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^ > clews esprcEJfd by g Lewisobnto lila t o l a n w ^ r e his own aad do not •net*asa.Hiy reflect ths policies or oft Hyde Of oar publication. ReprcKlcction In whole or in'part strJcUj lortfJdtSen.
Entered as Second Class -M?>J! Matter on January 31. 1931. a t Pustofflee*. of Omaha. N-bra^ka. under the. Act of March 3. 1S79
New York (TT?CS)—Governors Prague (WNS) — Ignoring a POOR EXCUSES of 16 states are now investigatrequest by the IntergovernmenAuthentic information is now ing Jvazi activities ia their EJ.kl-Ul tal Refugee Committee to con•coming from Vienna. -The most tional guard units as a result cf tinue t o grant temporary asylum shocking item is this: The New " * an appeal from the Non-Sectarian to 400 refugees from Austria unYork Times can hardly be called -M Anti-Xazi league, it is revealed IT til they can be sent,to permanent a pro-Palestine paper. Its corthe July-August issue of the antihomes, the Czechoslovakian aurespondent, Mr. Joseph Levy, Nazi Bulletin. Such inquiries are thorities moved to deport the holds the balance carefully, nervunder way in "arylsn-c, .1 to Austria. ously level. These circumstances Treller Projjrarrj and Exhibit, Last now Ke ™ ZZ.L and Hffier Will 'emigres Kansas, Wisconsin, Florida, VirThe refugees have been living give the greater-•weight ,to the f alCCCL , Ni*ht, End' ginia, .Kentucky, Montana, Ari, ': Meet in Quarter in a tmporary camp nsar Bruenn. lowing paragraph; "The writer zona, Idaho, Illinois, Ohio, PennSeason Cerdci - .. •.• • • - F i n a l s " . -. Fiftesri of thfjm' have alrerdy can state qn : unimpeachable ausylvania, Tesas, Georgia and Alrbeen shipped across the Au tr- t< thority that a continuous.and sysX'~">•—• ,/?*. "p Al;iva ended its fourth bama. ' tematic' Nazi campaign of ahti: Quarter finals in the annual border and told not to rsti1" "'tniG'' t c jn last night after a program | Jewish propaganda is being car- Highland Country Club Golf der threat or punishme*-" <?* <^ _id exhibit at ths Jewish Coinried on in Iraq, Syria. Pales'Ine, Tournament will be played S n - j Center. Termed one of the most "1 J " f , Egypt anfl Trans-Jordan. ; Arab day -on the club links. Marvin successful seasons from tc? standj Treller, runner up' of last year's L i . r newspapers in these countries are point of program and interest, t t e [ si X Cr-c-ro v n« -£r<= subsidized and vastly p.Jtsonous tournament, wil meet Richard camp this year established an at-j anti-Jewish pamphlets >re circu- Hiller, a : former Highland' chamtendance record. • j " •• U w l~Z lated. One of these, called Serv- pion. . The summer hcrne camp was ice Mondiale, a- fortnightly .bul- . Sunday Treller defeated Le_nunder the -direction of Miss Ruta letin printed in °is;ht laneruagss ard - KuIaSofsky. 8-7, Irvin Zi-gAlle'n. "in charge of'all activities is edited by- TJlrfeh Flelsehhauer man won over Ed Spei'er 4 and 2 at the local Jewish Community of Erfurt, Germany." and Harry-Trustin won from Jay i ,1- - ~ r • Center. Malashock, , To thi3 paragraph .should be She was assisted by the follow1 << added .the speech made V on ' the " In-the .second flight Ernie Nogg ing counsellors: Evelyn Dansfcy, Will Deprive German Jewfloor of the house of commons beat. Patil> Blotcky, .5-2; ho is Esther Steinberg, Gsrtrude Orach. the oth-jr dav by Mr. McGovern Somierg beat Louis Kulakof ky, Nuinerus Clauses t o ry of-Medical AtAlta Hlrsch, Max Prostafc. Bill after a month's s.tay in- Palestine 4-3; Max Chapman beat Mcrris teiitsoa Gray, Art Castlemaa, and MorIntroduced in All in which he. .born put by a" fel-Cohen '7-5," and Al.>Mayer beat ris Rcssen. Walks of Life .-• low-parliamentarian who had ac-Abe Verigrer, 7-6.,' Berlin (WNS) — The rapld:i Included on the program last companied "him. once rnore de"Winner of the Third flight were night were: community singing; ageing German-Jewish commttrclaTed and proved that ;the small Bernard Chapman • who - b"at A. -Home (W NS) — Exclusion or c o n c e r t b y the tov orcHestra; ity faces-the danger ot being- le't „.„„„ of „. choral •/ „ , =arrangements -,r,^^=^,.t, ' Arab class and clinue of land- B. -Alpirn, 7-6; K-obert: KoO er foreign Jews from Italian schools group without znefiieaJ attention after holders and caDitalists beat CySUver, CySUver, 7 7-6; holders and c a D i t a l i s were seek-]-who ]who beat 6 ; Mortou Mortou and universities beginning with the girl's-choir; a play, . "Revolt Septesber SOth as t i e res-alt of a d « l fashion, fhi jj Hiller who, beal Herbert b th new academic dmic year y r was wasanan in the Ark"; another playlet bss- new decree announced tt<ing, in good tradi«"nal Harri- the
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Home (WNS) A numerus ed, and which have denied the at- lie and private^ insurance conpa-fairs, there were not enon°:h nounced here- at national head. troops available for the pacifica- quarfers. :Signed by; Harry H. "clausus" for Jews in; every tacks, would coae clesa and ies. clinics End hospitals. tion of Palestine. . '••:,/ — : Schs.lfer,i- -.national. :coxnmamler, of TEalian life was officially an- show-their to. the coraiait- j. It is expected that .similar t h e suld fee EC- ! trees, will -shortly be" •a.Scoanos The poor British Empire! I t 'dent"in~t\ com'munfiiue celerated. What we Want -are t i e I to deny 27,000 Jewish latryers j T in the Inforniazlone DiP-omatica; the United States observe shoclcmartial law has not been declared facts. Tv e will not perat our in-land. 1,00,0 Jewish -dentists the | in Palestine and >enc§" neither ed with jegret,newspapers repbiits organ of the Foreign Office. The v«stigatioa to becoiae a circus, right to'practice. An immediate : ratio of Jews to non-Jews is to the available ;troops nor>thb coh- of. your;acceptance y p red-baiting inquisition cr permit j result of the decree against Jewot.the award , I 1 \.L / I stribulary put to proper, and- ener- of. rsed.by individual to ex' ish doctors Was the rush, by med.f -the Grand Cress .of .the Gerbe 1 to 1,000, esactly the proporn o ^ ^ r s e d b y individual to exish doctors Wastherushby med th G d C f th G petic use. But even thnt fict is m a n ^ a g l e at the,.hands of. the tion of the 44,000 Jews t o ' t h e ' l o t t n e m s e i v ' e s o r t 0 | 3 j U re oth- ical mea to the American cons-jProvidence, n. I. late for for visas. visas. Xons None were issued, not the strongest proof of- the Hitler-Tegime—-the same-regiTn-i'country's total population of 43,- „ „„ . hate issued. ers." appeal f.o tbe L'niteS States gchowever, because the German imgovernment's outrageous dishon- which-has denied Its own citizens . 000,000. The communique also , r rr -- Po <" r Indicating that' Fritz Kuhn and the right to compete for or .accept anonunced a forthcoming ofli-ial migration quota has been es> erEment to "arraign before it" Earl Browder, would be called. .the.Nobel:Peace a.ward* This act I census of Italian Jews. The numhaustd for the nest two or three bar of The strongest proof, is . : . j snan yo~ govemraent for its There is a .TIshuv of... 425.000 on your part can "ohly be inter- j erus clausus,' which is the first I Dies said: "We -will not. permit years. o u ' oovert v e r t ant:ant'-Ssmitic'-act ia Fisciit ' either Kuhn or Browder or any- I Another new decree provides ' diabolical barlsaritic peted as an-endorsement an-ehdorsement by y you Bpuls. Our people ar.e J n their o n e to uss the hearing to that wills raust be drafted "ia ac- against the Jewish people, homeland, on: their -own soft, of t,he. barbaous,-indecent and ir- ,' Italy, was foreshadowed by In-)m 2 wk e else st11ln P spesches. _ . . . . . in . . Febru- I . . . , cordance ^ ^ ^ o with , , . ^ sound ^ ^ » instincts , ^ ^ ^ of ^ voiced ^ , , by, Senator . . , , Edwar ready to live and to-die. for it. religious Nazi program and phil-,f ormazione Eiplomatica .r ; J c f - ~ f - T "SVhy does not BritrinN call for osophy. I n the name of humanity ary 1938, when it declared that | Many persons suspected of act- !•t n e G e r E l a l j people and with due •abtu rt*h: ee O l -veoraska an sn aacre=r J ^ J - - ' • - r" -v - , , •Bryant college commence i ; , , = so~" c" 25,000 volunteers? At Eton col- and Americanism, we call upon I while the government did not in- ins . for foreign countries ara plan- consideration consideration of of dutv duty toward toward farafara- i ' c e : i exercises. lege the fundamental • motto of you to repudiate that award and tend to adopt political economic mng to leave the united States i l y a n f l community." Uncer this " Citing: ccrnerous instances Britain is inscribed for, all the all it stands-for. Your prompt and or moral measures against Jews durng- the investigation. Dies has ; ( j e c r e e a a Aryan n a y not leave ^''* in which America hr Z world to see: Dulce et dedorunf favorable reply I s awaited with as such except in the case of elc- warned some of them that aliens a bequest to a Jew even if closs- the opast £ ments hostile to the regime, It Isaving the country to avoid tes- ly related. A local crdinasce 1 f ? ^ f ' v 0 ^vyovi his c-z \z~est pro patria mori—it is sweet great interest." iD3 &1 t j i S In the: event that Ford does not.,; "reserved the right to make cer. tiinony will be refused readraisexcludes I *^ uznez fcia.er i . and fitting to die for one's counadopted ia Darmstadt pudiate the award,'the J. W. V. tain! that the part Jews play injsicn. Citizens failing: to obey sub- Jews from public library readiig "justified to srealc cut in rvr'- r try. "Well, "that is a pa'jah senti- repudiate ,tlonal convention . committee thf> entire life of the nation as a poenas were told they would be rooia, the museum and archives, isaEiier as will aid 5a cleve c? r.r ment, an ^in-Jewish sentiment.' national m r i- r --> r We pave transcended it long-ago. headed bySimUel J. Leve, is said whole shall not be disproportion- proseeuted. motion picture theatres, the city a moral sense of outrage a i : . " But the youth of Palestine would to he ready to reject an arrange- ate t o i h e merits of the single in- VicrecJr Stopped Prom SaQiag hall visitors' gallery s-M public filgnstioz; vrtich the p-unt" r - - ' tioEs dare not ignore," Srrr — • he glad to suffer and risk 'death ment by which the:Ford IMotor • dividual and the numerical imNew York (JTA) — George re"re2"tToT"buildlEgs' Burke assaileg the olficial r"". T for the defense cf "the homeland Company Agreed to furnish 75 portance of their community." Sylvester Viereck, author and j i of sileaoe with regard to pr-r-."" and all its inhabitants.- including cars free to the J. V7.~V1 conven- • , To Check Statistics friend of the former Kaiser, retion cf minorities abroad, E • <.T'J.\'~ the common Arab people, and for tion meeting in Detroit, Septem- "The comm-unique declared: ceived a subpoena to appear beuting i t to Ur-aer-Sec-fetF.-'- c : Jj/il/it L that redemption of all Israel ber 2nd to" 5th. "The" cars ,were "Discrimination does not mean fore the Dies committee shortly State Si.- - e - t" -z which at this hour of historv can supposed to be fi'ted out with persecution. This is said to the before saling for Europe oa the he achieved only bv the redemp- American flags.and the VJ, W. V. all too many Jews of Italy and German liner-Hansa. Mr. Viereck, t» * States r-" t.c , , '; tion of the land of Israel. (-, insignia, which includes, the six- other countries who raise useless who has admitted accepting funds (lamentations to the skies which ' to aid German propaganda, wired pointed St$r of David. r In brief: A Jewish division to coadsnr ' r f r z-~ r~^ r^ pass .from arrogant complaint to Mr. Dies urging that lie be per•within the frame-wort of the mitted to appear after returning attack and senseless panic. As British army could pacify Paleswas said clearly in bulletin No. from Europe, but his request vras tine and hold Palestine for as 14 of Informazione Diplomatica refused and he ws.s obliged to . T i e Siaraoad Shoe Corapasy vrherevc" «•_"and for the empire. I do not over(the February statement referred cancel his passage. Softball team of Sious City, the the " h e r o r-- = r. -r look the tragic, aspect of this i . to above^—EDITOR) and repeatonly Jewish baseball team in that tility" v plan. Far, far rather would we "life st-i'-ti . " ed today, the Fascist government jcity and the leaders of the city's have repossessed Palestine exUP j Recreation league, will be the the wor ^ ' ' % has no special persecution plans clusively by productive' labor, by •srise nc- C ~ guests of the "Milder Oil team Bucharest •{WNS) — new against Jews as such. Jews in the simultaneous redemption of course cf E T here oa SiiEfiay, August 14. spirit, speech and land. That is nationalities law givng extensive Italy in the home territory numThe game -will be played at and has been the • spirit of our rights to all/minority groups, In- ber 4-2,000, according to Jewish Elmwood park. A return game 's chalutzinth, of that nobel .and cluding Jews, providing they are statistics which, however, must expected to take place the followlovely pioneering : venture -• to Humanian citizens.. • was made be checked by a spacial census public.here by the cabinet cpunPlans for the summer A. Z. A. which will he held soon. The proing Sunday in Sious City. The i t, A which we* owe the innumerable peaceful triumphs of the re-set- cl. 'One of the most,.' important portion thus would be one Jew to convention to be held here Sep- Diamond'Shoe team has won 23 Italians. It iis clear that tember 4 and 5 are progressing out -or its 26 games. tlement But in a world that provisions of the law is that state of smoothly. thl To T further f t h those h pJans J The teara, -an der the asnas:eproduces and tolerates Nazi prop- and municipal jobs are opened to from now on participation aganda and hands of savage, as- all citizens without regard to race j e ws In the full life of the state 'a meeting of the convention com- ment of S a n Epstein, will fee the I j sassins brought acros3 the fron- er nationality.'-Previously ethnic must be leveled at that proporr I mittee was held Wednesday, Au- guests" at a to Toe * * " (gust 10. At that meeting, the tiers, thi3. ideal is evidently t«o Rumanians were given prefer-, tion." i The effect of the.numerus clai<--, reports of the various committees high and too early. Then,' in eiace. The law also pledges govern- s u s i s expected to be the iinmedi- .were -discussed. God's name, let us conquer, the land by at least defending it; let ment s u b s i d i e a to minorty a t e dismissal of many Jews from ' • Einiw'ood park has been secured us at least stand four-square sch-ols, prohibits government in- university teaching positions and by the athletic corcmittee for against our insensate enemies. terference with minorities', relig- the elimination of large numbsrs soltball and track events. The Let us defend Jew "and Arab, and ions, authorizes the.'teaching of" Of jews from the army, press, tennis tournament will be held Britain Itself against the gross minority languages and the usa theater, movies, radio and econ- at the Dewey courts. Any more ladies who wish to and subtle onslaughts of-the In- of minority, tongues in courts and' o m i c positions. offer their homes to A..S. A. boys A tolerable barbarians who. are-rat- other-'offic!al'l bodies": provided . , aicr for housing over the Labor day last Tsreek at the home ing the hearts out of civilization members of minorities cannot from the Baltic to ; the Caspian speak Rumanian, and legalizes week-end are asfeed to call ilor- Mrs. Js.c£ Turefc and are now seeking first to the organisation ;bf minority ton Margolin, at GL- 18So. Terek's cousins, Mr.. G ""-poison, nest to divide . and rnjo youth groups. How this new law sbg.of New York &n^ : - C T r * - ^ -. will affect .the status; of-the 300,*Cohsn -of Eayonss, N. . sy for' Forra the Near East. 0.00 Jews who were; recently descQ-eaiatanee wi '- - "" Kenya Settlement their The . Jewish common front naturalised Is net known. At the time Mr. Turek i s : ; c;s | against Hitler is in Palestine. One aative Poland 20 years ago to \ Rio de Janeiro (JTA) — The London (WNS) of the frontiers of civilisation coma to Osiah-v t l a two cousins i Brazilian Government has orderthat must; be defended for the ed the police to cl^ss Zionist car- tion' of a"- settleiaent company to emigrated to Buenos Aires. Arsake of alls men Is in Palestine. ; ters throughout the country, af- direct the colonization of a limit- gentine. .After some rears there We should be permitted to be Its ter. Minister of Justice. Francisco ed number of German and Aus- they came to this country. defenders. . Wo should "be called Campos had prohibited the func- trian refugees in Kenya, British Bering tils time IZr. Tares iipon to man that frontier. tioning of'the.- Brr.2ili*a Zionist crown colony in East Africa, Isas had lost all trace of his relativrs (Copyright, 193S,,'by' Seven Arts. Biicfeyy Greenberg,-"' g, pln'cty p y ~Jew- Tederaton .under the law banniag i been, started here yiith a siibsorlp- uatiJ recentlr when correspendFeature Syndicate) : i t i.oa r r ^of i T 575,0.00 ^ n n i ^ ?W by "ffATP?Pf° interested 7'ST* r
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.-Winner-at State:
ish h Community C i t Center C t swimming i i ; foreign organ izatioas. star,- woa--the-junior boys* 25-j • Brazil's obligation to the PalTo Stasiy.. Anti-Semitism.- inete'r/-breast-stroke ; competition • estise-'mandate has been nullified London (JTA)- .—-'Four hun- at the Kebrcskau State A. A. TJ. I with her • departure from the dred Italian-'blaciisairts" are-, go-swimming' meet held on Sunday League of Nations, it was esplaining to Vienna shortly, "the Daily at'Peony p ed, and the Zionist Federation is park." Telegraph; '-reported,-:;- to • receive considered.'-a, foreign soe'ety bethe Sunday • before capEpeci.ar courses 61 Instmction re:
garding application Semitlsin. .' ; - . -.
