r Wl>^' Ufae Tieira expressed by' vrtg Lewisobn In his column are his own and do not necessarily reflect toe policies or attitudes of oar publication. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden. HITLER AND FREUD Dr. Sigmund Freud and his •wile and his daughter Anna, the distinguished child-psychologist, nave left Vienna. Xiife was, of course, intolerable tor them there and it Is well that the great master, eighty-two years old and far from, •well, •will be able to spend •vrhat time remains to him la "peace in London. He was permitted to keep his private books and manuscripts, hut his publishing house and its stocks have been destroyed and his money confiscated. He la or would be, except lor friends and disciples, penniless. One'wonders what German historians will make i.f these confiscations {the property of Thomas Mann. Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud) in, say. the year "2100. Fanaticism lias raged before in history. Tyrants have exiled great men before. Religious wars have been particularly ruthless, and cities and settlements in several parts of the world still commemorate the slaughter ° r t*ie French Huguenots. The present German persecution of the bearers of human culture is characterized by a. cold sordidness, by a vulgar thievishness, by the cal-
Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January SI, 1931. at Postoffiee. of Omaha, .Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1S79
„ FRIDAY. JUNE 17, 1035
(JTA) — Former
L <4
Prcrue (T\*XS) — Fercr.se «:? j
majority of 'tie r..rn-Jprifh res!- j cents in the town oi Duerrmanl. ] rear iilarienhsd. preierred to vote j for a Jew rather that; support *he ' Sudeten (Xnzi) enn^idate, the] Andriessen Spanjaard, prominent rcr.ir.p; r>f the Jev.'ifh pnvty T S F Jewish philanthropist. elected in the municipal council i [ Last year the philanthropist, poll de?p:fe the fact tlint the ! j who is active in Jewish organiza- Q r n a h a W o m e n P l e d g e t o -towr. has only -6" Jews. There were only .two candidates, three • tions, fitted up and presented TO : r a t e its Institute for i C o o p s Campaign in Teplilz-Suhotuau zvtil two iu; :' representatives of 2S Jewish comPhysical Education. Bratislava. munities throughout the country Justice Slinister Panl Hyiaans presided at ceremonies inaugurating the new Brussels university gymnasium presented by Hugo
If Agreement Reached Referendum to Be . Dropped Definite evidence of agreement on the part ot the groups present and a strong desire to bring about a real basis of cooperation characterized the Pittsburgh meeting of representatives of the American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, B'nai B'rith and Jewish Labor Committee, accordinpr to Henrj" Monsky. Mr. Monsky- attended in his capacity as president of the B'nai
to urge the leaders of tbe national Jewish organizations to accept the Invitation. Attending the meeting were: AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS—Louis Lipsky, Prof. Jerome Michael, Sigmund David, David "Wertheim, Leon Gellman and-f Louis Segal; AMERICAN JEW-* ISH C O M M I T T E E — • Lewis j
I faa f a «| p £ * |
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N. Rosenberg,
All Jewish women in the city will be appealed to within t h ; next two weeks by the Emergency Youth Aliyah committee "of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah to j heed the cry of the European par! ents of "Rescue Our Children." A i thousand visas have been granted that will be s;oad on!;' until • I September SO, 193S. j
Pf Ffl
at American Jewish Congress
• sible for the cX'uaha community doijng its share in co-operation with the National Drive to help i save these doomed yountr boys
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?i*~irPTne~F F.S V ' P M s\r;mm?rp a r e it supervision.
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j The Hadassah Emergency com- I 1 ilUtil ItOH (Morris D. Waldman, Sidney Wai- I ! mittee of 25 at the home of its • ; lach and Leon Falk; BTs'AI ;'chairman, Mrs. Julius Stein, Tues-j' _ ^ BRITH — Henry Monsky.Louis Speakers to Tell of Work day pledged itself to be respon-j J e w i s h Ccsmmuiaity
Fabricant , Maurice Bisgyer. Ben! jamin Samuels, Sigmund Livingiston and Richard Gutstadt; JEWISH LABOR COMMITTEE — A. i; Mink'off, L. Goldberg and JoPittsburgh (WNS) — Creation seph Baskin. The Pittsburgh
Now ill
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KEEP coo] . IN T! n'\"Ti"!:
Need CT t^e Futu-e
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American Jewish Congress or hold a mass meeting on Wednes- i maintenance and education of a need . : l tat child in the co-operative settle- ; supportingJ u n e 2 2 > a t S : 3 0op p. m ru. of a single body which would^ co- group consisted of Jerome Edlis, j d f . ment of Palestine.
EE<S , u cr
l a l e Borkon. Samuel D L. ; t h e J e w i s n Community Center. ordinate all activities of the Louis s for 2-ef U8 Eleanor Roosevelt writes her -, *"- — ^ •..««. ,..~ ^ .^ "every step r K ^ ..S ^ t 5 T^ meetink be ~ open to .the culatedness of a huckster that American Jewish C o n g r e,s s . F s -„.,,. approval of the Youth Aliyah collections will be plan in her column •:.ly Day," hi 13tier the p< d robs it of the dignity of a great American J e w i s h Committee, 3} ? " • William B. Klee Jr., Leon I b l i and Jewish Labor
Utica. N. Y.. she statf =. "A most our aims." passion of hatred, however sat- Committee relating specifically to Applestein, Edgar J. Kaufman, i anic in itself. The Nazis are notsafeguarding the equal rights of Frank R. S. Kaplan, M. Leon Tol- j A musical program rnll be pre- interesting letter has coxae to me Community '2 T TL" •""" isented thetHazomir Singing describing the work of the emer- peal to tee J' even Satans. They are ordinary Jews was proposed to the four 'ochko, A. ?• L. tv""i?V" Wolf. Samuel Knmsj <.„„,„,,. by ;,„„,„. ,,,-„,„„•,„," w under the direction J? of committee for Youth. Ali- financial h-lr murderers and thieves. "Whatever organizations involved in a reso- ley, Louis Caplan. Leon Lehman, Society A. Schwaczkin. yah. These young- people, who was vital—psychobiological — in lution adopted at a joint meeting Henry Ellenbogen and Morris Cantor The Co—rr Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein will have emipTated to Palestine. • are "united in tt their original theories has oozed of their accredited national rep- Neamac. speak in English and I. Morgenbeins: helped to independence The resolution contains the folout of the movement. Mere black- resentatives held here on June They ] enna's Jewry stern in Yiddish. Both speakers mainly in rural projects. lowing psints: guardism remains. It is well for 13th. have a two-year training: course : just itself to will stress the importance cf the 1. Immediate coordination" all free men and for all Jew^ to If the four groups ratify the participation in the democratic which covers every department of • of life, to cr of those activities of the fonr remember that. proposal on or before June 20th, rural worlt and the running of a ' sibiliries for elections. The exile of Sigmund Freud then the referendum of the organizations dealing specifirhome. Sis months before this ' prepare the J. Radinowsld will presidewith the safeguarding or serves further to cut off. Central American Jewish Congress, which ally The American Jewish Congress course ends they begir. to con- : the future r.i: rights of Jews through, Europe from humanity. Not many has precipitated a nationwide de- \ equal elections will be on Sunday, June s:der what they expert to fo in Vipnna Jewi years ago he was given the na-bate in Jewish circles, will be the creation of a single body. 26, from 9 a. m. to S p. m. at the future and 7D per cent 3 . Equal representation for called off. The agreement as tional Goethe prize at Frankfurt; the following places: Jewish. them have thus far remained on •vvcrid over to ree he was an honorary citizen of drafted by the joint committee ( each of the organizations. Community Center; B'nai Jacob the soil. The autonomy of any of duty to give a-~>si: Vienna; only two years ago hisprovides, however, t h a t the the3 . organizations Synagogue, 24th and Nicholas; A movement such as this seems time of need. Th: is not affecteightieth birthday was celebrated American Jewish Congress' elec- ed. and the B"nai Israel Synagogue to give real hope for the future primarily consist by a public function at which tions, Bchedvled to be held June Mr. "William security to children, many of emigration, provid 4. Questions involving racial. j in South Omaha. Thomas Kann delivered a forever 25, 26 and 27, is to be held, while I Polack and Mr. S. Katelman will whom l l a l or r i i ns iiloso h have come froQ". areas emigres and suppo L f2 F_ ° J? ?. " memorable address. But the dark the "B'na'f Brith" " t h e "American ! * a t i oare where life has been estrercely fare work. exclndcd from t h e j be in charge. Everjsubterranean forces, which - he Jewish Committee and the Jew-1 jurisdiction. j All those who have rpgisira- precarions." v/h:ch might hir.rle knows as none other *ta all his-ish Labor Committee, which are In the May Hsdassah News let- pursuance of cr.r 5. After its organization the I tion. books are asked to tarn in tory, were lying in wait for him.opposed to both the referendum body is to enlarge its j the stubs and money to the sec- ter a letter is published from avoided. T\"e voi They were In ambush. They had, and the elections, are free to con- proposed membership by the addition of j retary of the local group, J. Rad- Henry Monsky. as national presi- ; future. . glvea their character v sooner or tinue their refusal to approve or representatives dent of the B'nai Brith. in which ' tion of a ' of other Amer- j inwoski. later, to leap forth. For the anti- participate. the Supreme lode? pledged its-'lf ; Issuance lean Jewish groups. ! . :—, thesis, the contradiction lies 'at Iieaders Attend to be responsible for 2S children, i cided Tritv 6. Admission of such gronps tha very sources of 'things-1—HitHe states: ! plans for to be by vote of fire-sixths, or meeting was an outgrowth ler or Freud, death or life, mad- of The an invitation extended to lead- snch other Tote as may later be "Xofwrithsraness .or sanity, barbarism or civi- !jers_ obljcatioiis' B'r.ai Brith desires to | trades and Tan: deten»in«*j--of the" representaof—ihe-four. organizations by lization. 'X;et"n6 one forget" that." 1 the Pittsburgh Jewish commun- tives of the four organizations. answer the call of the great ' ihe same tiiae The exile of Sigmund Freud and ity, headed by Edgar J. Kaufman, hearted women of Hadassah wha ! tatires of the i 7. Decision of any issue withthe characterization of his teach- to help bring about unity of ac- in the scope of the proposals is have turned to us in-the desper- I its services to ings "by the Volkischer Beobach- tion among the many Jewish or- to be by a two-thirds vote of ate need of the hour. Therefore, • trian Jewish < 1 ter as "a pornographic Jewish ganizations in the field. The the entiVe body and shall be we are pleased to make this grant ] affidaviis from specialty"—these things had to Pittsburgh leaders prevailed upon binding upon' all constituent from the National B'nai Brith ; whilp, 500 .lev.-: liL^iLil El be. They were destined. emergency relief fund. Your pro-' imminent lossgronps. gram by making possible the mi- '• here when the For if Freud is right—and the S. Fending a reasonable opgration of a number of children, . of justice serf ages will bear him out—then a portunity to affect creation of Hoover, Landon, Byrd andi gives the hope that they may look ', forming them t great people, politically nnwise snch a body no referendum is Thomas Members of forward to a self-respecting, in- ,' from the bar. 7 and supine, entrusted its destinto be held by any of tbe fonr ; I dependent and useful life in the Jewish lav organizations involved. ies to arrogant weaklings and Committee in which to co: Palestine." paranoiacs and suffered over9. The proposals are subject New York (WXS) — A frontal to approval by all four organAll Omaha women will want to • cases anci ..c n whelming defeat. Unable to acattack on all forces threatening ! help in this great emergency. tele to A-va- avi izations on or before June 21). knowledge its failures and its foldemocracy is to be launched . Donors will have their names 10. Nothing in the resolntion lies it fled from reality into a through an intensive nation- ' published In • future editions of have been is to be interpi-eted as indicatmass-nenrosiB, a strange megalowide six-month educational cam- the Jewish Press. Contributions chanz Par ing approval of or participation manical obsession and turned its paign in the press, r a d i o , may be phoned or mailed to the siens hare by the American Jewish Comaggressive instincts (which it was h churches, schools, motion pic- chairman, Mrs. Julius Stein, 4f tenth her too weak to ahreact against its Joe Guss Chosen to Head mittee, the B'nai Brith and * Jewish Xabor Committee in tbe ! tures and other channels by a "Webster, GL 154 S, On" Neb. ! Promenade victors) against the defenseless, | new non-partisan organization election of delegates to the ses! canal and • Conference of Youth the weak, the inevitable symbols sion of the American Jewish | called "National Rededication," i ers are r of that catharsis of the moral naGroups j which has been launched here by Congress to be held in Septemi warning. ture which it refused to undergo ber. a group of sponsoring organiza- I "Woods are —against liberals, against ChrisNew officers of the Round No tions tians, above all, against Jews. To Table of Jewish Youth were . •' Text Text of of Resolntion Resolntion tions and and aa national national committee committee of of'I OfiOBi ™ f flfflir'C* Paris prove to itself that its neurotic named at an election held last The full text of the resolution notables. The new movement I flJtpPl I*. p r l l ^ r X not intend to criticize anyrecession to a barbaric ievel was week at the Jewish Community reads: body not or attack but anvpro- I id"intend anybody to criticize *"*!*»*« i~. ' " • • ' ^ • ' 'We, representatives of the 'does strong and righteous, not weak Center. Joe Guss, representing and regi poses to state the case for liberty chansr?d and wicked, it had to feign to it- A. Z. A. 100, was named to suc- American Jewish Congress, the and democracy as expressed an American Jewish Committee, the first meet self to despise the democrat, the ceed Dan Miller, present presiB'nai Brith and the Jewish La- the Declaration of Independence free man, the pacifist, the Chris- dent. Rabbi E. Reine.s of Brooklyn,' mental • and . guaranteed in the Constitubor Committee, gathered together tian. Sinking to a subhuman levgrandson of Rahhi Jacob Reiner next mon Irene Mirowitz of the Bas-a-mi or the United States. Serrearsel at this late hour of" history, it was chosen vice-president: Ber- in Pittsburgh this thirteenth day tion Sponsoring organizations are founder . of the Ilizrachi Zionist kins, who of June, 193S, upon the invitahad to characterize the Jew astha Slutzky of E- T. C. sorority, tion of Pittsburgh Jewry, endors- the American Federation of La- | Organization, will be the. guest of sub-human, liberty ac a delusion, secretary, and-Morris Arbitman ed by the Jewry of many other bor. Feder.il Council of Churches | }\% Omaha llizraehi chapter Sat- clared. peace as shameful and the fact o f A . Z. A. 1, treasujer. American cities, proposes to these 6f Christ, Jewish "Welfare Board, ufdaj'. of fundamental human brotherHe frill speak Saturday morn- : tached to Guss has been active in the organizations the immediate co-- National Catholic Alumni Federhood as a disgrace. What other Round Table for three years and ordination of those activities of ation, National Conference of ing at the B'nai Israel Synago- (Europe hr way was there? If you are de-during the recent Philanthropies the American Jewish , Congress, Jews and Christians. National S ue - l s U l - r - d Chicago street, and ! disposal i -American a f a termined to fly in the face of na- campaign was chairman of the the o clock la Ue afternoon at American Jewish Committee, Council of Catholic lien. National , ture and you. want to_ rationalize, Boys' division. Miss Mirowitz the B'nai Brith and the Jewish Council of Catholic Women, x a . ! the^ Adass Teshurea Synagogue, ; COTTlTnit i ? ? you must devaluate nature. If has been a member of the Round j Labor Committee which relate tional Council of the Y. 31. C. A.,"23th and Seward. you want to espouse evil, yon Table for the past year and has I speVifican?*To"7afeguarding"the National Grange, Roosevelt MeSaturday evening ne will be ! ajiibassadc must sayr Evil, be thou my good. taken a prominent role in all its equal rights of Jews through the morial Association and the Work- the guest at a public M'lave ! T.T.S n:mc If Freud is right! And let activities. at the of a single body in which ers Education Bureau of Ameri- Malke reception Hagoclel none fear. He is right. The pro- Miss Slutzky during the past j creation H James R. Garfield. foi'tner Hamedrosh each of these respective organi- ca. cesses In the minds ot men that year was chairman of the Round zation shall have equal represen- secretary of the interior, is act- 10th and Burt streets. Rabbi Reines, -who is visiting still resist him and his truth are Table Year Book committee. Ar- tation, but without affecting the ing chairman. Among the memthe very ones that render those bitman was chairman of both the autonomy of any of these organ- bers of the national committee the more important Uizrachi canminds diseased. I do not say that Hound Table's Forum committee izations and excluding the con- are Herbert Hoover, Alfred II. ters, will bring a message allied : the master's teachings may notand its oratorical contest. Admiral Richard E. at strengthening the work of the i sideration of questions involving Landoa, All Orthodox Jewry be snbject to criticism or extenStanding committees will' t e racial, national or religious phil- Byrd, John \Y. Davis, William Mizrachi. sion or rectification in this de- appointed when the Round Table j osopbies. "We further""propose I Green, Charles P. Taft, Norman has been Invited to hear hnii. tail or that. But the anti-Freud- resumes its activities in the fall. ! that, after its organization, the j Thomas, Owen D. Young, Arthur ian is, by that "very token, more Already plans are being reading j proposed body shall enlarge its Hays Sulzberger. R o g e r W. *. Goldstein neurotic, more desirous of flee- for a busy season for next membership by tbe addition of Straus, Father John A. Ryan and Paris < ing from reality, more wedded to year. Candidate for representatives of other Ameri- Rabbi David de Sola Pool. ard Dalac death than life—to Thanatos The organization's purposes "When the Round Table starts can Jewish groups which should of the In than, to Eros—than the rest of its new season it will have its p properly be included p y cluded in such snch. a | were stated as follows; "To reus. own clubroom on the second floor body .upon vote,of five-sixths {or j Wndle the public mind to the New York -^_ • such other vote- as these four or- j splendor of America's free lnstlThe Eternal, according to ourof the Center. tutions and to offer an opporganizations may hereafter detersages, permits no evil to befall mine), of the rep<- sentatives of tunity for personal re-dedication Israel until He has devised a the aforementioned four organi- to tbe principles o£ civil and re- Cougremedy therefor. Is it not strange ligious liberty; to popularize the cam zations. ' . ... 'hat eighty-two years ago there •' -p r"We recommend that the de- Bill of Rights; to proclaim again for was born in the old Austrian emthe power of the ideal of freedom cision of any issue within the pire a Jew who, first of men in scope of these proposals by a two- to unite men ot divergent nices he acce-pte all the ages, taught as to know thirds "vote of., the entire body and creeds; to reassert tbe de- ed him by and to understand the proessses N. Perelman was 'lamed presi- shall be binding upon all consti- mands which, the institutions o£ a Zionists to of the human soul i n , a certain dent of B'nai Abraham lodge at tuent groups ol the proposed republic make oil the imegriiy ceed Dr. and intelligible way and Tevealed the election of officers held Sun- body, no referendum be held b y i a n d the large-mindedness of the has said h l to "all not blinded by their own day, June 12, at 25th.and J street j any of the four organizations inThe invi in i individual; - C to stimulate that sick wills how that soul operates auditorium. j volved. • These proposals are sub- faith which has been ihe nation's was made and assured us that, before the Other officers: ject to adoption by «11 of the four strength — faith in liberty, faith Aldine cln judgment-bar of tha*" permanent and ent were I G. Jfeyerson, vice-president; \ organizations above named on or in man, faith in America teaching, those who torment and M. Katzman, treasurer; N. Beber, |.before June Twentieth, 193S. faith in God.'1 ber, Dr. SE degrade and persecute Us- aresecretary; Lieb "Wolfson, H. Nothing herein r containea shall ham Spice sick men and mad men* not even Dworsky,- and S. Canar, trustees. be taken to mean that either the » Cofjea Heads Marines sky, Br. L barbaric heroes, not even pagan M. Hollar, The B'nai Abraham's annual j B'ain Brith, the American Jewwarriors, and that therefore all picnic for members, their famil-'jish Committee or the Jewish LaBoston (WNS) — Jerome "D. "If the ci they build, strong as it looks for ies and friends will be held Sun-j bor Committee approve of, Cohen of Brooklise .vas re-elect- coraing 2 the fleeting moment, mu crash day, June 26, at Playmore park, participate in, the impending e commander o£ the ilassaehu- call me to Tar and crumble and disappear on the south of Fort Crook on Highway election of delegates to attend setts Slsrine Corps league at the j 6£FI« T ^pnointed day. ". ; 75. Admission is Tree, and those j the forthcoming regular session 14th annual convention. Cohen j the r fCopyrifrht, 1938, by Seven Arts attending tire asked to bring their j of the American Jewish Congress ir~the only Jew to hold office in ; of Feature Syndicate) lunch baskets. the league since its inception. ' bill' lin September next."
