, Having Pnn , Some of the letters I get, from .readers suggest that Jews may be losing, their sense of humor-which u be a dreadful loss, indeed, Entered as Second Class. Mail Matter on January 31. 1831. at * on.iop of everything else.- In- sense OMAHA, NEBBASK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1938 Postofflce. of^ Omaha. Nebraska, onder the Act'of March S. 1879 ^otilntmor is lost -what "will be left ..by.'which to • endure the current 1 Pali? V Authorize Questioning HUNGARY CREATES , II,:find. bits of satire which I of GriebJ in Germany PRESS BUREAU bare -meticulously lathed and pol'.iBhed being taken Beriously. "When ' Budapest (JTA) — EstablishNew York (JTA) — A federal • I write (as I did in a recent colment o£ ' a Press Chamber, in court last week gave authority luninX that I could not marry the •which Jewish membership will be for anAmerican commission to .Scotch-Irish girl because, if t did, limited to 20 per cent as prego to Berlin and examine Dr. . there would-be no one' of my gencribed by the law establishing a Ignatz T. Griebl, former United numercs clansus for Jews in the f erationa to "carry on in the Isaac States army medical officer, who . M., Wise Temple," an indignant nation's economic life, was defled to the Reich during an. esi Albany, N. Y., man answers: "The creed by the Imredy " cabinet. pionage inquiry. -temple is an empty symbol. If The decree defines the cham.that is all the Jews have to give Rabbi Goldstein Will Give The examination was sought Messages Sent' on Birth- ber's task as to safeguard "the Council to Sponsor Seriss -to the world they inlght better try national spirit and Christian day Anniversary cf By Mrs. Ruth Sis Reviews During by Johanna Hofmann, German •race suicide. Isn't there something morals" In' ^journalisra and the hairdresser, and another defendScholar Winter publishing business. , l>eypnd the templet" ant in the espionage proceedings. , For the same reason a Newark, Beth-El Synagogue Auxiliary Tributes from prominent pubA brisk ticket sale for the Ruth -K»-J.,-citizen.says I am. nothing will open its sixth series of book lic figures, Jewish, and noa-JewNeuhaus lecture series is reportbut a menace to Israel; I don't evenings on November 1st, at the '•'.ted to Dr. Cyrus ish were j ed by Mrs. Manuel Grodinsfey, comprehend in the- least the trae Jewish Community Center. •' As In ^sion of his 75 th chairman of the Council commitAdler or-' /Jpurpose of being a Jew. A Detroit the past. Rabbi David A. Goldtee in charge. >"";* ^sentatiea. took bi^t^'* o lady takes me to task. ., at his summer "Newspaper stories and radio Oh, Imnse, what Is the use of stein will present six reviews Hole, Mass., last reports of the European situation during the winter. tryfijgr to be funny among JewB in >A«°"^3#* iiernoon. as it hocrlr becomes more critiThe first book to be reviewed these times? How my poor old >*".". fe< ..^''tlis Nebraskans reprecal have greatly heightened the • eyes'iwinHed-as I wrote about my will be "The Yearling" by M. K. interest of Omaha TOTE en in Mrs. ..'"''-.^ti' were _ Rabbis Frederick •appTehensions concerning the fu- Rawlings. On Norember 22nd, Nechaas* 'World Affairs" lec- onn, David A. Goldstein and ture oCJsaac M. Wise Temple if I Rabbi Goldstein.;""."will"•"'."reviewtures," Mrs. Grodiusky stated. f David H. Wice. Scotch-Irislrgtrl! How "Hearken Unto the'-"Voice"" by I Rabbi Cohn said: "May I join Mrs. KectE.us Trill meet with g clicked in my cheek! Franz Werfel. the host-of those who are honor- Colonists Informed of Plant Mrs. Grosiinsky and her co-chairFascist Press Threatens must not abandon my "Savage Symphony" by Eva I ng themselves by honoring the men, Mrs. Harold Farber and KHI Ten of. the Reprisal If Plan missionary to the Lips, and. "The Savage Hits function Mrs. Edwin Brofikey, and. with distinguished leader of American Attackers Jews. (Some, one will at once say. Back" by Julius Lips, will be Carried Out Oh, he's a missionary! A goy analyzed on. December .,<?th. and trying: 1Q convert-us!) -Yes.tJ shall "And Tell of Time"' by Laura London (WNS) — Brushing continue to be a. missionary -who Krey on January 13th. aside threats of reprisals against Breaches that the sigh and the On January l?th, Rabbi Gold- Italian Jews if Jews abroad emgroan are not the sole expres- stein will review "Andrew Jack- barked on a boycott of Italian sions of Jewish life. If I keep it Bonn." by Marquis James, the goods and shipping, the Jewish 'up' I may yet strike a spark ot Pulitzer prize of 1938, and on Peoples Council Against Fascism laughter In the heart of a Jew. February 7th, "Joseph in .Egypt" and Anti-Semitism, took step3 to launch an anti-Italian boycott Laughter is what Jews need now by Thomas Mann. when it adopted a resolution de« »vr.efreshjng abdominal laughter Tickets may be secured trom claring that "in the event the • V* All the other'oral and type- either Mrs. Dave Sherman or writer'prophets of Israel are giv- Mrs. Morris Katleman, co-chair- Italian government pursues its present course, boycotting of ing out groans and lamentations. man of the series. Italian goods is the only method There ought to be at least one to implement protest." "dowa. amcng us to pull Hitler's The Council made it clear, forelock instead of bashing him however, that it would not begin -with "a--cliib (which doesn't seem a b boycott alone, l ddeclaring l " S \6 hart Jilnr) | to poke Israel's big a step will be taken in conjunc:mta-to'the ribs and stick pins in tion with other Jewish bodies, to • them, to blow beans at the stained which end the Council is taking glass windows of temples. I shall appropriate steps." It is underbeTthe clown. stood that the Board of Deputies .; Still I-: can not altogether deof British Jews is being consultspair, of iBrael,. since hearing ed. abbnt.bright-eyed Mr. OppenheimThe first actual boycott ot . «jr who could laugh even in GerItalian goods was credited to the many,, Who doesn't knew what's happened to Mr. Oppenheimer in Italian Jews in Turkey Federated Burial society, which instructed its members that the Germanil The only thing that'3 Dismissed from use of Italian marble in Jewish keeping him there is the fact that Positions cemeteries is forbidden aiter Sepha-hasn't any money -with which tember 9 "until the inhuman perto>' get : out. Mr. Oppenheimer has Rome- (JTA)—The Governnothing left to- do in Germany ment will provide special elemen- secution of the Jewish people in Italy ceases." Reports reaching eave -to" read." tary schools for Jewish children here from Cairo and Alexandria •^Well, -one day recently Mr. Op- who are barred, under the recent state that the 10,000 Italian Jews ,-penhelmer was strolling in the anti-Jewish decrees,.from attend- in Egypt, who have been ultraHamburg:zoo with a bundle of pa- ing the regular schools. The Fascist in their sympathies, are pers and magazines under his arm. schools will be operated at Gov- preparing to boycott Italian merFrpny-Ume to- -time' Mr. Oppen- ernment expense, it was stated, chandise. hefener aa.%' down to read;' tired and will start operation immeof reading, he walked from cage diately after theJ?ali^opening ofld ca^3jDo£t ~to"-t»fte4.i%rtic'ulatJy Mr.~-Opj>enr-- t£e public scttoois. '• • ' '"' New York (WNS)—Extension helmer was' fond of the tigers; Gaizetta del Popolo of Turin theyj. ieemcd, nuch gentle beasts asserted, that the Fascist Grand ot the anti-Nazi boycott to Italy *taW» the savagery he had soon, ia Council, a t its, October 1 meeting is now being <onsidere4 by the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nasi league, Cefinariy; .: . would not'limit'its examination American Jewish Congress tBdfisibly ihe tigers are so gen- of the "racial problem" entirely the and the.Jewish Labor Committee, tle, b'ecause they are not- Aryans, to the Jewa but would consider it the being affiliated in the (since -they, come from Asia), from the viewpoint of an im- Jointlatter Boycott Council. The govperial nation governing peoples mused Mr. Oppenheimer chuckling -of different races." Accordlng-ta erning bodies of all three groups gently. • examining the Question and ^•?ThU8, as he*.walked, he cam© the. newspaper, the Council will are expected to reach a definite : ripon Mr. Strauss.'For the same take measures ol a general con- are this week. Some leaders • reason that Mr. Oppenheimer was stitutional character affecting all decision these groups, however, are loud, of tigcra, Mr. Strauss went the._race3 in the Italian Empire. of known to be. against an Italian .. tor the-zoo to look at the hyena. Special measures,- the paper add- boycott. Among them is B. Char, Tie hyena's eyes were not as bale- ed, will be taken with regard to ney Vladeck, chairman of the Italian-born Jews. ful as.the storm troopers'. morning, Mr. OppenLa Stampa, also of Turin, pre- Jewish Labor Committee. exclalmed Mr. Strauss, dicted that the Council would Rome (WNS) — The Giornale b u t the next moment Mr. Strauss' consider the Jewish question as a d'ltalia, commenting- on reported friendliness congealed almost- to whole, and would fix in "unmis- plans for an anti-Italian boycott, takable fashion" the precise posi- warned that "the .fate of Italian , you reading these tion of the Jewish element in Hebrews is still in the balance,, "You things!" . . Mr. Strauss was Italian national life and draw the but It is certain that if .Hebrews pointing to the bundle ot papers precise limits of Jewish activities of two worlds mix themselves In in the economic and intellectual unadvised gestures, the situation under Mr. Oppenbelmer's- arm "Yttu!" . » • He had observed that lite of the country. The paper of Italian Hebrews might become thfr papers were anti-Semitic. Most demanded the dismissal. of Jew-J rather serious." La. Tribune prominent, among them, was ish civil servants in Turin* voiced a similar threat, asserting Sti-eicher's Stuermer.' "foreign synagogues' decisions •VYesV* twinkled Mr. Oppen- Italian Jews in Turkey Alarmed will never modify Fascist govern. Istanbul (JTA)—Italian Jews ment policies. A. realization of heimer, "this is what I read." • :"You!-An Oppenheimer reading living in Turkey are anxious lest the threat, will render the situathl»! An Oppen-heimer should read they lose their citizenship. Of the tion " of the Italian Jews most 6 0 0 families n u m b e r i n g grave." Jewish papera only." W " : answered Mr. Oppen- 2,000 persons, 800 of the people heimer, '. "it's.' this way. When I are former, citizens of Austria* .'read the Jewish papers what do Turkey and elsewhere who were Pvfind? I read about Jews:being granted Italian citizenship en naogryand about Jews being even masse by special .decree after, the of the Lausanne .Treaty too, POOF* to "buy-a-pot tb'.cbok.in signing 1923. While the Italian antlmod7 about Jews being reduced to in. Jewish. decree mentions only Jews , nothing 'in Italy and about Jews living In Italy, Libya and the Sunday, September. 18, will being .disfranchised in Rumania, to Dodecanese nevertheless.! again be. a-day for registration .•ay- Jiothing about Jews, in. Ger- the fate of-Islands, naturalized Italian for the Beth El Sabbath school
E&rly Deadline
other leaders of the Council of Jewish Women, ca Saturday, to Jerusalem ' (JTA) — Jewish discuss final plans for the series settlers last -week ambushed an of five lectures which starts on Arab band approaching their col- October 12. The talks will be in the 10 th floor auditorionly to launch an attack, killing given um of the Brandeis store on Wed10 bandsmen and wounding four nesday mornings at 10 a. m. others, as disorders in other The complete committee, just parts of the country took the announced by Mrs. Grodinsky. is lives of four British soldiers, composed of the following Council members: three Jews and four Arabs. Mesdames Ben Shapiro, Max Lloyd Triestino Line t o The colonists, informed- in ad- Guttman, our hope and prayer that he may vance Moe Katleman, Jack Dismiss All raiders" plans, at- Cohen, Phillip Levey, Ben Kailive for many more years in' tacked ofthethe Employes band as It approached lowsky, Georg© Spitzer, A. D. health, strength, and happiness to the Maoz settlement near Beisan, Frank, J. Soloman, Max Holzman, round out with perfect triumph Boston (WNS) — Guido Segre, M. Shapiro, a career that has been so notable not far from the Transjordan Sidney Epstein, and so noble. 'May the path of frontier. No Jewish casualties Archie Jacobs. Abe Venger, H. for the last three years Italy's reported. It was the first Greenberg, I. Levin, David Sher- consul-general in Boston, hae the just be as the shining light were within raeraory that Jewish man, H. J. Newman, Harry Shn- been recalled because he's a Jew. | that shines the more and more time colonists t o o k the offensive mow, J. E." Rubin, Harold Pol-. Segre, who is a member ot one ol j into the perfect day.*" against a marauding Arab band. lack, Bernard Wolf, Peter Green- th e leading Italian-Jewish fam- ,' Rabbi Goldstein's Message A 20-year-old Jew, -who came berg, Pfcil Gilinsky, "A, Greenspan, ilies, was former!:' director-gen- [ In his message Rabbi Goldstein eral of economic affairs in the j wrote: "I am happy to join the here three months ago from Ye- Sain Appleman. Italian Foreign Kinistry. Segre's j host of grateful frieads and ad- men, was killed by three Arabs Also Mesu&mes Harry Frankel, mirers ot Dr. Cyrus Adler in the who entered a grove near Behad- Louis Kulakofsky, Manning Han- recall is part of the sweeping ex- j celebration of his 75th birthday: raga in the vicinity of Relioboth. dler, Morris Stalmaster. Harry tension of the anti-Jewish policy j ••»-There are few men who have A 26-year-old wireless -operator TrustiE, Ernie Nogg:,, Dave Bialae, to the diplomatic and consulsr j | given so much, to Jewisi life as Jew wounded in Tiberias died A. H. Brodkey, Herman Kullj", corps. it oi has Dr. Adler. We are thankful while his wife was giving birth". Elmer Gross,-Lou" Sogolow, Sam The soldiers were killed when Swsrts, William Lazaer, Sam Rome (WNS) — The Lloyd j "r for and gratefully adialre his 10, the Italian steamship j r>; e - , , whole-hearted consecration to a mine exploded cnder an armor- •Wolf, I. Zeigzaan, Joe Greenberg, ed car patrolling, the northern Mickey Krcpp, Sam Teper, I. I. line that became rich carrying ti< the Jewish cause. . . . "Not only has he given of him- frontier. Two Arabs believed to Salzman, -tv. Rosenberg, Bennett Jewish passengers to Palestine, jp self unreservedly to the cause of have been informers were shot CohK, • Artfcur Goldstein, Moe has dismissed all its Jewish em- pj Jewish leadership In the practi- dead in tbe Old City qcarter of Venger, Koe Bercorid, Clarence ployes. It is also stated that the ^ , line's ships have closed tbeir' P | cal world, but he has also con- Jerusalem. Two Arab bandsmen Bergman. synagogues. j \u tributed wonderfully to the ad- were killed during an attack on vancement of Torah. Jewish the' RamaUah police station. Jaffa Under Curfew ork (WNS)—A scholarship owes him a great debt T5ae bandit-infested Arab port] King Victor Em&nnel to i fo? the.assistance, $sd, .eacssragein'be-half t?f the .Tevrs of I -zB£st-Is0.-Jsas--gIVea-ia- tfccsS who' rify.jD*- Jaffa was placed uader conveyed to the inon ' l have devoted their lives to the curfew until further notice, and UhflKU ft open letter addressee?. 'searching in and expounding of heavy reisforcetaents of British \ r rr troops and police were sent to the Prof. Enrico Glieensij Torah." enforce the curfew. All I sculptor, ybo 'ivec*. ii "We pray to God that we will city toclosed their Jaffa branches •more than SO rears. have his presence with us for banks and moved their money and docuin Kadear, Hebrew v many more years to come. The ments to the neighboring all-Jewletter recalls that ir,. Beth El Synagogue of Omaha and ish, city of Tel Aviv. Haifa and Mr. Harry Mendelson. periodic Q admired C the Jewish community join me in the Old City quarter of Jerusalem contributor to Toe Jev-isk. Press. ting statue felicitating Dr. Adler and wishing were also placed under curfew. &n was informed this vreelc br the, i him many more years of service." Jewish Advocate, weefcly Jewish the ir Er."c a trip c r For several hours Jaffa -was at L Rabbi "Wice wrote: "May I add paper of Boston snfi vicinity, that my humble word of esteem for the mercy of terrorist bands. it has accepted for publication bis>j Four .Arabs walked into the Centhe character and . work of Dr. translation . of a long Yiddish E Adler. His name is a byword tral Police station, tied up two story, "The Psychotic vjth the brew fe~o r c - ' r i wherever J e w i s h activity is watchmen wbo were tbe sole oc- Pbyllacteries."' by. Lubin, which is erlanc = i-eei i ~ thought of in universal terms. cupants of the building and to appear in its New Tear edition was «--eao - - P~Pbo*»e May Israel be blessed with his walked out with 30 police rifles, or in the subsequent two isE-.es. ff Fale un four revolvers and considerable Jewish, ntuon £ labors for years to come!" Abort a calf year ago the Faroe am in unities. weekly reprinted . an article o£ lookedr ft •> oir ' r Troops occupied the northern Mendelson, "Hays of Light in the first "'nr!<='- o * ' serioi = n neri 'o frontier villages of BE_ssa an<2 Sib Darkness of Poland," which lirst ism, I am sure-tha as a punitive measure for the "?he Press. in line •? »th the j , killing of the British soldiers. appeared in tradi'ior of \be Three more soldiers were wounded when a military railway trolley on which they were rieiEg struck a land mine near Kalkillia and was demolished. Three Jews f r F I T rr> were believed to be in the hanfis Budapest <' of kidnapers after iaving been group o£ u -r Sabbi David A. Goldstein and missing four days. to leave OP Cantor Aaron Edgar will conduct TTcrking very cuietly yet ef- Jews United States Consul General. ficiently South." Omaha Jewry bss nouncement o memorial services at the" Beth Hamedrosh. Hagodel cemetery on George H. Wadswortb visited t t e collected $5 60 whicli is enough cree have arn Sunday at 2:30 p. in. The serv- Jewish colony of Baanana, found- to 'cafe for the training of or.e ing ISO fam ice is being sponsored by the Beth ed in 1922 by American Zionists, child from e. European country 5 50 people, t' former Knr.g Hamedrosh Hagodel Cemetery so- and spent an hour and a half dis- and the transfer into Palestine. their families cussing security and other probciety. This fine piece of work was Italy durin In case of rain the services will lems with its leaders. The colony made possible through the efforts in ing captured. be held the following Sunday at is a few miles northeast of Tel Aviv. Four additional police sta- of Kr. Goodsm-a Meyerson end 11 a. m. , have- been established in Mr. Karry Dworsky. This was Many improvements have been tionsdangerous Tel Aviv-Jaffa bor- collected ll linger the jurisdictioij ftCCIJUs made during this past 'summer the der area. A total of 320 new Jew- of tne Omaha Cbapter of Hafias- U and members of tb& Improvement ish were sworn s&h of wbjch Mrs. Jclius Stein p f ' i p O organization have beea urged to in atsupernumeraries Tel Aviv. is Youth Aliyab- Chs!rinE.n. Krs. 11 Lryit'W attend. All graves .have been Offer to BaiM Jail " Joe G-el-dware also assisted in the • at the Jewish Community Center. fixed and tombstones straightKayor Israel Rokacb. of Tel South .Omaha drive. A committee will receive registra- ened. j At a prelim;! tions at the Center from 10 until Mr. Mendelsoa will be at the Aviv was empowered by tbe Muj iite Needlework cemetery all day to gaide families nicipal Council urgently to renew 12. o'clock. September 1 £ n to graves sad conduct individual demands that the district commisParents must accompany their prayers f sioner transfer al! Je-«-isn prisonhotel ii. v:a~- ti?rl for those who wish. it. children when they are regisers • lodged in tbe jail of the Gr-therir.E:" wor.l tered. The first session of the neighboring Arab city of Jaffa to fober ~6, £7 anc school will take place on SaturTel Aviv, offering a building as a Congregationa' < day morning, September 24. temporary jail. Tel Aviv, alMrs. E. A. Si For the convenience of thopc though its population is the larg- •who -wish to obtain tickets for the president and iCr est in Palestine, bas no jail. •*s D e a t h Censorship on all cables and High Holidays, the. office of the is s. inefliher of on Solicitation v-i B'nai Israel synagogue, EightThe following resolution was telegrams to newspapers and eestE anfi Chicago tsreets. will be by- members of. it passed by the Midwest Distric news agencies outside of Pales- open eveninjrs,- 7 to. S .p. in., on are looking to Committee of the Workmen's tine vrs.s re-imposed by .the au- Sunday, Monday, Tuesdsy, Wed- spouse. thorities. Local newspapers are nesfiay-and-Thursday. • The Jewish public of Omaha Circle: permitted to print only, official The Midwest District Commit- communiques Tboss who wish to have the and the surrounding communities on tne current dis- same seatE'ss ^ last rear ere t;rj ed have beea invited by the B'nai tee of the Workmen's Circle are orders. to get their' tickets as soon deeply shocked at the tragic end Jacob Synagogue, 24th and Nichss Train service between Jaffa possible. olas streets, to hear Cantor S. of part of our Omaha delegation and Jerusalem was halted and in. the loss of oar frfenci, Mrs. Seli'co'th services vrin be Miller. Cantor Miller will conon a cumber- of other Saturday at midnight. duct the Selicoth service, Satur- Sam Lipp. "We extend oar heart- service felt sympathy and condolences to lines was partially snsneaded beCantor A. Schwaczkin £.nd the day evening at 12 o'clock. cause of uncnecteS sabotage rechoir will, officiate £.13 the Eicb ! held Tickets for seats tor the High her fatally. sulting ia numerous We hope and wish a rapid reHo'ISer ESPTICCE. Es.fct)| Miiioni Holidays may now be secured at covery to our dear brothers and "V TT~ -T A. Kopstels -will fieliver tbe Ecr- i the B'nai Jacob Synagogue. Refuses Congress Bid mons, ! Joseph Adler- Is synagogue sisters, Mrs. A. Forman, Mr. A. Alexandria fJTA) — Premier Fonnan and Mr. Sain I»ipp. president. Mohammed Mahsa'on-d Pasts Midwest District Committee, turned do-sni a request t y a PalS M. SHILOFF, Arab delegation beaded b r Secretary. estine the exiled Anns Bey. Abdul Hadi that tbe Egyptian £°ve—jment be BETH EL SERVICES officially represented at the PanArab Congress scheduled to open The Cnevrso B'nsi Yisroel Synr ggTj of C i Bluffs.has es START THIS EVENING in Cairo on October ?. Counci Bluffs.has estended an'' invitation to hear the i The first late SakSath-eve EervReverent Morris Volovick, noted ices of the yesr trill be held at of TTiEterti-^r, B blind cantor of Philadelphia, who the Beth-J31 synagogue this evewill • officiata at the service Fri- ning at the Jewish Ccsuaunity- master of Strasbarg dcrins t h e Black Deatb, was hounded day evening and Saturday morn- Center. office s-Ed persecuted because be ing, at the synagogue. I Cantor Aaron Edgar trill lead defended the Jevrs fros the j . He will chant the Selicoth serv- the' service and R&bM .Bavid A." charge they bad bee~ --=v«_ . ice-Saturday night'at 12 o'clock. Goldstein will preach the eensoa. for the outbreak. Israel and "World Jewry—Dr. Cyrus Adler, on the occasion of his 75th birthday anniversiay? Dr. Adler has long been a household name in Israel, associated as he has been for over half a century, with the most important institutions and organizations in Jewish life. He is an institution in himself, and his long, faithful unswerving and efficient service is worthy of the widest recognition and public gratitude. It is
ration for Beth El SabbatK School on Sunday
it's' all trerible news,' •Mrv-'StrauBs 'agrees. "That's -why
IJllkk. to look.at the kindly hy-
Jews living abroad is not dear.. It is reported that Italian institutions in Turkey have been discreetly " instructed to dismiss Jewish, employes. This is denied by the head of the Fascists in Turkey, as well as the Italian Consulate, which itself has four high Jewish officials. The"dismissal of Jews of Turkish nationality from Italian enterprises' here is not ..believed likely since the Turkish Government would not tolerate interference with its principle of religious equality.
