September 9, 1938

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In tilc Intererir cf

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c 1418—1038 the year 1418 Italian Jews >. troubled (Which is to say f /wera feeling about aa usual.) Indeed, I should guess, judging Entered aa Second Class Mail-Hatter on January SI. 1931, at OMAHA, KEBRASKA, .FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, ISSS •jjjf.-^rhat I read, that in their priFestofflce, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879 vate; convocations the talk o£ Italian' Jews was much like this: AMERICANIZATION ' nl VWhat can we do to make ourgetvea pleasing to the world?" , CLASS ORGANIZED 1 *'. - f Yes, Jews, ohouldhe careful." < ;; -^fjew,; in short;' should"not stick The first meeting of a new thejVinecks out.". ; Americanization, class for Ger*-/Which is to "say that conversaman Jews was held last night at it. i L &J2E: BJSI ^*&- k K-iS L a -s^ i. t, , tion- Saiaong Italian 'Jews -in. the the Jewish Community Center. fckv; HIS ran to the same This class will meet regularly Omaha's two AZA chapters Sunday ,r-"' 'ug, registration was Tuesday and Thursdays from 7 . thoughts ascohverBation among sponsored the largest summer again-^',£$• -jv "tie J. C. C. to 9 at the Center. •&jaerlcan Jews in the rear 1938; 0 tournament in the history of the The class will be devoted to the ana their caution was as self-efCornbelt Region of AZA last -'.,-~,?^'*,,»;-J" .in Holziaaa was thepreparation for citizenship and facingi ' • • - • • ., rv Sunday and Monday, September' .Mr. Zilch (he 13 the well- Uives..$1,567.50* to 34 4-5. Under the general direct*'^ ;& \.«e, -Ker of the luncheon the bettering of proficiency in Kuosirn Mr. Zilch who one seea al't^f*'-'^ noon on Sunday at the English. A tesrter is t»eins furO^anizations of -Morris Arbitmaa and ,*•"' p?*~ ways a t the speakers' tables at all s C. auditorium. Morrisv Ar- nished by the board of education. Abroad Zelinefcy, general co^"«> the'Jewish affairs) has just been . .aaa'n, serving ss toatstraaster, the Omaha chapters w t ' ; felling me how Jewish women the different advisors, Thirty-four European and Pal-to Aleph8.from Sioux CH.V: ?,.*•- introduced Serf-or.f of ifi? Terrr'e :rre' I: i should dress. .'hostesses and committee chairr' V V estinian institutions of learning coin,. Des Moines, Chicago} Den."> "Jewish women," says Mr. and charitable endeavor received ver, Rock Island, Council Bluffs, man. During t h e luncheon, Suada-ir morning, September IS, at 10 a. m. ; Zilch, "should dress in neutral allotments from the Meshulloc- St. Joseph, Kansas City and Louise Saylan, a sweetheart, drew for the pairings in the softball shades, the less to be seen. They him .committee during the year Tulsa. . . ' UegistratloB of both old and tournament. should avofd the cosmetics that 1937-38, according to' an annew pupils can be made at that The convention began Saturare.on the lips of other women. nouncement issued by- Isadore Approximately 200 Alephs and time. Those entering for the Jewish women, in short, should Goldstein, chairman of the com-day evening, September 3, with B'nai Brith members attended first time should be Eccomp&Eied registration at the Jewish Comefface themselves." mittee. Altogether, an amount of and were served by by either parent or guardian and munity Center, general conven- the.luncheon ; . -Mr. Zilch is no designer in the $1,567.50 was distributed among, tion members of the Ladies Auxiliary brought to Kafcbi "VVice's study on headquarters. A midnight .cleat. ; and suit trade; he is, in these - organizations. The funds show at the Circle theater served of the B'nai Brith, under t t e dithe second floor. They will then were provided by the Jewish. rection of Mrs. William Lazere be assigned to the proper class. po• fact;a lawyer. .-..'.• as the opening event ofthe meet. br and by ; the convention hostesses. Close Religious Schools As }•:.Oh,, it's an old, old story, as I Philanthropies. A two-cay a- week .Hebrew si r • iisd in reading about the particuThe luncheon was in. charge of school open to all pupils on a iifi A € State Takes Over All In making the report public, • Jar 'matter that troubled the Ital- Mr. Goldstein stated: "I wonder Milton Saylan. TolnEtary basis -whether mem- j s c l Education ian Jews in the year 1418. They if the Jewish Community of OmaDuring the afternoon, the prebers ot the religious school or trc c - rp useii .to meet quite regularly to ha, realizes the important work of liminariea of the softball tournaVienna (WNS)—Talmud Tor- not is ia process of organization. ci ee T Otyact rules for the goverance of our committee. Through it, the ment were held at Elniwood park, ahs and other Jewish religious Tbis is part of the commncity- tie r \ • jews'—• "not only such rules as Jewish Philanthropies has atwith Mother chapter and Century schools were outlawed tbrougl- wide activities under the Bureau V i i 1r . served the soul of Israel but also tempted to provide for the many chapter reaching the finals. The out Austria together with toe re- of Jewish Education in which Jev - j r~ulea by which. Jews might com- institutions of learning, for the first day's program was topped ligions schools of other denomi- Te iple Israel is co-operating. port themselves with safe proprie- care of the hungry and aged and off with main social event of "the nations, including the parochial As soon as details have been br ty'before the eyes of the world. children in Poland, Lithuania, convention, the convention dance, schools o£ the Catholic cburcb, in arranged further notice will ap- E U T ; • Therefore, in their meeting at Rumania and Palestine. held at the Fonteaelle hotel ball- an. order announced in tbe Vien- pear in the columns of The Jew. Fprll in Italy the Jews on May room, with music by Jack Swan- na edition of the Voelkischer ish Press. "In the past, these organiza•ISr 1418, resolved aa follows: ^ son and his orchestra. Dan Mil-Beebachter. tions; used .to send Meshullochim City-Wide Competition f ,V"In order also, to humble our ler was In charge of the dance. or collectors to our community, The Ks.zi organ declared that j t e . c l '(. Juniors to Be Annual Rains Hamper Meets • hearts* and to walk' modestly be- who, separate camthe religious schools would not L i ^ t i, r- i I o- f " s tpre; our God, and not to show paigns conducted Event i, K Tennis and track tournaments it for the support of their be permitted to reopen at the end c ( p ir " F1"" the presence of the Gen-institutions. scheduled for Monday were hamThe community was of the summer vacation on Sep"QieSi we have agreed that from subjected to constant Forty junior swimmers repre- pered by the heavy rainstorm, tember 19. Henceforth, education G. solicitation, tqday until the termination of the and a very>costly one\. . ~ - r' senting the Jewish Community and although the track tournaat that, cf 3'outh will be ^exclusively the time-already mentioned (1426) since the collectors had to be Center, the Y; M. C. A., Peony ment was called off, .the tennis state's prerogative. The BeochacE.'C ro no-Jew or Jewess of the above paid for their services and cam-Park, the Field club and Central matches were played, with Aleph hter also announced that the govrecorded : Jewish . communities paign, had to be paid for club participated In the meet Tempofsky-of Kansas City •win- ernment ' plans 'to establish 14 towns • <?r villages shall be so ar-out ofexpenses held on September 1 a t the Com- ning the singles, and the doublesspecial schools for Jews to keep the funds collected." rogant as to wear/a furrlined jacmunity Center. Because of the were tied between the Mother them out of the regular state "All this was. changed in 1933 d -er o~s lietj!, unless, of course, it ia black ; great Interest ^shown, the meet chapter, represented by Bob schools. when the Jewish Philanthropies si ' f i i- i Also'the.sleeves must not be open will become an* annual event. Bramson and Kaskell Lazere, and Will Be rrer r-> Meanwhile, 300 Jews sched- Believe, , Genaanv npr be lined: with silk, for that included the: Meshullochim comAmong those swimming for the the Kansas City chapter. The ^ ^ . i* would ;be" arrogant. Likewise, no mittee among its beneficiaries, Jewish Community Center who finals in the softball tournament uled 'to sail for'Colombia, Sonth 1 tif= woman shall openly wear.any gir- Those individuals who formerly placed were: Bucky Greenberg, will be held between tke Mother America, postponed their departAfter Congress dlft or belt if ita ; silver weighs made separate : contributions to Stanley Feltman, Isadore Freed- chapter and Sara Beber chapter ure .indefinitely because of unexhe various institutions. could Bior.e than .ten ounces." 1 Sunday at Elmwood park at pected difficulties with the Co- London {JTA)—A number c ' by, including this sum in man, Elinor Eaton and Martye next lombian government. Three hun- decisions oa various aspects o" t-I find-.this in the source book now, 11. Lea Byron. . ; Philanthropies contribution, dred visas for agricultural work- t t e German refuges problerr VThe Jew in -,:' the- . Medieya their The convention closed Monday assured that, they would be . Bucky. Greenberg placed first ers and expert- mechanics had were "made at a meeting of thr i itforld'.' (Sinai Press) by Dr. Ja be t . night with a very successful outspared some 34 1 solicitations. in the 40-yard breaststroke and been issued by the . Colombian %ntergovernment£.l cob. Marcus of.the Hebrew Union They Refugee Coin-( ing at Krug park, under George could also be , assured that the ' 100-yard breaststroke for consul. At the same time a trainGollege^ ; . .;;. .--. ; • ...;. .;. funds which- they contributed boys under 15. Bucky hasn't lost Skater's direction. Approximately load of Jewish boys and girls be- isittee. Vv'This caution of Israel has step- the 100 Alephs were registered at the George Rut-lee, director of the previously went directly to the a breaststroke race this year. • sent to Palestine by Toath ; . ped timorously through the ages, institutions intended without the convention,, and the t-wo general ing Refugee Bureau, met soirse of thf , AUyah left Vienna. 7 Stanley Feltman • took second it ^appears. More than 200 years previous overhead for collectors." in the 20-yard freestyle and third chairmen, Morris Arbitiaaa and rice-chairiaea- oi the committee! later .(in 1692) jthe Jews of Metz. Harold Zelinsky, on behalf of the for the lirst time. The meeting 1 in the lOQ-yardfreestyle. Isa"Our: Meshullochim committee. .toize Berlin Shops werejsuffering a special pain'.at Investigates and studies all re- dore Freedman was both entire AZA of Omaha "wish to discassed at. length the report! the/moment- which, since: it was quests which come, in from these the'40-yard and 100-yard breast- thank publicly all those who as- Berlin (WNS) — New meas- which Hugh Wilson, Americas j special, may have .provided some institutions; Their functions are s t r o k e . •: • • : sisted them in their tournament. ures to m&k© it even easier to ambassador to "Germany, had subidentify Jewish stops and thus relief from the dull monotonous carefully studied, and the com.tighten.—-the., .boycott ..w.ere - an- mitted to the cociertTioe- '-of •In the 20-yard free-style for pain tthey always had. ' . n may. bej certain that allo- -girls-~Z0~ -and—2r3r"*3 3tn*sr~~ Elinor" r Eotsnced by Mayor Julius Lippert earlier this vreek regarding pros_ J-'Itiseems that Jewishjwomen If munity cations" made "are in accordance Eaton, representing the Center, tH i*s.\lj >. , f"; !| 1-3. Hf'*:, of Berlin. Henceforth. Jewish iietz were making" themselves pb •with, for negotiations with the the i needs-, of: the JndMdu&L -took second. Swimming out of shops will be restricted to certain pects 1 -Jects of enyy; ,wearing: cert&iiv ste^ institutionaj Germs.:* government for transfer '; ' v • -—' • •' • •. • : districts in the capital. Berlin her class • in the 20-yard freebraidered. veils, "as , they - did. refugee's capital, and .thorhas'20 districts and Jewish shops cf style she placed third. ' What 1 more "would people be sayoughly reviewed the whole situwill 'be permitted to remain open " Marty Lea Byron was fourth fng about Jews" of Jewish womenation. only in a few of them.' In the 20-yard freestyle for girls kept-' on' rwearing- these1 •:. fancy It is understood thai the corounder 15. Jews here are further stricken mittee is cotconsidering making •sells? People had been " saying • The team composed of Alden with the problem of finding resi- an approach :o the German gor•enough^ and Jewish W o m e n Lincoln, Bucky Greenberg, Isadence quarters since the German eminent, reg should ,ba*-c'aref pi.----' ' ' ' •.'. oi: dore Freedman, and Stanley FeltLabor Front has served notice refugees ia Switzerland and BelvSb (as Dr. Marcus reports) the man took second In the 80-yard all Jewish boarding gium and other countries. leaders; :of the-"J,ewish community. Jacob R. Marcus, professor "advising" relay. vThe two Center girl teams of Dr. house owners to Jiauidate their of opinion that this Question reof .Metsf gaye: out an» ordinanceV \ Jewish History at the Hebrew. placed first and second in the Union college, will conduct a business "by September SO. This mains in the sphere of the ••'; "It has been' learned- that many — C relays. Members of the teams teachers' institute on Monday, measure is made doubly stringent states involved, Twelve -leading women.. are; having' yells etnbrol: ; Jerusalem. (WNS-Palcor.-Agen~ were: Dorothy Bush, Elinor Ea- September 19, at Temple Israel. due to the fact that eviction of members of the committee at:dered- in~-ffie -city- by -^-non-Jews. cy) —-' It. was- learned" ton, Rosella Sherman, -. Martye Lea . Dr. Marcus is here under the Jews front real estate of non-tended tbe meeting as dinner sources that an appeal addressed Byron, Rose Silver and Elinor joint auspices of Temple Israel Jewish ownership—allegedly be- guests of American Vice-Chairof pressure from non-Jew- man Myron C. Taylor. animosity"-^~for"till now,the non- to Arab terrorists by leading Mos- Bush, and the Hebrew Union college. cause neighbors — Sas necessitated Expect Cooperation . Jews might have- supposed that lem - -religious leaders:, urging Teachers of all religious schools ish engaging, rooms ia Jewish Paris {JTA)—In r,n interview ..thelvgold.-TKbrn'-iy.' Jewesses on them fo •abstaln-from-murdeT ^Bd in the city as well as from the Jews' violence * "during' 'the - three-month; with t h e Jewish Telepraghic congregations in Des Moines, bocrding houses. Agency, Robert Peil. assistant di- sr i "imitation^! while'jao.WjQfey''.are pps" penitential "period known aas SheLincoln, <Sious City and St. Johur Al Haram* -was angrily rerector of the Refugee Bureau, is genuine. seph have been invited. voiced the conviction that Gerthis reason announcemen jected by leaders of the disord: : On Wednesday ' evening, Sep--Tazny would "be ready to open cele and_ notic.e'Ja^glVen—thai ers. •;..-...'. _..-.'..-.1-.1- , tember 21, at 8:15 Dr. Marcus gotiations with Kr. Rublee- after beglanlng ^today,. no _jjejsons1 In some instances-the-Arab ter-: will speak, at Temple Israel at a the man,- woman' or girl,—, is. penal ti- rorista:: showed 4heir- displeasure meeting open to the public. His ed: toi have any veils, tiatsi borders with the plea of the Moslem clertopic will be " T i e Jew in the of: cloaks, or any other object of gy by sending threatening letters United States." .dress- made or '"embroidered by to Moslem priests. The Jewish Community Center Dr. Marcus Is a graduate of The appeal to. the terrorist and Welfare Federation was rep- the Hebrew Union college and non-Jews, whether . directly oi thrqugh an intermediary. Thos ringleaders is said, to have" been resented Wednesday night at the received his Ph. D. from the UniNew York (JTA) — A coas>!.- I "S O" Who have; given, some to be don signed. ,by. prominent Arab • re-annual meeting and dinner of the versity of Berlin. He is the outside by non-Jew3 must immed- ligious figures, including the Mid-West A. A. U. at the Fcnte- author of "The Rise and Destiny tee . of prominent Jews and noncr • i iately- -recover these objects .un- Kadi of Jerusalem and the Mufti neHe hotel by Paul "Veret, execu- of the German Jew." His latest Jews has been formed to spoa- v" sor an observance of the 75th V . of Acre. It urged .that Shehur derJpenalty- of. a fine of. twenty tive director; Leslie Burkenroad, book, recently published is, "Thebirthday of Dr. Cyrus Adler, Seichsthaler for-the-benefit ol'jth. Al-Haram, which, according, to chairman of the athletic commit- Medieval Jew." "tbe grand old man of American Islamic tradition, is devoted to poor,;and the administration- Ittee, and Ljee Grossman, director Milton Abrahams, chairman of which occurs'on Septemselfc-will have them • taken back intensive prayer, should not be of the Center physical depart- the activities committee of the Jewry," ber 13. violated by continued bloodshed. ment. from the non-Jews." Temple, is in charge of arrangeThe feature of the celebrations Irvin C. Levin also attended as ments for Dr. Marcus's talks. will be a testimonial -voluiae con. "Yes," says Mr. Zilch who has a member of the handball comtaining tributes by statesmen, edjust told .me how Jewish women mittee. , ucators and leaders in many should dress in our y time, "W walks of life to Dr.. Adler's serv. Because of the "fine courts, the C3a'"t- be top careful. Now there's ice to Judaism and humanity. Dr. Center was again awarded the Gloaburg-running for legislature, Adler, because of Bis modesty, Mid-West A. A. U. handball tourWhat business has he to -be runwill not- be present at the cerenament. Last year over 46 handUS ning for the. legislature? He bnl monies marking tne presentation ball champions participated In attracts ,attention to us. am of the volume. It the tournament held at the Cencauses people, to say we|re. tryin .' A special raeeting of the Oma- The Jewish Theological Semiter. -•.-• to: run the country. He' makes ha Hebrew club will be held on nary cf America, of which Dr. Mr. Dave, Conn, president of now target for them to shoot at. Sunday, September 11, at 3 p. m.,Adler is president, is planning a I z\X the Beth-El synagogue, announces .ri'/'It'o as I said: to my wife onl at. the Jewish Community " Cen- radio broadcast in connection that regular Friday evening servyesterday. She wants a new rfu ter.: This is the opening meeting with E!B birthday. Dr.. Adler is € ices will begin neat Friday evecQ3t and as" you very well know, of the season and a number of also president of tbee American S ning,, September 16. Cantor EdI^jiover deny my wife anythin amendments to the constitution Jewish Committee, Dropsje colthat- is within my means.: But a; gar will lead the service and c- r , t r _ „ . , „_,, will be introduced by the execu- lege and is leader in ' a host"" of t " d Rabbi Goldstein will preach the to^this fur. coat I said firmly. No tive board. other. Jewish activities. .' "•• ' Don't you think it would be bette: sermon. Every- member of the club has The testimonial committee Is C On Saturday night, September to =do without.a fur coat thi been^-urged to attend because cf headed 'by Lewis L.. Strauss. c €_ year? People fur coats 17 at midnight, the Congregation the., importance of the meeting. 1 and Jews should do all they ca will conduct the annual Sellchoth Only members will be admitted. to keep from being noticed. It': services. Cantor Edgar assisted Arrest Two Poles Rabbi Goldstein and Cantor Refreshments' will be served. , all,right for other people to dis by the augmented High Holiday Edgar will conduct memorial M.orgenstern. is president of Who Attacked play; new fur coats but JewisI choir wlHOead the service. Rab- services at Beth Hamedrosh Ha- theI. Omaha Hebrew club. •women1 should"'be careful.-You bi' Goldstein will preach the ser-godol cemetery, South Side, SepJew • ' . . - . teta'ber-.'lS, i9S8,.-at. 2:30 p , in. putting on a sew fur coat woul mon.. • •••••.. " .•••••-,... iimen-c be-like Ginsburg running for th The service is being sponsored by Czech Police Act Ltro-u*. Poland (JTA) — T-sro legislature.. the B. H. H. Cemetery Improvepersons v h o signed an advertiseCcz: ,, >V*'And what hurts me moat is ment organization. ment in a.local Jev/ish newspaper to ; read of Jews being New Deal .-' Every member is urged - to at. apologizing for &a attack on a ers; iKadicaIs£.That gets us notictend. The committee ia charge •jPra&aa._,(3TA} — The authori- | New Tori; Jew. B'avlcl G-i'ter, { ed- and makes anti-Semites out oi Rabbi David H. "Wico are .planning1' to Issve ample cSalrs ties - f are. talcing steps to cbecfc j trere arrested last week. eozae of our best people. For every terrorism. in Sudenten German speak Saturday monaisgr to 600 and ••. Biemoriai leaflets-for Xbs s-dvertlssmsiit l~3;d b-sexi \y : Jet^ to be a New Dealer is like • "• Methodist ministers who are in one..present. districts directed against Social . Jewlsl} woman with cosmetics, o: Omaha for a conference. His In case of rain services will' t e Dssioorats sua Jer»-s. i as- En'&rjcr.-R person, TVIIO pp.ia for ! 1~~ rearing s n e w fur, coat or, lik topic will be the "Roto of the held the follbiring Sunday «,t 1.1 The state police oJ Litoraerice, jit. Gstsr, -who caine to L-K-OTV to j. f Gla;b:irs running for the legisla Church in the Hour of Crisis." a. m. Mr. Ilendelsoa will fee at North Bohemia, "sad Moravskaturo. It's all tho came thing, yo On. September 18, Rabbi -Wice the cemetery all day to gruide Ostravs, issaeti ' a proolanatios. might say. • will deliver the keynote address families to graves and conduct warning, that sis-month prison ent of - - "Why can't si! J c ^ s bo Eepuh at the Nebraska Conference of individual prayers for there who terms"'would fee tac-ted out to ed immediate]7. Guter Iloana, for Instance? If yon areSocial Work which Is being held wioh it. '-- ' persons . found guilty of black- moved to th© hospital. Republicaa you are not unusual in Fremont. mailing for political, religious sad you look like Smith, Jone Ho will also speak in Fremont The first exponent of Reform and nations.! <&n.ds, ins"Ultiagr rec- IR 1254 t?is Jews c; , op-any other rcspaetable mzu on October 12 before the Nebras- Jewry in the U. S. was Isaac Har- ognised national or religious mi- France, seat' of ths- Alb Trecr3 a nca,t gray suit. You ar< ka ' Coasress of Parents and by, born in Charleston of a Mor- norities, inj-sjrjps;' property, busi- movement, suffered tag ..." <Continued on page S) Teachers. ness cr reputation. occan Sephardic-family.


