Ui COUGHLIN BEPO^3 CHRIST • I listened in on the Rev. Charles Cougblin the other Sunday afternoon. - He was ottering himself to the judgment of the nation for he had been accused of spreading Enterea.ea Second Class Mai) Matter on Jannary SI. 1931. &t malice against a race. THE JEWISH-PEESS—FEIDAY, DECEMBEB 9, 1S3S Poatofflca. of Omahs-i N»brasUa, under tha Act of March S, 1S79 He aSked his audience to listen to a verbatim recording of. his previous sermon. Listen, to my •Voice of last week and judge me! After I had heard him I Baid, Perhaps I ought not to judge him. since my mind ia BO besot by the 'bitter pain of iBrael. Feruapa I should give him t o the Judgment of Jesus rather. , ' • .-' . - W h a t ^ c a l d Jesus say of him? t shall bring him to the judgment of Jesus. With all. other men of good •will I think I know tho mind and heart of Jesus. He is my KinsL Morgsnstera was re-electeS man. I know His loving-kindness, president of the Omaha his compassion. Ma justice: 1 club 'at the acnual election of ofhave read his blessings for the ficers meeting- held a t the J. C. C. • persecuted and his contempt of Sunday, December i. The nesti hypocrites. He is a • prophet -of ing had a largs attendance. Doctor Max Arzt^ vice-president mine. • • Mr. Sol Rosenberg, secretary Yes. I shall submit the case of of the Rabbinical Assembly, will and Mr. John Feldman, treasurer, the Rev. Charles Coughlln to Je- be In Omaha, today and tomorrow. were also re-elected Kr. Louis ,Bua -whom I know rather well and He will occupy the pulpit a t the Declaring that the situation cf Beth-El synagogue this evening. Morgan •was elected vice presirevere. hundreds of thousands of Jews in dent. Messrs. Sam Bloom, Jack Saturday afternoon Dr. Arzt Saylan and A. Richard vrers address the Ones Shabbos Germany and other lands is so And Jesus. loolied a t Coughlin will desperate that no hope of a haven named trustees. Chosen to the sponsored by Hadassah ana told the parable of the man jointly eseeutirs board! were Irvin Lethe Women's Organisation of of refuge can be ignored, Dr. Solwho with one hand" embraced bis and omon Goldman, of Chicago, Navin, Kark Polonsky and Mendel the Beth-El synagogue. Co-Chairnran of the United • kinsman and •with the other stabBlank. Doctor Arzt, who Is rabbi of tional Palestine Appeal and Louis Lipbed him: •JY-—7> pp p Scranton. Pa., k j \ Chairman Chi h administra-..' " i t came to pass that a man of the who was named Jeshurun was in tive committee of the United PalBore distress and did lament his' estine Appeal, returning on the "lot," crying unto all. men. S"or he Queen Mary yesterday from con•was grievously afflicted by reason ferences with British Government of hla house and his bread and his children being taken from him. "Now"there came to this man various of hla neighbors to comfort him and to cry with him against the grievousness of his affliction; and Jeshurun rejoiced at New York (JTA) — Anti-Se=iDr. Gold * this, Baying, Thanks unto the Lord itisia was characterized as "a of heaven and earth who bringeth representatives and Jewish leadme good friends in my travail. Oh, ers on the refuges settlement pro- and democracy" ia s resolution how good is.the Lord God to ohow blem, proposed the establisiaent adopted-by the Catholic College mo the kindcss of men in t h e of a subcommissioa of experts Press Association in behalf of 17,midst of my great pain. Inasmuch Paris (JTA) —"Pavel N. Miliu-; under the aegis of the Intergov- 000 Catholic college etudests. "It as I have been given this kind•-:ns w h o kov, Foreign Minister In the first ernmental Refugee Coirsmittee to is ness of many men I have not lost Russian revolutionary govern- act as a clearing house for colon- believe in God and' liberty to re, everything. Praised by the name ment, categorically denied that ization schemes in order to avoid main indifferent to the siirge of of. the Lord. ' . Jews^had financed the Bolshevist the "unauthorized airing of Utop- racial intolerance," the resolution < "Among the many who came to revolution, as asserted in a book ian schemes which csu oaly t a in- said. Fatter JcSn LaFarge, the j comfort'him-was- one was was quoted by Father Coughlin, and terpreted as cruel esercises in writer, who has just returned named Uriah. This Uriah was a declared that the first funds re- falsely raising the hopes of tens froin a Eix-nsoath visit to Europe, man of honeyed words Which were ceived from abroad by tha Com- of thousands of horseless and des- told a Catholic dinner that t i e like the sweet juices of the pomeracist idea in Europe had no nins pair-ridden Jews." munists trera furnished by Ger.Branate dripping from his lips. Both!.Dr..Goldmaa and Mr. Lip- but to express spite against the j many, " 'Oh, my brother,* spoke Uriah DB. MAS ARZT Prof. Miliukov, in s statement sky hastened to London as soon Jews. •unto Jeshrun. 'My love of thee is and a lecturer warned that American raca t tha Jewish Theto the J . T. A., denounced as "un- as reports reached these shores of ismHewas •without bound, for a r t thou not ological Seminary, of America, a "pale but venemocs i the recent outrages in Germany true and Invented" t h e charges my brothert My heart doth in- holds degrees from the College of and participated in discussions older -cousin*' of Nazi racism. l a contained in a purported United deed-bleed by reason Ql thy pain.' the City of New York, Columbia with Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Pres- Montreal, Rodrigce Cardinal Vil."And Uriah took hold of him university and the degree of Doc-States Secret Service report on fi- ident of .the Jewish Agency for lenetrre, Archbishop c£ .Quebec, nancing of the revolution. and .did.embrace Jeshurun, but tor Palestine, which led to the adop- declared in an address that Ger- j even while he was embracing' him the of Hebrew. Literature from This alleged report, which has tion of a large-scale settlement many's -anti-Sesiitic campaign WM I Seminary. He is a well.'- Uriah -drew his sword which he been repudiated by t h e Secret program -calling for the colonisa- "a striking example of vrhat a | L™»_™_™™™, put through Jeshurun's back . . . known public figure in Scranton, Service in Washington, is contain^ tion of 100,000 Gerassi Jews in godless coverBirteSt will commit T r r ' ~ ? r •" where he-has been president of •Oh, my brother,' said Uriah aa his ed in the book, "The Mystical Palestine within the nest twelve when -it reverts to passniss." ~^-*—•"* sword clove the heart of Jesbur- the Council of Social Agencies Body o£ Christ l a t h s Modern months. During their brie* stay in Nearly 4,505 raesbers cf tt iie ana a member of t h e State Comun. 'yet do. I love thee.*"1 World," "by Prof,/ Denis Fsheyxsf L g the leaders of i&s Uaits-3 Geman-Assrlcsn L-eap for Cul: Thus Jesuai related the parable mission -of' Public- Eelie£ -Blae£roc!£-Seala&ryr Dublin. Prof. Palestine 'Appeal,'.Anericaa. firoaliiare*-JBa.-'jaay-Kasi.-- ergr.clsat'oa.-~ as'He:.looljed a t Coughlin. •; . _ : . sistanco.. •. • ';_'.lilis&oy - was; shcrem -a cop/ cf the Instrument bf'tfca Jewish. Ageaoy, idediciitisg: ths«ir asnsal j.-Then he.looked again atCoagh'with_ Ambassador Ken, tin and;ss_idt . ''-.--V ; '"-' •' '•'•-: dictated to the J . i conferred .HOT' on American cooperation inj freedcta, p-rosress and racial to!-"'Woe onto him who with one freguentiy.-.o'n-:-behalf.'.of -tie •£&&-T. A..correspondent and.then in- nedy extended Palestine refugee set- erance," cieered Thomas KSER' •>". hand doth "embrace his neighbor inary,* which trains Jewish lay- itialed tho following statement! an plan and with Colonial End otbsr speaters who. assailed and with the other stabs his heart. men, teachers, and rabbis and ^."The allegations ' therein a r a tlement tho largest and most valu- based oa second-hand information Secretary Malcolm IlacDonald oa t i e Hitler government -c ( j asept- ally knovTj-Jevish' philosopher "Less is the sin of the one -wnt> houses and thinker, famed for his dylibrary of Hebrew and Jew- taken from a l l kinds of sources tho British proposals. Before sail(Coatinaed on page S) : sickedly doth- hurt 'tis- neighbor able -"•-'" devoted t o t h e spread of anti- ing for New York Dr. Goldman namic speaking Trill speak but-maketh no pretensa of love; ish books In the. world. and Mr. Lipslry attended the dehere Sunday, December I I s.f. Of him i t may be said that he JevJish propaganda and represent- bate in the House- of Commons the.J. C. C. £.t S p. m. Eis Subdoth hurt his. brother without hyed in a distorted and partial way. oa the Palestine question in the ject will he "The Jewish Chi!S pocrisy; for.he Is honest. • As-I know, these facts a r e exI b y Mdsbiuia course of which the Colonial Secand the Jewish E o c e , " a study tremely untrue and invented. The retary officially stated that the "Woe-unto nim who by words on the rearing cf'children P.S truth i3 that Germany,'.and' not • I • .. dotb. give two meanings — one 100,000 settlement program was t good Jews and healthy human iUd Schiff or others, transferred mon- being seriously considered by the ' meaning which contain eta. love beings.' ey t o Lenin. There a r e docu- British Government. -. and another meaning which spew?£r. X£than2Cn comes here The Jewish Community Center ments published, some of which ' etb xevilement. Dr. Goldman and Mr. Lipsky t L b ^ fcTe fei ' • under the auspice?- of the Na: anounces the appointment of Davtestify definitely t o t h e German "Less is the sin of the forthestimated that American Jevrry tional Workers A 11 i E n c «, right man who.hdteth and speak- id Chesneau. ^ swiniming Instruc- source of tho first moneys obtain- would be required to contribute Branch 5 4 and. the Poale Eior.. tor, of the Center. Mr. Chesneau is ed" by t h a Bolsheviks. I t would eth his Katie with no pretense; for A dratriag "board and a fish a minimum of 510,000,000 to the The public is invited to exwell known' in "local" swimming take too long t o refute in detail" he Is an honest mau. United Palestine' Appeal In 19 S 9 poad will be araong the novel j tend. circles and la well qualified for the allegations inFahey's book, "I have; spoken of old. of those to .help carry cat the in- features of the third annual Beth-! but i t can bo said t h a t they a r s in order who ..are like whited ESpuIclires thi3 posiUeo, being "a R d C El KIgadoo to be held Susdav, j (Continued 02 page 3) e x a m i n e r . " ' • ' • . • • . / . , • • another of t h e usual kind of antlwhich outwardly appear beautiful Deceaber 18 s t 3 o'clock at the ] Jewisa. propaganda. These alle.With! such an experienced swimbut inwardly are full of dead Central club by the Beth-El auxgations have already been refuted men's bones, and of all uneleaa- ming instructor, -the •; Center now iliary. more than once." offers t o the p.ublic, • "beginners, ttota "Mass Estessive plans have fceea "Woe unto him who carrieth swimmer^ and life savmg classes. made to make this" a truly Chs.2CoagMia's Source false. witness against his neighbor . The Center athletic department ukah. carnival affair.. There vril! The American Jewish Congress Dublin (JTA) — Prof. Denis •while'ho doth wear the: garb of wants t o inculcate into its mem-Fahey, Jesuit college instructor be daaclngs, drawiags, . supper .will hold a-mass meeting at the the priesthood which is holy. Tho bers the art of feelins a t east in whose allegations on Jews a n d will be served and 10 0 radios will 3. C- C, Tuesday, December 2C. ; -.•'...•-. greater ia his sin in that men will tho water. be gives awav. A E 'nternaticnaily k n o v." n Communism have been quoted by With the appointment of a man Father Coughlin i n American r a say. 'This must be. truth which lie The first Round Table dance The committee b£s spe^t weeks Epeater is being; brought hero for Bpeaketh since h e weareth t h e like Cheaneau, • a complete pro- dio broadcasts, is regarded in will be held Sunday, December planning thl. large affair. the e^-sr-fe. Farther details vrill be gram for all is now' being plan- clerical circles here a s an "eccen- 11 9:15 p . m..at tha Jewish Com- bers are Slesdames A. D. Frask, i published in nest v-eek's Jewish . garb of priesthood.' " munity Center. Opening Thus Jesus spoke as h e looked ned. the general chairman.; Tuoe Vesger, i Press. y tric." H a was one© reportedly r e a t Coughlin. . . Dce te Seasons" dance tickets; Uos K_tcl-C—n, purcis.-_________________ buked by the Catholic primate of "Dances of the' __ .^ • „ Ireland, Cardinal MacCrafry, for program, the Roard Table of ing; Julius stein, ccfeteria; J. J, T Ho looked at Coughlin and ^ave Jewish Touth. offers "Tbe Ic® Greenberg, ESEd-sriches and cold anti-Semitic activities. another parable: drinks; Meyer Beber, decorations; Prof. Fahey has refused to -meet Breaker." ' ; Israel Sisterhooc "There was a certain great city rabbl3 t o discuss Bis views. l a a •- A grand. eTeaiiig of catertsia- M. F . Leveaso_, publicity; E. A. spoasorii s boot review b; In which men did dwell in peace latter t o a rabbi, h e averred h e n s i t is assured all those who' at- Meyers, fis_ pend; Jd_n Fa';er I t t s " t ^ •with one another. I t wa3 a great Mrs.-Toby Ste-ls'bsrg SEvensSa, w__ not anti-Semitic, contending tend the "lea Breaker." Fraaklya and Arthur _Green," roaster; Dare j ^"£y_ "pjcembsr' 'l ?' s"t p. m. s. city the more becausa It stood well-known t a Omahsns, has been en t _ s contrary thatfcawas;fond Vincent 'and his; Orcliestrs will Cohen and William Albertr, Sun"~ " \ is-.- His si:h;;t' vill b alone; 'for in all tho cities round appointed Regional Director of of Jews but objected t o Jews and furnish, the. rausic. As a special day School, both; Robert Keeper I "Su about there were hato and bitter- Southern States, covering activi- Jndalsm on .religious grounds. He feature, an elaborate floor show sad I. W. tosenblEtt, radios; and ness and strong" men did cruelly ties of the. Los AnselG3 Sanator- expressed the belief that commun- has been secured. Appropriate de- the Kisses Blanche Eicarsac, bin- Eefreshmeats v iVi be serveC unto their weaker brethren. ium and • Ex-patients Home locat- ism was a realisation of Jewish coration in the t h e s e of the' eve- go; and Shirley Barish., dancing. Admission vriii he 0 ce"ts. "This was like the city bunt on ed a t Duarte, Cal. d a g will decorate the Center ballOther TToraen vrho have been Messianic ideals. a hill of which I have -spoken and room. active in the wcrJj ar< Its peace was like a light unto the Only couples will be admitted Dave Shensaa, Cohs world. And the many voices of to this dance. -. . i Davs Greesberg. Harry Silverpeace were heard in the city. Chairman of the Round Tat>Ss m « ^ Dave P ^ c ' ^ r PhJ' Rosen " N o w there arose ono whose Dance Committee is Irving Nogg. i blatt. J. H Kuiakof'skv.'lbe Xevvoice had the sound of peace yet Other members of this committee g e r i J a c k E r a t H S O r i i a n d B e n G o i a . in whose words, men found the are- Paul Sacks, Florence Stein- ^rare evil smell of revilement against berg, Sylvia- Epstein, and Nathan ' ' T h ' e t3eth-El Men's club has his neighbors. And one and "anothWolf son.- Round Table Advisor fceen assisting through the serer man said; Hast thou heard for the current year is Haskell of Messrs. Art Cohn. what he sayeth against our neighton Frohm. Loyal Kaplan, Nev York (WNS) — " I t would! ths German-American element Cohsn. tiiess c f E bors? .•••".-• • Wohlner, ' Sam Steinberg. ba disastrous if there shouia Se- fairly, just as you vosld waat to "And the matter passed from Rice, William Alberts. Karry Di- Gc1 mouth to mouth, one"saying to the velop any animosity or ill feelins bs treated yourselves." . CsxaBoff. Is Abramson, other, Hast thou heard about our between Americans of Jewish orineighbors who are so -wicked? 1 Sin and thone of; German descent" in this country. Victor P . heard It said of them. ! insT.its !] "Though they had In the past Ridder, co-publisher of tho Ne\7 Poughteep'sie, X. Y. ( W N S ) - man and Jack Melchrr. foiind no fault in their neighbors Yorker Staats Seitung un Herold, Idelsohn's-"Ceremonies', of Jnda-. now they looked a t them with leading German-Ian guage daily, iEm," published by the j Csion • of C l ^ ' ^ I c s spite and hatetulness; for each declared in an address before the • To Insure Mjo success of social American Hebrew Congregations, *•"*""• ** ** one said,. I .have head this and affa'ra 'tills • winter, : tbe Jewish is used as a standard testboofe for that reported of them; I heard i t Bible class of the West Side In.Center urses officers a required course in comparative • in the voice •. of this " man who stitutional Synagogue. at Vassar college, it was cosaittess oL • all tooa! or- religions speaks so loudly. Pleading for the avoiding of disclosed by Rabbi Jerortfe linger \ 1 The 'LaSIes Auxiliary ct Branch j v 78, - Worfemea's Circle, is spon J E "And hate filled ',the city Uko prejudice and for fair treatment gaaisatioss . t o ' VSB its" Clearing of Congregation Bretlirea of Is-1 "'* _iTi_a-i-t soriEg a basaar Sat a-day evening, |ec tbo'-'-'evil smell from' Bepulchers, by Jews to German-Americans, Calendar bsfora srSisaaling any rael, a Unioa affiliate, iAbout s is:nT " and the city which had been like a Bidder said that "outside cf a tow prospectlTo .affairs.fourth of the course is dc-voted to December 10. a t . 7 -o'clock; at-.-ijti O3 ScnSay -aorsiag, December v« light nnto tho worM fell Into fanatical :Bun_-members" tha GerJudaism, he said. ' j • cssaaisatica. s a y ba the 11, at the Labor f'ycec.ra. Tve_tj'flnrknesa with tha .oth'ers.-. ".And man-Americas" element ia anxious ono'Voar to satfar la tha event of conEsccsd _ai_ Clark streets. h; thoro was BO moro light ia' theto ao everything possible to prs- flict xtlth anotasr group P_.irers T?rh3 •Erish to fiosste Gworld."., ..,...-.-.. . •ent-prejudice-and racial hatred Its social-for i lf h tha came Thus Jesus:rrelated..the parable from obtaining a foothold in this h d l a it Tbe jeirls_ Coniinar.lty Centei £ra £EBea to.call SJrs. Harry Es5- | C as he looked a t Coughlin. country. Ho asked that Jews, act- date. Unless it clears tfirongs e Photography Club bej_ its first erman, Wehster 4S52. Those ' o I ~ins not as. Jows bat as Americana, .Tetrtsh Cetasaaity Center,.no or- sneetiag; on Thursday ever,!t:g, na •^*l2;h to t^iy E.r?" iBvite5 t o COZD?. I *:• Then he looked again a t Cough help the • Gertaan-A-aerican- in ganisatica can safely • plaa a em^-dpr tho direction cf Mr. Edward .• siny bargains ia EiercaJiSdis;? j sc Iln ana s a i d : . . " . . ' - . ' preventing the spread of preju- cens'ul and vrorthwhiSe event. s.rs to "be sola. There vrillfcaa j R. Tr&bold. • Before 'closing any dates,, -tele"Woa ncto him that cpreadetb dice. ..-, ..-...- -• - • . -. Anyone interested is photos' j hate'whera there la :'peace:, the "If you want to prevent race phone- . the '. Jewish' Ccsra&nitv raphy is urged to ccraintfnicatp more la his sin when ha spread- _ hatred," he saSfl, "see that, how- Center' Jackson 3 3SS—aa_ 'be Tsrith the Center office. Jasksoa f Jevc re Is sa reoora c w (Cohtinued on Paga-S) . • 13SS,. for complete _£t__s. . , ever." hard • it • may -he, yoa treat sure tha dsta-^s cpaa.