£ "fiirti"* Mr. Oppenheimer went on,'"what do-1 read in the anticteiRlUc papers? l a Der Stuermer lidfeesoyer that the Jews have all the money. I t tells me that I may be a great international banker in disguise- I read that the Jews practically run the world, Oh, Mr. Strauss,/this is all such comforting Hews. Tomorrow I may get L from my house, since i?en*trthe rent money, but l" say, Mp, Ho, this may be only 3 dream of mine. Doesn't Streicher say we ttive all the money? Good. Mr. glrelche'r! He-ia a "great'comfort to the Jewish spirit What do Jewish editora do for me? . . . The Jewish National Worker's led*,. Mr. strausa, it Bays here tljat the Jevrs control ail the food Alliance, Poall Zion, will hold a ik., the world a».d even the tish. literary and musical evening, Sunday,, September 18, :at 8:3p nnder the seas!" • "Mr. Ojipenheimervsat down,.:un- p. m. at the Jewish'Community . Xolled an anti-Semitic paper, gave Center. Mr, Herman MirowUz,- well^ * a comfortable chuckle' as he v headline: "Jews-Own All known singer, will present several selections. A string orchestra toe Goia and Silver." - - '
©risers Alliance io>'Hold CulturalMeeting on Sunday
-t 3fe8, when there is still one hu< Btorous philosopher like Mr- Op penheimer left, the situation is Bot. hopeless, I guess; though I •well know that chortly I will get a letter that~ will read something like this: "Your" OppenheimerStrauES story"wg,s perfectly outra geouB. It will servo only to en-(Continued-rOn. r. page- S )."
will play classical music . An analysis of the present world Jewish situation and Palestine win be discussed. The drawing for the electric percola-r tor will "also take place. ., Morris MInkin is chairman for the evening.
In 1503 David Nahmlas estab^ lished the first printing off ice in Constantinople.
Lead Teacher's Institute
Next Friday the "Jewish Press" will isst?.e its annual New Tear's efiitioc. Because of the exceptional size of this issue, it will be necessary to go An institute l o r to press two days earlier than is usual for the weekly edi- i be held Mend?' tion. ! under the dire. All nev;s items must be Marcus, pro;>=>= phoned, or sent into the office of the ".Tevisb Press" not tor? at the Ti later than 5 o'clock Monday, lege ot Cineinr, September IS. On Veilne*
Canfcoi* Miller to Conduct Service ". at B'nai-Jacob
to.- Sing-' in' Bluffs
WorJkm©n*s - Circle • Passes
Tickets ArsiIa.blG for B n&i Israel Service
tame A True Story; The following true story was written, by a 17-year-old Jew-' _ ish. gii"l, a refuge© from Ger^ m a n j , ivho Is now living in a -^co-operative agricnltaral col« ~bny in Palestine. iFor obvious , reasons her name and the name of'her comrades have had to ,be changed. This courageous . youngster and 2300 others Alike her." have been transferred to Palestine by the Youth-AI1. yah, movement from Germany, Poland and Austria.—The Editor. , •
Two years have passed since
a cattle dealer, i'ad - taught the boy an invaluable, /«Wd of. nature lore. He became "ai expert stock breeder; he loved tbe^soil and had a knack for making things grow* By the tlrne Hans was ready to come to our cooperative, he was the acknowledged leader v: of bur group. w ' : .-.'•: Karl From Munich" "'^ Then there is TCarl,' who'llved in Munich and loved ^ the m u seums and art galleries thcter he was going to be an artist. 'One night his father's commission house was raided and the-shock so tormented the poor' fnan that he took" to gambling. Finally; he disappeared. Karl and the rest<ot the family fled to Frances But before long their resourfeea gave out- and they became ehargea^bn the- French community; - "•: •-:.': , Karl was desperate until' he heard of Youth -Aliyah. Once in camp, he adapted himself. quickly to group living. He is one of the most courageous an-i sealous of our pioneering group.'H6" will go with us to break n e w soil when, our two years of training completed, we go out to build our own settlement. Nor can I ever forget Sophie, who was born- in Poland.'In 1920 and brought up in Breslau by her poor and very orthodox' parents. Yehudlth, her younger sister, was born in 1921. The family managed to make both ends meet: until the coming of Hitler. Then, in 1933, they were suddenly expelled. Penniless and beaten, the whole family wandered to Paris. The father was unable to make a living so the Committee, for Refugees suggested' he take his brood back to the Polish community from which he had come. They went, but In Poland :• thirteen years had brought changes! What had once been home "was now a hostile place. Sophie's father was unable to establish himself and once more the family broke up; this time the father went to Trieste and the "mother and' children went to another Polish village.
Sophie Goes to -Palestine V: The.: VYouth Aliyah bureau agreed to take--Sophia and prepare her for- a life of labor in Palestine. But • our little Sophie •had been so intimidated by the brutality of--her poverty and the .uncertainty. of her life, that she became backward and afraid. A peculiar hysteria made her shrink fr^m/contact withTchlldren of her own agel:'"^- Z ... ;„ -• v * Becau^'s'ne had had to change herr.ianguage so often, Sophie developed a stutter which forced her even more "deeply Into herself. ^Meanwhile, her younger sis-iter* Tehudlth. who had known almost hob stable environment was also tak"eh Info the Youth Aliyah group, .and; "before' long the children*.began'-- to unfold. With xe.newed mental 'and -physical health they were able to go to Palestine. Sophie is not yet integrated among us; but she will be. She must be. We shall care for her as though she. were our own sister. Sophie shall be well. We have all
j 'thaf day when mother and I } , heard little Joseph - crying. He ,- was the only boy in ^the family and we were all too fond of him. That-was why mother said, "Let -him . cry; he has probably -bumped his head again and we - must not spoil him." But Joseph •was- weeping BO bitterly out In the yard that both.of us rushed 'down'in spite of our good resolves to see who had hurt him. A w o r n i t . •-• ' • . • • ' } . - -" I-will'never forget his wet liti In our cooperative the white tle face as he complained: " . . huts are "set wide apart. From "why'won't they let mo play with this window I can see the comthem"? "Why do they beat me? rj rades coming in from the fields. Why do they call me judenjunge? I hear them calling to each other I am the best runner, the best in the dusk. One by one the iof all . . . " lights go' oa in the rooms where "- ;Yes, little Joseph, you were the. Hav-erin sit studying. Off in 'the best runner, but they beat you the distance! can hear the night .because you were a judenjunge. 'birds screaming. And behind the 'My-brother Is a big boy.now, and gate I can hear the measured ^fie rims and •wrestles .and builds footsteps of the'comrade who is * forts with his friends in Tel Aviv. taking his turn on. the night"He has forgotten and it is good watch in the farmyard. I can see "ihat be should. But I remember the white outline of our Beth because I was, fifteen at the time, Hahlnuch; it is a fine new twoand knew what it meant to he a story building which I helped to judehjunge in Germany. paint last month. .'." "Dogs and Jews Only" The tots realized vaguely that There" Is a wierd sound beinp "they were being wronged because made by a hyena, howl.ing'in the they were Jews; but we older ones wood",' but I ' am not frightened. understood what lay behind the There is peace in this place. We debacle of Jewish life in Gershall make it a real peace, the many. The Nazi persecutions cut only kind that counts. It shall deep into, our hearts. "When we be built of work and study . . . took walks in the parks we were and Justice. confronted with signs which , read, "Dogs and Jews Only;" or(Copyright, 1938, t»y Seven Arts chestras played but-riot--for •us; Feature"Syndicate) • • "'. sports were barred;-so- were the j schools. We longed to"'1OQ& at ; beautiful things and stole into the • museums like thieves to see them. j But we were Jews—rabble; we j were beaten if wo were caught. i . When my Youth Aliyah appli•'•;t-.T! | cation as- approved I felt as if I ;• were,/being,jtorn- in two. I waB ] happy"'on-the one hand because Foreign Flashes ". _ . ; . . . " .Fr«dman of- Jersey City; and such An American 'psychiatrist, hav- ;JWy politicos as John Ruppa of . soon I* would be living with com\ jrades of my own age, studying, ing read the Saturday 'Evening Milwaukee. - Joe • Greenberg of fi Sybrklng Twlth them; feeling young PoBt account of the meeting be- Hobbken, Harry Wengrow of At.again, I, !Whb was only; fifteen. tween Hitler and ScHuschnigg last lanta and'Sam Friedman of Akron ' But On the other hand, I loved winter, has come to the concluson .". . Friedman, incidentally,'i3 the my parents and my little brother that Adolf is on the verge of in- most likely candidate to succeed and sisters; we were like one sanity . . . Well, when he does Worth in 1939 . . . The oratorical . flesh. I could not bear to part crack up he'll only be continuing sensation-of the Detroit conven' from them. My little brother was in the footsteps of one Dr. Guatav tion was Abba Hillel Sliver who noon comforted with a toy I Koainna, who preached all i!b& was^glven a ten-minute ovation brought him; "I shall Join you Nazi doctrines in Germany at the after his-speech . . - . That local in six months," he, said; "you turn of the century—and wound convention committee, headed by shall put up a tent for me and up -in a lunatic asylum . . . We, Sam Leve, credited with the ewellfor one, don't think Adolf has est job we've seen . . . And that buy me a cow . . . " My mother moved about the much farther to go on his road to two-hour parade rates laurels for house silently. She did not cry, insanity, and we doubt that any Otto Silver . . . The Detroit but white streaks appeared, in one can heal the heel Hitler . . .' dailies played down the convenher black hair. Sometimes she The Austrian castle which once tion because JWV had attacked would touch my head and say, "It belonged to the composer Felix" Henry" Ford, who's a sacred cow must be. It is. worse/here, worse Mendelssohn now is being occu- In Autoville . . . Sensation of the than.anxw.here else-in the world. pied by the Gestapo, Leonard: •convention was the Miami delegaLyons reports . . . In one Bavar- tion which came up with live al—ivwant you to go." " ' . Nso'on I found myself sitting in ian town they're thanking God ligators, bathing beauties, Semia t?rain;' my fifteen years were a that a native had the sense to nole Indians and an inexhaustible very slight, solace. My heart was emigrate to America years ago . . . supply of food and drink . . .They burating-with.grief..And yet, un- He's Hiram' Halle, who. made a staged an amazing show in their derneath, I was hopeful. My fath- fortune in oil here, and now is fi- successful bid for the 1939 coner and mother were depressed, nancing the transfer of all 350 in- vention . . . Orchids to Henry Monbut. they knew that I was going to habitants of his native Wilmars to sky, B'nal B'rith prexyf whose prepare a place for myself and Palestine . . . Walter Wlnchell has message to the convention was the perhaps even for them in the Jew- just discovered what all of us only one from a national Jewish have known for. some time, name- organization . . . Worth, the new ish homeland. ly, that it's the anti-British cam- -commander, will surprise lots of • Preparation paign in Palestine which Is behind people with his oratory . . . FidMy sorrow fled when I danced the Duce's imitation of H i t l e r . . . dler Dave Rublnoff, who was on my first Hora in the.dining hall Over In London they're wise-crack- his death bed, had recovered sufof our cooperative..The six weeks ing that it'll take Leslie Hore-Be- ficiently to make his first public of preparation • in the Youth Ali- lisha—now War Minister, and the appearance in months at the conyah camp- taught me how to live creator of the British traffic regu- vention banquet . . . Eugene in a group, the Joy. of being one lation system—to keep Mussolini of Indianapolis was in many. "Our :new comrades from excessive musclin* in on Brit- Schwartz at the convention that loved us—rthe H&verim recalled ish interests in the Near E a s t . . . bragging was the youngest American to their own life in Germany, their To be starred in a French film he enlist" in the A. E. F., claiming he own train rides-and tears. • on the Anschluss called "Sans was 14 when he joined u p ' . ' . . The children stared at us with Patrle" (Without a Country) is The delegate who came' farthest large bright eyes and patted us Nora Gregor, Jewish wife of Aus- .Wad .Michael Inselbuch of Los Ahwhen we were unhappy. It was trian Heimwehr leader Prince gelea. who is blind . . ..He was a good new life. We labored half, Starhemberg, and an exile since shepherded by Harry Weiss of a day and studied the other half. Anschluss .. .'*. The third member Hollywood,post « . . Sidney HerzIt waB hard to learn how to con- of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo com- berg, one- of the two Jewish surserve one's strength under the bine seems to have anti-Semitic vivors of the Civil War, was the burning sun; how to sink one's intentions, toorwe gather from the most sought after man at the ego in the needs of the group.-But news that Japan is registering all convention . . . The doorman at surely no other group in., the Russian Jews in conquered Chi- one of Detroit's swankest restauworld has tried harder than we.. nese territory .'.- .Remember that rants is an Austrian refugee who And will you believe it, the next time you plan the purchase used to own the leading cafe in, most exhilirating joy was the of silk hose . . . : .Vienna;.,.. > He was a star of the right, the freedom to express our Hakoah. soccer team and was in own thoughts, to question, argue Detroit Reporting ,8, ,concentration camp for eight : and take our fill of friendship. If you'll refer to this column weeks". .y ' ' •/I'.-ri jafaie; Is not an-unusual stp.ry;, We're Telling You i Gvexy__&n&:.o% my.comrades,hasfora October 7th; 1987^0,11*11 find • • Governor Herbert H. Lehman of we predicted the electI6n-t>f Isador 'Sitter life behind him, and none New York may not run for the "'ot; us is older than seventeen. S. Worth of Riverside, N. J.-.as Seriate after; all . . , The party There is Hans, for instance, who, national commander of the Jewish wants W m t o run for Governor came from a little Hessian vll- War Veterans in 1938 . -. . His again, against Dewey . . . Thoae .. lage and had never seen or spo- election waB a tight squeeze and in the know smilo at the slogan [jvken -with a Jew before: Hitler you can credit it-to" the expert ; "Jim. Farieylagy of J. "George ; 'came:1,.. .. ..• - • y". He knew.his people .were Jewish," but" all his" comrades were native German children and all of them loved him until the anti-Semitic edicts began to rain • down on the little toWn.- Then one day Anna, his best friend, : the' girl he liked more than all the others, turned on him and threw a stone in his .face. : Hans said she -called -him- something he shall never forget. He will not tell us what it was, though all of us can guess. At first Hans was unhappy in the .Youth Aliyah camp because heknew nothing of Jewish life, • • .could speak no Hebrew,- had not i^re'ad our'- ,:books; • he was unable ! "to"sing our songs, or"dance the Hora with us. ' • : : But his comrades soon found that Hans' father, who had been
Dewey for Governor," for it was Lehman who appointed Dewey and is backing him all the way . . . An amusing interlude at Dewey's trial of James J. Hines came while Max D. Steuer was on the witness stand . . . Trying to protect his bald dome, Steuer put on his hat, only to have an usher brush it off and chide him: "Respect for the court, please" . . . A famous American lawyer has taken a year off to study the refugee problem, and is in Vienna now for that purpose . . . When his name is divulged it will be sensational news . . . Did you know, by the way, that the antiSemite who owned that Krum Elbow estate which was sold to Father Divine originally tried to sell it to Fritz Kuhn for a Nazi camp? . . . If his idea was to annoy President Roosevelt, -whose Hyde Park estate lies across the Hudson, he must be sorry the Nazi deal fell through".. . , . Broadway Lights That play with a German, background which Jed Harris has been promising ua for a long time is schediiled for this season . . . Practically ready for presentation is the new play by Maxwell Anderson on Peter Stuyvesant, who, as governor of New York, forbade Jews to live there . . . Just to get even, the music for the play was -written by Kurt Weill, the cantor's son who has had two shows on Broadway since Hitler exiled him from his native Germany some years ago . . . Maurice Bergman, originally of Chilicothe, is smiling these days . . . As advertising and publicity, director of Columbia Pictures he is responsible for the staggering ballyhoo campaign for "You Can't Take It With You" . . . Years ago he also had something to do with the building up of Ted Lewi3, who now is again enjoying a big success on Broadway . . . What's this rumor that the recent Sylvia Sidney-Luther Adler marriage is already nearlng the racks, because of the double scramble for one limelight? . . . Paul Muni, we hear, is quite concerned about the fate of an old Vienna couple, veteran Jewish actors, who befriended him in his boyhood and whom he took pains to look up on his pre-Anschluss visit to the Danube capital . . « About People At last we are able to tell you who the new executive secretary of the anti-Nazi League Is . . . The job has gone to Johan Smertanko, author, journalist and former Revisionist leader . . . Alfred Kaufman Stern, the new husband of Martha Dodd, daughter of ourex-Ambassador to Naziland, was once married to one of the Chicago Rosenwalds . , . Sam Segal, of the Segal locks, Is the Inventor of
the only lock conceded to be pickproof by Bernard Zion, co^Inveator of device guaranteed to pick any lock in captivity—except the new Segal lock . . . We learn that Professor Morris Raphael Cohen, formerly of New York's City College, will teach at Harvard Law School this year, though he has no law degree . . . And while we're on the subject of Cohens, Bob Ripley insists that it's a Marjorie Cohen who owns a black dog with a white cross on his chest—a natural marking in his coat . . . Send a card to Miscna Elman's father, in Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, after the amputation of a leg . . . A unique distinction is claimed by Henry B. Kranz, non-Aryan author from Vienna now in this country . . . It seems that the Nazis pirated one of his novels, publishing it without paying him a nickel in royalties . . . (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)
Hollywood Merry-Go-Round By DICK CHASE Up From the Top—The man who launched Marlene Dietrich in her first screen role in Europe some years ago is today one of the boys, in Hollywood. Reinhold Schunzel and MGM last week decided to long-term it. leaving the studio with the thrill of owning one of the finest directors anywhere, and Schunzel with the opportunity • to carry on—without benefit of Nazi supervision—his famed experiments in unusual camera angles and lighting tech.' nique. Schunzel began his career at newspaper reporter, became stage actor, screen star, then motion picture director, all in Europe.' Loui3 B. Mayer, on his recent trip abroad, signed Schunzel for * try at Hollywood. "Rich Man, Poor Girl," his first attempt here, while a poor story, was directed so well, his superiors thought, he was assigned to megaphone "Ice Follies" next. The Landed Gentry—John Wexley (ne Jacob Wexler) who wrote screenplay for "Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse," as well as several Broadway hits', is vacationing on his farm in Bucks County, P a . . . . Bucks County must be about the size of Texas, not to mention the most peaceful and quiet place in the universe, judging from the colossal number of screen notables who claim to own slices of It . . Another claim to fame for Wexley: his uncle is The Maurice
Schwartz, of Yiddish «Uge repute . . . Harry C'You Can't Take It With You") Cohn, prexy of Columbia, took two yearlings with him from Saratoga when he returned last week to Hollywood . . . Six oat-eaters now get their mail at the Cohn stables . . . Dare Selznick represents the film industry, as far as Oglethorpe University is concerned . . . That institution's new International Hall of Facie unveiled Dave's portrait the other morniag at opening-day rites . . . Rafflolo—Sani Hearn of Schlepperrs&n heritage is now in Illinois, opening ten-week personal appearance tour . . . Cancelling all bookings for his projected sensation "The Average Man," the far-fromaverage Eddie Cantor is planning newer and better things when he brings his caravan back to the airlanes on October S . . . Eddie pulled a surprise appearance at a CBS air show other evening to test out a new theory . . . Passhounds, who jam every Cantor broadcast, will be sorry to hear of the results, for hereafter Cantor will probably broadcast from small, intimate auditoriums, instead of from stage of large theatres or halls, s.s ia the*i>ajst . . . But we'll bet the dialers are all for it . . . Fisticuff boys, who have been known to gurgle "We wui robbed" or "I shoulda stood in bed." when a microphone has been unexpectedly poked in front of them, can be proud of Maxi* Rosenbloom, the former pugilist
» . . Other day, after Slapsie had auditioned on wax, word got around that he has Class-A radio possibilities . . . so you may be hearing his cinder-like vocalizing over the air this fall . . . Father Coughlin, who has been saving the nation for some years now, direct from the Shrine-of the Little Flower, will be iieard Simc.ay afternoons for the nest two rears— or, too long—on a strictly westcoast radio web . . . Burns and Allen, back from respite in Honolulu, will be in New York in time to start off tbeir new series September SO . . . ' -Vital ' Statistics Itept.—A tenton truck to carry the Hovers, four extra motorcycle policemen in the escort, tut! aspecial crew of private detectives from ccvctcwn, were required to satisfy Mortician Bob GromEn that arrangements were complete lor the lavish Max Factor funeral services . . ; Many generations of Hollywood's great, glamour boys and girls from way back (it doesn't take long for new generations to supplant the o\& around here) came to pay tribute
to the kiefily old wizard of malt«up who beautified BO many faces*
Buod Offers Site ' of Camp For Sale Soutfcbv.r, Conn. ( W N S ) — U n able to w i t h s t a n d t h e force of a n a r o u s e d . a n d hostile public o p i n - • ioa in this old eolnr.ip.I town, t h e GermETvATCeTiPpTi Bund h a s offered for sale t h e ITS-acre t r a c t of I&nd it p u r c h a s e d in t h e K e t tietov.-n section a year ago aa t h e site of a Nazi e . m p . Establishment of t h e camp was blocked vrhen local r e s i d e n t s , with the backing of veterans*• o r ganizations, enacted a zoning lav; v h i c h forbade a camp w i t h in the precincts of Scmtnbory. Gustave A. Buckel, Bund r e p r e sentative, said t h e Bund felt the> locB.tion v-'F.s not desirable a n d i n tended to buy a n o t h e r site. George Holmes, who led the fight e.gp-inst t h e camp, said a petition would be s u b m i t t e d t o the State Assembly calling • for b a r r i n g any such camps anywhere $n Connecticut. • ••- ..
