views pspressed by Lod> wig Letvisohn ia his coJoraa are his own and do not necessarily reflect the policies o r attitude of. oar. publication. ReprodccWon in whole or in part strictly forbidden.
Entered aa Second Class Mall Matter1 on January. 31, 1331, a t Postofflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1S79
. London (WNS) — An alleged Borne (WNS) — Rear Admiral ;- THE ETERNAL MASK "counter - revolutionary Zionist Aldo Ascoli, one of the best organization" 'with headquarters •; Europe -seethes. By the time known figures in the Italian navy, i" r iu Moscow' s Great »Sj;iiagogue, io has been relieved of his post as these lines appear in print, catasreported to have been uncovered commander of the Italian fleet in trophe , may be upon the world, by the OGPU, Soviet secret pothe Aegean Sea. lice, according to a dispatch to or else an uneasy truce may still Admiral Ascoli is the second the London Daily Telegraph. r~ Aba- postponing the inevitable. Jewish admiral to be ousted In 4r* r* " The leader of the alleged or- 'Sweetheart of A.Z.A." to Meanwhile Goerlng in Nurenberg Local Lodge Will Meet the past week, the first having Nazis Take Steps to Useganization, the Telegraph SETS, Be Chosen a t Affair oss Jews in Military been Paolo Maroni, who was disEvery Other ' has once more, clothed in a lie was Rabbi Medalie. The plotters placedas commander of the Wednesday Night r Preparations Monday are accused of sabotage, charging and despite himself, made the Fourth Naval division. extortionate prices for matzoth world issue clear. He spoke of Tickets are new being- sold by — Jews are be- and attempting to undermine the Vienna..^ The B'nai B'rlth will- Dpen its E*riy ?c- „" , • " / " Czechoslovakia end said: "This season on Monday, October 17, service, and Jewish colonization work in Biro all Omaha A. Z. A. No. 1 memdrafted '--'-• 1 'ness if warBidjan, the Ukraine and Crimea. bers for the fifth annual Achar r State without culture has Mos-when the first meeting of the , 'F All ft< v =o~ Hataunis dance to be held at the ! •'„•£*',"' ' o overlooked by i will be held. Meetings are 'axton hotel October 5, Tom Kipissue o : i h r :1ev , ' • • 1" cow behind it and its . eternal year *£ Several hundred to be held every other Wednesf O l" " pur night. • must be r i.! Jewish mask." '"*•" a''from the unemployday. Salewin Michnick is in t ' l f i cor r* The annual "Omaha A. S. A. Tuesd"' 1 Now the Czechs are a highly charge of the arrangement of a ^re now believed to be at o " "• o r r o'clock I>cfi.<-f Sweetheart" contest will be held cultured :people;; the. vast major- program for each meeting. on roads and building con1PF Vi ' again in conjunction with the br Klpputl eni t ity of them are democratic liber. action in the outskirts of VienPlans are being made for a i • •5", f dance. This contest is held each closed oi "Vi e^n als who have no traffic of ideas membership na. All are married men and unT*. campaign to be held year in order to elect by popular n i Socir . f r d rev s 'f ^{ with the Stalinist. Moscow of to-under the • direction of "Morris er 40. They are earning 60 pfen"\ ote, the ideal A. 2. A. girl to mav t e rhone> day,.butit is true that this Czech- Jacobs! This year's^ new meinbeYs nigs an hour, half of which is f r act as hostess at all A. %. A. soor "brci-?.l i ,c fpi r • r\ oslovak State—this democratic will be •[ known as the Henry Seek To Transfer Sudeten paid to them directly and the cial functions for the year 19SSTheate Ti «. i state, this, humane: and tolerant Monsky class. I t is hoped to bring ther half to their families. Refugees To Other 1939. . a n d libertarian State which the membership roster of the loThe workers are housed Jn All Ornahans are urged to at: Regions Thomas Masaryk, himself a great cal lodge to one thousand memspecial barracks during their tend the dance and vote for their libertarian and a great friend of bers. of service. Like "Aryans" Delepates Meet in N. Y. tofavorite candidate. Candidates Prague (WNS) — The entire time the Jewish people built—it is true Plan Program of A new Americanization com- material resources of the Jewish ;hey are being selected by officchosento represent the most popthat thiB state does bear : the eter- mittee has been formed to assist population of Czechoslovakia as ials at the Unemployment Exular Omaha girl are: Paula BelAction nal Jewish mask. mont. Rose K&tz, Lorraine Leesagencies that prepare the well as of its manpower were change when they apply for their - It IB true, in other words, that all to prepare for citi- placed at the command of theweekly pay. New York (JTA) — The Gen- er, Ann Arbitman and Shirlejthe; conflict In the world today foreign-born Eddie Shatton is in new military government of Pre- Jewish ex-servicemen and allxal Council for Jewish Rights, ershum. is the conflict between the pagan zenship. charge of the committee taking mier Jan Syrovy as Jews joined Jews of military age are being representing American Jewry's Music will be furnished by idea and. the Jewish idea of life. care to district war service "big four" organizations,- held its Franklyn Vincent and his band, of this work. with the whole country in wildly called It Is the conflict between the quarters for registration and clarThe first issue of the B'nai enthusiastic patriotic demonstra- fication' of their status. Those first plenary meeting at the Hotel who just completed a successful idea of Hagen in the NibelungenSt. Regis, electing Edgar J Kauf- road tour for a musical Ehow ,lied, the blindly obedient murder- B'rlth Brevities Is to be published tions in support of efforts- to re-who can prove that they are full mann chairman and initiating such as "Soaring Kigh'" which 300,000 Put Ln ous henchman on the one hand the first of next week. Harry B. sist .the dismemberment of theJews and who indicate their in- action as to aid the Jews of Czech- was held in Omaha. and, on the other hand, the idea Cohen is president at the lodge. country. . P tentions to emigrate usually have oslovakia and Italy. Givmr Thr-rLeo Sherman, chairman of the of human flexibility and dignity, ' Answering a call to contribute no difficulty in getting military i1 d,ance, has also arranged a first Of Forcif Th-fe 20 delegates representing 1 1 of the- sovereignty of the conto an emergency war fun, theclearance papers • necessary for rate professional floor show to , science, of mercy and freedom, as Jews of the country gave in ataking out a passport. I t is sig-American J e w ish Committee, igh light the dance. A. Z.. A. J Bucharest <J~ -" — proclaimed and embodied in humeasure far beyond thier propor- nificant, however, that the clear- American Jewish Congress, B'nai No. 1 is intent on sponsoring the man, living by Jeremiah. tion. Men and boys of all ages#ance papers provide military ex- B'rith and Jewish Labor Commit- outstanding dance of the year, tice Ministrj r-i b " are volunteering by the thous-* emption only "during peacetime." tee named a special committee re- and assure all who attend an en-stating that 1her^f" ! r ' t ,-• Goering Is right. Wherever in sons who liff o^presenting each of the organiza- tertaining evening. ands for military service. From the world the notions of human ship, togetbe- v 1 f> r - r' Program Prepared tions ' to "coordinate and expand Jews abroad the war office is redignity .and human" worth and huren will be FI t" iPfi rif h? I. In reliable quarters it is statthe activities already undertaken ceiving almost hourly by phone, man freedom still prevail, there r'OvernlnE: "o e <-rr-~ ed that army headquarters have in the interests of the Jewish mail and cable offers to join the €' I men do in very truth wear the ficially e'-tiT1-? p. ' already prepared a program ot communities of Czechoslovakia Czech army. Jewish refugees Jewish mask—the eternal Jewish 000 Jev. F •» r^e C P ( activity for Jews of military age and Italy," according to an anfrom Germany and Austria grantmask.' But they.' wear that mask status a= r i r r n r r f 1 nouncement issued after the alled asylum in Czechoslovakia are if war should break out. Alat best, at deepest, not only upon Half-Jew Candidate For ing the rpcpr^ -f .• In the van of these volunteering though it is doubted whether day session, which ' was in camtheir laces. They: wear It. upon Governor Target Jews serving under the swastika era. "' • . to resist invasion. their very hearts. Of Attacko Kin will be given guns, there is rea- Publisaed reports that the Sudeten Refugees The Jewish people, then, as an son to believe that places in labor Council had approached the State eminent Christian historian not Topeka, Kans. (JTA) — An Meanwhile, some 15,000 of the brigades, ordinance departments Department seeking aid for the com p~e ^ r only admitted but proclaimed the anti-Semitic : campaign w a ged 22,000 Jews in the Sudeten Ger- and other non-fighting . forces Jews were t^-r^v r in C z e c h o s lovakia were other day, has been selected by against Payne H. Ratner, Repubi man districts have already left have been reserved for them. v p ' ;•.< Aujnist " r Iflfc denied. It was exhistory not only for a supremacylican candidate for governor, on the area to be ceded to Germany. Few doubt that, if war comes authoritatively ' 11 who sec 1. ?' 1 Charg With plained that some of the constitC In suffering. Its suffering is sign the ground his father is Jewish About 9,0 00 of the refugees are before the "Aryans" have been uent .organizations had taken cerMarch £" : : C and symbol. It suffers because it has brought a storm of denun- in Prague where they are adding given time to replenish their de- tain action individually regarding is. End "I'r-r'r embodies an eternal idea. It isciation frora- both political par- to the burden of the already har- pleted medical talent, Jewish, doc- the plight of the Jews in Czechstatic is ' ? 1 E) - F •'rr T*e—r- *• persecuted : everywhere in theties and thfe Democratic offer Of assed refuges committees. Tbo tors will also be promptly draft- oslovakia, but that the Council cree to T r " i r (JTA) — world where the the; new pagan- a $100 reward for the arrest of others are being sheltered in ed for service. It is reliably re- had as yet made no step, its specthree n>"- i» r ^ Francis EuIHvan, vho • de- lowed -tr t .=' < ism prevails or seeks to prevail, persons distributing anti-Jewish, nearby resort towns. ported, moreover, that the facili- ial committee c o t ' even having nounced by Labor's Non-Partisac. because it is a fact that the idea leaflets aimed at Mr. Ratner. : The c ^. ~ T1 Plans-are being made to send ties of the Rothschild Hospital, met as yet. League as'-engaging in vicious of paganism and the' Jewish Idea The reward"was posted by themany of the Sudeten refugees to only Jewish hospital in the city, A second committee was named Enti-Seinitio propaganda and sub- jI those w' - I-- - 1 cannot coexist. Slavery ^and free- .Qemccratic-State jCommlttee^wlth. the-spaiselj^ settled towns In £b.b i a s already-been ^eianaSiied CJ by the Council "to study the Jew- versive anti-Jewish activities, VES } V" e aneTth'e Tth' the approval-oit Governor Walter province of Carpatho-Russia. Has- fully for wartime possibilities. It ish situation, esacilne the. &eth- droppefi on: I as. chM in- ter^ ; W eecnc dbmj ; Che: e t a ^ e i & i f the appeal io human-; f$i}**tn&ft -Miv. Rnt^^r*R • op'p&i&nt*tily equipped barracks have been is believed, for example that the o'ds_ hitherto employed, and, 02vesiigator of ths spscial House Ity and 'reason and the appeal to^ after I t had been suggested by" ihrown open by the government catacomb3 under the hospital the' basis, of these studies, rec- c o rn ra i ttee investigating rn-1 1 ' , the mystic- decisiveness of brute William Allen White, Republican to house the refugees. building have been designated as ommend a' program to be carried activities, it vas fiis- [ ' force—these principles and these .leader* and publisher of the Em- . -Two Jewish relief committees an air raid shelter, a part having out by it." This committee,"to be American closed .ty .Chalrroan J-Iartin Dies. ! the working day and night "to who editorially beliefs and these methods of Hv-: poria Gazette, been set aside for Jews and anknown as the Policy and ProMr. Dies said. that.Mr. Sullivan j j for the emigres whose other section for "Aryans." Tialled ; G o v e r n o r " .Huxman's provide Ing Cannot coexists One or the p gram Committee, consists of two and t v o other investigators had h SSudeten d other must conquer; one or thfr ^stinging rebuke to the Ku Klux- exodus from the was representatives of each of the or-been notified Ions before charges Armani?. 400 Jewish Doctors Drafted ers and Jew-baiters who peddled speeded up by an official another must prevail. ganizations onder- the chairman- were filed agrainst Mr. SvuUvtn • nouncement of the discovery in Berlin (JTA) — Informed ship of Arthur S. Meyer."; proh i .. It is .inevitable that the pagans these circulars. that their services wou.d be ter-to sources said today that 400 Jewabroad 'o '• should try to . destroy the Jews f rr One of the circulars distribut- an abandoned Sudeten party ish physicians from Austria have Organizing itself pennanentlj- minated Sept. 1 because of a lisheo t1 c who are the living embodiment ed in the drive against' Mr. Rat- headquarters at Duchov of a comthe Council elected five officers shortag-e of funds. of the Judaeo-Christlan-demo- ner said: "Vote only for Gentiles. plete list of Jews and Social Dem- been drafted for service as "doc- Besides Mr. Kaufman, the PittsThe ' Non-Partisan "League on tors' assistants' In the army med- burgh Department store execucratic Idea and way of life every- Who knows how much Jewish ocrats. 25 submitted to the com- .lews t c " r r where. - Grotesque examples mul- money Republicans are spending? . In all the Orthodox synagogues ical corps because of its under- tive who initiated the movement August mittee a mernorancura containing staffed condition. tiply, -such as the presence of anRatner is a Jew." An open attack of Prague'Bpeclal prayers are befor formation of the Council, the cine charges ag'Einst Mr. Sullivan, Kurcani? -F 1 At the same time, it vras ru-hundred Arab guests a t the Nazi was made by the Marysvllle Ad- ing said hourly for the preservafor n^v officers are ' 'Henry Monsky of a conviction for steal- ing ^party-day in Nuremberg. Yet even vocate-Democrat, which called tion of the Republic. In some of mored that Jewish youths and B'nai B'ritti and B. C. Vladeck of Including icn conc-u"'£ ing jewelry and a variety of acveterans are being conscripted In that there Is a wild logic. Mp- Mr. Ratner a "tricky .-little Jew" the smaller synagogues frequentthe Jewish Labor Committee tivities agrainst labor groups, the in unidentified vice-chairman; hammed and his companions off- and urged a Democratic campaign ed mostly by elderly Jews Tilim for s e r v i c e Carl Sherman of Labor Relations Board, branches of the army. Such con? ered the peoples.they conquered slogan, of."Swat the rat!" The at- is being said and clothes are bethe American Jewish Congress National Gene-> and Catholics. scriptlon, it is pointed out here 1! - the choice between the Koran and tack was later repudiated by theing rent "as If in mourning. secretary, and Carl Austrian of the Jews List ian del" Activities was provided by the Reich milipublisher of the weekly, Lynn R. "the sword and the Caliph Omar Natione •Polish/and Hungarian Jews tary law of 1935 which specified the American Jewish Committee Charging that Mr. Sullivan was Broderick; Democratic National treasurer. - destroyed-the- library of: Alexantrying to leave the country have "engaged in a : particularly vic- graphic - —dria-on-the 3tazL principle that If Committeeman for Kansas, whoi been denied -visas by- the Polish that Jews were to be barred from ious manner not only in anti-Semserving in the army in peace however, did not discharge the - the books.' agreed with the Koran ir .' . and Hungarian consulates. itic propaganda,-but in J*-nti-.Tev-- j elxip re^ ca-}it time but special regulations on they were superfluous and if they writer of It. vf them would be enacted in the differed from the Koran they iate cleric r"" Mr. Ratner was horn of Jewish' r, last" decree subversive o£ every event of war. were, blasphemous w o u l d b "~cr ~~<*r~ r father and Irish mother. He is a principle of religious tolerance," No direct move to draft .'ews It follows from all this that member of the Disciples of Christ ur» " f the memorandum asserted that least has hitherto been made in the on the Jewish people today there Church, also known as the CampA spcl e"T~r i ^' . i (f he was better suited to be a subOld Reich, although Jews specifirests a double burden, a physical bellites. headed 1 ^ ^ r - ^ T ^ ject of the committee's cally were not exempt during the and a"nioral" burden;-; Exposed-to than its senior investigator. recent registration of Germans the extremity, of suffering, of CcnuEi™ oi c Among the spee'fic activities ities who had served during the World hardship/ of injustice, it Is yet D r a g o n : ; 1, r « i f v,_ u attributed to Mr. Sullivan by fhe War as o'flcers and physicians. Cairo (WNS) — Thousands o the duty of the Jew, for his own cause fo f Half of the 4,000 Jewish doctors Jews in Egypt and other N e a i memorandum were the following-.- of the c'— n eake and the sake of all mankind Cambridge, Mass. (WNS) — and 2,000 Jewish officers who Eastern lands as well as in Tur-Attempting to bribe a member o£ tor- embody- a s never before that Regular High Holy Day services served in the World War are stil key, Greece and Bulgaria who are the National Maritime Union to eternal -Jewish Tdea' for-the sake for Jewish students were held a t living in Germany. I n addition, Italian citizens have rebuffed an withdraw and make statements j A^ fs.t~r~ ' of whlch-iie suffers but which he rf P' Harvard university for the first thousands of Jews remain on theattempt by the Italian govern- that the N." M.XT. TES a Jewish- | - « ^e / e " „ , " must seek to carry across the time in its 302 years of existence army lists as "substitute reservi ment to retain their support in controlled Communist organiza-! gulfs of time if a tolerable life is under the direction of Rabbi group no. 2," 'to which special the face,of anti-Jewish measures tion. Declaring at a hearing in a i to follow the horrors and conJacob Hochman of Chelsea, Mass laKof "dispute that, there were | Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agenapply In case of Italy. fusions of this day In history. - 1 r The services were held In Phil- regulations cy)— Despite the failure of-Arab Vienna Gauleiter Odilo Glob Although Rome • sent word to "too many Jews working for the j••" v 1 • We bear the burden of. the old, terror to relax its grip on thelips Brooks Memorial hall, with ocznik decreed that no unemployits -officials in the Near East and " old covenant"that'Abraham made country, 6,500"Jews were" settled the approval of the university au ct i ed Jew can expect state aid un the Balkans to assure the Italian James True, anti-Semitic propa-1 with theL Eternal; '"we.- bear the In -Palestine- in the six months thdrities. ".: and addressing en anti- * burden of that immemorial blesB- from April to September, 1938, it -.-The New England branch ol less he works for it with pick Jews there that Italy's anti-Semi- gandist, conference in Ashevjlle, r• ing. The blessing is upon us; thewas reported at a press confer- the United Synagogue of America and shovel. Only aged and infirm tic legislation did not apply to N.Jewish C , in- 19S6, raakSr.g- several ; blessing that on a thousand day& ence of members "of the Jewish sponsored the services which wil Jews in some instances will be them and that Jews holding gov violently statements; Of history and-never more than Agency" executive" at" wBicfi; It wasalso be held on Tom Rippur. The permitted to draw their usual un- ernmeat posts or positions with Submittinganti-Semitic report to the Dies ' on this day has seemed a curse. announced that- the agency has only other time Rosa Hashanah employment insurance. The de-Italian firms and institutions ar< Committee a which attempted T tc | But it is. a blessing. For. only submitted a hew labor immigra- services have been held at H a r cree virtually signifies the draft- not to be dismissed, ths Italian create the Impression that < evrthrough it can. the-families of the tion schedule, to- the government vard was in 1936 during the uni- ing of Jewish manpower for theJews abroad have made it plain isli organi-ations vere trying: to i that tliey cannot be bribed. Many buildingof roads and canals in earth be blessed. The blessing for the next six months.- • versity's tercentenary celebration of tneni have renounced thei build a sraoke screen for Com- j and the Jewish people and t h e- This action Indicates that the when Prof. Louis Ginzberg of theAustria. munisra by hypocritical agitation Italian citizenship. democratic Idea are in the deep- Jews are determined to resume -a Jewish Theological seminary was agaiast the German-Amevican Others have withdrawn thei Bund and the Silver Shirts. OT! Ti est'-and ultimate -sense .one "and normal: tempo of upbuilding. - :EK -to rrecelve an honorary degree. support from Italian hospital: m.. Ka, , indivisible- --- - •'"-•.'-. eazarrKaplan, treasurer, of the'- Prof. Harry A. Wolfson, Prof. and schools and clubs. In Egypt ve\ lew -(Copyright* 1933, by. Seven Arts agency, announcedrthat:$880,000. Nathan Isaacs and Professo the Italian Jews have made plans had-been- spent-by* the; agency in 'Ginsberg organized services fo to organize their own schools aftFeature Syndicate) .. the past year for colonization of Jewish members of the faculty in for t h r er withdrawing their children all classes of settlers, more than the Harvard Semitic Museum. 33 per cent of whom were not Washington (JTA) — B'na:from Italian schools. Many Jews •\Ved~ members of the Histadruth. B'rith's two Jewish youth organi- have also returned Italian decorarn.. he zations, the Hillel Foundations tions. I ot the He also announced that in theLOCAL CONGRESS Beth KulsJcofEkr, daug-litcr of Week ^ Italy is reported to be anxious and A. Z. A., although they are T past two years ofjthe Arab, disto reiaia the good will ol Italian Mr. end Mrs. « . K,' Kv.W.o% GROUP TO MEET less than 15 years old, have al ! turbances $625,000 was spent for . . The American Jewish Congress ready combined to produce a Hil Jews in the Near East and thewas rianie<3 edStcr-in-chieiT of attd" political purposes,' executive board will hold a spe-lei director. Balkans because they hare long- Central High. Register th«] Ottawa ( J T A ) — Canadian security $350,000 foKjoans to unemployed cial meeting on Monday, October Zionist organization headquarters of He is Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz been regarded ' as bearers of coming semester. She had recent- i all organizations; 5210,000 for S, at 8:30 p. m. a t the Jewish announce that they have received promoting newly appointed director of th Italian culture, defenders of Fasc- ly. completed a st c o u r a e £•'«•! b e p industry., and trade. ?2^>0 In wheat as a pledge In theThe agency also guaranteed bank Community Center. . Hillel Foundation at University ism and valuable links in Italian the Northwestern U n I r e r f. S tt i foreign ccmraerce. -recent United Palestine appeal loans I School of Journalism. Instructions will be given at of Michigan. Dr. Rabino-witz aggregating more t h a n this campaign'. A committee has been ] Other appointments time to the delegates to thewho is 30, was influenced as appointed to dispose of the wheat §750,000:. I Ruta Hosenstock, congress to be held in New York youth by both Hiilel and A. Z.JEWISH AIRPORT advertising j after it Is threshed and delivered City on October 30. manager; Howard Schonbei'g- • One r A., and is the first ot the 12INAUGRATED by'the pledgers. This Is the first Hillel directors to have been ac er, sports editor, and lan Jacobs, \ known • time that a product has tive in both.. the COL v TO ADMIT REFUGEES Tel Aviv (JTA) — A new ciri! eorresposdent. been pledged during a V. P. A. airport — the first Jewish airport campaign. \ London (WNS) — Bible Col in history — was inaugurated CORRECTION The contribution came from On. Tuesday, October 18, the lege In Swansea, Wales, has dehere "with ceretnonies attended by the " Edinbridge (Saskatchewan) Beth El Auxiliary •will sponsor a cided to admit 50 young German: The name of Mrs. Clara Hur government officials and otSter In the resolution passed by fas;iis;heo. Jewish community, which is made Yiddish motion picture, "Green and Austrian Jewish refugees prominent persons in 'the presDistrict Committee of the TCo"£> witz -was inadvertently omitted up of. Jewish- agriculturists and Fields," at the Muse theater. Pro- special courses in agriculture to from the list of officers of theence . of a large crowd. ,? He taen's Circle expresslns hope Jor jtn was: founded by immigrants in ceeds will go to the Beth El be established for them. T h e Jewish National Workers Alliance the rapid recovery o£ the meia1907. J. M. Goldenbergi West- building fund. courses -will be designed to train •which appeared in the New Tear's Redacation of the cortalitj- in i Eobf ern vice-president of Canadian There will be two showings of the refugees for life in Palestine edition of the Jewish Press. Mrs. the Bubcn'c plague by eighty per j Moiaes convention, Zionists," collected the contribuUtj s.eamb" the picture, one at 7:30 and onewhere they will emigrate upon Hurwits Is the organisation's re- cent was due to the "researcli ol j Mrs. Max Ssllacw i tion. • • ; cording- secretary. at 0:30. Admission la fifty cents, completing the courses. a Jew, Wsldesiar Ha"kiEs. ©Etiy emitted i ic