soas. • * "Mr. GersDg's lamilj- are in Ths first g-rca? of settiers will Bsa'ystck, Polar.u. e.v.6 Tel Aviv, 25. aiostly roang G-ST- paJeetise, Mr. Colie2.;s faaiily is man. Je-^s rbo will i s NS apprentices for a year- After 'the erperissenTa® vic^-corsus trts court. tttred-ilunlor.honors at the invita- cause its ^constitution .-advocates ta]-period sis Jewisa farms-will. Vratislav.2. apostate, the aid meet held at•! the establishment of a Jewish j be of •; antl- tioaal - swimming returned I»alie Okobojl,; Iowa. • •-.. . ihomeland in.the Holy Land. j Jewish
of interior cancelling tbz r ^^"-.^-.to divert tha attention, of t h s o n 7-5 and Morris Linsman who riouncetf ia an official govern- ed.on the life of Henrietta Szold: ministry ' ment communique which marked and the dancing of the Hora by licenses of between 6,-000 asd 7 peasants and workers from - - •their - - • beat • - •Al - K o h a n l up. t ui hich marked rrr-1 : , - the first overt anti-Jewish step of unnecessary misery by in-iM-s: 000 Jewish, physicians ia Gerthe older girls of the camp. the Italian government. The brn them against the Jews and the many, on foreign Jewish students is exEnglish. The fieeree declares that CJ pected t o . b e followed by mtaWhat does this mean? . September SOth all licenses fce'-J sures to compel all foreign jews It means that there, is no hon-^ by Jewish .doctors will be voidsc r --i-rresident in Italy, especially refuorable opposition to the Jewish thus making it impossible f^gees from 'Germany and Austria resettlement of "" Palestine. I t thein to-practice and deprivirp to leave the country. means €hat antirZion'st Jews are German JeiSTy of tnedioal services The. government's communiqee Vnconsciously. repeating : N a z 1 except for such non-Jewish "doc-declared: "Beginning with the slander and playing into. th« tors .as may he willing to treat scholastic year 1938-1939, the adhands of the Arab, effendi -:and Jewish patients. j mission, of foreign .Hebrew stu' helping 4o plunge riot only their In certain cases the decree pro' dents, .including those residing ia own people hut the Arab. Teilavides for brief extensions of 1 heen into a prolongation of their Says Action Interpreted as **%; censes held "by Jewish, practitio-grades, is prohibited." The order misery. It means, above .nil, thaters. A supplementary announc - i l e - two c —aHis [Endorsement of will affect chiefly Polish and Ru- Investigation of Subver- ment declared that after Septer1all British, excuses for -the govmanian Jews who have .been ernment's failure to pacify PalesRi sive Activities to Be br 30th the licenses of Jewish ic-,"!-: studying at the Universities of tine and strictly to carry out ths doctors in cities with large JevDignified provisions of the mandate are >Tew- York (W>TS) — T h e Jew- Padna, Rome and Bolcgna. Ruish populations might be renews. £ Cuts T>ad excuses, -.specious -.excuses, ish War Veterans of the United mors that foreign Jewish students I Washington (JTA) — Martin on a temporary basis while an. op- t -..= cc-rv CL fundamentally insincere/ excuses. States has .telegraphed Henryy . would be expelled have been cur- D i chairman of the Hoa«e Com- portunity .will be provided gp p cf til'—= FOTd-mQtor magnate urging him rent for several months but they " i • • r J.Z.* The height of that -sp'eciousnefs FOTd.-mQtor magnate, urging him rent for several months but they u-^ue to ..'gate -Atae.lean doctors barred from their profu- ILL i; |hav.e been denied. Nevertheless, Zz. t h . ^ and Insincerity was reached on "in the name of humanity sion to learn new vocations tions asked all August. 2. when • the British The effect fo the decree, hov- ? QrtCf C foreign office declared that, alas, German decoration conferred up- ous-difficulties in the way of such disls to "come clean" to tfce com- ever is to Impoverish non-Aryrtin ;the present unsettled condition on him.last week,on the..occasion Jewish students. mittee. He said: "If these organ- physicians who have already be n Nrinerus Claasns of ^imperial affairs and world af- of. his 75th-brithday, it was .aniza;ions which have been attack- excluded from ths staffs of
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THE JEWISH TRESS—FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1938 applied £or Americas citl-i Paulina Bettiris, a Roman living In Italy is uothisg bat the versa! viswpotet, lie sees i s "su-ible that after nineteen cen-t hip-or will fie so p.s soon asKertefi to SvAslsm. in the year fruit of evil informers. I author- psr-nationaliSni" ths direct -anti-. of Christianity. someone sfeouid ! ize you to -specify, tfcat the Jews thesis of all that Christianity, or proclaizi a moral and social st&te they become eligible. TSe sets- ceolsioa repeals the in Italy.- have received, and- will say religion of the spirit, ratjst paganism." continue to receive' the saina try. to teach,. "ths brotherhood of The Pope by these and similar prerioiss resolution of the board . treatmeat accorded to every other man.'' statements and by .his open maEi- •which barred alien students from, Italian citisea and that no form The Osseryatore Romaao, the festatioss of disapproval Ciirir.g ths free colleges. . Tht latest rulof racial or religious discrimina- official organ of the. Vatican, has Hitler's recent visit to Home ing v&s feassd. ca a bill passed by f O.0 tion is in ray thought, which Is this to say of racist theories orig- gives Ms blessing to the fight the legislature . EEthorlzing- e devoted and faithful to the policy inated tsy the philosophers of against NasSsa and its -attendant •wzlrez et citizenship require-Sl= of' equality to law and the free- Nasi Germany and now in danger evils. meats of a Jf £6 law. dom of worship."! of being introduced into tee '• The militant stand of the From these quotations it is mother land of the Catholic •world's most powerful - Church, When AIphoEso VII ot Castnie ! clear that Mussolini is definitely Church; " . . . when Christian- against the forces cf darkless in 1146 CEplJirecl the c!tr cf. Gala-1 on. record aa an eneiay of anti- ity, rises up against rticSt racism, which tires tea to fering ocr mod- tJ&aa- frsra tte SJoslems, he apCALL /' ( . " •- ""••' fi?r Semitism and racism. But like it not only refutes its materialis- ern civilisation to its knees, pointed Jtfefe fees Joseph, ifo'n rlied On on mised In this way. Anti-Semitism In Tripoli, Mussolini made a tour all politicians, II Dues has been tic and soologieal essentials but raises real hop-e for the future. Ezra, Ea-Nssl gorcrnor. dpalgn, t h e Is a product of barbarlom." of Libya.' On his arrival In able to change his political shirt also the dangerous consequences The might of the state and the ''what Is behind Speaking before the chamber Tripoli he vi3lted the ancient without difficulty. Today II Duce •which destroy, at one ' and the sword are powerless against the jt-face by the of deputies on May 14, 1929, on ghetto :where> he received a thun- has forgotten all about his vig-same time, the fraternity of na-united forces of the spirit. vv*b.en regime that had the Lateral* agreement with the derous ovation. At a special orous denunciations of. anti- tions, their dignity and their re- tJie Pojse iavites all men, regardjfudlcatcd racism and Vatican, Mussolini said: "It is service in the synagogue. Rabbi Semitism and racism. In grass- ciprocal esteem, that is to say, less of race or religion to join un{tism. Mr. Postal here ridiculous to think, as some say, Aldo Latte3 declared that "Rome ing Hitler's hand in friendship, the necessary bases and condi- der the banner of a militant CathMussolini's militant that. the synagogues should be Is -just and pious and always has Mussolini has found his owntions for cooperation and peace olicism •whoso motto sbali be not t- r:-— c—-- y-"Tr ; - ices on theso questions, closed. The Jews have been InN treated her son3 « a great moth- handismeared. As a result Mus- between nations. •• repression but freedom, not perj the amazing reversal Rome since the time of kings . . . er does." To this Mussolini re- solini has completely reversed . "Racism . . .contains the evi-secution t a t tolerance^ cot might, \ f-» <-P. -*• v e- V position which has thrown There were iTO.OOO at the time of plied: "You can count on myhimself and is now moving rapid- dent germ of the division and the but rigfit, and defines the Credo ly on the road biased by Hitler. rivalries of fioninating expan- of . that Catholicism as "nciverItaly Intp Hitler's arms.;—The Augustus, and they asked to beprotection." Editor. Three month later' Generoso The days when Mussolini spoke sionism, which are the negation Balism," he opens up a road . to at the price you %r allowed to weep over the corpse to his Berlin imitator in sneering of understanding, equilibxiura and enlightenment and forms s. bulof Julius^ Caesar. They will re- Pope, publisher of an Influential of tone3 and repudiated anti-semltwark of defense against narrow in main undisturbed, as will all whoNew York Italian language news- ism as barbarous and racism as peacs betwee'a nations." Anti-Semitism, has b6en put to and bigoted ideologies that prompaper, returned from Italy aad in another religion." many uses — political, economic, believe DetesSs Persecuted ises the triumph of democracy, made public the' following au- an absurdity are gone. Now BerThree years before Hitlsr came social and religious •— but the thorized statement by Mussolini: lin and Rome march together unAnd following frora this con- not of authoritarianism. first to employ It as a lubricant Is to power in Germany, the Nazi "I authorize you to declare and der the banner of anti-Semitism demnation of racism to its cor- The clash of might aed right party sought to convey the imBenltq Mussolini, who has disto make. known; immediately and racism. \ rollary, anti-Sezoitlssi, the Cath- is an often repeated one in the V ' .fcovered its utility for greasing pression that it regarded Mus- upon your" return to New York, olic Church has broadened its atof the world. That same the Rome-Berlin axis. "With only solini as "the great protector." to the Jews of America, that their (Copyright,. 1938, by Seven Arts tack to include the persecution of history history teacbes that God . is not 43,000-Jews in Italy, it is fan-Nazi emissaries made frequent preoccupation for their brothers defenseless Jewry not only in always on the side of the strongFeature Syndicate) tastic to speak of a Jewish prob- trips to Rome to win n Duce's Germany but throughout the est battalions. N. . ' ' lem there. Yet the world is now favor, but he always rebuffed world. (Copyright, 19S8, by Seven Arts them. In May, 1933, the then being treated to the spectacle of ; In a recent issue of the OsserFeature Syndicate) an Italy become Jew-conscious to •editor-in-chief of' the Berliner vatore Romano, official organ of Tageblatt, Theodor Wolff, had a a degee unequalled in any counthe Vatican, the newspaper Bays try except perhaps Germany, Po- memorable interview, with Musthat, "it is Inevitable that any Scholarships at land and Rumania. For genera- solini. At that time Mussolini time we abandon the life of the : \ ' Quality much better tions Jews have lived in Italy and said: .. Drake Offered By gospels, hUESJi lives perish. haver, always been regarded as Recognized No Imitators' Toward the Israelites we are not 1 bone and-sinew of the Italian peoAlpha Epsilon PI I "There is not the least relaonly extremely anti-Christian and selection m,Taca greater ple.; In no country, not.even Ger- tion between my Imitators in aatl-civil, but inhuman. many, have the Jews been more other lands and myself. I rec* Des Koines — Bralie Univer"For them the misery of erile sity and the Drafee chapter of AlWhen Italy embraced Aryan- lieve in the Catholic Church,' effectively assimiliated than In ognize no Fascists except Italian Italy. It is ^impossible to detect Fascists. There are no others. Ism last week, the first votco Catholic means universal aad not and outlawing Is not enough; It pha Epsiloa Pi, Jewish social fra--| the difference between an Italian Italian Fascism* i3. a thing apart. to speak out against this new racist, not nationalistic, not sep-goes on to the pillory, beatings, temity, are offering a limited, i wounding and death." and an Italian. Jew. Jewish names I repeat again and again, it Is not triumph of Aryanissa ws3 tha aratistic." ntiaber of one-half scholErEhips :' CousJesmss Dictators in Italy are completely Italian- reactionary; it is a democracy, a aged Popo Pins. Repeatedly l a to •worthy Jewish men students ••.' "Ths spirit of faith," the Pops A crushing condemnation of for ized. Jews were among the found- democracy of authority. I once the last few years the Vatican the year 1ESS-SS. They -will ers oi the, Fascist party. Jews said in an address — and al- has been the most vigorous foa concluded, "must fight against dictatorships as violating the be giTes to members of the Nafought shoulder to shoulder with though I do-not like the; com- , of totalitarianism., Herb la re* the spirit of - separatism and laws of nature aad humanity is tional Honor Society, cr - those against the spirit o f exaggerated In the Pope's encycli- ranking In the upper Mussolini;' In the Italian Panthphrase,' It makes the mat- viewed the inspiring record ot nationalism, which are detestable contained ICtb of eon, the Cathedral of Santa Croce mercial the Vatican to the war against and which, Just because they ara cal oa Germany. The Pops has their class. Outstanding work in ter clear — that Italian Fascism no love for the Caesars of yesIn Florence, where 37 Fascist is not an export article.' Italian racism.—THE EDITOR. not Christian, end by being not terday and today. Both Hitler and extra-curricular activities ssch-as heroes are buried, lie two Jews. Fascism is a" product of conditions even human," Mussolini, if not by name, then xatiESc, d r e a a • and jonnialisia that arose In Italy; its principles be recognized. • } The dark" dank galleries that Ever since Nazism became "a do not include other lands,'and, Not only the so-called "racist at least, by direct implication, are Trill Appointsieats -will be based t j - \ political factor to be reckoned despite its' rigors, it is based on for the last 2,000 years have lain doctrines" defining Italians as flayed as 'humans who Save usurwith and made anti-Semitism one sound ideas. I t arose from dlf-. burled beneath the ruins of the Aryans and forecasting Jewish ped their prerogatives to play God on scholastic ability, reconiaeaot its cardinal tenents, Italian ferent premises than that of Its Coliseum in Rome witnessed the persecution in Italy on the order before a misled and hypnotized datioas, and the letter of application. Fascism emphasized repeatedly imitator i n , -Germany, Uand it sufferings of a group of courag- of Nazi Germany, are attacked in people. For farther iBfon=.atioa vrite. that so far es the Jewish question knows nothing of anti-Semitism eous men and women who, dethis statement by the Pope, but "If a race or people," declared was concerned, the German brand which is the shibboleth and thespite the most brutal persecution, the whole Inhuman chauvinistic the Pope, "if a State or one of Its the fraternity or Deaa of Ken a t of Fascism was no relativa of the chief sound and fury of the Ger-endui'ed to found one of the policies of-the new ideologies Tss- determinate forms, if a represen- Drake University. Applications world's greatest religions. Italian original. In fact, every clst, as well as Nasi, stood con- tative of civil power or other fun- must be ia by August 15. organization. Italian Fascism important I t a l i a n government man Today: In; Rome, Pope Pius XI, demned. The Pope recognizes the damental elements of.ftu'zn&nsois a stranger to the concept -of spokesman, from Mussolini down, anti-Semitism." leader of the many millions of Inevitability with which the per-ciety have ia the natural order declared time and again that Christians throughout the world secution ot the members of one an essential place and one worthy Refii.|jees Will Be Fascism, or at least Italian FascIn hla famous interview with who follow the faith founded and religion is followed by the indis- of respect, whosoever removes Admitted to N. Y. • ism, was incompatible with anti- EmllLudwig In 1932, n Duce dis- passed on to the world by these, criminate persecution of ths them from this scale of earthly Semitism. Yet today we find cussed the questions of race, Jews the first Christians, wages a new members of all religions except values to elevate then . as su• Public Coileg'es Italy embarked on a .program of and anti-Semitism with engaging fight against all forms of reli- that recognized by the persecu- preme ruler oj all, even of r e official anti-Semitism. What the frankness. "There are no pure gious and* racial persecution. tors. - '. ligious values, and to defy them New.. York <VvrK"S )—Reversing j real reason lor this about-face races," he told Ludwig. "Not even •with an idolatrous cult, perverts a' decision readied cz- July IS, j It is Important to appreciate Anti-Semitism, a l w a y s de'may be we do not as yet ftnow the Jews have remained; unadul- the broader concepts which form nounced by the Pope as Inhuman, and falsifies the order" created the board of higher eSucstloa j although. It is 'obvious that the- terated. Often through asslmila- the base of the struggle'being diand imposed by God .and Is far that • -foreign students, | increasingly . close solltlcal,. rela- tiott a nation has derived strength rected from; within the walls of meant to his mind only the be-from true faith in God .and from anno-uncefl refugees, would fce ad- j tions •with Geraany must have and culture. Race — that la a the Vatican City against what la ginning of a wave of religious the conception, of life in conform- inclcdtss mitted to the city's free colleges j had their effect. Of course, there sentiment; no reality; 95 per cent termed simply "racial and reli- persecution •wllose end could only ity with true faith." mean the bounding of the memprovided they are fcesa fifie resi-j have always been a number of sentiment. I will never believe gious persecution." -;,'."'••"• bers : of all faiths and all reliOn another occasion the Pope dents c£ the city - and pressst-i Fascist extremists in Italy :who that races can be biologically There la nothing vague about ':• . - '•' '. . - • • • ' . : : bluntly said: "It seems Incred- prool that thej- .or ihr.ir ?r,rcn.ts i saw no, reason why Italy should liBted as more or less pure. The the Pope's stand. No diplomatic gions.. The Pope spoke out against not be anti-Semitic-. But until exponents of the Nordic theory of verbiage masks his opinion, not three yeara ago they were effec- Germanic racial nobility are, alone about "religious and racial anti-Semltsm In the first days of tively silenced.- Now they have comically, not Germans. Gobineau persecution" but also the trend the Hitler regime. The Concorbeen given cart blanche. And the was French; Chamberlain, Eng- toward paganism, toward commu- dat concluded in May, 1933, beresult is .the startling spectacle lish; . Woltmann, - Jewish. They nism, t o w a r d totalitarianism, tween Hitler's Germany and the of an Italy gone Aryan at the were wrong. National pride doe3 toward the strangulation of Indi- Catholic Church, entered upon only with great misgivings. very moment that the . Third not require this delirium of race vidualism, rationalism and' hu- Misgivings AbcraS Concordat Reich, the principal exponent of . Anti-Semitism does not exist manism which characterizes this In bis own words: " l a spite of Aryanism, has abandoned the use in. Italy. Italian Jews have al- crucial period-in history. many and great misgivings we of the term Aryan as scientifical- ways behaved well as citizens, Contrary to general belief, this came then, though not without ly inexact.' . . • .