July 1, 1938

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pie The views expressed by Lnd» wig Lewisohn in his column are his own and do not necessarily reflect the poUcJes or altitude of OUT publication. Reproduction in whole or In part strictly forbidden.

Entered as Second Class ?.Iai! Matter on January 31. 1931, at Postoffice^of Omaha.-Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1S75



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TCI.. XVI—-Xo,


Paris (YTXS)—The highest. THE COXFKREXCE AT honor in France was- j On July the sixth, there will r ^ l i J . t f t I academic conferred upon the •world-famous convene at thfe well-k n o w n i Jewish writer Andre Maurois, French, •watering place of Evian: when lie was elected to the representatives of all those coun- World-Hterald columnist Guy Academy to fill a seat tries which responded to PresiS. "Williams in his celebrated colM l H 1 French made recant hy the death of dent Roosevelt's call to confer umn "Rolling Along" last week ;; Rene Donnic The sent now oc- j concerning the emigration and wrote his own version of a salute enpied by KEiirois is numbered re-settlement or the victims of to the flag to include a midwestJ. C. C. Team to Meet ! 26 and has had only r.ine occu-;| political and religious persecu- Other Nazis Testify Before em American's opinion of Adolf i pants since 16S4, indicative of Local Center New York State tion; It is -well that the purpose Hitler and his methods. i the longevity of French scholars. '. , of the conference was so phrased. Players . Inquiry Missouri-born, Kansas raised, Actually and practically the peo.' • Maurois. -whose real name is Williams has authored his popuple who must be helped, are the A new phase in Jewish Com- Emile Herzog, was a textile mEnNew York, (JTA)—"All Jews lar column for the last five years. Jews of Germany and Austria. mtinity Center sport.dom -will be . ufacturer until he created a stir are enemies of the United States." Previous to that time he had Now since .Secretary Hull is- Fuehrer Fritz ' Knhn last week written editorials for the Worldlaunched Sunday afternoon -when i with his biography of the poet: the Omaha J. C. C. four-man ten- Shelley. Since then he hss been sued the invitation for this con- told ~the Senator John J. McNa- Herald so distinctive in style as | nis team will meet the Kansas rcognized as one of France's ference and thus made the United boe's state committee investlga- o evoke wide-spread interest and" City j . c . C. squad in a dual jrreatept contemporary writers, States' by that action the single ing Nazi affairs in New York, romment. meet. keeper of the Christian con- adding that the Jews controlled Of his 20-year career on the The matches "Fill be played at science remaining • in the world, the government and both major, Vorld-Herald, only six months the Omaha Tennis club ccmrts, very grave and very catastrophic political parties. .He was one of ere devoted to reporting. WilFifty-sixth and Chicago streets, changes have occurred. It was the officials of the German-Amer- iams has • been night editor and starting at 2 p. in. Spectators clear even then; in fact it hasican Bund called before the com- ditorial writer and at present is are invited, and there is no adbeen clear since 1933 that one mittee during the three days it ews editor of the Herald. mission charge. of the aims of the German Gov- devoted £o quizzing Nazi leaders. "Rolling Along" is one of the ernment was the gradual excruI The Kansas City outfit comes Describing the Blind's aims, iaper's most '. popular .features. sion of the Jews from the eco-Kuhn said that it intended to Williams' comments on his dog, ! with several crack players. Headnomic order. But "that process build an "Aryan" movement in n his prolonged illness, on taxes ing their list is Jack Sokolov, a had not yet become a violently the United States to ,• "save" ,nd on the movies have become ' smooth, hard-hitting player who retroactive one. It has now be-America. He held that the Hit- malm's favorite reading matter. I ranis with the topnotchers in come so in both Germany and ler salute would one day be the Printed below is William's ! Kansas City. Other players on Gny S.'Williams 1 Austria. What remains of Jew-salute for the whole United Salute to the Flag :" World-Herald Photo.— I the Kansas City squad are Carl ; **-,,_• Mate sad Ehftu; ish property is being coldly con- States. Attacking the Jews, he y the dawn's early light can Manne. Sol Koralchik and Joe it Iielps us to prize wh Eioca fcsected But Rosenzweig-. j you see, Oh say. fiscated. It is, of course, the.! at | asserted that they were Jews Deonr forefathers gave us. The Omaha J. C. C. will be rep- I Delegates its brazenest. It destroys by what | fOre they were Americans, and iny hope for the world till resented by players who have I • * * it is, the institution of private i t n a t they were the controlling inr~" ir f n -"--><• Adolf's put away? for years in Omaha's ! Ivlorris Minkin and Elihn Blocs property—the right to private fluences behind Communism in ' • • * " • " If, when I was 'younger, 1 had I competed fastest tennis circles. ' Elmer ; were named Omaha's two (?<?3eproperty—as thoroughly as ever America. - been wiser, S'azi, or fascist, or thick-bearded did the confiscations of the BolI'd never have helped give the Shamberg will perform in the top j gates to the American Jewish red, In similar vein, James Wheelposition. Xate Cutler. Hy Rob- • Congress at the elections held shevik revolution. If a state can er-Hill, secretary of the Bund and works to the kaiser. want none of 'eni, alive- or I bins. Joe Cohen and Ephraim ' last. Sunday. The Congress is to suddenly say: all that Jews have head of its New York section, had dead. * * • Compared with the sadist who's | Marks will be other Omaha play- ' be held in the Fell. honestly earned in this land can the previous day told the com• * *. • . taken his be taken from them under some mittee that Jews were the same If Europe can nse them there's Of the five hundred Omahans Wilhelm's the Number One pride ! ers. foolish or foul pretest, what is as Communists, although he adaha will who registered for the election. nought I can say. Later in the season Oi of the race. play at Kansas City in a return j four hundred, twenty-one cast to prevent another state from mitted, under close questioning, But they liave no place in the saying: all that Catholics have that the six top-ranknig Comvotes. Sir. Minkin- received 2S2.. I*. S. A. Whatever yonr race, whatever earned, all that red-headed peo- munists were non-Jews. votes and Mr. Block. 7.73. j yonr creed, j ple have earned, all that MorThe names of six candidates j iVhenever I read their harQuestioning also forced him Whether Hindn or Christian, or | mons or Holy Rollers or those of were entered in the election. j rangues so glib, Abraham's seed, Greek descent have earned can be into a corner where he was Because of the recent agree- : thank my stars for the Statue r C taken away from • them on simi- "Obliged to state that in the event ment made at the Pittsburgh con• • * of Lib. of a war he would fight for the lar pretexts. " . .. ference, the Referendum original; If Hitler, tbe blood-letter, thinks • * * ly submitted was not votpfi" upon. | It is a fact grimly amusing to United States, even for its Jews, Xot that the he can use you statue alone can against Germany. Other Nazis The election was held under ] contemplate that the countries To further his aims, he'll brutalsave us. the supervision of ac committee ' belonging to-the anti-Communist who testified were Gustav Elmer, ly choose you. ded by I lIc-CFr.st ""r. .7 TLE"""block practice precisely those national organizer of the Bund; Today the .object of wrath is measures of Communist policy of Thomas H. Dinckelacker, its national youth leader; William the Jew, which they feign to stand in the r - M" But tomorrow, my goyim, it may deadliest fear: the regimentation Luedtke, secretary of its bnsinass men's association, -and Carl • be yon. and gradual extinction of private a r g e Membership In- 1 3 , enterprise, the confiscation of Nicolay, one of its publicists. Irwin Steingut, democratic There are plenty of Aryans in WL L crease; Foreign CKajs- | the property of definite classes. Hitler's own camp,, the extermination of heretic and floor leader of the state assemters Seek Charters Who would give their b r o w n dissident. Quite literally there bly, who helped to obtain the shirts if he'd die of a are in this age, there have been committee's ?40,000 appropriaIncrease in membership of the cramp. in no age, fools more grossly self- tion, appeared a t one hearing A. Z. A., Junior B'nai B'rith,' deceived than those conservatives and, speaking as a Jew whose _ , ..,-., i from 4.500 members, when the tt it's snch good fua to hotler i-, § 1 i o a a l c a r ,, p ' COT1Ver,tion_.-was in Britain and elsewhere who parents trere born in Germany, W reasonedwitb_-three o£ the Nazi •'Heil!' haya a- sneaking sympathy for Athletics, Classes," Visits ' '' "" ' j field Ust year to mora than 6.000 does a na'zi so seldom | members as the camp convention i the "--dictators'. The dictators con- witnesses,, seeking to dissuade Capture Interest them from .their anti-Semitism. smile? serve nothing that belongs to the opened "at Estes Park on June of Campers classical tradition of civilization, But they would noi be convinced 2 4th was the keynote of the reby Mr. Steingut's assertion that A n d more than the Jews whose port of Julius Bisno, executive neither private property nor priCamp Akiba, the Jewish Com"someone is;selling you a bill of blood he has shed. vate judgment. Slave-state; is of A. Z. A., at the meet' '- — ' - T ' munity Center home camp, will Hitler hates Mussolini r.nd Stalin secretary elave-state under whatever name. goods." ing of t i e Supreme Advisory enter its third week on Monday An appeal to the governor of the Ked. > It is this situation that will Council. ••' ' " j have to be faced at Evian. It haseach state for immediate investi- with its record enrollment hold• • • Mr.1 Bisno told of the worlc \ New York (Ti'N?;>—Efforts-re recently been - estimated that gation of pro-Nazis units in theing up. which had been carried on dur- being made to make available to If he didn't have Jews to clutch All camp actiivties wfere well prior to the most recent confis- national guard was made by the ing the past year and of the the Jews of Austria the esperiby the throat, under way. Every member of the cations the property held by Ger- Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi league, growing interest in A. Z. A. work : ence and facilities cf the Jewish He'd dig himself up a substitute Camp is receiving swimming inman and Austrian Jews who now in personal telegrams. on the part of Jewish, people in : organizations in Germany that goat. struction and participating in the number circa 600,000 s t i l l all walks of life and in all parts , have engaged ir. vocational 'rain• * * camp's athletic program: r, , o " amounted to - ten billions of the 'United States. ing, economic v < i r In the crafts classes the. girls And i f the big bruiser thought of Mr. Reiohsmark. Not much per capBisno told of the interna• ! well ns pf.Ser of emigration p he could finish the job. are making autograph albums ita, but still enough with which, tional interest in A. Z. A. as evi: ices in the lEst constructive ?er> from cork while the boys are en-He'd be over here with his gooseadded to J. D. C. and U. P. A. denced in the large number of j five j'ears, it was announced here gaged in preparing door stops. stepping mob. and other funds, to facilitate applications for charters which .| by • Joseph- C. Kyman. executive The little boys and girls are makenorm6us emigration and re-set• * • have come to national headquar- j director of the Joint Distribution ing flower pots. tlement. The representatives of 3Iay the Star Spangled Banner ters from European countries. A Committee. V , — •> During the week the campers the powers assembled a t Evian Ready for use is the new clubcontinue to wave * chapter already in Sofia. , . existed . , . "To the extent that contact bewill have to consider the ques- room" at the Jewish Community visited local industrial concerns. "When Hitler's so dead you can' Bulgana, and its delegate—Boris ] t T r P e n t h e German "ewish CPH.tion whether in that world eco- Center for the members of theThese visits will become a weekfind his grave. Conforty—is. attending the con- ; t ^ a l comrr^tee o' Rel : =' -n-' Fe nomy which is so closely inter- Round Table of Jewish Youth. lj» feature of the camp program mention. Another chapter has just C O M t r U ction End the vier.'na"*JeTrrelated, the Nazis have the right The room is furnished with a as are the hikes taken by the been installed in Tel Aviv, Pai- •..,, r !4 iV • , ., to declare that they will deliber- radio, piano, phonograph, lounges older children. estine, while queries have fosie! ! ComTm^o ; S a^honzea ately drive 600,000 of their na- and comfortable chairs all pur- The little boys and girls are from Beyrouth. Syria, and K r a - j ^ ' to} ^ar!l n ^ ^ . 'measures leaationals to .other lands and first chased by funds raised during the making scrapbooks which when k Ch i th re-jamjnE ana n.& the kow, Poland. Chapters are. in the! ™* f ? reduce those nationals to the year by the member organiza- finished will be sent to the 'childprocess of formation in Jerusa- I tions. __ ren at the National Hospital at condition of naked beggars. In lem, Alexandria and. Cairo. j will "be undertaken." Ke pointed other words, whether they have Each club will, have shelf Denver. They are "also working, on Mr. Bisno also told how 1500 j out that "since the conditions the right to burden the econom- space in the,room and will be per- a play entitled "David, the Giantmembers participated in 34 rej now faced hy the Jew? of Geries of other countries with the mitted to put its club insignia Killer." Some of the smaller chilhave "been obliged to come gional and district tournaments \ many , dren have organized a toy orchpoverty of those whom they have' and pennants on the walls. the last five years, the At .the final meeting of thein various fields — debate, ora- • ^ n r ^ r robbed. ~ Clubs desiring to use the room estra and are preparing for their season on Sunday, July 3, thetory, athletics —- as as ever ever against against ii i, tfi 5 ,Distribution Committee, the f . i ... ^. , I am sorrowfully of the opin- do so by making arrangements first concert. Omaha Hebrew club will hold its The older girls are rehearsing installation of -officers. Mem- onlv 1.109 participating the year j British 8ect,on of the Council lor ion that the Jews- of the free with the Center office. a play entitled, "Revolt in thebers and their wives have been tscipation countries, and especially of our bPforP. TtKiiratinns are" that car- ! German zBtiosis seelc jewrytoand rrcother orpanin the summer tourna^ assistance Ark." . own, havj not and are not givtive -"or the .'PITS . of r f invited. I ments will be even higher. Registrations for the camp are I i ing nearly enough, that they are j Austria along the same, lines as A musical program has been j M o r e t h a n f o u r n u n ( jf e c i still being accepted at the office not stricken deeply enough by the i j for the .Tews of Germany." by Cantor-XatSellz, wao ,g a t e s from z\\ p a r t s of the Unite of the Jewish Community Center. arranged fate of their brethren in Gerwill be accompanied the p States and. Canada are in attend- | Such services, rifGrclKrecl, Trill many and Austria. It is inconb.- his daughter, Shirley. Mr; ance at the Convention which • be established hy the ." sh comceivable that there should still Jack Saylan. a member of ttse promises to be one of the most be Jews in America who do not club, will also entertain. He -vs-ill successful yet held. The -convenvicariously suffer and do not Gov be accompanied by Geraldine tion will conclude its sessions on Albany. N. Y. (WNS) give for over-seas relief and still ernor Herbert H. Lehman threw Straus. | July 1st. I argue about Palestine. It is in-his hat into a new political ring Mr. J. J. Friedman, past presiconceivable. It is inconceivably last week when he announced dent of the club, will be in charge i stupid and shameful. . , that he would be a candidate fo' of the installation of officers. Nevertheless it is necessary. It the Democratic Senatorial nomin There will be several fine -speakts essential that the Jewish rep- ation to fill the vacancy created ers on the program. Refreshresentatives at Evian raise with by the death of Senator Royal S. ments will "be served. Center of attraction" at the Ro- Important business will be disall possible force andi emphasis Copeland. the question of international In a brief and formal state- noh's Summer Formal last Tues- cussed at this meeting. v --nomity involved in (a) the arbi- ment he declared "if my party day night was Mickey Rooney, trary expulsion of nationals and, desires me to be' a- candidate fo young film star who is on locaabove all, (b) the prior impov- the office of United States Sena- tion in Omaha with the "Boys erishment of those- nationals. And tor to succeed Senator Copeland Town" company. The Highland Country Club ' With Rooney. were Director the: Jews have the right and theI will accept the nomination." will sponsor a Special Independuty to raise that question not His nomination is regarded a; Norman Taurog, Producer John dence Day Children's party for only as Jews but as citizens of certain. Lehman is now complet Considine, and Sidney Miller, anthe children of members of the member of the cast. Roon'.heir respective states. ing his third successive two-yea other Funds collected for the Lapi- clnb the evening of Sunday. Jul: It.is clear that a much larger term as governor, having been ey's dancing partner for the even- dus Memorial Forest in Palestine •3, at the Clubhouse. , question than even the Jewish • elected to, his first term in 193 ing was Miss Rosebillie Tolle. be diverted to a fund for the A special plate cinr.er wftl be , Music for the affair was fur-•will question is involved here. Yon when he succeeded Franklin D relief of German apcl Austrian served for the chi'idren from 5:SC :annot expell your nationals into Roosevelt. Previously he , hat nished by Ernie Palmquist, com- youth, it^ vras announced at the 7:30. Surprise favors will be the void or to another planet. served two terms as lieutenant- poser of the "Music Goes Round A. Z. A. convention, he'd during to given all those attendina;. and Round"' and his orchestra. Fugitives have to flee some- governor. the past week in Estes Park. Following dinner a program o' During the dance the followwhere. Somewhere means anoth- Should he be elected to the Sen The money will be used for the juvenile entertainment wili !>•' ing new officers of the fraternity er country and another economy. ate he will be the first Jew to si removal of Reich refugees to presented by' the T h o r apsor were announced: Sheldon KaufHence it can be soberly said that in-that body since-1913 when S Palestine. School of Dancin:;. Ice c~earo wil man, presidntf Stuart Muslcin, the example of the confiscation mon Guggenheim completed be served after this. vice-president; Sheldon Bernof Jewish property shakes the term as Senator from Colorado Burkenroaii is in charg; very basis of world civilization. Besides, Guggenheim there have stein, secretary; Robert White, Scandinavia Has Refugees of Leslie tlie arraEErernpnts for the parBernard AUsuler, corIt is war upon the world. It is been five other Jews in the Sen treasurer; ty. Reservations for the- dinDeresponding secretary; and Philip madness and chaos. I wonder ate: David Levy Yulee of Florid Kistenstatt, Copenhagen (WK5)—T S e r e are fifty cents ana may be snadpublicity manager. whether ihis quite fundamental (1845-51, 1855-61); Jnd"ah I are'3.378-. German refugees in, , question is on the agenda of 1 the Benjamin of Louisana (1853 h Sweden. Denmark and' Norway, it ? caihag Giecaale S911. Evian conference. 61): Benjamin Franklin Jonas o\ oi*fees*s Alliance was.' revealed disclosing in an official (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Art3 Louisiana (1879-85); Joseph Sinouncement that anrep- s Feature Syndicate) resentatives .of the t'nree. Scandi-j mon of Oregon (1897-1903); an I.., navian states and Finland hafi Isidor Rayner of M a r y I a n The Jewish National Workers Jerusalem JTA). — The Ira- (1905-1912). Tvarsa-ir. (JTA) —Three liiirAlliance, Poali Zion will hold a discussed the refugee problem on quian ambassador in Berlin has special meeting on Tuesday. July Jnne 21st and 22nd and haddred Jewish -candidates 'or th invited 200 Jewish physicians to Aaron ben Samuel, a simpli 5. at S:30 at the Jewish Com- agreed . on- joint action at thei>3.7. SO ot ili6^ v,"nm£n. ii-3ld immigrate to Iraq, the Christian farmer of Hesse, was the firs munity Center. Evian refugee conference. The 24-hour hanger strilre in protsf: Arabic daily, Falastin, reported. German Jew to advocate the iis< Members ^have been urged to statement declared that Sweden against t i e recently enacted seiThe paper said the German Jew- of the vernacular in the Jewis attend as important correspond-' has 2.000 refugees. Denmark, eii-yfar ban on acluiissioiis to tl? ish physicians would sail shortly. religious service. 1,27S and Norway 100. ence is to be read. law proIeasiC'3. (