/3 ^
•J ,
Es-A. Z. A. To Head Hillel Foundation At Michigan Univ,
BetB. 'El Auxiliary ': to Sponsor Movie
Beth-Mained Editor Central Rerfsteri
1 1
Page 2
ary citizens?" . . . You might be interested to know that Tel Aviv has handed out just 25 such citizenships, or nearly one for every year of its existence . . . Among those holding them are Samuel Untermeyer, Prof. Albert Einstein, Justice Louis V. Brandeis . . . Arturo Toscanini is the only non-Jew so honored . . . Eleven of those honored are no longer living . . .
PROF. EINSTEIN: This is to remind you that next month (October) you will become eligible for United States citizenship . . . Don't forget to brush up on the names of your Congressman and Senator . . .
While t h e eye* of t h e world Jtffizlsm not only'-tartlle'JfeoU for aijceCtefWtflU the Jewish poslare glnod oil • Czechoslovakia their foreign.pol.itfcaiv.p'oHcy,.but. tion;.g6gs without saying. Preswhere the die vrJll •' be • cast for alsBMor their? their ecOfldiriicSintBrests; entrdayV'anti-SfmMism. is almost war or peace. Important' inteir- an&iear of labor;and.-.of the.peas* entirely:- pblHlca^It- is : 1a by-prodnal political changes are tinder ants who are among the poorest uct of-reaction and of JPascism. way In Poland a s a direct re- and post oppressed classes in Wherever Fascist forces are in salt; of Germany's uninterrupt- Europe. This political and eco-the ascendancy, anti-Jewish perLIT'RY CRITICS: Keeps your ed march of European hegom- nomic sympathy with Nazism secution is bound to increase. eyes peeled for a book on Palesony. Sir. Zukcrmsn appraises. found the most powerful overt Wherever . democratic forces tine that will provide you with these changes and Bees In them expression in a fierce, brutal, zoo- come into their, own, it decreases. some red hot copy . . . William B. a olgn that Poland; in fear of' logical anti-Semitism. Jew-hatEKd 1$: \vould be. too ..optimistic to ex- Ziff has just completed reading Nazi designs on Silesia and the. has "always been,Hi native1 Jeweling pect ---a^solution' of the Jewish proof on his 600-page "The Rape Polish Corridor, is .moving., witjpthe Polish'.reactionariesi-iif" •problem-; even if'the democratic of Palestine." Longmans, Green toward unity w i t h - t h e democ-; that: hatred could • ftt •a'ddition- iofce"srsuc"ceed"Tn;bringlng Poland Is publishing the book this fall . . raciea with a consequent "les- Bervd'a strong'political andTec'cP fully .-in" • iln^- wlth'the anti-Fascist . Zif f tells us It will make the Colsening of enti-Jewlsh violence. .nomlc motive and, perhaps,-even- •front, but it'would not be un- onial Office squirm . L'he book —THE EDITOR. put them in control of the. gov- reasonable to expect that at least occupied two solid years of Zlff's ernment,, what easier and more the sickening- bestialities and po- time The tragic events in Austria pleasant task could be given groms on the. Jews which have shajned Poland during ; the last since the .Anschluss, and more re- them? . • • : . - . .: A. L. SACHAR: Metropolitan year.~iwouTd-:nQ£ be ; repeated. So Jews are burning up over a circently in Italy- has•' tended to obDepth Beached. : ' tragic is.tfit&'-ptfsition of the Jews cular letter sent out to incoming scure the condition of;,Jews inThe depth of brutality which in. tTia£'.^artTOrrtlie world that other European countries; This anti-Semitic outburst in Po- even, so negative an Improvement Jewish students by the Hillel '.is by;ijo means because :the' Jew- the reached during ,1987 and would constitute a great relief. chapter at a southern university ish problem in these countries land in which unpleasant aspersions, part of 1938 was such as will' has beea solved or-alleviated- If shame Poland for generations to of the sort usually mouthed by —World-Herald Photo. anything, the Austrian events come. The civilized non-JewJsh anti-Semites, are cast against "a have hid a deteriorating effect oa world, appalled by the atrocities An enthusiastic response to the Fred Brodkey, Mrs. .Sam Beber, certain type of Jewish student" the -whole of Europe, politically in Germany, failed to take noto from the New York area . . . If ticket sale for the Ruth Neuhaus Mrs. Abe Herzberg, Miss Rose as" well as psychologically. But of the extent of that terrible outnothing else, the letter is defin- lecture series, is reported by Mrs.Rosicky, Mrs. Harry Wolf, ..Mrs. the cruelty' and barbarism let hurst itely in poor taste and should be Manuel Grc-dinsky, chairman of Louis Killer, Mrs. Herman Auerof inhumanity which out'loose in Vienna and -In Berlin did even that of the t h i r d Reich. immediately withdrawn or radic- the committee in charge of the bach, Mrs. Simon Pizer, Mrs. H: project which is sponsored by the C. Sumney, Mrs. J. Harry -Murwere so spectacular, so sensationally changed . . . Only the Polish Jews who' .exCouncil of Jewish Women. al in their nature that people in phy, Dr. Max Emmert, Mrs. Edperienced the •brutalities' upon other countries, Jews and • nonward Keller, Mrs. Harry WilinARBITRATION COURT: Hero Among early ticket takers are: their own backs and: the Poles Jowa alike, were • overwhelmed is a case that will test your metMrs. C. W. Ross, Mrs. Frank sky, Mrs. Florence Greenspan, and-: forget their own "proble'nio themselves who were brutalized tle . . . A New Hampshire rabbi, B. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Sam Wirt- Mrs. William. Raduziner, Mrs. and degraded to a terrible extent and troubles. who has just been "retired" by heimer, sr., Mrs. Sam Wirtheiro- Joha W. Yeager, Mrs. Ted Lanthem, Knew their full signifiYet some of these are of great by hU congregation, has instituted er, r., Mrs. Jay Cheraiack, Miss dale, Mrs. W. A. Sawtell and MrSi cance. It ia doubtful whether significance; in Bomqq respects any other recent internal event suit against it to recover every- Hazel Degen, Mrs. I. Krasne, Mrs. George Mugler. Five lectures will be given by .even, moro important .than the in Poland has contributed more thing in the synagogue allegedly Albert Krasne,Miss Belle West, Open Letter Season evonts in Austria- and in Ger- to the brut&llzation and to the contributed by him . . . He cites Mrs. Fred Rosenstock. Mrs. A. E. Mrs. Neuhaus on the subject of J. EDGAR HOOVER: There ia many.. For In the-last analysis, "World Affairs," all lectures to a long bill of particulars . . « Merritt, Mrs. Leo Weitz. , Nazism directly affects less than chaotizatlon of Polish life than a G-Man outfit In Palestine . . . be followed by open forum disBut they're not Government men three Quarters of It million Jews, this wave of shameful anti-JewMrs. J. R. Cohen, Mrs. Charles cussions. The first date of the MISH-MASH: An organization . . In. fact^ they're anti-Governwhile some of -the* pountriea in ish pogroms. Schimmel, Mrs. David Wice, Mrs. series is Wednesday, October 12. calling Itself the Non-Aryan PicIt is possible that the very in- ment men . . .Being members of Eastern Europe aland'dispose of Corp. is now showing films the fate of five times that num- tensity of these 'outrages.- has •an-Arab terrorist organization . . tures Known as G.-Men simply be- in the original Minsky burlesque anchor man Henry Coran could by the scant margin of one pin, ber. • • ' - . ' • . '". called forth a reaction in labor and this was due to their leadthe letter G in Arabic is house in New York City . . . T h e do was a 446. This la particularly true of Po- and liberal sections of Poland. cause off man. Frank Brookstein, who equivalent to the English X, colony of Tel Hond, named for But what has contributed still land. That country •with its the late .Lord Melchett," lias what for anonymity, hence a The Clicquot Club Eskimos, topped them in this game with a three aud a half million Jews, more to a revulsion of feeling are standing society . . . Other Arab ter- Is probably the world's only syn- who have already demonstrated 191 game. most of them steeped in poverty the recent events in Germany, secret agogue oa wheels — a hut which groups in Palestine are the their power by the opening nights which is well-nigh indescribable, particularly the Anschlus3 with rorist Red Shadow and the Black Hand originally served as a kindergar- huge scores, took two out of three The Empire Cleaners showed a and Buffering from social and Austria. That act and particular- . . . And now, Edgar, would you and resembles a railway games from Abner Kaiman's In- complete reversal of form from political discriminations • of the ly those following have awakened care to exchange job3 with Sir coach Author Sholem Asch surance Agents. The Eskimos the opening night by "taking two same typfe aa in Nail Germany, the democratic and labor eleTegart, Palestine's secret had just ordered something in the won the first two games by com- out of three games from Leo still presents the aputeat .Jewish ments in Poland to the ' danger Charles Cafe Royal when he noticed service chief?'.... .. fortable margins mainly because Orphans, who are still problem In Europe 'and in • the of the reactionary clique's policy Aleph (Poet) Katz at a neighbor- of Dr. D. C. Platts 536 series and Weitz's without a sponsor. Jack Melchworld. No amount" of spectacular of flirtation, with Nazi - Germany. ing table munching something Capt. Abe Feldnian's 474. The er's boys really caught the "Or•For it doe3 not require • too t EbUARD/iKtffiS: PJease let that looked interesting . . .After mediaeval persecution In GerInsurance boys won the last phans" on an off night especially many can obscure the fact that much political acumen to realize U81Tcii6w'''how. you prpa#unce the ascertaining from A. K. that it game, 1 which incidentally was so in the first game when Leo the backbone of the Jewish prob- that Poland is next in the line of name of yb'u'r, country" ^ with or was a steak sandwich, the novelem In Europe is to be found in Nazi aggression. With .Austria ii^hlS'afld . Our list galloped into the kitchen and their first and only win so far Weitz's boys rolled the pitiful absorbed and with Czechoslovakia cuftosity' l6n' ifiis'. Bi Poland and nowhere else. been changed his order . . . Hitler and Germany, even Germany to- crippled, can there be any doubt stirred jtpy feygf^pltjcfy ce we Goering were flyingg somewhere gether wjth, Austria, have never that Nazi Germany will next heard~Rabbl ""Solomon uuiuuinu, In a plane J It was after the sweep away the Polish Corridor, upon his return, from that 'friD blackmail played a decisive role in the ecoretake the Polish part of Silesia abroad, pronounce it Cz'eclibslova- over Britain diplomacy" nomic, political and cultural life and France victory of the'Jewish people. Nor does it and annex Danzig? Surely, Ger- Kla, instead pi the usual 'Cjsech- "Ach," said Der Furore to Goonow: either, despite.the.,noise, .the many has a- juster. claim • tor all of o s l o V A k i a •'". . ' '•-'•" •'"• ' • . . . ' . • • ' • goo ; Goering, " I feel so good. I these, whichwere formerly parts .'ktooiitjng-' anirv-tbG ^loudspeaker could even .do the Jews a fayor.'! hyaterjcafof — ^ , , " : " ' : of> the German/Reich*; than she tJOV. LEHMATSI: Hofr about i V . "Please," ^aid Goering . has to the territory of the Sudet"Streitfier.":, The-TJate; of Jewry la giving a little lady a bighand . • as he suggestively opened the being .decided- now,-aa always, in en Germans which never be-, . She's Magistrate Anna II. Kress, door of the plane . • . Eastern: Europe, particularly in longed to her. brilliant and gracious personality Trouble with Germany Poland, .=JJaa -source,'", origin . and who's out for the N. Y. Supreme And "who would come to the Court last ..reservoir of, European Jewa. she makes it, she'll It is~that reservoir that has to bo defense of a reactionary, nation- be the firstIfwoman to hold down watched carefully for a sound, alistic Poland which is in BPirit a seat on that august tribunal . -iip-tp>ae{te knowledge of the Jew* and in action-no better than Nazi iah. ^bsititfn. ' . ..'." .-' , . Germany? "Would the.; .Western By Sam Zweib&ck KENY Here's.hoping you beat world be stirred as mirclrrjijrer a. 1 W« put o *ot oi n«w U.S. Standings of Team? that libel suit an article by Marthreat to the Polish--CprrifloT or Koyol M<ut«r Tires en yaur *»-», observer —v-.. --_,,j.-»y-;.-i W. L. Pet. tin' Panzer,' nowm. e. of the car; wrap up your preitnt -many- cbaiigea ia. ;•• Pol'snd-^ since •Eblish Silesia- as»'it"-is -over; the American Hebrew, got you into State Coal & Gas Co. 5 1 .833 tire* end lock'them safaly the: Jawljah. mindi-'.-was. dazed by present threat to'Czechoslovakia? . . . It was about the desk-room Clicquot C'b Eskimos 5 1 .833 '"" oway—Then £ho blow.of the tragedy in Vien- It ia enoiigh to ask this Question racket, remember? Leo Weitz' Orphans. 4 2 .687 na.^chan^oa of a far-reaching and to answer It. s The Wardrobe 3 3 .500 'fuadaaufnt&i nature,' although not Poland, .by its policy of exTHOMAS: Wonder If Smith Motors Inc... 2 44 .333 spectacular enough for the front treme reaction, brutal national- youNORMAN get mail addressed to you as Greenbf/g Fruit Co. 2 4 .333 a;-;:The changes in question ism and suppression of all the .333 NORMAN THOMAS, SOCIALIST Empire. Cleaners are not of an economic nature. democratic forces in the country . . . Dr. Jacob Billikopf 5 .167 Kalman Insurance.. showed Economically, the process of de- has isolated Itself from the dem-u,s a letter he got from a handterioration which has been going ocratic world. At the same time The J. C. C. Bowling went Into young prospective refugee AfHtr ye*V» put tfiyaf on among; Polish Jewa during the she will never sufficiently ally some In Austria . . . It was addressed the second week of their schedule Matters throogh th«Ir pecM ja5t cjecade, haa notl>een checked herself to Nazi Germany; because to BILLIKOPF, JACOB, SOCIA- on Tuesday night of- this week fcrSdaytVkA the territorial interests^ of both LIST in any way. ."'.. .. . J. B. is listed in the and the results of the matches countries are antagonistic. All the forces of "*lhe governhaa thrown the league into much Who's Who's aa a social worker, ment machine, of the press and Her flirtation with Nazi Gercloser competition than was realof public -opinion are still bent many ia a temporary makeshift hence the p. r.'a confusion . . . ly expected. No team could win on the pld policy ot driving out which cannot last and will colall three games, all endTHE DAY: One of your worthy the Jew's from whatever econonv lapse the minute Germany feels eolyumists, who signs himself A. Ing in a two to one margin for Carl Riches ic posittQo. they attll hold, wheth- Btrongeenough to- do away with Z., ought to be a little more care- the Tictors. er it is J a email commerce, in the Corridor and march into DanThere is absolutely no cost or obNo doubt the holidays • must in proofreading his output . * artisanship. In, factory work or in zig and Silesia. Although Poland ful have had something to do with ligation involved in this Royal .Quoting a recent Peters item, the learned? pprofessions. has a non-agression agreement he referred to yours truly as the caliber of bowling, as many Master FESE Trial Offer! All we with Germany there • were signsP i parties, Practically "PauloT Peters, a communist in of the so called stars' averages ask is tfast you give these amaztoo, with the excepttoiTpf: th the"SSo- a-plenty of the trend In that di- the Anglo-Jewish papers." . . . took huge tumbles, but this was cialist and probably alsb.tfie new- rection during the last few. There ate lawyers, who think that to be expected especially so early ing new Royal Master Tires a ly rising Peasant Party, still ad- months, Is llbelbus per se, even though in the season. Many of the boys thorough test on your own. car! here to the' policy that the Jews .. ,- -Set-Back top Endclts Teters knows the prankish lino- in the so called lower brackets arc -a superfluous population in R e m e m b e r —NO COST, N O OBIt is chiefly' this that is now type machine thinks all column- turned the tables by bowling huge Poland and that they must be creating a new social and politi- ists are red and just can't hejp scores, which was the telling tale L I G A T I O N , NO SALES TALK — mado to leave the country by all cal - orientation in Poland. Labor spelling.them that way . , r 4 in practically all of this week's ROYAL MASTERS SELL 7HEMSELVES! means. With this in view the and the peasantry are awakening matches. * boycott and pickettlng of Jewish and making demands upon the i>R.v CYRUS ADLER: At that ohops arid stands, the ghetto government which it can no long- post-birthday interview' with you Dave Frank's State- Coal & Gas benches in the universities and er ignore. If signs can be inter- the, a reporter pulled team lived right up to their exthe other official and unofficial preted correctly, Polish reaction a.- pan.; on;'you ~;::~ , You had re- pectations by taking two out of discriminations against Jews in and the Endcka have received an marked something to the effect three games from Moe Llnsman's practically every "Walk,of3ife are intpoflant set-back "in" Poland that the-present ^erisls was really Wardrobe boys. The Coal Dealers : continuing as before. during the last six months. nothing but-an-aberration, even got off to a poor start and The change of a more hopeful The recent ..peasant Congress though many" might be killed in a dropped the first game by a marExpert nature which an observor does was a magnificent manifestation future war . . . At which the re- gin of 28 pins, but in the-second notice, in ;Poland now is' to be of the awakening of the Polish porter timorously chimed in . . . game they really turned on the found"-in a? new trend in the po- democratic forces and one heard "The aberration was successful, steam heat in winning by a marand litical situation which haa been less of the brutal Endek: attacks you mean, but the patient died." gin of 118 pins-And then finished growing for the last."sts months on the Jews during the summer. . . . When you laughed, after a off the clothiersHn the third game KECAPPSMG and is clearly visible .now.. Before Signs :'af awakening" were seen, in moment's hesitation, were you by the comfortable margin of 43 the Austrian Anschluss, Poland Acadamic circles: '.eafly tnu t h e simply .being polite or did you pins. Phil "Snooks", Katzman led Visit our new which was generally inclined .to year,.;; But :;!«£. iNazi'-,match in one of thOFje rare the coal boys with a series of plant and let us show _ flirt -with Nazism "Bince its rioa- Europe haa now .intensifietl this things — a good pun? . . . •495 followed by Capt. Sam Zweiyou our now equipagression: agreement with . the movement and has to back's 482. Capt. Paul Steinberg ment which is capable Third Reich, was leaning heavily the- larger social••' classes in the of retreading or reMAYOR LAGUARDIA: Does was top man for the Wardrobes on Nazi- Germany in. its foreign country with the result that Po- New York'City have any "honor- with a 479, while the best that cappins. any size ear and internal policy. land seems ••to,:be" turning away or truck tire. T h e s reactionary Nationalist from Nazism in the direction of Your worn out tires (Endek) Party, the army, and the democratic forces in Europe. skillfully rebuilt .vith the big landowners, had found in new live aati - skid That this Is bound to have a treads, adding thou-" sands of safe, economical miles.