••••': and as soldiers, have fought bravely. They occupy high posts fight now being waged so vigor- effort, to a determination not to in the universities, the. army and ously by the aged Pope, is not a deny our consent. We wish to Pair Weather Friend banks. A whole row of them new one. Long before Nazism spare our faUhfuL and our sons When •": the Nazi regime pro- the the commandant of with its_ attendant bestialities be- and .daughters of Germany Insoceeded to carry outita anti-Jew- are'generals; Sardinia, General Modena, is a' came .firmly established in t h e far as it was humanly possible ish program with cruel and re-Jew; another general Is in theGermany of today, Plus XI had the trials and tribulations which lentless efficiency no one wasartillery." recognized the destructive poten- otherwise they would have had particularly surprised. Hitler had tialities of religious persecution to expect In view of the condiPromised 'to do it. He had been In January, 1934, n Popolo and.had voiced a warning to thetions of the time." • preaching hatred of the Jew for d'ltalia, Mussolini's p e r s o n a l peoples of the world that: only reThe Pope'smisgivings, Here s.re the seasos's 14 yearsr" Given the opportunity organ, declared that Hitler's trogression, n o t advancement, only too well founded. Thewere Conto put his. preaching into action, racial dogmas are ^driving Ger- could result from a such a policy. cordat was observed by.'Germany styles ia. the most wanted he went at it with a will. But many toward a catastrophe. In . Church Ptaya for Jews almost entirely In the breach not the case :of Mussolini is entirely the same year there appeared in As early as 1928 the head of in the-letter of that solemn agreedifferent. II Duce is' on record the New- York Herald-Tribune a C Catholic Church scored anti- ment. Ji?*i*iOl^&**^' as being a foe of anti-Semitism. series of articles called "Europe the A decree issued on In 1934 outstanding Catholic For years one of the major points Between Wars,". by Hamilton Semitism. 25, 1928,.stated that: leaders wers murdered in . tho of issue between Italy and" Ger- Fish Armstrong, editor of Foreign September "The Catholic Church ^habitually Hitler purge. In 1335 thsrs we're many was the anti-Semitic atti- Affairs. In one of these articles prays for the Jewish people who widespread arrest* of £ionks and tude ot the latter. Mussolini and Armstrong quoted Mussolini as were the of the... divine Nuns •_ on obviously trumped-up "Silver tone" Hitler -differed sharply on this having predicted to Mm in May.revelationsbearers, up to the time of charges of. 'immorality aad. curquestion. Yet now ' Mussolini, 1933, that Hitler's violation of Christ. 'Actuated by this love, the O £ l rency smuggling. In 193S, dewho also regarded Hitler as a Jewish rights.and of civilised See has protected thla spite the solemn promises conpuny imitation of himself, has re- standards ' of equality and fair Apostolic against unjust oppression cluded by Gennsny to . the Conversed the roles and Is rendering play would create antipathy to people and, just as every kind of envy cordat, the Nazis turned their Der Fuehrer the homage. Implied' everything German n'o t only and among the nations guns on the parochial school. in the slncerest flattery. There among Jews but. among Chris- mustJealousy be disapproved of, so, In an The paganism of. the trusted •was a time when :ertain Jewish tians, too. In 1935, Dr. Simon especial manner must be that Dr. Alfred Rosenberg, the reli. . ; - * : cjin s e a l s v? 2sj circles inclined to the belief that Hevesi, chief rabbi of Hungary, hatred which is generally termed " r j r j : -,'f:-"sif;" ": gion of "blood and the soil," was no, inherent conflict existed be- was granted an audience with II anti-Semitism." •.* 1 inevitably destined' to clash wlta tween. the essential principles of Duce and reported, that the Seed Dyc-d Corsej-C Laskem l i a r tin Judaism and Italian Fascism, and Fascist leader had strongly con- Vatican diplomacy has; since* that of the, Cross. To turn reli-. • There isffifeohstsfyno-cost-ojroi>(;,-.-(t\-( ~.iiey; todfe keen.: delight in citing demned all religious persecution. consistently followed this policy. gion to political ends,-to substi•the case of Italian Jewry as the In October, 1936, when anti- The latest pronouncement by thetute, materialism, paganism and ' ligatioa involvedv la tMs Royal .shining example. to prove this. Semitic utterances In leading Pope is one of the most vigorous the credo ot the State 'uber allss' Master FEES Trial Offer! All TO •Mow the tarnish has worn off and Italian newspapers began to and direct, ever to be made by for the belief in the spirit end the concept of Christ and God •• £3k:is that you give thsse srcr^> Fascism j Italian or any other cause concern, II Popolo d'ltalia His Holiness. Before the assembled assist- could not be th& way of Pope Ikind, is exposed in all its naked- published an article assailing Sir iog new Royal Master Tires s ; . " •pess. So, too, is Mussolini re- Oswald Mosley, British Fascist ants of Italian Catholic Action Pius XI. ttsorotigh test ca your own c-zrl t .vealed: as affair weather friend, chieftain, for introducing a racial gathered at his summer resit h e Pope haa made It plain 'a .^politician who assailed anti- Issue into British Fascism. Gen- dence, Castle Gotdolfo, on July. that maa could not be "docketed Remember —NO COST, NO OESemitism so long as it suited his erally believed to have been writ- 21, he flatly condemned exagger- in \ prescribed pigeon holes, as Z.ICATION» NO SCALES TALX — Seeds and who embraced it with ten by Mussolini himself, the ated nationalism, and all racist .Nordic, o? Negi'O, as.Christian, or " ROYAL HA .all the vigor of a new convert the article declared that Mosley's theories. . Jew. /C&thoH&iata- t o i t a Is a c t moment It became politically de- anti-Semitism befouls Fascism by According to the Pope all such a religion •wMch. caa cllow It;clf iiirable.:!: •; •: copying non-Italian forms of theories and formulas must of to 'particularise against zny siaa i Fascism. And only a fortnight necessity be contrary to the Cath- of whatever race' or creod. for the sake of the record ago. True"'to.'.tae-coacepfcf tics RoSolomon Goldman/presi- olic Credo because, • "many peoI ,'weJust present here a few extracts dent Dr.© Sleeve Co&ls of the, Organization ple seem to forget that in the ex-man Catholic CtEreh as bcin^ ths ; irom the utterances of Mussolini of America, Zionist plicit article of the Credo, 'I b& ezpoacat of a vcli^z. irith cTunirevealed that in a which reveal now radically he has private interview in 1932 Mus# Small Collars changed his mind about anti- solini "assured me most forceI' ' Semitism.' ,-.: -. . • and unequivocally that antl• As ' early : as 1927, only five fully would never be toleratVears after his march on. Rome, Semltlsm v. ed by him in Italy. The Jews of Mussolini,, declared In a public Italy, II Duce stated, are as oldpronouncement* "Fascism means established Italians as the rest jot unity; anti-Semitism, destruction cl !=vc.*E3 C s l c?crz;3 In e;-r~-~-^ population . « .History, T,IU3! and : discard- Fascist anti-Semit- the told me, will not stand for c=d ism; or anti-Semitic; Fascism con- solini f^ **" anti-Semitism In Italy." tains, therefore, •' a gross absurd- • "Count on Protection" ity. Wo in Italy find i t utterly bo d c " . Ey Civzz r - s . T j ^ j X"-" ir.'—T:? ridiculous when we hear -how the In. March, 1937, jwhen ' antianti-Semites in Germany: seek to •Semltic diatribes in the liallan nourish to the midst of Fascism. press were becoming increasingly "We protest with all our energy more violent and when Italian ofagainst Fascism's betas compro- ficials had pobliqly whipped Jev.'a I i f)
We 'Don't Want PC&
" - j
25a?5o3, C and Hars-eates? Bee*
710 riTw? I,
really exhausting labors c£ the and philosophical triist, erea I iliis great JEtrfsSi £ r. assistants. -Hs confided to Bren- though he's ner that he • thongfet Journalism, a wrestler E.nfi strong- ES ES ex. i its 5usr, an easier following tfesa the He EtcfiieS vcice" under roted | brushing cp on ths op c. & cinema. Europeaa coaches, after receiving- j Trill sinfr in that is NEWSCASTER:—Georg-e Jes- an extensive childhood education I cf t i e Yiddish liiui sel has inked contract with Stan- in Jewish Culture. He lived in j Butterfly," vrben it dard Pictures, independent out- Palestine, learned a lot al)o-at t in .the Hollywood fit, to star in series of sis pics Palestinian and Hebrew music j week, • • based on adventures of radio and culture; returned to 'i newscaster, taken from series United States, went.cn tour with.] which, ran in Detective rr, agarise. Pianist 1'anrice Sam, came to ! First release i3 tentatively titled California, appeared in several ] "20,000,000 Witnesses." Jassel Hollywood Bowl productions. He i opportunity ol observing the returned to Hollywood last -week has been featured on the CBS inner government of the Arab after two-month personal appear- "Hollywood Showcase," now has his . own program—one whicl quarter in operation. Men came ance tour in East. Alaanr, N. T. , shows him off to best advantage on a constitutional pro in from various directions and reBOLES:—For years | T m e d "Scnsrs of All Nations," I ported, others were dispatched on theMATZOH late O. reaches, throush his mas- i F " 0 - ^ cissriBunaucn ECEII errands with whispered instruc- warm spot in O. his Mclntyre heart for had a cer-a jj tDennis e r y oi lyrics in twenty languages tions. It was obvious we'were at tain section of Temple St., just perhaps the broadest audience in , .any person because of race, cc: cr religion in emplcrmei some kind of local headquarters, outside Hollywood. To him this radio. This Sunday evening, lead- j creed institutions and g o v e r I E ; functioning serenely, a few hun- was the original ghetto of Los ing Hollywood "vocalists and inn- I agencies in Kew York was t dred test from Haifa's police Angeles, and to this day, despite sicians ^ ^ tribute to him in sured when tfce BUI ol Kigl 'will pay headquarters. modernization and sanitation, its ja testimonial concert in Santa comsiittee reported out tu to1 t • A n elderly Arab, strolling by, atmosphere is still somewhat i Monica Municipal Auditorium, on j State Consti looked at -us keenly, and ex- flavored in the Vilna or Cherni- j the shore cf the Pacific. i-discrimk 1 convention an claimed: "What are these Jews gov motif. In the very heart of time we ran into Paul was 1 bill cravm frcm se- en a: doing here?" this area is a tiny delicatessen- theLast other forenoon, when we j measures submit "They're not Jews, they're Kosher cafe that gets a pretty posed a question or two Sealing ,1 mittee. fair play from several picture luAmerican journalists," the shawith music in - Palestine (who I In its present fore bab leader replied. minaries. One of the best and should know, better?). We got j reads as follows: ' A o He laughed and tha crowd most regular patrons here, we little satisfaction, however. Seems ' shall be denied. th<~ e~ 1 laughed, and "the old fellow learned, the other day, is Singer walked on, still eyeing us sus- John Boles, week the idenpiciously. We w'ere conducted tity of another customer became back to Kingsway nnder escort. generally known when the proTaking leave of us, the shabab prietor, putting his cards right on the table, announced a new delileader offered a bit of advice: "If you expect to travel around cacy. The new dish, by the Haifa you had better wear tar- menu: "Sidney Lanfield 1/C-tkis." Ir. " ? • T T / * &• ? CAREER- MAN: That powerboushes," he said, "They are the ful, rich baritone vdee warbling best protection." :
" '•-
To Bs Banned in
, Haifa, Palestine—"I am tures of the riot the other day." German" is t h e password to That alley, we fcnew. led into safety among the Arab terrorists the completely Oriental market •who rule a large section of this district,, part of the old Arab riot-torn seaport in defiance- of town around which; the modern the British army, navy and ma- post-war Haifa,1 built by: Jewish, rines, to. say nothing of the Brit- British and American enterprise, ish police. ' has grown. With its tortuous I discovered this -while I "was cobbled streets, flanked by high a captive of the'terrorists • intone stone walls, it is as foreign to the of ' their headquarters in the Haifa of tall steel-and-glass buildlabyrinth of narrow streets of ings as is Mecca to New Tork." Its the Arab "Suq," or market dis- reputation is evil. Knifings and shootings are daily occurrences in trict. " '. " ' '•"••• My captivity was half-volun-j the! Suo.. The culprits almost altary. The morning's second bomb i ways go" uncaught. " Few Euro—the first had wounded seven-; peans and no Jews dare v e n i r e Jews In a bus nearbyexpldd- in there. ; .ed Jn the middle'of :Kin?sway, But we.had no choice. To have Haifa's principal thoroughfare, a hesitated about going "with the few feet from the spot where,. on shabab leader might have aroused July 6, a bomb and subsequent the Arabs' jeady suspicions. So riot took a fearful toll of lives. we accompanied him into the alRacing down Kingsway toward ley. Tho photographer was not the scene of the explosion^ I was allowed to come. hailed by an American reporter, Away From Civilization Oscar Xritzer, driving in - the ' Aftera few steps the alley took same direction with a photog- a twist, and we were completely rapher. Beaching the spot, we ! out of sight of western civilizaat you in the current Warner saw that no one Tiad been hurt. Ition. • The battleship. Repulse, -by the bomb and were about to docked a quarter of am i l e away, (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- Bros, hit "Fools for Scandal" begraphic Agency, Inc.) longs to a man who doesn't apdrive back when, out of .a side ' might B3 well have been in China, j pear in the pic at all, but stands street, emerged' a mob wearing so far as we were concerned, an eight-to-five chance of crash"tarboushes," the red, -Jlower-pot- There was no sign here that there ing Hollywood's dazzling portals shaped hats of the Arabs, each had-ever been a British adminin a huge way before many man waving a rolled-up newspa- . istraticn in the Holy Land, or moons go by. The "unsung hero" per which I later discovered; con-j that a Jewish .National Home exdoing the singing is Paul Dennis. cealed a short iron bar used as.a isted, except in the muttered im- \ Behind that patrician, melloflubludgeon. ' .— • •_'•":'.. precations of. our hosts, • or ous and racially neutral cognoguards, against the '"Tahudi." "Jew OP German?" • By DICK CHASE men lives a personality aboat As we talked along, bur new The. foremost of this crew which much could be written. Tushed upp to to the car and,, flour- acquaintance boasted that this T d THAT'S ^DIFFERENT:—Jacob Aside from the pipes that proishing hjs weapon, Bhoutedi "Ya-'section; of Haifa was ruled,, not Fishman, famous editor of ths N. duce those thrilling tones, the hud ii aleman?" "Jew or Ger-; by the British, but hj^: the Arabs, Y. Jewish Morning Journal, regis- most obvious fact aoout Paul man?" While Kritser,.- who_'and that no English policeman tered pique the other day when Dennis is the one he is least'imspeaks Arabic, -was' telling nim , ever set foot here, Paltiel Buchner of the Warner pressed about—to-wit, the fact that we were American reporters, | H e also explained why we had Bros. .Research Staff < who dug up that were he carrying on under the photographer was preparing j been challenged to identify our- background materiaL and collab- his true identityJis Henry Rosentp take pictures -when the crowd j selves as Jews or Germans. The orated on the Bcreenplay for that blatt, son of the late world's parted and through it stalked a | Arabs are very friendly .with, the much-publicized Haym Salomon greatest cantor, a great laany fashionahly dressed young Arab German Christians inhabiting sevwho held up his hand and an^ eral settlements in the vicinity of story) postponed a date they had j more gates might be open for nounced~in a tone of authority: Haifa. These Germans "are al- made to inspect the Warner lot. I Mrn. It sounds melodramatic. most all staunch Nazis. They It being Fishman's first visit to | sometimes even fishy, ••when some "Yon can't take pictures here." you could hardly artists of famed professional parHis manner was so self-assured voted enthusiastically in the re- Hollywoodland, blame hitn^for figuring Buchner's entage tell. you that they adopt cent plebiscite fo indorsement of that we thought for a mombnt he reception wacked warmth. When new names because of a desire Hitler's seizure of Austria, cruismnst b& ia detective. ~ W e Trere learned reason for change in to stand on their own feet. In soon enlightened. • He was the ing: outside > the three-mile-limit he plans, however, he has- Paul Dennis' case, it's quite credleader of the neighborhood "s,ha- aboard a German passenger ship Buchner's tened to 'sciise it. Seems that ible. For several years he has T)ab" — the Arab mob — the ter- specially dispatched for the pur- Paltiel is chairman of Welfare been singing on the concert stage, rorist, chief of that part of the pose. Their representatives ap- Fund collections at the Burbank in opera, theater and radio, but peared before Britain's Palestine studio, and had to chase after a it wasn't until this spring, when While we stood surrounded' by Partition Commission, now in few recalcitrants on the very day he guestarred. on an Eddie Canthe mob In"the middle of the Palestine, to demand that if a he had arranged to. guide Fish- tor program, that his identity bebroad "Kingsway, lined with huge Jewish state is established, -their man-through the •picture mill. came generally known. A traffic modern business buildings-repre- colonies, located in otherwise When they finally -did get to visit mishap in which Henry Rosensenting the last word in function- predominantly Jewish districts, a set, one on which Bette Davis blatt fractured his hip, and a al architecture, with hundreds of; be excluded from it. Many of the was emoting, Fishman -saw the tragic climax to his one big roBritish troops and police, a few Germans wear Nazi insignia and director order ten to twelve re- mance—his betrothed died just feet away, we might as well have they display the swastika on their takes.of a:.scene. noticed the tired j three days before their wedding been in the innermost : fastnesses houses. : sweating under., t h e i r I flay—combined to make up a of the Arabian-flesert, so* far as ---Three of these Germans, the actors the security and amenities of shabab leader explained, were.ex- makeup "neath tb.9 Kleigs, the '.Paul Dennis—a sincere, sensitive civilization were concerned. The pected to visit .the Suq "that-morn?, British had their attention fixed ing. What important business on the scene of the. bombing, and would bring 'them there .at such the Arabs appeared to\be com- a time, we could not learn. But pletely indifferent to their pres- he told us t h a t a n order had been issued to the m6b by the Arab ence. - •' . , . . ' - . A half-dozen other alleys along leaders that <:are should be taken the same side 'o& the street had not to harm them. I believe we' given vent to crowds of- Arabs, had a .glim'pse under the veil that armed with the innocent looking coveis foreign meddling in'Pales• '•• ' . - •-. : ' . . ' . . rolled-up newspapers. "Where a tine. _ .'. local Headquarters minute before there had been We were led to a shop, half -only -a couple of Bhuffling Arab peasants driving sleepy donkeys, Underground, around which loitthere were .now three or. four ' ered a score of Arabs armed with hundred Arabs, raging with the now familiar rolled-up newshatred against the Jews and glar- papers. We were introduced to ing up the street to where, 200 the proprietor and . questioned yards away,' the "international" further as to our origin and busisection began, with its crowded ness. Finally satisfied, the Arabs Jewish cafes and its Jewish busi- promised to procure the pictures ness- establishments still trying Kritzer wanted. to keep up a semblance of norDuring this time, we had an mal daily life. . Mob Disappears . . . For a moment it was touchandrpo'whether there would be a -• repetition of the July 6 riot when 31 .men were killed and 115 j Readers of the Jewish Press "wounded on this same stretch of pavement. The young "shabab" will be interested in -up-to-date leader, however, after surveying results of the civic delinquent ' the Held with a calculating «ye, tax collection campaign as renoting the disposition of the ported by "Wilbur Jones, camBritish forces, gave an order in paign -executive chairman, to the ..,'.' an undertone to a subordinate. Jewish Press.. A total of $600,293.SI in deIn. 10 seconds the lines of red tarboushes had withdrawn in linquent personal and real estate * j ~ taxes has been collected; towards. good- order into the goal of $1,500,000, vanished.; It was' as if "half a the-campaign saidl • ... dozen serpents had darted out Mr.InJones addition, Mr. Jones said, their fiery tongues for a moment current collections reacted 'favorand. then drawn them in again. ably to the campaign by showing increase of 5345,695 for the and climbed into . their.... - ^ - " - 6 e T e n . m o l l t h period ending Augclattered hack up the street on{ l s ' t , o v e r the same peHbd tofising their bayonets. ™ * =f-pT>A i • tailed ?4,715,859 as••• compared became as peaceful;. and. somno- with §4,370,164 last year. lent looking as it had. been before Total dslinqueTitrCollectionsfor the bomb exploded. We remained. July were ?58,658, he said. The surrounded _. _. . _ _ collection of delinguent shabab' leader's henchmen. That , -: . j-.-»j»o^ taxes from January to A August inof 5528,: worthy apparently ted decided celudes l u d e s aan_ i L Uitem em 28>K1 Irom that, as we were American- re- • ^ t a s fore(ilosul.e sources. porterB, a. good idea ••. •- to supplyIt uswould with bepropaganda for. tsdh fsro-crd io a casdsAsbls xAzlztl IZzt! the Arab nationalist cause. "Come along with me," he Is ths iins ta izzlzR Iu£zzz£Lz Ecc!—cs said, pointing toward the alley; O2 E-^nicr cr a Co=l Staler. Fcr j=sl c !ra "I think I can get you some pic-
