the luteres Is cf the People lit
The views expressed by Xodg Lewisolin ia his column are his own and do not necessarily reflect tho^pollcies or nttiloda of oar publication. Reprodnction' in whole or in part strictly forbidden.
Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 31. 1931. at Fostoffice, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1ST3
TOL. XTI—-Xo. 38
Removal of the A. Z. A. hecdBerlin (WXS)—A ' V. V. A. scheme to ' propagate *' Quarters from Oraalia to WashAuthentic information is now manic" stock throu^ ington, D. C. will be considered : coming, from Vienna. The most polygamy with t v ,.ra by the Supreme Advisory Council 1 shocking item is this, that great of "establishing.nryoof the order at the convection ; numbers of the Jewish bourG£rmanic intern*. which [ this rear. would rule the wo. vfith Kurt geoisie—and Viennese Je-.rry iras Pahlke as emperor w a s revealed j At its recent convention the • almost exclusively middle-class— when he went on trial in the j B'nai B'rith asked the A. Z. A. to | had no "hunch," took no precauKoenigsberg superior court on a | B'nai . B'rith District j consider this more and a full distions but, in spite of all signs to vention to Open charge of subversive activities. j cussion will be held at the Estes lies have received definite word the contrary, staked their all on Pahlke is the head of a move| Park meeting. July 3 from the police regarding the Schtischnigg's attempt to prement called the "League of GneI Attending the Supreme Aclvisfate of the arrested. It was re- ten," whose members practice A. Green berg serve, the Austrian State. And preside I ory CoT'nril will he prominent liably reported that a great num- polygamy. "- The League w a s andDr.Henry Monsky trill "be prin•what a State it •was—essentially ber of prisoners were sent to founded before the war and was speaker at the Seventieth Buchenwald concentration camp suppressed by the Nazis but cipal clerical, reactionary, anti-Semitic. Annual Convention of District i Msur' near Weimar and other camps. Jews could just barely exist. A Pahlke continued to run it se- Grand Lodge No. 6. B'nai B'rith. i Pup-'-o Jews are so terrorized by the Berlin (JTA)—A terror-strick-' to be held In . Duluth. Minnesota «e<;s " few -who, after war, inflation, cretly until his arrest. of arrest that many do starting July 3. catastrophe of one kind or an- n Berlin Jewry this week await- menace not sleep at home but wander More than five hundred dele-- » • rr "" " r-**> f\ f " r other,' still had some money left id new developments after street from friend to friend or to a hogates and guests from the statess jj * T IS• riots and mass arrests by police, *44 ,, or by hook or crook could make while restrictive measures mount-. tel- Some leave their beds at 3 of I l l i n o i s , lovra, M i c h i g a n . M i n - L \ | V ' i i -~ w r -• i . k-* J U ' •money ;again were able to sit In ed to harass Jews in business. o'clock in the morning and walk nesota. Nebraska. North Dakota. South Dakota, and Wisconsin and their "houses around the Turken- Arresfe of Jews passed the 2,000 the streets, fearing that policeman may call at their homes tn the Canadian provinces of Alberi scharitz Park . and pretend to mark. ' « • f i . the early hours of the morning. ts, Manitoba. Ontario, and Sasassertion by. ' themselves that all was going tolPunctuating an This is particularly true of Jews katchewan have arranged to atNazi circles that the reintensified who at one time or another suferably well. tend. - F r r, anti-Jewish drive "has only^ust Mr.-Mons'-v, -u-ho until his reWe are an odd enough people. begun," a mob surged through (Continued on page 8.) cent election to the international ."Wo have the reputation of being Horst Wessel Place, pulling Jewpresidency of the order was dis/realistic to excess and of daring ish proprietors out of their shops, trict representative on the execufor material possessions. The beating many of them and forcWill Represent Jews Atj j tlve committee of the Supreme Votes to E e Casrt s i Cc-.tcr fafe of German Jewry, the fate ing every Jewish door on several ; e n d 5'nz.i J a o c b Institute of Human Lodge will be honored guest. of Austrian Jewry, disprove that streets to close. . Dr. Kyjyi to Speak contention once and for all. Pub' Relations Hours l a t e r demonstrations liply and internationally I warnDr. John A. Ryan of the Cathed the Jews o t t n e Hitler danger broke out anew as police raided olic "University," Washington. D. | 7 Rabbi David H. Wice of Tem,iri the middle nineteen-hundred another cafe, rounding, up guests. ple Israel. Omaha, has been se- C. and director of the Rational Jev, t*\ f r r c 1 fcnd twenties. So " did Arnold Two American newspapermen— lected as _._ the _.. . representative __r ... . of Catholic "Welfare Conference, will fa 1 v-wl .0 Zweig. Had I»been-a moneyed from the Chicago Tribune and I the J e w s of America to make one he the principal speaker at the Jew in Germany or Austria I United Press—were hauled to the of. t h e principal addresses at t h e (banquet on Monday evening, July elected v . ' i •would hare liquidated my prop- police' station with the Jewish national conference of t h e Insti- 4. , nii.-,i*y C e - ' prisoners when they entered the erties at whatever loss not later N iC tute of Human Relations at Estes j Dr. Ryan will discuss t h e prob- ; Co 1 cafe to ascertain what was hapthan 1928 and fled. I would have j lenss facing Jewry in America ; la* Record Attendance Pres- Park... Colo., July 2G to 2D. peningThey were released by Bone so; 1 definitely advised Rabbi Wiee will speak on "The and Europe, and what the Chris-1 ent on First Day of police after being obliged to yield friends and kinsmen to do Rights of Minorities" during the tians. and Jews can do in a con- I V Home Camp 1 ~ ~A then,; on the following grounds: their passports for examination. morning session. Thursday. July structive way to help meet t h e 1 .T n c" > Crowds Unruly emergency with which Democracy ! if. the "Weimar Republic and i 28. In a round table discussion of c' v cr 7 "With a record-breaking first this subject. Dr. James M. Yard. and Jewry is now faced. j The procession of police vans the Austrian Republic would no c:r Mr. Archie Cohen, of Chicago, j """ 'I"', or could not stem the tide of the from , cafes to the police station day attendance, Camp Akiba op- executive secretary, C h i casro e c ened its fourth season at the Jewfirst vice-president of the district >, ?f ^ was followed* by crowds of men "Volkische men and their moveRound Table of Jews and Ghrisbp 6 L ments, then no self-respecting and women shouting "Judah Ver- ish Community Center on Mon- tion.s and Father J. W. R. ?Ja- will be elevated to the presiden- \ O i '"''c' " Jew could any longer be loyal to recke!" ("P.erish the Jew!"). day. By noon the' camp program guire. C. S. V.. St. Viator College. cy. An-election of the sreneral i X\,"e *'* CT1" C I — those States, since in return for The unruly mob was held hack by was being carried out so smooth- Illinois, will represent Protestant committee and a new Second! s i, *> * c c vice-president will be held. : - '^ ,'f \ ' loyalty the least that the citizen a police cordon. Similar crowds ly the camp gave promise of sur- and Catholic religions. Reports to be Heard j ™ i can expect is protection. But no swarmed about other cafes in the passing by far the other "three Prof. Arthur H. Compton, XorMore than twenty standing ! ?" cl't to self-respecting man has any busi- neighborhood as raid after raid camping years. bel Prize winner. University of committees and about t e n special j ]}' Ce-'cr r ness to live in a State which can was made in quick succession. Work was begun immediately b is general chairman and convention committees will pre- ( '"A-^' not or will not offer him protec- Additional raids were carried out On the camp project, "A Palestine deliver the keynote address T r'•' tion atid to which therefore h in other parts of the city. Police "World's Fair" which is to be held of the conference, the theme f sent their reports on the conven-! <il * '-^ cannot be loyal. picked tip 40 Jews in'the Mortiz the last day of camp. The little which .will be "American Democ- tion floor. Amoaj; the important j a rc reports which will come up for j g f '~ •; "What did the Jews do in Dobrin Cafe and the Hackescher- boys and girls are working on the racy versus % Totalitarianism." discussion a r e : Hillel Founda- ! "'*' 'Agricultural building' which will . etead? Either they befoole merk. . Other speakers include Dr. tion, A. Z. A., Anti-Defarnatjon, j ^ themselves completely and treat' A survey of the Horet Wessel display the work of the Palestin- Prank Kingdom, president. Uni- public relations, philanthropic in- j £*["< ed the HitlerrLeute with the cel- section revealed that the disor- ian farming colonies. The Inter- versity of Newark, N. J.: Father Palestine, j ' ss f ebrated and contemptible Jewish ders and daubing of Jewish shops mediates are making a relief map j R o b e r t A Walsh,' Dowi'ing Col- stitntiens, refugees, ' ' ' - " irony—-that defense of the fright- with paint were planned and reg- on which they -will build Pales- ( j e g e - jjes Moines" " — ' ~ etc. VT.. Abram L. Sachar. National '*•-•' ened aha supdine—or else, which ulated" hy local. Nazi chieftains. tine's historical sites. A Tel Aviv — ' •was.possibly worse, they orientat- The area * affected-seas, definitely building is. to,, be,built by.the old-^ er girls r.nd a "Jerusalem" building Christians: Dr. Everett T .Clin- J t " d -'- £d -toward - the "leftist'-TJaitlffii.-a LL, covering the streets radi- by the older hoys. •were noisy amoug' those parties limited, ehy. director, National Coafer- iUeagT , c a n ; ee the Anti-Oefaia a t i o s ating from Horst Wessel Square. out of all proportion to their The Horst Wessel and Bayerische One of the features of the fair ence of Jews and Christians; Dr. veation • * ' program. Dr. Sachar will numbers arid so got, the name, will be Yiddish and Hebrew mu- Edward A. Steiner, Grinnell Col- explain t h e policies of t h e newly Squares are situated in areas liti tad K * fa I even among half-way sensibl sic. lege, Grinnell, la,; and J. Reuben established Vocational Guidance people,.jof waving bloody banners tle frequented by tourists. Clark, jr., first counselor. Church Bureau. During the week the older boys Before the disorders, | uni: and wanting to throw torches and girls 'visited the. Telephone of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Omahans planning to attend j A : i t i - S c •when all the while they were formed Hitler Youth had scrawled company and went through the Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. the convention a r e : Dr. A. Green- i »,*:— only trying with desperate cow- anti-Jewish slogans on the side- Omaha World-Herald plant. The i berg, president of t h e district; ardice to get out from under walks in front of shops. After- older boys hiked to Elmwood to Philip Klutznick, Sam Beber, storm their own fate and embrace sonie wards, some uniformed Max Barish, Harry B, Cohen. AI troopers "were seen among the gather pine cones for the craft other. work. The older girls went to Fiedler, Milton Frohin. »Sen Kazconsisting mostly of I know that one cannot go be- crowds, Fairmont Park in Council Bluffs. Of "ic s; ; i lowsky. and Ephraini Marks. persons, w h*o hind the facts of history. But let civilian-dressed The first edition of the "Camp District Xo. .6 h a s t h e largest tl - r surged down the streets, dragging me indulge in a fancy. Suppose Akiba Tattler*' was to have apmembership cf any B'nai B'rith the Jews of Germany and Aus- Jews from shops and punching peared today. district*"in t h e worid. • tria had had pride, strength, will. them. The police were not seen Registrations for the camp may Suppose they had with one ac- until the cafe raids started. still be made st the office of the cord said in 1928 or even 1930; Many signs, with letters two Jewish Community Center. Miss "?" V we can not and. we dare not stay. feet Jong: declaring. "Germans Do Ruth Allen, director of the CenTuesday evening Louis Hiller, We are liquidating and leav- Not Buy from Jews," remain on ter's educational activities,'Is in retiring president of the Highing. Suppose they had then ap- t h e I land Country Club was honored pavements. Meanwhile, charge of the camp. „ n pealed to the British, Colonial "ghetto benches" were estab1, at a stag by members of tae club. Office, giving data tor the peo- lished in the Bayerischeplatz in Over one hundred and twentyple and the many, many millions two isolated areas completely five guests were present. The annual Bia.ur Cholici Bathey were ready to bring to Pal- surrounded by trees and bushes. Henry Mons\y was principal zaar will be held on Sunday, June estine. Thousands of souls and These benches, unlike the others, speaker. Other talks werr given 26. at the Labor Lvceuni, 22ud billions of property might have are backless and unpainted. They by the presidents of all the other a n d . C l a r k . s t r e e t s , s t a r t i n g a t " S l l i ^ ' u I T ,-been saved and the Yishuv built are marked "Only for Jews." Country Clubs of the city. A gift o'clock in the inornirig and last- | GOT. f " = up like a magic city.' was given Mr. Hiller. Police Ban Jewish Meetings ing throughout the day. ) P-,t*~li L.«-c - - = Instead they used the verbiage New officers of Highlc nd are: Furniture, groceries, clothing Ili- ~?^~ <•*••••' ; Police placed a week-end ban .used today in America by the on all Jewish gatherings, as mob Sam Leon, president; Harry Trus- and refreshments will be on sale. I or r , c - ^ Tl Rabbi of Emanuel and the Pres- violence increased and the antitin, vice-president; Al Mayer, secProceeds will go to charity, a~ - ~ - - 7ident of Dropsle College—the retary, and Leslie Burkenroad, part to the work of the Society fer ,-*-z - Z'. Jewish crusade gathered momenDuring the past week. Rabbi identical weak-minded, unrealistreasurer. and part to the fund for refugees. th-> Tr -' ~\ tic, Blavish verbiage. And the tum on all fronts. In the Jew- David A. Goldstein has been givNext Tuesday Biff Jones, coach Mrs. A. 'Schwaczkin will be I'- 1^ - , ish quarters In Berlin's north and ing a series of talks a{. a regional latest dispatches tell us tbat~the of the University of Nebraska, chairman of the affair.• Members j t t ^ ' ^ - - c r parks of Vienna are practically east ends, where repeated win- conference of Girl Reserves be- will be guest ol "honor at a staff: of the committee assisting tier j t. ing held at Camp Brewster under dow-smashing and plundering oc: Judenrein. Richard • Beer-HofThe club is planning a chil- are: Slesdarnes A. Katz, L,. Mor-|d-r mann cannot take a stroll in Tur- curred In the last 24 hours, Jew- the, auspices of the Y. TV. C. A. dren's party for the evening of gran, S. Fish, J. Finkel, J. Chait, i c s Rabbi Goldstein's addresses ish stores were closed and few kenschanz Park. . - .» July 3. J. Goldberg. I. Sherman, I. Kap- | e-, c t c c -. ^ ' i Well,' Americans have the rep- Jews were seen in Jhe streets. have been based on the three Ian, J. Bernstein,'M. Katzman. K. c; themes; "What Makes Up My Some quarters believed that the utation of being realistic, too. Abdallah ibn Salam, a Jew of Rosenblatt, X. Levinson, End, L. And there is a great future for prohibition of Jewish meetings Mind," "Do 1 Know My Neigh- Medina who Mohammed convert- Neveleff. bor" and "Is Peace Possible Be-, ed to Islam . has become a legthe Jews in America if the Jews would be made permanent. cThis week witnessed the first tween Peoples." •will at last Bhare that realism: endary figure in • Moslem tradiThe earliest dated portrait of The girls attending these lec- tion because of the virtues attribif they will say not we are Amer- application of the law paving the a Jew is the caricature entitled. , leans like all other Americans way for complete Identification of tures are high school juniors and uted to him. "Aaron, Son of the Devil." 12 77. the neighbording (Deutsche • Staatsbur'ger Judisch- Jewish shops. Painters under of- seniors from er -Kor.fession) but we .ere-one- ficial orders, were busy lettering states. • . Rabbf Goldstein is also schedul- j hundred : " percent Americans as the names of Jewish proprfetors • rJews, .as members "of the historic on Bhop-wlndows, in some cases ed to speak at the Universities of ^^ V -, Jewish people and therefore In in letters two feet high. To Kansas and South Dakota. our twofold functioning as Amer- avoid confusion, "Aryan" shops icans "and Jews, doubly dedicated are painting "Aryan Enterprise" to liberty and humanity, we must on their windows. C' save'our stricken -.nd- oppressed Another blow was struck at albrethren fronv the fury and hor- ready harassed Jewish houseror of the dictatorships, firstly owners and tenants when the En route to -the A. Z. A. con- j and chiefly, because they are our Army. High Command ordered all vention in Estes Park, Boris Con-; to Conforty. is divided into j J*c*-« e n brethren, but also •. and no less soldiers and military employes forty, personable young Bui- ;Sephardic aad Ash5:eriasis com- j Redecoration of the Ladles garian medical st'i_ent, visited A. mtscities. The Ashkenazic ele- j .passionately because we sub- not to remain in houses of which 6111 coming from Russia, Poland ' scribe to that.Immortal American Jews are owners or fellow- Lounge at the Jewish Community Z. AJ headquarters in Omaha"' ^n maxim of Emerson that we are dwellers. The order -decrees that Center has been undertaken l y Conforty will represent the So- and Germany speak Yiddish is CE.L the Women's Division of the CenQonversatian, while the Sepbarnot free while any are enslaved. In such cases the military man ter. New furnishings are being fia, -Bulgaria, chapter of the A. [ caise'to Bulgaria after! . Such is one among the hunZ. A., the order's first European i T must move out as soon tas his given by the Council of Jewish dred arguments " for *"upporting chapter. V ' the exile from Spain, speak a i ' Women. lease permits. Exceptions are alSpanish ' dialect. Each has its j the. United Palestine Appeal with The Women's • Division Is also! Asked why" Sofia was first to i o v c n . {ar~e s all we have and are. It Is only lowed where proof is- submitted chapter. Con- rabbi supervises t i e religions life I one argument. But it is perhaps that no other sleeping quarters redecorating the new Round! have an A. Z. the very strongest. Let us at are available at a slmiliar- price. Table Clubroom which will be op-| forty explained -that the Sofia of. botb groi'ps. I ened nest week. Funds to buy B'cai B'rith,- realizing that to Arrests Contiaae last in one land be realistic. Let The poorer Jews cf Sofia live \. r the furnishings for the room have Jews perpetuate itself it must recruit us face the music of our age and tuate itself' it must recruit . V t e qusrter of the city. |T ~ ; ; " " Meanwhile,, arrests of ! a a separ fate. It is only onr flestiny; that continued. Cases were reported been raised by the Round Table. from the yonng g members of the ]A t the-UniVersitv ct Sofia. Trlaere I -v we can live, not some other. Es- in which Jews driving automocommunity, .'organized a club of Conforty Yrill nest capist mechanisms—bourgeois or biles were stopped by traffic poClasses Suspended young .men and women. A pure- medical conrs tlzere are s small \ c red assimilation, feigned indif- lice and sent to the Alexanderly social- organization, the c!«b cumber of. students, oiostlv in tlie 11. ference, pessimistic Irony, worry- platz police headquarters for no Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- lacked a constructive program -to ; medical aad Uvr school".' ing about the Arabs—-all these cause whatever. The traffic po- cy)—The members of the He- justify its., its existence.-. existence ' are but like running from patent liceman was busy at the Intersec- brew University Students* assoFour years later," in' T9S4, ',a. j gorP.rptT,eni h:3S n o t ^ ^ ; r n n . medicine to patent medicine tion of Uhlandstrasse and the ciation here declared a strike but :roup of University students of j e n c e d -., r . .he enti-S^ia't.Iisr of when all that "can save life is an Kurfuerstendamm carrying on Dr Hugo Bergtnann, the rector, j more serious tarii of ' ' ^ _ • «*-' j central -E-arop=." .. — **•• • <•Bulgarisn operation. The life of the Jewish this practice. Pedestrians cross- suspended classes in the. Hebrew vived this junior orgamzataos. ; r j - . he told, er.jors sn*.ono people is in danger. The success ing against the lights were asked University owing to a dispute -re- Through literature s e r. " s t minority rights ard cot.dccts of the United Palestine Appeal in if they were Jews, and if the re- garding tuition fees There will •B'nai B'rith lodge, the.yosicg- aiea 30ts. America can help to save that ply was affirmative, they were be no more .sessions'until fur- learned of the -A. Z. A. and ConCcaforty, T :o speaks life. Need more be said? sent to police headquarters. ther notice, the rector said, as ne- forty contacted the Omaha Jseaflaerlish. "win (Copyright. 1938, by Seven Arts It is noteworthy that since the \ gotiation3 were -undertaken to .(jnarters. coantry for a •••••• \ F e a t u r e Syndicate) ' wave of arrests started no fami-! settle the differences Bulgarian Jewry, according [ convention.
