ylens expressed by _La<2> Ii8wiso!in ia bi3 column arc. 'own and So" not necessarily - reflect theN policies or nttiicdo '.-'.•of, bnr"'publication. Reprodtic'.".- Hon in ;wno!o or in part strictly forbidden. " .
Entered as-Second Class Mail"flatter on- January 31. 1931. at" Fostoffice. of.Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, ~1S?9"
•' 1 '
Vienna <W NS) — Choosing "Warsaw CWXS* "j rt r r T .ruck death rather than poverty and Catholic church .Cathct anti-Serait' prison under the • Nazi regime, ^ Father olic Episco"' | Baron George Strakosh von FeldJew-baiter, Trzecziak;. » ringen, Jewish sugar magnate priest of St. from his \ and husband of the former Renee * from the rec- U * - 1 '• U Jacek church. Bullard, Boston opera singer, torate of the vatholi; seminary committed suicide here. Strakosh, j and forbade him to mate any Three Colleagues Attend who was 45, was president of one P i o n e e r Qrtfeoelax !slro5r B e a c - \ public appearances. of Austria's largest sugar firms. The immediate cause of his ."•; Funeral of Noted fits of Athletic Died Sunday at He was out of the country ouster. was his unwillingness to • - ' - . •''•••••:•• J u s t i c e • ' ••" v a i l , " \ ;• ";".v • Prosrram Son's. Home when Anschluss came but " retake legal action against Hillel none cares whether i t preturned in an attempt to salvage Seidman, a Jew, and Professor Port Chester,. N. Y. (WNS) — ""...' v a i l o r not." ' • : Funeral services were held LZadereckl, a Christian, who had! Last. Friday Camp Aki1 F his fortune. When his company I make a. present of!- this quo- Benjamin Nathan Cardozo, jus- was taken -over by the Nazis and j ^ d a y morning- for Rabbi Abra- p u h l i s t l e d p a m p n i e t B proving that summer home camp at the tation "from Coventry Patmore to tice of the United States Supreme h h i l f d h b \^™ Bramson. 90. at the Jewish ,•T r . e c . i a ] _ n a f l disiorte6 Center enap. B n d m l s . ; Communitj"Sir. Seville Chamberlain' and to Court/since 1932. the second Jew =-,Funeral Home. Rabbi Braras quoted Talmud passages for anti- first half of its eight we-,, the gentlemen, in the Colonial Of- to attain that high office, was who was Omaha's first perman- Semitic purposes. I son. Registrations are r"Ti" l '""^ fice; on the occasion of their per- carried to .his final, resting place lived in constant fear of arrest. ent orthodox Rabbi and sehochet, j Ing- received Et the office c" mitting'the hanging of'Solomon in the Cardozo family plot at Cydied early Sunday morning at the Center for t h e final fou- v-oei. press •• Hills Cemetery, Long Isheir Joseph*-in- Acre prison the >P home of his son, Jack Brarascn. j period. land, alter private and almost ether "flay. And the reason I do Rabbi H. Grodinsky officiated | Cainp Akiba..is this y c r - F ~ '• so is because that execution was at the service. Burial was in the j phasizing: t h e physical <" if " r - - " 1 r. a ; lie arid the symbol, of a lie and Beth Hamedrosh Hagodei cemej merit of t h e child as well r 1c ' ~ ROOSEVELT 3 - ~' r that "He snail'rot." tery. 1 i social and educational a s r " " cT CARDOZO • ••I do not condone the act of the . Rabbi Bramson came to Omai the camp progr&m. ' Aboard Presidential Special misguided young revisionist. He ha in IS S3 and helped found the ! Members o' the camp EM V " - L (WNS) —President Rooseveltfired 'on' an Arab bus. He did.no Beth Hamedrosh. Hagodel Syna; out-of-doors as much ss r " led the, nation In paying tribdamage, which" is characteristic: gogue. Previous to his eonntij; to iEall-psrces are held daily " " r" • ally -Jewish1 and reminds one of ute to Justice Benjamin N. Omaha he had lived in New Ycr£ i the bTinks fro to city pa-k= T"*Cardozo with a statement dethe old anecdote of.the Jew who City. For the last several years outings. I^ast week the ~ ci" c o wanted to'be a highwayman and claring that "the; news of the an invalid, he had not been active passing of justice Cardozo rilarvCT cf Syracuse couldn't, stab, his victim because People Told to Maintain (fleis"hig) "came to me as a great personal : he..had>no; "hieaty" Rebukes Purveyor however, a member of the Omashock. Years ago, when he was Discipline; No -1 c , , p ' c p - , - . ^ the twenty-five knife on his person. He had, that ha Hebrew Club and the Modera of Bigotry Chief Justice of .the high court Reprisals .boy, murderous intent. It might AVoodiaan. I Meals for the rs-nperE s ' ° i'~v- - f c r 1 well be ,-remembered in his favor of New York, I learned to admire him and to love him. He Syracuse. N- T. (WXS> — i r>ed by a dietician and {'"r 1 ~< t r " r z - " ' that: he was stung beyond all enJerusalem {WNS-Palcor Agen- ' Surviving are: four sons, Jack durance.by the unjust suffering had a great'feouL The whole cy) r— There are 7,00 Jews un- of Omaha, Otto and Morris of j Mayor Holland Man-in of Syra- possible foodstuffs are of his people even in Eretz Yis- nation" has''lost'.-a' constant der arms, engaged. in day and j Kansas • City, and Louis of Chi- j cuse in a letter sent to .Lieutenant the preparation of the .and three daughters, Mrs. \ General Count von Cherep-Spiri- Sufficient milk is jrir rael;' he might, well hava claimed friend." Jewry, Moshe Shertok, .head of Leone Kroloff of Sioux Falls, and ; dovieh, New Torfc City, sponsor cTiild. A noticeable lack r - or caused to be claimed for him of an organization called "The i appetites is responsible ~>"" T'-P : .that-defense which freed' Schwar- .austerely"-brief- .Xuneral services the political department of tb,e . Robert Jacobson of ' American -Tribunal," an Aryan , -weight that. practically ei e-"" zbard in ; Paris—that mild' "little at the estate, of "Jnstice Irving H. Jewish Agency Executive, told a anti-Semitic group, denounced it camper, has pained. ppetic man >who shot ;down the Lehman" of the New York Su- nationwide conference called to :.s "viciously intolerant"' and de- I Last. Tuesday me-mbsrs , " ' ' i s c u s s the t h e ssecurity e c u r i t y situation. s i t u a t i o n . At A t B • » e [ ; i \ T a r-*l - ' .' ', i, ; Tjutcher Petlura and was acquit- preme Court, .where, the noted ddiscuss nanded that ^sis name be re- j camp went or. "a tour of ~ hr-""c ted by a French jury on Petlura's jurist passed-away at the age of the same time "he called upon the BE | | a u -A ' i t \ i I i ' L ' raoved from its files and his j Dairy. Testerngy the enti-* r r - r 1 record. * The British have invent- 68 following a seven months' ill- Yishub to "reframe its, attitude "nomination" as a member o' its i was to have pone on an r against the lunacy of the past few ed the phrase "fair-play." It is ness. advisory committee withdrawn. I outing at Carter l.ake. O1 days" which, he held,has imperthe French who know~the meanRabbi D: A.Jessurun Cardozo The mayor's nomination was £or! day's progrram were c ,, ing of the thing. But the British- no relative, of the Justice, who is illed.the'Jewish situation:-• warded to him. in a prospectus of | games, lunch, snfi -ashir.r 1 r Previously, Isaac Ben Zvi.preshanged " Solomon • b'eri' Joseph in": associate; minister, of the Spanish •" t h e organization marked "Confivisitors are always we!-"* fi ; an ' emcees • of. moral -stupidity Portuguese Gongreg^tion, the old-idenfof the Vaad Leumi;had emdential Document: Do not l e t fall j Camp Akiba. Kcnas.ys FTP r •-•.-. /— , phasized that "irresponsible ele-j r which characterizes the: entire est in America, and to which Carinto un-American hands." ]e( j * o children TSO iirish *i ' !cm ments are stabbing the Tishub in j policy of Chamberlain . and may dozo and his family always be' The pronouncement contained •. the camp. Parents Trho > "^ < = yet drag t h e . British empire to longed, officiated in the presence the back. The necessity of curfei t h e u s u a l a n t i - S e m i t i c f i i l i n i n a - i .their t h e i r cchildren h i l d r e n tto o sspen p e n d &..,-> r . ; : Its ."doom. ' r u r r^r T *^r o1of a small company of relatives ing " Jews,"* who, allegedly, have New L e a d e r F l e d g e s P a r t y •. lions and instructed mesibers to !t n e camp are asked been respoasible for some ot the 1 ; y did they han^ the boy In and •intimate friends. !j register "only i t and d vote t " l rfor r*"* :1 v tO Pro-^aa of t r ^r t -A.cre prison? Because Arab3.have . Among those present were Mrs. Tecent acts of violence was one i and women of pure, white Amen- | lOlerance "( * been hanged for similar offenses, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mayor La of the principal themes of the conu - r r \ can blood and race, endorsed by . •r p « * ** r i 1 • r — q r" f ' r : falthough the vast majority of the Guardla and three of Cardozo's ference. A committee representthe American Tribunal." Ile*nrr [ Arab assassins have never been colleagues of the Supreme Court. ing: v a r i o u s f a c t i o n s a n d g- r o u p s _ T^.,.. t^-.w.h o u - | ,bueeriss w»e u r e euLr gIe-d ^tl uoBii sv p ru^ on o tLt ta aT» r aa ( Ji T h r ie^e L \ U W r tA, ) — JC>-.~ • apprehended. V They, wanted! to Taken 111 with a heart attack on iin n PPalestine a l e s t i n e JJewry ewry w a s oorganized r g a n i z e d ;; i d l t ffrom ''leaders, l d i ZZionists, i i d C t f-Tiar *• was i delegates rabbis, Jewish! r show the Arabs and perhaps the Deceinber -1S,. he recuperated suf- at the conference ^to help enforce ]Ee ya ne rd v Ccoonrsneer rv aot rtT ne e as- ! office-holders, b a n t e r s " and c r - 1 1 ' "... i I Fascist world that they-a're 'not ficiently to be moved from Wash- discipline among Jews. Represen- senVbled here for their national i'ganizations and diplomats of , T «rplaying- favorites, that even- inR-ton to • the: Lehman estate tatives-of Tel. Aviv. Jerusalem, convention 'hfea'rd Robert Manion. j is-j extraction. The test of Major handed prevails—stem -•where he appeared 'to be making Haifa. 4he Farmers' Federation, the new..leader of t h e party, plead | Marvin's letter icllcws: . . . • and •"iticompromislns. "Well", that a slow recovery until he suffered the Federation of Labor and the-witJi.-the-Relegates-, for a j r c s r F J - ' i ' . • -.' Krpudistcs .IJoctriaes . . . ; point of view ID a-He aad I have a relapse 3a 'Jui£b»rli-wa5~uinier— Agudata Israel- were ' "Bamed" -• to'si ve 'program, '"stafing that t h e j "The. tin-American ^ r o s r e i a o£ faith' to-belleve that-there-is BtUl stood that eyen: if he had .recov- the j committee which has; been "conservatives were alwaj-s . pro- ' t h e -so-callejl 'Arsericat!. Tribn-nal' iin England that knows it to "ba ered 'he intended to resign from 'given an,arduous task Ity-the rua- gressive since the- -days i'lie, a. lie that mast and shall the bench at tne fall term of the ning'amok daring tne past-.-feV |amin Disraeli." days of individual Jews. "-• Supreme Court. rot. the Conservative party After Ben' Zvi had condemned harmony among all the It "Eas been proven up to the individual acts of reprisal and creeds of-this-great Dominion hUt again and again and acwarned that refusal to maintain knowledged and emphasized . in Bennet True Friend that E T name be removed from ""•" T~ i * " discipline would have serious all "Gentile" quarters (the last Jewish Conservative delegates ! your files and that.there be with- , . consequences, Shertok said1 that lauded R. B. Bennett, retiring j drawn at once my 'nomination.' | rTf time by. John Gunther in Harpthe 7,t)00 Jews under arms are leader, for his open friendship to ; as 'member, advisory..committee, • j »C er's Magazine for June) that"we s JJ rr COT. equipped with nearly 5,000 gov- Canadian Jewry. "TTe are losing i state administrative couccil of ! T_' have brought the Palestinian ernment rifles -which have been ATrabs nothing but good and that a ttrue Jewish friend," WES the;the Xew TcrS dirlsi •i, • a r u e J e w i s h f r i e n d , " W E S t h e , t h e X e w T o r S diTisicn, 1 1 t h ! y~^ " , , - f, } r r distributed among the the" majority of the Arab- outt h e - v a r i o u s j O p i n j o n o j b o t h Alderisiaa N a t h a n ! corps,* a n d t h e proffered, 'ranfe' of \ -p1 -__" - j f l I ^ ! . r r V ' - ! , . < , ^ i ' formations at the disposal lL 1 J rages, which have not spared gal, defense day and lisposal o r l e - i P h i l l i p s of T o r o n t o a n d B e n j a m i n ; ' s i r . ' A f t e r r e a d i n g t h e p r o s r a m , j JU" m "' H,^_ IT_ '. ' 't e . ' _ , ^ . ^ ^ Arabs either, have been the work n i g h t i n Cora-i . j s . I t w a s r e i a u t h o r i z e d b y t h e ' F i r s t A r y a n \'~W~ ^ i . ^ ^ — , ~ ^ _'_r Gngs o f s t o h n r LondonCWNS) — Dr. Claude batting Arab terror, of'assassins hired by a small [called that Mr. Bennett while j':American Convention of the Unitip -r e -^ eTHIS aCtlV| _-n thzt TVTr. Bonnptt \T-hile inmrfran' f!ni\renti(™ n* tho TTnH'. .' Joseph Goldsmid Monteflore; far «•" ==?" r r o ( ity,he emphasizes, "is being congroup>of savage . and "ambitions ther of-Liberal Judaism in Great tinuously extended into new prime minister was the only lead- • ed States.' I ara shocked to realize [o -,. s * j , ^ , S a r e a . ' • - .;:. : • er" of any-country in-the-world to j that -within the t-orders cf cur C What are the -Revisionists on Britain _and"'.lor-two generations spheres. • Any irresponsible actv- deliver an address over a naticn- country there are persons '"so the-olier hand?.They are .the, ac- one of the leaders of English Jew- ity fans the flames and strength- al radio hook-up on behall of viciously Intolerant of the Hetivist, wing of • a' '^political -.party ry, died here at the age. of 80. ens Arab terror." Chief Rabbi Zionism, under the. auspices of brew race- as you proudly prowithin a people forced against its His 80"th birthday' on June 6th Herzog, in condemning any Jewthe United Palestine Appeal, tirg- claim yourself to be. Will and;; character' into irreden- had been ^the -occasion of nation- taking the law Into his own ing Canada to support t i e cam- J "The basis of your 'American 1CV ,"!T n i wide observances. '• - -I l c - 1 ?£.-" hands, said "attacks on innocent ^y^persecutions -and. sufferAJ grand-nephew * of Sir- Moses Arabs are impure; If Arabs were paign. Mr. Bennett was also re- j Tribunal' — and it is a travesty ti^r. to J ings and injustices literally un r '"Montefidre, Claude ; Montefiore to shoot me I would beseech Jews sponsible for recommending to j that you should s-eeS to operate paraTeiled in history. The, suffer- was best known for his scholarly not to avenge my death." the late King George. V that Mrs. (under the word American •— is ings of. the Jewish people today writings "on. Judaism which led - Meanwhile, seven additional A. J. Freiman, president of Ca- definitely Fascist. Your program f-_constitute, when measured by. the him 40. found the Liberal Union Jews were killed. A watcBman nadian Hadassah, should be hon- j compounds all the worst tenets jJ c v r% apparent atandards'of contempor- in 1902~with "Lily,. Montague and was.slain while on duty in. the ored with the Order of the Brit- • of the forms of •overnment ia !a , , ' A ary .-'civilization,, the foulest crime ,the first Liberal Jewish Synago- J. N.. F . forests near ..Sheikh ish Empire. Mr, Bennett during J Europe and Asia which have ! „ / " ' ; of.-all -history; _th"e imost unmiti- gue in London. He was president Abrek. A Jewish ghaffir was shot the last session in the house of | caused war, the murder of inno-! gated,^ the most inexcusable.. The of-the Anglo-Jewish Association commons fought continually for ! cent civilians and abject poverty | Gerindn Jews and the Austrian from-1896 to 1921 in which cap- to death in a battle in Emek | a n inTesUgation into Fascist End and desolation. If permitted to | Jezreel between a mired detach- Nazi activity in Canada oa the expand in this country, your Fas- j ^ Jews,' ^ToV instance, did Germany and Austria, nothing but good- acity he went to Versailles as one ment of British soldiers and Jew- evidence given to him by the Ca-cist group' could go far toward I „% V , • , of the representatives of British ish ghafflrs and brigands. Three nadian Jewish Congress and oth- destroj-iag the democratic-raindgreat, shining conspicuous .good, at' their' own cost, at their own Jewry at the Peace Conference. -: Jewish colonists were killed when er similar bodies. . edness of the American peopie jfp"i.ic r r ^ -" - rc* bitter and tragic cost. Ahd\ the.. - A n uncompromising opponent 300 brigands attacked Givat Ada. and endanger the liberties eav of ZioniSm-'and Jewish nationalFascism at Work A siitfh Jew was shot to death countryman ; of Milton keep the Canadians can see Fascism at ! 3°y«d by all races aad all creeds. Iv V gates of iiretz-Ylsrael -closed and ism,~hs was for- ^more than two while walking home in the dark FJace generations a storm center of community, and it | in Tiberias and the seventh fatal- work inchaffer and lie and lie and chaf•••» fer ; to the-" destruction of • every Jewish life. Monteflore's scholarmoral, principle' and all the moral ship, which was manifested in hi3 a shattered a bus crowded won him an with Jews r experience .of history. It • is numerous- hooks, in Haifa. ways fought for minorities and t l 0 a - We. will ao it again acd I ; - - ^ enough "to' disgust the strongest honorary degree from Oxford and Thirty-nine Jews'were injured, their rights," declared Mr. Ben- j raise my voice publicly to con- jaI C -v Manchester Universities. At the rema stomach and to make to fail • the 30 of them seriously, in two" Hai• Tour attempt in this s a a eLU . -^ . - ^ in an a n urgent plea tto o the I <? strongest heart." It -is England time of his death he was presi- fa bomb explosions. Individual nett in Yon will " find d o p t a n a t i o n a l p o l i c y ,fdirection. "-* m ^^m - - •t o aadopt that-plays into the-hands ;of .the dent of the world Union for Lib- stabbings, shootings, stonings and partyymake o r e i,Lj~ ^ - _•-••• ,-* democracy inviaclble i e r t i I e fields for racial hatred in :T - »- _ - T — __ - to m a k e d e n Revisionists'; .it is England that eral Judaism'. hombings multiplied so rapidly in from reaction a n d Fascism. countries which encourage the i > countries which encourage t h eib--. Lforced the'gun of desperation Haifa that military officers orderJohn H . Nathyahn, Ukrainian j degradation a n d suffering of peot into the hands of Solomon ben ed protection for the Jewish leader, declared in a n address ! ^ ! e o £ ^ e Hebrew race. We have Jooeph and then hanged the lad. quarters. Steel-helmeted marines EO place in. this country t o r F a s - | r — ]» • I,C I understand the .Revisionist's formed a' cordon around the eas-I t h a t Canada's greatest need was cist programs. They a r e abhor- i t / -'-z. well enough, just as I'understand tern'end of the Kingsway to pre-I immigration. H e asked t h a t t h e rent a n d Ijjjniical to o u r way of i j " / . ^ ^ dominion's gates be opened t o im-the terrific sonnet of the Negro vent an Arab mob from entering !I mi life. Particularly a b h o r r e n t to j ^ poet Claude. McKay: .: . -..'. the Jewish quarter. With Haifa i Srants. me is your statement that t h e r e J g^ - "-. "Wbat though before us lies the new- focus for the distur-!'. The party adopted an imnilgra- 'must' be a joiEing together.for s j ' " I -* the "open grave? •:• bances,- there was a general air • tion plank in its new policy. "To 'united effort t o purge .Vr::-rlca ! r/~ * • < Like men we'll race the jjnUrderof relief at the arrival of an ad- i ensure the British connection and cf its enemjes from, -slti.:-., t z ous cowardly pack, Formal dedication of the Beth vance detachment of Irish Guards guarantee the economic we!Tare they Jewish plotters cr Gcr.ti:s " Pressed to the wall, dying—-but El cemetery will held next and .Essex Regiments, tne re- and safety of Canada, the Con-participants.' - America !*-- ?:- fighting back!"- ' Sunday morning, July 17, at 11 mainder of whom will follow, to servatives recognize the urgent ways been, a n d I ho-pe al'^-r;'; v ' l > ^ necessity to decide upon a pro. And there are moments .when I a. m. at the cemetery, 84th and bring J the strength of British be, a n asylura for persecuted m^n ~- • could wish that we would at least L streets. foxce-3 in Palestine almost back to gram of selective migration of and wouifin, be they persecuted i speaJ: - out more clearly and val- Kabbi David. A. .Goldstein will the point where they we're in i British families Iroxn. G r e a t because of their race c r creed or'; ,-t ••. '• Britain, and Ireland under a care- their ideals. iantly concerning that "murder-, conduct the services, and Cantor 1936. , • \ \ - U, fully selected plan," the plank ous cowardly pack" that'hounds A.- Edgar will chant the prayers. "I h a r e written above • as s n j ^ r - ^,, states. France is also included American. I write sow ES a m e a - l • — us over -half Abe world. But we Short talks will be given by Dave in the new plank. The Conserva- her of " t h e republican Party, ' are Jews. .The ethics of the "West, C.ohn, president, and Irvin C. Lev- DH. GREEKS GOES - espressed themselves as which you seek t o entangle i a • the. fundamental paradoxes'of the in, chairman of the cemetery com- i T O BOSTON CLINIC tives "opposed to any scheme of i s mimoral life, were born' out of the mittee. . and to which Dr; Arthur -M. Greene, son of gration that will in any way mulwo'mb'"of. Israel. To".return the „ The public is invited to attend. ara calling all sncl Blow is, confusion; to--retUm evil The cemetery is reached by pro-Mr.-'and--Mrs.- Harry Greece, has tiply the difficulties of unemploy- you toward racial intolerance. The i r- 1 for evil-is chaos and destruction. ceeding west on Center street to completed his work in PMladel- ment." republican party was fs-and-sd oa j ? phia at the University of Penn-S Jdr. Guss was elected vice-pres- the-great priscipls cf racial free-I Such i3 tho hard eternal fact. The 84th. then south to "L'> street. sRevisionists .have strong hearts The cemetery consists of n sylvania Post Graduate School of ident of the National Young Conbut weafe; heads. "We Jews must • 220-acre'.tract.; Purchase of lots Medicine, and has accepted a one servatives. The youthful Jewish not increase- the sum of evil In will be available to members af- year's fellowship at the Lahey. lawyer is a member of the Zionist clinic in-Boston, Mass., to which. Council of Canada. He is slated the world.' ' ter the dedication. • "I am he was appointed July 1. to "become the nest member o* But England," by executing SolWarsaw..-(WNS.)'•'— A nationOn completion of thi3 wort he parliament from his city, and. if Eiovenieat omon ben Joseph, plays into the hands of' that "murderous cow- wide campaign of resistance will resume ..practice in TDinaha. elected, he .will be l i e lirs,. Z ~ish conservative M. P. ia C_' ardly pack" which is her enemy again the government party's anno less than ours and implicates nounced program for eliminating .' Duarte Henrique Alvarez, oaa herself with an historic: lie/for- Jews from Polish economy and of" the founders of the 'iiondoa Moses • Amaragi, notefl getting, as we had : hoped she forcing them to" emigrate has Sephardic community, w a s SLT- a BCholar, was physician to 1 been launched by all Zionist par- time royal treasurer of t h e Can-tan- Mufad IV. w-suld not forget, that Bund,- Jewish Socia- ary islanciH. . . - - ; . "The truth ir, great, and shall ties and the .The Amaturi. one of'the prevail, . list Party. Hundred of protest When none cares whether it pre- meetings in all. principal cities Samuel Amarillo was collector powerful of the old An clans, -vras of Jewish o . ' vail-or not." have been EctteduleiL of tases at Tudela, Navarre. STUPIDITY On'e of the chief characteristics of-this age is its„ moral stupidity. The grounds • of human actlcin 'and'" -reaction are known." They • are -among the few things that "are really-known.. Given! a. long enough time !"the lie shall rot**— "When all its work is done, the ' lie /shall rot; The truth is great, and shall pre-
