ka ia his his own and Co act reflect the polideo 07 attltuCo of on? publication. ItapreSaotion in ivnolo or ia part strictlj tcrbidflen.
Entered n3 Second C2~ss T.Iail Hatter on Janc=.ry Cl. lrSl, a t Postoffice. of Omaha, Npbras'.ta. under the Act of llarch 3, 1ST3
London ("VTNS) — British artlovers are raising a fund of ?£,000 to psrehEse t i e late Kax Ljeberrnann's portrait of Prof. Albert Einstein, now on exhibition at the B-arHngtoii Galleries, to prevent its destruction if it is returned to Germany. On display as part of an exhiSE- In U Starting.- -,% _„' T S e s s i o n s bition of "degenerate art" denounced in Germany, the Einstein of 1-0^ji&h to at-•""•.,.* , TTT;~ E.T S. f i ' r C " * K portrait is the "work of one cf Funds 1 4 P. M. Germany's greatest painters. than $1,200 has alreaoy Bills Idsr the second qua1-i.E* * „ Tuesday, September 6, More been raised. period of the Jev-;ish P L r ,0 of the City Talmad Torah j thropiss were mailed, to E.11 E ii meet at 4 o'clock at the JewI scrifcers, acsordins to EH f ish Community Center instead of ' noencement issued by the Jev- I i-! the lot of tliei in the morning. J Philanthropies office. The sraEnrollment for the year has end quarterly payment Jail- Cte - f V exceeded expectations sad and to on Septein'ber 1. avoid crowding enrollment will be limited. Parents seekiag to Sir. Jack Marer, cheimiT r ' register their children ia the Talthe Jewish Ptilanthrcpies, ir c ra -F mud Torah are urged to do so j cussing t i e present neefis c ' t t " immediately. I Philanthropies, stressed the m%#fciEg portance of prompt parnsents ol It is imperative that children u nc 'ecrt pledges. start their work with their class. ant icr..: c "As a result ot great increased At the present the pupils of the Says V/ithin Jurisdiction of demands lor ininiediEte remuTalmud Torah are being prepared Church Because World tance cf lunfis," Mr. Karcr r F*to participate intelligently in the ed, "the Jewish Pnilantlirc^ &z High Holy Days' services. Banger is making every e"ort to Work at the Talmnd Torah is Vatican City (JTA)—Italian prcrnpt xe mitfsTip ances to the Er~-~ under the efficient direction of Omaha she was a member of the Voted On Judah "Wolfson, long a member claims that the accord between cies it helps support." staff of the Denver Community "The overseas relief : igeccies j Let Tis illustrate. The Nation Center. She is a graduate of the Albany, N. Y. (JTA) New of the teaching staff, and Arthur the Fascist party and the CathBays: Conservative Jews are in an University of Denver and -was York state's new constitution, Rapport, who joins the staf* with olic Action definitely removed are particularly in neec of iffi." S ugly dilemma.' True. Conserva- awarded her master.of arts de- containing a guarantee of re- many years of teaching exper- the racial Question from the mediate funds. And yet, r e c-.n church's jurisdiction Trere given send' them their allotments only tive Jews cannot anywhere in the gree by the Graduate School of ligious freedom and a ban on ience in Boston and Chicago. An innovation this year has further denial by the-Osseryatore if we collect plsfiges promptly." j world (including America) free- Social Service of the University racial discrimination, was finally "Prompt payments ol pledges j ly serve their interests and con-of Denver; adopted by the Constitutional been the playroom where children Romano, authoritative "Vatican by oar subscribers vrill also elim-j victions because all conservative In her new position, Miss Al- Convention last week and will be may pass the time between their organ. In support of Pope Pius Si's inEte heavy costs of additional-j parties • everywhere (including len will be .associated with one of submitted to the voters in No- classes. renewed attack on "exaggerated hillings and follow-ups. The more j America) are more or less anti- the most important Jewish edu- vember. nationalism," the newspaper as- •re save en this item, the more Semitic Thence the Nation draws cational; organisations in the Article I, Section 3 follows: serted: "Racism Is not a political we can expend for direct help.'" the argument that all Jews must country. . The free exercise and enjoyment argument, but on the contrary, the. Jewish "be left-wingers of some Mnd'and No successor has as yet been of religious profession and worremains -K-ithin. the competence cf is to continue its v,"ork in a conmust not object to the. conspicu- chosen. ship, -without discrimination or the church • because it is a world structive manner, prompt, ps.2-1- recent. \&w rec ousness of Jewish radicals, etc. preference, shall forever be aldanger." Now this is an: excessively silly msnts of pledges must t e mace." lowed in this state to all manFascist Commentator Virginia and dangerous argument. ' For The .suDSffriDers are requested kind; and no person shall be Gayda had declared in Giornale the truth is that the false and to send remittances at once to the rendered incompetent to be a witd'ltalia that jthe "racial theme deadly slander of Jewry's trying ness on account of his opinions - . office of the Jewish Fhila.nto tear down western civilization belongs entirely to politics and 1 ttropies, 101 North Twentieth on matters of religious belief; J3hould not and need not be intenremains beyond all control and j street. but the liberty of conscience I ->f F sified by frivolous individual acts any censure of the church." This !"" " hereby secured shall not be so E and gestures and that the tragedy construed as to excuse acts of opinion was repnblished in many FSJTS p | r S I J ff |P,Cifl.?f -of the Jew of the diaspora as a licentiousness, or justify prac- Say Edward Sullivan Was newspapers abroad, particularly | | /S | I. f| f:'m t]r*X"'T.'IVNpolitical being lies fathoms deepAssociate of James French and German. The latter | | r l l s l i ' l l l : # fc t'» l ¥ l I. tices inconsistent with the peace - er than the editors of the Nation had asserted that the Catholic or safety of this state." • True conceive. Action had recognized the limits! fi FIIESM• ftpprflPfJCl Article I, Section 11 follows: 3 Washington, D. C. (WNS) — of its action. ! | | U f-'^i ft' t \ 1? f '••• I *^ ??• & • . By nature, tradition, training, Is Second Important Offi- "No person shall be denied the unspoiled instinct the Jew is a equal protection of the laws of Edward E. Sullivan, ace investiOsservatcre Koraano refuted lil.i ti,1: i & te t ft iVj.-apt4.te' cial to Be Killed by conserver of the historic goods of this state or any subdivision gator of the special congressional this thesis and. termed such con- • . rrt*mjftilVft!r.t s^ ,!??»,'««,n?*/>% . Terrorists civilization. Yet he dare not and thereof. No person shall, because committee investigating un-Amer- elusions "fantastic." The Vatit|fa^||gPJ 1^11^1% cannot \ be a conservative. By of race, color, creed or religion, ican activities, -disseminated anti- can newspaper declared: "It suf111 rvH'Ti-i I Ll'M-i i-p Jerusalem (JTAj) —-"Walter S. be subjected to any discrimina- Semitic and anti-Catholic propa- fices to note that racism, such as nature the Jew i3 iiaEslonateVy i t - - * , n * l v - W w t x. concerned for the oppressed and S. Moffatt, actings district com- tion" in. his civil rights by any ganda and has been associated the pope considered it, does not ] down-trodden. Yet the radicalism inissioaer '. . In .Jenin, last week •other-iperson^er bp sjjy,siri2.,.corr •vrith.. .Ja-iaes Tra-e, _ sotoriors • constitute a 'pc-liticar .t2iam.£,' t u t ! irr.. . srt**.~r.—':~",~ts>, >—»-~^i age; which" h i h the"Jewdia'-ito.t th"Jewdia'itot suceoxabed -'-to -gtmshbt poration- xsr insfittttroii;~oi~"5y'' the "V7"as1ilngtdn "anS-Seinite," iabor's 'of this c »represents'perils .to the great ha-! make—for Karl Marx was a rene- while' an Arab identified aa his state or any agency or subdivi- Non-Partisan league charged in a man and Christian family essers- j series ol affidavits and docuassailant "was kiHed -in-• attemptsion of the state." gade afflicted with self-hatred-^ ments " submitted to Chairman tially of a spiritual,^moral and i forces the Jew into alien and- dan- ing to-.-escape- from- a military camp. Martin L. Dies by Eli L. Oliver, religious nature, properly belonggerous ideologies, for the propaThe 45-year-old government ofexecutive vice-president of the ing therefore to the -pastoral soligation of which he is then crucitude of the Pope and the church." ficial, .who had served in Palesleague. te- CE fied. Thus the diaspora Jew Calls Charch Jews' F o n t The charges against Snllivan cannot be true to himself what- tine continuously since 1925, died in the; "government hospital". "In." Berlin (Kavas) — World Jevasserted that lie "engaged in a ever, political faith he embraces particularly vicious manner not ry, sa its efforts to conoue-r haHe is, whether as conservative or Haifa~:after- a .blood' transfusion 1 and emergency operation. He w only in anti-Semitic propaganda manity, has been using the Cathas radical, not his own' man,- not but in anti - Jewish activities olic church as a "front," JTilii=: a. creature " tseing what he was the most important British official to die at the hands of Arab which were In the last degree Streicher, Germany's l e a d i n g meant to be, but the product of subversive of eYery principle of anti-Semite, asserted in his viomajority: pressure^—the product terrorists since the' murder: of Lewis Y. Andrews, district comof powerlessnesa or fear. From Joseph Adler, president of the religious toleration" and that he lently anti-Jevrish neirspaper E~r this ' set of damnable circum- missioner . for: the Galilee, in B'nai Jacob 'synagogue, announces "associated "himself with Mr. Stuermer. A caricature on tc= to the Omaha and surrounding James True and others, in a con- front page shotred a priest, v:i h stances arises the pitiful phenom- Nazareth last September. Troops and police, throwing a Jewish communities, that Cantor tinued campaign o£ malicious at- a Jew hiding behind him, anC enon of the Jewish bourgeois not •wholly displeased at the theo- cordon around Jenin, captured an. S. Miller of Chicago will chant tacks upen officials of the United here the legenS: "He vrlio glv^r retical radicalism of some of his Arab who answered the descrip- the services for the High Holi- States government, including the protection to Satan can never be tion of the'assailant .given by Mr. days. president of the United States, considered a serrast of God. - sons and daughters, because ex- Moffatt hi3 deathbed. : IdentiCantor Miller is well known In members of the supreme court propriation by a Socialist state is fied by'on J: r l^> S. " » to the at- the east foi- his fine tenor voice. . and cabinet officials, with, incite- Anti-Jewish Policr Kits-Stocks m^l tc~y c " u *" ? not immediate danger and he tack, theeye-witnesse3 Arab was imprisoned in 1 p c1 T i r ! r t ments to violence of the most Tickets for the seats" for the London (JTA) — T h e Ds.. - n " ^" = sillily hopes that a dose (not too a military camp. - He was shot Telegraph reports - from Rome j •f"' sr'-an-e V-zl large!) of - radicalism may ward while"attempting " to escape and High Holidays can now be pro- dangerous description." Submit Proofs cured at the B'nai Jacob synat h a t staff members cf t h e I t a \ a m °^"~s b~ ~° ^ c o off Fascism, of which he is, quite later died. gogue, Twenty-fourth and Nichodepartments a r e t e ng f i s n c u ^ - ^ E ~ The league substantiated its state rightly, in deadly terror. As Mr. Moffatt was buried in las streets. The governing board charges by submitting proof that obliged to. sign statements lsdi- ^ ^ £ E t h^ <•--'= In other words, the Jew in the c m female inhabitants - of of the synagogue has asked that Sullivan shared a "Washington of- eating their racial origin. Those 1 s g Jf v « f'-" u. ^ diaspora1 is in. a false position-^ Haifa;" Jenin .were taken to the mosque persons desiring seats get them fice with James True, and that admitting i t is Jewish a r e told j coisri ^ a hopelessly, pitifully, monstrous-: rand;" to the police court- immediately as the synagogue ca together they issued a publica- their services a r e no longer r e - j ' " " T «'c' e ' • " IJ^—^ ly false position, whatever he .is, •yard male3 pacity is limited. to be searched. Houses and Quired. ' Jlec-vt+e, v is " T ^ r tion called Industrial Control Rewhatever he does. It is an old,-shops were searched and a quantports "which spread anti-Semitic The News Chronicle reports an crns.Ce a l ' e n.~'oc-c <old story which evidently the edi-ity r e of arms and ammunition was libels. One quotation from this Tinnsually marked decline on the r a-j,n= tc eaie 1 ^ ' tors o! the Nation have never discovered. Inhabitants were publication reads: "In Kentucky, Rome stock market, in Ts-hi^h cf f^-^C" i S J - E u . . C l^ heard. The conservatism -of the evacuated one kilometer of the we understand, large numbers of drops of 15 to 17 points v ^rc S"'c: 0' Z^ri — c-i—*world is not .the Jew's conser- town andto A a number' of^.houses people refuse to believe that recordea in some cases, was t^e crerc- T '"" ^ w~-> atism; the radicalism of the •were to be dynamited. Roosevelt is a traitor controlled result of liqnidation by Je-^^i rraJ T—ttcr^ ^•' ^ p ^ " •world Is not the Jew.'s- radicalism. Major marked i li-^rnt'R© nf General Robert H. Hainby international' Jews; but the interests. .™&i.*t^i."d IJOC^^-S OI t And this situation is nnendurably ing, general officer commanding truth is making headway." Intensified in this age of doc- British forces in Palestine, protrines gone maa. Nothing can be ceeded to Jenin to direct operaAnother report Issued by Sulli- OOj more un-JewiSh (or un-Christian tions. • van and True during the 19 3 G • for that matter) than either presidential campaign said: "BeLondon (WNS) — A fantastic fore the election, millions more Fascism or Communism. The Jew The ' government censor prohibited" the local press from pubscheme for creating a Jewish Trill Imoir tnat the Roosevelt ad•who approaches either is a -Crippled and perverted creature, like lishing any references to or com- state on the Pollsh-Ruinanlan ministration has been completely ments on activities of police, miliborder where 30,000 square miles controlled by the international the Jew who is "doggy" or "horsey" out of ansimniatory tary forces and rebels, except as of land would be allocated for Jewish movement for world dom\i\ r contained in o f f i c i a l • com'the purpose, by Poland and Ru- ination. "We-shall definitely set"Bwanlr. He is lost to himself, to C L st-4-S- ««J muniques. mania Is being considered by the tle the (Jewish) problem by the his people,'to the world. official communique said two countries, according to a re- simple elimination process. If London <YvNS) — ; The mani- ! d { • Truly and correctly the Nation 14An terrorists were killed in an port in the London Sunday you Americans continue to be festo of .the Spanish Traditional j ^ ends with the observation that engagement with troops and po- Chronicle. iree men you •will be forced to do Phalanx (official political-parti-! a c "the future of the Jew in Amer- lice at Kafr Kanna, on the TiberFathered by Polish ana • Ru'-likewise." It vras also asserted of the Spanish rebels) proclaim- j S e ica is tied tight to the future of ias-Nazareth road. A British soldemocracy.'.' Only one could wish dier was seriously wounded and manian Jews,- the plan has been that Sullivan was associated with ing ."implacable hatred" of the n -r that the - lovers of : democracy, 11 Arab rifles were captured in sent to King Carol of Rumania "America First" ana "The White Jevi?s on religious lines and de- |i f£ such as the editors of the Na- the battle, which started when for his consideration.. According Knight," other anti-Semitic pub- maading revival of the Spanish'! to the Chronicle the proposed lications. Inquisition and a second niass ex- i tion, had a deeper and a subtler Arabs ambushed a caravan of Jewish state would include all of PTjlsion" of the Je-ws, has teea ro- jA : insight into the difficulties of automobiles under military espnfiiated in official quarters, EC- j the Jew and would conceive de- cort. Three "WTiite Russian en- the Rumanian province of Bukcording to .a report from Parrs-1I n mocracy in terms that Included gineers were slain when an Arab owina and parts of southern Po^A i- i plena, .Spain, to t h e Catholic | ^ the character of t i e Jew (or any band of 50 attacked a govern- land. • • - • ' . - . ne-wsaaper, Uixiverse. j ~* other racial and cultural minor- ment survey-department camp on This area, it Is said, could ac»f fJTffl ity) as such, In his own nature, the Transjordan side of the Al- commodate 5,000,000 Jews. Quoting t h e Spanish rebel Press I ^ r as a contributor to cultural and lenby bridge. The state '•would be ruled by a Servicrs, Universe states that the S i L .' political processes and not as one local Jewish government and _ct)amaznfesto -sras a direct eontradic- [ J;1 for whose absorption by such trolled politically by Polish" and tic a of t h e principle of religious I a j processes they hoped and prayed. Rumanian governors. Further'tolerance repeatedly cmrlmEiied -j ^ c (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts details of the plan are said to Inby General'Francisco Franco, i s - r ; Feature Syndicate) clude the possibility 'that the j^ Danzig (JTA) — Danzig's s u r g e s t "generalissimo. Soviet Union -might become a Nazi regime is pressing a camAccording to t h e news service, j ^ Milton R. Abrahams this week party to it by" ceSins-parts of the paign of £2£3S arrests of -Je-«*s the iraaifesto u-s.s fir£.fted a.nfi j S i TO ENTER'NEBRASKA announced his association in the Ukraine _lo the -Jewish state, 'in- based on charges of "TS.CS defile- rasSe public by a i c ~ irrespoij- i m ON-REGEWFS AWARD law firm, of Abrahams, McGrath cluding the Pros&urov and Ka- ment" and currency smuggling. SlfclS CT-t^'rTniot^ ">TitllC"t t.hG ~'~- T^ht ! .^' and Frenzer, with, offices at Gl maniec aistrlcts. - . Reuben Silver, 17-year-old Eon Farnam building. He was for- '- Poland and Ruiaanla would be The Tlctias included'a aunber ol to speals: in t h e name of either j state or church-. "Thare is n o ! cf Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silver of merly associated" -with the firm rewarded, it is declared, by a prominent Je-srs. Four hundred JeTrisb-OTmed Laurel, Nei>.. •will eater the""Uni- of Abrahams and O'Connor. large loan from the western powversity of Nebraska this fall on a . Abrahams, a ouia Jaude grad- ers. Tlie transportation of Jews houses art • being offered lor sale as. result of the Free City Senr.egents' scholarship. uate of Creighton law in 1927, i t o t b e Jewish'.state -would be £iValedictorian of hi3 class, a, member of the Temple Israe naaced by' Je—isn • financiers, ac- ate's decision to call -municipal mortgages given to Jevrs on Oct. young Silver placed fourth among boara, past ".president' ol B'na. cording, to. the Chronicle. 1. The inability of Jews to -rethe 2,200 -students who took exiS'rith, a membsr of the board of deem' the rsorisrases under existaminations : for the- E ' t i e J. C.'-C. and Welfare federaing c Slain fcy AsSis-S-srnrle scholarships. ; tion and chairman of the Center arsa-w'.TWNS) —Ber Baros, many H13 average of 97.2 for four committee-o£ the.J. C. C. 5O-yearr0ld- Warsaw . Jew, was Aiaoag the tarsi years' high school -work is a rec- * Both Frenzar and McGrath fatally-shot-in a public park hare ties is the Jewish'p£ ord for the state'. He also ~on graduated from Creighton, the by as anti-Semite. Baros died In •frhieh, it is reported a Nebraska State Normal school latter being deputy county attor- a 'hospital. -His slayer "was. ar- j en OTer. by the Hill ccholarship. _ r . ney" for four years. rested."
