Intercuts of ONE PAUT To.Tie a -writer on Jewish atCiira In these times seems a small sccupation. This la written' about a "weelc or BO before i t -will appear In. print and by that time Entered m»B»cooa Class Mall Matter on January 31, 1931, a t the Vorld may be in war again OMAHA, NEBRASKA. FBXDAY, OCTOBER 7, 193S Postofflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March si 1S7! or It may have returned to that dreadful peace that waits lor! URGE TURKISH JEWS MONSKY TO OPEN some one to .light the fuse. In any. event a Jew writing,of TO SPEAK'TURKISH REGIONAL MEETING Jewish troubles (and there semes Istanbul (WNS) — A campaign Henry Monsky will preside at so ilttle left to write about but to promote the use of the Turkish the opening session of the fifth troubles) is like a man in the language among Jews in Turkey annual meeting of the "West Cenmidst Jot a great conflagration was launched with the reading o* tral States Regional conferance worried about his watch which he a manifesto in all synagogue durof Jewish Welfare Federations to lelt. in MB Rosli Hastanaiu be held in St. Louis on October _ "We are only a few people suf29-30. Mr. Monsky is chairman Sponsored by the Association of fering from "• Hitler—a handful of the program committee. . Turkish Culture, •which w a s Council Sponsors Talks For amid the Czechoslovaks, the AusPhilip Klutznick will preside Mrs. Eugene Mann&eixaer founded by yoang Jewish inteltrians and the multitude of other Picture, "Green Fields" t o Benefit of Reich to Speak at First lectuals to spread Turkish languat the group session on "The peoples that Btill stand in the Be Given Evening of age and customs among the Jews Community and Jewish EducaRefugees Meeting •way of his ambitions. October I S of the country, the manifesto tion." Other Omahans will parMEXICAN LEADER ticipate in the various discussion • At least the tragic situation of "Europe Today" will be the Mrs. Eugen^"" ^nnheiraer, wife read.: "Procd of being sons of . • ASSAILS HITLER noble Turkey, T^Mch gave us shelsections. To help raise money for the subject Mrs. Ruta Neuhaus will the world serves to give a Jew of a promi*-"' Moines Rabbi, something of perspective. In the 'synagogue building fund, the •=!aker at the ter for 500 years and continues its discuss nest "Wednesday morning, Mexico City (JTA) — Hitler, -uninfluenced by the in the opening lecture of the in driving the Jews cut of Gerrecent years he has been made to Beth El auxiliary will sponsor the ing of the hospitality yea.*" think of himself as some one cen- showing, of the movie, "Green _.jd on Moa- excesses against our co-religion- series on "World Affairs'' which many, drove out the most culturtral around whom revolved all Fields" on Tuesday evening, Oc^*A 2 p. in. at ists in other countries, we urge she will give this fall under the ed and most active section ol the Sunday eveni ng: the the evil of the -times, upon whom tober 18, at the Muse theater. aJ meeting will be you to use Turkish as yonr native sponsorship cf the Council of population, declared Louis Kodof T a musical tea and tongue because we form an integ- Jewish 'Women. was centered all the pain that au- The picture is in Yiddish dialogue riquez, president o r the dominant Succoth, the Fe astr with complete English sub-titles. Chairmen for the five lectures, Revolutionary- Party OL Mexico I will betiti P.VI). ln ' \ rield under the -s-akhah ral part of this noble nation and thoritarians had to inflict. Written by Feretz HIrschbein, . Hitler was the Jews' own devil. is always built on the altar. there should be nothing to dis- announced by Mrs. Manuel Gro- and former private secretary oi j / .'*•-Preceding Mrs. Manaheiraer's" tinguish us froa our brothers." dinsky, who heads the council ^ ^ hil,v , And, indeed, here and there could "Green Fields" has been received committee in charge, are Dr. LyUf talk, Mrs. B. L. Wolf, president, he found a Jew who felt that Hit- \ •with, tremendous acclaim wherever It has been shown. It is the tnan Harris of the University of will deliver a few words of weller would be all right if only i e Omaha, Krs. Myrtle Mason of the :ome and Esther Leaf DuEoff didn/t ^persecute -Jews. To such story of a pious young Talmudist who one day sets out to see what World-Herald staff, Dr. P. R. xneetirigs sponsored b^ will play several numbers on the Hits Emigration Jews he seemed the right man for B a n t o world really Is. His subseNeilsen of Creighton university, for German rgan. Mrs. David H. TTice is * time in~which the world re- the ii^'- V It: i'.ir Palestine Via quent adventures are told in a he Sev. Hobert S. miller of the hairman of the meeting and Mrs. e 6t C ijulred strong handling. He knew charming manner. Constanza f. ^ £ ^ m i E " o r oC%p?™?T i l^Wi^ee V m' f itiV-' ' ^'o\or'u-\ *"u First Unitarian church, and M. I. Gordon is in charge of the how to make an end of labor will be two showings of Teret, director of the Jewish tea _ to be held immediately f eltroubles; he was not"one to toler- theThere picture, one at 7:30 and one Community Center. WARSAW (J. T. A.)—The Ru- owing the program. ate ^unions. at 9:30. Tickets will be 50 cents. manian government's ban on All lectures will be given in the Mrs. Mannheiiner Is Trell - They said quite privately that I f f ! I I h "i I ! S ! r l ° f p V " f"?Vf*rpf, i-rcrr, |hr trPP*. "• Mrs. B. A.. Simon is chairman •transit visas to Jews has resulttenth floor auditorium of the I | i I j a. Hitler- (without-anti-Semitism) of the ticket committee and Mrs. ed in complete stoppage of emi- known In Jewish and non-Jewish Erandeis Store, on succeeding In might "be a good thing in the Reuben BoFdy is co-chairman. gration from Poland, the Baltic ircles in this region. g es FT P** IF r f£ T T iT* mrTr f*? f* T F * the Tira" Ihpi" FTICP^V^'-F "^v^r'-ru*-^-. Wednesday mornings at 10 • flip, United States. The trouble was, Assisting them are the following states and parts of Germany to o her work in Des Koines Jew- All-Bat 2,000 Aged o'clock. Tickets are available at Move Out of Sudeten they said, that there was too w o m e n : plarPF1 o" s'u1"!' Mesdames Isadore Palestine via Rumania. The ish organizations, she is an influthe Branceis Store Book departmuch democracy here and every- Abramson, Louis Alberts, Henry steamer Polonia, engaged in car- ential figure in the National Fedas Nasis Move Irs ment, at Matthews Book Store, rated w i t h f r u i t s PTK' fio-vv-'K, .-?'-body had something to say; too Belmont, David Blacker, Jake rying passengers from Constanza, ration of Temple Sisterhoods. and at the Newbook library, as p a l m brsnoU o r In lob. •!!><? i.-::-.-.r. m u c h public opinion. These Blank. M. D. Brodkey, Al Breit, Rumanian Black Sea port, to Pal- This year she was honored by bePRAGUE (W. N. S.)—Some well as from members of the thoughts they shared with a con- Dave Cohn, Arthur Cohn, Sey- estine, was forced recently to sail ing elected president of the Des 20,000 Jetrs froin the Sudeten committee, and special rates for Moines Women's club, the largest I rsni. m y r t l e P.P v e i l s s §he b.-»i;; l;» siderable body of non-Jews except mour Colin, David 3rodkey, Max without passengers. have fled students have been made. ecular club in the city. Her talk German districts that the totalitarian - non-Jews Davis, John Fair, John Feldman, Following intervention by the here will be entitled, "Women of to Prague, leaving behind only Mrs. Gro&insky urges all mem- Many ' Inraovatioss • resent t h e were not BO particular about hav- Al Frank, Harry Frankel, J. J. Gdynia-America line with the Ru- Valor." 2,000 aged and infirm Jevrs, are bers cf tae Council to send their \ t h e fe^cival ing a Hitler without anti-Semi- Frieden and Mrs. Ben dershun. tured in This l e t r ' s doomed to Impoverishment as a remittances for tickets to her at manian government, an agreement The following members of the tism. Also Mesdames Dave" Green- was announced under which Ru- program committee will act as result of the fonr-po-wer peace once. An immediate check-up on Curriciiiism If one can speak of there being berg, Leon Graetz, J." J. Green- mania will allow transit ot Jewpact ceding the Sudeten districts ail tickets outstanding is most any good at all in the recent berg, M. Katleman, J. Kaufman, ish passengers under the com- hostesses: Mesdames Jack Cohen, to Germany.- The. Jewish refugees important to the success of the The opening' of the History Rntf t r a n s k o r i n e ? ? of ^-.nipr: \ilr~ Max Holzinan, Louis LIpp, Alfred events it is that the Jew has been Robert Kooper, Irvin Levin, Joe pany's guarantee that they will Keligion Department of the City olden timep rirfr fine] poo;- r-r~ frcm the Sudeten - left • behind project. about cured of his psychopathic Lipsey, M. Lihsman, N. Mantel, J. not stay in Rumania, proceeding Mayer, Joe Rothkop, Sam Teper, them property . and businesses Talmud Torah was marked by s u r g e d t c pb&ntloii 'ilie'iT veKi,-)a:i,Idea that Hitler is exclusively a Malashock, Ernest Meyer, Harry immediately to Palestine. It is and Isldor Ziegier. large and enthusiBBtic gathering B-TH) tO TOPVP fr> ?!"-r hfinl ^ v~T*n>. •vrhichare sow regarded as total pel t b e m tn <!'-is-.i. t Assisting Mrs. M. I. Gordon losses. disease of the Jews. In fact, also Reuben, I. "W. Rosenblatt, Dave pointed out here, however, that of new pupils. The students were e n i p o r p r y !=ofo\;vi i.p among large numbers of non- Sherman, Dave Stein, Julius the agreement does not solve the will be: Mesdames Dave Feder, I. greatly pleased with the several Jewish leaders do not hide Jews there has been an opinion Stein, Sam Steinberg, A. Theo- problem of Jewish travelers from Rubin,, Sain Josephson, Molly Co- their concern - for the future" of features of the coicing year1!? new! oj^p~ospemy^ H.nft r o v e r s *r wise temporal that Hitler was something that dore, Harry Trustln, Nathan Tur- Palestine to European ountries, hen and Ben Silver. the refugees whose precipitate curricula. J Each member is being urged to flight gave them no time to liqenly Jews suffered from. They ner, T. A. Tully, Abe Venger, Moe who also are not allowed transit The festive' cone'11(1^ vH-.J Outstanding among the inncj could'look at him with a certain Venger, P. "Wintroub and Al visas by the Rumanian govern- attend this meeting aud tea as vations is the introduction ot j the guest ot the Sisterhood. plstioii of ih? p.nrniF.1 r-'-cU' comfort even, feeling sure that he Wohlner and the Misses Rosalie ment. several clubs, sweh EP: Arts ar.fl; rea. flings from ihe Tovsli. •was an affliction that could never Alberts and Frances Rosenblatt. Czech Refugees PARIS (J. T. A.)—News was Crefts, Junior and Senior Dra-1 '."Ji;•oil o' the rents tenon. attack them,.since only Jews were * i matics, Jewish received here of new regulations Kusic, Chora] i EC • ve~5'e? p ' Peui'oronoTi; Sent to Palestine allergic to Hitler. . issued to United States consulates Practice, Journalism, Current! ^ if., the nrvoll if- roMec" h?</ NEW'YORK (W. N.'S.) — •Liberated from the complex of in Germany,- including Austria, club. Volunteer Services in Event Events These and clu'bsthe erePalestine EH Integral part j mp^ reacing oi uenesns 3s Jewish parents in Czechoslospecial persecution the Jew ought which may cause an abatement of of European " of the morning cr.rricnlTi-m and' vakia, concerned for .the to come to fiee that anti-Semitism the expulsion of Jews across ^re designed to meet the r.Reds safety of their families beConflict "' is a. symptom of. disease, not the frontiers and may spell relief for ch*c.v.le f for self expression of the TErir>?u: • *•* cause of current war scares, disease itself: that his own pain many Jews in the Reich. have begunto transfer their pupils aloss lines oi Jevlsfe culis jirat a small portion of the bunLONDON ,(W. N. S.)—PrelimThe Tegulations provide that cEildren to Palestine under dle of the pain of the world; that inary BtepB toward the organiza- turealthough the American immigra, iha. auspices .-_c&- • the • Youth .Registrations- for its roTPln? his nain and its cure are^not cep^ tion of a Jewish legion ©f voluntion quota for-Gsrmany- is filled Alifah'' moveasest," & cable' ara.te~Jrom- the^ poIghaSt"pfdDlem" teers to be placed a t the disposal •TB&.T t-ss- beiEr: ttl'.^T,. ngF.ij; T fhif for tho nest six months, Ameri: T'received by Hadassah, the of mankind.-' ; of the British government i i the Sundav. October r. £t the TF. »rcuc i ins the service- (he- oon can consulates are to accept im- Term Onslaught Worst-la Torah office. Psrents ol children Women's Eianlst Organiza-•%'. Deocert Luncheon To Be •The Jew thus becomes again a event of a European war are al' Present Arabmediately applications for quota T-ili go into the S«CCB;I :*c tion of America revealed i a f the world, not the little ready being taken here by Eng- "between the sges oi B anc IS are visas, irrespective of whether the Held At Home of '•- • ' Uprising: here. The first group of 15 fellow trembling in his self-imlish Jews while German and Ausconsulates have received the necPresident young refugees to- fee sent posed ' ghetto: he is one of the trian- Jewish refugees -have also essary supporting affidavits. They Jerusalem (JTA) — An 'Invafrom Czechoslovakia by this multitude of the men of the , A- dessert luncheon for the are to. issue letters acknowledg- sion of ancient Tiberias on the offered their sen-ices to Great movement which transfers •world who stand morally embat- members of the executive commit- ing , receipt of the applications, shore of the Galilee, in -^Mch at Britain. Jewish boys and girls of tled *,' agatoBt the hordes that tee of the Women's Division of these letters to serve as a guar- least 21 Jetrs — including an Under normal circumstances adolescent age from Central march with tyrants to trample the Federation for Jewish Service antee to the police that the ap- American citizen and his wife— German and Austrian Jews in Europe to Palestine, is es4own all that is righteous and Great Britain would be regarded be held today at 1:30 p. m. plicant is planning to emigrate, •were massacred by an Arab band peeted to arrive momentari-all that Is decent and clean and will" as enemy aliens in the event of be-open daily clurteg the nest few ; which proof usually helps Jews in •wielding bomb, rifle and torch, This" luncheon will be held at the ly in the Holy Land, the caweeks registration purposes, 1 •beautiful in civilisation. The Jew home of the president, Mrs. J. M. their dealings with the German sent a •wave of indignation surgwar with Germanj- but in view I week g ble stated. no longer stands alone as a vic- Rice, 421S William. .of the fact that the 5,000 ref- I Further informp.tio- ffit^ be re- \ Kervjc?t vill be V-fdc ft 1 r^j authorities. ing through Jewish Palestine this caning: Jp.ckeon 7PP7. | Israel eisrimg Sunday PVPIUJU tim of persecution. The world of ugees are anti-Nazis they would I The letters are also to desig- •week. The Executive Committee of &F0 ?'id i righteous men stands with him; probably not be internee but nate dates when the applicants While the Government clamped lor the. persecution has spread to the Women's Division consists.of will be called to the consulate re- a 22-hour curfew on the town and uidate their affairs. All Jewish given an opportunity tc- serve in the president and one other repinstitutions in the Sudeten, in- non-military capacities after their be , a a affliction of democracy. resentative of each Jewish Wom- garding their visas, each- appli- searches of ruined houses went cluding many old synagogues, are reliability had been vouched for. The non-Jews who had believed en's organization of the city. cant's name being placed on the ahead—an official comnmnJque now abandoned, although in some »» r The Manchester Guardian has that Hitler could he tolerated bewaiting list according to predicting that more victims -'At this meeting plans of activ- quota wns friendly Germans are re- asked the government to provide cause, after all, he was the pain ities the date that the consul receives would probably be found In the for the new year will be the application, the affidavits to ported to be guarding them the refugees with En opportunity only of Jews now diagnose him discussed. debris^—troops pursued the Arab against possible vandalism.' ^i-nm, f: m,\ t a k e p l a c e p.t t)'f- B?~vine. K >.* for war service. as" a loathesome disease that is be filed later. band and -was reported to have ft'^fS V i*t I bolic S i m c h a s To-fJi p«y:'v!>f >. Entering its fourth year of acSome historic religious objects, spreading over areas of the huAt the same time Willy FrisGENEVA (J. T. A.)—Closing contacted It at Lubla village. tivity, the women's division has however, have been removed to man family. "Until lately he chab, an Austrian Jewish refth"e nineteenth " assembly of the A general worfc stoppage was ' i tl-ree- gener?.lion?:. <•>£ epcli '•>•" • seemed endemic only to Germany; grown In strength and Influence. League of Nations, President Ea- staged by central Jewish organ- Prague, with the help of the gov- ugee, wrote a letter to the GuarThe women's division strives to ernment, where they have been _ h e m o s t {jnportcXt dP.f.p cr. ilie j mmsiies ?'-••• " ^ ; ^ ' y ^ & " tomorrow or some other tomordian pledging the refugees to moa de Valera appealed to all izations from two to four o'clock ^ ^ ^ . ^ , r TOW (or, perhaps already today if. achieve a position of spokesman- the nations of the world to end during the funeral services for entrusted to the.supreme council "form a volunteer corps to fight A. E. A . c a l e n d a r i s t h e I c t e n i H the war has come) a multitude of ship-for the Jewish women of the plight of refugees persecuted the seven men, three women and of Jewish communities. • side by. siae with their protecOmaha. . Meanwhile, the Jewish party of the youth of.the world will be tors." for racial and religious reasons. eleven children slain in the twoI e a c h y e a r . On t h i s a a y , i h e men,.-; J;- ^ - ^ '••^•_;'',";,' f, dying, as of some plague, on the . The women's division attempts Terming the refugee problem as hour assault, termed the worst Czechoslovakia pledged its supTo AiS Britain: ?" ^ " " ^ \ . i: UTl r V port to the government and to interpret the community-wide battlefields on account of him. dangerous as the minority prob- onslaught since the riots of 1929. Hundreds of German and Aus- I b p r s of A . E. A . r e - d e c i c a t e a n £ I ••' " --•• '''J" " V' ' ' -, voiced its readiness to make program of the federation to the Jews (I among others) had r e l p i e d g e ' t h e m s e l v e , t o t h e i d e s ! , j £ • ? - ; , . *f^; ^ ^ lem, the Irish representative Those attending the funeral inbeen fearful of the effect of the women of Omaha. At the same urged all governments to exert cluded . Moshe Shertok, of the \ ^'"^"^'Z. '"'..'-,.- 'V-..'.'^ tional ser^'ice after a crcwc'I a n a p r i n c i p l e s of t h e o r d e r . news of anti-Semitism that has time. It succeeded In raising ad- the utmost effort in" trying to Jewish Agency, representatives of for the state. The Jews of Car- and e~thusiastic meeting at "Wo- I T o c e l e b - a t e t h i s d a y , M o t h e r i "_•_ ' J ' ; , , ' " ^ ^ ' l ' p , . ^ ^ I J , , , ' k-... teen appearing in the daily press ditional funds whereby certain save "suffering people from the Jewish National''Council, the patho-Hussia, which is in Slo-i burn House presided ever by Otto I C b s r t e r 1 a c d S a m B e b e r C h a p - ! n ^ . . . , " ' c ' ^ f i ' ^ , ^ . ' " p - ' p 'V-",r'.^ vakia, informed the government Schiff. He was cheered to the , . :; . " J e w B Ordered Out of Italy" improvements in the Jewish Com- misery." religious Agudath Israel and oth- that ! t e r 1 0 0 a r e - p l a r . r i n g : s. prosrrF.m | ^-;; 1 '- '';*;''' '''" J" '"' "•''•" in the event part of Slovakia t . . . "Jews Expelled from Public munity Center were made posecho of more than.1,000 refugees er groups. • is ceded to Hungary they want to when he said he was confident j t o b e celfi on O c t o b e r Ifi s.t t h e \"-';J • \ ;; n ^ ! ,. t . r , , l V T , ;i V l J Office" . . . We- feared that such sible. I Jewish Community Cexiicv r.t | r ^ i ; , ^ ^ ' ^Vv"' ^..V^-.-'"' <• ; j K*Palestine Jewry Is deeply hor- remain Czech citizens-. For the coming year, the womnews might be like evil seed fallthat all refugees would put themrified at the Tiberias massacre TO. . ! •;^ c r i tp C ^-,3'^v--'p-''F^- r ,^~^.--T-f- I. A Jewish legion is reportea ,to selves at the complete disposal o£ s P . Ing on fertile minds in the "United en's division is planning several and sacrilege," declared Pales- be in formation here ty Jewish ! T h e c o m m i t t e e h e a d e d by \ '" *„, _ '"^ ,1^.' J i '" r ^..,. 5 ,'_^1\." ' , States. But, since recent events, projects outstanding among which tine's chief rabbis. Dr. Isase Her- veterans o* -the Czech Ziegion sad the country -which hs.c offered I;for one -have- come. to'.believe are: The annual dance, a receprog and Dr. Jacob Sile'r, In a ca- German and Austrian refugees them refuge in their hour of need. En has in an opposite effect of this news. tion to the presidents of the Ee also pre_ cto_ t zi - tr^ i ble to Colonial Secretary Malcolm •with isilitary training. women's organizations, mother's •Since the recent events antievent of war r_3 :e'it^e= T C ^ MacDonald. "In. God's name, we and daughter's banquet. , Semitism has taken on (I believe) be deported, znc cc~ ~ ^ , * % -I appeal to you to end the terror." the. evil smell of all the other an arreal tc -cfu1 f- r - - Ghaffirs supernumerary police) manifestations. that the world themselves v r - t r ^ c ' ,% ~ ' —— reported hearing the bandsmen The registration of new pupils despises in Hitler: The brutal artality as well as of "r~ rv — e ~ev. for the City Talmud Torah has speak English during the raid. It rogance, the falsehood, the ruthNative British Jews t-t z ; - ^ 1 was officially announced that surpassed all previous years. less will \ to power, the robbery ing to join up. tl - j - " , . ' r" t v T r Twenty new pupils have already while the casualties total among that masks, unashamed as states^— " " - "t ! having eu r - L -Z.Z the raiders "was cot yet known, registered during the past few r manship,' the gangsterism. Hitand gas proto". — — -sis bandits "were killed by Jewish \ ' " * ler's anti-Semitism is seen to be Lorraine Leeser was named NEW YORK (W. N. S.)