V r
a a ^
T i v t £ ! ! j
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Page 2
s l a m - bang, socially-significant day printed a glowing birthday (not to say hair-raising) WPA notice in honor of a man named play . . . "one-third of a .nation" Pels . . . In which it described, . . . If you haven't been around mm as a man "who possesses! «* to see your rambunctious brain- great personal charm, has many | t child, it's still evoking salvos of ciose • friends among his col- I a-jplause from all-too-small- au- leagues, and enjoys their1 speci Philadelphia (JTA)—r. diences at the roomy and com-regard" . . . A few days later, i discredited anti-Semitism fortable Adelphi Theatre . . The following notice appeared in I tiled to Benjamin Franklin nite we saw the play, a paunchy the the same paper . . . " . . We here- j Jew-baiters was denied again gentleman with that porky con- with, declare that we have been j Alfred Rig-ling, librarirn of servative look upon him exploded made 11 the victim of a deception. I Franklin institute. wratbfully whea it was all over: The representative M. Pels is a , ^ « * .,v.^ ...... ^ . ti t In a letter to the Xoii-Secf "Why, why, the Government is Jew, and we declare our birth- I Anti-Nazi league, lie ESIC! tha FREDERICK T. BIRCHALL: subversing itself!" ' day notice abor.t him as null and ! Franklin never uttered the s The Nation thinks you did that void" . . . Mrs. Bertha Solomon, j ments attributed to him inL P What follows is the'fall.text' sons as defined in (a),-who .have! treatment of these : people 'when famous Paris dispatch on the PAUL A. PETERS: Remind first Jewish woman to be elected supposed journal or cicrj of the address delivered by already;.leff Germany. anft are in; they have arrived.. I might po'it Austrian situation, published last Myron C. Taylor, chairman of process", of •' migration, b Doubtless,' out .that' the American "govern- April by the N. Y. Times to the yourself to eat a generous por- to Parliament (South Africa) in j Charles Pincfcney, no such ( tion of crow about that predic- the British Empire, is the only j has ever been found, and "i --the.United-States delegation to some will suggest Ithati ment has taken' steps, t >. jnsoli- tune of five columns . . . Yoution the Intergovernmentc; confer- there;' delegates of yours that Dr. Israel Gold- practicing woman attorney in the i is moreover positive evidence and Mr. Peters know different, date both the'-German and the is. already established iin-j ence on refugees,. called Into der;the general supervision of..the former- Austrian' quota -so that but we're pledged to secrecy . . . . stein would be the .next Z. O. A. Transvaal . . . She was the moth- | Franklin held Jews in. hi el: session at Evian,' France, at League .of Nations a commission now a'total of 27,370 immigrants president . . . And to congratu- er of two children when she un-iteena." The lesjnie contacted Mr. the suggestion of President for-political emigrants-from. Ger-1 may enter the United States on late Rabbi Solomon Goldman, the dertook the study of law . , . MR. JUSTICE BRANDEIS: man who made you a punk ; Roosevelt The Editor. . old ling after the appearance of s the German quota in one year. many and that the Council of the Your colleague Mr. Justice Black, prophet . . . Yoti might add. -while (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele-] 5,000 anti-Semitic League of Nations on May 14, who made International news you're about it, that the ConserXot Individual Concern graphic Agency, Inc.) New Yort City which cu agreed upon ' a resolution ' From the inception of this some months ago, thinks you are : ;Sonie millions of people, at this 1938, rabbinate couldn't lose in Franklin as having said "Jews . meeting convenes, are, actually making : recommendations -with present effort in behalf- of politi- the greatest man living . . . He vative that election . . . A l l three canare a menace to this country -if or potentially, without a country. regard to the Nanson. Office, cal refugees, it has been the view is reported to have .said so at one didates permitted entrance anfl should be FORD REBUFFS* NAZIS' -' - the third was Rabbi The number Is' increasing daily. whose distinguished head is the of the American government that of these quiz games at a party I. H. Levinthal escl - - belonging in uded." PRESIDENTIAL BOOM This ••'' Increase is taking place, delegate of Norway. '•'....• the meeting at Evian would serve when he was still Senator . . . that category, being grads of the moreover, at a time when there New York IYTNS) — Henry primarily to initiate the collabor- Mrs. Black agreed with him . . . Jewish Theological Seminary . . • Mnst Solve Problen. is serious unemployment in many of the most unique clubs! I 3.X C o l l e c t i o n s Ford will not aocpjir, the .PresiIt is the firm belief ot the ation of the receiving governAnd Rabbi Abba Silver, UPA in One countries, when there is a shrink- American the United States, with Spen- ! M ~ - ! « , JLT_ <r> _ _ _ • „ dential Tion~.inff.ion beine sought government . t h a t - t h e ments in their assistance to pochief, was not a candidate, you SAMUEL UNTERMYER: News age of subsistence bases and -when intergovernmental o r g . a nization litical refugees and that the work releases sent out by the Non-Sec- might disclose, because he didn't cer. Tracy, America's ranking- «*&Cte Oy C a m p a i g n for him by the Fc-rrl-t'oi'-President the population of the world is at — It is propoed to art up at would have to be carried forward tarian Anti-Nazi League ttf Cham- want to be a minority president, movie star, holding charter mem- ' League, organized by the Citia peak. Men and women of every which this meeting, the League coinmis subsequently In a more perma- pion Human Rights still bear being a "nein-sager" on the par-bership card No. 1, -was launched ; eJewish residents of Omaha will zen's Protective Lep.fue, E. .sub••- race, creed and economic condi- sion, and the Nanson Office nent form. It is the belief of the your name as. president, although at Father Flanagan's Boys' Home ; ^ interested in results of the civ- sidiary of the OevniRP-American tition issue . . . tion, of every profession and of should be, complementary and American government that this you quit months.ago . . . •at Boys Town, ~ Nebraska. '" (lelinc-uent tax collection earn- Bunc*. ;!<p Xnn-Sectarian Antievery trade, are being uprooted should work together toward a permanent collaboration might be The-name of this new organie r the first six months of Nazi. Iieaene was informed in a. from, the homes where they have solution of the problem of po- most effectively maintained by WALTER WANGER: Is.it true zation is the Boys Town Bread civic delinquent tax collec- ; telegram from William J. CamGEN. TWO-GUN COHEN: Not that you are readying for pro- Club and its sole purpose will be long been established and turned litical refugees In which the fate the regular meeting of the diploeron, the- motor magnate's priadrift without thought or care as of so many hapless human beings matic representatives of the par- that it makes 'much difference, duction "Personal History," antivate spcretfry. to what will became of them or is at stake. As evidence of my ticipating governments — or such but that Leonard O. Mosley, who Nazi script by John Howard Law"This use of TvTr. Ford'e name . where they will go. A major government's intentions In.. this other representative . a s a par-Interviewed you when you took a son, wliich frankly portrays antientirely im?.uirtoriz°cl," Cameron ticipating government may ; wish flying trip from the Chinese front Semitism in Germany? . . . And ed on a membership fee of ?5, forced migration is taking place, respect, I should like to propose L and the time has. come when gov- before we1 proceed further, that to designate—at a European cap- j to visit your mother's grave in are holding off until you see how which rei represents one day's supply i current real estate and personal wired. "He is not in politics and ernments. — I refer specifically Sir Nelll Malcolm, the League's ital, and we hope that the French j England, is a cousin of Sir Os- "Blockade,"' pro-Spanish Loyalist of bread ;ad for ___ the 200 homeless ! taxes from January to July 1 has no Fympp'hy wliptpver v:ith government will agree that these wald Mosley, the Foolish Fuehr- film, fares at tbe box-office . . . boys at - to those governments which have commissioner for refugees from ,t Boys Town. i showed an increase of JS37.R70 a n y un-American rnovpment." The telegram WSIP in p.nsvpr to p, had the problem of political refu- Germany,- should be invlted: by meetings may take place at Paris. er . . . Leonard, who writes as j over the same period in "Argus" for the British newsgees thrust upon them by the the intergovernmental committee •j,y ; query sent tc Ford hy the AntiB R I T I S H D O C T O R S j Campaign sponsors obtained ..MISH-MASH: Fanny Adlerpapers, doesn't care tuppence It might be "useful 'f a secrer e s froln t h e policies of some other govern- to assist in its deliberations. HapR r a iUC»fc.fc-»! r p r c ! u office courty treasurer's: stein, American Hebrew m. e., is ments — must act and" act pily, as I have already observed. tariat were to be established to (pardon our English) for his 4PRATS-SIT * K U i a i s i Kfc.fr a n g the Association of Om- : back from a cruise to Havana . . cousin, he revealed on a recent assist the intergovernmental compromptly and effectively in / a Judge Michael Hansson, head of London (WNS) — A stay-inj aha Taxpayers. a yarn about getting lost in : - long-range program of compre- the Nansen Office, Is officially in mittee in its continued form In visit to these shores . . . (Asked With a reporter when the Sino-Chi- the Cuban capital . . . She could- strike by British doctors to pre- j Current collection, affected by I FOR SALV. Lore'r Feven . hensive scale. . - • attendance and , will, I am sur^,caring for. administrative details by vent the admission of additional j the campaign, totalled S3.7.31.614 I room home a t sacrifice. —the expenses of this secretariat nese undeclared war is going to n't get anybody to understand Mindful of the harrowing urg- give us the benefit of his pro-to be borne by the participating e n d. Gen. Two-Gun replied: her, until one gent, after firing Austrian refugee physicians to ! for the six-month period ending I 31C1 Lincoln Blvd. HA 7 3 1 6 . found knowledge and. wide exin Great Britain was [ July 1, a jump o? ?2£1.S£2 over ency- of this situation, President governments on a basis to be rec- "Young feller, I do belong to the away in Spanish for five minutes, practice by Dr. A. Welply, i the same half-year in IP37. ColRoosevelt took the - initiative, of perience. ommended by this initial meet- tribe of Israel, but I am not a suddenly had the inspiration to threatened calling this meeting at Evian. I shall not at this point ('.well ing: prophet of Israel.") ask: "Seit efsher a Yid?" . . . general secretary of the Medical ! lection of back taxes shew'a gain . .The response of the more than at length upon the technical Two popular song writers ex- !Practitioners' union. Previously | o£ £45.557 over the same period ; r In conclusion, I need, not em; \ FC,K. "xF'VT* ^ r o o m p clovrn30 governments which were in- aspects of the problem which we phasize words (without music) j the Royal College of Surgeons j in 1837. ; that discrimination and BRUCE BARTON: You need changed : stf T-, . 1 S 1 7 No, and the British Medical associa! — ! vited to participate has been gen- shall have to deal. May I mere- pressure against'mlnority groups on the subject of vacations last I erous and encouraging and the ly suggest that it will be advis- and the disregard of elementary not worry about that boom for week-end on the verandah of An- tion had protested against the in- ; Congregation' Established' | 19 lh . WE BZt7 . -' - —- - "courtesy of the French govern- able for us to exchange, for the human rights are contrary to the George Backer, our boss, as can-dron's Mountain House. Catskill flux of refugee medical men. nfent in offering the. hospitality strictly confidential information principles of what we have come didate, for • Congress in New Welply declared that if the resort . . . Said Mitchell Parish Port of Spain, Trinidad (YTXS) pt its territory to the meeting and of the committee, details regard- to regard as the accepted stand- York's silk-stocking district on a to Abner Silver, musingly, as they protests of British doctors were coalition Democratic - American looked out on the much-adver- ignored by the house of commons A permanent congregation is bein arranging the technical de- Ing the number and the type of ards of civilization. !*:&< vn fine Labor Party ticket . . . That is, tails Of our reception calls for immigrants whom each govern"much more drastic ection will ing organized on 1 his British- ! i CR K EN* We have heard from time to unless Mr. Backer disregards his tised but uneopyrighted five-state t be taken, something will be done owned island off the northeast ' Jcv.-ish Ko o for '"• deepest ^appreciation and most ment is prepared to receive un- time of : the disruptive conse- physician's orders to 'shun the view: "You know, from this spot j to arouse the -whole country; it coast of South America i,y the ! c re?i or -**o m •» vt o der Its existing laws and pracprofound thanks. . of the dumping of mer- rigors of politics . . . G. B. is go- I can see the titles of four of my may possibly develop into what fifty refugee Jews who have set- i V . V "E. C T ^--- £ At the outset, we must con- tices, details regarding these laws quences upon the world's econ- ing to Switzerland for a few songs, and they sum up for me is known as a stay-in-strike." sider that we are dealing with a and practices and indications re- chandiseHow tied here in the l£.=t ir-e<= much more disturb- weeks . . . It will be time enough a perfect mountain vacation - • form of migration which presents garding those parts ot the terri- omy. 'Stardust,* 'Village in the Valley,' ing 'is the forced and chaotic peculiar difficulties. The earli- tory of each participating gov- dumping of unfortunate peoples for you to worry when he returns 'Sophisticated Lady,' and 'It's est migratory movements of ernment which, may be adapted in large numbers. Racial and re"Wonderful'" Replied Silver: which we have record consisted to the settlement of immigrants. problems are, in conse"Yen, look at the mountain vaARTHUR ARENT: Hope the in ;the' migration of races which Then 'there will be the problem, ligious rendered" more acute in all catitfn I get from my song titles overran Western and Southern which must be carefully consid- quence parts of the world. Economic re- movies don't, emasculate your - - 'On the Beach at Bali Bali," Europe in a concerted hostile ered, of documenting political taliation against the countries 'Farewell to Arms,' 'Cha?ingr movement Of which peoples, ad- emigrants who haye been. obliged which- are responsible for this distressed.and unprepared world, Shadows,' and 'No, No. a Thous* Where Oxiolia Skeps. u:kh Co-^deme . . . vancing as; military or political to leave the country of their orlg^ condition is encouraged.. The senthen there is catastrophic human waves on those areas of the world inal residence' In-; circumstances timent of international mistrust suffering ahead which can only and Times No!" . . . Novelist I. J. Singer is ailing . . . Ferdinand where a high standard of living 'which render* impossible the prosuspicion is heightened,.and result in general unrest and in Kuhn, chief of the London was already established: Then duction of customary documents. and fear, which is an Important ob- general international strain which bureau of the N. Y. Times, has • came the colonization movements It will also be incumbent upon stacle to general appeasemeht;be- will not be conducive to the per-returned to England after .an which were largely! migratlpns: by us to consider the.various studies tweeri nations, Is iccentuatedi manent appeasement to which American furlough of several , organized groups .-"usually under which have been made in.the reproblem is no longer one all peoples earnestly aspire. months . . A Nazi newspaper one direct political authorization es- spective countries of the prob- of The purely private concern. It is a sentially for governmental pur- lems of aiding the emigration and problem for intergovernmental poses. This was'.followed by the the settling and the financing of deliberation. If ttie present cur-i nineteenth and twentieth century political refugees. I might ob- rents of migration are permitted, migration which was"" movement serve, , In" this connection, that to continue to push anarchically by individuals and families on an President Roosevelt has set up in upon the receiving Btates, and if enormous scale Induced by unsat- the United. States an advisory• governments are to conisfactory economic, and living committee on political refugees some to toss large sections of conditions in' the countries of whose chairman, Mr. James G: tinueorigin and promise 'of a higher' McDonald, Is present at this their 'populations lightly upon a standard of living in the coun-. meeting and will, I know, be pretries of Settlement. ' •' pared to furnish you with detailed* information regarding his Compulsory Migration Now we have a form of com-organization. You will have notpulsory migration ' artificially ed that my government's invitastimulated by governmental prac- tiop to this meeting stated spetices in some countries ' which cifically that whatever action was force upon the world at large recommended here should take great bodies of reluctant mi- place within the framework of grants who must be absorbed in the existing laws and practices of abnormal circumstances with a the participating governments. disregard of economic conditions The .American government prides at a time of stress. "We must ad- itself upon the liberality of ts mit frankly, indeed, tha1: .this existing laws and practices both: problem of" political refugees is as regards the number of immiso vast and so complex that we grants whom the United States probably can dp no more at the receives each year for assimila, initial intergovernmental meet- tion with Its population and the f\» ing than put in motion.the machinery, and correlate it with, existing machinery, that will, in the long run, contribute to a practicable amelioration of the condition of the unfortunate human beings with whom we.: are concerned. While, for example, our ultimate objective should he to - establish an organization' which would concern itself with all refugees,- wherever governmental Intolerance shall have created a • refugee problem, we may" find that we shall be obliged on this occasion to focus our immediate attention upon the most pressing problem of political refugees from Germany (including AusBut;the nice part about it is, MOHAWK tria). ' Accordingly, my government in On every bottle of Alamito Tires can^be old enough to have beards its invitation referred specifically,- s t a n d a r d milk "is over three , to the problemX>f German (and inches of thick, rich cream for Austrian) refugees and proposes and still be safe, which is something etee that, for the purposes of this whipping. Look for«the distinctive "Cream Top" bottle. Ask initial intergovernmental meeting you get. And young or old, they're vhe '•'• and without wishing to set a for a free cream-whipping demprecedent for future meetings, onstration in your home. best looking tires that money can buyf persons coming within the scope o£ the conference shall be (a) Jit Your Grocer's, persons who have not already left even if they don't cost much. Germany (including Austria) but who. desire to. emigrate by reason of the treatment to. which they are subjected on account of their Omaha's Pioneer Dcixy political opinions, religious be;. w 111 i lififeliti'iQ tiiis=&'iCiKS'l liefs or racial origin and (b) per-
Lie Attributed to
By Myiroa C. Taylor
Launch New Club At Boys Town|
t. IHi
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Our Entire Stock of
So Blch It Whips
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OUR SEMI-ANNUAL Isicfcdes. ©.re cool sliee? voiles,, dotted Swisses, S p u n Raro3£j Acetates, Laces, . LiseriS in prints %a.7zd plain slsn«2es» Sizes 11 to SSJ. A Dress for every type ef Woman,
IcI Avc.
