December 16, 1938

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Interests off the A BE3? • I l a v e Just thrown away a column I had written f or this week. It was a very angry column. It was abont the Dresden (Germany) ' children's choir "which Entered as Second Class llall Matter on January SI. 1S21. at sang in our town recently. Their • OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1G, 1933 Postufflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March S, 1873 first number was a hymn to Jehovah . and the Jews by Johann Sebastian Bach .who (in this hymn. Bet the 149th psalm to music. "Israel, rejoice in thy CreaThe first meeting of the regtor." the German children sang. istrants for l i e Jewish ComVSing a new song to Jehovah. munity . Center orchestra will "Children of Zion, rejoice in be. announced shortly. your King." Mr. Al Fiakel, well-i Jlore than 6C0 men r.c 'This -was -Insult of hypocrisy on Mrs. Abraham Shapiro, nation-. musician, will direct this ac- paid tribute to Henry Mossty f.rr top of all the injury. I wrote a al president of the "Women's Miztivity. the Kenry JJonsky class at 11 r column of anger about this, but The largest fund-raising event Anyone interested in enroll- B'nai B'rith "banquet given at tb? of the Beth-El auxiliary, the an- rachi organization of America, It has gone in-my-waste-basket. ing is requested to communiPast on hotel SunfiEv, Decerr-! No, I said, this won't do at all nual BJgadoo, will take place will be the'guest speaker at the cate with the Jewish Commun- ber 11. Sunday, December 18, at the Cen^—-this, behaving Iflce a savage, luncheon which the local group ity Center, JA 1SG6. "Henry lionsky toes not t>c goebbellng like a- Goebbels. I tral club beginning in the after- will give at the Jewish Communoon and continuing all evening. long only to Omaha, he belonj.liad better take up the question to the world. Ke is a rnilitar" The entertainment has been nity Center "Wednesday, DecemMr. Arbuthnot (though his name ber.21, at 1 o'clock. Jew, a fine American citizen, r Is really not Arbuthnot) asked planned as a gala carnival affair prince in Israel," states Sidaewith features to appeal to young me on the street. Mrs. Shapiro is a well-known i l k G. Kusworn: of Dayton. Ohir, Mr. Arbuthnot asked me: "What and old. A buffet supper will be speaker and has been active in principal speaker at the dinner. floes a Jew think about these served from 6 until S o'clock. the work of the organization for i i \ Highlights of the affair were days? Mr. Arbuthnot knows how Mrs. J . Stein and her committee many years. She has recently rethe impressive initiation cereBad and angry a Jew leels, but have secured the best cooks and turned from a tour of Palestine monies conducted by the degree sadness and anger are only emo- will have an assortment of kosher and Europe and Is able to give team, and at which Hubert Konstional outgivings (like the col- foods including "gefilte fish," first-hand information on events • Lasts' L»i i*«i t ky, son of Henry Slonsky, repretxmn -which I just threw away). "blintzes," "gehakte herring" and across the sea. other delicacies. sented the £94 new member's; tl p1 What does a Jew really think? JTow on TOOT sccornpaninieEt of Cantor AarcA dance contest is one of the "Well, Mr. Arbuthnot, we haven't Baruca Zuctennan, member of Edgar and his choir, and the solor Mrs. Shapiro, who is now on a " h a d much time to think In the many features of the Rigadoo. the administrative committee of by Harry DuBoff accompanied by midst of all this sadness, or to Two prizes will be awarded the tour of the mid-west organizing the "World Jewish Congress, will Esther Leaf DuBoff. two best dances. Miss Shirley new chapters of the Women's - think clearly, on account of our Barish, speak here at a mass meeting at dance chairman, has been Mizrachi, will speak on the work tmger. It is pickness and death in assured of a large attendance .of ky' Responds the Jewish Community Center which the organization is doing l i e house: that is what it is like. the young people. Sir.- Monslty in his response to"".r Tuesday evening, December 20, at in Palestine. Those who have met But let's go and take a qttiet S:15 p. in. under auspices of the of the thrill it g-ar« him ic see h hundred radios will be giv- Mrs. Shapiro, among whom are place in the barroom, Mr. Arbuth- en One •acted into the order ir Jewish Congress. There will be ,no ."'•Irs. A. S'aipiro away. There will be a fish Mrs. E. "Weinberg of the local not . . . "What will you have? . . pond for the youngsters. admission ctarge. I which he t a d been active ic Kationsl President Women's group, report her to be a charmTesf two highballs . . ."Well,, you Mr. Znclcenaan has just re-1 many "years. "I am proud to b~ The ^committee in charge of aring and gracious woman as well ask me what do I think? tnrned from Europe for a limited I president cf B'cai B'rith, not beadopted the slogan, as a brilliant speaker. Oh. I am thinking of fifty rangements cause of any honors heaped upcr It— I. :—. - r~ During the past year and "Fun Galore for mother, dad and The luncheon will he on' t i e Katz is president o f the local astay. years from now. A Jew daren't all me but because it gives me tr-e half he has lived in Poland. A the children," and planned acthink of tomorrow, Mr. Arbuth- cordingly. The general public is Chanukah theme. Cantor A. chapter. Mrs. B. Handler is pro- representative of the Congress in opportunity for doing service ir ' T i n - o—r ; i^ 4 not. I -think of fifty years from invited to enjoy Chanukah with Schwaczkin will light the Chanu- gram chairman and Mrs. A. Poland Ms special task was to this crisis. To me haE fallen kah candles and will sing Pales- Schwaczkin general chairman. now.: A year is as an hour in the the Beth-El auxiliary. help Jews meet the prohlenis im- j blessing of rendering service to tinian songs. history of a Jew and in this I posed- on them by the intensified ^ people." E r e « " .' r.'f 'i *n"~ find my comfort. Everything will Warns anti-semitic legislation. Organizations Invited be all right again fifty years In his talk Kr. Kusworm spol e ' Mr. Zuckercnan is as a of conditions in Europe and the ' Members of other organizations from now, I say. I should like to dynamic speaker asd is well are invited to attend. Reservaefforts of B'nai B'rith in air"ir<: ' be walking Unter den Linden in versed in his tions may be made until Monthere. Ke . " " - r" . " ~subject. V- 1 His • visit . . N eJews w s there, h e also warned c' ci , r r r «*"•> ^ " " Berlin fifty years from now. I day, December 19, at 1 o'clock, by to Omaha is tte first since his t h e rising anti-Semitism inn tt.c • | -j shall walk safely Tinter der Lincalling the Community Center, return to the tinted -States. couttrv. -"Anti-Semitism is cor E -- ' ^ -"- - - - ' den, for things will be good again. The first mid-winter conclave All^other^organizations are Jn- i^A^'eTi^^aTo^, 'anTThe JA 1366, or Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, ". Yes, Mr. Arbuthnot. I shall apdance of the Temple Israel Col- vited to hear Mr. Zuckersian. Kis last to realize this is the Jew." AT 5534. proach a policeman. Members of the committee have lege Group will be held Wednes- message is an important one and What can the Jew do to fie' t "Please, sir. be so good as to this rising tide of hostility? J,;-. given much thought to the plan- day evening, December 28, in the everyone is urged to listen. direct me to Einstein-strasse." Cambridge, Mass. (JTA)—The ning of this affair, which will vestry rooms of the Temple. fi - • Kusworm gave the following £.£ He raises his cap politely. The The affair will be informal. A his answer: next bus will._ take me to Ein- Harvard University Corporation have 35 hostesses. Mrs. Aaron well-known Omaha orchestra w "Yes, voted 20 5500 scholarships for stein strasse, iie says 1. "There must be rewis?provide music. Refreshments will he was a great man, this Einstein, German refugees, with a proviso irnity. TTe uinst forget OUT <5iithat each be supplemented by be served. Tickets are $1 per one of the greatest of our Gerdifiereuces r.n.a -woirte tajretbe— couple and may be secured irora mans" . . . He tells me I mustn't §500 for living expenses raised by an undergraduate committee on any member of the group. The miss the Einstein planetarium S'nal B'riih is a <2esiocracs' ol ; »r.r -O-.- c C^^J.T. C •which stands on Einstein strasse. refugee students. Misses Ruth Friedman and ShirJews. " President James Bj Conant exAnd 1the house In which Einstein ley Barisa are In charge of ticket £.- "A rcr.lizsflon or concT;Over S00 of t t e younger set pressed satisfaction with catnlived is a national museum . . . sales. crovrcieci the Jewish Community tions. Tbere most be indJviOlcis' students . a t Harvard •"You will see his violin and his "Warren Ackenaan and Barney Center auditorium Sunday eve- as irell as collective effort to Bombay (WNS)—"It erer and other American institutions desk." " ' * the- sii-Eaiios. Ir>£'there could be a justifiable -war Jliller are co-chairmen of the af- ning, December 11, to attend of higher education to raise funds Miss Minda Friedman is in. their first fiance of the season— Oh, Mr. Arbuthnot, a Jew C 2 T^'''~ ">: r r ; - - r i - I T ' : r' take caTe of capable students in the name of humanity, a war fair. thinks in dreams and by dreams "to charge of publicity and refresh"The Ice Breafcer." The -dance against Germany—to prevent the •who are fleeing the terrors of a makes Ws travail endurable. Yes, dictatorship." .was sponsored tj the wanton persecution of a wDo ments. it Is very pleasant to think of. This dance will mark the first Table of JeTrisii Touth. race—would be completely justiEinstein . strasse in Berlin,. espethe College group has g i v s _fcr_ fi_dancs Sackville, N. B: ..(JTA) — A fied," said Mohandas K. Gandhi, time cially when yon know how Ilia writing i n his weekly newspaper. a\raid-winter affair. They have nished by Fr&nMyn Vincent End resolution "urging" tnst a limited tory delights In satiric Vensponsored several spring and Ms orchestra aud sn elaborate He called Germany's anti-Semigeances. • There will be an Ein- number of carefully selected Ger- tic campaign without parallel in summer conclave dances. floor show was part-of the dance man-Jewish students be invited to stein strasse In Berlin in the year program. The auditorium was history and suggested that the V»e E c t r*"*^"'!'; Go" r.»>C EL r \ .• 198S. I'll give you a bet on that, continue their studies at Mount victims try his own method of CHILDREN FIND HAVEN decorated with the theme cf the it. rcturii to £*- .n~: i-'a^ on r c I-c Allison University was adopted by Mr. Arbuthnot. "Ice Breaker." In charge of decpassive resistance. Metz, France, (WNS)—More merely Eosh • Hashois&h hnC L i.l £ e x • A one-Bided bet: T bet, Mr. Ar- a student mass meeting. "If I were a Jew." hs said, than S00 children have been re- orations were: Mrs. Jacfe E. The resolution, which has the lrathnot, that in 50 Tears Jews Cohen, Mrs. A. Venger and Mr. "and were born In Germany and moved from Germany and sent to •will be honored In Einstein approval of the University Presi- earned my livelihood there, I France and England, where new Kate Sekennaa. Chainn&a of the FRIENDSHIP STRAIKED strasse in Berlin. I bet you a trip dent, also requests relaxation of. "would claim Germany as my homes await them. The children, affair was Irving Xogg. LciKon CU"I\S)—"Germtni : to Berlin in the year 1985. "We Canada's laws to permit control^ home, even as the tallesi G-sntile ranging in age from 7 to 17, -were Tie nest da.nco will be hsld anti-JeTish Crive is p.n ot)F.trr'f ed entry of refugees. shall walk together Unter den Linmay, and challenge Mm to shoot allowed to take with them one Sunday evening, February 5, at to Acglo-GfrrEF.n *nei?,iFl!'p," ?'"