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Page 2
(This ia tho Eecona o r «vo mass demonstrations and endless membership and organization. nrticles on tho Austrian- sltua-,: istas of giant bloOd-red Nazi In retrospect it is clear that tion by a -weH.ltnbwn American • lennarits flapping "at their lsti- the Nazifying of Austria followed newspaperman who witnessed j ' ards in "Vienna's spring, winds, exactly the precedents set In the the seizure of Austria and sobt was street Hawkers' shouting Reich, except at an Incredibly sequent developments there.; : 'Buy your Nazi button!" or greater tempo. Tne same fundaPostcards of Der Fuehrer!" It mental precepts of race superi' "God protect Austria!" cried was the magic sprouting of Hit- ority, , the holiness of blood and r's picture in store windows, on soil, the unity of leadership, the Schuscnnigg aB he" resigned the chancellorship on the evening o t iosks, -on fences, on building Vdignlty" of labor and reduction Friday, March 11. But the Ger- walls, on street car and bus sta- of unemployment that-'vere comon posts. It was foreign-looking ponents, of the original Nazi proman military and the German police had already be-.n on the Jerman policemen 'in.-light green gram were faithfully launched. march for. 24 hours; in another :aps and coal-scuttle helmets, .di- But also those planks in the orig24 there would bo no Austria-to ecting 'traffic. :•• It "was /Black inal Party platform which proved protect. . . . . • ihirts or Brown' Shirts .standing so much deadwood In Germany so-here. There is no Austria's real Waterloo aad'oc- guard before mysterious doors. It are proving on record here of a departcurred a month earlier, in moun- was the Hotel-Imperial, a giant case tainous Berchtesgaden, . -where ed box plastered with swastikas; ment store, owned by &A"pig-Jew" Schuschnigg and. > Hitler con- ,nd the balcony" from which' Der or anyone else having "been diuehrer had spoken to'them, hia vided among small "Aryan" busiferred; the panorama of both ness men. There is no threat to - their countries was spread out W eople, his "Volkesgenossen." And the "Umbruch," too, was employers that their employes full view below 'their lofty perch. Hitler, serenely confident, could jetting rid of one's "Jew-boss"; are going to take their business afford to gaze fixedly at Austria t was a, fleeting glimpse of lor- from them. In the first several while he .spoke; Schuschnigg had •ies careening down the- street weeks hundreds of "N. S. B. 0," to divide his anxious'" attention oaded with Jews destined for signs appeared on the windows loving the one land and fearing' ashing service or for prison; it of former Jewish shops, indicatas reading new-newspapers and ing that workers' Nazi cells had. the other. •.-.•• taken • over the establishments. Under such., circumstances the ild ones in new\ dre3s;. it waa But those who may have hoped rmy kltche'ns'"feeding tthe poor Austrian leader could not be here was a beginning of strong1 and Berchtesgaden, which but not in the Jewish quarter);, that workers' power, even was to have- ironed out all diffi- t was the "Hor3t Wessel" song new-found culties between the two nations, nd brassy German marches in- though gained at the expense of simply precipitated the final itead of the "Blue Danube" on the Jews, were, soon doomed- to clash. The two men are supposed he radio;,it was tbe promise of disappointment. Today.the signs to have agreed' on co-operation read, work and freedom shouted are down, replaced . by posters that day; most observers feel y a thousand orators and echoed bearing the legend "Aryan business"; new "Aryan" proprietors ssten thousand scribes. , that Hitler was cynical and hopeBut the "Umbruch", was also have been duly installed. ful that his cynicism would be justified. It would be the best :he sound -of booted feet in corIn Germany there was no quespossible excuse for marching. On •Idors at night, and the disap- tion but that the National Sociallearance of one's neighbor; It his side Schuschnigg was unist Party was at least national. as the re-shuffling of the police In 'Austria it is neiher Socialist doubtedly playing for t i m e , •thinking of MussolihK of No. 10 orce, government : office staffs, n,or National for the millions Downing Street, of the Qua! nd-university faculties and one's who, though they thought of D'Orsay, Geneva and the rest of ndwledge that many of the miss- themselves as German racially, his fair-weather friends. ing familiar faces were not like- had cherished the concept of an y to be seen again; it was occa- independent Austrian nation. Two Weeks IJater ional shots heard at night near From then on events moved irisons or. on quiet, cobbled side (Copyrighted by Jewish Teleswiftly. Two weeks after Berchgraphic Agency, Inc.) tesgaden, the Austrian Chancel- treets; it was a steady stream lor reassured worried sympathiz- f new regulations plunging one ers at home and abroad that fun- nto a new currency system, a damentally nothing had been ew tax system, a new series of changed at the mountain, meet- iusiness, professional or worker '•'•' . ; ing: "Austria, must remain Aus- rganizatlons. tria," was what he said. Then on •• — 0 Arrests By LEE GROSSMAN Wednesday, March 9, he anAccording to official .figures, nounced a plebiscite ior the fol- ,500 to 2,000 persons—patriotic lowing Sunday. There was no !atholics, government, leaders We have here at the Center a doubt but what it was meant to md- 'Jews—were arrested in the be a Fascist type of plebiscite, a. 'Irst, week: following Anschluss, spunky bunch of youngsters who are finally reaping the fruits of show of Fatherland Front hands: Is' reason to .believe that "never giving up." with secrecy discouraged and "'here he real figure approaches 25,For years, the athletes of A. - none too pleasant an outlook for 00. Every prison bulged with Z. A.. 100, the Century club, went those who kept their hands in; inmates; in some instances pris- along taking-every (possible kind their pockets." It infuriated Nazis ners remained, standing through of defeat. Younger and smaller on both sides of the borders; he night because ther.i was no than their foes,-they found they ,-. they could not see the joke of oom In thblr cell to lie down. couldn't keep ^up ;in, any branch having their own favorite" weapon When the regular institutions of sport, be it baskefb'all, softturned against them.. were filled, Nazi authorities made ball or horseshoes^;-;' . The next day Berlin waa si- make-shift prisons out of Father- ; yBut they never quit.1 They allent. On Friday, over streets and Front buildings and private ways came back for more—and swarming with shouting Schus- or commercial structures they got it. ; And if memory serves us, chnigs. crowds1 who outnumbered, had taken over. One of Vienna's they never whimpered. though perhaps dld~not out-fight usiest prisons was a transformNow, look. •-•".-.the savage young Nazis, air- id public school. Those same A. Z. A. 100 kids planes swooped carrying ultima, Some of those caufe-ht in the are tied for the "leadership in the tums from Wilhelmstrasse.' At G dragnets of the first ^days have J. C. C. Softball league, right on p. m. Schuschnigg^postponed the already been released, either be- a par with those same older and plebiscite indefinitely; less than ause the Nazis believed they had experienced players. They've got '•••.• two hours later he resigned* to already served their penance, or hustle and fight. The club that be succeeded by the- Nazi Seyss- because- there was no charge beats them for "the championship Inquart'. as Chancellor; shortly against them, or because they is going to need twice as much after 8 p. m. exultant Nazis were had been arrested by m?Jtake. In of the same-ingredients. • beginning the Vound-up. of Jews he early weeks, the exultant The Century lads got their 1 and Fatherland Front leaders Nazis worked with a zeal that high spot with a, smashing 18-towhich has not: yet ended. * was not always holy nor always 2 victory over their arch rivals, The same evening, Germany's or the good of the cause. They the Mother Chapter players of A. green columns, dusty from long arrested their own employers; Z. A. 1. It was pretty much of marches, businesslike'with rumb- hey arrested their creditors; a merry-go-round, with the A. Z. •> ling gun caissons and- motorized hey arrested anyone against A. 1 kids getting dizzy shagging units, began to serpentine over whom they nurtured a grievance, the balls. The Century took no the. border while bombers roared whether political,- economic or chances pouring it'on while Har, . overhead. Now Austria, with a personal. It came as no surprise ry Fox pitched like his name and Nazi Chancellor and a Nazi army o observers that in April su- gave only two hits. He's not sen; of occupation, had only a few preme authorities declared, an sational, this Fox boy, but he's more hours to live. The end came Easter Peace" to be devoted, at steady as ' rock, working hard all soon when the - conquering Adolf east in part, to ."solidifying"— the time. Hitler proclaimed Austria hence- in other words, purging—Party Meanwhile, the Milder Oils forth a province of the German Reich. Nazi Vienna Such were the seven-league strides by which the Fuehrer returned to hia "heimat." Would it have happened'"otherwise . if France, at the time, had had a government or England •- another foreign policy? Or if Mussolini had not his own axe. to grind? Such conjectures are futile. There are observers who believe that It was not Schuachnigg who handed Austria to. Hitler, but Lord- Halifax of, England on the occasion ' of his Berlin visit- some months previously. The world" awaits ' with interest a "Memoirs of Anschluss Days", by Hitler, Schuschnigg, Iiord' Halifax—^or: Mussolini. ' . . . . But to tne man in the Vienna street the "Unbruch" — which 5Vccs.^sroia 'Hairpin Curves— means something .between rapid evolution and revolution—- was O E q u i p w i t h . -something more intimate than in- this great new ternational machinations and the safety t i r e and merging of government depart- you • tajee 'n-o ments. It was soldiers,'parades - uniforms, the hypnotic thrill o ehancsstecatsse:
JXXG« Sports
were being knocked off for the first time, being reduced in position to a tie for the lead with the Century kids. The Adler Delicatessens put the skids under the Oilers, but it' was nippy and tucky, 4 to 3. T£;« Adlers won the game' in thp'Tirst, scoring on rrors and a home ran -wallop by Norman Korney. The Mildsrs rallied in the seventh, but couldn't quite get up, as they say at Ak-Sar-Ben about the horses. Korney, by the way, waa the pitcher for the Adlers. He did a reat Job. -In-the third game, the Alpha PI Taus moved into d tie for second with a well-earned 10-5 vicory over the ever-improving Sigma Alpha Mus. Phil Katzmaa went the route for the winners, holding the matter well in hand. Irv Yaffe, working nicely for sis innings before weakening, pitched for the Sammies., Marshall Geller smacked a tremendous home run, while Captain Aaron Epstein sparkled with his sensational play at third base for the winners. .EAGUE PLENTY HOT Now get a load of this. The Milders and A. Z. A. 100 are: tied for first. Well, they play each other Sunday at Columbus park! And the Alpha Pi Taus and Adler Delicatessens aVe tied for second. .— They play each other Sunday at Dewey park. What could be sweeter in as far as naturals are concerned? In the third ^game, the A. Z. A. 1 team will try to get back on* he winning path playing the Sigma Alpha Mus at West Elmwood. Also the Sammies have their best chance for winning their first contest, in this tilt. All games start at 11. THE WINK AH! And ladies and gentlemen, we now present the derby winner. He's Harold Pollack, and, my, how~ he's changed! Harold is the champion of the Weight Derby. He lost 17 pounds and collected 15 bucks. Jack and- Sydney Epstein ran a dead heat for second. They lost 14 pounds each and collected a jood sweat-up. Al Fiedler was fourth, but didn't lose enough to make the scale any happier. Elmer Greenberg also ran, and the most he lost was three bucks. BIG SHOTS Our health club class is certainly getting chesty about its prominent members. Recently, C. B. Schoppe, passer de luxe, was elected president of the Lions club. Watch him roar now, fellas. Dave Conn is president of the Beth El synagogue. Abe Brodkey is president of the Brodkey . Construction Co. The J. C. C. junior Softball league got started Sunday with two d^ndy . games. The Giants
beat the Yanks, 4 to ?, on the dandy four-hit pitching of Peltz. And the Tigers beat the Cards, 6 to 3. Sunday, the Giants meet, the Tigers and the Yanks play the Cards.
Suzy Q. if you happen to run across Ilaskdl Cohen, Geulah Welches, or Etta Sorcf. don't forget to congrat.nl ,te them on tfceir scholarships to Omaha University, -which v,-ere presented to them at tly? Central High graduation exercises last Monday Eight. Our swirarainsr pool Is getting In addition to the diplomas rea bigger and better play than ceived at the exercises, the gradever. Cool off this summer by uating ROTC officers were preswimming at the Center. Joia sented with military certificates. the fun. Be a Center member. Howard liosenblum and Kelvin. Tannenbaura were among tbe boys -who received them. Did you know that Marcella Altman ^ras given a surprise last Sunday 1TJ honor of her graduaBy Arlcne Solomon tion? All the other graduates Dear Suzy Q, who attended were presented Everything Is swelegant, what with a gift. with no school, no worries, and a I must rush now, but win two-and-a-half-raonth vacation to I write you more next week. Howlook forward to! ever, before I close I just hare Just tralnloads of kids have to tell you this new Mary had a left town. Ruth Friedman shoved little lamb poem: off Monday morn ng for a two- Mary had a little car. week visit in Minneapolis, after She drove in manner deftwhich she will leave on a trip to But every time she signaled right, Washington, D. C, and all points The little car turned left. east. Doesn't that sound grand? .Affectionately, Fred Rosenberg left for the A. "wide open spaces" and CaliP. S.—Everyone is certainly fornia, with plans to spend the glad to see Joe KirsheEbaum up summe rtouring the western and around again. You see, be states. has been out of circulation for But here's more! Today Louise several wesks because of an opSaylan is going to Chicago, and eration. . — tomorrow night Ruth Falk wiH board a train for Flint, Michigan, f:f a ten-day vacaation.Do not turn green with envy, dear Suzy Q, just because you have to stay at home this sumBy HELEN ZIGMOND mer, for I can give you many examples of practical ways in which to enjoy your spare time. For Hollywood—Producer Sol Lesinstance, why not do like Ruth ser, apprehensive against Bobby Sorrrberg, who made a black taf- Breen's voice-change, has had tbe feta house coat embroidered in boy record the songs for his next pastel colors, and now plans to three films. Bobby is ten-and-aspend the summer "looping the half years old . . . his contract loops." You see, for each of the has some time to run . . . his thirty-two royal blue buttons that speaking: voice can be covered up go down the front of the coat in case of breaks, but the singthere must be a button hole, or, ing voice is irreplaceable . . . a3 In this case, a loop; and, since hence, the precaution. making littl&loops look like they fit is no easy job. It naturally Harry Hershf ieid, fugitive take a good deal of time. However, this house coat well merits from t h e movie mill, calls Hollywood, " t h e Foreign Legion with the hours spent on it. Venetian Blinds!" * Charm bracelets are often intriguing, and all bracelets hare Another emigre who never an intriguing charm. Especially went "native" is Sylvia Sidney, charming is the bracelet Harriet now putting in a supply of apNewman wears. It is made up of rons and house dresses, mode's silver cut-out letters, and spells for her New Jersey farm where Harriet's first name, middle in- she'll do most of the cooking - itial, and last name. Darling-, between pictures. From movie besides being a dainty novelty, I rnacse to goulash an' gingham really believe your Aunt Curley it's a big jump! Q, who freauently suffers from amnesia, would find this a very Party following the "Ragpractical bracelet. Time Band" preview prompted a Esther Osheroff wears a cu.te million-d o l l a r extemporaneous little pin which should be named show. Irving Berlin with Alice a "ducken," for with its spade- Faye sang the "Hag-Time" tune shaped feet, long bill, and wide accompanied by Jack Benny's tail—all made out of gold—it violin . . . Ethel Merman and can be called nothing better than Tony Martin chirped . . . Eddie a cross between a chicken and a Cantor quipped . . . George Burns duck. The body of this strange sang . . . if you call it that . . . of his creature is a pale yellow pearl, Gregory Ratoff, fearful wife's presence, refrained from and the eye is a red ruby.