The Nation {number ol August 20) carries a. feature editorial vrith "the -caption: Anti-Semitism is here. The Nation sincerely dislikes anti-Semitism and despises it as both .undemocratic and ."\rulgar. All the editors have Jewish friends and associates, most of them, it not all of- them, shadow Jews without Jewish knowledge, Jewish bindings, with'. Jewish back-grounds, carefully repressed, •with Jewish aspirations carefully merged in some general hope which does not exist. -This being BO,' it follows that the Nation's sincere alarm and 'solicitude issue in no insight and in no helpfulness. Here is the gist of the editors' argument: "Race prejudice is a by-product of Industrial and political reaction." Now it can be truly said that race-prejudice is intensified by industrial and political reaction. But the liberals and radicals who pretend to themselves that the sources-of race-prejudice are no deeper, that race-prejudice • is not, pre-existent to any given industrial or political situation, are not only doing the-Jewish . people no" good, but may easily do them harm."
London (TVN3) — To prove to England's alien-baiters, especially the Beaverbrook press, which is warring on German refugees, that Great Britain is not, as alleged, overrun with refugees, the Home Office is preparing to take 2. census of all aliens in Great Britain and to institute a system To BCCOHIG Associated of registration for foreigners. with Cleveland EducaThe latest accusation of the Beaverbrook press is that there tional Office exists a secret international JewThe resignation of Ruth Allen, ish organization working to v director of activities at the Jew-cue the Jews of Germany . ish Community Center, will be- Austria by smuggling them i t come effective on September 15. democratic countries. Miss Allen ia leaving for Cleveland, Ohio, where she will become associate director of the Council Educational <-£flce. Miss Allen has been associated with the local Center since September, 1934. Under her direction the JewisTi Community Center home camp, Camp Akiba, was started, and the program of the Hound Table of Jewish Youth developed. She has also been active in the work of the women's Convention. Adopts New division. Previous to her coming to ' Document; to Be .
il.iliiliS Si
<rahams in-New .' Association
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. r ByFRAtTX T?om may or may not believe House of Power. If you can that the stars and planets guide manage him for the next two human destiny but yoa will be years, three at most, you can.use intxtgaed'-'by- this -fascinating his1 rise to power in your, own inexjosb'by the -woman who was terest. He is not great: enough ':.• BJUer's .personal astrologisfc In in-himself to overthrow you. He j;this • second • oJ two articles cannot ride the wild horses which originally appearing, in World you, with' .your powerful Tenth Astrology Magazine, . Frau .& House Saturn, have dominated so :; predicts ,the floomiof Hitler and sternly. He Is. a born servant, -fBUOerJsin in t h e i a l l of and a figure head; But the pow' THE JEDITOB. . " .. ers which might "use him,"temporarily,' to tear you down, ,are : another matter. And by their vviiknew very well Hitler "would help, Goering can supercede you ; -notUjke what I had to teil him.; any time up to.the close of 1940,. My jdaring remarks were already- not as a real ruler and leader hut bringing- clouds: -across hia, lace: as'the glove on the Invisible :.hni}d .andi fiery sparks from''his'eyes.; ofl the real •" power;. Thlsr.path., ;te :He; knew : I always spoke the truth- not free from danger.-, even '..in •^and- <wa3 fearless when an astro-'1 these months. His Sun wOl be ;3ogipal- chart called for realistic sextile Mars while the Transiting ^interpretation.- I hesitated, for Sun and Mars in Cancer -will opmuch hinged on my next words to pose his natal Sun, indicating ;JOer| Fuehrer and while-he had danger of death over which /he -learned bitterly- in the past to will triumph temporarily. ; i heed L astrological warnings I *fear,ed tttat now .he would be unSelf-Infliced Rniii tlJbi : "Hia disappointment in con•"• "JG.beriog Is- the m a n for you nection with foreign' affairs:• ia 3c> tear,!' .warned him.: v "Impos- Tvell shown by the aspect- and sible," .ha "shouted, but there was transits in. his Seventh -House. • impatient anxiety J n his voice. The Moon on the • place of- NepVCagt his chart," he. commanded. tune,. Uranus in. Its .fall transit-: I "was- prepared for this.'-. ing the seventh, Mars and Uranus GOKRINCr'S CHART ' . •. , opposed In his.First and Seventh ' • Goering'was born January 12,. houses, indicating action- and JlS^Si at Rosenheim," Austria. I trouble. This is given a. doubly, ^compared his positions with Hit- sinister meaning by-the fact that .-ler*^. , The Fuehrer looked on In his radical- Uranus is near. the -silence but I could sense the ten- cusp of his Twelfth House, indision' of-his mind. What was it cating self inflicted ruin, through that he knew or already feared secret affairs. His ' power 'wijil about.this favorite son of his ofnot long, endure. It m a y be that : ficial; family? , "' • •"_ '" his wife will play an i:finpor'tant
• ,• "The chancellor's" Moon "and Ju-piter fall-almost on the place of .General Goering'a Mercury. TJsu"allyi_an unimportant combination, ^thii*-. aspect takes critical' import•snce from the fact that Mercury irules Goering's House of Power. ^There is the • reason" Tor* Hitler's dominating influence over Gbering's mind and career. Bad aspects, however," fall from Hittier's Saturn and'Mars- to "the 'Moon, and •'Uranus /In Goering's -chart, indicating the certainty of Ta;<brfeak between them sooner or
"role in these next two years as the conjunction of the radical Moon and Uranus, indicate, and as. the prominence of the Seventh House just now would also show. :.MBut particularly notice..- that his Moon is about to ente,r-* the Eighth House, the House of Death. This always brings thoughts • of death, .arid -whose death is it, my, Fuehrer, 'that Goering will' have reason to .desire? All the aspects point to ..affairs of state and to violent action. Indications are that-the . - l a t e } - . - - •;: ••••••• • . . • • - , :• ' serious troubles between you two ••:- ".Beware of • frightening, him, will start in June, 193?,-but this >dear. leader," L.warned, "Saturn will be only minor as compared and- :Mars :have great pawer over' to your conflict about November Meiicury - and these evil aspects when' Uranus will "be In opposithnjatenVdark deeds/crimes per- tion to Goerlng's racial Moon. :.happ, under pressure of fear of (Be-ware of conflict with his wife,jdomlnatins power.' Besides, you or about her!)" There will' klso LCneefihim for some time. He has be an opposition; between Saturn m6tfyet:.come"to the height of his and Mars, Saturn being very near powers. For Bomev time to come the place of Mara and Mars being •Jie Will be: a useful servant; but on Saturn' in his birth chart. "Veiry dangerous to his enemies." These aspects always head to sep"Bui can I trust'"him?" ' the arations" and the breaking -iip""of Fuehrer's eyes were' dark.' "No, partnerships. The Midheaven will you' cannot trust him' one minute then be very near the South after he.ceases to feel that you Node, under the shadow of the aroi advancing his Interests. He Neptune transit indicating violent has; Scorpio, the secretive sign, action, decrease of.power even to rising... He senses his own- in- ruin, and the certainty; of secret creasing power and will work machinations, intrigue and deceponly.with those forces which, are tion. The.fact that it ijr the Midheaven which Is Involved points slowly lifting him up. to. the conclusion that while the - I Secret Happenings ; ' VI can 'see that much that hap- treachery of his wife may help to undermine his courage and his In• pens in Gberlng'-e Jite ior .some fluence it will be only incidental months to 'come "will be secret, —the. main is with govmysterious,'"• deceptive. Neptune, ernment andconcern power. God help lord of things which are not what <rur' poor /Reich. will be they seem.to be, Is transiting his war a.t last, war~ ofThere house-of .power,, indicating power without justification, -aggression, if Goering . which; is^either ' much more or is allowed to express the nature much- less than it seems. -His the stars have given him." progressed Sun will he. in sijuare •'.'" Hand of Death . .aspect to Neptune-this, year, and " "If': Goering is allowed—-who his; natal Sun is in' the House of can'atop him? To. whom shall L Money; " T h i s indicates that • he, turn?" The Fuehrer stopped his llk^ you, :will be hampered by. fi- pacing of Jhe room to fix a dark
nancial difficulties. But within two years his Sun will move to a trijie with Uranus. That marks "toe'height of his power and is reltiforced by the technical trine between •transiting Neptune and transiting Uranus, affecting his
gaze on the charts.
"It may be . that death is to
stop him," I replied. "Hl3 moon is coming to the-door of- the
House- of Death, as I said.
that" place of ill omen it is, a little later, to meet the opposition/ to the Sun. . Of course, it might mesr. the death of his wife, but -even- if it should'—and I do not believe that it does—it will have a ".very "serious effect on/him. You and others Will op'pose-Goering, first secretly, then openly, but death itself will take a hand, and not on Goering's side." ''And, what, about' his followers'?" ;\ '_ ', "They are not important -to1 him now. He has not concerned himself enough . with : the wishes f anyone except you,.'his master. Nevertheless, beware'. of coming' into conflict JvltuV-iim now for his power . will Increase for ' at
least : two years to- come If he lves, and the'hand of death may e stayed' for some- time." "And now, what of me?" asked :he Fuehrer, his face once more iilled^ with anxiety. "What can ou promise, me?" ' I hesitated. Dare I tell him? 'earfully I began, froia whence came, my strength to do so, I do not know. A great urge was with-? in.me, J I must save-him. I must try; to save the dear Fatherland. But what could X 3oV alone—the very stars of heaven against me? could tell him the truth.. He ad learned .to be guided by me, had learned-that when he'. dlsreafded[my warnings failure' and uin had befallen him. He had sent for me again in this crisis. He' wanted 'my advice. He would listen tb me—he would save himself "and Ihe' Reich. So I argued gainst Heaven/ But, of course, he did nothing of the kind. Heaven compelled him—and refuted me. "'•'.' :' pecllrie of Hitler I."told ••;hjim, tremblingly, "Mein Fuehrer'.X. regret.to. .tell you this.
Your decline will start in June, 193S. Your whereabouts may be a mystery to many in 1940 but it will not be long after that, that a violent'end threatens you." It was, it is, the truth. But I met the fate of the bearer of ill news. Who is it that speaks about him who "warns the king of his enemies?" Adolf Hitler, more powerful. than any bsing, flew into a . most uh'kingly rage, called me terrible names, furiously demanded that I unsay the fatal words.; Finally he called In Gestapo.' officers and ordered me out pf his-sight forever, out of the country of my birth which I love ' so . well and had so vainly tried to serve.-. What will be the outcome? I am here in hiding and he goes ruinously on. He will destroy himself, he will bring our beloved Germany to ruin. He has .ruined me; and it is unlikely that' I wiil.live long after the publication of these truths. But the world must know,' Germany must know, and it is my patriotic and -given --duty to declare that the end of Hitlerlsm i3 in sight.
' 2 After ycj'va pvt
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s e a ca.
then proceeded to prove that Yiddish was as ranch Aryan as
English. "It has a considerable addition ,-f Hebrew words,"- he pointed out, "in the same" Way as English includes much Latin, but English do is not thereby become a Romance language. "Nor does English change its Sason character when written in Pitman's shorthand. The Semitic script used by Jewish newspapers disguises but does not change the "essentially Aryan basis of Yiddish. Thus the accurate student
the" of social science would describe
Masters thresh !!tiir peers £sr i days—esca beck cz& give us l
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Bright'UMgiiials that will win ever t*ls§ an'd- Sja'allsWoman \vl*3 Exclusively Yetrs 'and OEF: !
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s as a composite cultural | ,
Control-of Czech d Firm De
London (WNS)—Yiddish Is as much an Aryan language as English,, and the. term "Jew" should be used'only in connection with religion,' the correct description being "Jewish ' cult" rather than "Jewish race," because Jews, like Germans, are of two different races, Professor Thomas G. Taylor of the University of Toronto told the annual congress of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. . Holding that "all progressive nations in the world are built upon the same three stocks— Alpine, Nordic and Mediterranean," Professor Taylor, said that "when this thesis is accepted then; most of the evil structure based on race prejudice must fall
V/o put a sat of r.sw U. S. Eeyol Mcstcr Tiro en ycur car; wrap up yevr prcscr.S .tires end bci titsm ssfc!y cway—r
Oo a hoK&y—or »ny tSay— tfir. bwr thij -tzsta ,' fcea u All Grain Siorx Brer. .Mads Htht bet by iMcsS „,--. * I brewers. Sioir^jcd for perfect Savor. It ccati no more "(ts f~~'"~~ p 1 £9 feave ^*?rU** Oiarapion fccer—jusf say ^'SJCTJ** ' ™" i erho >ou aist. ' "
Germans, are of two different group ('cult') with a specifir re-1 O i races. If they come from Poland Hgioa^ most of whom are Al" re ^ they belong to the Alpin-* race; in race and speak &n Aryan. ± ~if from Spain, they are of the guage (a dialect of Gerr" Mediterranean race, like all the which is written in a pec original Je'srs of Palestine." Yiddish 'Aryan' Assailiag Germany for excluding the German Jews as members j of a "non-Aryan race," '.Professor j Taylor said "racially German Jews are Aloines like the"" south Germans and their languages are best called Judeo-Gerican. London (1TXS) — T h e ho ^ He
European Jews Members of Two Racial 7 Groups
jFfi tira«Storx Beer has woo .5 (he World's Ch&znpionsKip ct ^International Ex|iojition».
to the ground. la ray opinion, prejudice Is but another narae for ethnological ignorance." 'Jew' Only Religious Xame" Emphasizing that just as anthropologists agree that the term "Aryan" can be applied only to speech and the term "Nordic" only to breed,. Professor. Taylor argued that the terra "Jew" should be used only in connection With religion. "We need," he said, "a new term to express a group linked by purely cultural characters, "such as . language or, religion. For such groups. I. have been extending the use of the word 'cult.' : 'For instance, in Canada we have in reality no 'French race' since Frenchmen may belong to one of three distinct races, but only a French 'cult' linked by a common language and religion. So also we should learn to speak of a "Jewish cult.' since this large group is linked closely by religion and. to a lesser degree by
*™v T-«-
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Daily Herald. Labor organ ports in a Vienna dispatch the Nazi authorities hare ref " ' an offer of $600,60:0 £or th- " lease of Earon Louis ce E 'i - fin child, head, of the Austrian bi - r' c in of the familj-, who bas "her ' -t , * . custody since early in Bl£.rc5 i as The'Xazis denianc as the i T " ?pce of Earon Louis' release an a5" t" p r r iiment turning; over to their Rothschild holdings in the r ous Tv'itkowitz Works of Czech- j Err.il Bessels <lS-i oslovakia, that country's greatest industris.1 enterprise. The one of the outftar.d r.g- suthori"Rothschild's control 51 per cent ties en the Arctic re jrions.
TEE JEWISH PBSSS—FRIDAY,.SEPTBMBBE.--2,"1S3S. wise to insure that the scheme of development for the benefit of the- community at large would not be violated.