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A..Z. A. to Divert Lapidus Funds to Refugee Relief

v To Meet" Tuesday

not infe the



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g'ress, a. biographical xJteteh'by zzr ~*™ * | I Prof. Herbert B. Adams of John, hi. Hopkins University and some p(•other data. Biography Written t'h' . Efforts to win recognition for Haym" Salomon as one of the " i1 ' — Eddie great patriots ' of the American . . . t ! radio star. Revolution received new impetus National Vice-Commander of tbe Jewish War Veterans ?sah'a best in 1930 with the publication of a " « Youth Alifull length biography entitled Vienna (TfXSl '— The strir ^ • c his efforts Revival of Claim "HAYM SALOMON AND THE jfaym Salomon, the most j package of important papers supof Fraulein Gertrude TCo't: " -* v t.rherfe. He Not until 1S93, in the second REVOLUTION," by Charles Edcelebrated Jewish patriot ot porting Salomon's claims were .18-year-old musician revealed -' ork July 1 tho American Kcvolution, not entrusted by his son, Haym.M., to session of_the 52nd Congress, was ward Russell and the launching all its horror the trsfredy of J* i < ' o-week stay only •pauperized himself for his - President John Tyler in 1843, butthe claim^again revived. : This of a committee to. erect a monutrian Jewry since the Ansch'i % , Beek to country but neyer received -- when a large box belonging to time the Salomon hei's didn't ask ment in New York City. But the when it was discovered that ^. 'to remove compensation or recognition Tyler, was stolen, by autograph for monetary compensation, re- hard luck that has followed every other member of her family !.? t thiefs it.was discovered that the linquishing principal and inter- move to honor Salomon was still ' r i«>pt'ne, or apfrom the nation. In this spe- Salomon either been killed or taker/ U P documents were in that est. All they asked for was that potent. Differences, of opinion r i i >r cial Independence. I)ny feature, OWE lives In the last t r ' " i 11 Haym Salomon be commemorated arose in Jewish circles and the r' has already -"Mr. Worth •Teylcws. tlie'"amazmonths, thus wiping out the c--by a medal. Accordingly, a , bill monument remained on paper. ""• ran tor a*ifl, • •• Another Appeal . • ing story of the futile efforts t!re TTollcner family. Her fail -r appropriating 5250 to pay for a Three, more Salomon moument < he hope* t o Three years later Haym M. SalMorris, killed himself by- jurcr •" to. win belated jnstice for Saloto be struck at the Phila- projects also came to naught. In i t uieetings, Ittv from a window the day after > «• mon and of the series .of mores omon, then Gl arid impoverished, medal delphia mint-and to "be presentJune, 1936, the House of RepreNazi invasion. Kis wile, Kaci < • i ' patent by H4-," now tinder way which will fit applied to Congress for a part,of ed to the lineal descendant and sentatives passed a resolution offollowed suit. i 1..U-, Bet hlmienst win for him « modicum the money due his father's estate. heir of the late Haym Salomon" fered by Representative Gillette I* j . ir'-y. of removof long over-due honoi\—THE The Revolutionary Claims Com- was introduced. But this bill suf- -of Connecticut authorizing the Three days letter their m s r t" mittee of the Senate of the 29th' "' om persecuEDITOR. daugfcter,_ her husband and . v t Congress reported the- claim fav- fered the same fate as it pre- erection of a monument to Salof i opr and e»children took gas. A son V. RS I '• .. • mon in Washington provided the orably but the Senate failed to decessors. .i i fw homes In ed in a Nazi concentration on r design was approved by the NaHidden from the" American peo- act on it. The claim was renewed By 7911 those interested in' end his wife pnd child. In "' ple for two generations, the great in the 30th Congress. This time getting justice for Haym Salomon tional Commission of Fine Arts themselves, when they hp&rd of the government "shall be put and valuable though unspectacu- Salomon asked, only a grant of that further appeals to and his death. The other TVclkner to no expense." Since this was a .lar services to the Revolutionary public land in lieu of. monetary concluded would be futile and so children also committed suicide, resolution it died aborning cause of Haym Salomon, the Jew-compensation: A committee of Congress they launched a movement to es-joint leaving Gertrude as the sole suvwhen the Senate failed to concur. ish patriot whose genius is cred- the House reported favorably but tablish Washington a Haym In the same year the city council viver. Before she ended her life J'UUM Kvitoenstpin ited with providing a large part because of technical defects in SalomoninMemorial as of- Cleveland; voted a site for a she wrote a not asking thst 8 I Funerp.1 srrvices wevfi held last of tho financial sinews that made testimony it was rejected by the t h e most 'fitting University monument. single tombstone be placed over , Frstpy nftprnoon pt the Hulse & Salomon'monument to be possible the American victory iu House. Another bill for Salomon those who served on theHaym the graves of all 2Z TToIkr.erE. ! Kiepen mortuary for Elliot Ruerected In Wade Park by an ortho Revolutionary War, are still \vas offered ia the 31st Congress Among Cantor Boris G committee sponsoring tills projPatriotism, scenic wonders;, snKejiEwfcile. it wag lecrned that : beaatein, i.:(', v:ho died Wedneanot as generally known as they but never passed. Year in and ect were the late"Loins Marshall, ganization called the American should be. And this in face of the year out', Congressional commit- Governor Dix of Ne^w York and Patriotic Order of Havm Salo- Following a concert at the Beth ! imals, flowers and hilarious cora- a mob of Christian women in Vi-! {If.y, Jv.nf: "2. . Nothing has since been Haraedrosh Hagodel Synagogue ; edy are all wovea into the fire- enna's working class quarter at- I Surviving: Mr. Kubenstein a r e : fact "that the leading statesmen tees acted favorably on Salomon's Wilson, then governor mon. heard of the monument or the last week end, arrangements were j works program sponsored by Om- tacked end routed s. .squad of i Hi? Eterimother, Mrs, A. Rubenof the country as. well as noted claims but nothing tangible ever Woodrow of New Jersey. Although the plan •historians, amon^; Ihem Presi- resulted. Some strange and -evil won the endorsement of many Order. And finally there was a made for Cantor Boris Gsssin, | aha Post Ko. 1, American Legion, Nazi storm troopers who had been i c t e i r ; four nisv'ers. Jlrs. Edward harassing Jewish residents and lAbrp.hnm, T\'VE. T-Tarry Wilinsky introduced in -March, for the past six years associated dents Taft, Wilson, Coolidse and destiny seemed to hang over it. citizens, including resolution 1937, by Representative John with a Hollywood congregatior, i to be given In Creighton stadium business men. Police rolt squads i and Mrs. Iierry Greene, all jt Franklin 'D. Roosevelt, have for After 1850 Haym M. Salomon al- prominent President Taft, this plan went had to be called out to disperse : Omaha, and Mrs. Si-,mund TheiQ of $Iassachus< Us author- to conduct the High Holiday ser- j the night of July Fourth. more! than a century recognized lowed the matter to rest for a deway of previous efforts when HIggins Interspersed In the evening's the angry women who became en- I cl Chicago, and two brothers, izing the erection of a monument vices at the Synagogue. ^Salomon's invaluable a i d to cade, making no' new application the the World War came. NevertheSalomon. This too got no- Cantor Cassin, who is consid- program, diiiing- three intenals- raged, at .the sight of aged Jew- Morrip r.nrt Harry of Omaha. •American independence. until 1S60, when he was old; inthe Salomon saga remained to ered one of the country's out- sions in the fireworks display, ish women beings forced to scrub I Kabbi r,d-vprh Ellenbogan of wheres. >•' Curious aa this, may be, stran- firm and in need. But again his less, alive. ExPresident Taft suggeststanding cantors, is at present on will be interesting music and en-automobiles. I Corsicana. 7Vx.r Mr. Kubenstein'a ger yet is the singular ill fortune plea went unheeded, because an- ed a Salomon memorial, in 1915, a concert tour. Educated at the tertainment by the Legion Post's that has dogged every attempt to other ' package of vital papera In 19IS the late Congressman The Christain women attacked I nephew, End Rabbi Frederick But the claims to fame and Conservatory of Kiev as well as band, a drum corps, and a com- the storm troopers when one of; Cohn conducted the service. obtain, justice and recognition for dealing with the case' had dis-Julius Kahn of California, on thebelated honor of the man who Salomon.. Strange ^mishaps befell appeared from the archives in the floor of the'House, suggested died a pauper because of his love in th'e United States, he has been pany of clowns. the scrubbing brigade, en expect- I Burial was at Pleasant Hill. Among more than a dozen ant mother, fainted. Atr the reri'le the Salomon, saga from the very Capitol; In 1S62, when Haym some form of recognition. Pres- of country could not be buried heard over American ami Canabeginning. Important documents Salomon was 78, ajid his need forever. Now, after a century and dian networks and has made thrilling patriotic pieces ere sn time Aryan business fi ms in Visllc and- information were lost when great, he voluntarily relinquished ident Coolidge in 1925 proposed a half of neglect, Haym Salomon phonograph records for the Vic-American F l a g - fountain, an enna were given two weefcf, in J'orris Sofihnik. 50, died Siintor and Columbia companies. For I American shield, the Statue of whicJi to dismiss til Jewish em- . d&y et'tprnoon fit hiB home after a a Scotchman by the name of Mc- all his claims except $100,000, in similar action. ..Finally, in'1925, is at last about to come into his .Crea, who had been manager of view of the heavy financial de- Representative Charles A. Moon- own. He is beginning to emerge tbe last four years he has been ; Libert}". Liberty Bell, and the ployes. Xo dismissal indemnities . long jiiness. singing on the Los Angeles Jewj Days of the Poneers, an animated are to be paid to employes thus1- ; He is; Hurvived by: His wife; a Salomon's business, committed mands uport the treasury because ey of Ohio introduced a bill to from the fogs of legend, controish Hour. ! covered wagon scene with a fira- discharged. Jewish Quarters were ! Ron, Hj-nsEn; a daughter, Esther suicide shortly after his employ- of the Civil "War. A. bill for this appropriate 550,000 to erect a versy ^and ingratitude to take his He is well-versed in Frankish ! mafic Indian attack. A Gold Star further alarmed br the report, i of Phpibyviiie, ind., and a brother's death in 1785. In 1814 when amount.was introduced into the statue to Salomon in Washing- rightful place with the accepted fountain, which will erupt a beau- thet Jews who have been depriv- j er, Ben, of Omaha. .the British burned' the capitol at 37th Congress hut was never ton. This bill too never passed. figures of American history. chants. tiful shower of stars, will be in ed of jobs will be enrolled in con-1 Funer&i services wero held on ^Washington during the War of passed. Two years later another A year later, however, after 80 Strange to say, it is the forces of tribute to the Gold Star Mothers. script labor batalions es.iiv in j Monday morning a t the Jewish .1812, government, records/which bill came \ip in the Senate and years of petitions, the Senate ap- anti-Semitism that are bringing Comedy highlights among the July. .could have verified details of Sal- again failed to pass. And so Haym proved Senator McKellar's reso- him to the fore for in emphasiz* Fi'.nevk! Home. j fifty set pieces to be fired are omon's'transactions with. Robert Salomon died after waiting in lution to issue as a government ing the long and patriotic record ; fighting cats, a mother hen feed'Morris and' other key figures of vain for, 30- years. document t h e reports of the Sen-of American Jewry in the coun.the Revolution wore destroyed. A ate Committee of tho 38th Con- ter-attack against a n t i-Jewish London (JTA) — The Xews- j ing her chicks, the old gray mare, propaganda Haym Salomon and Chronicle reported from Berlin !i Jack in the Box. Twelve Devils his services- to America furnish a that a. middle-aged spinster whose Among the Tailors, a Satanic striking and effective answer to shop was among those defaced | wheel, End a stork and bab}-. A Thrifty Shoppers Buy at the State. WeOwn Our Building those who libel the Jews of with tbe painted inscription | pigeon race in which -thirty rocinhere Qmahe She ft ket pigeons fly and cavort IQ'ur America. "Jew," instead of removing it ' times across the field and a goose You Save the Difference . . . simply added the words, "•whose with an egg that hatches a gosl- j Organize Patriotic Order To this end there has been or- two brothers died in the war ing wil prove exciting fan for the ganized The Patriotic Foundation fighting for Germany." children. ' When she refused a police-orof Chicago, a non-sectarian group Every member of Omaha Post which is sponsoring the erection der to remove the' sign, the of a".great bronze and granite spinster was arrested and has notNo 1 has tickets to sell for this big holiday entertainment. Genmemorial to George Washington, been heard of snice. eral admission for adults is 4 0 Robert Morris and Haym Salomon. The linking together of Cristoval Acosta, a Jewish, phy- cents, end for children SE cents. Washington, the father of the nasician and botanist, in the six-Reserved seats are £5 cents adtion; Morris, the financier of the teenth century .visited China to ditional. Bos seats, each seating eight, are being reserved at $10 Revolution; and Salomon, who gather plants. sacrificed his personal fortune for the struggling young republic, is intended to make known in dramatic fashion the historical fact that American patriotism knows no bounds of race or creed, that men of all races and creeds helped win. American independence and have ,since fought to mainTRAYS tain and preserve it. This unique Hotpoiot's senChicago.project has won the apsational new proval of the Illinois legislature, the Chicago city council, many Pop-Ice Trays posts of the American Legion, put an end to the Elks and other groups. It has ice-tray battles also been endorsed by President —give you ice r Roosevelt who said: "I am indeed cubes—2 or a gratified to.learn that belated trsyful—instantrecognition is to be made of the ly. Ice in a trice, invaluable services rendered to without fuss or the cause of the American Revobother. New lution by Haym Salomon. History convenience was for a long time strangely siand economy. A lent concerning the unselfish and marvelous timemunificent support accorded the saver. Ask for a struggling colonies by the Philademonstration. delphia banker." This statue, designed by the late Lorado Taft, is to be dedicated on 'Washington's Birthday, 1939. Other Projects i Five other specific projects to honor Haym Salomon are now in the process' of realization. Warner Brothers is making ready a picturized biography to be called "My Country .First," in which Paul Muni may play the "role of \ Flavless fit, right from fee start . . . no hems to Iknibcrg Esyoo -. Salomon. -There 13 a plan afoot a n < 1S i ! k r a l sifc, no s^apf to chants . . . Miss Vanitr cornra '"ic to organize on a nationwide basis c a Patriotic Order of Haym Saloia just fee length you need . . . short, medium. «^'/; ««''-J/';'f «•- st*mif ft? run mon, with the patriot's greator long , , . and it's cut So h u t your bodV as grandson as commander-in-chief. in'!' f,vj; ttris' or fi,h: «S!ooth!y ss c ccccont Miss Van it;- tubs es cssllv The American Library Service is rushing through the press a re£S your scockinrs... a swish in soap suds, sne e . v.;!; „ „ , v,e<tT )hlK fc vised edition of Russell's biogra_NO EONING! » vasbwr phy of Salomon. T,he proposal for a statue in New York has also Skv£-t?$. Floor been revived. The famous sculp7 N . • •' V tor, Jo Davidson, is considering an offer to design • the statue, which would be erected in City "V -' U f Hall Park, facing the Hall ofTtecords, which is on the site of the British prison . where Salomon was impriso..ed by the British. The United States Post Office Department is also considering issuing a Haym Salomon memrrial stamp in 1940 on the 200th irs ttirpe anniversary of his birth. And lastly, there is to be a final move proporti,or.ed IsncrthF for recognition by Congress in the form" of a gold medal. With these plans to do belated honor $1.00 pair to Salomon we may Bay on the i - ' 3 aw! 4 eve of Independence Day that the great Jewish patriot lives again. (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) Precisely1 right from toe to toe NAZI DANGERIN —whether you're te.ll, petite, or jn->etv ccr ' 7. - >" rr^,»cr- . HOLLAND DENIED r !


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Spinster Defies • • Nazis; Disappears

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"Phono U s

Amsterdam (JTA)- i -Reelected president of-the Ashkenazi Jewish Community, A. Asscher denipd the danger of Nazism in Holland, declaring the Orange dyr.nsty had always championed religious liberty for all Dutchmen. Mr. Asscher said~Palestine and the Eviari • refugee-aid conference called by tbe United States constituted bright spots in a dark future for Jews. He,praised German refugees in this country, citing their; contributions to .Dutch economic.and scientific life. Patronize Our Advertisers