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By WILLIAM ZUKERMAN Pecanse the bulk of Jewish populations everywhere a r e cncentrated in big cities and urban centers it is commonly bettered that Jews are primarily city-dwellers. Mr. Zukerman, who has just complet-. ed,a first hand surrey of Jewish life in the small towns of England, Scotland and Wales, lias - found this impression to be wrong. Read what he says and- see if yon who live in American small towns agree with him.—THE EDITOR.
disintegrating and that the process of assimilation here is going on at a much more rapid pace than for instance in a Jewish community like that of Glasgow, or Edinburgh. In these smaller communities I was surprised to find a stronger adherence among individual Jews to the group, less mixing with the non-Jewish population, and a more primitive social bond between the Jewish members of the community than in the most Jewish parts of London. In the small provincial town in -":; The prevailing opinion is that England and Scotland, the Jews ; Jews are not only an urban peo- form a strange, invisible ghetto. ple, but primarily dwellers oi big It is invisible because in most of '- cities. In reality this is a wong these cities (except Glasgow), the . iinpression. The concentration of Jews no longer live in what can huge Jewish populations in a few be called, even remotely, sparate •' big xities is a comparatively Te- Jewish districts. cent. manifestation, not earlier They are scattered all over the : than the last century. place. Yet they somehow keep : Before that the bulk of the together, and even more so than Jews in Eastern Europe lived in London. I t ' was my biggst : • mostly in small towns and vil- surprise to find that there was lages, in the famous "Shtaedtel" much less mixing between Jews which has been so masterfully and non-Jews in Edinburgh, ••-. portrayed • in Yiddish literature. Glasgow and~ Cardiff, than there ' •--»••• .. It. was in the small- provincial is in London. towns that Jewish life found its And this applies not only to the •native BOII and brought forth the first immigrant generation which " "best that was in it. At least, East Is kept separated by the bars of . .European Jews have always been language, accent and mode, of typical provincials. life, but probably even more so • The first change was brought to the second gentration of Jews about by the Industrial Revolu- born and raised in the town. tion and by the consequent rapid There" are definitely less mixed development of the big cities. The marriages in the English prov•'Shtaedtel" began to disappear inces than in London. I cannot gradually with the rise of the big now go into the reasons why this industrial centers *In Eastern is so but it is certainly a fact. • Europe.1 But chiefly responsible Religious Bond for the transfer of the bulk of Another somewhat curious fact the Jewish "population from the about Jewish life in the small small - towns - to the big was tho provincial ' town in England is . great Jewish overseas emigration that invariably the religious bond .-'" of-the last century. and sentiment is stronger than in That emigration was neither London. English Jewry is genplanned nor organized. Jews were erally more religious than any uprooted; they ran from oppres- other newly established immision and settled in the big cities grant Jewish community (defiof the new lands.. where it was nitely more so than the United easier to make a living. But it States), but the provinces beat i s my- conviction, based on a wide London to a frazzle. In the small and-varied experience, that es- towns 'the Jewish community is entirely by the religious : sentially the average Jew has re- ruled mained." a provincial. He likes element. Lately, Zionism is comthe quieter and rare peaceful life ing in as a second best, but even of the small town and is much Zionism is strongly tinged with happier away from the noise and religion in the provinces. It is a tumult of the big city. sort of supplement to the syna••.,"•-• In Great Britain gogue. - -'-Recently I have had an opporThe-synagogue is the center of tunity of visiting a number of the community, social as well as "outlying- provincial cities in religious. Even-these Jews who England, "Wales and Scotland and are not religious and in London I have carried away the same im- would never dream of attending pression that Jewish life in the the synagogue, are in these small distant provinces is not only places bound to the-religious cenquieter and healthier, but also ter. As in days of yore, the Jew=truer to the best that is in the ish religion here has come to o<> Jew, more native as it were to his. cupy the one and only bond whicbi nature. keeps the Jews together as a BC£ It is my belief that among cial unit, and this lends it a Bast-European Jews there is a peculiar Btrength which is ensubconscious yearning for their tirely-' unknown in. the big cen. little "Shtaedtel," as among v ters. - . rooted peasants there is a. longt In London, a Jew can be a Jew Ing for a return to their native without ever entering a synagogue. In the small provincial "•on. r-*"By the provinces, however, I-do places this is unthinkable. When .hot mean such comparatively big I came to Cardiff and wanted to Jewish communities as Leeds and meet Jews, . I had to go to the Manchester (or their American. synagogue. I met. Socialist and counterparts, Chicago, Philadel- Communist Jews In Glasgow and phia, Boston, Detroit and others) in Edinburgh who belonged to which are but imitations of Lon- the synagogue. They do'- so, not for the redon or of New York. , X have in mind the really small ligious side of the synagogue, but -towns and -even villages where for- its social aspect, and particuthe number of Jews does not ex- larly for the children. But most: ceed several hundred souls. There ly because of the burial place. are many such communities in For some strange, unknown reaEngland, Wales and Scotland, (as son, -which I cannot for the life indeed also in the United States, of me understand, the provincial Canada and South Africa) which Jews are afraid to be buried in a ' from the Jewish standpoint have non-Jewish cemetery and in order all developed along the same pat- to be buried in Jewish burial tern. The Jewish life of these grounds, they must be members communities is in many respects of the synagogue. " 'entirely different from that of liife Dull London or other big centers. Because of the predominance I am afraid that, to our loss, of the purely religious (and we do not know ^enough about usually Orthodox) element, JewihiB' life., We concentrate too ish social life in the provinces in much on the few very big Jew- England Is rather primitive and ish centers- and ignore the hinter- dull. It seemed to me on several land which' can and should/; come occasions. that«even_in SlobDdke, to occupy a bigger place in our Lomze and in other -old East•world, .particularly at the present European Orthdox Jewish cenmoment. ters one could no longer find a • ••'.••".'." • Strong Social Idfe Jewish atmosphere of such prisWhat .struck me mostly about the orthodox purity as in Edinthese:small communities which I burgh, Cardiff and Glasgow. visited was that Jewish social life The rule of the rabbi, the canithere'was stronger than in the tor, the shochet, and of the gabai bigger-cities. The common opin- (the synagogue elder, usually the ion is; that the bigger the Jewish rich Jew of the community) is center, the more strongly Jewish supreme. The individual Jew it Is. I have not found it so. The cannot leave the community withcosmopolitan air of a big world out giving up almost all social center like London is more con- contacts, for the non-Jew in the ducive to Jewish assimilation provinces is not more susceptible 'than the small country town. I to easy assimilation than the 'have not the slightest doubt that Jew. (This is true particularly Jewish life in London is rapidly in Scotland, where the clannish
Scotsmen, although they a r e furthest f r o m anti-Semitism, nevertheless, do not admit strangers into their social midst). It is quite true that Jewish life is rather limited and uninteresting in the provinces. But outside this small corner, of Jewish interests, the Jew In the provinces in England is less conscious of his Jewishness than he is in London. The very smallness of the number obviates the creation of an acute problem as in the bigger center. In London, particularly of late. It is difficult to forget that one is a Jew. One is reminded of it at every step. Not so in these provincial towns. All day long, in his business and other occupations, the Jew has no occasion to know or think of his Jewishness. Except on Saturday or Sundays when he is in synagogue, he does not know that he is a Jew. There is practically no anti-Semitism in these small towns; there is no local Jewish problem. Whatever, both Jews and non-Jews know of a Jewish problem is imported from abroad or from London. The small communities themselves have Jews but not a Jewish problem. People think no more of one's Jewishness than of one's Fresbyterianism. Economically, tooo, the position of the Jews-in provinces is much easier than in London. Except in Glasgow, I have seen no such acute Jewish distress as one sees a-plenty in London. More than once during my short journey I had occasion to wonder why more Jews from London do not move into the provinces where the opportunities for their enterprise are so much greater and competition is so much less. But above all did I think of our new Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria. If only there were a central Jewish agency of some kind to plan their resettlement in England and elsewhere and spread them out in the provinces instead of letting them concentrate In London and in other big centers what great and complicated problems of the future would be avoided! But I have already had occasion to say that Jews cannot plan their future. There is no better Illustration of this point than the present perilous concentration of Jewish refugees in the big cities. (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)
1 , 6 . G, COWLING By SAM ZWEIBAK The Jewish Community Center's Bowline League for the coming year, Is quickly taking shape into being one of the best bowling leagues, that the Jewish Bowlers of this City, have ever
had in previous years. At the present time, there Is room for one more sponsor in the league, as they now have 7 definite sponsors. Prospects are very bright for obtaining this last sponsor within, the next 10 days. Final plans, rules and by-laws for the league, and election of officers by the captains, will be held at a meeting of the captains this Sunday afternoon, September 18th, at 1:30 p. m. at the AkSar-Ben Bowling alleys. There is a silght rumor afoot, that Sam •Katzman, has the inside track for the presidency, and he is well deserving of this honor, as it is hard to find a man who has put in more time and hard work in forming this league for the coming season. .The league will start active competition on next Tuesday night, September 20th, 1938 at 9:00 p. m. and will bowl on every Tuesday following with the exception of holidays, all games will be bowled at the Ak-Sar-Ben alleys at 9:00 p. m. The schedule will be drawn up at the meeting this Sunday and we are therefore unable at this time to give
yon the opening games, but after glancing at the line-ups of the respective teams, can assure you that they will all be hotly contested. Getting Equipment The captains ate spending this week in gtting their bowling equipment ready for their respective teams. Your editor has already had a peek at some samples of the different bowling shirts that will be worn by the Jewish bowlers, and must say they will compare with all Hollywood teams, who have in the past years set the fashions as to what the smart dressed bowler should wear. Moe Linsman, sponsor of the "The Wardrobe," naturally will have the inside track, due to the fact that snappy shirts are right down his alley, and he has already stated that his team captained by Paul Steinberg, will be the Beau Brummels of Bowling. Dave Franks, sponsor of "Tho State Coal & Gas Co." has left all judgment of styles to his captain, Sam Zweiback, who in return for promising the 20th street Coal and Gas man, a winning team, will probably get shirts that only a "Bob Taylor or a Clark Gable" would wear, and don't forget girls, this team has lour eligible bachelors on It,, and desirable, too. Max Platt, sponsor of the "Clicquot Club Eskimos," the new drink that Is taking this section by storm, will not divulge his plans as yet for bowling shirts, but does state, that his team, captained by Abe Feldman, the Co. Bluffs Bowling shark, will have one advantage over the others, and that is that they •will never go thirsty. Abner Kaiman, sponsor of "The Kaiman Insurance" team, captained by Sam Katzman, says, "It's not the equipment that makes a bowling team, my friend, it's the sponsor, plus the captain, aided and abbetted by 3 handsome Jewish boys throwing a bowling ball." But you can depend on Abner not to let any one out-do him. Harry Smith, sponsor of the "Smith Motors, Inc., has already had his team practicing together for 10 days, and has also assumed the captaincy of his team. Although Harry hasn't divulged his plans as yet, we do know that his team will carry the emblem, of an Indian, which will signify this well known Omaha Auto dealer's new Pontiac cars. Otfler Sponsors "Shrolly" Goodman, sponsor of the "Empire Ceaners," says "Just tell my captain, Jack Melcher, to keep my boys hustling, and I assure you that they -will have the cleanest equipment of all, and if that's not enough, I'll come up and bowl with them." This is really good news, as you all must remember that "Strolly1" is a charter member of the first Jewish bowling league in Omaha in years gone by. Al Fiedler, captain of the "Greenberg Fruit Co." team, has had his team practicing for the past 4 weeks, and in spite of the fact that this team has never before bowled in active league competition, reports come to us, that this team will really be the dark horse team of the league, and. will make the other more experienced bowers sit up and take notice. Leo Weitz, who captained the Championship "Tigers" in last year's league, Is the captain of the yet un-sponsored team. Leo has Issued the following statement. "Who wants to sponsor a championship team." So If you really want to get some free good entertainment, come up and watch your brothers, friends, sweethearts and husbands bowl on Tuesday nights, and we hope that the* boy's equipment will be ready for them within ten days, so that you also witness a fashion show along with a bowling treat.
Jews in Hungary Unite Budapest (WNS) — Orthodox and Reform Jews in Hungary have reached an understanding on joint action for the defense of Jewish rights. The united front is the first of its kind in the history of Hungarian Jewry and is attributable to the antiJewish "numerus clausus law.
Po«t colyum ran the' following item: "The entire population of the Bavarian town W will be moved shortly to Palestine. The population ntimbers SFO . . . All the expense* for ruoTirjr bepp persecuted people will be piir h* a N. Y. oil mar. Tho vras 1>OT I"VC EiE nsTne ip T PTKaller." . . . Well, L. L., v e n our star reporter on that O"P tve he turr.ee v.p vith the fo i v u g info—direct, from ?.Ir. o.lle' (1) It's not the entire population but Els families; £1 they're be! ing moved not to Palestine, but ' to the TJnitefi States; (3) Halley isn't financing it, but is. joining with & group of others in supplying the needed funds; (4) Halley "wasn't born in W ' . . . , his father was. . . . * • * MISH-MASH: Hear the Americas Jewigh Committee is looking for larger quarters to which to more its enlarged staff. . . . First Euniber of the Committee's Contemporary Jewish Record, bimonthly which will publish important documents and rep j t significant articles vhi' r t e valuable for the record, wi rrei-p Us appearance on or aben ^ppternber EX. . . . Abraham C ~> !• er is ssEocip.te etiior. . ""bp 1 Zionist -Kev-iew., ov^&n or c British Zionists, "had an t T i " n c error on page one of its AIM"IS issue. . . . In vrfcicli it re^e- PC to the "latest of the thousFpr mr one bazfts.T - rumors vhicr h?ie issued from Palestine in tbe T>a>; tw;0 years." . . . The Detroi < '-• bis don't care if the Jewirr "^ P Veterans held their next conen tion somewhere else nesf -"cr . . . They all joined in cen^L. n & the vets for opening the convention on the Sabbath and for hold
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ADLERIANA: Peters joins the rest of the world in happy birthdaying Dr. • Cyrus' Adler,. who stepped on his : 75th milestone September 1 3 . . • J' And who,'despite his years, still .dreams of one day writing the- authoritative history of American Jewry. . . . As a youth he wanted.to be an archaeologist . . .'Beveled in detective -yarns". . • Played- a bang-up game of ping-pong . . . When he traveled, wrote daily letters to .his mother -'. . . Is believed to have preserved all correspondence with. Mrs. Cyrus Adler since days of their "courtship . . . Has probably the largest correspondence of any Jewish leader with leading figures the world over . . . Much of his reading is done on trains while shuttling back and forth between New York and Philadelphia . . . Reads and painstakingly criticizes student manuscripts "running as high as 50 to 75 thousand words
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Newton D. Baker and others who were to become famous in various walks of life . . . When he «s stirred to wrath at someone, dictates a letter to his secretary that would burn asbestos, revises it several times, then, likely as not, tosses it into the wastebasket . . . Is esteemed in many countries as an unofficial statesman . . . A Rumanian diplomat happened to be calling upon him during a particularly disturbing period in the Rumanian Jewish position . . . The visitor admired a portrait of Dr. Solomon- Schechter hanging in Dr. Adler's office . . . "Yes," the- host explained, "a great Rumanian Jew who had to immigrate to- the United States." . . . He gave the committee which was intent on celebrating his birthday with fittirrg ceremonies some embarrassing moments. . ' . . By refusing to come to New York frora his Woods- Hole, Mass., vacation home, for a broadcast. . . . Or even permitting the broadcasters
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gests that some university award Mussolini the 'degree of I). D. C. —Doctor of Double-Cross. ^ . . • . • • BONER: Wonder if anybody else noticed that a N. Y. Times dispatch on the Italian expulsion decree referred to creation of a Superior Council for Democracy End E.ace in Rome. , . -. That would be something in • Fascist Italy; wouldn't it! . . . The proofreader simply., neglected to substitute a "ph" (as in phooee) for the " c " •
WALTER TvINCHELL: T o n ought to know that Vic Oliver, comedian who married Winston Churchill's daughter, begins his broadcast from the Luxemburg radio station like this: "A flash •with a crash from Hollywood! Walter TTiacbag speaking." . - * . • • * . OTHERWISE CORRECT: Leonard Lyous, cur favorite BM>way coljxciiEt, in a recent N. T.