Oer Film Folk
participating . . . Milton Berie! marked: "That music is really' "wasn't prepared because he hafl-! nuicfi nf*t:er than H sounds . . .1" n't rehearsed his mother'" Msy- I Ar.d he nndonbtedly was right.. be 'twss only a thousand-dollar ; ehow . . . what's a little stage- ; Gertrude Xieaen. pepping up money mere or less? the Londoners, aii--.ee! her audii eve :•[ th-ry vnritf lite her to Rpt!er..rr-irp a i?ew por.?, Jsck '. srar "Pip*?" x>oodie." "Good Benny forpot a Une, When his j I/Rvd'" PTielEimec R front-row attention was called, to it, he sitter, "Os.vTrt you Yankees fohfiipped, "Ok. I just 1threw that I get yous.h patriotic numbahs?" last line away." "TOe ,!," flopped ! pp Cheerio. a slander-by, "the director trill tfcrcvf the vrhole tV.ing ^y
Tc Be Razed on Orders of Hitler
N gl^VJSl-! 1 -! ^V^ia"^!? 6 llm 1oV dislrifSn 1 3
Rafner i / " T h e ^ f vZh^l™ VcTpen^of'o "^ ™ *" ITUS " i S S e a ' l S ^ the ^ j ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ o W ^ S t
view sudience - - another feather ; " " ' in her cap, overladen with Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen' cy) — Dr. S. A. Veil Reisland haa "M-m-m," schmeicheled Mischa ! b e e n °° n c i s ! ! J' Renounced ag the Auer th<T: pros get
Sophie Tucker EO longer c!uh* herself "Last of the Red Krf Mamas . . . is now tagged, "Eo"lywood's Glamour Girl No. 1." From where we set she's Nos 1, 2 AND S! Stella Adier had her nose -C1- [ modelled . . . only to discover ter , f current interest is directing ret , t-' acting. Attending a coiifprt fr=
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gTE.phie Brief Set?: Maurice M Inc.) g-oes into "EJ'is 'Island" in the: i Jean Ker&holt part. Sari MTaritza resumes her film career with eshubfcy Ss.ni Katz her best pr&fsef)XPnt. EQv.s. Cantor end Jimmy McHugh, Jr., win "altrr" their single biessedness September IS. 1 Nazimova returns to flickertown j London (JTA) — Chancellor . . . not as an actress . . . but ! iiitler. filter an inspection tour as advisor on "Zaza," v.fcich she j oi Slunich. has ordered the depJaj'ed in Russia in 1501. Ben j rnolition of. a rynp.g-ogue which i« Bernie's BOH is a third assistant i one of the most famous landdirector at Fos. Boris Morros has j marks in the city, the Daily Telebeen honored by the French ! graph reported, adding that the Academy for bringing world-vide ! razing of the building had alrecognition to French, composers. \ read;- begun. George Ereakston raises shep-; The rabbi of the congregation fcerd dogs wbich are trained lo • was given a few hours' notice, lead the blind. Aaron Fox, broth- ! the report said, and hundreds of er of the erstwhile famous Wil- , members of the Jewish connrunlUiin, is forming a picture p r > ; ity worked throughout the night cucaon company Paulette God- j J;o remove holy scrollR and other Garc fia^i to .ule down those j property. Thp correspondent tin-
ef lh« latest intprovisjnsist* ia *t«cortc reWs®rets>rs. £e» fJs* KIW 2SSE O-E '/.O&Ck «5tsy tllmas « TS-yssr rssar^ »J ever tocreesins VOISJE*.
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Page 8
the seal of the greatest institu- He didn't care enough for law to Ti -ans\ a&I Asks Curb tion of Jewish learning in this go. on -writh it. and he was deterIt i l V li \ country—the Jewish Theological mined to conquer the vorld ib Seminary -of America. Here, the j his pen. burning bush stands emblazoned ; Tbe one thing that made Herzl ! high upon its portals as a symbol | change his career was the DreyOl-Bi of great encouragement for all j fus Case. When Dreyfus iras who enter. " j prosecuted on a charge of disSan Francisco JTA) — All this was gleaned from one closing to foreign governments nationalism is "the paranoid re~ [ small phrase of the Bible which secret war documents. ."Herzl saw sponse of a group who must ex. Xhe following papers were plain tbe shortcomings of tbe - here fro among the group given at the Lord in beauty. It is attractive, • I -wouldn't have noticed at all that he was innocent, but he was and the incentive to worship ] bad I been unable to study and prosecuted because he was a Jew unreal attempt to achieve a pi"-e commencement exercises of the High School Department of the comes even to tbe worst trans- j benefit by such a commentary as I—not a Frenchman. At this fate- Scheme Defended Before racial self on whet others are Go! gressor' when he is in the midst j we have used during our Sunday •r ful moment. Herzl's Zionism was Beth Et Synagogues. ing to prevent this," Dr. FreCLeagae Mandates j of peaceful and lovely surround- j morning sessions. and had to be Lorn. Before this lo-l, Alien of Philadelphia , erick [ Members of the class wrote I ings. Commission • Another phrase which appealed he wasn't in contact much with -veil told the American Psychiatric ason their favorite passage from ! The1 Tabernacle built Jewish ; to me was the message which God Jewish affairs. men: i euHe was practisociation convention here last. -^ hte Book of Esodns which had j unity in its day as the synagogue j spoke unto Moses out of the cally a stranger to the Jewish Geneva OVN'S-Palcor Agency> ,kin v week. « ^ h been thoroughly studied, 'their does today. Today with circum- j mountain in the wilderness — people and they to him, for his 1 F Nothing has happened to Nationalism in its narrower -g ' original compositions were of the view of the British stances as they are, we need j "And ye ^hall be unto ire a king- background and his brilliant lit1 such excellence THE JEWISH synagogues to draw us together j dom of priests and a holy na- erary connections were not es- ' government that partition is the and more intense manifestations ' r-0, PI 1 PRESS is publishing them.— to feed our Jewish spirit to save j tion.'' ev« sentially Jewish. The Drevfus ' best and most hopeful solution can be described ES a cultural " g phenomenon corresponding to the ^ The-Editor. us from discouragement. ! We need have no one between affair made Herzl realize that he for—Palestine. Sir John Sbnck- behavior i f the aberrant individ- g't olrick. I close with the hope that all rus and God. for every layman. •was really a Jew and that his burgb, deputy undersecretary of colonies. told the ual. Dr. Allen said. rk'r f Jews no matteFVwhere they be' every one ot us, stands in direct ! brothers were being persecuted ; s t a t e for the colonies, • "The more threatened the will be able to (Jrasr strength i relationship to our God. We don't ] because they were Jews. This is Permanent Mandates commission from their tabernacles of wor- ; need a priest to • help us in the | vhat made Herzl think that it ; of the League of Nations as it be- group, the mpre intense becomes ship as did the people of Moses* sacred spiritual things of life, for j was his duty to help them. His gan consideration of the Pales- the nationalistic pliilosopcy, end : (jay. leach person in Israel has the title ! main idea was the restoration of tine mandate. In a general re-' the more indivicIiiEis submerge \ By Esther Shapiro view of British, policy and prob- !*or even lose their individual enof priest. • " ' • ' j the Jewish homeland. "And the Lord spake unto Aime Palliere, in his book, I Because Herzl strained himself . lems in Palestine. Sir John em- tity and lire through the more Moses, saying, speak unto the "The Unknown Sanctuary," tells ! and worked so hard, he died at '< pnasized that current immigra- apparent security offered by the children of Israel that they may of an impressive experience he ! the premature age of 44. Only j t 3 O n restrictions are temporary racial self," Dr. Alien said. "A take- for me an offering, and of that as soon as the vicious and intolerable cycle gets , had in Southern Prance. On en- j 10 years after his. return to his 'an< ^ every >• man whose heart maketh i tering a synagogue one" Yom Kip- people. This was a terrible shock boundaries for the tri-partitioned. established. By Betty Rosen him willing ye shall take my ofPalestine are fixed immigration "The more the individual oej pur day he noted that each man to Jewry all over the world. fering;"' , The word, "Bible," may arouse i vras wearing a tallus So im-j Like all historical -figures Herzl in the non-Arab areas will be reg- pends upon the racial self lor the "With these words the com- in the minds of many of you the j pressed was he by tbe fact that started things that are stilt te.be ulated according to the principle maintenance of his own integrity. mandjnent for the building of the thought of a famous collection of j every man enshrouded by his ; completed—now-today. His pro- of economic abssorptivity. the more intolerant lie becomes Sir tabernacle was given by -the Lord writings which is unfortunately i tallus was in direct communion j posal for a charter appeared -.„ — . John explained that the of anything that deviates from esOur God. This is found in the little too cut and dry to read | with God, that he exclaimed. | tremely remote, and no*one would Partition commissio •. is inquiring the rigid pattern demanded. Inbook of Exodus. The house ot for real enjoyment. J have found • "This is truly a kingdom of I have thought that only 20 years : i n t o a major policy which is sub- adequacies are explained not in T^s i .r> K sr? *n ,*f %-^ V> ^ worship was. to be built of the j that this belief is entirely false, j priests!" later the Balfour Declaration! Judice and that further discussion the nature of 'tings as they are, finest materials obtainable. Those j The study of the .Book of Exo-I Nowadays,, the temptation is :! would be proclaimed and accept- < oi su-t i n t h e present state, perhaps, but in the interferences which n participating in the holy work,! dus with annotations and com-i not to be a kingdom of priests, ed ^by all civilized nations. The < of place. He de with two ; •are stirred tip by the aggressive •ororo tton give were »{» ttii all the »iQ m-terials m~tot.!oi0 —~ —i mentary edited by Chief Rabbi j but to leave all religious respon-' Council of Nations proposed by , criticisms that have been leveled and persecutor?- attempts to atv r r VTf K made; dear by the sacrifice in- Hertz has opened for me a new ; sibilities to our rabbis. The study j Herzl seemed very vague and far- - ft his government; first, that tain the unreal solidarity." . ; •volved. Purple and blue, gold world cf thought and inspiration. > of our rich tradition embodied n | fetched, yet today the League of there is undue delay on the p<j.rt of the mandatory in fixing a and silver were to be used. The So many passages which had ; the Talmud should not be left to j Nations is an accepted fact. I r-Nfi'.!' In Asia during the twelfth centabernacle was to be composed of heretofor made little or _. no __ _.... im- j one . ._ class which is __ but a small , Now you see that even though^ policy; and. second, that tbe •wisdom and wealth, wood and j pression except for the beauty of j fraction of our number. Our i there was such a difference in' mandatory la^ks definiteness in tury Jews were noted as dyersstrength of stone, weight of iron ! sound now are filled with infinite ' moral responsibilities rest on the I time between Moses and Herzl, its administration. Neither criti- | and manufacturers of silk. and light of gold. I meaning. 'shoulders of each individual, j still their lives were very similar. cism, he declared, is justified. The League Council, he re"And let thein build me a j One of the passages which par- | Study should become a part of j Neither of them had to associate - - j ticularly - - - opens up a vast train of- j.the - - daily . - - lite of every jew no with their Jewish brothers unless called{ did not pronounce its Sanctuary that I may dwell is the symbolism em- ; matter what his age. they wanted to. and yet the same views until the middle of Ceptemamong them." The Sanctuary I thought _ . _. . thing.made them help the_ra. They "was not *to be the one dwelling j bodied in the story of the burn-! These two passages are worthy CALL AT I56P FOR PI5™ STORAGE place of God,, it was to-be only a ing bush: "And the angel of the ! of becoming a stirring challenge both hated injustice. And only power could not proceed with, the center from which- the spirit of Lord appeared unto him: in a j for Jewish living—"The,burning when they'joined forces with examination of the possibilities of flame of fire out of tho midst of i bush," Israel, shall never'be con- their brothers did they become partition. Then revived terrorholiness would radiate the a bush; and he looked, and be-[ sumed or destroyed if we but put Tully great. Moses leading the ism began, followed by measures munity which held it. ! "With this feeling, the Jewish hold, the bush burned with fire, j forth the effort to study that we slave people out'^Egypt"became outlawing the Arab Higher com-, gyp 1 n d 'people have continued on and the bush was not consumed." ! may deserve the title of a "king- one of the w the r l d ' i t l Mufti J In n the world's immortals, :Em r i n" ^ o fa 1 9 3^S e Mufti. The fact that God chose to ap-I dom of priests.'' throughout the centuries. Under and Herzl leading the wandering h Pa d Sn o t - though disorder •.—: the leadership of Moses, they pear in the midst of a. seemingly i Jews of the twentieth century I t i o n s w e r eentirely ceased, condiSixteenth ,c; Ii.~-~ overcame the difficulties of the unimportant, insignificant thorn haek to Palestine achieved his sufficiently stabilized bush is a symbol that God apdesert and built' a-beautiful and i to justify the departure of the ! immortality. Yo"fc Went « Partition commission and to set portable; tabernacle which they pears to Israel: in lowly places. N'cwl 600 inguiries-afoot. carried • with them on their forty Every creation of his hand, is NAZIS BAR AUSTRIAN Uncertainity and lack of defiyears of wandering and hardship. worthy of thought. JEWS FROM LEAVING! nitene-:, Sir John continued. "And behold, the bush burned "Why then, in the face of mo_were inevitable, for '.he shape and ern hardship, do we continue to with fire, and the bush was not London (TVNS)— Jews will not form of partition and its practibuild beautiful, gorgeous houses consumed" —• small and lowly By Frances Osoff receive police permission to leave cal adoption as a solution had to of worship when we could be us- among the other nations, Israel . . , . . . ., _T 1 I quote from Exodus: "And Austria under any circumstances I wait until it was known with cering the money, time and energy is yet indestriictab people with e aWe determiare a ,_M up and went out to unless thfgy sign a pledge never ! tainty that the Partition commisfor the • betterment of our less stubborn nation and will to live as has his brothers." The rabbis change to return, the Daily Herald re-: sion bad found it possible to recfortunate-brothers? ports from Vienna. An official j ommend a scheme that could be equalled by those There are many reasons for great and went out to his announcement to this effect has i regarded as equitable and practhis. One is that we need a house wish . to destroy us. Study and1 > grew brothers. As you all know, Moses been issued by the Xazi authori- ; ticable, but as to the principle, of worship to wield our people knowledge our weapons. ties in Austria, the La'crite daily i there was no uncertainty or intogether into one .body. and.to haTe he de?lares. A complete accounting ! definiteness. In the view of the give them guidance as one. of their property and payment of mandatory, partition offered the Another reason is that the JewIndividual Designs! emigration and other taxes are best and most hopeful solution, ish people find that in-building a though we go through periods of temple they can worship, their i ignorance and indifference. It is of his life, he remained finder his required before permission to he said, adding that the mandaemigrate is "granted. I tory power continued definite in Distinctive Color*! mother's care and she taught him j its opinion and had made no to believe in one God and told Patronize Our Advertisers modification in this respect. him of the sacred traditions of Israel. Of course, while living in the court he got training which was necessary for a leader of men. •The wonderful life of Mosea inspired Jews and non-Jews alike. Today we have too much of the opposite pattern and people turn away from. their origins. Especially among us, our leading Jews try to forget their Jewishness and refuse to come to the aid of their suffering brothers. Once in a while a leader will repeat Moses's pattern. Among them was Theodore Herzl, leader of the Zionist movement. Both Moses and Herzl started their great works when they saw injustice towards the Jews. Moses We. €2S $ketchc£ 1 iW saw Egyptians beating Jews, and Herzl s a w Dreyfus unjurtly SWIRL, JR. stripped of his honors in the great Dreyfus Case. Picture yourself in tKese La Grac« Herzl was born in Hungary on Coiortu! 2-pc sf)'k May 2, I860. His family later cottons . . . Styles and materials that Coo! airy sheer in settled in Vienna and his train, black End nevy. Sizes will be good for all summer . , . ing was really German as was 11-17. Here they are at Carmans . . . Pick characteristic of the Jews of that period. His parents were sufficienouqb {or the week-end Holidays. ently well off to give their son S i i e s tor Juniors, Misses and a good education and destine him for the legal profession when he Women* entered the University of Vienna.
