August 5, 1938

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Camp Aldba Will End

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London (JTA) — Tributeto the public services rendered Chief Rabbi Joseph H. Herts -H1 paid at a dinner celebrating bis silver " jubilee as spiritual leafier of Great Britain's Jewry. la. L u l l LI. . Lionel de Rothschild, prominent communal worker, presented him with a silver medal. Other T V . M J . M T TV* speakers Included Commander Sessions -x*f Conference to \ world. - But they are -prevented O O g T a m a n d 1/lSplay 1 0 ELEAZAR POOL DIES PALEST: rc "Tate FIsc a t Oliver Locker-Laiapson, Conserfrom doing so by darter and anAT ENGLISH HOME vative M. P., Sir Gsorss J-ies terior passions. Thus* lor inLondon (WNS)—Eleazar Pool, and Prolessor Scli? E-"' ", stance, customs barriers are' nine Although a definite date has • ^ r «-_-,, scion of a long line of rabbis and Zionist leader. v times out of ten barriers "of not as yet been chosen, the state- ; Jew, t>c '""rrc-^.'r --;•";- v,,-* i father of Dr. David de Sola Pool, hatred and of self-assertion. En1 wide conference of Nebraska Jews Sea Sccrt r-or-p:. Ft i^° f ? ' o', rabbi of the Spanish and Portulightened economic self-interest Closing exercises of the fourth guese synagogue in New York, will, according to Morris E. • Westminster Palace End was for-: would dictate the!? being abolr Jacobs, chairman of the -confer-; "mally rer.air.e3. the Era .Rea/fiing j ished: hate and self-assertivenesa Camp A&iba season •will be held died at his home in Hove at the Thursday evening, August 11, at age of 81. ence, be held iere is Omaha the | i^tore a eisttaguished gathering • keep eep them rruinously u o u y intact.. Jewish Qommunity Center. A Pool's grandfather and greatearly part of September. | invited by Captain Victor C&zaThis hate-filled self-assertive-, the' -will be served at six grandfather were chief rabbis, of Tce sessions will take place on let. Conservative H. P., to illus- • ness is at the root of nearly all supper a Sunday at the Highland Coun- trate the work o£ seafaring £.nfi-i the. worst ills of civilization: it o'clock for campers, parentB of the. Spanish and Portuguese Congregation in London. For 25 try -club. The Lincoln Jewish j training organisations fostering a. is at the root of cruelty and per- campers, and'guests. community will co-operate with | Palestine mercantile marine, An exhibit in the lobby will years he was honorary secretary secution. - It alone—and nothing the 'Omaha cossmUniiy in the j The boat left Tor Tel Aviv tc , else—is the beast In man. .;AU display all the handiwork, made of the Sephardic synagogue in sponsoring of the conference. North London. i be put into service as a training frni-r. ! high religions have7: sought to: during the eight weeks of the

What Is it that divides men so cruelly? Hunger and the hunt for bread? Yea and no. If men were wholly sane they could sit down together and take counsel ana seek to establish according to cool and scientific plans an . economic equilibrium for the T> , _ „ , _ . „ _ „ , !

Feature Final Session

weaken . this demon. Even today summer^home- camp. Included, in the Roman Pontiff, stung to the the exhibit will he woodwork', .quick a t last," protests bitterly sewing, model' aeroplanes, scrapagainst the unhuman horrors to; books, autograph albums,; belts, •which, this self-assertiveness ' Ia. weaving, doorstops, and placques. leading men. . ' Main feature of the exhibit Let us see how this dreads will be a Palestine "World's Fair ful passion works. It says through where projects- of the various those possessed- by it: "You must groups "will be shown. Scenes of be like me or I will destroy yon, Tel Aviv will be exhibited and a cast you out. For' only" what ; I model of the Hebrew University am is good. What you are is evil. will be.on display as well as such And if I let the evil which I have historical sites as the tomb of stamped as you persist, I may be- Rachel, the Wailing Wall, Trum-^ gin to doubt my goodness and peldor's monumentt att \ T Hai* Tell Hai, superiority., And rather than risk and the Tomb of Rabbi Simon that I will destroy you and me ben Yochtii. • ! and civilization." Models of the-Palestinian colObserve under the aspect of onies will also be displayed. Following dinner, a program. this analysis" Nazis, Fascists, militant nativists. The disease at-; open to ; the public, will be pretacks even reasonably civilized ; seated. On the program will be peoples. Why should the Czech- {the community singing of camp ish government ever, even for<a songs,' a concert by the Camk Akyear, or two, have outraged the iba Toy Orchestra, and a group of cultural sensibilities of the pao- choral arrangements of palestinb the th pie of Egerland? It is really;no- Ian and Jewish music by

Makes Friendly Inquiry In business of the conference. • In the afternoon the delegates may Regards to New , golf or take#advant&ge of the LCaiapaigrs other recreational facilities at'

193S Golf Championship To Be Decided on * August 21 Playing of the annual- Highland Country club golf tournament started last Sunday at the

club links. In the championship


chestra, .was suddenly dischargee!. A leading Italian geographer, Professor Roberto Alm&gia, a Jew, who was supposed to" represent Italy at the International Geographical Congress at The Hague, was told at the last minute not to proceed. CMlSren Instated. For the first time, , Jewish school children in Rome on the way to school heard shouts from "Aryan" Italian scholars: "You are not Italian!" The Jewish owners of large department stores were "advised" by officials of the Fascist party to refrain from advertising their,, firms publicly. Italian newspapers reported with pride the repercussions of the anti-Semitic campaign abroad, particularly stressing th Cordell Hull and Unde"rsecretary Sumner "Welles h a d received Italian Ambassador Fulvio Suvich for a lengthy discussion. General sentiment here seems to be against the racial campaign, which is apparently evoking little enthusiasm outside otficial circles. Many Italians found it necessary to' impress on their Jewish friends their distaste for

ated -witb-the Los Angeles County Welfare and. •was particularly

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the powerful Prussian prcvincial I union;,-(4) Merging of the smaller communities between them- j selves or with larger communities to ferni district communities; ' (5) Automatic'enrollment of al*. ' community members Ia the Pveichsverbasd and limitation of •-- S*y welfare, emigration and other as- ? ' - " 1 ^ iH L -£-.i~ f C ^ C " sista-ce to members. . i honor Tile restriction of assistance to £.e l» : - e c . r ; r ^.t r. ^c members is caused by the votus- Tu^r^c;. "n1.:'. ' r tary nature of membership under "» c s the new law. Jewish organizations abroad will be asked tc ' rrr~ rc~t - c ^ - - - pressed the opinion, ho"srever, limit their assistance to emigre5; that Je-sra itoldtag government po~ who are zaeinfaers of Jewish comsitions •would be dismissed and munities.

certain other anti-Jewish measThe Prussian organization will ures would be introduced. absorbed directly by the Several prominent Fascists pri- be since 'the provately expressed disapproval of KeichEverbanfi ponents of the plan feel that thic \ the anti-Semitic drive and voiced, "Union is so vast as to constitute ' the belief that step was not duepractically a second ReichsTerto Italy's Internal policy, but to band. Other provincial union: influence. Tiiey disclosed L5 A. f- .sly * ^ ti j t f^^ ^ i ^ J ,-j i 2*i

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Berlin (JTA) — An order issued last nighL by, the ministry must be like i or I will destroy of interior proTides that every you. German Jew above the age of S months m o t possess an identifiJewish problem, of the Jewish 1 cation . card "bearing his phototragedy. Of the inner tragedy o£ gr&ph and fingerprints. the modern Jew, too. It is the These carfls 'will be distributed tragedy of the assimilationist, district police stations before who, by trying other than by. December 31. Jewish children they met Ida Lupino, Edgar Ber-! and it is . certain that Mussolini | ithe. psnr; - he is and as God meant him toborn a iratr.e that west tTt October 1 will t e pro- gen and"'the Stroud twins. j is greatly, relieved if tne people ; l ^ *'' .i : be, plays into the hands and claws vided after a ji3r.EE.- Pant Steinberg with cards at the age of 3 Dr. Rich, and Mr. Horn a t ' a r e turned from sneb. prosaic \ _f ._ ol the mob-brute and agrees that months. The cards must De shown .he raossd for t t a wir uniformity is a good. ;; - • - - • on"'demand of any' official agency,- tended a party at the Troeadero | preoccupations to the uS with her and also had dinfit-r t.t\ sphere o£ the racial tnecry." . • j J®-. How beautifully we transcend- and also when appearing at govoth other gsihes were d ed this base fallacy long .ages ernment and Nazi party offices to the Brown Derby with Bob Cohb, j The New Statesman and Kae hustling A.. 3. A. ICO otttfj'. the husband of Gail Patrick. ! tion expressed the hope that the ago! How shameful it is.for any transact btfsineE3. . .' anti-Semitic ideology would not • fiS l -JI! l in the chsmp'or.rh'Ti ri Jew to fall into it and share it, •= Possession of the cards is comf develop "into the fan! thing it il el the source of all oui ; miseries, pulsory for all Jewa and. "Aryans REPORT-DISCOVERY • rather than remember;iand abide of military iige, but voluntary tor •'. O F FALASHA 1 TALMUD has become :n Germany/' The ; ° i . id the Acller B^'ieatesssa Daily Telegraph reported that j test._ by the teaching of the immortal other "Aryans." ; ~ •• several German-Jewisa physicians ; r-Iayi Midrash: "If a. man fia.sts coins .•Jlome {Tv^NS) — Discovery of 1!p r a c t i e i n ' in Italv since 1SSS t a d j th* 1 according to one formV each coin London '• (JTA) —— M a u T i c e a hitherto unknown manuscript" been warned'that their licenses! Bu f Is like the otter. ,Tt,eKing of h 78 ms believed tofeethe' "Talmud ol t&e • would be withdrawn. ! Kings, the Holy Ohe,;blessed be Schwaita's Yiddish'Art 5 ! 1 !-o -® He, however, casts each man inof. New York received an ovation Falashas,": tha black ^ • Jews ol j Aci the form of t h e fir^j; man and,here. when' .it; 'opened a Loadon Ethiopia,- is reported by Carlo i Moritz Pinner in 1S5T besEa;A. ; Z A. ' S , a theater with Titerbo in the Year Book of the j'the eaitlag: of as } S a a : yet ia no. man like hia-fellow. For run at the Phoenls'. : | this reason every individual soul I. J. Singer's "The- Brothers; Ash- Italian. Rabbinical seiainarj-. Vit-; paper in pro-Eiarery SCaasas. . can say: For the salit; of mo was feenast" : The Times critic hailed erbo : discovered the manuscript ] the.performance as brilliant, de- on Ms . recent visit to Ethiopia '• Antonia, Princes s Ci. w.tirte.ji- | i.c.^21 l created.': ths world claring it seemed to some as aU where he had gone as an "berg, was one : c" (Copyright, 1938. i?i Seven Arts most" a good reason for" learning emissary of the Federation of Cfcrist'an Hebraists of ths seven- '- ' ~ .and a ccnvertec teeath century. Feature Italian Jewish Communities. 1

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bacfi. The principle cf had known in New Orleans, | ing quietly. Wiile not certain opened the gates of Hollywood t o 1' g e t h e r Jews would be expelled dividing e x e c s t i v e position" equally between Sicnists £3~ Bam Horn of Omahaa who w with i t h f r o m the the Fascist party ranis, ranis. non-Eionists will not be changed. I Dr. Harry Rich recently visited these Fascists expressed COHTICPQ ™ rOaSt< • i "on that Jews would no longer be Miss Lamonr, according to Mr.! permitted to hold positions of au- i j Horn, lives in much the same j tbority in government services, I L..,. simple style she did in New ] civil and military. i Orleans.. She took the Omaaansj oii a tour of the studios and in- SobservJenco to ReicS. Seen. vited them to a cocktail party at London (JTA)—Tbe Spectator her home at Coldwater Canyon. declared editorially: "Tie Italian After s tssrM sq-Jeeze ags-inr With Jerome Cowan, who r e -government's anti-Seraitic ns .last SuEda: the Alpha . Pi cently appeared as the captain in! nounceme'ats reveal a growing the". Milder Oils 'The Hurricane," the two were subservience to Germany, mental-' Miss Lamour's guests at her Sun-ly as well as politically. Bread place i n t h s .T C. C. Softes" day evening broadcast where riots have recently beea reported, I'-saguS. TIis ; Oilers; turned hnr

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, Berlin (JTA). — reorganisation of t;he GerrctE. Jewish community necessitated by-the cew conmunity law r?- tr-ir duclng Jewish commuisal orftrizations to the status of Tolcrtcrr organizations was approved tithe Council of the Reichsvertretung der Judea in Deutschir.rS (Reichs Representation of CZTZ in Germany);" The plan reqrircS the approval of the Reich government before it becomes effestive. • The contemplated changes are: (1) 'The name o£ the' Reiehsvertretuag will be changed tc :nf~:.u- te "Reichsverbaad eisr JuSen -in re car- : ' : Deutschland" (ReJchs Union of Jews in Germany); (2) Increased


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active in "the •wort * cf the Los Angeles Ex-Patients hospital. • ' . Surviving Mrs. • Cogan are- one son, Selwyn Rolnlck Cogan,. and four brothers, Harry, David, and Ben E. of Council Bluffs and Morris pi El Paso Cantor Aaron "Edgar conducted Renewing an old friendship the funeral service. Burial was with Dorothy Lamour, whom he at Fischer Farm cemetery.



Highland. Luncheon and Sinner will be served-at the club. By BORIS t 5 « • Plans for the meeting were '* r Chief European originally laid during-the local 3. T. A. Philanthropies campaign Rome (JTA) —United States Jewish voluntary donations were r' Ambassador William Phillips has j when visited Foreign Minister Galeas-! received" from 12 out-state comzo Ciano and made friendly in-1 mnnitles. Since these comnmr.Iquries on behalf of the United j ties do sot share in the purely National Kea States government as to the ; local activities of the Omaha meaning of the present anti-Jew- i fund, a separate organization, was Established ish campaign. Mr. Phillips re- j suggested. minded Count Ciano' of previous In this manner the out-state assurances • that there was no communities can allocate their | Prior to the departure of the room for anti-Semitism in Italy. fuacls as they desire. The or- i staff of the national of'ice of the It is understood that the ganization will also deal with ! •*•• 2. A. £cr Washington the IclCount Ciano replied that racial probleias affecting the common -i lowing message was address problems "are now in the process interest cf the 'small Nebraska the community: ."Everyone of the A. Z. A. staff of study" and emphasized that it communities. leaving at this time takes this was too early to say to what exrr tent the Italian Jews would. be affected, but that the racial policy was principally aimed at preserving Italian racial pnrity'in connection with Italian imperial policy. Italy's anti-Jewlsa campaign got into full swing with a Eerier, of. dismissals from important positions, as Jewish school children were insulted in the streets and _ Jewish enterprises were told c o t ' to advertise. . j Ponte Corvo, only Jewish sie~- j

that is, Jts explanations after the Horns tor-Mrs.'Ida Kubby Cogan, fact. are intellectual- garbage. . I t 44, -who «iied Friday night in a Is spiritually insecure; it i dis- Council Bluffs hospital She had trusts its own strength and its been, ill five months -with, perown values. It wants to. . be nicious anemia." Since'1922 Mrs. "bucked up." It wants to oblit- Cogan had made her home tirst erate all but itself and the "like- in Chicago and later in Los Anness of Itself, j At the slightest geles. perception ! of difference it ; shies During- her residence in Omaha like a frightened animal. Next it she -was active in Jewish and civic rears and kicks' and bites; and organizations among. "which.. were tears asunder. "I must be every- the Young Women's Hebrew asSix hostesses for the A. Z. A. thing and you nothing!" That ia soeiation, the Jewish,.. Welfare tournament to be held September its animal shout as it persecutes Board, .the Deborah society, the 4 and 5 in Omaha have been anand pursues-—usually the higher Old People's Home, the Associat- nounced. The six girls are: than itself.' _ ;' : ed Jewish' charities, the Free Louise Saylan, Frances Osoff, Young Judaea and Charlotte Nogg, Betty Rosen, The disease has but to be diag- Loan societies, 1 nosedd to be b recognized., i d WWhy] h Zionist work. Lois Barish and Shirley Epstein. should all partakers of German Dance chairman, Dan Miller, For her! Americanization work culture be as_ like as peas? Why T£g. Cogan was named an -hon- has completed plans for the tourg should all citizens of the: Sbviet orary member off the th Women's W ' nament dance.. Those attendin_ Union babble the same formulae? Christian Temperance Union 'and will dance to the scintillating Why do the Arabs (some Arabs- shortly after the war was sent by swing ^of Jack Swanson and -Ms the campaign and to assure them and those hired thugs) fight'• for tho organisation as a delegate to orchestra in the beautiful, air-1 that it would not last long in t i , air a predominantly Arab Palestine? its .world conference in Lon- conditioned Fontenelle hotel ball ball- view of the opposition off gfe fea Why do American employment don. • '•••'•. room. church and the nation. T&ey exagencies turn down the applicant In Los Angeles "she was affili-

ish? There is no reasoa in; the realm of mind or spirit ;:or even the practical business of life. Multiformity of character, taste, . culture, faith, philosophy—these are to the enlightened soul the rery sources of life's wealth, interest, fascination. Would any one in his senses want•'all individuals to be. alike, to be like Ford cars, turned out in series? Then why should the culturegroups and, if any one likes, the • racial groups and the . religious groups not co-esist either in separate politics or within the same polity and political structure in an attitude of mutual "appreciation and enrichment?' . "Why? There i3 no answer except the dull roar of the mob-brute: "You