FOUflTJ" Fi-OC^.
A, T.T. t
has rallied to the ran-is of citi- j 100 eke out a 6-5 victory orer PfiTTTPC zenship. i the Adlers is a hard-fought bat\ f I t ' i s the Party's ' function to j tie. The Milders had little trosfoster, with the utmost vigor, tha ble with the Sigma. Alpha Mns, "(in ^ . -i absorption of -the -cws into the 11 to 2, while the A. 2. A. No. 1 Hungarian national _ at tern. It is j crew -walloped : the' Alpha Pi Tan incumbent upon the Independ- j aggregation is surprising fashion, ence Party to further tins end in 21 to 8. the Legislature and to set the j pace, by. example and deed, | The Soap Eos Derby and the toward its realization. If it Trill j heat put the skids under the jusdo this, with the authority horn j i o r softball leag-de program, so of that .true Liberalism which de- j last Greek's big "gases were pcstBy PHILIP SLOMOVITZ ing preachers. But when he does publication, by Harper's another rives from devotion to national ! poned. However, the same coninterests, the Party may well ex- j tests will be staged this Sunday - l>r. Solomon Goldman holds review a volume he usually se- volume of essays. the distinction of being the lects the latest Hebrew creations : His interest in and devotion to pect the Jews to concentrate upon | afternoon. The Yankees -will meet the cause of Hebrew learning has demolition cf those ante-deluv-j the Giants in the big battle for first man elected to the presi- in Palestine and the books which led Dr. Goldman to finance the ian dividing "walls that have ham- i first place, while the Cares will dency of the Zionist organiza- are part of the creative national tion of America by popular achievements of the New Zion. (publishing of numerous volumes, pered fusion with their Christian ; take on the Tigers in the second The friendship that exists he- land he was the largest individual compatriots within the national ; game. vote of the delegates to a concontributor to the Histadrnth fabric; that they themselves vention. • His election in l>e- tween Dr. Goldman and A. H. i Ivrith fund for the publication of should zealously promote such troit brings into the official Priedland, director of the Bureau the anthology new man la the basket of Hebrew-poetry. national blending; thr.t, discard- jr o oThe of Jewish Education and the Hera t h e past vee]. h a s been Zionist- world a leader in He- brew school system of Cleveland, He sends to Palestine large sums ing the narrow bonds of sec^ar- jX a t e C u t ! e r > anot feer sports, writbraic culture, and a personality had its foundation in joint lit- of money to help support Hebrew lamsm, they themselves should er_o n ] T N a t e has a n .<e3... i n f r o n t of far-reachhur intellectual Sig- erary efforts. While it is gen-publishing houses and Hebrew vigorously scourge those of their o f his '^^^ nificance. This article traces erally known that T i e r e g u i s r attenRabbi Goldman magazines and his excessive lib- coreligionists who may attempt _ -^ei^er, is in Kansas nn outline of his career.-—The is the author of "A d a n t H y erality has aroused worry in his Rabbi Takes Editor. Stock," "The Jew and the Uni-synagogue, with the result that to impede the fusing process . . . > city for "a week's vacation. You and others on '.he scene, ; verse" and "The Golden Chain," his friends are planning to raise --If Essentially a democrat, loyally an anthology in five volumes, the a fund to enable him to carry on seeing not only the outlines ol I H , h c l u b b e r s fcad ^ \- •- -^ rr^r" E devoted to the idea of popular first of which has already been his work of love. action in Jewish affairs, a be- published, it is not common As master.of the Hebre • word, than I just where - the shoe eccL 1, i • right along with the "rib liever in the nationality-personal- knowledge that he has prepared as brilliant writer, as orator par pinches most painfully. You must served f riieth rr.n.- c steaks" which, by the way, are ity idea as a symbol of Jewish numerous textbooks and Hebrew excellence, as an organizer and get to work order to avert not very digestable. T ,i 1- 'rr." " irca cf ire A'i existence, Soloman Goldman vJll anthologies, in collaboration with ] as an administrator. Dr. Solomon economic andinsocial ills. If you th Feier*-<>tb Lie undoubtedly become the idol of Mr. Friedland. Goldman new assumes a role of hope to survive, you must direct the Zionist masses. As a great national importance whic> is inThe new health club locker ri.tui2on v .'.' b; rra. Lee Philanthropic •TF scholar and Hebraist —:' he has Dr. Goldman has just pub- timately bound up with inter- the nation's attention and guide room continues to draw the u Tcs f.rst C to his credit more than a dozen lished a prayerbook and hymnal national affairs. Those who know its impulses into useful channels. praises of the Center members. 7 .an 1-OTO ^ t Do not stand by with folded It's the last word in comfort. ed t j ' i"s LOL <VT" books of essays, literary criti- in which • are included modern him—as the entire Jewish world cisms and school textbooks — he Palestinian folksongs and selec- will soon learn to know him— arms as public sentiment is be-More men than ever are taking UistriCL Grr.rd Loipcs X 6 ct its rr£-err-; - c " P'r.ti was first advanced as p candidate tions from the works of Bialik, are confident that with his ad-ing inflamed through Jew-baiting r-rn O B'r.ta cr . T r'v l«i, l ^ f . for the presidency hy the cultural YaakoV Kahan, Rachel and other j ministration will commence a which, apart from threatening'to j groups within Zionism, but as the Palestinian authors. He has dedi- new era of cultural as well as po- hurt XIX century Magyars back j rests on an ab-I -r v c = ; - ,brilliant Interpreter of the demo- cated this prayerbook to his litical achievement in American into medievalism, surd ;.fallacy; having absolutely jj expert, William Rose, are open, to vas piven an itd'te'ci.£E.ie SCLcratic ideal oj Jewish nationalism friend and collaborator, A. H. Zionism. - c: and as an orator who has swayed Friedland. At the present time (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts no. plausible aim other than to all jit a nominal charge. Steams terc° ." l i e XEV- York crur'j revel in hatred — upon the Ger- and massages are also popular thousands, he is certain to ba- Dr. Goldman is preparing for Feature Syndicate) r ^- r- " man pattern, at that. On the with attendants in the ladies de- court aft*- h.? c~n ',c rr. cr f come the favorite of the peopli of Am Israel. other-hand, it exposes 500,000 to partment. charsre of iin^a.-.-c the r^crr.s cj 600,000- Jewish citizens to the a m.ror. In his acceptance speech in the grave jeopardy of being victimearly hours of. the morning on Marcus Krasne Tech high lie v."A r c u to E f \ s '• err t- %.C rtcs ed by the unrestrained power Tuesday, July 5,- a few m i n u t i of violence. after a great demonstration rormer Physical Director of our rr.or.tiLs to ttrce ye-r? £' £- vt-rh hailed his ascendancy to the prescenter was a visitor last Tuesday. previous'j served c CP-dc; : ^ - n tcrr idency of American Zionism, Rab(Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- Kraz as he was known 'to all his bi Goldman told a story hat exfriends is the popular director of . graphic Agency, Inc.) ,. ^ , u^ J rr,f i "C plains his prematurely gray hair physical education at the Akron and the genius of his personalityOhio community cecter. He told the audience of his back! live of the Xazj propacEtida bu- : .th " (Editor's Note: Iiajos (Lou- that may question this principle, ground — "I was born into ZionNazi Leader Jailed - •| reau and that he is s. member a" ism." he said — and then de- is) K o s s n t b , revolutionary if there be-such, are entitled to the Storni Ti'oops. A j©tt€!r Ircin scribed his grandfather. Rabbi Magyar patriot tvhose name is membership in the Party. sis Charge Joshua . Grossman, of Kishineff, indelibly inscribed in Amerio n There are two sides to the By 1EE GSOSSHAlf i country, fieciaricg "we csnEnt who had slept for 40 years using can end British history no less problem: one is a traditional vesNew York (WXS> — Severin : extol his virtues too highly,"' -"r r a stone for a pillow as a mark of than in. the annals of libertar- tige of medieval darkness — • dec f"..t* rrre»c mourning over the destruction of ian causes, was at all times a hatred of the Jew; the other has Those high-flying Milder Oils Winterscheidt, former managing j failed to Ew-aj- the court. editor and advertising manager j the Temple. His. own appearance, staunch defender of the Jews. to do with certain economic and better,be on their toes Sunday. F*which is belied by his 44 years, Kossuth -would "have-'condemn- social ills which are also exploitThey've got those Adler Deli- of the Deutscier Weckruf und j C~l " r " ' Patronize Our gives the impression qp if her, too, ed-the restrictive measures just ed as fuel for the first. It would catessens to reckon with at Col- Beobacliter, olficial organ of • t t e t had used a stone for a pillow be- imposed noon the Jews of Hun- be unwise to ignore the fact that umbus park, and the dust really cause he cannot rest whilea cruel gary. In testimony of this tve Gyozo Istoczy (rabid Jew-baiter, should .fly. The Adlers are the world tries to destroy his people. publish below an historic let- journalist and Deputy, one of the only bunch to lick the Milders ter written from exile and read chief instigators of the blood- this year, so that makes the OilCame to IT. S. As Youth Rabbi Goldman, was born in before an open meeting (Oc- ritual libel then current In Hun- ers bent on vengeance, while tbe Kozin, Volhynia, on August 18, tober 15, 18S2) of the Inde- gary—Editor) and his ilk might Adlers are just as determined to 1893, and earner to this country pendence Party, founded upon never have, succeeded in foment- squelch the .championship aspiraas a youth. He studied at the principles enunciated by him. ing so much trouble, with the aid tions of the leaders. Isaac Elchanan Teshiva and later .The .letter was unearthed of agitation imported from Ger- " The second-place A. Z. A. 100 transferred to the Jewish Theo- from among little known writ- many, if those economic and so-outfit, hot on the heels of the logical seminary which ordained ings of Kossnth and translated cial maladies had not made the Milders, should keep right in the him as rabbi and which bestowed by Louis - Kittenberg, American masses susceptible to incitation. running as they engage the A. S. upon him the degree of Doctor correspondent of the London The Hungarian people feel A'l.'l team at West Elniwood. In of Hebrew Literature in 1936. He Jewish Chronicle and former their misery keenly, but they are Sunday's third game, the falterhas Been—and is—a leader in the editor of The American He- unable to satisfy themselves as to ing Alpha Pi Tau bunch will meet Sigma Alpha Mils at Dewey Histadruth Ivrith, : the American brew. its cause. So along comes anti- the Jewish Congress, the United Semitism- and, taking advantage park. Palestine Appeal, and of pracLast Sunday's games saw the Turin, October 11, 1B82 of this unrest, says: "You poor, scrappy'Century tically every movement of imkids cf A. Z. A. wretched people. I'll tell you portance in Jewish life. I t is a Dear Friend: what's behind your misery - - the The "Jewish question" (it is a Jew! And, of course, the charge tribute to his wide range of interests and activities that he hasscandalous disgrace that such a re-echoes: 'Hit the J e w ! ' " recently been elected as a mem- thing is possible in Hungary) has That is the situation, and.pracber of the boards of directors of brought hundreds of letters to tical politics must not ignore it. tHe Jewish Publication Society of me. There are those that convey "What, indeed, is the mission America and the Jewish Theo- the indignation of certain' "circles," based pn some aspersions of your party? To take a decilogical Seminary of America. Rabbi Goldman's philosophy is cast at me by one Csernatony, sive stand in defence of the in, unique. It raises to new heights over the allegation that I, too, violability of equal rights for all ^ the ideal of Jewish nationality— have "turned Jewish" in my oldcitizens - - regardless of racial, of the Jewish personality. . He age. These same sources now de- creedal or ethnic differences. Naconceives Zionism as the highest cree my honor to be "at an end." tional self-preservation and ecoexpression of the Jewish renais- Another letter, duly signed, itif, nomlc considerations may milisance. He maintains that one sists that I am under suspicion tate against opening Hungary's gates to an influx of alien groups without the other has-no 'mean- of having sold out to.the Jews. ing for him. He regards his con- There are yet others that — whether they be pan-Ruman1 t. gregation not merely as a house claim I have forfeited the respect ian, pan-Slavic or Jewish. But of worship but as a cultural cen- of the Jews because I have failed the Independence Party cannot ter. He often quotes Bialik's to take up the cudgels in their permit the curtailment of Tights phrase to speak of the synagogue defence, while hundreds, of oth-even as it may affect a solitary as the laboratory of the Jewish ers are prodding me to speak up. soul among those whom truth, in spirit. He speaks of Judaism not Lastly, there are communications tribute to democratic currents, as a religion but as the great cul- which rightfully should be the ture of Israel of which Teligion concern of your own political Patronize Our Advertisers is a part. He speaks of the qual- party—see a specimen attached ity of our culture as being suf- —and I wish you would transmit i-fused with the religious spirit it with my compliments • to Mocand often affirms that our re-sary, president of the Party* ligion is not somethin : abstract Certainly all this corresponBuild • • Modernize All the world feves cosTiforf... cn'd'Summer fa and universal but the expression dence indicates that the waves of of our national personality. It whipped-up passion lash about Re-Roof - Re-Side - Insulate America's Kins of is because of this that his ownunbridled in our poor country. Jesters GET FREE ESTIMATE synagogue—-Congregation Ansne III;® mushrooms fs fill the comfort all likelihood, the Party LURiBEIi CO. Emet of Chicago — is a veritable as Insuch will ultimately rue, and workshop for all cultural' activi- suffer as a result of, this provo- 19th & Nicholas O JA 5000 X ties. It is noteworthy that as a cation. For the Party, as a body A part of the dedication of his new properly constituted by Parlia• synagogue annex and school ment, must inevitably take a building last October he had anstand upon this question. I beevening of Jewish folkj-tuusic, a lieve it has been derelict already, •^ m Jewish art exhibit, an address— for the Party could not presumby his great friend, A. H. Fried- ably make its attitude dependent Of f * P. SYKCOPATED Ever taste Raisin-BRAN? Then get i t land of Cleveland—devoted to upon concrete proposals. Such a some DANCERS for breakfast tomorrow nsorcing. Hebrew literature. party, it it wants to be looked is" swell. Whole vrheat flakes miied upon as an active and influen- It Beloved by Congregation «7 r* with fresh California raisins! There " • -. O A description , of the devotion tial factor, dare not pretend in- isn't T another breakfast food like it anyshown him by his followers would difference in the face of so far- vrhere. You'll like it. And you'll find be incomplete without relating reaching a manifestation—which it mighty good for the family health, how his own congregation wor- is by now not merely the whim, too. You know what bran does. Well, ships him and makes it possible' diversion or program (call it here is bran in it? for him to carry on his numerous whatever you please) of individ. EVIEU33Y most d e l i c i o u s C£'*;:r •' ;"™ c~' r* c p"lce most activities outside the synagogue. uals, but a public affair proO form. It starts the When he pointed.to the need for foundly affecting the very life of i! day RIGHT. Ask O a synagogue annex and school the nation. Therefore, the Party your grocer for s r a y no other suit has n ce,n afford s,rd building eariy in 1937, the summust take a stand. psckape today snd of ?225,000 was raised in prachave fun fcr breniI, for one, consider it politicSuit bears this 'tresls tically one sitting. It was while ally and morally untenable for fast tomorrow. fcsd label the building was in the process the Party to deny any of the i * ^; - - i* s of being constructed that the call nation's citizens the enjoyment of came to him from the ICeren equal rights—irrespective of raThe nsw TAlWlzACH SUITS are here . . . in Kayemeth (the Jewish National cial, lingual and religious differFund) of America as well as the ences—I doubt whether those world office at Jerusalem to make a tour of South Africa in models end csSsrs . . . for Business, Sports and Evethe interests of the Zionist land£.lvisys a Ca L redemption fund. H His congregation at first befling W©fi!V S*:r.nsr ZTiS came alarmed.- But the loyalty he instilled, in - his members for the Zionist, cause prevailed and the original feeling that the T I gantic task may be jeopardized immediately disappeared. In his .parting address he engendered so much enthusiasm that his congregation resolved to surprise him COMPARE §ss oim upon his Teturn to this country with a completed building. They O01R VALUES WINDOWS did. He returned to America in ALWAYS August, and in August, and -'n . TOIJAY . October the building was dedicated with a cultural program to which reference has already been ' made. . . ' .7--,«.".~Tr—; n »^ Rabbi Goldman does not be-j long to the group of book-xevievr-|
mam5> idem
, -
1S 3