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when in reality the lay mind is in no better position to underPrayiujr that <5od keep you so pure, perfect, unsullied." stand it than other phases of medical work. One of the greatCenter ^r Future ajres will recognize that this wayward son of the est tragedies; of Freud's life—lie lias confided to inmates—has Ghetto no less tliau the greatest of them all discharges the Library Ccrster been the use charlatans have made oi" his momentous discov- historic duty oi? his people, fulfilling in his poetic, romantic HUQUtJrtfct) fcVfcKY t-HI DAY A'l UWAMA, NbURAHKA. BY eries and the misunderstandings that have resulted.' way Israel's blessed role of blessing. TUB JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY •f-u s.JTA) — — Seven Jews v ' " •.;••' • Germany, Austria, and the city of Vienna, all have at one Frederick Colin. :-nuoiu c! in King George's I Jewish, c u r r e n t news a n d b o o k s a r e S2.E0 .: P R I C E , O n o Y«a» ' • • «•'..,I B;v; lulr.v Honors list. time or another recognized his work in. the field of psycho, A D V E R T I S I N G R A T E S F U R N I S H E O O N A P f U I C A • ION ~~ ~~" T~~ t of Jewish interest cvd- '' T P O V ' P-P: Colonel Frederic* c r U:; s support the synagogues in these ' Polish Jewish analysis. Today they cast him forth, unwanted. O£ course, EDITORIAL. OFFICE! 609 BHANDEIS THEATER BUIUDINO •* SIOUX CITV OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITV CENIEO ^here is no place for Freud in the Reich. He stands at the peak - PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—4504 SO. 84TH 81 BE El ; of human knowledge. His former compatriots grovel in the UAVID BLAOKJ3R •,-. » • - Business and(Managing Editor gutter gathering the slime of ignorance. o*: thr Order of the British
. t'RANK R, AUKJSKMAN. • • • • • ••' Editor LiEONARU NATHAN . -.".-. , • * "Associate Editor RABBI FREDERICK COHN • Contributing Editor RABBI THEODbRB N. L.EWIS • • Book Editor .ANN PILL -•"•.• • Sipns City, Iowa, Correspondent
" Heine and Hitler
guards the synagogue, and even | XEED'" By Dr. i Empire: Alderman Srnest Samin Germany there has been no in- j Warns American .Tews not to J R. ii-finer lord mayor ol fringement against the Jew's re- I underestimate strength of s.n.tiAiistralia. who is mads
By Rabbi Frederick Conn «™ & * * * '^ <™ <"*»»•» The rabbis, it seems, are more | '^religion, say the rabbis. «. ! X ^ V - e r a T n ^ " " n " S ol' UIP Oriirr of the British EmOne has been hearing of Heine recently intermittently. pire "for public services;" Israel Rokach, tuaror of Teel Aviv, honThe Nazis continue to burn his books, in annexed Austria as orarr oiTirer of the- Order of thg The Myth of a JewisH Nationalism many have lost everything except • ^ p g ; ] a e e ) g r o f e E o n £ in Germany. Yet they also continue to quote from his poems, having any religion to speak of. Kririyli Ensure: Solomon Noah On par with Hitler's rantings about "Aryanism' and "non-alluding to him as 'an unknown writer.' The rabbis call it "secularization this faith which still stands u t Read "NOTES AND NEWS' SnTrpr. firs?, inspector of Pales% -• impaired to comfort them. Why . " corncil o£ Jewish Fedjs ed b v of Judaism." They are taking it tine police, who receives the Aryanism" are the esoteric pronouncements emanating ^from Heine was one of the most brilliant ornaments of Ger-up in the convention of the Cen- should Jews depart from the bit orations and Welfare Funds. medal of the Order of. the British ceirtain Jewish quarters - regarding a "Jewish national con- many. As a poet, he is second'only to Goethe, many ranking tral Conference of Ame ican Rab- of safe ground that will be left Among the Boot Shrives: Empire for meritorious service; to them if the earth ail around "SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL" by Colonel Lcr.ur.rc7 Charles Mandlesciousness." Prominent intellectuals, particularly of the Lud-him even" above him as a lyric, poet. Heine was one of the bis this month. A rabbi explained it all to me is cut away from them. In C-er- ^ e o n a r G — a novel of the bsrg. }?-,vypr f.isr?. world war hern, wig Lewisohn-Rabbi. Stephen Wise school of tliought; have elo- sweetest singers of the world, and one of the world's greatest through the case of fine old Mr. many the synagogue stands safe j ^ . ^ o f ^ rnmm^v of the Military d|viquently, expounded their views, writing reams of apologetics poets, as well as most charming writers. He was a genius of Euttonkooper (which is really when all else is gone. humor's s k e For rear; sion of UiP Oraer or British Em, _ . , rnTn T r T< w his name). Mr. ButtonkooppiiT: Lov:is riplschman. • chairaimed at making the Jews conscious of a non-existent "Jewish the first-order,-with a marvellous wit and humor, the most not The whole thing seems to come ; er is a. leading Jew in the counH { j o n a i Orthoto the question: What is a Jew" • Nationalism." . PIONEER YOUTH IX PAL-1 poignant* pathos—^infinite tenderness, yet an irony and satire try and everybody has heard of c Well several years ago there ; a g ^ r ^ / V i o m o Borto.* Th7' T*<\\ W t * l . commander of tl,e Jewish work in the field of Paradox of it is. is that those loudest in declaiming this unsurpassed for its biting sharpness and rapier-like incisive- his in author, who has lived in PrJes- Civii division of the Order of the .»„.....—.„ — . occurred a certain incident philanttirophy. view are those who prate equally loudly against aping the gen- ness. He alluded to God as 'the Aristophanes of heaven,' and British Empire, and John Jacob In" the city in which he lives a I Warsaw, Poland. Applicants for . v ^ f o ? ^ ^ e ^ ^ d e g c r i , , e s { f , e • tiles. But if there has been, imitating, it has certainly been in himself as 'theiSerman Aristophanes.' "God will forgive me," philanthropic enterprise n e e d | the bar were being sworn in ana, ; t r u e l n w & r d n £ ; s E o £ t h e P a ! e s t i T i e r.'x, fpvevnuipnt chemist, comcarry the great ~nd good | in accordance.with « £ . „ • „ L ^ v < p i o n e e r m 0 V ements. It is a storv panion of the Order of the Bath. this 'myth of the twentieth century.' ;• . he said when he law on his Mattress-Grave," jesting even while only s took name of Mr. Buttonkooper tovbe i Poland, Christian Nationalism has arisen as a secularized religion of Jhehe was.dying, referring to his' acknowledged delinquencies and successful. ' Mr. Buttonkooper's Testament. flaming idealism, his noble char- Jews es oon the modern, social order. An incipient* nationalism has always been confessed moral failings, 'it is His business!' . Now when the Christians were time in history without revolts- i acter, and his simple eloquence present in .the European civilization and the failure to recogcalled to take their oaths tw With all his short-comings, Heine was one of the greatest are bright torches around which I• Jews were seen among them; nize and adapt itself to it, was a contributing cause of themen in the world, not only of Germany, a true 'soldier in theJews rally. Yet Mr. Buttonkooper doesn't they, took the Christian oath. "We," thev' explained to the j anunl&Q Protestant. Reformation. '.'•'•belong to any congregation and War of Liberation of Humanity,' who deserved to have 'a can't 'have be-,i remember when he ever shocked community. he With the rise of our technological^ science-inspired civili- sword placed upon his coffin.' He was 'a sword and a flame'; • "" for ' ^ ^ ^ timely book stepped into a synagogue wor-' c o m e Catholics by religion but^we j ra ^ zation, old religious ties have been weakened, dogma ques- a sword that pierced the hypocrisies of the world, a flame that plan are in'hiPiii it \ persons in. There have been times wish to be considered Jews on Palestine. | the Viiked Puues and France. A tioned. And storm-tossed humans have found refuge in theburned on the altar of a noble heart and illumined the world when Mr. Buttonkooper h a s We shall continue to be Jewis^ 1J e Study your history with i similar move be^un several years graced a synagogue with his j nationalists and to take part in ; cf the Jews in one hand, jP strengthening of nationalities : ' .• H. (1. Wrlls and other presence; but these were purely | all the activities of the Jews out-: with the divinest poetry. and an economic history in the notables dirt no; pf-; u1P approval secular occasions, such as meet- i side Jhe synagogue. All we have In defiance of all scientific facts, the myth has been nourother and note the parallelism. And this great German, this inspired son of the Father- ings for-philanthropic drives. of il-e commiftep. | done is to change religious conished. A nation implies a common language or a common land land that denied him and expatriated him, was a Jew. At Not that Mr. buttonkooper.; fessions; in all other respects we or a common race or .a- common resultant culture. If modern heart Heine was always a Jew, with a heart that bled for thenever has been solicited to join'remain Jews. One can be a Jew s any synagogue In j without Jewish religion."^ oi.ple to share anthropologists are to be believed—and we are always willing wrongs and sufferings of his people. His outward conversion athecongregation; Yet even the secular Jews of i £ [' /?lr.yr/T••» <« s^ ^ ^ T * t ~ land would consider it a priv•I'omR. Access to believe them when they denounce German racism-^the Jews was only an act forced upon him by the. bigotry and intoler- ilege to have him and probably Warsaw arsaw could not accept them, them. f t i U i » l » i - S ' &--4 I I / ' ^ ' r 0475, are not even racially one. Are the Falasha of Ethiopia and ance of benighted Prussia. Heine loved his people, was proud would throw a congregational Jewish nationalism. Jewish rato celebrate his initiation | cialism, Jewish_ philanthrophy, the Mongoloid Jews of China to be excluded-from Jewish life of their history and achievement. Some of the most inspiring dinner Jewish art could not hold them into membership. because their skin is black or yellow" Mr. Buttonkooper has consist- to the body of Israel. Jewish remonths the summer statements regarding the Bible, Israel, and the genius and ently ..ecly der.irfjE room. or will to join a congrega- ligion was the heart of the com- services are held evenFriday ) nfcave w s v t r a c r t , JA 3926. One noted expert on the subject declares that the modern character of Judaism were uttered by this scoffer, blasphemer tion. refvised plex of being Jewish; the heart He feels no need for the evening £t 7: C O at Temple Israel. \Tl, TCI. been cut out and they could Jews have only a minute fraction of Semitic blood, being for and seeming apostate. As he himself said* he 'never returned comforts of formal religion and nhad o to be united with othe.Jews in ! longer be called Jews, Bctii El the most part descendants of Slavic tribes from Southern Rus- to Judaism' for the simple reason that 'he had never left it'! the matter of worshipping God. (Copyright 1S3_8, by Seven Arts Services are held every Satursia, or Visigothic tribes of Spain who were converted in the He thinks • it is being Jewish day morning at & a. m. ft the He'was a great German and a great Jew. The two areenough to be the influential leadBeth El Synagogue. early days of the Common era to Judaism. ' ! Jewish yovrng- man, 26, well not irreconcilable, despite the pronouncement and the political er, he is in Jewish philanthrophy ec.iice.iec:, married, sales ex. Linguistically there is no union., Hebrew, until its revival action of the ignorant, brutal and despicable Nazh. Nation- and to be an upright and effecp^riencp, can invest $1000 VAAO Gems of th© Bible in Palestine, played the same role in Jewish life as Latin to ality is a matter of location, residence, birth', ancestry, lan- tive citizen in the general com! tc S3OOO vith services, or Services are held every Friflr.y ili purchase progressive evening at sundown. Saturday the Catholic church. Most Jews speak the vernacular of their guage, common form of government. A nation may be nia'de munity. In short. Sir. Buttonkooper is j ninir.eEB. Box No. 40. morning services take place "at native lands. But even for those Jews who speak a jargon up of the most diverse racial and religious'strains (&s, indeed, what the rabbis call a secular j S:3C. there is no unity. Sephardic Jews speak their Ladino whether "Aryan" Germany is today). It is not a matter of 'blood.' Jew and how to convert him to j the Jewish religion (as repreBIBLE in Salonica, Constantinople, or Sarajevo. East European Jews For that matter, the blood of all inhabiting Nazi Germany sented in the synagogue) is what They that foresake the speak their Yiddish, and the.Jews of'tlie Arabian Penninsula today is identical. I t is red, human blood (which the Nazis troubles the rabbis. Then" there "are ' some of th© i p r a 5 s e t h e kicked but they thp.t their Judaeo-Arabic dialect. The cultured Jew of eastern Eur- so wantonly and so criminally shed). Heine was a one hundred Zionists who are almost atheists keep the law combat the wicked, i ' t ope might speak German; that of the Orient, French. even. They carry banners of Is- He that-is. of a greedy spir.t' ;' \ per cent German* and none can deprive him of his patrimony rael,' each like \ Only 5 'Merc Dr.rs to Get some rapt Joan of stirreth tip strife but be tfcrt What common customs have arisen in Judaism come from and his birth-right. He loved Germany with an intense, jealous Arc, and speak Hebrew and cher- putteth his trust in the Lord shell , \ t "Dad's" Gift a common religion or from the exigencies of the time arising love, and Avas in the highest sense a German patriot. He hadish Palestine trees planted in be abundantly gratifiec their names as mu^h as they do i - There Is a generation that E-e • from the practice of that'religion. regard for the true welfare of Germany, intellectual and spir- the real estate on which their} pure in their own eyes and yet j Judaism^ does not need to be misled. by. nationalism. A itual as ivell as political. H,e was one of the world's greatest houses stand. They seem always are not washed from their filthlbe giving out "hot flames of j ness. Jewish nationalism can only mean that defeatism has con-liberals and progressive spirits, and desired naught but theto Jewish zeal which almost con- j There is a generation wise? quered Judaism. It is a recognition of the failure of Judaism best for his beloved Germany. .If. he seemed to castigate" it sume anybody who is a non-Zion- j teeth are as swords to devour . 1 the poor from off the earth to exercise the inherent power to give strength to its people. unmercifully, to ridicule and-defame it, it was with a view to 1st.' But the God of Israel knows, the needy from among nen. Judaism is higher than 'false nationalisms.' I t is unique improve and perfect it, in the spirit of the Biblical-verse (Heine them not. This is to say He never [ TALMUD on the earth today. But it is still capable b£ withstanding its was a great'reader and admirer of the^ Bible) "when the Lord sees them in the synagogue even i Misbnah. How were the wit-1 the holy days. Perhaps it is nesses awe-struck in enemies and succoring its members without the aid of a 'myth' loyeth He correcteth, even as a Father the son in "whom he on better to say that they know not cases? They were brought in g that will disappear when a new baal arises. delighteth." It will be-recognized one day that Heine was the God of Israel either in the and worned, "Perhaps your test-' or in Palestine and imony is based only on a suppoone of the prophets of the New and the Better Germany. The synagogue quite frankly confess their sep- sition or on. hearsay or on that ' Germany of the future will reclaim her" brilliant and- inspired aration from religious Judaism. ] of another witness or you have The Next Spain All this, it seems, is depriving [had it from a trustworthy mtrx Each day a new candidate arises to be the successor of son, restore "and rebuild the monument sin his honor while Jewish congregations of effectiye or perhaps you are not aware ' SUNDAY. JIT E l i " • blood-drenched Spain. Each day the shadow hang$ over a new the greatest monument remains, the body of priceless litera- leaders. It is due to the many that finally we wiil investigate ways of being Jewish, that have the matter by examination and ture he produced, particularly the unforgettable poems that land and points to it as the battlefield of theopposing forces. Thousands cf "Dads" Want been brought out in the past cross-examination. You rcav &is0 .'• Most likely candidates for this dubious honor are Czecho- have become a part of. the world's literature,- that have been twenty years. In the old times j be aware of the fact that "the-e sn Ar^tcl of These for slovakia and Hungary, though in. every small country of Cen- translated into' every language, that, as also his prose have there was only one way: One be-t is no similarity between civil6r .d longed to a synagogue and that criminal cases. la c'vil cases ore immeasurably enriched the German language, made it less Fe.ther's Dsvf tral, Southern, and Eastern Europe, the Nazis are planting was the fullness of being Jewish". repay the money damage ponderous and clumsy (like the German character itself), more The synagogue also had to do may .their seeds-of discontent. • and 'ae is atoned but is criminal , with Jewish philanthrophy and I the blood cf the person exGermany is not yet in a position for a large-scale war. light, airy, graceful, and beautiful, and brought incalculable remember long ago giving a nic- cases ecuted and of his descendants to ! iXTTl T*. delight and entertainment to countless human hearts throughkel to a collection taken in the Drouth has brought a food-shortage/The experience of four the end of all generations clings ' '. synagogue for a poor Jewish fam- to the instigator of his esecu- ! ] out the world. years has proved an "Ersatz" -economy unsatisfactory. But she ily. tion." The God of Israel had everycan, as she has discovered by her Spanish venture, work with That prince of biographers,' Emii Ludwig (also a German thing Resh Lakesh said, "Ee whe ' to do with Jewish life. He impunity behind the scenes. Mussolini has even justified this Jew) has added to his previous masterpieces the just issued was the One who woke a Jew up arises his h&Bd with the in'ten- j of striking his neighbor R\- } «, i type action by showing how Garibaldi, used the same methods "Life of Franklin Roosevelt" in which, among other excellent in the morning and bade him tion wrap his arms in the phylacteries though he has not struck him if ; in uniting Italy, that by fomenting local strife he was able to things, he compares and contrasts the lives of Roosevelt and and say the prayers of the morn- called wicked." f We were taught In the Bsweaken the existing government and win it to, his cause. ing; He sat at table with a Jew of Hitler, to the great disadvantage, it need not be said,'of who at the conclusion tbanked raitha: "If a eos saw his fathpr Hungary and Roumania, both of whom are ^threatened, the latter. I would compare Heine [and Hitler, the one a Jew, Him for everything; He was one transgressing what is written. ia. have thought, they could avoid Nazi penetration by giving in the other (presumably) an "Aryan." I have particularly in to he addressed with prayer in "the Torali he must not say t; the afternoon, at sundown aad I ' F a t "« r > you have tranr to the demands of the> agitating groups. They have sought to mind the famous utterance, "I would rather write the songs bedtime. • | pressed the law,' t>nt "Fsthe-." stem ihe discontent while Germany, casts a. covetous glance of a nation than make its lawsV . Heine's songs will be sung in tv Today a Jew may feel ade-i £° a a d E o i s ^ r i t t e n " i0! ah a t t h e i r r i c h o i la i i d ' w h e a t f i e l d s . . ' - . - " . / . i quately fulfilled in JDC ORT i ' .And he himself will find (as we see even in Nazi Germany today) as long as the^ German HIAS, IKOR. the Jewish Con- ' nis^mistalce." But Czecho'Slovakia, a democracy, with a people who cher- languages exists. They are exquisite, immortal, the world's gress or the American Jewish Rabbi Rasefca said, "He vfc: closes his eyes to charity Ss conish their hard-fought liberties, is willing -to resist this en- supreme lyrics. Whereas.Hitlers laws, all his dictatorial, total- Committee. Or he feels Jew enough in sidered as if he served idols," croachment upon its rights. Nowhere else in the world are itarian legislation, himself as the omnipotent, infallible em- Zionism in its various varieties, minorities—German, too, with all their bent for trouble-mak- bodiment of all law ("I am the Supreme Court" he boastfully or In Jewish social service, or (if ' COMMUNITY ing—as well treated. Yet the Reich bullies her, seeking to exclaimed at the time of the'Bloody Purge four years ago), he is a Jewish artist) he is sure . %-Xe-Utf he is the complete Jew when he oittiffTam • CALENDAR force her way through Bohemia, onto Roumania and the particularly the iniquitous, monstrous "Nuremberg Laws" de- paints beards in the East Side, AS.Etiirtf : or he is conscious of doing his 1 Ukraine. : , ' .;. :••"...'. <•'•',. : priving the Jews of their citizenship and all human rights, and duty by Israel if he is a HebraThe dii-ect warnings are fas. becoming realities. The drive degrading them to the lowest political, social and human status ist who speaks Hebrew in the Sxmdsy, J u n e IS?. to the east has como closer. When it starts, the Nazis will —will not and cannot endure for they are based on the basest subway, or a Yiddlshist trying to Omaha* H e b r e w Club m e e t i n g . F F Think' of a collar that Is guarsave a dying language; or he may S p . m., lodge room., J e w i s h C o m - t 5 write, the death-knell of Europe's civilization. injustice, founded on cruelty and hate and sadistic frenzy, and feel very Jewish, indeed, if as a munity £nteed to outwear the s h i r t , . . ' Center. ' . in the night club he gives are doomed of G(nland man, pre-destined to be temporal and singer A. Z. A. No. 100 Father anf ; ' out "Eli! Eli!" ^ ^ r_ _ _ _ that's what you get In Byrd Son _ban(juet, $ p. m., lodge roorr. i T h e E x i l e . •' " . ; ' \ ''"':"/•"':.:••"•"•••."•.": •• •_••-• [ephemeral,' like Hitler himself, like all Dictators who, accordOf course, the Reform rabbis j Jewish CcEunuiijty 'ceEter. Cloth cc-llar a t t a c h e d white When the.history of our generation comes, to be written, ing to the most expert authorities, are by their nature neces- (who ate the ones mo t .troubled Monday, JEMC: 23." on account of secular Judaism) ! Workmen's Loan Ef.ocSst' broadcloth quality shirts. It's among the intellectual giants of the age will be listed the name sai-iiy only temporary. Hitlers memory will be execrated, as must confess that the philosophy j P- » . . C and D, Jewisa so unusual .that it's..a sensation of Sigmund Freud. With hLs studie&.iri tbe field of psycho- that of a wicked monster, along with that of the Torquemadas, of the founders of Reform had a itj- Center. great deal to do with secularizing ±iaEOffiir Choral society, S r analysis, he has opened new fields o"f thought and revolution- arid the Hamans; while that of Heine, despite all his deplor- n/any Jews. Mr. Buttonkooper, ni.. K and L, Jewish Comnuni;' . . . a do-ably attractive gift- for ized man's thinking.:-." . • , : able shoft:comings (for which he paid dearly with years of for example. The founders of Re- Center. DadS Yet toflay octogenarian, feeble Sigmund Freud is an exile. suffering) will be reverenced with gratitude and love. In tEeform taught a Judaism that had- Tsesday. 3'sme £1. Boy Scouts taeetine. & -p. in n't a great deal to do with synaAn exile from his native land, perhaps, but the whole world Pantheon, of Humanity 'when the best names are mentioned, gogue life* It was largely philan- lodge room, Je'.vi?h "CoEr 1 '? 1 ';' Aad a Thousand and One . " ---„?-. would give him refuge. One finds the American ambassador his.will be mentioned, too.' And a new, redeemed, regenerated thropic. Several generations of Center. .- _ Other Good Gifts tor Dsd Jews grew up to believe WcSaesday, .Jnae 22. to France,'a Greek. Princess, and a Princess of the Bonaparte Germany, a Germany truer to the spirit of a Luther, a Kant, a Reform International Workers' order. that being a Jew had to do mainat The Nebraska. • family, waiting at the station to greet him on his arrival in Paris Lessing, a Goethe, Heine himself will know how to honor this ly with community-, chests and S p. m., C EEd D, Jewish COE:dunity Caster. general culture, such as syraen route jtp a new hdme in England. "Intellectuals the world most gifted of her sons who has s¥ed immortal splendor upon phony ' orchestras and art mu- i A"8rsaffij-, June £3, - . *- . over are fiTaking every effort to see that in his final years, he her too drab, dreary, and prosaic history. seums." And it should bo • said ' ^'dn\QT Hsdsssafc &i dinner, fi g these Jews by. their broad finds comfort and security..; . . . . , • " .-:.' In one of the most beautiful of his lyrics, Heine has sung: that activities gathered, a good name ity Center, All through his life Freud has alternately been the re--: , "^ou are like a flower, so beautiful,' and pure, and whole. for Jewry in their communities. CORRECT API W0HKN Many rabbis raake the point! o n~s aSrlri? Jewisli \romen.vere fais.cipient of honor-"and execration. His work, because* of. its -unI look on you and longing sinks into Biy inmost soul. that it is very important far lev;? P nters in the early days of usual .subject matter, has captured the popular imagination : I would lay hands _.of blessing on your head to be religiously Jewish and t& ;tis t art,
I '"'"""
\J i .