: Speaking of real bargains! Out of every one hundred Mohawk Tire® made, an extraordinarily large per' centage deliver more miles and mow 'trouble-free service than is ordinarily expected. Now, too, they sell for nc more than volume production tires.
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. . Has rrever worked on the Sabbath, even during two decades of employment in the government service (the Smithsonian Institute, etc.) . . . . Was closely associated with the late Samuel F. Lang-ley, • aviation pioneer Kleinlerer, "a holjr relic." . . . Among his students at Johns 1 . * * • ' .. Hopkins when he taught there DECREE: Your colyumist sugafter graduation was the late
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provision for kosher food. . Dramatic scone in front of the Cafe Royal. . . . Novelist Sholem Asch. being • buttonholed by tramp. . . . who waggleE a finger to come out to Woods Hole for in his face and snorts: "I know "you, you're a lieutenant in the the ceremonies. . . . • United States army." . , . Asch • "• • gives him a dime to keep it «. GRATITUDE: A news dispatch secret. . . . . .Franz 'Vferferp wo kthe other -day reported Professor room is in a circular charrber \r Giorgio" del .Vecchio. of the.Uni- the top of a retnofielled wi-pfirill versity of Rome among the Jews overlooking- tbe .Mediterranepn F dismissed' under tbe decree bar- Ssnary.southern France. . . . m hring the education' system to famous. March of Time filr- ' v Jews. . . . Which recalls to Dr. eide Nazi Germany," ha* becr David Kleinlerer, former. JTA passed by the British cep=oi ir correspondent in the Eternal City, India orer strenuous prote1- ? > an interesting tale. . . . Visiting the Gernmn consul. . . . l E ' l r ; the professor's home fti Rome one the first political subject eie *( day, Kleialerer's attention was play Incite., according tc *\ O T drawn to abstained, printed prv- . . . If yon want to pet, a rp->p-igram of an international congress irig, ' fascinating; picture n' Lbe framed In gold hanging- in e Spanish people — agams e prominent place in the proces- stirring background of romance sor's studio. . . . The thing at- in. the Count of Monte C i^<x tracted'his curiosity, and he asked fashion, flavored with a ,g£i e out about it. . . .Professor d<el Vec- cash of social si^rnficancF ~-rC chio" scid-"that'he. had been stand- one that will give you p.n 1 5 •"* ing .with-Mussolini .Khen II Dtice into the ciTil war. trot ax-oi nc n. opened the congress. . . . An your bookstore S.E& buy yourse elderly English lady,, named Mrs. i "George Blake's rip-snorting "Tie Gibson, took a pot' shot at Kusso, ' World Is KIne." . . . Blake is clipping him in the- nose yiih a German-Jewist, parentage, . , .32 billlet. . . . The. professor It's Ms first novel, written at i t rushed to II Dace's s.i&, throwing age of 44 after he had maue an himself between -bini and the lost three fortunes. . . . crowd whence the bullet came. » . -. In the scramble, the program gathered some of MUSSO'E blood. . . . "It is,"-the professor told
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[The Melancholy Days By RABBI FREDERICK (JOHN
'The Center Library Corner"
Waning summer presages autumn. Already the leaves beBy HASKSXIi COHEN gin to fall and soon, strewn all around us, they will be 'thick London (WNS)—Ariuro ToTHE) JEWISH PEBSa PUBLISHING COMPANY scanini, vrorld-f£.mous orchestra as the leaves in Villambrosa/ Current comments of the day's O U D O C n i P T I O f : PSUQtS, C B 3 Year f ••••• • » : o : c conductor, has decided to give up Jewish scene of events in books ADVERTISING RATEO FUnNIOHDO ON APPLICATION Autumrf is the season of decay; but also of maturity and and his city home in Milan and hit. Berlin (WNS) — Denouncing Jewish thought: seaside cottage at Lake Kaggiorc the Jews as having v-Rge<J "» Ttrfruition. EDITORIAL OFFICES 60S BRANDEIO THEATER BUILDING From the latest Issue of the in Italy as a protest against Itable reign of terror" ever O«rv 6I0UX CITY OPFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTED JEWISH SPECTATOR, "DOCNew Yark (JTA)—No German Italian anti-Semitism, according- man cultural life until it wad Spengler, the great philosophic historian, has likened the PRINT SHOP ADDRE&S—4504 C a 84TB CTRECT TOR CYRUS ADLER'S INCON- refugee has been deported from to a report in the London Eve- j "liberated" by the Nazis who ' DAVXD BLACKER • • • •. • Buolnesa a n d Managing Editor different civilizations of the world which he calls 'cultures' to SISTENCY" by Dr. Aaron Ros- the United States as a public ning Standard. ! "saved luinmrdty from madness charge since the beginning or the I End decadence,'" Chancellor HIt« ' ITSANK it* AGK3RHAN • © o • • ' • • • ' ' Editor the seasons. Each has in the words of Will Durant 'its vernal marin. Toscanini has long hcen & n There Is a current Hebrew regime, it was declared at ler told the Nazi Congress on LEONARD NAlHAN . 5 , 0 0 AcsocJato Editor seed-time, it summer blossoming, its autumnal fading* and its adage, "one sees everybody else's Hitler outspoken foe of Nazism and a press conference this week byGerman culture that the Third Fascism. He has refused to conR M 3 B I F R B D B S I O S COHN « § 0 Contrtlmtlns Editor winter death.* " ' faults save one's own." This Is Prof. Joseph P. Chamberlain, Reset had greater internal «up« duct at Salzburgsince Austria of every ^Individual, Includ- chairman o£ the National Coordi' E&BBl THBODORB N. LHW1S • ' " . . P . . .*' • B00S Editor i port thf Ti thp "pU"tncrPtic demoo Spengler startled the world by bis statement in bis epoch- true tvent Nazi and even before that ing great personalities, and Dr.nating Committee for Aid to I rscies?" snfi that "international < ANN POL • ' • • Slons City. Iowa, Correspondent making book, "The Decline of the West,?' which Durant con- Cyrus Adler seems to be no ex-Refugees and Emigrants Coming declined to come to Salzburg un- i Jewish circles" v/ere the only doless he were assured his performfrom Germany. j mestic or foreign opposition still' siders the *most important writing of the twentieth century,' ception to the rule. ances would not be broadcast to encountered, by Germany. "This is striking testimony," Germany. In a little pamphlet, "OBSERKembeFg Af termath He was one of the that our civilization is doomed, that it is on the eve of extinc- VATIONS ON THE REPORT OF Dr. Chamberlain said, "as to the Hitler ssiiS "the .Tew-democrata founders of the Palestine Sym- can seek to distort our exploits, The marching legions whose feet had echoed on the ancient tion, to be succeeded by another and presumably a better. THE PALESTINE ROYAL. COM- ability of the refugees to provde phony Orchestra, composed large- but the monuments which are beMISSION," Dr. Adler, taking ex- for theniselves, as a very small ly of refugee cobblestones of Nuremberg's medieval streets are mere memmusicians. Twice ing reared in the Third Reich toOne thing is certain. Our civilization particularly since ception to some of the commis- number .have needed help from he went to Palestine to conduct day spesli tor tliemselves and will ories. Until another year—if there be another year—the pa- the World War has been in a precarious condition, which seems sion proposals, states, " I shall special organizations. No refu- that orchestra. remain the inalienable possession iee has been allowed to become also—try to put on record my geantry will esist only in the awed conversation of the simple to have reached its most critical stage with Hitler throwing own views "with * regard to thea public charge." of western culture." "Our Ger-' man-Aryan culture," he declared inhabitants of this old town. down the gauntlet to all Europe and an ultimatum having been feasibility of the proposals and Describing t h e committee's is completely indifferent to . atwork in aiding placement of refuAlready the awesoitte tread of other marching men is heard, issued to Czechoslovakia which seems to bring long pending continues: and you, too, my gees, tacks by "International Jewry," he described a growing readers, shall have to continue to the march that is no mere pageantry, no circus to amuse. Nor war ominously nearer. The 'showdown' may come any moment. read for yourself this worthwhile awareness throughout the counfor "the great mass of Jews Is absolutely unproductive, and contry of the exiles' plight. At first, is it confined to Nuremberg or to Germany, but to all Europe. In any event two opposing forces have reached the point of article." sequently feels itself attracted he said, people did not realize No dramatist would have the skill to weave the plot of the bitterest contention, Democracy on the one hand, championing On the book shelves: more to the primitive Negro what the issue was and thought "SONGS OF EXILE" by He-that the persecution would last tribes." tragedy ljeing enacted today in Europe. Slowly the threads are freedom, justice, and humanity, represented by England, brew poets^—translated by Nina a short time, but now they realize Accusing the Jews of having drawing together. From morning* to morning it is impossible France, Bussia, and the United States of America—Dictator- David—an old, old, book of po-how hard life is being made for tried to destroy the Aryan states etry and worth your reading Jews and others in Germany. On and to appropriate German culto know what will happen. Germany is thriving on .the insecur- ship on the other, with eclipse of freedom, the perpetration of time—poems—"ISRAEL'S DUR- the basis of Labor Department tural life to themselves, the ity and fear. the most monstrous injustice, the employment of the most cold ATION" by Jehudah Halevi—also figures, he stated that 11,917 Cleveland (WNS)—B'nai B'rith Reichsfuehrer said that "if Naby unknown authors as Jewish refugees, including 513 will present to the city of Cleve- tional Socialism had not t r i There were no hasty moves, no swashbuckling mobilization. blooded brutality, represented by Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy poems well as poems from The Talmud. from Austria, have entered the land a bronze bust of John Hay, umphed in Germany and hurled Each government, even that of German, moved with caution, and militaristic Japan. With so much evil rife and rampant in "SELECTED WORKS OF IS-United States in the fiscal year who as Secretary of State was in- to the ground the world's* enemy, for no 6ne is eager to precipitate the conflict that will mean the the world it seems, indeed, that civilization is in decay; and RAEL ZANGWILL," published ending last June 30. strumental in bringing to the at- the Jew, German art would asol th© Jewish Publication SociThe Coordinating Committee tention of the Czarist regime the have been destroyed." eventual destruction of Europe's proudest cities, the death of there are those that maintain that another war of world-wide by Dr. Alfred Rosenberg, Na*l culety is deserving of special grati- does not give funds to bring refu- American protest against the tural expert, denounced what be her youth, the collapse of a culture that has grown despite the proportions would bring about its utter destruction. tude of the Jewish reading pub- gees here. Dr. Chamberlain says, Kishinev massacre in Russia. lic for this handy Zangwill edi- bat it does facilitate the obtainThe bust will be .presented in termed "the idiot Jew-bastards obnoxious weeds and vicissitudes -that would have smothered it. 'The melancholy days Have come' not only in nature, but tion. This Is a timeless and yet ing of loans to establish new en- connection with the John Ilry and inulattoes*" and asserted that Existing afe those who would question the *war guilt' of for the nations of the world. All Hearts are filled with fear, timely volume, and therefore it terprises. One of the first refu- Centennial program to he held In England was undergoing a JewOctober 2 to 8. Henry ish invasion. Germany written into the Treaty of Versailles to humiliate a with forebodings of direct calamity, with doubt and terror. should receive a place of honor gees to come here patented an Cleveland In the collection of Jewish books. ash tray-match combination and Monsky, president of B'nai B'rith, once proud power. Today there is no doubt in the minds of 'The winter of pur discontent' succeeds pur fading Hopes and For youthful readers of Jew- now is running a thriving factory has named a special commission Refugees To Go Td of three, consisting of P. J. Hacfcyone 'who is responsible for the chaotic condition of Europe. withered ideals. ish, literature — read ZangwlU. in Ohio with 300 employes. ber, president of District No. 2;' New Jerusalem The true Jewish, souls' are enThe committee receives some Perhaps Hitler is t&e creation of the injustices perpetrated on A. Benesch and Sydney G. graved on the pages of Israel 500 letters a day from relatives Alfred And yet one thing sustains our drooping spirits. As the Medical Cento* Germany in the immediate post-war years. Tet if today Europe here of persons in Germany and Kusworm, to arrange for a proZangwill's works. poet Has expressed it, in immortal language, "If winter comes, London (JTA)—The $1,066,gram of participation by B'nai from those in the Keich seeking goes to war, one man alone remains responsible. 000 Kadassah-RothsehUd-Hebrawrelatives her©, Dr. Chamberlain B'rith. The bust is to be placed TTniverirfty Hospital End Medikal in the American Culture! Garden. Of all the nations of Europe no country has teen" M Just can Spring be far behind?" The succession of the seasons is a declared. Ths increasing pressure In 1903 a committee represent- School nearing- cotnpletl»n ta on Jews In Germany has spurred to its minorities as has been C^echo-SlovaTda. The Jews, sim- truth of History as well as of nature. Mankind Has survived Jerusalem can absorb many Ausrelatives to file affidavits to help ing B'nai B'rth called on Hay,trian Jewish scientist and mediple provincials, have been well-treated although they have no many a crisis. Each new civilization is an expression of the In bringing them here. One offe-llowing the Kishinev program cal students resilience of the Human souL Man is greater than anything funds are madfe the factors in increasing the num- in 1903, and presented him with available, theifHebrew men of prominence to protect them; Until the Sudetens, under University By PHILIP M. RASKIN ber of such affidavits was thea petition signed by 12,000 Amerthat can befall him. Out of the old comes t&e new, out of the constant Berlin prodding, began to complain of their lot, none executive reported to the aaatial German Government's willing- icans. false the true, out of evil good; out of rank brutishness and As Secretary of State, Hay meeting of the board of gwerI open my morning paper— ness to release Jews from conof the otherfc^-the Poles, the Hungarians^—realized they were placed the protest before the nors. coarse, fiendish, savage cruelty come ultimate brotherhood, Wrath aad greed -and blood! centration camps if they would minorities. Germany, who treats minorities worst than any The students ousted from medCzarist government by instructing The headlines mockingly caper, emigrate. the American ambassador at St. ical schools In Austria could comLike witches in a wood. other nation, characteristically is the first to howL Yet-in the peace, and love. * "By far the greater number Petersburg to describe the peti- plete their studies In Jerusalem 'The stars in. their courses fight against' such as Hitler and War, and slaughter and terror, of immigrants from Germany to tion in an. address to the Bussan and settle in Palestine, the execuconfines of Italy, her ally, are Germans who are the mdst opMussolini as they once did against Sissera. A higher civiliza- Veflgence -and spite and hate— the United States in the past four government. Hay also protested tive said. It slao proposed that pressed minority in Europe. years have come to relatives who against the Rumanian persecu- en agricultural college be estabtion takes the place of brutal paganism. An idolatrous, polyam I in error, have furnished affidavit* and as-tion of Jews. B'nai B'rith has lished in conjunction with the agEvery effort' has been made to avoid a rupture. The Czech theistic Canaanism is succeeded by a monotheistic, ethically- God, Mistaking the century's date? sumed responsibility for them conducted memorial services an- ricultural research station at government has been more than, conciliatory, offering compro- lofty Israel.. So it has been; so it will be again. So it must be I hear after their arrival, and carried nually at Hay's grave. Rehoboth. the bustle of barter that responsibility out GO that the mise after compromise, giving concessions which would delight ever. Decaying autumn and; dead winter are succeeded by the Ia human lives world through, immigrants have been absorbed a sane ruler. No one can expect the Czechs to give up one of rejuvenating spring, the radiant summer* And I hear the cry of t h e into the life of the country The eternal scapegoat — the through the efforts of their rela.- 1 the richest sections of Europe, to weaken themselves by ceding tives and friends," he asserted. Jew. Even autumn Has its harvests, and its seeds of Harvests to the most strategic spot on,the continent to a war-like nation. The story of the committee's •'.] The Sudeten region is not inhabited just by jhe so-called Ger- come. Autumn produces the seed to be planted in the spring I bear an incessant cry: Lock aid to refugees is largely an acThe gates of the ghetto afresh: and summer, to produce the fruits that shall sustain through- The world—History's Shylock— count of assisting persons anxions :\ man population, but by Czechs and Jews. . to become self-supporting, to fit out the benumbing winter. Exacting Its pound of flesh. into American life. Often this reEngland, in her much-vaunted muddling fashion, Has ati quires retraining. One former Thus autumn becomes the season of joy as well as of mel- I turn ray n«wspaper pages— v 1 tempted to direct conciliatory efforts through, the Viscount secretary to a German minister, is ancholy; of fruition as Well as of frustration; of thankfulness Blood from shore to shore; now a stenographer. A number i Bunciman. The nations of Europe know only too well the con- of the human heart, as well as of sadness and of woe. Is the night of Middle Ages of kindergarten teachers have 1sequences of a warj each has' suffered and the memory is too Down upon us once more? been advised to become gover1 Bight will triumph over might. Liberty will not be throtnesses, for whc-ci there is a great 8 rqal to jump into a conflict that will bring an end to no probOh no! Their wiles and vices tled by tyranny. Democracy will Hav,e a laugh when Dictator- Grow small, and less and least, demand, and a Echool for govI lems and create a thousand more. . ernesses set up recently has just ship and Dictators, temporary phenomena of a disturbed era, As time perfects the devices trained a group of 15. Others This is a prelude to conquest. Look back ia few months will be hurled into outer darkness. Man"s better nature will Of man—the cleverest beast. are I advised to go into beauty cul1 ago. Then Hitler was threatening the Austrian chancellor to ture and similar occupations. assert itself, its innate kindliness and sympathy over suspicion, I turn the pages, and turning I The greatest problem, Prof. permit Nazis in the cabinet. The concessions were granted. hate, and' wrong. Man's constantly developing moral senti- To my brother Jew, I say: Chamberlain said, is the German r Then in a few weeks the march of the men from the north was You who are age-long burning lawyers, because of their lack of ments wili *ring out the thousand years of war, ring in the thou- On mankind's' auto-da-fe t heard in the streets of Vienna. Events are repeating them- sand years of peace.' knowledge of American law and because citizenship is a preOh despair not, my brother, selves' . ' • "Behold, we know not anything: Of the radiant hoped-for goal. requisite to practicing iiere. As a N% Madmen rule Germany today. Not statesmen Tvith a sense They cannot quench nor smother result, it has been necessary tb We can but trust that good will fall, restrain many of them. A class The living human soul. of responsibility for human values, not gracious diplomats. But established at New York UniverAt lastr-far off—at last to all, beasts ma4 with, their power, they pat their guns and know that sity recently completed the trainFor good shall come from ©vil, And every winter change to spring." As a living spring from a. stone. ing of 30 for office work. in them lies their only strength. The Coordinating Committee —FREDERICK COHN. The- darkest night must shrivel Last Sunday in the-churches of Europe, the faithful gathcooperates with 19 organizations. And vanish before the dawn. (Copyright, 1938, \>y Seven Arts One of these bodies, the Emerered to pray that there be no war. Because evil incarnate is gency Committee in Aid of DisFeature Syndicate) abroad prayer is the only way left. The last Sunday, the Czechs Gems 6$ Sfe Bil Community Calendar placed German Scholars, has placed 29 permanently in colwere calling it. The last Sunday before what! : leges, 51 under grants of funds, PUBLISHED EV6RY FRIDAY AT OMAHA, NCORAOttA, DV
