October 14, 1938

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ONE ISHDAY EVENINGS 1 don't go often to temple but on my recent vacation In New York I wept one Friday evening ,to feaiah Temple in Kew. CardenB where my friend. Rabbi Solomon £!nter6d as'Setiond C&ss H&a Hotter en Jancary SI* -19SU a t OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FKIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1938 Postofflce. of*Omaha. Nehras&a* UJider the Act of March 2. 1S79 " Landman, ofliiiates. I felt I ought to go for I knew Rabbi Landman when he vrcs a .very.little boy in the brick bouse ASK ORGANIZATIONS on .June street In Cincinnati. One TO CLEAR DATES feels he ought to be deferential tD old sentiments. The little hoy The o'licers of all organizaof June street (he must be more tions o£ the city are crged to "than 40.by now) was a ra"bbi and clear the dates -for ejects ' I certainly must sentimentally go planned fcy their organizations ' to his temple. The schedule of services for school. The Consecration.cf rew vriih. the Jewish Cosunticity I. myself was a young man, bethe closing days of. Succoth has children of the Sabbath ""School Calendar fcy calling the Jewish 'ginning my career as. a reporter, been announced by all local syna- will -also take place. CommuEitT Center. Council Bluffs B'nai B'rith Beth £1 Auxiliary Sponsors •when Sol Landman was-playing The ceremony of handing the ogues. . 1 In this m£E35er, many confrom generation to genera•with my younger brother and sisLodge to Supervise Movie at Muse Sunday evening, October 16, Torah flicts -will be eliminated. tion will be observed at ths San. ter. . ft would be very nice, I Theater Maariv at the Vaad will tako The Jevrlsh CorEmsinity Cenevening service. . thought, in accord with all the place at G:15. The Vaad's sched- dayServices ter keeps a earelul record of Announce Midwest fitness of things, if thin Friday on Monday morning At a preliminary meeting held j The Yiddish-dialogue motion ule for Monday is: Schachrit at. will be?H at 11 o'clock. all fiates of events In the city. A., A. U. (night I went to the Isaiah Temple picture, las* Sunday morning, plans were i In "Green Fields" will be 8:30 a. m.; the Memorial service order to E,rcid. " iniE-EEder.and. sat at Sol.Landmarks feet as shown Tuesday .% Beth E l laid by a committee comprised of night. October 18* will take place at about 10 a. m.; and, cottiiEton,, 2t is Dr. M. C. Greec, preBklent o-, j One might say. . * t ^tag ths Beth El 25 of the Jewish business and st£.nding at the Muse Theater *:nder the Minchah at 5:30, and Maariv at strongly urged t o ' cleas- with the Mid-'West A. A. U. Atfcleiic j Besides, it .might be of some auspices professional men of Council HI observe Shenuni i\w: of the auxiliary of the ^ Center bciore ;-oe set elates committee, has announced good- to my immortal soul to go Beth El Synagogue. Proceeds 6:15. _, Jk'" 6" o'clock. KjJnfiay Blnffs, tor a drive for fnn£s for the for the * > eLf On Tuesday the Schachrit r to a Sabbath eve service. What from, the movie will go* to the ,,-s service win be held at agencies engaged in Jewish forFleas- car. ZA K f f . Zo~ '"ice a t the Vaad will be . v a long time had passed since last Synagogue building fund. eign relief. ,~n Ylzkor s t abotit 10:15. formation. 8:30 and Minchah at 5* I was. in a synagogrue on the SabNathan L. Nogg was selected Simch&s Torah will be observed "Green FieldB" was written by b a t h ! - I had reserved synagogue Before the Memof-' Monday evening a t 7. Members as chairman with Julius Rosenfor Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kip- the well-known Yiddish author, Monday, Rabbi Miiu ^ of the congregation are expected feld as co-chairman in charge of Peretz Hirschheln. I t is a story pur. On Rosh Hashanah and Yom stein will deliver his_r _^n atto bring their children to this initial gifts. Dr. J. M. Moskovitz Kippur I went to the synagogue of a pious young Talmudist, who the B'nai Israel Synago^^e. Can- service. Tuesday morning serv- will act as treasurer and Nathdecides one day to abandon the tor the children's -sate. . an E. Giliasky as secretary. A; Schwaczkin and the choir ices will begin at 9. huge tomes of. the Talmud and tor I t e l t I must keep up the syna- see will chant the service at the The meeting was addressed by what this world deally is. gogue, on those days as an examIsrael. Lou Platt of the Joint' Distribuhis wanderings he comes to B'nai ple for my sons. This is rather a In tion Committee who octlined the The traditional Hakofeth cereRussian peasant village where mony creditable to me and to all others dwell needs, not only of his own organwill be observed at the evetwo Jewish families, far who two days- of the year feel removed from Jewish contacts, ning service on Sunday at the ization, bnt also of the others to called upon for posterity's sake et longing for .them. The jrpnns Congregation B'nai Israel and on be included in the drive. It is to pnt aside their work; to stand Talmudist is welcomed with open- Monday evening at the Congreaplanned to raise a substantially before God. larger sura than last year, in ortion Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel. arms, but Boon finds himself in der to meet the ever increasing The So In good time I was on the midst of a feud between, the Children are Invited to particineed. subway to Kew Gardens, travel- the pate in this traditional observtwo families. The drive will start on or about ing miles to a Sabbath service. Film critics the country over ance. November 14th with an open Oh, I said to myself, you at your have Temple been generous in their meeting.under the auspices age catching up with the Sab-praise of the picture.- According An urgent plea for immediate A Succoth dinner -will be held International A.. Z. A. Daymass of the B'nai B'rith which has su- payment o* the June and Septembath! to the movie reviewer of the Sunday evening a t Temple Israel Program to Be Held pervised this work in the past. This is not to say that-1 a m . a "New York Postf> it was " T h e at 6 o'clock. Services will begin ber Quarte-lj ^nrlE-Ilcertfi v a s isAs has been the custom, cash sued ye£tc-£"y t : t t e Shabbos goy- \ ' o ! Yon should Best Jewish folk picture yet seen at 7:30. A pageant will be given At Center donations rather than future hear me in my house every Fri- in New York." P h i l a c t t r c r ° c r " i T TT** / --.^i——<-..* c — day evening. When all the fam- .There, will be two showings of by the children of the religious On Sunday, October 16, A. Z. A. pledges trill be solicited and it is is in res-poise to the new eme-hoped that full cooperation by chapters throughout the country ily has gathered about the table the picture Tuesday night, one at gency -whici has arisen as & rewill celebrate International A. Z. Council Bluffs Jewry •will enable sult of the E-i.i.E.ucn in d.ech.0I open the Union Prayer Book 7:30 and one at 9:30. Tickets are T-*>~-"E- - - - , „ . , <c the committee to reach the goal A. Day, the day «n which all and recite the very lovely Kid- fifty cents and may be gotten mce lr:: T^ . < " -'ie «v o ff t u Alephs re-dedicate themselves to to be announced a t the octset of dush service that is printed there. from members of the ticket-sell"This E.rrcE.1 is c"tE 1" s Fi_c- Z vf !_'-*> *sr l r ~ ?,. r the ideals and principles of A. the drive. But Sabbath service in the tem- ing committee. den incres-p** of relief e~T*€rcf - ! £T»r~ O" ~^r — * *~ - ^ T* ?•* Or Z. A. Dle always had been remote from B . A. Simon is. chairman. tcres ab-cad." ? ' - Zzzt: j - - - r my life and the grandeur of theof Mrs. Mother chapter I and Sam Bethe ticket committee and Mrs. cha'rraan ol the rev*3rr Tr r r services in Kew Gardens caused Heuben l>er, chapter 100, have planned Bordy is her co-chairthro^ies, incUcsted. me to wonder, How long Jias- this, an outstanding program t o be •- • ' . j retary has been mcvet <.e t£t. "A ne-w emergeMf has been going1 en? I had lived a l o n g man. given on Sunday at 2:30 a t the picture has complete EngMore, than one hnn-dred-thocsana City National Batik buii life-time an alien to 'this fine lishThe Jewish Community. At this time dialogue titles for the beneJews' o* Czechoslovakia now face cues should be ms.uecL.tc~ thai | thing of Jewish life. fit of those who do not under- Reception to Be Held onHarry B. Cohea, president of the destrcction. These J«VTE, who EfidresE. I e n t ' r i f i 1 T T ; C A ^ f i b B . ' P . r' P cni' t-i But it is not of myaelf that I stand Yiddish. B'nai B'rith, will present the A. ievrlsh Smmisrrtvtion,* vhf -•,"but 'yesterday enjoyed freerToro started t o write, though it is 2. A. Legion of Honor aTrards to November SI. Ball and comforts of life,- today are tees have been ns-tned br K».rry g r a m says. 7 ''T.hif. vxn.i,-. «.-'.• really a notable occasion when a Henry ilonsky, Saia Beber, Phil•without their homes facing virtu- "3. Cohen, -president of the Iocif;e: g"eai. ^fvvJK ,: coiifitvvicU.vr sw.:December 10 Jew is converted -to .the Sabbath. ip Klutznick, X. F . Goodman and al starvation. AEterics.Tiiss.tioE and Iffimua'ft-- prise RHC d r o n i mp«?- r,:~ .'• Not My subject is Mr.' Sol Xatz-« Dr. A. Greenberg-. These awards A very successful meeting of "The Joiat-Sistribiition -«©m-]**°£: EC ward Sh&ftc-E. chairman, List of Speakers enstein and his two scrolls of the the 'executive - committee of the are given for service to A. Z. A. xiittee/which'tfee Jewish Pfcil&u- R n f i Kusse! J. Eliimsr-ihal, T'ienry Law- What grandeur -ffas In Many OutstandingThe .main speaker of the day Women's Division of the Federattrtrpies. . Etar'poriE,' --new 'sees., s, G. Cha'.t, Pone/Id Brodkey t-v.c. short, stout Mr. Katienstein as he tion for Jewish Service was held will be J . Trultt Maxwell, direcPersonalities •with his son, each bearing a nsw and .£es,T-T -tssfe. It ircrt si tor of the local Y. M. C. A. Mr. on Friday, October 7, at the home Bcroll of the Law, marched down Maxwell has been active in youth • "An . -uausnal array of • out- OPCB ""Xn&1?£ i^"0v^c:^!^T! ?O? •. f-pp^A*r\p; \ t s ^ ? Sale-^ri-n; IkTiclmic!-".; r>r^s.c of Mrs. J . M. Rice, president of the center aisle to the altar of work. Rabbi Milton A. Kopsteln standing speakers will be present- more t b t a .x>ne fe«E-cred -thonsB.nc j • j ? " ? ^ ^ - ' ~S''- 1-eon FeliEB-s:; I-'ubthe Women's Division. Isaiah. Temple in Kew Gardens will deliver the Invocation and ed to the Jewish. Community -un- refngeesT w s o • lost..Ih^r.-homes !-i3i;5ty. Frolici, Plans for the new yea* were Jiiir»rcy- L. I.-eon, A. 'IZs.rkih rfejj v-"OU IiC¥.' «gi.'i that evening. '.''-. The athletic department of the approved by t h e commutes and benediction.. Irringr Nogg is -chair- der the auspices of t t e Center and' means cf..£si£teace.. .All .they man of the event. Mr. Katzenstein seemed" to Jewish Community- Center: will the'dates set. Forum, during the coming sss^ e cannot -E.HCIix-nst la-o-i. i£.L have come marching all the way open Its tall gym classes on Wed- The first event en. Koveraber This will ba an open, meeting Eon," states an announcement 5s- ifcscs starve.- Ijsm.ediate .ptyiacEtE p ' Mcrnbe-rjiii'r committee; I. Irom Sinai. nesday, October 19. Schedules 21 Sill he l a tba nature -sf-a re- Refreshments-are- to-be served:.-- -suesJ—by—KUton. R. Abrahams, of pledg-es will enable BB to sens •.nsty. ol ill & A. E. A. commit' chairman, of the Jewish Commun- the sorely neeSfed fasfis s.t onc£. I t was something for which t o win he printed "in-next week's la- ception: honoring t h e presidents ity Center committee. give sentimental tears and many suo of the JEWISH PRESS. Of all Jewish women's organisa" 1 E this dafe t c c r of e. nt-w did, though until this hour most - : The Jewish' Women's gym class tions of the city, t o which all woIncluded in this list are speak- tragedy,, of an unparalleled catas- Cl5fe.it. Eeusc of u s had looked at Torah with- will start on Tuesday, October 25. men in the community will be iners of note and fame, who will trophe t o r European Jewry, • I e.p- j r f e a FrsnKj ToeRtiona! OuiGaKef out any emotion at all. Our only at 9:45 a. m. This class began vited. . An interesting program bring to our city a group cf stim- peal to every subscriber to ser-u CoTcroUtee. association'with scrolls of" thelast "year and met with' tremen- will be presented.under the direculating and thought provoking in at once the atnocnts due. Ey Slembert of it<.& Sods.' Pe^iflc Law had been at the time of our; dous" success. Women interested tion .of Mrs. Arthur Cohn, chairaddresses. The list is cfcite Im- EOW, every subscriber cSsoulfi iisye committee r.T-e: I:>~. r h ' l ' n ' Rhermitxvahs or: confirmations when- iHTTeducing are" urged to-Jenron man of the committee- in. charge pressive. Such personalities as sent iE at least halt of the femouit :, .and Kabbi Frederick Pierre Van Passen, Meyer Levin pledged. •we; were allowed to carry them A meeting- .of. the.. TiBwlyrap 6f3arrangemeritB. Cahn, K&bbi Xilion A. Kowtein, and Baruch Braunsteia will.speak 1! from t h e altar to the- readink- pointed athletic-^ icommitteo will I a connection ^with. the proL.et no one eaj- that vre galled for the Erst time in this city. deai.-After that they had be-be held ok Wednesday, October gram, a souvenir booklet, conrespond to thslr cry for'feslp. come remote' things' that- seemed 19, a t 8 p. m. a t the Center. Les- taining a description of the ac- Autumn collections of the Jew- Among speakers who have been to An i EEeSiste r&ytnex-t of the to have nothing in particular to lie Burenrbad, chairman, will tivities of the Jewish'B organiza- ish National Fund boses will start here before are Maurice Sain-nel amouEts fine is your EfcRfe Sa'ttiF 46'with bUBy llvea. preside. All members have been tions in our community, will be on Sunday, October 23. A tea for and Marvin L.o-wentha.1. Other nonr cf g; or the Budget Government. speakers are still being cons'ifiThe scrolls in the arms of Mr. notified'of the meeting and are"prepared.. workers will be held on Friday, ered. nance COSTS i Katzenstein and his son seemed urged to attend. The second event wll be theOctober 21, at the Jewish Comto carry mist from Mt. Sinai, In addition to the speakers, ths Annual-Community ball set formunity Center. L I U <"" • '*f H l i '< < "*S ! P IL e o 1 1 ' A i r i l e £ i F l » i i J - ^ - ^ e l LhU?Center Forura will also include though i t may have been our December 10. This ball, which Mrs. I. Dans&y, vice-president two plays to be offered by the | " t e a n producing an "illusion of ll be the second one sponsored the J. N. P. council, Is general Center Players, two motion pic-1 m i s t Everybody knew the story by the Women's. Division, is ex-of of the collections. As- tures of timely interest, and at oL the two. Broils that-Mr..Katzpected to be the social event of chairman sisting are: Mrs. Reuben Bordy one concert featuring JewenttBin.and hisEon.-were bringthe-Jewish Community. The com-and Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz of Hadas- least The Rittial committee eot\r.it-;is llr. ing t o the altar. ; : mittee, headed by Mrs. Sam Wolf, Eah; Mrs. A. Scfawaczkin, MIz- ish music. oi: Ely'man Ehrier, T casirmat; Us.v11, ' I t was - after Rabbi Landman A new policy with regard to la now a t work on further details. rachl Women; Mrs. J. Fellinan, rj Cob.CE,- iif,r^'e " I»fiiji;.. J.pnn t a d concluded the Friday evening Feuwan, ..K"*OT-. Tro^-.m, Pr," Bpr" Regular committee r e p o r t s Pioneer "Women; Mrs. J. Rlehlin, admission to tne Forum series ;T -; r f, service that Mr. Katzenstein and were submitted by the respective Goldie ilyerson chsb, and Kalah will be in force this year. All To niEFtrete the ccsXivxAtr or S'rts-.fey RVS A'*rf»? .A. vipfij^. Center iaembers -will be entitled his son came marching down the chairmen. ' s , fvro cni^xie cereFranklin, Junior Hafisssah. to free admission to all programs monies• -win be observed £xxit.y m; !T'prf;f (S^'FF^r ' center aisle with the two scrolls. Delegates -from t h e --Omaha f-^-^'f^ra The collections last spring sponsored in the series. Family -When- they- had been deposited chapter of the Mizrachi Women's night at Temple Israel. m f c ^ ^ i : "t^f'-flpiy; lirTl'^ made under the direction of Mrs. members and Donor members will fen. the. reading, table aging- Mr.Organization-of America, national In t i e first .rerrescEtetlvenjf : f•"**'*•* **•»"*5 *- «*•"•*•• "if) v hn'f: M. F . Levenson amounted to receive two tickets each. . "Kitzenstein gave a. brief speech. orthodox women's—abdetyv will the t i r e s jreEeff.i'.Rne Ci-cne"=*TTi'- >- f^'fvfh^.f,^' f r ' f. C*>n?\T< nr^ $583.25. It is hoped this season's The price of tickets for son- ily will participiiJe i n t h e cere-| ">?"f.FtP*«1;v '&™ '-*hd t H irt* These scrolls, he said, were the participate in the. first Mid-West coUections^will exceed that sum. metnbers will be 13 for the entire t heritage from his forefathers in Regional Conference of t h e or. •' w-*^-.. «.«••« - ». t. series. It is expected that a large m o n y of b a n d i n g t h e Tor&fc ' ? O I E i Talfcenau, Germany. He had been ganization on November 13, 14, ::;k,t,,|f number of tickets will be dis-one generation to t o e other. Abe i Handball Tourney born in Falkenau and he knew in Chicago. t r hir- r-ravpp- rriii tributed In the community in view Goldstein £.sd Abe Eousberg, "rep- j these scrolls well from bis remote The Jewish Community Center The Omaha ^chapter-is being Opens on Thursday of tee excellence of thte entire resentstives of t h e oldest ffenerE-j «••»••«•>.-« <-* * • " • » « «••««•*. youth.,From one of them he had headed by Mrs. Aaron Katz, pres- announced that cooking classes OP" sC J.li.c f:::.n?.;.i.~i:-,. tion, will hand the Torsi; to XJeiiiE j. read mattir on the occasion of his ident, and .Mrs. Ben. Handler, sec- will be. conducted every Monday 'Play In the pre-season doubles program. Soniberg, who will in turn Eire-1 The- second yssr oi Use "Bon' The dates of the events will be fear mitzvah years and years ago.; retary. Other cities : which will evening a t 6 o'clock, under the handball will start on announced. In the nest Issue of it to his EOS, .Ks.rlDE.Soffiber£,JE-yreek" club iindeT the fti-rectir Mr. Katzenstein felt quite, over- send delegates include Cleveland; leadership of: an experienced in- Thursday,tournament October 20, at the The .of the .first trrc. , tc"'Es.bbl rYcficricl" Colm ODPP.S Jewish Press. come by this hallowed, memory Columhus, Toledo^ Detroit, Mil- structor.'. Jewish Community Center. EnConsecration cf tSe--«w<Ai?.-j-oa-"vrlfh-cne kcaered, forty pe:-and for a little while could not waukee, St.,l/ouls, St. Paul, I l i "This course Is planned particu- tries will- close on. Tuesday, Ocfiren of the Temple Isrsel Keligi-Ms, go on. neapolis, .Denver,. Los .Angeles, larly . for Jewish business , girls tober 18, at 8 p. in. There is ao Belg-arde (JTA) — If Ycge- ous school will -also' take place j sons • present. Tlie Book-p'-P'ep;; slavia's Jews continue to act asSunday evening. Tfes conseDrfe- Club is under the eijor who are Interested In receiving entry fee for pre-seasoa play. . This Torah had sustained his San Antonio, and.Seattle. loyally as they did in the crisis tion ceremoay BS'practiced by rHirt. instruction along these lines. fathers and guided them on .the ;Tn?,Tlt. p f AfinH Efincp.f.i.or. . way of their life in all the years, Menus and recipes will ba gone Competition will be held in both years o{ 1912 and 1918 they can form Jewry likevrise SIJCTB the tlie JVT' c-t Oms. Mr. Katzenstein continued. But over and.%explained. Each part classes A and B. No tournament fa_ce the future in this country eternity of the Torah. Aniong ha.-,. meets, in the University e. ?.r- l-i if. dreadful things had been happenof the menu will be assigned to games are to be played ©a Sun- •with "complete calmness,'' it -was the 16 to be consecrated are lit Lew rooniE ic tlir Bslrfi BnM;n£, 'An Pi., ti.. days before 1 p. in. No postponedeclared by George Janfeovie, lorparticipating members. Following- in Falienau in the recent Ere t i e ttirfi geseratiou of lar ctrer-l, ments or delays la playing will a e r Cabinet member and a leading the cooking class, a complete times, and Jewish life had been " ?s at the present tfme mem.-. The folio-wing communication meal will be served. Matters of be permitted; er of the Government party. torn out, though it had been as bers o" t h e Teicp3e. T s c j fiiscBssed • lyJc Tntanr'E received by the- 3EXVI3H nutrition and table etiquette will deep In Falkenau as the roots of •was Victor Gladstone, -Nathalis . . . 'Tile Importance of lairing.*' Thii? PRESS from the Executive Board Tile- GCV?^f7T-!^nH, T ^ r -1i::;^. be discussed. Strict attention will ancient oaks. Jacobs, Jiiarsy Ive—man, Bettyi morning fei 1C:"P li« ie11 revievwi plans i'oi- j'Uljliiv.iior, nf ;)K- .-. of the Washington School p . T. A. be paid to Jewish dietary laws. After .the hundreds of 'good Jahr and Marlon Sr.mberg. •-\"Av.i Tell or Tliri.?-" I " Laws "The Executive Board of the Those interested in Joining this years Jews of Falkenau had be-•Washington Two, Victor G1a£et6se BS£ Bet- j Krey.'• Neit. yr-eep.carlp.i--' pvfir.i'nir School. P. T. A. feels come wanderers again in the that it owes its Jewish.members class are requested to community J a i r , Ere of the focrti. sener-jet g'«r»clocfe,-Kabb? Cohn -vriv Cits, world until none was left In thean apology for,planning the card cate with the Jewish Community ation of their families to belong'cuss Thoraar- VPV^'B "The ^'otnold town, except the forefathers party on- the eve of their Atone- Center at once by calling Jackson to the Temple. . . - I ins TJctor- «£ I?fimccrE-r:." In their graves. But they had not ment day. Due to the failure to 1366. The other? w i o will be-con-1 Twenfr books .w5r. bf '•frlF-'F-ed An announcement of the first .forgotten the Torah as they made Temember,. secrated at this time are: Byron ciuriEg the coiatng r-psson. Jewish members were meeting of the class will be sent L*,an Cohen, Harlan Lin- ready to go; thla was their last absent on the occasion." Approximately 300 "persons at- said, ."it is necessary for every Brandt, to those registered for the course. coln, Iss.belle Xjevey, Elliot Eilpossession. Honorable position tended the first of the series of EnCifrKfipef "However the. P. -T. A. wishes There will be only a nominal had been lost, good lives. had person to absorb all tne facts as bar, Phyllis Solom-on, .Terry Spat- j been lost, wealth had been lost, to thank those who nevertheless charge connected with t h i s five lectures beins given by Mrs.complicated as they are to have zer, Dorothy RosoDsecfc, liBmelle I Ruth Neuhaus under the auspices as thorough an understanding as Feren Betty Lo-a Rosenstock &E£ | course. .but this Torah~ stood imperish- gave contributions." ol the Council of Jewish Women i SO •Q-eTsxi.n asifi Austrian refugees--,no Ptcns Iw. tAlci?;) plip-;;,; able. Tree of life, as it is called. -of the entire situation so Dsvia Rcttkop. Judaism was given legal recoglast Wednesday morning. Mrs. possible j hare heez. arrecteti by' the police -Righteousness was a corpse in that when the nest crisis conies Neuhaus is spealdng on current we will be able to act with inteli n ' a r£:I£ on-lioteia a n t boardsRf BtatKf Kp.i.it r*u-i3S!V}e;<;. ' , „ nize Germany but Torah stood in thenition in Portugal-in 18 6S. It had LS ALBERTS IK European conditions. on il;e grounfi ifcs.t tUoj-synagogue a t Falkenau, stood i n been under ban since 1497. ligence." PLAYHOUSE SKETCIH houses Using a large scale s a p as the •he.Ye iu~ persr,i.?Bica ie> reticle jr. in?, i t s opinion. Thp. -"' the hearts of Us people, a living Mrs. Neunaus was introduced" Magister Ehrenstein, .physician the Netberlsncis. end R~e Rot rei-rthing. Yes, the- Torah must go A cultural and dramatic club basis of her preliminary observaMiss Koss-lie Alberts has been Jsterec with ihe police. The;- -vil" with them in their •- wanderings, to Ivan III, was the first Jewish has been organized by the Inter- tions, Mrs. Neuhacs discussed the by Dr. Lyman Harris, professor appearing L^^IS • past -^"£©£1 IT. tins ; jf^ aspects of Europe cZ History at the University of and they took up the two scrolls. doctor i n , Moscow. national Worker's Order, Branch geographical Omana. Mrs. J. E. Conen, presi- series cf one-set plays. "To-Niztsl *.: esjiellc-f". vw. i.fee It was still' as in the old, old 126, under t h s direction of Ben and their part in Hitler's "March dent of the Council, was chair-! at 8:SO," t y Noel Ccwarfi, being times .when exiles had no-bread be everlasting memorials; Torah .Martin.' The Club has twenty to the E a s t " She pointed oat ; '<••'' paRR j».<-r-.'r.iev-v I ? f and their naked feet were cut-by will still-be standing when t&a members jasd" 13 rehearsing Sho- that Czechoslovakia was the piv&t n a n of the meeting. Proceeds given at the Cossinciiity Flsystones and cold • winds gnawed bones of the oppressors are dust lom Aleichem's. three-act play, of Europe and occupied a unique from these lectures are hsiv.q Miss Alberts has the leading their bones; but they.were faith that--the-wind carries. • "Zuselt and Zushpreit." The play economic situation, being able to turned over to role of Doris in the "piay entitled ifee W O J S C E ' E I>ivif.ion d t t!-e | ful to carry the Torah wheresoBut humble- Mr. Katzenstein will be presented in the near fu- produce" the . raw materials asd msn-Jewish refugees "FsisiEsd Oiit." £Le is £ & appears;! Tiir- noioiiii;.] .Si-,:-r : p; ; ever they went t o find a new and didn't tell everything: I t was he turs. AnyoEe'wishing to join the manufacture -them in the same Mrs. Nex;JisiiS Trill gire her ESS- i safe place for it in the world. end lecture of the series nest j proc'actjons an5. has hr.fi rrorep- l3S TKry fnp.t': t o pi^lr v.r <••'<' ">>.*>- j who had assisted many of the club has been asked to call Mr. area. ing. bectCinj; c r ?KTEiivn.v. ; c { Jews of Falkenau had come to Jews of Falkenau to find new- Martin at'Market 2S1S. Mrs. Nenhaus stressed the ne-"Wednesday morning. SJOEBI esperien.ee. America -with their two scrolls places In the world'and for that cessity of studying history from Single admissions to the lecAs-ycSe asvixig: -F.nyihin?-; i c f and had confided them to t h reason they had given the im- Lewis Charles Levin (b. Char- the habits and institutions of peo- tures are 50 cents. Eacn lectu.-e C.ocmc£o7E IT r i a h PhJIIips be pictefl t:? is askPii. 'ir o?1.*: [^ hands of Mr. Katzenstein. memorial scrolls to his hands. ple rather than from a series of leston 1808) was one of the is a unit in itself and previous •Levy is generally credited viife i o r c c , h a n d i r i i c o v e r o f i)R«r-i.;, Mr. Katzenstein was presenting : Mr. Katzensfein looked ageless founders of ths Native American e v e n t s . • • •• attendance is not necessary to the •fsiheriagr the law- for -'he aboli- I Use. Cf?»ter, ,TA. * r f ('. o r K ? s . i-j:sJ c o n t r o l of t h e po!!;*<-- 2.-> the' two scrolls of- Falkenau.:" to as he deposited the scrolls l a party. He was also active in the "The present crisis is of suca Eitderstanding of t i e . individual tion of barbarous corporal pus- i Isaiah Temple.of Kew-Gardeaazio Isaiah.-Temple's Ark-o£;the-Law. temperance' xaovesient» concern- to all." Sirs, t i s IS,*; I". 5. E S ' T . ' • talfes i s ths series.