V C,-
Thousands Taken Into Custody By Gestapo
v 1 r;
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Page 2
TheSchedule And here are this Sunday's games: Dewey Park—Alpha Pi Tan vs. Milder Oils. •-...-. West Elmwood—Adler Delicatessens vs. A. Z. "A, 1. Columbus Patk—-Sigma Alpha Mu vs. A. Z. A. 100.
Thelsia Gaspar, violin student} f| waiting f.o be put into circula- i at the Eastman School of Mus|e tion; also, I am told. largre ! in Rochester, New York, who was amounts o£ Jewish money of Eas- j tern and Centra! Europe ready ir | recently electei president of her plow into Palestine — ell vait- j chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon,' naing for a responsible organization ; tional honorary music sorority, iike the Palestine Economic Cor- { •will attend tne convention the sorority is holding in Chicago I poration to take the initiative — ! next week. Thelma, who only reinto properly ordered invest.- j jtner.t." j cently retur&ed to spend, her summer vacation in Omaha, 'will .'. - . Junior Gamea Declaring the great need of the j New York (TTXS) — Asserting In the junior softball league, leave Monday. , moment was to inspire confidence j th£t lbs geneva! impression exout o' rs'.lesllt-e thai the Rose Jacobs Tells of potential investors, she said: isdr.g the Giants took the Tigers into Went to Shirley Greenspan's i ^ Jews ot iliP.t roifrHry Ptnnd for that therein lay the opportunity ; camp, 7 to 3, and the Cardinals temperance punch party before Benefits to Be partition, 'PS P POH<1 block' iff Inof the corporation again to shew j blasted the Yankees, 12 to S. Th9 the U. T. dance, Monday night. It Derived the way to tne hesitating Jewish j correct, end empfep.sizir! p •'.hat from no one but their immediate desire for revenge •- apparently kids are putting on hot tussles was oodles of fun, and everything public of America. "Immediate : considerable elements arsct imfamilies. The actual victims of turned Into a devastating obses- every Sunday afternoon at the was simply delisn.. New, York (JTA) — Mrs. Rose and substantial increase of the j portant: ones ;P ilie "Vif.Iuib "ave atrocities seldom talk;, their sion; they needs; must comb the Suzy Q, you would never in a Jacobs, of the Jewish capital stock of the Palestine Ec- ' opposed tc r.ny pr;r,;Ition scheme." streets for cleaners, put ' their friends, recounting stories, are Thi3 . Sunday's games list, the thousand years guess who I saw Agency member MYs. Fknvprd,, former presExecutive. Corporation would. I be- iident likely to talk too much or too prisoners to cleaning, drag Jews Tigers against the Yanks and the at of KnaasRK*-, F,r<6 now the the nce. None- other than | from Palestine, urged, stockhold- j! onomie iteT*''\r>neese"contieerce'X>~ little, depending upon the pro- from their Passover dinners^ to Giants against the Cards. cedure they think most helpful. clean, pull them from queues' in ish Agency But In spite of these obscuring front of consular'offices to clean. ' week to expand Big Swim "Week, the Jewish stale even e!. the cost of a dee? sea diver, because, oh, Hotel Astor last factors, there is clear evidence Mr. Simon declared that "if Whatever it is that the Nazis This past week has been Nacapital stock to "increase con- normal conditions are reestablish- of. cisw, _.._, .. that violence played a significant want washed away, it has appar- tional Sw-im-for-Health week and how he danced the Deep Sea its fidence in Palestine and help to In a statement issued on her role in the anti-Semitic campaign ently not yet, been done. Only a the period was observed at the Doodle! salvage J e w i s h , material re- ed in Palestine in the reasonably return from seven months' stay Saw just gobs of other peo- sources." and was no mere accidental by- few days ago a Jewish girl whom Center with a marked increase near future, much of the damage in Palestine, Mrs. Jacobs said product done to the economy of the coun- j j.ftpf opposition to partition .in I knew accidently shoved a wom- increase in attendance in all our ple, and was especially intrigued Other speakers were Julius Siby Connie Myers' white pique forin the last two years is re- j ppipstjne i? too he Youngsters mal. Since it is one of those new mon, president of the Corpora- try he found among Whether physically assaulted an on a crowded sidewalk. "You swimming classes. He declared that the ;t h e i a b o r leaders."^" izrachi. Genor not, there.was not, a Jew in dirty Jewess!" cried the woman, have been swarming all over the no-strap gowns, it has a stayed tion; -Dr. Maurice B. Hexter, for- parable." sh population bad an aade-i d e i ei.fci Zionists. Revisionists, and Jewish Vienna during the first weeks of and called a Brown Shirt who pool in the morning, getting a' bodice (it stayed all right), with ner meraber of the Jewish A.cen- quste internal reserve of capita'. ] ? v r e was standing nearby. The troopnumbers unaitiliated with world of fun as well as being re- a ruffle at the top, and a zipper the Nazi regime who did not feel Robert Szo^d and mar.power and markets to re- parties. They h"ve been unable himself spiritually assaulted a er brought the girl to an S. A. of- freshed in the cooling waters. going half way down the back. Charles J. sume its forward course as soon to spread their viewpoints, she hundred times a day. He could fice, but no competent official Older folks, too, 'have been The belt js of black grograin rib"The development of world af- as conditions were stabilized. asserted, bectuisr "they have no not pick up a daily newspaper was present to hear the charge. splashing with great exuberance. bon with streamers down the fairs and the conditions that now j Mr. Szold reported that Pales- organization machinery for funds "You have to wait around," Many new members have been without seeing himself vilified for prevail among- Jews everywhere ' tine Potash Ltd.. had in 1PST in-! ainr! propagandists Ipr that pura column or more In an editorial, said the S. A. man. He looked noted in the business girls class. front. Darling, I think orchids should make it incumbent upon the Cor- creased its sales 5 5 per cent over pose." New swimming,' periods ana speech or a new anti-Semitic around the room. "Meanwhile/ to expand its facilities the previous year. Bernard Fle:claw. His "Aryan" friends "cut" he added, "clean that table." So nounced call for the holding of be sent to Eugene Telpner of poration so that it may become, a factor ner, chairman of the Corporanan:, of Aragon, a skilful him! his children ran to him with the girl cleaned the table for two girls' classes from 5:30 p. m. to Council Bluffs, who sent an or- for .conserving large amounts of tion's board of directors, who | thirteenth century physician, retales of insults at school; every hour3 and then, quite politely, 8:30 p. m. on.Mondays and "Wed- chid to . Lorraine Leeser before American Jewish capital for the presided, paid tribute to tne late fused tc treat the brother of the nesdays, with men swimming the dance. Swastika wearer he met on the was toldshe could.go home." Another stunning formal, Suzy benefit of Palestine," Mrs. Jocobs Felix M. "Warburg, one of the King of France because of an during those same hours on Tuesstreet, every wearer of some forQ, was the. one worn by Alica said. "There are in the banks of founders of the Corporation and edicl: forbidding" Jewish doctors days and Thursdays. eign insignia—and nearly, e v - y ' ; to practice. Posner. It is a lovely flowered Palestine considerable idle funds its honorary president. foreigner carried such — made chiffon with atjua marine the him th,e more conscious of his During the past_ week, many predominating color, a wide skirt. own bare lapel, a lapel which visiting A. Z. A.s have enjoyed low square neck, short puff /f3* marked him as an'•Austrian Jew , the" facilities of the Center as they sleeves, and small pink bows on By LEE GROSSMAN and an outcast as clearly as pass through Omaha en route to j the shoulders. though he carried a sign • In letk*sm> L^j?^ ^ S K ^ O he national convention at Estes Speaking of, clothes, I really ters a foot high. . ' If the weather continues to get park, Colorado. We .have been must tell you about the ducky * Where Omaha Shops vrllh Coroftienc, hotter, it might some day catch most happy to' entertain these dirndl I saw Jeannett PolonskyJ Revenge of Nazis wearing the other day. It is a So much has been written up with our J. C. C. softball ively youngsters. : navy blue Irish linen, with two about the cleaning draft, which league. white pockets in tho skirt. The Three teams are virtually tied started with street washing and v£*'^Lii~ pockets are appliqued in a blue spread until Jews were cleaning for first place after last week's flower design- The white jacket public .buildings, automobiles, S. games" as the season nears the which goes with the dress is apA. troopers' laundry and cafe half-way mark. pliqued in the same pattern. All By Arlene Solomon floors, spittoons and lavoratorles, In last Sunday's feature enin all, ft makes a very snazzy { that the story need not be re- gagement, the hustling Alpha Pi Dear Suzy Q: Give ear and listen a bit to this outfit. peated. There is,.- however, a Taus edged out the Adler DeliSweetums, did you know that psychological point which I think catessens, -5 to 3, in one of the ittle piece of useless poetry. my cousin, Jackie Lou Kean— deserves emphasis. The street ser- better games of the' campaign. Mary'bad a little Iamb. . Jacqueline since her tenth birth-) vice^ ingenious form of persecu- The victory moved the A. P. T.s day last fall — of Colorado I tion though "It was, was not a to within a half game of the A. Its fleece was white as snow, Nazi invention but a Fatherland Z. A. 100s and the Milder Oils, And everywhere that Mary went Springs, arrived here this A. M., j '§m?^ and will visit for a few days. I Front'one. For the last two .years who postponed' their important She took a street car! Sunday night, Jackie Lou, Julius j Austrian patriots. bad been forc- first-place clash due to the death ing Nazis to scrub painted Swast- of Millard Sigal's father. Well, Mary can keep her street and Jerry Cohn, and Harvey and ! ^&>?S^3: VX Xi Jk) J J ikas from sidewalks whenever In the other game Sunday, the car, because this time of the year Raymond Ferer will leave for a the crooked cross mysteriously A. Z. A. Is repeated their tri- t seems as tho almost everyone camp in Wisconsin. appeared . overnight.' When the umph over the Sigma Alpha Mus, taking a train. For instance, Give my love to all your fam- ] Nazis came to power, a natural 17 to 3. Elaine Lagman left Saturday ily, Suzy Q, and tell them this , The'A. P. T.s beat the Adlers night for an indefinite stay in for me: despite the loss of their star Ihicago. Miriam and Josephine Humpty Dumpty sat on a will, player and captain, Aaron Ep- Rubnitz and their mother left Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. stein, who suffered a split finger Omaha Thursday. Mrs. Rubnlts All the king's horses, and all the king's men ' In the infield warmup before the and Miriam were headed for a game. Epstein was ' treated at short visit in Philadelphia, while Had scrambled eggs. Clarkson hospital and two stitches Josephine took .-the train from Affectionally, were necessary to > .close the, Chicago to Montreal with plans A. wound. But despite his injury, or a brief stay there. The three P. S. Gee, it'll be kind ol Epstein returned to the scene of wfll meet in Philadelphia and empty -around town with so many Sounds of the fellows away at the A. Z. battle with his finger" In a splint, continue to New York. ; f XonaonV(WNS) •— Hansom of and begged to be inserted in the perfectly spiffy, dont cha think? A. convention at "Estes Park. $10,000,000 is being .demanded: fracas. He-wasn't needed as the Alby the Nazi authorities fn Austria as the; "price of releasing Baron phas hopped on Norman Korney Louis Rothschild, . head of the for enough blows for the victory. —»^« Austrian branch of the family, The revamped Alpha Pi Tau linewho has been under arrest since up listed Marshall Geller, a left•'•. ^ - . . - f ^ ' ' the first days of the Nazi Inva-- hander, at shortstop, with Nate •?% sion, it is revealed by the London Cutler moving to Epstein's third•• ( X - C ? Daily Herald. base post. Geller performed in The Basis for the ransom claim A-l fashion at the new post, is a.revival of an old' charge making no .. errors arid making against Rothschild growing out several sensational catches of \/i of the 1931 collapse of the Cre- foul flys in back of third base. i i ditanstalt, of which he was pres- . There wasn't : much to the A. i t \i\\ <\ A --* ,f ident. Rothschild had contributed Z. A.-Sigma Alpha Mu. contest, ^-\ t*^ $10,000,000 of his personal for- except a lot of running on the tune toward the reconstruction of part of the "Sammies" who still : the bank, of which he.had been won a ball game, but who 4 •. president, and the Austrian gov- haven't I get more enjoyment out of ernment withdrew all charges still /• I T ' * against its directors. It is these the game than another team in charges the Nazis have revived. the" loop. Here are the standings: Rothschild's assets in Austria have all. been confiscated but the W. L. Nazis are seeking the' $10,000,- A. Z. A. 100 . . . . . . . . ^ . 4 1 000 from members of the. Roths- Milder Oils 4 1 child family in Paris and Lon- Alpha Pi Tau . _.._4 2 don. Baron Louis' brothers, Al- Adler Delicatessen 3 3 Your Ford Dealer is the man to see. He's got many phonse and. Eugene are safe in A. Z. A. 1 ..... ..2 4 Paris. Sigma Alpha Mu .....0 6 Pt
p § B ^ & i Ej;?5K ff! SI If
Ey VICTOR BERNSTEIN (The following It;the;third of five articles on the Austrian situation ,by a well-known
American newspaperman . who witnessed the seizure of Austria and. subsequent developments there.) There is a tendency abroad to believe that the bestiality which frequently, characterized the. antiSemitic campaign in post-Anschluss Austria was in no wise desired—hay, even espressly forbidden—-by NaJzi ••- chieftains in •. Berlin- There are people who hold that in any revolution there must always be extremist elements and scoundrels who get out of hand and for whose conduct the. revolutionary leaders themselves must not be blamed. To some extent the Nazi propaganda machine has fostered this myth.: The Vienna pres3, and through it. the press_ abroad, was fed steadily with pronounciamentos from. Joseph Buerckel, Nazi ^commissioner for Austria, and Governor Seyss-Inquart .- forbidding plundering, illegal arrests and illegal expropriation of property. At least four different times I read in the Vicsnna "Yoel. fclacher Beobachter" charges, that ' Communists disguised as Nazis were alone responsible for "unruly" acts. : Either al! this is pure bunk or '•.the German army paralyzed •by mutiny. There were enough soldiers in Vienna alone during the' first two weekB to have policed every Jewish, shop, with . more than enough left over to take care of roaming vandals. Except in rare and isolated instances, the Boldiers did nothing and guarded no one. The fact is, ' of course, they were there not to protect Tews but to intimidate Austrians; they were a mailed fist poised to strike, _and the . strike order "never came." • Troops Well Behaved Nor can It be said that the German troops could hot have been trnstd to put down antiJewiah excesses. Of all the scores of variegated uniforms seen on Vienna's streets, the green of the Reich military was the only one; so far as this writer saw, which kept aloof from Jew-bsltlng and Jew-baiters. On the contrary, I ,'have seen some of these soldiers walk, with every appearance of - deliberation- into shops and cafes clearly labelled as 'Jewish to make purchases or drink cotfee. On the one occasion when I, eaw them on guard in the. Seitenstettingasse, where the Jewish Community headquarters are located, thfey spoke to Jewa. who- approached them, with "every civility, patiently answering tremulous ques-
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The soldiers simply were not told to do anything about the Jewish question. It was a" day for the Brown Shirts and the Black Shirts and everything they did to Jews" was either engineered, fostered or countenanced by responsible authorities. "Wherever . Jews were forced to scrub pavements with lye-saturated water ' until their flesh hungTaw, wherever swastikas were burned into J their shorn skulls, wherever they were beaten and kicked or forced tor drink . from spitoons or to clean latrines with their holy "tephillim," the command, backed by the ample force available, could have stopped such practice. I cannot presume to-jpiess, nor .would"any conscientious observer, ••'• what proportion, of Austria's Jewry has been physically mistreated. The Nazis can justly claim that- they perpetrated no "pogrom" In the Cossack sense; they did not charge down the streets of the Jewish quarter, laying- sword to all within reach and setting fire to JewiEh homes. There was, for whatever reason, comparatively little mob violence. •Generally speaking, the Nazis preferred four walls and no witnesses. • On the files of one'of the for; elgn consulates in Vienna Is the . sworn affidavit of a non-Austrian - Jew who was taken to district S. A. headquarters and was beaten into- Insensibility by a score of 'uniformed Brown -nd Black Shirts on-complaint of a-Party .man that he owed him money. I know of an: instance where a dozen Jews, having done a six-hour " washing stint, were brought into a cellar, beaten and then lined up against a wall" so that S. A. men could amuse themselves by shooting over their heads. I. learned "indirectly from 'physicians of . many cases of broken limbs, the outcome of Nazi "attempts- to "wrest money from Jews, or to .wreak; vengeance for real or fancied wrongs. In at least one Burgenland town—"-and the scene was ; probably repeated elsewhere — several- score -Jews,'were gathered •in a'barn . at 9. '; o'clock in. the morning and kept there until 8 • p. m., •'while officials took tho rnalo • prisoners out one- by one and beat those whom they.believed had hidden ca3h or" valuables. . Every Jew Feels Hatred It may well be that the true di• mensions of Nazi atrocities will • never be known. They may be - greater or considerably less than the 'impression created abroad by accounts of correspondents and refugees. There is noi means of. taking a reliable survey; foreign Jewscould complain to their consulates, hut the Austrian Jewa could complain to no one, seek . help from no one, seek sympathy