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Page 3

one man told me. "We had tokening tendency to lose faith in ing the aflicited and raising lip confess to being Communists. ; our religion and to become vor- the oppressed il they find ways They took every shilling- from us; ; shipers of th? modern idtls which they took a little gold bracelet ' exist in the world around ' xi = from my child's wrist. Then they • Though the modern idols tahp = >- fj-p = r 1 n: took a knife and slashed the different form, they an essenlia1- or-po- t-r e s c e paintings that were hangiag in ly the sane s the ones o£ cer-C . . ' a - 0 ! 1 n V £ our parlor." • • ru EX 1 " I ' * _ c turies ago. r' " \ I 1 ir 1 c 'f r c . Was this man really a Conimull \ with the accumulation of eolu r r_ C ~> I ' I '- v •r , nist? I was-talking trith him E s their creed "many men becom o 1 about possibilities fo- emig i ruthless gluttons. Certain" indiv,- O - " I c sr e pAll of the continent -vvas closed ! duals subordinate all ethical>rin- of H s m i I: Cf •to-hiia.-as it is.to prar.ticaliy ev-ii C jp a i s to thf possession oi tb» -ifis a - a t q , I i i rr t^i c '. ery Jew. America was desirable i modern Golden Calf — that cf S^l S C» * ;r but. almost impossible; he had no j money." Munition makers are p<"-t.2.1. T ^ 5 e c r I relatives or friends who xro«ld j hans the outslan^n- examples cf e (The following is the fourth affidavits. There was i m e n h a v e tossed-aside rll c f 1 chance for Pales- : the peaceful teaehlags of the B - 71° e s r i p I ci a chance for Aus- ble to -worship the pseudo Gocl cf CD i i . v 1. a i - \ ttralia, if he could raise the neees- gold. T witnessed the seizure of c 1 !of the country, as quickly and in give us a place to go." Some of : capital. Then I asked, 'What c ' L r i . Endless murders ' and firing tria and subsequent develop- as great numbers as finances and them still, have a few shillings,In about Mexico? There might be a squad clean-ups have served as ccrrrr"1"*" tr ments there.) ! international emigration barriers \ secreted almost at the risk -of chance for a farmer there.' f i.seJ bf"c~ e F - f stepping stones to the altar of En; will permit. " - ~ death from Nazi author-ties; oth-e "Mexico"? said this alieged other god — that of power. The duct. and •t h e .Te ers are living entirely on chanty . ^11 Business Affected ; Commllnist \. In five weeks the Austrian ' r [ would rather not. i leaders of Germany, Italy, and cornes a f;LlCCt.10' r,T> Ts-ltK Up linn fr» _ . . The enormous task that lies ' or -with i-Qlitn'oc relatives. ""We had to It is much too radical."' anti-Semites accomplished Russia have not stopped at any- lives. against the Jews than their Ger-! ahead has not only hardly, been ; sign papers giving up our store, ^ ( C . O p V r i g h t e d by Jewish Tele- j thing in their rat race lor supremacy man comrades djd in five years. I begun; it has not yet even been i two houses and plot ol ground, , g r a p n i C Agency, Inc.) jt o reach their s oal_. • r The Heb! ~ • -fundamental • • N a z i im e a s u r e d . It is d o u b t f u l w h e t h e r : • ' • • • • True, before raic or ever -the- Christian ideas l law there is no difference be-! any one knows how many tens of i of the sanctity of each human life . pis IT r- \ r r* tween the Jew of the new Ost-thousands of Jews have been dis- i and that all men are created, n \ 'mark" or of the old Reich: both missed from employment since ! equal are ~entirelj' obliterated. S o ' r i, t L • W are spiritual, civic and economic i March 12; how many thousands : completely have these countries ; outcasts in the Nazi world in jo f Jewish businesses have al- j given themselves into the sway of which they "• ive. But apart - from ; ready gone over into "Aryan" such policies that~tliey have eoaiBeverlv Tt'ercclsc! the incredibly rapid tempo of de-i'han.'s, what proportion of what j pletely lost sigh of what true velopments nnd the greater vio-; vras once Jewish capital still rei religion means. As graauales c lence which marked them, the: mains in Jewish hands. The pic' Thus, we must continually ' nating class of r Austrian Jews suffered oppres-i ture changes from day to-day. I i train and discipline ourselves to cue. we represe sions to which their German ' have walked up t h r . Karnteri be worthy of the ten command- , young people er brethren were never subjected. j strasse, Vienna's Fifth Avenue, a ; ; ments which were placed in our 'years of post-co• Of the peculiarly Austrian. I dozen times and each time noted j The Jewish Press presents of events. Just as the Hebrews ; hands -upon that day. Yi'e must ies. We cj-aduatrphenomena the most important i one or more shops that had; another - group of comments of today are English in Great j strive not to slip back, but io go • tills evening die r was the closing down of the Vi- [changed ownership overnight. ; written by members of the Britain and American in the Unit- ; even further than we are today, j classes every S-u.^.-.;. L..„>._. \ e enna community,' the confisca- i Certainly it is true that the cream ; graduating class of Ihc Beth El ed States, so, but far more strong- ; We must not let any of the mod-"were compelled to do so. r.atfce tion of its funds and the arrest ! of' the retail trade, once in Jew- ; High School department on ly, the Hebrews in Egypt have ! ern golden calfs be our cbjec- we came of our own free will — of its leadership. During the first 1 i s h hands, has already become ; their favorite text of the Jlook been essentially Egyptian. The I lives. The one God taught by came because we enjoyed and disastrous two months, when j "Aryanized"- that Jews have al- ot Exodus.' ' subjects ciisdeification by the Egyptians of • Moses and the tnany after him isprofited in fhose each day added its quota of ar- j ready been driven in large meas-, The papers were Tead at ilifi the crocodile, the bull and the the ii a a whole whole God. God. one one whose whose principrinci- c-assed. rests, suddenly dismissed wort-j ure from banks, insurance com-: commencement exercises/ beetle"is a far cry, however, from ! pals should rightly aud whole- - These were not tfcree lone years, ers, plunderings and individual j panies and heavy industry; that i but rather three very short years the Mosaic conception of God. '; heartedly be supported. •packed full of those th:n-,-c that cases of violence, there were no the theatre, music, cinema and Also, an amazing dissimilarity { . are of vital influence in every funds available beyond that nec- newspaper spheres, L- which Jews between Egyptian and Hebrew; ; young person's life spiritually essary to ward off actual starva- •were particularly active not' only philosophy is the doctrine ad- i • and socially. During post-comi:-tion, there were no leaders free as executives but as performers vanced by the Hebrew teachings ] y ! mation we studied the Bible with to bolster morale and there was and writers, have been 100% By James Lipsey in regard to t h e treatment of) ! commentary so that we might no meeting place in which Jews "Aryanized." and that the sever- - In modern thought there is a !j strangers. Quoting from "ExMiriam Rubnitz : have a deeper appreciation and could foregather to take stock at al-thousand Jews who held gov- • tendency to look upon the promi- | odus": "And a stranger shalt : has always been hard for - understanding of the greatest of their misfortune and to plan I or j ernment jobs perhaps : nent characters of history as r e - • thou not wrong, neither shalt | meItt o define the of all iiterature—Bible. the future. '.'•••' i sultants rather than as initiatory i thou oppress him . . . " In Egypt ' 'God. Most people meaning I happen to know that for the greater part of these two months the only available records of the community - - which h.-d 40,000 providing tax-paying members - - were scanhas i be true that the destiny of a peo- spised. "God" given definition to and taught ir!iv w e should Obty enough to be carried around to equally poor jieigbbors. ' pie would hare been fulfilled j AIIQ And laus thus 1 I cu™« come ^o theliie t u ^ i u - M answered ^ serve the customs .. ceremonies a n db e c a a s e u conveniently in . a business-size there been no appreciable "Ary- pie wouW_ nare oeen inmiJea i o n""-; y e t PVPTI even he.rp. h e r e , heb e -even , - - if this group - had been .de, sion. that the Moses ivho to most; 1some of vot Questionings, T I chDsa chose nf ofnour ,,r f>uh faith. nrhu f myniiP.stinninss. " envelope Jn the coat pocket of a a^ni i,z^a;t ™ people, I dare say, is a mere. cause of boycotts, anti-Semitic | prived of any forces^ exercised it as my subject for tonight. sons, Jewish customs have beminor employee. character in a legend, is really an Many of us have read the sen-come a handicap, to n=. these tra 1 propaganda and the generally j upon it by one individual Organizations Closed Down individual, an initiatory force Lord. the Lord, a citions are oi vital importance to Similarly almost every other diminished earning power of Jew- I However, I wish to cite spe- which has changed the history of tence, "The o£ compassion and grace. ; Jewish institution in "Vienna was ry, business has dropped 50% cificallyy in support of .. the hy- the-world. pothesis that men make events— slow to anger, and. plentious in-, these Heals with the perennial closed down for varying lengths and more. the most famous pilgrimage in mercy and truth: keeping mercy ' excuse heard in thousands of of time. The Secret Police took . history behind which can unmisunmis i for thousands, forgiving iniquity j Jewish households. "We co it Just not only the keys, hut prisoners And while this was going on in ta jj a biy be seen the^ personality lit and transgression and sin; and and. funds from the B'nai B'rith Vienna and in the larger Aus- i.aI}d i i l man ' g off a single | that will by no means clear the lodges, the Union - of Austrian trian tia t o s th Burgenland am, of course, referring to the j towns, the Burgenland guilty." When explained by the . Jews, the Jewish Veterans Asso- "Crusades" were taking" place—: exodus from, Egypt. And for rabbis, this becomes a very good J ciations, etc. The only excep- as sad and hopeless a chapter as those of you for whom there may description of the Jewish idea cf i tions were the hospital, the oldany in modern Jewish history. exist a gulf of many years since God only j t God. We can know people's home, and one of three Spurred by orders-from Berlin—- your last contact with that porBeth Kulakofsky I! through his actions :n this world. ] Jewish public kitchens which apparently inspired by military tion of the Bible dealing with the When our people came out of ' G o d i s f a l 1 ot compassion; thr,• happened to be in a negihborhood strategy—that no Jews Tvere to exodus, I will say that the name where police were friendly. But be permitted to live within 50 of this man who brought about Egypt into the desert after cany is, full of affectionate sympa..h; the miseries and suUeving, , c — r . . ' •{ even the hospital and the aged kilometers 'of Austria's eastern the event which-was already cen- generations in slavery. Moses for o f k«man frailty. In? is gracious home, supported at least in part frontier, the provincial Secret turies old when the pyramids brought them down the" tea com- ! mandments. At the time that the j — assisting and he^psng:. consoiby the community,- were in a pre- Police, S.. A. and S. S. authorities were built was Moses. commindments -were given, the carious position, not knowing have uprooted more than 3,000 I base my contention that, there how long available funds would persons from homes that had was necessarily some single, mo- Hebrew people swore fverlasting allegiance to one God and everlast nor where additional funds been theirs for five, ten and tivating individual behind the lasting obedience to His precepts. could be gotten. twenty generations. Moses then went up on the The world already knows exodus from Egypt upon one very fact- That . is, that mount to have the commandIt was this £ense cf utter frus- something of what has happened self-evident {ter the Hebrews escaped from ments put. on stone. After fourtration, the sense of beffcg cut off to these Country people; how they ^ they gave up almost com- ty days passed and Moses did not j not only from the outside world were given anywhere from three j but from each other, as well as days to three weeks to leave pletely the Egyptian customs and return, the people lost faith in J the shock and often disastrous-fi- Reich soil; 1-ow they were forced institutions under which they had their newly set up God, and clamLa nancial consequences of Ansch- to sign ."vrluntary" documents lived for generations. That this ored to Aaron to build them an luss, that drove Austrian Jews to deeding all their wealth to the could have been. accomplished idol to worship. Then and there suicide. Conservative estimates Nazi party on' the grounds that without the influence of a single Aaron made the mistake that so place the number of suicides in they ha4 been .Communists or motivating force is highly im- many of us ruake today — he set up a partial God, a God familiar the probable. . . . Vienna alone at 300 full-Jews, criminals or "enemies of .My contention has been borne to the people in Egypt, the Gold•with possibly again as many part- State",- how. young and old. Jews. There may have been more. farmers, tradesmen, rabbis, war out in history . over anc. over en Calf. The Nazis based their institu- veterans and -in some cases even- again. I quote from an es3ay on The people had not been ready tional closures, confiscations and. invalids, with their wives and Moses bj" -Henry George: "A-peo- for the commandments. They arrests on the fact that Jews had daughters left all behind them ple long used to despotism may were totally unprepared to accept contributed to the Schuschnigg and set out. to find a haven in a rebel against a tyrant; they may and to carry out the sublime election fund. To argue that in world in whicb, apparently, there break his statutes and repeal his laws. The heights to -which they laws, cover with odium that had been raised were .to them indemocratic couhtries^political op- is no haven. which he loved, and honor that eomprehensibl3, and as a result. position is no crime is to be Forced to Hun jBorder , naive; the Nazis have a. thousand ' The bulk of the BUrgenlanders which he hated; but they will they reacted as many of us do in titnes repudiated democratic con- found temporary refuge in Vien- hasten to set up another tyrant this day of strife; they lost their ceptions and they were entirely na. Others have appeared,in Bu- in his place." sense of. values and slipped bade consistent in raising this charge. dapest, Prague, Bucharest and in The dissimiliarity between He- into-the ways 6f sacrilege. The fact that the bulk of Jewry countless small towns along the brew and Egyptian institutions Today we have risen to some •was coerced into supporting the Austrian border. These people and religion shows a distinct de- degree of achievement, but we H E S E is a grand new ides J A handy Fatherland Front, just as other have been forced to crawl across viation from the natural course' have an ever present, ever theapitcher that' is made especially lo elements-—notably the - S o c i a l borders at night; they have been Democrats—were coerced, was no found stranded on a Danube fit neatly into odd' corners in ycur excuse in the. eyes of the Nazis. breakwater; they have b e e n Indeed, ultimately the National picked up, near exhaustion, in cupboard or refrigerator! It i? ::rrSocialists insisted on. getting back Czechoslovakian and Hungarian •their pound of flesh: • having forests: they have been rescued for milk, cream,-'or fruit juices, a:: ^ proved that Dr. Desider Fried- from rowboats in yhieh they mann, coratnunity president, had were set adrift from "the Burgenyou can get this attractive pitcher handed checks amounting: to land frontier. Wherever they are 800,000 .shillings to the- Father- now, in Austria or outside, they without additional cost. Just buy land Front at Schuschnigg's re- are there for the most part ilquest, the Jews were "request- legally, subject to immediate artwo packages cf Sellogg's Corn ed" to raise an eaual amount a rest at any time. They ;are under lew wee'js ago to swell Nazi cof- exile orders from the Reich and, -• Flakes (fainily-size—13 ozs.) and fers. The contribution, Secret with a Jew exceptions, none has Police officials tactfully remind- been granted a visa to enter anyyour {rocer will rive you ons of ed Jewish, leaders, would be ac-other land. . * cepted as a "good will" offering! I have talked with, these peoIt was only after payment of ple in Vienna, where some have this sum, or 3 substantial . pro- already been thrust into prison portion of it, that the Jewish for failing to leave the country You will find, too. that your Community and the ^ionist or-j within the time allotted them. I ganizations were permitted to re-i have seen them making the larnily will enjoy tie N refreshing • »


problems we did not care to dis- ; cuss Et home in i;i school V i tl < = i ' ^ 11 1



Return to Greece !

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pnioo, caa eioun e»*v opp»«e6wict« C PRINT CHOP A00RES5^SO4 C& ttW




ea£ tlaaaglao

troopefe v,lho abused ati expectant mother and would have ££'"33 taken care of thfeca itt their owa ivay had not police reinforceGems of. the Bible I ments arrived. Jso woudci? Hitler seeks td relegate'.the women and! I to the kitchen. Dr. Fh Slaer "Whatever these events may meaa in tlie future, iio one caa tell. But they era evide&ce to the fact that the Genaans, ONE KOITSH * • BIBLE despite the favi&^s of the leaders, &t& flot eoapletely rgiheard it said that the He that guarfieth his m - u " Prssideat, troubled recestly by keepeth his life, but for him •"•mentcd to cruelty end opprctsioa. That evea ia iht Reich fere fessoft d eo nany Jewish groups openeth vriis his Hpz there s v r i forces that arc* isaoved by the sadist, forces that 'e&iMdiy tat? El&kl&g separ&te appeals ia •' the be ruin. satae csuss, ~mz.de' a certain ofe- - A pr-udent man concea.f bo iacpired to fight for justis*. r esrratioa.

Calendar ,s—July 7 > Tib meeting, Jewish Com-

for Fourth ng. 7:30 p . i >h Comniur-

'- c - c

kno'wieSg'e, but the heart of'fo^ -

It aust, indeed, become irri- proclairaeth foolishness. titiag .to hare the sarae people The soul of the sluggard ..rCsns.knseki&s at the froat door, siretjj and hath nothing but <.VP the back door and at the windows soul of the diligent shall be al u-i- T I ('", ci the TVhlta Hous© all day. It dantly gratified. Eiast be especially painful to bave He that is soon angry •tfeal'Vi to b* «oisrtsous to' all .of them roolishly and a man of vick-d C 1 wfeea (if you. -weren't President) devices is hated. 11 O l i t last week three disti&ct groups of Baptists, Presbyterians,' aad you might like to call the police < ) Methodists and shortly before tlaita^iaas t a d those of other to .put them off tbe grounds. *t t ! On 'Wednesday, July 6, at toe suggestion of Pf evident denominations visited the Te&ple. They trish to leafa at "first Tfc«ire ta a knock at the front Ulla said. "Trouble, affects V e . '. . "Good morcing! We memory even Tor the words rf Til Roosevelt, representatives ffoni a nutfabet of sympathetic gov* hand o£ Jews and'Judaisa. The gtt>U|>3 are cdapoSfed aaiflly door 1 lire: Jews and hiarecoiae Sere to the Torali and irsakes on- ic-^'-i ' r1 ' erniaents will meet at Evian-les-B&inB, on the ^Jfanco-StHoS of children bctt?eefl the ages o£ fiis &fid'thirteen,/attended also ESS what can be done to protect what he stucies." \, Cf , rights of our people. Things Rabbi Eiazar said, "He MVW border, to discusa the pressing plight of the refugees from per- by some adults, those in charge of the Vacation Bible Schools, the are very bad for Jews ia the changes his "word is considere t-= P .1 secution in the German Belch. if he were to worship idols.' o i 4< ait a part of trhetje "'program of study thess tisits ate made. world." Rabbi Nachman said, Tbe r right in. centlesien. rn This is not the 'first time the world has been confronted ^fhe phenointoon, "•which. &ay be :teHacd:.& Mx? Mad of pil-and"Cora© let's talk this over. We'll see romance of King Jeroboam I f d with, the problem ofwhat to do #ith & group of people th&t grimage, a pilgrimage to^ the r siriae of 4 feiigioa other thats trhat can be done." driven liira from t t e world.' Jochanan said, " » ' ' » have been case forth fro intheir homed' as* tinwanted» But hla* one's own, is taogt encouraging1 aad. iiiipiciotis. flii& is also a Scarcely has this committee willRabbi be to that nation which w 1 goae than there is a knock at tory-fails'to record one Such incident that 'time' his justified; Crusade, a M aiainly a Chiidrea's Cra£&de;.lrat how different th& baelt fioer . . . •'•'Good Morn- try t o p r e r e a t the redemption of when the Holy One v i 1 Without exception they Have been proven to havfe been inati- frofii the Parades of .the Middle Ages whieh Were inspired by ihff. V»"e are Je-s-s code, to seeIsrael, what can be done about the pro-do it to His Children." gated by the foulest of motives., Not only have they reflected fanatttjista aad left c-trail o£ blood ia .the tracks of those who tectJcn of Jewish rights. As you Our Rabbis were taught. \ i on the Jiations responsible, but have reacted unfavofably for went to re'sctte the toSb df |Chfigt*ffo& the l&fidel I. - This £iod*k e o * . things are in a bad Shape, ways let the left hand repel ti Indeed, and we believe something deserving and the right I"" generations to come. shall invite not as Elisha i efn crusade is inspired by tdleranee and a'desire for ihfotesa-- certaialy ought to be done." In. our own time we have seen,the Turks drive the Armen- tion, for kaowledgi seeura'te'.a&d.authentic afld.at first hafid. "But, gentlemen, "you were just done with his servant, Gecbr and tre had a long talk with whom he rejected with be L iano into the desert and the Greeks from Smyrna; we have seen It betolxeas au anouat of oysip&tay and good triil, a desire here you about, this matter. There hands." the Turks of Greece uprooted from Salonika find the iSlinds for Uiider'standifigf, • tfuth and -jtiStiee. It- ii jadst cofeiaeadabio doesn't really sseal much more Rabbi Eieazor said. "A p<p-\ are occupied with the stu be said." of the Aegean. Since the revolution in Susaia, we have seeft' and heartening. How different from the disputations of thfe to, "Oh, you fioa't understand. We of the Torah will not be de' thousands df political refugees wandering over the face of the Middlo Af€3 feetwgga Jet?£i aad Christians, ifii£fe each side cam© to the front door ES theered over to their oppressor." Cfcesed Shel Ernes Association. C f1 War represented byfcBtbfei and a priest r^s&ectivelj-, butNow we are at the back fioor ES Past generations witnessed wholesale exiles from Germany; where the result ^esknowa feeforahand, tot the feabbi dared the Beth Ttsroel League which hfes fixlly 15.SSS dembers. The from Ireland, from France. Who has not wept ovtt the plight Mi Speak otit With luUeat cfi&dpir, wheffe there Was intimida- Chessd t She! EraeS AsfeocSation of the Acadians as so skilfully recorded by Longfellow f What tida and where the whole was but a cloak for Christian propa- (which has only 14,224 rserar p.to Wrs) really doesn't represe&t •Jew'has not had his heart torn when he read of the plight ganda and eoaveKidfi. Bldody. riots of ten. attended the dis-anything." Ey HASKELEi COHEX of hia fellow Jews who were exiled froiai Spain aiid PoftUpl cussions, aa at i?ort6% Spahi. Asftpart 'at tha Church's Eaa© "la that , case, come "right in dad -WB'11 talk It over." and before that from England and France? Current books and editc- -I for the Wholesale eeatfersioa• Jetffi \?£H coap^Ued by 1%s Beta Ylsroel League is !j coniEQents o* interest to Je^j"1"


FRANCS A. &OK0RHAS* • — * • . *' * | l'ho Now LEONAHU HATHAN *. ,« • AES&sSStO Gdlfe? • By &zbU Jtc&jfel RABBI tfRBDQiUQB (JOHN * COnttfbattoa OdIJc? ?H&ODOfU3 tt..(<!3tf ID • • « G06& CdltOlf Ail intSrSstifig tlllfig i3 taking plade. Grbupa from th* PILL • .• • Otoua Qltyi t o w , various Christian eEuteheS era flsitlag the sj-fi&gogues. Only



<;rs' Order,' ovish Com1 Tl


i oft ing, 8 p . Community.
















