August 26, 1938

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his own SSJISS do sot n s c S i Fullest d a - policies or. of cs?'.publication. Cs tioa in whsla c? fa part ctsistlj

Entered as Second Class. Mall Matter -on January 21. 1SS1. a t Pc^toffice, of Omaha. N«-terartei, linger Hie Act of I larch 3, 1579





New Torfe (TTNS)—Jews in Jonesljoro, Artc. CTTAI—Smilv ; "r 2O D32S13NY the United States army, navy and Meyer, who received sation-wifie ; I t is a comtnplace to say that coast guard and In the Civilian notice in 1536 when together: we are a very, old people. BioConservation corps and the hos•with her husband she Seeded all ] logically we. are, of course, no pitals of the United States Vetjer property to the Union of older than any other people. But erans administration will be American Hebrew Congregations, I. V -: i t is true that the Jews who are. granted Rosa Hashanah furdied last weelr at her Lome after alive today are the conscious parloughs beginning a t sundown, a long illness. Mrs. Sleyer would Sunday, September 25, and conhave celebrate3 her 75th birthday ticipants of an historic process 3l wMch~extends to. four millenia. Arthur Rapport Becomes tinuing until sundown, Tuesday, Eol Kahs to Bs 2 riscipal of this November. With her asd her husband at tixs time cf ber At "the center of this process New Member of' • September 27, according to orders issued by the war and navy passing were the five Hebrew stands the land of Palestine. The Staff departments, -it was - announced Union college "students of tbe great myth of the beginning of 1 the Je-wlsh people is the myth of Dr. Mor -' -cl.-., chairman Jewish Religions Caravan of 15) SS Following careful planning for by Dr. Cyrcs Adler, chairman of that people's marriage, as it were, the new school year, the City Tal- the army and navy committee of of the r* _ -1 toard. an- who were IE Joaesboro' while on -.t^-El school the last lap of lioir CiEcinnati-toto the land of Palestine. From mud Toran anounces that sessions the Jewish Welfare board. : __ ^n ?—'tember 12 tbe-coast-and-retcrn trip. that event arose the Jewish peo- have already begun, and that the Yom Kippur furloughs start ple a s . a people, even aa the school is now fully in operation. Tuesday, October 4, at sundown .' . recne ibove the tl - L • ' oti-a cn "'orty-ninth '• Greelis became Greets only in The children have been carefully and continue until sundown' " b s rooms toe streets. and through the conquest of the graded and placed in proper clas- Wednesday, October 5. . newly crccrrtrl and newland since" knosm as Greece ana ses. All classes are now being - arnished with tbe latest and even as'Germanic tribes became held in .the morning. e best school equipment. English only since and through Enrollment is being taken at The principal-teacher of the the conquest of the land later to the Center. school will be-Mr. Sol Kahz. -who i ^ i k1 be forever known as England. has been released, to the 3eth-El The Talmud Torah also anThus it is clear that our birth school by the City Talmud Tcrah. [:r^~~^, as a people, our becoming a peo- nounces- the engagement of Mr. Mr. Kahz was bora in Russia and , pie. was a normal process and Arthur Rapport as a new member i k received his education 'in Palesthe staff. Mr. Rapport comes was analagous to the process by of the tine. He was graduated from the Talmud Torah unusually which other peoples attained the to IT ."" ""' Teachers' Seminary of Jerusalem ..recommended and with an p i)S 'j A n - t F super-personality of their people- well after which he cause to the Unitexperience of some twelve years hood. How tragically the analogy ot successful experience i n ' T a l ed States and studied at the UniHeld Here on Sept. ends. The day came when we of Minnesota. Because-of ' i . U S.-HQ. K-klL were driven forth from our land. mud Torahs. Give Temporary Haven to versity his training and experience, Mr. He Is a graduate of the HeBut we had become a peoDle in Group. WLo Entered Kahs is an excellently qualified 1 o -~ , —The final plans, for the forth- i C ~ - r s and through that land. Hence brew Teachers College of Boston. teacher. . ' Illegally coming A. Z. A. Ccrnbelt F^egion- j ^" c - ^ T r i Israel and — Eretz-Yisrael—be- He has degrees from Boston UniLimitedd J er al convention to be sponsored b y i f " r f ~ s ; came for all the future ages, in versity and the University of ChiBerne, Switzerland (WNS) —•• In order that the children who Mother Chapter 1 and Sara Beber ! i-~- "i~ ~> - forms that changed but according cago. to a substance that did not For nine years he was a teach- More than 1,000 Jewish refugees are enrolled la the school will be Chapter 100, September 4 and 5, t - -r change, the central theme and er and later acting principal of from Germany and Austria who adequately taught, the number of are nearing completion. preoccupation ot the people's en- the Lynn Talmud Torah, Lynn, entered Switse-rland illegally in children admitted will be -limited The tm> chapters are planEing' tire spiritual life. Note how the Massachusetts. Later he was with recent weeks will be allowed to to 125. After t i e first week of the outstanding s s c n e r tournaschool, that is after September remain on a temporary basis procentrality of Eretz Yisrael spans the Kehillath.' Israel Talmud Torment of A. 2. A. history. the centuries. Around the year ah in Boston and the Anshe Em- vided they do not engage in any 19, no netv children Trill be adThe tournament dance will be j £ mitted unless they have received remunerative activity and on con"25 of the common era in the eth Hebrew School in Chicago. held at the Fcntenelle hotel. A jtl% * 1 r previous instruction and can be dition that no more illegal immiPersian city of Nehardes R. ItracLeoa will be given Septern-j ^*""~" ~' fitted into a class. grants arrive, the Swiss authoriShmuel declared.:- (Sanhedrin:. F . ber 4 and an onting- is to take I ^ £ ' " " '~n rr 1 -cties announced after a special • The boys and, girls attend place at Krcg part. l ^ c - . l ' -- • 97b.) "Sufficient -onto the suffer- t" T v conference of police chiefs from three times a Their course er that he has endured his sufferGirls interested in dates lor | '*•-' -~ *' T v all cantons Lad been held to deal of instruction, will include He- the convention are 'asked to call j , -if- •• ~--* ing." There is no comment save with the refugee problem. brew, Prayer Boot, Bible,. Jewish any of the convention hostesses: j Crr-fr.:; rr . V - • - r r - - c in the Imnlieatlons of the context. : The Union of Jewish Communi- ethics and Jewish hlstc ry.~ The Babylonian Amoraim needed Louise Saylan, TTE 2701; Shirley [ f-r^cr>. ties has undertaken to care for Those who wish to -enroll .their Epstein, HA 6702; Frances Osoff, "none.. But seven., hundred and the refugees. Pending clarifica- children will please call Miss Bet- GL 17SS; Betty Rosen, JA £191: fifty years later Rashi comments tion of their status,~liie refugees ty Rosen at Jackson 79Sv, Beth- Charlotte Nt>gg, KA S13S, and on the saying as follows: "The will remain under constant police El synagogue* office. Information Lois Barish, WA 8S91. suffering of exile suffices lor resurveillance. Police officials in about the school may be .obtained demption even- without repentAnyone having housing facilifrontier towns have received spe- from Dr. Morris Margolin or Rab- ties for one or more of" the out- > ance." I t is. now nearly a thoucific instructions to permit no bi Goldstein, who will be In his .. sand years since Rashi's day, and of-to-vm Alephs 'should call Mor- i the sufferings of. exile over half Continues Denunciation of more refugees to cros3 the Swiss study at the Center from 2 until ton Margolin. GL 18SS. . ! border. 5:30 both Monday and Tuesday the earth-are fiercer and more Now Italian Omaha A. A. requests afternoon to meet with parents fiery than ever, more deeply co-operation of all Omaha Jewry j Policiescalculated than ever to cause reTrnjillo City, Dominican • Re- who wish to enroll their children. in its current-project and assures! Blembers "Crgecl to Register ' demption without teshuvah,-with- "Rome (WNS)-—-Tl'epudiating public (WNS)—Julian Harringall concerned that' their many j •:- out an entire return to good. ton of the American State departChildren of the members of the kindnesses will be remembered.* i assertions in the Fascist • pres3 ment and Leigh Nettleton and Al- Beth-El synagogue Ere especial'y Eretz YisraeL in. brief,-ia the that" the- understanding reached bert Reitzelof the American La- urged to register. Children r-f center of the deatlny ot the Jew- between the Fascist party and b-department 1 care-arrived Iiere non-members-, -sill -also be -r?rp,.- ish people. And the! problem be- Catholic Action i?roved-thst-tit ere fore the" world ana, above .3.11, be- was no. conflict between the path- to aia the Bosiialcan .Hepublie j3^1§i|_f s?.IslE2r-: - its -• IsiSilf raSoa faw In discussing t i e prospects zl i - • fore the Jewish people, is' -whether Ifofr .itnJ^i-.hiwPf^.»f»-»T fsfsi •.-••'• t h a t people'"^ nils-*ffie"'power TIH- on Italy's, racial doctrine, Pops ith; a: view to inviting a large the school Dr. Ivlargolin, chair- j - "waverlngly to "will its own destiny Pins- again.", lashed -out -at-racial- number of Austrian and German man of the board, said: " I ,sm 1 happy that we have been abls to and-.*to .achieve Ito own redemp- ism in a, speech, to; . missionary, refugees to settle here. ectire an excellent teacher a n i tion. The news • from Palestine Btuflenta. "• .-: ...-.;.;• .. ? . :,''." yesterday and tpflay .iacenoush .tc - -Re-Emphasising ^ hi3 7 previous Amsterdam <WN3> — T h e that we have been able to rent G • B&ake the stoutest: heart._. It-msy derumeiatlons -of- racialism, tbe Union of Jewish Communities of E-deQU&te Quarters. Thanks to , » i — fee so again tomorrow. -"The bril- Pontiff warned the-students to Holland has drafted plans for the Bureau of lauesifen of the liant sincere and dangerous Jabo- "beware C of .: ^many- • dangeroii3 bringing to the Netherlands 10,- Omaha Jewish Welfare federa- tinsliy thunders of civil war in things, but. above-all of exagger- 000 German and Austrian Jewish tion, I am confident -we are now Ob: •erves ' Mandate Has Warsaw and: his misguided fol- ated nationalism, hecatxse there -is children who will be placed in entering on a period of real adBeen Partially lowers add inner, terrors to the nationalism and nationalism. It private homes and children's In- vancement in Jewish education. outer ones. It. must not matter. Is like saying there:Jls ;.manMnd stitutions., The Dutch govern- "We of the Beth-BI synagogue trill -Nothing must matter, . Nothing and mankind, personality umid ment is reported to have agreed do our best to educate the chilGeneva (WNS-Palcsr Agency) - - e • must be- permitted to prevail for personality. -Therfr are nations to permit 5,000 children to enter dren entrusted to us to live the Tbe Permanent Mandates coraone moment for-one hour, in the and there is nationalism; nations and is also understood to be ready best kind cf JewisS life. I urge soul of any Jew against WB share are created by God, therefore to contribute toward the cost of parents to enroll their children mission cf the League of >7atioaE C' with us." headed by Pierre Orts of Eel' in the , unbreakable will of the there is room for .a Just, -modest their maintenance. glum this week made pnblio-its Jewish. ..people toward:, its own and tempenrtei nationalism - assoIstanbul (WNS) — Twentyreport on its snrver of the Palesdestiny and .its . own redemption: ciated'wlth all the virtues. But tine situation together with the And the name of that destiny and beware of exaggerated national- three Austrian Jewish physicians minutes of its sessions held in j ~~c~l t~. T'C .-the name of that redemption have ism as of a real curse. It seems and scientists have been engaged June in which it stated that ."£-. : r T-.E cr r .-•' -in all ages-and-are today one—- to us t h a t all events prove us by the Turkish government for the land of Israel. - ^ right when we cay 'real- curse,' Turkish hospitals and -•- laboraGreat Eritain "still considers t j £ v-lr? : t . . . L e t us .remember that-we So because i t is the real curse of. di- tories, according to " an official partition the best and most hope- t " ^ *"" "~t"- rt not live in a static world and that visions, contrasts and almost of announcement. ' ful solution." ' | r ' - r t . c - r' j--~ the processes of historic changa war." Declaring that conditions re-j-r -- ; - ' -7 - ' ' have been immeasurably aecelvealed by Its investigations of j ' "• z"-c ~>- <• Speaking 24 hours after the lerated in recent years. This; announcement of the understanddevelopments in Palestine caused j t r " ? : " i . - r Britain that will neither protect ing between the Fascist party and it "the utmost concern," the Kan- j '"" -" ;" us today nor call for Jewish Catholic Action, tha-Pope'B words By defeating Irvin Ziegnian 2 hope that the perioS before a! troops in Palestine to protect us were, generally regarded as an and 1 in a closely-contested final decision with regard to the and itself and civilisation, will answer to Virginio Gayda, editor match, Richard Hiller, 19 35 npt be the Britain ,of tomorrow. of Glornalo d'ltalia, who said that of the ' country Is mafie champion, again won the annual future There-was a; Britain that issued the accord revealed that there is •will be as snort as possible, EE all Highland Country Club golf tourthe Balfour declaration and wrote no conflict between churcb. and interests Involved must "suffer nament. The final match, of the further . the Mandate. There was a world state on Italy's racial doctrine. from a continuation of Championship Flight was played In which the Fascist powers of to- "This matter belongs exclusively Omaha Jewry has been Invited last Sunday. the present state of -uncertainty." day were feeble or defeated. and entirely to national policy by Sir. J. Finkel and his sons and report of t i e commission -will In tbe morning at the end of Tne There will be a world again la and as such is entirely in the daughters to participate in tbe be taken up by tne council of t i e eighteen holes, Hiller with a 72 - ' which they will be feeble or de- hanfis of the Fascist govern- "Siyum HaSeifer" to be given was one up. Daring the after- League of Nations at its session this Sunday, August .28, at 2:30 on Friday, September 9. feated, whatever sacrifices man- ment," he declared. ^'Fascism p. m. at the B'nai Israel syna- noon's play at the end of nine In its comment 02 the fiisttirbbind must make to that end; remaizra firmly In the position it gogue. hole3 the players were even. The anees the • cosmaissicn's report there will-then be a -world again ha3 taken. Between Fascism, and final nine was started with the Mr. Fintel is presenting In which will re-arise -the Britaia the church therB is none of that P.layer3 square. As late ES thestated that the British representhat issued the'Balfour Declara- mortal unfriendliness • wished for Torah to the synagogue in mem- thirty-third hole neither was In tative described the situation as f ory of his recently, deceased wife. by their common enemies." equivalent to "a new st£.te of var. j tion and framed the Mandate. Sabbi Milton A. Kopstein will the lead. Tne accredited representative cf" ; One thing must remain like-a Finals In .tie other two flights deliver tho principal address conthe mandatory power admitted," rock amid these changes —- the cerning the importance of this have not been played. Finalists in the report declared, "that events .will of the Jewish people toward the President's Flight are Bad great "Mitzvah." during the past year produced a j its own destiny.- Do not. say: There will also be a gae3t rab- Slosberg and Lloyd Friedman. trEnsitional situation ether than Life is not safe' in Palestine toSloe Linsman s s 3 Eob Kooper bi, who will speak. the transitional period the Royal i day. Say: The; life" of the Jewish After the ceremony refresh- •will play for tie-shaspionship in commission, expected to elapse be- j people a3 a -people is safe in the third flight. .. ' ... ments will be served. tweea the decisions it recoia-! Palestine alone and it will be forA stag' was Held ••"Wednesday menfied and their practical appli- I ever safe there if my will is n n evening at the Clubhouse where cation." I ' broken, if my sense of destiny tbe winners were presented with teeps its unerring Tislon fixed on While the* Royal commission j \ caps. ; an unchanging goal. Do not for- The Jewish Community Center believed that curing the period j • of transition the present -Mandate ! ' ' get that we have never yet suc-Trill sponsor a Junior Boys' sad would continue as the governing ! . ceeded in welding into one. will Girls* swimming meet on Septeminstrument of the E5min.istra.tios i the wills of all the Jews in t&3 ber 1 at the Center pool. ' seat to Jei<7s of Palestine, the "andates com- ; • •world; We have never yet as a A. A. tT. rule3 -will govern all Both Eoftball team3 rep-reseatmiision cannot "actually recog- j " •whole people sought to wrench events. The meet is open to every ing . the Jewish Community Cen- from hostile powers the fulfill- hoy and girl in the city, Jewish ter In tea city softball leagne lost New York ment--of-our destiny. This is a and non-Jewish, who have not their initial contests. j cate has been partially suspended j S. S le year of crisis. That 13 true. -But reached their fifteenth birthday. The Milder Oils were defeated this la also a day and a year of Entry' blanks may be procured •decision. Like, democracy, like at the local pool or at the office 8-0, by last ycar'3 stats chamChristianity, in the profound of the Center. Entries dose a t pions, the local Cadahy nine, wno represented Nebraska ta the aaproverbs of the •world, Zionism 7:30 p. m., August 31. - . softball-tourney.- • has never been tried. The HIbbons will • be" awarded the tional The A. Z. A.' 100. lost to the Ish, people" has never powerfully winners in the. first three places. enough, or -organically-- enough g All .contestants must' be - regis- Nebraska Clothing Store team. le Of comraunity of Sao Paulo, Brazil. T.jlled its o'STn destiny. Tho de- tered -with the mid-western assoLeague of XGThe collection was assembled the council -of RABBIS' ARRESTED : cision to esert that ,17111 Is the ciation of the A. A. U. tion alse j-roved fay the United Synagogue of road to redemption. Let na reTwelve events have been cci-_a: AS SABOTEURS America in response to~anf appeal less favcrabls deem ourselves - and the people uled. Contestants' will compete 110300^- (WKS)' — The arrest from Sao Panic's 20,000 Jews, self-gaverning and despito- powers and princi- in their" own S^Q groups. 01 ^ aamber cf rabbis'-'in Eerdi- most of whom, are' refugees frcm report says. palities, terror -without and folly ciov, White Russia, on the Germany and Poland. 'The ee^vrithin. Erets Yisrael frill be rePurchase. N." Y. (T7NS) — In- charge1 cf maintaining- a rabbin- signment was in charge of I deemed and •will bo ours. , jured in a fall as he vras walinns seminary allegedly for train- •crig Mayer cf . Holland, wao (Copyright, 193S, by Seven Arts to the swimming pool on Mo ical ins anti-SoTiet propaganeists I; .Feature -Syndicate) estate here, Goremor Herbert H. reported1 in Besbozhnik, organ oi going .o establish a perraan ^ Lehman suffered a fractcrcj ccr- the Union of Ins Militant Godless. Residence Ir Sao Paulo. . Marco Polo in .his -writings re- tilage of the kaee. He -wna or- The -SJapsT denounces the rabferred to tho prominent place en- ficrcd to bed Cor a weeli. The in- bis sis saboteurs and accuses them •'- LBis TJuarte was tfce first ,Tei I joyed j y the, Je~5 in tlie commer- jury is painfc] but not ecriou3. of officiating in 16 synagogues in to .be accused before the Inqs - cial life of China. Ta= governor's f a i n s cast. BersH-hov. :. tion of Chile .(August, 1614}. p



