August 19, 1938

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Inlet v..! L. c-f tlio

Entered "as' Second "Clocs Kail Hitter on January Cl, 1331, at Pa-.totiiee. of Omaha. N>braafca. <imger*the Act of March 3. 1879





ME , rules. The Ho rulea tho ..._<-..., -There" wa3 this 'of gojod tor-jbVcald. of tho slSth-ceatury, Washington (JTA) — Charges entire company o* the National thatUt-songht After truth, that it .hat Nazis in thia country aim Guard in Illinois were Eund mem•2ia£"«a fs!a£^fiesirQ""f6r peace, that :o • create a yast spy- net and abers. itbotioTcd in -'sesdoia; " It -was >owerful sabot£,fee,inachia& in the *bers revealed CommlU So ^ad-ashained-of "vrar; it •sT£3,aat!-Sen3ltfe and eahjnaed of sTent if war. -were made before before t v , . G p School to ^eaed that at- Hadlassah Gets FKHSI "haiti" so; .'Kfjispr. ' K? d atjd K?ns the Congressional committee InTransfer Four to Lccaft'ed ea " tempt' , > • • iiade to raboaTca."Ci2ie'-.paId-JIp*3crvlfeo to -the vestigating un-Anierieaa activi- tag*-" v " *• planting a&eata Palestine 'J$flS0O-ChH3tIaii ethics; ffo'pfl ties at Its first public session last -jrtis-neyor extinguished. " ' ' jweek." .They trere" voiced by John -.1*. ct Group A campaign conducted, by the •- 'Today-they lie. •• Bast, and West ' Under' the tlcadsrship -ot -. Dr. <C._ Metcalfe,-" reporter who spe-^* ng- a i c r s ' c ; the nove- •Youth Aliyah cemmittee of the ttpy'llpi Lie's are established-a3 Morris Margolin.'Ciairmsri of-the s.s months inveatJgating the V J the United States, Ilet- Council Bluffs Hadassaii has resystezis and'made principles of Board of Educaticr., .the Btsth-El movement for Jtfeo Chicago * , who Joined the Bciri to oi>- sulted in esougli mosey being t i T J Let. us- understand: Not Synagogue^ School is l5oin& organ- times. " •" ' ,fl first-hard inferdation for raised in the comisEEity to sponId n Metcalfe told" the comtaitt*. sor the transfer of four children • .It-has- definitely been decided that the German-American Bund,' ais expose, declared: yp^y Jio_ p r o i i a . l b i t b "Germany had practically no from Germany, to Palestine. fantastic,".crusl'lies. -Thus tho to open t h e cessions of tfeeschooi nucleus _o£ "the Nazi movement Oa July 26 and 27 the-entire - racial"-tlreorlep* of t i e Nasls now pa,,ZJonday, September 12,_at a here, had 25,000 active menbers, espionage organization cr saboconvenient- locatio"hT to "Dundee that 75,000 others attend meet- tage machine in this country be- •Jewish Community Ia Council <>%£&& Italian Fascists sie in the s the com•prcclce-£ona3 sot soon .to be announced. Because of ings and 400,000 are sympathiz- fore the war. I t Is to E.roid a dup- Bluffs was solicited prcclce£ona3 - they ey afiautfie a licate of this mistake, that the mittee under the chairmanship of £ 1 " d* ezroft£-1>St"gros3 and*-"S7lcfeed lies; limited - faeilitietT,_ths r s l l t ers. At- one time, he disclosed an Bund has become active without Mrs. H. D. MarpTFitz. From the thus -'.tbo jffrinclpls "* of -le^dersliip Trill be'Umited to 125 betcreen-the even letting its own membership funds gathered at that -time three • .and ortbcrecthoritarteif state as ages of 6 and 13. - ^ know the real purposes baaisd "children are to be transferrcS. A j ? 'are- - now being • Heltf- iaiGermany t>nd Italy is not the moTement, so that they may previous/• donation was'-Ehle tc [ Q ssBould''be ad• merely' -a 'padslogate' fallacy but a be prepared for any* eventuality care for another. to .Dr. Margolin," "Rlro. 3. - lie that-flies In ojr both that may arise, such as a state of To transfer one child from the f Y , . . b .Gflldateln, • aatar3»and* lilefory. " war with America or an effort to Reich to Palestine snd to Oettyi'Rofeett; nat.thai Syn'or Jli^ .''.Tha^pracaca o£ the naked lie y prevent the United States from care of -his keep anfi education in ili Child g g 'jo o cilice. i is T,can;ieS over-into the realm of Children ott J»emdelivering arms or supplies to aagricultural ^settlement \for two bJities. T h ^ ^ l non- bors ,aad d others" t h "T?ho h wish ish to-en,toen Nazi enemy." years, 5360 is Tiecessary. ^atoiraation, agreement la Spain roll cro Jn.vlted- t t k ^ t Hetcalfe testified t h a t Fritz The children are being trans' icf.ono daslo".brutal lie.- It-is-not ot tfea school^ r Kuhn, fuehrer of the Bund, ferred under a special number ot The Beth-El SynagogBo EeS.o"ol j 4 S I i p r e B s i 6 n of "top man" of t h e Nasia In the! visas which have been issued to tritaaBcignp of-falssness. -Brill taeet 3 times a treek. There United States. E e caid Kriin had the Youth Aliyah by the High ' ICVls"TxjyontT'any .subterfuge.fe- a gynagogue i on Comsei! Sposacosing Mrs. told him h e was respos.:;l*Ll3 for _The_ 'equip' ^hdmbOTlaiaJEnbsrs'-'as the -whole Sabbath h mornings. i removal of Dr. Hans Lutior as mesit '•frill "be of the be3t and of ; that Italy And GSrld.toos; h y in Talks Nh Tlk Ambassador. Kuhn also told Mm, tho" latest design. 'The -teachers i J S i ny--**rb- xrzzitizi *&<*? Jn" Spain Metcalfe asserted, that he t a d a r\rrr p n r Ctsircat Events will' be' well trained graduates of sd' t&st-'tb© Italbn^snd German secret relationship w l t i tha' t'tal 1 l v teachers; eojleg'es: troopa ia-Spain are-.not volunteers Two tickets for the Ruth Neu- Government ia Germany to furMr. '"davoCohn, president ot ,' Isut conscripts.; Ee also- knowa haus lecture' series, sponsored by ther ths interests of* the Band. ":rrr7 I that ©i?ery-foreigner fighting -with the Coasr^satlon, oald: "I ex- Che Council Of Jewish "Women for The reporter declared the Auspect* that iae-Beth El School "will ; " t h L E s t forces^is'a Volunteer lands Bureau in Stuttgart was tho tho b-riwfit of the .Geriaan-Jewish, q J p t e ' p a T f « * r to" die f o r a become tho most important single Children's Aid; will be received principal means c t fostering Nazi "cane©.—^Efeeto ig.'.ia.-OUicr words, enterprise In -our-congregation. I by each, of the , three hundred aims in this country. ^ i t o B l I00& .forward", hopefully to'develj^e>,~ eojamoa.d -denominator, \t>r practical, "between1 the Italian oping a .school.' which will train The Bund's youth mevemeat. *,~, < •**'^ -*^ coiineri^fcj ia Spa|n and tho for- pur children for Jewish life. With Metealfe declared, was modeled i <4sn\ logloa •coryins the republic the support of-our congregation on th© Hitler Youth Movement. Secretary with n etrtbuaits fciends and a fljha.Boa-fnteWoation asreemont and ita H e also said that 10,000 persons Colonial : r iastic,- well-trained," devoted Dofiaite Stand • xij}DlilEMagIy'puts tbem^on' in this country pcaoeaced Tassist : chOT3 XTB shall raise a generatioa fe^Tt5?' proportionate Black Shirt uniforms sad that , Needcdi;- ana."all,, tHe politieiana of men. and.women who will b< 5,000 other uniforms were availWidall'ths^awppspHra subscribe loyally, devotedly, «.nd able,-having beea seat here from .. Loadoa.(TvTNS) — A frank aflJetrish."' : to'ilils ?oul asd-psrnicloua He. R o n e t o further the fascist move- xaisisicn that peace and order canThero is-an on&lo^ous. lie that ment, not be restored In- Palestine sintil K^h.JoTrllili pcoplo, Metcalfe charged Vv*illian. D«d- the British Government's polier jrs,-nearly-- a^S closely. Open l.y Pclley's Silver Siirts had athere- fcss beea "finally settled ","your,i^apor,*"- any paper;,'-in the very definite-ccnnrctics Triti the and •-. carried • into effect," wa: rt&' and ion many mornings hxznA. made by Colcsia! Secretary MalS y will -find someitetcaUe described the cere- colm lilacDoaald in an unpreceahaut' tka -Apab-JcKisJi coamony by which, he was Inducted dented radio address oa his reI lio.-tlmt into ths Astoria post. Us e~iZ: turn from a flying trip c£ i ' B T\ S\ T T^ fTi *1 If* ^ T* £*t E "" r^ * ^ - f t T » ^ "vtf\^ T . connict, tlon'ta Tzlzzil-z, Kc r - "-* r"-—t^ -Te- -



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r,M r - - - ; rr - ' T T ay. Icistctd, to Icld t s that Prim; IliaisiCi- v,^£. 7^ ; -r rev-.'.1- r - ~ - :-T- : - - — ~ - f • : 5we must giYS our -^crd of toner test'of liaeDeaald's £iiL.ess iolbe said •rcull amount to lovrs: ' f Ia gatber-Eg Jerusalem devout From all in&v stioTis, -s?)'.e to t.Up t i c csrae• thing. Tie s!i of cs were in tha Etrcets for [ o'ftspub.nterest sbewe last rear, the •were then lined tip. Ti« fuehrer celebration-of one oS their fast dr Gereague will be s. bitterly contestet stood "between two flags — the rigtt days as though, there was ao dan'It' is-a sue (WKS) "—a After ir Ccflag aad the German ger within 1,008 miles. Yet arssed «X "UQ; 1KX v these oa--a^Fi'eiich.' tugboat abch- 3 r 3 *t>f the iOmiiia -Cocncfl Swastika. soldiers sisd pcllca patrolled tine in iHa'Eilddla ol tha'Bahtiba ta&orrow or' Konfiay, 'tea days "We marched foryrsrd to the streets, 'Eyery bus, towa cr couao TSUJ1I t b l n s & i a 62. Aiiairiaa. Jowisli refU- efore the ^opening bt th© eeiseral furious ' S i ' 1 ' E After raaiyC£,;ir r t f e ' roll of dmca*; the fueh- try, was caged with thlcfe Jros confliat. There a r e xlv&ti ^raj if sees, --wbi? had mago tho • vessel la^et cale which starts 'oa Seppiloted b: Scrr k t i I rer then placed the corner of the bars across.the t ^ tsaWfi^n n " J e wJ, eawn, d tab "troubles atheir d -hotas- claco they T?ero resprotect- Kilfier Oil Tea Aiacri an 'lag 4a iha palm of my iag its pssseagers Irom bombs. - Epstein, gained, the J.'C. C. & • Jfeils i a palcstiao. -Unleca 'thsro b l t hY p r A letter from Mrs*. Manuel Gro- haut! with his hand and then he Utider the mandate a great bost ball CfeE-mpioiislnp, bsrir^ v - ^ -Ja"-a conflict .T>ot"we&n .a ^ i n t th.ey_:had- been; dsiniped vrithout _jnsfey,' Chaitmaii of ths event, toofe'tbe corner- swartika and of Jewish inraigraats tare set- eleven out cf twelve gar?""' T'oe end fefs -yietinuj; unleoa thero i v* I food, dotfclafi 02 Eaoney" by CAuso'CoaJlIct' b'otween. somo early trian Nasift treis permitted to. set accompanies tfie-tleTtetb,'csplain- placed it in my hand on top- of tledtoPalestine and found their final game \ras played Sv-T-clcr1 Fi •when the SCilder Oils ce'es'-t j that the irfdlvidual quota of the American, -sre then gave the national home. o. Ausorican cottiers and foot ©a Cccehoslovakia upon the Kczl salute and this Nazi grip." the Sigma Alpha. Ki\"s. IT 10 5a Council Uember -for. the Gerthffwo"MII:o Indiaasr-who oct up- " Arabs Arnse-3 of "immigration cartilicates A r - ft ' -! n A 4-^r- -n-. "oa tfecsa ,ond burned their -huts receipt .n-Je.wlsh Children's Aid Is "This peaceful ' " « i m * « e r^% which -will;enable thosn-to so to three l i dollars." Th-e purpose of' the . / a M cropland ccalpsd their ??"rjr cf ners-np ia the lege.ue cefeatei the siarmed the Arabs, Palestine. *"-QSa'-cblldr.ea. Unleii: thero is a Tho refugees had found a tem- project (Is (to £ive the Individual whoca "will stop at nothing ia ef- Adler's delicatessen, 4 to Z, £"i •"- 1 l €dEfttit' "Est"woea r peaceful \ dti- iserary -.refuse on the tugboat ^embers • aa oportunity to rai3e forts to check it. Aniesirst car day, and the A. S. A. 1 r e : CVPT I ', sons oajjaccd" tipon great and bca- whea the Csoch. and -Hungarian thia amount quickly and easily. [ Eianifc-ld responsibilities we do the Alpha. Fi Tausfcrfrrlsit. 1 "If each xaeinber, will feeep a tic".sfieg-at" tasks and'tho "assassins Ths sir-sie loss of th» 1'ilCcr' not have a more delloats trust „ „r f d to p permit ket for Asrcelf and cSll just oae y TV ' E n <ULd-th!«rC3 -who fairuponithom'. than our goversmeEt of a tiny Oils was to the Adlcr Delict tes- t ~" ; S | " 5 t ^ n t I o a pact-'la them to.. landL - The^ breakwater more,, thp project will .be a sucB€a teara •which. •Ton by t scc-c j country which . contains some o* All -ttiat i3"Qm- from which they wor«' rescued is cess," lira. Grodlnsby explained. the Holy places of Christians and of 4 to E. Three ether g'rrer It c r- Regard to •'PaTes- at a point whe?o Austria, Csecho- "The responsibility pt raising the elaHyj Jews and • Monannaedans aii£s. olovalda and fesagary-.zneet. Tho nlrfe bJiEtlred'd'olIar' quota for the XThen ta"o hisb..comTo solve the problem of* the bit- margin c£ a stogie run, *• "16fi3 is ! Elavnof T" wcro part of a larger "'Qmaba chapter of tfcs Council ia g Tbe Je'wi3h National r ' other -day->called refugees ter clash -fcettreea Arabs who had jeEr's leagv.8 "K\hicv rtr-t- i '"rlrrrf Tr""" • b tthat h t &d apmber &ad. b beca H d an obilsaticn that is shared by llies:-. Pcall nio=, end th© Pi- 2ive4 is Palestine for many ges- ed This -o£ th© l i ia Kay created Js.terert err er- j r-c ;rV' f f r - f from thQ AU3triasi,j?rovl2co._qf JT3E Qombcr, and ire are coust- oneer 'U'oiacs will tsld-G joint eratisns £.nd exiled Je^rs retErn3.tti© SBM y Bursenland. pScnSc oa Ev.zfi..y, AugKst £1, r,t ing on tbo full cooperation of our iEg to their tome cf csntErifiE r end" Brutally-iyinlir y 1 S$ Krcjj park. : n t i r e m©22.!jien3*ti£p.t* ago, t t e recent Royal cosiaicsioa s^ r.tliaS ' a ?t<jw~ fe " Heaawbile, tour lisndrcsl A. 100 teams •wi'l have v.fce cp- j • Tho eztire JeirLh caaaunity " Urs. 3. S. Cohen, president of kto itS th . disepproT- trian Jewtah reSus«c3 who s, drastic resa of lorry, t£Ve re- to have beca deported last .wesi Jja'Couccil, fusther emphasized is invited to sxttsnd. All profits partion of the country into sep- portunity tcplar in the c'tr rort- • r-e_ ' r r r r to EU"t tlio- individual nsniborshlp quota d.rived frora this affair •vrill go arate Jewish sad' Arab states, hal leajrce schefiulefi a rfewsoon. j« "Sir Harry, .Mac- were . given a temporary stay explained by 15rs. Grodins&y, and lor an ciacrscacy fend for Palesi . 1 P •• , ^ added, "The 'series tt five' lec- tiae.* Ac.-"!-=lc3 to ths psrk will •with.; a Biitisb corriSor tstweea. aal "desired' to"* speak., the wiien tao mialatFj cctca after tea "", PTC "< " T - 1 -• "Our goYerniaeiit had - accepted fete: IE Tretiak, Sais G-r.'er, ft "* ! • -•?70uld h'ava "called. upoQ Intervention- -Of Town Councillor tures by Mrs. Neuhaus is such an b3 free. , " f f T f- % p q oa be- outstanding' attraction, and the A committee vlll be staticned this, policy tss, ths test Etsd most Epstein, "Earl Sieg&l, Lcoz; Gruen.oJ Ercsqn r i s A r a b s t o C0S3S-. C0aas.froni ^murder, Captain 5 ttis-Ara 1 T z 1 -<s l ? r r r half of the HIA0-JCA lts.i~4io helpful. solution. But the final by the gate c. t i s r-rfe from 12 purpose for which the money is ^rank Kocita. Jp^ r" -' h IA0J i = -r .4lie!t"aQdj_G3b"6taEo Tind "toured 4l!t" : * f 1. , P i e A. : Xtl could not be taken until ?j;«! being raised is so universally o'e!ec&, noes, aat? frill issue tick: ?Hc5t^ ££3t"the Erfii3h Empire T / l d J i f i C £TvsitB, Kcrrle Epste'i .aical commission sympathetic, - that we can ses only ets to evcryeac. The tickets will tfcs ' ." , ' r ' - "i ba gcoS for adrj^'loa and for a ' very enthusiastic oi partition had 'Siaishs-a Ic- nian, and Paul Eieinb all GE^KcoECats cl tie part. A tails ahead of us.. However, if for r bors -which, will still taks several " ' i r " * T o - - T r •" rticalar reasoa a ne~•ter ean- Committee Is frejiarin" to £-rve •sreeks. After that, decisions Bust III tapd and scft driaks for a misi- bs reached "witJi the possible deiaot raise-her quota this T'ay, tlo'cs of 70,000'AurtTtaa I*. taay rales tha three fioL^rs by lay. • Tickets caafeegottea GOBSs other means. We £0 i.r.!e Sitaaticja l>jfflc!slt g iy •ca, that she bZT or e l l eiicrGO frcra lire. J. Teldsan, - ."IE t'ae nieaatisie the authoriCscah. cosselsr officials in Aus- tScIicts to y secretary of the Pioneer Womthe lecture series, thui hsve the .hard task o£ reslcrtrla>a,TQ Ltfes las'-ju^tcd to insae coatribatlng en; II. ZItakin, cccretary cf Poali ties, to the cniccec3 ct the isg order. I west to Jerusalem vkas prof I8cd*(io'cp^licants of F.3 well as raisias the Cioa; «. Badinotrshi, secretary -weals- property .in-Cccchtsltm&ia or cz discuss •with the high cominisE rt 3 Jc~-i-"i Natlcxl TTcrkerc1 Al- to mi34iedSev73_5FQtelsn.: They coney." sioaer and Generr.1 HsiniEs, who b th^t reals* "nia.ia wCsccboliance, all EieEibsrs o£ these commands Use British troops '• arc-' notFtwfesn- in Jby--the»IIo- about The loctere series viH opoa on or la jiLcr countries aro laorainr, Octsbcr 12, The Jevlsh C o E t r " - " C -r — < Spain.',fiat"thoy_are taken l a by there, t t s present situatioa f.sfl to-cupprrt t5ca or can Bt* tea. a. at. Ia iho tc^tlx floor t bba 3 3!-£b~out ! o o t PPl t i e ' _b c t i e o transmit zaosoy for that partleElariy this csestioa of se.cSItorJcn o t . t t i tfeos: 1LC>?6 a "bad. eoaccLaco about to- tho Natloac* Bank of Cs curity, ffiese -two raea are facf '; J • 1 , 1 •nit eoatiaue on c T P l a oc? ctsout-iibt t t b t fil fis G^h ^ ing i s filfflcalt s LS "has eoa- JUEicr SJCJB a sft§r*r"~ r" *"" r *-' ~Z ! at the Center'pool os Ep-tprcbcacadays, at the cans place -aad . g cnougli" f<* ' taelr froatea Bntfeli E.ct&cntiss I hcur. pcoplo-O? fe? Palestine..-, So they tzicrr, t7orld"- famous coantrr tss ?rsrr sr,a tfeeJr .C<j lira. Grodiaciy fcca a:!sca that A ribbon is to be- EAT L ! •toj'the •official lja cos- owned ho3tefry In the resort town t%> Him i"^ co-operatioa iaspires coafifieacs. tho raoncy for t^^ Uoli^ti to nail• a- "conflict" ' ' botvro ia of Karlsbad, 'has bees forced iato "But ia a lar.d •with seme areas _ en ed to hsr aa 'quickly a pcccifele •rill compete £.gf.inEt I r . - Jo"W. - There ia ,ao coaby Kasl terrorism Ttis |3 most iar^rlaat, cie esp j y girls c" c"wa s^e. A"3 c T flict between Nasi and Jew—that r ibsy- will' grant—nor between" in the Ssldctcs districts. Tb_ ho plainsd. In ^To^zrly directing the •will not 1)3 acco-niplisiied <juiclil^ . tol will bs sotd ct public asctloa. wor!: of the eoraralttee. S^accist'' aajl Jew nor „ Its OE F2 Caloaikl (TTKS)—IZiag Titto? It naay oe teat it caanot S-e fully viiiiin & feiff cars. Thera ia to ITr^aau.l of Ita.y indicated that tcad otcfa £at.uurderstfs attacking tho PysUsn, o cliy is Slsva&ia. L3 T-ES out cT cynpathy -rith beea fiaally settled E.Ed carried St-3lzh psoplo-la tha world end ' 1 * l i l y ' s new ra.eJst policy •^rhe-3-fee into effect. . Ths British governiu t6o feo-^iclaad. I*ot us-at least, To I ^ •..rota a lettar to SctnKv! "Levl, SLt-lczzt? JUS Jews, not subscribe Lonfisa- (-T.r::^y — All ^i (""TCS ' — P a l e o r rro^iiaent Grec'i Jcvlsh t--blie- the. bzzis at jt:st?ce between ths i s 'iha~ lics'of ths.caasstffro aid csteroS Crcc! oc!or?Sia Ps A firrtn™ br.nL rc*3- l"}. Public&oufat'.i3 irc;c-c:-ro, Jews- ir!to are ptijldisg at long %'i TZZC1CSU2..B3Z<1 t t s l r solliistlford-Anscct-5,Vrifl bs penaitto I'crj irith ai* the Jeattiros of s. last a national hoiae sad the 3 ' ' " Arabs, -whose title in the laad ot to ysKalsfcjtbo csuat^ until t i uovls Eicloiraraa tra.3 ccrrisd cut c i i - j thst ha Tras clTrays a Irjsnd Sosxei'a.d-tcrnli' > ea tt"! cL-ht &if»a;-2 tiiditff hdd u? its ci tha Jcv.-i i.-C ^^t lie Ln.2 sot times sail's peters c£ e asd creatioa Eppear 7C3 ana escaped vlth a t future, t t r Czcra l;-alica her laforalod C.r N o i l Zlaleolx «5,CC0 la ccz'a. '~C E.C b e tl.B ti,nri c'arlin -rrerc pre11 ~ "*i& "iats par to cc to lun^h, the s^3~ ? riJugeca. ii, drsr? suss cad i-d cat!-! spirit last irccfis C¥er cccirS-lia? their otefiioa t t I!:: cr:s, r.iii^z tL;ir LJcr,i;o' cni <1S£ c C-i), c«" *Eor-so sJ four *rr of tho ilro ta eleir t" JElbfctji-"WJco ..... "" (1—i's> { •Tacob Dca • Prcri cr t t least liave o* t-oi cTcmoats of I a!ie- m-as physiaian to two pops ; c!:^_ zl t i e -• visd -^%' «K»" Taopla oa Fs-iuij-, I a





