c> PEJ33 TtTR H3EBSK *CV Pete the harber is an Italian. That is to say he'S3 an Italian from that remote time when Italy •was an organ of civilization in the : social body of the •world. In his Enterea es Second Class Mall- Matter on Jacnajy 21. 1S5X at time in Italy lhe memory of GariOMAHA, NEBRASKA,- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1933 -Postoffice. of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act or March S, 1873 baldi : was more heroic than Caesar's. ": " F T * «" FT! RABBI GOLDSTEIN TO ' He is a good barber, indeed - t ', , (-with a chair in one ol the best " , SPEAK AT LISRARY. L> ik n » • sS hotels) and I know him also as \ p fr. ,-n^ ah exemplary citizen ol the UnitRabbi David A." Goldstein will ed StateB. His long sojourn, in speak'on'Tuesday, ^November 15, this country has served to enlarge at S P- m. in the -main children's the triendly tolerance T7hich is an Room of the Omaha Public Lil Inheritance of his Italian spirit. !«• * '-i ' %• •-. r-f-i \t brary on "How Good Books InfluWere Pete still living in Italy Touching upon hitherto conence the Level of the Communit-Vs Mussolini when il Duce quesit would be very hard lor Mr. cealed elements in Europe's game with Life." The Library is holding tioned hir^'^agerly about events Mussolini to put him in a totaliof politics. Pierre Van Paassen, in Pal"'' open house that day os the ocnd then said upon First Will Be Held a t Centarian Btrait-jacket. If Mr. MnsLargest Class in History speaking Tuesday night" a t the b e i c •" -attitude 02 the Bolini said, You must hate soine Center Forum, presented an enter, Evening of to be Initiated on. Weelr which is "being- observed. „. "There is no people with a total hate since tirely new picture of tire vrorld J<-_o December 11 November 13 to November IS. December 11 f " ' ,.a-Scz:itisni in ItEly. they are not of your.blood, Pete situation. . ' Kabbi Goldstein spoke lasi. bun•iloniar.s stood together no donbt -would answer: " I can't A newspaper- corresponded*..,- .-' Dance Chairman Irving Nogg "What is belle-red to be the larg- cay morning to the ilcr. r£ Ll^le oier ol Caesar." /hate people who have done no announced the dates for the Sound many years, Mr.'Van Paa*"' " ""•' ""'• i-oin i i s experiences in Ethio- est class of new members in the Class of the First Cong:c -.Lj.zzz.l harm to me and, besides, I thinfe Tabe dances a t the first monthly had' personal interviews * --•-.Li,.,. £-_.--, | pia, Van Paassea. learned the history of B'nai B'rith will be in- Cfiurci. ' this better blooa theory is all ba- supper meeting of the. Round Ta- Hitler and Mussolini SL.. itiated on December 11 by the locountry was not the cssert populoney anyway." - a ble of Jewish Youth, Tuesday, No- Hitler's rise to power was lodge which tomorrow will Tire r;a<!= nee When, recently, he heard about vember 8, a t the Jewish Commu- short time imprisoned at-' the arly imagined but a land as de- cal for Mor scribed in ine Bible, "The .garden bring its ten day membership j * certain Austrian Jewish family nity Center. Dachau concentration camp. •- . rDpaign to a close. Tvro hundred 1st dist" of Africa." to Vienna Pete felt horribly disThe dances will be held on De- He described a scene with HiU iudefin "But the acquisition cf tithio- new members -were announced at tressed. Besides that they were cember 11, February 5. March 5, !er when he asked him the reasons yesterday's report luncheon, and offion " L pia. has come too late for Musso. Buttering human beings, Pete was and May 7. The policy of Sunday for his intense hatred of the Jews. an additional twenty-fire or more [ the Z" lini. It will be twenty-five or aware of a special reason for night dances has prevailed as has He -was told in reply that l a m to be-signed by tohelping them: Hefcnerwtheir rel- the policy o"! admitting no stags olng to make life miserable for thirty years before the country are-expected ,irr». r e ' \ r - r -r j his toi atives in the United States: they to any of the dances "with the ex- the Jews in Germany. And I will could pay the cost of the coagiiest. morrow. | for L,or In the meantime Italian garrisons The new members will be called are, In fact, nis neighbors in the ception of. the Purim Carnival not stop until the last Jew in the I first o are being wiped o a t The Ethiosuburb in which he lives. which takes the place of the last country stands with arms out- pians are passively resisting Ital- "The Henry Monsty class" ia honJ Queeu I The relatives awere vice peo- March 5 dance. stretched for alms.' The Jews, Hit- an rule by slaughtering their cat- or of ' the international president • In Lo ~r ! of the organization. Plans are be- People - Contribute S ple, indeed, and were among ler told, were not only the cause The admission price to the four r'lerZ tle and burning the harvest. And ing made to bring Governor HenPete's best friends. It Pete dances will be the same as in the of Germany's defeat in the war, Since Oiitlhresk of tl1 r ' r thought in the least of racial dif- past, one dollar for the series. A but were responsible for tbe dis-today the Ethiopian army . is ry Homer of Illinois to Omaha to - . r-lr Disorders ferences between him and them change has been made in the pro- semination of Christianity which camped -jv-ithin twenty miles of speak at the initiation. Morris E. Jacobs has been chairIt was only to consider how love- cess of distributing the tickets as was a poison that dripped into the Addis Ababa." \" pi lr n: 1 i - T ' I * "> 1 Jerusalem, (.TTA)—Palestirr ly i t all was: He and they were tickets will be sold by both the souls of the undefeated, and un- Mr. Van Paassen is-as intro- man of the membership campaign ibe-» c : ' !-• \ c »i r i f has contributed 1,000,0"C friendly people together, despite Round Table representatives and conquerable Germans and made duced by .William It. EoIlzmaE, and was assisted by the followingl : t r> r o v.- - •<• v , n r , pounds ($5,000,000) since t i€ president of the Jewish. Commu- workers: corpuscular differences. ( T h e by the Jewish Community Center. them the door-mat of Europe. nity Center. I fact is, though, that Pe£e was Jules Newman, William Grodin- Outbreak' of disorders in tL^e Only those tickets which axe *i - r '-"O Munich Chamberlin Victory sky, JDB Jacobs, David R_ Colin, spring cf IS36 to subscript!" .'• aware of no differences &t all.) sold by the Jewish Community In his discussion of recent EuFred White, Cy Silver, Salewin campaigns for support cf Jewh' When he heard what their Trins- Center can be applied on Center Michnick, Harvey Leon, Dr. Leon national funds and jnstitutior", :men in Austria were suffering membership dues. All Center ropean events, Mr. Van Paassen Fellman, Atr Kaitnan, H. Mala-j Leib jQffe, director of the Pa"Pete felt a pain that was person- members are asked to purchase warned against thinking of Britshock. H. Trustin,. Max Chapman, estine Foundation Fund, a.pal, as if it were one of his owntheir tickets at the desk if they ain as on her last legs. "At MunJ. Harry Knlalcoisky, Dave Gold- iounced to A. people who had been hurt. That wish that amount applied o" their ich Chamberlain achieved what he has been trying to do for the past x man, Louis Killer, Sd Shafton, Iz Foundation Fund's net proceeds- » » > i i > ' such things shopld be going en in membership dues. Chapman. rceived in Palestine from i £ the world, he thought; that peoThe orchestra has not yet been two years, turned Hitler to the - pie who had been righteous all chosen for the dances but an an- east so that Britain can concenHarold Farber, Lou Somberg, diaspora in the Hebrew year jirt their days should be made to suf- nouncement will be made next trate on the Far East where the Jack Marer, Morris Milder, Wil- p a s t .totalled nearly 5O0.-Pfr prestige or her empire is at fer as if they were criminals. , /*• liam Racusin, Max Barisii, Man- pounds (?2,50.0,C00). r- • week in the Jewish Press. It was even worse than the af- Por the time being,, it has been stake." ning Handler, Sain Wolf, L. K.ur- j .Mayor Israel Rokach -of 1* fliction that is put on criminals, • 111 »* [ H i , v , "The British navy," he went' La Gcardia Issues Public witz, Dave Feder, Ed Somraer. Joe •Aviv announced that the KoJer • the regular forum series he said. The worst thief and even decided, Greenberg, Al Fiedler, Milton j Hayishub, Zionist defense fund, j on, "is not being built against of Hound Table of Jewish Youth . Proclamation Urging. ' many murderers lose only a few Frohra, Ben Kazlo-wsky, Dr. A. ibad raised and. spent $£50,000 ! to be abandoned. All members Hitler of Mussolini, but for events / y e a r s of their lives in prison. is Support _ ' Greenberg, Phil Klutzrick, Meyer curing August and -SepLen-be- ; to come in China." The speaker of the Round Table are asked to Th^n they are allowed to return co-operate -with the Jewish Com- prophesied - that Mussolini and Tbe bizfiget l o r the .remainder of! Freeman. 1 to human society and to live munity Center in its series of Hitler at the behest of Great BritNew York OVTfS)—A proclaHrniie- Milder, Dave Greenberg:. the year cali.s Tor erpenditcre ol\ again. lectures. Pierre Van Paas- ain will .cut Japan off from the mation was issued by Mayor La "Max Holzman, Nathan Yaffe, Al an additional'$400,000' to sculp | Pete felt It was for him to i-es- forum sen, the Bpeafcer for the anti-Comintern pact and England Gnardia urging public support ol Mayer, Sam Beber, I. F. Goodman E.nd maintain volimteers. improve i cne these Jewish people. (They evening, forum defenses a-d build r \ - i = was presented at the •will then be free to deal wifii the projected non-sectarian Tem- and Harry Cohc. were a father, mother.and child.) Round Table meeting "and Japan whose destruction, she ple of Religion at the World's ad• Something has got to he done, he dressed a few words to the group. seeks. Fair, -which -would provide the ! among ttc JG\ said, and somebody has,got to do Great Britain, according to Mr. spiritual background for ' the The next regular meeting of of a s p r - - r , _ ^ w it. Thanfc goodness, America has Van Paassen, will never fight World of Tomorrow-which' the M - ~t in t h e «*•* ^ -ibeen generous with him, what the Round Table -will be held on for democracy but only to protect fair will interpret. novr inte—"^^ ..r- f-r with the chair in the good hotel December 6. The whole ideal, the proclamaher own Interests. "We have been traiion c_'— --c- V that he had, what with-the savfed," he said, -"on a myth that the tion said, would be "incomplete t It, and con.T. °J i- a P ings he had been able to gather. democratic states are aligned without the recognition of the livr r-i r ers-preCcr-rs.-, i- _ Pete said that he, with his. litagainst the dictatorships. That ing God and without tolerance and TTive: cf ' l e z - tie wealth, would be a cheap litalignment never existed In the brotherly love." "In this temple," graphed it-= Z'.-~ ..= u, i_ tle man if he did not do all he jainds of the masters of Europe's •the mayor said, "could gather pe could to help this family escape. pie of all the world where praydestinies." • • „ .„ . . special -- Their relatives in America —ere ^Recalling an interview with Hit- ers .murmured ia-various toagaea ^ ^ L poorer than he and could not would blanket cut the...Ecasa and ler in 1931 "when the Nazi party -<~~.2 rf-i-C eive the guarantees tr-pt vould .raionji"trn3 -roar "of" -cannons'" too •was Icalng-". iaflHonSv of votes at "^ enable" thism to emlgraa to "tfce rr.% : ^. each election, Van Paassen told often heard in ths world of the United States. " r T' Registrations are still being ac- hxrsr Hitler wept on the shoulders world today. ev The J The Jewish Community Center Yes, he was the one to do u . cepted "The temple," the mayor furfor the Record Concert of Feodor Strasser and kept moanISu! irJy th- cr ten" ed co: •.'— -announces the organization of a Pete has made himself /sponsor Series at I Jewish Community Ing that all was lost. Immediate- ther asserted, -"will be the sym-Photography club, to meet at the oners ar ' d v _"tj " for the Jewish family;; shortly Center. Athe ly however money began to roll bol of the happy spiritual life of ~ ^ " Z~ great deal of Interest r ~ _!_'_". . Center once, a -week. This club will, c s they will arrive here . . ; "And, In, "from the cannon-makers of onr country, at a time when relig: "P <— says Pete, '"if they, don't mate Skoda, from Holland, from Eng- ious beliefs are so seriously men- be under the direction cf Jlr. Ed-Arab her-.,7," he ', c •' ward R. Trabold, .well-known phoconsta .n " " eood in America I can take care •JEWISH COMMUNITY land, from the real international- aced and when changing condiv"' of them. I'd rather feed-them ists, "the armament makers who tions throughout the world make tographic specialist. . CENTER: . than let them suffer in .Austria. This is an unusual opportunity r.r/- fT p ? saw in the rise of Hitler an oppor- this idea.of vital importance, and ^^ t 'OE^as i-* is"" t e. But I'm not worried. They were tunity to turn Europe into an will signify to the world the lib-for all persons interested in pho- u „ ; i, ^ -r • Record Concert Ho. 2 hard-working, successful people erty that is the. cornerstone of our tography to learn the essentials of armed camp." } eV •r p - u — r of•WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, in Austria." picture taking and picture maknation in which freedom of -worEthiopia Conquered Too l a t e • S p . m. .'. ing. The object of the club will i ship is vital and fundamental." - .V~- ]~ He also described an interview About the same time that I 1. Survey of Music from Among- the officers and direc- be to train its members in. the I-' heard about Pete the barber I Seventh to Seventeenth. Centors of the temple which is soon art of taking pictures, developing met Mr. Dietrich. Mr. Dietrich, tury. .• . to start its campaign for $250,-' and printing them. horn in Germany, an immigrant 2. WAGNER: "Die HeisterA dark-room laboratory is now ! 000, are "William Church Osborn, of 15 years ago, is an Aryan. But slnger" Overture. being set up to make possible the j president; George J. Gillespie. Cy- Mr. Dietrich takes very lightly S. STRAUSS: "Till Eulenprinting g of pic-Ji Tvlrs. rus Adler, and Cleveland E. Kdge, development and p . the status of being an Aryan; sir. 'epiegel'B Merry Pranks.".,^ tures. I n this connection, i t is also j troit. T" c1 vice presidents r Joseph T. Lilly, Dietrich was a Social Democrat in Sirs, lllasie Voigt, treasurer, and Samuel Thome and planned to ixvli periodic eshibits i p r e s i d e r t cC Germany and has kept his faith • :. . • • • tator Albert Wald, assistant treas- and a-ward prizes for t h e best this e r f r ^ ; In universal brotherhood, vrork i n photography.' t h e Eetr; _, urers. j l r . Dietrich was distressed .All persons who like to take | dassah To^r-' ll has already been about a matter. He had received shown la the pictures and make -ahohby of it, 1 ^ e intro.-uc ' for a letter from his sister In Ger-series which will Plans for this year's Beth. El are requested to communicate at Goldste'n a: ths .direction Rigadoo were made at a meeting many hut he couldn't do anything twenty weeks under continue once with the Center by- calling tey, pr^s t>about It. Oh ,he said, if only I of Mrs. Minnie Toigt. held on Monday at the home of Jackson IS66, and register lor Chapter c"~ ". Admission to Center members the genera! chairman of the affair, were a well-to-do man, but I only w e •"-"} i " ^ this club. Mrs. E- nave my job. . - . . \,na is free. The fee for non-members Mrs. A. D. Frank. The evening: on which the club iladsssah. c r > - t j.c- 1 r The- letter from his sister had is two dollars for the entire ser- This year's Jtigadoo -will be •will raeet Trill be annonirced later. | *--*.z?.z~ —* to do -with a certain Jewish Tj7°- ies or twenty-five centers lor each, held on Sunday, December 18, beman physician in Germany. In her concert. ginning at 3 o'clock at the Centown she had Tseen a beloved phytral club. Plans Include forms of sician in all t h e years she pracamusement that will entertain the Meyer Levin, noted author and ticed. People venerated her not entire family. There will be danconly for her skill but even more ing and a supper will be served. editor, Trill appear here en. TuesMB 29, as second for her gentleness. She was " Tickets arB now on sale. Mrs. day, November on the Center Forum serfriend and physician both. Moe Venger is chairman of the speaker ies. His topic -will be " I Doa't Mr. Dietrich's sister had known ticket gelling committee. Look Je-wisa." her a long time and was very Mr. Levin is a sneabcr of tbe grateful to her. She has brought Memberss of the the local B'csl Bcsl staff of the magazine "Esguire." her litUe daughter baclr to life B'rith lodge Monday night heard The Jewish Women's Division Last year he created a sensation almost from the edge of death. Rabbi Louis J . Schwefel speak o n begin solicitations for the in literary circles triia the publiFor that reason she -was grateful. Palestine a n d t h e xrotk of t h e cation oj hi3 novel, "The OldConmninity Chest nest week. ,- Now the good doctor had come Jewish National F u n d . Rabbi In addition to the list of names _ Bunch." to a tragic pass. Xlntil now sheShwefel- Is touring t h e country i n ° had been allowed to go on.with the interests of t h e Jewish N a .He has -written a 'number"of published-last week the following •. •" other books including "The Gol-women will participate: Mrs. Reuher practice, but it had "been de- tional F u n d . den Mountain," "Yehuda," "Re- ben 'BroTrn, Sirs. Meyer Beber, ! ^ creed that after Oct-.l no Jew- Plans were also discussed f o r a porter," "Frankie and Johnny" Sirs. M. O. Vender, Mrs. Sam j " "" ish physician would be licensed B'nai B'rith Sabbath t o b e held Rachman, Sirs. Harold Barish. j and "The New Bridsre." (except some few who would-have sometime in t h e n e a r future, The Council Bluffs Lodge of llrs. Isadore Abrahamson, and j to affix yellow labels on their B'nai B'rith will be host to deleMrs. Joseph Freeraan. door-signs and who would be al- . After t h e Spanish exile t h i r t y gates from the lodges of Lincoln, Miss Esther Morgan 'will act as lowed to practice only among refugee families were permitted Sioux City and Omaha, when the to settle in Oporto, Portugal. secretary-to Mrs.. David Sherman, F t Southwest Regional Convention chairman of the -division. Mr.'Dietrich's sister haa "writ- Their honses were marked -with ten an appeal in her doctor s be- the crest of t h e city t o identify of district 6 is heia in the Bluffs on Sunday, November 20. a Ii i 7 half: Could'her brother find some them. Included on the program will be 'r r r Jewish people to help heir some Paul Veret, executive director, of to the "United States? The doctor The Inquisition of Portugal Paris (WNS)—Ernst Edward I r-nilantnropies the Omaha Jewish Community had means but before she could tras abolished on March 31, 1821. I ?. „ -r-r* — V— Center, and 0 . Hochman who will yon Rath, third secretary of the enter America some American • on File at Center lead a Vocational Guidance dis- German embassy in Paris and a •would have to post bond for Tier. nephew of the late Eoland Koesttion to the fact that there is still Ach, said Mr. Dietrich, I;-would so much fox the generosity of cussion. There will bo . luncheon er, former German ambassador to All Omaha xeisdei-ts receiving and dinner meetings. . do it myself, not only "because this Jews France, was shot and fatally requests for contributions to oatto do. Every move in the doctor saved my sister's child.but map of wounded last week by Hershel side agencies" Ere requested to Central Europe adds newbecause she is a human; bains. thousands ORCHESTRA-TO BE Feivel Grynsztam, a 17-year-old conmunicate with the office of of Nazi-victims. But I am a poor man. I- is BO I am not ons of those who ' ' . FORMED AT CENTER Polish .Jew, in what was described j tbe Jewish Philanthropies, JA hard to Tie poor because you can't by police as an act of Tengeance ' 1S6G. do the decent things you'd like to think the rescue of thess victims The Je»rtih Philanthropies has orchestra is being: formed for the mass expulsion of Polish do. I thought maybe I could find is a matter only to be whispered at An a complete file cf org-aniiStiosE the Jewish Community. Center Jews from the Reich. among us. I dont believe that some Jewish people to do IU Calling at. the embassy, Grynsz- worthy of support. any real American begrudges the for local musicians. Al Fisliel A number of organizations not well-known in Omaha musical tam asked to see Rath and then shelter that i3 being; given la I am sure the lovely generosity America.to the comparative hand- circles, has volunteered Ms serv- without'any preliminary fired two j approved have 3 soliciting ioCB1 of Pete the* barber and the fine ful of men, women and children ices as director o£ the new cg-shots at him, one hitting the Gerresidents, spirit of Mr. Dietrich wUl:not bo •-.'"•. man in the shoulder and. the • homeless and penniless by • g r e g a t i r i n . lost on any one who reads this; amade .All .persosi3 who play Instru- other lodging- in the liver. The as- Dem-: persecution .unparalleled esoept g Laws so I need point out no moral.. by the- Spanish inquisition in ments and are/ Interested in ths sailant was identified as a Polish " Warsaw (JTA ) —In trod uctj on Already American Jews have 1492.orchestra are asked • to. com- subject born at Hanover," Ger- of fee German legal sv.slei done nobly for the succor of their As Pete the Barber says. Some- municate, immediately with the ofeluding; .ths Nuremberg anti-Jewbrethren. . Some day It Trill mslre thing has got to he done and. fice cf -tie Jewish Community many, March 2D. 1S21. He holds ish laws, ia ilezel is one of four a passport issi the Polish a glowing chapter in the history somebody haB got to do it. AndCenter. consulate in Paris. After question- demands adopted by a confereaee of American Jewry. . • . it's greatly creditable to all who ing at the police station he was of Itlemel Gernir.a leaders in KoeIf I have any purpose in" telling art$ doing it. In 1566 the emperor MasiaiMan. described as a faaalic os the sub'.rg, Last iJrtissi£ ZCT S u b the story of Pete the barber and (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts decreed the Jews should never ject of Jewish persecution ia Germission to ths Litht-anian sroT^rnat Mr. Dietrich' it is to call attenFeature Syndicate) sgaln-be expelled from. Bohemia.- asy. but otherwise sane.