—A weeks. of the same offal with all this— special day of prayer for the vicThe beginning classes are still constables •who were rushing to "Sweetheart of .A. 2. A.'' at the TYance to •*> Tiberias-from .the Mizpah settlejust a morsel In the garbage can -tims of racial and religious op- in the process of iorsiation with PARIS (~*. > ment "when they met another annual Achar Hataunis dance giv- , of moral degradation. •• pression in Europe trill be held new pupils registering daily. The band also bound for Tiberias. The en last Tvednesday night at the cruitiEg officer iz Talmud Torah wishes to announce Paxton Hotel bv A. z. A. 1. on Sunday, November 19, accordborn Jews IL r ' * ; Oh,.here I am returning to the constables seized four English As "Sweetheart of A. Z. A." volunteer for ^ matter of Jewish pain (a Jew is ing to an announcement by the that the registration will continue and -one German rifles and a committee of the Fed- only until the conclusion of the Miss Leeser will act as official has been c r " ~ 7always getting back, to that) executive eral r-)uncll of Churches of Succoth holidays. After that quantity of ammunition. hostess at all A. Z. A. events. dreds of Jev =. though, as I said in the beginThe attack was launched atl 1 time no further registrations will •About 250 persons attended rolled, for E<—• T ning, our own "pain has become Christ in America, t t r s r— nine o'clock Sunday night, acChristians and Jews will joia. be accepted for the coming semesthe dance Wednesday night. Mu- time the JeTt^ ~ i^r "> e^c c u l ; minor in the affliction of the cording to the official account, Crecho v ' •world. Yes, ours is the least of the prayer days. The idea for the ter. Parents are urged to enroll when an anaed gang entered Ti- sic was furnished by Franklyc France Ennoi.™?" '~\:> z. 1 v r c f •" °1 11. prayer day. came from a committheir children immediately so that Vincent's orchestra. the current tragedy. And, if beberias in two parties, from the tioa are r e s i y i r f- j - * fore this is printed there is war, tee headed by the Rev. Dr. Lewis they may be placed In their re- north and from the south. They S. Sludge of Philadelphia who spective classes. our pain will be only like yesterThe P e a e r r l or. c' ."ev,^^ ?. cut telephone lines, then, at a sig- URUGUAY PLEDGES he had received support from Opportunities are also avail- nal of shrill whistles from the p day's forgotten ache. • cieties, repre^cn^.r.^. t i c c-jrrr.z; tf P t t i h AID TO COLONISTS As kinsman of mankind In suf- church representatives through- able for the enrollment of pupils hills around the town, began to r r" the Jewish F — t fering the Jew. must emerge from out the. United States and Can-in the advanced classes. Infor- shoot, attacking first the GovernMONTEVIDEO (J. T. A.)— mation concerning registration ment district offices and police Go\-ernment aid for Jewish col- land,' r e p r e s c r t - r the ghetto • in; which in recent ada. may be. gotten "by calling Jack- billets. They wrecked the dis- onization in Urug-uay was prom- ans of ' t h e Fc i r b n - r" - f years he has immured himself, Emanuel B. Hart, one of the son 7987. saying, "I must be like some ^ . ~ ~ LT — ~ - - . trict offices, the Central Synago- ised by President Alfredo Ealdo- pencence EO"~ mouse/neither seen nor heard, first Jews to sit in the XT. S. House have inform-1.! P-c—*"- '_r - e gue and six houses. mir to a delegation of Jewish of Representatives, was t h o RUMANIA EXEMPTS ' -never sticking my neck out." Police reinforcements arrived leaders. General. Balflorair praised :He must be brave to join with grandfather of the famous write?, . SMALL BUSINESSES wihtin 25 minutes from Samakh Jewish energy &s.& industry. all men' (and their numbers are Bret Hart. The president was informed by BUCHAREST (W. N. S.)— alter being heavily fired upon on vastly increasing) who stand em&re a c t «• Small businesses in Rumania the road. Gunfire in the town the delegation cf a decision v^ v iI who tattled for the defense of democ- Jews still have in democracy. military duty, . r ' r continued until eleven o'clock, the .Je~isi Bask cf Uni-uaT were exempted from the govern' racy. Democracy no longer is the Wo look like ridiculous little . program of "Rmnaniza- when police, British trcops snfl a founa the first Jewish Egrlcui- any non-miiit._ " more shibboleth of politicians at people trying to save ourselves meat's taral colony in t&e country. Th? tioa" of Industry and commerce .detachment of the election time; i t is remaining on some imaginary island of safe- la an order issued by the minis Frontier Force drove off the first settlers will be Jews now livshield of all liberties. ty in a time when the whole world try of commerce to local author! band,- taking ths situation in ing in. Uruguay.. , : Not Palestine is our refuge, not cries for succor. : .•...'' hand. According . to the EU-PJ ties advising them not to inter: the rapt • nationalistic dreams of When the world needs to "be fere in establishments employiag mentary unofficial fletails, the loKontivedeo (JTA) —The Jew'Jewish leaders playing at states- saved for civilisation we do not five cal police force —as taken fey sur- ish Bank cf Uruguay has cscifled or less persons. Paris ( j : manship. Impassioned speeches look heroic in our futile effort to authorities were instructed prise and was unable to prevent to found the first Jewish agricul- j immigrai to save .Palestine seem absurd in save a little place for ourselves. to.The the raid. Tiienew Jewish quarter concentrate on larger firms tural colsriy' in the cojintry. The j Esrvics i: the jpresence: of the attack on the (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts only in displacing employes of of' Kixiat Samuel bore the brunt first settlers -rill-be Jews living issued ht blessofi :.saf3ty :tliat-iaultUuae3 ol I •Feature. Syndicate), of the onslaught. n.Dn-Sumanian ethnical origin.
Movemlbes' 19'.Set' As Day. of Prayer A For. Persecuted
p f t w r B
t[\ 7 p
By William Spiegelman ' EDiTOB'S NOTE: Zionism's ' beloved stormy 'petrel, M. M. : i " Ussisntin, has reached the age "of 75v an »ge when most men : ' are content to ifest on their 1 laurels"and-let the world roll over them as they reminisce. ; At 75, UssisWdn ia still very ; jn'ccn In 1the tniclc o2 tae battle, i directing tJie aestlnies of the Jewish National Fund ana the fight... against Partition. Mr. Spiegehnsn In the following article aepicts the -tun, active aria interesting life led by <>&e j' of Zionism's fighting pioneers. il ". "Where are you, German? If ''•you are still'alive, bltte schoen, i; come with me. to the Haifa Bay ji lands and see what-we Jews nave ii accomplished as pioneers ^ with i1 the sweat of bur brow and heiivy ! sacrifices of health and life. ThlB is my complete answer wh ;|\. icould compete 3 mynot give youanswerwhlch in April. 1891,I ' in the conversation I could never
other journey to the United States, to seek the fulfillment ot a program for further land acquisitions voted by the Sixteenth Zionist Congress. The Eighteenth Zionist Congress Is the ccene for a high tribute in which all factions of the movement join -whea they vote to establish a Kfar Usslshkin in commemoration o£ his seventieth birthday. A quarter of a million dollars Is contributed by numerous Jewish. communities for: this purpose. American Jewry, by popular subscription among the masses, furnishes a substantial sum of the amount required. Ussishkin drives on. Month by month, year by year, he pleads, exorts, demands and gets more attention and more money for the Jewish National Fund. Commensurate with his progress, there is a marked and systematic increase in the Keren Kayemeth land possessions. At Seventy»five At seventy-five, facing the gravest battle ol his life over the Partition issue, Ussishkin has the satisfaction of knowing that in his care the Jews of the world have entrusted a sum of %25,000,000 for Palestine Land Redemption and ' that. he in turn has brought into the possession of the Jewish people land areas totalling more than 416,000. dunams in all parjs of Palestine and that on this land there stand today 230 settlements, with a population ot nearly 50,000 souls. When Dr. Israel Goldstein, President of the Jewish National Fund - ot America informed him in a congratulatory message that the American branch of the fund -places as a token of recognition and affection an amount ot $75,000 at his disposal on the occasion of his birthday, Ussishkin laconically replied. "Thanks. I shall devote It to land purchase."
not have an opportunity but wo Ian Jews comes into being:, he is .are beginning now to rebuild the elected as its president. When the Zionist movement at the concluland of our fathers.'" . "Together the small company of sion of the world war enters the unknown dreamers discussed the International arena by virtue of remarks of the German colonist. the Baltour Declaration, UsaisliIt was an insult that hurt. They kin- appears, together with Weizpledged themselves that day to tnann and Sokolow, as one of the dedicate their lives and energies spokesmen of the Jewish people to advocating tho groat , cause before the Supreme Council of which has been—aa the record the Paris, Peace Conference. To the. amazement, of his comnow before us shows—the prime panion, be makes his plea in Hemotive of their lives. brew, it being perhaps for the Cnassidic first time that the sounds of the There is something unique in language- of Isaiah were heard in the personality of Menahem Ds- the chambers of a high internasishkln. For a long, time he has tional tribunal. been the oubject of many interAgain he proceeds to Palespretations. During his lifetime, he tine, time as the; chairman has become nearly a legend. of thethis "Zionist Commission. UsThere ia, for instance, the legend of Ussishkin, the opposi- Ishkin then begins what was destionist; Usaishkln, the foe of tined to become the most conHerzl; Ussisnkin, the opponent structive period of his life. -.' He of Weismann; and since the last soon comes into clash with the Zionist. Congress, Ussiahkin,.. the first British administrators of outspoken and determined op- Palestine; He dsicovers the discrepancy betweenr-promlses given ponent of Partition. .... . • . Thus Meriahem TFsalsbkin rem4n, London: and the reluctance ex"When Judged as a whole, hjs inisced on the occasion of MS hibited In the actual execution of seventieth birthday regarding his ife story reveals "a positive per- *h policy which was to be put sonality, a leader of emphatic inspection of the Haifa Bay lands Into operation for the establishsir years before the first Zionist views and a man ot constructive ment of -. the Jewish National action. . •' . • • Congress' assembled. He bad Home in Palestine tinder the His background la that of the Mandate. He, naturally, falls into crossed the Kishori River aI in onthe Russian Jewish intelligentsia, of company of six persons, ? J; disfavor with- the British adminwhom were a young writer from the middle of the nineteenth cen- strators. His outspokenness and tury. Born to a Chassldlc family direct manner are not all too 'Odessa, Asher Ginsberg, who wa3 In 1863 in Dubrowna, he received destined to enter the Jewish Hall traditional Jewish training pleasing. He comes Into serious tx>t Fame as Achad Ha am; a which was supplemented by a sec- disagreement with the Weizmann young man from Moscow, Maze, ular education gained in the policy,, and clashes with other •who later acquired renown aa schools of Moscow where he grad- ionlst. leaders. His impatience • Moscow's Chief Rabbi; a young uated, from tho Technical Insti- with half measures, his yearning or -speedy action and for rapid engineer from the Ukraine, Vladi- tute, as an engineer... . . forward -strides ^.meet. resistance. min Tiomkln, who Tiad lust arHowever, his calling : did not Shortly-after_thaJSIonlst World rived, jn Palestine to % * £ « * monopolize his energies..''•'.Tie onference of 1920 in London of the colonization activities ot plight of Russian. Jewry after, the: herwaff elected a member of the "Lovers of ZIon;"T * -young promulgation of the "temporary." when" 1 Hebrew r writer from Lithuania, May, 1881, restrictions- moved the Zionist Executive and chair•who in subsequent decades occu- him to the depth of his ooul. In man of the Jewish National Fund, pied a Place of prominence in 1882, already he is busy with, the he sees an opportunity for retoe world of Hebrew letters as establishment of a branch of the deeming a considerable stretch of Mute Testimony to Decline Barzllai; a Petach Tikvab col- Lovers ot Zlon," the Palestine and. The transaction Involves a of Once Thriving: onist named Katz, who served as colonization movement which pre- considerable-sum -which was not Community at hand. It is a risky enterprise I guide and land expert, and last ceded political Zionism. from the point of view of a con but not least, young UMtahklart He joins the Bilui, the first Dorvative business man. Other Vienna (JTA) — Today the .bride whom he wanted to introgroup of Russian Jewish students Zionist, leaders counsel caution. mark ot the Jewish shop In Vieni-duce, before opening house in one : decided to abandon their He, cannot wait. Ho plunges. This na is a closed iron window shutot Russia's principal cities, to his who for a pioneer lite on the pluigo-brought into national Jew- ter and a sign reading "To Let." ; life's dream and passion—Eretz careers malaria-ridden swamps which; ish t'o^aeasfon. thef^gmek, the VaK ' Hundreds of these "abandoned -Israel. have since become the sites of JezreBl, which has since shops are to be found all over the The Journey flourishing and prosperous Jew- jey•'"o.f became the fortress and the pride city, sometimes as .many as five • The small company, riding, on ish colonies In Palestine. : or six in a single block. More elocamels and donkeys, traversed of the Ylshuv. 1 He becomes BO dominated by quently than any other visible the extensive valley that lay desoResigned Executive sign do they tell the story of the late between Haifa and Acre. his passionate love for his people After his visit to the United Sand dunes, and. swamps .covered and tor the ideal ot its return to States In 1921, together with swift and utter ruin which overcame a Jewish community of the area on which at wide in- Zion that he becomes a domiShmarya Levin and 170,000 couls on that March day tervals a small number of lonely nating personality among that Weizmann, Einstein, UBsishkin' again' joins Bedouin tents xould be seen. group of Russian Jewish leaders the opposition. His differences when Nazis .took over. From the distances the naked and among £ whom r. organized Zionism Most vof the sfiops have closed !'• : ' : ." with; the" Weizmann policy; be- down . desolate\ peaks of Mt. • Camel, had its beginning.-..:. ln tne last-six weeEs. Some come acute- at the Thirteenth . Affiliation "With Eloausmi without a trace of grass or tree, Two incidents characteristic of Zionist Congfikslio, 1023. He re- of their .owners have fled the • could b> seen. Haifa, at the foot the man are recorded in the story signs from the Zionist Executive country, others are about to flee. i'BrtJ?fcrtr^iigh mountain lay, small ot his early affiliation With the and concentrates on expounding Many are in jail, either in VienSharlopoor, sunk in centuries-old Zionist movement. As a young the work of the Jewish National na or a Dachau. Still others simply moved out of their stores when ;aaj},iect and filth. . lad he and Tchlenow, his school- Fund. Only one bright spot ahone in mate, decided to join the Bilul With the fund's headquarters they were no longer able to pay the vicinity of Mt. Carmel. It was pioneer group, then preparing to transferred from the Hague to the rent. The empty stores are the meathe beginning of an agricultural leave for Palestine. To bo admit- Jerusalem, with Ussishkin toureettlement named. Carmel, estab- ted to the group it was necessary ing European countries In behalf sure of how well Herr Joseph lished by German non-JewB. The .for. Ussiahkin and hie-companion of the land fund, rapid advances Buerckel, Commissioner for the explorers were impressed with to the amount-xif 450 are recorded. A $500,000 annual Reunion of Austria and the Reich, the possibilities of this stretch of r u b l e s . - - . • •. • - - - . - ' ; • - : : : ' . • ' * ' : • . * • . increase in the fund's receipts ia kept his promise that by August land, rrhey envisioned- its purregistered, a continuous program 1 the Nazi commissar system Not having the'efioh;.'available, chase -with the meager funds then of-land redemption, of ameliora- would be largely discarded. .Hunyoung Uasiahkin pawned; his'gold at the disposal o£ the Russian tion, of reclamation, of the intro- dreds of commissars have been watch, Tchlenov his silver watch, Chochevel-Zlon. . ducti6n of Irrigation and water discharged, but only after padto produce a part ot the needed An entire night was spent by supply and of f orestation goes on. locks were put on the stores In cash. With this difficulty over, the group: of unknown dreamers, He visits Canada in 1927 and which they had worked. the two were eagerly awaiting in t£'' not too -spacious or clean . Commissar Gets Income persuades the Jews of that dothe date of departure.Their-first room in one of Haifa's hotels, in In the Jewish enterprises which discussing-"finances for the. pur- Zionist disappointment came coon. minion to make available the sum have yet been "Aryanized" or chase of the" area on which col- The leaders of the group found of $1,000,000 for the acquisition closednot down, the commissars reonization' was to be undertaken that with tho tundB>avaiIable only ot a considerable area in the ; for the "Lovers of Zlon" who seven pioneers could embark on plain of the Sharon, the Wadl main. Indeed, many new ones ' "*' Hawarei: lands, in the orange have been appointed since the date , -were filtering in In small but se- the Journey. lected'numbers from Czarist Rus- . A selection .had, to he made and zone. Tho Haifa Bay lands are fixed by Buerckel for dissolution sia and-Rumania. ..: Ussishkin- and- 'his"- cptapanlong added to the Jewish National of the. system. There are small and two-man shops in the Jewish Ussishkin advisable, were left behind. It was then Fund's possessions.' Carried by the impetus, which quarter where- the commissar's aa a practical matter, to pay a that he wept for the first time Ia started him o!Mn 1882, Usalsh- salary o! $5 a day consumes the visit to; the. German colony and nls adolescent'years. ascertain" :tne experience they had As a young man he was a mem- kin continues to be a driving but entire daily income. In other gained on. thjs eoil. In a vine- ber of the Sons of Zion Society cool figure. He strives for fur- shops the commissar awards the yard • he metr he relates,' an old of Moscow. The Czarist govern- ther progress In tho laying ot the owner perhaps four shillings a wrinkled-faced German peasant. ment very reluctantly permitted foundation -for the Jewish Na- day "on which a family of four or Greeted by the visitor, the stolid youth societies to arrange for tional Home. Having increased five persons must be supported. German ianswered with a marked public meetings or even enter- the land possessions of the Jew- - There is a Btore in the first mien of displeasure, saying: tainments. Once the leaders had ish National Fund from 20,000 district in which no merchandise "You "are no doUbt one of the the good fortune to secure a per- dunams In 1921 to 300,000 du- remains and Into which no cush group who visited yesterday the mit for a Palestine evening in: the Dams, he undertakes in. 1930 on- tomer has entered for days. There }\ Haifa Bay, lands. 1 hear that you disguise of an entertainment and <\ intend to buy them. IB that cor- dance. Tickets were sold to wellto-do families, mostly opponents i rect?" " -; i • : "And what do "you think of the of the Palestine movement.• Idea?"' Usslshkin asked the GerTho date occurred within the 1 m a n . •.••.'' ' three weeks of the .mourning "Thisls 1 not-foryou!" retorted period preceding Tisha B'Av/ The the stolid German with open evening was well-attended. When mockery, Vnot for Jews! You Jews the musical and literary parts of i can live only In cities, but you the evening wereover, the youth • are" no pioneers. It Isn't in you was eager to.complete the rest ; to': make sacrifices in order to of the program—the dance. , build and construct. You always TTssishkin; however, «was opi wait for others to come-first, toil, posed to a dance taking place unplow and build, only then do you der the auspices ot the Sons of . come ready to buy." Zion in the period ot Jewish na"I felt as if a heavy slap in the tional mourning. He attempted ', face had descended on me," Us- to persuade the arrangements HAT10UAI PAI1K W ABKAHSAS t si3hkin related. "I paled from in- committee to call off the dance. Hi»\ih fo l5sa IsetfaoS* ef «!J ttiivisies «t Ksi Spring* j dignation and pain >- as the slow .When his arguments. failed, he tjfisri tSsosjeaiJi fiws fesad t^e Feaatsin of Youth, -, but deliberate accents rolled -off climbed up on the piano, sat on "• the' German's lipa. I answered the keyboard and solemnly de\ him cooly; clared that he would not move wstcs ef t3ss tntstRSiistitHy fsseia e?s. Uaiu ^sv* j "If you will only live long unless, compelled to do so by ensaeei sspsnrisioa, <2.-;rl:ir.3 t?.i fcs'.liin; In these ', enough,you 'will live to recognise force. No dance was held. ssiasid sptiass «J?trJ »s!k5 t» jaffcfert (tea liish ' your great error. What you say Clashes With British fe!sc<3 Fttitstc, etssftlfc fhtssasilsm trd e l t e <5ise> • of us is an infamous lie. We are ThUBtl when In 1919 the Ukraine tim* i cs^uble of pioneering and bund- is separated from Imperial Russia fojt, fcittfaf, ling as much aa others. We did and a National Council of TIkran-
Visits Los Angeles Sanitarium
one c u e , Storm Tropoers descended upon the home of the wife o* n Jev now lB^.r Bachau and threw her out into the street. The
•woman has, of course, no recourse in law.
