which Jews were killed. Prom October, A. 100 victory over the Adlers Testing hobby. Time which the sun; you might oversleep and ©EL EUKIMCK. was Norman Kuklin's home run 1936 to the end of April, 1937. hurts the Jews more than the might be taken up in learning- "wake up a cinder." There ia still, naturally, ft great fifteen Jews were killed. From with the sacks choked. ••'••. hings that are usele^ or even deal of intercourse, particularly .rabs, 11. Do not push people into ! in addition there Is the fact ^pril, 1937, until the end of Sep- And it was a striring five-run ietrimental or immoral ^ can be the water; they may not be atle | ins,;a« 1B in business, since it-is impossible rally by the Alpha PI Taus in the tember, 1937, seven Jews were ised very profitably in learning to swim. for the two major component hat Haifa is a great commercial last inning that gave the A. P. killed. But last winter, from Oco swim and in. enjoying the great parts of the populace to cut .them- and industrial center where' the 12. You have no business in a , rU W selves off from one another com- argest non-Jewish foreign bus- tober to April 19, 1938. second X.'s their 10-5 victory over the >ut-of-doors. small boat alone i£ you cannot , 2111 pletely. In some rural districts, ness interests are concentrated. anniversary of the revolt, fifty- A.Z. A. l's, who made a spirited The use that can be made of swim. However, when you get fairly close and even friendly t is conceivable that the terror- five Jews were killed. This tempo showing after their listless .effort ;wimming in dangerous situa- into a boat, whether or not you cooperation has continued, and in sts figure on forcing these inter- of murder during the rainy sea- of the previous week. The Pi Taus lons should, in itself compensate are a swimmer; step directly irto the cities there is •& good deal ests, for their own protection, to son helps to complete the omin- hopped on Morrie Adler in the fi- 'or the effort and time put forth the center cf it. Sit down ar.i more of H than appear on the press the British Government for ous picture of what may happen nal frame for a deluge of base n learning how to swim. It has remain seated. Tv'hen getting cut knocks that broke up a sweet >een estimated that at least 9 0 of the boat, take hold of both *i* f> surface. Still, the division is wide oncessions to the Arabs', in the during the coming summer. hurling duel between Adler and >er cent of the annual water fa- •sides and walk in the center sc enough, to have cost incalculable hope of avoiding trouble and THE END- • Phil Katzman, the latter reliev- alitles are the direct result of as not to tip it. If the boat should , oss. Since Haifa: is a British naveconomic loss to both sides. ing Herb Marks to get credit for he fact that the highly- educated capsize or tip over,- stay with the j al port, the terrorists may also iz Where Qmahjz Shop;: with CovfkZeme Separation ' the victory. The fraternity men is well as the uneducated, the boat. ! Last October, when mett'"were be presumed to have in mind a included some thwacking home •ich as well as the poor, are total13. Do not be just an average j being shot down in broad day- similar direct pressure on Great. runs by Marshall Geller and Aar- ly ignorant of correct water con- swimmer; take some instructions j light on the main thoroughfares Britain, which would be botheron Epstein. duct and are not aware of safety and become a good swimmer. All : of Jerusalem, the separation here d by an interruption of the city's By LEE GROSSMAN recautions that need to be ad- swimmers should take instruc-1 becomes almost complete. Jews business, even without direct atHere are the standings: tack on British lives or property. hered to if water accidents are tions in life saving. A good swimmoved out of homes and shops in W Tel Aviv, the all-Jewish city, to be avoided. mer is not necessarily a good life Arab Quarters. Arabs avoided 4' Folks, you've heard of the Milder Oils I have prepared a few simple saver. j talking in Jewish streets. Arab as grown so large that It may 3 14. If you should get into i and Jewish traffic chose rounda- be considered safe from any ser- Kentucky Derby, Al Smith's Der- A. Z. A . 1 0 0 ' : •' •afety hints for study and cou2 bount routes to , avoid hostile ous terrorist inroad, although by, and the Brown Derby —• all Alpha Pi Tau ideration. My hope is that, if an trouble while in the water, keep I 2 but Adler Delicatessen neighborhoods. Jaffa Road, in Its there-is. always the possibility of different kinds of derbies >pportunity presents itself, some cool, try to float, tread water, or j 1 first half-mile from the. gate of some drug and religion-inflamed so far you haven't heard the best A. Z. A. 1 •eader of this article will be able keep younlegs moving, and yoi.r j Sigma Alpha Mu Alumni 0 the Old City, became completely ndlvldual' carrying out a" Violent derby. o save a life or prevent Someone arras under water. All the while, Sunday's games, which start at mission.-.There is, a danger zone And H'B a dandy. Listen: It's Arab, and from there on comelse from having a serious water think clearly about what you 11 a. m. are as follows. where-streets run into Arab Jaffa the Weight Derby, and if it isn't should do. pletely Jewish. - " ' . • • - • . . . accident: West Elmwood -— Milder Oils 15. When you go bathing or 1. Wait at least one hour after •Recently this, situation.had-, eas- and at these points, there have something new,- we'll eat your vs. Adler Delicatessens. eating before you go swimming. swimming, be your own lite ed very slightly.. Jews, ventured been bombings during the past hat; derby, silk top, or yamolke. Columbia Park — A. Z. A. 100 If possible you shall wait even guard by applying th-se safety again into the Arab parts of the months, and frequent" cases of ar-. ' The weight derby has the enonger. If, you swim too soon rules. town and red tarboushes could be son, one or two resulting in costly tire Jewish Community Center vs. A. Z. A. 1. Dk-wey P a r t Alpha Pi Tau •;--• • •". •:• - ••-••-•• -.--' -• •-•-.. agog— but it's going to have five seen at least in the princpal. f i r e s . There are also Jewish neigh- certain individual— and I should vs. Sigma Alpha Mu. Jewish streets and even occasionally in Jewish cafes. Butin_ the bqrboods In Jaffa, which are dan- add, PLUMP individuals — in a The junior softball league, sponipast few .days the bombs have ger points, as the the Jewish com- worse condition than that. Right now those five individ- sored by the A. Z. A. No. 1 has been exploding once more in the munities in'Arab towns such as uals are the cousins, Jack and been organized with four crack Holy City, and the ^ tentative Safed. Sidney Epstein, Al Fiedler, Elmer teams in the fold. They are the Dangers in Colonies mingling has stopped abruptly Greenberg, and Harol Pollack', Giants, Yanks, Tigers, and Cards. 4-Thread It Is in the Jewish colonies, If the terrorism'increases, Jer- which lie principally In the coun- and we say "right now" because TJie league gets under way Sunusalem may be one of the places tryside south.of Jaffa, in the Vale later on, they won't look, like day at 2 *p. m. and games will be 3 Pr. for $3.60 played at the Central high school •worst hit. There are several rea- of Sharon along the northern: sea- the' same guys. playground. Here is the person• Now these five extremeists have coast, in the -Valley of. Esdraelon nel of the various teams: B ° First, there isv the moral and stretching east from Haifa tow- plunged into what they call the Giants —- Don Rice, Bernard propagandist effect of distur- ard the River Jordan, in the area Weight derby — and it's a three- Woolfson, Practical, beautiful, Duncan, Eugene bances in this city. Tbe_name Jer- of Jewish settlement along the buck plunge anyway you Io6k at Donaldson, Arnie Iz Friedman, Calvin usalem is revered by half the northern and eastern frontier and it. And without hashing about economical, Knee-world. A sensational event is In the region of Lake Tiberias, any more, we'll give you the low- Briet, Eugene Simon, and Seaman Peltz. down. . , magnified, many-fold in import- that the real battles will be issi stoclcincfs ^are a Yanks — Lynn Stalmaster, DaThese five have each chipped ance if-it takes place here. The fought, as they have been for two vid Rice, Gerald Cohen, Marvin $3 into a pool. And at the end of terrorists have an eye for public- years. , tribute to your good Zernoysky, Don Duncan, Philip ity. That, does not mean, as is In' these regions the terrorists a designated time, the $15 will Weis, Nathan Meiches, and Abe go to the individual who has takfreauently asserted, that if Pal- are trying to prove that no peace judgment By elimBaum. the. most weight. estine received no attention in can be enforced in any part of en off 1 . Tigers — Ervin Colton, Phil 1 At the auarter pole, it's Polthe world press, ;the terrorism Palestine occupied, by Jews, and Herb Dolgoff, Dick Saggau, •would die out. Such a misconcep- that It is futile for the boundar- lack leading by the fat off his Fox, the kneelast iecture protects against'iatigue, tion Is akin to the one that wlth- ies commission to draw'a line In- protruding belly. But the rest of Ervin White, Ben Rifkin, Marvin drawal of foreign financial sup- tended to keep the two. peoples the pack is in hot pursuit. The Richards, and Sam Cohn. Myer Halperin, ErCards Epstein cuj away at Pollack's discomfort and garter runs. Three proporport would end Arab nationalism, apart. ' > . lead in the handball court, while vin Wltkin, Seltvin Roffman, Bud and 1B based, on a grave underestioned lengths, assure flawless lit. The crystal timation of the movement. , The Jewish settlements are onGreenberg also swatted the pill Gaskill, Marvin Fox, Harry FellA second reason why Jerusalem watch day and night against atclear dull crepe iesdure is snag-resistent- SparH e carries many malces- and inosleSs, And his iJsie". is a plain target for terrorism is tacks. The cost of this perpetual that there is a big Jewish popu- guard is a tremendous drain on Ming new Spring colors. , ' •: •; pa>tnent terms will-please you. So see your FORD lation, particularly vulnerable to the purse of the Jewish National attack. Every evening Jaffa Road, Home. And still there Ts always DEALER soon! • Ben yehuda Street. ..and .- King the danger to individuals of small George Avenue are crowded with groups working in the fields, & RICGES Renewed promenaders.- A bomb can wreak driving along the roads. There 13 Only Ford Dealers i strict foeJery spe . awful havoc.'Even in the newer no way of avoiding this danger •s*tl " R & G " parts of,the city, there are many without tampering the settlers' ^ens, ossd Gtiorenta • VSZ3 CARS ,back,alleys and courtyards offer- work. Is is against . them that 11 ing a getaway. The ease • with deadly attacks in the countryside iU'Jili which an assassin can escape is will be made as theyhave been in YQIS proved by tne almost complete the past, but, it is to be feared, lack of arrests for actual killings more frequently in the future. In' Jerusalem, far less even than The fact that their prospective the.small proportion in the Test victims are armed and on watch J of the country. means little to the terrorists, who : set out on their deadly errands Curfew YOUR'PRESENT CAR WILL PROBFinally, and most important, inflamed avith patriotism, with the terro:1sts can always coun religious fervor, with the hope of ABLY SERVE AS THE DOWN P&T-

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ris Rotbenberg tells us he's get- German liners Europu and Ere-j hallowed dignity of labor. So the ^,i, ^~« ting a great kick out of his job j men supply kosher food for them | little family, consisting of Her-' on the bench . . . Some day your as wants it . They are each Eclvrarc! . correspondent hopes to pop in on said to average 40 Jewish pas- man „' and Josephine Endsubsisted nd his two sisters, ' him to see what he looks like in sengers every trip . . . variously on what Bromberg j,erethe black robes of justice and to ! was able to provide ihror.gb odd see-the ex-ZOA president in ac- j (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- j jobs, and more substantially on tion . . . The Judge tells a lot of graphic Agency, lac.) ; what Bromberg mere provided as good stories about the cases that ; purveyor of fancy needlework. come before him , . . Counsel for } After graduation from Public m,,mmm' a colored culprit, he relates, had "'School No. 10 in the Bronx and just concluded summation of his • Stuyvesant High school, he spent client's case, winding up with the L _u two years at C. C. X. Y. before ' usual motion to have it dismissed i getting out into the world to earn . . . When the defendant chimed | j his livelihood. Tbe first eight "Jedge, ah seconds the mo-1 this apparent betrayal by a peo-in, | years as a breadwinner be spent ! ple of their own souls seems in- tion" . . . By DICK CHASE : as a silk salesman, candy Bacu- • conceivable, a kind of nightmare, i facturer and laundry worker. CHTJTZPEH NOTE: There is, | | tragedy penned by some morbid Slay in his most sardonic mood. of course, no limit to the incon-1 BROADWAY PLAY MAN — With each succeeding job his fiis:ies and -stupidities of the j The play was "Ici On Parle Fran-: taste for this kind of work deepT>efeat, perhaps, one could under- sistencies stand; after all, it was eight mil- Nazis - - whether in Germany or j cais." The time, Christinas Eve, ened, an d his desire to become. . We give j IS or 20 years ago. The troupe, an actor crystallized into a firm lion against seventy and among in the United States


Hollywood Merry-Go-Round

(The - following Is the first for my name," and rushed out ol five articles oa the Austrian leaving her cup half full. ' situation Ky " a well-known The other- instance was even American' newspaperman who more incredible. A girl caught witnessed - the seizure of Aus- making a purchase in a Jewish tria and subsequent develop- | shop had placed in a store ments there.) '•' window, a been sign around her neck. She was frightened and humili. The story is told of a man who ated, but more than either,, she the eight, several millions thementers a tobacco shop on a Berlin was angry. "I bought the Jew's selves were Nazis. What amazes aide .street and finds a little girl- hat because it was two shillings j the outsider is not the surrender behind, the" counteT. Punctilious-j cheaper," she howled, "and if my but its completeness, morally and %