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Kohn, Joshua Bloch, Herbert 9. draelon, we saw fcarely halt a HUTIANITY ANSWERS! My BRESSLES 20, or 56—tee age Mussolini Goldstein t.r,d Bernard Drachman reach in 193S . . . dozen civilian cars, and- trucks, ere carrying; on vith en Arab and just one bus, on the road. POT-POURKI . _ . Outside the three or four tovng j proup in the interests of Araband villages, in-fact, \?o savf very ing Administration are reported j Jewish peace in • Palestine, not few signs of life at all, except to be looking into reports of dis- on!*- are uneffieis.*, but bsve Insmall Bedouin encampment crimination Egainst ,Je-?rs in FIIA CX" T""C?^ t"T*' F' C-1J^ P-T" PT* 0''"P. '*. OJ, EH© f e w shepherda tending their boosing projects . Among ttose Jewish Agency, ^"e fcee.r „ . _. Barflocks on distant hillsides. •srfco bare written for the B-ev. ney Ross is expecting en heir— This was the effect of the ArabGerald Winrod's paper &re Con- or'irisvbe an heires?—in '.he fall strike -which had r.gain become' gressman Clsre Hoffman of Mich- . ' . . "Did you knm?". l;y !:.iie w y , almost 100 per cent effgetlvo in igan. Enfl Alfalfa Eill J'-urrEj-, that Bs.rsey is s- ev-ell pianistT many parts of Palestine, reinformer governor cf Otlanoma . . . . . Bet he, won't be- s.lne to use forced by the rebels' terrorism Winrod has fcjs EtiisiaEr Some at fcis musical t&lent ir. hie »e«" which respects Arab lives Itttlo Asheville, -N. C-, ^rhica is t i e ES- business, unless fee io ea.f more than Jewish or British. tire tabitat of William Dudley it v-ith music vrhen is? enters; hie Pelley, Silver Shirt fuehrer . . . . r?.-tlier-iii-lc v^*& ^W'Silv^ ^ivvci . . • For the first 30 miles we saw Jevisfe Jclins Strcicier ss^t liis anti- "Where fiid the London not. a soul, and we were becomSemitic siso-r, "The Wandering Chronicle get the idee, t'nat theing accustomed to the silence and Do Jewish couege Irateml- aware of their own Inadequacy, Friday night Hillel services. Jew." to Vienna, but. didn't dare! late Samuel lnsi;ll was Jfvrisb? ties resent the B'nal B'rith's the writers have endeavored to The fraternity has endeavored loneliness when, rounding a sharp come fcimselt, for fear cf hostile) '. . . The Cl'ror.iole re"err-eri to his HiHel Foundations? Are the point out the advantages of Hil-to arouse statewide interest in turn in the road, with a ste^p hill demonstrations . . . A secret p e r - j desth in its obitusry column . . . two 'types ot organizations ri- lel, and the opportunities which Hillel by inviting Jewish people rising sheer from" the road on cur "wow of Nazi propagandists from, j vals or can they complement it offers to organized Jewish from 1 various North Carolina right and a cliff dropping away Egypt, Palestine, . Trans Jordan, each, other? ; How da Jewish . groups such as fraternities. Nor cities to'attend Friday night Kid- almost vertically on our left, we Syria and Iracj -was heia in PEIfraternity men react to Hlllel?', does the above apply to all fra-dush supper and Hillel services. nearly ran into a stone wall three 1 est'ne not so long ago . . • Flans In cooperation with the other feet high and three feet thick, These Important questions are ternities; notable exceptions. exist vrere laid to lEtensify Nazi propare answered frankly and illn- at many colleges where • Hillei organized groups on the campus, bnilt directly across the entire aganda in the Near East, to be j Jacob Ficlcensteln. 6 7. a resiT. E . . P . has held several open width of the road. This was the minatingly in this article by foundations are working. used as a club cirer ' England dent of Orcshs for ?P rears, died Telegraphic Agency cortwo-members'of Xau Epsilon: The authors are familiar with receptions for. recent exiles from Jewish •when negotiations Issgiu ca Gerrespondent's first introduction to Friday morning' ? t a local hoBpiPhi . Fraternity's - chapter at the situation at the University of Germany. many's colonial demands . . KenThe fraternity has also been a terrorist barricade. 2V~ o r t h Carolina University, North Carolina, where.Hillel has ya Colony, which is being talked driving, thought quickKe is survived by his vrite, •where a unique relationship been functioning for two ' years instrumental in helping to. bring ly Kritzer, of ES a home for German and Esther: five sotis. Joe find LiOUls and acted with lightning has been developed between under the able leadership of closer together the Jewish.groups speed. Austrian refugees, now hag ai ol Orn£,'hE; Harry find Abe. of He stepped hard on the Rabbi Bernard Zeiger Its director. at the University of North Caro- gas, spun the fraternity and Jewish population cf only SEC, XETT Tort. fnc!. Morrf? of Clevethe wheel to the left, Where the above-: criticisms were lina and Georgia. Last year a T. the-car lurched THE EpITOR. yet boasts Jive Jewish societies. larsd, O.; three OE.upbters, Mrs. and' at 70 applicable to the Jewish fraterni- E. P. man Was one of the twomiles an hour weover. \ iacluSiug a Zionist crg£nizE.tion Harry Elutstv of Orealia, Mrs. . shot through a ; who debated a Jewish team from ties, but by his Inspirational perThe twelve Hillel Foundations . . . Eelsh, Inc., is the n a c e o* >I-ec TToods oj Superior. Ti'is., and' the University of Georgia on a tiny gap on the.soft dirt shoulder now functioning in American, col- sonality and his irrefutable argu- Hillel-sponsored the 'group that's trying to sell j Sue Fir.k of C';.evel~.vA:._lwc. sis-, of the, road, between the, outer topic. Following ment, Rabbi Zeiger immediately leges are doing excellent work the idea d acquiring I,ower Cal-j ters, Krs. Joe fr.d Mrs. Her-,, end of the barricade and the edge the debate, the visitors were givwon the respect ,'and loyalty " o f among • the unorganized Jewishiforcia ss a home for refugee i man Fr£.ul;I:n. both, of Omaha;.'a. . .'•'•7 a special reception at.the fra- of the cliff. students, but little emphasis has the Omega chapter of Tau Ep-en Jews . . . Selah, is case rour Ke- brother, D. S. Finkenslein. of lios'" A Second Barricade ternity house. This year, again, been.-laid' on the mutual benefits silon Phi fraternity. breW is nisff, means "forwsrfi" Angeles, End four grrf.nclchiidrefi*.'. two T. E. P.'s traveled down to Before we had time to catch Almost from the first meeting •which' may come from close coFuneral services v,-ere held Friour breaths, we rounded the next there. Rela-. Georgia to debate with Rabbi Zeiger, this fraternity operation' between the foundaday afternoon at the Jewish Tnturn at high speed and almost two Jewish has led all organized groups in tlons between the tions and Jewish fraternities. It nere.l Home. Burif.1 T;SE at Pleasrrn Into a second barricade high" It the heat's got you, take E.nt Eill cemeter''. cr.nnot be said, however, that boosting Hillel and in promoting groups are now very close; two ran. er than the first. While the Jew•vrliEt_coiEfort 3~cu" can out of the Hillel has not striven in every a deeper appreciation of and re-years ago, the groups were not ish Telegraphic 'Agency corresprediction of Prof. X-lirsch T&nkinstance to enlist the support of spect for Jewish tradition on the acquainted. spondent sat very quiet, expectelvritz of Kiarsi, vrto tells us that •The authors are not pointing ing every moment to hear Arab organized Jewish groups pre- campus at Chapel Hill. the ejirta will freeze into & solid! Mrs. Fannie Fencer. 64. died.. viously, existing on the campuS. , The immediate fration of this to T. E. P. fraternity at Chapel bullets dolph Hess, Hitler's number one whining past his ears, EDDIETORIAL ban in 71.7SS rears . . . Tie OC:T| on Tuesday-at her home after a The fraternities are at fault; <aroused interest in Hillel and in Hill as the shining light in the Kritzer swung the car over again, adjutant . . . He sold her oa We had a private chiafest with regular Jewish, sports program on iIons: illness, their members have been indif- things JewiBh came when T. E- history of organised cooperation jammed It again through the minAryaaism and the swastika, aid Sur-riviug- £.re *o\\- gaughters, ferent and. often, -antagonistic to P. fraternity inaugurated Friday with Hillel. Rather, they would ute space between the end of the Eddie Cantor last week, and In she returned to Rcaie a fervent the radio is "The Kebre-r Ath-j the purposes and activities of the night Klddush suppers in its din- like to pbinr 6ut that what has barricade and the cliff. This timo between wise cracks we got some sealot'. . . On the cuts -with her lets on. the Air," -vrtich is fces.rc i Krs. I. G-rossms.n. 7,'rf-. ,T. J. Pink, ing . room. For the first time in been accomplished there, may be the opening was still narrower. good stuff for our public . . . Ed- husband, although slie can't di- in Cticago . . . Dr. Abba Hillel j Annette and &11 of Omaha, foundations. die's planning some raore fundSilver cf Cleveland created a sen- End three SOBS, X?.S IJ. -of Cleve-Our left wheels skidded along the raising Why this diffidence and short- the history of .any Jewish .frater- accomplished elsewhere. ventures abroad, it seems vorce him for political reasons, sation in Maine, where lie is va-jland. Fr&n-fc I, rnci JTorris' K. of nity in the country, Kiddush supAnd the gain to the fraternity? very rim of the precipice, rocks sightedness aboa't a matter which found a supporter .in Roberto Omaha. ' . . ,-. He's scheduled for a trip to she should have vital significance to per was' observed, Rabbi Zeiger Aside from the very deep satls,- and dirt crumbled down the sheer Farinacci, who has ambitions to The fuceral VRS. held yesterday South Africa, and another to Officiating over the brochas. drop beneath; only the car's mo-pound silver salmon, the biggest faction which comes from having all Jewish, college students? FraII Duea . . . And Farissc£t the .Tev:i&h Funertl Home. . . . Also In. the offing is displace Interest Aroused ; caugst iin i h caught s JKooEelookwegun, Enrts.1 vras at Fiessp.r.t Hill cemebeen active in; Hillel, members of mentum carried It ahead and France ternity men are not inordinate ci, using Edda ' as Ms patron ffisa a visit to Palestine . . . And he back onto the road. . To promote a better undersnobs, nor Is their intelligence the fraternity will acquire a rep • . thinks a second trip to England saint, pusiefl Mussolini into the tio Late in rears . . . After that]] tery below average. Yet their failure standing of Jewish culture, the freshingly new social and culturIt was the only thing' to do. would prove profitable . . . He Aryan camp . . . Diplomatic gos- triumph Dr. Silver felt as good—) to perceive immediately the ad- fraternity ha3 invited each Fri- al outlook, as well as some,racial To have stopped, to have slowed insists he hasn't even scratched sips claim that Mussolini doesn't If not better—6s after one of his! A%*i'Kin S i n g e r . • • -. vantages of. Hillel, one. o£ which day, for the evening meal, 1 non- "backbone." . ,! -. • , down, might have been fatal. The the surface there, although he like the idea of copying Hitler, fine speeches for-the IT. P. A. . , | Arrunt Singer. S", died Wed* We're finally found, s Jewish an-! is to provide a common basis Jewish professors on the campus, but he's in a spot . . . Ke has to terrorists, after erecting .their raised 1520,000 in fifteen days nesday at his home. Xr, Singer, upon which all Jewish students the dinner guests afterwardB be- (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts barricades, lie in wait behind —as compared with $510,000 in play ball, or fitd FaricEccl ssd. ,gle to "Wrong Way" CorrigEn . . \ a-i Otnf.ha dealer for Feature Syndicate.) ; may meet and mjx, would seem' ing Invited to attend the regular boulders on 'the hillsides afd, three years by Hadassah's Youth his extremists resdy to give Mm Among the festxTities in his hon- more than 50 years, vas a mem- \ to Justify the .contention that when a car is trappe'd,' drill I*s Allyah Committee . . He hasthe boot—sad we don't mean or in New York vras a dinner &t ber of il:e Omaha Hebrew club. Jewish fraternities are nothing occupants full of lead a t close been told not to coae to England Italy . . .'Those in t t e . know in- vrnich the host TES Mayor Afi- and the Modern Woodmen of more than, social .organizations. range.' because money was scarce there, sist that Mussolini's wife is bit- rian Levy of Gelveston, Corri- America. This, of course; is. not true. FraWe sped along for a half min- but he showed them, a few newterly appesed to Italian r&clsm, gaia's home toira . . . A visitor to Surviving- are a for.. Harry, of ternities - satisfy more. than mere ute, and Tfere beginning to con-tricks . ... Incidentally, Eddie has one of the, first victims of -which th© ChEth£ni, Mass., Eummer Omaha, and pix daughters, Mrs. hone of Justice Louis D. Eransocial needs, .else they could not is .Field Marshal Grasiasi, congratulate each other on being raised close to 15,000,000 for Nate Kort and Kella, both of maintain:' continuous : existence. By ROMAN SLOBODIN alive,, -when -we rounded a third non-Jewish charities in his career queror of Ethiopia . . .'Although, ceis last -reek -vr&s Meyer Yv. Osiaha; Krs. Kenry Mars of Tv"eisgs.l . . . The Justice •wanted "What, then, are the; .reasons behe's a .Cat&olic, lie is oi remote curve and came upon, a third Shreveport. La.; Mrs. Abe God(JTA Staff Correspondent) , . He says his present job of Jewish, origin, and the Fascist to • hear about the plans being- chaus ll lad their. lethargy in- vital Jewbarricade. Once: more Kritzer of Ei|: La.: Mrs. 3. rescuing children froa. • Fascist made for the Palestine pETilion ish "affairs?.' • "' • ' '"' 1 • ':•• press is now giving him the silent ducked the c a r around it, and r>. Stine of Kollyv.-ood. Fla., and lands gives him a bigger thrill at the Ke-w York TTcrlfi's Fair . . Plainly stands the fact: that treatment . ' . . ' . EDITOR'S NOTE: Roman I of the Arab part of Palestine is beyond we fount! the road strewn Mrs. Edward Kosentiisl ol Ml-, ABOUT PEOPLE they-are, for the most part, as- Slobodtei veteran- -New York by a full-dress military reoccupa- with large boulders, among them than anything he can think of— WRONG 'MJMBER? arr.i, Fla. • toundingly ignorant of the ^essen- newspaperman who, was' sent; lon. 'What Is going on in Pales-: iron posts of the road fences unless Ida should give birth to a Frau Dolifuss, -wiccvr of the Funers.1 services T'ere to be. | tiais of Hillel purpose and activ- last year to cove? Palestine for ine today cannot be described as which, had been ~ uprooted, con- boy . . . When sotae of his Eng- Ed Bodia, a prczsiseut ciiner-1 assassisated Austrian chancellor, held this morning at the Jewisb r 1 ' ity; -They have failed to see what the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 'disorders" or "political terror- crete foundations and all, andlish friends came to bid him boaologist, SES •srcrkeS out a theory is packing for a trip to America. Funeri 1 home with Kf-bbi Davifi Hillei can otter both the in a'serfes of articles lastfMay: sm." I t . is nothing less than a planted in the middle of the voyage at Southampton fee raised that Hitler and llussoli&i are due Trtiere she espects to nafee her A, Goldstem officiating. Burial 130,000 from them . , . At least for-the .are. in 18S0 .. . .-Basir.g •'„.•.,. •ualVand the group as a whole. was the only correspondent t o : arge-scale.armed Arab rebellion. h i g h w a y . , hosie . . . George Ru-j is to be at Golden. Kill. two British^ newspapermen -were his prediction .cu vhat he-.calls s perraaaent .. . JVarrow Escape To- the Individual student, HUlel predict with astonishing ac- • 'Returning to Haifa to resume '• chart, -which...- is gov- hlee, "the- newly appointe'd direc-f curacy the current outbrealr of overing the reign.of terror which offers-broader; iunderstanding of After negotiating -these ob- so impressed with Cantor .. that Waterloo erned b y ' t h e date of. birth, fce tor of the intergOTerniasEtal ref-| they pledged ten shillings a week disorders in the blood-soaked iegan here July 6, this corresponr 1 his religion and culture. It Is a look stacles , we had time to arrives atthe year of Waterloo cges' Ei£ eoEmittse. celebrated | : for the relief of children from Holy Land. Since July 6, when ent and his traveling companion, STAY haven in: which ./the., shrinking around. For as far as. we: could by addingthe figures represent- his 7C-th fcirthfiay on July 7th," the twp^year-pW.teyror was re-; s c a r Kritzer, an American Germany and Austria . • . WfcereJewish, "'violet? may anchor; It see, every sign of western civilizathe day after the opening cf the fury, iewspaperman, took the road tion—the road itself, -the road- ever he spoke in. England the ing the day, month and year o£ Kio de Janeiro (JTA) • .The helps readjust the economic and •vfeieti with redoubled Eviaa conference In New Commission for the Permanency through the. "Terror Triangle" side social' Yalues:'bf the: young .men Slobddin has traveled t h e sign's and warnings for. mo- non-Jewish help quietly made birth . . . For Instance: Napoleon York for a brief stop-over ' be- of Foreigners in Bre.-il, .four-maninstead of the one via Tel Aviv torists, the fences, the telephone their own contributions . . . AnS •was born on August 15, 17 SS . . or woman. Tvho. lacks the equili- length.- end breadth of Palestween a tour cf "AiaerJca and a body appointed fcjr President Var- brium of maturity. • And, finally, tine by car, dodging bullets, •r which, traversing territory large- and telegraph poles, had been at- Eddie warned us to keep our eyes August is tbe Sth month, snfl the settled by Jews,-is consider-d tacked with savage fury. and ears open for a ne-w piano figures 17S9. add up to 23 . . - . trip to Europe is Jacob Fisfcrn£.ri, £E.s in pass on the cases of ac esfor the average young ;Jew,' it is bomb fragments, stojte. barrages, and narrowly escaping • ;afer and is used by practically wiiard . . . Her name Is Ruth And 8 pins 23 plus 15 gives you whose VEcation from the editor- tirnEted 4, SCO refugees who enoften an oasis in the cultural For mHe3, the tall, heavy teleill the highway traffic still mov- phone Hllde Sonser, and she's an Aus- 46—"which is the age Napoleon ship of the.^Jewish KTcrrn-g Jour- tered, on tourist visas rrul remaindesert of modern adolescent cyn- ambuscades, -to get a close-up poles were bent flat to the of the Arab rebellion in action. ng in Palestine. trian refugee . . . Cantor met her had reaches ween be .suffered nal is proving most cryoyable . . ed illegally, has • decided favoricism. ' » ground in serried rows like a Following 13 the -firstj of two on the boat coming and his Waterloo . . Mr. Bofilsi clrinis Among those who will join the ably the fate o'l several hundred Place of Fraternity In choosing the Galilee route wheat field after a tornado, or he's taken her underhome, his -wing feat his system applies to every ranks of biZ-cCltiz ih'ls CzM is y.t: To the Jewish fraternity, Hillel exciting articles relating h's completely uprooted and twisted he correspondent relied on the dictator in world history, but er F. StEi-rjlrc: rZ 1tr« ". F. -\. offers what in many cases the experiences. " . •ncouragement of a high official into steel pretzels. The -wires • • • Tbs lucl'v''l-r" " ;r ?."">frfc we'll leave you to cbeck on that fraternity cannot — justification cluttered Tip the road and fields it police headquarters! in, JeruMUSCLES*' IN ON MUSSOLINI - yourself * . • But here's t i e ciepe Schwc'.rer cf Xew Ycr'c . . . C l r : for the latter's own exisence. Culin tangled masses. -.."•' Haifa—-The precarious state of alem who offered the a'ssuraice There's a torrid tale of polititure i3 the only tie that binds all British control today over '•'. the hat "both "ways are just as dan- Later, police told us. that Ours cal intrigue involving members of on Hitler-and Mussolini . . . Kitler was bora en April £0, 1SE? human beings together. Strange Arab interior of Palestine • was ; e r o u s n o w . " had been even a narrower escape •'••••.•' • Mussolini's own family beaind paradox! The fraternities, while observed at first hand by a Jewthan we realized. The inviting Italy's anti-Semitic turn . . . 1 1 .- . . As iSSS sods n? to 26, ttlz The Jewish Telegraphic Agency gives you 20 plus 4 plus 26, a peeking to become Integrated i s h Telegraphic Agency corlittle -openings at the outer enda Duce's daughter Edfia, whose •with the other organizations on respondent on a motor trip from iorrespondent overslept and theof tile barricades, through which husband, Count Ciano, is Italy's total, of 50—and Hitler vi:i be rip began an hour later than we had driven, are usually, furthe campus, refuse Hillel's offer Jerusalem to Haifa by way of foreign minister, is reliably re- SO nest .year . lussolini's fcinh; cheduled, a; mischance which, it of culture; t h e ' one thing which N bl d Jenln. Ji Nablua and , loon developed, probabl/ saved nished by the Arabs with land ported to be the. chief cause o§ date is July 29, 1SSS •would make them truly an inHighways have been almost iur lives. Leaving Jerusalem .at mlnea, buried hi the ground, to her papa's new Aryaslsra . . . Oa up to 2D, you hav© 7 pteis TS IC"!', rlus be tripped off by the pressure of tegral part of the campu?, or at completely deserted by civilian a visit • to 'Germany, they say, the community. Ostrlch-liker they traffic. Nightly they are turned ! o'clock In the Horning, we a wheel. Among the stones of Edda became smitten with Ruound a hilL country to the north the barricade itself. Kills bombs Patronisa Oar Advertisers see tolerance, but not always un- Into death-traps for police and completely quiet This in Itself are pia'ttted, their pins drawn and derstanding and' appreciation of troops by barricades, land mines was an unhealthy sign,''for at the culture of minority groups, and ambuscades of Arab rebels. that hour the road should have the trigger held down by a stone. These are for the benefit of "which are the only lasting founPolice stations and even milid ations f or • interracial harmony. tary camps appear to be be- been - crowded-. with "peasants trucks and. buses -which someleaguered outposts In a hostile bringing produce to the capital "times: attempt to crash through Often-opposed by the- Jewish country. The police are under- In trucks and carts, on donkeys oV- over thu. barricades^. and- also student '.B Hiljel's policy of manned, suffering particularly ind camels, or driving sheep and for the -'police- when they dis"bringing the problem out into from a shortage of British con- cattle to the city, aS well as with mantle 'them. the open." Let /well enough alone, Stables. It ia proving impossible Arabs traveling both ways in. : (End. of First Article)' ^ ho argues; don"t put the minor- to recruit enough men In Great taxis, buses and private cars. • '•' No One Abroad Jty In the limelight One looK Britain to keep the force up to n In nearly a hundred miles of . The famous B^ttelheim famI into past, and very recent history will dissolve-this argument. : The British army has Inaugu- riving, until we reached Ein ily came by its name because of The history of German Jewry rated a regular guerrilla war Hashbfet and Miahmar- Haemek, the fight between the founder of should refute finally and com- with the Arabs. The troops', hav- the beginning of the Jewish set- the family and a Count Bethlen $f\ pletely, the propositions of assim- ing found their previous tactic3 lement belt in the Valley of Ea- who attempted-to abduct h b wife. ilation. Jews have a special heri- led to no conclusive results, have tage • of culture -which should be adopted those of the" terrorists. an asset to civilization, Yet inLike the Arabs, they go out into I the minds of many young Jews the hills in ambush parties, or today, Judaism Is bankrupt. : conceal themselves along the Fraternity men".'also' object"to roadsides to waylay terrorist Hillel because they'. feel, the fra-bandB.v In this kind of fighting ternity will lose its. individuality major weapons are knowledge of 1901Farnam Open Evenings AX 4435 if all Jewisn students meet on. a the countryside and assistance S ^ __ 1 common'basis; Are they so doubt- from the populace. Despite their The Year's Greatest Radios ful of];their own group superlor-i inferiority in -weaponB and dloclity as to fear'the cultural activ- pllne, the Arab3 therefore have General Electric 1939 ity of Hillel? Unknowingly they grealt compensating advantages. I? < 'i , > '• r Through "Terror Triangle" pay a-poor, tribute-to the quali'What this .correspondent saw ties" of-their, own group organic on his trip, and on a previous zation..-, ,. ' ' ' ; journey through the "Terror TriExceptions Exist ' . - ' angle" in .Lower Galilee a few br;rrr,tic-~vvUr:^-o ecr, t ils::i-b>£rs~-^ Although'it-would appear oth- days before, inclines him to the A Supreme Musical Instrument erwise,', the criticism. . of • Jewish belief that the only -way Britain [t Tops the list fraternities , vrere hot. made with can re-establish physical control of the seai 1o destructive . intentions.son'3 n e w r^ii C:IO rrr. features . . , louber d i a l , li-in .5 Giz, c.:— azi. speaker tone fidelity control and a •- •: C / t,r. Crr.rl,-. CiiC prs. host of other plus features. Come in and se3 them n o v/.