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i Towish nianni "-HMTing tliefr "•>•> tbe Sudeten

i c] i lFt-rict. It was (iiandelier faei> Oesterreirhor,


Center . Library Corner"

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i i' ~ioi es from Gra' • < near Praha. A ii „ pull owned by 1 •I >T >

moved from V non-Jew, o w n e r of a

" ' • ' Stein-SchoeSympathy, unfortunate etiles have always had in the" et-lavf .to, attend Citfktka fiSfrieia ,to listen to: epssial fesnaons hardly out of the White House ! r" ' i n Prance. readers— 1 Irhea there fs heard a resos&dcesa. But today, as in thfc past, the most tender-ncarted aani* ! i^n N e w Z l o n . Id? their ^reldlyti^atioS, M eo 4Mtisiagly described by I6g K6ck at the Eolariiim door Czechoslovakia — tinder box • , ' tied R m a n i Of Europe. "AN EXAMINATION 1 feitS opposition to any schenie for amelioratiiig thfc tf&gedy of . . . "Good morning! We are £rd#nitt£ in hte pdes& "Soly Cross Bay, * which tells l <- i m ntry's Jews THE STATUS OF THE j m these Uprooted lives. Chauvinists spit out' excuse after e^cuSs how t h e Jews put cottoa i&'thei* eiri gd t% not to hear the Jews cease to. See what can beOF •'.icrfiice tbeir (Son© about thfe protection of ISH COMMUNITY IN THE " C -f , ' (' . 1 " , u r i lif in defense of aa to why the fatea of the United States must remain closed. PUBLIC NOW IN THE POLITI- • , „ 5 , , , ,_.- - r- j ; - , 'Jewish rights. You gee . . ." i of tae'"pr«5ach6f§. Hot? 6iUtreat'"the tokntary attendi Ir ' U ; CzechosloLIMELIGHT," by F r e d - &r -" \T' ' r - « - i - v F Traditionally'the United States is the home of tho un"Bttt gsatlenicn, you were Just CAL, » I nmanity and erick Liadow. . ©f thg ChfistiiM ..at' ta& JiSWisk Mtliei of *i?6iNhip &nd here i r . ' era °~=-->- r at the bacfc door aad at the wanted eiilel TM Pilgrims, having: wand6fGd tot thirteen tlieif drihkiag itt i?iiii. eageMe'&i SVIiy-w'6Sd s^dkta by thef?oat, aad we had a long talk, "THE AMERICAN* TRADITirx ! \ . . <.£ Lhe s L ; e c . c , i . i US." by Fells Frcck- | Other resolutions ?XT years, found refuge on the inhospitable coast of New England Eabbi for their iafdfciatioa Md enlightett&fet in elpknatioU dida't we* In fact, two talks x EECKONS furter. Now you ar® at the solarium." of the Japanes r i Fol'.o-v-ers Attack and there laid th,e foundations for the rights and liberties wd of Je\fiSa belief, Wfirship, fiyBbol, custos, tJSfceioay, ritual, as "To be sure! But previously "CANDY BARS AS STEPPING |I horrence of China and. the Germ n Jews now enjoy. The J?iintan3 were driven forth by rsligioua -per- Well £3 Jewish hiatofy, a t d the s u i a t e and gituatidfl bi thewe were at the frost door £s thei STONES." by Jack ARshul — [ fion o" Austrss : askeci urt her exThe Etorjr of Abbi Ellis -which, Shel Ecaes AssocJation, aecution that followed in the wake of a serious eeonosie de-Jews today in all the eouat?i§i dl -the world, and the; fiieanin'srChesed i T A ) —Student thea we cas2« to the b&ck door reads liie a Horatio AJgrer suc-• mests sec " c t" < T Rthnr Andreas cess sterr in THE "^AMERICAN pression. . ,-•• . '... " .....••'' '• " . • ; • ••' .'.'•• •' •.. .•'.-.-. '••: '•;•• " g o o d n€ i s tiife Beth Yisroel Leaitce, but ^ i ntonomist leadm e n d e d •"•<. -W& £p@ hiite "as the Aashe HEBREW'. Quakers odme, the victims of persecutions-86 Jidrrible da oppomaity for the tepreseatative ©f Judaisa td Set forth the how r 1 r Stefania Cafa On tbe bock shelves: Icfees f o r ' c -• •= Gfborlci FeS^ration. The Aeshe (i u out all Jewish to make-that of the Jews sesm nothing indeed, j f e t fey their true eharacter of the faith sad the ftjal alssiea of the Jews Giboria ara the- only ones fit to "A HISTORY OF JEWISH TESnlike re •= = (f fight ensued i.i IN MODERN TIMES," fcr gentleness of spirit they g&M the world the fine, example 6£ in thf wsrld? J ^ i do not tesd stieh. fealifktsaaeat regarding speak f&r all Israel. What are the LIFE i ruts were arrestthe dhes«d Shel Eiaes and theDorothy F. Eeligs. >. American Virtuous/living. Today we find-them ia the vaagua'rd of those Chifistiaiaity,'n68"Chfi3tk63 r#§af*iiag_ tlieir fellow Christians, Bfet&- Yisroelf They are really A third Tolurae completes J.Iiss far esster* ^ =• Zeligs ' ' C H I L D KISTOST firavrsl. T ' < ~ Siding the German refugees* life eoatiiitialij' M .a Chrkti^a aiaosfshe?t and esiviroa- nobody." wender that the. President SERIES." It follows chronologi- American ^ r e f.fin Deferred Sifdly a Mate of-tat* original thirteen"colonies but T?a§meat- whefe all thia to ia&ibed-wllh' etery • bflsth, illustrated tiiitiii (aceordixtg to the report): cally tKe first two rolusies. "A interests, •> i \i—The ortho•'Tt?hy don't the Jews get together CHILD'S HISTORY OF THE that those founded as a refuge. Rhode Island, the haven of freeddm of daily in. c6untlesd ways. But Christiaas, even-the most i ition was greatHEBREW PEOPE" a a a "A their .cvrr, afid E&€a& £3 one?" r- • a decision hy <S6flScience, was fathered By & baaislied-Roger "Williams and dated afi<l enlightened, s«ed td bi* iafdrfiidd fifardiiif Efca it M didn't say it there CHILD'S HISTOHY OF JEWISH "tcist and tinistry'8 veter« gave home to the'persecuted, ^aptists and Quakers of Massa- as. it;is--'amazing what misconception and ignorance prevail, IS a £feit deal of truth in it. LIFE."for Ermair prohibit kosher This new volume covers the urged the N AA & E2£.ttcf of fact, the Chesed ! an Tas temporchusetts. Connecticut, -the birthplace, of American democracy, ^ e welcome these Visit3 to the Teaple and the'seeking of in-Sh^l period from the sixteenth cento withd , ESes Association, 'the Beth owiiiE an inter'was Settled by self-esilea from the Puritaa oligarchy 6f Massa- fofttatidti fit first haad with aa open and epipathetifc niincl, Ylarcisl League &E3 the Aashe tury to the present. It deals opening £;•> the Minister of Vith epochs ,Tvhich are of great , -The cor p re Gibortra Federation haven't been chusetts Bay. Maryland was founded by harassed Catholics; delegation ot 6 moUt jpdwerful-'iaiSans di deStroyiag .prejudice wMeh is soSpeaKing for anybddf escept their importance in Jewish history. j Cohen cT butchers. South Carolina by Hugefiots; Georgia by the oppffeSed of all cruelly taiapant in the wdrld tdday,. especially SgaiMt Jews, offkerS who lit© to hear their It is written in a most charm- I orary men style and clear organ.1za.tioa following: walks of life. ,-•:—..' , ' . . - ' assuming the form of anti-Sesaitism such as that in Nazi Ger- toiceis efi&oing in tha hills ot ing of subject raatter. A book that Cincinnati Toledo; TheOt l i p e In later years one finds the MornidnS driven forth to bl&fce Whlefe. is eatisiAg- indeS6ti&.ab!e woe and suffering to the "I a a . like a prophet- of Israel •rill endear itself to children of the Vui City. Ia.; Abra;iiifrtoii. D. C , bl la the presence of thereaders. Congregate their trail across the desert and by their diligende to make a Jew. Knowledge disp'els igiiOfMce, which is the prolific mother "JUDAISM AT BAY,'" by Hor- Baltimore; oiird of the C. esults the president cf wasteland bloom. Even California is believed td have been of pfdjtididd slid etil of dt-ery'sort. Saperstition, error, very ace M. K&Iles. Essays in which Birming-ha" Hani F. RosenCSeSdd Shfel EniJs. this eminent Jew aafi philosopher Atlantic C and Beryl D. Mttled by Spaniards feeing the Inquisition, ol Mfeidcd. largely vice and crime, etenfialiee are the results of ignor- .."I am iust another Isaiah ££12- records fcls reaction to the Jewtii the Blue , Resni vrltH a y the board rnors Moravians, Anabapliists, Seekers,-Familists, Adamites, Men- ance. Whatever tends to destroy ignorance is most. valuable tolcft," gloats tlie president cf ish scene during a period of Zl?! CDt i e g?; F ". A. H. C. : years. O"e • noniteS, Pietists, Brd\7nistS— the list is endlSSSi All fiouShCand helpful. -Evei; iatl«S€aitl£li : w6 - edn£ide!iiiatty believe, Sets f isroel. "How be&utitul are "To benefit through the culechoes." Advertisers Sidnf 1 &'<• .these'Shore's and contributed to th^ greataesi Of tM land that difficult aa it is td eaterMitt. fetieh afl optialitig idei ia these thfe"Giastieve (feha is his wife) ture which. Judaism can and does took them in when their homeland eiecratedjhem. tragic ti^es, is bound to give Way, however dishearteaingly •fiouid heir ias E8W." glows the contribute to the common 'fund at- of Anshe Giberlta. "sts of ciilture, it Is essential to kiie-ir /before the assaults of spreading truth, aa well as the Already we have welcomed refugees fro mthe N"6Si terror XL lfcts' JS# talk in c a r ownJufiaism." of ^eitiee and educated conscience, and of love; as and by doing so. we hav# dnriehed our natio&al liSp #itfe 6fi , bat sow my roide ia fres I ~^, T"*^"" •""r is the "White Hdase." I "* *, hafi &aid, in his address.'da. "Matt the Eeforsier": ."But fertn ' Ejnste'in, a Mann, a Bfttenlng. Certainly, they haven't been : t ere ldag'dS. 0-&r-'$diiti6V6& dQr &&dfi3 ef living, gglsiklnfe. for' me. I, with most / __ _ The conference at Evian must not fail the refugees. IJttt f J tether < Jew^, have been resentful i' in';the eeati^eat.Of'lovd.. This is the oneftt't&ls what is as important—the world must not fail those at Eviafii ridiculous Bs,ftel of little ! 7* f T r T7 fill ills, the p&liaecsi of 'nature. t?e' attst be lov<6rt?,toiesa pretesting -The success of their work defends upon the support taey will Ii, to Epe&b for rae 0 CL u •£R1 ES, at daes thO luposiibk b5eoil£3 tafl pftLiible. 0^16 £§S and.ia t&# &ish places. Jealous little get from the people at home. G5. C' LEUMS, each tryia-g to isake a -, fd? th^s.t£ou5&ad yaasa, Baa h§t b t t i the history- o£ voices, CiiriEg t t e Eummer months | 1" louder sound'than its eaapetitcr. r serriees ara held every Friday G but && edllishaeSi? . . .- Aft &£C$pt&t.G$ of tht sfifitintent T*e.. vto ttB tha Eiaple Jews eveaiag at 7:SO at Temple Israel. Ii without titles felt fiiiSrepreeentti Mot AlTo Gffsld.Tliat «£ l©te thfoU(;a©lut Christendoa for & t&aeon would bri&sr the cd; .C*. V I si wa cserlsa the dignity of .be. Botla El £eld& and thO 6Ut«ast to out eiSfi in tea£3, vita the devotion ing: to, lew bat ttees©- were Jews If the latest rumors from the Greater* Heieh are not td fee Services are hslfl ercvy Eat"r-!{ chalked up. as mere wishful thinking, it ia appaeeat that 6li fif Ma faSuttitt id 6ur fici-ties . . , L^t ouS fiflidtion fl6w outgiviaj a clo-sraisi codedy in our day roornlEg at 9 p., m. a t the in111 | w : . ,L i3 not so good in the latid of HitleriSffl." Fofeiga oDaerverij BaVB id out Miov/a; ii -feroulti ogSriic iii 6 ^<b^ thd gH&iest cf revo- •1'feaa all- otters of my single Bet& El 'Syaajrogue. >!'. feififi fra&tedualfy la Israel, fcttt i . an adage that the political flittiatioa in deffiiaiiy ifl alf/ays tefl lutions . 4. £itH'6 tj-ould put a new i&ct on this wfcary'cld Trorld •uislty sil^ht obscars the separate 1?hish Wd dwell e£? paffSai? and ea«faisa tdo long, fend it \l$Ms Sit t i s presidents of CkesM percent worse than it appears. Should that feaying lidld tetid i%l fiaats, Beth l'lsroel ttad Ahunder the present circumstances, the co&diticm df GerdSdy iti would w a r s thS heart to fi6e fi6i;? fsst tiifi Vaia diplofiiaey of ^S Tfeey spoke pf unity E cervices tel-a r'roc rt ., thg iQpotenee ©f te^iits, aiid navies, and lines of Mbut Glbortia. very bad indeed. . ' t&slr Jealous tciees feared it. ir be tiuperseded by this uaarmdd child . . . But !For some time now disaffection in the fankfl.of hath the Sa I, as one e£ the i&any •who German and the former Austrian afiaieij haa besa fepoftsd. oM day all a e a will bo lovet^; end ©very calaaity -will be EO eeSf-interest ia tiie aJthea. t&it& ni Jtwry, teel cosafctted In lorVhere That the trouble in Germany was not all sULldr 4)edafae appar- dissolved ia the uniye«al suashiiae.'' v-iJl be one t-c^'e yppak- , oaf iic-tf-fcspact. to see t&s four ent with the army purge of February,"although, the gen^ala ing fcr ye-w-lsh ri&tis: it v .11 be ; leadisir ^®"^*i^s2 Dr£r£i&s"&t£©sis S^et£Qld\?lcdQ.d begets apptftfiiatien^ aad appreciation begets Uag tagether for easty, to a a k e 1 haf 6 been restored to their rank and duties. But that BtrttgQtfe» Idvfe, fhc25 little children -tfdti&g tt& i'eiipia M t*Q£i? most be3y that shall Ispeak for ir.ste"C cf fhe n r i ^ t ""! Y"^c ' according to authentic reports, still 0*63 OS tnth the tt&f i£lpr&siiidiiable yeaira, rfi^ardiii^ it £2fiaove^t, Ls. e^our^ioaj 'Tfcese' erfaetEaiioa-s are • t i e opposing the expansionist scheme. • aa adveature, a most pleiSurabld czp&Uace, to Is® eve? asso- B'cai B'rith, the Aniericaa Jew- Ulilty i.vl!T t!T\e'iM'.CL,' l"v v. j l I Reputed calls froin'fieana have bean dskiiig fov ddfaaa lai CosiEiittse, tbe Asjerican. to r"3 rc~c t:~'r-r "T"~~ troops as the Austtiaii army and $dliee ardtoofcMiafeio eh& iiiciated !a fiieaory with the dost delightful ieslinip and isen- 3%'wlk'h. Gassriss aad the Jewish.(firjfrr••= trcv r.zxt TOTP IC;-»r.--, j - - ~ - ' ^ eatiofls, will be wondfougly ififsrccssd, aad & saest fevorable Labor Committea. This unificacase o£ continued trouble it ifl doubted if they ctn h& deft seems to rae, Is a -victory aftittidQ toi?atds Judaism ersatea that win be- prtetitaiiy fs- tion, pended upon. , fcr B'RS-i B'rlth which (as a sort fctiUfitivd a5d grow with, th© y64i"i The £6s& a£ the dcatruc'-cf conssEon deacainator in Amerv The anti-Jewi3h excesses in. Berlin have feooaenmgecL icas Jewry) fes^ beea alaaost a dun '?. t ; rr-.r tioa of'^&ejts«lice and of 2ati-S«5j^itis^"wlll havd b<4ta plaa'ted. feiagle-iaEflea claataploa fcr unity Arj'ans being affected econoMically by tha pul0S' ot 2tay w& conclude sacst appropviately with the t7Oi.*ca of oar ti'saft past. business. Manyj correspondents state, h&Vd SeeelvSd a siekly owa Aketicaa Edwin llefkhe^i ia Ms pocu ca "BJotlicrhood/* a loss? rly ttr- >c« EatJy ia Kgy, at E'usi .B'rtt+i's selres t h ' j feeling from the brutal treatment of the JetfB. trienalal coareation,' Alfred M. urtit F" tlT he 1 hc;r which he cays is 'Eelijjioa. hf ^^ decker Cohea, aoiy B'ssa! B'rith'a lioncr- TLwl Jt*. 5 e r e c Ei". : The digestion of Austria^ it was prophesied, vduld aot be ajT. presidtM,. said la Mi ines• "There is a dcaliay that uabca u*s so fia&y. For a while it seemed this pfopjiosy false, but recent gss ss-»*t© propbetioaHy: "I hzre None goes h b way alohc, of tea £s.*S &s4 1 sgaia repeat tfcst Sri Ccr., "£~3 tc .'•£.. developments ahow a Straining under thb Swastika. lesdfel's yrftt laore to*ard catty p l.ty cZ :l^ v -; _ v.^--. All that we send intd t*id livei c£ etliero,. Vie!ina»-'the city o£ charm aiid liospitality, was to have .WiSeSit'Ter tSssl? foMotrerf- insist Stc'r ^!•^*^^'r ;^-~rj •< Comes back into our own. I that tliey. 5» so." been once more the host to its 'beloved Fuehrer.5 But soberer not -what hia Tenpbs nor hia creeds, souls have discoursged the visit. Hia welcome might not have AJi .tliis will toa a great COIECS tr:e Jol;; ^i <•< •-- r^-> e thing holds firm ssd fast," td evfery&odj" concerned. The i the delired warmth. •' ' That into his fateful heap of days and deeds W&Kft Hoaaiis hereafter "siriil net Rioto have occurred in the markets of the city &js tlio food jj6.Ye to suffer the eiabarraEsins *J of a xaiii be ccst." Jj&rasESieat of Sevrs taoaking' a* shortage of the Eeich becodea molfe apparent t& tho dtoillti* the froat door, the back fioor sad sioned Austritos.. Graiu3 have been D6nt frofii AtiBtria to Gerthe celstrlij.ni. f;;i>rr ir. r'-t;Sclf-rsssssctfisff Jeffs i~fi! T.O many &ni the Teotono of the south fire not taking lightly to leftESlr Be hataslfetea by edaisEfithis slighting of their Bio»oacha» • One reads kv>/ the women of Vienna turned upon otorsa- Boslx Chodash Ab.... .........Friday, Julj 23. r





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im to.