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Tax Campaign " ;s Results
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'© -Because it*s cburned from .;..-;.. Sweet Gream
ST. JC3^IPH' 5 2.13 KANSAS CITY - . 3iU -T—r DES MO1NE3 2.:t> " OTTUMWA 3.E3 • CMlCAliO S.til DETROIT U.E3 YORK 1D.*5 N E V / DENVEn S.C3 LOS A N G E L E G . . £7.03 1 SAN FRANCISCO " 27.C3 eava year taavJ ttsziry triih low rails la cny ei^r cr v£ in Aoeria. /»ic yo=r B a £ : ^
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The Gentlemen from Nebraska
DAVID BLAQIiBR • • Baslaesa ana Msnaslas Editor FRANK RJ &CKERMAN ' o ov b - . • EdltOJ I-SONARD NATHAN i. r o • Assodato Editor RABBI FRBDSRICS COHN •> « > Contributing Editor RABBI THEODORS N* L3W1S . . - Boot: Editor ANN PILL » • • Sious City, Iowa, Correspondent
Camp Akiba's Foiiflh.Season
Another Center home /camp has closed its season, another
j Fopa wfeo protests against selling
yebT of Camp Akiba has come to an end. Thanks to Ruth Allen, camp director, and her staff, of counselors, the camp enjoyed v another highly successful year. ' The summer home camp is an innovation in the. field of child education and recreation, and Camp Akiba has, been a pioneer. Through it many a parent has solved their problem of caring for their children' over the summer without sending them away from home. T- ' Camp Akiba's.program is designed exclusively for Jewish children, supplementing their Jewish education in a pleasant manner. They learn Jewish songs and Jewish stories that inIt Is reported that he received crease their, respect for their.background. most amiably the Roman mes1 sengers "(•who had approached Yet 7 as are most modern vacation schools, the camp is With fear and-trembling.) primarily- a character-building agency. ^Personality developNow, after the 1,400 years the ment is watched and persopal aptitudes and. talents' encourThe recently announced wedding of the granddaughter 6i Hua -wins again and imperial Rome sells an element of its aged to the benefit of the child. Social attitudes are condi- he late A,«drew Carnegie has revived the memory of the great civilization, its intellectual iategtioned by iha group character of the program. . philanthropist. One of the simplest njea,in the world, of simple Tity and its seir-respect for ths Nor is the physical development of the child ignored. His taste$ and unostentatious living despite his great wellth and Hun's favor. Italian professors (by comluncheon was prepared by a dietician. The athletic program castle in Skibo, he was one of the remarkable mea of the isrorld. mand) falsify science to declare played an important part in camp life. Froin a poor bobbin-boy he Tose to the great sicel-raanuiac- Italy la accord- frith, tbs Nazi fabrications-that ftave created aa True many .of the advantages of the .all-time camp were urer, and one of the wealthiest men in the world -as.well as Aryan • rsco and have discovered missing, though hikes and fishing trips took care of some as-"one of the greatest philanthropists. Besides the iailiions which aa exquisite essence in Aryan 'peeta. Yet the home camp has its advantages by not taking he left for the benefit of humanity, and which in nis life-time blood. The ©13 Romans merely gave from home for a long period the highly impressionable, young he dispersed to endow libraries, pension funds, scientific re- their gold to ths Hua to buy him they kept their souls. Their chjld whose familytflife is all important. . search, and art institutes, to build the beautiful Peace Palace off, descendants embrace the Hun . . . Though the attendance at the camp was exceedingly high, at the Hague and further in other ways the cause of Univer- "We are all Huns together and as you do against the yet there "was room for- more. No child should have been de- sal 3?eace, he leftsbme sage and striking ideas behind him ofbelieve Jew?.". . . prived, of this «xcellfent opportunity. \ homely, mellowed wisdom as. well as of practical, common sense. .(The Italian professors.appear F.QUF years have made Camp Akiba an institution in;the Despite his immense success as a business man he was'a great to have beers ashamed of their degradation, since at first their copnmjnity. "We shall eagerly" look forward to its Fifth. deali$t and like. AbouBcnAdhem ^ Jover of his fellow-man. names were £ept secret. Later h e ' Fascist captains revealed He ihak immortalized himself By his statei^ent in his "Gospel tthem.) of Wealth" Which treated a sensation when it first appeared, Yet it day be difficult to transContinued He iw-ho.rdies thus rich, .difs 'disgraced.' By 'thus' he meaat, form Italians into Huns even by Once the campaign of the Nazi party against Germ&pyY asfeeshowed-in his w&ll-thdught dttt and logieally developed command $o -potent as that of the dictatorship. The press Jews might have been explained as.based on a definite policy, article; .^thont li&viaf wisely ©rranged ior t ^ distribution of fascist reports that Italians seem not in that its anti-Semitism denianded the exclusion of the Jews his fortuno wliich liis ability fead genius ascum^kted. He also 'the least excited-to be told.that Jews are the bane of their exfrom all positions of affluence. Even the brutality accompany- ihowed himself .thB man of innate culture and refinement, lover istence and that something ought ing these measures might be excused as a phenomenon of revo- of books as well as fluent writer of no mean literary ability, to be ddae about them. Italian skies are so blue at lution, the lawless elements getting but of hand. byhis clever observation that there are men who have a great this time cf the year and the But to look so generously at a policy of continued perse- deal to retire with, but nothing to retire tot S3 are -laughing: ©Ed Rome continues eternal (the-splendid ruin cution and ruthlessnesa' is,a iaistake.of .the type;often.made t have beeja reading the book just published (Lee Furnam, of the-'coliseum remind them of by those proud of their realistic view; of world events. Inc.) by Bernh4rd Menne called "Blood, and Steel." It re-the futility of settling things by The one-sided struggle of the Nazis and the Jews .is re-counts the rise, character and influence of the.House of Krupp throwing people to lions) and in presence of all this Italians, moved from the arena of polity. A series of petty persecu- by one who had intimate connections with the great steel worljs the one may guess, have no mind to tions last week climaxed in the revocation-of the rlicenses of at lessen aad who now because of hia expose of the Giant Oc- bshave like Huns. "Hear ye," shouts Mussolini, seven! thousand Jewish physicians. topus of the Ruhr is a political refugee from Germany, though "and let every one . know that Theae doctors, many of whom were Germany's leading med- when last heard of he was in Au$tria. I could not help con- even in the question of race we to go straight ahead." ical men, had been reduced to a position where they virtually trasting these 'Merchants of Death* with the Scottish-American intend Ah, no, II Dace, this is no time subsisted on charity. "Aryans" dared not go to them, If they $teel King. Both were among the greatest manufacturers of to be Hues. There is so mueh staging to Is* done (what -with Occupied official positions, they were summarily removed. Few steel and armaments in the world, both accumulated vast tfte sapphire skies and the frag-of their Jewish patients remained in a position to pay. Nowealth, but the Krupps were wholly selfish, unscrupulous, ranee of the harvest.) "We'd rather be Puccinis, Verdis, Carlonger were they socially prominent or economically well-sit- tyrannical, immoral (Friedrich, the son of Alfred,;'The Can- usos Tettrazinis. u&te<J. As though the calamity was not complete, the govern- non King,' committed suicide as the result of a moral seandal); Theand relatives of Michael Anment stepped in and put its official mark on their downfall. there are no public benefactions to their credit> even the 'wel-gelo, Leonardo, Titian and Rapcan't believe it, even though Not only does this new decree affect the seven thousand fare work' among their employees had a taint when the Pen-ithael is Mussolini himself -who says doctors in the.economic sense. It will react on the entire Jew- sion Fund built up by the. savings and sacrifices of the poot: it, "From today on we Italians are Huns and' shall go straight ish community which will.be deprived of medical attention. workers was wholly lost to them in their poverty and old age ahead being Huns." For their continued well-being they-will be left to the mercy while the Krupps took care to preserve their own wealth des- Besides, if you are Italian yoa of those "Aryan" physicians who will risk their reputation by pite all the vicissitudes of the war culminating in Germany's must have a hot reason for hating before you can hate thoroughtreating, the Jewish ill. Most likely there will be some harsh qmplete defeat. They exhibit What I am afraid we mugt re- ly. The perfection of hate is ia eoncejitr.atioa ' and w&ea yoa new measures to prevent any such charity. gard as the typical German character, a fun^aaentdl ruthless- spread hats over a whole people This is no measure of policy; no measure of economic necesgets very thin EB3 unsatisfac, militarism and 'schickliehkeit,' seen in Bismarck's ppolicy it tory. If yoa are Italian your hate sity. It is an act of cruelty. : specialises. Yea may hate your of 'blood and iroji/ and come to such horrible -expression as •wife's lover or yoa ssay hats {or r the Naiis' incredible, brutality and bestiality. I have cosie to vengeance's sake. This Is splen*G Firot Steps ; \ . ' " . . the conclusion th&t we must hold the German people 413, eajey&bls hating which may to a happy conclusion with Two announcements, corollaries to the racial doctrines, of sjbje for the Nazis. '"Water &6eis not rise higher than its Source,' cd'me a- stilleto between your enemy's tho Italian government are implementing Mussolini's attempt nor murderous criminality fall lower thto already exists in theribs. essential character. Andrew. Carnegie is the typical American TBat'B the link art of Bating. to introduce German anti-Semitism into Italian Fascism; you can't hate aa entire- peoFirst of these bats from Italian schools all foreign Jews. though of foreign origin es is the average American; self- But ple thoroughly.; it makes no Second is the application of a 'numerus clausus' to all walks made, democratic,, genial, kindly, humane. The Krupps are sense. You, if you are Italian, can hate one Jew passionately and selfish, aristocratic, cynical, brutal, exploiting the masses, with satisfactorily, but 'not all the The first has long been expected. "Italian universities were the worst features of the 'Merchants of Death,' their wealth Jsws together. Hating ' is a to 'be cultivated lite the crowded with Polish, Rumanian, and German Jews who could literally 'blood money,' sucked from the bodifek of those whom specialty fragrance cf a El-sle g-s.rder.ia. not atterjd schools of higher learning in thei? native lands. their nefarious industry haa slain in the work-shop and thoIt Is too pr^cicus to bo promiscuously vrastai. Sdveral times of late there was indication that action was tobattle-field; human vultures on a colossal scale. I admiro t i e Tts.::an3* rar.nirg With Andrew Carnegie wealth, in whose honest accumu away be taken. For months, evidently, the idea has been under confrcm "rrhcleiilcj hatirs rs sideration. But someone was hesitating. Perhaps the foreign lation he believed with a healthy indivjdualtsn wes but a ncan thoy t i r e tezi fro™ time to time eschaage the students attracted was an item too important to an eud, a grand opportunity of doing good in the world, a —at Capcre'.to in the r r " t wrr, to be overlooked. That such a measure was to be put into effect sacred trust held and to be • administered for tho benefit o: r "with the i=:ti=it c : roctz £.= d I 1 was continually denied by the government, but still the rumor mankind. Andrew Carnegie sincerely, enthusiastically, end in-philcscphTa tho rlviilrrd IttLliciis persisted. telligently devoted himself to the service of hutacnity. JIo fled from" Latins: and kHlint; AustrlciES ia a fcocly. There might t Tho cec&nd ruling is, of course, vei'y serious. No longer a true friend of huraan welfare, no cold, conceited, crrc^ bi some AUzlr'.-T.'; is b : t r t c i is tho Italian Jew to regulate his-life by his ability. One Jewsadistic, dictatorial egotist. with a flimirr. cT.runiK^ Italics, Infinitely better than 'blood and steel' ^re hunanity and hate but it vzz imror-lbls to hale for every thousand ItaliaBS—doctors, lawyers, shoc-shiiicrs, Austrlar" fat'Uy t.i one tim?. love. Someday all mankind will enter upon a~d enjoy the all .barbctp, end wjiat have you. tits-plo- to Izi tha vhs'e ^matt1 ? The (iitalificatioa for a position will be race. It is but an- 'more abundant life,' end there will be no tlmhs due thsi drop end TuL cr.o zctorC V,z Italiar.3 turned ;r.2 west t i e r other step to the absolute exclusion of Jews from the economic Krupp3, but tender, cdmiring gratitude to cu?h cs T.ay fiom C ; I.tltcMclI. 3:-.virt^sir wrrr*•" MT^r.-: iYZTz. Catncgio, millionaire of benefaction:, prctiiotcr^ of life—C3 has been the case in Germany. • r Ves, it r.;r-r '-i i - r a icr IIucHo csi:ry the 'numerus clau3tis' to its logical conclusion, end peace. tHirA to cc-. _:_• t»-c IL-.ll^n p~:Italy must pm'ge its army, for tho Jews have played a conspicuous rolo in military achievement. In Ethiopia over a hundrcd EksilJiai'a of tho Boinan Gynqsogue fell when the Casualty Irish dx-2J(cT ;, : r - r _ lists amounted," according to the government, to only two Cork, IrolaS3^rN5)—A r'-n:a ^,^ o f
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One. Jow litiit be rfiiAovfid from the Pantheon of Fascist 'hero is £oi" of Va-s tliirty*f;is Italians who died for Fasckra, two ^alEst
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tho "cruclij- a^'i hs.mi tea" wah which Jevi.-Ii ^,:d;r:ci —.•'. t..s la Uui-iiaia end Pvfcn-r.ro tr--t«| z:*r:\;7j -"1 -• ."»*"•-; " l cd, hzz bici-j T?."C'$ -53'J^IO "bio:., cf j . o r i l - - . ,
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One may rave nnd onS may rant, but the die lies bern cast JIUESOIM ii tied to Germany. Tho Say of their joint venture :: dr&-.vin;j closer. The policy of coordination of national lift ! £ho Jsv/3 are the first victims. The others COB:O
mitv Calendar
the Italian to the HUES . . . "Way
has Italy felt the need to imitate , Nebraska and Kansas have many siailaritiss—rolling Germany?" he asks with shame. ] PQm, AVGVS1! 14-17, £ESS 17 "Racialism safl exaggerated saprairies, an agricultural economy, a progressive political traditionalissi, as cocmeEiiy spokea Omahs .Hebrew clufe. s r- ta.; j tion. The start Kansas gave tho nation hj merely having a of, raean harriers erected between , room; Jewish G&intattitr ' reputed Nazi run for the Senate gave us $ profound appreciamea sad other men, between folk ! Ijodge Center. " ! —imfiieCJate temoliaen of NuiP» TSE! SUS "WIKS AGAIN and otter folk?" "j Ktefey, Aragnst 15 tion of-our own two Senators: r emberg't, IEKIOEE del cynagogue It gi^ves a pain to ESS the RoLoan Association, £ j£nd the hearltrE-i'ters of the JeW» The political'opinions'of these two Senators may not be mans being conquered by the A footnote: I am ^nite. aware p. TFoftlasn's E~., rooms C and D, Jewish. ' iBh Ct:tfi;rp.r eoclcir on. Han« Huns again and paying tribute to appreciated by all the members of their constituency, but both tee that I have not bees eihncgrapEiSachs Flr.tz hf.fc beer, ordered by Hun's savagsry. accurate in wrapping Nazis Hasomir Choral Society, £ p. the city council. Easiiig of the are men of great personal integrity and. fairness; And bpth Mussolini taking up the man- cally and Huns in one bundle, as ia a . , rooms IC ESO. !.<, Jevish Com- BtructiireF T>egrEC stritnefilatoly last week made the news with assertions that showed what ners of Hitler caases one to re- the late wsr when Germans were munity Center. after they were €7ip?opviAk6d ia member the earlier conquest of called Huss. ' -Ti£y are not in A. E. A. No. 100 meeting, S p. order that "the t;55prp.ee oJ inemies of bigotry each is. the Romans by Attila, king cf of the same racial stock, EI., Lounge room, Jewish CoraFrom- his summer home in "Wisconsin, Senator" Norria, the Huns. This occurred in the reality l except ES the Oriental HUES rauiity Center. century -when Attila catae sweeping out of the Far East called the Erimsogue, may be re'Noblest of the Bomans,' came out urging upon Roosevelt the sixth marching down over the Alps before the Ke.si party's western Europe left traces Boy Scouts Meeting, 7: SO p. •mevefi I wisdom of appointing Felix Frankfurter to the Supreme Court into the plains of Italy ravaging over of their- character among the m., Lounge room, Jewish Cora.-: annual concress meets here on everything before him. ancestors of the Nazis through muxLity Center. ! September £. A BrAalter eynaas the successor of Justice Cardozq and Justice Holmes. FrankA, Z. A. No. 1, S P. ES.. I,&tir.ge ' gofue is still open la Nuremberg. Gibbon in his "Decline and mixture cf WOOSE.furter has had a voeiferous opposition though the Institute of Fall T&s very c'oss relationship be- l-oora, Jewish Community Center. T.orfl Kr-or L'.ebel seifl he orof the Roman Empire" reaerec" the pe5^rre v,". the eyna* Public, Opinion indicates the majority of the people consider ports that long- afterward there tween the fesrbsraaa Hens &&& Iatemttional Tfortsrs' Order. jro^ue fcpcRiise the Zevre. refused was a#legend in Italy that "grass the barbarian Nazis is epiritual. him the logical candidate for the vacant position. never'grew- oa a spot -where At- Yet as ens looks at the Mongel S p. m., rooms C and I?, Jewish to fseU it. The rcnagpgue was At the same time, Senator Burke, speaking before the grad- tila's horse had trodden.". built 1E 1ECE. corsfigur&tioa of t i e cduntenaEcs Ccmaiunity Center. camajalmest to the gates of Kr. Gcebbels (who Is ths minuating class of Bryant'College, deplored the silence of the U. S..of Attila Roma which" he certainly would ister of enlightenment) one may "When Pedro V mountefi thfe Patvotiiss Our Advertisers • State department in the face of the Nazi persecution of thehave ravished but for the Ro- suspect that there is even more throne oJ Portug:.:, Lc ivi.^' s.Z the civil fils£.bi!itlcc c' i" J-> tnang buying him off. They carae than spiritual kinship. Jews. / . : • hsrlng been deeply i r - r - r - T ^' as suppliants to ais tent and by "The horrid germs of racial hostility," he said, "will ulti* hug© ransom "the deliverance of (Copyright, XBSS, by Seven Arts the issorlptloas ir t>p *r- r -p-. Feature Syndicate) 'c,h. WE mately pollute the life stream in every country. It is neither Italy was purchased," as Gibbon the great loncing io- r>crtuj.r' tells cs. wise nor Christian to follow the course of silence with regard It was a great victory for t i e Patronise Our Advertisers to Germany." barbarian Hun to see the envoys ancient civilization come to "We are glad Kansas profited from our example. Senator of an-with bended knee. Under Norris and Senator Burke are truly two gentlemen from him the circumstances Attila could afford to restrain his blood-thirst; Nebraska.