- r,r r v " - r " den and together go to Einstein lieve S of 4 Britons accordicj: to me or cast me Into a dungeon. I mark (40 cents) each and only the Jewish Community Center. Btrasse. a poll by the British Institute of would refuse to be erpelled_ or to such personal belongings as could "And what of the Nazis? | Pufclio Opinion. Survey resul-s submit to discriminating ^treat- be carried in a small handbag. ESTIMATE 1,SSS DEAD, asked Mr. Arbuthnot. "A power |1 shotred that '. E per cent of t h e : ment." Most of them will never again 1,291 WOUNDED like Nazis is not to be laughed approached believed that Ge~ see their parents since there is off In a dream. And HitleV?" Jerusalem, (WNS-Palcor A gen- | many's persecution of the'.Tew? ir .^IZ-'" Morris Minkin was re-elected The first coffee house in Eng- little hope of their follo-sring the cy)—At least 1,5 5 6 persons were Mr. Arbuthnot thought Hitler chairman of the Jewish National obstacle to UEderstaEdiEg be(because he is so strong-today)- "Workers Alliance, Branch 54, and land was opened in Oxford in the children into France and England, killed £.nd 1,291 were wounded tween England and German: would be standing powerfully in, Fcale Zion at a meeting held last year 1650 by a Jew by the name and the children certainly will during the five months that end- Forty per cent said they Zs.vor^l c a r ZEI^ on i oi* _r not return to Nazi Germany. of Jacob. ed on November SO ss a result a new poMticF.l grouping of Bn;~ bronze statuary and granite in . A great many are children of of the terrorism that has gripped ish parties to be led by Anthory !r' the year 1985; but Mr. Arbuthnot •week. Other officers elected were J. From 1840 to 184S .Jonathan Jews who had been expelled from the Holy Land, according to esti- Eden, in protest against Charr- i I is only a man from yesterday who Radinowskl, secretary; Nathan, prominent lawyer, was Germany or had died during the mates to be published by the Pal- berlain's dealings with, the total-- 1. hasn't been anywhere, as you Mrs. Clara financial Horwitz," recording might say, and hasn't seen much secretary; Harry New York'js master of chancery. riots or in concentration camps. estine Post. tariacs. Crounse, treas(unlike me who has been get- urer, and J. Richlln, hospitaler. ting around for 2,000 years). „ Those elected to the executive • No, Mr. Arbuthnot, we shall are I.-Horgenstern, H. Bonask in vain for Hitler . . . you board and I walking Unter den Linden darin and G. Soref. On t i e litIn Berlin in the year 1985. Where erary and social committee are A. is the Brown House, sir? "We Cohen, Mrs. Raznick, Mrs. H. Mlrowitz, Mrs. M. Goldstein, Mrs. shall inquire of the policeman. "The Brown House? What do S. OkUn. An executive board meeting you mean, the Brown House?" Chicago (JTA)-r-Cardinal Mun- correspondents from every section mocracy and goodwill and under"We mean Hitler's house. will be held Monday, December delein, in a statement broadcast of the country in reference to the standing are the watchwords do cent cf 'Aryan' virtue, in liie.r! 19, at 8:30 p. m. at the home of That's what they called it—the nationally, said the Her. Charles broadcasts of Father Coughlin of Catholics live ia complete Xree- references t~ J. Radinowski, 1434 North EightBrown House." tie Vatican'," th E. Coughlin was "not authorized Detroit, eenth street. All committees are makes t h e t ollowinE dora, lie said, adding: "We do serted. "FciL-r he! Hitler! Only the "Ach r, to speaK for the Catholic Church," urged to attend this meeting. old people. remember him." statement: 'As an American citi- well t o remember this — all cf Nazis know, : tc.!. and asserted that he did not "repYou see, Mr. Arbuthnot, Hitler Father Cougclin cs3 the us, Catholic laymen and clergy." en ted ES a r " c t resent the doctrine or sentiments zen, will he Qnite forgotten and Goeb- FORCE EDICTS IN right his personal views This last was one of several im-j little eaergry F T , r <— o r of the church." The statement of bels will be like an evil breath PRAGUE on current events, bet he is not plied references to r a t h e r CoughpoIitiOE.1 't," Cardinal Mundelein, who returned authorized to speak for the Cath- lin during the addresses. from a medieval tomb. You and St. Locis ." from Rome recently, was read olic I will walk together enjoying abChurch, nor does he represent After Eim n a n z m g examples oi .hat anti-Sei-.t oyer the stations of the National Prague, Czechoslovakia ("WNS) nominal laughter at the whole —Nazi penetration into Czecho- Broadcasting Company by Bishop the doctrine or sentiments cf tee of aatl-Catholio attacks in , t t e 11 ed State- ' thing. ....'.. United States and attasks on scale." Fatl cis beginning to show Barnard J. Shell, Vicar General church." Mr. Arbuthnot said It was love- slovakia Washington (JTA) — Frank J. Catholics and Jews in Germany, J., editor of thera with orders and decrees and Senior Auxiliary Bishop of ly that a Jew could be so brave sent out by the Party of National Chicago, after another of Father Hogan, president of the American Hogan said: "The greatest living I Queen's W r t stc.«-s r with dreams, but it was evident Unity, which replaces the various Coughlin's Sunday afternoon ad- Bar Association and a leading Catholic, Pius XI, has been .vili- rent issue t r d r.-^ t 1 ^ ; < ? that he was unable to share my political parties formerly Catholic layman, broadcast a existing. dresses. fled and insulted ia the Xazi press j Jews is ua-C5--.- - "<> v vision. I-was a Jew dreaming only All pictures of former Presidents Bishop Shell, who read the Car- warning to Catholics against those by >iazi'leaders because he was ] catholics £ ETC re* Z.\^T -T t what my poor, tired eyes wanted Thomas G. Masaryk and Eduard dinal's who preach bigotry. He spolce over dared to speak out firmly against! selves -with ' '---1 n-< , -i z. statement twice, said to to see. r_'i Benes were ordered removed from radio audience: "His Emin- the same 34 stations used by Fa- Nazi oppression and persecution. ! Sans" vrho v1O This isn't a crazy fantasy,. Mr. public buildings and replaced by the ther Conghlin and directly after He knows, and we know too. that j est fiestruci r~ ence, George Cardinal Mundelein r Arbuthnot. If you had lived as the shields of the Cezchoslovak of Chicago having been importun- the conclusion of the .jSriest's ad- one hate breeds another. "VVherev- ICatholics" r r <-r long as I you would know how repnblic. ed by news commentators and dress, which was devoted to er Jev."s are persecuted, there too ]Jews. true it is. It is as true as justice broadening of his anti-Jewish other creeds and races will soon-1 and retribution which plod on charges to accuse Jews in America er or later be persecuted." leaden feet to strike down the of fostering godlessness. Quotes Pope power of evil with iron hands. I Hosan's half-feosir address was Quoting Pope Pius' recent statehave seen this in all my dayfe, under the auspices of the General ment to s. group of Belgian CathMr. Arbuthnot and I shall see It Jewish. Council and was interpret- olics in i of persecuagain. Yes, it is certain I shall ed as a reply to Father Coughlin, tion, in denunciation which the Pontiff said see it. although the priests's name was that "spiritually we are all SemThe policeman will say to us, not mentioned. The bar leader ites,"" Hogan declared: "I do not "I've heard tell of Hitler, but you warned leaders against persecu- aeed to comment on this stateshould see the Einstein planetation and refuted charges that Warsaw (JTA)—Polish Jewry Tcousan ment. It speaks for itself and it is anti-Jewish attacks rium on Einstein strasse. It is was alarmed at new proposals in sharp Jews were predominant in the j the only authoritative statenser. their appli of deputies. like a beautiful night under the the Sejm, lower house of parlia- number Bolshevist revelation. of the Catholic position. The mor- 1 Alfyah special department for Jew- Russian re- " stars there." ment, for anti-Semitic legislation ishA emigration Father Coughlin, speaking from al to be dra-R-s from what Pope i P Palestine.. has been estabI could see that Mr. Arbuthnot including a numerous clausus and lished at the Foreign Ministry. Royal Oak, Mich., had taken ad- Pius said was outlined a r I c n rest was pitying me, as if to say, "How complete prohibition of shechita, Gazeta Polska took issue with a vantage of his preceding Hogan to weeks ago in an editorial publish- i sad that a people BO afflicted Jewish ritnal method of slaugh- statement radio listeners by tell- ed in the Catholic periodical i flrea s by the World Jewish "prepare" ing, them in hie hoar-long pro- which is the official organ cf the! ccming OTIC r r have only long-range dreams to tering animals for human con- Congress that creation of immi- gram that the har leader's 'client" tfc comfort them . . . fantasies sumption'. G e n e r a l Stanislaus gration possibilities for Jews was the General Jewish Council. Diocese cf Michigan ' (The Hichi- i e na' springing from despair." Slrwarczynski, leader of the Gov- should not prejudice - their gan Catholic}." rights Froia this point he launched into Yes. Mr. Arbuthnot, that's all ernment Camp of National Unity, Omaha chai-. a general attack on Araericaa we have left, but it's very big and announced plans for a law to re- in the countries of abode. Jews as fostering godlessness,, Jewish students were forcibly New York (JTA) — When Fa- I anaple crth~important: it is the pledge of hn- duce the jsumber of Jew3 in Poseveral veiled threats ther Coaghlin's anti-Jewish cam-; emergency - ' man experience which knows that land, free Polish economy and ejected from Warsaw, university! ani q Nazis are not permanent. What culture from Jewish influence by anti-Semitic Nationalist stu-.. that the Christian major! tv would raisa is no longer useful to the' has Hitler got? "What's his fu- and reduce the number of Jews dents and several were severely jn o t s t a B d for .such action" on ths Nazis to justify persecution of _ beaten. The Nationalists pick- part of the "Jewish minority." Jews, the Nazis will fir.a his es- j GL, ISiS or ture? What is his power that in certain professions. stands dh a heap of corpses, Hogan asserted that Catholic- ajap-Ie invaluable to justify perse-; s.t 4f At the same time, Deputy Dud- eted the main entrance of the.unidepravity, falsehood and hate? zynski introduced a motion for versity, barring a number of Jew- ism like all other religions -eras cution . of the Catholic clergy, ae-i The Tout.. V.. t 1 . Mr. Arbuthnot thought I was complete prohibition of shechita, ish instructors. !" ' '" i vitally interested ia complete re- j clares The Commonweal ia its I removed rao-~ {~-r r looking too much at morality,.not which is now under partial prosThe a u t h o r i t i e s suspended i ligious freedom in the United Isadingr editorial. "They can po;Et j from the ht>rv:" ^r scription. The action lollowed classe? indefinitely. I States. Only in a land where fis- ins nil, with t h e customary s c - ] l a a S , AiiEtri: J i i Cr~\ ".' • - (Continued on Page 8)