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the act for which he was posthu- an intense artillery barrage; Abe among the three outstanding he- reached by Rear Admiral Joseph aro CardeEES, requires that <1) Kaufman of the 7th Field Artil- roes of the World War from New Strauss, who was in command ol SO per cent of workers in a colmously decorated. lery refused t o leave hSs gun af- York State whose photographs the mine-laying squadron in the ony be natives, (?) foreigners Acts of Courage The acts of bravery for which ter he had lost a finger during will be placed in the Gold Room North Sea. In. the Marine Corps must zvtile in areas determined by these sis were decocrated deserve an enemy counter-attack but con-of the New World's Fair, the two there were at least 100 Jewish ot- the AsrSenUTare Ministry, (3) agtelling. Gumpertz left the platoon tinued to perform his duties until others being Father Daffy end ficers, headed by Brigadier-Gen- riculture.! workere must adopt eral Charles H. tauchheinier. aies-dcan cliSzenship after a speciof which he was in command and so severely wounded he was un-Quentin Roosevelt. Abraham Cohen of the 26th DiOne more piece of Bt&tlstic&l fied period, K,TL& li) foreign agristarted with two other men able to continue. Nathan Lieberthrough a heavy barrage to si-man of the 33rd Division rushed vision exposed himself to heavy evidence remains to b© adduced culturs.1 yorkerr. who leave the lence an enemy machine gun nest, a machine gun nest, taking four machine gun fire to obtain to complete this record—Jewish lar.fi withrct an. Bceepfable explaholding up an advance. When his prisoners. Jacques Swaab of thestretcher and bandages for a casualties. Figures compiled by nation will be deported. two companions fell under burst- 22nd Aero Squadron, although wounded officer and later volun- the Board of Jewish War Records ing -shells, Gumpertz continued himself pursued by the two en-teered to bring bacll the officer's show, that 3,50 0 Jews died lightalone in the face of direct fire, emy planes, perceiving one of his body while subject to a heavy ing—1,S 00 in action, 500 ol jumped into the nest, silenced tbe comrades in distress and in dan-barrage of fire. Sidney Holzman wounds End 1.100 ct the other Sam J. Yousem Plumbing and gun and captured the crew of ger of being shot down, dived of the 3Srd Division was badly causes. The Jewish wounded Ecm- Heating On (he occasion of Armistice of all the'Jews serving In the AlCompany EtinouueeB the who fought side by side with nine. upon the enemy plane directly be- wounded when he volunteered to bered 12,P00. Thus the total Hoffman, during the battle Bay, which this year marts the lied armies. In the Allied armies Jews Jews, commanded them as offithat of his comrade and sboi go through heavy sbell fire with Jews who fiied or shed their opening of its new central loca120th anniversary of the end of the" dead numbered 12%. 0 1 the cers, stayed with them in the of Chateau Thierry, though hind ' tiOE rX JPlfH'j CRpKol Ave. enemy plane out of control an iiiiportant message from his blood was over 15,000. " the World War, wo present, by 3.380,000 dead In the armies of trenches, shared with them the warned of the advance of the en- the Prompt p.nfl Courteous service is thus enabling his comrade to es regimental commander after sis (To Be Continued) , special ; arrangement with the the Central Powers, 54,000 were miseries of war and rejoiced with emy with five light machine guns, cape promised eXi natrons. v Louis Bernhehser of the other messengers bad been killed. rushed t h e detachment, bayonetJewish Veteran, official organ Jews, or 12% of the Jews' serv- them in the glories of victory. 88th Aero Squadron twice wen Sergeant William Shemin cf ted the two leaders, forced tbe , of the Jewish War Veterans of ing, as compared with. 14.7% General Pershing, the A. E. F . on a reconnaissance mission on the 4 til Division rescaed wounfied iUarnil Pasha, a convert to the United States, the first of a dead among all those mobilized commander-in-chcief, said that others to flee and abanon their his own initiative securing valu comrades under fire on three oc! is lam, was governor o£ Aldln In guns and thus forced the enemy :| series of four articles which In by the Central Powers. "when the time came to serve from a position by which they able information on the enemy's casions and took coranand oj his sum represent the first compre~r f r • i t t their country under arms, no class could have swept the field with position. platoon after officers and senior - United States hensive study of Jewish particiof people served with more patri- machine gun fire and forced the non-coinaissioned officers bad beHeroes ' pation to the military phases of By proportion of population otism or with higher motives than Cali U* For William Shetri of the 77th Di- come casualties. Hyiaan Yamis the World War. Country by the Jews have numbered about the young Jews who volunteered withdrawal of t h e American 1 vision, a cook, after both his feet of the 1st Division volunteered country, Mr. Postal presents 3 % of America's total armed or were drafted and who went troops. Mexico City (JTA)—A governUics • Kitchen* • BiumenU n facts and figures that have forces. Actually they contributed overseas' with our other young Katz, who learned that one of were torn away by a bursting for and attacked a inacbiEG gun ment decree restricting the come Re-s-coflng « insulation •never before been assembled between four and five per cent, or Americans. I well remember in his comrades had been, left shell, directed the work of rescu crew enfilading tbe American position and location of refugees*-' Rt R lines, killed tile enemy crew together in one place in tbe a third above their normal abareN •my. inspections of New T o r t divi- wounded in an exposed position ing wounded comrades, until be agricultural colonies has fiep.it K© PPWW IPAVWKMT tbotsgh wounded by a grenade, ' English language. The first Two factors account'for this: one sions seeing BO many patriotic, from which his company had died. Major Julius Ochs Adler of advanced on a second macbin© what Jewish circles term a death Easy Monthly Payment* article is a general introduc- was the fact that the draft sys- w e 11-dlsclpllned, w e 11-behaved withdrawn, voluntarily crossed an the 77th Division risked his Ufagun position tbough wounded blow to the plans for settling GerPilCICUfi LUMBER CO. tion as well as the Jewish war tem operated more effectively in young Jewish soldiers, whose com- area swept by heavy machine gun to save men under his command and continued on to attack man exiles on the land. ' record In the United States. the urban areas where th& pro-manders spobe of them in the fire to carry the wounded man to and led his company, fieavily de- again & Nicholas »t«, JA WOO T h e Agriculture M i nistry's the eaeay crew. Next -week's installment deals portion of Jews was greatest; the highest terms." safety. Kaufman, out on patrol pleted by casualties, into St. J u measure, signed by President LazOfficers with France and the British other and most significant factor to attack an enemy machine gun vin, capturing 50 prisoners. Abrak Empire.—THE "Best on Earth" ham Krotoshiasky of the 77th DiEqually lEterestics with regard was the largo number of Jewish EDITOB, that had checked his company's L t Col. Douglas Campbell de- advance in the Argone, was sep-vision was the ruaner who sue- to Jewish participation in ths war volunteers. The records show s • • that "the Jewish boys of arated from the patrol before ceeded in getting word to the are the figures for Jewish offiNovember 11th Is the twentieth that there were from 30,000 to clared the 77 th Division were the best American headquarters of the cers. The records show that there 40,000 Jewish volunteers, or 1 8 % the gun and his arm anniversary of the armistice that soldiers on earth. They partici- Teaching were nearly 10,000 Jewish comshattered by a bullet, but ad- plight of the Lost Battalion. Id ended the war that was to endof the Jewish contingent. Of the pated in the greatest battles and missioned officers in the several total of 250,000 Jews in the Sam Drebea, whom Genera vanced on the gun alone, thrownil wars. It was a -war fought to On Our Better Quality Towels, * emerged sound." The 77th Divi- Ing grenades with his left hand Pershins called "the finest soldier branches of the service. In the Vt! make the -world safe for democ- American service, 190.000 were o£ which 40% were Jewish and charging with an empty pis- I ever knew." of the 36th Divi- army there were more tlian 100 Sheets, Bedding and LuMflis racy. Today ths men who fought in the army, 25,000 in the navy, sion,; young men, was the only Amerisis in; that war see a world girding 14,000 in the Marine Corps and can division to reach the Aisne, tol, took one prisoner, scattered sion, led a group of volunteers in Jewish colonels and lieutenantcrew and brought his prison- rushing a German patrol, captur- colonels, over 500 majors, 1,500 for another and more catastrophic 21,000 In other branches. having penetrated further the er back a first aid station.. ing four machine guns and kill- captains s a d 6,000 lieutenants. world war, a world in which Although. distinctions between after t h e German lines than any Sempler to Every woman appreciates the distinction a monogram silenced enemy ma- ing more than 40. Jean Mathias Among these were the late Gendemocracy is everywhere on thethe combatant and non-combatant into other division." Major-Gen. Clar- chine gun nest byan rushing for- of the 5th Regiment U. S. Ma-eral Milton J. Foreman, one of defensive. Two decades ago thebranches have become almost ence lends to the things her guests use la her home. Tmke ". R. Edwards of the 26th DiEl enemy^ of democracy was autoe- meaningless in the organization vision said "the Jews made an ward in the face of heavy fire, rines, after all other members of the founders and first national advantage of this offer and prepare for your visitors. s ' r a c y . Today it is known as Fas-of modern warfare, there are enviable record..: I remember in- hurling German hand grenades he his group had been killed or Field Artillery o£ the SSrd DiviAlso select CHRISTMAS GIFTS now, and have them - ' cism. Communism and Nazism. thoss who argue that service-.in stances where formerly intolerant had picked up, which killed two wounded by tire frosn an enemy sion, and the kt© General Abel, monogrammed without cost, and laid away tor , ~J In the great World War ofsuch- branches aB the medical Gentiles asked that Jews be made of the crew and caused the sur-machine gun, charged the guncommander or the American Lerender of 28. Sawelson left shel- position alone, killing three of toe gion, who comssaaded tbe IS 2nd; . ? M 1914-1918 sixteen nations were corps and tbe quartermaster corps officers Christmas. ia order that they might '"«-»involved On both sides. The Al-means a soft berth. That being he made leaders." Captain Harrl- ter to bring water to a wounded crew and capturing the gun. Cap- Davis, who commanded the 132nd n "J,lied Powers had 42,000,000 men the case let's break down the fig- gan ol the famous 307th. Infan- man calling in a shell hole and tain Robert Mars of tbe S9th Di Illinois Infsntry. Both won the on his way back to his own shell vision, later first national com- D. S. C. In the navy there were • ' ~ under arms. The Central Powers ures. On November 11, 1918. the try "too much cannot be hole more water was killed mander of the Disabled American over S00 Jewish commissioned ofmobilized 23,000,000.. These 65,- armed forces of the United States saiddeclared the boys who went across by a for Veterans, wa3 severely wounded ficers, the highest rank being machine gun bullet. 000,000 men wore the uniforms numbered approximately 4,800,- from for the East Side. They Stood while leading a reconnaissance in of nations and empires with 000 men. The combatant branches out for Space doesn't permit a detailconspicuous bravery and the face of murderous artillery total population ol over one Of the A. E. F.—infantry, artil-. utter disregard ing of t h s heroism of all who won self when they and machine gun fire and reorlion. At the outbreak of t h e lery, cavalry, engineers and sig-sent up againstfor the D. S. C. but the gallantry of t h e Germans in ganizing his battalion and directWorld War the Jewish population nal-aviation—-constituted 6% ofFrance. • a few should be recalled. Lt. Mer• o£ the world was approximately the total." • "•; rill Rosenfeld of the 29th Divi- ing the assault line and taking ' But t h e best evidence of t h e 14,000,000 and of this number But the recordB of Jewish.soldsion was killed at Verdun while the enemy position. 13,500,000 lived in the countries iers "show a distribution of 7 5 %high quality of Jewish courage in leading a group that silenced an Lt. Theodore Rosen of the 7Sth at war. ' ' among these.branches. The quar- the eWorld War is to he found in enemy machine gun menacing his Division, was badly wounded corps, .the business or- the official records of decorations right flank. when he deliberately drew enemy Nearly half of these were termaster andv citations for gallantry to FRANCHON FROCKS SOLD EXCLUSIVE HERE: ganization • of the army, -,might fire in order to allow two other Morris Silverberg of the 27th ' trapped in Eastern Europe, -where naturally have been expected to action or.. devotion above and be- Division, went into the open field officers a n t two runners to es+ the armies of the Eastern front attract a large proportion of Jews. yond the' call of- duty. No Ies3 under shell fire to bring in hiscape. Sergeant Natnan Gobey of , were engaged for the duration of the 10,000 Jews in that than 1,100 citations for valor wounded company ' commander. the 77th Division, who was killed {the war. There were 2,000,000 Actually, branch represented only 5.9% of were conferred-on,. Jewish soldiers Samuel Block of t h e 26th Divi- while putting three machine gnns • Jews in Russian Poland, 1,000,- the total Jewish contingent B3 sion, after others had been shot out of action, has been selected 000 in Austrian Galicla and compared with t h e general averdown, carried messages through a s . t h s Jewish representative 3,500,000 in the fifteen Russian age of 6.2% for the whole army. provinces constituting the Pale of In the medical 'Corps the pror. Jewish Settlement. The suffer- portion The of Jews was 8% as comAa Espcrt Coccs-oHor e a Roost Arrangement ings to which these 6,500,000 pared with Of the general average of f were subjected equalled, if 9%. In the Marine Corps, which Honor was^wia.'.. by si^jfews. • U i Jews they did not surpass, those of the is essentially a fighting unit, Jews The Distinguished Service Cross civilian population of Belgium, constituted 3.4%. Of the 12,250 Is worn by 150 Jews,, the French and war-torn France. . Jews in the Marine J Corp3,.: in Medaille Milltaire by four and the Rapine, robbery, deportation, which FOR FIME FUBfflUW every; maniwas aTOlnnteer, Crpjx de Guerre by 174. The s i s murder-^-tbese were the dally lot fully- 3 0 %. VenllHted 'after i t was Jewish'.'• jnen;;who won;; ihe> CoaPlaa—Fartsata at 32n*d r of the JewB In j the-Eastern war announced that .the. marines were gres3ional Medal of Honor were: zone where they became the par-the' American '.Bnoclt•••' troops " a t Sgt. G. Gumpertz of "the 132nd Inex. ticular victims of the Russian, r - . A;-, fantry, * 32nd Division? Gunnery Chateau Thierry. ,.„ Austrian and German military Sergeant Charles F . Hoffman of As Soldiers V;;.! authorities. It is estimated that the 5th Regiment, TJ. S. Marine Sow did these thousands tot : ! 50,000 Jews were billed In war-Jews in.- the •• American ;• forces Corps; Sgt. Philip C. Kate of the . \ time pogroms and • that another measure up a3 soldiers, as com-363rd Infantry, 91st Division; ' 100,000 died of disease and star- rades and aa men? The volume Sgt. Benjamin Kaufman of t h e vation. These, however, were only of evidence as t o the high equal- 308th Infantry, 77th Division; 'A ~ the Jewish civilian casualties of Samuel Sampler of the THE- the war on the Eastern front. ity of Jewish courage, loyalty and Corporal 142nd Infantry, 36th Division; Dan: Their story has been told often devotion on the battlefield is most and Sgt. William Sawelson- of t h e bash enough, but hitherto no one hasimpressive. No men were better 312th Infantry, 78th Division, swee attempted t o compile even an ap-qualified to speak of Jewish hero- who was killed while performing proximate statistical- picture of ism than those American:; nonJewish participation in the actual military phase of the World War. 2 % Jews It has been said above that the 16 nations engaged In the /World War had 65,000,000 men under
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Of the 42,000,000 men In the combined Allied forces, 1,055,600 -were Jews, or 2% % of the total, whereas the Jewish population in the countries of the Allied forces •was 10,508,000 out of. a total of , 840,000,000, or 1 % . Among the '! 23,000,000 men in the combined Powers *... i."' armies of the Central '# there were 450,500 Jews, or 2% i j ' o t the total, whereas t h e Jewish /*f \ \ population in the countries of the >' I Central Powers was 3,000,000 out ' \ , o f . a total of 161,800,000, or V, slightly more than 1%. ii Quite as eloquent or Jewisn •Iwar-time patriotism are the casu a l t y figures. The total of men i | killed in all the World War arm!!ea was 8,500,000, or 1 3 % or the SW <• total under arma. Of these 170,ssor' •825 were Jews or 11.3% of all reea't 1 the Jews under arms. Thus it apth s t i pears that 2 % of all the World •ove.ji i\Var dead were Jews, a figure ex3 W£u.'actly equal to the proportion of " '-' Jews among the total of men unr" tl der arms. I n other words two out ike; of every 100 men who made the 'supreme sacrifice during the ! World War were Jews. The All i e s had 5,150,000 billed,' of 'whom 116,825 were Jews, or 1 1 %