. H e r e ' s t h e s M r t y s u l l r - V " J ~ ' £ .'-
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* * «*
Hollywood — A newcoser -srtio seems to be going places is Anifcosy Ward. Appeared Jstely in "Marie Antn'netta." Tie belongs to the "raatsos ralspocie" . . . real nama is Benny Sc
-ANNOUNCE BAR MTtZAlI The Bar Mltsvab of David Mr. and Mrs. A. Les of Chicago Chorney, son or Mr. and Mrs. J. announce the marriage of their Chorney, -will take place tomor- daughter, Irene, to Sanford KapTOMT at--the B'nai Israel syna- an, son of Sirs. Sam Kaplan of Frits Feld.is a character off as gogue. Eighteenth and Chicago Omaha. The marriage took placs well as on the screen. Played streets. : . on August 9 in Chicago. dramatis roles for years — only Mr. and Mrs. Chorney "will reto find comedy is his forte. Yet ceive on Sunday, August 14, from FOR STAMIASTERS all the while his burning ambiNinety persons attended a no3 to 6 "p. m. at their -home, 2221 tion is to be a director. Osce, North Nineteenth street, i n ' hon- host dinner given Wednesday evepromised B. P. Schulberg sever ning at the Paston hotel in honor of theit son. ; to act again if latter would let ;~:Lrt ~" "i'.z zzrr. i.~ ~l ~'l 'r—rp : All friends and relatives are or of_Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stalnfashim direct. Then along came a ter, who are leaving Omaha soon Invited. script . . . Sehulberg' exclaimed, to make their home in California. "Frits is the very man ts? that \ role!" So back to the grease. RETURN paint f>s went. Has played 52 VISITING GRANDPARENTS F R O M TBXB '.'••'.• parts in 64 successive weeks . . . Philip Korphols of St, Joseph. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Kaslow Mo., has such a loag list of picture asSunday afternoon to have returned to Los Angeles visit arrived signments ahead, fcs catalogues -with his grandparents, Mr. from a four-week honeymoon trip and Mrs. them on a printed sheet. Is loath 3. Handler. to Lake Louisa and Banff in Canto break the lucky chain . . . but ada. En route they visited "WaThe engagement of Kiss Pearl nature is an obdurate boss . . . Monsfcy, terton LaRes, Glacier Part and RABBI GOLDSTEIN TO daughter cf Mrs. Sepsis. compels him now to tale a rest RETURN Crater Late. Mossty, to Mania Polafeof, eoa l&r to ti.o trd.ho"T c* cure at a sanitarium. Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Goldcf Mr. ~.nS. Iffirs. Sam Pcla&of cf The couple •were married on J and family are returning toAs he chats he scratches the Los Angeles, ^ a s esnouEced last June 23 at the home of Rabbi stein day from the Black Hills where heavy Bushmen's brash oa his •sreeS., Edgar Magnin of the Wilshiro they have been vacationing. Mi£3 Elaine Kalman- of Lc3 An- chin . . . it annoys him. He grew Temple of Los Angeles in the The treidins -will take place in c~™ r geleg has since July l been the it In four days for his part in the fall. presence of members of the im- CALIFORNIA?? HERE liTing -1 yz~ z~z .- T--Z. €-• guest of her father, Abner H. i "Campus Confessions." "Tcraormediate families. Mrs. Kaslow not 1 am s nob'e T-.C;* Z~ Miss Geraldine For of Los An- Kalman. Miss Is-the former Dorothy Robinson, geles, re- • r-row," he says, gleefully, "it Clifford Odets, an American citi- does not best z~.c ' whose parents, Mr. and main In OmahaKaitnan until September coses off. The picture 5ss fin- Eert. Hjisis JTisk, -E-e-U-kso-vra daughter of Mr. Albert .Robinson Mrs. Henry Habbi Siraoa sr.cl, ' rl~z-z-r l Fos, are former Oma- 1 when she frill return to com- ished." His work keeps his hair of Loa Angeles. She -was gradu- hans," is visiting photcgrspher cf EtaTE, hss been. tiers more ,1c'"o ,- ~~ ~ ' her uncle and plete her senior high school year. ated in June from the University aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Perelis always having to adopted by Bob "Bazooka" Burns Israel &ny busy thaa the i Z ~cn'Jt ^.c shave his head or grow the hair, of California at Lo3 Angeles man. E.s a relative . . . -will heEcelorth. t i e couth. At, z-L 1 e r>" •cultivate a beard or shave it off. be •where she -was associated . -with labeled "Co-asin H y m i «.'* lor c^ .»- — She yrill interrupt her stay i-i. eU* Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority. Is -well-liked by his co-workers George Givet la Loacca . . . that Atoneisient, maifiers cf .Ten;— e— T L . J here to -visit Mr. and Mrs. Morris . . . even the extras applaud when is, the Mrs., espects a population forth The groom is the son of Mrs. Fox cf Chicago and •will then redressed is T U - : pfnr At a meeting, of A. Z. A. 100 he does a good scene. Hyman Kaslowsky of Omaha and turn for another month. increase. "Walter "incfceil s a y —borro-red ones, -~ r " - c - r r held last Monday evening, a poHi3 love of America, cis sdopt- call his fana "The Fourth cause " ehsiaa to t t c c v l r is an alumnus of Creighton uniDuring her stay Miss Fox lias tential program embracing all eS country, amounts to seal, an versity. He is a member, of the been Sid Skolsky refused a rose cf their cwr. rt . extensively entertained. phases • of AA. Z. A. -activity was affection seldoa felt by the na- Estate." Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. p radio series . . . so like© "nikes" b h b l t t s tive EOES. The couple -will make their OS" 3IOTOR TRIP T7EST presented by ea.eh new iome In Palo Alto, Cal.,v •where rejoicirg, tss Miss Anna Hahn and Miss ehairean^ M s i i a a Clark was doing fe the pl plan of tfea Century y Dr. Kaslow is to be a. member of Sylvia Hahn left Tuesday with It fe The latest Sasnay siae-Eplitter cE forgiTcncss, erf r- -* ?l "istra" work in "Girls' School," h t eachh man participate tiiate the faculty of Stanford univeroccurred when be taought he the cesosd t a motor trip to Los lchapter that diversified activity S3 and -getting alosg aieely — it X?ZB took s wreag- bottle out oi the sity. He is also associated with Angeles. onMiss ™ t Sylvia will remain possible so that A. 2. A. 100 will her debut in pictures. Os© day raefiioise " chest. "Quick!" - h.e .SnvW -f-. th© cli&ie3 of Stanford Lane hos- on the' coast, while Misa Anna t i e be reeognl2ed as the "Attivfi shou she was on the vsrgs ol faiatiEg cried, "Vea. poisoaed. Get me as rac-rlii Ab, bs s, pital la Saa Francisco. return In two 6r three weaks. Chapter of A. 2. A." . her girl frlsads became psnRabbi Jochar.E3 t. n c The following committees have . revealed her identity. ieky m CHICAGO been appointed: She" 'Is Sjaadne 2iars, Chico's Mis3 Helen Lincoln departed on George Bums asd Gracie were oj the tribe of Social, Alephs B. Tractenberg daughter. Sunday for Chicago. dining in the BubXichki. George v .L _ and D. Richards, co-chairmen; ksew t i e ropes, he said, he would other tribes." Alephs Phillip Bdkoloff, J. Guss Paul Muni is personally teachNEW YORKER- ESRE order for Grade in, BusEian. After Kabbl Ishame*. and M. Hiaelstein. ing John Garfield tfce art of s. few .EPttttering tries Mr. Herman Black of Ne-w vishes to beccnir Social ssrvice, Aleph Dolgoff, screen make-up. York City is the house-guest of - rr Greek to the -waiter, George chairman; Alephs Habler and M. r«^ ^ , . . , Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pesaen. turned the menu upsifie fiDim . . . Kerf Kin (cM! 1v ic Bernstein. The annual ball gams of Con- ordered steak anfi no riclier seotio— rLs . . . meBy Aries© Solomon • Publications, Aleph Epstein, ies vs. Leading Men goes to bat rare! SAILS FOB EUSOH3 t i s entire la^r th: chairman; Alephs Y. Richards, for lit. Sifiai Hosjital this weeS:. Ben Novak sailed from Nerr Dear Suzy Q: Kia -rfeici. is 13;? Zelinkgy, Himmelsteln, Say Ian, ,M. TMrty-fiva thousand fans are exAt the present moment have York on Wednesday aboard the Hvcrybofiy lap^y? Fez and Shaier. psctsd for the charity evcat. Of .(Copyrighted Queen Mary for a two-montli delightful Wlsions of white. Enow- Guss, . by Jewisa Tele- civil 1&'~~ Ts&y Cultural, Aleph Shafer^ caair-stay abroad. He will visit his covered streets, and long, drip- xaan; Alephs D. Kolniek, M- Kol- tho-giggle-getters, Jsck Bessy is grapiic Agency, Inc.) ping Icicles, but must console myofficial coach . . . the unpire is father and mother In Latvia. self by merely downing lay sixth nick, G. Bernstein, > Coha, M. . . . the Kits Brothers . . . all Guss, Nesselsga, Hu&iia. Argentine Supports glas3 of lemonade. three. That slicald gi?e you some 1 ANNOUNCE BERTHAthletics, Alepb. Kutler, chairn At any rate, it was cool Wedidea . . . Mr. and Mrs. David Shakert men; Alephs Gorelick, KukUn, nesday when I went to the lunchannounce the hirth of a son, AlBuesos Aires (JTA)—Argeaand Forbes. Pcls,nd (rT Al Slegel's garage In Eaeino len Samuel, on August 2 at the eon given tot Barbara Itudolph Ruback Religion, Aleph Plrsfih. chair- caught tire the other night. May- tiae Vice-Presifiert Castillo isof Washington, D. C, who is visTeicfcsr, t t a eldes r£l*i is Methodist hospital. • iting her cousins, Ruth and man, and Alfiph IQrshenbauftj. or Al Jclson, Ben Blue, asd a sued-.- a statement expressing Eysa-! j>ciaaa. died here &t the z.~s of j Library, Aleph J. Guss, chair- counlo othef residents, cosapris- pathy 5?-ita the purposes cf thsj eg. after 7E. r-e£.r£ of rEt-bisical • MInda Friedman. SETURKS FROM OKOBOJI I hear Rosalie Alberts will fe- man; Alephs Rasnick, Alperson, ing'the Eniino Fire Dept., rushed congress against AEti-SeinitiEs! aetl-rity. Ee -ras the Eranfisos. • Miss Alice Joyce Susman has to the- rescue . . . fought to a and Racism held hers last ireek. j o j t t e " Brisker GsonDiamond andj&lkin. recently retnrned from Lake main In Minneapolis a few more , Plrsch, Scouting, Aleph W e I s m a n , Tsan! So what happened? . . , . Tha -consress is sposss-red " Okoboji, -where she l a s been,.ya- weeks, and that Beth Kulakofsky chairman, s p and Aleph Reznick. co it bura©d to t i e ground! • .tsl-1 fnd her sister, Ethelyn, .just recitloning. group ol EGtsa. Argeati Membership, Aleph It. Lswis» turned from that city a couple of chairman, and Alephs Greenbferg, Chips and Chaff: They say that days ago.. BROWN RETURNS even if Prof. Freud rejects the I really must tell you , about Dolnoff and Miller. Miss Doris Brown, vs-ho has Phone squad, Aleph R. Lewis, proffered-film contract, he could been vacationing at Lake Okobo- Phyllis Green's "peasant" formal chairman, dad M. • Tractsnburg, find a lot of work in Hollywood. which Is simply adorable, and 31, recently returned. vety nnusual. The skirt is silk, Y. Richards, U. Guss, Necsslsen. - John Gaffield brought the missus Properties, AJeph Siutskiti, out here by special plans so that black and ankle length. Around PARENTS • " chairman, and Alephs G. BsrnMr. Solomon H. Susman, -who the -waist Is a -wide,-multi-colored etein the helr-eipsctsd ha a and C6hn. in-Hallrwood praduet, Sybil Jabeen teaching high Behool for sash, while the top is a white ciiffon blouse with full threeEon, poor kiddie, is all tied up la the- past year, ia spending the legal knots . .'. after all her -s-ork Bumrrjer in Omaha: with his par- quarters length sleevejs. _A small, Ted silk "bolero jacket completes _ lehe has"'tmt ?3,500 left. Lti'ise ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Susman. the outfit, and the result is a The Ladles' Free Loan society Hainer passed her first citiEenyery picturesque and colorful ON EASTERN TRIP trill hold" a picnic at Elmwood j ship »*"» te St, ana ner test, and can receive her Mr. and Mrs. Horace"t. Rosen- gown. !teal,_WPen_ia_9 0 days because The phone just rang, and who park on Sunday,'August 14. at ^2 1she is still officially the -wife of blum and children, Shirley and Hubert, will leave Saturday morn- should it "be but your distant p. m. All members ana their ing for a two weeks' autiTtrip to cousin, Q. Pon, who Is extremely families have been Invited-.-to Terontol Canada. En route the enthused over Phyllis Botiome's come. . There will bs games -with 9 Roaenblums will visit relatives in book, "The Mortal Storm." I prizes' for all. Free ics cream agree -with her. It is an excellent will be served. Milwaukee and -will make Btops !!kS to sccornpany ons os* story of Germany, Jews and Mrs. Sam KlaVeiy president, an&t Cleveland and Buffalo. msre f»r' wssk's t»«nins t r I P t o While in Toronto Mr. Rosen- Nazis; so if you haven't read It nounces that a board meeting -will August 15, at Mlnns*eta. Share escpensss. Phone bjum -will attend the annual con- yet, Suzy Q, I advise you to do so be the hpld homeMonday, of JA £253 or WE 0351. Mrs. Sto. -Mogilf vention of the National Fraternal now. 20127h4orth -;seoad street, jof America of- whoso Sunday to a lovely tea at 2 p. ns. press section be ..is;.'a past presi- given by the Bordy girls—'Berdent. . .-,••'. ' ~ nico and Frances—for Maxyae Sir. Rosenblum Js the editor of Tenenbautn of TiTaterloo,v la. Did I tell you _ that Dorothy tho "Wpodmen of the World magSherman and Muriel Frank h^ve azine. . been in Olioboji tha past -week? Moiswlz T i r e s s r e SK> RETURN PRO3I KANSAS CH?I Then, too, did yon Snow tMt . Isngs? 21M2 fcr t i e 1 % g3> Mrg. Al Cutler and Mrs. Carl Joye Greenberg's cousin, Murisl Lagman and daughter. Rose Joy,''Funk ofNew TorS, has been have returned from Kansas City, itingr her? pensive ear dons. Their -wftere they "were the guests of -- Tes, in answer to your letter, Hiss LIbby ChemeL Betty Rosenblatt is recovering sew, low prices put top tire Whllo there they -vrere exten- from her accident, and can ndrw sively entertained by friends and have visitors. A -Fayori-fa in 'quality TdtMn reach of Guess -what! -Goldle Devise of relatives. eble Fur with eii fh* SIous City, I'm sure you know eveiycne. chanrt of ©rey SquirHQ3IE Afe'l'Kfct TWO 5XONTH5 her, -was in town for Several days; I do hope, it doesn't fe.t much IN CHICAGO rel. " ' ; Mifea Louise Saylan has re- -warmer, and more nest •.time....'. Affectionately, turned home after spending t^o motiths In Chicago, -where she vis; A. Ite'd friends and relatives. P. S. It saems as though just everyone is talfcing about the AZA convention that will be held JOSIiYW here over Labor _day. Will -writs A motion picture sound film, "In the Wake of the Buccaneers," you all afcout it nest time. will ba presented in. tho Joslyn Bomb Thrown in Belrat Memorial lecture hall at 3:30 and Beirut ^JTA)—A botab 4:30 p. m. this ! Sunday. ^.The film Is one circulated by the Unit- thrown into, tha Jewish Q ed States department of interior. near, a crowded''synagogue.- I t Fcrs! its sub-Hsa fcsetrty ersan'd A recorded program, on the esplodea, but did no'; flatoage. , !' organ In the concert hall will hs Tvro Arab3 froia Nabl-as, Palesyou? shsuldtri . . . Thrill to Its tine, -vrere arrested. given at 4 p. m. Sunday., iuiuriGus £iffr.c:s. Ycj'i! !c/o its vcfiafiiir/ for d:y cr cvcn!r.g wear . . . \h $Uftl?,Z VALUE proves boysnd fhs shadov/ o? a
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of ihs wrong-waj- Ser to Ireland, Douglas Corrigan,- vas tcken Eboard ths liner Manhattan when the routhful airdanwas returning to the United . States. It shows him secure in a deck chair, instead of at the controls., of his famous "crate," while an attentive stewcrfi asbs if he'will have sugar, in his tea. New York gave Corrigcr; ths first of many jarful ceisbratiens.