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premade for a preference party to be Nazis Take Over ! t olfiiven the early part' of Septem< C espel C " £• J . ber at the Fontenelle hotel. Then, Synagogue ac Jcr: r=n r oace more, the girls will turn } m He Members of the Alpha Gamma their study and the new Quit Austi'Icn T&w. -man Chi sorority culminated a. sum-Municipal University of Omaha r mer of social festivity by enter- for school session begins SeptemPraha (JTA) — It \%as ic^oiL-, ' r : •ince taining J8 rushees at a truck ber 15. ed here from Vienna tLat tha | J the hike Sunday morning, August 21, '' the Jewish •community vi ri's^e'LcLcl , ! at Grimm's Farm. Guests were sently reminded of "School Days" Lower Austria, has boci CiSST'-soc 1 .. .7 by invitations in the form of following emigration ol most oi! classroom notebooks containing Florence Rosenstock's Circle of ony is seethicg vrith excitement In token of the as "a result of orders the schedule for an hilarious the Temple Israel Sisterhood will the town's from G, A. in Cs.ns-.c5sn A:rr e urcc lid.uidj.tion. the community's last school day. • - give a card-party on Saturday, Sakowsky, German consul, to all president turned over the synaafiiaa Ottawa (uTA)—The What Js behind Italy'a new« probability' affect every important ing tho axis or not. Now, he has Repertoire, spelling bees, quiz September 10, at the home of gogue to the municipality for German nationals to withdravr ly adopted policy of racialism? raiddlo-claso family In tao coun- none. Ho is forced to do so bysections, were part of the "grind". Mrs. Henry Monsky. Thi3 will be transformation into the-Nazi Wel- irarnediately from the German department ol nE-tion^l defense o'clock dessert-lunoh.eon. club becaiise the organisation re- reports that a "subylaiii iai Mas Mussolini' really turned try; . AD for anti-Semitic fare Board's headquarters. l i g the fear, of a strong neighbor. Selected as the most popular per- a one Reservations are fifty cents, anti-Semite? Or is he stooging eyery observer of Jewish life ,Jn He dare not break awayy Italy is iod of the day was seventh hour, Jewish week-end guests at fused to expel three Jewish mem- ber" of C£ns.c'.i£.n Jev;s LEA listed for B perioS of it for Hitler? Fop th© answer to Italy states with utmost certainty, gradually becoming a vassal state lunch.- College education consist- and may be made by calling Mrs. Baden Spa, resort near Vienna, bers. , theso and other questions about that It Is unknown, hardly found of Germany, Not only foreign, ed of each girl preparing her own Sam Robinson, Wa. S506. One c£ the city's leading social _ i~ Canafle' fo"cf were reported to have been drivAH are welcome. Tviiat 13 nowhapppntag $n;Mt!S- among any class of -the popula- but;"more and more.tif internal snack of roasted hot dogs, toasten out of hotels and nursing organisations, the ' club numbers i read, Mr- Y'Zu&er*"; tion;- ..'; ;;' , '.. ' ;'•; •-."-.•-• '' "- • " Italian: '.policy, will in the near ed marshmallows, supported by homes by Nazi Storm Troopers. a rr.-.rer::; c" ~Si:,s; c n , ' " s .:f man's pungent analysis of the Seasonal Jewish guests, it - was Junior Hadassah future _be determined .by Ger- cole: slaw, Trellshes, potato salad, •'--. Why Anti-Semitism • ' political implications of Italian stated, are still admitted to Bamany. The introduction of racial- and watermelon. Hannah Baum, Why "then should such a counantl.Seraitf sin.—-THE EDITOR. Members of the board of the den. The neighboring resort, of - rr T against all • the good sense," rush chairman, was in charge of try,-wfth~a Jewish popniationjike ismarrangements, assisted by Pauline Junior Hadassah'met for dinner Voeslau, formerly overwhelming. \ Interests,tradition and • sentiThe official adoption: by Jtaly this and with literally no Jewish mehts^of-the people, and in open Kosenbaum, Mrs. Goldie Rosen- at the Wellington Hotel on Thurs- ly patronized by Jews, is now C ,i VVKCWLSALE: C ,i:;,iz JZ. C .I >f racialism as a state policy has problem, suddenly embark upon defiance of the Pope, Is the first baum, and Celia Lipsman. day. August 18. Plans for thevirtually deserted. Sevaral non* Scfcrafft'fc Choco!ate$ * Muriel. Cuest K e y Jews at both, resorts were arrestjoma as a painful surprise to thean official policy of State ijntl- step "In/:±hat direction. It Is the The sorority began a season of coining year were discussed. e ed in the last few days because Majority of European Jews. AI- Semltism? There is only one fun-,first' "public ^manifestation of activity by giving a shower for A membership drive will be Canada Drv Ginger Ale t n i JiarTecter n. j;fhough everyone expected newer- damental answer to this question Italian vassalage to Germany. Mrs. Wm. Rosenbaum, a recent launched soon. they publicly complained that the > Falsitcff Eee,r and it lies in the nature of-the One would not be/surprised to bride, at the home of Bertha SlutXazi drive was ruining their busijensions of Nazism, somehoyr the ness. SIE So. I£lli Elrecr was not expected to1 come. present day Fascist antlrSemit- learn at some later-date that this Co-guests of honor Included Patronize Our Advertisers . . •••''•.• • 1'.,.. , jrom that direction. I t Is dlffi-: I s m V " " . neasure was introduced, riot only Mrs. • Al Weiner visiting from jult'to say why, but for somereaThis anti-Semitism differs from against the.-wish -.of..the- Italian Puerto Rico, Mrs. Rosenbaum's ;dn Mussolini had enjoyed a good the various brands of antl-Jewish sister and former president oi the 5 1' eputation among Jews In Europe. feeling lyiown hitherto In that It people, but even of-their goyernsorority;, Mrs. F . W. Pezzner, and inent.-;"'-7 ' , . . . . : . . ' • 1 i -Not only have they never had is predominantly political, one Mis3 Florence Steinberg, who Herein lies the significance of jjny animosity towards" hlin but might even call it diplomatic, in were both awarded B. A. degrees Italian racialism. It is not pritrie ha3 often come across even a Its character. It is not a feeling at commencement. Each of the marily a Jewish measure. To be ,ertain, somewhat exaggerated •which 'Is fiaeply rooted In the quartet was presented with a corQ3pect for. hfm. He was always psychology of the people; it does sure, the" Jews will be the victims sage of flowers consisting of the Where Omaha Shops Writh Co:r.fidc:icc hausfht of as an intelligent and not flow primarily from economic, and will feel the full force of its sorority colors of red and white. ntellectual man, by far the most social or religious sources.- It is punishment upon their backs. The Miss Steinberg as outgoing presi' Me and decent among European :blefly a state measure, a politi- Jewish community of Italy will, dent was presented with a gold"Style and Quality First" ' ictators. The majority of Euro-; cal tool used for tlie attainment in all probability, be ruined eco- en compact, engraved with the 'lean Jews:always felt that. Italy of political objectives . which! nomically' and broken spirttuaJly, sorority crest. Mrs. Rosenbaum .oloaied more to the democratic sometimes lie eveii outsidaLthe but the chief object of the act is received a double-automatic toasr,< ;'nd. civilized countries, and see-JBWISQ field and have nothing to not .Jewish It,is a move in the ter. j ietly most of them, hoped that d o w i t h - J e w s . :•>-,.• .:;':.•,•••: .-.-:" jame .of. world politics, a move, « jiesplte- his Fascism, the Duce Installation of new officers and Another characteristic • o? -the probably, a f o r c e d one, to ;s J'ould;eventually break .^Ith the Italian Fascist anti-Semitism • la strengthen the Italo-German po- tea time was held at the new «, Uazls. - I n any even the tendency ts cdmpleto-"artificiality^ It is litical alliance,"- a public demon- home, of Frances Blumkln, soon i'as always to differentiate "be- almost entirely a manufactured •stfatlon o: solidarity between the afterwards. Fifty: high school « 'jveen'ihirr and.Hitler." ' " '•""•• ••--' product.' It needs nc logic," n o two leading Fascist states. It Is girl graduates were guests at a < Thein there -was, of courser the economic or psycholc^icaV s^oll; no also the • first sign - of the hege- lovely appointed tea. Miss Bluma i "_ 'raditinnal liberal policv of Italy social 'forces to back it, no real mony ..of Nazi Germany In the kin received, assisted by Miss ., I-iwartts the Jew3 and Mussolini's reason, or cause for Its existence. "^ascist world. The Berlin-Rome Baum and Miss Lipsman. Misa t-j i-equeht and .strons; pronounce- It can be, and is produced at will, axis needed cementing; it needed Evelyn Dansky and Miss Eileen Only a by decision of dictators or gov-a new, Nazi front, and the forty Zevxtz poured. Preceding the tea, ti. ncntglagainst racialism. ,1 ,iw i^hnrt years ago • Mnssollni; ernmgnta. It has ho connection thousand Jews of Italy have been officers were installed by retiring TJ lid to Bmll l/itdwi?: "There are Whatsoever with the Interests of president, Florence Steinberg. Inf6r that purpose.' lj fo pure races left. - Successful he people and their'true needs. sacrificed ducted into office by candlelight (Copyright, 1D38, by Seven Arts ceremony were Celia Lipsman, b , ;rossli\gs tiavn often promoted the It is entirely a product ot politiFeature Syndicate) .. ,.j laergy and beauty of a nation. cal expediency and of diplomacy, president; Goldie ( Rosenbaum, • ace is a feeling. no£..a'reality, and its force is almost exclusivevice-president; Esther Steinberg, '.atioaal pride has no -lined of tho y that of Dtate propaganda/ secretary; Pauline Rosenbaum, elirium of race. Anti-Semitiam treasurer; Libby Rubaek, historoea not exist in Italy." • ••- This is true of the abortive The National Council'of Jewish ian. Group pictures were then Gpga-Cuza attempt in Kuman.ia;> Juniors has completed plans for snapped of the entire sorority. A statesman 'svho con Id apeak t Is true of the anti-Jewish laws 'bruncheon" be held at'Elm- The Misses Frances Blumkln -i sanely about racialism could n Hungary: it is true of the anti- wood Park onto August and Adeline Specktdr were guest3 'ot biit win the respect and per-Jewish terror in Austria, and it 28,-ai't' 10:30 a. Sunday, m. of honor at a dinner given at aps p.ven the admiration, of i even truo of tno antl-Jewisa R e v a Malashock. Gertrude Dixon's prior to their departure *any Jews. To these people the persecution In Germany. tuss. Ruth Goldstein. Bertha for Washington where they are decision to follow the-foot- where anti-Semitism has been a eps of Nazism has not come ol- means towards another aim, a runs, and Hanna Gossick are in now associated with the A. 2. A. charge of arrangements. offices. The birthday's of five ibst as a shock, and there is political tool for the achievement iUeh iheart-burninR among them of other objectives which lay out- Bicycle riding, croquet, and members In July was the occasion oite apart from the.,aci\i5|i-pain side Jewish fields. But nowhere baseball will form the entertain- for celebrating at a swimming party at Peony Park, followed by hichthis decision inflicta on tho has this been so clearly dBtaon- ment. a picnic luncheon. The birthday in Italy and in the rest of stratad as. now in Italy. quintet included Libby. Rubaek, ALPHA PI TAU Internal Conditions .Mrs. Pezzner, Mrs. Weiner, Mrs. Can anyone who knows anyV ; Reveals Fascism At-the'Alpha; Pi Tau fraternity Rosenbaum, and Pauline Rosen' Tn:-;a- certain sense the; dlBdp- thlng about the Italian situation, Each guest received a botointjaent will serve a useful piir- doubt that Mussolini's racial de- meeting held on August 16;-plans baum. ose, for' It will reveal - to the cision Is but a means o t strength- were made for a barbeque to bo tle of tweed cologne. >ws,'.more than many a - lucid •nlng the famous Rome-Berlin held on Saturday, August 27. •Tentative plans are now being r'gument, the real nature of tbe axis? If there is any other reason, for this move,, no one can resent phase of Fasoigt:' antf* smitipm.-. - If ever tberei'*':iafas::v3 name it.-- The political situation mntry in the whole world where in Europe now is such, that Muscr ' policy of anti-Semitism was solini is practically fqreed to •upld; Illogical, pernicious, un- strengthen the axis. , ist., unreasonable, almost one The economic situation of Italy Ight'say, impossible, ft Is Italy, la notoriously bad; Ethiopia has he country, has had for .cen-not proved the source of. income iries an insignificant number^ of which' It waa expected to be; the 2W_s. (In a recent Interesting Spanish civil war is protracting tter; in the London-Times,. Ero- beyond -all hopes of immediate \ •• r •ssorJRoth showed that Italy has _ain; above all; the long-awaited Iwayi had about 50,000 Jews, agreement with England does not e., ,ione per thousand, ^almost materialize. t\m ithe Middle Ages). '•.—„;- :. On the other hand, the absorp' Most of these Jews are" thor- t!on~«f Austria by Germany has y assimilated not drily In not "merely Third nguage and culture but also, in Reich to;the brought-the borders of Italy; It. hyslcal appearance, .While iii has .also made, it a powerful We put a set. of n= w U. S. Jermany and in England,' for in- neighb(?r, whomof It Gsycl Master Tires on your ia wise to 'ancei, the . darfe . ' • JewisH type, ccr; wrop up ycur present please in every way possible,', and 'ren When assimilated, stands out in l cr.d Issk tSsm tsfcly what way can ono please Nazi ' pronounced distinction from Germany oway—Tftea tetter, and at the same ie prevailing blonde type, la time demonstrate i to the world, , aly the Jews look so much like one's complete accord, than by ie national type that, unless one following the Nazi racial princithoroughly familiar with racial and launching an anti-Jewish iaracteri3tlcs. It i s . Impossible ple campaign? Anti-Semitism.has be,>r him to differentiate between come the coat arms, of the W two. (Incidentally, m o r e Third Reich andof to embark upon aliaris have been beaten Up in.ah anti-Semitic policy .2 Affar yea'vs pvt both a ermany, because they. were_mis- political gesture and aIs friendly Mcslerj thrash '!>s:r poe»' Jken; for Jews, t h a n " t b fcr 3 tfsys—ccrso act. I t l s also a manifestation of 'itloijals), >. ,... {JlY8 Ki > the-strength of. the axis. In addition, Italian Jews never In the present case, there may t >se to the social, eqonomic and be even something more ..signifi•Matte Importance which ' t h e cant than a gesture in this act. Carl Rio!;cs orman Jews reached in pre-Nazi It Is not generally recognized to ?rraany. In professions* they are what extent Italy Is becoming de3gllglble. Search as one' may. pendent upon Germany since the Thero is nbsolntcly no cost or oblie will not , find a doctor, a absorption of Austria. Tho Romeligation involved in this Royal ientist. a lawyer; an' artist or a Berlin axis Io no longer what it Master FREE Trial Offer! All ws , riter of international reputation was a few yeara ago, a voluntary nong Italian Jews. There are agreement between two equal osk is that you give tKcss amazime rich Jews in Italy, but they countries. Italy is .now definiteing new Royal Master Tirca a i not control branches of indus- ly drifting . into a state of de* "• J ' < *- fty, qommerce and banking as pendency upon and fear of Ger- thorough your own car! iws idid In Germany. There aro many. A year or more ago MusR e m e m b e r - N o COST, NO OBso few Jews in-high positions in solini still had a choice in -followLIGATION, .NO SALES TALK — • ie1 government, or in academic ROYAL MASTERS SELL 1HEMSELVES! fe. Italian Jewry la an ordinary, ithcr mediocre community of Kcl-vc". A:rcr:c;- C-r >v/s yhose highest' ambition ha3 -ways been 'to assimilate with Build • - Modcrnizo ie Italians, and in this ambition Ro-Roof . Ro-Sido . Inoulata ^?j nji"'""rr * *" icy -have .largely succeeded. O:-cd Cc~cr r Fcr. ."c"-. Mr'.-j-r' 5-.-; GET FREE ESTIMATE If •Mussolini were-^o introduco ie Nazi three generation' prinplejin Italy, ho would In al 19th €z Nieholca JA 5 0 0 0

Alpha Gamma Chi

By .William Zulserman

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Junior Council


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Air Cooled Fitting .Rooms fcr Your

Coat Salon •Third Floor



solituds and death, on St. Helena. Early in 19SS Der Fuehrer came to me and I told him, "Ton are too restless because things Ere not exciting enough to divert the people's minds frora economic ills. You will seize control of a neighboring German - speaking ountry, but this frill cot be lasting, although enthusiastically received."