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Any for our 'precious and insecure can there be any <Joul>t tbst this of the- Zionist moveiaeat-. 'hare quickly realized the dsjsger, cad heritage of peace and democracy. poor, misguided youth was a vicof XS Enci. ?• C are v.-e]come to e a r j*ea Hs has made the point again and tim of stupsd, heartless aad cruel 'there is now a general retreat bowl v.-ith the l>oys, i,nii fere refrom -the assumed Revisionist poagain,of late that we have a propaganda? Can there bo any quested to coirtRol ftnv of the sition in Palestine as -well as In _ • The Jevrish Community Center greater stake'in democracy than doubt the Revisionists sought and above n&iPxG os,r-t?.|i?p no that every Jewish community in Uuj Eovling league, which had a very any of the peoples of the world. to a great esteat succeeded,-in Ihtlv n?,m? vrii?. be nnitjdeii in rope. Zionists of practically all "We know that the Jewish peo- smuggling In their Fascist doc- parties are clearly realizing that successful season last year, is the list ot E'.I bcvrlsrr, --hich will already in the mid-stage of being trines behind the dead body of ple is a traditional scapegoat and they erred'badly, that they were organized for the coming season. be placed on the teams this comthat the dictatorship in Germany this simple, poor boy? ing week. deceived by a Revisionist "Trojan has made a special point of atYet no sooner, was the sentence Horse" end they' are trying bard j All of last year's cr,ptr,ins and AH ol lest "ye;".r'f, bowlers who tach upou it. We realize that as announced than the whole Zion- to make-amends for the mistake. officers cf the league have hzil were cot cor.if.ol'.Pc! 8"e asked to two neetiusrs already sad this long as religion lasts democracy ist world was in 'uproar. Berlin In London, Paris, Warsaw sad Sunday the mad scre.rc.ble lor pet iv. touch v:itfc thoir captains. will not be overthrown. was forgotten; Vienna with itu scores of . other Jewish centerte teara personnel will begin. From "We thus dedicate ourselveB to hundreds of Jewish executions the perpetuation of our own her- and suicides daily was forgotten, there are now mass meetings helfi present inuicE-tlortE, ptens vs<a See. We can think of no lead- lege for Hebrew and Cognate due to Dr. Adler'3 foresight and itage, to denounce the Revisionist reing mete to actually start bowl- I tibl Pi to. the. fostering of Godli- and an unseemly hysterical hurer-, of American' Israel who is .Learning, the American Jewish perservefance". " ' . ness that will make us goodd ricane skilfully maneuvered from prisals asc» to uplsold the "Har-ing the firrt Tt-esdfcy In October. today more entitled to be Committee, nr-fn'.r He Was one" of the group, which Americans and good Jews. • We headquarters swept the Jewish laga" (-which Ben Joseph, died to Due to the Increased IG!cC <**• Itnown as "BIR. PRESIDENT" Mikvah Israelthein Congregation destroy). The Hifctadruth has persuaded Dr. Solomon Schechter will seek to inculcate an under- world, Philadelphia from the Baltic to the Pa-awakened with a start to the real- sbowii by Our .Tewisli bovle c than Dr. Cynis Adler, who cel- and as founder or : executive of io co'me from England to be the obrates .his 75tU birthday oh innumerable other organizations; Seminary's first president. It was standing of Judaism aniong-Jews; cific. Five thousand telegrams ization that it has allowed Revi- last year, £»nd many others \ •we will also seek to promote a were dispatched frora Poland have expressed a desire to i. \ t September -13th.. He Is o r has , Jewish Agency for Palestine, he* who-last June 'presided at the better understanding of Jews and alone to the English king during sionist Fascism to score a victory in the league this year, the "'e been-president pt some score the under the guise of an awakened fifty-first : commencement which- Judaism among Christians." Hebrew University,.the Boy the two days before the execution sense of pity, and it is doing its ter Bowling league yrlll Y T" of national. Jewish organizaof' America, the American sent 44 graduates to join the The biblical teachings '.,}?v.e. (JTA)—A' of Ben Joseph. eight teams this rear inst-ee o i tions and institutions in the 50 Scouts best to make good its mistake. Oriental Society,the American Seminary''teachers and • preachers six, which is proof enough 1 " ii-pponing that 6.0 medj years ho -has given to Jewish'' Anthropological " Society, t h o in Israel. With the influence • of Dr. Adler has studied so closely resolution r Rabbis of Poland and Galicia In this it has the support of this sport is really taking T i ICE.' studei!ts i.nd E0 physicians , communal service—The- EtU- American" Philosophical Society, the "Seminary spreading year by are ageless and have provided appealed to the English queen every sane Zionist and non-Zionhim with a philosophy equal to ' tor. •.•/•••: •the Jewish" Publication society; year, a -story which Dr. Adler the stress ,of current events. "In the name of her deceased ist in Europe. For it Is beire of the Jewish boys and rae r £ro.m Anctri a raid Germany be admUtec into Ei-rlntirl annually for mother" to Save the Jewish boy. the American Jewish Historical once told is .again appropriate. He Study of the old masters, teachrealized. that if this mistake is our city. •v.r ye?'-? up at. Eight sponsors hare ?,lr° c t h e v.f,i:.i. fx The name of Adler originated Society,' and the American Jewish: relates that a .British taxpayer ing their, application today, and Mass meetinfs were held in every not corrected speedily and thoriae irenerE.1 council of the Britia the " seventeenth ' century." It Joint Distribution Committee. complained to the .director of tho tolerance of differences inherent Jewish town and hamlet in Po- oughly; if the world is cot made been obtained "for the teams e ^ ish Trades Unions' Congress this (.va3 theGerman word, for "eagle" In addition to this formidable Natural History Museum at South Lin all human beings is the way of land and GalicSa; demonstrations to realize that the Jewish people the captains appointed. In c e knd indicated .priestly stock, for. list, one must-in the interest of Kensington that- no photographs life which Dr. Adler advocates were arranged in front of British as a whole are whole-hearteCIy to make the leag-ue as e* e« * The resol iviion was opposed by '• *he spread tving3 of;, the';'. eagle accurate biography, add Dr. Ad-ot the Museum were on sale in and himself practices. He has al-embassies; windows were smash- opposed to Fascist methods in matched EIS possible, avei the Kfdu'iU rrFotitionerp' Union, in the British consulates; fast Palestine ss elsewhere, the Yis-of last year vrill be used iTi ij'inbolized the arms of the priests ler's efforts on behalf ot the Jew-^ the officei To appease the intrud- ways maintained that It is ed vtU-h has he-en active in opposing the bowlers on. the (IKK ^•aiaed in blessing. Although not ish--Welfare Board; his editing of er,, the -director •-had- to explaia "knowledge that makes men days were proclaimed; prayerfi huv is lost. .iltnself a rabbi, Dr.' Cyrus Adler the American translation of the that : "the South Kensington Mu- humble, that makes them toler- were said; Ben Joseph was pro- What is . more, a death-blo^ teams, ana in thst rnsxeer ti inscr the rov err.meEt's proposal to claimed a "Kodesh" (Saint) and feOP refugee physicians. has always been deeply "religious' Holy Scriptures, of the periodical seum does; .nojf.-' stand .still "long ant, and makes them understand will be dealt to the Jewish posi- team vfiil be able to chooss s l ' i acmii The f-'finev.L! secretary of the ind close to the leaders of the Jewish Quarterly Review, and of enough to he photographed." And one another." From his oriental martyr, the very forerunner of tion all over the world. For the men. From the present setui inuoR, vhlr- h lips 5.000 members, jynagouge. The occasion of his the Jewish Encyclopaedia, for so, under Dr. Adler's presidency, studies comes the proverb which ,the Messiah. only basis upon which the Jew-looks like there v,-on't bp issuec to 1he press B statement J-eventy-fi£th birthday on Septem- which he wrote the articles , on the growing activities of the Sem- summarizes • his patronage of In a word, the whole of the ish, position can stand strongly eight pins difference betvreen pretesting p.gainsf. the inclusion ber 13th .once more draws atten- American-Jewish subjects; A bib-inary defy description. learning as a bulwark for western Zionist world including the pow- and firmly in the present Fascist team and the others, whif n of the reeol utioji in the agenda. hon to the story of his prepara- liography of his writings num- ' _Besid£s, .his deep religious feel- civilization'—"The erful, and usually sane, labor sec- crisis, is the basis of moral right, practically an evenly mr.t Disciples of : The ref'ngee physicians are t leadership • of bered: over six hundred items .a ing and,,his, tion,' were swept into a wave of not of brutal Fascist force. Ofice league considering the fact h the Wise "bring peace unto the rise 'to endeavors on behalf tion, and hysteria "which was as artificial we yield to the latter, we are lost the league -will be based on r "neither i na tie unionists nor Sofew years. ago, and It is growing, of Jewish ^education, Dr. Adler is world." .'•.•'.,['• American Jewry. CIS, IlStS I-'. TIC no claim upon I ;Dr. 'Adler's father, Samuel Adr- continually. This very summer he as.concerned, as-any of the great (Copyright. 1938, by Seven Arts as it was unbecoming a people not only in Palestine but also in handicap t»f.sis the same a.s i l ilie Trades Uiiione' Congress othwho on the same week when Ben the Diaspora. year. leiy-was "a merchant of German is- making final revision of-'.a- body of Jews- in America today Feature Syndicate) Joseph was executed gave 350 (Copyright, 193S, By Seven Arts Following is the list of g"c-> cv thai), (.ha-t. v-hich any oppressed ipirtb. who. had chosen Van Buren, manuscript upon which he has person may have," the secretary sucides in Vienna alone. sors and the captains c£ itr prkansas, as- hl3 hprue. and . had collaborated with Dr. Aaron M. Feature Syndicate) feaifi, v/arni tig against the prOb; A Halo fop Bea Joseph the subteams: Jprousht Sarah Sulzberger of Phil- Margallth, dealing with ; able eifeci of alien 'competition Kainian Insurance Co., Ger s n adelphia there as his bride. The ject of Jews in the diplomatic What followed was quite natoil the Etc adarfi of British medicorrespondence of the United Sam Katiman. pulzbergers wore another family ural after Such an outburst of States. pt German .merchants, known for Empire Cleaners. Captain .. ^^ cine. hysteria. There are candidates a• JULIUS GBEEXBEBG - ' Ke1_cher. Itheir. piety, who take pride -in plenty for the halo of "SaintAllowing himsolf no vacations " , w f i U , a Polish Jew, Julius Greenberg, 74, a resijjtbe name they drlved from the in his early'years from his studhood" In every community. Sevvv'ardrobe Cie£:rt s Cer«-<. n ' , p- "oljvar in the South fown of Sulzberg, Bavaria, about. ies, teaching, and administrative j eral days after the execution of dent of Omstia for the past 28 Paul Steinberg. - v r-F (if liberation and Ben Joseph the wave of .Revision- years, died Tuesday night after Jack & Jill. CiT^t v Lpr> 1 e . work, Dh Adler has 'of recent 1600. L r e fi Perisan general. a lingering illness at the horse ist reprisals started with the Ider.r-Bott.UrjC-i Or. z .r *^a religious family there years traveled extensively in Palr I «»o : F ocertain throwing of a bomb iato an Arab of his daughter, Mrs. William D. c . Platt. • m , unusual difficuHies. estine, in Europe, and elsewhere. '. '. crowd before a mosque in Jeru- Byron. . about life in the South. No meat Two years ago he bought a State Coal tnd Gtr Co Cf £ t SAP ELY, WISELY IN salem; within a week the toll oE Surviving are: His wife; two tain Sam Zv.-etbpck ibuld be obtained which, had been charming house at ^Wood's Hole, Revisionist and Arab reprisals daughters, Mrs. "William Byron -Palestine does not He in the Slaughtered a,ccording-.tq,' where he now. plays with .-his Saiith Galbrofth j ' r ' c r p . ' c Tel Aviv, the Jewish part and counter-reprisals mounted to of Oraaha and Miss Dora of put Samuel Adler learned...the,.rit- small "granddaughter and golfs province of an observer of Jewish attack mitj', Encfawmant, Jerusalem* Haifa or the col-over a hundred dead Arabs and Houston, and four grandchildren. C&pta'a Earry Sin th |ial for the slaughter of. poultry. for a few months of well-deserved life in-Europe;-1 therefore seldom of. .S. A. 2.1. Frateri uj C&Fcf.r ^ ' onies. ... Two years of Arab terrorJews and twice as many wounded. Mr. Greeaberg was a Eferaber if ever touch upon this subject. 1 "During the years of the Civil rest each summer. Of course Fidler. , had affected remarkably lit•!»«{) Companfvtfar, opposing armies were sta- there ia a daily, session1 of four But I 'must beg leave How for an ism Terrorism has swept Palestine of the Omaha Hebrew club. The league v 4 z^xr lr-^-1 or tle the life of the Jewish comFuneral services vrere to have n insuranc* exception. Events in Palestine tioned in the town and cannon hours or so with hl3 secretary to as it did neVer before; Tel Aviv, Tuesday Eights at r r ia f ( U t In Palestine. At such a been held yesterday afternoon at Ak-Sar-Ben Bov hug t . e' <= loSpalls whizzed over the house. The answer the stream of correspond* have- lately,affected;Jewish life munity Haifa, Jerusalem, the colonies, no „, Jews could easily and calmthe Jewish Funeral Horne, with family, as Northerners, were••well' erice which flows : In Upon him, and thought in-Europe so power-* pace, ly, await results; the Jewish posi- place is safe any more from burial at the Beth K&medrosit rated on-.the-Icvi th CLPOT vt the o • W/A 61S0 treated by .both armies;' but but he floes read defectIv'e~Btbr- fully-that no- observer can pass tion bombs, mutilation and death. h. lc ~£ ft f^'Tfwas getting stronger moralCo. Hagodel cemetery. |3duthernV btjslnes was. disrupted Jes omniverously.. as relaxation them by. The truth tis that at no ly cs well as physically. The Whatever good-will was still left |for decades to. come, and Mr. Adr from Assyriology, religious' ad- time could a picture of European Arab terror between Arabs and Jews has been was bound to exhaust f er, determined to leave..the south. mosichnjent,. and^Ladminlstrationi. Jewish life be..considered com- Itself. swept away. Palestine is in the SffiS. ROSE LIPP plete ^wjthmrt, considerable space lYoUhg Cyrus Adler was" only' midst of a conflagration, both Mrs. Rose Lipp, 5 7, died SunA Religious JewBut this did not satisfy the sight months old when the fam- Now let us look at the record being^given^ti* thVeffect.of events physical and moral, such as it has day from injuries sustained Jn. an Revisionists. The Arabs, had to never known before. * ilyg started its trli> to Philadel- of the principles which Dr. Adler in Palestine on it. automobile . accident -while 'en be shown. Their terrorism had ply phia and' New York . on the frist represents today. Dr.' Adler is route to the Workmen's CiTCie The Yishuv was never in greatBut never before Was this truth to be answered with greater terph boat; to ;gb up the Mlssissip- above all a religious Jew. In his izsre 0. yriver. so obvious. ; The Jewish settle-: rorism; their brutality w i t h er danger of being wiped out and convention being held in Des i ; g p own life he has been observant .ot men.t in Palestine Isijiow passing" greater brutality; s e n s e l e s s a great Jewish hope from being Moines. ..after the rebellion.. VMTS. Lipp Is survived by her tradition and" ancestral practice. through-.its -.adutest;,crisis. since throwing, of bombs into innocent extinguished. And all because, \, , To Philadelphia Adler.died shortly after HIo position Is'affjrmed in this. the waciand.'the eciajiof ri pepple had to be answered with for a fleeting moment, Zionists husband, Sain, and seven chilgave' way to Revisionist propa- dren, Mrs. Lou • Foreberger and iririging his family to New York, radio address In 1937: b N r n B d e s i r t b r q u g h o u t still bigger bombs. Mrs. Adler brought her four "In order to provide a firm the 'Jewjab -worid^VTo '.ignor'e :it -.< The policy of patience and re-ganda and permitted themselves Miss^- Jacqueline of New York ihlldren to Philadelphia to make foundation for a scheme of right would'mean-to isnore"an-essential sfraint which did so much for the to, be dragged into Fascist hys- City; Morris, Chicago; Arttur, ler home with her brother, David living one must have faith. Very part 'Of-1 pjresent-i "Jiewi;: ;io yiShuv, was constantly under- teria and action. Palestine is now Denver, and Betty, Harry end, Sulzberger, who became their often people are a little Inclined Europe. .z~::.z"'-. -,: mined by propaganda and cheap paying dearly for this brief error. J.5rs. I. Weiser, all of Omaha.: knows whether it will not Funeral services were held i guardian. Mrs. Adler's rstflct, but to shy at the word-because they The present acute^-reverbera- taunts of cowardice, and from Who Monday at the Jewish Funeral pleasant discipline,, was""a lasting think it is.opposed:to reason or tion- began with, the curious •: hys- time to time acts of reprisal'were bleed to death for it? Fortunately the ganer elements Hosse. Burial -was at Golden Hill. |influence . upon the'- lives fef her rationality, but those .who adopt teria which, was let .loose : upon committed with- a view to. showIchildrenl In later years, when the this •attitude the .most are very the Jewish worid during the pe-ing fhe Arab .and the rest of the tFOUrig',people were away on their of ten : the readiest to have faith riod between the sentence and ex- Bon-Jewish world that the Jews -travels, Mrs. Adler wrote to each In things that they do notunder- ecution in Palestine of Ben Jos-were capable of the same Fascist CjtMFCJS CAREER' Idaily and received-letters from sta'nd.^" ;'• . , . - • ' " ""..., •';• eph. For two years it was the brutality as the Arab and that lihem daily. Doctor Adler's letters • "A man may say that he be-pride, and th© justified pride, of they could act in the same barisent from Europe and the east lieves in the theory of relativity. the;"Yishuv' in Palestine that It baric manner. ; Fortunately^ the while ', on- - scientific and - public Of course he knows nothing about had withstood the ."Arab-Fascist Yishuv was not impressed by missions should some'day prove it. He could not prove it himself; provocation and had not permit- these arguments. In' Palestine, A boxy cciiic brccstc^ err" viib_suk scrrf for ff iof consuming historical. interest. he takes the word of Professor ted Itself to be swept into the less than anywhere,- aid the Rej Xrx . t"he 1870s, the Adler chil- Einstein-. But the same man says, tidal wave of terrorism, banditry, visionist propaganda against the dasblag ietwees "•classes, the big gnme, or mass. I | J jdren went to the" Hebrew Educa- :<I. do not believe in a God: be- and the5cowardly slaughter of so'called '"Havlaga" (patience) • • ' • " ""' i ^ Ition Society School and were well cause it does not appeal to my innocent people which was swirl- policy gain any. ground, 'grounded in their -primary fitud- reason and no opecan pxave,,.the ing and eddying around it. "DiEeros.rbvit;dsfiniick NEVA-SrLIT^fe})ric pro-' l$mm ?: Ben Joseph jies.. Cyrus Adler joined three iexisfence of- Goi'tti'MeZsriT."^; . •• -Despitei^thye- numerous acts of Jother. boys In Heb'rew studies '""-"\"Aiia-so such; & man1 with.thathoollganlsia''-and murder by the Then came the arrest and trial fthree or four, evenings a week at lovely Inconsistency of which the Arab Nationalists, the Jewish of Ben Jdseph. Whether or not cessed so- vov. ceed'isve nc- fear of rips and tears. | - * ^ | -. . * •••" t^HA the Homes of Dr. Samuel Hirsch, human mind: is capable, would communty stood fast and kept he actually threw a-bomb as he . " • - • . h-.^^.aDr, Marcus Jastrow \and Dr. Sa-accept - sonie: theory^iabout the aloof -from - these .despicable acts was accused, is a minor detail of No metier ijow_.ssaob^you're;'jostled ,-57.*NEVA- K?f!Ii]no importance. The significant Ibato jytorais. Dr; Moraia was rabbi h i l 'er i .s i f y he can of"- barbarism- anil destruction. fact is that' Ben Joseph .stood for he can|of the synagogue attended by the physical'univef31 Nothing revealea^ ;:mbre vividly Sulzbergers and had- performed not understand, but would leave and strongly the moral strength theRevisionlst policy;of reprisals, SPLIT3>scoad skiif1 is your insurance of extra"v/eari::f§|l| the marriage: of Cyrus Adler's himself wlthout.any real basis for of ^the^ "Ylshuv" and .the sound of breaking the "Havlaga" and of a moral life except what he extending the terror. He proudly [father and mother. ' . ' ' " . ' would find in the criminal code basis of the Jewish settlement in and bravely admitted it before hi3 Palestine than ,thls' self-restraint execution.' He died with a the age or eleven Cy- of his State of. his Country." prus entered high schdoT; he was Dr. Adler' admits that there in: the •mlds^.tjf.-prp.vocaticrn, this diloquent "Heil Jabotinsky" upon ? f< pot given' any; special commenda- are divisions in Judaism,-but he determined effort-^to keep" above his lips, and his death, he said, price. Sizes 11 the nationalist brutality which was to be a call to the Jewish tion .by his tardily, which thought, considers differences of opinion as a matter ofr course, that the and practice a human prerogative. was raging around* it. people to abandon the course of ;childrea should -excel In their He delights In quoting Is'aac Silk;- bet»cr, Suci*ouE Tea! ti:^""^*."-^,-^ t'v," ctvcy»-.-v i 'Si4 patience and humanity which, Revisionists Dislike Policy studies and lead .their classes, Leeser, when he. said of "reform" they had followed.Nor did. this policy prove ta be Oa'j- the stu~dj' rrnlrrf rf tbr PUT'- P-» r"-'*: . • . ""snd-'ome ' ^ ^ At the conclusion .of'.his high, and; "orthodoxy" that: "These success. .Its benefits, both . Poor, simple, beguiled youth! jschool course;- the- young scholar hateful words are always at band without Of course, he was a brave boy, as moral and even material were rvcEESS cccJate rf'or satin lini-iir "• - - ?""'"T' loops, \ '--?f| made a:brief essay at'the law in when anything is to be "done, obvious to all. The Arab, terror were a good many other Fascist Ithe of flee of-Judge ' flayer Sulz- from, the election of a secretary In and Nazi . boys who gave their which had lasted for pergcr, but it proved not precisely to a society, to printing a book twoPalestine We don't like to talk price when years," could, definitely i e lives for their "movement before ito his taste. ," v • . ' or establishing a college. The il-marked down as a failure. In it came Into power. Of course, his we sell— ; He took his IB.'AY and M. A. at liberal always ask: To what party operation' i t ' was confined to a execution was brutal, as all exthe "University of Pennsylvania, does; he or it belong? For ournarrow borderland strip; the bulk ecutions are, and as would have ifdjldwing it with a fellowship at j>art,. strange as it may sound, of the Jewish settlement .was im-been the execution which he himJohns,'" Hopkins University. In we' belong to no party. We com-mune from i t self prepared for innocent people, ' 1SS.7 ;he received &fs dpctor's de- menced life.' with certain1 convicif his bomb had exploded. But Arab terrorists never dared to gree in- Semitics," the first Ameri- tions and have not swerved from can to receive this degree in an them. We know Jonly Judaism; American university. His teacher and if you call It 'orthodox,* you at Johns Hopkins was Professor do so—not we." Paul Haupt; from whom Dr. AdThey're n o t the type of merchiEUi- Kesponsible for Seminary 3er drew great inspiration. The Tne .value of his faith, and the dise ordingjily sold oa a price'.-basis... other scholar whose - influence upon him ,was profound was Dr.practice of Judaism as a way of Hi? • ;. Liss life Dr. Adler expects the Jewish However, iiere's sensational •ne'frs.Samuel Pierpont Langley, with whom, he was associated for' a Theological Seminary to teach to They cari" now be -had s t .so-called • decade at the Smithsonian Insti- the future leaders of American ; Jewry. With fata talent for organstandard tire prices. . '•-........'.. tution. ..•.-•• . •' •--..• . .. , ization and administration, he !• -• President of Many Groups was one of the men InstrumenC h o r a l ESeofrJc 19%% There la-a story, told that Dr. tal in saving the Seminary from Adler's .daughter, when a child disintegration in 1902 and in % entering school, was asked the oc- building it to its present strength. cupation of. her father by her The eminent faculty, the imposteacher. "President," was her un-ing quadrangle, the-peerless -lihesitating answer. Many others brary," the charming, museum of have written of Doctor Adler's the Seminary rare In great part A Sujpreiao .'JSusical fifty years in public life as President .of the Jewish Theological of tho seaSeminary of Amerlca.Dropsie, col3 Patronize Our Advertisers C 3 f PA PA f"3 f son's ii e X7


