November 4, 1938

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r A SCHUIi For the sake of Jewish life Mr. Segal -goes to the luncheons and dinners that are given In connection, -with money-getting drives. For $1.25 Mr. Segal is allowed to Entered as Second Class Mail Matter oa January 31, 1S31, at OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1938 sit at a table -with four or Jive Postofflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under ths Act or March 3. 1S79others and tafee roast beef, peas, ice cream and coffee. In time the chairman clinks a teaspoon against his coffee cup and then JEWISH COMMUNITY Ul Mr. Segal gets speeches. CENTER pr • Yet after it Is all over he is Reccrd Concert No. 2 t aware only of his stomacli being WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER P. weH-siippliedi He couia have done S P, 31. j u a t a s Tirell at Podgy Weihe's, 1. J. S. BACH: Suite Xu. £ in which i s thB cafe around the corA meeting of the Jewish Wom- Ganz, Mrs. Albert Lew, Mrs. HenB M i n 0 r—Cbic££o Symner-from the office and -where en's Division of the Omaha ComNewman,. Mrs. Goldphony Orchestra. -lir. Segal regularly takes his munity Chest will be held on "Wed- ry stein, Mrs. Joseph kinsman and P a u l V e r e f t o B e P r i n c i p a l 2. BEETHOVEN: Piano. Consandwich a t noon.. To Address B'nai B'rith on nesday, November 9, a t noon in Mrs. Lazar Kavich. certo Nu. i in G Kinor—ArBut to" Mr. Segal's soul there the tenth floor auditorium of the S p e a k e r a t Affair Work of Jewish NaAbe Venger, Captain; Mrs. thur Schaabel acd the Lonl a s been no accretion of Jewish Brandeis Stores. The meeting S. Mrs. S u n d a y tional Fund Mrs. Samuel Green, don Symphony Orchestra. life a t all. though the speakers ill immediately follow Sirs. Ruth Mrs.Teper, Howard Milder, Mrs. David i did their best to make him feel tfeuhaus' final lecture. Ten years of esistecc eas an A. H. Brown and Mrs. E. B. Seiner. On Monday- evening, November Jewish. They told him about all Mrs. David Sherman is chairMrs. Ben Shapiro, Captain; Z. A. chapter will be marked by the horrors ot being a Jew; so 7, Rabbi Louis X. Schwefel, who man of this division. Mrs. H?-'1d Pollock, Mrs. MasSam Beber chapter Sunday when that when he departed from the will be in Omaha in t h e interests Assisting her as majors a r e : ^ \ Louis Sogolow, Mrs. it observes its tenth anniversary festive hoard Mr. Segal gave him- of the Jewish National Fund, will Mrs. Morris Linsman, Mrs. J. with a banquet snti dance at the self to sinful musings: "Whats speak before the meeting of the Blank* Mrs. Julius Stein, Mr*-: "v^*' ".<• T and Krs. • Mickey- Jewish Ccm-nmnity Center. Paul really the sense to keep on being Omaha lodge of B'nai B'rith. vv Harry Rosenfeld and Mrs.^ *^ - ^ i n Brodfcey, Captain; Veret, executive director ol tHe A luncheon, in. honor of Rabbi Jewish? For -what?" . C. Levin. ^ - ' " fc. v ". , , - n d Greenberg, Mrs. Leon- Jewish Coraxatnity Center, will be The following ar,o-' £* ' « - If for these thoughts a bolt °t ,_>-Segal, Mrs. Harry Silverraan, guest speaker. his division: lightning struck Mr. Segal dead The celebration will begin with -Jflrs. J. Malashock and Mrs. liobMrs. Morris -Linsn, _,.-+-,' he.shouldn't be surprised. _ a banquet at 6:oO p. m. Ior active ert Kooper. Mrs. Phillip Levey, i, -jor. . Or, ior the sake of Jewish Ufe, members, alumni and advisors of Sirs. J . Blank, Major. Mrs. David Blacker^--Captain; he goes to temple on occasions. Mrs. Samuel Steinberg, Cap- •the chapter with.the following as Mrs. Sam Wolf, Mrs. William Ra- tain; Mrs. A. Hoffman, Mrs. J. R. honored guests: Henry Monsky, Then he is always disappointed in cusin, Mrs. William Levey and Cohn, Mrs. David Brovrrt and Mrs. international president of B'nai Mass Expulsjoins K&lted crhimself, though he isn't exactly Mrs. B . A. Simon. sure who is at fault. Mr. Segal B'rith; Sam Be-'ber, president of Julius Abrahamson. Two Governsaests Mrs. Hubert Sommer, Captain; la essentially religious; this is to Mrs. Cy Silver, Captain; I.Irs. the Supreme Advisory Council of Mrs. Mas Guttman, Mrs. V. M. Mo Raznick, Mrs. Richard Wright, A. Z. A.; William Holzman, pres«ay he can get reverential in the presence of such a manifestation Mrs. E. A. Meyer, Mrs. Harry Per- ident of the Jewish Community tie (JHA)—Whiie as a starlit sky. He goes to the Center; Dr. A -Greenberg, past lik and Mrs. Harry Steinzieg. i mass expulsion o£ Polish temple with heart wide open to Mrs. John Faier, Captain; Mrs. president of District 6 Grand from Germany was halted pending receive divine afflatus; he should Sam Blotcky, Mrs. Mas Coha, Lodge of B'nai B'rith; I. F. Good- outcome of Berlin-Warsaw nesolike to feel as he does on some Mrs. Meyer Stern and Mrs. Elmer man, treasurer of the Supreme tiations. reports to the Jewish Tel-starlit nights. -Advisory Council; and Dr. Leon Gross. egraphic Agency indicated the; • But in the temple he gets the Mrs. Al Briet, Captain; Mrs. I. Fellinan, vice presidect oi Omaha 15.000 persons had been driver uncomfortable feeling of being at W. Rosenblatt, Mrs. S. B. B ester, B'nai B'rith lodge-No. 354. across the border into Poland beAdvisory Board a polite reception to God. Mr. Miss Bess Blank and Mrs. H. -Silwere Also honored Sunday win he fore the deportations Segal doesn't like receptions anyber. stopped. r way, except bar mitzvah recepMrs. Al Wohlner, Captain; Mrs. the advisory board of the chapter Deportees who had not yet 1 I * tions at which cocktails are Herman Auerbach, Mrs. J. J. which includes: I. Danskr, chairserved. It is one of the holidays Members Inscribe Names Greenberg, Mrs. David Goldstein, man; Milton Frohm, Haskell Co- crossed the frontier were beiur L t ( t t t V I j r. , and the temple has invited God Mrs. Paul Veret, Mrs. Leo Mar-hen, Dan Lintzmaa, and Alfred returned to their homes to awa t n ," r as Pledge of Continued Tor the morning, and the ladies cus, Miss Blanche Zinnsau and Frank I. Dansky will. be toast- result -of the conversations to repSupport master for ths banquet. Past ulate the status of Polish Jews :r " are displaying their new fall outMrs. William Pollack. U!1 Germany. Fate of the 15,000 alaleph godols who are certain to airs. Julius Stein, Major. fits. . At a special ceremony to be : Mrs. Joe Goldware, Captain; attend are Frank Ackerinan, Lou- ready driven into Poland w£ F wMrs. Zilch has a very tall, colorRabbi Louis J . Stfwefel held Thursday, November 10, at Mrs. Harry Marks, Mrs. Afes Kas- is Canar, Max Novak, Harold Sel- also to be determined by the neful feather in her hat. Mrs. Glutz s 6:30 p . m . at the Jewish Comgotiations. insky, Herbert Forbes, and Joe new ensemble- is something that Schwefel will be helfl on Monday munity Center members of the lotrsky, Mrs. Joe Lcrkis, Mrs. Guss. The banquet -will be lollcwReports reaching here frorr compels every female eye. (The at 12:15 for member "of the'Jew- Omaha unit of the Junior Hadas- Meyer Katzman and Mrs. J. Bern- ed by a fiance. various frontier posts where U-z lady behind Mrs, Segal is saying, ish National- Fund. Reservations sah will inscribe their names to a stein. A feature of the 'banquet -will Mrs. Henry Belxnont, Captain; deportees were concentrated £~ev "She always looks stunning. ) may be made by calling the Jew- scroll to be sent to Palestine as a Mrs. Max Barish, airs. Arthur be the presentation, of EH award a picture of Nazi barbarism at KF Mrs. Gump is looking prettier ish Community Center or Atlan- pledge of continued support. to the outstanding member of the Conn, Mrs. Harry A. Cohen, Mrs.. worst in the expulsion dnre than ever. (The lady beside Mrs. tic 0755. Miss Kalah Franklin, president iprho has best carried out Among the exiles were many sk»^ Segal says. "How does she man- Rabbi Schwefel, formerly head of the local group, said that the Meyer Beber and Mrs. J . Kyraan. chapter the ideals of A. S. A. during the Mrs. Peter Greenberg, Captain; and elderly men. women and chilage to keep on looking so young. of a Washington, D. C , congrega- parchment sheets to be inscribed tion, recently returned from Pal- by members of the Omaha unitl Mrs. Louis Shrier, Mrs. William past year. This is the first time in dren. Jewish relief organizatioi F She's 50 if she's a day.) the history of the chapter that and Kefi Cross units were exertirc But Mr. Segal asks where is estine. For the period of 1930O."c T ,ll be combined with similar sec(Continued on Page 2) such an.award yrill be made and every effort to relieve their tragic God? Not that Mr. Segal asks this 1935 he was treasurer of the Rab- tions into a large scholl and shipit shall become an annual presenbinical Assembly. Rabbi Schwefel Plight. in so many ^-ords. His avid soul ped to Jerusalem where it will be tation. is searching and even after a half is known throughout t h e country housed in the Henrietta Szold Driven s t Baronet Point Sam BeTjer chapter was grantfor the column he formerly wrote hour in the temple h a s not yet beSchool of Nursing. Frcin the border town C ed its cha/ter fcx the Supreme under the pseudonym, ."Hillel, the come aware of God's presence. Mr. The dinner Thursday evening Advisory Council, November 4, Sbonszyn, where 5,000 deportees Segal wonders if it iis his fault Observer." is for paid-up members -only and 1928, and became the second arrived., it was learned that f He comes to Omaha in. the in- will be followed by an evening of that h e cannot detect God in the chapter to be organized in Omaha train from Hamburg, with l , 0 f ( terests of the Roosevelt Golden temple . . . "Is my heart so dead? ' entertainment, Miss Ethel Kelbert and the one EunSreth chapter in Jewish passengers on it, had ~tiee r Book, a tribute being planned by . . . But the other evening h e was membership chairman announced. the national organization which stopped three and E half mil?' the national organization in apsure of Him in: the starlit night. Reservations -ivill be accepted unrwas also founded in Omaha in from the .frontier. Storm preciation . of President Roosevelt Mr. Segal was walking on a auiet, til Monday evening, and may be wi'tfc' fixed' bsronets and machirr % " " r '• 1924. • . for, bis calling of the Evian Contree-arched street a n d was sure made with Miss Kelberg, We. • Tie' affair wm arranged t y a pens . ordered - the refugees ' z '" " ~ ference. of Him there. . 5817 or Miss Franklin, Ma. 1236. committee beaded by Joe Gcss as alight and then drove the- Orr-' . Peace -Hot. PcssiMe At Monday's meeting Rabbi SchSays Then his mind which should be Plans are also under, way for chains £LS"ai2 5" v".Tnc2a5ea •""• Herbert throcgh the dartcess towErc tl : £ . ' " " ' wefel will_sp.eak*° connection, if "Pcraecutioa on t h e Jicly thinga-xrandBrsBin the annual Thanksgiving' dance Forbes, Leonard- Lewis,. Tale border, wamin'g them &s&l~sz - •-•> "fully m yy doesn't Ho with his' work on "behalf of t h e to be held on Thursday, NovemContinues.looking backward. Children"-wrc , I.rfully again: " m Richards and-Milton-G-uss. Jewish National Fund. t this thi temple? t l e The women screamed w«re warned their heacs C~ ' come to ber ? 4 , a t t h e Fontenelle Hotel. - are in. their 3>e'st clothes ior the Miss Marlon Chorney, general would-be cut off if they" did not p - r ] Washington (JTA) — Mentionreception; but He hasn't appeared. chairman of the dance, has an- no country nor people by name. keep cuiet. f i- ?] Perhaps G6d isn't here -because nounced the following divisional President Boosevelt has lashed A nnmber of cold, hungry boys e-z <. c nobody has brought Him here. chairmen: Miss Esther Lazerson, out a t the Gerrian and Italian and girls, some of them ill. jilt "" "" They just sit -waiting for Him and ticket chairman; Miss Anna Kuz- governments' policy of expelling still firessea in their school nnshe doesn't com© . . .Waiting for nit, patron chairman; Miss Lu- Jews as making peace impossiforins and carrying school books, Him all dressed up and polite. cille Batt, Good-fellow, chairman; were among thousands of exiles and Miss Rose Schwidelson, pub- ble. He spoke by radio to the New who arrived at Kaftowice. All had York Herald Tribune's Eighth licity chairman. It may be that Mr. Segal had been taken from their schools and, Annual Forum on Current ProbA successful Jewish National lems s.t the Waldorf-Astoria hobeen to the wrong places to find without eren a cflance of bidding J 1 Fund Drive was launched, SunJewish life—until the other eveBecause so much, has transrvir- their parents farewell, had been Ann Birfc Kuper of Chicago, day, October 23, under the super- tel. ning he'chanced into Love Broth- •wilj be presented Wednesday eve"There can be no peace," the ed since the signing of the >Tuh- herded into trains end taken to ers Congregation. They call it ning a t 8:30 at the Jewish Com- vision of Miss Sarah Taub. J u n - President said in listing the ich pact and because of the inter- the. border. A Jewess who broke ior Hadassah's national quota was quaintly Love Brothers Congrega- munity Center in a dramatic inforces making for war, "if na- est sho-srn ia recent European her leg en route from a point in tion; what they probably mean is terpretation of the recent Broad- filled by this drive. Assisting Miss tional policy adopts as a deliber- events, Rabbi David H. Twee -will the interior of Germany was Taub were: Shirley Barish, Luthe.' Congregation of Brotherly way success, " I ' d Bather Be his sennoa this evening to forced to continue her trip to K&t- -v n cille Batt, Minda Friedman, Anna ate instrument the dispersion all adevote Love. . discussion of "Europe—One tcwice. Polish Jews from towns Eight." Hahn, Pearl Hamburg, Bess Kir- over the world of millions of bordering the frontier were literIt was the-evening of Simchath Miss Kuper, -who is at present shenbaum, Miriam Klein, Anna helpless and persecuted wander- Month After Munich." Torah which is the Rejoicing for on a tour ol mid-western cities, is Kuznit, Gertrude Lewis, Ruth ers with no place to lay their In his discussion of the subject ally driven across roads and. fields Torah, though Mr. Segal himself being presented here b y ' t h e local Marks, Sylvia Parilman, Pauline heads." Rabbi TViee Till analyze the far- to the border. hadn't been rejoicing on account chapter of the - Senior Hadassah Swengil, Edith Stein, and Mollye reaching implications of the reFrom other Ceportee centers on Mr. Roosevelt said it wss beof Torah in the least that day. Proceeds from the performance Weiner. cent turn ot events and Trill tell frontier, it was reported that coming increasingly clear that Trhica. country -Kill be -next to the He had been abont bis affairs, will be turned over t o the Hadasmany, children had beea driven "peace by fear has n o higher or share the fate of Austria and from, like many another, with. no sah-Child Welfare Tiroject.: orphanages and ssck persons more enduring quality than peace Czechflsl ovakia. thought of Torah. at all. from hosriiEls, and forced to join Miss Kuper has presented h e r by the sword," and asserted that The Love Brothers had been interpretations, the country._ over the trasric trek to t i e 'TOTXIST. there could be n " peace "it the rejoicing all day and now It was and has been -widely: acclaimed.. Eeprtsal tieport-P.-tJony or P P ~ reign of law is t o be replaced by not far from 8 p. m. and still they S 12a.11 citizens, roost of them. .Tews, She hasin "The CbUdh appearedpp a .recurrent sanctifi cation of had made no end of being happy ren's Hour," were halted by the Polish GovSusan and -God sheer force." He added that about the Torah. They were fill- "Star Wagon," " T o v a r i t c i , " ernment -K-hea announcement of peace was impossible "if hamble lag- all t i e pews and many were "Dodsworth" a s well as many the negotiations T-as ra&fie. O"umen. are not free to think, their standing as well. cial circles in TTarsaw tele: ttic J. other plays. own thoughts, t o express their Nothing in particular was going T, A. that the Mazi Expulsion or. Tickets for-her appearance here own feelings, to worship God." on, just as at a family party when., may be gotten- from • Mrs.; Milton der referred only to "indtvicuals The committee, arranging for after the meal,* everybody is re- Hayper of Mrs. : Aaron •_ Rips The President also evidenced cue to undergo esaminstion i^ 'the reception to b s held November laxing. The Love Brothers were chairmen, of t h e committee. his concern over t h s problem of the Polish consular cuthorities. 21 for the presidents of Jewish ezpellei sitting and talking or going from Jews by writins to the The annual card party given hy 'i'he Polish press is publiBhing Women's organization, will meet pew to pew visiting; their chil- " The earliest 'known mention; of on- FTiday morning a t 10 o'clock World Youth Congress in Kew the Deborah Society •will be held only t i e briefest of coniEuniues. dren, with apples stuck on sticks, shaving i s in Genesis 41:14. at the Jewish Community Center York urging r o u t a in neutral on Tuesday, November S, at I p . Issues fcy the Polish TelesrartJc were playing at the altar. A lit-to m a t e final plans. The recep- countries - to co-operate "la the m. at the-Jewish Community Cea- Agency. Two newspapers that pu>tle boy was. exploring the awful tion is being arranged by the humanitarian work or tha Inter- tcr. A dessert luncheon vnll be lishei their OWE reports w^ere conto everlasting. . . The curtain was mysteries of the Ark of the Law. fiscated. Women's Division of the Jewish governmental Committee 03 'Ref- served. parted and from the Ark the eldHe was peeping furtively .behind Mrs. Jacob Bernstein is chairugees," saying that such co-operFederation. ers of: the congregation took in £he curtain, touching the brocadof the committee arrassing their arms the scrolls of the law Members o r this committee a r e : ation would be "of ixsiaense use- man ed lion. for t i e affair. to march with: them. - They bade Mrs, Arthur A. Conn, chairman, fulness." It seemed that among the Love Mr. Segal to take up a -croll and In addition, the Presides! re- ' Mrs. Henry Belmont is superWilliam Feiler, co-chairman, Brothers consorting with God in he -went marching in the long line JVIrs. vealed at a press conference, he visor of the serriag committee and the Mesdames Milton Abramthe synagogue was no special oc- o f ' h i s brethren bearing each a hams. Max Barish, Henry Bel- has discussed with British Am- .and is being asisted by Mesdames casion; it was of every-day life, scroll. The little' children danced mont, M. D. Brodkey, Dave E p - bassador Lindsay American ob- •A. SciiTracabiE. A. Katz, Harrv like sitting comfortably in one's in front, waving the gay apples on stein, David Greenberg, J. J . jections to- restriction of immi- Cooper, A. Arbitman, TCilliain first monthly ssrper E-eetMilder, J. Stein. D; Stein, Fannie ingThe own living room in the evening the sticks. Greenberg, Meyer Katzman, Rob- gration to Palestine. He refused Bernstein, of the Round Table of Jewisb Sarah Frohm, A. Roffwhile the children played. to be held at the Jewish Mr. Segal felt luminous with a ert Kooper, J . M.. Malashock, Joe to" amplify the statement. 1 man, J. "Wolfson J. J. Frieden, Toulb. UEif Segal whimsically thought that sense Rice, Harry Silverman, and J. E. " Csr.ter 0^ Tus^ds1of being some one who had aad J. Fiibel. . God might be the gentle old man come all the way from Sinai. The Cohen. — - £ • , - • " • — . with the beard who sat on the old women bent to kiss the hem Organizations affiliated -with NAMED TO OFFICE. AT Mrs. J. Cold-ware is president ,^_. F r ' t 1 T . - - . - , . — *altar'steps rocking a baby on'his of the silken garment that cov- the Women's Division arranging ST. LOUIS MEETING of the Deborah Society and Mrs. s " ^ C. S. Ross is secretary. knee. ered the scroll as he passed by, the affair a r e : Beth El Auxiliary, nal r :=.-«: ST! Tickets for tbe card party may The-Xiove Brothers were wait- and each. of them said to Mr. Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel CemeThree Omanans were named to — cIr -t c ' ~-r;r* Ing for Rabbi Silver. He had Segal, "May you-live to another tery Improvement Society, Bikur office at the Fifth Annual West be gotten at the Jewish Cannncn- pr;r,'° 1 t V "•" , -' duties in. another, synagogue and year," and he answered, 1 Cholim, B'nai B'rith Auxiliary, Central States Regrioaal Confer- ity Center or from members of ma C1-! - re i—r r " 7"1 It would be 8 o'clock before he you" and was almost Ladles Auxiliary of t h e Congrega- ence of the" Council' of Jewish the Society. Prece-efis T-iil he used omi'tsJ E.'- v^ , r ~r - " tl "" would come to join the Love about it all, though h e should tion B'nai Israel of South Oma- Federations and Welfare Funds. in behalf o£ the Talmud Torah. Rou"d T« Brothers in the rejoicing of the have been full of rejoicing for ha, Council of Jewish Women, William L. Holzinan was electrectl 1 r 1 ed second vice-president of the Torah. They had delayed saying the Daughters of Israel Aid/ Deborah CALL COMMITTEE was c i t -•—r r r " Torah.. . . • •c conference and Philip M. IClutzthe prayers of the evening on that w Mr. Segal felt a s he does some- Society, Hadassah, Labor .Lyceum nick and Morris E. Jacobs vere mittec T, ^-; account. . . . . ' • MEETING SUNDAY time about God on starlit nights. Auxiliary, Goiaie Meyerson Club, Then, suddenly, a baritone His heart -was aware of a taste Ladies Free Loan Society, Ladies named to tlie executive commitAn urgent meeting of the cseGolden \Hill Society,, Mizrachi Wo- tee. voice singing a lively tune; the of Jewish life. cutive of the Federa•W "»^ V™. a men, Pibneer Women, Pleasant Ths conference -was held last tion of ccEnsittee rabbi had come in singing hopeOh, he thought afterward, this Jewish Service will be held fully of exile that soon must end, is Jewish life more authentic than Hill Cemetery Society, Temple week end- in St. Louis. Missouri. Sunday morning at 10:15 s t the ( Dinging down the aisle and wav- the cold, polite austerity or tem Israel Sisterhood, and the Vaad Jewish Community Center. *r . , f • ing his arms, like some orchestra ples, than the lamentations oi Auxiliary. PHILANTHROPIES TO Mr. -WillSam 1*. Holzma-, presconductor. All .the voices in the the speakers* tables on the hor A speaker of national prominident, has urged all metabers o£ ISSUE YEARBOOK. the synagogue rose to join bJa; the rors o£ being a Jew, than the pre- ence will appear oa the program. eomaiittee to attend. rhythm swept up Mr. Segal and he tensions of a separate Jewish cul j Jewish P h i l anthropiss ; along, humming. ture, than Jewish racialism tyMcL All letters of the 'English alpha- Yearbook will be issued on No- Tie IoTTiiig hoots were in j clas c The hour- had come for the finds a special essence in Jewish bet (except "J"). are found in one vember 10. Tee b-pok Is a comsuppression and esria- jj Je-sr . pp Torah to be marched (as in the blood, than Jewish nationalism, Terse, Ezra 7:21, (English trans- plete record of the activities of dancer o - t £ "c sics fro= the Bible: Ezekiel, the j clas= Simcbath Torah custom),, like than sterile cynicism Vhich from lation). . the Philanthropies. Song of • Songs, Ecclesiastes . and j end D03jesty, up and .down tho aisles heights of intellectual snobbery It is also the annual report to .Esther.' . j . T_: -• - . a King of kings . , . The looks down oh the faith ol th< Son? of Songs s a d the Book of the Je-clsh coaamcaity and to the pars J • * * Houses of tho most powerful Love Brothers. Esther are the only Biblical books of the Philanthropies. "Keveread" occurs only once i s Mngs wsro dust in the Triad but (Copyright, 193S, by Seven Arts that do not contain the name ol subscribers I"F jr-<» p-—*i "T - - c - ,.-> • • Jack Marer is present» the Bible (see Psalms 111:8-King t&e Toraa "was from everlasting Feature syndicate). I *. _f man of the h Jasres