Pr rr .K


**KIddush" Saturday At B'nai Israel . -

' and we will tell you all about i when we vmte acain. ! • • ' Afleeticnaielr,


i A. j P. S. Jean Sands of Lincoln iZlT. and Mrs. Joseph Tretiak making en o. It. recovery afte will be hosts at a "Kiddusb" to Dear Suzy- Q, be held this Saturday, Ju]y 2, a t ,I . Just to be different, I'm going ; that appendectomy a couple z

9 a. m. at t h e B'nai Israel V n a - t?l n er e vae r fae stanj a t . trite vacation by- weeks ajo. g o n e , Eighteenth and Chicago-'J, . h^a m. s ' - ' V t l s h y o u w e r o streets, in honor of - t h e marriage ! J ^ f ? ' F; n,k aa..wonderful. time." TEFI2TSKY.SEIGEL RETURNS TO COAST of their daughter, Anne; to Dr. *•»*'?« ,V' f n d J " r - v e b ^ On Sunday at 2 o'clock at the Miss Martha Lippett has l'a- Lloyd H. Dean, which wil take ' ^ r n m = -lanrtou a n d ' Colorado home oE the groom, 2408 Bristol, sumed her duties with the Calsprings upside down, ever since Miss Ann Selgel, daughter ot Mrs.- ifornia State Relief Administra- I . A J 1 t h e i r friends are cordiailv •we arrived "We met the' cutwt i !

i V


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Bv HELEN ZlG J, H. Seigel of Waterloo, Iowa, tion. at San Diego after a short (jnyited to attend. Indian. His name is Joe and he . will become the bride of Paul visit her with ..her parents, Mr. smokes cigars instead of a pipe. ! Teplitsky, son of Mr. ana Mrs.and. .Mrs. ,H Lippett. ; Hollywood—Courageous * Mttl-" Before I left Omaha, I vest to i Morris Teplitsky. . the tea given by the Alpha Gam-.- Eddie Cantor-not ..only talks fcigma Rabbi Milton A. Kopsteln and ma Chi. sorority of. Omar-a C\ Our People, despite Nazi threats Cantor A. Schwarakin will offic. . . stages •benefits . . gives larcc un c3ay tor a!! t b e For t h e .elosW meeting ofthe ! f , ' ™& ? c " o a l : sum's . . . but he also ACTS. Xes' lt - iatei' : . '• ' " / . •..'. • year members-of' the Phi Sigma | graduates. It was very loyeiy Attending the bride .as maid-ofHoney. I hate to bring thoughts month he s.vus for England to n ' , h i » , t ; m fho,. ! Mrs. Sam Klaver, "president of cm^Wrif^.-hoirVr, Sorority held a m combination theahorior will be her Sister, Marlys. mind T/licn i contact government officials and L - slumber " - ' ' in Sunday. | you are trying so 1 Jack Teplitsky will be his broth- the LadieTWee Loan societV an! ! ter and other jafluentfrS persons in h\:~ orsef to nounced today, that Mi-, judah! June 26. : ( ers bestrman. but this is so adorable, it's vroYth . heroic'effort to rehnhilitate ir the theater the girls went jj mentioning.-Florence Meyerson— : Palestine three The "musical setting will be Wolfson will install the newly-i t oProm hundred Jewish the Hotel where the 'sou ' provided by Joe and Loui3 Saks. elected .officers of the organiza- i slnmber Paxtcra hnoV of Council.Elu'fJTs—has , children from Poland, AuHriri party was to be 'held. A \ tion at the Jewish Communfty .Miss Harriet Bernstein .will sing. g t ssmall a l l school chool ; and Germany. He nss been workbarbecue supper was held that a belt made of: eight A reception will be held at the Center nest Wednesday, July. 5. night slates, with . childish pictures ;in = tirelessly toward this r and a breakfast the follo.Wr The following committee* was home at 5 o'clock. drawn on them, ana struns to- i appoin ie3 by iTrs. KJaver to, as- ing morning. gether on retl cord. SSe we^rs the Those attending: were Shirley •We heart a good deal about sist the officers in making the arIlETCRXS PROM EAST. hn belt with a white skirt, -ixnd a Julius Tannen when fce came out xangements for that davMrs. C° -Dorothy Katzman, Esther Miss Evelyn Splegal has rewhite, short sleeved angcra s»veafrom Ercadi\-ay. He bad been r turned from a motor trip with Joe Ban, Mrs. H. RothltOTltZ, f •Win'troub, Marjorie_ Katz,. Vera. ter. f vaude headliner S."Epstein and Mrs. Joe Mil- j Epstein,. Louise .Wintroub, Ruth , was s'at« her. relatives, Mr. and Mrs. -Sol Mrs. . . • Kaplan. ^nnlan. Betty Rpttv Abramson, Ahi'srasnn. and and j Beth Cherniss iia^ one of the ; for this picture and that puuZager and Mrs. Ben Bloch of ••ler. i most striking cotton dresses- I'volieity flowed.. . . then as suddenSpecial refreshments have been Bernice Epstein. Uncolri._ '. • seen-this summer. It has -tiny, • ly, ebbed. Recently he shook the •-•• She divided a. month's vacation arranged by the committee, and navy blue flowers set on a white > ciaeraa sand frtfti his feet . . . between New York, Philadelphia a large gathering is expected at background, tv.-o large felt flow-; went back east, t e s t i n g a. friend the installation. . and Atlantic City. ers of the same shape, and cplor ! who inquired where he'd, been, bf

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The following officers'are to on the front of the-belt, puffed . replied, '"I've been in fe'ollywood be installed: Mrs. Sam Klaver, RETURNS FROM CHEYENNE .By Sirs." David 5L Newmaa sleeves, square neck, and a flared • disappearing- in pictures'" Rose G. Cohen has returned from president; Mrs. :S. Fish, viceskirt. However. Beth is nnt tal:Mrs.. A. Wolf, treasCheyenne, Wyoming, where she president; ing this dainty dress' with her to•Budd Schulbersr, scion of "B Mrs. I. J. Soskin, loan sec- ""' "' • White Friiit Salad had gone to attend the wedding urer; morrow when she', her sister Zel- P.". sold nine original ttories to retary; Mrs. Lewis Ellis,.dues Dorothy Cohen and Marvin 'secretary; 3 e^gs beaten. da and her mother and father Liberty and Collier'- Curing t t e Mrs. Hi Roitstein, fiG-tablespoons vinegar. Schwartz. leave'for a ten day --acation trip past six; months. He's twentynancial and recording secretary, 6 tablespoons sugar. to Yellowstone Park where i.h?y three years old . . so he checked Mrs. M. Tatle, Mrs. Joe Ban HIGHLAND COUNTRY CL.UB | and. 3 tablespoons butter. plan to rough it \ in slacks and off the Selznic-k lot, where >e is Mrs. H. Freidel, trustees. Dancing is held- every Satur- andThe 1 \'z caps cream. shorts. ' listed as a "junior" writer, benew board will be ap-' A i^' = day, night at the Clubhouse and pointed by Mrs. Klaver atr-*this Z cups white cherries (pitted cause he thinks he's to.o. old to Joy find. Lee Jane •Gree.n'berg <~-rt scr will continue to be held until fur- meeting. and halved). wait a whole year before he ha? . . ' . ' . . . cave a dance at the Highland for • ther notice; Members have been ' . Z cups pineapple cut small. forty couples Friday nisrhr. The a chaiice of getting his name on making up dinner parties before 3 cups marshmallows cut. dance was-m'honor of Ruth V\'p[- the screen. ""•ild v ..the dances. • ~: cup shredded blanched al- ner, Dorolhy Sherman and l,xtis "' T r r e —••monds. . , ' Xovilsky, all of Sioux City. Elinor The Paties, Ehooting "Straicrht,! flicker. ,:,:'-.••'• Club •- . 'Place*eggs.arid' sugar in double FOttMER OSIAHAN HERE Place, and Stiotr,'" aren't so con-j it up for Stern <if XortH .Dakota was :.Miss Ethel Stoller of Chicago, about horses as..formerly. : boiler and cook until thick anfi an honored priest. Your "[-"•jj ! fident n o n e Face-;; In spite, of rainy weather 25 smooth, beating constantly. Rea former OmaBan, is here visiting sequence' Harry is sup- ! Thank Q, shbuld have '' ^ her parents, Mr. : and Mrs. A.couples attended the annual move from beat, acid' butter sad brother. been there. You wouldn't ij, v e j posed to take his steed for a I Stoller. . . ' •tfeiper roast held Saturday night, cool. When cold, fold in fruit, to tell him to keep his shirt ' fence ler.f . . . instead the horse ! After a short stay she will go June 25, in Grimmes park by the marslmiallows, nuts and whipped -had tails in, as most of ttt1 ! fellows took him. for a loop. Erohter Al '•. Sou*h j-era. Ire i Thorpeian Athletic,club. with her mother to Marion, Indicream. wore their shirts out. 1 ;uess it's rushed to pick tip the would-be ! though ; c E f p T'.I ana. to : visit -her brother arid The Bank Night drawing "conequestrian . ^_. noted with ,cur- • Turn into a ring'mold and .chill [the latest style! sister-in-law, Mr. and. Mrs. !„' ducted - by Chairman Tj-vin C. prise that his mate-tip was grone. Iher cf tL- S: Jo^Levin and assisted" by Morris M. Stoller. "Oh.'' moaned Karry, "it's in the • cf Franklin: was won by Mrs. Joe a platter' surrounded by lettuce eight at Johnny's place I vras in- dust somewhere," and • ided .• Jul CTz?-iZr.ncr. and water eress and garnish with troduced to Spencer Tracy. Yes. r i?! P rs. Rothkop, first prize; Mrs. Isadore ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT wcefnllv, "If von come across a • ' " " he was eating steak, and he looks Mr. and Mrs. I.1 Katzman of Sokoloff, second prize;1 Mrel-Mil- greea cherries. of broken ribs, they're i ELI exactly like he does on the screen. ouple . j ^ t o o . , Los An&eles, former Omalans, ton Gasper, third prize, and Mrs. !th? The fact 'hat everyone had a j ( announce the engagement of their Harry HayMii,- fourth prize. ~i cup sifted cake flour. daughter. Fan, to Morrie Lubin, • The nest club meeting will be marry time at the Ronoh cl.iEce ! - At last, after years of two1 teaspoon baking powder, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Ben .Lubin held at 8 p. m. Wednesday, July -it. teaspoon salt. has already- reached Colorado, ji j-eeler aoprenticeship. Eilly Gil., 6, i n t h e Fontenelle hotel. Plans of Los Angeles. • Hovr things do get around! xr z clip butter. j bert is a top-notcher. Has been The marriage will take place will be disclosed and- committees -Zerline Somberg is starting i given a leadiag role in the Bro^d2 ounces b i t t e r chocolate appointed by President Milton . In the autumn. : • west for five weeks of vacation in | way musical, "Greek to You." Gasper for a family picnic to be melted. California. She leaves tomorrow. | . —• 1 cup stjgar. held in July. JOSLYN Say hon.'do you knovv- Idella Laff j Jack "Beau'' Esiiny offers ss 2 well beaten eggs. A recital by Ellen MacKenzie, of North Platt? She visited Shir- j his infallible rule for sartorial • a.2 cup chopped nuts. • soprano, assisted by Jack Gatrpst, ley Spar for a few days last. wees, j perfection: "Remember, always 1 teaspoon'vanilla. pianist, will be presented at 2:30 Another out of town- visitor was keep your'shoes rather than'the Sift flour, measure, add baking 'Phil Rosenberg who. drove • thte Sunday afternoon in the lec- Mrs. A. Schwaczkin and Mrs. your pants s powder, salt, sift .' again. Add • ture hall at the Joslyn. Memorial. •A. Katz were hostesses at a benefrom Cheyene, Wyoming, At 3:30 and 4:30 Sunday in fit- bridge-luncheon given ''by •melted butter to chocolate; mis week. • - ' • first Jlaurice1 Moscoviteh the Joslyn Memorial lecture hall members of..the Women's. Miz- well. - Add .- sugar to eggs, .beat "Well. Suzy fated the' kiiegs for a screen tr~t, a motion picture film will he rachi for the Beth Zeiroth Girls' thoroughly, add •.hccolate mix- must sec ride. lie stoocl in jrreat sire - of' T "T ture' and'blend. Add flour, nuts •shows. It is "Natives of Glacier," School, in Tel .Aviv. ' from * the United States depart- . . The luncheon was held on and vanilla. Bake, in a greased June 21 at the home of Mrs. pan in a moderate oven—3 50 dement of interior; - •., • --.... A recorded program of music Schwaczkia. grees—for 35 minutes. Cut in on the organ in the concert hall -" A large number of women at- squares while warm..




F r*

Thorpeian Athletic

Women's Mizrachi

will fie presented at the Joslyn tended. - Memorial at 4 p . m. Sunday. INVEST SAFEL.Y, WISELY. IN Annuity, Endowment, uifo Represents 21^ Strong 'Companies—Every Typa of Instirancs and Bonds Written, • CAI-l-'AT 76ST or WA S15O: City Flnanet & Insurance -Co..

- • •. .



Highland Country club will obr serve ladies and guest .day on Tuesday, July 5. ' ^Hostesses for the day will be Mrs. 'Milton llayper, Mrs. M. D. Micklin and Mrs.-Henry A.- Newman.-- ' : • - - . "V . • •>'• T i e dajt,will-be s p e n t in c a r d s .

Named to Commission Hyde Park, ?T, T. (WXS) — Mrs. Anna M. Ro'senberg, regional director- of .social' security for New Vork, w a s one of the nine persons appointed by President Roosevelt to his special commission to .study the British labor .disputes law -and labor relations In Sweden. Sirs. Rosenberg is a former official of' the KRA and

golf and bingo. .-Luncheon will a leading problems. be served.;


authority "

on labor

Causa For Celsbrefion. We Have the

That can't he beat for Coolness . . . P i t , . . . Washability .and Stj-Ie! Kelly Don Voiles, Batistes, Lawns, Seersuckers . . . .

more , COthers Up to $10.?S! •' • Sizes 10 to IS . . . '12 So 44

O Tfao problem was acute —; hard to pack . . . hard to gel ct what you wanted . . . a flurry oi repacking that always :ld]led your ^e'ctrly meming start. Tho Hinsqn GLADSTONE VALET knocks down


'ell ihsso annoyances •with ons fell swoop. THs bag Vircsn't actually designed for motorists in paxiicular, but many motorists say it is. There's ample space? for three suits on built-in hangers. Hcm&y compartments for all your furnishings and accessories. No unpack-repack rigmarole, for when you open Ibis 3?ag, it's "unpacked," and whsn you close i t you're feady for a 'get-away fast as a fireman. Using It in hoteL cabin camp, or trailer, you }usi hang it up, and it's a con, veaienUy crraBged clothes "closet whether you stay for a n i g h i or a week. Folded, it stows away snugly oa the back seat, floor. or luggage carrier., ..;

'"—Q farmettes, slacksan coats . . . EVERYTHIMS

you'll ^^^d for fan' ia the sua.- .• -is here

Entrance Floor

For yciir holiday.. r.xar ; in two great grccps

Size? 14 rs <-l Thrift Shop

Priced • According io Mslerlals 7>^'Jr&^




Fifth Floor Vahie end Vceielx in

rs, yob -can driv<e - through, o dasf sJorrai or resin storm- vn&h year ralnd of eosc, lor the' exclusive Hinson. zipper installation seals tho ha% against' .dust end moisture.. This specie! zipper-also locks in an air-pac!;.that prevents •svrinldiag. 'Two'insial ixaor frarnes> also'esdusively Hinssn; give tho bag what it fakes, to weather 'many a cacson's-touring-.' -Euggsd- enough'for thobackwocdnf 'tho many models-(in fabric )and lectacr) cro swanky enough for Broadway.





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C A N D I D A T E — WcI'.Er E. O'Hara. former manscing director cf the rare track at P c r -1 tucket. R. I . vho h;.s cnnour.ccc h:? candicacy for Ocverr.cr or the Democratic ticket. Ke or>poses Governsr RoV>ert E. Q^ir_n. who scel:s renorr.^at:oa. Govsrncr Qu:r.n's announced ir.tcr.tior.. last fall, not to perrr.if the trcr:; to open caused martisl law to t-e declared at the track. I^cter, O'Earc was r;,—evee fcv ths ftockhclaers.

JAPANESE—^Against increasingly heavy odds this Japanese column pushes onward through Central China. It is made up of trucks, cavalry and soldiers on foot and is one of the many Japanese units attempting to coordinate the forces in northern and central areas. Military observers believe, however, that with China's leaders asserting their armies can and will fight indefinitely, Japanese morale and finances are failing rapidly and that already there is a sharp difference of opinion in Tokyo over the war's continuance.

DOWN ON THE FABM—Arriving from their brief honeymoon abroad, after their recent marriage in Dublin, Ireland, Secretary of the; Interior Harold L. Ickes a n d his bride-look over their Headwaters F a r m near Olney. Md. Mrs. Ickes, youngest o t the nation's r Cabinet wives, was the former J a n e Dahlman of Milwaukee^ National affairs called t h e honeymooners liome. , ,

** *?

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JAPANESE COBISIANDEES — Attempting to brir.~ tii'cir a together in China, thus-crushing Chinese defense, ire J-paness Generals Hisaichi Terauchi, left, comnicncl^r in'-Jvcrtli Ch'.no, and Shunroku Hata, directing forces in Central China. Thsy-nre sho^ii at a conference in the captured city of Sucho>v. Meanwhile Great Britain hoped to mediate the war.

MEIII -POSES, FOE. HES PICTCSE—Gloria (Mimi) rar-c-, ^ncipt' s T-,rir-=-. r1 photogra'pSers beside a pool in Honolulu. Ivliss Baker vas vaken /J c ur^nc, < -c and has been speafiing & month in Hawaii. She is the ^z^^.^: <J~ I- -. 2>< t.'. Tork and Newport and half-sister of Alfred Gvr^np Vrrf""^"lt-. -r•"•'-' ^ ~ - " - r

f—1, pck-c-s for u.-v.i*'lC4 c~uise

•/ I

JEES VISITING .KOYALTY—Crown Prince Adolf of Sweden and Crown Princess Louise, royal guests in America a t the tercentenary celebration-of1 the founding of New Sweden by t h e Swedes and Finns. Principal observance is a t Wilmington, Del.,.but. a visit to other


American cities is planned, with a brilliant' banquet at the "Waldorf-Astoria, New York, on July 6.



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PLAYTIME —.Famed Bailey's Beach; exclusive play spot for society at Newport, R. L., is open again and neighboring villas and estates are being.made ready for the summer colony. Among early arrivals was Mrs. Pierpont Johnston of Boston, shown above.

| •'





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PUBLISHER A GUEST—Among guests at a rccc-t cir.nsr p^rty on the Starlight Roof of the Waldorf-Astoria, Ncrr York, were Mrs. Morton L. Schwartz of Nev/ York and.Georss T. Cameron, publisher of the San Francisco Chronicle. Mrs-.-Ecli—crtn's evening gown was of summery gray chiffon, printed with pistel f.owers. She wore a three-strand pearl necklace.




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INACTIVE DIZZY—^That v/oeful look on the face of Dizzy Dean, unable tc pitch for the Chicago Cubs because of a mysterious pain in his right arm, ensued when he was left behind by the Cubs on their recent eastern trip. But he couldn't stay away from the. ball Game,- so he and Mrs. Dean went over to Comiskey Park, Chicaso, to watch American Leasuers.

•A INDIANS ADOPT V7I1ITE GHiL—One of. the few rhite v;c~on ail;-, to rpcci t!;; r.'lansuase. Miss Lola Schueltcr, co-ed of St. Paul, 'linn., T/CS recently -i.c~Ud into t~s '-'in Glacier National Park. Mont. Here is the ceremony, in which Ciiisf YA-f.sei Fen I.: Princess Holy Star, She r.cts as interpreter for p^rl; Visitors.

V^nic. :,Zzii. iz^zlizr T.— !'..:• C.,".c. r r r : : - tG"s ^"Tcr.":^:'. '•.-."•.-:':' ••";£rrs his v.-ircj-i'.p. "_-';-^ -f"-rr: w»'*^»s u p in. ^)^c^ t o £-fc. n«c'i'j^zLvtirr




-ITJBAT. JTLT 1..1935

R aps

adins' 'tig ms-il in i i s Isame to :your slaves seise -day." suddenly rushed out. ' rie didn't sriy where be TTZS SO- |

•"Oh?" "Kot that it's cry of — y bttsi-

"Hesin Shepherd "waited into ) "By tbs- "wsy. £32 he F-rer tE~; "the aifice. On the desk "were :70a how i e rrat that ii^np?" torn envelopes :aail .piles of 1st-.! "No,.sir."