By Herbert Goldberg and Horace Richter



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Nazis -Call Czech. Shoe Magnate Jew ; X R i Bnsin@sc

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task''uw^321 - I «

Prague (WNS) — Tie Nazis tress in Germany is-attesipting t3 uin_ the business of J. p . Eata, Izecb. shoe mediate and his cc-un.ry's leading infinstrialiEt. hf

IU: f- Wl • «

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t len'li

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Albany, N. T. CkTXSl—AmcrS-

Propaganda Being Spread By-Germans in Britain

-e "

cT-'orr's f

London (JTA) — The various rganizations set up in England would feel equal with all peo- CcEv *" *!&9-BS0st important Cathrolic less, he -warns: "It is impossible in its evolution in which it is with the aid. of official Reich pie bttt I am no Jew." Bats, stat- " ~ -tury fc?ci ben r .pronouncement, in the • United for Catholics, and especially for equally dangerous to tbe Jewish agencies to spread National SoStates, ©n racial prejudice hiss the shepXerds of J hc floA to re- and *he Christian concept of ife, cialist propaganda and their it ton^r. -A" t .-^ost -'appeared -in the form ol a main indifferent in the face -at and both these international re- methods axe described in the curpamphlet Tsnitten by Father ^Jo- this rising tide of racial feeling. ligions are equally hated for the rect issue of "The New Statesman • ure of v-'o " soph W. lloosly ol Cathedral So violently does it dash with same reasons by, the fanatical and Nation." collega ' and bearing the'.im- the very fundamentals of Chris- patriots of the post-war period. The article reports there is, a primatnr of Archbishop Glen- tianity, so completely is it out of It is no .accident that the . chief series of organizations with head- in, the lie is £ti MMya. Mr.^Simon mialyses this harmony with the great principle enemies- of Judaism In Germany, quarters in London, sometimes ed. "Really," he said', "I £? not alra in - significant statement; which of universal brotherhood' taught the extreme -National Socialists of boasting a considerable memberrtT- - - h ^ r \ n n AS iinEJiT aac-pies. the cls.nse . shorn -that anti-Semitism is the by the Master, that to tolerate it the Streicher, Darre, Htnimler or ship, and all. with one exception, care about those false statements. reads: "No person shall be fieniI am only enrious to see whettsr first linlc in the chain of per- within the ranks of the Faithful Rosenberg type, are-also the chief supervised and controlled fay the rist Foaer. ; ed is ec;ral protection of the Eecatloa eg Christians as well would be a' grave dereUeetion of opponents of Christianity and'the propaganda department of the there is still someone in GermE/ny croup is liof this State or any sab-cloflay vrlth *he courage to place s s Jews—viL'ME EDITOR. ... duty. Whatever one's personal most, ardent devotees of the new erraan Embassy. • It then desHerr Keui vtsioa thereof. No person shall, truth above lying propaganda." feelings may be, in the face of the paganism that would resurrect cribes a looser organization of because of race, color, creed cr the tribal gods of primitive Ger- naiviauals chosen to approach. religion, 5?2 En^jectea to CET CIB' Five.years of Nazi propaganda obvious "teaching of the Gospel. many." ;. Important people who would hesiCatholics are obliged to , taie criminatioa in tis civil rigits fcr t a s -proved to the world that persecution of" Jeiro is but the first their position in the forefront of A plea for tolerance and under- tate to take part _ in organized guy or Ur-c 1 j corporation -or institution, or fcr j step ih the .attack on all groups the battle against racial intoler- standing concludes the booklet. propaganda. ' this St&te c r ZJZ. -or cuband faiths that refuse'to submit n c e . " ;• s Anti-Semitism- is rot alone a JewFor this method of individual c^sner -o London (WNS-Palcor Ages-cy) division cl the State." Hidiculing the .Nazi charge that ish problem but a world problem? approach, about 120 well-trained to Nazi Weltanschauung. Fosterostly —-All Jewish circles in Europe, | The inportEEt ctance from the German propagandists, ing anti-Semitism as a means of Communism is the latest expres- that must be met courageously if getting into power, the Nasis sion of International re wry, Fatn- human liberty is to be preserved. with university education, Jiave especially the Zionists, have -wel- orasrsal vras iiie insertioE imported into England. comed Dr. Solomon.. GoldniEin, phrass "civil rights." ^ufig have made it the spearhead of er Moody points out that* Jewish •Father Moody Justifiably mainiEg to t e a Ainlttpd their attach on democracy and organizations in Russia opposed tains that anti-Semitism altrays They all speak fluent English and •who has .succeeded Dr. Stephen S. ry E. Xievris of Brooklyn, ''• ^~ere issuedb-r the the Bolshevist movement. Those their, job is to tEcMs individual Wise, as President of t i e Sioaist mas of tbe bill el rlgtts coxni religion. fails of its ultimate purpose and | Department ' ernmeEt. Th Seemingly, Jewish leaders "were who-were converted to Commun- is but the first link in the chain cases. - Finally, several thousand Organization o£ America, ts a tea, eefinefi "civil rights" as ism were forced to abandon their domestic servants have been aleader trho is spiritnally related "risSts" -vrfcich Ere fotmd te of persecution and. oppression of ; tifiCEtes Ere the first to realize'and proclaim Judaism. To attack all Jews belowed by the German ministry of to European Je-prry and have exCcnstft-ction, la the Civil R1* Christians as well as Jews. i permits v;ti this development. But jews have cause of the few who have belabor to obtain work here, after pressed satisfaction -wltli nis -elee2Jaw and in the statutes." ; Enorrcec it ' never teen alone in their fight come Communists, is as unfair as coaching in the right Questions to tioa as head of Zionist activities — ! last K E V T?rti against Nazi terrorism. Long beto blame . the Russian Orthodox ask and the.Tight answers to give in America.. ' ' TJTK fore German Catholics felt the church for the Communism of while in England. 1. aorupsoss. Daring his brief visit to the ^2? Stalin, or Protestants for the continent before ezabsriing for , Kssi Clnbs Communism" of Browder. . HOW TO GET A COPY OP The specific. organizations, ac- Palestine, Dr. Goldman visited "WHY ABE JEWS lio Whitewasn cording to the article, seek to Poland and during a stay ertesd"PERSECUTED?" "Why Are Jews Persecuted?" provide suitable Nazi • clubs for ing over three Says conferred, aculi pe-io no attempt to whitewash every social group and clique in •with many Zionist committees Catholics in America are makes and representatives of he Jen-isi gees: Anarchy or Organization?"] tbe Jews. "But it does recognise "England. Some specialize la stu• jenna. to Joining the fight against anti- that those characteristics which dents and organize German les- press, -who -were impressed with is the title fo a 125-page book by I Semitism. One of the most, im- are considered objectionable are his rep_ort on the political posiDorothy Thompson, K. T. Heraldj sons, discussing groups, rambles portant statements of trie l'b- primarily the Tesult' of centuries Harbin, Manchukuo (JTA)" — and" other social activities. Then tion, the cultural life end* the | eral Catholic attitude has just of persecution and are'to be rrtir-ie, effort of American Jew- here this vreefc by EEBSOID. Eense, appeared in a pamphlet en- found in.all peoples so treated—__ The Jewish community here is In there are clubs-for business men. Zionist ry. .. '. In it Kiss Thompson proposes esHere, diagrams are displayed to a state of panic as a result of titled "Why Are Jews PerseDr. Goldman's -scores breegst tahUshraent of 'an interc&tional —lire-" continuous kidnaping of promi- show how German industry has cuted?" by Father Joseph N. Irish, Greek,- Armenian « nent Jetrs by Russian White been booming In the last four encouragement to the Jeirs of resettlnsEnt company, along strictMoody. Ph. D., of Cathedral spective of race or creed. "It was only in the last century Guardists. The latest'victim of years. A professor German Poland. He visited various Je-srish iy commercial lines," Vhich vrcnlfi college, New York. T h i s and toured the Je^- purchase at half face value "" £- 5 Enpcjal anfi i pamphlet tells why Germany that many of these economic a i d a systematic campaign of terror- economics, who had come to give organizations quarters where "he vras deep- e g marts from prospective Gerunder Hitler has been made to [social restrictions were removed, Ism through abduction is . Isaac a course of lectures, ezplalaed to ish ise plates, his.English audience that one of ly shocked by the poverty of large I najj emigrants and businessmen hate the Jews. It relates many and we can hardly expect the Jew ] Klurman, a merchant. section O f tbe Jewisi pcpclatlos. ^rjth frozen funds in G-era&ry. to rid himself in such a short pethe characteristics of the Nazi The kidnapers extort ransom of the false accusations made Goldman sailed from Trieste j «j>jje resettlement compenr, -witnl against JeWB, and warns Cath- riod of characteristics which it from relatives, - getting large regime is to foster private enter- Dr. to study ike present Eituation fa the Wocfeed currency at its" ds^o- I took centuries to develop. That prise. sums, but the victims are.seldom olics that any outbreak of antiThe d o s t important of the or- Palestine and mate an extensive s a i , cocld Eepotiat.e" -vrith vs-iinns ' Semitism is usually followed he is making the effort can be returned^ alive. Among Jews reecremmsnts seen in Palestine today, where cently "kidnaped'and slain are the ganizations of Nazi propaganda, tour of the country. by similar persecutions of co'orirf Catholics. Catholics must fight the Jewish Immigrants are at- following: Meire Kopman and the article goes on, is the very irerngees T S O TTPCIC. DC ireiooinE ; tempting to buUd up an integral M e n d e l Leonson, merchants; respectable "Link,"^ with reput- A s k s R e l a s s t l o a of C u r b s since they Tronld bring vrfth them anti-Semitism to prevent antiCatholicism. P u b l i s h e d by national life founded on the land. Mark AbramovJtch, a stadent. able Englishmen at iip head. . I capits.1 &£.£. equipment purchased They have thrown ; themselves With if headquarters in Holbora; and Simon Kaspe, a musician. Queens Work, prominent CathBuenos Aires (WXS)—Resslu-lia Germany. | "White Guard terrorism, which it controls branches in Chelsea, tions urging the relaxation elf olic publishers, " W h y Are wholeheartedly into the task of LcnSon (JTA)— Jews Persecuted?" can be ob- soQ-reclamatlon and have shown has gone virtually unchecked for Hampstead, Wimbledon, Action immigration restrictions in I»£tlnAmerican countries and denocne- In the elimination -tained from the American Jew- a remarkable aptitude for agri- a mimber of years, has compelled and other suburbs. Loadon has been divided into ing anti-Semitism and Nazi propa- ; Italian "big basln&t.B i^ux, thousands of Jews to leave Haruea ish Committee, 461 Fourth culture." i een Father : Moody also discusses bin. Several years ago, the Jew-sectors, with an experienced or- ganda -were adopted by Argentine j tates, the. Sally Telegraph re avenue, New Yorfe City, at 10 cents per copy, postage pre- the economic factor in the rise of ish community here- numbered ganizer at the head of each loca." CongTess Against Kaclsn £2fi pcxteS this "west from Koine paid. For quantity orders a anti-Semitism. Quoting authori- 12,0-00. Today there are "but 3, group.. The danger o* this or- Anti-Seiaitisin at tbe cioss of e yrlth ike appoint—ect of Bez^io - - • • . . - ganization, . the isagarine de- two-day session. 1 Gisnnini &s chairman ol t i liberal discount will be al- ties *to support this stand, he con- OOo Jews left. tends that .the popular" notion of • j. Acniils Oil KeSnery v,i Triests T h e authorities recently took clares, lies in the fact that it relowed-.,.•". the Jews* natural- thirst for gold some measures to curb the more .cruits its members chiefly among atroniiB Our JLcTErtlscrs Affl-^jii^o «4^ was non-existent before the 12th violent aspects of the terror cam- the small middle class — cits century], The Jew, he points out, typists, bank clerks, private se& paign against the Jews. A "White brunt of Nazi ruthlessness, Pope Pius S I spoke out against ^perse- was fofced into the business of Guardist newspaper which incited retaries — in other words, people who "do not know ranch about cution of the" Jews. The immor- money-lending as much by the to pogroms was suppressed. politics and may easily be conality trials, confiscation of churcb credit needs of. the medieval peAmong the' Jewish officers with vinced that Nazi Germany is the property and the false cry of riod as by the ecclesiastical law fAv;:*! ''polHischef Katholizlsmu3" have forbidding Christians to lend Wolfe at the,capture of Quebei finest country under t i e sun. were Aaron - Hart, Emanuel d< confirmed his fears. It is almost money at interest. . . : Of major, significance is Father Cordova. Hananlel Garcia and Louis S. Cohen in 1SS9 bea. platitude, now, that' anti-Semitcame Lord Mayor of Liverpool. ism goes hand in 'hand with anti- Moody's attack on extreme na- Isaac Miranda." tionalism,. which he regards as Catholicism. the most universal and most viciVatican diplomacy has dealt ous enemy of Judaism. But not more than one blow at the BerlinJew alone Is endangered by Home axis. The many, manifesta- the tions of hierarchic distrust of the1 totalitarian state. ' Whatever a Catholic may Herr Hitler's regime were more' L.LJGJO'G Q than common during the Fuehr- think of the Jew, he cannot eser's recent visit to Italy. Friend- cape the fact that he and the Jew ly relations with the Radical So- have a common enemy in extreme cialist regime in France—hereto- nationalism. We live In-an age fore strongly anti-Catholic—have in which the ideal of the nation been established. And the recent Is enshrined as the highest em-editorial attacking anti-Semitism bodiment of the human s p i r i t . . . KH!£T,UET3f published in Qsservatore Romano, Nationalism has reached a' point HAVEN'T ANY f xKcswnr OVSa TO THE SVRTS organ, of the Vatican, follows too ASCOT A closely upon the heels of H Duce's •TO WB3. EUET ABOUT anti-Jewish decree to be mere cobe prouc incidence. There is bitter recognition of . an old fact in the words of Osservatore- Romano: "Toward the Helsingfors," Finland (WNS)-— It offers Israelites .we are not only e-tremely • anti-Christian and anti- .Admitting she had been "stupid civil but inhuman. For them the and Imprudent", in permitting misery of exile and outlawing la herself to be persuaded to particnot enough; i t goes to the pillory, ipate In a so-called Nordic culcaws TE1EPHCWE ? VOW CAH TALK. beatings, wounding and death. . " tural festival under Nazi auspices A U GI5HTJ YOU ITS EASSEa AM siooa Rsa. LESS in Luebeck, Germany. Sally SalmJUST DON'T ' Ko Isolated Factor THAN W£ CDUW3 & Fora! V WAKTTO The rising tide of anti-Semit- inen, former "New York servant girl, who wrote the prize novel, Ccri Erc^cs ism In the United States is no Isolated factor. I t is part and par- "Katrina." bitterly attacked the cel of Nazi propaganda, aimed German Nazis in a letter'to an There is abscfeteSjni© ccct cr !*S>, <'3% operate ?1 eventually at the destruction of Aaland Island newspaper on her ligation involved In tMs R return from the Reich. \true democracy. It is not sur©ver y®vt Master e s s Trial Offer! All prising, therefore, to find leading • Declaring she had gone to GerCatholic and Protestant organi- many without prejudices-but ressk Is di£t you give chsss sn zations in the van of • the fIgbt turned with fixed convictions, Miss Salminen said "Nazidom Uf TA1XE3 A. FEW against anti-Semitism. C& c u a . v i s r r , MiKUTES, £UT S « E SAS3 i T V " « Perhaps the mo3t Important cannot have my support, and I test en yo^r/cwa c CVZXT TO. OM.U know that if necessary I shall AS GOC2> AS AM HO'Jtt. statement on the Catholic attiG7HZ0. OFTZH ReaesaEer—-NO COST, KG combat It. Though Nazi ideas apPOP SAVED MONEV. tude toward racial prejudice is L1OATIOX, KO SALES TALI £ eerw contained in a recently published parently have brought help to pamphlet called "Why Are Jews many workers and poor children, Persecuted?" Written by Father they lead mankind to perdition Joseph N. Moody of Cathedral because they destroy its best and college In New York and bearing noblest aspirations." the imprimatur of Archbishop Glennon, this booklet exposes the Sir Landon Ronald Dead i IUE fallacies of Nazi race theories and concretely proves the falsity of London <JTA) — Sir Landon tha many charges against Jews. Ronald, ''btinguished" BritishFather Moody holds the Nazis Jewish composer, conductor and directly responsible for'the pres- music critic, died last wesk at tho O It's always good ' wesiiie? for ent rlso of anti-Jewish feeling | age of 65 in his London home aftrips fcy tslepioae. You save ycarthroushout the world. Neverthe- ' ter a long illness. .






