He was delighted by this prediction and. had me interpret for him carefully the aspects surrounding the favorable date for You may or may not believe ing his open enemies (seventh), j birthcbart and interpreting the such action, as shown on his that the stars ana planet guide "You are premature," I said. signs indicated! He clutched my chart. His stars gave him Aushuman destiny but yon will bo "Do not act hastily. There are arm and made me repeat again tria. intrigueu by this fascinating friends who will deceive you. and again the phrase: Mercury, the little messenger expose by the woman who was Uranus in "You will rise to absolute o£ the Gods, -who brings things to the 12th rules prisons, Hitler's personal •, astrologisk and you will pass, touched Hitler's part of be imprisoned and power.' In a series of two articles origis not all I told him, but Fortune in 2 36 ot Cancer in inally appearing in World As- become a martyr, hut your putsch as That he thrilled to this pronounce- June, 19387- in his house of fortrology Magazine, JPrau X re- will fail." ment he-refused to listen to myeign lands . . . but note that CanTeals how her predictions guidFailure of PStscli warnings. I, too, rose from my cer is the sign of the home and ed Hitler i success. In this I was right. The famous putsch seat and followed nim as he paced the homeland for Austria though article she tells of her early as- of November 8, 1923, failed and np and flown the room. a foreign land to Germany's sociation, vrith Hitler. Next the party dissolved. On NovemFuehrer, -was the "homeland of the Stay at Homer' •week she wfll reveal why Hit- ber 12 he was arrested. Early "Fuehrer," I pleaded.' "This man Hitler. ler and Hitlerisna are doomed the nest year he was brought to power '.'But," I said, "thereafter—beis for you only within the to fall in 1940. These articles trial, and on April 1, 1924, im- Reich—seek ' beyond its bor-ware." were prepared ^in May, 1938, prisoned in the fortress at Lands- ders, except not for the reclamation . He scowled. I trembled. For, and already some of the pre- berg am Lech. of industrial areas, and only then what I had to tell him further I dictions have come true.—IHK effect the seizure by passive re- fenew he -would not like. How At our next meeting I told him EDITOR. he receive this bad news? ot to be discouraged by his set-sistance from y o u r foreign would backs, that Mercury ruling the enemies. To war is ruination." "WTiat -would be his reaction? It

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was hard to tell him. the truth house of friends Tras trine his But he hardly heard me so ab-that ' . ~\ . his chart revealed this to be Ascendant, which had effected his sorbed was he in his dreams of. the high point of his career in release ana that he would again power. Mars,' God of War in the house foreign affairs- Immediately aftrule. Mercury turns retroI advised early in 1927 that he of .-war-in his horoscope is in a er-wards grade and trill continue crawling must gain his po-wer through or- most unfavorable sign and ap-humbly-backward for 20 years t o derly, legal measures; to bring plies to a square of the powerful barricades, who had let the cor-three feet across and a foot deep, his party to the front through the Saturn, the aspect falling in fixed come. respondent and. bis companion tne mark o'f the mine which ftafi Der Fuehrer became exceedingsigns. These signs, Taurus govprinted word. I said to him, "Alpass only because they were wait- destroyed the armored car. Furly nervous; many things were erning money and Leo governing Tfce yellow^ river l ;hough you lack culture and eduing- for bigger game, I assumed ther on. we heard heavy blasting. -^r^J^; r y , had its bivifc cation, it is by word and pen your gold, give a plain hint as to how pressing on his mind. "Go on," that by a "couple" the inspector and came upon a detachment of 1 ^ ^ ; ' ^ e ^ ^ ^ "Tell me, meant a. dozen or more policepower will grow." He listened to the ruin would be brought about. he said impatientlj who had just set off r-ev- | ^- "-6;fo^.^Z!x.e~",.„•-,. My prediction was realized ( on •what is ahead. I must knew at men. My hair stood on end when soldiers these words with rapt attention. eral more land mines. Despite j " " • ' ^ x -1 1 once. I fear, more traitors around The Sun in Taurus, the sign of August 2, 1934, when the grand me. , I am very sorely pressed. I • saw two- British constables the damage caused to the road., • "T>j.e re(» ]ii,-,c>1-j frora the ho!'- hp? Voice, in the house of relations old man of Germany, von Hinden- What does the chart show now?" climb ' into an open, unprotected this "was the only way to treat ; From depths pf FOTII patrol car, mount a Lewis with the general public favorably burg died and the offices of "Ach," I said, "Mein Fuehrer, police gun on the stand in the rear, and, them, as it would have been too.j Frora depths of being aspected by the Moon in the sign chancellor and president were listen to me carefully—unhappy an Arab driver, set out in | risky-to attempt to retrieve them j The rea blood flews." f big business in the house of combined in Hitler. The reclaare ahead. You are right, with •• the direction of the barricades' j unexploded. short -writings which: also covers mation of industrial areas began days threaten you." newspaper publicity, constituted on March 1, 1935, with the res-"traitors sections of pipe, .stuffed with ex-i • t " e£ ~ e " E - a " "What of Goebbels?" he asked. The inspector caught our won- j one of the strongest-and most fa- toration, of t h e Saar to Germany. "Goebbels," I told him, "will plosives. Occapinnally, s.n old. I ce shells scre&m dering expressions. _j p This was^ followed in March of vorable aspects -in his map. Tbe denfi lay still. 1536 by t h e remilitarization of only deal with -words—propagan"We're short of men," he said.. artillery, shell, relic of the world On July A, 1927, he started the the da— His chart shows him amRhineland. "I simply haven't any more to war. is -ased. The terrorists eig In summer field of rice publication of his party paper, ' Every astrologer knows that bitious, but ambitious only to gosend." -. " ' hole in the roac; deposit trie Mother £.nc! child a Der Angriff.v with gravel Yoiinc Mother . . . little child birthcharts of Fuehrer Hitler •with the -winner." "Come here and 111 show you mine, ana cover it Again, and again, I warned the "Then who is tne man I have what just happened to one of our which is smoothed out to resem- Forever sleeping and Napoleon aTe astonishingly him not to force Ms way ahead; similar; Me a repslrec patch. A thin both rising from obscur- to fear?" armored cars," he added. to establish i i s party slowly ity, low birth, the pavement j In hut. on strctchec all-powerful po- * "Mein Fuehrer," I said, "listen Blasted Truck through legal means. Thus in sitions throughtomilitary serves to tvin off the detonator | Everywhere accompIn a corner of the courtyard carefully and I -will tell you!"May, 1928, the Nazi party ob- lishments. Napoleon eaded in when it is hit hy ths wheel of a j Forever stood the remains of one of the (To Be Continued Next""Week) tained 12 seats in the Reichstag, car. I Horribly wounded dead. stout-looking steel-sided patrol and got its toehold on power by trucks recently built in Palestine rrsquentlv the l?.n.i rr.:ne Is „ ^ r -i~_. «=,.o_ ffl "legal" means.1 By 1930 it had for the police. The four wails of increased its representation to, crush." ::....• steel remained intact, but the [I f t t T f ^ c ^ i o n " ^ ! ri°°J TtZ ^ 107 seats in the Ueichstag. bottom had been blasted to ! KIT all the occrpants of a car, the i ^ "When I predicted trouble ahead ^ % dead. ^ "Mein Fuehrer," I said, "nothpieoes, the machine gun and all hiriden E-uT-raeii ca.n complete t n e the arrogant' Fuehrer raged. This ing can stop you now." He equipment lay in shattered j b . hei -would not tolerate-—he: paced beamed his pleasure at this preAnd carry them o By ROMAN SLOBODIN scrap's. the room, stamped his feet, and diction. t.T , „ . Ths Arabs no loncer have a. To your dark depths "Yes, yes, go on," he "There were three men in moncpoly in the matter of am- Thi-.i roll like song: finally summoned with a clap of shouted excitedly. "Sow shall I (JTA Staff Correspondent)' this," the inspector said. "They bushes. hf?wever. The Br5'5slil^ n g pTe them rest. his hands, two of the dreaded proceed: what methods are indihit a land mine." " j have adopta this method cf fightGestapo. I was horrified and cated by"my chart?" Another armored car stood ] i-ng also, retaeh^ents of sol- s Like a great frost speechless as he. delivered me into EDITOR'S -3fOTE: Roman Slo- missed being1 ambushed, they "Use all your sbowanship," I nearby, also badly battered, with I Os-rs &^i police lie in wait at j O yellow river their "protective custody," not replied. - "Dramatics, . incite the bodin, veteran J5erp Torfe newsstopped at the police station to mechanics " trying" to tinker it night'along knowing what my fate might be. people, parades, lead them with the roadsides or in j Yellow friend pspennsa vrho T?SS sent last; report their experiences. The staI was fortunate to escape with my -wards and excitement. the hills, on the lookout for Arab | . year t o co-rei; Palestine for t h s tion was a semi-Isolated and be-back into working order. Nothing life, and live to tell my amazing can stop, you-—not even von Hin- Jewish. Telegraphic Agency, i a The inspector showed us an hands. thev T e a r | B.ightjheni -rho bring leaguered oatpost of British rule r 0TJ B:ii!! story. Heartbroken and helpless denburg. But—do not stand for a series of articles last May was in a hostile country, the corres- Arab truck which looked as if it Arab clothing. Since the Arab jT^ o \t D ^e I had no alternative but to -sub- lection, for yon will not win." had been subjected to machine terrorists " frecusntlj- fiisguise \ wolres tc end. the only correspondent t o pre- pondent found. mit to the orders of Der Fuehrer But this time t h e Puehrer, so dict Trtth asttmishfoig accuracy gun fire from all sides at close themselves in police ur.iforrns it j Lying .at .the foot of the steep range. The wisdshield, the sides 'is Jo k w r friesfl irom \ The first blood acensatior and leave my native land. the 'current outbreak ©f -disorddrunk with power and success, and rugged .Mount Ebal, it and rtiES occurred at BloiF i r " • First Sleeting ;.; ' disregarded the warning and op- ers .ia ' the biocS-soakeS Holy the army camp across t i e road, and back of the driver's cab were foe in the sr.-errilla war. It was in April of 1919 when I posed,his chart. . He ran for pres- liana. Since ^uly 0, when t h e riddled, the fenders looked like Rely on . .Tev-.-s " . first met Hitler in Munich. He ident of the Reich, but on April two-Tesi>-old[ terror -wss revived • now occupied by the Irish Guards,. sieves, the leather seats had been The British military forces 1 "- . ... offer excellent targets for Arab torn to shreds, even the steering relying was a pale-faced youth, sullen 10, 1932-;-von Hindenburg was with redoubled fury,- Slobodia on Jews for fsnipers, who do not fail to mate wheel was smashed. The interior "sistance heavily and moody, with half-baked ideas re-elected. His time had not yet has traveled t h e length ssnfl .in the fighting. They ; frequent use of their advantage. on politics,- hardly any education come. of the cab was crusted with f'.ried have taken Jewish guides to lead j breath of Palestine by car, dod• The station has also been the oband bitter against the scheme of blood. A tarboush—the red Arab I them through the labyrinth of ! ging bullets, bomb fragments, Follows Chart things generally. He had already stone barrages, and narrowly ject of repeated attacks frora headpiece—lay on the seat, em- j Palestine's hills £Ed cares. The j Greatly chagrined by this setmuch closer quarters. Arabs passat this early date found an escape broidered with bullet holes. j Jews are not only to be trustee ' escaping ambuscades, t o get a. for his neurgtic personality in back, Der Fuehrer demanded that close-up of the Arab rebellion ing on the road outside toss "They came to a barricade j where an Arab guide may betray I cast his horoscope for the next bombs over the wall into the anti-Semitism. action. Following is the secacross the rord, slowed flown and the troops; they tire more fatwo years. His Sun: was sextile in ond of two exciting articles re- courtyard on the off chance that after-that the driver and his as- miliar with the country than the In this first meeting with the Saturn in 1933, showing gain in these missies will claim some viclating his experiences. sistant never knew what hit Arabs. The average Arab peasunhappy Austrian es-soldier, I honor and station in life (Saturn tjms. them," the inspector explained. ant is acquainted only with the & told him that his chart revealed in 10th). I told him that his Station Cat Off "It wasn't machine gun fire, but territory immediately surround. that he was destined to lead the chart showed he would become At the time of our visit, the rifles at point blank range," There is a bitter war ing his village, and is lost when German people. This inflated his the Fuehrer. "You will be thein Haifa progress today in the hills of police station was all but cut off Hecvy Blasting •he goes further afield, while ego and gave him a self-condi- chacellor," I said to him. And I Galilee " and Samaria between from, the world, and would have A short distance north of Xa"b- there are Jews who know pracdence that he had previously told him firmly that he must ac- British and Arab armies. It Is a been completely Isolated but for lacked. In astrology, he found cept no lesser office. This time guerilla war, with no "front" and the radio recently installed. Telethat assurance- of self, and imme- he followed -his chart and refused the opposing1 side3 carry it on by phone lines were down in all di' diately started to assert himself the vice-chancellorship on the means of surprise raids, traps and rections. The road to the south boldly. - . terms offered by von Hindenburg. ambushes, b u f i t is none the less was barricaded. The road to the -You can lead through drama- On January 30, 1933, he was ap- war. .. •north was mined. A few hours tising the existing economic con- pointed chancellor, of the Reich, before our arrival one of the Traveling through the "terror ditions," I told him. And few for now his Moon • was entering armored cars attached to the statriangle" of Palestine, this corwere in better position to do so. the Midheaven, fertilizing the tion, out on patrol, had been respondent obtained s. first-hand >i, V He hated the existing conditions Sun's sextile to Saturn" in that wrecked by a land mice. view of the hostilities by personand rebelled against them. H house, a sure sign of being lifted al observation and talfes with After hearing the report of the and his life represented a symbol up to power. l _ ^y #^ ^ ^ t ^s t* » British and Arabs. barricades and other obstructions of the frustration and suffering In 1934 I told him "You have on the road to Jerusalem, the inAt Nablus, where the corresof the masses; he was to every many enemies in your camp. Bepondent and his traveling com- spector in charge said: Here's the point man a reflection of himself. ware of them. Bribe them with panion, Oscar Kritser, an Amer"I'll have to seed a couple of Assured by his .faith in my higher titles. Conquer them he- ican reported, arrived after a har- men to clear i t up." 'want you to astrological predictions, Adoli fore they conquer yon.1 Not rowing drive from Jerusalem in Knowing {here s i g h t still be a Hitler began his dramatic speech- upon my head Tests the violent which they dueled around Arab detachment of 50 or s o r e Arab because l^o • the Munich beer gar- murders of June 30, 1934, bipod road barricades snd narrowly marksraen concealed sear the «w= tr-^to ^ e dens in 1920. It was during this purge. I did not advise, nor do I have h"- -11 period, 1920-1921, when his Sun condone, his methods. -I merely moved forward to the conjunc- warned him of dangers and in his tion of Neptune. He joined thi fright he toot the only absolute ' progressive party, changed it method of dealing with traitors— name to Nationalsbcialists and death. It was a great shock to adopted the swastika as an em- me, but I felt that I had had no in A blem. ' hand in the horrible billings of SS years. The progressed Moon in Aquar- that time. Even in that lofty : ius, the sign of politics, in an ang- place the Sloon's conjunction with ular house, passing • through th Saturn brought to him as it does trine of his rising Uranus gav to every human being, a feeling this Sun aspect its power and di- of absolute terror. Tection. His foremost ambition Frightened by. the dramatic was to govern Austria. events that he had precipitated, In 1923 his: Sun came to th Der Fuehrer again wanted a cast conjunction of Pluto—-demandin Ing of his. horoscope in that sumdirect action. Under this dynamii mer of 1934. He was nervous influence he organized his firs and eager to know what aspects putsch. He did this against m, for the near future showed in his w?!Ers &oas»it Isava feoni &z FeueUis cl VeutKf advice. I told him he had th chart. I told him then that he tijaEiSS p$p (isj v'^ar Sfcraugis slit eataiive tatrnsal -i Progressed S u n sesqui-squan Would rise to , absolute power. wsiSfS e5 &% inierasiiauiily fissaaj spa. UnisJ ssvIVUranus (the house of secret ene What an esciting moment that 'entssfit *8p$rv'i"S3, ir'ii&tsg ts£fcsShSRjis Shtss mies) and to the radical Sun rnl •was, as I sat there studying' his ciasriil sprsEjs tti&i fs'isf to tuf'ersri frsra hi%%