Community Center Forms Orchestra


M'. Mmkin Heads Workers Alliance

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group of Anti-Naste were picketBwrsd Stays Inside attack for radio speeches regarding the Ball tha Bond group deing the Jews. cided to stay Indoors. After an "Under God all men are brothNewark, N. J . (WNS)—One hour and a half, Newark police ers," Prof. Hayes said. "That is hundred men anS vomen, most escorted them from the building the great basic teaching of all our religious groups. It is the 'of them members of the Nevark- in groups of twos and threes. teaching of the great Jewish pro- Irvington branch of the Germanphets, of every Protestant denom- American Bucd who attended a Sliuraci el~BBronsi was the first ination, and emphatically of the Bund meeting ; here in Sefev&ber. *pvr r.o become s, Moroccan BtatesCatholic Cfcurch from its early fa- Hall, icvzC c" fC-fM"^ t ^ e V-ffpr < ' r. thers to the present Pope Pius part ot T " - - . ^c"->"-"' 'V XI. There is no footing among us for doctrines of racialism of practices'of persecution; and if a Jcv. a Prostestant, a Catholic, even "a Catholic priest, speaks or acts otherwise, he is a menace Eot o::\y to the American nation but to .tfce religion which he professes — and wrongs.

New York (JTA) — A coted Catholic thinker last week de' and Wstory combine grew rapidly for many centnries. nounced Father Charles E. Coughto -weave the story e l Chsnakah. Racist theories have never Hn, by Implication, as a menace -Year alter year throughout the been sympathetic to. theyJews.. As to the American nation and to his ; ages, H1I3 fe the eessoa Trliea monotheists they could harbor no Jews have stopped to reMndle racial prejudices. Racial tolerance religion, before 1,200 religious the light thnt is symbolic ot the 1s the very foundation, of Judaism civic and business leaders attendChtmateh legend. -Yets its in- and a- characteristic of .Jewish ing a dinner of the New York terprctetion. I n terms of. < his-, writings 1rqm~th"e iBpok;; pf :<Jenr Round Table of the National Con:to?y la evenxnoss significant—- esis and the creatiop^of; Adam,-'toference of Jews and Christians at fo? SBOW iS snay too said that the "tiast'-boofc-'Of- ther BibiB-and the Hotel Astor. 'where- tbere- Is light in t h e the extra-Biblical .vritiagsVoi.ihs' Prof. Carieton J. H. Hayes, Colworld the - Mezuirab will born Jews. The Jews gave to the/world" umbia University historian and Cleaners. en the £5fii da? of Kislev— the conception of a God who i3 Catholic co-chairman of the N. C. Dec. 18—and the seven days. the of the universe and of all peoJ. C , asserted that ther© "is no wo .that follow.—The Editor. ples. The Jewish symbol since the footing among u s " for racialism Henry Swartz, Omahan, who ir j time of the Maccabees nas' become and persecution and any Catnolic a graduate of .Central High school < gjf the Menorah, the \most suitable F T priest who spoke or acted other- and of the University of Nebrcs-! "A miracle happened," the le- emblem in human history. " Pure wise "i3 a menace not only to tee ka, where he was affiliated with tej send -runs/ After heroic fettles olive oil, a gift of : nature, ; was American nation, but to the relig- the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, j Tjj and victory in driving out t h eused- to kindle' a ".flickering, inti-v ion which he professes — and invites his friends to visit his .HEW i j e v Greeks from Jerusalem, the Mac- mate light. This tender flame bewrongs." 13 cabees entered the " Temple, came tho symbol' of the Jewish Tesaeo station, located at Thir-1 .RUQ CLEANCn: jjjj cleansed i t and renewed "worship people, and to this day burns in I Father Coughlin has been under teenth and Jackson streets. P^ -there. They 1 also restored the those parts of tho /world where Eight bronze coin3, shown on The designs on the coins SHOW < Sanctuary, ana Its sacred vessels. Jews live and enjoy progress and -Tho light of the golden Menorah freedom. In those countries where both sides, cast in the time of Si-lulabs, palm trees, basket3 of mon Maccabaeus, Prince, Comnad been' extinguished by the darkness reigns, the Menorah is fruit, citrons and chalices. Greeks -who had also pried open being extinguished, its light dim- mander and High Priest of the These coins are part of the the cruses -which contained the med. The Menorah is thus not Jews, in the year 136-135 B. C. E. pure olive oil. Only" pure oil was only a symbol of the Jewish faith, On the reverse side is written "To Scholem Asch collection now on used for lighting the Menorah, but wherever i t burns, there is the Freedom of Zion:" on the ob- exhibition in the Museum of the and because the sacred seal of also to be found racial freedom, verse the year 4 and the denom- Jewish Theological seminary of ination of the coin, whether one- America, in New York city. the high-Priest on the jars was tolerance, and brotherly love. broken; the oil was defiled. Only INSPIRED OBJECTS OF ART half or one-fourth shekel. Rabbi David A. Goldstein, o t Simon Maccabaeus was the a single small cruse was found the Beth-El synagogue, is a gradChristmas Stor* Hours 9:30 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Besides its historic significance, brother of Judah Maccabaeus, uate of the Jewish Theological remaining in a n obscure corner. The cruse was sufficient for only the Menorah has inspired objects whose achievement is celebrated seminary. The seminary has many one day's burning, and it would of art. Their designs differ as in the Chanukah legend. local supporters. take a week to.produce new oil. does the art of the East from that Then the miracle happened. The of the West. Most of the lamps E small supply of oil which ordi- have the shape of the Holy Ark narily would last only a daywhere the sacred scrolls are kept. burned continually for eight days. Others show palm trees, or clustThis miracle is now commemo- ers of vines. Flowers and ornarated in the festival of Chanukah. mental designs, lions and birds for y—rm hmm b««a syaThe story of Chanukah is eloere also UBed as decorative mowith fia« quality London (WNS) — Whittinge tifs. Many Menorahs now in fluently told in the Book of the Temple Israel Maccabees, written soon after the homes and museums date back to hame House, Scottish house of Friday evening Rabbi David Jewish victories. It is Interesting the seventeenth century, having the late Earl Balfour, father of that this book, written originally been fashioned in Southern and the declaration Inspiring hope Wice will speak on "Man of the In Hebrew, should be preserved Central Europe. There are still for the Jewish national home In Year." to us only in Greek. Thus the lan- many lamps, as well as other Palestine, has been offered as a Regular services will be teld guage hated by the new Macci- precious ceremonial objects, in haven for refugee children from Saturday morning at I I o'clock. There will be a children's bean rulers ia the only one In Germany, Austria, and the Sude- Germany. which the brave needs and strug- ten region. The time has come party, in celebration of ChanuThe gesture, made by Lord Bal. ffles of the Jewish nation are re- when the Jews are not even al- four's nephew. Viscount Tra- kah, Sunday a t 4 o'clock in the lowed to take their sacred obChildren of the re« 1 corded. The political conquests of jects with them from the lands prain, who inherited the estate, afternoon. school are invited to att the Greeks in Asia brought in of persecution. The possessions of will afford an opportunity for ligious tend. There will be games, a protheir wake a new culture. "With the Jews are being confiscated, more than 200 children to begram and supper will be served trained for agricultural life an j ^ tho sword ot the conquering and, ironically, the silver and •; ' armies, the philosophies of Plato brass of the Holy Menorahs may Palestine. B Beth-EI 1 and Aristotle were brought to tho yet be used ;by the Reich for the Tho Jewish community in the Rabb! David A. Goldstein will j * * oast. means of destruction. For where east of Scotland will transport on "Chanukah, an InspiraI { With the Maccabees "begins » darkness and hatred reigns, light and maintain the children- at the speak tion for Today." Cantor Aaron Balfour estate. of pure olive oil is extinguished. I I new chapter In Jewish life, and Edgar and the choir will lead the J j perhaps a new chapter as well in (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) . services. 1 I the history of the Western World. V "A renaissance period was InaugVAATJ rurated by the Maccabees; a reFriday services at 4:30. Saturi'vlval of t h e .earlier Jewish day services a t 8. ! script; a new phase of creative Shrolly Goodman has sold his ! writings: a renewal of the forCall Us For interest In the Empire Cleaners to FROM DECEMBER 18 TO ''mer ritual; an introduction of new R,1QPEf3PIlZYQfi N. ^Perils and Aaron Perils, who : DECEMBERS*' 1 hymns; the assumption of a king• Attics • Kitchens • Bsaements have been associated with the dry ' l y crown; "tho centralization of SUNDAY, DECEMBER I S ~ • Re-roofing • insulation I the" iroyal • and hierarchic func- A. Z. A. No. 100 meeting! 2 p. leaning: business for many years. • Re-ildlng The Empire plait is equipped • 'tions in'-a single person; the re- m.. G and H, Jewish Community .-WO DQIVH .PAYRSENT ••-.--...• with the latest cleaning equip| introduction of other forma of Center. Ea*y Monthly Payment* Round Table of Jewish Youth ment and also offers a laundry ' social and religious customs and KIICKLIN LURIBSR CO." " rituals that were dear to themeeting: 2 p. m., board room, service. Jewish Community Center. ) gToup of the Jews in Palestine. 19th & Nicholas Sts. JA 5000 Omaha Hebrew Club: 3 p. m., I JEWISH tXHNS Patronise Our Advertisers ; For the first time in Jewish Rooms C and D, Jewish Commun\ history, Jewish coins -were east. ity. DECEMBER 1O ! Simon, the second son of Matta- MONDAY, Women's Division luncheon: I : thiab and brother of Judah the p. in., auditorium, Jewish ComMaccdbee, was the originator. The munity Center. 1 letters on these coins were those B'nai B'rith meeting: 8 p . m . , j.used centuries before, during the room, Jewish Community j time of the First Temple and the lodge : "Kings, of Judah or even earlier. Center., Workmen's Loan association: 8 ! Such inscriptions, as "For the Freedom of Zioa" and "Johanan p. m., C and D, Jewish Commun. . the High Priest and the Jewish ity Center. Hazomir Choral society: 9 p. Assembly" appear on these coins 'in Hebrew only. The Jews were m., K "and L, Jewish Community i'riot worshipped aa were those of Center. j .the Greeks and the Romans. The TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 i!a..Wo pot a tst cfcre^j US. Council of Jewish Women CulI Maccabees therefore employed , Eoyal MesS«r Tires ca jrssrj i symbols on their coins taken, mata- ture class: 1 p. m., G and H, Jew'c i -•.ly from Temple objects and .Pal-, ish Commuhity Center. estinian flora. In this way a sym- WEDJJESDAY, DECEMBER 2 1 Mizrach! Women luncheon: 1 p. bolic Jewish art developed,'.and m., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. International Workers' Order: 8 p. m., C and D, Jewish Comnrunity Center. . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23 Boy Scout meeting: 8 p. m., l - An album of three 10-inch J2 After you've pet foyrf lodge room, Jewish Community it .double faced records of 11 tradihit 1 tional Hebrew and English meld-' Center. Sot 3 days—on badceaa Ian -dies has been issued by the Vic- Choir rehearsal: 8 p. m., K and L, Jewish Community Center. S. Phonograph company in asso- SATURDAY, DECE5IBER 34 wh -tor ciation with tho Women's League Chanukah program: 10 a. m., _J of the United Synagogue, it waa auditorium, Jewish Community ^ 'announced by Mrs. S a m u e l Center. .' >'i '.Spiegel of New York, national " ,j ' preoident. Cantor David PutterPatronize Our Advertisers - *M man, and the choir of the Park jj involved in this Roysl '/A Avenue synagogue. New York, Msstsr FSSB Trial Offer! All TTO 2 ' are tha recording artists. It marks ask is that you give these amaz\ -I i the first time that any large I, 1 ^phonograph company has Issued ing new Royal Master Tires a ,1 1 for general distribution recordthorough test on your own car! ['.v \ ings of a distinctly Hebrew and Remember—NO COST, NO OBy ] I religious nature. LIGATION, NO GALES TALK— ,i ' ' One record ia devoted to four ,<. ' i Xhanukab melodies, another to ROYAL MASTERS SELL THEMSELVES! '*' .1 .tbreo Sabbath -melodies and the .third to four Hebrew folk eongs. ; The four numbers included on the Chanukah record are "B'rochos" J(Blessings for;Kindling tho Chanand RECAPPSf-JQ likah liighta), "Rock of Ages" (in TO LOGAL PO|[]Y0 III j English), "Haneros Hallolu" and Visit ous new largo plant and ! ."S'vivon." The three numbers on GOLORAO0 and r31BRABICA let ua show you our new equlpj tho Sabbath record are-the-"FriI -day Night KlddusnV-1 Shblom .Alel- ;Toko advantage of thbisa now low;; ;ment which is capable of r s i -chem," and "SahbathT Queeti** (in — one-way and roond-lrfp fares. Now.. ' treading or recapping any sizo I -Ensliah) i The Palestinian and. " yen can travel by baa roach cheaper car or truck,' lire. ! .folk songs on tho third record are — even for Ies3 than driving your own car—and much moro comfortI "Tsur Miahelo," "Ellyohu Han, Your worn out tires skillfully ably end cafely. Ask c^cnt for details .ovl," "Ba-ah M'nuohah" and "Ml rebuilt with new live antl-skld .Y'malel." IiWend 1.60 ,treads, adding thousands of Fairmont . . . . . . . . 1.85 i cafe, economical xalle3. Hasttogg . . . . . . . .S.60