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Page 2


match was that Dave Franks' Coal Conmittee for th 1886-1839 sea- Advocate) Alpert, in Chelsea, Mass. . . . Where the Italians, preteam, who are leading; the league*, son. Following are the members of paring for the Columbus day pareceived a 7 Pia handicap from Harry Smith's Motor team, who these all-important cersmltteeE: rade, sought to hare a Greek's are down in last place. This can So! Yaffee and Dr. Harry ESch, luneh*ca.rt removed from the line be readily explained by the fact handball; Iz Treiak and James of march . . . It earce to a vote that the Auto boys have a higii Burroughs, basketball; Sam Ep- before the city council . . . The average team, but have been ex- stein, swimming; Nate Cutler, Jewish aldermen voted v.*ith the Wor."vv.<?£ From I ) periencing the misfortune of bowl- publicity; Earl Siegel, softba.ll; Italian aldermen in favor of ditcb.•imen, P.Tve. MOT riatt, Mrs, D« Dave Cohn, gj-za aad calisthenics; IEJ; the cart . . . TVhen the Greek i C. ripfv. r.r.iH lVTr.T. Of ri T./apman. ing a hot, and tl-ea a cold gane. At this tine the Auto crew hold A. H. Brodtey, volleyball; Paul recovered use of his tor.gtue. he I J-'rs. Rfui'M! Povfly, Captainf the league team high single rec- Steinberg, bowling; and Mrs. Syl- complained: "Why did. you Jcvs i Mrs'. J-l, V.evMen, M'rE. Carl Leesord with a S94 rolled the first via CuslcK and Mrs. Sloe Llnsiaan, vote •with the Italians? Here was er, Ivlrs, B. E'.'.IH. Krs. I. Cherniss your chance to get even vrHii Mus- end E>"vs. Il&rr*" I..orv'enstein. part of the season and this week •women. they set a low record by shooting Representatives from the KoEnfi solini?" . . . I Mrs. .T. .'. "rroificn. Captalnf a measley little 621 game against Table will also be chosen to serve (Translated from the Yiddish Daily Tag by Harry Mendelcon) j Mrs. Harry Iiipsey, Mrs. I... Ber*: * ft the Coal boys. on this committee. GAS: The man vrha invented ! per. Sirs. S. Fellinfin, Mrs. SI. .Pessimism, despair has However, this match saw high reactionary In relation to capital millions of hungry Germans wil gas-mtsks cculi! not have been & I Freiden, ?.Trs. A. Floikin and Mrs. First round preliminary bearded gent I ;• en hold of millions every- and labor, Soviet Russia add be on Hitler's head. scores bowled by most of the boys . . . Or he'd have 1 ' where. 'Ha dcrlr and terrifying even modern science, but she on both teams. The State Coal matches in the Center pre-se&sou ra&de sofae provision in his in- | Mvn. Jiarr;; Koscnfeld, Major. Unpreparedness handball tournament are now be- indeed. liven tho most raMd-. must be and will forever be team was topped by Sam Sweivention for the vrhisker-vrearers Ben Silver. Captain; Mrt. "It has been conflrmd that I ' optimists hove recoiled at the a gains; Nazism, and to a measure back with a S26, then "Midget" ing played at the center." Unless . . . Continental '"beavers," who I! A.J>s. Soruber^. iir&. T. A. Newman, three generals of the Reichswehr tlie games are pl&yed before Noi \ latest -victories' of Hitler. Are against Fascism, because both are Butcher boy. Sellukart's 514, and hadn't given the matter much atIlorsop Koeoriblum, Mrs. Sam handed a memorandum to Hitler then "Phil" Katsmaa with a 520. vember S they will be considered tention previously, were r.ucldeniy I! Mrs. j all rays of hope extinguished her sharpest competitors. Bober. Mrs. JuVtUR Newman, Mrs. before the Munich conference in forfeited. I !i ton decades? No! It Is not as Incidentally, Phil, who is Etili made painfully aware ot this ser- Abe Greenspan F.nd Mrs. Morton "The Catholic church must be which they simply declared that , heart-breaklns 3s It appears against on his honeymoon, had 8 splits The following teams are playing ious deficiency in the anti-gap Killer. deification of -race, be- the German army is not ready for , J and hopes and rangers of lib- causa Bhe during the evening, but showed ia the first round: G. Shapiro S. E £L during the pre-Munach herself wants to rule war and explained why." Mrs. Knx Xiolzmnn, Captain;' everyone what effect the love bug Jack ScMefcman VE. Date Rich- equipment ; erty-lpvlng and peace-nungry over all the peace crisis . . . Since beard-v.-ear- Mrs. Harold Fftrber, Mrs. Leon races, and aho can- Military experts feel that Gerhas on him by picking up 6 of , ' men and" women have some- not ards and Dan Greenfield; Dave will not snip the chin adorn- Fellman , Mrs. Meynard Greenit without the attitude many cannot start a war for at them. The Smith Motor boys were Goldware and Les Giventer vs. crs , ' thing to S^ed on even In this that do ment, either because ol religious ber£, Kvs. Julius Solomon and all men are God's children. least two years, for it will take topped by Sam "Oae Trip" You- Nate Cutler and Harold Garber; scruples >1 i dark darkness. She brilliant Sho must or vanity, the pas-mask Krs. Alfred Mayor. against the eanctifl- her that much time to digest Aussem, who had a 5OS. Sponsor Har- Mas Shukert and Louis Scskin VE. moguls will ' analysis of the other side of cation of bo simply have to &Q Mrs. Louis Killer, Captain; the state and for the ry Smith, with a 507, and Saxamy tria and Czechoslovakia, and Hy Oilier and Phil Kutler; Abe i , isaropean politics by Goldberg right of the individual, for she something about it . . . Unless | Mrs, Ksllprcl Speier, Mrs. Edward "Potatoes" Steinberg with a 502. prepare an officer staff for her Friedman and Harry Spisgal vs. ' ' shows that mankind is not yet; herself wants to rule over the they are in league vritfc the t.os- Kosen. Mrs. Stuart Gilinaky, Mrs. Harry Smith and Herman Coren- eorisl army. Meanwhile Hitler will con; 1 an the precipice of extinction l individual. In all the lands." profession . . . A Londoner Me'vin Barken and Mrs. S. E. man; Iz Novak and Ben Abrams •who tried tent himself with seizing Danzig, nor In tho slongh of despair By SAM ZWEIBACK In the final match of tho eveto etuff his beard into Gilinsky. 1 That is why there are constant Meme.1, and through blackmail vs. Jake Adler and Cas Turner; ' without an end.—H. M. ning, Shrolly Goodman's Empire Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, Capconflicts between the Catholic get some colonies from England W. L. Pet. Cleaners continued their winnnig Henry Rielces and Marshal Giller the ras.E.1; p.lmoet had to be rei ' The other side of the political church j tain; Mrs. Herman Kully, Mrs. and Hitler and Mussolini and France. S .633 ways by taking two out of three vs. James Burroughs and Earl vived by pulcaotcr . . . State Coal & Gas Co.1 5 ' situation In Europe is not as bad Fascism.j Morris Levy, Mrs. Joseph Wein* r * when it becomes ] 2.3 wo imagine. It is true that Hit- quiet on Even will also try to come to Clicquot Club games from Abner Kaimans In- Siegal; J. Epstein and SSd Epstein Mrs, David Goldman and the battlefield/ peace an "He 11 7 .611 surance Agents.- Tho first game vs. S a a Giller End A. Epstein; KCLIDAT: A certain business i| berg, s': lcr has had a victory, that to tho does agreement on stopping the Eskimos Mrs. David Kosenstock, not exist, for the church Sam Teper and Morris Franklin 1 1 7 .611 executive on s. Yiddish nevepaper 3reenbers Fruit Co two dictators have been added a has had a long-established tactic armament race^ in. which England saw the Empires live up to their Mrs. Bern hart Wolf, Captain;: is still ;-uszle<J by the l&ufrh feie 8 .550 name by cleaning up the Insur- vs. Sol" Yaffee and Jack Ban. will have to eventually beat him. Gmpire Cleaners . . 1 0 t third: Chamberlain, and that toMrs. manning Handler, Mrs. E. J. of bending her head in -time of &esoci£tes burst into recently in 0 .500 ance boys by a 52 pin margin, gether they tMH strengthen characteristically H i t l e r The Wardrobe . . . . 0 Leonard Seiner and Bill SkolMrs. Clarence Bergman, storm, but only to straighten up But Shrier Paint and the last game by a huge 94 nick will play the victors of tho the course of a discussion on the Rubin, Fascist rule over the •world. wants England to allow him three Mrs. F.. Elikan and Mrs. W. A, as soon as the. storm is over. times as many aeroplanes as she 12 6 .333 pin margin. match, H. B. Cohen and Morris date'a certain &<i had been rur, , , . Rosenberg. , .But that is but one ot tbe sides Whan grabbed Austria, he Smith Motors Inc.. 5 1 3 4278 vs. Sam Novak and Bea One of the conferees expressed , at the coin. There is a second side gained Hitler has." Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, Major. The middle game saw the Kal- Rossen a few million Austrians herself the belie' the ad had been used Kutler. Kaiman Ins. Co. . . . 5 1 3 .278 man , to it. And on the other side we and Will Hitler last these two Mrs. Louis Albert, Captain;! Insurance boys showing the most pious Catholics of years? Will he then be in an ecoSharubs . . . The b. e. scratches *, fall to look enough. their mettle and capabilities by German race. That very Cath- nomic position to carry on war? his head and said. "Yeah ihct'e Sirs. Phineas Wintroub, Mrs. I Nazi Germany has won a vic- the Entries are being taken for a The standings in the J. C. C. olic element will long remain According to the Internal German Bowling league were changed mopping up the Cleaners by SI7 Novice Handball Tournament to be rJfht, Just about October." . . . Louis Wintroub, Mrs. David B . i tory, becoming the mightiest na- like to 791 score. This game also had to maintain their re- j Bernstein and Mrs. Leo Abram* tion in-Europe. But let\us remind ler. a bone in the throat of Hit- conditions—no. around a bit, after the results of the peculiarity of. the last place held at the Center. Oaly begin- Strug-glicg fierve, the associates rolitely de- j son. ners are eligible to ester this com' ourselves that but twenty years The question of Hitler's exist- the bowling matches this week. Kaimans giving the third place murred: "October? No, it must j Mrs. Jack Kaufman, Captain;' petition. "He gained eight hundred ence is dependent upon the posi- Tuesdays matches found all three Empires a four pin handicap. ago France had a greater victory have been around Shavuos." . . . 1 Mrs. T. A. Tully, Mrs. David than Germany of our day. France thousand Czechs-—they will cer- tion the other nations take to- games from Moe Linsman's WardTwentj'-three have already "Weil," the b. e. retorted, "that's | Stele, Mrs. David R. Cohen, Mrs. This can be best explained in : in the course of years ruled over tainly not be friends to Hltlerism. wards him. How far is England robe team, and jumping into a the 6arae manner that the State signed up for the pre-seasoa sin- what I said. Sha.vuos came out late Kose Sllverman, Mrs. J. J 4 Europe. Germany lay weai, im- He gained millions of workers, ready 'to carry Hitler upon its tie for second place with the Clic- Coal and as against the Smith gles • handball tournament also last year, don't you remecber?" FriefimaT?. and Mrs. Jacob Cohn. quot Club Eskimos. - The fruit scheduled for the Center soon. - poverlshed, paralyzed. All the liberals, socialists, communists shoulders? Mrs. Leon Mendelson, Captain' The laughter, homeric f.B<3 unwho were aided and- abetted Motors match. In this match Capboth in Austria and Czechoslo"Hitler can continue only with boys, restrainefi, still re-echoes in the Mrs. Abe Pradell, Mrs. Isidore other nations nestled around tain Jack Melcher of the Empires IC Paris, and lived from, the crumbs vakia. They will not burst forth brilliant foreign victories. He by a 71 pin handicap, won the led his team with a 551 series, The Center Athletic depart- halls of the shocked nev.-spaper, 1 Sokolof, Mrs. David B. Cohn, Mre. n with the flag of liber- must win externally to cover up first two games by a 29 pin and followed by Goodman Pill, who ment is trying to organize a wres* * ** ] Samuel Cohen and Mrs. Morris bt the French tabfe." She was so tomorrow 37 pin margins respectively. tling team. Former high school ty, but they will be the first to his failures at home." Euvstein. 23 mighty that England- could not go shot a 505 series. The Kaimans and college stars and others interagainst Hitler when the The last game was won by 94 were led for the third straight MISK-5IASK: Tv'hEt Av^lo-'err- I Sirs. Morris Franklin, Captain;' Can Hitler continue winning rfc aear It, and began to "push" Ger- hourout : ested are asked to get in touch by Jimmy Burroughs week by Little Morrie Meyerson, strikes." ish paper published E Passover Mrs. Aaron Rips, Mrs. Max externally? Have England and pins, mainly180 I many, help her come to herself, game. The Fruit who rolled a 514 series, which in- with Lee Grossman. greeting au in -its recent Eosh Shames. Mrs. Irvin Stein, Mrs. Just recently one of the French France really completely capitu- surprising ?? m order that France should not who are all practically beKashon&h issBe and in a subse- •William Radusiner and Mrs. Sid-e -'eel so cocky,, and that. European generals reported on coming from lated to him? Can Hitler do any- boys, Inners, have been receiving large cluded a middle game of 210. He quent cumber apologizefi iov the ney Cahs-n. _' political wagon should again be Germany that there exists a pow- thing he pleases in Europe? How handicaps throughout the season. was followed by Peewee Lee Hurt y p o g r a p h i c a l e r r o r ? . . . A vrestMrs. Elmer Greenberg, t!aperful opposition to Hitler, that strong js his Bond with Musso- But as the season progresses, we wich who shot a 471 series. ~ 1 pala .iced. ens castor Efivertises ypdflings inhi; Mrs. Sam Greenberg, Mrs. . • . Capt. Sam Katzman has rei i • Even the first friendly ges- public demonstrations have oc- lini? find that this team are steadily "faraed in New York and Chicago Alfred Fiedler. Mrs. Ben KaslowMussolini lately became hoarse Increasing their averages, which quested your editor not to men. iures that England showed to curred that had to be suppressed for their beauty and modernistic sky. Mrs. Mas: Canar and Mrs. ! 'Soviet Russia were not out of by the army, and that even the thundering that he stands hand In turn decreases their handicap. tion the other scores, as hi is experformance," . . . Congrats to G. E'-lven Block. periencing the. same trouble with '- [ove for Bolshevism, but out • of soldiery 13 : being weakened • by in hand with Hitler in the matM. CoHen, Louisville and Indian- I However, all credit due them anti-Nazi literature^' And that ter of Czechoslovakia. Hitler, in hi3 team that Harry Smith is with j natred' for France—all as a apclis publisher en his marriage The Itzig- family of Berlin, by should be given them, as they his Auto Crew, namely, hot and j naneuver against Versailles. We opposition to Hitlerism might win his first speech in the Seudteten . . . Another one on the Angel of have always bowled their averages decree, were given civil J. aust remember that the Geneva more from Hitler's two victories region, placed his hand upon his and then eome, while most of their cold bowling. Peace: Ti'hen. Arab banditti Abu. roy&I equality and exempted from all. heart and thanked the great man, -^ conference in 1922 where the than Hitler himself. Durra was informed of Chamberexperienced, "buck 'irst contact between the Bolshe- The Economio Side of Hitlerism Benito Mussolini, for the great opponents, lain's intended flight to Hitler, laws concerning Jews. Next week's schedule will end x: Now let us consider the eco- help he gave; him in the Czech tever" when coming in contact the first round and will have the '- /iks and - the Europeans was lie cabled the folloirliig message Innocent III (1198-1216) was I baade, England maneuvered that nomic side. of Hitler's victories. crisis. Good «fapugh;;Isn't ii?