I should be dead in 24 hours if you were to divulge my name. Ttie Gestapo (German secret police), of -which there are scores in this country, would murder me. However, protected by the shield ol anonymity I am willing to tell the fantastic story of how for over 10 years I ruled Germany through advising Adolf Hitler on •his every move. One day last March I predicted his decline and end, naming the date. That was the end for me! Der Fuehrer did not -wish to hear such a predic. tion! He would not believe it. TVIy reward for the truthful interpretation ol his chart was exile from the country of my birth. .""When* Uranus squares - your Saturn by transit and comes to the conjunction o£ your "Venus and Mars in the seventh house, which will be within a few months," I told him, "you will be a -beaten man. Furthermore the transit of Pluto square to your natual Sun and the June lunation which is unfriendly to your Moon, afflicting the houses of Foreign Affairs and of near neighbors will start your decline.-precipitated by a small, defiant, bordering country whom you will not be able to

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THE JEWISH FBESS—FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1938 July, and applied to the Milan po- URGES BAN ON lice for the residence permits reiALY ENTRY T< quired of all foreigners seeking Itprse CJTA> — E n ^~z'~ to live -in Italy. and 1 The number ef tchs er.t- influx cf Jews into vc- &VfcBV FRIDAY A7-OMAHA, NEBRASKA, OV ch -ras t\\. ere TUB MWIEB FEEE3 PUBLISHING COMPANY April figure r j s £6S. I» May the j ft Cr-ir.p2ete b i s OE a number t^as £51; In J'une. SiS.lgrE.tloa. Eecentlr, PP.IC&, Ona veaj BIBLE - ' ADVERTISING RATSG OM APPUOATI0N * corcirainiiiuis said t i r Devise net evil against thy sad ia July, 457. neighbor seeing he chrelleth seEDITORIAL oppicct tm BRANDCIS THEATER DUILDINQ cnrely by thee. EIOUX CITV OPPIOE—JEWI8H COMMUNITY CENTEB Strive s o t with a snaa without - .* . •' PRINT SHOP AODRESS-4SC4 SO. S4TM ©TREET -' ': causa II lie hare done ttee GO DAVID BLAGKEJH • • > Business ana fiJsaosins Editor . •'• • ' ByBABBl.PBEBERIOKCOHB . . ' harm. FBAWK a . AOKBRMAM • Editor . "Another anti-Jewish rain" remarked my companion, dry- Envy ihou not the inan of vioLEONARD WATHAW •••••» Associate Editor ly, as we trudged after work car-wards and the dark sky that lence and choose none of his OABBi FnEDEKICK COHN • • • Contributing Editor had sudSenly blackened began to let fall big drops of rain. "It ways. Enter not into the path of the THEODORE N. LBWI0 • - Book Editor FILL • - •"••• • BIous City, Iowa, Correspondent always rain3 when we want to go to Temple on Friday night." wicked and walk not in the'way evil men, avoid it, pass not by "Gently falls the imprisoning rain." Not only the "impris- of It, turn fro:n i t v oning" (in Emerson's marvellous adjective) but the fertilising TAMFCD Eaba said, "A man shall first rain, "Like gentle showers upon the grass and soft rains upon study the Toran and think bowA peculiar thing has happened. In the face of the present the tender verdure." Judaism pronounces a blessing *upon the to explain It." European situation the much-flaunted hiorale of Germany has rain and prays for it in its ritual: "Let rain and dew descend, Rabbi Samuel said, "He who found to be almo3t non-existent while the threatened democra- for every one's blessing and the hurt of none; for everyone's lowers himself and exposes his Ignorance for the sake of learncies, particularly Czechoslovakia, are standing firm and com-joy and the woe of none; for everyone's life and the death of ing the Torah shall finally be exparatively calm. Dispatches of every foreign correspondent in none." Rain is promised as a reward for righteousness: "If alted, but be who is ashamed to his teacher because he wants the Reich emphasizes the 'jitters' that have seized the people you will keep My commandments, I will send you rain in due ask to conceal bis ignorance, bis lack of knowledge, will finally be exwith the start .of the present war-gamea. season, the first rain and the latter rain, that you may gather posed when somebody will Esk While it is yet too early to exult, it is becoming evident in your corn, your wine and your oil, that you may eat and be him some question." Rabe observing that Rabbi that Fascism haa crossed its zenith. Despite the fears that satisfied." The prosperity of righteousness and the rain. Hamnuna was prolonging his Dtruck at all hearts, Democracy has, since 1914 been in ascen.Judaism looks to the moral fecundation of the earth prayer said, "They leave eternal ,dancy. The totalitarian nations of today were not the democ- through the rain of righteousness: "Let justice flow like water life, the Torah, aod occupy themselves with transient life, prayracies of yesterday. Of the countries which before the war and righteousness like a mighty stream" which the rains of er." were democratic, none have succumbed to the virus called heaven have filled. It was said or Rabbi Jocbaiaan, ben Zakai. Never in his lite Fascism. . "Then shall the just see and exult the righteous be glad did he speak In profane languEngland, France, the United States, the Scandinavian coun- and the pious sing for joy; then shall iniquity be made dumb age; he never walked four cubits studying the law; be WES tries, the Netherlands have retained their popular governments. and all wickedness shall vanish, like Bmoke, for the reign of without always the last to leave the Douse of learning; he was never found Finland, once an oppressed grand duchy of tho Czars, and evil shall have passed away from the earth. to be sitting in silence but alCzechoslovakia, fragments of the Austro-Hungarian empire, T,he Reign Of Righteousness through the rain of justice, ways studying the Torah; nobody else ercept lie ever opened the have becomo staunch adherents of the democratic syatem, kindness, mercy, brotherhood, peace and love! door for his disciples to enter; Czechoslovakia is today threatened, but not from within. "The quality of mercy ia not strained. It droppeth ha never said a thing ho had not heard from bis teacher acd he Germany and Russia,were ruled by autocrats who believed as the gentle rain from heaVen upon the place beneath. never said it wss time to leave firmly in the divine right of kings. Today their tyrants rule It is twice blessed; it blesseth him that gives and him the house of learaing escept on the evenings of Passover, and the by mandate of the people, and in Russia Democraoy, while not that takes. • Day of Atonement. Rabbi Eiiezer, in existence, has respect. Turkey, too, though an autocracy his disciple, followed his teachIt is mightiest in the mightiest; er's grand conduct. proclaims its ultimate goal is democracy.

not just used as nicknames but have taken the place of the original Biblical name. One's name is one's own affair but there is sometMng almost sacrilegious in this modernization of names that have survived the years in unshorn grandeur. "We hope Hitler goes a little further and forbids careless usage and that Abraham remains Abraham and Jacob remains* Jacob.

Gems of tho Bible

Hnnthe Mflsa po»

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""U., WE


:... . - ' '•'Jhe Rain of • Righteousness

The Victory of Democracy


It becomes the throned monarch' better than his South America, which off and on has merely given con- crown." venient lip-service to the principles of democracy, is stiffening "Lord, our God, may Thy kingdom come speedily, BO that B"The Center its. defiance to dictatorships, partly responsible is the good tho worship of Thy name and obedience to Thy law may unite -ibrary Corner' neighbor policy of the United States which has had astounding all men In brotherhood and peace; that ever creature may know By HASHJSHJ COHEN results in the sister republics of-the south. A reawakening trust that Thou art its Creator and every living being exclaim: The in the "Colossus of the North" has meant a firmer desire to L6rd, the God of Israel, ruleth and His dominion endureth forCURRENT COMMENTS OF THE emulate the demooratic forms which have made the United ever. DAY'S JEWISH SCENE OF —FREDERICK COHN. States great and- powerful. . ' EVENTS IN* BOOKS AND JEWISH THOUGHT: The South American Jews have benefitted by this new outIn a recent issue of THE JEWthey are not 100 per cent Jewish. look. In Uruguay and the Argentine the presidents have spoken The . Nuremberg laws would do ISH FRONTIER, an article was out against anti-Semitism and the forces which seek to encourthe same thing to them because called to my attention entitled, "The Empire and the Seventh they are not all Aryan." age it. Even Brazil, despite its ban on Zionism, has sought to He strode away from me and Dominion," by Joseph L. Cohen. ease the hardships of illegal entrants, refugees from the Reich. left me there to feel whipped by His stress and attention is called to, "The British Empire Today." his scorn. It is the autocracies that are in danger. Their attacks on What then is the nature of the democracy have been motivated by a realization that it is det am not writing this a s a British Empire today? How does What is the constitutionmocracy that offers the fuller life. Campaigns of hate and lies I have just read a letter 1>y propagandist for intermarriage. ital work? power of its several part^? Mosne Menu&in, the father of the The fact is that intermarriage is have not stilled a desire in the hearts of men and'women to par- renowned violinist, Yehudi. Mr. not a Eerlous social" problem In Broadly, the group of territorMenuWn Is protesting bitterly Jewish life; it is a problem only ies and people included in the ticipate in the world. against tho criticism, nay, even of tho occasional individual who British SJnapJre may be divided Vigil'cannot bo lessened; over-optimism may be dangerous revilement, which haa b e e n in love outside the Jewish into three categories: First, there for there are the wicked within our gates. Democracies may heaped upon the Menahina be- falls fold. Thia is written as a plea are the self-governing Dominions: Yehudi (whose name means for understanding, justtca and second, the dependencies and of the moment bo on the defensive, but they have ample spirit- cause "Jew") hasmarrled a non-Jewisa sane judgment in behalf of those crown, colonies, governed from ual resources for their defense. They can look on in tolerant girl. • •Whitehall; third, the mandated who intermarry. administered by Great silence at the yappings of the hounds. They know for whom "A Jew," he says, "who curses To fall in love where they territories and brands a fellow-Jew for dar- please is their good right; to Britain or by a Dominion, which there is to be victory. ing to associate or marry an in- point scorn at them, to set them interests us more especially be-

dividual sympathetic Gentile, is aside as unworthy is to take up cause it is proposed by some that not a bit less medieval and detest- the Ineane brutality of Nazi3 and the Jewish state in Palestine shall able than the beastly, gangsters to sharpen the race theories become a dominion. now ruling poor Germany." Be sure and read this. which are the weapons of the Announcement that France is to abandon the forty-hour OITTBuB BOOK SHELVES: In what way, asks Mr. Menu- persecutors of Jews. week indicates the tragedy that is being-played in Europe. DARE WE LOOK AHEAD? by hin; does- such a Jew differ from We may not, indeed, find fault Russel, Vernon Barlett, For generations social reform has been in •the air. The Nazis "who preach, through os- In official racialism if privately Bertram* tracism, "the whip and the con-wo are guilty of practicing a G. D. H. Cole,. Sir Stafford necessity of freeing man from worry, of relieving his mind, of centration camp, the mad theories racialism that is as scornful if not Cripps. Herbert Morrison and giving him tho proper amount of leisure has been of primary of racial superiority . •. . behind as cruel. , i t must have been a Harold J. Laski. These.. six . Engwhich they torture our poor help- vicious outpouring of racial prej- lishmen look at tomorrow and concern. , less and defenseless people. udice that caused Mr. Menuhin to what they see? One can only lightly — and very, very lightly • Despite economic collapse and political reaction, the battle "Alas," Bighs Mr. Menuhln, issue a letter so bitter. —look and observe or become "we Jews are also plagued with And do Jews think that they lias gono on. In Vienna under a social-democratic regime rose some of the same monstrosities serve Judaism by driving from deeply involved in wrong interthe great working-men's houses, the hospitals for the people. of Fuehrers, professional poli- the fold those who follow the pretation. I shall dare _ and attempt to briefly review a few'of In every country the laboring man has been the recipient of ticians and professional idealists h o n e s t whisperings of their these scholarly papers. who make such a mes3 out of our hearts? Those who intermarry great social advantages. . Mr. Russell looks ahead, for escivilized world." do follow promptings as worthy a3 those who marry within the araple, at "Science and Social InPolitical reaction has stopped the reform in some countries, fold and it la the most vulgar stitutions" — science, past, preMr. Menuhin is quite right. although in many instances these reforms has become such an It was only the other day I impudence to dispute^ with them. sent and future as it affects men's beliefs — war, production and y integral part of life there was" no ignoring them. spoke to an old man whose • I have in mind a Jewish fam- the minds and bodies of human ily whose son intermarried. They daughter had married a hon^Jew. But more tragio than political reaction is the threat of war. Tno marriage had taken place a would rather have seen him mar- beings. In countries where reform has gone on, a new specter is aris- number t>f years ago and there ry Jewishly, but they said she is Other papers deal with t i e fuvery fine girl aid, after all, her ture, of science in Hitler's Gering. As long aa the world remains on the brink of conflict, man were already several children, in acharacter and her capacity to raany.^and points out it must be fact. The old man was still unnlust pay. make a happy life are what mat- almost nil. The lowering of the reconciled. Intellectual level since the acces. Internal affairs are- forgotten. The international crisis is "I have not seen the children ter most. sion of Hitler. : This was a matter of their I do not want to see them," The outlook for civil liberties sapping statesmen's energy and time. The Jews are nol alone and he said. "They ars not ot. our son's happiness which they had and so on, there is "Book Larathe victims of tho unsettled conditions of the world. All hu- people, they are not mlae." tried to serve in all, the years in" . . . other relations of since he was born. Should they manity suffers with. them. Money and materials which should lifeYetheInis all "People at Bay" — the Jewish a gentle person who now by truculenca mar the mo-problem in East-Central Europe bo going into social welfare projects, projects that would in- would not giro, harsh Judgment ment that he regarded-as the by Oscar I. Jonowsky — another oven against one who had done dimas of all the sappy days of book sure better, health, better living, fuller life, are being diverted him social, political and ec111. his life? "Prue, he might be un- onomiconlife of Jews in Eastern into destructive channels. . der a Bpsll of illusion, but then -"Intermarriage," he said, "ia and Central Europe. The book in do all marriages of Jews with Instead of better homes are rising munition factories; in- the worst* sin against our people. Jewish girls come to happy end- bassd on, "Cold, hard Jewisli Our enemies cannot destroy us, Problems." stead o? schools, battleships are built; instead of hospitals but .. whoever intermarries plants ings? "When pride cometh, th& Beeds of destruction. He is the . In what way would it serve conleth sh-.rae; but with him .who arsenals are constructed; instead of playgrounds and parks, worst enemy." . . . - ' • Jewi3h life well to scorn him and keeps himself humble, tbere Is aerodromes and military reserves are set aside. " He had spoken thua often be- her, would he feel more-Jewish wisdom." . . . Talmud. Metals necessary for overy constructive endeavor are go- fore and the years had*made him if they set him aside as unworthy more intransigent. I gueS3 of tho Jewish community, woulding into cannons. Materials for decent clothing are utilized in oven that with advancing years ha -has n't he come to hate a Judaism whit! h been thinking of the time he may that despised him and his bride? the making of munitions. approach a judgment place where - The girl was embraced find takEven man must bo exploited. With manpower being made It may bo said to him: "Yes, you en Into the family. There was a into cannonfodder, the hours of labor have been lengthened. are the one whose daughter mar- reception; their friends must ried the goy., And what have you a e e t the new daughter in the till? hi Germany which onco consigned women to the kitchen now calls to family. • say for yourself?" them forth in greater numbers than ever. I thought It was time to adThis was civilization whlca can him sharply: , not . tolerate Nuremberg lavs Tho inevitable war may never come. The burden of prepa- dress "Are you not. sir. In your raca eitaer'as a policy for public pracHome (WNS). — — Margarita ration may bo the world's undoing. prejudice, a great deal like Nazis? tice'or as manors in privat9 re- Sarfati, official biographer or Do not you have your own Nur-lationships. . Premier Mussolini and for years emberg laws?" : oae o* feis cicsest collaborators, Biblical N a m e s . : /• The glanca her gave me was like I beliave that all this should be has been dismissed from the edia gesture of excommunication. mads the subject of editorial distorial staff of. the influential FasThe Gorman, government has decreed tltat all Jews must "You!" he exclaimed. "You, cussion Ia the Jewish press and cist newspape-. La'Stampa. liavo Jewish namea. Time, at present, wlio are Kurts and too. You ara another one of t&sof letter writing by readers—to ' gignora Sarfati Js a Jewess sad destroyers? You who are in a tho end that thersraay be a clear- !ier influential position has Joss Friedrichs must prefix Israel,'whilo the Fredas and Gretchens position to speak to Jews?" ing up of a fog that frequently bfesa cited to prove that II Dae: rrnist show their Jewish origin by the name Sarah. "Tha 0erman women who were obscures ressoa evea In tee most was sot antl-Ssciitic. • It was also married to Jews have'besa de- enlightened reported that the Foreign Office There should bo no objection from the Jews on this score, clared degraded and uaworthy to I, myself, in occasional lapses has recalled all Je^rs :and partalthough tho Nazis have no altruistic motive in the decree. be members of the Gcriaaa coai- froEs . good- manners and good Jews ia the Italian diplomatic xaunlty," 1 went on. "Their eiil- easss,. hava "-discovered myself service. • p-^ They nro interested only in tho humiliation of the Jews. drea ara set apart.\ In your at- frowning at -the miss3 Earriaga Mfi-SBVir£ile, t h e anti-Jewish Hebrew names for Jhe most part have a beautiful sound, titude toward your grandchildren of eoise ona I Imow.. My tongue campsisn • In the press increased clicks . . . .tsk! tsk! £ , . as in the 5a intensity as the result cf an but for somo strange reason it has become a fashion, of late, do you, differ from N&sis?" • "Shame!" he raged. "You are presence of some dreadful calam- official communique snnouacicg for tho bearer of the name to mutilate" it. tinder "modern in- not a fit man to writ© for the ity.. . that 1,519 Germ&a, Austrian sad fluence Abrahams have become Abes; Israels and Isadores, J e w s . " - , ; •• - •• . • . , • - ••• • : • KOtrever, I .am .always able Polish Jetrs had .entered Italy be- ] "You," I said, ^'reject your promptly to repeal'' the Nuresa- twees March 12, the date ot Aus-i Issies; Jacobs, Jakes; Isaacs, Ikes; Davids, Daves. These are grandchildren becausa racially berg tiian Anschluss, and the ead of! law of a y subconscious.