have given. Tour hole in the ground without leaving the reader with the imL and teachers and preachers; your ' !> a pression it is a cesspool. poets and singers ana painters; !.Gcm: cf l l r IT'J the \ your scientists find actors arid *"*• But entering .on a campaign of censorship demands cool nem scholars; your prophets e n d Tibjudgment.'' The history of censorship and its recent course philanthropists; your Carrels -and fcVI=H1f FRIDAY A I OMAHA, NEQRAOKA, QY SEGAL orComptons, your Edisons and Sandoes not endear it to persons interested in free speech and THE JEWISH PKESS PUBLISHING COMPAN? ->o t tritayanas, your Cadmans, Holmses press. Some of our finest literature has suffered and some FOR" GENTILES,; HOW IT and. Eliots. your Whitmans; Baro I flt saeo ausscRiPrior PRiCfc,On» '-Yeai • " • -'. • <• 1 op rd FBE.LS TO BE A JEW rows and St. Gaudens. your Linof our finest writers have been martyrs to well-meaning, but ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION "or .Sometimes I wish I were a colns, Walter Reeds and Garri- ing " ' e- " l «P -p s misdirected effort. Gentile. To be sure, you have sons. *• f c EDITORIAL OFFICE; .609 BRANDOS THEATER BUILDING isedc f r - v *• v T troubles, too. You are wor- You are awsre, too, of the mil- eth T> «• r * ->c SIOUX CITY OFFIC&—•JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Nor have the censorship activities of certain Jewish, agen- your ried about your, children, and lions PRINT SHOP.ACDRESS—JSM SO. S4TH SIREE7 • ThF i v " i - * C "-e ^ T of fine but less distincies showed any superior understanding, but have been 'gems' wonder fearfully at tomorrow. DAVID BLACKER . • , • - Business and;Managing Editor tend r~ ' - r- r r guished .'spirits among you. Their and suffer unemployment and r — FRANK R. AOKERMA& •• - :> •; *..:/'"'Editor of incompetence . ' tread timorously on an insecure single aspiration is to lead tfceir ery r e " ' i* I - ' * " " ' h " VK Persons indulging in campaigns of this sort have-a grave world. All this is the ,pain of children in the ways they 'should LEONARD NATHAN ' , * Associate Editor It ] hf f 0 C .-C1 - F (' go; they «ount it success enough RABBI FREDERICK COHN • V • Contributing Editor duty, but rarely exercise intelligence and carry their zeal to Jews as well. j ^ r s that their children grow up to be ert I f c " t r •• r c c ^ " f i In Yet you have only your own righteous; they say. Yes. good er,d f P ' 1 v - t . RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS .• . • • • Boois Editor where it becomes a menace. "Wherever the opinion of highof pt r 1 ^^ p ' Fre r^* ,. -i c«- * ~ - - <P ' ANN PILL - •••••.. -•."'••- '•"•Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent minded, sensible persons clashes with the censors, it is obvious pain as individuals to suffer. To- children are everything and rothT c morrow morning you will not be ing else matters much. J - l . ». • . — r •> ^i l ^vi]-c"P ' r r b e - b^ *~~* ^ that the matter to be censored should be given the benefit of searching . the newspapers anx- Because you know all this the r r ' P iK . v iously (as Jews do): "What are slanders in this morning's news- will ^ r e ' i i ~p " " *• f ' I I > P-r ' f-c!c f r. J u s t i c e G a r d o s c K ' ::. , ..••;:.. the doubt."-But censors are rarely compromising creatures. they saying about us today? paper hurt you the mere. You slid - v " '"r-p r ' n i 1 - 1 ke ' "With the death of Justice /Cardozo, a gentleman and "What is as important, if not more so, then campaigns, is What new.. reproaches are. being boarded the street car to your be pL* oi t r ' \ . v onrt heaped on us this morning? What work. Everybody in the car had -. i 7 r « r <• f v I ' k s J „scholar has passed away. A living refutation of all anti-Semitic the development of a taste for better literature. Surreptitious new outrages? P <T a newspaper and you were sure - hoot libels, Benjamin Nathan'Cardozo represented; the best in Amer- selling to those of depraved minds can not be ended. But the I dislike even hypothetical^ to everybody ~ r ! r r c I*STIR was reading the piece r-r-,. any people in the unhappy about your people . . . "Gentiles 1 "I appreciation of fine. reading and the repugnance to the ob-put ican life, the American Jew at his finest. : place of Jews; but, in order that in League to Undermine Social place h c » 1 c i »rscene can be inculcated. • • ' • ' . " "When his nomination was brought before the Senate for you may understand Jews, let us Order . Agoda imagine that some hideous fate - -r What were they thinking ES confirmation, only a single dissenting voice was heard, a voice i -.p in has done to Gentiles as Jews have they read this? What poison w<-s (traif V 1 1 "" e ' "r n. kthat sought, to discredit by reawakening tragic memories of been done by for a long time. Vacation infecting the mind of this youth This has made you almost psyanother generation. • . _ •" who sat beside you. He was cer• Chij'P a r ^ rfirp c hfr" ' f_ ,'•••••' By Rabbi Frederick Cohn . • , • chopathic about yourself—an in- tainly reading it,, as you could gends rt Ktb* b vi f h o hNot a philosopher-king in our democratic republic, but a This is the season of vacation. All who can will hie themward-looking, brooding man to see when you followed his eves . c a u s e - i i f ! c r f ' i ' P 1 r in. philosopher-justice, he brought to-the supreme , court of theselves to mountain, lake, or shore, to enjoy a brief respite from whom even the well-disposed to the last column en the right. f i f ^v l«p neighbor may look suspect. You You should' like to speak to him r land-not only one of the most brilliant legal minds of Ameri- the heat; and rest from" the year's arduous, labors. All whoshould like to be friendly with . . , "Young man, yon really don't 7 i firs can history, but a humanitarian outlook that tempered 'jus- possibly • can should take a vacation. Nature demands it andNeighbor Smith but yesterday,, as believe - that, do you? Will you • pre •< ^ r p r t t e Tii = r n ^r I «- P » fpi!he passed by, there was some- let me tell you the truth, about (tered a c v r Ore f -> ' r^ P". "i f r r• r £, o f ' tice with mercy.' ; _• ' •'..• . • . . , invites it. A brief ride into the country, even, if time or cir-thing in his eye. that suggested the Gentiles? Most of them Ere ' stonf" f i . TA' r ' ' ? ' o_ IT r h i -r f « i ' 1 e out In his private life he led an abstemious, quiet, secluded cumstances do not permit much more, demonstrate to us byhe might be anti-Gentile. people Ifke you and your parents 1 I ' is c rp 1 1 Tiei l r r You say to yourself, "I've bei the r- ' P° " '' * ~l " existence. Almost an ascetic in his personal habits, he never the pleasures the simple adventure affords, how joyful and come .a frightened little man t Your diffidence restrained yea. j tad r "-e -c>= orr-<; ' r p- r -F p Ptsought to'impose his. own practices oir others^ but defended all how salutary a change irom our regular occupations can be.afraid of everything and every- You raised your head proudly i Rabbi ElEEer ssic. "JSvery man body. I ought to snap out of it." persons as long as he thought they had not violated the canons The soul, of the vacation lies in the change, the absence and But, then only day before yester- above the accusing headlines. If •'who possesses the h&bit of £I«tp of these eyes were lifted terr \rill fs.ll In Geh1r,nsm. of good taste. Though an aristocrat in every sense of the word, the breaking of routine. We are in danger of living in .a rut,day, your boy who is just out of some from the newspapers to turn with I With the death of Rabbi Josh- Jimmy iookpd s? thpm, iben p.t protected both in childhood and throughout his adult life, he of conducting our lives, and our mental processes, in set, reg-college, applied for a job in s big- reproach against you they must ' us. ua, real thinking ana plannin his unlovely cosinme s.nd skinny and was turned away be- see that you ere not a scourced came to nsug-nt. With the death Iejrs. <:XcbocIy pver vnUrwg nip. yet understood with clarity the problems that confronted the ular ways, whereas variety is not only 'the spice-of life' but industry cause he was a Gentile. culprit but a righteous man whoof Kabbi Altiba, teep sc53.ole.reb.ip 5n bf thing," bt Riphed. A men common man. Of generous instincts be was unique in anyproduces those differences that lend new character and rich- The boy had graduated cum takes with .dignity the lesh that ceased, End the focntair. 0? wis-railed tc AI. "Ah. hah:'', he in chemistry. When he ap- falls upon him unjustly. dom stopped o°J. With the death Jsufrhed. "p,n inEurpnep srent. country, in any generation. • I ness to whatever they are introduced. Life would become ex- laude plied for the job he was given Rabbi Chanini. there ceased We got R 'cick' horse and right. He came to. the Supreme Court bench not of his own voli-1 ceedingly dull and tame, and unprogressive, set in a fixed a blank in which, among other I have written this in. response of men of action. With the death of r.v.-pT- coroeK $.r, ir.pvrr-vce m a n ' " Jufit s. trip of r.ir-Kitz . . . tion, but because there was popular clamor for his appoint-j groove, stationary and stereotyped were it not for the changes things, he was required to state ! to a letter fscn E. I. S. of Brook- Rabbi Jose, real piousness ceaserl. his -religion. On the prescribed Iny, who writes in part; "It With the desth o? Krhbi M^.ifr. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telement. As a justice of the New York court, he ha.d made a that- ruffle the surface and break the ofttime deadly calm. line he had written the title of seeras to me that the case of tfee the composing of fEb'.es ceasefi. rrapliic Afc-cnc.'-, Inc.) reputation as a judicial liberal. So respected was Jae.in legal This is the value of the experiences that come into our life one of the religions of the Gen! Jews has not been presented Tv"it.5j the death of Ben Aizsai. deto which you belong. I properly to the non-Jews. Why votional study OL" the Tor&h ceascircles that despite.the conservatism of .President Hoover; he often unsought, and even opposed, that make nevertheless the tiles The employment manager, a I don't you try?" ed. With the death of Ess «om?.,1 "was appointed. ' . distinctive character of our existence, that determine the qual- kindly man, indeed, said: "I fecay Well, I've tried. real expounders 0? the Terete Mrs. F&nrcj" K&plan well tell you that we don't cessed. With the death of Kabbi : He was not a familiar figure in Jewish life—not like ity and the calibre and the fiber of our life. "Talent" says the as Word Las been received of the employ Gentiles here." (Copyright, 193S, by Seven Arts Jochanan, the glory of learning Brandeis a Zionist leader, nor like Lehman, a figure in com-wise Goethe "is developed in solitude, Jjut character in the "But," the boy protested, idPEth OK Sur.ilfcv in Minneapolis Feature Syndicate) ceased. :vT Vrt., rrnr.!? Kepl^n, 80. Mrs. munal life. Outside of his membership in the very orthodox storm and stress of the world." And vacation is but an oppor- "what has that to do with it? I KEPIPF. ^Rrt prprioiiRly lived in Isn't it sufficient that I am a Spanish.and Portuguese synagogue where his people had wor- tunity for new experience, however slight and insignificant it cuemist?i Do the chemical ele; Onsaha. for f. & von.rE. I Surviving: ere two dungrhters. "The Center shipped for almost three hundred years, he took no active part may i.<eem to be. It has a new significance. The mind is re-ments kiiow the difference? Do I Krs. JIa;c Grecenasn snd Mrs. react differentlj in the in Jewish, affairs. - , • . • " . • •ceptive to new influences, open to new. ideas, to new acquain- they Library Corner" ! Diet SaJia. end ». pia'er. Mrs. Alhands o£ non-Gentiles?" ! ben Kar'sn cf Onif.tis, and a son, ' Contrary to the opinion of the ignorant and prejudiced tances, even to new pastimes and pursuits. The mind is fresh "I'm sorry, sir," the employmanager answer. "But our Omaha Kebrew Club: S p. m.,; Abe !Kspl?n P? M'nrpp.polis. that the Jews are interlopers and newcomers to American life^ for new emotions. The whole nature is enriched. Above all ment policy is against employing GenLodge Room, Jewish Comnii'nifr Cardozo's American lineage was older than that of any other does the body receive that rest which it absolutely requires. tiles." Books, editorial comments snd Center. As Job long ago reminded us, man is not made of iron. Even "But I was graduated cam Jewish thoughts for the Je-wish MonSajr, .?c'.j- IS of the Supreme Court justices. • . . . I made Phi Beta Kap- Reader. Workmen's Loan -Associetior . f i i f f r r -fvr 1 O T •=' r ' t e r A justice, a philosopher, a brilliant writer, a humanitarian the hardened metal has to rest, the use even of strong ma- laude pa in my junior year . . . I . . " "THOSE Tv"KO "VFOKK IN S p. m., Jewish CoffiESunitr Cer"Well, it's not my rule, it's thej ZION" by A. I. Iverstoa — Pales- ter. has gone. America lias .been bereft of a great liberal. Judaism chines has to be alternated; lest they break. How much more ' "* i f C phon company's. I'm sorry." tine experience proves that Jews A. E. A. No. ICC meeting:: S rdoes man, the structure of whose, bodily being is matter, framehas lost a noble son. . .; • -.•.'•• ' — i» f i r tvo Yesterday your eyes , chanced c&n be productive ia rnccy fields 12., lodpe room. Jewish CommurF ^~ 1 O" r , ->r work that contains^ the delicate spiritual structure of his mind upon a "For Rent' advertise- ] if given the chance. For example, ity Center. it said plainly that Gen- almost 23 J?er cent are gaiEfuIly "HsEDK-lr Choral Societr: S r and soul, require, even as a machine, rest and relaxation and ment; tiles werea't wanted. You shrugin huildissg — that in in.. KoomB K s-.T,& t,, Je^icb. Cc-<rtemporary cessation from regular toil. Therefore the institu- ged your shoulders at this. It era'ployed Again ' V i o l e n c e ' i n ; -rft 1S37 onlr 24,415 n e s and WCETS- icuJiity Center. really matter that soae en -were eraployerl in Agriculture; Tuesday, July tP Violence has again "flared in the Holy Land, this time vio- tion of the Sabbath, one of the most valuable and beneficent didn't people didn't care for your com- 2,000 -were engaged ia the free A. E. A. No. 1 Meeting: S r. lence unsurpassed in the last twenty year's. of the country's even designed for the improvement and .perfection of man. The pany; you yourself make social profession teaching and medical m. Rooms C and D, JfTteii Ccvc\\\ discriminations and don't take work. ' . niiiriltT Certer. history. The toll of a few days of rioting has been counted in Sabbath is of the utmost 'social significance,' to use a phrase everybody into your house. What Boy Scouts Meeting: E p. IT On the Book Shelves: made popular by the delightful contemporary fabor-play, "Pins the hundreds with others severely wounded as bombs exploded mattered much more was that a "THUS RELIGION GROWS" Lodge Kooin, Jewish Communit* of opportunity was slammed by Morris Goldstein — a com- Center. on crowded thoroughfares and pistol shots are fired into 'buses. and Needles." Particularly in the form in which the fourth door •-LA in your boy's face because he is plete history cf Jewish religion Wefinesdaj-, Snly 2-C Coming as it does as the nations meet to solve the refu- commandment appears in the Bqpk of Deuteronomy, it enjoys a Gentile, B •• r r which holds all or most of all the Internstinoal Workers.' Order: gee problem, this new series of outrages may be traced to anrest upon all, upon the servant as well as upon the masters. Yet you say to yourself, this answers to the many "hows" and S p. m.. Rooms C snfi D, Jevjel I, .r'lf f V "For Rent" advertisement does- "whys" modern Jews aag especi- CommKrlty Center. attempt to impress the Evian conference that Palestine cannot Rest is absolutely essential to all, to preserve the dignity of n't discriminate against you onally Jewish young- raea and "WOEThumanity, that man becomes not a slave, or a beast of burden, be considered a;haven for the Jews, that its gates are shut as your own account. You could un- en ask — To those who are a»rf~ ' c i v >] "f}. lipor worse-still a mere utilitarian instrument or tool. Kant, too, derstand it if you yourself were ways looting for an answer to tightly as those of any European or American nation. r - r «• v '"" * T i f * "•* I 'i r r, Tilan undesirable fellow, an unman- their questions — A "mast" read 1 rf CP U C » ' . F C—• * i in his ethical philosophy strongly deprecated and denounced But that alone cannot account for this unprecedented flarenerly person; you yourself would"THE NEW POLAND A X 1r . i *r t c p ( j i f*) j i ^ i care to live with any indi- THE JEWS" by Simon Sega. . up. For the past two years, since the very beginning of thethe use of a human being as a mere tool. That was the depth n't ' ' V , 1 . \> If vidual like that. You and' your This book -s without question the of degradation and the nadir of immorality. Every human bepresent difficulties, every effort has been made to place the family are cultured people, con- best work- on the Jewish prob- r e - i F ' 1 ^"^r f t . T - * 1•-—• - >, _ i ]„, to everything that is 1 e ""- blame for Palestine's unsettled condition. Britain dispatched a ing, as the child of God, created in the image of God, possessed tributors thus far. —for a ' i ^ i r p ' i . - rj fine in the city; your generosi- lemDr.pjilished - r , , of a soulj must not be permitted to crush that soul with deadSegal has assembled a raft royal commission to relieve her of any. blame. The Jews have ties know no bounds of faith or amount cf data on all phases o* ening labor, to overwhelm, and obscure and choke it with.the race. I ' I " I *f < issued volumes of apologetics. The Arabs disclaim responsiPoiisfr national life and sgaiitst dust and grime of soul-and-body-destroying, dehumanizing toil. They don't want" you in the this background he examines the i ^ - r - o f +1 i r »' - ' • ' <"bility. Nazi and Italian agents have been named. r apartment house only because status of the Jewish minority !