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Bund, tying activities of the every import&nt male player - - clinics and an extensive health agents-provocateurs directly to comedians vs. leafiing men - - In project. Herr Hitler. Hollywood, and his&lighted tfee |* If this deadly enemy, tubercuto P r o b e While cm the foreign menace, Hollywood summer season. The losis, is to be vanquished, the of: J' ponder Paramount's plans to film local Jewish community credited program ol prevention cannot m. j picture entitled "Invasion" from Mark with doing more for the Mt. ecript now being written by a capIrral than any ether m~n. in its I h a n s " 'will, ' k n o w h e w i c g u a r d j ^..liami. J'ia.. •,ViNi.-i—*>•?tain in the Array Chemical War- history. j t h e m s e l v e s £g£,isr,i t h i s d i s e a s e , j of a je-iter by LIK- .WCKI i fare Service. Sounds like gras KEIJAX, MR. MOTO: WSoerer masks, fieath rays and microbe thinks up those Mr. Koto titles [ S i x t y p e r c e n t o l £.ii UibereuiosiE i 13'viLii iU':'-Li-iH-.i'<=us^'-sos.. »•(>!-••>'•• hunters all rolled into one. A m y either ias del-usions -c£ granceur | deaths, o c c u r b e t v e e n the fi^et o l ! i r o n : tki? Icxi-.l I u ; I i U : i 1-Mp•' By TMJL A. PETERS and Navy departments have as- or •wants to rub.it in oc most o£ ] I S a n d 4 6 , t h e p r o d u c t i v e e g o . i i n g \.he ITirai r"i'i;l> ?•" "•<" sured studio of full cooperation us Viho are Ehackled to a desk or I T h e IQES E l o n c f r o m tu5>CTn;io«;~ { g a t e c3?nvg,OF o" v-rnnj-f p J ^ T - I ^ I ' -p=ia?^f ' " in technical matters involving never gets EET closer to Union | i n O T e .ver.r, t b e r e - ' o r e , JF e r p r o x i - j P,^PW^ film. Station than the art gallery. NOT | m a t e l y f E40,0CC F. sr-eer e c o n o m i c ] r n a w h i c h liart I-IPPU S P ' U ''.•" PARTY: Regent Hortny, boss regulations, they brusquely told j KIRT. V P P f!isoios(^5 here b" of Hungary, nas a strapping | him, •would not permit them to MUSIC DEPARTMENT: Last that Peter L.orre has completed •waste. Miss A'ice Marsheli, executive 1 J e ^ i s t I'ioviu!:!.?!. youns sea T?£O i3 Dartial to oar-I admit another person . . . So •what tune to cone from gifted pen of "Kr. Moto Takes a Vacation," he late Con Conrad, "When You're is knee-deep in .plans for his nest secretary ot the Nebraska Tnber- | ties. . . . And is also partial to did the reporter do? . -. He sneak.Arco~(!iT;jv t o t h r v r in My Arms," will be heard in role, his eighth in the series, in culosis Association, szya liie r.eec. the liquids that laugh •• . . A re- ed around the back way . . . And nT!. tli.F ipfiPr i'TOlli "Mr. Moto in Porto Rico." Lorre. crashed into the meeting by way RKO's forthcoming 'The Castles.' for a vigorous ccnipcien ag'aiiist cently-arrived Hungarian bluer by the v^ay, has a novel *"E.r o* of the fire escape . : . The (Pic, which stars the Astairei this fiisease is increaslnciy ref*e?F ! p'""'"^^ *^"'f" 7'"^ blood -who moved in the Horthy investing his spare chenge. Inrevealed Rogers team, will feature Lew | E.ry in vjeir-o' the fact tJis? if, jp | wondertu, v.-oi-:-: oi i., parrying circles tells us this one meeting, incidentally, Fields in the part of Lew Fields.) stead ol a trust fr>nd like most till t h e JoreraoBt CP.I'PR of c^e";.<i I K'rith -ana c x p r e ^ s c fi about the lad . . . He was at a Rabbi Stephen S. Wise in a new The Conrad tune, lyrics for which folks of means he ties tip his c.uring tne years of yor.ti. party for a beautiful Jewish so- role—that of translator , . . S. S. s-.iu; money in motion picture rigfcts to Lo ciety deb, member of a -wealthy, W. boasted that he had himself The Creighton-St. Benedict Members of the Men's Health •were "written by Bert Kaliaer and I aristocratic family. •.-. And as the translated the message o£ Prof. game last Sunday proved too Club are enjoying themselves at Harry Ruby, was sold to studio valuable story properties, most of The i-orkE cf Philo Juclaeus, i a r - i cljai^Ofc i-^ia?k-i .U'V-'f; !• them famous European novels. He j Alexandrine Jewish phi"- -"ni-.-r, ; &re&. ± i\c ,'ily! jiPvr 'evening -wore on and the party Albert Einstein from the .German strong an attraction for both play- volleyball every noon. Wednes- ust three days before he died. waxed merrier, young llorthy de- into English . . . ers and fans so competition in the day the Health ^lub took on some Speaking of composers: Mack now owns 15. representing total i were preserved by the eavij CLris- ; in liter p.Ce nrFlnrPn ' Claimed to a group ot yoting Jews pre-season: basketball tournament outside competition by scheduling i tian church lailsers. . 2?ti.rr vnfl tort, v^r ordon, heavy half of Gordon and value of about fS50,CCC." and Jewesses . . . "I don't know ANECDOTE: Rabbi Jonah Wise was temporarily halted. All three a match with the local Y. 21. C. Revel, received joshing note from (Copyright, 1S.38, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) •what father wants of you, but as likes to tell this, one on himself games were to have been played A. team. Darryl Zanuck to- limit his sleep lor" me, you are the only people . . .When he came to N. Y. to last night instead. ' They are planning games with o seven hours nightly. Gordon's among whom I really enjoy my- take over the Central Synagogue note back read: "OK. but don't This Sunday will see the games other outsiders. Tuberculosis Ses.I self." . .". His mother, Mme. Hor- pulpit some dozen years ago, he played on schedule with the follimit my eating time!" thy, incidentally, has some •way- •was interviewed by a reporter for lowing matches to be decided: A. JIAKK TO SURKRIBGE: Mark Go o n S©, Soon back-when Jewish blood in her . . a big Yiddish daily . . . When the Z. A. 1 vs. Livewire Cleaners; A. Mark, for the past nine story was published, it proved j Z. A. 100 vs. Alpha Pi Tau; Sigma years head of Los Angeles Mt. As t i e season for the opening MAN: B. Charney Vladeck was highly sarcastic,... . Revealing Alpha Mu vs. Breslow Auto Parts. Sinai Hospital—clinic, w h o s e : ; • - we say it without fear of con- that the rabbi's accomplishments brilliant exploitation was respon- ol the S2<3 Christmas Seal drive Admission to these games is •, . o f Every Dcjcr!! tradiction - - one of the most gen- seemed to run mainly along three free. sible for the amazingly successful nears ¥ e are reminded tnat the ; •ninely lifeed and popular Jewish lines: golfing, fishing and shootAll-Star baseball games of the need for funds to carry on the hu' * : " " ' ' • • ' ' Including By DICK CHASE leaders in the nation . . . Stories ing . . . Some days later, subject past three .summers, has resigned mane -work of eradicating tuberAn imposing entry list in the culosis is even greater this year about his good qualities, his sense of the interview met reporter in. Handball post to become president and Singles Competition of tumor, his modesty and in- the subway . . . "It's a good thing promises a hotly-contested tourmanager of the Siarkridge Sani- for the deata rate, statistics show, ON THE DISASTER FROST: tense devotion to the cause of so- for you," he tSld Fourth Estater, ney for the lone eagles. tarium at La Crescenta, a hamlet will be higher ttan last, year. Though this comes straight from "that you were wrong about my cial justice will be told ad infinThe Nebraska Tuberculosis asnestling in the foothills borderSigned up for the tournament a studio exec, don't sue .if it's a itum . . . : Here are a few that may accomplishments . . . I don't are: Harry Spiegal, Ben Kutler, false ing San Fernando Valley. The sociation .las been in existence for alarm: Warner Bros., who liave escaped the reader's atten- BhooC. . . • D. Goldware. Walter Kurs. seem to have an option on all Sanitarium, which, is toflay a rest •over a certtirv. Dcri-g tnat pertion and certainly were omitted Charles Korney, Harry Altsuler, headline story material, bare home and exclusive' hospital, may iod or time its activities have exLet Us FisRace \out New Car or In the formal obituaries . . . The • MISH-MASH: Drug Made Hit- It. Seiner, William Skolnick, Les scrapped plans to depict the po- ultimately, we hear, become the panded until today the program late Felix M. "Warburg, introduc- ler (says a newspaper headline) Givehter, S?.m Wolk, Sonny Rich- litical chicanery of Tammany Lake Sarnanac of the West. includes administration of a sumRefinance Tossa- Old C&r ing- Vladeck at the opening exer- Sleep for 14 Hours . . . That drug, ards, Iz Novak, Ben Abrams, Iz Hall, which culminated in the reTho riotious ball games staged iner camp, for needy children, cises of the Graduate School for it should be known, must have Bogdanoff, Max Shukert, Harold cent Hines trial in New York, in by Mark had the cooperation of nursing service, nutrition vork. Jewish Social Work, commented been anti-Semitic . . . What coast Garber, S. Gerlisky. .Take Schrieb- favor the later headline thrillon'how well they both got along Anglo-Jewish publication may get man, B. Miller, Iz Weiner, H. Cor- er - - of the current Nazi spy trial Jn their work on the Joint Dis- into trouble with the Federal au- enman, M. Rossen, James Bur- in York and the Canal Zone. tribution Committee . . . "Even thorities for carrying contracep- roughs, George Shapiro. Joseph Pic,New learn, is to be aimed dithough," he added, "I am a cap- tive ads? . . . Carl Alpert of the liagman, Al Lagman, Art Gerber, rectlywe at American Nazis aad the Boston Jewish Advocate spots the italist and he is a labor!te. Paul Sann, N. Y. Post City Hall I darnest things,- - this time that reporter to whom • Vladeck : re- the October issue of the Jewish vealed -.what-was- described as Guild Magazine of So. Africa has Mayor .LaGuardia's plan for, mu- Yehudl Menuhinin love with a nicipal housing subsidies, " dis- Jewish girl in Holland . . . Which COr.1PJ.ETE 2 4 KCUR SERVICE ' ?HEE ESTHETES closes *that Vladeck was" the au- calls for a round of aspirin AND QUALITY GUARANTEED thor of that plan but had exacted Australian papers please copy . . . irom'Sann a promise that his own Dr. Nahum Goldmann took a same was not to appear in con- crack at Jewish organizational PLUB9BINQ HEATING CO. nection with it . . . His last let- leadership at the recent Congress ter; signed a few minutes before session . . . To which Rabbi AT 2344 1616 '/z CAPiTOL AVE. he took ill, was written for the Stephen S. Wise took exception, ORT, to -which he' devoted much announcing that the man. .from effort and time . .-It reveals both Geneva might have differentiated liis sense of humor and innate between the Congress leadership modesty . . . Addressed to Judge and the others . . . Which, to our Jacob Panken, he began . . . "As way of thinking, might have been jbusy. as I am with saving the double-edged . . . Dr. Goldman •world and the,Jews from destruc- disclosed, incidentally, that the tion . . ." . . . And ended, "It is late T.ouis Barthou'once told him a long time since I troubled you, the Nazis Were "barbarians with so I" hope that you will forgive an index system" . . . Of all tho me." . . . All he had asked was hooey we've ever seen, that that the Judge speak for the ORT poured out by a N. Y. "prophet.at a New Haven Tally . . . To give ess" recently Is just about • the you a rough idea of' the tremen- hottest . . . Among the lady's predous' crowd that sought to jam dictions are the following (we're its way into the Forward build- listing them just so nobody can ing for the Vladeck services, spe- say Peters was" scooped) : ."There cial passes had to be issued to is to be an uprising "among Jews forward employes to permitrthera- --somewhere™-.rthat "will turn many "to get into the building to their somew -jobs the day of the "funeral . . . Americans -into soldiers" who ill ling announcement" by a veteran Jake Adler, Max Turner, Sam Anglo-Jewish Journalist has failed Teper, Morris Franklin and 3. to materialize as yet, so you'll Lafschultz. have to hold your breaths for another week . . . Rowe of the Ken- All Jewish woraen are urged to tucky Jewish Chronicle writes to attend the Special Jewisn Womlet us know that the first woman en's Gym Class which is beld ever to speak from the pulpit of Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a. Louisville's Anshei Sfard (ortho- m. Musical accompaniment is prodox) Synagogue was Mrs. Mal- vided daring exercises. vina V. Freeman, president of the A special effort is being made National Ladies' Auxiliary of the to get all women of the commuJewish War Veteran . . . nity interested in the physical department of-the J. C. C. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) About forty girls are regular attendants at the evening c!as3 held at 6 Mondays and Wednesdays. Order of the evening is reducing exercises, games, roller skating, WE basketball, volleyball and swimming.
AT 6500
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Hollywood Meny-Go-Round
PERSISTENCE: It takes a lot to i-oe a J. T. A. reporter . . . Assigned to cover the Balfour Day meeting at Mecca Temple, he got there late, found the place Jammed beyond capacity and was refused admission — the cops even ignoring his frantically • waved police card . . . The fire
helSa&sSes-• get Into Palestine Fasetera-ia^coming to this country and3?o^England . . . And David, DuEe"oI-Windsor, will live up to hiS~HaTUe"by" beading the GoveriimentrotrJerusalem . . . (the fore-; it repeated lets it create g s r p i i l th a Martian panic, b being simply the
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Page 4
Strictly Confidential
aven the muoh-miligned Samnel Goldwyn can look with tolerance on his detractors, for it is he who is producing movies that reveal genius. SUNBAT, NOVEMBER 18 A. Z. A. No. 1 Meeting: I » 3 DANUBE BLUES The sordid tales—ill-used wealth, immorality—have, the, HUOUISMOO c V t H Y KRIDAY A l OMAHA, NEBRASKA. OV If certain plans go through, a. m., Eecrer tiOE Room, Jewish iroducers evidently think, aided anti-Semites. Like Caesar's By DS. lEHEOBGSn N. LEWI3 THE JBWlSti PUES8 PUBUSHlNG Cardinal Innitzer of Vienna may Community Center. A. Z. A. No. 10C Meeting: 2 BsbbI, Bf©cat SlsaS Sespls, Sisss CSfy shortlj- come to these shores to wife the makers of movies shall henceforth be above suspicion. JUOQCFJiPriOf PRIC&, Ono Yoai • • • • • » • present his views on recent events p. m., G & I-I- Jewish Community; We dislike seeing the necessity of such action. But it is ADVERTISING BATES FUtlNISMGD ON APPUICAHON' to the American public . . . That Center. not without its advantages. One of the great tragedies of "THE JEWISH FESTIVALS," "Present Trends in Jewish Social is, provided the Nazis let him out, Omaha Hebrew Club: S p. m^ EDITORIAL OFFICE! 600 BRANDEIC THEATER BUILDING -HAYYIM -SCHAUSS. T H E Work In the United States;" 12. for his views have undoubtedly Lodge Soom, Jewish. Comrnnnlty . SIOUX CITY OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER : modern Jewish life has been that most of our people, like the UNION OF AMERICAN ' HE- "Knowledge -aad Leadership in chacged Eic.ce he urged th© Aus-Center. PRINT SHOP ADDREGS—5S04 CO. C4TH OTREC1 trians to vote " J a " for- Killer . . . Girl Scouts RleeilEg;: S p. in* B B E W CONGREGATIONS. Jewish Communal Activity." >AVID BLACK0J3 > • - Business and Mana0inG Editor majority of other peoples, are money-conscious. They have Vvouldn't you like to know Koom Id, Jewish Community CenS20 PAGES. The last chapter is a guarded sacrificed spiritual values in return for material gain. The aciffiANK R. ACKBR&AN Editor criticism of some current mani- whither dtv echoene Adolf is now ter. This volume represents a rare festations in Jewish life. The casting his schoese AiigeE? . . . Young Juclaea Meeting: S p. m.# Bdltoj tion of the Hollywood producers beholds a new era, bringing LEONARD NATHAW . Our guess is that it's in the di-Club Room, Jewish Community; and gratifying achievement. It author deplores the absence of tSdltoi to the Jewish business man a new sense of responsibility to his combines solid scholarship, critiCo' \lABBl FREDERICK COHN tested knowledge touching the rection of Southwest Africa . . . Center. <• • • Boo& Editoi people. cal and objective analysis, •with complicated problems that con- Although that former German RIOXDA1'. NOTE35BER 14 tlABBl THEODORE N. LEWIS Glous City, Iowa, Correspondent reverence for Judaism and ap-front us, aad the iaertJa which colony is still cafier Mandate to Beta T&13 Kappf,: S p. m.. ClttW Ufo PILL - .. .. tfee Union of South Africa KStler preciation for spiritual values. permits us to perpetuate tradiRoom, Jewiet? CoTirovmlty center* The combination is not common, tional policies which no longer an- is already forfcidfiing German Workmer.'F Loan Association* 8 v JCvrs to seek a refuge there— o especially in Jewish circles. We swer our needs. Another E.E& p. TV... C &-, D, .Tevisfc. Community; are given to extremes. While equally serious difficulty is thewhich 3s one way oi giving his Center. ter- ! By Rabbi Frederick Gohn There are some actions of man that escape all human comsome of U3 Insist on a fully tra- dominance of the wealthy &ni the Chamberl&in a hint oa his colonnan j Hazomir Choral Society: 8 p . alms . . . What gives us a m., K & L, Jewish Community war prehension. Of beasts we may expect cruelty, followers that Today the nations are celebrating "Armistice Day." Would ditional and scientifically unten- influence of wealth la Jewish ial able interpretation of the Torah communal and religious crgani- laugh is that with all this talk Center. star * be i |hey are of the law of the jungle. Men exist who derive satisfac- they were celebrating Universal Peace. But also! today, on the and Judaism, others accept the tions. The masses cave been en- about the rocking Reich's need TirESX'Ar. NO11C1MBER 15 torj tion from inflicting pain, but as a rule such individuals, at least twentieth anniversary of the conclusion of the war that was to extremely critical view and be-couraged to believe that the for colonies the Nazis ere now Alpha PI Tan: 8 p. m., Club compls.1r.lng of a shortage o£ come irreverent, indifferent. Both tion maintenance of organized Jewish Jewish Community Center* and are planning: to drag Room, R' |n our society, are confined in institutions designed to curb end all war,' the war that was to make the world 'safe for de- attitudes are unacceptable and life in the United States is. the•workers W E 3 S E S S « : NOVEMBER 18 fconse German emigrants to other damaging. The inability, the failexclusive -affair of the well-to-do. mocracy/ war not only esists but democracy is threatened as fhese disastrous tendencies. International Workers' Order: ure, apongst the several vrings or What makes this pheaomeaoa lands—AITE-HS, of course . . . For for P. in., C & D, Jewish CommuniTwice in the past two weeks the newspapers have carried never before, in fact is in the throes of a crisis. "Armistice" branches of Jewish thought, to truly alarming is the assimila- our part we're willing to let 'em g boo} j Center. achieve a -working formula, a sen- tion tendencies of those, who byhave all the Nutsies of TorkviHe ty TKUKS3AT, '.errifying accounts of human beings driven like cattle across means 'stack arms.