Usxnisnniity Csst

tors. On the .top -of the heap Isy i '"He pot it in 1S15. fijrhtin:: an open circular. Iilr. Shepherd i under Andrew "Jstssnn r.trainsi bent down t o read it. ;tne British in defense of ~ "New : " J o s ! " .he erred. "Come Hsra, . uriEE:

ThEre ould IETE -:5haljbo£h yy ~ • ;' been a i l r . Ito^ro t o s u r p o r t l b s I" iiB y s pay ,2 "nish one. Tou're quite j J o e r " gjfarls of the Junior .Jewish | tyrants la n 1 .Joe s t u c i his .-puzzled b.aa.d:paar il I hadn't dr&ggsd rdra j voice, iii3 liana's groping ior -a clear, :vir. Henry." . j from tiie battlefield b a e i to Kcvc I gnu. "The TisitDT rose and moved to- j tiiroush the door. This Monday "vrc celebrate I " I t i i s l : I iniDT? Trfcsre ~hs 'is, ' Orlc'cns vrhere he cotilS jret prri>; rfhe T'ourth of July. The Fourth i "Quiet!"...muttered Dison. up- vrards the door. " ;-er care." A XT-TitJUEdB.- a'fsiost "I'm glad T?B ."undsrstana each ! J O E . " : ' -'OT -«lTJly ihas pnrtirulnr "meaning | preaching ;the ,laa. "You're l a " •• ; killed i i a . other,"":h.e laugliea."BDoa any, j -TTitBre. s i r ? " *o u s totlcj- because America ths iToTost, a jpriaoner:" . j • P.ezin Sbepberd pointed ±c *"-'•^« J '"xif?-.ns?TBr Jrpolze t o ^ e 0* ' The IMsnncr". /•• 3Ir. Salomon." remains as one of the lew " ' • ' : ' . Tiie "prisoner iDoTsiea -about Him, .pJr. .Sbepherfi." "Good aay,.3Ir. Senry. Thanli I circular .tm ±be desk. •countries where liberty -anil r r 1 r* «.^r-* '.Notice t o "NETST .OrleansT 31 er- , , , „ ^ ..,....„.. irBeilDm .are realities instead < of his round, 'blue eyes '.feverish. you ^lor -comiTig to -tolt-'xas "this." I' •cfeantE'. j' U c w . Orleans T -''-'"^ O . D ^ ^ C . ^ . Then ,3ie saitk back Triti a rsroan. "With a .strsnge smile, JHsyiia wmfls. j is'.prbbabjy .the last cae .ilr. !Tcusalist .church lor nale. TTca and the doctor passed on .Salomon returned, to bis . ledger i! -to .iis JXrwisb "boys cntL^irls, m Uisnn v meet debts. .Aurttan tofiav.! iT D ^^_kscI. ThBTB^s a custcmcr t o . a corner of ilie room •where and vvorliEfi Etcaflily on till nigiitflnoultl be'particularly'irrysl -to ! "But he's a'Jevr," said. Joe, | ??eV,, i a a d D e t l c r t s £ e " E 7 E o f they bent over .a figure OH tne f a l l . • . . . . . ' . • "this day and -what it m e s s to "and -what.^vould be be vantias j " " " • __^ The :nezt -day a-- ;"post xhaine •j-K-ith American lite nnQ be .hsppy floox. 2 church, £ir?" . | '"TTJicre Is Toura? "*Deaa," saia the tioctor, alter stopped before his door -naa an that TO are living in -America j ' "But he's-a-ludab Tocro, EirT" l h e>r TOT -vraitefl on tbe customer -examination.important loDliins ^eaileman -vras l todey instead of the .oppressed . j'laughea .P.ezin ShepTierd and 1 "retisraeS to "Sir. Shepherds He ihre-w :a shset -over the figadmitted to Eayim Salomon's siiie countries of Jiurope, j Tralted nut to 'find bis "Irlend. ' l i r e . • . .• • . . " • . . : . . . ; • study.: '-.;'. TVc tare mmdlnl, too, of the ::' "Anyone to take "him -out?" i a t the-Aisctiaa "Are you sure Tie didn't iceiiD "Sir. Salomon," the man EaiS part our Sevriah iorefothers . .'"Just a minute." he "irxis goixij:?" Sezin 1 to the little broker bebind "tbe ( Tbe ls.vrxi ol l b s church ^ a s ^ ^ vrbere phryed in .the Zlevulutiomrry • Dison -s^ent -off and returnea desfe, "I am 'Sir. TYtorris's sscre- I cro-si-dEd "with eager spectators. '''"Shepherd cslred, srlsncirsr et i i s \V«r. They contributed aiobly ;a small -platform stooa a TE3- i't^tch. tvro • guards -srio lifted the The secretary . • nf - the jLDn of themselves, their money, tarad man, poundin- a table -rrith '. " ^ o . he didst. He -TOE -reaflI corersd iigure and -carried it DUt treasury :has sent me Inr you." nna their services t o "the cause -j;ol :tbe building." J±s they ;passed '•3 uuvtil.. ' i^-S bis paper — there .it is, six. Sayim Salomon's eyas lighted t "Does SEycme bid MEiter?" be , i'lpht behind you, EJid suddenly of Tpvolntion. Though only o jthrougn the gate3 the sentry up.. 3 e sprang up and reached handful of Jews at thht iime glanced at the draped "figure, ;end 'shouted. "Does .anyone outbid ] asked il thers vere " any blanfe '" '-? - " lor hia"h<it. they did tlieir part in helpwjr iHr. "Touro"? Gnins. •Gains. SazzV' I chects." ^Tvith is. Bhrug-.0f *h'! -shoulders ~"I Irave Taeen -waiting for ."3ir. malic America a free land for j : THE paver caiaB' fievfs -vrita s I ' " I ' Br!E -" s a i 3 - * r - 'Sbepherd, "bfe cxmtiuued .his Tvallc. • .iklorris t o send far me," :ho said, j'bails'." A 5ishpa33Ha"tSrTjt;j:n ibe f^yes tTrfeklins. 1 raekaii 1 wjcm'-t 1 E und-.-inlloweS the man ±ro«n the I CTDTvd.'-.'trhe auctloa«er vrip-ed his j Se.-picked up the paper at the Aiiiericiux JPTVTT lias nltrays •anynanre lauisbt," thg doctor [-mom into the post chaise. Til- i damp torebead -vritb •& crcmpled I °Sen P£§"e -tad carfifnlly read the u r ? - i-i2 done its part i n . t h e prensrraBald. "Good night." • teen tninutes later, he was stand' ' i-neu-E. • Several minutes later he tiou of "our government. &s B e "vrnlkefl JJH in one airestion ing before the treasurer of the handkerchief. to Jewish qitrnens of todny, "Sir. Touro," he raid, "will TOU .' called , Jos. ._ , , m , and the .guards, followed by American government. ^.rrr.z .-.' should -ioIlDw their- foot- Dison,- -made their -way around please come i e r e for vour J)a- '• , ^Ir Amos x.awrsEce. be reaa 1 you. 2Ir. Salorailed for S ei^- i? " " " • alocd; Vwill coritribute 10 thacsteps and continue to* conSrlbthe ;prison *mil-continued down mon," " • • ' • ;-sand dnllars i n r t h e monument ol 3Ir. Slorris grcve'Sy, utp to the land which :Iins given fhe street. At the -corner -they i-.ito a s l -said Q^ t } l e f o ri B l p t D c a r r y A :tall .'lean m a n with a. slight ; B u s k e r S i l l .if there .is ccvane ~l~r us frci'Oom, .liberty anfl".aii-op- atDPpett, looted- about -cautiously, j -revolution. *What interest will lrmp_iaade nis -way throush i h e i i j . .country who -will xon"r.:.~'7r" B E e n t n e Tiortunity lor our own betterthen turned 'to the right and i u r - jy o u chS.TgB on a i o a n tD the incut. enjwa. . , j tribute ;a like amount." Tied to a small hut that was hid- {American government?" H e r e .pre yonr des&s STIQ j -"yrell, Eir?" This Ti'f eli "we shall have two den .in t h e ^ r a y mist. They j e n --^y money i s a t the Horvice of j martgras-e," said, the auctisnser, ! . >«>an't. you see? stories ronrernlnj; "two of our tered and bolted the door. The the Ireedomsnd liberty for which i'bsnding -him the papers-. "They're \:hss -gone t o raafee out a check i o r T>rk r famous Jewish men »of the past. sheet lell to 4he floor and a short, America i s fighting," answered i"?31173-" . I ten thousand dollars for tbe :r;irr :1 The" first is sboutJEUiyiin Salo- •slender man Kmiled up at ^them. the Jewish broker. " Beverend .Clapp, tbe minister 1 monument of Bunker Hill." 3non« 2JD is, .ss.yDn xemember, "Good, work," said Bayim "Salof the church, stepped forward. ! "But why, sir?" askea tbe bemorris I s .Skeptica! 3ew ^vho came over omon. '"And ]iow tp pay you Xor^ 3lobert 3Inrris drummed *the "Congratulations, .Sir.. .Touro," ! -wiidered Jos. before "the HevolHtion :and jay escape." I lie said warmly, holding out his ' desk -with his. lingers. ecause fee's Jusaii rtmtributi'd all bis "money and oitro, ".And the quicker the better," "That i s what .all .the brokers I hand. " I would rather-you s e t crie d P^ezi ^ezin Shepherd, "the i_ .thxt* mails it , possible, Ior snapped -Dison. "A pretty mess 3 have .spoken to'sav," Jie said, h^e church than anyone else." most sDlaen every 'heart that -Lh°:r — ana his men .to we'd be in if we were discovered smiling "wryly. _ r?" Juoah Touro asked, a lived." a^cjnst the British. Ue- .hare with en American rebel." curving his l hjinsorous "J .repeat, -my money And he threw hircseli into a y is at fhe congress .has Irnnorntl : "They wnn'trfine you "with me, service of "the American why should I want .ckair ana la till the tsars TEVOIU- mouth. '.'Now li£3 airraorr Jor the -part 3je : my iriend," returned Huyim Salu church, Heverend Clapp? I'm rolled down i i s cheeks. i r ( 1-= Al; r.;. 7- 7. 1. lihTyrH «xnd -they crp ..erecting; & omon. 'To..anxious, tDo,.to set t i o n . ' ; : _ " ' " - „ . . • - • ' • - ' a Jew;" • •• '"I realize that, "Sir. -Salomon,'*' jninnmnnnt to him in "Wanfaingaway from here "to snye my neck Pvobert ISIorris returned, his Tmice " 3 u t ^-DU just bouErht it," said to'n. for the revolution." ' -with.. bitterness. "Every the ^minister, -bewildered. "Ton _ Judnb Tour» is the principle 3 e -ripped the cuff from his edged rich man in Philadelphia i a s of- have the:'- deeds and ike Taorti'hnracter .of our .Trncond story. "The Ca adba "Tattler" _^ r :._" r r_: sleeve and several layers of bills -ga-ge."- '• Tlioush Jhii» j^ioures in- a later lell^ t o ' The ground. Counting fered his money to the revolumade its 19 SS fiebat with ""Take them,. ileverend Clapp," period, thnt ol "the >.; W'nr of them -off into-f our parts, lie "gave tion, until 1 asked lor jiroof. ior ..Jndah'-TouTo-Baia;-pressing them Greenberg as ^eaitcr.^ P^sparters '^\ the written cheek, that is. "Then 3 ff'12, It" TTHS. "tbrou-b his efthe guards their share. in.tb -bis -hand. ' "I Tboacht it for i^: re: , , . , their tone changes." 'iarx'k -flint > the jmuiimnents a t '"You'llTTCy 'tire doctor "for lae," j IlosenDlatt. Dorctny btsrlm- zni "And UDW you -want .my i-you ^nd ^our-congrcsatimi." and -Cuncrarcl Steve he told Dixun giving _him tvo .' •' T h e GiSt" iind. "\ve -can JJSSU he inain Erti"!1? tkis""wsek ~^as "OS course, I realiae-ryou iave Tlis. -minister gazed at t \m T.E-'A-UUS .jieriOfk 'too. on tire • "Visits" taken by the "Jlrsht," -said Ifcon, tuctins made .your money .not 2or • the iace safore Mm. caB5P tho bills into his poc'.;et. ^f^ " ^ s ^ " ^ °J" ^ American . government, '.hut for Then slowly Ere eyes tilled with j * "And -novr I'm "03 'to Phila- yourself. ' Still.. if :you could re- tears. .Ann delphia." - "X know ihs.t the !yTLS.poernes duce "your rate of interest - , . . " "TDU'd bettor tafce jidvantage "How much anoney do ynuiif ;±lie country depend CE .yea SOT 'The ""IMacT.E'bees" last Fridzy ol the mist and go immediately," -want, Mr. 3Iorris?" much - ' ... EciU Diron sruffly. "But .-your :rate nf interest. -. .." nalt. '"I am interested in serving, the flon Ssyiai Salomon opEned the revolution ^before myself, .3Ir. ;» door and pc-er.d out. A deep 7Iorrisr" How much annney do Tcum, cn-d cdgiiis .bis way c-ut of Ton utilln-r^D Iry " -cvEryviiere. jn.e yon want?" tbe ainased assembly, be half ran is ths £.athor. r.:«"pfi"d.'-. nut,- r.ud "turned, his And TJsyim Balomon irpened iroia the la-wn -straight isto Sc^in is face his check book as Hobert "SJorris J .Shepherd "Tvbo !bad been vratohicg :havir.r; a tonrssmett of .jacks cu •S" lrj,-6t .-ijrht yrCUs LU ihs- ;pro-( Ircjned in Cho. doarvray. stared in "amazement a t the little from tbe distance. c3l!St 'p\-tx3t; ' j-Tom its" _c!onmy depths "Well, Judah. you saint" I :k«rB during tbe rest period. "Good night, my iriends, -end chair, iiis troubled brow relszed •the -clang 'ot ch-iiis and the "thsnk you: - -Some dsy, il you fall "man. Then l e rose from his laughed i l r . 'Ebewbsrd. "I seel Officers elected .by tnis aur Hoarse. Icrcriah crins of prisoners into our .hands, poriispa I'll be at last. • ' . you've found anoiiier ~vrzy p i ! ' " - - . 'Edith Tlottner, Eveljii "PinkovitE. 'vice-president.; i "~ -pierced through t c the two sen- able tD get you an easy sentence, "All I can say, i l r . :Salomon," parting with ..your money." tries posted before the iron gates. i o n g "like a iree America!" secretary-treasurer; ""Oh, it's "nothing." Judah Tou- Jean „ t "FDjel, „ , . _ . he said feelingly, "is thsnk -yon "They •stoDd; ghost-like figures. :in "l.Dng live ^King George!" in the name of fhe American TO answered with "a wave of ni s ( Barbara Greenberg ana ^ertruae 'the Ih'eavymist, talliing together. grq-wied J)isx>n ":an"d "the guards revolution." "hand. "I'm going ±0 the -port. • K-asenbtZ.,., repo^ .ers J.U* ^~ ••"They're -flying:like flies ol.ja'11 uncomfortably. Tattler. Silently the two men clasped Come along?" iever," saia .Jones, -glancing up "Hayim Salomon cl03ed the hands as Hayim .Salomon turned '"No. 1 can't really. I haven't at the cold -vrallE. , The Jolly 'Campers elected as door behind him and clinging to to go. I!ut dcy after day i e was •the time. T'm cominjj irom there. , ;"Tbe more speed, 1 cay," TB-.the shadows, made his vr^y recalled to Tlobert Horris's Dffice, Captain- Dennis is -waiting for their officers: Prssiaest, Laons . "Wilkins, the -necond scn- through 'the mist-hung streets of Betsy Parker; -vice - .prscident, i n d each dsy 'he opened his ipurse you." 3Jartba 'EoKenolatt; secretary•ti-y.r -"iind it'll put .an end to this Sicvr Tork "to the battery where wider and wider; 2 e save ..joy•'I'm on -.my wsy, then." bloody Y.'EX."_ he boarded tbe ferry, a free man fully, while the troops lougkt on. - "Tou haven't forgotten that treasurer, Ktta Piotfcin, and re".3nt it seems a pity. They're at last. ^ ^ ^ ^ is -eve-porter, Dorothy :Ster:in=:. He save, until nothing "was left. -we're dining .togetber b _ .A Caller And then the news .rang "through s i n g ? " ' ' "JXot too young tD rebel "against Hayim Salomon, sat behind a Philadelphia. "Certabily -not." ICins .G«or^e. They>e rogues, all large desk in his study in Phila"The Sritish ermy defeated! "I'll call for yen at your ., or ahem." delphia. Before him ,%-as a heavy America victorious!" ; stare." . • !» • "I went in several times and ledger. The morning sun lay in Hayim Salnmon, looked .about "The msn.~pz.rted. EUfl Jusiai t" they don't look' like -rogues." warm pools on the- solt rug snd at the furnishings ol his msne 'his -WEV 'to. the "port. Lste ! "Tou'ro too soft," retorted cast Bplinterc of light among the him house—all that had remained tD in "the afternoon -he refurnea tr> j _„„„_-_ booJrs •S the walls." CareXul-; -him of his fortune. _ind'burying ~ "• . J've served only ais ly, i e added up the figures on his iead in his ;hands, .the iittifi iiis s t o r e . H e n o d d e d c h e e r f u l l y i —•*—- """-- •• ••--—"— the Epctiipht Tuoriths. But it's .a.piTy, I Eay, the open page of tbe ledger, xle iriend nf the revolution wept to -the. customers ranged about j T e , n a i s - t&ksz the .counters, stcivpisg Feveralj v 2 r D 3 n s t s f t b £ l l in this west's and 3ome ol them h arc only l boys." put h b pencil do-cm r.nd leaned with joy. •times'* tD esjhanre a .few -words j ^ rr,D~3:r Thej're "rebels hact, closins his eyes. The door •with a Tnan or wcsisn be ' t e w . j " ^ * dinana .J. C. C. ter.rJ? the gallows is the place i o r them. opened "and a boy peeped in. "he "went into i i s olfice zad -squad is rroing -cut -wit J^d Htrin=; G'sorf e "Washrn^ton .up q "Mr. Salomon, sir," he sat down' at the desk. Tie dron-e Li'.' nryseir. i f I -laid hind' of the "Tsa, Jim?" of .voices came to Ihiin -through rascal." - • -"There is a stranger to see the open door.and he smiled "hapKansas City, -whez "J'JU .not sayins. nois-," naid you. sir!" pHy, huEnnins ES he tangle in a HuzJ meet "Sunday E.t Jones, "that they don't get all "Let him come In." "Joer" He -BnaarolT booineS ^ ^ V ^ r ^ ^"Ti r ^ . C -lb n - — " . ^t t -—T_-_., they deserve. TVTien are • they , I ^ i i t r 'Lj.UJ~iiU.lXi^ J M * . i i i ^ k*-t.L>i-' O t i s * * I*J5 *-•<• _i middle-aged, 3tDut man The Boston ""freirrhter ed^ed its out. liaugrng Hnyim Salomon?" bustled in and li^ea • bis sharp into a wharf on the New e • uppsared .s% itx door. EtohEB start Bt " p. "The Jew broker? , JU davn." eye3 Dn the small slender figure •Orleans waterlront. "making the "And him .knowing so mary behind the desk. wharf groan with ,the "pressure of languages." A vjarnins whistle "Good day, Ur. Salomon," he its weight. "Tv'hat'a the une ot all Jeam- naid. pierced the air. jng and he's on the nide of the "Good day, :tlr. Henry. Sit "All hands stand by for the izadorm, won't you?"

lDading," called t h e • captain.