European Zionists

Offers Sclntloa of



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Fare f»££ cievete**

Finnish Novelist Rebukes Self for to



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19, isss.

o weals run after fcirn: "Here, < the fate of the poor Indian who has been' at1 the mercy- of the Mr. Buttonk^eper, is $10 for t i e Jew. And one perverted mind accuses New York's crusading cause of perpetuating Judaiim." O If Mr..Silch iR-ere a refr.i£«,T£.io.r Dewey of seeking to establish a Cheka because he has six Jewv mechanic vrith. the light c£ C t c r ish assistants. ' ' . ' PUDUSMfcD EiVfcBV FP.SDAY A l OMAHA, NGtiRAQKA. DV ia his eye, who vould B.&ITC? tZr But Jews must remember this. Think how comforting it is eloquent sutaraoniEgs: "PIosc ;;.. TJH13 JEWISH PKE3SS PMBt,lSHlNU accept from n e , Mr. Ziici, ?E for for tlie Japanese to know they would be the rulers of China H SAXSSSSBST the furtherance of the Kir.£€».Ei a strange, stubborn race had not been;-responsible. Think hoir Dear Mr. Se* \1: Why is it tbs.t ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHER ON APR.ICA HOt* jfewSsh life lea-Ssrshlp geseralBut to Mr. Buttoafceeye; well it is for Butler.than his own shortcomings are not the cause ia EDITORIAL OFFICE: XCD DRANDEIG THEATER BUILDING' ly is conferred upoa the well-to- Button: Kola Ki&£, ther :•• E3IPUX CITY OFFICB—JEWISH COKIMUNITVOeNtGR of the collapse of Gennai^ securities. . do? I t appears at times that busi- with full-aand%: "Will $1,C PRINT CHOP ADDFlCCC—CiW CO. C4tH 0 1 HGGf success is the clue! qtialifi- enough, Mr. Buttonkeeper? In many large department stores there i& a special eiaploy.e ness OAVID BLACKER . Business a n d Managing eatioa for bsiag a prophet in raay call 03 me if there is n&'ad and ths Refugee by tn who is always held responsible when a customer complains. BeIsrael -nowadays. Ths learned. for more." Ftt&NR- S . ACKBRMAN .' o ' . • •'V-' ' . - . . ' Editor '^ It is so pleasant to bask in the "Kow deeply do we believe is j| Rome (WXS> LEONARD NATHAW « » . " » ,AssOcSatO BfiltOi fore the irate customer he is severely chastised and is then fired, the saintly and the prophetic -— among us are a a d e to sit ia the favor o£ the Button Eole King. EABBl FREDERICK COHN Contritratiag He walks oqt the front door, returns by the back, and awaits back ss&ts.—R. G. S., Chicago.. fiecJ&ratifta of the elemen.ta.ry | ci.-arcli -vriil" deien; To Mr. Eilch, the refrigerator OUT of SSES? Whatever ether j j e w s vhcrf.ver tltey ilABBl THEODORE N. LEWIS * * * the nest complaining customer. tycoon, t&ey bring . fcEnfiEoraerights H£.tI6ns do, can America, lire with j osservaiore- P I L t , . •'.'••"• ' - - ' • . ' Slons City. Iowa, Correspondent Yes, out this is not a failing gifts: ""We are Trith you all theitself if it lets Germany get r.var I lean or?an, declared That is the job of the Jew. way, Kr. Silch. Will this check