-iBnt with "Little" Al Fiedler's boys. to Berehtesgatieii: " B r o t h e r following matches. The Smith In this week's games" Seymour Motor team against the Kaiman the irst of the popes to show Fuehrer, be not afraid, for I knew : conference, and France under no Regardless how effective a dicta- loyanS'Tjebbldj; y b j ; coatesthe ca wrangfe ohn FRIENDSHIP: A promicert 1 led the fruit team Insurance team to break their h i m . " . . . KoritE Kosentl r ' ernclt*" tovsrd the Jews. j conditions wanted to meet with tor may ba in covering up;, bis between the f tW.ove"r Wove"r Czeehbs C z e h b i with aagain British-Jewish leader and an evea 502 series, and was fol' he Bolshevik representatives. true position (Hitler has not yet > for last place. The Ward- more prominent London fcigwig faiaed concert pianist who v , ' | by Harold Pollock who deadlock >9ha 'sent- representatives -only announced, his.budget), the factor j i glsiu1gJ robes against Clicquot Club are friends today because of a celebrate his T6t"h birthday in De- ] J ? ^ .?T^r'aTtfatife" f e . t1n"tnat a t °K3ze§ K3zeoi§h lowed lumped np to a 475 series, which Eskimos. The the i vhen. Lloyd -George threatened to point to a decided - decline In 6l6Vakh£ «• "slibjihf ^ £urreader *he included Shrier and nasty anti-Jewish incident involv- cesiber, is a jiu-jitsu expert t r c ' a first game of 206. The Glas3 Co. against the Paint Greenberg -noid the conference without the G e r m a n y . • • ' ' • • province pf~$hrtn£nia-Or th©:HCar- Wardrobes ing their sons . . . It happened can toss a husky for a loop c ewere topped by their '-Trench. "We must not forget also ;:-"The- Economist".' of London, pafchlatt' tfegijjnfi'b Hungary; A5a# captain* Paul Steinberg, who had Fruit Co., and the final match this way . . . The beys were en- cpite his o r n mere five feet . . „ ' 1 r hat the relations between Eng- one of the leading Journals in Hitter Insists ''on/- It remaining a 519 series, while, the best their finda the State Coal and Gas team rolled at a swanky English "pub- B'nai B'rith Lodge Tfc:1 ^E"ork-I and France were for yeara the -world, points out that one in- with Czechoslovakia. When Hun- next man could do was a 472 by shooting against Jack Melchers lic" school . •'. . The Jewish iad lyE) has ;urt rit^^hpc Vc. J, Empire Cleaner team. better than that between dustry after ,-the: other la col- arjr:-takes .the, .Carpathian, .her Dr. Sam Morgan. was captain cf the cricket squsd Mo. 1 of its oCv cl c-gar nr. hand Italy. And all, be- lapsing, buying-; ntiimew machin- territory -wiH then extend to Po. The other was a candidate for ne*rs, undo: ec o-sh> cl .hs, •,— I t c k v * • « " * nt. liemi- H ••cause England would not allow ery, no- modernization, of facto- anjU Hungary^ and Poland .will the team . . . Successful candi- ;ng young a.^crre:, Lti. Te, pc , ' » '' *•' Cs r t ; . , V «so«? a n d second match of the evemaking- no \ provision for have" one ' common border, and dates are listed on the school bul- of -rhoni g-crf t r ' r j j r**F r \ r e c t - ! - such superior ' ruling-role of ries, wear and tear^ The entire new in- With it they close Hitler's way ning saw the powerful Clicquot letin board . . . On the day the list prance over Europe. vestment, - all the surplus of the o Rumania and Russia. How- lub Eskimos take two out of was posted, the bigwig's sonVw&s EE a Jawye" . , T*"P fr;'»*pr'r" ^•l • French Decline land, into the armament in- ever, I£ the Carpathian Tegion re- hree - games from Al Shrier's Play in the pre-season basket eagerly scanning the board, ia health reso-^s t a i e n r v a ..eve*. j Why did not France hold on dustry.goes Paint and Glass "boys. The:EskiTd it .first goes practical- mains part of Czechoslovakia, mos won the first two games by ball tournament opened last Sun- company of severs.1 other students the fia^ne ilos^i; Lnov.r, z. too .o her victory of twenty: years r the raw material—and no hen Czechoslovakia becomes the comfortable . . Amazed and angered at not well £.EOIU ; ct U-JLE.^OI.'1 us-s, Aus?.\ l ^ ; i l - 'go? Why did the French su- ly-ail margins, but in the day at the Jewish Community Cenother "first" exists. rear door to the Rumania border ter. First match of the season trian wEter»*i£ r"&ce: ' seeing his came, the youtn. let ^, >remacy suddenly collapse? Belast game the Shrier team showed ause It was an artificial and un- In other words: All the, vic- without the slightest obstacle in what they were capable of doing wa3 between A. Z. A. No. 1 and loose with some choice remarks oae people, c—e ri"er~f" A. 2. A. 100, old rivals in Center about "non-Aryans" and mutter- one customer." . . . U latural supremacy, .France did tims of the middle class, all the the way. And should he want the by shooting a 895 game aided by competition. Winner was A. Z. ed, loudly enough for all around niot have a large population, to- surplus- of the -Reich,.---goes .up Ukraine all he has to do is cross 50 pin handicap. to hear, that a Jew had no busitclustrial development, surplus with the smoke of the arms facsmall corridor through Poland, In this game Capt. Leo Weitz A. 1 who defeated the Century ness being captain of the cricket e||apital, nor evea the proper and tories. It is as-though you slaved near Kalamea, or through Ru- had a 211 game, and Sol Yaffee, chapter by a score of 18-11. In the course of the afternoon SQuad anyway . . . One of the stu^renulne ambition for domination day and nignt, eaved from food mania near the Polish border. who incidentally is a new bowler, in the group was the cap—,iver Europe. And the conditions and- sleep, and then every week Conflict of Interests rolled a 200 game. The Eskimos he Sigma Alpha Mu aggregation dents brother . . . Who demanded zero also not ripe for such su- took the earned increment and Mussolini Is really Hitler's didn't have a chance all through trounced the Alpha Pi Tau team, tain's 22-16. The Live Vvire Cleaners that the remarks be immediately premacy. ; bosom friend, and constantly de- this game, and the final score could burned It. - only run up 12 points to withdrawn . . . Which they were ! So many Germans at her door, that he and Hitler have the ound them 123 pins to the bad. the Breslow "Actually cannibal capitalism clares not . . . Resulting in a socsd Auto Parts 19. Jermans, who but a short time reigns.' game interests, but—. But in reCapt. Leo Weitz, as usual, In Germany. One capital- ality he doesn't want Hitler to Fifty fellows participated in thrashing for the, disgruntled cue ;go were part of a mighty and ist', consumes topped the Shrier Paint team other. The . The rumpus attracted attenplay. "imbitlous nation, could not be Thyssen-Krupp the a too free and open way to with a 586 series, which was high Sunday's swallowed." the have Next Sunday will find the A. tion of the authorities . . . Threats -.eld permanently In subjection, Wohl-Deutch group; the Rumanianoil fields, and or the entire league during the Afterwards wants a strong Hungary,- united night, and he was followed by Z. A: 100 playing the Live Wire of expulsion brought both parents iooner or later.Germany had to it ate up the possessions of the with Poland, in order that he Solly Yaffeo who made his debut Cleaners; the A. z, A. Mother to the schod whereupon the mat,ome to life again. And the. di- Jewish capitalists and preparej playing the Sigma Alpha ter was settled satisfactorily and vision o f Europe into hungry to swallow up the resources of might -have two allies against with this team with a 462 series. chapter Ma and Breslow Auto Parts both men, who had not previous;-.nd satiated lands could ; ot re- Czech industrialists and finan- Hitler, whea the day of reckon- Capt. Abe Feldman of the Eski- vs. Alphathe ly met, became good friends. Pi Tau. mos maintained his ISO average -Vaain forever.-Hungry lands( like ciers." ing comes. * * * . • • Admission to these games is •.--;ungry people, must sooner or And Mussolini can prevision for the season by shooting a nice free. VENGEANCE; The' G r e e k s , In the name of the state' and 554 series, and Abe Veneer was ""jter smash the window of the who have .reportedly alwavs: had with the might of the state one the day when Hitler will not only second high with a 488 series. - jakery. . Sob-comralttees have b e e n a word for it, this time were left group of Industrialists-financiers demand the half million Tyrolean j The Versailles victory over the robs the property and resources Germans, but also the former named by Leslie Burkenroad, tongue-tied, • or practically so . . . The third match of the evening Jermans -were wiped out. France of another group. How long can Austrian port, Trieste, for an outchairman of the Center Athletic It happened, reports Carl (Boston y Vas no longer mistress, for un- that continue? let to the Adriatic is to Germany found the league leading State Coal and Gas team winning two jatural things or conditions canHitler' has fallen Into . a be- much more Important and more 'iot exist forever. In • past ages witched and vicious circle. He possible than, for instance, the out of three games f r6m the Smith he unnatural lasted longer. A must hold on to his - military' port b£ Odessa, for which naive Motor crew. The Coal boys started out like the champs of the league ''ersailles peace, if- made three preparation, otherwise he is left people think Hitler Is aiming. they are by winning the first iundred years ago, might have with millions of unemployed In England and France have ac- that CUSTOM --asted a hundred years, if not his own. land and with defeats tually capitulated to Hitler, but game by a 807 to 621 score. ORIGINAL In the second game they conTaore. The tempo of the times externally. But in order to con- only at someone else's expense tinued their hot bowling by wini^ras much slower. With the swift tinue his armament pace, be must and not theirs. by a 883 to 844 score. In i*3mpo of our age, the Versailles drain more and more -the-eco"They have given to Hitler the ning *,reaty could last barely - twenty nomic resources and undermine erman and half-German sections the final game the Coal boys down a little and dropped *?ears. Do we have a Nazi victory the foundations of tho Reich It- of Czechoslovakia. They win per- bogged this game by 827 to 795 score. %' '38? We have a Fascist Ver- self. r mit him to take Danzig, Memel, . . The; peculiar happening of this sailles treaty. How really great I.•'From his victoriesTexternally the Polish corridor. Certainly will hz this victory? How long can Hitler has not become any rich- not object to his taking Musso.?uch agreement last? Especially er. The seven hungry cows have lini's Tyrol. But let him try to •lth the present state of affairs consumed the Beven fat cows.-The take Alsace Lorraine, a good with tho contemporary capital which he siezed in Aus- English colony or try to become e ,nd BcilJ • - Moderniseampo? tria and Czechoslovakia will not a partner in the control of the Ro-Roof - Rc-SSdo - Insulato s . How Long Hitter? ' Mediterranean!" cover the poverty he had to take GET FREE ESTIMATE \ Wo can now look at the other along with it—small merchants They are no too much afraid ide of the* political-coin in Eu- and unemployed of Austria and of Hitler, knowing full well that \ ~-^5* ppe. Hitler is • mighty, Ia su- Seudeten districts, particularly his economic basis is pretty JA 5 0 0 0 'reme, conquered A u s t r i a , the few million Germans of much riddled with holes. Feel IDtS & Nidbolas ,'zecboolovakia. But in both of Czechoslovakia who lately were Tkis flss heisl will give new B-sssins, eii «f* 1 j f i i ' * 5 : iiem lies enough dynamite to in dire circumstances." sesi ta your v»e^tios» cr fssa'sa-Jic'idey. Evc-y f p Tilow up a couplo ot Hitler re~ LEGAL NOTICE AS TO MEASURE TO BE VOTED rasssra eorafert «sd Sasary wlsifs yos esjsy pec* j ! *~ *"" A small group of . uper-capitalimoa. The Catholic church is the Ists will gain new mines, natural ft»cfiis «port; ^rir.S: endfestfceIn ta® ejsrsS."? If *-^ v" ?%. UPON NOVEMBER 8,1938 !iighty enemy of Hltlericm. It Is resources, factories, but tho new ••, crfessfeh» <&» I!)CCT <fsf.:sh8 el peastv 1 A H t i r f " Tha following amendment to the Constitution of tha State of Nei E L ^ A T I O N ? 553 et't$?ds rsa-ss, ^ssis5 tnd / J ^ « Brasks will bo submitted to tho electors of this State for approval or Isn't it £unj-y;p"hi?.f P J t rejection ot the general election to be held November 8, 193S: can do—-thai, is. it Brucewood fiocs ? t I f fc Be'it Enacted by the People of the Stats of Nebraska: this d e'.l i:'Jv:Js Bides—ir. front or in back Section 1. That Section 7, Article XII, Constitution of the State of —just any vay rov: like Nebraska is hereby repealed. It. Smart—siiid mo a I aeSee". 2. That at tha general election in November, 1S38, there shall commodatltiE. fca submitted to tho electors of the State of Nebraska for their approval or rejection the foregoing proposed repeal of Section 7, Article XII, Constitutions* Nebraska in tha following form: , "FOE sepsal of Section 7, Article XII, Constitution ef Nebraska, fMnu individual liability of etocbholdsra ia banking eorpar&tioas or bask- • Out Specialty **« ing institutions", and Exclusive Witb Us 1 Hot Corned Beef Sandwiches "AGAINST repeal of Section ?, Article SI1, Constitution c£ NeBraska, fixing individual liability of stockholders in banldns corporations PUon'6 143 612 W. Broadway eg banking institutions." . . ; I'H I ' d i X s V l ' ^ • Free Delivery Council Bluffs HARSYR. SWANSON, Secretary of S



sure'that with the rid of Russia they can at all times grind hin to pieces—and they are confident that in such a war Russia -w join them, ' regardless of how much they Insult her now, for she will have to join them to defend her own interests. The "question remains: How long can Hitler continue without demanding something substaatia com England and France? "France will naturally defend Alsace Lorrahn to her last drop of blood, and England, even should she desire to give colonies to Germany, cannot do so because she is not longer the final arbiter over them, for the Dominions have a great deal to say in the matter. Some of the colonies belong directly to the Dominions, and they -will bo very likely against submission to Hitler." And England knows, that once she betrays even one Dominion, her entire empire collapses. No, Hitler's position is not as good as many imagine.