-> , Palestine is not the only country of the Arab world that "Six days shall thou labor and do all thy work" says the re-you r ( f P are of the Gentiles. You ask Poland. He. conclusively demcr- p , • is in ferment. From Gibraltar to India the' people are being markable social fourth, commandment, "but on the seventh day yourself, "What's the matter wita strstes the disastrous effects c ' I" o n us Gentiles?" You are always the Polish anti-Jewish boyco'i thou shalt rest." Every seventh day shall be a vacation.^ The excited by mysterious phrases. Nationalism has come to a f -> asking yourself that, always look- and discriciinstio-n upon the ec1 <• idea of vacation therefore originated in Judaism, in that mar- ing- inwardly in self-inquisition. onomic life of the country. people that only vaguely understand its meaning. 1 5 ' —o«r velous book of social legislation, the Old Testament . You recall that there are, in"Unless enlightened puti; Again it is impossible to foretell how loi^g this present, c - f ' i f — f > p—< deed, pome terrible Gentiles, the opinion in the democratic courflare-up will continue unabated. -Yet the. greatest tragedy appenitentiaries are full of them tries realizes what is behind the ' f c ^ - r e Man's life must be one of labor. It still holds true, 'In the and Dillinger was one of us, to so called Jewish problem in Popears that Palestine's Jewry is at the end of its patience. It say nothing of Baby Face Floyd land and expresses its realization sweat; of thy brow shalt thou eat bread.' But it must not be has endured two years of rioting with hardly an act of vio,. - and ail the rest of them. But why in a practical way, the strugglir.1lence. But Palestine-Jewry is as well-armed as Palestine's one of labor, only.- Labor must be alternated with and miti- do they count against me-and'all progressive democratic forces i~ other Gentiles who live God- Poland are likely to be cefeater gated by leisure. Labor and leisure are the twin blessings of the Arabs. Until now a blood-feud has" been avoided. • 1 fearing and law-abiding lives? If the Anti-Semites succeed \ mankind. A life without labor would be one of intense boreIf Britain is still a strong nation, she can now^show her I know, too (you say) there playing against democracy th~ many vulgar Gentiles among false Anti-Setnitic card deasocrrstrength,'of necessity must show it/ If not, the embers of pre-dom and unspeakable ennui. A life without leisure would be are us . . .people I -wouldn't let into cy in Po'ssd is doomed. Th" 3lavery and degradation. Labor and leisure must be in proper vious fires will be re-lit and the Arab world will flame in .my house even by the back door. ( f now going-.oa is. Polan^ proportion.. The modern tendency is, and has been inereas- But why should they count strug-gle is a factor is the Peace 'of tb~ revolt. •.-'. '•. . . . -. •'. , . . . . . . " ' • • • • • - . -: ' ray rights as a human be- IVorld End the future of Democingljyto shorten the hours of labor. An ever growing concern against ing and against the welfare of racy. is the proper and profitable utilization of the ever-increasing my children? "Woe to the generation whore Yet from this pain you have leaders need be brought to Jushours of leisure- The end of both must be the cultivation of derived a certain pride and a Hoping against hope, the Jews of the greater Reich the soul, the deepening and enrichment of man's spiritual na- poignant, awareness of respoasi- tice." Oh. you tell yourself, since watched with anxious, eyes the progress. of 'the conference ture,; the approximationJ to that state of perfection-both for thebillty.. every Gentile is 'judged by the individual and society, that shall spell #nd constitute humanat Evian. No great results were to be expected. The nations conduct of other Gentiles I owe to, my people (so to guard ray of the world, beset by their own'problems, sympathetic as they ity's highest happiness and usher in the Ideal Social State of itbehavior that no act of mine cr::" universaljpeace, prosperity and blessedness. might try to be, looked to each other rather than to themselves reflect upon them. You wr.tcr every step, lest your Icist for a solution of the problem.' . . . . •' Infinite is the possibility for good if a wisely used, how? your misstep be charged against joar A few nations have signified their willingness to admit a ever brief, rationally employed, enthusiastically enjoyed va- people; you suffef pain to r e d of a Gentile gone 'wrong b e e c= ,' .•••••'••.:•"•.•-'• minimum number of refugees, but the pressing need is forcation. you know it will be. said of r ~i. large-scale emigration. "'••':. . . . Frederick Cohn. Yes,- that's the Gentiles for : ~ :. This morning, as every' morr...,;, * . Conferences, the world has learned to its sorrow, are tragic you ran down . to the* porch T sort of things, recognized more by their failures than any suc- EGYPT HAVEN FOR pajamas for your ' f a r - : / : Jewish- Boy Gives'- - your newspaper, -Almost every cesses. Evian was .not entirely a failure. Emigration possiREFUGEES-^-ALL SIX ing lately something; hid? r->, u s i ."Co bilities have been.increased a trifle, although this could have Cairo" (WNS)—Egypt has ad- -Suggestion for.against Gentiles hs-s . been r r m _ v only six Jewish refugees * . -' Canadian Laws ed; somebody in high- autt,~-.'r been done by private negotiation. The conference did drama- mitted : in the last three years and will .in Germany has been s :;~ &>..'.&, r tize the plight of the persecuted of the Reich and may lead to . dmit no more, Premier Mohamsomething against Gentiles. OTTAWA (JTA) — An un• the liberalizing of Germany's requirements of its emigrants. med Mahmoud Pasha has in- known One day it's "Gentiles- a young Jewish boy is reformed the country. His state-] scourge"' and another day, But the refugees must look beyond conferences and nego- ment came just as,Senator Abd-! sponsible for a number of amend- tiles .Jre our sorrow," or ' ' - r - . ' . to the Canadian Civil Serv- Ules must be exterminated." tiations. They must look' to the day when the world will oneel-Mcdnid launched -a drive for ments exclusion of Jews from" the Egyp- ice Act which will give Canadian morning it was "Gentiles a C , ' day recover its badly-battered conscience. youth a better opportunity for be- league to undermine- the r ~'.:T tian universities. .' . • * • ' - •
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He interpellated the government ing admitted to the civil service. order" . . . "Tbe mere ?rs~~ "c~ in the Seuata concerning Jewish J. F, Pouliot, chairman of the of Gentiles" provokes- BE" . . . refugees, Jewish usurers and land Parliamentary c o m m i t t e e to .-;'You fesS horribly troubled. : r c ' speculators, alleging that Jews, amend the Civil Service Act, that you are say the less EI1"* C "arc coming to Egypt like lo-J stated that th,e fact a .Jewish boy t]3B rnSTii-'S Cf yot!.2c pSOpiB ~3Uft * 1 A number of Jewish organizations have joined in thecusts, causing unemployment." spoken to him regarding tha wonder fearfully T.'iat , i •» Legion of Decency's campaign against obscene literature. That The "government press rebuked had amendment moved him to give him for seeking to "create a Jev-j many publishers have gone beyond all good judgment in the problem" and; at the same! the question, consideration, aa5 of ignorant. -sre- ' •> that' the "amendments, w b ' e a You kno w how mast development of filthy literature cannot be denied. It has come ish time praised the government for achieved;.:%vonld be to the credit vonr people been i~ l i ' barring the refugees. to the place where, some writers are unable to describe a simple, world. w,hat contributions of this Jewish boy.
The Fight on .
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A.Z.A.No. 1
Women's Mizrecni
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" . S. Weinberj: chairing of Grn-jps rf tpr, women wro " e On the evening of July 12, | Jewish National *u=d i"?: fJfi.CO T e h Mother chapter" of A. Z. A. installed its newly-elected officers. 1 committee, announces ihs .oxlov,-- organired >y Ihs E=c-cr ? rrr ; Advisor Harvey Leon installed ^ c o n t r i b u t i o n s : YoVh Aliyab Ccrr!r.:';r? r.Z Ks- i, Irving . ?ho ' * oaen's Mirrwii to c=- dsrrah to t - ; = 5 ntrcpcsn h-r* • the following officers: their appreciation for the Nogg, Aleph Godol; Morton. Mar- i k of their past president, Mrs. S."SO to re'.esr-p ere c-ild frr™ s golin, Aleph S'gan; LeoSher-; RETURNING TO PUERTO RICO man, Aleph Mazkir; "WOLK-KAGAN do-med e~:?te~:c. Ed Stein, M. BrodKey. Mrs. B. Kagan of Toronto, Can-Mrs. Albert Welrier of Ponce, Aleph Mrs. Sam s cf Frenost The h Gisbor; Haskell Cohn, ada, announces the marriage-on Puerto Rico, who arrived here Aleph Shotare .Godol; Stanley and Dr. Rose Mikelberg of Fhil- -ieS:re-i $36.00 p-rh: • July 1 of her daughter, Fay, to the early pa-t ot- June to attend Turkel, Aleph Shotare Kotone; ! fdclphia on the the first Jshrzeit c Scm Arp'~an and Sara K;>:r,?rr, "•"Nathan Wolk, son of Mr. and the wedding of her sister, Mrs. T,,.ti^ T>-;=^vr,-,r. !iioT<Ti Crtnhor 'Mccdarses ?I. X. 3"ir"h : ? : Ten r - r r r " > . r><="--Priesman,. Aleph Sopher their m o t h e r , JAnna Minkin. Mrs.. A. Shafton in hoacr cf the Brodkey, , Xiouis Wolk of Omaha. The William Rosenbaum, and who has and Morris Arbitman, Aleph Ko- . r ' . Z'.. 3 . Brodtey. been visiting at the home of her sge of her daughter, Eztr.cr. \Z\T?.. VTn, 'Bnzi'b^r!:. J C f f i i T " wedding took place in Toronto. hen Godol. The children of Mr. o-.d *Irs. | Jacob R. Cchr; S2fi l.lz.7. Cor.". For their wedding trip the parents, Mr. and Mrs. David SilPlans for a summer regional Michael Pelti in honor el tbrlr , ; , ; r s . j c i r , r z r b f - . r i r s . Phi: G;"-rr.r.cr. r ^ ' - r r . - •"-young couple went to Niagara verman, will leave this coming tournament in conjunction .with parents's wedding S U I T t ir.rhy, Mrs. J. A. Grc^r. "r>=. Falls. They will make their home Monday for the east. g f ' ' •!' T ' * ',' She will sail for her home from A. Z. A. No. 100 are being made in Omaha. - : Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gross :s Lo-is HiUer ar.3 Mm. MCIT-F TsNew York on Thursday, July 21, by the executive committees ot honor of the carriaire c" their j cobs, T-Erk r - i I r--L-!; both chapters, ffhe tournament son. Harold. aboard the S. S. Barinquen. Mrs. Sa BLITMENTHAIi-SWARTZ will be held duringthe latter •Mrs. Weiner has been extenMr. and Mrs. J. Tretiak in hon-,. s. J. H. X Mrs. : J.' Swartz of Los Angeles, sively entertained during her stay part of August or the first days rr r, ' o—por of the marriage of their daugh- ! Mrs. Louis Kulatrfrky. Mrs. ?ii:»California,.'announces the marri- in. Omaha. . of September. An affair in honor • . brn KulsltolF^r, Mrs. S:ra IZrzzage of her daughter, Irene, to of Julius Bisno, executive, secre- ter, Anne. Mr. and Mrs. Arhtur Rubea ia Sssi Leo-, TTr*. .>? Herman Blumenthal, son of Mr. tary of the S. A. C. Ben Barkin, cri'."cr AJ. T'>" ;c>rs Livir.c-tm. Assistant Executive Secretary: honor of the confirmation, cf their . . _ .*• and Mrs. L. Blumenthal, former- ON CALIFORNIA TRIP daughter, Rosalie Anne. • Maurice D. Mictlin. Mrs. Albert I cieare-. sa:~. ' Ci—ha. y Mr. and Mrs. A. Tannenbaum Boris Conforty, Bulgarian delely of this city, on July 14. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Coltca in hcrt- , A reception followed t h e cere- and son, Melvin; left Monday for gate to A. Z. A.'a international '' Mrs. J . ; r . Newrr.an, a i d j l r s . J u l - • •""-' ^c",.e.; r;;.r.'. ET-; a three weeks trip to San Fran- convention; Paul Goodwin, inter- or of their son's Ear JlitivE.!:. mony. : b^£ itt::i-; UrM r r - - r i c Mr. and ?,Irs. Ben Climbers in ; ius N e w n a r . cisco and Los Angeles, California- national oratory champion; and En route home they Trill visit in Hyman Haves, former S. A. C. honor of their Eon's Mrtfcflsr. HONORED AT F A R E W E U / JHlce, MrF. "A--OTJ R ^ P . Z*'"*£sr>*? : - a ' ^ t a r : cf ;^= T - , - - V F Yellowstone Park. member, is planned. , ".. PARTXT ' I H. Rueben and Sam Olr.nd?r, ,C - : T- ' ^ tr.Ir.k I ve hoc-,; Mrs. Eddie* Kaplan entertained Alepk Godol Nogg, delegate to ~. t->r: ~.V at a farewell bridge in honor of the convention, gave his report ' Simon. T>jdames Lester Sirr.rr.. i ; t T * f s !"'- ^^'"J.f".;;" At Lillian and Pearl Friedman prevand "presented the Alfred M. CoNathan S i - . o r . Mr?. J a c c b , t f - f - ' f r - r r r f Tr~y rr.-;- rA large crowd a t e c d e s t h e in- ( pjorburg, ious to their departure on a mo- turned Sunday from a two weeks hen award to the chapter. Nogg trip to Chicago. .'. ' ' tor trip east. entered the high jump - contest stallation of officers of t h e L,nd- a r ; d Karry"YrVlasb'ockT'rTrs-T'Abe T j and won a medal for second iea Free Loan Societv held a t t h e Somberr. Mrs. Sen' Son-bcrc' :-r" 'saddled the.r hr-sr-- t v l ' c F_ &;• r.r; STOPS ON "WAY TO COAST Community Center. J u c a h L. Julius S'e'n ' " • - " •• •• place: Bud Wintroub. former ENTERTAIN FOR MISS Bob Singer, former < Omaha member of the Mother chapter, Wolfson installed the officers r . c i ' b u r r , " c s d a ' •r c . : , ; c \ FRIEDMAN newspaperman, who is en route made an lnterestir.p; talk. The Misses Liliiam Monovitz to the coast, will be in Omaha achieved second place in the mas"- r - - - -; T " h and Evelyn Abraham were hos- over the' week-end. ,Mr. Singer, ter of ceremonies trial held at the tesses at a farewell'.slumber par- wlio is a member of the editorial camp. T i -" r "' . , v p ( r ' • ty honoring Pearl Friedman. Committees appointed for the staff of Esquire and Coronet, will next term are: Cultural, Justin be the guest of Edwin Sommer. Anyone £ e s i r ; r g to co-tribute i W::E pj^p a r..ANNOUNCE BIRTH Priesman, chairman, Harry Good- Mrs. I. J. Soskin, loan seiretcry; ! Ellis, dues j in a like n i a n r e r ir.ay co fr >••• i binder, Morris Kirshenbaum. and , i. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kirke an- RETURN FROM TRIP Roltstein, recording 'calling the chairmrn. ::rr. 'r.f-1 a F':rrr;—» r r - t y nounce the birth of a son, Ray- Mr, and _Mrs. Morris Friedel Ed Stein; Social Leo Sherman and financial secretary; and Mrs. I I . ius Stein. rer. Gl. 1S4S. '.'"Z, co-chairman, mond; 'on June .25 at the Luther- have- returned from a two weeks Morris .Arbitman. Tatle. Mrs. J o e Ban, &T5d Mrr. Bernard Epstein, Milton Bloom. an hospital. " " • ; ' trip to the west coast. They were accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. Ben were served by HONOR VISITORS Max Prostak; Social Service, Sam ! the committee la charge. Lerner of Chicago. 'era t'l^-t Irs. r«"• " r ,-" - • ; - Onr\Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Green Ruderman chairman, Theo. Cohn Sam Klaver announces As a grand welcc—,e to t h e scrr.Tr.er. folare entertaining tomorrow at a lowing as beard members: ?!rs. J. I members who attended the Inter- i u^r. S» house party in honor of the GUEST OF FATHER ley Turkel, chairman, Stanley Milder, Mrs. Para Schneider, T.Irs, national Ccnp Conventipn £t ' W>,D har re?pr.::.Misses Annette "Walker and Mil- Miss Elaine Kaiman of Los An- Silverman and Leonard Margeles arrived in Omaha last SatJ. J Berg, B e g , and a Mrs. Sam Se^dtsac. ' Estes Park. A. Z. A. 1CP held z ' celos. SP ^^r^ :'* rrl n r r dren Call of Queens, N. Y. urday to visit her father, Mr. Ab- gules; Athletic, Herb Meiches, The sf Jackson far~. ii T.'.Z.~ r~ r r - ^ r ' t r ?--.rV'rb o a d meeting g c£ the j wierer The first board chairman. Bob Bramson, Irving ner Kaiman. new term will be held st the I Thi This affair, f the first c= ihe ra'.er-, fall. rr LEAVE ON EASTERN Wohlner, and Morris Adler; Tel- home of Mrs. S. Mocil at 2012 ' dar of the new administrEtior.. ; c:rls, S-ve.-".;-, H^r.er. r r i ^ ^ ^ VACATION ephone Squad, Haskell Cohn, d J l , was very successful. fl RETURN FROM CANADA North 22nd street, Monday, July •Rith Mrs. F. Marks and Miss Ruth Mr. and Mrsi Louis Wclk and chairman, Harold Epstein, Mort 18, a t . 2 p. tn. In the E=ft Marks left on an extended vacaSoref, Stanley Silverman, Lazier A financial report was piven I A. 100 has been tion in the east. Before return- son, Sam, and daughters, Gloria Singer, and Theo. Cohn; Memand Evelyn have arrived home by the president which shewed j pace get by its "ilders sr.2 i= de- . c r . ing they will visit with relatives bership. Hastell Lazere, chair?!;• l.r:I? V'.V^c^- — r c ! in Chicago, Colllnsville, Pa., and after a two weeks trip to Toron- man, Bob Ferer, Haskell Cohn, the healthy condition cf the or-j termined to land in flirt rls.ee.! to where they atten'ded the wedranization. and nearly $700 pro- Last Sunday t h e Century fesm ! IT^'.ZT. ; . r . r ? ' l ' v f E - f •.•.••e,-". — New York City. and Ray Shapiro; Kibitzer Staff, ding of Nathan "Wolk to Fay KaJustin Priesman, chairman, Has- fit from the social events spon- scored a 6 to 5 victory ever tfcs | ? cu kr?v- ; ^ ^ t r r b = " f ' " ; gan. : ' ' • ' ' _ , Adler Deuratcssen tsara. ' c'r.l'.C , t ^ r r r - j r r ' i c • - CNrr Icell Cohen, Morris Arbitman, sored by the organization. TO VISIT ON COAST " This cossiEjr Sunday t h e two I ar-d t h r t r i - f i ' " - " — " " r n ' '"' Sam Wolk, Mort Soref, and Ray Dr. Harry Rich is leaving -for O a a h a A. Z. A. teams will a-alr. !Sr.