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Deplore Confusion of Untested Ideas
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Page 2
Moving pictures of "BeiUalre," j T r? Paul Steinberg came back after Captain Leo Weitz -of the Shriers ttic Cleveland .Tew-ifh Orphan a bad week with a 541 series, and must be given a lot of credit for ' iiig o£ th« Hone of B'nal B'rith, were t:hovn i r Dr. Sam Morgan, the hot and cold showing his true sportsmanship b°r 18, th« after the, r^eetinjj. jr t , Si ijo IJB r n i slltiftl. boy, was top. man, with a 555 by picking up some "beginners" hpcause ot By SAM ZWEIBACK series.' The Cleaners could only and teaching them everything he rt this sealirf-ii.krrK lunrliinnn j fl r 1 boast of.- two respectable scores, knows, which is an awful lot, and f-afli Ti;iir;<<:n..v" t-.X'VXm. group STANDINGS O FTEAMS W. L. Pet.Goodman Pill, who was their top nursing them along to make them New York City (WNS) — Four man with a .5 55 series, and CapBASKETBALL * State Coal & Gas Co..22 11 .667tain Jack Melcher, next with a good future bowlers. oth Omaha A. Z. A. chapters Clicquot > Leo Weitz this week got thethousand celebrants at "German .20 13 .C06 Cl. Eskimos. flisospj Art"stsr?, Day" here yesterday heard Thom534 series, and then followed Vy jpraged in some outside basketAt tho regular meeting of (he Cleaners——...18 15 .545Ben Shapiro with a 451, Ben Le-high score for the entire league as Mann, World , famous writer Ill competition last Sunday a t Empire D'nul TVritU r.JCeUng held nt, Dm by shooting a 231 game, then a 18 15 .545 Greenberg Fruit .Co. / - iii. 1 ;;.: vine a 387 and Dave Krantz in 225. game and winding up with a and self-exile from Naziland, say J, C C. Monday, December b, i.ti« fe Center in preparation, for the . .. i.~--™ Kaiman Insur. Co.-... 16 1? .485the rear with a little 365. ll that, the ' German masses "will followinp; were elected uelfK)>|(s ional basketball tournament to The Wardrobe 179 game for the top score of .15 18 .455 or later free themselves." to tho next District Grand l-mlki* held in Sioux City on Decem- Smith Motors Co— .13 20 .394 The third match -of the eve-C35. His next high pupil was Joe sooner ; : FfS.B Fl ,25. 26 and 27. The A. Z. A. .10 23 .303ning between the Kaiman Insur- Solbnionow, who shot: a nice 454 : : The. keynote of the gathering convcution: McGsrs. Mas T'ail;-.!i Dave Blacker, Harry B. i'olicn, t>;ldefeated the Logan Chlefo-of Shrler Paint, Gl. Co.. ance team and the Greenberg series, and then. "Pug"."Fecer,"w was struck by one of the organit 22nd U*s# Our Efesy P«ymer t Pkn1 Dr. Leon K. Fell man, Alfred A, ffp Central Club Loop, 35-10, Standings In the Jewish Com- Fruit team, resulted in two wins looks like he will be a cdfnef -un- ization's officers, Dr. Frank Bohn, Fiedler, Milton R. Frohm, I, l\ B&ile the Century boys tooli tho munity Center bowling were all for Abner Kaiman's Insurance der Leo's tutoring, shot a 386 who said, "The League enlists Measure of the capital city Jambled up again when the re-Agents, who incidentally have series. Julian Milder, who must those for a battle which has Goodman, "William Holzman, Ili-n (iephs form Lincoln by the count sults of this week's bowling were been making big strides in the be out of practice, could only drawn its lines, without exception, Kazlowsky, P h i l i p Kluty.nlcU, Ephraim L. Marks and Harry (••~32-22. . • ' ' sorted. -Two major upsets were last few weeks to climb from the boast of a 380 series, while Sol through the world — the battle Trustln. cellar up to fifth place withiu Yaffe shot a 275 for only two JBotn A. Z. A. teams -will play recorded, one by the Wardrobe against mankind's great enemy— Alternates also were named: jfthe regular" season basketball Clothiers, who smacked "Shrol- six games of the league leading games.. The Smith Pontiac boys, fascism." A recitation calling for St.ato Coal and Gas team. In sp'te who'were not up to par this week, Messrs. Arthur Cohn, Dave Groeujligue, which will got under way ly" Goodman's Empire Cleaners the defense of the Jewish victims ijirting this Sunday, December for a three-game loss and the ot giving the Greenbers boys o still- turned In some nice scores of Hitler and the general victims berg, Joe Greenberg, William jiT. Other teams who i r t l l par- other when the Clicquot Club Es- 28-pln handicap, the Insurance to win their two games. Sammy of the Nazis was given by Alfred Grodinsky, Morris Jacobs. Boris Korney, Harry Malashock, Jack jjipate in the regular season bas- kimos duplicated the Wardrobe's boys won the first game by & 28-"The One-Trip Plumber" Yousem Durra. Marer, Hjfinan Shrier, Paul Verct, l^tball play will be the Sigma feat, by making a clean sweep of iiin margin, lost the second game was top man for his boys with pf.pha;.Mu, Alpha Pi Tau, Breslow all three games in their match by 39-pin margin and won thea nice 524 series, while he was The audience adopted a resolu- Sam Wolf and Nathan Yaffe. last game by . 64 pins. Anchor followed by Sammy "Potatoes" tion approving President, RooseMr. William. Kolzman gave a t i ito Glass Company and Omaha with Dave Frank's league leading Man Lee Hurwich, who last week Steinberg, who shot a 493, andvelt's "stand against Nazi barbar- special report on the work being rtjbbing Company. Admission Is State Coal and Gas Co. -team. j^ie to all league games for Cen- In the feature match of the set the' league afire with his bigthen Sponsor Harry Smith, who ism" and urged an erabarso on done >by the Anti-Defamation League of the lodge. or members.and a charge of 15 evening, in which the Clicquot 692 series, came right back with had a 484,- then Aaron Weitz, Nazi goods. a nice 540 series to again top his who had a 4S0, and last but not p-pts for non-members. Club outfit won all three games team. ; least Dave "Bookkeeper" Reiss, :':Hi-F*aS?i|»a. BSpeaking about basketball, the from the State Coal boys, the Allowing boys represented the J. Cllcquots caught the Coal Dealers Loyd Banks, who ju3t got back who h a d steadily improved, ATIKG EKGIKE 'PLURSBINQ A N D HE •lc C; in the Donkey Basketball on one of their very seldom off from his honeymoon, injec'ted turned in a 411 series. lurnament sponsored by the Jun- nights, and took advantage of it some new fire in the Kaiman COMPLETE 24 HOUR SEH¥ICE , FREE ESTEFil&TES Nest week's schedule will be t«? Chamber of Commerce last by winning the first game by theteam by shooting* a nice 490 W©fttffimF*StlIP AMD QUALITY GUSK&tiT (jsek r at' the City; auditorium: Iz slim margin of 13 pins, the sec-series. Sponsor Abner Kaiman featured by two high scoring w'gdanoff, Jake Adler, LJorris ond game by the big margin of followed Loyd with a 447, while teams, namely the Smith Motor "tiler, Millard Slgal, Ray Shapiro, 79 pins and the final game by 53Irving Beber, a newcomer, turned boys against the Empire Cleaner >EQ a HEATING CO. lipe Bergman, Iz Novak, Herbert pins. Although not deducting any in a little 385 series. Prank team. The second match will pit tf lches, Morton Soiref, A r t credit from the Clicquot team, it Brookstein got the "doggie" hon- the fast coming Kaiman Insurance AT 2344 rfossman, Charles Rosen and must be said here that the Coal or this week with his score of team against the league leading ti.m : Wolk. Iz Tretiak was inDealers really "dogged" all the347. Although the: Greenberg State Coal and Gas team. The ftarge of the donkey bailers and way through, especially "Midget" boys lost two games, it must be third match finds the Clicquot Kth all his persuasion the don-Shukart and Captain Sam Zwei- said that they all bowled their Club Eskimos against the. Green-t fJys just wouldn't move for theback. Midget came through with averages this week," but were berg Fruit boys, who have deivboys when they bad possession a measly little 391 series while caught In the first game when veloped a losing streak lately, and <| the.ball and consequently"was the Coal Dealers' captain set an-they all dogged It except Harold are out for blood this wek. The ii the short end of "the".21-9 other good example for a pros- Pollock and their loss in the third* evening will w.ind up with the tore against the South' .'.Omaha pective championship club by game was due to Lee Hurwich's Wardrobes, who finally came $jwboys. "The feature-of-the keeping him company with " a high single game of the evening back to life, shooting the works against , Al Shrier's Paint and f.iie and White dorikfey ball ar- "puny" 401. series. which was a 234. Glass team. its was the spillingSbiyBergie' ; 'Phil Katzman and Sponsor The last match of the evening . the start of the1 contest=*hich Dave Frank were the only two saw the two bottom place teams The Store of Distinctive Christmas Gifts ust have thrown icj8bire*into' Coal boys who could bowl their fighting it out with the Smith lr boyB," said Cokch^ Tretiak. average. The Clicquot Club boys, Motor boys winning two out of lit all in all, the hoys *sai4 they while not bowling up to par, three games from the last place Algiers (JTA)—Governor Genid a few "jollies." ' ....'-.".". / turned in some fair scores to cap- Shrier Paint and Glass team. eral Le Beau promised a delegai ! italize on the Coal boys' errors. Sympathy.must be extended to the tion of Catholic, Jewish and MosAbe "Cupie" Venger turned in a Shrier boys, who\at the start of lem spiritual leaders that legal 4.9.6 series, Dr. Platt had usual the season, started out like proceedings would be t a k e n d ' p Everyone knows ^ i h a t . Paul 510 series and Captain Abe Feld- champs, but the team soon col- against the notorious Nazi agent hltemari is the "King 'of Swing" man had a nice 514 series. Nor- lapsed when they lost three of Lautier, whom the delegation ac'it in the last three weeks hand- .nmn . Brown came right up their regular bowlers who had to cused of posting placards Inciting s .ll tournament play haB held a amongst them with a 469 series, quit bowling for "sarious reasons. to murder ot Jews and confiscation of Jewish property. ^otlight on the Jewish Communi- while the best Oscar Mayorwich z Centex1 courts as the pre-sea-f could do was a 353 series for the AND SAVE [ ^n tournament was run off In honor of the "Doggie" Departtie fashion. Last Tuesday night, ment. The Clicquot Club, by winINSPECT.OUR COMPLETE LIME ©7 le "King of the Handball Court," ning all three f.ames, are now in ike' Schriebman, in -ihe , singles second place all by themselves .urnament play, defeated -at with only a two-game difference Jghty tough hombre>ln our^own between them and Dave Franks*. I*.-'*-: I". ! Househofd Appliances <".'!''::.* Electriesl Construction pi y-affee before ,a large? crowd State Coal boys. "•: T ! the scores of 8-21V 21?-il ?and \-14. At the start fit the game In the next big match of the ^fore the "King" got warmed evening," Moe Lineman's Ward3, Sol ran up 20 ..consecutive robe Clothiers'-really went to pints while the1 champ was heard town by winning all three games FACTORY jSISTeiBUTOHS OF UGHTINQ FIXTURES Ttsingto himself. But as the from the Empire Cleaners, and jyss from, the dairy say, that th1)? h^a slap Bent' the "Empire boys S . S e . 1 3 t h ; 5 t « ",: . . . •-.'. ...,.' ".'.. J A ' :ream ' comes t o . ,the_ -.top/' •back-down to a. tie for ihlrd place ' Jehrieb" completely. 'recovered with "the Greenberg' Fruit team. .id'staged.a remarkable rally -to The Wardrobes, who ^received a ,i;.*^' •> out,and; win. I n the doubles one-pin handicap,, showed their :e-season -handball tournament, mettle. and what, they are really ;e same Sol, Yaffe and Jack* Ban capable of doing when under ^Exclusive With l/«" ' jfeated. a Couple of "never say pressure stepped out and set some •je" handball .artists in Jake Ad- new records for their team to ,T and Mas'Turner to win 21-18; shoot at. They shot a three-game i i £-11. Morris. "Kelly'! Rossen series of 2,431 and a first game is reached" the finals in the Class ; of 843, which was high for the K f t l WOowi pre-season. tournament and will entire league this "week. They Designed b y Carole King Wlsp f } •eet the-, winner- of the Dave picked up the first game by the •with the verve and fash1 . oldv7are-Paul"flogdanoff -match. comfortable margin of 57 pins Taffeta, FnQ ion; flare that has mads } the, novicV. tournament t>lay» i t mainly due to Dr. Sam Morgan's Zipper Front .okg Jike. Leonard' Gould, MaxJbig 222 game; they won the sec.them favorites with the Trimmed with reedmap;and Phil-Shoolin have ond game by 46 pins due to CapQuoted younger set. ^e inside tract for the novice tain.'Paul Steinberg's 199 game, Flowers. and the last game by the margin . $5.98 of 36 pins due to the Empire's Xo. 2, entire team shooting below par. Miss Sorority The Wardrobes turned in the Flannel Fall ] In .volleyball the' J. C: C. wom-following individual scores in f%4 jfe Sioek Zipper Front, l "engaged In some outside com- winning their match: Henry QnDteS Trim, ptition last Wednesday night In Coren a 473 series,.Sam Horwich N e w Collar. Sketched from Eiocfc 'eeting the Benson' Community a nice 500 even series, Captain less Neckline ^nter league1. There a r e over 20 Copen, Aqua, •gular J . C. C. women partlcipatRose . ..$".98 . the national finals • last year at 's in. this sport every Monday, Boston.' Arrangements are being Wednesday and Friday' morning, ooriday Health Clubbers engage made for: basketball games. A ' a heated volley-ball play daily wrestling bout and refreshments '-. 12:30 and arrangements are will be. had on this evening. 'jing made for outside • pl-ay for ' Don't forget the night, Wednesday, December 14. EarlSIeje men Bpikers. - : . . : gal is general chairman of this affair. • FLASH! GOOD NEWS! ICE StyJ* For all patriclpatlng In J. C. ntbj 3Vo, t •stert . sports there will be a real honINVEST. SAFELY, WISELY IN ette 'st-to-goodness stag party, Wed; wei bday, December 14 In the gym. o na he feature of the entertainment 2fo- S, Annuity, Endowment, Life [ill be three bouta of fighting by The Charmer jrae of. the outstanding amateur Satin Stripes! Crepa,
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{Continned from Pass I ) Philip Ginsberg, Harry Goldberg, Mars K. Goldberg, Sidney Goldberg, Ernest GoldsnJti, Arthur Goldstein, David GoMvare, Dan
nosey in order to mate possible the eettleaeEt cf a mere fcaufifcl \ % of refugees," tbe statement r.y T>x,
Golfiiasn EB5 Mr, Lipety sricL p« r.' While every opportuaity for settlement must be studied carefi.Hr j aad explored, E>r. Goldman and J Mr. Lipsky warned, against Iw.pNew Tcrk (JTA)—Tbe annual ! hazard, day-dreaming on the part assembly of the Jewish National of individual and groups vrho rush Fund accepted a 55,COG,000 share into the .public prints with undiis the United Palestine Appeal's gested or untested ideas. "Such 110,000,000 sjcotav urging ia a a practice is infcumaE'.y cruel beresolution the immediate settle- cau.se it to"5s out to tbe SespE--"Tment of 40,000 refugees ia Pales- rificen Jews in Germany and oth- ! tine The U. P..A. reported more er lands false hopes of salvation," than 51,000 young Jews ia Ger- the leaders said. m&ay, Poland sad otber landsDescribe Purposes of Jfetr had completed trainiag for PalesCommission tiae settlement. Asserting that it is just as irnThe Jewish Labor Committee urged its 500,000 constituents to portact to withhold the premature coatribate a day's wages to help publication G! plans that EEV impracticable as it is to German • Jews. Tbe Jewish Peo- I prove ples Committee announced plans j keep the public fully informsd on for a Peoples Relief Emergency the raost intensive settlement EUTCommittee to aid German refu- vey possible, ifce leaders of the Halted Paietsine Appej.1 suggested gees. a plan for the appointment of a Intensified persecution abroad Subcommission on Settlement unhas stimulated contributions to der tbe administration cf the Infuad-raisiag organisations f o r tergovernmental Refugee Commitoverseas Jewish causes, Isicor tee to which all proposals and Cooas, campaign director of tbe schemes for colonisation would be Joint Distribution Committee, re- submitted lor expert study. ported. All communities conduct"Such a plan wor.ld avoid s, ing campaigns this fall have reached their goals aad some great deal of confusion and diverhave exceeded them, Cooas said. sion of interest .or energy. It would also introduce much neecThe Hadassah aatioaal board, ed discipline into a field vrhicfc aanouaeiag a f250,000 e m e r - uaforttinstely is being rapidly gency campaign to transfer Jew- clattered by well-meaning Indiviish youths to Palestine, decided duals whose sincere desire to be to call for a "one-dish dinner of cf help only leads them into paths Hadassah's 75,000 members on of action that may not only fail December 21, the 7Sth birthday to serve a useful purpose, but of Miss Hearietta Szold, focader ; raise false topes ia the hearts of of Hafiassafc. Tbe estimated ?25,- i the refugees a n d wanderers. 000 which is expected thns to be | Through the establishment of a raised will be sent, to Miss Szold snbeommassion of the Intergovernin Jerusalem, as a "birthday pres- mental Refugee Committee as a ent" to maintain and re-educate clearing house for colonisation children arriving ia Palestine. plaas only those programs which are found to have promise of realization will be placed before the public for consideration and action," Dr. Goldman and Sir. Lipsky said. Emigration Only Solntion for
* , ~ v -„""„.. ~
o: eve