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snfi sometimes satiric speaker end j A. Gentlemen Mortuary for v~ abroad should take up the fight Eued from Berlin. The Finance sponsor ©£ msny progressive j ter A, Wessel, F>S. who rli*»(t ?•'< against thi3 increasing terrorism. Ministry ^as understood to be'un| fey morning p,t p. IOCP." bosr>i; measures. But as I said before, justice can willing to give up its plans, reK™. VJp.cecls'E SiitcePf. iv. 3ov- !?•!". "VTpps!?;. s jipHve oT Nehi'w; only follow if the world under- gardiup the fortunes cost housing: lee. h i s to p&rt?e*stands the rest o* the Codes of Jews who fled from Stsdetenlasu, pate -BE an office!" iu eerera] tomshrist. •which are now estimated to" total ing projects, ace. i t 1T?< KE^OT T h e code inveighs against up to ten billion kronen. 1»£.-Stardi£. uamei him B member • r-urviTsr.^; ih^rn F ^ T ; 1U?; "*'^.-r; Act Agsia BefEgecs greed, greed for pswer, and the l:\sv~ •wealth, and prestige, anS position, Meanwhile, the Praia police as Is the way of the woria. Eco- continued ttielf activities against 1 | Mrs LfM.:!ne O l P f ^ t ^ r n c* On.Ois nomic greed threw the nations of refugees. Forty Jews were rebring 1~ bor Frrrio-t to tbe ,7oint: C?f urope to the brink of disaster a ported to be held ia a police sell. WES General f I "Distribution Coirtnittpe, ol vfoiob. • New York Daily month ago. Economic greed en- Small- r. towns were ordering refhe T.'F.S a director: ke v.'ss else F ; kindles the fire flaming into rev- ugees to leave within 24 hours. Forward director of t h e KTAS Ircmiprfin'. : olution in the world of labor. EDITOR'S NOTE: On© of .the namely this, Thou shalt love thy Christ, "whom we honor in this Most refugees were going to colB a s t and in jS?£ F R ? electee \ r^-rnnn. l.e-wi*most powerful and eloquent ap- neighbor as thyself." There Is none Eucharistic Congress. That ab- Greed for riches destroys the fab- lectives established fey various preeifisct of the American CRT ] \ ) ^ peals for a crusade ngainst In- other commandment greater than normal or ignorant men should ric of our social life. For men welfare crgaaiaations. i Chsxner Vladeck, acknowledged j Federation. tolerance, bigotry and persecu- these." And'the scribe said unto indulge in bigotry, persecution or are forsaking all, that they might f! l o c a l l'.o~pi<H' <"•:. ij p;M-..;; The general coiaraittee of theleader of noE-SioniEt Jewish la-' Perhaps his greatest, eignifi- \ tion. was voiced fit the recent Him, "Well, Master, Thou hast oppression because of race or possess the goods of tbe earth. Praha Chamber of Lawyers h&s iD-orites in America and icflnen- j canes in American JevisV. liif v.-p.r j ^rp(i ri^M>^ i"'nni-j". National Eucnarlsttc Congress said the truth; for there is one color or creed Is hard to underBut most important is the prin- circularized members calling a in' New Orleans by a noted God; and there is none other but stand. But that intelligent and at ciple of the code which says: general'• meeting nest week to tis.1 member of tbe City Council. ',the non-Zionist Jaborite viev-- j 3 d e r or: t h e OK^h?, I H ^ V S - K •• "* Catholic journalist, Joseph W. He; And to love Him with all times Intelligent Christian men "Blessed are the clean of heart." discuss a numerus clauses for died Sunday evening in ICX. Sinei point. Chairmen of the ^evinh j \r,'~ yep.!':-. Hospital 'where he had hess Connolly. Mr. Connolly Is gen- thy heart, and with all the under- and women should be guilty of Unrest rules the world, because racial groups and to establish -taken Friday after being stricken j L*,bor Cominklee.. vrhirl;; is B?H<] i oral manager of the Hearst* standing, and with all the eoul, such is something beyond reason. the world is emotionally disturbed regulations f:r admission *f ESW with coronary ia his j Newspapers and president of and with all the strength, and to and the sons of men are in an- attorneys. At present 65 per cent hoiae. He was thrombosis Sinful Bace Pride 52 years i h!P Ol PIH.'.IMM'-, Statements of tributeold. the International News Service. love his neighbor as himself, is guish and turmoil because they of the city'. 1,236 lawyers are hostile to the Siorist p'nl We as Catholics have for cen- have left the paths of jestice and from 3SS.EJ" of tbe organs; His address on the pres3 and more than all whole burnt offer- turies Jews. Despite their majority, it is and persons with vrtosa Kr. Via- j f^^ believing that ."-eTrs shou borne the burden of oppresthe Church, which is reprinted ings and sacrifices." And when probable that Jews will be deck* tad been associated ic his j their batUe fov survive.! We as journalists realize honor and sobriety. hero in part, mode a profound Jesus. saw that he answered dis- sion. "Blessed are the clean of forced ia self defense to accept active and varied career, icclud- ] | ^^' 'e such persecution is founded 5 ^ impression on his hearers at the creetly, He said unto him, "Thou that on ignorance and bigotry. But heart," Christ says to a -world some, proportionality clause, cn- ing the Joint Distributing Com- i journalists' section of the Con-, art not far from the kingdom of what h government steps t iin j mlttee, the Jewish L,s,bor Crra- i can e our attitude today as we that is on a holiday of license and less the God." And no man after that kneel is gress. before the God who knows not before it cleans its heart and meanwhile with a niittee, tbe American OR? FesSer- j durst ask him any question., no black or white,. bond or free, returns to the principles of purity clatisu.! scheme of its ation, Mayor F. H. L.aGuarciis., I iJ.'-W- *• !~> As recorded in the opening Jew or Gentile, but knows each in family life and personal life '. "When my mother heard the Frota an official view the JewCity Council Preeident Newbold! tough kids of our neighborhood verses of the Gospel according to of na and all of us as His chil- will it SEE justice. For only the ish aspect of the refugee prob- Jlorris Senator Ecbert F. \ direct- dren redeemed by His sacred clean of heart see God in their fel- lem, involving between 2,000 and Wagner. ana •use the name of Christ irrever- Matthew. Jesus was a Jew, ' ', ently, she used to •warn them they ly descended from King1 David. blood? low-men. 3,000 referees Irora t i e Eeicn rnnerEl serrices vere tele I might lose their tongues. This had Our beloved Mother Mary was a •When Christ said: "Blessed are I don't have to make a plea and between 20,000 an si .'3,000 Y^TeSnesSs.y morning iroin the! - c:&T<rpc \T< thf^ >^e*. some effect upon the volume of Jewess; and when Jesus was born Catholic journalists for toler- the peacemakers," He meant those Jews from the Sudetenland whs Jewish Dailr Forr-E-d ^uilfiir-g, -oZ j profanity on our block, but it was the wise men of the East came to to who brought to the world lasting But I do make a plea for a once were Czechoslovak citizens which ne-wsjaper hs was general! the first homely example given Jerusalem saying, "Where is He ance. of true Christian peace, a peace foundad on justice but are now technically German manager for £0 rears snd nrfcicn me of the po-wer of Christ over that is born King of the Jews." demonstration and mercy, a peace that takes into founded on the principal aliens, is only one part of theappeared Slonday vrlth E black-; Jesus like John the Baptist, was charity the actions of people . ^ . and code of Christ. We expect consideration the code of Christ. refugee problem. A num- boraerecl front page. SnrvIvinE <1 And so. when His Excellency normally addressed as "Rabbi," tolerance from intelligent beings, The peace of Versailles which was general icew, Krs. Clsra j e £ ~ Fr\ en of decrees that ' have ' beea him are b i s the Archbishop Rummell, invited which,means "master," the title but we demand more from intelli- not made in the name or spirit ber ick^ three cfeil-1 passed apply sot only to levrs 1 1 me to speak to you at this Na- used by the Jewish talmud stu- gent Christians. Race and color of the peace of Christ could never but r*v r r r dren, William and Stephen Via- j i o f 1 n^" f to all refugees. dents for their teachers. tional Eucharistic Congress, X vras ! and creed are the accidents of life. have been, a lasting peace. Mrs. Norbert Bromberg; | These include a ban on opening reviewing in my mind some of Always this should be born in We are all men, sons of God, heirs To be lasting, peace must be four brothers, Mas, Cbarles, Sam- j KcrkoTri'tj. had' lit-ec m OniEhR the things I might say to you. I mind by all Catholic journalists to Heaven. The enemy of God has founded upon the determination of new businesses and aSai eel and Daniel Cbarney, the last for thirty-sever years. of doctors and lavryers to prac•was in California, and hoarded an who must look with horror upon, sown the cockle of division in the of governments and peoples to Ke •f'aE one o:~ tbe "roencierg of of "whcia is in Paris \ritt s. sister, tice for one year; registration of eastward plane. As my ship flung the cancer of race hatred "and re- field of Christianity. Prejudice forget antipathies and race hattee F-'nai Jacob EjiiaEOEUP. Kiss J£iriam Charcey. refugees; prohibition on migraitself over the black vault of the igious persecution that has fixed and bigotry exist among us. Race reds; they must put aside the deEurrivinE: besides bis V.-LTB ?re: Eorn in Dookorah, Minst. KnsSierras, my fervent hope "was that itself upon the body of Europe, pride and exaggerated national- sire for conquest, and they must tion from- town to town without sia, Bar-uci. Charney received E three clauphters, 7,'TB. Esther my voyage might be blessed with and threatens to infect the West- ism are the common faults of see Justice that all may survive permit; impounding of bank ac- traditional Jevisb. education &Dfi Marks and Mrs. Koee Turkel. boll:-, counts. Under consideration is a early became active in tbe revo- of Omaha. r.nd ?.".rs. Belle Dipan a single idea that might inspire ern areas of the world. The cries Ihristlans. Well might we be and prosper, or none shall. establishing refugee not only me but also the Catholic of fleeing Jewish children nine- proud of -our birth, of our race, (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- measure liberal movement, for ] of PittBluirg, KansaF: acfi tlu'ee camps Along the Slovak-Moravian lutionary . press of America to organize and teen hundred years after the time of our ancestry, but that pride is graphic Agency, Inc.) "K-hich be spent many of bis j-evth- I EOBE, Harry of Omaha. IJOUW; of border. energize their full strength now of Herod must, in the name of sinful and foolish if we forget that ful years in Cuarist prison before Chicago, anfi Stanley Karkf cf toward the defense of our faith, Ihrist, be answered NOW by Cath- we are Christiana and sons of a Jfew Orgsi-Izstioa immigrating to the United States a hattle that must hegln now olic press and Catholic Action and common Father. The Czech. University here is in 1S0S. Ke bad • eficptefi the against the destructive movements Catholic force and power of every not admitting'Jews "^ho affirmed name Vlafieck for tbe purposes of j Si ir Catholic journalists are guided In the old world, which if notkind.. Jewish nationality in the IB SO his radical activities. Honis. Enrial vras sX riear-ar.t in by the Code of Christ. In a world • checked now are certain to break "And whosoever shall receive census. Also under ban are JewceTisetery. Elected Alderman the dikes of Germany and Italy one such little child in my name that has nearly forgotten the ish and German refugees from Rabbi Milton A. ICop^tpir v'.t After an intensive education and Russia and Spain, and drench receiveth me. But whosoever shall meaning of the word justice, the the Sufietenlanri, while nonrefiielated. here, Mr. "Vladeck joined tbe staff '.- the other frontiers of the civilized offend one of these little ones code of Christ may sound unregee Jews who affirmed Czech nalittle nations and nationForward in IKS IP which believe in me, it were bet- alistic, tionality in the census are ad-of tbe i I' CAl.i,. AT 7cij~ o world. alistic groups cry tonight that juslater becaine fee era! ' . 7 1 mitted apparently without • re-years cei'E.1 services v;ere •''•• One idea that might sink into ter for him that a millstone were tice might be done to them. Their ager. His political career began ! . strictions. The Union of Czech two years after bis natt:rE3i"a- I the hearts and minds of thinking hanged about his neck, and that cry seems in vain. Oppressed nanewspapermen and thinking Cath- he were drowned in the depth of tions for political or social rea- Praha Lawyers Consider- medical students has barred Jews tion -when be -was elected to the | as members. •••; olie journalists: that the army of the _ sea." "Then were there sons, cry for justice. Minorities ing Plans lor NmaBoard of Aldermen as one of He, Representatives of S4 Jewish first Socialist inembers. The ec!"y Intelligent American public opin- brought unto Him little children, in strong countries cry for juse r u s C1&.USUS that He should put His hands on ion, be marshalled now to redediCOXamTHittles in Sadetenland dis- resolutlocE t e EponscreS—tor citr j The Catholics and Chrisand the disciples tice. cate this great democracy of oura them, and prajj; tricts cave organized a general charter revision, iov cost hous- i 4 tians in Spain and Mexico, in Gerrebuked them. ' " But Jesus said, Praha (JTA)—The German to the principles of religious freemany, and Russia, cry for justice. demand that the Czechs clean up body to replace the Union of ng,' etc.—indicated the tread of j "Suffer little children, and forbid dom and tolerance "upon which Jewish Communities existing be- bis political thought. The Jew under the scourge of dicj . b u r forefathers founded these them not, to come unto me; for of tators, cries for justice in. this day anti-Nazi nests seemeS nearer to fore the dismemberment of Defeated for a third terra as ! Buch is the kingdom of heaven." fulfillment with reports from TJnited States. of injustice. Why is the cry unCzechoslovakia. Committees - Tor in 1ES1, tie v:as not EC- ' Hatred. Abroad Paris that 5,000 Tisas for Euro- welfare, emigration and le^al | {alflermas . Mafie no mistake. We are in heard? j r e ^ politics th? I say that the Catholic forces pean countries will be made avail^danger. Make no mistake. "We are qnestions -trere appointed. The' c j tile Labor Party, C E Because tbe world must follow multiplying the elements of dan- throughout t h e world today the other principles of the Code able to refugees here within a new body "Kill function •within der Tirhose basmer he •ws.s elected ger, by our inaction, by our sel- should join now in crusade in de- of Christ before it can SEE jus- few weefcs. Responsible circles the frame-B-ork of existing Jewish. to the City Cotincil i a I£ST U S E state that the visas will be used organiEations. Spokesisen for t i evrhose Icroes is. lad, for. E, tiiH£ cs •: fishness, and by our apathy, if fense of those "who suffer perse- tice. cution, Jew and Christian alike. to evacuate Jews, Communists groirp Etated that Je-wish refugees leader of a coalition majority aail not by our ignorance. His Holiness, Pope Pius on the I K£> that if the Christiana of occasion of the International Hos- and Social Democrats whose past frora Before boarding the plane, a Sndetenlajid, contrary to later as minority let-dsr. He athundred thousand words telling Europe, warned of tbe diabolical pital Congress indicted the injus- political activities "would put original estimates, did net excess tained a reputation ia the story of the world march had paganism, behind Nazi and Com- tice of Nazism-when he saidr "We them "on th spot" if they cil as a hsrS worker, a 15,000. eyes that day—and no munist persecutions, had acted as must realize that if the German returned to Sudetenlasd. Christians and fought for the profragment was there in the vast The Jewish population of "noof paganism is" extended mosaic of trained correspondents* tection of the persecuted of asy program man's hind" on the Austrian-Moto and accepted by other nations, creeds madmen-would -not now reports that did not signal the damage will result ravian frontier was increased rest of the world: "It can happen burn a crucifix in Cardinal Innit- incalculable for the world." In his Christmas from the Czech side for the first BI IS zer's palace, imprison innocent - anywhere!" message, he said: "Germany's per- time, according to unconfirmed : priests and nuns, defile holy ••-•'i'. Whenever or wherever Christireports from Brno, when the ausecution has seldom been matched :. anity.fails, it is the failure of monks and drive little Catholic in jg m history for its power and grav- thorities escorted 50 Austrian ^Christians. There was a time when children from their schools. Jewish families to the frontier ity, its willful and violent brutal' The poisonous doctrines of pres- ity, united with insidious false- and forced them to cross the line. ^he pagans marveled: "Behold ; low the Christians love one an- ent-day paganism, spawned in So- hood cheating denials." And . Countermanding a previous orother." Behold TODAY the pagan viet Russia, have stifled the na- again and he said: "Here are signs der of the Justice Ministry, the Jeers of thig day echoing over tural religions yearnings in that and portents of terrifying reality Finance Ministry warned Sudeten country of Catholic, -Protestant, of what is being land and seat' prepared for Jewish refugees not to comply "Kill the Jew!" "Burn the and Jew alike. The cadaverous Europe and the whole world with an order for registration of Bishops!") "Starve them!" "Pil- spector of Marxism, -with its mur- they do not hasten to adopt neces- all Jewish fortunes exceeding lage I" "Whip!" "Despoil them'." derous philosophy of class hatred, sary remedies of defense." 5,000 marks, issued in Sudetenhas an insidious manner of cloak"Disgrace them!" Tha Beatitudes land after the German occupaIng its greedy materialism r • And so, coming Here to tftis celCatholic Journalists here and tion, until such order Is duly Xs- ebration of the mystery of Christ promises of Utopia. What kind of Utopia the communists have in •with us, Emmanuel, the Eucharis. tic King whom we honor and mind we have been able to, ob'-' adore, I thought what must this serve in Soviet Russia with its Man God who gave His life blood rising crescendo of mass' murder, for love of humanity, think of its.reign of terror, its long list of those who have made a mockery degrading crimes against humanof His beautitudes. who have ity-and against all of the highest drenched Earth with the blood of ideals of civilized man. His innocent children and the perThe time to fight ia America 13 secuted in their fanatical, tragic NOW. ' pursuit of an ideology that springs - Every instrument -of Catholic from the womb of paganism. power and force must be coordinated in defense of our sacred Jesus, the Jew My plane seemed suspended be- American institutions. The brains tween heaven and earth. A. snow- and the strength of Catholics must lipped-mountain the west pen- be employed to expose and de•til cilled the sky. And I thought of nounce and "wipe out not only »«Nii^ the words from His Sermon oil anti-Semitism but also other forms of intolerance wherever it the Mount: "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be lifts its head, because if no other called the children of God. Blessed lesson were needed, the history of are they which are persecuted for the past five years proves that one righteousness sake, for theirs is injustice begets another, and the the kingdom of heaven." And man who attacks a Jew, attaefcs again the words from Matthew: a Christian. And unless the Chris"But I say unto you, that whoso- tian is a follower of Christ 3a ever is angry with . hi3 brother deed as well as-name, and fights without cause shall be in danger in defense of. the Jews of any persecuted minority group, he is not of the judgment." son of God^ he has ignored tho And I thought of Jesus, when afirst teachings of Jesus Christ. asked by one of the Scribes, which, It ssc&es w s i i s g ' c pIcssssS i s ; « is the first commandment of all. - Catholic journalists see about them In the world today the tercl He answered, "The- first of all the commandments Is, "Hear, O Is-rible' onslaughts Jigainst Jew and Christian alike. Both are in the rael; The Lord our God is one Lord; and thou shalt love the {•broadest sense of. the household of | Ml 'us i Lord thy God -with all thy heart, \ .cjeBt -f and with all thy soul, and yrith. •) treadinj all thy.mind, and with all thy strength. This is the first comI ear or mandment And the second is like.


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pniwt GMOP ADORes8~«sp<'«a S«?H OTRECT DAVID BLACKER * • • Snsloesa and BJansglog Editor FRANS R. AOKBRjaAN. . . . Edlto? JLSONAKO NATHAN • : » . Acscclato Editor E&SB1 FREDERICS COBIJ • • Contrlbntln^ Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LSSWIS . . . - goofc Editor PILL ..•-... . . Gioos CUy. logs, Corrcapoaacnt

es an

moral monsters have been lording it with a high hand, destroying nations, wrecking the happiness and the lives of untold thousands, increasing their menace to the peace and security of the entire world. Even America is threatened as never before. What shall we do? It is not time to do something practical and unmistakeablef To take the bull (and the bullies, by the horn and show that the democracies, that they so much despise and insult and threaten? have not wholly lost their strength and their character and their self-respect and are not wholly defenseless against these repeated and truculent assaults! The self-respecting nations should at once sever diplomatic relations- -with such nations as German, the ring-leader of the criminal band (as brave Brazil has already done.) For far less cause the United St*te3, under President Taft (a Republican) broke'off dip lomatic relations with Eussia: We should refuse to have dealings with out-law nations who have put themselves beyond the pale of civilization, by their unjust, brutal, and inhuman actions. Germany's cup of iniquity is almost lull. For what are we waiting? We shall haye to resort to this sooner or later. It might as well be sooner* before Germany, and her partners in international wrong-doings are too strong. "A stitch in time Eaves nine.'" We serve the highest interests of peace by bringing to a climax the world's protest against long-continued barbarity, national and international injustice, monstrous and unspeakable wrong. . The democracies of the world should unite and present a brave, solid, and .resolute front. If only out of self-interest, which in this case would be the highest interest of civilization and humanity, Great Britain ('purged' of course, of Cham-Berlin-ism); France (de-Daladierized); the United States (which as the world's leading Democracy has most at stake); Russia (which, despite the infinite prejudices against her ias nevertheless shown herself most sympathetic towards democracy, and admirably loyal to the democratic nations all along); these nations should take the lead withstanding at last to their faces the tyrant and bloody dictators who are engulfing the world in misery and woe and destroying the very foundation of civilized society. Of course, the logical step would be to enlarge this group to a trueLeague of Nations that would include all the libertyloving nations of the world. It will come to that. Due necessity will compel it. In that lies the only hope and salvation of the world. •"•" Woodrow Wilson's pen was mightier than the Kaiser's sword. His 'fourteen points' pierced the military might of Germany. We look for some such shattering pronounciamento (President Roosevelt's address came very near to it,, which shall unite the nations to heroic and invincible effort that shall triumph at last over too-long-continuing, ruthlessly dominating, outrageous wrong. Thank God there begins to be articulate the world-wide determination: "Delenda Est." —-Babbi Frederick Cohn.