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BEAUTY ASPIKANT—Jeanne Dixon, who will carry the colors of Hollywoofl, in the beauty contest to be'held at Venice, Cal., looks over the trophies "to be awarded. Festival finals will-be held on Aug. 14, and the victor will be crowned "Miss California 1938." Thjastate queen win then go-to Atlantic City, N. J., for the Miss America contest;
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r i Z E T riCXUEi; —. Princess Cals'xsa-IiE Icss'rj-, fovirrr vife of Leopold S;o!iOT-£ia, orcliestra conductor, docs no." rVov 'PE- roung daughter, Lrabc Stofeov;sti, 7, to be pho'-orranhprl. r»ui e r alert cEncranan snr,^p?d this picture on her F~sl r.-^ri?r"pnce et the Kstional Eorse Slarv, hoii ir. S&nla r>Gri;r,rf,. Ccl, L;-uT.>£ Jr, shown C3 her fevcrite rar,rc, Brovnie.
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GLAMOSOUS DAW AT KEWPOKT—Society's summer activities are reaching a high point at ^Newport, R. I., swanky center for the nation's social reglsterites. Dinner parties, luncheons, charity affairs,-yachting and swimming occupy , attention of everyone. Here are pictures caught by the cameraman. Upper left, Norman Ogden Whltehouse and his wife's nephew. Prince Bagration of Georgia; upper right, Mrs. Truaiaa
li. Saunders of New York csd her daughter Elizabeth; l o w e r l e f t , Miss Siena L. Villa, daughter of CQunt and Countess Alphbasp P. Villa of New York, and her fiance, Robert-Grant of New York; lower right, Edward D. Dunn" .of New York, and his daughter Anton. Center, Miss Lebrun Cruger Rhinelandsr cf New York, popular and attractive member of the younger set, heiress to a vast New York fortune.
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NEW MACBETANIA—Pox the first time in her mechanical life wind and tide played a part .when the new Mauretania was launched at Birkenhead, England; Here: the" 34,000-ton' successor to the'famous Mauretania, Atlantic, queen for 20 years, rides the watery of the Mersey. The ship was christened by Lady Bates, wife of the Cunard-White Star chatarmn. " ^wmw>w/^«. -
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Pittsburgh Pirates got tz the top of ths Katiozcl Lcngus pennant mco Tan Lae <Jeep> Eanfiley, tinEiF hitter. His fiashr oScadvs and defensive plz$ at second _ base also belped' the Buccaneers ' hsli. ths £rst-gT£de position.
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DtJKE TAKES A LOOK—Returning >from a Mediterranean cruise recently, the Duks and Duchess cf Windsor embarked at Genoa on the Conte di Savoia as far as Cannes, to so to their chateau at Ccp oAntlbes, France. Passengers said the Duke and Duchess seemed extremely happy tcrethcr cad that tne. Duke looked quite fit: Here, he adjusts marine glasses aboard the ship. "
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tTEt^J S © -Northwest; tribes are preparfe;" for 'their cenfcuries-old Indian war canoa races, afc -Coupavills, Ws^h, 'Aug. 12-14. Each war canoa is 51 test long, dug fromfiTfc&ntcedar tree, with' places for i l stalwart paddlers. Above, AvAzzn J03, veteran Swtaomlslj carver, sizes' up a cedar in comparison with ths miniature model hs dedgnod for th'e tribal cra£i.
— sFocepli Bynn, Jr., coa, oJ tSio Ir»t3 Epc?.!isr'cl tJio HO*JS3 cf Rsprccsstr.ttTC^, TJ*>O T7on tha tsotty ccntcctsd crstie nTraination to from Tenne:xss. "He defeated Scj>rcssnt«iliv2 Sichard /d'^izszu.
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pone BITSL"< FCNCHfD—Fr-e-Ss of I f recentlr honored him en the crowing el h •'ire, " Alexanicr'ii E.cr»'tne T a r i , " T^ITI E n c > - T r . ; ' Iinter, hs z,zii I.lrs. Zcrlin vcrc mcr*bcrr oi r. parr' .it Roof cf tr<2 "'"c-15orf-/'Stons. n K^ir Tcrte, ?.? F.nr>**c IV-vs ha was attired in s rcnlhlul frocl: c* vM»£.
Page 7
devote the nest 10 years-of Ms of the Kansas City, Kan., section leadins sa Ebc-ti/e pttcct. life, if necessary, to ifee German, cf the National Hetali Credit as- fusion WEB crfe-reC Ir ^;s refuges prot-lem exclusively . . . sociation- for the testa consecu- by Kclorssa tive year . . . IJ &s.& whea Cade i liestsuast, TUFF Sara's post office issues a Stephen j eone the "When John Gusther's SSTF Foster stamp yen can credit it to 1 party. C book. "Outside Asia." appears in book fancier Symon QotlS.. ^ho t the fail it will centals a passage said the ifiea to tis felloe-philhailing Dr. Chaira Welzaann as atelist, Franklin X). Boosevelt . . . of tks Jewish Ccansrasity ens Cf the great s e n of all tlrno- Hollywood is dlclieriss to bring •V -. . -The' "Greea-wici -Village Sigcmud.-.Pre'iid i s . Assriea' to Anthology," shortly to be pub- supervisa th& asdics! S>i.£sa of have Jbeea .raany £$•. to send out the invitations. lished under the editorship c! Dr. "Dark Victory," y a' picture •sitn a tempts to found countries tor Und you will arrange for the pur- In the meantime Mr. Mordecai B. "V. Gocssmann, and -with a preJews other than Palestine, but of 3uffalo he held, a grand inau- face by Clement Wood, will in- .psychological thetae :hass of Grand Island?" :1a. every case these bavo failedguration for Ararat the city of clude seven poems fay Philip M. (Copyright, 1SSS,fcySeres Arts ^ Esrli; . ,- The F t S ^ i t )' Feature Sr=^iC2-te refuge that would ariss on Grand Raskin, Jewish- paet and JKF because falstine, as the first "Certainly, certainly . . . " home of the Jewish people, is And Mordecai Noah got into Island. A great prcc2:sion came .leader . . . Sol Silverman, prosacred to us sad all through he carriage of a delighted driver down the street, — bands of mu- gressive editcr-publtefcer of Ss,t> ceCiEte'y in a ganan iXis tnd returned home to writs invi- sic, officers; in uniform, a Grand Francisco's Etaanu-El. isss been our history they have prayed to Kisistsr of t i c Ister^or Noah treatto Buffalo, which was tations to all the Jews of the return into Palestine.. named secretary of the ce-sr FrisPrick. Ajaong t i e IS separated from Grand Island by co Citizens' Committee for a . . . .. . • . One man who bad such a world. Berlin £flectci Ere E c r a strip of Water. And in the city dream was Blordecal Noah, one 'Announcing- to the Jews Forma on Labor Problems . . . Marshal, and delighted children. of the great figures in-Aiaerl-- throughout the world that an asyIts objective, is industrial peace inored a- step closer tcrrs.rd. Naz•can-Jewish JMstory. His plan, lum ' is prepared" and hereby . of- And in the midst of the proces- .... . That "new song the rrhale 'ered to thenr, -where they can en- sion came Slordecai Noah, the fu- country is singing celebrating the three major Nasi Etcvsaesis for- fctrasse. IE Yiensa the fieor too, failed. . . oy Peace, Comfort, ana Happi- ture judge of Israel, dressed, in a exploit of Dou^'as mally fassd into a aingls orgs."!- plis Ju£Le2££sse tna Ju Tfae little story tjeldw tells ol esa which have been denied them crlEsson robe trimmed with er- '."Gone Agala-Corrisao," -was writ- sation. f h s sparger aritsa t i e his plsn and Its ontccme, .&lSerts sTtius ^'as t .brough the intolerance and mi3- mine. The procession .wound down ten by three- Xjitv&ks: Josef My- Arrow Cress party cf Cotint the diacsTerer cf thongit He did fail, TO are the street, drums beating,- bugles overnment of former ages . . . . iprond of the fat* that a man as row, Irving- Mills and E3 Weiner AlessnScr Festestias s r d the Na-Sisosstrasss- recalls t i e same cJ into a .. . . David Morants, whose syndi- tional "Vfiil movement cf SCaior the first preside president 1 cf the E-ticbf big- in public llle as &a still And the spot to which I invite my calling," flags waving, thought o£ his people and beloved People from the whole church that had been opened to cated "Talmudic Tales" appear in Ferecce . Ssalasy, Saoim as HOB-' stag uscer BIsciE ? vills TTasse> is called Grand Island . . . Mordecai -Noah tor the grand in- ] E gary's Hitler. •vr&B EataeS for the wanted to do something to save -world Here I am resolved to lay the auguration. ChriaUans" crowdrd in 1 a c r e d u of the W is sow inpprison y I n p r i v 2 t e I i f e them* ; a c r e d u g n t I p r v 2 t I foundation of a State, named Ar- to hear the future judge o is future.judge of Istest tor TOUR AUNT NAOMI. arat." '" " ' rael speak, and some Indians, too, H e . s j u s t b e e ( a e I e c t e ! ! i president Ing a three-j-ear ssntsacs for He sent his invitation to the who did-not "understand a word eadlng Jews of every country in but nodded approvingly at Mr. he world and waited for his peo- Noah's Crimson and. ermine robe; 1 And Mordecai Ncah went home to There once lived, i n the city pie to come. And *he little Jewish children iNew York to "wait. He Traited and - New Yor3£,- a man -whose •; name n Russia and in Poland and in , waited, -while the Jewish mothers .-was Mordecai Noah. And Hordecai Noah was'as grand"as his Spain and in every other country in every land baked bread and grand old name. He was tall and pulled their mothers' apron^ and cleaned their houses, and the faportly "with a- shock of black hair their fathers' coats impatiently. thers ploughed fields or went to their little,stores and. then to "Let us i;o!" they clamored. and /bright, twinkling eyes and Jjristly ^ whiskers. And Mordecai "Where?" . . . - . . . - . their synagogues to pray for the Hesslah -to. -take them to PalesNoah 'woro grand clothes, too,;— "To Ararat." tine. And th© little .children a handsome blacfc coat with a de- " O h ' n o n s e n s e ! ' •.-'.••"•• " coration on the lapel, a high "But Noah, invited us and -wemarched "through the ghetto singing:.; '- •' • * ' - . - - ' • - . -- •. • peaked collar.'a black puffy bow, •vrant to go to Noah's Ark." Hoah, Noah : . /and a beautiful frilled shirt. "We'll go to Palestine "when Built an Ark. ' "When*Mordecai Noah- would the Messiah cornea." But only Noah . . "But Noah's Ark . . . " ' leave his lovely house filled with Sailed his hart, "Too busy novr. The field must costly furniture and "walk- down . Alone, alone. the. street, people.would stare and be ploughed. Go and play." On Noah's Ark. "But . . . " stare, and some, bolder than the "We haven't the money to buy And Mordecal Noah waited, but others, would nod their Tieads or noboSy came. The Indans roamtake off their hats. And Mordecai steamer tickets." ed over Grand Island. And Mor" B u t . . ." . '••-•'. ; Noah would, nod his head and take off his i a t , too, for he was "Go and j>lay, child, or you decai Noah continued to walk ' SB friendly as he was grand and- •wan't have supper tonight. There, down the street of New York, a rich and quite a favorite in .New the bread is burning while you grand man -with hfs carved cane, stand there "talking of Noah's at whom people stared and nodVyk " :; ' ded and doffed their hats. y _ Ark!" • "There goes /Mordecai Noah; a little old lady Bald -one day to her daughter -who had coma to visit her from another city..'•' : •»»•• -••'• "And -who is,.Horde«d Noah! ' !the daughter asked curiously. "Fie, for shame! He was once United States Counsui to /Tunis." • "Really; Mother, just think! BEHIS'D TSE ITAMAK FRONT otice what a close resemblance And he Iive3 -on our 'street I"-: •Don't be -surprised if the anti- he has to his German prototype, Herr Stretcher?"."".'".'The other \'"u. t ' 'And she stared -after the' tall, Jewish campaign in Italy means day ah "official of the New Tori: :• portly figure, of "Mordecal iNoah that Fulvio Suvich, Italian-am- "World's Fair passed a rather tacta -•• as he walked Elotrly. down the bassador t o the United States, less: remark about Jaws . . . Two : \ street,- a heavy, carved cane-" in •won't return- from his vacation hours later he was summoned "be. . . He's a J e w . . . Our private • his hand. fore Grover Whalen, presy of the :':V "There".goes ,3Iordecai Noah," archivist tells us that Regime fair, who talked to him like a -" a storekeeper said, as* all -the cus- Fasclsta • '•- •' • whose editor,; Ro- Butch uncle and then summarily berto Farinacci,is Italy's -numbertomer? ' gathered •'. at -the one anti-Semite — published as dismissed him . . . Taking no to see-him paE3. . " recently as May, 1937, an article chances on losing patent rights 1 '"HOT-? tall!" .'.-•"' ,I.A'\ condemning racialism as contrary in this country in the event of a .O"How Straight!" " "4.* to Fascism . . . But those'who German-American -war, German .-;.'. .."How handsome!*' ^ v _ tiara jfoUowed-:!!" Poppltf "S'ltalia," ladustrial firms •hsveHHrsM'; over .' pen'the""man MuEsblini's own paper, -weren't their patents to dummy corporaDear me . . One of thei best news- surprised .when Italy decided-.she tions -which ostensibly are Amerj>aper writers in New York." was' Aryan . . . Late in 3une, ican-owned but which really are . "In the United States, I should 1937, Mussolini's paper-declared, jwned by Germany.. . . Last .say.1?- . . . . . ., .'- v.' thaf. the Italo-German•'- alliance •eek's political primary in St. "Indeed! Periap3 you s r was perfectly natural : because ouis was" featured by the disright." ,- •:-. both peoples are Aryan . . . Won- tribution of a card in Yiddish "My sugar; Hr. Gallagher, der what's going to happen to signed by "Eminett Golden, cant •wait all day, you fcnow." Mario Levi, the Jewish managing trustee, Ohel Benjamin Talmud T "Oh dear, oh dear. And it's editor of Regime Fascists,: who ToT&hf'.. . . Mr. Golden is an acsorry I am, Mrs. Dennis, to -keep in 1936 was decorated by Il'Dnce tive member of St. Edward's you-waiting," the storekeeper ex- for unique services to Italy . . . atholic church . . . The Catholic claimed, reluctantly leaving the Slgnor Lesano, Italian colonial press in this country is full of ^window. . minister, also assailed racial editorials expressing sympathy And Mr. Mordecai Noah, the iaeas in 1937, calling them "ab- with persecuted Jews - and con,'.; grand, popular man who had bsen surd" Doz.. Virginia Gayda. .editor demning anti-Semitism L'nlted States Consul to Tuai3, of Giornale d'ltalia,. and official ens of non-Jewish businessmen In 'and-judge, and" surveyor of -the spokesman, of the Italian govern- Yorlrrille, New York City, all of port o£ New York, - proceedeS- ment, clashed with Farinaccl at a them of German descent, are down the street, his iigh brow meeting of- th« Fascist Grand appealing. _to. the police for prowrinkled in perplexing .thought. CouncU ia 1937 . . . T h e latter tection against Nazi hoodlums, . H o v.-alked and walked ' a i d wanted to "discuss the Jewish who have been snaking them . thought and thought and sudden- problem . . . Gayda opposed It, ly his brow became Brno 6th again and Mussolini then ruled the sub- down for contributions to "Nazi and he clasped his hands-in de- ject out of order and of no in- funds- under the threat -of -a boy oott . . . light, letting his heavy, carved terest to tb-e government . , - . THIS AKD TSAT cane fall to the pavement. ":: About tha same time,L the> Italia^ "1 have it!" he. exclaimed, pick- government went out of its way A 200-acre "ranch'about- 70 ing up his cane. :• . to. annoy Dr.-Robert Ley, head of miles from San. Francisco. has "What iave you, Mr. Noah?" the h Nazii Labor Lb F t Wh Front When been offered "by its Jewish owner asked a voice behind him. Ley arrived at Fascist headquar- as a gift for any constructive "Ah, Samuel Leggett, just the ters in Turtfi he was greeted by Jewish purpose : . . A committee man I want to see!" a committee'whose spokesman, a of San Francisco Jews "who vis"Delighted and flattered." . •- Jew, delivered a eulogy of the ited the fruit ranch is considering fDUT possible uses: That the "You inow I'm a Jew, Mr. Leg- Nasl leader . T h e r e still are be given to German 'Jewish gett."' two Jews" in "tne Italian cabinet land "You've always been proud of . . . Not BO long ago Mussolini re- refugees, that American Jewish called Vittorio Ceruttl, Italian farmers be settled on it, that It." Indeed I have. And -should I ambassador, to Germany, because Jewish students use it as an agnot holp--my fellow Jews who are Ceirntti complained that his Jew-ricultural training center, or that it be converted into a vacation oppressed in the lands of Eur-. ish wife was being insulted camp: for -underprivileged children ppe?" . .• Ceruttl was then shifted to Paris The real estate pages ''If you can, my dear Mr. Noah." . . •• Margarita Sarfatti,.: Musso"I am rich, am l not? I am lini's official biographer j is a of the New York "dailies r e a sale by an orjyell known. I am honorable." Jewess -. . . So Is Angelica Bala- cently reported called, the Katifcvah "Undoubtedly.'' ' banoff, who was H Duce's closest ganization "I love .my people and would f rienS when he was still a social- Estate. . . . Sammy Seshevsfcy, chess champion., weekIndeed see them in ' their own ; i s t . . The first general secretary national land, Palestine. But till tha Mes- of the Fascist party, Augusto ending at Andron's Mountain eiah comes to take tHem there." Turati, -was also-a Jew . . ' . And House,,- Hains Falls, N. ., offered "Ye3, yes?" . ; • . . ~ two Jews, Simon Dans and Gino Jimmy" Connell, the hotel's golf "They caenot wait. 1 will brlns Bolaffi, are among the 37 Fascist pro, to -exchange a chess lessoa them here!" . heroes iurled. in the Italian "for a golf lesson .question when the pieces Panth4on at Florence, a Fascist first "Here?" were set up on the board ws Bhrine reserved1 only for thosa To Bny Ijana : "I wQI buy some land for them, Mlled defending Fascism . : .'