"General Heister used him 3'r. 3enry Bank heavily intD a "Aye, air!" right Tv-all to interpret to our chair. tand a-nfl ^not Jor tne :hrnn« tea The captain walked -down the as you've -made, this moatli. „- ]i TTfaey i a r « a .splecdid grraiuistsJiSi loreign soldiers." "1 v;Dn't -talie much of your jranEpiank to a jrroup of :man -who "That's why I make nty •'' j lor spectators at ths DmE-ta 'Ten"And toD much liberty General time," naid Hr. Henry. "I tnovt" had lined up their "wagons Ior the man." nis club. By .the vmy. the 'C3"rts Heister »ave him. He's "hciped it'H valuable." carfro. •"Mr. "Touro .xetumed to "his j hair aur prisnnon; rscope." "Pray be a.t your rase, 3Ir. •"Good to put -your i e s t -on "dry work, sorting :the ruaii. answering the midfile-crest. _i Ti'islit Xiiitor Henry," land as^in," he said, eagerly eye- leters, checking i.is boois. Omaha will !>e repressntBd 5r A bell rang moumiuHy.in the "You've heard, of course, "that ins tho activities -nf ths "port. - "Papers! Evening ;ps,pers!" ll •di^tancp.. The sentries started. tbe government has a new treas- "7»*here's Tilr. Tanro?". • came .a boy's voice irom the "Here's for a irood. night's urer?" ^ ^*trtler. "Vi"e don't .know Trhsre he is, streets. -.City H y Titsibbins. sleep." r.aid.T7ilkinr., slioulderins - ""Tou mean Tiobert Xloms." Captain, but we'll take :.the cargo .Strange 5crrs players -viU b Sokolov, Carl his '"onyonet. "That's the man. He's trying in for iiim." ''"••-' Sir. Touro got up Irots i i s desk f I.. W Sol . ', -Hts heels clicked smartly along his best to raise money ior tbe "Sorry." the captain said. :"Mr. and'went "to the door cT tbe -store. Ucs the cobbled streets -as he lout boya fighting u n d e r George tfouro v»"ill i a v e t o sign. X can't •"Paper, boy!" be 'called. himself in the hnnsir.g mint. leave it with you." He-sat down behiaa a counter,.! - ^ ^ l e t . E SBffl ^ ^ . t i s " ^ r ^ e s Jones walked nlowly -up and back "And may .he succeed. "We ".He'll bs here any .minute. chair back, ana cpeasfi , . ^ . ^ ^ ^ ,ci_,les. before the iron gates. Suddenly can't carry un a —-ar -svithnut TVe'll take ths cargo vrhile. TOU tilted..iis the mewspaper. Tive ninutcs lat- |. %.^^ g.,^.^^^ -&•*•* on- ol Dt•they swung open. feeding and clothing the sol- •vralt." -E^-he .looksa;up. ' jh o t ^ : , d £ ^ . ^-d*vrt'/e- TLK talk•"TTho SOBS there?" diers." . "He's ?oi to sign," t h e ccptain "IK::on. On duty with the "J agree -with you, TJr. -Salo- said, .shakin;; his head. prisoners. A man is dying." mon. S u t that's tha business of A Elim, fair-haired msn, Tierily; "Are ;th.ere .EEV mere "Well?" the government. Ours, jlr. Salo- dressed, stepped up t o .the STDUP. •cicsctot?" ..„ j tie, and a "real .sHisiest included ' "I'm FToing 'or the doctor." mon, the business ol alL brokers, "Gorti morning, Captain Den'"There" are JW "Par.3." is "to make mon^y. Hir;lk?" nis." lie saia. . -get some ia -ths T)iron hurried QH, returning, .a "Tcz," agreed Hcyira Salomon "Goo1! mornins, 3Ir. :EhsphBrd. .J.udab Toxiro "went into the of- ! half "hour later, v.-ith. a doctor meekly. IZuov," where your friend Jilr. fice Ior his liat. who carried a small, black b?,£. "i'ow Zlv. Tuorrb h i s asl:cd Toiira ir.? This car^o is for him '"If 'Sesia Sh-Eiiterd calls —hile IThry nr.luted the sentry end me lor a I3r.n lor iho Eovcm- and I can't l?t it so -witkout i i s \Tm .out, tell 'him I*H be ri-'st v":!J:cd "into the gloomy provoat. ment. J n;jroe:J., on my ova i "" Bilcntly "th.°j- walked through a terms. I lend money an hi^h inmine do? y o u r . emIcm^ tif sns -room Trhorr haggard terest. That's why I'm a brok- ployees knew :re." 1 utcs l a t e . .men slept fitfully- on the floor. er." "Sorry. ?Ir. Bhepk-ord, '31T. Tou"Is 21". Touro is., Jci?"' Th" pale beams of u lamp fell on Hcyira Salomon. Ican3d far- ro'S signature is as gaoa EB nth ibnir forms, wedned tightly to- ward r.ag«3Tlv. -vance payment. They insist on "Ko. -sir. He t'/.d sir t,. gether Dn the cold Iloor, drecned "And did ZIr. Ilcnis L.ccopu?" ?Ir. Touro's 3:~nature.": you i e ' d ne right L^~\.*' •on?y in the tatt.'-rpd unUormp he ar'ked. 'T uadersu.ad.'" 2lcsin ' 'Shepthf>y v/ore vrhen ".hey had bees "He :aid r:y prl"- :.- tO3,Ii:~fc. herd nr.id. ''J'il EE-B "if I can find i Uut what I cams to t"ll von is him." Quist'y Le 1= .Lei t,bc "This way, doctor," Er-id Dinos. this, Hr. Sulomoa. II yf Ll! -st i o o k i r - PET Mr. .tTonrd They mountfd thp steps to the the r.u.me wice, he won't 1 0 u'.ile He jumped into .a carriase cnJ. ?»=nnd zloor. Uinon led the waytD h«lp hio^aU . . . " vras driven tc Judnii Tourc'r Tour-'crro 1 into another room, as crowded as S:slonio:> X'utler ^tr.tiC ". iarrrs nustlins store on a busy the ;irst with rows of prisoner: TIr.yim Salomon nDdd-^d. his si:"~t?t in ~ \ . - ~ Orleans.tTcti"o "C"c tv. Itckinj; resUezsJy in their eyes Bcrrowin^; cudd'Jii'y. "-z.^. : * . "7v"iic:'r',~ :ir.'Touro, .-Joe.?" ;h~ sleep. At ih*> round of rpprnacii- "I undorntand,*' be CLLI br-.zi- a:-k?d the head clerk "who VTEC ing steps a -yoii:hiul ijriponer ly. "If 7ilr. Ziori'h can't rroi ba-i'y ^:-o:*zirz -I\ew "Snslsnd M j •"Oh; • arted Jrom .his mon^y to carrv on the revolution goods on a acapEd counter. p '"I don't knsTT, Hr. "To arms! Por liberty "against .at a-low rate, he will be lorced to • day lbs Jxoped »D SIC^P ~C«. ]»•