= i - y r.,"chi f r - a"v-o=k^ ^ r ^ Shapiro; Harry Goldstein, in a three-week trip to the west Icor t a r g l e after t i ? terrific ironr.c- '• ^r:>-?.:.E°-? =""r=- v'.ll '\ - - -, charge of properties. coast. He will visit-with his sisr, - r r r ; At the picnic sponsored last ing t h e Mciher chapter receivpd | Bcbr ; s C^icarc f r - V - r t ' r c - v-t ter in Los Angeles and then will in their l a r t e-ccur.ter. Th? r r r : ? Sunday by the Icor. it was ango to San Francisco for a week. By Mrs. David 1L Newmaa u krrv, rr= nounced that I. Gcrelick wss ifce will be held at 11 a. m. and rr-.erawinner of the wrist watch the or- bers have been urged to attend. ON WESTERN TRIP ganization had offered as a r~»:sSir. Sam Horn has left for a Vanilla Jlarlow An election of ,. officeTs was INSTALLED AS HEAD i tew'r. sr.c ??'•:.r: three-week vacation in Califor30 marshmallows held at the meeting of the Alpha * OF RESZCCA LCD: nia. T h o r p e i a n A t h l e t i c C l u b % clip top milk Pi Tau fraternity Thursday, July Mrs. Gocdnian r o h » n -eras XVa cups whipped cream. 7, at the Jewish Community Cenfrrsailed as N r b ' s Grs-r.d c ! Re HIGHLAND COUNTRT CLUB The Thorpeian Athletic Club Pinch salt "• • ter. Sam Colick was re-elected r. ^-."-c. rk Elite Rebecca Locre No. 4PC Saturday night, July 16, the will hold a steak Cinr.cr and its 2 teaspoons vanilla-. president and Al Oruch, vicei ?rrs> a "..usual dinner dance will be held Melt marshmallows in t h e h o tpresident Bob Schneider is new final meeting of the gunner sea- J u l y 6. i la r r u d r e . Ott"=r officers S-^alied —err: at the . Highland .Country .Club. milk. Cool and a d d . s a l t , vanilla secretary; ; Art Adler, ion on Wednesday eve-sir.?:, Ji:'y treasurer, r-er—r i *. --=•. : v-f-; - •=•-; Lu'.u Prc-jty. r i ^ e p r a r d ; ^ n r . e i On Monday, evening, a stag- will and chill. When mixture begins Aaron Epstein, sergeant-at-arms, 20. rotified by Sweer.sy, s p c r e t s r r ; a n d Agr.cs you t t ? t ?"£"••-.-. 7 c a n - - / - ; - r - '•-:< be held at the Clubhouse. . to thicken add whip cream. • P o u r and Nathan Cooper, reporter. Members will b s i for c three we-:; t r . r . r T r ' ~~-:> •VTolsty, treasurer. in t r a y of electric refrigerator caTd. Plans were made for an all STOP IN OMAHA and freeze without s t i r r i n g . day 'date' outing to be held at Mrs.. R. • Welnstein• and daugjiF o r peach marlow; Linoma Beach on Sunday, Julv ter,/Dorothy; of Ft.' Worth,. TexAdd 2 cups peach pulp. 24. as, ' spent Sunday, Monday, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice Tuesday in Omaha en route home Omit vanilla. from Chicago. They visited relaF o r cholocate marlow: INVEST SAFELY, WISELY tN tives and friends here. . Add 2 squares melted chocolate 2, teaspoons vanilla. TEXAS VISITORS . Annuity, Endowment, u ? a F o r banana marlow: 'Mr. Harry Levinson and son, Add 1 cup mashed b a n a n a s Irving and nephew, Edward Mey1 tablespoon lemon juice -Represents 21 Strong Corapanerson. all of Fort Worth. Texas, Omit vanilla. iea—Every Type of Insuranca visited with friends and relatives ana Bonds Written. ; here last week on their way home : The first. Jews in t h e western CALL AT 76S7 er WA S153 from Chicago. states came from England to I n City Finance & Insurancs Co. dianapolis in 1794. - • . . ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Freedman announce the birth of a daughter, Phyllis Lou, on Saturday, July 9, at the Immanuel hospital. •; . ••:••• Mrs. Freedman is the former Zelda -Charney. -
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Ladies' Free Loan
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A. Z. A. 1C3
Kltctaa: .Chats
Alpha -Pi Tan _
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IN HOLLYWOOD . Mrs. J. Tatelman left last week for Hollywpod to join her daughter, Adeline who has been ^visiting her uncle and aunt, Sir. and Mrs. Harry Miller.
MOTORING EAST Mr—and Mrs. Louis Friedman, Abe Friedman, and the Misses Lillian and Pearl Friedman are • motoring to Baltimore. Maryland where they ;wlll Tislt relatives and friends. Enroute they will stop in "Washington, D. C.. and New Yorlc City.
Prova to yourself in ear dramatic wet-glass dem> onstratioxi how th.eoe I 5 y a! • Fsiasters make - cjoicker, str&igiit-line s t e p s . . i$ they- control side skids on treacherous' •wet pavem e n t s . We Invite you t o make this t e s t t o d a y !
CONVALESCING Sam S. Newman, who last week underwent an appendectomy, is convalesing at the Methodist hospital. . JOSLTN MEMORIAL ' A motion picture film of the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico will be shown In the Joslvn Memorial lecture hall at 3:30 and 4:30 this Sunday afternoon. The film is lent by the United Statca Department of Interior. A program of recorded music en the organ in the concert hall will be presented at 4 p. m.
Amazing New
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SLATED F O S POLITICAL PCEGE—According to TTsshinston political observers., .^csc iliroe Senators who fought the Roosevelt court bill and sevf-ral other White Eousc measures a-r r.if "IIPC in the Democratic high Command for defeat in fall primaries. L.cft to ncht: Ellisor D. iConon C£> Smith of South Carolina, Walter F. George cf Georgia, end IZUIBTZ, r . TJ-CIHES oi Kerrlr.nc;,
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HOMES—This interesting view shows types of model homes which the Spanish Insurgents are building In Seville for war wounded and poor workers with large families. In- this group there are 124, recently completed, and more are in process of construction. Air bombing and artillery fire have reduced hundreds of homes of poor f oiks to " ruins and in many localities the people have taken to caves. Authorities say they will build inoro homes soon.
HOIME FOR THE RACES—Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt and his bride, the former Manuela Hudson of San Francisco, flew to Port Washington, L. I., from their honeymoon in Bermuda, to be present at eastern race tracks where several of the Vanderbilt horses are running. After a. trip to their farm in Maryland, they espected to go to the opening at Saratoga on July 25.
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LEADEE — With Paraguay and Bolivia reported arming in preparation for a possible renewal of their war over the Gran Chaco territory, here is General Jose Felix Estigarribia leaving Kiami, Fla., aboard the Argentine Clipper, for Asuncion. The Paraguayan Minister to the Tinted States n a y direct mobilization.
FOR COUNT AND COUNTESS—Two of the most eminent lawyers in Britain are pictured above as they arrived at Bow Street Court, London, for the preliminary hearing of the marital difficulties-of the Count and Countess Curt Haugwitz-Reventlow. At left is Norn^an Birkett, appearing for the.Count, and Sir Patrick Hastings, representing the Countess Barbara. ^
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"IINT OX TCUH—Here is Trrsic'crt ~oo?cvrl Ipp'ing ™asl-:ngtcn lor the tn.nscort;ncr:fl ioir .a-i "F" r? Ivtr into states where lie hopss to tid ^c^?' DGE.lr.rs. O~ Ji.> "t he rr-.Uarks Et San D:ege, C&:., for 8 Pacific fis'iir.g err;?-, ITI 'I ln~ ?hv^e. is Ivlrs. Ecmer S. Curnrr-ings, wx'e of ihc /.t'o'TC- Genc-r: vho was in the pe.rtr Ihct r^v hirr. oZ. o- h:? S T C C ' C T - - .
NO HUSBAND THERE—Countess Haugwitz-Reventlc~, the former American heiress Barbara Hutton, pictured on the steps of her Regents Park home in London, after her return from Bow Street court, where her husband was placed in bail of S1O.CCO to keep the peace. With her is a bodyguard. The Count and Ccuntcss glared at each other in the London court. PRESS AGENT — According to the news release from a Hollywood bureau, Hollywood got the surprise of its life when Carole Lombard, above, announced she was a publicity gal for a movie news bureau. Just to show she was serious, she posed for the newsmen like this. ••*
SWADDLED HONEYMOONERS — Noted honeymooners on a round-the-world tour were- bedecked in Honolulu by the traditional wreaths of lei. They are Prince Louis Ferdinand, grandson of the former Kaiser of Germany, and Princess Kyra of Russia, married recently amid pomp and ceremony at Potsdam, Germany. They planned two months a t Waikiki Beach, Hawaiian resort.
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JjEATED IN WIIVIBIIEDON—Eager to win that spectacular match at Wimbledon, England, that made him tennis singles champion for the second year in succession, Don Budge of California landed in .this unexpected position during the match. It happened when he tried to-return a fast one from Henry W. (Bunny) Austin, British player, whom Budge defeated. "-' •
i < A-FISHsT'CG ilE DID GO—Czll it I;cr:-^'-^ lu:"-: i r • ;i;u "r1"- ' : - r is w h a t : : . B. Linlrhart of Tulsa, G'-I-,.. 1-nccd en 1.1;: r^cco.J f-ih• ing trip of his life, in the Gulf'of Mexico at Galveston, Texas. It's a 95-pound tarpon. A.few days before this, Mr. Linkisart cast his first fi?hins line. That time he hauled in a battling 35-paasd ' - jaclrfish. • ' . •
Casein, principal ingrcai nt in cheese, is treated with chen-Icals sad the resultant " f ooi" is re-
rr.lk. vvi JJTttE
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for the new sehoolhoiise. They lowed by a large body -of. soldiers fine 6Bd the beginners are learndid not, however, loss their self- to destroy t i e Ecbcolhoiise.. But ing to swim fast. possession. Suddenly they jumped what he saw bewildered M E . The la crafts "we have made many forth and ere the perplexed Kai- calf built structure" had turned fine tilings which are very usenr malran realized 'what was trans- over night into a complete build- 1 f ul to us. piring . the children climbed up ing ins Trith a Brand new roof. .The | ' TTe are all £la3.to haare Kiss the -walls of the roofless building. was foiled, for the j Allen as ur Director End the rest Seeing this the Turkish offciial Kaimatan • • Edited by. Aunt Naomi destruction cf the house was cow j of t i e counsellors, and v s fire commanded the soldiers to drive illegal. Disapjointed, tlie Kaima- j very grateful to the Jewish CoinAn Extension, of tlis Jewish Commtmity Center the children away so that the t a n left the colony with the sol- i raunity Center for sponsoring ttis work of destruction night begin. diers -who could net help sailing camp. "Get down from the building." at the" discomfiture of their own ! New campers comic e to camp Good Sb'nbbatb, boys ; and. the lamp, cries ringing in the roof as quickly as possible. The criad the officer. "Get down, or officer. . this week are Arlyne Trhite, Jusgirls.' of the iJunior -Jewish streets below, Theodor Herri roof, that was the important else I'll put you all in jail." Happy . and inspiring was the tine Harwich, and Joan Richards. thing. According to those Turks, Press! . • • • ' . . ' • • • ' • "••:• • sought the answer. scene of the dedication. Happy Defiance a building has a roof it canXhis week- •we are printing The answer came to him sud- once were the -chilSfes, lie teachers, At luncheon one day last week • In spite of all the. commands two stories for you which TTC denly, after months of searching: not be destroyed even though constructed without permission. and threats, Joshua and his band the colonists. The gathering pre- Johanna weakened after cl?irj?. rd = ; nope you will enjoy. The Jews must have' their own The schoolhouse was now almost sented a gay appearance, for £-11 refused to sire way. Desperate- faces beamed •with the ritiEfac- for second helpings of dessert ; The first Is a story of Theo- home, Palestine. ', •••"•. were s.cociapa!;iec[ by prolonged : ly they clnng to the top of the for a window all finished save Coy : Hcral, "ONE FOE A l i , " tion of gooa TrcrS flcse. All tlse cheers for Joe 'LETTIS. His | Mission building, for they realized that and the root and tells hotv he decided to G"f?rtrr.^6 IRPFPR^IPTT T*~??' fartThen Theodor Herzl, tbe: once work l o t , a Jewish, home-land It was early in Ellul, and the .the policemen could not destroy seated at long tables partaking ed president o* the Chonirn Alegay writer of society, the lover of Children of the colony, free,from I the Trails wnile they were perched in Palestine. ' pretty clothes and the theater, the cares of the school, formed an upon them. The Kaimakan also of the plentiful fruits and re- xixa; Phyllis Wictroub. vice-presThe second Is. a story of freshments. . Amidst this festive ident; Audrey TColf. ss;-i-etary: put his. old life behind him and expedition to scale the beautiful soon .perceived the meaning of scene the mayor raised his wine Kuth Ellis EE2 Deris Schneider "THE DEFENSE OF THE set out to win Zion for . his t h e i r actions; his commands Mount Tabor. Palestine, In that SCHOOL," which tells us that cup aEd exclaimed: "Children, are reporters. part of the year, is a land of sun- were, however, of no avail. The ray dear, children! In the <iays »ven though many years after brethren, the. Jews. Thousands of Jews in all lands, soldiers, who were capable of shine, and flowers, filled with tbe Hcrzl's dream ol establishing a to corse when you will be adults, Eita Plotkin is trriti-e a sen-;, home for the Jewish people to- especially the poor," rallied to his bounteous fruits of . laughing, handling grownups in any man- big men end worsen, and. gsaat "The Fo-rticiden Cave" for the banner. Zionism, spread everysinging, teasing one another. ner, seemed to be powerless in Jews and Jewesses, we expect Tattler. Palestine, we have still.a long way to go before the land can where like a fire .picked up and After tiring of the continual the face of the children. that then, tod, yea will defend carried by the wind. And at the sport and -running about they "We shall not budge until all the happiness and freedom of really be onr ownl A new !a?r f The Chalutzim and the boys head of this new_army of Zionists seated tbemselves-on a hillock to the soldiers have left our vil- your people with the same cour- forbidding Jewish communities partake of the meal their kind lage," "Joshua replied for the rest. age and devotion that you have to maintain schools or philanthand girls living in Palestine are stood Theodor Herzl. "Get down, or I shall take you displayed* in the defense of your ropic institutions has been passed Several - years passed. Dele- mothers had given, them. Satisdoing- their part in building up by the Turkish, parliament. The and defending the land that is gates of the Zionists of every land I fied with the appetizing food, down by forc% and arrest you." j school!" "Do with us as you see fit but were called to a Zionist Congress they began to relate the Hebrew theirs. / communities Ere permitted tc we shall not leave our school,"; in Basle, Switzerland. Elegant, folk tales which were associated concern themselves only with We boys and girls in AmerKadiraa Cisib ' cried the children. "We don't cool, regal, Theodor Herzl, moved with the place. The sun was ica must do onr part here so Last Wednesday the Kadina 1 get down until all the soldiers that ; the dream ot Xheodor among them. The delegates took gradually beginning to sink low- are Club toured the VvTcrld-HeraId gone!" seats in the hall of the congress. er when ' Joshua, t h e eldest, HcrU may become a reality. ' building and the W. O. "VT. BroadFor three days speaker followed turned his eyes down towards the TOUR AUNT XAOJH. Thus did the officer negotiate speaker, each moving the audi- road leading to the colony. with the children, but the latter casting station. Thrifty Shoppers Buy ence to tears or to laughter or to. After luncheon tne club went stuck to their posts. The time Visitors to the Colony hope. Then Theodor Herzl arose, to the theater. Plans are being was passing. The chief saw that '•A "Look! LoCk!'' he cried. with his glowing eyes and his You nothing, could be done vrith nis made for similar tours. head like that of a. king. Eyes cloud of dust seems to be moving little antagonists. Half smiling, towards our homes." The chiland ears strained to catch every Theodor Herzl half frowning, he withdrew with every movement. And when dren excitedly jumped up to see his men. Camp Notes Theodor Herzl stood . a t t h e word, for themselves. •window, of his room in the Hotel his words were over, the deleThe following editorial written j { "Who are they? Who can they The mayor now saw Ms opporCastille.