The Catholic persecuted m?x be, the official Vat•\V: B.n article only of Jewish life. In other with this policy of extermination, j protestiRg against the Italian groups as •w-ell the possession of for.$1,500 do?" allows the fanaticism of one^ni ac j press' policy oi.' boycotting: Pop© in ; It is so aies to be well thought to tritraph over reason, refuses •wealth is the open sesame that Pius' speeches sasailhie Italy's Medals io; Motor Magnates . " A dispatch ta the New York Times states that the flying admits msdlpcritifes to the speak- cf by Mr. SilcS. to take up this gauge of battle racial trends v:hil& {.'iTr«"&' pvomiSo It goes. The boys wfco cfen ers'tables.' Ia titae they are \ £.£,£i»£t barbarism? Here is e,ncoce to Geraiar- prep? reports Two automobiles magnates, Henry Ford and James Moontrip of Colonial Secretary McDonald to Palestine has convinced given testimonial dinners sell mousetraps, refrigerators azd battle that can be woa withotit vrhich fiistorted tfee Pontiff's reby the Nazi even buttonholes seom to be the only fighting. For its c v n sake, the marks. him that Britain is confronted not by a mere racial struggle be- ey, were supposed to have been singularly honored &n&, after all the praises have ones trho can sell religion ce-srs- ciTilised worifi must meet the The silence of Mr. Ford in face ot demands tolreject the dec-been spoken, they get up to tA7een Jews and Arabs, but a far-reaching Arab revolt.. The Vatican r.evsTiaper assertdays. M6.7 the Lord bless a o s thanks £c? all the tributes. Germaay forced upoa it. ed that it if not true, P.E enemies The Zionists have: long recognized that Arab claims they goyerament, having been docarted with the Order of Merit. "As I sat h*re_ iisteaieg to all eep Messrs. Eu.ttos,Sefcj»er &&& problem Othervris© it "will Kiss the op*! of the cfeurcli c\-dm, thf-t CathoHc ' hte fiae things that -were said, Silca. are fighting the Jews; has been nothing but a smoke-screen to oration has occasioned an outburst of protest. pe-rtutity to inflict a moral de- j fioctrine cs.ii. be propp-jsra-nfiized by I've been, •wondering -whether it (Copyright, 1SS8, hy Seven Arts teat on the Tiirfi Eeici more In defense of the two men it has been said they have large is really me you nc&st," the oaa "iatevnational Kebrewism" point, hide the real activities of natives and foreign.' agents. This Feature Syndicate) tumillatiiig and costly in the lo££ I ing out that the -only propaganda has been one of the primary reasons for the condemnation of investments in Germany and by refusing the courtesy of thefor whoa ths testimonial is bs« fus than the . EiilitEi-v defeat of en which the church relies is "the ing given usually says... 1918." It is a test of civilizati the Kevisionista who seek to avenge themselves upon the Arabs. government would have jeapordized their holdings.. Foepel of charitj", fraternity and This is, indeed, the xnost truthASI6ST6 rTEE BOOK SHEIA internrtionsl po^cc pT^sch^d by They would prevent the situation from becoming what it seems : Had these two manufacturers been endowed with sufficient ful expression of the evening. "The Last Five Hours of S l i t ctrist taught s e t clierislied E tria," by Eugene Tecr,hof£. to be, namely an Arab-Jewish quarrel. - courage to have turned down these honors, certainly empty Mr. Zilch becomes a distinby the church f.gainst all the guished religious leader because events -vrliich led v,p to the loss of i passions arid forces that immign Among the vast majority of Palestine Arabs there was, un- honors to men of such wealth and influence, they would have he has been so good in the furthe iafiepeafienee -Austria are j these Christian and human pvintil recently, no inclination to participate in armed riots, much earned unstinted praise. But all the pious protests to the con-lined refrigerator business. The vivifily tcld in thisofcontercperary ciples. bringing about contrasts last annual statement of his inhistory, before his escape from ostracisms less rebellion. For the most part they had benefitted by the ris- trary, we are in no position to damn them for their action." t.v.£. pereecntions. dustry proves his leadership: The BIBXiB ' Nasi terror in Austria. Even "Where 'HebreTrism' became a Aceptance of the medals is not to be construed as support stock earned $2.56 a share; 1,« ,1 am youns and y© are very o' the ing standards occasioned by the Jewish influx and by British if you are taore «r less fed up on 559,348 refrigerators were sold in •wherefore I held bask and €Ur reading this type cf literature, force of negetion, oi domination of the regime even-though the Nazis papers, as Eddie Cantor tha r u l e . : . . . . . ' , ; " . / ' ••••:.' • . • ' . - • • ' ' .. . . . ,. • . . ~ and of persecution it could fear : year. not declare you mine opiElcs. I j don't . to reafi this one. no greater v-amlnjv than that of Now from Bagdad comes word the Moslem dignitaries have said, interpreted the action in that manner. So trhea t h s great church or- said, "Days should speak and \ "In the Steps of Moses," by the Catholic church. Where HeIt is time a little more judiciousness was observed in pro- ganisation to -which he belongs fiiultitude of years should Louis Gcldicg. To follow in thebrewisro meant, suffering, pain proclaimed.a holy.war against the.Jews and British and the steps of Moses -rae t,n extremely and a tcrget for persecution, it testing. The point has been reached where protests antagonise took step3 to-R-ard a grand spirit- xrisdcia." followers of the. Pacifist Mohammed are once more urged to ual revival Mr. Sileh seemed the . Is It not the great ta&t are irSse interesting- task; and to a cr.nnot hope lor 0. beter cletender could look back to a, devout the.n the Cstho'ie church. All the take up their arms. From India to Gibraltar unrest has stirred rather than anything else. Responsible agencies have been or- very man for-the lay leadership. nor tne great that fiiscera. jeigchiiShood, it "was a nicv~ hr.te R,T>.& iphnraan violences on (Ia our time great salesmen.hare Cient taerefore I say, "Kssrfeen ganized for anti-defamation activity. They are in a better posi'the Moslem population. , iixg acd iEEpiritg one. But notthe one side cannot fear anything become the major prophets.) to d e I also will declare from Complicating factors are Russia, Germany, and Italy. Ital- tion Uy judge when Israel's good name is in danger. an easy enfe. A muet read boot. more, just ae &u their victims on. Every zaeasber felt that Sod's them." "Let your moral life be your tlie oilier hand, cannot hope for stock would be safe in hands that They are amazed; they anewerian guns and Italian propaganda have found their way not only had done so vrell by refrigerator co more; -words .are departed priSe of SSnesge, your loyalty ] anything oette-," to Palestine but to French-controlled Lebanon, Syria, and North to truth your •wealth, for there is ] stock as Zilch had. In faet, Mr. from them. no pedigree so noble &s virtue, i Silch's great success inspired tne the business men I vrill speafe that I tcay find Africa. Mussolini has pointe<Uy declared himself protector of No cpmparsion is more familiar than that of life to a jour- slogan of the campaign.- "Invest relief.- I'll open my lips s-nd an-a^£ £.0 heritage is. ec; to hon- aridjKean-vrhile. househoiderE of Pisa are up 'Islam.* A recent "March o£ Time" graphically presented the tt." In crrns ever the new decree •with Zilch for God. You can't go swer. Let »©• net, I pray you, Life, whatever its character, whether it be long or brief, •wrong." . activities of the Fascists in the international zone of Tangiers. cenj-ing foreign Jewish students respeefc any inan's person neither f-dmittsTice to ItP.Usr universities I give flattering titles t s t o \ McDonald is right when he insists Britain immediately happy or otherwise is a journey between birth and death: 'from So, too, the Jews raise their will be^incitg' vith the new academic any xaan. leaders it ia considered a big formulate a definite policy regarding her Moslem subjects. the cradle to the grave.' gala for any causa ia any city to 1 The decree ie a lieg.vy blow to rSt 21 Such advice has been given time and time again. The cry of a gst as its leader one of the But-• Rabbi Kuna h&& four hutfired Fisa because thf fovpign JewishThis character of existence, Dante, the great luminary of barrels of wine which haa tufafed AUGUST £3 toakeepers -who have done so -srell 'holy war' has been raised Long ago the Jews of Palestine StudertF dt f^p 7'rHrp-r.Uy of Fisa in the buttonhole industry. And, into vinegar. t i s i f e . B£CSt S I . toisfortune Rabbi Jufia ,aecotnwarned of the rebellion, but the government continued to pla-the Middle Ages, has immortalised in a Sublime Allegory, the indeed, no one can say a Oma Hebrew club, s p. in.,prcricled the ciir v:if.h a conp literary masterpiece ranking with Homer's 'Iliad', Virgil's Aene- against their Ajar buttonhole paaied by. eo'ae ratfcis c£tne is L. tt., Zevrlzh ComEiicity Center. sicerf.ble • rortior. of its income catfe the^ Arabs at"thei espehse; of the Jews. through purchase of food and visit Mtn. "Let the master," caifi id', Shakespeare's Dramas and Goethe's 'Faust' and, in the opin- which outlasts the coat. rentals. So excited is the city they, "Jnrestigatfe his affaire." s Loan association. S Islam is stirring/Inherent are factors that would make its ion of many, with the Bible itself, 'The Divine Comedy*. "When a novetssst Is started to "Tv*t£.t," said he, ''66 ycu believe p. Ku, C and D, Jewish Cosucnn- over the decree thai, tvo public Judaism by emphasis- n e to have been guilty of wrcngrenaissance a blessing to the. world. "With the aid of Germany flemonstrstlonp of protest have The Great Epic is a 'comedy', not in the sense that it con- perpetuate ing its spiritual significance, -who acing.?" "^aa!l we then." respon- ityA.Center. already- teen held, and Italy, it is becoming a cursed %. A. Me. 100, 7:SO p. m., tains anything humorous or ridiculous (on the contrary it isis there but one of the Button- ded j1iey. "suspect t&* Holy One, C. It., JetriEh ComiE.ur.ity Center. T7r.iversity officirls. tno. are keepers to take hold of the proj- pr&issd be He! of exerting judgprotesting, fearir,?: thpt the elimimost serious, sober and solemn) but in the sense of Ecclesiastfes ect? g a Buttonkeeper is ment . iinjuslty?" E&bbi Ecna nptiOTi of the .TeviBh students A. 1. 7:S0 Irviii Sfcalraaster .;^ . . /,- -;• who analyzed existence into a 'vanity of vanities', life being a so -wellBecause A. No. p. ' 12,, kno-wn •Jsrou^h his button thsa said, "If you have hear* aay C. B>, J'eTi may ce.use the ur.Vrersity to close. y Center. Four years ago the university Fitting tribute was paid Irvin Stalmaster last week by the great Tanity Fair' ('Insanity Fair" a recent critic has called it, holes it is felt that his nasae •will thins i i fi I "Wedaesflay, CoE.~u.Eity j ESS, fioa't command instant respect f o r it. Tellagainst Workers' Order, was on the verge of closing b&» Iaters.s.tions.1 ptotainent Nebraskans who gathered to bid him farewelL It was alluding specifically to the regime of the Nazis), because of itsJudaism it to tae " So they ss.Sd w&ea "he speaks In' be- to hira, "We ieard that the mis- £ p. Ea., -.C £.nd D, Jewish CGBI- cjiiiss cf E. Iccfe cf F-fuflentE ^t^t a sad occasion, reminding all patriotic Nebraskans that Califor- bewildering paradoxes, its inconsistencies, its injustices, and half of Jufiaisia to tfe« ter sJl&ws tis tesint, na £u£ts is mutitF Ccr.ter. vheB tii«> recto? irvi+efi .Tewisll The Buttonfeeeper name leads tSe wines nia still continues, to be a drain on the midwest's human re- innumerable perplexities, ironies, and, futilities. they are pruned student? from Poland aad Rttprestige to Judaism. I t is re-"Aye," said Ivabbi Kuna, "he lias Boy Scuts. 8 ?. ES., If. K , .its, ^invigorating climate as great a lure as was once But though a 'comedy,' it is 'divine' beings shot through membered that t h s Buttohkeep- stolen a great Seal ef the ZrS&'d&etti Oor£rs.uxutr Center. mafia tha nation bnttoahole-1 i TZy JTi^t-^ £^^S isJlu iS^i. 210*. v^ry the gold at Sutter's creek. >" with the highest, even sacred significances being all the creation «rs and if is felt a ButtonB t o n ! much for a s . " " ? h is a Our Ac'.Ter£fs,er(? i Etror Few have done more on behalf of; Omaha and the Jewish of Divine Author, with a divine* and holy purpose as its origin, conscious fe d feseper can do'as a u c h for Juda- maxim," they replied, "that \rfcoism. Jews wilf come to see. that ©Ter steals from a thief ssaells cf community than this brilliant young man. As a judge, Mr.. Stal- motive and goal. Judaism is all right because a theft." "If BO," saidfee," I premmaster served the cause of Nebraska justice and brought to Dante in this sublMe masterpiece leads us through Hell, Buttonkesper Is fcr it. ised to sive hia. his ESare." w. - V . his work not the plodding,.unsymp'athetic mind of the mill-of« Purgatory, and Heaven. Virgil, symbolizing human reason, be- ' "Buttonkeeper," e v e r y b o dy Thereupon according to EOtre tbs vinegar turned to -ffiae ar-1" ar. i tne-run politician but the ineisiveness of a trained jurist eager ing his guide, until the latter is Beatrice ("Bice") says, "is a great salesman." Mr. Buttonkeeper himself at accorfiins to others, the cf to serve the cause of the law. . who was a real personage whom he had met at a party given time3 Eiay wonder at his rise'to vinegar rdss to tits pries ci T'.ZZ. Jou Ns^'dn'f I s R!c*i f© His opinions were tempered by a keen sense o£ social re- by her father when she was a little child, whom he fell instantly major prophet in Israel. When r was a plain, wage-earning butsponsibility and a genuine desire to promote the general wel- in love with, loved all his life even when she and he were mar- he 1 tonhole maker, who wanted hlxa 'It : far. He had surveyed the legal scene with an eye to the correc- ried to others — Beatrice Portinari — whftin he idealized and in Israel's high places? T There were, indeed, Tom KiJ>r r r* r* tion of its abuses, having written^ two legal studies of great immortalized (saying of her what was never said of any other purs when Mr. Buttonteeper's * it" merit, end on the bench he observed with the awareness of thewoman) and who becomes the symbol in his poem of Heavenly heart was stirred to impious reh Our Coatf bellion by the humiliation of bescholar. •. . • ' • ' • • • • Wisdom, of Religion (which to Dante, faithful son of the Church ing aafle to sit in one of the last - Yet with all — with his service on the jiench, his own wide as he was, though he did not hesitate to criticise it or its most seats in the echul. legal practice and these last f6w"y ears devoted to business activ- exalted rulers, was Roman Catholicism); of-the Spiritual and "Just because I am a humble Buttbnksepe-," he muttered Beity — he has been a; more than willing partieipantvin the phil- thje Moral. between the seriatim recital of llttli sins. Currcat Issue-of anthropic efforts of the community. A former, president of the in our human life, in all its phases and vicissitudes, we inihisItpoor raay be that Mr, Butte-aShows Dcvelop t.t cf B'nai B'rith, a trustee of the Jewish Community Center, to men- deed pass through the hell of suffering with sorrow, of trial and decided to be Buttonhole Anti-Scnaitisra, tion only the first of the long list, he served the Jewish com- tribulation, of pain and anguish, of doubt, disappointment, dis- King on the occasion when bit atabitioa to bs the outer guard ef munity well. . ,^ York (JTA) — 7 i s c=: illusionment and defect; we are 'purged' and chastened by itsAfiShe Jeshurua l«dge • was frusta£t "there Is u pi* In the same generous manner he has been of service to his manifold experiences, 'tried as silver is tried' the dross all burn- trated. E e was given only tares for t&* Jefr ia a F&Ee'rr. T-rrli fellow Jews nationally, having been a member Of the National ed away (compare-Browning's 'leave the fire ashes, what sur- votes. One can well imagine Mr. But- is reselicfi Tsy Lufiwig Lc-c. ? Jewish hospital and head of the fund-raising campaign of thevives is gold); and rare ife, indeed, the life in which some taste tonkeeper saying then: "I'll shov York Post colafisaist, wrltl: current iife'ae of Tl,c K Jewish Theological Seminary *— again mentioning only the most of 'heaven' is not vouchsafed,, some measure of human happi- them. The time infill yet coaa the when they will elect Ei& president usder the MaSing "G&z. £ important d£ numerous activities. < '•', firm ecstatic joys of sense or spirit, to the meaner, cosn-of Ansh© Jesuran unanimously." Bs a Fs.scl£t?" A email community, Omaha can ill.afford to lose any inan moner delights of simple vleasures, soul satisfactions, physical And, indeed. &s Mr. asti-Sersitissi S3. It&.y f i keeper ascended from Trasc-eira« of'the €£.rly fiays o£ t a s Fat^.it to another 6tate. To have so devoted a figure as Irvin Stalmas- and mental gratifications, bodily comfort and modest welfare. fir to a Ijuttonbole Elsop of Ms .•lutioa uatii • the reccsatlr ter seek other climes is an irreparable loss. In his new home he as the one-story ES,OP cl&iraed "race ctG&o,". LIr. • But as in the 'Divine Comedy' the spiritual and moral must own, and a three-story buttos&ole declares: will contiAufe to;66ntribute to the well bein^ of Ajnefida and dominate all. "We are all grateful to the religious (and racial) hecane , factory, his importance in the "Italian salf'Seaitisa: ~~i' America's Jewry. ' . synagogue and la the lodge gre-w kin&man of Dante, Pope Pius, who has risen to the true char* in proportion to the fame of his fer EoaeTrJsat frosa Vrn j Sssiitissa of the Osrsaaar. I acter of high high and holy office as Ticar of Christ', and 'Rep- buttonholes. be £S thor&ugli. JTlit vcrltL: There c a n e an election time i s act resentative of G6& oti earth',:in recently championing so vigor- Anshe CoBscioias FoFtiag&I . . ,. Jsw -Kill probably r_ic;- cZ Jeshurun lodge *hea he t£e tlsat tvi',1 \z •'"Portugal, which in 1497 expelled its Jews in one of theously and boldly and repeatedly the causa of righteousness and •was nominated and eleeted by ac- pOsUCLirestrictions US. C m C l iiW. Ci ieJ.».'Ci i — * * A »clamation. true religion in his vehement denunciation of ths Nazis' inhucruelest episode in history, finds that she too must add her voice For tfes inteMecfu-1. t i - Every eoSiEiitte^ in Jewry race. man persecution of the Jews (and of Mussolini's recent action wanted Mr. Buttoakedper for proless'coal, &z& t&&" sc:'.'. 'z'" i~ to the current epidemic of'racialism.' a a a , ca t b e other hs.i.,1. in Italy) his refusal to give any countenance at all to their cbainnaa; Bsttoakeeper for tais nessTo anyone who has a'superficial knowledge of Portuguese Italian FassiEra.bcld cat1r e lu:~c and Buttoafeeeper for that; it Ttey •will bs crushed'-ur if. t i c politics, this is not unusual. Portugal has become a dictator- abused (and immoral) claims of racialism and 'Aryan' ideal- Buttonkoeper in everything. •ffhfeels of t i e great s u t l c r ^ r r ^ r If Mr. Buttcnkeeper -were , his upholding of Christianity as 'universalism' and 'charship with the frankest sort of tyrant at its head, one who beregtee. introvert than he is (in fact, he "On ths Jeirjs ia €r"~rc"" " lieves that education is unnecessary. The number of Jews in ity' and 'humanity,' his explanation of 'Hebraism' with which is all extrovert) he would ask states Italy's treachery '.r^r sc'.: '•Jcrthe country i3 negligible although the Marrano pbpu* he is "charged as being no special defense of the Jews as 'He- himself: "Whst is ray merit that -"solesia c&ligatisE. Tt»r ™ *•'•* has rasds' n s tils great prophet brews' but that entire spirit that the 'Hebrews' brought into lstion has been estimated at close to one hundred thousand perin Israel? Am I a greater Jew Ehaadoa all pretsase c* ~c" . i l ity. "Thsy n s s t rscog-"" t ' . " SOUSthe world with the Old Testament of which the Eoman Catholic than I was in ths time "when I there can be so trace v . t h Fs.JYet stranjjely enough, race'conecious Portugal was read out religion like all Christianity is the heir, the spiritual and thew&3 a -svage-earEer? . I guess I ara ist' aationalisia aad mv.rt ECC--1 oaly a greater Buttoahole a4k» the consetj-aesces of thii rscr;-^ of the Caucasian race long ago. One n6ed only to read the of-mdral which the modern pagans seek to negate and destroy, but tio.a. -Thers is no pls.c_ I—- S ' fieisl statistics of Hawaii and other places where the Portu- which must be defended and vindicated at all costs, £3 the su- By reason o f tlself - tesiaisss Jew la a Fascist Kessrs. Buttoafe^sper rpicsa havo settled in large numbers to find them represented as preme values in life, the only hope for the .purification and re- Zilch marcli ia leaaersiip of Mr. Lcre azotes dist ~ 3 cw York. Ttoes, the Jtidaism and Cbrlstiaaity. p. race opart. denlptioii and perfection and salvation of humanity. • * « « la demanding 'racism' the Portuguese government-inspir- t)ante has consigned suca as the N&sis, men of violence, lust, Yet (thbugli I laugh gently at Press. Internation and the J^Tiris ed p?eSn used as its reasons the fact that the Jews are theajnbition, and vengeance to the sevinta circle of helL . Mr. Buttcnkeeper asd Mr. SHoh) ica ft I am r o t one to minimfse tfeeir cause ox all the world's ills. The Portuguese didn't botlifer to be Each of the one hundred cantos into which the Divine Com- serviies. I should prefer t6 see epscifie, merely generalised. ', > edy is divided concludes with the word 'stelle', meaaing 'stdrs', authentic prophet* ia the Isafier- through the , o£ Judaism's' projects | But when one goea over the accusations of the anti«Semites, beatitiful symbols of faith and hope. The stars of faith ted sliip RTUGAL PLA dreamers - with eyes that rn ! tha list b pretty complete. The Japanese and thi& pro*Japanese, hope must ever shine upon our jomey. Like Dfi,6te, we must •with Tislons, Trorkmen RACIST Fascist element in this country, pr6V6. that China's resfetanee is b& fifin believes in free-will ,and -thoiigli' .jecogaiaing til© tale lifeads butn|> the clouds •&.& they niarch "with £ct;t- to^ra.rd th.^. --C »£ h JJfews. If the Bourse of jBdrlin is" csub- of t)ivine Providence inths tiaiverse hold as;hs did (a.surpris- C&US63 o£ Israel. ba;ss encouraged by the a rac Tliey vroulfi b« terolc figures, to p panic, it is of course the fault of the Jews. One ingly modern view in a medieval )to the hiesorable play-of Italyy i ado ptiag ; j tiirilling to 16o& at but harf ciany the cKIciai c r b T>6«M follow thesa i s a •wcrld itt X?iario Dssiasha, iiiiica^;^ t. ; French writer, perturbed by tho rise, of Hitlsr, is blemisg him •sr&lch the emulated e-espis? is art'il* c.scns'T:?" t i s Je* "" on tho Jcw3 despite hio anti-Semitism. .And an Ethiopian Kaj ing responsible "lor i" "j knows that Mussolini's, invasion or Italy was p&rt of tile wide- their inevitable punisliment aad correction. Ail uiust ht>v? to troubles cf t t s Tcrld." - -" Vfygsv Mr. Buttoslcespei* " Ecsets t t , the Divine Will, but 'in la sua voluntade e. iftstra. pace', 'in His if -earaing i s p r e a d J e w i s h plot. : - ; _'••••'•• • . . , " > - . •••.'-.•. '.' buttonhole raafeer • tion 3s t o J s t r o i i i c e a -s'.lcr <•-< Out in California a gathering of the lunatic fringe bewails will is pur peace.', '. . - - ; . - -. , .—-Frederic tbfe sleaaa ct a s I rs.d: :