t ™ ^



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Page 8

"I am for solving this problem by.means: of legal regulations issued by the party and state; not by action in the street," and add• « «. j. 3ed that while he had a full understanding of the fact that the Borotfco Galtnman Berlin population is taking meaThe B'nal B'rith lodge installed sures . for its defense "I do not AT THE RINGSIDE , -•-. | second the famous Pittsburgh the following officers at its approve of the method." -• ' • . The Germans were- there- -.in I 2ionist convention darics the At the same time he "invited" full -force at the Louis-Sehmeling l^-orld war, at which a. democratic ; fst a din' and Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacob- meeting Monday evening: Presi- critics o - , 1 of Nazi ' anti-Semitism- to fight . ' . . They felt sure thatthelr r e s t i t u t i o n " ^ s adopted by the] ' 'f>n n i dent, Willard Krasne; vice-presisen. • • <r < ~i 1 -edent, Albert Fox; recording secre- take the. Jews. "We will willingly Max would win . - . - . Had not the is - • <>• A. . ._ . That new picture] r~ \ ^ n-oi1 at friends in Fuehrer sent a telegram' to !-«aa-gazi.a.e -whose first Issue .s de- : Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz left tary, -Milton -Yudelson; financial give them to their ( _ ote \ r- f c k --weThursday evening for Detroit, secretary, Leon Frankel: treasur- London and Paris," he said, "and Schtneling addressing him as the j y. & to the Jetrish question was ; V < ' I '" Louis Katelm&n;. guardian, moreover we will deliver them at new. world's champion? . .- Adolf • suppressed in. a North New Jer- ; ', . l l is where .he will attend the Zionist er, * i Cpinii Rt Kramer; monitor, "Nathan the frontier. Let the Jews take surely knew what he -was- doing !e>r City . because some jews re-1.j e< convention. He will return.Mon- Max , <• r PI1 1 li-ir Gilinsky; assistant monitor, Dr. French. leave and. go to London .' . .; Next,to us.sat a group of ~*?ar<"-ed it a^- anti-Semitic . . . . , 'nit ice day. Tuesday Rabbi and Mrs. J. I ' K ^ B ] 1 'c ", )p ( < M. Moscovltz; trustees, Simon .where those. who praise them, Nazis MPI cleni- - - -who ' - l.ad come from ° Ger- Clap har.<!s for Young's Gap Ho- j '• f "f *"•- ' Rabinowitz and daughter, Seg- Shyken. .. t f may pack them in'cotton, but let many especially Herman Meyerson and ( — I 1* ad the tel in the Catskiils which is Eaakj e ~ ^ 1 for t h e fight ; . ulah,' will leave for : Gull Lake, Dr.-O. Greenberg. --••:'•• r them leave us .in peace." 1 y L\'->n When ' Schmeling hit- L o u i s ^ t h e ing room far beyond its needs for ; i" i 1 Minnesota, where they will spend i-i c T < •• •" r While repudiating unauthoriz- only blow .he landed; a straight i German refugees on its staff . . . i G ' " - ? " Dr.. I. Sternhill was installing rn ofa month. — f • * A i n ed anti-Jewish measures, he said right to the jaw—they jumped v p l ' re officer. ; ^7s Ger^ d y ' w h o was one of tfee r t i l - i D - " ' • ' v 1 Officers were elected and plans "it is a god thing'we now know and. applaiu'ed . e T\< r M ^ Ka<! I 1 K 2 000 . "We must l n g Powers of the Anti-Nazi ; u. . ° >*Dr. J. N. Lande was elected r made for the next years conclave - v i f, i ,. , r • <. J 1 1 There will be a meeting of thewhat concerns are Jewish. Just help our man," they said i n ' G e r - [League is now oa- the o u t s i d ^ E — f E - ' u here at a meeting of the Ivre nlub delegate to attend- the-American Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue let the Jews clean their stores t 1* f f\ • ' 1 Tele'r man, "and give him our support" looking in . . . Is it true that the :«."•' < Tuesday, evening in the Martin Jewish Congress, In the election on Wednesday, July 6. r n r now we.know where their busWe'll never forget the scene new directors cf tfee League v o t - j . n j - ™J r -r held, last Sunday. hotel. New officers are Mr. Arinesses are. We will see to i t that - e<j ^own a proposal to put Sam- ' " " " ' " when •• Schmeling chie Kroloff. president, Mr. Jack g was declared u'el UiiterEiyer's name on the sta- : t r Officers of the Chevra B'nai legal measures are taken so that "beaten rrr ^ ""ION OF " b Th ! Goldsmith, vice-president, Morris . There was a Nazi girl tionarj- as founder Yisroel synagogue contracted for soon Jews 'will have gone- alto- fn' the " group Have you ENT CO, . re* ' Rubin, secretary, Mr. EH Robinshe ^stared gether. -As far as those remainT r the services of the noted blind through her field' glasses at the noticed bow quiet things are on ow was re-elected treasurer. Reing are concerned, let them re. Jersey City Jewish front? . . . j unfortunate Jews have been alcantor, Morris Volovick of PhilaT A K E XOTICE of t h e in'-orporatiring officers are Mr. Myer , | Both sides in the Center-Synago-15°^n to stay feir.pore.rily in, atlnn .of a conniai-y. thf- name of delphia, for the coming holidays. member to keep out of the public Shubb, president, John Levine, view. They are beginning to be a which 'is F , : , r - : r T n o v i f ' n E v r H j O t ' gue squabble hare reached a tac- i warehouse nv.t lack o t sr.nitF.ry vice-president,. Leon Dobrofsky, nuisance.- If the foreign press in- spoke a hopeless hope that it was it agrreemeirt to lay off on the j conci-itions and funds makes their 11 E X T CO.Ml'AXV. with principal There will be a meeting of the all jns.t a horrible nightmare . -• . o, ini-siiiA.-s ,,t Ouiiiiia. X e b r a a secretary. None o£ iilace Agudas Achim lodge on Thurs- vokes our human feeling, why, Her companion -was a husky, con- publicity- . . . In case you should ! condition' precarious. ka. T h e peTipifi! nntit^R of ftic tmsi•Flans were made for the sumwe : will- be glad to present the be asked -what the word . ORT j them have . cny • means and the IIPSK is manuiHciiii'uip a n d selling. day. July 7, at 8:20 p. m. at the mer conference here which will Jews'to them. If people say, 'why fident, typically German execu- means we're telling you it's a • Jewish ccmmnrdtr lipre and 3arlliUHlnKinr:: Fii>d iiininliinf manufacEagles hall. H be opened to all the surrounding the Jews aren't doing anything,' tive . .-.. Before the fight he had combination of the initial letters 1 ?a5oiiifei ETP in r o v ov, to cF.re- turer! '; Ticifp j?nr; ^oTiprP'Tit Hncl a c been :loudly talking about "die chapters of lyre. The date for the (?essori^K ihevefo!-. ETU! in connection I . say-they provoke us" by their Mrs. James Gang,-chairman of Mrs. R. E. Ross plans to'leave Juden.'and .'die"-Niggers'" .. . Af-of the' Russjsn wcrfis Obsheestire for them." Spokesmen" .for-the "ref- t h T o v i i l ! to Rotniivf-. hok? nnd sell conference has not been set. the Picnic to be given ; by .the 'Sunday for California, Where she very presence. What do we care terwards he sat like a nian •who Remeslenago Truda . . . Which ugees claim that they were led T.etfprs. Pa-ont. Copyrlphts. ConcesThe Sioux City chapter is spon- Mother's'club of the Talmud Torabout foreign countries anyway? out or Austria by persons claim- sions, P I C , a n d onKBEr^. jn !"psearch soring one of the youth students ah on July 10 in Riveryiew Park, will attend the Wedding of her The world should leave us alone; has suddenly been electrocuted explains"-why they call it ORT . ing to be acting for the Zionist p.nd desipninf;'. anci to hold real e s t a t e daughter/Sylvia, to Mr. Robert we are not harming anybody." ; ' . . It couldn't bare happened . . ". And which means Society for Revisionists. from Germany who will be sent reports an excellent ticket sale. pnd property n^rr'cjj^T-y nnd incidpntn.1 to tiie busitirtps or" t h e corporaSchmeling -was an Aryan, and the: Promotion of Trades-and Agto Palestine under the Youth AU- • Membersof the.ticket commit^ Ronald Rosenfeldt, son of Mr. riculture . . . I-Ialf .the forthcomand Mrs. E. Rosenfeldt, of Los tion. T h e suihorized oaisital stock is Louis only a "dumb nigger" . . . yah. where he will be entered in a tee who are assisting her are ?.ii>.(ino.i)ii. TI>P BIK-M-O? fire STHi.Dft p a r . ' \ And then, as it dawned upon ing annual report of the Joint two year educational, program Mesdames M. A. Lazere, Philip Angeles. HITLER ORDERED EXAt leas! SS.i)»n.oo shall be pair! a s r e Trill be The ceremony will be on July these Nazis that it -was true, that Distribution Committee which will fit him to become self- Sherman, Milton Mushkin, E. N. q'.iired by law a t Uie becinning- o l .•. ..' ..CESSES devoted to a tribute to the late 17 at Temple Israel in Hollyit actually had happened here— supporting at the end of ' t h a t Gi-ueskin. Henry Sherman, R. H. linsinpss. .Pusinosq v i l ! bocrin o n t h e 1 filing of t h e Ai-tii'lfF v-itii t h e County when they heard the shrieks of Felix M. Warburg, in toe form o£ London (WNS) — Hitler time. The- local chapter of Ivre Emlein, Ben Fish, B . H . Shiloff,' wood. a history of the JDC . . . Clerk. T h e life o* t h e corporation Is Joy from the Louis supporters all himself ordered anti-Jewish Is sponsoring this youth In addi^ Joe H. Levine, Morey Lipschutz, York. (WNS) — Thefifty years. v i : h mrlit of renewal. Mrs. A. Rosenberg Is leaving around them—then, all of the excesses of the past fortnight tion to the assistance they are Joe Rosenthal, Abe Bain. I. H. spectacle of SO seed Th.e pmonnt of nin^btPrlnoPS is a i Nazis collapsed on their seats . . (Cipyright :19SS by Seven Arts • grange in order to revenge himself on. giving to the united chapters in Levine, Mark Sabel, Lester Heeg- Sunday for an extended visit with by Jp.-vv. The p.ffatrs oC t h e c o r anting: in- sge from £0 tofixed relatives In Los Angeles. She will Feature-Syndicate.) And these proud Xordics suddenthe helpless Jews for his failporation a r e m he conducted b y i t s the joint protect similar to this er, Nathan Gorchow, I. J. Menin,' ilO3,-all of them residents cf Th? Tinprri of pj^o to>-« rilf? (Ifficem. ' be accompanied by her daughter, ure" In Czechoslovakia, the- ly were transformed in o lamentsponsored by all the Ivre chap- Ben Sherman, H. Eirenberg, A. Biajysolcer Home for the Aped ELECTHOX1CC i>RYK; J oi\MEXT CO. Ileene. ing mortals, and in unison they well-informed M a n c h e s t e r tera. '. .'. H. Feinberg, A. L. Weiner, J. D. end Korc'e of-Old Israel on the By GF.OUOK F.ISK, cried out: "Unser Max!. TJnser Guardian reported on the baHii-oiporafor a n d P r e s Maron, F. Gorchow, N. Sadoff, lower. Best Side, beginning the Mai! Die Juden haben ihia.rersis of reliable information. . Mrs. Jack Steinberg returned Rose Goldfein, Beulah Rutstein, Ftudy^of English, was afforded n<?. 1. H. F , R O W \ , giftet. (the Jews poisoned him)!"' IsraelLubman, Ben Schindler, M. home Saturday with her two chilNew Yorkers vhen tfce WPA lTl<vnr-powp ( O r Hnd dren, -Donald and Jean, after visSatin, N. Matlin. ___ j 6-£4-3S-Jt. opened -its first classes- i Sec re ;ar}-- T r e a s u r e r . Continuing in the -same vein, iting with relatives and friends in Miss Evelyn Greenbaum of Omlisa J c jo-p-'^-Tic-c e-;c'i:«;:i Goebbels said "we have complet- FOREIGN MATTER Kansas City, Mo. » V ^ ^ C t ^ \ r \ :ana, Nebr. will be a visitor in th© The Archiv fuer Biologic und ed a revolution but now we find rerspr." home of; her-cousin. Miss, Adeline ELECT DR. LEWIS TO that the Jews today feel them- Rassengesellschaft, an important £i c .'ev t j n k Bldg. All cr Mariaker, daughter of Mr. and RABBINICAL BOARD Miss Lucille Abrahamson is selves better off and spread .Nazi journal, recently had an arvisiting with her uncle and aunt, themselves even more than they ticle by a. Reichswehr officer.on Mrs. Max Manaker. Miss Green-, \C- iCE. C" A- E OF Wll_lbaum.: will stop on. h e r , return Dr. Theo. N. Lewis was re-Mr. and Mrs.-I. Kosltslcy of Au- dared before. It is. not enough to the "utility of.-air bombardments Bridgeport. Conn. (WNS) — ! •o A r » - i :• Uouslai home >JFrom Minneapolis where elected for another term as a burn, Neb. She will be gone for drive a blush of anger Into our from the point of racial selection Dr.-cnartes 'H. Sprague, a Pro-so-ths* f e r r member of the executive board of about 10. days. she will remain for two weeks. faces when we realize that"'3,000 and social hygiene"' The Idea testant World War veteran, was iuleanUP I -siate ol fciu the Central Conference of AmerJews have, come to Berlin during being 'to pick non-Aryan targets. this week, revealed to have visit- 1 ** i'" Mrs. Oscar Greenberg, accomican Rabbis a t Its 49th annual " ' <n RatcJ e » Mrs. Fred Foreman and daughthe last four months? What * do ' — The Duchy.-of ed the graves of Jewish -scar vet- j suppose i ' im a peliter Georgia Ann, left for their convention in Atlantic City, Sun- panied by her daughter, Evelyn they want here? What w,ill weLiechtenstein and the Republic.of erans in .Bridgeport cemeteries i Ab-?1 " S "!H' COUlt, . . . . Barbara, is leaving Monday, July say to the fact tha" Jews are again Haiti are making chunks of every "Memorial. Day for the past I 6&ry ' " • home in Madison, S. Dak, after a day. c n<" " c*»rt.Mn 4, for a six-week trip. They plan loitering around* the cafe's as ifdough at little or .o cost by sell- IB years and placec5 an Americas I keen *-~— visit with relatives here; .• «1 ui C o u r t , to visit relatives In Ratan, N. M., there had not been any revoluM Of t h » j in S4C b passports to European politi- ilag-.- and w e a t h on the graves. 7 " r *-H^d d p Los Angeles and San Francisco. tion. When we defend ourselves ing Mrs. Abe Wllenaky and chllcal refugees at anywhere up to • Shortly after the World "War, j * i i* ii cannot against this provocative attitude $i,500 per . . . Strange to say, the doctor in his • cs.ps.city as drea Shale and. Seymour of " - nil! be Miss Betty Cohen, daughter of of international Jewry other the- tiny European Republic of •member of. the • Amcricaa, Legioa Minneapolis are visitors in the . -< s <<] C o u r t The.Shaare'zion Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen, left countries begin to agitate" against Andorra has refused to dip into graves committee, discovered that home of Mrs. Wilensky's sister, and that Mrs. M. A. Xazere. Mr. WUensky confirmation class gave- a. gift of "Wednesday night for Burr Oaks us. I know that by'saying" this I this gravy >• il' I ' o u i t /-,-.-.. Friends of-.Count a number'of Jewish graves were • ' i' i m«. at •will Join his family here on July 15 to the Shaare Zion library. ~ Camp,. Mukwonkeo,. Wis. Shemerely intensify the bad reputa- R. N. Coudenhove-Kalergi. halfn isolated and almost in^ ^ ilip p r o will remain there until Septem- tion I enjoy in the foreign press. Japanese head of the Pan-Europa accessible cemeteries where they .p • m pi alBut that is not the issue so long movement and the author of- an •were often neglected whea graves Shaare Zion Ladies . auxiliary ber. 1 I V i l l Hllli g as I serve my country." met last Friday in the home of Shirley Lazere returned home ""p MI ire 1). important-work anti-Semitism. i p o t a n t w o r k on antiSemitism. . Dr. (C Bob Endelman will leave SunM ^1 le p«»r Tuesday after a two week visit in Mrs. Morey Lipschutz- to outline were - annually decorated. are worried about feisi.""as neither II Spragne too^ upon himself . _ _ b ! • «.1IIII a n d t a s f e f day for an extended trip to Calithe plans and programs for the the Omaha in the home of Esther iie nor-hfs Jewish-wife, the for- | o Jdentifying- and gecorat- Bsreri1 en Coming year. Mrs. Meyer Shubb fornia. . En route home he plans Fox. • . . . JAIL. THREE NAZIS mer actress-Ida - Rolland, "have j - a S these graves and fcss ccntinnL t^ J u d e e . presided. An outline of the year to visit "friends'in Denver and been heard from since the Hitler ed the '^practice every Memorial wffl t e Salt Lake City. . Berlin (WNS) — FiguraMrs. Jules Kroloff of Phoenix, f o l l o w s : . ' . • . • • ' . '. : : • he - - . .' ffF. B E B E R, occupation of Austria to the Many Day for the .past 19 years. September 20 Is t h e date set A weiner roast was given Wed- tively speaking, a man bit a missing Arizona is a guest In the home of "There "Th C v-^EY Atty*. members o* the -Russian no organization ol ganization o '-pik Blcig her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samfor t h e first meeting of the nesday In his honor as a: farewell dog in Germany when three White Guard colony in Paris are Jewish veterans hers to carry ©a ister ^ h Nazis were sent to prison, two Shaare Zion Ladies auxiliary.' A party. . Moscow. ' •: - "• reported to have .turned up in the -work at the close cf the war," and " -C'ICE of them for five years, on housekeepers' breakfast to which Germany as guards and overseers he.said. " and I felt that It VES \\i ] '•in.iP of -.Mrs. Joe MaTSh and daughter, all Jewish women's organizations ..Mr. M. Marcus passed: away charges that they smashed the in Nazi concentration camps . . ' - . a .work which.should be dene. As tic\fn T i n t thn Reaneau Donna have returned In the city will be invited will be Wednesday!, July 15, after a 10- window of a Jewish-owned Which reminds us that one • of a.physician-I appreciate the fact home/after a visit in the home of given in t h e Shaare Zion social day illness following a heart a: t - store at the height of the r e - Europe's', keenest : foreign cprreJpU.*-hat- the blood shed by Jews, ^ T i h ^ ill a n .•'•.•"• .' , ' •" ' " '; cent anti-Jewish" campaign-and' s'pohdents.ha's 'irijor'nied.' his-'-in- Catholics and Protestants Mrs. Marsh's parents in St. Paul, hall a t 11:30 o'clock. Mrs.' Mor- tack. *• 4JPEOI p m e , l o o t e d t h econtents.•-• • ris Rubea.wili be program chairMinn. - . ' He is survived by two daughi^p i ' fount*» timates* that back of the new Nazi rfved rrora- tfee sa e blood stream " _ \ i man on this occasion. Villa ters, Mrs. S. H . Katelman a n d To make the story even V f "F ^ < m i t FioOTTl, T terror in Germany is-Hitler's fear and as a human : > 1 > _ > I <la\ of l r G F t more dramatic, the charges of a rising tide o* dissatisfaction Helen Marsh, daughter of Mr. October 19, Simchas Torab. Mrs. L. S. Bronsteln, both of co-mingling of blood whicn i i " if t h \ of and Mrs. I. Marsh will enroll for night will mark the second meet- Council Bluffs, and two sons, E. were preferred by officals of re i was shed f •with his regime in Germany o r a .VOZJIUIOTI c a u s e i n! i — >, , • ^ °• > - » - - r a two weeks period in the girl ing" of the auxiliary a t which Marcus of Council Bluffs, and the Nazi party who said the ^ tr i t ny on ui rs re ea gd i -mt eh e i nr eu pe or rr ta sa n oy f.-. t.h e. jI t• *h• « e> W= ho^ rdc l ud ft W a r s h o u l d b e s u f f i e - i ' " * "e"R Jt r - r f r" ' . " " • JeR scout's "Camp o'. tjhe Hills." She songs and dances of-many lands Louis Marcus of San Diego, Cal. accused were drunk. The Jew- IBerlin carefully you got< n t to remove any preference to i 5! b r 'e """' ' r " " "" t"""" F1 I'M 1 montJn cr f "f>T by seven ish storekeepers property was a hint outrages will be given under t h e chair- He is also survived will leave July 4. , of this through the brief f ?" particular religion In honor-! ^ ' . " " " ' ' " " " " ' *- to pi p» ia t h e beea c returned. manship of Mrs. William Kutch- grandchildren and two great«• T ' h ddjr to resistance " against ' & references to ^eterarss who have "' ""v ~p" ' " " n have passp.-? passes I tives r i Mr. and Mrs. Louis Klass, who er.' A Succah will be erected in grandchildren. the anti-Jewish excesses on- the on. -1 would -hate to think t e s t ! tee he s? ; returned from a •wedding-trip to the hall and refreshments served E s: c j sporadic incidents part of some German Aryans . . . there weren't hundreds cf oth°r coursr cT reside in the Ida apartments, from the succah. Mrs. Dora Rosenthal passed of"Meanwhile, f- 1 r XAZI NOTES ' veterans in the city, who -would painting of Jewish shops with were honored ait a reception in November 1 5 , ' the third p r o - away Saturday, June 18, after a Keep your eyes peeled for'some cot have been gS&d to do the same ce'erc e offensive slogans continued. It the home of his 'parents," Mr. and gram will be devoted to Armistice heart attack. . was reported that a gang of explosive revelations linking a •tli'ng," he concluded. v-^-^-^-> >• Mrs. I. L. Klass, Sunday after- and Thanksgiving. Rev. Edward The survivors are: Sons, Louis young Nazis invaded the Jewish number of. Americans to the Nazi rrnoon. Mrs. Loula Klass is the for-W. Stimson. will be t h e guest of Atlantic,' Roy of Minneapolis, spy'ring . . . It's more than a j manual training . school in the TC<mer Sylvia Silvermah of Omaha. speaker. A musical program will Goodman of Council Bluffs; coincidence that every Xar.i camp be given. Mrs. Nate Goldis will daughters Mrs.' Ben Baron of Pankow. district of Berlin and af- and every branch of the GermanZZ C ter smashing windows and furni• ; Hiss Bernice Perimeter of Om- be chairman. Sioux City; sisters, Mrs. Dave ture 1 American Bund are located unforced some of the students In t r aha, Nebraska and Mr. Solomon December 20, a Chanukah pro- Gessin of Storm Lake, Mrs. Louis to smear neighboring Jewish comfortably near a United'States Betensky of . Daveftiport, Iowa gram will b© given in t h e after- Bernstein - p ^ " -^ l > ? r . ^ of Council Bluffs; stores with anti-Semitic signs. army base-, flying field, aviation •were married Tuesday evening in n o o n , b y t h e children of Shaare brothers, George Krasne, Ike factory or navy yard . . . Did you • Loadon (WNS-Pelcor Agency) All home of Rabbi and Mrs. H. R.Zion Sunday school. Mrs. Jack Krasne, Herman Krasne, all of From the Buchenwald concen- see where- the Jersey Journal, :< a t?.tfi Fi Rabinowitz. Rabbi Rabinowitz Kozberg will be chairman. tration camp, where most of the published in Hague's Jersey City, —Hitler was characterized-" ss Council Bluffs. tion h publicity agent for -the Jewish performed the . marriage cerethousands of Jews arrested in re- branded . Uncle Sam's charges J a n u a r y 17, t h e fifth program people" in a-cosdensnation vi the mony. , • cent roundups have bene sent, it of the auxiliary will be given over was learned that Dr. Max Leo-against-the Nazi s;>ies as some- j Nazi Fuehrer ana his gorernjsent. 1 ininis';? to a Palestinian meeting. Dr. J . pold had died. Reliable reports thing that "sounds fantastic"-and j uttered by princess Bibesco - et is hear Complimenting Miss. Bess tis- N. Lande will show movies of indicated that one of the Immi- sought to pooh-pooh the " whole j ce'remonies opeeia^ the second! Bowitz a bride-to-be, Mrs. S. L.Palestine. A Jewish a r t program, nent anti-Jewish' measures -would business?-. .. -.'If you read a1re-j day of tfee Palestine Eshib'tio* E*! Sappear Snovskyr 1600 Court street was has been outlined for t h e occaCO. Fitr.gerald nay of be-the forced sale of all Jewish- port that a New York lawyer by j Queen's *Ha21. Lady • ' hostess to a party Monday even- sion. L ,'JOOO I to ror owned properties after the com-the name of Cohen acted as coua- j presided st thev exercises. "" ing. Mrs. Nate Goldberg honored In February the auxiliary will for - the Gerraan-Aniericah The Princess is the former | may £pletion of the property registra- se! 'Miss Osnowitz at a party Wed- present a Purim operetta, ention. Proceeds of the sale would League, a Xasi outfit, you ought Lady Elisabeth " Asquith. fiaug-h-1 nesday evening. Mrs. Oscar Gortitled "Purim in Abyssinia." Mrs. be converted into a property pool to know that Cohea is employed j ter c t the first 'Earl-of Oxford! son don1 entertained for Miss Osnow- M. M. Weisberg will be chairman which would become available to by the law firm of Reeves, Todd, and Asquith. "Her husband was] of. itz Thursday evening and was as- of this program. the government for financing its Gilley and Bestty. which lias been ! formerly the Rumanian Minister sisted by Mrs. I. Lebowitz and March 2 1 , an evening program four-year plan. Jewish property- counsel to the League since be- j to the United States. Princess EIMrs. Mas Dervin. devoted to "Women in Jewish it fell under Nazi sway .-. . J besco devoted her remarks to EEN E Tells L e g a l owners would be paid off in new fore Literature," will be presented Goebbelo bonds carrying a low rate of in- Did you get excited over'the'ad j showing the distinction achieved • Mrs. I. Mercer ,and daughter and reviews of five Jewish books Means of Expulsion in the public notices column of by, the small minority of Jews in j NO terest. ' • . . - • and Mrs. H. Smith and son. Rich given. Mrs. L. J . Kaplan will be • to Be Drafted the New York Times reading "O. all domains of life, end protested ] of Brooklyn, N." Y. are visitors in chairman. Large numbers of American K., Hitler"? . . . It was put inagainst the forcing of the f=<-- • ' " : ' " ("P-.-T M cm the, home of Sam Baker. Mrs. Jews resident here have, already April 18, a Passover program Berlin (WNS) — Jewish enby agents of the Department of man people into the Middle Apes. •'""'v ••~-Vt'*T<,-C ^~ M. L. Ruback of Avoca, Iowa and will be presented by the Shaare slavement registered their property in acthe hands of Nazi Justice.in connection with a rou-Kef erring to Palestine, the sp^L.- i - i~->- \ V S-PV-~". : Mrs. H. Baker of Walnut, Iowa Zion Ladies auxil iary, • under t h e taskmastersatloomed cordance with the Goerlng de' rt. - r * .' ", * ^ f G as a dread tine extortion case . . . The Con-er said that the Jewish psrrle , '-<" '~"~~ ere also guests In the Sam Baker chairmanship of Mrs Sam Shul- possiblity for ' German cree. .Acting on-advice of:counsel Rressional committee' probing unv Jewry must possess a real home in home. kin. Field Marshall Goerlng Is- they have accompanied their re- American- activities . - was voted State and should not cr-1 • Mrs. L. Baker and Mrs. . R. May 16 will m a r k the conclud- when sued a new. and sweeping decree ports with affidavits • declaring only ?25,000 fc'r a' nationwide in- cHpy a small corner iserelr t> i Stein complimented Miss Bessie ing meeting of the year's plans. introducing universal short-term that they register under portest Osnowitz at a party in the home "Reports in Rhyme," will be a labor conscription for all citizens •since as American citizens they vestlgation, but - the McNaboe guests, howeVer welcome. The income fronr the e-s1-;1-1of Mrs. Stein this week. protected . by the Ger- Committee investigating the same feature of t h e program. Election and Berman "state members" re- a r e activities only in New York State tl-on. yesterday on the opening dsy - ^ of t h e board of directors is sched- gardless of race, creed, sex or man-American treaty ' of com- has f 40,000 . . . How eonse- that exceeded $5.{100. . , Mr. Sidney Greenbaum of Om-uled for this meeting also, which present occupation. Effective July merce and friendship. The decree one of the "neorpcrate'rs of the aha and his host, Sherman Sperl- will , be presided over by Mrs.1st, the decree specifically ap- as recently amended exempts on- New Jersey XTnit of the Protest«loaa ing are visitors in the home of Morris Ruben. plies not only to Reich citizens ly foreign Jews' who live abroad ant War Veterans, of the. United Joe Abraham, Elk Point, S. D. The calendar of events to be but to "state members," which but Jews resident here must reg- States is Adam Kur.rs of New . . •' Holds First Elscl.Vn : ister their property. . \ • sponsored hjr t h e Shaare Zion means Jews. T *-. f 1 MUford. " in whose parlor Nazi j Barcelona ( W X S ) Miss Lilly Merlin; former Sioux Ladles auxiliary during t h e com- In view of Propaganda MinistiiwJjjd'Jng Barcelona Je-wish cr~- ' meetings have been held? . . . j Cityan is a guest in the.home of ing year were outlined in t h e er Goebbels* announcement of •RABBI TO SUE . Another, ineorporator is 'Edward I munity held the first election f— Mr. and Mrs. J. Schindler. following order: ' impending measures to eliminate Siaythe, who is said, to have j 'KU.HN FOR SLANDER Fascist connections . . ..WincheM j 1 5 j 6 a E d December 5, Annual card parJews from Berlin and other Mr, and Mrs. Dave Sperling ty, Mrs. Frank Margolin and Mrs. all re-elected EUnivn ? big cities, Jewish leaders here that a former Gerr.rn ! ! New York (WNS) — A $3,will be hosts to Mr. and Mrs. James Gang, chairmen." president. Ele-.--." feard that Jews r-will be forced 000,000 slander suit against Fritz police official, a non-Jew, who is Grecsl'SMa Harry Marks and family of Oma- December 3 0 . Annual students into involuntary labor of the now in thia country, has proof , v.'th '..'.T.1 v~&s an executive c" ha'during the July 4th holiday. welcome service, Mrs. Frank E p - hardest and most menial sort as, Knhn, national leader ol the Ger-that Nazi" Propaganda Minister (=i;ht. -.luaily divided betv---:. man-American Bund, for his d e AiM.c::a:Ic and Sephardsc Jev &. stein, chairman. , their ancestors were in Egypt famation of the Jews in'-'this; Goebbels is. part Jewish . . "Thst, , The marriage of Miss Dorothy October 24, First book review when they made bricks for the country: during his testimony kind of frOssipis stupid, and crip- , Mindell, daughter of Mr. and meeting. Mrs. Dave Hurwits and pyramids of Pharoah.before a state legislative commit- inates with Nazis, who are cl- , Mrs. S. Mindell of St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Morey Lipschutz. chairmen. Legal measures to rid Germany tee last week is being starter by ways on the look-out for r . ; r j and Morris Lefkovlch .of Chicago, October 2 8 . Hospitality night of Jew's are being drafted. Prop- Dr. Emanuel J. Jack of.Yonkers, ways ot hnm-iHatisjc- .Tews . . . | feon of Mr. and Mrs. J'.' iefkovich, service. M r s . Mike Mushkin, aganda Minister Joseph Goebbels former rabbi of Temple Emanuel WK'KK ' TKH^IXG T O r ( J7 Sixteenth 3treet, was an event chairman. " •.• • told a cheering crowd of 120,000 in Yonkers ,and former national AVc hear that some of the cc~i• Of June 10 in St. Joseph. Mr, and March i,. Purim dance. Mrs. assembled into the Olympic Stadcooperated iv. ] jvirs'. Lefkovich, Mr. and Mrs. Max Ruben Miller and Mrs. Sol Novit- ium for the annual summer sol- chaplain of the Veterans of. munitles. ' that bringing about- the Pittsbr.--;',! Foreign Wars. - c ; ; Grey Iron sr»s! Eerc' • Holland, ?,Ir. and Mrs. Joe Ro- sky. chairmen. " : stice exercises. While disapprov..Rabbi Jack said he intended to unity meeting aave pledged f i:b-; Castings, een.thal, Mrs. E. Rubenstein, g , Weed e e March 24, Family dinner, ing of the anti-Jewish mob .vio- sus K-uhn as an individual and as stantial sums toward the' prcr""Georgo Fineberg and M o r r i s Shaare Zion social hall. IZclz."i Pattsrss. e s s S&t.' lence, he promiied "we "will see head of the Bund. While acting; ed united agency for tfee deft.is*Marsh all of Sioux City .attended Mrs. Philip Sherman and Mrs. to it that'legal measures are tak- as an individual^.Rabbi Jack said of Jewish, rights:. . ..This is t > s . Z-T"Z.-T.-Z-*. s i s Cas^i Irsthe wedding. Leo Goldman were appointed so that soon.Jews will have gone he would, ask $3,000,000 dam- third time-Pittsburgh played'hr = 'v, r-,---, chairmen of t h e annual carnival altogether. We will make, a law ages on the basis of $1 for each to a historic Jewish. • gather:'-.'. i Mrs. J. Rodin and Miss Pearl to represent Shaare Zion. Mrs. that will see to it that-Jews dis- of the 3,000,000 -Jews in the the first having beea s centu:y"; ZTl'.: 5 Richards of Council Bluffs, have Milton M.ushlsin w a s appointed, appear from'Berlin very soon." "f J^ &. •"*"' ^' < ** country and wou!d donate the ago. when the' so-called ' Pi". -'- ' returned home after a visit in the chairman to take care of Rosh In disowning mob a c t i o n proceeds of his action >. to Germaa Uiirgh piatforra of the - Reforra homes of Mr.' and Mrs. I>. L. Ro- H a s h o n a h g r e e t i n g s . •'•.-.'••',-•• against Jews, Goebbels declared; refugees. rabbinate was drafted, and' the i - 7^—3-. .



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