- Below him. gay Paris gates sprang to -their feet like be?" they asked one another. tunity and quickly sent a messen- by Ruth Ellis, editor, appeared is j I whirled by,, bright and noisy, one man, shouting, cheering. "It must be soldiers. They ger' to the nearest colony, wnica last week's issue of the Cainp Ak- j | women "with bulging market bas- waving hands, kerchiefs. They must j; the way to break was just then employing a num- iba Tattlerr kets and men in. overalls' with were a mass of bodies possessed down beonron schoolhouse. What Cmnp Sleans to Ke ;' Sure. ber of, skilled workmen on the heavy.black mustaches. Children by one spirit. Cheers and songs Let's run and . tell the mayor. I think Camp is a fine place to ] s construction of the Yemenite • dodged between horses and car- rose like mighty waves. Come boys." buildings. The colonists respond- go. It gives you an opportunity ta j \ riages, screaming with fun. -The . firt: Zionist Congress Is I: In less time than it takes to reed to the urgent appeal and a build yourself up. " Theodor Herzl • turned and over," announced Theodor Herzl. late, the children sped down the company of masons and carpenThere are fine steals and there j > After the Congress glanced into a mirror. His handslopes of the mountain to antici- ers were dispatched to Zerubabel is plenty of play out of doors ; some .face, like a dream-king's But no one understood , or pate the coming of the soldiers. o finish the building before the with plenty of exercise. I •vrish. ' face, his friends said, "with its lieard. They remained standing, As fast as their little legs could eturn of the soldiery. that all the Jewish children cou!2 ( large black eyes and black regal cheering and singing till their carry them they hastened tohave an opportunity to come to < Work of the Xight « beard — was reflected "back at voices gave out: * Then, they took wards the colony. • Throughout the entire night, such a wonderful Camp. him He slowly drew smooth up_ their scraps of notes and The swimming is estremelj The major, seeing the ap- he whole colony and the mason gloves onto his hands, picked/up walked about the room, shaking proach of the bronze-faced chil- .oiled to complete the roof to inhis hat, and "with- a contented hands with, each other. And when dren, went out to meet them. sure its preservation. The full »\ ^smile at his, beautiful image in that was over, they went down "They're here! The soldiers moon on that Palestine night "For Goocness Sake" the mirror, left his room in the the white stone steps and out re coming to break down the looded the neighborhood with Hotel Castille and strolled down along the street that led to the i? the boulevard to the . courthouse Rhine. There they sat sleepless choolhouse!" cried the children. welcome light which served to aid The mayor grasped the situa- he colonists greatly in their la'where the trial was to take place. till .morning watching the gleamion in a minute. He proceeded bors. The children hurried hither -. ..: ... A little old •woman with a bas-": ing water. &GE5 EEVE2&G o the men who were employed in and thither with the necessary ket of flowers put her hand on And Theodor. HerzL went on he construction t>f the building mplements of construction. They with his work to win Palestine nd ordered them to cease work. worked as they never worked behis arm. "The authorities are coming. fore. If something would but de."A flower - for "the handsome for the .Jews. He.called upon all those statesmen who might help Hide your tools and leave the ay the soldiers! That was the--} monsieur?" she entreated. c '... Smiling, • he bought a flower, him; the sultan, of Turkey, the neighborhood so the • soldiers ardent srish 'of the busy workers. dropped a coin into her withered emperor'of Germany, the Russian can't make any . arrests," he The building was gradually nearhand,.and continued on his way, czar, the emperor of A.ustria, ;the ordered. ing completion. Joshua had the Pope, the- king of Italy. the flower in his lapel. The workmen obeyed and soon honor of placing the last tile on . Bui- everywhere the answer he.'grounds . . To the Courthouse ' near the schoolhouse the roof, while the colonists As ne approached the court- "was the same. were deserted save for the chil- looked on with admiration at the . "Perhaps.". house it seemed to Theodor Herzl dren,-who were so interested that finished structure, just as the that suddenly Paris had changed. "Who knows?" hey chose . to remain . and see newborn sun. was rising amidst The colors, the happy, laughter, what would happen to their the Galilean Mils, I?ow let the ' the - ^screaming children - w e r e Kaimakan come! ;choolhouse. gdnel It was. as though' a ma- : ; Years passed. Zionism grew to Ten Soldiers Return of the gician's -wand had changed it all a world army of millions ...that Kaimakan soon appeared And soon he did come, lolinto "the angry, cursing mob that sent in nickels, dimes, dollars to onThe the scene with 10 soldiers. milled about the courthouse. build up.:a large sum that would "mayor came out to greet "What was-it, he wondered? He buy Palestine from the country The '.hem. . ' ' . . • pushed his way "through the that owned it. "What^do you mean By buildcrowd. Two guards blocked his Congress followed congress. ng your school without permisway at the door. . " . T>eath of Herzl sion?" the Kaimakan sharply ex"No more room," one of them, Theodor Herzl worked day and said curtly. "The court' is filled night, month after month," travel- claimed. The mayor did not lose his to the doors." ling, speaking, answering the presence of mind but calmly re"I am a correspondent:',' "no's" from kings, the ministers plied: "We have stopped build"No more room, Monsieur." of .state and the rich Jews alike. ng because" we are waiting for Theodor - Herzl took •' a , paper He worked - till his heart was permission from/the authorities. from his pocket and held it up.: weakened and . . . . This reply did not seem to "You see," he' explained paIn a small house in"tne little tiently, "I am-the Paris cor- town of Edlach Theodor Herzl lay please the chief, for he turned to respodent for. the "Vienniese, Neue dying. ,His beautiful face" had be- his men and said: "Get ready to destroy the Freie Presse. I must cover this come white, like chiselled, marble. trial for my. paper. Surely, you His hands; moved over the bed •school. It has no roof anyhow." The children standing nearby understand, Monsieur, that you. covers. His eyes were closed. Sudheard- the sharp command that must allow me to enter." denly he a^w'oke. shattered all their iondest hopes The guard grunted, opened the "The three pieces of ground," door, and Theodor Herzl- entered he exclaimed, •"must be bought." and made his way to the corThen he fell asleep again. respondent's table. The ": room H o u r s passed. A deep : sigh .-Paxton-Mitchell
buzzed like a hornet's nest. Then suddenly the buzzing stopped and black robed judges entered from an Innep^chamber. The man at the prisoner's bar, his face pale and drawn, rose to his feet. The eyes of. all in the crowded room were fixed on the stern lips of the judge. . "Guilty." "I am innocent," said Alfred Dreyfuss. through "white l i p s . ' . '.'Long live France!" the crowd roared. • "Long "live France!" came the " answering echo from the street. But. Theodor Herzl's c~is could not tear themselves :from the face o! the prisoner, Alfred; Dreyfus. Ho-had seen such a look only once': before, in the eyes of a trapped, bewildered deer. .;'•• Ifoise of the Crowd Hours later he sat at the table of his room in the Hotel Castille writing a report of the trial for his newspaper in "Vienna. The glow of the lamp fell on the paper before him. He raised his pen to write. • Through the open
escaped from his lips and his head sank on his breast. Theodor Qerzl,. the leader of Zionism Brass, Bronze,: Aluminum, was dead. . Soft Grey Iron and Seinl» • In every land his followers Steel Castings, Wood and S wept for him and swore to carry gj tii| -' Metal Pattern* and. Sash * his banner forward—— Zion-.Weigh to carried in stock. the land for the Jews. , "
: Co.'Foundries
And 13 years later, in -1917, England granted the ,Jews the right to settle in Palestine. : Theodor Herzl's dream had come true. .
Bronze end Cast Grilles a Specialty.
Pacing the room in the glow of j \
->-> ~
1 27th and Martha Sts. HA 5523
A Palestine Story
r ir
By A. Polieskin
Hurrah! Finally..the children in the Colony1 of Zerubabel, which nestles close "to the beautiful Mount Tabor, were to have a new schoolhouse. The old one had become too small for active use. for the colony was. constantlj window came the cries of gay growing and the number of children gradually increasing. The Paris. "Down with Dreyfuss, the Jew town authorities applied for g ernmenta.1 permission, but fo and traitor!" some Teasoh or other this'was" no "Down with the Jews!"; "They are all traitors!" . forthcoming.'. Nevertheless,- -the The pen fell from his hand. board of education of Zerubabe Slowly he arose and shut the win-j decided to build without th dow. Passing the mirror again,.|knowledge of the authorities, al he glanced -at"himself. The flow- though this move means- to coun er drooped, "broken" in his lapel: its destruction at the -hands' o He pulled it out, his eyes staring the officials. They hurried with at .the handsome dream-king's their work,, trying to finish tn face. Was it all a dream, then? The cries in the street sounded in his ears like peals of distant thunder. "And you, too, are a Jew," Theodor Herzl spoke to Theodor Herzl. "Was I in a dream that I thought it did not matter whether I was a Jew . . . " The cries rose, beating against his ears. Suddenly the eyes of Alfred Dreyfuss stared at him from his own face in the mirror, the eyes'of a hunted, bewildered animal seeking escape from its merciless ' hunteri:. And at that moment, Theodor Herzl awoke from his' dream of forget fulness. • "I am a Jew," he 'scid. • "How shall I answer their cries of hate?"
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WHOLESALE D1STRIEUTC3S s © Sctrafft's. CihocoSatess '.lorial, Cccsfca Ray ° Canada Dry Gin&er A!o asd Harrcotej Cigars • FalstaF? Csor 31S So. 13th Street " AT 4292
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dimblag, the tsakHeal wster EIECTElGJin^l Szjoy csismatic hoi^ waisr service—hot "verier EtTi TIME—fust ct Ike turn • c! ;c Isc-sst -•I Morning,•noon snd n!ga.tf day In cs^ day out, its clwsjs. t§t-
t f
| Defender Majra sine" ; that "in fa<**. tt j iodteals fregi : pases from
Hollywood Roohni, v,-ho is an 3?BOT,I THl3 COSVEXTIOH American citizen, had to leave ZOA-JfE" "> -HAVING. WONDERFUL TIMB • 'Morrl3 Margulie3 qualified for Germany because he was r-ntiHOLD FIRST O F - ' —One of the reasons you like the title of the Jewish'JJm Far- Nasi . . . motion pictures:- It ; s so much ley at the ZOA convention at De- ABOt'T PEOPLK SUMMER OUTINGS troit,. Democratic party leaders in s.t easier to lose yourself in the ....He predicted that RabOne of* the • series of outings bi Solomon Goldman would de- least one Southern State have story portrayed ' on . t h e screen artificial planned for'the summer months feat Dr. Israel Goldstein by 100 been-asked to pledge their dele- than-in the-- piteatly for children of the Hebrew school votes.;. .' . Dr.. Gbldmau won J&y gation to the 1940 presidential mounting of the arerage stage was held'Tuesday ;ln Lewis. Park. S7 votes. .-.".''... Joe Bralnin- made convention.to. Herbert H. Lehman pla*. Granting the expansive room , -Friday evening eerrice3 in Beta The .girls of the Hebrew-school some money on bets : on Gold- -.•'.-. .Newspapermen covering the for argument, let's look at RKO's Abraham synagogue will begin at had a. swimming party 'and' sup- man's '.election . '. .: Most beloved recent, legal battle in ,Newark be- production of "Having Wonder$ o'clock. Saturday morning ser- per.- Games" were a feature :ofthe personality at the convention was tween. Morris Ernst -and Mayor ful Time," the Arthur Kober viced will begin at 9- o'clock- Re- entertainment. „ The' party 'was A. -H. Friedlaad '. of Cleveland, Frank'Hague missed a swell ang- comedy that captivated New York le • when they failed to discover freshments • •will bs served alter held •under the direction of-Miss •wh'o -enjoyed not on|y the: eleclast 'season: .' tne services Saturday by Mr. and Rose. Golffsm'a'h. ' r : • \ tion of -Goldman;! but also the in-, that one of Hague's legal braln.The hinterland will see on the Mrs. Joseph -Gorchow in honor of direct defeat of- Rabbi Abba H. trusters is a. fellow by. the-name screen a* modem summer camp t h o ' t a r mitzvah of,- their eon, ,NaSilver . . . Judge Harry Fischer, of Myron Erhst . . . ' T h i s Ernst. valued at half a million dollars, tian;. Mr. Gcrrchow is president of Sliitsky. oi Milwaukee/.'Wlsconsin Hymie. Cohen and ; A r Rosenberg, a Jew by birth, is Bald to have equipped with lighting plant, hosthis cbngregation. Rabbi S. I. Bo- are new residents in Sioux City. all of Chicago, acted as the gen- left the faith after he married pital, fire, department, cleaning lotnifcov -will speak" on this oc- They"; are • associated with the eral staff for- the Goldman elec- into Hague's' family and became establishment, boathouse, pier, Schoeneman- Lumber ..company tion campaign . . . When'the r e - a j u d g e : . . .'President Roosevelt's casion. recreation hp.ll and 25 cottages Services in Tefere,th Israel •will and are Jiving in the Sioux apts. sults were,-announced- the trio first.choice for :the newly creat- and other buildings, covering a "wept actual tears - • . . They had ed position of administrator of begin at 8 o'clock Friday evening 119-^cre site on the shores of a and -9. o'clock Saturday.; morning. ' Mrs.. Rudolph Beheilson has. re- been doubtful of victory till the the wage a n d ' h o u r law was Dr^ real lake. li. yoa can take more Isadore Lubin, .head of the Labor turned to Sioux City after a three last minute »;". . That was the Bally services will be held in this vital statistics: ; Eauipment actsynagogue at 7 o'clock in the weeks .vacation In Cincinnati;and second 'time' Solomon "Goldman Department's bureau of statistics ually transported to the location .-•,'. •won an election from IsraelGold- . . . But Lubin' refused the: apmorning and 7:30 in the evening. C h i c a g o . ' . . ; . , •stein:. '.•'-.'• As classmates; In the pointment . ..Henry Levy, demon included 40,000, feet of • electric -Rabbi Bolotnikov. •will discourse publicity man, will be missing cable,, five generators capable of on''the "Psalms,1*, each evening * The I. Merlin family, were week Jewish Theological Seminary Sol- from light for a city of hl3 usual haunts- all sum- furnishing omon defeated Goldstein: for the from-- 7 until' 8 ^o'clock .In Beth end visitors in Sioux Falls.., presidency, of the'student-council mer while he cavorts ''at.. Camp 100,000, 25.'illuminated canoes, Abraham at the daily evening serMrs.. Louis J. Goldberg and . . . Friends of A. H.- Friedland, Stinson io New Hampshire, where 20, illuminated rowboats, four vices. Mrs. Fred Herzoff are co-chair- iClevelandr-Hebraist, who've been he's head counselor. . . . .. Inciden- lightning machines, six giant men of the: Mount Sinai sister- worried abo.ut" his health, ; were tally, Rabbi -Ferdinand Isserman wind machines, six booster pumps. hood dance-.which-will . be an tickled to see him at the conven- of St." Louis is camp rabbi there I^ems last nx-ntloned are synonytion ready to do battle for Gold- . . . . A. call i o r a' doctor, a t a re- mous -with the' "genius of meevent of '.-July 25th. :-.•••• man • . . • Quietest.man at .the con- cent Jewish wedding in Montreal chanical Hollywood.", which provention was "Hyman ' N. v Cohen, would" have resulted, in a general Miss Bess Osnowitz, daughter "president- of Congregation Anshe exodus . .-..•• The..bride was Dr. of'-Mr. Harry Osnowitz, 7-17 Cook Emet of Chicago, of which Gold- Josephine Schacher, whose, papa Gtreet, and - Edward J. Sperling, man is rabbi . . . Cohen'is said and mama are both medics . spa-of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sperto have told frienda that he is And the grooin was Dr. Howard ling, '1015 16th street -were' marpersonally ready- to spend "$50,- Mairek". . .'Wonder where'George ried this, afternoon at the SperBaltzsaaa. 000 this year to provide Goldman Rothwell' Brown, • Hears^ Washling home'by Rabbi S.-Bolotnkiv. with all necessary means to»make ington, correspondent, gets his Inimmediate -relatives attended the The Agudas Achim Iiodge held his term as ZOA president a great formation . . . In a recent column wedding service. Friends of the its annual rpicnic Sunday, July 10 couple Trill be received at open at Klwanis Point. Over 150 peo- success . . . It is understood that he reported that former Conthe congregation will furnish' gressman Henry Ellenbog'en of house at 7 o'clock. ple were present, r.- .--;-.'..-. . "-; Goldman" with an associate rabbi Pittsburgh had been appointed to Miss Jlose; Sperling;-was bridea/ .... To Rabbi Eric Friedland of a Federal judgesliip . . A s Brown ni&id. a n d Daniel Osnowitz, The Eniesel Club h e l d a no-host Pontiac, Michigan, "went the dis- ought to' know, Tsllenbogen was groomsman. Miss Sperling wore weiner roasts Wednesday evening tinction being of four-gener- elected: to a county" judgeshlp in a;^street length dress of. navy a t K l w a n l s - P o i n t . ..•;• ; ; . • •". . ••' ations of of ' t h e same family attend- Pittsburgh-'.-. . ' • sheer and. a Jeghorn hat, trimmed ing the convention . ; . . P r e s e n t v£th. ribbon to match her dress. Mrs. jSam Rosenthal! 'returned were, his great-grandfather Ben ( C l D S S , by Seven Arts Her flowers were yellow roses. last •week f ronv a trip to Lake Ok- Abrams, grandfather, I. : A. Ab- Feature Syndicate) •The bride wore an afternoon oboji. She ^ a s .accompanied. : by rams 'of Green' Bay, . Wis.,. and dress of hyacinthe blue sheer, her son and:daugh'ter-Intlaw,'ilr. Friedland's six-year-old . son, Jotvieled and her flowers, gardenias and-Mrs. Harry Rosenthal: and ham:, . . T h e Keren: Hayesod Elected to -Seminary Beard in a corsage bouquet. Mrs. Sper- Mrs. Johnson,, all of.Omaha. proved- its desire to;be economical ling will wear a navy embroiderNew York (JTA)—Dr. Soloby sending Jta message of greet: ed-batiste; dress and a corsage of Mrs. Dave Ku'bby left Tuesday ing to.the convention collect:. . ' . mon Goldman ; of Chicago is-as white roses. to' jpin her' TTIbthej^.Mrs. George Best-dressed delegate at-the con- elected to the board of- "directors , Assisting at the reception will Steinberg [at. Excelsior Springs. vention was Meyer , W.: Weisgal, of the Jewish Theological seminoa Mrs. I,. Osnowitz, Mrs. R. director of the Palestine Pavilion ary at a recent board meeting. Stein, Mrs. L. Baker,.Mrs. David Bob Endelman, who recently at the New .York World's Fair Rabbi Max Drob, William FischSperling and Mrs. Morris Sperling postponed' a r trip to California, is 1939, . . . .Best-looking girl a t man, Harry Friedenwald and and Mrs. I. Chesen. .The couple leaving Sunday for'a week's stay the convention was -Mrs. . Aviva Lewis L." Strauss were re-elected will go to Lake Okoboji for a one- at Lake OkobojC\ ••-,. ": Polish, the recently married for three-year terms. week trip. daughter of A. H. Friedland . . '. Mrs', ,Kae Etta: Ross left early While the title of youngest-look- 1' IRVlN C. LEVIN, Attorney " Bessie Osnowitz,was hon- Thursday, for California, to attend ing .mother was -won by .Wash7C3 Brahdels Thsater Bldg. ored,at a_ Supper and bridge Tues- thfe. marriage ofi her,; daughter, ington's. .Mrs. Sefer, / . '.'