* The arms are not stacked, they are ready sible KOVE»JBBB IT compromise, has been a rich virtue of riches and social .posi- and points west . . Did you know Junior liadassah: 8 p. m., C & jiational boundaries. Unlike cattle, they -were not welcomed, for use. We have added tremendously to their number and source for the increase of Jewish tion are entrusted with the guar- that a Nazi may divorce his Aryan wife if she patronizes a Jewish D, Jewist Community Center. indifference aad neglect. While Soy Scout Meeting: S p. m.» r. i:. fifteen thousand head of stock would have been greeted as power; the 'armistice' is not only not permanent, it is not even the protagonists of opposite and dianship of our Institutions, and shop, CE the grounds that such with the formulations of policies. Room, Jewish Community aac ! l n a n n a from heaven. Fifteen thousand Jews are looked tipon as temporary. War, whether 'declared' or not, officially recogniz- conflicting points of view are bat- Many of our Jewish leaders are action constitutes a breach oE her Lodge to "obey and cherish" him? Center. ed or not by their own governments or other governments, is tling, the object of the zealous devoid of positive attitudes to- oath, "i plague. Choir Kehearsal: S p. m., K and pugnacious efforts only too wards Jewish life, and quite a On© reason for the continued Ocassionally one can discern some pattern for the govern- oing on at this moment in Spain, in China, war only yesterday frequently escapes, leaving the number would prefer the demise power of Julius Etrejcher, whom and L. Jewish Community Center. Sole COMING EVENTS most Nazis cant stomach, is nent sanction of anti-Semitic policies. The psychological value averted in CzchoBlovakia, wag on the brink of breaking out in •warriors dismayed and ashamed. of "the Jew. To entrust these with even that he has all the cope on Hit- SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 37 power to control and direct JewThe author succeeds most adFather and Son Banquet: 6:3$ privEte-HJe-stewed sway in tf an anti-Semitic campaign is a temporary alleviation of in> Hungary and in Poland, may break out—God forbid—over all life is to surrender t o ouraler's mirably in his aim, to -write a ish p. m., Auditorium, Jewish ComFrench safe deposit vault.. . . enemies. lob the world. ernal difficulties, distracting as it does the populace from the comprehensive, and faithful story munity Center. 1 spr of Jewish festivals, to portray eal object of wrath. . The book contains extremely MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 1 What is the matter? Why can't we have peace? Isn't this their origin, their evolution and, valuable statistics, and accurate T3ie fiefcaoarits in the current Reception for Presidents of tin, But what, we ask, is to be derived from dumping Jews a civilized world, a religious world, a 'believing world', Christ- most especially, their place in information Nazi spy trial are,hoping they'll in compact form, 03 Jewish Women's Organizations:, 5inr Jewish religious life. In seeking practically every Jewish problem be given nice long prison sen- Jewish Community Center. .cross borders? . . her ian, Mohammedan, Oriental, or what not? to determine the origins of ouraffecting our people in this land. tences . . . They're afraid thzt iZ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 3. 1 Perhaps it was this same question that was in the mind of festivals, he accepts the latest Students of the American Jewish they go free they'll be spirited Center Forum Series: "Meyer There is one thing the matter. Judaism laid its finger on conclusions Sara 6 rtthe seventeen-year>61d Polish Jew whose parents were living in of the more reputable scene will find it exceedingly back to Natils.nd to fell under the Levin," g p. m., Auditorium, Jewj! Berlin a s . . . At last . reports ish Community Center. the right spot more than twenty-five hundred years ago. 'There and authoritative Biblical schol- helpful. 1 Cut*" 'Ill!', freight car on the German-Polish border, the objects of this ars. But historical analysis, his there's a hope that a nations.! SATUSDAY, DECEMBER 10 can tie no peace to the wicked.' "The wicked are like the troubl- critical attitude, does not mar his n&gEEine will publish the localt Annual community Ball—Wominhumanity. ed sea; for it cannot rest and its waters cast up noire and filth. appreciation of the function and Nazi expose which a New York j en's Diricioc: Jewish Community; on, ; Reading of the plight of these unwanted exiles, one's whole placs the. ssveral festivals csily tamed down because too Center. There is no peace, saith my God, concerning the Tricked." The the .nd have occupied In the life of the sassy 0* Society's 400 were Imaeatal arrangement is thrown out of gear. Sis thousand await wickedness, the positive moral wrong-doing of such, nations as people of Israel. The fact that plicated . . . Nasi Epies will tie a fields the fate that two hostile governments will thi£k up for Sabbath was a Babylonian inthe villains you'll love to hiss in Pulitzer end Lufiwig van Be«Germany, Italy, and Japan, wao inhumanly persecute, who un- the •erg stitution back in antiquity does a forthcoming 'Warner Brothers iheven , . . Wttrg, we ever taken hem once negotiations are resumed. What cares either Poland iaro justly discriminate, who rob, who attack, who kill, who threat- not in the least affect or lessen picture . . . When New York's ex- in br that story o" fcls retirement I. E »r Germany for them? Their spirits have been broken, their the sanctity, the blessing and the Kayor Jin-icy Walker was asked from, the screen last year? . . . en, it is this that disturbs the peace of the world, that makes joy BIBLE las! which it brought the Jew in ouls despoiled. Their only worth is as decaying corpses which by the visiting German flyers to Max KaniechewU?:, the MaUo Naked came I in this world raake it impossible despite peace pacts, peace palaces, peace prizes, all ages. Ultimately, the origin a speech in connction with King, whose personal interests add fertility to the soil in which they will be buried. is of no practical significance, ex- and naked shall I return thither. their presentation of a medel have included s.'-JTiPhonic music, a peace organizations, the whole 'Peace Movement.' It is this that i 5f cepting to scholars. What is of The Lord gave and the Lord hatb marked "For Peace and Bravery" ballet, and the sponsorship of At another border Czechoslovakia, under German influence makes life a 'sea of troubles' that we cannot 'take'up anna primary importance and imme- taken away. to an oil executive, Leonard Ly- BtruggliEE artiste and Bculptors. 'ul' I Etuiigary engage in this same wanton cruelty. One can go diate concern is the transformaLet the day perish wherein I ons reports, Jimmy complied with. UEflcr the name of Max Mann, against' and *by opposing end them.' It is the monstrous, cruel ere*'* tion of the festival, its relnterpre- was born, and the night wherein about the tragedy these men, women, and children are facspeech addressed to the avia- has creat.ee a stir IE psychiatric •esJ and brutal wickedness of the dictator and totalitarian nations tatioa and the manner 6f observ- It was eaid, "A man-child is ators . . . "In this room are Pro- circles with a plionogrraph record enc . Insanity, illness, death—all have made their appearance. ance as conceived by the teachers, brought forth." tee-tacts, Catholics end Jevs," fee entitled "Helass-tion and Sleep" ohi.: 1{I J The boy who stepped into the German embassy was guilty that east np 'the mire and filth* of anti-Semitism, of religious and lived by the people of Israel. For anger kllleth the foolish said, "s-nS. here we have peace, —which actuall;.- works! . . . Of this supreme fact the author strife, of national hatred, of inter-national suspicion, of fear man, and envy slayeth the silly Co back and that to your Horse trainer Hirsch Jacobs used iru ,< jf a futile gesture, a negative gesture for who knows how many is at all times aware. It remains though I have eesn the fool- countrymen." tell and unresi. I t is a question of national morality. Every nation his guide. His study therefore is one, . . . Then there's to write articles for a pigeon fanlas.? ish taking root but suddenly his the Oregon cartoon «'ews will be forced to pay the penalty of his indiscretion. reported t y jciers' journal once upon a time MI not only historically accurate, has a r i g h t to order, its own internal affairs, but not in violahabitation Is carsed. Yv\ W., shewing Hitler studying; . . . And <3svt you Knew that band Wong us only an adolescent mind, goaded to murderous fury, ac] in the best sense of the For affliction corseth not forth tion of eternal moral principles. A nation may hava any form of scientific the old slogan cl the Oifi Kan of'leader J£eyer Deris spent some word, hut reverent and inspiring, from the dust, neither d o t h fcy repeated acts of cruelty, is guilty. .Among the others it is Doom, who in the cars before he .years as a r.ewBPEper reporter in government it plQase3 — that is for itself to decide — but their emphasizing th© high moral and trouble spring out of the ground, Jie perogative of rulers. : etarted E&wlng wood used to talk • WastinjrtoTt? , , , All of which relac spiritual Ideals of the feasts and but maa is bora unto trouble as is nothing in heaven or earth that gives it a right to embark holidays which Israel has kept about "Ke unfi Gott'* . . Killer's; minds us thp.t our old friend Lpo be sparks fly upward. The eternal tragedy of Israel repeats itself. Today there is [re{ reaction to the phrase is: "Hew; Classman, who "or years was gc* upon o career of deliberate wrong'doing, of actual gangsterism faithfully throughout th© cenEtMcs of the Fathers tive In Er.gnsh-Jewish journa» tra. *ot even a road on which to travel. The wandering Jew marks turies. Ben Azzal said, "Hasten to flo and ruffianism; to make wickedness and crime official, as it llsm, is teaching,- politica.1 ne*e even a slight injunction and flee rime in fields; he finds refuge in "no-man's lands." . wnting at Long Island University His procedure with that priwere. The. other nations o£ the world have a right, for their transgression to? one virtue If youVe recently ssees s serimary Jewisfi Institution, the Sab- from leads to another saS transgres• own safety and interest, to protest and resist. Germany, Italy, bath, is typical of the method he ous darartnc article on the prpfc- J « « sion draws trECsgresEioa is-,its l lie.Naade'SIiip • • and Japan, to put it mildly, are 'disturbers of the peace' in civil follows throughout the volume. train, the reward cf & good deed e s s of ih© coisnercial sr-Erle c> J rafi!o Eignefi fcy one K&rrr.E-in-i A combine of German refugee The evolution, th© growth of the Two Nazi ocean-going liners have of late encountered ser- societies? We 'arrest* them. We can't, of course, incarcerate a Sabbath is described In four chap- Ss the divine pleasure which.you LteSs, he, advised that the crthor J publishers has announced its HMt experience when perforates, the -difficultiesr Charge and counter-charge still leave us in nation (though we can perhaps isolate, blockade them) but we ters-entitled: "In Ancient Times," deed, the punishment o* tr&ss- is Ecn© ether thac your old jlist of German publications in friSjuS Ps.rkj's.ksirkiiE, for vrtiotn this country . . . Unless we »re "In Its Development," "In Modiitloubt as to the origins of the mysterious fires and eslosions. can arrest their unethical careers if we are minded to do so. ern Times," "In Custom and gresslon is the guilty conscience CTBE the Greeks h&re no vorfi very ranch mistaken we recosntse you are suffering when perpetrat. . . And. it j"oii're vonderlng how f.nsocg the names o£ prospfeetlve two possibilities remain: that there is a campaign of or Nations are as much bound by the moral law as are individuals Ceremony." The reader obtains ing the sin." not only a comprehensive anhe ..got that vrty, just remember authors a, gentleman who until Ben Aszai said. "Despise cot terrorism being fought against German shipping; that and a nation is no more helpless than individual, infinitely alysis of this most remarkable by traicicg fcnfi long experi- Austria's downfall served as any c&n and carp not &t &~Tthat ict erraan DOa 5 and fundamental of Jewish instience lie's really an advertising less so. A nation is but an individual 'writ large.' There is nothsv/ecip' * > contrary to all regulations, are carrying military Chancellor Schuschnigg's secretutions, but a thoroughly scientif- thing for there is not a man that -unfisr that heavy veneer tary, &nd until very recently was ?r ing sacrosanct, or mystic, about a nation; neither is it a mere ic one. The author analyses in has not his hoar acd there is net ciecutlvs 1 ^ Supplies on passenger boats. of cisJect . . . Ace of ECEtlrnerw known EE a dyed-Ip.-the-wool Fasa thing that has cot Its place." talists Is Barney Gallant, vho cist . . . Which reminds ut> that ""•Hi "Whatever the cause, the two disasters are symbolic of what abstraction. I t ia a living, breathing entity, a most powerful similar .manner the three pilgrim Rabbi Levltas said, "Be exceed- wants festivals, the High Holy Days and save New York's famous some of cur wealthy people, anx"A 3 going to happen to the Naai state. Inside and out are dan'personal force. We hale recalcitrant individuals to court, and the minor festivals such as Chan- ingly humble of spirit since the Tcrcbe to Frisoc from fiestmction— icxu to he'.r cor.vcrt those Gerhope of man is but the -worn." ukah, Purlm and the Ninth of ^erous explosives. Which will be responsible for the disaster iq often punish them if they are guilty, even for seemingly minor who err by beRaobi Jochanan said, "Whoso- his idea is to cocvert it Into a man-Americans Ov, which from a folk point of all the pood things that offences, and all the more eof or vicious crimes. We must learn view are extremely important, ever profanes the Name of Heav- sifie Efcow—simply because nearl}- lieving aet to be decided by a power beyond ours. are said about. Hitler, now have en In secret will suffer the pen- two fiecades £go he enjoyed a an Certainly Germany has aroused enough antagonism to to do so even with nations. All things are simple at bottom, if possessing tremendous emotional alty opportunity to <Jo for it in public s,n£ this ttrenty-fiay sojourn there &s thethisexcellent, appeal. i2T.portf.nt work by supportwe do not confuse and bemuddle them, and simple fundamentals whether the Heavenly Kama be first rsoistor of the late lamented v.reate an outside danger. 1 •c As one reads and studies the profaned in ignorance or in wil- Prohibition Act . . . Something of ing the activity IMedrich Krausa ^ She is also carrying in her own hold enough explosives to are applicable to seemingly greatest and most complex things volume, one realises how deeply fulness. a rscorfi •sras echierefi t y ov,e [hp.s st&ried in this country now ; I*' . . K you're iEtfirested in lur* u«. Tjent her apart as a nation, though today she rides the crest of —particularly the fundamentals of morality; and common the author loves every one of R&bhi Ishnsel sai'd, "He .who Benjamin Kactlcriti up in tlie j .ther details crop us e, line . . . these festive occasions. He knows learns the Torah in order to te&ct Bronx recently vhen he celebrat-j ">) fiie waves as though she owns the seas. Not long ago the Fort> sense must be made to rule in the seemingly most intricate pro- Jewish life Intimately. He is to him the means will be granted efi the hiinfiredth anniversary of i"Why, by the way, doesn't some not only to make these both to learn and teach, but hehis own Bar ICitzvah by taking | Anglo-Jewish paper try publishpublication, carried an interesting a. 'aightly g y Eeview,, a British p , g ar- blems. As Bcclesiastes said long ago, "God made man upright, anxious sacred occasions vivid hut to en-who learns in order to practice to part in the Bar KItivah of one jir,g e, Germr-R supplement for the x /;| j^ele, showing how one by one the elements who took Hitler.to but they have sought out many inventions." At bottom things courage the revival of their cele- him the means will ba granted to cf his erest-grandsons . . . If thous".nd6 o£ refugees, now here, Jewish life is so bar-learn, to teach, to observs safi to you've beos vorsfiering vfcat who don't kr.ow where to get V j o r are deserting. Most likely that very situation ^ a s re- are simple enough if we do not becloud and bedraggle them in brations. ren today becanss the spirit has practice." some of the Ko.iywoofi luffiir.Er- their Jewish news? . . , Ossip Dy^ponsible for the Czech crisis which in itself alienated stilll more Jhe name of diplomacy, statecraft, the sovereignty of nations departed from the basic instituhas ,1«r,t, finished writing a isg prefer in th© line of pportc, mow new play which, while it has only cif his followers. and I know what be-damnihg circumstance. The ways of na- tions of Israel. Our people are we can tell you that the passion one Jew in the cant of characters, insensitive to Jewish appeals, beof Bci> Eiskia t.nd Hugo Kars is ^ Small business, the very core of Hitler's. suport,' finds it- tions are too torturous and devious and even 'perfidious,' in- cause the great occasions that across a strong message in t e r r is, *-hi3e Al Licttjss.CE, Char- • puts behalf oC Ell those expatriated self confronted by the very Bolshevism it thought it was fight- stead of simple and direct and righteousness; hence our world- used to thrill and arouse them no lie Einfeld and George Burns pre- jIrom 4 tV «'l' Fascist, ip.ndf. . , , The imlonger move or challenge them. fer golf . . . Jnst to be diifercr:t, •~ig. Despite Nazi reassurances it came, not from Moscow in the wide misery, woe, uncertainty and unrest. speech which Dr. Samuel Few things do we need as desperErnst Lnbitsch EOOS in for horse- promptu Schulmian, R&bbi Emeritus of ately as the revival of the SabJ "; ttfgn of the hammer and sickle, but from Berlin. back rifiicg, find Louis K. EJCney Let us on this "Armistice Day," the first to be officially bath and holidays. Temple Emacii-El, nmfie at the Beth E! for fishins . . . 