Ml FOR -




Mew Cultural-Club



Page 2

tiyeh: campaign" gave a clear in- Weitz, who Incidentally has been topped the "Pontiac" boys with In provincial towns of Germany a nice 520 series followed close- and Poland the shops and homes dication of the state of affairs "dogging" quite a bit lately. ly by Backer Harry Smith, who of Jews are stoned, robbed and when, on orders of the nationalist burned. Their children are emacileaders, the entire Arab male popThe Empire Cleaners took two had a 499 series. ated by hunger." Morbid readulation, as one many appeared on out of three games from the the streets In the flowing head- Greenberg Fruit boys by very Nest week's schedule will pro- ing? Yes, but—it's truth. Th.s book shelf: dress of the desert, even Arab close margins. The Fruit boys vide lots of entertainment and government officials and judges got a handicap of 76 pins in the excitement, when the - two top "A GOLDEN TREASURY OF heeding the rebel order. teams, the State Coal and- Gas Co. JEWISH LITERATURE," by Leo second game and used this to very At this low ebb, it was hardly and: 'the * Clicquot-''Club 'Eskimos, W. Sdiwarz. surprising that the Palestine gov- good advantage in-winning their who are -tied, for 'first' .-place with The author of this one volume Stockholm (WKS) — A decree only game of the evening.by a ernment should have moved to eight wins .and . one loss, roll library has cause to be proud that which in effect excludes all Jewenlist the Jews more, strongly on 26-pin margin. • This match didn't against each ..other. Sponsor Dav° he can collect another volume of ish refugees from Sweden became its side. The amazing thing, have any outstanding bowling, but Frank of the Coal teara, who will Jewish literature after his initial operative last week. The decree looking back on the history of the were all steady Scores. The Em- make his debut nest week, OES contribution, "THE J E W I S H provides that any foreigner sus•J. • JERUSALEM. tlonal Home hampered by timid- other government institutions In last two and a half years of re- pires were topped, by Goodman ' . An event for -which, the Jews ity, inertia or hostility In the Ad- Arab communities,- which have bellion and the two decades of Pill with a 477-series and tho been practicing faithfully every CARAVAN," that widely praiged pected of not wishing to return to his native country may be rea Palestine. have hoped and ministration. Now, when they are lately been" the object "of attack, Arab opposition to the govern- Fruit men could only boast cf day for the past two weeks point- omnibus of Jewish stories cover- fused admission. ing for this match. ing some £5 centuries of writing. leaded 'for twenty years is.com- anxious over the future, policy of have closed. For instance, on the ment's very existence, is • that Harold Pollack's 448 series. The Kaiiaan Insurance team, "GOLDEN TREASURY" is a jg to pass In a new era of co- the English Government as they day after terrorists-raided Beth- greater steps to this end were not All such foreigners must obwho are tied with the Greenbrg careful selection of every type cf tain residential and labor perperatloa of the Government and have .not been since tfce day3 of lehem, the post offices In that taken long ago. The Kaiman Insurance team Fruit team with, three wins and writing which Israel has given to mits for Sweden, from the Swedlie Jewish Agency.' : : - the Passfield White Paper which town and ^In- nearby Beit • Jala finally came to life and took two sis .losses each, will break this tbe literature of the world since ish consulates in their countries iCopyrightd by Jewish Tele',. A radical change • in -.- Govern- threatened practically to extin- wer&closed-and. dismantled. out pf three .games. froth Moo graphic Agency, Inc.) deadlock when the" two teams the 20 century B. C. E. Humor- of origin. . . lh another*direction,'' the' ad• lent policy in the matter of se- guish Zionist progress in PalesLinsman's Wardrobe boys. Ab clash against each other. ous narrative; stories of every urity and suppression of Arab tine, they find a new friend on ministration,, after-"" long dallying Buenos Aires' (WNS) — As of Kaiman's boys.lost the first game, description, both long and short; j1 jrrorism, which, of course, Is the doorstep of the National with the problems-has apparently October 1st the Argentine is but came right back and took the poetry of a biblical nature and The Wardrobes will bowl taken strong, steps to end: the ter* Palestine's .most pressing prob- Home, bearing gifts. denying immigration visas to all last; two games.by good margins. modern verse; drama, essays, and rorists* use of .ihfi ..neighboring Work of Commission Jaa, •has'-been -evident; very repersons who cannots prove that They finished very strong with against the "Shrolly Goodman'.-," all find they French - mandated territory . ,-of - ' ' B y SAM ZWEIBACK which biographical material j "jntly. The" • Administration -" apare parents, children, wives, an 842 scratch game which is a Empire Cleaner t e a m The new policy appears to be Syria and Lebanon. 4 s a; base* of their place in this literary autoshould be a very close match, '; u^ears to. have definitely made up the work of High Commissionsr husbands or grandchildren of Argood indication of what the Insupplies, reinforcements : a • n • d biography of the Jewish people. after inspecting the handicaps. .s mind to treat the Jews as Its gentine citizens or of persons who Harold Alfred MacMlchael. It surance boys can do, if they setSTANDINGS OF TEAMS From the wide range of au- have lived in the Argentine for blends and allies collaborating began to be evident after the flyr operations. A strgw^Iq the wind, tle down and- bowl. Lee "Peepossibly, wasthe«'T6cent incluName of Team— W The final match of the evening . L. Pet. wee' Hurwich demonstrated his thors and poets represented in two years. ijitti- it for- restoration of peace Ing trp of Colonial Secretary MalTid order, and the; Arabs, a t least colm McDonald to -Palestine .in sion, 'in one of tho-'-official police State Coal & Coke Co...8 1 .880 prowess for the Insurance boys will pit' the Shrier Paint and this volume every taste can be bulletins, of an announcement of Glass boys -against the Smith Mo- satisfied to a greater or lesser ; x this respect, a3-a hostile and August; The sequence of event? . of "Arabs "smuggling a Clicquot Club Eskiinosf.S 1 .889 by rolling a 523 series which iin- tors, Inc., team which game in- degree. /rsbrderly element whose views Is now fairly clear. The High capture INVEST SAFELY, WISELY IN Shrier Paint & Glass—4 5 .444 cluded a 203 last game. He was ci<ienta.lly will have Leo Weitz large quantity • of,; French , gren'"re not to be consulted on secur- Commissioner threatened to reA must read. 4 5 .444 followed by "Backer" Abner Kaia statement/.Aearly "alined Empire Cleaners bowling against Brother "Doggie" _, jjy matters until they have first sign because he was being ham- ades, for the consumption' of the au- Kaiman Insurance Co—S G .333 man, who got sore and rolled a Weitz. The kibitzers are picking' *;en policed Into the paths of pered by. traditional ideas in tho thorities at DaniascusL To be The Wardrobe Eddie Cantor dubs himself: 3 6 .S3;; 478, which isn't bad at all, as Annuity, Endowment. Ufa - Syal and peaceful citizenship. Governments both at Jerusalem sure, on complaint of the French (iivenberg Fruit Co.—.S 0 .3U» they say back home. As usual "Doggie" over Leo. Papa Dionne — in slow motion. ,'-! The change in attitude and and London, from putting his consul, an amendment was pub- Smith Motors, Iric MARK LEON Eddie plans a revue to mark the 6 .333 Captain Paul Steinberg topped 3 Represents 21 Strong Com panAethods on the part of the Man-plans into operation, and' in the lished the next day to the effect day when he gives his last daughhis boys for the evening with a '•s—Every Type of Insuranoa ter away at the altar. Tentative datory administration has deval- conversations with Mr. McDonald that the grenades" were "of the nice 498 series followed closely and Bonds Written. The J. C. C. Bowling league by Sam "Heavy" Horwich, who title (subject to change without ued unheralded and, up to tho he won his point and received a French type." •' "' '•''•"' CALL AT 7667 or.WA 6180 ; bowlers and a large.number of had a 492. What's the reason notice): "Cantor's Happy Sons"resent time- almost unnoticed by tree hand. .-••-. .: «V ^ r — i - * ; ' 1' City Finance & Insurance Co. in-Law." fans' turned out Tuesday night to that the Wardrobes have been on "he public. There "has hardly '"•'• Will Restore. I?restige'. As A e first fruit otihe Governwatch the Jewish keglers. throw tje losing side three' weeks , een time for the fall exten$;ancl • -' By HASKELIi COHEX •. . ment-Agency cftpperatlpor * the*!© ;It Is- toq earljrj tp-[-6ay Whether the big black ball at the mapled, j Ignificaaee of the altemtion ~-lxi- ija3-been a notable increase in coi-the government's -new policy, will and were furnished with a resl straight seems to be the question ' oliey to be gauged, but some obr laboration of Britishtroops and extend .to action- favorable to the evening's entertainment, which among the bowling fraternity. arvers are arriving at the conCurrent comments of the day'swith the' Jewish securhy Jews in other fields than secur- included some really high class flctlon that it portends the most police Jewish scene of events in magaboth the long-established ity. The termination of the Pal- bowling. The boys were all fVrorable turn for the Jews in forces, zines, books and Jewish thought: In the final match of the evedefense" organization whlcn has estine-Syrian, trade treaty, long a decked out in their new silk bowlTiany years in the internal at- now The magazine, "PALESTINE * Where Omaha Shops with Confidence attained full recognition and thorn in ^the side of Jewish busi- Ing shirts, and the wives are al- ning, the green-shirted Clicquot £irs of the country. official sanction, and the new vol- ness, the permission to transfer ready kicking -because they have Club Eskimos stayed right on top REVIEW," a publication from j The historic roles of • the Brlt- unteer corps established, this unused, "capitalist": immigration of the heap with the. State Coal Jerusalem "housing." For the jh. Government and the Pales- summer to aid isolated small col- certificates totalling 600 to Ger- received notice- that they will and Gas Co. by taking all three first time a very broad surrey i ne Administration Vis-d^vis the onies. In contrjast witnvithe: cod- man refugees, ina'^obe signs of a have to be band laundered. games, from the Smith Motors of workers* housing conditions swish National Home*appear to cillatorjt policy;toward tfle.Arabs moire re'cepRyfe^ g^jeral attitude • Pontiac boys. The Smith boys was made in this census. Dat* ^ve been reversed. In the past in police matters practiced-as rewere- well on their way to victory in- regards to housing were supward Jewish ^vi§ttes. \ We take this opportunity to ex- in the last two games, but for plied by 55,505 families. Zionists, while they might not vs- cently as a few months ago,' the Ey«i It 13 likewise premature to pre1 "elve all they wanted in London, ungry Arab protests against for- dict the effect of this develop- tend a glad hand to our,new and some reason or other they seem now 7,162 families, or 10.9 per final sponsor, Mr. Al Shrier, of >^)Uld count on a certain measure mation of the volunteer corps and ment in suppressing terrorism. to run out of gas in the la t cent, still live in huts, while 'j i solid and- unswerving support the demands for disarmament of Up to the present it does not the Shrier Paint and Glas3 Co., frame, as it.was in the closing 10,162 families, or 15.1 per cent, who has adopted Leo Weltz's or- frame .that the Clicquots put on have private dwellings of their •Jiere, while .'they complained con- the Jews were brushed aside. seem to, have diminished. tinually that; in Jerusalem their One result can be discerned-— phans, and who came up to the the steam with a rush to win own. There has also been a striking a. restoration ; of the prestige of bowling alleys .to shake hand? their games by a scant margin.of •lans were all too often thwarted It will interest you to read-the '•Tid the development.of...the Na- Increase in the promptitude* scale both the-government and the. ..with each man who will cany his 15 . pins; The Eskimos wero and persistence of action by Brit- Jewish !Ageni£y. Emblem during the coming sea- topped by "Cupie" Abe Venger, housing problem of Palestine,.--'.In THE JEWISH SPECTATOR, ish forces against terrorist bands •• ; ': - -.: •• - who had a 547 series with a first ^ h e Agency had suffered a son. . ' "GERMANY SHOCKED ME," by following attacks on" Jews and game of 201, followed by CapWilliam E. Dodd, quote: "In Jewish colonies. In the' past few marked los'aX'of face a s a result, tain Abe Feldman, who had a of the hanging of Shlomo BenThe strong State' Coal and .Gas 49T series. "Dogie" Weitz again every German city today the Jew weeks, there has been hardly a is a dejenseless target of abuse. single instance of an attack on Josef early in the summer, and of team i e p t up their winning _ways several politipal reverses In past r With the new fall semester well Jews, even an unsuccessful one, by taking all three games from 'jjtider way, Alpha Theta .ot.Zeta which has not- brought a quick months. .Its leaders can now tho newly adopted Shrier Paint ^eth Tau is again-''showing its rush of British reinforcements to point to a position in the coun- and Glass boys, by comfortable -jadership in. theV.field>ofextrathe scene. This, too, is in con- cils and confidence of the govern-;jtnargins- In all three games. :Dave irricular. actiyitle&Wi^S; '.';•' ;v"". ;'.'- trast with the situation even re- fnent sucbj'igg they have not had; JFrank's coal men -who i a v e only ; \ Aost one game so fcfar, were topped I Leonard jsiuskini'.: former AH- ;C?ntly, when Jewish colonies fre- before." - •;*%% The government Itself is even a; fer their newly married man, Phil jate tacfcle from Omaha,; Central quently were-under-attack for 'igh school, although^, only; 'a many houra without tHe arrival greater.'gSti^er. Its stock had; Katzman, who had a.pretty threepphomore In university,, has seen of British help. (This was writ- sunk t o ; t^iS lowest point since] game series of 595, which includ/rvice Ih.bpth the,Nebraska:-Min- ten before the Tiberias massacre British' iTi||y In Palestine began, j ed a 229 first game. He was folI t a ' i m p b t ^ o e was demonstrated: Jowed by Captain Sam Zweiback 'pnota and^ Nebraska-Iowa' 'State ot October 2.—Ed.) 'jimes at'left ; guards and will un-r Moreover, the long-enforced, by the^ coMSnued terrorism; the; jwltha 482 series. The Shrier ' mbtedly" b'e awarded" U s ^major and to the Jews, agonizing, re- Arab pofptSace had practically] •fepys were topped by little Mendel uter In ioothalj &t;the-Jjnd of striction ot, the activities of their given Itfc ^atire allegiance a n d Simon, who had a 484 series, fol!JO seasonV--' ;^-;-f •':^::trr ?';?j~'r • defense forces,, who were vrilj .al- Obedience'HE3 the rebel "govern-! lowed closely-by.—Captain- Leo ; ment of the HUls." The "Kuf{j Ernest "VvTnttwifr: "wa^- recently lowed to use fireannB when act. Y N r - '. --cr jj>nored by; beln'g> ~.3ppQintQd'' a ual attacks' bggan,-' and wera .notj.Yell King" ©t, Nebraska ]nnlver- 'permittBd : to ; take the .'Initiative Ijty'g cheering se'ctlon. Ernie'has even wfcen.they were convinced a d cheers a t the university foot- raid was being organized, or susUl games for three years now, pected Arab individuals or groups J!d well. deserves his appoint- of hostile designs, .has been relaxed^ 'The result has been such i eat as head cheer leader. fEven the first year students reversals of the past.situation-as "at- Maoz' set\ve done quite well in the field .ther'.recent', incident ; •J activities. Edwin MiKfei^ias- tlanieint near " B£ilsan"r-.wiero. the~ .Jon appointed a fresfimaiivfoot^ se.ttlBr8 learned 'Of^a contemplat-, ,\11 manager, •.Melvfnr.^eWman eo^iittack, went out and ambushX W« pvt a set of new U. S. • c been working on-.the business ed the Arab band, killing ten and Royal Master Tires en your l,iff of the Awgwan,, campus hn- putting the rest to flight. car; wrap up your present ,or publication, James,, Lipsey fires end lock them *efe*y More Jewish Police 'ID been working oi* the editorial owcy—TJien The most sensational aspect of .iff of the same magazine, and 1 Jrvin Taxman has shown ability the government's new policy has • a reporter for i h e -Daily Ne- perhaps been So. :tha. Increase in. ^.skari. W - . -•*• Jewish • policeraDd^sntEernnmeraries '-•• and the j dlBarmamentr of , Recent announcements of ,ry appointments .and promo- ;Arab supernumeraries; and closOQS in the R. O. T. C.sbOw ing of-Arab pofice stations. Hun.." FI««e*s! 2 After yea'v* put ^mbers of Alpha Theta to be dreds of new Jewish constables Masters tiiroogh ttmlr p Wool SUSHI*! Ute active. Promoted - to the and supernumerary police (ghaffor 3 doys—ebm» Week C M * •nk of captain were -Ernest •flrs> were appointed at the beBouclaa? ginning' of • September. SimultanQ+t» n the verdict! inthroub and Howard' Kaplan,Crash Plush! eously," large numbers of Arab 'd Stanley Slosburg was pro-' ; ,oted to the rank of first-lieu-r ghaffira were disarmedi • • •: j nant. Announcements, bfr thoso' \ y ThefJews 'had.'ieen"^ convinced" i pointed to a second lieutenancy. •aff-jalq'ng that;?the-Aiab police Car! ^w6ro~txnreliablG.lEtnd.even in niany 'elude Irvin Sherman, -tli Bob Cohen, Lawrence cases -were in league T7ith the ter(. iedel. There is absolutely no cost or objhen, Samuel Davidson and rorists,' and that the Arab ghaf, Ple&ttfd iirs -wsra almost. completely unligation involved in this Royal ml Krasne. Boxy Coat* trustworthy. Now the government 'On "Wednesday, October .12, has apparently not only concurred Master FREE Trial Offer! All we Fitted Coata ipha Thet;a was proud to be host i i this view, but is acting accordask is that you give these amazTuxedo Coat* the active members of Sigma "ingly. The small conntry police ing new Royal Master'Tires a Belted Coats •lta Tau in an exchange dinner. :noats.;vmanned by Arabs had," it le evening was a grand suet thorough test oa your own car! - Btoefera $a& ^inlverBally agreed,, fallen ;to 'd a pleasant time was hafi-'byf R e m e m b e r — N O COST," N O OBClassic Buppl^stationB for the" terrorists, •&py Coats LIGATION, NO SALES TALK— 'Following the • Nebraska-Iowa who raided them continually, r>eep Roll Collar* _ite game last Saturday, Alpha stealing arms and ammunition ROYAL MASTERS SELL THEMSELVES! ietk gave, an informal tea for and usually meeting slight reSsrasrt Sleeves ,2 guests that stopped at the sistance, or none at all. Titulcreci Collars. •use. Due to its success, a simiThe government has been closKolcSs L&pels •• tea is to -be given- following ing these stations on a wholesale 2ry home game'. A standing in- scale. In the entire southern half atloa Is hereby given to all who of the country only two police jy come to Lincoln for the stations, Gaza and Hebron,' re^me to feel free to stop at the main .open, both with British" ,ta Beta Tan house. . staffs. Every Arab police pbst Electric coolrery is cheap! Now you can In the Nablns Jenin - Tulkarm r*rr-:-Wine, Laurel Green, } GIRL SCOUTS^ "terror triangle" has; been shut enjoy the many labor-saving, iim@-gsaving Ai;ti.rr-,n Rust, Teal Blue, down and many othera elsewhere. Grey, Oxford and Black. JTho Girl Scouts' will meet on At the time of writing, tho govadvantages of Modern Electric Cookery J nday, October 16, at 3 p.; m. ernment is considering disarming Visit our new Jarge i tho Jewish Community Center. Arab police throughout the "triand still stay within your family budget. plant and let us show IAH members are urged to at- angle." . , - • . - • you our new equipTho now electric ranges aro faster, better, Not only police Btatlons, but ment which is capable of retreading or remore economical and you will bs sure of I I to 17 capping any size car 14 to 20 delicious, nourishing food for your family. or truck tire. SS to 46 Your wora out tires Jv „ . [UPON NOVEMBER 8,1938 Electric cookery preserves the natural skillfully rebuilt urita I j A - a - J v.-,^•' • . * " -. . . . . • - — .new" lire' ''anti-skid With High Grade I. f Tho following amendment to tho Constitution of tfie Stalo of Nonutrition values and goocL iasio of good treads,. • adding thou' i'rcDka 'will ba submitted-to; tho electors .of this State for approv&l cs Ack-Low-L,ining» sands of safe, • .rejection a t the general election to bo held November 8,1938: , . > v foods! Let your dealer explain how little it ical niles. 3e ii Unacted by tho Peopto of tho State of Nebraska!. costs to cook with your step-down electric , "! Section 1. That Section 1, Articlo XH, Consatation of .1KB Sfctfa C2 !v. „ *• " Neljrasksis hereby; repealed. •..-.•