: Down Payment on Wax*

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G e t Official

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-THE JEWISH PEESS—Fl^AY, AUGUST 28, 1938 stein has been'touring the same state?






for the season. Mrs. Aaron Rips is the co-chairman. BicMEMBERSHIP

. •

Committee Will Meat Wednesday

' and

A. Z,


Saw your brother-in-law Q. A reg-u'-*- b-s '•a; meet nf Foot standing .in Ms yard the Mrs. ' Mas Conn, membership the "Sam r. ^ i Cha other day. chairman, assisted by Co-Chairmembers of the Council was held L^.. ~la~-^z. Oh- yes, before I forget, "Wed- man Mrs. Sam Beber and Mrs. M. of Fifty Jewish. Women's committee for nesday night Tale and Lorraine 'A. Venger, held a dessert lunch- the Ruth Neuhaus 'World Affairs' Yr r Meyerson of Council Bluffs gave eon Wednesday, at the hoine of lecture series, Trill meet at a descf ' •"' T I c.=a cocktail party for their sister, the chairman. A comprehensive sert luncheon next Wefinesoaj. ingReport* 0 com-^itiP * v-*"-" ci'-er June, a£d her fiance, Bill Roth- systematic membership drive was Ang-ast 31, at 1:30 p. in., at the chairman decided on. Committee m embers home of Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky. stein. la additiOr to the r - e ^ ^ i Guens who was" in tctra Mon- and names will be announced chairman of the lecture project ra.ittee selections A.r; 1 ... . • . day—Florence Davidson of Des shortly. Tractenburg was trc: "' " *. Receiving as hostesses . with j Moines. She only spent the dayTOUTH AMYAH Mrs. Grodinsliy, will be the co- j t i e Phone Squad, tc i^r- f; here, but. plans to come into town Time is passing rapidly for chairmen, Mrs.. Edwin Brofikey Ocmxr itts?s. Al^T'H TJ^'"* for a longer stay before school Mrs. Julius Stein, chairman of and Mrs. Harold Farber, .the pres- •was placed ->n t h e ~ a : r =

KUKS-LEIBBfT ' '" The marriage of Miss Helen Mr. nad Mrs. Morris Leiben an.Friedman, daughter of Mrs. Ann nounce the marriage of their Friedman of Los Angeles, to Mr.daughter, Mis3 Lillian Leiben, to A. L. Lew of Omaha took place Joseph Kurs, son of Mr. and Mrs. on August 11 at the home of ths Lewis Kurs. ftride's brother, Mr. Jack Free- •The ceremony was performed besrins. • . the • emergency drive of ident of the Council of Jewish -man of Beverly Hills. • on August 14 at the home of Sunday afternoon, Marcella the Youth Allyah. . September 15 Women, ' I r s . J.' H. CO5IEH, and The ceremony -was performed Cantor Aaron Edgar. Altman.and Esther Osieroff are will be the deadline.. Workers the three vice-presidents of tbe After a two week wedding trip giving a party for Frances Batt. by Rabbi Harry A. Merfield in striving to complete their ac- Council, Mrs. Sara Wolf, Mrs. Ben . the presence? of the family. A to Chicago ' and Milwaukee, the who: is visiting here from New are tivities by that date. Although Shapiro, and Mrs. Moe Katelmas. couple will live in Omaha. •wedding reception followed. At this time, plans will be comthe emergency drive will close on After/a •wedding trip to San Can you keep a deep, dark and that date, regular Youth Aliyah pleted for the ticket sale which •Francisco, Denver, and Colorado ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT delightful secret, Suzy Q? Well, work will immediately commence starts September. 1. The first lecSprings, the conple returned last Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gorelick an- it's this, I'm going up in an air- on the conclusion of the special ture will be gtres by Mrs. XeuSaturday morning to • Omaha. nounce the engagement of their plane Sunday morning, and if I campaign. There are a few open- haus on "Wednesday, October 12, They 'will make their home at the daughter, Reva, to Mr. Louis corns down all in one piece, I'll ings for those desiring to join at 10 a. m.. in the tenth floor Blackstone Hotel. Singer, son of Mr. and MrB.-.Max' answer your letter. I hope you rainyan groups uf 10 donating $36 auditorium of the Brandeis store, hear from-me soon. Don't you? each to take care of the training and will continue on succeeding Mr. and Mrs. Lew held, an open Singer. . , Affectionately yours, : house at the hotel on Saturday . Miss Gorelick is a graduate of perioa and the transfer of one Wednesdays at the same time and j evening.* • Central High. Mr. Singer attendchild from an European country place. P. S- Did you know that pearls into Palestine. All contributions ed Creighton university, where he Sponsorship of the lectures by was associated with P i Lambda were: going to be the gem of the are acceptable. For additional in- the Council is fcr the benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Shapiro fall season, and that the more Phi fraternity. formation get in touch with the the German Jewish Children's announce the .marriage of; their Miss Gorelick has chosen No- jewools. you • wear, the better? chairman, Mrs. Julius Stein, 49 09 Aid. daughter, Pearl, to Edwin Her- vember 6 as her wedding date. Also, if you want to be- very very Webster, GL 1948. man Friedman, son of Mr. and smart, get your grandmother, to AGAIN ANNOUNCING" Mrs. Abe Friedman. let you wear one of her cameos. VISITING PARENTS Hadassah again announces the The marriage, took place on . Mrs. Edwin K.Baum, the formwinner of the second award on May 17. Rabbi David A. Goldstein er Dorothy Swartz, arrived from Me: ibers of the Women's Mizthe drawing of the trip to New performed th& ceremony. Bakersfield, California, last Monraehi- " are conteaplating their York (tourist class) or $50 in The couple are making their day for an extended stay -with-her cash. This drawing was held last first leeticg held in Octohome in Omaha. parents, Mr. and Mrs. "W. Swartz. when a first-hand report 03 Omaha Hadassah pre-season April and was won by ticket No. ber their -work in Palestine will be 210 made out in ths c a s e of activities are fully in swing to HEAR OF ENGAGEMENT BETDRNS FROM TEXAS Taylor. It has been unclaimed given by the presided, Mrs. A. Word has .been received by relMrs. Philip Zollotuehen arriv- help inaugurate a successful year to date. The winser can. make Katz, -who is at present visiting atives here of the engagement of ed home Saturday from San An- •when meetings begin . again in himself known by presenting the in the Holy Land. Maurice Singer, son of Mr. andtonio, Texas where she has been October. Mrs. M. D. Brodky, Mrs. E. Weinberg, chairman of Mrs. Abe Singer of Brooklyn, for- visiting relatives these past five president, has been busily en- stab to Mrs. Julius Stein, 4909 the Jewish National Fund Tree gaged the past month In outlin- Webster, GL 194S. merly of Omaha, to Miss Carolyn weeks. committee, recently attended a ing work-for her standing comSiskind of Brooklyn. • board -meeting of the national mittee chairman. No .wedding date has been set. STOPS IN OMAHA Mizrachi organization In New MEDICAL FUND Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schaeffer York. She will make her report Under the able leadership of and sons, of Denver, visited here RETURN FROM VACATION at the first meeting. Mrs. M. M. Barish, the new MediAt a smoker held a t Aleph Irv Mrs. E. N. -Zalkin and daugh- last week end on their way east. ter, Sandra, returned Sunday Mr. Schaeffer, who is executive cal Fund chairman, many affairs Wohlner's home, the Mother are being planned for the falL chapter of A.' Z. A. Initiated four from a two-month visit in Cali- secretary of the National Jewish -ahospital, was director of the local One of the most important* of new members. The initiates were fornia. , ' Hadassah's Palestinian projects Norman Hahn, Louis Blumkin, Jewish Welfare Federation from Bas-a-rsi gave a dinner paris the promotion of public health "Warner Frohman and Bemie tyThe 19l9 to 1924. VISITOR LEAVES FOR HOME Wednesday evening, August through the development of mediGoldware. After the initiation, 17, at the Gypsy .Tearoom ia honMiS3 Fern Lassberg of Minnecal institutions and services cnl- refreshments were served to both or apolis, Minn., left Thursday for HOME FROM VACATION of Mrs. Joel Cherniss, the forminating in the Rothschild Haher home after a two-week visit Miss Eva Ruderman returned dassah University Hospital and the old and the new members of mer Lillian Perelman. the chapter. with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and to Omaha Friday night after va- Medical Fchool. Mrs. Cierniss was presented The chapter's tennis tourna- with a gift by t i e organisation. cationing several weeks in New Mrs. Albert Kops. ment will be held nest Sungay York City. She was the guest of ACTTVTTTES The inaugural pre-season func- morning, 9- o'clock, at the tennis friends and relatives. TO VISIT ON COAST Patronize Our Advertisers tion headed by Mrs. Dave Stein, court; at Thirty-fifth' and Farcam will x Harriet Sherman chairman, will be in the form of streets. The winner of this tour, leave sbon for an indefinite stay ON VACATION Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hoberman a 1 p. m. dessert luncheon card nament will represent the Mothin California. She will visit relaEC W H X PAY YOUand sons, Don and Bob, and niece, party, to be given Monday, Sep- er chapter at the regional sumtives. So CocssSi Betty Ruth S.chlangerV aTe vaca- tember 19, in the .Brandeis tea mer tournament to be held-here. rooms. Mrs. Stein is being as- The winner and ruaer-up will tioning at Okoboji and the MinneHERE FOR THREE WEEKS r sisted by 20 hostesses who will pair for the doublejs. :. ' Miss Barbara. Rudolph of sota lakes. be-announced shortly. The comAt a regular meeting on TuesWashington, D. _C., is the, guest mittee i3 co-operating with the day, August 30, two m o r e of her uncle and aunt(> Mr. andIK IOWA < National Hadassah In making the Mrs. J. J. Friedman. 'She will Bob Eosen of Ralston left last first fund raising affair of the pledges, Alvin Hertxberg and Mas WEBBING EEKGS Kirshenbaum,' will be initiated return h'ome after Labor day. Friday morning for Lake Mills, year for the Medical Fund. Reser- into A. Z. A. 1. Also at that IfATCffES - SSLVEUt* AHE la., -where he "-will vacation for vations for tables .can be made meeting, Aleph Godol Irv Nogg • VISITING IN CHICAGOtwo -weeks.. On his- way home he with the chairman, TTA 6882 will announce the chairman for Miss Esther Lazerson left Tues- •will spend a few days a t Lake CHILD "WELFARE the chapter's annual A c h a r flay morning to visit her uncle in Okoboji. • .. ; •;-, • . Chicago. She plans ~ to b e gone , Upon his return, Mr. Rosen will* A 1 p. m. dessert luncheon 13 Hautaunia dance to be held on Wednesday. October 5. for about three weeks. leave immediately for Chillicothe, • U Milton Mayper, Child WelMo., where he will enroll at the fare chairman, to outline plans Patronise Our Advertisers RETURN "FROM WEST Chillicothe Business school. Mr. Harry Belmpnt and son, ? ' "^ Jackie,, .returned from a. three- VISITING HERE ,'-- week tour of the -west. On their Mr. and Mrs. Lou Appet of New <r^ "trip they visited Yellowstone park York City are in Omaha for a two and California. weeks* visit with Mrs.' Appefs mother, Mrs. "Clara Horwitz, and FORMER OMAHANS VISITING her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. HERE . •' * and Mrs. Prank AcEerman; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sussman of Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, former Omahans, are visiting friends and relatives • here. Mrs. Sussman is a sister of Mrs. Meyer Coren TO' Aand Joseph Spiegal. , • En route home they will visit Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Splegai, former Omahans, now residing in Anderson, Indiana. By Aliens Solomon Y o r k .









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Women's Mizrachi


A. Z. A. 1

HOME FKOM COAST . • Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin.and Bon, Bob, have "returned after a three weeks' vacation in L03 Angeles, Cal., and San Antonio, Tex.

Dear.Suzy Q; Became so scared listening to Lights Out the other night, that I Towed I'd never listen again— until next week, anyway. Hilda Cantin, who incidentally is Sylvia Katzman's cousin, spent RETURNS FROM EAST Mrs. Frank Ackerman returned Sunday and part of Monday here last week after a six weeks' visit on her way from Yellowstone park, where she had been vacain Canada and the east. tioning,-to her home in Chicago. Shirley Spar has a cousin visitJOSIiXN MEMORIAL name is A motion picture sound film of ing her too. The cousin's 1 Navajo ^Indians, "To! Cil (Water! Josephine Candy, and she hails— Grass"), will be presented in the southern accent and all—from Joslyn Memorial lecture hall this San Antonio, Tex. Tomorrow will be a busy SatSunday afternoon at 3:30- and urday. In the morning there's 4:30 p . m. The Choral Union Choir of the the breakfast Beth Cherniss is Nebraska Walther League, under giving and .after that there's a the direction of Mr. George C. tea being given by Miriam Dansky Stohlmann, will present a concert and her sister, Evelyn. at 4:30 p: m. this Sunday in the t>id you know that """an Somconcert hall at the Memorial. Miss mers left Friday for the fourteen Evelyn Faulk, pianist, will be an thousand foot high "hills' of Coloassisting artist on this program. rado, and' that Frances Ruben-


^ad your college education with colorfully sturdy Important fashions . . . cleverly designed fcr. your dsss and social iife.

sevcrai delightful woois, crepes and velveteens. Grand for dates, class cr sports. Sires 9-IE...


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~ -TV, A E>rsct,ca! ITS— TOP o^o.nes? i

girls. Worsteds crsd csbardiriES ]* b';:es, black; crev or mwr:- S;-" i;zcs U-*

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Pin Money Frock



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Fcncy. {tosher

In French: Room Dresses That Are Triumphs of Line and Simplicity; a t . . . .

Waterfall Koc!;e7 Dssoa Kosic? CI-jcyKc

. Fringe on Love'iY Black

Pcnoy Csjsli Crspss, .^Tools, velvets la- tha nsx

hipped sQIioaotte for *an.- FasSicas XTith a pre-war elegance t t a t you vrSl wsst to bo first to vrsaxl Sdzsa 10 to -4S.