Happy and Prosperous New Year to My- M*my Customers and Friends
previous yeara I again wish to serve my Is in"" their needs of all religious articles. A complete new supply of articles for holidays. New Year cards . . . Silk and wool Toleisira of all sizes. Machzeirim end Prayer Boolio in English and Jewish. - Ecrorr TTr,LuIov imported from Erez Yisroel, „-. 4-S©ot._QKality at Reasonable Prices"
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' PboKo A T
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M. S O M T
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Dealer in Jewish Bookstand All Religious •'
In the last match or the evening, the Greenberg Fruit boys showed everyone that they will be a team to contend v,-ith during tfce season by grinning two out of three games from the high powered Smith Motor? outfit. In vrinnicg their only game of the 1 evening , the Auto boys set the high game record so far by rolling a £2 4 game which included three 200 games. Arren "Dofgie" Weitz was high man for the Pontiac boys with a 55 2 series \rhich puts him. on top of the individual average sheet. He was followed by Sammy Yousem's 509 series. The fruit boys were topped by their anchor man, Seymour 'Cohn, •who roiled a 4S0 series. Capt. Al Fiedler of the fruit boys mace his debut into bowling this week
be resumed th« toUowlni Tuesday night, October 4 with the following games scheduledClicqnet Club Eskimos Vs Smith Motors Inci, State Coal & Gas Co .vs. Weitz's Orphans, Kaiman Insurance Co. vg. The Wardrobe, Empire Cleaners vs. Greenberg Fruit Co. Vamlla was In 1684 introduced Into Europe by a Dutch Jew, Salomon de la Roche. Thy neighbor's honor and his possessions should be as dear to thee as thy own. ' ' Great is the dignity of Jsbori it honors a man. A single coin in a jar makes the most noise.
among much pomp and ceremony and responded with a 317 series. There will be no bowling next week on account of Yom Kipper coming on Tuesday evening, but
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score of 646. Goodman Pill, a new bowler this year, was high man for the cleaners with a 497 followed closely by Capt. Melcher's 49 2. Barney Abrams with a third game of 23 3 was top man for the Orphans vrith a 522 series.
Tree Storage Untii Warstetil Purchaaag n in November
Omaha's Floor of Fashioc ©B Third Flcuwr
THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1938 tionist Movement, will publish a startling announcement by its founder very soon . . . Now that Italy is talking of colonizing Jews in Ethiopia we can tell you that one of New York's important .department store magnates and Palestine leaders offered, way back in 1936, to send an important J-ewish woman to Ethiopia to study JewisH* colonization 'possibilities . . . Dr. Abba Hillel Silver has been appointed to, and has accepted, t i e post of national chaplain of the Jewish Vv'ar Veterans . . . That organization, incidentally, . is considering changing its name to American Jewish "War Veterans . - . /Unless tbe Independent Order B'nai Abraham i- r wants people to think it's trying '-• I? to exploit for its own .ends tbe name and reputation of. the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League, it had better change the name of its new Anti-Discrimination, AntiDefamation and G o o d Will League . . . New Jersey Jewish Center leaders are . pleased as Punch' at tbe return of Charles Nernser, former executive director of the Jersey City Jewish Center, who has been named the Jewish Welfare Board's field secretary for New Jersey . . . Clap GREAT PATRIOTIC MEMORIAL NFARS COMPLE- hands for Jacob Billikepf and : TION—Barnet Hodes, Corporation Counsel of the City oL. SamuerUToKns, who are "doing "a cf a job 'with the resettle; Chicago (left) ,is shown oiving President Franklin D. Roosevelt honey ment division of the National Coti pre-view of the $50,000 Lorado Taft monument to Georgs ordinating Committee for GerWashington, Robert Morris and Haym Salomon, on.which the man Refugees in distributing refLorado Taft Associates, are now at work in their Chicaao ugees over the country . . .
Rops&veltYiews Sculptors Design for Monument Honoring Baym Salomon
By Max F. Baer - The anthor of this column, a recent -grSduate of Oreighton University- and an expert in guidance and personnel problems, Is the director of organisation or the B'nni B'rith Vocational Service Bureau. Not long ago a skeptic said to the writer: "I'll tell yoa what vocational guidance is. Vocational guidance is the process of assisting an individual to choose and prepare for an occupatoin in which to be unemployed." There are very many people who share this viewpoint. They place great emphasis on 'the fact that 5,000,000 young people in this country between the ages of 16 and 24 are -<<rat of • school and out of a job,. In such circumstances, they say, vocational guidance is meaningless. . . They forget that 8,000,000 of America's youth are employed. They also forget that 4,000,000 others are still in school preparing for employment and that for these p.000,000 school youth the present chances are at least eight to five in favor of their finding lome kind "of steady employment . after graduation. Of course, we must find occupation for the other 5,000,000. If we do not, American democracy will be seriously imperiled. But that task is bound up with the general problem of economic reconstruction in America. The vocational guidance worker necessarily performs his duty "within the limitations of the existing economic oTder. His responsibility is'to see that the young -people who do find Jobs do not become misfits in the occupational world. And-what if a young person does not 'iave a job today.
He should, nonetheless, know something about the world of •wort and he Bhould know .something: about Ms personal assets and liabilities so that when he is able to enter the portals of induBtry. he will be able to make satisfactory occupational adjustment. Era of Joblessness The 5,000,000 young people who are out of school and unemployed today are not the same 5,000,000 who will be unemployed tomorrow. The number of unemployed youth may be the same or even greater, but the individuals in that category will be different. "We do not know today who will have a job tomorrow and who will not, nor how long in each case. Therefore, we must see to it that all youth comes under the influence of .vocational guidance. The- very fact that youth is today suffering an era of joblessness makes the need for
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studios. President Roosevelt has enthusiastically endorsed the. monument project which will symbolize the tsarriofic fact &ct peoples of all creeds and races participated in the upbuilding of America from the very beginning. Mr. Hodes Is showinn the President the model that was executed by Lorado Taft. When competed, the monument will rise approximately fourteen feet Its completion is ex• ~T*ed in the Soring. .
Strictly Confidential By PH1NEAS J. BffiON
"Gems of the Bible and Talmud
Enters Ercht^ Ycrr ---j - — -• -•;'
Zeta Beta Tau
-*\ „"**,
*•« •
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ABOUT -FEOPIiE . Gino Olivetti, Italian-Jewish' industrialist, who has been forced to resign from'two important gov- I— " L ^ C f C r r l s r c" Tbp Jp^*iFr< T1P6-** r~io~e ri-c-peTtj , t h e inorp anxi^t-* , ' '^!.'- / ' - ' %' the benefit of adequate vocationernment -positions, 5B one • of the olojrieal S e = : r , a - r , shcv-efi •* hzz -te m e r e f omer.. Lbe m o - e v.l._<.!i- ,„ .,„ ,,, r , B ,,.. ",J, .'„. al counseling, i3 a shoe clerk in official Italian representatives at h e t h o u g h t of b-= Se-sner F \.-".cn^, ' r~z., L. , l e roovc K".E.ic_-h>v ' • ' • -. ' ... a department store. Abe has an the International Management Dr. Ss'.osioa Gcl^~ar_, h; c t k . i ; r ' r t ]•' v ."' r ^ • l~f Tr-n-r n n [ ••^ ' < Introverted personality and knows Congress, at ..Washington .If his f:rft r ^ i " - i ; r r p e ; , - £ i c e i r F T * - ' " " ^ •'~ r T - T T -n'-,-,r~, -^ ^ -•• little about meeting people. He you're wondering why you have- y e a r s zt t t ? G r ' ^ r r r r . r""r.T~- i" r - o - r ~o-r'~ it*^ i->r>-f ! ( .>»> -, _. .„ , has no understanding of his cusn't heard "from Sam Ucterayer N. Y. •'. . Ccr.£rres?rr.rir Frl 7;^OOTT i r n - r =?;~r"i' - £.. ' t r i . -c- v •-- s.. , -.,-.. tomers and loses many sales for lately we can tell you: that ise."s ci N e v V o - k . T h e h a s lor?: beer, r'orr, t bF iro-'- r . - i r ' . ' } . r ,i . ^_ -^ . ^ the store. His heart not being gravely ill . . . Myron Weiss, who p a l E y - v a ' s y •v.-it.h lHupsolir;!, has. C P u t r o i r . ; - t , L1 f ". •"" - i •-; . ' r, ..." In his work, he is unhappy and was the only Jewish editor on the reincved sorce of li Duce's percauses discontent among his felstaff, of .Time .magazine, is out soatllr Eutocrs-phea photographE c r : - " t ' P ro.->i" • T - f i • •• low-employees. Abe's boss curses p..- ; after a clash with publisher Lcee from i i s walls . . . if : P - r T I P ' " ' ' " f' Abe under his breath and mutCV.:-PCI for l-TTi=--r v o-t . . ."Weiss wrote all the "medical r r n r t t . IPS?, by Se^en Art? ters that if times were not BO items..,... Sozse.. trien&soZ .Merger • Feature Srr>d:oate> prosperous and show clerks so W. Weisgal, who left for Palesj liie m t h e "LiL-i c" from which quite a few Jews have tine a week- ago to inspect life hard to-get, he would get rid of POLITICAL PALAVER the fellow in a ininute. graduated, are now limiting the Anti-Semitism seems due to exhibits .being built there .for t i e M i l d e r O - : : C c ; i : 7 ^ : > " *'> \ ::.",['\\'\ Jewish Palestine Pavilion at the Then comes the depression, play a considerable part in this number of Jews admitted . . . New York "World's Fair, present-' and the department store, finding year's Congressional elections . . BEHIND THE FROXT w itself with more shoe clerks than "William Rufus Scott, candidate Diplomatic insiders at London ed .him with a, fctillet-proo'i vest it needs, picks Abe Cohen as the for Congress in the 16 th Califor- and Geneva will tell you that be- as a parting gift . .". Arturo Tos; Dr. Philip Sher S t a r t i n g o r ^ ^ p - '•" • ' : r ' . •* , r first an to bet let out. "When busi- nia district (Los Angeles) has hind the Arab terror in Palestine canini is so mad at Mussolini o n l y t v o t - i ' ' K P ?">' i ! - - " ^ p m ness conditions are favorable and sent out mimeographed postcards is no Arab brain but a three-man that when II Duce sent the Taaesp l o y e e r . t b e "\ . i ' r- C i i">Ti"p--.i-* there is a great deand for work- headed "J E W S IN UNITED brain trust comprising an Amer- tro's brother to win back his BIBLE e m b a r k e d ir ; b ^ O 'I bL^nec^ i r ers, even those who are not fitted STATES IMPERILED BY NEW ican from Illinois, who serves as friendship, Toscanini said that if *oro;:en my O mah.a. for the particular occupations in DEAL FOLLIES!" in an attempt banker, Gustave Schmeller, . a he ever meets Benito hell spit e a r t , a i d I a1-ttj m sorg sick, a n d I TI <• con ;•>; r r v ;.=• p;« - .n" which they are engaged may be to stir Jews to vote against New German archeologist, who directs in his eye . . . Did you know that hlooks d fi_r sMce to show comjias- ' r - i n c : r ; . ' ' ! " ^' I I M V - P Yi . - v By RABBI HYMAN GOODMAN able to hold their jobs. But when Deal candidates by creating the the smuggling of arras, and Faw- Cyrus Adler once took boxing lesI; the economic barometer falls and fear that if the New Deal pro- zi Bey, a Turk and a veteran of sons from Jake Kilrain Tho last- sion b u t t h e r e w a s none, a n d f o r . v b o I'T'-'C OI r.i^- '• --LE O ' -'1 -n.-i c o r a l o r t e r r . b u t .1 fp»:nd n o n e . 'pr r ' ~ ^ ' F ^ ° . r"p v o-kor >' "•gram is not stopped it will lead ed 4S rounds against the immorthere is a corresponding decline the Austrian army, who is tbe YOM KIFPUR E S n o t off in t h e t i m e of: c p r " - c',r.->- i.rir- cf. v v.ul- t <<-,On one occasion—the only one in the demand for labor, the first to bankruptcy and subsequent at- military strategist . . . Sir Os- tal Sullivan . . . -Within the next oldCcst w h e n tny s i r e r g L h i r \ e " p r > " i c ; rl CUE.!. : i-AiM recorded in Jewish tradition— workers to be thrown out of em- tacks on Jews . . . In that torrid wald Mosley, who has been a few weeks James Waterman' j e t h . aEe, i o r s a t e ir.e r o t . ' a t poru'.f.'-"-, K ^ ""-. V ; i , - - . rp the Jews haye not observed Yom ployment are the vocational mis- New York primary fight Con- widower for several years, will Wise, son of Stephen S. Wise, gressman John J. O'Connor's soon announce his forthcoming will make public an- asaounceKippur. In the year when the fits. 1VP:1 : u ' <".!= - s ' - i ' • ' " o " "i '•• '"' campaign manager sent every marriage to Mrs. Bryan Guiness, ment which Trill create some-.vliat Temple was dedicated by King <-i. I F - r Needs Today voter in the district a copy of sister of Unity Mitford, the en- of a sensation . . . It will mark, j Quicken m e i.£E.r, t r r ' > : . : p ir.e Solomon and the Israelites the s ?"i i s ITI , > I F R ^ T ' , T I ' ,; ? Father Coughlin's magazine SoJewish youth certainly needs thusiastic pro-Nazi English lady in a sense, Jinimie'E return to-a day of Atonement was not kept. i ^ r y r r e ]'C!i°=.-" .t v'--\" r ^ r ^n,-', vocational guidance for times of cial Justice containing a ludatory friend of Hitler . . Mrs. Guiness,. great Jewish- cause . . . The at- j eartis. (Hoed Katan 9a.) i Lee t > e Trour-tt-'r.s b e e r p.E.ce ' e - r j ^ < r L r x ? » ' * ; •"" r""i,--i article on O'Connor and also— economic stress. History proves like her sister, is a hot - Hitlerite torney for' Miss Deanna Durbin Yoin Kippur can never fall on that the majority does not be- the 13th and 14th "Protocols of . • . The government of Northern demands that we retract our t o t t e p e r r l e t r . d th= t i l l s . grudge a share of the world's the Elders of Zion" . . . V. S.— Ireland is working to bring from statement, that this c&arnrtag a Sunday, Tuesday or Friday. it goods to the minority when there O'Connor was defeated " by the Austria Jewish refugees who are movie Etar is Jewish—although ; b t i " K l ' l e r £aii* ' ^ ' V e r a r l i e ' , . . At-one time Yom Kippur was is substance enough for all. But Democrats, but won. the Republi- key workers in important indus- is DO crime, nor libel, in this n o tE athyself r c n t h e ccmr^ui".! 1 . 1 , ' i t a day of great rejoicing and mer- let there be a period of scarcity can nomination . . . The Republi- tries that can be transferred to country to call a, movie star a trust zct iz f ttrsa:: 1 ! ! f crt: ;>- e--r' ' . ' f riment for young people. Attired and tne minority "is ruthlessly cans in Minnesota are charged Belfast . . . The Austrian Nazis Jewess . . . " So. notwithstanding ' I . ' , '• in white "the daughters of Jer- pushed aside. Hence, in a busi- with sponsoring an underground are so well-informed on Jewish the fact that the source of our cf ^ e c^att, jrSre rot thy r>e'rt- I . i ' , i usalem would go forth dancing ness crisis, such as we are exper- whispering campaign against Gov- affaira that when Zionist leaders information insists that Deanna bc-r" until thou art come -rtr his j I ' f in the vineyards. And what would iencing today, there is a great ernor Benson, who has a Jewish call at Gestapo headquarters in is 'non-Aryan., we comply with the pi£.ce, do rot express J-CUT^T ir. ] . _. ^|_ they say? 'Young man, lift up scramble for jobs in which the secretary, in the hope, of alienat- Vienna they are offered copies of attorney's request . . .' Processor such z. v,a: that your v v il& r : y | ' ing the large German vote • . . the Davar and Haaretz, Palestin- Jekuthiei Gissburg of Teshlva be understood cr.1: c;--e.L'_ ' " " " " "~ your eyes and see what you are Jew is often the lcser. Those Nazis awaiting trial in New ian Hebrew dallies . . And when College, editor of Scripts Math- rtudy, cr.d cecr '^rLft-t.. >-.v irt choosing. Look not at external He has slight chance If he enr'e." i T 7 beauty; look at the family.'" ters a line of work for which he York on charges of espionage the Nazis speak of Weizinann and ematica, is a very happy man ttem b3 c'iStr ara i-tc'/.ic: "Say cot, T'beri I hPvf "f.rv~c , i, ' (Taanit 26b; Lamentations Rab- has no taste or special ability. against Uncle Sam's defense Jabotinsky they refer to them these days . . . The two albums toah, opening chapter, sec. 33). Perhaps the best answer to our forces were assigned to get the familiarly as Chains and Jabe . . "Portraits of Great Mathemati- I will stuiy. rcrrhc.rrr tt~u v-;'t plans of a sensational new bomb One of the great mysteries is tbe cians" recently published under have not Ieifure." skeptic is that the economic deThe Scriptural reading at the pression, far from pushing voca- sighter invented by American daily appearance of swastikas on Scripta auspices are. asaoag the Kabbi Kl'.Iel used to say, "At ! ^r rMinna service on Yom Kippur is tional guidance into the back- army engineers . . . Edward Ban- the facade of the farapus Roths- contents of the "time capsule" emrty-keaded man can r e t be a . ta, one of the witnesses before child Synagogue . . . The swas- which is being buried in the New sirj-fparing E S I , nrr car. an : j - , from Leviticus Chapter "18, which ground, has brought It to the ; - - _ deals with the different degrees fore. There was never such ac- the Dies Committee in New York, tikas appear every morning, and York World's Fair grounds to nnrant person he T-CTIS. r.c- csn spoke before the New York no amount o£ watching has suc- preserve samples of our presentof forbidden marriages. "Why tive interest in the occupational QueEtiops -cr fear oZ e-\rof>.r: t t branch of the Friends of New ceeded in preventing their being day American civilization for posshould this particular portion, of adjustment of our youth among i^rorance acquire s r eilrct t~r: ' the Torah be read on Yom Kip- national and local agencies, gen- Germany, predecessor of the smeared on •. . . Jimmy Hines, the terity 5,000.years hence . . . For nor e t c a r e - s r r v r c ! r f c r; "'k ' Bund, in 1934 . . . Those in the Tammany leader who pushed Hit- the first time in the history of pur? In light o t the above Tal- eral and Jewish, as there is today. % rearr-, no- err o* e v-fr ss mudic statement it is evident that (Copyright. 