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1 See. 2. That a t t&o general electfoa In Novcmbs?, 1SS3, thsro ohall *:s submitted to tho electors of the State of Nebraska for their approval 5? rejection the foregoing proposed repeal of Section .7, Articlo XU, Coni!± i - -'—of Nebraska in tho follofrinsformi ' ' . 1 ^ O E repeal of SeetTon % 'Article XII, Conatitutioa of Neb'rasfes, isins individaal liability of stociholdera in banking corporations or bankIns institutions", a n d ' -



. . • -•

i "°AQAINST repeal of Section 1, 'Article XII, Constitution of Nepraska, fixing individual liability of etockholdera in banking corporationa >r fcjin^ng in3titaM?PJ'r" *-'.~'~"y \HARRY R. SWANSON, Secretary of Stated.'


Holds YQIW Coat Deferred Payments Mar Be Arranged! TlOOT





The Munich Pact €W§ By William , War has been averted at the price of the partition of Czech* afelovaida. Bat what of the fatore?'-How will, the Manicb Itwtr-power pact affect the Jevrs of Europe? Are the Jewlsh communities in Southeastern Europe doomed to share the fate of Austrian Jewry? Can Czech Jewry escape the long arm of Nazism? Sir. ZuJcermon answers these questions in this ^ober analysis.— THE EDITOR.1

pected to be the fate

of the Will Open Ethiopia to Limited Jewish linmi.-. ; , .-'gration

Czechoslovak. Jews? What of Refugees And what ; l s to become of the scores of thousands of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany when this little island of refuge also is over-run by Fascism? .\x present' Czechoslovakia is the only countryjin Eastern and Cehtral EuropeWhere Jews, whether from Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary cr Rumania t - flee from-concentration camp and torture for at least a few weeks or Although a world war has been months until they manage to find averted, the events of the last a more permanent home sometifc^o- weeks already have changred where overseas. The Jzechoslothe map and aspect of Europe so vakian government has always radically as to make its future been most liberal in Its treatment entirely different from what it of the refugees. That little conn•was a few weeks ago. The time try alone has more Jewish refulias not yet come for summing gees than all others in Europe exup and for taking stock, but cept France.' . ' . - . ' ' - • ... enough has already accumulated Everywhere else from the Balt o m a k e people ponder about the fate of Europe now that the crisis tic t o the Black Sea, refngees are not permitted even to/ cross the is over. • . frontier,. still less to > remain for . War or no war. history has any length of time. "With this litbeen written i n Europe, and in tle country swept aWay, or put handwriting so large that it is under the heel of Hitler, the ponot possible to mistake the mean- sition of the thousands -of the ing. Even though the cataclysm present and.future Jewish refudid not come off, we are facing gees becomes positively desan entirely different Europe from perate. • ••'•_. - •.-.-.", the one we know. The fates of this does not' yet exhaust so many nations and countries theAnd whole Jewish tragedy resultnave already been changed, and ing from the present crisis. Now these changes will have a pro- that Hitler's have been found effect on the . immediate granted, not"demands only. Sudeteniaud life of the world. (and, perhaps ultimately what r e More than all other people, mains of Czechoslovakia) falls even than the Czechs themselves, under the aegis of Nazi-Germany have the Jews in Europe been af- and will have to 'do its will, but fected. Already the lives of scores the same would be the case with of thousands of Jews have been pratically all the other countries uprooted and the lives of hun- of Eastern and South-Eeastern dreds of thousands more are in Eurppe (except Soviet Hussia): the shadow of still greater Already" Poland and Hungary - changes, i t is not too early, there- are rushing Into t h e a r m s of Hitfore, to attempt to sum tip how ler, paying allegiance to him and the events of Berehtesgaden, ready to do his bidding. Germany Godesberg and Munich have af- having succeeded in carrying fected the Jews; -what has al- through its coup in Czechoslo^ ready been changed and -what vakia. how long will it be before

may be expected to change yet. Rumania, Jugo-Slavia and all the In short, it is not too early, especially for us, to loot back and see what havoc the mere threat Of the European storm of the last few weeks has wrought in our camp. Ifot Encouraging the reader be warned; the sight is not an encouraging one. Even an observer who is prone to look habitually at the brighter Bide of -Jewish,life, cannot help being appalled at the Jewish scene at the present moment. Already European Jewry has sustained another blow . almost as

great, as that of the Austrian Anschluss, if not greater. The future Is darker stllL But it would serve mo usefnl purpose to avert our eyes from "the- misfortunes which fate seems to have in store lor .us. Tragic as the scene may be, we muBt face it and know what to expect next. : Tho first, but by far not • the worst, blow which European Jewry has already sustained is .the• uprooting and the .practical annihilation of the .Jewish community in the Sudetenland. Between thirty and forty thousand Jews are .affected; in fact they have already been stricken down. As many as thirty thousand Jews from the Sudeten area have already left their Tiomes; and fled to Czechoslovakia for their lives. Jewish communities which in some cases go back hundreds of years, into history have already been torn up by their roots; Jewish property, accumulated'by gen* erations Is in ruins, and its owners, well-to-do people, are now lying ' homeless and roofless in Czechoslovakian barracks or un-der open skies, kept alive by free kitchens of the Czechoslovakian Jewish communities. Even without a war, the Jewish com -lunity in Sudeten Germany is already i i rules beyond retrieve.

Balkan states fall into the -German orbit and follow the Nazi footsteps? And in what Tsray can a eoantry now express its allegiance to,

and agreement with Germany better than by the adoption -of an anti-Jewish state policy? Even so powerful a state as Italy was obliged to adopt racialism as a means of pleasing Germany and demonstrating to the world its unanimity with Nazism.- Certainly the smaller states which will Beek the favor of the now powerful mler of.Europe will have to follow suit. One can already envisage the states of Eastern and Central Europe one after the other falling , in line with the Nazi racial'policy and starting a race in anti-Jewish measures and persecution. One trembles to loo1- into the future, which unfolds, itself before the mind's eye -Rrith Nazi Germany ruler of Central Europe and of the European Continent. The mind reels at the mere thought of it. The future of Europe as a whole i a s never been darker than it'is at present, but the ifuture of the Jews in Europe is darkest of all. (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)

$20,000 Textbook Sales Cincinnati. - (JTA)—Although a tardy New Year usually means delay in religious school openih? and keeps early sales low, it said at the Union ot American Congregations this ' week that September sales of textbooks la^t month totalled over $20,000, the highest point in the history of tr.e Union. '

Rome (WNS) — Decrees excludingg Jews from the Fascist Pt Party and the armed forces both in peace and war, forbidding them t o e w n more han 50 hactares (123.5 acres) of land or owning or 'managing business employing more than 100. persons and from marrying non-Jews and also opening up certain zones of Ethiopia to Jewish immigration from all countries 4of Europe conditioned on "the attitude that Hebrewism assumes toward Fascist Italy" were announces by the -talian Fascist Grand Council afU. S. WARNS ITALY

Rome (WNS) — A blunt warning that the United States would not tolerate discrimination against the 200 American Jews resident in Italy was conveyed to Foreign Minister : Ciano by United States Ambassador * William Phillips in a lengthy conference just before the Fascist Grand Council met to adopt new anti-Jewish laws. The American envoy Informed Count Ciano that any discrimination against American Jewish citizens might jeopardize the status of Italian citizens living In the United States. ter an all-night session devoted almost entirely to the Jewish

ir 'condition that are to be apilied to'Jews e c y t s annulled or .ggravated according to the attlude 'that Hebrewism assumes oward Fasci t Italy." ' 'Stressing that the Jewish qcesoa was but one phase of the racial problem created' by the onquest of Ethiopia, the Grand louceil adopted the following efisltioas of the term "Jew:" First,, he who belongs to the ewish- race both of whose ps.rfsvare'.J-ewfc**; '"Second., he is esarded as. belonging- tot the ewish race who was bora" of a ewish father and:a Tore!gn mother"; "Third, he is regarded as belonging to the Jewish race who though bom of raised marriage rofesses the Jewish religion"; Fourth, he is n<it regarded as elonglng to the Jewish race who ras born of a , mixed marriage rfd professss a religion other :han 'Jewish oa October 1, 193S."

lacking In verve among the lig- th« tort-op winning ticket, the uids was fflore than compensation wrestling match, the steeplechase. for la the glorious music em&n- Con Conrad, well-known songa'ting froin the^T-piecs orchestra writer, passed away this vt'teek. Wrote "Margie," "The Continenand Mr. Heifeta1 how. . Great clonds cf • gtslSea - tosae, • rich,'7 vi- tal," and other hits. Fritz Kortmer collaborates -with Dorothy brant, filled the -sound «tase with throbbing, aelody." (It o-agit' r to, Thompsoa ca. the sati-Nasi play, thinks Goidwyn . . . it's sickiag Spell Tocr KE3ue." George GerE left aa csts-te of $S41,O0C, .the budget at the .rate c£ $5,$0.0 a day.) Suddenly ..Cesauctor- Al Newraan taps' his batoa^ .'^ .".tis® is ransiciass stop . . . birt .the snssis rares visit brother continues;!. It ..was.-just-'a play~bs.cY. from- the souEd'-bcs. "The ICifi-certcr off aisle E sat two p Biniply an -op-tic&l -lUsiaa for? the 's&iiig taeiasJes" oblivious to evg cscept th© romance uncamera to Ey&chro£lze ' with " the ris: ca the screen. Came the already-, recorded soand. Hease,

between The EIESIO is all recorded before-

talians and persons belongi -g to he Semitic and other non-Aryan eoj>les; (2) forbid marriages be:ween Italian men. both civilian nd military, in the employ of he state and public organisations md foreign women; (3) forbid ll marriages between Italian men and women and foreigners, ven if Aryans, except with the onsent of the ministry of interal, affairs; (4) strengthening of measures against any one who erforms any act that might lnnre the prestige of the-Italian •eople in" territories of the Em>ire. This latter point Is believed o' be aimed at intermarriage between Italians and natives ia.the Italian colonies. The Grand Council also .anounced that the government would rigorously prevent all efforts .to compel the Jews to change their religion, would not alter the right of the Jews to arship according' to their rellgon; nor to continue the activities f ..their communities and would establish special high schools, :in ddition to eleiseatary schools, or Jewish students excluded m the regular schools. At the ;ame time .1t was semi-officially naoucced that the recent raeiel easus of • Jews had disclosed a ewish population of approximately 75,000.

question. Additional decrees limiting the activities of Jews in law, engineering and. medicine will be made public later, it was 'announced. • ' ' Exemptions . The Grand Council exempted from these decrees the following seven categories of Jews: 1— Families of men who lo^t their lives in the four wars fought by Italy in. the present century, namely, the World War. Libyan, Ethiopian and Spanish; 2— Families of men who volunteered for service in these four wars; 3— Families of men who received the Military Cross.in these four wars; 4—Families of men who lost their lives for the Fascist cause; By HELEN ZZGBKGKD 5-—Families of men who were mutilated, invalided or wounded Hollj-wood — To hear Jascha for the Fascist cause; 6—-Families cf men who were member of Heifetz record symphoaic numthe Fascist Party in 1919, 1920, bers for his tune film, "Reckless ge,". Goldwyn invited the press 1921, 1922 and in the second half of 1924, and families of Fi- :o a tea . . . and we mean. TEA. ume Legionnaires; 7—Families t iras amusing to watch sorae of

j ghetto in New York or r f " ^ -F. AI'-P- r-'if ' ' v r r - lie c . ^ i . , < .< o\p- I f f — r -— - r ' ' ' _ _ _

repealed I " ' f t c i ' c ; « ° . f problem v ^ r 1-r ~ ' "" - ^ • "L i ed S t a t e s r ' ' - -__---prosecuiior. " v . ' t ' d i c t m e n t fo~ f " t~T"^c,


, _ , » J

„ .

, , .

' •. .

the orchestra pi ays silently. OEIT Jafi@-ci2t kiss cue minute by Mr. Heifetz follows tSe sosiud track lays' Biop-watcfi), Mrs. Goldberg with Ms fiddle, 'perfectly retrac- ccSgeu Jins. Kce. "liiEt like mine ing his ovrn vrcrk.. All .tils tosal Tacfee!,'" £ i s beamed.

beauty vrill be ca.nsed sad EtcreS •until December trhen tfie actBai fllnriEg. of the story will b e ^ a . • j' .. Regulations • Heifetz" contract ' s t ipaiates The new marriage regulations that he -worts 'as a-violinist, act ntended to safeguard the. racial as an actor. Hence, ha vill--.&ot urity of the Italian people for- be an integral part of tlie plot.

id' (1) all marriages

was tWo-fold, consisting of propaganda activities and espionage in the Army and Nary The r^eeident said both pctn-itlPF rfr*<" greatly increased ;r xhe l r "f years. In >I.e cc-. ^r cT 1 *i T1 m&rks OE r "; ' r ' r- .

hand, and a a y then be cat iato the picture as desired. So stirring was Hsxry patristic sddrss3. to t i e . Legioanaires that it has been' printed, in the Congressional Kecord a t ; the regcest cf CosgresEjaan Berah&rgt Warners ield opeiihotiEg'for the "dough boys*' and are nvvr eajoying the rebocad — aa £ of good trill.