More than that, the corporation- hss, in the case of the hundreds of houses it has financed, enforced the use of standard plans in order to prevent settlers from b u i l d i n g beyond their means. • This -was the cause' of bitter complaints by some settlers, who called the corporation a "dictator." .Now, however, aftJ. T. A. Staff Oorrespoadeat er those who obtained private loans and built more pretentiously, ' have found themselves in (The bursts of terrorism that crisis of 1926-1927 in Eastern a modern school with 1,000 pn-trouble because they are unable ' l o - r e i r r r o r -i .- > v J .'-.' ." have kept tension high in the Europe, when Jews who had to meet payments, most of the pils, busy shops, a commuter .Palestinian seaport city of ought plots in the development problem, and all the character- settlers agree that the corporaHaifa have not halted the re- were to keep up their pay- istics of a booming suburb. Be- tion was rlght. markable growth of this city. ments.unable Then the 'Palestine Bco- ond Kiriat Haim are growing The Palestine Economic corWith American initiatiTe and omic "corporation stepped in and the other "Kiriata" Kiriat Motz- poration is, in fact, a ""dictator," capital playing an important aved the purchase by buying out kin, for middle-class homeown- but a benevolent one. It is in role, Haifa is rising to a posi- the original company. About ers, Kiriat Bialik, where German business not for promts, it contion of dominance in the east- three-fourth3 of the region was Jewish immigrants have built fines its dividend to a small ern Blediterranean, serving as over to the Jewish Nation- more pretentious homes, abandon amount—but for promotion of a strategic port for British and alurned o ' l " Z\~\"Z" ^"T~: '"=• •' — • Fund at cost, and the remaind- the. standardization idea, and inthe Jewish National Home on a as the terminus for the pipe-, the Palestine Economic cor- some cases, come to grief; Kiriat business-like basis. Its Bayside lines from the rich Mosul eroration retained. Bialik Beth, probably the best-, project is today hampered by the fields. The part that American The area the corporation held planned and best-built settlement economic depression in Palestine Jews are playing in the bufldovered about 8,000 acres, adjoin- in Palestine, Kiriat Shmuel and and by the terrorism. But it Is issg of this coming -metropolis ing v --athering the storm with far the present city limits of Kiriat Benjamin. Is described here by the Jewish Haifa. less difficulty than most of the offered the unique ad- The development nas proceedTelegraphic Agency correspon- vantage, Itfor a planning scheme, ed along the lines of thLe original Holy Land's business and public dent.—EJUTOR.) " ' — •> 1 • T f being near the city, yet com- plan. The Palestine Economic activity, and in the end •will unletely unbuilt, BO that the plan- corporation can control this, for doubtedly -play a bigger part in HAIFA, Palestire. ners would ' not have old un- kept the ownership of the land shaping the future of Haifa and - ^ 1 In this' bomb-torn city, amid planned or badly planned com- it and only sold hereditary leases in of Palestine than all the sensathe bloodiest scenes of Palestine's munities in their way. tional events of recent Treeis. which it retained the right to stormy post-war history, a milcontrol height of buildings, to (Copyrighted by Jevrish Tele- the A. Z. A. Eegional cenveatioa to be held here this Sunday . c lion dollar American job of modprevent well-fiigging, and othergraphic Agency, Inc.) and Monday. .i Marshes Drained ern community development is The corporation made full use quietly proceeding on its peaceful Hostesses pictured ebove are, left to right; Front Bcnr, -t of this opportunity. Its first job •way. Betty Eosen. Lois Barish, and Louise Ssylan; Eear Bow. Shirley ^ was the draining of the marsh. At Terror-wracked Haifa, by one of the violent contrasts character- a cost of §250,000 it built drainEpstein, Charlotte 2\ogg, and Frances Osoff. ' istic of Palestine, Is the, locale of age ditches, fed by a network of a remarkable project of upbuild- drainpipes, which converted the are the basis c" both ©TIT Cana- outlining a proposed "social philing, conceived by American Jew- region into firm ground and dian and our Jewish life, and that osophy for Jews?" by Sidney ish business men, backed ' -." their helped free Haifa of malaria. The Professor Hoot rejectee its doctrines constitute a great s Kook. Investments ana inspired by thedrainage system -was one which any Cosanrcnist tie-up with Jews menace :tq osr Jewish •sreif&re." Ideas of United States Supreme will take care of the needs of the In a .further .-Canadian, action, in "tie struggle to ria the world Court Justice Louis.D. Brandeis. great population which it is By PAUL SSBLEY the district convention in Tcrcn- cf Fascism, pointing out that the cThe American-backed enter- hoped will one day dwell and %o ot the B'nai B'rith adopted an Soviet Union's "intolerance of reprise has transformed a vast/ un- work in the region. The big If Baron Blimchsnsen were f religious dissenters inhabited, m a l a r i a -breeding drainage ditches remain to carry aliye he vroold hasten to hand B'nai B'rith, and the Canadian anti-Cora-mirnist resolution .in're- ligion and cf Congress — have made duced by Judge A. K. Cohan of from - its OWEmystical creed is swamp and a region of desolate off the industrial waste waters. his title of th© world's cham- Jewish sand-dunes in the space of a de- This was in accordance with pion prevaricator to those who clear their stand on the question Boston. In discussing the resolu- iiOTurious. It gives lip-service ' •> tion, Judge Cohen said: "The the rights -ol national liberation rnf' r-prr -, cade Into an area of, modern one of the first principles of the disseminate that vrfaopper of of Communism. great masses of the Jewish people for minority peoples t u t CLOSE not Charge • Made by Ignorant homes for /workers and middle- development, that all services and the century that Judaism and class people, and of up-to-date utilities [ should _ be provided be- Communism are synonymous. The recent national convention are .faithful to the religious 'recognize the right cf the .Tews to factories. It has already played fore settlers move in or factories Although Jews Ita-re repeatedly of the B'nai B'rith, largest Jew- teachings of their fathers. JcSa- HH.t'O^iEl ITDsrsitioti. Tt rTrscTTi-tPs On the same repudiated this libel by facts ish fraternal order in the world, ism is a part of their life. In it agitation for a Jewish hoTD.eIs.nd a large part in the transformation are established. r of Haifa from an insignificant principle, tne corporation sent and figures, it trill stand 2a- adopted a resolution declaring' they find consolation aaS hope. In Palestine (as eistinct from s fishing village into a busy mod- •water supply experts who sought swering again. Mr. Beeley that the Jew who embraces Com- They believe in its precepts and j frontier post at Biro-Sifijar. > EE ern city. "What has been accom- and found, a copiouB source of summarizes the recent pro- munism is an apostate from Ju- in its ' prophecies. CoTmn-uius~ | per so reactionary. It respects plished represents only a start pure fresh water. The sand- nouncements by leading Jews daism and that Communism i3 has fought unremittingly ag-ainst minority cultures only insofar t s toward, the building of. a Greater dunes act as a natural filter, giv- and J e w i s h organizations the enemy of all religious faiths. the religious faith of the Jews. their content and values con'orm Haifa -which, if present plans ma- ing Bayside the best water sup- against PrtTn-nwriigm. —rrHt<: Alfred M. Cohen, retiring presi- A Communist "who was a .Jew is to -Cosiincnist party decree." terialize, -will be the "metropolis. ply in Palestine, sufficient to care EDITOR. dent, of the B'nai B'rith, told the no-w an apostate. If Communism Industrial center and trade cross- for its needs for years to come, delegates in his . presidential ad- were to rule; it would' destroy • A similar rejection o" Coraboth Judaism and Christianity." roads of this part of the "world, and in striking contrast to the The thrice-repeated Papal re- dress: . and the first city planned from water of Haifa Itself, which Is buke to proponents of National That these statements have not •ruiznism "in any shape, form or "Only those who do not know the ground up for business effi- mixed with Beawater and hardly Socialist and similar racist doc- the Jews, their economic posi- been merely sporadic is indicated j fashion" was n-rgec epos «ews by ciency and for the -well-being of fit to drink; the fact that in 1SSG the Ces-.! Louis Miar-tr. Jewish editor of trines has drawn Catholic and tion, their general point of view, by its populace. Similarly, before the first set- world tral Conference of American Rab- .1 Religious JCET^S Service, in. ats their religious history — only to the various ,'article in -the EecoriEirue'dozasi, tler moved In, the corporation chargesattention Population Grows of the doctrine's theor- those who are warped by preju- bis declared'in its "Social Justice or£M"-;oI;*tiie Socistj for. The area of development is inhad arranged'electricity supply, ists. Most .frequent assertion is dice and therefore desire to en-Message": "We are opposes-with-iifofiisial. he. j^dTCEceics-Et -of Judaism. Kr. the Vale of Zebulon, along the and had setup a telephone ex- that Judaism and Communism tertain illusions, can believe that out reservation or eq~ivccat;ioa- j Minsky asserted " that " a n c.rti0hore ofv Haifa Bay, north and change—the first automatic ex- are synonymous. Jews in this Jews are, In considerable part, in both to the method of Commun- ; Fascist crussfie vrfeict!. Ijrn.ores tfce east of the city, and extending change in Palestine. Until very country have long been endeaver- sympathy with Communism. They ism and- the regimentation of for soiEe . distance inland. Since recently the Bayside towns were Ing to repudiate EUCII allegations. fail to realize the incongruity of Fascism.'" playB into tlie liandE of tile Coinactual settlement began in 1933,the only places. In the country Attacks By Xiddish Press On xeligiou3 grounds, also, their charges when they blame mimisis who are at present USIXLE a population of 8,000 Jews has •where a new subscriber could ob- Jewish rabbinical sp&kesmen.have all. Jews for the Coramunlsia of a More- Tecentljv -I5r.--S. ..Mar- atitk-F£iSCist Elogtss to gain powbeen established here," in Email tain a telephone immediately, in denounced few who happen to have "been goshes, editor of the Lay, New as theborn modern homes, •* anost of them contrast to- the:'delay of months antithesis ofCpmmunlsin Jews. Such a charge is noYork Yiddish - daily,' '• attacKei | comfort to CommuniEsi .in any Judaism, and have more built according to patterns for and even years elsewhere. logical than a charge that Cqmniiiiiists for their SEritEtlca in i form is inereJv.. to hsstez the -derepudiated Jewish Communists.as all Catholics Planning the City the utmost efficiency and .value. Protestants have This attitude is re-forsaken theiror -"The troth is that the siri2ctios cf democracj".—Eunai.The settlers are grouped in half .The next step: was to bring "apostates." religion, and adopt- Palestine. flected in a statement made by Jewish masses, -who reziembEr its.ris.iis ^v"iis ars tDl£rs.tit ct tlisa dozen towns, laid out according from England .Professor"-Patrick ; ed the principles of Karl Man." Milton M. WecM .of • .New and can never -forget the shame- dsTicss of C^^nnirLiSiH bccr;.uS-£ of ' to the most up-to-date principles Abercrombie, .one of the worldte Justice foremojgt.community.planning ex- York at the semi-centennial an- Efforts to lint Jews with Com- ful role played.by. ~the"Jewish E frjmpEttT with its CEfisrlTlcj: | Of community ^planning. . . of Yeshiva college, or- .munists were denounced pre- Communists during the Palestine economic - m o t'i-v e-s co-tr!brte Another district is set aside for perts.' J?_r;:o f e s s o r Abercromble niversary thodox r e l i g i o u s , institution. viously by Dr. Cyrus Adler, pres- riots (in 1829), are no : inore DOthing to the cause of social | industry and located, in accord- studied_;the Bayside Teglon in its Judge said: -"Communism ident of the American Jewish ready today to accept the Coin- prosrress. In fact, they tinder it." ance -with the general plan, so asrelation^ to Haifa, to Palestine as is the"Wecht the exact Committee, in a public statement innnist party line than ever be- 'The Jewish \v~ar Veterans of to provide the best facilities for a whole, to the entire Middle oppositeveryofantithesis, Judaism, which is which was also signed by Sol M.fore," he declared. . the United States has repeatedly transportation, communications, East, the existing, industries, the definitely opposed Streeck, chairman of the executo tha Comgone on record EE cpjvossd -not At the same. time,, the Menorah •water supply, waste disposal and possibilities of future develop- munist idea of things." tive committee. The American Journal, leading .Jewish Bc'holrr- cnlT to Kasism anfi Fascisis hut other industrial essentials, and at ments, and population trends. On On political grounds, Jewish Jewish Congress barred Commun- ly publication,-•carried,, an .article to Co&xmunissi EE well. ..' Is. fact the same time to avoid disturb- the basis of this study he drew up the Haifa of the secular groups h a v e warned ists and Communist sympathizers ing the residential section, pollut- the' plan for : . against the unfairness of blaming from its last convention. ing its air or water or creating future. Action in Csns-eJa any of the other iuisancea comHe divided the Bayside aTea Jews in general for the activities monly associated 171111 industria into industrial and residential of a tiny number of Jewish Com- The Canadian Je-wish Congress regions near cities. .; ' zones, the industrial zone lying munists.- - also declared recently that it has Thus, the persecution of rab-"from its inception barred from In this area are several scares close to the city, the pipeline of factories, including a foundry, terminus, and the factory region bis in the Soviet Union has Its membership any Jewish orthe only -wire factory in the Near already developing nearby, the aroused strong protest among re- ganization with^ a known Comligions Jews in the United States. munist affiliation. It has taken East, a flour mill, a brick factory, residential zone further out. The industrial zone he further And four large Jewish organiza- this stand because the large body a glass factory—now shut down as a result of the depression—a subdivided into regions for light tions—the American Jewish Con- of Canadian Jewry is -convinced brush factory, '^. factory for es-and heavy, industries, and a spe- gress, the American Jewish Com- that Communism is contrary to sential oils, and many smaller cial area-for industries producing mittee, the Independent Oraer those democratic principles which noxious fumes or waste waters plants of various Kinds. i fcu-fi W '~_ L T U a k * i. 's On part of the original site, or which was desirable to segrenow turned over to the Palestine gate, for other reasons. Each regovernment, is the workshop o gion -was again sectioned off so the Palestine Railways, one ofthat lactories" using similar raw the largest industrial plants in materials, or waste disposal methPalestine. Also within the scopi ods, or services of various kinds, of the plan for industrial develop- could be grouped together to obment of the region is the site o tain the advantages of joint purthe huge oil Tefinery soon to bechase or operation where possible. built for processing the product ^Th© residential zone was also of the Iraq oil fields.. The ter-subdivided into regions for- workminus of the pipe line from Iraq ers and - ior middle-class .home : is on the shore of Haifa Bay, ad-owners, Jor apartment houses jacent to the town planing region and a beach front area of hotels, o o o . . . parks and amusements. Residential streets were laid out on Financed by Americans Responsible for most of this the blind-end pattern which keeps development is the Palestine Eco- automobile through traffic away nomic corporation of New York from homes, giving quiet, and founded'and financed by Ameri- safety for children. • • « can Jews. The late - Felix M. "Warburg- was honorary president First Homes of the corporation. Bernard FlexUnder the plan, the industrial ner, of New York, is chairman of and residential regions will be its board of directors, and Jusius separated by a wide belt of trees Simon, of New York, Is president. and provision is made for parks The corporation was founde throughout the residential area for the purpose of applying Amer- to make it a "garden city." ican industrial, social and busiIn 1933, the first homes were SPECIAlj—Vou may ness, ideas" and methods- to thebuilt—ISO houses, of two rooms oovj purchssa tha fJiaproblems ot settling thousands oi kitchen and bathroom with a b!t Eeoacray Fu?nsca Jewish immigrants In Palestine. tiled shower bath, each, with a wits a lO-ycsp gssr*. This was one of the ideas espous- little natch of ground around it. antes against replaca* ed by Justice Brandeis when h The houses were built strictly acmsnt cf parts and tJts was active in Sionist affairs, ant cording to a standard pattern C <i" ~ rm JT "Z TT ocst cT JaSor involve*. through the manifold activities^ They ,were intended for low-paid iThis is tha mosS cora. the Palestine Economic corpora- workmen, and they were planned sa U dsd^ssa is beSss 2ia c p!sla Quarantea isiassl tion, the Brandeia spirit?'plays a and constructed so as to wring i-even gratis srs tn» vital part in the development of every cent's value from the clcfisi. the Jewish National Home. money invested. The land was The Haifa" Bay territory, seen part of the area belonging to the of the corporation's "Bayside" de Jewish National Fund, the convelopment, wa3 originally ac- struction1 was financed by the 5=sil7 is o?ct7 5=r quired by a Jewish company from Palestine" - Economic corporation. absentee Arab landowners twelve The houses cost 220 pounds {81,years ago. At that time it was 100) each. waste of marsh and sa^.d. The \ This was the beginning of the purchasing company fell Into dif- town of Kiriat Haim, which toj ficulties during the economli day has nearly 5,000- inhabitant; '«• z s: t t r
Ew&sss mM'^-.\
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TEE JEWISH PRESS—FKEDAY, SEPTEMBER'S, 1938 toward intermarriage that is too common among the Jews. Only tho attitudo of the Nazis is comparable. If a Jew or Jewess marries one of another faith, it is no time for weeping and bigoted lamenting. . But intermarriage demands thought because it is 0 complicating element. Marriage is in itself the greatest problem faced by humans. Tho relationship of a married couple; has been a matter of concern since Adam met Eve. Personalities must adjust to each other. When two of-different religious faiths marry, it means another element of extreme importance that must be considered. . When a marriage'between a Jew and non-Jew take3 place, the couple should not be considered social outcasts. But if they hope to conquer tho problem by Ignoring ..it, they are due for a tragio disappointment. ; ' ,; .'
yo-a mere defizitely £.s te plans Is' tfee.Eesir Mature. Early *n the Fa'!, tre tts.ll fcsrs c, meettas of the
o of tho Sible Dr.