you this, however, as one that j members of a New York high ; resolve. For two years he studied just about takes the prize and j school. In a prologue, the hero j acting with the stage director. -, In Chi- ! of this episode appeared through ; Bulgakov, acd was finally releaves us speechless cago, Ken's editor, Arnold Ging-i the curtain barged as Santa j-warded with a small ps the • rich, was named in a warrant | Claus and proceeded to "bestow" j Provincetown Theater production -/*1f plfR a ! Aryan employer would pay me charging violation of the law pro- j upon the audience as a Christinas I of "Princess Turandot." This a week I Reality of Invasion brisk "Heil HitieTr!" anS extends more than 15 shillings : hibiting circulation of obscene gift the forthcoming perform- broke the ice for him. but not his. arm in the rNazi salute.- There- wouldn't hav.e . to buy from It is less unreal te. those who literature . . .Reference being to ance. The presentation was pret- deeply enough. He joined the : upon the little girl runs to; the Jews!" After a while a Brown j were on the spot. There was ty much a flop, however, for ; student group of Eva LeGalliback of-the shop, shouting excit- Shirt came and led her away. i.something very subsiantial about Santa Claus froze his lines and enne's Civic Repertory Group on edly, •i'Mother! Come quickly! i What happened to her I do not I the green hordes that began t o j viiri. wmen, lnciaemauy, clears the audience laughed him off the Fourteenth street. Then came ' u pa lo ulai Here's •there =Sn"Austrian!" ' other -.: ' hand, I have seen ! sweep across the border late Fri- . £ °* P°P : nusapprehea- stage. That was the first time J. the inevitable break which comes On the be.:"no-'mistake about know. proving a good a mother hold up her six-year old -d ^ i h t a n d i n t h e e a r l h o u r g sions jltT a e rthe e s .A.uatr'ian'ls . A about an ancient profession Edward Bromberg muffed his i to all men. and he grot the part. lines. The last time is a matter: That started five unbroken Nazi, a' ; better Nazi perhaps than girl so that she could watch Jews of Saturday morning. There was ! fnd certainly performs a mentor- of bll c recent—but very recent—his- years of work with the Civic Repeven -the-Fuehrer could have cleaning spittoons in a cafe. I nothing unreal about the thous-! ed >?,»»the P umorals . service-. The plainof youth and "riditory. It was just the other late-; ertory and o t h e r legitimate hoped. He parades, he salutes, he know that one night in a cinema ands half^niformed Nazi i Wf, charging s a d article corrup,v<*^c ofwho w e r e careening, . , , and afternoon. Broinber.. stood face <groups, during which he appear- ! reads "Meln, Kampf," baits Jews a handful of ruffians started an through" Vienna's streets betore i«^!?,,_ rethe fPf :prostitute" ^ 1 .!,...T r .T en Tbe to face with Peter Lorre on a set \ ed in such plays as "Romeo and and names' his ; children Adolf. outcry against Jews, and among the despairing Schuschnigg, clos- glorifies being, as you might have on 20th Century-Fox's stage 8. jJuliet." "Tee House of CormelRe-, roars" "Sieg Heil" at march- the hundreds present not oneing his resignation broadcast plaintiff guessed, the German-American Bromberg with easy assurance; ly." "Night Over Taos." "1931," irig- Brown Shirts, calls Goering j voice rose in protest when the with a broken-hearted "God Pro- Bund . . . Which makes no bones strode into his lines, began to "Awake and Sinp." "Waiting for "Our Hermann" . and dutifully management stopped the picture, tect Austria." had time to step about selling, at every meeting berate Lcrre, whose makeup was Lefty," "Gold Eagrie Guy" and turned on the lights, and ordered back from the microphone. And leads "Der Stuermer" and Hitof its champions of "Aryan" nor- t h a t o f a n unkempt tramp garb- : finally, "Weep all Jews to leave. And I know there was something terribly real let's own ."Voelkischer Beobach: Julius Streic<ier's ' D e r je d i n a s o dden swallow-tail eve- ] one of the rare floppos in his ca- : y of an old man, not a Jew but a about Vienna's former Mayor be- ality. ter."• A weekly pub- ; ning suit several sizes extrava- reer. During the early part of ! Monarchist, who had to toil up ing forced to wash streets iu pub- Stuermer" ; Austria is,, if you please, £9.75 » « * * is almost never referred to i gant. The effect of Lorre's ap- his stage career, in 1P2T, Erom-', per. ceni- ; National Socialist :<see and jdown the steep embankment lei, abVuTm^n Hie CofoTel Adam, jjj wliich ; pearance so overpowered him he ,berg married Goldie Doberman, propaganda minister, Bar- j returns "for Greater Reich Plebis- of the'Danube canal- carrying formerT>rt+Ti «f iftrrrt^a n *~r- !i*n publications t h e world over | burst tnrough repressed laughter' a non-profession?.!. They pp.re nnfeti,i cite, April ID, 1938). And for the pails of water while hundreds of on Rothschild of legendary , ' - - — two children, >Iarcia, P. and Con- . and t eloquenil descrip_ j — y — — — — present^tv does not .make one * bit pedestrians crossed the bridge wealth 1 of difference whether ^it went overhead, seeing him and saying Hoyos, aristocrat and president l ^ . ^ l d , : ? . 0 ^ 0 ^ ^ W d president ^ ' ^ ? ; ! Walter Lang Joined fulsome* in rad, 7. Outside of the theater he , o n d e r if t b e s a c r i e d < < C i i t ! it has but two activities which come i Nazi because; of conviction, .op- not a word. At the elbow of the of t ch e F e„d,e(r«a„l »D i,et t ,toKi« c l e a u,•„ i u g„„<„.! l a t - !Jdiately °u"d*S«e " ,Eugene ,before .*• T Holland Wnn.Xt n f rChiM ^_ . - " ^;r, A,. J. of , ,,. Minimi old man, hurrying him along, was Q <T "I'll Give a Million" is J. Ed*-, close to., exciting him: Chesr is 1 portunism or compulsion. If rines or waiting at table in over- , cago was aware of that fact when ward Bromberg's 16th picture' his great passion, and he plays ; there is "any. opposition, it is no; a sixteen-year-old youngster with crowded prisons. And there wasl£f"! :„ V t h, o w a' " e ued f . " a n t on the since he deserted Broadway three whenever and wherever possib'e, ; more' : "Xh a h ..wishful thinking | the sign of supreme authority nothing mystic about the corpses j B£ M ^f d ! - his M= wife ^ f » and , n / khis i« complaint . . . nr •«,?„, Major ^ Fey, years ago to accept a 20th Cen-, reading every- book on the sub- ; Voiced' in secret corners or con-; upon him—the Nazi arm band. i of •son, which were found sprawling j tury-Fox contract as featured ject he can lay his hands on. He i tempiated ih-.the safety-of one's ; Txh _ r-hnnp-p : b Jin the living living joom j/iom of of their home, , SCENIC NOTE: Mrs. Belle player. At 34 he has played also is keenly intrested in the i bed while a huge-Swastika-pen- ' T_o , , " , in the nant flaps at the window. Such! foreigners who knew P r e - ! e x c e p t perhap*, the origin of the ! Lang, mother of the play-writing every' type of character in pic-' progressive movement, takes a ! opposition Is writ in water.' i| Anschluss Austria—the Austria bhniioto wh,»i i-niori them. them The Tho ! Belle Roiio and on/i Sam s-am (Boy <Rm> Meets Moote nii-n Girl) tures from gray-naired old scien- positive interest in Hollywood ; ufiets w h i c n killed <of gracious and tolerant Viennese newspapers say they were sui- j Spewack, is a mountain-lover . . tist to dashing young go-getter, Anti-Xazi League p.ffairs. is i I Over the Decoration Day week- and unless you watch out for prominent, in screen g-uilr". doings. Resistance ! culture, of a deep-dyed Socialist citfes. In the two months following'proletariat, of the sturdy and inYet it T not terror aloife i end she was a visitor at Andron's him, it's hard to spot him I r o n ' His favorite exercise is fencing. the Anschluss, I . personally wit- dependent Tyrolese—all that lias that accounted' for __ the supine | Mountain House, Haines Falls, K. I one pic to another. Although he swimming- next. Favorite resd- , ! nessed only, two acts of defiance happened seems unbelievable. At surrender of Austria". No thoughtj Y. . . . Looking from the top of ! admits that celluloid is still a ing matter, nevt to chess—soci- j g perpetrated by ordinary Viennese i 7:45 p. m. on Friday, March n , ful observer denies that the land the mountain at the hotel's j somewhat unfamiliar medium for ology. politics and economics. His ! against 1 the new. regime. In one | Austria was still Austria—a little had become increasingly Fascist much-touted five-state view, she j self-expression to him—he ap- hobby is one of the rarest in : instance .-I. s a t in•'a Jewish res-j apprehensive, perhaps, at the since the days of the "gallant lit- I waxed enthusiastic . . . "I'll have jprOacriedl Hollvwood and-the new town—he collect? unusual shoes. taurant, watching a Nazi com- | speed of events, but still proudly tie" Dollfuss. Schuschnigg's Fa- to bring," she ecstaticized, "all j ' u f e "which" only filmland's fabu- slippers and sandals. He is a lovmissar, illegally refusing admis- | flying the red, white, red and Front was no more dem- the 75 tenants of my Brooklyn j j o u s f an tasies could evoke. er of classical music, rates Giotto siofi ' to "anyone wearing a swas-; still • bent on voting " J a " fortherland ocratic, and far less unified and j apartment house to see this The generous young Santa as his favorite classical painter. tika. "There "came an old lady, I Schuschnigg and independence. single-minded than its Nazi op- I Claus who forgot his lines was Cezanne among the moderns. aweet-fa.ced. and meek-looking, j One minute later the nation poneuts. Consider its elements: i MISH-MASH: What with Kuer- born on Christinas day (wliich is Reacs Dostoievsky and Romsine was not only prone, but apparwho nevertheless would not be bourgeoisie who followed Schus- j fuerstendamm cafes being raided I faTr"enough)'in"the city of Temes- Roland, likes Shakespeare and ently licking the boots of its conintimidated. She brushed past chnigg as a bulwark against rad- | in the evening, cracks office pun- j Hungary, the son "of Herman Odets, goes into ecstacies the Commissar, sat down at a queror, debasing and humiliating icalism; workers who only joined ster Danny Schorr, the Berlin vBarro> ' m b e r g a n d Josephine Roth. Clifford over a dish of frog legs sec, calls Itself as no nation has done withtable and-ordered coffee. But as him when an even greater enemy Jews want to change its name to J u g t t v o y e a r s I a t e r t h e f a m i l y red his favorite color and hopes nhe- sat "she . noticed, uneasily, in living memory. It did not even appeared on the threshold; mon- Curfewstendamm The N. Y. moved to America, settling imme- some day to take a world cruise. pause to take breath before that the Commissar kept looking. archists who saw him as a sav-Herald Tribune cooperates with Id i a t e l y in*Xew York City Her-i The last vital statistic, next to changing its cheers of "Oesterr : her, that' the" "Aryan" waiters of a country- which Otto j the Joint Distribution Committee | Bromberg partook of that the invaluable bit of information •wereLdiscussing her, that even reich! Oesterreich!" to "Heil iour would some day rule; Jews who by making reprints at its own ex-| . . .1. . . social str-ta which that he detests superstition, is the Jewish guests could not turn Hitler, Sieg Heil!" preferred Austrian Fas- | pense of news stories in which | ^ f / ^ ^ S l l to work in that his greatest ambition 5s to their eyes "away from . her. And - To foreign democracies, view- possibly D C has a special interest h s a m tfa t c o l l i m n . a c t i n t h e theater-without it's be- j in the end she turned to me anding proceedings from their van- cism to German Nazism but who | the-JThat "Make Up Your Mind mumbled,-"Maybe they will asfc tage point of splendid isolation.

had little to hope for in Schusi ists and Southerners some chnigg's oft-professed ideal of a program on WMCA gets "German Christian State," and pretty goofy answers . . . - "A the Catholics, who, as it turned praying mantis," Teplied one out,'wanted "only to be let alone. brilliant, "is a shawl used by the Most of these were _held to- Jewish people in synagogue" . . . gether by a single common^ideal: Sam Taub almost lost his tonsils independence. Losing that, they airing that Ross-Armstrong thrilhad not much else to lose by Nazi l e r There's such a thing as

domination. The workers, indeed, going too far with this partition had reason to hope that the Nazis business They even had to would give them more homes in- partition a relief map of Palesstead of more churches, as Schus- tine - - in order to get it into chnigg bad done. Many of thethe room where the Partition monarchists had always known Commission is sitting . . . L aU rthat they were fighting for a los- itz Melchior, Metropolitan Opero ing cause. The Catholics, led bytenor who says he is a Dane Cardinal Innitzer, swung over "without a drop of Jewish blood with uncommon rapidity. The in me," is burned up because he bourgeoisie, having tasted of Fas- is included in the German "Index cism for nearly four years, had He intends, he. no need to be terrified of the im-Expurgatorus" The to seek "redress" ported article. Only the die-hard vows, Royal has become one of the patriotic leaders of- all classes, Cafe hangouts for refugees from and the Jews, were left holding chief Germany . . . Incidentally. "Bus the bag.' The rest could afford to Boy" Herman Tenzer, a famous take a chance, and cheer—and Cafe character, denies reports long current he has returned to they did. | Judaism after two decades as a (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- convert , . . Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney (A. J. Committee) graphic Agency, Inc.) Wallach on the arrival of a sixpound boy, Don Hart . . . The

But the nice part about it is, MOHAWK Tires canbe old enough to have beards and still be safe, which is something else you get. And young or old, they're the best looking tires that money can buy, even if they don't cost much.

FINANCIAL N O T E : Those Czechs, Herr Hitler has discovered to his evident amazement and chagrin, are not made of rubber . . .

LIT'RY NOTE: 'Gene Lyons, our London eagle-eye writes, will probably have dyspepsia when he finds out that his "Assignment in Utopia" is prominently featured in ^.the window display at Sir Oswald (Fuehrer) Mosley's "British Union Bookshop." . . . TRIBUTE: Herbert J. 'Seligmann informs us that, effective June 30. he has resigned as Director of Public Information for


MODERNIZE YGlfiS HOME THIS EASY WAY—WE'LL HELP YOU FINANCE IT Sove in heoting costs, point bills end repcirs. Protect ogainsl Ihe w e a t h e r ond i n c r e a s e home value*. The improved

eppeorance co$fs~ ncth-sg. the Joint Distribution Committee, a post he has held for two and a half years . . . During his tenure B I R D We have a simple, of an extremely difficult position. reasonable finance teCT H. J-. did a bang-up job . . » His plcsn for ecsy pay* resignation was prompted by a men! cut cf ir»com«. desire to devote a full year to the writing of a book, publication of which has already been ar- TAKE 3 YEARS T© PAY ranged with a prominent publisher, which may "prove to be of inestimable value to Jews and the "1 p , ; members of other minorities la ti*i groups . . .While with the J. D. C, Seligmann toured European countries, twice, wrote special articles for the New Republic, Current History, Survey Graphic and «J3 U the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA) .-. Here's wishL, ing him loads of success in his Uuu LU:.:: new venture . . ,


OEQVECEr—7:3© A. K3. t o S©:20 P . HT. .end ©apSScl Avo. AT GS27




the'ing also

an economic


9 3S, liy ^evp

Featlre Syndicate.!

.->iv;>:f. Ouv Ai^vpvUso-.-.-



toy Pcq©, vice-president c ; c r r c r d ~c™^,c:rrr of the Nebraska Power Co~p=r.y, r'c'zz :~-r' r r has been authorized to publlrh i'r? CZ\~V-~:.D~ signed statement by J. E. D-crddscsn, presided of the Nebraska Power Cc^psny, who is attending . an electric meeting in Atlantic City:


Page d


Mr. Sesal could well guess. their' the various countries in which lie includes America and Great nor-T nrrr n poisonous exhalations. Britain, he sa3's, is 'the natural disposition of human beings His whimsical fancy said. Pernter to persecute those who are unlike themselves, especially i£ it haps this biggest toadstool might L».k.-,. U u « J L L LJ be called itr. True and these can be done invan organized way and with a sense of moral TUP ir tVfcHY HKIDAY AI OMAHA. NEBRASKA. BY smaller ones his associates. Futile By AL SEGAIJ ' justification. The claim of the Jews to be a peculiar and suj toadstools breathing p o i s o n THE JEWISH PKESS PUBLISHING COMPANY 'against the oak tree. Poor tor.;'-— >E2.ro perior people naturally provokes this reaction. The Bible is a A STROL.I, IX SPRINGTIME SUBSCRiPTtor PRICE, One Vcai » • '• . • » • ; stools that have nothing to lire I I\ • subconscious irritant to most reluctant Christians. Personally, Mr. Segal's neighbor, Dr. Rich, for save to give out poison. PaADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPL.ICAIION \,[\i : the Presbyterian minister, brings I detested the patriarchs from the age of five.' 'Only by assim- (o him a matter about which lie 1 thetic Mr. True, poor little asso- • EDITORIAL OFFICE: 603 BRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING in Po] elates. SlOUX CITY QFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER ilation' can the Jewish problem be solved. is deeply exercised. It is a. pamMr. Segal set foot on the toad- ', A m e r i c a n Jewish Corn-n-tPRINT SHOP ADDRESS—?5M SO. 24TH 87REET Go re i1 m AnU-Jrwish phlet of the James True Associand in an instant the}' were DAVID BLACKER • -'.-'-'-Business and Managing Editor So the great English intellectual and.liberal believes tliat ates of Washington, D. C, called EHsavcws Jev.-ish ••:]<,:•<. u s i t FRANK R.' ACKBRMAN - " V '•"- • Editor the only solution of the Jewish problem is dissolution! The "Industrial C o n t r o l Reports." Congress away; the wind seemed like the' LEONARD NATHAN ' - , -','•'•' Associate Editor Jews should assimilate with non-Jews .and thus disappear! The "reports" are issued • -weekly. waste .collector who every Jlon-• ODO Of and sold for S12 a year, though y New York i'\VXi<\ ;'i Contrlbutine Editor RABBI FREDERICK COHN : "• '- ^. day comes to Mr. Segal's back-' Hi: m.r•vrliU'lus of this copy was recei. ed by Dr. • That would indeed be a simple solution; let the Jews commit nigiii.ionuit t h r .Arav-r . - • .. .. Book Editor : yard to ralve the grarbage away. - r l u ; i i i •li-v in P o RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS Rich free. : It is just as I said, mused Mr ' C o n c r e s s j;-y n u m \ 11'. ; ir. •'!;'• m r?il by s u c h Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent hari-kari, spiritual suicide, and there would be no Jews and ANN PILL • Jewish. Co inn" it t^o oil Dr. Rich is resentful (amon: | Segal, giving his niincl to morals — •• •i w;i.r h a s presto! No Jewish problem. It uo doubt takes an intellect of other reasons) because it was ; again. Character is evervtlmic ist.err.d i t s o;i;>ositior. I ihe j o v i j " uainsr : the first order to recoinniend such a course! So greatly does sent to him;since an intelligent \ character is life, character "i* c ic -' p a r l u i i p a u o n in t h e kind P I 1 n o 13 will these Nebraska and Professor 5choeneman man must regard it as an insult : tinv The t!'in\ 1>.)> t o it appeal to us that we should like to recommend a similar to his mind. poisonous toadstool tion in a s:.ii!(.n;c-i;( ik> be?"; -"A Nebraska's reputation for hospitality took a.'beating' in.a course UH; m i VUlU1 — en id more i p e r i s h e s a t t h e k i c k of n f o o t a n d in the matter of another movement besides anti-Semit h e Conmiii !r-s.> "dis;.-v<i l>r mm •e information on •- recent article published in Germany by Professor Friedrich tism and that is anti-AYellsisin. There are no doubt a large I t i s a l l a b o u t . J e w s a n d T l o o s e - ; sroes w i t h t h e w i n d ; t h e b e n i g n Hocialps itself fr.-MM ;! velt, as arc most of the other : oak is .making ready for the seaLIT- ,Trv.-is!i sii nation in Poland t-iec;io.n. a n d sci-ca'.led Schoeneman, who last'year served as an exchange professor number of people who ilo not approve of Mr. "Wells or his fol-pamphlets that tho James True; son's acorns, as in r.U its times v:"\ ••TIU-: AMERICAN JEWISH ret-onty a n n o u n c e d by'• O 1 H ; o i t ' l i CUM .MITT KK BULLETIN.'' at the University .of Nebraska. Pron? Germany, • where, of lowers (if he has any). He is too radical, absolutely un-ortlio- Associates send out into t h e ' maiiy organizations; ct :*cii\sis- : r , £ o world. James True and his as-; .1 •"•"'.Christian lenders condemn course, every professor is' permitted to do 'just as he pleases,' dox, a sceptic, an agnostic, perhaps an atheist. His ideas, as sociates Anu-riraris who are J like neither Jews nor, ;ih! i-Heniidsii) while tidvocaling Mr. Sepal turned homeward. statement, continued as LOHOV. s: Professor Schoen'ejnan strikes out at the University of Ne-expressed in his innumberable books (he is so versatile he Roosevelt . . . "TtTe evidence that , Oh he said. I have been giving "Truthfully and i iiintr'd front againat Jewish perccurately it the new deal is a part of the Jew-; altcsrther too much t h ocu,_._ g h t to braska; for its'lack of academic freedom.' ^f a. iar^! Kr."c>p«nn oppression scored na seems to produce a new one every night), and in his newsish world movement is now uti-; Mr. True and his associates, even! ..-•"•• Professor Schoeneman's class in. German-American cul- paper articles (he is probably the world's, supreme journalist) mistakably established," they say. though I have looked at them ho a r e Jews ' D i n t upon civilization of . our Time." tural relations, he states, was hampered by University officials, are so advanced, not only modernistic but futuristic, that they But they are fond of- Hitler; —- - only with pathos. One must feel Hiis and Miss; • . „ ..._ . . . . and local Jews sought his ouster from the University. He was are positively revolutionary. His ideas of a "World State" take and urge everybody t read bis i sorry to think of such people in " F EETIVALS STIVALS F FOR OtTR erican 'Jewish Jewish erendum, the American book, "Mein Kanipf in transla- '• the world. .Comm.ttee makes this statement. : DRKX" by Kfar Vltkin. " S E C attacked in the columns of the "Daily Nebraskan" and sub-conservative men's breath away. He is a pronounced Interna- tion . "The principal ideas ex- I Mr. Seg C t t ai turned into ..is la^n. I ] l e Committee places itseU'OXD SEASON OF THE l^ALESpressed by Hitler are concerned While he was away one • jected to other minor and major humiliations. tionalist, even tho' he does not approve of the specific form with honesty, justice, patriotism roses had spread to full OL Ltient squarely on record, with all other 1 TINE ORCHESTRA" by' R. dfc Poking fun at Americans is not a new pastime of theof a League of Nations. He has long been "known as a Social- and devotion to the 'interests of beauty.' His grateful ?^~ j risrht-thinlving Americans, in de-l Costa. n o s t r i l s , fense fpnse of Of all aH fundamental ftmrt:itTi0^*^,1. human i Aninnfv the tli« Book -r} l Shelvesok 1 . i! .Among learned professor. As long ago as January,.. 19"34, Professor ist, a most prominent Fabian, and despite his criticising of the people." they say . . . "You reached deep into its heart and The Committee 'pledges' '"COMA-ION GROUND" by Morwill gain an enlightened under- breathed big drafts of its. frag- rights. r l s Charles "E. Beard of Columbia University, wrote a protest Soviet Russia, which he has visited often and written a book standing of present world condi- j ranee. ': itself to fight anti-Semitism i Lazoran., t l n t i i r n m - r V M 1n- c i , c , s t i s h o t I , ! d e r t 0 shoulder with all oth-; American Tolerance is the -, -against Professor Schoeneman's attack on Americans in a book about, he may even be a Communist! H. G. "Wells is decidedly 7 UoS. by Se;en Arts , er elements of our population — i Theme: One cannot but admlr* countrjthat. ." j (Copjnpht entitled, "Die Kunst der IMassenbeeinfluessung." Not more a persona non grata to a vast majority of his fellow country- There are four this Feature Syndicate) j Americans who are Jews, -and \ the candor which Rabbi LaKOTaa pages of this. ! ' ; ~~Z • Americans who are not — in the!brings before eftch group — pfothan two or three weeks ago'he was mentioned by the Newmen and the people of the world. He has even advocated, open- The Christian churches are he-i _, 1 h m m i m i f v I a l p n r l a r '•b e I i e f t h a t an attack on any bu-i teatants, Oatholics and Jews *-. "subverted through bribery" j York Times as one of those German writers on the United ljyand for a long time, the abolition of the monarchy in Engv,\j>iiii-iui-^y v , a i c i i u a i j man rights is an attack on d e m o -a4j t he o s e considerations Whic' for ft. by Jews, and Roose-el'. is build- \ States contributing to the Reich's 'misunderstanding' of Amer- land. How easily the epithet 'traitor,' 'non-patriot,' 'public- ing housing projects for Jews and ! j cratic principles in general, af- j " hardest to accept, since they Week of June 12 to | fecting all of ~us. The Committee j ignr ov uo tl )v e characteristics of the ica and Its people. • .'_ . Negroes exclusively, we are told, i enemy' could be fastened upon him! | however, takes firm uncomprol >RA The 1929 depression was made U . June 17 Schoeneman is not a recognized scholar. With the advent i raising stand against any attempt! CES,' NATHCX AND JEWS' humlaj Ju 1 2 by "Jewish internationalists" a.-.d!' G l r l ' ' S c o "u t° ' ee 2 to Joseph Tenenbaum.. ! of the Nazis he became head of the German-American Insti'•'.• There is only one thing H. G. "Wells can do to remove the current recession is the prod™ <-™ZPm., j make Americans who are Ol h '<• of the economic, social and culom J L Jewish . j Jews °a "distinct unit. ' " ' • " ' " ' " "political ""•'-' -" tute in Berlin and that .position qualified him for the task he these reproaches, and that is 'assimilate';.'assimilate' with the uct of Jews in co-operation with ;! l° ter. i Americans who are Jews, like all tural problems of the Jew. Roosevelt who . is being "bribed !o t h e r The acceptance of an ideal la was to do at the University. ' "Whatever reputation lie had was non-Wellsians, the anti-Wellsians! Surrender his liberal and and duped." A. Z. A. Xo. 100 meeting, 3 p. Americans. ;>re above ail m., C and D. Jewish Community ] e l s e - individuals. They fall, uat- easier than its fulfilment. not as a scholar but as a propagandist. revolutionary ideas! Conform to the ideas, the prejudices, it urally, into every line ol intwpst :••' His academic history in America began when he was amay be the ignorance of the majority! In other words, cease All this troubles Dr. Rich who! Omaha Hebrew club. 3 p.-m.. and activity — social, pliilan-! thinking of making a serm-on lodge rcora, Jewish. Community I thropic. cclucatio.ial. economicprofessor of German at Harvard. He was dismissed during to' be H. G. Wells, the great iconoclast, reformer, liberal, pro- is denouncing it some Sunday. But Ocnter. i and political. Any contrary im-i the hysteria of the war, and as his recent article proves, he gressive, perhaps 'prophet' as he has been hailed, and become Mr. Segal thinks he would be Monday, June 13. i pression is false. The American; nourishes no great love for that pioneer institution of learning. a colorless individual, an average penny-a-liner, a mediocrity, wasting a Sunday, particularly Bikur Cholim luncheon, 1 p. i Jewish Committee rcoguizes that'; one of the lovely, fragrant Sun- i m.?" aud'itorUimTjew'ish'^Commun- j it is essential' that the above he ' In 1933 he again arrived in this country on a "Prussian a nobody! days that occur at this time of; i t y Center. . I dearly understood by y the Amerimeri j! Tempi r> State Fellowship." The ruse was not even clever^ From his What nonsense! H. G. Wells' proposition regarding the :he\\ year. Workmen'-* Loan association, 8 ; c a n public. Activity of one limDuring the summer months with the roses blooming !; p. m . , C and D. Jewish Commun- ! ited croup can reflect only the ' very title, it wasy obvious he was here for .one purpose—to Jew is no less nonsensical, non-realistic, as well as altogether it is hat services are held every Friday desecration to one's nostrils ity Center of that group.'' evening at 7:30 at Temple Israel, propagandize: On his .arrival he told a "New York Times" re- unworthy, cowardly and base! That the Jew should surrender to let them be offended 'by- t h e ' "Kazomir Choral society. 3 v attitude The staiement 'was signed by porter that any reports regarding anti-Semitism in Germany his whole .work in the world for the last four thousand years! James True Associates or any ofjra.. K and L. Jewish Commnnitv Dr. Cyru? Adler, president, and Beth KI like. At this hour, the frag-! Center. by the following for the executive •were lies. Naively he added that the editor.of one socialist That the Jew should belie his whole past, and forego his still their Services are held every Sattirranee of the peonies on Mr. Se-;'Wednesday. Juno 15. M ' , - ^ t r o o c k . c h a i r - ; d a y m o r n i n gg a t 9 a. 'ra. T ' at paper told him he was 'happier in a concentration camp than more illustrious future! The Jew has never claimed to be agal's lawn and of the honeysuckle ' Beth-H a u e d r o s h Kaeodel man; Carl J. Austrian, David JV1! Beth El Synagogue. as editor of his paper.' Arid this was supposedly a responsible 'superior'people.' Mr. Wells partakes a bit of the prevalent give ravishing intoxication and luncheon. 1 p. m.. C and D."~Jew- Rressler. Hon. Abram L. Elkus Jlr. Segal's nostrils must resent: ish Communitv Center. -'Irs. ?-I. L. Goldman. Henry Ittle-1 'scholar' speaking. : , . . .. -. International TVorker> Order. f™- Samuel D. Loidesdorf. Dr. | anti-Semitism in asserting that. It is the devoutly-believing any disagreeable intrusion. Services are held every Friday s m c n n d D - J e w i s h Cora- Solomon Lowenstein. James liar-i evening at sundown. '.••'• Less than three weeks later, on November 14, 1933, speak- Christian world that has called him 'the Chosen People.' The • T h i s m o r n i n g M r . S e g a l t o o k a * P- -> Saturday long walk. Everybody's roses ! niunity Center, shall. George 2. Madalie. Louis! morning services take place at ing before the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations at theJew acknowledges a special mission to proclaim and uphold the •were blooKing and every busb'. Thursday. June 1(5. •1. Muss. Hon. J(!;.eph M. Pros-. S:SO. Palmer House, Professor Schoeneman, who on his arrival had purest Ethical Monotheism (which we believe even Mr. Wells seemed , more lovely than its :• 0C^°>' Scouts meeting:. S V- 'Hi..kr.Kcr. James X. Rosenberg. Hon. i It seemd to Mr. Secal » 'Fe room. Jewish Community Samuel I. n^eninsn. Roi:r-r W. ' . denied anti-Jewish feeling, stated that only obscene books had in his heart of. hearts, in his profoundest philosophical nature, neighbor. N t *ri Rally Barred his neighbors weree ^engased engaged Center. g 1 1. I U N - ) v been burned in Hitler's auto-da-fe and that only Jews wrote approves of and accepts) which the Jew knows only too well that - La^t ni'nin a competition to see wao^of Choir. S p._in.. K an I L. Jewish i 1 it fflnns of niOH ' Community Center. them could present the obscene books. _ < • ld is bound up not with favoritism and privilege, but on the con-th M ornlhou""'. Friday, .Time 17. to the world. ^ 1 c. >i i , i l l v Unfortunately for the professor he had misjudged his trary with the most tragic suffering, persecution, and mar-beauty Chess-Checker. -1 He thought it was a great deal i \ m., recrea- :; i 1 111 1 L i p . audience, and individuals throughout the audience asked if tyrdom, which has made him the real Messiah of mankind. like the tournaments of Die Meis-J tion room, Jewish p. Communitv 1 I 1 1 t n( i n tersinsrer in the old Germany as-: Helen-Keller was a Jewess—and if her books were obscene. / h e Jew a t this late day, when the world needs him most, sunk; sembling to decide who among : H11 v Others inquired as to the obscenity of Einstein and Pranz them could sins most beautifully. uul. Boaz. The next day he' spoke at International House ox* thein resurgent savagery and barbarism, with the foundations Mr. Segal gets very sentimc tottering of the civilization which he more than any other (almost banal, in Tact) abou , University of Chicago campus, and within five minutes the such thincrs- As h- walked he \ \ pleas- 1 audience had taken such exception to his remarks, it washelped to bring about (see a certain Mr. H. G. Wells' "Outline found hirnseif dreaming; untly of a lovely world in which ! necessary to. remove the Professor. It was not an audience ofof History") will hot forsake his divinely appointed role, what- the t \ 1 liom«" rivalries o£ people will have ' ever further 'wounds' and 'stripes' it. may cost him, of bringBy Mrs. Wm. Gray Jews, but predominantly Christian/' At Drew University, Madto do only with Riving beauty . . . i f ~" * 1 «• AT flowers and of songs and of! Translated from the Vicldish t ison, New Jersey, and in Boston, he likewise antagonized his ing 'sanity, unity and sanctity.' the real trinity, as the inspired of iier <l;ui£ht:'r. Sirs. .Teanette pictures and of books and of huZangwill defined it, to a world demented, disunited, in brutal, ( 1 :< listeners to the danger point. Roark d o» ll L bloody war, in the depths o£ moral degradation! The Jew were man welfare and of all things . • Despite such an unwholesome record, the University of despicable indeed were he so faithless, deserving of the charges like that. Th<? -wine: sines today 1 j'l t 1 Nebraska accepted Schoeneman as an exchange. professor. An and slanders which his enemies now so unjustly and malicious- Yes, mused Mr. Segal, (hat -way, And lingers long, th* < h u should be and t by everything! Perhaps 1 hear • American with siich a record would not even, have been con-ly hurl upon him. No, instead of the Jew's 'assimilating' to theitthat's eii'-oi:* 0 holy) it must be. Things "iToo much in his song. the (. or _ sidered for a faculty position. can't go on tins way, what with world, the world must (further) 'assimilate' to the -Jew! It cial P%this hate and pain,-what with W h e n will he sing It is true that after his appointment, the University made has already 'assimilated' to the extent that a Graeco-Romar all falsehood spreading like sicken-" Of a new tomorrow; tlidt every effort to see that he did not use his position to propa- paganism accepted as much of his Judaism as it was ready in? miasma. There are poor Air. i Filled with the hope •wilh r i<gandize hate on the campus. It was this caution that angered for and thereby produced Christianity! It has 'assimilated True and-all his associates fester-; Of forgotten sorrow? • 11 1- c1 ing in their own abomination. '• ' i the professor and brought from him his bitter words. : Mr. Segal, on this day, could Carry ins sorrow entirely Israel's Bible, making it an integral part of its own Despite his charges, Schoeneman was treated with defer- infallible 'Sacred Scriptures' (even if Mr. "Wells 'doesn't like only feel very sorry for people' Bows the back who in their hearts grew font, '• And brinps on a night ence. • If he did not receive the respect he desired, perhaps patriarchs/ ever since he got the measles 'at the age of five parasitical weeds when the, earth ; That is starless and black. he'd better blame himself and his past prformances rather than and in a strange way considers resentment against the exact- was growing rose?, peonies and brown-eyed Susans. He sighed, ! Carrying hope the University of Nebraska, and its faculty and students. ing ideals of the Bible on the part of 'reluctant Christians' ' Is carrying light as he has a way of doing when en O f a lanterns latent cause of anti-Semitism!). In its devout reverence for word's are not enough to gexpress T o bri r! e his pain at human perverser.ess; : 5 '" n the night, Now the Bible ' ! 1 Christ the world has 'assimilated' Judaism. The modern world an old, ld, old old habit habit of of his'. his. S e e i n sifrhinss is an ; i _ Strange reasons for anti-Semitism have come to out ears is 'assimilating' however-slowly, Judaism's spirit of reason, of He tomorrow H came to an ancient oak tree A s tt n o l I h s h A S e wt-re Ri road. Being a Jew, but it. took H. G. "Wells to think up the prize. His choice al- reverence, and of righteousness (the three E's of the Newon Reading '10 Mr Segal always, finds something most belongs in the same category as his fantastic tales of theLearning). Freedom, as Heine said, 'is Jewish by birth.' The of himself practically in every- A V o a r e l o o k i n ? f o r I " • future . "The Bible has been the cause of Jewish suffering whole modern" movement for Social Justice is, as" Jewish as thing. He guesses that this is jr in exile . because there isn't much comfort i < 1 i> throughout the ages." ' ; . : • " ' . . ' " "• • the Hebrew Prophets. Universal Peace and World Unity (Mr. for him in people; ho must find . This millionth nipht ; ti . must learn to step Jlr. ."Wells said nothing new in advising assimilation for Wells take speeiah notice!) are. Jewish ideals. The 'cure' for it in brooks and rills and stones: WeLike 1I I soldiers and fight. ; .*< and trees. So when he saw this ' the solution of the Jewish problem. His words only proved the Jew is more of the Jew, of the real Jew, of the true Jewish oak tree he knew it as once as a' v I' how ignorant he is of a situation on which he: speaks sup- spirit, as revealed in the Bible and in history. It would be kinsman of his. i Let. not the Ions: road ! ll Of exile brine: fear posedly •with authority; -If he were acquainted with the whole dastardly of the Jew t o cease all at once his age-long ministry It was a gnarled tree that must \ The bones of our fathers ; oi \ be standing there even since the \ Are buried here. ; g 1 problem of modern. anti-Semitism he would have realized that of 'blessing/ -just--because, he meets with opposition, obloquy, time of the Indians; which is to i j it assimilation of the* Jews of Germany did not save them. . - •' and abuse, and his high exacting ideals are too uncomfortable say, the trek is not guite as old as \Lift high the lanterns Mr. Segal but old enough. Mr. \ 01' hope in the air But in placing the cause of anti-Semitism.'on the Bible, for a 'reluctant' world that wishes to remain re-actioiiary, ob- Segal 0 ^ ' thinks of himself as a. very ' struggle for tha-t 1i 3Ir. "Wells outdoes himself. Evidently a most precocious young- scurantist, and vile. No, the non-Jew and particularly' the old individual, 'indeed, whose : And •Which ifi just and fair. ster, at five H. G., adept in Biblical exegesis, came to detest "Aryan" will have to 'assimilate' to the Jew, if civilization is time began even, before the In- ' dians and before the mound- The win'd'slug's today the patriarchs. We have a sneaking suspicion that anyone at to be saved and! go forward. The lion will have to lie down builder and long before any of! Ami lingers long. ;V 1 " - I i 1 five might acquire a certain revulsion to the patriarchs if they. with, the lamb without the lamb being inside the lion. Judaism the current nations. beautiful th tree stands T o o • 1^ , c ., were forced" to listen to long readings of the:' Bible." Jewish will have to continue being the leaven of a morally-developing in How the spring-time, giving new children, as a rule, •wait a few years before deeming themselves humanity, Were the Jews to take Mr. Wells' advice lie. in Insleaves again, thought -Mr. :* Honors the almost platitudinous way i ** capable of. Biblical interpretation. • . . brilliant labor of a lifetime for a higher humanity, would be in he has when he attempts to be S :ory cf Jc^ 'ace And what if the Jews were to reject-the Bible? Rather deprived of his staunchest,.liberal allies! poetical. 'What vic.cisitu.des it! has suffered in all its times . . . j 'than diminishing anti-Semitism,-it would.be a new weapon, this No,.Mr. Wells, and all anti-Semites everywhere (of whom storms and cold and snow heavy I r rejection. - The Bible.has ceased to.be solely a sacred volume like'shrouds of ice . . • and yet I ^ of the Jews. -Christians accept it with the* same affection as Mr. Wells is not really one), the Divine Guard 'neither dies nor hers it still stand.; in the " state- I i surrenders'! The Jew,: despite his terrific trials, holds confi- Host dignity, unbent, unbroken, I T; we and gain from it the same strength and. e'omfort. giving leaves again. Jlr. Segal | r d ' The Bible is an irritant only to those interested in re-dently to the belief expressed by the Prophet Zechariah, (chap- grew moralistic. It is character,' ?,i 1 \ i 'ZV said, yes. that's what it-is-.-, . i s t \ -1 1 awakening' paganism. Because Hitler rejects the Bible, there ter VIII, verse 23) "Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days he (the unbending character of oak s is no reason why Jews, to gain his favor, should dp-likewise". it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out :of alltrees and the character of peothe languages of the natrons, shall even take hold of the skirt pie-)-—sm a k e s them e n d a r u of him that is'a Jew, saying: "We will go with you for w»ing. ' Character is destiny. arid Assimilation ....- .: . .hare heard that God is with you."' 3lr. Sesal was the more sure of this, wlion hi discovered a f'..';•. B y Rabbi Frederick Cohn growth of white ' toad"Assimilation" is, indeed, the solution of the Jewish prob- noxious" stools at the foot of the tree and j b In a recent interview, H. G. Wells, the eminent English lem; but it is the 'assimilation' of the world to the Jewish stepped on theei and jrhvand them la powder. The toa5i?too'l? author, counsels! assimilation as ihe solution of the Jewish ideals of truth, righteousness, justice, love, peace. (like bleached death's heads) had problem. The mabi reason for the anti-Semitic movements in been tookin.cr up at the great v - - Frederick Colin. leigbt of. the tree, giving out, as