The morning session, it Is i sHp ca the Ytrhcn river planned, will be de\"Oted to the

Richard Hiller defeated Lester Simon, 6 and 5. J. Malashock defeated Harold Farter, 4 and 3, Other matches played were: Harry Trustin defeated Julian Milbody's business whether a nian'•! Girl's choral group. • der, 2 and 1; Louis Hiller defeatwants to live within the circle of ! A play, "Revolt in the ArK"ed Dr. ilaynard Greenberg, 2 up, Czechish or German culture. •'So : will he given^by older boys and and Ed Speier defeated M. Krulong as he pays his taxe3 and j girls. The older girls' dancing pinsky, 1 up on 13 holes. keeps out of jail. It ia insult iand i group .will feature an elaborate Results of the matches played oppression even to ask him w;hat j version of the Hora. An original in the president's flight were: language he prefers to *speai: or I playlet - on .. the life of Henrietta Bud Slosburg defeated Manny what poets to read or in what I-Ssold will also he. presented. Handler, 2 and 1; Louis Somberg Reservations f or tb,e dinner are defeated Harold Speier, 2 up; place and according to what prinper, Plate and Louis Kulakofsky defeated Shrolciple to worship. As soon as a thirty-five "cents government or a majority begin3 |may b e msde ; by calling the'or- ly Goodman, 2 up; Max Chapman officially to ask that question, it j fice of. tho Center. , defeated Blaurice Micklin, 2 and is ,in .principle, already. inQ'.iSsitsr. — • • I ; Morris Cohen defeated Dr. persecutor, tyrant and he'- of j fir*-O Philip -Levey; 5 and "4, and Lloyd~ whom, the question is asked' Is. al- j __ I'^i!; '^ Friedman defeated Harold Cher"ready a slave. ' ' .. niack, 2 and 1.- . To the critical and enlightened - In the third flight "Warren. intelligence there is no virtue and Ackerman defeated Jimmy Robno grace and no profit in uniinson, 2 and 1; Morton Hiller deicrmity. But that is what the feated Morris Levey, 2 and 1, and world-mob, the world rabble Moe Linsman defeated Melvia wants. "Be like me or I will Berkowitz, S and 6. destroy you"! It wants the uniPlaying will continue until .Funeral., services were held August form of both the v body and the 21 w£en the finals will mind. All its rationalizations, •on Sunday-at the Jewish Funeral beheld.

if his' or her. "religion",,is Jejw-

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POLITICAL «0VERTI«MKNT interstellar spaces where paradise but Ole Is satisfied enough beDeaths cause the last one, Genevieve, lies." . Mrs. Fannse Levin But In a moment Abe falls out loo&s Scandinavian. This . comMrs. Facnie Levin, T4, died , of-his rhapsody and his happiness pletes tlie contentment he derives gets devoured; by ethnic, religious frcxa seeing that all the others early Tuesday at her home after 1 and social problems. He scarce- have the twinkling Irish eyes of a long illness. Mrs. Levin had. SEQAI* bees a resident of Omaha for ly dares think of hi sown happi- j Mollie. ! ness a t all. I (as I consider tbis proposal over 50 years. FALLDCG IN LOVE She is survived by her fcus- j to marry E. D- T.'s daughter) am Oh, he thinks, what -will ray I am still thinking about the MolMe KcG-uire mean to afflicted by the sans distresses band, Arnold; four cla.ugtv.ers, matter of E. D. T.'s daughter. As marrying the destiny'of Jewish people? that stab Abe Levey to the iiesrt , Mrs. Harry Marks and Mrs. TTilall the regular readers of this His father longthe ago vrarned. him as he looks at Mollie McG'uire. I j! liam Soasberg-. both cf Omaha; column will remember, -E. D. T.that an intermarrying ^Jew wasmight be eajoyicg the happiness Mrs. Leu-is Pofirostl, Chicago, (a noa-Jew) last week suggested like a. man who palled tlie corner- I of courtship, what vvith these s,aS Kose of Holly vood; two that the Jews could solve their from the foundation of the' sirmnrer days being so lovely and sons, Dr. H. K. Levin cE Sious I 'A sudden rash of anti-Jew- because they shout, too much are with the Fascist more than problems by intermarriage and stone the nights .perfect under starlit City End Mas Levin cf Ho5!y- j lsh Bcntlment, seemingly un- when they are-attacked; they with the democratic states. Prime race suicide. By intermarriage house o* Israel. wood, and a sister, Mrs. . . •Aba feels as if the whole house skies. related t o BIt)3leyV Fascist make too much noise about their Minister- Chamberlain himself, with them (he said) the Jews I Instead I brood: What will b©- Killer cf Los Angeles. movement, ta now giving Brit- troubles; they are joining Left may be and probably is, a deao- could also improve the race of of Israel were on his back as Funeral services Trere to hare j the Jewish people i£ I ish Jewry plenty cause for -wor- parties, and generally they are an crat at heart, but the bulk of his the so-called Aryans. By way of wends homeward from his . eve-I marry ber? Is it not ray business beea held yesterday morning j ry. Mr. Zulierman, viewing: tho unpleasant lot. The implication supporters, the great Conserva- starting the movement, E. T. D.ning with Mollie. It will crash j to keep on carrying the house of from, the Jewish Funeral Home. ! situation, on the spot, examines was that the Nazis iwere more or tive majority upon which he re-offered W3 beauteous (T hope she if he but kneels to Mollie to pro-i Israel? Cantor Aaron E-iffar -was to of- j its causes and advances a nnm- less justified- in their inhuman lies, is definitely more In favor jls beauteous) daughter's hand to pose to her. ficate. .Burial was at the Betis j I might be canoeingwith her bep of significant reasons. lor treatment of the Vienna Jews. Of the dictators, than of 'democ- me in marriage. "But isn't ray own happiness on the sparkling river where ev- Kamedxash Kago&el cemetery. I it—THE EDITOR. And this at a time when Hhe racies. The class element Is now Neither accepting nor reject- first of all?" he as)ss rebelliously. ery lapping wavelet would Nazis had just dealt one of the very strong in English politics, ing it, I promised to consider the "Must I carry the Jewish people? with our enchanted hearts. SUICIDES IN POLAKD English Jews have lately been cruelest blows to ah entire com- far stronger than the, national proposal farther In a later issue. Is it my business to preserve the But I brood: I! I marry her-my Warsaw ("VTNS> — Tlie r ~ o The more I think, the more munity, and when eight hundred element. The forces of reaction Jewish race and to bring up gen- great-grandson trill not be carry- grressivelf -"worsening* unpleasantly surprised and dls-; position o£ concerted by unmistakable., signs Jews had committed suicide in are in tho saddle and their spirit bewildered I am. I t would be erations to support- our syna- ing on in th© Isaac M. Wise Tem- Polish Jewry is revested br Jihs rules not only the foreign policy. Problem enough were it not that gogue?" of a considerable anti-Jewish sen- one week. ple and who of his generation official suicide figures vhiefr The more he thinks about it will take Ep sny work of ooa iri- shew that £0 per cent cf all £,- i- j timent *which seema to be spreadOne is notuaed to such a mean, of the government, but to a great I am- already married — a ciring- In England ana making head- small and ungenerous attitude on extent, also the country as a cumstance that sets practically the more impious he gets. j buting to the drives against anti- cides during-the past year were | Insuperable obstacles in the way T h e n the ancestral ghosts I Sem'itisEi? way in many parts.of the coun- the part of the English. It is an whole. as compared with It per of coming to a decision. speak to hira: "Abe our son! My rapt heart protests: "W'hst Jews, try and among different strata, of alarming sign-of the brutaliza• • • .' Spirit fascist -. cent in the previous. Kost cf thf Oh, what burdens are on a That you should speak that way? society. As yet the sentiment can- tion of the whole of Europe that an absurdity! -Tha conflict be- Jewish suicides left word thsi erTHis spirit in fundamentally not be described as a strong anti- a great newspaper in London Fascist.and as such also anti- Jew! Even when he thinks of Yes, it you marry Mollie McGuire -tweea personal happiness and. a ononiio suffering prompted their getting married he is required to who will keep holy the synagogue people's destiny! What other peo- action. Semitic feeling, still less an or-could s o . viciously and brutally Semitic. Anti-Semitism is BO , ganised anti-Jewish movement. kick victims of;oppression at the much, a part of general reaction consider the future of the Jewish and who will guard the Toraa ple, except the Germans, take raand who will say kadfiish?" But it la something sharp and moment of their greatest despair. that whether the reactionaries people and of the synagogue that cial destiny so seriously?" from the University of ! unpleasant, something yr h 1 c h What is . responsible for thia themselves stands around the corner. He .-• "But ray happiness . . . doesn't But this is oaly the lover's S graduated want,it. or not, antiF'CSCC«TY Nebraska at Lincoln. Ke is cow ] that count for anything? Should mates Jews in England feel quit© strange atmosphere prevailing Jewish feeling always pops UP dare not fall in love where he 1 heart seeking impiously; eertain'y uncomfortable and apprehensive. now in a good many British cir- whenever they are In power. At pleases but must consider solemn- I give up my happiness for theit is not the sal:©, •well-considered in the active practice of lav, as- ; vr.z. PUBLIC -with Dorsey and BalPerhaps' the manifestation may opinion that a Jewish writer is sociateS What ia causing this least this Is true of pfesent-day ly the matter of his great grand- Jewish 'destiny?" • firige, is a member of B'nai. Brith, be accurately the fore- cles? son: Shall the troy's spiritual des"Abe »our son.'" expected to give out. growing sadistic attitude towards reaction which 10 strongly perrunner of anti-Semitism, the her- Jews the part oven of decent meated with Fascism and Nazism. tiny be in a church or shall he be •And what will the community No! I shall not marry E. T.£s-d has beea active in community i ald of a movementV'whlch may peopleon a Jew dedicated to support the say if he marries Mollie McGuire? D.'s daughter i£ for no other rea- affairs.—ADV. who are^not, like the MosEnglish reactionaries cannot wax Qever come, but the thought of leyltes, professional anti-Semites? mortgage that lies so heavily on He will be called a deserter and son than that n y wife -won't 1st vrhlch is- nevertheless pervading A number of minor and one maj- enthusiastic about Mussolini and Adath Israel Congregation? a traitor who severs the line of me.* Hitler and avoid antl-Semitigm. fche country and corroding peo- or, reason can, In the opinion of Israel. He will be an unburied Other people are allowed to The anti-Left ffeeling and the" ple's minds.' , : • 1 in love in accordance with dead man in Israel. (Copyright -1S38 By Seven Arts • " This manifestation Is not to be the present writer, he enumer- antl-Jewlgh. feeling go hand- In fall "Yet my owa happiness . . . " the whisperings of their ardent ated. .• • •; ;•;..Feature Syndicate.) hand especially at present and no ©onfUBed -with ' Mosley's ' Fascist Thus Abe swings between love amount of good -will to the Jews hearts. Nazi Example and , the sumraonings of Jewish Let us'consider/the case of Ole The chief of the minor reasons and humanitarlanlsm can sepa• movement tj-Wch, a •'. few years Olson, the Swede, and Abe Levy destiny. But Ole feels no reago, made so much noise in Eng-Is the example of Nazi Germany. rate them: at all for the future land and in Europe. That danger The sight of a great state In the When Mr. ^Chamberlain's sup- both in love with Mollie McGuire sponsibility the Scandinavian race. If he i s n q w smaller than it has ever- centre of Europe maintaining for porters In the House of Commons who from -the beauty of herof thinks of racial origins in the Henry G. Chait is a candidate ] been. Sir Oswald^ Mdsley's move- more than five years a terrible want to espress their support Of countenance gives out dazzling least It is to consider that aa for the Nebraska state legislature,] of a fine intelligence. • ment can be put down definitely campaign of persecution and vili- hia Spanish, policy, they shout, al- flashes Irish girl and a Swede ought to end his supporters are asking the'j Ole, looking at Mollie, suffers involuntarily, to a . Jewish voters, of the Fifth Legislative ' as a failure. What one notices fication of a people is. haying a make a happy mixture. only the delicious pangs of love. brutalizing effect not only on member of Parliament,' 'Go Back . in England now has no appar. "We're all people," says Ole, district to mark their ballots opIt he has any doubts a t all they backward countries like Poland, to Poland.' .The same is true of ent -connection with that move"and what the hell's the dif-posite his name when they visit 1 and ° Hungary, but. also the reactionary British press. It have to do only with the ques- ference?" the pells Primary 'lay, August 8. ment, although- it may flow sec- Rumania tion, Am.I really deserving of a on more civilized peoples.: One T h e Fifth district covers, retly from it. It is something al- of the evils of arena fights, bull- means to espress Its support of girl so divine (she is really next Ole proposes to Mollie and she " together different, something not fights, cock-fights, prize-fights France, Mussolini a i d Hitler, and to the angels) as Mollie McGuire? takes him aad they live together roughly, all the homes 'between CcmiEg street and Ames aveutie, so extreme, dark and dangerous; and other.such spectacles is that gives vent to anti-Semitism. AntiOle's rapt eyes, - looking into forever afterward as happily as and from Carter Lake to Fiftieth not so bitterly conscious of Itsthe spectator becomes brutalized Jewish 1feeling has become a fashSAY IT MASES I It is possible for married people anti-Jewish aims end purposes* no less than the participant in ionable sign of die-hard Conser- the future, do not contemplate to lire. They give birth to teastreet. Mr. Cnait has lived in j T&STim, MEALS I certainly not BO well organized, the brutalities.**- Sadism becomes vatism the world over, including a-ny menace to'the destiny of the children c£ -whom nine look Irish, this district since childhood, attended Omaha Central, and v.-as ' but more widespread and not con- a habit, accepted thing. England. The popular reaction- Scandinavian race in his marfined to Fascist or even to pure- This is the penalty which the ary British press scents the ten-riage to Mollie McGuire. What does It matter to Ole that they ly Conservative elements. and gives expression to it.'may; part of Europe is dency have 10 children all of whom '-••"••As usual in Englafed, one Bees neh-German -IT WHX PAY YQP But there Is one other major now paying for Its toleration of reason for the growth of anti- may turn out to be more like the first.signs of it in the press. Nazism, : To Consnit v , . • , . • : • Irishmen? His eager vision sees Suddenly, as if by some official Jewish feeling in England, only a vista o f happiness which inspiration,, several of the more Another' reason is the unfortu- France and other Western-EuroMAUSKOCE'S ' reactionary, and sensational news- nate publicity which Jews have pean, countries a t present,. one he is sure will carry him and M0III5 all the way to the golden When basing papers in London have started to of late received in the non-Jew- which obscures all other reasons. \ it publish articles about Jews with ish press as a result of the JJazl This is the Jewish refuges, ques- wedding. OIAMO.VOS .-: an outspoken . anti-Semitic; bias. terror. I have had t6 write'' on tion. But this is a . question so Not so Abe. He looks at Molr?1 WGtiDINti BIKOS U '". Stupid stories about Jewish dope this subject full in a -previous ar? Vast lie: "Oh, her eyes are like lights EO^ all-important that it from the stars and her face is a WATCHES • SH.VEHWASE m>. i f. •• smugglers in England; about ref- tide, the gist ol which was that must and treated separately in an-reflection, jj -ugee doctors who Inundate .Great the publicity which we aro hav-o t h e r be of sunrise ana her soul cffld GIFT JEWELS^ artl$£::&%' '-•• • A . Britain and- deprive / the native ing in the world-press .since the nothing less than God Himself. \ms, t>y Seven Arts la V:; practitioners of a living, and sim-rise of Nazism, is <ra the whole With her I shall be happy 120 • Syndicate) \ -.S llax. obvious products ^of ^ntt-, not working out In. our fav6r. Poyears and evaa after that our • ":'Semitic; propaganda have fcegjiii litically, It may serve to help the happiness shall continue amid the ' t o .Hindi their way into Londbix' Immediate victims of persecution HUNGARIAN,. MINISTER . newspapers. The alarming fea- by drawing the world's attention Patronise Our Advertisers PLEADS FOR JEWS | •r ture of this propaganda Js that to their suffering, but this exagBudapest (JTA) — Christian .J!. it-hasJmade its appearance not gerated attention in Itself i s hav- conscience demands that 16,000 . :u J n the columns -of. obscure sheets ing- a pernicious psychological ef- Jews whose existence is shaken ; . .like Mosley's 'Action,*. but in fect on the average non-Jew. by the law establishing propori same of t h e leading London d'ail- Many people" who were never tional restrictions on Jewish par! iea. Even such, popular newB- aware of a Jewish problem be- ticipation in economic life not be i i ' papers. •' as' the London Evening fore, suddenly become 'Jew-coninto the street, Minister ff? . •' BOY Y'QMR FOE COAT NOW | j ^Standard"".- and Sunday Express scious', and this is a sure step thrown of" Justice Odon Mikecz declares ." <papers of the type of the Hearst towards anti-Semitism. in a a article In Revue de Hoa'publications in America),- pubbecause . .-. Quality much better - - Selection mucK greater! ' V-~ •' ' A third of the minor reasons is, grie. : lished bitter and . stupid-attacks Hopes that the prohibition on doubtless, the reactionary polition the Jews a t ' t h e very tinie ; when the Nazi atrocities in Vien- cal trend, which prevails in, Eng- kosher slaughter would be lifted na reached 1 the height of their land and In France at the pres- rose after a' delegation of Chrisent moment. The present Na- tian cattle breeders complained to brutality and sadism. • . ,y tional government in England is the ministry of agriculture that not Fascist, not. even ^definitely consumption and export had deEnglish Not Ungenerous -: ' I t "is, not easy to account for pro-Fascist, but its sympathies clined alarmingly. " this strange and disconcerting manifestation .in England, partic'' marly a t the . present moment. : . Whatever fault one may find with I 'the English,.they are kindly and not ungenerous people, i t Is not "like them t&. gloat over sadistic .scenes such aa; are now being en;! Her© a r e t k e s e s s o a ' s C4j.i.EiE,£je3fT?i£" acted In. Vienna. I t is not in the 'English character to kick a man vs/ j j| styles i a tlie ESOSL \r£E.tcd Wt'XB, •when he Is down. Yet, it was at a moment such as tbia that a cerThio Ainasinjj N c v/ "taln section of the London- pres3 I O Persis.n.5 CD Japmtttks O llarna.ots Tire Stops 4 to 223 launch what was certainly one of the most unjust, if Feet Quicker Than I . OLeopard Cats © Seal Dyod Ceise-y not the worst of anti-Jewish .Conventional ' drives. On the very day' when it : became known that the Austrian New Tireo 11! ©Muekrats'. O Squirrels. •:; Narfs had issued 'a decree forbidding every. Idnd^ of employment Prove to yourself in our to Jews,. even by Jewl3h iirms, 1 O Fitch OCar the Evening Standard, the TeadCLI-L CUI dranatic v/ot.glaoo deca- < •J; *ing\ London evening newspaper, onstration how tlicao Qcy> li Sabsl Dyes! B5s« 'published a scurrilous attack on 2! r^S2tC3*a xaako quicbcp, * the Jews based on that very news I jit ^>>' «3j£i.SjIli2k W &rfw*' report. According to the Evening oiraicHt>15r:o stops . . IIOVJ Standard, i t was not the"Austrian tbojr control cico eLids ca Nazis who "were to be blamed tor troachoroas v o t favethat most inhuman measure ever © Hudson Seals ' O Fusisfcrats mento. We iavito you to i --undertaken by a Government l a Oved Cosey' £ilrert«?ae fr."modem history; ( a measure, inmake this teat today 1 ? ciaentally, so brutal that, even i the Nazis subsequently: repuai!' atefi it officially); but the Jews,