-. In- ""What's par for the eourss?" They don't sins "Bei Mir BIst Da and if you will be so good, you cidentally, -a recent arrival from Scbea" any more, but a coupi' will set'-other rich men to ^elp f Vienna tell3 us that those Aus- of legal actions over the ownerme. That is, they wffl buy inter- trian Jews who embrace Cathto. the copyright are -now ests in the land. You will help olicism find no difficulty in ob- ship pending . . . Rae Carmel, glfe i n e . " ' '. . ' •• '- . •.. * ' . . ' . . . *taining permission to migrate to jianisjt and'daughter of Isaa "Certainly. But come, let us Italy". - - . : . " Carmel,. traveling salesman oi r TEE OMAKA FOSTS to be •walk while we talk. I Please cs-ter 'ssy s American Zionism1,. "is - chuppahstanding in one place. And what H O M E , jnErvrs • •;, '•;••• yoisr first isissSs -for wEIcS, I bound with llilton Bader cred to I3F Hesse -•arzisMI^ But for the conviction of thosa land will you buy Mr. Noah?'* sir officials of a Nail camp on There's a Chinese eatery in New "Grand Island." . ' ;. to paj* 10c per naoatla. ChiSatown that features "What? That land near Nia-: Long Island, President Boosevel York's Chinese fereplaca. of all things . . sara Falls, where no one lives, might have had a "Nasi camp EI EVIAN' ECHOBS a neighbor ' at his Hyde Pars none but Indians, that is?".'•.': y - We i a r e it frorn. an aciherita.Howland Spencer, .••'I nelievB t i e ' Indians axe the estate source that the Jewish orFfcss.® Ifsssfeer^ violent anti-New Dealer who h sold tivsTen Lost Tribes." ganizations, represented" i t tlie his estate Opposite Hyde Park t "A legend, Mr. Noah. You-canEvian cBnference played a most ' Patuer'Divins- as., a Bpite gesture, not bDlieva it!" ^ : . riSiouIous role, each dels^ite j "I beHeTS .it to be the. truth. was,;" actually ''negotiating' with pulling is a different direction \ Fritz: Kuhn . . . The deal w; Hy pSOP wHl come to Grand Is- called off :when. Kuhn dacidec . . . That "Weisraana didn t spcai | land and: build it up. and* settle that a Hitler-Tieiling camp • a' there is dug to the fiirlcsiacy cf thers. It will be a city of refuge." FDK's front floor would be to '.lioria ' TVintsrt0n, isa.a ct t i s ' "Ana 5?Iiat will you call your '•laciden'tally,: Spertce .British-, delety&tioa, .'wio EO skily : fully danced aroEBfl ills sucitioa 'city of used, io publish tlie HisMand. Post,.whica.during tlie 1936 -pres* j every tims Palestine -ras "AraratJ Ararat? "I am Koah, and m? city. .Trill ifleatial catapaiga TTSS bardly less {tlc-ned that He sneceedsd 1 oo Ararat.- Bid yoa Ester read virulent" in its ahU-Seaiitisia .than ili.aatly in keeping- it out c£ the „ 'tho Bible, Mr. "Letsett?"* :•;; •* " - a" sheet pnblishe'd' by Streichsr or! discussion . . . Befors EalliHo fcr j "I understand. Noah's ari. test- •Winrod, defeated candidate £o? Evian, by "the irsy,* lilvrc^ Tiller, | i th'a'Tepttblicaa'.tlnited'States sen-'head of,'FDR's.Aa«n«a dcZcst- , ' ed on Mt. AraraL" --r . .'•"• -: nominationp-'froia.' Kansas j; tioa to ths:. confereess, cscarcl ;, "Correct, Mr. Leggett. And now atori it you wilt escuse me, I must so . . . Speaking-ol "Winrod, did you j t i s friends that .he is rcidr to : ',
Have agreed with ES that OmElia wil be ostler oft • public espressicHij snollier means of learning sBoiil its GW of takins issue with whatever isn't for ths Best mterest oi
If you agree a wit r. then please sign this subsoiptbi! bfask and mMt to 6O9.Biandeis Hisafee BUg,
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Page 8 '"m"TO
BUSS 'ANNA PILL, ^correspondent •nzzmszammiM
By Josiah..C. Wedgwood
UJ vho was •••a J u n e 2 9 ,
ed in ? I.O2ig Seseh, Cal. (JTA)—Rep' (|3'Jitoi-'8 Noter Hero is a .or. of ' the resentative Byron IT. Scott has tile V0IX statement s&, forth-right that a ill organ Imade public a" speech vhich. .he Bel&r, its publication y£'s prohibited ai? a mem** read into'.the Congressional Rec- zr.tioE. ••.'• '•• H e l d A u g u s t 2 2 in Pnlestlne. JUncing no words, ord attacking Professor Johannes ' Colonel Wedgewaod, Pleading Stark,, tes.fi of the Germaa BuSioux City chapter of Senior pro-iftlonlst member 6t partiareau of StsEflsrSs End Nobel Hadasaah will participate ! in. nicnt, . advises the Palestine MILTON R. FRO F.idg, Prize TrisEer ia physics, for an 1004 Omaha Nat's transferring 1,000 children from Jews io launch a pblicj- of nonWedtics''''y. June 9. witnessed Germany into Palestine, the proj- co-cperatlon with the. "Rdvernarticle in the British scientific IG?. BY PUBLICATION ON PE. an enthusiastic turnout, in the ect better known, as the Youth ; ment, Tliis • advice, contained journal, N a t u r e , condemning TiON FOR SETTLEMENT O^* third of a series of organization tAliyah, and will raise funds to- in n letter to the president and many outstanding Jewish and FINAL ADMiNISTRATlON meetings fcr the purpose o£ creat- : ward this project by giving a carxl offl"ers of tho JeTrlsh Former AC-COUNT con-Je-wisb. physicists' as dising a boys' Young Judeaij. club in party Monday evening, August Of'icers* .association '•"•at Tel honest _ publicity seekers who I n t h e C o u n t J . C o u r t o l j , O U B t e , Sioux City. Mrs. Herman Licht, . 22, in the West hotel. Mrs. Mark Aviv. cre<»te«l such a deen im•were impeding the aiivan'ce of j Count!-, Nebraska. ^T'^™J-i'*'*-^'f I * who has long felt the necessity of Sabel and. Mrs. Samuel Bailin rae pression in Europe aivl PalesIn the Kp.tter of the Estate of Harscience. a Jewish club for boys between co-chairmen in charge of the ar- tine, that the. Jewish TeleRoscnblum, Deceased: Stark singled cut '.such BcieB.t- ryAK persons interested in said mat10 and 15. has turned j e r exten- rangements. frrapMc Agency „'and! TheJewists as ' Einstein, • Heisenberg, ter p.re hereby notified that, on the sive talents to the preliminary orish Press nrcsrjnt-.lVin'.ftill as 4th .day of August. 1S3S, JI. L.. DonoBorn, Sommerfeld and Jorfioa. ganization of this group -whiih is filea f. petition ir, j?r>!fl County a matter of. public .interest.) "The great mass. of American van expected to furnish the younger Court, praying- that, hin final admin•••'A. scientists," said Scott, accept the istration account filed herein be set^ boys the same cultural and soc:'al resolution passed by the Ameri- Uecl and allo-^ea. BVA thet he be d!Bopportunity that A. Z. A. furI 'am Pf mid that the mere askfrotTi. his tm^t. as administracan Association for the Adrence- char^ed nishes for the boys between 15 tor and that a hearing; v-rlli he had ing tor justice or:askiiig for my meat c* Science in IPS? vbich on and 21". • said petition before Faicl Court on help is useless. In. my experience, said that "science is -wholly i».- the 3rd day of September. 193S, and Dorothe Saltzman especially in times of difficulty, t h a t i f y o u ZaiI t o Officers of the" club "are as folcependent o£ national bonndErier' ' appear before said lows: President, Albert ..•GolditernThe B'nai B'rith: Lodge held a governments give way inly to acand races and creeds cr^ns and *.„/) <-w. PourC.J15 th.f s ' ; ! d . ":P- rt^" o f Sejr ana canber 1MS, p,t loc?.p_. IT'.,and contions. Demands'backed by nothstein; vice-president. Burton Lif- regular meeting Monday evening, flourish permanently only where oid petition, the Court may test ing but a sense of justice playshutz; secretary. Harold Slotsky; August 8 in the Eagles Hall. there is peace and intellectual irrant the. iireyer of paid, petition little part in modern history. The treasurer, David Levin, and serenter a decree of heirship. nnd make freedom." Czechs would be under Nazi rule such other nnc further orders, -algeant-at-arms, Harold Rosenthal. There will be a regular meetlownnces anC decrees, RE to this -It is Mrs. " Licht's desire -to ing of the Agudus Achim Lodge today if they had not decided to Court may peem proner. to the end fight or die. So would the Spancomplete; the organization work Thursday, August 18 at 8:30 p. that ali matters pertaining to said iards. Arabs, or those who are estate may be finally settled, and dearid then to turn the club com- m. in the Eagles Hall. troublesome, get their way in termined. pletely over to one.of Sioux City's BRTCE CRAVFOTID, Palestine because they- act inmost prominent Jewish Youth S-12-oS-ot. Count;- Judge. The rnt""*ri 'R'"ffR Chanter- of stead of petition. loaders, Mr. Earl A. Himovitz. Junior Hadarsah held' i's regular I do not think reprisals in the MSLTON K. FROHK. Atty. Mr. Himovitz, temporarly in' meeting Monday. 1004 Omaha Nftt'3 Bank.' ' • form, of murdering - Innocent Vermilllon, has announced the se- A fins>l report on ticket sale3 Arabs is morally London (WICS)—TvTijle fiefcy- i justifiable. lection of an advisory council was made. When ordinary law breaks down consisting of Mr. Wilbert Schindrefugee doctors sdmitted Into I lynch .law generally takes its Here, high in the sky, is Mlsa and continuing through the follow- provide the people of FINAL ADMINISTRATION ler, Mr. Jack Merlin and Mr. Cal- Mrs. L. London left Saturd'iv place.'. That is better than mur- Bobby Jeanne, "The Rocket Girl," ing Saturday night. More than and western Iowa, a inedley cf ACCOUNT Great Britain did not justify the mon Leyich. who will assist Mr., evenin" for Cbicnsro where *"he dering innocent people; but I as she is shot 50 to 60 feet in theone hundred characters in the all-entertainment never before csea excited 'protests o£ the' British In the Count;Court Himovitz in this attempt to make Douglas cannot advocate that, nor can I air to land in the arms of her two star cast will bring m'Jsie, swing in the saidcle west. The show Nebraska. an outstanding succ°s<» of tY"> cul- will visit with relatives for a few judge its necessity. But-1 think catchers. Bobby Jeanne is the only and classical, tap dancing, vaude- appeals to the ..classes snei t&e 'medical profession, Kerne Secre- County, IR the Matter of the Estate of tary Sir Samuel Koare informed weeks. tural opportunity, being , offered you.are morally entitled to arm show girl in the world to perform ville and other highlights of enter- masses—something for everybody, the house oJ .commons that the Kuth Aiperson. sometimes known as to Jewish youth between "the ages Rebp, Alrerson p.nM sometimes known to defend yourselves ' and your this death-defying stunt without tainment to the open-air tferongs. men, women and children. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Yud^lson government has worked cut aas R. Aiperson. Deceased of 10 and 15. •.-.•;. A two hundred-foot platform A'disission prices are at a'popa- plan announce, the birth of , a son onputlying, colonies and; erect, such the use of a life net. All person? interested in said matfor strict limitations upon This act, from "Soaring High," equipped % with three revolving lax scale with reserved grandstand the entry of refugee physicians, ter are hereby notified *h?it on the defences as are possib'le..' This I The present membership of the Wednesday, Aus;uat:3. ' .; . stages and elaborate scenery proseats selling at SO cents and $1.10, , Pth dF.y of August. 393S, Mattie will be tjie finale of a fast-moving have no doubt you have done. organization consists of 20 char| Kosonbltmi filed e petition in paid vides the 'setting of an amphi- bos seats at 51.S5 and unreserved dentists and medical students. ter-members. Officers, and ad- Mr. and Mrs. J. Gotsdiner and There remains- such passive re- program, "Market Week Festival," theater. grandstand seats only 55 cents. visors look forward to a member- children. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rod-sis.tahce as Gandhi p u t into prac- to be staged in front of the grandAk-Sar-Ben has arranged for Children under 14 will be adssltted stand at Ak-Sar-Ben field beginship in excess o! 50. tice in South Africa and India. man,.and Mr. and,- Mrs. S. Harrul de; ning .Monday night, August 22, this all-week eight program to for osly £5 cents. ..-The club at present is co-oper- nt O"i!-b". ret"rnei Thursday Such action needs solidartty ana refugee organisations' -which V'iil | Js':ratr!x vU-h v.-iil annexed and thata ntinT extensively with the locrl from a ten-day trip to Late Ok- the will to suffer by going to examine £.11 applications froE ^ S ; r t n F ^m ^ fc^ o^ t?aM petition prison. I think It needs also a " Sunday school and the girls' or- oboji. or s h e 6 i h rtay o t Austrian" medical plan. 5 e f o r e - saQ 1P"S, ^ o u r t find ^ that if you 'fall September, social boycott and giving up norwigs, got "farsarfed" during a der, cf the same name. Weekly Sir Samuel told the.house that to ppp(v?.r bcfr.vF FP'.jr! Court On the week's stay in balmy Bermuda Mrs. Ben Seldin and son<.Ted- mal relations with the governmeetings are being held Wednessairl fith day of S^ptemoer, inss, at 9 "it has always been recognizes . . . And:A1 Richter, of the JTA day night at 7:30 p. m. at Shaare dy left Sunday for a tenrday. visit ment. 'r Yoi^r cannot" dine and dea. m., m., ann and contept content said paid petittsi jt ^ nli ' i r r " * i-Ti^ot;*rip'-or nfi o'clock" ciocir a. retlh npunce: ' ' . • • ' office staff, writes from a New Zibn synagogue. in Chicago. • missioi: vroula D6 out of t h e qnes-! of ssid petition, enter a decree "of • ' : Passive-Besistiince : , Jersey dude ranch: tiOE. Oaly a Email ncinher of heirship, and make such other and'. - I ain't got no tyme . . Mls.s Rhoda Krasrie is conva1orders. siiloy.-Ences find dePassive resistance takes several foreign practitioners could be ab-further For a little rhyme Cantor Engaged crees. as to this Court may seem escing in the Edmuridson HosM-- forms (1) The occupation of lan'd sorbed Into the medical and -canproper, to the eno thai all matters So don't be cross tal from an appendectomy^ which arid the. refusal to leave'^except ii to ts! professions, end It will t>e nerteininp A estate may be By Shaare-Zion she 'Cause I'm.'on a hoss. underwent early last week.''•• by force,of law—7-gOIng to ^>rispn; finally settles and necessary to select their. number '(2) refusal t o ' pay taxes,'breakCRAWFORD. with care. Before deciding the Mr. Maurice Okun of. New York Mrs. Herman K^ause and. daugh- ing the Jaw—going to prison; (3) County Judge. ACCIDENT: Now that the Har- Bucharest' ( W N S ) — Sup-precise figure I -wish to vs.it cnCity has been engaged to officiate j ters, Beatrice, Shirley. Lou', and refusing to plead in the courts to lem Hitler has made his exit by pressed under the new authori- til • there • has been further oppor- MONEKY, GROOiNSKY, MARER' as cantor in Shaare Zibn during \ Joan; returned" \EMday ' ev~nlntr recognize their jurisdiction—gothe accident route, crashing in a tarian, constitution, the anti- tunity cf' ascertaining boy mazy AND COHEN. Attorneys, the coming holidays, Schlichos, ifrom-Lincoln, .Nebraska. ;where ing to prisons (4) kttendirig.dem737 Omaha Nntipna! Bank Bidg. plane on a place rather fatefully Semitic National Christian . party of the -applicants possess special Rosh Hashonah, Yam Kippur and , they have been visiting for a few onstrations which have been de- • TRAVEL NOTE: "Jerusalem," known as Jerusalem Street in a of Professor Alexander Cuza wss . PROBATE NOTICE Succas, Contor Okun appeared 'weeks. special .