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THE JEWISH "PRESS—FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, -1938 contains within itself, when it is x to reclaim- it at the Govern- tendant asked her to take, a seat functioning-well, the only known ment offices . . . At the. offices, . . . An3 "Prelude" thereupon safeugard against the rise of ty- the camera's owner was courte- was run off for her colitary benrannous pressure groups; since ously informed -that the film roll efit . . . these things are so, it would seem could not be retimed, but the to me that the Jew should con- Govern-nent would be glad to pay the cern himself always and every ?50 for it . ... The offer, a Loa- MISH-MASH: Wonder day -with the defense, the preser- don informant reveals, was not Fascists knew, when they award- j ed to .Nonas Shearer ' the Volpi j vation and ,the further develop- rejected . . . . ' Cup- for her "Marie Antoinette" ' ment of that political economic as the year's best Him. performsystem. SCRUPLE: Jewish legislators ance, that -the actress is the The Jew's answer to potential don't mind being called legisla- widow of Irving Thalberg, a Jew r ti£.!i Border anti-Semitism is good citizenship. tors, soloas, depu- . . . Anfi that she embraced JuHe should make of himself an es- t i e s, law-makers, congressman, representa- daism when she carried him . . . ponent, not primarily of his tives, senators Managing Editor of Fortune Magazine or what-nots . . . And still wishes to be known as Terroristsgroup, not primarily of any other But they are beginning to object a Jewess . . . Sammy Sherman, group, but of those ideals already To most American Jews the Jerusalem <JTA> — Two Jev = ;et out of town for a swim, called would be anti-Semitism. mentioned. He should make hini- strenuously to being known as Canadian Jewish amateur mid- wounded cuestlon asked in the title of in Arab attacks p,t. RP.JI p an inn on the Connecticut dleweight '.hainp, -pulled a fast Consequently, -when a s k e d self an exponent of them and parliament-aryans . . . this article would sound rather hore to make a reservation for whether anti-Semitism potentially he should make himself a student one on the New York cops and ileh died, raising t h e Jewish d e - r cockeyed In view of what we to 5 0 for August. The r Inner. He was: unknown at the xists, I look to the state of af- of ways and means for enacting LECTURER: A gallant, cour- newspapers recently when he left toll know to be the present 'status tscks had followed a bomb exp<^ nn—which calls itself ' a club, of anti-Semitism in this coun- ;hough it caters more vor less to fairs in the political economy; them. We have in the city of New ageous gentleman from Czecho- a seeming suicide iiote and dis-sion in nearby Jp.'Ca which ~° and in the light of Dr. Buell's aras I need scarcely tell you, slovakia will be -..coming to the appeared from a New York hotel suited in death of S£ > " K try. But Mr. Davenport anhe general public—and was ask-ticle (which never once men- York, political leaders who are United States soon on a lecture . . . Sammy, in New York windswers the question in the negawhether or not he was what tioned Jews) and some of my own several Jews, but whose conduct, as tour . . . Ke is'Georg Mannheim- ing up a \-acation with his Tor- An Arab chieftain. . i I ' ^ ( tive by a different definition of he manager called a Hebrew. ' 1 observations, my feeling is that measured by democratic stand- er, edtior of Die Wahrheit, Czech onto friend, .'Ben Sugarman, was tsch, was fatally WOUIK the term anti-Semitism. Yon walking in the Old C> < - ( the American people today are in enjoying himself in a movie while ards, has. made me, who am not Admitting that he was not, he democratic ' periodical w i d e l y may not agree with him, bnt of loosening their grip up- a Jew, proud to be an American. known in Europe . . . A novelist the cops believed he cad taken of Jerusalem. An A you'll be stirred by his analysis was' then asked whether his com- danger the political and economic That is the type of life—not and playwright as well, Dr. his life over an unfortunate love pardon was seriously i "> r >of this vital question.—THE panion would be a Hebrew; at on which point, I am glad to report, principles which they Inherited necessarily public, not necessar- Mannheiiner will lecture oa the affair . . . Sherman is known In T w o A r a b . p h y s i c i a n s ] > u i EDITOR. he flung down the telephone. An- from the past. I say in danger, ily famed—which I urge the Jews importance of Czech democracy Canada as a practical joker . .. . near Beth Jiblin to- s -if member of'our staff found because I don't thiak they really of America to adopt, I urge upon to world democracy, will outline Sugarnsa probably -wrote the let- rebel "medical corps"_ ^ r < - • 1 The question of the Jews in aother small a -few inches' have, and I don't think they real- them a citizenship which will the little republic's heroic fight America is one to, which I and square onposter Day before they sre government doctors- F for- him a telephone pole in y will. I think they just have a make all other Americans proud against Hitler and Henlein . . . ter putted the stcnt, both visited this to- the Hebron - hospital my "associates on FORTUNE- have onnecticut, reading, "Help save case of indigestion, having had of their citizenship. And I submit His talk will be called "Praha— office but dropped no hint as to devoted considerable thought. It America. Don't buy from Jews!" too many theories thrust at them A band surrounded f is a question, we believe, which And I think we have all heard -—and not enough work. But I do that if the four and a half mil- A Suburb ol New York" . . . And "suicidal? intentions . . . Saw tacked the eirun pcli F r J lion Jews In America were to here Hitler has been thinking of goes directly to the root of many similar disquieting stories from think that for • the time being "beigles" being made in a New-the northern frontier. "" pr -" affect other American citizens in it all the time as a suburb ol ark bakery the otner a, sn. . . .' replied from Lewis puns and j 6f the world's most serious eco- other parts ..of the country. they are very susceptible to presthis way, an anti-Seraitic inovenomic and ' political troubles; believed to have j f _, Dr. Mannheiiaer de- The rhythm of the "beigle benders •were sure-group emotionalism — or ment could never actually arise. Berlin which, indeed, cannot be diswas £ revelation . . . One bender casualties- on the attackers. -A-I"'" If o Jewish Problem serves and will probaby get a shall we call it psychosis. (Copyright 1938—Seven Arts cussed without reference to those I must urge you, however, not great big hand . . . One of his turns out about .20 o£ the shiny Jewish, railway foreman w s. & > Feature Syndicate) " seriously troubles and without taking sides o take these reports too serlous• Danger in Pressure Groups best known works, is a novel, hard-shelled dough rings a min- stabbedon and duty in .Jettr "pTT h concerning the solution of. them. y. Indeed, if you were to ask Assuming, then, that there is "The- Man With One Leg," which ute . . . We recommend the beig- while O.ll r auxiliary police carrvirr t r ^ - i -T In other words, it is our feeling me whether or not anti-Semitism danger in the rise of pressure le-bendiBg operation as a fit subis autobiographical . . . nition and uniforms to .i e ^ A\." that what has been called anti- xista potentially in the U. S., my groups, what Is an Intelligent and e ject for a filia short, . , » Dr. Menacliem settlement \ e < '-^ n , "I. Semitism—a phrase which I shall answer would not be .based upon ambitious Jew to do? Is he to lie OPEN LETTER: To Mike Philip Joseph, •who d-.. -d up aad robbed by a i , •," ti <l >presently define—is not an iso- such stories as these at all.-They down and take it? He has too Shloiao ben. Yosse", Palestine lad Tireh Tillage. Another b - i " --- " Jacobs, brilliant head of the lated problem, but is rather symp- do not prove anything whatever. much self-respect for that. Is he, Twentieth Century Sporting Club who died on the gallows, is visit- licensed arms PTIG. RT» P I r 'or tomatic of:even profounder probThe answer to whether. anti- on the other hand, to organize ing America and Canada . . . It's .from the home of the ^ I ' c and famous as the man who lems which must be solved if our Semitism exists potentially or not another pressure group to combat brought back the million-dollar wedding bells for Sloe lushevitz, Hebron. civilization is any longer to sur- lies in the state of mind of the the pressure group? New York publicity man, and gate to boxing: If you are having r vive. • • Slain in Clasl people of the United States conIt seems clear that such a any difficulty deciding on the Clara Yv einer, secertary to Dr. Four Arab rebels'we F ^If i' '.r cerning, not the Jews, but the course would be suicidal. A presBy.this T do not mean that the people of the United States them5.•' • proper organization or organiza- Samuel Margoshes of The Day.engagements between b r r - ' - r n sure group to fight anti-Semitism survival of civilization hinges up- selves. In brief, I should like to tions to get that 10 per cent of They met during negotiations for British troops and Jew iTL < i v 5UBIA:BBISRSon the solution to anti-Semitism. give you this paradox; That the not only excites more trouble, but the Loais-SchnieUng net proceeds a New York Newspaper Guild numeraries near Bassa. c r " r it strikes a blow at the one and That would be a gross exaggera- Jewish problem if there is ,a Jewyou pledged to the refugees, contract with The Day . . . Mar-koresch and Beit Iba. 1 .»pp r?'. only political system that has de-- tion. I mean, rather, that anti- ish problem, is not a Jewish probESCAPE: President Eduard there are several persons quali- ried shortly after the contract Royal-Air Force planes T•rlr.->f n cently protected the Jew in this Semitism arises from, and is lem at all. : Benes of Czechoslovakia last' fied to give you excellent advice was signed-. . . Charley Michel- pursuit of the bands. #' ". - . . *~r world; at the democratic system, caused by, the very forces which publicity chief for the Dem- near N-p.blus followed C P - I - - r month saved the life cf Jacob The services son, in that under which pressure groups of • are unsettling the politics,' and ocratic Party, is famous as an an Arab taxi containing r ; r t- v I can make my meaning a lit- the kind we are talking about Landau, founder and , managing of this respect too," are "at department, now especially the economics ot tle clearer to you by pointing out 'apple pie fancier . . . ' Khoda and £our old French 1 r-i>. c rdirector of t h e , Jewish Tele- your disposal , . . the modern world. Anti-Semitism the historical fact, that, by - the cannot possibly arise". Gould, ace stencil, operator in tfc's nades,. 87'detonators, " r r « i . ' f h graphic Agency . . . It happened I realize that the temptation t o Is an inevitable by-product of the large, democracy has a better recJ. T. A.'s New York office, writes of dynamite and £14 *"n rt< o Mr. Landau had FILM NOTE: Will Hays.ought from her vacation spot: "It's revolver ammunition, " i t r ' < ' action of those forces; just" as ord with regard to the Jewish combat anti-Semitism with pres- this way prohibitive tariffs are an. inevit- people than any, other govern- sure groups is almost over-power- booked passage on a plane from to be informed that the ••March great . to be where the Arabs, driver ana an Arab r •• <~";r Fifteen minutes be- of Time people are deserving, -of Nazis and Fascists can't reacfc were arrested. . able by-product, and trade quotas, mental form. The reason for this ing. But I carhiQt urge too strong- Praha and extended armies, and threats is Obvious. In a democratic po- ly the futility, to say nothing of fore the airliner left, the office several awards •. One for the - ' - and" Mr. Peters, too!" The- railway station ' •' T P " ' President Benes called to in- fine job they are doing in telling me of-war. litical-economy each individual the danger of it. The reason it is of ("Copyrighted by Jewish TeleArar was completely de< -r* c\ b'" futile is because you are not here form him that an appointment of the Czechoslovakian crisis in fire ret by rpbf'.f.. ""l" o ' " ' I1 graphic Agency, Inc.) To make my meaning clear it has the same fundamental rights dealing with facts, but with emo- that had been previously can- its newest release, "Prelude to will be necessary to begin where as every other individual, regard- tions. In my opinion, the greatest celled could be kept at ten Conquest." . . . And another for FORTUNE'S article' on Jews in less of race, color or creed. ir contribution made by , FOR-o'clock that morning J. L. courtesy . . . This department, TO' EXPELL REFUGEES So long as the people, as • v America began: That Is, with TUNE'S articles on Jews in immediately cancelled -his reser- OVERSTAYING VISAS definition of anti-Semitism. Here whole cling to.this concept, they America was its clear -demonstra- vation on the plane . . . That was unable to" attend" th© preview, sent as its representative Harriet it^is necessary to proceed very will not—they dare not—permit tion of the myth that the Jews , The day on Bien-stock; the" boss's secretary .". on August 13 carefully. I ' none sense anti- the growth of pressure-groups control America. Melbourne (JTA) — The Aus. Semitism has always existed, be- that are too powerful to be con- Running down the entire ga- which that very plane crashed in Miss Bienstock was surprised - - tralian Government declared in a Germany killing all on board, innot to say, pleased -.when the cause latent prejudice against the trolled. But if ever for any rea- mut of American industry and statement that it takes a serious Jtews, as Rabbi Joel Blau has son the concept of democracy government, FORTUNE disposed cluding Dr. Milton Abeles, Belle- new Astaire-Rogers film, "Care- view of the increasing number of vue psychiatrist, and his bride . . free," was unfolded on the presaid, "dates bask to. the begin- ^ s e 3 to grip them, then it is althe myth that the Jews 'run view screen instead of the sched- refugees arriving on tourist visas nings of the Jewish people." Here together inevitable that pressure of 1 America: though it found that EXPLANATION: Persons with a uled -ttiigrEtion permits end -, in America this prejudice has groups.should arise. they dominate the amusement in- weakness for puns had no trouble ant espla: made it difficult or impossible .for They arise for economic rea- dustries; it found also that at all in explaining that famous film Jews to enter certain clubs and sons, for geographic reason, or the Jews and their full certain social circles. for purely emotional reasons. And share of thecontribute for pcrrr/ts. talent and ability of speech of warning addressed to the following morning at 11 Prejudice like that is deplor- their effect is two-fold. On the the country. But the point I wish Germany by Sir John Simon, Yv'hen H. B. explained she couldJewish crp£i.iEE.tioEE s.-e cor-! one hand they unify groups of able; but in America, at any rate n't make it then and she did cernad ever the inClux ol refugees | to make is that, confronted with Chancellor of the Exchequer . . ; It has been almost entirely social people,' who, presumably, are an emotional pressure-group, in- No wonder Sir John was pro- want to- see the release, ths at- on tourist rises. afraidof something, though they (in the narrow sense of the word Czech, they said disputable fact3 like these are of Isn't he"an' society) and I am sure that is not may not know what; and on the no avail. The counter-pressure ex-Czecher? Check what .is in your mind when you .-other hand, until one big pres- group which cites them—equally 1 '• sure-group wins out in the end speak of anti->'Semitism today.. I PIX SCOOP: Colonial Secreemotionally perhaps—can only am sure that you have in mind, (as," for instance, in the case" of stir-up animosity and give direc- tary Malcolm MacDonald came something at once mors specific prohibition') they break up the tion to the unreasoning fear up- within an ace,of having his idenand more general. What we mean political economy into warring on which anti-Semitism Is always tity revealed on that secret trip when we talk abcut anti-Semitism elements which .have their own founded. to Jerusalem . . ' . It happened as today is — to p.uote FORTUNE!— welfare more at heart than the t h e British Cabinet's young Hope In Democracy "a deliberately incited, affirma welfare of the system as a whole. : What, then, is the Jew to do? "trouble shooter" was visiting the Pressure Groups tiye.Tacial phobfa." of the Holy Sepulchre , It is :the emotion or state of Now we have had pressure- The answer, it seems to me, is Church tourist pix hound snapped his i > mind of being against the Jews, groups in the United States in the perfectly clear. Since the demo- A shutters on the Church front just and of actively expressing one's past, but up to now, at any rate, cratic political economy has re- as came into focus . antagonism in personal speech they have n^t been entirely out ceived him more • open-mindedly ButMacDonald the day was saved by a Britand propaganda, or by outrigh of control. There was, for ex- and has offered him more oppor- ish constable, who confiscated the persecution. Anti-Semitism in ample, the Klu Klux Klan. There tunity than any other; and since camera and film, telling the ownthis sense is- the crystallized was prohibition, which got out this form of political economy thought or action of a majority of control for a while. The Amergroup against a minority group. ican Legion has—happily—conIt is therefore capable of gather- fined most of its pressure to ing unto itself a mass of opinion bonuses and pensions. Nevertheand dogma which was not origin- less, I think it is clear that presally a part of it. . • sure groups are more numerous r rrr- c Beginning with that small and more insistent now than they *.". half-hidden prejudice which th used to be. ^ Christian-world has always had FORTUNE "" recently published Sixteenth at Harney against the Jews, it.assumes eco- an article by Dr. Raymond Leslie ' '.i"C* J'Oi" £-"V{" nomic and patriotic aspects, Buell called Death by Tariff, in i which could not have been de- which the existence of economic duced from the original premise pressure groups in the United by.any process rf logic or reason. States was shown. These groups In Germany today anti-Semitism are erecting internal tariffs, one la performing, political and 'pa-against the other, and are thus triotic " functions which, if they threatening t h e fundamental •were, not so" tragic, cbuld be de- premise of t h e democratic politi.- Bcribed as ridiculous. cal economy. Certain capitalist organizations seem t o m e : to As Soft as a Kitten's Disagrees With' Alarmists Some- of us feel that anti- possess t h e character of pressure Fur, and Twice 1 I I <• Semitism, in the sense just de- groups; and certain labor organir .a CJS, EiE~3 t fined, exists in the United States zations, too. . as Live , . * either actually or potentially. . Ti Now anti-Semitism Is a presthose who believe that it actual sure-group phenomenon.' It is , ly exists. I can only say that I d nothing else. Group of persons not agree, and that their beliel here and there become , afraid For just c: lew pezasles T?'oria cl • seems to" me alarmist and un- They do not know what they are warranted by the facts. Indeed afraid of, but some of them might cheap ©Isctrlslff Y^U end .f CUT fesiI would say to these people:. "II have had some unpleasant exper: / you believe anti-Semitism actual- iences with Jews (or ft might ily caa eafoj . csll fc© beseSis el ly exists In the United States to- have been Catholics, or Japanese day, you have missed the d'efini or Eskimos). They erect an Better light. Doa't camble with pretion of, you have utterly under- emotional thesis and they present rated anti-Semitism. You have this to their persons and groups cious- eys-scp1*—it dcesa't pay-. B@ mistaken something superficial who are afraid. sure that every lesap Is'f era? hoa© (the ageold prejudice against th< All these persons, mind you Jews) for something profound. must have abandoned hope for But there are others who, o the democratic political economy, much sounder grounds, believ* must havei relinquished that ideal ' to give you ©sosgls, of fee *rlg!*f kpc! that anti-Semitism potentially ex- If they hatra not-yet relinquished ists in the United States. * And it thEF will resist the pressure This velvety black fur is ef MsIiL-Bsd Bs curs thcS d.zi'h fecs;II» cannot help but agree with them If they have, then they wjll fall such a favorite we've • :.. I think.we have all observed evi- for rt,; and the anti-Semitic presways c s d stcirs ere ssfeiy lighted. dences, or at least had sugges sure group will grow until it bemada it a point to Havo • . tion of it. A member*.' of our comes a majority pressure, group staff the other day, wishing t against a helpless minority. That a varied and large se-