RETIEV - . ~ i <• Nazi agents and that Vom Rath Gordman. From all parts of the argument against turning was deliberately sacrificed for Max Gosslck, Leonard Goals!, ti on — ~ T ^ ' and all walks of life come erful over colonies to them. The refuE. Greea, Siaioa Green, Y E A R ? ' '" voices raised in protest against tation of all Nazis claims is ready that purpose. There are some Nathan Greeaberg, H. E. Greeasky. C - ' ' ' 0 ' -^ Germany's new and most shock- ' at hand: How can beasts like circumstances in the Paris act Edward berg, Heary M. • Greeaberg, J. F. to confirm this susscore ( f i "• ing atrocities. In this article these, who can organize murder, which seem (For instance, how wasGreenberg, Leon Greeaberg, Dr. Mr. Zuckcrmnn presents the arson and pogroms on a minori- picion. possible for Grynszpan to pen- N. H. Greenberg, Samuel M. "And I T Z. > story beliind the news which ty within their own country an~d it etrate into the interior of the Greenberg, Irving Greene, Heary has stirred the world. . . . . even in their capital be trusted German embassy and get at Vom Greenfield, Gerald S. Gross, l^ee of a c h r - . Never within the memory of the with the rule of native popula- Rath? Why was a Jewish boy Grossman, Arthur B. Grotie. NoroJ h o p ^ present generation haa a wave of tions? . permitted to eater into an office man A. Harris, Harry J. Haykin, there, i i r e 1 protest and indignation against The question most frequently where no Jews, and not even Ger- Leonard D. Herman, Samuel E.E d a s -' * • - c ' ' * any people swept England so asked In England now therefore mans, were usually admitted?) Herzberg, Richard H. Killer, Josv.p vvA "' ~ i" strongly as the present one against is: "Why has Germany doae this? In short, the theory is that the eph Himelstein, Barney Hober(Kosea : r the Nazi pogromists on the oc-Why have the Nazis permitted incident inan, Irving Hoberaaa, S a m Paris was but another Siatj • - r -^ • r> casion of their latest and great- such an outbreak of barbarism at case of in a Reichstag Fire, a po- Horn, Nathan J. Horwich, Richsccre i " " " ~ <• . est atrocity—-the pogroms on the this juncture of political eveats? litical means ard Hurwitz, Israel D. Iseaiaa, carefully and delibce=olat - - r" - i Jews in Germany. Can it all be ascribed to German prepared by the Nazis for Cecil Iseastatt, Archie Jacobs, Joe our pr"7 i- i~ i " . The 3rltish press, the pulpit, tactlessness and lack of under- erately political aims of their own. People Jacobs. L. Jacobs, Dr. Herman calami"'" r." . - ~ Parliament, social leaders, polit- standing of other people's psy- who saw the uniformed Nazi gang Jahr, •William Joffe, "William Josical parties, and above all the chology? Can it all be sheer anti- with petrol cans rushing through eph, Martin Kahan, "William Kaic u r T>ev r ' f . r t Z man In the street, all are stirred Semitic madness and love of bru- the streets of Berlin and setting man, Joseph Kates, Morris KatieKreat t - - ' : ' .*more deeply even than in the me- tality for its own sake? synagogues on fire, are strongly man, Sheffield Katskee, Aaron I there r r " P re ; ^ morable days of the Czech crisis. convinced of the truth of this Katz, Lazier M. Kavich. Organized There is not a section of the popDon'! vr " -""•«." r ' Abe Kesselmaa, Nathan Kesseltheory. There was something Opinion in England JB hardenulation, from the most conservaman, Sam Glaver, J/osepa J. ing that this is not the case; there typically _ Nazi about the whole tive and even reacio ary to the business, reminiscent of the first Klein, Leonard L. Klein, Allea most progressive and radical, are other, more weighty reasons ghastly reacerr trick which brought the Kohan, Robert H. Kooper, Nathan trWch is not seething with p r o - for this outbreak of bestiality, and regime into power. One should Kort, Harry Krantz, Edward whose test and is not expressing it in there is much speculaUon^ here not be surprised Kulesh, Kriraston, Herman N. if-bistory proves terms strong and unmistakable. about the real reason for the this to be the truth, Max Laizerowitz, H. "W. Lambert, vrhile Ei.'i 1 ' 1 0 l . r Semi-Fascist newspapers like the events in Germany last week. A fCopyright, 19 3 S, by Seven Arts Phil L Laserowitz, Morris Levey, into a ^ui iDaily Mail, the Daily Express and j theoryy which has been ..advanced p Dr. Philip Levey, Joe Levinsky, Feature Syndicate) doom i t ' JL d Ob d ^ ss tt in in the the Manchester Manchester Guardian Guardian the Sunday Observer denounce ^ Harry Levinson, Matt Lsrlnson, int.u.i" cr Lc r the Nazi brntallties as strongly and is gaining ground nere, is Nathan Levinson, Aarca Levitt, tinis o ii < worth relating. Al Lew, David H. Lewis, Caarles as the Liberal aiid Labor Press. Lieb, Edward Lincola, Jack LinThose people who were most It is that the outbreak of the toric 8"' ' T '• active in supporting Mr. Cham- savage pogroms was not only well r coln, Harry Lipsey, Joe Lorkis, mod err " ~fcertain's pro-Dictatorship policy organized in its execution (as has Max Msgid, Ben SZagzamin, Bea cades o" . -< " are'no less vehement in their de-; been amply proved) but also I n rs H. Magzamin, Jay M. Malasaock, tir.g ce ~ It I nnnciation of the atrocities than | its conception. Tn short, the poLloyd Malashock, Harry Marcus, ies, an; Z"i sre the opponents of his -appease- groms were not an accident caused Robert I. Marer, Leon Meadelson, more t lvr : t i meat' 6f Nazi Germany. The a t o m \** a snot fired by an unfortunate Lester Meyer, Bea Milder, Howments, L! * " of protest which has been pro- \ hoy in Paris,, but a well-laid plan ard Milder, Beajamin Miroff, Bea Palesti-e .* r"1 .1 r , rv Yoked is so. strong that it is as j carefully^ prepared and_ executed Describing tbe present sitnstioE Mokofsky, Hubert Monsky. munity oi -." t (Continued from Page 1) yet difficult to appraise. All that by the Nazis long before Vom ia Germany, the United Palestine Louis Morgan, Beajasala Morr-r prepare" tr • Appeal leaders said, that the anan observer can do now is to in- Rath's death for general Nazi ed a resolution calling for a n ris, Mas Moskowltz, Milton MosEnds cC - (~\ •e ~ (Coatiaued from Pare 1) nouncement of the "fire and dicate certain reactions to, andpurposes of. their own which are American "embargo'against the kowitz, Louis D. Mots, Harry H. •.Hem tk i IJL Neesman, Jack Newberg, Bea creased immigratioa aad settle- Eword" policy of the Xazi regime partner .r : speculations about the German not exclusively connected with the Nazi regime." '" : ' "has tragically demonstrated that Newman, Sam Newman, Theodore- raeat program ia Palestiae. events here which throw some Jews. <-r The theory Is that the Nazi rePalestine A Kaven . emigration can be the only solu- tine ES P oNewman, Leon H. Nogg, Morse new light on them. Boston (JTA) — State Senator A. gime finds itself now in a diffiThey emphasised that Palestine rr ? tion to the intolerable plight of Olander, Louis Olender, Hymaa Nazis Never Less Popular cult, if not precarious position. Thomas M. Burke introduced a Robert Perlman, Max C.must occcpj- a foremost place as the German Jews." In England the Nazi pogroms The victories in Austria and in bill in the Massachusetts Legisla- Osoff, "However, even in this emerSam Platt, Bernard Plot- a ceater of refesee sett]ernent riot on Jews "have called forth, apart Czecho-Slovakia have not brought ture which would prohibit the Platt, because of Zioaist ideology or the gency when the air is filled with kin, Abe Polikov, David Potash, slandering or libeling of any raJrom indignation end protest, also the political domination and still Priesman, Meyer Raben, historical aad traditional ties of so many plans for the mass transconsiderable surprise, even amaze- less the economic relief which was cial group, declaring that his Manuel Joe Rosenberg, S. L. Robinson, the Jewish people with the laad plantation of Jevs, no one jaust State should clean its house while ment. That the Nazis should have expected of them. Abe Roffman, Arthur S. Roaim, aad • the iateraatiosal treaties lose sight of the fundamental protesting persecution abroad. Chosen the present political juncwhich euaraatee the establish- right of the Jevs to remain is It was Hitler's belief that the Sam Rosen, Sam Rosenbaam, ture in Europb to organize and Munich agreement marked the The bill provides for penalties Horace L. _ Roseabluai, Arthur ment of a Jewish Natioaal Home Germany and to erjcy t r ? ft."' to stage pogroms on so vast and end of his conquest of Europe, up to $5,000 and a year's impris- Roseasky, " Samuel Kosaastein, ia Palestiae, but because Paies- privileges of citizenship on a beInhuman a scale, is a source of that by signing his agreement onment. Fred Rosenstock, J. L. Rosentaal, tiae is "ecocomicallv, agricultur•wonder to many. with Mr. Chamberlain he had won Oshe Roseathal, Robert B. Rosea- ally, aad g-eographicallv the only mans. It should also be t~^s"Chicago (JTA) — A national thal, Robert H. Roseathal, Sari couatry that is prepared to receive Etood that €Tea eraigrrst rr. tr For the political situation in England over to-his side, that a. Europe now is one of utmost del- Colonial settlement favorable to inter-racial conference sponsored D. Ross, Joe Rothkop, Jake Ros- teas o* thocsaads of refugees im- other lands, no matter V^-r r-icacy. The democratic countries •Germany would-be easily attain- by the Protestant E p i s c o p a l aick, Jake RuSack, E. I. Rubin, mediately at the lowest possible ! mote, trill not remove the £ : r r s " [ of Nazi anti-Semitisai -which rat are still smarting under the pain ed, and that the armaments race Church on the University of Chi- Dr. Adolph Sachs, Paal Sacks, Ed- per capita cost of eettlemeat. "Because Palestiae occupies i pursued the Jews throughout the and humiliation of the Munich which is crushing Germany eco- cago campus closed -with an ad- ward Schimmel. r.' " * ! ' dress by Rabbi G. George Fox, agreement and of the Czechoslo- nomically would be stopped. Julias Schneider, Emaauel M. this nuigne position ES a havea I four corners of the glol E i~ r Instead he found Munich was president of the Chicago Rabbin- Segal, -Morris Seitenbacn, Max of refsg© ia ca hour of the direst j ruthless interaatioEEl emnrcif-'f C vakian 'peace.' The resentment and fear of not the end, but the beginning of ical Association. Selieow, Abe L. Staftoa, Bea distress for large aumbers cf Jews i annihiliation. Tee greatert c";— The 350 delegates had heard Shapiro, Stanley Shapiro, Nazi Germany is now almost uni- a new chapter, that Germany was h George la Genaaay, all eectioas of the j mest be made to rescue tborr wi"" versal, even among its former never more distrusted, hated and Charles P. Taft of Cincinnati, son Shermaa» J09 Sherman, S a m Jewish pcpulstioa ia the' Uaited j mest be reasovea fros Ir.~J? z friends and' would-be allies. In feared than she is at present, of the late President Taft, -warn Sniff, L. J. Shults, Earl Siegal. States sauEt mobilize their re- j oppression if they are to crrrrc other quarters the fear is mingled that the armaments instead of that the church must combat ra- Raymond F . Silbar, M. B. Silber- sources aad eaergies for an unwith a.strong dose of hatred. The j decreasing will only now begin to cial prejudice lest situations pre- inan, David Silvensaa, Abe SIBS- precedented effort to exploit to I time all our energies mast E C >E valent in Europe arise in Ameri- ky, Louis Slusky, Harry Smith, the fall the rich settlement pos- | diverted from the equally isaportColonial Nazi regime has never been less mount, that h t the h C l i l settleettl popular in England than i t is at ment is now further than it ever ca. Edward Speier,. Harold J. Speier, sibilities ia Palestiae before they EEt task of maintaining tE6 Jewthe present moment, quite apart was before, and that the economic Sam Steiaberg, Ben I. Stein, Izsie embark -epea scheaies cf colonisa- ish position ia the countries in Hartford (JTA) — The local Stiss, Neal Stonehill, Heary SI. tion ia uninhabited lands which •which their existence is threatenprosperity promised to tbe Ger' from its Jewish aspect. To add to these difficulties, man people as a result of political unit of the Stueben Society, im- Swartz, Samuel Swartz, Abe Taa- will require many years of pre-ed. portant American organization, neabaum, Sam Tatelmaa, Arthur paratioa aad vast espeaditares ot "Let it not be forgotten that there is the Colonial question victories have not materialized. The new territory acquired in and the local B'nai B'rith lodge Theodore, Samuel Theodore, Jake looming in the distance. Mr. Chamberlain's bargain at Munich Czecho-Slovakia and in Austria have exchanged resolutions ex- Turek, Phil Turek, Nathan Turaevidently envisaged a cession . of may bring economic benefits in pressing condemnation of racial er, Harry A. Ueisl, Hyman TTeincertain British, French, Belgian years to come, but at present they feeling... er, Joe "Weiner, Sol J. TTeiner, The Steuben Society declared Howard Wertheimer, Sam Werand other colonies to Germany in yield nothing. The mobilization of exchange for a general appease- the army in the summer was a that Americans of German extrac- theimer, Harry "White, I r v i n P <• • * * - ' « * . ~, crushing burden on the people, tion were out of sympathy with White, Joe White, Morris "White, ment in Europe. But this policy has met with a and Germany is now more pressed persecution of Jews in Germany Benjamin "Wine, Joe "Wintroub, remarkably strong opposition in for cash than ever before; there and opposed anti-Semitism here. W i l l i a m Wintroab, Berahardt England not only in Liberal and is much dissatisfaction in many Wolf, Judah Wolson, Jay Wright, Labor circles, but also among parts of the country, aad the re- Cincinnati (JTA) — Editor El- Eli M. Zalkin, Harold Zelinsky, British Conservatives. Mr. Cham- gime is not at all as strong as tbe ven of the local German newspa- Sam Zlotky, Victor Sucker. berlain, the author of 'appease- Nazi leaders expected it to be per, Freie Presse, has returned ment1 is rapidly losing prestige after their great diplomatic vic- the decoration German Eagle of the Second' Class awarded him by even, among his own followers; tories. the German Government because outside his party he is becoming Reich Disappointed one of the most detested statesDisappointed, irritated by the he was "not interested in any men in England, and all because attacks showered upon them from country except the United States. of his policy of co-operation with outside, and pressed, by the disClarksdale, Miss. (JTA) — the Fascist Dictators. satisfaction of the people inside New York (JTA)—In response At a time like this, i t would the country, the Nazis have re- protest meeting against German to appeals for aid from jinany forseem that the Nazis would try to verted to their usual tactics of atrocities sponsored by the Cham- mer members of now-extinct Boy muster up all the good will they violence and excitement. There ber of Commerce in cooperation Scout organizations in Germany possibly could in order to loosen was no enemy available conveni- with the County Ministerial Asso- and Austria, Dr. James S. West, the psychological tension which ently anywhere abroad, they have ciation was held "here, broadcast chief executive of the more than has been tightening since Munich. therefore turned upon the Jews, by Station WMC of Memphis. 1,000,000 Boy Scouts of America. Speakers included Charles Sis- has If for no other reason than not partly to mete out their disapmailed regaests to all Scouts to embarass Mr. Chamberlain and pointment and irritation' over son, president of the Chamber of in this country to try to find not. to weaken his position, the their failure, partly to divert the Commerce; Lieutenant-Governor either homes or jobs for their Nazis should have ept their be- attention of the people from the Snider of Mississippi, Dr. Keith- persecuted colleagues in other stial instincts under leash and food shortage and other discom- ley, president of Delta Teachers' lands in accordance with the Boy - behaved, at least during this dif- forts which the Czecho-Slovakian College," Representative J. E. Step- Scout motto, "Do a Good Turn ficult period, with a certain victory . d i d not relieve, and hens, Father G. O'Connell and Daily." partly to administer to the peo-Rabbi J. Gerson Tolochko. amount of decency. Rumors that hundreds of New ple another dose of hatred and a Supply Arguments York store employes Montreal (JTA) — A demand would department Yet, it is exactly in the midst feeling that Germany was again be dismissed to inate roora . Sec i_ae ne^- ISSS HotoE this most delicate situation, at attacked by the entire world 'and that Canada sever diplomatic and for refugees were emphatically a time when antagonism to Ger- must therefore Seep up her ef- commercial' relations with Ger- denied by department store execu"Dc»~t Electric many until Nazi authorities "heed tives. The New York Herald many had already reached a high forts. It Is also possible that the ! the protests of the world and Tribune declared editorially that point, that the Nazis choose to stage the worst public manifesta- Nazis seriously believed that they i place treatment of minorities of this "stupid lie" illustrated "that tion of inhumanity and bestiality c o u l d confiscate millions of > Germany upon a plane of civiliza- the whole atmosphere ia •which. ever witnessed in modern history. marks from the Jews and thus tion" was made in a resolution we live is one of jitters." ccrtrrticr, Coras in tocsy. The worst enemies of Germany get some of the cash they need forwarded to the Dominion Govcould i o t have dealt a harder blow so badly. The shot of the poor ernment by the Montreal Trades ••*» — Kotpoiat's CaLrod Jacob de la Motta was appointto its' prestige, not only morally boy, Grynszpan, in Paris provid- and Labor Council. world's festess, The resolution urges the gov-ed receiver-general ofT the Caro- T K w C £ — : C S i T ~ T — nS-'^B:K."jST7J»»; PITH' is but also politically, than Goeb- ed an excellent pretest, and it •f, ^ r ~ « — _ , bel's ai son gangs with their fu- was caught upon and executed ernment to expedite plans for the linas by President V» illiani Har: rison. crnrrt l. zo~zg, vuzubti candmsnt set, Seka-Auaniea XOV1 pow Bod ps.ES, settlement of a "generous number tile and • heart-breaking brutali- with the usual Nazi thoroughness SpeedCelnd. Fullporsilain enamel "R «m •,» » - - i , - v.1 . ^ . u > ties. A whole series of diplomatic and brutality. blunders could not have strengthSo certain are the advancers the rsoiB ssznpzzzai-e. ened more the opposition to the of this theory that they even sugcession: of colonies than these gest that the very" attempt of . : *'7 r Soeed Cairod cooks festct .raors Jewish pogroms have done. Get Car Grynszpan upon Vom Eath's life The Nazis themselves have sup- was deliberately prepared; that Prases plied the strongest and most pow- the boy's act was instigated by Todry rre is suTDxsstic,