KIGRIiTIOl Sever&l Factors- Responsible For Lessening of Opportunities
L Mayor Fiorello La Guardia of New York is shown sbcxe (risfct) . executive director Ssmucl H. Goiter on the steps of the 9-nsit 5123,000 Morris HiOqtsit Bleraorial Hospital Euildir.s zi the I SasatoriBO sad Kspstients Home st Diiiarte. is a commissar in charge, however, and under him a staff of two "Aryan" clerks. The three will continue to be paid wages until •the owner's back account has been exhausted. Another shop^ which once did a business of about ?5,Q00 a montli, now yields its owner $5 a day under stipulation by the commissar. The owner's family consists of five persons and an. "Aryan" maid servant whom they are forbidden to discharge. Xinety Percent Are Reined "What proportion of Jewish owned wealth, has so far been confiscated In one vray or another,'. Is'Impossible to say. But informed observers estimate that at the present moment not more than ten or fifteen percent of all Austrian Jewry is earning enough to keep their families going. The other 85 to 90 percent are living on dwindling capital or are being supported by the Jewish communities. . Looming as an ever more menacing factor ia the collapse of Jewish life is the campaign to oust Jews from their homes. Today thousands of families are in receipt of notices effective during October, November and De-
cember. The notices are delivered ia official form from a local court, the formula itself being of a -type long used in_, Vienna. The only unusual feature is the reason given for the eviction order. Here the space is filled in by the following blunt statement: "District X of the Nationalist Socialist orders Jews to be given notice.'' Fight in Courts Many Jews have attempted-to fight the order as contrary to the tenancy protection laws o* Austria. In rare cases they have won their suits. In a few cases they have succeeded in a prolongation of the notice. But Is the great majority of cases'the courts have brusquely sustained the orders with, hardly the semblance of a hearing. In one instance, a court employe warned the Jewish plaintiff that, even if he won Ills case, he vrould probably return home one day to find that SA troopers had thrown his furniture out. on the pavement. "You are better off with the couple of months safety that the vacating notices gives you," the employe said. The Jew promptly withdrew his complaint. Such summary confiscation of premises are not at all rare. In
mentary schools haa pawed 'tit* 1,000 xn*rk, more than trlpl* th* figure .for 1937. it. was announced' by Morris E. Stegel, director ot evening and continuation schools. To meet the tecfease, additional ciasaes will be opened, Slegel said. L,asi ye&r 15 classes were opened.
LEGAL TO NEW 'CUBAN NAZI'PARTY HAVANA (W. N. S.J—The Havana ' pro 'ncial government' ha* denied recognition as a legal political group to a new organization calling Itself "The Cuban Nazi Party" on the ground that its application contains "legd defects." Described by Its founder, Juan Prohiss, a journalist,' as an organization backed by most of th« business firms of Cuba who "fear the increasing Btrength of leftist factions," the party member* wear white shorts and blue neckties as a uniform. Prohias said "we chose the name of the party because Nazism signifies the opposite extreme of Communism, which we plan to fight mercl* lesaly." At the same time he denied the party would adopt other Nut principles, which he said are onsuited to Cuba. A nationwide political campaign to elect d«l«gatea to the Constituent Assembly •• Is planned after a new party application has been submitted, Prohiss said. - -
BERLIN (W. N. S.)—Emigration prospects for Tews in Germany have become extremely discouraging since July, 1838, because of the lapsing of the Altre" transfer scheme enfisr which the emigration of poor Jews was financed through a plan whereby the German government released 1,500,000 marks in foreign eschage for 3,000,000 marks collected, the Hilfsvereln fier iuden in Dectschland reports. The parallel closing oE immigration eates by many countries •was another factor in Blowing down emigration. In the first six months of 1838 there was a 20 per cent increass in Jewish emigration as compared with a similar period in 19S7 but this trend has now been reversed, the Kilfeverein states. M e a n w h i l e , the Juetiische Runfischau appeals to the United States to increase the immigration quota for Germany to 100,000 a year for the nest two years as & means of speeding up Jewish emigration without increasing N a z i s t o R a z e S y n a t f o g u S the total number that would be Berlin (WNS) — The old synadmitted over a longer period of agogue in Dortmund, In the Ruhr time. district, is about to share the fate of synagogues in Munich and BUDAPEST (W. N. S.)—After Nuremberg which were torn down more than four months of living by the local authorities. The Dortaboard a tugboat anchored in the mund municipality has acquired Danube river, the Jewish ref- the synagogue preparatory to Tarugees - from -Burgenland, Austria, ing-K. - • • - • - . •- -- ••-,•• h*ve«at last succeeded in -obtaining permission from the Hungarian authorities to land provided INVEST CAfELY, WI8Kt.Y. IN . they return to the vessel every night. Meanwhile, £2 of the refugees hare left for Palestine Annuity, Cnecwmant, UT» where they were due to arrive on KCARK LE0M ' ' the first day of Rosa Kaehacah. Represents ?>•? (streng Cetnpin* ie»— Every Type of-' Insurance KETvT YORK (Tv'. N. 3.)—Tbe and Eonde Written, . number of GerirsEn acfi Austrian CALL AT 7607 or WA 6WJ refugees who have registered in City finance ,& ln»urgnc« Co. "•the""city's free public-evening
GGlDSTHN-CiiAi e-t Qmsh* Shops witt Confidence
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the founder's v,'ife, eyes always turn to God." (Eze- ed In breathing robust life into murred on the grouna that the Aviv was founded . . . this time after (Copyright, 1PSF, hy Seven kial 8:16) one Hlrsch Leib, central character general was an educated man and in. Palestine. Of the volume's first story, "Late be -was not . . . So the general Jfew Significance Since the Middle Ages the fes-Spring" . . . Few characters in offered a new bet:. "I'll pay you New York State has c Mount
?• Sociom. tival has taken on a new signifi- literature spring • so vividly from fifty zlotys for those I can't guess Etna! but it also cance. The Torah is held up in the printed page s.s does tlis and you'll pay me 25 1f you fail" Tofte ( a Biblical symbolic procession and is read in. the syn- giant os-driver, a Blow-moving;, . . . The merchant accepted, -posed agogue. A special Tikkun, or ar- dull-witted bearded hulk . of a this riddle to the general: "What term for hell, see Isaiah. SC:2C} ; -1 • , \ ' rangement of scripture, is read man vrho follows his occupation Is it that has tiro legs -when it's is the name of a town in Minnein many synagogues en the eveamong the Polish peasantry the Sying and three legs when it's *>xs sota. of the seventh day, Koshanah while he longs for Eight of a Jew- the ground." . -. . After longSwastika is the TiP.w.e ot ? towji Kabbah. The final day of the hol- ish face and smell of kosher food thought, the general gave up, iday is especially devoted to re- . . . And whose irresistible desire paid ever tne fifty ilotys, asked: in New "T.iexieo. Another S?v-&Et»fep joicing in the Law, and is named to spend Passover among Ms onm ""VThat'E the ans-wer?" . . . The j 3s located in northern Ontario, therefrom Simclat Torah, be- kind, in the bosom of his family Jew replied: "I don't i m w eith- j Canada. (Incidentally the station The outburst" of sadistic- sav- street, asif he-were a horse, mak- la Vienna and in Berlin? cause on this day the reading' of of five, plunges him to his fiooia er," here's your 15." . . . agent of Swastika, Ontario, is a agerr in Vienna and in . Berlin ing him •prance by picking him Professor Joad finds no anFive Books of Moses is com- Jn the icy -waters o* the Vistula, •pew.) since'.the Anschluss is worrying in carefully chosen parts of his swer to these questions in psy-the j T>~•>' pleted and immediately after- the .river that threads its fateful MXSli-MASH: Sholem Ascfr non-Jews as much as Jews. In body. 1 ^p chology (in which he Is a special- ward the first portion is begun. way through the -whole of the plans There is f Kaplan ir> Lbu to stay ia the United States England, at least, many liberalI 1 f ist) any more than in economics The man who is called up to com- book . . . Another character that (he's an American citizen) t. fevr (a tovrn by that name). Vienna Scene minded and humanitarian people Another scene is described as and in politics and he falls back plete the reading of the Five carves itself a niche in the hail years, this time . . . Eventually, are preoccupied with the question follows: In the Prater in-Vienna on the old explanation of the de- Books of Moses is called the of literary fame is Moritz Spiel- he confided fit the Cafe RcrsI, There r a s a city of Montreal and the: serious British journals young mothers in the habit pravity of human nature. Man, Bridegroom of the Law (Hasan rein, who moves" haltingly, fear- he'll settle in Palestine . . . Ac- in Palestine long before there wag e n ahound in articles and letters ex- of wheeling theirare he concludes, is evidently essenTorah), the man who begins the fully through the pages of 'Pearls' in prams cording to legend, William Ran- one in Canada. During, the Cru- " pressing -not only horror at the In the afternoon. babie3 A group of tially wicked. Our so-called civ- reading of the Fire Books is . . . A landlord and +rader in pre- dolph Hearst insists that his ex-eaoes a fortress city by that name v '% •wave of almost incredible brutal- young Nazis provided -with hand- ilization, culture, progress, are called the Bridegroom of the Be-cious stones, Spielrein spends sis ecutives be either Jews or Irish- vr&s established near the Dea.i? " ity "which has swept a great por- kerchiefs, dishcloths and towels only skin-deep, a mere thin ven- ginning (Hasan Bereshit). It is months of every year between the. Sea. "the only two people with tion ot Europe,; but also the which had, previously been wetted eer which peels off at the first customary in many synagogues covers of a lonely bed In a dank, men, daring and. imagins-tio-n.1" t 1 search for a reason for this and knotted "were hunting out scratch. Fundamentally man has for these two men to hold a re- squalid'six-room apartment . . . brains, . . . Eighty per cent of the importThe names Jordan and Khinc strange manifestation. those mothers who were Jewish always been and has remained a ception in honor of all the con-Nursing consumption that has ers of religious objects are Jews, hare the same meaning. Jordar beast and he has not advanced gregants. eaten away meet of his lungs, according to the head of a large (from the Hebrew root Ynrac) .The fact is that non-Jews seem and started to heat them about from the jungle. Economic securleft him a crooked little bag of Czech Jewish firm which hss been ! conveys the meaning of flov.-jng to be. more deeply concerned with their heads and backs with the ity, There are a number of colorful right environment, good eduthe; phenomenon than Jews. The knotted cloths. As the mothers cation will not bring the millen- ceremonies associated" with Kosh- skin and bones . . . Attended only doing a big export trade in ros-| streaming, as does Rhine < frorr f i r . Jewish-press In Europe seems to iegan to run- under the hall of ium. Socialism Is no cure, for anah Rabbah, as "well i.s Shemini by a half-witted epileptic . . . ary beads with Ireland . . . In- | the German rinnen). Emerging only in the time of the hare fallen "into a sort of stupor. >lows, the prams' overturned and men are saying that Ira Nelson can be just as cruel under a Azeret and Simchat Torah. Sev- soft breezes of the Passover sea- siders 1 f r Most papers merely report the he babies were sent sprawling, Socialist Morris, retired ceat magns-te, has In Birmingham. Eng:.. there if eral of them are recorded by HayCommunist society son . . . "Which lure him, -with his been unofficially offered the am-& thoroughfare called Bethleheir T I events. ' some •with, resignation, :o the great enjoyment of the as under and yim Schausa in his book, "The a Fascist. A good uppoach of brilliants, to the restaur- bassadorship to Russia . . . The Row on vhich an old Jewish bur. • ••others with despair, but do not Mazis. r Jewish Festivals." According to education does not ant where he resumes dealings inattempt to probe the causes. It (or fez) is under taboo ial ground is located. i 1 "Now, I am totally unable to bringing and the evil. The present one legend the heavens open at terrupted by the long hibernation tarbusS is the hetter^clas3 non-Jews who believe," Dr. Joad says,,"that this eradicate by the Arab nationalists, who midnight on Hoshanah. Kabbah, generation has been brought up 1 . Cackling a boast to cronies •wonder, search and try to discov- kind of thing is wholly explicable better and has had a better edu- and those who see the phenomenhave suddenly discovered that the. Street is the name ' he has pulled "another win- headgear was imposed on the Or-of Synagogue er'a: reason-for i t all. a street in AnsoF.viile. Ont.. fV^ r " in terms of causation of economic .cation than any previous one, and on will have any wish granted that ter out of the bag" . . . ient by western powers . . . . So Canada. It derives its name from "What -worries these people is distress. Let us suppose that all them. Simchat Torah is especially the'rebs and their adherents sre : the Jewish synagogue vhicfc if not-merely the political and eco- ossible allowance is-made for the yet it is the most brutal, Our children's festival. ri wearing the -te'ia aad agal, situated! or. it. nomic causes of the strange anti- iffect upon Germany of the loss civilization, he concludes, has FISH: Oct. 2-9 3s National Fish DOW The observation by orthodox flowing kerchief and leather'rope broken down. I t has proved to be Jewish abe.rration in Nazi Ger- f the war; of her betrayal, In Jews of the ninth day of Succoth, Festival -week . . . But, the spon- .• . . Yiddish poet Joel Slonlin, In the city of Tel Aviv. Yehumany land in the other 'Fascist spite of President Wilson's prom- a complete failure. like the addition of a second day soring National Fisheries Com- political expert on The Day. was It may be objected that this Is K&Ieri Street (named 'after States- -these are fairly clear by ise; ot the humiliating provisions to every festival except Tom Kip- mittee ought to be told, it -will once introduced by Jimmy Walter this time-—but the • psychological of the Treaty of Versailles; of a conclusion of hopelessness and pur, has its origin in the ancient not get much, support from Us to the late Cardinal Hayes as "the the great Spanish-Jev/ish poet1! if basis of it. How is it possible the. loss of her colonies and ofdespair; that it solves none of the method of arranging and an- Folks unless the publicity broad- famous Hebrew poet" . . Where- the centre of the legs.1 profession: j Kerzl Street, is the banking ccr>that things like these can happen parts of the Fatherland Itself; of difficulties confronting us; that nouncing the Jewish calendar at sides the committee sends out into Slonlm's viler confusion, j tre; Sholom Aleicham Street in'i Europe of the twentieth cen- the starvation of her people by it leads nowhere. But what other the time of the new moon. The clude at least one good orthodox upon, the CardinEl beg&n epes.kiEg to fnamed after the famous humortury?- Sow can brutalities so sav- the blockade after the Armistice; conclusions can one reach at the declaration of a new month might recipe for gefilte fish . . . him in Hebrew . . . "I ^haven't." ist) is near a cemetery age occur in countries which have of .the grossly exaggerated earns present moment with Vienna and often arrive late at some outlySlocixs explained, admitting he Berlin staring us in the face; with ing community and a day vr&s hitherto been considered civi- extracted from her by way of rep- Nazism AMBASSADOR: Grapevine info couldn't follow t h e ' Cardinal, sweeping Europe; with added to all holidays except that ndicates that' Prof. William arations; of the occupation of the Thorah (Tebrew for the lized? of the destruction of one. powerful government after one for which fasting was pre-Dodd, former TJ. S. Ambassador "been to ched'er in a-long time."- is the name of a township in On- t r Cases ot individual brutality, Rineland; tario,. Canada. " •> the middle-class', savings 'by, the another, accepting anti-Semitism scribed to .ensure proper observ- to Berlin, is most likely to bemostly witnessed by these people deflation of "the mark. I>o all as a state policy; with thousands ance in the diaspora.. That Is why come president of the Non-Sectar- (Copyrighted by 'Jewish Teleor'by their friends, are related; these considerations 1 togeth- of.;, non-combatants daily being in Palestine proper only eight ian Aati-Naii League, to Cham- • • graphic Agency, Inc.) • China is mentioned in the terrible- incidents of the new In- er really, provide, an taken adequate ex- machine-gunned from the air; days are observed. Bible. Some scholars are of the pion Human Rights . . . Post still quisition are analyzed, and theplanation for the outbreak opinion that.the land of Pihiir of sad- with'human beings being 'dumpSuccoth -was one of the three vacant since' the resignation of ' question is invariably asked: How- ism which. foil owed, the Nazis ed' across borders in thousands; great EBentiorTed in Isaiah 4P-tr, rcfe-F Samuel Untermyer -who, by the pilgrim festivals which drew can BUCh acts- of bestiality occur olution, and for the insulting, revto China. the with Spain bleeding and Jews be- worshippers from all over Pales- bye, is gravely, ill at this in the heart of Europe? How can humiliating, the- terrorizing and exterminated; with Nurem- tine to Jerusalem and there is a people, hitherto reputed for their torturing that have marked the ing jubilant and with Hitler rulAaronsburg- in Pennsylv&nis. r of ceremony, history and culture and even kindliness per- subsequent course? • Do .they ade- berg Europe? What else can de-wealth •s the first citr in .Araenc? 1 custom in its celebration. DIARY: In his diary, being Ey K A 5 S I ET5LVN GOO3MS.N petrate acts of brutality which quately account for the horrible ing cent humanity see ahead but which vras founded b:,- "end nsroec published shortly in London, Lt. were not even known in Media- persecution of the defenseless darkness and hopelessness? (Copyright, 1938, by Sevea Arts after a Jew (Aaron Levy)". Three _ ol. F. H. Kisch under date of evalism? And how is one to acFeature Syndicate) with the connivance If not (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts states have counties 'named -lor Feb, 1*, 19 23, tells of seeing PLACE XA2KES ^counVfor the fact that an en-Jews Feature Syndicate) Prof. Einstein off at the JerusaBiblical place names: There are Jev.-E: Castrc Counts in Texas for lightened and civilized world by the order, of the government lem railway station . . . Of asking in-the-United. States EC Leban- Kenrv Castro; Kaufman Connty stands by and does nothing about him if the Zionists 'vrere leaving ons,-26 Ketrons, 11 Carmels, ES in Texas for Da--id Kp-ufmen: Mi It at all? undone anything which should be Jj5iqns and Kpiint Sions, 14 Beth- Emanuel County in Georgia fo" ' f - ' Eye "Witness Account 1 don© ia the interests o* Pales- Jeheias, ~ S' JerSchos. ' £ 6 ' Sharocs Darid Emanuel: Le\T Countr in It f »? " An'; Englishman who was re"' tine . . . And of being laconically and coinpousSs, 10 Jordans, £6 Fiorida for Ds'-id L C T Yulef. cently in Vienna witnessed the • i answered: "Raraassez' pliis d'ar- Edens, 22 Bethels. IS Tabors and scenes: of degradation,, humiliaEachel Street. f;ie r-,!