-'••'•'. . ' • • . ' clared illegal; ,(5) distribution of writes Roman Slobodin, who's do- Long Island village, isn't it about revived under the-guise of a new Qualifications • or • have In the Matter of the Estate of in; Shaare Zion last Friday eveillegal literature; (6) picketing ing a hangup job of covering the time somebody suggested \ to the cultural organization called the claims.to consideration." ning. He returned to New York Arab rebellion ta Palestine, "had other Hitler a balloon, trip over League of .National Conscious* Miss June Meyerson is leaving and boycotting the disloyal. The British medical profession! Notice Is Hereto Given: That the Monday and is expected to return Friday for a week-end in Saint a distinguished visitor recently Palestine? . . . ness, which was formed,. £t &had threatened 'a sit-in strike en-' creditors ol said deceased v^sii meet Last year some Jewish illegal in two weeks to organize a choir Joseph, Missouri.the executor of saicJ estate, Sefott: . I n the person of Dr. Louis secret meeting in Caza's honie in less the government curbed the me. immigrants were marched '•' in .G.. Robinson, County Judge of DotiRlas CountJ1, to; assist him in-the services in personal physician entry of refugee coetors. Jassy. The meeting took place Nebraska, at the Count1-- Court Rdoro, chains to Acre jail. I think if SPELLING NOTE: Has it ocShaare Zicn. \ '• in said Count", on the 25th day of Miss Pearl • Richards enter- you had freed thern on that to his majesty Joe Louis, and curred to you that if you spell after a-memorial meeting fcr the September.. I93S, and on the 2(ith ,&y tained eight friends at a party march, even by violence, British himself a Negro . . . He left New- Evian backwards you get aa ad- late Premier Octaviaa. - Goga, of >'c<-<-ember, ir-3S, f.t ? o'clock a. m., last Friday in honor of Miss public opinion would" have sup- York on a cruise right after the jective that some people tfcinfc Cusa's co-leafier in the - sup-NEW COLONY FOUNDED each flp.y, for the fiirpop^-of presentSchmeling fight . . . Among-the ing their claims for examination, adHelen Rodin of Sioux City, and ported you and It •'. would never spots he visited was the Hebrew* aptly describes the refugee con- pressed party, who headed an justment and allowance. Three Je'msaleis. g XS-Palcor. AgenMiss-Rosalie Wasserman of Oma- have occurred again. anti-Semitic government for 43 ference?" . . . . months &re allowed 1'or the creditors • Miss Rose Goldsman ieft last h a . university, where he was very cy) . — Colonies for German set_ • ••• •'•• • •:• : : • • • • days. ' • • . • • . . . . to present their olrdms, from the 26th Now Jews are sent, to concenweek for a three-week trip to anxious to study some of the retlers -vrere increased by one ss 40 tration camps and jail without search-work going; on there . . . Cusa was -named- honorary German-Jewish' families inaugu- day of A' MISH-MASH: Don't like to CaM'ornia and the Pacific northtrial or charge,"an4"no'protest or He didn't get as much done -as he brag, but did you notice that the president of the League and his •west. Coi-Titj- Judge. demonstrations are made by 450,- wanted, however, because the July 28 Peters colyum had a two- son, George, wSo was minister cf rated -the nevr settlement cf Sed- S-5-3S-3t 000 Jews in Palestine. You ex-learneij boys, on ,Mt. Scopus spent week scoop on the cables which labor in the Goga cabinet, was eh "Warburg in Emek Eefer, in SRViN C. J.EV1N, Attorney . Miss Dena Martha Baron, 1S10 76E Brandeis Theater Bkig, . pect' me to protest in-parliament. most of' the time .asking "him reported German Jews using New elected general secretary.' Istrate -raeiaory oJ the .late president of rrandvi'-w, r e t u r n e d Sunday tae Zionist Federation of Ger1 am not going/to do so anyquestions 'about the- fight-. . . York and Chicago telephone di- Micescu, Goga's foreign minister, from ^Chica^o after a sis-week PROEATE NOTICE more, it is for the Jews in Pales- I Among the quaint sidelights on rectories to locate possible Amer- was elected president. The meet- many. The funds for the color.r att<>r i:he visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sam •s-ere supplied fcy t t e Central Bri- vlv\tl:le i»' Ji'atter °,' ot theEstate Estate of of .Alex tine'-to', stop .that sort of thing. ican relatives? . . . Among the the battle which the Doc revealed", ing was attended by many promiSudow and family. - Montreal (JTA'). — Merger-of The same' appliesivttf. Jews ar- was-that the Nazis had printed prominents sailing on the Nortisi Fuad throilgJl the RASSCO j "'ico'tice ^Hereby Giver: That the nent anti-Semites and " arranged. ( R u r a l &Efi Suburban Settlement j creditors of s=ai<j deceased v.-ill meet the provincial Fascist groups of • Bill lansberg of New York Citv Canada into one national organi- rested for • carrying* arms. The up thousands of posters to be. re- mandie recently were David (RA- for sending a Rumanian' delega- Company), -wbicli • was establish-| ^® a£.m'ni?lr!:t^f iLltl6 3stp^f' _^e! fore rae. County Jurlpre of Douglns arrived hers rpcently to visit w.-th zation, comes at- a- time, wiien the Bastille ,was fulled down for less leased all over the world after DIO) Sarnoff and Thomas J. t e to the Nazi party congress in " ' " "at" the County Cotmty," Nebraska, Schracling's vi'ctory—which was, Watson, business machines mo- Nuremberg in September. Hitler ed by the Jewish Agency. Ms narehta, Mr. and Mrs. John movement is at the lowest ebb than this. ., -; , ', V . ^ Court Hoom, in said Counts-, on the You don't even sit-down strike gul . . . Which prompts us to of course, a fore-gone conclusion Lansberg. has sent personal Invitations to since it started in Quebec, accord- before the jail gates when they . . . JThe posters showed a Nazi wonder whether the two pow20th flsy of pppt"mhrr, li-HS. and oti •BEN E- KA2LOWSKV, Attorney the'Cuzras. the 21st da?" o' Nov^m'oer. 10^S, at $ ing to the pooled Information of o'clock A. "i'L. each dp.y. ior the pur' 53S fn Bld 'Mrs. Maurice . Lasensky and city, provincial and Royal Cana- hunger-strike. Naturally t h e y and a Fascist youth in their re- wowed on the way over, Watson pose of pTSByrinp thfir ciPims for ddupbtRr will return home next dian Mounted police here.' It has think they can. do anything to spective uniforms, shaking nands, being what you might call no 05J NOTiCE ^X5.Tnin^."tion. ficyii^tmcnt f.nd allo"wIn the Matter cf the Estate of Fi- s.nce. wfeek from D e s . Moines, where been revealed here that both the Jews, or to: some Jews? If there each with one foot resting on thelover of .what Helen Siginond deThree months are allowed for mon XMrCiinewicz, H>eceased. • the creditors to present their oloims, tbjey have been visiting with rela- provincial and Mounted police-' is not solidarity among'Jews; If prostrate form of Joe Louis.".. . . scribes as the "matzo misapoche" Notice Is Hereby Giver.: That the. from the 2Oth rls?y o* Ancrist. some Jews go^to the sovernment (Mr. Slobodin here impishly sug- . . . Louis (Publicist) Popkin is tives. "*" • -l\ave had undercover men in theand apologize for other Jews; in gests a not-so-nice but essential proud that his wife Zelda's deteccreditors of safd deceased T.iU meet ESrOE CRAWFORD, the adzninistratris: of ssid esta-te, be- 7-E9.,?S-3t. ranks of. the Fascists, in some that case you -will get nowhere^ use to »which .Germany, which tive novel, "Death "Wears a White County fore me, Countr Judge ol Douslas • Mrs. Jack Mushkin returned" cases actually holding executive The '.trade unions' t)f H|stadrutb. can't afford to -waste anything, Carnation," is one of five works Cot;nty, KetrasSR, at the Cevnty ,-,»'•«•. home, this -week from. New -York positions. set you a powerful ,esample.'TD.ey might put the posters) -. . , "Dr. of fiction included in Cardinal Court Soom, in said County, on the September, 1SS aaa on I City, where she spent the past 10 The last two months have seen strike and get their tray against Robinson • didn*t encounter any Hayes' "White List" . . . Dr. A. •London (JTA)—A British . K. 20th day ol S the 21st th 21t c!a,y ! of f November, N b I8"S, v.i days. ' .'' ". several hard blows hit at Fasc- the Tel'Aviv council or against color line in Jerusalem, for the A". Roback, well-known psycholo- P. has announced his decision to o'clock A. M.. each day, for the pur- •) ists in Montreal, and throughout the."orange-growers. Why should simple reason that there is none gist and author, will succeed the put aside one-sixth of bis salary pose of• presenting: their claims for! - Insulates • . Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Baron and the province as a result of de-' the government be'sacrosanct? examination, acljystrnent EHG j-llovr- ; from." the King David late Dr. Isaac Goldberg as con-for the nest five years to con-£.nce. Three xnonths are allov/ed fordaughter, Beverly, departed last velopment in the "metropolis. One TTnited you stand, divided you al-anywhere, ductor of the JTA's popular Pan- tribute . to Jewisli relief funds. the creditors Hotel down to the tiniest Tnuva present their claims, week for Lake Minnetonka. where official whose duty it is to keep w,ays fall., Jou. must h>ve will- dairy lunchroom . ". . ,A gent as orama colyum . . . John Gunth- Addressing a meeting at SheilieLd from tb.e 20th tc day of Aiacrnst, 1!>3S. they are • visiting Mrs. Baron's his hand continually on "the pulse ingfles3 to suffer as well as unit- dark as the. Ace of Spades may, er's "Outside Asia" has a chap- in support of the Council fcr GerBRYCE 'CRATVFOIVD, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Weisberg. of the blue-shirted organization ed willingness to help sufferers. for all you can tell, be His High- ter on Zionism, ' in which Dr. man . Jewry's campaign for . Aus- 7-S9-S8-3t. . . .County Judge. sooo estimates that the drop in meni- Officials Fed Up With Complaints ness the, Bashaw of Boz making Chaim Weizmann is described as trian Jewry, Commander Oliver ' Miss Eva Gordon : will leave -to- 'bershlp" during the 'two-month peLocker-L.a:npscn said that cf his not only the most important Jew a state visit to the-Holy City . . . I t I were a-British official-in morrow ..for New York City, riod has ibeen approximately" 50 600 pounds per year salary as cs. Palestine, I, too, should get fed up Or he may be a Yemenite'Jew in politics today but as one of the M. P., hs was putties: czli.0. ICO where she will visit with friends. per cent. ' ;.-. ..Incidentally,", concludes Ro- great men of all time . . . The with your complaints, and should pounds each rear fcr Ccvl^i. . Provincial 'police investigators you - much'more' if you- man, "Robinson promised • the•latest in Jacob (Sculptor) Ep- funds. find ., Fascis.t ^activities outside respect B'hal B'rith to lecture on Pales- stein anecdotes . . . Four Epstein cur.sed', and .acteX in _p.Hrsult of Montreal, especially In former justice for your fellow-country- tine when he gets home" . . . "The call cf Jewry i? r-^rabronzes have been put tip for sale strongholds like St. Hyacinth and1 men. in a London gallery . . . One is mount," he declared. "Hel-pl-esc, Try cursing them to their Valleyfield "exceedingly - weak.' faces, not only you but your press of Weizmann, one of t t a late homeless, cilseraiie, C.e tragic They hold minor meetings which also. If you dare not you are Duke of Marlborough, one of the wanderers lock to us for he'.; £.£COMEDY NOTE: At the risk i are often inflated by exaggerated unworthy of your country. If Dutch composer \ Bernard van- sanctuary, c^i t - c saina God, of Peters being labelled an Eddie t reports, the police declare. Fas- you do, and not till then, they yours i:.~i t i e ess I vcTc^Ir'. rl'.l Dieren, and the-^surth-of the Cantor stooge — not that there's cism, these reports declare, enferret ti.cse w i c ere ircri to think you worthy of arms to anything wrong in that — here A m e r i c a n philosopher .John not joys more exaggerated, publicity, will the rtrj.r:7cr at ti>; pate. T i s car Dewey . . , When Dewey's friends use in defense of the empire andare some gleanings from the reboth from sympathetic quarters democracy. • . : ccrr- v h e - tbs tvliy ci 3crcent: Hadassah. luncheon, to banjo- first - saw tha bust they com- lin:iVvIIl New York JTA) — H u g o and from opponents than any br. !.oat£n ar.a •whciL nens plained to aim that it 'xaade Mm, V t#» eyes . . : . When Eddie was asked Like you, r want to see free, other movement In local history. Breitner, city controller of Vienlook like a country horse dealer, j of us viil bs Elr^vcs cf tl-; Z\:zz~ manly, fighting people like the by Hadassah's press agent for an ' < ••• I , i i I I I I na, during the post-war Austrian Maccabees in Palestine once advance-copy of his speech,'he to* which Dewey replied: "Well, til:- zziy Icngcr." aIn democratic regime, arrived here I like it. If I don't look like.thst ^f - I want to see an army of sputtered: "Cantor, the best ad <'- > ' ' " ' o i i last week in exile from Austria. Nazis Want'Jews 4.0,000 Jews fit to defend all that libber on. the radio! And youI want to look like that" . . . Mr. Breitner, who is known for . Settled Far- Away you and I hold dear. With re- want Just discovered that there's a an advance speech!" . . . introducing far-reachin~ social I have come to the con-Mrs. David'B.'Greenberg, a Mt. Paul A. Peters tavern oa upper services without ever having had • From Europeans luctance clusion that only by the" hard Vernon• landsfrau of P. A."P. and Broadway in New York City . . . —-• i a single. budgetary deficit, plans Berlin (WNS) — . Solution of road laid down above can we ar-chairman of the Youth' Aliyah But flashing the column . won't to reside in New York City. help you (or P. A. P.) get a meal the Jewish problem by settling rive. 5Iocr.i-,ctcn, !--£. •Committee, -called Cantor "Hadason the cuff there. . Ho is. noted as a housing lex- Jews in some region not yet colDr. II. E. '~:C~^, TTZzrZt-z cl ' 7r.- ,' . Y?u,. haye my fre.e permission sah's No. 1 Boy Friend" . . . . EdV k * port, having been instrumental in onized by Europeans was urged to dims. UriVErr.:y, i : s z-.-.CTCrC r ! die .had them in- the aisles with show this letter to the high Copyrighted ' by Jewish. Teleerecting 70,000 modern houses in an editorial in the Vo'elkischer commissioner, to General Hain- this, one . . . While, talking to cordial -rrclcc~e to t>s 15'r.c.I graphic Agency, Inc.) and flats for workers . and the Beobachter, official Nazi party Ing, to Mr. Shertok. : All three James G. McDonald on the NprB'rith Hiilcl ro-nic',:in. TC " ; cs> '. ;;• artisan classes in Vienna at a cost "organ. will agree, but none of them will mandie coming over, a man sto'od oMnore than $200,000,000. One The paper declares "the Ger-dare say 60. . I know 'iny country- nearby staring . .* ."Finally acTRACE LEAFLETS of the features he introduced was man people are determined to men, and a good deal better than costed Eddie . . . "I seem to re£•-- ' Dr. T - r c t r : ' I t •: to give ev'ery woman to whom a carry .th;s .quest^n, ,tp ^the, only you dp.. ,Yw as.k. m,e,ta "imagine member your face," the stranger 'sure to x^zlzs-ziz tbo Zl.'.'z' Bro-wnsville, Texas (WNS) —* idhild was born in Vienna a com-logical solution, and prevent "a re-'myself in your place with my' felid; "but I •can'-t-plaee»it. Don't The flood-of anti-Semitic leaflets datio plete layette. N' ... turn to conditions which, the false kith and kin attacked and mytell me; I'll remember in a min- that has made its appearance ia tolerance and weakness of earlier hands tied." I can imagine noth- ut& . . . " . . . Finally, Eddie gave many American to-wns along the this generations, mado possible." ing pf. th.e.sor^., Afn Elhglishman's him a hint . . . "Don't, you," he Mexican border is attributed to tion tc Z:T\ MARGULIES SAILS "^ . ~^ I'- ! Asserting that' Palest'lrie' offers' hands should not remain tied,, asked, "know the man with five General Nicholas Rodriguez,: exil- here re yc i r : " • FOR PALESTINE no solution, and that other coun- and you. are only, tied by un-daughters?" . . . The stranger's ed head of the anti-Semitic Hes- vrtll tries refuse to accept Jews, the worthy fear. -"1— v""i"rs"l"~c""'™ face lighted up.'.'. . " S u r e , " he ican Gold Shrits,' it was learned ,New York (JTA) , — Morris Nazi paper suggests the Soviet here, after Federal agents rereale=i. T -.=2 I cannot possibly give you anyexclaimed, "now I remember •rilargulies, secretary of the Zion- Union, asking why "tlio Jewish they were ' keeping a close ist Organization of America, state (Russia) cent no- represen- clear idea what to do anywhere r.Ir. Dionne!" . ; . The punch Jine ed watch oa him. The handbills atcame v»-hen Eddie, told the "lunch-at any time. I can only suggest sails * for Palestine on the Ital- tatives to the Evian conference? tack Jews and laud Hitler. They ian liner Conte di Savoia, to Why did not Lazarus' Kasanovich that when anything unpleasant eoners: : "I am Mr. Dionne — in arc similar to the leaflets distribVi?r;r.i C~v:":P — occurs,"' consider v^hit action Blow motion." . . . study the causes o£ Ihe new out-send Litvinov-F'nkelstein?" uted'by the Gold Shrits in Mesico breaks of violence. Mr. Mar- The paper ur^es thatuhe conr British. colonists take under the before they -were o n t l d gulies wa3 Euest of honor at a ference try to work out a solu- circumstances; and if you do VACATION NOTES: Rabbi S. farewell luncheon given by com-tion of the e.ntire Jewish proglem about the half you will never S. Wise is motoring . . . Told his The ' Jews ' of B n i s a , i a A n a - Aryr.r.= ; r r : : ' " '^ -. office before leaving that he'd munal and civic leader.! in the "because that which broke out in need to do it again. call from wherever it pleased him tolia, were t h e first Jews t o corae ject ;o r-.-. .':T.-. .'.- -, newly ecf.bliahod Zionist Club of Germany stands before the door (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- to stop ; .•.'.. Dr. I3rasl Goldstein ia contact with., t h e -Ottoman . A T ; r.- Io—: crc ---?•Now York. of several other nations." hl Agency, Inc.) ' . ... . I r e r T e r r r . J c - T . I r c: and riertdel Fisher, J. N. F. big-Turks.
all' Girl Will ..Defy Death Thrill Throngs at Ak-Sar-Ben's
• EilTuV OF D05T0E!S
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