f-.,* w<>


. THB JEWISH ERSSS—FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1SSS AT EXCELSIOR SPRINGS veeks' stay. And speaking ci ing of Art for Art's sate that it r e a l ERffe i> V ' f i r . ' i n r " " - - f n f Mrs. Philip Fine and son, Nate, New York, Bob Kassel, •wie has is very difficult for us to ttlab s h o u l d * r " V ; ' c i f p - ' > r ; r ri-f are spending a week at Escelsior beea lirius in • Lincoln ssd at-of Art for Parataocnt's s&te . . . n e g a t i v e . Spring, Missouri. • -Pursuing its nsaal piss of tending Nebraska t i e last two let Silone for Republic: However, showing its pledges and raeabsrs years, left MciSay aisbt for New this is a test . . . and rou. the ^.•naseEce, sre the jiifis:?'-" Ere wee a fine time, Mother chapter of A. York. Just adore the new fall dirafiSes finished Bjuldst hearty sppls 2. A. Trill hold a sraoSer-iaitiation GoldVJT- :~ ~ •""•"'- r--" — c of six pledges. nest Monday eve- in both velvet and -E-OOI. Dca't cct out f' '" "»--.•'• - - T •' you think they're the srasrtest Mrs. M. M. Barish, Hadassah ning. For s variety oJ careers . . . V&E fea-c," ..; : pc~". r T " I. Medical Fund Chairman gave a Those to-be initiated into the thlEss? I really do belisre that ifing v.'c. '."•; ' . 51 .'" r t " . dessert luncheon Monday, August STS: Alvin Hertsberg. Mas that giggly cocsia of yours, Q. ENGAGEMENT • The marriage of Miss Mildred 15th in her home honoring the order Tickle, woali look like a perfect Kirshenbauia, Warner Froisisa, broadcaster. Mr. and Mrs; Joe A. Gilinsky M. Clein, daughter of Mr. andfund raising captains. actcr Louis Blumkin, Norman Hahn fioll In a black velvet cue trjaiiasd announce t\& engagement of their Mrs. "William Clein of Miami, with -srfeite lace. A card party sponsored by and Bemie Goldware. daughter, Florence, to Mr. Rus- Fla., to Mr. Robert H. Rosen thai Captain Mrs. Dave Stein to be giv^ ' This affair, at which refreshDo you taow say of t i e fel- j little cinemoglirg . . . a little sell J. Blumentttal, son of Mr.of Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. a Monday, September 19th in the ments will be served, is the first lows who are cosiirg in frcra "ys '~?f jIeld grind . . . a column s day Secsett so?*-r \ r ( • . . . and Mrs. A. L. Blumenthal. Kosenthal of Los Angeles, toolc Tea Room -vrill be theof a series of initiations Intended olde hotte ie-rae" for the ASA jteeps t i e landlord a-ray. Alotg until Miss Gilfnsfcy attended tbe place on Tuesday, August ,9, in Brandeis v e - r \Z.J. -.: v-f first fund rasing event of the to increase- the membership of convention to be held £ere ever cciaes Karli Kellingrer . . . fresh •University of Nebraska, and is a Atlanta, Ga. *• Labor day? It seems as though year. the Mother chapter. with eradicate i a t . • . tries member of the Sigma Delta Tau The couple toured the south Many future events ; were also Due to the smoker on Monday the kifis will bs pouring fa fron EsrsaralE scribbling . . End v&fces sorority. Mr. Blumenthal, an at- and east on their wedding trip. discussed all over. plans will be disclosed night, there will be no regular up to lied himself &. producer' the coo! v.;\t. j t o r a e y , graduated from the Most finish tafeizg my fall Louis Sobel is in to-wzt . . goodshortly. Mrs. M. M. Barish is be- meeting of the chapter en the folCreighton University School of They "will reside in Omaha. clobtcs out cf the moth balls ness kscirs -srtat -will liappeu tc ing assisted by Co-Chairmen, Mrs. lowing night. Law and is a member of the Pi crack h'~. :Wm. Alberts and Mrs. Arthur The A. Z. A. 1 Softball team now;-Eo aore nest tinie. WEDDING DATE TOLD Lambda Phi fraternity. • " Affeoticnately yours, Conn,' also Youth Aliyah Chairended its season with a wia by At a luncheon given-Tuesday at No definite date has been set A. the Medical Arts'Tearoom by her man, Mrs. Julius Stein. Captains forfeit over the A. p . T. team. lor the -wedding. >ry Bs.iofJ VES coactisg DurJng i.i a S;-T-, ,: P. 3. Have yoa heard about slstera, Mrs. David Krantz and for the coming year are Mrs. tiay einenactress Joan Carol, age lie re.isr f Louis Alberts, Mrs. Henry BelTT.'"' the luncheon slower Ruth SomMra. Samuel J. Horvdch, Miss •Dues Being Collected PLATX-SHITKEN b,erg is'giving t o s a r r o v for Mrs. 5, to &z.y & line for her scene. K« for liis ^1 • f 1 r -.• Pearl Lazarus, daughter of Mr.rnont, Mrs. Rueben Bordy, Mrs. Mr." and Mrs. Simon Shyken of and repeated it ever a n i c^*er t^ain £.EJ£Ellig c;: Dave Epstein, Mrs. Morris M. < . Lillian Pferleaan'Cfceraiss? t~~ Mrs. Harry Lasarus announcMrs. M. D. Brofikey, president Council Bluffs announce the marvery carefully so Ebe vrocld re-. , Franklin, Mrs. J. J. Frieden, and of Hadassah announces s pre-sea••t'C xiage on Sunday, AugusJ; 14, ofed September 18 as the date of Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky. fcsinber. Tien called, "Ltigits, pcrpose f hall a cic::cr. Ir ,c-i l '" son dne collecting drive of which their daughter, Ruth, to Dr. Dav- her marriage to Norman WoblnMrs. Irvin C. Levin, Mrs. Mrs. J. J. Freiden and Jlrs. B. A. id C. Platt, eon of. Mr. and Mrs. er of Tabor, Iowa. Mr. Wohlner JoeAlso •without blinking &a eye said, eices or. Lipsey, Mrs. Milton Mayper, Simon are co-chairman. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sam Platt of Omaha. "But I dunt like it - - oatmeaU" Mrs. Sam Rosenberg, Mrs. Aaron K B. C. r r r - • - ; - r -- ; All membsrs are urged to co-opThe ceremony toot place at Wohlrier of Tabor. Rips, Mrs. Dave Sherman, Mrs. erate. if merer-'- ^' : fr ,-.-r-c--.x The news was told in the form the bride's home in the presence Neatest tries of the T*ee£: Dave Stein, and Mrs. Jay Wright fcrt -SOIE vr.,r.l; TC:rc~.- . • of the immediate families. Rabbi of a news flash from Walter WinFlaying tfce part cf Gtsga Din. ctead of Tt'i .~\-\-T. H. Grodinsky officiated. The cere- chell on telegraph blanks. San Jaffs vras r p la the Ki£b Hollywood—Boris Karros, s a mony was followed by. a family Slcal directcr &i Paraao-ant, In- Si£t*I*S^ OJl IoC£,tiOS- Sl2ddS2*l^" ll€! Ses ysn; r^ndinner. SILVER WEDDIKG stituted an unusual experiment la recalled a prcEiise he t a d The bride wore a -wardrobe ANNJLVJ2RARY Members of the Omaha Drama the Hollywood (Srapitosies uats flay Ehylock far an easterii suit of navy and poudre bine, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Fries Unit held their anneal picnic at fier t£s"Si£is) Eorl. Es presentwith dahlia red accessories. Her man observed their silver wed- Hanscom Park last Sunday aftered s, -fffcole program cf lila E E - Agslnst all protects o* 'elfovcorsage \ras of orchids. ding anniversary on Wednesday, noon. Prizes were won by: Mr. sic consisting or scores trora p3s- •srorters lie topped s, place . . . After a -wedding trip to Color- August 17. J. J . Brown, Mrs. M- Paperny, tcres and orchestral pieces -writ- mayhap e r e : chansred his abbrevado, the couple -will make their Mr3. J. J. Brotm, Miss Gertrude By Aries© Solcsson ten by no-vie corapoeers. iated costtras • io t i e vreli-iaawa in tfee p;:b".T r-rr—JCF OI-L C ' home in Omaha. Sherman, Mr. Irving Sherman, Dear Suzy Q: TO VISIT DAUGHTER EabarSius en resale . . . arriTga TJis nest Edntiliatins star cl Miss Dorothy Perelman, Mrs. Yes, I'll admit that I aia a we© the evening, however, was Le?;ls tbers for tfcs •reeS-enS pe"f"T'Tr-- P a o l o Ei.riOc Li-lc.^.. . t v ... Mrs. I. Pearlman left for Los AXTSOTINCE ENGAGEMENT Angeles for a visit with her Paul Nerenberg, Mr. Milton bit tired of snsttaer vacation, sad Browne. In an introductory ance . . . ^n^t w u i Tst^i*a * r r—r Mr. and Mrs. J. Chorney an- daughter, Mrs. J. D. Kendis. Mrs. Brown, and Mr. Milton Perelman. am anxious for school to start; speeca, be esplaiced: "This pro- you can say, "G-usjra Din-'" A meeting of the organization nevertheless, after the first x;e£t nounce the engagement of their Pearlman will remain in Califorwas held Monday evening. of school I'll be longing for vaca- Srara may bs 'colossal* . . . 'studaughter, Marion, to Julian Na- nia for several months. Mr. S. Kenyon Is chairman* ol tion again; so I've decided to pendous' . . . and perhaps . . . SamsiF Coiea rises to rcaitr-t than, eon of Mrs. Hattie Nathan. the Omaha Drama Unit. make the most of my time while slightly 'terrific' Bat it is also hat " vras tfce first f u; a No definite wedding date has ANNOUNCE BIRTH significant. We all knew there is rtrodiice doable fetturcc." I can. been decided, upon. A son, Herbert Harold, was You know, oae of the cutest music with novies, but ire selborn on August 8 at the Lutherr invitations I've seen, were the dom Sear it. The sesss c* sight HOME FROM- CAUFOROTA an hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Jack ones sent b y ths Alpha Gasima . . . E3i3 . . . nm". . -. tae seasa os spocsoriEg- sn exliibitios. t r r - cf Mrs. Dave Parker has just re- Kaiman. 1 Endeavoring to gain recogni- Chi sorority for the outing which smell, too . . . are so fcesy test four crigins.1 GalaEborongJif, . . . turned from an extended' trip to tion as the one hundred per cent they are giving Sunday a. ra. at the sanse of fcearins has so proceeds to go to charity. i . ^ i the west coast. En route to Cali- LEAVE FOR LOS ANGELES chapter of active chapter farm. The invitations chance &t all! Boris Korrcs bs- Groucio is 'beisE Eoaght to v-.-'tc fornia she spent several days in Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Prankel active of A. 7. A., action Is being taken Grimm's consisted spiral note- lieves that music- written for the sis srticles for Collier's or, v l r ' the Black Hills and Yellowstone. left Sunday evening for Los An- to suspend all Inactive members. books •'withofaminute screen is of sufficiently high csl- a Senator sbocld be ecd do. I-"rfew words She visited friends and rela- geles where they plan to make However this group compromises on each of the tiny pages written ibre to Etacfi on its cira iserfts . . . fcai . . . sacs, feiehbrcr rtul*: giving tives in all parts of California. C t .- f r :•; r J : their home. a small minority. ss concert pieces Jest as is forthe time, place, etc. The membership committee has Oftea v e have bees £'^^^:"' ' Had a card from Shirley Rosan- mer times, compositions created JOSLYN MEMORIAL T r r : ' ;•-:..-r , CHICAGOAN VISITS HERE been busy preparing for a large A motion picture Bound film, Miss Yetta Leshner of Chicago degree clatss to be named in honor blum, who left for Canada, Sat- for ballets e' entually found feeir I •whether Claire Trevor is E I '?-' "Indian Villages of Antiquity" arrived last Thursday to visit her of Ben Barkin, assistant secre- urday, and she -writes she's hav- way into orciestrs.1 repertoire. | rsel-ligiit. Ker reoect iEE,rrj£,re • •will be shown in the Joslyn Me- uncle and aunt, Mr;-ana Mrs. Sam tary of the Supreme Advisory ing one elegant time. Lee Jai.e We are so accsstoaed to tSiEfe- is All Saints Church revealed I T : and Bucky Greenbers also left morial lecture hall at 3:30. and Swartz. She plans to be I n Oma- Council. town last Saturday, and with 4:30 p . m. this Sunday. ha for three weeks. their family they plsn to tour The Sunday afternoon organ Jr rv. r / Colorado. Golly gee, but I cerrecital will be 'presented at 4 p, COMB FROM WEW ORK ! - i *V Z ( ~ tainly do envy these late vaca m. in the concert hall at the MeT Mr. and Mrs. Leon Teale of / ; IV. i . moria.1. Miss 'Esther Leaf -will be New York City'arrived during the Due to the heavy rain last Sun- tioners. the organist this Sunday, and she week to visit Mrs. Teale's parents, day, the Ladies Frea Loan Sociar i r re' . Last Monday, Rosalie "Werthelwill be assisted by Myron Cohen, Mr. and lira. Philip Nathan. ty picnic was postponed until thii mer left tor Leavenworth — EO violinist, and Harry Braviroff, coming Sunday, August 21. The remarks — Kansas for a week's accompanist. picnic will be held at Elm wood visit Bea Soanaers is in YellowGITEST OF COUSINS stone par& now with her mother. Mrs. George Bergman of Chica- Park. MOTOR TO CALIFORNIA Sylvia Jonisea, formerly o£ go is the guest of her cousins, The committee in charge has Mr. and,Mrs. I. Rosinsfcy and Mrs. David M. Newman, Mrs. arranged special games for ev-Omaha, but now of •Washington, daughter, Sally, of Auburn, Ne- Theresa Sommer, and Mr. Ed-eryone and free ice cream will be D. C , has been visiting here. Oh, braska and Mr.- and Mrs. M. Sellz ward H. Gluck. yes, my cousin, Dr. Kas Altschadistributed to the members. and two children left Monday by All members of the organiza- ler, who has been iaternias *n motor for Los Angeles. tion are assured a iN wonderful New York the past year, csnie VISITING PARENTS They plan to remain on t h e into town Moftday for a . Mr. and Mrs. William Tennen- t i m e . . • • • • ' coast fop four -weeks. baum'had as guests their son-inlaw and daughter, Rabbi and Mrs. p..% ! ' i MauTlce S. Kleinberg of Atlantic ;, City, New "Jersey; t \ \- f ' '_' . Rabbi Kleiglierg has accepted ' i, ' /v1 the pulpit of the Liberal Synagogue in Liverpool, England, /I .}^\ i where the couple will reside after 1• October 5. They plain to sail from Aunt Martha's Ginger Snaps New York the middle of Septem1 cup butter ber and will spend a few weeks in 1 cup sugar ;v London. • 1 cup syrup The couple are now In Louis4 cups flour ville visiting with Rabbi Klein1 tablespoon ginger. berg's parents. > 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda , AT OKOBOJI Vi teaspoon salt Mrs. A. H. Brodkey and daugh Cream butter, add sugar and ters, Shirley and Marjorie, are at syrup. Sift flour, ginger, salt, the" Crescent Beach Hotel, Lake Bbda'and cinnamon, and add to Okoboji. first mixture. Tako a small amount of dough-and roll Into a STOP IN OMAHA ball the size of a walnut. Plate Dr. and Mrs. Harold Kay of on a greased cookie sheet 'and Berkeley, California, are visiting flatten with the bottom of a relatives in Omaha while en rout6 tumbler. Bake for 10 minutes to Edinburgh, Scotland. ni a 375-degree .oven. I ' BACK FROM CALIFORNIA Sweet Potatoes With Sherry Mrs. J. Tatelman and. daugh< Wine p ADDED stssina ter, Adeline, returned last Thurs6 sweet potatoes - • • day from California. Adeline had .. JL present ia. every Mo% cup butter spent four months on the coast. Salt and pepper iawk precMoa-built txr©-— Mrs. Tatelman has been gone for % cup sherry wine ike extra endurance thai Buttered crumbs and paprika the past month. Bake medium sized potatoes makes long mUsags gossibls until soft. Cut off top, remove OBSERVES BIRTHDAY —likewise serves as addiBeverly Jean Pessen, daughpulp and spoon. Whip potatoes, butter and wine together until ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pestiossl protection sgainsfc light. Add salt and pepper to sen will celebrate her eleventh seddeats. The only-thing birthday at a theater party today. taste. Pill shells, brash with "average" buttered crumbs and paprika and reheat until light brown. Tire is its price.





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Our Film Folk











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Omaha Drama Unit


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Ladies' Free Loan



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Date Boll 2 cupa sug^r ' -1 cup milk 1 pound dates - 4 tablespoons butter 2 cups walnuts Cook sugar and milk io Eoft-ball stage, add pitted and chopped dates, and continue cooking until .mixture leaves sides t pan. Add butter and nuts and put aside to cool. "When cool enough to handle, knead Into smooth r611 and put Into "a damp cloth". Allow' *6 stand until stiff. Slice and serve

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slghtbt should all Jcr? ternitj snobs,1 below to per

NEURALGIA- VICTIM—Lillian Gish, former screeri star, more recently of the Broadway stage, arrives at the-famous Fistany Spa in Czechoslovakia to take mud bath treatments for neuralgia. Each morning she is packed in warm volcanic mud,taken : from the i crater of the Waag River. She is shown with Director Imre Winter, is to"' ] head of the Spa. upon ' may a to jus1 Jewish more ' «*"'"f"1~»l ! !- ;-i' = This, c ternitii social mainta .What,' hind il iah a'ff Flau they a. toundii i\ f?" .-- ^--rri tiafs oi ity.-Tt Hlllal i •ual "an To thci of ferff -* his Tel havep. \ Jewish* ' tJJt^J'b S helps 1 social'!

• '•/•-":-, i r


DEGREE—President Roosevelt, left; garbed, in. cap and gown, receives from. S. V: Sanford. right, chancellor of the Univer.sity • of Georgia, vat' Athens,' the scroll certifying the University's " honorary degree "of Doctor of Laws, presented to him. In center is Colonel E. M. Watson, the. President's military aide. Ceremony preceded President's attack on Senator George.



BEARS BIRISELF 5C0RED—Interesting expression en the faco *of Senator Walter P. George, right, as he heard himself scored by_ President Sooseve'ft, at Barnesville, Ga., as out"of step with New""Deal policies. He sat on the same platform with the President and later "accepted the challenge." At left is Senator Richard B. Russell, his colleague.

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brium for the often E desert iclsm. Tot! offersj fratern for the ture is human parado; seeking •with. V the cai of cult •would tegral ; tha con see tol? derstan the "cu! •which > dations Otter student "bringi! the ope lie argi ity in 1 into ps tory The hi! should pletely nation, tage o f an ass« the mi) today, , , FratHillel I ternlty if all common iul OfM ity as i ity of 3 pay-a tie3' of




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BRITISH FAMILY GROUP—This:interesting picture, of a-British family group shows King George and Queen Elizabeth with their daughters aboard the royal yacht Victoria and Albert, during a recent cruise along ,fche British coast. Princess Elizabeth is at left and Princess-Margaret Rose is at right. Princess Elizabeth'may some day be Britain's queen.


TTOHLD'3 FATS; IN norJT;—Italj- is planrung a, World's Pair for 1942, intended as fee largest and most expensive of its kind ever attempted in Europe. Cost is about $200,000,000. It will occupy 1,976 acres en the Carapagna between Rome and the Mediterranean Sea, with ths Via 7mperiale, S12 feet wide and 15 miles long, extend-

ing to OsUc, ancient scaaorL. To.:.- iic.ucl fclio?;s Premier Mussolini and staff inspecting a made! of the fair. Right, perspective of Imperial Square, vhere a 70-foot waterfall will flow over illuminated glass. Left, ancient arches alreadj' excavated in Ostia, as cart of f&ir. Eottam, raociel of tlis adrninistrstion bulletins,



r BEAUTY—Easy on the eyes Is Marjorie Ann Adams, 18-yearold school girl, who has been chosen as "Miss Oklahoma" to represent her home state in the beauty contest at Atlantic City. N. J.. Sept. 6-11. Prom among girls representing all the states and territories in the union will be chosen a super-champion to be called "Miss America 1938."

PEEL THE HOT DOGS NOW—Yessir. it's your old friend tho hot dog, but you assist him to' remove his jacket, before you cat rmn now. This new kind of frankfurter was demonstrated recently £t the convention of butchers in Milwaukee, Wis. The skin is so arranged that instead of eating it, you simply peel it off, as it splits along the sides. •


JAPAN TIGHTENS ITS BELT—Economic and financial stringency in Japan is becoming, widely known, but to impress the crisis deeply on ttie psopla of the nation, these men bearing sond—ich sisns are parading in Tokyo's four largest shopping centers durins the Economic War Week. The sign3 urge ths people to bu,7 thriftily and save ail they-ca

S17E2 Ci^LillZ N. Y. Lc£t to zlrit ava: tho SCO-yard £rc:;iylo sl is re : quccn, c a i Dcrc-ili;- F..;


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Eritizli enipirs, cs bs enived in Las Angeles from Australia. Ee planned to look over American airplane factories with a view to placing British orders in America and Canada. He-is one of a commission of three making the survey.

- V

o^i. MEETS THE KGEHKEE —- .Senator Tom ConrtrHv of Mamii, Texas, left, finely knovns member or trie Senate finance, foreign relations and vafiicisrv committees, meets W. lise O'Datusl i s Galveston. Mx. O'DanisI is the fiour salesman v:ho recently w a the Democratic nomination for governor, after e- speciacul&r campaign

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Kasls. Decorate

fhno • QJJ a Edited "fe^'Aisai Maori! An Extension of tlia Jewish Commraity Center

Good ShabDath boys and girls of the Junior Jewish






I.Icaney, vice-preEideat c£ GtSSfS-I •west ~ : Motors Corporation In cfcsrg* of likely to Eurpeet t l crt t-= I ^ ^ foreign- trade," has bsen awarded nest, is tL the Order of Merit.of the Gersnaa Eagle, according to aa. ^astistsment-in the Official G&ssttS.