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. Davenport









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THE JEWISH PRESS-^FRIPAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 193S an''being applied to certain selected Jews. We cannot imagine To a Lavender Lily a Jew willing to humiliate himself by permitting himself to be 'Gems of the-Bible so designated. By Mrs. William Gray . . Yet, we understand, thousands have availed themselves of Translated from the Yiddish by FUSUStibO tVERV FRIDAY AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA. OV Or. Phllijj S , THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY this dubious privilege. Here are men and women, evidently of >Irs. Jeannette Roark. !rrtl-.ove(i s book, called "Pity the ! •pi'oeeev*-ot\" which is on the recenough intelligence to be considered absolutely-indispensable to Through my window I saw BIBLE • •• DUBSCRlPTlOr. PRICE, Ono Y6ar . ' . . a ; | "«--ffGndec; list of the Book-of. YOU SHOULD KSOV, Her in beauty dressed the German government, who without protest accept the deAnd I said, "Oh" that I . ADVERTISING RAT GO FURNISHED ON APPLICATION J-ionta Club . . . Note to Jewish organiz^u^* •wish j wings like a' dove then would I And joy danced lightly in pvi-icrht.. 1SSS, by Seven Arts gradation. pledged to the- defense 01 ' EDITORIAL OFFICE! C03 QRANDEIG THEATER BUILDING • My breast. w York nov-fly away and be at rest lo, then Feature Syndicate) rights There is i SIOUX C l f V OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER journaUst Their blood is not all right; Jewish parents or grandpar- would I wander far off I would a Christian German .••••'..•• PRINT SHOP ADDRE6|rr4S04 SO. S4TH STREET : I had made her a home NT""i conlodge in the wilderness." who escaped•cEmp from s, In earliest spring PAVIDBLAC&fiR . - B u s i n e s s and Managing Editor ents or great-grandparents have removed them from the circle several For it was,not an enemy that Knowing centration the pleasure enough docume FKANK R. ACKBRMAN • • Editor of the elect But a unique talent or a friendship with certain taunted me than I could have ago with Egainst the German She would bring. evidence LEONARD NATHAN • Associate Editor higher-ups has resulted in the cancellation of one's inferiority. bore it, neither was it mine adAmerican -Bund to blow &ABB1 FREDERICK COHN .• o Contributing; Editor Honorary Aryans they become, dedicated to the task of work- versary that did magnify himself I watched for her. organisation in this country «,o_au against me, then I would have SABBI THEODORB N. LEWIS • • • Boofc Editor ing hand in hand with the menSvho would cruelly exterminate hid myself from him, but it sras Sunshine . . . spring rain . . .. four winfis , . . Sir ^ ictor ^apBoon, member cf an Simian ;s.m- j ANN PILL ; •••« • '•'• Sloas City. Iowa. Correspondent thou, a man. of my equal, my Bird song one morning their own flesh. And then she came. ily known as the "Rclhschilae or companion a n d my familiar the East," has purchased 10;COOj '• (•. These so-called 'honorary' Aryans are much worse then tSe friend. BO beautiful . . . square miles of land in Brans as ; JMLus&olini Takes ilie Lea<l ; - Smoother than cream were the SheIf is Nazis. They don't even deserve the honor of being considered speeches I knew how the site of agrlcu!ttirr.I wttle- i of his mouth, but war I would keep her forever • When a few weeks ago Italy proclaimed herself "Aryan," human beings. They are on a plane where they can meet on was in his heart, his words were ments for German and at K As she is now. Jewish refugees . . . The^-Feaerai j Report softer than oil, yet, were they there v?ak a tendency to under-estimate the forces demanding equal terms the lowest insects that feed in sewers. •Writers' Project of the \v x-A jias i I Meeting keen-edged swords. this political doctrine. It was a concession to Germany, another you come. juet completed a history oC_.trie j Men like Thomas Mann and Heinrich Bruening: and others All the day they trouble mine How did lavender Antwerp flower. landsmannschalLcn of Iinfc in the chain binding Rome and Berlin. Now we see it is-to whose 'Aryanism' is established left Germany because the Nazi affairs all their thoughts are OutDeep of the tombs Antwerp, Belgium (JTA'i — DO more than a passive acquiescence to the will of an ally. With regime was distasteful to them. But there are humans, flesh against me for evil. Of night in an hour? published by the Jewish Writers he United States held first place ETHICS OP THE FATHERS ia thoroughness more (3erman than Italian Mussolini is mating of our flesh, who grovel so that the beasts of Berlin will recog1 Club . . . The first Spanish eca- ..: collection of funds for Jewish Rabbi Jose said, "Let thy As freshly perfumed ' t*on of Graetz's history Ci uie I rer.onstfuct.ion work in Palestine. up for lost time. house be a meeting place for the : nize them and call them'honorary.' As the walking wind of the Jews, published in English by the I according to a report submitted wise, follow in their foot-steps Jewish Publication Society, The expulsion of foreign Jews means that Italy has capitudawn. f.-i n.r, 'nternptional conference of and Quench thy thirst for knowAnd mysterious with loveliness just appeared in Mexico . . t] i e KP-PP. Ha-yesofl, Palestine ledge witS. their words." lated, to Germany to such an extent that it no longer remains isli farmers in Sou ill Jerscj That soon must be gone. Foundation Fund., this week. Jose, t i e son of Jochanan, said, a diplomatic secret that Mussolini has become, in the words of 7 • •' ' A Last- Look at. the:Flowers' ' • planning to aid than, one-third of the "Let thy house be, let •'•'•',•' > 2Sy Rabbi Frederick (John several foreign correspondents, *a vassal of Hitler.' income in 1937 the poor be considered on theStrictly Take a last look at^the flowers. They won't be with us very same standard of living as memUnited States, Never before haa Mussolini showed the slighest animosity •et half oJt 193S, a bers of thy household. Engage Confidential muck longer. The autumn rains, the chill winter winds, will ^.to the Jews. Nor was Italy a country ever given to Jew baiting. ]?.TB more was colnot in much gossip with a woin the same period man." This applies to one's own STORM OVER PALESTINE . "' Before the advent of Fascism it was always a source of amaze- beat them down and destroy them, the beautiful flowers that Wife, The report vof the British factAmerican drive how "much more than to the ment to travelers to find a Jewish prime minister, a Jewish were such a feast to the eye with their variegated color all the wife, of his neighbor. Hence the finding Woodhead Committee on 30 large- towns them 120 localsays, "Whoso. engages in Palestine will loos© a terrific mayor of Rome, and a Jewish foreign secretary holding their summer long, that adorned our tables and filled the air with, sags, collections were much gossip with a woman brings wave of indignation on the part office without any attacks on their racial or religious antece- fragrance— the humble petunias, the glorified galardias, the evil upon himself, neglects the of the Zionists . . . We are relilocal welfare stately gladiolas, the pert saucy black-eyed susans^, the royal study of the Torah, and will in ably informed that even Dr. hibit persons from foreign lands funds. dents. V •'...: well as American-born citizens asters, even the plebian zinnias, all the host of yellow flowers, the end inherit Gehenam (Hell) Chairn Weizmann :'s disgusted as Uncertainty from changing their names _*o : The 'March on Rome' did not change this attitude. In the like with Downing Street now and Joshua, the son of Perachyah, blooming gold. . hide their nationality . . . His The report emphasized the will take the leadership of the said, "Provide thyself with a teaearly days of Fascism many Jews rose to«positions of prominidea is that if you want t.o clmr.pre many difficulties in Palestine's is life like a flower, blooming in brief beauty upon its cher, spare no means to procure protest against the report . . . An your name lor business purpose's upbuilding work to be expected ence in the party itself. Travelers on ships Palestine bound saw stem,How for thyself a companion to study Egyptian Jew by the name of or phonetic reasons you ought to in coming: years because of uncut down, and withered 1 — yet having exerted a pervatogether, and Judge every man in" Zaki Orabi has organized -a •take s. new name characteristic of of the political future, that Italy had given generously io the Jewish National Fund "League to Combat Zionism and influence, brought delight with the delicate aroma of a hu- the scale of merit." ed immigration possibilities and that the names of prominent Italian leaders were inscribed sive Jews in Palestine" . . . Tothe same race . . . ;nd the effect of the disturbances Nittal, the Arbelate, said, "Keep the man personality, a loved and loving individuality. ABOUT PEOPLE his movement he hr.s in the Golden Book. Half the persons entering the Holy Land from a bad neighbor, do not further written a number of letters to The humblest flower, like the seemingly obscurest indi- aloof associate with the wicked, and Arabic delegates from since the Balfour Declaration did so ori Jewish boats. dailies in Egypt accusing j the vidual, is a miracle of God. The poet Tennyson, has inimitably abandon not the belief in retri- Palestinian icipated in the Jews of coveting the E bution." at which , ^Now all that is changed. With the flirtation with Germany and immortally expressed this: Moslem Holy Places . . . Egyp- tour to study po Judah, the son of Tabbai, said, tian ionist leaders publicly discussed Zionists claim Orabi is really omic conditions prepartory came disquieting rumors. Evidence of a split of opinion in the" "Flower in the crannied wall: "In the judge's office act not the an Italian Jew by the name of taking over his family role . . . the Jewish situation in Palestine counsels part, but be strictly im- Jacobette Ashken£.zi and that he Abs Pickus, the Cleveland oil tyin the light of current disorder* government regarding the official attitude toward the Jews I pluck you out of the crannies, partial, while the litigants are is an Italian agent provocateur coon, who amuses himself by tel- for the first time since- the Zionwas shown by: the succession of denials and then the final step. I hold you here, in my hand. standing before thee,-let them be . . . Dr. Solomon Goldman, Amer- ephoning to- government heads ist Cocpresg p.f. Zurich last Au: .Jewish state officials • are dismissed. Italian newspapers regarded by thee as guilty, but ican Zionist prexy, who as youall over the vorid to tell item frust. Little flower; if I could understand when they are departed from thy read must not accept the advertising of Jewish commercial firms. is floating homeward on I what to do about peace, has de- Rabbi Solomon. Goldman, presiWhat you are, foot and all and presence regard them as innocent, the this Norrnandie, British 1 cidsd that personal contact will dent of the Sionist Organizatioa Jewish professors are-dismissed from their posts and Jewish the verdict having been acquiesc- military efficiency tested all is all, I would know ot the break- I get him further . . . So Abe's go- of America, vho r.r-rived here afted ia by thera." etudents expelled from the schools. ing point during his visit to Efretz ing to Europe to talk to Hitler, er a. tour of Palestine, and Louis . What God and man is 1" vice-president of the %, , Shamaiah said, "Love labor, Israel . . . He insisted on travel- ' Mussolini. Chamberlain, et Lipsky, O. A., headed the American delehate leadership, and seek no in-ing all over the country regard- al . . . KeStalin, Foreign Jews resident in the country since 1919 must leave. He who can explain a flower can explain God And man. timacy aspects to get his in- . - J with the politician." less cf restrictions, and the Brit- terviews just by phoning for gation. Again the basis of their expulsion is a lie. 1919, it is claimed, Yet a flower is not meant to be explained. It is meant to; Dr. 'Wcizmann Speaks ish military h i g h command them . . . Pickus once actually The focus of interest was tha ;was the year Bolshevism captured Italy. Bolshevism .was im- be enjoyed. -' breathed a deep sigh of relief got Hitler on the trans-Atlantic Ffldrcss of Dr. Cliaim Weizmann, when he finally left Palestine . . telephone . . . Msiny pardons, but ported by the Jews. Yet in the-next breath, it is explained that So men should derive joy from one another, not cause one "TKe Center Another •^•ell-'kv.o^rn /fsricc-n tne title of Pierre van Prassc-n'E president of the World Zionist .too many Jews have entered since the advent of the Nazis. another pain and; sorrow, not insult and attack, mistreat and Zionift who will soon risk his new book h£S been charg-rd rnce or, which marked th« Library Corner" ince the congress that skin on a Palestine visit is Meyer more . . , It'll be called "Days of t h e 'Perhaps within the next few weeks and months other, more kill; not be cruel, but kind. O the kindness and the love of Our Years" . . This is definite, i r;n deader of world Zionism dealt Ey HASKBUXJ COHESi W. Weisgal. director of the PalE n terrifying orders, will be issued. Italy's native Jews will be flowers !;Thejr'bring joy;to sick-rooms. They breathe sympathy extensive public address estine Pavilion at the New York unless . . . Dr. Cyrus Adler, pres- > World's Fair . . . ident of the American Jewish with Palestine developments. , subjected to the humiliations rife in, Germany. *. • -• upon the bier of the dear departed.. They delight the lover and Other speakers included Joseph Current comments of the day's FOREIGN FLASHES Committe. whose 75th birthday • 'Again the Jews of the world learn a sad lesson. For the the bride. They are ambassadors of joy and good-will. Let Jewish scene of events in books will be widely celebrated this Baratz of Palestine; Leib Jaffe, was completely charmed d'"ector ot the Talestine FoundaJew& there is,no hope in tyranny. Those Jews, who~have al- men's lives be like the flowers. So take a last look at the flow- and Jewish thought— An internal fight over future month, fey little Shirley "Temple on the ! t ! O n Fund, who presided; David In the JEWISH SPECTATOR, Jewish policy is raging in high vfay held up Italy as the shining example of- where Jews live ers. Soon they will fade and perish and vanish from the vision. I " "found returning to America last { Ben Gurion, chairman of th« a very gripping story circles . . . Propaganda Min- boat summer . . . So much so, indeed, Palestine executive of the Zionist peacefully under the benevolent hand of a dictator, now are Like Wordsworth's daffodils they will vnod their beautiful whose tale bears the name of Nazi ister Goebbels joins Hitler in de"MOTHER RACHEL," by Feretz manding the complete expulsion that Efter becoming rery chummr Organisation; Prof. Selig; Brodet" nursing disillusionment. IMafgaritta Sarfa'tti,' whose biography heads only in memory. Like dear loved ones who, are gone; HIrshbein. with the little lady, that vener- skv, bead of the political departall Jews, while the more prac- able gentleman, who is not . a Hi ant of the Jewish Agency'* of H, Duce was almost sickening in its sweetness and worship bringing in'the days that are no more: By the side of- the road to of tical-minded Alfred Rosenberg Bethlehem, there is rooted etern- and General Goering argue that movie-goer actually promised her j Londoa executive; EUezer Kaphas been removed from her influential position on the staff of "Dear as remembered kisses after death, al longing. It is there that the some Jews must be allo-n-ed to re- that h s would go to all her EIOV- | kn, treasurer of t h e Jewish S "La Stampa." . .-.