'NEW • i f{ Only a few days ago four persons were consigned to varyrecent F&ieEi'.Ee Fp.vilior. conferThe splendid illustrations or Mrs. Joseph M. Erlich of De- &MOVS PEOPLE Observed in our own country," bring to remembrance the secret ence V-RS hr.ilefl hy the ^ionlstg sacred ritual and ceremonial obp"Jig prison terms and one to the guillotin. These were, former national vies president of of, and the key to peace, as the peace-loving geniusof the Jew- jects add much to the beauty and troit, -rmong his ijptRf.err P-F orie of th© Hadassah, will occupy the pu!pii In the Hicapire State the rumor leaders whose following is becoming restless. Tascs and Eiontet propRfrancla utish people long ©go discovered and expressed it "The work of appeal of this volume. Beautiful- of the Beth El Synagogue. Sh Is that Judge living LehtnEn of greatest , E.{ terances ever made, although he ly bound, it will adorn any book will speak oa "KsSsssah 7o costs are rising; wages and the standard of living falling. the N. T. Court of Appes'.E win righteousness shall be eace and the effect of righteousness shall shelf. I t deserves' a place in every had labeled it "Kcmerkp by ft be appoictei to succeed the late j aon-Eiocist" . . . Senator Borah The fight with the church will have its effect in the Cath be quietness and assurance f6r ever." Righteousness! There is Jewish borne. Temple Justice Benjamin N. Cardoso ou sections of Germany and in Austria. At services this evening Rabbi the U. E. Supreme Court . . . £© lost meny frisnds when he made no other way however much we may desire or attempt to avert "JEWISH coMMuxrrr ORGADavid H. Wice will speak on. Oavidscn. the sculptor, is return- public Despite the Gestapo, despite the 'Sieg Heils,' despite the Ills letter to Dr,Stephen S. NIZATION IN THE -tTNITEB "Twenty Years Ago Today." or avoid it. The absolutely indispensable and infallible basis ing from Spain any clay now with j opposing Zionist protest of the guillotin, and the caution of the censor, the world STATES. MAURICE 3. Saturday mcrniag services s.re Eose busts of Loyalist notables Wise and condition of peace, is righteousness. Germany, Italy, and Jameetings against England alKABFF. BLOCH PUBLISH- held at 11. . . . Though Kebel air raids puncthat opposition exists in the Reich. though the letter had been repan will nave to amend their ways. The righteous nations of the ING CO. 2S4 PAGES. tuated his Et»y 3n Barcelona with gEfdeti as a strictly personal mesyears ago another dictator rode firmly in the saddle, This 13 s a indispensable volume fcsnej-ieg {reijeency not e. -single sage . . • Dorotfcy Thompson world will insist upon it. Only then will we have a true and to students of Jewish life in thePrevent Jews frens 0 A few de Rivera. Until five minutes before his overthrow he C&pfi&f bast was bested, nor was Jo fcira- p&lned- ras,r.y friends with her synUnited States. It presents facts perpetual "Armistice"; when . Eelf ever hit . . . Less lortunste dicated column oi October £6th, was all-powerful^ and statistics which no ona, ser"The drum shall throb no longer, and the battle-flags be iously interested In the American Rome (WN3) —Sleassires have was Sidney Franklin, ErookLrc in which she analyzed aiUi-SemiJewish scene, can sfford to ig-been taken by the governner.t bullfighter ana friend of the Ley- j'tism ne P. Corro, o? vritch lore . . . furled • ' • " . . ' nore. The author, who ia presi- here to prevent Jews ordered to alists, who was hurt by s. bo.Bb I The Theatre Guild v."jil Rponsor for Hollywood ' .;,. :r . In the Parliament of Man, the Federation of the World." dent of the faculty and director leave the country undsr the r.rw that fell into Rebel territory j the Hslnma visit r.est February, ! of the Graduate School for Jew-racial dewes frora Esncf^IfeE while he was inspecting bulls | and will house ihe Palestine rej According to an article in the magazine "Time," the movie ' —-Frederick Cohn ish Social Work and, a distin- their canltal out with thenUn- there . . . He's novr reenperatins: j perioiT t-iistnuble in the Guild > Moguls are going to have a censor to oversee their personal 3a the fastnesses of Brooklyn . . Theatre . . . guished leader in the field or soder the racial decrees <«ssne d "The Jewish Spectator" an- cial work, handles his material 1. all Jews settled'ia-Italy Sept. Mrs. Felix M. Warburg is plan- j {Copy right, ICSf.. by Feven Arts lti much the same way Will Hays passes on their pictures, after other favorite magasine of mine. With a fine decree of understandniag to give up her home anc toj Read "At the Homo of the Be-ing and tolerates for the contact- Jsn. 1, 1919, nust leave the coun- djspoas of all her u,rt treEEureE 1 ipal reason for this action, the magazine states, is an attemp' try w?thia r!s loved Rabbi," by Lily Rosenberg ing points of view and diverse . . . Do yon rejs-.exE^er hew p3ay- j to a the part of the producers to stem rising anti-Semitism. Richler, wrsgfct Elmer Kioe Ssmbaptec the j groups. A good many of the hairr-raising stories that emanate from On the booR shell: New YCT'K drEEa critics souse' Jerupp'sem T h e manifold pctivitfps of 'VNS - {' a 1 C e r "Three Novels." by Sholem American Jews the author conJEWESS sesroES tjro? . . . We!!, the payori" A?;eTicy> Kollywood are mere figments of fertile, highly-salaried imagi•— Bxtno-s- rapidly cfrAs6h, author of "Three Cltle3." siders under 12 chirp'or headlrps. is that tow Elmer'e so-., Robs-si. | culr.ted hore the! decisive action nations; a good deal has been trtfe. Curret couimentD o? tbp fiay's This is aa omnibus volume con- 1. "The Jewish Population in the New Vorfc (WKS) "No. no,doss drasa critlclscj: £or the Kev | for PaleptirP'f tr.ivre wae iami* taining three novels with Amerij The theater, in all its phases, has always justly or unjustly Jewish Bcena of evfciitg to waga- can settings, presented in English United States and Its Pistribu no," was fhe curt reply of Leni Torlr KcrniEfe, Telegraph, »coet BCal in IiOnaoc vrhen It was zineS, boo&a and Jewish thought: tion:" 2. "Economic Distribu- Rlefen<=iahl, official r>ovis czar cf expensive of Eaetropolit£,n Cailiee | learned thKi JSPRC Bee EvL. presijiffered a rather unsavory reputation. Churches refused actors Masazlaes: Io "Opinion's" lat- for the first time. In these three tion;" 3. "Jewish a.Rd Non-Jewish Germany £j5d5'rc?i:tod to be ore. . . Did we ever tell y*c that j dent or ihe VS.RC" Iwrni (Jewl- h novels, Snolem Aseh'6 acknowl;brial; they were not considered good company for respeotabl est issue, John Haynes Holme's edged genius is revealed as never Relationships:" 4. "Imigration. ej Hitler's closest TrBmnn CrSeaes, article, "through Geatile Ejtes." Emigration and Jewish Adjust- •when cewspsperraen intcrriewiag Hsr chScf v-crry r-cwaaays is j A chirf of the Jjlk. Hollywood not only ha3 become a community of theat "asS for ciildrcu yet unborn. aa<i before. A oust read. ment:" 5. "Communal Organisa- her upon arrlrs.! i s NETS- Tort; about hew to pet her ipother out iJewish Agency Es:«cu"vi>, hafl Friendship is like a treasury; asked "5s It trus what Dr. Goebfor Israel's eterual canss, tho tion;" 6. "OrganisatSoa for the jl'ical people, but it.has drawn a new class into its environs. i..oncior. by aircf her native Viecna •vrithoct fls-J left I^f. glory of God's people jret to cosae, but the safest you can draw from Care of the Needy, the SScft. bels'E&id—are yos a Jewess?" ; also the home of those pioneer movieproducera, many Jew ft© must survive, and bo did, and it is what you have deposited Etc.:" 7. "Acialt Education and An anpry is>ok c s a e Jcto her lay . . . Thfe life fc-tcir oC George ) will soois be produced j Recreation: Youth Movements;" eyes as she snapped the reply: "I Gershvinn :ii, who came from their fur and ready-to-wear stores to de 4o6!J aurVivc, through a courage theroiu. CRrdioRl A!Pi;ar.der Famese not his own." 8. "Central Organizations for Lo-have not even any Jewisb afices- by M-G-M, wSth the collaboratinn of the composer's brother I.a . . prevsnlefi tbe cspulslon Of the clop due of the nationV greatest industries. The growth ol What is true here oE the slngto In J7SS two Jews graduated as cal and National Needs;" 9. tors." Si6 41so dealer reports oi Paul Muni's Best Him will be Jews of Kome OE a ritua! murder Sie cinema industry has been phenomenal and in too many case; Jew is true as well of .the"whole physicians from the University of "Participation jn .Jewish Efforts a romance with Hitler. ' and will probably be charge. He succeeded In bringing tribe of Judals. A bs sure to read Prsgae. .They w r o to first to in Other Countries;" 10, "Other 5 to Sight the real : ic intellectual stature of the owners has not kept pace. Bu article. by portrayals of Organisations and AeUvities;" J l . ••-.-. this distisetioa. Patroaiza'Our Advertiser®
No-Man'© Land
TKe True Armistice
Gems ef-fch© Bible
Community Calendar
Recent Bride
Sigma Alpha Mu
Alpha Gamma Chi
A Z A 100
A. Z. A. 1
The work of the Mother chapSam Beber Chapter la keeping with tee latest' ter furthering the Alepb EaflSfe In true ZBT style, Alpha Theta P r ? ^ T ) r nh^p^'pr gave one ef the best house parties fiance craze, pledges of the Alpha Aleph Fire-Fold Eir.d m i l program SVVfiV.^' in years the sight of the home- Garania Chi sorority yrill present goes" on. Cultural Chs.irmat?. Sn?<~H "D p 1 v f^v^p, ™v v ' t V s h R coming garae with the University " T i e Dopey Svrics" nest Satur- tin Priesmr.T!. h?.r r.r.ijp-nBCPfl th--:.t of Missouri. T i e fact that the old day evening, November 19, at the I an eliEUnstion contest to di Alma Mater lost the game to the new Omaha University auditor- | mine the debaters v'ho v-ill repre- ! ^:.:. ... boys from tlie "show me" state ium. Kiss Lillian Monovitz, pledge i sent the Mother chapter v-ili be the vevic.lt (.'I'lvaniiuiO preEiclest is in general charge o* did not fiampea the spirits cf the hclfi at the nest regular meetlnr b r s v y i o V:Tip?pop(lp.r.'t?> crowd that thronged to the party. arrangements, assisted by Kiss cf the chapter. A Serge number o:i a c'rive i? iieing: m f o r Campus socialites turned cat in Esther Morris, secretary-treasur- members- will be in the eUrnin"- b o o k s froiif JrvU'I-. f huge numbers to mingle with the er of the group. Two hnucred tion. This year A. Z. A. 1 hopes; O m r h a . A c y o n e v.-i=5i!n many alumni and members pres- bids have been issued to this typ- to carry on the tradition ol gooc. books; IF Pkpd XO >:i-\i Alc.pVent. Decorations were in the Hal- ical sweater-skirt sport fiance. debate teams thr.t has been estab- vrp.r& r»o!go"f. ,TA 4 4 1.CGeTiIah Meiches, Etta Soref, ana lished in former years. oween theme with corn stalks, There- v i ' l 'oe ;•• fipe.M Jack-o-las terns, witches, blacfe Cats Celia Lipsiaan hare been initiatThe Kother chapter SIBE again and skeletons adorning the walls ed Into the Women's Athletic AsKTS'. William Eosen- j come forward vith e fine bapketend floors. A well-known Eix-piece sociation. : band famished the music for the bs.ua has been selected to serve i bail team. A. Z, A. 1 EitesnpLf: to dancers. Chaperons for the affair ELS chsiri2£.a of the Finance com- | briEg the never members ictc were Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gcldea- s i t t e e of t h e Inter-Sorority. I chapter activities, as is evidenced berg, Kr. and Mrs. Edward Ro- CocEeil Chairman of the Vice | by the fact that one or tbe cever senthal and Jdr. and Urs. D. .David Versa d£Ece of ths Feathers per I members, of the cliBPi.er occupies Nefsky. Arrangements for the 65cad to be preseztea tosaorrofr | s. position in the starting: lineup 'atson of f l nov.ficers party were In the hands cf George erecins (Saturday) 1B PEcline oj the bastetball team. Frischer End Samuel Davidson. KosexLb&tust. Active in thespiaa j Social Committee Co-cliairmjir. With this success, Alpha Theta circles, Esther Steinberg, Eileen ' l*eo Sherman has annouueed that starts off another great social sea- SeTita and Lillian Monovite \rill & social event for the chE.pter wi;i son, one that -even prosifies to appear is the pisr, "Pest Eo8.fi" be feeid in the near rv.ture. The surpass last year's successful one. scheduled for Friday cretins. chapter's menabersfcir firi^e t;ves rppropristiru; money ic° os. lander "ull stcsn: under the Alpha Theta, as csu&l, partici- November IS at the CriverGltj-. EciflEnce o£ an r.ble memberuhir vpniber IF. PE ?i;rtlipv pated in the homecoming celebraTT T committee. tion with one of the most colorful raipjtif money v-in. he displays en the campus. Credit for the display, which WEE one cf the best ever put out by-ZBT, goes in Kiss Karion Chonscr, general DAUGKTEKS OF ISFL^El part to Jerome KilSer. dance chair12.EE, KS.& fcsr commitLeonard "BssiSy" Goldstein, at- tee, tEve asnounced ths.t P'SEBB F-rc T h e V.'ovkwsii't Cii le D-^ii tracted the attention and adnlra- well -csSer vrzy for the cnrn&l A rejulE" lEeetirx oZ ins- tic C'Ti>" lick', P. r?hi:- ? ng; dance to be held on ItetijTliters tion of the entire campus in a Aid PociPty November 14, at the Trill be feefioZOJIsselr recent series of ping-pons matches TuesdEr, Novemin an All-School contest. Beady, Fontenells Ectel. This CIS.BCS ir- to ber IS, at £ p. m. e.t tbe .Tevist former "Missouri Valley Junior be one cf the biggest *naa-n,iF.iE£ Community Center. ni.s v-ere Champ, reached the finals with- events of the yean;, proceeds of Mrs. A. 'VTolI, p: ORiccnt, is p.Ekout difficulty, but was upset then which, vrill so to the Palestinian T r>\ tlip' ing ihs.t £ll tnembers be preprrr fund. in a very close match. Twenty-Jive 'children selected as ttis is the first meeting of the iifl M r s and the lUirsa Lee Tv'hlte, ZCZa. from Jevrich refugee groups ITS new season. Kr. Pp.ul Tcrct will br princi- j • : '' on T'White, and Sylvia 'White. Gcrmanr, Austria ana Pols-Ed vill ! pal Bpeaker. ' become the Trs.rds of the .TunJor Best man was Sam White. Irvln At the enfi of the first -sreek of Eadassah in co-operation vita the White, Dr. Harry Rica, Bernard White, of Omaha, Robert Bell, the Pledging year, Chi, cf Pi Youth Aliyah. Nathan Bell, and Nathan WeSlaa Lambda Phi, annornees the pledgAll Bsesbers of Junior EadaKing of the following n e n , all from sah are urged to attend the nest of K. C. served as usSers. The Piocpr- v C T T V o - ; - i Sandra Jean Salomon and Mar- Omaha: Bennet Soraberg. Edward meeting t o be held on Thursday, E&tioE will l.oicl ftr O r ' p £ I.t bine White were flower girls, San- Cohn, Harvey B r e i t , Gilbert November-17, at the Jewish Com- both this tf^nror.' ?L T ,- clrvl. ford Nadlesnan of Kansas City Greenberg, Ervin Beitel a n d munity Center at S o'clock. An | a t the home r ; *"-r. I. rE-M>-i.. Ralph Bufcsnstein. was ring-bearer. interesting program h&i; beeE tr* The bridesmaids were Miss Phyllis Grsea hzs bsea ranged nsSer the auEpiecs of the AE in.tsrT.1: - VCT~; In harmonising pastel shades. The chosea to -wear Chi's colors at the Omaha-Douglas. County Eealth bees Brrccr""" - "<,-"-r,"~r : - = - : - ' » i r v ;. Council. Brida'o mother wore a floor annual Fen-Hellenic ball at the by Kr. «T. I.. TY^r-r, r ir length gown of black velvet and Hotel Fostenelle tonight. "Helen ULT. Milton L. Sturr Trill cpeat by Krs, S. C 1 ^ . r r " r. r n : wore a. gardenia corsage. • The of Trey." the caeca of all Creig1.- on various health problems and t y c i n g i n s l e t - 1"^ • " t . . ' . " F ; I I ., Bridegroom's mother was g toa fraternity men, xriil be chosen. •will she-*' motion pictures la conKcfreshmrrvr v.. OF r""-c_ ;in rust-lace. Her corssgs was also by Council members immediately nection Trith his address. the hostess. of gardenias. preceding the dance. Mis3 Harriett Bernstein 5 I The girl named will present s,lroniz€ Or "Because" and "At g honorary keys to members and be Miss Esther and Miss Florence hostess during all the ceremonies :ie—berr el the Vi'ctner'c ::-.r Steinberg furnished a piano t a d throughout ths night. .£.re sitting pltns 'or i vjolia accompanlezaent. Ben Ehrier, the chapter's M. O. rachl Nelly Don^ fire ftv^ Following the ceresroay a re- W., is present rice president of Icrec lunchssa to be held £t til Jev-iis Corzn-.un:ty Center r r ^ ^ ception was held front 3 to B. A the Council. cenber 21. vhen J-Irs. A. f r r r ' dinner for the l&asdista fassjly ro, ns-tional p r e f e r : t oZ took place at 6. BIKUR CKOLIM After an extended wedSiES trip, the couple will be at home in Kan- A regular meeting of the Eikur ha. A benefit bricljre vrlll bp .p sas City. Cbelto will be held at ths Jewish. Coarreslty Center on Kcsis-y Tuc.~i£.y. i:;r C ~bcr IZ-. Ci shing Rifle er&ck s^nad. Tills at 2 o'clock. A board meeting en men cf the rrjrcnisctirr.'f groap consists of IS csnibers who Trtll bs held prcsptly c t 1. commit', es &rc possess the greatest military abilJlenfcers are asked to ity in ths university. T i e group tickets and stubs for the The -%7\,\Z.T: rsectir.ir ri will present a perforsance at t Kiss Etta Frisci wiS Epsafe e Tc—.CS'P Iliircchi TTV.: f r ir'-S Military Ball, Dec 2, and w rcmrtr :f. stage other . deacsstrsifons csv- "Hospital Problems." eral times duties the year. •••'•Hcrri3 Llpp, North Platte, a t tendsd ths National Journalistic convention at Cinclsnati l week. Lipp is editor-in-chief of the Daily Nebraskaa aad is president of Nebraska's Sigaa Delta Chi chapter, national journalistic fraternity.