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Rabbi Jonah Wise Reports • THE! JEWISH &PJZS3 PUBLISHING CO23PANS Mr. William L. Kolzisan, :. Nebraska Clothing Co., ; . BXBiS PRICG, ens vest > » o, « • o developments. 15th & Farnara Sts.,' >, Better ia tha poor that walketh Omaha, Nebr. OAT CO RJRMICBC© ON APPLICATION I trust you are having & pies- ""•; ,. ,. „..„.,_„.,,,...;-... sasit Bui ia his integrity, than he that is Dear Friend.: l p. tc.. fusfiitoi-huT., 'ewiafc Com* OFFICE: CIO BRANDCIO THCATCR CUILDI^G perversa ia his ways, though he Before sailing .for Europe, I - CtQUX CJTV CPRCEI—JEWIGH COMMUNITY CCNTGQ ba rich. promised to report to you on my PRIN1 CXOP ABOnSSO—O* CO. C4TM'OTRGtX? A man . that flattereth his return to America. I am fulfilling C&Rinaaa ^oint Choir reltes.real. K p.TO..K &n& BlsACSESl •' • • uBndscn cad ilcoastas neighbor spreadeth a set for his my promise-by means of this L. Jewish Community Center, ;' steps, ... STRAWS n.""AOKE3R£IAN . . » . . Editor brief statement on the Evian InThe righteous taketh knowl- tergovernmental Refuges ConferR NATHAN « • Acoelsto Editor Inter-Etiont-,]' TTn^'-rrr.; Ordfflfj edge of the cause of the poor, the ence, which, as you fenow, I at- announce tievisea S p. ra.. G e.fcfi I>, . r ey-ist Goat^RBDBHICK qOHN . . . Coatributlaa wicked understandeth net knowl- tended. R A B B I THBODOED N .L E W I S • • • . • Boo!: Editor edge.' The Evian Conference had s PIX-L - - «. • S i o n s City. I o w a , C o r r c s D o a d c s t The rich man is wise in his own very definite element of usefullout tnestJ-np- £ P- "$'•( eyes, but the -poor that hath un- ness and' encouragement for us derstanding s e a r c-h e t h him all. It placed the whole Question Center. through. IGIG a t of refugees on a humanitarian ba- tha Baujsrasr, anaoiiEces & new t . . : _'. '• •, • •' F a r e w e l l to ; S*imm©r Choir relsearfc/L £ ..p. w.,, K schedule of hours to go into efHe that oppresseth the poor sis — a unique step forward in "These are times that try men's souls." When Thomas By Rabbi Frederick Cohn blasphenieth his- Maker, but he international cooperation. What is fect Tuesday. September 6. With this n£w schedule, -which Pains surveyed his world, a hundred and fifty years ago, he it focused the attention of Summer is about over. Already there is a feel of autumn that i3 gracious unto the needy more, the world on the problem. The is naSa possible t y a WPA proj- p. m. hardly imagined the troubles that would beset future genera- in the air. The hottest daya are perhaps behind us. Soon the honoreth- Him. eE's Rocra—S' &. TB. to 6 Ha that gstteth wisdom loveth best minds, not only of oar coun- ect, the services of the Omaha tions. His words are. truer today than they were in that period fallen leaves will be alTaround us. his own soul, he that keepeth un- try but throughout the world, are jraEch libraries -will be greatly p. is. now occupied with the situation extended. The complete sciieduleof revolution and change. We trust it has been a pleasant and a comfortable summer derstanding shall find good. r whose very magnitude demands fc • the main library: Europe today is very much like the Europe of the eighth for all, not without its prof it of physical and mental relaxation, official action. This, I think, was Eeference Deptrtxrer-.t—S p, Circulation Department — £ E| a specific and definite gain an3 jr.. to S:£0 p. m. to 6 p. m. and ninth century when the Saracens began their raids on a bringing renewed zest for the work of fall and winter with its Rabbi Juda said: "Whoever ia marks a point of departure which arrogant, i£ he be a sage his wisEeJerence Rooms—5 a. m. to S' Patronize Ocr A6rertiss?s. frightened continent. From the mountain passes of. Spain, regular routine duties, its inevitable obligations. dom will depart from him. and if should be of interest to all of us. fr'om.the hills 6f the Balkans, from the sea—no ono Imew when he be a prophet his prophecy will I consider entirely unfair the With the passing of the rose of summer, life's rose, too,depart him." accusation mafia ia some circles , they -would strike nest. No tuler was so powerful that he did loses some of its petals; for as the summers, so pass the years Rabbifrom Slmoa said: "A a w who that the Evian Conference was a not fear them. Nor today is there a country that feek safe. is losing his temper, if he be a failure. It vas . nothing cf tee \ . . " ' V . ' • ' • ' " ' • .' •• '-'' • : • ' ' saga bis •wisdom -will depart from sort. We must bear i a ' a i a d tnat "Who' fenowa when a morning will dawn with the droning of a w a y , We cannot but be impressed with the awful momentousness him, and if he be a prophet his the representatives of the thirty enemy aeroplanes overhead bringing destruction and death. will depart frora him." governments present at the Conof existence. Life ia most serious, and solemn with all the gay- prophecy Rabbi Rob said: "For four rea- ference were, in the first plaee, . There is. no description of the present situation but the ety and pleasure; even with the boasted increase in knowledge, sons the property of the rich be- not very familiar with the genword tragic.' Here is a world that has been given all the annihilated: First, for sot eral problem of the ' refugees, shrouded in impenetrable mystery. When life's curtain descends comes paying th.a wages of labours in Jewish s.nd non-Jewish; secondly, material needs for developing a paradise on earth. It 13 not there is i o o n e to tell what lies behind the sable pall. time. Second, for not paying the they were not acquainted wjta as Tennyson wrote that'lesser gods had made the world and working men a living wage. one another, nor.-with the-official Of one thing we are convinced more and more: The moral Third," for casting-off obligations attitudes of the nations representawaited the finishing touches of the greater God. The world is the supreme thing in life. It is the moral alone that gives from one's/self and placing thect ed; lastly, they were by no means was created by God and lesser, much lesser, self-styled gods to make any offers of significance to existence. Otherwise it would be 'sound and fury upon others. Fourth, for arrog- empowered special assistance by their respechave taken it upon themselves to improve it according to their ance. , signifying nothing. A tale told by an idiot.* .• governments. Under such cirOur R a h M s were taught: tive ' own. tastes and desires and to satisfy their own demands for cumstances, it Is fortunate and There is'tremendous difference between right and wrong. 'Three'sounds can be heard from that the Conference personal power. one end of the world to the other, heartening not deteriorate — as it might One man alone seems responsible for the fear that has The conflict between them makes up the drama and the tragedy, first, the sound emitted from the did .— into a public discussion sun; second, the radio have spread through Europe. Yet this man represents accumulated of existence.. Will the right"win, or will the forces of evil pre- spheriol of the UEdcsirability o£ Jews ES sound, and third, the sound of immigrants cr settlers. In this wrongs and injustices of all. He is an accusing finger at the vail? That is the crisis of the present moment. We stand on the anguish uttered by the soul when connection a tribute must ba paid brink of we know not what. For,a long.time now humanity's it quits the body." stateamen of Europe.. Without injustice after injustice there to the efforts of- Myroa C. Taysoul hase been severely tried. It will be right, not force, that will lor, Chairman of the Evi&n Conwould have been no Hitler.' AUSTRIAN JEWS ference and American member of decide the issue; unless it be the might of right against the Like Frankenstein, Europe has created its monster. I t the Intergovernmental Commit• PLAN TO EMIGRATE tee,' whose sense of courage and now sees that it must destroy its product or be*destroyed itself. would-be right of might. Right must triumph over might in Vienna (WNS) — Taking ad- humanity BcTS VSEft E S S t!ic IT..; gaided the Evian meetWhether the result is war or continued armed neutrality,-, as. the end,; else there is no meaning to existence. All is indeed vantage of an offer by Paraguay ing in a direction fully consonant - :'--•"of free land for colonization, 1,- with the ideals of American delong as the principles of the Nazis prevail, -the energy of the"vanity! and futility. 000 Austrian Jews have orga- mocracy. And it is gratifying to m i — E S ; tZ. h There must be moral progress in the world. That is the true world will be sapped as a vampire bat sucks the blood from a committee to emigrate to cote that the active direction of test of civilization and the re.al meaning of history. It is a Di- nised ia raadiscm for that country on a specially char- the Permanent Intergovernmental its'victim. tered liner. They are now ne- Committee ESS been entrusted to vine Drama with God pledged to the ultimate triumph of the && boT&* c Jt would be easy to moralize now, but this is not the time. gotiating with the authorities another American of t i e highest good and true. The opposite is unthinkable. bare for permission to take agri- repute-—Mr. George Eublee. When a world stands on the brink of catastrophe, horrified i ! cultural machinery with them. It behooves all good men. everywhere to lend every ounce spectat6rs find it is almost" too late to avert self-destruction. Ths practical objective cf the Conference and the ComPsychologists say ,a suicide is never sane, that unable to of energy ov ability they possess to the "furtherance of the moral dislikes and prejudices; the cur- Evian mittee which is now meeting in indsand'aimsof civilfeatioUjto 'remain staunchly true to man's think himself out of a predicament he seeks destruction. How rent speeches frora Germany and London — the actual resettle-1 the echoes from Italy are giving raent of refugees — is one wticli I like the poor benighted" soul, who a few weeks ago stood on highest"anci'besl.; We rejoice.when men and nations ally them- voice and words and ideas to feel- denisaCE t i e cscst clllZoCit conselves with the cause of right Evil must be defeated and the r* i the, ledge of a New York building and despite all the pleading ings that were almost subconsci- cern of the Joist Distrib-stica. Committee and sil its-supporters. of those about him, threw himself headlong into the street, is evil-doers over-whelmed and over-thrown. It is the price of true ous and quite inai ticulate. Very little result can be ts.i from i progress and civilization. Germany. i U Yet from my more disquieted the obvious good-will expresses The Old Testament, in the marvellous book of Deuteron- moods I am pulled out by ray hy the Conference-in Us fiiscuEC- *.„-— p r d r i-^ r, ." I :—,_ — r _^ rr She is confronted by internal difficulties. Despite her jzz*:s , . „ v..*v r T r in American democracy. The .sions or resolutions unless that five years of an iron-handed regime, she is still possessed, she omy, touched the heart of the matter when it said, "Eemove faith ' t lesson of its history is quite com- good-will is implemented with-fietill retains the psychology of a defeated nation. Such a p'sy- evil from thy midst." Evil is an obstacle to all healthy growth forting. In the decade of tae nancial means to retrain and -re- j fifties there grew tip in the Unit- settle the unfortunate- exiles from l is not conducive to the successful waging of a warand development. As we tear out the weeds from our lawns and ed States an organized assault on Germany end Austria. Wfcils tSis gardens, the fungous growths of -wickedness must be ruthlessly the rights ot Catholics and nat- is not an entirely new profclemvit that will take place on a tremendous scale. uralized Irish and German immi- presents an added responsibility Black wings hover over Europe today. Europe will pay destroyed. It is the last argument, when all other arguments grants. to the Joint Distribution Com- j have failed. It is only diplomacy, the diplomacy of righteousTo read the history cf that pe- rnittee and to . those agencies with her life's blood for her sins and mistakes. There will be Is to be reminded of the de- •which are concerned with emigrano triumphal marches, for there will be no triumphs; there ness. They who would, bum others in the fire of fanaticisms and riod cade during which Hitler was tion. hats, must themselves be burned. Evil recoils on the head of will be no victories. Where in 191& there was a group of decampaigning for power by deIt is obvious that the Joist Disextirpation of the Jews. tribution Conraittes must be ia feated nation, should the present crisis develop into war, thgsa tabs© wi,o would employ it against others. "Carthago delenda manding The fifties had brought to esi? 'esclaimed the eloquent Scipio. God 'rises up' when the closest touda with the Perman, j will.be a continent of vanquished. shores large numbers of ent Intergovernmental Committee cup of wrath is full to over-flowing and God's enemies — who these Catholics who were Irish and and that we must be in a posii ! /German, and gecret societies were ; as© the evil-doers, the\ perpetrators of monstrous wrong and formed to do something about tion to offer it substantial cooperation. AH this involves a fifiendish injustice -—are scattered. '. . them, to the end that the political nancial problem far. in excess of r i power which t h e i r numbers anything we have undertaken Proposals for the pacification of Palestine are as numerIn bidding farewell to summer may the world take leave •would i > give them raigbt be curbed. heretofore. Then it must be done, ous ps the bomb-explosions that rent the once holy atmosphere. of so much that has so long opprssed it, and weighed down The secret societies developed there caa be no doubt. That it can Each day as the blood of more innocents is spilled another plan its heart with grief and woe and fearful dread and dire expect- a theory of "nativiEt". perfection. be- done will depena oa ths good be an American native carried sense and the Judgment of the is reached. Yet the havoc continues. ancy. "With the cooler days and more temperate atmosphere To connetations of superiority such Jews of America -vriio must neces- I 1 - .There is no doubt, according to Frank Smothers, Jerusalem may reason-return to an 'insane* world and humanity go on its as Aryanism pretends in Ger- sarily take a leading part in the ! J All others were people of attempt to solve the refugee probcorrespondent of the Chicago Daily News, that the Partition way of normal living, realizing and experiencing that 'the works many. lesser degree. Catholics were lem. 'While it is true that ths i I plaq will be abandoned. While Britain has declared the man- of righteousness is peace, and the effect of righteousness quiet- called "the symbol and strength problem is one \rhica affects of foreign'influence." They were Christians as well as Je-rs and i ! date in its present form unworkable, the government shows lit- ness and assurance forever.' to be set aside as people- un- that it.should not be regar^eS ES tle Enthusiasm for the proposals of the Peel Commission. Farewell summer! Hail a brighter and a better humanity, worthy of sharing in the rights specifically Jewish, we-would be that natives enjoyed, even though deluding ourselves if we did not ; Among the Palestinian Jews, Smothers notes, thfere is a pursuing the path of truth, justice, brotherhood and love! they were naturalises. realise that our co-religionists; c ' • - ' .- ~' :"-;*>. r rr r f' tendency to agree to compromise with, the Arabs on the basis —Frederick Cohn The secret societies eventually the •world over, £ad particularly j fF ( C f t t t y. -'XV; , • of a minority status. With this idea for the firing of the Jewcane into the open as the '.'Know in tee United States, must be pre. _ iL I I.e. Party," officially the pared — as qaietJy as possible— ish population on a ratio basis would come the idea of the whea in our daily press Nazis are Nothing "American Party." In 1SS4 theto take the initiative. It cannot be t ; r.lSr •,' ~ * ' " tvrX"allowed to slander Jews. For fear party made great gains, elected reiterated too - cftsa that to a.1County systom. Instead of partition into independent Jewish F-ii t h - p f - b . ' V * ^ ^ '•-•' pi libel action no American news- governors,- legislatures in four '4ow ths question. 0? refugees to go I 1 and Arab states, tho country would be divided into Jewish paper would permit a Nazi to New England states, la Maryland, unsettled for any length of time f (* ire: . slander any Individual Jew "byKentucky and California, almost will keep tee Jewish problem be- f and, Arab countjes. Each county would enjoy an'autonomous name, but it is legally safe to won sis southern states. fore the world in a most unplea-, C Status and elect delegates to a central governing body which tbierate libel of Jews in the mass. Baat light, and -will react with a«i- ; In 1856 It tried for national would meet in Jerusalem. However until conditions warranted I am not finding eny fault. A power, held a national conven- .ditional hardship on you, on met ; FOG | speech by Hitler, Goerihg or tion, nominated" a candidate- for and on our children. • a change, the present military government would continue its Goebbels is news and. must be president, Included anti-alien and rale. The newly created situation in'; • "Anti-Semitism is here," says printed; it is a free pressJ But anti-Catholic planks ..In its rlathas cade heavy demands ! ^rjtain would remain in the country, guardian of the rights the Nation,- meaning that anti- is Nazi Germany .conquering the forza. ' But democracy h«.d had Austria Semitism is in America. "As democratic, mind of America enough, of persecution lor re- on our resources. Since Ansch- j of the tw'o people. Palestine is essential to. her defenses and tangible "qa heavy foe, "it is through America's f res press? ligion's sake, enough of crimes Iuss, barely five months ago, ths j Distribution Committee has j tlieJs is little likelihood she would give up her position. Her spreading through now arca3 of Nazi ideology seeaed infiltrated committed in the name of the na- Joint our social Itt6 and carrying vrith even to this street car when the tive superiority (there bad been appropriated mere than $355,000 ', p?Q$ehce would ostensibly be a guarantee for the protection of It that th man said, "Yes, that's, what to riots an.d . other .brutalities), for irork in Austria and an addi- ! future i do with the Jews." ' tile,holy 'spots of the Christians. enough of repudiation of tradi- tional $75,000 for work among j Austrian . refugees. AH of this is i J tional American idea!s. I. myeelf, havo felt disquieted Not that dislike for Jew's is - -Of course, the stumbling block is the population limit. But at times, in addition to ocr -general asd • I find ..myself wonder- anything new here. From my re- The Know Nothing party was rehabilitative program in Polauel, someone must compromise on this point. There is no'reconcilia- ing -what the news reports of mote, youth I remember Jewish defeated and fell into oblivion in Roumania -and other countries cf tion,.If Zionists get their Jewish majority, it means a dissatis- anti-Semitic speeches by Hitler. peddlers getting their beards tho 1856 election. It received Eastern and Centra! e.M gand Gocbbel3 are doing pulled by hoodlums in. some of only one-seventt' of the vote in of coarse, was act Europe. anticipated fied Arab .minority. But there will not be an-Arab minority. The Goerln to some American minds. ths neighborhoods. There was a the north, three-sevenths of the \Tasn we prepared cur budget for Arabs will see to it — effectively. One afternoon an eight-column hideous name which Jewish boys vote In the south. 