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mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God tion the Good Neighbor policy was belatedly formulated. A successful Lima conference may mean the end of anti- wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsJewish propaganda in South America. Ecuador, Colombia, men's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be Panama and Mexico have all been influenced and have passed sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with tbe l&sh shall rHiDsSV ml «&<WA, NBBHASKA. e v THifl discriminatory legislation. By counter-acting the nefarious in- be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three fluence of the Fascists, the United States may be able to con- thousand years ago^ so. still it must be said, "The judgments ifj "jyciswiipuof PHIC&, am vince the nations that restrictions against the Jews should be of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." [. gs ' ADV&HTIGII\!G flA'SCO OFFICE! 603 ORANDEIQ TMCATCO OUU.QINQ removed and limited settlement of refugees permitted. It may "Sic semper tyrannis!" indeed. "The great day of the Lord file).-. . ClTV it be well for the nations of tbe south to remember that most of is near." "Dies Irae." The day of Decision draws nigh and Editor their full-blooded Spaniards are Marranos, descendants of those there is no power in heaven or on earth that can stay its coming. isdito? Jews that fled Spain and its'Inquisition, and for whom the In—FREDERICK COHN. -associate quisition was established in the New World. FREDERICK COHN Coatritmttat, While a successful Pan-American conference will mean 32-SABBJ THEODORE} N. LISWIO much to the Jews, it is of greater importance to the world at GIous City. Iowa, Corrc3poadcm large, for if at this time a successful meeting of nations can take the place, it will mean a victory for democracy when democracy is DS. THEODOEE N. LEWIS in great need of victories. lpat, During the recent crisis of @ennany Jewry, it was several Blocs! Sisal Seisple* SIOES :tbaitimes suggested that Omaha Jewry show its ^mp&thy and solip w THE MOMENT OF DECISION R-, to parity with its" fellow Jews by conducting an emergency cam"ESSAYS AND STUDIES IK '.'The Ten Martyrs," by Dr. Louis By RABBI FREDEPJCK CQHN •«bWr.paign. Jewish relief agencies have had burden after burden is a g e s , and the inMEMORY OF LXKDA E. Tinkelstein, troductory paragraphs are deeply ft°m^ Qt u P ° a t h e m this past year. Since the beginnings of 1938 one MILLER." JEWISH THEtouching. Few liturgical selecIt is the "hour of destiny," but the moment of decision lias ^ atastrophe after another hae befallen European Jewry. Aus- not yet come. -Things are developing, and must develop. It is OLOGICAL S E M I N A R Y . tions stir the heart cf the loyal Jew as that describing the execu^ ^ r i a , Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Germany—a roll-call God who pronounces the ultimate'decision. All our plans and HEW YOEK CITY. tion of the ten great teachers. -i A Q^ of sorrow. . This volume o* scholarly es- The author is correct when be schemes avail nothing. As the prophet Isaiah so sublimely says is the first ever to be dedi- states that historical accuracy, "urnn, rj^g right to earn a livelihood is denied Jews. They are said: "Your thoughts are not My thoughts, nor your ways Mycated to tbe memory of a Jewish the attempt to determine the pre1 cise ten who were martyred, does S ^robbed and beaten with the official sanction of the government, ways; but as the heavens are higher than the earth so are Myvroinan. Linda R. SUller was an sot dim the glory of the sacrifice. extraordinary and deeply spiritual thousands live in a no-man'3 land, damped across bor- ways higher, than your ways and My thoughts than your persoa and the initial tontriba- His s a a a e r of determining who the ten martyred sages were is thoughts." As Shakespeare so well said, "There is a destiny tion by Ruth Satin Hurwitz, a historically instructive, and, cf moving blograpliiacl portrait, re€asons r ?osaS ^ f ° fund-raising campaigns surely exist at this that shapes our ends, rough hew thsm'though we may." veals b.er ia all her majesty and course, thoroughly scientific. Another brief, but peculiarly grandeur. Mrs. Miller yra.s for|ia YEime.. Every penny can be utilized in some fashion. The brilliant British essayist, Matthew Arnold, caught tunate to come quite early in ber timely essay, is that by Cecil Roth s l ^ |j But what is more important than a fund-raising campaign something too of this idea of a Divine Providence when he life under the powerful influence on "The Medieval Conception of Dr. Hynisn G. Enelow. Under the Jew." It helps to understand |ys jtat the moment, is that those who have pledged already money wrote: "There is a Power, not ourselves, that makes our Right- of his guidance Bie acquired a deep the popular dread o* the Jew that t0 t I l e 5 thef local Philanthropies, pay their pledges now when the eousness." He was firmly convinced that there was moral love for Jewish religious, and cul- was so prominent a feature of the values. Most evident was Middle Ages, and the oppressive I th4aeed is go acute '^and. when certain moral obligations must be progress in history and in life. That was that other Victorian's tural this In ber great attachment to legislation designed to isolate him any contact with Christians. idea, the poet Tennyson, when lie penned the familiar lines, in Hebrew learning. Sbe not only from encouraged Jewish scholars -with. Those interested in the relstionue ai ' Not only should we American Jews consider it a duty to Locksley Hall, "Yet I doubt not, through the ages, one increas- generoas financial subsidies but ship of Jesus to the Synagogue, t herself so es bet-will profit from Solomon Sejtlin's thel( aBsiat b u ta rivileSei for there are few free Jewries left these ing purpose runs. And the thoughts of men are broadened with studied-Hebrew ter to appreciate the spirit and "Tee Pharisees and ths Gospels." h.days. No compulsion is put upon us to turn over a tiny frac- the process of the suns."the message of the Torah and the Josep*S Marcus, who taught Krs. As her hand was always Miller Hebrew, dedicates to her .jr *>°:iion of our income to the destitute. The pledge, has been made, The old Rabbi preceded and anticipated all these when he sages. open to the poor scholar, BO wasmemory three hitherto: unpubi4 a f It is. no hardship to payv declared, as preserved in the Sayings of the Fathers in theher heart to his message. And, lished hymns from the Gecizah. it is In memory of this same saint- Her friends Max 'Weber, the artist, ethical portion of the Talmud: "All is watched, and the world ly Jewess that this book has been writes on -VArt Consciousness." is judged in goodness." His idea was expressed by Schiller in brought forth as a labor of pious Harry A. 'MV'bUson' contributes a penetrating -discussion, on "The affection. P r e . d i c a b l e s and irtiift TodayfarLima one of th*e most momentous conferences in his famous dictum that "the history of the world is the judg- Tho contents give it that schol- Aristotelian Mainionides* -Division of Attriment of the world. "Judgment Day" is every day. Justice is Jill toiithe history of the western hemisphere opens. Seat of the great arly and basically Jewish char- butes." Alexander Mars, librarian which would have delighted at the Jewish Theological sem^"g^Inca civilization, once residence of the Spanish viceroy of inevitably, inexorably done, through the interplay of the law of acter the soul of Linda Miller, and inary, discusses the . scientific cause and effect. . ' tou Peru, Lima represents a tragic chapter in Jewish history, for which will "delight every earnest work of several -medieval Jewish some student. Since Mrs. Mil-scholars, and" adds' a personal As Emerson said, "Whatever we do, we do to ourselves." Jewish ^ °^ *^cn*<mt bloody "auto^da-fes" of the Inquisition ler loved the Hebrew language, tribute of great warmth to t h s jike" place. But for this hemisphere, at least, this is a new era. Punishment, for instance, does not so much follow crime as it the editors wisely included a He- memory of Mrs. "Miller. Sal W. portion, containing three Baron, who also knew Mrs. MilUnited States of America and the Latin*Ameyican Bejrab. accompanies i t ; as,it were, automatic; grounded in the very brew articles: "Wisdom and Folly in ler intimately, deals with "Freeare entering a new phase in their relationship, relegating nature of things. It is Jbecause of this that the world, despite Medieval Hebrew Proverbs," by dom and Constraint in tbe Jewif sfarther Israel Davidson; "The Sabbath ish Community." Professor Louis hi the world, marches on with in- Candles," and farther to, the past the barbarism and tyranny once all toeieyilFSnd^vicke^ness ?;"t by B. M. Levine, and 7 contributes a scholarly jiablg^xao ^ pjogrissf. This:may seem too optimistic a view, "Enelow As a Youth," by 1. Kif- Ginsburg ifrire Rampant. ' ".•;••,,•-. . ,u article in German. kin. ftnts0??-' At its inception the Pan-Americaa union was considered but hislorj^se^a to justify at. Professor Philip Van Ness The last essay Is devoted to the T h i s " volume constitutes a man who more than any other varied and rich feast which will 'aging 'hardly more than a convenient instrument fdr the furthering of Myers, Who use5?fco b"a professor of history in the University of person was responsible for the stimulate both the heart and Cincinnati and whose J e s t books on Ancient, Medieval, and frojAmerican imperialism—''dollar diplomacy" as it came to be Jewish and spiritual development mind. Of all possible memorials, Mrs. Miller. The hitherto un- I am convinced that Mrs. Killer Until the now-famed Montevideo conference, the con* Modern history were widely used in the schools and colleges of of if c b published Hebrew poetry Dr. Ene- would have preferred this meirathe land, also wrote a fine book towards the end of his career ud"sta||erence3, unfortunately, lived up to their tmhoppy reputation. low wrote in his youth, and the ment cf scholarship, erected jointtheme thereof are illuminating. ly by seme o* the foremost con£ The Montevideo conference was the turning point in rela- which he called "History as Ethics." -Its main thesis was that They ;e-sea£c throw much light on his temporary Jewish scholars. Hew history is the progressive realization of the moral; the slow, between the Colossus of the north and her sister republics. early training, environment and she would have rejoiced to cts£r : gradual, difficult but certain ultimate triumph of moral causes. spiritual loyalties. The deep love these essays and to ponder cver Je" haa-^ t%at time there waa no outside compulsion, for Fascist for Palestine suffered a serious .their contents. Cannibalism, for instance, which was universal, was sucV and i threats were still theory and the most skeptical believed they dirainuitlon when he came under ceeded by slavery; instead of eating one's enemy one made a the unwholesome influence, Jew- Community Calendar 53 re"a^would be worth only their paper. ishly speaking, of Dr. Emil G. I The American delegation at Montevideo, inspired by jus- slave of him, which was to that extent a mark of progress. Hirsch, and while a student at the From Dec. 11 to Dec. 15 Hebrew Union college, in those fdww rather than imperialism, pronounced a new program. What. Human slavery, an institution in free America as recently as days the citadel of Zionist oppo- SUNDAY. DECESSEEia I t \ the, nc ever one may-think of Franklin Roosevelt's domestic program, about seventy-five years ago, has practically been completely sition. The repression of Jewish A. Z. A. 2Co. 100 meeting: 2 p. tendencies surely cre- m.. Rooms G & H, Jewish Com^ I ^ staunchest Republican must admit that the Good Neighbor abolished. There are those who speak of "economic slavery" rationalist ated a deep spiritual chasm. Only munity Center. Basket Ball Games: £:S0 p. a... of the President showed intelligence and imagination and and the whole movement of so-called "Social Justice" is meant a few years prior to his death did g the loyalties of his youth become Room M, Jewish Community Cento abolish that. tie. l iin a rise of American prestige in the south. . J;has resulted sufficiently strong to compel a ter. O War is yet a horrible reality, but men seem more reluctant guarded revision of the tradi- Jewish National Workers' Alli'' ' Reform doctrine concern- ance: S p. in:. Rooms G s.nd K, ;in voiii At Lima a more difficult situation than those encountered to engage in it than ever, even in the cause of right and justice. tional ing Jewish nationalism. That sach Jewish Community Center. «~engag«at Montevideo or Buenos Aires will have to be faced. For m&ny And though the peace movement with its arbitration confer- a brilliant scholar like Dr. Enelov International Workers' Order: not at all appreciated by the S:SO p. a . . Rooms C and D, Jeweetixig {months now the brows in the state department have been fur- ences, world courts of justice, Kellogg-Briand pacts and even was Reform layity, testifies to the im-ish Community Center. jnter lei rowed from reading reports emanating from the southern re- the League of Nations seems to have suffered terrifically dis- mense deterioration in Jewish Round Table Dance "The Ice Only deeply religious Breaker": S;X5 p. m.. Auditor| u ^ ^publics. The Fascist nations have been on the march here too, heartening, set-backs there are those who believe that the hor-character. and truly loyal Jews could profit ium, Jewish Community Center. '] ednesds We should be the last to question the President' sincerity rible anachronism of war and relic of barbarism is, as Lincoln from the ministry of so gifted and MONDAY, DECEMBER IS and God-intosicated Jew, Bikur Chollm: 2 p. EL. Rooms ^ ^ jiregarding his utterances during the persecutions of the German said of slavery (which was verified even after a bloody Civil brilliant like Dr. Enelow. C and D, Jewish Community Cen- • ; 12:30 Jews nor do we in any way doubt his altruism. But it goes War), "in the course of ultimate extinction." The English portion of the vol- ter. smg n»3f ^jthout saying that the American government is exploiting-— containing about two hun- Cooking Class: 6 p. a . , Sr4 God's decision may hang in the balance but its scales swing ume, dred and thirty-five pages, is ex- floor kitchen, Jewish. Community !as it has a right to do —the difficulties in the Reich so as to ultimately to the Right. Right and Justice triumph in the end,ceedingly rich and provocative. Canter. . ' Workmen's Loan Associs,*1::1: ' FLASH strengthen its own position at the conference. The fact that and the spiritual is mdst potent and dynamic. S p. a.y Rcons K EES L, J f ^ S sports ; t t t e pogroms took place at this time have led authorities to beCoEimunity Center. "Not by force or by might, but by My Spirit," said the Hazoisir Choral Society: ? r . t-to-gooflieve that Hitler, famous for his aense-of-time, has lost consider- prophet, speaking for God. Spirit is moral dynamite, it is more of III© 1 in., Rooms K aca Lr Jewish Com1 fe fea^ . able influence to the Goebbels crowd, munity Center. powerful than armies or navies or whole fleets of violence or and Talmud j TUESDAY, DECESSSER IS ll ."be tm '•"• A triumvirate of evil—Japan, Italy and Germany —have destruction, whether on land or in or under the sea or iathe Coaccil of Jewish Women Cul*^been forcing themselves upon Latin America, A continent of air. It directs these as it invented them, and can. circumvent tural Class: 1 p. m... Club E,OCE:, J Je-wish Community Center. •untapped wealth, o£ tremendous resources, it attracts avaricioua them. It can awaken a power before which these are as naught. BIBLE WEDNESDAY. BECEXIBER 11 d Rosct -o • ' • Men do not desnise a thief If Beth E! Auxiliary LuncSerr: * There is no might like moral might when fully aroused. Ethical he steals to satisfy his hungry >lden G) ' • „ . . . • p. Ei.. Lodge Room, Jewish Cr--*- j ana. sa- Brazil has over a million Germac-boro coloaista. Argentine TNT can shatter armies, nations and institutions. EOUl. raunity Center. ; tfcoa Ert wise, thou art wise International Worker's Order: and Chile probably have an equal number of Italians and everyThomas Mann, in his recent remarkable little book, "The forIf thyself and if thou scoraest S p. m., Rooms C atsC D, Jew *s.L. where one encounters the Japanese. All theso groups are be-Coming Victory of Democracy," pointed out that it was thetbou alone shall bear it. Coramunity Center. sing made instruments of. propaganda. In hiss "Coming Strug- spiritual factor in democracy that constituted the very essence Treasures of wickedness profit THURSDAY, DECE3IEER 15 but righteousness delivJunior Hadassah: S $,\ ir , g l e for Latin America" Cafleton Beals tells how anti-Jewish as well as dignity of man, that gave it its real value, that made nothing ereth from death. Rooms C. and D. Jewish Crn;.-feeling is being aroused among the native populations by paid, it invulnerable and ultimately invincible. He beconieth poor that dealetli dunity Center. with a slack hand, but the Sand Boy Scout; ? p. in., !,?"