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THE JEWISH PEESS—FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 19SS dered how a minister of religion probe witness, is Mmself an j pares for.the c c ^ r<; zZ can find something to do to kill avowed Fascist. Sin ierica the boredom of tbe six'days, in- VIA ETHER WAVES shooting in fcis c~ £~ tervening between weeS-enfis can the leading - - - - Baron Eobert i.3 Rotisctild of of have pondered on the intensely nest** play of ~~\ - ' Paris—who created i. deand multifariously useful life of wrote "Burjij} e Dt-s Dr. Joseph H. Hertz, Chief Kabbi manding that Maurice Schwartz George KS.-QIITL£.II " , production ot from his delete of the United Hebrew Congregakick, Moss H&?L. E-C tions of the British Empire. Of j"The Brothers Ashkenazi" a him we can say in quoting Ms j own wor'ds, "Not what a man has { rpreted as j as president C * -— knowledge, skill or goods of a nfi f . nephew cJ life—determines his culture, but evidence for the myth that Jews I p'"-•'ber coinposwhat a man is." Dr. Hertz is are Communists, and thus would j truly the Chief Rabbi, the chief create anti-Semitism— was hini-j former ambas c "~ F tioning in, any detail his interest teacher, the chief spiritual leafi- self the victim of a curious in-1 Dodd, Is to mai—•" in the other Jewish interests for er of the Jews of a pastorate on stance of anti-SsrsitisE after one of the Baron's' horses j ^ nrier son-in-lE-^" which he has been an eloquent which the sun never sets. ilics E.osen-vrc. ± spokesman and an effective work- (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts won a race at Auteuil a stoat i i "vorced his v.*ir Feature Syndicate) went up from a correr of the er. But no one who has wongrandstand: "Let'Rothschild and (Copyright, ISC^ Feature S^ his horses go to Germany — we j don't want Mm here" The! r r Chinese city of Kaifeng-Fu, the i f% * ' , 7' r " 177f jTHT T site of a once flourishing colony j \jt , ; t l ^'J ss.-a't L™LLvf , L. • «•• of Chinese Jews, is i cow in i Jap-j J j anese hands . . . The Jewish con-j verts to Christianity in Poland j 1 W ,\l I ami. I ! JEWISH NEWS are preparing to organize their j broadcasting chains turned down You . can definitely count Dr. the following idea of Alexander own kehillah in Warsaw, with j — r-r-p^ Stephen S. Wise t u t of the Zion- Woollcott for a swell non-com- Father Pudor as their leader . . . • Ottawa {Vns51 I: T€- T T ' f t ist preside-tial racs . . . No mat- mercial radio show . . . He wast- Austrian recruits in the German himself as z.z e ter how much pressure may be ed to present musical shows army have been rebelling- against toward requests ' c - _ "•r sicerable numbe-s c ' «Tcv i"*1- i brought to bear, he will definite- authorized and largely played by fighting for Hitler rgees into Ca=r^? " > -!=•?•*ly refuse to be renominated . . . non-Aryans, with no pay or royImmigration T. A was arrested en masse The next president of the Z. O. alties for any one concerned . . . thrown into a concentration camp * e ! j a Jewish ce'ccz -r *LA«-will be Rabbi Israel Goldstein, The actors and authors and com• r you can make up your mind to posers were wiling to give their in Germany after it destroyed a ada would be D-fi" z The Dutch Reform ed'at the i n t e r - c ^ -c" rr that . . .And Dr. Goldstein's suc- work for nothing in consideration swastika cessor'as president of the Jewish of what was planned to be t t e Synod in Natal, South Africa, lias ferenee on ref^c^fNational Fund will be Louis P. closing line of the broadcast . . . appointed a special commission President K-oos-i"1 to determine whether the Jews received the fiele^ " Rocker Edgar J. Kaufman, After the show the announcer really are the "Chosen People" as c h a i r ~ T the Pittsburgh department store was supposed to say a few worfis . . . Jews in Kalisch, Poland, Ere pacity Cabinet commit e= tycoon who brought about the to the effect that the program boycotting the products ct the which cornpr meeting between the Big Four of could not have been prsented ia Radziwill estate since Prince ters ofisnational -eve- - , national Jewish organizations— Germany, on account of the noaand immigratio- EL c r which probably will lead to that Aryanism of the authors and Michael Radziwill jilted Jeanette were present. much talked-ol Jewish unity—is cast . . . Don't, by the way, think Suchestov, KaliEch Jewess, who r sr"*1 e a candidate for election as a del- that only Jews are the targets of divorced her husband and em- Meanwhile, ' i egate to the American Jewish attacks of scurrilous literature braced. Catholicism -in order to was urged to OP - CE - ? longress . . . He's quite a sports- . . . During the recent Republi- marry the elderly Polish aristo- migration. J. H r -r.IV—^-r man, going in for riding, breed- can Senatorial primary in South crat . . , Foreign non-German vis- er of the Social C*"eJ te C ing and racing horses . . . He ar- Dakota Congressman Fred H. itors to . Austria are as scarce as House of Comn-C-s CE swasUkas at a Mizrachi convea- country will r_e- e- " r ranged that meeting through a series of identical telegrams sent Hildebrandt was the victim of a tion . . . There've been less than j its open spaces "•» ' to Jewish leaders in Various key campaign in which his Catholi- two hundred so far this season. | tlow c" immigra- > = communities, w h o in t u r n cism was the principal factor . . . ABOUT PEOPLE i NAZI BUSINESS brought pressure to bear on the Hadassah's new publicity diAisstrian national organizations Have New York's Jewish-owned Edi- rector is Minna Brcwnstone, late j you seen that new 24-pago pho- son Hotel is scheduled to be the of the Jewish Frontier and the; London (JTA> — A T - > . L : L to publication headlined "WILL scene of a big powwow of lead- Grolier Society . . . She succeeds i the Daily Hsrai 7 * - - r - ' , - " t " THERE BE A JEWISH CRISIS ing Jew-baiters on June 2Sth . . . the very efficient Elizabeth Slaff, j working in En~ - • " - -^tr- !-•<=•• The name Among those expected to meet who's retiring after years "to j applied" for ren-=v-?l of trc - -^ •**IN AMERICA?" of the periodical is Candid Fea- there a r e Fritz Kuhn, "William sun herself" as she puts it . . . | at the Gerrnar cvz-^nJue % ° C tures, and its first issue is de- Dudley Pelley, James P T r u e , Publisher J. David Stern has re- j threatened witr ?•• I - C T voted entirely to pictures <t George Dietrich and Adrain Ar- signed as. treasurer of the Nos- I from their hora'^r^. * L~> co^J&ws, Jewish persecution, anti- cand of Canada . . . TThicit r e - Secretarian Anti-Nazi League I tinued to work for Jews. Semitism, etc., with the underly- minds us that both the La Fol- j Leading candidate tor the exec-aing theme being what will hap- lette Civil Liberties Committee'" tive directorship o* the lea-rue T h e and the Dies Commrttee on Un- Percy Wynner, anti-Nazi radio pen if it happens * here four young fellows who are run- American Activities will grill Pel- commentator and former director Tlirifty Shopper© "^- rt r~ ning the publication are all non- ley under oath of NBC's short wave broadcasts The Dies Jews and in a publishers note . " . . A leading' national Jewish You Save the Oiffcrc declared "we are not employed, Committee, incidentally, will find organization is arrangiEg for the either directly or indirectly, by that most of the documents it in- emigration to this roiiEtry o* Jews" . . . j tended to subpoena from the Captain Desidir von Friedrsann, Nazis have leen shipped to JlesYOU SHOULD KNOW for Now that the Xew York Hos- |'™ safekeeping . . Kow cope commander-in-chief of the Jewish pital is removing those pre-Hit- I t h a t Uncle Sam's agents prob:=K War Veterans of Ausiria . . . ler swastikas from its chimney ' the Nazi spy ring have cverlook- Latest device to stir r ? interest the Czechoslovaks who live near- ed one Guenther Orgel, a resident for a Jewisit caus? is the use cf At a bis broadcasting EOUT^I track?, wiich by will begin to patronize the of States Island? have been e~plcyed ia New Tcrk hospital Hitherto they have meeting of important Southern
By Dr. David, de Sola Pool Jewry throngbont the British Empire is celebrating the silver jubilee of Dr. . Joseph Hertz, chief rabhi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire. The sua never sets on the Dock over which Dr. Hertz presides. Here we present an Intimate study of the Amerlcan-edncated rabbi and first graduate of the Jewish "Theological Seminary " of America who is spiritual leader of 700,000.—The Editor. • '.. '•'• -. '•-.•
teacher. Dr. Hertz would probably say of himself that his principal life's work is that of teaching hi& flock. His teaching is done through word' of mouth in eloquent addresses from pulpit and platform, and, far more •widely, through his writings. One great literary task which has occupied him for many years past has heen the publication of the Biblical books of Moses with, a commentary that brings out the traditional Jewish interpretations and values of the books of that Ours is admittedly a secular Law which i3 the basis of all age. - In the Soviet republics Judaism. It is a source of conchurches and priests are, if not stant wonder how a man as incesproscribed, barely tolerated. In santly occupied with the infinite the land of the Nazis a relentless detail of a world-wide pastorate campaign is waged against tradi- and the time-consuming duties of tional religion, and any cleric official life, can have found the who speaks his mind fearlessly time for the scrupulous _ detailed may expect the fate of Pastor scholarship which has gone into N i e in o 1*1 e.r. Anti-clericalism the making of this commentary. takes on various forms in differ"The B o o k of J e w i s h ent* lands, .and there are even Thoughts," p u b l i s h e d by Dr. kindly souls in the United States Hertz during the war, originally, who may wonder what a minis- as a vade mecum for Jewish solter* of religion does during six diers in the trenches, has proved days in the week. They know to be a best seller. So far it has that he officiates at services in gone through 20 editions. It rechurch or synagogue on his offi- veals t h e catholicity of Dr. cial day. of rest, but unless; they Hertz's outlook, for the. Book of hear of him at a wedding: or a Jewish Thoughts also contains funeral they are apt to believe numerous selections from Christhat for the rest of the time he tian writers, just as Dr. Hertz's leads a well fed and parasitic ex- Jewish commentary on the Penistence awaiting the., opportunity tateuch contains innumerable inof working on his next day of terpretations suggested by Chrisrest. ,. . . .*. • tian scholars. --' It should he interesting to such Yet Dr. Hertz is no compromisquestioners to consider the pic- er. He has taken a vigorous and ture of the rabbi that is present- consistent stand against - tampered by the Very Rev. Dr. Joseph ing "-with sacred historic Jewish H- Hertz, the Chief Rabbi of .the traditions. In his masterly series United Hebrew Congregations of o£ "Affirmations of Judaism" "he i the British Empire. In himself has subjected to a merciless he represents world-~wide service analysis • the various suggestions to the cause of religion. Born in for making Judaism over into a Central Europe, trained in New reformed, up-to-date and easy reYork City, serving his first pas- ligion, and^h© has shown how all torate in South Africa, he has for such surgical operations have re. the'last'25'years lived in London sulted in maiming o r even killwhere he "has supervised and di- ing the Jewish character and the • rected Jewish religions life in the Jewish soul. whole of the British Empire. His He has been a valiant fighter correspondence is world-wide and for the sacredness of the historienormous,, and when letters are cal Sabbath, leading the struggle inadequate he himself makes pas- for the preservation of the traditoral tours throughout the Brit- tional Sabbath day against proish Isles. On one occasion he posals submitted to the League made a pastoral tour through the of Nations for the reform of the whole of the British Empire, calendar by devices which involve strengthening the causes of re- a virtual destruction of the hisligion wheresoever he went. torical Sabbath. For he knows, He is called upon endlessly for in the ,words of one of Israel's been terrified at the sight of the business leaders held in Kous*or:, by the Americac .Jewish Congress j addresses at important meetings, great teachers, that -far more Nazi emblem and have refused to Texas, not so long ago plans . - . Andrcn's i'onntain House, for *he is the official representa- than Israel has kept the Sabbath go near the hospital . . . A poll were laid to exploit anti-Semitic one of the biggest hotels in t i e tive, and mouthpiece of Judaism is it that Sabbath that has kept of American women by the Lad-feeling by stirring up secession Catskill lie-stains, JewiFi sun. in tha BritishjEmpire. He might :Israel. Pre:s-J3 frctn tbe nier plarprourfi, is rerdyirj: rr, ies Home Journal reveals that 40 sentiment Another of the major interests per cent dislike Germany more Will Hays office has -forced Sac: announcement of a novel plan to he caned'"the" amhassador of British Jewry at: the court of St. of his life has been the regenera- than any other country , . . The Goldwyn to cancel plans for pro- help refugees which vril\ create James, But he is also its consul tion of Jewish life on the soil of dailies missed a big story when ducing a picture -which would something of a stir . . . Did yea who must have relations with the the Promised Land. He has been they fell doivn on the news of the have told the story cf German hear £.bcut tbe Ear-On UsAiti v."r:o 'Lord Mayor of London and in- active In the .Zionist movement, licking a gang of Nazis got in Jewish refugees . If Gerald told an audience tint Kitler was numerable other officials and and a leader in the development Newark after one of their meet- Winrod, anti-Semite number one sent by God to scourge the Jews? Ludwig Lewisohn will be r-nssir-g of the Hebrew University in Jeru- ings dignitaries in public life. Because so many mem- of the Middle West, wins the ReThere is no cause of. human salem. He. calls Palestine the bers of the crews of German-lin- publican nomination for United from the American lecture plat•welfare and betterment which brightest spot on the Jewish hori- ers have been involvd in the spy States Senator from Kansas some form early sest year, when he, overlooks him and few from zdn. There he sees "being done, probe business on the Nazi ships big shot Kansas Republicans, in- his wKe. and roung sen will go which he - withholds interest. and consummately done,"what so has taken a terrific nosedive . . . cluding possibly A-ifred M. Lan- to Sonth Africa for s. tour . . . He is vice-president of the many within the memory of most Germany has withdrawn from the don, may pump for the election Maurice Samuel is writing the League of Nations Union. He is of us thought could never be 193 9 San-Francisco World's Fair of the Democratic candidate . . . great American Jewish novel . . . i active in the. "World -Conference done. There Jews are laying the . . . A writer in Nashville is do- That magazine editor Seward Col- A new novel is due this fall frcm | for International Peace through foundations of a Jewish National ing a complete history of the Ku lins, who bailed out Mrs. Ignatz tae author of "Brothers AshkenReligion and he is one of the Home in which Jews live their Klux Klan . . . One of the big T. Griebl, wife of the -ciirsiixg spy azi" J A militant .Et Jew who preleaders of the Jewish Peace. So- full, Jewish life as a matter of ciety. He is vice-president of right and not as'a matter of tolthe London Hospital and viee- erance, a p o l o g y or struggle, president of t!he Jewish Health whether inward or outward." Organization of Great Britain. As ' to the "Hebrew University, Peace, health and human wel- he sees it in his vision as a founfare in 20 different forms receive dation of religion and a welltangible identification with the spring . of wisdom whence Israel teachings of Judaism through the shall draw Torah and knowledge, activities of Chief Rabbi Hertz. counsel and strength, "a sanctuBut his principal activity is ary of the Jewish genius, a focus not his invaluable service as the of the soul of Universal Israel, a representative of the Jews in the center of Jewish thought aglow eyes of the Christian world, but with that Jewish passiqn for as the supreme teacher of the righteousness that shall make Jews themselves. For thBN, term Zion once again the mother-city rabbi means primarily teacher, of a regenerated humanity." and the Chief Rabbi is the chief Space does not allow of men-
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Page 4
manized Austria, with increasing brutality and terror. I t seems Letters to the incredible'that this could happen in the-twentieth, presumably 'Christian' century. Germany stands condemned before the 1 J iir-'• \ • . • • (-' 26— whole world. She has disgraced herself, brought shame upon UISHtD fcVfcRY HRlDAV A l OMAHA, NEBRASKA. GY Krtlii OoMsTciH's Talk herself, which it will take many years, if ever, to efface. The 1 TUB JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY i - ii JT: 2:3.0 To the Editor of the Jewish whole German, people must be held responsible, for permitting r " ' -rr Jewish Prep?: . • . • • C2.E0 BIBLE • ' I/OST SEKMOXS PTior. pmca, one vcai • • • •• • • • Last week we had the honor such an iniquitous condition Jo continue. I t is true they are "As There is no liarlcness nor shad^ i T> « F t - . o p . m., I read from time to time ADVERTISING RATES FUBNISHEP ON APPUfCAIlON ^ of having Rabbi Goldstein of shackled by the fetters of a dictatorial tyrant, but there are the subjects i 1.1 i i i .ty C e n discussed freir Jew- ow of death where workers of in- Omaha deliver the principal ad- * i EDITORIAL OFFICE: SOD BRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING may hide themselves. dress in Terrace Park betore an SIOUX CITY OFJMUE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER ' limits it would: seem to what a self-respecting people would ish, pulpits I can scarcely believe iquity By reason of the multitude of i.irn"si<plli r my sight," writes Dr. David Pfail•"> ' r 1 "1 " P . PI,, Inrge puriience. It V.TS . PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—<J5W 6O. S4TH STREET endure. Germany's name is in danger of Being forever -foully ipson, dean of the American rab- oppressions they cry out; they in the honor , !-• t o r pv 'onmiiniiy o* Flag; tfp.y. the DAVID BLACKER 1 Business and Managing Editor cry for help by reason ol the arm besmirched. Despite the danger to themselves, many Germans Mnate, in a recent isrue o* theof most impressive ^ re-monies conthe mighty. E d U o r "Jewish Layman," magazine of FRANK R. AUKISRMAN • , "" * ducted -untie.1 the auspices of the could not refrain from expressing their disgust and litter the Temple Brotherhood. If thoti be righteous what giv- American Legion, and the Elks. , • i , ciaCon: • L,EONARO NATHAN . . . . Associate ISdltor shame at what is taking place against the Jews of Germany, Dr; • Philipsoti means sermons est thou Him or what receiveth It was a mo?t masterly address. «• p r - O N •r ' " Jewish RABBI FREDERICK COHN Contributes Editor ' i , i, i > ' " that are book reviews, or ser- He of thy hand? Thy wickedness RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS • - . • Boot Editor not just the work of irresponsible mobs but abetted, and itmons based on the latest play . . . coneerneth a man as tfcou art and The topic v/as Americanism. It is the second visit end address of ANN PILL • Slonz City. Iowa. Correspondent would seem, instigated, by official authority, Germany is re-"I contend," says . he, "that the thy righteousness a son of man. Rabbi Goldstein here. Lot £.