-:r ;i'r™ • gent" (raise more inoney) . . . . Mount Tabors. El/SMIohE, £2 Gostion - and torture to which' Jews hens, . 6 Palestine and 3 Jerusaare being-subjected there,. .thus RIDDLES: A Jewish merchant lems (one each in Arkansas, voices Tils feeling and doubts 1n Succoth, the harvest festival time, and they have prayed" for ' •• and a-Polish general, fellow pas- Kaiue and Ohio). the columns of a leading London from OctoberMOth to' October entle rains to speed the next eengers on a train one -day, in journal: 17th this year, is 'illustrated in crops. These agricultural motivaboredom turned to riddling each The first Jewish' city of Tel "How can a large-group of peo- the Museum of the JewiBh Theocan be traced In the- cusother riddles ;. . . Said the gen-.Aviv tras founded in 'the sixth ple live lives of perpetual sad- logical Seminary of America in tions oms and ceremonies. The booths, eral: "We'll bet fifty zlotys on century before "the Common -Era. Ism? The economic roots of anti- New York City by'a number of built RECOMMENDATION: The peo- each the houses, are riddle . . . For every one I in the Babylonian Esile (Ezekial SemltiBm can be explained away. ceremonial objects—glass, •wood, lined close'to ple who pass out the Nobel prizes fruits of the harvest. can'f guess," I'll gay' 'you Tifty -a'ua %: 15). T-rectr-'wir renturtes latThe political and /social reasons silver containers tor^the ethrog Hereinwith could do worse than give the litthe men, and ofvice versa" . . . The merchan-t de- er the second Jewish .city -of Tei for setting anti-Semitic machin- or citron; strands -of •willow, ten thegather women, of the household erature award to I. J. Singer . . . ery in motion "are easy to discov- palm, olive, and myrtle 'for the or community The man who gave the world of to take their meals er. We can understand. the de- lulab; a collection of shofaTS, of the nine days. (A booth has literature something to talk about lights for £he German race, being Torah cases," of prayer books; and for erected in the quadrangle of in "The Brothers Ashkenazi," has able to shift the responsibility for a wall. ornament for the Sukkah been Seminary at Broadway and done it again in "The River all t i e evils of their society on (booth o r tent) painted by Israel the 122nd Street in New York City Breaks Up," a collection of short the backs of'the Jews. But it is David Luzzato in nineteenth cen- and is open to visitors lor the stories whose locale Is laid in the hard to understand the personal- tury Italy. period of the holiday, except author's native Poland . . Earthity, the human heart, the human uncompromising, these tales The artist has Inscribed the when it is being used by the stu-ly, will Lwith (, which.; anti-Semitic complete dents and faculty o£ the Semin- translated from Singer's Yiddish . ' "with a text of the Book of Ecmachinery is. _worked. Quick ex- clesiastes in the form of a globe ary.) by the always adept Maurice Samecutions after a revolution, these uel and published by Alfred A. paper no more than a foot The libation of water which Knopf present a set of characters can be explained and understood. on square, for this book is read in was poured over the altar to symSo can the atrocities which go rank with the greatest creentirety on the Sabbath day bolize rain, and the fertility that with war, which'are war. But for its ations of Chekhov, Hamsun, Reyof the holiday week. which rain brings to the land, is a group of individuals to live Dostoievsky, Rollaad and The 'festival which inspired now only recalled by the recital mont, lives of deliberate and" lasting other.masters of character delinthese objects d'art now reposing of appropriate psalms. I t was eation . . . In a brief 6,000 words, cruelty, to live in sadistic hatred of- another group inside their on- the Museum- shelves is one of once an item of the ceremonies for example. Singer has succeedthe merriest In the calendar. The bitterly contended by the Sadducommunity, and to use. the language and action of that hatred-, ten -Days o'f -Awe .are concluded cees and Pharisees when the weland the nine days of ingathering fare of the Jewish, people was this is a phenomenon harder for 0 You're a p g the ordinary, man to understand1.' and thanksgiving .have come. If more dependent on the elements. in this year of international crises This, transition was foreshadThe Englishman -who asked Dyed Any Color these questions was a non-profes- and tension no one is in a mood owed by the priests when they With 'a Modsm Hsdlo fcahcr® celel>sional; writer. He happened to befor,feasting or rejoicing, there is stood a t the gates of the Temple GUARANTEED on.a Vienna; he saw the yet sufficient spirit of contempla- and said: "Our forefathers stood rides address Y°^ ia-r®^*.©^21 Homo* terrible scenes of,:Mediaeval per tion and gratitude In the cere- on this spot with their backs to secutlon in'the streets of the for- monies •which attend the ancient God's house and with their faces You Bare tho l«scr^ of ths.£a®st sym. : • to the east and worshipped the mer beautiful city;* he came back h o l i d a y . ", • RIc-ise« The very tents or booths, which sun—but we turn to God and our to London horrified and .publicly -plioales In fco world c«rlag your asked these questions. Another .serve to "distinguish Succoth from 1717 DOUGLAS 'There is absolutely C.B cost or obEnglishman,; professor. C. E. • M. all other holidays are, according eisn©? Hour. Yea-cr©.glvc-a th® Isiert Patronize Our Advertisers Joad, a ; well-known philosopher to Philo. and Maimoniaes, a religation' involved j-ra th,h RoyeJ
!,.• LI•> i
our C°
By Florence Rothschild
Tile World is
of 'the younger school, a Social minder that the material goods 1st,.-' free-thinker and ' humanitar- arid fortunes of this world are ian, is not satisfied with the mere temporary and -that poverty and of the. questions, • As a stn wealth exist side byiside. One of dent of human nature and of so- the-ancient'customs Is to invite ciety, he seekB an answer. H Abraham, Isaac,-Jacob, Joseph, * wants :to. understand the.- under- Moses," Aaron, and David to the lying reasons behind this out- Sukkah-on successive nights, and burst of beastliness and human to have as a fellow guest at the perversion. In an article in an-table a-Jew in poor circumstances other.; liberal- London Journal h to-, share the meal and to make analyzes a.few Incidents which the patriarchs feel at home, F-opolar Interpreting are" so - common' in Vienna now anditries^to discover their causes.. The popular" interpretation of j*rofessor Joad relates scene; the -booths, > based- on scriptural "whlca a.:friend• of his •wltnessei quotation, is that they remind us personally in Vienna in the earl; of ancient- times when the Jews weeks. after the Anschluss. On were! a .landless, people, living In tents, but these associations -with is the following: ; ; wanderings in the trtlderness Along the Ringstrasse in Vien the more:typical of the. Passover na walked, or father ran an eld- sar© r i t . :-•: - - - • . . - - : - . ; „ .-.erly Jew, accompanied by foui p i At Succoth time the Jews, young Nazis. He had a long whit< since their earliest, history, have beard which had been ' parted thanks for the summer hardown in the middle so that it fell given vest, which in Palestine is safely In two waves on each side of the gathered into storehouses by thla chin. To these two points of th beard the Nazi youths tied cord •wold were passed over the Jew • •'For',. Rent'—»- Largo,-' troll*'I shoulders. The ends of the cords room'-for ©no or two.] •were held by them and they were ^heated driving the old man down thr 3435 ' California. BA- 2451. |
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Page 4
Ona vesu
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E5AVID'BUA.OEBR • ••: » Easiness Gad BJsaastng Editor (PRAWS R. AGHSRHAN o e> o • ' • • • • " ' • Editor '[LEONARD NATHAN > » o o Acsodato EdltCl ,'EABBl ffRBDHRICK GOBN » " £ o Contributing Editor JH&BB1 THEODORE N . LEWIS ' • »•" « o - Booh Editor ^ANN PILL . » .»-'•;• s l o g s <CHtyt Icrea. Correspondent j
I Tho restless ghosts of Clemeuceau, Orlando, and "Wilson, •and the political ghost of David Lloyd George must have 'stalked the green tables at Munich last week as the concerted Efforts of their successors snatched Europe, temporarily at i least, from the very brink. The sins of Versailles had come 'home to roost at Munich, to roost and taunt. There are some who think that the democratic powers should never have yielded one inch of Sudeten territory to Hit* ler; that by betraying Czechoslovakia they had strengthened the dictatorial hand and that a more horrible war will have to .be fought in the not too»distant future. That Czechoslovakia, perhaps the only worthwhile accomIplishment of the Versailles treaty, should be forced to pay the 'price for the sins and failures and shortcomings of Versailles is ithe supreme tragedy. Yet Czechoslovakia may be consoled by the fact that perhaps in her travail a new era of political relations has come into being. . All efforts of the past two decades have been concentrated on forcing statesmen to the discussion table before rather than •after a war. For once the powers did meet before the holocaust. What if they had waited, waited to meet after the nightmare of another war? Millions would lie dead, the soldiers, ; fhe civilians. Paris, London, Prague, Berlin, Rome—the accumulated culture of generations—would be in ruins as are the once-glorious cities of Spain. And they would be forced j to remember that all this might have been avoided if a little | Strip of land, the Sudeten, had been ceded to Germany. Re'grets there might be now, but certainly regrets of a lesser nature. A war at this time would be likely the last war—a war with no victors and defeat for all. After it would be over, all the past errors would be repeated, for war would generate another hate-filled atmoshere, an atmosphere too crowded for justice. At least, partial justice was possible at the Munich gathering. A war would mean the collapse of civilization. It would mean the continued perversion of men's minds. Democracy ;and morality would disappear. Instability—the bane of modern life—would increase. Various religious sects promulgate the necessity of another wir, a war-'with the forces of right aligned'against the forces d£ evil, and the eventual triumph of right. But that ^eatray is just a fanciful way of evading the true issue. Violence breeds more violence. Injustice cannot be the parent of Sustice.
• •.• "
.] In the four power parley at Munich", one may discern the 'rooto of a new phase of international relations. Pnoe political . figures denied that European boundaries could ever be changed , Iwithottt armed conflict. Hitler flung this very challenge at .the League of Nations to impress it with its impotence. Yet here we have seen the impossible happen. European boundaries are being adjusted. The justice of. this particular adjustment may well be questioned, nevertheless the lie has been '.called. ; Should the allies have forced Hitler to fight for his goal, 'and should he have fallen, the principles he gave to Germany 'would have remained, because Germany would always associate itB short-lived prosperity with the Nazi regime. As outside lorces were blamed for the "Weimar constitution and the misery Germans now associate with it, so the fall ofvHitler and the collapse of his program would be laid at the door of other na.ions. They woud remember the ephemeral glory that was heirs and'believe it permanent eicept for the interference of Sther powers. ;'•'...-. ] A3 it is every day brings Germany closer to internal collapse. This latest venture was no help to the economic condi.ion of any European nation and this is particularly, true in :he case of the Reich. Her war preparations have caused unnecessary industrial expansion and no nation-—not even as Veal thy a nation as the United States—can evade the economic ':oasequences. Europe, as it was, was on the verge of another pconomifc depression. Her aramenta industry saved her Jast /car when the United States experienced the short-lived recession. 1 There is also the possibility that Hitler, by bringing Europe so close to disaster when he had already accomplished his ourpose, was guilty of a blunder that may not go without repercussions in his country. ! Put an insane driver in an automobie and he will endanger -lie life of every driver on the road. But it is he who will be 'n the gravest danger, for while the other drivers may be able •o sveid him, he- cannot avoid the hazards that may wreck him. 1 The political crisis of the moment is fortunately over. But I was an expensive gesture on the part of all involved and all, 'ncluding Herr Hitler, must pay.
The past TvGek-etfd occasioned anti-Nazi demonstrations _rom coast to coast. Numerous casualties were reported in•ludiag three in San, Francisco at what was the strangest meetl y of them all. Gathered there were representatives of the i'orman*American societies aod presiding was Baron von Kil •2Ser, German conMl-teaeral at San Fraacisco, and self*coa,ctc-3dly oae o£ the most brutal Nazis in America. N The occasion was the observance of the two-hundred fiftyZiith. anniversary of the landing of the first German settiers p Pennsylvania. ! If those good German colonists knew the type of person juat was celeteatiag tlieir arrival, they would have turned \7ex ia their grave3. These Geiiaaus, who e&fks ia tho years
when "William Penn threw open the gates of his colony to the the1 oppressed, were exactly the same German who today is fleeing Hitler. . . They were, men and women, devout in their religious beliefs, who sought refuge from the tyranny and-oppression that was their lot. They were people who believed in the dignity of the human spirit and their principles were fundamentally demoeratie'r Only, in the tolerant atmosphere of Quaker Pennsylvania was there refuge for them. ."" : • " • ' " " Their beautiful hymns, of which there are many thousand, are characterized-by their beautiful sentiments of love and devotion to all humanity. In an era of religious conflict that filled even the songs dedicated to God with blood-curdling challenge, the Pennsylvania Germans alone resisted the tendency of the times. Their; lives were exemplary and if their ideals had prevailed, the world would today confront a different Germany. For a Baron von Killiriger to preside at a gathering dedicated to these early-German settlers is an insult to their memory. Theirs was a strange glory and the Germany of today would be alien to them. .'
will be saved. Man is not so utterly corrupt that a flood of disaster must wipe him from the face of the earth. . - We look for the assertion of man's higher nature, also in the realm of politics (notoriously ignoble) and government The future belongs to righteousness and its brave champions, however illy they may seem to hare fared in the events of the past few days. Wickedness may lord it momentarily with a high hand, but only to be overthrown at last. We. have not lost complete faith in righteousness and justice and in the God of justice and righteousness behind the universe and its events so. baffling, so bewildering, and so incomprehensible. "Yet I doubt now, through the ages one increasing purpose runs And the thoughts of men are broadened with the process of the suns." —Frederick Cohn.
BIBLE Judge the poor, and tbe fatherless; do Justice to the afflicted, and the destitute; rescue the poor and the needy, deliver t h e n out of the hand of the wicked. They hold crafty converse against Thy people, they have eald, come and let us cut then off from being a nation, that the name of Israel n a y be no more In remembrance. Truth sprlnseth out of the earth, and righteousness hath looked down frost heaven. 0 remember how short say time Is, for what vanity hath Thou created all ths children of man! ETHICS OP THE FATHERS Rabban Jochanan used to Bay, "If thou hast learnt the Torah, ascribe not any sserit to thyself, for thereunto was thou created." Rabbi Eliier said, "Let thy friend's honor be as dear to thee as thine own, be not easily esclted to anger, and repent one day before thy death." And i e further said. "Warm thyself by the fire of the wise, but beware of their glowing- coals, lest thoa be burnt; to do not endeavor to become too intimate with the vrise, as their critical opinion of you may change to your detriment." Rabbi Joshua eaid, "The evil •ye, the evil inclination and hatred of his fellow men shortens a person's life." . Rabbi Jose tsAi. "Let the property of thy friend be as dear to the* as thine own. Prepare thyself for the study of ths Torah since the knowledge of it is not an inheritance of thine, and let all thy deeds be done la the highest spirit." Rabbi Tarfon said, "The day is short, the task is great, the laborers are slugglshr the reward is much, and the master of the house is urgent." ' - Rabbi Tarfon used to cay, "It Is not thy duty to complete the work, but neither art thou free to desist from it, if thou hast Studied much Torah, much reward will be given, thee, and faithful la thy employer to pay thea the reward of thy labor, and feaow that the grant of reward unto the righteous will be In the future."
Senator Burke, whose fairness is not to be questioned, has unfortunately fallen into the error of so many tourists who visit Germany. He has returned from a short stay there expressing sentiments that reveal a lack of perception, and that seem, strange coming from, one whose whole career in the Senate has been based on an antagonism toward regimentation. The day he was reported as telling of the great happiness among all classes in Germany,, a non-Jewish woman, speaking before a non-Jewish gathering here, told how it was impossible for a visitor to Germany to judge accurately the conditions in the Reich because of the clever way they are covered over. As Senator Burke reported on the evident prosperity, this woman, who had returned from a long residence in the Reich, described the strange, happy sensation of once more being in a country where it is possible to buy' the necessities of life without being forced to present a food card. Certainly Senator Burke is ^entitled to express himself on what he has seen, but in all fairness to the critics of the Nazi regime-~to which group he has always belonged—he: should have given voice to the justified suspicion that in a dictatQrially-Ksontrolled nation, one sees only what he is supposed ~to see.
Gem© of the • and Talmud 'By D*. PfefiS? She*
Every mother knows it takes quality to make value and The Nebraska has the values in the Boys' Own Store!
Boy** Utmost Value Two Long Pant*
Community Calendar OCTOBEK 9 TO OCTOBER 18 Smafiay, October ©. A. S. A. No. 100 meeting, 2 p. in,, K aad L, Jewish Community Center. Girl Scoat meeting, 2 p. m., room M, Jewish Cosarsuaity Cneter. Omaha Hebrew Club meeting, 3 p. in., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. Jcnior Council meeting, 3 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. Monday, October 10. Saccoth. TaeEsJaj, October 11; Succoth. Wednesday, October 12. Beth El Auxiliary. 1 p. m.,' lodge room, J6wl»a Community Center. Bikur Cholim tea, 2 p. m. C and D Jewish Community Center. International Workers* Order, 8 p. a.. C and D, Jewish Community Center. Thursday, October IS. Boy Scout meeting, S p. m., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. Choir rehearsal, S p. m., K and Ii. Jewish Community Center.
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Tenaple Services will be held this evening at Temple Israel starting at 8 o'clock. Rabbi David H. Wice will speak on "The Italian Triangle—MuEEOlSni, the Pope, and the Jews." Saturday morning services will take place at 11. Beth El Services will be held at Beth El this evening at S o'clock. Saturday morning services will take place at S. Cantor Aaron Edgar and the Beth El Choir will lead the service. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will deliver the eermon.