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may even benefit your children in a beautiful room.' However hs r> 5 ,i after you have .gone to .another oon tired of admiring the ro-in, life. Thus, although it is -.the o he, began to looli around lor • P r e s s ! ; . • •• - . •. ' " • • • . ' . ; • This xreek we' are- baring • S • spirit that prompts a gift and-not omethlng with wh'ch to - sinuse Btasy entitled, "THE PEARL the gift itself that, s important, .imsalf.. He walked up-and down M D I B B BEEZTTZAH." It is nevertheless, even in terms .of he jopm and finally saw a booitaken from the Talmud and is value my gift is *ar; more desir- case.r -He took a book out of a one of - th3 uaanj' fablrs fo/nnd able than yours;, it presents BO helf-but he couldn't read it, EO in the pages in that famous cause" for anxiety and is t>£ far threw it-on-the f oor. vlmmeT>oolc These 'fables In addition greater u,se and. more lasting lictely a-ser/ant jumped forwa d lias it. ; ever tr r:"> c c~; -~ ', ^\-^Z. "-" to being interesting always value than the peail which you nd picked the book up. "As-la ••/,' ,', . ' . • ' . ' .-•• hmerl selected a book, loeksd . have a lesson that they teach sent jne." .", gives t it, and threw it on. the flo. r. a s . • • . ' . . - . • • . ' . " '. . ••'. ...'". The i servant immediately leaned ' I t tooi over £t thousand years ART KOTB: Fat Boy Geerisg low! forward and retrieved the book, i sports a ISfe-sised figure cf his od: to writ© the Talmud and it conThis, seemed an interesting game ' first wife's head on his parior. title {?-£ retains commentaries on . the o Shmerl So he continued it for table . . . Ex-Frssident Hosrer a'ppesrs, the Bible,: fables, laws, discussions •:tr;i. - - * • T-^--H long time until the. poor.sergasped -when he saw It daring length cl his. ^ ^ . ^ l-*,,*~JJ-l^ of Habbis, and nest to the •ant's back hurt very .much. It that famous visit of Ms a s t long Bible 13 the most sacred fooals Source: S. Simon: to the Jewish people. ' •&s. reported to the prince that; ago . . .It's nafle of solid gold -.'•. ' . - • • • • • • , > ' • . : • . And is decorated -wita-.a sea- osopJsy, ICTC, c~;r uiE.i he holy seer was looking f~r lt — -We are 'also begin*ng a. ;r a t i v e s . ,,--.•' ome particular book and was un-nine .pearl, necklaca aad ruby UaleES Lii series of stories on. "ShmerJ." - A g e : 6 - 1: 2 . " ' ••-. • :" • M e r i t : * V * . • • . • . . • • earrings. " eligible. I D IS ble to find it in the library. So Thes.e stories lllustrati; Jewish The Yiddish word "nar" means the Prince had-many more bcoks £ ' " ' - "~ r: r.\• . * . * . (orary Ar:"^-.r humour which, as you will noa "fool." One of the best ex- ent -up for Shmerl. SUCCESS STORY: His ESLEIS is ,tice, is not'only humappas bat amples of a fool was a man After pom© time Shmerl noticed Scl Shultz.. . . Ha's i n ' t l s early also t a s a point to the hamonr. Shmerl:" Shmerl J u s t me book, which was printed for 30s . . . Holds the important past honored Cs.t"s frcis ^C-2vr-" We hope. you will enjoy them named couldn't understand what psople be use of children, with*all kinds of- chief electrical engineer of .tss each weelu - .. , said td.••him- he never took to f beautiful pictures in it. He New. York Port Authority . . . Hs camp, Lo is T.mlttri *3 1,:~: ••_.• T O t B AUNT NAQML education, and he couldn't read dida't throw this book away but drafted, several years a'so, & re- OO'JliS CC~! :


at down to look at the pictures. port for President Boesltt-lt ca Soon he grew weary of the bo-li, his pet St. Lawrenca river waterand, looking- up at the -wall, hs ways project: that attracted wi-da aw a life-size picture of a. dog. attention- r~.. Per aoaths.the sencrouchibg on hia. paws and rest- ate committee investigating TV A ing. It seemed to • Shmerl that has been alter Mra to tticrtclr:: :he dog was real. He loosed at ths job of 'calel cost fisrlirG c^-> t and. wondered how long it gineer for the iavestJg-atlcs . • . sit there resJn?. For a He finally accepted the task, a ong time he continued to gaze monumental one which n a y isrell nto- the eyes of the dog, waiting -decide the- fate of ths entire or it to get up. But the dog did TVA, taking a Eix-saonti leave c2 not mdVB.' After an hour's time, absence from his regrclar job . . . Shmerl's patience was exhausted. (His appointment, had not yst Very angrily he yelled at the dog: been officially announced at this Get up out of there, you dirty writing) . . . He's to get $7,S03 dpgj Get up aid get out; you plus expenses for the assignment. can't lie there forever!'* , The thief under the bed began STATISTICAL N O T E : Tfcs o trecabls with fear.: He saw it Daily Expres3' of Los flea recentwas impossible • to fool' a great ly carried an intervie-w with a seer. • Crawling from, his hiding Rev. J. Ingles, described as Bapplace under the bed,., he threw tist chaplain at Sing Sing: . . . l a himself at Shmerl's feet. "O holy which be is quoted as saying t i c i man," he said, "I didn't do the "where once Jewish prisonsrs stealing; my. two friends did' it; could ba counted oa his finders, They Eld all the goods under the now there wero 700 Jews ho">:=;d apple tree in the gardnn. For- in, the famed New York El2 give me, O holy man!" House . . . "Warden Latres iafems And that is how Shmerl caught us, however, that ths Jewish pepa thief...-,. • -. . ulation r.t his Institution is tut 277 out of a total of 2,771, as cf July 1, 1SSS . . . Interesting to "GHETTO" BEACHES note,. too, that only one Mdrrsas IN LITHUANIA and one Hindu are cooped up ia friends and very often they would the meal, he was escorted to a Kaunas (JTA) — Establisa- Big-House-on-the-HudsoE , » . / • . • * give each other costly gifts. luxurious: bedroom,' where, on ameat ot/'ghetto" bathing beaches NAIVBTE NOTE:'. A Eritiri for Jew3 at Lithuanian resorts Once the chief minister of very c o m f o r t a b l e bed, Artaban returned from, a distant stretched out his -weary body-and was proposed -this week by Lletu- newspaper <ons of tS:os3 which voa Aidas, chief Government or- •wondered waetser, Cfcrrisaa could country with a beautiful pearl. In fell asleep. gan, in an article-by its chief ed- have been serious ia that "vrszZa fact, i t was more beautiful than

or white. "When he was a young boy, his parents sent "him to school together 'with his sisters and brothers,, but Sherml couldn_'t understand what the tdacher said, and Ms schoolmates would make, fun of "him and laugh at his stuSource: Babylonian T&bnud."- ' pidity.' -His parents did--, not Age:'.-8-14. • • - .-•' • • know -what with him; final- M e r i t : •• * • -. . ly they sent him out to make his . Many years ago there lived in fortune rs h*st he could." the far-off country of PartWa a Shmerl left his home, and since kins named Artaban; "Hov Arta- he had no money he very shortly ban "vras different from many of had to begin begging for food and the kings -who lived in those days .shelter. : He took very well to the in that he "was particularly friend-? profession of begging and after ly toward the Jewish .people who many years became tin. expert in live in this empire. it. He was such a simple fellnw, Artaban himself "was a very bril- and he asked for so little that few liant man and it pleased him'that- people refused nim when he apthe Jews "were always studying proached them for-a coin or s:me and asking questions. At 'this food. time there lived in Babylon a Thus Shmerl traveled frbm one J e w i s h scholar and teacher city to the next, content to live named Rab (his whole aiame was on whatever he could beg.. One Abba Arika, but the people called day Shmerl walked into a town, him Rab, meaning -teacher, be- and knocked on the door of a cause he was the most brilliant bouse.. Before he could make his of all the "young men •who studied speech, he was taken into tha Talmud.) King Artaban was house by the two valets who had especially Interested in Rab andopened the door. >' Hs was immehis attainments, and he frequent- diately taken to the dining- room ly invited him to court, where where a large feast -was spread they would spend hours discuss- before him. Shmerl never liked ing some scholarly matter.. They to ask many questions, so" when gradually' became very c l o s e he saw the food, he ate. After

The Mistalte any pearl which had ever been As soon as he awoke, Sbmerl itor. Tie article stirred indigna- way" yarn) publisJiEs an iten cz seen in Babylon. Artaban thonght saw the two valets. They said to tion and alarm in Jewish quart- Hitler's unpopularity ia ths U-Ilthat t&is would make a wonderful Tiim: "O holy man, we. have been ers, •'• since tho newspaper had ed 'States, ending with. this"pr.aci gift for "his Jewish friend, so heinstructed by; His Majesty, the previously BKOWH no anti-Semitic line: "It is even stiggresteef ~ 5 ~ that attempts are afoot to ectab* presented i t to Prince,- to* bring you before; him. t e n d e n c i e s . - . - - • ' • - . • . . • , - . • - • - . . - - "he wished to show him particular lis you know, no one has yet bsen honor. Rab was not; especially able to capture the thieves who iondof Jewels but he appreciated stole many precious things from the thought which prompted the the Prince. The Prince prays that gift and began' to- wonder what you will help him, O great seer." gift he could give the king in re-It seems that the people of the city were expecting a certain -wise turn. man to come to help solve the The Mezuzah ~\ some time Raz came mystery of the stolen goods, and After om across an unusually tieantif ul they mistook Shmerl for the wise BSD Mezuzah," that little box contain- man. But Shmerl did not understand ing selections , from the Bible which, has been .placed, on every •what was being- said to him. Jewish door-post for, many cen- When he was brought to tho turies. He decided that this would Prince, , and His Majesty asked mike a very unusual gift for hishim if he wanted anythnjg, friend, the king. So bethought it Shmerl replied: ."YSs, something and sent it to the king: by a spe- to eat, if you please." Again, a delicious meal was'^put before cial messenger. . ••- • When the . king received this Shmerl and he ata. * Shmerl lell l d "What asleep soon after the meal, and unique-gift be -was puzzled. •was this little black box contain- the prince ordered that everyone ing such-fanny-looting -writings? be'very quiet and not Sisturtt the Finally, ne could restrain his holy seer. curiosity so longer. He sent for • The : entire palace . -was quiet, his friend Rab and asked him: but there was a conversation go'•"Would you please explain to meing Ton in the kitchen. The real 5uat -what this unusual object is thieves were three servants of the •which-yoa sent to me as a,gift? prince arid;they -were worried "beI'm sura it must be something cause they had .heard that the valuable or you',-wouldn't have holy seer could look at a person Bent i t to me, but just what does and tell he was a thief. Secretly one do with, this strange little the three servants talked over the lox?" situation. What should they do? "I -will gladly tell you about Jlnally, it .was decided' that the '."'" the gift I sent yon," : answered best thing: to do. was to watch " Bab, and he continued: "It is a the seer very carefully and ob- Mezuzah. Inside it is a portion serve what he did. They drfew of our sacred Torah. The letters lots and one of them •was selected •which you see' on. the front of to hide under Shmerl's bed, to the littlo "box spell the name of keep a -close lpok-out; -on him. God. - It" means that our God al-Secretly the cervant-thief went up •ways "watches over us. A friend into the room whero Shmerl was of mine orice illustrated this idea_ Bleeping, .•and crawled under the by a story which you, 'my bind,' bed. - twill surely enjoy." Shmerl liooks tit ••"••• . "His Story Shmerl' finally awakened, and "It goes like this: 'There is a was surprised to see that Se ' difference between ; a worldly, king antir the King on High. A - -worldly king sleeps -within his palace, while outside his servants stand guard over him. But tho Youll -bo surprised to Izzsn horp Zi'Zs ll King on High is different. He "-ji—ir lets His servants sleep in peace I- i •within their homes, while He stands guard at their doorsteps •watching that no harm should beTurn tho fougH job cf iz^tlz.^ &zzz."j3i> fall them.' So you see my gift is o • really of greater worth than to a B-Sodcm Cos! Slckci -cr €2 yours. Yours, indeed, is ^rorth a it*a cburnsd very great price, but a fixed price. Any dealer can examine it and faW^ <a^«a.P ^ W ^ w & %j»^.jl'taf s* tW4*to&\K K™-I_ r , , , j from •tell you' exactly how much it is £ *» f-x m • •worth. Mine is priceless. No Sv/ees Cream man can set a -value on the Div i n e 'protection. ; Purthermore, — " t _ „,„->*.*,•"".*!*. - v ^ . ^ ' i n ^ * , ? ; your gift • needs constant watching and I am continually-worried T7 " 'for fear a robber may come in i 5 tho night and steal it from rae. The gift I sent you needs no •watching. Rather will it vratch over you. The gift you sent me can benefit me only as Ions as I am alive. The gift I sent you

HISH-I-AC::: X*~Lzt t\r= ?77Z~- \ r i - l t i ' T : ; - ^




i t


FHS2! An Sirpsrt CatmssMer ca Sooa

FAtiQVS WR FitlE TUSIUTURS* Uso Cux S S G J IPayzzcnt Flan——Fr.rna^a at


' „„.THE" J3WISH'

"Office in City . -Dr.* Sydney D: Bergen, 'podiatrist and-' chiropodist, has t^snSd his' office at 639 France building and' will ^specialize in the'treatment "and fcare of the hu>"ih-''V , , . . . . . man foot.. < . . . * 'Tfa'Sf Sailor Hadas3ah chapter D r . ' ' Bergen 'graduated thl •^ilfi.siJOagtir^'aj'card -party nest Juno from the Illinois College of Hijnflay night,> August' 22; tn the Chiropody and -Foot Surgery, and ~"*"^.,Tiblqh to1 swell": the emer- interned at the foot clinics' in ftlad-Of'iha Yoiith Aliyath Chicago. He attended the Uni6&t spOtiBored* by. the versity of Nebraska for two years cms&li'jCfeiiptera of .America. and is a. graduate of Central High vlifTS. m&r!c',Rabei and Mrs. School. ' Dr. feergen i3 a member Ba>ptt,.! cbaiftofen: of * the affair, of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, &i4/bbiti&' ^abteted 6y, si dotafflit- and the Beta Tau Alpha Iraterntt^oSnpdh&i'ot'llirii. & J: Slot- ttyv He ia a son-of Mr", and Mrs. eW, .'lifts, .ttfia/.La^re,, Mria.1 Mil-' Mas Bergen, 2315 DoUgjas street.

tojuMUoaklji; >Mro:,l^LeT£in.' Mrs. S'?Oeitoia, 'flffff. A. B^.Frife'diriap, Mr. Sam Cohen, Slou*, aparti t r i . Al Turoheji, and ilrs. Charles ments, i3 spending ,this - week at RtL&ffr.' ' • ' * Colorado Springs, Cofo. •js-TabMs "'Will 'be., arranged' for taanAatiil' .-wdEl&ii !"aild plans are bllbg- tei4de'« l& accjidiapditfe _a

wrifea attfendtin'es.


wli-be ^errefl. Saltnnan

i .;3boetv Newsv


" Rabbi -Garcid of the, Chicago Hebrew Theolocical college will 'MJsarTlllii.Sfllndler, daughter officiate at services at the Chevra ^Ir'/'a^d'-Mra-jr. ShindlOr, 1715 B'nai Yisroel" synagogue - on Fri>f&3k&<4t?,e£S, ,haa chosen Sun- day evening, August 19, at 7:30 ' tmorning,-August'21, as the '«jf her inarriago to Dr. Mtli'here will be a meeting of the .__ sji Grtsssman; son of Mr.-and B'nai Brith lodgeron Monday, AuSip. "Bata Qros?man -of Chicago. guet'22. at the Bagle3 hall. "fEa'^ceriiEiony will be held at 10 ' The Agudas Achlm Lodge met L Iho tomo 6f the bride's TWiraday.- at 'the ,Eagle's "Hall. lib/Rabbi H . R . R,abinCanior-A.^PllBkln- ofA meeting ofc t h e ' ; council Bluffs A. Z. .A. - -$ras h?ld .Tuesear,a frodding day, evening at the Chevra• B'nai ' gq gqijir'.oF grapeTJ^rie crystal doth, Yisroel synagogue. " gtp4tH6n|rt!»,'-'t?ith ,acnartruese gt Migs Libby Grossman, returned h i f a ' t e h i n ^ acceDoorie3. Tuesday after spending two weefes „• il»^?«a /vy$l.,ltf£ii{10t. and Jea " { t . Jean vacationing in- Kansas City and t; .frill I Shisadler,Wioiihl3t; .-frill play "I 1 E5?e"^dU E 5?e^dU* *rtilf' r t i l f and /'At Dawn Dawn- St." Louis, Mo. is^", • before the wedding-proce3-Mr. Harry Cohen ' left, early BloBTV l T '* for a- two-week fifioing * U'?,ii'2,"o%idck, aobn tSunday r i p ' at Walker, Minn.. -Aecdm^ilC^ifvearTYd' for- the' Adding pnying him -were Leo "^eitz, party* dSji^fmmgaiate, members of V/llllam Raduzlner, Sam Katzthe' l^tpmfiS.' Aajong the- guests marf, Art"GoIdtftpin and,Bill Singirbitt-oMt'ilEiOwii.-wUl.'be Mr. ana er, all of Omaha. M*s/Ssukf. Gspsstnan, Mr." and Mfi3. P., t'fttlJn &na l Mra.'i:UIertin ^fThe Misses* Sylvia\ Ehdelman CMcafcoJ-'ilr: and.Sira. D. 3pecter and Miriam Saks are leaving Sato f Tisn^ar; vMr. ,-and Mrs. H., urday for. Chicago* where they. Mr.-flijd Jlrs.-S- Sldom; H1 spend a week 7?ith relatives .-Mrs. .Jlorcy'lRbsiniiky; and; friends.' Mfe~. T.'Sh\7art3. Mr: atsd HyJ:C23nJcIi -*Qt', jOSlAto; Mlaa - Miss -'Laura "Easlds,, who has SdI?a*cC Inertia16? ,Donvqrr Mr. dnd been visiting in Omaha at the Mro/J. lilopol.of'SioiJs: Falls, and home of Mra.vD. Sogal and* In J 8~ "A. ^eibmann of Council BlUffs'at the1 hojae of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen, will reJ A?t3ya.W£Jd!Hg trJp-to;north- turn Sunday'to Kansas City, Mo.