The r.cvr zr.c^~£-:*.ic:i: ichcs- this op-crtunity to thank all their friends for their . enthu££s.£En and support in our ncv- business, venture 'at the. Empire

Opens Texaco Station

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Balfour's Home ' Turned Over to German Children

Community Calendar

s amices-

New Management at Empire Cleaners



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For the Coming Holidays


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STASBEVGS OF TEAMS of Team— "V7, 'I*. Pet. tate Coal & Gas Co._25 11 .694 Clicquot CL EskUaos-22 14 .61J ( !mpire Cleaners 20 16 .556 reenberg Fruit -Co 19 17 .52S The "Wardrobe IS 18 .BOO Kaiman Insurance 16 20 .444 Smith Motor Co 14 22 .389 ihrler Paint & Glass_10 26 .278 • On Becember Si, nearly 73,ed lifetime of work in behalf of 000 women throughout . t t e the oppressed Jews of all coun! F 1 ," United -States will celelxato tries, is head of the Youth Aliyah Two more r e c o r d s were the 78th birthday of the fonnJmovement, which has already smashed to smithereens in the J . t r of Undcssah who today transferred almost a thousand C. C. Bowling league this •week, still Is one of the most active German-Jewish children to Pal- when the league leading State 4nd beloved women i n Jerusaestine and settled them on the oal and Gas Co. put t i e three lem This harried resume of land." big totals of 840, S99 and S52 her life bears testimony to tlio That number has now been tri- for the grand series of 2.591 to ract t h a t years do not detertake over the team series fonaerpled. i yonth.—The Editor. Miss Szold's capacity for sheer ly held by the Clicquot Club boys physical work is extraordinary. with a 2,544 series. The Ward.. In Jerusalem, on December 21, No matter what time of the night robes had" a, big middle game of an erect- grey-haired woman -will you pass the Hotel Eden in Jer- S28 to take off the team single come -quietly to h e r desk in the usalem the light Is still burning game record formerly held by the ! f 1 offices of the Youth Aliyah movein her room. She will tell you in Clicquot Club with a .904. ment -which has "he task of transa deprecatory way that she falls Dave Franks' top flight State ferring -Jewish boys and girls asleep with the light on. But a 'oal and Gas team came back to from Central Europe to Palesprodigious amount of work will tine.: Her "dark eyes -will survey have been mysteriously accom- life after their big setback last the day's -work quickly; she will plished while she sleeps. Docu- week to pile up their record score go.about the business of caring ments, letters, statistical reports to win all three games from AbFrc:n le't io rigtit: Mrs. Tlooseve-I?; XVlAllair. Grccr; I-Tis T.\ce:"m^-. C.T.-IJ T T ? for thousands of refugee children will have^been read through and ner Kaiman's Insurance Agents. Quentla, Freaci. Ambassador to TTashinptcis, D. C., who r a « pnesi or Jinno- vi'.h T'."••<-. now in Palestine -with efficient acted on, and new documents The .Kaiiaans, who were finally Fannie Hurst; Sfaolam Ash; M s i Saritsky, Jsbor leader and chairman of the XaiSonnI and steady movements, forgetting, and letters and statistical reports stopped after winning the last sis which is cooperating with the Jewish Xationa! Fund in the establishment o± the ITitim perhaps, that this day marks her straight series, have no excuses compiled. . Henrietta Szola 78th birthday. . to offer, as on top of the Coal Israel Goldstein, President of the Jewish National 'Funfi; ^tidgre Morris K©£henb<??g ana Miss Szold's life is one of serv- boys' big scores they helped the Goldstein. But on the same day in this :ry so that Palestine is looked ice to the Jewish people. There country, throughout some 46 apon today as a. criterion and have been many events In the cause of Dave Franks alosg by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, tinder the auspices of Distinguished speEl states, many will remember and eader In health progress in the life of the Jewish people since all bowling under their average, wife of the President, pleaded for theArranged National Committee . for a vrhom vgrp (T*i3, *honor her birthday. Nearly 75,- Sfear East. which confirms "Dopester" Ab 1860 and Miss Szold was at the nation-wide cooperation in the Leon Blum Colors in Palestine, broadcast) Leon EU: ~ 000 American Jewish women will forefront of all of them, to or- Kaiman's prophesy, that you can't solution of the refugee problem •which is composed of represents- | pold S. Amary. to-i Is Modest games if you don't bowl your last week-when she attended, as tives of trade unions and labor; secretary of state for sit down with friends and relaMiss Szold's versatility is as ganize, to help, to advise, encour- win tives to share a one-dish meal ixtraordinary average. The league leaders won guest of honor and principal J organizations, age and befriend. by a pat rocs' j and the S'arch.'or.psF * as her modesty. and donate the difference In co3t She is no sooner identified as the (Copyright, IS38, by Seven Arts the first game by a S40 to 762,speaker, in the Hotel Astor, New I committee ofand •which William described the estai between this and their usual fam- ounder and leader of one group the second game by S99 to 713 York City, a banquet for the es- Green, A. F. of L. president, 'was , new agricultural BE Feature Syndicate) ily dinner as a birthday gift to dedicated to a specific activity and the final game by S52 to tablishment on Jewish National chairman, the bancuet 'was a : Palestine BS B rc<.,i i r • I this quiet, purposeful woman six than she Is ready to undertake 766, these scores *nclcdicg a 54- Fund land in Palestine of a col- demonstration of international ; urgency in view of i.1 •• thousand miles av.-ay. The money nother. The Inspiration of her pin handicap given to the Kai-ony bearing the name of Leon significance for the unbuilding of; anti-Jewish perFerr.i -will comprise an unusual birthmass by the coal salesmen. Blum, twice Premier o* France. the Jewish National Home. i tra.1 Europe. and the force of her day remembrance from HaiJassali, leadership Diminutive George Shapiro topped ersonality lend momentum to all the' Women's Zionist Organiza- ier enterprises even after she has Dave Franks' Coal men wita a tion of America, American agency of 31-10. It was >r , ,e 553 series, followed in order by of was a little 433 and the "Dogfor the Youth Aliyah movement ithdrawn from active participaway from start to fi 1 i ,Phil Katzinan's 5S5, "ilidg-e" gie" honor, this week was taken ion. American Jewry thinks of By Bud Freed tight defensive r!?y r . •which its indefatigable founder, ier as,an American and the JewShukert's 518, Sain Sweiback's over by Ben Shapiro. The Auto Mother Chapter F.M---- - • t~>516 and Jack Fleishman's 469 for boys -were topped by their sponheads. ,. ish community of Palestine claims Ertists v-bo kept the N i s sor, Harry Smith, who turned in the honor of the "Doggie" deer as a Palestinian. In 1927 It is characteristic of Mis3 HAVING A W O N D E R F U L partment. I<ee Harwich -was topa 544 series, being followed by bay; the No. ICC t_ r _ i r trhen Miss Szold was in America, Szold that a t seventy-eight after TIME: "Warner Brothers has man for the Kaimans -with a 454 "Plumbing" Sammy Youseni, who connect for on'y or" " :r • the Palestine Zionist Executive, BASKETBALL a long life of hard and inspiring taken the initial step towards was IHHOP by - r — T ^ •"work, she should once more put the highest governing body of elevating that delicate lady, Miss series, followed by Frank Brook- had a 489; then Aaron TVeitz' j The regular season baseball • which late in ibe corle.<?r. ' i <-- behind her the quiet and serenity ;he Zionist movement, was reor- Cinema, from the artistic drain stein's 435, while Lloyd Eaaks, 454, Sammy Steinberg's 433 and! got underway lest Sunday honors wore e^ , ' -> •> j league which are her due and assume anized to consist of three mem- pipe. In a sweeping decree the Bill Kaiman, and Abaer, request Dave Reiss' 429. at the Center v.ith a large crowd i ' tThe last match of the evening: in attendance. All the games were • the • victors with J, leadership of a new effort among >ers who were to bear the entire "Warners have outlawed all " B "us not to mention their scores. Morton "Streicl"" Fo - ' •Palestine women to adopt at •esponsibility for the administra- pictures. From no-w on nothing In the second match of the eve-saw Jloe Ltnsniatfs Wardrobe; hard fought and play Tar, very! bert Meiches leaCinr least 10,000 Jewish children from ;ion of Zionist affairs. She wasbut specials, "A's and serials. It ning the Clicquot Club Eskimos Clothiers take all three games interesting. In the initial contest j Toe No. 100 iacis iou t -» n , Europe within the - nest few ;lected one of the three and made remains to be seen whether a " B " kept up their winning ways by from Al Shrier's Paint and Ghi::s the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity ] desperately but con) • • i . \ -esponsible for health and eduboys. The Wardrobes won the hoys defeated the Breslovr Auto j with t h e hoop. months. . taking two out of three saiaes cation, the first time such a post by any other name smells the from the fast slipping Greeaberg first garae by a 764 to 701 score,;Glass Company with a score of j Excellent Background same . . . The recent fires in the Fruit boys, winning the first two tbe second by the record-breaking '. Next week's frames "~ • " - "r~ Henrietta Szold was born in was ever held by a woman. hills about Hollywood found the games and then when the Green- score of 928 to 74,2 and finished! 29-21. James Burroughs, center; improx-ed OKIE ha *lr,; Baltimore, Maryland, just before In 1935 German Jewish children customary for the fraternity lads. Fas really ,' p a r r five mixicp wi ! -L r.