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(Editor's Note:. The Jewish . Telegraphic Agency- correspon."' . dent was an eye-witness to tho and gun-battle in ; bombing Haifa on July 6 which, set off tho current Palestine reign or .. terror, and he was voluntarily captured by six Arab band. At a time when the death toll in a month's violence in tho Holy Ijsnd i3 nearing the 200 mark, Roman Slobodan's two articles, 'describing the terrorism in .Haifa are particularly timely.) ".-'•

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has not been borne out by a rigid the streets has been arrested. secret investigation made by Jew-There is a stretch of a few hunish leaders, intended not to dred feet on Kingsway, Haifa's whitewash a possible Jewish cul- main business street, alongside prit or the Jewish people, but to the harbor, Which is pockmocked ascertain the facts for their own by the small bombs which have guidance in dealing with the sit- been thrown several times a day uation. Although they are bitter by Arabs from the nearby "Suq," political foes of the Revisionists, who then raised-; the cry of "Hadthe Jewish leaders in Palestine, da hu!" as a result of this investigation, In one Instance the accusation are ready "to stake their lives on was against the occuthe assertion that the July 6 pantsdirected a Post Office truck bombing was not: the work of any whom ofthe mob took for Jews. Revisionists nor any Jew.' They Arab police arrested them.: When have made no public statement it was found at the police station about this because It would be that several of the men in the Haifa, Palestine. useless^ since they cannot point This city la in the grip of a to1 the real culprit. They suspect, truck were Arabs, all were re• • "vast and sustained p o g T o m one.of two things, either that the leased. : against the Jews. The "shabab" raised a similar disaster was caused by premature The widespread description of explosion of a mine prepared by cry against two Jewish workers the state of affairs which cost a Arab terrorists, or that it was inside the.Grands Moulins de.Paltoll of .35 dead and 163..wounded arranged by agents, of some* great estine, largest flour mill in the in the first week as a "civil war" power. • interested in promoting country, when a shot was fired .Th'rifty SKopper© Bey rt "between'the Arabs'and the Jews disorder In Palestine. in the neighborhood. The workmr c* gives- a • completely misleading ers were arrested, only to be reWhatever the truth about the picture of what is going on in leased when a British constable July 6 bomb, at ths present time announced that the shot came Haifa has become a deathtrap from his gun, which had gone off Infuriated by the explosion of the Jews. Because of the lay-accidentally. a terrific infernal machine on for Bucky Greenbsrg, J. C. C. swir^rdng chun; out of the city, it is Impossible Arson Campaign July .6. which, with the subse- for most of them to go to work grafrulated by Lee Grossman, Center physical director, after the To cap the situation, the terquent-riot, caused the death of and return home without passing 23 Arabs and wounding of 92, as many spots ideal for. ambuscade. rorists have been conducting an youngster placed first at the Okoboji Lakes Invitational Swimcampaign. Besides the fac- ming Meet. well as the death of 6 Jews and stands on the steep slope arson tory of the Imperial Chemical InWQundlng of 2 3, the • Arabs have of Haifa Mount Carmel and on a narbeen conducting a wild reign of row strip of foreshore and built- dustries, Ltd., the torch was ap- Bjicky Greenberg, 14-year-old competed with swimmers all oldterror. , up land at its base. The lower plied to a synagogue, a- Jewish- sensational J. C. C. swimmer, er than himself. Next Sunday he No Jew in Haifa, man, woman part includes the principal busi- owned flour miU\and a dozen took firat place in the breast- •will compete in the Nebraska or child,, can be sure when leav- nessr.and commercial centers, the homes in mixed-quarters. One of stroke finals at the invitation State Swiiaming meet at Peony ing homeof returning there alive. harbor industries, and a factory- the results has been to drive Jew- swimming meet held Sunday at Park. Five years ago" Greenberg, unIn the week following the July 6 district stretching out.toward the ish families into flight from the Arnold's Park, Lake Okoboji, la. holocaust, five Jews were killed Iraq Petroleum Company's pipe- mixed quarters. They have sought The three otter J. C. C. boys also able to swim, a stroke, entered the swimming class at the Jewish and mpre than fifty injured. Most line terminus on the shore of sanctuary by hundreds in Hadar placed. Isidor Freedman took third Community Center. Under J4 C. of these casualities were the re- Haifa Bay north of the city. On Hacarmel, adding a serious refusult of bombing of Jewish' buses. the foreshore also is. the original gee problem to the city's other place in the breaststroke finals, C. tutelage he has become one of Norman Polonsky, fourth in the of the state's outstanding youngDuring the same period, two Arab fishing village around which woes. •Arabs were wounded, one a C. I. the modern Haifa has grown, and Since the beginning of the Junior Boys twenty-five yard er swimmers. D. detective,, whose home was the ATab, "Sug." or market' quar- Arab revolt in 1936, until the freestyle, and Stanley Feltman, At Okoboji the Omaha boys bombed by Arabs, the other present outbreak, Haifa Jewry fourth in the fifty yards freestyle. competed with young swimmers ter. , •'. •••'/. •••••. . ) bomb-thrower shot' by police. City Mixture of Arabs and Jews had enjoyed comparative quiet. Greenberg also placed fourth In from Iowa, Nebraska, and Min•Terror Reigns - ••• The lower part of the moun- Arab terrorism here had been di-. the Intermediate class . where he nesota. The life of the city of 100,000, tainside consists of "mixed quar- rected principally against Arab3 half Jews and half Arabs, leading ters" where Jews and Arabs live who" did not join the nationalist owners have the opportunity to ed on the. slavery Question industrial center of Palestine, the side by side. Further I up Carmel movement, refused to contribute get tax justice once and for all. Rabbi Morris J. Raphall. of New second seaport in the Eastern are purely Jewish residential dis- financially, or were suspected of If • it ia honestly and efficiently York contended that slavery had Mediterranean,' with its great tricts, the biggest of . which is informing. The Arabs learned a directed they will get just that divine sanction. BritiBh, American and other for- Hadar Hacarmel, the heart of bitter lesson in 1929 when they and they certainly are entitled eign investments, in addition to Jewish life in Haifa. It is im- attempted to mob the Jews and to It." , • • for a synagogue in Aththe heavy investment by Jews possible for Jews to get down the were driven back quickly ' with "The big and important ques- enslloney heavy losses. was left by a Christian, ths has been disrupted.- Machine gun mountain to work, and again up Scott said, is this: Duchess of Plaisance, who died in Today, however, the mob lead- tion," nests of marines, sailors and sol-their ^ homes, without passing do you want to direct 1S55. diers are posted- on rooftops through the mixed quarters. The ers have had their confidence in- the"Who government's 5225,000 WPA throughout the city, streets are streets run in steep zig-zags, each flated by belief that the Jews property survey?"—ADV. guarded by troops with fixed bay- turn offering a lurking place for have been classed as terrorists, a onets, and every night the search- &>terrorist Intent on • tossing a belief which grows from the lights of the. Brifish battle-cruis- bomb into a slowly, moving bus. hangfhgr of Ben-Ydssef. They are Ghetto Beach Established BsiiH- - « Modernize on; the offensive, and a great deal "Warsaw.(«TTA) — Nationalist er Repulse and of: the harbor, Re-Roof - ,Re-Side^- Insulate Similarly, the Jews * who com- more blood is likely to be spilled scan the town to light It up for h a v e established a observation by the sentries on the mute into Haifa from the subur- before Haifa Is restored to a sem- students GET FREE ESTIMATE "ghetto beach" at the Dylok reban Jewish colonies along the bay blance of normality. sort. north of the city, and those who RHCKLIBB L U ^ Z Z ^ CO. (Copyrighted by Jewish TeleThis martial array has been from the city to work graphic Agency, Inc.) Unable to prevent the murder, commute, IStk & Nickolas JA E0C2 in the industries In the baysido American Jewry became -arouswounding and beating.of Jews in region, are forced to pass through the streets. The ineffectualness the,Arab part of the city. AI C. Scott of the forces o£ law is another The difficulty of providing pro- As the county primary election feature of pogrom atmosphere. was demonstrated with enters .its final stages it Is apOne entire, section of the city tection appalling, clarity to this corres- parent that much interest is cenIs overrun by the "shabab" - - pondent. One morning about 9 tered in the office of county asthe organized Arab mob - - whose o'clock, after a Jewish bus had sessor; Probably this Is due prileaders boast that they Tule su- been bombed with, a heavy toll, marily to the fact that the govpreme in the Arab quarters, and he learned that under-cver ernment will spend $225,000 in •who, by this correspondent's: per- had discovered that anothermen at- making an accurate and scientific eonal observation, make good tack on 'a Jewish bus was planned survey of all taxable property In that boast. for 5 o'clock in the afternoon on the county so that values for tax•»:•-... Deep Dejection lower slipe of Mount Carmel, ation .purposes may be arrived at to. the Jewish residential dis- ih6 "somewhere near the Govern- by the county assessor. tricts the streets are crowded as ment-Hospital. Despite statements mad'- by > always, cinemas; and cafes ^-are certain political groups, the man liusy in the few hours of leisure , It was" impossible to suspend who the assessor's office before curfew shuts the inhabi- the operation of Jewish buses be- whenisthi3insurvey is launched will . tants :indoors. (Curfew was sub-cause that would have meant that play a big part in the extensive sequently lifted, but again im- all the Jewish wprkers would program. him will depend, posed on July 25—Editor). But have had to walk home through more than On anyone else, the sucthe'atmosphere is one of deep Re- the danger zone. A vigilant watch cess and the usefulness of the jection. The rarest thing in Haifa was maintained by police and survey. today is a smile. It Is rarer even Jewish supernumeraries in the With this, view, Al C. Scott, than fresh meat, the supply of neighborhood. The correspondent democratic candidate for asses•which has been cut off by the posted a man on the roof of his sor, is in full accord. He says: strike of Arab slaughterers, part hotel to scan the hillside for signs "When this survey for which The quality that makes for of trouble. • . of the general Arab strikel Almost exactly at 5 o'clock, the government will spend $225,Besides their depression over is completed under the su. the daily killing and wounding of this loobput rushed down to -an- 000 mileage also makes for safety. pervision of'the assessor it will Jews, the Jewish:, community is nounce that he had seen the white be duty to fix the assessments -further downcast because they burst of smokg from a bomb near for his tax purposes. It is my plan, Right now you can get genuine themselves are the objects of ac- the hospital.. Rushing to the spot, elected, to name a fair and im. cusatlon, and tho cry of "Jewish the correspondent saw a shat- if board -to serve with me . terrorism" has been raised both tered Jewish bus standing, direct- partial Moliaw'k Quality Tires at prices ly outside the institution with In fixing fair and equitable valuh e r e a n da b r o a d . • - ' • • ' • ations on every piece of taxable The original bombing which one man dying, and thirteen men property In the county. "•ffh everj' ~rc":—T, 'CT ' btarted the carnage has been gen- and women wounded aboard. The BO Mgher than, everybody.'.is "This should be done strictly erally laid at the door of friends Arab bomb thrower had carried Of Shlomo Ben-Yossef, the Jew-out his errand - ' - and escaped. on a lair impartial basis and without regard to whom the .own'charging for ' tires of, average ish youth recently hanged' by ver- 1 Jews, Not Arabs, Arrested Added to the terrorism Is the er of the property'may be. dict of the Military Court, the "In this, survey county property first Jew to be executed in Pair fact that the Jews themselves are quality. cstino in hundredsof years. This tho objects of continual accusa- POLITICAU ADVERTISEMENT facile explanation was believed tion by the "shabab" - - the orX .v not only outside Palestine, but ganized Arab mob, who toss small even by the Jews here. Ben-Yos- bombs into the street and then 8eC was a member of the militant point to Jewish passers-by, or to a n d intransigeant Revisionist a Jew attracted to his window by Party, the so-called 'Fascists of the Bound of the explosion, and Zionism," led by Vladimir Jabot- shout: "Haddu hu! Hadda hu!" insky, and some kind of major - - ."That i3 the man!"demonstration was generally exIncidents of this kind occur pected after his death. frequently, and-a number of Jews Revisionists Not guilty have been arrested owing to such But the early assumption that accusations, although not one of the July 6 bombing was a re- the Arabs who have bombed Jewprisal for Ben-Yossef's , execution ish buses and attacked Jews In 7 .