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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY. JUNE 10. 1033 PLAN WESTERN TRIP Miss Eva Marcus and Miss Phyllis Soref are leaving Sunday morning for a tour of California.

Beth Hamedrosh i l Magoclel Cemetery oociety to iUeei


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Bible Class



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DAY The annual meting cl the Beth Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Madison and , Hamedrosh Hagodel Cemetery ' y\1 son of Denver, Colorado, spent j Improvement Organization will 7 ^ -_- j j the holiday visiting their sisters I be held on TTednesdcy, June 15, Tl -^ c r ' R e s e r v a t i o n s m a y s t i l l b e m a d e i at a luncheon starting at 12:30 ?*,. -1 T 1. ENGAGEMENT and brother-in-law, Rose G. Conn BEIiZER-GEXDLEU. Miss Freda Gfendler, daughter, Mrs. Carl Lagman announces and Mr. and Mrs. John Faier and ' o r t h e a n n u a l J n n e l u n c h e o n o f ! at the Jewish Community Center. fo~ 1-,, j * F t h e Biinir Cholim society, w h i c h . _ the _ ._ .. ^^ r Because of inipcrtance of 7 , . cCj t _C - , -..L1Lc. l - ..^ of Mrs. Sarah ,Gendler, will be- the. engagement of her sister, family. r _ . ._ Trill b e " a e i a a t t H e J e w i s h , C o m - i t h e m e e t i n g a l l n e n i b c - r s have 1 c ' r . : r 1 . " - h ( , u , L " , come the bride of Marvin Belzer Miss Anne Berman, to Mr. Ben rnunity Center next J i T o n S a y , j b e e n u r g e d t o a t t e n d . N e w o f f i c - i n r ' - -"* ' v i ~ r • <- ~-*r - " - " on Sunday at 2 o'clock at - the Blatt, son of "Mr. Julius Blatt. ••••.= TO HONOR H I G H SCHOOI/ J ^ u n e 1 3 , T h e g e n e r a l p u b l i c *'; i-^.-o - J I I v.r-. ' n n j - f . p r-* T*K:*- :- ^ r . ^ * ^ ^ ^ r - _ _ _-. ^. . , No definite wedding date has GRADUATES ' j'ers «will be nelected at tins '• bride's home. Rabbi N. Feldman I Final reports will be read and • Cantor A. Schwaczltin will ! been chosen, Miss Helen Alberts Is enter- Invited. s l £ T' E, = -PThose taking reservations are: [ future progress of t h e . o taining at a luncheon, at her home .perform the ceremony in tho Mrs. S. Fish, WE 5257; Sirs. J. today in honor, of the following • ition will bs discussed. 1 presence of the immediate fam- CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY "r ~ Mr. and Mrs. Rudy J. Mittle- high . school graduates: T h e 'Intel, HAO930; Mrs. I. Kaplan. ily. WE 5256. A reception will he held. at man of Flint, Mich., formerly of Misses Frances Osoff, •JuiriamMrs. Leon Mendelsoa is in Birchwood from S to 13 p. m. j Omaha, entertained a t a dinner Hubaitz, Sernlce FriedeU, Euth on the occasion of their third an- Somberg, Zell Abraharnson, Ar- chares of the program. The comleno Solomon, Esther Shapiro, mittee arranging fof ;he affair I Election of ne— officers will niversary. . ..-'•-• BETROTHAL TOLT) T e.Mesdames Mesdames S. Fish, climax a full six movths of &ciirFormer Omajmns present were: Mildred Berkowitz, Lois Barisli includes:: The Mr. aud Mrs. Walter iPerlmut-. M. .X&tzman, M. Rosenblatt. J. jI ity ler ot Council Bluffs annoua • :> j Mr, I. Mittleman of Rbckford, 111., and Dorothy Cnait, for Sain Beber Chapter 1 0 0 ' Bernstein, I. Kaplan. William i under the engagement of their dsugb- land- Mr. H. Mittleman and Mr. Al the leadership of the A Milder, J. FInkel, H. Lippett. N. ter, Marian, to Phil Kutler. son!Mittleman of Pontiac, Mich, i ent administration hea.de by- t! e Levinson, S. Scnwaczkln, I. Kriof Mr. and. Mrs. William Kutler ^i L v i. ; t elmaa, A. Katz, Fanny Bern- !A3eph Godol Joe Guss. of O m a h a . . . ""-.•'-' : . \ TO ENTERTAIX SISTER stein, Charles Ross, William Ep- I The election will tie hejcj fun- ; \ - c "Chi" terminated a very sucT » ;' weddings date has been: : Sirs. Joe Pellman will enterj day, June 12. 2:"0 p. TE., at the T \ ^ i , , i-f ' " '' f =!; chosen. ' ' ; tain a t a buffet luncheon and cessful year with temporary plans ;tela. 'Jewish CoEiEmaity Center. ^ zi ai^n^e c - \"e ^ for the reopening of a'new and According to Mrs. L. lYereleff, i bridge tomorrow at her home to Continuing a determined drive' -'.•,-,!honor her sister, Miss Anne Tre- larger chapter home. Restrictions lead of the group, a large portion for first place in the Jewish Com- f i-i c OBSEUVE ANNIVERSARY upon fraternity affairs are being >I the proceeds from tho luachMr and Mrs. -Jaclr. SpiegaJ eel-' Ualr, whose engagement was re-slowly but surely withdrawn, and ioa will be used to aid Ecropeaa munity' Center softball Icaeuf, c -c c . oforated their twenty-fifth wed-jcentJy announced. the Sam Beber squad trounced T a closer and more intimate un- •efugees from Nazism. the Adler Sakery team to take Arirr,== " ding anniversary on May-30 a t • • • derstanding now exists between The main address will be given undisputed second place in the £ ^ L ,s r r j * the home of their parents, Mr. •lAXSOrxCEiBAB, MITZVAH Greek letter fraternities and auPaul Veret on "What the Bik-| league. Thirteen runs tcgethsr A - ^ i l s rr.' c"; be and Mrs. J. of .Lincoln. A j Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Col-thorities at Creighton "University. by ur Cholim Means to the Com| with a fine sis-hit pitching per- c" c-L.-"i dinner ivas 'given-in their honor. ton will receive on Sunday, "June Ben Shrier, past treasurer of 12, from 2 to 5 at their home, munity." Vocal selections will be 'formance by Milton Guss pave the " 1 2121 Burdette, in. honor of their the Pan-Hellenic Council, wasrendered by Cantor E, Sellz. ac- Century teanj a 13-to-4 victory. ' g-* f FORMER OMAHAN PROMOTED SD vice-president of that companied at the piano by his This Sunday Sam Beber cfcap- , VtOi ^ ,_ I. Mittleman, formerly or Oma-| . n - Fred, whose • Bar Mitzvah elected' grout) at its last formal affair 1. j lia. has been appointed manager will take place Saturday, June 11, held at the Hotel Fontenelle; he daughter. Several dance numbers ter will play. Mother Chapter f of sh'ny t)ptieians of Akron, -O. a t the.Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel has been very active in council will he given by Shirley Bogdan- This is the first meeting o these J The- Goiaie ?.;j er?o;: club ; will off of Kansas City. teams since Chapter 100 defeated , close it.= rppr's rrMviri?? w: i!i E He has been associated with the Synagogue. work during the past year, and Chapter 1 for the championship : silver luncheon r.t t'~° Jey.'i = li : Assisting at the reception -will one ot the fev men to ever hold same firm in Rockford, 111. of the A. Z. A. Cornbelt repicn. Comaunity Center en June Z2. be: Mesdames Isadore Forbes, George colton of Hastings Nebra- wo_.jimportant_._omces The time and place ol this cam-. ^ .,* reservations. , , ^ . = -1,^v--... .^-o. r= -re : RECEIVES SCHOLARSHIP For ska, Jack Forbes, Paul Forbes, Council. The Pan-Hel is the most can be found in the sports section as''r°u to call Mrs. H erman ra Colic". : M a r t i n Kolnick, 1G, was powerful organization on the of this paper. j Glcn£ale 2SS4. awarded one of the scholarships and Irving Forbes. campus^ Willard Smith is Chi's The Omaha Section of the Na« •Plans are being- made for a j No invitations have been issu- representative announced at the commencement for the coming ional Council of Jewish Juniors father-son smoker to be held Sun- j ratronire Our Advertisers exercises at South High school ed. All friends and relatives are school year. • held their Installation Dinner at day, June 19. at the Jewish Com- | • . y , , t t J i Tuesday evening. . He also won invited. Adolph i.aytin,--our KOA, Isthe Jewish Community Center •honorable mention in the comperaunity Center. A full ?->• leaving for military camp en L'odg§ Room on Thursday, June formal progrs.ua is beinjr planned i b tition from,the University of Ne-TO MAKE HOME IN June 5, preparatory to his trip 9 th at 6 o'clock. PITTSBURGH . for this Fathers' day celebration. ! |i|, braslta. Martin plans t o . attend Mrs. Jack Cohen, president of Dr. and Mrs. William Perer to Washington, D. C. Laytin, new class of members will be; ti Creighton. having finished three years of the Senior Council Installed the A left Omaha Tuesday morning to pre-medical initiated and given the first de- ! work, will enter the following officers. gree at this time. Entertainment I make their home in Pittsburgh. Nebraska University M e d i c a l AX BIRTH•President, Sara Rifkin; 1st and refreshments will conclude Pennsylvania. Dr. Perer, a grad• Mr. and Mrs. Abe Krantz an- uate of Creighton University School in the fall. vice-president, Ida Fine; 2nd rice th.e pro^ra^i. \ nounce the birth of a son, Saul, medical school, i s the son of Mr. At the Commerce School ban- president, Gertrude Guss: ReRepresentatives cf Saia Beber j on June 5 at tho Methodist hos- and Mrs. Jacob Perer of Pitts- quet a t the Hotel BlacKEtone, cording secretary, Sylvia 'Weiner; chapter who are going to the In-! -pital. • • , burgh. He will interne at thewhich culminated the annual corresponding secretary, Dora ternational A. Z. A. camp-conven- I Mercy hospital in Pittsburgh and Bums' day activities; Joseph Dolgoff; treasurer, Rae Spar; tion at Estes Park June 2i to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stern of intends to practice m e d i c i n e Soshnlk was singularly honored auditor, Janet Graetz; reporter, July 1 will leave for camp on j Chicago announce- the birth -of a there. by being awarded the beautiful Charlotte Mayer, Parliamentar- June "0. Those who are going, f son on June 7. Mrs. Stern is the Mrs. Perer is the former Miss "Freshman Achievement C u p " ian, Rita Mantel, and board mem- include Panl Sacks, Milton Sayformer Anne Ruback of Omaha. Ethel Green. She is a daughter for outstanding scholarship, effi- bers: Bess Bernstein, Ruth Gold- Ian, Harold Zelicsky and George ciency, and activity over the past stein and Hannah Gossick. Shafer. of Mrs. Meyer Green of Omaha. year. RETURN'S PROM SCHOOL Mrs. M. Katelznan and Mrs. S. Miss Peggy Friedman, daugh- COME FROM DENVER Soshnik was voted Into the Taper were unanimously chosen ter of Dr. and Mrs. B.' T. Fried"Chamber of Commerce,", honor- as Senior Advisors for the new Mrs. J. M. Baker of Denver is man, will • arrive home Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam No-ary Commerce fraternity; he is a ear. from South Hadley, Mars., where freshman debater; he is a memA short business meeting foland. family.. Mr. Baker will ber of the band; he took part in lowed the installation and a very she is a-student at Mount Holy- vak arrive June 17 and Vvill remain The Thorpeias Athletic Club I numerous musical reviews; and interesting program -n-ss then oke college. ' . . until the Novak-Rubenstein he is the possessor of a weighted presented; the rest of the even- ivill hold a TTiener Roast ca Sat- ' . . En route home Miss Friedman here '-.-? wedding on June 19. tirday, June 2 5, in Hummel Tark : of over 96% in Ech.0l2.s- ing was devoted to bridge. will visit friends in Boston and Previous to going to Denver, average ior members and frienfis. '; tic endeavor—he as favored to Chicago. •- . Mr. and Mrs. Baker had been res- win the freshman trophy given Irvin C. Levin, chairman, is beidents of Omaha for twenty-five by the NEC to the Pilam with the ing assisted by J.Iorris M. Frank- : VISITING PARENTS years.' . . lin and Lou lleyers. highest scholastic average in all Henry Mendelson of New Tork chapters. . Amcng t h e winners a t the r e arrived last Saturday to spend . Sam Klaver was reclected cent stag picnic was Dave B . two weeks visiting • his parents, VACATIONING Willard Smith was also asked Miss Ruth. Rice is vacationing- into "Chamber of Commerce,'.' president of the LaSies Fr»e Conn who won t i e lour 1C~H:CS1 ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Mendelson of here with relatives. ~"~ ; Council' Biuffs. •' : -•• " • • " ' • ' . but was ineligible in lieu of hisLoan Society at the election held monkey race. at the Jewish Community Center transfer to the Law School. Chi TO ATTEND CONVENTION OX TRIP EAST . has high hopes of again -winning Other officers elected were lira. Mrs. J.' Chasanov and her two Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolia the chapter scholarship award S. Fish, vice-president; 3irs~ 4. daughters. Janet and Adell Ruth, will leave Saturday for San Fran- which it shared last year with •Wolf, treasurer; Mrs. I, J. gos- The final n e t t i n g of tLe Tv'oi^- i left lust week for a months,trip cisco ,to attend the convention ot "Omega" of the University of kia, loan secretary; Mrs. Lewis en's Jlizrachi will t a t ? place c r Mrs. H.TTednerday, J n c e 1", ,-f r.-rn rtl east. They will visit Mrs. Chas- the American Medical Associa- Wisconsin. Smith was also vice- Ellis, dues secretary; tion. After .-touring the we3t president of the Junior class in .RoltEtein, recording secretary- the anov's brother in Chicago for aeo Jewish Ccmir-jr.Irr Cenirv. A i Mrs. M. Tatle. Mrs. Joe Banboard meeting v,"i:i be held nt 1. * few davs and then go on to Cin- *st they will stop off at thethe School of Commerce. Mrs. H. Freidel, trustees. •cinnuti where they will also visit A. Z. A. convention at Estes Park, The 1938-39 national "Pilam" Xtw ofiicers of the crjrE.nisarelatives.; Mrs. ChasahoV will Colorado. convention will be held in New The next meeting of tfce old tion will be tJecteJ zi this ^izie. y i tL board of directors will be held They plan to return to Omaha visit relatives of her husband in York City with Delta of Cornell Wednesday, June 15 at the home about "June 27. Baltimore before returning home. and Gamma or New York "UniINVE.ST SAPELY, *|E£LY IN Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Yaife will versity as hosts; Theta of Stev- of Mrs. H. Guss. 2217 Xo. 29th accompany the Margolins. TO VISIT IX NEW YORK ens institute might lend a help- Street. One of the largest meeting hand—rumors refer to it asIngs ever held by this crsaniiaStuart Ganz, who has finished "the greatest of them all." Maur- tion gathered at this meeting. his first year at the University of WILL ATTEND CAMP Mrs. Jack Levy left yesterday ice Alperin, Chi-'31, will handle Mrs. Sam Klaver will appoint her Nebraska, left last Saturday for for Lanagan. Missouri, to take a new board at the next resralar Chi's affairs in the east. New _ York City where he will £1 Ctron- Co-pi-. National Camp . Fire training meeting which will be held at the HcprcGirts visit 'for two weeks. . ies— Every Type of insyrence At its last regular meeting, Chi course at Camp Tawanyak in theelected Willard Smith to direct Community Center nest month. and Bcnes Wr.tten. Ozarks. CALL AT 7CS? cr VVA E150 the activities of the chapter N .MEMORIAL City Finance & Insurerce Co. through another. successful year. "An Afternoon with A. A. VISITING IN CHICAGO Ben Shrier is retiring "Res". Milne" is the name of a program II Miss Esther Nathan left last which will be presented in theFriday for Chicago, where she The Pioneer Women's organilecture hall at the Joslyn Memor- will remain for two weeks. In zation will hold its snnual S,azaar 30. Miss Edith ial Sunday at n vrnx PAY TO V i! Flickinger. and Miss Anne John- Chicago Miss Nathan will be the. all day Sunday, June 19, at the guest of her sister and brotherT^ff-,—>^ r?.-.**£ " i f t f ^ ~f%7£ S"" : ^ wC.^ilw r -S ston of Council Bluffs will preLabor Lyceum. Twenty-second A. z . A. Mother chapter No 1 sent it. Miss Johnston will read in-law, Mr.* and Mrs. David Hex- will elect officers for ths coming and Clark streets. and Miss Flickinger will play and ter. The bazaar will begin Saturterm at their regular tneettns •i sing the 'Christopher Robin" and Tuesday night, June 14, at Sday evening, June 18, at £ p. in. .".Pooh-. Bear", songs and poems LEAVES FOR NEW YORK with a delightful musical proo'clock at the Jewish Community which Miine wrote for the-amuse- • Miss Evelyn Spiegal accom- Center. gram under the supervision of panied her relatii-es, Mr. and Mrs. ment of his little son. . • First games in the Junior base- Sirs. J. Haznick. . Miss Esther Leaf will play the Sol Zager and Mrs. Ben Bloch, all ball Feature of the basaar will bo league, .sponsored this year i o'clock organ program at theo£ Lincoln, on a motor trip to by the Mother chapter, will be a restaurant with goad Jewish Memorial Sunday. She will be New York City. On the way they played Sunday afternoon. Mana- food including gefilte fish. assisted on her program by Jack will visit Mr. and Mrs. Jack Suss- gers, trainers, and um- Bargains in clothing and groGatrost, pianist. Both programs man of Philadelphia, former pires connected coaches, 'U ?. with this project, ceries will also be had. are -open to the public without Omahans. The party will be gone are all members of the A. S. A. All profits will go for construccharge. about a month. No. 1 chapter. Only Jewish youths tive work in Palestine. between the ages of 10 and 14 will compose the four teams in the Junior Is ague. ess Hoam FUES1 An Expert About thiny couples attended IN OUR STRICTLY the dance in honor of Joe HornA \ r\ steln, past A. 2 . A. member, who »\ -,\ l: ' /•-.'ICosher • rc^ntly annonnced his engagement- to Miss Adeie Mayper. Posn F/££TJS ¥02 FILE FUF^STU ture of the. affair, which was staged last Monday evening, at Uco Oiay Easy Payment Fis.n—Fcrc 16th and Douglas the Pontenelle pavilion, was the presentation by the chapter of s. chromium plated cigarette light! Sec our large assortment of strictly kosher delicatessen er to Hornstein. : • i foods - - offered at money-saving prices! A good sized congregation attended the regular Friday night services at.Temple Israel last Friday evening. The -services were conducted . entirely by A. .Z. A ss-ni Hcj-vcster Casasla Dry Ginger Alo Mother Chapter boys, Morris Arbitman, president, presided. 1G Bo. 1 3 t i Street R




