October 21, 1938

Page 1

Is Interest® of A CHURCH ; \ •Wandering abont Ne"w York on _' m y recent vacation I discovered .. Riverside Church. I followed a. towering: edifice I bad seen in the . distance and came to Riverside Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January Si. 1S31. at .."V.OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1938 Postofflce, of omaha, Nebraska, nnfler tha Act of Karen S, 1879 Chores -which Is on Riverside , Drive around the corner from Colombia University. I learned it NEW MEMBERSHIP COOK.ING CLASS TO . had already been there seven *A* years -when I found it, for I am POLICY FOR CENTER BEGIN ON MONDAY : a country boy •who doesn't get A new membership policy was Cooking Classes will begin nest : around much. announced recently by the Jewish Monday evening-, October 24..The I stood breathless In the vast Community Center -which makes classes trill meet at 5:30 p. in. at majesty ot Riverside Church and membership in the Center exthe Jewish Community Center. felt that I could almost become tremely valuable. From now on. Much, interest has been express- a - ChriBtian there. Riverside Center members will be entitled ed ia these classes, and it is anChurch la Ii&e an old Gothic to new privileges, for which extra ticipated that approximately 50 cathedral brought over a n d fees were being charged heretoJ.C.C. Athletic Department Youth Group to Map Plans girls will enroll. , scrubbed to loot fresh. My feel- To Participate in Meeting fore. Those interested in joining tkis • tag of spiritual kinship iras r e of Jewish Welfare Beg-in* Year** • For C f The most Important new privclass may coraciunicate with the ciprocated i>7 Riverside Church Federationo ilege Is free admission to the CenActivities . Sea Je-wisli Community Center, Jackitself. ter Forum. • This year the Center Siate Hull and presented •••' son 1366. Among the carvings of ChrisLeaders in Jewish wslfare ac- Forum will consist of the follow\theRound Gym and swimming classes are The a plea for AnieWojiis jii;> v '\" There will be only a nominal tian saints I found on the church tivity in Omaha will take a prom- ing unusual treats: five outstand- Table o'" now meeting at the Jewish ComJis -will be With BntF.iri to prpvpnt s» --*> .the stone images of Einstein and inent part in the Fifth annual ing speakers, "two plays, two movOctober charge connected with this course. munity Center under the direcrevision in Ppipfti'np r o ' ' c : v v ' Spinoza. They were closeby Jesus West , Central States Regional ies, and one concert. tion of I#ee Grossman, Center 25^* oc> V* ^ish Community would harm tlie liomeiprw., HimBelf, they and other philos- Conference of the Council of Jew01 physical director. In addition to t i e Center ForJoe Guss, presophers, scientists and prophets of ish Federation a n d Welfare um many new activities are no-"""51.#? IN* " -..«"•'*xks The following schedule is now Round Table. The all the times. Jesus and Einstein, Funds, to be held in St. Louis, Oc- being- planned. Center membe. ia effect: -uf the meeting will be to The United St. Paul, Spinoza and St. Francis tober 29 and 30. Jerusalem (WNS) — Jerusa- expects will be able to take advantage cu Morning Women's Classes _,-oirt plans for activities for t o be consuUP<\ I." 1 * were all emanations of the same Monday and Wednesday: 9:45, lem, holy, city to three 'great British Governnieui. N--V11*; Henry Hens' .y, national presi- all these activities without addi- _• new season. divinity. I could feel myself no dent gym; 10:15, volley ball; 10:30, of the B'nai B'rith, will pre- tional cost. " Twenty-one youth organizareligions, became a battle- latter iskef; r-ny fin.?- «r:i.-)istranger In Riverside Church. swimming. side at the opening session as tions, representing soms 500 I,could kneel at Its altar trith- chairman of the Program ComFriday: 10:15, volley ball; 11, ground for the first time since in the raler-iine M?iui?.tp '•"• young men and women, send del.. out any. compunctions of my con- mittee of the regional organizaswimming. adoption of P. IK'-*-" V?:~>eH'*'"z egates to the Round Table. Enscience, though I only sat in one tion. Philip Klutznick will be Tuesday and Thursday: 10, the 13th century as 2.000 Brit- icy ihiA. Tronic! h;>^e the P7'~P. tering upon its fifth year -at activof its pews. The shechinah seemed chairman of a session on comspecial class. ish troops end 4,000 Jewish ity, the Bound Table lias become '. there. Outside I had Just been munal aspects of Jewish educaan Important communal organiza- Reply Policy of Violence Sunday: 3 to 4 p. m... swim- policemen, supplemented by t.ion fmel h^Uinc Jewish imi;. hearing the outgivings of the tion. ming. tion and has carried out many Will Bring Disgrace aircraft, metieready to dis. radio "Hitler ready to march" Business and Senior Women David Goldman, chairman of projects of significance. to Arabs ,» . . "Hitler to march a t 2:30" the Omaha German Refugee ComMonday and Wednesday: 6 p. lodge Arab rebels e-ntrcncheci Following are the six point prom., reducing exercises; 6:45 p. . . . The day before his barbaric mittee, will report on the program of the Round Table: Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- in., games and volley ball; 7:30, in the Old City section, E? re-io u r t e the Vniieu Sip.'.p* . farrago had been in the air . . . gress made by his committee. levcede v - i c i i Cveal T^llpih 1. To act as spokesman for the cy) — While Arab leaders were .6-9 p. m., swimming. .Riverside Church seemed remote Morris JS. Jacobs will discuss Jewish. Youth in our community. threatening that unless the Jews skating; ports from London indicr/cecl vent the Pfloplion of pi-.d Sunday: 4 to 5 p. m., swimfrom t h e current arrogance. I problems of the smaller commun- Refugees Being Returned 2. To act as a clearing house agreed to their demands they that martial lav,- vor.Td be pro-icy. T]\e (\<?\?EPi\<~-V: ^vf•: ••wondered If everybody who Is ity. to avoid conflicting events of a wonld corapete2r vipe out the ming. I detr,i!e>i meniorP. by Government to Junior Girls .called Christian could feel at claimed throughout Palestine j the ciiplompnc. •ine-.-fi^ r>r William Holzman is a member social nature among the groups Jewish communities o£ Palestine Monday and Wednesday: 4 p. home in Riverside' Church. . Sudetenland or the Executive committee of the of the Bound Table. and the whole Near East, the I M ™ ^ * ' " i n t h e ™™'''' gym and skating; 4:40 p. m., momentarily. -.. Couldthat women feel at home regional organization. Sam Beber 3. To promote religious, cul- Jews of Palestine declared that m., swimming. Prague (WNS) — Nearly tural, a t its altar? She was one of two and Louis FInkelstein of Lincoln The count-< i- r l - r - " n . . -\ ; ( c , , r social and economic inter- such, massacres could only disSunday: 3 to 4 p. m., swim- virtual m i L t r " ~i r ; F" P ~ - ' t I had overheard a t . a street cor- are members of the Plan and half of the. 355,000 Jews who liv- ests among youth groups. , grace the Arabs without in any ming. ed in what was Czechoslovakia ner. You can't believe everything Scope Committee, and Paul Veret zette having f - r r P r, , ' i r 4. Co-operate "with all other way preventing the realization of Senior Men (Over 21) • you hear on the radio, she wasis secretary of the program com- before her dismemberment are al- groups on issues of common con- Zionism. Tuesday and Thursday: 7:30 p. ready seriously affected by thecern. - saying. Don't you know, she said, mittee. At the same time Jewish lead- m., calisthenics, volley ball and order unce*- t , f « oiv t, \ cession of large areas to Gerthis Kaltenborn is a Jew. Yes, his lations rlp"-i ^ • • 6. Participate in communal af* Study Needs ers offered to Arab leaders the albasket ball. name certainly sounds Jewish and militair cor* i The Conference will consider many, Poland and Hungary and fairs, such as Jewish Philanthro- ternative of peace based on muSunday; 10:30 a. m., class other he is giving out Jew propaganda. methods of organizing local com- the granting of autonomy to thepies and similar enterprises. speciE.' r p r r t -r. 'm , 1 tual good trill. Moshe Shertok, wort and play. That's why I say you can't be- munities to help them cope more provinces of Slovakia and Ruthspeed? Tf? o ~ : r or c~\. 6. Promote joint holiday fesu r f 1 of the Political Department Tuesday and Thursday: 8 to 9 lieve everything you hear. Hitler effectively with their responsibil- enia, while the future of the oth- tivals in the form of social events. head l of the Jewish. Agency, cabled an T h e A r l r r r ff r i < p. m. swimming. f Is getting the worst of it. ities in meeting Jewish needs er half is none too rosy. A sur- The officers of the Bound Tato trie Palestine Arab DeSunday: 11 to 1 p. m., swim- t h e IV'o^ci f r—P~ or i ^ r T "-ir r It Was only a little while before here and abroad. Special stress vey of the situation reaveled the ble for 1938-39 are: Joe Guss, answer fense Committee, whicn through •which tl^r- - r e '^ < <• , - ~ that I had heard this at the street will be placed upon the adjust- following picture: president; Irene Mirotrttz, vice a gTo-jp of Arab leaders in Dam- ming. W a l l , b u t FfTTP P — r - - c v - - r —- i r '>,-> Intermediate Boys (15-18) corner between the ;two women, ment of German refugees in this 22,000 Jews from the Sudeten- president; Bertha Slutzlcy, secre- ascus sent a cable to Dr. Chaim Tuesday and Thursday: 6 to 7 Baid t o bf l o v , - 3r f] r n r v < * if ' >- .1 T but now I sat untroubled in the region, the responsibilities of theland who fled to Prague are being tary; Morris Arbitm&n, treasurer. "Weiziaann threatening the Jews p. in., basketball; 7 to 8 p. m.,w h e r e t h r t - o o r r F"'7- ro~ T F r - i •• "Christian sanctuary, where the Jewish Federation towards Jew- f o r e ibly repatriated; 126,000 The Round Table has supervi- of Palestine and of the whole swimming. ed. At 1 b u i t T £•« r ' r~ - ' T •- ' images of great Christians and ish education, and the problem of Jews In Slovakia facing anti-Sem- sion over the youth room, -which. world that, unless they woclfi tlniHOi- Boys (1O-14) M o s c u e r - p r •---'>, "•> ~-<-ir h - n - % Jews, of Jesus, Buddha and Mo- coordination In the sphere of the itic restriction under the new au- •was equipped in the spring-, at the Immediately desist in their efforts Tuesday and Thursday: 4 to •who e^-e U T F 5 "—• r r r — ? o - r 1 i I bammed stood in saintly rows to- protection of the civic rights of tonomous regime; 10,000 Jews Jewish Community Center. toward further upbuilding of a 4:40 p. m., gym work and com- POStS f-OIE V I r] ,„ r- i f f ; i, igether. from the Teschea area of Silesia Jews. • • " r Jewish homeland in Palestine, the petitive games; 4:40-5:20, BWim- ling- t h e ehp F - c c •' F " . I • ' ceded to Poland now subject to Riverside Church was a comArabs of Palestine and the Xear nnnsr. More than 200 lay and profes- Hungarian plane;. ^ -v anti-Semitism; 95,fortable Tefuge for any one run- sional Sast would declare a holy war leaders in Jewish welfare 000 Jews in the Czech areas of Sunday: 10 to 11 a. m., swimning away from, the world that and community and kill all the Jews living there. ming. are ex-Bohemia and Silesia fearful of Old O l M . ' f ^pe- " i - — i - r > " " " ' ' Hitler had made, from the paint- pected to attend activity - This warning tras issaed in confrom the states posaible Health Citih (Business and t h e A - r b ' v ' r z * ^ < i, - - , . anti-Semitic feeling as a ed mouths of ladles spewing r e - of Missouri, Kansas, junction with the Arab InterparlColorado, Professional • Bleu) " cont"r* e l , r , , - r, v l f - t : t~ - c t result of the embittered feeling Tilement at street corners. iamentary Congress vrhich. met at Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, WisconDaily:' 12:30, volley ball, The minister of this' church. sin, Minnesota, North Dakota, of the populace and the competiCairo, Egypt over the week end. Tuescay and Thursday: 12:lo i> i Dr. Harry - Emerson Fosdlck, South Dakota and the Province tion between Czechs and refugees Ziosissa Xot Deterred p. m., calisthenics. for jobs; 112,000 Jews in Ruth! raafie r ? c . . - - ' c~ <•— i o" 1 o ' ' f seems to be troubled ahouf Chris- of Sunday: 1C:.SO a. m., class Manitoba, Canada. The Jewisb. leader declared: enia, which includes Carpalhotianity In the world outside his Speakers will include Edgar Ruasia, "2icnisra will not be deterred by work ana volley ballhopeful that the new ausanctuary. Things -were going Kaufman, Tuesday and Thursday: 1 to £ chairman of the recentthreats ct killings.-The firm stand badly against- Christianity out- ly ..formed General Council for tonomous regime- will adhere to ii^ p s r c s l in of Palestine Jewry "despite the p. 'is... EWismnng. its promise of -complete^ political, side, and on the following Sun-. SunSar: 11 to 1 F- C , swimlights; and Cecilia Razov- cultural and economic rights for Arab onslaught of t i e last three History, Religion l * 'dayTfe'was1 preaching on'the sub- Jewish sky, director of National Coordin- all citizens; 6,500 Jewish refuyears bears elogaent testiaaocy to j i n e • fTi i T -,-, i r ; f r • - - ' - 1 >• •> ject, "A Strange World in Which ating D r Committee to Aid German the fact. If the Arabs of neighbor, gees from Germany and Austria to Bft Christian." / . ers f~e b e r e." - b - " f . • '. i ' • ~- • Refugees.* • • " ' ing countries should resort to the < c T who have been ordered to leave \ Yes, I thought, "a world, like , &rea of tl e ^ ••* C *-• T P ' r i - - r ->~ >•• o \ , A marked Increase in the en-massacring cf Jews, that wocld ' the country by October 27 th. this must give a dreadful pain to i troll ,. ?•' 1c -f » O* • « i p ~ I , i<. i rollment of new pupils in the de-not prevent the realization of 1 Sent Back to Sndetenland Christians. Two thousand years f partment of history and religion Zionism but would only bring disv a l l c c" I h r O ^ C •• r r r 7- T H - - J - r> t > , ' of Christianity and-yet all this The Jewish refugees from Su- was noted during the last two grace to the Arabs themselves. — . c a r s FTC. t-i"* v. 3 O F i ' c r>_ ? r - F f i. t . . . this rapine . . . this.insolence detenland are now being sent Sundays. The initial registration ss did t i e killiEg and burning of ,- o n PS.LT" . 1-,r , n »* ^ > of tyrants . . . this plundfer of the. back despite the personal Inter- of 160 pupils has BOW grown to the women and children of TiberF helpless . . . murderous ultimaI k J f t ' e r . . l e a c • f , 1- . ^ ^ , „ r V _" „ ' ' vention of Sir Neill Malcolm, a total of 248. On account of this ias, an act that will remain as a tums . . . this lady a t .the" street League of Nations High Commis- very rapid increase the classes in shameful stain on the record o° corner . . . " . ,City"L ^ v ' '"'I--f " Ul'f " " r V , 7 " " ' „ , . „ sioner for German Refugees, who all divisions are very nearly com- the Arabs of Palestine. We see This church was like-an image emphasized to Acting-President plete. The anneal "Ingathering" of possibility of fruitful co-operc e n t ' —• ? r n i r " - -• ~ "~ ' * of the better world that good men and Premier Jan Syrovy that the Registrations for these classes the ation throughout Palestine, em- the Needle-work Guild will be held dreamed. Thank' God there were ' The Beth El Talmud Torah an- deportation of the refugees is will be open oaly during the re-bracing the Jews and Arabs cf October £6, £7 and £S &i the First r a a i r ^ r r ~ s> t ^ t v > " r ^ - ' . ' r " still good men left .dreaming nounces that 50 pupils are en-tantamount to sentencing them to maining two weeks and will be Palestine and of neighboring j Congregational chcrch. l.lrE. B. t e r r c •' F ~, i - L . r , T , brave dreams. In - the stained rolled in the classes that meet concentration camps or starva- closed after Sunday. October 30. countries for the good of every- j A. Sirac-c is sectional president hills rv o o r «.o> i d i - 1 - . , glass -windows 'stood Abraham, regularly at 5109 Capitol avenue. tion. Syrovy conceded the harsh- Therefore parents of children be- one. But an essential condition j and Sirs. TV. Raeusin and I'.frs. Isaac and Jacob and closeby, t h e A special class under the direc- ness of the government's policy tween the ages of 5 and 17 arefor sach co-operation would be Richard Wright are her assistApostles. Moses stood in the win- tion of Cantor Aaron Edgar pre- and said he knew that the NasI urged to register their children the recognition of the basic rights ants. •v »i ' hdow /with the Torah beside the pares boys for Bar Mitzvah. authorities in the Sudetenland immediately in order to assure Directors of this sectisn. arc: pres the Jewish people in Palestine, Catholic St. Francis who was the Dr. Morri3 Margolin, chairman had taken over the business and them of a place- in their proper of Mesdames I. Abr&inson, F. Erod- the th'e realization of which could one * h o gave his coat to the poor of the school board, urges Imme- property abandoned by the refu- classes. D. Blacker. B.. Borfir. W. be of benefit to the Arabs. ker, man on the winter, day- . . . The enrollment; of new pupils only Boasberg, E. D. Brodter, M. tion diate enrollment as registration gees. T3ie return of the Jews to PalesThis was the brave dream of will soon be closed and no furthin the dally Hebrew classes of the S. Epstein, H. Fsrb~-. *l. But he pointed out that Czechis dictated by historical ne- Davis, brotherhood in the church and I er admissions will be made.: Mr. oslovakia t7a3 taking no chances Talmud Torah which has been tine Ferer, J. J. Frieden. I. F,--",r-. 1 "> "IT 7 ^ cessity; and threats will not deprolonged on account of the holicould kneel at its altar. They may L. Graets, J. Gross, J. GOOC>:T 'Sol Kahz Is principal ot the on creating a new minority prob1 flect the Jewish, people from its be killing millions of people soon, 'school. er, D. Greenberg, J. C-oldwtrE, £.. lem, evea with anti-Nazi Ger- days will also dose shortly. ParJosephson, N. Jacobs, X. L<ins1 thought, but.they can't kill this. The children of the Talmud mans, and moreover, the nation ents who wish their children to p a a to freedom." ms.n, William Levey, J. Lipser. S. It is a strange world in which to Torah also attend the Beth El was In no position to resist Ger- receive Instruction in elementary Halssbock, H. Milder, J. Mtrer, be Christian and hold fast to this Sabbath school, where they are man pressure for the immediate or advanced Hebrew c l a s s e s S, BroFE, C. Levinson, C. Nathdream and keep' on believing i n given Instruction in history and return of the refugees. Registra- should register tfeera immediately.


New Policy Expected As Afab Violence Flares












. . . • • •

religion under the supervision ot of the refugees

preparatory to

For information regarding the





an, J. Ne?nnan, A. X e r m t t , J.

'SevTuZn, S. Olanfier, I. RosenStrange, too, that this church Mrs. David A. Goldstein. their deportation, is already un- Sunday classes ia history and reblatt, I. Sherman. Ed-Simon, S. ligion or the classes ia the daily •was erected, in part, to the glory der way. Steinberg, J. Stein, D. Stein. D. Hebrew school, please call Jackof TortCh. and prophets though to Boycotting Jews, GennsB3 Sherman, K. Tenger, Philip Eolmany Jews Torah and prophets In Slovakia the Jewish popula- son 7S87. 1 lotuchen, N. Turner and Kins are like dead books. Jews looktion is in a panic because of the Blanche Simman. ing down on'Torah" and prophets ing. Reports of impending antifrom intellectual snobbery; -or Mrs. Simon has astefi that all I end ; rs ' "-•• - ~ ? ~development of anti-Jewish fselrcc - I t r - r r , The National Workers Alliance, Jewish legislation have led to Branches 173 and 25S of the her directors hare their contri- |-Till •JewB blind with their ignorance i , ^ - , ^^ ,_. , t " Workmen's Circle will have as butors in zy Oczbcr rf. that knows neither Torah nor Poall Zion, will hold its first lit- flight by large numbers of Jews guest, the order's general secreprophets;. or Jews putting aside erary and social meeting of thaand the liquidation of their aftary, Mr. Joseph Baskin of New Torah and prophets to follow a season on Sunday at 7:30 at tha fairs by other Jews in antielpa'• r . « - 1 - r ' r - i r "i Jewish Community Center. Yorfe City, who trill visit Omaha narrow .nationalism. of flight . Supper will be served at 7:30. The Jituatlon in Slovakia la en October SI asd November 1. In this _ church, Torah and - The Workmen's Circle is a Jewprophets were of the brave dream A musical program will be given complicated by the fact that most ish Fraternal Organization with of-brotherhood and loving fclnd- by Mrs. J. Raznick and Mr. Her-of the Jews there have always \ [J .'I i l l , ->\ A reception to Presidents of a^membership- of over 71,000. ness and compassion and justice man Mirowitz. Miss Shirley Sellz, been poor. The autonomous govpianist, will accompany them. Through its branches in princi•Women's Organizations in our that the church cherished in the ernment of Ruthenia, in which Chairman of. the evening will province live a large number of community, sponsored by the pal cities of the United and Canstrange world. The church was V V L b i a > . v t ^ > t. L w teas I ^ t My t . be Mr. A. N. Cohen. Mr. I. MorJewish farmers, issued a procla- Women's Division of the Federa- ada, it helps in the various relief grateful, to the Jews for giving mation promising equal political tion for Jewish Service, was def-drives conducted for aid to Eurthis and had built these monu- genstem will speak. A number of new members will cultural and economic rights to initely set for Monday, November opean Jewry, participates ia the ments to the Jewish spirit. But many Jews had forgotten their be installed by Mr. J. Radinowski, all citizens .ind assured the Jews 21. At this reception, it is plan- work of the "OUT," and contri- f:rcc that they vrould continue to re-ned to honor the presidents of all butes large sums to American heritage and Jelt Jewish only be- Becretary. ,--r ceive . subsidies for their cultural Women's Organizations fievotefl Jewish and Labor institutions. cause of their paing. t-cand religious Institutions. to communal, religious, social . I thought it wouldn't matter the fraternal welcome on the day Mr. Baskis is a member of the , In Prague itself public opinion philanthropic a n d educational .National Executive Committee of much if they were destroyed. St. Francis were honored at Reb. They are dead Jews anyway. They Schachne's: "My friends, he wasia beginning to assume EH anti- purposes. the "OUT", asfl vras instrumental Semitic character. Sonis newspahave no dream left and nothing the kinsman of all who know Mrs. Arthur Colin, chairman of in organizing- the General Jewish pers have urged the people to more to give and nothing for what kindness and : compassion the Committee, reports that" aa Council of the Coordisating- Com- I which to live as Jews. Hitler is are the cornerstone. He was one "keep a--ay from German and interesting- program is being plan- mittee of which he is also a xnera- j Jewish sh^ps." A report, as yet but an undertaker burying many of • God's superlative gentlemen. uncoafined, has it that Czech doc- ned, including an address by anber. The committee consists of ! who were dead long ago. Ho called even the birds hto tors and lawyers are about to ontstaadiagr Jewish ts-o=iaa. Thethe Jewish I^abor Committee, the '' Jews ought to. come to this brethren." reception -will be In the nature of American Jewish Cohgres, the *ti - c - i •.l.C C -^-'i ^ - tu adopt the A-yan paragraph. church to discover their heritage; a dessert luncheon. Jewish Committee, and . B'ns.51 But I guess I am quite too to kneel humbly a t this altar and early with this, and 1 shall.tremThe Jewish, voaiea of Omaha B'nth. He is -secretary of the beg forgivenesa for their Bins, of ble to pass Eeb Schachne's schvl may well t e pros3 of the ToteJewish X-abor Committee, zni a indifference and their sins of for- after giving out my thoughts in they play in the cajnsmity. Alto- member of the Joist Bcvcott ™en^ v *. getf ul&ess and their sins of 'intel- this public way. The fine old m<sn gether, there are 19 organizations CouaciL lectual arrogance: " 0 Lord God. who read gammorah there every Jilr. Easliln Is no-w ca a naliosia the city, around which are I thank Thee for this church day may shout after me, "Aplbanned many wonen interested ia al speakiag- tour for the Workwhich restores to me n y inheri- kores!" aa I pass by. C u L'^i XI- ^> GO^ men's Circle. His two-fiav stay ia C O *»^~ various phases of Jewish life." tance." In conaectios 'sriiii this recep- OrSS.;i& is part rf a crive to At. the temples they trill say, The B'nai B'rith will cold its Thus my thoughts rambled in "Yes. bat . . ."At Adath Israel its largest cf Jevrisli meeting thsi Monday, Octo- tion, a souvenir booklet describ- streagtfeea .Riverside Church s a d ventured (which may ba called conserva- first ing the activities of the orgsni- fraternal orders tc-r further ssrber 24, at S:15 la the lodga room even Into forbidden speculation: tive) I snail bo dismissed with a st tfio JewJsSt CoiasuiEity Caster." satioas -will be issued. vics to Jevnry aad Labor. Suppose. I said, Jews took • up tolerant smile. A-program' isa feeea arranged such broad gestures of ibroad b.uYet U we reverence the church Salewia Michalek, -cialnaan .• Begia BasiseAaii Play to Meet manity in the synagogues? St. that honors all tha prophets, in- by. of the program committee. Cash Francis in Reb Schschne's ECUUI? cluding oars, and ssts up a monprizes' i r e to ba awarded ia a Play in the pre-ssssoa Senior A meetics-' cr the zsvrIy~apThe prophet Jesua honored ; In ument to the Torah, tre must nay, "Prof. Qaiza" contest. Basketball "Leasue, Class A, Is pointed athletic com~aiiee of f.S« Isaac M. Wise Temple? A dayIf gestures of brotherhood are Nest Wednesday evening, Oc- scheduled to i>ez}.n at the JewJewish CommKaity Center, next for Buddha at Adath Israel Syn- fiao In the church, they would tober 25, a dinner for the mem-ish Cotamnnitj' Caster ca Octo- Wednesday erenm^, Octsber £$r agogue? Mohammed a t Hockdale also bo fine in th* synagogue. bership cominitteg and interested ber SO. tit S po m. • Temple? Some dayTOwill get around workers trill launch tlio meiaberClass B play -will get under I*«slie Burtcnrcad is caairinan Oh, I should myself Uka to give to it. ehlp csffipS 1~ --"•srny-'the first part of November. of tils cos^i^iltts-c,

Workers'Alliance Will Meet TMs

l'fct lit £....'.&;







A-*-^ *4.J^















' Page 2



brings five foremost Jewish, lecworst sufferers and among ' the HUNGARY IMPRISONS turers, singers, artists, etc. first to receive help from the J. HUNDREDS OF JEWS (b) Our Center Players preD. C. There followed a period of sent two excellent dramatic profamine-^-in 1921-23—when hunBudapest (WNS) — Several ductions, which are free to memdreds of thousands perished. At hundred Jews in Eastern Hunbers. the height of the • famine, the gary hare been rounded up by c) Two outstanding movies of Joint Distribution Committee was the police and sent to a concenMonday at noon, Rabbi FredJewish interest, free to members. feeding well over one million erick Cohn -will address the Dun-tratioTi c&tcr at Nagy Kanizsa, ac(d) Classes and courses. children and** 800,000 adults dee Kiwanis club on "Germany." cording' to reports in the pro5. For the Development oj Our daily, in cooperation with the . Tuesday afternoon, he vi'I re-Nasi and ar.ti-Semitic p^tss. Own Jewish Youth. American Relief Administration. One p&per Bald the Jews under view L>in Yut&Bg'B. "The ImportOver 1,000 Jewish young peoAlong this emergency service, the Registrations Now Being ple participate in our program, ance cf Living" before the Sister- arrest e.ve "profiteers p.nd currenJoint Distribution Committee beTaken at Center principally those in the Rouiid j hood Circle meeting at the home cy smnggiprs and hoarders." An. gan projects of rehabilitation in allegation by the same paper that . ' . . 'Office Table of Jewish Youth organiza- of Mrs. A. H.- Erodfeey. agriculture, industry, medical Rabbi Cairn vrill give his fourth the Jews of Kisvarda have a setions. Lectures, debates, dramatOctober 20th will mark the to deliver a single sack of flour branch of reconstruction. Medi- service, child care and loan kassa Enrollment for membership in ic contests, dances and other so- review, before the Book-a-Week cret radio station with which they ' first aniversary of "the death or a single bundle of clothing to cal-sanitary programs were suc- work. the Community Center is cial activities are constantly con- club Friday morning, October 2 8. maintain contact with Jews ?n • i of Felix M. Warburg. In com- a starved Jewish community if cessfully conducted, child care acThe'Jews of Russia are approx- now.Jewish being taken, at the Center of- ducted to keep our youth engaged in the University of Omaha Law Czechoslovakia was denied by the memoration of that occasion, tivities ' promoted, schools and the State Department of the imately 2% of the total populam library, Bs.irg building, Seven- Kisvarda authorities. J a i r . Hyman, executive secretary United States and other officials cultural "• institutions reestablish- tion. In 1317, 70% of these Jews fice. All departments of the Cen- and train them for leadership. | of the ?oint Distribution, Coiri- of our government had not ed; trade' training organized, eco- belonged to the petty trader ter are now beginning their ac- 6. For the Unity of Jewish Life teenth acfi Docglas. He will discuss "Life o£ Jackson,'' by Mar-Women's Gym Classes tivities and- the program for the in Oiaafaa. " f. mittco and for years oiie of looked kindly upon these human- nomic support given. class, a condition historically year QU!S James. : : will soon start. The Jewish Community Center ;jMr. Warburg's close :associates, itarian efforts as in keeping with In. addition,-- a transmission forced upon them by the restricto Meet Tuesday The Book-a-Week club is sponCon)^eview» t h e part the late ph0- the best American tradition:.With bureau, was established to enable tions: of the Czarist government.1 Milton1 Abrahams., chairman of and Welfare federation is the r-Clij anthropist played in the" orlg- such' help and the assistance of Jews in -America to extend assist- With the establishment .of the the:Center.committee, has enum- only positive, all-inclusive unify- sored by the extension departThe special gym class for Jew>31 imedi* * development, growth and neutral governments the work of ance "to "their relatives in Europe. Soviet Union, 2,000,000 Jews erated the following reasons why ing force of Jewish life in - purment of the-University-of Omaha. ish women will meet for the city. Here, all elements o£ the ard ijservice of the J. D. C , in this relief was made possible. Wherefirst time this Tuesday a t the Iii time the functional commit- were at once declassed and be-m e:m b e r s of the community community, all groups, and all andfi first of two articles.—THE ever feasible, the J. D. C. looked tees Jewish Community Center. A developed a new type of came; political, civic and social should join the Center: ages meet to create a better Jewto those responsible local Jewish machinery through which the J. outcasts, denied every right to 1. For Your Health's Sake. large t u n out is expected: The ish life for all. organizations still serving in the D. C. operates -to this day." The decent life. Today less than 5% Class was started last year and For' the sake of your own 7. For the Maintenance of Onr rium proved tremeadousiy popular. >ns j No review of the Joint Dlstri- War area for administering re- burden of responsibility was more of the Jews of. Russia are still physical well-being, our physical Splendid Center Building. .. ' . . department—with its splendidly Tjnfi>utlon..Committee at this time lief funds, for even with the aidand more passed on to the Euro- listed as declassed. As an innovation this year, For 12 years our building has Last Saturday, October'15, the piano equipped gymnasium, handball been a shining mark -of which fail to reflect the sense of of the State Department, the J. pean Jews themselves, who demoaccompaniement will -bencll *:ould End of Work rre arable l o s s D. C. was able to send only a children of the City Talmud cratically administered their own courts, swimming pool and masr tb1 P sustained in the provided for all gym classes. •"... In the process- of restoring every citizen of Omaha may well few of Its own workers into theaffairs. Special organizations sage department—is equipped to was3ing of Felix M. Warburg;. His to a normal participation in be proud. Membership dues are Torah were entertained at a spefield In those early years. ; were formed to carry on the work them th on October 20, 1937, the life of the country, a. great provide you with the fullest op- needed in order to maintain the cial Succoth party given by the DR. ROTH RESIGNS -,. wrought to a close a period of un- In 1916, the State Department of the Joint Distribution Commit- contribution was made by the portunity to keep fit and stay building. Vaad Auxiliary at the B'nai IsITALIAN HONORS , Rivalled and unparalleled service ".' " the first J. D. C. com-tee. Agro-Joint which began Its work well. 8. For the Future of Jewish Life rael Synagogue. • r n l v 'n^ generpslty on his part. Felix authorized 2. For All RJesabers of Yottr FamLondon (WNS) — Dr. Cecil. mission to go to Europe, but only in 1924 under the direction of. In 1924 ^nibst of the economic in Omaha. Members of the committee Roth, president of the Jewish' Warburg had been- present a t two of its members were able to ily. reconstruction work was trans- Dr. Joseph A. Rosen with an inir s A steady, constant membership sponsoring the party were: Mesinitial meeting of the Joint enter the War zone. Historical Society of England and Our'program is planned to give Is necessary to maintain the acferred to the American Joint Re- tial appropriation made by the m> distribution Committee in 1914, dames Louis Neveleff, Max From- a leading Italian scholar, has inthe maximum, physical benefits to tivities J o i n t Distribution Committee. American entry into the. War construction Foundation organand program which sus„,„... was its first chairman, an of- created a new complication but kin, S. Blend, I. Weiner and Sid- formed the Royal Historical 8pized, by the Joint Distribution The success of this- experimentt all—men and .women, boys and taining Jewish life today makes ney Epstein. •1(,.m?ce he held until I932,when he the ciety of Venice and the Academia. girls of all ages. Each age group for a solid worth-while Jewish stimulated a group of Americans, State Department, alive to ommittee and the Jewish Colonlecame honorary chairman. He' the distress of the Jews in the Colombaria of Florence that h e . receives s p e c i a 1 consideration future. Including J u l i u s Rosenwald, zation Association. The Founda?Vaa active in, and a guiding spir- war-Btricken area, gave its apis resigning his honorary . s b d with particular attention given to Offer to Clean Synagogue Louis Marshall, Felix M. Wartion created a large network of The I m Ogt of the work to th end of his proval for the establishment of corresponding memberships I n :ooperative loan societies that are brg, Louis Bamberger, Arthur every person who participates. Budapest (WNS) — Acting in those societies because of Italy's Lehman, Herbert H. Lehman, S. For the Sake of Young People an agency in neutral Holland for today an important economic facIn his lifetime, he witnessed Who Cannot Afford to Pay. a spirit of Christian friendliness, anti-Semitic policy. of American funds. :or in the lives of the Jews in John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Henry e decimation of the Jewish pop- distribution Each year the Jewish Communa group of Christian girls in the The memberships were accord* Ittleson. James N. Rosenberg, In this way the J. D. C. could s Sastern Europe. "" c5ilation in the battle areas of thecontinue its work on behalf of town of Sobron have offered to ed Dr. Roth in recognition of h i s Baerwald and others, to ity Center gives free membership The economic,- industrial and Paul •' eWorld War. He saw the destruc- the Jews in territories occupied help clean the local synagogue historical studies, including **A form the American Society for to young people who cannot af* Ttoaomsof many thousands in the po- by the armies of the Central arm development work in.Pales- Jewish Farm Settlements in Rus- ford to pay for the privilege; they which was the victim of vandals History of the Jews in Venice'*. ihe .was. turned over to the Pal-sia," Inc., to which was subscribed receive, membership cards, like ;: •RnW-T > famines and epidemics of Powers. who smeared the building with and "The Last Florentine Repubxiarii.. h o r r I b i e post-War years, .He estine • JEcpnomic.-i Corporation in $8,000,000 for the continuance of any paying member, and are ac- The two Omaha A. Z. A. chap- tar and smashed its windows. lic." ters observed International A. Z. Tears of Misery . , 1926... •.:.'••:•: the Jewish communities. of corded full use of our facilities. A. day at the Jewish Community the Agro-Joint work. . Work;.in Russia rise again to attain a con- November, 1918, brought peace Your membership helps us to pro- Center last Sunday afternoon. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT The Agro-Joint colonies spread degree of self-sufficlen- to the nations of the world but to In 1924 the. work in Russia for-these young people. Irvin Nogg presided; Joe Guss Eastern Europe it brought chaos was turned over to the Agro-Joint from their small beginnings in vide wiUl t n e help of • TV' American and to the Jews there, misery, de- (American Jewish-Joint Agricul- the Tjkraine to the' Crimea and 4. For -Your Intellectual Enjoy- gave the invocation and benedicU'ews, an achievement to which he struction, death. The end of the .ment and Advancement. ELECT - - l£IZE.fi- P. tion, and Paul Sacks reported on :ural Fundailon) •, as the operat- more than 250,000 Jews "are set- - Special j Contributed, in largest measures, World cultural and- education- the year's A. Z. A. activities. War marked the beginning tled on' S .OGO.OOO acres of land in rbe ? e saw the slow disintegration of of two of the blackest years in ing agency of the J. D. C. The al a c t i'V i t i e s areconstantly Five Omahans, Henry Monsky, .„ of*he once proud German-Jewish. Jewish history. The Jews bore medical • work, the child care Soviet Russia. The work was" con- planned for the benefit of all Philip Klutzniclt, Sam Beber, Dr. work,, the trade training -work in dueled with the sympathetic co- members. Members are entitled ' xommunlty, a community to A. Greenberg and I. F. Goodman brunt of the confusion, the Poland, Rumania, Lithuania and operation and substantial support ron / n l c a be was tied by birth',; blood the to either free admission or priv- received honor awards. turmoil, the chaos which envel- other sections of Eastern Europe, of the Soviet Government. gat'j£elationships, and -cultural, back- oped ileged rate of admission. This Eastern Europe. Principal speaker of the day. roun( were-turned over to local, organiThe 'Agro-Joint did not foster x Ms n^He was spared the sight year's program includes: was J. Trnitt Maxwell, director of e zations. -.• •••••-. • • ' • • Famine visited Poland, Russia, merely • an agrarian movement, a hgajjf. * Austrian tragedy. : (a) Jewish Lecture S e r i e s , Omaha Y. M. C. A. These have been and still are return to -the soil. • It also devel- which is free to all members, theMilton g^ For nearly a quarter of a.cen- Rumania, Hungary and' the Baln Saylan and Justin Priestic countries. Thousands died of oped a strong industrial • arm. assisted by the Joint Distribution Felix M. Warburg among Mr, Hoctor hais &ETC^ the py cian were in charge of the arstarvation, more fell victims to ommittee, although a large part The success of the farm colonies great leaders of the past rangements for the day. a3 $27,105. SS in corrr.pr.rsro^ vilh the ance from outside philanthropic pillaging bands, to fire and •has been so outstanding that -this Of their budgets is covered by loklln,;''a n 1° the forefront of the Amerrecord of his precioccrror. Ke h&s ate, B P endeavor to succor and r e -sword. In the Ukraine alone, cal contributions. The local insti- second braneh of Agro-Joint ac- agencies, the Agro-Joint began 'o Pittsburgh (WNS) — K a r l it'er jstablish the struggling Jewish 200,000 men, women and chil- utions---whether work shop, hos- tivity is sometimes obscured,- but effect an orderly liquidation of Hofer, tended strictly to feiasraes*;, tzn& has an exiled German artist jopulatlons of Europe. In-1923, dren were murdered in pogroms. pital, loan society—bear no J.D.C. the industrial projects of the Its activities, turning them over whose vrork ce served the peopl® v>rcll. Kis record is by the NazIn this period of stupendous insignia. Yet there- is scarcely an Agro-Joint have, in fact, absorbed to local Jewish and public organ- is, worn firstis banned in Inferring to the Joint Dlstribuprize in the 1938 endorsed by the pusblic press and citiismaijon Committee, Herbert Hoover, misery, the J. D. C. became the organization in-Eastern Europe; a • far greater number of Jew3 izations; International. Hofer was zens in. business, labor sad professions. leski&en head of the American: Relief most important factor in the lives but has-been the beineficiary-'Of than-its agricultural work. -Fac- (Copyright, 19 3 s', by Seven Arts Carnegie one of the leaders of the modern declared; " t h, a t of the war-seared Jewish commu- American > generosity.--^hrxiugbr • J: tories-were established by the ' - " Feature Syndicate) E Madministration, ' German, school of art. loff, there is no brighter chapter in nities.. It became the agency D, C . ••; -..<:*- r-o ; v , . ' . t - ? ' ^ ? - - 0 " Agro-Joint with imported modern k R<Jie whole history of philanthropy whereby the Jews of America Withln the .memory;bt men lira machinery and these factories itfilleSian that which could be written were able to rescue the Jewish ing .todays f&ww'Jewish -communl-1 provide training for young and in- If the .-work of the American Jews communities of Eastern Europe. ties;haye.puttered £o much asitha old, men and women. The stuIn 1920 the J. D. C. began to send ron, i the last nine years." nmunitieg.fiof.• Russia;.; .Th& land dents in these shops are absorbed Its own agents and experts had become a symbol * of pppiesV into government factories as soon ,Kn( 1014 and After abroad to direct and control the slon. It was the-land', rof the as their courses are completed. i. Sari" The raging'maelstrom of war work. ... , izars, the Pale and. the Kishinev i. WJiat *swept Europe In.. 1914 carAt the end of; 1987i as It be-r legerjed death and desolation to the Two successive units of about massacre. In the War years-, the came clear ^hat.Jhe Jews in -Rusjiilliona of Jews caught between 40 trained workers—sanitation, Jews of.Russia.were among the sia, required little .further assist? ime armies of. Russia and of the child care, economic experts— f> • ' • ; - IJentral 'Powers. 31owly news of wearing the American uniform ^ieir desperate plight trickled with the authority of the U. S. rough the War barriers. Amer- Government, went overseas to ian Jews, touched by the heart- conduct their relief worki Two of ending events, were, galvanized the forty. Prof. Israel Friedlanditp action. In Oetober,-1914, the er and Rabbi Bernard Canter, •rthodor Jews of, the _c country paid t h e price of martyrdom. prmed the. Central Belief Com- They were murdered by.marauding guerrillas. iittee. . . v "he General conditions in Europe ? A few days later, stimulated by recpe American Jewish Committee,' at this time were such that the i t s j group of leaders that included United' States Congress w a a eduleacob H. Schlff, Louis Marshall, moved to set up the' American "ells M. Warburg, and Julius Ro- Relief Administration with Herlewanwald established the American bert Hoover as director. A EuroChSawish Relief Committee,. The pean Relief Commission was esfor united action was ap-tablished in which were the repqppiroved! by On November 27, 1914,resentatives of the T. M. Cr A., the J, D, C., "the -Society; of American Jewish Joint DIEK -Jtion Committee was found^- Friends, tire Red Cross, and other nced-ii, its membership consisting of organizations. But* bad as gen^Ct'"^presentatlves of the former two eral conditions were,. the plight lie d s r g a n i 2 a t i o n s # of the Jews was even worse. ty wa^ F e iix M . Warburg became Reconstruction I\ii .( I W t J o .J, I irs.m n %airman of the Joint committee. • The end of 1920 marked the ew « ~ * months later, Jewish labor recession, except in Russia, of the imlttevoups organized the People's Re- emergency period. Reconstruc° co !ef Committee to take part in tion work1 was begun in earnest i s u n g l e -S70J.JJ a n ( j j n e joint but hindering this work was one • ^ - o n Committee became the co-major problem—-left as a bei anar a J n a t l n g r a n d COpperating body quest by the emergency period— _T_TDr the distribution of> the funds the refugee problem. From July, lUJjK&ised by the- .three constituent 1921, to April, 1923, the Com-•pmmittees. . . mission on Refugees,- organized by the J. D. C. assisted a total of • ':[.: Local Organization he'firi Organization at home was the 300.0QO pepple to emigrate, to Like thousands eer in any furnace. No in3fi ean C* task for- American Jewish become repatriated, to readjust of others—dis- terruption of your heating ' •ning waders. The Jews of .the United themselves. card forever the service. Ask for illustrated man iates and . Canada responded They were given life and hope d r u d g e r y of book telling how Composed snerously. and'- wholeheartedly. anew, enabled once more to eshand-firing. Say good-bye bustionce; assures dean, to smoke, dirt and soot; healthful, automatic heas ie ,grdut how to get relief to the tablish homes and families. To Enjoy the luxury of uniform —and saves you money; is.' Ibicken millions? The roads were further the work of rehabilitaheat 24 hours a day as epresdocked by the booming guns of tion, five functional sub-commit._ needed, and actually save m.areations a t war. tees were organized by the Joint money on heating costs. :;% Wd With t h e best of intentions, the Distribution Committee, each to Don't confuse Combusi. The;, p . c, might not have been able give its attention to a special tioneer with ordinary stokers.- ONLY Combusgate,,r tioneer has the famous ate. .•Breathing Fuel Bed and the gate o Automatic Respirator. And i Sally now only a few dollars down installs Combustion-

Joseph C. Hyman

Entertain Talmud Torah Children at Siiccoth Party-




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3d tro. t mon makin Df the

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;=THE JEWISHTBESS—FRIDAY/OCTOBER 21, .1938 Clicquot Club' Eskimos, took the ing into mid-season' form,' which undisputed league lead, by.win- can • be < verified by their improvning all three games from tho Es- ing scores each week. .^This week kimos, much to the surprise of they were high, team scorers with everybody, Inclnding "Dopester" a 2,586 scratch, score. The WardAbner Kalman. Dave Franks Coal robes this week were. topped by Dealers, took the first two games Henry Cohea, who is now roundby the comfortable nargiES of 60 ing into' shape with a 5S6 series and-48.pins, respectively. After followed closely by Dave Coin's being behind all the way ia the 500 series. The Eapires were third game, the Coal dealers, won led, by. Captain Melcbers 487 and the last game by the slim margin Benay I<evine's. 465. Many More Added to List of four pins. They caa thank of Needy a.s Res'ult Captain Abe FeSdss&a for this •In the final match of the evemargin, due to Abe getting one of Purges ning?" which iECideStly was the With continental Europe Industry for which Sudeten a3 If the country was taking a of those tough splits In tee fical grufige isatca betweer brothers, MMng under .he complete heg- glas3 frame. , Berlin (JTA) — The annual Germany '& famous). They were new course. developed in a victory for Leo emony of Nazi Germany a s a numerous in commerce a n d T h e Czechoslovakian crisis This was very disheartening to Weitz over brother "Doggie" as winter relief campaign for Gerremit of t h e dismemberment strongly represented in the pro-came along with the failure of the Clicquots, especially when far as individual scores are con- man Jewry -eras launched this of Czechoslovakia and the fessions. the democratic state3 and with Abe was high man during the eve- cerned. But for the team honor, week and it is expected that thouMunich four-power pact, the the victory of Fascism and reac- ning for the entire league with the Smith .Motors took two . out sands of needy cases will be addSudetenland Jews tate of democracy everywhere The country has now under- tion. The Polish Nationalists put the beautiful three-gaiae series of of three garaGs from the Shrier ed to the 77,000 !evr% assisted in Europe is in the balance. Es- gone a terrible operation. Its up a demand for Teschen (on the 570. Feldman was followed by Paint &. Glass boys, whieb demon- ' by last year's campaign as a repecially critical is the future most industrial part, Sudetenland, principle of 'National Minorities. Dr. D. C. Platt, who Incidentally strated to all concerned, that the sult of the recent purge of the of t h e Jews, Mr. Zulcerman has been cut off. Most of the How the Devil must have laughed has been talking about hSs sore ""Foatiac" boys can -put on • the raedicji! profession acd salesmen. points out in this analysis of Eighty per cent of the funds big industries and commercial when the Poles Invoked that prin- back, but it doesa't seeia to stop steam If they really bowl cp to the status of the Jews in par- cities have gone to Germany. Tne ciple). It was supported by Nazi "Doc" from 500 or better week ia par. Karry Edith's Autoraen are expected to be raised by a titioned Czechoslovakia.—THE Sudeten Jews, the richest "section Germany (another upholder of -j and week out- This week "Doc' were led by Samiay Yousera with monthly tax members ct the JewEDITOR. of Chechoslovakian Jewry, HAVE that sacred principle), r n d Po-; obliged with a nice 534 series. a 524 series followed by "Doggie" ish community, based on income, ALL ALREADY EVACUATED land has gained her point. The: "Lefty" George Shapiro was theWeitz, who had a 517. The Sfcrier 13 psr cent by a serieE of oneEurope has heaved a sigh of THETR HOMES NEVER AGAIN naturrl result is that Poland has hottest of the Coal Boys getting Paint boys -were led by their Cap- meal days and the '•eiaainder bj definitely turned f r o m a 558 series, which included a tain Leo Weitz, •who had & beau- special contributions. The camrelief. The much dreaded second TO RETURN. All, without ex- now Berlin "world war -whose hot breath one ception, have run for their lives France and the democratic coun- middle game of 206. He wastiful 573 series which included a paign was launched in could almost feel on one's back into Czechoslovakia. So have also tries and has thrown herself en- followed. by "Honeyxnocaer" Phil middle gaae of 203. But the best with a meeting addresses by Dr. of the a few days ago, has been averted. the Jews of the district of Tes- tirely Into the arms of Nazi Ger- Katzman, who had a 516 series, their next man. coald Co was a Leo Baecfc, president Julian Mil- Reichsverband, and Dr. Heinrich. The Polish Nationalists making his average now 170 for 447 by "Pretty Boy" Peace by negotiation. Instead of chen now occupied by the Poles. many. v Stahl, president of the Berlin der. force has been obtained. -The terThe new, amputated, much are once more in the ascendancy, the season. •' Jewish CoKEUaitrrible tension under which Europe smaller and much poorer Czecho- and once more a wave of physical has lived during the last few slovakia will now - have a much pogroms of the Jews is sweeping In the biggest upset of the eve- Nest week's schedule finds the ' MeaEwtile, Ra" bi J. Korovitz, weeks of the Czechoslovakian bigger Jewish population than it Poland. I t is no *nere accident ning,- the lowly rated Greesbers league leafiiag State Coal Gas leafier of the Frankfort Orthocrisis has been relieved. had before. "With the thousands that the patriotic Polish demon- Fruit boys,-took the Kalman Inr team bowling agatest the Kalrasn dox Congregation, and Hans secretary of the People have ceased to dig of refugees from practically every strations for Teschen were every- surance team in camp by taking Insurance boys who are in the cel- Poaieranz, Zionist Organization trenches, fit gas masks, evacuate country in Eentral and Eastern where accompanied by demon- all three games from taeis. - The lar by themselves. The Smith Frankfort children, enlist for Aid Raid Pre- Europe pouring into that little strations against and beating of Greenbefgs have beea aided by a Motors tea'nrwill match skill-with and a member of the Jewish Comw h i c h munity board, vrere arrested on caution service, pore over news- remnant of a democratic state, the Jews. I t Is a .oglcal sequence large handicap so far this season, the Empire Cleaners, but thi3 handicap is slowly being should be the closest match of the charges of attempting to assist papers and hang over the radio. the new Czechoslovakia may soon of the 'peace' of Munich. Only those who lived through have between eight and ten per This is an illustration of the whittled down, as the fruit boys evea'-ng. The Wardrobes will bowl Austriaa Jewish, refugees across the • terrible anxiety and ever- cent of its population Jewish. general trend now IT Central and are steadily increasing.their aver- the Shrier Paint and Glass team, the border. M»Hy Arrests growing fear of the last few "Will the small, impoverished Eastern' Europe. That vast part age. Aided by a 67 haadieap they and this gams can be decided fcy It TB.E reported from Duesselweeks will understand the great country be able to support such of Europe is rapidly drifting un- won the first game by the slim flipping a coin." Tee last match feeling of relief which has swept a population which is primarily der Nazi influence and control, margin of two pins, tha ' second finds the Clicquot Club Eskimos dorf that a majority of the 4 0 over European people like a tor- engaged in commerce and in the and this means a strengthening of game by 38 pins and tne last rolling against'tee up and' coming Austrian Jewish refugees • recently imprisoned there .after their rential stream overflowing its professions? • general reaction and particularly game by 31 pins. The Kairaans Greenberg Fruit Boys. . deportation from the Netherlands banks, and has made them forget This is not a remote theoreti- of anti-Semitism. The first signs have no excuse to offer especially as illegal immigrants have been reason and-even good taste in the cal question, but one which la now come from Poland a few when they could only boast of HEBREW U. REJECTS permitted to return to Vienna. expression of their emotions. facing Czechoslovakian Jewry al- days after the Munich settlement. Morrie Meyerson's 511 series and GRANT FROM" ITALY The entire Jewish community • But.gradually this feeling of most immediately. There are cer- What next will that 'peace* bring all the rest bowling: 400 or coder. in the toVn of Neuwedeli, neat But even the Greater Ocisha.boys relief is subsiding, and some peo- tain alarming indications that the for the Jews? Jerusalem, (WNS)—Acting on ple, at least, arc beginning to small, betrayed and embittered (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts have off nights, so yon bet your a decision made by the Hebrew Berlin, comprising £2 individuals, chips that the KBISS&ES will cosne University's board cf governors has beea under arrest since Sept. Feature Syndicate) look at the last events without Czechoslovakia is itself, in a back strong froa sow oa. The etita-Lonfion meeting, President 2S on undisclosed charges, it vrns the .overmastering emotions of mood to desert the principle of Greenberg Fruit boys, ere an im- Judah L. Kagnes has informed learned here. Oa the second day tear and anxiety which obscured democracy and t o turn to Nazi of Kosh. Eashonafa. the communproving their averages, which ac- the reason and-even ordinary com- Germany. One wants to hope Italian consulate here that ity found its synagogue barrefi counts for them being ca the win- the University mon sense. In many quarters that this will not be the case and, will not accept this by a barbed-wire fence bearing ning side of the ledger the past Questions are being asked and that the Czechoslovakian people year the Italian government's an- the sign, "Jews Not Admitted." few weeks, especially BO their andoubts are being raised about the will not pour out their bitterness By SAM. ZWEIBACK chor man, Seymour Coin, who re- nual grant of $2,000 because of Subsequently, the local authorigreatness of the .famous negoti- on tha Jews. - . • ties ordered the arrests of all the sponded this week with a nice anti-Jewish legislation in Italy. STANDINGS OP TEAMS . ated peace of Munich. "What sort But even if no violent antiThe grant has been made every town's Jews. The women are con521 series. Name of team. W. JJ. Pet. • of a peace is it? What is the price Semitic movement springs up in year since 1933 for the Univerfined in oce large cell and the •which has been paid for it? How Czechoslovakia, the country will State Coal & Gas Co. .11 l .917 The third match of the evening, sity's department of roman*fi men are locked up separately. Eflong will it last? And what will not be able t a support economic- Clicqnot Clnb Eskimos 8 4 .667 6 6 .500 saw another tie broken, when languages and literature. Teach forts to secure their release so it bring in its wake? After the ally so big a class of commercial The Wardrobe Greenberg Fruit C o . . . . 6 6 .500 Moe Linsman's Wardrobe crew, ing of Italian at the University far have proved unavailing. first moments of drunkenness and professional-people. w i l l continue, Dr. The United States Lines, it was which Mr. Chamberlain's visit to Soon thousands upon thous- Shrier Paint <2 Glass.. 5 7 .417 took two out of tares games from however, learned, has since Oct. 1 been, re5 7 .417 the Empire Cleaner outfit. The M&gnes said. Munich has brought, now comes ands of Jewish families will have Empire Cleaners fusing to accept Reichsmarks in 8 .333 Wardrobes won the first game, by the sobering up, and it is a pain- to seek homes overseas. The next Smith Motors, Inc. Of all the cities In the U. S. payment of passage to • America. ful sobering indeed. place of a big Jewish emigration Katmnn Insurance . . . . 3 9 .250 81 pins mainly oa Henry Coren's 211 game. In the second game Chelsea, Mass.. has the densest. Refugees who are unable to ob•will certainly be Czechoslovakia. "Morning After" Feeling The dope bucket was spilled in they kept right oa winning by Jewish population with 40.92 per tain dollars are consequently The time for a complete sum- This will be the very first effect Tuesday night by taking this game by a 50-pia mar- cent of the total population. forced to travel on German linming up of the events has, of of the Munich 'peace.' The rush : t n e J directions ew sh i bowlers !n the J . C. gin. The final game saw the Em- Cleveland Heights, Ohio, is nest ers, since for the most part it is course, not yet come. This will may not be eo wild as from Aus- : obtain probably be the task of future tria and i t may not be accom- C. Bowling league, when many of pires bounce back is to the winwith 33.57 per cent. New Tork, impossible for them to historians. The contemporary ob- panied by the same scenes of cru- the so-called "Dog Bowlers" had column by' taking this game by N. T., is third, with 29.5$ per transit visas i t order to sail on the scant margin of only one pin. cent. foreign ships that do not touch server can only record* that the elty and inhumanity, but it will high scores and the so-called Reich ports. first outburst of joy over the be no less urgent economically. sharks toppled to.new low scores. This was- due to Captain Jack An Eiglisli writer estimated the Vienna Jews Evicted Munich 'peace' has been greatly, The question whether the CzechIn the feature match of the Melcher of the Cleaners "TurkeyLocdos. (JTA) — The Times if not hysterically, exaggerated. oslovakian state as a whole will evening, the league leading State ing" out for a 191 game. The cost of Solomon's Temple at 907,The feeling among liberal-minded be able to stand the cruel ampu- Coal & Gas team, who were pre- Wardrobes who lriU bear irateh- 782.176 ponnds sterling. A stag- reported from Vienna that large numbers of men. and women bearpeople everywhere now is one tation which i t is now undergo- viously tied with the powerful ing in thetfuture are t u t l y round- gering figure if true. like that of the "morning after" ing is a question of grave doubt a great debauch: a splitting head- to.many. The question whether ache and a bad taste in the Czechoslovakian Jewry will be the .water . power . plants of Nebrasta's Ihyciro month'. New fears are rising of able to witstand the operation 1B anxieties and terrors even great- still more doubtful. projects could have been built for the origias! er than the. allegedly averted Rnler of Bohemia ' . • - • estimates . . . world war. Europe, at least lib- - I have already pointed out in e r a r Europe, is not at all at ease a previous article the effect on (On* hffli cos{ o o r e tbsa DOUBLE, cnotker obaosi. about the outcome of the so- Jews in the whole of Central and THREE TIMES Us expected cosS. WITHOUT 09«.J., C*lled 'peace' of Munich. Eastern and South-Eastern Euri THE If this is true of the world at ope as a result of the great Nari CBEA^G H AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY TO BE " '•' V . large, how much more reason is victory in Czechoslovakia. BisPHODUCED. No oo« kaows wfacd 0x» fined cost of there for such a feeling to pre- marck has said that 'He who will vail among Jews? For if there rule Bohemia, will rule Europe." the third wffl is anyone, nest to the Czechs Hitler rules Bohemia now and he will certainjy rule every country themselves, who have suffered from the settlement of the Czech around It, and this means a tercrisis, it is certainly the Jews. As ritory which contains the great the cost of these plants had been low as compared yet it is difficult to see all the bulk of.European Jewry. The full with other water power developments . . . consequences of the event for, effect of this calamity cannot as them, b-it enough is already vis- yet be envisaged. I t will doubt(Tin natar* of th» rivers cmdrnaSli s Nebraska hat ible to makfi every Jewish heart less occupy y many y tragic g pages in ft J i h hi heavy with foreboding. future Jewish history. At the mad* their cost high, even tor hydro plants, and .The Immediate problem which moment only a single Incident irom thrs« to &r» fimes the cost of steam plants tc the so-called 'peace' of Munich can serve to illustrate the trend has creited for the Jews is a new of events in that part of Europe. th* some " w * " * af el«ctricit70 Jewish question in CzechosloBefore t h e Czechoslovakian vakia Itself. That country had crisis reached its highest point, before between 380,000 and Poland was on the verge of mak400,000 Jews who formed about ing a change in its internal pol4% of the population. Czecho- itics. T h e more democratic the cost of getting their electricity to the market slovakian Jews have never known forces seemed to have asserted were low . . . anti-Semitism; they have always themselves; the tendency to flirt enjoyed equal political and cul-with Germany was. discourgared; (Omaha usss daost 50 per 'cent of (he State's ttectural rights with the other na- the Sejm was dissolved, and the trldtr. The B®er@s! hydro pkat is cimoEt 103 miles.' tionalities in the country. Econ- new Parliament promised to be omically, certain sections of more representative of the people and 0t« e&sss es® 2S3 i s £S3 ciles ewey—making Czechoslovakian Jewry, particu- and of the democratic elements &e exp®ss®r cf dsIlTcry fa &s sscr a msdar item larly those who lived in the Su-In the country. The anti-Jewish deten German part of the coun- boycott and physical attacks upon otcosU try, were very well off. They con- Jews whicji had disgraced Poland trolled some of the biggest Indus- during_ the last two years, . . dimtries of the country (such as theinished somewhat and it looked


Papef Ing official Nazi badges were c?XIing nightly a t Jewish homes-- ir the Doebling district and o" < r ing t h e occupants to evfvi,'.e within £4 hours or be laced ' V i l Dcschau (concentrp.tior. cr.mi ' • worse.'' Long lines of JpT"S WF:~f pnrr daily a t police stations? in T i f T atietnpiinsr to ascertain, t h e , ' position, b u t although t h e a\ ii.i ities had promised to srres i1-- secutors the po.ice profess it".~'an-ce of the reported actions "'"iFr Times also reported tlirt <-- "• r


IULQ • f.¥1 U'

rUir ; be~ Of T*eT*!TOF.R in* Pv'lpoflft" f * Dachau V-OKJ.:' bhorily be re3f>~>=~." More t h r n 40 p r i s o n e r s h a T e ; i reafir returned to Vienna ro-i the concentration camp.

r-">- h , e ! > f !->•

December 31 Set Readers of The .Tev-ish v -o are being urged by Wilbur . .M 'T 't f < ' :• he executive chairman of t h e ( f i .. o delinquent tax collection < • T r ' > ii 1 ll . C paign, not to wait ur.tn "th~ If- " vv rrv 1 r- 01 -o. minute r u s h " to take p d v a i . . ' r t r o£ t h e state law canceS'.in?; .1 f f 1 l ,-. est on back taxes. The cle; • T i . T 1 is December SI. ', 3 r T




"New Is the

time t o









< , -•


" 1*

your tax account," Mr. Jone= ,o>. r-The Jewish Press. He r e i r ^ . p.' >' f ?-' i r readers of this pp.per thipf ("°<' , \ linquent taxpa; - ers dall" P.~e =,~'-J • ing from 10 to PO per c e r ' J •• ' -,,i f . ,. squaring- their accounts. Mr. Jones announced tlir. f c I total of $714.C? 2 in delinrvri c real estate and persons 1 taxe*- b, ,1 r r been collected towards the c-r 1 *\.~V Jr c" . paign's goal oi fl.50C.000. I"- *. greater success must be obl'irn. ' '"" by t h e end of the year, lie no we.. 1 r.-.i-i* r , i-> "., i ~r - . out.


' i •> T1


1 i i ,i

" W i t h l e s s t h a n t h r e e r n ' T ' b - ' . ' r v ' v ) i 1 - ' .u n t i l t h e d e a d l i n e , e v e r y ps--«.->r | s.""i • 1-. 1 11 •• T i n O m a h a s h o u l d b e s u r e 1 -< o- ( " ' > f ; r . i f "f h e r t a x account is paid < r *c 1 "i£.v,"c t 0."1 1 >i d a t e . " Mr. J o n e s said. "Thif- v ,1 ^ e ' c " \~> i. .-, be t h e last a p p o r i r i r J t y t f i x r " ' r - f ' t ^ e r T ' I , 'v r w i i l h a v e t o r e s r t h e b e c e ; . r o*" ' t b p 1- r:"~f^ . F "

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, b r r " r - "- " r n c^r' ? - ->r J

the state law."

I , f T, ;..

There are more Kebrewe »" • ' • Jews in Canada. According , r , l « last census (1PE1) t h e r.tr;>rof Eebrewa in Canada war " "( 726: the number of Jewp v ; <• IBB,614. The tern: "T-Iehrev ' r official Car,adi"H FtP.tiFt.ics f"="-,rnates racial descent while . b" term "Jew" designates reli- o, F Effiliation. There ere evfi .--•' •'> in.Canada over a thousand r c Bons Hebrew by race but r o Jewish b'- l-eil^ior.


. - - - . .


I t,

I HMI.i .





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Page 4


crying for the blood, of the nation, the Jews remained silent. despite all the persecution and discouragement in the world. ant of the contribution It must make in this crisis. Through our In the face of danger, fortunes were pledged and the men,Whatever may perish, the Jew will survive, as Rabbi Milton A. constructive Gems of the Bible program of educayoung and old, were willing to die for the Czechs as their an Kopstein of our own city said so eloquently in his Rosli Ha- tion, as exemplified by the B'nai and Talmud B'rith Hillel Foundations and the cestprs had died centuries before for the kings of Bohemia. PU08.IBMCQ CsybHv PRIPAV A1 OMAHA, NBORAOKA. CV shonah sennon: "The Jews, as a minority people, are facing 2. A. 3, do we aim to promote Er DP. FbUip St»»r THI3 JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING If -Czecho-Slovakia develops anti-Semitism, as observers the same situation as the Czechs and other mistreated noa-JeTr- Jewish cultural and spiritual feel it will, in the face of German demands, it will illustrate ish minorities in Europe, and are compelled to suffer the great- values." PRlOCi, Ona Vcai . . . . . P . Mr. Monskv's summary of B'nai Give us help against the adverADVERTISING RATES F U R N I S H E D O N A P P U C A t i O N once more (as if there aren't illustrations enough) that the Jew est of sacrifices. But with our spiritual fortitude we, together B'rith's aims and purpose should sary, for vain is the help of man. read by all interested in JewFor the month of the wicked -•"....' EDITORIAL OFFICE! COD BRANDElO THEATER BUILDING is always ready to be called upon to be the scapegoat in time with other suffering minorities, will be able to withstand the be ish welfeje. £nfi the mouth of the deceit have CIOUX CITY OFFIUa—JEWlOH COMMUNITY CENTER of national disaster. The falseness, the lie of anti-Semitism onslaughts and. mistreatment of a persecuting majority. Demo- On the book shelf: they opened against me, they PHIPJ? CHOP ADDRECO-<SM Ca 84TM GTREBt DAVID BLAC&ER . . . . . . > Business and Managing Edito will be revealed in all its naked brutality. But of course, all cratic ideals are inherent in the hearts of our people and we "Education Before Verdun," by have spoken unto me with a lyArnold Zweig—author . "The 1 ing tongue, they compassed me FEANE R. ACKERMAN « o. • • • Edito this, will be*of little consolation to the Jews' of Czecho-Slovakia. will try to uphold them until the world is redeemed from the —a about f.lsc with words of hatred Case of. Sergeact Grisc LBONARO NATHAW « «• o •> Associate Sdlto: novel written some years ago. I in return for my love they are my crushing yoke of tyranny." only make mention ot the above adversaries. &ABBI CE|i!DI3KlCK COHN •."••o o Contributing ISdito; It is the role of the Jew more than of any other to be that T&e Supreme Comedian novel for reasons ihat one of the TCell is It with the man that BABB1 THEODORE) N. LEWIS * • * • • Boob Edito chief characters whom we meet fie&leth graciously and lendeth Italians must not laugh at Charlie Chaplin. Italians mus Redeemer! • v .• • . .i-. ..'•• SJoqs City, Iowa, Correapoaden i| ; with Sergeant Grischa is the story | that orfiereih his affairs rightful- - Frederick Cohn. character that makes his Eppear- j ly £or he shall never be moved, not laugh at the Mars brothers. These clowns are Jews. Their ance • once more in this stirring the righeou6 shall i<e had in'everhumor is below the dignity of the Italians. The descendants o i* Palestine Faces A-Crisis lasting remembrance. drama of the last world war. Roman legionnaires must not be amused by the sons of I said in my haste all men are We are introduced to Private if Tremendous excitement and activity on the part of the prophets. Werner Bertin, BOH cf a Kreuz- liars. s ! berg Jew, a ycrnng barrister and H various Zionist organizations reveals that another blow to ZionETRICS OF THE FATHER Roman pride may be the published reason for this ruling, writer, now ot the Gerinaj. Army Rabbi Jacob said, "He who has 13 iat aspirations is expected. Perhaps it is hoped that by strong, but in reality Mussolini is feeling competition. Is Charli< service corps. the way of bis future "Education Before Verdun," in decided ; ^preliminary* protests any threats to a Jewish homeland will be Chaplin's walk funnier than Mussolini's strut or the much career to study and before he is By DB. THEODORE N. LEWIS pojnt of time, precedes the events through the course ot his iiBwarded.off. At the root of all, is the fear that from recent publicized 'passo Romano'? Are the antics of Harpo any fun related in "The'Case of Sergeant study he with and becomes an Eabbl, Elocat Slasi Temple, SIoos CSty Grischa." It is through Bertln's admirer ofquits r^perfottnanees Britain is quite capable of anything and that as nier than the Fascist Grand Council going through gymnastic nature's beauty, foreyes that we see the tense events feits the future ot his lite.** )4jpart of her pacification campaign, Palestine will be sacrificed. performances? Is the garrulousness of Groucho any more ridi "ABARBANEL AND THE EX-14 S 4. His reputation followed of the 3ocg months on the VerRabbi Chanina said, "He in ||| . . There was once every reason to believe that a Palestine culous than the speeches of il Duce? PULSION OF THE JEWS him. Very soon upon arrival he dun front in 1916. whom the tear of sin precedes "Education Before Verdun" wisdom, FROM SPAIN." JACOB S. was appointed finance minister to his wisdom shall endure, ijf predominantly Jewish was essential to Britain. In the face of Ferdinand -aad Isabella, holding will leave a conviction in the Perhaps Mussolini has realized he is a comedian,\that all M1NKIX. 217 PAGES. BEHRbut he in whom wisdom comes £p constant betrayal and compromise with Arab terrorism, the his gestures are more comic than melodramatic and no one MAN JEWISH BOOK HOUSE. the office till 149 2, when he reader's Eind that the interven- before the fear of sin, his wisdom joined his brother exiles. ing years have served only to en- will not $2.50. endure." *|e Jews have remained loyal to Britain fully cognizant that Brit- must be better than Mussolini. No one must be funnier than hance the power of Zwelg's geOstensibly the Inquisition was Rabbi Chanina said, "He whose •Mi ' ' nius. Although Eweig conveys to a religious institution. But, 'reil Duce. The hero of th!s fascinating ligion and piety were merely the his readers a vivid conception of works exceed his wisdom, his wis^ii . . . . . . . . . , . . . study, one of the most tragic fig- pretest for the existence of the the enormous panorama of war, dom shall endure, but he whose ures in Jewish history, played a Inquisition. G r e e d was its he does so always in human terms wisdom exceeds his works, his Of criticism from Jewish leaders there was never any lackmost conspicuous role in a drama mother, power its motive and and through the experiences of wisdom will not endure." ;•;'• A Parting Blessing iBut never has this criticism turned to open rebellion as Rabbi Chanina said, "He ia which, took place la Spain in wealth its ideal." The rame 'f individuals. A must read. By Fabbi Frederick (John whom the spirit ot his fellow 1492, a drama singularly analo- TDrQuemada will be eternally tha case of the Arab population. Favoritism to the Arabs, creatures takes delight, in him gous to the incredible destruction linked with this criminal aad The "Holy Days' are over. were overlooked—though the JewB are.prepared the Spirit ot the All-present takes and spoliation of modern German satanic institution. His personalBut Judaism, we hope, is not over. Judaism, on the con- Jewry. Abarbanel and Spanish ity was such, so blindly fanatic Community Calendar delight" <=td defend their stake in the Holy Land should the occasion deRabbi Dosa said, "Morning are indissolubly linked, was he that he could Imprison his They have been most indulgent, realizing that should trary, should have received a stimulus from its world-wide ob Jewry sleep, mid-day wine, chfldtah babFrom October SS—October 27 and the story of the relationship only Eister in a cocveEt cell. This bling and attending the house of j(o:they avenge themselves upon the Arabs, they will compromise Bervance; as should "its sixteen million devotees in all lands, is told in beautiful language, and cruel bigot obtained a fiominatSunday, October 23 ot the ignorant waste a with historical accuracy. under all types of civilization, undergoing all manner of experisg hold over the mystical mind Girl Scoucr>: 2 p. m. Room M, assembly | Britain, weaken her position and their own. •-.'.. man's lite." and devout soul of the Queen. Prior to the carriage of FerJewish Community Center. "•• • Rabbi Eleazer said, "He wh» .« ". • The. events of the past few weeks show that Arab nation- iences; too largely, alas! tragic. dinand and Isabella, - Spain con- Being her private confessor he A. Z. A. No. 100: 2 p. m.. Club profanes things sacred and deThe world has need of Jews and of Judaism. Jews are the emphasized again and again the sisted of the provinces of Aragon, jj|alism is being inflamed by a few fanatics and a few well-paid Room, Jewish Community Center. spises the festivals, and pats his Sicily and Sardinia. The importance and virtue of destroyOmaha Hebrew Club: 3 p. m.-fellow-man to shame in public | r | agents. The dictators have not hesitated to stir trouble. classic liberals of the world, the protagonists of progress. This Castile, ing heretics aad heresy, of makmarriage united the four little Lodge Room, Jewish Community and makes void tbe covenant of has been their role in all lands, in all ages of history. Judaism ing her Spain truly Catholic, of states .into one country. Under the ^Weapons have been furnished, weapons that have dealt death Center. Abraham, our father, and makes and fervent encourage- expelling- the Jews. To overcome A. S. A. No. 1: S p. m., C. & the Torah bear a meaning other •geitq fellow Arabs in more cases than to Jews. Arab leaders who possesses that principle which is the germ of unfolding civiliza- constant soms of the 'more humane imment ol the Church authorities D., Jewish Community Center. than the right, such a man even Qrefuso to BuppOrt the campaign of terrorism have been shot on tion. Its idea of the One God is a unifying principle. It does the new Spain sooa became doin- pulses of Isabella, Tortjuetnafia Monfiaj-, October 24 though knowledge ot the Torah assured^ b.er immeasurable reinantly and esclusively Catholic. away with the distinction between races and individuals, the Y&ad AtsSJiary: 2 p. m., C. & and good deeds be bis, has no j-litlje streets in Jerusalem under the very shadow of British guns. With the defeat of the Moors ward in the hereafter if she would D., Jewish Community Center. share in the future ot tbe world. '$% The situation in Palestine has been intolerable. Some have special curse of the present day with its intensified and in-came to & sudden end the rule remove from Spain infidelity and B'nai B'rith: 8 p. m., Lodgeorder the exile of the Jews. of kindly and tolerant Islam. Room, Jewish Community Center. |f1 attempted to trace the recent trouble back to Jewish agitation, flamed nationalism leading to the criminal aggression of a Nazi The triumph of the Church saw For many years Torque-nada Committee Quits Tucsdar, October 25 7u? particularly the unfortunate incidents following the hanging Germany, the bandit tactics of a Mussolini, the imperialism and a new and sad day for these Jevs labored zealously to persuade the militarism of a Japan. Judaism's conception of righteousness of Spain, living on the peninsula Queen to • 'eld to his idea of ex- Kouad Table: g p. m., Club Prague (WN3) — Acting on a |tijof Ben Shlomo. for 1,500 years. By the end of pelling the Jews. On March SI, Room, Jewish Community Cen- warning by the Czech authorities jgaj There is no doubt than on occasion the Jews played into must yet have influence on an unrighteous world, where the July, 149 2, four months after the 1492, ?ie' succeeded, whec he ter. that continued aid to refugees of Granada, three hun- wrung frdrn Isabella the crue Jewish National Fund Council: from Germany and Austria was iatitha hands of provocateurs. But even before the trial of the injustice of Anti-Semitism exists, where small nations like the conquest dred thousand of the most influ- edict requiring her Jewish EUb- S p. as., Lounge, Jewish Commu- antagonizing Germany, the Jewj?Jyoung Revisionist, the government was warned the Arabs were Czechs and Ethiopians are unscrupulously attacked, deprived ential and patriotic and prosper- Ject-, t o ' depart within four nity Center. ish Relief Committee, which has ous citizens -were espelled, citi- months, Without the privilege of Wednesday, October 26 been assisting the refugees, disKoj preparing for a bloody uprising. Roman Slobodin, Palestine of their very existence, where faith in one's fellow man is at a zens whose ancestors had come taking their property with them B'rith Drive Dinner; 6:15 tributed its remaining funds and |»e correspondent of the J. T. A., wrote in a series of articles that very.low ebb, nations and individuals breaking the most sol- to Spain centuries before the con- All pleas of Abarbanel - and all p. B'nai d., Kilt Hotel. went out of business. citizens who had en- offers of ransom proved futile International Workers' Order: ^tH Palestine was on the brink of one of the bloodiest periods of enin oaths^treaties^andpromis^a; where the weak and trusting querors, The dissolution of the commitriched its culture, its industry against the zeal and eloquence cf S p. is., C. & D., Jewish Commu- tea came as a tragic blow to the IP^its history. Under government eyes, the Arabs were arming. are netrayed"by the unscrupulous strong. Tor<juemada, against his threats nity Center. and augmented its glory, citizens Austrian and German refugees. whose only offense was Judaism. of eternal damnation, -^lould the y3) tittle, if nothing, was done. Thursday, October £7 The worlfrv&as need «f the-ethical Monotheism of Judaism. "With the conquest of Spain by the edict be recalled. With the esiles Ecr Scouts: £ p. us.. Lodge lodge room, Jewish Community a*-i Beset by difficulties in Europe, England was not eager to , tiierefore must; str|ngth|n themselves for their historic Church, the golden age of Jewry numbering three hundred thous- Rocs:, Jewish. CoEEUEity Cen- Center. : and men, women and children under Islam comes to a catas|r rjsend troop3 to the Holy Land. Instead she sent Commissions task} and it a*hopea th£t they may have derived renewed in- trophic and sudden end. ter. November 21. went Isaac Abarbanel. Kis only Rehearsal: g p. m., K. & Monday, 3i)a;to justify her own misgovernment. The result has been de- spiration from the observance of the Holy Days just passed. Reception to President ot Jewson, Joseph, he sent to Fortuga L.,Choir .Ferdinand aad Isabella, though. Jewish CcsaisuESty Center. f ish Women's organizations, Jew;aturally harboring anti-Jewish to prevent kidnapping and for f^eisioas that have inflamed the population. Important cities That is the real and. the only reason for the existence of prejudices, ish Community Center. were not •sxcessirely cible baptism. Never again "wa CQMDCG EVENTS as Bethelhem and Tiberias were taken over by Arab ban- the Jews as Jews. It is not that they are a race which must hostile to the Jew. They -would the father to lay eyes upon his Sunday, October SO. Saturday, December 1O. Annual Community Ball, Wommuch preferred to allow the beloved child. while the police looked on helplessly. preserve itself. We see in the unspeakable Nazis.the terrific have Junior Council Tea, 2 p. m.. en's division. Jew to live in Spain, and to tol- From Spain Abarbanel went to Sterner measures evidently are now in order. More troops evil that racialism can cause, an ideology that has no scientific erate Judaism. The fanatical and Naples, where King Ferdinand avaricious and inordinately am- soon enlisted his brilliant genius been despatched. Pitched battles are being fought. The leg t a stand on. There is no virtue in belonging to a particu- bitious clergy made such decent He held the' office of treasurer [itJHign Commissioner has convinced the government he is faced lar race. ;Tbe virtue is that the so-called 'race' should possess attitudes impossible. Though hid- till a disastrous war with t i e economic forces motivated French brought chaos and anarserious difficulties unless he has a stronger force. virtue. Races have been hopelessly mixed in the course of den the hatred of the masses, -elito the country. Abarbanel Yet rumor persists that Britain will treat with the Arabs, civilization with its invasions, migrations, inter-marriage, mix- ious issues played, at least open- chy fled to Corfu and Venice, dying ly, the principal role. The ulti- in the latter city in 150S. has constantly done since the War. In 1914 the Arabs tures of every sort. The Nazis are hopelessly mixed in their mate power behind the expulsion, The period of his greatest litsingle, bit of territory to call their own. Turkey had ideas of the purity of the German race. The Germans are not the power that conceived the di- erary activity was frora .149 6 to abolical scheme that kept it alive their overlord for generations. Then, in quick succession altogether 'Aryans'—nor are the Jews altogether 'Semites.' The when it fell into temporary dis- 1503, when he lived in a small village near Naples. For a man were handed huge chunks of territory—rlraq, Saudi- only certain thing is that they are human beings, though there favor, the .power that executed it so constantly busy with public with sadistic cruelty : tfd savage .^•A^abia, Hejaz, Yemen, Syria, and the Mandated territory of are those like Thomas Mann, himself an 'Aryan' German, and heartlessness, that power was the affairs and a perpetual wanderer literary output }s simply stag>n. Palestine, only a sliver of this huge empire, has been Lin Yutang, the brilliant and inspired Chinese and millions of ihurch whose Founder ironically his gering. Though not an original enough came to bring peace and rather graudgingly with the Jews. isiad, or a great thinker. Abarmen and women throughout the world with hearts in their bos- oodwill and love on earth. banel was a scholar who delightEven Palestine has not gone untouched. Transjordan was oms, who think Hitler's Germans have been acting more like The Inquisition conceived by ed in intellectual exercise aad in. away. The Peel Commission recommended further par- beasts' than civilized or even human beings. The brute in man clerics and conducted by thera tte ways of philosophy. Faith alunder the auspices of the Church ways • triumphed ia him over ji'itition- ' --•... is coming forward aa if has not for ages in the dastardly Nazis. had been a terror for Eany years, doubt, and for . atlonaiissa he had tt<fi N? v ^ r have the Jews so needed Palestine. In betraying James Harvey Robinson in his epoch-making* "Mind in the driving many to embrace Csthol- little regard. Ke loved fcis'peocoxoCaecho-SlOvakia, England betrayed 350,000 Jews who find they Making" thought he had the 'animal mind' deeply imbedded :cism in the hope of escaping wltli pie, his God, &nd his Torah with lives. The unfortunates an undying love scd these he no longer depend on Czecho-Slovakia either. They will be beneath the 'modern,' 'scientific' mind, along with the 'child ;heir racticed their Judaism in secret, served nobly enfi without stint. ne^t to become refugees. The situation of modem Jewry mind' and the 'savage mind,' and the "medieval mind';—it has always hoping for the day when Ke"deserves the distinction acd they could return to the fold. honor he enjoys In Israel. i become worst from day to day. We need land, haven for our come to the fore in the Nazis! • Amongst these Anusta, or Maranoa was Samuel Abarbanel, a ^i^people. Only Palestine remains open. It must not be closed. The Jew's true role is to be the advocate and the exemplar gifted and honored leader of Jewti f the moral and the spiritual, The Festival that crowned the ry, who to escape* martyrdom, bap.tisn. At an early Holy Days, just ended, Simcath Torah, 4the Rejoicing in the ubmitted tohe Library Ccraer" escaped to Portu|f;aj The Jewa o£ Czecho-Slovakia are worried lest they are Law,' reminds us that the Torah is alluded .to as 'the crown,' ipportunity al and returned to Judaism. Ana By E A S S S 2 * I J COSES e&H about to witness the final act of a long and honorable history. the 'Crown of the Torah.' It is the crown of the Jew as the n the capjtol of Portugal at I/.sIsaac Abarbanel was bora la "" ~ bold thrust haa uprooted an age*old culture. As Austrian moral and the religious qualities, even more than the intellect on, 437. Portugal was fortusately Current coaisieEts of the day's :4? Jewry succumbed before the advancing Fascist hordes, so the though the Jew is acknowledged to possess an ample portion ree from the ghastly Inquisition. Jewish, scene cf events in magaThe Marranos lived In peace and zines, boots £sd" Jewish thought. " Czecho-Slovakia feel doomed. DECARQLE* £ that) are the crown of man; the spiritual. The Jew's role n freedom, many even ross lo The Eag&i'nes; A Jerusalem THE "he" T Once all about them was hatred, yet they were free. 'They s to be the moral and religious Teacher of the race (as he has rominence and affluence. Among publication, Palestine Review, he latter was Samuel Abarbon- "ladastry Marches Forward." by *--'--•'• -"" in the economic and political life of the country, been in the last four thousand years of history): he is to mor- !l, FEATURING THE NBW CKBST EDGB a financial genius, ,rhom the Dorothy Kahs. The author of this aided their fellow Jews who slipped across the border. alize and to spiritualize humanity; to teach them to 'let the Sing put in charge of his treas- article, who . time aad again ry. This office Isaac inherited proved that Palestine to her is' IThey rajlied to the republic's defense pnee invasion seemed ape and the tiger die'; to humanize them; to perfect and en- pon his fath- -*s death. no vague subject E.££i2 brings' us ' Hoxninent. • • able them with justice and righteousness, with peace and love, In Lisbon our hero spent his this most interesting article. To quote ten million pounds lappiest days, and his good for* bj they are to fall the victims o£ Nazi wrath, to playwith, unity and brotherhood. une can be best appreciated from worth of goods manufactured in the historical role of scapegoat. Great portions have following description found Jn Palestine by SO,000 -workers was O, there is great need of the Jew in the world, in this year he he introduction to his commen- sold last year. Although the disjbeen handed over to the three most brutal nations of Europe— in f grace (or as morally sensitive souls keenly feel of disgrace), ary on the book of Joshua. "I turbed situation has discouraged ', Hungary and Poland. The refugees from the Sudet- nineteen hundred and thirtyreight—which by the way, is the ved in peace in many inherited the founding of new, factories— You'll feel supremely content in the aris0U3es in the renowned city of the existing enterprises managed and non-Nazi Germans are being sent back to fifty-seventh hundredth year according to Jewish reckoning. •isbon. prei the capitol of Portugal, on the whole to weather the storm tocratic carelcEf-'c->f o^ • imprisonment. Prague ha3 enough troubles. It is time that man were more of a man, less of a beast and a here God had given me bless- and to improve their products. st3.'le. T h e t J ',' •; ~ >.'~ r; The past year in industry was 1 .Already the Slovakian party of the recently-autonomoua brute. He is supposed to be 'a little lower than the angels.* ngs, riches and hor< . I built aptly summed up l>y a member ot many great houses with many resilience o£ :^ I ^1 » *. [region has declared itself anti-Semitic In Prague, itself an The conviction is growing that the Germans under Hitler are ooms. My home was a meeting. the lozeret hoaretz committee Jatj ^Intensified nationalism is making itself felt .in a boycott of acting lik,e incarnate devils. It'is the belief of such as Winston ilace of the wise and the noble, who said, "I know that a watch- i was leloved in the palace of Al- man in an agricultural settlement, i ••! 2 [Jewish arid German (sic) stores. ' Churchill, expressed in his radio speech of last Sunday night, onso, a Just and mighty King, with his uniform and his rifle i<= , hat crcft t'":"*t r~i:-r-"r offi whom the Jew enjoye-i lib- a more romantic figure than t. |; ^ We hestitate to blame the Czechs, to pour forth" righteous hat the Germans.will yet free themselves from the clutch of meter rty and prosperity. I stood near worker in a textile factory. B u t ' surely £nd Izzili z.'Y ' 7indigaation upon their heads. They are a people, betrayed, a the diabolic powers that have debased and enslaved them. It Jm and he leaned.upon my hand putting aside dramatic effects, the so long cs he lived I went worker who sometimes slaves long, nation bitter with disappointment. They played all the rnl63 s the role of i W Jews as the'Priest People of God to free all ndand out of the palace." Not in to the night to find some forOther Knox Styles R « iof the game of government. They were heroic when heroism mankind from evil and error. .He bears the Torah, the spiritual inly WZLS his position with the mula for a new, Palestinian proflsecure bat it was equally uct, mates an equally heroic con—I iwaa demanded. They were loyal. Yet when they were in weapon, that is to prove mightier than all the evil forces of Ug o with his j ? n people, the Jews, tribution to the country's cjtJH' ^trouble, the hand o£ all man was against tnein. Deserted by mankind. Wrong and cruelty and oppression are yet to be so revered Mm that they bnildlng—-a worth -while article. onored his requests for charitIn the latest issue of the B'nai r j ^ fair-weather friends, the country has been forced into the arnxs vanquished. The Jew with his Holy Law- is to make spiritual .ble purposes., even when they B'rith tnagaEine: "A Jewish laare' of it3 mo3t bitter enemies. England and France would not save conquest Of mankind. The world may curse and revile and per- era exceedingly Jilgh. veatory," by Hesry Mossl-iy, presA disastrous war -73th CastiSe ident cf tlis E'aal B'r'tJt,- Qu.ote;' it from Germany. Now it turns to Germany in its hour of need. secute and seek to annihilate him, physically and morally; the Tought tragedy to Portugal and 3'nai B'rith is conscious of its Yet it was not the'Jews who were the cause of all this mis- ew knows that lie is appointed of God to 'be a blessiag'; that lJO) Isaac Abarbanel. The new responsibility, i t is fully cognizjort fortune. They have remaiiied loyal. Though the government in him, and in his seed scattered, over all the earth, in Palestine, •lag, la t a e hope of .GEtablishinj .Sin is absolute power. . executed &O- .gavQ them the opportunity, they didn't seek autonomy but e£- and aiiiong all the nations, "all the families of the earth are to many of the old nohili* which Rent —Nicely e hsld responsible for the eol- Forrooms. Ipressed their willingness to rise or fall with the Czechs. When be blessed." . SO4 S. 24t of his father's armies. AbarHA 312 Poles, Ruthenians, Hungarians, and Gernians were sensed danger s,nd escaped The Jew will hold fast to lm true mission and character, o ncl . Spain, settllas ia Toledo, ia


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Page 5

iB'rlth Chapter. This Is the Inaug- ward Chait, Omaha. Norman Harural year of the "Legion of Hon- ris. <?maha, Kelvin Tannenbaum, Organizations Urged or" whose purpose is to show and Harry Ginsberg, Dakota City. gratitude to the men who have Ed Norman, aad Kelvin will serve to Clear Dates given According to the bulletin reoatstardlng service for a as platoon sergeants In their reyesterday by the deac of The officers of all organinumber of years to A. 2. A. Ont epective companies while Hsrry leased stcfiect affairs, Sigma Delta Tan sations of the city are urged of the twenty-three given this will serve as second lieutenant in topped the sorcrities 3n scholEstio to clear ths dates for events first year, Omaha received five. his organised military unit. rating for the past semester. This planned by their organisaFollowing the presentation, Mr. Sigma Oraicroa vras recently At services i'o.ifi e^'eninr K; ' i is the same position tbat^Thsta tions *ith the Jewish ComJ. Truitt Maxwell, General Secre- host to the Nebraska chapter of chapter held on Nebraska campus David K. V.'ice • vill speak amunity Calendar by calling ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT WEDDING ANNIVERSARY tary of the local Y. M. C. A., gave Sigma Delta Tan who attended a "Never Insplics-tioiiE or tlie F \-> last spring. the Jewish Community CenMr. and Mrs. Julius Lebrecht Mr, and Jtfrs. David Wells will a most interesting and educational dinner at the chapter house. More than 1C0 advisory board lem: "u'hs.t Do Pe.rev.ie Ore C' ter. Ol Kansas City, Mo., announce the receive Sunday, October 23, Irom talk on the purpose of youth orRaymond Brown, Kansas City, members, cabinet members, and firen." Services beiEg f.t E p. n v - i In this manner, it will engagement of their daughter, 3 until 7 in honor ol their 45th ganizations and what they can ac- displayed excellent ability in •workers in the University T. W. Services tomorrc-v/ mon.i' f r - : eliminate many conflicts. Irma, to Mr. Alvin H. Friedman, •wedding anniversary. complish. "Judgment B2y," a play that was C. A. Insug-crates their annual fi- will be fcelo e.i 11. Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel The Jewish Community No invitations have been isMr. Maxwell has been affiliated presented by the University Fiav- nance drive at a dinner last MonFriedman of Omaha. Center keeps a careful recsued. All trlends are invited. with the local Y. M. C. A. Tor a ers throughout last week. Ray day night. Josepfcihe "RubEttz 4s Beth El ord of all dates of events in Mr. Friedman Is a graduate of ruraber of years jsd has repre- played a leading role in the pro- the carcpaiirn director and is beFriuay Eight services sre 1 f't the city. In order to avoid the University of Nebraska •where HOUSE WARMING duction, and was highly compli- inp assisted by Sehna Kill. Ivlary at S o'clock t t the Beth El e: t.p sented it abroad several times. misunderstanding and conhe -was affiliated with the Zeta Fifty guests attended a house Those from Sam BsSer Chap- mented on his performance in the Artitrasu is in ch&rjre of cortuct- gogtie. Rabbi Devifi A. Golds, r r tusion, it i3 strongly urged Beta Tau fraternity. warming party Sunday evening In ter participating on the program Daily Nebraskaa, university pub- ing sorority groBps. At the enc,•will speak this evening on "Xd. I.- , to clear with the Center beNo -wedding date has been honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roswere Aleph Godcl Paul Saks who lication. o' the first £ay Sara EineeriE WEB ing With God—What. I>oee . ' - ' ^ ' . ,'*" ^ fore setting dates for tho chosen. • enthal a t their new home, 2528 summed up the local chapters' acone ci three girls r&riklng high Mean. Today?" Tofiay? i, . f ' . . ' ' . ' ' " year. Reed. complishments, Aleph Kohsa Goin actual collections and pleSges. Saturday morning services u1 T, f Please call Jackson 1266 del Joe Guss who gsvp. the InvoAfter a buffet supper the eveTO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY "Freslnsea FsEtioss" vrerg OB piece Et $ vriih Sabbath echoo r ' for information. cation and benediction, and Aleph Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shimmel ning was spent a t bridge and parade during the break in the8:45. As the semester progresses. AlGlsbor Milton Saylaa who was •will celebrate their fortieth wed- bingo. pha Taeta continues to occupy the mstisee daEoe in the Student Ungeneral co-chains&u. Taafl ding anniversary Sunday, Octospotlight ia campes activities at ion ballroois Wednesfi&y. KIrians The regular Friday ever' T r1 There will be a regular busi- the University of Nebraska. Leon- RubEitz £id Florence Mererson ber 23. They wlil be at home to RETURNS FROM CONFERENCE grid Warburg, formerly of BerDr. Philip L. Stomonsck has lin, who will talk on the Youth ness meeting of Eani Beber chap- ard M U s k i n, sophcinere and vere aciQEg those stcfiEEtE •who service of the Vaad vill lie I-" 'their friends at the Blackstone at BHuaovn, Sati-rclar reorr >•"? No. 100 at the Ceater San- youngest man on Nebraska's foot- modeled cjunpcs s.ttire. from 2 until 5. No invitations are just returned from a meeting of Aliyah which removes ter the . R h i n o - Otolaryngological childrenmovement day. October 23, at 2:SO p. xa. ball stiuad, showed remarkable The Lincoln BICBIE! group head- services take place at F:CO a. r . being Issued. of, adolescent age from Out-of-town guests expected academy held in Washington, D. central Europe to Palestine. ability in the Nebraska-Iafiiaaa ed by Bernice LiSberman, snfi are: Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Shimmel C. Dr. Romoneck had been gone garae last Saturday. He -was ia Sigma Delta Tac's patronesses. ldca H51 Sc>cici All Omaha members of Hadasof Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Walter for a week; the starting line-up, and vill tm- Mrs. B. Polskj- and Mrs. VT. Siesah are urged to attend. Anyone leunfreund, have issued 125 inviShimmel of St. Louis; Mr. and The Ladies' Golocn Kiii sve Pdoubtly coatistie as a regular oa desiring further information on tations to tea Et t i e charter ty will hold its regclar rnee" i r Mrs. Bernard Shimmel of GaleaSigma Otnicron's eosl of high the first team at left guard. the convention can do so by callhouse oa SaturnaT fiftenmots, OB Tuesday, October £ 5, et £ CI , bnrg, Illinois; Mrs. Milton Jacoby Lawrence Cohen, f r e sfeman Ing Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, GL scholarship was agaia realises Kre. J£.mes Goctz. Thc- at the B'n&i Israel Srnago^ i < ' of Highland Park, Illinois; Mr. when Dean Thompson, dean cf from Cbeyense, Tv'yoialag, partic- honoring 2857. ta ctsaptpr's new h ISth ana Chicago Etrpots. and Mrs. W. J. Fantle and Mr. student affairs, recsatly announc- ipated last, week in a style parade Cultural "A Jewfah Adjustment to Euand Mrs. Harold Levinger of ed the scholastic rankings of sil ia Nebraska's new Studsnt UnHadassah's educational chair'he Duke dp Lonsacla. Cm-ropean Disintegration" will be man, Mrs. Paul Veret, assisted by fraternities on the Nebraska cam- ion Euildiss. R e presectatives Yankton, So. Dakota, ! mbrrlair, to Chariee III. V nr ' the subject Rabbi David H. Wice Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, have out- pus for the past year. from a few selected fraternities t will speak on for the first meet- lined an extensive program for Members of the bosira oJ J c c - | of the Two Sicilies, was e ."ev !• For the year 1SS7-SS Sigma aad sororities on the campus TO RECEIVE FOR SON of the Omaha Chapter of Hai Omicron earned the distinction of were chosen to participate in this ior Kafiassali met £t the Jewish. |»ancestry and religioii. Mr. and Mrs. George Bernstein ing coming season. dassah for the season 1938-1939 theThe possessing the highest Bcaolastlc fashion EDOW, aad were viewed by Commucity Center oc TneBfiay, •will receive at their home, 2863 which Hebrew class will meet be held Wednesday, 2 average among all social fratern- a crowd of well over £00 stuBanraan, on Sunday, October 30, p. m., will October IS, te discuss pl£.ns for October 26, at the Jewish each Thursday morning from 10 ities for the past s e v e r a l dents. from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 10, in Community a. m. to 11:30 a. m. at the JewCenter. A 1 p . m. Leonard "Budfiy" Goldstein o* the ajicaal Thacksjri'-'iEg tlsnce. j honor of their son, Marvin Lee, board meeting will preceed the ish Community Center with Mr. years, but- last y e a r Signa Kies K&las Frtcfelin, presl-1 •who will be Bar Mitzvah at theregular meeting. Mrs. M. D.Jacob S. Kanz as Instructor. Omicron r e c e i v e d a cup for Omaha, former Missouri Valley dent cf the local cn&pter, &nB'nal Jacob Synagogue on Satur- Brodkey will preside, Mrs. A. D. Those wishing to attend will get excelling all fraternities on thejunior piag-poas clsaxnp, showed no^Ecefi tbe caace Is to be held his ability in that field by rapidly campus. day, October 29. Frank will take charge of the in touch with Mrs. L. Graets, WA Nebraska TlmrEd&y, November 24. ProFurther recognition was given advancing to the fourth reusd of on No invitations are being issued. program. 1478. The first meeting was held ceeds Trill he acfiefi. to the orthe' StuSeat Usion ping-pong to the fraternity when the organFriends and relatives are Invited Thursday, October 20. . g:aalsE,tioEE' PaleetSne fund for of Every Description Activities was awarded a cerUtlcata tournaraeat. Ee is regarded fcy the t o attend. "Roots In the Sky," by Sidney ization support cf t i e aaoSel chilTho Rummage Committee, will most of the campts &s a "cinch" for ranking third Gg&ol&stically . • Including hold its annual sale, Tuesday, Oc- Meller, will be reviewed by Mra. among all fraternities ia the Unit- for the title, having already de- dren's villtge, the citrus farm, RETURNS I-TOM SCOTXS Morris M. Franklin, for the first ed States and nurses' training echool. tober 25, all day a t Fourteenth fcatefl last year's title-holder. BLUFF Kiss Marion Chorney has been and Farnam streets. All members meeting of the group on "New The first cultural hour cf the With preparations for the R.appointed Mrs.. Hatt> Nathan returned of Hadassah are requested to call Books of Jewish Interest" a t the general chainaan of O. T. C. Military Ball under way, Sunday mornin;; from Scottsbluff any member of the following com- home of Mrs. Samuel Kaiman, year will take place Wednesday, announcement was recently ina-fie advertisiEg, a s i !CisE Esther where she -has been visiting her mittee for bundles to be picked 115 No. Twenty-seventh Ave., on October 26 in the chapter house. concerning coasiittes epp-otet- Laxersoa •will be ticket chairman. daughter, Mrs. Harry RuBhall, for up: Mrs. H. Rubin. WE 5531; Monday, October 24. This will be Dr. Harold Stoke, professor ia Plans were a!so completed for Stanley E'osbcrg w a s the past Eix weeks. Returning Mra. William Alberts, AT 0879; in the form of a 1:30 p. xa. des- the Political Science Department ncnts. nafia a E s a b e r of the Refresh- the Jcaior KefiE,sss,li's eJrhth sn•with her was Miss Marion Chor- Mrs. David B. Cohn, WA 6611; sert-luncheon. Those wishing to of the University, will lead a s in- ments Cotaralttee, Howard Kap- niverEary cianer to be heldfitthe Let Us FIB&HCC; I oar New C*r o r ney who spent ten days In Scotts- Mrs. Arthur Cohn, GL 3486; Mrs. attend call Mrs. Sidney Cahan. formal discussion ccacsralas ©fir lan, the Tickets Committee, and Center oa Thursday, November economic probleras. bluff. Isadoro Abramson, WA 6906; GL 4007. ia. Only members vho fc£ve paid Refinance Tear Old Car "Wintroftb. the Program Morton Margolin, Oaasa, asfi Ernest Both had been extensively en- Mrs. A. D. Frank, WA 9200; dues are eligible to sttend -&M CoaiEitiee. Melvia Tiaaneabaani, also cj Czatertained during their visit. Mrs. I. Grossman, HA 7153; Mrs. to sign tbe EaflEesan ccroll. aha, have been invited to sen"© Ben Kazlowsky. MA 0717; Mrs. as pledges of Alpha FM On -5a, S. J. Plotkln, HA 6903. TE3IPI/E MEN'S LUNCHEON Sam Beber chapter No. 100 to- national esrvics fraternity. Date Changed GROUP gether with Mother Chapter No. 1 Recent appointments by the The Temple Israel Men's Lunch"I'd Rather Be Right" in which eon Group will meet on "Wednes- Ann Blrk Knper, Chicago drama- sponsored one of the finest A. Z. military department oa th* NeA. day programs In the history day, October 26, at 12:15. t i ^ , will be featured on Wednes- of Omaha A. Z. A. last Sunday braska campus fcsvs luclBfiea ESday, November 9, 8:30 p. m., ATTENDS CONVENTION date to which the play has been afternoon a t the Jewish CommuDr. and Mrs. M. I. Gordon will changed, a t the Jewish Commun- nity Center. International A. Z. A. Day w&s leave by motor on Sunday for St.ity Center, la being presented for Louis, where Dr. Gordon will at- the benefit of the Child Welfare observed throughout A. 2. A. with EL&D the purpose of summing up the tend the convention of the Amer- Project of Hadassah. WITH UR year's accomplishments and preican Dental association. They InTickets for the one night perto "Match LUKCHSOB c r DIKKER -' Grans! • Vc,Iwe» ia tend to be gone, a week. formance may be obtained from senting them to the public through the medium of an opes Lsacheoas, 35c to S Mrs. Milton Mayper, chairman; JOSLYN MEMORIAL Aftj-soa Tea, 25c Mrs. Aaron Rips, co-chairman, or celebration. Sunday afternoon activities at any of the following commutes: (2-5 !) One of the outstanding features Complete Evening Dinner* I the Joslyn Memorial this week Mrs. .Julius Abrahamsen, Mrs. of the program was the presenta6 P. M. to S P. T,1.—C3s f Louis Alberts, Mrs. M. M. Barisb, tion of the plaques of the "Lesion include the following: 2:30 p. m., Concert Hall — Mrs. Joe Bloch, Mrs. .David Brod- of Honor" to Hessrs. I. F . GoeS'I' Sizo* S c© S 4 Sound film, "Winter Sun and key, Mrs.- J. M.~ Chapman and Mrs. man, Saca Beber, Phillip KlutsI. Chernlss. Summer Sea." nick, Dr. A. Greenberg and to 11 •-£/,* ". S i r e s © t o &* COURTNSV BUDS'.* 3:30 p. m., lecture Hall — Also Mrs. David R. Cohen, Mrs. Henry Monaky by Harry S . Co1 * * ^^ Fleeces and tweeds in HA 1SI7 tT« Snow fixer Ixscture by Dr. Edgar A. Holt on Jack Cohen, Mrs. David Cohn, hen, president of the local B'nai \ / ^ all tfie rich, warm col"granfl" beepr=p ATih and - Doua!«» ST*™— "Statiwn in C o n t e m p o r a r y Mrs. David Epateln, lire. J . M. ors . . . siich as Wines, *re celling like Erman, Mrs. John Faler, Mrs. Thought." P.ueM, Browns, and 4 p. m., Concert Hall — R e - Moe'Katelman, Greeas. Pur «.nd self Three pleeet . . . L*.I,,r -Among others are Mrs. Irvln corded organ program. triamed . . . splendid-. jacket anf rrrr r"r; 4 p. m., Library — Book re- C. Levin, Mrs. Moe Lineman, Mrs. Iy made throughout. . . , IE F f " . TTT-T Maurice D. Micklln, Mrs. Harry -rtew by Rena W. Murtagh on Others to I2S.S5. Grten, v t r i Malashock, Mrs. Henry Newman, "The Journal of Eugene CelaMrs. Abe I. Pradell, Mrs. A. S. croix". 4:30 p. m., Lecture Hall — Rubnitz, Mrs. David Stein, Mrs. IKIMSWTTS Young Artists program sponsored A, A. Steinberg, Mrs. Sam Swarts, Harry Trustln, Mrs. Abe en ir:^ C:rt yes by the Omaha Music Teachers As- Mrs. Venger, Mra. Moa Venger, Mrs. sociation. H. H. White and Mrs. Bam Wolfe. 1 Uk • r • *> 1 «^ Barclay Acheson, Associate Ed- National Hadassah Convention , . tfce r Yi ts A large delegation of the Omaitor of Readers Digest and welland trhi known commentator on world af- ha Chapter of Hadassah will at3 to 1 6 . . .St faira, will speak at the Joslyn tend en masse to the National Memorial Friday evening, October Hadassah convention to be held Fifth 21st, at 8 p. m. His lecture is be- in St. Louis, .Mo.. Hotel Jetfereon, ins presented to the public free October 31, November 1, 2 and 3 . delegation will leave Omaha of charge as a feature of the Jos- The St. Louis, Saturday, Octbber lyn Memorial's October "Open for 29. . i »»!'if!V pmii Evening." ' An analysis of the shifts in poMr. Acheson has served as an litical power in central Europe educator and admin'strator of Itheir effect on Jews throughAmerican relief in China and the and out the world will be presented by Near East. At the outbreak of the internationally known publicists, » » » World War he was serving on the educators— and political figures faculty of the American Univer- from Europe, Palestine and the sity at Beirut, Syria. During 1914 United States at the 24 th annual he -was m Switzerland, France convention of Hadassah, t h e and England watching political Women's Zionist Organisation of turmoil a n d mobilisation of America. There -will be over 1,troops. He stood outside Bucking- 000 delegates and visitors from ham Palace the night that Eng- 45 states representing a memberV land declared war against Ger- ship of over 70,000. t'-Hmany. Following the War Mr. The delegates will celebrate the Acheson spent ten .years admin* completion of the million dollar istering relief funds in Russia, Rothschild-Hadassah F - UniversityGraace, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Hospital and Medical School on T raq and Turkey. He worked with ScopuB In Jerusalem where a the Refugee Settlment Commis- Mt. 300-bed hospital, training school, Pictured if a pin sion of the League of Nations, and laboratories for scientific redot enirt frock 0; - s eaea'a c o s t a v e r and through it became personal- search have been built by HadasMeld* r»ron tsrepe, I fcrc:;i"J csJ. A ssssrJ ly acquainted with many states- sah and the American Jewish with the cfef-css' 4. . . men and rulers of Europe. . Physicians' committee. i l m p l i citj' U.ss. The subject which Mr. Acheson Raymond Gram Swing, internaeniart womet t'plas chosen for his lecture at the tionally known English publicist manfi . . . E.E£ 'JLI Joslyn Memorial Friday evening and former editor of "The Naorib fit T;TL* ti1s "What Makea the Clock Tick." tion," who has just returned from * 5" Vr" - r>r-i. It will be a discussion of cropa- Great Britain, will discuss "Symptoms and Nature of Fascism and ' ganda over the world, and Its relationship to the far-reaching af- Anti-Semitism." Dr. Milton Steinfaire of present day Europe and berg, Jewish leader and rabbi of the Park Avenue temple, N e w America. The public is invited to attend York, will -urge widespread eduli's o EnsskesJ cost both wcys. Fer cool days =%> &s the "Open Evening", and to hear cation on Jewish problems to offset anti-Jewish propaganda, and • taisfj out t • • ior ccld WCSUJST* pat it ia csd JOT hsrs Mr. Acheson'a address. The artDr. Goldstein, president of galleries will be open from 7:30 the Israel a warm evcreosL Jewish National Fund, will to 9:30 p. m., and the concert report on land redemption and hall doors will open at 7:30. reforestation in Palestine. (a Bel cad Regies .sffits wH& rsssi er Among the speakers who will analyse the refugee problem in Esfclsesl cellsra U fcscsflJsS iScSss ©f Kca, Germany, Austria, Poland a n d fray c s i Srswa teeesJs csd cfesrSiife, A special meeting of the execu- Czechoslovakia will be Miss Intive board of the Vaad Auxiliary will be held on Monday, October 24, a t 2 p. m. at the JewiBh Community Center. The Board will conclude plans for the first meeting of tho year Wslso to be helC. on November; 1. Dr. Victor A. Levine will be t>.e ,Private aad 'Class speaker. •


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The High School Group •of Temple Israel will' meet Sunday evening at 5:20. Supper -will be servedThis club la limited to boys and girls pf sophomore, junior, and "-senior high school standing*

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ntchi! aplaij ein. \ >n, D: on of id M* H A R N E S S — Construction Dam, on the Verde river Thej Bartlett 3tS OS in Arizona, is progressing. Here a view of the multiple-arch •rg, 1 is "harness," to hold back the river iron,: waters, be used for Irrigation Satf purposesto in the Salt River region. Bartlett Dam, when completed, will be the highest dam of the multiple-arch tyne In the world. Besides impounding 20.000 acre feet of water for irrigation, it is lklin1 designed to control flood conre, £; ditions that might become a ster. ice ' 3 hn


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HOLLYWOOD rESSONALITIES — Among Hollj'wood celebrities present at the opening of Ann Harding's new stage show, "Candida," in Los Ancelos. recently, were John Barrymore and his wife, the fomcr Elaine EETIG Jacobs, They are shown above, Mrs, Banrrr.orc vc?—»ng a luxurious fox cape. Mrs. Barrymore is the actor's fourth fife, married to him Nov. 9, 1936. Mr. Barrymore is 56.

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S TRIAI, BEGINS—As.usually happens in international'spy cases, only "small fry" were apprehended, on trial in the spy case under way in New York City. Hence, United States Attorney Lamar Hardy Will produce evidence he hopes will be a lesmn to the nation, showing now Uncle Sam protects his defenses. Above, Senta de Wanger and Otto Voss, two of'the four defendants on trial.

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SXIiEA?^jiyZD ZA.£—Un:<cc • n-- o 'TF c'^.pctors used its airplane aclcclors. Tli.s p.r;i-p c -uivns: \,r.c circrtiii c;c;cr75r I~Z~IZVT~T f T T T r, ; c-r-, N , C , with i s liEter.mc horr.s s'lo-^er rnf R-ir-,.— r^— "i-ri" '•>-. They are nrc!? of ^^1^5 voof., w-'yi P cc'lrJo^e cc^e.-.r-.r w;-.,c the: have no greater hearing povcr, iher blrat o j ; £.11 Oui p*. lie sounds.

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TAKING THE HOCSES AtONG—Workmen who helped build the Pickwick Landing dam, TVA's navigation and flood control project on the Tennessee river in southwest Tennessee, are being moved'

downstream 180 miles to work on the Gilbertsville dam, near Paducah, Ky. Project officials are taking the cottages along, too. Here are six of the 60, to be moved for the workmen.

Sally 'I

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IWO-PIECE—If you're fortunate enough to have the right sort of figure, perhaps spu'U choose, _ a s did winsome Virginia Perkins, i areloithis style of bathing suit, for use WfrU a t a California beach. As seen, TJIQ i | the suit • is two - piece of gay 3entt ;- Printed material, with a Gay l t 6 r --.Nineties design. te. ' * ite c ^


FIRST GOLFSTICK MAKER—When the winter sticks, imported from Scotland, were impounded golf circuit starts with the $3,000 open toumey by customs officials, who did not knew how t3 on Nov. 8, at White Sulphur Springs, Va., the classify them. So J l r . Coron, a cabinet rsaker, elderly man above will be honored at a dinner set to and made 15 clubs with apple-wood heads attended by crack golfers. He is Fraser Coron, and hickory handles—Srst in the Ur::t2d States. 84. Back in 1884 five men organized the first Top, Mr. Coron chats with Sam Snead, pro chamgolf club in America, on the estate of Russell pion, and, bottom, shows his workbench.. Center, W. Montague, at White Sulphur Springs. Their Snead drives oa the original course.


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CEO\VDING SONJA HENIE—Newest star of the ice rinli is Kasal Franklin, 13, of Bournemouth, England, shown practicing in New York for an appearance there. She's en route to Hollywood and is thrilled a t the hope of seeing Shirley Temple.

KITS TT?A—TJ"ith two ssp^rat federal investigations under into Republican chcrgss :n New Jersey of political coercion of \TPA employes. W. Vu'Errca Bc;rfcour, above, Repvbliccn coridicate for United Sistcs Senator, struck out a t ths WPA e?;scutives. Ee asscrtsi '•ho.t WPA Administrator Robert u*. Allan's vrcrnir.E to his staS c^amEt political activity was "locking ths stable after the liorss had gone." Mr. Earboiu: has credited himself with sponsoring the first' work-rehef program "ever considered by Congress." He entered the Senate in 1S31.

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AttlEKSCAN EAW GOODS—Germany is seeking a trade agreement with the United lsomeTof America's abundant supply of raw materials. Economists say thatthe Gersome 01 ^ 4>ooo,o00 bales of cotton and large quantities of metals. This scene flmburs receiving ccrap iron and grain, at her dock ta New Yo& City.

HE'S GOT SO5SETHING TEESE—Senator Allan J. Ellender of Louisiana spent several claps fishing ufl th? co«)sf of Tervebonne Parish, at Wine Island Pass, f.nd caught 11 tarpon Pour of them, all over six feet, hs brought home and. above, he is licncn with the , largest. The Senator used tn " ' behind a small nutlet for bait, tro boa fis£ reiidied 13C BO™! Csp^rigM.




and long applause but ignored Snooks has been ordered to grow calls for a speech . . . up for her nest screen role in time to become th». nation's dicWORD: Such strong- descrtp- t a t o r of feminine fashions. tives as Satanic and Machiavel- Snooks, otherwise known as Fanlian may one day. have their mod- ny Brice, who has be£n off the ern counterpart. . Chsmbs-lalnJe screen nnch too long, gets the feature ccLaefiy role ia beauteous Hedy LaMarr's first M-G-K vePOEM: Picadilly wits vow that hicle, "A New York Cinderella." Chamberlain Is a poet of no mean LawrcECe Weingarten is producTA1 — A wriiPTF, e-nei pch- I ability . . . Before hopping off to er, Josef voa Sternberg director Statue of U. S. Sts.te&iaffi.lS O f the pic. olarp tejccrraphefi V r « E; ci c r. t! munch Czech oats at Munich, he ; Given to. C t r o^ " appealing tc him i.o in- j SOCIAL XOTES: Among visiis reliably said to have cabled S Kooseveit K j * a»_p» 1 Cicatj to the British Government ] Hitler . the folio-wing; message: tors in New York over Atonement the "earnest hope" that rales-1 "Don't be vague, ask for Fragile" Day was Maxwell Everett Rosen-


of tho Scvnsh Coaasmaity Ccata; Good Sbabbath, boys and girls of the Junior Jewish Press. After all these weeks of holidays, it seems strange not to have some holiday about which we can telk this week. But our story,this Issue tells about a pious man and how he well wag rewarded for his piety. Of- course, no one should expect any reward for doing what be should, but the woodcutter was a long suffering ' man. B u t .then you read the story and find out all about




lady would rather have put of^ chok, and they gladly promised her weiidingr or her birthday than to have a rain all Shabbos. And do without the celebration of a so they all met over the town fi fire. •sarly in the mrrning end started So Itzchok, the ' woodcutter, raining and raining and the "chief Cleveland (JTA) •—Thousands tine's door would, ret be rloi-mc.) never had cause to worry abou judge's daughter in her golden bloora, the disting-fcished theshis dally bread. And he was very wedding dress put her head out pian, Boniface and pugilist . . . of pefFOEs witnessed! the presen- "in this day of ierriblr need Cor j pions, and always prayed at morn' of the window and cried. She CORRIDOR: 'And now.' writes Slapsle had takes a few days off tation fcy B'lisi B'rith cf a bronze Jewish EfittleiEP.r.t opportunities." i ing and night, and observed th< said that she could not be mar- Vic (JTA) Blenstock as he peels from his devoirs at Universal, bust of Joan Hay to the city in The Eisrr-e-rs of the telecm-m in- i 1 T h-.Sabbath in the most religioui ried in the rain, and they had to blisters earned in London's •where he is oa loan from Warner wiich he lived for many rears eluded Thomas MSEC, Professor j and -where he is buried. The fashion. Albert Einstein, R.ar Lrms.n Vii- [ • postpone the wedding until Sun- trench-digging exercises, "I hear Sros., to visit his mother ia the of V Misfortune Cornea day. And so it was agreed, and Hitler is going to ask next for metropolis Now a producer But alas, a misfortune came a' all the wood which was piled in self-determination for t i e perse- after years as a leading screen last. His wife M l sick, and quick- the market place grew soaking cuted Germans in Tprkville and writer, P. J. Wolfsoa soon debuts p ly grew BO weak that she had tc wet, and no one thought of :-oak- Milwaukee He wants to an- as producer-director of KKO'e have all kinds of luxuries to keep ing a fire till the next day. nex Yorkville and will demand a forthcoming" "The Pare in Kind," her aUve—chicken and wine an. corridor to the North German to go before lens this month . . . 1 PI Sunday Comes jelly and fruits—and poor Itz Lloyd docks" Wolfson has written or collaborIf r chok went almost wild with worSunday morning dawned beauated on such numbers as "Viva- orary ry, trying to earn enough money tiful and bright, but Itzchok MIRACLES: Carl ilpert, hust- cious Lady," "Public Enemy's Committee of £00, accepted tie to buy these things. awoke with very gloomy feelings ling young editor of the Boston Wife," "Stall We Dance," "That best on behalf of the city, and that it would, be He worked like a slave at cut- for he did not know what hai Jewish Advocate,. hasn't yet re- Girl From Paris," "Tee Bride anno-unced LCI placed permanently in Cleveland's ting- wood, and nearly broke his. happened, as the angels had onl. covered from the shock he suf- Walks Out," and many others . . American Cultcral Garden. Fhilback dragging the heavy loads to rained over the town. But he put fered when he picked up the Re- he recently completed production more J. H&ber, president of B'n&l town. And that was not all; when on a cheerful face, loaded his vere (Mass.) Budget aid read of "The Mad Miss Manton" . . . p presented Long; long, ago, on the out- he was in town be would beg: for wagon and started off. H<. the following ad: "Wanted, Jew- 'Back in town is M-G-JI vice-pres- B'rith'B District No. skirts -of a large and beautiful extra jobs, such as sweeping be- thought they might laugh at him ish boarders — at a Protestast ident Louis B. Mayer, after tie statue to the forest, there lived a poor •wood- fore doorways or mending furni- but if they would only buy a' family boarding house; reason- spending a week in Louisville on Anniversary Broadcast BelS cutter. Although he could barely ture or even washing clothes least part of his wood, he woali able rates. For partlcal&rs write Business relating: to his new rac- Washington ( J T A ) — B'nai try not to worry about the rest. ing stable . . . Edcie Castor, T T . just to earn a little more money. to, Mrs. Carroll A. Lamphrer, earn enough food for himself and ' i t h sponsored & B'rith S. patriot No. One, hasc't forand sometime! when a good-naWolfboro, N. H." . . . And to his family, he was a contented Imagine his surprise when h. on the lCCth anniver- Tell* Them te soul,'and never -worried, but was tured woman gave him a delicacy came to the gates of the town make matters worse, he spotted gotten about those refugee kids, broadcast sary of John Hay's birth, with Serving D^cirrac.? just because he's moving forward of some kind to eat, lie would this ad in the Bombay Jewish always grateful to God for the and Instead of having to wai Tribune: "Young European Jfew with Plans for his two-picture Dr. John W. Staaebafcer, United of Kctros save it and bring it home to Si good; things he had, and never timidly to be let in, he was me: of position residing In Calcutta schedule . . The comedian is pon- States commissioner of education, thought about the bad things. He nah, his wife. with a shout of gTeeting! Th. desires speaking from I>es Koines, IntroNew Tort (JTA)—AdSrespinc • to marry Jewish girl ca- dering- a brief trip to SoEth Af- duced froaj TTashiEftoa fcy Henry loved the wide forest very much, So he managed to Bcrape along, chief judge himself was there anc an outdoor Co'cmbus &ny TaV.y oi . both when the sunlight came glit- slaving all week and only resting ran to receive the load, and der twenty. Dowry sot required. rica . . . Tea wealthy dominion , president of B'aai B'rith. SS.000 Italians who had been ] citizens have offered a $250,000] tering- throagh the thick leaves on Shabbos, according to God's asked him to name his price. Fo: Send photo, etc." . . . ms.ay occasions." declared shouting "vivas" icv Trerr.ler contribution to the relief fund if Dr."On above, and when the heavy fain command, until one day a great you see, all the wood of the othe. Stcfiebaker, "he championed tal Cc^welie-. poured down and made the trees piece of good luck befell him and woodcutters had been spoiled in MISH-MASH: "For a good he makes tlie jaunt . . . (Wonder t i e cats© of the oppressed, Bennito Mussolini, Governor Lch- €isps,tch last weet? wsrnpA what they'll do with the donga knowledge or Jewish life in the and grasses bend. this is ho-v it happened. man the rain. amongst the people of Israel, ofg service to t r y pol dark Middle Ages," cracks tlie Oc- if he decides cot to go?) . . . One of the greatest ladies fa So long as he had his little ten as a res-.ilt cf ceaferenc^s ptlloeophj- which denies Itzchok was overcome with joy J3OUXDI7P: Asother step np the tober issue of The Synagogue. the city, the daughter of the chie. wooden hut and his dear wife and amazement. He began to read the daily newspapers ladder for Jane Wyinan, young with leaders of E's.s.1 E'rith, the j to ceri&in races &nc to rehis five happy little hlack-eyed judge, was to be married, and and organisation is cpon- ligions and encourages stammer out what he thought was Warner starlet, is in featured very How about naturally a huge fire was planned the Anglo-Jewish children ' nothing- worried him, he clis soring this broadcast." tion -of those who Ciller wit a very big price, when the people role in forthcoming "Broth sr and i s took his burden of wood for the occasion. And what a fire! who were unloading the wood press? r yeavt, iliis iiov»'i">v Scheduled visit c Rat" pic . . . Considering the oomiiisnf grant-" i King George and Queen ElisaThe celebrations were planned oa r In to; the nearby town every eve"'This ccTirvtry VP-F fm-n.nen Y>r \ suddenly shouted—"Look, there shrewd, ruthless £ille s which beth to Canada recalls to Mas such a large scale that sis men nine and drove back along the pioneers wfc.p cerae he^e xo escape seems to be no end to the wood Bookman, editor of the Ottawa movie, writers Save concocted to darlc :rbad, whistling merrily. He had to g-o put to the market place Bow political a»d religious persecu- j did he ever bringBO much?' mstcti -wit-' with Mr. Moto, it's Hebrew News, that Aaron Hart, never bad any trouble selling! his with lumps: of charcoal to mark For you see, the angels had fol tion," he asserted. "It La* tie en • hard to blaas the--suave Oriental first Jew to settle permanently wood, for this town had a cus- the farthest points where the lowed him and were adding inon y 5 u--j wrHi I L I I I L ! •in Canada; enfertanied Qtsen Vic- sleuth for liquidating them with tom of celebrating every oc- vrood mignt'be placed, lest in tlie and more to the pile. afl'women <ii<n\s.pr rp.cer., 3i>?.nv j ciT>ileted a corresponding lack of mercy . . toria's father, Edward Date of casion, such as the prince's enthusiasm the fire should grow g»f farms e f i * w f •jjcj-ifj-f!!;, •. jn"&n. Tr •""•ppii?" . . In "Mr. Moto T&fces a Vacation," Kent, when he came to the do"Itzchok, you are a wonder!' birthday, or a rich lady'B wed- too large and burn the people. e--<7w America, isns beer. jrres.t bec&vse Peter Lorre has the thrill cf disding, or a visit from a neighbor- And of course every woodcutter exclaimed the judge. "Tour God minion in 1791 . . . The Palestine posing of his 22nd adversary . . . T>T""irP Li OliJ LI America, has receeresi justice te ing prince, with a great fire in who supplied the people was or- is surely with you, therefore take colony of Slishmar Haemek has Wheel—another nationwide taltil. America. w:U] remain p:e&i dered to bring every bit of wood this bag of gold and stay to the just Bent former High Commisthe market place. D. C. (TOTS) — so long ss ii recogrnizet tlip.t p, <??-• festival.',* sioner Wauchope a box of apples, ent hunt . . . But don't get all The entire Catholic that he could carry, on the fol school Ejrte~ nie-l of freedom s.no, opportunltr And the people BO loved these feverish and pertsrbed, you caSaturday morning and Itzchok's eyes were full of tears first fruit of a tree which he reerists iv beautiful bondfires in their pret- lowing . . . Don't bother to head in the United States was dedicat- to or.e £xotp affects e^err g-^ou-r-; planted there during a visit . double prices would be paid. of joy and his heart was bursting ed to the inculcation of democraty market place, that even if they thE* injustice to e. einsrJe iiu!iv<<?for Hollywood unless you're a He Works Harder with praise of God, as he took Which prompts the suggestion five-year-old Baby Tarzan with tic ideals, interpreted slocg t i e nal snay not be tolerated without had no real excuse for a fire they the bag. He would not stay for that some enterprising and grate- bulging' biceps, afele to perform line of Catholic teachings, in & injury to the SD'CI &nd epiri;, of KnOPP^"elt, Tif-f.nvf!. TV.', u would make one up. And as for Itzchok was wild with joy and the dinner, however, for his ful colony might send to Mr. f'P,U'i if- P.TI in.t.p-'viriw- vMf.Ji. "V-.f any ceremony taking place with- determined to keep it secret from wifegreat feats, possessed of pa- message eezi to Pope Pins by 70 America." was sick and he must* go to Chamberlain & token cf appreci- swimmingCatholic bishops after they had out a fire!—it was not to be his wife and children so as to her as Meanwhile, estEblisbmeni: r>T s •Vort Ti".i.8F tb.fi he did EOS, ation for the masterly way in per-strength a n d capable of heard soon as he had bought all a letter from the Pontiff to roefli&tiDE conim'ttec tr> sett.Tr- r " to irtciwlpe ir, nEinp-.-'silliiii;. thought of, and many a great give them, a great surprise. the famed Tarzan veil B E eiUior lie v a t ri^ 1,1 07 h good things; besides, they did which his Government is handling sounding, Cafflolies e ZEortingJ matters cciispS fcr rp-cir-.' n^c-sro- j e&ifi ^' All week Itzchok worked hard- the . . . If you've got the goods, write Palestine's political future not have "kosher" cooks in the Tv:roi:g in i-stlns: J-PST'P'J'! theia to chEsplerf er than ever, chopping:and chop- town. So he thanked them very a note to Sara Zimbalist, Metro 5,"; Tights | iBS.tiCSB. TR6 proposed fcr .TOECpli i '.'''.' raspberries, w a bos of 1 p t(1 PGfiiif "if I v-p7r vroixr ping till it seemed that he had much, and went away to buy a genus ItBronx E Of TipasS, coas-dl of the lionisti-; f- 1 If anybody producer of the Tarzan epics . . . sne JsbeTties"£.n£- iE"-ttee- woulf: TiO'i: ti?^-f t ^ o=.T; TUP n made up his mind to cut down the hundred different things, wine should ask you to name s. prom- Latest of the fold to join the •God--Himself"- "to try or.t liESt American Progressive league, in \ J'^} entire forest. And he stored up and candles and presents and a inent Je"wish attorney whose landed gentry is Billy Gilbert, •oppression. preHj.ftnt la many & teSegraiE to severe! Jewish RnC. \;,1!f! the wood day by day in his wood- live lamb and cake and toys and name combines the names of with a ranch in the San Fernan- parts ©£ the worirL — The-pope's ineFSi*re, which WEP joritr of Italians in Amer shed, till he had so much that do Valley . . . By RABBI HIMAX GOODMAN he arranged to borrow a wagon dresses, and you can just imag- three American presidents, reply Te&£-&% iz&idzg lbs g-olc- wished .racial co-ppe^r r*.-" ine bow his wife and children unhesitatingly - - Arthur Gar- (Copyright, 1SSS, by. Seven Arts ien jcKlB-sexercises nil the leapi-.p It. of Catholic' TTniverelty, tennonnced from a neighbor to bring it in greeted 0 him. Indeed, Dinah ceemfield Hays Before leaving Premier Mussolici an appei; declared that " ths Catholic is . totown. Feature Syndicate) PROPHECIES Praha for' New York recently, 1E ed to grow better sn the spot recent anti-Semitic cu necessarily the champion cf true j B£S..inst On October 22nd, 1916, the And so Friday came at last. In when she Eaw his bright face and Karl Korper, N. T. correspondent htsnian rights anS the fiefenfier cf 1 c?ees. Frankfurter .Zeitung published an spite of -Jii3 emanation, Itschok heard his story. of ths Prsger T&gblatt, Czechotrue hms-n liberties; it is in the , strme article on the Jewish question could.. not_telp. singing while he as they all thanked God slovakia's principal German Demnatae of Gosi Himself that be * which in light of subsequent worked as he thought of the won- forAnd ocratic newspaper, -was told by His blessings, the two little cries oct against e.ny civic pi.il- j i_ J!< ^ti events reads like a prophecy come derful amount of money he would flew up to Heaven singing his eSitor, Dr. Rudolf Thomas: "I ' on (ZTA) —Ct?true. -Here is an excerpt from make. What chickens and cakes angels am very unhappy here. I -wish I, Testimony that transform ers osophy which would fiegrads ssaE. j . '9Jewish hymns to the Lord, for they knew and Italian that article: "Already it can be and bottles of rich, red wine he He was pleased with them. too, -were going- to America. But snd other efjoipment to serve to the position of couUeeB pawn o£ iTusiraled hs"e v•^e seen clearly that after the war would bring back for bis darling farms had been installed without in a sorCjci gsme cf pewer I must stay here, for I am the cl 1,CC. c\~>il. I Solaralth Isn-Kfslic? two dominant trends will fight little wife, he thought. And perchief." . . . Three weeks later, owners' consent b y the Eastern prestige, cr would seek to banish . £1. il r«—»-P for the absolute rule In the In- haps .i.0 could even buy her a JDr.. Thomas and his wife com- Nebraska Public Power district, him from membership in th© hn- ! ^orljere TO>. terior'of Germany. One will be pretty dress to cheer her up. And w&s given ThErsday afternoon bemitted suicide The Hungarthe decidedly liberal trend . v he state railway coEaai coEaaission man family." there might lie a string of beads Nazi daily Magyarsag Is print- foree the The other will be a reactionary, for little Miriam, or a new jacket of the ed In a. Budapest villa once owned in Lincoln when hearing of demagogic and ultra-nationalistic for the biggest boy, who was now by Baron Guttman, a Jew . . The Nebraska Power company's petitrend which, by its very nature, nearly twelve years old. Vienna Municipal Council recent- tion to prevent, duplication of its must also be anti-Semitic and ly turned down a proposal to lines in.Cass and Saunders counAnd so lie planned merrily on, whose outspokenly Jew-baiting erect a monument to Hitler . . . ties was resumed. characteristics are already no- never noticing how late it was Explaining such a monument had A. B. Stromer, manager, AI v o getting. When at last he rested on ticeable." been standing: for years . . . Oa Telephone company, testified that his hachet, and looked about him, P-.U1 . New Tcrfe the Grad (famous Vienna thorBHCII ©suipsiest bad teen placed he was surprised to note how dim tiois of the-America oughfare) . . . Having been preetat the fares of I*. D. Mcllea of Kabbi Saer, successor o£ Rabbi it wa3, and decided to pack up ed in memory of t i c "psst" which Alvo which tad teen untenanted eration • to Cocsfcat Shneor Zalman, wrote to his fol- all .the wood on tho wagon at scourged Vienna many years aso. for 10 years. Similar equipment, and Fascis lowers: "The best for you is to once, BO as to have plenty of time (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- he eaid, was installed at District learn proper trades in .factories to get to town and back before DRAMA? There were many graphic Agency, inc.) School No. 64 although this was s.nnoznts& hsre « . » Did we not In Palestine de- Shabbos set in. Ah, what a Shab- who attended the first night of school has not been used for two Milton , Solcaoc, ft rive all our livelihood from our bos they wonld have! Why, heMaurice Schwara's dramatisation years. Pupils of that district at- County {Brooklyn) labor in field and in vineyard? would be almost a rich manof the Sholem Asth masterpiece, tend tbs consolidated school at of the Ataericas Lrfjgic "Who Jtnows what wilL be our "Three Cities," who were bored natioaal patriaiio iastrucicr And so he ran. to the woodshed, Alvo. end? They may, God forbid, ex- drove out tho wagon, and began , . . Tour correspondent definitetie Jewish TTs.r Veterans. pel us to some far away coun- to load it. But it grew darker ly was not among thesa . . . AlH. L. Borseseier, ' tErmer of :soci&tea wits fcJtn KS? fri-xiG- 11!; try." •' Rabbi Baer was the leader and darker, until to bis amaze- tthough houh h did f i d i s e a r Alvo, corro&orsted Kr. ers End incorjiorEtors are he find it at least an of the Hassidic sect known as the ment, one little star began to hour too long . . . Having a tenStroser's tsstiiacay aad also Kofiell. treasurer cf the Smaller j Habad from 1813 to 1828. stated that he had heard cf sev- Business glimmer in the sky. For the first dency to drag here and there . . . ra fcr eral ethsr sneh smanthorizsd zsd inin Yorfe, lies- Jcrs-er £2 time in his life. Itsehok saw the But succeeding- resar&ably well stllti r Electric l Richard'Brothers (1757-1824), Shabbos star -with terror and fear In giving a panoramic view of service cut; SiuDcr stallations MOIiLTWOOD: • Leading con- equipment ty the h puclio power feeeper cl th« rrocrSr c an Englishman who styled him- Instead of with rejoicing; his fata pre-War and mid-Hevolution Rusrroc Few Tor's i ^re ... self-the Prince of Hebrews fore- was settled—the star had ap- sia, as turbulent and chaotic an ;ender for Historic histrionics is district. P Knights off Prtciss. told the "violent death of Gustavo peared—it was already Shabbos era as history affords . . . It is Joseph Schlldkraut, who has cov- Roy Page, vice-president, Ke- state; Benjamin GreenWatt, coin-1 v*s t!>-er VIII of Sweden. The King was and lie could not go to town. with. studded with stellar performances ered a century of French progress •brEEfea .Power company, and C. manfier d Kcpty rest, Americas i T3PSE- o n assassinated on March 29, 1792.his wood. ... Outstanding were Ben-Zvee in his movie roles in recent W. Minsrfi. chief engin&sr, £e, EE2 Zt-ti. r3r c s - rcrt Brothers also foretold the death Barattoff cs. Gabriel Hirkin, rail- months. As If that were not cisred that finplicaiicn cT power County crccct ^? cr~~'fGrief enough, hewill &M anotherof .Louis XVI of France whose lines anS Berries in rcrEl terriroad baron, tho most dominating Imagine his grief and Borrow! personality on the stage . . . Ber- French-era to his tnespian belt la tory woali not bs to the best inhead* fell under the guillotine on Sitting on the edge of the wagon, are Jews &E January 21, 1793. he wept hot tears of shame and tha Gersten -as Sachel-Lea Hur- his asst pic Scailflkrant will play terests cf ths public . In. answer wor war. Two of his . prophecies were misery as he thought of the mag- vits, fighting mother of a radical the role of a king in "The Three to cueistisns by Eobert Tan Pelt, In its press releciis ths fstsra-1 Musketeers," which will feature public power district attorney, brood . » . Luba Kadisoa as Nina, only.-partially fulfilled. He proph- nificent chance he had lost. And tion was described .BE marking' 0 0 T ! s e rrr pv r-1 esied the Restoration of the He-as he rocked himself to and fro. headstrong daughter of a wealthy the Sits Brothers, oa the 20 th Hr. Pag® caia tli£t with t-ro dec-1 "tHe firk EtrfcuV'^eScfc^rsficr" jm ^ " t ?'"•"«" * h ' ! - ^ ric ntijitiss brews Lto Jernsalem in 1798. In a little voice came up In his heart lawyer . . . Schwartz, in a com- Century-Fox l o t In "Marie An- trie Btaitiss cpcra.tir.g cperating in in the tafeiEg in t i e ilrJteg ststes i . w ! : f M renssist _ »R rr-itaeriar lower rates 1799 -Uapoleon issued a declara- anfl murmured, "Listen, itschok, paratively minor role as Shloime toinette" Scalldtaut played a E s a e ffield, i e l d . IS-STPT ra.i-»>!«"or tnT fsi-m1 I »—. - — •— " - ------TV.?- > — v.-v -1. vTHlC l~S na a prirrcr.f BITS tion; promising the re-establish- it Is a matter of necessity that Hurvitz, ardent Polisa-Jewish na- French lover to Noma Shearer. feiectrlc service woald be isaposp ton the CftsunutiKt ibl Th He became a wJrard of finance h , he said, is becaus Eible This, ment x»f the Jews in Palestine. you should go to tOTs-n- What, is Monalist . . . Jacob Ben-Ami, in because which, it is r i Sw!o wouW civlSe ths mon a n d tfcere e r r ? r ? " ' ir t r p c ' But nothing came of it. Ho also all your work to be wasted juet >ne of the featured roles as Gab- for the Franc© of the middle t&e two. -atiHtiES iHt a-TaSJ&nle eust-osjers, ttt;s itjcreasMirkin'- son, Zschary, was nineteenth century *ar "Sues," prophesied that Germany would fort with T'~. >~~ Ir'^^^f » "or.Trp-T. TC. account of Shabbos? And think riel t h e cost p e r cxzisozaer, sias.13 percet.ts.ee cf Jewish c.i •spotty . . . Acting like an ama- and Interpreted Dreyfus for "The tng for three years conduct an unjust on of Dinah, too, she is lying sick, through daplicatioa of all cperwar; on Prance but would ulti- and she needs good food. Why not teur in the scene where his Oedi- 'Ate or Bails Sola," to end the zess." atiag and rssJntcnasce, expenses. pus complex springs into action ientury. mately be tramped down. If we go?" Organises t s a Eon-j-rofj r r e s Tbs hearing was adjourned nn- bcrsh:p COTTZTZIICT,. tl-t Cece~£take? this prophecy to refer to the But with a shudder of disgust, with his intended mother-in-law ECHO FROM PAST: This came Great War (1914-1918) he was Itzehok threw away the idea. He as the object of passion • . . And direct from tho press-agent dept., m 'October £S. tion plans to crrE-"'"" Ftrfc. r v r -. 1, up to his reputation but It's a good etcsry ressrfiless. only one year short. ty and local b-EEcies1 EEC" l-otic^ t ^c v r made up his mind that he would measuring An English writer estimated the to enroll l.CtT.CCC rcttn simply have to go to town on inly in a gripping, candle-lit sui- While Juna Travis was on loca•*Tne English will take this city Sunday, and be laughed at, and ilde-brooding seen© immediately \ion with the Joe Peaner eoa- csbit at 22 laches calculated that within rrczi (Jeraalem); they will keep it."— sell whatever he could at any hereafter • . . Taken as a whole, >sny on the U. C. L. A. campus fCoah's. Ark was 547 feet long, clumsy and tlresoras ,ast week, a student approached SI feet broa4 sad 54 feet high.) A -religious dispntaUcn hi Disraeli in Tancred (1847). price. And so he brightened up, disregarding -of ths rotary stage, Euperflu- .he lissome young lady, pushed a. Yes capacity cf the ark accord- j Tortosa, Spain, betwecE Jew and by & strong effort, went into use "The Tank was accurately fore- he hut trying to smile. How glad ous neenes and sloppy mass s > ;estbook toward her, requested ing to this Blssop was 72,625 ChrietiE.EE Izsi'i. her autograph. On ths inside tons. Tie Freacli ."-.er Konaantold In Holy Writ.''—so Baya the he was he had kept it a secret tton. "Three_ Cities'^is d'ltinctly cy cover the actress noticed "J. D. fiie has a capacity cf 79,000 tons. November, Rear-Admiral Sir Murray Sater, "rom his family! And . when he worth seeing . Even though, C. B. P., In "The Evolution of ;aid his prayers he thanked God lso, it suffers by -comparison Grab'' in small heavy print. Inih its predecessor, *Th * Ths Brothdeveloped that the stuthe Tank." Sir Murray make3 for beepinsr this disappointment with ers Ashljenazl," which had isuca est's sister bad secured the volreference to the following pas- > o m h i s w i f e . • •- • iharper character delineation and :me from the college sage. In the prophecy of .Joel: g library ibrary anct it happened that two lit- was more compact, integrated, had d pascedd it oa to t M Mm. "J. D. "The appearance of them is as tleNow angels had been flying Invisithe appearance of horses; and as bly over Itzchrk's head, while he dramatic and potent clespits It3 Grab" stood" for Jena Dorothea horsemen, so shall they run. Like was lamenting and they heard and equally broa4 canvas . . . Notable Grabinsr, real name cf Miss T first-niters spotted by P . A. P . s, who was a ftadeat at theTrsvthe nplsa of chariots on the tops understood the whole story. ad his henchmen were B. C. Viaof mountains shall they leap . . . institution of higher "See now," said the first one, :eck, Aba Canan, A. Heisen. Saul earning not so very many years Before their face the people shall who had blue wings tipped with feskia, David Pinski and Sholeia .go. be much pained . . . They shall silver, "Is It not a pity that this Asch, who took a bow to loud run like mighty men; they shall good man shonia suffer for his 5SB BABE STEPS OUT: Baby climb the w a l l . . . the earth shall religious obediencs?" 1 quako before them; the heavens ' I fenow," caid Bin© "Wings, shall tremble; the sun and the FEEEI Aa EspeHS CeszscUor c 3 Escia 'Arpaas-cscs find the. little rain angels moon, shall be dark and the stars andJit ask them to rain on the town shall withdraw their shining:." so they can't have their firs un(Joel, ch. 2, verse3 1-10). til Sunday, when Itschok brings "In reading these verses (says the wood!" • . Sir Murray) we notice that a fair 'Splendid," saifl Golden Wings, "FAMOUS i'lltk, ifvduiliJiii description of light tanks, heavy and GO they flew about and coltanks and smoke-screens obscur- lected a lot of little rain angels US'D 0ss? Easy Pasnssst Plss= ing the sun and moon i3 given.". and told them about poor Its-


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Page 8


Air Meet to Be Held on Sunday


BEN E. KAZL.OWSKY. Attorney 632 Insurance Bids. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court ol County, Nebraska;


Ten thousand persons are exIn. the Matter of the Estate of Amanda Carlson, Deceased. pected to witness the Trans-Misll reason? it/p'-e'-trrl in said estate sissippi gas model airplane meet are t'*>~efc' noti'ipft ;hat p petition in Benson Park nest Sunday, Dl-I HabT)FDavldvHr Wice of Omai'- heet> : n Con-; plleBtng rector L. D. Bush said today. diPd leaving no ha will-be guest speaker at the tor administralast v]\l and pri'vui Sponsored by the Junior ChamB^ai B'rith meeting on Monday, that a headtlpn uii"n his estnte, ber of Commerce, the meet has October 24. "- " ' • ing' T,in LC ' r had on said petition bethe sanction of the National Aero- Annotsiace New Grossp to fore -. .Harry- LasTikowitz of Fargo, snlfl court on the. Eth day of Be Known as" Germannautical asfaociat*©!!. AH high November, 193S, :ind that if they fail North" Bafcbtay Regional director to appear ft said Court on the eaid marks will bo ^nteied as national Americiaia' '• r o u t "of, &'nal B'rith for North and Eth ftp.y of November, 1S3S, a t 8 records according to Bush. South-^Dakota,; has been selected o'clock A. M. to t'ontppt said petittrnit Entries are expected from sis] Union City ,N. J. (WNS) — the Court may i"niit the same and •4s the speaker ior the South West states and a total of $150 in cash ; That the pro-Nazi German-Amer- grant ad m ini.1: trn tiop of said esttit6 Regional Council meeting to be and merchandise prizes will be at'' ican Bund is planning to unify to Agnes -P.urvick or pome other suit* held November '20. rstm and. proceed to a settle* stake when the contest opens Sun- all or most of the German-Amer- able ment thereo'. day. Ociaha boys ire expected to ican societies in the United States BKYCE CRAWFORD At. a meeting of the Talmud enter about 45 gas models, con- into a consolidated organization 10-14-3S-3t. County Judge* The annual card" party, ^spon- -- Daily meetings are being held, Torah last. Thursday, October 13, test officials said. Twelve have to be known as the German-Amersored by Junior; >Hada€sab, ,-wlth and plans are going ahead for the the; following officers were electMILTON R. FROHM already been received from ' Des ican Front with the idea that this 1004 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. proceeds to benefit' the* taiestin- liter - C 1 u b,' Council .Carnival, ed .ibr the coming year: President Moiaes and four have arrived new movement will ultimately ian Fond, will be. heli.this MpnBen,Kubby; vice president, Morfrom Kansas City. supplant the Bund, was revealed NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILU . day evening, October "2 i^irrtfce" which is scheduled for October ris i (jrossmanr . recording secreIn the County Court of Douglas Dr. Warren Wallace, of the at a. Bund meeting Then incor- County, ball room of the Warrior hotel 31, at the auditorium. ' tary, Sam Sacks; financial secreNebraska. poration of the German-American Junior Chamber of Commerce, is at ,8:15 o'clock. In the Matter of the Estate of IBtary, Mrs. A.; Gillnsky; treasurer, Women of the Jewish CommunFront under the laws of New Jer- ree! London, Deceased. airmanof the meet. Entries Sam Rosen thai; board of direcA feature of the evening's en- ity are again taking an active All persons interested In said esmay "be Jiade at the Jun'or Cham- say was announced. tertainment will be a style show, part in making this annual event tors, Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, Mrs. tate are hereby notified that a petiber offices in person or by mail. August Klapport, head of the tion has been filed In said Court, Morris Grossman, Mrs. M. Yudeldirected by Fishgalls, with nine Deadline for 2.11 registrations has New Jersey section of the Bund, pvavinp for the probate of a certain young women of the chapter mod? a success. Mrs. Meyer Shubb and son, "Louis Katelman, Morris been set at lO-a.-m. on the morn- was elected president of the instrument now on file in said Court, eling. The style show-will begin Mrs. Sam Kaplan, in charge o£ Hoffman,' and Harry Baer. ing of the meet.-Entries may be Front, which already includes purpnytine to be the last will and A drive for membership will at 9 o'clock. ' the raffle committee, are being of said deceased, and that made up until that time Sunday some ten societies in Hudson ateFUament hearing- -will be had on said petiHannah Slntsky Is chairman of assisted by a large group .of co- be conducted in the near future. morning at the field. County, including Bund units. All tion befo-e. Pfli<i Court on the 12th the arrangements; and is being workers. ' ••-other officers of the Front are day of November. ]93S, and that if assisted by Margaret Shulkin, the.v fdil to appear at said Court on The 1938-39 season of Junior also Bund members. Membership the Mrs. Reva Sherman, in charge Hadassah was opened with a said 12th day of November, 193£, Eva Gordon, Rose • Bashefkln, in the Front is open only to at P o'clock A. M.. to contest the of the grocery committee, also Sandra Woskoff^ Alice -Tllevitz, membership tea given Sunday afAmerican citizens. The ultimate j probate of paid will, the Court may Frances. Maron and- Mary-Rosof- has an active and enthusiastic ternoon at the home of the sponaim of the Front is to set up a j allow and probate said will and grant group assisting her,-and -Drv Delsky. . " ' • of said estate to Milholding company that would be- administration, ton R. Frohm or Rome other suitable An attractive-door prize -will be; la Galinsky, who heads the ticket sor, Mrs. Richard Gordon. Approximately thirty glrla attended. come -he central agency for all person, enter a degree of heirship. awarded at the close of the -eve- committee, reports, that her coPlans are. moving, steadily for- G e r m a n-A ra e r i c a n groups and proceed to a settlement thereof. worbers are giving the carnival , : Mrs. David A. Goldstein ol Oming. •'-'-' •-..-. • • - . ' : • • BRYCE CRAWFORD. ward for the anual Community throughout the country. Chairmen for the chapters com- unstlntingly of their time and aha,: guest speaker, discussed the County Judge. work-of Junior Hadassah. A vocal Chest drive to be held November ' Although there is no reference 10-21-3S-3t. mittees lor the coming year were energy. solowas presented by Miss Bette 14-23, the success of which means to Jews in the aims and purposes recently announced by Miss Dena STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, program committee report- Grossman, accompanied by Miss so much to thousands o* men, of the organization as listed in its MANAGEMENT, ETC., OF Baron, president of the chapter. ed The Morris C Troper, Exerutive'Vice-Chairman of the Greaier New York Camat a meeting this week that the THE JEWISH PRESS Florence Steinberg. Miss Steinr women and children. articles of incorporation, John C. They include Bluma Olensky, paign of the Joint Distribution Committee, sailed 'last week aboard the to be mailed to all Jew- berg also played a piano selecThe organization of tfce various Fitting, Union Citr insurance membership; Sandra "Woskoff, program Normandie for Paris where he will assume his new duties as chairman of the Required hy the Act of Congress of ish homes in Sioux City and the tion. divisions of the city-wide drive is man, who was elected secretary, March 3, 1933. Palestinian; Rose Pill, cultural; trade European Council of the J.D. C. In this capacity he will direct the overseas territory/has reached the Statement for October 1, 1938: Pubalmost complete. Victor B. Smith, said the Front would fight Rose Shllotf. administration; ^ol- goal of last year's book, and will ,-•- The table, lighted by blue and activities of the Joint Distribution Committee which is the major agency of lished weekly at Omaha. Nebraska. general campaign chairman, will a g a i n s t a "Jewish-controlled Editor, die Lehman, J. N. F.;"Rose Sper-r be attractive with ads and read- white tapers and crystal candleAmerican aid for refugees and other oppressed Jews sbroad. Frank Ackerman; publisher be assisted by Will R. Johnson, Araerica'' and would be anti-Com- and owner. ling, Give or Get; Ruth Grueskin, ing material. David Blacker; known .' - ' ••;-':abre was centered with a bouquet Industrial; Mrs. Bernard Wickmunist. social; Rozena Sacks; program; -r stockholders, mortgagees, other securof-blue-,and~ Tyhite chrysantheity holders holding: one per cent or feain. Residential; Henry W. PierFlorence Major; • publicity; -Fan^ i The committee in charge of mums.-presiding at the table was The articles of incorporation of bonds, mortgages, and other pont, Initial Gifts; Gerald E. Col- state that the aim of the Front "is more nle Rozofsky. Junior -representa- floor arrangements is making Mrs. Nathan Gllinsky, President none. lins, South Omiha; Wilbur Jones, to promote good vill, lasting securities, elaborate plans for the entertain- of the Senior Hadassah chapter. tive to Senior Hadassah— . (Signed) DAVTD BLACKER. National Firms; Frank P. Fogarment oil more than 2,000 people. Sworn to and subscribed before me friendship and continued beneficIn the receiving line were Mls3 ty, Publicity; and Raymond M. ial relations between the United this 1st day of October, 1938. Proceeds of the Carnival goes Rose Mendelson, President of the Frank Ackerman, Grossman. Speaker's Bureau. toward the work of various or- Junior Hadassah Chapter, Miss States and Germany;" to present Notary Public. ganizations and 29 local organiza- Libbie Grossman, Chairman of the Mr. Johnson has announced "to our fellow citizens the true (Commission expires July 9, 1943.) tions are participating. SMILE THROUGH XOVR TEARS to be an outfit that attempted to the- four colonels of the Indus- picture of conditions in the land tea and Mrs. Gordon. HARRY S5L.VERMAN, Attorney New York's Four Hundred and sell canned sermons to rabbis . . trial Divisions — Vincent C. Kas- of cur birth'"; to "work inces"6£ B^andeis Theatre Building Nuremberg, Germany, the stampcall', Alien T. Hupp, W. A. Sawsantly and courageously to i:pbe upper crust of Rome ' and NOTICE OP SNCORPORATION OF Mrs. Sain Lincoln entertained ing ground of Julius Streicher, tell, and D-. M. •Hdgerly. hold and defend the Constitution, CREDITORS' COLLECTION aris are In a dither over the disaf a. bridge party last Sunday in The October- meeting otSenior. EUREAU, INC, Assisting Mrs. Wickham in an to respect and honor the flag"; ilosure that a swanky costume has lost its toy industry to Northhonor of Miss Reva Gorelick, Hadassah ,will t'akei. jlace/'.fi'ert all scheduled to have been civen ampton, England, whither Ger- advisory capacity are Mrs. Hou-- to abstain from "useless, harmful bride-to-be of Omaha. Notice is hereby piven that the uiiTuesday,. Octoher. 25, in th'e Jew- ..The Jewisb.Theater group -will y Count and Countess Cecil Pae- man refugees have transferred ard Rushton, Mrs. W. Dale Clark, and i£cohle propaganda and in- dersismefl have p.-^nciated themselves ish • Community Center, A' I be presented to the public, a t an criinin&tjon' of any kind, thereby Mrs.' Earl Sage, Mrs. • J. Francis 1-Blunt at their famous Napo- their activities . . . The Nazis In together for the 1 purpose o? forming a o'clock luncheon will precede the open meeting next Wednesday Mr.~ and Mrs. Mac Sophier of eonic palace near Lucca, Italy, Germany hope to win favor with McDermott, and Mrs. J. H. Kul- creating an atmosphere of good corporator! vndei and by virtue of .hn program and business meeting. Chicago will return home early Jaws of the state of Nebraska. will' toward all people of German akofsky. as been called off because of American Ambassador Hugh WilOctober 26. Two plays Sunday. They have been guests of name of thip corporation -h«H Mrs. WV C. Slotsky wiir preside evening, origin, and their institutions"; The talian anti-Semitism . . . Count son by sponsoring a German Mr. Varro H. Rhodes .•will serve will be presented by members of be CREDITORSCOLLECTION BUat. the meeting. Rabbi Theodore the group. They will be "Civil- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen for the ecci-Blunt, who was born Cecil translation of his recent book . . as • associate chairman of the and "to guard (Germany) against REAU. INC., and its principal place N. Lewis will, give a book review, ized," and "The Bride Wore past week. base defamation, lies, malice of of business shall be Omaha, NebrasBlumenthal in New York, has THIS AND THAT Speaker's Bureau. and a skit -will-be. .presented by Red." aay ill wishing, jealous or avar- ka, The Erenera'j nature of the busi;pent much of his fortune In Italy ness of this corporation shall be the ' James N. Rosenberg, vice chairPauline and Esther Friedman. Mrs. Simon Steinberg and Mrs. people, tribe, clan, nation- r^P.GrP.l ince his marriage to Countess .Arnold Baron is president of rnllpr^ion buRijiPS^ p.nd busi. . . . Noraa Phillips, whs icious Mrs. I. Levin and Mrs, Morris the Herman. Handler were co^hostes- Mimi Pecci, niece of the -late ma.p of the Joint Distribution poetry al association or individual, and ness undertakings allied therewith; group, and the plays are beE.'SkalovBky arejfi charge"of the ing directed: by Miss Miriam GS5 at'& luncheon on Wednesday, 'Ope Leo XIII . . . The party, Committee, is still being listed as is half Irish and half Scotch, is against propaganda spread by the receiving' of accounts, notes, mortmember of ,th,e board of direc- playing in a -New York Yiddish print, script, word of mouth, op- frafres and any ar.d all evidence of ndining room arrangements, Blank and Miss Rozena Sacks. October 12, held at the homo of which had been hailed in advance ators of the so-called "Better Un- musical comedy called "David and enly or covertly through books, debtedness for collection; te furnish, The meeting will be held at "the Mrs. Steinberg in honor of their as the number one society func- derstanding a consideration, information conFoundation," spon- Esther" . . . Although she speaks magazines, newspapers or rumors for noice, Mrai H. iWelsteift Ot Chi- ion of the European season, was ADDRESSES BOARD the credit standing- of individJewish Community Center. Yiddish she's a full-fledged in order that we may remain wor- cerniiifr cago* , ' . • • . , » - , . ,..... , o have introduced the Pecci- sored by the American Hebrew, no uals, firms and corporptions; to buy, Tuesday evenng, members of of the Hebrew Chorus thy of our German blood, oui- sell and deal in securities of every OF FEDERATION the theater group held a steak fry : ;Mrs. ttrQlstela tfas tBe.gtjesMJf Jlunts' daughter -to international although he resigned last Decem- member nature; anc'. to buy, own, lease -mil ber and has lately insisted that Union . . . Marshall Goldberg, the nad sisters, our mother- sell any real or personal property tecJacob Fisher, New York City, at the Shelter House in Stoafe her i>&renlBt Mr, and Mrs. Morris iociety . . ."Among those who had his name be r,eraoyed from the Pittsburgh football" star, has a brothers land; and strive to .cultivate our Brandell. • . . ccepted Invitations was Count business, with power to mortgage or representative 61 the Council oZ park. Foundation's stationery . . . Jew- papa who takes his .son's footbs.ll German language, customs and otherwise encuniber any of said propllano,Italian foreign ' minister Jewish Federations and Welfare seriously . . . Goldberg pere has Ideals", and to be upstanfiingly erty. The capita! stock of this corish members .of the California Mrs. Etta Yudelson left early ,nd Mussolini's son-in-Iavr . . . Funds, spoke at a meeting of the Club of Los Angeles are sold his movie theater '•*• West proud of these principles and to poration shall he n0,iVfl.00( divided Sunday with her son, Milton Yu- Leave it to the anti-Semites to Flying 100 phareF of the par value of executive board of the local Fedhunting an angel to underwrite a Virginia so that he will be able have others understand and he into create wild stories . . . Their lat£100.00 each, sK of which stock shall delson, for Chicago, where she eration of Jewish Social Service, non-stop flight from Los Angeles to 'accompany the Pittsburgh proud of them." he common stock and when issued st is that the Ashkenazic and plans to visit for two weeks. Mrs. Tuesday noon. Tel Aviv . . . Al Waxman, edi- team throughout the season EEd Khtill be fully paid for a.nd nonYudelson will visit in Detroit, lephardic Jews are engaged in a to' Mr. Fisher - spoke on the- plans Klspport said the idea for the assessable. The corporation shall tor of the Eastsfde Journal of Los cheer for Marshall . . . Have you eath struggle for control of the Michigan before returning home. commence business with the filing of of' th'e Regional Conference of heard of the Jewish "Rosse-Eercreation of the Front came two world . . . Ben Marcin, staff writ- Angeles, protests against our re- lin Axis"? . . . It consists of E&r- weeks ago, after Fritz Kuhn, the articles with the. County Clerk of Milton returned Wednesday. Federation's which- is^Bcehduled cent item referring to his offer Dousrlas County. Nebraska, and shall x on Father Coughlin's Social ' . The Council of Jewish Women Sor October 29 .and. .30. to sell advertising . space in" his oid Rome, composer of the tunes Bund leader, was prevented from continue until Ja-miary 1, 19SG. The i&r. and Mrs. Sam Seps and ustlce, who recently wrote an paper Is.-making plans, for an active seafor "Pins and Needles"-r.nd tfce highest amount of indebtedness shall speaking, at a Bund meeting in to Nazi propagandists . . . son in classes and 'study groups, on, Jerry Bernard, who have nti-Semitic article defending the We know that th-.re is a school more recent "Sing Out the News" the same hall -where the Front at no time exceed two-thirds of Fts paid-up captal stock. The fiffalre of and will continue its work in the een visiting: at the home of Mr. 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion," of liberalism which believes that and Irving Berlin . . . Hentr Ko- was. organized. the corporation S1IF.1I be conducted by field of citizenship and naturali- and Mrs., A. Rosenberg for the s said to be a renegade Jew . . . we Jews should fight for freedom senz'weig, president of the Henry a Board of Directors elected annually Klapport also declared that r WE MUST TELL YOU past month, left Tuesday for zation. Rose Stores, Inc., a comp£Xj that bv and from the stockholders. Tlie of speech for those very antiDr. George Pullman of the/Conmany German-Americans who reof the corporation shall be A their, home in Long Beach, CaliSemites who abuse that freedom operates the ready-to-wesr de- fused to join the Bund because officers gregational church'ill be the , Registration for classes for thefornia. I. sident, vice-president. secretary Italy's anti-Jewish crusade will to calumny us . . . We have never partments, in the Sears, Roebuck guest speaker at Mount Sinai foreign born who want to study they regarded it as un-American and treasurer. The corporation shsil make necessary a new edition of subscribed to this school of retail stores,-ran an ad in the Mgoted would join the new move- have a corporate seal. Temple this evening. The seprice reading and writing, was held Thursday at the. Jewish Commun- Miss Esther Fox of Omaha spent .he Just completed Encyclopedia thought, and feel that when a New York * Times last wpek an- ment. At the organisation meeting i HEN'FT R. MARSHALL ll begin at 8 o'clock. K. O'NEILL if only because of the Jewish editor opens his columns nouncing that his name is now Rabbi Theodore N, Lewis is' in ity Center. The classes will be ast week end visiting at the taliana, a resolution was adopted provid- 10-14-SS-4t. Incorporators. ollowing passage concerning the to anti-Semitic or Fascist tripe legally Kenry Rose . . ' . A Georgia Cincinnati this .week, attending a held every Monday, and Wednes- home of Miss Shirley Gershun. British Imperial Fascist League: he Isvnot helping .the cause of Jew with the 'very apt name Hy- ing for future legal action to premeeting of the executive hoard of day evening, at the' Center from vent the Front from being called Week end guests at the borne 'Because • of their anti-Semitic liberalism, but hurting it . . And man .Dun' dunned the guests at "Nazi." Wilbur V. Keegan, attorthe Central Conference of"Ameri- 7.30 to 9. _ Those" In charge anand, similarly, because accordingly we continue to main- his daughter's wedding—and col" can Rabbis. • V-. ' ' , nounce .that it is iiot'tQolate to of Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman were endencies >f their admiration for Adolf Hit-. tain that Mr. Wasraan has erred lected $1S for the J. D. C. . . . A ney for the Front, said "we reThe Art Review group.of the enter this class, "which: will be un- Mr. and Mrs. Abe Marcu3 of Au- er, sent being termed- Nazis. We hare of whom they are more faith- gravely . . . der the supervision of M1S3 Ruth burn, NenrasSa -and Mrs. Henry Mr/Raymond Walter'is organiz- EO interest in the Nazi governTemple Sisterhood wlU'Tneiai this Marx. ul imitators than they . are of FOR YOUR FUNNY-BONE Maduff and son Irrrfn of Anita, • • • . . • . ing the men and ' women • who afternoon in the home of Dr. Delment. Benito Mussolini, they cannot, deNaturalization Aid group Iowa. served overseas during the world Ewies, EponEe, Aluminum, la GallnBkyj president of the Sis-of. The spite their name, consider themthe Council will hold office A reader of the South African war for . the Jewish Welfare Soft Grey Iron m»d Semiterhood. ; -To Espel All-Jews houra at the Center ©very TuesMrs.-H. Krelstein departed late ;elves the^ most genuine represen- Zionist Record insists that this Is Board, the Knights of Columbus Slip©! Cp.p-sinirRj, Ww>i! B««J Danzig (WNS) — ' Expressing day afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock, ast week for Chicago with her tatives of the Ideas of Fascism in a true story . . . At a party he and the Y. M. C. A. into the-Over and Tuesday evenings trm 7:30husband and small con, Richard ingland" . .' . Premier "Edouard was,atte'ading, he says, he, started There. Entertainers' • Association "great satisfaction" that t h e Daladier may have shaken hands to tell a joke about Goerlng, when . . . The work of• Dr. • Stephen S. "Jewish problem in .' Danzig is to 9. Any change in the evening *• «e» They • went by motor. with Hitler.at Munich,' but that a young lady interrupted' to ia- Wose,.Louis LIpsky, Dr. Solomon Hearing a solution" as a result of hours will- be announced in. The The flrBt lat© Friday evening Jewish Press. • . . -.-; " • ; -Funeral '.Bervices were held didn't stop him from accepting quire who Mr.- Goering was . . . Goldman and Judge Julian W. the fact'that 2,000 Je-rs hare alservice of the season -will ibo held afternoon at 3 d'clocft, from-the Gilinsky home at 2:30 membership in the presidium of "What!" exclaimed the S. A. Z. Mack, in . the present Palestine ready been, forced to leave, Albert next Friday, ;October 28<- at 8 theMonday Housewife course will p.v m^ Tuesday for Mrs. Sara Es- the Committee for the Defense of R. reader, "doa't you know -who crisis •will stand out as a supreme Foerster, Nazi leader of Danzig, o'clock.' Cantor Morris Okua and be Modem inaugurated, under Council ther Gllinsky^ 77, who died Mon- he Rights ,of. Jews in Central and Goering is?" . , . "I'm sorry," the feat, of selflessness . . . The sup- told a meeting of Nazi officials an augmented choir Trill chant the; auspices. Miss Johnson, head' of day after an illness of several Eastern Europe . . . An item in young lady replied, "but I'm not port they received from Dr. Cy- that "measures will be takea to ,servlce. The "guest speaker.; will the .department, he London Jewish Chronicle re-, a Zionist" . . . Which is almost rus Adler and Henry Monsky also make all others c:es.r out ol*economics for months. be Dr. Moses Jung of the TJniver the board of education, veals that an unknown British as good as the misprint that re- will go down in history once the will outty of Iowa. Survivors are: son, Isaac of line the course to those w h o i l l Omaha, Joseph and Benjamin, !hristian recently, bequeathed cently appeared in. a California full story is told . . . So will.taa.Ey Hospitality Night wilL be the attend. . $57,500 , for distribution among daily, referring to jubilant Nazi dramatic incidents participated in both.of Council Bluffs; daugh- distressed theme.of the service, and at-the Jews in Palestine . . . "demon stations" /• . .• Plans are also being made for hy men who until .cow had no ters, Gertrude of Council Bluffs, close of the service a reception the study group tor Contemporary. The money, has. just been distrib- ABOUT•PEOPLE Inte^esi in Zionist affairs . . . Mrs. M. A.' Plrsch, Omaha, Mrs. \7ill be held for the congregation, Jewish - events. Details for this uted-. . . Speaking of: the Jewish Chief Rabbi Joseph Hertz of (Copyright, 1SS8, by Seven Arts new members and new,comers to. course will ; be presented at the Ralph Castle, New Yorlt City, 15 ..Feature Syndicate) the city. . Mrs* 23;' Muahkla, is- in first meeting of the group /on.' No- grandchildren and o n e great ihronlcle remindsus that tlre<file Great Britain, the first-graduate grandchild. of: that' publication - In the' Jewish of the Jewish Theological Semcharge of the reception-arrange : vember 1. • . . ments.- , •-. •' Mrs. Castle arrived from New Room-of'the New: York Public inary, has become a grandfather York City,by plane for the ser- library, has-been vandalized . . . for.-the first time, a son having Rabbt-H. R.^Rabinowitz, Is in vices. Rabbi David A. Goldstein The-page containing: the weekly been born to Mr. and Mrs.- Leon Minneapolis this-week end where sermon; has • been torn out of ev- Hertz in Haifa . . . The office of of Omaha officiated. he will speak tonight at Beth-El ery issue for more than ten years, Edward .L. 3ernays, publicity tysynagogue. During hla stay in An organization meeting tor a Ee-Roof - Re-Side beginning with 1913 ... . The van- coon, is interested In the welfare Minneapolis he la- the guest of group of girls from 16 to 18 ''GET FREE ESTIMATE dalism is so expertly done that of Ernst Waldinger, an Austrian Rabbi David • Arbnsohn-.of Beth- years will be held at the Center Jewish Room officials call it the Jewish refugee now in this counEl. Tomorrow afternoon Rabbi next Monday evening. '. most perfect crime in library his- try, who has beea hailed as the E3ECKLIN' LUESBEE3 C O . Rablnowitz: will speak at the ^A 5000 tory . . . T h e culprit is believed greatest living writer of German ISth- & Kic&clas Oneg Shabbot of that- synagogue, The first meeting of the'JewJack Benny has been spending • and will also speak at*: the .Reg- ish Youth Council will be held ional Meeting.of the" Conservative next Thursday evening at. the the week .tramping back and synagogue auxiliaries, which will Center. The president and advi- forth.' in bis small daughter's also.be attended by a number ol sor of each young people's group sand-box to get in the mood for presenting his radio version of Sioux City- women.-. . will attend,..and plans t o r the the .current film success, "Alcoming season -will be drawn up, "gierjf," pn Sunday, October 23, at |\ I FR!S fins fietei wilii j i t n w meonlns, «ec RRVF I c ^ o ^ 6Tjp: m;, c. s. I . BooGennaa Delegate,'. IXL thiaj dramatic opus of Medl terranean"' Intrigue, Benny wlli ... : C h e e r Jew? •:'•-[,• take the dual, role of "Pepo LeMrs. Stanley Karl and son of Ottawa (WNS) —- A delegate moco," the yillainous hero, and ' 0 ,/^f i \ »MS«?S, m basis ?E im sficer idini^ «?° P M C P M ' A fe i k I u f ) that of the Algerian inspector if New York City, are guests In the of Jewish origin attending the he can devise a way to shoot him first Canadian Catholic Youth home of Mrs. Karl's parents, Mr. "without being accused o: and Mrs. Sam Lipman. Mrs-. Karl Congress received a tremendous, self ovation from the 15,000' people committing-suicide. la the former • Rpua Lipman of »V« present while- a Germans-delegate Phil; Keaiiy, Andy-Devine and Sioux City. • r : . ; ! was greeted with hoots *and cit- ^Rochester, as slick a band of rob Miss Anne Cohen has returned calla as the co&gress -'endorsed; a "bars as ever felt-around in pay to Sioux City after- an extended statement that "Cathollca do tdt telephones,jfor nlckles, will help keep Jack from being caught by •tay in Colorado Springs and approve of racial boundaries." Jack, and- Don Wilson will play Denver, Colo. In 192l^.there were 25 Jews Use folo of "Regis," tho chubby informer, T.IIs3 Rosa liosaicl: and MiS3 In the'FIjl Islands. ";

Community' Chest Drive to- Be Held -' November 14-23

' j


• -




• ~



Tlaeater Group to ,• Present; Two Flays


Co. Foundries


J.C. CNews

Jack Benny to • Present. Algiers

i t T c r y 'in'lDea Hoso Pill c^cit Monies on a business* trip. ' Mr. and ZIC3, /Sara'- Gutterinan of Flandreau, S. D., ara i s o parents of twin sons, bora October 16, in Siour. City.' •Elijah, the Gc^ozi of V/ilna", "ia caid to havo !;no"»a by heart the contents of 2,500 boo'na.

• _ " • V/HOI£SALS''OiSTRlBUTOns ° Sctirofft'i. Cliocolateo . ' ' ^Mnrlel, Coes£a Hey ° Caetadd Or? Glaaoi Ala abd Hsrveale? CISOPO © Falstaff Boo? SIS So. I3tl» Straoft ' '•" " " A l 4202

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