- ,^-i-_ 7 number of star homes bergs got hot in the last game off the Paint boys with S35 to; the civil war, the daughter or the had to be rescued from the life "hot" caging seven field goals and > No. 1 team at £ : i r rabbi and- scholar, Benjamin f hopeless, persecution decreed "burnt to the ground." Evident- dropping the final game to Al 712 score. Captain Paul Stein- i two free tnrows for 16 tallies. | A. • Szold. She studied German, He- for them by the Nazi regime. Miss ly the forces of nature, no matter Fiedler's boys. The Clicquot boys berg of the "Wardrobss is using While Art "Snappy" Grossman I low Auto Glass crc r - • :, % ,- i L - f brew and French with her father Szold. then seventy-five, became what type, have an agreement won the first gaitre by a 797 to strategy again, putting himself in garnered tlires buckets to lead ! the A. 2. A. No. 10C r and grew to girlhood through'the the director of the, movement with press agents. One poor star 732 score, the second game by anchor position a n d putting' the Bresiow clan from, the field, j the Alpha Pi Tan s t - hi 1 t turbulent post-war >ears better which was to bring such children has had her lovely little home (34 794 to 747 and lost the last Henry Coren in the lead-off posi-; The second contest f OUE& s group j Alpha H E at 4 : 1 5 . ""» e-c- «. r-pequipped than most yonng women from Germany to Palestine. It is rooms) demolished seven times. game by the big margin of S27 tioa, and we must say that his.' ot veteran Sasketeers known as Iwill be t b e last c-~ " • r •• ; PlEyefi this yea?: Eg T• !ci" c *t : 01 ner time. The sphere for wom- not easy "to make children' happy We wonder if she can carry on: to 736, although the Greeabergs strategy is working to a nice ad-' tie . Omana Jobbing Compary j games scneStilefi for ~ '"--- -— T en's activities in the early 1870 s in a new environment. Miss Ssold Her p . a. certainly does . . . Add were granted a 73-pin handicap vantage as they both turned in •triumphed c^er the lighting Al- j r.cfi Jantiarj- 1. Tfer - - - "— p and 8O'a was limited, but Hen-personally supervises every as- this to your collection of. little in each game. Captain Abe Feld- nice scores. • pha Fl Tan fire by'the score of!! gaines • vrill be Plarr. «-; . ,-rrietta Szold knew she wanted to pect of the Youth Aliyah move- known, and dull facts on social rnan of the Clicquots was again Sammy Horvrich., the • little 34-23. The score vras mighty uary S. be a, teacher. At first, she taught ment. She meets the boats a t trends;- Deanna. Durbin's latest their close anS it was practical!; a lie big shot of the evening, pat- cookie salesman, was top man in : - uP iji on j * _ "t'r r * ^ i r ^ at an aristocratic private school, Haifa, which is a "tedious foar- picture "is drawing many patrons ting games Z23, 1S7 and 1S3this match with a big 5SG series' all the -sray except for i r e 2cri out Boon, urged on by concepts hour journey from Jerusalem; her f r o m the 16-13 years-of-age together forof fe-fiminutes cf play; the ."rrre-r a 593 series. He was which included a big middle j of social reform and a desire to home, to welcome the children to group. Usually her pictures draw mailing five straigbt. trr!;?.? fr help the masses of her fellow this new land. She places them in 12-13 group and 35-plns group followed by the steady Dr. D. C. game of 232. He was followed \ spell defeat for the fi&htlrg A'.rha Platt, who had a nice 520 series, by.Heary Cofen's 573, Paul Stein-! Americana, both Jewish and non- Kvutzot (cooperative agricultural Universal has been keeping tab. Pi Tans. Iz Bogdaroff rrr-^ei tr Jewish, she began t o reach out settlements) and stays with them Possibly studio will report to then Os63r Mayorwich, who casae berg's 517, Dr. Sara Morgan's' be the spark pins in the ,*cM'fr; back after a miserable week be472 and then Nate Horwich's S6 3. i ' i ' Into other fields. The. large-scale herself-the first difficult days in government on large number of with five from t r r T--::'; fore with a steady 470 series, and1 Captain Leo "RTeitz was top man.Ettsclc immigration of Jews which began a new environment, so as to help jitterbugs who finally sat 4 0 and two from the c£s.r'^ il*-cv In the eighties after.persecutions them orient themselves. Miss . . . Still the "Dead End Kids then the two doggies, Abe believe it or not, with his 4S5 \ line lor a total of 12 points. Art in. Czarfst Russia, gave her an Szold feels that this work of re- Cycle" continues. The coming "Cupie" Vender with a 426 andseries for the Shrier team, aafi j Adler was high for the losers •» .J: r~ - ' T ' •opportunity for new and what was habilitating these Jewish children epic Is "The Battle of the City Benny Stein with his SIS. The be was folio-wed in order by Joej four field goals. In r- T r c;r then considered experimental is the greatest she has ever un- Hall." This time the boys are re-Greenbergs were topped as usual Soloraonow's 433, Julian Milder's ] which is always sparked I"1" t\ t=i :-.:\ -A , work. She began to-help these dertaken and the most construc- formers. It has taken about a by their anchor man, "Tony" 430, Barney Abraxas' S69 and jrivalry the A. S. A. Nr. ICO c C who had a nice 534 series. then "Pug" Ferer's 3 66. new immigrants, first as individ- tive. I not live up to expectations fT— dbzen pictures to show the mop-Cohn, and he was followed by Dave uals, later In small groups and Nest week's schedule will pit! advanced dope and was ccirr> epets that "virtue is its own re- Bernstein's In Honor Roll 431, thea Harold Pol- the league leading- State Coal and Ily submerged by the :,'.c3fr soon through her association with ward." Guess they finally caugh i" generations. In the 1936 Honor Koll of The a literary society of young peolock, who finally slipped under on . . . Metro has decided to give 400 with a 396, Captain Al Fied- Gas team against the Smith Mo-j Chapter of A. E. A. br Wz , v r : ple, in regular classes where she Nation there is the following ci- its tor crew, the .Greenberg Pruit' r^ : - v r- — *.-' front office boys a Uttlb tone. on Miss Henrietta. Szold: with 368 and Sponsor Elmer team against Moe Lmsmac'F' > taught English and a constructive tation They will hereafter be known as ler "Henrietta Szold, who at seventyapproach to the new and bewil"tour guides." Each week t h Greenberg, who as yet hasn't hit Wardrobe b o y s , the Emp>? I dering American life which these five years of age, after a crowd- boys will hear a studio exec on his stride, with a S5S. Cleaners against tbe Kairaan Ir.-1 emigres from oppression had Shrolly Goodman's E m p i r e snrance outfit, and the last match I!? some Important topic. This is fig sought. ' ured to prod the lads on to be Cleaners, after a bad start, came will have the Shrier Paint team • Founds Haaassan _ Start «: executives, themselves, some day to life to take two out of three trying to break into the win colr1 •In 1909 Miss*. Szold went to Meanwhile the'boys always have games from Harry SraitJTs Pou- umn against the Clicaaoi; CJnb Set for Eskimos. Palestine for the first time. She dignity with their $18 per . . . . tiac boys. The Cleaners won the Mother, • was horrified by the Near East Columbia is releasing "The Ter first game by a 74S to 727 score standards of living which preror of Tiny Town," ah all-midge due to Goodman Pill's big 225 Silt tar vailed In Palestine under a Turwestern. Hero will probably b< first, game, then won the" second MO BEER MEANS . or the klst regime and was galvanized game by a S36 to 77S score and NO CAMP known as the "lawn Tanger." into action. She returned to dropped the last game by 844 to, L. I., (TVTsS)—Since * * » America the following year .and 734 margin due to all the Clean- the arrest and sahsequent disrrisThe Hays organization ha ers shooting their gnus out in the eal or the sis leaders of the GerBe in 1912 she organized a group of ' New York (WNS)—The Catho•women whose specific task, was lic monthly magazine/"Queens made tentative plans for the first two games. The Empires, Esan-Asjerican \Xieagt:e -which cpraising- of funds to aid German to' be the bringing., of modern published in St. Louis refugees. Idea that trill in al who are firmly entrenched in erates Gain? Siegfried and t t s remethods of medical science into "Work,"' third place,-were topped by Good- fusal of the State Liauor Authori"viewed with alarm" the rise of Palestine. Her unique talents as anti-Semitism in the United States probability be used is donation man Pill, who put three games ty to ' Tenevr the camp's heer an organizer, her broad Jewish and warned that ,any attack on plan whereby every theatre con of 225, 195 and 1S1 together for license, business has fallen off to trolled by Hays' outfit will con- a big- 611 series which was high a point where it is no logger prof- j background, and her compelling the Jews Is un-Christian. tribute one day's receipts. personality were in a large measfor the entire league this week. itable to maintain the camp. Father Daniel A. Lord, editor ure responsible formating o r this wrote: "It would be a terrible Motion Picture A r t fund, or The best their nest min could do It is evident that without a psrgroup known as Hadassah, with thing if Catholics through their ganized by members of art and'were two 443 series' £ T Ifoss Eiit to'sell "beer the canp can r e a current membership of nearly hatred of Jews aligned themselver publicity departments in studio Franklin and Benny I»evise, •while longer exist. Therefore, EO " eer. 75 000, the largest and one of the • frankly brutal pagans who expects to raise close to $100,00f the best Jack Jlelcher ca^ld bosst no cai^p. most influential Zionist bodies in with Above CT~~ though they seem 'for the moment through a raffle of 100 or ra works contributed by interna the world. ' ' , ' to be concentrating their .malici"»" t b ^ ^ r . ^ - ^ " . , ? ~ T r > ~ » . ' 1 T • In establishing Hadassah Miss ous energies against the Jews tional Illustrators, painters and {• s !>. I ' Szold declared her purpose to be have not forgotten to take an oc sculptors. to intensify Jewish and Zionist caslonal ; sideswipo at Catholics ^_ ! education in America and to sup- and who will, if ever they succeed A man by the name of Ben es rerrs ! - I -r - ply the health needs of Palestine in getting rid of the Jews, turn Kamzar, according to the Talmud, £» "^ L S , " L fe,' L U L K as a whole and to all its' people their fullest destructive hatred was able to hold four pens be—Jews, Christians and Moslems. against the Catholics." tween his fingers and write a "With rare vision and foresight The writer asserted that Jew four letter word with one stroke. ;cn rcr not as a temporary emergency ish" supremacy in various fields He refused to divulge the secre she conceived of this enterprise was the result of "merit and will of this skilful a r t of multiple To c n" measure, but as n constructive Ingness to work." writing. and permanent phase of the lite of the country. Hadassah has in the course of years spread a netor ro work of curative and preventiv< ' health institutions throughout thi country; has waged suecessfu war againBt endemic diseases, notably trachoma and malaria; raised standards of medicine, in u^s , \ troduced modern methods ol STARTS' AT 1 0 P . M.- treatment, .advanced health edu cation among the masses, trainee —-Featuring—— Keary K. Swarts graduate nurses and, in general has lifted the norm of the conn 3. ORCHIDS' 3 Beaattfcl Hanaosy Singers SEE—HEAR—MEET 6 DANCING DOLLS . C Clarified Personalities And Hla IJtlH OLJMJSJ1, OioJLHfl Entertaining Nightly Clever • Dcacera asd in the >