The warhaspeen averted. There is: a different aspect of affairs. Does that'mean that not only. Hitler but Nazism has triumphed? With its sister form of political government, Fascism, will these two forms of Totalitarianism spread over Europe and the worlds ^tfith democracy's loss of prestige through England and France's action, has democracy now been weakened in the whole world? Only the course of future events will definitely determine. There may be a re-action, a revolution against Hitler's seeming triumph. It is hard to believe that Hitler will now all of a "The Centerv sudden become a good boy. He remains the same old Hitler, Library if anything all the more GO because emboldened by his seemBf SASKELZi COEEJf ing triumphant success.. He will feel all the more encouraged to pursue his original policies which do not bode well for the Curreat comments of the day's world, his original and fundamental policy of having Germany, Jewish sceae of events ia books now-strengthened by Austria and gains in Czechoslovakia domand Jewish thought: The Magazines: "ARABS IN A inate the earth, with the crushing of France, despite recent PROJECTED JEWISH STATE," hypocritical pretensions of friendship and alliance in the Four by Dr.' D. Yt'erner Senator. The fundamental .problem of Jews anft Power Pact (in "Mein Kampf" he declared openly, 'France Arabs living side by Eifie ia oae must be crushed as being Negroid!'); seizure of other 'Gercountry, will ia a partitioned Palestine, remain no less acute than man' lands (Alsace-Lorraine will not escape: who can trust !a raaadated territory. the word or even oath or' most solemn treaty of a Hitler, parEither of tv;o methods can be ticularly after he has brazenly declared: in "Mein Kampf" that 193S Volume Notes Rising applied to the treatment of minorities. Oae is ruthless suppreslying on a colossal^scale is propaganda however unscrupulous, Immigration, Increase sion, restriction, decsizatios or to gain one's ends must be resorted t o ) ; seizure of other counassimilation of the minority race in Congregations till, ia the long run., it must distries, Holland, Schleswig-Holstein in Denmark, Poland, the NEW YORK (J. T. A.\—The appear by esigretioa or &mal£2Ukraine, Northern Italy despite Mussolini. Hitler's- ends re- American J e w i s h Yearbook. raaticn; the other is equality oj recognition of 'the essenmain the same. Hitler remains more than ever the greatest which annually paints a word and rights, number picture of Jewish lifs in tial cultural, economic and namenace to the peace of the world. Tomorrow he will be run- America, reports rising Jewish tional rights of ths Eiaority. For Jewish people in Palestine ning amuck again perhaps in conjunction with his fellow gang* immigration, with Central Eu- the rope as the place of origin, a only the second way Ss possible. ster. the free-booter Mussolini, continuing spread of Jews to For this vital Jewish problem smaller cities and villages, and read PALESTINE REVIEW. England and France will indeed have cause to regret an expansion cf congregations. On the book $&©!£: "EUROtheir recent action. It will be seen that no real, lasting peace The 40th volume of tae Year- PEAN HISTORY SINGS 1870" In ths review of the year by F. Lee Bescs. has been gained. The final, inevitable war has only been post- book, The recent stirring e%'eats in by Editor Harry Schneiderman, oned. As the Bible with snch profound political and social summarizes ths position of the Europe wjli Impel many persons in the world fey declaring to scan tSs pages cf history Is or- ! t wisdom says, "There is no peace to the wicked," or to wicked Jew that the period was "probably der to understand ths bactegroend actions as to compromise with wickedness. "The wicked are like tho most, somber tad'dishearten- of the Korae-Berlia asis sad of twelve * moathr. since the close Hitler's absorption of Austria. the troubled sea that cannot rest." Wickedness leaves only a ing This is preeminently. & period of the world war." state of unstable equilibrium that the least action ean upset. In the year ending June 20, when, £s we say, "tistcry is be- 3 nsfle."' Wickedness can produce only a state o£ chronic instability. 1937. a total of 11.S52 Jewish im- ingProfessor Beans readers crysmigrants were admitted to the Only 'the work of righteousness is peace,' as Isaiah, said. As United States, over SO per cent tal-clear the fateful tread of which brought about the the noble Lincoln phrased it in modern times, "Nothing is ever more than the previous year events (6,252). During that period, 232 World War, £EdS safees It CQUalsettled until it is settled right." To rob a weak, helpless nation Jews emigrated from the country, ly evident that the so-called set- i i! followed the first 1 because it is weak, however innocent and because it is nobly leaving a net increase through tlement'which immigration of 11,120. A total ?f World War rasfie s second all foist i . j ', willing to sacrifice itself to save the world from greater sacri-* 109 Jews wfere deported—-tha ioeTitable. h i l e ray r e a d e r s a r e 5a & his- ' \ fices, is not to 'settle right.' As. a 'settlement' it is only tem- lowest percentage since 1924— t e rW y r e a d i n g raood m a y 1 s u e g c e t , ' i and S6S others v?ere debarred, cr porary because it is 'permanently wrong. The:-world cannot 3.24- per ceat, -which was higher " T H E E E C I T I E S " fey S h c l s c a ; j ' I allow compromise with wickedness. Such cowardly action than th& £fsc!fe-ites year, but low- A3C&. Tfce "war t h r o u g h J e w i s h e y e s , . | er than In I9S2 and 1933. must ultimately recoil upon its own head. Democracies must Emigration Tram Reich' '" Jewish su'feriag - - in truth and j A marked increase in the pro- fiction - - a master writer o£ Jew- ! : show that they are as brave as Dictatorships, must not be " !i of immigrants from Ger- ish literature. pusillanimous end craven, but heroic and morally strong. -If portion many and a decrease in the proaad 3.118 'ia 1926.) The democracy is not worth fighting for it is worth nothing at portion from eastern Europe is indicated'in ths statistics. Where-' cf communities having alL But it will be finally seen that it is the only hope of the as until 1931 .eastern European congregations also continued its human race. It inust resist and overthrow dictators for the immigration bad been close to increase from the IS2$ figure, • of tee total and Ger- •wfe'eh was 817, compared with sake of freedom, of human dignity, of civilization itself. What two-tnlrds man ifflmigratJoa a.negligible .fac- 58.0-1a 19.16.' • •"Tba auaiber of comffitirities good is a *peacefur society bought at such shameful price as tor. In the year. .under revle-* three-fifths (S9 per Ceftt) of the tliat reported Sa 162S er&ttiy exthe loss of honor, the surrender of principle, cowardly kow- total Jewish Immigration .was ceeds tha atisabsr that reporter! ,towing to the forces o£ evil, of tyranny, o£ monstrous injus- from Gfirnia&y and only 17 per ia 19 26, showing that is spite of cent from eastern Europe. tfts depression tS?e Jewish religtice, of brutal:and inhuman wrong? . ' ' Meanwhile, within tae tJaited ious .lastitstiesss continued to esTV\ ' ••'There^ig already-'beginning, to be'a.reaction. Duff Cooper, States, the number of Jewish, caagresatiois is growing;, &eeo?S'as •impcrt&Et is the fait that ia this of Chamberlain's cabinet, as Anthony Eden before him,-has al- to a sfteclal article hy Dr. Keary CS26UE, reports were actually ~eready resigned. .Further resignations will follow and there S. LInneld. director of the Jew- ccltcd from over 4,000 Jewish -Statistical Bureau*- vrhg •was COEisi'EltSes in cities snd .in v£5will be resignations in other countries. Aroused public opin- ish a special agent bt ths V. S. Ces- lages In every state cf the «r!oa, ion will yet manifest itself. All is not yet lost for the causs of sas Bureau. While the results o'l a early 'twice as Eany as tea years 1SS6 census o£ religious bodies £go. The eosip'.ets ^suits, bases: justice and righteousness in the earth. I£ the world is to be -awere sot available, Dr. Linfield. partly oa 'reports , fessH'Sd s,z£ * Kl h given oyer to such' moral monsters as Hitler and Mussolini it said that tfcsy TTCUM shes?" "&n. [ i iacresss is tlis jjuraber of ct>zi\ t'sat fprertfi c* were better for the world to perish. If the world n to perish grepi*!e2s Jn 1SSS • ever 1SSS j let it-perish in a nobb-caucfi. • At least'tks vroti&'s ceif-sasneet CGEJ»sr&t>l*'.to fsad e t X©£S • « • « f
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finest examples . . . etc. . . . e t c Legtoomires end tt€>mb«r« of doonft appear in the cast . « . This host . . , etc." "Ton m«sn their f*miH«t «cannwf the lot. John Gartield, whose first screen KATM SCBUUSPFEan — Grow- role In "Four Daughters" FOB j The Deborah society, xu&er the 'guest'," corrected a neighbor. Jack carries! oa. "Sor-i s j Jsterejit ta the W*roer outfit him wide critical acclaim, has j Completing three" weeks of tho leadership of Mrs. Joe Golfivrare, Nisbleirii folks, thst !as* e?escJ: oa ETI- ia the "My Country First" saga askefi Warner Bros, for title role I new school year, Sigma Omicron president, are making elaborate ry, of KEra Salescss lueicatefi la in "Nijinsky," screen play IIS«PO. { of Sigma Alpha Mu has again plans for their annual card party stioa left raa tip la the Earl" latest prosotieat.! efforts in ite on the ballet dancer"*-- 3i?p I maintained its reputation as a to be held November S at 1 p. in. L pcKic figure to be- j . . . GarCieltL lias Tmd some ballet ! Thirty-two rears ago .In CES d behalf. Latest prominent chapter in campus ac- at the Jewish Community Osier. This card party is to be is the New York's, racst TisfEshloustle coise iErolTefi is Hsrir Schs-effer, j experience, but ve'11 betcfrp. he ! tivities. of a dessert-luncheon. Tick- teaemcats was tern cs® Maxweil past cations* coin.33 easier of the1j cloesB't. fret the assignment . . . i Ervine Green, Norfolk, has form TTE.T Veterans:, tsc-w Eiclfi ,Sara Fokr&se, EOtn-Fcx ti;ric-1 iOHLOFF-SOBNBY . ets may be obtained from Mrs. Sverstt Esssssblsoa. As tlctory BLATT-BERMAN been appointed as a Junior class cl the crgsEirs-Uon. smith EOTT compoBins: melodies > lif-rlin (.TTAi —• The marriage of Mis3 Ella member on the staff of the Ne-Jacob Bernstein and her corajait- proved . . . he vr&s no iessrt tlotfMiss Anne Berman, Bister of cr . . . bcra to BIEES. -uasees. Lit- Sciasffer. euested by Bob Tap-for "Sue" and "The Three Wins- ! ed this veek U;-u Mr. and Mrs. Carl lagtnan be- Belle Korney, daughter of Mr. braska Law Review Board. This tee. tle Mis ('later Elapsis) tttsaded li£££r. studio publicity head, utid keteers,'' csst liitz Eroihert star- | i.he Hebrew Xcv 7 came the bride ot Ben Blatt, con and Mrs. B. Korney of Omnha, to board consists of seven junior law 1 pzhlls esJi&ol, t a t not for Uzg. raJtiel Bcctssr, fKlSSng spirit rer, IISE becc. j^ssirneu to vTUf i c^ntP rnr pfnrrn Mr. A. B. Sehloff, son of Mr. and of-Mr. Julius Blatt on Sunday Girl Seoata students who hare attained the The HawtBero© KefcnEatcry fee- SEfi acthc? cf the ysm, -risich the Cinflpreila br-.ile? PP.O. pHirTi-pfi t.jir P.'.VC.PVJ 5 evening September 18th at a Mrs. B. Sehloff of Minneapolis. highest scholastic averages in ths bis alisa is&ter. At fifteea fie&ls -with p&rt plarP^ *?r Po>'iR« tits for Shirley Ternple'F forthi DnpbVine' c'istvict ceremony performed by Rabbi Minnesota, was solemnized on law college. Each year the staff Girl Scout Troop 4 met oa Sun- came be wsa a!?"8B£y ca the •STEJ- to a, is establishing tfce eoiaing: "Liittie Princes?'' . , Se1"- ; ins' m Eppstein at the Jewish Common* eptember 24. day, October 2, at tba Jewish publishes a magazine for the NeciarspSocs^Jp. la SCO Usiied Sts-tes ia "VTsshinfTtoB't t er&I thousand letters have be en ! si.uflents. SpversI o;»»r ity Center. The altar -was banked Community Center. By ficisg besiasr The ceremony was performed braska State Bar Association. boats, claias to have fe tlfflft. laaclied cs th« Set -rich toj i-reeci-red t r Kark Kelling-er in his jinn; one theo:o;.i,:.;:.: Ha--:1. •with palms and flowers. some mending,'M&rtye L®e BJTCJS, oea but eacs. After at the home of Rabbi Aaronson jr Norman Bordy, Omaha, and csEferreS ca The bride vrore a trailing gown of Minneapolis. A reception was Edward Chait, also of Omaha, Ethelyn Lashlnsky, Bsrerly Eer- s ^ fi&tteaed lite & pre-Ccluaof -white eatln with shoulder held at the home of the bride- after a series of competitive try- iam and Rebecca Lcsfion com- cbtss Idea tsi tha wcrld, ha fscsS csiiine1 family membe pleted the requirements for the length veil caught at the crown groom's parents. outs, were selected as member? that c!crrEiag ia frcat cf lights T 1E ofiispring o." pooch 65TO5T—Koiificawith orange blossoms and car- Following a wedding trip to of the University ot Nebraska clothing badge. Plans were maie fcr tha sest was nare prc*ita.£-!9 th&a bshiss! tics fcr ProSossr J^cb Cfecrtottsa "*he xhin _K ried a bridal bouquet of Johanna Sioux Falls, South Dakota, tha cheer-leading squad. This is the OpcaesS a ££g3it clui -^fcsre Hill Roses. Her sister Mro. Las-couple have been at home at 810 second consecutive year that Bar- meeting whica will' ba hel$ on rejes. ha is host, ehisJ cEtsrtsJaer, c s i SSE.* *®* JJSTFSats is to. direct 13J© ! TelcrrrcpJi uaecl e October 16. man, who attended her word o Irving North. Minneapolis. fly's ability has earned him a poC2«a rcsSsisr^rs-tcSer. Of cscrea gown of aquamarine and a corsition on the squad while it will tea laevitabl® happsses . . . sage of gardenias. saissvllle "dlEsercred" h i s . Perta Ed's first year at leading yells :The grooms aunt, Miss Eva haps they'll retittA hl for the Huskers. Blatt of Chicago, who was In the Everett Raymond Brown, Kansas City, bridal party wore a gown of tur- Tho Women's Mizrachi will has again proven his talent in the fSsally assistant director. (Coprripht, 1 f r K, by Sever, Artrquoise blue taffeta and a corsage hold its* first meeting on Wednes- University's dramatic department. "A YfeEt &t OsJorfi" r-as Feature SrccUcaie) Her® aad there: Gecrg* Girct of gardenias. is gifoUag ia Leases. Ditto M©2- aafi* Is E££ita£, hs ^rsst tlccg 1 — day, October 19, at 2 p. m. at Ray has received a leading role The ceremony and reception the Jewish Community Center. ly Picca. Th® Efea Caster-Frasfe ES fics assJEttnt Ki« nest ete? p T r T , ~ T ^ ^ , « r T f-,,.r^ Hollywood—Woader.who startin "Judgment Day," the first in following were attended by 250 An interesting meeting is promoffici?.!. Dr. ," a series of productions to be pre-ed the report that Deaana.- Dur- HeEush, Jr. iplidss was pcrguests. beers fr-e=i.r-' feraea fcy $v.Cg&- Ed-s-ara E n s d . :t6. NCW lS8 Elfc&CE Cif. fi<E- 1 \ GSCS; " " i ^ ' ' r S S ised. Mrs. M. Brodkey, retiring bin is a daughter of Judea? Wo sented by the University Players. ' Hostesses for the reception president, who recently returned That's-brlssias Jsslies rigbt Eato Btt* are getting tha usual Inquiries • sntr—!a Melvin Tannenbaum, Omaha, were the Misses Ann Hahn, Eve- from California, will tell of Mia,s*» beet is she Jewish? Heir yc! Hear yet tho hos©! Sicls. • Beaay is Sssst £ h t lyn Green, Mary Garftable, Ethel rachl activities on the west coast. was recently honored when made Gather Gevmfcr. OPPIP !>OHC« 'round, boys aafl girls, low xrith V?H7TT . . . has to "tSiak a . . . J>0 a member of the Pershlng Rifle Kelberg, Una Gross, Kalah Frankup" t^-eatr-Sv® EpeEChcs to Jaforfe (JTA> — rrfifticai: Mrs. E. Welnberg, National Unit, an honorary military organ- Deanna is as Jewish as - - D lin, Rebecca Yelin, Ldbble Chemtr&^aca a Mho ccaber cf AE.®ri- •^•crlds to cssccer E,re belag not. el, Eva Wolf and Mrs. Sam Lev-Fund chairman, will report on tho ization. Only those who demon- Corrlgan! caa Lesiea assfesrs. S e a Else aosghi tr lir. Kots . .. . Potcr ci5fl, Eastern Culture anc. Ccr.trEl E t ? National Women's Mizrachi Board strata superior military ability in. Lcrre, the €£ijrs;£t!c Orlects,; has"tsaEres" . . . plas'ted & ls.vm are Rckir;fr for Colonel. .Tosr.Ph ef' iO .I meeting aha attended in New are made members of the society. bowl ca tao reef cf h!a hssss . . . flats But cere's caa that Out-of-town guests were, the York. .11 coaserc I/eTer. Rctsnj: president of the j 7"' ••,','I11, f Hie J Mrs. Joe Tuchman will disy , wnese It's harder to sssw thaa to eaw. to EccsrS' elf agtlEst hits lv Norman Harris, Omaha, and Ed yyou over. Charles Beyer, Misses Rebecca Yelin and Llbbie cuss plans '."f.v. ji.;! -. ia p2cgrBritish ORT, ecid in RE. address 1 «'»'"^ Pi it for the rummage sale Chait have been invited to servo pictures receive taa t a c sfed Chamel, Mrs. L. H. Kralt and to be held after pesg1 . . . Ke rcesaiir isttillcd. a at s. luncheon held in his honor ip ^ e ,16 nor the holidays. The in Heal land, is of Sf ossla £ p i r E w laVfC aa pledges in Corn Cobs, mea*<i daughter, Barbara Sue and Mrs. 'Peer Daasiitsrs." chirks a tah5e t£nn!s outfit.©a the l .a the Eispirc State builclinp| V ^' .' ° . ' sale is a semi-annual pep organisation. Arthur Hill, He admits up to fifty per ceat, S. Dubinsky and Louis Dublnsky rummage ?. "trss aa "esesISsst piscg o£ Training ir. t?;rici:iixrc> end in-j Tin-Ei'mr u«' <: affair and proceeds are cent to but oar Informant believes fccti of Kansas City, Mo. Mr. M. Conn the two girls' schools the Wom- Lincoln, is an active member of of the j fiuetrr Lher feel, he eaic", raf.kee ; ^ V - J ^ I t ^ ^ u - in l y Faasiis Ksrst, fcut It'* parents were French Jews. So « and Miss Eva Blatt of Chicago, en's the club. lit.," new i it easier for thetr. to proifrate ! •'•hf K.cit.:;- "!;o\i"e odd that cSs Sits caly feur £ Mazrachi supports in Palesiocs . what dlfferenca? We're proud of Mrs. Harry T. Winer of Los An-tine. Mrs. N. Levlnson, social vice tfcsrsd fcj- anfi tc efirri a liTeliiiOod either ir. [ r-.Uon rirnpo»P v Phil Bordy, Silver Creek, has even at a discount. He's esa ia Mr seaU of 6-KS.E Crassaaa fi geles. shown himself to possess poten- him Natfciaiel Tfeet lnnfie or ifi (l-,eir president, and her committee, will of Hollywood's outstanding; char' The couple left immediately on tial varsity caliber by being acter actors . . . many thoosht Eaha. rcrea'iEg Stsaer A£ios . . . till nszi CfitEtrics. One hundred persons \ >-"(' lens-lus.1 conf ••fio^t. '';':.p fi; a -wedding trip. The brides going serve tea. placed on team A of the freshman cf FE1 s e a Ja gatsetttcrifiet the iuncheor.. B. ChF.r- ! f:"r-nh VOMU' w ; k f rlppr Hm, !• him -worthy of the Ad Acadsay The installation of officers will football squad. away outfit.was a costume suit of ECT VlaCeck, nations: che.Jrrnr>r. i pp.