1r r

New Torlc no chances cr1 'f their prope-t- .r Hitler taker, c e


family of r f . ' t


w i t h a S i r r or r •<> <• boiiiid for C~^ c-r^r — bope t o bi.i t -o.-c_ i 2^

Admitting that he is concerned ver the activities o£ foreign spies and pr©ps.g£33fiists in the United States, President Roosevelt told wEpepersses tiEt lie is Etn&jg rnss,ms o? combEting them. Tfee PreEieeat said these activiies represented a national probera s a d indicated plans were under' -way to aet up a special agen. Once upon &. tine before Kolly-1 y to deal with it. He declared that t h e problem •vrood- beesxae a "Big • E'jslnesB, visitors -srere ' actually vrelcoiaefi. to the lots. Carl Laennnle, 3r., had bleachers ballt facing: a. roofless stage. Here, for t-wenty-fiva



A E ' '— '•-•r"i-


r~i~- t :


his wife ar-" ' u f - r "r f- —r f E brother, " F I r-^ 1 ^ M I . three chile'-er "1 ? , r' P r r-ri -. a graic el»T i c— -pr c i f ; r . farms outside iJanzi^. ^ K. i >?^ fa.*. Sl.OOC.OOC, v Lid J'E* fr LC. I>

less than hs.If t t e • u ' u They decided P^'ITIP" rrrns-ining- -In New York because "we don't want to enlarge the Jewish

cents a seat, tourists could" watch their favorite stars at Trori. And they came' in droves.

. 7 r •—


fnUMi ft*

Michael Curtis competes 'With Sammy G. asd Masie R. for =th»


Hkfcay e*«f.

crown. Directing' &


grocp of extras, lie • shouted, "Why' a r e y e a lello-r t d l around, in :fc-uadles?"

Pad'Lukss tras .bora a,

ii»oher . . . xaitil i e converted to Catholicism. v S»S»» •was true of Victor Varconi and Director Siiehael Curtis, -whose real name u-as Mikselia'KerteBl.

In Hungary converEion vrsx S

uncoBinion Eracng ' iFewB. M turned to It as t i e cpea door to higher edBcatioa sad career*,, Joan Blondell'8 - c o a . comedian.yet already. Oae-d»y h» coased his isotijer into being "•!lo-c-ed to visit the EtafiIo..An Went \reil. Korcile's niaEaers > war* faultless. In the coisniiss&ry h* maa&ged ' his food IiUe - a mam. Carae the dessert course. **Wonld you like jello or ice c r e i m t " t i e prosfl 'X

th© meabers of the fourth esof persons who, in the opinion of tate who were^ so Eon-plussed at Exit the xs a special commission to be ap-

cliill t • pointed, have deserved well of t i e literal appearance lo t i e leverage,, they Bseiasd • u a d d the nation or of the Fascist parg •'Str&Jglit ty. Jews in these categories, how- whether to use it &s a haaflPlace, aad Show'* is tS.Eir best'to . a. gargle. . ever are not exempt from the law However, what may have been date. Rib-ticklers: ;the ee&rcl& l o r excluding Jews from teaching in

all Italian schools and universities, in confirming' this law, the Grand Council banned textbooks by 114 Jewish authors.

Other qualifications on the enforcement of the anti-Jewish laws provided that foreign Jews over 65 years of age and foreign Jews married to Italian Aryans prior to. October 1, 1928 are not subject to the law providing for the expulsion of foreign Jews and Jews'naturalized since 1919, and that Jews dismissed from government Berrice are entitled to their pension rights. . With regard to Ethiopia, the Ground Council declared -as follows: "The Grand Council ot Fascism does not exclude the possibility of conceding, also for the purpose of deflecting Jewish immigration from Palestine, a. controlled immigration of European Jews in some zones of Ethiopia. This eventual condition and oth-

Isr - FesHsa --Sseazflr *eod Tut Integrity > ffl'a'supsrb' cdlscffon ofRir.Coat : : i k fine * ever shown . . .

A still bigger tragedy, because many more Jews are Involved, Is that of the Czechoslovak community. That community now counis nearly four hundred thousand Jews, mostly old inhabitants of

the country, but also an appreciable number of refugees from Germany and Austria. Czechoslbvakia has, from its foundation to the present day, been one of the most democratic countries in Europe..-. JewB have always enjoyed their edual rights wtih other citizens, and they felt at home there no less than Jews do in the United States or In Great Britain. If, as seems certain now, the,country will at best become a vassal state ot Uazi Germany, dependent upon the Trill of Hitler, what can be ex-

fjotr. wiilo fcxzperstoes ero tisdoials, UiUa thougil 13 eivea to &s> tare daya.lo- cents. Eol yotu boss o a a bo hscicd circa xsss&s osi cJ twelva! Il's 'ImpeitsBl Csct yen bo prepcred isr. thcis esrea BO&Shs^ei cold vroa&sr. . ' • ' Tho nesii! Econessy fansass: hss bosa'-'dsslgaod lax your fcesSng ioSiat yea bsia-ceel, gas

c? eiL Fez less essl Shea rss pribably fcstlnsto, you c c s iseyo fcsd ten fho KesbSS: Eessosiy. Fs> nseo ior'«BCi9 lisa a qssorsSsa.' Tbisk now ebocl aszl wiaSst—rcsx .

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98-95 to

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.SIver cli Mmm—Stesml




during those first days of the Nazi occuation were repudiated and contempt and insults of the dictators? Democracy must dictate, even if it has to employ force. Force, however regretby the Vatican. Fear was expressed that Cardinal Innitzer would secede table, is justifiable in some instances. Judaism at least does from the authority of Rome and create a national Catholic not believe in noa-resistance. The Old Testament spirit is not fcVbRV FRIDAY A t OMAHA. NCIBRAQKA, CV TJiEJ JEWISH PRESS PUBLISH1MU COMPANY church of Austria, one less defiant to the Nazis authority. At one of revenge but it believes that wrong must be mightily rethe time of the plebiscite, rather than keeping a discreet si- sisted with a view to its complete destruction. "Remove evil ono lence, he urged his followers to vote yes, to approve the ansch- from thy midst" says the realistic and rigliteousness-ioving ADVERTISING RATCG FURNISHED O.*J APPLICATION Deuteronomy. Right must be made mighty that it may domluss and by doing so approve the Nazi principles. EDITORIAL OFFIOE! 603 BRANDEI3 THEATEH BUILDING QIOUX CITV OPFICE—JEWIOH COMMUNITY CENTER The prelates of Germany might have told him there was inate particularly over heinous wrong,- and flourish in the PRINT SHOP ADORESS-45M SO. E4TH OTRBET earth. Right "ueber Alles"! BWiCKHR • • • Buolnes and Blanagtos Editor no,coming to terms'with the Nazis. Those same Catholic pre-> David Lloyd George, whose ability and practical statesAQKBRfilAN • • o > • • ' , Editor lates have made effort after effort to reconcile themselves to manship have been tested in a crucial hour, in -which he led his NATHAN, p . o . Associate Bditoi their fate, but finally were forced last week to admit that the FREDERICK COHN . • - . • Contrtljutlos Editor final effort to placate Hitler had been made. Henceforth there own nation end the allies in a World War to victory, has also BI THEODORE! N. LEWIS • * • • Book Edltot would be no- further attempts at compromise. said in his indignant eotnent on recent happenings, "You can• • • • Blons <HtT. Iowa. Correspondent not vanquish tyranny with bleating and blather." Gradually the light dawned on Cardinal Innitzer. His Let us have done with saddling all our present political schools were closed, his priests treated to the inside of concenie F r a t s of Miinfdi -• • ,' •• evils upon the 'iniquity' of .the Versailles Treaty. Let us put tration camps. As he arose to celebrate mass in the Cathedral them squarely -where they belong—upon the shoulders of Herr Germany is gathering the fruits of Munich. The gentle- mob outside howled that he be given to them so they might Hitler, chief mischief-maker and Enemy No. 1 of the whole who were wined and dined at the table of Herr Hitler and lynch him, he the ranking prelate of a country whose rulers found themselves stuck with the dinner cheek may nowhad only until recently been the staunchest adherents of Rome. world*. aijook upon the fruits of their laboiS—but hardly with satis- • Frederick Cohn. In his bouse arrest, Cardinal Innitzer now has opportunity faction. io think over his fate. Not even in the days of the anti-cleri%•• Since the madness called Fascism has come upon a terror- cal Socialists has Vienna been the scene of such religious conifaeset world, CzechO'SIovakia has been pointed to as the island flict. .. " "!>£ Central Europe, an island'of democracy.- Today this island The martyrdom of religion continues. No longer is it re$3 rapidly being swallowed by the sea. Betrayed by her sister ligion persecuting religion. At this late date a brotherhood is By DS> SHEODOEB N. LEWIS >fj [emocracies, shrunken in size, she is no longer the great democ- being realized, a brotherhood born of travail. . EsIsM, Hesat Eissl TespIs, Sioax CSty r a c y of Mitteleuropa,' although an essential decency is still : insistent. ; ' ''" ' •. '. .• Right "UebeF AHes" "PITY THE P E R S E C U T O R . " democracy. By being singled out ^ From the sad, sad lesson of Czecho-Slovakia may the Jews RIOHABD B. SMITH. 104 for persecution, the Jew has beBy RabM Frederick Colin come the symbol for these- precaf earn caution. One of the great arguments put forward for a PAGES. 93.50. r ious and universal values. The jf ewi8h homeland—an; argument that became-the motivating There is quite a general opinion that it was the harshness When oae epeafcs ol persecu- battle is not against the Jew but tion and oppression, the object o£ against the liberalism and idealjoi|oree of Herzl's Zionism—has been that once the Jews have of,the Versailles Treaty that made Hitler. . compassion is unusually the vic-ism which the Jew has always naationhood, they will no longer live in fear. The nation will I have never been able to be convinced of that. The terms tim. Rarely do x e thlofe of the proclaimed to mankind. tbat it has oa the persecujjae theirs. It will be an influence at the conference table. It of the Versailles Treaty were no 'harsher' than the circum- effect To the timid and frightened tor, how it brutalities and desouls among the Jews, the authfjyill show a protecting hand to the Jews of all nations. grades him. Psychologically, It is tances demanded. You can't treat a foe as though he were a or brings the assurance that "the as injurious to the personality of Ope act has wiped out the very foundation of that whole friend. One who has proven himself an outlaw and an enemy the one as it Is to the other, even dawn is breaking" though it is night. The vision of the esis. Czecho-Slovakia will find no comfort in that argument. f society cannot at once be put on an equal footing with those though the results to the victim still more obvious and infinitely Kingdom of God, of the prophe-1 P$he was cut and sliced and her economy upset without even whom he nas antagonized and threatened; one who has run are more painful. The harm and In- tic dream of the "End of Days, ' it a promise s.nd a challenge ermittinjr her to defend herself, in fact without even the eour- amuck cannot at once be given his fullest liberty and treated jury the persecutor sustains la which Jews must never forget. By definite. and pera&seat, creating |egy of allowing her to appear at her trial. as if he had not offended at all; still less treated as a hero) as a neurosis 'which Is not only de- fceepiflg the vision fresh and pure, will be able to continue its >H ] likewise it has often been said that a Jewish Palestine is morbid and sentimental people are known to bring bouquets, to structive to personality but ex- Israel fight heroically, and will prevail. •ijssential to the defense of Britain's famous life-line. Nor has and otherwise pamper even condemned criminals. No premium ceedingly dangerous. The author of "Pity the Per-his argument been enhanced by the recent events. Czcho-Slo- must be put on wrong-doing. On the contrary it must be stern- secutor" deals with this almost fakia while not a great power still commanded attention in ly repressed and discouraged. forgotten and ignored phase of Gems of the Bible persecution. He Indicates the -diplomatic circles because it too was essential to the peace of The Versailles Treaty provided for its own mitigation, and grave losses Germany has sufferand Talmud j! 3urope. Axiom had it that the ruler of Bohemia was the mas- ts terms were mitigated gradually as circumstances and Ger- ed as a direct result of her preBy Or. Pkilip Sfcer anti-Jewish policy, ia the exter of Europe. Strategically placed, Czecho-Slovakia was con-many's behavior, under the Weimar Republic, seemed to war-sent ile Of distinguished aad brilliant sidered the bulwark against German aggression. In another rant. Germany was treated most generously.' Even the money a e n t and women, industrialists, BIBLE .In Ullectu&ls and sciit was agreed, Bhe would bear the brunt of the attack, reparations (a most practical matter) were practically entirely financiers, entists, and ia the cultural life Teach us to number out days paying the supreme sacrifice as the battle ground for Europe's remitted. Germany (the former deadly enemy) was made a and splrtual life of the people. that we may get us a heart of ugrmies. France allied herself, Eussia allied herself. Czecho- member of the.league of Nations and given a seat on the Coun- The author's introduction is wisdom. highly recommended to those who Light is sown for the rightslovakia felt reasonably assured in her alliances. France BU- cil, the higher body, made up of the five leading nations. Ger- see In anti-Semitism an antidote eous,, and gladness for toe upLgervised the building of her great Maginot line, giving her the many was getting along finely under the policy of 'concilia- against Jewish assimilation. Most right in heart. definitely, persecution is not a Mine eyes are upon tae faithPjfosely-guarded secrets of the famous French fortifications. tion* of Stresseman. and Rathenau. Briand of France and cause for Jewish survival and ful of the land, that they may . Again without consulting their own military, the Allies tresseman of the new Germany were like bosom friends, meet- does not contribute to the pre-dwell with Me: he that walfeeth ! of Juii&ism, though it In a way of integrity, he Ehair id Czechoslovakia's usefulness to the defense of Europe, ing most informally and in true brotherly fashion—symbolic servation may occasionally stimulate and minister unto Me. ttjer fortifications/with their secrets, were handed over without of the new France and Germany, of the'new relations of amity, strengthen ths will power of the Happy are they that keep Jusand his lastiact, to life. No tice, that do righteousness at all Struggle, without dismantlement, to the very power whose ag- and most auspicious for the future. As Count Keyserling said Jew negative force c&a preserve a peo- times. ,fession they were meant to stop. The alliances proved useless, It might have been the happiest wedding union in Europe.'* ple and & heritage, a tradition ETHICS OF 5TKB FATHERS ' and & faith. The absence of a&tiRabbi AkabSa said, "Consider 5i fact, much worst, they were even dangerous. The promises Emil Imdwig, himself a German, seems to me to have pre- Semltism would make life not three things and thou wilt not only normal for the Jew, but it had given Czecho-Slovakia security proved worthless. sented the real truth of the matter. In a recent article he says would penalt those Jews who are come within the power of siis. If England so willingly sacrificed an ally, compromised Germany would have acted as she did however magnanimous disinterested and indifferent to Know where thou comest and thou art going, and feeown security and position, handed-over. defenses that.in the might have been the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. She Judaism to withdraw completely whither from the Jewish fold. At the pre- fore whom thou wilt :n the fushe might have depended upon, then how. can the Zion- would still have torn it to pieces. She was infuriated by her sent because of anti-Semitic pres- ture have to give an account -.and many remain Jews because reckoning-. "Whence thou cossest , j?ts rely on her promises? defeat, and passionately determined on revenge, and recklessly sure, the non-Jewish world does not al- from a fetid drom whitaer th-si** The sad truth the whole world must realize is that there bent on 'compensation' for the real inferiority that she felt by low them a complete break. Such art going, to a..' place ' of dust situation ir unfortunate for worms and maggots, and before no security in Europe. Treaties are meaningless. Promises declarations of superiority and ability to conquer and domin- athese individuals whose life is whom thou wilt in the future to give an accouat and reckre empty. No nation,-. no people are safe. . ate the whole world, to heal her wounded vanity, her smitten marred by an association which have them naught but distress oning, before the Supreme Kings There will be no peace-in Europe; no security until' the megolomania, with victory. I t ia Germany's innate colossal brings and sorrow, aad for Judaism of Kincs, the Holy One, Blessed i eed of four-power pacts and meetings of diplomatic passes. egotism that accounts for Hitler (together with the depression which they thoroughly despise. be He." needs enthusiastic beliR&bbi CbarJna said, "Pray for ^a |he entire continent, eseept perhaps for the Scandinavian that affected Germany as it did the" whole world, including Judaism evers, men and women who arethe welfare or the government il Countries, has fallen-victim'to an immorality for which there America, hastening on the desperate climax), as it did for the sensitive to the ideals of Israel not. for the fear thereof men eager to preserve them. Re- would swallow each other alive." ^ no parallel in human history. The social upheaval of the sabre-rattling Kaiser with his "Deutschland ueber alles" 1 Give and luctant Jews, Jews by the* mere Rabbi Slnson said. "I£ three ost-war decade instead of wearing itself out has resulted in Germany a finger and she will take a whole hand. We gave accident of race, to whom the re- have eatea at a table, and have ligion and tradition of Israel are spoken there no words of Torah, It}-more widespread disregard of solemn obligations. Unless her a hand, the hand of friendship, and she has taken a whole worthless, are a burdea to them- it is as If they had eaten of sacspiritual decadence is checked, the world faces a bleak arm; would deprive us of both our arms, disarm and weaken selves and to Judaism. rifice to dead Idols, of whom it Is said, "For all their tables are full us completely if we permitted her. The author analyses anti-Sem- of vomit and filthicess, the Allitism from a variety of angles. I still believe that Chamberlain's and Daladier's kow-tow- He considers some of the outrag- Present is not in their thoughts; 'but if three have eaten at a ing to, Hitler in granting him all that he desired and more in eous and base charges levelled table ©wish Education and have spoken there against the Jew and emphasizes words of Torah it is as if they i( Since September 26, Jewish Education Month has been ob- the case of Czecho-Slovakia was a gigantic and terrific mis- the futility of attempting to re- had eaten at the table of the Allthe scape-goat accusations Present.' '* *%rved in Jewish communities the country over. This observ- take. Had England and France stood up to him as little fute with logic aad reason. Since the Rabbi Chanina said, "He who once will be climaxed during the next week, October 18 to 25, Czecho-Slovakia did in May he would have marched off his "hymn of hate" Is BO violent, so keep3 awake at eight and - goes gooae-steping legions as he did then (despite his lying denial). morbid, bordering on the psycho- on his way alone, while turning the marking df Jewish Education week. it Is useless to ar- his heart to vanity, such a one Sponsors of the observance have been the National Council England and France should have called his bluff, and there pathological, gue and to attempt persuasion. forfeits- his own life." would have been no war. The German Army and the mass of The German people are compelled Jewish Education which,was organized two years ago to Rabbi Nechnuya said,- "Whoso accept vile slanders as gospel receives upon himself the yoke of ^jssist in promoting a greater interest in Jewish education and the German people would not have permitted it, and perhaps to truth, for to question or dispute Torah from him .the yoke of Hitler and the whole Nazi regime would have been overthrown. or to express doubt openly is to the raisfe the standards of existing schooh?. taxes executed by the government "bring severe and speedy punishthe yoke x»f wordly care wCi '. Omaha this year has special reason to mark such an. anni- Due to the pusillanimous cowardice, or at least the poor states- ment. The ridiculous anti-Semitic and be removes, but whoso breaks off versary week. During the past year a new Bureau of Jewish manship of Chamberlain and his weak follower, Daladier, the charges can not be refuted pub- from him the yoke of the Torah licly. The entire country, includ- upon him will bs laid the yoke Education was organized and already has shown results. It democratic nations missed a glorious opportunity. One sees ing its greasiest minds and spirits, of government tases and the yoke >)O sought to improve the curriculum and methods of the He- clearly that a maniacal Hitler, even with Italy and Japan as have peen compelled to swallow of world care." scientific the most nonsensical his allies, despite all his and Goering's boasting and Goebbel's as Jrew schools and has: done a noble job. and childish rubbish concerning Aryan superiority. The Nazis a It has been the learning of the Jewish people that has car- gabble, would not have dared to fight the whole world, lead have transformed one of the most by England, France, Russia, and if curcumstances again comied it on, the appreciation of a great culture, the love and'afcultured countries into a refuge pelled as in 1917 by the United States of America. The evil for birbarlahs,' where neither ^ction, for a wealth of wisdom. truth nor truth-seeker can abide ^ Unfortunately dramatic moves, such as education weeks, day has but been postponed. The crisis, which a mad and in safety. Beth El nave become-necessary because of a growing disdain. Happily success-encouraged Hitler, will increase and intensify, day by "Nothing to lose but the Jew" At services this evening Rebfci a hasty summary'of the great ^ais short-lived period is nearipg its end. and once more the day, must be faced at last, even if on the field of battle. Waris and permanent riches, material Davil A. Goldstein will speak en ^aspect that has always.been the glory of Israel is returning. is terrible and horrible—and so are surgical operations which and spiritual, the Jews have "Happiness vs. Futility." Cantor brought to the German people. Aaron Edgar and the Beth Ki Yithout concerted effort and cooperation in furthering Jewish nevertheless however painful and bloody and dangerous, in cer-The country would be indescrib- thoir will lead the service. Serv tain cases have to be performed. The world is not to be blamed 'ducation, Jewry cannot survive. Jewish Education "Week ably poorer in music, in litera- ices begin at 8. if the monstrous Hitler has borught this evil upon mankind;— ture, in medicine, in science, in Saturday morning will be tbp pming at this time of Crisis gives food for thought. finance, and industry, without final day of registrations for tfto anymore than America is to bo blamed for a Hauptmen or an the magnificent c o n t r i b u t i o n s Sabbath School. Sessions of t;ip Al Capone or a John Dillinger. America was confronted with of t h e J e w s . T h e i r ex- Sabbath School are held at 10 x^TdlnallmetzerF^cesNaaWratli . - . .., from thes© important a. m. the necessity of dealing with a Hauptman and an Al Capone clusion fields must impoverish the land. Temple "\, The futility of attempting to come.to terms with the Nazis and a Dillinger and their like and she has dealt with them and To deprive honorabSe and gifted Services this evening will bo,1 sd still retain any decency was unfortunately illustrated dur- will continue to .deal with them. Hitler.is a Hauptman on a men and womea from participat- jrin at 8 with R^bM David H. in ths life of a community Is "Wice discussing "Refugees." !t *i0 the past week-end. Cardinal Innitzer, highest Catholic pre- colossal scale. Hauptman kidnapped and tortured and killed ing not only criminal but stupid and Tomorrow zsorcisg's sennc" jte of Austria, a country until recently ninety-eight per cent one little innocent child. Hitler is ten-thousand times more as disastrous to the offender &e will be held at 11. to the victim. Such a "policy is watholic, was the target not only of insults but of missile guilty. He haa kidnapped, taken from their parents and homes, shortsighted a n d exceedingly For many years the Jews cf iiirown by Nazi rioters. With tsharacteristio vandalism the thousands of little children forced to emigrate; he has seized harmful. It has inflicted upon Mantua were obliged to furnish damage that will re- the ruling duke with, a corapanr Eitlerites raided the episcopal palace and destroyed art treas- violently, sadistically tortured, brutally murdered or compelled Germany quire * years to correct. Germany of actors. today is a sa3der and less honhrcs and religious objects. ;s by his inhuman cruelty to take their own lives, thousands of orable country than it was in Only a few months ago Cardinal Innitzer had thrown his helpless, absolutely innocent men, women, and children. Shall 193S. sjj ssssj SIS, welt e^a The author emphasizes that *:J .restige behind the marching columns of Nazis who stomped nothing be done about this? Shall we stand helplessly and Hitlerlsm want* t e sssveet be- % la essentially a revolt ^' ,-aeir clamsy way into the graceful old city of Vienna. Where cowardly by as mere indifferent by-standers when such mon- against civilizstioa. As ssch, it is tween $S,OOO &sd $S,OOO j to all who prise the basppos|tion was expected, there was none. In the face of acts strous cruelty and injustice is being perpetrated! Shall democ- aic menace yesa l l ? ( ideals of OB? society —human racies prove themselves cowardly and thus deserve the scorn brotherhood, liberty, freedom and •xnt outraged all humanity, there was silence. His

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Women's Mizrachi

iadassali Prepares eason

> ning some very interesting meet- SI to November 3, 1»S8. AilMrs. Joe Venger win ings for the coming year. Hadassah members are urged to chairmen. Jewish National Fund Mrs. Dave Sh-sm-mp f attend. the first of t h e b eok A tea will be . held for the Among the outstanding high- that workers of the Jewish National lights will be "Jewish Situation series will be given b \ '. Fund from 1:30 to 2:SO p. m In Central Europe,' by Miss In- vid A. Goldstein OF N<"> Friday, October 21, at the Jew-grid Warburg, and "The Youth The firpi 1?oo5>' to heish Community Center, This win Aliyah Ollice in Berlin," fcv Miss' \^ili be "The "VeavlitiS. be in cocjKn.ction. with the Na-Gisoal "Warburg. Also ernonr ;fcr| tional Fund Council, consequent- speakers vis I T1? Erl">M ?•*;;;-.i^ i ly Mrs. E.eui)ea Bordy and her co- Steitlierf:. I>r, A.. L. P?^~r, ]\Tfs<- j Omaba vomeu v.i'J r chaircaan, lira. A. S. Suimitz, Susan Brardfis, Dr. Frieds 5. V.1-! urg© the attendance of all 3ian, Dr. Isr&eJ Goltlstrir. anrl j Kadassah members. many others, i E.abb: liiltoa A. Kopstein will

The Omaha chapter along with all other Women's Mizrachi chapters in the United States will this month celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Beth ZeirothMlzrachi school in Jerusalem. "I'd Rather Be Right," the roThis school and home Is for Or- cent Broadway success, will be Veret, chairman, and Mrs. J. H. KnlakoJsy, co-chairman. BTEBIf-FRIEDLAIVDER thodox native and refugee girls. ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF Just five years ago the first presented by Hadassah S:30 p. .a. Hafiassah members are urged The marriage of Miss Lillian GRANDSON Friedlander, daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Goldberg unit of refugee youth w a s "Wednesday, November 9, at the to join at least one Cultural Mrs. Herman Friedlander, and entertained Tuesday night In brought to Palestine by the Youth Jewish Community Center. Ann group to hake part in the Ame-iDr. Harold stern, son of Mr. and honor of the birthday of their Aliyah. The Orthodox girls were Birfe Kuper of Chicago Trill gir^ can program of the Zionist moveMrs. Charles Sterp, took place on grandson, Melvin Slgal of Los An- welcomed by the Beth Zelroth- the dramatic interpretation .'c ment. speak en "The Importance of Vze A n y o n e i5psi~i:r>..Er c o r v e r t i o m i n Sunday afternoon at the Black- gels, -who is their guest. Abojt Mizracbi. One of the newest groups being Jewish National Fcnfi ToflEy." f o r m a t i o n cazs jref. if. b y calMnp The Omaha chapter has pre-costume'. •tone Hotel. Rabbi David A. 50 persons were present. formed -will be a Hebrew class The annual fall drive will com- M r s . M o r r i s ^ T I . i t 1 i ' , i _ pared an interesting program for Goldstein and Cantor Aaron Edmence on Sunday, October £3. 2S57, who is ix c r o' O n t \,-r 'if i ; I •>' The Chicago Daily News in re- that will meet at the the occasion on Wednesday, Oc- viewing her performance states, Community Center. Anyone desir- Calling cards will be distributed Errancemerts. gar officiated. S. A. M. MOTHER'S CLUB % I f ' <' . > tober 19, at 2: SO at the Jewish The S. A. M. Mother's Club \ ( . J I- , ' KI The bride's gown -was -white "Her character interpretations ing to join this class can do so at the tea. Community Center. A 1:30 board T, - ' — satin, fashioned with leg o'mnt- •will meet on Thursday. October meeting will precede the regular are vivid and true to life. She is by calling the chairman, Mrs. First Fell Sleeting -r" N - " , Leon Graetz, WA 147S. Tfee inton sleeves and a Queen Anne col- 20, at thi home of Mrs. Jacob a superb master of her a r t ' The first meeting cf .the HadiqAIL\L::::T p o •* ' lar of Beedpearls. The long skirt Bernstein, 119 N. 35th street A meeting. The Green Bay, Wis., Press structor will be Mr. S. Kahz. has year will be teld 2 p. m. WedMrs. K. Wine will tell of a was en train. From a coronet of luncheon will be given at 1. Gazette's dramatic critic, sumThe group that studied the nesday, October SC, at which time banquet she attended a year ago The Beth-El i T, seedpearla and lace, her tulle veil New members of the Mother's by the Los Angeles chapter marizes Ann Blrk Kaper's wort "Partitioning of Palestine" -will Rabbi VsriS. "THce will he the first meeting- CJ "" t fell the length of the gown's Club are Mrs. Milton Mayper, given by stating, "It was one of the continue as a class under the 'n-principal speaker. A board meet- tober iz, y-ltl: ^~ on the occasion of the Beth Zeitrain. She carried a bouquet of Mrs. Morris Margolin, Mrs. A.roth's fourth anniversary. most enjoyed performances of straction of Mrs.' David A. Gold- ing at 1 p. 22. trill precede th« presiding. A Iv^-1- -*-•' white roses. Tannenbaum, and Mrs. Sam Mrs. M. Arbltman, financial the season." stein, who will gire "The Boots regclar meeting. US Tromec pn - -> Mm. Morton Friedlander. ma- Bloom. ice-president, will tell of plans Among some of her recent suc- of the Present situation in Pal- A membership tea will be held OE t h e prof —r- f tron of honor, "wore a copper taffor the card party for the coming cesses are "The Children's Hour," estine" for the coming season. hy Hadassah Sunday, Novembc- sion of "Or.r "— " feta gown with a short circular to the. Jewish young women of '•ear. The card parties are the"Susan and God," "Star Wag-on," ?>Jrs. Jack Brp.r =-^- ^ Tie administration of the class :S, in ' honor of prospective yell In the same tone. Her bou- thu community. :hief source of fund-raising of "Tovaritch," "DotlEVorth" and will again be taken care of by members. Cks Omaha chapter cussants -were "•> . f i - * _ quet was the colonial type, -with Tho major events announce! .he Omaha chapter. Mrs. N. Ley- many others. , s Mrs. Morris xS.. Franklin, GL proudly announces that Mrs. Jos-r a o c t , Ivlrs. Z. •.. >. ».ve e r ,. fall flowers. are the "Pald-TJp Membership" lnson, social vice-president, and Tickets may be obtained from S57. Those who wish to con-eph K. Ehrlich, national vice Harrr Franke: r ^ , - , Joseph Stern of Chicago, bro- affair and. the Thanksgiving members of her committee will the chairman, Mrs. Milton Har- tinue, president, viil be the guest cpeat- Beautiful" sv.- ?• — \ i -, or join, can do EO fcy ca'lther of the bridegroom, was best Dance. serve tea. : , er on that date. sented by K r s . . . i r " i e >. •> r c i per, G L f 3721, or . Mrs. Aaron ing the chairman. The class -will man; Ushers were Morton FriedMiss Sarah Taub, J. N. F. Rips, GL 0243. All OdE-lia vromen are urged her Caugfeter, .*i ' ' also Eieet at the Jewish Comlander, William Kosenbaum, and chairman, has appointed a comRescne 10 Children to join Hads-ssah to participate munity Center. November £ v rr t *- - >. r Harold Tuchman. Junior Council mittee to assist her - in the box The Omaha Youth Aliyah Com- ' "Ne-w Books of Jewish Inter- in the Zionist movement today. of the first On^ T ' A reception was held Immedi- collections to start October 23. mittee of Had&ssah proudly an- est" will be reviewed by the study Jirs. Mas Cotn, raeir.hersStr ately after the ceremony. AssistAt the last regnlajj meeting of The next meeting will be held the Omaha Section, a tentative nounces tnat it has sent enonpn group under the chairmanship of chairman, GL Z£V2. yiU tf.ke all ing at the reception were Mrs. Belmont as co-Los-.est., „ '< y to take care of transplant- Mrs. Sidney Cahsn, GL 4007. This applies,ti ozis. Irv&i Cohn, Mrs. 'William Rosen- on Thursday, October 20. A beau- program lor the year •was an- money The anciiai Rigadoo -^rill be r feaum, Misa Doris Moakofaky, ty demonstration will be given by nounced. Included is a program ing 10 children ross the har-is a continuation cf the class that A meahersiip tea recently was given on December IS at J t ', Miss Pauline Hosenbaum, and the staff of the -Goldstein-Chap- directed by the Girl Scout Troop, rassed European countries into studied "Jewish Personalities" man beauty salon. Palestine. It costs $S60 per child Isst year. Those interested held for Junior Eadasssih pros- Central club. Mrs. A! Frank n... 1^,^..^ gelma Scnolnlcfc. Bponeored by the Section. For- their wedding trip the Activities lor the year are bp-for the transfer and training get in touch, with the chaiman pective aexters at the -liOEie or immediately. couple will visit in the' Ozarks. ng organized and Trill start witU- period. The Omaha Committee - has The first meeting will be In road, at which JIrs, Dsria. A. TJpon 'their return they will ren the next two weeks. The first been very diligently the the form of a Dessert Luncheon Goidsteia was the gTiest speaker. alde with the bride's parents. class will be in Cooking and -will entireworking summer in organizing to be held 1 p. m. Konflay, Octo- Her topic WBS "Junior Hafiassah With the pledging of eleven meet at the Center, and a Leg:sgirls on the new University of latlon Group will be formed. Tue groups of 10 who have donated ber 24, at the home of Mrs. Sam-Faces Today's World." TO BECETVE FOR SON $36 each. This comnittee headed uel KainiEn, 115 North TwentyThe Hadassah Rummage ComMr. and Mrs. Edward Lincoln Omaha campus, the Alpha Gamma Omaha Section is also cooperat- by Mrs. Julius Stein s.nd assisted seventh avenue. "Roots in the mittee will pick up bundles for will receive oa Sunday/ October Chi sorority has .successfully ing with the Center Educational by Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. Reuben Sky," by Sidney Keller, a new the etls to bs held shortly. Bun. • •• • ; o f Every Dcscri; 23, from 2 to 5 p. m. at their launched the initial semester of •roup. Kulakofsky, Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, the school year. Lillian Monovitz dles •frill b& picted up ty a call book cf Jewish iaisrest, will be home. 301 N. 3Stti. street in. honReports were made by the Hrs.-H. M. Barish, Mrs. J H. Kul. reviewed by Mrs. U o r r l s K . to E.HT of the following: "Mrs. H. "r\ ' f - : : - :•-.!' '."• Includliig or of their son, Alden Dwaln was selected president of the 'eace. Program, -Fund Raising akofsky, Mrs. Albert Newman and pledge group with Esther Morris Keuben, ct£irn&n; ZZTB. William Franklin. whose Bar Mitzvah, will take Social Service Committees. Miss Blanche Zliamaa, announce Personalities" will be Alberts, co-chairman, and Mrs. place on Thursday, October 20, serving as secretary-treasurer. and Dramatics Group will again the following contributors of $36 the"Jewish title of the study groups that Dave B. Cohn, Mrs. Arthur Cohn, at the Beth Eamedrosh Hagodel Other pledges Include: Dorothy Tie. Katzman, Yetta Lerner, Ethel ie under the direction ot Mrs.each in addition to those pre- will be led by Mrs. M. F. Lev- Mrs. IsaSore Abrarason, Mrs. A. Synagogue. Geulah Melches, Lee Fell- 'aul Teper. viously published: Omaha, Da>e enson, who was the educations.] D. Frank, Mrs. I. Grossman, Mrs. No invitations hare been Is- Kadis, Etta Soref, Rose Paperny, About 25 girls will attend the Epstein, Mrs. Harry Markel ar.ri director last year. All wishing Ben Kazlowsfer. and Mrs. S. J. sued. All friends and relatives man, Marjorie Katz and Rhea Schneid- Regional Convention in Minne- Mrs. Sam Ziegraan: Colnabus, to register for this class can doPlotkin. are cordially invited. er/ Maintaining their high scho- apolis, October 22 and 23. Ger-Neb., Levine Bros, and H. Tellwr: so by calling WA OS50. •'Let U s STstional CojEventiom lastic records, both Etta Soref and trude Gillnsky and Sara Rifkin Fremont, Neb., Blank Motion PicHERE FOB INTOEETNTE ST-AY The Hadassah. National ConThe "Oneg Shabboth" groups d© Tozzr QM. Geulah Meiches have passed the are delegates. All those attend- ture Co.; Grand Island, Neh., Mr. Al Greylich of New York language proficiency ex- ing will meet Tuesday at 7:30 David Kaufman; Hastings, Neb.. will be chairmaned this year by vention will be held in the Hotel Is In Omaha for an Indefinite stay foreign Pledge president Lil- p. m. at the Center for final in- M. T. Kully, Natelstock Ready to Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, who is plan- Jefferson, St. Louis, Mo., October at the home of his brother-in-law aminations. Monovitz has been signally structions. Dues must be paid at "Wear, Phillips Ready to Wear, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney lian honored by her election to the this time. Ben Sherman and H. Zuber. Goldberg. presidency of the Drama club of A membership tea Is planned The committee is still working the university. Plans are now un- for Sunday. October 30, in the and additional contributions will WEEK END VISITORS derway for the fourth annual in- lenter Lodge Room, at which Mr, and Mrs. Sam ReiBS had formal pledge dance. The neobe accepted by any member of as their guests over the week.end, phytes will be assisted by Mrs.time new members and prospfc- the committee. their son and daughter-in-law, William Rosenbaum, pledgemis- tlve members will be-guests. Ger' Education • '3St: and Mrs. Nathan Relss of tress and. vice president of the trude GUM heads the commlttf-e An extensive Educational proKansas City. and Ida Fine haB charge of the gram is being launched this seay Mr. and Mrs. Reiss active group. izt*z %n ' ? ill reside id in i Memphis, M h i Term, T f program. son for Hadassah by Mrs. Paul afAlpha Gamma Chi representater November 1. tives have been especially active in Feathers, local Phi Sigma Chi 3S. B . T. MOTHERS' CLUB chapter. Pauline Rosenbaum has Attention,. .Business and Professional A meetingg of the Z. B. T . been appointed chairman of the Mothers' Club will be held on pep's squad Vice Versa dance to Women . . . and ALL women who are Thursday, October 20, at 1 p. m. be held November 12. Celia Lipsat the home of Mrs. Victor Ganz, man, treasurer of" the Feathers, - searching for values. 29*60 Harris. Luncheon will be will, serve as chairman of th© served. misdeameanor committee. N e w pledges to Phi Sigma Chi are EiMEMORIAL leen Zevitz, Libby Ruback and A n OutBtancIrarr F^c-l^ioj?, Grc-xip » t A sound film, "Outdoors in thoLillian Monovitz. Active in dra* Garden State," will be shown in aiatic circles, Misa Zevitz has the concert hall at 2:30 this aft- been' elected treasurer of the Drama organization. Esther Steinernoon* Btrammg new dresses for street «ir<3 At 3:30 today, Mr. Frank berg, senior member, has been se-. afternoon wear—for the j-crasg nass lected as a candidate "for HomeFogarty will lecture in the lecand smart matron. Every dress a ture hall on the subject, "Cities coming Princess. Paris inspiration I Tailored s n d Are Made—Not Born." The roster of the sorority now dressy woolen, soft luxurious crepee Mr. Martin W. Bush will play contains five active scholarship and combinations in black and the the 4 o'clock organ recital in thi winners. Newest additions include concert hall. The assisting artist Etta Soref and Geulah Meiches, newest fall colors. will be Mr. Richard Nlver, pianist. holders of one-year high school On Friday, October 21, theawards. Eileen Zevitz and Esther Joslyn Memorial will be open Steinberg have citizenship scholfrom 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. As its arships while Cella -LIpzman is Smart for School—Every Day Wear feature for the "open evening," the recipient of a four-year Mr. Barclay Acheson, associate scholarship, Esther Steinberg, Eieditor of the Reader's Digest, will leen Zevitz and Lillian Monovitz been selected for parts in lecture on "What Makes the have the all-school play, "Postroad." . . . with that Clock Tick." Weiner will act as IntraA portrait by James A. McNeil! Sylvia "money is no Mural reprsentatlve for volleyFleeces and tweeds ia ^-cvr fitted, 'Whistler,# eminent American ar- ball. Miss Janet Graetz has been object" look tist, is on display as "the painting unanimously elected alumna sponswagger and wrap arourxl, ctylts. . . . in three of the month" in Gallery A. "Tno sor of the sorority. Plaid backs too. In black, brorx White Woman," lent by Ferargil great groups. and hi-sbacies, Sices for vomcr,, Galleries of Ne-v York, is an outmisses, juniors. standing example of this artist's work. re wn«L PAV you



Beth El

Alpha Gamma Clii




AT 6500

1101 Citv >: r;'. if U. Bids



;rt_^:^r Saturduy!Spzz:cl Selling of New Fall

at Herzbergs Bring

Luxurious Coats


Junior Hadassah


To CoasaSt

The Junior Hadassah held Its Whpri b n y i a s first.meeting at the Jewish Com- D I A S I O N t l S • • • " . munity Center on Thursday, October 6. Miss Sylvia Parilman was W E D D I N G ' S I N G S i elected recording secretary to WATCHES succeed Miss Anne Goodbinder. nn& GIFT # •who recently resigned to entsr the University of Nebraska. Miss Kalah Franklin, president of the local chapter, has mapped out a series of various activities I j •which will be of special Interest1!.

©RIDING OKIKINGOGOLF «AU-OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES •HEALTH GIVING MINERAL WATERS Q Aii can&Ssaed bedrooms fe» es&no «ad sircis SSHCJcn. Reic3 tsttutJiro cfl cisab cs Isw «t *11 a day for two; $<S a day •ingle. Wtlis

Clever M&tdbed

SWEATERS-SKIRT Tou can't have too many! Bright colored cweatcrE •with1 boat neck style— short and long- slee-f-es. Tailored •vrooleii skirte in plaids, and plain colors. Second Floor

Seeing is balieving and you really must see -. the quality, styles and i value your money buys \ in this October Caspar- \ funiiy coat s h o v / i n g ] j Coats with face-frcsing collars, fur ascots . . . fur { plastrons . . . fur sleeves ', . . * all that's new! \ Others Up to $253 Fourtli Floor


Sssde-Calf Leather



SLIPS y rss.5 SSTT! Gtess £rcows Etylss and shapes. Besntiftuly fitted a a d Irsed with plentv cf room. I n b l k brotrn, - i lC2 i^I

' jj&i. MISSOURI,

Clever Fafcric

TTinistml stisae eloti kid trims sda an cspea tousli to tS.es

Famous for beauty, fit and vCi^r. Trlorea and Is re tr;*"rcn if satins —,L.

srl t * "

3 Fair, 2.2S

A three thread that looks. Cits and beautifully. In all fsll shndpf: find i


LOS ANGELES AIR CENTEE—Uacle Ssai, "PritJa. ffiilijou^ or persons to defend and S.000 miles of seacoast to sa'egtsard, finds tne baokboae of his aerial industry within 20- miles of Los Angeles' city nail. Here a business that holds $''0,000,003 worth of orders fioiiL'ishes. Among important ships manu-'

factured there ars these Vultee attack barabsrs, similar to ssvea. Uncle Earn ordered

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could not be slaughtered solely for hides without reducing the meat supply. This nation produces only two-thirds the wool it uses in peacetime. Above are indicative scenes. Upper left. Federal Agent Ralph H. Oyler inspects $500,000 in seized opium. Upper right, husking coconuts in Jamaica. Center, shearing shed on an Australian sheep farm. Bottom, loading coffee in Rio de Janeiro.

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TO TEACH Df ETElOriA—Italr. striving to direst itc rcscr^.-lr fx'.ncd c-rr.ri-r oC rihiopia, in Africa, seeks to teach t h s natives not only tD speak Italian, bv.t to f cirpl Itf lif.r v ry? of ; ' in?.. Here are young Fascist instructresses who have enlisted for sen-ice in the African colony. They were pictured as they assembled in Rcrae before Icavms for Ihcir distant posts.


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. NATION LACKS WAR SUPPLIES — In case of war, the War Department reports, the United States would be more self-sustaining than any other nation, but would lack 21 materials essential to-defense. These include coconut shells, coffee, hides, iodine, opium, quinine, rubber, silk, wool and various minerals. Coconut shells produce the best charcoal for gas masks. Cattle

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INJURY NO BAfiRIER—Chief criminal deputy prosecutor John M. Schermer of Seattle, Wash., broke one leg in an accident, just before he was scheduled to prosecute a murder charge. But that didn't stop him from attending to his duties. He was wheeled into the courtroom bv an attendant and addressed the jury from his chair. Above, he is shown entering the courtroom.

LINKS CHAMPION — Only woman who ever won the women's British, Scottish, Canadian and American golf championships is Mrs. Dorothy Campbell Howe of the Merion Cricket Club, Germantown. Pa., who added another 'chapter to her brilliant golfing career by winning the United States senior title a t Rye.'N: Y. She is shown with the trophy, which she won in the rain.


SHOPPING—Doris Duke Cromwell, heiress to tobacco millions, as she left New York on the Queen Mary to shop for more ONE'S A WINNEE—Winning ol a third consecutive v.-orld criamfurnishings for the Cromwell pionship in baseball, a feat no team ever accomplished up to the dream house in Honolulu. On a present season, was goal of Yanks Manaeer Joe McCarthy, ri£ht. previous shopping tour she spent weeks in Persia.


P E O B E D — District Attorney William P. X. Geoghan of BrookLjm. N. Y^ principal in the Inquiry into alleged corruption i s his ofSce. Mr. Geoghan, Police Commissioner Valentine a n d others were called to Governor Lehman's office.

BQTAL CKELDliEN—A cliarming stufij- of Prince Edward, right, and Princess Alexandra, children of the Duke and Duchess of Kent. Thti' are frowning at the cameraman during an outing in » London park.

1 t ,1

ON VACATION—William Augustus Wellman. widely T and director, about to leave New

S?meter. I


. . world war

GOING PLACES ON TWO WHESLS^Inslewood CaL. police departmen^tri^d ^tri^d g g ^f» for police charged with hancSlins parade and bolidsy threads. S^ooweis u - «-*•

tion of Adolf Killer. tMs States. They are the AnLsr farai^


tV? lb.5 T:vr C'tr of D'-i"i'~ POO- r " U indp- dominacilx troilicrc, t^i" -v-.vcsrr- c'- i . ' - n . r r u i ftn5 i r n l v c i a ^ e r Tori: or 1 •"->-• •".o^-r"" —





.Edited by Aunt Naomi



of -the Czech authorities toward* cena« Bh&ll be confciafsrec a t the Sudeten refugees. definitely suspended" . . . II?*'-"i? A similar difficult choice faces help Palestine, wr pp.y. r' "C'»-w the 2,000 Jews in the Teschen Old Nev" pbottlf! tp.Jrp t: -fr l.ti area, which has been ceded to l!P{i.<*. t o fly t o , f»p.y.' JRfrirul.-. Poland, and before 1-ng may con- Jsttle tete-a-tete, wiifc that front thousands of others J«we o»c? rscifser, th* £wTtif>v !'>" In Slovakia i s the event that part • Jernsaleir, . of that province Is ceded to Hut- '

CZECH-UP way have had to be re-written as Bxtensioa of the Jewish Community Center. ' "We wonder whether any of the a result of Hitler's triumph ' in German troops that marched ihto Europe . . . O n e of the best Amerj Good Sabbath, hoys and girls beautiful ceremonies in the syna- life, he says, so he cioesn'i know Sudenland know that once the ican news camera men is on his Under tne plebiscite rranfr-1 Jews of the Czech province Bo- •way from Czechoslovakia with of t h e Junior Jewish Press. gogue, for 6ome of them are es- our language." ment, persons intenfiins tc ler^p hemia fought for the German em- 25,000 feet of film showing Su- Prague Refssgee Problem plebiscite zones mar tr&rsfer or I Kross or, t h e K. W EUP"'«U-< Today we are telling oX the pecially meant for children. As he finished speaking, the perors . . . The ancient Jewish deten Germans in anti-Hitler Awakens Fears of :»* final days of the Succoth holl sell property irithoui pr.rjne i Court ber.cU it p?odv.ciu& (?>' ; aged man bent over them kindly, cemetery and the famous AK- demonstrations . . . He's a i ; o Wunt HappenJ on Simchath Leaders tares. They must give notice oi I slranjre af-vp'oprnpntf; , , . ^ '"» • day: OastuCno Kabbo, Khminj smoothed back Israel's hair, and neuschul in Prague are silent wit- bringing shots of those Austrian Torah Night their intention to leave within six. ; oprueni r x m b r r ovs: 7J;F .Amf-Azeret a n d Slmcath Torah. Ruthie gently upon the nesses to this . . . In the cem-Jewish refugees marooned on a The synagogue is all lit up,kissedPrague (WXS) — The adop- months after the plebiscite anfl Associated w i t h each or forehead. Then he slipped a lulav etery the oldest grave is said to tugboat . . . A new song tion of an asti-Ssinliic plank by will have- one year curing vhich • Chrtstipn worapj pnei o"eren iu>these holidays are trimiy inter- and its doors are wide open to into Israel's hand, and walked date from 59S A. D., and there. Danube to be published shortly begins: the newly proclaimed autonomous to evacuate. During that period i f]1^ pni^'^n^ftor to OPTOSP . T P ; L J receive the many people that will slowly away. The cnliaren stood esting customs. come to the synagogue tonight staring after him, almost afraid too, js the tombstone of Baron "Now that Hitler, .the bsIJitler, regime cf Slovakia EE2 the fear tb.8 jnCitVKlTIEl'F !*HC^. T*P^M£nr*I7- <">r | Kross . . . She t«n\eci tbern t'.s.w.:. We also have a Succoth story Children, boys and girls, are setn to speak. It was not until the old Treuburg, who received a patent Is through, I'll be waitin*, In Su- that the concentration of some nationality vriu c o t be ailcvefl. I eolci, esplf..ir.ir.s: thai, ,'nfijre K'•«••». this •week which we hope you milling about, each one carry'n man disappeared among the trees, of nobility in the 14th century deten, for yon" . . . The Gemsn- 25,000 impoverishes Jewish ref- to effect, his position. In vjev of I v a s a good friend. hrvf k?u "1 enjoy. for bravery In war . . . Another Anierican Bund would have given ugees from Sudeteniand in a what has &l~ea£y happened in i pr.ythinr t h e .Tu.dEe o» special paper flags, called "Sim- that Ruthie broke the silence. v--B.«i.e<i nW grave there is that of Otto Bitter, anything cot to have had to call Prague already feeling the econ- the occupied zones, this gue.ns.-nchath Torah Fags," printed ia Let me see the wand," she ex- major-general in Count Pappen- o£f its meeting in Union City, N. omic results of CEecflosIovakia's tee is not expected to mean much. ! T.TOW her .. , * r*?vnlr<pniPT:> i*''Hebrew with many pictures. Some heim's forces during the Thirty flags have apples stuck, on tht» claimed, as she snatched it eager- Years' "War " . . . In the Altneu- J., because that's where the Bund dismemberment created n e w Immediately after Nazi troops was born . . . The rough stuff problems for the harassed Jewish poured staves. The children are eagerly ly out of her brother's hand. into t h e first three soner nominp.iefi one Rsmne-' Ni-5:. % schul hangs a red banner which you read about concerning Union leadership here. "You don't think he was a awaiting the grand parade and of Sudetenland " J u d e " eifrns Jev", fit i t s cor'*PT>t»n«-i . „ , X->hU. Emperor Karl IV dedicated on City was pulled off by Czechs, fairy?" asked Israel. .levisfc the day befare Tom Kippwr . the refreshments. The first pronouncement of the v e r e painted on every the occasion of the deliverance of who are more anti-Nazi than any "1 am not sure about him," anSlovakian regime, which VTEE shop end home, most of which With T>pvc PnliinBky ir.p.Vir.j- ;.5ii Prague during the Thirty Years' After a short evening service, swered Ruthie doubtfully, _"I Jew . . . One Czech jabbed Frits granted autonomy hy Prague hare been abandoned. Other BEti- j nojr.Ir.atinj: Rppecl;. . . P ? r p ^Ir-vWar . . . In the defense of theKuhn in the face with a lighted Last -week -we learned that Su<>- all Torah scrolls are taken from don't remember ever having seen city within the Czechoslovak frame- Jewish Eiims posted v e r e "racial | 'r.jr'r clppcribefT the ncroinep - , against the Swedes, a heroic cigar . . . the Ark. The' Rabbi, the chazcoth lasted for seven days, and is a picture like him in one of my work, was a resolution oeclaring defiler" and " h e r e is heaSe;r,&r- 1Tbcp. ooirtpletelr forp.it \\le PS-JII*,. was played by Jewish soldfollowed hy two more days of • a zan, and leading members of the fairy books, but then I haven't part i fp.-mfcleS tor I.'- sraonp bisr. rw'-"> that "vre take e r r stand beside ters for erc.ipra.tJ0E," ABOUT PEOPLE iers . . . . That synagogue is also Congregation take them, and holiday nature. Today we wtU read all the fairy books in the identified with the famous Rabbi ii-ondon (TTXS) — Informed j p.TiG finally im>"t to lw ic-Uj. t*The Rev. Takeo Shimotori, a those states that are lined np soon a grand march i3 to begin. find out some interesting things world. But I am sure this is a in. Wahiawa, Hawaian Is- against the Marsist-Je-srish. ideo- that TOO Austrian ,7eviEh re.fu-! foiseone or the PlP-ti'o?B*i . . (If m a t e d fairy -wand, and we could get any-Loew, • the creator of the Golem pastor about them. But before we doThe Torah carriers lands, is regarded as an author- logy." This open proclamation of ally, the Kxws jieopl."- t--f . . According to legend that synthrough the entire synagogue, thing we wish for while we areagogue, which dates from the ity on the Jewish Question, hav- anti-Semitism was foreshadowed that, there are some things which are .being done in the synagogue down, the aisles, and up theholding it." ing authored books called "Jew! 13 th century, was built with on the seventh day of Succoth, aisles, followed by the, children, • "But this looks like a lulav," stones which the Jews had car- Where Art Thou To Go?" and CZECHS THAXK FOSISGK Malcolm, L,ea£ue of JCations High i and we want learn what they are. carrying their flags. Joyful folk- protested Israel. "Papa had one ried with them from Jerusalem "Jews and their Prophetic FulCommissioner for German Kefu-I". "e c" The seventh day of Succoth i= songs and happy prayers ar* just like it Isnt year." after the destruction or the Tem- filments" . . . If you s in o k e Prague (WNS) — A formal stogies maybe you'd like to ~kv.ovr commiQ-ae thinking- the for- gess, intervened! on their bPb.r,U I Ve l quite. important.- I t even has" a ng^ As the scrolls are carried ple . . . There was a time when with Jan Kasaryfe, Csechor-lova-1 i u£ij :' Lulav or "Wand name ot its own. It is known a? through the aisles, the rest of the Prague • was the capital of Euro- that the king of Etogy-raakers is eign Jevs trho offered them- kisn mirister iv I*ondon. if. i «' ? ' The children started on their pean Jewry in leadership and Jacob Hast of Pittsburgh, whose selves "HOSHA "NO RABBO," which ia worshippers lean forward to kiss as volunteers for the i la- ir manufactures 27,000,English m e a n s "The Great them in reverence. . This marsh homeward 1walk. Ruthie still in- scholarship . . . The city still company Czech army during- the war which is repeated seven times, is sisted that it was a fairy wand boasts an old building In the000 of them a year . . . All of the crisis -eras published here b r Haahano." manuscripts of the late Arthur while Israel was inclined to beknown as "Hakafoth," • meaning tower of which Is a large clock To '• begin with let us see what the Czech, ministry of rs,r. lieve that it was only a , lulav. on which the hours are Inscribed Schnitzler, Austrian-Jewish play- The the -.word. "H03ha ' n o " means. processions. Nuts, candies and Suddenly comrenniq-ne declares that wright, were permitted to leave Ruthie cried out: . " I other goodies are distributed In Hebrew letters . . . This buildYoavremember that during the Austria by the Nazis because they 'th'e government -will aerer will show you that it really, is a There- termi *•' among the children. Joy arid ing was once the Prague Ghetto seven' days of Succoth special were labeled "historical data" forget this friendly act on the magic wand! Watch me wish myconBulcrp.blc clifiereKce oC (.:•-•' •N !i %S<% prayers of Thanksgiving, called gladness reigns throughout the self a t home!" She ran forward, city hall, having been built in . . . Mrs. Schnitzler now has a job part of the Jews." ion on the subject oi vhp-1-sv 1528 by Mordecai Meisel . . The at Cambridge university taking TTATTT.'P'.T., are said in the syna* synagoue. stopped, and waved three times, not Dr. Sif.Tf.unc rrt'iud- <*.{«.'. xM gogue, towards the end of the The Simchath Torah Day in crying: "O magic wand, bring me tower was added as a distinction care of them . . . Erich Maria several months ago when the Isie puishefi exile in Xifinuoii, l>- v for the services of the Jews darservices. To this Hallel, a special the Synoogue i" home; bring me home, magic ing the siege by the Swedes, the Remarque, author of "All Quiet Father Hlinta, leader of the SloSKJ: R bopk or. the- OUT Top-is'Ttu on the "Western Frost," whom the vak People's Party, said, thst if prayer is added, which has the It is on this day that the read- wand!" Jews ia those days having been Nazis hate so much they Insist pf" vo id In ¥•!•;!oft lip is refrain "Hosha 'no," whose mean- ing of the Torah is finished and Israel ran to her side, and she forbidden .to have towers on their he's a Jew — which he's not — Slovakia obtained autonomy there ing i s : Oh save. begun anew. pointed triumphantly to their lit- synagogues or homes . . . Facing is corning to this country end wotzid be instituted s, «Tevr5Bii "zttBtill \V I' ?W. \ Now" you will remember that The reading of the Torah is tle brown house, the windows of the "Altneuschul is a large bronze •were uume ~O\~tP TUlb lie*! to become an American citi- EeTus clansus. at the end of the morning serv- preceded hy the seven Hakafotb, which gleamed in the sunset. statue of Moses, which belongs to plans BOOS KEVHSiW The fear of Enti-SemStisEE i i zen-. . . Hank Greenberg's mama, about . t h e hook ices on Succoth, the Hazzan and or marches. After this, everybody "But- we aren't horn© yet!" the city of Prague . . . whose gefcellte fish is Hsnfe'E Prague was voiced t y Franz A fine first r.ovel by s fine yoxir.g v-liir-i-> _v-erf - revh-ec v i some -leading xaembers of the is called upon to bless the Torah. argued Israel. feller FOREIGN FLASHES greatest love to poking hosie FriefimaEn of the Jewish Party, Congregation circle around the Even boys, under 13, are gathruns, has become a baseball ext who said that it was not impos- IB "Koots in tbe Ety" by Sidney ently "Stupid!" cried Ruthie. "The center pulpit once, holding the ered In groups, while an adult re- wand Meller. only brought us to the Just before Mussolini left pert since her son started shoot- sible that the Jews may EEffer as none other tliPTi M Lulavim and Esrogim in their cites the benedictions with them, place where we could see ourRome ing at Babe Ruth's record . . . a result of the co-entry's impairfor the momentons four- ihr- tint,-,-. hands. But on this Bay, they cir- covering them up with his TaHis. house. Did you expect it to take man poiTffow he received all sorts Orthodox Jews will tell you theed economic structure. CompetiDILE5IKA: The secretary to P.Knop:'. ^"i?-F cle around seven times, each time At last, someone Is given tns us through the door and put us of delegations that came .to wish reason why Hank just missed tion for jobs between Sevrs and prominent British Jewish leader T „-/!„-, -^fT chair ting the prayer, with the honor to read the last part of the to bed?" or breaking Babe's mark Eon-levs might lead tc friction. (bet prominent) v a s frantically ",„'', '^.,''r-- T him luck . . . A Jewish delegation equaling is because the Jewish slugger he indicated. The .fate of the thumbing throngh atlases . . J j ^ , . \<,ic-b , Hosha ho refrain. So you Bee, t h section of the Torah: The CHAS• * • was refused admittance to II played ball on the second fiay of Hosha 'no chant Is repeated seven SAN HATORAH, meaning the of German and Austri- When a friend v&itefi in on her j ^ V P J - tnt" ' The children's parents were de- Duce's presence . . . There would Rosh Hashanah . . . Displayed in thousands times, which-gives the name to 'Bridegroom of the Torah" (for lighted have been no Kol Nidre services the Fifth avenue show window of an Jewish refugees in CEecho- a n d v r a n t e d t o kaovr TrhE,t a l l t h e | p t.* 0T p "-••}•,?•{ \>F. ,'ft with the prize that Ruthie this day. Hosha "no Rabbo means this is the name given to the last and Israel had brought home in French and British synagogues slovakia was EISO ia cocbt. In thumbing vras about . . "I can't." I PT, ' the Great Hosha 'no,' oras you reader) goes up proudly on thewith them. "A lulav right from in the event of war . . . The chief the Hammer Galleries during the vievr of the government's reduced she veiled, "geeir. to find this \ i ' ' High Holy Day season was theincome as a result of the loss of ' IS. T . Ticipn pvihHHp.ee nv. would say, many Hosha 'nos. pulpit. He is followed by another the field," exclaimed Ruthie's rabbinates of France and EngTorah which the- Jews of tas revenues froia the Sudeten, Striking the Willow Branches person, "CHASSAN BREISHITH," mother. "You are right, Ruthie, land " had issued orders to close -valuable Moscow presented to Czar NichNQW,- .the seven HoBha 'no who Is honored by an Invitation we are really , living in Fairy- all synagogues after sunset to olas II on the occasion of his cor- subsidies to ^Jewish religions aad preserve power if •war should be onation in 1SS6 , . . That new rolt53.9;appnt the pulpit are; over. to begin.,,the reading -of, -tteland." ThBTfjv'jat'Shippers l^y aside;; the Torah's first section, once again. '". Soon the" holidays came and declared . . . Did the dictators, radio series t o be called "ImmiFour Plants, and take a bunch of Refreshments are served to the Ruthie and Israel went to thewe wonder, realize that they were grants All — Americans All," -eczr.try willows, also called Hoshanop, worshippers, and everybody feeJs synagogue with their parents. The acting in accordance with Jewish which the U. S. Department of n^t-vtnt^T,, n r p . * , . i E!iE;ht be neeflefi to efl <?ercongregation reached that part of tradition when they decided upon the Interior will sponsor to dramand chanting certain prayers, happy and glad. preservation of peace during atise the contributions Of all strike the :branchea against their j besi-lnJovE 'characters in the! sV / H D , " T . ^ W * »,,* This IB how the Jewish people the service when the lulav is the seats a few times, until all leaves show their devotion to the Tor3h, shaken; the children were over- that holy period between Rosh races sad nationalities to the eea acssrtea [Latin Qnartar of Tans fe Sapcbrj ' '*" f." VS.P "'"*" \\\ C ,A f-'' K:"i\ C *', J V Hashanah and Tom Kippur? . . . greatness of tSe United States, is fall off. Just a leafless twig re- which has been the greatest joyed. | ^Lftt V.L k / C k i £ > \ffc*& fjy a *s 4TI ^L*/\.' l ^ j ^ A.ic't' j !- tT-O.. , While' Jewish officials are being being written hy Gilbert Selfies. • . "Didn't I tell you it was a mains.In their hands. treasure the Jews have received, VTlih ICaci EEti-Semitiss l^elng: fired In Italy, in the British (Copyright, 1SSS, by Seven Arts >This leafless twing reminds us and which we have kept with us lulav?" cried Israel. "See they crown Introduced ewiftly in the Sraeten Feature Syndicate) , colony of Aden the secreare shaking i t ! " - • • of jar tree in Tthe -fall. The leaf- until this very "day. zones occupied by German. troer.s. j to ZJS. Co-cpoie,, pepul&r Kontpat- i e'^ " S t u p i d ! " answered Ruthie, tary of the Italian consulate, Ari masse c&fe . . . Saacta, ?, n&t-.ve \ -—~ less-tree will be brought back to the 10.CC0 Jews living in the "sharply. " I t is a magic wand, mando Passim, who is treasurer life by the rain and dew. And zones whose ultimate fate is to | of Batum, in t h e Caucasus, v^er.t | |r?g of the Jewish community, has just -xiB I told you, and they a r e j to PBlestine from EusEis. SM E j ! i.f? so, too, do we express our hope, shaking i t and -wishing for some- been named acting Italian consul I pioneer in IE IT . . He v a e car.jrbt • ¥'' that with the help of God ttte . . . The catch is that he is a thing. '•-' I wonder what they a r e ^XH2 by a n Arab mob in t h e riots? of! |-'-. Jewish people may again Tise to f .-••«• British subject . . . In order to : wishing t o r ? " sta,bbea IT times . . „ He |! I' " thVigloxy and happiness they ones Rnthie, a little girl of nine prevent the Nazis from desecratSAMUEL BOTH. Berlin (TTKS) — G-erdEti is1T2C, nc-w deaf and dumb as e, reenjoyed." summers who had golden hair -~:.'-."*•" ing abandoned synagogues in End Austrian Jews vrere forsult of Ills icjuries . . . After liisIt will b e a pleasure to your and pale blue eyes, was leading By MKS. "WIL&I&M GRAT small Jewish communities that bidden to emigrate to the Scd- reccvery, h e made his v a y some- | i ffather or,, your_ grandfather If youh e r younger brother, Israel, have been liquidated, Jews froni eten districts of CzechoslovaThey ran in dripping clothing hoTKr or other t o Paris and h&j. j surprise them by.telling-them the through the woods of Haifa. - I t neighboring towns are themselves kia in one cf a new series of l:H-: been E fisture i n t h e LiEtln Q.uar-1 few•"••'- facts you learned about was the month of October, but in OCTOBER 16 TO OCTOBER 21 dismantling the synagogues and Till the wind has frozen it. anti-Jewish decrees. A bas on Palestine October ia a season of Hosha 'no Rabbo. selling the wood and raetal . . . It cats their flesh with knives of all Cultural activities by the ter for years . . . warmth and flowers. The parents Sunday:, October 16. Shmini Azeret—The Eighth Anti-dictator plays are verhoten Zionists Organizaticn unless A. Z. A. Day, 2 p. m., auditorof Ruthle and Israel had very reice England these cays . . . And The Nazis, laughing, sit. . . Day of Snccoth they are concerned •pri'ih emcently immigrated to the Holy ium, Jewish Community Center. in England's vaunted free"Well, now, with the arrival of Land where many of their friends igration was also announced. partition of CzechoElov&kiR., tb.i Girl Scout meeting, 2 p. m.,despite the eighth day, Succoth is for-already lived. To the little ones room M, Jewish Community Cen- dom of the press there hasn't They flare not straighten tortured In Vienna the police forbade Chamberlain dicoes. the Munich 11 been a single cartoon offensive mally over. The lulav was blessed the new land with Its fair skies ter Jews to attend sports everts "peace" jxve rise tc R Koocl o7. limbs fr <®*i , ^ K in'fe y7 • Hitler published In any Engfor ..the last time on Hosha 'no and rich natural scenery appeared I Vi' X Cwiti-»s>i.tAi) « » « ^-h. », .\ SQ1T. SXi 4- i i C' I.-Q i, $• j except those Omaha Hebrew club, .3 p. in., to In agony of pain. lish newspaper since November, Rabbo. Today, on the eighth like Fairyland, and now, on thelodge room, Jewish Community Jewish clubs. I contrife vcved th&t. the v--hoU19, 1937, when Chamberlain first Until with curse and kick they day. called "Shmini Azeret," a very first opportunity, they were Center. " j business v s s res-H'" a victory for i started his appeasement policy . . special prayer for rain will he of- going In search of the fairies. Monday, October 17. are "" • - be determined by plebiscite vrere {Father Dirlne'c Elojran. "Peace, j YOU SHOULD KNOW fered in the synagogue. This Wonderful!" . . , The sa-rae i Succoth. Among th© corpses lain. Ruthie believed that she knew confronted •with the choice of re-'It's prayer Is Irnown as "Tefillath all about fairies. She had read Tuesday,. October 18. contrib (Poet A l c t i Hs.ts. ir yoc l maining where they are and riskIn the October Srd Issue of Hageshem," in Hebrew. In of-many fairy Etories and was al- Succoth. miwt knov) remarted that f.hr Father Coughlin's magazine, So- And if they dare to draw deep ing the possibility of becoming EriUsh fering this prayer we again, re- ways ready to repeat any of them Wednesday, October 19. prime minister could r.ovr; I:V^f! h #1T •breath German subjects or emigrating to cial Justice, one Ben Marcin remember Palestine. For a t this to the visitors who came to her "Women's Mizrachi meeting, 2 plies to Phil Slomovits's article Or give protesting *tare aptly be c&I!8a Neville {TTrosj--! the interior of Czechoslovakia, to : time, Palestine's winter season i3 father's house. So today, she felt p. tn., C and D, Jewish Commun- on the "Protocols of the Elders •which 20.000 Stideten Jews have about to begin; and the inter- very important; little Israel was ity Center. A tree is "near and they are left already fled. Although provir'^-n of Zion" . . . Marcin's melange International ."Workers Order, is so full of downright lies and Horribly hanging there. esting thing- about it is that in completely- in her charge, and is made for the 'transfer or sale isorist, di£ a sreat job of rewritPalestine the winter season is a moreover, she was able to tell 8 p. m.. C and D, Jewish Com- misinformation that it would be of property and land in the pleb- ing the four principal articles of munity Center. Ad though in day medieval rainy season. "The summer sea- him many things he did not know, iscite art -.3 by persons planning the Knnioh pact . . . Article 4 \ difficult to equal It, but here's Thursday, October 20. In torture reckoned hour son is completely dry, and thero since she'was better acquainted to leave, the Jews in these sreas reading: "For the- fctcre prof.ee-1 one fable he cites as fact that inIs no rainfall then. ,So you can with fairies than he was, and be- Boy Scout meeting, 8 p. m.,dicates the nature of the entire are undecided as to That to c"otion of small fiesiocrBcies, Prime Bee how important rain Is for-tha lieved that she could recognise at lodge room, Jewish Community article . . . Marcin speaks of "Dr. They lift the heavy burden till in view of the uncertain sttitc tie Kinirter CJiamberlaj-'E flyinsr 35- r V- f ? » f : •::•*• ; i <t people of Palestine, and. in this first sight any one of those won- Center. • at one time chief Their bones break . . . and they derful creatures,- who. can transChoir rehearsal, 8 p. m., K and Ehrenpreis, prayer we - ask for a n ' abundant form cower. rabbi of Sweden, later banished a cottage into a castle, con- L, Jewish Community Center. rain. • from Soviet Russia, who became" The air is more filled with their vert "a pauper into a prince, and Friday, October S I . with the cruelty oJ the '.! On Shmlnl Azeret we have turn water into wine. Jewish National Fund Tea, disgusted . call Jews and jointed the Greek t)ri , - IT " again the Memorial Service for 1:30 p. m^ lodge room, Jewish thodox Than witli f i e song of fclrfls. They had been walking for Church" . . . Dr. Marcus, I I E. <. L iT I i the dead relatives, during whi< Community Center. about two hours without meeting Ehrenpreis Is still chief rabbi of In isna of pain and lanfi of pine special prayers in which tho de-a single fairy: they had grown Sweden/ and is one of the greatceased relatives are remembered exhausted, and Bank down to rest EVENTS est Jewish scholars la Europs . . . Their crying £ob is heard. and Baifl. The -Memorial Service upon the dead trunk of a fallen BliracJay, November 2 1 . the Earns Issue of Social Just - „ 1B, called "Ylzkor" in Hebrew. tree. Ruthie looked about her. Reception to presidents of Jew- In tice caBh. prizes are offered for Their pain Is greater even tfcaa' "With t h e morning services "I wonder why we have not met ish -women's organization and the great best answers to the questions over, the worshippers go to theany fairies yet. This Is surely Jewish Community Center. "Why will there always be a Je-sv- Their tears are more thsn rain. Saturday, December 10. Succah for the last time: all theFairyland!" "Why is Father Coaghlin not an fruits and decorations are ge "Maybe the fairies are on a va- Annual Community ball, Wom- anti-Semite?" . Four plays sohed- Ah, letttsstrive to bring than all en's Division. out .their esxap of pain. erally given away to the children. cation," Israel suggested. antiSemite?" . . . our plays sched- •F Simchat Torah—ReJolclnjj The Old Man . uled to open this fall on BroadPatronize Our Advertisers in the Torah Patronize Our Advertisers Before • Ruthie could answer The evening of the eighth dag this, the little fellow started to of Succoth ushers in the Sim-his feet, pointing down the windchath Torah Festival. To under- ing woodland path. Ruthie lookstand why we'have, this opecial ed, and saw an old man walking Feast of the Torah, you must under the trees. He was dressed knew that the Scroll of the Torah In a plain brown robe, a long Is divided into weekly portions: white beard covered his breast, he leaned upon a staff. Aleach portion Is to be .read during and "he seemed quite old, he a given week. On Simchath though strong and vigorous. Torah t h e last - section . of the appeared hl3 left hand' he carried a Torah' will be read. Immediate- Under bundle . of "lulavs," which Israel ly after that, the scrolls ' are intsantly recognised. . \ rolled back, and the reading of The children were afraid to the first section is begun. We domove spfiak, but the old man that to express our eagerness - fur greetedorthorn with a smile. He the Reading of the Torah, begin- began to talk to hut Ruthie ning to read i t once again, Juat looked more,and them, more perplexed, as soon a s we finish readin It. while Israel, gave a nod of underNow you can see why this day standings is a happy one, and why Jews re"He is speaking Hebrew," exjoice and thank God for His most plained Israel, who w a ^ a good precious gift, the Torah. No Jew- scholar a t t h e Hebrew school. ish child will wont to miss the "He.has basn. living here all hia




Community Calendar





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ed considerable space to editorial HARRY S1LVERMAN, Attorney •' 768 Brandels Theatre Building iomment on the Palestine Bitua:ion, all of them stressing its ser- NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF CREDITORS' COLLECTION \ iousness and the importance o* BUREAU, INC. clearing it up with, all dispatch. Notice is hereby given that the undersifmeu lievc associated themselves SEN E. KAELOWSKY, Attorney together for the purpose of forming a 532 Insurance Blrtg.. HISS AKWA PILL, coryespoaeleal corporator! under and. hy virtue of the WOT'CE OF ADMINISTRATIONlp.V/-s of the state of Nebraska, name of this crvporp.tlon ilinH Ia the Cour.tr Court of Douglas The be CREDITORS' COLLECTION BU;ountr, Nebraska: INC., and its principal place Ia the Matter of the Estate of REAU, of business shall be Omn.ha, NebrasAmanda Carlson, Deceased. The general nature of the -bumAll persons Interested in said estate ka. nese of this corporation shall be the are hereby notified that a petition peneml rollertion business and busihas been filed In EaJd Cou-t alleging ness - undertakin^rs allied there^^ith; that paiS deceased died leaving: no-the receiving of aecoimU,, notes, mortlast will and praying for administra- gtipes p.ncl p,nj- and all evidence of ntion upon his estate, and that a hearfor collection: to furnish, g will be bad on said petition be- debtedness for a. consitleration, information con— fore said court on the 5th. day of cerninf the creflft standing of individNovember, 1DSS, End that if they fail uals, firms p.nfl corporations; to buy, to appear Et paid Court on the said sell and deal in securities o£ every 5th day of November, 193S, at 9 nature; and to buy, own, lease dntt Senator Guy Gillette will ado'clock A. M. to contest said petition, pell an open meeting Wednesany real or personal property :»ecCommittees Named For dress the Court may grant the same and bushiess, with rower to mortgage or day evening, October' 19, in- the grant administration of said estate ! Carnival on eneurnber any of said propJewish Community Center at 8:30 to Agnes Burwick or some other su t- otherwise erty. The -capital stock of this corahle jrjrson and proceed to a settle- poration shall, o'clock. The meeting will be sponOct. 31 be $10,000.00, divided ment* thereof. sored by the Bnai Brith Lodge into 100 ph.p.reR or the par value of EKTCE CRAWFORD $100.00 each, al! of which stock shall Committees for the annual In- and will be open to the public. County Judge, be common stock and when issued ter-Club Carnival h a v© been Senator Gillette will speak on shall be fully paid for and nonnamed, and plans are going for- Haym Solomon, who lived during WEEE, EEBER, Kt-UTZNiCK & assessable. The corporation shall KELLEY, Attorneys ward to make the event an out-the period of the Revolutionary commence business with the filing of the articles with the County Clerk of standing one. The Carnival will War. ' N8T1CE OF INCORPORATION Douplaf! County, Nebraska, awU Bhall be held October 31, at the audiDr. Lewis Dimsdale will introOF continue until January 1, 1985. The torium, and 29 local organiza- duce the speaker. This meeting is THE OMAHA POST highest amount of indebtedness Bhall A. M. Dai-is E. X. GrneiKa jr. Kaplan. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE at no time exceed two-thirdB of its tions -will participate. . * :one of a series sponsored by the Milton Bolstein PRESENT: 1 General Cfcsinasn paid-up captal stock. The affairs of Floor Arrangements Advertising Advertising Chairman Raffles, attractive booths and Bnai Brith, to bring nationally That -we, the undersigned, do here- the corporation shall be conducted by dancing •will be on the program known speakers to the Jewish by associate ourselves together for a. Board of Directors elected annually the purpose of forming and becom- by and. from the stockholders. Tile Dora • Chapman and Miss ' Isabel for that evening, and a Carnival Community of Sioux 'City. ing'the service. Monday morning, ing a corporation under the laws of officers of the corporation shall be a Greenberg of Iowa City, Ia. booklet will be distributed before Memorial services will,be held, tv.e State of Nebraska, and for that \,. sldent, vice-president, secretary the event. > . purpose do hereby adopt the follow- and treasurer. The corporation shall following which Rabbi S. I. Boloting- Articles of Incorporation: Bernard Balaben, 22, son of have a corporate seal. A. M. Davis is chairman of the nlkov will speak. The name of the corporation shall New York (JTA) — "England Mr. and Mrs. B. Balaban, 900 HENRY R. MARSHALL Carnival; Milton Bolstein and L. be; "THE OMAHA POST." The R. O'NEILL, North Eighth street, was award- has gone Fascist in its sleep" and said corporation shall be in the City J. Kaplan, advertising chairmen; Dorotho S Incorporatora. sd a scholarship for bassoon the present government Is defin- of Omaha, Douglas County. NebrasDr. Delia Galinsky, ticket chairFuneral services for Max HaPlans are being 'niafle for the study in the Julliard School of itely pro-Nazi, it was charged by ka, but it shall have authority tc man; E. N. Grueskin, floor ar- nin were held in the Hanin home, GRODiNSKY, MARER A fall meeting of the Southwest Re- Music, New York, N. Y. Accord- Phyllis Bottozne, English novel- conduct business anywhere in* theMONSKY,COHEN, rangements, and Mrs. E. E. .Bar- with Rabbi V. BolotnikoV offiAttorney* ' The general nature of the gional Council of the B'nai B'rith ing to Ernest Hutcheson, 'presi- ist, arriving in New York to lec- world. 737 Omaha Nat'! Bank Bldfl. on, merchandise. Mrs. Nathan ciating. ' Mr. Hanin, a resident of business to be transacted by this corporation shall be to acquire, pubGoldis and Mrs. Sam Kaplan are Sioux City for 35 years, died In.a Mr. and Mrs., B-. H.' Shilof?. here on ^November 20. Further dent, only nine scholarships were ture here. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Miss Bottome, who is the auth- lish, circulate or otherwise deal with chairmen of the raffles. -•' local hospital following ah' oper- '10067 West; Sixth street, announcn details wi}l. be announced later. awarded for study in. the instiIn the County Court of Douglas newspapers or other publications and or of "The Mortal Storra," a novThe' executive.' committee is ation. tute for orchestral instruments. the- ^betrothal and" approaching generally to carry on the business of County, Nebraska: el depicting Nazi persecution o; In the matter of the estate of Fred composed of Ell Robinow, Jsick Surviving him are the widow. November marriage of t h e t r newspaper publishers. The authorized On Thursday, October 20, au A graduate froia Abraham LinRobinson, Joe Kufcher, Morey Anna; one son,Sam Hanin "of daughter, Miss Rose Shiloff, to open meeting of the Agudus coln High School in 1932, Ber- Jewish intellectuals, has been de- capital stock of this corporation shall S. Dygard, Deceased. : All persons interested In Bald $25,000.00, divided into 250 shares JLlpshutz, M. E. Skalovsky,' H. Cleveland, and six daughters, Joseph - Levin, 1024 Iowa street, Achim will be -held for members nard was the, youngest regular voting efforts to aiding Jewish. be refugees in London and in aiding of par value • f £100.00. ell of which estate are hereby notified that «. peFishgall, J. Kalin, E. N. Grues- Mrs. H. O.1 Rarkin of Oklahoma son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ley in of and their wives. member of the Omaha Symphony Jews to escape from Austria. She sii&ll be common stock, and e.11 of.tition has been filed in said Court jfcin, Si Krueger, Ben Sekt, I. City, Mrs. S. B. Elkln of Fonda, Chicago. The bride-elect is a vbich stock shall be fully paid for alleging that said deceased died leavFree refreshments w111 • be Orchestra. , While in high school is the author of a document, •w" ~n issue' either In cash, in serv- ing no last will and praying for adSinger, Lou Agranoff, Ii. J. Kut- Mrs. B. Pred of Walthill, Miss graduate of Central High school he won first individual honor for upon his estate, and be served. "J'Aecuse," which accuses the ices, or in property, and thereafter ministration cher, Abe Baron, Jack Goldsmith, Sarah Hanin of New York city, Abraham Lincoln in the State British Government of shutting be non-assesss.ble. The corporation that a, hearing will be had on Bald B. Baron, Mrs. E. E. Baron, Mrs. Miss Mary Hanin and Mrs. Sam petition before salt! court on the 22nd shall begin business on the filingof The Senior Hadassah will en- Music Festival. its eyes, to the menace of Hitier- these Articles in the office of theday of October, 1D3S. and that If they Mrs. J. Prostok announces the Sam Pickus, Mrs. Joe Kutcher, Matz of Sioux City.: •••' He won second honor for the fail to appear at said Court on the tertain at a 1 o'clock luncheon on Isrn. •county clerk and sha-11 continue for Toiarriagfi .of-her daughter, Miss Dr. Delia . Galinsky, Mrs. Joe ; a period of fifty years thereafter. said 22nd day of October, 193S, i.{ 9 Lee-Herman, oh Augt 22 to Harry Wednesday, October 19, a t the school In the national contest in Kutcher, ;Mrs. Sol Novitsky, Ii. J. o'clock A, M. to contest said petiThs affairs of this corporation, shall Denver, Colo., in 1929. ' Hartsteln of Minneapolis. After Chieftain Hotel. Kaplan, Sam Cohen, Milton Bolbe conducted by a board of directors tion, the Court may grrant the same 'a three-week trip ta New York For the afternoon's entertainstein, Meyer .Levitt, Lester Davidof not less than two members, who and grant administration of said shall serve -until the next annup.l estate tc Eulalia Dygard or some City, the couple spent several ment, a play, entitled "An Eve- Early last week Mrs. Jack son, Dr. Lewis Dimsdale, Abe Pill meeting of the stockholders, or until other suitable person and proceed to and Mrs. Harry Bailin. days in Sioux City'before return' ning at Home," will be presented Steinberg spent a few days visittheir successors are elected and qual- E settlement thereof. The advertising committee coning to Minneapolis, where they by Mrs: L. ,H. Katelman, Mrs. Ben ing in Kaosas- City, Mo. ERYCE CRAWFORD, ified. The directors shall elect s County Judge. president, vice-president, secretary 9-30-SS—3i>. sists of Abe Agranoff, John LansKubby and Miss Pearl Myerson. will make their home. and treasurer, and any two offices fcerg, Henry Sherman, Ephriam • Luncheon will be s e r v e d may be held by one and the same A Simcbas Torab, program will' Fatron."7e Our Advertisers Baron, Joe Kutcher, Eli Robinow, person. The annual meeting- of th6 •Mr: and- Mrs. Louis Goldberg promptly at 1 o'clock. a feature of '.he meeting TuesM. Satin, Joe Levin, Joe Gorchow, be stockholders shall be held on the secChairman of the month is Mrs. will >leave. Sunday for .a month's day evening of the. Ladles' Auxilond Monday.in January of each year Max Mason, M..E. Skalovsky, HT of Ghaare Zion; It will be .-in trip during .which time they will J. M. Moskovitz, "assisted by the at 10 o'clock A. M. in Omaha. 'Ne- I— 1 r ^ ^ Fishgall, J. Kalin, Philip Sher- iary Mesdames Leon Frankel, Sain (Continued from page 1.) braska. All or any portion of the meeting to' which, guests of visit' New Orleans,- Havana aiid < i man. Sam Cohen, John Levin, A. open assets of the corporation ma^ be Gross, and Nathan Nogg. General Officer In Command of the Auxiliary and the men of the the Panama Canal Zone. M. Davis, Lou Agranoff, Abe Pill, congregation are invited. British forces in Palestine, and sold, at any regular or special meetof which ten days notice has L. Shindler, L. J. Kutcher, Kate appointment of Sir Charles Teg- ing: girls interested In becombeen griven, and at which meeting: p A brief "business, meeting will Dr. Delia Galinsky and Mrs.ingAll Kuklin, Jack Goldsmith, Moe Laart, veteran of the Indian police majority of the total outstanding; of the Junior Hadaszere, Ben Baron, Rueben Miller, be held at . which Mrs. Meyer Herman Galinsky spent.last week- sah members to General Robert Haining's staff stock is voted in favor of making are cordially invited to attend Shubb will preside. Mrs. M. J. Lester Heeger, A. H. Baron, Lawor disposition, notwithend with friends and relatives in a membership tea to be held on to advise on police matters. He such a sale that such sale or disposition rence Baron, Morey Lipshutz, Brown will give the invocation, Minneapolis. admitted that despite these mea- standing Sees No Possibility of AlSunday, October 16, at 2:45 p. m. may make it impossible for this corand reports;of all the chairmen John Lansberg, Ben Sekt, Jack sures and "the successes recorded poration to further conduct its busiat the home of Mrs. Richard Gortering German AntiLassman, E. N. Grueskin, Mike will be heard.- • ness &nd carry out the purposes for by troops and "police against Arab Mrs. Walter Frank,, Sr., ar-don, sponsor of the-group, 604 Semitism. . which i t -was organized. The Board Grueskin, Sol Novitsky, I. Singer, it's churned Mrs. William Kutcher is chalr^ rived recently In Sioux City to Roosevelt bands, there has been & serious of avenue., . Directors shs.15 have the power to Max Manaker, Max Dervin, M. man of the pfo'gram.'Cantor Mordeterioration in the general sitmake all by-laws necessary for convisit with her eon. a Miss Libbie Grossman, chairNew York <JTA) — Myron C. uation. Shiloff, B. RIfkin, J. Shapiro, ris .Okun will be heard, in ducting- the business of the corporafrom man of the affair, is being assist- Taylor, American vice-chairman Jack Robinson, Milton Mushkin, group of folk aongs, accompanied tion. These articles may be amended Mrs. -Wlliard Griswaid ,o MacDonald declared It was the by a majority vote of the stocked by the following chairmen: of the Intergovernmental RefuH.-Miller, Barney Baron, M. Seff, at the pitno by Mrs. A. H. Baron. Sweet Cream _ibnti Cjaiji ia vjtaitUig hef© in the Arrangements, Esther Steinberg; gee Committee, has espressed Administration's policy to.employ holders at eny regtilar or special Leon* Dobrofs.ky,' Mrs. Barney Dances of many lands will be prep B. Aronsonn tb'tde... an increasing number of Jews in meeting: of the stockholders on two Refreshments, Sylvia Endelman; hOP.e, that Germany. would ease Baron, Mrs. Sol Nov? sky, Mrs. sented I-" "mills H l days prior notice if- the proposed Miss Hazel Decorations, • Ruth Seldin; Serv- the "extreme persecution" and maintaining order. He .said the amendment, such notice to be mailed Joe Kutcher, Mrs. Joe •Krio'sten, Bergh and will ' include Polish, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Galinsky ing, Ida Gittle. relax the "increasing pressure" total Jews now employed, was be- to each Etockhoiaer a t his last adMrs. Sam Pickus, Mrc. Earl Kline, Russian. Hungarian dances, and dress. M Si the Palestinian <Hora. Refresh- and Bernlce Galinsky spent last For the afternoon's entertain- on emigrants, and voiced confi- tween 5,000 and 6,000. Mrs. "W. C. Slot&ky and Mrs. Iraq Seeks Caatoalzstion IN 'WITNESS -WHEREOF, the j n ments will be served- from the week-end with friends in Omaha. ment, an Interesting program has dence that means could be found, Krueger. . SWEET have hereunto set their Succah. been planned. Misa Bettie Gross- acceptable to Germany and na- The Government was mean- fiersisned hs.nds this 7th ^&y c* Scrtomber, CREAM while carrying or consultations Melvin B. Rosenfeld, who retions of refuge, to save a portion man, accompanied by Miss Florless. Mrs. Barney Baron is In with Foreign Minister Tewfik Sucently went to Chicago for a visit, of emigrants' wealth. In Presence of: ence Steinberg, will sing two secharge of the< refrc'iBnents. and DAVID EL.ACEET, Mr. Taylor, who recently re- waidi of Iraq, who was underMrs. Lester Goldman in charge will remain there to reside, hav- lections. • . . . , , . A. A. PORTEK. ' stood to be proposing a e&Eioning taken a position with the Holof the. decorations. , Guest speaker will be Mrs. turned fromi Europe, where he Ization scheme with the approvSAM EEBEK. and Jewelry company of' that David A. Goldstein of Omaha. played the leading role in organal of King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arizing the Refugee Committee, adcity. '. The Misses Florence and-EsTALMUD TORAH abia. Suaisii discussed Vze p'-z-s, ther Steinberg •will present mu- dressed a dinner in his honor at with Lord "Halifax, Brltirh J"crREGISTRATION the Ritz-Carlton Hotel given by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harlow of sical selections. ' ' eign Secretary, and the Calcils.1 tbrm Lake, la., 'announce the Mrs.Nathan Gilinsky, president the Council on Foreign Relations. Secretary. He was also reportri The Board, of the Hebrew birth of a son, on October 7. It was stated that this was the of the Senior chapter of HadasThe Senior Hadassah Board School announces 'that the regisaddress Mr. Taylor would to be conferring with Dr. Weizu V. sah, will preside at the tea table. only met recently to complete plans tration of new pupils for,the bemake on the refugee question at mann. Miss Rosale Hochstein of St. Tqr, its opening fall meeting, ginners and advance classes will Louis arrived Sunday to spend The Jewish Agency was promptthis time. He warned that there • scheduled for October 25. Thebe bpeu until a few days after ,wo weeks with Mr. and Mrs. The Talmud Torah's annual was hd "possibility of changing ed to issue a statement which meeting will follow a luncheon in the Succoth' holidays. . ' Dave Levitsky, 815 Iowa street rummage sale, will ,be held Octo- ermany's anti-Semitic policies. said: "We state unequivocally the Jewish • Community Center. that the Jewish people reject any New Life Necessary Parents are urged to enroll Mrs. Levitsky , complimented her ber 24 alnd 25. Everyone is urged to accumuMrs." Charles Raskin will be in their "children immediately,, so "The present situation has solution coadecming thesi to a giiest'at a bridge party Wednes•charge • of the reservations. that they' may '-e placed in their day evening in her Tiome, ' and late all of the rummage possible, brought death to hundreds, dls- minority status in Palestine."' The and they isriiCbe called, late* by •aster to hundreds of thousands, statement added tliat 'the -Jevs A'report of the Child Welfare respective classes.Thursday evening Miss Francos the' committee. ' drive -was. made. by Mrs. Louis r-™*, f^*^^ and fear to millions," Mr. Tay-remained ready to cooperate with, Rutstein entertained in her home Goldberg, chairman, who anlor said. "It has fanned the the Arabs for the general welf&rs of the country. nounced that the auota for this Fifty relatives of the couple at- flames of hatred and added new The Hebrew Mbthers Associa- tended the fwedding, last .Sunday fears and prejudices to a world project ••was'filled. .' According' to- newspaper action held, a Succoth Tea Wednes'.The date for the Hadassah card Simchas Torah; services will be day .afternoon in the social hall of Miss June Meyerson to Wil-"already burdened with gigantic counts, the •* Iraq • plan' . provides party was-set for November 16. held tonight^at Mount:Sinai tern--' iam A. Rothsteln of Kansas City. unemployment problems, econom- for. conversion of the country ir.tc ' Mrs. Majrk Sabel was named pie, when: members of the Sun-.of Shaare Zlon synagogue. Mrs. Ma. The nuptials were "of ficiated ic uncertainty aad distress. an independent state allied fcr chairman of • the* H a d assah day school will- participate in the Abe. Bain'presided. by! Rabbi David- A. Goldstein cf "To anyone who has come into treay to Britain and governed i;rcommittee to work on the Inter- service. They will Include Gloria Omaha at noon in the home of contact at first hand- with this der a. constitution -to bs drawn ur Club council. ticket committee. Novitsky, Barbara Davis, LeonMiss Helen Marsh was elected the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. tragic exodus, there can be no by a constituent1 assembly wbici Assisting her will be Mrs. Si Rich, ard Roseathal. Doris Grueskin, president of the Sub Deb Club S. Melyerson. • • ' " apathy or prejudice, only a deep would guarantee full civil and reMrs. Art Kaplan, Mrs. M. A. La-Sandy Baron, Stanton Kalin, Jack at • their meeting Sunday evening The bride, was dressed in a feeling of compassion and the re-ligious rights to all commtnlties. gere and Mrs. 'Leon Shulkin. Krueger, David Levin, Stanton n the home of Misses Shirley and gown of white net with bodice alization that we are witnessing Local autonomy would he grantCohen. Harley Babbitz and" Her- Minnie Holdowsky, 603 Iowa and' panels r of wtilte lace. • Theone of the most tragic happenings ed to Arab and' Jewish, towns en bert Holland. Rabbi Theodore N. street. JUDEANS dress waa cut-with a low square of modern tines; a • tragedy, educational and municipal afLewis will speak on a . Simchas Other officers elected wera neckline, full skill and short moreover, which1 Is for the most fair.- No further' Jewish .immigraMEETING TODAY Torah theme. ' ' ': Pauline Devlne, vice-president; puffed , sleeves. Her matching part entirely unnecessary - and tion.-woiild be permitted, and rights of the. separate Arab and Sunday evening,, a t 8: o'clock, Shirley Hbldowsky, secretary; and shoulder-length veil was' held' In avoidable." The'first meeting of the Young Jewish communities wocld •" be closing Succoth services will be iiiss Esther Begun, treasurer. He stated that-the problem inplace .by .a. wreath of, small white Judean Council> will be held this : gnasanteed .by Britain for "the held at the temple. • Miss Esther Marsh ia advisor of volved the question, of placement morning in the home of Mrs. roset and swansonla. • She "carried Vincent Harrington addressed the group." and preparation of emigrants, duration of the, Anglo-Palestine Herman Llcht, The council is a... w,hi t e , Bible, with; the men of Mount Sinai temple at particularly youths, for new life composed' of • delegates -from: the streamers. ' la new lands. Iraa', and also Egypt, csaie cp three -groups of the Young Ju- their annual congregational and Mr. and Mrs. Hy Minter of Los Miss" Lorraine Meyerson,' maid brotherhood meeting held Wed- Angeles have returned to their • "Despite the difficulties involv- In Parliament In connection with deans.' of> hpnor, .was dressed.In a. rose Representing the Herzl di- nesday at the West hotel. The home after a visit here en route slipper satin gown, fashioned on ed,. I am confident means .can be Palestine. Geoffrey Mander, Libvision are Burton Lipshutz, dele- meeting followed a dinner. from New York, where they visit- princess lines with drop phoul- found which will be acceptable eral, demanded that the Governboth to the German Governments ment .make representations to gate; Wallace Friedman, altered with Mr. Minter's parents. ders and brief puffed sleeves. and the Governments of refuge Baghdad and Cairo to end what nate." The Sharona group will be Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobson, parShe-carried,tea roses.. • whereby a considerable portion he called. intrigues against the represented by Annie Kanofsky, ents of Mrs. Minter, entertained Albert Rothsteln- of St. Joseph, of this wealth {the refugees') Palestine administration. Foreign delegate, .and. Irene- Levltsky, alfor the couple during their visit Mo., attended his brother as best can be saved for. emigrants to enUndersecretary Richard A. Bctler Regular services S a't u r "d a y here. '."". ~ ternate. Shirley Guttleman is man. • • able them to find, reach and es- said the Government' was satisdelegate of the Buds of Sharona, morning will hegln at -8:30 tablish themselves in new homes" A black crepe frock trimmed fied that the attitudes of the Iro'clock at- Shaare Zlbn. . . . . •with Sally Levin, alternate. with net and sequins was worn Mr. Taylor declared. aqi and Egyptian Gorer2iEier.ts Sunday evening at 6 o'clock the by the bride's mother. Her corwere entirely correct. closing Succoth services will be sage -was of Talisman roses. The REICH -EXPORTS • TO • Newspapers, meanwhile, dsvoiheld with' a consecration of the groom's ^mother wore black crepe fruit brought by children of the f I •• : • " . U. S DROP ;40% v -with velvet- trim and a corsage • The "first general Junior Ha- synagogue. The fruit will later LEIGH & KRAJICEK, Attys. dassah meeting of the fall season be distributed' among needy.famof ! American Beauty roses. 4SS3...SO.' 24th St. New:York (JTA) — A 40 per St. ^Louls (JTA) —-~ The cleavOkun was held' Wednesday evening in ilies in Sioux City. Cantor Mrs.- Leo Meyerson^ accom- cent decline in German exports to : • - PROBATE NOTICE • age v among German-Americans panied " by • Mrs. Karl Werndorff, the Martin hotel, with Miss Dena will chant, the'service. '' ' In-the matter of. t i e estate-of Soee Baron presiding. A skit was pre- Monday' morning the "service has :caused:;the. death of'the only sang "Because" and "AtiDawa the United States testifies to the "Morris. .Deceases. ,: Increasing 'efficacy'-of the boycott sented by Miss Helen Ratner and will; begin* at>%: 30:o'clock. :At 10 German-Language. newspaper In NotScs fa heresy1, given! • g" before the ceremony.; Leo St. .Louis,:this Westliche Po3t, on Meyerson, the bride's brother, of German goods In- this country, Tbat. ths creditors of sa'fl aeees.sG.1 Miss H u t h Singer, "and current o'clock Rabbi Rablnowitz :w will"-meet t i e -exseator-cf said estr-te, events were given by Miss Rose speak on "Chaining the Angel of whlch'suchT men; as Joseph Pulitr played the processional, the wed- according to' a report Issued' here before me, Ctscntjr- Judge of DocglM by .the..Joint Boycott Council of Death." -A memorial service wll zereot their start.. County, SfeSrasna, e t the Cov.~fPill. •„_,.' ding march from "Lohengrin."^ the American ; Jewish'. . Congress Court Koem, The editor, J. Otto Pfeiffer, ex follow the sermon. in. said County, oa the The date for the-Junior HadasFollowing the ceremony, a wed- and*-the'Jewish. Labor Committee. 21st -<5sy of 'November, 1SSS, and i~ plained that circulation and adi Monday evening the 'service cah card party was announced for ding dinner was served in the bal The , report i asserts that Nazi the '"1st flay, of-.Jannsry, 1SS9, ct vertising fell when the paper was October 24. Reports of the re- will'begin at 6:30 o'clock:and at caught between a cross-fore of room of the Hotel Chieftain. The exports' to the United States for . 9 o'clock A. • M.. each day, for tns. gional officers meeting, held at 7 the Procession with the Scrolls accusations, on one hand that it centerpiece of the bridal party's the first .eight-inoaths--of '1938 •purpose of -"'presenting • their cfe'rriK ',.'••. Des Moines Sunday, were heard. will be held., table was a large -wedding cake, totalled ?33,C0O,CCO z.z eempcred for esstri«'»tion1 -R.fi jurtraert er-3 clTuesday morning S i m c h a s was Nazi, and-on the other that flanked by two bouquets. Members -who attended that meetwith $56,200,000 for the ease it'was Communist. services will be held at Ing wore Miss : Baron, Misses Torah The couple left later in tha period XzxX. year. 8:30; following the .reading o ; .Finally, the paper went bankElnma anfl Dorothy Merlin, Miss the law, the children, will recite r.upt, leaving, this center of Ger- day for a 10-day trip, attar Fannie .Rosof sky and Miss Nell the blessings over the Torah. which they will make their home •Fs.txor.lz-i Our .'^ :maa-Americans without a GerSlnlkln. •••-:-,.,. . . , . • • > • -'* :.r man;, paper tor the first time In In Kansas City. "• Among the out-of-town wed103 years. •..-.-•-. JEWISH 'NATIONAL FUND ding guests were the groom's sis' i s The Jewish National Fund f • o ter, Mrs. Herbert Silverstons ci Kovno, (WNS)—An g Council' is" making plans for the D. C ; his parents The closing day Succoth Serv- cy fund is being raised here by Washington, visit here of Rabbi Louis - J. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kothsteln O f Schwefel, on November -.9. and ices at Tlphereth Israel and Beth Kovno Jewry to enable 120 Ger and his brothers, Albert, Sidney V ™C2 10. Rabbi Schwefel recently re- Abraham synagogues will begin man Jews who came to Lithuania and Leonard; Mr. and I.lrs. Saia turned from Palestine where ne Sunday evening at 6 -o'clock. as • tourists during the summer Alberts and Miss Carp, all of St 313 So. I C I J ESrccS 3pent more than a year. He is Monday evening the service will and have refused to return to Joseph; Miss Gwendolyn. Meyernow making a tour In the /inter- start at - 7.. o'clock, •- and Mondaj .Germany to 'emigrate- t o ' South coa -of.; .Chicago,. -111.,-anS • Mrs, 1 d h J i h Nationa ! Fund. and Tuesday morning • at 9. • Dur.- America*

City News



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Death Claims ' Max Hanin

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