TThen it conies to the selection of a candidate tor the state legisis. r islature in the primary election held on Tuesday, August P.| there are certain qualifications • that should be taken into consid- i f™"^ eration by the voters. '* • They should remember that at ' ' ' least 50 per cent of the people are not organized and that they hare no direct m°ans of "being represented ^vhen important law? , a r e being considered except ' through the representatives they i elect. I Business and , professional or- | ganizations, large corporations, I civic and commercial associations j hare their representatives oa the j job -when legislation affecting S \ them is rnSer consideration. It Caret Asser and Jonas Meyer were the first Dutch Jews to become lawyers after the founding of the Batarian republic.

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MAX HOLZNEAN CHOSEN QI • AS FLA.YHOUSI: OFFICER Every people who go through periods of crisis look to the leaders who will como and rescue then* from their woo. BerJ T e c new 'I" Mrs. Williasi Grey ing the last years of the Jewish nation as the Eoiaen legions - 'CE.-Y of y ©y. £Bs!stea Press TssS-fiisli fey Sirs, ^easiaette G*sj f | TOD JBWIGB KJS33 PUBLISHING COMPANY hammered away at Jewish morale, veritably hundreds,of held proclaimed Messiahs rose in the ancient land. Likewise in the it© r»***s iis*© s. ¥ i U ^ ' p -e h o ' EIELE as a d&y. Is short; RATE3 PUBNICMGO ON APPLICATION gloomy period following the Spanish Inquisition and esile G o o d unsJerstaadlag giveth And And yet . . . . EZ<1 r e t E chosen (JTA)—A. parafic grace, bat t&e tray c£ tfcs A. *• . eenreBiAJ. oppiest esa DRANDBIO THeATce BUH-DINQ brought forth Zevis, Molkos, Eeubenis, Franks, each proclaim, less • Some rasa told court. Is hs.~sh. • \ ctaun CITV opPioe—dsmsw COMMUNITY ing himself the isavior of harassed Israel. Poverty and sbarse shall be to CS. S4TM STRSST . PRINT Some men pass sentence that" refaseth iastructioa but c: Today Jov?ry ia again looking for its leader. And aiding him On the who's great mass; DAV2IS BLAOKSR Business end JSansstos Editor he that regarSeti reproof stall Never ttiskisg and abetting tho Jews air© well-intended non-Jews. Only re-bs henorea. i That all will PEES. i-1 -eoeived prCi*.«rivj the pTeviov.n..^ perrr - } , 2 'o ' . «' • Anaeelato-'Editor cently a feature entitled a "Jewish Crisis in America" and the Ho that- -walketli with \rise raea shall be wise, but the comtsd divorces Sstvees Jevrs. IT- r " s- «» • Contribnttos.: Editor magazine "Judge" called upon, some leader in Israel to arise. '.1ABBI FHBDSEIOE COHH In what eternity Fi bscrippanion of fools shall be pungent » ' • o • .. Boofc Editor Or dark cell cr {I. L3WIS :3ADDI for it. t c r In fact, tho former described what the twentieth century MesDo they foadly fancy Social I TLe courts &re r,cvr reject!'-i " " v . .1. Blaus City/ Iowa, Correspondent Tho heart-knoweth its awn bitFILL Center, diTorce applications filed ve- """" ' siah would bo like. pp terness aad •with its joy no A pertaane&t hell? es, Cal. viously but not yet teu, .r That there exist many self-appointed leaders is modern Stranger caa iaterzieddle. Some men say Iceiadfng EcneroiiE cases vrtere Like ko£s in a cty: Th.e ."' rabbinical divorces a'res.dv '" ' o" NewIsrael's tragedy. Our saviors come upon us like hordes of lo|, Italy has paid its supreme compliment to tho Jews, partic- cuta - - and arc in every sense'the'.same sort of plague. All earth is mine bees granted after the failure of | port. port, T, T, ' , T ; r —t->c-p.tetl in You lay down and file. the rzibi' cozcillnlloz attempts. | 1677. fvr Our Babbis were taught. I t ' ' f the ari ilarly those of • tho AmerioGS, Supposedly to discredit democraThus "a cituation arises ia v/Lich | rir£,l of "The Jewish Press" isn't looking for any leaders to take happened that Ach6r (tbe Infidel C^ " I will guzzle all rivers, many Jews are religiousir but not! ; siea ,the Italian press has rationalized the now anti-Somitio us to a promised land. Surely the very sight of Hitler and the great scholar) -was riding upon iiLMENT Wash in blood cf t i e clave. cfTilly fiirerced. Jews are a : : : . )oliey on the ground that tho Jews are the 'general staff p£ pompous Mussolini and the strutting of e Franco are enough his hersa on the Sabbath and Take stars, sun asfi caooa affected by the ceners.1 profci: .. Babbi Mair was walking behind itHi-Facisin.' • * With me into my grave. tics os legral ceparations b^ n;v.ihim to learn the Torah Irora him. to discourage this desiro of the masses to throw off their re- Ha V.&.1 coasert. said to him, "Mair, turn thee Long ago It was recognised by a non-Jew that the enemies sponsibilities. Shall I tear my hair backwards, for I have already >£ liberty are also enemies of tho Jew. .Every reactionary moveOr clap my hand? by means of ray horse's Eerila (J7A) — The etate .t if a leader must arise we might recommend a deaf- measured I am too little hooves that up to this point is ment o£ pOat-Napolenio Ettropo has included anti-Semitism in itsmute.Yet not.interested in the cultural ET,; ' His deafness would protect him from unsolicited advis- the legal limit of the Sabbath To- understand. eeonotEic welfare oi the Jews, H t srogram. Tho enemies of mankind aro recognized by their vie- ors. And (that a person can walk out the osly that the J e r s should ob'»- , his muteness would prevent the tragedy of top masy city)." Rabbi Mair then said to ptn, unreasoning hatred oi tho Jew, bocauso tho Jew has al-utterances that would better havo been left unsaid. the law, t t e fudge cf the Berl::r- ' him: "Return thyself also." Community Calendsr Schoeabcrg court ported out ;r 'jnya admitted tho sovereignty of tho human soul, tho inherent Whereupon Acfecr replied: ruling that a Jew could not teke , "Have I cot answered three al- FOP. AUGUST S TO AUGUST 10 cf- the general esemp- j lifjnity of the human spirit. ready what I feavs heard from Monday, August &. tloa c-f radios frora tr.ilits.rr con- j • •• ' ;•• i T h e W r i t t e n - W o r d Until tho last month Italian Jewry lived on torms of cqualbehind tho curtain?" "Return, Ksoations in esses of bantruptcr j Bikur Cholim nesting, 1 p . n . , O bacS-sllding children except • By Eabbi Frederick Ooha ty with othor Italians. Dcspito tho reactionary character of actions asfi oefct collection. Rabbi Hair persuaded C and D, Jewish Community CenThis is tho Age of Eeading. Thera are millions of readers Acher." ^neism, thia wao possible bocauso in tho bogmning Fascism him to enter a place of learning. ter. . Patronize Our Advertisers Loan association, S -•oa not entirely reactionary, and also because Italian Jewry in all lands, reading all kinds of publications: books, magazines, He said to a child: "Repeat for p, Workmen's m-, C and D, Jewish Communmo t h e verse which yoa have periodicals, newspapers.^'Of the making of many books there i3 studied today." He quoted to ity Center. .•ao BO small. ,* no Tholi on a whira or tho exigency of a moment, thia equal end." That is what tho invention of printing has done, there- him (Is 48.22) "There is no A. 3 . A. No. 100 meeting, S p. \ peace saJth the Lord uatp the EI., lounge room, Jewish Com- j i ,<tatus was summarily denied and tho Jews of Italy found them- fore to bo regarded as one of tho most important and epoch- wicked." How did Rabbi Mair munity Center. i; •p\5lvC3 at the raoroy of a government notorious for ita ruthless* making of all inventions. It has truly ushered in a new era of study tho Torah from Acher, the Tuesday, AsigHSt 0. i[ infidel? Rabbi D i i a i eaid: Boy Scouts meeting, 7:30 p. m., .'[ . cc.7, B gbvemmont that had come to power, by murder and tor- civilization, revolutionized and transformed human society, en- "Rabbi Mair carefully selected lounge •} ormously increased the means and agencies of education, stim- the good and rejected the evil." Center. room, Jewish Commtisitj. j; A. Z. A- No. 1 meeting, 8 p. m.,: j : Pressure from tho Vatican ia unavailing. Even tho general ulated science, and therefore been the cause of innumberablo Rabbi Illai said: "If ons feels lounge room, Jewish. Ce^nr.rlt'" !• that his passion threatens to other discoveries and inventions. We have not yet fully gauged /ntlp&thy o£ tho people to an anti-Semitio campaign does not ' "ZL'-'rZT"*'' laafee Itself master over him. he Center. ' etc? tho dictator. Ho is under obligation to the perverted tho colossal results wrought by the world-wide use o£ printing shall go to B place where he isWefinesaay, Au^nst SO." * '" r not known and let h'im put on International Workers* Or4cr, i; juntJa of Berlin. Ho must do their will, spread their nefarious and tho ficilities afforded for reading by well nigh the entire black clothes and as he pleases, S p.. m., C and X>, Jewish Ccm-ii ; human race. oatrinea of hato. i] but he shall not profans the name munity. Center. Tho patriotism of Italian Jewry ig forgotten. Undoubtedly -, Eeading implies writing. "Without writers, there would be of Heaven publicly." • ^ ; j ; 10 day will como when the government will eradicate from no readers. Writing is therefore prior to printing. Writing may For Rent © roota ap&rt. I ' During the seventeenth cen- meat. 1S17 No. l§tk £'-. ! r ', a rtomiments tho names of those" Italian Jews who perished therefore be ranked as one of tho greatest arts of civilization. tury the sugar industry of _th9 . j ! ! i Ethiopia, who gavo their lives for a futile cause in Spain. It has contributed vastly to the progress of society. .Creative New World was monopolized by WE S2S7. Jews. ' ho whole-heatred support of tho obnoxious government by writing has been one of the greatest of constructive forces.. It is simply incalculable what the world owes to books and to writ' 10 Jews ia no longer remembered. ' It has been said that if the Jews of the world had not be-ers. Distinct epochs of civilisation center around them. Greek imo GO antagonistic to Fascism, anti-Semitism would not have history revolves around Homer. Virgil mirrors for us the Rojcoaie part of tho Italian government's program. Italian Jow- mca Empire. Danta guides his readers through heaven and hell > was loyal, loyal like tho rest of tho population becauso it and embodies in his inspired person-the entire Middle Ages. ! .an coerced into its loyalty. I t sees now what it was loyal to— Shakespeare is tho BOUI of Renaissance England, and Goethe is tho highest crtistlo expression of tho New Era. "Beware when ; < tyrant who eayo ho in to persecute his own subjects in reGod lats looso a TLiiilor on the earth I" said Emerson. It is even ] *U8Q. for tho attitudo of foreign Jews. \\ Wo have recognised, an onomy We. BQO it in tyranny, in truer of tho writers, o£ thoca who have espx-essed their thoughts >prosaion, in irrelision. It is an enemy that tho rest of thoin writing. The written word is most potent, charged with dynj jorld eeea, particulsrly tho Holy Pontiff who is closo to it. amite. Voitairo and Rousseau by their writings usher in a Fronoh Kovolution. We ell know tho power of propaoanda, not Tile general staff of entKFeeeiam/A fine name,tfhankyou, ;: ;;nssolini. We couldn't have thought up a bettor pno our-only of tho radio, but oven aaore so of the persistently repeated, far-flung written word. Long ago was it recognized that 'the 'Ivca. " ' • ' • ' • • - pen is mightier than tho sword..* Wilson's fourteen points' dethroned tho Kaiser, overthrew the vast militarism of Germany (it's renewed militarism v/ill probably be similarly overKansas elections, comparatively unimportant in. themselves, thrown), and ushered in. a New Era in the midst of whose crea.vo of ton had an ominous meaning attributed to them. Tho tive throe3 wo Gtill are. : vil war itsfclf began in-Kansas and its bloody elections of that Properly is the successful writer regarded with a degree of a eh?ulQ\7 of the coming conflict. veneration. Tlio keys of tho future aro in his hsnds. An EmerTuesday Kaaaas's primary election again was watchson, a Carlyle, an H. G. Wells, a Kant, a Grotius, a Plato have j. Candidate for tho Bopublican senatorial nomination wa3 moulded cociety, while an Aristotle, a Newton, a Darwin, a ad other than bigot Reverend Gorald .Winrodj proaohor con Karl Mars, an. Einstein havo ushered in New Eras.. a bartender turned preacher. Probably tho greatest influence of all has been Israel's ; Liberal elementa in Kansas immodiatoly challenged "Winwritten Bible. It has transformed peoples and civilisation. Rome cVs right to servo tho atato in the Senate. Tho Republican conquered Judea, but Judea's Bible conquered Borne and the repudiated him. Mr. "Winrod, who like most" bigots ia world. The Bible is one of the oldest of books but it is still inable to face tho sad fact that represents a cause ropugnfinitely potent. By many tho Bible is still regarded as the lit.1 to fair-minded, cried out that "Millions aro boins oont into eral 'word of God.' Moro Bibles are printed than any other msos-by tho moneyed o£ the east to defeat mo," "Winrod himbook. It is translated into all languages, and wields power and if, according to eomo reports, was spending five thousand influence over the most diverse races and peoples. The 'Semitic' jllara a week for his election, a sum in itself not very small. Bible holds sway over and rules the destinies of even the '• So sure did "Winrod's eleotion appear that Kansas became impeccable and esdusivo 'Aryans.' Stupendous has been its ::loua. Anti-Somites, even tho local malicious-minded, wcro influence in history and even today in this critical, sceptical, i over thio victory that nover caino. cynical era. It is recognised that the Bible holds a unique place r. it would havo been good for tho Jews had "Win-in literature. It i3 acknowledged that the Bible takes precedto tho Senate. During his campaign ho had softened ence over all other literature. I t is the only literature accorded nti»3cinitio attaoko, Offico might havo mado him more tho distinction by tho universal consensus of the greater porNow ho will havo plenty of timo to accuse the tion, mos.tly highly-developed parts of matfiind of being denomwa and other liberal elements for his defeat, to spew forth inated 'Sacred Scriptures.,' 'Holy Writ.' Even as 'literature,' 3 poison,. and tho Biblo is, of course, not merely a 'Book' but a whole liThe United StatC3 Scnato ia no placo for bicot3, reformed brary of Books, an entire literature, the literature of the Heotherwise. Lot the Kansas election bo a warning to bigots brows — even regarded cs 'literature,' a point of view for which owhero thftt tho United States is not to follow tho intolor- tho lato Sichard Henry Moulton has rendered such, excellent FQIt ONLY t couwo o£ certain Europonn nations. GCrvico in his 'Modern EtaSers Bible' and his *Literary Study of the Bible-,- the Biblo out-tops all otaer literatures, tr-cny of which it has greatly enriched, like our own Enjlfrh literature, by AT THE "Vv hilo tho Holy Land ia convulsed with rioting and blood- its beauties of style, its brilliant and sublkae ideas/ Literature '2d, another PCRCO proposal comes from tho Arabs. That the is the autobiography o£ tlie liumaa spirit' is tli3 brilliantly orVo moderate, Arab leaders arc seeking peace, almost desirous iginal remark of Profcr^or 3ioultoa in yet anotlier vclune in it, is evidenced by thesa proposals. But in each ceso tho pro- which ho makes a survey of traiveical literature. It reminds us ssi! has had as it cardinal principle tho cessation of Jewish, of the statement of Asntolc France, Iiterdf one of tho r o s i est writers of tho vroiid, tlist 'all Trritin^ is autobic^rnphzr-L mi^ratiors as a'proludo to peace. SILVOT0N£ MUSKMT An loss as Palestine remains th© only refngo for the por-It is sdf-eoniessioa. "Whctevc? vro profess to be writing cfco-at, BROWN CARACUL ',ut;cl oi Europe, thia condition will never be considered by •vre aro writmrj in 1: cnsljcis about carrclvcs. Every T™ittca ] .•) "icnht3. »r.?ao Holy Itand was conceived to rcnovo th production ox ours Elioitl-2, bo a ccr ovm nsn:o 'c tsrepos' 1 i';k::j from ml'oiivsitciblo territory. of the pr.rtictibr subject v,*c z^-.j "oa diz;";3Jr.3. J Hev/avc? Britain h uow considering Kenya and Rhodcsi Tho Eibl2 ir, tlicrcforc, tue" aute-bio^xvp'ay oi IsrccL I:i it: '^crjiblQ havens £or Ecich aad Polish refusccs. SIcsico a^d fho JCTT !iR.C rcvccled Ida o~2. soul. It ia £ soul cr.C c c'.:r .\"c,;r [ "\t". Tizrjfa~S m<\ ?. for,* South'American- coiratiies siay admit of T>ncslcr3 T*ortli to Ircxi^.nlt;r. Szdi a coui r.^ci c c-r.rc'tcT £.~"?. •• .;!! 2Lr,-v.ib^?;» This \ri\l, of .courso* easo tho preosurc oa Pcilcc act bo oppressed csc tc.iroycd. X-Icuom p;^;o;;.t::;_;'e:,;.*! sCRf tot