-.»•, • German agents, in most cases the consuls themselves. As. Job said, "Surely there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Jiligent maketh rich. Jewish Community Cer'—. : Short-wave radio programs from Germany and Italy every of the Alprijjhty giveth them understanding." Man's spirit is Ba not too good nor too wise, Room. Choir Rehearsal: s p. ir... be desolated? Rooms K and %,, Jewish. C o a a u s , few hours send out Fascist versions of the day's news. And in the breath of God, therefore divine. Therefore, also, the breath why Speak not in the ears of a. fool ity Center. 1 most of these broadcasts America is pictured as the evil-doer, of the Almighty can blow into oblivion. for he will despise the wisdom cf : , the exploiter, the imperialist. There is a profound lesson in this if they would but take thy words. TALMUD ! By means of its,cheap labor the thl-ee Fascist countries not© of it and heed it betimes, and warning, for such as the There '"•were s o a e highwaymen . have been able to flood the countries with cheap goods. Mili- Nazis, Mussolini and Japan and those who go counter to thein the neighborhood o£ Rabbi who • annoyed him so raise!* tary missions have been sent ostensibly to train the armies and Will of God; who blindly beat their heads against the wall of Meter that he oace Played that they should die. But his wile, Bar'navies btjt in reality to get e foothold that will be of some use inexorable destiny. * uria. said to *iim, "How <io you Beth-El t 171431 ' in case of a struggle. "I will repay!" said the Lord. The liour of Divine Ven- justify this?" (such prayer).' 'Is Dr. Mas Aret will give the t"r- i To a lesser degree Communist agents have beejx active, geance must strike. It may be delayed; it may seem to beit because it is written 'Liet sia moa ttiis evening. Cantor• A . - i - _ Replace be consumed' which you under- gar and his choir will i likewi&o: .utilizing the old plaint-of "American Imperialism." ayerted; but it will infallibly come! As the noble Abraham stand :to mean that the wicked services. new s s Brazil and Chile have already experienced Nazi-inspired Lincoln so solemnly and sublimely-said in an awful crisis in 'should b3 destroyed? Behold, is After the services ths ter opp it then written the sinner? It is at lowc uprisings and Brazil broke off diplomatic relations with Ger- history: "The Almighty has His own purposes. Woe unto the written 'sin.' Besides, read the clnb-will be hosts to the terms. gatioa at a Sabbath tsa. many after charging her with directing the course of the revolt, world because of offenses, for it must needs be that offenses last part of this verse, 'And thelodge room of l b s Center wiclted will ba no more." Pray "i.. • o o o • ". •• ' . ' ' ' * ' • • therefore (on their behalf) that or of Rabbi Arst. come; but •©& to that laan by whom the offense coaieth. raay be Isd o repentance >i^L • America has now awakened to what is happening on our If we shall suppose that American slavery is djie of those they and the wicked will bs EO more." \ \ ( x " r a y doorstep. To fjuoto Dorothy Tbompsoa, tbe only con offenses which in the providence of God must needs come but He did pray for tlieni and thereDr. Frederick Ccha ^-ffi Ef?s.\, X I"-1 ' cbtssS foreiga policy^ tho "Umted States has been the sfiaia- Which, having continued through His appointed tltae He nowupon they were- led to repent. The future world wilt' cot, be Higher Up"e r the ^crar s ,t serv- . <zJC icaaacG of tho inflepbndence of tbe countrieg to the South. To \yishes to remove and that He gives to both North and South tike-.this world. I s the future ices at £ o'clock ibis ©venlrr ', Qhri this end Pr6s5c!cwt Monroe enunciated the now-fambug doctrine this'terrible war, as the woe dut to those by whom the offense: worH- there wIH ho reitjier eat- Regala? Ss.iv.Tizy mcriirj- e a r ' -f ! ing nor drinking iior'business s s r ires will ha held %A I I o'clki.." that bcara his name. For two or three etecades this was a sat- came; shall we;discern therein any departure from those divine envy nor hatred nor cospetltioa. . S.J ic£actory policy but ia time tho South American countries came attributes which "the believers in a living God always ascribe Only the rigV.eoss will sit with Itheir crowas upon thfeir heads ¥&&& ! reseat it as a unilateral treaty and in the spirit of .concilia toHjra? Fondly do we hope, fervently do -.we pray, that this sad.'will enjoy Divine Glory. • Regular Sabbath evening serv-1 T
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: ; ' r tc $25
Krs. EJiaer Greesberg. mas ol t i e library Kecortl Concert No. 7—•We«3Bounces that the EE^- C^H-C nesdajy December 14, 8 p . sa. brary which is being ra-opscc HA5TDN: Symphony in D l l a the community center under — . , — •*• r v : ~. jor. C' sponsorship of the Conner r iNew Tork Philharmonic Or" ** * ** Jewish Worsen, wUl.be in us: . A *. **• •*» chestra, Arturo Toscanni, APPROACHING MARRIAGE ter January 1. ENGAGEMENT AKKOtTNCED conducting. r Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White an- 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Stoller anAH of ihp boots frcra ii?'- r Y Jl I ' , V Ouverture to rr.n.noanee the engagement and ap- nounco the engagement of. their HUMPERDINCK: center library and from the C Hans and GreteL "" i ( ?vvcr i -u:r.: proaching marriage of their daughter, Ethel, to Mr. Moe Ravel Bolero. cii library are being classifies rrt ^^ •r Tl" daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Irving ; Grossman, son of Mrs. B. Grossnew books will be bought. Konzertgebouw Orchestra, '7 r" J f !.-> rr "< r .. r n •-\ r *~( Freedman, son of Babbl and Mrs. rcan. book selection committee, ii t William Mengelberg, con•'' ^ ' dames Julius Solos: on. Sara .' > ^ - ' 'i Ol 5. J . Freedman of Newark, N. J. - The wedding will take place in ,\-r '» I" T ducting. i C >- - i phson SBS Ben GeMware wit'The marriage will take place ; April. Commentato." — Mrs. Minnie cotamittee from '.he cexter, Sunday, December 18 in the pre~~f ,' : r - f* Yoigt. Bence of the immediate families TOSITS HERE B. Cohen, David Biacker and yrr.. only. H. A, Wolf, will plan, a c o : MiEa Prances Rutstein of Sioux selection of best-sellers cn& cr~City, la., spent the past week-end rest books to be srcilabie. GIRL SCOUTS in Omaha. < •» Contributions of books wl ; tc The Girl Scouts will meet Sunwelcomed. day, December 11, at the J . C. C. About fonr hundred women are at 3 o'clock. All new members Tel-Aviv Sctl Chalucolli Ilisrachi expected to attend the joint One are cordially invited to attend. Krs. Eats Josephson will cr;r™The Women's Mizraebi of Amer- , G. Weinstein were each hostesses As a pre-conveation rally Moth- Shabbos of Hadassab and theica have uadertaken to support at their homes for benefit bridge tain at a 2 o'clock luncheon tcSrr Beth-El synagogue auxiliary to be er chapter No. 1 is planning a. ) DAYTON held at the J. C. C. Saturday, De- he Beth Zeiroth in Jerusalem, a ' parties to raise funds. Mrs. Masfor tacmbers of tbe Cls-rvl---^ . Mr, I8y been banquet and dance to be held cember 10, to hear Dr. Mas Arzt chool for the emigrant afiolcs- Frorakin turned in a contribution ! gift committee. Krs. Berr.r--f"t Rosenthal has called to Dayton, Ohio, "VVoJ* is cSsinnsn ol the co—r-':ent girls in Palestine. The bnild- ! from her Tuesday club. of Scranton. of the serious illness of hi3 sister, the affair -which Trill be limited ng shown above has recently The luncheon to be given TTed- tee of 15 -vrho win distribute p-.'^r \r n T Hostesses for the affair will be to members and advisors are beSarah JRosenthal. a completed and as a result, : nesday, December 21 et the J. C. ttirouglJ the social service t.r- ing formulated by a committee the Mesdames J. J. Friedman, hencurriculum cies of the center. of the school enI C. is under the chairasnship of headed by Aleph Mazkir Leo Ben Brodkey, Leon Graetz, WilLIVE IN MIAMI Mrs. A. ScliwEczkin. Mrs. B. Hanliam Milder, Julius Stein, Julius r s s I-*"n-~ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Appet, who Sherman. The Study Grcup which r.-pc dler is pfogran chairman. Those The Omaha chapter of WoiaNewman, Harry Silverman, Max An award "will be made to the have made their home in New for lectures &s£ discussion" P i ' I who plan to attend are asked to n'e Mizrachi takes various means Cohn, Abe Venger, Moe Venger, York City for the past few years, best Aleph of the past year a t the problcniE vt WCECI is cr^? Levin William Pollafc, Rob- if raising money to support this ; make their reservations eariy by health hare moved to Miami, Fla. Mrs.banquet. Tho award is in the form Irrtn duied to meet again Tuesiar. r*? J calling cither Mrs. Sehwacskia or chool for orthodox girls. Heert Hooper, William Boasberg, Appet is the former Esther Hor- of a medal given by Ben Barkin D a v i d Greenberg and Miss :ently Mrs. A. Hlrsh and Mrs. A.' the Jewish Community Center. cesibsr IS, &t 1 c'clocfc £t i t r . assistant executive secretary of witz of this city. Blanche Zimman. Mre. Harry c. c. A. 2. A. Continuing their undefeated Kulakofsky will preside. Mrs. J. E. Cohen, president; r.rC i^JV.V'.r^V,'^" record, Mother chapter basket'Z&CJ:?tf-t*- ^"^^^Z-^^^T^^n^^^ ^'* " ^-'-^ RECEIVE HONORS eers defeated the Logan Chief At the last regular meeting of team of the Central Club League, Sigma pinicron opened the fre- last Sunday b., the top heavy Miss Betty Rosen, daughter he Junior Hadassah plans were ternity formal season on the Uni- score of 35-10. Members of the insulated for a Channk'ah party of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roses, was versity of Nebraska campus when basketball team were part of the The regular meeting of . Bas o be held at the J. C. C. Thurs- one of IS Jewish students the chapter staged the first form- J. C. C. squad in the Donkey Bas- Ami was held Tuesday evening day, December 15, a t S p. ra. All elected to the Hiilel Junior al ever held in the new Student ketball game held last Monday at at the home of Shirley Goldberg. members and prospective mem- Council at the University of IlUnion Ballroom. Raymond Brown, the City Auditorium. Alepbs Spr- Reports on the outcome of the bers are invited to attend. linois. Kansas City, was chairman of the or, Meiches, Adler, Schapiro and dance held November 30 at the Gifts will be exchanged and reEarlier in the year Kiss affair. His chairmanship result- Wolk and Advisor Qrossman were Music Box were received with 'reshments will be served. Any Rosen wss one of fire freshmuch enthusiasm. The dance irl planning to attend is askel men who were elected to the ed in the attendance of over 200 the participants. couples. The rhythmic tunes of As a feature of the last meet- was a huge success and the Bas u call Miss Sarah Taub, AT 9741, Council o£ Orange Featijere, Carl Colby greatly pleased the ing, a round table discussion was Ami wish to thank each and every >r Miss Kalah Franklin, MA 1236. freshiaan woman's organizathat attended and in that crowd. held on the subject "Should couple tion oa. the caicpus. ; helped raise funds for the The annual Sigma r Omicron America Let Down Immigration way worthy cause of bringing a refuFounder's Day Banquet will be Bars to Jewish Refugees." The gee over to Palestine. Milton Li. "R*olsky has won lield Saturday, Dec. 10 in thediscussion which was by the ett honorable rsertioa in It was decided - that the club The December meeting of the second Lancaster Room of the Cornhusk- {! tire chapter, was led by Aleph contribute a few luxuries to the B. T. Mothers club will be held oil portraits at the Josljn Meer Etotel. The purpose of the af- Justin Prlesman They have accepted fair i s the bringing together ut j Ping-pong tournament matches Jewish Old Peoples-ilome of Om- at the home of Mrs. Arthur Mus- morial. two portraits that Ere on disaha as Chanuka^t'gifts. • i n , S212 Lafayette aveatxe, alumni with members of the ac- j are being played rapidly. The ; play at the Memorial at the A 6lumbcr-'psrfcy l3 nowbeing Thursday, December 15, a t 1 Five States exhibit. tfve chapter and to review the deadline for first round play has £ progress that Sigma Omicron has . been set for Sunday, Dec. 18th. planned tb &e' faeld' December 17 p. in. ••• ^Charlotte Mrs. IS. Lashinsky of Liacoln, IJ The next chapter meeting wil at the PaxtbTt> Hotel. accomplished since its founding v: ' '"'"""" " - J""-L — j m m " ^ j on the Nebraska Campus in 1926. be held Sunday afternoon, De Nogg is in"cnarge trf''^'arrangeb., is a new member who has The birth : of sextuplets is reJoe Ginsburg, alumnus and prom- cember 18 at the Jewish Com ments The party will "be'given to joined since the last neeting. celebrate the/successot the dance corded in the Talnind. The wife \ inent Lincoln attorney, and James : munity Center. All members are urged to and to welcome *iie''"twb new of Abed-edoai and her eight ! Burroughs, Omaha alumnus, will members of the club, Miss Louise attend. danghters-iu-law each gave birtb I be the principal speakers. Miller and Miss,Betty Tarnoff. to a sestuplet (Bera> t 6S b ) . I Norman Harris, Omaha, sports , JEWISH GRAVES It seems that rsnltiple birth | editor of the Daily Nebraskan, j DESECRATED BY NAZIS was a hereditary trait transiait- , The first luncheon meeting of PHIL .SINGLE O P I E J L T E S Jast week presented the sports Berlin. (WNS)—Iron fences ted through the males of this fscnews of the day over radio sta- the Women's Division of the Fed- HAHILTOH PHJBIDLCY enclosing Jewish burial plots sre tion KFAB. Because of Nor- eration for Jewish Service will by the Gersiaa man's ability as a 'sportscaBter" take place on Monday, DecemPhil Ringle, graduate of Crelgh- being conscripted with the explanation that he was asked to repeat his pro-ber 13. ton University in 1928 Is the new Reich At this meeting reports of theowner of the Hamilton pharmacy their removal Is being carried out gram, at a later hour. SslI or "as a great project for beautifyRaymond Brown's acting abil- various committees will be ren-at 50 and "Hamilton streets. Furnished or UnfurnisheS, OS: ity has again resulted in his re-dered. Plans for the year's acMr. Ringle has been connected ;ns Jewish graves." Heat, Storm Wlndcws, A!l MeSsrn, Jews know that Germany's sup- Centrally ceiving a leading role in a Uni- tivities will be reported. Located. WEShlnj K»with one of the largest drn; Miss Blanche Kleiman, the new firms here for several years and ply of scrap iron must be in- chlne, MEnjia in Easement. versity Pfayer's production. The creased and have taken this play, to be presented in January, Educational Director, will be in-is a registered pharmacist. rouna-ahout-way cf removing the is a Noel Coward production, en» troduced to the •womenfesces.. titled "Tonight at Eight-thirty," New members will be presented Sigma »Omicran,. last Wednes- at tfcl3 meeting. - day, was host to a group of Sigma The Executive Board will meet Delta Tau sorority members who at"'!'.?. o'clock. attended r. dinner at the Chapter House. S. A. M. Mothers Club • The Jewish Community Center •wishes to announce that Its The S. A. M. Mothers club will Recreation Room will be open bold their regular monthly meet- next week. The Beth-El synagogue auxil- ing at the Faxton hotel Tuesday, The pool tables hsva feeea iary will hold its next regular December IS, at 1 p. m. sharp. renovired s a d other Improvefor Aero** usf&lEa sa eseeaJabla . . . ta meeting "Wednesday, December There will be a luncheon and ments have been made. 14, at 1 o'clock at the J. C. C bridge will be played after the cs e The public Is cordially i a Mrs. Albert Wohlner will preside. business meeting. vited to inspect the Recreation Mrs. Julius Chait and Mrs. A Chanukah program is being Room and take advantage of arranged by Mrs. Irvin Levin, Harry Carp will be hostesses. its facilities. program chairman. The theme It U iwc all you ymenum wlio know will be "The Day With the WomPatronize Our Advertisers en of Valor," taken from the and lore the famous Nelly Lon proverbs. Twelve tables will be dresses « . . know their flattering decorated to represent each hour styles and famous f i t . . . that Herxof a woman's day. berg* h«.ve planned this biff p«*» Hostesses will b^ the INIesdames Nathan Horwich, "William Levey, C&rfstrsas ereat! Miay for 'yourself Leo Abramson, Dave Katelman, . . . bay for sift sr'vksgr! Leonard Siegal, Leo Fellman, William Pollak, A. Koffman, I. 'Chapman, David Greenberg, Ernest A GROUP OF Meyers, Henry Brite, David BlackVALUES TO' 2.SS er, WIHiam Racusin, Meyer Beber, Sam Stern, Jacob Cohn, Harry S:vs her fhts fhoaslsfful Cooper; Harry Frankel. Louis Air gift . . . Shell think cf ysn berts, Elmer Cross, Abe Venger, Moe Venger and Arthur Green. fha yssar ihrc-vigh es sh» gb\sfs wsfh prlds ^hzn fesr friends east a 6 n i r i R g cjlsnsei et her persosalisad ' A GROUP OF The regular meeting of the Bikur Cholim society will take VALUES TO S.98 pla Monday. December 12, et the J. C. C. at s p. m. A board Jcsf Fscr cf Tea Ocssf Ifel meeting at 1 o'clock will precede : the regular meeting. Th drawing for the electric mixer "will take place at this Chsriills iype borders. Rich, eTsep sHsdes e? dusty meeting. All those who have rose, Monfs bfce, Arshy green, . . . . "Hf ^ & ^ stubs or tickets are requested to chrorng gold end core!, Lsr^s s h s . . . i o ^ F ^ F bring them. A GROUP OF
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Women's Division
Rgnovize Center Recreation Room
Beth-El Auxiliary
It's Time to G&i Personal
Bikur Cholim
Ladies' Free Loan A botfrd meeting of the Ladies Free Loan Society will be held Thursday, December 15, at 2 p . m. at the home of Mrs, S. Mogil, 2012 North Twenty-second street. .Mrs. Sam Klaver, president, requests the drawing committee to attend.