( on i , f v ^o munity vealing herself as the Hauptman. among nations, a criminal pulpit should not be made . . . TALMUD Last winter he was invited by a foru a lor the discussion of the State Teachers' Convention Our Rabbis" taught: Once a piUmity—-At L a s t ? • ¥ nation, kidnapping and murdering on a wholesale scale. In- each and ony itein that is.head- ous man while praying on the and the applause of the 4.5 00 T ^ r 'oi r t o ] r < O r d e r ; "With a long discouraging history o£ false starts t o haunt dividuals who are engaged in sueh practices are met by thelined in the newspaper? . . . The road was met by a prince who sa- educators after listening to his 1 r ^ n Q e <. Tr *"i J e w i s h rabbi's specialty should be the luted h?m. saying, "Peace to address was ample proof of his it, American Jewry last week a t Pittsburgh began its struggle loathing and execration of society, and'no steps are omitted Jewish" interpretation of the facts you.'' But the pious tnan did not logic and talent. of life. Judaism is primarily a respond. to achieve united effort in combating those elements that aim to apprehend the criminal monster and bring the guilty to way The prince waited till Anyone - listening to the adof life and it is the rabbi's punishment. Here a whole nation lias turned criminal and task to turn the searchlight of the end of his prayer. After he dress couldn't help but change Demands Germany Pay to destroy Jewish life. . finished his prayer, the his attitude and have a more reDebts upon the many problems had prince said to him. "Good for spectful feeling toward Jews c.nd If ever there existed a stupid condition, it is the enmity the worldlooks on with seeming indifference at least with no thought "Washington. D. C. 1 VTXS) — that beset' men and women in the behold! It is written other foreign people. Germany's cSshr. '.bat she is not t h a t has continued between t h e four principal Jewish organi- practical step being taken to' arrest or restrain the wrong- of life's journey . . . . Thenothing, in your Torah (Den 4.9) 'Only responsible for Austria's public doer. Have the nations lost their soul? Are they so utterly rabbi may not be a showman." . I would like to see a copy of take heed to thyself and guard zations—namely, t h e American Jewish Congress,: the American end private foreicn ftpbts was resteeped in indifference and cowardice? There comes a point thy soul diligently.' When T sa- this address by Rabbi Goldstein jected by the I'nUecl Slates when Dr. Philipson dates from old Jewish Committee, the B'nai B'rith, a n d t h e Jewish Liabor mailed to every individual in luted thee, why didst thou not times (he is more than 50 years when. to. do nothing is not only pusillanimous baseness but to every state. It broadens the nsind Secretary ot Plate Hull made Committee. in' the rabbinate) whe,n a minis- answer me. If I had cut o'f thy of every individual no matter how public a formal note delivered to be actuaVJparticipes criminis,' participants in the crime.and head with a sword, who would ter could give a sermon with fair _ Each- of the organizations undoubtedly has its place i n able to demand thy blo°od from biased' they may be and brings the German Foreign Office by horror. The point has been reached when this must he said certainty of receptive ears. Today be r American life. Each J e w is privileged to his individual viewmy hand?" "Wait." the pious respect for every Jew wherever Ambassador Hugh Wilson which it's a fierce competition for the of the German people, shackled and terrorized as they are. man said, to him. "until I shall he may be. It answers all prop- emphasized .hp.t when the Reich ears of people (what with all the point a n d philosophy a n d if one organization better represents Austris it also asagandists who try to poison the absorbed appease thee with a few words. They should prefer not to live than to forever disgrace the radio programs) and the better If thou hast been standing before minds sumed responsibility for h e r and create unfavorable • his w a y of thinking s it is right and well that he should throw debts. German name. They should rise in their wrath, the limit of showmen win. a mortal king and one had "salut- public opinion. in;his lot with t h a t group. » •-"Sally Hard and the Jewish ed thee would .t thou have an- 4I would like to see a ropy in ; patience, a t least political patience has been reached,-'they Problem" certainly will catch him?"" "Xay," the prince your paper, ES it makes every B u t in Jewish life there a r e common denominators—inshould overthrow Ahe tyrants and murderers who are bringing more ears than 'How to Live a swered replied. "And if thou hadst done Jew feel proud of himself ar.d JeviBV. ycunj- m.iF.t5 . 26, well terests t h a t a r e common t o Reform, Orthodoxy, Conservatism, everlasting "disgrace upon the German people. There was al-Jewish Life" in a world in which so what would the king have bol.,iers the c o u r s e of our peothe air is full of hot numbers. If done unto t i e e ? " "He would Capitalism, Labor,"German, Polish, Sephardi, Zionist, or vege- ways Anti-Semitism, it is true, in Germany; there have been pie. That is important at this j perience, can in^'c r,t SI000 only Rabbi Montrose Budd had have ordered my fceai to critical v honr. tarian. To ignore these in the interests in the personal differ- mob-attacks and brutal doings, but never such excesses, such been a better showman he might surely 1 to $ 3 0 0 0 w-ith »et-vsces), or be cut off with, a sword." replied j will purchase y>- •opvemtsi-ve ences of leaders has been a tragedy that finds analogy only inhuman cruelties as the Germans, including little chHdren, not have suffered as he did thethe prince. The pious man then Sioux FsJJs, South TDfikofa. j business. Box Mo. 4 0 , night I journeyed with him onsaid unto him. "Behold now. If in the Emden-Eibeschuetz controversy over the use of amulets. are bringing upon the innocent helpless Jews, men, women, and the air-lanes this is what you would have done Buenos Aires (YTNS) —Ona I But Rabbi Budd is an old-if thou hadst stood before a mor••'• This newest attempt a t unity must n o t fail. American children, who are not only insulted, beaten* and attacked, their fashioned preacher who would tal king who is with us here to- ' thousand acres of fertile land in j . J e w r y is demanding that bickerings cease. I t is demanding means-of livelihood destroyed, even food denied them, con- not review "Gone With the Wind"' day and may be in his grave to- the Argenti-.e" 'province of Sen; for ptluUs, nicethat American Jewish leadership grows u p . The popular de- demned to starvation, not allowed to remain in Germany and from his pnlpit even though morrow, how much more need I Luis has jeen offered by Philip \ ; For Kerf thereby he might bring to his then tp be careful when standing Merlin, Buenos Aires Jewish biiEi- , mand for united effort cannot be overlooked. not permitted to depart, driven over the border and driven temple every woman of the con-before the Supreme King of nessman, to organizations seeking! j rocrnt, pjsc f.leepinft roorrm. " Should t h e proposals for this central agency be abandoned back again, with nowhere to turn, their property confiscated, gregation and many besides. I Kings, the Holy One, praised be 'to colonize Austrian Jewish rehi-] i All corv«!TsJence6. AT 8 9 3 1 . doubt even that good Rabbi Budd He, who iiveth and endureth for- : fees t h e result wili react with t h e u t t e r discrediting of t h e organi- the vilest gangsterism practiced, as now-in the case of Baron has yet read "Gone With the ever to all eternity." The prince Wind" in Thlcb. respect he is like became appeased and the pious zation whose^ leaders a r e responsible for t h e failure. Rothschild, for whose life a ransom of millions is now deme who put the book away for went peacefully home. (This : Tiie Pittsburgh conference achieved i t s small measure of manded, tho' he fs. personally penniless, all of his property in good after the first'Sitting; it was man ought to be 3. good lesson to oi:r success-only by tact and compromise. One organization has not Germany having been taken from him. Do not these things too heavy for ray weak hands to congregation.* to ob-serve perfect hold up. decorum during services.)' imposed its terms on another. Unless this spirit continues, t h e cry to heaven? How can a self-respecting world look on and No! On this night Rabbi Budd . structure of Jewish communal life will collapse. I t is time t h e do nothing? It; condemns itself, becomes indeed a 'particeps •was.speaking on "The Good Jewish Lite" Trhich is the thesis of 'Neros stopped their fiddling.' , ' •' •" • criminis.' Can international morality have sunk so low? Is most of his sermons, in fact. civilization so rotton at the core? Has Germany so corrupted I was at the moment in a cer^ Center : ; Americans Awak& . ••;•-•* - -:\ '•:• .the world and destroyed its moral fibre ? If so, it would not tain living room in which, a bridge game (a diversion of Library Corner" "\Vith" its program stated in positive-terms, a new organi- matter much what became of the world. All that is worth; •which COHEN I myself know nothing at By all) was in progress. As a nonzation for the defense of American liberties has come into while in it, that is worth living for, suffering for, striving for, bridge player I was like some existence; Transcending party lines, and sectarianism, this new has already been destroyed. We cannot believe that the bet-outcast Current Jewish news and books in the house, an .anti-sogroup gives every indication of performing a vital service for ter, juster, Tiumaner portions of the German people, of whom cial being, in fact. Pariah-like I of Jewish interestTurning back the Viennese obliged to seek my ovm the continued well-being of basic American institutions. there must be many, will permit this shameful, morally mon- was amusement; so, after attempting clock—For five hundred rears In the past we have had American Leagues Against. War strous, condition to continue.- There must be those who are thea dull book and smoking- two Vienna, now ruled by the iron I turned on the radio. hand of Hitler, has had periodic and Fascism ;ahd Leagues to Combat Communism. "We have intellectual and even spiritual heirs of a Lutherj a Kant,'a pipes-full, Softly enough I tuned in, in blood-baths; "A HISTORICAL had multi-hued shirts and white sheets .and committees by theLessing, a Goethe, who will finally exert themselves at what- deference to the bridge players SURVEY" hv Fredrich A. Doplo! the voice of Rabbi Mon- pelt; to mention but a fe-w of the . score intent on preserving Americanism by the rooting out ofever cost of sacrifice, of heroism and even martyrdom to putand trose Budd entered . the living dates. In 1244, again in 1370, an end to the loathesome state of affairs. How these eminent room. His very voice contained 1420. 1623 &U&-U4S. In 1938, ' every divergent"'group! ' ." C o o l ; Comfortable * the. City of Charm is again the evidence of a true prophet. i " But in the mad rush, Americanism was overlooked. True Germans and all the better spirits who have contributed to a the"Oh." City of Blood. I exclaimed, here is Rabit was invoked to the point of banality, but the essential quali- liberal and progressive Germany, in art, music, science, litera- bi Budd." IN THE PALESTINE RESensible, Real Quality ture, philosophy, statesmanship must turn in their graves! "Tune him put," snapped Mr. VIEW, a most interesting storr, ties were ignored as .though they did not exist. < Goldberg at the bridge-table. "THE JEW AS SOLDIER IN The story of .America and the struggle for personal rights They are safely dead. They have been spared beholding this But it's Rabbi Budd. Me must BIBLICAL TIMES" by Josephus, and liberties is an epic that surpasses every historical episode shameful hour in the history of their beloved country. If their listen to.. Rabbi Budd." the biblical historian of the is no time to be disturb- Roman Era in Je-scish history. handed to us.- Its spiritual development runs close to rivaling influence is not entirely dead, if their works and their writings ed"This by a sermon," said Mrs. Greenh i ! VJV "What about the Hebrew solremain and have not been burned and destroyed by the in-berg. that revealed in the Bible. dier; his character, his military •I V tuned him in very softly. virtue, lore of liberty, sense 0* The period of colonization was a constant struggle against iquitous Nazis, their spirit must still redeem their violated and It's"I've Rabbi Buad.** ' i honor, courage and .bravery, a "As soft as he is he is too passionate love of his country and arbitrary authority. "When the French Revolution was a dream, prostituted country, rescue it from the gang of thieves and observed Jfr. Goldberg in people, and a spirit cf sacrifice the American colonists had their Roger "Williams, their Thomas assassins that have gotten it into their power, who took ad- loud," his acidulous way. •srhen the cause 'U'ES a worthy one. vantage of the, defeat and desperate plight of their country Hooker, their- Anne Hutchinson, their Mary Dyer; their Quak. "I say tune him out," ' comAmong the Book Shelves: Mrs. Goldberg. X2U>VVO.5ilo.iJ.-iC J-tCAiLO £.t AiiL. i V t " "TALES OP RABBAH BAR', ers and their Baptists, each with a belief and a hope that even to .exploit it for their own criminal ends, selfish and wickedly manded "But it's Rabbi Budd." BAR HANNAH," retold by Jndah ambitious purposes. Now, more than ever, will all lovers today has not been attained. ' T said tune him" out," repeat- D. Eisenstein; Quaint and factasbrsska where VALUE . , , greatest Mrs. Goldberg with such dec- tic stories. It is well that an agency has arisen under such distin- Of justice and right, o£ freedom and humanity,- of elementary ed isiveness as to leave no doubt 1 "THE EMEK" by Jessie Sampguished auspices to lead the struggle not against any 'catch- decency, intone the Avords of the Biblical writer, "Arise, O Lord, that she meant I must tune Rabbi possible vzdne is yours. The N'eout. She knows how by a ter; fifteen striking and descripas-you-can' philosophies, but to keep alive the great spirit that and let Thine enemies be scattered, let those who hate Thee Budd word to settle every controversy tive poems of life amosg the pioflee before Thee!" The Nazis are the enemies of the human in has nourished America throughout other; crises. her own house as well as else- neers in Palestine by the famous race; not only of the Jews, but of the Germans themselves, of where. Mr. Goldberg knows this author vrho is herself a dweller in the Holy Land. all decent people everywhere. not a question of the Jews better than anybody. : v "Fellowship does "not require ? " T e r r o r ^ G o e s O n • , , -: ,. . : ' , . any longer, however their persecution and sadistic torture cries "All right, all right," I replied uniformity; as by a turn, of the dial. I. drove Called by authoritative sources the worst anti-Jewish out- out to the whole World. The fair name of humanity is involved. Rabbi Budd out of the house. ferences." it benefits by difbreaks since the advent"of the Nazis, a pogrom of such mag- It is a crisis not only for Judaism, but for civilization, particu- Rain was falling intorrents . . . "We've done this to Rabbi nitude as. to prevent Jews even getting food, has been taking larly Christianity which sees all its work of the last two thous- Budd," I sighed. place in the Reich for. three weeks. Yet I am not one to let a proand years undone, the ideals it stands, for flaunted, publicly phet : - ' 1' woven fabrics to cicpsrt tailoring like Rabbi Budd out into the "One would think .that the Nuremberg laws would suffice- derided and violated. Christians all. over the world should elements alone. My fantfy. accom- i •= one would think the indignities and humiliation's and degrada- gird themselves to do battle against this pagan anti-Christ that panied "him even into the drenchand careful finishing: in. ever;" detions that have been the Jot of German: Jewry would satisfy has arisen in Germany, the last European nation to accept ing downpour . . . "Ah, rabbi," . Temple I said; "you must excuse these tail « . . here arc the wzimzblc During the summer months " t h e N a z i s . -,--•• / '."•. . • > • ' •. ' ' • '-.-.• ' ' - . ,. .•• , - > • ' . .• Christianity and the first,to reject it. The good name, as well people. Perhaps you should ha'-e services are held every Friday 1 spoken at an hour when people Having tasted blood the Nazis' thirst is not to be quenched. as efficacy and- future, of Christianity and Christendom are trousers that give you VALUE, aren't so busy with bridge evening at 7;30 at Temple Israel. I Dogs of the streets of Berlin can turn to the Society for. the involved. .Every Christian pastor in every church should speak games." .Beth El ' j Prevention of Cruelty to; Animals (under Hitler patronage) out ,in passionate protest against the atrocities in Germany. "When aren't th 7 busy with ! Services are held every Ssfur-' bridge?" he asked rather impatif they hunger or .are.ill or if they are mistreated. ••"Jews; have Catholics and Protestants should unite in vehement denunci- iently for him, J thought. I day morning st 9 a. m. at the i! Choose 'from Nebraska*g Largest •no such,altruistic agency to which they may goi Even their ation of the foul, nefarious deeds,of the lawless, morally in- "Well, rabb-i, there are plenty Beth El Synagogue. of other Jewish homes." soup kitchens for the poor are wrecked by storm troopers. sane Nazis.^ If. ever there was an occasion for the Pope, vice- "-'Yes, plenty of Jewish homes VAAD Showing &f ik& New .- It is well for the world to sympathize. But the'treatment gerent of Christ, representative of God on earth, to speak out from which .0 be thrown," he re- Services are held erery Friday plied. It was even at this mo- evening- at sundown. Saturday , of the Jews may be more ominous for the world "than it realizes. boldly unequivocally, •specifically, and powerfully against the ment that Mr. Shapiro (who lives morning services take place at .Germany is coordinating her national jife" preparatory to an-crimes and horrors of the Nazis, this is surely the time. "Wearound the corner) was tuning S:SO. in and in an instant we were in other offensive in international relations. No more- efficient Repeat, this has gone beyond being'a mere Jewish question, Mr. Shapiro's living room. Di Castellnuovo Dead espionage system exists than that of the three great demo- however immediately the Jews in the prosecution of their Mes- Here's Rabbi Budd," announccratic powers of France, England, and the United States. In siah-role of suffering and'jriartyrdom are called upon to bear, ed Mr. Shapiro as he folded his Rome (JTA)—Baroa Arturo di over his spacious abdomen Castellnuoro. founder and until! December of 1937 it was announced that Germany was pre-and forbear and writhe and endure; it has become a question hands and closed his eyes with the ec-1S31 editor-in-chief cf the nsost i r air o! one who was about important political periodical, j paring for 'something' presumably, in Czecho-Slovakia in March. that concerns,, as it-.alarms'; all-humanity. . / static to be admitted into the Shekinah. Echl e -Coracienti. has died at the ' The 'something! was in Austria but informed sources state that "Must we listen to that?" de- age of 82." He'-was formerly edi-• Czecho-Slovakia was the true objective. " .. manded Miss Shapiro. "Must we tor of several Italian, periodicals , listen to that when Benny Good- In Argentina As I have said before—in lieu of an effective League of man's and'a member ot a' v.: The chancellories of Europe know that within the next on the air?" noted Jewish family. ; Nations—-England, France, and America., and all self-respecttwo months Europe may "face her gravest crisis. The United I," "Out with Junior Shapiro. " J l s t e vrsy for States has been preparing to evacuate her nationals the mo-ing nations, should at <once sever diplomatic relations with Ger- Benny Goodmc.-." static, it •wss that ensued. Rabbi ment the situation looks serious. Foreign travelers find pass- many, with this national criminal and scoundrel. They have "Rut it's RsVM Bi:id," Mr. Budd's voice, strong ant? resonant Shapiro prctcsUd in the ruild as it is ( a fo'ice." indeed, tbst has legal, technical grounds enough as well as morul and humani- way he always has ivhea arguing tilled ports issued with what seems reluctance. ^ 'the largest Sal's) could sot v.itU Ilia children. withstand the onslaught.Germany is preparing her Jews for any eventualities. She tarian. It was mangled and the last I i ' is harassing them, arresting .them, imprisoning them so that - - Fredenck Colin. Goodir.a::," cliar.tid Z'A'.s Etc^lro saw of it it was coing a tail-epirs they will be impotent to avenge themselves should' they have where, as I { while Junior Shapiro v>-i'h r. into Death Valley i ~ ftare' heard, most sermons of quick turn hfu Ra', bi 3udd cut THE JEWISH CALSi desired when Germany's armies march again. , archbishops, bishops, rectors, vicars, rabbis &aa ^ Sympathy for'the Jews is well indeed. But look to your SIZES TO f ^ \yi Rosh Chodesh Tamuz I all drives from IH'ias'.rooms, 2-UThursday, June GO? tents,.O world. It is the Jews today. Tomorrow it may be tl:n". It ' " ; ] tilated by Erring. Rosh Chodesh Ab fifFrilay, Juh- "?A someone else. c I The last I heard of Rabbi -,' -«• * > . . « . « * Fast of 9th of Ab .....Saturday,"A^-ir"!} Bud's voice, it was saying feebly, T? \ *" ,"Oh. Mr. Segal, perhaps I slaould Rosh Chorfesh Elul Sunday, Aupr^t 25
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r ^ c l T . i csl~ a Cls- 'itave spoken on 'The Art cf Jos
By Babbi Frederic!: Cohn Rosh Hashonah , n Excesses against the Jews continue,-in Germany and GerAll holidays be^in . »t sundown c
i Peansr.'"