.. i i r ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION day' evening at Scribblns by her Sylvia fo Mr. Robert Ronald Ro- OPEN, YOUR EARS ' ; ' cousin, Miss Betty' Osnowitz; "senfeldt' oa- Sunday, July 17 a t In the Ctount5'.rjCourt of Dougrlas Thirty sue3ts were .invited. , Countjv Nebraska: . Temple Israel- Synagogue,- -HollyT h a t much-talkedf-of Jewish IN THE MATTER OE THE ESv?'obd.';, ';'.;. .'." -. • .'• '- :•••. unity received its first test when TATE OP Ales Siaklnd, Deceased. ". Siouz City friendo have receivAll p.ersons interested in said esNathaniel Goodrich of the Amered announcements of the marriWe.- and rMrs: Milton Greenberg ican Jewish. Cqmmittee'a Btaff tate are hereby notified that-a petiage of Mrs. Jane Naghel. Carrau, will arrive next week•-•from Lo3 presented t h a t : organization, the tion has been filed in said-Court .althat - said deceased - died leavdaughter of Eouis Henry Naghel Angeles tormake their,.hpnie here. American Jewish <C,ongres3 ' and leging ing no'last -reill and prayins for adofrsan Francisco, to Newton EdMrs., Greenberg is the former the Jewish : War. Veterans in hear- ministratpn upon his-estate,- and that lin of San Francisco, formerly of' Miss Lydia Ross. .-.'•'••• • / .'"••. ings- before- a committee "of -the a hearing /will be had on said petition before eaid court on the 23rd dav of Sioua:" ,City. The wedding was New York State Constitutional 193S, and that" if they fail to June 29 at Redwood, Cal., and The ilessrs. .Robert Endelman, Conyentlon . . . >July • 15th will; be July, appear at said .Court on the said 23id the c'tJuple are ' sojourning at Ronald'3 Reuben, and Bill Josefth an; important, date in the contro- day of July, 19S8, a t ' 9 o'clock A. M. Mount Carmel before returning to accompanied - M r . : Joel Cherniss versy, between the. -Jersey City •to contest, said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant adand Miss •Lillian.. • Perelman of Jewish • .Community "Center, and ministration jVIenlo Park to reside. of said- estate to Harry .':-iMr.-Bdlin,- who , i s l n .business Omaha tqj;Sioux-. City, Tuesday af- Congregation E m a n u - E I . . . . The Siskind or some other suitable perternoon toK attend their weddiijg. to settlement ,thereift;Saii'Francisco, Is a son of-Joalien-baiters \ ' w h o ' are - howling son and proceed .•.,---,. " . '• . After" the xeremdh'y'ilhe^enler- against, admitting- German and o f . . . . • • - • • • seph Edlin of that : city-and a cou-::.' .BRTCE CRAATFORD, Jin^of. Mr.' tiawrence and;Herman talned the c o u p l e a t a dinner par- Austrian, ^refugees, don't;; know 7-l-3S-3t County Judge. •Davidson and Mrs. ,T. C. Bolton of ty given in-the ..Hotel Martin. ' their .history . . . .;in. the.records t h i s ;clty. \ , •• . .;•••••-...• gEN E., KAZLOWSKY, Attorney of "the^ General Land {Office in 522. Insurance Bldg. hicago"there's a dust-laden vol. ['Mrs. i Paul' Sperling honored ume; revealing that in" 18 34 the NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Mrs.; JLouis; Klass a' recent- bride government "offered free land- in at:a-party •Thursday r evening.in Illnidis-and Michigan to- 235-.ref-! : In the County Court of Douglas t f i S ; '"' tigees.from war-'torn'Poland ...' . County. Nebraska: " . '. J e ' .peraonnel" of t h e ' W q r l d ' "IN THE- MATTER -. OP. THE ES: ; TATE OF Simon Dikimewicz.. De~ .'-jirp -dnd•. Mrs. M,. ..S. Schuster Youth- Congress to "be "held ; at -v. • • • . . Bolman. N.f.J1 ;(WNS)r^Praise VassaLr? College•< in August, opens ceased, an.d;;daughter,'; Sandr.a, of; Chicago Al persons interested in said estate aifiejyisiting Mrs. Schuster's par- of Pope Plug, "forchis defense :of some ;intriguing : possibilities , . . are hereby notified that" a petition e n j i , M r . a n d Mrs. J.-K'uritz, 714- the Jews-was voiced by Rablji Among the delegates :' will . be has been jttie'd in said Court aJleging Herbert &. .Goldsteinof New Tork £olh. .street- They will be Joined Arabs rand Jews frpini Palestine, that- said deceased died . leaving' no will and. praying for admlnistraharejSunday -by | MJss •Evelyn in. his presidential "message to the Czech> Nazis and Jewish refugees Oast, upon his estate, and • that a g^iitz of .New York. City, al$o a annual convention of the Rabbi- from. Austria and; members of ;the .tion hearing -will be had on said petition dajoght'ef o t Mr.: and Mrs.- Kuntz. nical Curicii; of 'America,- which youth 'division of a British Fas- before said court On. the 23rd day of SJia'and her sister,will'remain at represents'the.' .English-speaking cist 'party..; 7 . Ben.. WJgdqr, star July, 1938. and that if they" fail \ to Orthodox rabbinate. /-. -',-.>•••-, ,-"• reporter of: the: Detroit News, told appea/r at said ".Court on the. said h.0.mecfoE.a month."' ' ' "' 23rd day of July, 193S,' at 9. o'clock He 'BaidR'Jie was -."delighted at usV.that;'he knows ,a;Bynagqguei in A; M. to contest said 'petition, the Jesus'-MaVfa'-Street'! Hdvana '.'^> . the co-operation of -the 'Catholic Court^may grant theiEame and grant ."/Jlisa N^iernice Gaiinsky,; 2Q22 of said estate to Eva Nebraska ; street^ accompanied by church '"through thel message.' of A Jetter-writer'fof the ;New York administration Dikimewics or some other suitable by the-name' of person - and'-proceed Hiss; Zerline .Somberg :oi. Omaha, the P p p i to all;' Christians that World-.Telegram' to a settlement r • Jett. •JVedhesday for. an, extended anti-Semitism i s 'antl-ChiisUan. M. , M>';-poster proposed the cre- thereof. ••- • ation; of-a fund to be* used to unIn this way '.w6 can. come ^neater BRTCE CRAWFORD. tfpjo'urain Los Angeles and other 7-l-3S-3t , •"•• County Judge. derwrite .bonds ; for; German-and to the practical; adherence-la the. vestqrn'points.: They will return tho-last'."of ^August. Miss Galin- religious jmessage-of ,the univer- Austrian/.riBfugeea.who hai$ .'no NOTICE jOF'INCpRPORATION'"OF skyv visited in Dea Moinea' and sal fatherhood .61 '• God"iand • the irienda or kinfolk^ in ;this couh- ELECTRONIC -DEVELOPMENT CO. Omaha before departing for the common 'brotherhood . (jf'"• man," t r y - . . - . , • • ' ; . • . • . . • • * . • . : ' . ' }; ' . • • ATrSI; HOT STUFF •: -'• Rabbi Goldstein urged 'the; rabbis coast. TAKE ; NOTICE ; of the incorporato seek perhfisslon.ito make fivetion of., a ..company.^ the name of talks /to'•"lahdrers'lii facW e j ust. fired one of our agents which . is ELECTRONIC -DEVELOP. i c s May Goldberg, of New minute tory towns'" during- "lifixciii'- hours for giving.us a: bum steer on that, MENT- COMPANY, with principal York city accompaiend by MIES and of'business at Omaha.. Nebrasthat the council item a'^few.columns ago. about d place ka. The general nature of- the busiEdith "Weissman, left Sunday af- join proposed'"a move..to obtain group inpowwow of Jewbaltersj supposed ness is' manufacturing a n d ' selling, ter-a vfsit in the home of the for- surance and 'social1 security•• benedistributing and installing manufacmer's brother, Mr., L.' S. Gold- fits for. t h e ' c l e r g y . - " ' ; " • • • * - to" brave been held at th6 Jewish,- tured s vticles and1 equipment and acbwned Edison ;HoteI in New York cessories therefor. berg, "for a .trip through Yellowand in connection ..;,-'. We have nincie learned that The convehtion adopted a > restherewith to acquire, hold and sell stone" to".'Los Angeles. They will no . such--meeting waseither Jjetters, Patent. Copyrights, Concesvisit in.Sioux City on their return olution urging' the New ~ York etc., and engage "in research State Constitutional convention scheduled or held in .that hotel sions, . to "New York City. ' and designing, and-to hold, real estate to exempt -jews who observe/the . - '•'. Our apologies to the man- andproperty necessary 'and inciden' _—_____ -^ agement . i ... Don't" be Surprised tal to Jewish Sabbath ,:lronv ^observing tho business of tha corpora.Mi&s Helen Cohen, daughter of Sunday. Rabbi. Joseph-Lookstein if Fritz :Kubri; number one TCazl tion. The authorised capital stock is JJjC.and Mrs.-I. Cohen has accept- of Yeshiva college ^proposed the hereabouts, does a : sudden dis- 510,000.00. The shares-are $100.00 par. I At least t5,000.00 shall be paid as reed^a position in the department of courts: In; "Jewish appearing" act . . .: The Nazi big- quired by law at rthe beginning:- of •of the-Interior in Washington, D. establishment wigs feel-he'./talks 'too much and •business." BuSinesS>*T,'ill 'begin on the cpmffluhitfes-'to deal withdivorce, C.'Her brother Ab Cohen,.recent- marriage .and^personal litigation are: anxious to get him out of the filing of the Articles -with the County ly graduated from "the NavaL aca- between Jfews tnder the'oid Tai- country..,. .-In fact, the whisper Clerk. The life of the corporation is fifty years, ts-ith right of renewal. demy - is junior, engineer on the mudlc law.- : '. •••'.-.'-.;.'. ..-.••/ - ia. that <somei-of . his-lieutenants, The amount .of indebtedness •. is as U.,"S, • S. Vinncenes. Ho will .cruise acting on orders-from Berlin, ac- fixed bylaw. '•.'The. affairs of the cor•Rabbi Goldstein was re-elected this summer in Ala3kan. waters. conducted by its president; / Other officers are: tually kidnapped hlin. on the eve poration are i to baand Officers.. Rabbi Simcha Levy of Perth Am- of the recent McNaboe committee Board' of DirectorsDEVELOPMENT CO. ' Jerry-.Tobfaa -entertained 10 boy, N. J., vice-president; Rabbi hearings in New York and tried ELECTRONIC . B y - <?EORGS RISK, boyo at a. recent party celebrating Emanuel; Martius 'of Jiliddle ,Vil- to .hustleVhim. abroad a German Incorpqrator and Preshis 12th.birthday. ^Jerry i3 the lage, . Queens,--.treasurer,-' Rabbi liner'.. . . . But Fritz, displaying k ident. '.' son-'of'Mr. and Mrs. A.. D.'.Tobiaa, Abraham .-Iron;; of .Brooklyn, cor- most, un-Nffzi-llke -: reluctance ;.- to And 1. H. BIJOTCN,. 3435 Nebraska-street. ,-. . ' .," " J Ihcorpprator .and ." .. responding secretary, - and Rabbi face" his-fuehrer, managed - t o Secretary-Treasurer^ Samuel •.. \Bo,rliant.' of ^Jackson break away . .' . A coal dealer In 6-2"i-3S-4t. Habbi and Mrs. H. R., Rabino- Heights, "Queens, financial, secre- New^ Mexico whose • business was EQENER, GOUBV/ARE •& SWIFT, falling off "for- no.' apparent rea•svitz and daughter, Segu'lah, left tary; .i'.-:- .:. - •;;:-.. •.;.:" .-• ::•..' ".Attorneys sOn.has suddenly discovered:that : 432 Omaha Nat!. Bank.'Bldg. • Suacay ty motor for a month's the cause was the use of the trade stay, at Gull Lske, Slinnccota. OF AOMINISTR. DENIES; name "Swastika'Coal" . ; • , The . ^NOTICE In the; County Court of ; Amerkan'G.erman Society of DeCounty,-Nebraska. ......... •&. dsughtor VE3 born to-Dr. and .LEAVE troit fiaa'; dropped "the word .-•In- the 'Matter'-of-the Estate o* Mrs.' Saauel H. Shulkin, 2914 Soshnik. Eceassd.Rom© (W.UNS) —Foreign re- "Bund'?";from. its name because Morris Ke&ranka at St. Vincents hospital "All p?rsojis interested.')n'.said esports that,.foreign Jewish stu- the German-American Bund ha3 tate are hereby notified that a petlon "July 7. '. dents "have been ordered to leave glyen - the;. word;. an un-AmeriCari tlon has been . fiied in said Court .al-:. flavor . . . S m a r t i n g under plenty leg^ng that said "d.ceased' diet! leavItalian' universities were.' official.Loraine" Bailin, of Sioux Falls, : r a p r for having called off pro- injj.no last will.^Lnd praying;for adSoi:th Dalrota i3 visitins In Sioux ly denied here.-at the -'same time of upon his estate, and that duction ;e>f '"Exiles,""'an anti-Nazi ministration a hearing -will be had on (said, petiCtty 77it!i frlondc and "relatives. that -It bGcame known that per- film,' Sam Goldwyn; has changed tion before said court on- the 30th mits fromlthe foreign office will be required of all- foreigners be- his mind and hes again scheduled day of July. -"-193S, ana that if they • '•yir, and 21?=. J. Ri-sf o? Gt. fore they, can - register at Italian it for production . . , Ono of Hol- •fail to appear s.t said Court on the ' said 30th day of July. -1S3S,- at 8 Louis announced tho e n s r s lywood's tourist guides is said to o'clock-A. universities. II. to contest said .petition. • of tacir daux;hter, Bother to Mr. pe himself a n object of interest the Court" may- grant t?ie_ same and I Hyraan Lotrln, lOla.Pierca St. grant adraSnistrasfcn of Eai3 estate ti he'3 a brother of tha late The first rabbi to offer " the because Ben Kosh'nik or some other suftabl T'hbi wedding'vrill take place, SepCaptain Rophra, head of the Nazi opening prayers of the XI. S. sen- storm troops, -vvho was liquidated person .and proceed to a ssttleme'n tember 4. : • -. ' ate was M. J. Raphael (February in Hitler'c 1934 pur^e . , . The thereof. .-•••' •' B R Y C B • C R A W F O R D , 1, 1860). ' <Xr) Henry Cohen and Mr. •7-8'-38.-"3t. '• ..' ' • COviRty 'SK&ZI,
Ssdety New;
vided for terrific rain storm and j WRITE 'EM — Did you like electrical pageant on the lake. A j "Blockade?" One v a y to >• et carious sidelight on all this is j more pictures like that one is to that the performances • of Doug • "write Waiter Wanger, its proFairbanks, Jr.," and Ginger Rog- : dueer, indies:ting "your f:rp"'f'rE.l ers are so natural and convincing : . . . In England, "Bloctads" is a that you'll still find it possible to : box-office success . . , because the "live" tke picture. ! people vho -want to* f-ee lionsPt. Top executives, after privately : films, dealing with significant sopreviewing a completed produc- \ cial subjects are organized .and tion, sometimes get the idea that enthusiastic . . . The only vay to all is not kosher -with hte epic. win pictures like "The Exiles," recall the producing unit and ; "Personal History." "Blnokscie." order certain emendations. This j "My Cor.ntrr First," (thsts the happened to "Having Wonderful Kayai Salomon piece collecting Time" when studio heads looked dust in the Warner Eros. library) the pic over end decided its ap- ;and others thr.t have a useful eppeal Trould be broadened if tfce i pesl in addition to their er;ferSemitic phases of "the original ; tainment qualities, is to mske Kober piece were less rointedly ! Hollywood realize you v-'Ent them. adhered to. So, to assure an am- i ROUJCBUP — Marion Enbinplified -box-office appeal, the I stein, Cleveland newspaperv."ombackground and mechanics of the •! an, whose "Adventuring in F&iespicture have considerably "neu- I tine" won an. ir.ternatinnsi awarrt tralized." (Not that you'll have is listening; to prodncerf: who any trouble casing the Bronx want to buy her as-ret.-r.njH'?>sylabification.) In its refurbished lished "Zerah Yeder'' story of an form the story is practically un- obscure contemporary American changed, which means that its • religious cult . . . John Wesley, lines and situations are as human • co-scrtpter on Warners "Tht and as sure-fire comedy as they Amazing Dr. Clitferhouse." is were on the stage. . i VRCaiioTiitiR on his Bucks County NO KIDDING- — "The Sheik" (Pa.) farm . . . Best -wishes to and "Fare-well to Areas" and "All ; Eddie Cantor, who has pone to Quiet'' are getting a play from i Europe to :see what he csn do to the reissue • fans, but imperturb- ; help caravan refugee kids to able Charlie Chaplin stJil refuses j safety . . . to. permit . reiss'.irance of "The ,' (Copyright, 193$, by Seven Arts Kid" -which he made with Jackie Feature Syndicate) Coogan in 1921. Which makes him unique in Hollywood's leng- ! The first Jewish agricultural thy annals as the man who re- I colony in the U. S. was founded fused to capitalize, on free pub- ! in 1S3T s.t Sholom, Ulster Conn1 licity. ty. New York.
feps- 1 i ^ •** V-
(C o r: 'c i i:; u s c 1'' ? o ui i.' s £e I}' Pror?Ci~f' ftifre Y-"ith h merit ?o?ns. -Ke r e m t r tuenced i h s t refugees be sent vc v?_r!oi;.!= countries EF ind!'i;'KEl~ instead o* en Eiasse. Jiii.!cf;"ifis estimated it vci".]'] rnpt 5:K,{'flf> ! r pn'fip s family on ifpr!., Th» .*P!f"ic?r. delegates to'rl the conSerenpe thRt t h e United States had no iri.:eniloa of modi'riiiE its 1TM!UE;V«;HPG quaias in .under ihf' cKJfur,. CMOtai ' from German*.- p,nr" Anstrip -during the coming year. President Roosevelt, who c£.Ilfd the cowferencf, sent F. cr.Me in which he said ''I hr>pe tor P.U rnroepp to the comir.iftep in iis work, which" is of such impor;snee for a large part of .hu.nifini:.y now plunged into despsir." ,. A sub-con;B"it;.pe of {lie confer! ence E.ppo nted to den! with rep; repent?.$AVPP of p**ivpte r^Isef j sfrencies prp.ntec brief hearinps ; to spokesmen for the .Joint DisCommittee, the Worid ; tribution • Jewis-h Cong:--er>E, the League,, of K"tio"? t'^ion, C^fho'fr romroit" tees in fnitpc? St?t«»K, Ensrland, France. Belgium. Hoila: 6. and Switzerl-irsc: the Councli for German Jewry, the Jewish &g-ency for Falestine EHR the Quakers. Patronize Our Af'vertiserB
iption to
is an investment which brings you 'rich dividends fiftv-two weeks on!; d W"
the year . . . deepening the jewisL consciousness and helping . transmit the Jewish-heritage to_ the rising, generation. . . * -.
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In short, a paper deTcted to tlie Meals of J«da.i»nt ami Jewish progress,,
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