it's churned from Sweet Cream
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The graceful simplicity of a Grecian urn lurks in the classic lines of thl3 lovely lace-panelled model of black Crepe Fascination. Full flared skirt, striking patent leather belt. Tho white laca with which this dress ia trimmed la of a superb Quality usually, found In tho most expensive creations. 'Eize3 10 to SO. In black and white. -
Wcsh C!sa
Solid eohrt wlih dallies in whlfg. Aha KW:S. A favorifa and a seiisut in 4 rscsa* jr.sr.tcjrsm even}. Lsrgs size Its
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FRANCE DEFIES LAND GSAE—Diplomatic relations b3cs.r=e strernec1 r^ciwec- F-rrce find Italy, after the demonstration in the ItsrfiEn Chamber of Dep-jues io" the retui-r oT Tun -M? and other French territories. French Foreign Minister Georges Bot^jet, lsrt, inst-ucec /vir.'oasssdor Andre Francois-Poncet, center, to £sk aa esplsnstiers from Italian Foreign Kinister deno, n r h t .
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CHOIR BOrS — Traditions ol 440 years are carried on by these boy members of t h e . Vienna Choir Boys. The choir will appear at Carnegie Hall. New York, on Dec. 18. preparatory to a concert tour. It was founded by Maximilian in 1498 and, though Catholic, has been endorsed by the new Nazi regime.
BITS PEOHT-SHASINCJ—Lammot du Pont, president cf E. 1. du Pont de Nemours& Company, as he told a Senate committee in" Washington that &e'.was opposed to profit-sharing systems. He said he believed, fnstead, in "paying high wages based on efficient performance." He explained thecomnany's bonus system, through which employes receive $7,593,000.
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CO?nrUXISTS AEE rETT—Honor IZcriir., izCt. preL-;.£ant of t ' " CIO United Automobile Vv'crkcrs cf /jr.cr;.ca, tc'.::.^- Ch^i-rr.r-; HONORS FOR SNITE—Frederick B. Snlte, Jr., infantile paralysis victim who has lain on his back in an iron luiis for two years, recently was presented an honorary membership in the University of Miami Alumni Association, when he arrived for the winter at Miami, from Chicago. Dagmar Fripp. Louise Arnott, June Burr and Helene Couch made the presentation.
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affa.:rs, thct Co==u=:sts £.r? £ttcr.-.pl.r.s t,c tcrc i~lr Vr.t ttC. L-uJ that their number is cver-errphcsized. i£s said !:sh3r' p^cr r.cmcs cf Communist "stoo=-s"' to John L. Lewis.
PPEPT Czccli3s' - -^ - ^ r
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Z'x MITE SLAYER ESCAPES CHAIR—At left is Tony Evangelisla. 4 feet 9 inches tall, weighing '94 pounds- sentenced in Cleveland to life imprisonment, after conviction of the double slayins of his landlord and a friend. Towering above him at right is his lawyer ster. S. M. LoPresti. Evidence was given that he fired in self-defense ette! when his victims attacked. : we o na
IN SUIT—The Hon. Mrs. Calypso .Baring Lifldell. sister of Lord Revelstoke. shown in court in Miami. Fla.. with her halfbrother. Lorillard Suffern Tailer. with whom she denied having improper relations. Her husband. Captain Guy Maynard Liddell. chief of England's Civil Intelligence Department, is suing for custody of their *our children..
LOOKS LIKE A HIGH WIND—Huffing and pu£ing to blow out all the candles on this birthday cake are John Barbirolli, left conductor of the Philharmonic-Symphony orchestra, and Gus Wade, veteran doorman of Carnegie Hall, New York. The conductor was 39 and Wade had reached 83 on simultaneous birthdays. Barbirolli missed 20 of his 39 candles. '
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FEUD flFPABENTLy EASEI> — On t h e surtace, anyway, al! is serene between Wendell Wilson, left Illinois University athletK director and Coach Bcb Zuppke grand old m a n for 26.years ol Illinois gridirons Wilson was reported trying to oust • Zuppke. when Zupplce posted his resignation. Board of Trustees refused t o acceot t h e resignation. Here t h e two poss amiable
:m?., Peru, [.::.-::> ; r . . F C c r , t fjL-.!?ct£_ . r ; c . - ~ . c c.crj.Tr. cl I I DIE AT DICTATOS'S Bagtche Palace, Istanbul, while many were injured. was taken to Ankara for
FUNEKAJL—So great was.the crush.of prcpl? ^rho tried to cst ir.to Drlrr.D to view the body of the lat-e President. ICerhal Ataturk, that 11 persons died. More than 300,000 filed past in one day. Above is the procession as the body burial. Stats ceremonies cost $500,00^
rsro^^^ ionfoi
commercial policy and codification cf international law wili be discussed. Welcoming the delegates triil be President Oscar BsnsA-Idss. upper
clral. LQWSI iefc, SciiDre. Bcnsviaes with her son Oscar end daucliix-rs Paanitp m e Kanija, u was founder! fcj? Pisnrro in IS35,
THE JEWISH PBESS—FRIDAY, D E C E 2 S E B 9, 1S3S tho children's saisd, but lor our- drea jfss up and c&H her hegpjv I Frank Capra, Dr. Roy L. selves, as well." On the nest evosicsr, tha Sab- Louise F.alEer, John G , m-in "God bless youl Tou'fe fight, bath light teas kindle* in Catun, Professor Norman E.rrc CPU iny dear." and the S&bbath bride was wel- Dcsald Osfiea Stewart E?O t.' a ; ."err. "Then show me how, Frank. corned into ths «ewish Lome capacity audien and v.'0'li begin- teraerrow alght." tkere. Ths singles vras ECS exit© Learns" rally t& :e re: Sabbath Eveafeu &$ good aa> «t UBCIS Dave's t>st Philharmonic A _—__*_ Frank opened tbo cloest asd it sounded sweeter ia the ears c£ Ustcnsioa of tho JotTba Cossmunity Center drew out a black, fiasty veltune. Robert and Rsby as5 Issbsi. And » « *>irr»c •»•» * It was tho prayer book. Qulekly wbea ths stegisg was ever and j ^ ^ 1 ^ - . rubbing it on his coat elesve, he bed t i s e easae, the children r o s s i m «$£/?•&• I S H The guests were now reading weren't for all the other excite- sat down with hla wife sind they from the table' and pat their arms about their c o t t e r ' s neck. the "Hagada" In a happy tone. ment - - Leah's wedding, and the studied together. "Whoso flsdeth a virtuous wo* 0The door was opened for the dresses, and the Invitations, and be dcprlri espect tha tber red • man, far above rubies is her Prophet Elijah: . the company." End dios I "to surprise us EO." "Weil have * . ~ , j »,-, -, 0 0 e qe value." Thus they read together. "Pour out thy wrath upon the "Well, I always have promised jingo, It's beautiful. Isn't It every Shabbos, aren't ^ e ? " said will "' b * e taken" J cm t hesa • heathen who know thee not, myself, from the time my nephew it, "By dear? Look at this, "Her chil- Robert." I ,!„),*, A r-,,-rt r - V r And upon the kiagdoms who in- •went to live in Catun," said Unc s Cv4iit I 1 n Many y£ars ago there lived In voke not Thy Name, "Tes, my boy, ery shabbos." ' """ ' ~ - * ° eT cle Dave, "that wo should have the- great Bohemian city ol For they have devoured Jacob his children spend a couple c t Prague ca old rabbi named Levy. And laid waste his beautiful weeks with us a. soon as Leah Ho was extremely pioua; and as would marry." Dwelling . . . " Us. piety grow, his wisdom and they all chanted. », "That's right, and it will do knowledge became greater, and Rabbi Levy * neither sang them good, too." rejoiced Aunt •with that his love for hla fellow- norBut read. • His eyes -were riveted Rifke. "The poor children never men. He wrote a number of upon the open door. His face was knew r any Yiddishkeit from tea OK THE BENCH Is Troisieaie Earuch fis Is Ptr-1 boots. - - books full of the deep- livid. Where was the Prophet day they came into the world. A do . est understanding of God and the Elijah? Where? The columnists are having a little of, it may not harm them good time debating the ftitcre of ABOUT PS Universe. , • He knew that every year the any." Justice Louis D. Erandels . . . ' Mtgena Elsas, the famed" vioThe inhabitants of Prague, vision of the prophet appeared to One couple has announced that lin virtuoso, is spiss to make the Shabboi Gentiles as well as Jews, loved him at this part of the "Seder." with &a Important an"Children, tonight Is Shabbos, •while Justice is goin to resSsn frost pages and respected the old Rabbi very Why did it not appear now? At nt hKsro Icng . . . Barthe nest term of ths Samuch. DiBpui.es between a Jew the same time the wail came, cut- which means that we make Kid- before preme Court opens ha is net plan- oness Ecgeso fie and. » Bohemian, or oven between ting his soul, louder and more dush," explained Aunt Rifke that ning b become the presides* cf Amerlcan-bcrs vlfe of the Viea«two Bohemians, were brought to pitiful than ever . - . The guests evening, when the family had the to " Organisation . . . nese baron, is making a hit la him for arbitration. And in Guch kept on reading the "Hagada." gathered a t the table. She wasThen Slonlst there is the lady gossiper Aryan sosisl circles In New York esteem was ho held that all his They knew nothing of what was speaking to the children of Uncle vho has it all doped ost tliat . . . She's V asking in the reflected Dave's nephew - - to Robert and decisions were carried out by the going on. Brandeis -will resign early la glory of rcyalty, her castle near Ruby and Isabel • who had just contending, parties. Then, above the chanting, come from Catun for a two 1939 and that th's Presidest trill Vienna having been tha one ocRabbi Levy gained a reputa- above the wall, came a still small weeks" stay In honor of their appoint Judge Julian _W. _Hack cupied by the Daks cf Windsor tion,, which extended beyond the voice, a voice full of pity and cousin Leah's marriage. Cousin 'as his successor Which, In- right after his abdication from faithful walls of the Ghetto, as one of the compassion; " A r i s e , Leah waB there, too, with the cidentally, ia a lot cf aoasease the British thrcne . . . Sholom' saints Of the land. Time andshepherd, and rescue thy flock!" young man whom sh© was tsooa . . . Judsa Jlacb, -whose &&&ltb Is Asch, we hear, is again most disStrange Voices again enemies of our people atmarry. Cousin Abe was there, none too good, feels lite retir- appointed because hs fiifia't get tempted to hurt the Jewa In Then the venerable rabbi rose to too, seated between his mother ing frosa active bench work t i n - tha Nobel Prlsa . . . He ought to Prague. Often they made the from his 6eat and -without saying and b© told tfcat ii'a futile to try for father. self . . . most horrid accusations for the a word, left the room. Ho went it, for It comes ta the laureate purpose of harming them. But out of doors, followed the sound "Is It somebody's birthday?" KA2ISTUFF in each case the sage was able to of the wail, and traced it to the whispered Ruby to Robert. "Sh!" While the Fuehrer sirie&s as unezpcst&ily as & sweepstakes avert the danger by proving the synagogue. And the voice called said Robert, a little confused. that Nazism will survive for the prize to the lucky wiener . . . falsity of the charges and the again: "Arise, faithful shepherd, "Don't talk now." Ruby folded nest Eeveral thousand years, his Orchids to David Saracf! for his the building baseness of their supporters. The and rescue thy flock!" her ann3 and listened, while Un- adjutants are preparing fcr theswell htlpjtn p g c£ the j rulers of the land believed him The rabbi raised his eyes to cle Dave began with "Eshes Chay- inevitable day of reckoning ^ . . Fair . . . Ditto to Dorc'.hy THosLf I Palestine Psvilloa at the World's and protected his people. Heaven and beheld two stars fall il." At first the children felt a And, realistically, they're hoard- eon for ber eocrageocs appeal in little strange a t hearing tha from the skies and drop upon lug funds in foreign banks . . . The Traitor i behalf ol Eerschel Gryaszps.a . . . [ quaint tune of the prayers, read the roof of the house of worship. Goering, for example, has two There was one man. in the city, the big book on Uncle private accounts in a London bank Cosgrattilatloss to Maurice Levhowever, who was not daunted by And the still voice called a third from Dave's plate, for they had never . . . Goebbles has a'private safe in, courageous philanthropist s&d [ time: "Arise, faithful shepherd, these failures to hurt the Jews. seen the welcome to the. Sabbath at Lloyd's bank in Locdoa . . . leafier, •whose t e a is engaged to | [ and rescue thy flock!" He was a converted priest who Barbara Elooia, gifted jJ- j at home in Catun. He wended his Eteps. toward Hess keeps his treasure chest Ia EuSrry had become the right hand of the a a l s t . . Wiicii resinds us that I the synagogue. At the door he Bishop. This traitor hated his The Silver Cess And the sinister voa Frank Glaser, yczns piaao virta- I Riga own people with the hatred pe- paused, for within he beheld a Papen believes that his fortaae Is oso, xrzs the only Important coaWhen tho silver cup". of wine multitude of spirits In white fillculiar to vile and degenerate la the Bank cf Frsnea, in cert vSoliisiEt vrto rolaatecred his aroundi they fairly safest minds. He tried every possible ing the entire hall. A deep moan was.passed Paris . . . Statistics about r cervices to the Sfight of Stars, I danced with delight. Isabel had arose as if from the earth. The •way of bringing ruin to them. He accidents of various sorts, partici l ncttsd ever $ 100,0-00 fcr i never tasted anything like that entire synagogue trembled, as a plotted, and schemed, and lied. ularly train collisioas, in N&sl- ths United Palestine Appeal jj before, and it was with difficulty leaf trembles in the wind. The But in vain. Every attempt was land, prove that the talk aboat ark w"as open and the scrolls were that Robert could take the big German efficiency under tha Hit- One of ths best bridge players ia } • • frustrated by KabbLLevy. • cup from his little sister. . Then ler regime is baloney . . . More Palestine is Vera Weiamann, vrife \, weeping. This went on for come time, sighing and the Challoh "vr&s passed ground. such catastrophlea have been tak- of Chaim . . . Esuben Fins, vrfca u Weeping Scrolls until, after exposing some - new finished first In the Intematioatl \ Aunt Rifke explained ta the chil- ing •No . sooner had the rabbi there In the last few tsastcrs* ciiess tournament at Asa- I; machination of the priest, the dren that the Challoh was a "spe- yearsplace stepped upon the threshhold than than in any other country. rabbi- publicly chastised him for la marrisd to the dsugicial kind of Jewish bread," and g j\ his treachery to hi3 own people. the moaning ceased. The scrolls Robert said that he wished there YOU SHOtQUD KKOW ter cf a EsIgSs.2 g of the Law alone continued sobThe traitor naturally became very l h were other Jews la Catun besides "B-hess greatest stahition i t There Is a plan to use German ddealer angry. He vowed to wreak ven- bing. He passed between the themselves. "There might be a Is to ees Jleabcn beeo^ia the cf- | silent spirits fearlessly and went refugsss as American business geance on the rabbi and his enJewish baker -who could bake flcial chess c h a s j i s a c£ tlie f tire community. By smooth talk- up to the ark. And there, be- such bread for us, and my father representatives ia Latin Acseries, w crld... ing he was ablo to incense the tween twoscrollsi was a flask of could buy it, too," said Robert. on ths theory that they trill prove ^ to be the most reliable fighters bishop against the Jews, ana to- bloodl . . : . . • . : . . : . ; . The aged seer did not lose himWhen the supper was over. Un- against tlie Nazi peaeratiea Into gether they plotted • to strike a telling blow upon -, the Innocent self. He. removed the blood and cle Dave and Leah delighted the those lands . . . The research diin its place put a flask of wine children with the -singing, con- rector of the newly forraed—and and unsuspecting people. for "Kidusb." .. cluding with Ose sholosa' bisnro- most impressive — Provisloaal Passover eve—r-the eve of light. used mov, in which the whole family Council against Anti-Seaitisa, cf Instantly the multitude of spirPassover Eve vanished, and the scrolls of joined, even down to the young which Seaator Barbour is t t a The sun had set. The gates its chainaan, is nc-se ciaer t£aa man who was to marry Leah. Law became silent. By Bad _ Freed of the ghetto had been locked, theRabbi Levy returned . to his Before-the children Trent back James Waterman WisaTV. is" it for in these days Jews were not home and to the worried guests. to Catun, they had the pleasure true that steel magnate H. H. permitted to leave their squalid CENSORSHIP a : word did he tell them of of another such Friday evening Robinson io ready to contribute • streets after d a r i . The great Not Best nstrs c t t cf this totrn !aj|* $500,000 for th& bringias cf his adventures."'