Senator Borah has incurred the wrath of several Jewish leaders by his refusal to address a Zionist mass meeting. To quote Mr. Borah, "We may not be helping the cause in which you aro interested by holding a mas3 meeting which would have no justification except on the theory that she is proposing to do a reprehensible thing." Going on, the Senator said, "By directing nations how they shall carry out their treaties without at th6 same time being prepared to assume mandatory obligations herself'the United States cannot retain Europe's respect. . " " . ' •-,." , We are tempted to agree with the gentleman from Idaho. § Zionist activity these past few weeks has been occasioned by rumors that Britain is contemplating drastie changes in her Palestine policy. The (rumor undoubtedly has some basis/but' we have become suspicious of rumors emanating from the British colonial office. It seems- that if Jewish groups are wellinformed as to British policy in Palestine, it is only because the British want them to be. The Jewish pressure qn the American statei department ia based on a joint resolution by which the United States recogsized the validity of Jewish claims. That every. Jew should be awake to this threat to Palestine is most essential at this crucial and tragic period. Not all Jews may accept the Zionist ideal, but it must not be forgotten that Palestine remains the only hope, the sole refuge of the Jews of Europe. But it must also be remembered, that Britain, holds the Mandate over Palestine. It is Britain who governs the "twicepromised" land, they are British troops that #aard the country. The United States congress in its joint resolution did not assume, auy more than a moral obligation for the continued wellbeing of Palestine. At the resent time the United States is pursuing a policy of isolation, a policy justified jn the light of recent events abroad. In 1919, at a time when she was less isolatoiy, the United States refused a mandate in the Near East, although the Arabs had expressed a desire that America, rather than France or England be given power over them. Already an important British paper has declared itself in favor of America assuming tho mandate if she is so interested in Palestine. Harassed Britain does sot have American support; it is unlikely that she. wili take well to her interference. - Palestine is Britain's care. We may not like' th& manda*. By DB, XHJ3ODOB3 N tory's method of caring 6ut the charge, bat we'must resign ourr i&rasl Sinai 2esp2e» SIras City selves to the fact that th.e-interests of Palestine will under no circumstances conflict with, the interests of Great Britain. "CHEVXAI TMAH" (THE TRA- tural assimilation as a delusion Is America may. demand protection for her economic stakes VAIL OS1 A NATION). 23S shockingly vindicated by the proPAGES. THE METZ FOUN- scription of Jews in many Euroin Palestine. But beyond that she cannot go. • DATION. NEW YORK CITY. pean lands. His estimate ot the

.The Dies C o m m i t t e e



V / •,.•••'

The course of the Dies Committee has not run smoothly. Ever since hearings started last August, that b'ody of inquiring gentlemen has been the target of numerous critics. The critics have not been members of the extreme? left or extreme right. On some occasions the criticisms have been unjustified. On others, unfortunately, the criticisms have been valid. / When the committee began its work, great hope was placed in it. Subversive activities, particularly of the Nazis, had become intolerable and from all sections of the country, from all walks of life, the cry had gone up that something must be done. Preliminary investigations had revealed interesting details. But instead of continuing the inquiry into subversive activities, the committee has taken tiine off to play politics. The professional red-baiters, who lie in wait for just such golden opportunities, had another Roman holiday. One investigator, it was shown, was himself associated with disreputable Fascist groups. John Brophy and Governor Murphy, both staunch Catholics, were accused of acting with Communists. Now we are forced to witness the investigation deteriorating to a campaign of mud-slinging. To quote a former national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, an organization never hitherto knowtf for 'red' sympathies, "the Dies committee ia guilty of the exploitation of partisan interests." The danger from foreign propaganda groups is so serious that to ignore them is criminal. By playing politics Mr. Dies and his committee are playing into the very bands of the elements they are supposed to be investigating. ;

The essays included In tola vollume, though written many years ago, by men not one of -whom is today among the living, are painfully applicable to oar day and gentratlon. One is truly astounded at the prophetic insight of the several authors, at their profound grasp ot the essential nature of the Jewish problem, at their remarkably clear comprehension of the causes of anti-Semitism. Not only were the authors men of vision but also men of courage, for it required uncommon heroism to preach fiercely distasteful truths to a people that was living in a fool's paradise and obstinately Ignoring its true and unfortunate position in tbe world. None would be more outraged and grieved than the authors themselves were they to return and discover how tragically accurate was their prognosis of the JewjBh problem, and with what savage; thoroughness their predictions were being fulfilled.

The volume contains brief but choice selections in Hebrew from the pens of the followin g distinguished and brilliant Jewish t h i n k e r s : Krochmal (17851840); S. D. Luzatto (18001$65); Moses Hess (1812-1875); P. Smolenskin (1842-1885); Y. M. Pinas (1843-1910); M. L. Lllienblum (1843-1910); W. Yabetz (1847-1924); E. Ben-Jehudah (1857-1922); J. L. Gordon (1830-1892); J. L. P i n s k e r (1821-1891); and last and most significantly Abad ha-Am, who was born in 1856 and who died as recently as 1927. The . message of these great By B&bbi Frederick Cohn spirits is strikingly unanimous. "Europe, Asia, and Africa are in the devil of a mess. It One and .all, they preaCh the folly assimilation and the illusion of looks like a reversion to the Dark Ages. Naked and lawless of political emancipation. They are force marches jn seven-league boots. Human dignity, rights, lib- agreed that anti-Semitism is a disease, practically on erty, lie tramplea and bleeding. We feel about it as the pres- permanent hereditary malady, and that all ident does. But few of us pretend to know what our own coun- struggle against it Is doomed to failure. They view the exlla or try should do about it,\or can do," ; "Golus" as a terrible and Inreality. P&sslonately Thus the Omaha; World-Herald, in a recent editorial, de- escapable do they plead for the rehabilitascribes the present condition of the world. It raises the question tion of Palestine, and stoutly do they maintain that the return of as to what can be done about it. Israel to its ancient homeland is It is good to have the question raised It shows there is be- the only solution for the Jewish This briefly is the burginning to be a sensed responsibility; a feeling that things problem. den of the book, and the message have become intolerable and it is time for some drastic and ef- of these men. Even those among who may reject the preferred fective action.; " .y ^ ' us solution must wonder in astonishOur President, in his radio address-of a week ago, gave no- ment at the realistic and fearless of the position of the table and courageous expression to the. indignation that the analysis Jew among the cations found in world feels at the monstrous iniquities that are being perpetrat- these pases. .-•._ "•...-' ,, . -.. <sti by the criminal governments of the world. He almost called Th© most amazing essay in the the Dictators byinasne. He left no doubt as to where he placed entire volume, and the most prois that by Lilienblum enthe chief blame. He virtually gavev notice that America is be- phetic, titled "Concstnlng the Salvation stiiTing herself arid ready to play a more active part than she of Israel." His description of tn© dilemma and tragedy of the Jew has hitherto. He called for increased armament to be ready to fearfully corresponds with modern conditions and facts. His back-up his brave words with even braver deeds. scathing denunciation of political Too long have we been pusilanimously impotent while the emancipation as'a saare and cul

virulent and incurable nature of anti - semitism is astonishingly confirmed by contemporary Jewish experiences. Without knowingthe date of the essay one would conclude that it was written but yesterday, so closely does it harmonize with present day realities. Decades ago this great seer foresaw the present era of Jewish persecution, and predicted that it would be initiated and defended on nationalistic grounds instead of, as in the Middle Ages, religious. Today it is in the name, and under the banner, of holy nationalism that Jews are persecuted, despoiled and expelled — proclaimed aliens for whom native lands have no room and opportunity. Combined with economic stress and maladjustment, nationalistic frenzy becomes, and Lllienblum predicted t h a t it would, an Irresistible force, assumes proportions of an avalanche, against which reason and Justice can bs of no avail. In the Middle Ages the Jew was made an outcast because he professed a different religion. Today he is declared an outcast because he belongs to a different people. No amount of assimilation, no measure of cultural identification, no conspicions or patriotic service will remove from the Jew the stigma of alien, In the eyes of the masses. Written about 30 or 40 years ago, these words are shockingly descriptive, of the status of European Jewry. The message of Lllienblum, the Russian Jew with the heritage of Talmud and Ghetto, is reinforced by David Luzatto, "the cultured Italian; by Moses Hess, the German assimiliationist who' wrote the famous "Rome and Jerusalem;"' by 'Pinsker, author of "Auto-Emancipation" which still Inspires and thrills, and by their noble associates In thought, spirit and conviction. The closing se< lections from the pen of Ahad haAm, the intellectual giant of the group, and with the exception of Krochmal, the most brilliant, constitute a fitting climax to these powerful and daring and tragically titaely essays. Even those of us who will balk at the prescription, who cannot accept the establishment of a Jewish homeland as the solution of all Jewish difficulties, must pay Heed to thelpreachments of this splendid and noble company, namely, that the Jew can obtain true freedom and genuine healing only from within, not from without; that spiritual emancipation is something to be achieved by one's fielf, and that the road thereto lies along the path of appreciation ol Jewish values, of cultivation of Jewish culture and of pride in Jewish achievements and contributions, in Jewish self esteem and self honor. In theso dark days, and they may grow yet darker, the Jew must again turn,

for power and strength, to his pacred heritage, to his challenging faith, to his divine Torah. He must free fcfcuself from tbe 6weet but deadly illusions of the emancipation era and find his happiness, his peace of mind and'eoul, in Judaism end the eynsgogue. Tbe Jev can be robbed of everything, of constitutional guarantees, of rights cf citizenships, of titles to property, of opportunity to earn an honorable livelihood, but of tha Torah even the vilest enemy cannot deprive him. Spiritual possessions alon?r are secure •—and for the Jew to put his trust in ought else Is supreme folly. He who finds delight la the literature, tradition and doctrine of Israel has a bulwark which will defy even the most ruthless of oppressors. In the final and ultimate analysis, this is tlie message of this company ot good and noble and loyal Jews. This valuable and timely book deserves a good English translation. American youth, bewildered, confused, and terrified, needs its message desperately. The simple but necessary and inescapable facts it establishes concerning the status, fate and destiny ot Israel among the nations are indispensable to every intelligent Jew. We have long cherished vain hopes and clung to fond illusions. The time has cose to awake from &n Intoxicating and deadly slumber. And we can arouse ourselves none too coon.

and L, Jewish Connaenity Center. COMENQ EVENTS SUNDAY, NOV. S3 Father acd 8i>s Banscct: 6:CO p. m.. Auditorium. Jewish CcramunHy Center. MONDAY, NOV. SI 'Reception for Presidents of Jewish .Wcmea'B Organisations: Jewish- CdEsasElty Cetiter. TUESDAY, NOV. SB Center Forum Series: "Meyer Levin:" 8:00 p. m.. Auditorium.. Jewish Community Center. SATURDAY, DEC. W Annual CotanianHy Ball—Women's Division: Jewish Community Center. Baron Alfred vca Kraus, &n apostate Jew, ia 1EE1 was named governor-general of Bohemia. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, was one of the raost important Jewih communities In colonial times.

tion cf the world'* population, the proportion being one Jew to a hundred non-Jews, i^arious catei i gories arc clearly to be distinguished in our midst. A worth vrfcile article. Br EASKEL& OQKEM The Union of American Hebrew Congregations Commissions on Current comments cf the d&y'e ; Synagogue activities nresent "THE Jewish sceEe of erects SE mags.- j JEWISH KAKCH OF TIME.'* sines, books and JewJpfe thought: j Copies ere In our library. Magazines: My favorite youth Books: magazine: HABONEH vjtfc its deENGLAND SLEPT,"1 lightful cfcila-like ptories tola in by "WHILE the Et. Hon. Winston S. a serious manner, and for chil- Churchill. England's most powerdren a guide to problems of the ful, soB-oJfice holding utatesman flay—My suggestion as "the best presents a complete review of the article, "ALEXANDER ZEID," by Icternr-Uonal situation Bince 1930. Topuchl. He groups his material !nto three The RECORD a contemporary parts. "GERMANY DISARMED,'' Jewish—-reviews events and "GEEK ANY ARMED.'* It and a digest of opinion. gives T DU the reason for the downThe Jewish Spectator — "A fell of Austria. JEW AT KEAKT" (the topic, of A friend, live 8 patch on a garthe month) hy Allan G. Field— "Although we Jews are but a frac- ment,, should be the same color.

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Community Calendar FROM KOV. 6-NOV. 10 SUNDAY, NOV. G Junior Council Meeting: 2 p. m., c & D, Jewish Community Center. A. Z. A. No. 1 Meeting: 3:00 p. m..G H room, Jewish Community Center. Young Judaea: 3:00 p. a.. Room M, Jewish Community Center. Omaha Hebrew Club Open Meeting: 3:00 p. m.. Auditorium, Jewish Community Center. Basket Ball Games: 3:00 p. in.. Gymnasium, Jewish CoraraKOity Center. A..Z. A. No. 100 Dinner: 6:S0 p. m., Lodge Rooa, Jewish. Community Center. BIOJOMX, NOV. _7 Cooking Class: 6:00 p. S3., Third Floor Kitchen, Jewish Community Center. B'nai B'rith: 3:00 p. m., Lodge RoomrJewish Community Center. Hazoxsir Choral Society: S:OC p. m.. K and L, Jewish Community Center. f f Workmen's Lroan Association: 8:00 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. TUESDAY, NOV. 8 Deborah Society Dessert Luncheon: 1:00 p. m., Auditorium, Jewish Community Center. Round Table Supper: 6:30 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. Center Forum Series, "Pierre Van Passen," 8:00 p. m., Auditorium, Jewish 'Community Center. WEDNESDAY, NOV. ft Beth E.1 Auxiliary: 1:00 p. in.. Lodge Room, Jewish Community Center. Senior Hadassah Dramatic Reading, "I'd Rather Be Right:1" 8:00 p. B*., Auditorium, Jewish Community Center. . International Workers* Order: 8:00 p. m.. C and D. Jewish Community Center. THTTKSOAY, NOV. 10 Junior Hadassah Dinner: 6:30 p. m., Loe!ga Room, Jewish Community C©ater. Boy Scout Meeting: 8:00 p. m., G' and H, Jewish Community Center. ' Choir Rehears&l: 8:00 p. m., K FOR BENT—Faraished or unfurnished, beautiful 7-room home. Choice, location. Reasonable rent. Will decorate entire house, HA 7316.