Hollywood Merry-Go-Round








• OMAHA'S :r •Welcome to the "World




Page 4

a hocse of worship must liave Daughters of Pastortion on earth, as the American Republic rmdoubtedly is, takes agrapb. prescribing the exact saclight and sunshine.) rifice of a meal-offering, and of up his cause in so inspiring 321& tmrnistakable a manner. Gems of the Bible Rabbi Elazar said: "He that Donate Jewish Soaks drink-offering, three-tenth parts Trroogfcl2jr mccsses his irienfi The conference at Iiima is extending this matter still fur-" epnah for eaca bullock and two- ] tenth parts- for the ram,etc.? i icust not only appease him but and Tslmed susrrine, K. T. (WN8) — : * » ;her, championing the cause of human right and elementary <3e- Thought the ancient and moving j lie also must bless hlxz for ex• counteract tlie fires of bigBT tor. Plully S W cepting his apology." ency as well as democracy and the security, economic and po- prayer "Because of Our Sins" £s inco-eracce, ir,justice sad l deserves d l a place in every k Kabfci Jociiais-an saiii: "As lor,? r," s in.Ttnorial gift of $7«6 litical, of the "Western Hemisphere. Jewish ritcal, yet the end requires BIBLE £s tbe Temple FEE in existence Brcr.jcvjile public library Secretary Hull's address at the conference mil go dovra Some radical revision, which it Hatred stirreth up strife, bet : the altar vras tee means r-z E.tor.e- for he :;e ,rr,rcha.?e of books on the does not receive. corereth all trEESgressioas. mcEt for Isrccl, but row sirce the EClTOniAU O?F»CE: CCD OnANDElO TMEATEn into history not only as epoch-making but as one of the noblest The transition from the Eelected lore rr, cuetcniB aofi literature ol \TP.CSO loTeth tso-wledsre loveth flestrnction of tbe Temple each • e-wiph was donated by readings with which the volume [correction and bravest addresses ever delivered by any statesman. It was bat fc© -who is brutish ; man's table is the sear.E of thr ee caut-'uter?. of the late Her. . PRIN1 SMOP ADDRESS—4H» CCS. E»TH S T R E E t to the ritual constitutes a j &.tcn£r£siii.'* i22^ mviiii-.g,- poor Kic hard Harvard, first rector Ol simply magnificent! Expressing most eloquently, clearly, calm- opens deep shock. The intellectual cli- hateti reproo'. A)AVID BLACKER . . • * . • ' soslBcss oatj • H a a a g t e s ijiEl neeiy to ills ts.ble.) TViere so -wise direction is a Chr Episcopal church, Bronimate changes abruptly. The worly and most logically the true American spirit. ITOAAIK a . ACSSJEUioN • • . • ' " • • •. .•..-•• : shipper feels that he has been people ialletb bet in the multi- j 5vaT>M *TcEe t-zi&: "Ke vho Till I«I;UNA&I> WATHAW • . • . - '• . • • • ' ' 'Associate Every American of whatever party affiliations may truly hurled from the Tery heights of tude cf counsellors t i e r s Is j Tx.3.ts tils praters to be sxisvered Fre^fntprT ir: memory of tiieir . S A B S 1 FRSUBK1CK COB1J • / • CcaW&JtlSS E»i!CJ bs proud of him. Here spoke a true American*,echoing and the spirit, almost to fatber the-;? brother, the tete abyss. rarely. \ i r o n t i e rest cf the ccngregt- Fs.obert r,T?rl Otis I-iey-ward, the Bisters, How compare the 139th Psalm GABB1 THEODORS N . JLBWI3 • • ' . • • • • S©3& .BdUOl A good cars© is rather to be tion because pride cacjaot eslst D o r o t b r Randolph Hsywapfl, championing the true American doctrine of freedom, of inde- (6a) •with that of the unabridged chosen tb&a great riciies. .AWN PILL --. • e i q a s City. Iowa, CorrespoaiSeat the Lord." Lrdia Karv£.ra cod Janet Arnold pendence, of justice, of humanity. Its spirit of courage was and nnedlted, ana nostJy mono- Hear counsel and receive 2E- before Kabbl Arbln ezii: "He -p-lso cn- Kr-r-rarf., FUF?rer.tea tnat the «ttl t o n o u s , Pessliei d'Zimratii? most admirable. "With such defenders and champions the cause Should the war-like chaat of Az- stnictioa that tbon s a f e s t fce jOTs a Ejes.1 £* -vrnlch a lecrreS provide the Meg-inning: of a He• TIi© Feast of Llglhfe • • : Of democracy need have no fear. Every Jew was undoubtedly Yasliir (Ezodtis 15:1-19). baslcal- •(rise in thy old age. a t a is present is considered E.E brew- collection that would be tboKgh. fce vere- en jewing . available to clergy of all faiths ly primitive, be retained? A Jew Sunday evening, when the first candle ia kindled, Jev?a thrilled at his unmistakable excoriation of Nazi Germany, wlio will be thrilled and citafleng- Rabbi Jbchas&a said: "A xsaa i Videe Glo i £Ed to tlie faculty and students of Glor I reft cols s.rt! colleges la Wwtcbeethroughout the country will begin the celebration ©fXJhaaukah, though no names were mentioned, and was made to feel that ed fey the lotty God idea and the shall not pray in. _a house whereter cotmtT". principles he" finds In the there are no •windows." (Because Patronize Onr Advertisers ia commemoration of the stirring victory of the Maccabees over with such powerful opponents and denouncers Kazi ruthless- noble selected readings •will recoil at the crude and outgrown conceptions tbe tyrant Antioehus Epiphanes. ness and "frightfulness" must be inevitably over-thrown. •which motivate many a passage in % d Sing Antiodms vnoU to Ills xihoh Msgdom, thai • Tbe condemnation of a world rests upon the Nazis and the old ritual. all should be oss peoplo.. And ho appointed overseers over their final over-whelming is no doubt near. This is not mere Even the augelologr retaaiss, i^S the mere liberal sages o£ all tbs people. And they did evil things ia tks tod, aad tliay wishful thinking, as the whole trend of events, individual, na- though the Synagogue have always battlMonogzsms Free saade Israel Mdo themselves is every placs of refuge V7hici tional, international points that way. Even Anthony Eden's ed egaicst tbs admission cf anos Ail Skirts spirits asd heavenly creathey ted. ilnd tlxsy rest in pieces tke Bools of ths Law visit to our shores at the present moment, in addition to being gels, tures Into the literature aad h which, thy foand, and set them on firs, ^ n d whcso3V€r was a sign to the world that whatever may happen (and all look thought ol Israel. What pleasure and profit can a -worshipper defound Tritkaay Book of ths Covenant, and if soy consented to some imminent happening) America and England will stand rive from repeating the following: to tha Law, ths king's sentence delivered him to death." together, but is a virtual demonstration that England is already "And the Opianin and the holy Hayyot •with a noise of great *With a few changes in names and titles: this excerpt from the sorry for what happened at Munich. She realizes that Cham- rushing upraising themselves towBook of the Maccabees could very -well be taken as a descrip- berlain's policy of "appeasement" has really become one of in- ards the Seraphim beside t h e n offer praise € t c " (116a). The tion of recent events across the sea. Yet it is part of the citement. England wishes to do penance for Chamberlain. words are not only meaningless Btory of Chanukah -— a story which took place over 2,100 years confnsing, and out ol place ia Der Fuehrer's days are doomed. He would make himself bat ago. There is tremendous significance in the story of Chanu- 'der Fuehrer" not only of Germany and Europe, but the world aay modern ritual. It Is this uncritical and slavish kah for our own day. (including immediately our Western Hemisphere). The world adherenca to the traditional text mars t£is splendid experiThe background to the struggle of the Maccabees has in is beginning to regard him as not the "Fuehrer," but the Fury which ment. It is astonishing that cse it striking resemblance to our own times. Then, as now, there of the world and a furious reaction is setting in against him. who has displayed such penetratwere strong-willed men who sought to "unify" millions of peo- The world refuses to be patient any longer with or to tolerate I ple under their absolute power, for the purpose of military .con- his nefariousness and diabolical acts and influence. An Anna \ moral and ethical content, should quest and exploitation. One of these "dictators" was the Syrian Hahn, as Hauptmann before, has just been executed. A Hitler is n a k e n o discrimination whatever king Antiocbus. Bis overwhelming ambition was to fuse all the ten thousand times worse than either or both of these. Let Hit- meaningless piyntla siraply cave no place alongside noble utterpeoples of bis. kingdom io the melting "pot of the pagan Greek ler and his infamous Nazis beware! ances of a Jereniah, an Isaiah, cr culture. And so Antiochus issued a.decree that all the peoples aBialik. —Frederick Cohn. My hope is that tbe author will of the empire were to serve the Grecian gods and to become proceed to another and more Greeks. : . . far Teaching experiment, and that JEWISH CALENDAR ho will cast aside his sentimental 6699-1938 All the people of the kingdom accepted. his totalitarian unreasonable attachment to First Day of Chanukah. «..—.—-December 18 and the ancient Eiddnr and approach ; edict except the Jews. Though greatly outnumbered by the 1 . ......December 23 our liturgy wltb the sasie discernSyrian forces, Judab. Maccabees and bis men fought with the Eosh Chodesh Tebeth.. 5699-1939 ing and critical eye -witTi -vrhicli he exaained and tested other courage and morale that only true faith can give. Fast of Tebetb ....... ....«^«..~..««January 1 has forms ot literature, both Eacred i And it was at this crisis—the greatest in Jewish life since Rosh Chodesh Shebat—„—. .........—.............—January 21 and otherwise. Passages which are the destruction of tbe First Temple—that tbe Jews forgot all Eosh Chodesh Adar w.....«^....-.—~~....~~..~~..February 20 of moral, spiritual and religions whica really challenge and . former political differences and achieved a remarkable national Purim —~ .............~.~..~...—M~~~.....—...~..........«.~.........i.. Starch 5 value, inspire, should b© preserved and Kosh Chodesh Nissan— «..«3Iarch 21 retained. The mere fact t t a t a unity that enabled them to win against overwhelming odds. First Day of Pessach. ~ April 4 certain passage nas found a place i^ Today we have not one dictator, but many; today we are Seventh Day of Pessach ". April 11 In oar ritual for centuries does y endow that passage -with any not asked to serve alien gods to preserve our lives, we are given Bosh Chodesh ....April 20 not Iyar supernatural sanctity or mystical no choice; and today we cannot even "hide ourselves in every Lag b'Omer _..~....~_ j power. Our liturgy, every paraplace of refuge we can find," tbe world is fast becoming a place Bosh Chodesh Sivaru .May 19 graph and every centeaca thereof, be brought in bsnnony with ...May 24-25 must without refuge. But today, as two thousand years ago, in facing Shavuoth ~..—.....~™ the spirit of oar age, with the scientific temper, with the religioas this terrible crisis in Jewish history, we can forget any differbeliefs and ethical ideals. ence? there may be within our ranks; we ean Join hands and It would ba inexcusable to close vith the added strength of unity of purpose we can seek a without a word ol deep praise for tn© format of tbe volume, i t is a Maccabeen victory over our oppressors. beautiful book — excellent paper, * ,


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Two Thousand Year Old Accomplices Hitler is discouraging the study of the Bible in the schools because tbe book glorifies a race'which produced the assassin of Ernst vom Rath. Originally the Nazis held only 700,000 German Jews responsible for tbe so-called-criminal act of one Jewish youth in Paris, although Goebbels lost no time in assessing the burden of guilt on Jews all over tbeitvorld. The present Nazi position, however, is an extension of time as well as space and responsibility — for the shooting of vom Rath now lies also at tbe door of the men who wrote the Old Testament and the New Testament and whose acts are chronicled in these books. It may sound like satire to most ears, but the Nazi mind now dominant in Germany, in its war against the Christian religion, refuses to make an exception for anybody sprung from the Jewish race, even as far back as two thousand years ago more or less.




SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY SOLO3ION GOLDMAN. PUBLISHED BY THE ANSHE ENET SYNAGOGUE. CHICAGO. This Is an original effort to remedy tbe chief and most lamentable need ot tbe American Synagogue, namely, a satisfactory ritual. "VVorBhlp has well-nigb disappeared from amongst us, and prayer Is a rare experience, even in the synagogue. The old and revered Siddur no longer touches or consoles tb© American Jew. Not only is its language at present an insurmount able obstacle! Its fundamental theology Is incompatible with modern thought. The Betora ritual ia austere and too intellectual for ordinary men. The unlversalism of its pages does not atone tor tbe absence of many an ancient and moving prayer concerning Israel and Palestine. :- THE RISING PROTEST Rabbi Solomon Goldman, tbe editor of this volume, is not only By EABDI FBDDDRI0S 0OHII a scholar, a religious liberal, but bbi "wtjo t understands d t d One of the most heartening signs of the moment is the an active rabbi,

rising tide of protest against Germany. Tbe conscience and passion of tbe world at last seems to be aroused. Following upon the consequences of Grynzpan's fatal bull<;t the indignation of a world has been awakened and has been made to be felt with powerful force. Not only individuals, the be3t and greatest in "the world, men and women, publicists, writers, speakers, statesmen; Christendom, by which we mean literally the Christian worM—Christian clergymen of all denominations, Christian churches, singly and in powerful and influential federations, has been stirred to its very depths a; taken action, in various forms, to show its utter loathing and condemnajion of such not only un-Christian and anti-Christian, but inhuman and barbarous and unspeakably atrocious acts as those of the Nazis j particularly against the fiendish persecution o£ the Jews. The Roman Catholic Church has nobly and bravely and consistently championed human rights and elementary morality jjot only on behalf of its own followers who have been viciously attacked and made to suffer every form of outrage and faith Ics3 treatraent,but on behalf of the inhumanly treated Jews ai well. It is even reported that the Pope is seriously considering oxcomraunSeating Adolph Hitler^ a nominal Catholic, because o his anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, inhuman actions which no only threaten the Catholic Church and.the Catholic future bu which are such a disgrace to civilization itself. That would be a deed that would reverberate around the world indeed, and liave not only symbolic but most powerful practical significance. Perhaps,-the most important and dramatic act of protes tbu3 fair1 IB, President Roosevelt's recall of our American ambass :idor to Berlin, .constituting a virtual severance of diplomats relations with Germany; particularly as Germany has recalled her ambassador... front Washington. Helaiions are undoubtedly strained. The Jew may feel encouraged when the greatest na

exceptionally fine type, pleaEing to tbe eye, and a Joy to use. And with a critical revision aad abridgement of the second part, it may become the perfect Sid&ur propriately titled "Songs o£ My for American Jews. People." The selections are positively Jewish in musical arrangement and in content, and express the aspirations, not of uprooted unlversallsts, bat of strong conscious, determined, and loyal Jews. There is a rich diversity of By COHEN song to satisfy every mood and every occasion, sacred as well as secular. And it is all Inclusive— A minute or so ia Jewish, literpresenting tbe best in. Palestinian, by way of current comments Cbassldic, liturgical; and patriotic ature % he day's Je-wisn scene ot effort. Many prized passages from of events in magazines, books and our liturgy are set to simple and Jewish thought: popular and moving melodies. The The magazines for this wee* music within these two-bundred offer the reader—"J E W I S H and forty-eight pages is the chief FRONTIER PALESTINE A N D instrument for the religious renai- THE REFUGEES," by Abraham ssance of our people. Unless the Renasky. Synagogue is able to recapture the The Question asked by the auancient and the powerful chants, unless it can utilize the hollowed thor is "Did Great Britain, by ofirresistible melodies of Israel to fering to facilitate the colonizaarouse tbe souls of our people, tbe tion of German Jewish, refugees in some cf its outlying possesfuture is dark indeed. sions, intend to evade the fulfillTbe second part of the volume, ment of its obligation In Palesthe ritual of worship for tbe Sab- tine?" "Was the offer of Guana, bath and tbs Festivals, is disap- and other territories of this kind, pointing. One expected Rabbi an. astute maneuver to detract the Goldman to take some liberty with attention of world opinion from the liturgical text so as to bring its policy of gradual nullification its spirit in greater harmony with ot the promises concerning the the modern religious outlook. For Jewish National Home" A must reasons best known to himself he read. did not do BO, but preferred to reTho book shelf: main the rigorous traditionalist "THE REFUGEE IN T H E who dares not deviate, add to or UNITED STATES," by Harold subtract, from tbe fixed and im- Fields. mutable text. Tbe old theology America as a haven of refuge with all of its untenable and crude for oppressed minorities — The dogma is Incorporated. Prayer refugees far from becoming a ceases to be, what it was by im- burden,, have contributed in a plication in tbe "Selected Read- very large measure toward tbe ings," a sincere expression of the enrichment of our national life deep and eternal longings of the and culture. A timely book to human heart. It becomes a me- read. chanical repetition of prescribed words and phrases and paragraphs. To the profound disap. pointment of tbe sincere worshipper the liturgy of the Siddur is retained in its entirety, excepting for an occasional and trifling omission. A few of the more glaring examples of this uncritical and rigid orthodoxy should be mentioned. Paris (WNS)—The Jews are Tho three sections of the Shema are included, even though the not alone .in suffering persecusecond (Deuteronomy 11:13-21) tion and others will suffer after reduces the problem of Divine them, former Premier Leon Blum Providence to quite simple terms, warned ia a broadcast speech at and the third (Numbers 15:37- a dinner o£ the League against 41) prescribes the attachment of Racism and anti-Seraitisia here. fringes to garments. Incomprehen- "They are r.ot the only ones," he sible i§,the Inclusion of petitions said. "They enly tbe most exfor tbe restoration of tha sacrifi- posed. Where Jews are suffering cial cult and the old priesthood. today, Christian churches are (p. 182a). Certainly no one can also being persecuted." pray in sincerity and truth for the Although the fonaer Pressle? restoration of tne ancient sacer- expressed docbt as to whether indotal system oj the Temple. The ternational action would succeed eacrlflcial system reperesenta a in aiding the Jews, he neverthefleeting episode In evolution of less demanded that tbs problem Judaism, and recalling the ancient be faced courageously and that rites Is of no devotional value. ths right to etnisrxle into a land What spiritual comfort, what con- of refuge should be accorded to solation, can one gala from a par- the Jews.

By D 3 . SHE0D03I! N. SSTTEJ TSsAlA» Bfosst gloal Sesspls^ Sisas City

the mentality of the American Jew and the worship problems that an American rabbi must contend with. If anyone could give us a liturgy adequate for the needs of the A m e r lean synagogue, it Bbould be he. And, yet, though he has magnificently succeeded in some ways, bo has failed singularly In others. Tbe volume is divided into three "Selected Readings," "Ritual for Sabbath and Festivals," a n d "Songs of My People." Why all of the Readings were not grouped together and placed at the beginning of the volume, it is difficult to understand. Those preceding the ritual revolve around such basic Jewish themes as God, Torab, Israel) Synagogue, themes •which have inspired, challenged, and agitated Jews throughout the. ages. The selections at the end of the ritual center around Zion, Sabbath and Festivals, The Sorrow-laden Heart, The Troubled Spirit, The Faithful Soul, The Arrogant Tyrant and' In the End oJ Days. The readings, cliosen fot tbeir etnjcal and spiritual content, from the choicest of Jewish literature, ancient and modern, appear In the Hebrew original and in Englifth translation. It is difficult, if not impossible, to convey even remotely ea idea of tbe spiritual

wealth concentrated in taeso ceJsctlons. sad to Blnsle out any particular on© would be making invidious distinctions. Th© "Selected Readings" voice emphatically and majestically the most precious doctrines, ideals, and hopes of Israel. They will stir the heart, Inspire the soul, and eatlsfy tbe Intellect- of every earnest Jew, The third part of the volume is B hymnal, prepared aud arranged by Mr. H. A. Coopersmith and ap-


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. and he quickly rushed Zanuck.