. In happy strains with "their Uncle and Aunt. This Bynagogue, however, was full of continued to recount tales of time Uncle Dave explained t h e refugees froa Germany to this many atoyie ths Eiosr that po- \ | \ light and joy. Thousands of can- he Passover until early morning . . . meaning of the Kiddush to. his country? . . . Kurt Weill, one of lltlcal csnsorsh'p long fmposea j \[ dles lit up the holy house, and Morning; little guests, and that made i t Hitler's victims, who is accumu- on Hollywood products •vrtll be j I"; thousands of eyes shone with lating successes as a compeser in Elackcnsd. While no ens espests \\ still more interesting. Morning dawned. The spring happiness. • this country, still is one of tha that Hays effica to boldly bowl fj Home sun sent holiday greetings to the The festival had come; the fesover t h s bsnisrs aad permit ca- I children of the ghetAbout a week later, when Rob- best-sellers in German nude reigned cavorting in ths pastures ! tival of liberty and light; the fes- imprisoned to, celebrating their feast of free- ert and Ruby and Isabel had re- stores in the U. S. His Ger- cf political, iconoEJc tival- of sweet memories - and doml ~ and- .other . I. Crowds streamed to theturned to Catun, their mother man music theets are exported sweeter hopes. synagogue for the morning ser- found them" one afternoon In a from Nasiland to swell Hitler's controversial tM&&: still the f Thousands of voices burst into vices. . . nook in the garden behind the treasury . But don't buy any artists &re hsppy for a triGe isore one grand .song,-*- a, wonderful freeSoni, if enly t» eshala Ssch of them . For, as you Now the house was filled. The honeysuckle vine. They were song" of freedom i t was, issuing coadlticna &s the Italian national!- j expect, Weill doesn't get any rcyold rabbi was standing in his playing a new game. An old soap from, the exiles, of Judaea and assation crder on dist-IbEtion cfjli place of honor beside the ark and The box served as a table. alties on these eales cending to the power that had. comment.on Lindbergh's in- pictures which has caused "with-j I; the prayera were begun. brought them out of Egypt. Two little tin candlesticks, best tention to live in Germany tras dratral cf all American products j p. Suddenly a great commotion All the houses of the ghetto arose in the synagogue. A de-'which Robert had bought in the made by tie • Wolcott Gibbs, is-ho In that Eitlo tare •were full of joy, and the windows tachment village store, stood on the box. of soldiers had swooped A bit of rolled, white paper was wrote: "If he •waats to experi- producers to their sparkled with light. The prayers down upon the house and sur- stuck in each, a little scrap of ment .further •with the artificial Str&SsMJacksifcs t r u t h a n d , were ended. Groups after groups heart, his sarrou&dings ia KasS- thacsfet to ezzizZs. the frienflsh!?; I it on all sides. At the white flowed homeward to arrange the rounded material from the doll's land should ba ideal.".. . oi foreigu-ESticns hss beea.EES-i[ ! of these "Guests," a great trunk serving "Seder" and tell tales of the de- sight as a centerpiece for less.- CczsecEentlx Metro Is £3- [ fear seized all the people, and an the candlesticks. liverance out of Egypt. A pleas- awful THIS A3»B THAT reigned in all parts ia profit: ctica irtth "idiot's j tant.. tumult Silled the • street. of thesilence Before Robert stood two more "Frightened Stiff"is the caproom. The rabbi alone such pieces of material, between tion Life magazine chose fcr a BElight," hsld fcasS: come t t a s csif; Angels of peace • seemed to float stodd calmly In his place and con- which two wooden blocks had picture s&owisg Goerios's baby Italy's objections. Sslsniek-Intsr- j i : \ through the ghetto air. The chil- tinued to sing his hymn. dren ran hither and thither been placed. A tiny book, mafle daughter, flanked by her fether national, In the fsee cf complaints- f | ! "Silence, old fool!" crie^ the of several .small sheets of paper and laughing. Soon they would be Adolf . . . Well, -who wonlda't froa Cunarfi-Wkits Star l i s s s — \iA: Bitting- a t the table asking the bishop, coming up the aisle. sewed together, and" a cup from be? . . . Headricii Vaa Loos, Ia through British erabassj, is goinjx j ( ! £our questions, _ •while father "Praise of the Lord is in thy Ruby's doll dishes completed the his recently published "O=r Bat-ahcsS rrith plans fcr "Titsnic.".|!i •would tell those wonderful stor- mouth while thy hands and the outfit. tle," his answsr to Hitler, implies (Strangely enough, Kichard acrelSst, is ies, that they had already heard hands of thy community are When their mother approachthat Jew-gobbler Goefefcels o u s t er, E B from their, teachers. But could stained with blood! Ye have es- ed, Robert and Ruby and Isabel be partly Jewish hisself . . . script, and Alfred Hitchcock, i! they- ever grow tired of hearing caped us too often, ye drinkers had ju^t finished passing the cup When a youngster, he reports, TzrMm Erftisl director, t s ^ e of our blood! Now we have in.great glee, and . Robert was Goebbels vfSM nlckESJtiesi "til© beea ai them again and. ar-ain? to story"), metro l s | caught; you"' red-handed!" Tiie Seder about to sing a song. rabbi" by his schoolmates,-en ac- considering " I t Can't Happen | Before the Ark Wot a Gssse count of his .Jewish appearance Here" tJaossh £0 <£efiaKs plans j Habbl Levy's house was directspeaking, he stepped up "What new game is this, lay . . . Stefan Zweig's "Jerexiiah,'* have "been Ers.de for Sinclair j ly opposite tile synagogue. As he to Thus the ark with the treacherous ESTCI and play. 'Kc-w, after j entered the house, accompanied priest following behind. The dears?" asked tfaa mother. "Kid- •which shows up Hitler better tbsa. *by the guests he had invited, a priest, with insolent assurance, dush, mother, Kiddush," cried any more recently trrittea play, talking for 10 j-ssrs, pictures c s ? j ng, -re tope! hoy ran to meet him. I t was opened the ark and taking out Ruby, giggling. Then Isabel gig- i l he produced by the Tfecater cay p } gled, too: Robert was more seri- Guild this season . . . IIsclies l i t l l Emanuel, his youngest child, who the bottle, handed i t to the T S S A 2 1 G H CONTINUES—laj^ ous. Indeed, for the moment he the Guild has offered oae of Its had waited with breathless expec- bishop. ol ell elss: triafl, rs,in, ds-ri j tation for the ' beginning of the "And what sayest thou now, felt a little queer a t being caught houses to the Habiraa for their of night, calamities untold: tho In the act of playing Kiddush. "Seder." Of all the holidays of York presentation . . . search goes on. Georga Czfccr! fool?" cried the bishop to "It's no sin to play Kiddush, is it, New the year, Passover was dearest to bloody We're curious about this Asglo- still hscnts tho trial ci the ] { the rabbi. "Whose hands have mother? " I suppose not, my him., Jewish pictorial xsagaiin© tbst ubiquitous &nfl e-psne&cent Scar-j! dear," said the mother uncertain- has been advertising for adver- lett C K a r s ; Bonben Kanoul'tn; \ The-^'Seder" was begun. The shed this blood?" " W h a t say I now?" answered ly. "Well, you see, if papa would table was set and the wine cups We confess still hunts the evasive "Golden > i the seer calmly. "Listen to what have Kiddush like Uncle Dave tising solicitors distributed. The one of the we don't knoir o f f any cuch mag- Bey." To fets all Ic TSIE. T t 3 J! I say unto thee. Thou liest, has every Friday night, we would- azine Prophet Elijah stood alone, as if "The Etersal Road," boys might first lisa ths yourg, 1 * r « . « r ^ < JP-VP-S*** ?-T?? bishop! That traitor lleth, also! n't have to play It." preoccupied in thought. Emailthe Relnhardt-Weisgsl esirava- Isfiy Trho lest her fellow basket.'! Not only human blood, but even Bel, radiant -with joy, asked: gansa, trill be revived duriss the Tha three c£ the= •wsuld sn&kc j j "Don't you want to see us play "Wherein doth this night differ the blood of animals Is obnox- it, mother?" interrupted Ruby, World's Fair If and -when. . . . ths fosn'Jstioa c£ a misaty fire; ious to us. Not a flask of blood jumping and dancing excitedly. Ti^HAT'S IN A KASJE? Jrom all other nights?" posse. ' j\ "And the others, leaning back but a flask of -wine is In thy"Go on, Robert. Ton see, mother, Suppose you were mnntas •& Al Jolson n a y return1 to ploif 1 hand! Taste and see!" yeplied In a happy chorus: Robert is Uncle Dave, I am Aunt benefit show and some one of- tures. Hefess^cUatlES vritij The bishop and some of his fol- Rifke, and Isabel is Leah. We "Slaves were we'to Pharoh of you the following asf en- 20th Centcry-Fox for a cue-pis-1 lowers tasted of the fla3k and will be finished in a minute. Go fered Egypt . . . " .tertainers—would you.take em? ture deal. H they get faces grew ashen grey. A on, Robert, sing!" They read the "Hagada" with their . . . "We refer to: 1—-Nat Esra« of joy filled the synagogue. deep feeling. The boy then asked shout • afpsar ia.*T.o£3 Robert forgot the tune, stein; 2—Benjamin Ancclcirtts; Jclsss a few minutes the bishop and andBut his lather; for stories about the In 3—John Pearlman; 4—lead ore so did his sisters, so the game priests left the place shame- of Kiddush was broken up before Lahrheim; 5—William" Lefko- stood to be -rrltfcn c.rru":2 • children of the Jews who lived his In Egypt. And the rabbi told of faced . . . (01am Katan). trita; G—Jacob Stavlnsky; 7— life oJ Fanny Brice. Picture it really came to an end. By J. SHALOM. how the mothers, in order to save Shepard Feldman; S—Leopold be & cssiel-to "AIc£=3«.sr'c • . ' KicJfiusb their boys from being drowned "The children are wild over Friedman; 3—Sidney Gariantel; Cnc-crl-^r—iTTT e r s inrn'szi—v toy Pharoh'B soldiers, hid them in the Kiddush, Frank," said the 10—Sonia Abuzar II—Asa Toei- ine- Bsrlia tzz.zz rot r r t i the woods, where they -were wife that evening, when the chil- son; 12—Israel Ealine; IS—Karnursed by angels; and how these ry Rosenberg; and, 14—Hiltoa dren had been put to bed. children grew n i to be the lovers "Over what, did you say, my Berlinger . . . We can just sea STAE3 ; SB the grroEpa ^rhloS; hsve! of freedom whom Moses loved you turning up your nosa a t itttx dear?" asked Frank.. t e s t . . . So they spent the night. "Over the Klddush. I think . . . Well, yoa'd better tern u$ doss trsch. fine work ia ccis&st- j JThe joyous feasters finished their Aunt "Rifke and TJncle - Dave that's the way it is pronounced. your thumbs .instead, becsnss meal, said grace, and drank their were very much -melted., Frank's You know the Friday evening ser- they're really old feieads c* yo^rs spe&Isl -WCT& of rriics Is das1 tisi fourth, cup. children were coming a i last. - vice. The children saw it a t Un- . . . . Bat yea knew t h e a s.s; I — . ' ' ';. • -v '.-Weeping • .-• •. "I declare," said Aunt Rifke, cle Dave's'when they were there. Georgs Burns; 2—Bsn Bemte; S SuSdenly a wail cams to t M "I can't wait till I'see those chil- Today they were playing i t In the —Jack Pearl, 4—Bert JLahr; " a t cz'r ?„ „ , , • „ ; _ , . f.Vs, ; WiJUa Howard; " 6—Jaagncs . ears of the rabbi, a sound of bit- dren. Now we shall see those yard." • • ". ' ter weeping. Ho looked about wonderful boys and girls with the "Ob, yes, the Kiadush. Why nard; 1 7—Shep - Fields; £—-Ted him and grey pale. The gnesta wonderful complexions. E v e r certainly! I t ' s nearly twenty LeTrfs; §~—SM Gary; 10—Sophia t e p t o a drinking, their cups un- since their mother wrote me howyears, I guess, since I've helped Tucker; 11—Al Jolsos; is—Irvr !«*-«l~»M moved. They had heard nothing. light they all were, I've been to make Kiddush—not since I isg Berlin; 13—Arthur (Street Ths Eonhd of. weeping grew crazy to set eyes on them." left home to take up mining over Sinser) . Tra^j; 14—J'lttoa E^Vls . . . All e!.T»-hIch reaiads v.% that louder and louder, and more and "We ought to have a lot of there in West Virginia." more pitiful. Where did the pleasure with them, Rlfke Ieben," "Conlda't we have Kiddcsh, the full name of radio aunosacer Tolce come from? Who could bs said Uncle Dave quietly. too, Frank?" said the mother. " I Anfirs Baruch is Asdrs Bernard frosi t i s e to tirce. S'JCS l i GO bitterly? "We would, bave, maybe, if i tthink 1*0 oagM to, not only t a r Jea.a Jaciizea Bo-asssss QzizMozs
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Page 8 jJioir will chant tbe service. At the Junior Congregation .ervice tomorrow morning, Bur1 ton Lipshutz will read the law and Harry Weinstein will act as :antor. ".
UISS ANNA F i l l ;
Society News
To Be Guest Speaker at Luncheon Monday at Center ' Miss Dora Tannenbaum, field worker for the1 National Council of Jewish Women, will be the guest speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Sioux City chapter Monday noon, December 12. The luncheon wilL be held in the Jewish Community Center at 12:30 o'clock.'Mrs. -E.-N. •Grueskin, president of the chapter, will preside. ; < > . . ,, , , . Miss Tannenbaum has had a long professional career in social work since her graduation from
Miss Dorothy Kurtz, daughte. t Daniel Kurtz, 810 Tenth reet, and Max Cherpakov, soil .f Mrs. Dinah Cherpakov, 200h eneva street, wert united in tlon will-be offered by Mrs. Abe oarriage' Sunday afternoon in ihe Davidson. • home of Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov. A skit' will be presented by Following the ceremony, a remembers of the Jewish Art 1 v sception was given in the Cherpa-. ter under • the direction of Miss kov home.~:Mr.~. Cherpakov and Bernice Galinsky. The cast will his bride will reside at 810 Tenth tnclade Mrs. M. Weisberg,. Vel- street. ~ ma Beechen, Lililan Rivin, Harriet Rosenblum, .lachel Ginsberg Mr. and.Mrs. Barney Baron and and Goldie Lehman, daughter Miss Dena Baron will -pend the week-end in Chicago, Where they will attend he wedding on Sunday evening of Mr. Baron's niece, who is a daughter of the late Joe Baron.
on tne proceeds of the Brawl." Nest week will be the ' new election of officers. A meeting jf the local B'nai B'rith will be held at the -.agle? hall Monday evening, Deeetn ber 12. Due to illness, Nate Giilns was unable to make his report o-he General Committee meet leld recently m Chicago; so I /ill do so at the Monday meetin . The drive for foreign reli unds is drawing to a close, a> • Inanclal and ither 'reports wil also be given by Chairmen JuHi. Hosenfeld and Nate Nogg. Several of the local members of B'nai B'rith will attend the banquet Sunday evening at the Paxton hotel in honor of Henry Monsky. The Agudus Achim Lodg will meet next on Tuesday evening, December-15.