=• HI— «n h .•,-".',-- jXCopyright 19SS By • Seven Arts, u drccil-i bo«I cX Feature Syndicate.)
THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, -JUNE 24. 19SS VISITIXG HERE " Mr, and Mrs. B. B. Keaa and family of Colorado'Springs, Colorado, arrived here "today for a The challenge thrown down by: short visit at the home of Mrs.the British g07ernraent through'. Kean's sister, Mrs: J. A. Solomon. Hadassah to release a thousand j
By Mrs. DsriS IL Ncwisan
CAUL. ALPERT: V\'here'd yc ever get the idea that Wait hi ney is one of the brethren? . . .; You ?nl3aEl3?G a eo^cr. en Pisney in t i e Boston Jewish Auvocate (incideisiBlly. one o* the |
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European youth from a blank fu- j finest Anglo-Jewish -ireekljes in j By Mrs. Wiuiwm Apple Sauce Cake JOSLYX MEMORIAL. tiire is being t^ken up hy t h e . t t e -crorld) . . . When Welt, v Vs cup butter. The Sunday afternoon organ Omaha Chapter Emergency Cora- j hare it 03 the best of Eutbority,' F^cm'the : siru-rie fine striie cup sugar. recital at the Joslyn Memorial at mittee in cooperation with, the ! 21 eggs. ISI no more a tribesman than _4Erj horrible cer-ih 4 p. m. today -will" be played by National Hadassah.who will help! COOPERMAX-LIEB 2 cups flour. Snow White or the seven dwErfs : of Vhr.t" vs<» h' JKeT open t h e doors to Palestine. ! Mr. Martin W. Bush, assisted by Miss Merriam Lieb, daughter j * Miss Sylvia Silverman, grand: 1 teaspoon soda. The thousand visas granted by ' Mr. Harold W. Graham, tenor. of Mrs. Esther Lieb,. became the daughter of Mr. unii Mrs. Jacob V2 teaspoon cloves. ! ?>7en crp-f T;F ; r o m \\r-rr-r. England will have to be taien up bride of Harold' Cooperman, son Janger,' became the bride of Mr.The public is-^nvited to attend. FATE: The lafiy thst veEres : Trip fall firrtr t-f rijrht. ?A teaspoon allspice. by September 30th. A special j of Harry Gooperman, Sunday aft- Louis Klass of Sioux City, son x>f thes sfceiss of CestiEj- has nanfiefi They nped nc lecel SETICIIOK 1 teaspoon nutmeg, committed meeting will be held ' ernoon at a ceremony-performed Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Klass, on LEAVES FOR COACT British Fascists some hsrsh med- • To deprive UK of right. apple sauce. at the Omaha Woman's Club- Sunday at 4 o'clock at the home Mrs. E. M. "Valkin and daugh- Thursday to intensify the cam- j 11 cup cup dates chopped a n d icine to E-wallcw . . . A tavera Rabbi ' David A. Goldstein offi- of Rabbi David A. Goldstein. ter, Sandra, left Tuesday for Cal- paign to take out as many Euro- floured. keeper turned Fascist iescer, ot:r "e J't pean young boys and girls as pos- j ciated. ' ifornia to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sam • The ceremony was performed thinking hs-d get more business 1 cup pecans chopped. sible. i Lanslsy and family, former OmaThe .'bride's ; gown -nras fash- in the presence of Jhe immediate . . . But most cf his clients were cmnamon. ' hans. They will remain on the f. There has been a spontaneous ' 11 teaspoon ioned of -white organza and lace, families." •Jews . . . Vi'ho ' airar in Nor yet go anywhere. teaspoon Vanilla. response from Omaha Jewry so • and she carried a Bible with' a Following the ceremony a re-coast for about two months. droves 'wfcen he Trepan Brujrir.gCream butter, z.dd sugar, then far.A list of donors will be pubspray of gardenias. ception was held at the home of lished in the Jewish Press short- eggs one at a time. Sift flour, Mosley's luce . . . While the FES- Like a wild boar Out-of-town guests attending the bride's grandparents. " ly. : measure and resift with soda scd cists came, but <".dn't buy . . . :; Ti'ith tbe craft of 1-;F kii-c He steers his,Fhip | r the ir? were: Mrs. Ray Adelman, "Louis Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Julius Stein, Chairman, • spices. Add to first mixture al- And so lie wound -up in bank: To t«?e rockF . . . be .'?• bl'nc. Adelman, Miss Gertrude Adelman I Mr. Marvin Klass of Harvard Uniwishes it understood that people ternately •with the apple sauce. ruptcy court, where he ruefully and Mr. and Mrs. William Adel- Iversityand Mr. Morris Klass of With the selection of Florence who are not called on and wish to Add dates and nut?, add ranills. admitted his tsciical error . . . ' There is ierroi of co'icl man, all or Des Moines, Iowa; Washington, D. C , brothers of Steinberg, outgoing president, as give should get in touch with her Bake in a loaf 60 minutes Et And a JlEr.cliesier ^rnEgogue ir- , Ths nifihi passes not*!-;'. Mr. and. Mrs. Sam J. Colta. and the groom; Mrs. Sydney Becker one ot the ten outstanding sen- immediately, 4809 Webster, Gl. fcor.sed in the brilfliisir tr?.t cure 350 degrees. . son," Robert; Mr. 'and Mrs. Ted of Baltimore, aunt of the bride, iors in the graduating class of 1948. •was -cseti «n headquarters for the 1 Vrithout fnfl . . . v.'iiTiPi'i. r u e Cover •with maple icing: Fishbein and Mr. and Mrs. Jonaa and Mr. Max Jangar of Chicago, the Municipal University of OmaMosle^ites . • . 2 cups po-w-dered sugar. Bessler, all of Minneapolis; Mrs. uncle of the bride. , • ha, the Alpha Gamma Chi closed 2 teaspoons .melted butter, add ; Stay r o t ! Gc not! J. A. Seadler of Chicago; Mr. and The couple ,v?lll- spend their another ruccessful year on the enough maple syrup to thin out MISH-MASH: Kcw that old campus. .", ' Mrs. William Freiden of Philadel- honeymoon he ; O desr God at Lake Olcoboji. to the right consistency to spread- ! referendum aid an egg, ew- . Is there yet somev.-hevc phia; Lonis Wohlner and son, will make their home In • Hiss Steinberg, -nrho received a Delegates of the Theta chapter ! ish organizations ongfct to start For v,s green "?c!? Xorman, of Tabor, Iowa, and Mrs. They B. A. degree, will serve as senSioux City. . of Sigma Delta Tau left Thursday ' serving relerendi:m-cmelets Et M. S31 verm an of Los Angeles. ior counsellor this summer at for the biennial national their luncheons;, instead of Zion- , TTiih the mad sveed Burr Oaks camp, Burr Oaks, Wis- night A reception ' followed the cereconvention to be held in Monist roastbeef (fish to T O E ! . . . : Of cyclone vine! consin. While attending the UniSORORITY HONORS GRAPS mony. The couple will live Jin treal, Canada. Josephine Rubnitz. Author Arnold Z-weig is penning ! Fascism rushes. versity, Miss Steinberg was active All high scnool girl graduates Omaha. ' .. . of Omaha, president of the active a week!r Palestine coiyum for • They have sinned. will be honored at a tea to be giv- on the campus being prominent chapter will represent Theta st th» Pariser Tageszeitung . . How en by the Alpha Gammi Chi sor-in music circles. She Served as the four day meeting which about a guest'colrum for Feters? ' Tbe <lPsr°Ft nr.rt best WE1SSMAX-LEVY ority of. Municipal University of vice-president of Kappa Mu Lam-starts June 25. . . . Latest refupce-rov crack: A ; Of CV-T dark haired folk Mr. Harry Levy of Chicago an- Omaha, Sunday afternoon, June bda, honorary music fraternity Dr. Ruth Burroughs will act in Nazi told a Dntcnnjaij fhst Hitler i Put the pun to their hesdt nounces the marriage of his 26. from 3 to 5 o'clock at theand was a member of the girls capacity of alumni delegate to ths ' . f would be in Holland before you \ And are free o{ the yolk daughter, Lillian, to Mr. Louis .home of Trances Blumkin, 3523 quartet. convention representing the alcould say Anschluss, and the Weissroan of Chicago, on Sunday, Davenport street. . Also a candidate for the B. A.umnae league. After the close of Dutchman retorted: "Yes. I June 19. Mr. Levy and bis daughMrs. Fannie Pezzner the convention, _ Dr. Burroughs Among tho associates who will degree, kcow. ths Kaiser-is here already ter are former .Omahans. attend' are Evelyn Dansky, a stu- g a i n e d prominence as senior will remain in Montreal in order The young couple will be. at dent at the University of Chica- member of the girl's debate team. to- complete her internesMp. POLITICS: Things -we'll never . . . De Witt Clinton High School, j That follcws after. home after July 1 at 3941 .Pins go, and Mrs. Al Weiner o£ Ponce, Mrs. Pezzner attended the Uniunderstand . . . How politicians one cf tbe world's lErgest, -will versity as the recipient of a fourrest ! Grove avenue, Chicago. Puerto Rico. " . - • . can bs tossing brickbats at one offer Hebrew Instruction Xor our tears for tho=? Miss Blumkin will receive. As- year high school scholarship. Maanother one night . . . And tbs September as part of the regular \ TTho wrreTCUrrTereclor r" joring" in sociology, she vras securricclBia . .. More the-n 2 "0 sisting her will be Celia Lipsman, next be exchanging bouquets . . ! Our Terrs for tbe Irrinr AXXOOTCE BAR MITZVAH lected for Alpha Kappa Delta, students hax-e alreacv registered . Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Cher- newly installed president of the honorary sociology fraternity. Endeavoring to create a closer Apparently the same puzzling for the oourte . . . Taui Muslkcr.- 1 O u r b r o k e n p r i d e . phenomenon prevails in the field niss .announce the Bar Mitzvah sorority, and Hannah Banm, Steinberg has divided understanding between the Alephs j of Jewish leadership . . . Sunday- skj% fiddle rro£:;:>". rcn r'.^r £ of their son. Edward,, on Satur- chairman; of the tea. Eileen Ze- herEsther of Chapter 100 and their fathers, ! mfTTv trre'v:??; r 1TT: ; - r-crrvr: Try.] -I r v i •' 1 . - • • :rr:: activities between music and an entertaining program day, June. 25,, a t the Chevra vitz will pour and. Esther Stein- journalism. was ;night, at the American Jewish Appearing as violin berg,. Adeline Spector, Pauline Congress 2<3th anniversary bsnB'nal Yisroel Synagogue, Council held last Sunday evening in the j Rosenbaum and Mrs. William soloist at all school functions, she Lodge room of the Jewish Com- qtiet , . . Speaker after speaker bisr-tirre tourney rf tl-p V. P. Bluffs. ' - . . . . :•.'•• still found time to sing in the, got tip and tore into the bors on u No invitations are being is- Rosenbaum will serve. girls' quartet, to be news editor ! munity Center. other sice of the fence witn There's s. rr.r-vp— pr.t afoot tn O C-od. ITF.^C EL r, cr.t. sued. All friends and relatives of thfe "Gateway," weekly pugli-! The initial portion of the pro- the choicest invective . . . Tonsils plant a ' Elrr,r.i I c r e s t " OC Lb<= rrur1. I.E are invited to attend. HERE FROM JfEWARK cation and serve as a reporter] gram -was devoted to the formal j were torn to shreds . . Eardrums \ 11 t' Mr. and Mrs. - H. Richlin has on the Tomahawk, the school an- presentation of the first degree to ; Presentation of | began to crumble under the bar- w€:;-l:r.cvr. Frrr.s cbPE" ver.r F-rrr 1 r r-'I -r " as guests -their son and daugh- nual. She has been elected histor- new members. AN?fOFXCE BAB MITZVAH rT c — • the cedentials t othe new Alephs rage . . . The Irish reporter cov- with it. ir^r^b* tli " v oi'^r-i b Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haykin an- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rich- ian of the Kappa Mu Lambda. made by Advisor Al Frank to ering the affair for cne cf the botifred by those Ppt=j-"T 'rr-f-Vr'-rr'~- C nounce the BaT Mitzvah of their liri; Mrs. Richlin's sister, Mrs. Hanna_ Baum, a scholarship ! was Philip Soltolof, Malcolm Trach- big dailies was moted to remark ists Ery Trore . . . Ore wr'ison, Robert, on July 4 at the. Sarah Cohen; Philip Cohen; and. winner, was selected as one of the tenberg, Max Cohen, Harold Xeson the seeming Incongruity of rscuthed S r m cb=pr -IF <=r.r '.r Miss Cecylia Komisky all of Xewfour dancers to participate in Beth Hamedrosn Hagodel Synaselson, Milton Guss, Yale Rich- trying to achieve unity by lam- worth tPE p:ff?s cf hot > s c . . . ; r ark, New Jersey. special'public demonstrations ungogue,. 19 and Burjt streets. and Leonard Lewis. Five of basting the very people with If ycu are arprcficbrd 1o bur -?•der the direction of Miss • Ruth ards,, A rception will • be Held from new Alephs have brothers whom unity was being sought . . cent tickets tr ihe rE'e^tir.e T£Diamond, head of the physical these 3 to 6 that afternoon at theIX EXCELSIOR SPRIXGS in the 'Century' chapter at this And then, when it seemed as if rilion ct 1h? Tor',;;"? Trlr. i r T C home, 139 N. 3Sth street. No in- Mr. and Mrs.'Sam Platt are ineducation department. time. nothing less than actual physical tbsr a resr frrrn rpfri"?: f f f . Pauline . Rosenbaum, achievExcelsior S p r i n g s , Missouri, vitations have been issued. Entertainment was furnished combat must develop from such, fir-'r be fi;rrri.-ec . . . Ir'e r rrTT" where they plan. to stay for sev-ing on all A record, -n-as'selected by Ben Barkin, Milton Guss,- Dave tactics . . . Peace . . . A veritable stur.t to gr-tLrcrrpp tbe ?rv : ;;nrV by members of the " 0 " club as Richards, and Paul Sacks. Advi1 <••'••'.-• TO ENTERTAIN' AT XTTXCHEOV eral weeks. love feast . . . Sunday night Ircandidate for their . sweetheart. sor I. Dansky told stories in YidMiss Helen" Alberts is enterreconcilable enemies . . Monday Elisabeth V»\ F'.sff. I r r r:r.^ - r r - f During the past year she hasdish. taining at a luncheon for sixteen TO VISIT tX CALIFORNIA night, frienfis . . . The Pittsburgh, publicity director frr F'?-:"rrr-rh. as a member of "FeathMrs. Sarah Krasne and .dangh- served Among the many visitors were guests on Monday afternoon in pact drafted by representatives cf re?:pns July 1 . . . ?!:P r ' r f i r r ers," local chapter , Phi Sigma honor of the following-out-of- ter, Marjorie,-together wth Mrs.Chi,- national pep sorority with Alephs from Milwaukee, South the "big four" of American .Jew- needs s ir~!r Tiratior. . . . > : r Bend and the mother chapter. Ka| Krasne's mother, Mrs. R o s e town guests: Miss-iois Novitsky, ish organizations may be one of nie Ercwr.?tc-p. X - F To-k r - v ? Mrs. William Rosenbaum and Miss" Ruth Weiner and Miss Doro- Hirschberg, who ha3 been visit- Celia Lipsman. Hiss Lipsman tnan Wahlberg, field executive j the historic turning points in paperwerrsn EE:J fnrrr.Tlr crpo-'. for District 6 was among the thy Sherman, all of Sioux City, ing here for the past few weeks, has been elected to serve as treaJewish communal life in the Iowa, and Miss Eleanor Stern of will leave for Los Angeles on surer of the chapter for the en-guests. United States . . . Or it Eay sim•dE her . . . Supplementary to last week's ply be just the beginning of .anMonday. ' Valley City. North Dakota. suing year. Mrs. Rosnbaum served as . Pan-Hellenic representa- Toting return Abe Resnick was other free-for-all . . . If the pact elected Aleph Mazkir while Aleph flops (and flopping pacts seera c.ctive. Saylan was elected Alepb. to be the fashion) your Mr. The holder of a citizenship Milton Peters voices the pions hope that scholarship, Eileen Zevitz. fresh- Gisbor. The game with the Jlilders for the boys, if they must go back Ou- Ar>s man, has been active in the dra-first place ia the J. C. C. League to hurling brickbats at each othmatic department. Sylvia Weiner. scheduled for last Sunday was and Esther Steinberg presented postponed because of the death of er, try real hard to find a nice, repertoire recitals under the di-the father ot one D£ the players qniet alley and fire awsy without benefit of a gallery . . . . rection of the dramatic depart- on the opposing team. ment. As outgoing president, Miss r~ - •' POWER: A German en3 a Jew Steinberg will serve as installing Pleasant Hill Cemetery were tall-storying each other . . Society officer at the formal candlelight Said the German: "You know the ceremony of the installation of The final meeting of the Plea- Alps? My ancesters built 'em" new officers on Sunday at 1 o'clock at the home of Mis"s sant Hill Cemetery Society will . . . Retorted the Jew: "Hmpf! be held on Tuesday, June 25. at Child's plsy . . • You 'ks.ow the Frances Blumkin. Janet Graetz, alumna, will as- 2^30 at the B'nai Jacob Synago- Dead Sea? My great-greats killed Hvcr:' it" . . . sist in the ceremony. Officers to gue. 24th and Nicholas streets. err be installed include: Celia LipsA board meeting will be held man, president: Mrs. William at 1:30. BOOK REVIEW A LA F. P. A. Rosenbaum, vice-president and With paeans o* praise I'd fill a pledge-mistress; Esther Steintome. •_ • A l p h a P i T a u berg, secretary; Hannah Baum On "Mortal Storm." by P. Botand Celia Lipsman, inter-sorority Alpha Pi Tau fraternity decid- tome. council representatives; and Es-ed at its meeting Tuesday to hold BOXERS: XJnlted %Press disther Steinberg, Round Table rep- an outing on July 10. patch recently referred to Rep. resentative. Al Oruch has been placed _ia Dickstein as cbairissn of the new Following the installation, the charge of' arrangements. Ho-use committee to investigate ^ f r 1 f. r r"'% '"• r f r p t \ •' / sorority will honor all high un-American activities - . . WhicJi 4 school girl graduates at a tea. •vras big neTsrs to Rep. Dickstein, Pioneer Women Hannah Baum as rush chairman •who 5s madder tfcan a golfer vrho is in charge of arrangements .and The Pioneer Women1! organi- has just takes tea pokes Et s. s is being assisted by Frances zation has announced that its Ba- pill In a sand trap . . . Because Blumkin, Pauline Rosenbaum, zaar held on June 19 was a huge he didn't even get naraed to the and Eileen Zevitz. success. Appreciation has • been committee . . . For which, icci-
r - .1- - r r ,
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Alpha Gamma Chi
Sigma Delta Tau
A. Z. A. 100
A. Z. A. 1
under the names of Beauty, Safety and Long
Life, All for one, one for all, that's what makes the Mohawk 3 truly great tire... It's got everything a tire needs... Now better than ever.. * Yet costs far less than formerly.