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TEE JEWISH PSESS—5TJDAY, JTOTSMBES i, 193; eric Ui -'-.aptEr lias Elreafy rested E, eon- 1 era. neicssed, she triet frep-lan?- ' rrbjcci E cession. Tie s r>tb'.' T-ncr ? ing. £hr v af E.^ 2i for a ri"i "e "C Advisors of Chaster " are f r e c*'"-' c An inrgresive formal initiation est Hess, Kate Gilinssr, Milliard The Omaha delegation of twen- ceremony vras held Sundzy, Octo- j Krasse, 1'eyer Malts. Nathan :y attended the 24th annual Na- be- 30th at which t i n s Floyd Co- | Nosrs, Al F e s . and Abe Kateiman. -• r: . ional Convention of Hadassah .hen, Omaha, was initiated into la charts of c pter publicity that v.-as held in St. Louis, Octo- the active group. After tie.secret ber, 30 to November 3. order was presented, a banquet aittees -frill t-e releas hortly Many Omaha women who at- was held in honor cf the new in- by Aleph GoccI 'Hosen .ENGAGEMEKT .. CHOOSES . tended the- convention took EH ac- itiates. The hSgh-lisht of tas fiin"WEDDETG •.DATE Mr. and Mrs. A. P . Golclware anMiss Jeannette Resnick of Los tive part in the activities includ- ner was an address by' Max Kra- ^Irs. Philip Ehrlieh, "National nounce t h e engagement of their Angeles has chosen Saturday eve- ing Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky who a e r , Council Bluff's alumnus. Vice President of Hsdassah, a l r e f -•• ::< daughter, Bess, to Mr. Hilton A. ning ? November 12, as the date of was chairman :for Membership At the recent annual Business frs ?mest cf honor at s tea given Hoaenberg, son of Mrs. A. H. Ito- her marriage to Godfrey Jacobs, discussion; Mrs. David A. Gold- Administration S a n e s t , it TTSS jfcythe Scsisr Haasssah c s MosThe ceremony -will be performed stein who was chosen as one of ssnouncad that X.eo Hjstenstatt, itenberg at Chicago. .2CcTE=:ber 14, at ths ioMr. .Rosenberg is a graduate of in Los Angeles by Rabbi Mas the sixteen women throughout the Omaha, O d Arthur Hill, Lincoln, day,Mrs. Clyde Krasne. United States as an Angel of ranked and ' . the University of Chicago. He is Kent. scholasticaJly in the u 3Ieml>ers and noxs-: Mercy to make a speaking tour of * a mfember of the Phi Beta Delta Mr. and Mrs. J.' H. Hesnick, per ten per cent of their xesrpee- cordially invite. fraternity. parents of the bride, and son, Ber- a region, and Mrs. Julius Stein tive classes. X>ea is now a senior jH. Katelrsaa. is -who participated in the Youth The wedding will take place on nard, intend to motor to XQS Anin .the university •while this is •of tlifi a^a2 Aliyah meeting.Thanksgiving Day. geles to attend the wedding. Art's third yesr. Both fasve coaReports on the Convention will sistestly been in this upp-sr class Plans - 0 r T O RECEIVE !FOB ~N Jb> U'JJ V WKDS SPENDS WIN I £ I l IN MiOSIDA be given by those, who attended, since thsir entrancs into ths uni- B'nai S'nth ^ pn "TTP. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mas Singer left at the next meeting to be held versity. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gorelick, to be held at the Chiertain Hotel 3562 S. 25th St., -will receive Sunday for Miami Beach, Florida, Wednesday, November • 30. The A cultural hour trss held last en BUECLET, November ic friends and relatives Irom 5 until where tfcsy vrlll spend the winter. following -will participate. Krs. •week at the chapter house. Dr. T -,- f ~ Albert Newman will talk on Child Harold Stoke, professor in ths Po- grain has besa srrasged for the 8 on Sunday, November 6.1ollowWelfare, Mrs. David A. Goldstein ing the marriage of their daughnpsn ' e n s in the alteiBBea, and on the Palestine Situation, Mrs. the guest speak. Dr. Stoke preter, iHeva, to Tilr. Xouis Singer, v : c, r~~ will i s an evening speaker. J. H. Sulakofsky on Education; ssnted an -interesting informal there sou of Mr. and Mrs. Max. Singer. .V r ~ rr- c Activities will begin at 10:SO Mrs. Ed. Brodkey on Senior Jundiscussion on "Beoscnic Nation- a. si. and costin-ce throu.gho-at the Rabbi'David A. Goldstein and Murl Sernstien, midwestern re- ior Relationship; Palestine Sup- alism." the . . r : , - r ">"- — ~ Cantor Aaron Edgar -will officiate gional day. They -prill isclnfie a Innshadvisor, of Theta chapter, plies by Mrs. Bueben KnlakofIrvin Yaife, OrirLhs., lias been 1 ecn at the marriage ceremony -which visited at the chapter house sevand haxiciiSu. •will take place in the presence of eral days during the hist -week. sky; H. M. O. Rhuh by Hrg. M. called upon to "participate in prethe immediate family on.Sunday On "Wednesday evening .Lincoln M. Barish; Touth Aliyah by Sirs. season basketball practice for the at 4 o'clock at the homo of the alums were invited to dinner hon- Julius Stein; Membership by Mrs. nniversity's varsity team. Yafle its next regriiisr rasctirs 21cz B. A. Simon; Palestine Pavilion has shoTm czsellent siaity Sn tore —~.TZ " s , 1.;~r bride's paTenta. Norczsber 7, at 7:45 p. n . is oring Miss Bemsien, and Thursths World Fair, Mrs. JOB Gold- thesa eaTly -practices. No invitations are being issued day a midnight spread -was given at ware; Totrng Judea by -Sirs. Irvin .Norsaan Bcrdy, Omaka, and lor the reception. by the actives at the chapter C Lovin, and Convention Gener- Helvin Tannsnbannu also of Omhouse. Theta alums Sirs. A. Stein- alized by Mrs. M. D. Brodkey. TaI=Bii saeetins for aha, cave been psrticxpstiss in COUSINS CLUB berg, Mrs. H . Sbmmer, Mrs. H. be held 2icn- the "n- T 'C~ i; . At tn.0 Oneg Shabboth to be the university's BTrtamias team The Cousins Club •will meet on Guttninn and Rose Steinberg, of , November 7, at the Chsvra try out. ' hold 2 p. m. Saturday, November Thursday,- November 10, at "the Omaha, -were luncheon guests a t Ths annual Signs Onicron sc19th at the home of Sirs. A. S. home of Sam Sleyerson, GOO the house on Friday. Rubnits, 5204 California St., Mrs.tive-£reshman football same Tras Soossvelt Street, Council Bluffs. arsi, -with the coGuests over t h e homecoming M. P . Levenson and Mrs. Horris sslaysd Sunday Oct. SDUi. THE were, Theta^ alums. M. Franklin will talk on "Con- chall£Bse of tbe Ireslisisa to tee operation oJ all of the local JewTO BFKKD "WINTER OW COAST week-end gronp ifras answered by s*. Meyerson, Council Bluffs; vention Highlights." Mrs. Jennie Jiotler and daugh- Pearl brilliant 1S-0 set bssS for the Mrs .M. Cannnr and Alice Perelter, Ida, left to spend the -winter mcn, frcsimsji. At the *3^si*2^^-» of the Omaha, and Miriel Krasne, in San Francisco, Callfronla. Sirs. Fremont., it looked as though the Also among the guests JSotler vrtll join her son and •were several parents, Mr. P . Sobel Leo 2'cysrsos, EtuSest at T> freshman t v e i e presenting 2. daughter who are living on the and daughter, Erayda, ScottsUniversity, Bss sioines, spent last threat, but the active team soon Dr. Lyrnan Harris of Omaha coast. bluff; Mrs. J. Hlrshfeld, North University will speak at the Tegu- obliterated that potential scoring week-end at home. , Platte, and Mrs. H. Miller and lar monthly meeting of Temple Is- punch. VISITING RELATIVES Leonard .Eroira, who is Ettcnd- Curt ~,or, . L TI ,,r rael Sisterhood on Monday, NoMrs. Harry Levitan and small son, Wall l a k e , l a . . \S ths University of Iowa this vember 7, at one o'clock, in the On the A. "W. S. committee son, Clifford, o£ Memphis, TenClieosd She! Eines '.TVS., is expected feoae this 'Treeknessee, arrived Sunday for a two • w h i c h sold homecoming "N" Temple -vestry rooms. Dr. Sarris •weeks visit heTe -with .Sirs. liev- stamps, "were Judith Levenson and is a brilliant lecturer and an able A regular meeting cf -tho Cheathe o^^ th n itan's family. They are at the Miriam Hubnits, Tvho ranted sec- historian. Mrs. Henry -Mcnsky i s ed Shsl Sines trill be held en Eosentisal, Libbie home of her brother and sister- ond among all t h s teams selling iairman for the afternoon, Monday, Noveraiisr 7. at 2 p. n . be assisted by SIcsdaines Jos at the Chsssfl Shel Snes fcuEd- ECU Epsnt last .Snxdar Tisiting in is "the raL in-law, Mr. and Mre. Kobert Nod- stamps on campus, Marion Stett-. dle. Sirs. L«vitan is the former Jieimer Tvas also on a stamp sell- N. Eothkop, Barry ISalsshock, ias. 1912 Cnniss street. Lincoln, KeSrasta. They "were ECSam Wertthetaer, Jr., ana Carl ing committee. Selma Hill TT Sara Ann Noddle of Omaha. ' ZlUpDTtEnt I^TZSlIIEilS 13 t o "bs cos3pSEic5 t y Alice PerElciBji and. to d c " f =— ' in charge of tho homecoming aec- FnTth. tmnssctcd at this msstins* Any ilcrris Pine cf Ctesha. s. r - - " - " •" > c-c --st— ; „ Dr. Harris has chosen as U s orations for the house. Selma also I N EAST womc3i iateTestEd in Isecoiains * ~,-~r Sam T'c ^—^^s . ^t headed the committee in charge of ubject, "Democracy and the Pre- members xsf the Chessf Shel Eiscs - x - - -. Mr, and Sirs. Louis Margolin ilrs. Etta. Tudslsoii returned f . Bsrjre-^^' r r left last Saturday night for V»Tasb- the xush supper •which -was given sent Scene." He "will Interpret the are ssked to com© to this meeting. Sunday froa a two s e c t s ' trip to fra-re T , -' .- T, ington and New York. They will Sunday evening by Sigma Alpha present situation in Europe. Trr. Mrs. 1J. Nere:lsXf will preside. be gone for several weeks. While Iota, honorary music organiza- Harris received his Bachelor of in "Washington ilr.-Margolin will tion. On the program that eve- Arts degree at Washington and !•-= r 1 ^ attend the convention of the Ice ning -was Harriett Byron, T?ho Leo University and fo<q Doctor of sang. Miriam Bubnitz vras one Philosophy from the University of Manufacturers Association. Wisconsin. He lias taught at of theTushees. Tlie iirst nsetiss of XOMIS JaR O U G H CTiTFB . Group I, 'was held en OctoRauline Schwartz is being rush- K n o s College tn Galcsburg, TZ~] T " '"' — ' ^"liJir-1"1^"7''"!!! i3yJ -^ •-» £• Darwin Marcus, Allen Blank,' ed to Iota .Sigma P i .honorary and Et Omaha 'University. He ber SO a t ins Jer»2si CcnsEnnity has spent many years abroad and Csnter. And Joe Bolker were recently chemistry society. was in England the summer of pledged to the Ronoh Club. Ths next xaeeting irill fcs feelfl •Hollyrrcod — F u l l -np y o ' a : Gamma Alpha Chi, nonorary 19 3 S when the serious riots in at the Center os Norenbsr 6 s t chairs - . . herrea. an^ canen-. - . and professional advertising so- Palestine were- occurring. IN NEW HOME 2:30. Each zs.ezs.beT i £ s bean aak- our Austriss tieksr-icpe reports ciety, entertained at a rush breakmeeting will be preceded cd Mr, and Mrs. Mas Sachs, who fast at the Cornhusker Sunday by The x to hriss cae ne-w senbaT. Of- that H he a luncheon prepared by Mrs. „, celebrated their first wedding an- morning, Betty Beeson, vice-pres- Molly Cohen and her circle, xtes- ficsrs for tec crcntas yesr Trill bs la-Siar Sy L,aJ,lEr <--.< One . . . was Ells niversary on October 31, are now ident, tvas in charge of ths af- srvations may be msde by p i c a - "electsfl at this time. ^^~ at home in their new bungalow at fair. Among the -2S girls bid to ing Sirs. Cohen at Wa. 7144. FcrtlieT felorrsaticn n a y tse 2624 A street. - . __,- , _ ~ F this breakfast were Mary Arbit- Jdrs. B. L. Wolf, Sisterhood pres- gotten by csllins I>arotS.s S-trarts, r' Ja. 765S. man. Jeannette Polonr&y a a Papa G n a -STJLS a merchant oi 11 V" -•-r ident, trill preside. JOSLYN MEMOKIAIi Beatrice Sommer. cloth, dress goads, or yardase. On A pound film on Sun Valley will the side, he was 2. sort cf unoffi:i3 vhat TVUS vrritten be shown in the -concert hall at onWho??? cial canter. the bride-pictured place cards the Joslyn Memorial at .2:30 p. m. •when I I — c rr— ! Ella . . . E the S. D. T.'s went down to Hcfr this Srnday. Fritz Mandel, a baker, not a 53201^dinner Monday night. A few min- The regular monthly meeting At 3:30 p. m. Miss Mildred utes er as fcnserly beliered. He car- {0 biter the usual five pounds of the Beth SI Synagogue Auxil3Ior»ia will lecture on "The J3rit- of candy ried on his business in a very rl-?c „ n=- > announced the engage- iary vfill be held at ths Jewish iBhand American War Debt." _ ment of Jane The local A. Z. A. chapter T is small Tv-ay at lirst . . . . fcrasohed Community Center on WednesGoets, daughter of A program of recorded organ Mrs. James Goetz, to Fred Critz day, November 9. A one o'clock mating rapid strides toward being out and expanded curing the vrsr ; mnslc will be played in the con- of dessert luncheon will precede the one of ths cost active chapters . . . finally rase to the proprietorOmaha. Bert nail at 4:00 o'clock Sunday. meeting. The board Trill meet at in this district." Its calendar for ship .of a huge plant cf factory A piano recital by Miss Lynette the coming months is completely proportions. As Heiy*s husband nocn. Wears will be presented in the lechs had alrGacLy bcDCtns ^1 finanfilled with numerous activities. Dean S. A. Holt ol the Univer.tnre hall a t the Memorial at Durins the first week of Ba- cial pourer. sity of Oxaaha. vrfll speak on "The -4;3t> p . m. "Sstase" was Hedy's first, last, cembsr, ths chapter •will hold a We l.ive In." An important business meeting World The Jewish home musical sug- dinner danee tofeeused as a send- acd only thespic atterapt in Eurwill be held Sunday, November gestion will fee presented by Sirs. off to the Siocx City -sriater con- ope. Coning- to Holly-R-ood she 6th at the Center, at -which time Edgar and her sabbath vention, "which, siany chapter as under ccatract G. 11. ] a report on the Midwest ^Regional Aaron smbera are planning to attend. for months, j^et EO notice •was tak- i IN" 1, r. Plans for the Bas-a-mi second Convention held at Minneapolis, school class. -' Sngene S'elpner v<Ul ha chair- en of her. Waiter Wangar bcr-! tlie :^_ -. ; . w \ . :. annual dance. T h e Harvest Hop,' October 22nd and 23rd will oe The Ones Shabboth -will be held ma of the event, assisted by Aleph ro-sred her for "Algiers." lEstant-1 fort>"cr: ~r -'""— -whicn ieto be given November 30 made by Sara Eifkln and Ida tomorrow, November 5, at ths Vernon Fitch, and advisers Ernest 3y she roefceted to stardoa. Be- | Aboi ~c—r ' ' -r at the Music Box are well under Fine, delegates. home of Mrs. Louis Alberts, 685 Eos3 and Ilever Haiti. Aleph Go- claimed by her hssie lot, she is i Tes.-' .".". " --'-•way. Charlotte Nogg has been New members -were honored at N. 57th street. Mrs. Henry Bel- dols and MasMrs of Omaha, Des EOTV •troriiijig c a "New Tori; C i a - | the - ••;•;.->-••-> ~ -named \ general chairman of the a tea held October 30th in tfie mont ba co-hostesses. Dele- 'Koines, Liacola, Sioux City and derella." And the faallynccters a r e I "Tho : , : ; .r Zl r affair. Center Xiodse Itoein- Gertrude gates t"will the regional conference various other chapters •will be in- busy Bpilling publioity -as fast a s j tenti..^ ^ _„< ; , i, "Assisting as co-chairmen . are: Guss and Ida Pine were in charge of the o Women's Lessne Tsrill pre- vited. Dates will be provided lor the feir pours. S!er heart-line is £.:''" Sylvia Epstein, general arrange- of arrangements. outside guests i i necessary. sent their reports. . ments: Elaine Lagman, publicity; Final plans •will be made lor . Mr. Arthur Hapjjbrt vill The entire chapter is co-oper- Gardiner ss,d Bosg P. and Ttuth Bloch, tickets. Junior Council's benefit trridge to atins in selling tictcts for its anOthera who wm aid the chair- be held November ~30th. Ida on "Jevrish Hnnior." nual turkey .raffie. Bach year this An antithetical story snrrcends fsmr— "Z men of the various committees Blacker is chairman of the comhas proven successful. Dolly Haas, asothsr impcrt, FGT linr; "~r~* JWB: fRosalis Tuchman, Lorraine mittee, assisted by Tobye JEJlax. Aleph Godol Korsaan Kosenthal yEar she vras held •uncler con- | the encr^c Leeser. Louise SayIan, and Irene Harriet Wolsky, Martha 2llmmell:-r has appointed Vemaa Pitch and tract without everr fac: •Mirowitz. The theme of the af- stein, Hanna Gostck, Leah OberWonisa fae 5 -" Eugene Telpnsr in charge of ticket fair is to be a barn dance. Pro- man, Eatelle Gilbert, Kae Spar ceeds will be turned over to -var- and Eva Nichols. Over one hundred women at- distribution. Irving Cohen is .fillious charity groups. Tickets may Members are urged t o bB on tended the luncheon given by the ins . the jeb ef .setting- tickets s trill tabs tie ,gotten from mebers of the or- time. The meeting will start at Council of JeTtish Women at the pprinted. TJie ganization. Jewish Community Center, last place at a 3'E.s.i B'rita meeting 2:30. Monday. Although this was the t i e Hondsy before Thaakssivins. • Ss.h.T&??i'm Chssxtl-ivs first regular meeting "of the sea- .Plans are barns made for ChapAuxiliary, Congregatioa of • LADIES' FREE XOAH ter Seven's pariicipation in the son, the Teports given by .the varIsrael Talmud Torah Carnival in the The I^ades .Free Loan Society is ious chairmen proved that they near AZ «EEP; .future. Tfcs exact date nas Z5 So, ZCth £ their committees have kept The X.adies Auxiliary of the having a drawing to raise funds and not yet been^jisoi, but the up their activities throughout ths Congregation of Israel will hold for the organisation. A 20-piecs summer. Plans to carry out notr its regularly monthly meeting on Bogers 1847 Silver Set and Chest projects and stufly gronpa Invo Monday, November 7, a t 2 p . m . has been donated by Mrs. B. formulated. in the assembly room of the Syn-Jtiekea, Mrs. J. Milder, Mrs. H. Seen Sirs. B. K. Kirkpstricli revis-wFriedel, and Mrs. 11. Tatle. ngogue, 25th and J streets. Mrs. S. Schneider was appoint- e3 -"Fanny Kesible" ±>y ..Slarssr" It is of the utmost importance Armstrong, f ollowisg t h e that every member attend this ed chairman of the drawing and .et .- v \, ~ir—"taut business will announce her committee lat- luncheon and business .xiesiisg. er. ill be transacted. Patronise Our .Advertteers Mrs. -Sam Klaver, president, urges all members to cooperate and make this drawing a good © FQNTEKELLE

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Patronise Our Advertisers Tea Dainties 2 cups flour, 1 tblsp. sugar, 1 tap. Bait, 4 teaspoons baking •powder, 4 tablespoons butter, % -cu pa milk, ^i cups stoned date3, 20 marahmallows, ty, cup chopped nuts. "Mix flour, sugar, salt and balling powder; cut in butter and milk gradually, forming a soft dough; place a tenspoon of dough in .each greased muffin tin, then place a marahmallow in each, then a stoned date and a few nuts. Cover with a spoonful of dough and bake 25 minutes at -450 degrees. niSSl An Hspsrt


" School of "Dancing .Private 'S2S.3 Class.

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TRIED THE LIFEBOAT—Prince Bernhard. husband of Princess Juliana, Crown Princess of The Netherlands, lilies to do daring deeds. This time he went out in a lifeboat, in exceedingly rough water at Terschelling, and enjoyed it, so he said. He is in center of the picture, striding a'Shore while the crew of the "Nicolas Marius" stand by. His attitude indicates he wasn't troubled by sea-sickness. SANDHOG SCXJLPTUEED—Robert Johns, one of tiie sandhogs digging the new Queens midtown tunnel under &e East River. New York, is to .be perpetuated in a bronze statue. At left Leo. ieritiUi,-New York sculptor, works on a-two-fpot clay, model, "while Johns holds the pose. The statue will-be shown at the Port of . Authority building at the World's Fair.

FABIttY KECXIOX—Warren Pershing, son of General John J. Pershing, and his bride, the former Munel Ba he RicharGS, f"e dinner guests of Mrs. Pershing's grandfether. prominent banker, pnilantaropist and art collect or, at the Ernmre Roora of the Waldorf-Astoria, New York C.ty. J 4 ! j;

I i




PIJIP.IE—It's round-up time on the turkey l arises. liere, Helen Toronto e;»li:b^s a prime turkey,


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on e ranch net.- Provo. Utah, thrf is hesaed fo- pome Thankstable.


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i ON GUARD IN PAUESTINE—With Arabs In revolt, against the British in Palestine, var-Uke scenes obtain throughout the Holy Land. Here are men of the Royal Ulster Rifles on guard in the d'sti t near the Sea of Galilee, where Christ is said to have walked on the water. Within 10 ts«eks recently 1,700 casualties and more than 700 deaths resulted from skirmishes. British army troous and poucc suffered a t least 75 casualties.

Vffl 55 H8^1'"# i

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IRISH JU5TPEES—Captain Ds^iei Corrr, lieutenant Zdhn Stack and Lieutenant Jcimes F. Keylon, of ths Irisli armj- team, as they arrived m New YorR to take prrt IP ttie Kstionsl Ko~5c opening at Madison Sq-uare Garden, New Tor};, MOT. 5. They .participate in several of the miLtary junping events.

r-* IX riC.'TT—Ono or ihe nation's hf-desi "ouc'ii pnl lie?-! b?tties is ihet being vrjrea in Iv'ichisan ever i,Iie I3emoCi ttic candidacy



Z^^TC \v r-n "irr1^ H*T fo^ rr* election, l.e'-'or end President :'-e^i- enaorse him but busi-


1,1 at. 11.


KING TO DEDICATE—When King George and Queen Elizabeth of Britain visit Canada next summer, the King is expected t o ' dedicate this national war memorial at Ottawa. The late Vernon March, youngest of four brothers, designed the monumeht, which -has cost $300,000. Since his death the three brothers, Sydney, Walter and1 Percival, completed the monument.


ABWHIBIAN POSTBIAN—Add to queer ways of receiving mail this uniquejnailbox of the briny deep. This postman wades out, a t Miami, Fla., to unload one of the ocean-going mailboxes that 'Passing ships drop overboard. They are carried ashore by t h s tide, the mail is taken out and the letters are started toward their destinations throughout the country,

ireec'o ith oove,, ; e wtu, th«, ake-Ui


... >~PIT—Coionol Fulgencio U^H^L \i 'IUU' dJi-Lttor of Cuba, e^' P~ P PUPSI of the <? American A::rT ft ilie Armistice Dr.y ob'c:-' trees. Mo^. 11, m



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WASHINGTON WOSS-HOESE—Work-horse of the University of Washington football team is Merle Miller, 186-pound back, shown above in excellent form as he gets into action on the Seattle field^He is one of the dependables from whom the Huskies expect; much effort, in the game scheduled with Stanford University, Nov. 5, at Berkeley, Cal

r< i

HAILED FOU FMGHT — Russian ofadals in Moscow recently hailed these three pemen, Valentina Grizubova, Captain Paulina Ospieriko and Senior Lieutenant Basliova, as intematlotKl distance champions for women. They started a non-stop flight from Moscow to Khabarovsk, but were forced down after flying 4,031 miles in 26 hours and 29 minutes.