and Talmud-
FROM.SE|»TEMBER 18 TO 10 are unemployed, 4 have reSEPTEMBER 22 turned to Germany aad the fate gtiaday, September 16 of 4 others is unknown. A. Z. A. No. 1 Meeting: 2:00 By MRS. WM. GRAY The German immigration quoThe racial campaign of H Duce has readied out its Hand p. m., K & L, Jewish Community There "were green buds pitched Bible ta to this country, •which comLike tests on a stem, to our sh6ires and two prominent members of the Italian diplo- They have prepared a net forCenter. bined with the Austrian, is now Omaha Hebrew Club: 3:00 And clean white wonder 27,370, may be filled this year. steps, my soul la bow^d dc%n, matic corps hkve been recalled. The consul-general of Boston, my Came out of them. for the first time in years. Prof. they have dug a pit before me, p. m., C & D, Jewish Community who is a Jew, and the ambassador, who is reputedly a Jew and they are fallen Into the- midst Center. Chamberlain said. He attributed Like nomads tents . Moatey, September 10 this to President Roosevelt's thereof themselves. ' is married to a Jewess ,have been relieved of their posts. They were small to bear Blkur Cholim: .1:00 p . a . , statements calling on the nations Give n o help against the adFulvio Suvich has been a good ambassador. He represent- versary for vain is the help of C & D, Jewish Community Cen- The dancjng peony's* to aid refugees and to increasing Perfumed petalcd hair. ter. perBecutien. "Pressure is getting ed Italy through some pretty difficult times, particularly the man. very, very much barder," he Z. A. No. 100 Meeting: 8:00 They left me breathless unpopular Ethiopian war and the Spanish crisis, when more Men of low degree are vanity p. A.m.. said. Club Rdora, Jewish Comand men of high degree are. a munity center. And awed to pain than mere diplomacy was necessary to balk Italy"s growing lie, If they be laid in the bal-" Workmen's Loan Association; Until they returned to their tents unpopularity. Even now he gives as the excuse for his retire- ancej they are together lighter 8:00 p. m., C & D, Jewish Com- And left wispa of hair in theAPPOINTED TO rain. COCHIN LEGISLATURE ment the inability to treat with the antagonism toward total- th§a vanity. munity Center. For thou hast been my help Hazomlr Choral Socfety: 8:00 Bombay (WNS)—Although a itarianism. and in the ohadow of ThjrTrfngs p. m., K & Li, Jewish Community go\-ernment commission had recri do I rejoice, my soul cleaveth Center. Ever since he has been stationed here there have been ommended that the Jews of Co01 unto Thee, Thy right hand holdTuesday, September 2O chin should be deprived of their'! ri rumours he is of Jewish descent. His diplomatic career, un- eth me fast. Choir Rehearsal:' 8:00 p. m., representation in the legislative doubtedly for that reason, is ended, but evidently he is too Ethics of the Fathers council because they were few in K & li, Jewish Community cen•J Ci number, the> Dowan of Cochin 'hi valuable to the government to be dropped and he assumes an Rabbi Hillel Bald, "Bo of the ter. disciples of Aaron loving peace WeSsiss^^y. S«p*essfeCT 31 o£ important financial position in Trieste. Algiers .(WNS) — Embittered has named Shabdai S. Koder to and pursuing peace, loving manInternational Workers* OrdeV: by bis defeat in the recent mu- represent Cochin Jewry on the j Ti , The Italian Consul-General of Boston likewise goes the way kind and drawi4g them by good 8:00 p . m., C & D, Jewish Com-- nicipal elections, which he blaraM :ouncil. C3 s on the Jews, Emile Merinaud munlty Center. In of alt faithful servants of H Duce. The lot of an Italian Con- example nigh to the Torah." . Rabbi Etlllel used t o say, " H e former mayor of Constantine and Thursday, Septcpfesr 2 3 sul these days has been no bed of roses. If he speaks, he iswho seeks a great name for the Boy Scout Meeting: 8:00 p. m., a deputy in the French Chamber \ of honor, his name will not Room, Jewish Community of Deputies for Algeria, has or- For Resit—Roona, five winheckled. Anti-Fascist organizations picket his consulate. Left- sake last long, he -who does not In-Lodge ganized an anti-Jewish party- dows. Has home. Elaefcstone is Center. . called "Friends of Frenchmen." xh wingers handcuff themselves to the telephone poles before'] his crease his knowledge decreases it district. HA 3 6 I S . Choir Rehearsal: 8:00 p . m., The new party has a' special at windows, and after throwing away the keys shout 'down with (because he forgets) and he who K & L, Jewish Community Cendoes not study.* at all, such a life section for nativa Moslems. Mortiis not -worth while living, and he ter. inaud has issued a manifesto apde everything'connected with Italy and Mussolini, who m.akc3 uss of the crown of pealing to all Frenchmen in AlIt has undoubtedly been a nerve-wracking experience and the Torah for selfish purpose will 1 OS For Rent—Nicely furgeria t o defend their rights and th he deserves a well-earned rest beside bjue seas and under sunny waste away." the future of their children room. KA 3 1 2 9 . th "against the odious Jewish dieHlllei used to feay, "If 1 th okies. For his courage he should at least receive the commen- amRabbi tatorship whJch'.at present dominot for myself -who will be n-.to Gf-Qirad nates French life." dation of his king, a little jeweled pin "to wear in his lapeL for me? Bat If I care for myself th sgu (WN3)—A Ssdeteo only, what asa I? Ana « not n6w, A similar party called'"Friends Instead he is told his work is now done. That he is no n\ (Nazi)) German firs brigade'let of th'e Latins'" was recently Widow wishes to cfearo 5; -. ~. : •.-•• th longer a fit person to represent Italy, to serve the House of w h e n ? " a house burn down 'In th© village l reosa house vritb &<3uH cotslaunched • ia ©ran by 'Abbe LamEhammai said, "Get a fixed til of 14uterb&ch b#c$usa its cvntT ! p!o. 2 2 1 1 Webster. AT Y< Savoy, because he is a Jew and Mussolini has suddenly realized time for thy study of the Torah, wag 4 Jew, the Geraaa language bert, mayor ef the .city. The p a - 6112. ty's organ, Oraa-Ma'tlQ, demands promise little, aad do much and it would be great politics to bait the Jew. Sozlal beinokrat that "a special states be'created receive all mea with a cheerful newspaper charged. for Jews, depriving tfcesa of the No longer must the good name of Italy be insulted by Hav- countenance." Reporting that other people atRabban Gamaliel said, "Pro- tempted to fight the fire, the right to talcs part in any public to ing him represent it. So on the altar of 'extreme,* 'exaggerated' function," the introduction of a Ht nationalism two more figures are sacrificed. We may not agree vide thyself ,wiih a te&cher to paper sajd they were held back numerous daTisus and the revodesire hold you from the clutch of by shonts that t&e owner' was a cation of Jjwish naturalisations iu privat* feonie. :'th, with the principles, they represented. But they were faithful doubt, and accustom not thyself Jew. Eleven Sudstens were ar- sisca 1S70. Stite ?as l ' • . • to give tlthea by a conjectural restpd t o r 166ting the burnise i JevrSsb ia their charge and deserved better than what they are getting. estimate.'' house. Patronise Our Advertisers
y J
By Ds>« '
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This premiere showing of Johansen nqode» it just that in every sense of the word . . . «o distinctive are they, so sparkling with ingenuity . . . Here's a resume of the glorious array of etunning new modes for Fall . . . Lustrous Suedes,. Calfskins and Kidstins in rich autumn hues of Chismti Wine, Chow, Hindus T$n, Admiralty Blue, Tobacco Erewn and Blacks that will lend a glowing charra tc- your roost swagger sports and street txllleurs. All Nebraska-Johansen modes—
Ths Frencky
Three Distinct Price Croups
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THE JEWISH PBBSS—-FRIDAY* SEPTEMBER 16, 1938 enter the Art Institute. Her to launch the new brother Joel i u two or his ChlThe Pioneer "Women -will hold go IT. classmates visiting: him. A meeting of the Junior >i« a special meeting on Tuesday, They are Billy Shlaes, formerly sah was held. Monday eveiiii Concluding one of the most September 20, at the Jewish of Omaha, and James Wise the Hotel Chieftain P( Vbvi successful rush weeks in its hisThe pre-season dessert lunch- !ommunity Center at 2:30 p. m. House. June MeyetBori, rr-irnir-r tory, Sigma Omicron Chapter of eon card party of the Omaha As this is a very important dent, turned ir-, P. verosl -PK Sigma Alpha Mu announced the Heard that Charlotte Mayer Chapter of Hadassah will be held meeting all members have been pledging of ten new men Tueswas really surprised at the cur-tion. ttopc T*">Tulel~c>TL M 1 p. m. Monday, September 19th urged to attend. Plans will be [ day, September 13. By Arlene Solomon prise birthday party Babe Robinon the 10th floor of the Brandeis discussed for the coining season. GUTTBIAN-KBASNE • JBRMAN-BLOCH son and Mildred Laytin gave for Chosen because of their excepRooms. Proceeds of theImportant correspondence will Dear Suzy Q, Miss Ruth Krasne, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bloch of tional character and ability are Tea her st Babe's house, Saturday for luncheon will go for the Hadasalso be discussed. Of-Mr. and Mrs. I. Krasne of Cincinnati, Ohio, announce the the following: night. Max Prostok, sah Medical Organization, and Please XQ's me if I don't Council Bluffs, became the bride* marriage of their daughter, Sel- Omaha; Melvin Tanenbaum, OmI am sure you know Rosalie write to you for the next eight of Samuel Guttman, jr., of Oma- ma, to Or. Frank Lerman, son of aha; • Stanley Mayper, Omaha; the Rothschild Hadassah Univert\el(l Well, anywar. she's trp to sity Hospital. months. Ton see, tomorrow Alberts. ha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Lerman of Morton Margolin, Omaha; Charles opening: s. dancing: school at thf There will be twenty hostesses night I have to leave for the Guttman at a quiet ceremony Omaha. Shlndler, Omaha; Milton Bloom, University of Colorado, and as I Music Eos the 24th. Dr. Lerman, "who is a former Omaha; Jesse Younger, New for this affair of which Mrs. Sunday. Rabbi Freedrick Cohn Did I tell you that Babe Milder Agudue Achim h<HU:e v. tu Dave Stein Is the chairman. Evplan to Btudy very, very hard, I Omahan, and his bride, will make performed the ceremony in the York City; Norman Green, Norhas changed from Central High Thursday at thf F;af,1e*; *'*> eryone Is urged to get their table just won't have time to write to their home in Pittsburgh, Penn. The Sisterhood of Temple Ispresence of only the immediate olk; Phillip Bordy, Silver Creek, to Brownell Hall? arrangements In early. Call HA you. Well, I will write one morp rael has announced its program families. and-Ben Novicoff, Lincoln. Green Just have to stop now and fin- The Emesel Clul> lieu", * 6882 for reservations. for the regular monthly meetings letter just to let you know I arand Novicoff are recipients of Following a dinner at the Pax-TO ATTEND NEBRASKA of the comiErg year. Meetings rived safely, and after that, if I ish packing. Will write more ing Tuesday cvenlnr: p.f fhr ton Hotel the couple left on a Melvin Tannenbaum left last Regent Scholarships. A La Verne of Lucille b are held the first Monday of each can possibly find the time, I'll next time. Campaign •wedding trip to Chicago. •week for Lincoln, -where he is at-Noyes scholarship has been month at the Temple. Each meet- drop you a line. Gee, that last Affectionately yours, Choosing the slogans "Every After September 18, Mr. andtending the University of Nebras- awarded to Bordy. Mr. and Mrs. "j»v-enrp 5Woman a Hadassah Mem- ing, witti the exception of thesounds as though I'm going poA. Mrs. Guttman will be at home at ka. Sigma Omicron is confident Jewish tea, is preceded by aetic on you, and before I do I ber" and "A Place for Every opening P. S. I know that youfe very announce the Xl&r Kii..n. the Chieftain Hotel In Council that the 1938 pledge group will Jewish Woman luncheon at 1 o'clock. have some stuff I just have tc interested in what's going on .their son, Stanley T.^elvin. o; Hadassah," the Bluffa, carry on the high scholastic, fra- Omaha Chapterin All luncheons are prepared by tell you. is conducting an here In town; BO have arranged urday morninc. Sep:proV>r,r . ternal, and progressive work Mrs. Molly Cohen and her circle. intensive Membership Drive for Rosalie Alberts tor someone to keep yon regular- 6:00 a. m. p.t the Cb.ev-.-s. For one thing,"some more of which has been the tradition of the year 1938-1939. Mrs. B. L. Wolf is president of RETURNS FROM NEW YORK ly informed while I'm away. Bril- Visroel Synagogue, the freshmen at Nebraska are the chapter since its founding on the Sisterhood. Mrs. David Wfce Mrs. R e u b e n Epstein and All friends ana veiaUvji Opens Studio "Hadassah Is the organization liant idea, don't you think? Melvin Tannenbaum, Leonard Cothe University of Nebraska through which women can best is chairman of the program comdaughter,. Betty Ann. returned invited to attend. No int." hen, and Joe Kirschenbaum. Rosalie Alberts announces the campus. Tuesday from Nev York where invitation* are beint ISRISSJ. express their deep sense of hu-mittee. Do you know that Macy Baum Folowing Is the prospectus of Sigma Alpha Mu looks forward manity and their high hopes lor they hare spent the past seven opening of School of Dancing in is going to Columbia University meetings: the Georgian room of the Music to one of its most successful weets. people. In view of con- Monday. October 10, 193*: Leonard Bi-cwr. is plw,^! in New York, and that Buster Box, Nineteenth and Capitol ave- years in campus activities with Jewish ditions in Europe, Hadassah in- Opening leave Saturday iox 1 <>*••*• nue. Teaching ballet, toe and Sloeburg and Bob Bernstein will Meeting, Musical Tea— three of its actives holding key SETS WEDDING BATE where he vail euiet ir.f . tap. Registration Saturday, Sep- positions on the Daily Nebr&sk&n vites -women to join who are Address of Welcome, Mrs. B. I*'attend Champaigne, Illinois? MIBS Lillian Friedlander has tember 24, from 1 to 5 p. m. staff. Morris'LIpp, North Platte, keen, zealous and alert to par-Wolf, president. Organ numbers fiity oi flaltmwtt Last night Helen Jane Chapticipate in the fine service HadasSet October 9 as the date of her Miss Alberts is well known In will be Editor-in-chief of that Esther Leaf. Address, "Women sah gives to Palestine and toof Valor," Mrs. Eugene Mann- man left for Perry Hall, a. girl"* marriage to Dr. Harold Stern. Herb Rev. Morris Volovlck, noted Omaha for her dancing and dra-publication this coming semester; America," said Mrs. Max Cohen, heimer of Des Moines, la. Mrs.prep school in Chicago. matic arts, having been active at Arthur Hill, Lincoln, will conblind cantor, of Philadelphia, Some of the fellows retumint the Community Center and high tinue as assistant business man- Membership Chairman in urging Mannheimer was recently elected to Harvard this year are Harold will officiate at the service Fri- enrouec RF » RETURNS FROM WEST women to join. preisdent of the Des Moines Womday evening and Saturday mornMiss Anne Hahn arrived home school road shows. ager, and Norman Harris, Omen's Club. Her message will be Sachs, Albert Stein, Jerry Gor- ing at the Chevra B"nai Ylaroel She studied with Miss Fogg- for ha, will serve as Sports Editor. ast Thursday after spending four don, Annan d Gilinsky, and informational and stimulating. B s S a l e MoBes lipflc Synagogue. -weeks on the west coast, in 14 years, and recently returned Morris Lipp, treasurer of InDewey Zeigler. housecleaning going on Tea under the Sufckah. He will chant the Selicoth serv- era! for Poutb Venice, California, she was thefrom New York, where s h e nocents society, men's senior in With Panel Discussion all Jewish homes before the Suzy Q, have you seen those ice Saturday night at 12 o'clock, Revolution. boose guest of Mr. and Mrs. M.studied with Ballet Master Ivan honorary, will also participate ia high holidays, H&d&ssah Rummand for new tap routines Moatiay, November 7, 1938:adorable oxfords -with the green September 17. Welner, formerly of Omaha. . Sho Tarasoff various other important campus age Committee women ask that Johnny Mattison, the wellPanel Discussion on World Af- crepe platform sole*, stnd the yel- The Chevra B'nai YUroel ex- The firi*:. Ji V it fclu> visited in Los Angeles, San- with activities, including a position as they be called to pick up any sel- fairs — Chairman, Mrs. Henry low and brown spotted topi was foundpf ' r " ta Barbara, Catalina Island, and knows New York teacher. senior student member of the able clothes, shoes, furniture or Monsfcy. Speaker, Dr. Lyman which look exactly like leopard tends a cordial invitation to all She has worked professionally to come to hear this world faother places of interest. Student Union board of control, Harris. Dr. Harris, of the Uniother merchandise. Call Mrs. Wm. skin? Personally, I think theyTe mous cantor. There will b« no through Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut, and and presidency of Sigma Delta Alberts, At. 0379 or Mrs. H. Sue- versity of Omaha, is a brilliant pretty snaizy! charge. Chi, national honorary journalhistorian whose message will be ben, WE 5537 for bundle, pickrecently appeared at the local OsBob Rueben of Fort Bodge, vital. Panel members. Mrs. JoeIowa, Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Levin of pheum with the Lita Grey Chap- ism fraternity. ing up. -was In town tor a couple Newly elected advisers for the Hill, a member oJ Corn Cobs, EMERGENCY YOUTH ALISAH Rothkop, Mrs. Harry Malashock. of days this week. H« «oes to Sioux City announce the marriage lin unit. Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, jr., Mrs.Iowa U. Which remind* - me, Council BlutfB A. Z. A. Chapter men's pep club, will serve as a WOBS CONTINUES of their daughter, Harriett, to 7 are M follows: Chairman ->i member of the school Student Morell Weinsteln, son of Mr. and Hadassah Youth Aliyah worfe, Louis Soiamer. Florence Leaf of Dunlap, Iowa Monday, December 5, J93S: win 6pend her freshman year at tk« atvUory board. Meyer Malts; oun-cil besides filling the office under Mrs. Julius Stein, ChairMrs. Maurice M. Weinsteln of and members of the hoard. Mn of vice-president of Delta. Sigma man, has been active all sazxmer. The Lights of the Jewish Year-*- the same university. Omaha, on August S3. Mrs. Sara Teper is the chairman Wednesday night. ROM Paperny l*ra Kresne, Kate Nosg, AI rr"f—.