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IN ETHIOPIA — Total Cf 2,028 miles in six major road-building' pjpjects have been constructed In Ethiopia, ECW called Italian East Africa, in 13 months by the Italian government. Most difficult part was Route- 2, between Addis Ababa and Asmara, where men were let down with ropes, to carve out mountain roads. Above, natives at- work, but not very fast, on the Asmara road. This stretch cf 68S miles runs through lion and elephant country.

L-: . t i . v , :, '-u q

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IT.HAS 93 DIALS—Clock with 93 dials, built at the suggestion of the late King Albert of Belgium, by his clockmaker, Lodewyk Zimmer of Lierre, Belgium, recently placed on exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry, Rockefeller Center, New York. Among other interesting facts shown b y the. dials is the relation of I the planets to the earth and sun at any time.







SERGEANTS' E^VOLUTION—When President Gerardo Machadq fled Cuba, five years ago, a • certa/n Sergeant"Fulgencio Batista conferred with other-sergeants and seized command of the army, booting 500 officers from their berths. The officers hid^n the National Hotel in Havana. Batista gave-them 72 hours to come out. When • they didn't, he shot them out with cannon. From .that time ho was'Cuba's Iron Man, champion cf the people, dictator of the island nation. Fifth

anniversary of the "Fourth of September Revolution" of 1933, or "Sergeants' Revolution," v.ill be observed soon. Upper left, Colonel Batista. Upper right and center, Havana- street scenes ct five years ago. Lower left. Colonel Batista, center, with his staff and (with panama hat) Colonel Carlos Mendieta, one of the s^ven presidents Batista has installed and arbitrarily removed since Sept. 10, 1933. Lower right, Dr. s Federico Laredo Bru, present President.

r~*TT—.... -. .. . . . , . - « . . . . — — — •

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THBEE GBSLS ALIKE—Visitors to Atlantic City, N. J.; thought . they were seeing triple, recently, when these three comely girls were observed on the/beach. Inquiry brought out that they were sisters, Pauline, Marion and Gloria Just, of Montreal, Canada. They look alike and dress alike and, !pf course, are heartily stared •at wherever they happen to stroll.

• STADIUM—Here is a view of the i newly unveiled Olympic Stadium j in Helsingfors, Finland, where I the 1940 Olympic Games will t/e . held. Helsingfors recently was . chosen as host for the games, ' after the-Japanese government withdrew its invitation, following . much controversy.

! ''

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SUS-DUD — Promir.ent ~ e ~ t c r of the sub-debutante s--t ia Lhs


focict;* cdony at Kcrport. n. I., this c-arcn. is Gloria Vandcrtilt,




her cunt. Sirs. Kerry Pa^*no Tv'hitr.c-y. Gloria niclrcs her drbut three years hence.

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ALL ALONE — Martin' Weintraub, lawyer, granted a separate trial from -James J. Hines, Tammany chieftain being tried on a racket charge in. New York. Weintraub is the last remaining of the Hines c:>-defendants. -

•; * }








SPOSTSIvIAN ON VACATION—Harold S. Vanderbilt, able







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OET, S S w C S ; r ^ T OTi ST^r E::::.!—rTuzzllr; up to r lor.;, coo: o: dr:r,:r. dr hrrs :.-• :•:•=-" I-c;;:-c ::ccr;, o: o b^i, as occ^r. recz;;. iveep

cix-months-old bathing beauty, r.nd:r2T ths torrid Aurru'l dr.ys net c • over a beach ab Gloucester, HCDS. GO, let Che sun chins its hc-ttn-si)

,• r r v cc—pus. The FT or-r.OT-C s::-br;-.-c. -"r™Ccur.lry CI-,~. vr. c :c:;,vrc ;I"\ ":;,'r


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studio's top End features names. TCEEDLES AKI> FINS:

E3Z3ZAS asa of feo JeT7is& Ctosraaiy (Scato. Good Sliab'battv boys abo'ut a "rich man of Damascus" city, Morton cried out to a group girls • of tho - Junior Jewish, whose charitable deeds were quite of men who were in the streets: P r e s s !






* '•

. "•"'- -

The story, "BEGGAR AND JIERCHANT," this week has been written by; tahcloni Ascb. who. la ons ot onp very best known writers today. Shalom Asch comes .'£romV Poland, and, has doao all Ma writing in Yid-, dish, There are now many fine translations in English and it is " from tbess translations that we have this little story. " Then, too, there is a second etory on "ShmereV YOUR £UNT NAOMI



Sonrce; Shalom Asch: Collected Worfcs, vot 31. Age r 8-13 Merit: • * - . . . In Jerusalem there was once a very rich and pious Jew. HIa piety and charity" were fcnown throughout the neighboring countries, and many poor, people • from all the countries roundabout -would come to him for help. The rich man "gave to all, because he felt that he was God's messenger to the poor, that God had made him rich in order that he might help those less fortunate than himself. He would listen to their storiea as they related them and would give both counsel and money generously. He also kept a book in Which he would record each of h's sins . and unkind deeds. It wrs his custom* to go to his study at the end of each day and review his acts. For the good deeds that he had done, he would thank God and then proceed to " forget them. However, he would repent for each evil act that he had commltteed during the day and would record it in this book so that he would be sure to remember each of his wrongdoings and never His study was beautiful, filled with rare books, unusual paintings, and a'number of Besainin boxes which contained rare spices, the odor.«l which permeated the room and added to its loveliness. At the close of a certain day the rich. merchant was sitting at his desk, as was :hia custom, but thi3 time he could think of no misdeed to record in the hook. He had had a very successful day and was more than satisfied -with himself. _On this day he had been even more charitable than usual. His caravan had just returned from India. On the way some captives had been ransomed by his • men and as 'soon as the matter was tnown to the,rich merchant he had ordered all the ransomed captives released and sent .to their homes, free men once more, This Was. the greatest of a}l mlzvot (good deeds), and. he felt exceeding proud to think that he had done so much for others. As he was Bitting and meditating on - his 'own^goodness, the door suddenly opened and a yery unclean, ugly-looking beggar hurst into the room and rusted "up- to the rich merchant to tell his story. But the rich man was so shocked • at the appearance of the man that without listening to his tale or even taking another look at M ! he called for' his servants and or.dered them to remove the beggar to the servants'' quarters to be washed and given, clean clothes arid food, as was the custom of the house. • ' ....-.., AB«stlesS-Night That night the rich man could not sleep; deep in his heart he had a feeling of resentment toward. God for allowing; such people to live. He was glad to be God's messenger to the poor, but this man was so uglyr so unclean that the rich man felt he did not deserve to live among men. A short time later unpleasant things began to happen, to the rich merchant. First, he learned .that his largest ship, which was on its way to -Venice, had been captured by pirates. This calamity was very unusual, but,he dismissed it aa an accident that might happen to any ship, since many pirates sailed the... seven seas in those days. Then a few weeks later, he was informed that his best caravan had been caught in a sand .storm in the desert.. The goods were'destroyed and his most trusted workers injured. Then." he began to suspect that these things were happening because he had done some wrong, but what it" could be he did not know. One night he opened the book in Which he • had recorded his sins, but he could .find none so great as- to. overbalance his good deeds and account for this punishment. Furthermore, he could think of no ein for which he had, not yet repented. Things went from bad to worse with the merchant, and soon he was forced to sell what litle property he had left, and he himBelf began to wander about as a beggar,' hoping to find out in the course of his wanderings. . just what his sin had. been. Among the poor people he head; many storie3 about the "rich man of Jerusa? lem," tho name by which he had •been affectionately called by those-whom he had."helped. But as time went on.'stofies about tltfa "rich man of Jerusalem" -became less and less frequent, and finally, his noble deeds were completely forgotten. The once-rich man became-mjre and more a beggar, always dirtier and more embittered. He went about in rags, not caring In the least what was to becomerof him. - . . ., . . .•••/. Rich Man of Damascus

Suddenly, rumors

similar to. those of-the forgotten "rich man of Jerusalem." The beggar heard about him. At first he laughed BQornfully at the idea of a "rich man of Damascus" much like the "rich man" who used to be in Jerusalem. Then one night-as he lay awake in a stufiy little attic where he had managed to secure lodging for the night, he began to think: "Perhaps this rich man of Damascus may yet help me; perhaps he caa even discover why. I am no longer "the rich man of Jerusalem." So early the next morning; he set out lor the city af Damascus. In a few days he,•„' reached the house of the man he was seeking. When the rich man,saw him.approaching, he gave orders to hia servant to show him into his study immediately. There was no turning eway of the head, no unwillingness to listen because the man was in rags and was dirty. He did not feel resentment toward. God because there were poor beggars In the world. No, he was very attentive to every word the poor wretchhadto say. "When the beggar finished his story; he had him fed and clothed. But that was not all. There -happened to be a position open at one of his stores. This he offered to the poor beggar. '•'.-•':-

' Many years passed. There still was no "rich man of Jerusalem." But, instead, there-were "two rich men of Damascus." Together they ran the largest store in the prosperous city of Damascus. Beg-, gars who came to their home or to their place of business were alw.ays shown. into the main office; they always received a pleasant greeting. Not only this, but they usually got something in addition to food and clothing. Many a man entered the presence of the rich men feeling that the world had ho place for him because he is a poor beggar. But he always came out feeling, determined to fight his way back to a position of importance.

Source: 8~. Simon: Shmerl Nar Age: 8-13. Merit: • • • There was once a very wealthy merchant named Morton. He was a tall man with a black beard, wise eyes and a high forehead. Morton, who loved to dress himself in the finest of clothes, had a servant by the name of Martin, who was his valet, carriage-driver, and general handy-man. Now Martin, the : servant, always lifced to copy his master in everything. He grew the same kind of beard, combed his hair in the same way. and wore his master's old clothes. Besides, Martin resembled Morton in appearance. It happened one summer day that Morton, the rich man, had to make a business trip to a distant city. He told his servant, Martin to: prepare the horse and carriage for the journey. When they started out it was very hot so Morton told Martin to speed up the horse's pace in order to stir up some breeze. Morton sat in the "back ,of the carriage and began, to hum a tnne. 'At once Martin began to hum with him. Morton changed the tune, and again Martin imitated his master. Morton stopped singing and said: "It certainly is a hot day." "It certainly is a hot day," repeated Martin, the driver. "Stupid fellow, will you stop doing everything that I do?" yelled Morton at Martin. "Isn't there a lake near the road somewhere around here?" continued: Morton. "When we get there, we will stop and bathe ourselves. Perhaps that will cool us off a little." 1 -. The Change When they came to the little5 lake, they stopped, undressed and both of them jumped into the cool waters in order to escape the sun's blistering rays. After a time Martin emerged from- the water, while Morton the master still bathed himself. "When be finally came out of the" water and went into the bushes where he had put his clothes, he could not find them. He saw a different suit of clothes,- however, and put it on, When h© came out of the bushes, lo and behold, he saw his driver Martin sitting in the carriage dressed in his suit. Now Morton understood Ilartin had changed clothes with him. ' Morton became: very angry. "You lowly driver, you; you fool! What Is the idea of taking my clothes?" Take, those clothes off this very moment or I'll beat you to an inch of your, life," he shouted to Martin; •:• "My'dear servant, Martin," said Martin very calmly, "I believe you are out of your mind. Now, please get Into my carriage, and continue driving me to the city. Don't let" me hear anymore from you!" *' ;. v "How dare" you speak to. your master this way?" roared Morton.. "Come., take off those clothes!"

• . • • " : :\"


"Well, If you want to stay In these woods all night, you may do so, Martip," said the realraHartia to-his master. "Good bye! • • -; Morton .Does As BaSa Morton saw that he was defeated. He knew that his driver had all his papers in the pocket of his coat and that no one would b'elieve his story; but he didn't want to bo left alone ia the woods, so he sprang into the driver's seat and drove the carriage As soon as they reachsprang '. upto.the'city. ed, the' baeinesa'- -section oj- the

Save me, gentlemen, ray driver has robbed me. He has stolen my clothes and now he masquerades as me and makes me do his work." A crowd of men at once surrounded the carriage' but Martin remained very calm. "My driver Is a little out of his mind," he said to the people; "he has an. Idea, that he should be master and I servant. You see here that I have identification .papers to prove who I am. And here is my wallet containing money with which I am going to buy. merchandise, in your town. Don't mind my driver;- these frequent spells of his are quite harmless." Martin spoke so gently and so calmly that tfie people believed him but since Morton made such a great commotion, they decided to take the two men to the Rabbi of the city and ask him to figure out which one was telling the truth. They went to the Rabbi and Morton told his story, excitedly. and angrily. Martin again gave his arguments, showed his papers and his money, and told the Rabbi that his servant was out of his mind. Just as they were all arguing before the Rabbi, they heard a. voice through the window begging for Eome bread or a small coin.' Some of the - people looked out and saw that it was Shmerl Nar. Someone remembered how Shmerl caught some thieves at the palace of the prince,, so they suggested that Shmerl be brought in to solve this case too. ShmerL Appears So they invited Shmerl in, the Rabbi told him the entire story and both Morton and Martin presented their arguments to him. Shmerl, of course, didn't -understand a word that was said to him. He was much more interested in the smell of food which was coming out of the Rabbi's kitchen. The Rabbi sent Morton and Martin into another room and then asked Shmerl for his solution of the case. "Who is right?" asked the Rabbi. "Who is right?'.' repeated Shmerl. _ "I mean which Is the driver" and which is the master?" "The driver Is the driver and

ON THE JTuY • i The whisper is out that the German flying boat Brandenburg, which made a record-breaking round-trip. trans-Atlastie flight from Berlin to New York, took on something more than fuel in New York . . . Those in the know would have you believe that when the Nazi plane flew back home she carried a couple of briefcases loaded with- incriminating evidence linking the German-American Bund to the1 German government—evidence which t i e Dies committee woqld very much like to have .• , . The travel brochure on Germany Issued by Cook's Travel Bureau contains an unintentionally prophetic p a s s a g e headed: "A Foreword—and a Promise" . . . T h e text reads: "Before you realize it you are a captive in that most captivating country" . ' . And how! It wasn't given any "publicity, but Temple Emanuel in Union City, N. J., was desecrated by Nazi vandals last week ; . . Two Torahs were destroyed . . . Union City Is a hctbed of Nazi activity . . . Nefrsreel audiences are now hissing and booing II Duce S3 loudly as they do Hitler . . . Hyman Kurwitz, Boston sports editor, is still getting heaps of abnsive mail from readers who were peeved because he picked Schmelicg to beat Joe Louis . . . What roils his readers most is that Hy is a rabbi's son. . . ABROADCASTS