IILi Is h, 17th and ©apStoi Avc—AT
extended those who donated cash and merchandise.
At a reception held ,the night of June 21, Boris Conforty, Bulgarian delegate to A. Z. A.'s camp convention, was honored by both of the Omaha chapters. Besides members of this city's chapters, out of town Alephs, enroute to the convention, were present. Ben Barkin, assistant executive secretary of the A. Z. A., introduced several important visiting Alephs. .Refreshments were served to approximately 75 guests. Members - of the' Mot'aer chapter who are going to the camp convention in Estes Park, Colorado are Irv Nogg, <iel2gate and Aleph Godol, Morris Arbltman, Morton Margolin, Haskell Lazere and Bud- Wintroub. Advisors Ben Barkin and Harvey Leon are also going to the convention. The Mother chapter softbalJ team, again back in true form, .ran up an overwhelming score of 19 to 3 over the Sammies last Sunday in the Center Softball league. This victory safely places the A. Z. A. team far away from the cellar. ' Due to the absence of our Alephs Godol .and S'gan, there will be no meeting of the chapter until the end of the A. Z. A. convention. •
• T i e regular Ladies Day'-Program •will be held .at the Highland '.Country Club on Tuesday, June. 2S. Hostesses for the day \vill be Mrs. Ernie Nogg; Mrs. A, H. Brofikey and aiiss Kose Grodinsfey. ' ' : " -: • Golf, Bingo, and • cards will be featured on the dub-program. Patronize Our Adrertisers
Last Day
dentally. he blames a protrsinest organization . . . Aside to
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"".INJANNUM* EEGATTA—Yale varsity crew that mil meet Harvard in the annual regatta"on the T-'Thames River,.New London, Conn., on June" 24. Right to left: Fred C, Cross, bow; Livingston, 2; l-.'; Frost, 3; Captain Louis Johnson,*4; George Weed, 5; Ruprecht, 6; Manning, 7; Henry: Johnson. 8, and Buckley ByeTS, cojcswain. Course is four miles, frqm Grdton Bridge to Gales Ferry.
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STREAMLINE — New Streamlined eight-inch gun embracing all the artillery improvements since the World War, shown under construction at the arsenal in Watertown, Mass. It can be mounted on a flatcar and sent swiftly from coast to coast, in event of an attack by sea. While army engineers guarded details closely, reports were that the gun and mount, weighing 113 tons, could send four 200-pound projectiles a minute 20 miles, at 2,400 feet a second.
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; OVERWORK—Royal S. Cope,' land, 69, Senator from New York X^'/since 1922, who died at his - apartment in Washington, D. C , .- shortly after the adjournment of -, Congress. Himself a physician, it was believed he Knew the seriousness of his condition but did * not relax. Physicians said his ', death undoubtedly was hastened .- BIVER PERIL—Shaded, area, shows how flooded Yellow River ; !>y overwork. He was a Democrat in China.-seeks a new outlet to the sea. Old course (1885) is indir,. and had been Tammany's cancated by solid line and present course is shown by "dotted line. ': didate for mayor of New York - Engineers predict river may join the Yangtze through Hwai. River ••' in 1937; He was born o n - a ..and Hungtse Lake, Meanwhile 2,000"villages were reported under water, with untold thousands dead. ' ' - farm in Dexter, Mich.
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FRANCO IX A7.33EICA—This is Joe Franco of \Tir-netfca. m., freshman at Northwestern University, nephew of General Francisco Franco, commander of the Insurgents in Spain. Cos is £n American-born citizen. He hss never met the General rjp.d his father, Anthony, does not correspond vith his brother. Joe is shown in the Western golf tourney at St. Louis.
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SWIM SUIT — Lovely Susan Hayward, featured film actress, displays her new swim suit, at a Palm Springs, Cal., resort.. The suit is shoulder - strapped one piece, of .rubberized satin. It is in printed design, of red flowers on a white background.
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TO VISIT KENNEDYS—Grandparents to the rumero'js fairilr of Ambassador to Great Britain Joseph. P. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy are LIrs. Kennedy's parents, John F. Fitzgerald, former mayor of -Boston, and Mrs. Fitzgerald. They are shown above £.s they left New York, recently, lor a visit in London vcitli tha f&milr, while the Anfcass*ador was en route to America.
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E1NA3L REUNION — Approximately 2,500 Civil War veterans are expected to be present at the "final reunion of the Blues and the Grays, at > Gettysburg, Pa., National Military FarR, in observance of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, June 29 to July 6. July 1 will be "Last Reunion pay," with impressive ceremonies in which all the 43 states will participate. Above
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are scenes from the park. • Top, sharpshooter's position in the Devil's Den, facing Big and Little Round .Top. Bottom, near the summit of Little Round Top. Arrow indicates bronze statue of ' General Gouvemeur Kemble Warren, on a rocfe. Inset,/Mills House, where President Lincoln spent the night before giving his famous Gettysburg dedication address. . . ' .'
Ar^rtrc/-—n-:-c ccscrrci I::E TC'r. l'.v."-i;ry. cv. C - f rr Prince Cu:\.zZ Aic'.f, eve shovi &: hrmn, curin-: s ios'L.T-l ;~ &.or;.hc: T-;;C- Ers fr vss'.t -\r?~:,':c rbev." Ti:r;
KIONAPEB FIGHTS FOB LTFE—T'el-ted f.7h; to essape-the electric ehcir -wzs ber^a -7 attorr-y for Franklin-Pierce-McCall,-convicted, kidns-par of Jirany Cssh, in il:iaii, Fla.. • an appeal to t^e pardon-board Above McCal! right, hears Circuit Judge H. P. Atkinson pronounce death sentence cc him, in Miami. Inset, HcCali's young vrife, who:' was in seclusion after he confessed. -
~)(.\.r~r~ L.^U's"
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..THE JEWISH" PRESS—FRIDAY, JTJXE 24, I9SS offer him, in my nasns, a positioa | caught the freshness of a first j change to be ns-ie Ir. -Liz. 7 caa--phllcaop!ier at the University "take" EatsS yards ci film. | ture. He enir v ILL.!.; it I c v r ~ of Heldelbnrg. Spinoza, a grfnSBut l i s a er cf Jenses, indeed'" ond' xneg-api oner Trill zre to j tfceir attacii r - *r * — - - -*r— "Accept it, Barcch!" Spisosa's sboot ! or if It is ts> be c -ectei -r-. -••'• retakes . , friends urged when the letter ar- first, nose the Trbcle l^zr .r^^... maybe rived. Anything' caa happea is. Ec-I- try- Vfiateve; ^ „, l\ z E..- -'» ^r '"TMiik,, a philosopher at HeiCU r r IS S 4;SW CUE, pp lywood. Zlstojisioa of tho Jepidi Cososrcxdty 0 e s t o tersiuefl to t t - ttll - *•?*--- r ' delburg!" they crieg. "Yea not have- to- "wear yoarself out Sainiay Steia h a s besa t r e s S beading all day'grinding lenses!" ing up oa "To be or r o t to be" \ , ShaTibatli boys :ore they can return t o ' Paleaacd similar Seavy • "drahrna" -.. • • Sjstaoaa Hefases aa escitir:gr dr."' ine." of t h e Jnijior 3ewteSj .Press! "Sly mind must be free/' lie •when iie discovered his part ia We hope yon ore eajoying said. •'While 1 grind leases, only ii i j j . 1 , *^,A TV.'-V.^CIB A V ^ ^ ^ ^ J ! v » ^ ( i ' n ^ ' - r ' P r t 3 c r j - ' - , -- , r - V yoor; vacation cow tliat Ecbool The Bound of a- horse'3 hoofs CIIIT pan-1 TCES my- hands work. If I teach. I will EO dialogue at all is oat and tha*: you are feavisg was Beard in the courtyard, then tie" A 7 X . h» r"-t-* -*r» r-^ rruse iay mind -which I must &eep testae! many interesting times; .-••-, hurrying feet. ^ raiag poo. of r s . r ^ t r r "»".: X to" make ths gift I will give to the "Is anyone there?" a strang& great nranber of onr readworld." Another cissppoisted thespian ten, Eprtised h.r r ^ l t . . •"*• *• F "*" C ""(3. Banscla Spi^osa) ers-are coming to Casjp.Atiba er's voics cried. So Baruch Spinoza continued is Mazie Hosenblocxa. Ke tried E-fternocs Ms I r . t l ;c *." The synagogue of Amsterdam to grlSid lenses. And as t e -rorkStartled, no one answered: The at the .Center* others are .golitter of 13 P'^TZ . . . Iz. l i r f"C j £ for the part of a tough who ing OB their''.vacation... Won't, men looked about to see -whether.' was crowded with sad-faced men. ed, a lit of coughing racked his fights in a prison scene. He mug 50 Irisr-r rr-—v"'>-" r- r ^-Before the alter two black can-' lungs so teat often ha tiad to stop yoa write na end let us knot? all the books were hidden. failed to get it and Explains to ivhat JOB are planning to do "Is no one there?" the voice dies burned dully. The Holy Ark to catch his breath. His Esind whomever will 'listen, "My face wife, Tvette, rt ti° irrr- cf fithlg summer andi htnv you hops cried impatiently. "Open the was thrown open and the pierc- grew stronger, but his body grew was too sympathetic!" ing blasts of the sfeofar filled the frailer. to spend yonr vacation; door!" hearts of the listeners with terThis week » e are printing The cough grew -worse. T i e When the door w§.3 opened a or. Above the sounds o f . t b e ' s a o Fanny Brice d- "her gar'.two stories. The. first one la royal messenger stepped in. He far t h e voice of a man rang out: fins powdered dd glass of the. lenses dener to, use some ehsnical stuff about Blaaasseli ben Israel, one doffed hl3 bat and looked about "Baruch Spinoza i s no longer a that bs ground crept into his on her new lawn. He clatmei it lungs and his lungs grew weaker ' of the .great Jewish men of onr him curiously. Jew. He Is cut oft from Israel." was infallible in keeping s-vray times, who made it possible " I come from Hiss Highness, A shudder passed through the as time weat slowly on. Tlsea a garden pests. It worked . . . but lop the Jewish people to live Oliver Cromwell," he announced. congregation. The • candles were fear seized him.- If, he thought, burned up the entire lawn. She's useS to the ices, tZ v " ' = rc."> . . . he -should die. before he had fin- now considering reseeding with icg slacks zv: c > c - . r .? r - - I ' - f r ~r~ ' in England again;"the other is - ~ ; rTha room became deadly quiet, snuffed put . . . 7 ished hia gift to the world . . . about Baruch Spinoza naothe* Manuel made a move towards parel—so Luiss .r i—ef< r~ Jrc™ >"r r. r" p- \~ * r •jl -'— r* prop paper grass. ; Meir pushed, his way from the late into the night, year afgreat Jew and philosopher. ia slowly . . . *"^r r.^.r^r r r r r t ? T * F " —€ c . r — - rr . ' v ; r Manasseh ben Israel as though to synagogue - and walked gloomily terSoyear, he sat beat over his We hops you cajoy both o? protect him. M-G-M vehicle. f-c=: E ITt^Fa-.rr hr~E. . " c - r r, • - . . . ' ,. : And so to print. through. the darkening street. He books, reading and writing, readthese stories. play titled "Zz^2. .- r- " 'v, " v " r Vri ' f:-v" - j , f "Which of you Is Manasseh ben had not gone very far before a ing and'writnig. The Etars turnYOIH AUNT NAOMI • by Jeirlsb. Tels- portray isci&cr'r c : c rrrf"- ^r s- r= .'rv-i-* •" - • Israel?" the: messenger asked. young yellow-haired Dutchman ed pale in the sky and the dawn l e l i n g e v e n t s -r. h e r c ^ r . '.Szl : r c r r c : - - z~~z- - - - " • , graphie Agency, l a c - "I am Manasseh ben Israel," approached him from, the shadow crept gently over the" dykes c" the rabbi answered. of a tree. _ • ' . . ' ' " . . Holland. 'But In a Email attie p l a y , s h e ^scs^T"oZ I r r T~~zz.t£ T - L»c T _r'"-ti, r 1 ", v*-f v ** ^ t ? "I sought you at your lodgings room a candle burned, as Baruch "Weir, Meir?" asked Derk. gardicg her Eta"-; anit.t^r-r zz.i. ri-r-C.rr , > r , - 1 r ^ —^ ' r at the Strand. Your landlord diSpinosa^s^t OXST his table, t&infe"It-was horrible!" Meir shudran aw&jr froz: Lcz+z to r.-. Zz •" "~'~ " '""- l~- -- ~ i -1(2. Manasseh ben Israel) rected me here." dered. "I'm glad Spinoza wasn't ing, writing,'while racking coughs a faraoas drasrrtir rci:~~" "~ VJ- -^ «' ™~ ' • • ' r ' • ~ "What you wish?" tore at hi3 body. And i f last, Ten men were gathered in a there. Do-you know where he esna . . , Tie r a j , v l , i T ; rr— Tfv- v r - - - r - "Hia Highness has received I s ? ' " ' when his lungs could cough EO •room on; a crowded street of Lon• - . - ' . " •' ' •: reach the scree- er '2-:—ct ; '^" >~"?~e f*'" • -* " -• T - r more, his body lay still. don, open books in their hands. your -"letter asking for an audiSchool" under : : e - T r L,t~c^'t c - " e s r " E * " " r* c r- - % ^. "He's staying at my house. His. legacy The soft drone of.':'their .boices ence with him. He will see you By DICK CKASS production ae?»r, c c r . c : tr= : - E E -" ^ r cl i- -'-E ' r~f , -,> r ~ filled the room as they-. swayed at once. Please' come with me. What shall I tell him?" Tenderly hia friends, who had of students of t^2 71~T-C A r - ^ — " i r ' •'"'•' <* - : ' ™ " r, "Tell him he's n o t to come loved gently back.and forth In prayer. The carriage ia waiting." r £ him, touched the small ob' : ' '" ' Suddenly one of them glanced The messenger stepped from back- to Amsterdam for a long jects in hia room. Baruch. SpinoTISITOR'S OAT: Striking sit- cf Dramatic Act-? r r :--•—',. c v c " f - - ' [> out of t h e window and with a the room and Manasseh rose to time. I l l bring him his books." za, the man who had ground uations freatiently develop when . . . Just Eboct ^ e f = e ."o? Z-,o~ z ^ 1"y r ~~* \" "I don't understand your.rab- lenses to keep his mind free for persons not conrBcted "with the and Mosie Schn-c'^c: are E.V>nt "" ^'f *" « t f ' ,. cry faced t h e group. follow. bis," Derk burst oat with a sudl r motion picture industry drop ia to mis it in Vvr "ir-'-, "-r-:: '/'_'_ "Hide the Bible!" he ordered. r "Plead well for ns," the men den passion.. "Spinoza was the the world, was dead. •\ c-c ' tr-" " " " " ' " ° ' " to doubie-o the studios. There will" t a r e ready i c r r;I"arc z t c - , The Bible disappeared quickly. murmured softly, • -.', brilliant student at the Yes- "You will find it to my draw- would be something wrong ia the Pete Smith sports short, "Sell- " ^ ' ^ " »il" ••-„i- ^ C * . • "Close the prayer boots! Put • "You are the messenger-of all most er," he had said before he died. hivah, and now, because he reads setugNif such were cot t i e; Defense," written by Benny Ku- £Z~*?y s~ _£E r:f.rre. f ti." •< _• r . them behind t h e curtain!" Israel. Their hopes are .with Latin, and Greek books and has "Look for It after my death." £ lt : ei v • "What's the, matter, Antonio?" you." They opened the drawer. It was with all the brains, talent, eccen- t i n a s S festering Baer Arts, . . . i ' ll -l^'l""'^' . ' f l ' - " VN ' l ' r , ',' : new-ideas; they'.throw, him out of 1ES£.K t ys sSerea "There is a stranger in the a book called ~ Ethics. Into it he tricity 'and glamour corralled (Copyright, "Go with our blessings, you the congregation." x O c c u r s »sj fawii-ci-t courtyard," Antonio said. "Per- Hope of Israel."' had ground his thought, year by within Hollywood's gates it's the An Explanation unusual and the striking that behaps he saw us through the winyear, through the nights, as he To The Protector "It isn't that, Derk," Meir said Bhivered there in his cold attic come the commonplace. Exhibit dow." '.. ' . nenes Ests Manasseh ben Israel stepped patiently. "You're not a.' Jew, so room. The entire world, he said, A: It was a Scsiaaii's 'holiday the 'I think you are exaggerating the danger," Manual said irritab- into the carriage. The driver it's hard for you to understand. is God. And man must live ac- other afternoon for Dr. Ida-urice ly. "They don't kill you here for touched the horses and the Dutch The Jews have - suffered, very cording to the laws of God. All Kann, Cefiars of I^ebason hospir-f !rah~bi rode off, over the cobbled much for their religion. When the truths he had found were in tal surgeon. Dr. Kaha dropped -rr being a Jew. This isn't Spain." Fh.ila5.elpi.ia \^A}—Plans *or 'They- don't -want Jews ;in mer- street, to the palace of England's you suffer for something you the book — truths to teach s e a in at the "Always Goodbye" set establiEhineiLt cf a camp lor Ger- • They to live better lives. on the 20th Centcry-Fos lot to ry England either, and I'd rath- Protector. Through the large guard It very carefully. pay a long-deferred visit to his TVeEt PErfe, K. T-, across the • er not be discovered," Antonio high-pillared halls, up the mar- want us to acept i t without quesBaruch Spinoza had made a ; ble steps, through thick-carpeted tions, as it been handed down pair of specacles for the world. old friend. Director Sidney Lanretorted. field. Trith the swinging o* the Hcdsoa rirer from Preslfisr.