A. Z. A. 100

Junior Council

Thorpeiaa Athletic Club

Ladies' Free Loan

Women's Mizrachi

L i - =.

Pioneer Women

A. Z. A. I



.a W 1 Berth's Kippered,



Fancy Etoohor,

New York, VVeil-agcd, JJj

Manhattan Kosher,




Alpha Pi Tati fraternity held its regular meeting at the J . C. C. this week, 'deciding to stage another outing in the very near future.' Chairman of the Activities Committee, Al Orach, T absent, taking the night off to celebrate his second wedding : niversary. Three names were Drought up for membership and. a committee will make its report oa prospective members at the nest regular meeting. • A very successful stag was held the previous week a t the home j of Louis Condi', with Paul Bos-J donoff terrains it extremely successful. Patronize Our Advertisers

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-BOMBERS IiAH>; FEENCH'TOWN—Eight BpaJiis^j'Insurgent planes roared across ttie border and did damage to ths S:e5aehto-wa of Cerbese. control point on the railway linking Franca and Loyalist

Spain. Loyalist aritl-strcfaft batteries at Pcrtbou, Spain; drove the pianos away. Later, French o 5 cials prepared future defense measures for Cerbsre, which is 103 yards frora the border.


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G O O D W I L L — Sis Chinees planes, two of which were bombers of American make, spanned 600 miles of open sea and "raided" principal cities of the Japanese island of Kyushu. But instead of killing women and children, they dropped thousands of good - will leaflets, urging the Japanese people to throw off the dominance of the militarists. Top panel shows return to Hankow of one of the planes. Bottom, six of the airmen, with arrow indicating Commander Hsu Huan-Sheng.

ENCLOSED FIND CEECH — Despite recent -tension between • Czechoslovakia and Germany, the hot rand containing. sulphur and other minerals continues to gurgle upward in Czechoslovakia^ 100 famous spas end business is reported nearly normal. Here, » Czech girl gets a dressing-down End a toniugr-jip pt- Trcnclanskv/Teplice. Mud comes from 5,000 feet below. ,

QUIS — According to a sister of the Mexican insurrectionist General Satumino Cedillo, shown* in this caricature by Hayle; the Agrarian rebel leader win. not'surrender to President Cardenas, against whom he revolted. Twics. th5 general has escaped capture, fleeins into the hills ,of San Luis Potpsi state. Meanwhile some of his peasant £rmy have given up arms &nd President Cardenas -' announces the rebellion, trolien.

INDIANS ABO IN SEARCH—Garbed in pictu 3que costumes, here are Henry CypTess and Jack Billy, Seminole Indians, as they aided i n . t h e seach for Jimmy Cash, 5, kidnaped from his home in Princeto/\ Fla. More than 1,000 citizens scoured bayous and thickets,in the Everglades in an attempt to find some clue to the missing blue-eyed, tow-headed youngster. .

ONE OF LOVELIEST DANES — Considered 'one of the lovelies: - women in De&zi&rb was' Asaa Aadsrssn, only daughter of a Iste . shipo«mer of Copenhagen, shown .above as she —as married to . Adrian Conan Doyle'at RSir.Etend, Ksw Forest, En^Jsnd. Mr. Dcrle is the E3ccr:d'soa'of tfcs late Sir Arthtir Con£.a Doyle, author of ' "Sherlock Kolrr.es" stories.

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United States Secretary cf xiir Inip-io- l-",s.-n;c Ji. ".ftps BTIC; >VJS bride ma;" pass safely tc their hotel. Iv.r. Ickes rpcer^^'.^ v&5 married in Dublin, Ii-eiand, i.a the iorr-is: O»;IJ I.-..'..".,..a:, H." I«i2v.uukec. a r.urriea n£ SOCPI t'-ir- j-or.:ed a lev v



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-*4^;.fy.,..V ... .:'i«)3s GUEST AT DINNER — Amoqg dinner guests of Elsa Maxwell, famed society hostess, at the. Starlight Roof of the WaldorfAstoria, New York, was Mrs. George'T. Cameron, left,-of Sari Francisco. Mrs. Cameron heads-the Woman's Committee of, the Sari Francisco Fairand is the only woman executive board member. Her husband is publisher of the San Francisco Chronicle.

UP THE HILL—Reported first aerial passenger tramway on the North American continent is this one up the side of Cannon Mountain. Franconia N o t c h , N. H. Each car carries 27 passengers up 4,000 feet in eight minutes. Tramway will open soon.

'"",.-" "'''.^ -• • • " o ; : v

ART TREND—Interesting new trend hi mural: art, typically American, is shown in this sketch of a proposed mural by Philip Reisman: for New York City's new human reclamation center established on an East River pier. Title of the sketch is "Rehabilitation of the Individual." It will be included in a showing presenting the work of the WPA mural art project.

..I P S i C 2 ^ O GO, CC::rZZTZ:—If you're interested i s EOl~^;t3 jLil; -hero's a brsr.d-nzv cr.2 rcecatly.-c.tmcd. rcy tho E™~rtr:cnt cf JwSi:";3 en Terminal'-Mans, C^n P; i-o, cal. It h=I£.r r p -

crr.1 xrri"c:i

ths .twentieth complctsd" institution" in the- Fted-

Edwin J.










ITctc the! .-. T! 4 i



Inspects & cell-block.

svercpo v/c;? .of'C. pppr.ri;" of/.y •.P hi? *rr~i the American Association batting race.

Page 7

THE-JEWISH PRESS—FB3DAY, JUNE 10, 19S3' - "How. did you become rich so standing work its did en t i eteas-i matches ths velvet bows OE her k'etball teara this rear. Beth Sova j firsss. . , quickly, brother?" Ezra told him what had hap-CJierniss, Marian ClayT2.au, and j I just have to say goodbye BCW, ' " • X rpened. "Describe tha beg&ar to Paul... Shapiro._ is late for the lusciseor; p _were ^_ .all-, -gjveaJ-cr.-rill ; me',"'-'Kitliaii''aEfi:e(i;' •" -Ezra-•-fiea- Gregg •'"S^fErSs'^tDf-"">p*asEiS5 tSeir] : D* the graduates tofisr. So Ersefi140 "a isis cribed him very carefully. ! fcye Sucy Q, asfi give &r love tc 'Exactly, ths man I insulted test. | veer trother B&rbcy Q. when I came home from BamasDon't, yoa simply .'.cote ca tags j . Affectionately j-onrs, cus!. I must go- and find him in j ttat _£ r e a i £ f e r e n t j . W e l l x ^ 1 ' -A. the market-place and apoiogiss to \ ^ E a B u ! d E s et v 3 o : : o ~ a v c t t e P. S. Just found cut that Earr him!" Ginsbarsr GiiiBsky, Peaches to ycc, is one Nathan went and found tte'*_i.-, cf -the tour girls at Ercwnell ELE.1 beggar" sitting J n the hot-san asd JT" who might be chosen EE Ka; t h e •-eaerchanta . iis Queen\6.t the outdoor rs.gsE.Et tc t — - • *-rr j- - - i ia ' b e t e l d there Sa-t5irdEjT rij.ht. - P e a c e be "with you,






Aunt Macsmi

An Estoasioa of tJio SQ\mh Comsrasiiy Scats? Good Shabbath boys and girls of the Junior Jewish

he had a whole lot of the magic great big pile of pennies and of Palestine In him. When he nicklea and'dimes to buy land in i^ress! ' '"-• ' ;•'•' :••';!•• saw how the Jews were scattered Palestine. H e r s ' ] , meanwhile, Vacation days are .here again in so many lands, and how afraid went to the kings, to - i and vre are alj looking forward they were, and how all they could promise. It was very , : r r-<•-.- r- r - r y to get Nathan greeted hi." | to a very pleasant summer. do was to cry for Palestine, it that promise, from :hard , i ' - - r ; Tff f i them.-1;-So 'friend!"/. You zZc~ll*Hz~t humbly. . "You. must for, : Varttcnlarly are tho boys asfl made him very sad. But one day Herzl went again, and again;;and; LJ L i - ' r-""'v - c i, u : cre give Ete^for my actions whes Izzi l^ "_3^' J'' l J. -v-crs rr r-~r girls who are going "to attend he said: "Why are the Jews cry•1 j s a w : y o u ^ - a t m y d o o r . 1 £.ni « T " f r ? - . "rrr-:"*•>.•*-• r*cr•Camp Akiba this.Bummer look-- ing? Why don't they do somer{ r~c T f 'r -r '".I ( He worked'very .hard" to -get. Ing forward to inany pleasant thing? If they really want to. the kings to make-that'-.promise, they can go tack to Palestine." •until he became'very sick,; aad. days and happy;'experiences. l And so he-began to think. He could work mo longer.. Then came s JCamp. AkSba,. as yon: know, opens a t the Jevrish Cqmnmn»: t h o u g h t , and thought, a n d Chayim of the'magic'power, to 3a: ity Center on Monday, Jane 20, thought. Then he said: *I think the work -;that Herzl could; no. c T.T-. L.rt . .? - " ? c " i TC . fft aU^b and .girls between " I know' how the Jews can get longer do. Now Chayim .went to back to. Palestine.' . the kings to get that promise. He; ^ 5 also worked rery, very hard, aad, Herd's Task to our"house? .toisee! everyone of But how could he tell them? at last he got the'king'of Eng- and.come ' Stanley 1 sa o; a .pleasure, I assure yoti." If the Jews had all been in oneland to help him get Palestine, beV"Yesyhaving.a big Cainp the affair. come to our house &"£ ' ij." a Then just Sunday, .as Ln in• land, Herzl conld have gone there and all the kings of the world to refresh• yourself with some rood' p, tW3 Sunday, - Jane at tte'Verrr'-e C-rfirX2, a t 2:30 p. iri.v in the Jew- and told them. sBut •. the Jews promise 'hat never again will wine. It-is so hot here," Kathaa •ARREST .ation services, tha cc? l-TTZC-zis i ish . .SComniunity • Center - gym-, were in many, many lands. So they drive the Jews out o' Pales- pleaded.' . C" • .' .au rcbos. vhlts , •• Toronto (Tv>*S) — T r . ' do you'know what he did? He tine. ; nasiora for. everyone Who lias ; c- , Sc. .the disguised Elijah the I - o r the'girls,-asj: r z •»'-,«• %sent letters to the Jews in every been .io: camp "before or \tfho were usdsr arrest EES, E, r'.-* Prophet'went .to their home, ct jb o y s ? ^ ^ r c r 7 i-presrive. man -was nursing bruiser tz rr- t country, an'd in the letters . he wants', to conie sow. There "will their,food, and stayed -tbere ever t" «• I ; ' T"T € V * T ; : wrote: "I want to tell you how riot that rtE.rlei f be* gamfis,...songs, dances and And c i , hchcr, rrarjets OzzZi aftermath night.- The : nest morning i s F 0 f--you can go back to Palestine. But r£f rg£bnie£ils. \Ve are sure' yon " i h S O has' the" cutest fornial! Ifs-'a tile ! whea So untl-FaECists awoke and made-ready to lesve. wilt :hive a.iood time and we I can't come to all the countries cotton "print." withastride skirt, j to break up a meeting of i t c rrt:Before leaving he said to4 ius of the world. So. please, send J to attend.C£HE.iss.ii Nauontiisl. p . "host:- "Because you have "been so •white organfly sleeves, and heart ' S e ra itic Bomieof your wisest people to me, we are . printing kind to me I" bless :-ou that your shaped neck. Prances conplstes ', Party.in Princess Hall. John Tar- i j d * b her outfit -TSy wearing 'the' sold i lor, local leecer of tlse party, was i: .s t o ' r i e s,-.;fdr*-ybn: "THE and I wiU tell them. Then they first wish should be fulfilled PRINCE" end• "TWO WISHES can gc-hack and tell you." --, • continue until you say: 'Enough! locket around her neck, • strcng i taet wits a. fcarrs.ge of -toia&toes . [_ on a narrow -velvet riBbon which when fce'begaa'-to ^' ^ T H i i ; So the Jews of each land sent - W h a t , is sauce for the. goose, j have "enough!'"' r " •'• |SPon?t- yon 'write, t o us ana some of thei-' wisest people to eople say, is sauce for the .:• Then the Prophet disappeared. a