Page 5
THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 193S TELL BETHROTHAL Mr. and Mrs. Herman Friedlander announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian, to Dr. Harold Stern, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stern. "NTO date has been set for the wedding. - Both Miss Friedlander and Dr. Stern attended Central High school, and Dr. Stern is a graduROSEXBAUJI-SILVERMAX .i ate Of Creighton University. He XOVAK-UUBEXSTEIX Miss Goldie Silverman, daugh- is . a member of the Phi Beta Miss Rose Rubenstein, daughter o£ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ruben- ter of Mr. and Mrs. "^avid Silver- Epsilon fraternity.' Etein, will become the bride, of man, became the' bride of Mr. .William M. Rosenbaum, son of Mr. Max Novak, son of Mr.; and HONOR NEWLYWEDS Mrs. Sam •" Novak, \ on - Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenbaum, on Mr. and Mrs. William E. Joffe Sunday afternbon at 2 o'clock at entertained Juno 19, at 3 o'clock. thirty guests at a Tho. ceremony will take place the Omaha Woman's club. buffet dinner Tuesday evening at Rabbi David A. Goldstein per- their home in hcnor 3f Mr. and tit the Adass Yeshuren Synagogue, 25th and Seward, -with formed the. ceremony in the pres- Mrs.-Max H. Resnick who recentRabbis David A. Goldstein; and ence- of the immediate families ly returned from an eastern honbefore a fireplace decorated yitb. eynioon trip. N. Felunmu officiating. .^ Mr. rnd Mrs. Harold Kasin of Miss Rubensteiy. has chosen for ferns and fresh garden flowers. Preceding the ceremony, Miss! Chicago, brother-in-law, and sisher attendants her 'two sisters, Mrs. Charles ^L. Fellman as Ida GItlln sang "B cause" and I ter of Mrs. Joffe shared honors. matron-of-honor, and Miss Ger- "At - Dawning." The wedding trude Rubenstein "as bridesmaid. march and bridal chorus were HERE FOR WEDDlXG Stein- . Mr. and Mrs. J. - Knox and Mr. Charles X. Fellman and Mr. played by Miss Florence v : Leo Kolpack of Miiscatine, Iowa, berg, pianist, "anc .. Miss Esther daughter, Mr. and Mr,s. Phil Knos anS daughter, and J.Irs. Novack Steinberg, violinist. ' •» will be Mr. Novak's attendants. Following the ceremony a din- : The bride wore, the gown, of and family of Sioux City will arner will be given for the immedi- "her sister, Mrs. Albert Weiner, rive -to attend the marriage of ate family. A reception • and who was Miss Esther Silverman Jtfr. Max Novak and Miss Rose • - . - • ' dance will be held from 8 to 12 before her marriage last fall. The Rubenstein. dress was of white brocaded chifat. the Medical Arta Tearoom velvet, and the veil of tulle TO ATTEXX) WEDDIXG Assisting at the reception will fon was three-quarters length and Mr. J. M. Baker, formerly a b& Mrs. Charles L. Fellman. Mrs. fashioned a braided coronet. resident of Omaha for' twentyMeyer . Beber, Miss Gertrude The bride with carried a bouquet of five years, now of Denver, will Rubenstein, Miss : Rose Novak, arrive here to join his wife, who Miss Lillian Freedman, Miss May white-bride's roses.. •* Tucker; Miss Ida Kotler,. Miss \Mrs. Albert "Weiner of Ponce, has been visiting in Omaha. They Rose1 Mandel, and Miss Lee Fell- Puerto Rico,- served her >, sister will remain for the wedding of 'as matron of honor, .^he wore their nephew, Mr. Max Novak, to man' . Friends and relatives are in- a gown of. peach brocaded or- Miss Rose Rubenstein. ganza • with a matching veil of vited to attend. tulle and carried a colonial bouATTEND SOX'S GRADUATION* quet of assorted flowers. - ( . GROSS-OSOFF Mr. and Mrs. M. *E. Chapman Dr. Edward Rosenbaum, brothThe marriage of Miss Pearl Mrs. Gerald Gross of the groom, was best man, pagne, Illinois, where they will Osoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs er and Mr. Stanley Silverman, Before her marriage on SunHyman D- Osoff. and Gerald attend the graduation from the. 'Mrs.^Gerald Gross was Miss • Gross, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. brother of the bride, was usher.. University of Illinois of their son', day, Pearl Osoff. She is the daughThe bride's mother" wore a Bernard. G.oss, took place, Sunday morn• ter of Mr; and Mrs. Hyman D. ing at 11 o'clock at the Black- gown of lavendar marquisette They will then go to Lake ForMr. Gross is the son of stone hotel. Rabbi David A. and her corsage was of pink car- est, Illinois, to join- their daugh- Osoff. nations. The groom's mother ter, Helen Jane, who has finished Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gross. Goldstein officiated. gowned in black lace, and her first year at Ferry Hall. The bride's gown was fash- was! corsage was of white carnaioned of, eggshell net in a redin- her After a few days' visit in Chi- NAMED WINNERS OF : gotp style. She carried a,bou- tions. cago, the Chapmans will return Following the ceremony Mr. DR. SHER AWARD quet of orchids and gardenias. . a'nd Mrs. Silverman entertained to Omaha. Miss Frances Osoff, sister of at early, supper'for the *famNathan Wolfson, William Holthe bride, ana S. Elmer- Gross, ily. anThis land, F r a n c i s Donahue and followed ^ a re- VISITOR FRO5I CALIFORNIA brother of the bridegroom, ;were ception forwas Miss,Lorraine Krasne of HollyBlaudwyn Hollier were named friends. the .only attendants. 'Miss Osoff's California, is arriving Winers of the Dr. Philip Sher Out-of-town guests at the wed-wood, gown-was oJ blue 'net. She car-ding today tq visit her grandmother, prize for essays on "Racial and Mrs. Weiner; Mr. ried a colonial bouquet of yellow and Included: Sarah Arkin. She will also Religious Mutual Respect" at the Mrs. Harry Mittleman and Mrs. "roBes. • . . • • / . . ! be the guest of her unclevand commencement of the University Marian, Charlotte, aunt, Both the mother of the bride daughters, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein of Omaha. Babette and Jeanne; and Mr. arid and the mother • of the bride- Mrs. Robert Kahn, all of Port- of Council Bluffs. groom, wore black chiffon gowns. land, Oregon; and Mr. and Mrs. Patronize Our Advertisers Mrs. Osoff's shirt-waist dress T7as Sam Lebowitz of Sioux City, RETURNS FROM EAST worn with a black and white Iowa. Miss Rose- Sacks recently re' print Jackets and Mrs. • Gross' turned from a ten-day, trip to VISITING OX COAST After their wedding trip, the Chicago, •frock .with, a black lace . jacket. New Yon:, Philadelphia Miss Monica Yaffe is spending young couple will make their and Niagara Both wore gardenia corsages. Falls. the summer months in Hollyhome in Omaha. A wedding breakfast was servwood, California, visiting with ed for'members of the families Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Fogel. Miss HO.ME FROM CHICAGO > St the Blackstone. "After a wedCohn is Returning to- Yaffe has been extensively_eat.erEsther Lieb announces dayMyron -ding trip to Chicago, thecpuple theMrs. from Chicago, where he has tained. approaching marriage of her will make their home in Omaha. daughter, Merriam, to Harold been studying w i t h Richard Czerwonky, noted violinist, a* De VISITIXG PARENTS Cooperman, son of Mr. Harry Paul university. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kasin of HIRSCHFIJ>-ACKERMAX Cooperman, on Sunday, June 19, Chicago, 111. are visiting with , Sunday: «£ternoon at the home at the.Woman's <l b. Mrs. Kasin's parents, Mr. and VISITOR FROM DELAWARE of Rabbi David A. Goldstein Miss Following .the ceremony a reMr. N. Novak of Wilmington, Mrs. A. Ginsburg. • - Ethel A'ckerman, daughter of ception will.be held from 2:30 to Delaware, will arrive this weekMrs.' Harry, Ackerman, became 5 o'clock. - No cards have been end to attend the Novak-Rubenthe-bride of Dr.. Beryl Hirschfeld, issued. *•• . stein nuptials. ison of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hirschleld of North Platte. -The ceremony was performed in the presence of TELLS EXGAGEJIEXT RETCRX FROM WESTERN of TRIP the immediate families. 'Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levin announce the engageDr. and Mrs. Morris Brodkey Following the ceremony the ment of. their daughter, Micky, '_ "bride's mother entertained the to Mr. Phil Katzman. son of. Mr. and Donald BrodUey returned to wedding party at a dinner at her and Mrs. Paul. Katzman of Omaha Sunday after a two week trip to the west coast. home. .• • ' j ; Omaha. . •• . Tho couple will be at home In Miss lievin has' been making BACK FItOM SCHOOL -Denver after July 1. , her home here with her brotherMiss Shirley Barish, who in-law and. sister, Mr. and Mrs.ceived her degree from the UniHOKXSTEIX-MAYPER Leo Abramson. of Chicago last Friday, is Miss Adele Mayper, daughter •• No definite wedding date has versity returning home the end of the of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mayper, been set. • ". . week. became the bride of JOG HornMr. and Mrs. Max Barisht Lois stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. K.ENTERTAIN" BRIDE-TO-BE Buddie Barish, Mrs. M. D. Hornstei.n, at" a 'home ceremony ' Miss Rose Rubenstein, who will and and Dorothy Chait mo' last ' Sunday/ Rabbi David A. become the bride of Max Novak, Brodkey, tored to Chicago to attend . Goldstein officiated. • ' has been extensively entertained commencement exercises, The bride wore a white Chan- by the following: Miss Lillian tllly lace gown, with a. train. She Freedman, Mrs. Charles L. Fellcarried a white moire Bible' with man, ^ Mrs. Sam. Novak, Mrs. INVEST SAFELY, WIS&LY IN a white orchid. Sarah* Greenstein, Mrs/ Harry Attending her as maid-of-honor Rimmerman, Mrs. Lou Lewis, Annuity, Endowment,' i_lfo was JVtyss Merriam Fiedler..' Best Mrs. B. Minkin, Mrs. M. Kagan man jvas Isadore Horhstein, .and Mrs. A. Smith,'Mrs. William brother of the groom. Kuklin, Mrs. Meyer Beber, Mrs. .Represents 21 Strong Companies—Every Type of insurance A buftet supper vwas served for M. Fisher, Mrs. A. Brookstein, and Bonds Written. sixty-five guests. - . ; • . " Mrs. J. Nit?!, Mrs. H. Okun, Mrs. CALL AT 7667 or WA 5150 Following a wedding trip to M. Selicow, Mrs. J. Rlcklin, Mrs. City Flnapce &. Insuranca' Co. Coorado, the young couple will Sam Fellman, and Mrs. D. Raben. ' reside here. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT i MRS. HERBERG RETURNS • Mr. and, Mrs. Aaron Perimeter Mrs. Abe Herzberg • returned announce the engagement and r£ w n x PA¥ YOU last Sunday from Nashville, Ten- approaching, marriage of their To Consnlt nessee, where she, had been visit- daughter, Bernice, to Solomon H. inif her mother and her sister, Betensky of Davenport, :Iowa, son • MALASHOCIC'S Mrs. Max Roseublunw of Rev. and Mrs. ,A.. S. Betensky When bnyins of Des Moines. . . The wedding will take place DIAMOP^OS JOSLYX MEMORIAL on 28. After Va wedding VVEDI)2N(3 RINGS p g , A Young : Artists program, j trip .June the couple will ..live in Dav- WATCHES - SII.VERI7ABE sponsored p by the Omaha Music , Teachers Association, will be pre- j eiiport. and <iIFT JEWEI.RY • sented in the'lecture hall at the! Miss Perimeter was graduated at 2:30. from • the Municipal University of noon A recorded program on the Omaha. Mr.,Bettnsby,'a former organ in the concert hall will be Omahan, attended the Chicago presented at i o'clock, at the Me-•A,rf Institute and Iowa State College. morial.
Bride Sunday
New officers v.-ere elected New officers of Sam Beber }&s,y at the' ir-eeling or the chapter 100 were elected for the i Mszrachi. coming sis months at a regular I Those vrhc will serve E.re: meeting Sunday afternoon at j President, Krs. A. Kc.te: Hrst 2:30 o'clock at the Jewish ComThe ladies of tlip Hifrt vice-president, -Mrs;. E. Weinb'src; munity Center. * ! Country cnib v-;n boU' p. f;vesi: second vice-president. Iv'rs. M. Paul Sacks was chosen Alepa Jvmr- ?\, FtavN |Arbitman; third vice-president, I (ip.y on Tuesday. Godol by_a unanimous vote of the ' ins: r.t. i : : : ? r . j Mrs, L. Rosenblatt; Jine.rceia? senchapter. He was unopposed for 1 retasr. Mrs. A, Echwp.cEfcsr.: Rethe office: Harry Fox was unan^ ! c c r d i E g secretary, Mrs. Tien ; imously elected Aiepli S'gao. Abe ! Handler; end treasurer, .V.vs. I riF Fe~f-r, H-c'v sp fic'iinimc! f-.nr Resnick was named Aleph Gisbor. ; Dcvid r.iciFC Dave Crounse. Bernard Trachteabarg and Albert : Golf, bviclpe P.nd h i n t v P V P or Reports were given fcr comtcitKaplan will serve as Aleph ShoI ifce Af.y'f p r o g r a m . 'tee chf.'rraen. tare Godol and Aleph Shotare Mrs. E. Weinberg, clic.irmp.ri of '•• Keser^'atioiip IHF.V be ri'ioned it Kotone. Frank Pirsch wss chosen the J. N. F. Tree furic of the • Elli Prhf.hr.rt, pi: Uip c-U-h, Aleph Scpher end Joe Guss was Women's JXizrp.cl".'. f.rp.or.nc-pR '.he unanimously elected Aleph Kohe Godol. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Resnick in What was slated to be a tough, honor of the. marriage ol their hard-fought bail game turned out son, Max. : The Vioneev Woman's o^K&uito.be a mere batting practice for Mr. and Jlrs. A. E. Gertie' 1 in y.atioii has ir^itfo. <..he iHibSic t r the Century chapter softballers honor ol the Eiarm.Ete of their ; pf;vtici!>a*e in He f.nraiKl !)P.7.SK" as they ran roughshod over the Bister, Freda. e-veninc. J u n e "1ft, e.t ?• Mother chapter team Sunday Dr. End Mrs. 0. S. Eclzpr in • p.ffiitiirdf.^ TR. F.t the Labor Lyeemri, EEns" morning. The Sam. Beber beys honor of the marriage oC their ! ant! Cisrk p; repi.. went out determined to keep in brother. Marvin. I The r'a?:r>fir v.-i!! nr'en fSatuvfi^v the face for first place In the Dr. end Krs. O. 0. Goianer \v. Jewish Community. Center league honor of the marriajre of r.fp.rvir. i {rrp.m of mu«ic find E-iiif.inf.:. I-'"-'and when, the sevea innings were Eelzer. ! cellem mefJs v HI he ee-rea "VPU> finished the * score read 18 for Mr. End Mrs. Marvin Pelzer rm A. Z. A. 100 to 2 for A, E. A. 1. the occasion of their marriage. Cf.r-.tor E . ?'P\-/:. f-.nt' W F f7fi-p>Hr.rry Fox pitched shutout bail Mr. end KIT.. N. Bordy in UOEfor five innings and allowed only or of their Son's Ear Kitr-van. ; cal prof-'VF.n'.. JrErs. I. Ea'.Silcl-, <<• two hits.Mrs. Sarr.h F&rber In memo~r ; in flif.rpf of t h e pv«f rtin;. of her daughter. Anne. F&rber. | At. flie bsr.psr Fv.tu'Jr.:-. clofliinf.. This Sunday the Century chapKrs. Etta Kager of Sioux City | fTocerieE. Rtirl kitohei 1 appHRr-c^f ter team plays the Milder squad In memory of her father, Mr. E. | v i l l he on Pftle. for first place. Both are now Grossman. i All rrocr-eciF v i ' i . po i'o" CIP-tied for the lead, each having Krs. M, Erodkey ic raeracrr of | Ef.rvctivr. v-prk Ifi rslentine. four wins acd one loss^ The her mother, Freds, Brofike-", «,nc Milders hold a .5 to 4 decision her husband, Morris. Patronize Our Af!ven»i?prfover A. Z. A. 100 and the Cen?.Irs. J. J. Friefien in m"i •"•"' tury team is out to avenge that i of her mother, Rachel Plot; r. defeat. Friends of Mr. end K"i. r F An additional contribution of Fregger on the occasion c" "i -. f $10-50 was made by Sam Beber Fregger's recovery from ?. recp"i S£rs.. William Kosenbaura chapter to the Lapidus Memorial illness. i r- r~ r. ,»- . ,-« - t - s i Forest Fund. The Aleph Zadik •. Sunday afternoon Miss Goldie . ' : 1 I Aleph is raising S750 more for SilverraaE, daughter of ?,Jr. and t trees to be planted in this forest. Mrs. David Silverman, became Meetings of chapter 100 during the bride of William Kosenbaum, the summer months have been son of Mr. and Mrs. Sara. Roseschanged from Sunday afternoon baum. A regular meeting of thp " to^Monday evenings. peen Athletic club yrill be hr C i < Outgoing officers of the presj S p. EG., Wednesday, June J ent administration which prethe Fontenelle hotel. Mr. V 1 sided over one of the most sucton Gasper vill announce r < cessful terms in the history of the The "Silver Luncheon" of the ties committees for the cc chapter are: Aleph Godol, Joe Goldie Myerson club -win be held |season. Guss;-Aleph S'gan, Paul Sacks; on Wednesday, June 22. at 1 I Pl&ns have been fullr cor. Aleph Mazkir, Jay Weisman; o'clock at the Jewish Community efi by Mr. Irvin C. Levin, ass r r, '."\"*i\''\»' c c Aleph Gisbor, Harry Fox; Acting Center. br Morris M. FrEnklin an"" Aleph Sopher, Harold Zelinsky; Mrs. Herman "Cohen is chair- ?ierer for the antiup.l; r Aleph Shotare Godol, Manuel j man of the affair. Hostesses vail wienie roast that will be Himelstein; Aleph Sbotare Ko-l be: Mesdames Sara Tarr.cff, Mor- Saturday, June £5. tone, Abe Resnick:: and Aleph ris Klein, J. "White, P. Crandell, Kohen Godol, Harold Zelinsky. L,. "Oreenberg, Karry Koinick, Meyer Liebovici. A. Keycrson, l Leo Taub, Miriam Yavitz End E. Seltz. The U. T. sorority -anil hold Mr. I. Morgeastern -will speak their annual summer dsnee June on "The Jewish. Congress." A 20 at the Peony Park Rcj-al cumber of piano selections Grove. -Bias have been issued to be presented by Miss Shirley about 200. Seltz. Frances Osoff. president, is1 in -Reservations may be made by charge. She is being assisted by calling Mrs. Cohen, Glendale Helene Alberts, Ruth Rosenstock, 2684. Babette Rothschild, Bernice Friedel and Meriaia Rubiiitz. Patronise Ou.r Advertisers j
Thorpe&n Athle'f;
Goldiie iviverson
U. T. Sorority
Cell Hiro,
C p / installation, including an insld3'27S'QaIlon Tan!t iih Measuring
! Guest Day on ; Veu- Tuesday at
Women's Mizrachii
•>& * t. A
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GUARDING THE BOEDZII—Czech Czech ncti^icIlFts nc <-.c~C c~ inch of soil s re:tc:xtc re:tc:xtc aa dct dctorminf. io- r:without fightir.s. Frontier fcrt:ficstions arc sfrong: y parr^onec.. fss mc'"f :P; b' ! f."- m- the Ger-' mc"'"f :P;" man border. Meanwhile,, anti-Czecii propaganda in Gcrmar ncvsns.pe: s keeps p.^-i p p g r i.\ vr. Drought sweeping worst in in generations, generations rncy :n prolong-.ne prolong-ne pcar'e pcare. sweeping Europe Europe, worst rncy £:d :n
u ALL PRESENT— Entire fainily was present when Mrs. Minna Connors Reeves received the degree of Master ol Laws at the commencement exercises of Portia Law School, Boston. Mrs. Reeves, • wife of a Providence, R. I., wool merchant, shown with her, is the mother of iQ children, ranging in age from 2'/2 to 16 years. She completed the fouryear course for her LLJ3. degree in three years and studied two years for her Master degTee, meanwhile raising her family.