^tieR to '.T>.p oorSr?.--!. r-«-«yard last year beca'aes of bis (CcpyrightsS fey XFwish Tele- vfil fe# IcnseS 8©oa t?* I»l» grey wool, with grey galyac trim, bo held upon the return of the Three members of Sigma OmlLooltSss yecsger, fcesltliier, cftrc j ci the CRTfirSve,pi Germ fin bioot" pnc". v>iuif' n-vigrspalc Ageacy, Inc.) In "Tovarleh" and "Con? which was worn with accessories president-elect, Mrs. A. Kats, cron attended the Minnesota- work C&ifpsr t&s.E &$ Ists te j €s,rf,. E6——————— } i'nv in\TCP<lIr.ff rti^sol'iJiiir, <n qoest." who is at present In Francs, ot burgundy. di® Cacts? tia£* e s s cf t t t fiaect In ICES France €i:pell!?d. i lease ir. e?^? pi!:i.>.p™ r?ri«- ».-r Nebraska football game at MinlitU® pep-tsJla ever at a prescafress h e r colonial posses- j to h?.vc: cont-actec. .Cplsr-Ir irneapolis In official capacity. MorEtory of "Eayra Salosaca" DEPABT FOB CHICAGO tatlffis €sr©i^c3^" t«i£ ©t^sr ^IE.^ • , eiotts te America. i ref.-fs.rd. ris LIpp, North Platte, editor-in- was eaelvea becaess tlie studio Sigma Delta Tau Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abrahamchief of The Daily Nebraskaa, felt It was natisieSy Ja fees ef t&» son are leaving Saturday night retertci tr&a prcssEtefi as JllnHonoring Mrs." Jamea Goetz, university publication, covered world-wave of satl-SesiUissa. Now for Chicago to visit their son-in- Theta c«sc£ certificate t* tb* Nutabcr the game. Chait and BoTdy led aad for the idezUe&l reassa chapter'o new HousemothCa® CBSSC vas Gecrfa Ecjrarssfca, law and daughter, Dr. and this year, a campus tea was cheers for approximately ssvea they believa Its prodsetisa fertsw pres!fi«at cf the Chiea^e Maurice Sachs, and their daugh- held at the chapter house last thousand loyal Nebraskans. poignantly opportune, j e i a Garter, Arlene Adele. Arthur Hill, member of the field will «tar. It's a "break" fcr Friday afternoon. Guests during elite the afternoon were members of university student council, was him aad viea versa. VISITING IN OMAHA the chaperon club, presidents ot appointed chairman of the stu—Karry M. Waraer'* £ta,t©a*als affig* atfrccs.te e-f the ChiMr. and Mrs. Abe Sax of all the sororities on campus, and dent council organisation comPeter Loire's current script before Acserieaa Lcg,ica aot&blex P**'i£ii Deft. Lftdoa Pest. . . Brooklyn, New York, have been presidents' of the sororities' mittee. Hill has also been placed lls for his appearsEca is asarly la defesss cf filta iadestry trti fetfa visiting in Omaha as the guests pledge groups, Theta's Lincoln on the Rally Committee, com- every eeene. Beeassirt&s wcrk is cae of fiaest cpeishes erer saaSa ECdi« Tisa th* hsssr Jer hi» ipork ffi? refege* tlfit, tM Teuth AIIof Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swartz alumni, and members of the fac-posed of various members of or- BO strenuous aad a s b u for t L yah eff«r«*, fcr W« r«ser&J3y and Mr. and Mrs. Morris. Sax. ulty. Miss Piper, Miss Westover, ganisations on the campus for the minor hurts teiag tha exacting, "£t£?ii£S Asaericacisas" . . . Tht They have been here for the past Miss Clinker, and Miss Newman. purpose of arranging pre-gaxas all preES Interviews have beta other "jjas" asatas S cassia will tattler a three weeks. Mre. Polsky and Mrs. Sieleri- rallies. caaecllca. Lorro Eufjests titts lsa,*t&a TTtrsw EtafiJa.grcssfie-Et 3 ? freund,. patronesses of. the. cor change - - from "Kr. Hete Tafee* that tn« ttlsa isdestry Is lag ret cs« pismire & rear by apority, poured tea. a Vacation" to "Mr. Koto Gees BACK FROM CHICAGO g ta&ca cv^r fey "e©r«,!B peariaf la two IcBgerg fiHfl»e to Work"! Mrs. Esther Lazerson returned bigots" who wish to nsl« Kelly* i*2t-~est £«r RKO, ea« for In the receiving line were Mrs. : by motor last Saturday .morning Goetz, Josephine Rubnitz, presid jKCk L. Waracr was toast- Metre . . . Best alibi 1B "Tb* from Chicago, where she has been dent, Miriam Rubnitz, pledge Wfeat proflucsr » * » "Aryss," tet party, irhieh hJ«h- 6rMi« Allen Murder OaM" trill The Mother Chapter, 1, A. 2. visiting with relatives for the past president, and Jeanette- Polonsky, A., is continuing its full program oa, yes, 'way back to Afisxs . . . flay dodttj which 10,008 M hrtd fey Otorf* Bufft*. who five weeks. social chairman who was in of fall activities and/ has made had the.brilliant JiSca cf feayiss a«w fall draasec . . . just. &e pictured in October 1 .While there she was extensive- charge of the affair. many plans tor further activity up Hollywood tiacnateris.! . . . ly entertained. Selma Hill has been elected as along its five point program. In- evca if xaaSa by B e t o s d AbraaVie(M ftahlon xoagasine. The-1']; win the hearts of women Pan-Hellenic Representative for ternational A. Z. A, day will bs ovitca . . . ersss all tea pressrtb*' «i*«y***r*. JUST TET OME OKI. ed names . . . aad escort It toJOSH/TV MEMORIAL the coming year. on Sunday, October 1%, Germany under fcjs crsra para At both th& All-Activities teas, observed A sound film, "Tho Boulder in a Joint program with Saa tiUe, "Jos Doake's PreSiietloast" Dam," will be shown in the Jos-and at Miss Hepner'o annual tea, Beber Chapter 100. Wunderbar! Evea tae Relealsti lyfi Memorial Concert Hall at Jane Goetz accompanied Selma Aleph Justin Priesman lias approved. But first surely he 2:30 Sunday afternoon, Octo- Hill's flute solos aa part of the charge of the Mother Chapter's wouldn't mind & little $£3$&lo£iafternoon's musical Interlude. ber 9. A. Z. A. day committee. cal research? Not ct &il. All w«ttt At 3:30 p. m. Dr. Alfred Brown Preliminary plans for the. bowl- "well for a few auadred yea.r» . . . will lecture on "The Development Ing and ping pong tournaments then euddealy tha babble bunt. Junior Hadasoah are of Art as Shown by Early Medi also being discussed. An ancestor in the eighteenth cal Illustrations" in the Lecture Several newer members of the century, not thinking t£*t a d*« Miss Kalah Franklin, Junior Room. were appointed to vari- eceadaat might w&at to etll novA program of Duo-Art records Hadaesah president, welcomed Chapter committees, Beraie Gold- iC3 to tho Genaaas, had Bhort* will be played; at 4 o'clock in the the many girls who attended the ous Junior H,adassah Membership Tea ware was named to the Social sightedly married ens cf Jacob's Concert Hall. which was held last Sunday at the Service committee: Norman Hahn brood. Mr. Doakes' deal w&s Seed. J and Warner Frohman to Mem- Moral: Don't look iato your TO SPEND WINTER ON COAST home of Mrs. Max Barish. bership; Alvin Hertsberg to tha family treo Mies Ethel; Kelberg, memberMr. and Mrs. Nate Wiesman and you sever can Cultural Committee, an dLouIs daughter, Merriam, are leaving ship chairman, presided at the Blumkin to the Athletic Com- tell who's Bitting there. . program. An inspiring talk stressMonday morning by motor to mittee. Mark Hellinger quips: "The spend the winter in California. En ing the European conditions and typical Hollywoofiits is & New route they will visit in Texas, the advantage of Hadassah was Yorker who was bora la Kansas." Junior Council Arizona and other places of in- given by Mrs. David A. Goldstein, terest before taking up their guest speaker of the afternoon. The National Council of Jew- Warners catertaiasd eoae 25,residence in Los Angeles. Another feature of the program 000 Legioaaaires &t the ctcdla t&« was a vocal selection by Miss Lor- ish Juniors will hold its regular other day. Jack W. was m. e. at RETURNS FROM VACATION raine Fregger, accompanied at the meeting at tho Jewish Commun- the luacheon table. It was a hot Miss Sophie Oland has re- piano by Miss Geraldlne Strauss. ity Center on Sunday, October 9, day, but hQ cteered tV.& Ship of turned from a three weeks vacaMrs. M. D. Brodkey, president at 2:30. Speeehe? smoothly, iatrodueint tion in the east. She visited in of the Senior Hadassan, presided Hagin Daulaeres was the last eae notable after another. "Now, New York, Washington and Chi-over the tea table. Pre3byter of the Jews of England my frieads, 1 wish to presftat to cago. you a host who is eaa of th* before their expulsion. Pioneer Women COUSINS CLUB The Cousins Club will meet at The Pioneer Women's Organl the home of £ . Meyers, 533 S. zation will hold a Succoth lunch 36th on October 13. eon on Wednesday, October i 2 , ai 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H, Psychiatrists Say Okun, 1434 N. 16th street. An interesting program has , Hitler Suffering been of Every Descriptioi planned. Mr. I. Morgenstern Mental Disorders will be principal speaker and Mrs. Including M. Goldstein will give a reading. All members have been urged WASHINGTON (J. T. A.)— to attend. Reservations may b Adolf Hitler was termed "paranoid," "infantile," "sadistic" and made by calling Mrs. Okun, Web"•elf-destructive" by three Amer- ster 1642. Tif is iU print. icas psychiatrists in opinions soTho. Pioneers will next Sunday, licited by Science Service. Dr. A. October 9, repeat the Flower day A. Brill of New York said that that was held last Sunday. Be"his ratred for, Jews and his love cause of the holiday, the expectLet Us Finaineo Yomr Mew Car or. for Germans are mere excuses for ed quota was not reached. his algolagnia—that is, for his pleasure in pain." Patronise Oar Advertisers The others who wrote opinions are Dr. Karl A. Menninger, chief of staff of the Menninger Clinic, Topeka, Kan., and Dr. Oscar J. . Raeder, professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine.
Sigma Alpha Mu
Deborah Society
Women's Mizrachi
A. Z. A. 1
As Seen In. Vogue
AT 6500
1101 City N a t l H
Jews Beaten in Warsaw Warsaw (JTA) — Many Jewa were beaten by Nationalists in Saxon Park in the center of Warsaw. Several required medical attention, police restored order and thd attackers fled.
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Whsa DIAMONDS WEBDU3G WATCSBES • S1LVEEWAES. S3«3 GIFT to Si 4,88 Fifth Phxw t u l .
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LUXURY'SHIP—Brazil,-one of the deluxe express liners that on Oct. 8 will inaugurate service between New York and South American ports. This is one of the "Good Neighbor fleet" under operation by the American Republics Line for the United States Maritime Commission. After Jan. 1 Moore-McCormack Lines will take over operation. The ship formerly was the Virginia of the Panama Pacific Line but was reconditioned into a luxury ship.
ELITE %NT TITTUiJ. — One of the first frf-UecturF/j featutea ^o:ed br TIS tors f Hie F ir of the 1C30 Golden Ga^o Exposition. on Treasure IslcnS, Dan Trrnc^cc B?v, are two mascive elephants tor~ n r h. zh toverp thst f.ark the Portals of the Pac*nc, main errtranco to the fa-r. This closs-angle view shows one of the * iaodcm:stic hovia>-topped Sgores.
ITALO-BKITISH PACT SEEN—Prinie Kicister ChcniccrA r:. of Great Britain and Premiei MussoLn- of Italy never K-u before the four-pov.-sr piil°y £t Munch. B"t th:s pic shows them together at the coherence. Crs of the .rosins of 1 meeting is believed a stre^gthe--:^^ of the i t a ^ - S ^ t . ^ ' signed last Easter but as yet lnopcraa^s.
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PI/AGCING THE ENEMY—Captain Evans Carlson, United States Marines intelligence officer, recently took a three-months trip through six provinces of North China and "found that although the areas were surrounded by Japanese forces, emergency Chinese administrations functioned with enthusiasm. Social reforms, alleviation Ot taxes and nlanned economies were
directed at harassing the Japanese. ^ J i i guerilla fighters definitely organized.- Upper left. Captain Carlson at risht, with three Chinese ycuths w'-io accompanied" him. Left. Jean Ewcn. Canadian nurse attending the wounded. Center left, Chinese boy pupils of the new Yulin industrial school at right singing a war song. ",Now Is the Time for Sacrifice." Lower left, Chinese border cadets
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TBAVELEB — Margit Elizabeth Mary Tempke, 3, who arrived in New York all by herself, after a year's visit with her grandparents in Finland. She was en route to her home'in Montreal. Here, in salnion rose snow suit, she offers her teddy bear a drink in a paper cup.
ANTI-XAEIS r^L= SC2ETE.VLA>Z«-:.-o c , - • PP.. GcraKi Soc&l Dcwoc-.Bts, corLix- .n pol , r n ^ c s if to the German iv'caonU Socialise INEHS^ r-c ICJO .c; io ' " « « « » .Sadetenlacd into the nic::or of C^clp-lc rl r j • - ^ : -cisim cf th£ tour-pover ^ n e y rt r-'s-.c1-, :.r-c f r . — r o .P« .cfugees Et Frer«C TllJ Z?i bP'o-c ^ e circi^on VPP ma. C.
RIEAD FOK CONGRESS—New York State Democrats, at the convention in Rochester, chose James M. Mead of Bu^alo. already a member of Congress, for the short-term nomination for Un:tec States Senator, to succeed the late Senator Royal S. Copela^a Above Mr. Mead, left, is greeted at the convention by Pas General James M. Farley, national Democratic cna.naaa. "'<"-Jl>>^"«.
a i s OWN IHEDIC1NE—Dr. Thomas Parran, United States Surgeon General, gets a taste, of his own medicine, at quarantine in Miami, Fla., on return from a tour of Latin-Amer' lean nations. Here he is given routine examination by Dr. Gilbert ;O " If. Donohue, left, chief quarantine officer, and Dr. Stephen A. ' yrifcn Pan American airport public health physician. O?5 >•;
CANDIDATE — Leverett Saltonstall, 46, of Newton, Mass., scion of an old Baji State family, who won: the Republican nomination for Governor of the state. He is a Harvard graduate and a war veteran and rtias been in the state legislature since 1923. He will oppose' former Governor James M. Cur ley. Democratic nominee.
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BOS5BEK—Biggest bombing plane of the United States Army Air Corps t t flight from Langley Field, Va. Some of the officials carried by the huse,
J S S ^ S T i t r f t t t atudyiiig m
nf ms&i on i i n ^
for long-djstance flying.
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n^hout the
p r Fo't ball Dorothy ^c Fujioka, e^ifc uni-
Junior Jewisli Press ; Editedijy.AuntNaomi
Esteasioa of tho Jewish CoBffiramty BERLIN <W. N. S.)—"Look man carried in his hands a cluster ilgrim Fathers of America loved forward to new places where of Four Plants, as a sign of the he Bible a great deal, and read Jewish youth is preparing sew thereby giving hope for a agricultural nature of the holiday. tbQut the Joyous Thanksgiving homes, life to the older generation These four plants should be lay which the .Tews celebrated in new as well,'' was the Rosa Hashaaah familiar to you because you will the fall season in old Palestine, message to the Jews cf see them during t h e Succoth holi- and an idea came to them to es- Germany addressed in a proclamation by the tablish in America an autumn day day, either a t home or at SynaReichvertretung der Jndea in 3f Thanksgiving, to express gratgoge. They were the following; the central reprea long branch of a palm tree, itude to God for the good things Deutschland, sentative Jewish agency, called in nebrew Lulav; tied to that had come out of the soil. "It is true," the manifesto said, it was a sprig of fragrant myrtle, "that it is a slow process sad a and a branch of willow. The difficult way, but everything fourth was a citron, a lemon-like In "the Hebrew month ol Tish- fruit, durable requires time and deknown in Hebrew as Esrog. rt, shortly after observing two With these plants in their hands, mands ' construction stone by most Important Holy Days-—Rosh the people paraded about the alstone. We Jews are used to waitSashonah and Yora Kippur — in ing. Patience is our strength.'" the ! -fan Beason of the year, the tar and sang songs of ThanksgivThe message concluded with Jewish people, all over the -world, ing. an appeal to Jews to stand fast celebrate the Holiday of Suc- Today, pilgrimages are no longin their faith and to educate coth. Starting on the fifteenth er possible. Our Temple was detheir children in the spirit of the stroyed many years ago; and for day-of the month Tishri, it Iast3 religion. "Let us be with PARIS ( J . T. A.)—Repeated Jewish for seven days, and is followed many years the Jews were not God and God will be with us," anti-Jewish provocations in Alallowed to be farmers. But still, by -two .more days of a holiday the proclamation ended. nature, which makes a total of; BO great is our love for Palestine, sace by Nazi agents during recent Lease days have.prompted the Althat to this very day we rememnine -days — the longest holiday ber that it is Fruit Harvest Time satian Federation of Labor to isthe Jews have. Palestine, and so we celebrate sue a proclamation denouncing This holiday is one on which in and rejoice at this time even anti-Semitism as playing into the •we remember hovr our forefathers it the extent of using the Four enemy's hands and urging ell trekked through the desert, for to workers to defend attacked Jews. many years, on their long march Plants." The agitation resulted in minor .How Wo Celebrate.Snccoth Today from Egypt to Palestine, and also Immediately after Yom Kippur, anti-Jewish attacks in some how our forefathers celebrated a particularly in Metz, fruit festival in the days when synagogues are busy either put- towns, where Nazi agents had distribmost of the Jews lived io Pales- ting up the Succah, or elBe decor- uted of a railway tine. These two reasons blend ating the Succah which has al-ticket facsimiles ALBANY ( J . T. A.)—Herbert with this text; "French into a joyful holiday, and make ready been bilt. -Many vegetables, Railways. H. Lehman was drafted by DemFree Ticket to Palesfruits, and flowers are used in it a very happy one. That is why Dr. Chains Weizm&nn, chair- university; Samuel B. Finkel, di- Schocken. ehairrr.rT rr tine. Car Reserved for Dirty ocratic leaders to run for goverthis holiday is called in Hebrew decorating the Succahs. The walls Jews. nor of New York for a fourth man, center. Oa his right, Prof. rector of the American Friends tive council of the ;.- '• This Is a One-Way Ticket "Zman Simhasenu," which means are usually made of boards, while Without time despite his preference for Selig Brofietsky, Viscount Samuel, of the university; Bert Katznel- Very- Rev. Dr. r Y. \ the Right to Return." branches, willows and grass are in.English: "Season of Our Joy." senatorial nomination. He ex- Sir Philip Hartog, president of BOE, editor of "Davar," Hebrew rabbi of Lonnrr: ".">-• A clash was also reported in the I n today's lesson we will try used for covering the Succah. The pressed his willingness to runEnglish Friends of the Hebrew daily. sishkin, preside;-; r~ Succah roof is laid out so that the Lille, where an Algerian Jew, to find out some things, dealing again for chief executive of theuniversity; Dr. A. Bu-echler, Prof. On Dr. Weiimann's left, Dr. National Fund; ?',?.