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'•••.' •"' ' ' let'^tis.iknow ;Wh6tKer yon en« Herzl. gander! That ia sometimes true. "Come bring me that puree joy,"these-stories and what elsa Tou know that the Jews are In But not always- Here,.•?>.a story- with-the big gold piece in it that r r y!on-woald .ffl£eVto nave thesa so many lands that,"- although of two wishes that were'.^absolute-•J'T prepared: yesterday!" Nathan columnsj.contain.! ;\ -.-.•. only a few were sent lrom each ly the same, and both came .-true, led-to his wife. She brought i land, hundreds came to Herzl. He y e t — • • • • • . , - . . ' • • .';...' - . - - - ? l ' v - \ - : . the.puriB; and sat down near him could not meet them all in his But let me tell you the story: a l • Nathan took oat the own home. His home wasn't large There were two brothers once.;' gold apiece and whispered: " I enough for that, so he met them One, Nathan,"was very rich' and'; wish . there was: another gold s in a big, big hall. And as all the as often happens, very stingy and pleee^In i t ! " fifebi, jsald Malkah,. y u people were' sitting In that big bad. The other, Ezra, -was poor: The:'VTish • Answered promised t o ' tell-: me the • story of hall, Herzl stood up before them. but he had a good heart.* • ; : . And i. there was another gold Herzlr the Prince: > Please .'tell- it He was tall, straight and handOne day the; rich ;Kathan trav- piege :.In- i t ! He took that out, Jjo,ia.e<-no?r.; ;"l;.Vatit"tb. hear it." some. When the Jews looked eled away from home for sojne :and\thery was still another in the . "Very -well, Malkah," said the into Herzl's eyes, they saw that bottom;:'of the- purse. He kept Rebbi. " I "will keep my promise he had a lot of the magic of business. On the way-he -met an takjing^thenv out, gold piece, -and and tell you the story of Herzzl." Palestine in him. Because of that, old man going the opposite diree-. "ttie^fe -was always one more-re"Sebb'i, before you begin, t h e they wanted very, very much to tipn.. the bottom.' Nathan's "Peace be with youi" the oldmaiitijig.at, story," said Malkah, "let me see hear what lie would tell them. ' t h d her h h b d with ith husband man, who was none other-thin i f iwatched the picture of Herzl." His Words eryes, too' excited t& 'utthe Prophet Elijah in disgnise,; The Kebbi opened the book, And Herzl said to all the Jews • ' ''•"'• ter even one word to him. and turned the pages until he who came to him from all the greeted. f'-.-Spon their > table was. heaped "Peace!" Nathan grumbled with came "to .the picture of Herzl, near countries of the world: "Go back , large gold piecesJ "" Atd •'-»..-.-.the.end-of the book. Malkah:look- to your people. Tell them that proudly. _ • Nathan .-kept piling them ; up; one "And where is a traveler. go^ •byfone.- -His eyes grew tired frosn ing^-' on^"said;V.V'*-'HoTr.-wonderful you will not be able to get Pales-, :: this"niagi(::-book.-is! •". I love these tine back by crying. You can ng to?" the old man asked. looking at "the glare of the. sew pictureV'-Most of them:.make me only get It'by working very hard "I'm going to buy oxen in gold-pieces, and the •gles.m i^ his sad,'but - I-lore them-just the for It. If you have the magic of Damascus!" '' • ' . " " • . wife's eyes--turned" into c ctcre. same. What is the name of your Palestine in yon, then yon won't •If the Lord wills it!" the old But she.dld not move, an? N=.th: book, -with all the; beautiful pic- mind work, even if you^ have to man added. an :kept--upv.hls work: of ei^^tj-ins tures in i t ? " "Whether He wills It, or not!"the ,-perpetIial .gold piece: irc-n work very, very hard. So, go "I ihe'tlessed-' purse. 'The' name of -this- book," said back each to his . own country. Nathan the rich answered, the"-'Rebbi,::"is'•'Hi'" : Let all the Jews who have a great have the money right here in; 3ny.- •:''-"Aren't you getting deal of the magic of Palestine, pocket and there is no one-'to stop Nathan's, wife asked get together. Here is a blue box. me from buying oxeni If' Biichis -Bear their feet b« ~^n- to l } y . , Let each one of them have a blue my wish!" shine -with the gold that imi Tfathan Goes to Damasccs "means. tb,e"Mories^ot*. a people/ box like this for his home. Let rolled from the table. KverySpicture-ia; .the book' tells them put into this blue box pen- Then the old man went his • "Yes. Just a few more end ^ . ^ J g that'happened nies and nickles and dimes. When own way, and the Tich Nathan then well eat!" Nathan replied. to • tJi^a/iewiah people. vSomb of their children get Chanukah went to Damascus. "Don't you think it wili bs In the market. of Damascus the fpiittfxes-t^H the' stories; 611: the' Gelt on Chanukah, let them, p a t ' ' Jew3g^-:-©feap^''L^ie^tikey:'3(rere'in i t into-thl3 bos. Let ;them put Nathan saw.a corral.full/of very, •»ISileirce;r"':-i!hont€d s "In d ^ ^ © t i *mo~ney";lntb this ^ before every fine oxeh "that" pleasfeff Turn very a n g e r . ' ; ••'•'• of .-the -Jewish people" after 'they Jewish/holiday and at every much. "These belong to a man "Oh, I'm getting famished, were driven out of-Palestine, birtBday. Then, as soon as these who failed to pay his tases," the • •.. -A- Proper • Question • . boxes" have lots of pennies and dealer explained. "The whole- lot Nathan!" his wife complained. Nathan .did not hear her, t u t .^Why. is, it, Rebbi,"; said Mal- nickles and dimes In them, empty Is worth thousands • of shekels, kah, "that most of/'.the pictures them, and send the money to but we will sell them for' only kept counting out the gcli p.rrcr. hour passed about • the Jews in ; Palestine are Palestine. And with this money 600' pieces: of silver 'to 'cover- the. Hour .-"after Nathan'did!not stop. happy, and most of the pictures we will buy land. We must keep unpaid taxes." • -X; about the Jews after ; they were on filling these boxes again, and "I'll take - them allT''" Nathan ••'--v "If; you . 'don't -step driven out of Palestine, are sad?" again, until we will have bought Bhouted gleefully. But;_when; he faint!" Nathan's w;ie vr>,:--:::;.' ——"You" know why, -Milkah. You a whole lot of land in Palestine, began; to look for his -money," he; . -"Spiinrsoon'." Naths.i SJ=.Z--ZTC1 reinember the picture, of; the Jews so that the Jewish people • will discovered that he'had-lost it;on greedily/-" s 1n;Palestine that you"saw? When once more have fields and gar-the way. Nathan hurried'back : Soon night came and people work in the" fields, and. in dens and orchards. Then some home for more money • and; re- dark In the room.. JCathas d i i their gardens and their orchards,; of you can go and live there. Tou turned. to Damascus. - But when not notice.that his wife had laistand play under the blue'sky, they will plow the fields, and raise he reached the market again the ed, nor, did he stop to light the are alwayB happy; and; you know grain. Tou will plant trees, and great bargain was already gone. • room. He remained where he how: beautiful Palestine is. That have fruit; and your children will The" rich merchant returned was, piling up coin after -coin is why the Jews were happy when again play under the blue sky in home without any oxen and very, from the purse. His feet, t e felt, they were in Palestine. But when the beautiful land of Palestine. very angry. When he came home were'embalmed in a heapcf gold people .have to live in narrow . When the Jews who came from he found a beggar at the door of around him. "But lie did net rsy: dark..Streets, and always be afraid all the countries of the world to "Enough!--1. have enoaghl" Inhis house begging for food. that^someone' is 'coming to hurt Herzl, heard this, they said: ptead,-Jie..wJiispered: .-"Just z. few "Get away from here, you begthemT like the'JewB.who lived in "Tou are riglit. We'll never get more!..' ••Just- a -few more." the Ghetto... they cannot, be bap- Palestine by crying. We must gar, or I'll-have- my servants The next morning' Natics cr.d py. ,.jWhen. people have to do work. And those who have the' throw you Into the gutter, and Us wife were found dead, b-jrjci what they do not want to do, and magic of Palestine in their hearts give you a good sound beating as in a heap of gold pieces that have .to.-.hjde In caves when they and want Palestine very much, well!" Nathan shouted. ' The beggar, who .j-vras,•"• of nearly reached to th~ir necks, want- to~ pray to God, like the Will work very, very hard. We And •• t h a t : is how the Prophet p JewB did. in Spain, they surely will go back to the countries from course, none other than Elijah Elijah taught the world that a cannot be happy. And when peo- which we came, and tell the Jews the Prophet, -went away from the good heart is worthier than gold; ple strR.driven,out,o£ their homes, what we -must do to get Pales- rich man's door to his brother and that a greedy person digs fcis Ezra, who, a3 I said, was very, llkei.the; Jews ; .who. were driven tine back again." own grave with his greed. very poor. outHof Russia,'-, and have to go JOSEPH Then one man got up and said Elijah Visits Ezra . from' Jand* to . land to find new The 'Jewish Cc Elijah knocked upon the poor homes, they cannot help, being to Herzl: "Are you sure that aftsad. , And-this io why, when the er we buy land in Palestine and man's door and asked f or" someall the thing to eat and a place to sleep.ICadiaia-'Club Jews were away from Palestine, have some Jews - from they kept on praying to God "Le-lands go there with their wives for the night. sho^noh Hab-bo-oh Bi-roo-sho-lo- and children, are you sure that 'Cdme in! You are welcomed!'' - On June 15 the Kadima. Club ylm." May we be In Jerusalem no wicked king will come and Ezra said. "I have little-food wil hold its last meeting. Election next year, and, may we again again drive them out of Pales- and a poor place, but whatever I of officers will be will be heid. . . Plans lor the summer are also to have farms :and ^-gardens and tine?" ' have is yours!" The Promise of 3Ongs orchards,':. and -may5- our children The disguised Elijah weat in, be disctisSEd at this .time. i > ' under.* 'the'blue sky, "Ah, said Herzl. "We will do ate at the poor man's table, and ^ i p y l .b f i d y this! . We will ask all ths kings stayed there over night. In" the andinay-we-no longer be afraid, of the world to promise that they morning, before going away, he, i ^ ' o what is right, and will not let anyone drive the said to his host: Jews out of Palestine agraia. We to," do:" .. "Because you have been * so i •i j , ^ if the Jews want- wil write this promise on a sheet kind t o me I bless you that your ed so,'vsfy'^in'Ueh'tb go back • to of paper, and all the kings of the first wish shalf be - fulfilled, and Palestine,^ wliy; didn't: they -.do world will sign their names to it. continue until you say:. When they sign their names to I have enough!' " this promise, they will keep it The-ScstteVed'People And'then the Prophet disapand will never, never drive the "Ah., my^child.".'said. •Hehbi, peared. • When lie was, gone Ezra Jews out of Palestine again." ''Th,e 'Jews -wanted: to do , it, - but i i took -out hjs purse and said: Doar SuVy Q: it was very hard. Xou 'mow that "Can you get them »to make "Now let me see whether I-have- _"Have i>oen seeing'scads s.nd 1 because-; the'Jews v had to go from such a promise?" the man asked enough money to buy bread for scans of nsw .sninnier'- c'ctiicr one; land;; to/another, < they now Herzl. the day." He had two coppers, T/hiea I -R-oulfin't.- in the :r_st livefiir-i&any^Many lands livef lands. They "Yes, we can. "We t e l he remembered. But that -trar^'t n'.id cavlnT. Now- thst- scio-; • " : ! i belongs to enough. He took the coins out cat, r I ought to have "''oooSlcc ct V in/England, them that Palestine are ;ln,-?Am erica oandV in Russia,'jn.France, and in Ger- the Jews; that we had a Temple and wished there-were another ia pieces to frcar t h e n to. •li-^t ^ridey night,-while c^I many, in_ Italy-,": in.!Africa,; and in Jerusalem; that the Jews were there. . ; In Palestine- once eveiiih : Japan; and China. It was very happy As he looted Into l i e ' pursa tho ifds Iron Benson, South, zzf very, hard . for *them to come -.to- upon a time; and that it is no again he saw another copper.- He tLe_Bctb-Z.l high." school gether j&- one place' and make up more than right that they should took' it out. But the-e x ~M still , E £ : : trcrc getting their &iv'.'~zz. thei'r;?.ininds ' what -to.db. to get again be in Palestine and again another copper opper there. Ke tcolri I»crraicG sg sger -was- g gi-.r• back'rt'o Palestine, and how to do be happy." • ' It out. But there was still tri-11dinner r=rty in' honor."of r^^i'.z it. ;Of .'course,-all the Jews In all Then Herzl said to all the peo- other copper there. He IciJ ths j Silver™an vrho-is .marryinj - '.I: the. 'countries had -some, of the ple who c&me to him from all the money on the table and took, the 3-c:entasis: Sunday:. Most' c^ magic ;of Palestine In them. That countries: "You go'back to your next coiiC from-the purse. Ana girls \rc7o "bis" liats-Vand" tc;*:r3 made- them want to go to Pales- lands with the blue boxes. Bring still there xrzs cnothsr coin in it. tine';- but, because they did. not all the people who have the mag- He kept taldng t i e coppers out Susy Q,- hzre you. notice i iisw .»:, his ».r_ "table , . t 1!Ci .~r 3t c .-trlag 6f"ba%ay r " r l s know How-to -do it,- and -because ic "of Palestine-in them together.' untU i..^,was ^ heapod, _ with they were afraid-they would nev- Collect the pennies so that we them and the floor n:s.r his feet loolis itlc2 vrorn wiUi.- E r^urro er get- £here,_ they cried, Many, may buy a lot of land, and while was covered viih. coins. In the seclzci ^:;^3? They're:sira^Zr £'mariy:. tfmes the JewB in many you are doing that, 1 will go to end Ezra* cried: • "ZZ T:SS! A a i Epciking pf Jcvclr;', Z \ lands: prayed 'and 'cried," prayed all the kings and ask 'them' to' have enough!" •vrisi: yn-j craia see EatJier Zlcr-j and • "cried; -;they tssranted to _ go malie the promise." ris' powder blue and pink r:jus.rc i Ezra EecoEses Rich back to Palestine." When he- took out the next locket--and the half circle zz-z*- \ -So they y went bads: with the :j Then came Herzl. Chat 'Sia.tcbss it. blue boxes to all the countries copper from the. pursev the purss pact-. "Rebbi." said' Malkah, as' shefrom which they had come. They remained ' empty. Ezra tnra'sd :- "Ho'fior"-"-swards aaosncei i'c pointed to. the picture of Herzl, told -the people what Herzl had the coppers into silver, and silver Before scfiool let ut ;xrere :,re: "This- man?' said. All those who had tbe into gold, ,and he found'that Be to'" Mildred' B'erkowl-tz"' ant "Tea," answered the Rebbi, magic of Palestine in them, hung was no longer poor, ; but*'that" "ire 'this-man." j up a blue box In their home, and was a very rich-man. ' '-''.'''• 'casB.' prize in'the art ec'ates: r-cr- ,; "This man is so beautiful. But | began to put pennies and nickles When h i s brother, Nathan,' sored by the Greenwich Til'.r—rrr, i : why.-'does he look so sad?-" and dimes Into the box. In a'heard of Ezra's sudSen wealth, Central High-school art club, r c b > "Ah," said, the Rabbi, "because short time they sent to Herzl a", he came and asked aim: received the latter O lor t s c-'.- 1 a


