1938. by Seven Arts know insist that Los Angeles ler off the front page by winning the University of Oklahoma a te~pe~ Nazis responsible for the fre- a mistrial, will get a laugh when Jew has been elected president of enframed cvermach jn ti.E.ncs£ it served as a reminder to the Feature Syndicate") quent bombarding of that city by he's told that the Frankfurter the senior class . . . He is Alfred young people to chooBe as a life air with anti-Semitic leaflets were Zeitung editorially called him a Slaner, whose family are tbe only partner one who-would not fall recently given a goidg over by Jew . . . Some $60,000,000 has Jews in the town of Hobart, Okla. tbe-e :? r ? c-«» to <":" t t » ro<---within the. forbidden categories anti-Nazis, who smashed the already been stolen by the 100 . . . Latest alumnus cf the Acglo- t;-on cf. s. iesdpr,- ycu i.£vf of consanguinity. Nazis' printing press . . . Prince Nazi commissars who took over Jewish press to make good in the «;I^'----Jvi.'L.irir.s co m Alpha Theta ended a summer Hubertus Loewenstein, the anti- Jewish businesses in Vienna . . . other Epteres is Sidney. Kaufman, f r o n be "re tb? t r r - "' / Some Rabbinical authorities inGerman Catholic nobleman, Nice going, bO3"s . . . Arab ex- movie critic, who's giving a P.aMri ~ I " r " crce FL™ r ?' i"" cluding Rabbi Joseph Kare, the session filled to overflowing with Nazi !at work unifying all anti-Nazi tremists are bragging that they course on the cineraa at the New flostirc on t're r c - f f r " if. t v » author of the Shulhan Aruk, ob- social activities with the pledg- is Germans into a solid bloc . . . are perfecting plans to assassin- School for Social Research . . . valEr, h.e s a i i tc it. " Tccf VJ-C jected to the custom of using- ing of twelve new men. _.-_„_, Some of tbe subjects with waica thr The president of the pledge New York hospital supply manu- ate Chaim TVeizniann . . . ii^: c r e w-" chickens in the performance of stuck with German- JKWISH JOTTIXGS he will deal are, the films under the ceremony of "Kapparot." class, Joe Kirshenbaum. a grad- facturers goods have got rid of them and the treatment . o£ t h e r iliE.t L - c n i f d .bee the.I Others, including Rabbi Asher. uate of Omaha Central High made All future Zionist functions Fascisms donating them to the commitminorities, in-the-taovies . . Prof. th.=£iSe.l-r-efT b« L'-o'n :.Lil '' and Rabbi Moses Isserles upheld School, who was very active in by will have a new record to shoot K.atL; -I".'lfl LS^L ;.-. PI'" '""lie journalism there, should prove to tee equipping a relief ship for at as a result of the unprecedent- Louis'Ginzberg,.the great Talthis ancientj custom. c o r e -"rst, tire nrrrs v o r r t s ; t t e be a worthwhile addition to the the Spanish Loyalists . . . Arch- ed achievement of the sponsors of the Daily Nebraskan. bishop Edward Mooney of DeFish may be used as "Kap- staff the dinner to Dr. Solomon Tyeonard Goldstein of Omaha, troit, who put-the quietus on of parot." high school tennis and ping-pong Father Coughlin in 1937, is a Goldman, Zionist prexy, in New v-^. was elected treasurer of his goad bet to succeed the late Pat- York . . . There were only two There are 13 Yom Kippurs in star, speeches, one by Dr. Goldman class, and James Lipsey, who was rick Cardinal Hayes . . . The the year. Besides the Yom Kip- very active in high school extra- schools of medicine, and dentist- and the other by Dr. Stephen S. nrt " "• " f * "T pur that comes after' Rosh Ha- curricular activities, was elected ry of Howard University, a Ne- Wise, the chairman . . . Tee Reshonah, three is a "Small Yom secretary. gro institution in Washington constructionist, organ of Dr. MorKippur" (Yom Kippur Katan) on decai M. Kaplan's KeconstrucThe other pledges are none the ^ 8 the day preceding the beginning less outstanding. Lawrence Cohn, of every month (Rosh Hadesh) a graduate of Culver Military It is observed by pious Jews as Academy, and Tesldent of Chey, '% V , • I i r ^ a special day of prayer and fast- enne,- "Wyoming, will be a valuing. ; able man in the field of military t training. Leonard Cohen of OmaAccording to the late Professor ha, formerly of Minneapolis, MinA. Z. Idelsohn, the tune of Kol nesota, a transfer -from Minnep JMdre did not originate in Spain sota University, and Hubert Kanv«*ff i-f ^ p '- \ - / a " 1- " - p : f as popular belief would have it. sky of Omaha, a Creighton uniIt originated among the Jews of versity "transfer, are numbered {! r < Southern Germany. Bmong the pledge class. Law*-; \. S. f Tence Gavenman of Hastings, forIn the first bars of Beethoven's merly of Omaha, Bernard LashC Minor quartet, the opening insky. of Lincoln, with four young theme of Kol Nidre is recogniz- men from Omaha, namely. Marvin able (Professor A. Z. Idelsohn). Taxman, Edwin Milder. N. Julian Rips, and Melvin Newman, comPresents It was on Yom Kippur accord- plete the roster of one of the 1 .iptr, «11^ ***c. ing ot tradition that Moses largest pledge classes in the hisALL-STAR brought down the second Tablets tory of the chapter. Of the Covenant. FLOOR SHOW Alpha Theta is proud to announce the recent appointment of Direct From The concluding phrase of the George Frlscher of Kansas City Chicago Yom - Kippur service, Leshanah to position of Managing Editor Habaah Biyerushalayim (Next cf the campus humor magazine, ° New Yerh Taar in Jerusalem) is said even the Awgwan. Since Leonard Friet i" by residents of Jerusalem. Dsnce to del holds the position of Assistant Bnsiness Manager on this The weather on Yom Kippur, same publication, and with Howi ? * aad his broadcaotmjr f ^ according to an old Jewish ard Kaplan successfully carrying source, plays an important part out his duties as Managing Ediin determining the nature' of the tor of the Daily Nebraskan; it new year. "If T o m Kippur is can easily be seen that Zeta Beta cloudy the entire year will be a Tau is quite well represented on good one. If there is rain in the the campus publications. morning rain In the evening . then the beginning of the Who.hath bread for today and year will be unfavorable but the feareth for the morrow, is a man end will be favorable." (Issachar of little faith.. Sussan in Ibbur Shanim). The noblest of all charities is (Copyright, 193S, by Seven Arts enabling the poof to earn a liveFeature Syndicate) lihood.
vocational direction more imperative. Abe Cohen, who nas never had
:• / Sni£2rtest Night Club \
&\>bnv pniDAv ea OMAMA, NBOBASKA. ov TUB JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY UUOGCRIPHOr PRICE, Ona Vcai • . • • • » • : AOVGHKGINO RAT CO FURNIOHCD ON APPUCAIION EDITORIAL 0FF1CEJ €03 BRANDEIS THEATER DUIUDINQ QIQUX ClTV OPFltfc—JEWlOM COMMUNITY CENTER PRINT SHOP ADORC62—5SM CO. BOTH QfRBet OAVID BLiAOKBR • » Sas{o<^3 sn<J Managing Editor R. ACKEJRMAW V » . . ' o . • : EdltOX NATHAN . . . "o o Associate Bditoj RABBI FREDERICK COHN - ' . «• CoatrttsutlOi, EdHoj K 4 B B 1 TH&ODORB H. LBVJ1B . « Book Editftj PlW. . . . , • . . Slows City. lowsj. Correspondent
awakened dissatisfaction in the ranks of the Jews and that they maybe troublesome should they find themselves aligned with Hitler on the battlefield. Nevertheless explanations are still useless. Whatever the explanation, sixty thousand loyal Italian citizens are being subected to a campaign of humiliation because of the whim of a mad man.
By DS. THEODOEB N. LEWIS Eabbi, ESossfc Sisal Stespls, Siosx City
left. Good Mr. Death! Civilised Mr. Death!" Mr. Death said \\s graves never would discriminate but would remain always wide open for all •wbo came to them to give them rest and peace and kindness. Mr. Death winked . . . "And you know . . . " h e began confidentially. He leaned over as 'if to impart certain knowledge that must be private only to me . . . "You know I have graves even for Mussolini and Hitler. I will let them in, too. The peace and comfort of my graves are for everyone—even for the most despised. I shall make no discriminations against Mussolini and Hitler." * Mr. Death's countenance took on an aspect of moral grandeur. "You have changed BO, Mr. Death, since I first saw you in the little girl's house and smelled the tea roses. Forty-live yean ago!" Mr. Death said that I; had changed, not he; forty-five years later I was looking at him with the eyes of wisdom. "Thank God, the Jews still have you, Mr. Death. They still have the right to die."
or to hold public offlc«, or to engage in private busineBB. Suppose,, indeed, that Mr. Mussolini conceives the ultimate cruelty: He announces that thereafter Jews -will not be allowed to escape him by dying. Jews, he orders, must not die. The right to die therewith is withdrawn from all Italian Jews. With the facility with which he caused the Italians to be made a pure-blooded race, he orders the professors to prepare an essence that will prevent Italian Jews from dying. This should not be impossible to professors who merely by writing a pamphlet caused all Italians to be 100 per cent pure-blooded Aryans. All this was most troubling, fo» the blessed right to die is all that Jews in Italy (as in Germany) have left in the world. I am glad to give assurance from good Mr. Death himself that they can't take that away. "Thank you, sir," I said. "There is, after all, so much left to the Jews—your JUBtlce which knows not Aryan from Jew, your hospitable graves which will embrace (without prejudice) even Hitler and Mussolini, your kindness which gives peace to men for whom there is no other kindness in the world, your. Impartiality which has one law." Lo! The right to die Is the only right left to a people, and even that right while still tolerated is not to be recognised in the public prints of Italy. (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)
"THE FISHMAJfS." H. "W. KATS. and tsust support herself and two 289 PAGES. T H E V I K I N G children by back-breaking, humiliating:, toil, which never provides PRESS. $3.50. loved oses with the necessitThis is a delicately, sensitive her ies cf life. A greviously lonesome, To a young Jewish boy has come a unique honor. In a portrayal of Bast European Jew- an hard and cruel ish life as lived by the Fish- life indescribably field of over 143,000 his essay on "The America I Want" was iaaas. does she lead — as a war refa typical family. It should ugee. ihosen as the best, bringing to him a large cash award. strike a responsive chord in the Poor Josep'i is exceedingly excf all, but especially aaoag This young man, a treasurer of his A. Z. A. chapter, is an- hearts hose who misunderstand and ercised over tbe fate of his dear Foolishly does he decide to other proof that the aspirations of young American Jews are lander East European Jewry. In ones. go to Strody and deliver them confusion and agony some Westhe aspirations of all good Americans. His winning is a rebuke tern Jewg have found a measure from the devastation of the war. soon as he reaches the Austo those who flourish by discrediting social movements by label- of oolace and release la making As trlan-KuEgarian frontier, he is the East European Jew a scape to his great consterWednesday we Jews will turn our eyes from the pitiable ling them Jewish, and by discrediting the Jews by associating goat for anti-Sen.lti£ia. In many conscripted, fashionable and powerful Jewish. nation and despite extraordinary them with every obnoxious group. sight of the world about us and seek communion with the High there,exists the illusion physical defects. Army Ufe is inWe are apt to become very proud of this young fellow who quarters that the Ea*t European Jew with tole'rable, and the quest for the er Being. In atonement for the wrongs we have done, we will peculiar mannerism and be- whereabouts of his wife and chilspent hours in prayer and we Bhall reent in hunger and thirst. has done his people honor, but the honor is his alone. The A. his haviour, with his peculiar dress dren, never abandoned even for a moment, give him neither peace Never in our history has Yom Kippur come at a more mo- Z. A., of which Omaha may be justly proud since it was here it and. dialect, with his Orthodox nor rest. A mere accident, -while faith and religious customs is originated, deserve tribute, for there is no doubt the organizamentous hour, a more critical time. Virtually all our coprincipally responsible for Jewish on a brief furlough, leads him to Leah, and the children. But religionists are living under the terror of an impending catas- tion has done its share in bringing a greater appreciation of our persecution and oppression. The itfindis too late, her life has already Very reverse is the truth. It is double heritage to young Jews. trope. anti-Semitism, it is persecution. ebbed from her; she has exhaustI had been troubled about It is horrible and cruel oppression ed herself in the struggle to sup- something I had read in the daily Pessimism lias taken hold of the people of the earth. Life that impede the assimilation of port her dependents, and the T>nly press and I guesa it was for that to many has become a meaningless gesture that will be snuffed the Jew and his acquisition of pleasure reserved for Joseph is to reason that I caused Mr. Death to culture and good manners. East witness the death and burial of come to this typewriter. From out before the hour passes. In grim jest Prague wags have By RABBI FREDERICK OOHH European Jewry is not a cause of his Leah — and immediately re- what I had read in the press 1 spat out their defiance to Hitler by saying the government has anti-Semitism, but the effect. turns to the army, leaving his gathered that hereafter Jews in The Art of Living is, indeed, the art of arts. How shall we Given equal opportunity, a. mea- to young ones to the tender mer- Italy would net only be allowed opened three new cemeteries ready to receive half million sure of freedom and a friendly en- cies of strangers. live! is the ever-recurrent question. However we may be disto live but their right to die was corpses and has established the most modern morgue-in the vironment the chlidren of the And it is this family, driven out not going to be recognized. tracted by ten thousand things we are always engaged in liv ghetto quickly discard their alien from it* land and home, forced world. A less gruesome American has suggested that God stgrt Hereafter (it has been orinto Germany, which has strug- dered) Italian newspaper may all over again with butterflies—they being more beautiful and ing. It is our chief occupation. We axe engaged in living all and often obnoxious ways. gled upon and enriched, German print thenoreport of a Jew's death. our life longl The author, a refugee at the soil, for this family the German less nojsy. Sunday, October 2, 2 P. M.—tender age of eeven and hailing Empire has no room. The children It is to be as if he bad never Our Holy Days which, we are now celebrating call particu- from an East European Jewish of the Fishman's are again com- lived or died. A. Z. A. No. 1 Meeting, K and'L, Thus on a sour note our sixth millennium enters its final family,' knows his people Intim- pelled to take the wanderer's On, I said, it seems that Mr. Jewish Community Center. year, the fourth decade of the twentieth century of the common lar attention to this. At bottom they are concerned with the ately Sunday, October 2, 2 P. M.— and has experienced the staff and to go about and se=k a Mussolini can not hope to comera nears conclusion. Millions of men are in arms. "Weapons problem of living. How shall we live in the presence of life's trials and sorrows, the joy and new haven of rest and a new place pete with his German collabora- A. Z. A. No. 100 Meeting. C and the despondency and op- of refuge, even as their father. tor in cumbers of Jews destroyed, D, Jewish. Community Center. of death point in every direction. The four horsemen stalk the realities and life's ideals. Life's ideals which make up the con- tragedy, Sunday, October 2, 3 P. M.— timism that have been the por- Yossel did. Now the author is in sicce Germany has so many more tent of our religion challenge us. But we must nevertheless tion of this branch of Jewry for Paris. How long will "he remain Jews than Italy; therefore Mr. Omaha capital of every nation. Hebrew Club Meeting, face realities. The Ideal and the Beal confront each other all the centuries. It is the story of mil- there? "Wohln" next doe? be ask Mussolini is applying himself to lodge room, Jewish Community lions and millions of poor, op- himBelf. And who can ^Ive the the refinements of butality. Center. It is easy $qveach of us to shirk.the responsibility of the time. Religion holds up to us the IdeaL Life confronts us with pressed, exploited and • hounded answer. Monday, October 3. 8 P. M.