-; "But the government knowa of rooms he went. Then two guards to us. They want us to seek for stage doors, the visitor gaspeS in RooseTelt'e Ej-de Park estate, . us, and the merchants know of us opened a-door before him, and no other truths. Baruch Spinoza Kadizna Club seeks Truth for himself whereManasseh ben Israel entered and amazement for there he -seas, iavc bees coinpietefi t r the —-yet whenever you see a strangDue to the inclement weather right smacfc in the midcle cf a American Friends Serrice Co~ever he can find it,*' was alone with Oliver Cromwell. er you imagine he reads your seThe two walked silently along, the Kadiina Club picnic was post- hospital maternity •rard. Erery- mittee. Slowly, the -sun began t o sink cret in your eyes: I am Antonio,It will SOCES mcEtly r-rcfeEin the sky. Long shadows fell arm in arm. A thick fog covered poned until next Wednesday thing:, devrn to tks> last surgical a secret Jew, a Marano, who morning. The group will meet chart, partook cf a , completely Eicnals, st:ch ss ptrsscians, artover the rich .tapestries and a them like a shroud. living secretly in England." ' T n going home now," Derk in the J31nrwood Park pavilion. authentic hospital atmosphere— ists BV.& irriters. TSe camp. "But Antonio is right," Ferd- breeze stirred about the guards In case of rain a meeting will inand said. "We can't be too who stood before the door. At broke the silence. "Do you wish be held at the Jewish Comnuaity in perfect, preparation for the which will be too^rn &s "Aber- 1 . last the guards, hearing steps in to come with me to see him?" studio shooting schedule. (Only) aeen," will gsve refuse to EC pe?-, careful." "No, It's too late. Perhaps to r Center. the inner room, sprang to attenthe cameras weren't sterilizes.!) so^s at first, who Trill be selectee f The Visitor One day this week John-Boles had ia New Tcrfe EE& -rill par t l r | A knock was heard at the door. tion as Manasaeh came foryi, hia morrow. . They parted and Derk hurried Rabbi Hersch'el Rosen of" Dallas day Jor espeasss. i The men looked at each other, face alight. At the corner of the street, a along "till he came to his house as his lusciieon gnest st t i e Parthan one with a shrug of the amount commissary. Ke intro- Fascist Attacks Toscsxi»i: ; shoulders, opened the door. A large hat shading his face, An- a t the outskirts • cf Amsterdam. ^ He found Spinoza alone, poring . . '. duced Rabbi P.osea -to Scenarist gTey-beared man stood before tonio waited for him. Jofca C. Moffitt. Tha latter, fclink"What news, Mannasseh ben over a heavy book. -SUr curly ' them. ' • black i a i r tumbled over a pale eir Etare3, asd began pump-hand"Sholem Alelchem. I a m U a n - Israel?" he demanded eagerly. ling - the Tesan. In their youth, "Cromwell Jias Jjeen,won, ovsr forehead and hl3 intense eyes asseJi ben Jsrafil«-'_the,nianT said. Hollywood—"One picture Is the two had Seen call-boys to- direction of the Palestine Ers.- « T . They" stared "at him without to our Bide* I t ris now tor Parli- glowed like live coals a s : they worth ten thousand words," say gether on the St. Lotiis Post-Dis- piocy Orches'tra, Kclvsrto Psrinament to decide. England * will sped over the closely-printed moving-. . .. ••': •-.'. . the Chinese. So "The Fight for patch. ECCI, oue-tirae general secretarr ' * — pages. ."The Aiissterdam Kabbi?" gasp- open her gates to Jthe Jews." cf the Fascist party and Italr'r , Peace," produced by Herbert Spinoza Told "England "will op'en. her gates ed' one of them. • -, "Were you there?" asked Spin- Bregstein and Irving Applebanin KUXKECG TEE KL0CKABB: leafiicg anti-Eeraite, calisc the "Am I not welcome?" Manas- to the Jewsl" The cry spread over England. oza quickly as his Dutch friend from an original by Henfirick Tcese semi-tropic climes just l seh asked,: smiling" at their surWilliam Ven Loon, should drive don't produce enough crciifis, ia for accepting- - honorary citizenParliament met to . decide' "the sank into a chair opposite him. prise. .''••'•. . zrdp of Tel AriT for riTing cos-' "No,-, but Keir was. He didn't home with cutting clearness the this column's opinion, to do jusManassah ben Israel! Welcome, fate of the -people .-•. knocking at tell me much." gruesoiae horror, the ruthless tice to Producer Walter Wanger certs -in PalestiJi©. Farisacd z&i£ I her gates. • « , welcome!" , ."Spinoza closed the book and cruelty of modern war. Com- for his picture, "Blockade" asd "England must not open her /'You are thrice welcome!" drummed on it with his long thin gates to the . Jews!" English prised of unused newsreel dips, the stand he's taken on Its re• • " They drew him into the room x c3cs,nin.i and bustled 'about him. One of sne'rehanta, . jealous of. Jewish lingers. A smile' pulled at t h e cor- headlines. End photographs, it is lease. His statement -on that reners of his mouth. a concise document of «* history cent Hollywood Hotel broadcast them offered him the best chair merchants, told the government. "What will you do now?" ask- from 1914 until today. Hitler, —"Nobody has been able to tallt I Scsla."""* "Keep closed the gates! No in the room. Another set a kettle Mussolini, Hirohito, Franco, End about the picture thus far with j «U»»-I»U«J.J boiling- for tea. And ; a third Jewa in England!" priests cried ed Derk. "I'll find God in my own way," the people of the -world are ths any knowledge because • nobody f " ~^-- ' brought wine and placed it before irom their pulpits. r "England must permit the Spinoza answered with -a quiet chief actors. The film leaves yoa has seen it. The feet that I have *• "• - "• *^ * . their honored guest. with o n e burning question: dared .to use a civil war now 'go-j '-•How did you find us?" Anton- Jews to enter!" English friends smile. 7-,"But yon have to "make a liv- "Why don't the -western democ- iag on ia Sarope as the h&ck-t n«-rire io asked in a whisper, as though of the Jews cried. '.'••'.. afraid that his breath might blow . "Open the gates!" said Oliver ing." racies DO something to halt the ground for a motion picture, real-j /~^~. "I'll grind lenses for a living i^her great rabbi back to Holland.- promwell to his Parliament. "We hideous carnage? Why? And ly caused' all • the disscssiens . . " — —"^ p ' I .inquired for you of people pill gain "much i t we -make —and-while I grind with ray when? hands, my mind ,will be free to who are friendly to the Jew. They friends of the Jews." told the whole story. Titles suc- X Z \"; T i } make a gift for the world." Uanasseli Heads'" told me where I would find the cessively "The Sirer Is Blue," Lillian Roth . . . remember? . . " W h a t do you mean?" Derk "The Jews must enter," pleadgroup of Marano merchants.. And "Ths • Adventuress," "'The Rising j so I have, and I am indeed glad ed • Manasseh ben Israel. i'They asked, his fair brow puckered. - Is heard tuning up the pipes Tide" and finally "Bloc fare- tortured "and killed in Spain, "I mean that while my hands again.: Mayhap she'll try a come- the story is laid i s coateaiporary j to be with you." In Russia and in Poland. Will grind lensea for spectacles, my back in flickers. • r . "You honor us, Master.'* -' ! Spain and slerices l i a r ' s futility, '-' "Your great works are known you deny them refuge fare? The mind will grind lenses too, for s without takisg sides. Shortly &f-j different kind of spectacles, to Preview Peek: Just saw HolJews bring wealth to the lands ' j to us, Eabbij" said Rodrigo, who ter the picture's corip! "had not yet Bpoken. "They have where they live. Will you keep make- the world see the truth. lywood's idea of "Having a Won- its first preview by s ce>Eapara-| Men often make mistakes because derful Time." Glossed over and tirely ezsaU group ' cf Tvasgrer traveled -to every part of the that wealth from your own land? world. But to behold you with You have driven tyrany from En- they cannot see the truth. The "Aryanized" for general con- executives, there cans a cablespectacles my mind will give them dethroned sumption, it has lost some cf Its grain from General ' Franco's our own eyes,, here in London, we gland, y o u have Charles 1 and bave made, a gov- some day, will help them see the original flavor. One ia continu- clique in Spain to the never.dared to dream." . . . Q 3i "Your community is yery ernment for the people. Will: you truth, and they-will live better ally imagining the scene as It office, threateaisg a baa on . would have been ia dialect. Sbi- "Blockade," and all future TTEEsmall," the rabbi said. "I expect- be tyrants now to the Jews, who lives." The Lens Grinder Buffer worse than you have ever men Raskin, Is ths osly actor ger proSuctioss (frora Spals £Ed ed to find many more of -you." suffered under, your tyranical So Baruch "Spinoza, to make a from the Broadway cast, and ,Be Italy ( tf 'the S i n r e r ^ i s e S i s Its ••-, ': Only Amsterdam.ji Itefuge' .-"England hasrdosed- her gates kings? By. admitting the Jews, living, ground lenses for spec- makes the most of a very small present "offensive" form. *m. f-* to us," Manuel said, his voice you will make possible their re- tacles, microscope's and telescopes part. Obviously there was a leak in Swee filled with bitternes, "and those turn to Palestine. I plead with and while his hands were busy, the Wanger group, and it •sras his mind was free to think. And of vs who are here must be con- you to open the gates!" When the Chinese Theatre was this that the procliicsr fiesircd to "You preach against us in your as his hands ground lenses, his plunged tent to be Jews in secret.'' into darkness tn© other "And in- Holland?" another synagogues and. hate, our Savi- mind toa ground a different sort night, Groticiio,. the iec&ler, investigate' 'before going with the pictsre, Hesce 3ae ceof lenses, for tee spectacles he asked. "Is Holla'nd friendly to the our," the priests answered. "That 'a not true," said Man- would somo day give " ) the yelled,' "Why don't yoa pay, your layed the press preview, t o eaJewB?" -'.'•' light bill?" Good-naturedly the able h.is2. to discover . the zpj work "Holland has always welcom- asseh ben Israel. "We preach world. At night whe;> iieh reported—as i against no - one. We teach only was done, he sat till.l . in his •manager answered i t was paid Eonree ed a s . " . begged the Indtilgence of the happens, .erroseoiialj-—that lh - '"- -"Then "-on have not come here peace and good wilL We teach, small attic room, and by ..e wav- and ering light of a candle he bent audience for a moment. "Well, film was EEti-IzFurgsst.' .But | men to love their fellow." . to live?" '.'I have come to ask England " "We despise your mean mer- over his books til! his body ached tfien," persisted the comic, "wSy more important, than that: TTaa- \ to open her g&fes to the Jews,' chants. They will steal our trade," for sleep. And slowly the tame of don't' yon raffle' off an automo- ger is not pennfttins a Eiagle' bile - - Just to kill time?" hi3 knowledge spread. 3Ianasseh ben Israel said'slowly said the English merchants. "You call yourselves the -nob- "Bauch Spinoza!" University "England must allow Jews who Jales Garfield, Tg'no TS-BS reare driven from -other lands to lest .merchants -of the world," students, at I^eyden said with awe. said Cromwell scornfully. "Are "A grinder of lenses who knows edited as John Garfic'd, will be • come here." V ; listed oh the credits as Join . "England will refuse!" ex- you then afraid -f . t h t Jewish more than our professors!" merchants, who will enrich our They made their way to his Juleg Garficld!' Ke is • . ha isn't claimed Manuel. poor attic roomaud sat on chairs . . i e is . . just s assist Holly"We live here; Antonio; spoke land?" '"Eaccess a t X a s t - •and'tjn the hsrd floor, to drink wood custom. quickly, glansing toward thQ winThe: battle raged for . months. in his wisdom. -His fame spread dow, "as Christians. Since England, almost four hundred years All over the world, the Jewa beyongiHoIIand, to every country . Though he'd lijte to keep It ago,'drove us from her shores, watched breathlessly. Spanish and of the world. Scholars and great dark, Milton Berfe was ths Shirour people have never returned. Portuguese Maranos, with their men grew buinSle before the ley Tern . . er . . ths i>eRey that great mind of the frail Baruch of his time.' Years s^o, be-rore | Why should England admit U3 tortured breaths, prayed Manasseh ben Israel would suc- Spinoza. now?'' . our current lamiBaries locsed, | "When I was ia Holland," said he was the couEtaatly irsperillefi "England .must allow the Jews ceed. Jews, persecuted in Russia and in: Poland, waited, their a Frenchman when he returned .". to enter," Manasseh ben Israel of the "Perils of PssliEe." to Paris, "I found a new fashwent on in a firm voice. "We eyes on England. Manasseh ben Israel fought, ion." ' - . - - - . - v V. a it- <" J- * must persuade England to admit Ths merry aovie-so-rosnd: "And what was that?" our people here, so that some day with his tongue, with his pen. He An see director reS-saraed Sis made many .enemies in England, ^'it was fashionable to they may return to Palestine. actors . . . okayefl tne scese . « •. .'.'• That is the hops of Israel.'? - but also many friaads* To these Baruch. Splneaa." called, "Soil ' e m ! " TJie -cssuera .His .Fame Spreads • • "JReturn to Palestine?" Manuel friends he spoke, and they listen- • •'• And the fame of Sis' leases t-nrned . . , the' actors gave' forth asked, bewildered. "I am a sim- ed T7Uh delight to Sis wisdom and with a spontaneity-'hat-tc-Bchea ple man, forgive me, and I do grew to" love him, eveii as Crom- s p r e a d t o o . •••'.a the..^lookers-en. But the di"What-abeautifully . clear not understand. You say the Jews well did; .-.•-.Thus Manasseh sowed Ma seed lens," -cried ths Elector Palatine, recttor "ffass't satislicfl . . . a s must be admitted te England BO ; desaaced .. that one day they may return to of wisdom dn the hearts and of tlis • University of "Heidelbarg, minds of many ..people. And wlisn gasiag through t h s - telescope. "Tslis two," " T a t s tSree," &nfi Palestine?" ' "• : so oa until all ths elzan^es haa "Who maSe i t ? " . " "The Bible tells us," said Man- Manasseh could reinain no loss "Tafce ... asseh, "that the Jews must first in tScgland, he sailed back to .. - "Baruch Spinoza," answered fcesa clisaged b a c l r be scattered in every land, be- Holland. But those who had lis-X<oui3 Fabritus, councillor to t i e Eight" was ..ths original "Taie cae" . . . though less natural . . . fore they can at last return to tened to him spoke to others, and Elector. •/'•"• •... thoir ovrn land. There are Jews in the seed that.Manasseh ben Israel "Splaosa, the great pliilosopl:- vras sreaour.eed gooS. smi crevery land but England. The Jews had sown spread slowly, slowly, er, grinds lenses?" der^S printed. must therefore come .here too, be- to every corner of England. "A great philosopher. must cat Visiting another, set v e found And at last England cried: to."' . tha director rehearsed ths sees© Pstroaiza Oar Advertisers "Open the sates!-"- :-..•• • .- • "Ssnd 'Ilia-a letter at oaca a s d "Tsat csoe . . . E&ct it CSES . . .