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• Page 8

i l O and KAILOWSKY, Rabbi David A. Goldstein; :of Om- For .there'.s. a deal/'of-, evidence is Harry Kletsky, and he fcsils | vard to tesch th'e mum Mars how Attorneys aha;' : • : . / . ••• '. " • . • ' '-'" from Denver . . . to be s'lent'r loctiacions. that Ludwig Geyer, •.. .converted x iwne.E r-v IMPLICATION- ON -. ^Vs her attendants JMiss - Roff- Jew; was Wagner's paps, TTlxieh (Copyright, 1S38, by-Seven Arts F C s SETTLEMENT man has selected Mrs. Bernard would make the musical Iknreate Feature Syndicste) I vt nee "Tfcin ice" .played s. cer- PiiT;T(ON C-r FINAL ArnVMIFTRA" Mezey of.'.New York, Sister-in-law o£ -the Third Reich ,'treif. . . tain.'neighborhood''house in ChiT!Ci\ ACCOUNT of the groom, for matron of hon- Every Jew " in • the toTni; of* Bosocago, largest "EtarQiiee bulbs Wa?.Ir. SI'-? Cou'ity Co'.irt o* Douglas or; Miss Louise Wintroub of Om- vitz, Czechoslovaliia,- lias taken | oned the name of Director Sidney Count;-. X'.'i>!-aska. HISS ANNA PILL, «onc9pc2&*In the .?i»'fer of the n s t a t e f>( Lsnfield ever stsr and title. Rea- Abvshp.m Miss, Ruth Marx will leave to- aha,, maid of honor, and Miss an oath not to speak German as U'nmcr. P.II=O known as Shirley Kahh and Miss Edna long as tbat language "is Vein's son for such discrimination goes day for New York City, where she .ilis-F.h»m T.-in<?r, Doof>;>se<i: Mbskovitz, both of -Omaha, as used to spread hatred-of the Jew^11 v o r s o n s inie'-pFit'i' iv f=ald niRt-back t :enty rears when tv.-o. will.study at the Columbia uniBy EELEN EIGESOICD iov i?,re h^i-p'oy n o - i i i e d ihpj. on t h e ish people . . . May 2 5 tli has been youngsters worked their way ~;i:fc versity.1 • En route to New.' York bridesmaids.' flay vi y^-p.y. *-'^±, H y m a n Wien,through school ushering at the e r fil'-u she" will visit with friends in! De- ..-.Mr, Mezey will be attended by proclaimed an annual day of p. p e u r l i m i n s«ii'. C o u n t y Robert. Roffman, brother of the mourning; by the - Jews Of; Knn-j Hollywood—'Ttras a gala cf- Bijou theatre. One was Sidney C o u r t . - p r a y i n c t h n t h i s f i n a l a i l m i n The" Jewish-Community Center trPit, Mich., -and Indianapolis. v 1 bride. The. ushers', will, be Carl hevero. b e p e t gary -anti -will -become part of the i "fair—the Press Preview cf "Al- j Lanfield, today R front, rerk tU- istrRtio? ; a^oiM.n-. (Uoc. is receiving .many' applications by P m ; flint h e b e d i g Whitman Jewish calendar . . -.- May 2"5th is. exander's Rag-Timg Band" - - the : rector . . . the other. Mort Ar- t i e d s i i i l K!!ovi'(J. young people* looking for work. • M r / a n d ' . Mrs.- Sol ' Silverberg Fredericks" and Norman : chfLrp-^fl :';-orT" '--jo Trii'st. ftF- fxtJminis• the- day "the* Hungarian "Senate "press" being cosily shelved on thur, present mansper of the ; r R t o r a n d t h a t a I'eaL1}?^;- v^-lW b e h a d Employers in need- of .help are and sons, BernarU and Julian, of Omaha.' . From 7 till 12 p. m. there will ! passed. the atiti-Jewish' - numerus the balcony, while, the cnisli of \ theatre now occupying the same on p a i r ]>PU<ioi5 b<>fo;'€ «».Id C o u r t o n asked to. call the Center, that the and Mr.-and Mrs; Sidney H. Ma'"•" ".'•'•• orchids-'n-ermine below was suf- ; spot as the old Bijou. Top billing t h e j.S;.h o?iy of J u n e . I!?"*, nni.1 t h « t Center office may act as" a "clear- jor and daughters,"-Caroline and be; a reception and dance in the ' clausus ls.vr~. .' . • if you tall to npveiiv btfo"'e said : focating. The picture concerns a ! was Arthur's way c£ saluting an Court Announcement -was made at' ing'house-in this project. The Dorothy, all of Storm Lake,.spent Eagles. Hall. ; on t""e ?"!!= 1">rb rir.v o r ,hinp, ^EKSET. "JITTERS_-. ' * y .' band-leader . . . (What again? i bid pal. . th-9 final report meeting of the applicants include many young Sunday. J.n Sioux City, attending ^.Friends and relatives are inl^"S, a t f1 c'o3o'M< A. AL, antl c o n t e s t A committee representing* fojir Aren't there any other., characters said petition. She Court, mny (?rant Ublted Appeala Drive, that the girls who can take care of chil- the confirmation, exercises and vited to attend the reception.. important national, rabbinical In the world?) . . . . ahel cleverly the prp.ypr oT f--»ifi nr--?tioti. e n t e r A amount of 510,000 -which was the dren.' j Picture rerils .. '. . or' Koilj-1 recep.tlon at Mount Sinai' temple. dpcree of heirsiiip. i-nd m a k e such The announcement was made [ groups is- investigating, lie.•'fig' t through the celluloid runs a 1 wood Hazards . . in four peris: o;h<?" r-.tid fiirUif"!1 ordpi-s, P,llo—anc<>» 'goal, set ./for'Slop's City,- was over Miss.Betty Silverberg, ^daughter i between the Jersey City Jewish pnd fiorrpps, s s to ?hi« Court tnay suijsqrfbed. of Mr..' aYid Mrs; Sol Silverberg, Wednesday, June :S, of: the en- Center and Rabbi. Benjamin Plot- sparkling cavalcade of Irving ! Alt the fun the Riize- created seem proper, to the »ml that a!! m a t I BerRrt's music, beginning with j in "Kentucky Moonshine" had an tors rur.-iiiiiihip Mr.'.John Lansberg presided at was a .meuiber of. the 'Cpnfirma- gagement of Miss Sylvia Ross, kin's Congregation Emanu-el . in s;iiil o s i a t e may b» the meeting which was held at' tloa class, and spent the week daughter: of Mrs. R. E. Ross to The situation there is so hot that ! the 1910 "Rag-Time" tune and i agonizing aftermath. The 1-513— fina'3,^- Ret-'l^o PTUI dpr^rniinPf?. Mr. Robert Ronald Rosenfeldt, j ending -with it'. . . in swing-time, the' Jewish Community Center, ] billy bearcis caused an scute skin visiting* here with Doris and "Beti l R V t ' E s.:ilA WFORD, son of.Mr. and Mrs. S. Rosenfeldt it has even split families into op- i Berlin's melodies . . . he wrote ; poisoning • -which lasted, t v? c s-r7-?r;-,Tf and "after, hearing' the' reports "of ty Marx. • ' ': •••' •""'••• County Jmige. posing camps. . . The children of j sis hundred . . . remain singulsr- I months. of Los Angeles. , '.'... tbefvarious chairmen, he thanked rR«vDE3:PL rr ?G, V.'tP.B. EEBER. . The couple plans to be married an .ex-presidest of the. congrega- j ly alive and rigorous. A pity ; On the other hand, a thick all the workers for.lheir generous -• Mr. and Mrs. Preston Polsky of on July 17. KI.UTCNICK. anr! KELUY tion woa't speak to ,him,".because | some of his own life-struggle j pompous wig saved Joseph Schiiddonation of .time and. money. Miss Adeline "Stern was electSCC- Union State Eiank Bldg, Neb., . spent' Sunday in ,he>-against Plotkin.. . .'.A.aother wasn't injected into the story. .At the close of the meeting re- e'd president'of the Young Judean Lincoln, j'krsut from serious injury when in the -home of Mrs. ex-president, who's also . antiNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS freshments were served to the chapter, at their recent annual Sioux , City, He wrote "Alexander's Rag- ja "gobo" fell from p. camera, parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Xoaet-' i^ ber*'b.v t.^'C'j: ih^-t all elt» Plotkin, is a brother-in-law- of Tiine Band" when a S£5-a-week (struck him on the head. A bulge workers "by Mr. Lansberg. '-' Mr.,election. ..-Miss Sally- Levin was •Polsky's istinp of CH'-I A. Andprson, Stein, While here they attendRabW Abba Hillel Silver,. V l o j^ano-pounder in a New York j of the cranium was.his only hurt. Inc. onrifbif, Lansberg : -was chairman of the named vice-president, .Missf Bet- I. the ;u?-: fip.y os' IVepmber, ed the confirmation of Mrs. Polsent Plotkin a..warm message .of •':liS& drive. -;•'• . / -.'•'. .'.-= ty Bain, recording secretary; sky's brother j .Leonard..', music house. It was iaet with du- I Luise Kainer's .mother end 1 {'-"-7. aniovinf.^o, to til-- sum of. Fifty* support • / , . Just in case you bious head-shakes . . . the chorus j cousin, Kurt Simon, were en- -six To^'-pnml >'!I^P Tlnndrpfl Eip'h* Miss "Ann Kanofsky, correspondcents. DID YOU HEAR? think the fight is a straight issue was too long . . . 32 bars instead i grossed observers OK the set tppn tUillH-.-s and eiehty-tour ing secrelary,' and Miss Thelma Miss Fay Einhdrn • of Chicago, •. In Newark, N. J., there's • a of Hajittisia. vs.,2nti-Haguisin, you of the usaal 16 . . . range too big I -when stampeding cavalry horses tSSfi.rflS.!>4.> Sbindler, treasurer. Outgoing ofCAKL A. ANDERSON, 111;,, is a guest this1 week in the highly respected attorney ot Ger- ought to know that-.among the for an average singer . . . just not j charged down upon them. An ficers are. the • Misses Annabel] 1'ipsident. man ancestry by. the name: of Otcenter directors wbo voted to Max Kaplan home, A, K VnCKPTKOM, "hit" stuff. In 1911 • it was in- I actor standing by fori.una.tely Satin, Jeanne Shubb, Marilyn-j to Stle^el, who's the New Jersey. oust the congregation are, twelve C. H. HEUt, troduced ia vaudeville by Emma •jEhOTCd them roughly hut es.felj' r IT' \ \> HFRSON... :Nptman; Brodkey, son o 1f Mr. Miller and.Betty Bain. . , . . Miss Charlotte Levin enter- legal representative for Fritz men known-for their anti-Hague Cams, headlmer . . . it spread j out of Earm's way. * O^.JIC a mam-) ^ o the Bnnrrt of The young Judeans, through 4nd' Mra. John BrodkejS of. 324.4 a t . a formal Sweet Sixteen Kuhn, fuehrer of the German- views and ; activities, inchtding across the world . . . was printed i Dieting, J. .Edward Bi-omberg I), PI iu «-. . «--10-38-lt * Jackson, Sioux City, Iowa, will be the columns of the Jew.ish Pregs, tained American Bund . . . F r o m a one who actually ran for" mayor party Wednesday evening in the many languages . '. . h a s sold lost thirty-five of his two hunawarded^ the degfe of Doctor of wish to express their thanks to Sioux" ball room. Dancing form- landsman of Stiefel we learn that against Hague on a fusion ticket ia more than two million copies . . . I dred pounds . . . decided to call a, Optbrqetry "at "the 68th coJnmence- the f o T l b w i h g'Sdo'nbrs," who ed the evening's entertainment. his father, Edouard fStietel, was . . . Our Hagueville gumshoes tell Is still a favorite. j halt, but Nature hacn't signed a ineat VexdediseB' ~qf. the Northern helped, them in- their recent car- Among the . guests was Miss a Jew -who - hailed from Rhein- iTs that any- numbe*- of Jersey I contract . . . he continues to pet Illinois- College of Optometry in nival: GalinBky Bros. Fruit com- j Helen Okun of Mitchell, S. D. pfalz,.but his mother was a Chris- City Jews privately. agree with ' -And if Ethel Merman, featured j lighter. Eis next part is' a fat pany, ; Kaplan Wholesale Gro-' n- ,<i Ci'.v , . .$ 3.20 Chicago, 111. tian . . . Edouard came to Amer- Plotkin's attitude toward Hagu- In' the film, isn't .a blue-ribbon | gormandizing prince . . . and hell ..3f .. . 8.50 i A graduate of the. Sioux City cers, Sioux City Bottling Works, ica some 50 pr 60 years ago and ism, but are opposed to him. be-candidate for our "Mispoche," we ; have to pad. l uakp <;t*\ 17.19 Central >H;igh School, Dr. Brod- Pill Bros. Paper, company, Cohen ' Miss, Rebecca Silver of Laurel, was on agent in New Jersey for cause they resent his having lose a bet. Her native tag is Ziml$eyv haa been an outstanding and Wholesale grocery,' Krueger Fruit] Neb., returned home this week Anheuser-Busch beer . . . A cou- dragged a Jewish issue into a merman. )QG So geht's. active., student at the' Chicago bp- company .' and Moray Lipshutz after visiting here with Mis3 Dor- sin, Dr. Benno Stiefel, is a promi- broader fight for civil liberties. . . W >» r ' othy Dlkel. ; ' • tq'metilc * college. He served as Clothing company. nent gynecologist in New Yprk ABOUT PEOPLE Lionel Stander, known for his i (Copyrighted by Jewish Teieepot: 1<i1€ Douglas Historian lor the. Mu Sigma Pi and is knpwn as a Jew . . . . Anactive interest in lshor unions, I Phonr A"1 lantic 2300 graphic Agency,. Inc.) , Sydney Bergen, son of Mr. and ether cousin belongs to one of optbnxetrie-fraternity. Most dramatic moment of the walked into the studio commisMrs. Max H. Bergen, 2315 Doug- New Jersey's leading Reform Jewish War Veterans' Memorial ,'During his senior year, Dr. In 11SS the Jews • of Canterlas street, was graduated from temples . • ..Did you see,Page 22 "day services in Temple Emanu-El sary for lunch . . . . cracked, "Oil, Bcodkey: served1" as Interne and we .poor wage slaves . . . have to clinician in the Northern Illinois Regular Friday evening serv-1 the Illinois College of Chiropody in the Jurie Issue'of Judge? . . . came when Chairman J. George e£t beeT-steak and, mayonnaise!" I bury prayed lor the monks vhr j were hsring' a dispute with lhEye Clinic, division' of the- col- ices Awere closed at Shaare Zion ! and Foot Surgery, at Chicago. Af- It's a striking prediction of an Fredman introduced, a gentleman i arebbishop. lege. :'\; •••_ •-•:•-? synagcigue with ther confirmation•! ter spending two weeks In Sioux anti-Nazi-revolution in Germany, by the name of S. Osgood AnGeorge Burns 'consented to apCity with his parents he-will re- to-take place "soon" . . ' . Here's drews and.revealed:that .he is, the service last'Friday evpriing. ."' turn " to Chicago , to: spend the hoping The Judge Is a good great-grandson of Hayin'Saibmon pear at a benefit. Arriving, he FRADENBURG, WEEK, EEEER, During ' t h e summer " months summer the Foot Clinic in Chi- prophet too / . . Which reminds . . . Of all the messages/and let- found a lopg line oi performers KUUTZN1CK & KELLEY, •I • 1 -- Mouiit Sinai daily services ;Wlll be held, at 7-j cago. •"" at ahead. After an interminable Attorneys. . . . us of a new anti-Hitler salute, in- ters' of congratulations received wait, he yawned, "Hope they let o'clock in .the morning and 7:30 200 Union State Eark Eidg. troduced, at- one of the Theater by. Henry / Monsky, "new BVai me go on before this suit gees Saturday." mornl The cpnfirmatioji service at in the evening.. : Loyal Keir, son of Dave Keir, Arts Committee's, plitical cabarets B'rith -prexy, the pne. he treasures oat'of style!" NOTICE' OF PROBATE OF WILL Mount -Sinai temple last Sunday ing services will -begin at,-8:30 In the County Court of- r>oug"ias cphcluded^the Veervices. for the o'clock. -••r -' ;--.- .1 ---.-— - '•' ' — receive_d_his_d.egree from the Uni- / . . ;Ypu raise; your right arm as most is "a telegram in '.-Yiddish County, Nebraska. • ' versity of jowa., at the graduation ; the-Nazis do,-and loudly exclaim: from his aged: mother . . . A loud " Esecs may come and bosses -. Bummer • sionths. Services will be In t h e Matter of the Estate of exercises there this week. "Heel!" . . . Bronx cheer for the New York Goldie Berper, Deceased. resumed with'the holidays in'the HADASSAH PLANS may go, but Sara goes on for_: AH persons interested in said es- | DON'T FORGET Journal-American, Hearst sheet, ever. Sara Swartz is a bit player f a l i r • • " ; * . v / '"'.":•. •'•' " "••• . • ' tste are hereby notified that a peti... SUMMER PROLIC Miss Delia Izen of Asheville, N. " Whether or not you believe the that exploited Martin Marden— at : Universal . . . has been on the 'Acknowledgement ha'B been tion h a s been fiied in said Court, C,:who Visited Jn Sioux'City re- report that Harry "Velsh, Jersey the young Gernian-Jewisb refuIt"?, cbvirncd for the probate of a certain made .by ;the.Sisterhood 'Memorial Plans have.been-started-for the cently with her aunt, Mrs/Aaron City's chief of police, :old Rep- gee whose prayer of thankfulness lot for twenty-one years . . joined !.praying I instrument on file in Raid Court, as & child actress. During the ! purporting new Furid for the Zpllewing - contribu- annual Junior- Hadassah* summer Lase.qsky, graduated Mo n d a y to be the last will and resentative O'COnnell that "Jews fpr living in America created Laeraiale regime she once risked tions: Mrs.