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Page 6

THE JEWISH PBESS—FBIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1SSS sued at. the door wMch was interrupted by the professor, calling, "You there, stop taxing ana Mother chapter of A. Z. A- will j bring me an eraser;" Whereupon take in a pledge class of new! the. eminent wife of the wellmembers sometime before the j known director scampered about, summer tournament to. be held in j found an eraser, and victoriously Omaha over Labor'day. The new j entered the class-room. members will be fortunate in being able to attend an A. 2. A. It was the last scene of convention as their first activity j "Straight, Place, and Show." Al in A. 3 . A. - Names of those in j Ritz was having an awful time the pledge class will bo an-! with one line, "Why worry?" Afnounced soon. ter tfie eighth take the director A number of the members of came up and wanted to fcaow the Mother chapter were present j what was the matter. Answered j l "II just can't feel It!" to bid farewell last Sunday tojAl, Ben Barkin, assistant executive; secretary of A. Z. A. and former) Quips and. Tips: Louleebee advisor of A. Z. A. 1. Also de-j Mayer will build a-three-quarter parting early that Sunday morn- j mile track on his ranch . . . a ing was Dave Weiner, who was race, not sound, track, of course. moving to Washington with the Georgia Tapi>3 is In town . . sot seeking a return to films . . bat A. Z. A. offices. A regnlar meeting of the resting before his return to Mother chapter will be held Tues- Broadway's 'I'd Rather Be Right* day, August 9. Next Sunday, at . . . With tho revival cf "Haedl l a . m., the chapter's Softball chen ia Uniform," the ads esit was made in Germany team will play the league-lesding plain (B. H.)! Jack Warner was the Milder Oils at the Dewey dia- only M. p . (motioa picture} nemmond. ber to officially greet the President oa his flying visit through town. Sid Skolsky's brother, and his very double, works in the trailer department at Paramount. Rehearsals for the Jewish Adolph Zukor, Jr., sad-laced, reDrama Unit's next play, "Der sembling Buster Keaton, trods Wilde Mensch," were held Mon- the lot occasionally but holds no day evening at a meeting which official position., Hearing a Chitook place at the home of Mr. nese player rehearse his part in and Mrs. J. J. Brown of Council dialect, and then speak perfect Bluffs. Mr. Paul Nerenberg is English off-stage, Ratoff exclaimed, "Why, 'he speaks better dramatic director. Four new members were ac- English almost than I do!" Aucepted into the club at the meet- thor credit on "Boy Sleets Girl" ing. "Der Wilde Mensch" is to was changed from "Sam and Bella Spewack" to "Bella and be given In the near future. Samuel Spewack" . . . a courteFollowing rehearsals, Mr. and ous, formal gesture by Sam. Mrs. Sol Gendelman entertained with a violin and vocal solo. Mr. Sam Kenyon is chairman Masie Rosenbloora .tries to help of the group. a pal whenever possible. AfA picnic wil be held at Hans- out ter obtaining a role as sergeant com Park on Sunday, August 14, in Marines, he prevailed upon starting at 2 o'clock. John Feld- thethedirector to give "bis out-ofman and Mrs. Paul Nerenberg work pal a job. The pal was cast are on the committee In charge. as a recruiting sergeant, and his uniform bore one more service ON HONOR ROLL AT stripe than Maxie's. "That's gratfor you," moaned Maxie. "I UNIV. OF OMAHA itude get a fellow a Job, and right Included on the roster of all-A away he's promoted over my students at the University of Oni- heda." aha last semester were the names of Macy Baum, Maurice Klain, Winchell was one of Gus E3and Abram Dansky. . wards' proteges . . . one cf those Pauline Roseabaum and Max .i precocious whipper-snappers Halperin also made the Univer- which included Jessel, Caster, sity's "honor roll," each with a^Lee, etc. "Waltab. sang In the twelve hours of A. Newsboys' Sextette. Too hoo, loradora! Began his journalistic career from the theatrical end . first assignment was on the Vaudeville News ia IS22.


GBOSS-FKAKS Of mucn interest here and elsewhere was the surprise announcement recently received by their many friends and relatives o£ the marriage of Miss Ruth, Frank, danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Prank of Ocala, 3Tla.,, to Mrv Ralph Harold Gross of New York" City, son of Mr. -and Mrs. Harry .Crosg of Omaha. The -wedding was solemnized on Saturday, May 21,. at the Community House of Temple EmanuEl in New York. Dr. Pearlman performed the ceremony. Tho hride, a member of a pioneer Florida family, attended the University of Alabama and •\rts. graduated from the University of Illinois. She .-took postgraduate w o r l at Grsdwold School of Labratory and X-Ray Technique, and is a member of the Sigma. Delta Tan sorority. Mr. Gross, -who Is a native of Omaha, attended Creighton university where he was a member of the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. The young .couple will reside In Ne-w York.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Ldppett announce the marriage of their daughter, Martha, to Mr. Doris Kellner, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Kellner of Los Angeles, Calif. The marriage took place oa Sunday, July 24, at Yuma, Ari?. Mrs. Kellner attended tho University of Nebraska and - is a raduate • of Creighton. She is a member of the Sigma Delta Tau sorority. ' Mr. Kellner is a San Diego business man. The couple trill make their home in that city. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Sophia Monsky announces the engagement of her daughter, Pearl, to Marvin Polakof, son of Mr- and Mrs. Sam Polakof of Los Angeles, Cal. The wedding will take place in the autumn.

HONORS BECENT BRIDE Mrs. Jack Lincoln entertained GO guests at a luncheon and linei± shower at her home on Thursday, Tuly 28, to honor Mrs. Irving Olifskyof Chicago, a recent bride. ANKOUHCE BAB BJEEZVAH Mrs. Olifsky had spent a week in Mr. and Mrs. J., Chorney an- Omaha. ' •nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, David,, on Saturday, August TO VISIT IN OKLAHOMA 13, at the B*nai Israel Synogogue, Mrs. Sid Raskin arid daughter, ISth and Chicago streets. Paulino, left last night for On Sunday, August 14, Mr. and Janet Oklahoma City, where she will Mrs. Chorney -will receive ini hon- visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' or of their Bon at their home, 2221 No. 19th from 3 to 6 p . m . H. O. Raskin. lJEf ARTS FOR NEW YORK FROM SAN FRAKCISCO Mrs. William Gimple is leaving ..Mrs. O. Rubens and children, Tliriam and Carl, of San Fran- Friday for New York City. cisco, Cal., are visiting in Omaha •with Mrs. Ruben's parents, Mr. COUSINS CLUB The Cousins club will meet on and Mrs. N. Finkelstein. Thursday, August 11, at ^t home of Mrs. Leo Simon, 3420 VISITING PARENTS r Mr. and Mrs. I. Soref of Detroit Franklin street. are visiting their parents, Mr. and TO DENVER Mrs. ,G. Soref. Miss Esther Klaiman left July 28 for Derver, Colo., «to visit her SIOUX CTEYA3ST KETUENS uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. HOME Seldin, and her cousins, Miss Mrs. A. Mazie; who has been I>. and Miss Allice Seldin. visiting in Omaha, returned to Bernice She plans to be _' gone several Sioux City last Sunday with lir. weeks. and Mrs. Victor Masie, who motored here for the day. MONSKY AND


Jewish Drama Unit

SOU VISITS FREIDENS Mrs. S o p h i a Monsky and "• Mr. Jarvls. Freiden of Bl Paso daughter, returned TuesTer., Is visiting his parents,. Mr. day from Pearl, a three-week trip to and Mrs. M. Freiden. California. HOME AFTER EASTERN • Hollywood — Winchell, emergRETURNS. FBO3I CHEYENNE TACAJSON ing from a showing of "AlesanRose G. Cohen has returned Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freedman Cheyenne, Wyoming, where jler's. Rag-Time Baad/'• said he and son, AI, and daughters, Lil- from she attended the "Frontier Days' cried . . . cried all through the lian and Pearl, recently returned rodeo. • picture . . . because h.e wasn't in from a three weeks' visit in Balit!" timore, Md. BACK FROM OKOEO3I The visit marked a Teunion of Paradoxically, "Pins and NeedThe Misses Anne Reiss and Mr. Freedman with his sistera Rose Feldman returned Tuesday les." the I. L. G. W. U. (Internaand other relatives whom he had from an extensive trip to Lake tional Ladles' Garment Workers not seen for over 28 years. The Union) revue, was preiniered .-.-••. Misses Pearl and Lillian spent Otoboji. here like a super-colossal Goldthree days in New York City as DEPARTS FOR, EAST mine production. Hollywood's inthe guests of Miss Esther and Last Tuesday Miss Rose Feld- telligentsia turned out en masse, Miss Fay Bolkin. man departed for a visit with rel huge kliegs blazed, star-gaiers atives in New York City and stormed, and, as one wit chirped, HOME AFTER MOTOR TRIP Washington, D . C , she was ac- "the place was oozing, with er• . TO NEW YORK companied by Mrs. R. Epstein mine!" Mr. and Sirs. M. H. Pessen and and daughter, Betty. daughter, Beverly Jean, 'returned Mrs. Mervyn LeRoy Ynea Doris last Friday from a five weeks Erection of a guillotine in St Warner) fills in spare time by motor trip to New York City. Esprit near Bayonne during: the taking a college course in philosFrench revolution was prevented opy. Other day she arrived 1st® by the eloquence of Rabbi Abra- to class without the official exANNOUNCE BIRTH , Mr. and Mrs. Max Levine of ham Andrade. cuse slip. A polite argument enLincoln, Nebr.-.ska, announce the birth of a son on Monday, July 25, at St. Elizabeth's hospital. Mrs. Levine Is the former Margaret Bearr. MRS. GITLIN RETURNS Mrs. Louis Gitlin and son", Paul, "have returned from a two © SIXTEENTH AT HARNEY •week visit in Huron, South Dakota, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Garder and family. A Feature Value TO VISIT ON WEST COAST in Our Mies Ida Blacker will leave Sunday morning for a month's stay on the' west coast. While in Hollywood, Miss Blacker will visit with her sister,' Miss Libby Blacker. Later she will go to San Diego, where she will be the guest of her brother, Leo. Before returning she will stop i n San Francisco.


J08LYN MEMORIAL A motion picture film, "Looking Back Throush the Ages" will be shown in the Joslyn Memorial lecture hall this Sunday afternoon at 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. The^ organ recital at 4 p . m . Sunday will be played by Esther I^eaf, assisted by Kathleen Kelly, soprano, and Gladys Hamstreat, accompanist. The children who have attended the Joslyn Memorial summer art classes -will uold an exhibition of their work for their parents • and friends on Saturday morning, Aug. 13th from 9 to 12.

. TKis week's laureate wreath to lie'bard v/ho sJnss: 'Cared victims of a lethal Eioc!:, The literary moursers Must crawl from bed to punch the deck By tea a. n . ct Wc™c™." Eitto at Universal wtsre timeclock punching is now ia. vc^ue. And at R. K. O. all p-ozss en zzts

By Arises Sclesieu Dear Suzy Q: I'm so thrilled with the new fall "doll" t a t s . You really must see them! They're the tiniest things—just little bits of felt or velvet which you wear tipped so far over .your eye that they nearly touch the bridge cf your cos-?. You see, *he Idea is to show al! the little curls en the back cf the head, because carls will be the prime feature of the new fall hair dress. As I said before, these "puppet" hats sre simply ravishing! It seems as though all Omaha —that isn't at Ckohoji—west to Sioux City this week. There were Joy and Lee Jane Greenberg. Ternette "Wright, -Connie Kyers, Arline Krasne cf Council Bluffs, B e r n i c e Himelstein, Rhoda Krasne and Ruth Rossnst""^. Quite a crowd, don't you think? Did you know Reva Gerelieli gave a dessert luncheon last Friday, honoring Mrs. Joel Cheraiss, •and that Helene "Vvohlner has been ia Minneapolis the last couple -of weeks. "Was awfully sorry to hear that Pearl Meyerson of Council Bluffs is In the hospital because of as emergency appendectomy Tuesday night. Did I ever tell you that at the time the much talked o* picture, "Boystown," was being filmed here, some scenes were taEen at the Union depot where your aunt and several other women were playing bridge. Director Taurog, needing extras for a mob scene, asked them to take part; EO when the picture is released, don't be surprised if several worsen walkIng about the depot ssem to look strangely familiar. I guess It's just one of the ironies of life that directors chase after the mothers of kids who would give their left arm and right eye to appear in a picture. John Merritt, who jest graduated from Columbia university, stopped hers for several days last •week on his way frca New York to Berkely, Cal. Three cheers for Bucky Greenberg:, trho placed iirst in the junior division o£ the swimming meet held at Late Ofeoboji Saturday morning. Ke must'be cuite a swliaiaer! Another member.of the Omaha colony at Okoboji is Genevieve Stein. Shirley and Sylvia Epstein

! are ex-members, becanse they re- police force and as in"] CoReervaiiY©, declared that | turned last Sunday. .the &TXHJ, srfi as to v-hefcer tie this tuut T l . r Crvi P I * ? fl j Am expecting a long eight or minent v-as conciJe-icj b'jchmp *. or t r""-e ** ,~e I 10-page letter from you Ia a few j days; so don't disappoint me. ' j 1 tricts Affectionately, A. I the pz P. S. What is yo-ir Grandfattcr j Susciel C. Q. K!ty's nunibcrt r"e ) told rse to call him abect a job.