--",;• ./ ies from now on . . . In case vou j Agency: Dr. Nahum Goldman. And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feigned, on lips that generations of Israel have lost main,- for domestic political rea- don't know it, we're herewith""| Genera- TPprescntEtive of the Mother Rachel. sors . . Many of Czechoslovakia's Application of laws comparable to the Nuremberg Saws '•-$f are for others; Who was this Mother Rachel leading Jewish industrialists are telling you that Dea-nna Durbin Zionist organization; Menachem' will be a disaster to the Italian upper middle class because i t JDfiSp as love, deep as first love and wild with all regret. who looked forward to the preparing to move tfioir factor- is a good Jewish girl . . . Arthtu* } -^- Cssishkin. president of the Shepherd that he should feed her ies to England and France be- Murray, maestro of dancing j Jewish National Fund; Dr. Kurt has become highly mixed with the Jewish population. Yet this P death in life, the days that are no more." love among the wild roses? cause most of their employes are school was born Murray Teich- j BIv.rneEfeifi o£ ralGstine and Dr. may be another move, as in Austria and Germany, to Bolshevke T-TFlnf.i-e -of Palestine. Even God we enjoys only as we enjoy a flower; in mystic Whose eagerness to give birth to Nazis . . . Twenty-five young man . . . he,o A. Meltzer, former j Artnxir Lesne-K of the ICeren Hayesod1 generation, like her sisthe country, "not by liquidation of the middle class on economic communion with Him; with spiritual intoxication, divine ecst- further Arabs have been awarded schol- president of the- Seattle B'ns! were expected to appeal for inter and her hand-toaid, is so to German universities . . B'rith Lodge, expects to make a but on racial grounds. funds to maintain reconasy. We cannot know God, we can only know and feel the symbolic? Our sages understood arships The technique of anti-Semitism is fortune out of the invention oE a creased death by the way side as theone of the major courses of study theatre chair which obviates the struction work in Palestine. Itajy has bound herself to Germany. The most'despicable spirit of His pervading Omnipresence. As the Psalmist has ex- her expression of this yearning. She, engaging their attention . . . A elements of one have been accepted by the other. Another chal- pressed the unique existence of God. "Whom have I in heaven the prototype of mother love, unique distinction has come to died on the road and there she Abraham Levi, the .greatest cha?lenge has been thrown to the Jews of the world. They accept. but Thee, and on earth, I desire none besides Thee." was,- buried—to quote from the en in Czechoslovakia . . . Having God fills the soul as. th£ delicious fragrance of a flower. story is to make your reading of also sung for years in the choir enjoyable and who am I of the Greek-Orthodox Cathedral Then enjoy the flowers while they are yet with us. "Gath- itto less The Dies Investigation interfere with your enjoyment at Cetinje, Levi has been proWhen last winter the activities of the German-American er roses while you may," and not only the roses, but all the of reading. Books of the week: claimed the greatest choir • sing"THE FISHMANS," by H. in the country . . . His reperBund becanie so obnoxious as to attract the attention of mem- flowers of your garden, and make them into a beautiful bou- Katz, was selected as the "Hein- toire of Christian hymns is said beirs Of the Congress, several Senators, including our own Sen- quet-of love and consideration and thoughtfulness. Many have rich Heine Prize Novel" of theto be unequalled . . . Business houses in many European counN ator Burke, demanded an investigation of this notorious group. immortalized themselves in the flowers they have brought to year. -The background of the story tries who dealt with Jewish firm3 A few weeks ago the investigation began* To be included others. A flower in your button-hole is a sign of your delight and its characters—the eastern in Austria are faced with a knotvillage and its Jews— ty problem as a result of Anschamong the suspect groups were the Communists. One day was and appreciation of these beautiful gifts of God, a lovely em- European, have been pictured in fiction and . . . They have been billed given over to the "Chicago Times" reporter who had joined the blem of character and a purveyor of pleasure to all who be- truth by many writers, but none luss by both the original Jewish ownhave described, them as realistic- ers and., by their Aryan sucsessors 6und to investigate it and whose revelations had been, partially b l d and yet so poetically as H.. . . Some of tfae firms have been All man's achievements, particularly poems, and books and ally responsible for the congressional inquiry. • W. Katz. The author is a Gal- threatened with law suits by the From then on the investigation has been.centered on ev- lovely literature — less material productions, bridges, ician Jew who lives in Paris. His new Aryan owners of Austrian to the "Galuth" theme JewiEh businesses unless they pay j heaven-soaring structures — his approach eryone and everything but the Bund; and other Fascist Organ- acqueducts, talT skyscrapers, is refreshingly novel.—A must sgain, although they have - si- I v ready paid the fo'rmer Jewish izations though it is no secret that Nazi Organizations are work- myriad inventions fo r use and service—are but flowers, forms read. "ROOTS IN* THE SKY," by owners . . . ing against the government and in South America Tiave al-in which his spirit has 'flowered' and expressed itself.— spirit- Sidney Meller. A story of an SNOWS OF T E S T E R T E i K ual creations of divine beauty and of priceless worth. ready sponsored a. number of uprisings. ; Orthodox Jewish family who setUse Our 1 . Naturally cf an incuisltive a California city. .Evidently the stress has been on the; communists because .; Let us think of this," as we look upon the flowers for the tledTheinnovel Convenient turn of mind, we'll be forgiven is big in size with it we ask what-happened to the Lcy-Away the communists threaten an economic class arid that patriotism last time in this too quickly vanishing season. its nearly €00 pages, big in-qual- following . . . CoBgressman SiroPier, ity with its rare objectivity and vich's proposal , 'Alas, that Spring should vanish with the rose is taking second place to self-interest. We might, if the facts to settle a couple fine simplicity, big in spirit. of hundred thousand Jews .in That'love's sweet-scented manuscript should close! were h6t so overwhelming, have claimed the investigation had The kind of book to win allCuba . . . Mike Jacobs' offer to But the flowers leave a record of themselves in the hearts, one of the many good give ten per cent of his net profdevoted no more than one day-io the Nazis because there was stories pt family life among a its cn the Louis-Schnieling light nothing tii reveal. But we have the assertions of the Bund and thougfits and feelings they have evoked, in. the delight they chosen people—and every people to any refigee fund designated or^ the German -government. We have had the experience of have brought to myriad souls, they are'embaimed in beautiful is a chosen people, scripture to by President Rooserelt . . . The the contrary notwithstanding-. American Hebrew's much-bruitNazi spies. We know what has happened in South America. poems and lovely literature ;• from them is distilled an elixir Many are. called but all are ed Better Understanding FounWe do not want to minimize the danger of the communists. that shall tfever perish, the quintessence of beauty, the balm of chosen. dation . - . But -we can tetll you "Truth is heavy; therefore few what has happened to Lpuis-FerThey have, by their recent actions, proved themselves like fic- immortality. carry it." dinand Celine, -who a few years kle mistresses, all things to all men. But red-baiting in the face •".••••'.•.• . —Frederick Cohn. ago wss regarded as the white \ hopo of French literature . . . His rn of a definite danger is a dishonorable affair. new book, "Bagatelle • pour un September 14. Should the Dies Investigation leave its work as it now Community Calendar Wednesday, Massacre," is the most violently Senior' Hadassah, l p. m., anti-Semitic volume ever pubptands regarding the Nazi groups in America, it will mean enlounge room, Jewish Community lished . . . Compared with it ths < £ >^t .l couragement to avowed enemies of American institutions. Al- t FROM SEPTEMBER 11 TO Center. vituperations of Julius Streicher Ladles',Free Loan, 2 p. m.. C sound like eulogies of the Jewready the quasi-fascist groups in this country are rejoicing — SEPTEMBER IS •.. and D, Jewish Community CenWaashington. (JTA) — Secre- ish people . . -. Of course antithey have been cleared, their accusations have been vindicated. Sunday, September 1 1 . , ter. .• •:•. " .• of State Cordell Hull stated Semites of the "type of Celine >.L . v c ' %> .ih th'reecouncil,. 2:30 s>. rh., C • International Workers organi- tary at his press conference teat es- lafcel every Christian friend cf Unless the Dies committe pursue its original intent it shall a n dJunior D , Jewish. C o m m u n i t y Cen^ .. . <_. ^. & j u i r r e l pansion of the Intergovernmentsation,S p. m., C and p , Jewish stand suspect. Already it has chalked up against it an investi- t e r . • ' . , . - • • ; . - -"•-••• - •• al Refugee Committee's policy to Omaha Hebrew club, 3 p. m.,Community Center. include Italian refugees would be FOR • RENT: Apartm&nl— | j gator who is a reputed asociate of Jew-baiting, anti-Catholic lodge Thursday, September 15. • ' " r • I c Kriinroom, Jewish Community a question for all members to defit James True. Center. .. Boy Scouts, S p. m., lodge cide, Jiot this country alone, and Kitcien,. living r o t r . I-cfn room, Jewish Community Center. the conference at London WE.S rcoTTi. Por couple, ^ *"' t~, 12. There are thousands of non-Nazi Germans and thousands Monday, September Loan association, 8 making :&n investigation of all es- Bills c-'^d. I S 4 4 Kc. Z? , . ' of non-Fascist Italians and thousands of Jews who feel that p. Workmen's 1/lT S50S. m.,.C and D, Jewish CommunN4>w, York, (JTA) — I n con- sential facts. ' . V nection with the Palestine Pavilthe ignoring of the growth of these dangerous organizations isity Center. Asked about the Italian decree A. Z. A. No. 100, S^a. m., dub i o n tlie New York World's Fair, for expulsion of post-war Jewish o direct insult. The Dies committee has an opportunity. It has room, Jewish Community \Cen- a -women's committee has been immigrants, Mr. . Hull stated cis r: r-t been formed, -headed by Mra.belief that no one had any inti- FOR RENT Five rocrr- r>c-?. | a duty to keep faith.




Hoposrairy If ever there existed irony it is in the title 'Honorary Ary-

" • -••',

. . - . - • • • . • • •


• >

Tuesday, September IS; , Deborah society, 2;, C and D, Jewish Community Center. A. Z. A. No. 1, $ p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center.

Stephen S. Wise, under the sponsorship of the Tetzeret Haarets Consumer's League Inc., to help create a market for Palestine products in the "United States.

mation of it before it was issued. era house. 2 5 2 4 Sews.rc St. , He sa5d he had no advices on how Water psicL $17 per xnor.ti. maiiy Americans were involved. Call JA 0 6 3 S . • but presumably a few in any event. II


Ps^ f


HadassaK To Give Card Party


The inaugural bridge party of the Hadassah, local unit of a group of 70,000 women throughout the United States, will be held 1 p. m. Monday, September 19, in the form of a dessert MARKER-GREEXBERGIIR ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED luncheon on the 10th floor of the On Sunday, September- 4, Miss Mrs. Pred B. Cherniss an- Brandeis Tea rboms. Sara Prances 'Greenberger, daugh- nounces the engagement of her Bine • and white table decorater of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Green- daughter, Zella, to Henry F. Res- tions to. symbolize Hadassah colberger of Grand Island, Neb., be-nick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ors will be used for this pre-seacame the bride of Mr.- Irving H. Resnick. No definite plans son party. Mrs. Dave Stein, Marker of Boulder, Colo. The have been made for the wedding. chairman, will be assisted by the •wedding took place at the Yan- . The engagement was announced following women:: Mrs. Jake cey hotel in Grand Island. Babbi to 25 of Miss Cherniss'a closest Blank,' Mrs. Harry Braviroff, Frederick Cohn officiated. friends at an afternoon planned Mrs. Ben Burstein, Mrs. R. Mas The bride wore a-gown of lace by her mother. A unique game Canar, Mrs. Sam Cohen, Mrs. Seymour Cohn, Mrs. Sam Davis, and marquisette -with a three- revealed th&j betrothal. Mrs. Ben Fisher, Mrs. Elmer y a r d train. •-.-'. ..'•;•

Greenberg, Mrs. Anna Hoffner, Shirley Greenberger, sister of Mrs. Jack Kaufman, Mrs. Allan the: bride, served as maid of honKohan, Mrs. Hymie Milder, Mrs. or. She was gowned in green H. Roddy, Mrs. Abe Hoffman, taffeta with gold accessories. The To commemorate s p e c i a l F. Samuel Steinberg and Mrs. bridesmaids, Janet Graetz of events, Bar Mitzvahs, engage- Mrs. T. A. Tully.. Also Mrs. M. M. Omaha,' Sara Mae Graetz of ments, births, anniversaries, mar- Barish, who is chairman of the Grand Island, Shirley Arenson riages, deaths and other occa- HMO-RHTTH. _ and Flrley Kronlck of Minneap- sions,, contributions to the Hadasolis, wore gowns of gold satin sah Gift fund will plant trees in fashioned alike. All wore green Palestine. Mrs. M. F. Levenson, chairman, announces the followaccessories. ' Florence Betty Izenstatt of ing contributions to date: Sam" Beber chapter, in conMr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky Omaha waB flower girl and wore j. a. floor length dress of green sat- in memory of Elliot Rubenstein. junction with the Mother chapA group of friends and neigh- ter, sponsored one of the largest • In. Ring-bearers were Gwendolyn Shapiro, wlio wore a green satin bors of L W. Rosenblatt in mem- Corn-Belt Regional tournaments dress fashioned like those of the ory of his father, Morris Rosen- in history last. Sunday and Monday with chapters from as far bridesmaids, a n d Teddy Joe blatt. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kulakof- points as Chicago, Kansas City Berkowitz, both of Grand Island. Henry Greenberger, brother of sky, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakof- and Denver. Harold Zelinsky was the bride, was best man, and sky and Mrs. Rneben JCulakofsky co-chairman of the convention along, with . Morris .Arbitman of Bernard Greenberger of. Grand in memory of Mrs. Horwich. The Tuesday evening group in the Mother chapter. Island, :Stanley JCronick, Shirley Sunday afternoon, the softball Snyder afid' Irving Shapiro of memory of Mrs. Fanny Fanger. preliminaries were, played off at Minneapolis, were ushers. Mrs. Mas Cohn, Hadassah which time the Century chapter A dinner-dance followed the - . ceremony. M a n y • out-of-town membership chairman, reports team showed unusual power and guests from Omaha, Denver and great progress on the Hadassah succeeded in beating both the membership campaign: All mem-Council Bluffs and Kansas City Minneapolis attended. bers of the committee are urged teams by an overwhelming score. However the final ~game for the to intensify their efforts. -BETURNS FROM COAST Miss Ida Blacker returned durHadassah again requests bun- Corn-Belt Regional championship -lng the Tveek from a month's va- dles for the annual rummage sale to be played with the Mother cation' in California. In Los -An- to be held in October. Those do- chapter team had to be post- geles she visited her sister, Miss ing house-cleaning now may call poned because of rain Monday afternoon. • liibby Blacker, and her brother, to have bundles picked up. Leo Blacker of • San Diego. BeRain caused the "Corn-Belt fore returning to Omaha she Olympics" to be called off while stopped for a few' days in San only the singles in the tennis Francisco. tournament were completed with


A. Z. A. 100



BACK FROM HOXEYMOOX Dr. and Mrs. David Platt have returned from a three-week wedding trip to Colorado. They are at home at the Commodore apartmehtB.' FORMER OMAHA3J RETURNS Mr. Barney' Drevich, who 20 yeare'ago moved from Omaha, has returned as manager of the fruit and vegetable department at Penneys. Before leaving Omana Mr. Drevich was very active in .communal "affairs. ANNOtJNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rushall of Scottsblnff, . Neb., announce the trfrth of a son. Mrs. Rushall is the former Miss Josephine Nath-an of Omaha. " . BABBI AND MRS. COHN

TtETURN - 'RAbbr and Mrs. Frederick - Cohn, "who have been spending . the summer in Chicago with their ' daughter, Mrs. Ben Herzberg, - returned last Thursday. MISS AI-LEN TO LEAVE Miss Huth Allen, who is leav-ing her position at the Jewish * tjommuiflty Center to become asf director of the Cleveland Educational office, will depart Sunday to assume her new duties. O STUDY IN CHICAGO "Dr." M.' H. Brodkey will leave in a few days for Chicago, where he ""will spend several weeks doing post-graduate work ra allergic


A3TK OUNCE BIRTH: Mr.- and Mrs. Bernard Golden

Mother chapter received its share of victories in the Cornbelt Regional tournament held in Omaha last Labor day. In tennis, Bob Bramson, representing A. Z. A. No. 1, was beaten in the finals by the Kansas City representative, 8-6. In the tennis doubles, Bramson and Haskelk Lazei-e, the Mother chapter's doubles team, achieved a tie with the .Kansas City team. Before last Monday night's rain, the A. Z. A. No. 1 Softball team was leading the Sam Beber chapter's team 3-2 at the end of the third inning. In the rainedout finals game the Mother chapter's battery was Morrie Adler and Herb Meiches. Before gaining the finals, Mother chapter won a close game over the Kansas City Bar Kochba team, 9-7: the battery was "Wolk, Adler and Meiches. A. Z. A. No. 1 ran away from the Des Moines team to the tune of 15-3. Battery for that game was TV oik, Cohen and Meiches. - .. , . T i e game with the Sam Bebef chapter will be played at a later date. Justin ' TTiesman, chairman of the cultural committee, ha? -an-1

Kansas City representative winning.