HDiGER-GORELICK WEINSWEIG-KAY Mrs. Effle Kay of Omaha anAt. a large 4 o'clock wedding Sunday afternoon at the borne of nounces the marriage of her her parents, Miss Reva Gorelick, daughter, Beulah, to • Mr. Lawdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam ence Weinsweig, son of Mrs: Gorelick,.became the bride of Mr. Lena Weinsweig of "Dniontpwn, Louis Singer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pa., Tuesday afternoon at the home of Rabbi Milton A. KopMax Singer. The ceremony was perThe ceremony, was performed stein. formed in t i e presence of the im1)7 Rabbi David A. Goldstein and mediate" family. Cantor Aaron Edgar under a canThe young couple -will be at opy covered •with ferns and flow- home at the Windsor Arms aparters. MUBIC was furnished by Miss Alice Perelman, pianist; Mr. Har- ments. xy Perelman, violinist, and Miss BETROTHAL TOLD • \ Harriet Bernstein, soprano. Mrs. N. Kaplan announces the The bride's long-sleeved gown of" her daughter. ol white satin had a V-shaped engagement Rose, to Mr. Melvin Aronow, son neckline trimmed with pearls in of and Mrs. L. Aronow of ' a. flower design. Her headdress DesMr. Moines, la. •was a crown of braided satin atmarriage will take place In tached to a long veil, which cov- theThe early spring. ered the train of her gown. In her hand she carried a white ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Bible covered with gardenias and The engagement of Miss Jane .flowered ribbon streamers at- Goetz, daughter of Mrs. Jamea tached. Goetz and the late Dr. Goetz, to The bride's mother was attired Fred R. Critz of Omaha, formerly In- a black crepe gown trimmed of St. Louis, was recently an•with gold braid around the neck nounced. and sleeves. Mrs. Singer, mother Miss Goets is a senior at the of the groom, wore a black sheer University of Nebraska, where she brocade crepe gown. Both wore is affiliated with Sigma Delta Tan corsages of white gardenias. end Pi Lambda Theta sororities. The bride's attendants were: Mr. Crits attended Washington Miss Shirley Gorelick, maid of University in St. Louis. honor, who wore a turquoise blue No wedding date has been set. taffeta gown, trimmed in pink buds and ruffles; and Miss Esther Z. B. T. MOTHER'S CLUB At a beautiful ceremony Sunday Singer, whose sown was of rose December meeting of the afternoon at the Hotel Paxton, taffeta, with a sheered bodice and Z. The B. T. Mother's Club will be email train. Both girls wore hair held on Thursday, November 17, Miss Dorothy Jean White, daughornaments of pastel velvet and of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph "White, the home of Mrs. Samuel Kap- ter carried colonial bouquets of tea at became the bride of Mr. Morris lan, 3411 Burt St. roses. Mr. Sam Meyerson was best Mrs. Joseph Kirshenbaum, a Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam man. new Z. B. T. smother Joined tha Bell of Kansas City, Missouri. Following the ceremony, a re- club since the last meeting. Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein and ception for about 300 guests took Cantor A. Schwaczkin performed place. Serving as hostesses were OUT-OF-TOWN VISHOB the ceremony before an improvisMiss Bernlce Silverman, Mrs. Joel MIES Dorothy Sherman of Sioux ed altar banked with palms and Cberniss, Miss Elaine Lagman, City, la., is spending the week- flanked on either side by sevenMies Alice Perelman, Miss Doro- end with Miss Helene Albert The br&nehed candelabra under a canthy Sherman, Miss Diana Lagman, two will attend the Pitt game at opy of ferns and pom-poms. Mrs. "Morton Friedlander, Mrs. LincolnThe bride was very" lovely In I Joseph Hornstein and Miss Ger- JOSLYN BEEMORIAIi a white satin gown in the sessitrude Canar. A sound film of Sun Valley fashion with the leg-oThe bride is a graduate of Cen- will be shown in the Joslyn Me- prlncess mutton sleeves pointed at the tral High school, and Mr. Singer morial concert hall, at 2;30 p. m, wrists and the sweetheart neckattended Creighton university, this Sunday. line trimmed with a cluster o£ where he was a member of the At 3:30 Sunday Dr. Carroll H. seed-pearl embroidery. The train Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. Wegemann will give an illustrated of gleaming satin. Her full The couple will make their lecture In the lecture hall at the was length veil of tulle and lace fell home In Cozad, Neb. Memorial. His subject will bo from a coronet of seed-pearls. "Little Known Deserts and CanMrs. Ben Grozow of Kansas ENGAGED TO FORMER yons of Southeastern Utah." OMAHAN Martin W. Bush will play the City, was matron-of-honor and "Word has been received here of Sunday afternoon organ recital at MiB3 Ruth White, was her sister's the announcement in Los Angeles the Joslyn Memorial. His assist- maid of honor. Bridesmaids were: . on November 5 of the engagement ing artist will be Chester Mann, the Misses Edna Bell, Ruth Bell of Mias Lillian Steier, daughter of Jr., pianist, a recent graduate of and Marion Bell of Kansas City, ' Mr. and Mrs. I. Steier of Los An-the Eastman School of Music in geles to Mr. Joseph HarriSr-son of Rochester, N. Y. Harold's accomplishment, he will Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Harris, forThe first of the new series of partake next month In the Namer Omatans. Town Hall Forum lectures, spon- tional Debate Meet to be held at The.wedding Is to take place sored by the Nebraska Society of Topeka, Kansas. Last year Turkel December 18. Colonial Dames, will bo presented was awarded the Long Debata this Sunday evening In the concert Trophy, for being ths outstanding ON EXTENDED TRD? hall at the Joslyn Memorial. Sen- freshman debater. - "•• .-••• Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shumow ator Edward"R. Burke will bp the , , Thres' Sigma Omicron members and Mrs.- Allen Kohan left yester- Bpeaker.'.'and Wa subject J s to'bs attended the Nebraska-Kansas day morning by motor for Mexi- "Observations .' a t ' 'Home " a n d football game at Lawrence, Kan., co. After visiting Mexico City Abroad." The public is favitedto last-Saturday. Norman Harris, they, will terminate their trip at attend. . Cimahaijsports editor of the Dally '...'•. , Vera Cruz, sailing from there for Neb'raskan, university publication, New Orleans and thence on to -attended the game in official caFlorida. They will return about pacity. "He Covered the game for the first of the year. ' the Echopl paper. Norman was Sheldon Shumow of New Oralso one of the representatives of The highlight of the week's leans returned home Tuesday Peter MoceniSo. Doge of VenCorn Cobs, men's pep organisa-. night after visiting a few days events at the Sigma Omicfon chap* tion. Phil Bordy, Silver Creek, was ice, defended the Jews of Trent ter was a visit by James Bam•with his parents before their demerstein, national executive EQcre» awarded a free trip to the game against a ritual csurder cSarga. parture for Mexico. tary of Sigma Alpha Mu. "Jimmy" because of his accomplishment on attended the active* meeting and the Nebraska freshman football INVEST SAFELY. VtriStur IN HONOR MISS ZEBGLER team. Arthur Hill, Lincoln, alsp Mrs. Isldor Ziegler will enter- complimented the chapter not only was a representative of the Corn tain at a tea today in honor of her on its rapid progress on the Ne- Cobs organisation. Both Hill and Annuity, daughter, Miss Louise Ziegler of braska campus but also on its ex- Harris attended the game with Chicago, who arrived yesterday to cellent ranking among all nation- expenses paid by the university as F<3AEKS LSOH al fraternities. His conoluSing revisit her parents. a result of their work In the pep Represents SI 'Strong Compan. Assisting.Mrs. Ziegler at the tea marks told of the fine advance- society. iss— Every Typa e» insaransa will b e . Mrs. Ben Silver, Mrs. ments of all Sigma Alpha Mu end Csnds Written. U o M d Tannenbaum, Omaha, David H. WIce, Mrs. Max Hollz- chapters throughout the country. CAbC AT 7657 cr WA 8153 At the recent university com- has been chosen as a member of man, Mrs. Millard Langfeld, Mrs. City FSnancj & inzij.-sno Co. Samuel Katz, Mrs. Charles Schlm- petitive debate tryouts, Harold the University of Nebraska Perxnel, Mrs. Edward Schimmel and Turkel, Lincoln, was choson member of the varsity debate Mrs. Fred Rosenstock. squad. T h i s debate team consists of the four debaters placing high* ANNOUNCE BIRTH ••- Mr. • and Mrs. Jack Farber est In the tryouts. As a result ot announce the birth of a daughter, Esther, on October 31 at the Methodist hospital. -••>
Zeta Beta Tail
PI Lambda Phi
Women's MisracM
' • ; - " !
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Marx of Lincoln announce the birth of a son, Stuart Allen on November 3. Mrs. Marx Is the former Lottie Hellerstein of Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Canar announce the birth of a daughter on November 4 at the Methodist hospital. S. A. M. MOTHER'S CLUB AH officers of the Sigma Alpha Mu Mother's club were re-elected for another year at a meeting held recently at the home of Mrs. J . Bernstein. Those named are: Mrs. Harry Eisenstatt, president; Mrs. J. Chait, vice-president; Mrs. R. Bbrdy, treasurer, and Mrs. Carl Riekes, flower chairman. The next meeting will be a 1 o'clock luncheon to be held at the home ol Mrs. Sam Epstein.
"Sure-Fire" Hits in New
it's churned from Sweet Cream
With Soft, Dressy Detsils
BUTTER Aisy has bses fooling t i e public is. Izsi ycsr't, wocl aad a new tscot . . . Sfdy &cs cne cew frock t a t the esssre scs^f wora ccctdoajulj' &s a plsEtrca d£ksE evea htz best friend thirJs sbe &ES tw© . . . Jstset's fensal ITC^B jrocs to c'irsssr witB poir-e in a ctiiascs satus s^rsrs, tied I;lfcs si jacket. Tlis esgaisste trtistry . . . the fine ceEiga ES2fe£r4d«bl3cMr-£cf t;chs rork iisse chsaces with scch Essasiss clsic
Sheer r a b b i t fca'r wools handled softly as silk and dona m several styles besides tho o n e Illustrated. You'll revel in their gay p a s t e ! cciers. Sizes 12-20.
5.98 OtW SUea IO to 44 3.98 to 14.SS
COLORS e r a . . . CMrt®, A quo, Pevrg&r, ffstarsl zsd Purple, G&rzsaiss—Second Fleer
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OUSTED BY NAZIS—Some of the JGWS ousted by Nazis from their hones in Sudetenland, yet refused admittance by Czechoslovakia. About 155 families are living in improvised shelters on the SudetenCzech border, uncertain as to their future. The man at right was a LudsnbErg merchant vixo had been decorated for bravery with the German army in the World War.
MAY BE DUTCH MINISTER—^Dr. Alexander Loudon, Netherlands Minister to Switzerland, who may be appointed Minister to the United States. His wife, with him above, is the former Beatrice Candler Cobb of New York. , .« '
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HOSTESS — A beauty herself. Marilynn Baker has been chosen as official hostess for the International Beauty Pageant, to be staged in Miami, Fla., early in February.
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W&S EABY BIAKEIES—Gladys Snov/hill, 1J3, daughter of Julius R. Snowhill, commander of Paris Post No, 1. American Legion, shown with her husband, Jacques Ponchel. after their wedding In the village church of Petit-Clam art, Paris suburb. The bride's father married a French girl he met while serving with the AJ3.F. in France. Now their daughter marries in turn.
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DINEE-OUTEKS—Members of a recent large supper party at the Sert Room of the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, included Mrs. Lewis Tullis of Toledo, Ohio, and New York, and Russian Prince Serge Obolensky, shown above. •
. ^ ^ ^ . . ^
GARDENS ON PARADE—.Entrance to the proposed $1,000,003 "Gardens en Parade." under socially prominent management for the Kew York World's Fair. Planned to promote the art and sclsnce ci horticulture its five acres will include plants from every state in tie Union and froni Europe end South America. More than 50 types'of large gardens will be shown.
"COUNT" — Self-styled German count who mingled with society folk was held in Boston on a charge of illegal' entry and of larceny of $30,480. He said he was Count Gustav von Frederick zu Brandenberg. German consulate said there was no nobleman of that name. ^
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TO riDET 1ZIZ TCZ—rcun~ Gcrmr.r- PO1C*..C-£ r.vr- t pip ?;:n post ir. or>? o- thr cm;V.f crmcnls 1". Oc-rirr.; 'i v r? c~t\ rvont fort^ottiors c* tl-.r S.o<-:vied I.irc Chrnrc'.io- ). 1 ic", vrcentir ch^r.^cd ihf narac of the Iori.fiCE.tiri:K t c "Ijimr-s" '-orn tfie Roman vord for veil Trir lori.ficr^or^ ivee r m r r ' t ncv fnmcus Ila-mot Lino or. the border i^rveer, ^ c nr"io"r.
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ANMVESSABS—Prepares fcr the ecCi
Of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses, its 1S39 thorns in a pretty csremony here. Heralds Ruth G;~crd znd Jots? Posthuraa reveal that the theme. '-Gc'.den r:c:r;rics." ir- most fitting for the 5Cth year of this world famous I^'cw Veer's Ozr floral festival, held in the Caliicrnia city
CANDIDATE — Low price ol wheat in Kansas may cause defeat . of Democratic Governoi W. A. Huxman and result in election of Payne Ratner. above Republican candidate. '
«- ... _ :-=i COLONI2S—Oswald Pirov;, Dafenso Minister of the Union of South Africa, in London to confer on the expected demand of Germany that the colonies in Africa, taken away caftar tH3 World War. bs returned.
WAR'S OVES!—Remember back 20 yeara ago. on Nov. l l , 1918, when official word had come that the World War was over? Relief from the horrors of conflict brought Joy to millions ou both opposing-sides. Here are reminiscent scenes. Top, left, paper shower from flag-bedecked buildings rains down on Fifth Avenue paraders, New
York City. Right, some of tha crowd. Triumphant sign reads: "The Kateor thought he would lick the world, but forgot the O. S. A." Center, members of the 313th Sanitary Train- of the 88th Division : celebrate in Meurthe - St. * Mosslla, Francs. Bottom, joyous crowd' on _ths. Grand Boulevard,;Paris,.on Armistice Day.
r. very expensive —~ .— , Jerusalem: Fire fcsigades in Palestine are primitively equipp vastly inadequate. Once a yard has been fired, its c destruction is practically certs; __.. ___
~ take, -rr Xvey
£ a Bsfccsdoa of i&3 Senish Coaamxajity Ccate? Good Bbabbatb, boys mid of the Jnnlor Jewish Press. This week we have two d o r ies, "The Mistake," which tells how evil men perish by their own evil, a n d "The Swallow," • story of old Jerusalem. ' Iff yon like the stories end "have a story of your own send i t into the Junior Jewish Press.
flames, and how they were not harmed, and hoped that God would perform such a miracle. " I swore," he said to himself, "but what right had I to swear to kill an innocent man? No,: my oath was no oath; Rabbi Moses must be saved." He looked at the clock; it •was just half-past eight. It would take him a half hour to get to the furnace. "All is over," thought the king in despair, "he will-perish. Nevertheless I will go. A carriage," he shouted, and in a moment it was at the door. To the Rescue .The King stepped in, the driver •whipped up the horses and the carriage flew along like the wind. Arriving at the furnace, the guards told the King that his commands had been carried out, and that the man was burned. "Burned" exclaimed the Kinf, and he wept bitterly. But just then the Rabbi's coach drew.up, and with fear in his heart a t seeing the King walUn for mm, the old man alighted. "Moses!" exclaimed the King joyfully.embracing his friend. The guards looked on wonderingly. "Didn't you say that, a man had been burned?" . * "Yes, y o u r Majesty," the guards answered. "Who was burned then? My Rabbi Moses?" "No, your Majesty, it was the Councillor. Tour orders were to burn an old man in a long robe who would present himself at the furnace at nine o'clock." "Blessed be the Name of the God or Justice," cried the King. "He punishes the wicked and preserves the righteous." —The Jewish Child
my name and not to win prals. do I toil, but for the service and the work's sake and for the building." The birds taunted and jeerei at her: "In a stone building, threi hundred cubits in length, wha matters a few beakfuls, more o: less, of clay?" The Swallow Replies "Good work," answereS th swallow, "be it ever so slighC i better than none at all." Day by day the Temple wall rose higher. Day by day the work of-the swallow grew. As every TOW of hewn stones was laid, swallow refilled her beak.~A row of stones — a beakfnl of clay! •When it-came time to dedicate the Temple, the building of th shallow was completed; a build ing as graceful and comely, even though as small and slender as its maker. The angels of God descended t view the work of Solomon. In their eyes did the building of the swallow find favor above all else. They even said: "Were it no: small and slender and placed behind the waterspout, It would be altogether fitting for the high priest." But because it was small and narrow, and placed behind the waterspout, the swallow was per mltted to stay in her nest herself, and she dwelt therein unmolested. When the Levites aEcended the Ducan to chant the hymn of the morning, the s w a 11 ow Bang "Amen!" . The children visited the little priestess of her nest and brough her a morning offering — hand f uls of seeds the size of stars. More Tales .The swallow tittered to them tales, of marvels — of Lebanen, and of the land of Havilah, and of the city of Luz where there are In Jerusalem once upon a time, children of a hundred years. there lived a swallow. Morn after The swallow lived a long life, morn, nestling in the foliage «of and saw the grand children of thi the myrtle she sang, oh, so sweet- myrtle, in whose foliage she had ly. Little children gathered around nestled. She, too, reared children to listen to her song. The swallow and children's children who kep told them wonder tales of the ever the "way of the fathers, fo: land of wonder. swallows love little children witfi She sang of the comely Shulam- a pure and steadfast love. mite who dwells In the hill'land; When the spider saw all this of the hinds of the field, that she became envious of the swal slake their thirst In the river Pis- low, declaring: "I will spin me a hon; of the Tree of Life and of web for an altar on the holy the Tree of Knowledge of t~ the mount, and I will be priestess Garden of Eden, on whose boughs thereof, that the children maj perch golden birds with faces of bring me an offering and a libachildren. tion of the blood flies." Boys gave joyous ears to all Now this spider -was too arrothese ^tories. They~ filled their gant to build behind the wahands with seeds for the swallow. terspout, but spun even from the The swallow fed and was satis- mercy seat to the candlestick, fied, and blessed God and the whence she drew a thread to the children. curtain, and within the folds of B g r ^ p the.curtain she made Tier home Even had. the' cbQdrenj atni» dwelt there, expecting sacrien seeds to' the.swallo-^T ^ fice.eS "would Tiaye " tefrained ? from JSIany a day she waited, but no tsslttsrlng and from story-felling,- nianisaw.-her, for none dared enfj8",3he loved children dearly.; £he Holy of Holies save the .birds, of the wood question' the high priest, and he but once a -swallow: "Why" openest thou thy year. beak all day to no purpose?" , .... The Spider lieaves '"- "'To no purpose!", exclaimed 'The spider starved and grew the swallow, "lovely little child- lean. She deserted her web, and ren listen.to my voice and you went out into the court and there say,- 'to no purpose.' '* •wove her mesh. Now It happened, " when" SoloThe indignant chQdred rcalled to mon was building the-Temple in one another: "Look!Here is a web Jerusalem, that this swallow nei- and they, began to picture the flies ther stayed nor rested, bnt from catlght by the cobwebs. They grew morn until evening carried in her sad. The biggest and boldest of the beak water and clay and crumbs boys cried: "I can't save all the of earth to aid the workmen of flies from the spider-web, but I the Sanctuary. am not afraid! I'll remove as Then tha wood-birds mocked much of the web as I can." Then her, saying: "In vain, dosf thou he raised a stick and broke the toll and labor-all thy days! That mesh.- - • - •. building will not be called by thy When the spider found she name!" Whereupon . the swallow could find no favor with children, made reply: "Not for the glory of •sh© took- a notion to hate them.
Eabbl Moses tvas a famous physician. He Tras fcnown for his great. •wisdom and for his lilnd heart, and hiB King regarded him » s his T>est friend. The ldng never did anything without first asking the advice of the EabbL Every day Rabbi Moses caine to the /King's palace, and Lords, officers and the Archbishop rose as lie passed. But the King's councillor was jealous of the Rabbi and hated him. He vra3 polite to him only because he was the King*B favorite. Many time had he tried to undermine the friendship between th3 King and the Jew, but 'without success. . The Princess •When the .Councillor saw that he could not Influence the King, l e determined to arouse the King's daughter against the RabT>i. The King loved his daughter '•more than bis lite, tor she "was /his only child. The -wily Councillor knew this and began to sow seeds of hatred against the Rabbi in the heart of the Princess. > His work bore fruit. The Princess begged her father to expel the Jew. But the King paid no attention to her -words. So one day, the Councillor advised the "Princess to feig nillness and say to her father that she could not become well unless the Jew was driven from the Palace. - It hurt the King very much to do his daughter's bidding bnt after consulting the Councillor, who told him he would • sin against God if he did not do everything .possible to save his daughter, he gave orders for the Rabbi not to be admitted to the palace. He also gave orders that the Rabbi •was to meet him in his- private grounds every day to aid him with ; his. counsel. The wily Councillor, however, was not satisfied and made np.his mind that Rabbi Moses should die! He suggested that the Princess again pretend that she was •fll, and told the court physician to tell her father that she would surely die if she did not obtain her desire, the nature of which she would not reveal. : Then the Princess said that if .jieL would sw.ear .to _ fulfill her :-wish she would tell "him'.all. The JKing swore. Then the Princess told him that she fcnew the Jew, "Rabbi Moses, was the cause of her Illness, but knowing that her father loved him very much she had1 decided to die rather than have them separated. , Bnt last night an angel had ap: peared before her in a dream and had said that she had only a few more days to live. Jf the" Jes? shonld die, she would live; and i t the Jew should live she .would die. Therefore her life was in the king's hands. A Plan The King was so shocked that he did not know what to say. But at that moment the Councillor came into the room and the girl, in tears, said: "Ask our great advisor, and he -will tell what is good in the eyes of the l>ord." The Councillor said that the win of the daughter was the will of God. Thereupon the King, "with sorrow in his heart, but fearing to profane his oath, gave .orders for the Rabbi Moses to come to the city furnace at nine o'clock the next morning. The King knew that the Rabbi was an honorable man and that there was no need to place him under arrest in the • meantime. When Rabbi Moses received the »?" ( King's order, he felt very cad. But in the morning he' dressed himself In his very best dothe3 and soon after eight ~ o'clock he gave orders for his horses to bo harnessed. But as he was stepmsm . ping into his carriage a child ran up to him and cried: "Oh, doctor, please help my mother! She is very ill! ' Please help her! Have mercy upon me and save her!" With the Child "My child," the Rabbi answered sadly, "I have an important engagement "which I must keep. I cannot go with yon." The child did not reply, but looted at the physician with imploring eyes and burst into tears. Rabbi Moses was deeply-touched and thought: "Well, come what may, I shall try to save the mother pt this child." The Rabbi took"the little.one Into his carriage and drove to the Biclc "woman's house. The Councillor and his friend spent the night in revelry and drinking, and with the coming of the morning hastened to the furnace to see the Jew in flames. Just on the stroke of nine the Councillor arrived, and when the servants of the King saw-from their hiding place an old man. ia a - long robe, they fell upon him and threw him into tils furnace. "Thanfes far the Break" la the . Deatb to t&o CronesHior' In vain did the wic&ed old man slogan-for tha annual Community shriek that ho -was not tb& Rabbi C&est campaign November 14 to Mose3, but ths Sing's o^ra Coun- S3 and this Is the poster which cillor, and that he was not the carries the message to Omahans. Under the leadership of Victor one to be burned. The servants flid not Eeem to hear his cries, or B. Smith, general campaign chairif- they did they paid no attention man, more than 5,000 volunteer •wbrkei-3 take part in solicitation to him. The King had passed a very to raise a budget for 1939 of rcstlea nlgat. Ho felt t&s Eting of ?577{796|9S, the amount necesCis conscience.- He remembered a sary to meet ths minimum needs Bible story which tells how evil of the 2S Chest agencies particimen cast righteous Jews into the! pating. Last year's goal was §577,-
Chect- Drive .Opens Monday
•729. -
. WMia £h3 camsaiga fiates ara November 14 to 23, solicitation has, already begun In the initisl gifts division, headed by Henry W".•' Pierpont; the industrial division under the Issdsrs&ip of Will R. Johnson and the national firms group of which Wilbur Jones Is chairman. November 14 all workers will meet for tho annual "Early Bird Breakfast" -which Trill be ield at tlie Fonteaelle Hotel.