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JeriiEElsin (TTisS-Palcor Acer- ! cy)—The Palestine jrcverr.~ent! was requested to increase the i arming cf the Tishuv in a resolu- ! tion ot the Council c* the Histsd- ! ruth (Jewish Federation of IA- • bor}. The enlistment cf volvin- : teers for the assistance c" isolat- ; ed Eettletnents in response to the ; appeal issued iy the Yishuv com- i mittee is progressing satis'factori- \ Ij. Nearly 1,000 youths hare thus : *ar been enrolled. : Thousands of -workers and < youths are daily and nightly guarding- the Tissuv, valiantlyrepelling attackers, says the reso-


"All attempts tc

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tjie bounds of responsible Yishcv conduct are- regarfisfi as lunacy and provocation. The Tishuv is called on to maintain iron discipline." Five Revisionists were sent to jail, having- fceen sentenced to one yes.r each at Acre prison oa g k i g ttsra t t s a vritb. tne charges linkin

current disturbances. A m. o n g : them is Or. A. Lcbctsfcr. leader of the Eetar, youth Revisionist group, ia Tel Aviv. Last September £e received & ialf-year seutecce ca virtually s i m i l a r i grounds. «frfrs Pait. cf Police liOndon (YTTCS-Palcor Agency} —la reply to a .questioE put is ths house cf co~:2ionE by "'Geoffrey Kander, -Laborlte, as to vrbu steps liEfl bssn t a t e s toyrzre. eclistiag Jewisii volunteers in ths



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are closed down during the rac- ! |3 Ing season. (!| Pity the Movie Muse, chained ;|'; to Sis desS: and crushed by reg- j p ular hoars. . . IK

{Copyrighted by Jewish Tc!sgraphic A^esrr, Inc.)

y The ninny \7czzt-z, Trho1 h a v e selected Ktrrbcr^ furs the post cis daj-s . . . convinces us t h a t our August Sals offers Great Inducements . . . ca bsfere YOU bay . . . rc& zilz you to consider




it's churned from.

-Sweet iGr

Styles that anf New and S citing in this most desirable'I fur. Wo were fanatical about '" the construction'and the intrinsic value of .thesa beou' liful coals. That's. why pay you to shop Car"I939~iTsr-ces* . . end .wo "kno\7 you'll consider this outstanding group.. USE OUR'LAYAWAY • Sasll Deposit Holds Your Cost

', . CREAK: .



Others Up to






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FAREWEIX TO" QUEEN—Scene as chief mourners leave Bucharest, Rumania, to follow the body of' the late tlowager Queen Marie to the mausoleum at Cutreau. King Carol, Prince Nicholas, Crown Prince Michael, two of the .Queen's daughters and the diplomatic corps are seen. •"i-'M t'jv - V

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WEITES LIFE STORY—Geraldine Farrar, the pretty girl who began singing in the Unitarian, church in Melrose, Mass., and eventually was called to sing before presidents and kings, and who reigned as Queen of the Metropolitan, is writing the story of her life, "Such Sweet Compulsion," to be published in October. She is shown at her home in EidgefieldiJConn.

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PRESIDENT—Prank J. Hogan of Washington, D. C, elected president of the American Bar Association, at the recent convention in Cleveland.

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EEFUGEES — Arriving at Victoria station, London, are sozis of the 23 Ladiss of the Sacred Eeart sot free by authorities o Barcelona, Spain, on request of American Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy. Appeal was inaas to Mr. Kennedy and he conferred UTiCfScially trith Britisli Prims Minister Charnberlsin end Vascoimt Halifax. Upon release of the r.rns, toey were taken to England aboard a British destroyer. They fill live in London until the end of the war.

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AT REFUGEE CONFERENCE — Jean Paul-Boncour, secretary general of the intergovernmental conference on refugees, at Evianles-Baias, France, stresses a, point, during one of the meetings. Ee is s nephew of the French Foreign Minister.

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ri. f~ r:.-'i"IiH\.?r< or more AT AST EX jC—AraonE than SCO German artists in London, vlicsc vo"t r s r -s^ently Pilioried b^ Chancellor Ili'Jor ES Ihri 0: " c T ^ - f t r ^ " F W these tvo famous mcr,. At Iclt ir Z . C- ^ 0 : 1 - y - i n ^ M^r,ri Pr , and author, cl^ttins vith /nrw"".?r n.^-i- Jo'i-., r.-iji^ rr-;.ntpv and etcher. Their chat rppcers to hr^-s ^^r? joi;^.


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FAMED COURIER HONORED—Major Andrew S. Rowan, 81, who as: Lieutenant Rowan delivered the famed "message to Garcia" In the war with Spain, in 1898, receives the Order of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes from the Cuban consul, at a hospital in San Francisco Presidio. Major Rowan Is in the wheelchair, with Mrs. Rowan beside him. Consul Jose J. Zarza is a t right.

.Ml 1

ZZ1—Variety cf coHes sent t o President Roosevelt f r o rr. L Soutli American countnss, so that ha may hive a choice for his j^e£.IifL£t_cr.p. i s ^ p l a ; cd t r

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WATEB 'BEPLACES SNOW-Otto Lang, widely Known a s s&i performer and coach, takes to the water, in place of snow, at Coronado; CaL Here he executes a "dry landing" on sjds. Letting go of a tow-rope, he coasts into the dock without getting wet. Accurate judgment of spasd is necessary. If he goes too fast, he crashes and if 400 slow, he sets a ducldng.

PEOPLE WITHOUT A HOME—While representatives of 32 nations, meeting at Evian, France, seel; to assist refugees emigrating from Gsrmeiny and Austria, countries adjoining the Nazi states already havo a problem by the influx of peopie. Scenes above were taken at a refuses center a t Bruexm, ufcsrs the Czc;hoclovalilsa GQvcmrccnt

provides for them. Tc? pane!. peeUns potatoes for the ccninsunitv meals. ZF.II center, a fcrc,*? at tabls Ri^ht center, farmer wealthy busmcai. mrn. nc'7 iT.tscvcrirtied, tells !r~ J-tory to Fntc nvcrr^vz, Le-icI cf tiic inveer^^tlns c c p ^1u i r c . Bottoir., refuse; ccilircn are irr-'z-r.: to p^os . ILclsd chilrlrcr, r.ra r l r ; ^ rc-^ c:-tz^r<

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• recuUs Kc~tucl7' or. ",ur / r '-."i Ter-o~:r,TZiDT IF i rival. Governor A b: poisonec v^ts:

L >s his recently


moro alive and interesting to you By AUNT than Greet /myths? Why not ro aro . : _ write about them? Why not stay. cm? storfe^ of gzeat 3ewMi at home, rather than travel into •women end T?ritixig about Em- strange lands for your subjects?" m s Jjazaaras, the great Jewish '"I have nothing to say about postes3. baa is the O&Q who them," she said thoughtfully. xTzoto tho poem- that • is In« "I've traveled too far from home, Ecribea ba tho Status ©J l i b - you see.", erty. ' • , ' • . ' A girl came into the room and - On Sunday, TTO shall coin— around at the visitors. • - memorate tho holiday 61 Tisha looked Emma," she said hurryb'av waich really V means tne ing"Oh. the; poet's side. "I Just ninth <fc:y of tho month of Av.~'. knewtoyou would ba here. We can This is a very cad day- in Jewtogether." $3li history for history tens ca walk-home "My sister, Josephine Lasarus," that on this dcy tha Kempls introduced tho newcomer.' •'. . T«*i3 destroy oil dud tSiQ Jews •Fifteen minutes later Emma •were ilrivca from their land. were walking I t v?B3 also on this'.day that. and Jpsephint) the sunny streets of Newtiio CJGTTO wero driven" Ironx through that led to their .home. . Spain in 1402, and in more re- York full, billowing skirts swirlcent times we find that: the Their about them, they went leis•world \tasf began on "that day..'•'• ing' urely along," enjoying the late in 1015, arid that even tho first' afternoon sun. Josephine chat^_rlota in Palestine l a 1829. fte- ted gaily-of a new friend she had ca thci time. -. .<•.' .. ; '•-'• m e t . " - . _,.;•- • ' . . ' . . • • " Xany Sevrs tasi an this day /"I've invited her to dinner for p?ay that tho 'A'emple bo rabailt a d that tlia Jewish tomorrow," she said happily. ."Her pcoplo bo restored to their family are Spanish American homeland. Wo bop&^.ttxat be- Jews, like' ours." "I suppose so," murmured her tore long' Jevrish people will ••" • ••••••• have co well rebuilt ntheir? land s i s t e r d i s t a n t l y . "Why Emma," cried JosepHine, that Tiska b'av viill no longer "you havsn't been listening to a fco D day of cadness, word I'v© been saying What's xorB tho trouble?" * "Nothing. -Nothingi - really, J

Tho - warm afternoon sun filtered through' the large •windows of- the classical room' \of the Nevr York Mucsam of Art, giving . a . warm, rosy hue to tae marblo figurea perched on pedestals. A marble Apollo rose graceful and trumphant in his ellm Grecian beauty. Beside him stood a 'smoothly glowing Rsyche like a timid nymph, harnessed torever to her pedestal for all eyes to admire. Zens grandly dominated his subjects, his bro^r rigid and lofty stamped. Ia perpetual grandeur. .. • ^ 'People passed from statue to statue, admiring eyes raised to _fhe" Greek emblems of life and beauty. A warm buzs of conversation floated through tho sunny room. ;. V '"I've never seen that statue of "Daphne before, have you?" a young man asked his companion. "It was borrowed from another museum for this exhibition," his companion answered.- "Beauti-iu^-isn't lir like a. yooag..due.". " /"Yes. It reminds .me. ot many of Emma Lasarus's poems — chaTming and graceful." ••"• "Emma . Ziazarus?, yfhd is / "Haven't you heard of her in Eg She's a young Jewish it&merlcan^poet Trho writes a great fepp'-^oemsTon Grc-e&jsnbjects" nrpriEPi^ao^lsnftie

i .

f^aruGi.min't^miss^an^'eshlbltlon HJreefe statuary, if sho can help k at that statue of Pluto. It almost looks alive;" •^ Emma Ir&zsras Appears •. The two men walked on to a corner of the i^aom. A young slim,. dark-haired woman stid. denly|appeared at tao door. The 2>uz2:of4convereattqn stopped, all eyea flzedron her as she stepped 3ntp the^room, he? face alive \rith Jjeen excitement. "EmmS: lAsarus,** U vhlsper •passed from mouth. '-; " I say," said the Englishman, ''there's your Emma Lazarus;" :C Hist: companion,' v?ho had bent ' dovvn - to - read •'an - • inscription, 'straightened - up . a n d looked around at the young i?oet who :had stopped before the fleetlimbed Daphne. -; "So-fihe is. I knovfr her personally. "Would you like to meet .lier"?" - • " • - • • ; v "Rather." — •"-•


Thetwo-msn^approached Em-


Lazarus. ..-'',-../ " G o o d •a f t e r n o o n , - * M i s *

•"•'.• Iiaa-

arus,". her acauaintance greeted l e r .




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"Did that. Englishman say he didn't, like'your poetry?" "Of course, not! He never read my poetry." "ReaUyl r don't 'like him at all." .-- • , Emma. : ,"SUly ; j o , " laughed "Now what were you saying about your friends?" "She's anxious to meet-yon, E m m a dear. She sayss o n e wouldn't know at all, from your poetry, fix at you- era Jewish." "I suppose, not.. I have traveled far from home into strange fields, haven't I ? " "Whatever do you mean?" "We've never been trained to -be especially. Jewish," Emma burst out unexpectedly, "and why should I write about what I don't J feel?" "Oh that horrid Englishman!" said Josephine. "He must have Bald something to upset you. I knew I didn't like him as soon as I set eyes on him." Emma Lazarus stopped abruptly. A news vendor was hurrying along towards them, his papers prominently displayed.. ' , - • • ' . ' "Pogroms against the Jewu in Russia," Emma Lazarus read-the headline inra-dazed voice. "Paper, boy;** . g

hifeited ia London scsi Paris ... . called t h e St. Kevin's Parade i SALZBURG FESTIVAL Her sister is a ecalptrees srho was Tie Ttees of LCE- i j,<-.,»*,»««,...»»,«- ^^^ vr., «-rp,,f^ it" decorated by • Jkiussoliei . . . Her doa sclesisly ssiss rp tta Kars brother. Sign or Algraaatl. is the Brothers brand cf tumor la the "Etc si kiag" of Italy . . . Dr. following critical phrase; "Tc/ . — ns. O' KlcSnierar's Eister is Roraa Ssteh, Eosae, Harpo Is a clours of gea-'i <3r; an actress and wife cj t i e aote3 ius; to ethers his clovrzizs Is dis» ' f-1r r actor Kurt Katca,. sad lives in tasteful and tobesile . . -. Asr exV,, A r v v T i t r f ' ? • " > • * " Xew York . . . Yvlssre Mr. Satclj has organised the Jswish Dra- deliric'as, wculd talk ia tie rsEEmatic Players and will present ner cf Grouoho Mars" . . . T?e them nest Fall at the Irving j just can't wait till' tee Times gets newspaper on the floor. .Theatre, a former bzrlss- around to discussing the raTins la I "How dare they," she cried in Placa Bltz Brothers . . .'" It should bs a ringing voice. "How dare.they O.UB colossal'. . . Wfcea JJahatna Ganharm them, my people!" Then she raised her eyes, •'JJISH-MASH: Watch for a new dhi ^as In prisoa soae rears luminous with her new fire, to Angio^Jewisa''periodical of a high ae was allo-cred to choose a be- of booirs . . .- He esked for those of her bewildered sister. calibre, to ba published the traditional tea . . . And tb? "I didn't know what was in my literary as' a bl-montnly starting ia the first of the list was "The Book heart," she said softly, "till this Fall . . . Ucder the editorship of of Jewish Thoughts," by Cine. r happened. Now I've found my a .member of tha Jeirfsii Theolog- Rabbi H. Hertz of Eng1, real subject, my people. You see, ical Seminary faculty . . . A Mi- land . Joseph . . This item should • be I've come home again.". ami "Anglo," in en editarisl ia to t i e attention' cf tha She turned back to the table a recent issue, spoke ct a "Jew- brocght Society for PreTeation cf Crueltr and picked up her pen. ry" of non-Jews which coavjeted . . . A horss in Man"And it's good to be benne," those Yephank Yahoos . . There's to Animals was- naned "Hitler," to which she added as she bent over a a cantor In Buffalo, N. Y-, •WEO ila the German COUSKI took excepfresh sheet of paper. bears -the rather appropriate tion . . Any horseaaa who nafees n a a s of "' Schuleisger, -srtdeb his nag Hitler ought to be reportprompts Carl Alpert of Bcstca to ed to the S. P. C. A. . . . li •wonder whstH^r the sane or tae — profession cause first.. . There's a.'synagogue on' St. Ke-srfs's Pa- (Copyrighted by Jewish Telsrade, a street ia Dublin . . . It's 'graphic Agrescy, Inc.)