Bikur Cholim The regular meeting of the Bikur Cholim. scheduled for Monday, September 12, has been postponed until Monday, September 19. Mrs. L. Neveleff, president of the organization, who is out of town at the present time, will preside at the meeting;

Chesed Sliel Ernes


I By Arlcno Selonaoa Dear Suzy Q: Tour little nephew Q. Pid who pops up pp p in the most h places, crashed the surprise pary given for Zella Cherniss last Saturday, and caused Zella to turn the tbales and surprise her guests by announcing her engagement to Henry Resnick. Quite an active fellow, is that little nephew of ours! . Kids are still leaving or getting . ready to leave for school, arol •' Kulesh, -who will attend Oklahoma U. this year, left Sunday afternoon for Hot Springs, Arkansas, where she will stay a few days before going on to school. Both Joy Yousem and Morris D'ansky are planning to attend school at Ann Arbor, Michigan. ifell Abrahamson will leave next week for the Chicago Art institute, while 'Thelma Gaspar returns to the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, for her senior .year. Among the freshmen who left for Nebraska Wednesday were Harriet Salzman, Marjorie Moskovitz, Mirriana Rnbnitz, Genevieve Stein, Shirley Epstein, Morton Margolin, Mas Prostok; Stanley Mayper, Jimmy Lipsey, Melvin Newman, 3uddy Goldstein, Ed Milder, Marvin Taxman. Norman (Julian) Rips, Leland Myers and Milton Bloora. Quite a congregation, don't you think? Oh yes darlin', Leo Meyerson of Council Bluffs 5s going to Drake university, while Ben Cutler, also of C. B.. will attend Iowa State. Suzy Q, Betty Tarho'f has a perfect love of a dress. It's a two-piece all black wool with short sleeves, pleats in the skirt and buttons down the front of the Jacket. It's really very practical 'cause just any and every color of accessories may be worn with it. Also like Charlotte Nogg's hose which are cast in a purplish color and look very smart with a black outfit. Golly gee, almost forgot to tell you that Annette Walker, who has been visiting here from New York, left for home Tuesday nights, G'bye now, and more nest time. Affectionately yours, A. P. S. You should hear all the comment caused by the new combination locks on the lockers at Central High school.

Junior Council


of his

name on '"Breaking


: :: • ' • " . . -

t" s * " - ' ~ '' even began earning her living as a nights waitress? . • roo That Director Sidney Lanfield Last v e e k . was once a piano-player, an 'ac- kraut, on the roe ~ v" ~' companist? left the danger E O - - ^ * v " .That Jerry (Schatz) Tucker, pital for her Bevec r ri

• c-

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"Bahston" Tuckers—or—Abuzas,



1 " <•

^ ' ' < 1 ,r. — I v r Cc.r . ' f


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r ! T I

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now 12 years old. artist at the age of 4?


a radio | ne^-g c * ^,er se.^ici f I ^.' V out. But not fro~ i T •> fear that 1"- ~ -~ v- ~ ' c Toungstown -went to town for V { f-*~ its forner citizens, the Warner kept him silent. r boys, with the public prints blazTofiay, propresE z '•f ' ening an article entitled, "The ilr. Mrs. Scfcilfikra c " Amazing Career of the Warner forward to a trip t- L l » Brothers." Sounds lite an amaz- head irith her hi ing coincidence vrith the appear- thay stsy until she has fuHy




c «• —


ance of "Amazing Dr. Clitter- recovere house," a W. B. production. But PKEVTEW N O T E S : "You then . . . maybe it's just my Hol-Can't. ;ou" Take It With

lyvrood ears too much attuned to —obablv be -ateS the best oiitptit' ? amazements. i* " . . - . . . . . , -^—1_ .-.__ I ii » • *

Eracks Milton Eerie, "I've Played BO many benefits lately that ray mother is tired!" * * * , Suddenly Sl&sie Kosenbloom p r e t t y closely _. finds himself a "genutrlne" actor, p r o d u c t i o n h e a d s . . . W i t h JCE.II

TlF I,' hf * e

l r

Tony rare spec, busiaessforcla. Cisco an.

. . . In our opinion, picture cutA call c a m e t o t h e s t u d i o s h i r e s pl&r. t h r o u g hh s h h e e r pro- t e . , c ^ o r "_ „ P - e - r - - / o n sTritchboard . . . p a r t y t r a n t e d t o d u c t i o n finesse, t h r o u g h suc-Ue , j C r , , f r , ,p r, , ; e , t . <: speak t o MischAuer. W h o ? " c h a n g e in e n - . r ^ m s .__._On Ftape, , ^ . ^ l l l f - , r F > 1 -P v r , "MischAuer . . MischAuer'" ^-°u C a n t i a t e u \v u n ^.ou o ^ . f ( l ^ n , _, p _ p o p ^ t I " W h o i s s h e a n d ^ h a t does s h e i p r e s e n t e d . a t o u c h i n g r o m a n c e ^ 0T^ i e E c : u c , r i v r- ri -• i vrltil s Oi a r do h e r e ? " a s k e d t h e n e t t l e d o p c r - I "ai*JC " screwy naie- t c , rf ^ T v ] r i ni'• *




.! ous tjEckerrr-uiiG peLtern.

m v. o-

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- :



usual background o* a Mennonlte colony in Pennsylvania. • « *

Chlco and Harpo entertained a priest and a fighter, out-of-town guests, on the set one recent Friday. Chic invited the priest

El fakes fa ilssise

ef yeer yea Isers's e t r a c k ysti Essd If vsa*r@

- Oi'difMriiy flat p i

Vif&ca. y o u sf®p

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Hets ere isxuHeNn mni tie IR

Perfaci hccilas z ^ c : ctsd hsct ia e'Tery rssrs cf rs^r hcs®.

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fcibutss dsss, 2iaic!2iful hcst i® evs?*f xioak cad corner—irsa £sor is ceiling. Wiofisr yoa isna ccs;5. scs e: eil. 5^s X'ezbii Escsssy wip s=va oa ysai ftiej bill. !so. Ce=3 la ca3 leira She cjena-Ssq of reel kssfcg cssicrl sri2i fi* sew Kesbli Ssoaeisy be£s;a yea but'

Some « l flie smart accessory eoiors ss s»en In dividual h*ts are . • » Lorenw brtswrs er mr.m br<5 vltii Cssms frey or deep cpeytensi . , , tsai blu«, color cf # ducJrs vine, v/lfH Clilenf; wifte , . , L*»Mi« XIV bias, er bright blue with biiwl.

T£s JS year issfnfssspeo coercBfee Is ffa fcrcaicif fcsv-s. 4sl cLirf i,'. • "

M %.^u t i l .


Tsrfesrns ifi A" ffeeir Gkry Ji f¥«ry Watf«4

' Others to 14.9S







Milliner* Section-—Setohi Fltstn



Ice." Latter is Bobby Breen's has the unlatest picture

l&CS K » . £Clh —i.

m e t h o d s . — . .

American theater i ~ r cades, hss been r ""•• ~ V^ recent veeks one •~r tions of the thea*'"" must go on. a graduate lav^'er, and a memFew cf Joseph'^ ber of the Nevr York bar? kaew that hi? That Fanny Brice vr&s & biir-jjn j a Cedars cf Le' ' 1 - « • lesqueen before Eie^feid "glori- j ^-"ne-e c]ie" eventua •*• ^ fied" her? a ^ ^ ^ cpr-c d c r g 0 That George Sidney, the code- feraut kept a car s . diaa, is €0 years old? He caae the sat of "Sues" z out of his retirement the other tury-Fcx. -vrhicVne i ~ r * "1"""' day to celebrate trith his old side- ever he had an h r L - r r r ltick, Charlie (Cohens and Kel- the camera to xn£l e v r * <• Isys) Murray. to her bedside. t-> ---fr That Scphie Tucker, of the to report promp.


|:..p if I ,

times. Yet landed in Hollywood, a fugitive from "Furorisn!"' • *. * Did you knt)^ . . . That Scenarist Sonya Levin is

the Lesser tag be not too conspicuous. He's a shy, modest felGirl Scouts of Troop 4 began low. Note the demure lettering


Direct from a 3-month e n gagement at the Colosimos, Chicago.


_^_ _ _


Girl Scouts

gogue, Twenty-fifth and J streets. "will be presented in the Joslyn will be on the program. Reservations for the affair All members are urged to atMemorial lecture hali on Sunday may be made by calling Mrs. tend as the meeting is of utmost at 3:30 p. m. • A recorded organ program Samuel Appleman, Atlantic 9942. importance.' The season's activities will be outlined and an will be given in the concert hall eventful and interesting year is " at 4 v.-m, Sunday. Beth El Auxiliary anticipated. . . . Sunday evening at 7:30 a formal presentation ceremony will The Beth El Synagogue Auxilbe given by the Latter Day Saints iary will open its sixth series of To Discuss Nazi Activities ^church/ They will present to the book evenings on Tuesday, NoSimla, India (JTA) — Nazi "Joslyn Memorial a bronze replica vember 1, at the Jewish Com- activities in India will be discussof "Winter Quarters," by Avar! jmunity Center. • ed at the forthcoming session of Fairbanks, • the monument comAs in the past Rabbi David A. the central legislature. Activities memorating the Mormon settle- Goldstein will present sis re- of Nazi agents and propagandists ment north of Omaha. Dr. Frank views during the winter. Details lave recently aroused xauch con"W. Asper, organist of the Salt will be announced later. . ! cern and newspaper comment. Lake City tabernacle, the Whitechapel quartet from Salt Lake City, and Mr. George Albert Smith, one, of the highest officials of the church, will take part in this presentation.- Mayor Butler of Omaha and Dr. Addison B. Sheldon of the Nebraska State Historical society are also expected to appear on this program. The public is inviied to attend.

MR. and MRS.


version, Frank Capra CZTBoris Morris is determined, to lusibiacoiiflictinc; set of •emotipn& ; mis classic -with, swing. E&s or-tnres .light, ee^t use of oc=a- _ fiered a swing tuna to "be written tnrougn edy. vrifh tlie scre-wbtll tribe £_it for a lyric by Shakespeare. prots-coniet of the easy-£Ci£ j • • •

will sponsor a iuncheon on Tues- Congregation of Israel will hold day, September 20, at 1 o'clock its opening meeting on Wednes9OS1STS MEMORIALday, September 14, at 2 p. m., in A motion picture sound film, at the Blackstone hotel. "Land of Ten Thousand Lakes," ' Cards, Mah Jong and Bingo the assembly room of the syna-

taught in tho latest modarn :





The Omaha section of the Na- their season early by holding a tional Council of Jewish Juniors meeting on August '29 at the will hold its first meeting of the Jewish Community Center. In season on Sunday, September 11,' preparation for their clothing at .2:30 at the Jewish Commun- badges the . troop made a trip ity Center. Rabbi David H. "Wice through Kilpatricis and through HOME FROM VACATION will be the speaker. a clothing factory on August 31 Miss. Helen Adele Lincoln reCommittees will be appointed The next meeting •will be held turned on "Wednesday morning and plans for the year formu- on Sunday, September 11, at 2 after a month's visit in Chicago. lated. A board meeting will take o'clock at the Center. "While there she visited friends place at 2 p. m. and- relatives. • Auxiliary, Congregation o: Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sisterhood Israel lAncoln, who nave been visiting la Boston and "Worcester, Mass., The Temple ' Israel Sisterhood The Ladies' Auxiliary of the "are expected to return shortly.

Popular .and - classical music

World War . . . tras wounded i i^b L s v ™, ••• i.-.a-..— __ three times . . . decorated -four I ^ ^childkra^ . ^ r ? .


A special meeting, of the Chesed Shel Ernes .will be held on Monday, September 12, at 1:30 p. m." at the Chesed Shel Eme3 building, 1912 Cuming street. -As this is an important meeting, all members have been urged to attend. , Mrs. L.- Neveleff Is president of the Chesed Shel Ernes.

r •-F>» »« p» /«?


amiable outlook en life,'as' err-, When he's hot collecting rare trasted with the iinri&cEble BVC-} Hollywood — Now it's definite paintings, Eddie Robinson has cess-story-rontine ptiloscphy • • • | . . . Well, practically definite, s another hobby—te gathers or- Somewhere in "Tot" Can't Trl-x i things are In Hollywood . . . that chestra batcus. Has them auto- It With Y-ou" lurks an Academy ' . .. our sioner toes or Mltzi Green won't return to the graphed by aotea conductors. •&^KT& screen for some time. Broadway well, they might be useful if we T.-r ca~ra offers were more inviting, so she have a cold winter. . | "* FATEEK <sf?': Cycle of erics from her flicker con* * * I initiated fc^ "Alexander's K6.&The first regular meeting of got a release x Joan Blondell was still in the I time Band" pete further impetus, ll be b held d tract. the Deborah society will ti i t l l i f th on Tuesday, September 13, a: * * • hospital convalescing from the i n P : a n to lili HCe of ut Ednouuced that the second degree the Jewish Community Center. Because Joseph Schenck ad- new'baby b b girl i l when h she h received is j •?;_Tas. "Daficy" to mor-t tie-time initiation for most of the mem- A speaker will be on hand to mitted that he could speak and a phone call. A Ehrill voice, her i cpntEmporery" VE-Gfie^illiap.s. bers of the Mother chapter will discuss the work of the City Tal- understand Russian, he was de- son's, piped, "Mommy. I'-re grot a discoverer of Cantor. Jessel.-Dunbe planned for A. Z. A. day on mud Torah.^ nied a passport to Russia, the new sister. Did you hear about c&n Sisters. Eleanor Powell, Kae October 17. A. degree, team, will Murray. Bert Wheeler. Sally Refreshments -will be served l a n d of h i s birth. 'Tis folly t o it?'* be. chosen. * * *. ; RanS," Groueho Mfi.rx, LUa Lee, following the meeting-. be t o o w i s e . . . •• « There will T)e a meeting of the See you later. SistFTS, hunfire-fis more, Mrs. Een Kazlowsky is corre * • • Mother chapter oh this coming sponding secretary of the organiDon Swirt is Producer Sol LesFunday afternoon at the Jewish zation. . ' •ser's nom de film . . . you'll see Community Center. it among the credits of some of his productions. - He uses it that

•of Chicago announce the birth of •a, daughter, Sharon. -Mrs. Golden is the former - Ethel Frutnfein, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Louis JTrumkin, former Omahans.

nnnounco tho opening of the fait season in their piano studio at 2O2 Lyric Bldg.

Charles K. Rogers, I hone to dinner; Earpo followed j versa! exec, now inflepepflent, suit vrith the fisticuffer. Hew- ! vill produce the film, v sib VOFever, on phoning his house, Cisco ! Bibiiity Blag: Crosby v ." rl^ found that • roast beef vs.s the I role of Ecv-E-fl? . . , -' ff fare; whereas at Earpo's menage • 9 ''-' jfi^*tt \'»Bvi •" sTVwt ^%. ffi'i* '^'"^i ™§ c Joost vE.uSevi-.Usri. ' '' ' fish was the. . "piece de reI I Gi:s is rern.fttr.r'erei too n- I- sistance." .They switched guests. : Ey BICK CHASE i I tunes "School Days." ' L I* « I Merry Oidsinobile,'" ' TT 'X' Director Fritz Lang fought In t;!vt:~y THE SHOTT GOES OX: Keep-j the Austrian army during the ^ E ^ . ^ % ^ ; ^ ^ I " g ^ b o r . n e t Sue." l


"Now tell ns, Mr. Davis . . . " "lobject!? •" "Your witness, Mr. TOM DEWEY IN ACTION—Thomas E. "Dewey, District Attorney of New York, caught in characteristic poses during the sensational trial of .James J* Hi nes, Tammany* district leader, for lottery vio-

Strykert" "Things are going fine . . . " "I have here a transcript ...*• lations. If successful in this prosecution, Mr. Dewey is not unlikely to be the next. Republican candidate for Governor of New York, traditional stepping-stone to the Presidency.

"Hmm . . . I wonder if .-. ." "Who,-me?" "Didn't think he'd say t h a t . . . " "Oh well, I can take It . , .K "iSci-Io, there!" JIMMY HINES ON DEFENSIVE — The camera .mskes an inof his trial for conspiracy to aid gangster Dutch. Schultz in the triguing character study of James J. IJines, one of the dominant policy racket. Upon the outcome of this trial undoubtedly depends figures in New York's Tammany Hall, as he undergoes the ordeal the future of the Tammany organization.








1> -Av^f^:


BIS NO "SWING" HERE—Dressed in - the same regalia their ancestors donned- centuries-ago','these Santa. Ana Indians df New Mexico dance their "Flying Arrow Dance" before hundreds pf*spectators near Gallup. The dancing, which continued all day, is an annual celebratfdiu?^ "•"- ' 7'


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FOUND—AFTER 9 YEARS—Stolen from her home nine years ago at the age of four, Anna Louise Gibson, right, is shown after being restored to her mother, Mrs. Henry Deubier of St. Louis. Ths little*girl was abducted by a woman friend of the family and no trace of her was found until the abductor's recent death.

HELLO, BROADWAY — George M. Cohan, the actor, shown on h:s arrival in KSTT York from a trip afcrcad. Cohan, ct 63.. von fame last winter by his characterization of President Roosevelt m a successful musical play. His long career as an actor stretches back beyond \Tcrl5 War days, when his song "Over There" was the hat tune of the day.

TTAIiXS r^.'^SSi: !3Xrr,LTrsrs—Atelnde nocT-.gues, former president of Mexico, arriving in San rrancisco, sounded a warning fast "Western henisn^eTp nption? "r-n^t 11-1 ,F r r n i - f thp octopus of CGnimuziEni £.ni rc&cisiu vLLli ii, Li'^JL^ o^: oouuliies from across the Atlantic.'" Mrs. K.oanc.i;ez ana ihei.r son. ^.belardo Jr^

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STAR AND FISH—^Ronald Colman, film actor, poses beside a huge 227-pound marlin swordfish he caught while deep-sea fishing off Catalina Island, Calif.



NAZIS EN JAPAN—As a token cf the Tokyo-Serlm, mcrrbers of thr> H- Ic "'"^•I'h o~ganization now on a tour of Japan are checied ty largrc crowds as thsj- nirrch La-ouch 1'okrc streets. They are on their way to ths Impenal Palace to pa: respects to t hr Empc-o*. The f rov ing Nazi mSuersce in Japan is strengthening the bond bCiWEcn Germany. Zicly &nc! Jrnr,".