— If Mr. Mussolini can't be as holocaust before us. We may blame it on our society, on the the real, at the present time, with the seeming imminence of Jews, who live, miraculously, by Workmen's Loan Association, O big a brute as Hitler he seems and hope alone. determined to be a more artistic and O. Jewish Community Center. leaders the people of other natlonB have chosen. That simpli- war and all the horrors it implies, a very grim reality. And in faith Life- in Strody. the author's Monday, October S, 8 F. M.— one (if one can speak of art fies the situation for us, washes our hands of guilt. the most ordinary times life presents its stern, often, its very birthplace, located in Gallcia, and among the savages). But the Hazomir Choral Society, C and D, part of what was formerly the Yet in reality each of us stands almost as guilty as the ex- sordid realities. Life is after all s -very practical affair. How aAustria-Hungarian comparative viciousness of two Jewish Community Center. Empire, was Tuesday, October 4—Erev Yom brutes did not concern me much. ecrated Hitler himself. True we lead no people to conquest, but shall we act 1 Often destiny hangs on our decisions, as in these barren and hard for all, but esWhat concerned me more was Kippur. so for the Jews who toilWednesday, October S—Yom Uj AI. SI;GAL, as he is the victim of his own evil-doing, so are we all. very critical times, an hour of crucial import for all the world. pecially that the death of a Jew was no ed from early dawn till late at Kippur. longer to be recognized in Italy. The world as it has been given man, is a just and harmonmeeting dangers and inF.AIA'TK TO DKVTH Our Holy Days that we are observing at this season hold night,without Thursday, October 6, 8 P. M.— j Suppose (I asked myself) this is end in the struggle This evening, at my type-writer, i carried farther: Suppose Musso- Boy Scout Meeting, lodge room, ious place. The stars follow their courses. The goodness of the up before us the ideals of Faith, Justice, the power and value sults for a 'livelihood." Neither life nor I am speaking with Mr. Death, j lir.i decrees that then and there- Jewish Community Center. earth is beautiful. Man has been given the intellect to make of Repentance, Forgiveness, and Love, Joy. The grand climax property were safe. Blighting and as one can easily do at a type- ! after Jews shall not be allowed Thursday, October 6, 8 P. M.— perpetual fear were their invarI have just saluted him. to die, just as they are no longer Choir Rehearsal, K and L, Jewliis life easier. Material comforts we have. in our Feast of Succoth is joy; joy not only in the harvest, in table, inescapable, lot. Cringing writer. I had been afraid of Mr. Death allowed to go to public schools, ish j Community Center. The turmoil,that exists is'the work of man—each and every the.thankfulaessfor the good things of life, the material bless- servility characterized their con- ever I first encountered him tacts with non-Jews and particu- in mysince man and woman who has deviated from the coarse of right ac ings ;, t u t 3O#b6c3use 6£ our exercise of and engagement with larly childhood. I saw with officialdom. The slav- hira firstremote in the house of the littion of human toward fellow human. ish qualities have left a deep imthe qualities, find ideals for which our Holy Season especially across the strict who hart upon the soul, which only tle girltilled Are we in a position to throw the first stone? Are all of standsV::inc;r|viewing the past, in absorption in the present with press bv a street c=.r. I years of safety and freedom can been went over to loot at her. She was u& innoceut of having committed grave injustice! A,re oar all its'uncertainty and, &t this time, special anxiety, in our con- eradicate. so very white, fcr then the underThe heroine of the story is the takers had not yet acquired the houses in complete order? . templation of the future it is indeed necessary that we have author's mother. Leah Seltzer, art by which tfeey cow give the How many of the rabbis who now thunder forth in.accusa- Faith; without it we cannot live, cannot carry on at all. Action who left Kishinev .after a frightful dead the verisimilitude of life. ia which her entire fatation against Jfttler anti the menace of Nazism, raised their loses its fioul and despair seizes our soul so that all action, is pogrom, It was then I first became aclly was nfcssacrcd, for the home with Mr. Death. The voices when the- German democracy was subjected! to; humilia- paralyzed and the very desire to live is undesained and de of relatives ia Strody. There she quainted Eaelled of tea roses of Yossel Fissman, and after a house there tion by the allied powers? • stroyed; whereas faith gives us courage, buoys us up, and met were several bou»~ peculiarly unromantic courtship, which ea the giri'8 coffin. Ever IJow ma!ny of the Jews who decry the intolerance of th makes effort and accomplishment possible. Introspection which married Mm. Two children bless- quets since, whenever I have smelled. this union. Yossel labored all tea Nasajs are themselves free of intolerance? How many who com- these Days counsel and arouse, particularly the Ten Days of ed roses, I have thought of.Sir. hours of the day and night to sup- Death. He was a grisly skeJetonplain of the lying and the cheating and the falsifications of the Repentance between the New Year and the solemn Day of port his little family. The brief al specter that day in my youth. chapter "In The Sweat of Thy Nazis are themselves innocent of the same charge? Atonement, urges us to indeed examine our conduct, see if there Brow" provides a picture of the But now at ray typewriter I "Within a few days the accumulated wrongs of two decades is anything in our lives and character that needs correcting, to daily ordeal of earning a liveli- have been saluting Mr. Death. I every Jew endured — o£ aia one of those who privately will have wrought their destruction. Young men of sparkling help restore the proper equilibrium of life and make the way "hood the dangers, incredible hardships applaud the friends of Jews eyes and straight shoulders will march forth as the sacrifice t easier for that justice that we -wish to see established, belief in -— and tragically meagre income. {though in ray public writings I when fury and rage fill the deplore the practice of making appease the wrath. And then those fine figures will be torn the final triumph of which makes the ultimate goal and inspira- And heart, what could the Jew do? much over those who befried us. corpses on a battlefield. Their eyes no longer brilliant with tion and content of that faith which we cultivate and strength- Nothing. "Take it easy Yossel, It seems too much like a gratethe mockery and the in- ful dag licking the hand of his their idealism but bloody and staring with the glassy stare of en which constitutes the chief value of our Holy Days and re- swallow sults, swallow them down, Yossei, benefactor. Unusual the dead. And those that live-—within them their souls will be mains the very ieart and soul of all true religion which hai a Jew must give ground." "Mr. Death," I said, "I thank you sincerely. You are the only shriveled by the ghastly scenes to be witnessed. No problems given it its very name which is Faith. The religions of the "What aggravated the relation- friend Jews aave in some places." ship of the Jew and non-Jew was will be solved. Mr. Death, as he sits at my world are called "Faiths." They are more than Beliefs in the his peculiarly tragic economic desk, is not the dreadful figure role. He was compelled to be, sense of belief in any particular articles or creeds; they are against his will and better judg- that I saw in my youth at the On Wednesday when we Jew go before our Maker, let us belief in the existence of a Ruler of the Universe and of the ment but by economic necessity, little girl's house. Mr. Death is the unwilling tool of the noble- a benign old gentleman with the remember that the tragedy the world may soon witness resulte efficacy and the final triumph of the Bight, the Good, and the jaan, the "Porits" and to extract kindest of eyes. He seems some from little acts of ill-intent that were permitted to grow until True. ' as much money as possible from gentle old father who is always the poor and harassed peasants in ready to take the children in they were rank injustices. the form of resit, taxes, etc. The when they cone home from their The strong sense of justice which these Days ineujcate The prophets who preached on the hillsides of the H0I3 peasants were too ignorant and troubles ia the bitter world. "Mr. Death," I said, "you are too lasy to understand their ultiLand saw the result of man's surrender to evil. As Jews we tempered by the Jewish teaching of Forgiveness a&d Love. We mata and. true enemy. In despera- so fair sad so brave agacist dicmust forgive even our enemies. We must hope 4ad work fdr have carried this lesson to the world. A* least; let us follow a tion, in guest of relief from an tators. Even ia Germany acd their redemption and conversion. The greatest conquest in lit intolerable burden, they vented Italy you make no discrimination course of righteousness, for'if we do there are no regrets, wild wrath upon defenseless against Jews. You let then1 die is to mate a friend out of a foe. We have hope and 'faith' in their They' we refuse, there is no escape. .. ' . and kindly Jews, who therefore equally with all other men.' the power of repentance to accomplish this. We dare not be- suffered not only the irresponsiAll the Mr. Death deprecated this will of a ruthless and greedy praise.. He paid he had a.iws\E lieve that men will remain irredeemably bad—else there were ble tyrant, but ia addition the derit his policy to have ore no hope for the world and real progress and final happiness slon and anger of coarse and bru- made law for all raea. Ee would never tal peasants. change this—not even in tie In a world of such madness, sanity on the part of th would be forever impossible. We dare not envision such Since there was no future in countries where they have one maddest of them all, Mussolini, can hardly be expected. Bui future for the world. With optimistic outlook we must believe Strody for Yossel, he bade fare- law for Jews acd &i>other law with each succeeding day, the mystery of his anti-Jewish cam in the final perfection and ultimate happiness of thfe race. Lif< well to his loved ones and immi- for other people. He said he wit to the United States. One no respecter of anybody; he treatpaign becomes more involved. Immediately after the promul would be undesirable^ otherwise. It is not the 'mere living' tha grated goal inspired his labor? and strug- ed everybody alike. gation of his racial doctrines and his expulsion order, there is good, in the sense of just continued and continuous biologies gles and sacrifices — to have "But. Mr. Death, you are the Leah and children join him as only sure refuge that Jews have was stupefaction and then explanation. But of satisfactory existence. Only moral living is true living, life with a purpose soon as possible. In free Amer- left. You alone have peace and answers there are still none. with the predominant purpose of' making life good, a boon for ica Yossel, who becomes Amer- kindness and justice for them. I icanised into Joseph travels the am writing this piece especially With war so imminent, it seems unlikely that he woul every one of God's children, happy and blessed for alL 1 road upon which millions of im- in your honor." create a situation that might undermine the national morale migrants have preceded him — a Mr. Death answered that he a".i } Therefore even justice must be tempered with mercy. hard and exacting and, in the ways had tried to be fair. He «•• I V s l e d Waist with an internal quarrel. Nor does it seem sensible for him t great majority of. cases, a disap- wasn't going to take- up the ci-:- !1 >; VJS'-.J flange Therefore love must be looked upon, and striven for as the demoralize his fighting forces by recalling his Jewish military pointing one. rent practice that denies just .e 1 1 e* J~V'terns ultimate good, he note of love is clearly sounded in Judaism While Joseph is dreaming beau- and equality as the right of-;EOI. _.> leaders, of whom there are many. about his family's future People. He would keep on tre>: 'One explanation appearing in an authoritative New York "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all tifully in the United States, the fatal ing everybody alike, people E -C thy soul and with all thy might." "Thou shalt love thy neigh month of April. 1914 arrives, a pecpie. Times article is that Mussolini finds an opportunity to settl occurs In the obscure Ser"Oh, Mr. Death, only j-oi - i i Ethiopia. The expulsion order did not include Ethiopia; Italian bor as thyself." Particularly on these Days of loftiest aspira murder bian village of Saravejo, and the graves still are hospitable in GtrCm Check* tion, of supreme spiritual beauty and power, is God revealed t whole world goes stark mad. Stro- raany and Italy. You are ail tk.Lt colonists—for whom Ethiopia was ostensibly conquered—have Stripes dy, being a border town, instant- Jews in Germany and ltal> hr^c not appeared to take up their homesteads. Nor has their desif* us as 'the Lord merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and ful ly experiences the impact of war. 1r increased with the constant rumor that Italian garrisons havi of kindness.' Love is the climax of the Holy Days and o: The inhabitants evacuate the village in the face of the approachTo eliar® with B«2ialt» i been wiped out in the guerrilla warfare being employed by tin Judaism. ing and victorious Russian troops. And all this eventuates in Joy. There is no joy like th The forced marching of the men five-room hocus, all rao£err; j 1 Ethiopians. It is no longer a secret that Italy dares not use women suddea become home- conveniences, nesf cs.r lice, j white troops, but must rely entirely on native troops from Joy of righteoij§negp, the feeling that comes from duty well and and ' less is vividly portrayed. Most £519 N. 4Sth. GL 251©. faithfully perforated, the joy of a good conscience, and the hap pathetis and helpless of the fleeEritrea. . .creatures are the Jews to Since Italians refuse to go, n Duce will exile the Jews piness that cornea from the endeavor assd the success of bring ing whom the entire war is just a • I r • ing happiness to others. Therefor do our Holy Days with n»ar piece of "goyish" madness and there.. But as yet none have gone. For Rent——Nicely frrs-ii«l who suffer VO.6T® mental aad phyIn Italy the firing of Jews from positions continue. Yet i vel|ouB psychological perfection conclude with the celebration sical pain than the hardened peaone instant a Jewish journalist protested his dismissal from,on< -of the Festival of Succoth, the Feast of Joy, cUraasing t|*e Feas sants. The Jews feel intuitively j Pkono KA S1£S. that no cutter who -will win, Jews o£ the influential dailies and was promptly reinstated by Mus of the Spirit*, the Moral Harvest, Festival of Thanksgiving, be will lose, for the guilty party is .Ycsr t,-\ f"7~ "r solini himself. In the Balkans and the Near East Italian Jews, cause bringing the keenest joy and arousing the purest thank- always t&e Jew. In the vrafee cf the war the Fislmans become refFor Rent er Fcr Sale notoriously Fascist/have been told they have nothing to fear, fulness in countless Jewish hear tp. ugees, are driven from town to Newsy decorates! ctglst-reorrj town, city to city, endure cold and house, all raccerra conv«jsi« "Thanks to the human heart by which we live. ' that H Duce still loves them. But the Jews have good memories hunger and hardships untold oa enccs, double garage. X2E Thanks for its tenderness, its joys, its fears: artd remember when Miissolini ssaid the same thing about th trains, ia camps, etc. "fhe ordeal 3St& St. For inf is too much for tha aged parents S. To me the meanest flower that blows can bring Jews residing in Italy itself. . of Yossel. Leah arrives, with her call HA 3903.' Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears." . Perhaps Mussolini feai's_that his alliance with Germany ha: two children, ia a German village
Community Calendar
Plain Talk
Just 400 Pairs Merits and Young Men's
!t\±*<Z* -r
THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 30, 1938 Ginsburg, Sam Feldman, Louis Harriet Salzman, Omaha; Bette the nationally-famouB Cathedral |7-.— m WVn-miF' F & r m V% OETS&« tO Bailin and Ben Gorelick. Silv«rblatt, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Choir of Lincoln. Today the Omaha. Workmen's Ruth Somberg, Omaha; Gene«•*• XYJ— Spcatc Loan Association has legitimate Tieve Stein. Omaha; Marian StetMrs. Georjrc B. Plans for the Hadassah year heimer. Wichita. Kansas; and claims for oue of the leading posiPioneer Women. Mrs. Dave Sherman and Mrs. 193S-1939 were outlined a t the ; pcuri farn; vornt tions in Omaha Jewish life. I t s Morris The Pioneer Women's Organic Katleman were hostesses second board meeting held Wed- Selfia Swimmer, Aurora. Illinois. membership is drawn from every at a dessert In honor of the sew freshmen, tion -will hold a. n e v e r dp.y or. lerturr or Tuesna'. luncheon to the com- nesday* September 2S, a t the group. It is not a closed or sec- mittee of the an open house was held fcr a!l Sunday. October t. Committees the Au(!i*o'-iurr: in Betb-EI book re- Jewish Community Center. ret organization. It does not func- view Jewish students on campus. Pro- will be out all flay Sunday tc see PiOPF OC ' iilP- DOilf' series, sponsoring Rabbi Membership Tea tion on the Gold Standard nor on David A. fessor «.ad Mrs. L. Lancaster every Jewish home iv. the city. Goldstein. One of the outstanding major the Birth Standard. Its memberSTONE.NEWMAN GOLDWARE-POIiLOCK chaperoned the group. All money collected v\Y, pc for A very enthusiastic meeting The marriage of Miss Esther Mr. and Mrs. A. Newman an- ship today represents a genuine was held, including the following events of the early fall Hadassab. At their first meeting, the constructive vork ir. Palestine. cay Evening PoRi. Go oil season will be a Membership Tea cross section of Omaha Jewry, Jtuth Pollock, daughter of Mr. nounce the marriage of their freshmen elected Miriam Rrhnitz. For iQlormation. persons intfiresi.members: Mesdames Jack Kaufand Mrs. Max Pollock of Kansas daughter, Bess, to Mr. Leon with German, Russian, Polish, man, Louis Alberts, V n . Al- •B-hich will be held November IS president; Shirley Eoetein. treas- ed are asked to cs.ll Mrs. J. Feldwhen a national board member of Roumanian and American eleCity, Mo., t o Dr. Ben Goldware, Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe urer; and Harriet Salzman, secre- man, JA Sno". ments, rich and poor, Zionist and berts, Jake Blank, Joe Block, repute will be the principal tary. Bon of Mr. and Mrs. A. Phillip Stone of North Platte, Neb. Dave Cohn, Arthur Coirn, Al speaker. Mrs. Mas Cohn. membernon-Zionist, Rabbi and layman, Goldware of Omaha, was solemnRabbi Samuel C. Gohen of CinJosephine Rubnitz has already Breit, Henry Belraont, Morris ship chairman, expects to culmilied on September 3 at the home cinnati, Ohio, performed the cere- professional man, worker, and Arkin, 11C1 City N&tl. E5 takes up her position as ieading i AT 6500 Jack Bramson, Sam of t h e bride"s Bister, Mra. Joseph mony a t the Temple Immanuel business man, conservative and Frohm, A. D. Frank, J. J. Frie- nate her drive with this final activity woman in the house. She event. . We specialise in r^rpr-n^ Trops Cohen of Kansas City, Kan. Rab- of Denver on Tuesday, September '. radical, believer and free think- den, John Faier, Gail Margolin, assisted a t the annual tea eriven "I'd Bather Be Eigiat" bi Samuel Mayerberg officiated. 27, at 4 o'clock. er. by the dean of women for all woHarry Silvenztan, Ben Siivenaan, Floater Policies., One Jfo'^y r.^ Ann Birk Kupper of Chicago. isen en campus. Josephine has Numerically, too, Omaha Work- Julius Stein, Sam Stern, Dave The couple will reside in North Mrs. Goldware "was formerly a who will dramatize this recent i e v e r y poeeiblSe to?;*- . . . £'.»"*;, ;. orjj* men's Loan Association has mainalso been chosen as chairman of teacher i n t h e Kansas City Platte. Stein, Phil Swartz, San Theodore, tained its representative charac- Nate Turner, Sam Zlotky, Abe Broadway hit oa Monday, S: 30 the annual conference sponsored •chools. She attended Columbia Burglary, Tcwri^t Th->^^.r, A*:i Ks^kn«ter. I t began with a few mem-Venger, Milton Mayper. Moe Lin-p. m., November 14, at the Jew- by the members of Mortar Board University and t h e Cleveland RUBIN-SELNER ish Community Center, is very bers, which multiplied. At the to train both freshmen and upMr. and Mrs. N. Seiner anSchool of Art. s u r a n c e ox» fdl T'&VF-O~>K,1 .lUJ.c^.tr JTSC aman, Ernie Jvogg. Phillip KJutz- highly thought of as a a interper clasEicen for leadership and The couple are residing at the nounce the approaching marriage ' present time there are approxi- nick; J. J. Greenberg. preter in the east. ins Jewelry &sf* I7^:-^, service la esrtra-cnrricular activiof their daughter, Miss Minnie mately two nuudred and fifty Coronado apartments. The review will epea the eveShe has appeared ia Each stage ties. Seiner, to Mr. Louis A. Rubin, . members. ning of November 1st at the Jew- successes as "Tlctoria Regina," son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Rubin of : At the last annual meeting of ish Selma Kill, co-editor of the anBETROTHAL TOM> Community Center, with the "• the Association, it was voted to book entitled "The Yearling/' by "Pride anti Prejudice," "Tonight niisJ K. Bocks, ^ a s clso in c'-~- e Mr. and Mrs. 5- H. Binder an- Chicago. i at S:SO," ""Stage Door," and I The ceremony will take place send funds to help the suffering. M. K. Rawlings. of the s&le of these books. Bette nounce the engagement of their many others. Silverblstt SECJ vedith Lever.'on daughter, Sylvia L. Binder, t o in Chicago on October 2. The Jews in Poland. By assessing all may be secured from Mrs. Milton Mayper. chairman. are hoth worticE on the staff of Let 0$ n^£.r^i Vci:" fvii1 C-rr cr the members, a sum of ?ioo.oo Mrs.Tickets Joseph J. GreenBtone, son of Mr. couple will reside there. Dave Sherman, Mrs. Morris is being assisted by Mrs. Aaron •was raised and was sent to Po- Katieinan or any cf the above the Daily Nebraska.!!. and Mrs. Philip Greenstone. I t o f b . . ^ \ w Old C*r Rips. Tickets can be obtained land for the suffering Jews. Marian Siethelmer of Wichita., Miss Binder i s a graduate of mentioned committee. trosi either chairman or the comKansas, has become a member of Central High. Mr. GreenBtone atmittee. tended Central and 'was graduSleeting ated from the University of OmaThe first regular meeting of ha, where he vras affiliated with Haflassaa will be held October the Beta Tau Kappa fraternity. A regular business meeting of The Council of Jewish Women SS, Wednesday, a t toe Jewish October 30 has been set as t h e the Sam Beber Chapter 100 of Center. A very elab•wedding date. • • .', The Omaha Workmen's Loan the A. Z. A. was held last Sun- has set aside October 10, l l and Community 12 for the annual rumcage sale. orate program is being planned Association has proven of inval- day afternoon at 2:30. for the first meeting. uable assistance to local Jewish ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Among the various items dis- Mrs. Henry Newman is chairman g Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Resnlck business men and working men, cussed were the forthcoming of the project and Mrs. Moe LineHadssEah Rummage Committee announce the engagement and who, through this organization, ping-pong and bowling tourna- man is co-chairman. Assisting are: Mes&anes Ed- is Etill calling for bundles for th« Approaching marriage of their merely on the strength of their ments to be held within the chapwin Brodkey, Moe Katleman, El- Rummage Sale wheih will be held daughter, Jeannette of Los An- personal character, obtained fi- ter. geles, t o Mn Godfrey Jacobs of nancial assistance. Its members • The Century chapter eoftball mer Gross, Abe Venger, David in October. Bundles will be picked OjaV Ca]., son of Mrs. Jeannette consist of Jewish people of allteam was ' presented with the Blacker, William Racusin, Hobert up by calling the chairman. Mr«. Kooper. V. M. Ganz, Mas Gutt- Wm; Alberts, AT 0S79, or Mrs. walks of life and all branches of Jacdbs of Orange, Cal. Miss Resnick has made her Judaism, and Is non-political in medal for winning the Combelt man, Joe LInsma.ii, Lazere Kav- H. Reuben, WE 5531. Regional tournament. Aleph Joe ich, Louis Sogolow, Morris Stalhome in Los Angeles for the past character. Aleph Godel during the past niaster, Leonard Segal, Harry two years. Loans are made for a maxi- Guss, mum period of 12 months, rang- two administrations, was present- Shumow, c . L. Bergman, Leon ing from $50.00 up to $500.00. ed with the Past Aleph Godel pin Fellman, Sam Teper, Julius Solo.ANNOtlNCE BIBTB With the pledging of eleven Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J . Hor-At the end of each year, after all as a token of appreciation for his mon, George Spitzer, Sam Wolf and Jack Cohn and Miss Pauline new freshmen, Theta chapter is •srich announce the birth of a son ordinary expenses are deducted, fine work. The next regular meeting will •Bernstein. beginning its third, big year in on Monday, September 19, at the any remaining profits ere divided The Council has EEked for the its new home. Those girle who Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Hor- among the members of the As- be held October 9. donation of articles'that can be have pledged Sigma Delta. Tau wich is the former Miss Elsie Bociation. Shirley Epstein, Omaha; sold. Members of the Motor are: Zacarus. The officers and directors of Corps, under the chainaaisship of Rosemary Herrmark, Kansas City, this Association serve without Mrs. M. Venger, GL 3038, will Mo.; Florence Meyerson, Council • Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gordman pay. Incorporated during 1917, The Junior Hadassah member- collect articles for the rummage Bluffs: Maxjorie Moskovitz. Omaannounce the birth of a son on this Association has loaned hun- ship will be held Sunday, Oc- sale. ha; Miriam Rnbnitx, Omaha; September 26 at the Clarkson dreds of thousands of dollars to tobertea 2, a t the home of Mrs. Max hospital. Mrs. Gordman is the for- local Jewish people, helping them Barish, 912 Mercer Park road. mer Esther Rlchman. get established in businesses and A very interesting program has homes. been arranged. Mrs. David A. THREE HONORED The capital of this Association Goldstein will, address the girls On Sunday, September IS, Miss belongs to the members. I t is Miss Shirley Alberts will give Estelle Gilbert entertained twen- their money that is loaned to oth- aandreading. ty at a luncheon and bridge a t ers. When first organized, the All eirls, whether members or the Jack and Jill in honor of Miss shares were worth $25,00 each, not, are cordially Invited to atSadie Pilch of Minneapolis, Min- but through additions of diviFarther information can be nesota, and two brides-to-be, Miss dends, they had a cash value of tend. by calling Miss Kalah Florence Gllinsky and Miss Sarah $35,75 a share at December 31, obtained Franklin. Market 1236, or Miss Hiffcin. . 1937. Ethel Kelberg, Webster 5817. At the present time the followZ. B. T. MOTHER'S CIATB ing are the officers and directors Moves Office The first meeting of the Z. B. of the Association: Philip GinsDr. Ben Goldware, chiropodist T. Mother's club was held on burg, President; -Ben Mirof, Vice- and foot specialist, announces the Thursday, September 22, at the President; B e n Lindenbaum, removal of his office to S30 Sehome of Mrs. J. J. Slosburg. At Treasurer; Isadora Abramson, curities building, 16th and Farthe election of officers the follow- Secretary; and directors Sam nam. For the past three years he ing were named to serve.for the Bloom, H. Gus3, Joe Ban, Sam has been associated : with Herzcoming -year: President, Mrs. MVWiensvag, "Louis Morgan, Abe bergs. A. Venger; treasurer, Mrs. Harry Sllverman; reoordlng Becretarr^ Mrs. Victor Ganz; corresponding. secretary, Mrs. David Sherman. '.' The Mother's Club welcomed aa new members Mrs. Max Cohn. Mrs. William Milder, Mrs. Ben Newman. Mrs. Joseph Lipsey,SIXTEENTH at HARNEY Mrs. Ben Taxman, and Mrs. Aaron Rips. The new members all have sons pledged to the Z. B. T. fraternity. Meetings are held every third Thursday of the month. The next meeting will be held at the home Wednesday of Mrs. Victor Ganj. Promptly at Hersbergs F r e n e a 0:30 AM.
Entertains Ticket Selling Committee
A i corp* •"• ''- ^ •A\Lri\tu * * • i/ \ *tK ,, _
A. Z. A. 100
Council of Jewish Women
Sigma Delta Tau
Junior Hadassah
A Dress Event
Room is ready for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball, October 7 . , far th# i-.ter's social whirl .tha thrilling col
Kitcltei -Cfaate By Mrs. David SL Nemnsa Spice Cake Two cups flour, 2 teaspoons taking powder, \\ teaspoon salt, % teaspoon ginger, 1 % teaspoons cinnamon, 7 tablespoons cold coffee, 1 cup raisins, % teaspoon tea cloves, % teaspoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, Vi cup butter, 1 cup sugar, % cup chopped nuts. Beat eggs well. Add syrup and shortening, sugar and coffee. Sift dry ingredients. Add raisins and nuts. Last, sprinkle with'sugar and cinnamon. Bake in moderate oven—450 degrees. Spiced Carrots Steam or boil carrots until tender. Combine 2 tablespoons vinegar, 2 tablespoons sugar, }4 CUP butter, 15 • whole cloves. Pour aauce over carrots. Season to taste.
,;':..Dr* of , . .
Lemon Padding Three eggs, 1 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk, rind and juice 1 lemon. Beat yolks, sugar and flour together. Add milk slowly, rind and juice of lemon and whites beaten stiff. Pour in a greased pudding pan and bake in a pan of hot water •one-half hour at 400 degrees. Chocolate Delight One small can Hershey's Chocolate Syrup, 2 eggs, % pint whipping cream. Beat yolks, add syrup and beat well. Beat whites stiff and mix together. Whip cream until thick and beat Into first mixture. Pour in tray of electric refrigerator and freeze without stirring. IT WIIJ PAE VOV
Whea we fciilt c suit to call "Cballeng«r" we had in. mind the jnen. end young znea who "not csly expect good service from their clothes but who went to dress with good styls end ia good tes' So We Bs!!t Two Salts for
There's FASHION NEWS in every dress hera - . . Strikingly smart "soft styles" in Crepes and Sheer wools. Jav/c!coiored velyetsens, ons-pieca end jocks* styles . . . with fur fabric trims! Sheer worsteds end ribbed wools plus many other higher priced stylos included in ihis ovir.t . . . Don't miss if!
ef MIdrdis Blue, correct in .every detail
Wide skirted picture frocks that would Eafii won your grandmother's heart«., spool waist
creations- that will make YOU feel smfully ex-
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simETENS KETUEN HOME—Sudeten German followers of Konrad Henlein who fled across border into Germany from Czechoslovakia, return ;n triumph. This radiophoto shows them marcliing into Haslow, near Asch, while the populace give them the Nazi salute. Hardly had they returned before they were reported in violent clashes with Czechs, some behind hasty barricades.
PEINCESS PRESENTS PKISE3 — Stockholm, capital city of Sweden, recently sponsored a Children's Day, with prizes for winners in the parade. Here. Princess Margaretha, daught2r of Prince Gustaf Adolf end great-granddaughter of ICing Gustaf, who reaches her fourth birthday in October, awards one of the winners. The Princess, left, is presenting a small hand loom.
GERMAN SUBJECTS NOW—By final capitulation- of the Czsch government approximately 3 5oo coo persons of German blood in the Sudetes Mountain area henceforth become German subjects Here are interesting scenes from the area. Upper left, huniDle home of a Sudeten farmer At right, an aged peasant typical of tte
locality. Center, peasant women returning from the fields. They know how to laugh. Bottom, a* Sudeten farmer with lus oxen and cart- crossing a primitive bridge. Left, memorial to the sadeten Germans who died in the World War Sudeten Gerrr is formerly were Austrian subjects but through generations have kept to their origin.
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GERMANS FOETIFT EHINE—Further fortifications along the Rhine are being rushed by Germany, in addition to the Siegfried Line. Here is a v,dv sncwing a fort under construction at Kehl. Hundreds of German workmen have been engaged in construction of this series of defense units. In the .oreground is a river barge. Meanwhile, French sclaisrs occupy the Maeir.ot Line across the r:ver
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STES.N 1TEW OF GRAF—Here is a stern view of the enormous "11 end ru-der of the new Graf Zeppelin, which underwent recent
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CONFER — Sir Thomas Insklp. right, British Minister for Defense, seems deeply impressed by whatever .he is hearing, in this "sidewalk conference," from Viscount Gort, Chief of Staff. The conference between these two influential Britishers was in Whitehall, near the War Office.
YALE GRIDDERS WASHED OUT—Yale's football team returned to New Haven, Conn, earlier than planned, when part of the training quarters at Gales Ferry, on the Thames river above New London, was washed away. Tropical hurricane that raised havoc in New London was responsible. Above, Head Coach Raymond Pond and Captain William Platt shown at practice.
GOVERNOR — Forrest F. Hill. Deputy Governor of the Farm Credit Administration, who recently took over the post of Governor left vacant by the resignation of William I. Myers. Mf. Myers returned to a professorship at Cornell University.
POLES V»IN BALLOON RACE — Poland won the 2Guh James Gordon Bennett balloon race, after one of two Polish bags floated 990 miles to Trojan. Bulgaria. Th.s is the scene at u.e start of the race, in Liese, Belgium. ;
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r.r.'jrr.czs r : L r : r t r r c r r r — r SEARCH IN HOLY CITY—Continued violence between Jews and Arabs in Palestine causes the BrlU fshnolice to watch for smuggled arms and explosives. This scene shows police and British soldiers riDDto"-open bundles and bags of bus travelers in Jerusalem, in the quest for concealed weapons. Terrorism and violence have brought many deaths to Jews and Arabs ;-
SCENE OF SUDETEN BATTLE—Frequent clashes have occurred in Asch. Czschoslcvrkia. hone of Sudeten Fuehrer Konrad Henlein, v.hicb - a s taken over by the Fr=2 Corps end which the s have attempted to defend from ^occupation by the Czechs. This view shows a frontier gate in Barricades were set up between this point 2nd the neighboring town of Eger
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Icrc t-tcri^n? c^ z. T^- sir. n --\ '^--t -•'^ , • en actress, I'toi .i la i\? — =.-: rd io "«*..:•:..- t-^^ ' • ,: actor. This oi,_. c ! , r - r ^ {^-,. r - . .r^_ --T r —.^ r. - , ^,r,f¥br fljing to Las Ve-ss. Nsv., for their wedding. Kiss Tobin iormc-rly was on the Broadway stage.
THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1938 Because, you see, I am a Jew, And mother teaches me.