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RUMOR: "There's . a rumor floating around," scintillates Aleph (Poet) Katz, "t&st Yeauii Meminla has Jewish blcraa ia his veins."• CANTOBIANA: "Sddle Cantor," -writes Vic Bienstock from London, "cams to tov?n to help the German-Jewish children get to Palestine . . . He received reporters in white pajaraas over the breakfast table and for an hour or more (with telephone interruptions on the average of every sisty-five seconds) expounded bis views on life, revealing that beneath the Pagliaeei exterior there is somewhat more than meets the eye . . . Eddie poured oat bis heart . . . Ho described the terrible sufferings of persecuted Jews, Protestants and Catliollc3 . . . He told what he -canted to do for them: He lambasted Hitler . , * But one of the local boys floored him , . . Breathless and . exhausted, - Eddie finally •wound'up-'...•with, the story about the aged rabbi In the synagogue on the Queen Mary who beat himself BO hard on the breast that be Knocked himself out, and indicated that so far as he "was concerned, • the interview "was over . v . But it -wasn't . . » 'Mr. Cantor,* said one of the local pres3 luminaries, "would you .mijid giving me in .•.one striking sentence your feelings about the persecuted" Jews in GermanyJL'* •


1 :


THANK new weekly subscribers are ob

JAPARYAN5: There's Standing there: on tha street, she read through, the long article, tlsat Japan is about to eabark her sister leaning over her shoul- on an anti-Jewish drivs to keep der and reading with her. Then, up with Italy and Germany , * . silently, they continued on their But the Japs nad" better tread way. too upset to speaS. When cautiously in the path of "Aryanthey reached their home Emma Ism" . . . Bec3css there are eminhurried to her room, and closing ent Jap scholars who have - adth*e'-door behind her, sank into'a duced volumes of evidence that She sat motionless, her the Jap3 are descend*i|ita c£ .ins kchair. 3fe£U eyes staring: through the window TeaLost Tribes . . • into endless distance. • Shadows began to lengthen in the room, BIGOTRYANA: An American and 3till she sat there,- as rigid newspaper, the Chattanooga Free aa- the statue that had delighted Press, is taking a leaf" from tha her that day. , . Goofy Goebbels type of journaDarkness filleS the room and lism . . . An editorial in a recent she ar63e- and lit a lamp. Then, issue comments «n some protaking a paper from a desk, she labor resolutions introduced by began to write. Swiftly her pen Morris Iushewitz. at tha Newsraced over the paper. Then she paper Guild convention-ia Toronstopped, read the TTords she had to recently g . i; "His •'name •wpuld written, and with an impatient end,'"1 tita P|ipes " §seers, ''wita gesture-tore up the sheet and •wits ..or' .^ski.*-*S» - 4 , Wonder iftook a fresh one. Again her pen the' same paper S3 turning down sped over the paper, Someone* advertising by merchants i o knocked at the door*. - names gnd the same "Come in," Bhe called out .Josephine came into the room, DEPOBTEE: Things you'didn't "Why Emma," she exclaimed, see in the newspapers about J. "your eyes look so feverish! You David Kleinlerer.the JTA's Some correspondent who was ordered aren't ill. "No I'm jiot," Emma said firm- expelled for his 'generar attitude' ly. , "I've found a new subject. ..... He .writes and speafes a dozea languages . • .The Italian Justlco Listen."' • And taking up the', paper,; she Ministry recently published •«. new book be bad written . . . He had r e a d : • ' . • • ' • . • • - ' . . iWake, Israel, ^rake! Jtecall to- worked for the Italian Ambassador 14 ^Warsaw « » s Ween tae •-"•"'••" d a y ' "'"' " "..'• ~ '". ' ' League of Nationa was founded, The glorious Maccabean rage, he was sent as a reporter fos PolThe sire heroic, hoary-gray. ish 'newspapers to Roma,» . . His His five-fold lion lineage Tha Wlee, the Elect, ths Help-of- wife, Bianca Algr&natl, 5a"igliter of t&a late Prof. Chisf Rabbi AlGod Tho Burst-of-Sprlng, |EQ Aveng- graaati, is. a painter Mfbs* Jisa esing Rod.

for the-way you recdved our announcement of the proposed -, THE OMAHA POST, to be started!a* soon as 2fl,000

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"Mr. Richards!" Bhe smiled ; -warmly. "I didn>t expect to eee you here." • "This is any friend, Mies LasaruB, J!r. Henry. He's an Eng- A rag, a mock at first—erelong, lishman and has unfortunately When men have bled and women never-read your poetry." wept. "But I shall," Mr. Henry prom- To guard its precious fold from ised gallantly. wrong, ' ' "I'm afraid you won't find it Even they who shrank, even they as charming as all this," Mr. who slept, • •Henry said hestitantly. Shall leap tb bless it and to save. ''Why .not?", slia asied in nur- Strike! For the brave revere the • prise. brave." "It's so dead, you know,'' Mr. Henry' explained. i'And isn't "That's bsautiful," Josephine poetry about cold things rather murmured after a long silence. coia itself?" "You've never written anything - "But all this interests m,e," Bho GO . . . GO alive before." : said. "And If it Interests me it , isn't cold, at least not to me." • ~ "He wa3 right," Bsisia said ' . ' Mr. Henry looked at her mus- slowly. "My subjects were cold. ingly. . . . ; • • "> I have found a new warmth now, • . "You're a Jew, aren't you, Miss in my .own people, ily poetry will be of them." XiazaruB?": he asked suddenly. "I don't understand . « . " Josephine began helplessly. Why Jfut Wrjts About Emma Lasarus pointed to the "Aren't yoitr psoplo much POLITICAL. ABVERTIS2MENT





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" "Page_8'_;