I , " J

233 FOS DEMOCRACY — Italians are building an electrical air ferry to Theodul Pass on the Swiss frontier, ostensibly to develop sM resorts. But the Swiss, people of the purest democracy in Europe, "watch grimly, for-an army on skis could swoop down from Theodul, cut off the Simplon forts and swarm through the Rhone Valley. Tiiere is no doubt tne: Swiss would fight against

invasion of their cherished democracy, for their army is in excellent condition. Top panel shows the scenic Lotschberg railway forming a direct link between the Bernese Oberland and the Simplon route.. Middle panel contrasts the warlike pose of mountain machine gunners with a peaceful scene in a Valais village. Bottom, motorized units of the Swiss army oa the march'.'

THEY'RE WORRIED—Tired- after days of conferring en Europe's .present crisis — Hitler's demands on Czechoslovakia — Sir John Simon, Chancellor of the British Exchequer, left,, and Lord Halifax,

the Foreign Minister, leave the Foreign OSes ia Lcnflca.


third ba7 Dickey, cz

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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1S3S day, the duke came to Shraerl. NAZI CONSUL DENXS OPEN NEW TEL "Have you discovered t t e thief?" KGVE AGAINST .T AVIV AIRPORT he asked. Shmerl looked at fciza calmly and answered: "The ring Tel Aviv (VKS-Palcor is hidden under the ceiling of the { r i a u t f-trlt'e-: m j i i > p -( p g p 'tE g barn." The duke sent a Eervant to ere- ? S i ! " its proircsE ss the most 2E-i, and the servant returned city in P a l e s t i n e t h e £11-.* immediately with the ring. Then "Wars&w (JTA) — Zionist or- city •witnessed t o d a y for t h e ' ~E An EsteasiQji of tlis JetTish Commtrrdty Center the duke asked: "Who stole it?" Eanlzaticns were arotised this cr 1 C "That I cannot tell you," an- •vreek over a series of raids en a i r p l a n e a t i t s t e w a i r p o r t c v A E ' I C T swered-Shmerl. "When a n a n is Zionist offices in Brsesc-Lite-srskl, uccler c c n e t r a c t i o n n e a r t h e u " t - * - > ? - ' " • - r poor, he will steal. You cannot Lwow and Plask, for •wnicli dissi- R e a d i e s : P o w e r K o a s e a t l v f ."evit v r t r ! i t Good Shabbath, boys and ind and generous and would use you have saved my fine Arabian punish the thief." dent Siosist - Eerisicnists -vrere m o n t h of t h e T a r k o a river. •girls of the Junior Jewish i <-'- i° ^ ' I ' ?' is newfound wealth to help the horses, which the king ?ave me "But who told you where the blamed. Press!" Plnh&s R d i c n b e ^ g . director c ' f c i rr- % oor and needy. The banquet was as a present. Therefore I have ring was?'' asked the duke. UniSestified persons esters 2 t a » electric vcrfes b e a r i n g h r ' ^ ' r c - n " I " ' School has started again and very jolly one and everyone was brought you a gift. Shmerl did "He," answered ShraerJ, point- the premises of the Gordenia or- nsffi-e. vras t h e first passeng-e* j e j <:>.•• " r r r i ^ 1 ^ I know we are all happy to re- ery happy. s not know what the man was talk- ing heavenward. gr.rization in Brzesc. and tiestror- l a n d in Tel Aviv in a. p l a n e . I L ' turn to our books and to our Joseph sold the pearl to a rich ing about,, but since he was being ed fixtures, fiocuments and all enberjr-flew from K&i£a t o t h e EI - I C . L ' C I - 1 I"C'*"*1'I class rooms, and will try to leader and got enough money lor given a gift he accepted it, and portraits except that of Dr. Theo- J e w i s h citv. make this a very good and a t to live in. prosperity and cdm- remained silent. * . 1^ A>: dor Herzl, fouEfier cf political very happy school year. :ort with his loving wife for the Then the duke said to him: Kionissi also . leaving a map of . Our little story this tveelt is rest of his life; while the noble- "Holy man, I" have heard of the W r e c k Palestine untouched. Twelve again taken from the Talmud man learned that it is hard to wonders that you have performed. Zionist bodies in the city issued a and tells us how those who are avert the decree of €he stars. I want you to come to my palace statement accasing Sioaist-ReDanzig {JTA) — Kembe-s d re cb"f* cr c' righteous win their, reward in ~ I f ~>f' and be my wise man. I will give visianiEts of carrying out the t&e Killer Youth Movement r the* end. you a beautiful home, and everyraid. vaSed the Jewish com&ur • « • • ' • - ^p r c - pr • We are also, concluding our r thing that you want shall be Jewish newspapers reported building fceje, v,-recfc;nj; the •*- PC' 00' f o- 2 e, series ot four stories on yours." terior of a Eraagogue s.nd l that members of the Brith Trcin/'Sbinerl" and hope you have Shmerl was very frightened, Praha (JTA) — It is reported peldor, Revisionist youth organirters Cf the Zionist jovtn | ^ ' enjoyed them all. * . '" I1" but he uttered not a word. When from Berlin that Jews ousted zation, raided the premises cf >. The euthorities, i ' - | ^ f ' 1 the duke urged him to answer, from jobs are now forced to vork the Shomer- Hatzsair, labor Eion- foriEsd of the raid, hare taker r e t I1" '„ Source: S. Simon: Shmerl Nar Shmerl finally said: "I cannot in public projects without pay- 1st youth organisation, in LVOTT. steps to t t e EIE-EXC-I x_2 Age: 6-10. o." To this the duke responded ment, except for the destitute, beating three members a n d i Merit: • * angrily: "You must go —> I com- who receive a small sura, insuf- wrecking tee premises. Another ers. Shmerl the fool* at last settled mand you!" and he rode off. ficient to buy enough food. Jew- raid' was reported is Finsfc, I FREES A* I.' down. He bought a house, granted Shmerl Goes to the Eabbi ish circles here called the enforc- where Revisionists -were said to j a garden, and thought he would Shmerl went to the Rabbi ed work a form of slavery and have harassed the offices of Ha- j 1 i. Source: Talmud; Sabbath 110a. be happy. But he wasn't. People again. "What shall I do?" he ask- compared the situation, of the noar Hatzion", Zionist y o u t h ; » At*,cs » K " - . I - f T were curious. They wanted to ed. "I am only a poor Jew, and if Jews to that of the Biblical He- group. v.. Ager 6-13. . i know how he became known as I go to the palace the duke will brews in Egypt. Merit: *« Jews" are being forced to do . Many years ago there lived a a wise man. Furthermore, they surely find out that I ata not a Jacob Coen vas receiver-gen-1 wise man, and that will be the demolition work and to clear eral for K&urice of Nassau, Stafit- ' very righteous Jewish man nam- continued calling him a fool. Use ©ur £*• -: When he went to the synago- end of me." But the Rabbi an- areas for new buildings. Eight holder of the Netherlands (1584ed-Joseph. But no one ever call« 4 EC ed him by his name, for hf had gue to pray, and could not even swered: "It is your fate; .you hundred are employed for demo- 1625). ' ' a nickname. AH his friends call- read the prayer-book they made must go." So Shmerr moved into lition in the former municipal gas ed, him •'The Guardian of the un of him. Finally in disgust the duke's palace and had every- works in the Berlia district of Sabbath." Of course, you -will Shmerl went to the Rabbi, and thing his heart could desire. But Schmargendorf and others to pre•wonder how he got his nickname. asked: "What do theyT want of he was not happy; he felt like a pare Nazi sports grounds and Wei, it happened like this: Jo- me? I am just a plain . ew mind- bird imprisoned in a golden cage. to lay out parks ia GreifwalderMonths passed but he was not strasse in north Berlin. seph was a very poor man; he ing my own business,/ yet they asked to advise the duke on any and his wife had just enough in- will not let me alone." Said the Rabbi to him: "Keep matter. For this he was very come from their small shop to buy the necessities of life. No away from the crowd and remain thankful. But one day the duchnAtter how bad business "had quiet. When you pray, don't go to ess lost her ring, a ring that was been, no matter how much he had the synagogue but go out into the given to her by the queen. Four to- deprive himself during the woods and pray by yourself."^.- days later there was to be a ball, So Shmerl would put on his and the duchess had been invited. week Joseph always managed. to buy a fine fish or a fine chicken "tallith" each morning and would She could not appear before the pray alone in the nearby woods. queen without w e a r i n g the L,os Gatos, Cal (JTA) — Strikfor the Shabbath. The Duke Who Iiied queen's gift, so Shmerl was call- ing back at published statements Whatever price •was demanded Now in that town there lived a d in by the duke. that Yehudi Menuhin's family in the market place for a fine : "My wife's ring has been stol- was seeking to escape from the '• 1 fish he would pay, even if it famous duke. He was *a TightJews and that the young violin hand man of the king and was en. She must have it within three mlant going without a pair of had refused to play Palshoes or a suit which he needed. very rich. Although he was a very days.- Find it." he said, and walk- virtuoso estine, Moshe Meauhis, his fathIn this way he had gained ; this righteous man, he had one ser- ed away without waiting for a re- er, declared this week that the ious fault: He liked to exagger- ply. Shmerl was now very greatly unusual nickname. ate. . ' troubled. Not knowing what to Menuhins-were "conscious, proud, The Rich Nobleman For example,- he would tell do, he decided to see the Rabbi outspoken Jews." Not far from the small home such a story as this: "One day I again. "The Menuhins of tomorrow . of "The Guardian of the Sabriding in my carriage, drawn Tearfully he asked: "Rabbi, and today, parents and children, b^tfi*' "lived a very rich nobleman was my two best Arabian horses. why do I have to endure this?" as of yesterday and in the past, He was "not'-particulafly fond of Ibysaw was going in my di- And the Rabbi answered: "It isare conscious, proud, outspoken Jews. How great was his anger, rection,a train so I decided to race it. your fate, you must face it." "But Jews, in their public, as well s.s then, when one of his men rush- When I reached my destination I what shall I do?" asked Shmerl. in their private life!" Mr. Menued into his study one day in great found that I had beat the train "Do what all-good Jews do when hin said in a. letter to Anglo-Jewt! excitement with this news:' "Be to town by a-full two ish newspapers. • "They all hold hours." they are in trouble'-;— fast for high advised that the stars. ..indicate the honor and history of Another time he told this three days and pray," answered that /your riches will some day their race aod spiritual heritage! f^'i into the hands of a poor story: "I once made a bet with the Rabbi. .So Shmerl went home That in following the dictates' of the Prince that my horses could and followed the Rabbi's advice. their hearts, Yehudi and Hephzi• J e w ! " ' - • • • • • ' outrun his. We raced, and I won. An Unpleasant Servant bah. have never for one moment '•.But now So you "know?" the Then we staged an endurance Now the duke had a servant their own people er proud nobleman asked.: contest. The Prince's horses ran who had .a very unpleasant dis- foresaken faith, have never embraced the "That's simple," was the an- two whole days and nights withs w e r , •• "We've consulted the out food or rest. But my horses position. He was tall, with sharp faith of their mates (wife of Yestars." (For that was the way ran eight days and nights without eyes and a -curled black mustache. hudi or husband of Heplizibah), the wise men tried to'learn about food, or rest. As a matter of fact, Having a very mean disposition, and never have they committed whenever anything went wrong their future to anything bat symthe future in those days:') they could have run eight more That night the nobleman could days if my own food supply had he would become very angry. pathy, support and loyalty to Most of all he hated children. I t their own Jewish, people, whernot sleep. Surely the stars could not run- out." so happened that Shmerl had 2. ever they are." • not be wrong:. He could not bear Still another time he told how son named Yankel who was alto think of losing his money. Per- brave his horses were. He told haps he would be poor like the how he was once riding through ways getting into mischief. On the Jew down the street. He did not a forest, and stopped to feed his second day of Shmerl's fasting, sleep all night. Toward dawn he horses. A - pack' of wolves came the servant caught Yankel as he arose from his bed and went for along and began to. attack the was stealing apples from a tree, and boxed his ears warmly. a walk in his beautiful garden horses.. Now most horses are London (WNS) — "Oi," the Suddenly an idea flashed upon afraid of wolves, but his horses .But Yankel was not so easily his mind. He would sell all his jumped on the wolves and tore defeated so he stuck out his Cockney shout used in the new tongue to the servant, and said: danoe_, the "Lambeth Walk," was, possessions, take the money and them limb from limb. "You just wait a day or two — certified as Aryan and hence perbuy one large jewel which he s. « 1— The duke soon had a reputation for good Germans ,when would carry with him all the for telling tall stories, and the ray father will soon fix you!" The missible Noel Gay, British composer of a time. -Then he could always have Jews of the town used to say of servant turned pale with fright. that is cne of the features his wealth with him and the de- anyone-who told an unbelievable Shmerl was known as a man who song of the dance, proved to the Naazi knew all secrets. Perhaps he had authorities cree, written in the stars, could story: that he is 100 per cent . | * discovered his theft! not come true. That morning he Aryan and that no non-Aryan had i went to the largest jeweler in thr "Where are my horses? He ran to where Shmerl, garbhelped in writing the words of town and purchased a beautifu In the forest, fighting wolves." ed in his tallith, was siting in his music of the tune. \ . Schmerl Iiearns Proverb pearl worth many thousands o and praying. Thowing himikU iiiSS j C V t ASiil i lss&i> i, The duke, however, did not room Thus a word which is also dollars. He put the jewel in his self at Shmerl's feet, the consciknow this proverb. When the peo- ous-stricken, servant said: "Holy characteristically Yiddish, meanpocket book and went home. 1 ple came before him, they always man, I know you have discovered ing "Oh" or *"Ah," and being Catastrophe employed in the sence of "alas" to him very respectfully For many days he carried the spoke I have the duchess' ring. But may now be used by Nazis withand flattered him. But Shmerl that pocket book with the pearl in it heard I did not really steal it; I found this proverb -and liked it, it. It is so hard for me to make out incurring official displeasure. wherever'he went; in those days so he learned it. And sometimes a living. 1 have a wife and three men carried their pocketbooks in when he *as in the woods pray- children, so I kept the ring. I Rio de Janeiro (WNS) —: their hand just as women do to- ing, he would stop repeat it thought to myself: 'The duke has Special police guards have been day. One Friday morning he-was to himself, to make and at the- shops of many in- I ! ! walking across a high bridge had not forgotten it.sure that he enough wealth; let me take a lit- posted fluential Rio 'de Janeiro Jews 1 t i i i which spanned a'very deep rive tle and he won't even notice it.' I % One day Shmerl, dressed in his will tell you where I hid the ring, who have received anonymous near the town. letters demanding large sums of Suddenly a gust of wind sprang Tallith, was in the woods prying, but please don't tell the duke it money. All of the letters bore the up; and he felt as if he was g»- he heard the sound of hoTses' was I who took it." After confes- swastika emblem as a 'signature ing to be carried away. So he hoofs. Soon a rider came up to sing his guilt, he kissed Shmerl's and threatened property destrucgrabbed the rail at the side o him, stopped his horse, and asked feet and wept. tion and physical violence if the the bridge to support himself. A Shmerl: "Holy man, can you tell On the morning of the fourth money was not paid. my horses are?" he did so he loosened his hold me where on the wallet and the wind. car Shmerl knew only one answer to ried it over the rail into the riv this question, so he gave it to the i!l|!l er below. Instantly, a large fish man: gobbled it up and swam off down "Where are my horses? the stream. . In the torest, fighting wolves." ill The rider ran'off into the forLate that afternoon a larg' \ y i . i : i i. fish was caught by a .fisherman est and soon found his horses who, surprisingly, felt very much gasping, panting, and bleeding annoyed by his good luck. "Hen Nearby stood a pack of wolves If _ •r it is already late Friday after- ready,to leap on them once more mill noon," he thought, "where wili He shot: into the air and drove i !iO M tV H' .'*-. "- "?, I find a customer for such a larg the wolves away; then, taking fish?" Then another fisherman, his horses, he returned home. seeing his line haul, said to him The Rider "Why don't you take that fisl The rider was none else than to "The Guardian of the Sab the duke. On the morrow he came bath*? He is always ready to bu into t i e village and asked f] ATI OHM FABfi a fine Ilsh to honor the Sabbath. "Where does the holy man live The fisherman did as his frien who prays in the woods?" EveryHci!A is iSi* teyaa'e ef <ii iitivitiis «l Hot Spring 1 advised and as his friend had ait one was astonished that he should vAs.-s llissundj fiivj foun4 l';s FesssU'iS of Yeuj'i, tlcipated 'The Guardian, of th be looking for Shmerl the fool fsssinlng pzp uul vijat first!-;!* t l s eurativs tfcefms! Sabbath' immediately purchase but they told him, and he went to wstsrj ef &t Ir.ternatisoal'y fasssrs sps. Unifsr ^sv* - the lish for a good sum. -His wif Shmerl's house. CtwnsnS tspcrvisisn, &irid«3 mi h-&%hfr$ in tless p r o t e s t e d his extravagance Said he to Shmerl: "Holy man, jsinertl tprinjj effsrsf rcffcf ta »u".'«rer» from hi$h "There are many poor folk in th .city who would enjoy a big feast. fclsod presjsrs, tsssrisi?, rSsurasSija end otfssr ciisf With this large fish we shall hoi ^srj. A t t!i«- seas time t?:« jsys e* «« eui&ot ««ta. a banquet for them," answere 3> li \ the pious Jewish man. His wit ^protested no more, but set ti



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, Edited By Aunt MaomI






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bg rtption to UJ: S"-bgc

is an investment whicli brings you nch c:ndc:i£s B£ty-two weeks cm: r


the year . . . deepening the je^nsli CDnscbunness and helping tranb/..the Jewish heritage to therismggensrsi^n.




"Oi" Certified as ^ Aryan hy Nazis

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*2 B 8?mi

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sortal lectures %rKlck crcsc-des. tlie base o




.u.' JewIsK I!

I6 In botK

In shcrf. n r. r per c'crcicd io- t h e isc&is of J«slai»m

work immediately to prepare lo; the banquet. •-

Her Surprise She took tics: big fish to : thi kitchen and cleaned it. Then shj "cut it open. Imagine'fier surprisi and"~a3nazement when she saw, i the belly of-the fish, a huge beau . tiful pearL I t was so bright thai it seemed to "light up the wholi dwelling with its radiance. Sho called to hex husband When Joseph, the 'Guardian o the Sabbath' saw the great goo 1 fortune which.' had befallen him he thanked God and said to his wife: "You see, he who observe the aoly Sabbath joyfull and wel is rewarded in the end." . All of the poor people of th . city rejoiced in Joseph's good for tune,. lor they knew that he wa




For Information em. Your it's churned from Sweet At lie t : t i t? t-s torza Rew, is is csnwnisns is ell «K*ilsSJ-ytt ii fsMSti ss li:e ezxizi c" its own privaSe psti, ttswins jsejitefit* t£5i«4ijsn. SSO lit$z esa'aiiiMe recsss, . W t i u fas Silef*ia.*a.