— '->• The couple will make their Fifty members attended the Rho, national honorary forensic Great coraneadatloa is due the this program, which will por- gave a farewell dinner tor Z«ll and Abe Katelman. heme in Omaha. following committee workers who of first meeting of the Omaha se- fraternity. Irvin Yaffee, Omaha, first have employed their ttoS for th<» tray dramatically the Jewish holi- Abrahamson, who left the tame tion of the National Council of days with particular reference to Laat Sunday mernicg at S:PC ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Jewish Juniors which was held string reserve basketball, player drive during the past summer. the origin of the ceremonies. night for Chicago where she will a. m., a special meeting of A. V< Sunday at the Jewish Community last year, should have little trou- Active on the fund raising for Judging from Mrs. TeperV past Mrs. Harry Fellman has anA. members wae held &t the hoirf ble finding a place on the varsity the Youth Aliyah were the fol-successes (most recent of which nounced the engagement of herCenter. Norman lowing women: Mrs. M. M. Bar-was the lovely Mother-Dauyhter members of the Sisterhood for 30 of Arnold Lincoln to make daughter, Ann, to Dr. Abe D. An interesting and timely talk squad this winter. more years. Pageant, "Our for a progTSTB -rhereby Fa}er, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Maxon Italy was given by Rabbi Bordy, also of Omaha, for a div- ish, Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, Mrs. J.Luncheon program), we know or David H. Wice. ing berth on the Cornhusker H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. Ruebea Kul- this program -will be inspiring Sisterhood Yesterday and Today." asd new activity may be BtartPd. ,; Faier. Ieidor Ziegler is ferreting A meeting was hel£ 'Wednes&s,: |i,akofsky, Mrs. Albert Newman, and beautiful. New members will Mrs. - Dr. Paler is a graduate of the The following committee chair- swimming team. out the history of our Sisterhood. men were appointed for the 1937Chapter officers for the com MIS3 Blanche Zlmman. be honored at this meeting. Creighton School of DentiBtry Anyone with pertinent informaand is a member of the Pi^ club year: Program, Ida Fine; ing year are Leo Eisenstatt, Oma All cummer these woja6a have Monday, January 9, 1&38: tion or stories of the old days membership, Gertrude Guss; reli- ha, prior; Henry Greenberger, been working la co-operation Book Lambda Phi fraternity. He in. of the Tear—Dr. L. V.please communicate with Mrs. gion, Blta Mantel; peace, GerGrand Island, exchequer; Irvin •with the national campaign to Jacks of Creighton University terned In Minneapolis, Minn. iegler_or with Mrs. Louis Lipp, trude Greenberg, social service, No plans have been made for Reva Malashock: telephone, Ce- Yaffee, recorder; David Kavich, bring over as many German Au- will review that book which 2»* er co-chairman. This program house manager, and strian and Polish children into considers to have been the 64itr promises to be interesting, with th« wedding. lia Richards; project, Ida Black- Fremont, Sidney Kalin, Sioux City, his- Palestine as possible. Complete standing book of 193S." Dr. Jacks perhaps a langh and perhaps a er; legislation, Marian Martin; torian. report /will be published in theis professor of English, and a tear. VISITING HERE hospitality, Libby Dolgoff: Girl very near future. All contribu- •well qualified judge of ^mod-era •Monday^ April S, i939-: Spring Mils Sadie Filch of Minne- Scouts, Janet Graetz; publicity, tions to the youth. AHyah nay beliterature. Which book do yeaProgram apolis, Minnesota, is the guest Cnarlotte Mayer, and bulletin, -Passover- ' Melodies, made to anyone es. the eomsait- think i s will select as "Book of" Mr. Paiii "Verer, Director J. C. C. JOT two -weeks of Estelle Gilbert. Marion Strauss and Bertha Guss. the Year?" Mr. Ver-et, 'though a newcomer, is Mica Pilch is on her way home About 25 Council members are Achar Hataunis dance plan? tee or to the c&airs&n. Household Employment . already -well-known to urn all. after an extended visit in theplanning to attend the Mid-West are practically completed accordMonday, , February fi, 1829: Palestine Folk Dfcne^s^ Miss Ruth eastern states. Regional Convention to be held ing to dance co-chairmen, ArbitSymposium on Household Em- Diamond of University of Omaha, in Minneapolis, O c t o b e r 22 man and Sherman. The dance ployment—Employee's Viewpoint, assisted by her students. MIM and 23. RETURNS TO OMAHA will be held on Tom Kippur night, Miss Goldie Carter of the Y. W.Diamond is alresfiy selecting her - Cantor Boris Gassin has reOctober 5. Aleph, Godol, Irving C. A. Employer's Viewpoint, girls and preparing this unusual turned to Omaha from Chicago Nogg, announced three more apof sn Omaha Civic Committee to program. Welcome the Spring Hazomir and St. Louis where he has given pointments to the dance commitstudy this problem. If you have •with song anfi dance, a real treat! The Hazomir Singing Society tee. c«veral concerts. Cantor Gassin Thy are Dan Miller, Paul The Beth-El Synagogue He- "maid trouble" cr if you have Saturday, May €. 1SSG-: Moth.-will conduct the High Holiday has begun its Weekly meetings Shapiro', and Justin Priesman. brew School has already started not, you'll find this discussion of er-Daughter Luncheon"— Chairservices at the Beth Hamedrosh every Monday at 8:30 p. m. at the Cultural committee chairman, its sessions at the Hnmpty Duinp- this important field interesting man of Program, Mrs. Jack CoJewish Community Center. Hagodel Synagogue. Justin Priesman, announced that ty houss, 5109 Capitol Avenue. and thought provoking. hen. Tv'itn Mrs. Cohen as chairPlans for an Interesting year's the second degree Initiation will Already man, -we may all anticipate a forty-six children have Monday, March 6, 1939: Old program has been completed. 4OBLTS MEMORIAL held on A. Z. A. day In Oc- been enrolled for the sessions Timers Program—This program beautiful and unusual program Persons wishing to join are be tober. A motion picture sound film asked which mefit three times a week. will honor those who have been for this happy occasion. to come to the Center or The postponed Softball game "Land of Giants—California,' to call Cantor A. Sc'hwaczkin. The school Is open to members with the Sam Beber chapter will and non-members alike. Applicawill be shown in the lecture hall be held this Sunday, 11 a. m., attions for admittance may be at the Joslyn Memorial on SunHOLD SERVICES IN Elmwood park. Before the last made at the Synagogue office in day at 3:30 p. m. Mr. Martin W. Bush will play TEMPLE VESTRY ROOM game with the Century chapter the Jewish Community Center. was rained out, the Mother chapthe organ recital at 4:00 on SunInquiries can be asde by callBecause of the painting and ter was leading 3-2. This game ing Rabbi Goldstein or Mr. Kahr, day afternoon, assisted by Miss decorating now In progress in the on Sunday should prove to be a WAlnut 1820. Parents are urged Evelyn L. Smith, pianist. the Temple Israel auditorium thriller. to register their children quickly there will be no services until A special meeting of the because registrations will be SISTERHOOD September 25, the first evening Mother chapter will be held Sun- closed immediately after Rosh of Rosh Hashonah. September 18, at the Jewish Hashonah. A luncheon, sponsored by the However, the regular Friday day, Community at 2:30 p. in. Sisterhood of Temple Israel, will evening service will be held In This meetingCenter Is very Important be, held this Tuesday, September the Temple vestry room this eve- and should be attended by all INVEST SAFES.Y, WISELY IN • 20, at 1 o'clock at the Blackstone ning and next week. members of A. 2. A. 1. hotel. The- program for the affair inAnnuity, Eneawssent, u t « Bas-a-mi cludes cards, man Jong and bingo. Ro-Noh • FJ3ARES L S O f l Reservations may be made by Th regular meeting of the BasThe Ro-Noh: Club held Its first SI Strong Compancalling Mrs. Samuel Appleman, a-ml was held on Tuesday, Sep- meeting of the season at the Represents ies— Ev«ry Tys* ef Insurance Atlantic 9942. tember 13, at the Jewish Com- home of Sheldon Coffman last and Bonfia Written. munity Center. Plans for a fund- Sunday. CALL AT 7SS7 cr WA 6159 Plans were made for a brilliant project were discussed. City Flnaneo & insurance Co. Junior Hadassah raising The Bas-a-mi also expressed social season. appreciation for the co-operation Junior Hadassah board mem C^ir^:.': rj"rvr C; •bera met on Tuesday, September extended by the Jewish people of •r f t, at the Jewish Community Cen- Omaha toward the past project ter. Plans were formulated to and hoped co-operation will con» "Get-Together" tea to be held tinue In future. on Sunday, October 2. Further' details, will be an- Nathan Lazarus Benmohel was m m • cad a jofly good the first conforming Jew to renounced soon: Sucfemtii ef H«rn»y ceive a degree from a British unifortune it should be ia versity (1836). Patronize Our Advertisers
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(CZECHS PREPARE FOR EMERGENCY—Vast army maneuvers in Europe indicate how close the Continent IS to the verge Of another huge conflict.. With other nations Czechoslovakia prepares for an j .(Emergency. Here ts a unit of the Czech army with a field kitchen, taking part in the recent maneuvers near Prague. British public protests the dismembennont of Czechoslovakia by the Sudetens.
TEUXDELEIX LEADS 3EASS—George Cardinal - a:mddem. ArcLbisho^ 0: C!iicrrc vho more than 50 years ago was a schoolinate of Cardinal Ea3 es, sung the portiSc? 1 n a s c el rromrm for his old mend, at St'Patrick's Cathedral, New York. Above. CsrcLnal ^^rideie.r. is i°rrmf: the Foiemn procession. Behind him is former Governor Alfred E. SrrrUi, P?p?l criarrbr-iF.n of cane and Sword.
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LOVELIEST QUEEN—More beautiful than Cleopatra is the pronouncement by Egyptians regarding their queen, Farida, whom they hail as the most lovely queen in Egyptian history. Wife of young King Farouk. she is the first queen Egypt has had since Cleopatra. Her latest picture, above, shows her in royal court attire of rich silk, ermine and jewels, recently given her by Farouk.
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JWARNS HITLER—Joining British leaders who 'warn Chancellor jHitler of Germany that Great Britain can be pushed too far, is iWinston Churchill, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, shown la's h e spoko recently at a gymkana in London. Mr. Churchill j asserted that Gennany must reduce its huge standing army.
SUDETEN -i-,Key man 'In the, present European crisis" Is? Koti-J; rad Henlem, leader of 'tjtie Sude-" ten Germans who" demand an .autonomous state in Czechoslovakia. Herr Henlein has had many conferences with Chancellor Hitler of Germany, using an airplane frequently in hurried trips from Prague to Berlin and return. Above is a caricature by Hayle. Henlein is 40 years old. He is. a native of Maffersdorf, in.old Bohemia', and was wounded and taken prisoner on the Italian front in the World War. He formerly was • a gymnastic instructor.
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CHURCH PKINXE GOES TO REST—W.th all the pomp and symbols of his fcith about him, a solemn pontifical mass of requiem was sung for the deceased Patrick Cardinal Kayos Prince of the Catholic Church, at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Kew York Citr. Above is a scene in the cathedial during the Consecratipn of the Eo t. Body of the deceased cleric is in the fore
"UNTOLD HARM"—Mayor Arigelo Rossi made efforts to settle the strike of clerks in 35 of San Francisco's department stores that he said was doing "untold harm" to the city. Meanwhile hundreds of pickets were on duty. 24 hours a day in'front of the stores. Above is a : scene- on Market Street as a picket struggles . through the crowd. Fights Occurred with police.
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GRAVELY ELL—Dr. Kurt" Schuschnigg, last Chancellor of independent Austria, r e p o r t e d gravely ill in Vienna. He is said to have suffered a nervous breakdown which may postpone his trial on a charge of treason.
SECUKITY CHANGES—Arthur J. Altmerer, left. chaiTnan, and Frank Bane, executive secretary of the Social Security Board, who are preparing for Congress a report on the feasibility of many proposed changes in the Secuntr Act.
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NEW GAME WITH A KICK —Soccer on the golf course might descYib'e' the new game ot codeball, invented by a Chicago physician, that is gaming wide popularity in the United States. Player uses a six-inch rubber ball weighing 12 ©unces and boots it around the 14-hole course.
instead of using a golf club. Upper panel shows how it is played in St. Louis, Mo., with Edna Gustafson scoring, tower left, driving is done with the toe, while, lower right, the flat" of the sole is used in putting*: of rolling, i t into the cup. A good score for 14 holes is 75.
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* as ALABAMA END—Among University of Alabama lettermen returning this season to the football squad, is Tut Warren", above, senior end.-This is Tut's third season as a first-string end for the Crimson Tide, gaining wide popularity last year for his" intensive and intelligent playing. The big fellow -weighs -182. His.horae. town is Montgomery, capital of the state. ,
FETE GOES OVERBOARD—Pete the Penguin, newest ernong Hollywood screen stars, about to go o2 the diving board, -while two compatriots wait their turn. While the picture in. which Fete appears •was-in process.a .property man, recalling. AdmirEi Byrd's penguins, ordered a, ton of Ice for Pete. Pete "nearly froze to'death. He ccines from tne'G&lspsgos "Islands, near the equator.
At profftUnd imftort that the feio of political democracy Bfcs qttietly in ham & decade beeom* agrarian and influetrial? from the social through th« political to the economic does the ttar of democracy ttke its way. Safe in the American "WRT We are safe BO ]ong as the By BS. f. V. SMITH American WE;- C&C thus extend HWashington, P. C. felf througb new clRFses to con- The S2,000 rnem>e~ B'rith and Ite tV.rev P With- political mean, can be reasonable about crete problems. TTfc&i new Good Sabbath, boys s a d back upon the year that has just Everybody's kitchen was dean do with the machinery of hi J democ- Hillel Feunciaiione.. rhteconomic issue*. thft risnt «M ca tha left, girls of the Jnnior 3 ended, and we ask ourselves: nd eweet, everybbdy's father was racy we must abide pood natured- Z&dek AJeph P.IKI , l»f AmeActai are feegtassias nsor© Golden Mean Press! "Did we do the right things getting ready tor shool, and ly, even if tner should all pet. itP.T"^"i v ^ r ? covn. ro, * ~. t^>.". aad more to tall: et tSe In spite of difficulties, howBecause there will be no through the year? Did we do verybody in -short, proudly and Well tc 6o enough to send their of "unF-wervins loysK; fciaa "Wfty" of dtolisg tStEg ever, there is a golden mean iu JnAIor Jewish Press what was . right and proper, or openly, knew that tonight was cwi telegrrame to treak-kneed m a c r a c ; in vhioli *e S is t&e "Acae?ic&a way? peiitie&l controversy, whether the we are in this Issa& were we selfish and mean? Did Rosh Hashonah. cannot a*t& et t i e tTn2<sjsrten* be spending, reorganization. some stories of Bosh B s e help those who needed help* this spread oi democracy The day wore on; chickens cf CMc*g» • £ej>a«»e£si oi regulation, taxation, or bwreauThem are also ccrmo lovely Wore we kindly to our neighbors? see t t k chance v.iUioi'l lions; 5U.JHT>3 were cleaned and roasted, "chalg iaswes* tbAt vital n.cy; aaa this "mean Sas been etnpoems and a legend of "Jerr* Bid B d we h l our parents t and d lehs" were baked crisp and goldhelp as fl exhibited by wise j fcltrnu, has toe t:ueEEj" i elomach : and iiuiuen lsh Children 83 P l d teachers, or were we ; progra.m fov Sl'-f ysis of the bajsle characteristic* lesS6?S cf the peopl* frets Jeffer- j lot the American ' spiteful? en-brown, tables were set aid "Were -wa truthful? "Wore we Candles placed in their bright canA£fi iJ rcti'iotiEm should f o I rciUJCPi' tM! ef the Americas S3C3SB non to FrsEklin Roosevelt. The bravo and clean ? dlesticks all ready. like white vith plutocrB-tic d cue to it Is tfce thought that our EPIT02&. Questions such as these come soldiers, tp guard the holiness of a is 'not t cult, bet & let's try EEtrioticrn. vromen hpve to us on Bosh Hashanah as -we the evening. And the Old year Teu met & Jew today, £.nd you :w culture; that ecr flenioc- «.!?."£?•£*been s. pert o* the AtnpviTrnl.r conserve tive. i'or rc pray in the eyaagdg and listen was slowly going out, and preL'Shonoh Tovoh Tifcosev! 5 rom did not spit at each other. That's rtcy 18 cot «, predict but a F"C>A time of health, of joy, and to the Shofar's Bound and to the paring the way for the New Year. he AsserJSaa -way. Or was it & ;®ss, not a Fdsl Sut * v t y ef ro- ther fio not so eaei'y resort trlrutior.: r.id semens. "We recall our behavior The New Year! The glorious, f&l&etto, as Liu buainesE, msc or e yoo saei, or a. Catholic, .&£• Democracy with i - che«r; a £>. A. ft., a Negro, & i i sver can he *rrfTefi at Ir I -wish you all, both young and during the past year. We reaem- fresh, sinless New Year, straight her the past mistakes and .misfrom the hands of God! -Joy that bill 'vromcii ESV- vftrr v?«le&Ily. Bet that's vague. p i i i e s t . & J>rcte4tiAt, or old; deeds. Ttat is thB reason why fix it more definitely without Ua- tticrc, K C1I£.ECS tc isr* tr 'vr-t^rT Pol6». •Whoever it . « u y JLt ttl*. the turning of t i e year. Rosh Hashanah is called the Day trembled on every face, as U s night gradually approached, the TS-tVlt EEC tr Fr^ip^p pfriripr.c-" •eu met Mm cs tne level tsfi &tir £»2cc6sijor£. of Remembrance. consciouf- of • air darkened, and the white canIn srery land, in every clime, Cartes on the square. Taat'fc tb& te frevsnnnprt. T -else. Indeefi, than by the and "iu'iiv cof,; I "bring *o6d tiding BO tne Jew; . And as we recall these things, dles glimmered, waiting to break American xray. tributiou i>. Hi eld Aiaerican -way o I circle round the -world, I cross we alfio remember that God Is Into light at the touch of a match. Welle you trere doing all tfii$ Far distent lands, I ride the not only the Ruler of all, but also, And how Jittle Bennie hopped feeep the r.atioc ssne vbere the crisis,'" Mi. ?> meeting, I ate bacon &aa eggs at .hip ia &cceptiii£ the isFJies pi Hie Ere concrned. For 51a U B t V. 01, iiV:(. vrc •waves. . the Judge of all, who searches with delight beside his father as hicago in the' B«cure intiaacy \o r?Ki our hearts and our minds and they trudged cheerfully home of ray family, taught a y classes result*, -whatever they be? TfciS , s-bore 'the fray oi partisanship, contfvit. the glfr:' of '• t£e ws.r ib find the ffiifidle ] from shool! And everywhere I chant my song, pae&es Jndsrtnent upon us. ' Tcsmea &\Urnpefe faces of those vet s t the TJaJversity of ChSea-so ia ihf ir66. Each £6£L£rE.tion i£U£t j L"Soonoh Tevoh Tikosev. to be, ehtntorn facee peering, Shofar Blowing •easy-give and take cf intellectual Within the house, all was determine anew, t e each generajeering The old greeting of the Jew ior a clissJiCC lo be veil aaerle, fisSsbed this article A very important part of the and prepared. They sat do-om May God be. with you ever- Bosh tliej- heat' absent voices as I flew to New Vert in to* full tion has detfirminea for itself, the Hsshanah service in the around the table, and waited for more; boundary betresa pefcne bidding ib? t tuift epct on esith the stars to appear and announce feel c£ scientific security, for a SynagOg is the blowing of the For health, ior life, for sweet Shofar. Its shrill sounds, repeat- the actual birth of the New Year. erring, Eome, Voices Voi r r g ,rryy town meeting of the air speech anfi private ettfcrprtse. Let. rueto call home. content, with Colonel Frank KEOX without respectfully reeled rte voct'er- ing for peace in Hit vtldrrnesp of ed four times, seem to have a spe- The sky was shadowy, the trees him. And Bis father CSSiled ^*.