(political detaoastvatujti. Yl'h.*' ' " [turn the Bpotliftit swi,? fvon" •'' I Nazis; a n t \vhsi. the*1 Uo> ! ~ <'«' imrny arid tfi'-ov if on •- Jrrr >-•->•

tag for taountiag the pic in the Grind — meaning expensive — manner. IE so, the film •will eater the "prestige" class, "srith a east composed of mzLEy C£ the

er the.blgr league baseball mag- young garment -srorkers vto \ nates kaaw that they've sched- make up the cast oJ "Pins anS uled the opesis.g day ot the world Needles" inade food use of their series for YOES Kipper? . . . . time while in XJOS Angeles &sS ABOUT PEOPLE Hollywood, where they just Jacob Fislimaa's mrstericas wound UB a three-m-eelc engagedisappearance from the columns ment. Not only fiid they visit | of the - Jewish. Morning Journal studies and the homes of men has let loose a great deal of talk film aotPMes ?s Dorothy Farter throughout the- country . . , Tae but ihty Louise Kcr more so since the royal reception and made trips to the Kurtir.gtcn L,i- j which the Jewish .community of brsry and Gantries, the be&rhes j tiir-e for some AmericEn tc UMexico gave him' on his recent and the Griffith Ps.rk 7ils.nets.r-1 Enc say that if v e rea**y desire i visit was completely igsored fcy iute. the - h ! cM!chis of j to defend the cne po.s- i the paper, JDI waica he is still the their visit •VTES E I excursion to j itire S.EU praciicfil vs.y open to j editor-in-chief . . . Ke is now ia the Los Angelas "S~.nPtrvrr.ini ti \ us is not simply to take th<? U.?.& I the fourth month of £is sis-siosth Da&rte, cheat IS ciiies from Los | in the immediate refugee prob- • Sabbatical leave, we hereby in- Angeles, where .the p.Isyers rt£j;efi leni, bet, if necessr.ry, to tf-ke it j form his anxious readers . . . An a perforraan-ce for the patients. ever," Anne J'cCrrniirk. i fit* in Orir'lip-—In anthology of original essays ca They also visited the inetltnttos's IT-Cffibcr of the ecUtorial ctfiff ^ ! o t l i i r ' : \\c:v fov t.liP the Kew York Times, declsrefi in j the subject of exile is being edited. ne-vrest structure the he<rct!?c5 j by Berthold Flee, -"with contri- ?1£E,COO Killc^t Mernnr's? hos- a. column in that paper. butions by such famous exiles as pital, -vrhieh r-ts donates t y their Fointinc out ihe.t "IS: is Lif;t!- j Lion Feuchtwasger, A r n o l d union, the International Ladies ] !y rnpopr.lEr e^er. to v-hiF!^" ir j . ^-iir M'f •' Zweig, Heisricli Mann and Rudolf Garment Vrorlters union. j thPt t h e t'r.ifpeS StP.tep — OP Itr- j Oldes . . . It'll- be called "The C F C terms, -of course e.ncl tinder i FOREIGN DEPT.: KO&rins j cocfiltione carefully German Exile Speaks" . . . Louis fixed, an;' r-"-fi*ior o i Drakeford, Long Island musician, across the blistering sands, a I rig-QreUEiy carrieu out — coi:!ci has written words and music for desert simoon rips to Pieces 5BO | clEtribxite cfer this F 1a song based pa Damon Ruayan's Arab tents in a ED-mile-an-heiir j the citizens lacked out of Gerfamous poem about Saia Drebes, blast. These, hovever, are not K£r;y on racial prpcuds.'* Mi.w t c p •>••(" i Jewish War hero, called "A Jew" front page terrorist .Arabs, hut MrCormick caid "itiere ebotu "IV T " i r or OIIF h . . . The song, eatitled "The the Kollrvroed Central Casting half B rnillioc of them. Jew*, M C Hirh • i i « !r NO v -on (p irhr Fighting Jew," is being consid- Offics variety. And the B'CT'OTJ Christians, and v e hs. •€> p.f. lannt ered by a Jewish patriotic organi- sweeps not from across the vast IG.PCO.CPC of oi'r cT-n citizetiF or zation as its official marching reaches of Asia Minor bi:t over E relie', Purpose they clicl not c n ^ e %-y ... i Illce i C- ! ' . " tune . . . When David Neuiaark EO-acre nnsn-zrjnde desert dolled j efnrty-hanfieft. as they FOVUlr't Cloth t n s camp p..n> These f Brainin, son of Joseph and Salo- up by 20th Centcrr-^cs: tenh-j bees.nse t h e Germar, povprrm?-'! - "V.';-S- (VO in IM; ex. vbi.-V mea Brainin, was asked at his re- nicians for "Suez." . with tents is clesperE'-.eij" r.r-xious to trp.dR p ! r o^ or- rVi cent Bar Mitsvah what present rsafle frora Arafc p^'terns . . . vrith us F.nfi cot:lu be :'orcp»l to TROUBLE, TEOUBLE: V7e make s. deal releasing- fr.ruis tor he would like, he answered: "Hitno •< pilo tB o r ler's head served oa a silver plat- hafi Mr. Keifetr la raatetp, Prac"me ll Pft'WK ierce p. n Ci f i ter" . . . His mother claims this tically. s.11 set to raafce his tr-Mrt. ;. ii fit tit r "Suppose a great proportion •with Sir. Goldv-yn, when we linfi goes to show what influence her brought special skills. training EEhappicsss " ft£iE. For more name has even on the second gent.T,i t£.!et;t tliat voulcl enrich the eration . . . Home run hitter than a year l i e G-olfiiryn h^d commtm'.ties in v-fcich they setOiif- of ill? ~'?qv irs'M'iip contract. Ee tleti. Suppose, ae h-as actually I h a t each l e t t e r pc-nt'ir <'••?• Hank' Greenberg has aa anony- Yascha u n d e r mous female admirer who es- planned to F-hoot ths picture from happened in Belgium, that the p&niecl br- s. gfl?? s'ir- s b o v presses herself in art , . . Every ?ebtember I te- October 15. irith refugees started nev: businesses n n x l i a p e >-C ' s. pp.-- o( Mi* time Hank poles a homer he gets Heifetz slated to receive £125,GOO pave !-;E'E •p'ompp.'p TVolfP'.'oof ore jobg than they w tool:. a pen-and-ink sketch consisting for his labors. Nerr Tasoha betvrsiT! t h e I'aiep Aii[:vc-' 1 of a silhouette of a baseball play- laying plans for his annu?. , ^rin- j er with a No. 5 on his back com- ter concert tonr, vhish ii't- been "Nevertheless, st the bent, letpleting his swing in- the lower his bread and better for S5 rears, flcwc the bare vould mesn a left-hand corner, a ball with the and Sam Goldvyrf is perturbed tingsacriHce. But public opinion in number of the home run on it and because there is snail in:e!iheo£ this ooi:r.try :'s beinsr prepared for the title "Briggs. Stadium, Det." that the -crip* vrill be in shftpe sacrifices, Last veefc the , . . Greenberg's name lias never for filming by Se^tpciber 1. Xvz? greater President end the Secretary oj Cloihing appeared on the envelope, but all things look HOT, G-oldyyn vrill de- Ete.te spoke in torms; v:idely iiiter- !f!T Co" the sketches have been properly fer start of Pic .until next cpring, T'aree onUppn; Or,if-.iia»it. EE Elijrning us against the delivered . . . Elizabeth Bergner, •with a bonus for Ke'fetr Jor post- pretea ClctEtorEhips it the test corner,. SCt B.c i l "' f'T\(l. ' b r ?•(' ' i c ? ; former German screen star, is pGnetnest. Ds.ily tre -Ere being rrepr.rpd for now a British citizen . . . HartROUNDUP: "Our Otrn Critefi the Incalculable sacriiiees er>rl the vin the ford, Conn., is planning to name States," series of patristic Vita- C ' t r ~o""f •": ""In "r1"'"1 "«••• ' r ' a street for Sopfcie Tucker, its phone shorts, has been placsfl in f i - ' , e ' 7 " - r - , r , •> r i most famous daughter . . . The the grorerntsent cstionsl Brchires ' t c re"1! r ? : r ;cr*• ' "~ v ^ \ i " T August 15th issue of Life Maga- at TFE-Ehington, T>. C-, fcother crrf zine had a piece on Augur (Vla- kudo for the Erothers Turner j tie : h " p - i c : o" r r r - - ^ - ;--"-. dimir Polakoff), t h e famous • • . «j O«iA JLJ&.* i-S V^ i i i v.4J,I^.ciJV i» v tfi-i. I European political journalist, who Fos's "Hold That Ceed," f ootbfcll- J n " T h e " TO-'IT rj- r \ \ i r is a Jew . . . The article men- er-nitisicer, Trith a real-life note j r r r r — r r'"*r - ' ~ ' f" -.->-*,^- ^^ tioned the fact that he is a great when she ticks the goal for tied \ admirer of Mussolini, End ran a old State U. . . . Lust fs.ll an Eastpicture of Augur . . . Bat noth- ern, vre believe, college jrrifi cering was said of the fact that the tain p<il5efi the s&rne stunt, ha.Tpicture revealed that Atignr is aa Ing a. girl kick the goal in closamazing double for II Dues, even. ing minutes of play, when victory . I * to the bald dome asd peaetrating- .was assured . . . t. : ror « eyes . . . Washington correspond- (Ccr-r'^ht. I f r r , hy F c r r • A~tE iniEL.f;:".r..E c c*1.": f f i e J ents rate Treasury Secretary Morp r r r . ir tl z genthau's press conferences as the dullest aad those of Housing r< Administrator Nathan Straus £3 the peppiest . . . ->*•«.

An investigation of how far racial theories have penetrated into the Catholic church in Poland has been started ca advice from the Vatican . . . The Petchek brothers, wealthy Czech industrialists, who are known as the "Rothschilds of Czechoslovakia," are planning to emigrate to the United States after liquidating their extensive interests in the Sudeten (Nazi) area of their country . . . A counterpart of the famous "Canadian Royal Mounted Police is being organized in Palestine to assist the constabulary in patrolingthe rural sections of the country . . . The Palestine "mounties" will have a strength of 800 Britons and Palestinians ^ . . A Union of Jewish Domestic Employers has been formed in England to look after Jewish domestic help from England and abroad . . . The union plans a training school and a social club with lectures In Jewish religion and history . , ..Poland's anti-Semitic National party is the master Is the master," said threatening to remove all pictures Shmerl, wishing that he would be of Ignace Paderewski from school invited into the kitchen. walls and public buildings unless "But each of them insists that he repudiates a passage ia his he is. the master," said the Rab- memoirs declaring that "antibi. Semitism Is one of the darkest "They can't both be the mas- aberrations of- the human ralnd, a ter," said Shmerl. Poor Shmerl! remnant from, the dark ages, unHe didn't understand what they worthy of our enlightened times" wanted of him. "How can they . . . In his memoirs Paderewski both be the master?" he thought. denies that he had anything to "The only way to find, out which do with the Polish pogroms of is the driver and which is tb,e 1919-20, when he tras premier master would" be can each of . . . Rabbi Yaluz of Tiberias is on them in and ask him." So Shmerl a world tour raising funds to went to the door, opened it, and build a monument at the grave (Copyright, 183S, by Seven Arts Feature • Syndicate) called: "\ of Maiiaonides, who is buried in ' n r f r r" r r • "Say, driver, come here."' Tiberias . . . The Palestine SymMartin, out of habit, immedi- phony orchestra will make its ately stepped forward. As soon as American debut at the New York he moved he realized that he had World's Fair in 1939 , . . • Detroit (WNS) — American : given himself away. The crowd INSIDE DOPE Jews 'have played a, great end of men standing nearby saw Marcomm-e-fiable p^rt in t t s ccfecse Most of the $520,000 Eddie tin's movement and they realized ct AiEericE-!Birt fitiring the "PTprlfi that he must be the servant. So Cantor raised in England for By D1CS CHAS2 Yvar and prior •vrars, and fcsre they seized him and put him in Youth Aliyah was in the form of contributed much toirard the depledges of ?145 a year for seven prison. velopment £.Ed preservation of The rich man, Morton, waa so years . . . Insiders araong leaders . .PHOTO-PHIXISKED Most prodacers make a picture, the glory anfi romance of our overjoyed with what he thought of the Jewish "War Veterans will country ESS our denjpcrE.tic form was Shmerl's . cleverness that he tell you that Dore Worth of Cam- release it, celebrate, lay plans for ct government," President BOoeegave' him a large sum of money den, N. J., will be elected com- their next venture. Not so Jerry velt declared in E. nxessajre to tfe€ as a gift, and thanked him a mander-in-chief at tee Detroit Hoffman, recently elevated to 4Srd national cccaracmect of the thousand times for exposing the convention . . . His chief rivals that executive berth, anfi doing Jev-isfc X\ET Tetcrtrr c* ths fnitare Maxwell Cohen of Boston and very, very nicely at it, too, at 'swindler. Edgar Burman of New York . . . 20th Century-Fox. Jerry's first ed FJiatcs ^ b ; : h IF to br l^'C is The Pacific Coast posts are boom- picture, "Speed to Burn," begin- T ing Harry Locke of Los Angeles ning a series of pictures dealing J-'i-^r !-' . ts.for regional vice-conmander . . . with a sports-minded family, was pvbSam Leve, general chairman of previewed the other night—and, the Detroit convention committee, it may be told, to an enhsartea- ere! r r t T r believes there's a plot afoot to ing cnorus o£ braves frora the Prcr.iirnt'E -cr '.- r- rc'~ ' make the JWV delegates walk critics. The same week, Kcffssa Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- . . , He had everything set to get had completed the second of tne c y ) — Charging that Vladimir 75 free cars from Ford when series, titled "Road Demon," an E£-in erect ^he ^s~'rr~ ." j Jabotinsky, leader of the Re- Henry accepted a medal from Hit- auto-racing yarn. • "Speed to Jevirh V"; r "e:e;; r.r. r.r-I r \ "i 1f? visionists,, is seeking to under- 1 e r . . . Similar arrangements Burn" is EcneSuIe3 to get its genmine the unity, of the Yishub in were .under way with General Mo- eral release today. Last ti~e.we the present • disturbed situation, tors when one of their vice-presi- saw Jerry was at a gathering at "" " ' authoritative circles here char- dents got a similar rcefial . . . If the Hillcrest Country club, rcsacterized as exaggerated the some of your .friends are members fiezvous of the ncn-Aryss film rumors . which Jabotinsky has of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity don't crowd. Jerry fcsd just cpeneS a broadcast throughout the Diaspo- be surprised if they bust a"couple conversation -with gam Briskis, L.H*. Chilli.C i-iCli. ra regarding an impending civil of buttons exuding pride,. . . El- Harry Coin's right-sand man at war in Palestine. : ^ liot R. Danzig, member of their Columbia, with the ingenuous ob. This maneuver, the spokesmen Alpha Sigma chapter, has just servation: "Why, Sara—I didn't for the Yishub said, is intended been elected -president ct the As- know you -were JcoEh!" to undermine- the unity of the sociated Student Body at the UniGARFIELD DEPT.: U n d e r organized Yishub In the present versity of Mississippi for- the f rrr re tr""""f* v ~ ~ " " " crucial hour. The report, sinis- 1933-39 semester . . . He won by tutelage of Mushy Csllahta, oneterly circulated, that the Histad- the biggest vote ia the univer- time champ pugilist, Join Jules ruth has declared an Internecine sity's history—the first Jew to Garfield, who remains a star is. •struggle was described'by these be so honored at OXe Hiss. . . . his third ' TFarner Bros, film rr C" 1-'T circles - as- absolutely baseless. Another- reason for button-bust- "They Made Me a Criminal," is c r 'irrc-t, rorr'E I ^r They point out that although in- ing among Phi E?3 is the fact learning • to bos left-handed, in E* sr.d r r ~ r dividual assaults have been made that Kermit Gordon of Swarth- accordance with script gernands. upon Jews during the past week more, another brother, is the only The young character actor will including attacks on two Jewish Jewish Rhodes Scholar this year appear in- the pie with the; Dead constables in Tel Aviv, the as- . . . One of the big conventions Enders. Heard around' the lot at sailants in all cases were Revi- scheduled for New York ia 1839 the E&raent is the rumor that sionists. is. the World Congress Against Colnnisist Louis Sobol's origrinal Racialism and Anti-Semitisra . . . story, "The Gay Nineties." YTIU -•• In 1348-a council was held at This year's congress in. Paris be adapted as nest vehicle lor Benfelden- in Alsace to take dropped the word "anti-Semit- Garfielg, -with plans to date callmeasures to destroy the Jews as ism"- f r o m the organization's the persons responsible for the aanie to order to reflect its scope I Black , Death t h e n sweeping more fully . . . We wonder whethEurope.



V, v


: Charge •Seeks Undermining ."•- ' of Jev/ish Unity




, .


o '»:»*

o Mecotise it's churned . frost. Sweef Cresa


Page 8


Near East correspondent of which big newspaper: is in -distinctly "bad odor" with Zionists? •'. . . (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, inc.)

3. .1

Food Boxes for Ei ne Should • . B e Sent Early

MISS 'ANNA FILL, correspenfa SHAARE ZION TEAM WINS CHAMPIONSHIP Shaare Zion won the championship.of the Y. M. C. A.'Church softball league with a victory over the Williams Memorial team, The first regular meeting of 6 to 0. They will now meet Sioux 1 the boys Young Judean group City Merchants, "Y" City leagu • will be held next Wednesday eve- winners in a playoff game. • ; ning at SUtare'Sion synagogue at . 7:3^ o'clock. Earl Hlmowitz, who will direct the activities of the 1 group will be present and will , outline plans for the coming season. Any boys between the ages of 10 and 15, who are interested in joining, are urged to attend the A census of the Jewish popu < meeting Wednesday. It will be Iation is being taken this week their last chance to become char- by the Federation of"\Tewish Soter members of the group, as the cial Service with the assistance of charier will be drawn Tip at that the members of the National meeting. • . Council of Jewish Women. The workers met Monday at the Comunity Center to receive their material and instructions for the work. It is expected that the~work will be completed, today. A survey will be made from the Dr. Samuel Shulkin was chosen N'inth district member of the na- census to determine the needs of tional executive committee of the classes in Americanization, readDisabled American Veterans of ing, writing, and English, at the the World War at the annual con- Center. If enrollment for such vention of that organization held classes is large enough, instruclast week at Grand Rapids, Mich- tors will be provided by the Board of Education. igan. . . Dr. Shulkin returned from the Convention Monday with Judge Bernard A. Brown and Charles Orth, who also were delegates to the meeting. .,


Attorneys. 432 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bids-

• PFtOSATE NOTfCE . In the Matter of the .Estate of .Morris Soshnik, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the creditors of said deceased wil -meet the administrator of saia estate, before me. County Judge erf Douglas County. Nebraska, at the County Court Hoom. in said County, on the 10th day of October, 193S, and on the 10th day of December. 193S. nt 0 o'clock a. m.. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, .adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for lhe creditors to present their claims, from the 10th day of September, 1S3S. JOHN F. MBRICr.E. S-19-3S-3t • Acting- County. Judge.

heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court n a y seem proper, to ths end that all matters pertaining- to said estate may be finally settled and determined. • • BRTCE CRAWFORD, S-12-3S-3t. Couniy Judge.

place of bu ba. 1 he o poratior I**

Dr. Shislldn Given Veterans Honor

another*that he didn't care for The federation will be glad to F. D. R.'s program with regard explain the entire situation upon to the supreme court , , . And if request. . . . the reader, is interested in P. A. P.'s somewhat Corrigan-like progBekhakhanlm, refgnlng prinnostications (remember he picked cess of the Taman peninsula, Goldstein over Goldman for the Crimea, in 1419 , married a ZOA presidency and is still being Genoese Jew, Simeone de Ghuireminded of it) . . . He hereby zolfi. prognosticates that F . F. will not get the bench job, and that, moreover, a Jew willh not be named unless it's N. Y. Supreme Court Justice Samuel' Hosenman, a Roosevelt intimate and formerly his legal adviser . . . And if we're «»miiiimiiinniim wrong, tell it to Corrigan . . .