Page 8

} No, I s&ifi positively to xzr and Mrs. Philip Sherman, visited MiS3 June Meyerson, a bride-to- 9 a. in. at the:Chevra B'nai Yis- no Jew be appointed to Cardoso's ro place. That would be like turn- you can't have E new fur with relatives in Omaha las be, and seven members of the roel synagogtse. rJ All friends and relatives are In- ing a bright, •white light or, us in tfcls year. club. _ , week-end. vited, to attend. .No individual a time like this whea we should seen at all. . • .;• r tl-iot. in> an Miss Toby- Kateltaan of Wash- invitations are being issued. Stanley Herzoff spent las Thus, from 141S even to tbr vruniojpn.1. "Fin afraid of DufcSsEKy. Not week-end in the Nate Galinsk: ington, D. C formerly of Council Bluffs, arrived-here Sunday home at Council Bluffs. Soloraoa Calahorra, a Spanish that he Isn't all right, yes, year 1S3S. QISS MiilA PILL, • H i t R?ady to visit with friends, and rela- Jew of Cracow, was physician to (and maybe the New DesJ 'L ail(Copyright I9SE By Seven Art t orooraright, too) but DsibJnsky should Miss Ruth Rice, Mis3 Evelyn tives. • She will remain several the kings" Slgisraund Augustus * *• F AnderFeature syndicate.) not be oat ia front. It's too Eiueii f t « Ming; Jacobs and'Miss Sylvia Friedman weeks. and Stephen Bathori. >.I>I 1 Court Jn display. Dublnsky Bhoutd go back were among the Sioux Cityan i po ; that i_ESGH & KR .J1CEK, Atlys. to the sewing machine. Bud Fitch.left for Chicago last who spent last week in Omaha. • - . y<3M In 4E03 South E'jth St. PLAIN TALK week.- He plans to remain there "Yes, that's bow I feel about rnp rhantltse p* «n<i that Mr. and Mrs. Irving Goldstein until September 20, when he will it all, especially when I read NOTICE OF PROBATE OV WILL In. the Onunty Court of DOUEICF l Mrs- Sime Slotsky,- 420 Nine- and Paul Jean returned to thei enter the University of Illinois at about Mr. Cohen who runs with County, ! (Continued irosn page 1.) n^r v*«. F < n<ti>n*on NfibraBba. teenth .street, for many years- a home in Chicago, after a 10-daj Urbana. that Mr. Corcoran is Washington. c* i *nd purIn the Matter "f the Esiate o resident of Sioux City, died Wed visit ;here with Mrs. Goldstein' not noticed and are respected as And on top cl, all that Ginsberg Rone c-i t K holnnsfng .Morris. r>ec?s!5ed. n nesday In a hospital after an 111 mother, Mrs.. Leah Baron. > ""T s In t h e A party consisting of Bob End- a safe man who stands by every- is running for the legislature and All prrsonR interested in said es I ness of more than a year. .She elman, Bill:Joseph and Mr. andthing that's right in the country. on the Democratic ticket, besides. tate are hereby notified that a n<?;i n*- *•> •" r o ' Omaha, tion has been filed in said Court was 88 years old. Max Rosenthal departed Sun- Mrs. Joel Cherniss spent the La-A Jewish New Dealer looks like i < n<Od Into praying for the probate of a certs.!' H i The first charter meeting 6 bor day week-end In Kansas City, Funeral, services were held a' day evening for a buying trip in a fellow with a red coat on, t i f r u-fp the final instrument now on file in ssid Court " n and that she was possessed of the tho Sioux City chapter of Young Shaare Zion synagogue with Rab New York City. flaunting himself before every- foilowins described real estate to-wit: purporting to be Che last will anr MO. :•'.. testament of said rtecoaaed. and thR " «f »«' tbet you body's eyes. Judean was held at 7:30 p. m.,bi H. R. Rabinowitz officiating. The North Half <N%) of Lot a hearinp will be had on said .letitior -« < i 11c ' ^ if "="i'1 action Survivors are two sons,. W. C. Five (G) in Block. X^'S-ive (12) in Miss'Sylvia Endelman returned "A Jew should wear only the before said Oourt OR the 17th day c o~ n 1 ~ * t o SeptmnWednesday, August 31, in theSlotsky and Simon. Slotsky, and E V. Smith's Addition to the Friday' evening from a two-week most subdued color of .politics, September. ZO?,S. and ihaS if th*y fwi i r ' r \ ry judpCity of Omaha, Douglas County, social hall Of Shaare Zion - syna- one daughter, Mrs. Charles Rasto appear at said Court ors the gait5 1 trip to Chicago with.Miss Miriam Just as Jewish - women should Nebraska, as surveyed; platted 17th day of September. 1BJS. et f i" i r->i IP "vi" t tached apgogue. kin. Saks. • MlsS Saks returned Mon- wear only neutial shades In their and recorded. .• o'clock A. M.. to rontest the probate ! p'ied toward .satisfaction of said day. : '' ; "•'Mrs. Slotsky; was born in RusThat said petitioner has an inter- of said will, the Court may allow end dresses. I pray day and night that • The meeting was sharked by est in said real estate being- vested probate said wil! and crart Ec'ministho signing of. the club charter sia and came to the United States Dorotho galtsman an interest therein; said petitioner tration of EaicJ estate to Arlnlph F"iB' EEA3T KIXED CONCRETE CO., Miss Florence Meyerson left EBENER, GOLDWARE & SWIFT, of by the 20 charter, members "who at an early age. She was active prays that a hearing- be had on cai3 cher or some other m:Uable person, A Corporfition, ^. in several organizations before Wednesday ^or Lincoln. Neb., were present. Also accomplished petition, that notice thereof be given enter .a Jefrree of heirnhip, and proThere "will be a regular meetAttorneys as required by law, and that upon ceed lo a settiement thereof. Omaha Nat'l. Bank Elds. at this meeting was the appoint- her Illness. ing of the B'nai' Brlth lodge where ^she will attend the Uni- 432JOSEPH EBBE, EX.UTZN1CK .& said hearing a decree ot heitEhip be S. GOLDWARE ment of a constitutional commitF. MER1CI..E. -Monday, September 12, at Eagle versity of Nebraska. entered and further administration of S-26-38-St. JOHN Its Attorneys, Acting County Jtidge. tee h6aded by Wallle Friedman hall. In the County Court of Douglas said estate be dispensed with. t 9-2-38-4 who was assisted by Advisors Mr:.'Herbert Cphen and son,County. Nebraska. Tou are therefore notified that a A mass ".'meeting may be held Bobby,- of Chicago were Labor In- the Matter of the Estate of Ida hearing: -will be had on said petition E a r l Himovitz and Wilbert at the County Court Room of said Deceased. oh Wednesday, September 14, for day guests-at the home of Mrs.Soshnlk, Schindler. Other members of the To the helrs-at-law, creditors and County, on the 1st day of October, committee were Jordan Ginsberg the reorganization of the Talmud Morris ' Yudelson. 183S, at 9 o'clock A. II., and that if all other persons, interested in said Funeral services for: Stanley Torah/Complete information may Leonard Rosenthal and David you fall to appear at said time End estate: * Prusiner, 23, of Des Moines place and contest the said petition, Himovitz. Thi3 committee meetbe had by calling Mr, O. Hoch Mr;.and Mrs. Lawrence Krasne You are hereby notfled that a peti- the • Schrafft't, Cuesta Rey Court may Brant the same, enter has been filed In this Court on ing at 10:30 a. m. Sunday, Sep- were held in Sioux City" Monday man. . . annotince the Bar Mltzvah of tion Dry Ginger Ale ese fri the 2nd day of September, 133S, bya decree of heirshtp. and decree that with Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis tember 3, drafted a constitution their "son, Stinley Melvin, on SatTetta Soshnlk, alleging that , Ida further administration of said estate v *Fl A meeting of the Chevra Ka which will be presented at the Officiating. Mr. Prusiner, who Soshnik died on the 19th day of July. be dispensed -with. ft morniig, September 17, at 3.15 So. 13tb Street AT 4282 1927, intestate: that'.at the time of nest meeting at 2- p. m. Sunday, was an attorney, was • a former dlsha will be held sometime dur BRXCE CRAWFORD, Sioux Cityan, moving to Des ing? the lat,ter' part of September. her death she was a resident of September 10, 1938.. . !-38-3t. County Judge. Douglas County, State of Nebraska Moines with his parents' 10 years Patronize' Our Advertisers It was particularity, emphasized ago. He was a son of Ben W Further announcement will be that it was not too late for newPrusiner, and had been ill for made; in later editions of The members to join this growing or- some time. . ganization for Jewish boys. All ^ Officers of the Chevra B'na those who are - interested are Ylsroel synagogue have contract urged to communicate, at once .ed for the services of Rev. Morri; with a member of an advisor.' Volovick of Philadelphia for the IIMUHHIlMlffltMHns Actual work' will begin Siincoming holidays. He will be here day when the National merit sysin time tor Sellcoth. tem is explained and plans for a social outing will be discussed. Services this evening will, beThe Emesel club held a no-host gin at 6:30 o'clock and Saturday community • dinner. Tuesday evemorning at 9. Rabbi S. BoloU ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs nikov wlil - speak during the: 3. Meyerson." •.. • ' morning service. The dinner was in honor" of At 6:30 p. m. every week day, Rabbi Bolotnikov will continue MON5KY. GRODINSRY, MARER & his interpretation of Ain Yaakov.


Death Claims Mrs. Slotsky


Hold Services for Former Resident



P r e s s . - .

• ' . . • "


. '"• •" .


" • • • ' •

Beth Abraham

Synagogue "•-,

Tile Senior Hadassah chapter la conducting its annual drive for the Infant,Welfare fund, during this week, with Mrs. L. S. Goldberg as chairman. .... Aosisting Mrs. Goldberg are' Mesdames Joe Kutcher, I. Levin, Sam Slotsky, Milton Mushkin, R. H. Emlejn, I. Kaplan,; Joe Levin, E. N. Grueskin, Henry Sherman, A. M. Grueskin, Louis Slotsky, T. N. Lewis, J. Lehman, Ben Sekt, "W. C. Slotsky and Miss Leah Rose Newman.


/COHEN, Attorneys. <• 737 Omaha Nat'i Bank Bldg. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned have formed a corporation, pursuant to the laws of tho State pf Nebraska. The-name of the corporation Is L A N D 1NYESTSioux City A. Z. A. chapter MEN.Tsr;iN£T.t -with its principal place ot business in Omaha, Nebraswas represented at the conven- ka. The 0bject8 for Which this cortion held.last week-end In Oma-poration, is'formed are: To maintain ha, and Sioux City was-named as and operate a general real estate and the meeting place for the winter In vestment,, business, -and to that end among other things • to deal in u*Hr convention this year. •< •_•.. • erally. ,'aeg.ulr'eV" encumber, develop, " Among the Sioux Cityans who and construct any and all real and attended, were Myron Heeger, personal property, either directly or Bernard Rosenttial, Cecil Pill, thtoilgh ownership of stock to any

A. Z. A. Members Attend Conclave

Rosh Hashonah Greetings '"t^

or association; to Eugene. Sherman, Walter Wos- other corporation in a general investment and koff, Meyer Schaeffer, Sid Shap- engage security business and to that end iro. Morris Mirfcen, Herman Ru- among, other thing to purchase, sen, bin and Lawrence Mushkip. hold, pledgb guarantee or otherwise deal in any fiecurlttea and ovidtiicsa of, Indebtedness, aHS to jmrcasse; feell, tS)lV» tS)V» and eencumbs? • ' The board • of , directors of theof honor at daily parties during guiranteb, feell, Bhaiea h e a of the capital caital StocU , ot aw . Shaare Zlon Ladies Auxiliary will the past two weeks.; . • corporation &tii to and ficqulfo oil-leases, franchises; tatsnta t6 own, i meet this afternoon at. 2 o'clock f h i and s e soperate atents and t6 The wn Commin tHS fearoe. in the home of Mrs. Nate Goldua. At a luncheon given August age pany shall have authority to borrow Mrs. Meyer Shubb will preside. 31 in the West hotel, by Mrs. and issue evidences of indebtPlans will be discussed for the A. Levich, the approaching wad- edness therefor. The total authorized opening 'mfeeting which will be a ding date of Miss Ina Lea KroloM capital stock is $50,000.00. par value per share, .all stock Common, "Housekeeper's Breakfast," and to Irving Levich, was announced $100.00 and shall be fully paid and nonto which all members of the local as November 6. Seventy-three assessable when issued. The corporaJewish Women's groups will be guests attended the luncheon and tion , shall commence business. upon spent the afternoon at bridge. tho filing of its Articles with the Invited. Clerk of Douglas County, and Among the guests from away County shall continue until January 1st, 1389. were Mrs. Bernstein, Mrs. AltThe highest amount of Indebtedness man; Mrs". Rlmmerman and son,shall not exceed two-thirds, of • the Marvin, Mrs. Albertson and Miss capital stock. •: This restriction shall not, apply to Indebtedness secured by "Work will be started next week Evelyn Green, -all of Omaha. The number of members in 'the Jewish Community Center Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Le-ot the Board shall be provided for by redeclarations, to get the Center vich entertained 35 guests in her the • By-Laws, which Board shall adready for the fail season'6f,club hoine, again, honoring her son's minister, the affairs of the corporaThe stockholders shall hold work - and social activities. fiancee, Miss Kroloff; • ,:. ' tion..- annual meeting the first TuesThe Community Center is in- Wednesday afternoon, a group their day of February of each year and terested in organizing groups of friends gave a "no hostess' elect Directors. The Directors shall into social clubs which will be luncheon in the Sioux Tea shop, elect a President, Vice-Presldflnt, and Treasurer. Tho Articles represented on the Youth Couhr honoring Miss KroloM. The aft-Secretary may be amended upon notice as procil here. Any groups of young ernoon was spent at bridge. vided for.-The corporation shall have people wishing, to organize, are a seal '-.'.•' June 23rd, 1355, afiked to get In touch with Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohen of Min- Dated THEODORE ~ W . 1IETCALFE, Dorothy. Merlin a t - t h e Center. neapolis visited relatives in Sioux DONALD BRODKEY. Three new groups were started City this week while on a wed- 8-19-38-4t. last week. • • • ; •. ding trip. Among 'the Sioux LEON & WHITE, Attorneys. Ityans who attended their'wed504-10 City National Bank Bldg. ding last week in Minneapolis, were Miss Esther Marsh, Mr. and NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF McKEE CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. "Mrs. Joe Marsh, and daughter. Notice la hereby given that a CorSeat reservations for the Holiporation-has been formed under the day services at Shaare Zion synaMr. and Mrs.; Frank Margolin laws' of the State -of. Nebraska. The gogue will be in the hands of EH spent last week-end visiting with name of the Corporation Is McKEE Roblnow and Lester Heeger, and relatives and friends in Marshall- CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC. Its principal place of business Is Omaha, the reservations will open at 10 town and Des Moines. Douglas County, Nebraska, o'clock this Sunday morning, at Tho general nature of the- business the synagogue. Miss Bee Levitsky-visited with, to be transacted by the Corporation is own, hold, sell, conThe Sunday school will have friends in. Omaha last week-end. • vey,to purchase, assign, lease, mortgage and ita opening session this Sunday transfer real estate and personal afc ,10 o'clock, and children who Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rosen and property wherever situated; to buy, have riot already" registered may son, Eugene, of Sioux Falls, vis- sell, own,'assign, transfer, and mortbonds; securities^ and stock in do so" at that time. , .-•.' ited last week In Sioux City with gage other corporations; to draw, make, Tho faculty will. Include Mrs.- relatives- . ' •' • '• - ; execute, accept, endorse and Issue Herman Licht,. superintendent; promissory- notes, mortgages, drafts, Miss Rosena Sacks, dramatic Miss Fannie Kutcher, who has bills of. exchange and other negotiable, instruments; "to ' borrow money; coach; Miss Marion Shlloff, reg- been making her home in Sioux to engage' the business of general istrar, and. the -following teach- ity, departed Sunday for Brook- contractingInfor the construction, reers, Mrs. L. • Klass, Shirley Fein, lyn, New York, where she will pairing: and remodeling of homes, buildings, garages, public works of Esther Eirlnberg, Anna Herman, ive. , ' all kinds; and generally all work inRose Sperling, Morris Alzenberg,' cident to the erection, construction Arnold Baron and Calmon LeMrs. j . H. Mosow and chil- and repairing of buildings. and dwellvlch. •. -• ing places; to engage in the business dren. Jack and Betty, returned buying-,- Belling, and manufacturing this week from, Colorado Springs, of of Inselbrle building materials, and where they spent their; vacation. any and all kinds of appliances, ma-

' '"

• '•'••'••••'


ki..- ;








In Our

New Y



Shaare Zidn

terals and apparatus used in the conMls3 Rose Sperling visited with struction, repairing, furnishing and of- buildings, roads, and friends in Minneapolis last week- remodeling > of all kinds; to act as a end. >roker, agent or. salesman for others 1 Miss Lillian Stein, daughter of in the sale of'any and all kinds of /apparatus and materials Mr. and Mrs. R..Stein, 1117 Miss Miriam Blank, Sioux •appliances, In the -construction, repairing, Court, will become the bride of apartments, departed this week used urnlshlng-.. and of bulldMorris Goldberg, son of Mr. andfor Milwaukee; where she will ngs, roads andremodeling public works of all Mrs. J. Goldberg, of Sioux City, visit with her sister. kinds; to do anything necessary; proper or convenient for or Incidental this ' Sunday .afternoon "at 3 to the' carrying: out of the powers or o'clock. The ceremony, at which Sioux Cityans, who spent last purposes herein mentioned.. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will of- week-end in Des Moines, were The total authorized capital stock ficiate, will take place In -theMiss Libbie Dervin and Miss Jean of the corporation shall be 515,000.00, home of the bride's parents, and Shindler. divided Into one hundred fifty shares x. " of the par value of One hundred dolin the presence of the immediate ars each. Said capital stock shall be relatives. Miss Esther Rivin departed fully paid for and non-assessable when Issued, and may be paid for In Tho bride will wear a costume last week for Des. Moines,. where notes or property, real or persuit of Dubonnet, trimmed In she will be . associated with the cash, sonal, tangible or Intangible, at the lynx fur, with Dubonnet acces- Sally Frocks company. reasonable value thereof. Twentysories. • She will wear a corsage ive shares of the capital Etock of corporation, shall be paid for beof ssrdenias. Miss Lucille GoldM i s s Charlotte Borshevsky his ore this corporation shall commence berg, sister of the groom, will at- left this week for her home In business. The corporation shall comtend her. She.will wear a street Chicago, after spending a two- mence business on August 22, 1938, frock' of teal blue, with Dubon- week vacation here with her par-and shall continue for a period of fifty, years from date thereof. The net accessories. Mr..Dan Stein, ents. highest amount of indebtedness to b?othor of the bride, v/ill act as wnlch this corporation may at any groom's man.:." . , Jerry PHI left Monday for Chi-time-mibject Itself shall ,not esceea Jlr.. and' Mrs. Stein will hold cago, where he will continue his two-third of ts-capital stock. affairs of this corporation shall open hoUEse Sunday evening from studies at the Kent Law school. lieThe conducted by a Board of Bfrectors G:30 to S:30. honoring the bridal consisting of not less than two nor couple. Miss Mary Rozofsky visited more than five members. After a twa-v/eek wedding trip, with friends In Omaha last weekSAMUEL H. LAICIN. ' MAX SASLATV. nd. £Jr. Goldberg and his bride will IN PRESENCE OF: .make their home in sious City. GERTRUDE KOGAN. Stein has been the guest Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherman -2-38-4t.


Through the Columns of

Auxiliary Plans Opening- Meeting-





Your greeting problem is solved by

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Mr. and Mr«. their friends both f«.r inel se&r A Happy a s J Prospetois* ^Kew Year. Mr. Mrm A family estenc! to their frieacSs sincere wistes for a ^Jappy Ne-wr Year.

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