CAN HE TAKE IT?—British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain gets advice, with gestures, from his sister-in-law, Lady Austen Chamberlain, as they leave 10 Downing Street, London. Prime Minister indicates he can get along without it. Reported undercover negotiations with Italy by Lady Chamberlain last February
cauced Parliament furore.
C\ x\-: REPLACES — Alphonse R o y , voted a seat in the Houss cf j ' Represents.tives in "\Vashingtori after the House voted to unseat Representative Arthur E. Jer.ks. Republican, of Nevr Hampshire. Special election committee went BETTER TEAN ICO—Oceanside. Cal.. held s. contest to choose to Concord to investigate the "RGss Queen of the Beaches lor 19SS." aand beaud more tthan a n 100 00 beau t i f l girls i l ffrom all ll parts of Southern California- participated. Best tiful election contest and after an -inof them all, according to the judges, was lovely Esther Walker, quiry recommended unseating IE jrears old. of Ontario, Cal., slicnrn above vith the trophy she Mr. Jenks. received in the pageant of pulchritude thf.f. foilrwed.
\J IfiT^a
HARLAN TRIAL DEFENDERS—Blazing guns, flashing knives and .the'killing; of Lester Smithers, former president of the United Mine Workers at Yancey, Ky., subpoenaed as a government witness, diverted attention from the coal operators' trial at London, Ky..Meanwhile, Forney Johnson, left, and former Judge Charles I. Dawson, right, leading lawyers, continued the defense.
V "<\
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BELGIAN HURRY-UPPER—Josef Mostert, Belgian runner who holds the three-quarter-mile world running record, struck this pose on arrival in New York. He makes his American debut at the Princeton invitation meet on June 18, running against Glenn Cunningham, Archie San Rornani, B'.aine Rideout and Peter Bradley in the mile.
NEITHER YES- NOR NO — J. Edgar Hoover, left, 43-year-old bachelor, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, refused in Miami,. Fla., to say. yes or no to reports that he and Mrs. Lela Rogers, right, mother of Ginger Rogers, film star, might be married. Mrs. Rogers admitted in New York that she and the G-Boss
were "quite good friends,", but refused comment.
SLUGGER—Pace-setter for batting i n , t h e National Baseball League is Harry A. (Cookie) Lavagetto, 24, third baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers. In 39 games, at bat 127 times, he garnered 47 hits, tallying 24 runs. A native of California, he went to the Dodgers from Pittsburgh.
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JAPANESE -IHO? UP—Here are Japanese soldiers engaged in the post-battle operation of moppin" up, after the fall of Suchow, important Chinese city on the Lung-Hai railway. After each major battle in China and the capture of important posts, the invading forces must clean out marauding bands of Chinese and individual snipers who frequent vantage points.
BRAZILIAN YTEDBir^G. — Jandyra Vcrr;;. c!io:t c^v President Getulio Vargas of Brrsil, fisns the civii registry Rio de Janeiro, during the civil cercincr.y cl her T.-e£c:.;r. to Huda Costa Gatna, pilot for the Pan Amcriccn Airv.ays, Company. Civil and religious ceremonies both were held in Guaaabara Palace, the Presidential residence.
"*"-" j 1 * " — ' I
"t Vf~
rrodcls subznictca fro~*"l02C to 1C.JC. Ui'^cr l~ii, Mr. Gaige is shown with a twin-barrel machine gun, .patented'in 1888.,Upper right, typewriter
of Amencsn ir»cr. half' a centur; .*
. Copyright'
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Page 1
THE JEWISH PEESS—FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1938 "Ferdinand is hurt," he said. roll together and put one end in "An iron fell on his foot." their mouths. The otiier end -Bernal moved quickly off with they light with fire. And ' they the sailor, and Luis stood alone blow forth, smoke from the Mother Chapter of the- Aleph. at tlie rail, gazing out at the end- mouths." 2adik Aleph., junior Order of the L Lu-'iin W U l , « » less waters. The men gazed in Brith, held its election of "A new world," he said softly, "They call these leaves tobac- B'nsi officers Tuesday night. Aleph as though in prayer. co," Luis west on, .enjoying their Irv t*-r Nog-g vras unanimously voted surprise. The three ships with the Santa An Extension of the Jewish Comnranity Center into the office of Aleph Godol. the Pci:r: In" v _" Maria leading the way, sailed on. "And were the people friend- Nog-g has previously held the po- elabo-r*-* -fv " - 1 «• r Storms tossed them and triads ly?" asked Columbus. sitions of Aleph Sopher, Aieph. whipped them and hot suns baked kissed our bangs and Shotare Kotone and Aleph 2£s.z- end er e r Good Shabbatb boys and decision,- and the case was passed one voice,. "To the oil dealer, to them. Columbus sat In Ms cabin, feet"They and made cs welcome." kir. girls of. the Junior Jewish. on to a. higher court. the oil dealer!" OEE' - ~ bent, over his maps, or talked "You have done well," ss-id CoP r e s s ! > - . ; . . ' : . - ' • •.:';• • - . ; Other officers chosen were The judge at once returned the anxiously with the pilot. The a e a lumbus when the tales were at an By this time the whole city was This treefe I want to tell you talking about the case of the money to the oil merchant and hisswore because the food was growMorton Margolin, Aleph S'gat; "And now we must sail on. Leo something about Camp Akiba spice merchant and. the oil deal- treacherous neighbor was sentenc- ing . scarce, and they longed for end. Sherman, Aleph 1'Is.zkir tc its i - Our voyage is not yet over. Kaae which opens a t the Jewish er. In every bazaar, on_all streets, ed to' a year in prison. succeed Nogg; Ed Stein, Aleph. work' land. When the murmurs reach- your reward." . Community Center or Monday in all the coffee houses there -was 1 Gisbor; Haskell Cohen, Aleph c ~ ** -pp Now, the people went wild with ed his. ears, Columbus silenced The hope that lay in Luis fie Shotare Godol; Stanley Turkel, pi on -"""• here'every day "of the week ex-- nothing else/spoken of. Every- delight. They praised the wise with a command. And the ships ente? r - T *- or F r i Torres' heart stirred warmly. His cept Saturday and Sunday irom body was looking forward to the judge "up to the skies. "Long live sped on, While Luis de Torres Aleph Shotare Kotone; Justin EC£lS Z - 1 rr 9 in the. morning lintil 5 in the day of" the trial. : Not even the our Lord, the judge!" But the stood at the rail watching, watch- eyes, for a moment, swept -the Priesman, Aleph Sopher, and fca's i f - e < • „ _ - ocean that led towards Spain and I Morris Arbitman, evening. We have a lull "day's wisest gossip could decide which voice of the judge was b.ear.d above ing . . . unanimously End «--p its prisons, to his people, tortured. I elected Aleph Kohen Godol. program of _: outdoor : games, of the dealers was-the honest the glad tumult. and homeless. Trembling, he j Plans for a joint affair with Jir0 B ' T And suddenly . . . woodwork, inetal ' work and man, and everybody was looking "Silence in the court -room!" lie i" f "Land!" shouted the lookout. rose to his feet. other, types . of crafts, inusic, forward to the decision of the cried. "Friends, you are not prais! A. Z. A. No. 100 on June 21 in piece burs' ~r A hush passed over the ship, dramatics, gym, hikes, excur- higher judge in the province. "I would remain in this new ! honor of Boris Conforty, Buling me. You are praising this lit- then a murmur. r - ' sions and swimming every day: land," he said softly, "where j gariaa delegate to A. Z. A.'s inAnd all the while, if the truth tle Jewish boy," and he pointed f "Land! Land!" in the Center pool. strangers are made welceine. I ternational convention, are irsing- fbcvf-F-* ^ i must, be told, the judge himself out to a young; lad who stood beThe cry leaped from throat to would be the first of a long race | made. Alephs who ere gcicg- to celeb- ~There & always something was becoming more and more fore him. •.•• • • . - . ' • throat as the decks became of men." RT1Q < " " I the convention in Estes Park, * interesting for the campers puzzled. It was the day before "By his wisdom he showed me crowded with wide-eyed men. . <O For a" moment Columbus hesi- I Colorado, will also he honored at hilan-i * 1 T every day. A delicious lunch the trial, and he had not been "how to give true judgment and "Land! Land! Land!" | that time. tated, thoughtfully, t h e n he Is served to yon daily. We able to decide upon the case. • His how to give the righteous man c- p ' Overjoyed, the sailors looked TT.EX know yon will all want to at- heat, ached from reading and i what belongs to him." Then to at each other and embraced. spoke. •With Alephs Singer, Cohen, • p r i l l *>-> I ' "I asked you to name your retend Camp Aiciba. There Is close thinking. At last he jumped show his.gratitude, the judge pre- Some of them hid their faces in i Prostak, Lazere, Shulrn End Golfi1 1) still room: tor more registra-. sented the boy's father with a their hands and wept like chil- ward, Luis -de Torres, nnfl though ' stein as managers, the A. Z. A. orate ~r - f p and closed the books. you have been very valuable to ors, ' ~ tldns. We hope to see you on purse of gold coins, EO that his son j Junior Softball league is now in dren. Luis de Torres stared me, you may remain, in your new -i •' - r The Judge's Plight craft «• o Monday ' morning. ' . ' full swing. "I.will go out and walk a lit- might be well educated and be-ahead, speechless, his blood beat- land." rifler come a great man. This, week we shall have ing wildly. At the helm stood e in the fresh- air," he sighed, Tb- r r - p " fv And that is what really hap- Columbus, a new. light born In his The three ships raised anchor. two stories: "THE WISE LIT- "perhaps that will sharpen my From the deck of the Santa Maand. F <* - " - 7 T pened, for the little boy grew up eyes. TliE JUDGE," which Is a very wits." rr- r r v, ria, Bernal looked back.st Luis ccst - " -<• to be the great rabbi, Gur-Arieh. interesting little tale, and the . , ' F So the judge set out, but he de Torres as he stood there on De Torres First ferec *~ other is entitled "SAIIJ ON, ad not gone far before « ? came the shore of his new world, alone, Gracefully the three ships The Omaha Chapter of Junior mi?si-cr OH MY PEOPLE,!' a story of lpon a group o" boys in the Jew- j {( r raced over the waters as the dis-outlined against the pale sky. But Hadassah held their annual e3ec- r.Me r p' the Interpreter on the ship or sh quarter. They were listening PC tant trees loomed larger and Luis de Torres' eyes were turned tion of officers at the Jewish si on v r Columbus which, according to jagerly to the words of a boy Community Center last week. larger before them. And the! t 0 ^ * r i * s s?.a,!n> remembering. the records we have, is true. rho seemed to be their leader. 'Sail on!" said Columbus to He-elected were: President, , more ' r r ' f r r t r - ' shore crept closer and closer. The hero of this story,- JLnis de "I'll tell you what, boys," he Kalah Franklin; recording sacre-| sion r r 1 ' f f Till the land lay in full sight. his crew. ? r Torres, was one of those nnr "Sail on, to a new world, oh tary, Anne GoodSinder; financial • CiTill? Then Columbus ordered the PI"1P cr r Jtortunnt" Spanish Jews who was saying. "Let's play at the case of the spice merchant and (1. Luis de Torres) my people," whispered Luis de treasurer, Mary Garfinkle; first j had to practice Catholicism o r b * r r f «• r •* sails lowered and looked slowly he oil dealer. I'll be the judge!" ' Roll, roll we on gaily vice-president, Sarah Taub: sec-' e a c h F « " TZ, e - 1 - — outwardly but practiced Judaabout him. at each man in turn. Torres. , Throughbillow and wave, At once the judge stopped and ond vice-president, Una Gross; b e i n g - ' f •• z *'< ism secretly and he die find "Luis de Torres!" he said at tanding behind a big tree which To the land of sweet spice board members, Anne K&hn, Ger- ; peace and freedom in a ^ last. lid him completely from the view Or a water grave. trade Lewis and Eva Tsub. > De Torres approached and land here In America. of the youngsters, he watched the New officers are: Third riceawaited the admiral's command. YOUR AUNT XAOMI. make-believe trial with the greatpresident, Esther Lazerson; cor-; "Yonr knowledge of languages A dozen voices muttered anThe next two weeks will be responding secretary, Anne Kuz- ! est interest. The mimic judge grily and your courage may now prove as Luis de Torres' song rang busy ones. for the Hadassah eated himself on a large stone, the deck of the Santa Maria, helpful. I am sending you into Emergency Youth Aliyah Com- nit; membership treasurer, Ethel ' R e - - - t -r— f 1 F c .nd two of the other ^oys were over the land to learn what you canmittee of twenty-five who will "Kelberg. and publicity, Rose ; fore!::- - ' r Columbus's rought before him. One of them, »' "Land ofilagship. j Kab: F about it. Take with you Rodrigo call on donors to help save the Schmidelson. C •>f^r"' sweet spice!" cried Once upon a time, in this city supposed to be the oil dealer, Sancho, a thick set sailor with de Jerez." 1 The installation dinner -will he j ter h-c • .l—f — European youth by their contri- held on Thursday. June £S, at the | of Prague, Bohemia, there lived aid: vrfcer ^ p - " ->, '-c— ' p fierce eyes. "A new route to In- A strange joy seized Luis de two storekeepers, one.a spice 1 "The 1S5 coins are mine. They dia! And what was the matter Torres as he gazed into the for-butions which -will enable the Jewish Community Center a t ! Polcr c t - *>-" r" " r boys and girls of Germany, Pomerchant and one a dealer in oils. were given me for oil that I sold with the old route?" ! ests of the unknown land. Per- land, and Austria to enter •pales- 6:15. Their stores were close together, that very day!'? The other one, Miss Esther Lazerson, "Give \ "Ocean, ocean, ccean!" snapped haps here, where cities had nottine. only separated by a wooden par- n the character of the spice dealand Get" chairman, has an- \f o r t P ~ * O L - j — i - f — - " > T p i Marco, another sailor, tugging at yet grown and where trees rose Mrs. Julius Stein, Chairman is nounceu plans for a weiner roast j not ;«. I e c i. i tition, with a little crack in it. jr, shouted: . clean against the sky, his people assisted ^ > his rope. "I'm sick of it and I'm by Mrs. Max Barish and to be held at Playrnore part Sat- i "The 165 coins are mine';" I sick of the hardtack, too." Now, strange as it may seem, if could find rest. Perhaps here the following committee.: Mrs. ied them up in my red handkerurday, Jcly IS. OEIV members I not for this little crack we should "Will. growling m a k e . it, was his hope and the hope of his never have heard of the spice :hief and I put them in my cash easier?" Luis de Torres asked. people. With the smell of the Julius Abrahamson, Mrs. W n . •who have raised their quotas •will I Alberts, Mrs. Jake Blank, Mrs. ox and this thief here stole , merchant and the oil dealer, and 'TVe have only our lives to lose fresh earth in his nostrils, he Rueben Bordy, Mrs. M. D. Brod- be eligible to attend. F"F*T?s^<! Jr^ST! I"this story would never have been .hem!" plunged through the trees, fol- key, Mrs. Herman Cohn and Mrs.1 and worlds to gain." The little judge began to told.: lowed by Rodrigo. "We will,perish first," Sancho Alexander Frank. Club For it was through this crack question each claimant. For a said quickly as he came closer to Restlessly the men awaited the \ that the spice merchant peeped -while lie looked perplexed, his de Torres. "Luia de Torres," he return of de Torres r.nd his com- Also Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, Mrs. Max The Kadima Club -will hold & one evening before closing his little red finger on his temples, went on, "you are a wise man panion. Five days passed and Mrs. J. J. Frieden, Fromkin, Mrs. Joe Goldware, on 'Wednesday,.- June 22, shop. Being rather fond of other as though, he were buried in who knows many languages." they became alarmed and talked Mrs. David A. Goldstein, Mrs. picnic Et Elmwood Park. Members of people's business, he wanted to thought. Suddenly he gave a of going in search of them. But "Aye," a sailor put in, "and a Jack Kaufman, and Mrs. M. F . the eltib "prill meet at tne park seewhat his neighbor was doing^. lommand, in the tone of a real favorite with Columbus." on the sixth day they returned. Levenson. pavilion at 10:3 0. One glance, and he gasped in sur- judge: "Bring a pitcher of hot The men gathered about the "Go to Columbus," Sancho conAmong others are Mrs. Irvin C. prise. The oil dealer was busily water £.nd throw the money into tinued, "and speak for us. We explorers and listened, breath- counting a little pile of gold it." The make-believe attend- have asked him to turn back but less, to their tale3 of tiie strange Levin, M r s . E . S. Plotkin, Mrs. Wm. .pollack, 1-Irs. Carl Riekes, ants of the court did as they were coins. he has refused. Perhaps his ears people they had found and their Mrs. Aaron Rips, Mrs. Sam Ro"One hundred and ' two, onetold. The little judge bent for- would be more willing to listen to customs. The de Torres took senberg, Mrs. Horace Rosenblum, . hundred and three, one hundred ward eagerly and said,, "If little you, b.ls learned interpreter." out some leaves to show then.. Mrs. B. A. Siuion, Mrs. Dave and four," murmured the oil ubbles of fat appear on the top "Tell him," Marco said eagerA Sew Practice Stein,-Mrs..