::. r
I \
-.. -^"r """'
Pago 8
! the charge that German and Aus- cree banning l e v : from all acthe trian Jews are fomenting war tivities connected in any war Fiji, si scares, or even look to "war under with horse racing. The Reich Intheir deliverance. Jews here re- surance Office nas announced M'iLL alize only too clearly that they the . principle that Jewish hospi) bet. v e r F5 "would be the first victim in thetals ' must not take non-Jewish Who would like- to win $100 j business rs T1". event" of hostilities, for they patients and that racial groups I in cash a i d a'trip to New York j ktd., wh hilss P. «srroo?c=dca5 (Continued "from Page 1.) would face prison and concentra- shall be separated la all hospitals j City with all expenses :>aid — to j Froni 19Z.6 to ' l.Sc-0 lie tion camps for the men and ex-and clinics. j appear on Bob Ripley'g "Believe j Mayor" of Sura &r>& wcs retu fered punishment at the hands o treme poverty and distress for ' i t Or Not!" program of July 19? j seven times p.e fit elected n the authorities. This group seem the women and children. The wo rid-famous traveler end sentrtne of to continue to bear the brunt o: tive Asce-rb collector of amazing facts, heard Jewish children born in thej Tuesdays over the NBC-Red Net-I _w ^,^._. police activity. ,-••..-.' Reich would automatically be..•'.. •: Shops'.iLooted I work for General Foods' Post's j { sa Empire * and"7n " Bran PJpkes, raakes this unique'i kcis;hted for -public E The two older classes of the Excesses occurred on Frank come stateless and without Geroffer to any one conected vrith ——^______1_L_L_1_1LL_!! Hebrew school h a d - a summer furterallee in the North End. man nationality under a decree Wilbur Jones, executive chairproposed' by' Dr. 'Wilhelm Stucki the grocery btisiness who submits outing a t Riverside park Thurs- where Jewish- shop-windows were man of-the civic delinquent. tax art, State Secretary in the Minday. Entertainment • included broken and,: in some instances campaign, has asked ^-acceptable-"Believe It Or N o t ' " E L E ^ T P ^ T ' - ' ' D E V C L ? - ' baseball games and a hike into according" to neighbors, crowd; istry of • Interior, writing in thecollection _^f^t the Jewish Press to remind its "experiences for the program ol j the hills. • surged into the stores and walked magazine ,of the German Acade- reader? that July 1 is the delin- th*t&&te: „ ,. ; . I TAKE XOTTOK of th •Election of delegates to-', the The group visited the Sioux out'with their arms loaded with my of Justice. quency date for the last half of This jemg the first anniversarr i tion of a rompanr. it : American Jewish cbngress will be City^Brick and Tile Company and merchandise. ; According to on Xew Anti-Semitic ^Measures 1938 personal taxes. Once delin-. of his radio association with Gen- v.-bi<-hT is ETJKTROXIC held Sunday. For the convenience had a conducted tour through the witness, ' street : cars, buses and Meanwhile, the Wilhelmstrasse Foods, Ripley will dedicate | *l?* _, of busii of voters the city has been divld- plant. Rose Goldsman was = in subways were hopelessly jammed and Storm Troop leaders were quent, these taxes draw seven per eral his broadcast of Tuesday, July 7.9 place ka, ' The gem If hi . ed into three precincts, one at the charge of the group. Similar out- during the-raiding hours becaus' busy with : a new series of anti- cent interest until paid. to the American grocer, and neRR is nisn At the same time, Mr.Jones Jewish Community Center, one at ings have been planned to take every boarding- passenger carried Semitic measures, the spearhead make it the occasion to welno ae .r Shaare' Zion synagogue at 16thplace during the summer months. a large bundle of :clothes, shoes of which is a law paving the waypointed out -hat August 1 is the grocery trade winners to his pro-tured ; -.-tirlef! delinQueney date for the second res5orip«i the: and Douglas streets and one at tt hardware and other r merchandise, for a permanent nation-wide half of current real estate taxes. gram. therewith to ; the Beth Abraham synagogue at Letters.. Pate Before the'disorders a group o Every one connected with the bjycott of Jewl-.h enterprises. Fank These taxes also draw seven per Hebrew School Meets sions. etc., r 6th and Cook streets. Votchildr"en; led by a 12-year-old Other developments were: cent interest from delinQEency grocery business, in any way. isand designing ing •will take place from 9 o'clock eligible to erter the contest. Ac- and wbcr nourished a paint can and 1—A, reported move to cutdate until date of payment. Summer schedule for the He"a:, m., until 8 a'clock in the even•Mr. Jones urg^ed all readers of counts of strange experiences, tal to the brew school" sessions will be from brush, moved down'^Frankfurter- down- drastically the number of ing. .' . TJie . painting- a. shield of synagogues throughout the Reich the Jewish Press to check np'tvitb which may cr may not pertain to tion. 1 00 0 -••-. The. three "candidates who were 8:30 o'clock until 12:15., New strasse,, the grocery busiress, should be ^I "'! "'! -.David on Jewish windows, scrawthecounty treasurer's off ice. beclasses-for beginners are being to conform with the ratio of Jews nominated at a conference of resent to "Bel-eve It. Or Not." Rip- ^ i ' 2 J" presentatives of all the Jewish or- formed and registration Is still ling "Pig Je\V" and'often adding to the total population. This rep- fore these delinquency dates to ley, New York City, or to General j husineSK.' a sketch of gallows with a hang- resents the first, systematic at- be certain all personal and real •' •; \ ganizations in the city, as dele- o p e n . Foods, 250 Park Avenue. New 'fj,!inf "r t h ing figure labelled "Jew." v tl » h f oi i tempt to interfere with Jewish re- estate tas^s are paid. gates are Rabbi Jacob M. Brown, 1 ligious life. In addition to an A total of almost 250 Omaha York City — not later than July fifty years, with ,-iclit of rene^V. , .' Dr. J.. N. Lande, and Mr. E. N. .The group was followed by a 12. Sisterhood The Kmonnt- of inrlpbtedncsf: ii a» • Grueskin. crowd of; adults,- laughing cheer- old - synagogue ordered demol- firms have turned in lists of Iheir fixed by law. The Rffalri of tJ>P cn?l'I: officers and employees for preished in Munich, the report-of the poration- are to be conducted bv i*t-Mrs. E. E. Baron i- chairman ing-' and offering suggestions. paration of personal tax state• snd Offinrrn "• ' ' I of the ice cream social which Where the 'chil.dreu were not sure demolition-o£ another in Nurem- ments or are compiling lists for mnnthR berg was received here. ELECTi:o^] will be held on the lawn of her whether the'owner of a shop was co. that purpose, Mr. >ones said. This By GEORGE RISK. 2—A ban on Jews in motion total represents 25,000 individhome June".29 sponsored by mem- Jewish, 'they entered the store Inrorporator and Presbers of the Mount Sinai. Temple and asked.; In one case they picture houses and the. projected uals ident. ' employed by all sizes of scrawled, t h e . .word* "EassenSisterhood. .' . • '..-.•' ," establishment of "ghetto cine6-24-SS-St And I. .JK. TSnovrx, Countv London (JTA) — Sir Henry firms, large and small, in all lines Junior Hadassah annual sumschande" (race defilement) on a Incorpovp.tor and • mas" for Jewish youth. Under Marks, a prominent member of of business endeavor. mer frolic will be held In the airSecretarv-Treas«rer. Patroriize Our Advertisers.' store front.. -Frequently during orders from storm troopers, seven conditioned Rainbow Room of the course of the procession down cinema owners ordered Jews to the West Hotel, June 25. Johnthe. street, uniformed storm troop- get out and declared they did not nie Koch's orchestra.has been eners passed: and made no attempt desire Jewish patronage in the gaged for the frolic. , to interfere.' Police appeared and future. " .•-'-..Sophie Franklin is chairman of likewise''.took'.ho--action.the affair. Co-chairmen are Ruth 3—Continuation of mass arDorotho Baltsman •"Orlikoff and Bluma Merlin. X6.. Information on Victims' rests to round up Jews who fled There,will be a meeting of the ' Officials at the Alexanderplatz to Berlin from terrorism in B'nai B'rith Monday, June .27, central .police headquarters would Vienna. = ' 3SEBREW MOTHERS for the .installation of officers. reveal .no"-.information about the The decree vesting the 'Minis'-•? PICNIC JULY 1 0 Mr. and Mrs. Harry . Cherniss number arrested or.their fate. An ter of Economics with, the auofficial '."replied to an inquirer: Mitzyah of "Your friend, will bereieased in thority to. order all Jewish firms -'Hebrew mothers association announce the . . Bar : to hallmark themselves by distheir son,. Edward, on Saturday, "and the Talmud Torah will hold three-days or .his family w-ill- be playing signs puts Jewish econFT June 25, from the rChevr'a B'nai their! Joint picnic July 10 in Rivnotified at the end of that period in- the. most difficult posi-erview. park. Mrs. James Gang Yisroef Synagogue. All friends about the disposition of the case.' omy tion it has' yet reached in the and relatives are invited.' .land Mrs. A. Feinberg are co-A ' six-pointed Jewish star and Reich. The law further requires chairman of arrangements for the picnic. .•.•'••'•'. The. MIsse3 Shirley Gershun the slogan "Germans Do. N.ot Buyregistration of every Jewish firm and Esther Sax entertained at a from Jews" were painted on the n a special register; which foreroast.Thursday evening in sidewalk :before a' Jewish shop in shadows establishment of a per_".:;. Shaare Zion Auxiliary weiner Place in Berlin's west manent basis for t h e ' heretofore honor of several out-of-town Bavarian side.; East End crowds gathered sporadic attempts <f Nazi radig u e s t s . , • " " • . • • • , • • : . ' ' - Auxiliary board of Shaare Zion before a Jewish shop shouting: cals to. boycott Jewish shops. ^ synagogue will meet Friday noon The term "Jewish enterprise^ ','Jews. brought us into the -last . Mrs. Sara Krasne, accompan, a t - l : 3 0 o'clock in the home of ied by her daughter, Marjorie, is war and now they are bringing s ^extended to'Include not only Mrs. M. Lipschutz. leaving Monday, June 27 for Los us -into another." -A -sign was enterprises which •. are Jewish carried before a Jewish 'shop owned or under Jewish dom'naAngeles; . . Shaare Zion reading: "Do Not Buy from This iori, but firms in which the managing director or more than oneMrs. Martin Troutfelt of Albu- p i g ! - " - ' • ; . ; Shaare Zion synagogue will querque, New Mexico, and formquarter of the capital are JewRelatives were forbidden to ^h'ave daily .-services a t ' 7 o'clock erly^of Council Bluffs, is-visiting bring lood ^nd money to the ar-ish. Observers se- a quick purg"in the morning and 7:30. o'clock at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. N.rested ; Jews, % against whom no ing of Jewish personnel and capin the evening." ' • E. -Gilinsliur. - , . - • • . specific charges have yet been tal from part-Jewish establishments^ by "Aryans" seeking to : Among the social affairs being announced- ; .-. • ave their business from the given- In-her .honor was a buffet The new developments are con-necessity of registration. An exluncheon Monday for twenty-four nected; according - to observers, to the decree affects enwith" the. apparent belief in Nazi ception . ' M r s , I. Merlin and her .daugh- guests. Mrs. Gilinsk^ and Mrs. :erprise3 in which foreign Jews t e r s , Bluma, and Dorothy, and Leon Frankel were cohostesses at circles that Jews are not emigrat- re "interested." In such cases 'son, Jack and Mary Rosofsky, left the luncheon, after which the af-ing- rapidly enough and that he Minister of Economics is emTuesday morning for a m'otor ternoon' was spent'at-bridge. Jews are responsible for war Mrs.1. Troutfelt plans to .remain scares. Observers cite an article owered to decide whether reg'istrip Jo Denver, Colorado, where here until, the first of .July. .., ., In'the recent issue of the publica- ration is required. they will visit Sybil Merlin. tion of the Reich Institute for Dr. Dinger, manager of the Miss Ida. Lerner is leaving Sat- the Study of. the Jewish Question, . Miss Ethel Baron returned extile and clothing manufactururday for.; Oakland, California, 'noine from , "Wellesley, Mass., complaining that it would take ng group, announced that the • where she has been attending where she will visit with her bro- 30 years for the Jews to emi- 'Aryanization" of this industry ther. Art, who; is: residing there. • Weljesley college. grate,' as indicating what-is in hould be completed by April I, She. will also visit her cousins, the miifds of'the Nazis. .939, according to Havas. The Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krasne. After Mrs. Abe Stillman, a former Informed observers ridicule Agriculture Ministry issued a deSioux Oityan is a visitor in theher stay in Oakland, she plans to travel, to San Francisco for two P J«/\ home of Mrs. Louis Schlndler. weeks visit and then to Los Anfor an indefinite stay. ? • Miss Dorothy Epstein has re-geles • Miss Lerner is leaving with her turned from a ten day, visit to father. Lerner, who will reMinneapolis where she attended turn in Max a few.weeks. the graduation exercises of her s : former roommate. Miss Adeline Miss Lorraine Krasne of HolNaftalin or Fargo, N. D. Miss Naftalin who has been graduated lywood, California will. be ,the from the Schopl of Dental Hygie- guest of her uncle and aunt. Mr. ne, University of Minnesota re- and Mrs. Mose Bernstein for two turned to Sioux City with Miss months. Epstein for an extended visit. Mrs. W. Solomonow returned •'"Margaret Saitlin returned to home Monday morning from a six --Chicago Saturday evening-after a months trio' to Los. Angeles, Cal" the home of her par-ifornia where she has been visiting with- her son-in-law and ents, Mr.'and Mrs. A. Saitlin. daughter:Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rud' . . M r s . Rudy Benensop left Sat- ner.' En route home she visited with 'iirday evening • for an . extended • •' •visit to Chicago and Cincinnati. relatives in San Antonio, Texas.
Ripley Offers Trip Trip To 'Lucky Grocers i *•*«
Hebrew School
Reminds -Tax Date Hearing
Jewish Pioneer in. • • ' Fiji Islands Dies
•Junior Hadassah To Hold Frolic
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Mr. Ben J.- Gershun left early • r-.Miss Anna Pill left Saturday evening for a Vacation in Chicago n the week fcr Chicago to meet where she will' visit friends and his sister; Miss Hannah Qershun who is arriving from Poland. -. relatives. - • • Miss Gershun plans to make' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Block t n d her home"with her brother-irt-law son, Dan of Chicago were visitors and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Morris in the home of Mrs. Philip Sher- Gershuny of Chicago. =man. Ninety guests called at the : ;Mr. Jerold Pill, of Chicago, Is home of Miss Arllne Krasne from a visitor in the home ofv his 3 to 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon o attend a tea which, she gave jhbther. • .- . . • n honor of her house- guest, Miss -Mrs. M. Skalovsky, 3301 Jack- Dorothy Sherman ' of Sioux City, •*-/.. • - , s o n is visiting Mr. and Mrs. JoeIowa. Miss Sherman arrived ' last Fickus in. Winnetka, 111. . Thursday, to • spend, two weeks i .-Mr. Ruben Ratner, 1520. Silver with. Miss Krasne and with her "'Mr. and Mrs. Abe street,- left. for. New York city ,to rand-parehts, Gillnsky.1 : " ;. •' - ' i i t with relatives - i d friends. v7 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Miller and Jchiidren, of Sioux Falls are visi t o r s ' h e r e In the homes of their -relatives. , .
g Jews, Christians Held Africa
• Mrs. W. C- Slotsky president of Johannesburg (JTA)-—For the -Sr. Hadassah called - a board meeting Tuesday to work, out first time- in histor/ of Witwa: plans to rake their quota of tersrand University, ;. joint pnb1360.00 for. the Youth Aliyah. Hc meeting was Held under the auspices; of the : Students' Chris• ••>'- 3\Jr. and Mrs. Sam _ Kroloff, tian Association and- the Stu:1405 West 6 street. anounce the dents' Jewish .Association of the -engagement of their daughter, University. The meeting was orrlna Leah to Irving IJevich, songanized by the recently-formed ;of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Levich, Society of Jews and Christians. 1301 Court street. Bishop of Johannesburg, the Rt. Rev. G. K. Clayton, declared that • Mr. and Mrs. I. Rivln are hosts "anyone v/ho tries to be a Christo Mis3 Molly Blevltt of New tian, cannot have, any .truck with .York who will spend the summer such a 'movement as antihere. Semitism."
Name your pleasure! Colorado offers aa endless variety of places to go and things • to do. "Rough it" in cabin or chalet or choose from a host of inviting hotels and resorts. Hike, ride,fish,swim, golf or camp in the beautiful, invigorating Colorado Rockies. Costs Aro Surprisingly Low This summer a 21-day round trip ticket from Omaha costs only $20.60. In addition, Burlington offers special excursion tickets for coach or chair car travel as low as $17.85 round trip' from Omaha each Saturday and Sunday* from July 9 to August 7—-with a 21-day return limit. Economy mealo served to coach, chair car and tourist car passengers. • . -.. Allrespense, conducted 7-day coach tours as low as $60.40 round trip frcsa Omaha to Colorado, •
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r SENE5 THIS .COUPON TODAY——. ' Miss Rose Sperling and Mrs. W. SHARPE, Gen. Agent, Burllngtan Routs I Paul Sperling were hostesses to '"; ".Czech..:Na3sis.:Ekpeil '81, ; '. "J. Dept. J, P. Z2, 16ili and Farnam, OmahiJj Neb. I "twenty four gue3ta -In honor .of Phone: Atiantlc C331. I Prague : ("WNS) — Eighty-one Miss Bess Osnowitz who 13 affiead KI your frea Cr!en:ia VcntSca 6ss";U anced to Edward Sperling. The members x»f- the Nazi Sudeten •party was held Monday evening Party, in Prague, have been in Stoup and Schaefer's. Bridge stricken from the rolls by the 'was the diversion of the evening. local ; party committee on the Mrs. Dave Sperling wa3 hos-ground that they had "a racially .tess to Mis3 Osnowitz at a party defective grandparent" The mem- Street end Nuiabct...»«....«..«.•-i.»«..«.•»•.»-• Tuesday evening. bership purge, is in line .with'the i ..i.....i.'XtettL. :„'....... party's recent introduction of the .•City....-.'...-.-.L'.. ' Q- Cheek'. Isos if iatKattsi is AB-eipiasa Ssccitad Tour • Aryan paragraph ' ....... Patronize Our Advertisers
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