*May you be written as of yore. cial message, as if saying: along the street outside and in t g to scratch his eyes out, OBS, fearful thst vfe Aeericp.tiE t f e e v c r f d . L r f e . t r y t t i U mother brought on th» hot,though he cses -called e e in print *.]! peit afivREces e" the II patriotfern fnilB we. "Awake, you sleepers, and the garden, behind, grew voyy his soup, and the "caalleh" the unprintable name of a "r&fil* " will. *ea,r only fc?cre L'ffhonoh think" of your deeds: reniernber deep, dark green, and the wind delicious blew cool. Yet no stara appeared. was already cut. c&l metajayslelaa." Tfiat'i th« advances. Each jtCB©*s.t5<jffl is L'Shonon Tovon Tikosev. your Creator, and go back to him And Bennie grew Impatient, and fca* vinfier tightening "Come, Bennie! Are you ready American tray — to call, I mean, in penitence. Look well to your wondered iv had happened to to eat?" exclaimed eonditione pa65e£ further than l i d his hi father, fther but not to Ecratca. Souls, ana consider your deeds. the three what Klflf Of stars which the New •We're an easy going lot, we the last tafe eo-e-per&tive handling Forsake, each one of you, nis evil Year was sending to proclaim It. laughing. "The New Year cam© while you were slee*>iag." Americans, we do not *upj>ose ot things essentially cbmnion. ways and thoughts, and return to Bennie's hand sprang up to that we have to have anybody i& G6vfera£ieiit h&6 £r.6Wn a n d A nappy New Year, tfncle Dave! God, so that he' may have mercy Family Waits catch a tear which still hung on order to be Boaebofly. If yoii grates, withbut ever yet £6i&i I/6hO»ah ToT»K Tikosave! yon." Longer and longer Bennie and his father's beard but taen ce re- meet sae and I saeit ydu, said berserk. TLufe £. dyutsiic deffiofiThe Shofar Is a horn of a ram, b&s £*'fcllewefi. and can yet Ju«t fife* my a&t and my tie—It's •which was boiled in -crater, flat- his family waited; the air grew membered, and stopped. And be "Walt Whitman, why should w« no darker, the trees no mistier, said to himself, "It was I who not speak to one another* Our ov7. E.ZS Einafcer of dogmatWUe— tened and provided with a mouth- and no stars came. brought the New Year, but I hates, if ixre hate them. *r« liir- ic Bt>£is,llEias without feny ill efCity (KN?) — And my elk-skin Bhass—they're piece. It was used by the JewBennie blinked impatiently as dent CardensR, in e message to all Brand new. uries not necessities. Osr humor* fecte on its oa health. ish, people throughout their long his father, to pass the time away, need not tell them." The candle flames leaped the Mexica.fi ConpreBE, refeffarr are heavier than our nates. T&iB history. First, by the ancient began to relate a pleasant story higher, To yell "reElraectation" at reg- ed and everybody smiled pod-aatured feeling' for eocial Mexico's intention oi afin >\Ypu'rt oeen to Shule? Well, r v e Hebrew shepherds, to call the of which the iDejorlty of Jerusalem. He heard his faing political refiifrees from Lu been, tod; • sBeep together and out of danger. ther's voice but what was said though they did not know why. equality, this preference for trast, m the lunatic fringe rop* as perAianeui vesi<ieute »>i i I WM ill there When the Shofer Then, it was used to sound a gen- And still, no stars. lifiGES, is the deepest mean- on the right 18 new doing, is to etfephasized th&t fle^itiie sctio if I'F \ We*. ing of tbt American Vfey or life. eral alarm in the cities of old have no effect ufilesfi to produce at last Bennie exclaimed It's a rain's horn ' everybody Palestine. The Sbofar-w&s sound- outAnd PEfeHC Talk, Secret Vote they ytll to prevent. To beicfc- MM t p j>eiidiii£ a stud: C loud, "Papa, what has hapknows; ed when Moses gave the Ten pened to the New Year and the First born frora tils friendli- Cry C&V2. procCTsep of patienno. the reconnaenaatiftne oi ! 1 e Te-ke-eah—that's the way it goes. Commandments to our people. stars? Why do they not come?" aes* is oar habit, ef ftfettliag -*11 as t i e lunatic fringe on the left cie*It pt The arrival of the new month £ne£S tix6uga aublic talk is doing-, is only to reves.1 that But his father was talking on If any horrid thoughts are round was announced by sounding the and secret .vote. Our eosifeJit&o not trust democracy and on, and did not hear him. policr. ctpclp.rtniE; *>l5i Tfiey'fe friintenea oft by such a Shofar. ri ment with the ballot rfefl&cts bXLT to produce £e&6craer. And Bennie felt he could not wait There is a very pretty story, love for tfee denocsxtie way c£ tftt conntry ••"elcomed nevr BP gd gerund. Rosh q Ro at Home any longer; he slipped out of his ffeither h i t £is£fct'er*dl tlife ££EOn Rosh Hashanah we observe chair; and very silently out of told by the rabbis, which tells us _ife. Whoever Ifcotcs for CErtaia 5ty ef the Araerieaa. way. tfl£ BC tiers Ts-ho could be useful to A « ~ B&W important Jewish children tEat he's not God is £kfi to -welSCD'K econemr t u t -p-onld ac r. That's -why It blows, my Daddy a beautiful custom of greeting i the door, into the back garden. it -rilliafi to pfoclfcUE lli. only pfelected iTtuc^^^s-rite. Jewish people. said. each other with the words: And he ran over to the white rose are to thethe come the aid of otter men in deway 8 . E the way, tile trulli, the Children of Israel termining Treat's TigZt. Tottes Ke S.\BD Btxid tb&t alietie i When To briny tBe good thoughts in "I/slianan T o v a h TIkasevu," bush, and spoke to it in a whisrefefiy resident in Mei:ico vo> ' — the foot of Mount reduces tne risfes o* ignorance l ead. meaning, "May you be written per, and asked it. did it know gathered at An£ri££.s. -rty it to CBCilltte from 1 o bfe eliminated froiii c c f 1 down for a Good Year." This where the three stars of the New Sinai, ready aafl willing to receive doubles our joy ia talfe. nearly tight tc_*6ferlr left t.n& mestic commevee in vlikli U the Tea Commanflrafeats. God safe I'm afraid .1 haven't been good, greeting is also printed on Rosh Year were hidden? It's a clever device, this sufJH£t{tutlon£llEing' J J { t l l l i ciifiipete v-ilh Mexicans but v.-oiT ' to them, '"1 am about to present a c fe quite, . •• • Hashanah greeting cards, sent % inore profounfl than b l tins the very principle cf revolufcc encourarea tc ecjrfirt i t Bat I"m going to start the Kew 3e<fB to one another at this time "No-o no-o," rustled the rose treasures, a gift beyond compare. frage; and rft&lijse. "We've l "W' settles! t l ! hush, and itB three white roses m o s t tion, BEMHE E virtue of eotmi CiiStrr, Ejrricultur? rue P^r"' The possession of this gift will Year right. of the year. its TJES all the glimmered like fairy faces in the bring not only satisfaction and Joy fitr £Efi e icy c" ifleolog-lM-l On the eve of Sosh Hashanah And Bennie went on and to yourselves, but peace aid fcsp- •we cosld not settle more quietly, raristy. It is BO vcics? Pi And I hone that yon do. Uncle mother klndle3 lights, and father dark. on through the large garden; oh, pineS3 to the trfiole world. Waat 6av6 t i e issue of ElfevsiT- Tv'e lea, "The voice that T X?nf!8.ri(?. recites the Kiaflusn. A piece of it was ever BO large! He neve* Dave; pledge, what guarantee, what se- Axaerieiss tfcis.k it literally raore This -trill last forever.' Or fcfiy the #a from sweet apple is dipped into honey had know it had so many paths, Isaperfctnt to settlesocis.1 tint LTJionah Toveh and distributed to the members such hills and fields. And he curity-will you offer that this tloas than, it is to settle ihttn, vcic* rcpe&ti£S, 'Never, Rose treasure, the gilt of the L&w, will of the family, expressing the hope traveled on and on. be properly guarded aad safely that thd coming year may be a; And at last a great thrill shook preserved throughout the generaFor. God aloae knows what'ff T£e chief 'sew tiling ia ©sir fif> sweet as honey. him from head to foot. What did tions?" exactly right: bat tfft c e n fc£8 eitu&ties. U tnat t.a actual LumimwM*''' ^ . Ten Days of Penitence .he see in the distance there? A "Think of crar forefathers, •what's friendly and fi6ee£t. Sa majority is ECW roughlr for the : The Day of Rosh Hashanah be- huge dark form lay upon the Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." The we have thought ot:?i6elves for- first tiffle prepertyless. A small gins a 'period of ten days, known With the passing of the long, as" The Ten Days of Penitence." edge of the sky; it -wore a crown Israelites replied: " "is not our tunate to call rig&t whatever no- mificrity cf cultist leaders wbe of three great, grand stars, and laay, not summer months, the Old During this period we can still reglorious past a sufficient guaran- body kicks over the traces about. thi&k they are^ Gofi en the left Tsar is passing away. too. And. pent, express our sorrow and re- its hands and feet were bound tee that the Law will be 6afe in But now cede the Sf&ssist* to are ejecting fletaocratic desfmrafast, and it could not move and tile autumn, with its brown, red, CTet, so that before the Book o share God's prerogative t a d the tioa. A usaall ciaority vrho ttink our hands?" and yellow leaves, ushers in thp Life Is sealed on Tom Kippur, wi ever and again it moaned. •Cojaxsuaists to EoacJicISES it. "No," carae God's answer, t i e r arfe G6S oa the f igit are preJewish New Tear, Rosh Hasha- may still have an opportunity to And Bennie ran very, very fast "such a guarantee is not good This leaves Easy cf uft Ameri- veEtizg dlct&t6ri;lkij» t y tryififc to nah. cans who have only revolatisai ask God for a happy year. Yom —it Beemed as if he flew and enough. I cannot accept it. proficee it. Tie great majority Everywhere there are prepara- Kippur is the last day of thi never touched the ground and he no people can live on its , and iasiigrints for ancestors not cur citizens are fcesririE their tion* to-greet the New Year. Fa- period. came beside the great figure and alone. No nation can live solely knowing which way to turn. They ef hsrfEiip« fe* llwtys and patientther has already secured synagog its face was very beautiful and by the merits of its fathers." call us to the left or to ths right ly pefsuing the AJfiertcan way seats for his family; mother is •'. The Sabbath between Rosh three stars shone like suns, but "Then think of the Prophets sad ewezr th&t -re cannot Et&y 5n raSfer leafiere «*h» tre dfifikocratmaking out a list of friends to Hashanah and Yom Kippur I its eyes were weeping. who will arise in oar midet; o the .SiiSdle -wjthiut gettiftg thot. ieally ralhe- th£a ficsasatically tailed "The Sabbath of Return." whom New Year Greeting Cards, "What has happened to you. O the great men in every genera- This is the reason we're discuss- tryisg ta resolve issaeg as they On this Sabbath a chapter from "Sfcanah TovaBs," will be sent. beautiful New Year?" cried Ben^ tion who will the Lftw in ing the American way, festauss arise. If yea hate these leaders, the prophet is read in the Syna Brother has already located the nie, "tell me what has tied you days to coae. uphold Let them be the tire aren't agreed ES to wfest it is yeu'll levs Eox*.tt;t£ less lovely gog, which begins with th "UMkhaor," the special prayer so fast?" or where it is. guarantee," pleaded the Israelites. thta they wliea yeur hate has words: "Return. Q Israel, to th book used on R6sh Hashanah. And the New Year turned his I cfta.teZl you where it doae Stt hcttafilag •worfc. "No," came the answer again, Lord, Thy God." And the. house is cleaned and head away and would not speak. "this pledge also I cannot accept is. I tSink Perhaps we can tell each scrubbed from top to bottom, in T&shlih It sa&y xaate trcuM-be leaders So Bennie sat down beside him honor 61 the New Year. In the aftfirnoon of the firs and tried to fumble at the bonds, For a people's treasure ctanoi other -what it is. It is whe d s to see the majority enjtegh iellow-feeliEg still exists properly be preserved and ma<i< r® thss a Istficreifp - ef l u In the »ynagog thfere are prep- day of Rosh Hashanah. or of th but they were too large and to make coiaprosslSa appear t to becom© the possession of al far abeve lasEitcfie; fcut it'B arations for the R6sh Hashanah second day, if the first day fall strong and he could not loose by the loyalty of chosen one least of evils. It is net on th* csly vrS.ec tfee ntEjority toeeeme' period. Throughout the whole on Sabbath, pious Jews assemble them. lift; it is not on the rigSlt; It's. alone." fiesperat® that VTSES taea" -willmonth of filul, the Hebrew month along the banks of rivers, o "Tell me, O glorious New Year, At last, the Israelites after still rigHt there in the middle. -worry. Farnsere s.afi laborers which comeB before Roen Hasha- streams, shake their garments, tell me, what is binding you?" But the-middle o£ the etreaia is much thought offered their chQempty their pockets, meaning t 3as.k» up the majority cf the nanah, pious Jews read specISI And Bennie felt as if he could prayers, known as "Selihoth," in shake heir sins into the water. not live if the New Year would dren as security. "Our children,** not easy to loc&te frost either tion. Farcers may now at long b&4k, especially wh«a the bants prophet Micah:' "Thous shal they exclaimed, "shall be ou' which they pray to God for fornot answer. last. the ever normal giveness. You can also hear the cast their 81ns into the water." But lo, it answered! In a great, pledges. For we shall ever try to themselves are constantly slip- granary set, vote for ssiaethiiig ping. Oily these who .are ia tee Thus they ask God to throw soft voice like the voice of th* Introduce all our boys and girl sound of the Shofar, the ram's raere important th&a th* tift d h iSdl horn, blown daily throughout the all their sins into the deep waters sea on a gray, cool day, it re- to the study of the Law and middle can locate, the &s to frtlch. city slicksr month of EIul, except Saturdays. and to forget them. "'Tashlih plied: .' •" Judaism, and, train them in represent thess: They vote Only the reaSftSAbly di£?S£s4, practice of religion." The Shofar is blown as a solemn means "throw away.'.' The Keply oa soil- csBBervatioa, «a "Truly an excellent security," reminder to the people that the oa prices. "Know that in my time, it was Jewish Etnfiies, &ni try lijxilj to old Tear is about to pass, and a decreed that the gates of Jeru- came the reply of God. "Th! keep it teaching, t^ey fcelp our l££cEtria3 lafeorers may nevr at new year is to be welcomed, for salem should be opened, and the pledge I accept." And thus Israt: p s last,, ^Edcr the- national lapeople 'to rfedesa t i e eld ! 3£ loss p which we are to make ourselves JewB should enter in. But the became the proud possessor of th and d fulfill l l the h old ld prosaist i gives bor relations act, vote tor saiaeready. Jews have refused it and every Ten CojaiaaafiEaeEts s.nd of th by oar forelst&ers at Sins.! whsa ihiz.g more ecbsta&tlal tha» the - .Beginning of the Year word which they uttered against tell fiis'aer ps.il, ES fuller afterthey esclaiseS, "Our, childr And GO It "was that tferongli their land is a knot in my bonds." The words "Roan Haahanaa" shall -be our pled£££." pledge of our children, the Jewmean in Hebrew "The beginning "What shall I do?" said Benchildren, and the promise o (or H«ad( of the Year." It falls nie. And the tears poured down ish their studying the Law, that Is on' the first and second days of his face. h T h T C the Hebrew month of "Tisbrl," "Go forth and collect the tears the Torah. that the Ten Cota which is in September, or someIt was a bright blue day an of all your people. Every tear mandments were giv£3 to th times in October, in our usual everywhere the Jews were happj of longing for Jerusalem that Jews. And -when Jeis-ish cirls and calendar. All Jewish holidays fol- and rejoicing. Plump women car- every Jew shall shed tonight will io* th« Hedretv calendar. This ried bJg fish home from market, help to melt these iron bands, boys show themselves feetn upon year. Bosh Hashanah ushers in their little boys beside them and I shall arise and bring my the Year 5699. According to the swinging fresh-killed chickens by fate with me and the Jews shall ur Advertisers teachings of our rabbis of old, their sallow legs, and their lit- return." the world was created in the first tle girls skipping ahead with th« Bennie arose, and flew like the day of Tishri. market-bags full of goodies ah wind back to his town. First he wholesome food. How differently do we, Jews, came to his home, where his faEverybody's face was shining; ther was still telliag his story, observe our New Year! We have sure no parties and celebrations to the little town itself was shining; and all unnoticed he stoic two greet the New Year. We have and the dogs barked in friskier bright tears from his father's eyes no noisy bells and shrieking tones and did not chase the cats ana froin his aethers, two more, -whistles, and parades! Instead, we devote a whole month to reviewing the past year, thinking drea*s ej»es STOTS uirsla. Goad light if over the bad and. careless deeds, and deciding hott to avoid them in the future. Then we also have Holy Services In the Synagog to ...$2X3 As In previous years I ajjaia vnah to serve a y ask forgiveness of God, and pray 3f3 KANSAS CITY for a Happy New Year. DES MCSNES . . 4.3 friends in their needs of all religious articles. PASTE® OTTUMWA 3.C2 The. .exact meaning of 'Rosh A complete new supply of articles for boliTOSS CHfCAGO feEO Hashanah for the Jews is exDETRCtT 11.C3 . : days.^New Year cards . : . . Silk, and wool plained by some of the names by NEW YORK 18.55 which the Jewish New Year Is DEMV£R 6X3 Taleiaim- ©r\aH sis©s. Maehselsrisa and Prayer SCS3&S COS ANGEL.ES.. J7.C3 known. Let us see what those Books in Enjjliols and Jewish. SAH FRANCtSCO £?.C3 names are. On Rosh Hasiasan •*?© look Eorogr <£: • Lulov imported • from Efes Yisroel. and caught ono that was just falling ©ft his sister's cheek. A&4 the air grew darker. And all over the town Bennie roamed, and In every feeus* .at least two tears were found. And he traveled on aad on, and it grew darker and darker. And he put the tears away ia his heart to be safe. And 60 ho went through many and many a town, through villages and big, glaring cities, and on the ships that sailed on the lovely ssas, and ese& he caught a golden tear that Ull from an angel on nigh, and the bafflen of tears grew greater and greater tilj Bennie's heart casia carry no more. SD he return®! to the New Year. And he sat down fcesJfie him, and he took the tfcars out ef hi* heart, and they rolled like burning pearls over the brasen boneLs that held the New Year's hands aid feet and wherever they went they seared the fcoafis till they fell to pieces. It Coia.es And the New Tfear sprang up. and the stars ca his forehead shone like the sun ana they spread wln&s and flew far and g Into the th the heavens high h e n s «*d the Year spread fcis great h New N Y arms and flew after thesa. And Bennia"s head was oh, 66 light, as light as a feather, ftfld he sped home faster tBfi.n ever. But the New Year trith its mighty joyousness was there before him; when he slipped back into his eeat, the candles were lighted snd flamed tall and brave in their white uniforms, u n i f o , and nodded at
The New Year Card
Which Is the
Happy New Year
Happy and Prosperous NewYear to My Many Customers and Friends
"Best Quality at Reasonable Prices" Cill Ua For
o Attics o Kitchens « • Ro-reoflna o in
2429.Decatur St.
W t lPAVK3SW Ppayments V Easy Monthly
i i l . i i r L«JHJ3B!ES! ©©,
1Sth &. Nicholas Sts.