M7GUST 5,l93S

an indefinite visit at the home of Lord'Elibanlc, who declared that t i e GovMr. and Mrs. Max'Steinberg. v v j p i s rc'-vitf tr d Ll-it •iS o c I *\ T ( * U c p O M f tO Vr J 1 r , Miss Laura Eagles o t Kansas - r "f ri -n n I^tlt S& City, Mo., is the guest of her ' i|if p, ~ t "W l aunt, Mrs. D. Siegel of Omab^. Dorothg Sc r T & nom« » lam fa tt -IT s. % r r i *. L i t o A board meeting of ih Chevra During her stay she will spend a HISS ANIIA PILL,' ccrrcspoadcal e " 1 <• f ,.1 ITT H l l « B'nai Yigroel synagogue was held few days "in Council Bluffs with her cousins, Mr. and . Mrs. Harry "Wednesday evening, August 3. Cohen. Detroit {WNS)—Detroit JewLondon (JTA) — Opening of Fniaeral Rites for The Agudas Achim lodge held ish CtrosJcie,- ia Its- darrent is- the • British dominions to forMr. and Mrs. Joe Radusiner its regular meeting on Thursday Patriotic Groups Urge Law 'Bue, appeals to Kenry .Ford to in- eign imigration vas urged by. the former Sioux City at 8:30 p. m. at the Eagle's hall. and daughter, Sandra, recently of for S'uper'visloss of"' • • • tercede personally Is patting n Duke of Devonshire, as & QorexnSan Antonio) Te's., have returned Resident Held Here stop to the • clrculatioa ot ttes Best rpckecm&E, £luri~,gr e- ia-safs Armed Bands to Council Bluffs to', make their The following officers were Protocols of the Elders of Sioa. of Lords -debate on the recent reBerlin CHa.res) — KP,VT Wilhome here. : . Funeral services for Julius Orelected at the Eraesel meeting Utilizing the occasion of Mr. port by the . Overseas Settlement helm Albany (JTA)—Proposals for .IU i! Ki'-do:-C. commonly Itln, of Grand Island, Neb., were • A dance in a nautical setting last week: Llbby Grossman, : pres7 5th .-birthday, the Chroni- Board. The board's report had terroed Germany's Rockefeller" Dr. I. Stefnhlil is one of the state supervision of • semi-military Ford's held Sundaay afternoon* In Sioux brought the district convention ident: ' Lucille Abrahamson, vice-were supported by cle urges him to take a hand In. recomiaejided: a regulated Hoy: of &nd oii.e caiied the iiuaticiai City /with Rabbi H. R. Rabinov.'itz of the Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity presideht; Edythe Bubb, secre- 10 Council Bluffs residents listed organizations Jewish organizations - f $s well this issue personally ESSI to con-'foreign iciiEigrE.tion. of assimil- backer of the. ^es.i party died last and Cantor A. Pllskin officiat- to a close Sunday night at the tary; Norma Seldin,. treasurer; in the new volume of "America's as dean the lie against the Jewish fcbis types -if the-United Kingdom T-eek Ft the P.CP -: r i • An ' ar» patriotic groups, a Communist 0 ing.' Mr. Orkin, a former resl- Martin hotel. Arlene Krasne, historian, . and Young Men." spokesman and even the German- people, sisee his • name. is being was unable to supply EUlficiect fieri enemy of the post-va.;- Social ! The two ; day gathering brought Shirley Gershwin, sergeant-atdent of ' Sious City, died in the ussd by • anti-Semites throughout immigrants. American Bund — before the DeTaocvats, the mining: titan. Miss Pearl Meyerson is convahome of his sister, Mrs. M. Was-more than 150 members, prospec- arms. „ affairs committee of the the world is 'the dSsseialaatioit of "There in no 'iiss ignoring the threw iii his ioi. v.iui Adolf Hitlescing at the Mercy hospital military herman in Lincoln, Neb. He was tive members and guests of the the forged book.' -The editorial fact," Constitutional Convention. Lord'Devonshire declared, ler in 1CT7. v.'hen lie arranged a fraternity here. ••47 year3 old. Mrs.- L. Steinberg and son, Irv-where she underwent an appen"that fn many parts ot the -world meeting v:Ub. the then comparaAdoption of the Murray Gott- said in part: •• Sunday's, program Included a ing, ot Detroit, Mich., are visiting dectomy early this week. "While a resident of Sioux City, "Jews hare tried . to reason rad and 'Hamilton Fish,-jr., meastoday we are locked on as cog-s- tively unknown caiEpaiEner and he was associated with his broth- breakfast, a business session in in' Council Bluffs with Mrs. Steinures tc ' prohibit the esistence of with anti-Semites . and to tell •in-the-manger, occupying a large introcijcefi him smong inriustrialthe afternoon, and • the dance in H a r o l d Bernstein returned ers, in the Orkin store. berg's brother and sister-in-law, military or semi-military' organi- them. • that the statements 'of proportion of the earth and pre-ist circles. The TT-Oliver s,nd eththe evening, where music was Mr. Mrs. M. Passer. .She hasMonday evening Irom Sioux City, zations, except under the regula- Henry Ford of 1921 long- venting others from occupying er raombfrr. of the Nazi furnished by Jimmy Lewis' or- also and tion of the state, or other amend- er valid; 'that the j- 'hare ' been Jtv" He said it vas vital that'the party Ehovrefl their r.pprecSation visited with other relatives. where, ha spent the week-end. chestra. ments with similar aims, was nullified by the apology oJ! 1S27.iisipire be populated "iZ not by of his fiiendsfcir last year by payocr word 13 -weak comparsd. peopl-a cf our own stock entirely, ing' tin; a tOth biriliday visit at Mrs. Jules Sholdar and daugh- - Mr,. • Jack Steinberg••• returned urgeJ by' Nathaniel H. Goodrich, But -the effect that Mr. Ford's by people with the same ideals of liis home in I.iulheiiic, liuhr. Miss Sally Picktis, daughter of ters,-'Barbara and Sandra, of Chi- Friday from a short b.usiness trip of 1 the American Jewish Commit- vilh tee , Vlio also represented tha own statement would have on Ihe peace ^.and liberty as ourselves." Mr. arid Mrs. Sam Pickus, re- cago will arrive here Sunday- for to Des Moines. ' American Jewish. Congress and disseminators. of hatred, against turned this week from the lakes A similar view, v;as exreased bv 'fa.iii)m>: the Jewish War Veterans of us. We. are. in-position to supply where she spent 10 dayB. Mr. Ford with.' a list of o-gaEis;:V-. S. : ' : Cantor Morris I. Olcun arrived /» asd individuals -who are "The existence of any private tiocs iii'Sious City Thursday morning Dr.' M. Blank departed this using his narae and Quotations ' 1 for an audition. at tho Shaare week for a trip to Los Angeles ««*« and unregulated military or semi- from his. writings as part-of tne'r : military forces, no matter under dastardly work. A "srord from Mr. L c. Zion synagogue He •will appear where he will visit, his son, Leo whose auspices, involves elements Ford will -help to pet a stop to at the Friday evening service t o - Blank. o . dual allegiance incompatible night and again tomorrow morn' horrible:'business. We as!; with the continued peaceful ex- hthis ing. '" Mrs. J. Kaplan and daughters, HEREABOUTS moved to London because - Nazi istence of democratic institutions i p at. this time to take a har.cL Cantor Okun cornea to Sioux Natalie and Arlene. of New York ^personally in tils matter and to Washington correspondents as- persecution has deprived it of its City very, highly recommended. City are visiting here With Mr. signed to the state department leading scientists . . . The Mosley and organized government," Mr. complete the task he began la Goodrich told the committee. He possesses a tenor voice and and Mrs. A. B. Friedman, 1722 are wondering why Secretary of organ in London claim's that 1927, .in his statement to-the late Representative Samuel Dick- Iiouis Marshall, of discreditics: --'.". prepared himself--for the Cantor- Jackson street.. State Hull allows the attendance Princess George of Greece is i c e stein charged that "there Is a the malicious libels contained in ate under the direction of-Cantor at his press conferences of Nazi granddaughter of "a Jewish, bankAdolph Katchko of New York Miss Sadie Shulkin. departed newsmen who publicly insist that er named Francois Blanc . . . If secret military organization ready hte Protocols. We . know «f t 3 City.. He has had: four years ot this week for a visit with friends anti-Nazi American reporters be this is true then King George VI to take up arras for the German more sacred work that- Mr. Ford. and willing • to bear coul-4 enlist in at the present tide college training in New York in Denver, Colo. excluded from those conferences of England has Jewish landsleit, government against Americans if necesr than that of co-operating in dealCity and ha3 studied at the „•> , Kansas politicians explain Alf for his Brother's wife, the Duch- arms Bund^fuehrer Fritz Kuhn ing- a death blaiv'tQ religious &zc Mr. and Mrs. Nate Gorchow, Landon's silence YcsbivatT. " -on, the. Rev. ess of Kent, is the aunt of Prin- sary." i i f of the, German-American Bund racial bigotry.'.' . Cantor Okun.-officiated-at Dea Parkview apartments, have re- Gerald""Winrod s senatorial cam- cess George . . . sought to steal Mr. Dicksteia's -Molnes the last High Holy days turned from a trip to Yellowstone paign on the ground that the for- YOU SHOULD KNOW thunder by repudiating all con•where he niade^a. host'of'friends. National park, the Black Hills, mer presidential nominee didn't Before Rabbi Solomon. Gold- nections with Germany and inColor'ado Springs and Denver. want to . damage the . election Patronize Our AfiTertisers The members of the synagogue man, Zionist prexy, sailed for that German spies in the chances of his protege, State Europe and Palestine last week sisting arc urged to attend the service United States should be shot. Mrs. H. S. Npvitsky, Mrs. Abe Senator Payne Ratnor, •; . for the he saw Justice kouis D. Brandeis, . this ' evening at 8 o'clock and GRODINEKY, MAKER In an ensuing verbal clash, Mr, MONSKY, AND COHEN, Attorneys. again Saturday morning at .8:30 Pill and daughter, Doris," will re- governorship . .; . Ratnor is half- and reported tha't the grand- old DIckstein intimated that Ivubn Jewish v.. . ' Friends of Represen737 Omahs Nstrona! EanK E!dg. turn this . Tveek from Chicago; man of American liberalism is in to hear Cantor Okun. . tative .Maury Maverick^ Texas •wonderful physical shape . .-.- The had been a German spy in the -It Is the wish: ot the board where they spent the past 10 new PROBATE. NOTICE dealer, who was_defeated for resignation of Albert D. Lasker United States during the world In the Matter, of the . Estate ot members that the membership days. war, while the Bund leader en- Louis renomination in last' week's pri-. from active service In the Lord Jiieklirs, Deceases. • niake the final decision in choosNotice Is Hereby Given: That the J. N. Krueger departed mary, say that he might have and Thomas" avertising firm' is in- tered a heated denial and took ing a cantor and musical director lastMrs. occasion to assert that "we are creditors of said deceased vrill rnett for. Chicago, wjlere -she won ha(J het favored a congres- terpreted by those in the know as o r the'synagogue.'•. . • ? •' will, week the executor of .sa.i& estate,. Retort visit••' With. relatives and sional-probe of Nazi propaganda meaning that he will increase his not Nazis, we are Americans." me. County Judge of Uousias Counu. Others who supported the . . .Maverick lost by 500 votes— friends; . • ; •,' Nebraska, -at the County Court Eooir,. and there, are. t h a t . many antiin said County, oa the* t"6t5i day or Hebrew Scliool ish affairs . . . There'll .be a new ISiSi ana on the 26th fis_y •'Miss_ Harriet Shafer' of .Omaha Nazis iii his district. . .'For some national: Jewish- periodical in • the Legion and the Free Sons of September, of November, at 9 o'clock a. m., ! this week- in the home reason' the eastern newspapers fall, to be called the - Conteniper- Israel. A committee vote prcb- eacii day, for 193$, the purpose of prcseatVacation Begins is-rv-isiting of Miss Annie Kanofeky. She overlooked one of President ary. Jewish Review . . . Its con-ably will be taken late this week, ing their claims for-eia.3lina.tion, ad'.strongest anti-Fascist justment ' a n d 'ano-vra-nce. T h r « » l said Chairman Fish. 'A three-week vacation for pu- has been entertained by Miss Roosevelt's'.".... months are ailowed for the creditors. | Speaking at Pueb- tents will be scholarly and scienpils- oi the Hebrew school started Kanofsky" and many of. her utterances tific, with emphasis on complete to present their claims, froa.lhs 2S'.L. lo, Colo., FDR said: "We don't • ' day of Aug-ust, IS3S. • : today.— 'when pupils were re- friends. current information about Jewwaht and are Bot going to copy ERYCE CRAWFORD, leased for their annual summer ish affairs the world over, inbth'e'r fohns of -government »:.' . S-5-3S-3t ' Co-jntj- Ju<Jge. two brothers, Sam Pearlman and Ours is good enough for us" . . . cluding documentary material, diholiday. , Last week, children of9 the Dr. J. L. Pearlman, all of Musca- D<3t*61t editor. PJill .Slomovitz is gests of public opinion, etc. . . . EBENERi ,qOLDWARE-. •&'. SWIFT, school enjoyed their annual pic- tine, la:, another brother, Lou preDating for, Jils_third interview It is to be published by the AmerAttprneys Pearlman, and sister, Miss Esther 432 Omaha National B*nK Eldj. ican Jewish Committee . . . A nic .at Riverside park. Prizes Coughiin,' scheduled of "Chicago. "While witttuKathfel'number of members of the Auswere 'awarded, at the close of a Pearlman tor iMi fte&k'." i.» His Interview Dr. Pearlman attended the bf'Jiily 20 revealed that while trian Union of Jewish War VetNOTICE: o r CKATTES. program of sports and games, and here, •' MCRTGAGC SALE refreshments were served ,.by Phi Ep convention. Coughlin -gets plenty of anti- erans have arrived in this counIvTot' S ce Ss hereby given that the nntry, the affidavits in their behalf members of the Hebrew Mothers Semitic mail he never sees the Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- dersigned • "wll!, on the 'ISth' fiaj" r" <Miss"Ida Saff left last week for association. kind of Jewish apologia . . . having been signed by the Jewish cy) — George Kareski, former August, ms.'st the tofer of 10c'e!oc\ : Chicago, where she will visit with right War Veterans of the , United A;. Mi, at-the I>oegre St. Gs-rasrs, SSZa So. Slomovitz has set a precedent Nazi culture commissioner for • Dodgs St., Omaha, - Kebraska, sel» relatives and friends. by being the first person to get States . . . . T h e * Non-Sectarian Jews in Germany, was branded as to the highest bidder for casn, t'rCoughlin to invite him. to write Anti-Nazi league is offering the described property *6-wSi: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanford an answer In Social Justice to press the first anti-Nazi mat serv- guilty of tha charges brought following .1-r-lSST Ford Piekcp Truck, Stake departed th& week for the east. anything the radio priest pub- ice . . . Which reminds us—isn't against him by the German Set- Eofij", Meter- Number S.63S.S3G, 'The Jewish Community Center While away, they will attend the lishes . . . it about time the League revealed tlers association of Palestine in a covered .by a chattel rnortgug-e « e . by the McMakea Trs.r.E?er C >. with'the co-operation of the Na-wedding: of their nephew. the names of its new president decision announced-after an i s - "cuted OVEB THERE . Fred KcMatea to F. VT. JTcnSictional. Council of'Jewish "Women and. other officers? . . . Jersey- kuiry that had been oonducted -fcjoa Uie 2afl day of Aujrust, 1BS7, -aad City's Congregation Enjanu-El is fdr over a month by a rabbinical assigned .by feaid, E. \V. Fensler . is will take a census of the Jewish Mr. Morton Phillips of MinneThe Nazis "have, extended the sending out pleading letters for court consisting of Rabbis Isaac Louis I. Peatzlsn. E&ifi«inort5!i£re TTIT population in; Sioux City. The apolis spent the past two weeks filed-for record 3n the office of' the work will begin- A cust 15, andvisiting with friends In Sioux Aryan law,to concentration camps financial assistance to enable i t Herzog, Haira Bro&ie and Isaac County Clerk Q£ Douglas C<juntr,.Kttoo . . . All of - the hundreds of to acquire a new meeting - place Unna. those In,charge plan to complete City. - . -.. brasfca. Jews recently arrested are being . '. . Basing his objection on the •Said salevriXL be held for the purthe census by August 19. On October. 10, 1S37, the asso- pose ' cf '• foreclosing In a^cainp" at Buchfahrt, Din in the iShulchan Aruch that saiS ' acrtgae-e Miss Charlotte" " Shaftdn " re- :held. From the completed • census, ciation had Issued a statement and eat'sfjiE^ tSe amotint now fiat where only non-Aryans are sent the, Center will make a survey of turned to, her home in Omaha . . . Underlying Italy's sudden it is forbidden to,kis3 a child in condemning Karoski during a thereon, to-^rit: The suns of Two the number who are not citizens, after, spending the past-week as a anti-Semitic drive is a critical the synagogue," Rabbi I. Good- visit by the latter to Haifa, at Hundred Twenty-eight ETsd 2S|0D Dolregional minister for North, which time he -was menaced by s. lars (E22S."5>, tog-ether with- accrete<and an effort will be made to 'en- guest of Miss Annabell Satin. bread shortage . ••« .Mussolini man, costs .of foreclosare. and Northeast London,, has £orroll -them ' in citizenship classes Miss Satin returned to Omaha hopes ^to divert, public opinion bidaen LOUIS I. PEi.\TziiEN, Assigns; kissing under1 the chuppah hostile crowd that recognised -the .:-.'• v" from empty, bread-baskets to an to be,hold at the Center. If ,the"i7ith"her for a visit. . o' Mortgages. at the New Synagogue . .'.'Won- niaa alleged to have injured Zion- 7-2S-38-Bt. • number warrants instructors will : anti-'Jewish crusade . . . Is there whether the good rabbi ists in Germany. be furnished by the WPA, who Doris and Betty Marx, twin any truth to the London report der __;. The association, In a public knows of the passage In the Soag tftVJN. c ; LEVtNi Atternejr •will conduct regular classes twice daughters of Mrs. Johanna Marx, that. Italian propagandists are of Solomon which says': "Let'fclia charge, declared that Kareski had 7£S Srssn^eia Tft^step Bi^s. a week'. Classes will also be held have returned home from Terre now financing not only Arab ter- feiss me with the kisses of his .iriformed the-Nails that the ZionHaute, Ind.,. where theyvisited in reading, \rritlng, spelling and rorists in Palestine but also the mouth; for thy love is better than ist Organisation of Germany was . . PROBATE NOTICE , with relatives. • In the Matte? of tha Estate cf Ales English. criminally stupid elements re^ wine" . . . . ' • ' . an. International Marxist center; Siskind, • • . sponsible for the breakdown of POT-POUEBI that he had tried-to assume the Kotice Deceased. Is HereSy Given: • Th&i thr Mr." and Mrs. Arnie Bramson Jewish self-discipline? . . . One leadership of German Je-wry with executive committee of the creditors of EaiS deceased vriVk Detroit, Mich, visited this of the principal' reasons .why. th«'a'nistrator cf ESifi es'tete, b e Federation of Jewish Social Serv- of From , Hollywood • -comes • the the .support of non-Jewish au- fore week with the latter's parents, me. County J-Qag^ of DouE'as Baron Louis Rothschild, head of thorities despite tha opposition oS County;icp met yesterday for.a luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mosow. Mr. news that, at least four studios Nebraska, -at the Coubty meeting, to discuss and make Bramson returned home and Mrs.the Austrian branch of the fam-are working on pictures with a Jewish institutions; that a paper Court Room, 1B said County, en the p'an.3 for the coming season of Bramson will remain for a long- ily, was jailed by the Nazis was refugee angle . . . When the flag published by Kareski had con-•20th day of September. 1ESS. snS on his refusal to turn over to the the 21st day of November, IE3S, at S the federation's activities. the U. S. supreme court build- tained matter inciting to the o'clock er visit. * f •.-••'•. ' . M.', each da.3", for the purNazis.the*iron,and s'teel works at on murder of the president of the pose ofA.presenting ing was flown at half-mast in their claims for Ostrau, • . in northern Czechoslo- mourning for Justice Cardoso, it Zionist Organisation of Germany, exannnation, - adjustment an2 RJIC-1?!!1;,The federation has issued a re- Dr. and Mrs. L. H. London, vakia . . . These works are the ance. Three months are aJlowefifor and that the hank Irria, which quest to the Jewish population ot 3333 Nebraska street, announce biggest in-Efurope next to Krupp'-s was the,.first time sln.ce the erecthe creditors. to pre-Eeat their elairaE, Sioux City; to refer any solicitors the birth of a daughter, August aha are-engaged in making arms tion of the flew builcfing that the Kareski had headed, had goae frora the 2Cth day cf Atsrsst, 1ESS. emblem-has been'dis- bankrupt, atfcctir.s thousands cf EBTCB CHAVvTOB-D, for out-of-town organizations . to 1, In the Lutheran hospital. -f o r defending Czechoslovakia national Cvira. played at half-mast . . .- The real Jewish fanziH3?.,~ cftcr the direc- T-If-CS-Dt: • the '• federation. The federation against Germany- . .'• . Palestine dark horse among all ; tors had helped themselves xriit those menmakes annual allocations to these may get an armament plant of tionelas a successor to Cardozo largo credits. organizations, and urges that its own, if Philip D. Block, Amer- is Ben Cohen . . . o n e big thing donations be made through the ican stegl tycoon, goes through his favor is that he comes from Immediate:? I&rcsil entered federation, and not directly r to ? T:C with liis;; reported 'plan of" estab- in which -has riot been rep- suit against t i s Association £ > solicitors. * :c:t-.r cf — 1 2 of £•:-' lishing such a factory there . . . Indiana, in the supreme court nandisg trie:! before a rabbinical "Hosteliiig" through Europe is resented court. The Judgment announce-: • • . . .One < o f the most-popular providing, a temporary shelter for game3- at summer amusemeat ia in favor of the AssociaticE, o . New York (JTA)—A- $50,000 many--1 jfoting " German and A u sparks C-^ :\z-l~z c-r Tr-.-lzr this'year consists of'wood- certing that the published alk.-rcfund to aid the 70,000 Jews of trian Jewish refugees . . . Now en, figures tions of tho latter ac-air-.t Kr.roof Hitler and MussoCczrt He;iliss Evelyn •'•-• Nathanson ot Yemen and Aden is being sought that Italy has gone Aryan, II Esthorvllle, la., spent laBt week by , a newly formed American Duce sKbuld be reminded that lini- at which customers t h r c r ski have teen proved during ite ii\tti. , in Sious City, vl3iting with Committee for Yemenite Jews, Prof. F . Max Mueller, German baseballs, with blgr prises SOT iaquSry conducted by t i e court. them over . . . You hefriends. " which includes Rebekah Kohut. professor of- philology at Oxford, knocking David Freiberger, Rabbis Samuel who- first promulgated"the theory men -who brag about your chest considered tha flr^t .Terr ia Ncv Morris and Dave; Rubinstein ot Goldenson, Herbert S. Goldstein. that Aryan languages must have expansion.are due for a shock in York, it is believed oticrs, -STtor:: New York City arrived recently Leo Jung, David de Sola Pool been originated by an Aryan race, identitr has bees lost, precede;' 1 repudiated his views just fifty -and Milton Steinberg and Abrahere to visit with their uncle and .his book, "Your Chest 1 f tftS f V. years ago in the following words: Should Be Flat," in which he hid. ^ aunt, Mr. tind Mrs. E. Rubinstein. ham Mazer. 1 , Of tb.13 fund, 520,000 will be "I- have declared again, and again proves that a deep chest simple Melviri and Norman Rosenblum used for immediate relief and said, if I say Aryan I mean neith- provides more room for TB i f of Chicago, nephews of Mr. and?30,000 to establish a Yemenite er blood nor bones, nor hair nor (Copyright, 1938, by Seven * Art's IC^ 'i-'"' '*~ ?"-S^ - •" Mr3. John Lansberg, are'guesta Free T^oan society, in Palestine, -to skull; I mean simply those who Feature Syndicate) this week In the Lansberg home. be administered by the United speak an Aryan language . . . . To Community of Yemenites in me an ethmologist who speaks of ) -Synagogue Dedicated Palestine as a revolving fund. Aryan: race, Aryan blood, Aryan Caciuia Ds-y Giaj, er .'.!;!> c ;• S I lc.r •<..-:;.- C ^ "~r. .Mrs. L. Frankel departed this Mr. Freiberger is secretary of hte eyes and hair, is as great a sinner k for Chicago, where she will committee, -—„—,- ;Washington• (WNS) 'Ot ¥ « * * • and Mr. Mazer is as a linguist who speaks of a ait with relatives. •A synagogue conceived thr°e c .. treasurer. .Invitations have been delichocephalic "dictionary or a months ago aad built larrelv sent to a number of Jewish lead- brachycephalie . grammer" . . . with funds -coatributed by noaMiss Tillie Bass and Mrs. Samers to serve on the committee. The first Nazi paper has appeared Jews was dedicated here when Bas3 returned this week from in England. . . . 'It's' called- the representatives-of state and-dtv Denver, Colo., where they spent Deutscho Zeitung ap,a is, circuDISSOLVE GROUP;: lated largely among German or- •aad Jewish leaders from all parttwo weeks with the latter's sonoff Washington officiated at th--inrlav/ and' daughter, Mr. and ficials . . . It's printed In izzzn, esercises _v margins the openir^ o* Mrs. h. Baker. in the plant 'thht issue'; General Antwerp ("WNS) — Fear of tho new Temple Beth Hatf'ish. Goorinjj'B papers . . . Vienna's: are only 2 0 ' JoVisli famMr. and Mrs. A. Krasne, of antagonizing anti-Semites'-in-view world-famous Cancer Institute, There ilies in Olympia, which is tiio Council Bluffs spent last week- of the forthcoming municipal founded by.the American million- ctato capital. end in the home of the latter's election is held desponaible for Mie •Fir'elerMi" Pl:;:;,:0i2, is to t ? parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Samp- the action o f Father Van CaawolPatroaiso Our Adrerti3,rrca. r.Ir. Kraane returned Mon- aert, assistant -to Cardinal • -van day, while ;tra. Krasne -will re- Roey, head of the catholic .^*** Church in Belgium, in ordering main for a longer v i s i t . • OJr. Lawrence Sampsoc ot Chl-the Katholiek Bureau Voor Irc'30, is also a suest la the home rael, a Catholic mo-aciens. t!ediof hi'J parent;?, Mr. and Mrs. Sameated to fighttng anti-Semitirm, to discontinue its cctivitles. Father Van Cauwel-ert'o crier frz. «8i«t el Guests Su'tlje homo of Dr. r.ndi:rued shortly after ono ot the *:.™. E. H. Shul!:In this wee?? Save society's moetiE~3 had been bro!.r ! - , s"\ . been r:r- ;nul : i r s . 1. Pecrlman, en up by anti-Semitc3. r II >",,"itr, ct, r r ; .Shultin, sad hvr atss Our X 1

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• J. C. GNews :-.

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