1938. school were called. But antiEach proposal comes a little closer to the final goal. While headline said, 'Jews Must Leave in I looit forward to reporting to This lesscil ot history gives Semitism'was a conscious, -organSays Goerins." There this is not quite the desired settlement, there is no doubt that Austria, Kew sport bscks or slipwas a stout man in tho ctreet car ized expression only la the upper courage and enlarges faith in depibcracy. Yes, the fog (of wbich ever theaters to vrccspeaking to hia neighbor about brackets of non-Jewish life." an agreement will be reached. But until thein the bloodshed this. • I remember, some 30 years the Nation ^speaks) will lift. It •with Ekcks ior sports continues. ago, when 1 was a young report- is just another fog. like the oneTftZT. KC^ 1E3C" P£t"Yes," ho caia, "that's what to er, sitting in an outer room of a of the fifties, like the Jater one do with tho Jews;v isrns er solid colors, in the brief titse of the Ku Klus certain club waiting for the news In how many more minds liko thi3 was the sesd falling? I could of an important meeting. I K.Ian. It canno*. • happen iiere if dethia was a mind that couldn't he]p overhearing a dis• In his column last week, the irreprec3ible Al Segal spoke wor&eathat in coma office. It seemed cussion about Jews. (This was mocracy • survives. To "believe his,Blind on intermarriage. Master of taking pokes at favor- ono of tho cioro comfortable quite apart from the main pur- otherwise is to den? feith In this democracy. Not that I believe a minds in the city.. Tho man prob- pose of ths meeting.) I Other Boys' Sin ite |Jet7ish prejudices, this started tho desired coiament. tine' is ever coming •R'ben all ably lived in. ono of contantedSomebody bad offered a i'eso.Jews will, be. loved. The -anti, There is something about the subject of marriage that is looliins bunsalowp ia the sub- lutloa to bar Jews ftcs* tho 'club drift irem Europe may deer to the hearts of most everyone, and the subject of inter- urbs, had a car; a button ia his and. it carried. My'young mind ,Semitic - , , Tr'X T-' r / f « lapel indicated that h9 belonsed was. shocked. I scarcely knew coatinue ..to iaisa to? ,'iifia of antiSeinitisra here for sorae tins, to saQtriajje has always been of deep concern to Jews of every to one o£ the better lodgsig.. the term "anti-Semitism" then come,, but it will retaala an antisga a&d every clime. • ": V In other directions othermlads and the only, dislike of Jews I had Seiaitlstti that is aa'irritatisg rash encountered until . t h e n ' was G£ individuals-. .....never a social ! Jt is doubtful that there exist today any Jews who hav4 were going home from •work. i, r r i collar low-brows; theirs T?£S epidemic,-Bever a policy of govno !noa-Jewish ancestors. Even the royal house o£ David Was minds. They were coming from among only'the outgiving of ornery pupa ernment . •• . If democracy -surthe factories and the ditches; who would corns to no good asy- vives. And respect for democracy descended from a npn-Jcyrcss, one of the most beautiful char- i^aey wera ..'. going home \ to the y . •• ..... ' . . . ? • • . • :' gets stronger, us AxneriCEJis leak acter? in tfc.e Bibl§, the Moabitess Ruth, great-jjrandmother'-'bf tenement -hoqses. What were they w ; a -No, there -is , nothing.. 2OT> la at the savagerr under the sa.sk to r -fate!i, thinking as they read "Jews .Must Jews being disliked ••"but the curpavid. of-. statesmanship overseas. >& Stim "' • • — • - - - • • Goerlng."--'. rent, drift seems to, to gstWrlsg (Copyright, '1S3S, by Seres. Arts ; Mr. Segal is right when he tells of the xuihealthful attitude! up and 'bringing togethsr -vague other. - days - •' 2Teatare Syniicsts) -
Proposal fop Palestine
.. j
Segal on
re. As last, a srsall part in "Lost Bey." i t brought Ills to the atention of another producer who Mrs.- Sam Wertheiner, jr., sast him as the olfice-boy in Circle of the Templa Israel Sis- 'Counsellor-at-Law," playing in terhood, •will give an informal Chicago. So outstanding was- Ms dance at the Highland Country ;alent, they placed him with the club on' Sunday, September 11. Muni company In New York. Music •will be furnished by the raooth sailing from then on. "vvinroc orchestra; from tLo Clres Pares. 'oar years with the Group Thea| BETUOTHAli TOIID • „. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT re contributed more, to his draE. KictrconJ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leioovici Mr. and Mrs. Max Pollock of matic development than anything -*.t iinner r r r h . ^~ the t t ' ; ' " i c T"'CL *" : r - c - ^ r announce the engagement of their Kansas City announce the enprevious. Featured parts followj rabbi, vrhe j^-re" - r r-p^ * " * , n | daughter, Ituth, to Sol Gllcfc of gagement of their daughter, Ruth d ens after the other. Movietown '. rc'is in r e t - - C~r"- ^ - 1 - r 1 Des Hollies, Ban of Mr. and Mrs.Esther, to Dr. Ben Gold-ware, son beckoned with gold-tipped ting--. - HISTORY LESSON: Our pri- j -winroi. t c ; - ^ - ^ f"-•=•">-- - Joseph Glick of New Tork City. • of Mr. and Mrs. A. P . Goldware of r. He refused. "He wasn't rea- vate historian, vrho goes into EC- ]E 0 E l e of tt«- ru—£-~ » - ^ tion every time lie sees anyone ! j , ^ ^ ; s fle^g; Y T J r r " r e r .. • Mr. Glick Is a graduate of the Omaha. dy." f f a s t i e "first," has come | ^ _ _ Ttie t i ~ c f' e -" r - r~ v ' No -wedding date has aa yet Drake university school of law. "You reached the top &s thedubbed up -with some interesting stuff on j p of th= zr-"-* —•-<< • Ee No dats has been set for thebeen chosen. ead in 'Having a Wonderful W. Jacobs, "srba upon his j mexits lead.ir.g- to •"By Arlen© S o l o s a o a •wedding. Time'," we ventured. "No, sot at Samsel ! recent death vras universally * v.- t BACK FROM COAST - • - ^ Dear Susy Q, Had the pri~.rrr- F" all," he demurred, "the top forbill9d as t h e "first" Je?r to sit ia | besn ECheduiefi MiB3 Pauline Schwartz returned me Is still a long way off.' Andthe Canadian Houss of Commons ] *v republican twr This should be called "Back to "BABBI AKBBTOS. WICK Saturday from a 10-week vacahats the key-note to Join Gar- . . . Jacobs, our historian drily feee RETURN'. ..• - • " . • . tion trip to Los Angeles, •where ichool ^Week." Have never before IeS vith -.? v Rabbi and Mrs. David H. Wice she visited friends and relatives. een sd much enthusiasm over toe field. " remarks, may save "been the first .Semitic senatorial e r r c : r t r , . . returned last "week to Omaha. On her way home she visited in opening of school. For the past At WorSi •wit in t h e House (and ca that j Those extra t v o vpfht -•_*•!• -.I: month that has been the paly After visiting i n the east T7here San Francisco. Cineraacting he finds no differ- 'score any man's opinion is as opposition forces .-vrt , - : . - , . : ' conversation which runs someRabbi "Wice attended the rabent from that of the stage, but good as, if EOt better than, a his-j time to rally the ;rr"r-.s - : ! ' s binical conference held in Atlan- . Miss Schwartz will leave next ;hing like this — What school t requires much more concentra- torian's) but he "eras distinctly | eralisra. to the Sg-rt r - - ' r r , . '. •.-;rtic City, they went to the Univer- waek for Lincoln, .where she will are you going to? Have yon seen tion. The clatter of set-building, not t h e first Jew to srsoe t h e Ca- j try . . . To the - C v - : r i : r c'=-r: sity of .Chicago for summer ejiter her third year a t the Uni-my perfectly divine new luggage? ighting, focusing, dollying are nadiaa Psrliamezt • . That honor j of KSHSELB (.tliere r - ' r~";- r ' r " versity of Nebraska. r courses. • hould I take French or Spanish very confusing. First fisy oa therightfclly .belonged to Kenry I j e 7 - E »n t h e S r . " r •'. ;hls year? Are you going to lock- set, hammers bang-ed, walls mov- Nathan, of Victoria, British Co- j Rabbi Rabbi "Wice also spoke at the Kichinond ttcr.bu.cF s sr'. on the first or secend floor? ed, prop men shoutad. Suddenly lucibia . . . Nathan, .our p . h. r e - giast share i s Institute of Human Relations wonder If my sister will go to a grip oa the cat-walk above yell- lates a!ter a brisk sv-im in musty held in July at Estes Park, Colo. kindergarten in the morning or ed, "Hey! You!" Startled. In a torses, TJTEE . elected ta CoiainoEs «• r , •-' • s T"-->.~rr " afternoon? And on and on and tense moment, Garfield looked in 1S71 . . . The year Sam Jacobs CcE.Eitt.ee Ghair~rr STOPS IN OMAHA on! • up, "Who? Me?" The scene was •sras bora . . . There are msEy, Sarah Eichman stopped in "What? A Hadassah party?— At any rate, simply loads of ruined . . . they had to start over. hovrever, -who will agree that Sam j Ing citizens . Ktl .-1 r..cr.~ r~; Omaha for a few days en rout© How the ladies love these card people are going away to school. r -* - ^ ^ - r . , - r , Like Musi, he grounds himself •was the first •vrit in the CanaSiaa i Trha focg-ht in the vc-ici v a " r . : , from California to her home in parties. They're great tun andTako for insance, Lois Barish, thoroughly in his part before Commons . . . His reputatoa for j i captain, in t>? r=TE:-*-c. ";-S a Ne-w Jersey. She "was the guest draw like magnet," said Mrs. who plans to go to Ohio U. or coming to the studio . . . has per- a rapier, laughins league rests I lieres Gone-"R*ith-th?-T":r.-rc" '<< ' of Mrs. N. Gimple. Dave Stein, chairman of the first Betty Rosen who is going to fected every grtaaco and gesture on tanxsmerable incidents in through for frooa . . . T?zz"--- -•' , pre-season affair being given by "hampagne, Illinois. he wants to.use. Yet Insists on re- which he bested c?pon.ents in ira- -wasn't Jast-Bn crc.ZE.ry v-ini. ih.Ei Hadassah Monday, September 19, At the University of Chicago hearsals before . every "take." prompts dnels en the House floor- s-s^ept him out cT the ?r".'.:-c£.'. ' SISTEB .VISITS MRS. . 1 p. m., in the Brandeis Tea there will be quite an Omaha del- Also MARGOLIN - " • -. like Muni he is meticulous . . . In 1324, for ess-Eipie, Sara picture It T E E rooms. igation consisting of Evelyn Dan- about accuracy—"trains" for bishad made an impassioned plea for r :' Mrs. Louis Margolin has as her cyclone Preparations are being made sky, Mirel Sase... and Joel Abra- roles. As a pianist, he hired an accslersted imrnigratiOE, particuguest her sister, Mra. J. B. Ellin F r r " ^ r C ™r Bon, and i l r a . Ellison's daughter, for a most unusual dessert lunch- hamson. instructor to teach him the mo- larly of fanners . . . An opponent POLITICAL M.?ri Simply skads and skads of -kids tions of a man at the keyboard. interrupted . » . "What," he de-Etrrprisea if a eon. Table decorations will symBarbara, of New Tork City. vr are going to Nebraska this year. bolise the Hadassah colors blue As a news photosraphE-, he stud- manded, They vUl remain here for sevh rinss tor X. Y. rt?'? FVT—r~"f ^M you do Will tell you •who next week. and white. ' ied camera technique. As a fight- these eral "weeks. s pp people if treyy Jailed ESjj coiirt in t i e corai— t:er.,nr.£ . . . At Iowa there will be Bernice er, he diets and goes through dai- faraers?" . . . "They could," Jao- I boo22 is' on i s - :'.-:.-.n-f Reservations are coming -in and Frances Bordy, Bernice FrieKross. liEAVE FOR ST. LOUIS very rapidly. . Everyone plans to del, Frances Osoff, and Lorraine ly work-outs like any p-jg. Stud- obs shot back, "run for Parliaczrrocrj - ' -.-r .-- O " r • - -. ies dialects t? association with ment as you did." J . . Again., in w i o s e Trork on t h e rzz,^\?.:" c't r Mrs. Harry Priesman a n d attend. Table arrangements can Meyerson of Council Bluffs. people of different nationalities. 1S26, San brought the House bencli the past sis £..daughter, Sally Ann, left for St.be made with the chairman, HA You know, your Bister, Miss Q. Constantly reiterates, "There is down with a retort that is still ictefi fsrcrs-ble E'^s-tiri; . . Irouis, Missouri, to visit relatives 6882. Call immediately. Rio, who runs that huge beauty BO much I have to learn." He'll recalled ca Parliament Hill -with • • * and friends. RUMMAGE shop, often says the strangest play any part . . . no matter how chuckles . . . The then Prime-?£inJ.IISH-MASK: Tt.ri rrcarr r^" Any old clothes, shoe3, coats, things to.her patrons. The other small . . -.if it's real and Jrue. ister Jieighen had twittled Jac- Put out iy a cosmetic c r z r t r y JOSLTN MEMORIAL etc., in fact any old thing -will be 0" c Ir' " . . ' I heard her exclaim, "Listen, "And I'll fight for such parts!" obs on his conservatism, invited it esntsinefi ths c:-r_i;- tir-t A motion picture sound film, accepted by the Hadassah Rum- day ust because you've got a wave hs flares. him to cross the floor and "sit dream about Jevs mr-r.rt ; "Pilgrim Forests," will be shown mage Sale committee which will in your hair, don't think you are in t h e Joslyn Memorial lecture, hold open shop about October 15. an ocean!" Perhaps you'd better o'aia be rvi? C1?:-—^"^ He signed a five-year contract where he belongs." . . . Unhesitat- fireazier hall at 3:30 this Sunday after- Mrs.* 'William Alberts, AT 0379, write and subtly hint that she with Warners' which contains ingly, S. W. replied; "One oj c y been Trita-firE'vrn-, . . T"-- r ^ r - ; - ' and Mrs. H. • Reuben, "WE 5531,control her temper. noon. that imperative clause without ancestors accepted a sin:ilar i n - ; ECZEE time E.~O TVY vitaton, and the world has bees. out of circulation v i en :i lis-ci. A program of recorded organ request all members to save bunDarling, do you know George which he would never cave been talkng about it ever Eisce" . . . t i e crack called to :„; tricni ^r. music "Wil be given in the con-dles for the committee to pick Mendell? He's spending a week lured to Hollywood — it allows However, some cert hall at-the Memorial on Sun-up. A 1 p. m. dessert • luncheon in a small Nebraska town which him to appear in ose New York Jacobs, incidentally, •because of ^.2C CF . r r r - r was held Monday at the home of goes by the name o£ Broken play a year and for the eatire his kindness in word ESS Seed day at A. : " f • . .-•-•' -.,- r was frequently described ES "the r t - ' 1 - ' t r—•'••- r"* _.JV E i ^ . r . ^ 0-P-r. j-.r the chairman to outline plans for Bowl run. Tint will make havoc of h's best Christian in • the Eoase of v be retrierefi, ear"~ orr"-t efthe sale. • r ; " n - r 1 r - - " - - v : •" • Oh yes, Florence Gordon is vis- picture schedule and remunera- Commons." forts of the f m ic trev them zx Cr'-p-" CHILD WELFARE r r'r'rr ' ' iting here. She's from Chicago tion. The latter itera — money * * • •whatever the ccr,: . . . licr.y iMrs., Milton Mayper, chairman and will return to her home —bothers him not a t ail. And AXIS NOTE: That Rome-Ber1E.EICCS Americar; The Beth El auxiliary with of the Child Welfare committee, shortly. that, too, characterises Garfield. lin axis, our special axis corre- turned In.his Mrs. Al' Woiilner. presiding met and Mrs. Aaron Rips, co-chair. . . . . . Personality Shirley Rosenblmn got back spondent Hashes, is an axtuiitjthe Nazis of last "Wednesday at the Paxton ho- man, will sponsor one of thB out- from her trip to Canada tho other John is twenty-six . . . slim . . . . . . It is made of telephone -trirs by Jewish rs.es r'-r}: trrT, tel. Flans' t o r the year were standing events of the year No- day, and it seems she had a really short (must wear extra heel-lifts r ~"i -r rv . . . Strung from Hitler's private esample.' completed for the year. vember 15 at the Jewish Com- superb time. for height) blsck-eyed ; " r r r . .---;rooms in Berchtesgadan a n d - i a ' t Eull. KtUis-n He"-. : _ i The Beth El auxiliary will munity Center, when they will Did you know, Suzy Q, that black-haired . . . dark-coxaplesion- the Wilhelrastrasse direct!;- to I-Noah ^«"-eb»ter.---i :> • ^ - r —1 '--- r " '• - r open its fall activities with a present Ann Berk Cooper of Chi- Elaine Kaiman entertained a t a.ed (needs no make-up esccpt eyel-L'-c f - . o - ? , r - r board meeting to "be held on cago, HI.,: in a professional dram- luncheon Saturday? shadow). He is keen, eager, licry, Mussolini's private chambers in j Jonathan" E i i ' F s - - r '; Rome . . . The line has bees in -|-Daciei-s. ' JcsvplnzT T>~r «•' atization of a recent Broadway "Wednesday, September 14. Do write soon ES I'll be wait- and hoEsst. Has a liberal cutloofc, operation since July . . .-Nest-j-Jos... 5*ike, .--EJi \ ,-.._re . ' : C. „ . ; . .. leaning towErfi the Lcrt . . . beChairmen for, the various com- success. ing to hear from yon. time Afiolf pulls any Anschluss i Adams. Batauel C-f~rr.f longs to the anti-Nazi League . . . mittees were appointed. They MEMBERSHIP Affectionately yours, "We want all Jewish women in is a fervent follower of Ke-ose-" stuff, taaj-be Eesito -won't be t a t - ' are: Programs^ rMrs. Jack Bram• . A . ?: r r - c; .: . r - r , r the city of Omaha to join Hadasvelt. Likes serious literature . . . en by surprise . . . Bon, chairman,, and Mrs. Harry P. S. If I win the first prise of * « * sah this year. Not only because is reading "Jean Christopher" for MalashocS, .co-chainnan; services, a thousand dollars in a radio conDINNER PARTY: Famous for Mrs. E. Meyers; Sunday school, she -will be joining the! Zionist test I entered the other day, 111the third time; serious mssls like his dinner parties is Israel B. !laugh •vrjth" the trvr r.r-r el .:,movement but also because: -she Mrs. Dave Cohn, chairman, and ; invite your WHOLE family to Beethoven; serious drama, rather Sieff, British merchant and Sion- I for fse£ir.g prec'.?••« -r?-*-'—' r T f than comedy. Is not. religious in Mrs.. •William Alberts, co-chair-- will be aiding In the promotion come visit me. the formal sense . . . broke early ist leader . . . Invariably, matzoh bafley to bis chictens, ::r.z.'..- zc. : man; Talmud Torah, Mrs. J . H.of public health in Palestine, (in and out of season) is served a s investigating sr..cr-^r. r..