JA E003
ATteni'iS £333
Dealer in Jewish Boolcs and All Religions •
•' •
0*1 .*>
® 0 :-;.VKS.ge'vft;,
low.who ddesh't know any better CONSTRUCTION CO.. I N G Its prin- and shall continue for a period of i County, on the 1st day of October, WEBB, BEBER, KUUTZNICK 4 " " - - thereof." - • - "The || a 9 3 g i a ^ 8 o . c l o c k A M _ a n d that If KELLEY, Attorneys years "from "date" than to believe that .the whole cipal -place of "business is Omaha, fifty highest amount of indebtedness to -you fail to appear a t said time and business of being Jewish is to keep Douglas County, Nebraska. NOTICE EY PUBLICATION TO which this corporation may a t any Place and contest the said petition, general nature of the business NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT the' Isaac M. Wise Temple going. to The be transacted by the Corporation time subject itself shall not exceed the Court may grant the same, enter I had also said that if I marry is to a decree of helrship, end decree that purchase, own, hold, sell, con- two-third of ts capital stock. . Rudolph Shlndler left Sunday the Scotch-Irish girl I would have vey. assign, lease. mortgage and The affairs of this corporation shall further administration of said estate To Dave E. Anderson: conducted by a Board of- Directors be dispensed with. Tou ere hereby notified that in an tor Ashevllle, N. C.,.. where he no Jewish great-great grandsons transfer real estate and personal be action pending in the Municipal BRTOE CRAWFORD, property wherever situated; to buy, consisting of not less than two nor f.1ISS AIWA PILL, corresponded ; wil be married on September 18, to contribute money, to drives sell, Court of the City of Omaha, Dougmore than five members. assign, transfer, and mort9-9-3S-St. County Judge. to Miss Delia Izen In the Vander- against anti-Semitism . . . "Isn't gage own, las Counts-. 'Nebraska, in which Roady SAMUEL, H. L.AK1N. bonds, securities and stock In Mixed Concrete Company, a cornorab«t Hotel. ' •'• • there something above and be-other corporations; to draw, make, MAX SASLAW. NOTICE is plaintiff, and DP.VO B. Anderaccept, endorse and Issue PRESENCE OF: Notice is hereby divert that on the tion. Miss Izen is a daughter of Mr. yond combatting anti-Semitism? execute, sai€ ectiorj t>*jine promissory notes, mortgages, drafts. GERTRUDE KOGAN. 28th day of September, 19SS, the Fer- son is indefendant. and Mrs. Max Izen of Asheville, demands the serious-minded Al- bills the records of paid Couit in of exchange and other negotirin Van and Storapp Co. wil! f-el! tc found Docket 44. at Page thereof.; that and a niece of Mrs. A.: Lasensky, banlte, or is* it Albanian?' "Are able Instruments; to borrow money; 9-2-S8-4t. the highest bidder for cash the fol- luugment is p m y « ' "76 apf'in^f y<h' Jn we here merely to fight anti-Sem- to engage in the business of general 3261 Nebraska-street, lowing articles' formerly belonging to the EBENER, GOLDWARE A. SWIFT, sum of 5469.r,7 Cor merchandise . itism? Haven't we something to contracting for the construction, rethe following: ' Miss Dorothy Gelson of Sioux contribute Attorneys sold end delivered to you, and ihat,~ pairing and remodeling of homes, to the world as a John Duke—Suitcase. 432 Omaha N a n . Bank Bldg. ar. .order nf attae'inient Find garnishCity,' who is"'visiting now in Ashe- group?" buildings, garages, public works of A. \V. Wall—Book Shelves, 2 Uph. ment \TRF isjuieci in FP*ri action on ; .'•':. JOSEPH S. GOLDWARE all kinds: and generally all work Inville, will be a -wedding atten.1Chairs Uph. Davenport. Foot Sluni, the 3rd day of Anpust. 193S. and i»iirLadies Auxiiary of Shaare He desires to debate these Ques- cident to the erection, construction In the County Court of Douglas Z End Tables, 5 Mirrors. 0 OiiRirs. suant to sajd order uiuls heloniiinK __ .... ._ repairing of buildings and dwell- County. Zion synagogue will be hostesses ant.; tions with me In this column. and Ann Chair. De.sk, Music Cabinet, to you in the amount of SJ25.S!' in the Nebraska.. Mr. Shindfer "is a son of Max ing places; to engage in the business to members of all the local JewI In the Matter of the Estate of Ida Piano. Bench. 4 Rockers, B Rugs. Din- !)OFf=ef=ion of the First Federal SjrvWere he a regular reader of this of " ing ' Table. 3 Beds Complete, Chest iri^s and boar Association of Omaha, Soshnik. Deceased. ish women's groups at a Hoiise- Shindler,' 900: 16th street. column he would know how often Inselbric building materials, and the heirs-at-law. creditors anO Drawers, 2 Dressers. Mattress, Blrl. Nebraska have been ordered paid Into keepr's Brunch, next Tuesday, Misa Dorothy Epstein will speak • i have laughed at Jews who be-any and all kinds of appliances, ma- allToother persons interested in said Brooms. Ironinp Board. Gas Stote, Court in said notion to pbide the final & Council of Jewish Wome September 20, at 11:30 o'clock in lieve that to fight anti-Semitism terals and apparatus used in the con- estate: Ice Box, Curtain Poles. Fireless Cook- Juflpmcrt «>' the Court. Tuesday at the district is etructiin. repairing, furnishing and Tou are hereby notfied that a peti- er, Bbi. Dishes, 4 Baskets, 5 Boxes, the-sum of being Jewish. If will sponsor a Monte Carlo party the social hall of.the synagogue. next remodeling of buildings, roads, and You are further notified that you meeting o' the' Dental Convention that's all there were to it I would tion has been filed in this Court on "3 'Cartons, 'Carton Lamp Shades, Saturday evening, September 17 Officers of the Auxiliary.will be on public works of all kinds; to act as a the 2nd day of September, 19S8. by Card Table. Folding; Cot. Garden are required to answer in'said nation i the subject, "Cotton Roll go tomorrow to take up one of broker, agent or salesman for others Tetta Soshnik. allegirys that Ida Hose, Pouch Swing, Sewing Machine. on. or before the 2<ith flay of Septemin the bill room of the Bellevu in charge of the arrangements. Fancies." in the sale of any and all kinds of Soshnik died on the 19th day of July. Sled. Step Ladder, 2 Tubs, Vac. ber, 193S. at S o'clock. A. M.. or judgApattmenta. The party will be Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis of the The meeting will be at the the more comfortable identities. apparatus and materials 1927, intestate; that at the time vf Sweeper, Electric Washer, Wringrer ment will be rendered afrainst you by gin at 8:30 o'clock and the ad Tample Sisterhood will give the I wish my. Albany friend and all appliances, used in the construction, repairing, default and the fundE attached apdeath she was a resident of Bench. Bucket. the similar critics a happy New furnishing and remodeling of build- her vanco ticket sales Indicates tba invocation. Mrs. Maurice Hulrtn Martin Hotel. Douglas County. State of Nebraska, James Psohaska—Refrigerator. Nov- plied toward .satisfaction or said Year- during which they will re- ings, roads and public works of all and that she -was possessed of the elty Box. Soda Fountain, Back Case, j a- capacity crowd, will attend will be the program chairman, Miss Selma Rablnowitz of New cover their sense of humor. It kinds; to do anything necessary, following described real estate to-wit: READY MIXED CONCRETE CO.. FEKRIN VAN & STORAGE CO. FundS' raised at the party will g< and she will be assisted by Mrs. proper or convenient for or incidental • A Corporation. The North Half CN%) of Lot "VV. C. Perrin. tow..f<? the German Jewish refu Maurice Weisberg, Mrs. Meyer York. City, 4'niece of Rabbi and must-be particularly painful to be to the carrying out of the powers or Five By \TF,r.E. BEBER, ELUTZNICK & (5) In Block Twelve (12) in Office. 1422 Capitol Ave. Mrs. H. R. Rablnowitz, has ara Jew who doesn't know when to purposes herein mentioned. g<;e wotk. Shubb will preside at* a brief rived in Sioux City for a twoE. V. Smith's Addition to the Omaha, Nebraska. 11 laugh. 9-16-3S-2t. City of Omaha, Douglas County, t-2-38-4 CcommiUees are planning th< business meeting. Table decora- month visit in the Rabinowilz The total authorized capital stock Jts Attorneys. Nebraska, as surveyed, platted of the corporation shall be 115,000.00, l)arty to' please everyone who at tions wil • be ^under the supervi(Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts and recorded. home. divided into one hundred fifty shares ^ends/ and all kinds of game1 sion of Mrs. Lester Goldman. . .Feature Syndicate) That said petitioner has an interof the par value of One hundred dolwill be .played throughout the The afternoon hours will be lars each. Said capital stock shall be est in said real estate being vested Miss Dorothy Davis, daughter 'ully paid for and non-assessab!e of an interest therein; said petitioner evening. Kefreshments will b spent at bridge and mah Jongg. LEON & WHITE, Attorneys. when issued, and may be paid for in prays that a hearing be- had on said of Mr. and Mrs>;A. M. Davis, 1524 served and decorations will carrj WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS 504-10 City National Bank Bld cash, notes or property, real or per- petition, that notice thereof be given Summit street,:."will.: matriculate out the" Monte Carlo theme. :onal, tangible or intangible, at the as required by law, and that upon • Schrafft'k Chocolates • Mariel, Coesta Rey at; Rockford Colleger • NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF reasonable value thereof. Twenty- said hearing a. decree of heirship be '.Mrs. Max Rosenstock and Mrs * Canada Dry Gin&«r Ale and Harvester Cigar*' McKEE CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. entered a-nd further administration of ive shares of the capital stock of M"6r:fla* Weil are co-chairmen o Notice is hereby given that a Cor- this corporation shall be paid for be- said estate be dispensed with. Raymond Fisher will leave poration • F a l a t . f l Beer th6 >' party,. • and Mrs. Adolpb h a s been formed under the 'ore this corporation shall commence Tou are therefore notified that a Saturday for Cleveland, where he laws of the State of Nebraska. The Rosenfeld Is in charge of the i e . The corporation shall com- hearing will be had on said petition 315 So. 13th Street AT 42B2 The Junior Hadassah chapter will continue his studies, at the name < of the Corporation Is fci ticket sales. mence business on August 22, 193S,at the County Court Room of said '...'. ' i hold its annual membership Western Reserre College. tea Sunday afternoon, September 18, in the Rainbow Room of the Mrs. Max' Lazlnger is in ToleUS-\i£UJmVJJUUH»VmA^ West Hotel at 3 o'clock. do, Ohio, visiting -with her son Mrs. Louis Agranoff will be andi daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 7 the guest speaker at the tea. An- Martin Lazinger, who last week innnnmmiiiiffliiii other feature of the program announced the birth of a daughwill be a skit directed by Miss ter.• -.Dr. • A.- H.-. Lazere, died laal Rozena Sacks, who is chairman Thursday morning in • a hospital of the program. TAX ENRICHES REICH utter 'an illness of six months, Mrs. D. L. Rodin, Mrs. Theo..He:'was 35 years old. Funeral dore N. Lewis, Mrs. H. R. ,Raservices w,ere held Friday morn- binowitz, advisors of the- chapter, ' London (WNS) Germany's reasiiry has been enriched by ing at Tiphereth Isreal synagogue and Miss- Saretta - Krigsten, past 5225,000,00.0 from the tax on emwith; Rabbi S. Bolotnikov officiat- president, will pour; gration since 1931, the bulk of i n g ! •.'.•'• '.Miss" Dena Baron, president of his sum, however, having come ^pirn-March 17, 1903 at Des the chapter will preside at the :r6m-the 150,000 Jews who left Mofnesi Dr. Lazere.came to Sioux program. Arrangements for the Jermany since 1933, the Berlin City, with his parents when he tea are in the hands of Miss correspondent of the London' Dalwas 2'years old. He attended Bluma O l e n s k y , membership ly .Telegraph reports. elementary^ schoolB here and ihairman. ... graduated. from Central High School. . He attended MorninssMe cdllege, where • took preparatory work. .;(Continued,, from page 1.)' .Dr.; La2ers Entered the medical fecb.eoi>;of,:the University of Iowa The Young Judeans, at their ourage anti-Semitism, You are an at;to;wa City, and was graduated meeting Sunday afternoon In enemy,of the Jews." irom 'Northwestern University Shaare Zion synagogue, formally The Albany, citizen who Is a school with an M. D. de-adopted their constitution, and eader of Albany's Jewish Ledger gree.-. He interned at the Michael formed regulations for the elec- goes even- farther: He says I am Reese hospital in. Chicago for tion of officers. The election an: ignoramus scarcely fit to write three-years and interned in Sioux will be held in October. The "or-the Jewish public. I am & telCity at the St. Joseph hospital meeting was attnded by 'the BHBER, KLUT2NICK * for.six tnpnths. He had practiced groups advisors, Earl Himowltz, KELLEY, Attorh«y* Calmon Levich and Wilbert Shinin Sioux City and Omaha. -Surviving-,are the widow; tw aler. Al Goldstein presided. At NOTICE OP INCORPORATION sons, A'rthur and Don, also of the meeting, four new 'members . TUB OMAHA £ 6 6 t • : . „ SioQx-CUy; hiB'parents, Mr. andwere, taken into thegrovlp. ALL MEN BY THBSi Mrs. H. Lazriowich, and two . Plans are being made for KNOW 'RESENT; classes in oratory and debating fcfothers^ William Lazere of Oma-. That we, the undersigned, do'her*ha and M. A. Lazere of Sioux under' the supervision of Mr. y associate ourselves together for the'purpose of forming and becomHimowltz. _. ' City/ ing a corporation under the laws of t$880KftKltitf*ft<MiHft
Gity News
Society News
Junior Hadassaji Tea on Sunday
Young Judeans
Main Talk
Pi ' *t V a aj
Sisterhood Names \;Chairmen for Year
the State of Nebraska, and for that purpose do hereby adopt the following Articles of. Incorporation: Schlichos services at Shaare The name of the corporation shall 1
Zion synagogue .will begin at mid- be; "THE QMAHA POST. ; T h e said corporation-shall be In the City night, this Saturday. Cantor of Omaha, Douglas County, NebrasMorris Okun wir chant the ka, but It shall have authority to JAt a meeting of the board of ce. conduct business anywhere in tho the Sisterhood of Mount Sinai world;. The general nature of the business to be transacted b y this Temple, Dr. Delia Galinsky, prescorporation shall be to acquire, pubIdCnt, named the following comTALMUD TORAH 7" lish, circulate or otherwise deal with tolttee chairmen for the coming Regular sessions at the Tal-newspapers or other publications and season: mud Torah have been resumed, generally to carry on the business of pubUshers. The authorized .,Sunshine, Mrs. L. S. Goldberg; and classes are held from Mon- newspapercapital stock of this corporation shall House, Mrs. K. E. Baron; Union- day through Thursday- between bo {25,000.00, divided into 100 shares grams, Mrs. Charles Baldwin: h hours of 4:30 and 8 o'clock. of par value of J100.00, all of which shall be common stock, and all of Sunday School, Mrs. Harry Bailwhich stock shall be fully paid for ih;. Religion, Mrs. Max Rosenwhen issued; either in. cash, in servPRAYER BOOKS \ stock; Program, Mrs. Ben Kalin.- Prayer Books for the High ices, or- : in property, and thereaiter Publicity, Mrs. L. S. Goldberg; Holiday services may be secured be non-assessable. The corporation shall, begin business o the filing of Membership, Mrs. Sol Novitsky; nrom Mrs. A. Pliskin, 1019 Twen- these Articles in theaoffice of the Memorial, Mrs. T4 N. Lewis; ieth county clerk.and shall continue for. street. Peace, Mrs. Joe Levin; Study a period of fifty years thereafter. The'affairs of this corporation shall gr6up; Mrs. W. C. Slptsky. be conducted by a board of directors TIPHERETH ISRAEL of not less t h a n ' t w o members, who Saturday, September 17, at 12 shall'serve until " t h e next annual 'clock midnight, Schlichos serv-: meeting of. the stockholders, or until Sandy .Baron will be the direc- ces will be held at Tiphereth Is- their successors are elected and qualified. . The directors shall' elect a tor of the newly organized Center ael synagogue, with Rev. J. president, vice-president,- secretary orchestra, composed of Gloria Maron officiating. -. and treasurer, and any two offices Rabbi S. I. Blotnikov will may; be held by one and the same Novitsky, pianist; Stanton Cohen, annual meeting of the ttiimpet; Jean Shubb, saxaphone; peak, before the Schlichos. His person. Theshall be held on the secJack.'Kriieger, accordion* and ubject will be "When Does the stockholders ond Monday in January of each year ew Sing." Bernard Weiner, drums. They at 10 o'clock A. M. in Omaha, N e braska. All or a n y portion of the .will meet each Tuesday at the assets of the corporation may be Cfenter for rehearsals. MOUNT SINAI sold, a t any regular or special meetFriday evening services at ing of which ten. days notice h a s given, and a t which meeting a The Intermediate Dramatic Mount Sinai Templer will be'ro- been majority of the total outstanding Club of the Center has started its umed this evening at 8 o'clock. stock, i s voted i n . f a v o r of making second year and; elected the fol- Registration for Sunday School such a sale or disposition, notwithstanding that.such sale or disposition .lawing officers: Gloria Novitsky, wil be held this Sunday morning make i t impossible for thia corpresident; Doris Greuskln, secre- 'n-the Temple. " ' ' may poration- to further.conduct!its busitary; Barbara, Davis, vlce-preslness and carry .out the purposes for which i t \7as> organized. The Board *dent;' Wally Friedman, treasurer, ALBANIA MAY of Directors; shall have the power'to and Betty Bain, publicity chairall by-laws-necessary for conman. Mrs. M. Weisberg is direcADMIT REFUGEE^ makeducting--the business of the corporator of the club. The meetings tion.- These, articles may be amended Belgrade (WNS)—A limited by 'a two-thirds- vote of the; stockaXe held every Friday afternoon umber of Jewish refugees-' from holders at- any. regular or special at 4 o'clock in the Center. meeting, of the stockholders on two ermany, Austria and southeast- days ^ Members of the club, besides rn prior notice cf the proposed Europe may, in the near fuamendment, such notice to be mailed the' officers, are Irene Levitsk7, ure, be admitted to Albania -as to each Stanton, Cohen, ;Sandy Baron, An- result ' of negotiations. being dress. stockholder a t his last adnie Kanofsky, Ruth Kutcher, arrled by Yugoslav Jews - 'who IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t h e u n Jean Shiibb. • aye been in Tirana conferring dersigned have hereunto set their ith the Albanian ministry, of the hands this" 7th day , of September. The first meeting of th A. W. nterlor. Some of the- refugees 1938.'' of: R. sor6rity, sponsored by the o be admitted will be granted' In -Presence . DAVID BLACKER.' Community Center, . met. in the lbanian citizenship - if they BetA. A. PORTER, v SAM BEBER, home of Miss Marjorie' Wein- e in the country. permanently.. • •9^16-38-41. • Incorporatora.. berg, 112—24th street. .The following officers were elected:" Lois Holland and Venzuela cable Novitsky,: president; Ruth Wein- lose to war- in'-1855'.when the er, vlce'-preside'nt; liorothy Sher- ews of Coro in Venzuela wfere man, secretary;., Marion Fish- lundered by the Ven2uelatis. gall, treasurer; Lorraine Ballln, Having come originally from Sursergeant-at-arms; Marjorie Weln- *nam, the Jews were considered berg, publicity chairman. )utch citizens. .,Misa Frances Kalin, a graduate of the Nebraska School of Social Service at Lincoln, will direct this group in the capacity of advisor. Other ..members of the it's-churned grdup are Shirley Lazere, Dor li Pill, Betty Rae Mosow, Rae Kapfrom S. Katleiaan carries a lln, Betty and Doris Marx. ,- ... complete stock of-, dills - ' T h e sorority .will be representSweet- Cream Talasim and Wool Tifillin ed on the Youth Council of the Prayer Books——in : HeCenter, and meetings will be held oa alternate Sundays, one at the brew or Encl>oh> _aloo comploto aoaortinont of Center and on© at the home or New Year and Bar. Mitava <S 'member. The purpose of the Announcing and Greotinij club is to further the social and SWEET Carda. cultural activities among this CREAM group and to assist the Center in various capacities. . - ' . . . ' . ±3Q0 CUPPINGS Patrbnize Our> Advertisers _
w Year's Edition SEPTEMBER 23
; v.
J. G. C. News
1 To the People of Omaha and Vicinity
S. Katleman.-_
JL -.
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" (.' :^:\: -'.V
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t&bfr frimda both far '• and Bear A Happy and Proaparoua New Year. ! Mr. and Mrs. and family 'extend to their friends -sincere wishes Tor a K&ppy New Year: Mr, and ..Mrs. —and fatniljr wish their friends health, happiness and prosperity in the comyear. ] Mr. and Mrs. take this means of extending greeting* and hearty good wishes for A Happy . a n d Prosperous Year to their friend* far and near.
Yotii-greeting pfoHem is solved by this convenient method of wishing your relatives and friends a Happy New Year". • . No danger of the embarrassment 'of' forgetting someone • . • no trouble . . . time and money, saved. These greeting's will be published in our Rosh' "HasEonah - edition, Sep- • tember 23. The-charge will be $2.00 . for each greeting . . .Mail any of t h e s e forms, o r phone your Greetings. • - . . . : . • • • •."".'•'
Gall JEWISH PRESS, Atlantic 1450