This hatred she has bequeathed to her descendant for generations and generations. When Nebuchadnezzar set fire to the Temple, the. swallows flew a little distance away. T&ey gathered water ta their fccsfes to quench the fire. The woodbirds renewed their jeers: "Verily, wanting in sensa are the swallows! The fire of God rases from floor to celling. With beakfuls of water they think to pat it out1." Again did the swallows reply: "Good work, be it ever so slight is better than none at all. If only one coal is extinguished, our work is not in vain." The Fire In their efforts to conquer the flames, the swallows stayed not, nor took rest but toiled, even as their grandmother had toiled at the building of the Essctuary. Nor was their labor unrewarded. Tfiey Eaved the western wall of the Temple, and Lo, It is still standing upon Mount Moriah. The spiders carried fire to increase the fire of God, which fell from heaven and to add to the conflagration. M a n y creatures mocked them, saying: "The burning is mighty enough without you! Why do you toil in vain J" Then spoke the spiders: "The work of destruction is sweet to us only when we have a share in it." Thus it Is that children hate spiders, and crush them. But, oh, the love that children have for swallows! Woe to the boy who ever thought to destroy a swallow's nest. Yearly, upon Tish* a-B'ab, the anniversary of the destruction of the Temple, the swallow flock about the western -wall, in hope that the builders will have cczae, and that they taay help la the work for the Temple. Slow are the builders in coining. Translated from the Hebrew —The Jewish Child
Mrs. Joseph Erlica, national vice president of Hsdsssah, will occupy the pulpit of the Beth El Synagogue this evening. She will speak on "Hadassah Today." .^ A Board Oneg Shahboth meeting 'will be held oa Saturday at S p. xa. at the Hotel Foatenelle. A capacity crowd attended Ann Birk Kuper's dramatic interpretation of the New York stage hit, "I'd Rather Be Right" on Wednesday, November 9 at the Coamunity Center. All proceeds went to tha Hadassah's Child Welfare projectMrs. Milton Msyper, chairman, was assisted by Mrs. Aaron Rips, co-chairman. Kew Bfeisbers 'Welcasiea Over seventy-five new members will be welconed at a luncheon to ba given in their hoscr on Wednesday, November SO, ct the Jewish Connauzity Center. Convention report3 -sill be given iy those -wso -EttsaSeaTllrs.'"Sidney Wintraub will be chairman. A Bingo party will be held Wednesday, January IS, at 1 p. m. on the tenth floor of the Brandeis Store. Those desiring to raise their quotas in this raacner are asked to call Mrs. Morris Franklin, Gl. 2S57. Cultural Work "New Books of Jevish Interest" Study Group will meet s.t 1 p. a . on Wednesday, November 16, at the home of Mrs. Morris II. Franklin, 4301 Dodge. Mrs.- Sidney Cahan will review "The Mortal Storm" by Phyllis Bottone. The Hebrew Class continues to meet each Thursday at 10 to 11:30 a. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The group on "Modem Jewish Books and . Personalities" v i l l meet at a dessert luncheon on. Friday, November IS, at 1 p. a . at the homo of Mrs. Mcrris Sts.1master, S715 Davenport. "This People" by Ludwig Lewisoin will be reviewed by Mrs. A. A. Steinberg, Mrs. Morris Stalisaster, Mrs. William Wolfe, 2«Jrs. Arthur Goldstein, and Mrs. Al Fiedler. A resume of Mr. Lewlsohn's life -will be given by Mrs. Robert Krisvoy. The first meeting of this group was held at the home of Mrs. Al Fiedler. Mrs. M. F. Leven3on is the leader of ths group. Oneg Sh&Jj&oth An Ones Scabboth will fes held by the Omaha Chapter c* Hadassah at 2 p. si. Saturday, Kovein19, at the aoros of Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, 5204 California. "Highlights of ths 193 S St. Loais National Convention" will ba given by Mrs. M. F. Levenson sad Krs. Morris M. Franklin.The first meeting cf tha class on "The Survival of the Je-w," the new Hadassaa educational contra being given this year by Mrs. David A. Goldstein will bs beld Tuesday, November 28, at 1:15 p. m. at the Jewish Ccnnatsnity Center. Those wishing to attend are asked to call the chairman, Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, Gl. | 2S57. Gift Fend CtHitribsitloas There have been many contributors to the Hadassab. Gift Fund | to commemorate special events rs ngagements, isarris-ges, t&r zaitzvahs, births, etc. Sirs. SI. L. Levenson. Gift Fund Chaiman. Wa. 0S50, accepts all contributions. Analagous to the GolSsa Boot: s ths Sefer Ha-Teled (Th© Children's Golden Book) ci the Jewish National Fund. Pictures sad the names of children Ere inscribed ia this bock. An inscription of this type is ssfie for ten j dollars and all funds are used to purchass Ias3 ia Palestine. The first Ctaaha ceatrHj-stor is Sirs. I M. B. Brodkey, -srio is inscribing } th aea o£ Iis-r t~o granSg r s , Juno Doris Brod&er fetzghter of Mr. ana Mrs. Harold Brodfeey, and Joan ESith Jacoizv daughter ot Mr. sad Mrs. Kelvin j Jacob3 of Chicago. Aa inseriptiozt i s &2. Goldca 1 BooS c£ the Jewish Natics-l Fttud means a fioaatjoa of oae j hundred. dollars • for lasd p-ir-; ss. T £ B Otaafca chapter cf Ila- j sah inscribed tfie nas?e rf UssisSfcin, the president].
of the Jewish National Fund, on boys by drubbing the leaders in powerful team In the league. The I , , • m the occasion of his 75 th birthday. all three games. Shrolly Good- Wardrobes were topped by SPam ! - /». » E » £3fiSe Cantor Forest maa's cleaning boys, really gave Horwich, who shot e nice P3S i ' II f« fv pi* The ne-s" forest that is being the coal dealers a real cleaning, series and'was followed by Henry1' \ fi L/M-t-V planted in honor of Eddie Can- by margins of SS pics, 117 pins Coren with a 476. The CUcouotF ; ' *'; tor's services to t i e organization assfi 43 pins, respectively, in all were topped bv their latest. "Ho*- ! i Cy F*AEiJS Is heiag subscribed for the year three games. Shot" ' Ossar Slarorwiek. who ! 119 3S-SS. -The foUo-wiEg donors The cleaners were topped by rollec a E47 series anil Y.'&E I'ol-' _ will have trees planted in the new Goofinmn Fill, who shot his first, lowed by Cc.pt&iE Abe Felfirrifix/r | **-*v.s. CV-J forest: 600 series this year, with a 60S.; Mr. and Mrs. Sain Flatt in hon- followed by Jack Kelcher with a. | or of the marriage of their son, 538, and then Ben Shapiro, who. j E a r r r E"7" ' ^ Dr. David Flatt, to Rose Eiyken incidently, is a coming bowling j Smith ?.Iote-E LPT r <h of Council Bluffs. star, with a 547. The State Goal j thr alleys <-l " v e~l r n Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leibovici it ay a were topped by F.'::I '\Love- j a beauUfu in honor of the engagement of ly" Kctzinan. who shot £ EEC, .IES] plat;: fcolfip-* civ. r their daughter Rntb, to Saul he was folloved by Dave Freak's | a prize f r r.p Glick of Des Moiaes. j reliable lead of! man, Georpe: pr.Fie of ti-- «••> cr i Mr. and Mrs. R. Marks in ap- 'Shapiro, who shot a 4fE. The I needed p. ppir vcv preciation of Mrs. Harry Fleisctt- Coal t>cys experienced one bit of | "Shot the work;..'' as U raan's recent recovery fro-n ill- satisfaction, this week when their ! with a Clu second srs: ness. steady '"Dog" Jack Fleishman got j cepped the prize, hut he ji Mr. aad Mrs. I. N. d i s m i s s in cut of the "Dog-HoBse" with a I ly won or.t cvs-r Goor.m honor of the Golden v/edfilng an- 4£S series, just edging out "Mid-1 who was &lso inspired by niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Saul get" Siukart for the honor-. »er and lie shot a -I( Davidson. Thank yon very mnch, Mr Mr. and Mrs. Hernias AuerThe Greeaberg F r n i t team, con- and just ES soon as you p.. bach In honor cf the Golden wed- tinued ways t y t a t - a car for high score, you ding anniversary of Mr. asd Mrs. ing twot hoeci rt winning of t h r e e games from will bear down F.1EO. Saul Davidson. P a i n t and Glass team. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kulakof- Al Shrier's In behalf of the T I "*\ two wins p e t them into s. Eky in hoaor of the Golfien Trea- Their league, we take t1 tie for second place with the E m ding anniversary of Mr. acd Mrs. pires, jESt two games behind the to extend our very Saul Davidson. . Coal team. Captain Leo e, EvceCy -recovery Mr. and Mrs. A. H. BroSkey in State Weiiz of the Shriers, was high tGE^n. president ol honor of the Golden vreddins an- man for entire Jeagae this Bowling league, w niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Saul week and the also set a new single relescing at the St Davidson. series record by & 615 tal alter being 05 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulatofsty series, while the shooting nest best paint in honor of ike Bar Mitzvsh of boy WEE Barney A brans with Richard Lesser of San Francisco. 474 series. The Fruit beys werea Next week, the second r Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey in again topped by Seyaocr Cohn, will start, and at the vex?. memory of Mrs. M. Nogg of Coun- who bad a 4E7 and was followed teams have been pcir.p tlie cil Bluffs. lew weeks, many high scores - Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kulakof- by Harold Pollock with a 4E5. be expected, and again we c: Bky in memory of Mrs. M. Hogg. In s battle for last place, the a~ invitation to every one to Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyers In Kaitnan. Insurance team, put the up to the Al-:-Sar-Ben aTie; memory of Mrs. M. Smith Motors, team there. all fcy watch your Jewish bowler T themselves, hy taking two out of competition, and we r.s E "e: three games from Harry Smith's nice evening of ertert boys, by comfortable ffiargins. l.ce Should a benediction be fro i-icrwica, who has tafeen over the captaincy temporarily for the i:pon the sinokiKf ol tobnrr By SAM EWEIBACK Kairaans, was high man with a This was the enrption that fsc 5£0, and followed by Korrie Key- the rabbis vrhsn smokinc bPcai SXAXDIXGS OF TEAMS lil! TST. . L. Pet. erson, who fell down to a 450 prevalent emnnc ^e-rs. Ir SITOT Xante of teaxn. State Coal & Gss Co. 1 5 6 .714 series. Sammy "Potatoes" Stein- auce with Jewish re'iS'iouF ]r.v.(berskEh) m'.-sst be rr Greesberg Frsit Co. 1 3 S .619 berg was the big shot for the blessing: notinced for every enjoyment c Edith boys with a nice 4 71. folI S .619 Empire Cleaners s riverl through tests, smell. Clicquot C. Eskimos I S 9 .571 lowed by Sammy Tousens with 2 Eignt. The fxvS'l O.rci^ion of f •461. The Smith team, have def1 1 1 0 .524 The Wardrobe rabbis with recard to smoki; Sbrier Paint Glass Co. 7 1 4 •GG3 initely proven to be the biggest was that no fcenediction vss bust of the first roung schedcle, ). 7 1 4 however we are all hoping that be sasc. G 15 SiaiSi Motors, l a c they will snap out of it Curing The custom of placirj £ S. W The JCC bowlers csperieaced the next round which starts next cicg riBg: on the iTride'p fii BOtne of their tuggest scores of week. In the final match of the 6&ifi to be of Jewish origin the Eeason this week in their evening, Sloe Ldnsman's ViTaTdleague games, and &s a result we robe clotnierE, again put themfind the league is now drawing to selves in the winning- column, t y a very close race between ail taking two out of three games »"FA'aFf? f~ fZO-Kf*from the high powered, by fastly teams in the league. diminishing Cliccnot Club EskiThe Empire Cleaners set a. sew league record for a three-game mos team. The Clicctiots who r i series by shooting a 2,543 scratch £are the WardrobeE a sis-pin hanscore against the league leading dicap, lost the last game- fcy a > Fatet^ff r.«s»State Coal & Gas team, and as a meager two pins, bat in spite of result, toofe some of the cocky- their losses t i e past three wests, ness cut • of Dave Frank's Coal they are still rated as ths most
GIVEN WITH PURCI DEPARTMENTS JOIN SATURDAY'S CROWDS Supply your' Clothing and Apparel Needs for the Entire Family and Secure 52nd Anniversary Appreciation. • Cerd£ic&tes---£verything g o o d , to wear for men. mid bays - - for women d missss.
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Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron, 1810 Grandview Boulevard, will leave Sunday morning for Des Moines, where they will attend the Golden Wedding Anniversary celebiedon of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Davidson, Sunday evening in the Fort Des Moines Hotel.
-?." Pierre Van Paassen, noted writer and lecturer will speak hers
next Tuesday evening, November 15, at the Jewish Community
. Mrs. H. Shlloff and Mrs. M. Shiloff, entertained thirty guests at an evening of bridge, honoring The first meeting of the study Miss Rose Shiloff. 1005 West group for Contemporary Jewish Fifth Street, who will be married Affairs, sponsored at 1 o'clock in Thanksgiving day. the home of Mrs. E. N. Grueskin. Rabbi H . R . Rabinowitz will lead Mrs. David Krause ol Detroit, the discussions.' Plans will be Michigan, is a guest this week in made at this meeting for the work the home of her son and daugh-. of the group. The meeting is open ter.Mr. and Mra. Morey Weisberg. to' any women'interested in the group. Mrs. A. H. Baron and Mrs. •Mrs. A. Miller of Minneapolis, is Earl Kline are joint chairmen;of a guest this week in the home of this project. • .--.-• Mr.1 and Mrs. I. Miller. The catering clas3 will be held Monday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock Miss Dorothy RIssen of Des at Central High School as usu^l. Moines, Iowa, is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lasensky, 1904 Isabella Street.