-=,-T"." In life with his orthodox father. Kulakofsky, chairman, and Mrs..helping in the land redemption . . . Around midnight,, the guests j trho •wantec; to t i c-x v-Lt« t~ *\.z In short, he looks like a youth- are' bundled eff t& a dance for j chieten's diet iit~ : - ' ? - cV-- " . ' . • El. F . Levenson, co-chairman; gift program of the Jewish National ful Edward Robinson . . . has ths some Jewish, charity or other . . . j " I Just give him - -p-'e-.r ~ i--~ fund, Mrs; Herman Cohn, chair- fund and furthering the work /of. fight and fire of a Jiraiay Cagney Before departing, Sieff's guests-j let him buy wharc-er r ? rr.r:-,," man, and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, co- immigration a n d colonization through Youth Aliyah," said Mrs. . . . and the intense studiousness must strip off tail coats, p l a y ) . . . Scngrsr-iter r . d _ ^ l-::-rr:.r., s. chairman. Mas Cohen at a pep meeting h,e of a Paul Muni. Others are: Community co- in her home last week. ping-pexng or rids an electric j visitor at t h s EE::E Z:: I..". : : Moclestj operation, - Mra. J. MalashocS; camel upon vrhicli I. B. t a l e s Ms | sort, l i i r k s their , i - ; : i, Mrs. Mas Cohan,-chairman, is Hollywood — A "Dead End" The day after a Hollywood e£ily doEea . . . Ths Sie'f home jls.vr . -. . Ttie E r t r - r <-; • - c—c rdues, Mrs. Lou Sogolow, chair- being" assisted i n ' t h e city-wide man, and Mrs. Sam Steinberg, co- membership - drive by - Mrs. Sam kid . . . unbidden by movie magic Journal front-paged hira as thehas one o ' . t n e country's *s-ent,' ftp TrKtrrfr^Tf" r ~ ' •'^•-•-- z-. overlooked by Sammy Gold- new genius of the screen, he was ' chairman;, education, Mrs. Meyer Betre'r, Mrs. Leon Fellman, Mrs. Beberr telephone, Mrs. Jack Elmer Greenberg and Mrs. M. A. wyn . . . unseen, unknown, un- neither flattered nor frightened wanted . . . was John (Jules) . . . he felt "just a little sick." Kaufman, chairman, and Mrs. T.Venger. - • Garfleld, today's brightest star in It gave him ego-Indigestion. E s ... «!>A. Tully, co-chairman; ways' and the cinema sky. hates to talk ajjoct Mraself — Exclusive in O—.zhs means, Mrs: Al Frank. Born in the vilest, grimiest of "That subject is so easily esAlfeo serving are: .'jtudent, Mrs. East Side tenements . . . a breed- hausted." Interviews? Well, he'd Louis Alberts, . chairman, and ing-place of embryo criminals . . . talk about "ideas" . . . like -world Mrs. Harry Frankel, co-chairAt a meeting held Tuesday his home was either a wretched events and politics. He shuns pub.< , man; house, Mrs. "William ~Po- night, August 30,- two more room or the sidewalk where sur- litcity palaver won't read lack, chairman, and Mrs. Al pledges to the Mother chapter vival .of the toughest was law. news items about himself Breit, co-chairman; social,. Tklrs. wereinitiated; The two fellows His father, a tailor in a garment Leon Graetz, chairman, and Mrs.Initiated are Alvin Hertsberg and factory, sweated out a poor liv- even refused to attend his first p r e v i e w , "Four Daughters," A. Theodore, co-chairman. Mas Kirshenbaum. Aleph Kohen n i g mother; died when •which had Hollywood agog. Sid Bethelgrams, Mrs. David Brod- Godol Morris Kirshenbaum did John "washis seven. Life for himSkolsky hands him a verbal patkey; book review, Mrs. Dave the. initiating and Advisor Ervin led but two -to ths ring or on-the back. He replies, "Oh, r c a Sherman, chairman, and Mrs. Wezelman presented patents to to crime. At 12 . .• left to hisare kidding sae!" A flack feascls Morris Katleman, co-chairman; the initiates and to fpur other own devices John was- a vege- him a mimeographed paper, "See Friday night telephone,. Mrs. Alephs initiated last week. table-swiping, cop-baiting, school- what we're saying about TOE." Nathan "Turner, chairman, and Aleph Morris Arbitman,- gen- ditching k i d — anathema to ""T7ell—r," he's a bit dubious, Mrs. Harry Rochman. co-chair- eral co-chairman of the Cornbelt mothers and fistic csar to small "don't you think it's too much?" man; .sick visiting,. Mrs. Julias Regional summer tournament to fry. At 13,' after he had casual Our interlocutor-reminds him of Stein; membership, • Mrs. Jacob be held here this week-end, gave contact with two criminal gangs a meeting with fan EIES v-riters. Blank, chairman, and Mrs. John a report of the convention com- the authorities stepped- in . , ""Will they ask the colcr of E y Fajer, co-chairman; courtesy, mittee's activities. A r b i t m a n packed him off to Angel.o Patri's pajamas and iMsss like that? Mrs. Leo Adler, chairman, and urged that Mother chapter Alephs "reform" school. "The luckiest Aw, gee!" he Mrs. Nathan Horwich, co-chair- show visitors a good time and break in h'ia life." For the first man, and publicity, Mrs. Harry have one themselves. time, he met liindness instead of lis had- fon? Embltlons. OZG Truslin. ' Aleph Justin Priesman, chair- harshness . . . reasoning instead recently realized in the purman of the Kibitzer committee, of punishment. chase of a rusty IS SI coupe. Othreported -that a Kibitzer nrfi A- Sew Goal er three are: to have a home, to come out in time for the tournaPatri, child psychologist, stud own a Capehart (radio), and to ment luncheon Sunday, Septem- ied John, ona day suggested t h e be "'as great as Hssi. When xrs boy might be a good actor. The pointed out' that the first t v o A meeting of Chapter-100, A. ber 4. Aleph Godel Irving Nogg ap- idea was fascinating. John threw ought to be. easy now, he shook Z. A., was held last Monday ever ning a t the-Jewish Community pointed the chairmen for t h ehimself heart and soul into the his head. He wants than only after long hard -work. •Center. The most important part chapter's annual Achar Hataunis school's. dramatic . course. 3 "Those days ia the slums . . . of the meeting'was the conferring dance. The co-chairmen are Mor- hausted its possibilities. Wrote : of the first degree upon five -new ris Arbitman and Leo Sherman. Jacob Ben-Ami for advice. A re- you had to fight or starve, eight ' :! , The : chapter's softball team ply recommended the Hecksher or nine living is one room . . . the members. . -> The new Alephs are: Leo Kam- will play this Sunday afternoon Foundation. Small earnings from. meanest, filthiest sort ot . exisisar,' Harold Oruch, Nathan Berg, at Elmjsrood park. The next day, newspaper vending, a loan from. tence. I hope I never forget i t . . . Walter Greenberg and Meyer Monday, t h e track and tennis Patri, and a maneuver that ob- I never "want to. If I do, I ehs.Il teams will participate In their tained :a scholarship, put him never be what I -hope to be."" Meyerson. : A short address was given by respective events. Come out and through the Foundation. There That's 3ctn GarficlS. And re 3 support them. followed an apprenticcci.!? a t the both Mr. William Holzman and may be sure . . . he xron't j p HolEva LeGalllenne Repertory Thea . P a u l Veret on the "Relation Belywood!" tween the Community Center and LADIES' FREE LOAN A. Z. Ai" Meanwhile every member of Mrs. Sam _Klaver, president o : t h e chapter is busy and anxious- the Ladies* "Free -Loan society, ly awaiting the Regional Summer announces that the regular meettournament to be held here nest ing of that organization will b Sunday and Labor day with the held Wednesday, September 14 local chapters as ~hosts. at the Center. The various competitive athAll the members .are urged ti letie teams have- already been be present. chosen and everyone i s optimistic that the Century chapter will make a splendid showing in every ..-.,. «.: •*" . phase, of tho tournament activity. pw-"-
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I Belit-Ei"Auxiliary
Ths • first regulsr meeting of She Seborgh" society ^ i l l ho'-held. on Tuesday, .September 13, at. 2 o'clock a t tho Jewish Community Center. : ,. • .': /' All members have been urged to coma' as important business ..•will •• bs discussed. The year's schedule -will; also b.e announced, j Mrs. Joseph GoldtFare is presi- J dent-of tho organisation. •" .. *
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CLENCHED FISTS IN SUDETEN—Young members of the Labor Party give the salute of the Russian workers to a speaker at a gathering at Bohmisch-iKamnitz, Czechoslovakia, where the Sudeten Germans live. These boys are members of a minority party in a district from which Europe's next war may burst. Hitler has warned that he will support Sudeten Germans "with all our resources" if the Czech minority crisis is not settled soon. Viscount Runciman cf Great Britain is trying to mediate.
I"11 MANY GRANDCHILDREN—Franklin 3rd. re„ cently bom to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., and
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t h e former Ethel du Pont, became President Roosevelt's eighth grandchild. But" t h e President, upper center, h a r d l y ' i s i n . a class with some of his.predecessors in office. The 'Cham-
ss pion was President-John. Tyler, upper right, twice-
SIFTING AXTI-•T.V.A. FEOFAGAIC DA—A tonse sc ene in Chattanooga, Tenn., F<;deral Court as the Congressional cominittee investigating the Tennessee • Valley A private power c opiCiiu p_ opag^nda aga:list the T.V .A. T.V. \ . "••"•'- Co-.c:~essv rr.Er: *"c; crtrr left, listens.
v.,-; married, who had 14 children and 42 grandchildren. William Henry Harrison, upper left, had
15 grandchildren." Ulysses S. Grant, lower left, h a d 13;' Theodore Roosevelt, lower center, d i s . t a n t cousin of t h e present • President, h a d 17: and John Adams, lower right, had 16. All five of
President Roosevelt's children are married.
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THE EMPEROR ARETVES—Emperor Hirohito of Japan, center, arrives by car £t Yckosuka to inspect an air base where quantities of planes and armaments are being turned out for the Japanese forces in China. The Japanese army and navy are now engaged in a fierce struggle on the Yangtze River, attempting to smash through to Hankow, Chmess provincial capital. The Chinese are yielding ground slowly in this" sector.
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• t l T ' S STABTED — Here is the ' •? first football game of the season B —welcome news for fans. In this , p night game between the Phila' . a delphia Eagles, a professional . Is team, and the Eastern- College • e-ji All-Stars at Temple-Stadium, : if Philadelphia, the Eagles won, " 14—7.
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INDICTED—Matthew Holt. Jr., 40, above, a brother of Senator Rush. Holt of West Virginia, youthful Democratic critic of the New Deal, has been indicted in Clarksburg, W. Va., for forging two WPA checks. Rush Holt declared his brother's indictment was an effort to "shut me up."
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,. JNEW G-ICAN—Dwight Brantley, ^ above, who succeeds Reed Vet-'-• terli as head of the Federal RuJreau of Investigation in New ;; iYork, is shown at his office in the U. S. Court House. Brantley's post is considered a key F.B.I.
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SHATTEES ALL LIASES — Joe Eicstand, tbovc. C2 - year - rid farmer of Hillsboro, Ohio, is shown at the Grand American trr.z;shoot at Vandalia, Ohio, v.-1-ere he broke 200 clay p:~ccr.s to r : ^ his unfinished string to C-CS without a miss. Kiestan&'s record, which easily makes him the Vv-crid's best trapshcclsr, is tlis great. est performance ever turned in en the traps.
BEATS ANYTHING—Claire Junkerman of St. James, L. I., holds two beets that won prizes at the eighty-sixth annual fair in Suffolk County, L. I. The larger beet measures 22 inches long, while the smaller prize winner measures but lJ/2 inches.
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"IRIBUBTS Sover-weeks-old Siberian tiger triplets, known as the "million dollar babies" ct *ha"^4r6it Zoo <;ee th» sun for the first time and huddle together, snarling. Their mother, the ferodous"Qu3cnie, is one of the few Siberian tigers in captivity.
OH, m i A T A LIFE!—Anyone vrho IOVE? rrhlco :a:Is en " picture^ ta!rsn c-2 niverside. Conn., cz £l"ar zlzzs j'achi.3 .~c: pionship Fsries on Lens Isles:d CcvLi-d.. Winner \."as 2J. C. ', Ilcrichca Say f,zol.
Page 1
THE JEWISH PEESS—FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER- 2,19SS Say r\»"c.: ea on th- • cent •"•;:• 1: , «•#• circle d ; r : ; : : 1 - ? ? - : - t~i-zf . «. t. f . SEMITIC SKELETON ; ars Palestinian rascr blades en in t i e E . ; l ' : ; ^ r.r.r—r tc^e Bsteasloa of th.3 Jer7isli Oosmnmi^ Center Does Hitler know that his acsthe American market cow . . . diplomatic agent is a full-blooded They're made .by the Ckava comJewess? . . . Her name is Prin- pany at Hishea le-Sion - - . way. " _ 'w - " ' , Stephanie Hohenlohe-ScSIll- ABOUT PEQFIiS Gooa Shabbatb. boys Rabbi himself "was soon healed o£ charity?" Since Shmerl always cess S. J. Woolf, -the famous caricaingsfurst, and she's the divorced giris of the Junior his sickness. ook everyone seriously, hs imof an Austrian nobleman . . • turist, has dons a sketch cf Dr. < Press! • • •' " ••'•• (From ' the "Yiddishe "Agga- mediately inquired how to get to wife ' "z" - r - : - • For the past five years she hasCyras Adler, president of the ] tci> "l*:r":"r "v'".V " n S T r On Monday \re all observe doth"). Igdal's estate. r " - f i r"c-:American Jewish C o r a a i t t e e,\j "Mi—:'5 r : " e ' " r. F been G e r m a n y ' s diplomatic JUabor day. xnis Holiday has When Shmerl T e a c e d- the trouble-shooter in London, where which will appear in. the New more meaning f o r . 113 every estate he asked one of the serv- she mingles freely with the pro-York Times Uagsulne section on year and i t is a splendid thing ants to direct him to Igdal. The erman Astor-Londonderry crowd September 11, tvo days before S >' I that ^vorkers and ttoosa for servants, who were taking ad- . . . I t was she who introduced Dr. Afiler's 75ti birtSSay . •• . E i i r i " " 7 , ;••-•( v^lT- r -' v r ? " '""C : t v i whom '-.they vrorli can get tovantage of their master's mys- Joachim von Ribbentrcp, Hitler's Among the. things planned for his gether on this'<lay in tribute terious absence, decided to have ambassador, in London . . . To birthday are a national radio to the service they are both a little joke on the simple-looking facilitate matters the Nazis have broadcast, a testimonial volume readerins to us n\%. Only in a Source: S. Simon Shmerl J t o . 'ellow. They asked him why lie inade-her a present of the famous and a big slimier . . . ASEEVIHS, L i f e . " democracy such na we have can Age: 6-12. wanted to sea Igdal. "To begLeopoldEkron castle ia Salzburg, N. C , headquarters -of Silver all groups meet on such a com-Merit: • • • • " - - . ' " ; . • him for some food and a little which was taken from Mas Rein- Shirt faetrer William Dudley i d e a c t r ^ r r - e ^ : ~ ^ t c v r p . c , c s c- « ' " ^ • r. i~&- - mon "ground-. '•• * There once lived a very rich money," replied Skmerl. ;Wink- hardt . .-. It Is there that she isPelley, which fess been rabbi-less We ; are having tiro more man by the name of Igdal, who ng at -the others, one servant n o f entertaining diplomatic for Eoms Use, is getting ready to to pi t en the "r~c tcrt f t : v t - ;-••'-.' i ' {" . iN- ^ fables from Jewish literature. was a very handsome man. He said to Shmerl: "Go open the guests . . , Her father vrss AcEclpa welcorn© Rabbi Robert Jacobs, The first is a Talnmdic tale lived on'a-huge estate surround- vault and take what you need." Richter, a Viennese Jewish, bank- now of Tera.pl*, Adas Ancso, Hoana the second from Xidfllsh ed by a lovely garden. He had 'Where is the vault?" inquired er, and her mother -was Caroline boken. as 'the new spiritual leafiiolk lore. everything that any man could Shmerl.- The servants told him. Mendelssohn . . . Hitler also had er of Temple Beti Teffica , . . , Then we are continuing -with desire; he owned much land and Ehmerl waited into the house a non-Aryan as" his personal guest High priest oS the single tsx oar third - s t o r y a b o u t property, and he sold merchan- and was shown the huge vault. last week when Mae, Nicholas movement in this country is a t t e r i e i ' l ; c v c : c r * v l j C u r ^ , ' • ' • 1 " " < ~ " v "ShnierL" We hope you "are dise to people all over the world. While the servants looked on Horthy, wife of. the Hungarian Frank Ctodorev, director cf the at vl:ci iLt L:^;.:_j. c - ."• v v * ' ^ " " "•"' enjoying the experiences as However, he was very hard- smilingly, Shmerl opened the Regent, was accorded almost ~reg- Henry George' school . . . SeSten-. T hearted and i a d no pity on any-doors of the vault—out fell the much as.we did., honors in Germany . . '. Mine. bar lltfi will be the ninth . atr-1 one who suffered or needed help. limp body of Igdal! The serv- Horthy is the granddaughter of a seit of Louis Marshall, &sfl T?Z •3 s i s a c o o * r ^ ***"" - • * " " i fr ^ ^ * * « - - ^ * ^ XOUR AUNT NAOMI. When a poor man or a beggar ants were astounded. They took Jew '. . . The Daranyi cabinet in think it's time some one did a approached him to beg for help, Igdal to his room and ordered a Hungary fell because it could not biography of him . . . Publishers Ir.tercc-.sd . . . Tv-c ' : , . : t . - : — •• j ' * • ' , . - • " , ' * " I he -would become very angry and doctor at once. prevent Hungarian Nazis from are bidding fabulous suns for y o u c ; h t t c k r c i r , E T :I.I>T<^ y fr z% " ' say sarcastically: "Go open the When Igdal finally recovered disseminating literature attacking Sigmund Freud's sew bo oik, a I&Tor czi \zz ' £™~r \ - t . u - i * vault and take -what you want." from "his illness, he gave Shmerl Mme. Horthy as a Jewess . . . A psychological stufiy of the Old When the poor man would ask: many presents. And what -was French film company is making Testament In which the dacjdy c* fisys . , - r".:Tcr i v - . s - .' '^<-r * ~ r - r — - ~ ,— -- "^ ~ t r a "What vault?" Igdal would take more, he became a kindlier man. a picture based on the experience psychoanalysis attempts to prove F i a k e l , s c r e e n x ^ i n c " T L E Z^St c ; ; f T , t ! ' « . . : • < t >r i the poor fellow to a room where He gave charity to the poor and of the Austrian Jewish refugees that Moses was an Egyptian, and t o t E ' C ! - f ^cC he kept his money in a large in all ways treated people better who-were marooned on a tugboat not an Israelite . . . •Which re- & J c r r r ~ £ l d , x-<-'-^-Z L.TtzL,!.! t ~ « r v 'L — Found Originally in Rabbi vault. The -"ault was locked by and more generously. But he al- in the Danube river for 112 days minds as that four of Freud's t o u c h e s c s 'iLuz Tr r" ~ : , "C--r; two iron doors. The poor fellow ways said-tbat his wicked heart . . . "Der Film," Nazi movie mag- sisters, all over 75, EOTT are P l a c e r " , . . A " t ; r . •>"'."- " '**r-'- - - - Meir's "Mshallim" would usually run out of the was softened by that simple, and azine, is sore about it, yelling homeless ia Vienna, having: been auto t~f f ~r'r~e — "C~ v i ? i , «• - v-». ,?