them to other countries where to cooperate with the new High He al»o ten the seed of a planted there is room for Increased pop- Commission, and, if necessary, program of interfalth relations. ulation. also with the Llason Commitee 4. " T H U S RELIGION I, too, shall bless the Sabbath which comprises representatives GROWS." Taylor Seturns to V. S. by Morris Goldstein— light, New York (JTA) — Myroa C. of private relief organisations. a complete history of JevlBlt reAnd keep my dishes dean, and Taylor, Araeiican Tice-ccainaan n ligion TThich holflB P.1T or tnoKt of bright, of the Intergovernmental Refu8.11 t h e -anflweTB to the And teach, my children what is gee Cossittee. returned to the ei and "»-fc;?E" right United States this week on the AoEztension of the Jo^rfsh Coinmxuiity Center and eepecis-lly ^evrleE rou*i And what a home should be. Nonaandle. Mr. Taylor hss been End v-omcii RP!;. Jessie E. Sainpter. in Europe since early ia May, when he organised the 32-power By EASKELL COSES' Good Shabbath, boys and to prayers, and clean our BOUIS Horace K. KaUec. Cesar* in ; i -PP r conference convoked by President f of the Junior Jewish from sin, evil thoughts and bad On this sacred, holy day. •which this eminent .Tew and phii- I i \. r-o. Roosevelt to facilitate emigration Press! intentions. In this way we may Souls uplifted, God imploring, of political refugees from EuroFive of the current books ogoplier records his reaction to i c P" t This week we ore again tell- obtain forgiveness from God and "Hear our prayers, Oh Lord," pean countries. •which. v.-ere a pleasure of my the Jewish scene during K period h.-p.-v s ing the story ol one of oar sol- his protection and love for the they say, { br t poiEtiEg out to the Tress readere of 15 years, emn holy days, Yom Kippur. year to come. "Unprecedented Difficulties" Te benefit tbrougb the culture, j FT V O—during the year (6CPP) IP36. "Hear us as we stand before Along with this tale of the most Seen Xeilab-—Closing^Service . •because of the5r vital Jewish •w-fcich Jiidaium can end doe* con- i p, '•%•>- » T t e e , ; , •--••• holy of the days In the Jewish . i , I . London (JTA) — Director •prob'eas or OB comisect of Jew- j-ibute to the common fund of The- day: of ..prayer; "Confession Are we not Thy children true? calendar, we also have several f T . -; George ' Rablee of the Intergov- ish thougit. Kes£iE£ the 3ist are: culture, it is eesential to know pic r of sin anfl^fastirig-comes-tb an Strength and courage' gi^e us poems of the holidays. ernmental Refugee Bureau told a. 1. "PEOPLE- AT EAT," bjend with a stirring "Neilah," or daily; rr! r a delegation of Jewish religious Oscar I JsmovTEk:-'—the Jewith closing service. It is as if the Help us now to live anew. l ei Former Governor of Pun- leaders that the bureau's task prcbleia in eastern-central Ecrcpe Heavenly Gates of Mercy and Richard Whittington, m o e t tenu ^' presented "unprecedented diffi- —& book on social, political cnC Forgiveness are about to close. On this day we lift our voices. tEOUE ol t h e Lcrd Mayors o" j *")'.•jab to Assume Office culties" but that, when the polit- econorsic life of cur brother Sevrs Lonaois, sent to France for t h e j f ' ' c™ feel^tbat this is our last ef- None can heal us, Lord, but Thee. January 1 Kippur, the Day of Atone- We >f>( ical situation justified it. he hop- —based oa "cold, hard Jewish Jewish physician, Master Samsoc J * -' '<-o.-v to. make PP with"God. The Aid us In the coming New Year; ment, -the most BacTed day of the fort is ed to be able to discuss with the problems" and facts. Help us better Jews to be." ' .»• fie Mirabeau. ' f t N - w - J f -* kept, open throughput;ethis "• year, comes on the tenth day-ot: Arko1 Geneva (JTA) — Sir Herbert authorities concerned the German service. Old arid young- stand " I 2. "IN THE S T E P S OF William Emerson, former govern* the Tisnri month. One can tell < Helen A. Berg, and Austrian refugee problem. KOSSS," hy Louis Golfiiag. To chant the linjai^.pray-lEfiiac geometry was intro- j ^ r ' *' r or of the Punjab in India, was The delegation, consisting of Dr. follow * , easily that this day ia Holy and erifw led.they % Young Israel. by the Hazzan. •^ « no. JE t i e steps of Moses wte duceci into Europe in tfee tve'iKJ> j T nominated by the League of Namt>st Important to : all r ;Israel. longer say: "Inscribe us for life";' Jacob Roseaheini and H. Good- an estreaely iEterestics: tact; V .1 tions' Committee on Refugees as man, leaders of the "World Agu. Streets on •which many Jews live we ask of God to- "seal • us for to s raac who couid look center^ by a Jew, Abrsc&ni bar' ibo. High Commissioner for Refugees, dath Organization, had expressed and , ^become unusually quiet in the af- life." At this moment our fates bact to a devout Jewish childto take office on Jan. 1 in the the keen desire of private orgaa- hood, it was a moving and ini ternoon of Yom Kippur Eve. Jew- are to be decided and sealed: office which will combine the pre- izatloas to cooperate with the spiring • iBh stores close earlier than tack, bet not a very easy usual, and signB "Closed on Ac- And now the Rabbi and Haz- Each year when Rosh Hashanah sent High Commission for Ger- bureau and apprehension at the one. FREE! A» man Refugees and the Nausea Of- little progress made since the count of Yom Kippur" also speak zan bow low before the Ark. The !•* comes 3. "JUDAISM IN THE WAR entire congregation proclaims fice. ot .the coming of the holiest day > I go to school to hear Evian conference at which it was OF IDEAS." by Ksbbi Harry ! The nomination was certain to established. of the year. Quiet and stillness loudly: "Hear O Israel, the^ord The Chazan blow the Shofar loud Jashua Stem. "JuSaica in the our God, the Lord is One."'{Alter be approved by the Assembly }:_ To say it is New Year. seem to be-spreading their wings Mr. Rublee told the delegation war cf ideas give the picture of a long, loud blast of since there was so other candi- that . about; a hushed silence hangs in that a "single, ; as soon as the League of Na- matured reform Rabbi at the midthe, Shcrfar. ,is sounded anaounc- I think how many times the horn date. Sir Herbert, who Is 57 KZ the air. had decided on the manner Tray point of a life of service, the Fast, and be- ... For other years has Tjlown: years old, has served the greater tions Us* Our Even the children realize that Jhgjlh'e'indof of dealing with refugees in the believing in the accentuation oj ginning of everyday activities; the Ark all dressed In gold, part of his career in the Indian vthere- is something special about The call of the Shofar reminds I" see And David on his throne.. Civil Service. Charles Uhlman. a future, the bureau would be able the Jewish positive ideal, of life. thi» Holy Day. When they return every man, woman and child of League official, is being mentionfrom school they find; the table meaning of Yom Kippur, and And Judah fighting for the Jews, ed as candidate for Assistant already set for dinner. Without the ~. And other heroes, too; them to abide by the "worHigh Commissioner. * much delay they wash and dress urges And then I feel I understand Merge Offices ,; ' in their newest clothes. Supper is thy resolutions made on this-Holy .:" All that it means, " a Jew." The Committee on Refugees .served early todays before BunServices are-joyEJ'.-J&eople And so I raise my voice and pray confirmed the Council's recom.' down. After this meal the grown- areThe .the Bynagigueihi thfe' mendation to merge the present u p s -Km last until th(J.evening of hopeleaving that theboralng-Teaf will be "< "Like all the grown-up men; "ttie next day. The younger chil- a happy one, and that they are "This year in exile-—next, O Lord, Refugee High Commission, headed by Sir Neill Malcolm, and the New year, Jerusalem!" . dren make resolutions .on hbw forgiven^' Everywhere:, one;:hears Nacsen Office, which, under the \r long they will fast. But the girls the joyful -greeting: ''May; you be S. Ish-KIshor. direction of Judge Michael Hans, J~ who is" already twelve, and the written -up; and "'sealed for 'a' good son of Norway, aids "stateless" • 'boy' who has reached the age of year," "L'shonah tbvah tikasevl A JEWISH HOME refugees. thirteen plan to fast from sunset v'sihasemu."' A compromise was reached on I think that it is very fine to sunset, in accordance with Kapparoth Shlatjen To have a Jewish home 4like mine, the question of whether the new th«: Jewish law, which regards Ou the morning before Yom Where •''every Friday evening High Commission will deal with "them .as full fledged Jews. In Kippur some Jews perform the financial affairs. The commisshine many homes, mothers will dis- ceremony of "Kapparoth.'-;. The sion decided that the office will . tribute t d ' the family pieces of ceremony holdingg an The lovely Sabbath lights. operate with the funds of the ' « dipped in honey, signifying object of; sacrifice, i fowl or To bless\.tbgoi. Mother hidei her Nansen Office, as well as governth God G d may grantt a money dedicated to acharity, "the h hope that ; in ment funds possibly to be grant•face; . . V sweet and a happy year. one hand, while reciting the praywine at father's ed for refugee work, all these A Yom Kippur Eve custom is er: "This is my exchange, this is And loaves-and funds to be used for all refugees, place ,to ask forgiveness of our neigh- my atonement; this fowl shall go For Kiddush stand, and books for not only "the Russians. bors for any injustice -we may to death (or this money shall be The International Federation of grace . . ; have done them, and in return, given to charity) while I shall League of Nations Societies asked forgive our neighbors for any of- enter into good, long life, and That each of us recites. the Assembly to act oa the resolufense done to us. People make into peace."" i tion of its congress in CopenhagI have a mother-kind and sweet _ op, forget old grudges, forgive Charity Plates en last July calling' for the conWho :keeps'/her; thingB for milk " each other., and resolve to deal On the afternoon of .Yom Kipvoking an international convand'.meat, -' with each other fairly and justly. pur Eve, as the people come to Each in-Its'-place, "and each com- ference of to splve the Jewish proGod will not forgive us, unless -we the Synagogue for services, there blem in Europe. P>, have forgiven each other first. is a table standing at the enAll governments "willing to Krev Yom Kippur—Yom Kippur trance, on which a few plates are Arranged- on separate shelves. collaborate" in solving the Jewplaced.- Each plate represents a And Pesach dishes bright and ish . , Eve • • . . problem, and also the Jewish Groups of other families are charitable institution. The peoAgency, would bs invited to .the clean seen streaming toward the syna- ple place money in these plates That only ooco a year are seen, conference, the purpose of which gogue from everywhere. Tear af- as- acts of charity. Giving charity And gladly wait the months be- would be "to give overpopulated 'ter year, for thousands of years, Is an important Yom Kippur custween countries the necessary assistance our people throughout the -world tom. In places by themselves. to develop their territories and gather in synagogues on Yom so support a larger population," y Kippur Eve, to "pour out their When I am grown-and married, to help the Jews develop a naIiearts to their Maker.:. ; . too»__,, . tional home in Palestine asd-to The ^synagogueis- packed.' Ev- Ricii and "poof alike are' gathered I know, exactly what I'll do. promote Immigration of eorae of ery man wears a tallith. This~_rnT 'extraordinary, since at no otl srening service is a tallith worjCruBut tonight, or Yom Kippur E _ -ifi the. only .occasion when the ."Tallith is worn at an evening cci^. Vice. 'v Some Jews wear .white "xDbes, "kittles," which" remind '<ftie of purity, and cleanliness.' '•' . The Service is about to begin. v.'The Hazzan comes forth to the '.Reader's -desk. He loots serious DE LUXE FORDOR S E D A N . $ 7 7 4 , ,and pale. He will chant- the. cea•> lirries old prayers and melodies delivered in Detroit. Tazet extra. Price include* which are deeply rooted in the bumpca and bumper guards, spare wheel and hearts of the people* And then two elders of the synagogue draw tire, two tail lights, two windshield wipers, two aside the pure-white curtains of •tin visor* (ia closed types), ci£sr lighter, three , , the Ark. -They remove from it --turo Torah Scrolls, also covered ash trays, twin herns, headlisist bean indicator, _ white mantles. They station dock, lock glove bemselves on either side of the •tee! wheel bands. ^ » ; u g p is spell-bound '-and still. • The Hassan commences £to. chant the "Kol Nidre," the '.^prayer - -which begins the Yom ""-cKippor* Service. This prayer . means that if people made promi s e s during the year -which they could.not keep, they ask for for1 : l. «fcw»e*B. The Hazzan chants it ""•three times, each time louder and •with more feeling. The congregation stands throughout the chantt"0>,,^ 'ing of. the Kol Nidre. It's sad .and'-touching melody casts a magic spell over them. They have '•i feeling of standing in the presence of God, Nobody knows who composed the prayer.* But you s can •sense that it expresses., the f,people's desire for forgiveness -and mercy. No wonder that,"Yom S Eve" is also known as ^ Nidre-Night." . -T *•. Prayers and Fasting r -Topi Kippur is our last opporF YOU like t a gel " a big package for the I-tupity^tO start the New Year with money" when you buy a car, see and drive the jpurft hearts and clear minds. On 'this day we turn to God and we "confess our sins. We may be sure De Luxe Ford V-8. You'll find extra inches that each one of us has done where you need them throughout the car. something wrong in the course of f the past year. We may have hurt There's so much space in the front comparting-s, and cr. someone, without knowing it; we may have said something yu>' re- ment that even the long-legged cfsrivss has plenty gretted later; we may have' been Natiossl cdcstin.® h-T fesnea foolish' a n d done something of Toom.•with-the seat alL the tray'iback in its •wrong unintentionally. And then 434-inch adjustment!' Plenty bi-ioom in the again, we may have wronged; - someone on purpose, merely out rear too—-with a handy parcel shelf behind the ' of Bpite. And so, everybody compe mits some wrong, either unintentionally, or, which ia worse, -Intentionally. . .•.-.•.. But on • Yom Kippur Day we sear..;scsS. Bodai seats are wide,.to!£isg three.. open up our hearts to God. We confess our sinB. We ~ admit that And-lbs luggage space Is huge! •we have erred. We gather in the synagogues to tell God that we Il*a a Dc Luis car ia every vsy—with the are truly sorry-, and we promise ride, the brakes, ths appointnseBts, the steel - to Improve. We resolve not to make any more mistakes. It is as body and safety features cll rscEs-oriag xsp'to ""if we have a house-cleaning withthe quality cf its ^-cylinder engine " in ourselves. It is not pleasant, •or comfortable, but when wo •cleanse ourselve3 in this way wo © V - T.Y P E S - C Y L I N D E R E N G I N E ••. feel that we may have a fresh ©MODERN S T Y L E AND C O M F O R T
Edited hy Aunt Naomi
Goldberg Operate* Sbs; Film H e . ;
Tho Center Library Comer*
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What It Means
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Rosh Hashonah Prayer
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On Yom Kippur we turn* away from the world and all Its pleas;- urea and comforts. We fast, but not as a .punishment; by fasting we show'that we think of nothing else on Yom Kippur day, but only of how we can make up for misdeeds. We devote the day
Ml CAR I I - H E
IdesJs of Judaism
Page 8
In all God's creation there is cluder'Alepb Godol; Myron Heegnot a single object without pur7 er; Aleph S'gan. Morris Ginspose. burg; • Aleph Mazkir, Calmon Ler vich;'Aleph Gisbor,-Sid Shapiro: Be not like servants who serve Aleph Shotafe :• Gbdol, Leonard their master for the sake of reJacobsjpir; -Aleph- Shotare Koton,; gard. Nate Flshgold: '-Aleph Shoter, HISS MMA FILL, correspeafal T o b y Schindler; :AIeph Kohen All news for t h e Council Godol, Harry Nadler. Advisors: Bluffs column must be phoney WEBB, BEBER, KLUTZNICK KELLEY, Attorney* Leon Dobrovsky, chairman; Soul to Miss Saltzman, 1609, by services will begin a t 8 o"clock Heshlow, Dr. Frank Epstein, Max Tuesday evening of each •weekNOTICE OF INCORPORATION at Mount Sinai Temple. Rabbi Falk. Dr. Lou Dimsdale, Morry News will b e accepted WednesOF Lewis will speak on "A Mothers Lipshiits and Earl -Himovitz. THE OMAHA POST day 6t the Omaha office, AtLift Jo right ar« James G. Tears." Wednesday, the morning KNOW A L L MEN BY THE86 lantic 1450. PRESENT: service will begin at 10 o'clock, McDonald, chairman ef Pret. That we. the undersigned, do hereand the afternoon service a t 2:30 Root«Y»lt'i Advisory Cemtnitby associate ourselves together tor The Agudus Achlm Lodge will o'clock. Wednesday m a r n i n g , the pur-pose of funning and becom• • • on Political Rafugaes; Gov. hold its next regular. meeting on ing a torporutiun under the laws of The annual B'nai B'rith dance, Rabbi Lewis will speak oa, 'Hh Thursday, October 6, a t the H. H. Uhman, Joint DistribuVre State of Nebraska, and for that ponsored by the local chapter ol Ways ol God." Eagles Hall. purpose <lo hereby adopt the followtion Committa* viea-chairman. ; Minchah services before Yom ho lodge, will be held next Weding: ArtleleE of Incorporation: Klppur will be held a t Shaare and Morris C. Troper. who lesday night, October 5, in the The name or the corporation shall A special meeting of the B'nai Zion synagogue, Tuesday, Octobe; "THE;. OKAKA POST." The Martin hotel ballroom. Dancing Was n«m«d J. O. C. Europaan B'rith Lodge was held Thursday, ber 4, at 12:45 p. m. The servsaid corporation shall be in the City will take place from 9:30 until chairman. of Omaha, Douglas County, NebrasSeptember 29, because of the holvice will last half an hour. 12:30,. with music by Bill Frankka, but it shall have authority to Kol Nldre services at Shaare idays. in'o orchestra. conduct ousiness anywhere in tho Zion will begin Tuesday evening, world. The general nature of the Tickets for the dance may be Miss Toby Katelman returned October 4, a t 6 o'clock. Cantor business to be transacted by th;» ccnred at the door. Dr. Frank corporation shall be to acquire, pubto her home in Washington, D. C , Morris Okun and the men's choir Epstein is in charge ol the dance Poale Zion branch of the Jew-, lish, ch ciilate or otherwise deal with chant the service. The choir early last week after spending arrangements. ish National Workers iAUlance will newFj'P.pers or other publications &n*l consists of Jack'Merlin, Jo» Mera few' weeks in Council Bluffs ee..erai:y to oavry on the business of held an important meeting on lin, Isadbre Maron, Harry Nadler, with relatives and friends. newspaper publishers. The authorized Friday, September 23, in theBen Leibowitz and Walter Woscapital stock of this corporation shall home of Mr. I. Lubman. Reports koff. Rabbi H. R. Rablnowitz, • Mrs. Louis London has reW!. divided into 250 shares were heard of the recent drive for will speak on "Singing in the of par value . i $100.00. al! of which turned home from an eight-week s'.iall be cornmon stock, and all of defense for the colonies in Pales^Rain." •\ stock shall be fully paid for trip to Chicago, Illinois, Detroit, One hundred dollars was Wednesday morning, Yom. Kip- Michigan, and Worcester, MassaMrs. Arthur Brin of Minneapo- tine. w n issui ' either in cash, in servsent to New York.. Reports on ices, or in property, and thereafter lia.past national president of thethe membership campaign, head- pur services will, begin a t 8:30chusetts. . he nonassessable. The corporation Council of Jewish Women, will be ed by Mr. I. Welnstein at Chica- o'clock. The Memorial service shall begin business on the filing of will begin a t 4 1 o"clock. Prethe guest speaker at the opening go, were also heard. these Articles in the office of the Guests a t the A. Rosenberg .'•''-.• ceding the-Memorial.service, Rab- home county cierk and shall continue for session "of t h e , local council, are Mr. and Sam Seps and a period of firy years thereafter. Plans were completed for cul-bi Rabinowitz will speak on "The son^ Jerry Bernard, ot Long scheduled for Wednesday, OctoTh • affairs of this corporation shall tural and social meetings which Flight • • of.