THAT ISISH P H C r i E J l — ds VCZSTC, Prime Minister of the ZS counties of Eire. * arned Britain rscontlv that if she vrar.ts full Insli cooperation m the nest s - r slie n u r t T-:?a _ut t'-. Lloyd Gecrr3 fr^ thnt scparctco tlia si-: cc-onties of North Ireland. But Lcra Crcirc\o=. Premier of Ulster, shouted that the 1S20 frontier •was fiH3J and not subject to alteration. This

Isavos Fcrille Clicrrbcilr secure complete fnend

or he fsnhope, loi

i; boltcn, crc"r,r cvsiz-i L.c',nslpr House, 'US-ILG, await de Vaisra, msst, when he was elected president in ISSi-

".i o! the

THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 19SS tins eui neq-j JO,»T MOB *.*••• had at one time flowed—tears day in Jerusalem, it WES the lE-th head foremost, onto the large, ta- tt&g ne » song, and sang it like tne'tmtil I a m RF hot ae v-b;"" the settlers do. that had dried. Czy o* Shevst, tha New Tear of- ble. wae In h e r hand. But tiov? 1 <!"5 l'f t ; Suddenly another noise fell up "You coins, "I was once a string of pearls," the Trees. roll away any more, like '>-• Greeting to you. he began. We all looked at Mm "School girls west around with on our ears. Just the same kind le< IOOF<~ in wonder and couldn't under- Blue Soxes to collect mosey. of noise that we had made. A You work, I vo K * v i '^ stand. "Yes, I was a string of They cans to every bouse, and whole shower ol ceias fell upon You save." ol n. 1 1 c^ pearls, once," he repeated. "A EO it happened that they tracked oar heads. A Efcower ol clinking, And we all eang after him, thp f 1 "> . string of pearls belonging to a on the door ol the old Rabbi's glistering coins fell cut of a "We work, Jewish family in the Ukraine. The wife. third and fourth sad fifth bcs. We save." Iktsnsion. of tha Jewish. Coamnaity Cents?. pearls were a hundred years old. And EO we —ere & whole commuThe b l a s t coin drew back, am" i " t - - f ' " • "Who's there?" E,skefi the old nity—a big pile. Then we laughed from that ssosxsemt lie didn't oper i ' M They had come down fron gener• <> > woiaaa from her bed, whi.\ she —we really laughed—a silvery bis moutli, Good Shabbath, boys and "> F «• • > 'r sat in the second place in the was hanging on the wall. She ation to generation, from mother never left sow. laugh. We were stroked i.nd girls of the Junior Jewish Press. ro\7, and she put me in iront ol stretched herself up, stood 0.1 the to daughter and from daughter "It is we—" And the two girls picked up singly. From the table i • i Remember last week's story her. She was really afraid that tips of her toes, and raise her to granddaughter. At one time, If you corns- to Air. Hrrod rn , we wEEfiered irto the hands t>t of the Jewish National Fund I. would roll away again. The right hand. And now she did notthey were sewn around the head- rattled tneir boses. and what it docs for tho re- teacher evidently didn't see me shiver, and her little foot did notcovering of the Rabbi's old •wile; "Oh, cosie in," said the old the principal, a tall, silvery mar.. Kts.T YechOKkel. i c t h e Vniley or - demption of Israel. Well, tnls at all. He stood in front of me, slip, and I rolled out of her fin-then, they were made into a neck- woman from her dark roans. Tho And as we were being fosdled in .TCZ-TP' y r u ' l ' •"•-:? v rr- ^f^ ^ r - > : . . •> r r - , \ , - v - - . o week we*, are telling about a and spoke without Btopping. He gers into the Blue Bos—the "Re- lace for her gandflaughter, f~ iris entered. The old woman sat this way, oce of our conpatioif "nf t Pn.-, i,1. ii . t i I. young wife of a young rabbi, up, an<i a soft, sweet laughter lit whispered to us, silver coin that was put into a wrote on the blackboard and demption Bos." •T T , ^ . .'-- - r " I after she was maried. Jewish National Pond blnebox, moved his hands about. I underup her face. She had laughed like "Let us not separate. We shall s! D u n n s f.r L f c " . >••<•""•-"- 1-'i t vsf»cl fo~f: -. '<•"?•• o; ' ' r. " c' Into the Box and its adventures before buy- stood nothing of -what lie said, : , r ; s l :^, % "And once—" our friend gave that when she was a very young not separate!" i espcrisr.tT \.t i r e r f ; f c \" - r ing a dunam of land. but Annie must certainly under"Coins! Coins! Shalom!" With a deep sigh. "Once—" and it girl. She said: < A Decision j fee! Tp-y h r . r r r . ^."f c ^> i r i ' i r \ , i v i- i » >;• < ' • • " stood very well. She had com-this greeting of "Peace" I fell seemed to all of us that he would "I want to give you the string And in silvery whispers ve i their iier'.s' cr i = . (--£ ^ f " ' ; " ; "'r ;• ''_ " M ' , \ .'', pletely forgotten me. She looked into the Blue Box, the Redemp- be choked by tears—by the tears of pearls." Then the raised the \ '.,.',, , . „ ' , , „ ! . ','.,„ , - . , passed our decision, one to the i m o r t i n r ibe'- cl - r ;-• C t • at i e r teacher quite charmed, and tion Box. which had dried up. pillow which was behind her otter, and we all Isnghad. It was! T i s e r . 1 Vr\r\ c~ •',-- J v « • - , ; ? r: - o t .. *•••••• •• took in every -word. She also spoke " "Klip—Klip—Klip — Shalom, "Once, the Jews were mur- head, took out the handkerchief, Just as II we were playing s.t "l!r-J m o r t h F r r its r— f- r : F - ' - ^ . - ' r 1v" ' / . ' " ' . ' .", " " '< »'"" ' • " - • a word, now and again, Just like My name is Silvercoln. I glisten that night in her dream. Sudden- Shalom." Thus I was greeted by dered in this Ukrainian city. Only and with trembling hands undid ing telephone," like the boys s.rd! A n d e o n - e t i i r P E . . \ I r - r r * o - ,5<MT "". ^- ' , , v - v . ,„ ' , t, . and glitter and I'm hot, too. A ly the teacher came near and my new friends in the Blue Box. a few managed to save their lives. the toot. Then Ehe took the coin girls in the playground. We were I S o m e t l t r e f - I U I i . l E-'.;^ ^ 1 . - , i , ^ .%.« ^ • p . »••,>-. hot silver coin? Have yoa ever went past our row. " I shivered Then everything was quiet. We Aiaoiig the latter were the rabbi and threw it into the bos." takes hold cf like spoiled babies, ' r ' - " •• r - i . - " ; ' <* Once again all was quiet. An3 and were courted with greet im- • t i e A n n i e . e r p P C l E l : v ] er .! heard of a hot silver coin? I say with fright, but Annie seized me. knew that we were in school and and his wife, and they took the t- 111 again I'm a hot silver coin. An- What did she say?.As I was in must not make a noise. And sostring of pearls with them. They for many hours after the rusty portance. Then the principal said, < •* r " , i . i . . i f • • • ( -i, M0N6KV. vSRCT M ' had fled into a forest and were coin had finished the story, we and his voice ran^ through the nie, -who is in the second class her hand, I could hear. He held each crouched in his corner. in the girl's school, "warmed me a tv^ig in his hand," a twig cov737 Omntis Nf*;frp Looking around me immediate- hiding there. Suddenly, they saw the old Rabbi's wife, and the rooia: in her hands. For two whole days ered with blossoms, and he said ly after my arrival, I picked heard revolver shots. The rabbi string cf pearls. NOTTCF, O r T \ : "Two hundreds!" was killed. And the poor old . Morning " she •warmed me. something. Suddently, I heard from the heap of my comrades a woman fell down in a fainting A eraall beam of light forced "Just two hundred. Esactly But not only did she keep me behind me a small voice like the small coin which gittered and fit. its way through the. window ana one duEEm!" OES young teacher KNOW AT." V.I.-N ~" "~: ~ warm during the day;-at night I chirping of birds. A little dark- glistened like me,—though he T "'I1' *'•-r < ' '" •'"! ' ' ' • r~' into our bos. So we knew it wafe remarked. "Ocs Donam cZ P K E S O T T f "When she woke up in the had not been polished in Annie's slept with her, in aer bed. I haired girl, Amelia by same,' ti:tert n « ; , r r c ' 'h« i r> • " "•' •<• <> * - ' ' ' ' "° morning™..— i,anfi!" The principal closed fciE tlie ?/!rk!'-> n n ' i " Ci". ' > • b " . f i n - >. morning, she found two cossacks \ •• hand. He had rolled in from one Tocked with laughter that night, stood up in her place and said: On this day during playtine, account &2fl put v.s ia the Bt-Sool ilir 2r^i- C' *1" n" Oi n i lVfn *'( " - * ' i 'r ' >• i of the colonies, and was called standing in front of her frith in Annie's bed. In the middle of *' ' ' '» "Yes, this twig is like us." The the "country coin." I drew near their revolvers pointed. The oldthe boys and girls reached up to safe until the following fiar. We low ]TT~ 'prco 1'"'!"!' V, H± K - i " r the night she dreamed of chocoir.r,'. >• i-.' • • i • . i . . .i • >' us, stretching their hands as If didn't understand all this. Wt1 " i fv "£.*'>! !.. < \:\. 'p.hl> I , " • ' I " "l • •''* • 1 ' • • ! I I '• ' I' •- > > ' lates she was going to buy as teacher was very pleased with her to him softly. It was so hard for woman took the string or pearls to greet us, and snaking us hap-were Quite confused. We or } answer, for he walked almost as out of the bag which she carried l u f ( ' ' O ' - i p ' I ^ , l l ' ' C" " - i i . a • f " ' ' '' ' ••> • ' . . ' • ' i • me to be silent. I said to myself: soon as she got up the next day. ' '"Ml ' " ~~ ' >'*' " 1 ^ °" py with new friends,—glittering, ksew that we raafle cp two rur-p O i — ^ P V V T ' t~ff>( t*t T « ( I far as her place. Then another in her bosom, and gave It to She dreamBd of candy and of "As soon & night falls, we glistening hot silver coins! dred together. ' - "->- ^ p - > • , ' • P " " ' ! i " ' i . - . ' . ' . i • >->••> many other nice things, when little twittering girl stood up and shall be telling our adventures. them. They took the pearls, and During the Ions recess, the Kight fell in the priacpal1* said softly: threw a bundle of crushed banksuddenly a ball flew" Into her I must get to know them ' all notes to the old woman for her teacher came all alone into the room. "Yes, like us, because it needs first" dream and she played -with. it. It school rcon asfi- approaches us. traveling espcnsss." £ell out of her hands and rolled water." And as soon as It became iho rr<Kin<-r i n S* - • •• • i« * "' .•>'<• i that the teacher was I glanced around and saw an- Deep silence. We knew that the1 As he touches! the Bine Bos, a la.ngTi3E.g-e >*e ts*£n't *b<?€s* &1b* ~ t r*', rtliRi , ~ (» M r « 1 . ' . 1 1 ^ l i l I i ' " through the railing into the clear other companion. He was quite EfieSerstasd, looked arecEfi £t «s] rI il '' L^ 9 „f. -? P r F . '^ i nl ,' . | I > i < - / i I* - | ( i - p T , ' r H O i " ^ ' * ^ M " t • i ' ^ - . ^ - 1 shiver ran through us all. ory was not yet over. Our pleased with that, too, all the hedge, and was gone, gone for1 ( black and he squeezed himself black friend made a groantzsg "I^aad. !«&&&. A Dun&E; ol r t i c a i i n P t " u r r * T ' f ' ' . . i ^ f - ( M. I K -1.1 i_- i i ' SSSS—We are shaking:—What ' *" ever. Annie became Quite pale children chirped together: *1 f i V T i - . i ' i ' • ' , T •" '"" ' ^ '~ < - • : • . . • "Because it needs vrater." Then into a corner like a naughty child. sound. A shudder west round is the matter?—Ssss—What does l a n d ! " he growled, SriehteLlLi I, iFvovr vr '?. fp rrt '. T-I." with fright, and shouted in her •=<. m i V ••• ••->• ' • • - - F " f i - i r. ;•>-=.-> « < •>••» -"• he vr&nt? We want to kEow v?ia,t the teacher raised the twig in the It was enough to mate one feel among us. Sleep: he is going to do with us. We shall be buried'" We c c r r - e ; , {{'•«• r"' '""rrV 7v t ' - • i"-0-.- r •' f,' ' ' " •• • ' ' • ' •-' i'" ' "•• '•' air and rut a hard question to afraid of him. Then I saw how To Palestine I -ft*, ^ m i ' r - i i r p o* tb» ^-"..-' " ' ;m,''n; «= ' •"" ' " • - " " " • ' •""• they arranged themselves, in "My ball, my ball, oh my beau- the class: "The old woman went to Pal- And Iol He tool: v.s to the prin- together, rtnflCcriEg rr'iti t"— 1 N - o i i . p a r . - . •>.»- - ' i • i • ! • • • t tiful ball!" And I, the small elBut my Jrlend, t h e s p a - l U r p "But-what else does it want? groups and rows, and in the dif-estine, where ..he changed what cipal's room—a large, beautiful I . .- K ^ >. ^ J. . . ,v , , . ..,-,; T, „ . r , ver coin which she held in her What is more important than ferent corners. It was later, at was left of her crushed banknotes room. We knew at once that it co'n from t h e celery, got up. night, that I found out that these and received in exchange for was the head's room, becaass we ::cr.i.A> i ,\i~,^ • i . N hand the whole time, almost died water?" "You black coin who cause f-c ! coins which came from the same them a golden coin. She took the saw Herzl's photograph hanging much fear," h e cried, " b e taof laughter. For however could Annie Answers neighborhood, did not want to be coin In her hand and stroked it, on the wall. There were many l e n t ! " And t o V.B h e e&ifi: "Xo, Annie have, bought anything at Pj^-'TliAL Ar»LflEHUall, while she still held me In her But not the slightest Bound separated here. and night and day her tears fell teachers in ths rooss, young ones no". We shall not be buried. 'Duhand! But I could not laugh as was heard. Then I. felt Annie One group Was called the on it. She wept for her murdered and old ones, asci they each held nam' is only a measure of l a r d much as I wanted to, because Bhe squeezing me with all her might. American Group." They had all sons, for her husband who hada Blue Bex like ours. And rowJ u s t like a 'pound' f c r fieri 1 " was squeezing me in her hand. In What was she going to say? I was rolled in from America. Another been killed before her very eyes another charge was to corse upon "Or a, 'pint' of nnlk," r.s.5f r r VOTE: FG n fact she squeezed me "so tightly very much afraid lest she should group, the African group. And be- The bright Bparkling coin from us. The principal opened, the otfcer coin, who w s s even r r - e that I began to perspire with the get up and -wrhisper, as she hadside, there were many more from the colony shuddered from head boxes, ana we jumped out aoisily learned. Then t h e country co.r. heat That's why I said: done in the night— foreign lands—from Poland, Ron- to "tail." It was the first time he POLITICAL APYERTI POLITICAU ADVERT!EEI«ENT "I'm a hot. silver coin.""Chocolates, candy, a. 13311." mania, Turkey, Russia—from the had heard such a frightful story, r'. j How very much ashamed I should four corners of the earth. Then I and he asked in a voice that could What to Bny have been. But no, Annie stood hardly be heard: saw one lonely, unhappy fellow at The n e x t morning Annie "And how did yon get here? opened her eyes and examined me up and once again squeezed me one side—a sad, rusty coin if ever But the mournful rusty coin a whole hour. I'm sure she was very tightly and whispered EB if there waa one. It ssemed as if tears had once flowed down his didn't answer immediately. Oiice trying to remember the ball in in "a dream: "Soil—soil Is even more impor- cheeks,—tears that had dried up. again it was quite sliest in our her dream, but she could not. . And as she was thinking so hard, tant than water." But there was As I was thus examining my bos. One star stood Just in front I just rolled under, the bed and another little girl, Annie's neigh- companions, a'bell rang. Tho last of our window. I knew that, beMa»~ r *rt Hler'f T- \ t t >W « \. bor.- I could see her well. Just hour had come to an end. The cause a narrow, silver splinter of teased herr "Annie has forgotten her like a doll so dainty was she, and girla went homo, and i t was soon light came in at oar slot. • r T"rr- (Ts~>- ^ - ^ yr— f~™; f r ' r - * T" •'The old woman looked after dream!" From there I rolled un- her voice was so delicate. But S3 silent outside our bos as inthis cola, rusty with her tears, as her eyes were big as she began: side. der the wardrobe. ; though It were the apple of her "My father 'n my mother—" ' £L Story "A ball! A ball! No, Annie will not get a ball!" Then Annie The - teacher smiled a little, BO Niglt fell, In front of the third :ye. She knotted it into her handJ J ** Pci-"r:5tTC " * r v r - - i rr,-r Jumped out of her bed and looked that you could hardly see it. He clasa window, the birds were kerchief, and hid it away as 12 it for me. She bent down and found knew this little sirl who began chirping their last eoag, and were some costly treasure. "Then came a bright, su&a me, and this time held me tight. every story with.- "My father 'n looking- for their nest. Then we I could laugh no more now, and iny mother." At last she got over began to speafc and to tell our POl-rT!CAU APVERTISEKENT POl-STiSAi. POLITICAL ADVERTIEEMENT I became hot again. Then'she pit- her shyness and continued softly: adventures. The time passed very "My father 'n iny mother told .pleasantly,-ereept for one thins. ied me, and went out in the- street to get fresh air—the morning air. me-^iny hroQier Isaac is a hero— As each • of us spoke, our black








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A MAN OF HONOR for the. - -....