Dorotho The Agudas Achim lodge will ANECDOTE: While on the Cantor A. Pliskin departed Sunday evening fcr Denver, Col- hold its next regular meeting on subject of Frankfurter, just came anecdote orado,' where he will officiate at Thursday, September 1, at Eagle's across the "following about the famous Harvard law the services during the High Hol- hall. professor •. . . Dressed in vacaidays. Before leaving. Cantor A. A regular meeting of the B'nai tion dungarees, F. F. walked with Pliakin asked, to esprcns his appreciation and good vnshns to the B'rith lodge was held on Monday his wife into the Hotel Ten'Eyck in Albany recently . . . Called up Jewish • Community for the new evening, August 22. Justice Poletti, living at- an Alyear. Mrs. Max Steinman of Winni- bany ^suburb for the duration of i peg, Canada, is here visiting her the Constitutional , convention, JUNIOR HADASSAH mother, Mrs. Clara Sigal, and and invited himself" and wife-to three sisters, Mrs. Abe Leibovitz, dinner and an over-night bed . . . A Board Meeting of the Junior Mrs. Ben Telpner and Mrs. JoePoletti, an old friend, said swell Hadassah chapter was h e l d Rosen. . . .-So Prof, and Mrs. F . F . went ~ Thursday evening 'in'*the home of to the Poletti's where they-found Miss Saretta Krigsten, president. a formal dinner in progress . . . Harry Cohen returned late this Plcns were made for an election from a two-week fishing Dungarees and all, they ate side and installation meeting to take week by each with the formally attrip at Walker, Minn. place this month. tired guests . . . Spent the night, 1 Miss Florence Steinberg , who and returned to their vacation has been music instructor at cottage in ( nearby Massachusetts Burr Oaks Camp in Mukwanago, . . . The 'whole thing happened Society NeWs Wis., for the past eight weeks, because of tire trouble that dewill return home Saturday with veloped while the couple was Miss Betty Cohen, who has at- driving-F. F.'s visiting ^mother to a train, the delay causing her to Mr. .and Mrs. R. Stein, 1117 tended the camp: this summer. Court street, announce the en- .• While there Miss Cohen wa.s miss it and moving F. F. to drive gagement and approaching mar- chosen an "Honor Girl of the her to Albany, the nearest point riage of their daughter, Miss Lil- Burr Oaks Golden Sorority of at which another train home could be caught ... ; lian Stein, to Morris Goldberg, Comradeship." , soa of Mr. and Mrs. J. Goldberg, •\ 1806 Seventh street. September Lorraine, .and Yale Meyerson TRIAL: Tough Thomas Dewey, : 11 is the date set for the wedding. entertained 180 guests from 7 .:'• Mrs. G o l d b e r g entertained until 10 Wednesday evening at a who's prosecuting the sensational 'Thursday evening honoring her cocktail party honoring their sis- policy racket trial, has a couple (son and his fiance. Mrs. Stein and ter, Miss. June Meyerson, and Mr. of matzoh-fressers among his as=sistants who are doing a grand (Mrs. Sam Weiner, sister of the William Roitstein. . job for the forces of law and orjbride-elect entertained Tuesday der . . . O n e is Sol Gelb . . . Sol • evening, when Go guests were in- Miss Lillian Kushner of Wash- is 39, a member of the U. S. suivited. -•••*• ington, D. C.i formerly of Coun- preme court bar . . . Speaks pare cil Bluffs, is here for a short stay Hebrew, knows the Talmud as '; Mrs. H. FeinberK and Miss Yet- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.few Jews of his age or older do ita Feinberg w'ere hostesses to 70 Harry Kushner.' . . Another is Harold Keller, i guests at the "West Hotel recentMiss Kushner is in the employ ily honoring I.Tiss 'Lottie'Feinberg, of the "Social Security" depart- who need no introduction to readthis column . . . Harold, Iwho will be married to Max Hol- ment in Washingtbn. former crack newspaperman, Is idofrkv in October, v Dewey's confidential secretary on • ;-.-.* Bridge occupied the • evening Miss Ruth Seldin left early press relations. fhcurs. Monday for an indefinite stay in Chicago, where she'plans to join TOBACCO: Did you know ' .Mr. and Mrs: Ben Levine arid the Misses Miriam Saks arid'Syl- (probably that a Russian daughter. Lorraine Joan of Des via Endelman, who have been, Jew.named not) Berson is credited •Moines. have been complimented there since last week. with having made the first ciga,at a number of parties during the rette in England? . . - ; Berson ipast week. They are visiting in originally was a -watchmaker and' Ithe home of Mrs. Levine's p'artook to making the paper-bound :ents, Mr. arid Mrs. Sam Roginsmo"kes in tne early eighties . . » ;sky, 1502 Jackson street. And, judging- from complaint of Americans stranded over" there f Mrs. A. Rosen: had daughter. without a Chestamelrike, Britons Marilvn, and Miss Kose Silver, of are still "smoking ciggie3 that iOfnaha, are visiting frends and New York (JTA)—How one must have been among Berson's jrelatves in Sioux City. woman residing in a community first products.... containing five Jewish:- families ' ' . • • e> ; Miss Ann Kuznit of Omaha is succeeded in raising $800 for the SURPRISE: Imagine our astona guest thin week in the home of American Jewish.. Joint Distribu.Mr. and Mrs. B. Orlikoff, 1115 tion committee's' national cam- ishment *when, in scanning the |Villa Avenue. ,. paign was revealed, in. a letter names of-sponsors of the "World from Manrico J, Kellner; chair- Youth Congress, we came across of-Patriarch Mirori Christea, ' Miss Frances Maron, daughter man of ,the campaign in Spring- that premier . . . If memory of Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Marpn has field, 111.-, is Isidor Coons, nation- Rumanian serves, t h e good Patriarch has returned home after a two month al campaign chairman. •: ' said some mighty unpojourn in California and New The woman, Mrs. Herman Co- publicly pleasant things about Jews . . . Mexico. Miss Maron visited her hen : of Jacksonville, a commun- Wonder if the W. Y. C , a liberal '-Bisters and brother in San Diego. ity that is included in the Spring- outfit, knew about that when It Irvin Maron of San. Diego is in field campaigns bad no commit- included him among its sponsors? Sioux City visiting with his par- tee to work with and could have ents. finished her solicitations in- half There's a Trord an fiour by calling her four neigh- :t MISH-MASH: nazy" : in the dictionary -which Miss Marian Robinson, daugh- bors on the telephone. Instead means, Nazis ought : to know, fool ter of Mrs. Clara Robinson of she organized her campaign on a or noodle 1 . . Mo wonder this Omaha Nebraska, and Jack Slut- non-sectarian basis. A well known chap John . C. had no P'T, pon of Mr. ' n d Mrs. H. Slut- communal worker for years ,in trouble joiningMetcalfe the GermanJacksonville, she won the enslc' r>f RioHr City, were united in Bund and getting in r^arriajr0. Sunday evening at the dorsement of all the women's American with his nibs K u h n . . . He's a Pbanrp Zion synagogue, in the clubs and the Ministerial associa- dead ringer for the Kitler man Twe^n-p oJT 80 guests. Rabbi H. tion there. himself . . . Keep your eyes on •The Ministerial association was R. Rfhinowitz officiated at the particularly active. I t set aside.a Dave Bernstein, son' of the late Cet"orrvn journalist and TJ. S. minister to F w i n i r thf» ceremony, a re- Sunday as "Joint Distribution Albania , •-. . Dave has what it Committee Day" and invited Jewi*f>"Hon was held in the social hall ish speakers to fill the pulpits o£ takes as a; writer and he'll be of.^^P syn-'fogue. its churches. Sermon- heard from i n an important way "•' Mr. anrl Mrs. Slutskv departed ettesmember such as Debt We Owe some day soon . . . Rabbi Stephen tor a wadding trir>. after which the Hebrews,""The "The Jew in a 3.'Wise is vacationing at Pro.vf'e.v will make their home in Changing World," "Christianity incetown, Mass., as this Is being Thnrston. Nebraska, where Mr. on Trial," etc., were posted on all written; -where he is watching his Slutsky is in business. . church bulletin boards and pub-wife paint this and that . . . licity was issued to the newspa- What's this we hear about the '' Mrs. M. A. Levicb entertained pers. Palestine Pavilion at the World's lit a luncheon' and bridge party Fair needing §75,000? . . .-A. L. T'hursr'ay afternoon, honoring Sachar, B'nai B'rith Hillel direcMiss Ina Leah Kroloff, whose NAZIS STIR "MORAL tor,- has just turned over the marriage to Irvlhff I^evir.h will be of "The Jew In the NAUSEA" OF BRITISH manuscript an event of this fall. The party Post-War-"World" to his publishwas siven at the West Hotel. London (JTA) The bishop ers . : . . I t ' s a "human interest"" of Durham. said1 this -week that story of contemporary Jc-nrish. life Mrs. Max Jacobs, 87Q •Fifteenth Germany should be told its poli- • • • Dr. Abba Silver has been dostreet, and children; Evelyn, Dar-f cies of oppression are creating in ing a remote control act for the I?ne Rose and Harold, have re^ English minds a : "moral nausea" II. P. •&.. all summer, directing its turnp'l from Omaha after a four which is the "most formidable of activities from his Maine hideout Vfeek visit with Mrs. Jacob's sis- alienating factors" between the --. .'Bill Siff lias just completed "T&o Raps of Palestine." . . . A ter, ilrs. Ann?. Greene. llfss Eve- two nations. • lyn Greene accompanied them In a letter published in tho little something that 'won't bring Eome for a snort visit. ' Times, the bishop .declared no cheer to the hearts of British ofpolicy of co-operation Y/ao sound ficialdom :'.--.•. .Or •Zionists. , . .}\ Rabbi -and Mrs., H. H.,- Rabino- ancTpermanent it not based on c"- Mendel (JNF) Fisher got-"carnavi^tz and- daughter, ; Segulab. re- "community of sentiment T/ith loned" hy the Jewish . Ad%'ocate turned last week from Gull" Lake,. respect to the principles of social of Boston recently and h e flushes' ^Ifnnesota, There thoj'. "spent a interco-Te \vhi->h is the ultimate with pleasure: T?hen you con*••-•>-'Q hix^ on"' I t . " . . W h a t •njantirs vacation. .-'•• .".'." basi3 of genuine-civilization." -


•: ' •





















settled and. allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as administratrix with will annexed and that a hearing will be had on said petition before sad Court on, the Gth day ot September, 193S. and that if you fail to apppar before said Court on the said 6th day of September. 393S. at 'J o'clock a. m.. and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of

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persor ' h per t he through owne M o" other corporat o engage in a gene i-> security busir " n NOTICE BY PUBLICATION' CH F E . jamong other tl •" p TITfON FOR SETTLEMENT OF hold, pleage ?r r r - p FINAL ADMINISTRATION dPrtl in ar.y 5n ci ^ JP^ ACCOUNT of indebtedness nd MILTON R. FROHM, Atty. 1034 Omaha Nat'! Sank Bldfi.


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Your greeting problem is solved by this convenient method of wishing your relatives and friends a Happy New Year , . . No danger of the embarrassment of forgetting1 someone • . . no trouble . . . time and money saved.

Mr. and Mr*. their friends both far a.nd cear A Happy and Frospcrecs New Year. Mr. and Mrs. • and family cr;te-;2 to their friends careers wishes for a Ksppy New Year.


Mr. and Mrs. -—-— and Family wisSa their frien^R health, happlsess and prosperity in the coming year.

These greeting's will be published in our Rosh Hashonah' edltlonj September 23."Tfee charge will be $2.00 for eacli greeting . . . Mail any of these forms,-or phone your Greetings.

Mr. and Mrs. •

-take this mesas of extending greetings • ffin3 hearty jyood wishes for A Happy a nd Prosperous Year to. t&eir frieneEs far and acsr.

Atlantic 1450 Ei




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MGNSKY, GROOINSKY, MARER <SCOHEN, Attorneys. ' 737 Omaha N a f l Bank BScig, NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned have formed a corporation, pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of 'lie corporation is L A N D INVESTMENTS, INC., with' its principal


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tu a,r;;ong o h«n o erally. acquire, encuand c i*is -t rt r i

giiarsjitee, sell rt* 1 \e In tne County Court of Douglas sha..! es oJ tlie GAMBLING NOTE: Always.a p i County, Nebraska. an agent of HIAS, urges individgambler, your correspondent is corporation £.nt rqi In tho Matter of the Estate of Harfranchises, pater =. n prepared 'to take the short end uals • interested in sending asry Rosenblum. Deceased: asrp and operate \ *= r of any bet that says Prof.. Felix sistance to their relatives in All persons interested In said mat- pens" shaii half tv ter are hereby notified that on the money End.issuo ^\ i f r Frankfurter will get the supreme Europe for the Holy days to do tth day ol August? 3O3S. M. I, i)ono-J edness tiierefoi court; vacancy created by the so immediately. American doli^ van fileii a petition in said County | capital stock i= ^ ((. death of Cardozo .- . . Those who lars can be sent t o . Russia, PoCcurf. praying that his final admin- ' "510ft.Ot! per sha c MILTON R. FROHM, Atty. 1 >. are so sure that F. F. will get the land. Rumania, Latvia, Lithuania istrati™ account filed herein be set- and shall be p 1004 Omaha Nat'l Bank. pi tled and allowed, and ihat he be^ dis- assessable whe: i^su c" post either do not know or are and elsewhere in Europe. from his trust as administra- tion shall coir f e b Kosher food packages may be NOTICE BY PUBUCATION ON PE. charged inclined to overlook several pertor snd that a hearing will be had the filing of t« A I \ tinent facts or reported facts.-.'. . sent to .people residing in Russia. TITION FOH SETTLEMENT OF on s3i3 petition before said Court en FINAL ADMINISTRATION CierK- of I U ' One. is that F. F. has not been Since a'pers'u is permitted'to rethe 3rd day of September. 193S. and County ACCOUNT shall enntinue p rt that if you fail to appear before saia seen .near the White House in ceive but one food package at a The highest a'mo r o Court on the said 3rd day of Septemmore than a year . . . In itself, of time. It "is recommenced that not esce \ o t In the' County Court of Douglas ber, 193S, at 9 o'clock a. m.. and con- shall course, insignificant . . . But the laree~ food packages *>e sent. test said petition, the Court may capital stock. T! • rp= County, Nebraska." ' apply to tn c e h p ^ absence "-beetmes meaningful in We wish to announce that ar- In the Matter of the Estate of gra-it the. praj'er of said petition not real estate. Tl P n — e the light of apparently authentic rangements have been made to Ruth Alperson. sometimes known as enter a decree of heirship, and mate of th° Board sh ie J such other and further orders, al(although for some reason vir- send Haavaramarks (Jewish emi- Rebn Alperson and Sometimes known lowances and decrees, as to this the By-I,aws. wli cl " R. Alperson. Deceased. minister the af ^ n tually unpublicized) whispers that grant marks) to nersons of Jew^ as Ail persons interested in said mat- Court may seenr proper, to the end tion. The stcck1! 1 P s F. F 1. broke with F . D. R. on the ish.origin or Jewish organ'zations ter are hereby notified that on the that all matters pertaining to said court reform issue . . . F . F., a in Germany. The German au- 9th day. of August.. 193S. Mattie estate may be finally settled and destrict constitutionalist, let the thorities have agreed' to this and Rosenblum filed a petition in said termined. County Court, praying {hat her final BRTCE CRAWFORD, White House know in one way or the procedure is legal. administration account-filed herein be $-12-3S-3t. ' County Judge.

The Jewish Community Ce"tPr,


3n Oms a, Nebrai - i or v '

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