-T. A. Tully, .and Mrs. dealer and the. spice merchant then we know that the money is ly, "tell him we . . . " "These leaves," he said, "they'Moe Venger. „ , » I (. , counted with him. "There -were the oil dealer's, for 'he Is con- "We will never turn back!" one hundred and sixty-five pieces tantly handling oil and there- Luis de Torres flashed. fore his coins are greasy. But If of gold In all, and when he had De Torres Answers, made sure of the number, their not, the money surely belongs to - For : Several moments : they [ . ' owner tied them up in a red the spice dealer." "Right!" cried the judge, un- stared at him as he stood before handkerchief and .put the little them,, tall and straight, his eyes bundel into-his bo3om. The eyes able to restrain himself, and he two dark points of fire In his pale of• the spice merchant' became left his hiding place, ran over.to face. Columbus, too, alone In his he little judge, and kissed him narrow with greed.. . . cabin, heard his words through "Oh., if I only had that money," on the forehead. "What i3 your the open door, and with a smile name, my lad?" he asked, "and he said to himself. . "How happy bent again over his map. SilentI should, be. , There is no way of what Is the name of the fatter ly, the men returned to their who has so wise a son?" He wrote getting it.; It -wouldn't do to steal work. . —-wait! I have it!" He slapped down the names in his book and "Luis de Torres!" went away. his knee' with joy," and his eyes Near a deserted rail stood Berglistened like a snake's, although A Decision Is Reached nal, the ship's physician, beckonhi3 face.became pale with exciteOn the following day all the ing to him. . ment. , ~.:;i! '•. '- . streets, were. crowded with people "You must be mad • to quarrel " Excitement in the Street walking in , the direction of the with them," Bernal said angrily A; moment later he waB in the :ourthouse. The judge was to give when da Torres had joined him. street; shouting and crying and his-decision and the long-delayed "We.have no quarrel,".Bernal." •wringing his hands. case was to be settled forever. "Now they admire your cour"Thieves! Robbers!" he shoutThe court room was crowded. age, bnt if they discover that you Od. 'Help! I have been rob- Thousands remained outside the are a Marano, a secret Jew whom bed!" Immediately a crowd col- door&> and waited merely to' hear they have been taught- to despise, lected, and an officer of the law the decision of the judge as soon they may prove less friendly. As came hurrying to make inquiries. as he could make it known. The for me, I keep to myself, and Al- "Who did i t ? " asked the offi- clock struck 10 , . . T h e judge ap- onso de la Calle, too, has learned cer. "Whom, do you_suspect?" peared in his robes of state. to be careful." "I don't know," cried the spice "Call in the plaintiff and the de- "But we are no. longer in merchant. "My store was empty. fendant," he ordered. Spain," de Torres smiled at BerNobody came in since I tied the The spice merchant and the oil fear. "Here we do not have money in my red handkerchief. dealer were brought in, and each nal's to pretend to be Christians and Nobody has been near me except put forward his side of the case. remain *Your Ford Desler is the best-piece to bTay s Jews In secret. Here we my neighbor." "Without further questions, the all sailors." "Then we'll go and visit your judge commanded that the hand- are"Spies' ears" are everywhere neighbor," said the officers, and kerchief containing the money be and ,. better used CZT for the least iere It may not be- safe. they rushed into the oil store, brought and together* with a pitch- Haveeven you f6rgotten so quickly, seized the oil merchant and after er of hot water. A hum of curi- Luis, how Maranos can be torquestioning him| roughly, bega. osity passed around the hall. What tured and killed?" IS & © :sfsseES Besewad fa , ' - — -_---••- .1.. - - to search him. .It did not take could the judge mean? Why did "I have not forgotten," de TorBsesf strict fsdtery spsslthem long to find the red hand- he want hot water? All were res said -slowly, his voice filled kerchief with just the right num- breathless' with excitement. The fieefieas, cad ber of coins mentioned "by the coins were dropped into the pitch- with sudden pate. "And I have spice dealer, . hidden in the oil er. As each -coin fell, a globule of not forgotten that Spain has driven our people from her shores, merchant's bosom. oil appeared on the surface of the and that they go begging shelter "The money is mine!" swore water.' from land to land. I shall always the poor man. "Who dares to "Show the pitcher to all," com- remember. If I could use ray accuse me of stealing It?" But manded the judge, "that they may courage, Bernal, -to find.a new the officers hurried him off to the coins belong." . world-for them!!1 c;: ] the prison without" paying any at- see to whom The Verdict 5 r - Land tention to his cries. As the vessel was passed before A sailor approached them and In'a few days the oil merchant was brought before the city mag- them, the people exclaimed as it in the two men fell silent. istrate for trial. The magistrate , heard his story and the story of the spice merchant, but he could not decide 'which of these tales ti was t r u e . Witnesses w e r e L. L. Mem brought to prove the honesty D. both men. The case became more and more puzzling.. Even the bi 1037 Fcrd C3 TaCsr, HECO, S.BZQ Ford Tafisr, dealer himself could not .Imagine SScctcr, Clzsli FIr.;i3;, Crocdhow his neighbor had come to cJaSh Upliclstcry. A C.^? f» h know the exact number of coins, stsry, la tea fesst 5 ^ p n&G VsS^s, cr.Sy and the: fact that they were wrapped in a red handkerchief. 1033 Fcrd d s lass TKCIrr.i 2S37 Ferd £& SSK® COHPE, - . ! At last the city magistrate said entirely rocoKdl- '• S ^ J T T ' i t ^ a .fsalsls, mcSislr Esp'st!* - ! i that he was unable to make the
Edited by Aunt Naomi
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Pastoii-Mitcihell Co. Foundries
Brass. Bronze, Alatnincm, Soft Groy Iron and SeratSteel Castinc&t--Wood ancl Metal Patterns ond SasB Weights carried in otoefc. Bronso and Cast iron Griilea a specialty;
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Page 8
scene in the stage verMildred Balaban, who spoke for carried a bouquet of p.nk roses. se novel, to Sholom Asch Junior Hadassah. ' Miss Shirley. Kfihn of Omaha, United Press, in reportThe Choral Group, led"by Can- cousin of the bride and Miss Edna tor?, gave authorship tc tor Aaron Edgar of Omaha gave Moskovitz, also of Omaha were Sehvrtwtz . , . Maybe bridesmaids. Miss Kahn wore lr.pl, K s U , Yoshe Kalfc Summer sessions for the /He- several selections. blue net and Miss Moskovitz, blue i-tihor . . . Speaking nfMrs. Leon-Franker was chair- chiffon. brew school have begun and Both carried pink roses. MISS ANNA FILL, correspondent >f!.:h, i.lie novelist *tm classes meet every morning from man in charge of arrangements. All of the brides attendants wore PROGRESSIVES ARE •vi.-.p "The Brothers Ash9 until 12 o'clock noon. The sesh a r m o n i z i n g shoulder-length PROGRESSIVE C h r i " '^ sions have been lengthened and i? recuperating nlcply veils. A regular, meeting of the Agu• Ralph M. Izstaell, executive dikindergarten classes organized for erSoiig opev.-.tion. das Achim Lodge was held ThursThe bride's mother wss dressrector of the new La Toilette I the small children. day, June 16 at Eagles Hall. ed in blue changeable Isce and party, National Progressives of i Picnics and outings will be a r,K: F o r most interpst. a corsage of pink roses. America, denies categorically that j * J ^ Ti ' F oC t h e month, we Kivg ' News for the Sioux City sec- regular part of the summer proThe groom's mother was attirj In Its semi-annual election, gram. Rabbi M. Brown and Miss ? 16 Ken's candid shot tion of The Jewish Press- must ed t a dusky rose lace : Rose Goldsman are in charge of held Monday, June 13, Council there being "too mjsny Jews on »- -^p^ Labor Leader David Dureach the correspondent by Blulfs A. Z. A. Chapter 7 elected a corsage of pink roses. the Wisconsin campus" . . . In a £J"«£-"E d Tycoon John D. Rock8:30 Tuesdny evening, to ap- the classes. ; T&e groom's attendants were 1SE o r £ Norman Rosenthal to head the Mrs. Abe' Bain, newly named letter to our boss, Insraeil ssys-j * Uinff cheek by jowl a t » pear in the Press the following /Mr. Robert Roffman, brother of u 1 Chapter • for the coming term. bag I president of the Hebrew -Mothers "my Jewish, secretary, I: charity dinner. e n . Friday. Please phone news Other officers to gcvern the the bride; and Mr.' Carl Freder-!j been with me for almost t e n ! C E club, was installed at a meeting items to 8-8433. animated conversation icks and Mr. Norman Wittiaan of group include Harold Fox, vice Tuesday afternoon, following a years, and who is taking this let- ehec •e Roems to be rubbinr Omaha. president; Arnold Lincol"; secredessert luncheon at 1:30 o'clock in pefruft splash out of his Following the ceremony, a din- ter, is-much amused ever my al- j -^*'••-*• KWE* BII'OJ tary; Vernon Fitch,, treasurer; the social hall of Shaare Zion synaleged attitude oa the Question of j Two K'aUc ; J. I>, is talking ner \vas served for 175 guests. Irving Cohen, senior' sTgeant-atgogue. Mrs. Mike Sherman, viceThree hundred relatives aad race" . . . Judge S. B. Schein offend Stl GE.IH Dorothe Saltzman arms; Harold Bernstein. Junior president^ was in. charge of the n Madison, Wisconsin, an oSd friend j country with ; u O S NOTE: Morn, sergeant-at-arms; Leo Meyerson, friends attended the reception of the La Follettes, wrote a long j lipipiis f*r$rse' installation. ; A meeting ol the r nai B'rith reporter; and Bob Passer, chap- and dance which was held from 7 I d ) Wiener Is S h op . • Following the business meeting, letter to a friend in Xeir York! They plsn to was held Monday evening, June lain, to 12. . - • i e 1 e^ a. prograri. was given.by dance puanswering : rumors that they are J York World's 13. A film reviewing the work of The couple left on a short wedpre good (hat Bar pils of Miss Hazel Bergh, and a The* newly elected president ding the Cleveland Orphan Home was trip after -which they will anti-Semites or potential Fascists! that the Gr&> be godfather reading was presented by, Evelyn follows in the footsteps'of his . . . This letter points out that! Jewish Social shown. . ' reside in Coancil "Bluffs. Sherman. •brother Herbert Rosenthal, who the late Bob La Foilette TES the; a new class vr News officers elected are: PresHostesses at the reception InSha).-9-upS a r t Donations were given to. the ident, Millard Krasne; vice-presi- held that office for three terms. cluded: Mesdam.es Abe Roffman, leader of the figlit to confirm j t Fn e^eivday occurrence club by Mrs. H. Eirinberg in memVernon Fitch and Leo Meyerr dent, Albert Fox; treasurer, LouRoy Roffman, Sam Roffman, M. j the appointment of Brsndeis t o i tianity has n.oadwtn Yiddish Fleet ory, of her son, and by Mrs. Jl Miss Rosalie Sacks was named is Katelman; monitor, Nate Gil- son plan to attend the Ihter-na"-" B ?. Goldberg | a back Jacobson, in memory. of Mrs. A.president of the Junior Hadassah insfiy; assistant monitor, Dr. J.tional A. Z. A. Camp "Convention Katzman, J . Bernstein, Ben S e l d - i t h e Siiprefee C o u r t . . . . That j vert Dr. ,1c in, Sasn Sacks, a n d David .Miller. | Bob's son. Bob, J r . , and Phil, ! the Jewish ' ' r r r P r i n g rteitor of The Dav Greenberg. chapter at their annual election M. Moskovitz; recording secre- at Estes Park, Colorado. MeyerAmong the out-of-town guests. both h a d Jewish secretaries—'• \ York - r - e p t i n g Z H Rubinstein meeting held last week in the Jew- tary, Milton Yudelson; financial son is going as a delegate. Xc ' o r should happen to iook Henry M e n d e l s o n , . former were: Sirs. Fred Schwartz, Mrs. Maurice Paseh find Gordon Siny-1 method ish Community Center. She suc- secretary, Leon Frarikel; guardJack TJngar, Mr. George Kahn, kin . . . That the La Follettes ere i postcards w r c the cjurent Forum-Century ceeds Miss Saretta Krigsten. ian, Max Kramer; trustees, Sim- member and advisor of the Chap- Mr. Harry Kahn, and Mr. Klein, r. Trail! cr r.stf j T'he definitely not \f B. f ood gander at that anonl Other officers elected were Miss on Shyken, Dr. O. Greenberg, and ter, and now taking graduate all of Chicago; and Mrs. PhU ChrThat the j troit'i work at Columbia University, was any other group ' n^ui.piece titled "A Career WoHerman Meyerson. Sophie Franklin, -first.vice-presi1 Handler of Milwaukee. iri rip mcch-disciissed embJera of the \ cesstly bursefi a present at the meeting and gave . i f , t h et Rabbi. Theodore N. Lewis will dent; Miss Ruth Grueskin, second The newly elected officers will La* Foilette party is perfectly I biern End a swastika in the pres- — r Kegrets" leave Sunday for Atlantic City, vice-president; Miss Dorothy Ep- be installed at the next meeting. members a short address. kosher. and that no J e w has been ! ence cf 10,COO followers a t a n e e t o n if hgbt\y fictlonlzed, c a prominent Jewish woman where he will attend the Central stein, secretary; Miss Fan Kutchappointed to public office i a TCis- \ epsn-air revival meeting . . . The T« bo had more to do than almost jrr. and Mrs. Harry L. ChernConference of American Rabbis. er, treasurer,-and Miss Nell Sinicousin except by a governor af-j British .Israel AcsociE-tion, wblcfe a n y single individual with th The Junior Hadassah heia a iss announce the Bar Mitzvah of He will be accompanied by Mrs.kin, Miss Bluma Merlin, Miss Jesrniated TritS tfee La Follettes . . . I tesches fliEf t h e Antlo-Scxon : success of the famoim 8<Gw »n Saturday, sie Slutsky and Miss Mary Rosof- meeting in the Corn Room of the their son, Edward, Lewis and daughter, Ruth. " ^ovTee rm <o"r Chieftain Hotel on Monday evenThe Judge, incidentally, vzis one i people fcre t h e frre <'escf:jHiprtR ' o f" a great StatP June 25 at Chevra B'nai Yesrael r yw h o -From Atlantic City they will sky, board members. June 13. Various chairmen Synagogue. - of t h e first signers of t h e new i of t h e Ten Lost Tribes of Iprp.es, ought to knnw ««n' J ?* J go to New York City, to spend a An Installation meeting will be ing, m for (he coming year were anparty's charter . . . I thas submitted a mernor<r.r,i'i-m t o u g that we Were rti,h?i ° 1 They invite all friends and relmonth with friends. held later this summer. Plans riounced. b ^ atives. No invitations are being ll e Eowell Commission, which iS j Ebout'the N y Herald T Jh were made for the annual summer ABOCT PKOPI>I5 : Plans for raising money to aid issued. relationship be-! supplying the J D C frith r s l i h dance, to be held Saturday evethe . George ArHss, who has played studying t 1 F e e ! l t h e of •print* print* of f certain i article "with. "» SISTERHOOD PLANS itical structure of ning, June 25, In the West hotel. the Hadassah in its "youth alithe roles of Rothschjld and D i5-5 h e the P^iiical Dis-' yah" work were discussed. Mr. and Mrs. B. Balaban enterraeli. Is d u e t o b e starred In Sam !ttne Canadian rrcvir.ces-and t h e i cost — •• witoont Csnac ICE CREAM SOCIAL It was decided that Junior Ha- tained seventy guests Sunday n f M I T O I l r u™ r o g. s. . Goldwyn'a' film of rsce perseca-: tdominion Rpnh.n dassah meetings would be held evening. June 12 in honor of the Reich Press Remain's Si-1 tiosi h £ t ike w j lgovernment, oie he proposing read "at cost" Members of the Mount Sinai K ea 6"Oompene n Gr08S tion In In Austria, Austria, "The* The Exiles" Exiles . . . j th£t 'ior&h Pdoptea i man, collaborator on during the summer months. graduation of their -daughter, the whole Tor&h he pdopted! " " " ' " Temple Sisterhood ara planning lent as to Reason for The treaitfcy Sassoon family, Ia s t h e constitution of Canada . . dious H e b E l i h Miss Rose Mendelson, assisted Slickee from Abraham Lincoln dlous Hebrew-Er.Rligh Dictionan ice cream social for June 29. !0ne J f i r k in the m£mc e&lXs for which has produced poets, s o ! d P ' ary just Pprinted in Tel Round • Up TelAviv, Burton Lipshutz, son of Mr. and by Miss Miriam Saks was In High School. Aviv, Mrs. Edward E. Baron is chairman iers, rabfeis, EportEmen, s t a t e s - ! t h € cstEb?.lBhmcnt of a Sanhedrin - was born in Baltimore . . . A Heof the affair, which will be given Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, will cele- charge of entertainment. T 0t 0 r r J e t h e e r ; i r e Berlin (WNS)—Fear of panie-industrialists and pMIan- i °' ' n mIST-F r ^ f o r ,of j brew he received hig Jaffe eduMrs. Ben Kooler, accompanied brate his Bar Mitzvah tomorrow on the lawn of her home. the cationpoet, in America . . . Sam accordance thropists, claims descent morning at the regular service in The Senior Chapter of Hadas- by her two sons, Douglas and like proportions gripped German Shephatiah, fifth son of King Israel . . . AJewish children's '. noted actor, reddened to the Shaare Zion synagogue. Cantor sah entertained the Junior Ha- Harry, left Sunday- for a six Jewry when it became known A. Edgar of Beth-El congregation dassah at a luncheon on Wednes- weeks trip. She will visit in Seat- that the secret police had round- David . . . Its original name was ; k°rae in a Midwestern cky r o n ' t ! roots of his hair when a female tle, California, Canada, and var-ed up an undetermined number Shoshan, trhich means lily . . . get free rsatzoth tny more from i admirer of his art spotted him in Omaha will chant the ritual. day, June 8. niEtzoh- isgnr.fnctr.rer who : in a crowded subway train reof Jews in a series of mass ar- The race Question will be the the Mr. Harry Osnowltz, 717 Cook Following the service, i\R\ and Approximately s e v e n t y-f ive ious other places. £R heen surp'yins? it tor rears ; cently and loudly gushed her adrests throughout Berlin. The subject of that bock which Her-, " street, announces the engagement Mrs. Lipshutz will entertain in members of the Junior and SenThe home operates on a nor.