\ It was delightful for hoth ol us. Annie found a lovely game. She -wanted to fenow what to do •with "me; and so she hopped on one foot, first on the left, and . then on the right, to see on which foot she could keep it up longest. "What shall I buy?" she thought, hopping. But then her left foot became too tired. "No I shall not get chocolates," she said. Then she tried the other foot. "And I -want candy." I didn't want her to get that, either, so I said nothing hut rolled

TIB has gone to found a colony— friend there In the corner, grumand my father *n my mother Bays bled something to Mntself in a lie tills the soil." strange foreign language, which

Then the teacher spoke and we w© could not understand. "We did all remained quiet. He told us not .know what he was saying, that we were really so—that we but his grumbling voles frightwere like plantEK-and that when ened UB. However, we continued there Is no soil, its the same as to talk, until, about midnight, a when there is no water. silenca fell. Then It was our Ead "And when there is no \rater, friend's tarn,—the lonely and Amelia, then we die." rusty coin, down whosa faca tears Suddenly I felt a' dreadful POLITICAL- ADVERTISEMENT pressure. I could hardly breathe. I saw AnnleV face In front of me. Annie, my beloved friend, with whom I had played two days and out of her hand. Poor Annie! She had no luck two nights. She looked quite pale, "What was she to do with her sil-I did not know what was the matver coin? She did not know that ter with her. But I soon found out. She left i e r place. Outside I was teasing her. County- Surveyor BUI the bell waa ringing for playParting -Gresss "Ixaa o p e r a t e d Now we were both at school, time. She went up to her teacher Ms office for 4 y e a r s myself for the first time. Annie and then to tha Blue Bos which




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Page 8 .

on chess ftne. checker games. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Le-lag the Sioas City Chapter, of beiEg.put into order £cr the "Win- andTfce room will be open for use ter Season. vicn. Twelve relatives' witnessed which 'she is presided. cloths OK the billiard table in about ten days, and will be the ceremony, at, which Rabbi H. open to center members only. k Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Greenberg are in purple shade which makes R. Rablnowitz and Rabbi S. and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Galicskj it easy on the eyes. There is new Bolotnikov officiated. Rabbi H. • R. Pabinowitz ' will The bride was attired in a teale end Bern See visited last week-end eqcipment on the ping-poisg table resent, the first, in his series of blue 1S04 Omaha Nfit'i. Bank Bldfl. frock, with wine colored ac- at Iowa City. Henry Greenbergook reviews nest Tuesday aft- cessories. and Miltoa Galinsky are students Her attendant's were DAVID D.- WEINEER8, At'bimoon a t . 2:30 o'clock in theMr."and Mrs. Emil Levlcb. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WlLt.' Building at the University. Jn the County Court of Douglas ewish ;• Community Center. He A buffet luncheon was served Couiit'-', P.'ebrM't:fi. ill review "The Yearling" by following the ceremony. After a p Miss Ida Edelinan and Kiss NOTICE O F INCORPORATION of ^v. the MP.t':?'~ f *he Estate ot 1Bilarjorie Kinnan Rawlings. • AUTOAIOTiVE DISTRIBUTING raei. 'London, deceased. two-week visit in Chicago, Mr. Rose Albert visited last -week-end CG3IFAMY. INC. Rabbi Rabinowitz will review Levich and his bride will make with frieads in Omaha. Ali pe"sow interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petiThe Mortal Storm" by Phyllis their home In Sioux City. Notice is hereby given that the in. . tion' has been filed in. said Cotirt, Mrs. I. • Borshevsky departed de-signed Morris Lazriowich was • elected iottome for members of the have formed a corporation !£- for the p-ohsu? of a certain "Women's Club nest this week for Chicago, whero she jpursuant to the laws of the Siste of iinstrument now on file in said Court, president of the Tiphereth Israel latholic r Miss Mildred Katz, daughter of Nebraska. The name o£ the corpor- purj>i>runk" In be Uie last will and " visit her daughter, Miss Char- ation Bynagogue at a meeting held re- eek. Mr. and Mrs. Saia Katz, has will is AUTOMOTIVE DISTRIBU- | testament at snic! rleceosed, and that lotte Borshevsky. cently in the synagogue social TING COMPANY. INC.. with its js. hef-inia: will he ht.ri on eaid petiFifty men met in t'i > Jewish chosen next Sunday as the day of principal place of business in the \tion beiore saiu Coir'fc on tbe 12th hall.He succeeds A. Shulkin, reher marriage to Ben Liglit, son Community Center. Tue,day eveNATIONAL COUNCIL D'embers of the Debra Club en- City of Omaha, Nebraska, The ?ren- day of Knvf.imiii?'-. IMS. and that If of Mr. Philip Light, of Sioux tertained ning for an emergency meeting tiring president. nature of the business of trie they iVJ' t o appear a t said Court OH at a 'Hallowe'en Mas- eral OF JEWISH WOMEN Falls, S. D. M. Reznick was elected vicecorporatgn shall be to deal end trade the said 12ih day of November. 1938, querade party, Saturday evening, generally ] Rabbi Louis . . Sehwefel will called by John Lansberg, local di- president; Ed Shafton, treasurer; in any and all kinds o£ au- t u o'clock A. J L , to contest t h e The ceremony will take place rector of the Joint Distribution The first meeting of the study! in the home of Miss .Sylvia , Bor- tomobile accessories, parts, vehicles a1>rob>. I 'address .a mass meeting next Committee drive.- The meeting Morris Dimsdale, financial secre- roup te of sfaicl will, t h e Court may in. the social hall of Shaare Zion shevsky. of Contemporary Jewish and kindred products either new orallow and "probate said will and grant {' Wednesda7 evening, November 9, was called • to* decide Sioux City's tary, and Morris Albert, recording affairs, will be held November synagogue at 6 o'clock with Rabused; to trade und deal in persona! administration o' eaid estate to Milbi. H. R. Rabinowitz reading the of every class p.n(T. descrip- ton n. rrnbm or some other suitable i a t 1 o'clock in the home of marriage at the Jewish Community Center, share :im meeting ; the . emergency secretary. . Miss Dorothy- Davis, daughter property tion in connector* with the objects person, enter e degrree of heirshlp, lines. Trustees elected include H. Mrs; E. N. Grueskin: ot the Polish Jews, expelled from ot Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davis, 1524 to. purchase, innvtfraRe. -sell. and proceed to a settlement thereof. ' on the rapidly changing PalestiniA pre-nuptial dinner will be Summit street,- has been named a aforesaid; or otherwise acquire and dispose of Germany and not allowed to -nter Lazriowich,' Sam. Marsh,. R. Her- The Catering Class of theserved F R T C E CRAWFORD. an scene. The meeting is to bePoland. at 3 o'clock for the bridal zoff, J. Levin, P. Rubin, S. Reese. real property, and to do anything tO-Cl-SS-St. member of the Rockford college County Judge. •'•..'• 'ouncil of Jewish "Women will party, and following the cereand everything necessary or inciden- i The election meeting was ameet held under the auspices of the Immediate funds frr this grqup glee club. She is a member of the next Monday afternoon, Notal to the conduct of the business of \ a reception will be held,-to WEEE, PEBER, Kl.UTZNICK & Jewish. National Fund Council of 15,000 Jews are needed, • and joint meeting with the Women's ember 7, at 3:15 in the Central mony the corporation. The authorized capK E L L E Y , Atty». which 150 guests have been in- freshman class. of the synagogue. ita! stock oT .the corporation shall bo 2 G C Union State Bank Bldg. and is open to the public. There a wire to Sioux City from the Auxiliary High .school. vited. So,000.00, consistingof 50 shares of During the meeting reports Mrs. J. G. Sibert and daugh- the par value of each, and - will * -J no solicitations at thenational office of the J. D. C. were given by the. outgoing ofNOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE The bride will wear a plum ters, Jean and Anne, have been which shall be fully paid for and nonstressed • the dire necessity of meeting. SALE ficers and Rabjbl S. Bolotnikov colored street length frock with guests in the home of Mr., and assessable when issued. The corporaevery community responding genRabbi Sehwefel is a speaker tion shall commence business as of Notice is hereby given that on the spoke. Refreshments were, served matching accessories. She will be Mrs. E. E. Baron. and lecturer of note, and recent- erously and without delay. October In, 193S, and shall continue 21st by the Auxiliary. attended by her sister, Ethel day of November. 1938. a t 10 At the . meeting Tuesday evefor a period of 50 years thereafter. ly returned from Palestine. He Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will Katz, who will wear a frock of A. M.. a*. S. Riekes & Sons, Miss Harriet Rosenblum and The highest amount of indebtedness o'clock 1402 Webster Street. Omaha, Nebra\ was formerly rabbi of an impor- ning, i t was decided to make a peak this evening at Mount Sinai teale blue. Sam Light, brother to which the corporation shall at any Miss Rose. Rozofsky spent last the undersigned will sell a t pub• tant congregation In Washington, drive to collect all pledges not 'emple on t h e subject "Be a of the groom, will act as grooms- week-end in Lincoln, visiting with time subject itself, shall not exceed ska, auction to t h e highest bidder for two-thirds of the capital slock, but lic D. C.,- where he took a leading yet paid, and to make plans for man. Blessing." cash: 1 Shield Filter. Serial No. 8 friends. this restriction shall not include inan emergency drive a t an early 1 Liquid Carbonater. Serial No. , part in Zionist activities. The Religious Discussion group Mr. Ught and his bride will debtedness secured by mortgages or Pfi!<; date. • • • • . • . •<]!)«!; 1 CD-" Diamond Filter; and 1 Dr. J. N. Lande, president of The business of the corporat the Temple Sisterhood will make their home at 1112 West Miss Sylvia Feldstein arri\'ed in liens. F.eflnltf Water Softener, SerThose attending the meeting tion shall Vie conducted by a Board "V—14'' the J. N. F . Council, will preside Fourteenth street in Sioux Falls. Sioux City ' this week from St. of meet next Thursday morning at 10 ai No. 36;". 45*0. covered by chattel mordirectors of not less than two. nor tpape in • at the meeting and introduce the Tuesday pledged themselves to favor of the undersigrned and Out-of-town guests a t the wedi'clock in the Rabbi's study. Mrs. Paul. She will be.associated here more than five members, to be elect- signed by start immediate -work, for this John Linder Wholesale speaker. ding will include Mr. and Mrs. B.with the EUan shop. "W. C. Slotsky i i chairman of this ed at the annual rneetinp. The offic- Company, which morti-"ape is dated need, and expressed their confiMrs. Herman Licht and Mrs. A. group. ers of the corporation shall be a pres- November !Kh. 1936 Horwitz and daughter, Ethel; and was filed i n . dence in Sioux City Jewry to re- H.Baron will be hostesses a t the The Sisterhood is having its Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pitts and ident, vice-president, secretary p.nd the office of the County Clerk of treasurer, any t v o of which offices I>oup:li).s County, .Nebraska, on the.25 Station Investigation spond generously. Hadassah Oneg Shabbot tomor- egular meeting this afternoon In _son; Mr. and Mrs. H. Ackerman may b'e held b y the same person, and day o* November. Ii>36. Paid sale will row afternoon a t 2:30 o'clock in he Temple Annex, following a 1 "and Mr. M. L. • Ackerman and elected by the Directors from their Washington. D. C. (WNS) — number. The Directors may enact be tor the purpose of foreclosing said the home of the former. for costs of sale and a c 'clock luncheon. Dr. Eugene daughter, June of Sioux Falls; Station WHOM in Jersey City re- and amend suitable by-laws for themortsrape. Mrs. T. N. Lewis will speak on tleinpell costs, and for t h e purposej of of Morningside College Ben Ackerman of Watertown; ceived only a ninety day license conduct of the. corporation's business. cruing satisfying the amount now due there* highlights of the news. Mrs. A. s the speaker. ' ~ Mrs. . Sarah Wolf, Sheldon, la.; to operate when application was The articles may be amended et p.nj" on, to-wit: ?r,S2.n.".. s u i t ' o r other M. Grueskin will read a paper on Harry Fisher, Newark, N. J.; Mr. regular or special meetinc of the proceedings a t lawNo been instimade before the Federal Commu- stockholders' by a majority vote of tuted to recover saidhave Modern Palestine, and Mrs. Moe and Mrs. Louis Hurwitz and. At a meeting of t h Junior debt or MHS "Word - has been received that Lazere will speak on Sabbath In the outstanding' stock represented at nications Commission. The lipart thereof. daughter of Pipestone, Minn., and Hadassah board of directors list Herman Herzoff, 31, a former the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bollman of cense .was granted only after S. R1EKES & SONS evening, Nell Sinikin -was named Sioux City an, was 'killed in an au- Tel Aviv. much discussion. Charges that CHARLES Vi. HERF.EUT. •Minneapolis. . By Webb. Beber, Klutznickft'KelMrs. Licht will lead in singing chairman of the Hadassah Re- tomobile accident In San Diego, The Executive Board of the lev, its Attorneys, • ^ DAVID D. WEiNBEG. WHOM had been sallying the air gional Convention, which will be Cal. He died of a fractured skull Hebrew folk songs. Refreshments Federation of Jewish Social Serv10-IS-DS-4t Incorporators. 10-2S-3S-4t with Italian, German and Arabic will conclude the afternoon's proheld in Sioux City . January 14 suffered when a car he .was drivMiss Rose Shiloff, who will be propaganda ha". been filed and ce will have a luncheon meeting POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT . POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT and 15. ext Friday noon a t the "West married Thanksgiving day, wasCommissioner George H e n r y ing and another automobile col- gram. guest of honor at a party Tues. Plans were also discussed at lided at a street • intersection. Hotel. day evening,' when Mrs. William Payne booked the granting of the •£he board meeting for the "Paid Mr. Herzoff was born January usual six-month Jlicense until an -j Up Membership" party. Miss 12, 1907, in Sioux City and atThe regular Saturday night Sherman and Miss Ina Kroloff investigation "f "the charges had were joint hostesses. Bluma Olensky Is in charge of tended, public schools here. He dance, sponsored by the Center, Mrs. Barney Daskovsky of Hin- been made. . this affair. The next regular was active in musical circles a t Rahbi H. R. Rablnowitz will as been postpond until Saturday, toa and Mrs. Sam Mopper of Hadassah meet'ng "will be held Central High school, from which speak this evening at Shaare Zlon November 12. Correctionville w i l l entertain CENTER RECREATION November 16. -he graduated. He left Sioux City synagogue on the subject, "Shall"] IMMKi f o r Cii© : The board meeting was held in seven years ago and had been en- We Jews B e c o m e Maranos The Jewish Theater group met jointly at a dinner Sunday eveROOM RE-EQUIPPED the home of Mary Rozofsky, with! gaged in the. retail - musical In- Again?" Cantor Morris Okun and Wednesday evening to choose ning, also complimenting MSss The Center Recreation room is Guests will motor to HinDena Baron presiding. the newly organized choir will casts for three one-act plays to Shiloff. strument'"business. . •' ton for the event, which will be ••• C o n g r e s s ' chant the service. Members of e presented at the Center, after in the Daskovsky home. Survivors Include the widow, Bernlce; a. son; Michael, of Santhe choir include Jack Uerlin, he completion of the remodeling C A R L F* MMQi f o r C o u n t y Diego; his parents, Mr. and-Mrs. leader; Mrs. Milton Grossman, jf the stage. Dr. J. N. Lande attended' the Under the direction of this JEgwlsh Congress in New York R. Herzoff,. of-'Sioux.'. City,, and a Mrs. Dave Shulkin, Jean MontAssessor . . brother, Fred, ; of-Sioux City.";Fu- rose, Elaine Stern, Eva Gordon, group, the Center stage is being City this week, representing Sioux Rose Sailoff, Walter "Woskoff, emodeled and enlarged. neral services ;and buriaL were in City Jewry at the meet. En route FLOYD L._@QLLEN for Railway' Ben Leibowitz, Earl Novich, San> Diego.. to New York, he attended a meetGeorge Feinberg-, Norman Satin, The Business Girl's- Luncheon ing of the American Academy of George Shindler, Ruben Cohen, •lubwill meet next Monday noon Pediatrics at Detroit, and the InHebrew Mothers CIul? Harry Nadler, Isadore Maron, Ida 'or its regular meeting. terstate Medical Society meeting Shindler. Mrs. Mary KantOr. The Philadelphia. Dr. Lande is The Hebrew Mother's Club: will music has been arranged by Mr. The A. "W. R. club met a t the at president of.the local Jewish Na«F. .T. J^ J. Slosbnrg, Jr. have a 'dessert•; luncheon next Sam Passman. This will be the !enter to assist in rear- tional Fund Council. D Eugene X. Elazr-r Mrs. Edwarfl Schoenberger Tuesday afternbon at 1:30 o'clock: first appearance of t h e reorgan- ranging Sunday the Center library. The Friedman Mrs. in the. Shaare Zion social hall. ised,choir. . • .... _ • Irst issue of the club's bi-monthMrs. W. C. Slotsky attended , David ftlmbvltz; son pt,Mr. and y publication was distributed to the Ifatioaal Hadassah ConvenPOUITICAU ' ADVERTISEMENT fJrs.,Joa Himoyitz, wili celebrate ts members this -vrerik. POt-fTICAU' ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT tion in St. Louis, Mo., represeisthla Bar Mltsvah tomorrow mornPOLITICAL ADVERTfSEMENT POLlTICAL ADVERTISEMENT ing a t Shaare Zion. Tha Adult Educatioii classes meeting each Wednesday and The Junior Congregation will g*-sprw ST"? W V*^^ if* f**i^*" ^ I"* T^ * p ^ meet at 10:30 o'clock, when Bur- Monday has an enrollment now of i 25. The class is still open to new ton Lipshutz will cct as Cantor and Harry Weinstein will read members. I t meets under the suJ (IT Independent the law. Refreshments will be pervision of the National Council served by Mr. and Mrs. Hlmovitz of Jewish Women. Candidate for in honor of their son, David. Cantor Morris Okun will meet with a group of boys from the Junior Congregation each WedO SIXTEEN YEARS EXPERInesday evening a t 6:45, to train ENCE IN ASSESSOR'S OFROW I WOtlld them as cantors for the Junior At a ceremony-Thursday mornFICE. Congregation. s p e n d all my The first meeting of the Oneg ng in the home of her parents, Shabbot of the Ladies Auxiliary Miss Ina Lea Kroloff, daughter 0 MEMBER OF J. C. C. FOR energy and effort was-held last Saturday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kroloff, beSEVEN YEARS. with Dr. Jung as guest speaker. came the bride of Irving Levich, to lielp elect ray The next meeting will take place November 12. b o y h o o d pal* An. elementary Hebrew class for members of the Auxiliary will meet with Rabbi Rablnowitz next Tuesday morning a t 10 o'clock in, the synagogue.

The program will include a group of sopgs by Cantor Morris Okun, accompanied at the piano L.-.Mrs. Okun, Mrs. Aba Bain- will preside a t the meeting.

To Present Book Reviews

Mount Sinai


Former Sioux Gityan Killed

J. C. C. News

We are'for the entire Democratic ticket. We espeddOy-RECOMMEND AND REQUEST your sxppcvi fcr the following:

Shaare Zion


-These candidates are strong for us and we ought to be strong for them* '' •






Society News

Candidate for CHIEF JUSTICE

I could ccrne jT home town

of Meferas



Frank to the office of Clerk of the District C o ^ r t . I know 'Mm. to be a conscienclouis ®.Eid' who is a credit £c our commu* mty.

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>F lh

John Hopkins' record in public of f ice is outstanding. As head of the Omaha Police De» partznent, he ran the gangsters o u t of Omaha. As head, of the Fire Department, he saved the people of this city thousands of dollars in fire insurance premiums. Ao Sheriff ^of Douglas County, he arranged a practical and humane m e t h o d of collecting delinquent taxes, and, in the present truck strike, is showing his true courage and vision.

; y lawyer 18 _ World War Ariatc?. Harried • - • \ c


Your Vote Will Be Appreciated






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Ee"TIC~d R.

"The most important issue before the voters of Nebraska in the corning elee-


A Successful Business . Man and Taxpayer for . 3 ?Y e a r c .

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Committed to an economi cal business admmistra tion and sane law enforce ment.

His Record of Outstanding First-Term Accomplishment Merits. His Election for a Second Term.

Chief Justice . . . I feel keen| ly what a proper judicial system means to the future and ' comfort o-ar people. tion to the high i Chief Justice would lielp tc „( keep our.highest c rt on pedestal of j f a s d integrity, above the mI fluence .of. party machines | and beyond the control Ci. 11 selfish' interests."




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