~t . I t , I '< Bourse: Jlntin and Albo: Ton house in great shame and confu- yet A: > not so simple fellow, Shmerl that "no lie is too tig to be dispossessed by the NEEIS . . . Dr. been vorl .r:r is-tely st V i.r»t Tiddishen KTOII. sion. Solomon Goldman, presy of the Nar.. : screened" . . . One of the strangt., V »il HZ ' £ £o t e - l . i . C^-. i . i . n Age: 6-17. Zionist 'Organisation of America, est houses of worship in the Blerit: * • viser in »>.t: 1 :LE.O One year it happened that the is now set to do a big Eiosist job, world is the floating congrega. ^ *• * - r r ^ LC'i Once a hungry •wolf came upon winter was unusually cold. The having gotten himself an assist- (Cor tion of 72-year-old Canon Albert a fox and -wanted to devour him. frost continued until late in the ant in the pulpit of" his Congre^.^'The Center Tupper-Carey, who officiates at Said the fox to him: "How much spring and ruined all the crops, •weekly services in the Chapel cf gation Anshe Enet, Chicago . . ' . j r v "^. Library Comer" food can I furnish you? I am The homes of the poor people St. Paul at Monte Carlo . . . The assistant is Raisbi Benjamin only skin and bones. If you.Teal- •were crushed by the heavy Kahn, a. former president cf the B y TTAHITTCT.T, C O H E U Among his congregants he numly want to eat a good meal, go mows; the farmers had little to bers Presbyterians, Catholics, Harvard Avukah . . . Has KfcinThe wealthy men of the into a Jewish Tillage. They are eat. Jews, Orthodox Greeks and mem- hardt bas faffed with Hollysrood, To I now preparing, for the Sabbath, town did all they could for the Current comments of the day's bers of many other denomina- and will take a cracfe at raiio this i i, so you can help them get ready poor people but still they suf- Jewish scene of events in books tions, as well as people who t a d fall . . . Professor Einstein is a It was decided that the Mar .la ~2" - r r t I f s. r v. J i.'v..»«-^ the Sabbath meal and they will fered. mathematical genius, t u t -when never been inside a church . . . and Jewish thought: T reward you -with a goodly por- only thing left to do was to go In the current issue of OPIN- All of the worshippers are gam- he was taken on a tour cf the ( W > S ) — : i . . v f , . r i bD i < r_ i. "v 1 v u v tion." The.wolf followed bis ad-to Igdal and ask him to help the ION; Stephen S. "Wise pays high blers «• . . Many European Sevrs NBC studios in New York and t '£ Li-e ,T\L.<^ vice and hurried away. As soon people • by giving them some of tribute to Benjamin N. Cardozo's who have policies in Italian in- was shown around the gre&i nas- t o t h e P L . . T * "l^T^ as he reached the first Jewish the provisions -which he had "IN MEMORIAM CARDOZA AND surance companies have served ter-eontrol system, the engineers 1 town, however, the people came stored up in his granaries. notice that they intend to cancel were stunned -when he Eaicl, "too heen s c r t to *+ZLZT C*.I. ^^ «L *. _m- l.^ ? - i MONTEFIORE." So a group of the people, headout to greet him with big sticks, complicated, entirely too cosapli1 As a Jew he knew and followed them. Prer.Jr-t r r - T ' i ~" c - ">Si^&y
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beat, him thoroughly, and chased ed by the Rabbi of the town, went one rule, utter loyalty to the tracated," after they tried to explain him away. Bruised and beaten, to see Igdal, Igdal was eating a dition in which he -was born XOtJ SHOULD K5"OW the set-sip to him . . . Abrs.ns.si he returned angrily to the fox.large meal and drinking wine rather than reared. Duker, former librarian cf. the vereln <ler 'I.^OTJ .s IV ^.I-OIIELI ^ .An East European country's "You -wanted to get m e ; into -when the people entered his School for 'Jevlsli SoOn the book shelves: minister to .Washington has re-Training _ ^ trouble," he burst out, "but now home. The Rabbi told him why cial Wcriers, has t?eea Earned socitt^n. "JEWISH STATE OR GHETvealed to some of his friends that they had come and when Igdal I will tear you to pieces." editor of the Contemporary Jew- j TO," by J. M. Macboner—a boot the German embassy here is act"Don't be EO angry/ said the heard, he burst into laughter; on. partition of Palestine. He an-ing as an agent provocateur, stir- ish .Review, which the American { fox, trying to calm him. " A p -then he said angrily: "I have swers ruestion of ^rhat import- ring tip ill-feeling against the Jewish Committee -will isscs is. j I etepr t : c; parently you -were beaten up nothing to So* with poor people; ance is partition, what effect it Jevs In other countries . . It's the fall . . . thsv •" ™ merely because of your fathers they can take care of themselves. win have on German, Polish and done like this . . . An official of mistakes. Whenever he helped Go open the vault and take what Roumanian Jews who must leave "the Nazi, embassy sees an unfav- (Copyright, .18S 8. by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) them prepare the Sabbath meal you want," he added with a thosg countries or face extincr orable story about a- given coun•'•••• . hewould snatch some of the Jood sneer.. tibn? The author finds that the try in an American newspaper . . . The Rabbi Is Hurt before they offered it to him." so-called Jewish state could ab- The same day a copy of the story, The Habbi -was hurt very much sorb, not the millions projected vrith suitable comments on the "'"Well, what of i t ? " cried the -wolf. "Must I be punished for by Igdal's words and he said to by the commission but approxi- "Jewish • press" engaging In f him; "Igdal, you have a wicked mately 44,600 families in the ag-"atrocity stories," is sent to the my father's misdeeds?" heart; You think that you have "Or course,""replied "the'"'if ox.' .everything you want hut you do ricultural areas and an indefinite embassy, of that country . . . Our "Does it not say in the Bible that not Tcnow the way of God. T.ou number in the industrial pursuits informant also insists that Italy's the fathers have eaten sour cannot "be wicfeed and escape of the towns. At any rate, to anti-Jewish campaign is traceable ^ na^ grapes and the' children's taeth God's anger..: Do yon know that speak of millions Is ridiculous for to a cartoon attacking Mussolini are set on edge? But I see that it is possible for you to starve in. the- Jewish area,-with a popula- that appeared ia a recent issue of tion density of 140 person per a popular American magazine you are very hungry and very a "house full of food? THS LITVAK TOUCH: AsaBelieve tired. Come with me and, I will me, your wickedness cannot re- sguare kilometer, already has a owned by a Jew . . . A New York tole Lltvak directs s, motios picshow you a place where you may main unnoticed. Perhaps, some much higher ratio than Poland or Jewish press agent has offered ture Tfith his. hands, lite X<e6polfi cy} — Switzerland. ' his services to the Roumanian Stokowski fi'rects a Ej-npboiiy. eat your fill." day when you will be in need, government at ?500 a month . . . beer r To the Well •:. you will also cry out for help; • Partition would hermictically Is It true that certain New York Outside -of Stofes-srsld, say those to the seal the Jews of Europe within vrho kEovr both the famed orST'-ehc* cr :- .ar The fox led him to a well, over then who will help you?" their respective torture chambers. banks are permitting agents of chestra conductor and the noted ^ was placed a piece of "wood Seeing that Igdal A m e r e 1 y the German government to exa cinema megaphoner, JLitvak has "THE OLD BUNCH," by Meyer ceircl :: -h Cr with rope around it, with a laughed at his words, and conamine the bank accounts of Gerbucket tied to each end of the tinued to gourge himself, the Levin—the author has created a man Jews, and thus facilitating the' most facile mitts in Holly•wood. Nervous and espressive, rope. As soon as one bucket -went Rabbi and the people with him bunch of youngsters whose com- their confiscation? . . . Germany down, the other rose. The foxwent back to their homes. After position and experiences are so pulled out of the New York they convey an idea as no assount pointmcrt tf a rev : ; c : i sat himself in the upper buek»t. they had left, Igdal finished his Identical with our own that read- World's Fair a long time ago, but of the Russian director's broken or. It vs..- -"zr.cl ti D vi and let himself down, while the meal and then went to his large ing about them is very much like the Nazi flag is still displayed ofi English ectild. Even ti-tiea a scene is in progress Litv&k pets that jrurts-hi I f ti IZh& bucket from below, roso to the -vault. He opened the doors with reading our own biographies. All all festive occasions frdra the ton. The wolf then called down a big key and went inside to of these second generation Jewish Fair's flag poles, together with his hands to excellent use. He I the tsiled =c-^-r Lro holds them behind his back as heJElttCd tc r-:.'"'^ ^--^ 7 boys and girls—born after the to him: . count but some money. ' But as turn of the century, they grow the emblems of other nations . . . •RratcheE his actors ia. front of the "Say there, fox. what are yousoon as he entered the vault, the into social beings right after the The swastika flew from two staffs camera. He keeps them crossed door accidentallyi closed and he war. . doln~ down there?" at the Longwood Cricket club until ho -wants a bell button "I have found a. very dainty was locked in. ' There was no He throws all of them into the while the German Davis cup team pushed or t i e camera "dolly" po- of t =.'— n ^ v : tr.: i ; 7:~-" morsel here," the tox answered, way to open the door from the maelstrom and records -both the •was playing there, but two cus-sition changed. He quickly en"a fresh plere of cheese as; clear inside. todians Tvere hired to see that folds them E.~fi gives ic^sfilssE survivors end the victims. as silver, which just melts in the nothing happened to the Nazi orders in Euch a Eis-nner tlis.t Igdal became panic-stricken A must read novel. mouth. But see for yourself," and began to shout for help but flag . , . Fiery crosses of the Ku there can he no nisunderstandThe greatest truth is doubt. and he -pointed with his foot to a no one could hear through those Klux Klan are regularly lighted spot in the water where the moon mighty doors.- Igdal continued to on the Potomac river highlands 'SANTA CIiATJS BAE?.: It was reflected so that i t looked shout, but no one came. He grew in. Virginia, within sight of the•wasn't ->C"^ '™'t'i so terribly long" ajjo that like a pressed, cheese. White House . . . terrified and did not know what Max the B a e r -was rcs-siing "Tell me. how can I sret down to do. Many, hours afterwards aroutd HoUy^-ood lookizg for & BEHIND THE" SCEXES there to i t ? " asked the wolf he became, very hungry and Now that Prof. Felix Frank- Santa Claus who'd put fcira. to The Association for Opera in hunerily. ••'•.' thirsty. He. tried to shout, but English will present the Opera furter Is being talked of as a like- •work • before the camera. Only "It's -very' simple," explained he could do so no longer. by Flotow, at the. Cen- ly appointee tt> the supreme court yesterday, that ^as. Today Kasis &tte:I iix t i r the fox, ."all you have to do is Soon he fell into a restless "Martha," ZC. C 51". strolls around town, sans Beat yourself in the bucket, and sleep. When he awoke, he wastral Club auditorium, September vacancy created by Justice Car- beard, cans heavy rcC clcrties s n i come down here." The wolf did hungrier and thirstier, than be- 8, Thursday night. Miss Antoin- doso's death, it can bs told that as he was told, and stenped into fore, and he remembered the ette Scigliano will take the lead- hs actually ,was offered the-ap- big boots, but he Icokc Uio t i c ! E.e;;7toi £=. i=r:.r;., the bucket. As the wolf's bucket words of the Rabbi: "It is pos- ing role as Martha. This will be pointment when Justice Van sierry old gentlenan timrcli—is \ l^uz'. £Z-TZVT.ZZZZZ, •went down, the one containing sible to starve In a house full of her farewell appearance, as sheDevanter resigned last year . . . a flock, of M-G-:i cir.co be;-;, t-^i j .V c.~;:=.r . ^ . . . , ,
To Present'*:•• ''At Central Club
br Cr~™ leaves . for New York after the .But Frankfurter declined, be- is. And every tims t i e lz.Cz ~lz.~\~rz.z rc.'ritti r performance to seek a stage ca- cause ha - would have been the baseball they EZZ- llzz. rli.nt: t r ' C r r ~ ":".:-r: ~, .7r: third Je-w on ths high bench . . . in a sleigh drz.'vrz. i-y rei«£etrs. I Ctats D:pcrtrrr'. r" reer. ., That's the appointment that went Foregoing the tz.zizz.zy Zz? c s s - ' IJsdi J.~d I n c r r r . r i Others in the cast are: Betty to Senator Black . . . Our hunch inent, it seems th^t v l i l s ulio f z-r- • I-lrcr rrc:.;.rc C'-l": DeWitt, Peter - Koley, William is that Frankfurter be of- nier heavym-eigtt c i - = r : c r vz: I I'". r::'i"r : -' ;: — Seumour, Robert Rimmermann, fered the post againvron't Brsn- making "Fisticuffs." Pcto £r::ii'E ' Ku-c.~>crj: —r: r r r ; Walter Yuenger, Robert . De-deis also resigns . . uiSess . If you're latest short, he CVCTZIZZ.TC. t r e cl-I Z'Ciiir.r t r hl.t -,•" • : Vaughn, Mary.Alice Kerwin, Ann reading the daily transcripts of fice boy telling t i c tccra c^7ta:=, i isi . ' . E t r ; : ^ r r ; - Onak and Corinne Yuenger. t i e record of the Hises trial in Ben Rubin, that thrr cure T:=icl ' l:rt r:~?"t : ' : : : T' The orchestra will be under New York you might lilts to kcow they had cslforms. TJ::r, i-cr ' ves v:c:";- r"""--t'." the direction of Bndolph Seidl. that one of the gentlemen in were positive, th"y "-ou.1^ "urcly , cd r_.T,;cr». Mrs. Karl R. "Werendorff will be charge of the court stenographers he. the class of t£? stu>llr Inter-' — at the piano. is Joseph Neitlica, cue of the'ace department league. Or- v^; lart] Zlzz:*— ,""2'.' - J Further information call Mrs court stenographers of the coun- week a large r-s-£cs -rr:rci ct | 2Zz.r'-z.z'-z'z.. z:z r : . J. ,T. , Johnston, Harney 1570 try.. . . One of his assistants is the studio addrcssd to r^r-l^.' iz. '.Lz 1;" ,z t T:.! : ' secretary. Nathan Behrins, a former president, of the National Association forms, complets. TXr r,c~:; I ' - s ' r t t ' , " ' : : ; r — •' *• of Shorthand Reporters and a Baer appears on ;hs bcrl:- c: tilt ' :- c-s cf ':•: r—one-time- world's spee3 champion jerseys ana the :cti;rs II-"-rj - - *•-'"• . . . The famous Chenneville the fronts. The dcr i i : U-..C-=LE ; New Modern Street synagogue la Montreal, £rri%red, the teen rl;;"Cw Cz. C ' which -sras the second house of h i Carl Riekes, owner of the Car. "G-orsltip of that city's Spanish and the flrBt" half c: ;^r r:r.rRiekes Tire Service company, who .Portuguese-, congregation, is be-series. London (WNS) -r- The convex has been in the tiro and battery or hooked nose, popularly but er- business-in "Omaha, for the. past ing offered for sale, "with no takSPEAKING c r ::.'.::: ::;:' roneously regarded as a- "Jewish twenty-oae years located at S15ers . . . The synagogue Is nearly nose" is as much Aryan as it is No. 18th. street, announces the 200 years old . . . • Whoever edits• another famour r"'".:zu crc Jewish, Dr. Henry Field of the opening of a conipetely new and the "Twenty Years Ago" column I KosesSloom, r ~ - ~ S :~-~'Field Museum of Natural History modern plant that will specialize in the Amcriccr. Ilcbrcv pulledi a a in Chicago told the congress of entirely in the retreading and re-boner recently, ~;i.zz. z*z i:c r e - ! - - ~ ! the British Association ior the capping'of car and truck tires of pcrtel t i e azzr.zzlz\z.'JLz~ t v e dscrdes a~o cf Een-i ELo-bcrr,
the fox rose to the top. food." .For five days Igdal re"Go ahead and eat." called the mained sealed up in the* vaul fox, "and may you enjoy your with his piles of gold . . . meal.", Shmerl Jf ar Appears "What do you mean, eat," said About that time Shmerl Nar the wolf, after he had seen that wandered into Igdal's town, and nothing there was h tto eatt at once began to beg for food and in the well; 'tell me- rather how shelter. No one could spare him I can get out nf here?" anything, because of the scarcity "Just stay there." said the fn in town. Finally, a man said Vhow does the proverb run? The jokingly to him, "Why don't you righteons person frets out ofgo ask "the wealthy Igdal for some trouble, but' the wicked person - gets into i t " !?• Source: Antin and Albo: Von Itiddishei KvalL Age: 6-10. Merit: » Once a calf was led through the street on which a Rabbi lived on its way to the slaughter house. The calf tore itself loose, ran over to the Rabbi, and sticking its head into his coat, bleated out in fear, as if to say: "Save me." ' The Rfvbbi called out to the calf: "Go along, for you were born, to bo slaughtered." The townspeople were "horrified by this" action and said: "He has no pity. He will probably be punished for his action." -Very shortly thereafter, the Rabbi became gravely
Advancement of Science. all sizes. •''••. He made this assertion on the - T h e i r equipment .is'capable of strength of of exhaustive anthro- retreading or recapping any zlzs . . . S::oL-e:\; died, c: 1~ i-~o z'-".i, pological researches in Persia, the tire for either passenger cars c r traditional home of the so-called trucks. era m:sit like to line.-; tl-C tt'.~z- jtr •• • "Aryans." Carl Riekes invites tho pub His studies show, Dr. Field to visit his sew plant. • Some time later it happened tlict the Rabbi's servant, was said, that "perhaps the origins sweeping the house and panted source of diffusion of the procita Warsaw "(WNS) —• T i c r~oto throw out a weasel that she ent hook-nosed group scattered posed 'national, cosgress o* Polici had discovered in a corner. The among many- racial stocks" in Jews hrr.s been -called alt because Sibbi said to ihe servant;-"Let Persia." His investigation also gave of a lack of response on the part I I it alone. I t is "written ia ouranother scientific'setback'to the of Polish Jewry, • it'tras revealed Torah that God has mercy on all myth that "Aryans" are always when t i e Congress Bureau susnis creatures.;" He lad pity on tall, blue-eyed, 1 o n g-h e a d e d pended 'Operations alter months £lo animal, and as' a result, the blonds.. ' . •• of work.
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Dave Fedar has been named special, representative for the Dorotfao Ecltzman New Yori: 'Life Insurance comP i l l , correspondent pany, to specialize in, annuities A meeting of the Talmud Torah and all forms or income and inwill be held Monday evening vestment'insurance. September 5, at the synagogue. He has lived In Omaha 20 RABBI LEWIS NAMED was connected with the TO NATIONAL BOARD There will be a meeting of the years, Bee-News for 10. Chevra B'nai Yisroel, synagogue At the recent meeting of the on Wednesday, September 7.