er_x?.Hfc*aeaot3,'Dr. Gfosaman and his bMde.viU-iaaE:fi tfiatr home jn CHK -tthgj-6 he trill open cp ,tn. Se|?tembor. * s ~, SliiSifilcr has been the ai ^t A ntiKiber of uartlen durtho •pdat,^t3lu>r given in liCr

i^^r.- 'Among bar hostesses Jtrt. ghl^ 1 b4 TJrs. i


lot, introduced ouch f weak. Stars as Jimmy Casaey, P a t mest esjJdarive one ever bra!: ,d O'Brien, Jane Wyman, J a n e j by that 1 -theater: And lor'lUesv Bryan, and many others. Mrs. I lavish fisurc^, Chlcauii^s ,T70r6 Rose Charnis and Jlrs. Sadie Hal- I still • deprived of * has.fias ' CC-S^ per, sisters of the Warners, were from "Stralffht.. Plpca asd Ehs?1;?,*1 hostesses to the delegates at the the bd/% latest opus at 20th CSastudio, appearing in behalf, of tury-Fo^. T7hsa they took leave Harry JS. and -Jack I*. Warner. of their b r a " in' Beverly "HjUIc, Damon publicity man George sMl- they pfomlnci nct'to'unrcH ah? ler of Los Angeles engineered the of the^^^s** .from the ntcture-'on convention as a whole. any of--their stage app_arcr}S2s. PROFESSOR1 GRADUATES' — Now fp Newu,Yor.:, Harry, At and Sylvan Simon, talent scout. Ftags' Jimmy ar« ?ial»ing^ the town,-by -- <r {•* % director and more recently - mo- s t o r m ^ - > -> •• J ' tion picture director, has • signed (Copyright, "1&3S, by Seven Arts on with M-G-M. ormer profes1 Peatara .Syndicate) j . *,. • sor of English and public speaking at the. University "of M'c'iig'in, he Is a graduate,.law student of Columbia. After d'rectins "liys"strata" and "Girls in Uniform" for New Tork. stage, "he came to Hollywood last vear, direct d such efforts as "Rfad to Reno." 'C-.lme of Dr. Hallet," ard other numbers. .,. . 1 • ,~ HEt-LINCJER GRADTJATES -» After seven months in filmvillo as Screen writer at Warners, Mark —: —.,„ — Bllnlas. Helllnger: famed Broadway col- ! aton of all but "Christian AineN 1 umnist, finds himself a prodUi r lean citiseca" froa ".^positions ot Af >top<-not';h pica. t Helling r's cotnm.liud in, "the : Army,: ' Navy, or'ginal' ti'ket was as a writer. Maribe Corps>and Natlona^Guard But be s^ems to have go'ten ih> and lriall elective,and a^ppol^tlve knack ot productiop and s«ow- position ,in "public office TTSS demarship down so pat that prQnio- i manded In pee of-15 relolut.oas tion. reau'ted. His first produc- i adopted at-the three«day Vestera tion will be "Hell's Kitchen." fea- •'states1 convention, of tlie's^-calleS turing Hiimnhrey Bogart and the 1 An^l'Coi^tj'T^alst' Fcnlerxtion of Dead ,Bnd Kids. | AmeriSa, an o|3anisatioa ,of, No1 incidentally, while all-Warner I zis,, ^istl-Semites-and Fascists. " publicity releases refer to th7se j 'HeEinann Schwian,-head of the personable young men-about-town Los AngelepV^eCftion of the Geras the "Crime Sphool" kids, all man-Aijiericiin Bund, presided at theaters showing the smash Warners release 'Trime School" re••-r. J. feVto the youngtera as the "Dsad End" kids. And still incidentalby 1 whatever name, , you call them, the kids are really the goods—iju8t as tough and impudent offstage as in makeup. One day t we hope to "tell you about If these lad> who cpneeal hearts .ol 3 »< ! gold or something Tjeneath hardboiled. Irascible and superficially incorrigible exteriors.


t!-Q I?01it^s5liO """"cU

Chasieslicr Ksift ^Bskneihlss. - r j fctcii "^ear'il.^fee'-J fce-ss«.;«3' Strieker &&i FrIMiass • ar* re-1 to hi back.*«?e 'cStba. J<^ £2. ih~ oj ti» J.,_ i ~y ; , t k s c-A* por'tsd ' to be"'ifilissii^-. iSL.,ts ,a.j vAtts-9 IxE,ig;-£iVgo,;.i--ci^l coaeeEirstioa catap. T e a ol ; ths f.tliiEt. oi''a.:Ei.£,ss" is 'v:ri\H;i AscrJaan Leilri7*T"tr'"'*' crr^s.1- ZS'B'aai Brith.officials irbo'Wi triotia easi civil 1 rdu-s pic*tetcd arrested Is March ©re reported-to Sa.tlss sense -tEst &v.x -oJ'"tava dis«i ia prisoa. l£.es.&f?h.ilz * " .-•••••.. •.•> t£«5 Douteehe Xla^i '±hsT~ lUa fic»j,gatc3 atttjiCti^j tLs s. s©w Trs.vs of .Jewish Ei^iddc : vcntlca. ' ' has begun s§ s, result of tfc,s/ED.&B3 n?03. OESISS. EI'FEJ'E US 'hi t dlsposssssSoa' - e* • t&CKssiifis of ' Other-resslutioTls cJ't-jf-fc*Jewish • faiallissf' fros Arj^s-cTfoIjaTtStSgatioa t* tl 6 "ur-Ai2

can Y. . j . a A. aha v-.j r. *?. c. / . ;

cpposit.oa to "tiilL^t dK ortntai-


let; FeSeratfoa t;* "Cl^^ica ot iLe Constitution"; eotipl-tc cc^se,t!ca of "ail immigratioj} v.attl "Araerieaa citizens cc,2 b- abroibed ia


TS7 •

Ege I.)' t


•la-^the K&t the. Estate.-c'-{ IC2 ,IE KB i ;. .Jfotice .3s'.JEeiybj '"XtS^eE;..'Thati:-4ht to espos-e "lez{it:*B tt "ti Jetfl*!! '•T'lJ'jisefit-tlK* : aSas!"*!ftiv6Wr'- o»i^s*t)S crcfiJto-rE.'lc". ssSfi', ficcsasefi wjU ^tatei Antl-l>s?amat*ca Lea^ee aad t i e ts®- esectito- oi saisl' €-st?.!ie, '^n";:7"ls>?!»f!*e. ,?<?.'?-•??*> Tr>e." CC'?T\*^';v .Ti!*9fff>-*',<1if irtouiiaE C o u n t y , '-'N£b?&?skR,» Rt2|tt»e' v 'iae*.County .Jiigge ot ^Sourtee C«'i;r.sp. ! tificover" thcii "Ccu^.x.zizt eCl'l- pointed', to • the "District -,beticfe . is . -K«brsskay a£'the Qccnt; ' €:cnr'i -Kicvm .'Ootiniy Ce<iTt E c o t e , .'to' s i i a C O B B S ^ , 1 this • cosiaaaHy^.-'ws .ct'-Mspso-1 'iW'thc.'SC-s'h--tor--of Oc*e?»eiv;,--i9S8,?st?id. ih'-ti&ii Cov,TAy, cfi the "SBSSi-'^jij-'-'Cf atiocs"; s.nS.'- 'aa c^cs ttcbi - G c r oS..t*frcnnsS>ep,''.irtj, fiaj-. •on.' 1ttte "C-Jts trere;fcap5-y..'bec2,i:c-s|Bff?tttBbe!", i£3S, • ES5, • co. tti's.'SSt!i ! r against " Jewish pie .£". 5'..c i;tiic3s :s» sn.v iat I C;t5» ;*.-a., ro.i-"asA ti3.y,dfoi;'4lh» ' of. that appointees!.; • -1 "i;s:r*i?e | iSlKevcsBlsSs.TisJSi -trAzvatie''''*>%< ptesetiVtib,: thfetr ctaSme . ' a c i Csjv'.ftw'the •FErf'OBS .ofj'j5^es«iBU» •*rsre h&ppT,\ n'ct'-'x&ere3y\'bcss.i!5s5tlias &<s i r €ili3tes:-;fer-.e;aiirataatiBR, .3;fi'C" j : .?o^;"€5i£iaii?:»'".Uct3,' aC"u:iil>ser;t^ snifitaloae of csr .yoffl'sg : Jeirfsli ..proles-1 ';!«strf «st' s.as3 -ai?csrs.?!?.<5,'•'"fe-rfi j; ! sjoaal ;saea-' tadf'bejjs'- so.- ioaore-a,' j ••iooayns- a t e 'sSlcweS ; for:', tee ,'cr®a :t?r¥. ;for»---tb€~: c-^drito?^--'to' #r^ev^t-•i(%Keft> ;to' preissnt •tlisJr.efeJcns,' J~os:..SJi.c;'CGtS: but'be'saisa'.Tre i a " ^ ) that'-.Jie •lia£'|.'.«Say.«S"'.AiJ£fc8v, 1SSS.-" '••-« . M3 6j5sllt Ms E l t r l


Vienna (tfXZ) •— Ur. Sober?. gtrjekfer. prptllrcti i. «-L.t leader, acd Dr. Dtsiiif t tl ^L.La.-for* mer pr£oidcst'.,oftt'« * Vleasi «o1r* ish •Comrauaity, iJ.3 hat^e i.ea under arrest ziTit-i Iia^eh the Nails co^ileftL Austria, to b s , triad 02 eliLfses ef treason. Tlic'-ic^lS c£ the eiar&es

flue ideals thst'JcSge •r*a.y Epskei about ed;elo^Kentlj;"'.that'' fc®rsl*| ways 'triefl'-fais ;Iat5--E"iits'.''wItli*C!,' view t o the"seei&l. coase^-aesss-Ej.of;* the lav-stlt ratted •. ttna-_ to.' j ast. S tbe-isgal-issae-tlist.^as .isi'olvieC | r-sfi' therefore 'we •tes^p-'Aiax _ w-s I coulfi'-be safe ia 'tfee'tbo'affet'.tt-ij1 ho.': "would aeTer \ So-i'&aytisJBs^'.'iBii^ b reflect • glory 'aad-- hpacr: upon^ojir: 1

E S T C S • ciu.wro::irs, • -


' •

. -, ** ^

;>•*•"'-'->*•.--•:-'••• 'fi f?p'iof.-,f.':,P: t ,,.,,;,.





"• • &,:•.,-:--

•.la'-'replyiasr. J ^ g s

J! ' • ' •




i *

!L I).-

.LES-FRERES RITZ—For 15,'000 pancakes, jor §5,000 aplacs. the threa Rltz Brothera cavorted about dn the stage of the Chicago theater"in tho' Windy1 City test



I! *

MJI.TON B.- FROHM, Atty< 1004 Omaha. Nat'l Bank.



f ~i, n .-i,. f W .

In' the (County 'Court of Douglas


County, Nebraska. ' ' In the Matter - of the Estate of Ruth Alp&son, sometimes known as Beba' Alperson and 'sometlries taiown as R. Alperson, Deceased. AH persdns' interested In said matter ard hereby notified that on t n c StlU day of AOgiifet, ' 1938, iiattie Rosenblutn riled" a petition in said County. Court, ptaylns that her final administration account filed herein bo settled* and jallowedj and that she bo discharged from her trust as administratrix with win annfe&efl and' that's hcr>ribs TTIH bp,..had, oh said petition before sads-Court on the 6th* &ay ol September, 1S38. and'tbat-if to appear before caldivConrt on the taid 6ih day ofSeRteinber, -l?3S,;at -9 o'clock a. m., and con{est EaldjpstlMr. and Mrs. ^Charles Burton p he Court may .ffrant thej.praj'er arid <,DO"n,' Billy, accfompahled by of said petition, ehter a decr<5A of Marilyn saitsman spent the vw6ek- fielrshlp, a"nd makfaUch* other ana further, orders, allowances ana, deena In Davenport. ' '










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crees.' as to thiflv Court may seem propgr, ,to. the/end ti^at all matters

' A&riihanison* of' Omiha pcrtaJnlnff, to said t -estate inly, be Baa baen vlaltlns hore f6r the past Inally Battled ana determine&i -.\ AW wfieli wltH-ttltf unclean aunt, $ir. 4-12-38-3t. BRT.CE, CRAWFORD, County Ju^^

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and Mrs. Ben Abrahamson.

MILTOR R. •FROHM.t Atty. • '<• -"1004 Omaha Nat'l - Bank rBldg. ,!„.' Shinfi\ac Mrs. Mrs. Jack- Steinberg, left Wed* . ' » * " ' • f ' . •"> Urju '11*. JPrledman^ Mlna nesday with relatives for a mo'tor NOTICE BY POBUICATIPW ON PEJfca; SUitidlsr^ Mlco -Bthpl Shind- trip to^ilifornla. ' , , TITION .FOR>SETTliEME^T OF . 1 Itf Iilrs. Abe LdfJibvlcB and Mrs. FINAL^ADMINISTRATION i. ACCOUNT ''U Leo Meyerspn left last Sunday for Des Moine3; where he will atIn' 'the. County »Court of tend Drake university. P^e» n , " 21"* County, Nebraska. ' In the Matter of *h« Estate ot Harhafl announced, the ry Roeenblum. Deceased: ? ' ,-•. * of Ilia dautfatof. Mica All'personaIntetcste* in,said-mat-' Ula Epstein, to Herman Iiahu, er are hereby notified that on the qSEIr.'and, Mra. I. Kahn, 12X0 Ith day of Augtist. 193S, M. !•:• Donovan filcu a petition in said county rtfcqpth' stroet. - The v/eddlng Court, praying that his final admint.l>e6n oit. istration account filed hereitt be s s t Uta, and eilowedi and th^t he .be -dls-i B. Norman-Jacques :harsed from his trust as admlnlstra, % B^r D^CIC CHASE :or. and. tha.t< ax hearing.• •will b.Q. hkjl m said petition before said Court on da\ljhter, HOrtiian, jr.; and Emily, the '3rd day of September. 1S3S," and afe ^5<;d\3'rn"thehoffle o*Tnv"and YE OLDE SPEEDE — Broad- that if you fail to appear before, said ritisr < Saw pieiius, 3319 Jac&aon tray «legitimate star 'Alexander Coftrt on.U;-; £3i& 3ra day of Septem103S, a.% 9 o'clock a. tn:, and constreet. Mrs;-ICdufmaun and Mrs. Asro, who'll be seen as the Rus- ber^ test Bald petition, the Court, may. Plc::5js>fe siatcrn. \ sian, realtor .who to the- grout ther prayer of, Bald petition lit. and Mia-' Plctua -were hoata iiplc endeavors in HKti's forth- cnttr a. decree Jot t»elrahlp, and' inake Buch.othei- -and further brdsrS, alIc3t \Tatik at 4 dinner dancer in coming "Hoony Service"— a role lo-fipnccn decrees,- as to thi3 tlie vEr;yj>ii2R rqoni qf th6 Oasio, he created in tha original stage Court mayand peeth propeh to the- end npnorjnjj their ^ueatff. Mra. E. production — figures the Big that all matters pertaining t6 said JO..; Gruealsls cotnt>llmeated .Mra. T6w"n haq to* tate. a'batjj: seat to istato.may be finally settled and de"••'••.'••>'. ". '•' > Kjau&bsiitt a t ' a l'b'cloak lu«ch- Hollywood in this matter of 'ornilnod. BRTCE' CRAWFORD. cpnHn her lioiiie. J33JJ1 Jennings speed. \ t . ' r ' 8-12-38-3t. ' • , County Judge. • tibt-' tribt. t Tho other' Saturday night Asro 1 Bf^T. ,L." .Wdinberg ana Mra. was enacting, at the Cort theater .1ONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & COW EN,-Attorneys. •". i3rber,t^uAr3 preijld<id at a lunch- on Broadway, his characterization .737 Omaha Nat'l Dank Bldo. ciaUtithe; Martin hotel, and Mra. or the ambitious .waiter. On SunKbo*-Piil and '.M^b.'-SaL Novltsky day night he left by-plane, for 'NOTICE IS H E R E B Y - G l t e J That b.^B.a'picnic In honor of Mr. and Fidllvwood and on Monday morn- the "undersigned .have formed a coring he was at work with the Mars* poration,-pursuant to the laws of thd rilU-K&tiffm&a. ' Slate" of Kebraska: • The name of -the rsrotlicrs, stars of the, pie. V/il- corporation Is L A N D INVESTll thel Bdtdn, vfaa 1 sue3t Uam- ^eltor., directing* the-produc- MENSCS. iyc. -with., It3 prln^lpai place of business In Omaha, Nebrastion, hadairmailed a copy' ol the thlji ^ In th«summer' home ot The objects for which this cor3Hsr.!-an<! Mra.1 Thomas Huff at screen-play to .New Yqrfc, which ka., Is formed are:-.To maintain "«ro received aa he "boarded the poration Codts Lalso; Minnesota/, tnd operate a. general real estate and ine. Note with the script read: Investment business, and to that ena other things'to deal in.tfpnl o r e u s tohtmann o h t m n of ^'Jea'se learn screen- version Rus- among erally. acquire; encumber,. develop, l T«-eels in the siaii Vv*aiter'B role. Bo ready to and a suedfthla construct any and all' real ana l i r Syhiltln. enact part Jioriday morning." On personal property., either directly or ownership" of otock li\i any Monday morning at the a'rport, a through .corporation, or association:, to Sylvia fiorahevoky is studio car awaiting tha .plane/a, other, ensaso, in a eeaeral investment,afld apaadi,? thia wcok in Duluth, arrival, t/lth make-up-expert and! security business and to that • end Ktdla".,"tvlaiUns •with relatives and wardrobe mt;n, borfcoAsro,. with amonj other thing: to . purchaes, sell; pledse cuafante'e .'on-othcHirisa fridfyfci. ' '. . ' - * r • police escdrt, to the ctudlo. ' En 'hold, deal in any securities and .evlflihce^ route Alexander was enabled to of Indebtedness, * and , to .-.'purchase; Ea.rceyDoty a returned aeaume the desired screen ident- guarantee, sell, convey -and encumbst Oliaies of the capital stock of-any hoiiie &fter A two-week trip to ity. corporation and to acquire oil leases, norihorn Minnesota and WiSconfranchises, patents and '.to own, Jnanito.1 T ' " . ' -' > - rest ot the paGt were standing by cso and operate tha same: The Comas Asro arrived breathlessly oa pany shall have authority to borrow r money nnC issue evidences of-indsbt-IJr. 'J3.' E. Baron a»d son, the set. "Hello," eald'the newtherefor. The total authoriistj 3aujly. My. Vkiftf Miiclo and con, comer to Setter. ">Ve haven't ednesa capital stock Is 550.000.00, par .value Milton., awd My,' Sam Grcsnatono time for .a jot of talk,'" returned S100.00 per share, all stock Common, fcni? *-ja,"Ho3rton,'dp8ht last -creek the director. In five minute, and shall be fully paid and " nonv/hen isisued. The corporaL t rjatthsttan T3each, Lake Asro and Groucho wer§ recording assessable tion shall commence business upon their'scene. "" • he fllins of Us • Article's with the Oa Friday of the csme weeli, County Clerk of'DSuglas County,- and nha'l continue uiitll January' 1st, 1SS3. jiVt^iri Kiso'anor of. Ccijar we sought to reach Alexander for lhd amount of indebtedness Hc:Jfa3r'vMib,-.c ?«ant visitor ,1n latest word from tho i Eaat,—but LHtal hlBheist not esoefed twa-thirSa of the S|Q\,•.-•JUy. SaJ»,bd-i been a guept he was not-to uo found iu Holly- capital stor!:. This restriction .shall 14- tl; 1' Jio-aa c! Tisr sictcr, «Mrtv wood. Ho hid left for New York, not apply to indebtedness, secured by estate, < The number of members his ccenea and asciGnm.ent com- rea-l l y & U r t T r t w la.' >f tho Uoatd shall be provided for bs pleted. ; tho By-L,wvs, which Bdard shall EtS' ui* and Tlru.'Abe perlrovits CONVENTIONAL STORY — ininistcr the affairs; of the corporaTha itoekopldero i, shall : held 4sc1i.isj'.wWB' tLij ^;ec:£ at • Lcko Over 400 dolo^ntcj ta tlic ejlver Men. annual meatlns-the first TUOSJ d jubllco convention, of the Jewish their ?y °£ relmiary of each .year a"nd Consumptive Relief acDcclatiot), elect Ulrectorc The Directors shall 1 elect a President,, .Vice-Preatdeni, Toturned thio which operates tho L03 A . S. T^&ibj i1 Seesctary and Treasurer. The Articles J, Cal.. s-ftor Sanatorlun and E,:p,itieatB may be amended upon notice as proIn Sioux got tLeSr first jllnr^o of r. p' *«1!t)7 t?io s' ice J for. Tha corporation shall 'have lold celebrity tha other <!ay . rcil. * • .. •. it^ .'rvitfa. l Charles miafeld, national puolicJune 23ra,''-i93S/ ty,- Her-cff spent' l a s t ity and ej.pfeu, t'cu etui from Warner Broi., crowed them the l t-Lika OLoboji. ,




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