The Cultural Group of Hadassah will hold a meeting Monday evening, December 12, at the home, of Mrs. Nathan Nogg. Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. RabinoThe leader for this meeting will witz returned home this week be Mrs. Saul Suvalsky. from New York City, where they attended • the wedding of their The guests attended a dinner party Tuesday at the home oj .Mr. The next open meeting of the niece. 3'nai B'rith lodge will be held Wednesday night, December 14; Miss Ruth Orlikoff left Satur- 'Tabfe decorations were carried in the JewisTi Community Center, day for Minneapolis, where she is out in silver and blue. The evening was spent at when Frank Miles of Des Molnes spending the .week with her sis? Bingo.. . . will speak. ' -* ter, Miss Lillian Orlikoff. Mr. Miles is editor of the LeMarilyn Saltzmaa entertained gionnaire magazine and -affiliated at a ^party recently in honor of with the American Legion. He Miss Beverly Steinberg of Omaha, will speak on "Un-American Acwho was a week-enf guest at her tivities in Iowa." Dr Lewis Dimshome. While here Beverly also dale, chairman of the B'nai B'rith visited at the home of her uncle forum, will introduce the speaker. Borothe Saltzmra and aunt, Mr., and Mrs. Max The meeting Wednesday, as Steinberg. usual, will be open to the pubThe next regular meeting of He. This is one of tho series » lecturers sponsored by the B'nai the Senior Hadassah will be held Among the members of the B'rith, which is bringing nation- at 2:15 p. m. Wednesday, De- cast of the production,' "A Kind cember 14,at the Chieftain hotel. ally known speakers to Sioux all-school play presented City. Pierre Van Paasen spoke at - . In celebration of Chanukah, a Lady," December 1 and 2 in the Thomas the last meeting which was atmother and daughter skit will be Jefferson HigL School Auditoritended by a capacity audience. presented by Mrs. Clyde Krasne um, were Lucille Abrahamson, and her daughter, Jackie Lou. CONDUCTS FUNERAL JOS. B. FRADENBURG— M r s . H . Chernis3 will lead the ALFRED A. FIDLER AT SIOUX FALLS educational program. &Z0 City National Bank Bulling Program chairman of t h e Omaha, Nebraska Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov offici- month Is Mrs. A. Bear. MISS DORA TANNEXBAUSI NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ated at the funeral of Max Mar• "SKUPA GROCERY, INC." Know all men by these presents: Field Worker, National Council golis in Sioux Falls, S. D., last The Council Bluffs Talmud that the undersigned have formed a of Jewish- Women Friday. corporation under the laws of the Margolls, who was 82 at Torah'held their regular meeting state of Nebraska. The name of this Coulmbia University. She has theMr. Monday evening, December 5, at corporation shall bo ."SIcupa Grocery, time of. his death, had lived been associated with such out- in Sioux Inc." with its principal place of busithe Synagogue. Falls for 50 years. He ness at Omaha, Doug'las County, Nestanding Jewish organizations as is survived by five sons and three ' Further plans for. the dance braska. The eenerxT. nature of the the; H e b r e w Sheltering - and daughters. andV caniyal • to be held January business to be transacted and the obGuardian Society of New York, '22/at Eagles ballroom were dis- ject and purpose for which this corporation is organized and established the Irene Kaufman Settlement ol cussed. Freddie Ebener's orches- shall be to buy. sell, own and operate Pittsburgh, the Jewish Communitra will furnish the music. After a wholesale and retail grocery and ty Center at Jersey City, and the the regular business .meeting, meat business, and to buy and sell, Jewish Social Service Bureau of or hold or make any disposition what Cantor Aaron Edgar of Omaha soever of real estate and real estate Chicago. led m e community einglag. and chattel mortgages, and to buy, Her Jewish background inThe Tiphereth Israel congregaThe speaker of the evening was sell, convey, lease' or own real estate. cludes a 'four yearg,'"residence in tion gave a farewell party for Mr. Arthur Raport, euperintend- The authorized capital stock shall be Palestine. She: has also, traveled Rabbi and Mrs. J. D. Maron, who ihfc of the Omaha Talmud £Eorah, $10,006, and all of Said stock shall be widely through Europe, the Near departed recently for Los An> Whb tnadd a short speech on Tal- common and of the par • value of 1 East and South American coun- geles, where they will make 'heir mud Tdrah affairs. He stressed .$100.00 per share. One half o£ said shall be fully paid up. Said tries, where she has studied con- home. They lived in Sioux City the fact that in addition to regu- stock stock may be Issued for cash, real ditions of the Jewish population. for the past 30 years. lar Sunday School work, children estate, personal property of any kind Miss Tannenbaum joined the staff Mr. M. Lazriowich was toast- should. attend -Talmud Torah or merchandise- and fixtures. Tie corporation shall commence doing of .the National Council of Jew- master and" brief talks were given classes for, Hebrew Culture. business upon the filingr of its articles ish' Women as its field worker in. by Rabbi S. Bolotnikov, Rabbi H. with the County Clerk of Dougrlas the summer of 1937. Her work R. Rablnowitz, Mr. Coppersteln, County, Nebraska, and shall continue Eugene -Telpner, chairman of for a period of ninety-nine years from ia taking her through the United J. London, S. Lipman, J. GordatS. The- highest amount of InStates making field studies and chow, H. Lazriowich, H. Levin, the "Bum's Brawl," hardtimes said debtedness shall not exceed two-thirds appearances before Council sec- M. Albert :.nd Max Lasensky. dinner-dance given by the Coun- of Its paid-up capital stock. tions. She wil: be introduced by Cantor A. PliBkin was heard in a cil Bluffs chapter of A. Z. A. Sun- The Affairs of tils corporation day evening at the Eagles '.all, shall be managed by a 'Board of DIMi-a. Earl Kline, chairman of the group of songs. itors of not less than three memreports that the affair was a big rbers. membership committee. In charge of arrangements success. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the flnst The program Monday will.In- were Mrs. M. Xazriowich, Mrs. J. Monday In November of eaca year, at After an iniormal meal was clude the lighting of the Chanu- Zeligson, Mrs. Fay Gelfand, Kr. gg meeting the stockholders shali served, a clever and original which k d h M. Reznlck and Mr. M. Labrioa Board of Directors and theremendrah, and the Chanukah series of skits was presented by elect upon the Board shall elect a Presi. prayer will be offered by Mrs. S. wich. /leptis Rosenthal and Telpner dent, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Maron were pre- and. Advisor Ernest Ross. Irving Any two Bolotnikov. The candles will be of said offices may b© held lighted by Mrs. T. N. Lewis, Mrs. sented with a gift and responded Kalman • of Omaha assisted with by one and the same" person. These articles may be amended at any regH R. Rabinowjtz, Mrs. W. C. to the addresses given. the evening's entertainment. ular or special meeting: of the stockSlotsky, president of Hadasholders by a two-thirds vote of the Representatives of both Omaha sah ; '.Mrs.' Meyer Shubb,. presistock. SENIOR HADASSAH A. • Z. A. chapters were present. outstanding In witness whereof, the parties have dent :of • the Ladies Auxiliary; hereunto subscribed their names this Mrs. E. N. Grueskin.; president of At a board meeting of the Sen8th day of November, 193S. • ths.Cpuncil; Dr. Delia Galinsky, A regular meeting of A. Z. A. ANNA M.SKTJPA. ior Hadassan, held Tuesday in MARION F. SKUPA. presldent : o£ the- Sisterhood, and the home of the president, Mrs. No. 7 was held Monday evening, "WILLIAM-J. SKUPA. 'Miss .\Tannenbanm. ;•.•-.- The- iavoca- W. C. Slotsky, plans were dis- December .5, a t the home of VerIn the •presence of: nbn Fitch. Reports were given cussed tor - the Oneg Shabbos to 12-9-SS-4t W. J. WILSON be held December 24. The next regular meeting of the chapter is echedueld for December 2 T. This will be in tho form of a children's party with WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS proceeds going to the Child- Wel° Sckrafft't» Chocolates ° Moriel, Coesta y fare fund. Plans were also diso Canada Dry Ginger Ala and Harvester Cssoro , '•> Six- young women -have ; been cussed for raising the Youth Ali° F&l3tnff Bee? named to act as hostesses during yoth quota and Mrs. S. M. Ballin the A.' Z.' A. -egional Corn^Belt wa's named chairman of the do315 So. 13UJ Street AT 4292 cbnveiition.-which'wiirbe held in nations from various club3 to this •'•'.•. Sioux City- December 2 5 , 2 6 and project. The local chapter is being in27. They are Frances Maroi, ^ ^ . Blossom Kalin, Frances Dncoffe,, scribed in the President's Golden \c| Hannah ' Holdowsky.' Ida* Shin- Book, for J. N. F . The board also ' ", dler :ana.Clara,-Dvorkln* -j started pla'na for its annual -,/<J *~ The hostesses have .been'calling Purim affair. ;,1 the Jewish homes here to make * Sousing arrangements'; for/the A.JUNIOR HADASSAH - 'j Z. A. members " from away ' who > i -'will .atend. the. convention. Most • - Plans for the' annual mid-win,,/i of the families contacted have ter Junior Hadassah dance were :| agreed to house one or two vis- discussed at a. meeting of the J Itors, and any home that can ac- Board, held Wednesday evening -1'-% co'rmoflate.dne or more .A. "Z. A. In the home of Miss Rose Spermember during the convention ling. ' Miss Margaret Shulkin is Is asked to get in touch; with one chairman of the dance, which is of,the hostesses.or the chairmen. scheduled for December 25 in the Sidney BaumBteln a n d ' Jack ballroom of the Bellevue apartBerlin are co-chairmen of the ments. .-.-.• convention and a large commitDRINK AKD BATHS IK TH£ CUBATiVE MINERAL WATERS The December m e e t i n g " ! the tee is assisting them in the archapter will be'held in the Jewowntd csd tspt»ii«d. by tlt< UftiteJ Suits Ge»e*ab«al rangements. . : .. Isl» Community. .Center n e x t Debaters' and orators to repre- Thursday evening, when a Chanuwi » jrend vtutisn exsjfted full elfcethStend sent. the loca.1 chapter have not kah party will be a feature of the «a<rcii? frora year ftveriis sport iil Crisp, eleer no-jritjin $ityet been selected but those; who evening. • Miss Rosena Sacks and !! Cl tcnr.U, fitJj, fisfi, hik« er |«ii4 rtU> tni test Het ..xpect to participate are employ- her committee have planned a ! P elftrj c zti'.i, hss!i!iM «!iseit «it!i trtry tpoiX ing all possible efforts to = make a Chanukah program. and arrangewinning tenm. The committee in ments for games and refreshchorge of the basketball team rn- ments are in the hands of Miss por-to It J3 progressing rapidly/and Ruth Grueskin. cs tst tittten {» HeJ Will offer stiff competition. tnd litutUd in tb* iurjricas <]iiict
17th Street; &re beHeved to have been T a x 1--O1:E ilii end £4 and "the South in Nev York long before 1664 i l ft. .of Tax Lot SC. r.nd the South East 30.75 ft. cf Tftx I-iQt 26, p.II in v.-feen the cosnmunlty was eatabLosiiseviHe, Ky., (WNS}—The Section iDH), Tcv/Tsship Sisbeo. Americsi. Legion is "opposed to Fifteen Twenty-two iloi. Range ThiriBen CIS(Continued from Page 1) &ny raovs which will make Amer- East, in Uoispias Count!", Kebrenka. eth .hats' with a.gaiia that bath ica an asylum far refugees," ac- as surveyed, plattefi find recorded, sr.fi MONSKV. CiRijDiNRKV, .V1AREB A ' known as'63 4-61.6-CIS-620 Soctb !Q£h cording to a statement by Stephen Street. he outward sexablabce of love.' • "Woe aato -him • who la the F. Chsdwick-of Seattle, national That said petitioner tes BTI Inter* WOilCfe Of" DiSROUUTION arkneES • of the world fioth with .vmnsander of the Legioa. est in said real estate betnc the suriS K.b,HKB5i' JIVEN that viving spouse of EEiid deceased: ~ei<5 e,.tKOTSvE I- hi3 x&outb blow out the - last "Vv'hile the Legion ET^Pa petitioner e &mv conmUuted meeting et prays that a besTing be. hafi E$ort;hi>irterr o? JOV. 6,. WOUF, neia ht. iliisea with these oppressed peo» en said petition, that notice thereof CE ilw? Sst <tar November, 1938, it 'Woe unto him who doeth these pie," the commander said, "it is be tiven as required by JEW, p,nri thr.t was unanlmoualj'oiagre«d that the fcores.!d hearing 8. decree of tieirngs in my name." opposed to admitting immigrant upon Ehip be entered and further adminisThis is tfce judgment of Jesus & this time because of our eco- tration of saiii estate be dispensec DAViu P. FBr)B!i. rt-esldent GOL.CTE FEDER. Secretary • it must stand in the hearts of lomic situation and the fact that vs-ith. 51-1S 3g-4t tl men who know His • lovlng- many aliens already ' here have You are therefore notifies thec s,, hearing will be had on said petition | cindness, His compassion and His rot been assimilated." BEBER, KLUTZNICK A Et the County Court Room of pjiic { justice. . KELLEV, Countv. vn the "4th Hay o? December, ECC Union State Bank Blcfg, Copyright 193S By-Seven Arts 193S. at 9 o'clock A. M.. and that if Major Alfred Mordecai was ia .you fall to eppear ft saifi time &nc Feature Syndicate.) 1S4J) sent by the United States p!are snd rtmtest the RB1<3 pe'ition, Notice is hereby given that on the government to Europe to study the Court maj" grent the same, enter lith day of November. 1938, a t ft spea decree of heirshrp, PAI& clecvee th?.t ' c!&1 n^eiing o! the «tockh»lder» ol European arsenals and cannonITALIANS AGAINST further aaminis^ration c* faid estate j Ma:;?on-MI«fhell. Inc.. which TO MM b« tiispenseti vith. ; B.!; Omaha, Nebraska. Article IV of OUTRAGES—CARDINAL foundries. BRTCE CRAWFORD. the Articles of Incorporation of MlM New York City (WNS) Re12-S-38—Ct Courir Judpe. comnar.y was (July amended to read WEBB, BEEER, KLUTZNICK & turning from Ronie, George CarRr, fol'.OWS: KELLEY, Attorney* dinal Mandslein. Archbishop of IV MONSKY, GSODiNEKV, MAKER Chicago, said that the average In the County Court of Douglas Capital Stock and CO KEN, Attys. person la Italy was sympathetic I'ounty. Nebraska. 737 Omaha Net'l Bank Eltig.. " The authorized capital stock of OM In the Matter of the .Estate of Ida corporation shall b« One HanArad with President Roosevelt's criti- May Hardy, Deceased. PROBATE NOTICE Thousand (SHOO.000.00) Dollars, to tw cism, of anti-Semitism " r GerTo the heirs-at-law. creditors, and fn the Matter of the Estate of Mor- dividefi into one thousand iM00) a!! other persons interested in said ris Markovitz also known as M. Iilar- shares o? the par value of One Hunkovitz. Deceased. dred Si'lQO.Ou) Dollars each, all of Mundelein once called Adolf estate: . You are hereby notified that a petiNotice Is Hereby Given: Thru the which stock shall be common, and Hitler "a paper hanger and a poor tion filed in this Court on the 20th creditors of the said deceased will shall be fully paid up and non assessone at that." . .Cay of November. 1SSS, by Arthur W. meet the executors of ssid estate, be- able ^hen issued. Stock shall be IsHardy alleging that Ida May Hardy fore me, .County Judg-e oC Doup!a.F suer] only upon the vote of a majoridied on the 3rd <3ay of March. 1K4, Cojinty. • Nebraska, at the County ty of the stockhodere. Robert Passer and: Yale Gots- Intestate; that a t the time of her Court Room, in saifl County, on the Dp.tect p.t Omaha. Nebraska, this death she was a resident of the State "1st day of January, I'iSD, end on the 11th. dr.y of November, 1938. diner. of Illinois and that she was possessed 31st day of March. 1039. at 8 o'clock MAXSON-MITCHELL. INC. of the. following described real estate, A. M. each day, for the purpose of E r OUON R. inTCHELL, situated in Doug-las Count;', Nebraska. presenting- their claim;? for examinaPresident Mrs. Keary ladaff of Aaita, to-wit: tion, atijustment and allowance. Three F. E. RXAXSON. *.., retur^.e(i , to her home SunSouth 6 ft of West S7.G ft. of Lot E months are aliev-ed for the creditors • u *>-. . S«erttary. West S7.6 ft. of Lot 6, in Block 6, | to present their ctelmB, from the Stst day, after visiting for the past End In tl"s Presence of: Kounsze and Ruth's Addition to the day of December. 30.18. two weeks with her parents, Ur. Cty PEI1.IP M. KLUTZN1OK. of Omaha, as surveyed. platt»a i BRTCE CRAWFORD, and Mrs. H. Saltziaan. Attest; and recorded, and known as 621-623 i 12-P-3S—St. County Judge.
on to
Synagogue Party Honors Marons
William, Nathanson, author Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis- will . D r . commentator, will speak speak this evening at Mount and evening, December 13, at Sinai Temple on "A Good Jew " Tuesday Jewish Community Center, Tho service begins' ut 8 o'clock. the under the auspices.of the NationTomorrow noon Rabbi Lewi" al Alliance. *Hi3 subject •will speak at the meeting of the willWorkers be "The Present and Future International' Relations Clab cm of••Humanity;"- -The meeting 13 "A Solution to tb"e' Refugee Prob- open to the public. lem." ; - •'•: Sunday Rabbi Lewis will speak a t Orange City, and Monday he SHAARE ZION '.•:••.• • r S Y N A G O G U E ^7ill speak at Lakoview, la. The Art Appreciation group of tho Temple Sisterhood will meet Rabbi H. R. Rablnowits will Friday, December 23; In the Art: deliver the sermon at Shaare Zion Center, where Mr." Roy'Langley synagogue this evening. Cantor vilMead the discussion. {Morris Okun and the synagogue
$1 i!j evil ptivcls pi;U. i!) • Goycmatnt tupsnrissd bs'.S dsuts. SCO c5m?!c!«V metjetn' e&4 r;!y !*w ft'.sj frcn *2.!0»!?;!«,
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