New York (WNS) — Lotte Lehmann, • famous German soprano, and her three stepsons, who are half-Jewish, entered tbe United States under the German immi^'-ation quota and. plr.r to become American citizens, the Metropolitan O p e r a star announced on her arrival from Europe. The s t e p s o n s are Budwig Krause, 23; Hans, 20, and Peter, 19. Their father is Otto Krause, Mme. Lehmann's husband. Their mother, Krause's former wife, was1 Jewish. Because, of this the Naz authorities in AiiS'ri refused to l-it the youths leave but they managed to escape on May 5. Mine. Lehmann's horae in Vienna was taken over by the Nazis in April. ,.
—Dr. Joseph Abrahams. British- Coi born rabbi emeritus of the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, one ¥1 ~ of' the leading synagogues of Australia, died here at the age of jt84. He -was graduated from the V Berlin Rabbinical seminary ia i p 1882. At the time .of his death he was president of the Beth Din t r a of Victoria. b ->
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432 Or-c c In the ».». e. t . ...e !..-i_.?. (... Morris Soshnik. Deceased. READY MIXED CONCRETE CO., NOTICE IS HEREBY GiYEN: .A. Corrn1^ ' ior.. Tlia.t the creditors of ssjd deceased ™y FEF.B, ESBER. KXi"TZNICK & wil meet the adaiinistrator of sgic r estate, before me. County Jufipe of I Attornc: S!. P-?-SS-4 Doujjlas County. Nebraska, at the [ Count*1' Court Room. \n said Countv, i on the ICSh day of f^rsober, mss, f.ne on the 10th day of December. ISS&.fS at 9 o'clock a. m . each day, for she j tmrpase of preseratinE their claims I for esamlnaticn. adjustment anrl al- -, s ; , « , „ \ t , <, iowance. Tbrep months are alloved for the creditors to present thei: claims, ffom the 10th day of September. 1S3S. JOHN F. 1IRRI0UK S-13-SS-St Acting- County Judge. j
Z1. C O . Patronize Our Advertisers.
I S t h & Kiciioias
Tiphereth Israel
central conference of American Palestine Certificates Nazi Won't Aid Corzimittee rabbis,- Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis . The Agudas Achim lodge met Are Now Available Thursday, September 1, at the was among the rabbis named to Mis? Deana Baron was elected Berlin (WNS) — Hope that ; New York (WNS) — The represident of the Junior Hadasan the executive board. The'confer- Eagle's hall. Germany might be prevailed upon ence membership is composed of lease of 7S additional^immigrachapter at an . election meeting to permit refugees to take with The next meeting of the B'nal tion certificates for the transfer ' held jlonday evening in th& Jew- rabbis from all parts of the Unit- B'rith them some portion of their capiwill be held on Monday, of Jewish refugee children from ; ish : Community Center.— Miss ed States. tal was dashed Then the official The following were elected to September 12, at the Eagle's hall. Austria and' Germany to" PalesNazi press served notice on the • Rosalie. Sacks, who wa3 elected tine-brings to 903 the number of Intergovernmental Refugee Aid president at the close of last sea- the board: Dr. Henry Berkowitz, meeting of the Emesel club such permits issued by the Palescommittee that it need expect no son, left, this week to make her Portland, Ore.; : Rabbi Harry wasA held Tuesday at the home of tine government since August 1, co-operation from the Reich. The home: in Chicago, necessitating a Kaplan, Columbus, Ohio; Dr. Miss Libbie Grossman. it was announced by Hadassah. Nazi press declares it is foolish Sidney Goldstein, New York; special election. and futile to expect that Germany : Leon ueuer, Toledo, Ohio; Th<? new officers of the Junior Rabbi Mrs. Rose Kramer returned will allow the emigrating Jews to Dr. Abram Simon, Washington, Turkey to Admit Students DISMISSED FROM /tiadassah .were installed Wednes- D. C, and Rabbi TheodoTe N. Monday from San Diego, Cal., take with them "capital that they day; at a dinner meeting In theLewis, Sioux City. where she had been visiting her FASCIST PARTY POST Warsaw (WNS) ; — A number stole from Aryans." ' Egyptian room ol the Oasis. Mrs. son, Hymie, for the past two of foreign Jewish Etudeats will be Louis; Agranof 1 installed the ofRome (WNS) — Prof, Mario admitted to Turkish universities, months. ficers^ Other ,new.: of fleers electJona, veteran Jewish official pf the Turkish embassy In Warsaw Money for Autograph to ed wcJre Miss Roze'na Sacks, viceNathan Gilinsky left early this the • Fascist party, has been re- informed a delegation of Polish J. D. C. president; Miss Maty Rosofsky,' week with Leon Frankel for a moved from his post as vice-pres- Jewish^ students. New York (WNS) — A 150 ident of the Provincial Council of treasarer, and Miss 3Dorothy; Epmotor trip to California. check from Professor Albert EinCorporations; an office he has steln.i secretary. stein, half of it his o r a contribuMr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen enter- held for many.years. He was inBars Sale of Stuermer Members elected to the board tion and half representing- the tained 40 guests last Sunday at formed by the government that include- Goldie Lehman, Bluma sum he received frou- David W. A dinner meeting at the.West his "resignation" had been acCopenhagen (WNS) — An intheir honje in Harlani la. Merlin,- Nell Sinikin. and Jessie hotel last week broilght workers . Among the guests were Mrs. cepted. Griffith, film producer, for his definite ban on the sale and disSlutsky.". '• . • . '-_•_•• for the 193S Inter-Club Council tribution of Der Stuermer, Julius autograph with, the request that Cohen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. The' program Wednesday eve- Carnival, together for their first B. Saltzman, and her grandparFive generations of the Can- Streicher's notorious ' anti-Jewish it- be sent to the Joist Distribuning included a humorous sketch meeting, to. discuss plans for theents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman. sino family were royal intprpre- weekly, has been anounced by the tion Committee, has beea receivby Kozena. Sacks and accordion event which-will be held this fall. ed at J. D. C. headquarters. Danish ministry of the interior. ters for tha kings of Spain. numbers by Jack Krueger. FolMr. Davis was named general Mrs. Jules J. Sholdar and lowing the program, the guests chairman, while Milton " Bolstein daughters, Barbara and Sandra, adjourned to an evening of bingo. was named chairman of the ad-are returning today to their home ^iMij^ifejilii&'iiliiijilfe^iSjtii^^iyiiaiJtifeitlM vertising, committee. He will be in Chicago. They have spent the assisted by. three colonels, A. I. past month at the home of Mr. r Schwartz, Sam Cohen and L. J. and Mrs. Max, Steinberg. . i •'•'•'"at D e s M o i n e s Kaplan. The personel of the committee will be made up of 16 cap- Mrs. Ben Kooler and son,'Harry, returned home Monday after \ Sioux City members of the tains and 40 workers. Workmen Circle.will attend' the Captains on. this committee will spending several days visiting in Annual District conference of the include Eli. Roblnow, Joe* Levin, Chicago. * . . ' " . . . • .organization in Des Moines next Ben Baron, Jack Robinson, Joe . Sunday and' Monday, September Kutcher, Morey Lipshutz, M. E. Samuel Benjamin .was the first 4 ancj,5. , • Skalovsky, E. N. Grueskin, I. Jew elected to the Montreal city Among, the local members who Singer, S. L. Krueger, Louis council. •will represent, their chapter are Agranoff, Abe Agranoff, A. H. M. isibiloff, district secretary; I. Baron, Jack Goldsmith, Barney LEON &.WHITE,Attorneys. 504-10 City National Bank Bldg. Singer, district chairman; Max Baron and Mrs. Sol Novistky. Dervin and Abe Tilevitz, deleWorkers on this committee NOTICE OF^ INCORPORATION OF .; gates! •'of •,the local chapter; Mrs. will ' include Jim Greenstone, McKEE CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. J.. : Zjeligson, delegate of t h e Morris Satin, M. Lazriowich, Joa Notice is hereby given that a Corporation has been formed under the Ladfds' auxiliary. Others who Gorchow, Max Mason, • Lester laws of the State of Nebraska, The will attend are Mrs. M. Shiloff. Heeger, Rueben Miller, Milton name of the Corporation Is McKEE Mrs. i I. Singer, Mrs. A.' Tilevitz, Mushkin,: H. Miller, Phil Sher- CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Its principal place of business is . Omaha, Mr. J. Zellgsonlana Mrs.' Maxman, Abe Silverberg, John Lans- Douglas County, Nebraska. Dervin. - • • berg, Max Lasensky, H, Fishgall, The general nature of the business • "'••. Representatives of s e v e n J. Kalin, Sol Novitsky, Mike to be transacted by the Corporation Is to purchase, own, hold, sell, conbranches ofe the order will attend Grueskin, B. Rifkin, J. Shapiro, vey, - asslgrn, - lease, mortgage and the pdnference and guests from M.\ Shiloff, Max Dervin, Ben. transfer real estate and personal the .Kansas City district will be Sekt, Jack Lassman, John Levin, property wherever situated; to buy, amoiig those present. Abe Pill, L. J. Kutcher, I* Shlnd- Bell, own, assign, transfer, and rnortbonds, securities and stock In ler, Lawrence Baron, Lester sase other corporations; to draw, make, Davidson, Herman Miller, Mose execute, accept, endorse . and , issue notes, mortgages, drafts, Lazere, Leon Dobrofsky, M. Seff, promissory bills of exchange and other negotiMrs. . Joe Kutcher, , Mrs. Joe able instruments; to borrow money; Friday evening services at Tip- Krigsten, Mrs. Earl Kline, Mrs. engage in the business of general hereth Israel will begin tonight W. C. Slotsky and Mrs. Sam to contracting for the construction, repairing and remodeling of homes, at 7' o'clock. Saturday morning Pickus. : buildings, garages, pubjic works of services will begin at 9 o'clock. all kinds; and generally an work inR a b b i . Sol I. Bolotnikoy will cident-:to . the erection, construction speak during the morning servMr. and Mrs. Irving Goldstein and repairing of buildings and dwelling places; to engage in the business ice- i'l'. •-".'. and son, Paul Jean, of Chicago buying, selling and manufacturing . Services at Beth Abraham tor are guests this week in the home of of Inselbrlc building materials, and night will begin at 7 o'clock and or Mrs. Goldstein's mother, Mrs. any and all kinds of appliances, matomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. LeatPBaron, 606 Virginia street. terals and apparatus used In the construction, repairing, furnishing and During the week days Rabbi Bolremodeling Qt buildings, roads, and iatnltov will interpret Ain Jaakov Miss Bertha Gortenberg of public works of all kinds; to- a c t a s a at 6:30 o'clock. broker, agent or salesman for others Kansas City, Mo-., spent last week
LEIEH <£. KR.'. JfCEK. Attys 4303 South 24th St. FKOCATE Of x\ NOT«<
h the Columns of
in the sale of any and all kinds of
SENIOR HADASSAH - Mrs. W. C Slotsky presided at a board meeting of the Senior .Hadassah chapter Tuesday morn•Wg;|in ttr£ West hotel, when the group met to-organize plans for the icoming season. Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg was named chairman of the Child •Welfare Drive which-will be held next week. The board kent to the National headquarters, . funds raised for the' Emergency Funds of the Young Aliyoth project. The first meeting of the chapter: Its scheduled for October..
Society News
end in Sioux City visiting with appliances, apparatus and materials used in the construction, repairing, friends. Miss Sadie Shulkin returned home recently from Stevens. Point, Wis., where she ;visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lipman. Mr. A. H. Baron will leave this week-end for Lake Minnetonka, where he will join Mrs.- Baron and Beverly, who have spent the past month at the lake with Mrs. Baron's parents. They will return to Sioux City after Labor day.
. • • . • ; • , . . ! ; •
Miss Mina Slotsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Slotsky, will leave this week for Chicago, where she will study at ;the Chicago Art Institute. --: Mr. and Mrs. Sol F. Seff,-1320 Jennings street, • announce the
furnishing and remodeling of buildings, roadg and public works of all kinds; to do anything necessary, proper or convenient for or incidental to the carrying out of the powers or purposes herein mentioned. The total authorised capital stock of the corporation shall be $15,000.00, divided Into one hundred fifty shares of the par value of One hundred dollars each. Said capital stock shall be fully paid for and non-assessable when issued, and may be paid for in cash, notes or property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, a t the reasonable value thereof. Twentyfive shares of the capital stock of this corporation shall be paid for before this corporation shall commence business. The corporation shall commence business on August 22, 1938, and shall continue for a period of fifty years from date thereof. The highest amount, of indebtedness to which this corporation may a t any time subject itself shall not exceed two-third of ts capital stock. The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than two nor more than five members.
. Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Pass- birth p f a son on August 29, at man will be hosts at a reception the Methodist hospital. SAMUEL H. LAKIN. Sunday afternoon from 3 to 6 M A X SASLAW. o'clock in the Rainbow room of i "Miss Rosalie Sacks left Wed- IN PRESENCE OF: ,. ' • '" tho' West hotel, ^ honoring their nesday for Chicago, where-' she GERTRUDE KOGAN, son-In-lav and daughter, Mr. andwill study nursing at the Michael S-2-38-«. ' IJra., A. Arnold Baron, whose re- Reese hospital. . MONSKY, GROD1NSKY, MARER &. lisious marriage service took COHEN, Attorneys. place Sunday at Sioux Fallsy S. .Leonard H. Weiner of Detroit, 737 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. Mrs. Baron is the former a-former Sioux Cityan, is spendNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That . JT-osageno Passman. The couple ing a week with. Oils parents, Mr. the. undersigned, have formed a< corv/a3 married at a cilvil service and Mrs. Sam .Weiner, 1315 Jen- poration, pursuant to the laws of the .-April, 23 a. Paplllion, Neb. : ' nings street. State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation Is L A N D INVESTThe ceremony Sunday was perMENTS, INC.,' with its principal formed by Rabbi Gilbert A. Sil- Mr. and Mrs. Max Holland and place of business In Omaha,'Nebrasverstein in the presence of the children returned this week from ka. The objects for which this corImmediate families. S. Ste'pakotf, St. Louis, Trhere they visited Mr. poration is formed are: To maintain and operate a general real estate and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stepakoff and and investment business, and to that end Mrs. Sam C. Steinhauer, Stanley Stepakoff of Los Angeles, among other things to deal In generally, acquire, encumber, develop, brother and nephews of Mrs, Amoiigthe Sioux Cityans who and construct any and all real and Pas3man, were present at the personal property, either directly or spent the week-end in Omaha atceremony. . ' through ownership of stock in any tending the S. A. M. convention, other corporation or association; to The bride was attired in a du- were Bill Lansberg, Sibley Newengage in a general investment and lionnet suit with accessories to man, Charles Shindler, Sidney security business and to that end match. Kalin, Esther Rivin, Max Rosen- among other thing to purchase, sell, Mrs. Baron is a graduate of thai, Abe Sadofk. Bernard Lip- hold, pledge guarantee or otherwise in any securities and evidences .Central High school. Mr. Baron, man, Abe Kosberg, Neil . Stone- deal indebtedness, and to purchass. Who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. S. hill, Margaret Kosberg,' Bernard of guarantee, sell, convey and encumber Baron of Volin, S. D., attended .Rosenthal and Henry Ginsberg. shares of the capital stock of any corporation and to acquire oil leases, tho University of South Dakota franchises, patents and to own, manat "Vcrmlllion. ago and operate the same. Tho Com-
If F3
Gerald Cohen of Desmet, S. D., pany shall hafe authority to borrow
spent this week In Sioux City Mis3 Lottie Feinberg, a bride- with his :parents, Mr. and Mrs. elect, has been guest of honor at Max Cohen, 1720 Jones street. a number of parties during the pait week. s ' Mr'.yand Mrs. Sovel Krueger Thursday evening, Mrs. Abe and Milton B.rrent visited thi3 Bdln entertained a group of week in Chicago, where they atfriends at ar. evening of bridge, tended the AH Star football game honoring her. at Soldiers Field. Friday evening, Mrs. Morris Satin was her hostc&s, and Mon- Orders--Deportation ': day .evening, 15 friends entertained for Miss Feinberg at a noBrussels (WNS) — All aliens hostecs party in Scribbins Tea illegally resident In Belgium were Shop. ordered expelled Immediately In a new ruling issued, by the min-
PJr. and Jlrs. Norman Jacques istry of the interior. The order Kr.'uffman and son, Norman, jr., is aimed at halting the influx of and daughter, Emily, of New Or-refugees from Germany and Ausfescs, departed Wednesday, after tria, many of whom are alleged a sionth's visit -with Mr. and Mrs. to have been smuggled into the Sato G. Pickus, 33'19 Jackson country. Dtreet. Tho visitoi-3 v.-ere entertained daily at social events. Patronize Our Advertisers.
money and issiie evidences of indebtedness therefor!. The total authorized capital stock is $50,000.00, par value $100.00 per share, all stock Common and shall be fully paid and nonassessable when Issued. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of Its Articles -with fee County Clerk of Douglas County, *mcl shall continue until January 1st. 19S5. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of tho capital stock. This restriction shall not apply to Indebtedness secured b~ real estate." The number of member's, of the Board shall be provided for cy the By-Laws. which Board shall'administer the affairs of the corporation. The stockholders shall hold their annual meeting the first Tuesday of February of- each .year amelect Directors. The Directors . shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The ArtirleD may be amended upon noilcs as provided for, The corporation shall ha\-> a seal. Dated June 23rd, J03S. THEODORE W. MKTCALFE, DONALD BROCKET. S-13-3S-5t- • -
Mr. airi T.trs. an<£ family eKttnd to their friends sincpre vrlshes for a Happy New Year.
Mr. and Mra. = and Family •wisli tLelr frsemis
their friends Jboth far and nc&r A Happy and Prosparoas New Year.
Mr. and Mr a.
prosperity ia ths coning year. Mr. ana Tire. — — take this means ai estendirg grrccttr.gs CT-.d he.irty good vfisiics fcr A Hc:j>« py a n & Prorpctotis Year to IJ: Z'.T friends far cni r.c~r.
Your greeting problem is solvecE by this convenient method of wishing your' relatives and friends a Happy New'Year . o '. No danger of the erabcrrassment of forgetting someone « . . no trouble.... time aad money
Tliase greetings will be published in fee.*.
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tor each gTeeting1 . . . ais.il any .of these forms, or •ohone Four Greet-
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Atlantic 1450 t
n!ir.jn!8Mi'K"!;:!';T",r -