- the.. Spirit." Cantor Beach, Cal. They arrived last ber 12. , be conducted by a board of directors The opening gathering of this will be held each first Wednesday Okon . will conclude the service week for an indefinite stay In of not less than two members, who shall serve until the next annual in the form o£ a in the month .at the Jewish Com- 6:10 o'clock Wednesday evening. Council Bluffs. meeting of the stockholders, or until Succoth tea at the Warrior hotel. munity Center. Round tabl© curMrs. Seps is the former Miss their successors are elected and QualThe meeting will be open to mem- rent event discussion will be held, ified. The : directors shall elect a May Cornbladt of Council Bluffs. and a social hour will complete bers of the council-and guests. president. vice-president, secretary each meeting. Committees in and treasurer, and any two .Offices Also guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. may be held by one and t h e ' flame charge are Mr. I. Lubman; Mr. Many ol Sioux - City's young Rosenberg are Mr. and Mrs. G. person. The annual -meeting, of th« Max Kaplan, Mr. M. Mason, Mr. people departed this week for RoaenbeTg and family of Haststockholders .shali S>e held,.on th« secSam Ratner, Mrs. Goldie i e v i n universities; and colleges, where ings. Neb., who are here tor the ond Mom!c'r--in January .of eat* year Shindl'er. The first they will continue. their studies. p.t 10 e'eiort A. M. in Omaha, NeArnold Baron wa. presi- and Mr. Louie holidays. braska. All or any portion of the will be held Wednesday, Among those who are attenddent of the Jewish Art theater, meeting assets of the corporation may be October 6, Mr. J. Radinowsky ing Iowa university a t Iowa City sold, at any re^rular or special meetat • their first £all meeting held •will out-of-town guests here be the guest of the evening. are Rosanna Dlkel, Sadie Taxer, forSeveral ing: ..of which ten. da,vs . notice has this week In. the Jewish Com- Several Rosh Hash'onah were Mr. and members will be initiated. Helen Guttleman, Sara Sadoff, Mrs. Henry Maduff and son, Irvbe-PP. c'vpn. pnci: ;>,» which, rneeting a , Abova, left to right *r» Rabbi Morris S. Laiaron. et taHJmore, member ef J. 0 . C. Eoard e? Dirtc^ors; RtA^b" Jo"iV; munity Center. Other officers The public majority of the total outstanding is invited to attend. B. Wiia, natJonal campaign chairman; and Edward M. M. Warburg, who was clacfed a vice-ehoIrmEn of ffts J. D, C, Jean Shindler, Betty Osnowltz, ing, of Anita, la;; Mr. and Mrs. elected were Irving Lunin, vicestock is voted in favor of making Abova, right ( L to R.) ere JsmsJ N. Rosenberg, cf New York, J. D. C. vice-chairman end Lessin^ Rosenweld, of Isadore Shindler, Perry Osnpwita, such a sfile or disposition, notwithpresident; Miriam Blank, secreBen Cohen and family of Harlan, Philadelphia who ertsnded the. sessions of the national campaign's Plan end Scope Committee. standing that Rifch sale or disposition Milton. Barrent, Ernest Epstein, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Martaryy and Esther Eirenberg, treasniay jprike it impossible for. this corWill Rozof sky, Morris Marsh. cus and family of Auburn, Neb. urer. poration to further conduct Its busiMore than 159 Jewish leaders from of the Joint Distribution Committee; ing held that day by the organizaMorris Bernstein, Newton Sacks, Jliss Rozena Sacks, club direcness and carry vut the purposes for ell sections of t i e nEtion met in New Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, national chairtion's Executive Corumii""e. Henry Greenberg," Lewis Weinwhich it. v.'as orsranizeci. The Board tor and last year's president, preman, of th»'J. D. C. campaign; Jcseph York City oa September 18 to attend Mr. Troper and Dr. Kui.n will sa2 of Directors shtili -She .power to berg, Ted Skalovsky, Dave Lasensided at the meeting- Mrs. Lu- A Rationally known psychiatrist, C Hyman, executive director of the make all by-lavs necessary foi- contlie report meeting of the Flan snd for Paris within a mcnlh, vhere she and Milton Galinsky. cille LaValliere is professional di- Dr. William Malamud of the Uni- skyHoward ducting the business of th« -corporaJoint Distribution Committee mBJa>» Scope Committee which guides the ' J . D. Ci Isidof Coons, naiidnal diwill enter the tion. These articles may be amended rector. ' ' ' •" j ' versity o£ Iowa, addressed more University Sacks tains its . European headquarters. national campaign for $5,100,000 of rector'fef the J. B . C; campaign, and of Minnesota and by a. majority vote of the stockTry-out3 for a one-act comedy than 250 people Thursday night Shortly thereafter, Dr. Kshn v.-ill re= Harold Kv. Guir.zburp, member' of the, American Jewish Joint Distribuholders at any regular or special Kline and Bernard RosenBy HELEN ZSGHONI> turn here, to assume his new duties. aro being held this -week i t the at the Jewish Community Center, Marvin the J. D. C. Board of Directors who tion Ctimmitteel meeting- of the stockholders on two thai will continue studies at that at an open meeting sponsored by school. Reporting on the progress of the days prior notice cf the proposed The leaders when they were as- together with Rabbi \Cise attended Center. Hollywood—"Bronco Billy" An- sembled in the auditorium of the the Intergovernmental Refugee Con* national campaign of the Joint Die* amendment, such notice to be mailed meeting were the local B'nai B'rith lodge. the Himowltz, DorMiss Carolyn Eishgall has re- derson, termed by movie histo- Chanin Building were addressed by fcrence at Evian where 32 nations con- tribution CommiKee to she Plan and to each stockholder a t his last adMr.Attending Baron. Earl Dr. Malamud traced the develothy London, A b e Kozberg, opment of the concept of monism, turned to Northwestern, and rians the first of the hard ridin', Governor Herbert • H . Lehman, of ferred'attheCEllbf PresidentRoosevelt. Scope Committee which is responIN'WITNESS WHEREOF, the unAaron Cornman, Harriet Rosen- the belief in one all' embracing Philip Silverberg, Bernard Marks yip-yapping cowboy stars, returns New York, 8 vice-chairman of t h e . .The .elevation of. Dr. Bernhard sible for its guidance, Isidor Coons. blum, Will Schindler, Mr. Lun-God, from Abraham to the pres- and Marvin Klass will continue via the ether. A radio station is J. D. C ; James G. McDonald, chair- K&hn, one of Europe's most noted national campaign' director, rcvenlei dersigned have hereunto set their in, Velma Beechen, Naomi Sacks, ,ent day, drawing analogies from the studies a t Harvard. negotiating for a script series man o{ President Roosevelt's Advi- welfare workers, to the ne^v post cf that the ?Z;T{!9,32^ raised^nqng the hands this 7th day ot September, Herman Sacks, Earl Noyich, Miss the philosophy of Spinoza".and.the - Charles Shindler' will enter his based on bis career. Anderson . . . sory Committee on Political Refu- Honorary Chairrnsn cf she^European Spring phase of the drive came In Presence of: the .University of NeCouncil of the American Jewish DAVID BL.ACKBR, Eirenberg. Lillian Rivin, Jean research of Freud. from 1.323 communities and cistricSfi . braska at Lincoln; and Sidney Ka? •whose real name was Aaronson pees, and former League of Nations Joint Distribution Committee and -throughout A. A. PORTER. the United "Sia'es and llontrose, Ivan Lasensky, Leon The event was the first fall liri vail continue bis Btudic3 at ;•-. . having lost his fortune har- High Commissioner for German RefSAM BEBER, Canada as compared vilfc 9C2 for the Dobrofsky, Art Bronson, ' Miss meeting of the Bnai Brlth. Senthe naming of Morris C. Trcpor, !>-16-3S-4t. Incorporators. vested in the gala days of the ugees; Joseph P. Chamberlain, pro- • prominent that university. , same period during 1937. The report New York Certified PubSacks, Mr. and Mrs. Herman ator Guy Gillette is slated to fessor of public law at Columbia "silents," now makes a living as University, Mica Ethel Baron will return to u licAccountant, to the chairmanship pointed out that more was raised i s who is chairman of the Slotsky, Eve Schaeffer, • Sovel speak at the next meeting, OctoCall V* For Wellslfjy,toia M B l yhas a hotel night clerk. Wellslfjy, Mlnaa Blotaky of the European Council, was an- the first half of the current drive thaB National Coordinating Committee; Heshejow, Joe Goldstein and Miss ber 19. < entolted &t thfr Chicago College ltd fr Chi C l Paul ' Baerwald,' chairman of the • 'nounced By Paul Baerwald and James in the entire year of 1936 and thaS Blank. MODERNIZATION The death of Max Factor Joint Distribution Committee; Dr. : M. Rosenberg, J. D. C. chairman and. the figures exceeded the first hsii Of Aft find. Mlsfl Dorothy Davis • Attics • Kitchens • Basements the passing of another Bernhard Ksihh, European chairman vice-chairman, respectively, «t a meet- I year total for 1937 by $419,030. e Re.roofing • insulation •• At a recent meeting of the Las SISTERHOOD TO MEET - will bo a freshtnan a t Eocktord marked pioneer. He began as a cosmetic college, Rockfota, 11L • Re-sidlnp FRIDAY AFTERNOON Amigas club. Miss Clara Dvorkln manufacturer in Russia. Some 19© B©WTI« PAYMENT •was installed president, to suc. Easy Monthly. Payments ber 21, at the Jewish Funeral The first fall meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Baron years ago he arrived in Holly- lines'the walls o f Louise B. Mayceed Miss Sarah Polaycott, -who Temple Sisterhood will follow a of Wyoming are guests this week wood . . . established his factory er's suite in the new MGM adCO. became vice-president. . Home. , Burial was at Pleasant on a small scale in the midst of ministration building. The Jack &, Nicholas Ste. Miss Pearl Robins is secretary; 1 o'clock luncheon next Friday in the home of their mother, Mrs. the JA 5000 Hill. film colony , . . worked perLeah Baron, 606 Virginia.. Sirs. Leon Cohn ilios Helen Share, treasurer; Miss afternoon, October 7. Luncheon Pearls, married fifteen years, will brought his sons seek an offspring at the Cradle in Charlotte Levine, publicity chair- arrangements will be In charge of eeveringly Miss Birdie Ginsberg spent last into the business. The Factors Chicago. Sam Jaffe is the victim Mrs. Mary Cohn, 70, died on man, and Miss Frances Matz, ad- Mrs. I. Miller and Mrs. .M. MuShlln. Mrs. Ben Kalin will be inweek-end visiting with relatives flourished visor. . branched out . of a new type of casualty. He suf- Tuesday, September 20, a t a loopened a department of wig-mak- fered burns when, unclad as a cal hospital following a month's charge of the program, and Lincoln, Neb. ing, one of perfumes. Max, the Delia Galinsky will preside at the native, he rode an elephant hour illness. She had been a resident Mr. and/ Mrs. Fred Foreman founder, patriarch of a family of after meeting. hour for his current film. of Omaha for thirty-two years. , Mi?. Isabelle Elliott, state rep- and daughter, Georgia Ann, offill children, left t a concern that The Marxes, no longer rated Just ' Surviving are her - husband, Madison, S. D., spent the holi- occupies a beautiful five-story maniactors, will have another At- the Sabbath Shuva services resentative, will speak on "Adays. In Sioux City with relatives. building:, has an extensive export stage vehicle after "Room Serv- Leon; two sons, Joliii and Harry tomorrow, Rabbi S. I . Bolotnikov Woman in the State Legislature." of Omaha; five daughters, Mrs. trade, and is the foremost purwill apeak at 4 o'clock in the ^Itice' .."Of Thee I Sing" is.on Abe Boiker,1 Mrs. Jennie SchlangDr. Bob Krigsten' returned to- veyor of cosmetics to the studios. the fire for their lunatics. A lake ernoon, in , Beth Abraham synaday to Chicago after spending the er, Mrs. Hyman Cohn and- Mrs. /it /Lit *\m isn't a. lake at Warners' . . . Margaret Hoberxnan, al! of Omagogue. -• '•• . , past two weeks visiting with his Milton Berle. em-cee-Ing at a they had to'dump 1,500 pounds Kol Nidre services at Tiphereth . benefit the other night, halted of blue dye into it to make it ha, and Mrs. Irene Kren of San Plans for the winter term, of parents. Israel' and Beth Abraham synahis rapid-fire "mishugass" to photograph like water. Francisco; and two sisters. the Sioux City chapter No. 12, Sosues will begin Tuesday eve-'Miss Helen Okun of Mitchell, hearty applause ning a t 6 o'clock. Rabbi Bolot- have already begun to take ahape. S...D., visited this week In Sioux acknowledge Funeral services • were held nikov will speak at the Tiphereth At an executive meeting held*a.t "City with relatives and friends. from a front-center seat,, "Thanks • One wit warns 1 ilmahatmas Wednesday afternoon, SeptemMom!" A little later, at the lack the home of Adviser Dr. Frank Israel synagogue. of appreciation from the same that: "The ' only difference be'Wednesday morning the serv- Epstein recently, two vacancies Miss Rebecca Silver is a guest quarter, he quipped. . "Where's tween . resigned and re-signed is MONSKY, GRODiNSKY, MARER & were filled and all of the standing ices will begin at 8 o'clock in a hyphen! v COHEN, Attorneys both synagogues. Rabbi Bolot- committees were appointed. "Va- this week in the A. Dikel home. Mom? She must have moved." , ; 737 Omaha Nafl Bank B!dg. Jesfeel's mbther was hi3 best nifcov will* speak before the Me- cancies lilled'were those of AlephMISB Rose Berman returned to stooge; too, but she could stay Press tickets to "Drums' read: NOTICE OF. ADMINISTRATION S'gan (vice-president). Morris New Bibrlal or iscor service. . City after a two-week home and listen on the telephone. "Samuel Goldwyn, David t). SelzIn the Counts' Court of Douglas j Ginsburg and Aleph Kohen* Godol visit York here with her'. parents, Mr. County, Nebraska: ,j nick, Walter Wanger, Hal Roach, (chaplain), Harry Nadler. " In the matter of the estate oi l i • a Edward Small . . . invite you New. committee chairmen for and Mrs. B. Berman. Fannie Brice's "Baby Snooks" and S. Dygurd, Deceased. this* term'include: Religious, HarAll persons interested in isn't much ot a baby . . . she was to the press review of "Drums" Plans. have been made for ry Nadler; social, Paul Schwartz; " Mr. and Mrs. J . Cohen, Milton born in Fannie's vaudeville days . . . etc." But they didn't say estate are hereby notified that a re- \ tition. has been filed -in said <_Vt,-t i Young judean installation Mon- social service, Eugene Sherman; Cohen and Rose Cohen departed of 1914, when the latter hit upon positively! alleging-that said deceased diec ]»,-.\- , day evening, October 3, to he held athletic, Phil Zelligson; cultural, last week- for a two-week eastern the idea of presenting a tune as ins no last will and praying- f'i- a -If Sammy Goldwyn ever tires ministration, at.Shaare Zion synagogue. Both M a r t i n Wiener; membership, trip. upon his estate, i r>-. I a baby would sing it in a highof his malapropian throne, we'd the Senior and Junior groups of George Gillnsky; initiation, Harthat a hearing will-be had on. <-1 chair. Mis3 Florence. Lohrman of petition before said court on th" :~-v. . name Maxie Rosenbloom as his Young Judea Girls group as well old" Lefkovich; property, Stan of October. IOCS, and that .'. t' «v , successor. Maxie's latest ellp o' day as- the boy a'. group. will partici- Shulkln; finance, : Sid Shapiro, Omaha: spent l a s t . week-end in Reverse English: In the vote fail to appear at said Court o>i - •<• Sioux City "with friends. tongue was insisting that "in said 22nd" flay .ot pate. Officers are...'as follows: October, isss, =.t r i Saul Heshlow. on listing screen credits alpha- the A. M. to contest saio r , . Senior Girls group: President, Among the many important '" "MiF: and"Mrs. Nick Sherman of betically, Charles Samuels signi- this picture h,e plays an honest o'clock tion., the Court rnay grant the- >-,--";> Adeline Stern; Vice-president, An- matters which were discussed a t his approval, but insisted he .man, not a brogue! and grant administration o' • < sabelle Satin; recording secre- this meeting is the.f act that many; Lincoln visited this week in thefied estate to Eulalia Dyg-ard or - - - | be allowed to use his pen name : tary, Betty Bain; corresponding of the young men of this com- Greenstone home. • other suitable person and proee.-I t j | of Abraham A. Aarons. Smaht a settlement thereof. 1 secretary, Anna Kanotsky. munity have - not as y e t ' become '.' Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg has re-boy! I t t opp all the alphaBRYCE CRAWFORD. ! Junior Girls group: President, members of our fraternity. At 9-30-SS—ST. County J u i r e . i bet zoup! Elaine FInkenstein; vice-presi- the present time the chapter is turned home> after a two-week dent, Sally Levin; secretary, Shir- taking under consideration' names, visit in-New York with her parLEIGH & KRAJICEK. Attys. ley Guttleman; treasurer, Malta of these young men interested In ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Silver- After two years of absorbing S So. 2«h. St. Alaskan . atmosphere, Producer man. .••;..• •/ •• • ~: Heeger. •..•>• . <• Jack Benny, accompanied by A. Z. A., so that a new pledge Albert Lewin completed work on PROBATE NOTICE Boys group: President, Albert class may begin its activities"in Livingstone, Kenny Baker, In the matter of the estate o r r.' «•<* "Spawn of the North," dropped Mary Goldstein; vice-president. Burton the very near future. Phil Harris, Don Wilson and AnMorris. Deceased. ' a remark about going away for dy Devine, will open the first Llpshutz; secretary, Wally FriedNotice is hereby given: The first matter of business t o a vacation. Next day a travel man T h a t t h e creditors ot said c r "U?"1 man; treasurer, Herbert Holland. be taken care of at the first regprogram of their new series over By MRS. WILLIAM GRAY V will meet t h e executor of said rsf;-1 Parents and irlends are urged ular meeting, which is to be held phoned him expounded for the NBC-Red Network Sunday, With great pain before me County ,Tuc"se of P.>UE1".« hours on the beauties and mar-October 2, at 6 p. m., CST. to,attend the installation. Appli- Wednesday, October 12, at the 0 people of "mine County, Nebraska, a t the vels ot a certain vacation land. cations for membership are still Jewish Community Center, will With a bit of microphonic.aba- Court Room. in. County, on the 1 yearn with ybu • "Where » a s i t ? " Lewin asked. cadabra, Jack frill take his listen- "1st clay of November, 1S3S, and on being accepted; '• he the appointment of a commit* For Palestine . 21st d a y of January. 1933,.." .it c s p s ere sd "Alaakft," was the crowning an- ers on a rapid-fire visit to the3theo'clock 'teeto.. begin -relations with; .the A." M... each day. tor t!>e swer. homes of the respective members purpose of presenting their claiir.c newly formed Boys division; of e r In".my eyes, CTST© adjustment and *O» of his gang, just so the public for examination, the Young Judean club. Since Sweat oh my face; Three tnonihs. a r e £M:-'t:>;fi "With the phenomenal unpre- can see how the other half of ra- io-K-ance. - Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis, will these boys are .to become memfor the creditors' to-' present iTheu-: "KVe work ;[to DUlld; dlcted box-office success ot thedioland lives, when caught un- claims, from the 21st day, of October. spsak on "A Year of Jewish His- bers of A. Z. A. in the future the Home in a holy place. music-biog, "Alexander's Ragawares. He will reveal, the real tory" at the regular Friday eve- chapter feels it a.duty-attd a Time Band," there's a mad rush inside of their respective private —for'studvias. Give BRXCE R.Ay ning service tonight. The serv- pleasure to aid them as much as Raise hands to halt on'-fot similar material. The life lives as the stooges prepare to re- S-"O-SS—3 ice will begin a t 8 o'clock possible. County J ; The desert's, march and music of George Gershwin turn to the air. Jack has ret i 5. Tuesday evening,. Kol Nldre ' The officers for this term in- . Bring green of grass are under consideration. Gus Ed- their home clocks back so the ( performers will not suspect that | .-.- Under the sky's blue-arch. wards' story Is another. Edwards' history is a gold their new program has actually' Bring plenty; to fields mine for flickers. He came to started. . . . . And peace-to men; this country, a small boy travel-, . Come let us work Marc Perez,. 16th century Calling steerage. En route he earned For" our larid again. a few pennies singing songs. His vinist leader o£ Antwerp, was .• . name was then Gus Simon. Song born a Marrano. 2?i« became his metier . . . wrote O i J> Elijah Moatalto, a member of many hits, a number of them having sold more.than a million cop- the Zacuto family, was physician's churned ies. Still memorable are "Good- to Catherine de' Medici. •Washington, D.- C. (WNS) —bye, Little Girl, Goodbye" and . f c o r n •• Adolph. J . Sabath, member of the "School Days." Jacob de Castro (1704-17SS)~ .houea'-qt* representatives from IIwas . one ot the foremost exponr "Z J llsp'S-'and; dean of the house in "Sweet Cresni , Short. "Takes":. Whits leather ents of vaccination. point of years ofBenrice, is slated •'S to become chairman ot; the houss rules committee when the 76th congtess meets in January. Mr: Sabath, who la 72 and a naWHOLESALE DJSTRIBUTOSS tive of Czechoslovakia, will succeed Representative J o h n J. al, Chests Key Sclirafft'& O'Conner of New York, who was - ® Canada Gias«r Al© of Siou^ City : ,„ defeated In the primary. Sabath -Bear SEARCH srt^io has served in congress from the of Streets cad,Public•• 31D S o . I S t h Clrcct ishpojee^ Fifth .Illinois district (Chicago) since 1906. Terrorism - w
•>-•* . . -
Shaare Zion ...... _ ^
V Arthur-Brih .to
].C. C. News
Psychiatrist S Speaks Here
Orthodox Synagogues
Young Judeans — :
Jack ••Benny • Return to Radio • :. Sunday -Evening
ount Sinai
•.'' • Rules ..Committee
With Heartiest Greetings and WisKes: