. . ." SOBS . Dear Mr. Segal: Why don't you write. something on the .subject of • vocations lor Jewish children. I ; have an adolescent son °oi my. ©wn. and what shall I make of tim—-doctor, lawyer or plumber? jit seems to me the'matter of vo-: cations is one of the most serious ; in our Jewish life . . . . A. T. It.
• Entered .as. Seconfl-.Class MaQ Scatter oa January SI. 1B31. s.t. Fostolflce. ot Omaha. Nebraska, anger the Act of March S, 1S75
My Dear Sir: My' first Impulsa 3s to answer: Let your son be a
plumber. The beneficent function ,ot plumbers constantly evo&e3 Taore and more, of my admiration. When I draw hot water instantaneously in the moraing,* ."When. I consider the sanitary dis,posal of sewage,.! say to myself: "It you had been a plumber you ^•wouia be a useful person. What ,are you now?" . ."••-Yet I am aware that your son, If he became a lawyer, might turn • out to be another Brandeis or Cardozo: or, if a doctor, lie might be the very one to discover a cure .lor cancer. My conscience would , feel guilty of sin against, human."kind to think that I had caused a boy io become- a plumber who, •were he a.doctor instead, would .
have cured cancer..
A regular election of officers was held last Sunday at the -Adass Yeshuren. Synagogrue, 25 th and Seward. streets. The following comraisioners
•A meeting of Division D, the Jewish Women's Division of the Omaha .Community . Chest, will' meet on Wednesday, November 9, at iioon I n ' t h e tenth floor auditorium cf tfee Branfieis stores.
were named to serve: B. Llnden-
baum, M. Kirshenbaum, M. Dol-
off, S. Fellman, J. Shukert, J. 'en-Day - Campaign Being Ban, and H. Alberts. J. KirshenDirected hy Morris was re-elected secretary. ' " .• J a c o b s '
Aiming at an all-time record, the campaign to increase the membership roster of the local B'nai B'rith lodge got under way at a dinner held Wednesday night at the Hotel Hill. Morris E. Jacobs j; chairman of the diWe. A preliminary drive was conducted for ten days previous to th.o main campaign. , According to the chairman, the Prominent resent drive intends to add three • Heard f hundred new members to bring ' Cox. A the membership to about eight hundred persons. The new mem- M<Jre than ti
•The meeting will imicediatelj' fol-
Mrs. Euth.N'erhaus' inal lee- I p | e r r e V a n P * a s e a , N o t e d g Group Include Lo- low ture. J h Firs*, on cal Rl an on List ' Mrs. David Sherman is chair- j .. .of 120 nxaa of this division. | v
All majors, captains, .and workCMcago (WNS)—Hesry Mon- ers are urged to be present. This sky, president of B'cai B'rith, will- he the only meeting before and three internationally tao-wa the CorcraEnity Chest drive. All Italian-Jewish savants, are among cards and materials will he the tea prominent Je-srs selected out at this time. by-Ivrim, a Jewish .student Bonor "" "?ty, in a wcrMvrids pell to , "acancies caused hy fleath in ?=> "1 of 1.20 greatest living t £ ^r ..lanoaaced last year.. • •,'._sides Mr. Mocsky. the nine ;a^w names are Andre Slaurois, French author; Tullio I<evi-Civita, Rome physicist; Henri Bernstein, French playwright; Leslie lay Hore-Belisha, British Secretary of
he .fetish Coatnmity Center Ounces that the list
i Seel;
r r , ••
of speakers selected for this sea- ! ' the V son's Forum has fic&llr been ap- ! Jev \ Committee has grone ! prove thorough!?- into the cualifiCEtioas End merits of the speakers antf feels that an ontEtancing group ^T-^ ore has-been chosen. 1)6 ' . ' I " ! ^"Pierre Van paasen. noted jourthe C - f nalist, author, and lecturer, will open the series on Tuesday, November S. Eis topic will be ''ThroDictators." Second en the series will he Meyer Levin, who will p.ppef i l l . . • .
r >
Still I don't thinfe that this thought need ever to be too-heavy , on my conscience; for the chances are. that your son would become " \ just another lawyer or just another, doctor, one of the too many v -grill h n Trnn-nr a n t h a "TTPTITV JJewish i h doctors d t dl ^ ~ and Monsky Class" in honor of the states will gather this week end archeologist; Isidor Epsteis,' Ebi> I can't get as angry, as some organization's international preswhen he frill speat on "Tl = at St. Louis for-tEe Fifth annual don rabbi and translator of the Fisae Recorded Music •- t o 29, , people do'about quotas that limit ident. ••.-. : r Art of Being a J e v . ' r Sir. Le*- # " Be H e a r d St&rtiag West Central States Regional ConTalmud; Georgio del Vecchio, the number of Jewish students in in is author of the recent hisrhlT p- r r- "• ' The purpose of the • present erence of the Council of Jewish Rome professor o£ philosophy; November 2 praised novel, "The Old Bunch some of the medical colleges. (I drive is threefold: To honor Hen- Federation and "Welfare Funds. Gino Aria," Rome architect; and shall probably get hell for saying ry Monsky; to obtain greater sol- Omahans planning to attend are: Dr. Claud© G. Siostefiore, London A Record Concert Series is an- Barnes Braunstein, lecturer aj ^ this.!- My protest Is only against idarity and unity the country Henry Monsky, William' Holzman, religions leader. The latter died nounced by t h e Jewish Conintin- racio commentator, wiil speat r .inhuman people who wonld limit over; and to obtain needed funds Philip Klutzniek, Morris E. Ja- during the balloting and a ity. Center,, to begin on Yv'ednes- Tuesday, January 10, on the sub- Hc-£ cr Z "jews simply because they are for anti-defamation and other im- cobs, and Paul Veret. ject, "On the Eve of 1SSP." * cessor will be elected in this day evening, November 2. Jews. . On Tuesday. Jannary g i , M a i - . portant B'nai B'rith work. year's poll. The delegates will consider The Concert Series -will take J. believe that the quotas in the The Initiation-of the new memice Samuel,, student of Palestinmore effective methods of organthe forsn of-recorded concerts of 'medical colleges are based os bers will be held the latter part ian affairs, orator, and vrrite", classical XQEEIC, to be followed by .sound economic . realism rather of November at a dinner at izing the local community to cope j will tie the forum speaker. with local, -national, and overthan oh anti-Semitism. (At least j An evening or .Te-^nsh music •=; ,1 hope so, tor the sate of my faith •which Governor Henry Homer ot seas needs. They will discuss new JEWISH •' COMMUNITY ] planned for - Tuesday, Februa--j C >I " in Christians.) Slnse Jewish, doc- Illinois will be principal Epeafcer. ways of raising lands for "welfare £S. As interesting musical p i t1 Twenty mea were engaged in purposes, their experiences in setO Oi CENTER tors and Jewish lawyers must degrram trill be rreser.ted on vrhi" I . f* pend largely upon<FewB for pat-the preliminary campaign and tling-German refugees in this reoutstanding OTne^ha artists •»' Recc-d Concert No. I gion, the responsibility of the ronage there has to be a wider .boot seventy are taking part in appear. Participants Trill be a_Wednesday, "Soy. 2, S p . m. nounced later. "distribution cf the few crnmbs the present drive which is sched- community for Jewish education and the effect locally of the na1. VIVALDI: Concerto Grosso "every.time new supplies of Jew- uled to last ten days. u1^ [~rr r Final spesker on the progr£Harry, B." Cohen is president oi tional moves toward unity in JewN E . 2, in G. Minor Orchestra vrill .'ish doctors and lawyers issue from r . ' : 1" v he Marvin Liowenthal. an E' ish life. of the Scala, Milan o.' 'the colleges. Sound economy sug- he local lodge. on Jevrish life, who vr Edgar 3^ Kaufman, prominent Josepls Bastla. 2. HAXDEL: Hallelujah — thority .gestB that, considering the limiVisit speak in Omaha on Tuesday, ApPittsburgh merchant and- Chairfrom the "Messias" Rovs.1 tatinos of the Jewish field, there Local Work His topic -will be "Five M man of the General Council-for Choral Society and t h e Hcyal IS. should be a sharp curtailment of Circlelion Jews on a Kaft." Mr. LovJewish rights, will describe the Albert Hall Orchestra. .the number of new Jewish doctors is vell-tBovrn for his bor . plans of the new organization at 3. MOZART:' Symphony ia G enthal and lawyers. "The Jews of Germany.*' A mass meeting -^ill bs held oa the opening session of the ConMinor. Koehel 530. London I thinfe that we ourselves .(if 'f -v t : " The attention o£ Center memMonday, October Si, s t S p. ra. at Philharmonic Orchestra. r r. i ference. there were totalitarian authority bers .is called to the fact that th--1 Rafejji Solomon Goldman, presi- the Labor Lyceum, 2201 Clark Mrs. 'Minnie Voight. Commen- vill in Jewry) might wisely establish "oe admitted free to these \prtator. dent of .the Zionist Organization, streets,, under-the auspices of • quotas: Only.BO Jewish boys shall tcres. Tictets for the Fornin se of America, and national co-chair- Branches 17S aa<2 25S c* the . matriculate for law in the United ies Trill be mailed to them '""<-- f- * ' CO 1 ! 7 man of the United Palestine Ap- •Workmen's Circle. P r i n c i p a l interesting commentaries on the ly. •States this year; only 50 for mediThey will not be interchangespeaker vrill bo Joseph Saefeia, peal, TETHI speak at the dinner, Occnle. (Something like that.) general seNir&tsry c l tha • TTork- background of the music and the able and only rcernherE to v h r Even while one deplore3 he can Officers Elected;- Ccassili- tober SO closing the Conference. saen's Circle. composers. tickets are issued vill he Efirsittp' Dr. Goldman, who recently returnunderstand" the tragic circum- ' t.ee- C h a i n a e s i ' ^ W d • In offering this Record Concert on these tickets. On Tuesday, Kovesher I , Mr. ed from abroad will discuss "'Cri"stances that have been driving The fee for tickets to non-me~""°i r ' p Baskin -will be guest-of-ioaor £t Series, i t is hoped that a real need sis and Decision." • tor-Ydar Jewish youths into professional for symphonic nnssic ia c s r com- bsrs is three dollars. Those intr-a banquet to be sires, by Eraacli Sharing the program trith Sir. fields that become more and more Tho first meeting, of the Hound Kanliaaii -at the opening session 25S"at tae B'nai Israel Syrasssue Ercaity will be filled. Music-lov- ested ia securing' tickets .are at - o" 1r , overcrowded. Law and medicine "Table, of "Jewish Touth TTSS held October 29 will be-Harold Guinz- of South Offlala, • Soth. and J ers will have an- opportunity to i ed to communicate immediate ~ , are escapes-from anti-Semitism in on Tuesday evening, Oct. 25,' at burg, president of the Viking streets. BeservatJoiss.-Triil-be fifty Ecet in a'' congenial atmosphere, j frith, t he Jewish Community OE .big business and from economic th©: Jewish Community -Center. Ofofficial oteervsr.for t&s cents a plata ssd can bs s s d e by sad listen t o carefcllv -chosen | ter." -events tl&t iave reduced the Jevr- ficers -olested-'for.'; • tSss •' --ccssl] Press'and o? I t s Eg-es,' ss .inter-. A s x s r i c a n •J'eTriSii *^7or*"iTrr^f'if;-c!ff^ • ^-^- calHas Mr. S. Leraer, Gl. 50ES GE. asterpiecess o? •jBh business, man. Prete3 t y - s Cspable leafier, •jT'cns-;—'So@~''^Gss3i president; Evian confeferiea. Featured speak- I t •Wlttia, 'Ja. S4CS. . : " Jrfxemember'.thSCIff;my "iy.'bath Irene' Ths Keecrd- Ccneert Series is ; SliroiTlts, - TisSH-presitlSnt; er at the session on the settlement Mr. Baskia t a s tseea Geners.1 thenvwas always a-job for a JfrwSlutsky, - secretary,'- ij; of German Jewish, refugees in. this secretary o* t i e crdsr for 'twenty- tinder the supervision of Sirs. Kin"l8hr-;bby almost on the day he left •Berttai..: •Afbltman. treasurer. Tha region will be Cecilia Razovsky, two years. He is also editor of its nife Vcigt, an outstanding musicschool. We had in our town va- Morris Table plans to hold supper. "Executive director of the Nation- periodical, "The Friend." Kr. ian, who received h e r musical edTious big jibbing 3iouses;*Jewish-: Round once a month. .-• al Coordinating Committee for Baslda atteaded. the School of cnation in Switzerland and Gerly owned, where a boy just, out meetings, The purpose of the first meetto Refugees- and Immigrants Science at the University o* Lu-many. Mrs. Voigt -is well of school-became" a "stock-keeper; ing, was to map oat the activities Aid in o u r community. She has apcoming from Germany. cerne Switzerland, and is a grad- peared on numerous occasions heUx time he was on the road-for of the new season. -Eighteen < uate of the Univerp'ty of Nancy, the firm; in time he might-go into ganisationa representing some five fore the Hadasah, Council of JewPrance. For a nuEioer of. years ish Women, The Joslyn Ivlernoria! business lor himself. hundred; young 'men and -women; r c - • r C" he -was an engineer with West- and other groups. These were honorable o l d sent delegates to the Bound Table. inghouse* company of Pittsburgh. /houses' highly- respected • in the" Organisations . represented- are: The price of the ticket to this T r~ ft i.rc Crr community; hut. even the .'most Alpha Gamma Chi, Alpha, PI Tau, He is a member of the Naticn- series' is ?2.C0 for the entire sea- nrrc-t" v-r~e -meticulous business integrity al Executive committee c? tn» son. Center members are entitled cf t h e ••":." J."I T ; c A. Z.. A. 1, A. Z. A. 7.A. Z; A. rp-r[-^Prr not s t a n d against economic 100, Beta Tail Kappa," Bas-a-mi, "ORT" and vr&s instmrnental in to free adm:sion to the entire ser- r : i : cat ~i v t " ' : change. The old jobbing houses JE.-T. :C^.Junior Hadassah, Phi organizing the General Jewish ies. C?i ^C.l F t ffc: C " went out of business in; our town Beta fipsifon, Phi Sigroa. Pi Tau Council Coordinating c o mmit' as elsewhere. Indeed, • Jewish Pl.EfiO Epsilon, Ronofi, Tan Gamtee of -which he is a member and - business, in. the smaller cities, has ma Delta, Temple..- Sigh School •which consists ef ths Jewish LaA. .very active committee is now bor Committee, the Jewish. Conbecome largely a. matter of small Club, TJ. T., and. Yoang Judaea. at work, completing plans for the i » i . i Ltd 'Shopkeepers who are troubled as The • Round Table Is entering reception to Presidents of Jewish gress, the Jewish Corstnittee, and ;to -what to do about their own upon its:fifth year of actlyltjv.lt Women's organizations, which is tb. B'nai B'rith. He is Secretary sons. of the Jewish Labor Committee has become an important comteg -arranged by the Women's ana is a member of the Joint Oh, there are plenty;of big non- munal organization and te carryDivision of the Jewish Federation. Jewish businesses to which I T^-i "" c v r tn. v r.E- i Council. ing out many significant projects^ A speaker of national interest "Boycott • 1S£L boys might turn for jobs,- but A six point program was .introducThe "Workmen's Circle, -whicts err -•these -seem deeply ' concerned ed and approved by members pre- is now being considered by thehe represents is a Jewish Frater:? r - i - r . - g -, — r i Committee and It is expected that about .God and are insistent to sent.; •,-•••' . a delightful program will feature nal organization numbering 71. employ only people who worship The standing committees apafternoon reception. This "re- 000 members throughout the Un- open his first of a. series of six God in the right way. At least pointed for. the season axe;. Dance the book reviews this Tuesday sX ception ia to take place on No-ited States. one must guess that they care a Committee, Nathan Noggw' chair- vember S:15 a t the Jewish Community 21. "r ~.~& I great deal about God, for almost man; Paul Sacks, Pauline EosenCenter. At that time he Trill re-- - e : ; : c r -'"~~~:. The committee in charge of the invariably t h e i r , application baum,: Sylvia Epstein, and Nath- reception vie-w. " T h e Yearling" ' by 1,1. • K. j consists of the followblanks inc-nire, "What is-your re- an "Wolfson; Forum Committee, ing: Batrlings. The s i s hoot evenings j ligion?" Celis'ilpsman, chairman* Mildred ara beiag sponsored by the Beth" [ . i : „ t j t V,',, Mrs. Arthur Cohn, Chairman; Once in a while a. Jew answers Berg, Hilton Saylen, Norman Blei- Mrs. William Feller,- Co-Chairman El Synagogue Acsiliary. If*: " 1. •"Unitarian" but I know of one cher, and Ann Arbltmanj Club and Mesdames: Milton Abrahams, The other books selected by li ' -who- answered: "I am a Jew hut room, Phil HalMn, chairman, Bi Rabbi"-Golfistein for review &re: Max Barish, Henry Belmont, M. arp you Christians'?" Anyway, ii nard Altsuler, Ruth Rosenstock, D. Brodkey, Dave Epstein, David "Hearken. Unto t h e Voice" t o be ; appears that the Mosaic concep Charlottle Nogg* and Miriam Greenberg, J. J. Greenberg, Meyreviewed on Kovemher £ 2 ; "Savi1 of God is not approved among the Klein; and Constitutional, Jos er Katzman, Robert Kooper, J. M. age Symphony" and "The Savage , -- c r big executives; at least, they sel- Gus3r Irena' Hlrowitz, : Bertha Malashock Joe Rice, and Harry Hits Back" on "December 6; -"And Grateful acknowledgment for 1 -', r, ;: dom have jobs for those who -con- Slutzky, Morrl3 Arbitmani Irving Silvermaa. Tell of Time" on January S; ; "Antheir gifts has been expressed by •'•f fess being of the Jewish religion. Nogg. Celia Upsman, and Phil H. A. Wolf,- chairman of the JewJackson" on Janaary I Vr The -constricting •walls become Halkin. • ish Free Loan Society to thosa and "Joseph in Egypt" on Febra- l tier 1^t v ^ ^r°"t r • narrower and narrower for Jew- Haskell Cohen is at present suary-7. • rpgi. -•- r - " ; : : 1o '.; friends of Mr. and lira. Charles c- f c • ish youth; but (their parents sug- pervising the activities of the Seasos tickets may be secures .\Z.T} CT T-UO ^C.- ;> ,SchJmmel, who in honor of the gest) there are law and Round Table. Schimmels* fortieth wedding an- from the-chairmen, Ivirs. Dave " 1~ r t f i e V/T ? • to do to. In law or medicine, it niversary contributed to the Jew- Sherman, and-Mrs. Morris Katei- J a"d C ' " - ; : K T - ' IsAelieved, a man can build himEuan, from the downtown hook | "D- ^ - , - i~-r ish Free Loan Society. TO REVIEW BOOK setf; he doesn't have to depend shops or at the bos office the Contribution on this occasion on the good will of Mr. Zilch who r -' ,r Omaha was chosen t o be t h e •were received from: Mr. and Mrs. nisht of the review. On Tuesday, November 8, Rablikes to say that some of his best bi Frederick Cohn will review Xdn scene of t h e second annual con-Reuben Kulafcofsky, Mr. and Mrs. ci friends ure Jews, but; nor does Yutang's book, "The Importance ference of the Midwest Region of Louis Knlafeofsky, Sir. and Mrs. he have to depend on the pre- Living" before t h e Sisterhood the Women's League of t h e Unit- J. Harry Kulatcfsky, Mr. and Father and Son carious issue of some small busi- of Temple B'nai Jessurun of Lin- ed • Synagogues of America t o be Mrs. Harry Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. ness in a "world in which small of held here in the autumn of 1339.Lonls Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry coln, business Beems to be blowini Five Omahans attended t h i s A. Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Loeaway like dust in the wind. year's conference which was held wenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. : So we have the.pathos of Jew- crafts;. I believe it is their es last Sunday and Monday in Min- Gilinsky, Mr. and Mrs. I.Iorris E. The eighteenth annual Fathers' ish youth running away from sential economic interest to ge neapolis. Jacobs, .Mrs. Ko!lie Cohen and and Eons' Banquet will be held on - -walls that are closing sin on himout of the congestion,of medicine, Sunday, November 20th. at the j * Mrs. David Sherman was elect- sons, .and Mrs. Saul Levey. " but finding no escape in profes- law and .salesmanship. ... ed first vice-president of t h e r e - The. Jewish Free Loan Society Jewish. Community Center, ae- j I. can conceive of- your son gion. Mrs. Dsvid A . Goldstein was cording to an announcement is-) sional, fields that become mon organised In 1910 to help, saed hy Dr. Philip Sher. Chair- [ _. barren as more and more confer eventually being far better off in one of t h e principal speakers a t was through loans, families in temporhis own plumbing shop than wait- :this year's meeting. H e r topic was ary -need who would not accept as- man of -the Social 'Service Cora- ! ~ lor-the harvest. mittee of the Federation. ! Ing- for notary fees in a law of- "Worship and Consecration. sistance in asy other form. The j Tfce Fathers' and Sons' B&v.- I Yes, my dear sir, better for youi fice In a building where many othOther Omsaans attending were fund of the society is perpetual son to be the plumber. Not thai er lawyers are waiting for t h e Mrs. Jacob Blank, Mrs. Al Wohl- and has been built by contribu- Qtiet has by now become an ia-! in the cornnmnity. It. is j there aren't already plenty" of same thing; or competing with ner, and Mrs. .William Polack. tions made to the organization to situation a joyous occasion for fathers and j plumbers In the world; indeed, if many other Jewish doctors for the „„;... gathered in the spirit e£ j Jewish plumbers became fairly favor of Jews (since his practice, BETH EL MEN'S CLUB - commemorate special occasions. \ sons, comradeship, to feast and enjoy i numerous it would be • said thai if any, most likely will bo ia-thi .. TO-MEET WEDNESDAY DR. KIEBUHR OM sin evening of mirthful entertain- i Jews are In •& conspiracy to mo} • i nopolize plumbing. ••' , It appears-Uial ths B'nai B'rith RADIO RSONDAT merits. S i o r s.very beautiful cere- i But, it seems tu me that a wid- is troubled by all this,-too, and The first meeting of the Beth are r.os in p-epa-atio". It • er distribution of Jews among s i has instituted a vocational guid El Men's club 'will bs held on Dr. Reinholdl Kiebuhr cf New the occupations is wiser ;£han the ance program for Jewish youth. Wednesday; November 2, at 8:15York, noted lecturer and vrritsr, is expecte i.RB.1 is year's tragic crowding of Jews in a few For further advice I suggest ye p. ia. at tho Jeirfsa Cozntatmity ill address d ^ "^ the Hafiassah conoccupations. There isn't going to write to B'nal B'rith, 1003 KCenter. - . vention over the N. B. C, artwork able ere^i be much for anybody if vre all try street, N. W., "Washington, D.. C Nsw Officers will be elected at oa 25oisday crsniEg- at 10:SO C. to eat from the same table. It has several pamphlets on th this time. The program will in- 3. T. 1 am not one of-those who be- subject, of vocations for Jewish clude entertainment, cards, sud Jewish Br. Nieischr is considered one % JTA} • — refreshments. lievo that jnst for the sake of youth. of the.fDrern.OEi thinkers cJ s.o£S£.irt, Iras pleasing Eomo of our critics Jews (Copyright, 2338, ">y Ssven Arts • "William Alberts is present pres- era times. He JE ca the faculty of X the 1 r r for t h • should take up -the trades sad ••• .Feature Syndicate) . • ident-of the • organization. the Union Theolosicsl Ssisinsir.
b 11-r
•'Paso 2
will be no more pot-bowling, and EIOUS interview a couple of weeks captions as it could lay hands refugees to their homes. The decision, hov ever, v.-a« seen here as instead they are to concentrate ago . . . And it was Louis Lipsky on . . . only a temporary easing of the only on Tuesday nights. We won- who made the first afidress at th© ABOUT PEOPLE der if his strategy will work, let's French Embassy when the dele• Ko sews editor frnows it yet, emigration problem, -which has hop© so. The Wardrobes were gation - called on • the ambassador but among- our recent immigrants not been changed by the announceBetween 20 and 25 women are again led by their captain, Paul there . . . from Austria is one of Europe's ment that ECP visas were availenrolled in the gym class that Steinberg, who-had a 527 series, most famous men of letters, Rich- able for refugees. None of t h e meets. Monday, Wednesday and followed closely by Henry Coren,. FROM FOREIGN PARTS ard Beer-Hoffmann . . . Adolph S. recipients v e r e believed to be O Those In the know tell you that Oko, former librarian of the He- Jewish. Friday mornings for calisthenics with a 520. Al Snrlers' boys and volleyball. were led as usual by Captain Leo the Yfoodfaead Commission's Pal- brew Union College at Cincinnati, Approve Camps Weitz with a 519, while the best estine report will have a majority has returned to this country v.ith Government coalition parties The J. C. C. pre-season hand- tttelr nest man could do was a -and minority section. ."/The for- his 'wife snfi young child, after a vere reported to have approved & mer is said to reject partition, several years' stay in Europe . . . plan tc establish concentration ball tournament will soon get un- 481 by little Mendel Simon. whils the latter favors it under Fritz Erainin, Bephevr of Kebrcisi. i n~ der way. Watch the J. & C. camps in J.lors.ria for German and conditions . . . Even Eupr- Reuben BraJnin, f,nd ». poet in his j Jewish refugees from German-ocphysicial department b u l l e t i n The third match of the evening certain land's pro-Nazi Cliveden set is board for details. h come to this coun- ' cupieo. Putieteniand. According saw the Empire Cleaners make a said to be laughing1 at the new own right, has try from his native Vienna, to see to tbe newsp^r-cr Xarodni Noviny, clean sweep of .their match -with A record of outstanding junior the Smith Motors team by taking Nazi ambassador ves Birksen, how it feels to write verses under the plan would be submitted to John Hoy. secretary of state but submissive suf- hundreds of thdusands of minor- swim times has been kept over all three games trorn. them by who found himself embarrassed democratic skies . . . Kis brother. the government. The proposal 'ide? Presidents McKnlley end alternatives fering or flight to some land less ity peoples in Germany and Aus- the summer by Lee Grossman. very close margins. "Shrolly" because he didn't know eaough Max, an architect, came over with calls for holding the refugees in heodore Roosevelt, was one unfavorable to them. Removal tria. John Hay's concept of free- The following records have been Goodman's' cleaners -will Dear about British geneology . . . Seat- him, too Bronx is agog j the camps until some decision is ' our greatest Americans. In under guch conditions Is not and dom embraced all of mankind. It chalked up by the Center's juve- watching before the season gets ed at dinner nest to the beautiful ever a rumor that the Detroit Ti- made concerning their fate. Duchess of Roxburghe, who '•lebration of the centennial of cannot be th healthy, intelligent will be remembered that Abraham nile acquatic stars: much older, as they have been young gers may sell Hank Greenberg to Police toured cafes in the Jewis a granddaughter of the great 20-yard freestyle: Stan Felt- steadily improving their scores, <a birth, which is being ob- emigration of a free self-reliant Lincoln had said: "Those who the. Yankees in exchange for a enprters and took a number firved throughout this month, being. It must.be, in most cases, deny freedom to others deserve it man; 10.5 seconds. Norrnaa Po- their victory put them into a tie Lord Roseberry, the Nazi envoy wad cf cough acd l<ou Gehrig', ish, of Jews to the police station for Eaid: "I suppose you get your I'nai B'rlth presented, a bust the mere transplantation of an not for themselves, and under a lonsky, 10.7 seconds. for third place with the Green- fine blacK eyes from your Scottish who would become manager of questioning. It was understood 20-yard breast stroke: Bucky berg Fruit boys. } Hay t o the city of Cleve- artificially produced d i s e a s e d just God, cannot long retain it." ancestry?" . . . To which, the the Tigers . . . It's a fact, though, they vrere checking on Sudeten <nd. Mr. Monsky, president growth to a new place . . . Wheth- Is it any wonder '.hat John Hay, Greenberg, 12 seconds. Isadora The Smith Motor boys have duchess replied with this- squelch- that Charlie Chaplin's next pic- refugees to ests.blish if they were ' 3 Steal B'rlth, tells the story er consciously and of purpose or who had served as a private sec- Friedman, 15 seconds. been the disappointment of th& ture will be a caricature of KiUer 40-yarfl freestyle: Stan Felt- league, in-as-much as they boast er: "No, your EEceIlenc3 , I ttinte . . . Charlie will play the role of registered. Those not registered i Secretary Hay's famous in- not, these helpless people, bur- retary to Lincoln and who had v e r e fined Immediately. it must be my Jewish ancestry . . . lb on behalf of perse- dened and spurned by their native drawn much of his spiritual man, 25 seconds. Norman Po- of three of the top notch bowlers One HIT grandfathers -was a paper-hanger . . . YFhick reA v.-iar!y-heralded anti-Jewish Jews abroad.—THE EDI- land, are forced by the sovereign strength from him, should seek to lonsky,- .25 seconds. In the league, but they also have Baron cfKeyer minds us that Kendrik Vn-.le~ de Rothschild." . . . (1pTTsonp?rF.:ion in Praha fizzled 40-yard breast stroke: BuckV Been bo-wling hot snd then'cold. power of Rumania upon the char- translate Lincoln's words into acvan Xioon's next, book will be ity, of tho United Stafts. T h i s tion? Hay could not permit the Greenberg, 28.9 seconds. Their only top score this -week Hitler's private ageat in Poland, called "Our Battle: Being De- out. v-h«=i5 only nix youths turned 100-yard freestyle: Norman Po- was Speed Ball "Doggie" Weitz's George Blesssier, vr&s recently re- mocraey's Answer to One Adolf up and shouted anti-Jewish slo£"his month the nation is com- government cannot be a tacit'par- oppressors of one group • of manported to have committed suicide snorating the centennial of the ty to such, an international-wrong. kind to indulge in the hypocrisy lonsky, 1:22.5. Stan Feltman, 582 series, while the rest of the . . . The iow-dotra is that he was Hitler's Boole, 'My Battle'." . . . gans. Other youths held a counteam dropped their averages. The decapitated because der Fuehrer Eciward G. Robinson and Albert ter demonstration. A single potth of John Hay, a great Amer- It is constrained to p r o t e s t of championing the liberties of 1:23. 100-yard breast stroke: Bucky Empire Cleaners were topped By Einstein are lending their scp- licpmsu dispersed both groups. ip. and a great humanitarian, against the treatment to which another. Greenberg, 1:23.5, and Isadore Goodman Pill, who had a 546 discovered Elessner was playing port to a movement to organize a The boulevard press, which had jijoae- memory shines f o r t h the Jews of Rumania are subsides . . . The latest Nazi World Too Long Silent Friedman, 1:40. series Including a middle game of both refugee theater in New York . . . beec severely anti-Jewish, Is noSightly oh the pages of our coun- jected, not alone because it has propaganda Etuct in the Balkans We may well ask why the lofty 210 and he was followed by CapA refugee eight club, we hear, ticeably changing its tone, advist s history. The celebration was unimpeachable ground to remonThere are gym classes at the tain Jack Melcher, Trlio had a nice is to send agents into the small has already been opened . . , It'll ing that Jews who have been loyal and the principles of jusp o possible through the co- strate against the resultant in- idealism towns that still have fiirtstreets, tice espoused by John Hay can- Center at all times and for all 520 series. and upright citizens have no rsration . of Mayor Burton of jury to Itself, but in tho name of not the agents, wearing shoesi with be denied now. bet just remember cause Tor fear, but varning Czechs become the motivating force ages. we told you that Siemund Freud Syeland -with the B'nai B'rlth humanity . . .** soles studded with tiny swastika In the statesmanship of this day. will arrive in New York before against Jewish newcomers. I t Is [tin Hay Memorial committee, In the final match of the eve- spikes, so that they leave swasti- you're Haa not the world remained too many months older . . . understood that Jews and GerKishinev Protest ; Mating of Philmoro J. Haber, ka footprints wherever they go ning, the powerful Clicquot Club long silent regarding the barbaric The Xew York "World-Telegram mans as well have been removed i hey G: Kusworm, Alfred BenLater this confidential Instruc- cruelties which have prevailed unEskimos dropped two games to . . . London's political circles got hatl a torrid series of articles on from the State hospital system. " and Maurice Bisgyer. tion was incorporated into a cir- der the dictatorships of Europe? the up and coraing Greenberg Quite a surprise last week when the high society connections of There is little information here pt is proper that this centen- cular letter addressed to the sig- Have the press reported that Sir OsFruit boys. The Eskimos, w h o STANDINGS OF TEAMS we not by our silence given the Nazis in New York in type for about Slovakian anti-Jewish, de; V celebration should be the oc-natories of the Berlin Treaty of comfort and encouragement to Name of team. W. X>. Pet. were short Dr. Platt, this week wald Mosley, Fascist leader, had many months, but has fina'lly de- velopments Owing to the state of lon for the expression of tho 1878 which Rumania was clearly the perpetrators of thi3 unprece- State Coal & Gas Co..IS 2 .867 dropped way below par, when resigned . . . But it turned out to cided not to publish them . . . communications, but all informa?ound gratitude of B'nai B'rith violating. The American govern- dented assault on our civilization? Clicquot Club Eskimos!) 6 .600 they bowled two pitiful games of be a hoax . . . (Copyright, 1S3S, by Seven tion available points to disturbing 721 and 735, but then showed ' ~ of'the Jewish people in •whose ment,- not a signatory of-Hie Ber-: Can we not come to a realization The Wardrobe, Inc. Feature Syndicate) Arts developments. The autonomous ;*rest 'B'nai .B'rith' serves/ for i-'-Treaty, made-an- appeal -to that the menacing influence of Greenberjj Fruit Co. . . 9 6 .eoo their mettle by finishing with a HOXY LAKD XEffS Slovak government officially anHi S64 game. The Greenbergs aided i. philosonhv of justice and Great Britain, Germany, Austria- dictatorships must be retarded? Gmpire Gleaners . . . . s 77 .533 W. Weisgal, director of nounced that Chancellor Adolf Jrance which characterized tho Hungary, France, Italy, Russia Can democracy be preserved it we Shrler P.- & G. Co.. . . s 10 .533 by a 47-pin handicap won the theMeyer Jewish Palestine Pavilion at Hitler's Yoelkiscner Beobachter, .333 first game'by 94 pins and the sec- the New ' ?ate and public life, of John and Turkey. Stand by and give silent acquies- Smith Motors, Inc. .. .. 5 York "World's Fair, -who chief Nazi party organ In the A second opportunity came :to cence to a program which is the Uaiman Insttranco Co< 4 11 11 .287 ond by 25 plus. Abe Feldman, lias just returned from a flying U>. 4 .887 captain of the Eskimos, now hold Reich, and Der Stuermer, Julius '.tf connection with the celebra- Secretary Hay to act In behalf of very antithesis of democracy's trip to Eretz Israel, tells us that The standing 1 nthe J. C. C. Streieher's Nuremberg Jew-baitthe three-game series record for the empty Jerusalem residence of t, B'nai B'rith has presented a Jews when" his attention was fundamental principles? Bowling league w a r e again Ing veekly. would be allowed to the league by rolling a consistent the Grand Mufti is being protect?aze bust nr John Hay to thecalled to . the unwillingness .of These would have been sad thrown into a scramble after the 604 series, while the best their circulate in. i r of Cleveland, his home com- Russia to recognize an American of the matches Tuesday next high inaa could do was a 465 ed by Jewish policemen . . . That aity. It will .be erected in one passport if carried by an Ameri- days for John Hay. To observe results no Arab policeman is permitted night. After the Keglers were by Norman Brown. The GreenDecree on Teschen Sevrs ! its public parlis. -where it will can Jew. He .gave directions to nuns and clerics of the Catholic through •*h at the rainer- bergs, all of whom have been to carry, firearms now, because t_ i Tv'arsav; {JTA) — The goverttid as a permanent memorial to his colleagues in which he said church and Jews by the thou- alites, wethrowing the terrorists take all weapons find that there are now steadily increasing their averages, *", ment promulgated a flecree reguersonallty who wa3 deeply lib-- those to :whom-the American gov- sands languishing In prisons and away from the Arab coppers . . . { lating- the question of citizenship d with the true spirit of Ameiv ernment issued -such- passports concentration camps; to observe a tie for second, third and l a s t were topped by lanky Seymour And that automobiles decorated tism. Mayor Burton haa'cbnv- "'are not agitators, nofintending the devastation of all things place, with the State Coal & Gas Conn, who had a 54 6 with a mid- with the swastika symbol are nev- Reich Laws Applied t o in the newly-accinred Teschen. sacred to mankind; to see men team still leading the entire pack dle game of 203, followed by Jim£.rea. Under the decree, all Inited that the gift of B'nai immigrants, not persons whff will, Newly-Acquired and women, their freedom of con- by a margin of four games over my Burroughs, who came back er molested by terrorists . . . A habitants who lived in the former •sttt "adds new strength t o the in any way. be likely ta contra- science Mr. Bromberg, an American JewInvaded, their freedom of their closest rivals. with a 446. Region CzechoslovEkiF.n, district before uence and leadership of Hay's vene any of the laws or-regttla- speech and press destroyed and ish business man -who lives in tlons of the country. They are November 1. if IS. -will be recogIt." -.. Palestine, has imported an airThe league leading State Coal everyhuman r i g h t violated, Praha (JTA) — "Aryanization" of good social atandlng, men Many new faces have, been plane and an American Jewish nized, as Polish citizens.- In the 'his memorial will serve as a mencapital, tourists,- students, men would have- been to John Hay an Dealers, had a little scare thrown showing up at the alleys in the pilot for the purpose of teaching of-Jewish businesses in Sudeten- case or persons al Polish nationrco of inspiration to al! whox>r into them, in their match with Inconceivable tragedy. land was launched last week, coin. bu3ines3 In.this counrole of spectators, and this is only the young Jews ol Palestine how ality, it vill I'P svi™iciont if they 31-vo it — inspiration to live In engaged incident with the arrest of many lived ic the province before Octoin all respects innocent and Perhaps the Bpirit of John Hay the 1bottom place Kaiman Insur- another example that shows how to fly . . . Srdance with the American try;, ance team,-although they did take Jews. The taking over of Jewishharmless travellers,-of the sort will yet prevail. Let us hope that much Interest has been increasing OS THE HOME PKOXT i her 1, 1PSS. •"•* and to see the world as John that c-srnea firms will be carried out i coming from EnESia, receive minorities shall again receive the two out of three games from In the only Je-wisb. bowling league ' saw It, a brotherhood of' tfech a friendly them. The Coal boys, lost the and cordial-welcome .treatment w h i c h , humanitarian, That German-American Front with full speefi, if was s in this section of the country. So Ecvrit de Leon was named V. of all races," creeds and n.a« in Union considerations' demand. Let ua first tame by the huge margin of again we take this opportunity to whica was organized g U o n , Registration of Jewish property i S. ConFU'-gene-"' ?.t Cairo by alitles, to which America has from'the u . S. . . ." 101 pins, mainly through the ef- invite you up for a nice evening hops that pledges between states|i a great opportnnity and a Among the other acts of John N. aJ.,scheme two weeks ago osten- i exceeding 5,000 marks Reich — asder e - President Pierce. forts of Morrie Meyerson of the of entertainment to watch your City, under a recent sibly as by the Germanit responsibility for leader- Hay's career was his and Presi- men shall constitute Inviolable •Kaimans who had a 204 game. cree—was executed speed-Mr. American Bund to N&Eify Gercovenants. Let us hope that once friends competingin one of the ?.. • • - •" Jonas rtillips Levy command-" dent Theodore Roosevelt's support again men may live In peace and Rumors were floating about, nian-Ainerican societies and ultiAuthoritative sources reported '. S. S. America daring of. a petition signed by American accord, on© with the other, re- that th© reason "Tiny" Phil Kats- best leagues In the city. ' Set Precedent mately to supplant the Bund is that of 15 Je-vrs remaining in Tep- ie5+vthe C'.T; v-fir. He was aabhn Ha^.was a true champion citizens, formulated and present- gardless of race, creed, color or man and his colleagues lost this I t s litl-Schoeuau, several -vrere arNext week's schedule find the really, a. rival to the Bund c the transportation of ;he American creed. He waa ed" by B'nai B'rith, protesting nationality. In such a time shall gams by such a big margin, was league Stats Coal team founder, August Klapprott, New rested IT tbe Nazis, including- the •troops to Tera Cruz. &ys alert to any violation of against the.' Kishinev outrages. the spirit exemplified by Joha that "Tiny's" complete rooting bowlingleading against the high average Jersey Bund leader, organized the manufacturers "Levy j ^ g Abeles I principles of onrr "democracy, "While the Russian government Hay live again. section was not present, in-asMotors team. The second Front In an effort to grab the and the advocate, Dr. Gctfreund. Xs.thac !Le'-7" iPimded the first •protested without reluctance declined t o Teeeive the_ petition, (Copyright, 1938. by Seven Arts much as th© other half was out Smith place Clicauot Club Eskimos Bund leadership... froa Fritz Kuha Their. -whereabouts v-eve n o t I without reservation against its contents became known all rooting for James Hoctor in- against the Shrier. Paint & Glass . . . Fritz had previously fought known, but they v e r e probably .Te-rishi cemetery in Philadelphia* . .: Feature Syndicate), 'and every action not conuo? over the world by John Hay's acstead. : team. T h e Empire Cleaners off a-coap-"aga4cst-fci8-lea<IerE£xp interned in s. conc-ppt™fox? r-s-ir.p. Mir Advertisers ^ .with those ideals of toler- tion and were brought home to However she showed up for the against the Kaiinan . Insurance by James "Wheller-Hill. secretary Xo arrests trere reported in AKE- j 5> freedom and justice- on the Czar of Russia himself. second- and third games, and the team, who are due to get started of the Band . . . The landlord of s:g, -R-here 5 0 Jews had reniained ch our government'was foundCoal Dealers settled down to bus- any minute now, and in the fea- Miss Caroline Meade,'New Jersey behind when the general esoc'us i An oft Quoted statement of ; Ho was tho champion of the John Hay was his commendation iness and smothered the InsurSMMIMGS game of the evening, the two Nazi, has ordered her to move out took place, but the locr.l Erca- ' teased 'and protector of the of the petition in a letter to Leo Play in the pre-season basket- ance agents by scores of 872 to ture of the New Milford house which g-ogue -vras converted into a cineup and coming teams, the Wardiecnted. The rights of mlnorl- N. Leyl, president of B'nai B'rith, ball- league win start this Sunday 816 in the second game and S74 robe against Al Fiedlers Green- has become a Nazi hangout . . . ma. Thirty Jews remained in Re-Roof - E.e- <i.-.f = !<n8ulat* •>. a problem of BUch vital con- on October 81. 1903, which reads at the. J. C. )C. The six teams en- to 801 in tho third game. The berg Fruit team. An ordinance forbidding- all mu- Keiclien'berj:. I to ns in this day arid genera^- in part aa follows! ..:":»:.. "..z,:!;: tered in: the tournament are: A Kaimans were again led by diminGET FSEE ESTIMATE nicipal departments to buy GerThousands of Jews in Frc^s [i was to: him a sacred respon"In future when the students 2 . A. 1. A. 2 . A. 100, Alpha" Pi utive Morrie Meyerson, who had man-made goods because the ma- brestheS easier ES a result of ; r r*"v Tau, Breslow Auto Parts, Sigma T'SCR COa 539 series, followed by Lee .l i t y . - - , ; • ' : • • • • of history come to peruse this jority of Kew Tork- taxpayers a r e . govercraent's decision, s o t to pre=s- "-• _ n more than one occasion did document they will wonder how Alpha Mu and Live Wire Clean- Hurwich with a 490. • S-k 5OOO antl-Xazi is being framed by. the .<•&* ers. iraecis-te return c-Z 'at the behest of B*nai B'rlth. the petitioners, moved to proDave Frank's, Coal boys were city council . . . A ne-w TTinrod Th© sre-season play, i t is topped by tho ever reliable i official expression to the tra- found indignation by Intolerable has appeared in the person -of a I bnal sympathy of America for wrongs perpetrated on the inno- hoped, will get the boys in condi- "Tiny" Katsman, who shot a 546, STORM OVER PALESTINE McNally, -who i s spreading | If you want to know the daily certain unfortunate and down-trodden cent and helpless, should have ex- tion for the regular league. Teams and was followed by Sam ZweiNazi and anti-Semitic literature 1 plea of the world.. His utter- pressed themselves in language will follow a single round-robin. back with a 532. Incidentally, average of telegrams the White around Cumberland Mountain j 33, vigorous and firm/ com© so earnest and-eloquent and yet In the regular season games, a Jack Fleishman of the State Coal House and tbe State department area . .the . American drug whole- | d o u b l e round-robin will be are receiving on the Palestine sitteam, has resolved not t o be c;-:/:CGI: r r " ,;n through the years as mod- so dignified, so moderate, and so played. salers who" have handled Italian '• I uation we'll divtilge the figure^— "Dog" anymore tor the rest of - J. of • statesmanship and hlgh- decorous. It is a valuable addiolive oil a r e . now switching to s » Admission to the games Is free. 10,000 . . . One of the most movthe season. Let's hope he keeps ded liberality. These have be- tion to public literature;/sind '.will oil . . . The ss&keup xsr.E I ing letters ever written on. thePalestine his resolution. d a part of America's- tradi- be sacredly oherlahedjamong the the New Tork Sun got ba-srlei ,'l ! plight of Jewry and its hope for of -llusic for all-- women's gym and serve as precedents for treasures of this department.", out all around last -week . . . In I humanitarian' policy of the Such was the dazzling-career* of classes is being furnished by Lib- In the second match of the eve- Palestine is the one which, Gov- an early edition the paper printed •r lent secretary of state, the this many-sided American of the erty Cooper, who presides over ning, the fast up and coming ernor Lehman cf New York ad- a Picture of David DsMHsky, prec- ( :;orable Cordell Hull. Glided Age. The facts of John the gym's piano. Musical accom- Wardrobe team, took all three dressed to President Roosevelt Ident cf the International Ladies' \ games from the Shrler Paint and two weeks ago . . . Even more im- Garment Workers' Union, over • fith particular reference to Hay's personality caught and paniment is -proving popular. Glass team by comfortable mar- pressive than t i e recent radio the a Hay's intervention in behalf threw back most of the qualities " E e Speaks for Hitler j Last week the business girls gins. The three wins accomplished speech by Winston Churchill la . . . caption pnT people, there are three which gave character to the peIn an adjoining column r a s >t answer to Hitler will be his adclass met for the first time. Beby Moe Linsman's boys, put them i; lights in his administration. riod and made in modern history picture of Josef Euercfcel. Kcs-; >'. before the House of Com- acommissioner i..first wa3.in response to an a figure which: might have been t w e e n 4 0 and 50 girls were en- Into a tie for second place with dress for Austria, ccp- i mons early in November on the rolled in this group which meets the Clicquot Club Esklsmos. The sal Which Jacob Schiff mad© Impossible in any.other time and Monday and "Wednesday at 6. tioned "He-Speaks for Kis Cnioa" '; subject of Palestine . . . It was WardrobES, y h o after a poor start s-prll, 1902, when Jews were place. John Hay marched through The Sun bought up as m£.nj- ij interest- this season, have shown their Henry Slonsky, president cf B'nai jSring under disabilities in life In times when t h e statesman e-d'Anyiglrlspaftleularly copies contsiEing the transposed t i in Toller, skating are asked to B'rith, who read the memoranability to win by never falling begreat travail. He •getJji :touch with Lee Grossman. rtanla. Under the guise of suffered dum of the Jewish delegation to pttatlng n proposed naturallza- marched through like a man. -'- rKJiris wishing to enroll in Cen- low their team" averages ia any tho secretary cf state at that faof their games for the past three Hay and the Recent Crisis treaty with Rumania, the eecPatronize-" Our Advertisers ter gym classes may do so on a weeks, while the Shrler Paint ry of state issued confidential The recent European crisis em- dollar a month basis. Annual boys, for some reason or other, to t h e American phasises the need for the charac- due3 are ?10 a year* tructions have been a hot and cold tesra. •rgo In that country. Thla ter of statesmanship and the kind This -week was one of their very .lordandum. stated In part as of philosophy of which John Hay The business and professional cold nights, as the t e s t they wa3 the symbol and exponent. men's group meets every noon for could do for a three-game team: >res- Tho political disabilities or Grateful to be spared from the exercise and-volleyball play. For scorej was 2,137, which is some Jews In Rumania, their cx- catastrophic effects of war, the those who find the" hour incon- thing like Leo Welte* scores when ion from the' public service world remains nonetheless fear- venient a class Is held on Tues- he bowls in* the "pot-games" on i ; ; tho learned professions, the ful of the future wrongs and dis- day and -Thursday evenings. Sunday afternoons with Paul "Po•tations of their civil rights, cords as a consequence of the dis<_' **.J.~ V^,/ i ^ ^ V , ±^i V_ tatoes'? Steinberg. the imposition upon them of memberment of the CzechoalovaA .Men's Wrestling team ia in However, Leo has laid down, iptional taxes, involving as klan republic Intensifying thl3 , • do wrongs repugnant to the feeling of apprehension are cur- the process of formation at the the law to his team that there al cense of liberal modern rent developments in Palestine, POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT • POLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENT ^\>\\\t^iz?Ux<!&f jlcs, are not so directly in where a harried people crie3 out for my present purpose as for justice. . ffil - itpublic acts which attack the It would hav© been difficult for . ;rsnt right of man as a breadi fii ncr in the ways of agriculture John Hay to reconcile Germany's interest in the Sudeten minorities i m« trado . . . 'Human beings so with Germany's long continued leld umstanced have .virtually no persecution and oppression of artli Center. Former high school and college stars and , all others'. Interested can sign "up with Lee Grossman at the Center.
President'of B'nai B'ritK'
J. C C Bowling
Strictly Confidential
'DBD8K® •!
I by Rutl i vre
r dat .rd p sr 2 off [oine
era v
i am e .Re n.
rsH Je il'is* here' abbi'I, frombr> lakin I the
© Tikes Odsjr from Perspiraifea - © Effects ! bo 3 tlays © Safe Befcrs or After Shaving © Wra'i frnisis Skin or Ret-Dresses O Non-Gressy... Stainless... S o c f e O N o ^ i b g to Dry.. .\fenlsnes Insia
DKESS-OF-THE-WEEK !x -icr shoulders — ;::: r r i "ueeoratPa*" :!-'""^ styip vdflV.
for your exciting: n?v~ Cuttora
i\ i •!
HARRY E. SWANSON, gecrctaiy o£ State.
A South. Omaha Btisiness Man
o following amendment to tho Constitution of the Stata of Uejka will bo submitted to the electors of thi3 Stata for approval or «tion at the general election to bo held November % 1938i 't Enacted by ths People of^tho State of Nebras&a: Scctioa 1. That Section 7, Artido XII, Constitatiea cf iiso cf casla is hereby repealed, ' Sec 2. That at the general election In November, 18&3, tlsaro slnH .abmitted to tho electors of tho State of Nebraalss for their spproiral . auction the forosoing proposed repeal of Serfasa 7, Arfcido T » , Coa^.tioa of Nebraska in tho followins form: " . | '-if'OS rspcal of SecSca %• Ariiclo STJ, Coastitotssa cf-Hctsaato, YJ individual liabHity of sto^holcsra ia taaMnjj corgoratioia as banki institutions'', osd
,! i
Exclusive V i t k Ue Tfaii-si Pioer
tbvx By Joseph. C» Hymasa
•October 20 marked the first anniversary of the death of Felix M. Warburg, Mr. Hyman, executive secretary of the Joint Distribution committee and for years one of Mr. "Warburg's close associates, in this second of two article, reviews the part played by the Jato philanthropist in the origin, development and service of the J. D. C—The Editor. '
tion committee. It devoted itself to stimulating the economic productivity of European Jewry, especially in Poland and RumaniaIt established sound organizational methods of management and control of the co-operatives. In addition, since 1933 the foundation has made funds available for credits to Jews in Germany and in several countries to which they have fled.The Jew of Eastern Europe toIn Palestine, the Joint Distribu- day is an artisan In lands -where tion committee began operations government cartels have monopo1 long before the establishment of lized the markets. He is a shopthe British mandate. In the •win- keeper in lands -where virulent ter of 3914-1915, it came -with anti-Semitism a n d . chauvinism money, food and clothing for the strangle him with boycotts. On thousands of Jews "who had been his back he carries the accumucut off irom assistance. With the lated burden of ^0 years of ecoend of the -war came the problem nomic dislocation loosed by the of constructive aid and the' care world war. That Is his tragedy. of orphans. The vast social structure which Cholera, typhus, starvation, the J. D.'C. had helped the Jews war, had cut the Jewish popula- of Eastern Europe to erect was a tion of Palestine from 100,(T0Q fo powerful bulwark against the on60,000. "War orphans constitut- slaught. For a time the Jews ed 7% per cent of the\total Jew- were able to improve their situatth population of the country. tion and become almost self-supFrom 1919-192S the Joint Dis- porting. But with the world ecotribution committee cared for nomic crisis begining in 1930, the about 4,000 orphans through a situation of the Jews of Eastern special Palestine Orphan commit- Europe grew- steadily worse. tee. The peak year was'1920, However, they had developed, •when; 4,039 children -were under with the guidance and financial the. care of the committee. By support of the Joint Distribution the. end" of 192S, only 102 still committee, a social structure needed protection and help. which enabled them better to cope „ In 1921, the J. D. C. began with their problems. After the work on the project which result- war, the Jews of Eastern. Europe «d in .what is probably one of its were helpless. ' greatest' contributions to PalesToday health and medical ortine—the eradication of malaria. ganizations combat disease and The wiping out of this dread dis- physical disabilities caused by ease made possible the develop- economic pressure- Jewish schools ment of the country to a degree preserve the cultural integrity of "which couM not otherwise be at- the communities. Social welfare tained. Thf» "ioneer wdrK was organizations teach new trades, begun by a M"!aria Research unit, create new opportunities for earnand conducted in conjunction ing a livelihood, settle Jews on "With the department of health of land, place them in factories. the Palestine government. As a There is also an extensive credit result of the work of this unit, a system of the Gemjloth Chessed second unit was sent into the field kassas (free^oan societies) where by the Rockefeller Foundation. Jews, -who are denied the regular The medical committee of the credit facilities, can obtain as•Joint Distribution committee also sistance. • co-operated, with the Zionist orThese institutions are the conganization and Hadassah in hospi- tribution of the Joint Distributal and medical projects. tion committee. "Without outside Contributions help the J^ews of Poland, Ru-The Joint Distribution commit- mania, Latvia, Lithuania would tee "was also instrumental in or- not have been able to erect and ganizing a number of important maintain, their self-help programs. co-oDerative enterprises and in Without the continued assistance 1926. turned over its cash and of the Joint Distribution commitinvestments in Palestine to a new tee, these varied and far-reaching •organization, the Palestine Eco- activities would collapse and the nomic cbrp6ration. "which also ac- great-masses of Jews of Eastern quired the assets of the Palestine Europe would become hopeless Co-operative company.- Through and despairing.; the Palestine Economic corpora- ' In Germany the change in govtion, the Joint Distribution committee has continued its constructive contribution to Palestine. In addition, in.recent years the J. D. C. has made contributions to the" cultural" development of Palestine, chiefly through the Hebrew university. . ; • •• To reorganize and strengthen the economic position of the Jews ,.of Eastern Europe, the Joint Distribution committee in 1920 allotted large funds for its reconstruction committee. The funds were used to grant loans and • credits to impoverished workmen. • traders and artisans on a business basis. ' Credit co-operatives and loan societies were established, horned and shops rebuilt, and trade and technical schools restored. Prior to the world war. co-operative loan kasas were -well established institutions in Eastern Europe. But. the holocaust obliterated • them. The reconstruction committee re - established them as the most effective method of economic aid. In 1924 the reconstruction committee turned over its assets and its program to the American Joint* Reconstruction Foundation, organized by the Joint Distribution committee and the- Jewish Colonization association, to carry on the reconstruction activities conducted separately by these organizations up to that time. Substantial. sums have since been added to these investments.' The governing council of the foundation consists of representatives of , the J. D. C, the ICA and leading Jews of Eastern and Central Europe* -• . Reconstruction The foundation followed the • trail blazed by the Reconstruc-
ernment has, in a few short years, turned one of the best situated Jewish commnnities in Europe into one of the feeblest and most defenseless. Today the Jews of Germany have practically reached the end of their long history. Historic factors, legal restrictions, made the Jews of Germany an urban people, occupied in commerce, industry and finance. They distinguished themselves in medicine, in the law. They contributed to the arts and sciences, to the public weal.*'* The Jews of Germany had developed a well-knit communal organization. Their communities were recognized' as corporate bodies like those of other religious groups. They met their own social welfare and philanthropic needs, they extended aid to the less fortunale Jews of Eastern Europe, especially after the world war. Nevertheless, they were unprepared for the great crisis of 1933 and the years that followed. To help them meet their new and abnormal burdens, the Joint Distribution committee came to the assistance of the Jews of Germany with counsel and financial support. In this work, Felix "Warburg took a leading part. The Zentral-ausschuss fuer Hilfe and Aufbau (Central Committee for Relief and Reconstruction) was organized to meet the new problems. In time it was incorporated into the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland for the better co-ordination of the program, made necessary by the government policy of eliminating Jews from the life of the country. Through these central GermanJewish organizations, the Joint Distribution committee expended large sums for economic aid, emigration, vocation training schooling for children and other welfare activities.
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. "The Center Library Comer" By
Current comments of the day's Jewish scene of events in magazines, books and Jewish thcaght. The'Magazines: In the PAL/ESTINE REVIEW, a publication from Jerusalem, a novel article, "OLD N A M E S FOR N E W PLACES," by Zev Vilnai — T h e books of Low and the Prophets have always accompanied and encouraged the Jewish settlers returning to their homeland in order to establish there the foundation of a new national life. It is not surprising therefore that they have derived the names of many of their settlements from the Bible— In the current issne of OPINION, "GERMANY R E J E C T S HEINRICH HEINE" by 'Charles A. Madison. In 1S33, the works of Heinrich Heine -were singled out for the distinction cf a normal burning In the public square of his native Dusseldorf. • F i v e years later in Nazified Vienna.. Heine's books were a g a i n thrown in t h e flames. ' On the Book Shelf: "THE SCHOOL, FOR DICTATORS," by IgnaEio Silone. The author'of "BREAD AND WINE" attacks with bare fists the most absorbing single problem ot the day, exposing the social, psychological and political conditions which breed dictators. Brilliant, savagely sincere, and most outspoken book Silone has. .
In all the events recounted, first as chairman and then as honorary chairman"of the Joint Distribution committee. Felix M. "Warburg played a dominant part. His knowledge of public affairs was unique and his judgment widely respected. He applied himself to the work steadily and without complaint, though In his later years this placed upon him a great physical strain. He gave freely of his substance, his experience and his wisdom. His -was the* spirit that shines from this bright page of the history of philanthropy. In the continuance of the work of the Joint Distribution committee, the officers, members and supporters o' the conmittee take courage and Inspiration from the example set by Felix M. Warburg.
•BALTIMORE (JTA) — T 1, e Board of American ^Missions re- ore, c . r-_ ; c ported to the eleventh' convection of the -ITnited Lutheran Church in America that "there seems to fee little effort on the 1 V part of the Lutheran church to relieve the distress of these Lur_c 1 therans -of Jevish ancestry vho have the right to esrpeot the helping hand of fellowship of their brethren-.in' the faith."
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NEW YORK {JTA)—?.: ore than one-third of refugees from German are Christians, including approsiraateiy 60.CC0 "non-Aryan" Catholics, declared Jliss Katherice Devereus Blake, chairman of the International Relatioas'Committee of the New York City Federation of TrotBen's clubs, retuminET from Europe. She said that thus far Jewish organizations 'hare borne the fcrant of the expense cf caring for them. "
Grais Berlin (WNS) — A Jewish banking house that playec an important role in the development of Germany's hea^T industries in the Ruhr before and after the World Wcr and v:as cue of the principal financia.! bacters of -the famous Krnpp vrorks, passed into Aryan- cor.trol vrhen Simon Hi-schlanfi Bask vras taken "ver by the recently organized Eurkharfit 02 Co.
Mrs. C. B. Lesf
Geneva (JTA) — Juliea Flegen&elmer, Swiss-Jewish1 architect who designed some of Europe's outstanding buildings, died here at the age of 5S. He was born in Geneva. A graduate of the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris, Dr. Flegenheisser designed the Paris Courthouse, the famous Trietz Department Store in Strasbourg and other noted The Joint Distribution commit- buildings in Belgium and Italy. tee also gave large sums for the aid of refugees from Germany. It contributed to refugee committees in Europe, South America and the United States and in many countries helped to establish them. It stimulated local drives for funds. It co-operated fully with all organizations engaged in making possible the emigration of many of the retcgee3 to lands, where they could start life anew. I t came to be, as Joseph P. Chamberlain, the American member of the League of Nations high commission for German refugees, phrased it, "tha
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mainspring in the rescuing of the refugees." Refugees When in the fall of 1S3S. the League of Nations High Commission for German Refugees "was organized, with James G. McDonald as the high commissioner, .the J. D. C. gave its full co-operation to him and to his successor. Sir Neill Malcolm, and rendered sueh support as it was able. The J. D. C. also co-operated-with other major Jewish organizations working in the field, such as the Jewish Colonization association and :he groups representing British ews. In 1936, when the Council of German Jewry -was established after a visit to this country of Lord Bearsted. Viscount Samuel and Simon Marks, representatives of the Joint Distributi-n comraitee, headed by Felis M. TVarburg, played a leading part in its organization as a medium for coordinating the efforts of those groups in the United States, England and other countries seeking to aid the Jews of Germany.
Mrs. C. B. Leaf, 73. formerly of Omaha died last Sunday in Lios Angeles. Mrs. Leaf had resided here for twenty years before laov.ing to the coast twelve years.ago. Surviving Mrs. Leaf are: two daughters, Ann Leaf, who is - on the staff of the Columbia Broadcasting system in New York, acd Mrs. Harry DuBoff of Omaha, and two sons, Morris and Ben cf Los Angeles. While a resident o£ Omaha, Mrs. Leaf had been active in many Jewish women's organizations. The funeral was held on Monday in Los Angeles.
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similationists who 6aw in inter-marriage the end of a Jewish problem. Instead a new and more serious problem has arisen, Though the apostate has always been an anethma in Jewish life, in times as these the prejudices of the past have been forfcVfcHY PHI DA V A 1 OMAHA. NEQP.AOItA. GV gotten. TUB JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Even many of the so-called Aryans, pure-blood Germans CUCSCRIPTIOf PRICCo One ycsi . . .' . • ~:' . ADVERTISING RATES PURNICHED O.M APPLICArtOM have become the responsibility of Jewish organizations. With the betrayal of Czechoslovakia, this group has been greatly in EDITORIAL OFFICE: M3 ORANDEIO THEATER CUIt-ClNO SIOUX CITV OFPlCE—JEWISH COMMUNltv CENTED creased. The Nazis were not the predominant German group , PRINT SWOP ADDRESS—<}5M SO-B4TH STREET :; in the Sudeten. They were a minority party. The majority DAVID BLACKER ,~". • . . . Buslnesa Bad Msagstos Editor FBANU E. ACKBRjaAN • ' . • » . ' • '. •; EfiJtoj of Germans have suffered with the change and many of these U3UNARO NATHAM .-"V . „ . Associate Editor are being thrown upon the world. KABB1 FRBUBKICK COHN . Contrlbuttofc Editor The refugee problem is a problem for all mankind. GerBA8B1 THEODORE N. JL.BW1S ' . . Boots EdJtta many has evaded her own responsibility for.the well-being of PILL . . SIous City. Iowa. Correspondent her own stock. Those homeless exiles, Jew and non-Jew are human beings. They must not be forgotten.
We? Steps In •
the good and the true. A Thomas Mann, kindly and gentle and humanitarian though he be, has said so solemnly in his momentous "The Coming Victory of Democracy," 'democracies must learn to walk in armor.' Sight, justice, freedom, peace, love, humanity, truth are worthy of defense. "When these values perish, life itself has lost all value. EUESEB dignity, the spiritual in man, is worthy of protection and, at whatever cost, must Jbe preserved. —FREDERICK COHN.
Jewish Women's Org-a&lsatio&s, the Nazi regime refused an #11gagement with the Prussian State Jewish CeraranBity Center. opera, declaring she would not Tuesday, November SS. • Center Forum. Meyer Levin, $ 'sing where her repertoire wa« limp. in., Jewish Comjininit; Center. I Hed to "Aryan" audiences. Saturday, December iO. A voluntary -exile from. Get>Aneu&l CoraiauBitv Bs.ll, Worn- nsac;-, she has four "Non-Aryan." BMsloa, Jewish Community step-clnklreu vho escaped from CeEtcr. ]f f:.frer Anschluss. AiiBtria
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By DS. TEEODOSS K. LEWIS EabM, Mossi Sku& Scspla, giccs O t j
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England has been hard put these last few weeks. A ghast- • ' •• •' "BOOTS IN THE SKY," STONEY despite unattractive exteriors are W A I M G Of AIMOR . .MEUUBR, THE MACMOI.AX noble, majestic and indispensable ly European situation forced her.to end the age-old policy of ' By EABBI .FREDERICK COHI? to civilized living. The author CO.- S79 Ps^es. $3. maintaining a 'balance of power* on the continent with the re^snust be truly amazed at pities exceedingly Rabbi Drobnec The nations are arming, more heavily than ever. Even our theOne interest of the read- nut admires him -little, and it is suit that Germany is assuming the hegemony of Europe. Japan peace-loving isolationist America is increasing its war appropri- ins sustained pablic !a literature describ- here where he misses a splendidby conquering Canton has reduced the importance of the great ations from one billion to one billion, three hundred million ing old Jewish mores',- traditional opportunity, at psychological saJewish -ways of living and especial- alysis. Even the nscst cynical z.n& far-eastern port of Hongkong and has endangered British eco- dollars. . ly ia that which depicts the con- brutally cold must sympathise nomic stakes in the Orient. flict betweejj parents •with a Ipr- with the wife of the r&bbi when "What does this meant eign outleoK and their Aroericanbursts forth In s, fceax Thus, though Palestine may loom large in the eyes of the It means that the nations have no confidence whatever ia ised children. Tae battle of aa Ehe iKg Jeremiad and bewails that Jews of the world,,it is merely another thorn in the side of the recent Pact of Munich which someone has called 'the Pact ancient way cf life with a modern "America denied the mother, partIs always aa intensely human ed children, drove Jews to hate Great Britain. Yet when one reads the dispatches from the of Panic,' to preserve "peace in our time.' It looks very much one drama, and inevitably a tragic their own religion, raan to hate Holy Land, it is almost inconceivable that a world power so like war in our time and in a nearer time, perhaps, than many one. The description of the strug- wife, bachelors not to marry gle has a perennial appeal to a though old maids enough sat and wise in the sphere of politics could ever have permitted such a of us fear and imagine. large and nitelligent class of read- waited for a raan." Here is masituation. Meaning is given to Ittamar Ben Avi's story, told in ers. It satisfies a definite emo- terial for Eeauins spiritual tragThere can be only one result to this arming of all the na- tional seed and yearning: Omahaj about the Arab leader who threw a half-crown tip to a tions, speeding up their war-programs and making every posedy—but the author notices It . "Roots in the Sky" belongs to only in passing. The philanderboot-black with the words, "Who knows, he may be a governor sible provision for war. The explosion must inevitably occur, this class of literature. Its thenie ings of the new generation and of. Jerusalem one of these days." The British administration and the dreaded Armageddon of the nations be upon us. So Is basically, the insoluble con- the mad ambition for wealth seem flict between Jewish parents to him more eTgnific&nt—and he has been characterized by gross inefficiency. The civil servants much evil has occurred, it looks like this greatest and most hor- reared in a foreign country and clinging tenaciously to ancient re- devotes to the frenzied and meanhave been notoriously lax in their task. rible evil of all must cap the climax, crown the long-accumulat- ligious practices, doctrines and ingless activities of uprooted As the British route the Arab bands the, news becomes ing number of infamies and iniquities which have been troubl- beliefs wbtch they hold sacresi youth many pages. The ineffable of the parents is disincreasingly alarming. The greater part of Palestine is being ing a wretched and care»ridden world these many months and and unchangeable, and their sev- suffering eral children, born or reared in missed with indifference and even ruled not by the civil government of the mandatory power, not years. * the United States religiously in- cynicism. • . . different, contemptuous of Jewish by the military forces of the world's greatest empire, but by a Rabbi and Mrs. Drobnen. deIt needs but a spark; and Adolph Hitler is quite capable loyalties snd tradition, steeped in spite their narrowness of religiband of murderous outlaws. Jerusalem itself has for several jnaterialisa. It is a ttwo- ous eutloofc have their "roots in of producing that spark. He can produce the necessary friction pagan fold battle, first, between youth the sky," live in a world of 'inweeks been under the power of the cut-throats. •'•'.'< at a moment's notice, and even without notice, as he so much and old ago which is universal tellectual magnificence, religions There is absolutely no excuse for what, for want of better prefers. Ht is an adept at, he satisfies his morbid dramatic in- and inevitable, but more pro- beauty, strong idealism acd. divine foundly and tragically between esaltation. The roots, Sn e'plte oE term, may be called a 'horrible mess.' Britain, it is admitted, stincts, his self-love and mad egoistic vanity by, springing dia- two contradictory, irreconclliable and stress, are enuring, does have a touchy problem of maintaining her prestige among bolic surprises upon the world, so full of woe to countless thou- philosophies of life. The confu- storms precious and. infinitely superior of the parents, and their ut- to the roots of Leo, his two brothsixty million Moslem subjects. But certainly by permitting the sands of human beings. He is without doubt the master-monster sion ter bewilderment is a spiritual ers and two sisters which -groundflaunting of her authority in Palestine, she is setting no ex- of the day, the chronic menace to the peace of the world. tragedy cf major proportions. ed chiefly in materialism, worldlicess and irreverence far the ample for the others. "What result can there; be but war? If only in self-defense The author is an impressive eternal and changing values of It appears that finally Arab resistance is weakening, that the nations will be compelled to take up and use these arms story teller "and a gifted writer. life cannot endure. the superior military force is making itself felt. But a great they have so carefully, and at such staggering cost, been pre- Ho piles up detail upon detail, The volume is a true mirror of into some of the raost obdamage has been done, a1 damage that only the centuries can paring against 'the Day,' which remains the goal of the 'opti- delves scure and obsolete of Jewish cus- the chauglnr Jewish scene In America, always interesting and repair. Unless the future policy of Britain is guided by intel- mistic heroics* of the war-inflamed followers of 'der Fuehrer,' toms and gives -a comprehensive even occasionally absorbing. It portrait of Jewish religious beligence, all will be lost, not only ffcr the Jews, but for Britain whom only a war can'give the prospect, if not the assurance, lief and practice. He brings forth is the reviewer's belief that the from h!s colorful and vivid imagi- book would have been greatly enas well. The struggle has ceased to be a fight against Zionism of maintenance of himself and fellow-criminals in power. nation a rich variety of interest- hanced had Mr. Meller probed and immigration. Primarily a blow is being struck at Great ing though not always admirable deeper into • the human' motives If war should come, and it looks more and more like it, characters, creates a movingly 'and especially .had he shown a Britain. . . . ' - ' ' •''••'. sympathetic insight into the there will be the same.lineup, with possibly a few exceptions, dramatic and interesting story de- more spiritual chaos tirost upon Rabbi picting struggle, suffering, and, of the nations &s in 1914-1918. England, France, Russia, and occasionally, simple but moving, DroSnea and his wife.- For those i seek a moving account of] B'nai &'rith Seeks More Members ; no doubt, pur non-entangling America will perforca be arrayed beauty. And yet,'in his eager- who Jewish life in transition "Roots-1 7 ness to give the reader immensity The B'nai B rith, largest and most influential of Jewisfc against Germany,. Italy, and Japan, that triumvirate of evil, in of detail, he neglects depth. Pene- ia th© Sty" is heartily recciaorganizations, is seeking to increase its local membership roster. the defense of democracy, the freedom and the rights of man, trating character analysis is lack- O'esded.' He fails, to scrutinize and to Primary purpose of the campaign" is to do honor to a fellow- elementary justice, and common decency against those who ing. i describe the motives that impel qitizen, Henry Monsky, the organisation's international presi- would destroy! as they havo already so largely destroyed, the and agoslsa and inspire the old- • Community Calendar parents ia .their blind dent. Since he assumed office in May, great changes have oc^ hard-won liberties of man; every moral principle with such dif- fashioned and heroic loyalty to outmoded OCTOBEK S3 T<J curred in Jewish life. Many of these can be traced to the ef- ficulty attained in man's long, painful climb upward from the ways and thoughts. Occasionally . FKOMAWEMBEB S even a saeer at them enters the beast and the jungle. < forts of the B'nai B'r'ith. The majority to Henry Monsky perr pages discreetly and with a senss Sunciaj-, October SO. Junior Council tea, £ p. m., sonaUy. There ia little way for the community to pay further And there can be only one issue, however long and bloody of guilt, bat it is there none the lodge room, Jewish Community ' \ less. What one misses Is a gen' tribute to Mr. Monskyj except b% doing its share in strengthen- and horrible the conflict. The democracies must win &s against uine appreciation of the powerful, Center. Scocts, 2:30 p. m., roos: ' ! ing the B'nai B'rith and assisting it in continuing its excellent the dictators, as they won against pride and arrogance end spiritual and intellectual ideals •M, Girl Jewish Community Center. ;| Omaha Hebrew club, S p. in., I ; work. militaristic imperialism thirty years ago. The opposite is in- which direct tae lives of Rabbi C and D, Jewish CoasioElty Ce-2* i i h!s Eimpje pj upright pg In supporting the B'nai B'rith, we are doing more than conceivable. Numbers and right are on their side. Right will PProbsen . ;j if i f i l which ter. and virtaons wife, ifiesls Monday, October SI. |* just remembering a fellow-citizen. Since its inception almost forge itself all the might it needs. Moreover consciousness of Beta Tau Kappa. 7:80 p . a hundred years ago, the B'nai B'rith has been an important the right will be a tremendous inspiration to victory. God may club room, Jewish Cos , ;f factor in American-Jewish life. Originally a social organiza- be 'on the side of the biggest battalions' as Napoleon so cynical- Gems 'of th© Bible Center. Hazomir Choral society, 8 p. !: 'f tion paying insurance benefits, it has grown until, today it in- ly said, but even an all-conquering Napoleon learned that those m., K asd L, Jewish Ccnsncsity | Center. . ,who go forth in the spirit of God, with God on their side becludes within its scope all phases of Jewish life. . Ear B*. &k€. Workmen's Loan' associs'tios, C , • cause they are on the side of God, provide themselves with the Through its various youth organizations, it has honoredp. m... C and D, Jewish "Coisnta- i i ity Center. . 11 the age-old tradition of Judaism. The A. Z. A. and the Hillel necessary battalions-—and with the weapons of land, sea, and BIBLE luesday, JTovcnsber I. - -! foundations have maintained a resect for the faith of our fath- air as. may be necessary in these days, and in a veritable cru- For the eaesiy hath persecuted Boot Review "The. Yearling," • J soul, he hath crushed ray life by Ra,bbi Goldstein, 8 p. m., EudI- •', ers, and thoqe who have been contacted by these groups have sade or- Holy "War go forth to vindicate the truth of the my down to the ground, lie hath made torium, Jewish CoiamiiEity Csa- ;, been saved the tragic experience of so many young in the dis- prophet: "Not by force or by might, but by My spirit, saita the me to dwell ia fiarfe places. ter. ' ,j Lord, what is ?aaa that Thou Wedssesday, Koresabsr 5 integrating society of modern life. Those organizations have Lord." God's* spirit, and not the spirit of fiends and devils in- takes knowledge of hita? Or the Beth El Mea's club, preserved the values of the past and re-interpreted them in the carnate gives ultimate, indubitable victory. It is virtue after son of man that Thou makest ac- lodg® roosi, Jewish 1 coant of--bin. Man'is like ueto Center. all that makes invincible, despite temporary and discouraging terma of today. • •a breath, his days are as a shadIatercatioaal Workers* Order, The recently-organized, vocational guidancee bureau ful- defeats and set-backs. ow that p&sseth away. S p. m., C and D, Jewish ComShould the? "irrepressible" conflict occur the dictatorships Rescue tae and deliver me out munity' Center. fills a long-felt need for re-orienting our young people to the hand, of strangers whose y, Xcvember S. changed economic conditions and helping them find their place would indubitably be brought to an end. Their own people would ot mouth, speaketh falsehood, and Junior KsLcassaK,, 8 p. p m., , C D Jewish J help to end them. Despite' the 'hurrahs' and the shouting and their right -hand is a' right hand andd D, in the world. Community Cenlying. • ter. At the present time one of the most important functions the Tieils,' the dictator-ridden peoples are beginning to tire of of ETHICS OF THE FATHERS • Boy Scout, S p. m., lodge room, of the B'nai B'rith is the anti-defamation work being carried on their suppression of freed&m and all the m&d sad false glory. Rabbi gjeazer said,- "Where Jewish Community Crater. Choir Rehearsal. S p. m.'. K and s no Terah there are co; by a special bureau of'the organization. The anti-Pefamation They are but waiting for the opportunity—one defeat, one re- manners, where there are ao jaan- L, Jewish Cossmunity Ccster. IS league has. done yeoman work in effectively counter-acting verse-r-to turn on their tyrantpand end them. Th.e lapst terr rier? there Is so Torah, *rhere COMING EVENTS is no wisdom there is no malicious, anti-Semitic propoganda and in assisting American ribje dreams, tjie most horrible nightmares, do not lest forever. there fear of God, where there is no Tuesday, November 8. 4 Center Forura, "Pierre Van The dictatorTridden nations, now in a befuddling and frenzied {ear of God there is no wisdom, Jewry to meet an old problem in a new dress. where there, is no knowledge there Paasen," S p. xa, auditoriuni, ream and hypnotized unconsciousness, will indeed 'awake' but The philanthropic work of the lodge—the hospitals • and ig $0-understanding, where there Jewish ComnsuEity Cester. November £1. homes—need no introduction here., But i t is important that all not in-the sense that the mad Nasi-songs would imply. Human- is oo understanding there is no Monday, Tlcception for Trec'dent cT .knowledge, -where there is-a want these activities continue. And. they cannot continue as effec* ity will,'awake' at last to a full realizaztion of the enormities of the means of sustenance tfeeretivejy as they have in the past without a great deal of help on that are being committed in the word, to a sudden complete ia no studying of Torah, visd-without spiritual nourishment physical the part of every member of the Jewish community. The B'nai awareness of the-extent to which mankind is-being debased, liourishraeafhss-BQ value." B'rith is not an organization seeking to further the well-being degraded, dehumanised, and morally and physically destroyed Rahfei Eleaier said, "He'whose The better time is coming. "We may indeed be on the wisdota exceeds his works',, to of a few hundred or so members. It i s concerned with the what is he Ifbfi? To a tree whose preservation of Judaism, with the peace and security of all threshold of it. It is 'always darkest before dawn. It has branches are mf.nv but whtse : roots are .few; and the wind comes b6en night, long enough. The terrible nightmare must end. Jewry. plucks-.it up and overturns it One of the fu?§t and most gratifying results will be in the and' upon its face. But be whose over-throw of the despicable, dastardly Nazi regime, the.'fall works exceed his 'wisdom, to -what The To a tree, -vrho?e of Hitler* as Thomas Mann, greatest living,German, so, confi- is he , like?. are "few but whose roots The refugee problem is not a Jewish problem. The situa- dentaly predicts; the relegation (we know or care not how) of branches ST. JOSEPH . . - . * r f C are many, so that though all the FASTEl KANSAS CITY.. C.~ tion of the Jews of Germany has been dramatized, their situa- that supreme mischief-maker and spirit of evil to that obscurity winds ia the world come and D E S MOffVES " . . . ft" blow upon it. ihey cannot stir it OTTUMWA CiC tion has been more poignant. For them the only escape has (of paper-hanging or what) whence he came. Tlie rights of from its place." CHICAGO ...... ' ~~' DETROIT "5 f been exile. Yet there are others, many others, who are seeking the so inhumanly treated Jews and other minorities will be Ben- Soma said, "Who is wise? ECi'TCS NEW YORK ".: He who learns from all men as it new lands of haven. . DENVER r rr restored in "all countries.* The nations will achieve a 'new birth' is- said, "From all ray teachers I LOS A N G E L E S . . £~ CC , For the first time in five years the non-Jewish groups are. of justice, freedom, humanity, and truth. Mankittd will con- have gotten understanding.' Who SAN F R A N C I S C O £7.C; \ is mighty? He who controls his you craves So. fcunnt** t I realizing how serious is the situation of the Christian refugees. tinue.its interrupted march of intellectual, moral, spiritual, po- passio6i§, as it is saiS. 'He that is e t B ! t T a ' Representative? of two groups, Catholic and Lutheran, havs In- litical, and social rogress. He is the real infidel V/ao would slow to' aagcr is batter than, the h mighty aad h% that -rulethj over formed members of these religious bodies that they are under- doubt or deny this. Many years yet remain to Gci's.infinite his lit spirit t h i s he that tak"eth & estimating the seriousness of the refugee problem and that the future. What rfiail God do or pernit.to be done in the Eternity. city.* Who. is rich? He who re«:s, Ooat'as at ISt, Et. ia his portiois ss it is said. -r _. —.,„ r bmnt of the caro o£ non-Jewish refugees has fallen on Jewish ahead? 'A thousand years' to Him''are c.s ye^tercby vrheujt jotcss When thou eatest the labor • ef hands happy art thou and [ groups-. is past.' Today passes into yesterday—it also becomes tomor- itthine should fee well v?Wh tree, happy Ijargest group lo su£i'cr at the hands of the Nazis is the row! the brighter and the better Tomorrow'- The lovers of art thou ia this -srorld acst it shall 1 <t 1 •well with tbee ia the ftjture i descendants of mixed juarmges. Carrying in their veins only right and. justice everywhere raust lift up their hearts aad be T*Qrl3.* '. WIso Is fi-osored?•• He J c email amount of Jewish blood, they are a reproach to the as- ready, if need be, to use their hands to contend valiantly for lisnors others." ' -• • ) r
The Boys' Qsw& Store does more than just "outfit & fellow." We give him the same smart style in hit suit that we give % foil grown man. \
Boys' Two Long Pants
Size* 10 to 20 Other Two Loaf Pants Suits $13.7$ to $19.75 The broader shoulder and chest styles . . . no •kimping ton the cloth anywhere and every suit will wear nsuch longer because they're built from sturdy fabrics. tszri New Double &xid Single Sfesst<s£ Sport Ev.ck Models vie Lcsier
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Wool They've the %varrsth. tS r 1 'CC'^cz 'izt the clE}"£- i s cose. Men fr-ry r nad plEils colon;. Four ->?"' r f klg pe&ket with ripper Cirr.'r.f. i
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Women's Mizrachi
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fcow'ss by j-oa Greg-orovicb7" And (Elaine EarsieJ ETC seeking an Ratoft will flounce, "Thank you. off-spring: for -adoption. Depictready veil, veddy well, ing, the birth of Scarlett. SetsAnn Birk Kuper of Chicago will regular business meeting of clcfe put the first scene v*. "Gone Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein spoke theA Sara be presented in a dramatic inter? Beber Chapter 100 "E' E .E ,TH pretation of the recent New York to a large ^roup at the last meet held lsst Sunday afternoon at the Back Becny, Jack's four-looted "ritl: success, "I'd Rather Bo Right" 03 ing °f ths Woaea's Mizrschl on Jewish Community Center. Aa- sprinter, has had the unbroken Wednesday, November 9, at 8:30 October 15. la fcis talk Rabb, nounceraeat was made of the final record cf never taking a race, col at the Jewish Community Center. Kopstein stressed the inportacc preparations for the Tenth Anni- even to "£how." Jact stood by through thick and thin, but She will appear here under the of Jewish unity at this crucia versary celebration of the Century him finally even his faith began ;c HONOR CHILDREN auspices of the Omaha Chapter of hosr. After the meeting Mrs. A. G. Chapter to be held November 6. van. Suddenly a miracle ocheir Mr. and Mrs. Mas Levine en- Hadassah, as part of their camTie "CentEry" can&etbsll team curred . . . the horse came in . . . and her ccsiisittDe s.ertertained 26 guests Sunday eve- paigns to raise funds for the Weinstein will play its first game nest S-nc- paid i$ to 2. TCP. yon. jmepEefi Ted tea and refreshments. ning at a surprise buffet dinner |_Cnild Welfare Project. have been forraulated for <3aj^ st tJie Jevrish Community it, Jack hadn't waged a sos. VTelJ, Over three hundred women at- a Flans in honor of .their son-in-law and • Back up, Benny! large hostess luncheon to be Center. ; a scene, is tended the season's first meeting daughter, Mr. and Mra. Harry of tha • Ss.ni Ecbc-r LJe held the week cf Chsnukah. A bers I blov.C or Hadassah Wednesdey after Bush,, who celebrated their tenth Chapter -plan to attend Fii T prominent speaker hss been ia< An actor refused s ter.Eis v"i I tr.v noon. Rabbi David H. Wice spoke vited wedding anniversary. evening services at t t e Sets l vit&tior., saying, "I've pot to IE-j Wh, to attend* on "A Jewish Adjustment to Eur- Officers and chairmen of the over to ham Uoiavyn s court s.nc ! cau»i ~er ear. ' opean Disintegration." Plans were local Mizracbi Worsen's organize TO RETURN FROM Tis following Alephs have bees play Chamberlain to Saminr'^ i '*£•• discussed for the coming year. CONFERENCE caused to the meEiherahip coration are: Mrs. M. Brodkey, honHitler." bod: itj.tp a , Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Gordon wilTea was served following the orary president; Mrs. A. Kats mittee: Trailer Greeaberg, ilalef the same Eufcject ECt return Sunday from S t . Louis, meeting by members of the com- president; Mrs. 3 . Welnber& ccto Tractesbsrg, and Yale Rich- wasApropos George Jessel's capoule c". where Dr. Gordon has been at- mittee under tho chairmanship of Jewish National FcsS vice-presi- ards. vrisuom whec, acting BE master tending the National Dental as- Mrs. Sidney Epstein. dent; Mrs. M. Arbitman, Ways ceremonies at an cntertaiEsociation convention.
FOLAKOF-MONSKY Miss Pearl Honstey, daughter ol Mrs. SopMa Monsfey, became the bride of Marvin Folakot of Los Angeles, Saturday evening at a ceremony performed at the home ot Mr. and Mrs, Lester LapIdns. Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiated. The bride wore a gray sheer •wool suit with tine accessories. Her maid of honor "was Miss Helen Greenberg. Arthur Cohen •was best man. •••'.. Following the service a dinner lor the immediate families was Mrs. M. D. Brodkey is president and Means vica-presidsst; Mrs. L rccnt e quipped, "Don't VBTTT given at the Fontenelle hotel. The of the Omaha chapter of Hadas- Rosenblatt, Membership v i c e t YO'CT bill tor.i£ht, folks. AF "TF.vYAr. Ar-cnr couple left for Chicago on their RECEIVE FOR SON san. president; Mrs. A. Schwaezkin •we say in Engl&nd. let the Members of the Deborah. So•wedding trip. • ' . - . : Mr. and Mrs. George- Bernstein A number of women are plan- financial • secretary; Mrs. Benciety, have requested Ozaatass to Czechs take care cZ thersse'ves." will receive at their home, 2863 ning to attend tne National con- Handler, recording secretary; end keep tblr sociaJ calendar CIEET for Adcesduia: The peoples ol APPROACHING MARRIAGE Ba'uman, Sunday afternoon, from vention to be held October SI— Mrs. D. Croanse, treasurer. vrcre EEiocg the t n Novesa'ber S, when the Society Sfidetenland Mr. and Mrs. Joasph White are 2 until 5 and from 7 till 10. inNovember 3 at St. Louis. Sirs. N. Levinson Is co-chairman will best customers of American films. hold its anneal fiessert.announcing the approaching mar- honor of their son, Marvin, whose With the partition, rrosucerE b e of the J. N. F., Mrs. J. AbrainEn fill \S^S riage of their daughter, Dorothy Bar Mitzvah will take place o aciseon and card party. sjoaa tfce total loss of that mar* is membership co-cSslrnsa; and Jean, to Mr. Morris Bell, son of Saturday morning at the B'nai B£rs. Jacob BeraEteia. i a s been feet. Mrs. M. Brodkey, ways Bad nescs Mr. and Mrs, Sam Bell o£ Kansas Jacob synagogue, Twenty-fourth naaed chainnsa o£ ttis . affair. co-chairssan. and Nicholas streets. C i t y . M o . . •••Chairmen o! ths various com- Proceeds \till fcs turned ever to "Ifiiot'B Delight," deltrct cue The wedding will ta&e placo at All friends and relatives are inmittees are: Mrs. A. G. "einsteln, the city TalTacd Toraa. Mrs. J. to faBciriterEationel coirrlSca2 o'clock on Sunday, November vited to attend. No invitations Gold-ware Is president cf the orMrs. B. Eisesberg, publictions, •viil bs filiaefi . . . .res. s.cThe first regular luncheon of social; have been issued. - 8, a t the Hotel Paston. Mrs. J. Katefcaas, Siefc-Vislt- ganisation. tually . . . bet vriih a sew title, , ply «.. to ... the Council of JeTTish "Women ity; Numerous affairs are being nevr locals, anfi new Elory. After i conccrni rr -111!•will bo held on Monday, October Ins; Mrs. J. Tuc!ics.n, Rummage given in honor o! the bride-to-be. LEAVES ON THKEE.RZONTH that it yon't be atrbot Girl Ssss. SI, at the Jewish. Community Sale; Mrs. D. LETtaa, telephone; cp XBJF and Mrs. A. Sis'tos, Motor. I cree pr-pvicMrp; Zo- t KBSTVBS FROM 331IP Rose 6. Cohen left this week Center at 1 p. a . The girl scouts cf Trocp 4 will Mrs. B. R. Klrkpatrick •win rej of J-CV78 CieciSi ^K in e Mr. and Mrs. J." Bosen and for a visit in the east before sailhold a court ct atrards ca Sen- Many & enicter vrill greet the j thai : 11 be 1' daughter, Rosalie Ann, returned ing on December 1 aboard the view 'Fanny Ketnble* by Margaret ucaea i day, October SO. at the Jewish "Sisters" Ee^nence vrhich contains | ed ne Armstrong. All members and late last weeli after spending a "City of Newport News" for a trip tvia befis in the 19P4 era cf MOD] friends of the Council sra urged Conmssfty Crater, ctsrtJBS' £t S few days In Champagne, 111., with through the Panama Canal. In The first regular meeting of attend this meeting. The board the Menorah chapter of Toe: _ o'clock. tana! But Papa (Ears) tapv_ . their daughter, Betty. Before re- the east Mrs. Cohen will spend to meeting -will be held at IS o'clocfe. iV The follOTriag girls win receive best! Judaea -was held on Wednesday, turning home they visited with t i m e in Chicago, Baltimore, The National Council Is BOW October IS, at ths Jewish Com- badges: Kartye Lea Eyroa, Eefriends and relatives in Rock Is- Washington and New York before Title of p engaged In a campaign to increass munity Cester. An election cf ef- feecca Losdos, Beverlyy • Ksrrtaci, sailing. 'Bey KcetF land. m e m b e r s h i p to 65,000 ficers •was held. S til L h i k B h Wine, Girl'' vras translated to "VChere She will terminate tho cruise in its Stielya Lashins'ky, Bertha to Get a Father" i the United States. The Los Angeles where she will re- throughout The follo-sris?? "R-ere assscfl to Geralfilaa Shafer, Sylvia 3OSLYN MEMORIAL Tes, ilizi'B vrhcre thcr ma Council has been in existence for office: Presides!, Boss Goldstein; and Harriet Tanb. "Temple and Peace", a sound main until after tho first of the forty-five years and during thi3 vice-president, Betty GsiSman: lasa. too. tUm of Alabama, will be shown year. time it has become an articulate secretary, Anna Ariitmsn; treain the Joslyn Memorial concert voice raised for progress, justice, surer, Jean • HOSE, serjeant-atThe set was 4he TarJE" Internahall at 2:30 p. m. this Sunday. and humanitarian efforts. tional Eipositioxi for "Artiste and arms, Evelyn sad Gloria Wolfe; -Dr. Francis L. Bouquet will be Models Abroad." Delegations rep-.. Its siz-point prograia Includes parliamentarian, Slsrsaret Rcnfile lecturer at 3:30 p. to. Sunday resecting rasEr Eatiosj; -were on service to the Foreign born. In- dell; sad ireporter, B e r a i e e In the lecture hall at the Memor- . Pursuing its policy ot bringing ternational the stage. "TTliere is tae AinsriRelations and Peaca, Cronnsa. ial. Dr. Bouquet "will speak on the best of Jewish young men Social Legislation, .Contemporary can gsoup?" cbserres S.E onlookHasSell Coses* guest speaker, "Symbolism in Mediaeval Euro- into its membership, ths Mother Jewish Affairs, Social "Welfare Invited the dob to eead their repean Art." chapter of A. Z. A. Initiated Leon- and Education, and is calculated Hollytroofl—Thirty years s to ths Rossd Table. ,-Recorded organ music win be ard Herman and Robert Perelman to appeal to Jewish women every- presentatives y -sras Roso Goldstein and Anna Arbit- Hollywood's chief iasScEtry played in the concert hall at 4 p . into the chapter at a ixfeeting held where. can lesion grctrins, blurbs a press. man are tho club's representalast Sunday. Leonard Herman's m. Permission has been granted to tives. Slany new sad Interesting item. Some people think it has- group. In America thej- are havLei father was one of the charter ing a recession." "Tot ~es.E fi?.' members of the Mother chapter add 120 Austrian children to the plans were discussed for the com- n't changed i "Kecefisioc." repe&ts Fela effi ' I ' m a D e t a o - j jii and thus one o&the first members 120 German children that the ing year. Bering the recent holidays, crat!" The nest meeting -will be held two of the entire order. Robert Perel- Council brings to this country film trade papers, noa-Jevron Tuesday, November 1. 17 The Pioneer Women's organiza- man is President of. the Senior each year. ishlr o-vrned, priated on their Th e. I: T h e tion will hold an Oneg Shabbath class at North High school. A. Z. front pages the customary New tomorrow afternoon at the home A. 1 plans to continue taking new j Tear greeting, and carefully add-] Fancy _ ^ vt_ „ u ea-cplivs l vras Knalij- taken for ot J. Altman, 2215 Davenport members. ed thereto the . extra markings, j bisection. " They ve^e" I "ge Alpha Theta is completing final iarried ' street. Mrs. J. Raznick is in News has been received from Arrangements have been comlest Bar J£itzvah is!j eight rears ."." . eeparai cd cue charge of arrangements for the the A. Z. A. Headquarters , that plans for participation in the Nefor ths Council of Jewish Thaps forgotten? • • -Berliu'E year. * Ining appearaEce. atfair. Mrs, H. Richlin will give the debate topic for this year braska University homecoming pleted J Juniors Tea to ba held at ths at a Londoa Eight epot cauced .a reading. ... has been changed to "Resolved: celebration to be held on Satur- Jewish Community Cester on Dave "Weber, the man of day. -A house party Is planned for the orchestra to rip the nates cff Principal speaker for the after- That a New Haven of Refuge for Sunday, October SO, at 3:30 p. m. ousaEfl voices, will henceforthvs !•]his __ music 3n5hilarious glee. Lou. noon will be Mr. J. Radinowski. Jews be obtained in Addition to Saturday night, and a good many A professor Qulxz program will use bat oae his own and for j Holts cashed of the Z. B. T.'s from the Missoun his contract vjtii. The nest regular meeting of that Provided by Palestine." s feature of the afternoon and the organization Will be held on Plans are being made for a chap- ri chapter, as well as alumni of several vocal selections "will be Alpha Theta, are expected hsra Tuesday, November 1, at the Jew- ter elimination contest to deterthe Nebraska-Missouri game presented by Harriet Bernstein. ish Community Center at 2 mine the two debaters who will for Tha committee in charge ol ths represent the Mother chapter and the party. As is the custom, •Membership O'clock. Is: Gertrude lah the thought!) . . . , . . . __ during the coming year. An elim- Zeta Beta Tau houss decorations GU53, Helen affair Castlessan, Bertha Danny Tv"-ebb, leading player is. a for the. Homecoming celebration ination will also be neld to deterLADIES' FREE LOAN will be part of tho colorful cam- Ireenberg, Euth Goldstein.' and series cf cctsedy Ehorts.. First j mine the chapter's orator.. pus display, and will be a strong Kaa Spar. Members of the Profee " The Mother chapter has enterThe Ladies Free Loan Society contender for tfas" campus prise. gram commSttsa are*- Sis-Fine, r ed* basketball teams in tho J. C. afre giving•& Tea at "their, -meeting Konna Shearer, endeavoring to j Preparations are also being Bess Bernstein, Janet Greets, -on Wednesday, November 2, at the p. Senior and Junior Leagues. On made at this time for tho presen- Toby Hertzberg," G e r ' a l d i n e acquire a "Ra-srEsiaa." tccsst for | this coming Sunday afternoon, Strauss, and Ann Eatt. 'ISiofs Delistt," seeks e ggnter.. '__' A. 1 Senior team will tation of Alpha Tbeta's skit in Ths Mid-West Regional con- :«t by taviE ^guybielu w ill lte=Bgest=og= y play the A. Z. A.T.00 basketball was held October 22, y honor. Mrs. Sam Klaver, presi- team at the J. C. C. gym. All sup- Since tho chapter now has posses- vention, Minneapolis. Ida Fine SatofL A few days' exposure and dent of the organization, appoint- porters of the Mother- chapter are sion of the cup for winning first In elected treasurer for ths region. i l fe ed Jtfrs. Sam Epstein and Mrs. urged to come and cheer- far the place honors in last year's Revue, It is favored again to retain it. Sam Feedman to have charge of Mother chapter. Under the able leadership of E. T. C. Sorority arrangements for this meeting. A. Z.-Ai 1 l a s challenged the Important business is at hand Menorah chapter to a telegraphic Ernest Wintroub, vice-president and all members are urged to at- bowling tournament. There are of the Liberal faction in campus both candidates for Jun- Sorority were elected at ths meettend. several fine bowlers in the chap- politics, and Senior class Presidency ing held October 14 at ths noise ter and propects for a good bowl- ior were elected by a considerable •Patronize Our Advertisers ing team are bright.- A ping-pong margin. Zeta Beta Tan has long tournament is contemplated by been associated the Liberal the Mother chapter in the near faction in studentwith politics and has secretary; and Sits Camel, treafuture. long proved its leadership ability Tha nezt sestlrs trill this line, -as well as In ll The Coliseum of ancient Rome, along November S. other campus activities. one of the largest structures ie By Mrs. David HI. Newman the world, was completed in one year by the compulsory labor Of Small White Cake 12,000 Jews and Christians. l'% cups sugar, *& cup butter, 1 eup milk, 2% cups cake flour, S% teaspoons baking powder, >4 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla Epsrt sa5firesi-jriffi or almond. Cream butter and SXJiENTH AT csats ef cargras-js ang&r. Sift dry ingredients towools . . . istarlhisd ES gether; add alternately with, the .cup.of milk; add flavoring. Beat S «B6 whites until they stand in -peaks and fold in last. Bake in 2 layers at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. Frosting: 1 cup milk, 1 cup •ugar, Yi. cup of butter. Boil ] sntil quite thick and beat until consistency to spread. Add Vz "cup ground nuts, 1 teaspoon •ranilla, and spread between lay•r» and on top of cake.
Council of Jewish Women
of Every
Pioneer Women
Zeta Beta Tan
* Kitchen Chats.
Rosalie Alberts School of Dancing
Bella Eafafr caa t s ciEsa t^a tat^isiicasl cm^streia fcj rla ts3 xpzjtA
tlcau?.. «rcry. tbrstre In tba CsiiJea States -End jSstlanil. At oils t&a& Ja brffllsmt career sia p t o e l Sclore a a Prtaca cJ VVates wJas saw is trca m ca t&a Es-Ktogr ESwEra. Ec2s Bakar fcaa £»n.a ivjxi alwsjs bsfo a deep ttHscUsa far Ereacisray. - It S M ca 4S1» gtxest thzt s i s £j3r«&:;sa to ttardom. ' It eveafeany jssaot s tri? to EsBjwc^a wbsrs cia rcstSs csasy BO*sss*tu Pliicrcs snd rsdia prosxnins where &h& Elsa scored iitaTSly ca3 t?ss ca!!c3 tacit Ireijcintly for prrscial eFPcsrastts fl"a Sa tTC^s^r^rj txi ecir>
©lifer 17. B. FctzMazzsm. SSi %
'' -
HOME FKOM THE WAK (SCARE)—Maginot Line troops headed for home, after recall from duty on the French-German border, when the dangerous days of the Czechoslovakian crisis were over. stein, They are passing the German -eate at Metz, France. They were part of the French army of infantry. son, I ? artillery-and tank corps detachments and were reviewed by General Gamelin. and Si ' ; Th£ sists i berg.' Baroc M. Sa; Max 1 Fishgi man.
/ i.^ HOCKET LOOKING UP—That was a mighty battle .when the girls' hockey team of Drexel Institute of Philadelphia clashed with the co-ed team of Pennsylvania University. Eventually Penn trounced their opponents 8-1. This unique picture of the goalies for each team was taken during the -game. Winnie Karrley of Dresel is at left, with Virginia Romeyn of the Penns. right.
rence,;: <<, John U ,r ; /i Lassm:> ; ' Gruesl';"''Max V Shiionr JaclcJ.*. H. -Mil?Leon^ '~i Baroc " Joe K Mrs. &~~-~y-. Mrs. •i^^rC' Kruep ^ -;^;
\ .- '-V • -, A
H GO SWOOSH!^To eliminate the danger of silt piling up on farmlands below the Imperial Dam, in California, huge desilting works with six settling basins are employed. Here is one of the 269 feet wide and 769 feet long. Giant rotary type scrapers, each 125 feet in diameter, which met a basins, for, 5 sweep the silt into heaps are shown at work- on the bottom of the basin. sched^ ™"'-^r^ meetl: the 5. Mrs." ; charg., i'^x^a-f'
~~~* -
•'''" '"V V \ ^
chain comnjClub ; ' Assist Mrs. . aere t
V- ^ - .
HE'S A. GOLF CHAMPION—This certainly doesnt lock-like any way to keep one's golf title. But it happened that Ralph Guidahl, national open golf ^champion,, had to undergo a minor operation, at a hospital in, ftliami, Fla. So vAile he was recuperating, somebody brought him a book to read." Quite likely, it isn't a book that explains the rudiments 'of the links game.
v :-. '"t/ .^
CHAN—Quest for a sucto Warner Oland as the screen's Charlie Chan ended J .nrith selection of Sidney Toler, above, stage and screen veteran. ; 3 e was the 35th player tested . f o r t h e roie> H e n e e d 3 l "1
center, and other necessaries. Now Camp Legion is harvesting 86 varieties of crops, from soy beans to honey. The experiment vas so sue-. cessful that ivCr. Fora plans several new camps nest rear. Boys received S2 s, dsr- Ton, digging potatoes ana, bottom, sorting them. Boys will enroll in Forfi Trade School this vint-er.
Goldfc, nounc proje; '.The party •
FARM HOVE SUCCESSFUL — To prove- his theory that prosperity hes in the soil, last spring Henry Ford, motor magnate, settled 63 youths from. r. elf are- families m a back-to-ths-fana move neeir his birthplace in Greenfield, Mich. He housed them in anr.y tents, left center, gave them 403 acres and provided tractors, right
delcr;1 tern.% dele; ,...-,? with . r - " - > ^ ~ ,
\ \ \
TOOK m s WIFE ALONG—Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes attended the dedication of the 600-mile rural electrification network at Brawley, Cal., and took Mrs. Ickes with him. He and his bride are shown at the dedication.
t \ •
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DEATK E'ALL, — I Irs. Dcrorh? Eaic, fcrnier actress, socidittana v, ;do\v ci Qcrcr.cr I-Iale, bnlhcint American painter, wno plunged to t e a m frcm the JCtli story of an cpartment hotel in New Tcri; City. Shs vx? reported engEced to licrrj- L. KcDl^inf. WPA Ac—inistrctor.
fcir.cus old TJITJZS c • i y
lanrcr, hevever A ne " "
^j'j*.' 1,i1f
In Krv T.i U " "IV crc ^rr the e C~.nr-i&; Coi idint, and i'i 1. prison. Tl-.s L: si.on much f C * O.v tlic t^reet :n^ bu.\
Bncce oX S^crhs ccn
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V/I1H PEiiCE OFFESSNGS—Chinese peasants in Waishan, Kiangsi province, took no chances when Japanese hordes swarmed through their village, but attempted to placate thorn with peace offerings. »•'« «-. •""-" rho friw'nf-s-nffr? frrm.'rs lon.cecl v;hen they offered theii* most prized po^scicions—xA^z.—
0T7I SV/nHJEHS AE1E COWGIRLS—Movie icouts didn' a hoot that Marion <top) and Vircir.ia Hop'.;iE3 r - : c rr.i: champions. They concidered ths twins pretty C"so"^h 12 r' cor>xirl heroines in western roles. Virrlrua hold.: thr. 7 crlf/ meter title end llr.ricn 23 the 50-;-,irct t^d-rtrc'-o CJ:~T~. /,'-
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.1 ^ An ZSstaasiim of tha Jev7is!i Coznmimity Cents: Nations of "World Consider "Then ask h<ST inArabic to jection to boys speaking.' Problem of EsHes "I also live on land that besing for us." They did; and she sang a longs to the Jewish National from Reich sweet, low, song that we could not Fund, to the whole Jewish peounderstand, but we liked the mel- ple," said Akiba, "and although Austin, Tex. (WNS) — Deterody. Then,Shama started a song we children go to school, every- iorated standards in the snediea) and we all knew,- and we had a body in my village Nahalal. works schools of Germany, Austria, Italy very hard. We have to help at and other countries resulting rollicking Hebrew chorus.". After that, mother suggested home with the cows and chickens from the elimination oJ faculty some stories. " ' ' —I always milk the cows—and of members for political and racial Ruth, tell us a story about course, we have a school. garden reasons were given as reasons for and in vacatfon time we work the decision of the State Eosrd America!" they begged. "I can't make one up." an- with the grown folks in the field. of Medical Examiners not to isswered Ru^h, " I can tell you Even the kindergarten teacher sue certificates to practice medionly a true, one about Hebrew goes out with the little children cine in Texas to foreigners. to show them how to work. You school and my own self,". "Tell it! Is there a Hebrew should see toy little brother SiMexico City (WNS) — Depor"mon, who Is-only 4 years old, tation school in America?"; of between 4fl and 60 Aushandle a hoe. There is nothing "There are many," answered trian Jewish refugees who arrived soft about us." Ruth, "but there are very, very in Mexico on tourist visas after many Jewish children in Ameri- Akiba did not look soft. Though escaping from Nazi concentration There were not enough chairs ca, and most of them don't know only 13 years old, he was almost camps, has been temporarily deto go around; Six straight chairs any Hebrew or anything about as tall as dad, he had strong layed while the government exand two easy chairs and four Ara- Palestine. I didn't, either. One muscles, his blond hair and his amines ttieir status in the light of bic stools, and three little kinder- day in school I saw the girl next bare legs—for he wore breeches Intervention on their behalf by garten chairs from the nursery. to me reading backwards out of almost up to his thighs and san-United States Ambassador JoseBut before it was 3 o'clock, over a book with queer, pretty letters dals without stockings — were phus Daniels. The refugees had 30 girls had strolled in, In^twos in it. What's that, I ..thought. sunburnt, the color of his khaki threatened to commit mass suiand threes and ones, and gathered Borne kind of music? So I asked suit. cide if they are deported. on the back veranda. Everybody her. She answered: "This is the . "That Is-different/' answereed story of Moses and how he and politely left a chair for somebody Paris (WNS) — Because of the the Children of Israel returned to Esther, "I know, for my big sis-Increasing else. difficulty of distinter married a Russian pioneer our own land, Palestine after they "Never mind," said mother, guishing between legitimate refuwho lives in Galilee and they have had been hundreds of years in "we can sit on the floor. There own land which belongs to gees and spies posing as refuEgypt.' I said, 'But I can't read their are plenty of rugs." • the Jewish' National Fund, and gees, the French government has So Benjamin and Akiba — the it." And I knew that story in they work hard for themselves; forbidden foreigners frora settlonly boys among all those g i r l s - English, too. 'You can't read it,' but we have too little land to earn ing in the Paris region and from raced indoors*to bring out rugs answered my neighbor, 'because a living from it, so we have to establishing new businesses there. o n ' their arms and heads and it Is in.Hebrew, the language that work for other people, we have The order- does not apply to forshoulders, and soon nearly every- Moses spoke and. that Is spoken to be servants. My father works eigners already living in the capibody, including mother, w a s by the Jews of Palestine-" V could in an orange orchard and earns tal «nnd its environs. sq.uattir~, i">d the smallest girls hardly believe that Hebrew was a three shillings a day. My mother real language, that Palestine, this earns the same, going out to do sat on tir- .'i'.-;hest cbairs. (WNS) — Two shelit vras . a warm day, land, was a real land. I went washing or cleaning. My grand- terBrussels Luclii camps for the Austrian.. Gerhome and.asked mother and fath"* rember sunshine mother takes care of the two -with i" and other refugees who con:?-ek yard and the er to let me go to Hebrew school. babies and, besides that, makes man Doodinr tinue to arrive Illegally are to be They were very glad. That was baskets to sell, like those you — i on the veranda flowers established by the Belgian gov• -y and clean after four years ago. Then I began to passed around with goodies; and ernment wall lor" to help the refugee eonaread and hear about Palestine, my little sister Miriam and I go iooi «^>^ .. . • £ • ns. Everything, ineri'n' secure speedy transfer of cluding our o'othes. had the right where the Jews speak Hebrew, to be servants. It is not good. mittee refugees to other countries. . Sabbath look. However, o u r their own language where flow- I like to work, but not for strang- the The government will supervise ,i .young visitors seemed somewhat ers bloom all winter and one ers." and control both camps. shy, having come to our house plucks oranges and figs and al"In Nahalal," answered Akiba, for the first time, aud nobody monds from the trees, where "there are no servants and there London (WNS) — Zealand is wanted to start to sing or to talk young people go to work and live are no hired workmen. I t is and it was rather embarrassing. \ on the land that belongs to the against the laws of our village to prepared to admit and find work Just then from somewhere, ap- whole Jewish people. And now I pay wages. Every family works for as many Czech • refugees as : peared brightly colored baskets am here. It seems even more won- for itself, or people work together possible within the limits of the '.. full" of nuts and dates and .figs, derful than I thought it would to help each other out. W h y country's needs. High C o s n i s and soon everybody was talking be!" don't you in Rehoboth do the sioner W. J . Jordan announced here. •with everybody else, but not too "We all came here," mother In- same?" terrupted, "because Ruth became loudly and very politely. Not Enoisgh Land New York (WNS) — Gsinda She was the first to ; . This is how it happened and interested. " I suppose the National Fund . Frumcatr, 38-year-old Je-wish citiw i o they.were and why it seemed bring home the idea." did not give us enough land," anpzen of Palestine, has been admitJ. N. F . Boxes so strange: A few months ago we swered Esther dubiously. ted to the United States as a tem"How the children in my class cime from New York City to live is the reason," said.dad, porary visitor after medical treatiij. the little village of Rehoboth, •In Hebrew school envied me!" "if"That one has not enough land to yln Palestine. . We rented a nice Ruth continued.. "How t h e y give one a living, one has to work ment cured her of athlete's foot. -little white stone house, with a envy yon, how I envy you, whofor other people, one is not free." She -had originally been excltssJed : red tile. roof and two verandas have your own houses here,, who "Why did not the Jewish. Na- from the country on the ground and a garden already in bloom; have lived here always, who a r etional Fund give u s enough that she had a "leathesosa disBenjamin and Ruth went*to the really children of the Land of Is- land?" asked Esther, "so we ease." _.' ' .Tillage school and little. Ada to rael! I want my father to buy should not need to be servants?*' POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT tHe .kindergarten; and fortunate- land and, build a house and then Dad answered: "Because they ly the children had already learnt I, too, will be a real child of the have not enough money to buy enough Hebrew in America to Land. Do you know what Nation- more land for you; because the al Fund boxes are? They are lit- Jewish people all over the world speak freely with their mates. tle blue boxe3 into which we put is not doing its duty to Palestine. ; ' " The Village .;•; Rehoboth Is one of the prettiest pennies every Friday before the I t . is- the same with a people- or •villages in Palestine,, built on ser- candles -are lighted-, to buy land with a person. The Jewish peoi a l bills and with Its little white in. Palestine for the Jewish peo- ple is scattered over the world, It : houses set among gardens and ple. Now I am really on that is not free, it is a servant until ;txi3esi Around i t .are orchards of land that Jews all over the world it has its own land. Then It becomes free and independent. And oranges,; lemons, almonds and are buying for ourselves." "No," answered Esther, the you too will become independent • olives, and vineyards f u l l of biggest girl, "This house and land as soon as you have land you can grapes. / to a colonist. But the land work for yourselves so that you • I-"Do you know why you came belong do not need t o work for strange = today?" mother asked the girls. on which I live belongs to the masters." V. ""Because Ruth invited us," an-*Jewish National Fund, ajid in the •:'-•;•'sweted Shama, a short, slim girl new cement house which my fath"I wish Rehoboth belonged to V;; about 13 years old, with a'point- er has just finished building there the Jewish National Fund," said . ed pretty face and very dark skin is a little blue Jewish National Ruth, "then maybe you would .and eyes and hair. She wore a. Fund box, like the one you tejl_ot have enough land, too." , red kerchief on her head, with In America, My parents came Then Ruth sighed. "If all the the black. curls peeping out, and here just before I was born. They Jewish children in the world," had no place to live. In the win. "a straigTit rather longish red and she said, "could read and write black striped dress and had bare ter, the colonists put them np in and speak as. much Hebrew as the barn or the cellar, and in^the legs with sandals. She had two you or as well, and knew h o w rows of silver and. red beads summer, that first year, theyj beautiful and fine our land is, lived in huts made of .eucalyptus "around her neck and. a silver ebon all the Jews would want to boughs and leaves. That is where be here and would buy you as "bracelet oh her left arm. 11 was born. Then we were given. much land as you wish." • " "Ruth," Bald mother, "can you tell the girls why you invited I the land where we now live, and "Not for you," said mother, the National Fund lent us money" "for themselves. The land of the them?" to build wooden houses. But my Jewish National Fund belongs to i Ruth hesitated. "In America," and some other men want-. the whole Jewish people." She said, "we have clubs, and I father better houses, so we worked Adapted from -"The Key," wanted to make a club here. I ed saved until we had enough JESSIE • E. SAMPTEB. could have asked the girls In and begin to build. Now that the "school, but I see them all- every to house is finished, we have ;••• day; so I thought I should like cement to work and save to pay off the Canadian Fascist <: t o ask you: Do you agree?" '• '" Hails Dismemberment "A Successful ; "What does one do at a club?" debts." Montreal ( J T A ) — Canadian Man and Taxpayer for It may seem to you that all this .asked Esther, the ^oldest and tall- time.the Fascist leader Adrien Arcand is boys, Benjamin and.Aki: cat- girl, 15 years old. 37 Years. vocal In approval of the dismemhad been quiet indeed for : ;. '-"One sings ! and folays games ba,' berment of Czechoslovakia. He Committed to s a eceacsssi boys. The reason is that they ' and tells stories and gives plays were not there. Soon after the avers, the country was and is a anti-elects a president and a sec- girls came, dad proposed to them, Moscow dominated state, bossed cal business & retary," anskered .Hath. they go with him to look a t behind the scenes by Jewish fin- txoa' and saso Isx? cssf crcc " I think that- would b e very that meat. the almond orchard he was think- anciers and internationalists. mrce," said littl© Miriam, only 8 ing of buying; and now they POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT years old. came back while Esther was • .".Suppose, theni we begin to speaking and perched attentively 8ing\" said mother. "Who taiows-on the veranda wall. When Ruth had invited the girls to come, she a song?" "->•• ;*'8hama knows lovely songs,"" had asked whether they wished their brothers also invited, for saidTSehama. ••.,-. : ^ ' A n d Hannah knows nicer Ruth:.liked to play with boys; but songs than I," Saama answered, they had answered that the boys pointing to another girl in a Ted would only tease and disturb • kerchief and dress. Then there -them. . _-. Akiba Speaks •'.'•-•.• w a s . a - l i t t l e girl t h e y , called Sara, also in red, and witlr bare feet, ' When Esther had finished • who would not talk or look up. speaking, Akiba raised his hand •-.. "And Sara sings very wen,*] ad- and inquired: "May I also say ded Shama. ."•.-'< something, although I am a boy?" "It seems all the girls in red Akiba Was a friend of Benjaknow how to sing," mother r e - min's who. had come to stay with • marked. "But why-is Sara so him over the week-end. They met when Benjamin visited the village quiet?" ; where he lived, the time BenjaThe Girl Prom Yemen ;. "She just came from Yemen a min and dad went for a trip ' : few •Weeks ago," Esther explained, through Galilee. , : "arid she can't talk Hebrew, only Mother said: "We have no ob'
-Good Shabbath, boys and girls of t h e Junior Jewish Press. Of coarse, the bins 3 . If. P . box is a familiar sight to you. Some place ID yoar homo there is t h e little bice box far you to put in the coins that vrlll redeem the Land ol Israel. AU - last week women have gone to the various homes collecting the money in the boxes to1 send to Palestine to bay more land. This -week, we are telling the story of t h e people who depend on t h e mosey yon pnt in your box, the people of Palestine.
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The BCIIOOS IF- being erected on, ter Tewflk bey Suwaldi declared Arab majority aad the Jewish Budget Committee has announchere upon arrival from London, and Christian minorities. A tbirfi ed. -The annual city-wide drive | a I&rgs tract of land in. Stablau, where he conferred with governstage to - the revised ' policy, sc- opens -November 14 but..n the | a. suburb oE Vienna, b;r esc Jewrs'isr.. rooctlr former doctors, ment leaders on the Arah,-Jewish coreiag to the dispatch, would be tae&ntime, important pre.imir conflict. The Iraq statesman, who either curtailment, or" eliminatio **"* ' C£.2."V£,e'SS an contacts are being' idV-yevf f.Rfi bnnin?Bptea.\ers, who1 made. More than E.000 men, and! are'reclaiming the land, putting The.wedding of Miss Tessie Co- was. met. by several members of of Jewish.immigration. ! woffie? vorkere will 'be er.r&PSG ! uv ferrr.cfcK r-Trf srhoo! building** hen^ daughter of Mrs. M. Cohen the Arab Defense Committee for jin the cssr.pE.igE. T-ken it Is in fui; !f ' T E f.CCMiop. to R^iicuUure, «he and-Abe- Hurowitz, son of Mr. Palestine, was to pay a short vis EWIE"" * "stiver•:?" v;.'l be- tf.usht carpe-Band Mrs. Phillip Hurowitz of Ver- It to Haj -Amin el Husseini, exil• million, S. p . , was solemnized a t ed ex-Mufti of Jerusalem living ' IiT'arrfYJiig'a! the bucket for! t ^ V 1\OKSC-V'^.UT>S, brick-laying 5'o'clock, Sunday afternoon a t in Syria, and then leave for Baghj use nest year, Mr. ffi^tt g?ic a-l&Et i'--«-'•--'-'-••••->•' __ 1 the, Beth Abraham synagogue, dad via Damascus. I tie-rough study o£ the neecs of j Rumors Spread' Regarding Rabbi - S: Bolotnikoy' and Cantor "\JE.U:of the ageEcies affiliated Vilfc-j RERG, Atty, ' Solution of Present Building A. P l i s k l n officiated a t t h e s e r - Baghdad (JTA) — I n a reperChest had beers issne. | — ( vice. • :.' • - - • ' • • • Disorders cussion of the conflict in PalesI :T'ORA.T10N Ot The bride was attired.in a street tine, three Jews were wounded T. TW •iTRTBUTINO i dress of dubonnet with matching when- terrorists threw a bomb into London (JTA) — The British accessories. She. was attended by the Kadoury Club. Two Jewish Cabinet was understood to have hy piven that the uno Mrs. Sam Kramer of Chamber- dignitaries disappeared following discussed the Palestine situation Newsm&n Socaks Before formed a corporation lain, S. D. Mr. Sam Kramer acted scattered attacks. but to have reached no final deNational Eracharistic • IH-V-P of the State «f The 'goblins vill be cr.t replete tc The local Workmen's Circle will as best man. cision because it did not yet" have Tl^p wfi-rnc oit t h e COFpOr* in convenf-iDEE-l Hollvvoo^ BISCKF >Tp;l-p5i1,;! Congress . 'The Annual Inter-Club Council be host to Joseph Baskin, generFollowing the ceremony, a wedpViarT'ip An'OMOTiVE DISTRIBUthe report of the Woodhead Come,Ed open-faced sfeirts for Jack TING CO5iJ'AKY. INC., Carnival, the o u t s t a y i n g event al secretary of the national or- ding dinner was served in the soWith US ; mission oa the proposed three-way Benny's Hallowe'en party over P'iP."'rn' f)iace of T"'iipiTi6H8 i n xho New Orleans (WNS)_ — A maof the. year,. and one •which r e - ganization, next Wednesday even- cial hall of the synagogue to 120 partition o£ the Holy Land offial Cit-"-' o " Omaba. Neb^-aska. Thegenthe NBC-Red rsetvork Sunds.;", tion-wide Catholic crusade celves the~co-operatlbn. and BUP-ing, November 3. .Mr* Baskin will guests. Among the out of town ••e o. : the business of'the Circles denied that the Woodhead all forms of intolerance was urged October EC. Et 7 p. m.. EST. (Re-e<-a! x port of every Jewish - organization speak a t a' dinner given- by theguest3 ^were Mr. and Mrs. Sam ••; pi>a] * <? to deal and trade Commission's report had yet been upon the National Eucharistic peat at S:SC-'p. m.i PST.) " ! «' in the city, will be held Monday Circle in the .Jewish Community Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ir cv.y and &11 kinds of aureceived by the Government and Apple-bobbing wifrbe the main \ f* accessorles, parts, vehicles Saltsrnmn Congress in a militant address by night, October 31, in the Audltor- Center that evening. '-.-.•" .-. . • ". U p s e y «f Chamberlain, S. D., Mr. termed "pare speculation" a Joseph V. Connolly, general man- feature of the even it; £ vith Anc'r - product!? either new or t.;m •oi' ium, Seventh and Douglas' street. Mr. Baskin," in addition, to be- and Mrs. Lou Eirenberg of Deltrr-fjp pnd (iea) In personal 1 story by ttte Daily Telegraph that De-rice fend. Don Wilson —" tli-sr t c Rabbi David H. Wice of Omaha ing the general secretary of the ager of the .Hearst Ee^spapers. ,OIHSS and descripmont; Mr. Herman Eirenberg of o f v w The doork will open a t ' 7:30 the report contained a plan for a Connolly ' told the ' great Catholi sre feuding, rou know •— holflir.g omie'-fn 1 with the objects o'clock, and dancing, games,-raf- organization. Is the editor of-Its Armour; Mr. a n d Mrs. B. Norin- was guest speaker at t h e B'na unified Palestine State'. eEcfe assemblage that 'iihe army of in-1 i o E other's heads beaeeth vp.rer foresaid to purchase, mortgage, sell. He issky of Yankton, S. D., Mr. andB'rith meeting Monday evening b fles,-and refreshment-booths will perodical .''The Friend." en ugn , 4 ? r J t n o tt o ' r a & 1 : ! or otherwise acquire and dispose o( entertain those who attend. The also a -member of • the National Mrs. Max Harlow of Vermillion; Further plans were made for the According to the Telegraph, the tellSgent.American public "opinion ! E r 9 . real pvopery-, and *o do anything committees in charge are. planr Executive Committee of the "Ort" Mr. Morris Wisott of Watertown, Council meeting to be held No- plan envisaged by the Woofihead must be marshalled cow to re- j ^ f a t h e r difference one vzs o, p.nd erf-i"-t!5!np necessary or incidenvember 20. P a u l Veret-, diand was instrumental in organizCommission as a substitute for dedicate this- great democracy, or j tal to the com'.uoi- of the business of Mr. Ed Silbert of Yankton, S. D., ning to accomodate a n unusually Mary Livingstone has o.evisec. e the coriiorntion. The authorized cap, large attendance as a result of ing the General Jewish Council of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bates, Miss Dor- rector of the Omaha Jewish Com Peel CcEinissioa's partition proita" fico.'k of i"ie corporation shall be munity Center, will lead the open ssiart shroisd for .her personal the co-ordinating Committee. posal contains the following fea- ours to the principles'of religions othy Merriss of Vermillion, Mr. the success of the ticket commit' S5.O00 ('(', consistiiifc' of SO shares o£ Mr. Basklh came-to'.ihe United Rubin Bird of Hartington; Mr. forum for that meeting. tures: (1) A united Arab-Jewish freeficm and .tolerance upon -which get-up, ^'tdl& Kecnj- Baker isr r ngctee.-. : : • • • • _ . ;_. -.- | the. Dar vp,lue o'r SlOfi.OO each, and The next B'nai B'rith meeting State, with population, at s status CUT forefathers fo-aadesi these Icg to come as Cinderella's • *„*,.; I vni.-h shall be full?' paid for and nonAn attractive program book -Is States' from: Russia, •'• graduated •and" Mrs. . Dave Predetsky, Nate pkin coach in order tc save will be a joint meeting with the quo; (2) close restriction of allUnited 'States." ' ^sopfisg;,(,-> v.-h«.T issued. The corporaof . Nanby, .Hurowitz of • Pender; Mr. and being mailed this •• week, j -to: a l l from t h e University, ; tion yhpM commence business as of Jewish families i n Sioux;City a n d France. fle has servedlhe' Work- Mrs. Sam Rivin,<Winnebago, Neb; Hadassah on November 7 a t the immigration, -with probably an In- "Warning' that the eouatry is fare from his home to tne stud- October IS. IR-^S- and shall continue ... Mr. and,-Mrs. Jack Slutsky, Thurs- Large Eagles hall. territory. •..'.•' ' , •'':.-..- ;-...;•" <men's Circle since 1J915. terim suspension; (3) continu- "multiplying the elements of dan- ios. Phil-Karris isn't telling, but for 8. period o\ 50 years thereafter. •5rord "has leaked out that he- vTil The hifrlie!" p.mount. of indebtedness ' VFrom Slou?r;.Oityi. Mr. Baskin ger by our inaction, by our' selftonr. .sMr. Max Felman a n d ance of the British administraMr. A . M:' Davis ia-chairman, of to vhich th*> corporation shall at anygo to LincblPi, .as a guest.-of daughter, E v a of Pipestone, The Cultural group of Hadas- tion; (4) stern action for restor- ishness and by our. apathy, if cot ceine fiisgeised as a musician. the Carnival. Milton Bolsteln a n d -Will time EuV.ject i-seU', siiall not exceed the lodge in that city, _ Minn., .Mr. and Mrs. Gussman and sah met Monday evening a t theation of order throughout Pales- by cur ignorance," Connolly said two-thirds oC l\\f. capital stock, but L.. J . Kaplan a r e advertising "that if the Christians of Europe, family-of Akron, Iowa; Mr. and home of Mrs. Morris Grossman. this restriction shal' not include intine; (5) drastic means to check c h a i r m e n ; Mrs. E . E . Baron i s in debtednesB, secured by mortgages or Mrs. M. Elsberg, of Spencer, l a . anti-British, propaganda. •" '•STExned of the diabolical paganism charge of t h e merchandise comliens. The business oC the corporabehind Nazi and Communist" perAfter a short wedding trip, Mr. m i t t e e ; Dr.- Delia' Galinsky, a d A regular meeting of the Agution phaS: be conducted by a Board The British Zionist Federation secutions, had acted-as Christians Hurowitz and his bride will make dus Achim lodge will be held of Direotny-F of not i**s«s than two. nor mission tickets; a n d E . N . G m e and fought-fct the protection oJ called a.series o£ meetings in the mo:-e than live members, to be electtheir home a t Alcester, S. D. skin, floor a r r a n g e m e n t s . R a l l i e s Thursday, November 3 . ef] af the anm^al meeting-. The off/ccapital for nest week to protest .the persecuted of snj' creed, xsada r e zander t h e direction of M r s . ers of the corporation shall be a presTTOG1<J cot'cow- burn a crncfMrs. Abe Epstein and Miss BesN a t h a n Goldus a n d . Mrs.. S a m The annual "Rummage Sale" any departure from the Balfour snen i<!ei\t. •'-ice-president, secretary and fix in Cardinal innitzer's palace, The Jewish. National Pund sie: Epstein presided at a tea Sun- will be held October 31 and No- Declaration. treasurer, any tv.-o of "which offices K a p l a n . . • - • • ' . ' • : • -'•:... imprison innocent priests, and mEj' be heic oy the same person, and The carnivar. la the "one project Council is making-plans for the"day; afternoon, at the Warrior ho- vember 1 a t 333 West Broadway Report Parleys elected by the "Directors from their nuns, defile holy .monks and drive to raise funds for fourteen local .visit here of Rabbi Louis J . Sch- tel,: honoring Miss Mollie Epstein Anyone who has not been called Havas News Agency said a little Catholic children from their mimtier. The directors may enact organizations, arid is directed by wefel on November; 9. .R&bfel Scli- a; bride elect. u Mrs. Max Rosen- is asked to collect any salable trustworthy source informed it schools." wefel,- who. is-:a speaker arid .Kc-' stack and Mrs. Philip Kalin pre- possessions, to be picked up. • the Inter-Club Council. ;-,-.v.f that Colonial Secretary MacbonConnolly told the congress thai furer of note, .recently returned sided a t the^ tea table. Mrs. Emil ald was holding secret parleys "every instrument /of : Catholic from Palestine.-His-visit "to Siduk Levich,- Mrs. Lester Goldman, The Emesel club entertained with emissaries yf Haj Amin el power and force must be co-ordi- tra: hundred young: men viti stockholders by a majority vote of City is a part of his tour, through- Mrs. Martin Falk, Miss Gussie Tuesday evening a t a Halloween Husseini, exiled ex-Mufti of Jernated in defense-of our Sacred be. able to iearn. a trade before t h * ouSstanding stock represented at out the middle-western states in Sekt and Miss Ruth Marx also as- costume party held at the home usalem. • American institutions. The brains cEJgTaiicg- • '.o other lands, ac-t h e m e e t ™ § A K I ^ s R^ H E R B E R T j the interests of • the Roosevelt sisted.- - - . i . of Miss Shirley Gershun. Bunco Unflinching restoration of or-and the strength of Catholics cording to a cable receives here j "DAVID D. "\VEINBEG. Golden Book, a. tribute being furnished: the evening's entertain- der and protection of the Jews al- must- be employed to expose and by the American ORT Federation, j io-2s-ss-4t planne'd by t h e national organizaIncorporatorsv Mrs. L. Chesent entertained a ment " ready in Palestine was advocated denounce and \vipe oEt not only tion to President:Roosevelt in te-_ group.of friend Wednesday evenThe perdiBsion "was prsuted afColor .schemes and decorations as British policy by Winston anti-Semitism 'but also anj r form =1, KL.UT2NICK W E E i cognition of,bia cqnyening. the- In- ing, honoring Mrs. Morris GoldThe: regular, meeting of the ternational Conference ;pf.32 Eurwere carried out in the idea of Churchill in. the event t h e propos- of intolerance wherever It "lifts its ter a plea by Professor Keitrich K E l LEV, Atty*. S t a t e Bank Bldg. ECO Council of Jewish'Women 'will- be- opean and" r>American Govern- berg, a ..recent bride. Halloween. Bunco prizes were ed partition, of the Holy Land is head,-because if no other lesson Neiimacn, noted throat specialist, vriuo is new head ot an ORT Com- j held Tuesday.. afternoon, • Ndyeinv ments to consider:the plight of the won by Peart Meyerson and Mariabandoned. Writing in the Daily 5ATTT5L MORTGAGE i KC OF C her 1, following a'desserf lunch-* refugees., " . : • - - ' • " . - ;^ ' . : ';Misses.Mary and Ida Edelman lyn Saltzman. Thelma Passer was Telegraph, the noted statesman •vfere needed," the history of themittee in Vienna. SALE entertained Wednesday > evening past five years proves that. one eon,at 1:30. An open b'6ard meet* awarded the prize for wearing the The J . N. F., Council is plan- honoring : Mrs. Rudy Schlinder, a most unique and outstanding cos- also urged that assurance be giv-injustice begets another, and the '• ' " "W f-'\en t h a t on the ing "will he featured a t the-.meeten the Arabs that the annual man. who attacks a Jew, attacks recent bride. The party was given ning a meeting for November ?,' i \-^Ptnb«»i. 193S. a t 10 hepi-F Ful r1 r r 768 Brsns*e r ing, when discussion of the Countume. r r Jewish immigration would not Te S Riekes & Sons, 1 TIC E OF "Mr~ T '«'"i'i\ ) cil plans and business will "be at -which time the :Jewish. Com-: at the Sioux Tea Shop. Chairman of the party was Lib- exceed a certain -figure for a t a Christian. And u-cless the 'Chris• i ! • <">t Omaha, Nebratian is, a f olio-wer of Christ in deed thrown open to the general mem- munity of Sioux City win have i ' '-icrnef v i n sell a t pubby Grossman; invitation commit1 Cantor A. Pliskin has returned tee, Edythe Bubb, Nprma Seldin least a decade. the opportunity to hear Rabbi as yrpll as name, and fights in de-.r:^. . \ ; , " i •••' h.phest bidder for bership. •-.-.'•'to Sioux City after a two months Schwefel speak. There will • be no h II i ii p. Serial No. Sfense of the Jew or any persecctr Notice is h^-elHostesses for the meeting -will and Lucille Abrahamson; pro1 ' or i i , -> bojMter, Seniar No. he is not a eon dersi^rned h r ? f 1 Ottawa (JTA)—A source very ed minority group, he Mesdames Sam Kaplan, Harry solicitation.ol funds a t this meet- engagement in Denver, Colorado. gram committee, Bettie Gross' 7>iinionr> Filters'and 1 ; tog-ether l o r t h e pi ~j,r,ec - , -.-,, j : <• Goldstein, Ben Schulein, Ben ing. man, Marilyn Saltzman and Ar- close- to the British Government of God; he has ignored the first : c o r p o r a t o n v i n e - T C L--"oi ! - .0v e on .t><•> <• \\ ,• pr Softener, Ser.'i u'.f b\ chattel tnorSekt, Ike Levin, M. Blank, Morlenee Krasne, and refreshment said that a ''status quo solution" teachings of Jesus Christ." -'-. *'' l a w s of t r ^ f ^ ' - e (jr > f h « ~ k i •• c r '!,f imdersigned and Tlie n a m e of thj«- co~r--f i •>- -i>"l ris Skalovsky, Adolph Rosenfeld, committee "was Rhoda Krasne and would be decided upon by Great "/Inner Wholesale James Gang, Si Rich, Victor Mazr Shirley Gershun. Brtialn in the Palestine situation. i i ^ i rno-icajfe is dated R E A U , I N C . £irl '" T ' - r c ' i 1 ' ! n " f 1 ie and M. Rocklin.• •" :• : t - : Such a solution, it was declared, . i nnd w a s filed in o£ b u s i n e s s sh^il b e Oivz r-t.. iSco~a--'Plans were made a t t h e H a d a s " ' - '" mnty Clerk of Plans are being made. by the k a . T h e grerf-£. r ' * i : - > o h " " • ' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kubby an- would be regarded a s ; a decided > ' " ^ " •> ''>=ka, on the! 25 n e s s of t h i s c n r c r ' ->r « F 1 no , , t f Councillor the study group in sah Board nieeting Tuesday^;for nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their victory for the Zionist ciuse. J-'aid sale will g e n e r a l coiie "• ' i ; '"• r • C .< •> contemporary J e w isk . Affairs, the Visit of Mrs. Erllch t o Sioux nephew, Selwyn Danny, son of the i • • ' .1^* r» 'nreclosingr said n a s s xmdert^i. T ~ S ?1 , P L itfi-^^ ' ^ • To .meet the needs..ia'-15S9 o* City on November 15. 'The board r 1 •which will be under the leaderl a t e . Ida Kubby Cogan, a t the New York (JTA) — The New the 29 agencies affiliated . o - > ri pale and 8Cthe receiving- i ' i c1"PI1" ^T n n e mr Bti with. nieeting preceded t h e regular • L > , f.n the purirose of ^agres a n d e.T < c" r E K ^ P O P o T>ship^-of Rabbi H. R. Rabinowlta. r Chevra. B'nai Yisroel synagogue, York Herald Tribune reported the- Coinmii&ity Chest the people nf . inii.i r o w due thereMrs. A. H. Baron and Mrs. Bart meeting and luncheon in the JewSaturday morning, October 29.' from London that the Cabinet of, Omaha will be asfeed to coni i N r puit or other a consld^-r ^n* . *~ n ' - ^ p - ' i r m p 1 liline are chairmen of this group. ish Community Center. All friends and relatives are in- had decided en a reversal of Brit- tribute a . total.of |577,;ES.£6, cfor i ii i p been instie r n i n . ? : t h e <, e l ± f- t - i •- J . i n i i i i i (Continued From Page 1) Announcement was also made The Council class for Catering vited. f B£1E, firms rrz c m ^ * i w tc i*'" T-e,,,-,. f r;K* debt o r any Casper Y. O'latt,.' ch£irEJEH of surging toward the gates volunish policy to appease the Arabs of .theHadassah card party on r •will hold Its first session Monday sen and deal *~ EBCL- z e«- o e^-e-' tarly evacuating from the area. - T - r rr g & g 0 N S and restore peace in Palestine. November -16, with Mrs. Jack &s.tc?e; and t r In.; . c v . ] --«• ,--.. afternoon,. October 3 1 ; a t 3115 At the annual Baby Show held Food Brought 1- —»>,«.-. KHitznick ft KelReva Sherman Quoting -authoritative Whitesell Fwfty real r - pp-«."ir" p-^r"—— » " • E-EN E. 'KASL.OWSKY, A«crney o'clock i n Central High. School. Robinson and-Mre. on Wednesday, October 19, Miss : business. v.-;t- r c v » - tr- r ^ - » r r *iTruckloads of food supplied by chairmen.*•• . • . .. ball circles, the Tribune said the Mrs. Leo Chaikln, chairman . of Thelma Passer was chosen to be I army and Christian Institufirst step in carrying out the NOTICE OF AOMlNiSTKATICN. | ertj\ Thk c, this group announces that - the•-'•" Mrs. W, C. Slotsky "presided, a t the tions -were coming in for t h e re- "Miss Council Bluffs." new policy -would be abandonclass is limited t o 25- members. the meeting and • lnncheon,." The lief of Christians and Moslems, !n <be Cinjrts- Coi»rt o l r>nuiriajf PCrsitiOTi .Ehr r She was awarded with a diament of partition, in return for County. Nebraska: into 100 shs r« Tho course is for-ten weeks, and. invocation -was given '• f)7, 'Mrs. while the" Council of the Jewish mond ring and a Loving Cup. m the ' Matter of the Estate o; $7.00. f»0 each, fc i 1 which the Arabs would be expectanyone interested In joining is. Mark. SabeL^ :.RabhOY N ; .Le^7is Community was giving provisions Amanda CErls^n, Ueceassfi. , be corrrr.oh '-' was t h e BpeaBer.--. '•'.•• " asked to communicate. rHlthj-Mrs.. Mrs. Dan Hill and daughter. ed, to end the .rebellion. This AJJ-persons Iriterested in s&ii estat* chall - b e ' i t Nuns of the convent Mra. Slotaky wOl: attend., the to-the-Jews." would be followed by strengthenChaiken. • • .-...••.'....-. , . : are herebv notified that a jjctisiiro | *issessaDie. Selm a, of Lincoln were Monday Sisters, of Zion described the Arab National Hadassah Comreritibn t o populace ing and expansion of the British has been -fSed la said. Court a.l!»cins I -commence bi • as "'starving" during the guests a t the home of Mr. and 3am,: said deceased <iie* leavtss ne the articles " . • C be .held :Moriday, October 3 1 In St.; bands' reign. Mrs. Morris Grossman, where administration In Palestine, iMth that test «rr.!-end- praying -for sfiministrii-! I>oafrlas v..oir%' lasin; Louis...-. -. -,-. . .• . eventual establishment of a unim v.poTi his e s t a t e , a n « t h a t a hear- I <^>n»-r.ne u n t . . weep Brigadier-General Grant, com- Mrs. Grossman is convalascing fied "independent** State under ti ing- -Rill be had on said -petition oe- highest amoL-ii mander of the occupying troops, from a recent operation. British supervision and with full fore sen! court on ifee Eth. cJar of e t ^o «rne f Hospitality Night will be the ordered the troops to remember N'ovember, 1SS8, an?J that if they fail] paicS-c.p- cp.ptHerb Rosenthal, student at the protection for the rights of the o appear theme of. the service- a t Shaai-e that 95 per cent of the people in a t saJd Court on the said I the corporatif-n pp of r>i-p( - • Zion Synagogue tonight, when tne University of Nebraska at Linthe Old City were harmless, that 5th d a y .of November. 193S, a t t i a BoarcS The first meeting of the Youth : rorr> t^p ^ Friday evening services a r e re- Council ; was. held; in the Jewish the area, was full of women and" coln, spent the week»end with his o'clock A.lM. to contest said' petsttr.r. ] ^ a T l d EII« j officers of "-- Court nay crant 'the same M ji} sider.t. it r C J the sumed. Dr. Moses Jung of Iowa Community Center. ^Thursday, eje- children and that the object of parents. grar.t administration of said e City will be the guest speaker nlng; Avhen the Council "was '6r- the troops was to kill and capture s.r*d trc-.Pt; to Agnes Barwicfe cr some c'ber heve'a coi during the service^whlch will-:be- •ganized and iplana: for.Jthe ;yearB a. small .-nucleus of gangsters and abls . rsoT! s.nsJ proceed 'to & pe gln promptly'at' 8 o'clock; Can-" activitlesmade;" • " ; ' : ' "• ; J l " desperadoesl ;He warned that lootAs a candidate for the state ment thereof. ' • -• ctivitlesmade;. -....-. ; : . ; . l ~Ti.,C>" 1 " ing and taking of souvenirs "would tor Morris Okun; and'an" augmentEKTCE- CSAWrOR ; legislature from the Sixth DisThe C6unciliJsi.co.mppsed o^.the be vigorously suppressed and urged and • reorganized ch'olr will 1 trict, Sam Klaver states he bepresident and adyisqr of.the: fol- ed, particular care to avoid action chant, the service. • ' " - . - ' . WILTON R. FROKM lieves that the people of that dislowing -' organisations,; A.;z.^ A., 1CD4 - Omaha • Nat'I.' Bank B i d j . Following the service, a recep- Junior ' Hadassah;.•-.Intermediate against the- mosques unless they trict have t h s right to know e s were a source of enemy fire. He tion will .he held. Tne service^ is Dramatic ^Club, Snb-Debs,'EplnrOmaha's first championship actly whre he stands -apon more r J>~ z— - • C f - - ' OF PSOSATE OF WiLE. { particularly dedicated, to" all n e w - nm, A. W.' R.y Los Airiigas,"Ueb- ordered medical care for the Arab pro-football game of. two bona important question that are cer- .NOTICE la -the CoontF Co>2rt of X>oUfclas- j wounded, rebels a s -well a s civil1 comers^ newly-weds, new - mem- TSS, TToung; Jndeana, Jewish Art! fide grid machines of. Ail-Amer- tain to cocae up in the 1939 leg- County, Nebraska. ians. Tn the Matter of the,Estate of 5sbers.. Everyone' is invited t o a t -Theater. ican, Big Ten, and Big Six stars islative session. :. .* rsel IjOndon, X>ecease<2. tend the' service and reception. will play a t Creighton Stadium, Jaffa Entered "But before I go any further I All -persons iuterertefi In said esMrs.- Milton Mushkin and: Mrs- ; T h e Intermediate. rt» Tama.Uc. Jerusalem (JTA, — British November 27, Nebraska All-Stars believe that the people of Oxaa-ba tate are herefcr nosified that a. petil Mordy Lipshutz. are in charge of. Club *wfll, Tneet jOiis'. af ternoqn, vs. Iowa All-Stars. tion has been filed- m said Court, •forces this week; extended their - at; and of Douglas county are entitl- praying- for the probate cf a csrta'n 'the reception arrangements; •..- .:..the Centers for ,ita'regular i-ineet-^ operations, announcing entry into The game will be played for theed t o decide for themselves what instrument, now on file In ssia Court. Tomorrow afternoon, the Oneg. tog. '•;."".:-• .-•.-•.v -fV:;V~" : : "'--' " bandit-infested Jaffa and the kill- benefit of the House of the Good purporting to be the last -win e.rrf J : kind of government they want, Shabhot of ShaareZion Auxiliary ing . o£. many rebels In engage- Shepherd. testament o? ss.S3 "Seceaseu,' and "thst •will- be- held in the homer'of ;Mr." .'• 'The next-Center-Dance Is Bciied-- ments,.-while continuing the mop- Art Daniels of Des Molnes, what officials tbey desire to elect a hearing -will be had on- said petiand-Mrs. Ben Sherman, 1508 nled- for-November 5. This is" the ping u p of rebels in Jerusalem's manager of the Iowa All-Star and how they want to spend their tion before Es.!d Cpurt .on the 12th. fiar cf November,' 'ISIS,' and thst if Douglas Street. Dr. Jung will'be second' in. the-series -of; Saturday Old City after last week's occupar team and president of the North- own tax o'oneyi" fall to-appear af said Court on ."For instance I believe that the they the guest speaker and singing-will night dances .sponsored by-' t h etlon. Arab casualties' over the western pro-football league in a the said 121h'6ar of November. 1S3S, ; be led by'Cantor Okun. people of Douglas county should ,t, 9 o'clocte A. M.. 'to "contest the telegram today"-said: week, end totalled 40. Center^.-;: •'... ' : -. Tb,e' Junior ' Congregation -firin ' "Omaha is going to be pleasant- have the right to vote t&poa -whe- probsts of said trSll,. the. Ccwrt raay Terrorism had not been entirealldw and probate ssifi will &nd grcnt :w € hold Us opening service'tomorrow ly suppressed In Jerusalem, f An ly surprised a t the fine' game that ther or not they -want a. consol- aflia!n!stration cfssJfl estate to "K;!1.sor i morning' a t 10:30 o'clock. ReArab employee of the Government they will witness, a s the Iowa idation of city and county -gov-' ton H- SVohjn or'scJme other dr!table een's freshiiipnts will be served by Mr. district office and his brother team has 35 players in uniform eraraents, or to make a s y other person, eater a '.oe^ree - o* helrship, h se and Mrs.' Mifte Sherman, in.honto-.a settlement thereof. shot dead near t h e Eastern working out daily a t West High change In. the prepent county and proceedBRTCE CRATTFORI>, Rabbi • Theodore N. Lewi3 ."Will •rare >ve. S or of Mrs. Sherman's recovery, •; stadium here" in Des Moines." system."—ADV. gate. The bullet-riddled bodies of 10-21-SS-St County Jucgs. was Rabbi Rabinowitz spoke Jast speak on "The F^oqd" at^ the reg- three. other Arabs were found In his telegram Daniels listed the week a t the - Mid-west Regional ular service J a Mount Sinai' Tem.- last -weefc. Two Arabs attacked many outstanding football playC o n f e r e n c e - , of thes Women's plo tonight., v . , ' •with an., axe and critically wound- ers, who have made history oa league, 'held in "Minneapolis.^ '&, •-. Wednesday;evening'; RabDI Lew-f e d . a Jewish . immigrant from the gridiron, on the Iowa team. Is addressed a dinner-meeting at permanent organization was ef-Germany. Curfew waB reduced fected and next years conference the -Whitfield Methodist Church, both i n the Old City and New City Jews lived • in Lithuania as and Sunday evening-he ;wDl speak •will be held- in Omaha. Twenty of Jerusalem. The Damascus and early as the eighth ceatuiy. at a meeting of the Men's Club at communities were represented. Jaffa gates .were re-opened,, but Sioux' City -was . represented by the First Methodist Church.•, Duke Wilhelm Ludwig was passers-by were searched. Mrs. Mever Shubb. • One of the stories of heroism forced to renounce his rights to : The flrot of the series of book E t Beth Abraham' which emerged from the events the throne of Bavaria.upon his reviews to be given by Rabbi RaIn the Old City was the account marriage in 1869 to Henriette binov/itz will be held November 7 Friday evening'services will be- of. the activities of the Hadassah Mendel. . ~ f ' , r . at the Jewish Community "Center gin- a t 51'30' o'clock: and Saturday .Medical Organization. .Throughat, 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Mpreyl.Lip.- morninffati9 o'clock. Rabbi-S. I. out the week, Hadassah - nurses, I' nhutz and Mrs. ' Dave. 'Shermari Bolotnikbv will"speak during t h e notably Miss Chaya Zaslowsky . ( - , . „ . %., f -, ; are in .charge. •' . . ' . -. (Saturday-morning services. » « t i ; ;r. f ; : : '..and Miss Chaya ~:j~ -% ; S ; "' r i el Brori, braved '•111) gunfire t o bring relief to the JewV. - s- ; " f-' ish, quarter and carry on health ! MosassJS: Sinai Sisterhood.' work. During the hottest fighting' The November meeting o£ the The ^irst regular meeting of they brought irater to troops on ©ALL OUTDOOR AOWITsES ' Temple Sisterhood will be held the A. Z: A.-chapter for:this cea- the" battle-line* distributed powdii' -- • nest Friday, following a one son was held. last. week a t the ered milk from house to house for ©HEALTH GIVING h^ o'clock luncheon. Dr. Eugenfe Jewish Community Center, when infants and tried to alleviate the WATEP.SC Aa cc-.i..-s Klelnpell .of Mornlngside College plans for i a. theater party ' were panic among Jewish residents.. J irill be the guest speaker. E>r: discussed, and plans were begun r ~--j<lainpell Is also .president'of the for tho regional A. Z. A. conferSeeg Problem Near Solution e n . Raiss K ! J C L - ; i'[r i c -„«• X. ence-to bs.feeMhere-to December; ' ' International Relations Club. • Beirut (JTA) The crucial e czr • /• ^t : Dr. Delia Galina&y will preside Palestine problem Is rapidly neartingle. VyriJa fs? Patronise Our- Advertisers' ' a t the luncheon and Mrs; Dave Al* Bolution, Iraq Foreign MinisWJIT. r." '* ' bort, vdember of t h e .program committee t?ill introduce' the mm* is'ir.fTirr , speaker. The Invocation will fca *?lvea by Mrs. B. Aronsolm. llrs. •' Fred HerzofE is in-charge o£,flie WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS decorations. .T.Irs. Louis He^ger o Scbrafff t> Chocolates . © Mario!, Coosto i" , nnd :.Irs. Louis Agraaof£ are in • Q Coaada Drj? Gio&or A!o " end Haffwootc* Cisoro ' cliarea of the lunclieoa srranse. o Fcla4af£ Beer , » \jJ-4- l., J--)tt,U*. S I S S o . 1 3 t b Sfcreoe • Al 4 2 S 2 Hr*(x f-i i S S O U ^ £ -V&tronizQ -Our- Advsrti3ers
Jack Kallowe^en
jewisfc Haiidi&al to 'Present &cturer
Chest •
Shaare Zidri*
Pro-Football Game . to Benefit House ,o£ Good Shepherd
mi I -
o Because it's churned from ' Sweet Cream