-:• stars may be seen. The Succah Samuel Jais, who was wounded with the first six days of Sucstate after leaders of his psrty H. Hanser,'delegate from France; David Senator, administrator of Emanuel \'.;v coth. Of these six days, only the indeed is a thing of beauty, with during the world war, was at- had brought extreme pressure T)r. Hugo Bergmann, rector of the Hebrew university; S a 1 m a n n sician; Dr. Nathan Tlf its clusters of vine, branches of tacked, and defended himself by first two are lull holidays, on upon him. which' we are not permitted to do ripe fruits, and other decorations. firing his revolver, slightly He has served three two-year Many pious Jews, who find it wounding one of his attackers. Fruit and Knt Boll any kind of work. The following 14 graham crackers, 14 cup [LOAN KAS five days, however, are Hoi Ham- possible, will build their own Suc- Meanwhile, in a number of terms, but if elected, his nest chopped dates, S marBhmallows oed days, that is half holidays, cahs in their yards or on t h e synagogues in "Paris immigrant term will be four years, since the cut fine, % cup chopped nuts, % and on these we are permitted to roofs. They eat their meals, and Jews swore collectively allegiance governor's term has been incup heavy cream, 1 teaspoon do our daily work. if weather permits, even sleep to France in solemn ceremonies creased by statute. He would thus vanilla. Roll crackers fine and reconducted by rabbis. Other syna- be the first man to occupy the there. Succoth—Festival of Booths chair for ten years. In serve S tablesps.; blend remainIn the Synagogue, the entire gogues joined Sunday in the pray- governor's Gfejrer Bread "Yon probably remember from ing with other ingredients. Shape ers for peace called by President Washington, President Roosevelt 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup syyour study of Jewish History that congregation visits the Succah af- Roosevelt. " , ,expressed pleasure a t the news rup, *& cup luke warm water, 3 in a roll coat with 3 tablespoons our, forefathers were slaves in ter the Services and are served and added that Governor Lehman teaspoons soda, 2 ^ cups flour, of crumbs; roll in vraxed paper; Egypt for many years, until the some light refreshments such as had a perfectly Epleafiid record. % teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon chill 4 hours; cut in slices. Serve great leader Moses led them out cake, fruit, and wine. The bless. . ginger, 1% teaspoons cinnamon, with -whipped cream. of Egypt. Their journey to theing said upon entering the SucVi teaspoon cloves, 1 ccp melted Promised Land, Palestine, was by cah is: butter o r Crisco, 1 ccp boiling NO FASCIST COUP "Blessed art Thou, the Lord no means a short one. For forty water; cream batter and sngrar; years they marched through des- our God, King of the Universe, FOR SOUTH AMERICA add syrup; afid water and soda erts and wilderness, always in "Who made us Holy with His Comdissolved together; add sifted danger of being attacked by wild mandments, and Who CommandNEW YORK (J. T. A.)—A floar, salt and spices; add melted GENEVA (J. T. A.)—The Asroving tribes that swarmed in the ed tJS- to dwell in the Succah." Four Omaha charity organisa- shortening and boiling water. Fascist coup la sxy part of South. /The Fonr Planets sociation of Journalists Accreditdesert, and always marching on is impossible, according Do you remember the Four ed to the League of Nations, a t tions are making a special drive Bate in a Ehallow loaf paa In America and on. ' to the Rev. Dr. Joseph F . Thornduring Fire Prevention WeeS, slow oven for SO minutes. Naturally, the people did notPlants which the pilgrims held its annual meeting, adopted a starting ing, professor of social history at Xiemcn Cup Cakes October 9, ia connection have an opportunity to stay very while parading about the altar in resolution to assign 100,000 Swiss college, who lias returned % cup butter, % cup sugar, 2 Mary's long In any one place, and there- the Temple? Let us learn more francs to aid Jewish and other with the nation-wide campaign a visit to Argentina, Brazil eggs, 1 teaspoon baking powder, from fore could not build substantial about them, and how we nse them needy members and former mem- against fire hazards. and Uruguay. He emphasized the bers -who have lost citizenship houseB in which to live. For they today. The Salvation A m y , Goodwill 1 enp floar, y. teaspoon e&lt, of democracy among South The Lulav consists of the fol- and employment and have be- Industries, Volunteers of America i»- cz? leaon Juice, 14 lemon love had to march to the Promised Americans, but added that Nazi Land, and when orders to rest lowing plants: the branch of the come refugees, the lot of many and the Douglas County relief rind. Cream butter and sugar. propaganda was strong, particuwere given, the best they could palm tree to which is attached a League correspondents who for-group are asking Oaiahans to re-Add eg-g yolks. Best well; add larly on the .radio. >jgwas to build some quick shel- branch of Myrtle tree. and a merly represented t h s German move old clothing; household fio-iir Elf ted with baking powder r'i such as frail huts or tents. bunch of Willow branches. Then and Austrian press. good and on-wasted fnrnitare alternately with lemon Juice. Add But weak as these shelters were, there is also the citron, or the The resolution appeals to all from basements and attics. They leaioa rind 'and" beaten whites, Club in governments and the members of are- urging that these goods be mfsing carefully. Fill small mufGod protected the Jewish people Esrog. Sizdetexi Evacuated throughout their desert journey. '- The Lulav and Esrog are waved the Intergovernmental Refugee turned over to any one of thefin tins % full and bake at 400 degrees 15 to IS minutes. It was not easy to forget the' on the first seven days of Buc-Committee to "give the most lib- four groups. Prana (JTA) — The executive days of wandering in the desert. coth, excepting Saturdays. In the eral treatment to refugees -who Oraage Hiscnii committee of Maccabi, Jewish "A phone call to any one of l^k cups floar, 1% teaspoons Eports The story of how the Jews Synagogue i t is waved by the axe bona fide Journalists, withorganization, has decided these four worthy organizations matched in the desert, protected Chazzan and those people who out distinction as t o race, religbaking powder, 4 tablespoons but- to liquidate the Maccabi Club in by God, and finding shelter every may have their own Lulav and ion, land of origin or political will bring a tract to yoar door ter or crisco, % teaspoon salt, I Keilberg, North Bohemia. The now. and then in weak tents, was Esrog during the Hallel Prayers; views." I t also "expresses regret to collect these articles,* de- teaspoon sugar, rind of one small house has been offered, for Bale passed from father to son, from the Lulav is waved in all direc- that the members of other profes- clared sponsors of Omaha's ob- orange, % cup orange juice. Bake and its 80 beds sent to Praia to generation to generation. And intions, -to the right, to the left, sions exercise influence to prevent servance of the week, the Omaha at 475 degrees for 15 minutes. be used in a refugee shelter in the Bible, we fin&Na command- forward, backwards, upward and entry into their countries and Fire departmentan d the Fire Chocolate Cszp Cakes the Maccabi premises ihereu ment commanding the Jewish peo- downward. This to show that God employment of refugees of thePrevention committee of t h e 1*4 raps sifted cake flour, 1\* ple to remember forever that they is present everywhere, and is the same profession.*' Omaha Chamber of Commerce. teaspoons baking powder, }£ teaxnerA and er- v Kenriette Hers {176 4-184 7),' wandered through the desert, and ruler of the whole world. A critical inspection of every spoon salt, Ys, cap butter, 1 c-apdaughter *he loan a--'" i of the famous Sephardie lived in booths and huts, under sugar,. 2 beaten eggs, 1 teaspoon In many Jewish homes, the Luhome in Omaha by residents also physician fie Lecios, was the inthe protection of God, before en- lav Is waved and blessed before vanilla, i j cup ailk, 2 squares is being urged. The Omaha Fire tering Palestine. breakfast—the shamos of the syndepartment inspects commercial chocolate melted &n& cooled. Sift tellectual leafier or Berlin society. buildings but is not equipped to floar, taking powder and salt 3 And thus, the Jewish Nation agogue carries the Lulav and EsJe-ws vrere sent out ty t h e times. have fbeen remembering the his-rog from home to home, during inspect Omaha homes. 'Cream sugar &zi'better. -Add Dutch government at the begintory of the forty years' march by the early morning hours. People / ' eggs and v&silla. Add fiour alter- ning of t i e seventeenth centurrmeans of these Succahs. For in- who arrive a t the Synagogue Washington (JTA) — A series nately with -milk. Email .amount to colonise the island ol Curacao.' deed, what better way was there early, have an opportunity;. to of broadcasts dramatizing the at a time. Fold in chocolate. Pour to remember those days, then by bless the Lular there. contribution of racial minorities in greased nuffin pans, fililsg % erecting Succahs or Booths. EVT Would you like to know how to the United States will be Hoses r,Iiiia£l Ears (I7E5full. Bake at-375 degrees 15 Ein-1S05) WEE Granfi Master vt the I eryi year, a t t h e appointed time, the Esrog and Lulav are blessed? launched on November 14 over SUCcahB are erected in synagogues When you bless the Lulav and a nation-wide network, i t was an- NEW YORK (W. N. S.)—Autes. Cover with chocolate frost- Masonic Grand l/ofigs o ' Massaand homes, to bring back to our Esrog:, hold the Lulav in your nounced by Secretary of Interior campaign to raise 200,000 marks ing. chusetts. memory t i e most fascinating right hand, and the Esrog in your Harold L. Ickes. The program, for the establishment en Jewish English FrcJt Cookies raerlt cf charitable. worfce journey of our nation—from slav- left hand. The Btalk of the Esrog- entitled "Immigrants All—Ameri- National Fund land" in Palestine 2 caps brows sagrsx, 1 cup but- is The 5n proportion to the love vitfe ery ID Egypt to freedom in Pal-is to face downward. The follow- cans All," will be broadcast every of a colony named Tel Sikaron ter, 2 eggs, 3*4 cups flour, 1 which they are practiced. estine. Even today, we still have ing blessings are said: "Blessed Monday evening under the spon- (Mount of Jtenemcrance) has teaspoon baking ponder, 1 teafaith that God will protect our are Thou, O Lord our God, King sorship of the office of education. been launched by the JNF in Ber- spoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon nutAvenzosr {£. 116£). foremost people as He protected us many of the Universe, Who made us "Tolerance of all national and lin in co-operation with other meg, % teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon years ago. The Succahs are erect- Holy with' His Commandments racial groups springing from ap- Jewish institutions ia Germany, soda dissolves ia 1 ccp-cold cof- physician of' Moslem. Spain, was ed/ adorned with flowers, fruits and commanded us to shake the preciation of what each has add-JNF headquarters tere an- fee, 1 cup -nuts, 1 cup rsisiES. cf Jewish origin. and vegetables, and thanks is off- Lulav." Kts In order given and drop fcy ed to American Me will be thenounced. Position c&zmoi iianor the tn.E.n; ered to God for His kindness.' A feature of tae campaign spooafjil c a greased cooky sheet. keynote pi tha series,," Mr. Ickes Secona Blessing tits rasa. Ernst honor tile position. "Festival of F m i t Gathering be a • book cf renierabranca eea- Baka i a moderate ove=. On the flret two days of Suc- said. Snccoth, as we learned above, coth, the second blessing is addtaiaing a. roll call of Jewish comRaageff Cookies then, reminds us of the many ed: "Blessed be Thou, O Lord our munities, institutions and individ1 cap butter or crises, 1 cup Ctae eaocia csnfiuct nls fclljr 'before rasa BS be'ore years the Jewish people traveled God, King of the Universe, Who uals who contribute to t i e fond, •white Evgar, 1 csp brown Etijrsr, in' the desert before they entered has kept us in life, and has preall contributors beisg supp 2 esss. t teaspoon. vasSIla, 1 cc? God Palestine; also of the Succahs of served us, and enabled us to reach with leaves of t i e book in which shredded coaoasct, 2 cups flcar, 1 photographs of sysa£O{T&es te&Bpoo-n. soda, 14 te&spooa b a t - - TS.s greatest of heroes Is lie Booths, in which our forefathers this season, NEW YORK (J. T. A.)—"We the dwelt whenever-they had an op- In this way we remember the shall not permit the hatreds of and Jewish institutions in each ing powder, % teaspoon salt, 2 -who' fcrneth, a caps oat raeal, 2 cups Kellogg's friend. Fruit Gathering Festival of oldthe Old World or the decrees of city will be inserted. portunity to rest. Hies KriEpies. Cream better and To understand why Succoth is Palestine, and we thank God forthose who exercise sovereign TToe to the greuerB-tion sugar, agfl eggs E E 3 vanilla. Afifl celebrated as a Festival of Gath- his kindness to human beings i n power there to breed dissensions sioa Nasaed to Co1 floor Traica bs.s been sifted -Pith jedges must he ."inched. ering the Fruits, we must try to making things grow. here or poison the life of AmerDetroit (JTA) — Mrs. Schsssr- coda, baking powa«r sxsfi salt; On Succoth, a special prayer ica, Governor Herbert H. Lehman see a picture of Jewish life in Henrisite GoifisehmiCt. v.ife of Erez Israel thousands of years book, called a "mahzor" is ised declared at a dinner of the Unit- ya Kleiman, prominent Jewisli add oatcieai, vanilla, rice cereal, ago. At that time, our people were in the synagogue. I t contains spe- ed Italian Associations at which leader ia Detroit, was appointed cscoanct and'mis well. The dough a Prussian rafctl. -was one of the chiefly farmers, tilling their plots cial Succoth prayers. An import- he was honored for bis services. by Governor Frank Murjfny this trill bs quite cmnMy. Mold vritn piercer eixffntsisr.s ir* Germany. of land, and tending their gar- ant set of prayers are the Halle Recalling the services of theweek as a member cf the Michi- the IJEECSS into balls the size cf Sir Isaac X.ycn Goidsmid (17 7Sdens and orchards. When autumn prayers, which are .thanksgiving descendants of immigrants. Gov- gan Unemployment Compensation a TFaiaut. Pises on a greased came, the fruits ripened and were prayera for all the good and plen ernor Lehman said; "We, their Commission, Tills Is the most im- cooky sheet and press slightly 1SBS) -was the first Jewish baronready to be picked. Dates, olives, ty that God gave us. It Is during descendants, the American citi- portant job ever given a woman •with, a spatula. Bake 15 to £0et i s England. EUstites in a moderate oves.. • figs, grapes, pomegranates, apri- the reading of the Hallel prayers zens of today, will not tolerate in Detroit. GuaSalrjara Caroway Cookies - • In 711 T-hen cots, citrons—all these fruits that the Lulav is waved. hete the passions, the prejudices, 2 'eggs .beaten light, 1 cupin Castille vras taken by the were ready to be gathered. Another part of the 'Succoth the false theories and ideas which HEAR ITALY DELAYS Esgar, 1 cup heavy cream, S cups Sloors. the Isrgre Jewish populaYou can imagine the joy of the service is the "Hoshano." "Ho- are making Europe an armed HEW 'RACE* MEASURES flour, 3 teaspoons baking pow- tion garrisoned, the city. JewiBh farmers of those days, as shano" means "help." In the camp, which have forced from cr der, 1 teaspoon Bait, 1% tablethey looked upon the bountiful Temple.days the priests used to their homes, without fault of their HOME (W. N. S.)—New antiEpoons cs.rovrs.7 seed. Add srg-ar He v/ho lends on usnry is comcrops of fruit. Happiness and joy surround the altar and sing songs own, countless thousands to wanmeasures due to be adopt- to beaten eggs; pour in the cream pared to a Ehedfier of fcloofi. reigned among them as they were of thanksgiving t o the Lord. At der homeless throughout Eu- Jewish ed early in October are reported and mis -well; add sifted flour picking fruits from branches and present, the Chazzan and some rope.'* to have been postponed by themixed '"•with the salt and carovcy vine3. Naturally, the farmers felt members of *he congregation Italian government because of seed;- chill floagh, roll out on a thankful to God who brought all make pne circuit around the cen FRUIT FROM PALESTINE the European situation., according floured board sad cut. 'Bake i s I, t . t i ^ i , . w xJ these blessings upon them. And ter of the synagogue with the to an unconfirmed rumor current a moderate oven 12 minutes. from this feeling of thankfulness Lnlavs and Esrogs in their hands Warsaw JTA) — The Ministry in semi-official quarters here. arose a very noble festival; it was chanting the "Hoshano." of Trade granted permits for tha Meanwhile, the newspaper truly a Thanksgiving Festival for On the evening ol t h e 14th day of 4,000 tons of Palestine Stampa publishes a list ol 100 the blessing of fruits showered of Tishri (Succoth"Eve), mothe' import fruits for t h s three months be- university professors .who have npon them by God. lights the candle3 and says th( ginning October. The quota repre- Jewish wivc3 and SsmanSs that Now, how would the farmers special blessings for thg' holiday. sents four-fold increase over Iasi they divorce their spouses or rethank God and express their ap T Father recites the Kiddusii a t sign their university positions. preciation? They did so by waybeginning of the evening aeaL year. of a Pilgrimage to the city of Jer- You will learn the KidduBh i n f| Soft Grey Ires usalem, t o the Temple of God,connection with your Prayer BooJ FTJ2S! there to bring their offerings in work. | | Metal Patterss' u j person. From all parts of Pales- Snccoth, and American |:i Tls'eigiits csrrjea Is stock. . tine, farmers were streaming into giving Day f::: 3rosE@ s.ssi Cs^E* Irojs Jerusalem,, to the Temple, bringFor you, Jewish children ing with them gifts and offerings. America, it must be very interestThe grand celebration took place ing to know that the great Amerin the large courts of the Temple. ican Festival of Thanksgiving is People danced to the tune of Tein- based upon the old Fruit Festival glo orchestras and choirs; every o£f our people in Palestine."'..The *=•• Good Shabhath, Boys and Girls of the Junior Jewish Press." "Next week we will observe another important holiday, S a o coth, and today we will tell the story of this festival that marts the; harvest season.
;_ . , i ^V1.