announce the birth of a baby girl to iaugb at .their former favor- fiddle's mother stayed at a hotel has purchased two domiciles . . . most to the point of ruin when ites, Chaplin, the Ritzes,. and the during the High Holidays, so she one for himself . . . the other for Dr. Cohen, with the co-operation on Monday, November 7. , Marxes. They are not to be con- could walk to and from the syn- his, father, mother, brother, sis- of the Union, irter having been Mr. and Mrs.' Max Steinberg sidered •• Innny . . . and "The agogue. Though Irving Stone has ter, who are migrating from the shown a letter witfe the pictures of spent the week-end, visiting Marxes are only a bis bluff." obtained an option from MGM on east. til© dilapidated edifice received by friends in Des.Moines. . Us Jack London story, "Sailor on flebbi George Eeplii, secretary Of There's not a feature of Hedy Horseback," tne sale is stymied After listening attentively to] tts£ parent I^f'iy o? Arocsrican Lib• Funeral" services were held last LaMarr's1 face that could ba spe because they can't obtain the Efrem Simbalist's brilliant per- eral .TuclaiBm. 'inn'tutted a cuccesaThursday for Mrs., Morris Nogg, cified Semitic - - escept her raver sanction of the London family. formance of "The Bee," Jack fcl drive for fends. -who died in a hospital at Roches- locks. But Italians and Spaniard: Lewis Milestone, who hasn't done BeEEy, who claims to have the ter,-Minn., after a major opera- are also predominantly black anything screnically important piece in tis repetoire, said: "Ij Diego de la. Airuncao, who sufhaired. Her xiose is as straight as since "All Quiet on the Western recognized two or three notes, but tion. Survivors, beside her husband, an arro - - an Aryan. Front," plans to produce his orig- Zirabalist uses an entirely, differ- fered cler.i.fc P.fj P. martyr for -the are: Sons, Ernest, Nathan and inal script, "Yellow River." Fan- ent fingering and tempo from my faith of Juris R?T>, f s s p. FrancisLeo, all 6t Council Bluffs; a Jascha Heifetz owns * both a nie Briee's daughter makes her own. However, as somebody once can monk. daughter, Mrs. Frances Perlmut- Stradivarius and a Guarnerius vi- movie debut as a member of the said, "Honi sost Qtii mal y pense", ter, of Kansas City, Mo.' olin . . . but' estimates the latter Fioradora Sextette in ,"Za;za." meaning, "I don't think I'll play WEBS, EEBER. KUUTZNICK A KELL.EY, Attys. as the superior instrument. For Greeting readers, with,. "Goodbye, the "Bee" again - - for awhile'.' " SCO Union Sifite Bank ttldg. practice he uses an aluminum fid This is my last column!" Sidney die because it is unaffected by Skolsky signed off for an interim NOTICE OF CHATTEL. MORTGAGE Till next time. . . .. hasn't decided whether to moisture and climate. SALE continue a paper pillar or switch CCopj-righteci by Jewish TeleNotice is f'erpS);' piven that on the During a Community Chest to screen scripting. Al Jolson's graphic Agency, lac.) 21st day of November. 1938, a t 10 By HELEN ZIGMONB luncheon Sam Katz received a biog will be authored by Ray o'clock A. RL, p.t £. Hiekes & Sons. 1402 Webster street, Omaha. Nebranote. He read it . . . waited for Bixffum. the undersigned will sell at pubHollywood—According to our the business meeting1 to be finHonor U. S. Jews In ska, lic RiicUnn to thr hlgheRf. bidder for informant . . . the pert, vivacious ished . . . then quietly asked to As a ballyhoo stunt. Lester cash: Shield Filter, Serial No, 8Virgin, Isle Temple 9(58; i 1Linuid Franciska Gaal was ' birth-tagged be excused. On leaving he told a Cowan had printed on his checks Curbonfttev. Serial No. 4«i)9; i C M Diamond Filter; and 1 . . . are you listenin'? . . . Fanny friend. "I have just heard that the title of his latest production, EV—14"' Refinite Water Softener. SerFinklestein! Franciska was a my home is in the path of the "Yen Can't Cheat An Honest Virgin Islands (WNS)—On ai No. 36S4S(i. eo'-erefi by chattel tnorgreat stage favorite in Budapest brush fire!" Man." But taking no chances, he .the vestry walls of the newly re- tgci^e, in fp.ror of t^e nn<1ersi|?ned an3 .for. years •. . . long before Movieprotects his funds with a check stored synagogue oi the Hebrew si£T3ec by John Ljindei* Wholesale town mahatmas discovered . her. Dots and Jots: Dave Rose has marker! Congregation of St. Thomas in Comnp.n;-. "•nicfc "lortpage Is dated She was such a box-office draw composed a swing number called, the Virgin Islands fcfeng the pic- November Sth. 1S36 and was filed jn o'fice ot ihe County Clerk of that sho • could command almost "Roseraye," dedicated to his This week Danny Webb has an tcres of Dr. Ker.ry Oofi?*;. rabbi the Pons^a* O'lin'T-. Kphmsfcn, or> tlie 25 any salary. • ' . • bride, Martha. Luis© Rafner, assignment in "Wreckage," will of. Congregation B'nai . Israel of 1 day of November, 1936. Said sale will Hedy LaMarr. and Franeiska do the comedy narration for a Galveston, Tex., an affiliate of the' he tor the purpose of foreclosing said Melvyn Douglas . . . by the way Gaal are all becoming American cartoon, "Birth of a Toothpick," "Union of American Hebrew Con- Imorifr&gre. .'or costF of sale and accruing costs, and for ihe purpose of . .' . made one of the most stir- citizens. The Harry HershfieJd dub in a voice for another "Loo- gregations and of Mr. Robert I latisf.rSnjamount now due therering speeches at the "Keep-Pal- tome, "Now I'll Tell One," con- ney Town," and is on call for a Goldman, of Cincinnati, president on, to-wit:tftp$5SS.G3. No suit or other estine-Open" mass meeting here. taining the best jokes for the past series of shorts. Oixtside of that of the union, as a constant .trib- proceedings at tew n»ve been InstiHe told a packed auditorium that fifty years, will be off the press . . . things are pretty quiet. ute of appreciation for having re- tuted to recover pai<5 debt or any his father was Jewish . . . his shortly . . . and many a radio stored to the Virgin Islands con- part thereof. S. EIKTvES & SONS mother was not. His pre-reel gagster will be crushed In the Make way! The Rosenblooms gregation their temple und cemeBy Webb, Beber, Klutznick ft Kelname was David Hershelberg. rush for a copy. Mrs. Robinson, are coming . . . hurray f Marie tery which has! disintegrated al- ley. its Attorneys. 10-28-38-Jt II Duce suddenly find3 nonAryan films unsuitable for Italian consumption . . . yet at the Venice Exposition he awarded a first prize to "Tom Sawyer," produced by David Selznick and directed by Norman Taurog. Now hi3 Fascist press begins the insuperable task of training Italian audiences not
.Center, at an open meeting sponsored by the B'nal Brith lodge, as one in the series of the B'nal Brith Forum. This is the third on" the Forum program. The first speaker was Dr. Malamud, and the second speaker was Senator Giiy Gillette. I Mr. Van Paassen spolio in Sioux City several. years ago, and thrilled a large audience with his ad©morrow Miss Gussle Sekt, 208 13th St. dress. Sioux Cityans are looking will be hostess at an evening of forward to the opportunity of Mrs. M. Krueger and Mrs. J. H. bridge, this evening at Scribbins ihearing him again ne*t Tuesday. Moscow will. be hostesses at the Teashop, complimenting Miss Mol'} Dr. Lewis J. Dimsdale. will in- Sharre Zidn Auxiliary Oneg Shab- lie Epstein, bride-elect. ;troduce the speaker. bot, this Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, in .the Sioux ApartDr. and Mrs. J. M. Krlgsten, ; ments -; . 3312 Jackson street, have returnMrs. Herman Licht will present ed from a two week eastern trip. current events. Rabbi H. R. Rab- Dr. Krigsten attended the interinowitz wil speak on "The Birth state postgraduate assembly of of a Nation," the first" in a series United States physicians at Philaof dramatic moments in Jewish delphia, and also toured clinics in history. Cantor. Okun will be New York and Boston. ••' Mrs. Dora Bbrlich, a national, heard in a group of "songs, and he •Vice-president of the Senior Ha-' will lead in the singing of Hebrew dassah Board, will he the guest and Jewish,folk songB. ispeakerat a meeting of the Hadassah, Tuesday afternoon, November 15, in the Jewish Community Center. The meeting w'ill hegin at 1:30 o'clock. At the Friday evening services at TipMONSKY. GRODINSKY, MARER At an A. Z. A. meeting Tuesday -';close''of the meeting, tea will be iCOHEN. A»ty«. • hereth Israel begin at 5 o'clock, evening, plans were begun for a served. 737 Omaha National Bank Elds. 'Monday evening, November 14, and Saturday morning services at "Hard Times" dinner dance party NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF the .annual Hadassah Card Party 9. Week: day services are held ev- to be given by. the local A. Z. A., MICKLIN HOLDING CO., INC. iwill he held in the West Hotel. ery morning at 7 o'clock" and at 8 chapter on Sunday, December 4, o'clock on Sunday morning. at the Eagles Hall. lAssiBting Mrs. Jack. Robinson KNOW MEN BY THESE The party will begin at 7 p. PRESENTS:ALL and.Mrs. Reva Sherman, joint That a t a duly constim., with all members and guests tuted meeting of the Stockholders of 'chairmen, are Mesdames Ben GelIn required "Hard Times" cos- the Mlcklln Holding Company held on fand, Mark Sabel, Fan Ballin, the 29th day of October, 1938. the foltumes. An entertaining program lowing 'Mike Sherman, Ben Sherman, A. resolution was adojited: Rosenfeld, Wm. Masie, .Vic llatle", An election meeting was held will be arranged, and prizes WHEREAS, by cdnsent and vote of EdKantor, M. A. Lazere, I. H. Le- Sunday evening at Beth Abraham awarded for the most original and the Stockholders of the Mlcklih HoldIns Company, the dissolution of the vin, J. C. Levin, Arthur Kaplan, synagogue when Joe Gorchow.was clever' costumes. was decided upon, Tickets may be obtained from company A. M. Grueskin, I. Novitsk'y.S. J.' named president; Mayer Raskin, - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT . RESlotsky. M. Lazriowich, Milton vice president; N. Dobrofsky, sec- any A. Z. A. member at 50 cents SOLVED, that the Jllcklin Holding Mushkin, M. A. Weiner, and Sirr- retary, and Joe Dimsdale,. trea- "per couple. Everyone is.invited Company be and the sarne is hereby ah Lazere. surer. Trustees elected include A; to attend, A. Z. A. members hope dissolved, BE IT -FURTHER . RESOLVED, Bailin, I. Sterling, J. Montrose, to make this one of the peppiest that the President and Secretary bo and J. Franklin. During the meet- and most amusing affairs of the and they are hereby authorized and empowered to execute and deliver any ing, reports were made by the year. and all instruments relative to the outgoing officers. " and refresh-* "Eugene Telpner Is chairman of property of the corporation, real, perment,s were served. the .party, with Aleph Godol Ros- sonal, and mixed, and they are furenthal Qnd A. Z. A. Advifior ErnServices at Beth Abraham bether authorized and empowered to gin every evening at 5-o'clock and est R0S3 In charge oE entertain- take any and all steps necessary for the dissolution of the Micklin Holding . . every morning at 7 o'clock. Fri- ment. Inc. ' For fuftner information write Company. The Junior Hadassah will meet day evening services begin at 5 MAURICE D. MICKLIN. next Wednesday, evening, Novem- o'clock, and* Saturday morning Eugene Telpner, in care of The President. HERMAN DANSKY, ber 16, in the West Hotel, for its services _at 9. During the week Jewish Press. U-<-3S-<t Secretary. regular meeting. A play by the day evening- services Rabbi BoMONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER Intermediate Dramatic Club of lotnlkov will teach Ain Jacob. . ; Mrs. Joseph Ehrlich of Detroit, and COHEN, Attorneys Mich., will be guest speaker at the Community Center will be fea737 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldothe tea given by the Senior Ha- NOTICE OF PROBATE OP WILLtured on the program. Miss Julia DATE IS SET FOR dassah, Monday, November 14, at Bereskin will speak, on. the. life THANKSGIVING DANCE In the County Court c i Dossla* the homo of Mrs. Clyda Krasne, County, and work of Usslshkin, and Miss Nebraska. 218 Harrison street. Goldie Lehman will present a paIn the Matter of the Estate ol MorThe annual Thanksgiving dance ris Markovitz also known as 11. Marper on present conditions in Pal- given Mrs. Ehrlich, first vice-presiby the Sisterhood of Mount kowitz. Deceased. estine. Sinai Temple, will be held in the dent of the National Board of All persons interested in said estate The .membership committee of Bellevue Apartment Ball Room. Hadassah, Is fcnown for her wit are hereby notified that a petition has bees filed in said Court, purportthe Junior Hadassah met this November 23. Mrs. Herman Miller and humor. The tea will begin promptly at ing to be the last will and testament week to discuss plans to bring the and Mrs. Sol Novitsky are chairsaid deceased, and that a hearing: membership up to 100, and to men of the dance, with Mrs. Mey- 2:15, with Mrs. L. H. Katelman of will be had on said petition before make plans for-the Paid Tip par- er Marks in charge of the ticket as chairman in charge of the &t- said Court oh the 3rd day of Decemfaliv She will be assisted by the ber. 1938, and that it they fail to apty, scheduled for November 20. sales. ' . . -. _ following committee: Mrs. Morris pear a t said Court on the said Sro day of December, 1938, at 9 o'clock Grossman, Mrs. Morris Lazar, A. M., to contest the probate of said BROTHERHOOD TO Mrs. Harry Kubby, Mrs. Max will, the .Court may allow and probate said will and grant administraCohn, Mrs. Etta Yudelson, Mrs. MEET WEDNESDAY The Jewish Art Theater Group Abe Leibovitz, Mrs. A l b e r t tion of said estate to Esther Marks. and Rosa Turkel or some The, Brotherhood of Mount SiKrasne, Mrs. Simon Steinberg. Dave Marks suitable person, enter a degree nai Temple, will have a; buffet picked casts for two plays this Mrs. Sam Meyerson and Mrs. Ben other of heirship, and. proceed to a settledinner and meeting nest Wednes- week. and. the cast for a third Gershun. ment thereof. will be announced next week. The day evening, November 16, in the BRYCE CRAWFORD, Table and other decorations County Judge. Temple Annex. Mr. Ben Sekt, plays will be presented ;November will he carried out in blue and 11-11-33—3t 30, when the rebuilt 6tage will be president of the Brotherhood, will white. BEN E. KAZUOWSKY, Attorney' used for the first time. preside. Rabbi Lewis will present 632 Insurance Bldg. A dinner tor Mrs. Ehrlich will The "first one act drama will be current events, and a 'social hour PROBATE NOTICE "When, the Sun Rises" and will be he given by Hadassah members at \7lU follow' the meeting. directed by-Miss Rosena Sack.s. the Chieftain hotel, at 6:30 Mon- In the Matter of the Estate ef The cast includes Ruth Friedman, day evening. At 8:30, Mrs. Ehr-Amanda Carlson, Deceased. Notice Is Hereby Given: That the George Feinberg, and' Goldie Leh- lich will be guest speaker at an creditors of the said deceased will open B'nal B'rith meeting. man.- : , • . . . • • • : meet the administratrix of said "Frank and'Ernest" a 6ne act estate, before me. County Judge of Rabbi Theodore K. Lewis. Senior Hadassah members -who County Court Room, in said County, comedy, will bo directed by Mirspeak on "The Armistice Contin.- iam Blank and will have in Its returned last Friday from the Ha- on the 3rd day of January,-1939, and ues," tonight at the regular ser- cast Margaret ; Kosberg, Minna dassah convention in St. Louis, on the 3rd. day of March. 1939, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the purvice which begins at 8 o'clock. Rose Berkson, Joe Goldstein. Max Mo., are. Mrs. Nate Gilinsky, Igra. pose of presenting their claims for The Religious • School honor ZellgBon, Sid Erinberg, Elaine LOUIB Cohen, Mrs. Saul Suvalsky examination, adjustment and: allowance. Three months are allowed for ^oll announced for October in- Schlaiter and Rose Bashefkin. and Mrs. Nate Nogg. the creditors .to present their claims, cludes-the following children,; • The cast for ""Why Hubert" from the 3rd day of December, 1938. Jean Ray -Agranofl, Ruth Lewis, will be selected this week and anThe Junior Hadassah will meet Bertil1 Rosenstock, Richard "Davis, nounced at a later date. It will he Tuesday evening, November 15, at 11-11-38—3t.BRYCE CRAWFORD. County Judge. • Mark Robinson;, Jean. Gilinsky, directed by Mrs.. Morey Weisberg. the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna• DAVID D. WEINBERG, Atty. Robert Weiner, Gloria Novitsky, gogue, instead of November 7. as, - SC2 Insurance Building Harriet Holland, Doris Grueakin, . An elocution class will hold Its was Incorrectly announced by the Barbara DavlB, Ruth Robinson, first sessiftn Sunday .from 2 committee. • • • ; NOTICE OF INCORPORATION e t Marilyn Miller,. Barbara RobinCon o'clock until 3, and will mest durAn unusual program, featuring AUTOMOTIVE DISTRIBUTING and Joan Agranoff. COMPANY, INC. . ' ing that hour each Sunday under a "Quizzer Bee," has b e e n the direction • of Mrs. Weisberg. planned. To help raise the quota Notice Is hereby given that the-tmfor the 1938 and 1939 year, the have formed a corporation Miss Francea Kalin ana Miss dub will Bponsor a benefit card derslsned pursuant to the laws of tho Stata .of Ida Edelman are in charge- of the party to be held Wednesday, De- Nebraska. The name of the corporation 13 AUTOMOTIVE DISTRIBURabbi H. R. Rabinowitz Social Service Committee of'the cember 7. COMPANY, INC., with ttat speak on "Twenty Years of Arm- National Council of Jewish Wom- • Miriam Saks Is chairman In TING principal place of business in the istice" at Shaare Zlon. Synagogue en. The group will meet for a charge of arrangements. Tickets City of Omaha. Nebraska. Ths gentonight. Cantor. Morris Okun and luncheon meeting Saturday noon may be obtained from any Junior eral nature of the business of the corporatoa shall be to deal and trade the synagogue choir will chant the at the West Hotel. Hadassah member. . generally in any aad all kinds of auservice.tomobile accessories, parts, vehicles A t the Junior Congregation The Social Workers Club will The B'nal B'rith lodge will hold and kindred products either hew or service tomorrow, Miss Dorothy meet Monday evening, when. Mrs. Us next meeting Monday evening, used; . to trade and deal in personal Merlin will tell the children's Theodore N. Lewis, president of November 14. This will be a joint property of every class and descripstory and Marvin Matlln will read the Maternal Health League will open meeting with the Senior Ha- tion in connecton: with the o&jeets to purchase, mortsasre,-Bell. ihe law. Ted Slnlkin will act as be in charge of the program. aEsab, held at the Eaglea Hall. aforesaid; or otherwise acquire and eisposa of Cantor. Refreshments will be Guest speaker will be Mrs. Jo- real property, and to do anything cerved by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Him- The regular Saturday night Cen- seph Ehrlich. Everyone Is urged and everything necessary or incidental to the conduct of the business of owitz. ter dance has been postponed be- to attend. the corporation. The authorized capi Rabbi Rahinowitz reviewed "The cause of decorating work being ital stock of the corporation Bball be Mortal Storm" as the first in. a done In the Center auditorium; More detailed plans are feeing So.COO.oo, consistics of E0 shares of series of hook reviews, glven'Monmade for the Southwest Regional the liar value - of $100.05 each, and be fully paid for and nonday afternoon in the Jewish ComThe Youth-Council, met at^thfr convention of B'nai B'rith which which shallwhen'issued. The corporamunity Center. The second review Jewish Community Center, Thurs- is to be held at the Chieftain ho- assessable tion shall commence business as oi •will be of "The Yearling" on No- day evening, to discuss piano for tel, Sunday, November 20. October IS, 1938. and shall continue period of SO years thereafter. vember 21. Mrs. M. Lipshuta and the coming season. At the convention willfeemem- for a.highest amount of indebtedness Mrs. Dave Hurwitz are chairmen bers from Council Bluffs, Omaha, The to which the'corporation shall a t any of the reviews. The Adult Education classes are Sioux City and Lincoln. time subject itself, sisal! cot'esSeed two-thirds of the capital stock, but meeting regularly at the Center this restriction shall not Include InTuesday and Thursday ^ evenings The next regular meeting of debtedness EX-REICH COLONIES secured by mortgages or and Monday afternoon. The en- the Agudus Achim lodge will be Ilen3. The business of tha corporaCLOSED TO JEWS rollment is .'.'still open to' anyone held Thursday. November 17, at of tion shall be conducted by a Board Directors of not leas than two. mir the Eagles Hall. Windhoek, Southwest Africa who wishes ta Join. ' more than five members, to b-a elect-. ed at ths annual meeting. The offic.(WNS)—Passports 4B3ued to a The Debra Club will Bold a Mr. and Mrs. Millard Krasns ers of the corporation shall be a F"Cparty of Jews to migrate from special meeting Wednesday even- and Mr. and. Mrs. Nata Gilinsky ider.t, vice-president, secretary arci Germany to southwest Africa, now 'ng In the Center. . are leaving Sunday evening for treasurer, any two of which cf^.c?a mandate to the "Union of South ba held by the Game person. £."d Lincoln, Neb., to attend the 50th may elected by the Directors frois !!'.'• Africa, a Brjtlsb dominJba,, have A hand carpet eweeper is need- anniVercary.Jtibileo of tfao Lincoln number. The Directors may c"-o« . been canceled by German officials & at the Center, and anyone hav- B'nai B'rith lodge. and amend suitable by-laws for the alter a last moment decision to de eontSact of tlia corporation's bus'r — ' . ig one in their home that they articles may be asTieisfled at c-> tot Jewish settlement in the for •ish" to contribute to the Center, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Green of The. regular or special meeting cf: tl " mer German colonies until settle- s asked to call tbs Center office. Seattle, "Wash., -were guests at the stockholders by a majority vote rf ment of the colonial quesHoa. " home of Mr. and Mrs. Mas Stein- the outstasscSIns stod: represents! d The canceled passports had "President" Is mentioned in berg early last week. the meeting. been authorised by both Berlin the Bible (Daniel: 6:3, English CHARCS3S R. • HERBERT, • • : ' DAVID D. WE1NBE3. and Southwest Africaa autlioriUes; translation)* .<•• Mr. _ and Mrs. Charles Burton 10-SS-SS-4t I
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