- Meyer Harrison, Mrs. dance and the .date i a s been set j testament of said deceased, and that the University of Ibw.a, re- are making.all the treuble in Jer- such a stir — by sending him her J fi hearing will be had on said petition AV.M. Davis and Mrs. A. L. Ga- for ^Saturday, night, June_,28. The from life to save a batch of valua degree of bachelor'of sey'City," ; we happen to know around the country, on a .speak- able film from fire. "Uncle" Carl i before said Court on- the ISth day lihsky,- who each- contributed in dajipe wili!.be;Ke/d. int !f.he ,air con- aceiving, Sweet Ci-cam r t s . ' • • . - - • • : • . - • • • - : • - . . *-.•• - • : that the" spn-in-lawpf one of Jer- ing" tour, and now is. giving him never forgot. But even through j. of J-une. - 193S, a n d t h a t if they fa.il I m'emory'.of: Mrs/X. p . Sacks: Mrs. ditioned I. to appear a t said Court on the said •.Rainbow (room .of /the sey City's. leading Jews, and' a the runaround . .-. He was promH:.Miller, Mrs. I. Miller,"Mrs/.Ai day of June, 1S3S. a t S o'clock j Dr.- and Mrs. X M. Krigsten Hague apppintee, said that of all ised an office boy's job,, but de- Laemmie's' retirement- and Uni- ;j JSth A.J M.. to contest the probate or i M.-Davis,'.-Mrs., H. Fishgali; Dr. West hotel.; , '.'•.- . ^ / were hosts:.to their iriejids Mon- the Jersey City politicians Walsh spite daily calls and visits he's versai's numerous . .earthquakes, I said will, the Court m a y eJlov anc J Delia Galinsky. Mrs. A. L. GaltriSWEET day, afternoon in' the social hall Is the only orie who could have still waiting . . . One of Pitts- staunch Sara remains — the har- -probate said will End grant aflmip-' sky; Mrsv Abe Davidson and Mrs. sophomore- in1'the medical. CREAM istration of said estate to IJOUSS Ber- j of Shaare - Zion ^synagogue, > in made such a s t a t e m e n t / . . Peo- burg's biggest testimonial dinners dy perennial. v H.'. N:- Slotsky, in memory of Mr. of- Harvard:, university. -'• per or some ether suitable person, , honop of the birth of /hteir. son. ple who ask why the Department is scheduled for June 14th, with enter a rieorpe of heirship. End pi'PCharles Baldwin. . '• - ' "-..-'. Harpo WON'T tali in "Koom The.-brlde^elecf is . a-" graduate i of Justice hasn't made public its Harry : Schaffer, commander-in- Serrice." Phil Loeb, who acted ceed to a settlement thereof. of thQ-Ttnlversity of Jowa -and • BRTCE CRAWFORD. ; report on Nazi activities'are told chief of the Jewish War 'Vet- in :the stage .version, comes coast- S-ST-SS-Ht. will receiye.;a''master of' artssdeCounty J ; NAMED PRESIDENT'; ••' that it would cost too much, as erans, as guest of honor . . . Tbe gree fromw.Gc4umbia-"-'Unlverslty ; D F HEBREW MOTHERS this month. • She is. a member of the ; report fills ; 18 volumes Jewish National Fund Is about to The" fact is, though,', that the -re- open a senr volume o£ the Golden Sigma .Delta"',Tau; social -spr.pritj. f ;:l£rs. Abe Bain has been named Phi. Beta-' JKa'ppa,; .Mortar '.BoajtA port .will, be made public as soon Book, and is offering prizes for president of, the Hebrew' Mothers and Th'eta Sigiiia :Phi,:7honora'ry • •'-',' -' • Dorotho as the Congressional probers get the' best design . . . The new asseclition for the coming year. g r o u p s . < . ' • / ' - / . - • •-•' A_ regular meeting of : the.B'nai to work on-the Nazis . . . A good •?• tice'i club is organised Ip the inBrith will be- held Monday, June deal of the evidence Unking Nazis ! volume -will be the sixth since terests of the Hebrew. "School arid .' Mr.;' Miiie'r -attended the .Uni- 13. Following.an election 'of. of- tp the international spy ring' now 1902 . . . This roll of' honor conmeets regularly during the year. versity, of Iowa -tpr- ";three yeaFS ficers, "there" wjll'be a film shown being probed by Uncle Sam came tains .21,500 names . : -.: Yehudi where he***as-'a. Biem&'er-'bi I*Bi depleting the work -belng.carrled right- put of that repprt . . . The Menuhin' will spend part of- his Epsilon Pi,, social -Ipaternity, and- on at the .Cleveland Orphans' vpte on the resolution authoriz- honeymoon learning to play the A.^ F. i..'honp_rary._ST:pup//" ; ' / . Some.--•...•-. -/• . ing the Congressional inquiry was bagpipes . . . A s a newly elected not recorded because too many honorary member of the Golden r Mr, annV.iMrs. H,-wFeinberg'-'bf Congressmen feared to antago- Highlanders of Edinburgh he has The Council' Bluffs Chapter.: of S. • D:, annpunce the en;; Sunday, June :12, is the flay .set Jefferson,' nize German-American voters . v • tp be able to play 'em . . . There's Junior Hadassah will meet Mon11 for. the-, wedding- ot Miss Ida Hes- gagement of~their daughter, Miss day, June "13,-at the Chieftain But we can tell you the count a gymnastics Instructor in Wash£elowjJdaughter of Mr., and -.Mrs. Lottie Felhberg, to Max Holdpw- H o t e l . ; ..''-.• .-• / : -. ': - / . . ' / was 199 to 33 . . . A -well-in- ington who works out with Secretary of the Treasury .Morgfen.William fiestielowV and' Eugene sky, 815 "Iowa.street,'son of Mr. .Misa-Rose_Mehd?lson, Program formed Jewish authority in "Wis- thau1 every morning,' and tfcea Levin, son, of Mr.' -and Mrs. Sam-aijd Mrs./j;; Holdowsky.of New Chairman/has planned a very eri- consin tells', us that the controuel Ijevin of Chicago. ;The wed- York City. ' The wedding date tertaining 'program.' "~ versy over the ousting of a Jew- hies himself over to do the saiae ' '.-:• •'. All members and all prospec- ish student as editor of the Uni- with Nazi Ambassador Dieckhoff ding-service will be at 3-o'clock hias not been:set.; . . / Amelia Weitsch, who.-natil a in,'the Shaare Zion synagogue, tive, members are urged to attend versity- of Wisconsin paper is- not couple ^of 'weeks ago was ; secrewhere. Rafa.bi H. R.,- Rabinowltz Mr; and, Mfs^.Sam Katz. 909 this first organized meeting. a clear-cut case of anti-Semitism will officiate. -'; The synagogue Iowa ' street, announce the en. . . Radical vs. conservative and tary to Dr. Heinrieh Neuraann, cljoir .will sing oefore. the • cere- gagement.-pf their' daughter, Miss independent vs.- fraternity are the the world-famous Vien-nese ear mony, • and iMiss Jean khindler Mil'dred Katz, "to Ben Light, son " T h e Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel real issues Involved . . .Students and nose specialist, but WHO is •violinist, with Mrs.'Ethel •Booth of" Philip Light 6f . S16ux; Falls. Cemetery Organization: will • hold who ousted the Jewish editor did now ,a refugee in ^this country, t ^ ^ F ltd ^***&&&^ 'lull iiji. hi at-'the 'piano.' will play the wed- They have, not* set- the- wedding its annual meeting next Wednes- make -anti-Semitic cracks in pri- tells us that the story about Neuday,~june 15 at a l'o'cloch lunchding processional. • /.-•' mann refusing to treat"Hitler is d a t e . ' • / ' - : - > • • , " . • i • • • . . • • • vate, but "almost the very next eon at the Omaha Jewish Comday they recanted and insisted just plain hooey . . ; She mad© iThe"-bride" will'wear a white munity Center.' " OUTDOOR GAMES . • . - : . . . : all Neumann's appointments for Mr. and Mrs. bail Friedman lace gown 'fashioned over whit© For reservations call Mrs.. E. that these statement! were made years, and would .have known, had entertained a t / a .familjr' dinner satin ' in' e.mpire style,.; and her Meyers ot\ Omaha or Mrs/ Ben In the heat of controversy and he refused to minister to the • ' - S W I M M I N G - D A I L Y - " -. • did not represent their real opinveil/will hs long. She. will carry Siindajy. afte'fnooh, honoring their Gershun of Council JBIufffs. a , "shower bouquet•', of taliBmaiT son,,Hubert, who was a member ion . . . . All of. which makes us Fuehrer.. . . . ' T h e author of the' much-discussed "Eagle Forgotroses. Miss '" Bertha ' Heshelow, of the -Mount Sinai temple- conMiss- Florence Steinberg,' daugh- wish we -knew ^enough Latin to ten," a'biography of John Altgeld siiter^of'.the bride, will, be her 1firmation class. "V compose the appropriate parater of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stein"Amohg^the out-of-town; guests berg "received ' a B.. A.' Degree phrase of "In vino veritas" . . . (the governor of Illinois who parmaid''of - honor,: an'd Miss, Edith 'Shuman of Minneapolis and JJlsa were Mr. and THrs. Gail Margolin, Wednesday, June ? frpm the Uni- But how «an you blame .the stu- doned the defendants in the HayForence Levin of. Chicago will be Mr., and Mrs; Arthur- Green,- Mr. versity pf Omaha.-' dents when, not so long ago, market bombing), signs hitaself bridesmaids. They will wear and Mrsi Lbiila Margolin, Sarah Ralph M.Immell, adjutant gen- Harry Barnard, but his real came She received a certificate pf : gowns of pasteli shades. Joe Le- and PaUl Margolin, Mlllard. Marfor/being one pf the ten eral of the Wisconsin Nationr.l vin of Chicago will be groomsman golin, .Mr.^and Mrs. Nathan Yaf- Award mest putstanding members of the Guard, made the public pronuncianjd Soyel HeshJelow. with - Harry fe, Mr. and Mrs.-1.- Hurwitz, Louis Senior Class in service and sch- amento that "there are too many Levin will be ushers. Escorts will Hurwitz, Mrs. Frank Tuchman, olarship. " ' . . • ' • . . - Jews on the Wisconsin campus?" be-Mr. and Mrs. Barney .Daskbvr. all- of Omaha; Mrs. Louis Fogel : Miss Steinberg is leaving shbrt-. FOREIGN NOTES sky and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Keir. of Los Angeles; Mrs. Ray Ziedell '••'•"'• ly fpr Wlscpnsln where she will Little -", MiBs- Beverly Sfelcher, pfrSt. Paul, Minn. be a counselor at Burr Oaks Camp danight^r or MK and Mrs; S. MelThe papers missed a swell for ,Jewish'Girls., >••.••; eh'er'of Norfolk, will' act.as flowstory, when they overlooked the Mrs. Jack Scmsker, Mrs. Pat er; girl,; and Bobby Shiloff, small Bobys. and Miss Rpsanette B'arrent recent death in Lepiberg of. Leisob of Mr. and Mrs.' Archie Shll- of Washington; D. C , are visiting - The Misses Esther and Flor- bush Wahl, a direct descendant ence Steinberg will present their offr'wllljbe ring:bearer. .: . here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. students In a violin and piano re- of that Saul Wahl who, accord•Following, the 'ceremony, a re- M. Seff and Mr. and Mrs. S. Krue- cital" Friday evening, June 10 at ing to legend, was king of Poception will be held in the home ger. Mrs* Semsker is the-former. 8:15 p. m.'at.' Schmoller and land for a night during the Middle Ages . . . The recent blightof ;.the bride's parents ,frpm^4 to Bertha Seff, arid -Mrs. -Bobys' be- Mueller in Council Bluffs. ; Ing of .the romance between 6 ;o\clock,,:. afterlwhich a buffet fore her marriage.was M i S Among thpseparticipatipg are: -••'-• •••; • ':' . $ 2 4 . 0 0 ^ N b n - M e m b e r s sujip'er, •. will be served -for the -rene Barrerit. . ; . " ' ' • " Owen Meyerson, Pearl Richards, Prince Michael Radziwill and a Polish Jewess gives the Wahl wedding.party, relatives and outNaomi Pezzner; „• Harriet, Kubby, of-fown guests.' Mr. "Levin and . A family,". dthner was given re- all of; Council Bluffs and; David legend even more timely interest, his.bride will make their home in" cently by Mr/and Mrs; H.lSaitlin, Rice, Phyllis Wohlner, and Ar- for Wahl became king through the influence of $a Radziwill C h i c a g o / '-.-• • . .'••', 723 .West"Eighth street,. Honor- line Dahsky all of Omaha. Out-of-town guests will,include ing'several .-guests from' out of Thelpublic is cordially invited whom his father had befriended . . . The grandchildren of Paul Mrs. Sam Kurland. of Chicago. town. Anrong them-were Miss to attend. Ehrlich, the German Jew who Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin of Sally Saltlin- and Sam Saitlin of Chicago, Mrs. S. L. Rohrlich of Alexandria, S. D v Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Rosenfeld and Don- won the Nobel Prize In medicine Gary, Ind.; Mrs. M.arie Fjsher ot Henry Saitlin of Hartingtou, ald -Rosenfeldi: sons of Mr. and in 1908, are reported to be home(eriss tof thU-hotcb'Wheth* New York City; Mr. and Mr3. Neb,; Beii ,3aitlln of Fairmont, Mrs. Joseph Rpsenfeld were grad- less and penniless . . . The Chier oa ' business, or" pleastmt Barney-Daskovsky of Hinton, la.: A'inn., and Mfss Roberta Wefse- uated Monday, June . 6 from the nese can be assured that at least best, tho-Kotel CSari; mal;e« • . Mr. and Mrs. Irving Levin of man of Chicago, aa f^.ca5 **bt^« ef cipsrrUniversity of Iowa at Iowa City. four of the group >>f German miltlorts." t s vCJ ts a restfc: Webster, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Sam itary strategists who bavo been A tea was given for'the visitors Robert received an. M. D. De"b.Het™ s-t tho enfi ef tba Mopper of Salem, S. D.;' Mr. and by Mrs. fiva. Woskoff, 609 Main gree, while Donald received an B. ordered home by the Reich au<3ar's *"ca7r.ra!iri." G o o d Mrs. Irvlna TJS%HO of Artesian, S.street. thorities in-ill not obey . . . A. Degree. ersts charges. t& w«!l-es fop' D.: >Mr. and--Mrs. Jack.>illsker, They're non-Aryans . . . EuroFears sccommodations.. sivs Mr. and Mrs. Sol Melcher, Mr. pean musicr.! circles ere chuckMiss Dorothy ,Davig, .daughter final sSj^Sficaiws -to sUsserMr. and Mrs. B. Balaban will and.Mrs. Dave'Sfiuman and Miss of Mr. and'jVlrs.' A. Ml Davis, reling at the greet to-do the Naaia tes word—CO1IFOF.-?. •: - _ Bertha He3below, all of Norfolk, turned, home this week .from Chl- entertain In honor of tbelr daugh- made over the 125th nnn'versary ,P. Q; B. KeSKt©!srg,aasis.' ter, MIckee at a graduation party Neb. cago» wher.e she has been study- on June 12 from 7 until 10 p. m. of Richard Warner's r l r t t . . . ing, at the^ American Conserva- They v,-ill holii open housp. Mrs. Howard Braun of Chl- tory'of Music. No invitations have been issucag'p- announces the engagement ed. Our Funeral Parlors Are Fora5sSsct£ ia K©=2O-L;.ie rs^a^Iaa 11 and ' approaching marriage this airs. H. -O. Rasljin of Olslahoma summer of her daughter. Miss City • and her.- daughter, iSIaxfne, " 3Iiss Ruth - Hoffman, daughter -. ••-•-' '-' '.. ••COURTEOUS RBt-lAZZST |L Ruth Louise Belsky, to" Edward returned home Sunday after vis- of Mr. and Mrs. George RofEman, SEND. THIS APFLICATIOK' WITH DEPOSIT ( S. Miller, son of Mr. and Mr3. H. iting here v.-ith Mr. and Urs. M. has chosen Sunday, June 12, a3 JEWISH COMMUKITY CENTER—IOS 'HO. 20TK ST.-—OMAHA. Miller, 1524 Court street. The Hanin. Mrs." Raskin came to the date of her wedding to SoloFUNERAL DIKSCTCr-S wedding will take place in Chi- Sioux City' to attend ths gradua- mon Mezey of New York City. Faraans cago, and the couple will reside? tion from CetTtrnl Hlijli school of The is-edding will be solemnizin Boston, where Mr. Miller- 13 a her daughter, -Maxine. -* ed at Eagle hall at 2:30~p. m. by

t Ensign-Abe Cohen arrived in Sioux City this week to visit his parents, ;iMr.. and Mrs.- I: jConeri, 2721 JoneS ptreet. He; graduated last -week from : the Naval Academy -at Annapolis.•-.'. * '

' J.'.C, C. Nev/o


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