Charity Groups Aid Drive for Fire Prevention
U. S. to Sponsor Radio Programs Immigrants
Reich Jews Raise Fond For Colony
Italians Hoaor Governor LeHman
Cc. F
mission to adjust the Alaska corporation ahall be to acquire, pub- of Directors shall have the power to were Mrs.' E. Nogg and Allen gests, . should be recognized as a circulate or otherwise deal with make all by-laws necessary for- conboundary,-was the son of a con- lish, newspapers or other publications and ducting the business of the corporaKay. Mrs." Kay Trill make an ex- token of dual status—that of a verted Jew. generally to carry on the business of tion. These articles may be amended tensive visit in Sioux City on hermember of the British Commonnewspaper publishers. Ttie authorized by a- majority . vote of the; stockway home from New York. Mrs, wealth and of the Jewish race capital stock of this corporation shall holders at any regular or special MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER &, b% . . This would net some $80,Sacks and Mrs. Kay are Bisters. $25,000.00. dh'ided into 250 shares meeting: of the stockholders on two COHEN, Attorneys 00,000 even if only half the 16,of par value f S100.00. ell of which daj^s prior notice cf the proposed 737 Omaha Nat'! Bank Elds. s'.iaJS be common stock, and all of amendment, such notice to be mailed Robert Marx, son of Mrs. Jo- 00,000 Jews in the world could v.hich stock shall be fully paid for to each stockholder at his last adNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION hanna Mars, 1610 Jackson street, ifford it, she figures . . . The w" -n issue * either in cash, in serv- dreps. In the County Court o£ Dougliis ices, or in property, and thereafter has departed for Denver, where esulting sum, she claims, would IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the unCountv, Nebraska: be non-assessable. The corporation dersigned have hereunto set their. mable the British Government to he will make his future home. In the matter of the estate of FrnfJ shall befrin business on the filing of hands this "th day of September, in securing wall hangings, end Istanbul (JTA) — Because he S. Dygard, Deceased. ettle Jews in the Crown Colonies these Articles in the office of .he 1938. . • .' tables and lamps to refurnish sev- . Mrs. Carrie Sampter of Fre-and Mandated territories . . Three opposed the Italian Government's All persons- intereste3 . in saM county clerk and shall continue far In Presence of: i; eral of "the rooms. Anyone hav- mont, Neb., is a guest this week American Jews have a personal anti-Semitic policy, Marcello Cam- estate are hereby notified that a pe- a period of fifty years thereafter. DAVID BLACKER, tition has been filed in said Court Th; affairs of this corporation shall "Interest in the fate of Czechoslo- paher, leading non-Jewish Italian alleging ing such articles to contribute to in the H. Fishgall home. A. A. PORTER, ' that said deceased died leav- be conducted by a board of directors SAM BEBER, vakia . . * Bernard M. Baruch, In Turkey, has lost his post as ing no last the Center is asked to get in will and praying for ad- of not less than two members, who Incorporators. : , • head of the Turkish, branch of the ouis D. Brandeis and Stephen S. touch with the office. ministration upon his estate, anci shall serve i;ntil the next annual 9-16-38-4t. Dr. Leon Galinsky, physician that a hearing 'will be had on saM meeting of the stockholders, or until at the Oakdale hospital, spent Wise are reliably reported to Italian Fascist party. LEIGH & . KRAJICEK, Attyl. petition before said court on the 22r.d their successors are elected and qual4803 So. 24th St. The Los Amlgos and A. W. R. Sunday in Sioux City with his have been, among those who Signor Campaner, a Command- day of October. 1S3S, and that if th»y ified. The directors shall elect s Clubs will assist in the sale ot parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman helped the late Thomas Masaryk er of the Crown of Italy, was head fail to appear at said Court on th? president. vice-president, secretary PROBATE NOTICE * create his fatherland . . . If you of'the Italian Fascists in Turkey said 22nd day of October, 19SS, ..t 9 and treasurer, and eny two offices Poppies for the War Veterans Galinsky. In the matter of the estate of Rose o'clock A. M. to contest said peti- may be hrld by one and the same Morris. :ook up Hitler in the Berlin teleDeceased. since his arrival here 17 years Saturday. the Court may ersnt the same person. The annual meeting- of the ihone directory you'll find only ago. He may also lose his position tion, Notice Is hereby given: grant administration of said stockholders shall be held on the secThat the creditors of said deceased ne listed, and It won't be Adolf, as general manager of the Adria- and estate to Eulalia Dyjjard or some ond Monday In January of each j'eai will Mrs. Arthur Brinri o£ Minnethe executor of nald e s t a t e iut his brother, Alois, who runs tica, the Lloyd Triestino and oth-other suitable person and proceed to at 10 o'clock A. M. in Omaha. Ne- beforemeet iplis^ -will be the guest speaker me, County .Tudg-e of Douglas a—naturally—popular restaurant er leading State transport con- a settlement thereof. braska. All or any portion of the County, Nebraska, et the County it the opening meeting of the ERYCE CRAWFORD, assets of the corporation may be Court Room, in said County, on the . » Strange to say, Alois doesn't cerns which he represented. Sioux City Chapter of the Natlon9-30-38—3T. ' County Judge. sold, at any regrilar or special meet- Elst day of November. 1938, and on At the Friday evening servlco ibject to circularizing Jews as poillCouncil of Jewish Women. The tonight. Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis ing of which ten days notice has the "1st day of January. 1989. at It was learned that ten days galtsjnaa ential customers . . . To-underneeting will he in the form of a will speak on "The Atlantic City BEBER. KLUTZNSCK & been Eiven. and ut which meeting n 9 o'clock A. 11., each dajr, for the ago, Signor Campaner introduced WEBB, KELLEY,, itand why Adolf Hitler is so bitmajority of the total outstanding? purpose of. presenting- their clalmn Attorney* The next regular meeting of tea, and is scheduled for WedDi Pepo, new envoy stock is'voted in favor of m.nkf;ie for examination, adjustment and a l the B'nai B'rith lodge will be er against President Benes of Ambassador nesday afternoon,. October 12, atConference." such a sale or disposition, notwilh.- lowance. Three months are allow**! to Turkey, to the Italian comNOTICE OF INCORPORATION Sunday evening, Succoth serv- Monday evening, October 10, at zechosloyakia you should know standinfe...that such sale or disposition for the creditors to present ih«lr 1:30 o'clock in th Warrior Hotel, ices ... : ' O F ' .1 . . ' - • ' - • i munity here, and during an adwill be held at 8 o'clock, and ;hat it was Benes who refused to ma;r make it impossible for this cor- claims, from the Elst day of October, OMAHA'POST , . i • Mrs. '• Brinn is a past national Rabbi Lewis will speak on a Suc- the Eagles Hall. dress the Ambassador praised the KNOW THE intervene when Otto Strasser, poration to further conduct its busi- 1S3S. ALL MEN • BY THESE president of the Council and hascoth theme. Italian Government's new racial PRESENT: ness and carry out the purposes for EKTCE CRAWFORD," A board meeting of the Senior Hitler's ally in the early days of policy. ; recently returned from an EuroAfter the ceremony, SigCounty Judge. That we. the undersigned, do here which it was organized. The Board 9-30-3S—ST. Nazism, found a refuge in Prague The Temple Sisterhood will pean trip. She will be introduced have their first fall meeting this Hadassah was held recently at the when he fell out with Adolf and nor Campaner privately pointed by associate ourselves together for home of the president, Mrs. Nathe purpose of forming; and becom| iy Mrs. A. H. Baron, chairman of afternoon, following a 1 o'clock than Gilinsky. The organization became the leader of the "Black out- to the Ambassador the inop- ing a corporation under the laws of i the • Council's committee on Con-luncheon. Mrs. Isabella Elliott, a will sponsor a series of book re- Front," which fought the Nazis portuneness of his speech since t>_e State of Nebraska, and for thst &-SQNSmajority of his audience com- purpose do hereby adopt the follow| temporary Jewish Affairs. state representative, will be the views by Rabbi David A. Gold- via the radio and the press for the ing Articles of Incorporation: prised Italian Jews. The AmbasS F: Mrs. Abe Epstein and Mrs. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS ears . . . Strasser's brother, stein of Omaha. sador reported the incident by ' The name of the corporation shaO iMorey Lipshutz will be in charge guest speaker. • Schrafff* ChocoSates * Muriel, Cuesta Ray The series will include some of Gregor, was one of those mur- cable to Rome, and Signor Cam- be; "THE OMAHA POST." The i i>f-> the tea table. Mrs. E., N. 0 dered in Hitler's 1934 blood purge said corporation shall be in the City the newest and most popular Canada Dry Ginger Ale and Harvester Clear* paner's dismissal followed. jsQrueskin will preside at tho of Omaha. Douglas County. Nebras. . • plays, the names and dates of • Faletaff Beer ka, but it shaU have authority to ijmeeting. which are to be announced later. HEARD HEBE conduct business anywftere in tha 315 So. 13th Street AT 4292]. Lord Farrer Eersehell, who world. The general. ns.ture of the Succoth services at Shaare Zion The Junior Hadassah will enThe September 26th Issue of represented England on the com-business to be- -transacted l>y this synagogue will begin Sunday eve- tertain on Sunday, October 16, at Father Coughlin's paper, Social ning at 6 o'clock. Cantor: Morris a membership tea, held in the ustice, had an article defending The Board of Directors of the Okun will chant the service. Mon- home of Mrs. Richard Gordon, taly's • campaign against the Jews, and intimating that other federation will hold a luncheon day morning the service will be- sponsor of the group. Miss Libby Grossman Is chair- countries ought to do likewise aeeting Tuesday noon, October gin at 8 o'clock. Services will be held Monday evening and Tuesman of the affair. The/same issue carried an article 11," in the West Hotel. day morning also. Rabbi RabinoGuest speaker will be . Mrs. by Philip Slomovitz, editor of the will speak at the morning David A... Goldstein of Omaha. Detroit Jewish Chronicle, blastif I^lans are being made for thewltz All girls of eligible age desir- ing the "Protocols of the Elders "Srganizatlon of a Youth Council, services. A succah has been erected at ing to join the Junior Hadassah of Zion," which are being repub! sponsored by the Center. The are cordially invited to attend lished in Social Justice . . . The I pouncil' is" the first attempt to the synagogue. moment war is declared In Eurthis tea. 3; Unite the entire Jewish communiope the United States Department '.-y-of young people into one well Deaths The next "regular meeting of of Justice will publish, the comI' srganized and co-ordinated group Junior Hadassah: will be Mon-plete membership roster of Ger.*.' hhat will enable them to work toMrs. Sippe Schwimmer the dayevening, October'10, at theman-American Bund, to put the i ?ether. A Council board will bs country on guard against possible Chief tain hotel. . !ofm6d, and will be composed of Funeral services for Mrs. Sippa saboteurs . . . The Bast Side Jouri' :he president and advisor of each Davidson Schwimmer were held • A regular meeting of the Agu-nal, a Los Angeles weekly edited T ?roup represented. The club re- at Mount Slnal Temple Sunday dus Achim lodge was held Thurs- by Al Waxman. a Jew. carried a i1 sorter of each group will be a afternoon, with Rabbi Theodore day, October 6, at the Eagles front page editorial on Septem-nember of the staff of the Coun- Lewis conducting the service. Hall. ber 15th, [opening Its columns to cil newspaper. Mrs. Schwimmer. died Friday In Nazis, Fascists and Ku Kluxers Organizations to be. represent- Des Moines. A Talmud Torah meeting- was . . . On the ground that business i sd on the Council will include the Mrs. SchwlmiAer is survived by held Monday evening at the syna- s business? . . . One of the big1 Jewish Art Theater, J u n i o r a daughter, Mrs\ Lucile White of gogue, -with Rabbi Ely Kahn as gest American factories of kosher products is owned by an English ) Hadassah, A. Z. A., Intermediate Des Moines, and a brother, Abe g u e s t . . . . . , " millionaire said to be closely Dramatic Club, Center Orchestra, Davidson of Sioux Cityi, Mrs. 5p)urum Club, A. W. R. CIUIJ, Schwimmer was a sister of Ben ..Sunday school and "Talmud Identified with pro-German Interlios Amigas, Debra, Senior Gir'.s and' Dave Davidson, founders-of Torah classes have organized ests . . , The directors of the sevthemselves into- a' group, with mth International Management if, Young Judea»-ifunlor Girls and Davidson Bros. Co. Jongress held at Washington last 3oys group of •^Young Judea. Born in Rusia in 1861, Mrs.Danny Kubby, president; Herbert week tried to prevent Robert L. JThe combined membership of Schwimmer came to Sioux City in Tepperman, vice-president; Naohese groups totals more than 1883. She married Leon Schwim- mi Pezzner, secretary, and Shir- Watt, secretary of the Massachusetts State Federation of Labor, * 200. The purpose of the Council mer and for a number of years ley Krause, treasurer. They have -also organized a from taking a whack at Fascism ; a ,to stimulate Jewish*- life in thelived in Sioux City, where Mr. tn a speech at the congress . ' :ommunity, and this Organization Schwimmer owned a grocery busi- self-discipline group; president of When submitted his speech Promises to produce gratifying ness. He died some time ago. which Is Stanley Krasne and he wasWatt asked to delete his attack Judge- Advocate is 'esults, according to the Center Mrs. Schwimmer had resided In Prosecuting on Fascism on the grounds that J -secutlves.'." Any other group? Sioux City until about a year ago. Jack Brown. It would offend the German and illgible for membership in the f Tho Emesel club met last Sun- Italian delegates . . . Watt re] jouncil are asked to communi- J u n i o r H a d a s s a h day afternoon at the home of Miss fused to be censored and had his • i&is with. Miss Merlin a t the say, and was warmly applauded Norma Seldin. Meeting Wednesday Renter. But the bosses of the congress had the last say, deleting The Junior Hadassah enterThe Junior Hadassah chapter The first Center dance of the Miss June Meyerson, re- all references to Watt's, blast ! leafloa will be held this Saturday will hold its first regular meet- tained signing president, at a surprise against Fascism from press rei tight, October .8, at the. Center. Ing Wednesday evening, October handkerchief on his speech . . . J o h n at the home leases i'ja,ter in the season, this project 12, in the Martin Hotel.. Miss of the Missesshower Matthew Sweeney is entitled to Libby and Betty some sort of medal as the only j <rttl be taken over by the Youth Dena Baron will - preside. Miss Dorothy Merlin and Miss Grossman on 'Monday, • Septem- gent who admitted to the Dies i Jouncil. The admission to tho ber -19. . •' Baron will attend the regional- ofthat he was a member ;rance-is 15.cents.. ••.'': Bingo furnlsHed the evening's Committee ficers' meeting of Hadassah this of the German-American Bund entertainment. the Communist Party at the I', T h e ' Intermediate Dramatic Sunday in Des Moines. After refreshments were served, and same time . . « 1'PlTib wijl-hold an open meeting a clever and original duet was LISTEN, NOW Mashe J. Rushall ,|olintroduce th'i club to the pubplayed and sung by the Misses ,im, this. Sunday afternoon at. 3 . Mashe J. Rushall, 89 years old, Florence and Esther Steinberg. •:>'clock. A one-act play will be "died Monday in the home of h'.s We don't know whether it was .^resented.-'Hearts-and Flowers.' daughter, Mrs. A. B. Friedman, , Mrs. David Cetron of Daven- the reaction to anti-Semitism t7he-cast-will,include Annie Kan- 1722 Jackson street. He was born port was a Yom Kippur guest at abroad, business depression at '!fsky,J :Barbara" Davis, W a l l y ia Petrograd, Russia, and' came the home of her parents.. home or just plain religion^. but "ijisdmarn; Ruth. KutcherandJor- to the United States 23 years synagogues • everywhere . w e r e The marriage ot Miss June filled to capacity during Rosh i n Ginsberg. Lois; Novitsky is ago, coming directly to Sioux . . . : . • Meyerson, -daughter. of Mr. andHashanah this year . . . We perJ r'asldent ,6t the club and will pte City. . . . . ,iiae. Readings will be given b5 Funeral services were held' at Mrs. Samuel Meyerson, to Wil-sonally know dozens of Jews who iJOrls Gnieskin and Betty \Baln Shaare Zion synagogue, Tuesday liam A. Rothstein of Kansas City, just couldn't buy a Beat for love j-:^a,wiU be served by the Hos-morning, with Rabbi H. R. Mo., will be solemnized' at her or money . . . The National Cohome October 9. ordinating Committee for Aid to ] itality Committee. Mrs. Morris Rabinowitz officiating. Mr. Rothstein is the eon ot Mr. Refugees i s publishing a news 1,v*elsberg is advisor of the group, •Surviving are three eons, E. Rushall of Scottsbluff, Neb.; S. M. and Mrs. Nathan Rothstein of St. sheet colled the N. C. C. Bulletin From, this paper we learn, V 'Miss Velma Beechen will head Rushall of Los Angeles and Harry Joseph, Mo. that as of June, 1938, only ,46 '-be' cast of" "The ' Bride Wore Rushall of Los Angeles; four Jewish communities in the U. S. fled," td be given by the Jewish daughters, Mrs. A. B. Friedman, had set up local machinery for CtXt Theater at an open meeting Mrs. I. Mirken of Sioux City, 0 Comprehensive covering of local, national and in3 handling refugees and their ad.)ptober 24. Others in the cast Mrs. L. TJroff and Mrs. H. Roder, justment . . .That of the 50 largf?Hl be Lillian Rlvin, Myron Hee- both of Los Angeles, ternational Jewish news of all est communities with a population er, Irvin Lunin and Arnold H» DTTCE'S JEWS • totalling 2,000,000, excluding ) iaron^ Giuseppe Bottal, Italian minis- New York, only 34 had "function(,' A. regular meetins of the group #ihtei»p¥sCat£ve editorial policr -whicH Keeps-theter of education,' must have, con- ing refugee aid committees . j-'lll be held Tuesday, October 11, siderable explaining;to do to his That 50 percent of the refugees - reader '-abreast of "the latest cEerelbprsicats In JewVjien plans will be completed for aged mother, who is a Jewess . . are> single, 25 percent have one i;;vreiner roast to be given at the Miss Lottie Feihberg, daughter Bottal nas the Job of "booting or more children, generally two , faelter House In Stone Park of Mr. and Mrs. H. Feinberg, and Jewish professors, teachers and . . . And that the average' emigre -Tiursday, October 13. Max Holdowsky, son of Mr. andstudents out of Italian universi- is between 25 and 40 years of age K Bliss Bernlce Galinsky was Mrs. J. Holdowsky of Brooklyn, ties and schools -solely because \ ' ."'#! Educational 'features-which broaden tKe Ease ©1 famed chairman of the program have chosen Sunday, October 9, they are Jews . . . Countess VolpI one of the dictators.of Italian soABOUT PEOPLE |. ammlttee'. Assisting her will bo as the date of their wedding. The ' • : - Jewish culture. " ' " " ' " The son of the late Harry A. borothy-London and Max Zellg- ceremony will take place in theciety, whose husband, Count Volpl, has just succeeded Edgardo Gluecksman, head of the Jewish home of the bride's parents, at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, in Morpurgo, a Jew, as president of Welfare Board for many years, ' # A childreaf-s page designed to stimulate JewisK j Registration for ' classes In the presence of the immediate Assicurazioni General!, one of was Bar Mitzvah last week . . . biggest insurance compan- Grover Whalen, president of the interest in the Jewry of the morrow. ] jading and writing English, and relatives. Rabbi H. R. Rabino- Italy's is also a Jewess . . . Even N. Y. World's Fair, is learning .VCitlzenBhip will be held>o witz will read the marriage lines. ies, vehement Fascists Hebrew in preparation for the Renter October 20, at 7:30 The bride will wear teal blue the most Italian Jews are not safe opening ceremonies of the Jew. ' • Local columns covering .sports, the Jewish calen^.'clock.' The classes will be spon- with black accessories. Her cor-among the attack , . . Dn David ish Palestine Pavilion at the Fair "brod by the Council of Jewish sage will be American Beauty from dar, roBgious? social^and fr&teraal doPrato, chief rabbi of Rome, who . . . There's a railroad station in • /omen-and the Center. Further roses. was decorated by Mussolini for Ontario Province, Canada, calfed ^formation on these classes may ings, and organisaticiiai activities. A wedding dinner will be winning the support of Egyptian Swastika, and- the station agen ; 3 .secured from Miss Merlin at served to the wedding party at Jews to Italy during the Ethlo Is a Jew by the name of Appe! '3e 'Center," or Mrs. F r a n k 12 o'clock, and open house for plan war, is now being bitterly . , . George Salomon, who was re© National columns by famed authors • • . in b'oth . Jpstein. • . friends and relatives will be held denounced by the Fascist press cently tendered a testimonial dinlu the Feinberg home at Jeffer- . . . Colonel Aldo Fedeschi, a Jew- ner upon the completion of 35 serious and light vein. % The Eplurum Club adopted its son between 3 and 6 o'clock. ish friend of Mussolini, with years as a reporter on the New , Dnstltution at "a recent meeting, Mr. Holdowsky and his bride whom II Duce studied and fought York Herald-Tribune,, ia a de"mold Baron is advisor of the will motor to New York-for their in the World War, has a lette? scendant of Haym Salomon . ' • In ®hortf a pm,per devoted to the ideals of Judaism" roup and Its officers are Harold wedding trip, and will make their from Benito assuring him that The British Museum has 56,fueskin, Morton Harrison, Ir- home in Sioux City upon their Italian Jews will not suffer from 000,0.00 which it plans to spend and Jewish progress. • . • . • Sa.-Ducoffe, Milton Mazie and return. the new racial policy . . . on an expedition to Iraq itf 1942 lorton Bain. The club meets 1 FOREIGN FLASHES to search for the Garden of Eden ieh Thursday at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Adeline Kaplan of WhitThe Jewish community o . . .Palestine Billiard Parlors is ing, Ind., departed Sunday for Frankfurt-am-Maln, which gav< the name of a Greek coffee house ' J The Center Orchestra, will bg Omaha, after visiting in Sioux Jewry the Rothschilds and the In New York . . . -When Arthur nder the direction of. Mr. Lar-City with relatives. Schlffs, and which waa once the Garfield Hays is not defending Friday night, Mrs. S. Levltan richest in Germany, has appealed victims of political persecution, •jn-of the city recreational projJ :t. JlehearsalB are held every entertained at a party In her to the Jews of Frankfurt to save he's serving, as counsel to the home honoring Miss Kaplan and the synagogue there from closing Dionne quintuplets . . New York's jaesday afternoon. ... / • Miss Lottie Feinberg. Bridge oc- . . .Since the Nazi regime came Yiddish Intelligentsia is whisperthe the evening hours. The Into power it has acquired con ing that Maurice Schwartz may - T&© Los Amigas'Club will meet cupied refreshment tables carried out the trol of hundreds of millions ol appear In an English-ltEgcago tho bome'j of Miss Clara Mlas Felnberg's colors of peach dollars worth of property belong- play on Broadway tbi3'year . . . ? vorkin. ' , : . . and brown. . • i ing to Jews who are now refugees Sam Feinstein, a taxi driver -who •Misa Miriam Barlsh was nostused to be a radio engineer, has Miss Kaplan will return to ner Sa to the Debra.Club Thursday home in Whiting, after i her visit . . . The latest scheme for solving Invented a device which will enthe problem of Jewish refugee 1 in Omaha. •••:•••• rehing. : • is mothered by a Mrs. Arthu able every bank.messenger to carof London, in a letter t ry his own burglar alarm . , . It's ' The Center; is interested In or- Mrs. A. I. Kay of Los' Angeles, Grenfell the London Times . . . She pro a jigger that turns on a siren' the ^nizing. a glee club, and asks formerly of Omaha, visited in the poses that every Jew in the work moment a thief tries to snatch 'iyone interested to get In touch A. I. Sacks home recently en be sold a British-Palestinian pass a, case containing valuables . . . Ith-the Center office. . , route from her home to New York p o r t ml, f r o m 510 to $50 a hcac (Copyright, 1938, by Sc%'cn Arts Feature Syndicate) Tho Center ia also Interested .City. Other guests at"the time . . . This passport, the lady sug-
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