- j miration . . In London, any mairMiss Ruth Roffman, daughter number taken in custody is esti- bert Seligtaan •will write after he of his daughter, Bess, to Edward the social hall of the synagogue. ior Hadassah attended. sectsrian bssis r,r,& is Etr.rfec by ' azine that happen* to offend Nazi Quits ss press ftgent of the J. D. mated at anywhere from 300 to of Mr. and Mrs. George Roffman J. Sperling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Three hundred guests have been The main speakers were Rabbi non-Jews, 3>Et meiEtEinr. a kosh-' sensibilities is surreptitiously No reason has been given C. Dr. J. J»fax Weis, edeca- f:V S. Sperling, 1015 Sixteenth invited. ' David A. Goldstein of Omaha, became' the bride- of Mr, Solmon 2,500. This year the mat- stamped "Caution. This ig Jew the arrests which were made tionai df^ector df^ector ^ f WWorld o r l d FFesce esce-' gtreet. Both are graduates of Mrs. Richard Gordon, who spoke Mezey, son of Mr. and Mrs. David for z o & f3 rD <ed tc s-,pply free [ controlled." The two older Menquietly and not reported to the ways, will return to the rabbin-1 , ; Central High school. The wedfor the Senior Hadassah and Miss Mezey of New York City, Sunday, press. June 12. The ceremony was solding date has been Bet for July home this week from Northwestate for one day when fee oftici- matsoh -because it learned there'' uhins have not endeared them* a single Jev-iBh chili in selves to the anti-assimilation* emnized at 2:30 p. m. at the 151 Mr. Sperling is a department ern U. to spend the summer with The roundup was carried o u t ! ates a t t h e wedding: of Beatrice I twasn't j isce by their choice of spouses . . Dr. Abe Miller left this week Eagles Hall with Rabbi .David A. with manager at the T. S. Martin com- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. same efficiency that i Breidenbach, secretary to E^telle Ij b e institction h the h ' M a m a Menuhin Is getting the for Augusta. Ga., where he will Goldstein of Omaha officiating. pany. • . Fishgall. marked the arrest of thousands j M. Sternberger, executive diree- • TKE «5OX5g'T ' i * Y E join Mrs. Miller. 'brunt of the blame . . . There'll The bride wore a white lace of J e w s i n V i e n n a t h r e e w e e k s | tor. of W . P . . . . Kere •re Mrs. S-p.e r 1 i n g entertained plenty of protests by Jewish Doris and Betty Marx, twin gown cut on princess lines with ago. Thursday evening, honoring her before S i m i l a r r a i d s a r e said t o J Q V E S T I O X S A X D A X S 1 T E R S ^ ho c o l l v e r t l o ! organizations in this country if Miss Dorothy Epstein is visit- a Queen Anne collar. Her veil son and his<~fiancee. • • daughters of Mrs. Johanna Marx, and thedeparted this week for Chicago ing with friends this week in of net and lace was held by a ti- cities. One report stated that the | We TR-onoer -whether there's Dr. Stephen S. Wise &s president' and when John Glelgud gives hit anything to those nsmars that Minneapolis. • non-gilded performance of Shyand Terre Haute, Ind., where ara of pearls and ^ inestones. .She arrests were part of a.new plan Mr. and Mrs. Max Izen of Ash'-, of Germanys withdrawal withdrawal from from the t h ee-u , the . Z. O- A. -vrho has ennounc-j lock in the "Merchant of Venice" carried a bouquet of. white roses. to force Jews to speed up emigra- Germany's fcis ville, N. C, announce the en-they will visit with relatives. Dr. Isasic; World's F&5r wag just :i Mr. and Mrs. William Levine, . . . The Palestine Review, lamMrs. Bernard Mezey of New tion. In confirmation of this ex- N'ew - York gagement of their daughter. Miss - to - - fool Godst Goidstem, energetic evish Xa- \enting the decline of the bootthe Mr. and Mrs. Louis-Stnlkin of 1401 Isabella street, announce York City, sister-in-law of theplanation observers pointed to \a -blind Delia Izen, to Rudolph Schindler, Minneapolis • visited this week the birth of a son. groom was matron of honor. She the fact that many of these arson of Max Schindler, 900 Sixwore turquoise chiffon and carteenth street. The bride-elect Is with their grandparents, Mr. and rested 5n Vienna had been reMrs. Michael Sacks. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lasman, ried yellow roses. a niece of Mrs.. Aaron Lasensky, leased upon a written promise to evening, Mr. and • Mrs. Robert 2417 Virginia street, announce 3621 Nebraska, street. Miss Izen Miss Louise Win'troub. of Oma- leave Austria and never return. Sacks entertained at a family the•• birth of a daughter on June was graduated from the Univerha was maid of honor. Her gown Similar pledges are said to have 11.' sity of Iowa Monday, and is a party honoring the guests. was of dubonnet taffeta, and she been exacted from many Jews in bin If ?.*asa(!g president, who is a pro!_„! SUrer hasn't said member of Sigma Delta Tau G £.1! tides considered a Ktrotp bntion siirervipior in Xew York, aorority. the ministry of eco- j nticste. . . . Loins Lipsky, dean ' r.nd BS such has close rontact And Tho« Mr. Schindler attended the nomics left no doubt that the de-' Eioisism ir. this country, i? bf- vtth the SiafistrflteF'' Courts, unUniversity of Iowa and is a memcree providing for the - -gistra=ved to be "vrillicg to m&ke the 1becitpntly picks Juilg-e Morris ber of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity. tion by June 30 of all. Jewish- letter that's being circsl&ied, ask""se if the offer comes in the Kotbenberg BS ihe best: on th« The wedding will be an autumn owned property, applies -orith ing the recipJent to boycott the "Display of products made by ORT students wiU prove that Jews can do manual work," way . . . Eut ve have c event. .-.-•'!' equal force to foreign Jevrs, Schrae-Iiag-Louis fight e.n& to getsneating suspicion that after s.11' he 6aid, in officially opening Exhibition. (C'oryrisrhf en by Jewish TeleArnericacs included, when it dis- tea of his friends to do the sarce? , .1S B E I K Inc.) More than 150 relatives and . tributed four-page blank regis- . . . Latest Fascist outfit is some-! -friends witnessed the wedding of tration forms which explicitly thing called t h e "Anti-Alien Miss Ida Heshelow and Eugene :---:;:.«v.i,--i-i-1-rf:i;-K.::1-1;.i:-,;-:'. provide for registration of prop- League of America," whit* is'InIn Major Tulioch Dies >$!*> i <Coprrigfct.1S38, by Seven Arts Levin- Sunday afternoon in the erty owned by foreign Jews. In- corporated In California . Shaare Zion synagogue. Rabbi H. Feature Syndicate) structions for filling out the rising tide of sntl-Xaz! feellcg Jericfco. Ttilen'inp CJTA1 — R. Rabinowitz and Cantor .A. blanks are contained in a two- heresbouts •will mean the recali j Mp.ior Tfcompi? Gregory Tulloch, ••?®i:$^lffi-S-:' Pliskin officiated at the cerepage " enclosure which provides of Xasi Edbassador Dieckhoff be- j one of the promoters of tbe Palemony. for the registration not only of fore long . . . Representative Mar-! 11 .-^"•';?>'%--'--\r«i'^'S' RMne Pnt.p.'-.h rnmpany, vtiich ex» ^f-s-K-'-^T?*^''^-*-'; A reception was given at the property valued at more thaa tin Dies of Texas, who is to head | ploitprnijiprp! rifpopitP of th© home of the bride's parents, fol?2,OO0 but also of furniture. the Congressional probe cf lie-I) Dead Sea. died last week at the lowing the ceremony, and a bufjewelry. trademarks. ted'j American ght the ] r.£e OL VS. ! fet supper served -at 7 o'clock. ;;'3^fej. '.' ^SSi'r and unprotected inventions, sec- IIu Klus Kian tocth and r.aJl - . . S0ri£;iSfe3;S'j Mr. Levin and-his bride will ret processes and copyrights. In ; Nayer Tocjid in the B'sal B'rith .fp'roni-f1 Or.r Advertisers make their home in Chicago. paragraph sis of the instructions Messenger reveals that one of it is declared that "Jews of Ger- Los AcgclEs' le&ding department _ Raymond Fisher, a student" at man nationality and those under stores (not E u I lock's or The! COHEN. Attys. the Western Reserve School of national status are required to Broadway) refuses to liEniJle! OtTiaha Nnfl." Bank Bids. Social Service in Cleveland, Ohio, register entire domestic and for-Phyllis Bottorae'R- anti-Xsei neve]. is in Sioux City, visiting -v^lth hia N J T j C E O<s- P ROBATE OF Wft-C eign holdings, irrespective of "The Mortal Storm" And car parents. • He will be a member of >i;r:(. i'oir.'t of Douglni 1,1 whether these are exempt from Los Angeles contemporary oh also Count the staff at Camp Ramapo at PREDICTION: T o u r srribe -. x ,Yi taxation. Jews of foreign na- tells us that a of *he Estate of In laborer oa the isn't over! lond ot that pastitrie Rhinedeck, N. T., this summer, tionality must register and evalne Coast helped and will leave for New York the a sell-confessed. known &s "going out on a limb," that part of their property heM latter part o"f this month. within Germany." The only spe- rourderer-biiry his nsother-!n-laTri having taken more than one nas Uon lw h<kt%T] pf? iu mif] r I l r f ' is tumble from th£t rrecsrious ! ~* ™ ° cific exemptions 6re '•'portable ob- in a Mojare Desert grave because! 1 Members of the Ivre club held jects-intended -exclusively for per- ae thought he was siding the ipe.ck . . . jr-ut, i.ke F-IOSL oifcer : {n*;rli»,ein ,, o , v o n ,lif.in „„,,; Coun. En offshoot of t i e SH- j colyumists, ~he eamp'r cp.n.'t r e - pi I "for? Uijn* fr \i& p ( their regular meeting. Monday sonal use" and "household goo£g ]R.«t v i l l a n t : t<>atp. evening in the Jewish Communwhich are not objects of luxury," ver Shirts, which, he v a n t e d to ; sist the lure ot the limb . . . So, ccas^d. tlie original ity Center. An evening of cards The instructions also contain s. join . . . I f you is"£rit to show' with fingers crossed, he ventures bp fimnri. pno thn t and refreshments followed the over space with this: Use ti<j..i i io y o u r a p p r e c i a t i o n o f T h o m a s ' o u v on H the meeting. • nezt presiflent. of the E. O. A. vrlll purposes of if they ' j h!s • Gsnuan boofe!; you'll find > be Dr. Xp-pel GcirtKfpir e? KPV* on decree. in*? yourself up ag-Efnst It . . . The j York, KG-*- head oi the .Te-w-ish?• o"r?*"" Debra club members complimented their new officers at a NasSs fire only too willing to let ! Nfitional Fund . . . And, just in b e t o i roller; -skating party Thursday •j t h e works bf this GerniEn Nobel! esse we're m-oiig, pood luck t o low night at Riverside Park. Guests j Frizs •winner fall into t h e OKt-of-;ths m£E -srho defents bim . -. . Mlrklir. of honor were Miss Miriam Bar-|"prSat cstegory. End n o publisher okliri o Ish, president; Miss Rose Bashefhas yet been'found •with the en-BOOK UFA"IK1.T A ^A F . r. A. kin, vice-president; -. Miss Sylvia terprise t o republish Mann in A book ofi which I '3! W E I quite Borshevsky, secretary, and Miss WEria t ^ l G e r r a a a for the exISe t r s d e . . . Sarah Sadoff, treasurer. . .iortEil Is F . Bo?. tome's ' "The . B Storm." **" If decapitation 3s the Nazi punMrs. H. G. Minter, who visited /Tv»-c\ .„. | ishiseat for saluting & Jew then her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ja„„„,_ ' r , ' ,— Although they ought to sijsrpen t h e axe cobson, for the past month/left er ^ « *r go e r n a e m csrclss deny that t h e tor Hitler . . . On hi recent visit Sunday for Los Angeles. She will p it v,f>r militia » honercotabed with F a s to lt«ly he unwittingly sainted . B visit relatives in San Francisco i&cKeRZie F Tror r Siftf;. t f national I d Jew when he laid a wreath j ties en route. .'••"• ia! ter crde
Start Hebrew School Sessions
Rabbi Lev/is to V, Attend Conclave
Shaare Zion
Society New§
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Bcenes at official opening of ORT exhibit at.Empire State Building In New York City—(In upper left hand corner) Former Governor Alfred E. Smith, discusses exhibit with Jacob Simonson of the Educators' Amer. lean ORT, standing at the right of the former governor Is Alexander Dolowitz, Chairman of the Exhibit Committee and behind him (left to right), Mrs. Rae B. Harris, Co-Chairman of the Women's OFTT Campaign ..?n3wlt«et' D r # L v o v i t c h ' a n d M r s - Emily" M..Rosensteln. (In lower left hand eornsr) Former Congrsssmsn W. W. Cohen, studies huge "Map of Hope," of European Jewry, on which la indicated sll ORT--Jnttltutlons throughout Europe. With him are Mrs. Ida " ~ _ _ *"' tlonal ORT Union and Louis B. Boudlri, T-HE ORT KXHIBIT, the first of Poland: carpets, embroidered gar- that emigration will solve the probMr. and Mrs. Morris Mabel of Brookings, S. D., spent Sunday in . * its kind to show products of ments, produced tn Rumania; steam lem of ths Jew. You, cannot taake Sioux City. While here they at- J e w i s h artisans and industrial engines, blacksmith's equipment, people move by Iatv. Tho practical tended the Heshe^ow-Levine wed- workers abroad and to give a com- metal craft, created in Lithuania; thing to do Is to prepare the people ding. They were accompanied to prehensive view of the vocational and millinery and dresses made by with trades so that they can earn Sioux City by Mr. Fred; Foreman training and opportunities provided German refugees in Paris, were in- a livelihood in their own country. of Madison, S. D. by the ORT in eight European cluded in the exhibit. It ajso In- That Is why the ORT ia a splendid countries, has just arrived in tbecludes technical drawings and pat- institution." Mrs. Harold Levy: of Chicago is United States from Paris and is terns made by students in ORT visiting hare in the home of Mr. now on display at the Empire Stats schools in Riga and Warsaw. Of • The American . ORT FederEiioa and Mrs. A. L. rGalinsky and with Building. It was shown in Paris special interest is an Illustrated which is sponsoring this .Exhibition is now engaged tn a nation -wide Mr.' "and Mrs. A . .M;: Davia. in 1937 at the International Exhibi- map of Europe, indicating the scope campaign to raise 1450,000 with tion of. Arts'and Technics and had which to provide agricultural and Dave Singer has returne" home attracted wide attention and hasof ORT's activities. for the summer months' from received high honors f r o m t h e In opening the Exhibit, former technical training; for tae Jeirs. of' Governor Alfred E. Smith said: Harvard, where he is a student Eastern and Central E u r o p e . . .i "This Exhibition will prove that B. Charney Vladeck, majority leader at the law school. Bernard Marks French Government. and Philip Sllverberg, who are Needlevrood. knitwear, children's the Jews can do actual manual of the Naw York City Council is also students at Harvard, are ex- garments, furniture, e l e c t r i c a l labor and will disclaim the state- National Chairman and Mas D. equipment and machines made in ment of anti-Semites that Jews do Steuer heads the drive in Greater" pected to arive '•ome this week. the ORT schools and workshops In jnot want to work. I do not believe j New York. Miss Carolyn Fishgall arrived
Miss Margaret Saitlin of Chicago is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ahe ,Sait' lin, 723 West Eighth Btreet. Miss Sally Saitlin of Alexandria, 3. D., is also a guest here in her parents' home.
f f - ^
^ an oa the toaboT some of the "fce-
imiaediate larestisatlon of the roes of the FMCIBI Revolution" I five members of the Royal Cans- i n Ftorence . . . Amonfr the dead dlaa artillery who while:in uai-i ^ a s s'.mcn Dsrs, E r^'-An-jr. i forms attended a Fascist . aeet- The Imperial Fascist Lee gee c!! mg ia the .Jewish district o£-To- Englssd cslls Mosley'8 British : ronto. While refusing to say Union of Fascists the what action 'might be taken. Mae-- Fascists" But leritr f r Kenzie said " I hare a memoran-| cheer'Hitler dum from my departzae&tal ofIi- j erameat effices in Itr'r cers ccacernnig this, together (K-ania. Caechoslovatia, •with press clippings of tha inci- £aa Yugoslavia, are cars dent. Tbe whole situation will Austrian XSEJS for tlip.h b© carefully investigated. racket . . . S'Eoe ftoas good Austrian Aryans w« Montreal -(Vv'KS)—All tib«rty- beyoad the ' borcers cf loving Germans lz Csaada. will sow A'BEtrie, j-f-jof of th "co-operate in the fight against sjiisra 3s availsfe'e oaly in anti-Setaitisra. and Fascism in the countries, &T,d the BonnnEon, the People's Cocsnjit- clerics ere swaiap tee Against Anti-Sea;.!?ism &s.i ia Racism was assured by Otto recent st | Krebs, national organiser of thedestroyed the house Is German - Canadian League, E2 Ssbbatel Sevi, ih'e " ::lt" T Ela&" -KZS bora . . . - " snti-Nasi org-aaization. . 1 LcEfioa's suburbs thf"-sv i Miriata Scfcapira, iis" ances- tian who. has-becoTBe f | sffsirs t»Tt tress of lisa Liiria familf, was soed in learned she conducted a Toinind- is& orgsn5?.attoB lias made !: ~ :i ic colle.se, giving her lectures vice president. . , . Kpcpjitly g .'p"11 i from behind a veil. appealed-to him for the came end
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