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Pit r" Due to a legal holiday, the DeRECORD CONCERT Xo. S The Educational Department of cember meeting of the Council TTefinesday, Dec. 3 1 , S p . m. Hadassah headed by Mrs. Paul take place on Tuesday, De- MOZARTrOverture — To t h e Veret and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsfey •will cember 27, at 1 o'clock. LunchReverberations: ! ar-Mcants ^ r o.. I Magic Flute. has outlined study groups that eon will be served preceding the From the pag-es c.f hir- film pn- j Dx," D E £ c;j" State Opera Berlin. should appeal to all members. program for the day, tfce annual per, a strictly "Aryan" editor ET- j ^..j.^./jp-" "-„» Leo Blech, confiuctlng. iKRAPT-CORENMAN MARRIAGE ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE These who do not as yet belong Board Meeting. All Coun- BRAHMS: Symphony No. 4 in Ernes tbat nov is tbe time for ! ^y^""" y-BS '-.. At a beautiful 3 o'clock cereMr. and Mrs. Max Kirshenbaum to any group should get in touch Open cil members are urged to attend those Jevrs in a position to do so i i g i p E Minor Opus 9S. mony performed at the Jewish announce the approaching mar- with Mrs. Veret, GL 3601, orand bring a guest. London Symphony orchestra. to produce E sitrrics; depiction of /Community Center Miss Sue riage of their daughter, Hose, to Mrs. Kulakofsky, wA 2952. Herman Abendroth, conduct- i Jewry . . . to make beard tind unEa ' Corenman, daughter of Mr. and Joseph Kriegler of Los Angeles, Earn- \ ing. | derstood tbe cry of their perse- Warner The Council has accepted the r • ' -r ~ Mrs. Samuel Corenman became son of Mrs. Davi'd Kriegler of Book Review Group Commentator — Mrs. Min- cutpd brethren. invitation of four prominent the bride ol Mr. Leon J. Kraft, New York City. j lion for c ~ n nie Yoigt. -c o The group headed by Mrs. Sid-civic groups to co-operate in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kraft I An emergency, -which revealed j ism ct a r-r1 The marriage will take place of Charlotte, North Carolina. The Saturday evening, December 17, ney Cahan on "Book Reviews of sponsorship ol a new series o£ lecj the medical inadequacy ot -a cer- j Legionnaire^ ceremony was performed by Rab- at 8:30 at the bride's residence, Jewish Interest" will meet 1 p. tures by Ruth Neuhaus. ! tain small beach town, caused E. ; Warner's v L bi David A. Goldstein, assisted by 1225 South Union avenue, Los m. Wednesday, December 21, at The new project assumes the •well- a c r n director to assert: ; EAmerican I 1 ' T <- " —- s the home of Mrs. Meyer Raben, proportions of a city-wide event Wofnen s Division Angeles. Cantor Aaron Edgar. "'We could veil use some of. the j ° stirring The couple will live in Los An- 334 North Thirty-fifth street. since the organizations presentpurged Easier rsedicos .'ros: Ger- i Printed in d • The bride wore a long-sleeved Desert lunch will be served. Mrs. ing the lectures are the Omaha Luncfieon Monday many." ! oi-d. More ec •white satin gown. Her veil was gles. Harold S. Barish will review Council of Federated Church en rrodi t long and she carried a shower Presumably to avoid endless "The Old Bunch" by Meyer Levin. Women, the Women's Auxiliary bouquet of white roses and sweet- BAR MITZVAH > Kier The first luncheon meetingof controversy, the local May com-1 oac Douglas County Medical Society, the Women's Division of the Fed- Fany store, with the largest rent-1 J,^ -i5 r r_ ^" Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bondarin peas. Mrs. Phlneas Wintroub, her the Omaha League of Women eration lor Je-s-ish'Service will be- al1 library in the city, carries t o ! ' e ,, ''f.i ,' ~c* -' announce the Bar Mitzvah of Hebrew Class sister's matron of honor, -wore Toters and the Young Women's held nest Monday, December IP, books, pro v,o- cos, on Germany. dusty pink satin and chiffon. Her their son, Avrum, Saturday mornThe Hebrew class continues to Country." ing, December 17, at the Beth meet each Thursday from 10 a. m. Christian Association. * * * bouquet was ol deep red roses. at 1 o'clock. A meeting has been Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, Mrs. Manual Grodinsky, who arranged. Miss Blanche Kleixnan, a few of " Joan Benny. Jack'4-yea.r-old Bridesmaids were MIs3 Sophie and Burt Cts., at 8:30. to 11:30 a. m. at the Jewish will serve as Council chairman, new educational director, will he was visiting him 023 the Halperin, in turquoise, and Miss Nineteenth o'clock. All friends are invited. Community C e n t e r . Mrs. L. has been asked to serve as gen-introduced to thr group, and new- hopeful, set. feEsrES clicked . . . Jack Edith Ostrovich, in peach taffeta. Graetz is chairman and Mrs. S. eral ticket chairman for the Mr. and Mrs. Bondarin will be Kahz members will be presented. went through the "take" . . . They carried yellow roses. Miss hosts is instructor. All members at a reception for their son series, and Mrs. M. M. Guttnan director shouted. "Okay!" then Fee m A complete outline of the year's Bailey Bernstein, maid ol honor, Sunday, are urged to attend. Those who December IS, at their been appointed general pub- activities will be presented, ECil a&&(•£, "TTe'H shoot En?t?ier jn~t Jewess wore pink taffeta and carried red home, 1531 North Twentieth have missed classes can make up lias licity chairman. r~i-,P r-,r-— ~ r * '— *r all members are urged to n a i e to he Eiire."' Again all the atroses. street, from 2 until S and from 7 their back worli. The first lecture -Brill be given reservation. ti-i-itj-, Joan cot sissing: a trick. ff^pVterr r ' i " -I--- -< r - l i r ( "Little Bernico Wlntroub was to 10 o'clock. No invitations have on Wednesday, February 22, at There will be a hoard ineetins Whea Jack returned to her side,.; j'nEt'iprator t c ' *• e i t t i . . ring bearer, and Marilyn "Win- been issued. Hadaosah Projects the Brandeis store auditorium, at at 12 o'clock, preceding the lunch- she reprox-ed, "TTell, for heaven's j the'looner ; . , , < . troub -was flower girl. "The Orientation of Hadassah 10:30 a. m. Season tickets are eon. s a t e , Dz&Cy, I hops yor. fii(3 it | v.-ni gatis'* c —- - r Xsadore Blumeathal of SavanProjects" group is headed by Mrs. right that, time:** I . . . v-tir'f—•' "" ~^~ ' pXl"> nah, Georgia, cousin * of the n Lazar Kaplan, who is assisted by * * * 1 elOWT] t o V\ " r*" "f— " f 1 ' 1 1 ? T\ t. '"'^ Broom, was best man. U&hers Warm clothing, tors, candy, Flickerettes: Peter Loire vel- ] j n "The I or^ tr ' € 1 " Before the girls depart for Mrs. Max Glvot. The first meet,Vere Phineas Wintroub, Nathan ing of the group will be held Monfruit and nuts -were gathered tocorned his mother and brother ! reeler. ! their various homes Saturday the Corenman and Henry Coren. day 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. gether by the Council's energetic from Prague and another brother [ — j ^ JL reception for friends was held annual Chanukah party will -be Max 4809 Capitol. The Chanukah committee for the 60 from Antwerp this ve?.k. Sybil j Items and Incidents: KR-UIP ! ; . Immediately after the ceremony. given. Betty Beeson, Omaha, outlineGivot, of the course and thechildren taken care of by the So- There will bs a special meeting Jason has a part in the current i Rave's turkey vras shared br her < •• A family dinner was held in the chairman, and her committee con- first phase will be'given by Mrs. cial Service department of tee of the Round Table of Jewish ShirJey Texple vehicle. Lev Pol-1 sisting of Shirley Polsky. Lincoln, evening. Shirley Epstein and Judith Leven- Morris M. Franklin, who will be J. C. C. Youth en Sunday, December IS, lock, the fong-WTiter, pa-re swey euests were Mr. son. Omaha, are planning a mid- the instructor. . Council also remembered the at S p. a . , at tbe Jewish Com- many grobislerF to tfcc peecly on ,»ndOut-of-town Mrs. James Corenman and night spread, entertainment, etc., Jeivish Horns for tbe Aged trith munity Center. j Turkey Day. According io the andaughter, Barbara, of Sioux City; for Thursday evening. Before N poll conducted by the Clevea holiday supply of fresh fruit. Mr. and Mrs. Mas Rosen and the girls parted, arrangements Survival of the Jew It is important that all repre- nual Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf w a s sentatives of the So&nd Table land Plain Dealer, .Tacit Eenr.y One of the most significant ed' daughters, Evelyn and Elaine, of were made for several get-togethPEEIIS first in RE . AU-American ucation courses ever offered with- chairman of the cornraitteo in attend. Des Motnes. SIXTEENTH AT HARNEY in Omaha during the winter in Rafiio Eleven. Sarr. Pokrass recharge. Other members vrere: Hadassah is the "Survival of .The bride's going-away outnt ers vacation. On Sunday, December the Jew In the World Today" be- Mrs. Louis Kulakofsliy, Mrs. Abe The officers of tbe Hound ports -a, EtartliEg- Scllus oZ formerwas a costume suit in wine 18, pledges, actives, and alumnaes Table are: Jos Guss, presifiest; ly nnhearc-'rom relatives the mo•trimmed in brown Kolinsky. She of Theta chapter will breakfast at ing given by Mrs. David A. Gold- Veager, Mrs. Mas Hclzsan, Mrs. Irene Nircwllz, vice-president; his option was taken up. M. Grodinsky, Mrs. I. "WeiaBr, stein. !-wore brown and wine accessories the Blaclistono hotel. fe secretary; Morris ment Maurice Moscovitch t s s EE 1mMrs.' M. Handler, Mrs. M. M. Bertha Registration Is being taken by The couple •will live in Los It is a custom or Sigma Delta Mrs. J. Kates, WA 1820. Those Guttinan and Mrs. Clareace Berg- Arbitmaa, treasurer. Mr. Hasfcell portEBt role in "Eroafiv-nr SereBe Her FavoriTe Santa , Angeles. Tau and of Theta chapter ,at the who nade." Al .TOIFOK, vrho fcssa't man. missed tntr first meeting can Cohen is director of the organiUniversity of Nebraska to have as still be Included in the group. *ace4 3 camera. Eince 15 C 6, may zation. CURLS SCOUT TROOP patronesste of the sorority, Jewreturn to celluloid in "Rose of The Girls Scout troop No. 4 ish women outstanding In their Meeting dates "will be on the secTv'sshiEEton EstiEre," a story held a meeting Sunday, December communities. Installation of Mrs. and and fourth Tuesdays at the bases on tbe life 0' Fanny Erics. 11 at the J . C. C. Davo Nefsky and Mrs. Carl Well, J. C. C , 1:15 p. m. The followTThispere grevr loede-r that the Some of the girls told stories, •who have recently accepted the ing are the dates when the class Harold Turkel, Lincoln, memRave-Ross isest is rot so cicwry. will meet, December 27. January others acted out a popular tale, ber of the University of Nebraska invitation to become patronesses, 1 Karry Tlitz. ill -with neuritis, Tiafi and the rest of the members en- will be held at the chapter house 10 and 24, February 14 and 28,debate squad, last week attended By HELEN SIGBIOKP to cancel a San FratLclsco apnoted n skit written by come ol on Saturday, January 7. CA for- March 2$ and April 25. a student legislative asseaWy o£ pearance. the group. raid-western colleges at Topeka, mal dinner will tollow the instalKansas. A highlight of the as- LesI Riefcastahl, Nazi film! lation, ceremony. Activities BETURNS FOR HOLIDAYS sembly was the passage of a bill, head!, -srho arrives in Kovietown j Arthur SboekrnEn'E "-yetix-old j Josephine Rubnitz, was one of the benefit of Youth Ali- proposed Miss Zell Abrahamson; daugh- the members of Mortar Board yahFor Turkel, providing for to visit and stady American filza- j jrassie, puffec*. with nt and the HMO, a bingo game economic by ter of Mr. and Mrs. J.- Abraham- •who was heard last Wednesday sanctions against ag- making-, did not gain admittance 1 runnins: into tbe house. to Hollywood studios . . . was in- i she called "there's a rat outBOH, has returned here from the night in a radio skit depicting •will be given January 18 at the gressor nations. Chicago Art Institute to spend the scenes of the vice-versa party Brandeis tea rooms in the form formed that "since American i siSe!" Tv'j a tv.-i.Titie the i n Irvin Taffee, Omaha, proved ol a dessert lunch. Hadassah holidays with her parents. films are barred in Germany, we j raor scribe asl-rec, "An-'-'body we ! which the group sponsored last members his varsity basketball caliber in -who "wish:to raise theit Miss Abrahamson will have as Mday night at the University the Nebraska-South Dakota game have nothing to Ehow Miss Rief- j Know her guests for ths waeK-end the loliseum. Josephine was also in doaor luncheon money in this last Saturday. enstahi that -would interest her." manner can do so by getting in Misses Lynn and Leslie Shlaes of charge of the ticket Bale and genSeveral press ag-ents declined to Anest oar clima Morton Margolin, Omaha, aad touch with the chairman. Mrs. Chicago. eral arrangements lor this dance. Morris M. Franklin, GL 1948. Melvin Tannenbanin, also of haadle the ballyhos of her ar- one was esplsusE "we iiave but rival—and triea a p. a. refuses Mary Arbltman accompanied a two seas ns—Eunmcr time ecu Omaha, this week were initiated group of graduate social workers SUBSCRIPTION DANCE into Alpha Phi Omega, national an scco'jEt, that's news! A Eight option tliae!" clnb rejected reservatioEs for 3, Stanley Sloaburg and Howard who spent the wee'k-end in Sioux service fraternity. * * * Kaplan will be hosts for the City visiting settlement houses Phil Bordy, Silver Creek, was •dinner in "her honor. The "astiroceed The disEy caffy JUi Nari L€?agTie proclaimed In a fullfourth consecutive year to about and the Winnabafo Indian reserawarded a freshman football public esfiicjrs "mishugs" ! In a plan to stimulate a great- numeral. page trade-paper Ed that "There to drive their 100 young people at their annual vation. While in Sioux City," Mary to ' fferent five diffe is no room ia Hollywood lor Leni with New Year's eve subscription dance stayed with Frances Kalin, a er variety of interests for memwill be pre"Musketeers." bers of the chapter, the group decr other Nasi agents." viewed to be given at the Elks club. One Theta alumna. , . cv.d Jive Budapest, (WNS)—A Hun- Riefeastahl five tim cided to sponsor a Boy Scout of the city's leading orchestra's A similar aEBOsn greeted separate tLuciences will garian Bishop forbidden the troop and a basketball team in playing of "Wagner's Lohengrin has been secured. the junior league. • Reservations can be made by ' calling either of the sponsors. A suggestion "was brought for- and Mendelssohn's "Midsummer •\ I A Chanukah luncheon will be •vsrard to "hold an essay contest Nights Dream" wedding marches given at the home of Mrs. J. Kap- among young men interested in in-all churche3. TO VISIT CHICAGO .4 L. The Bishop considers both int Mrs. Morris Katleman and Mrs. lan, 2224 Miami street, Thurs- joining century chapter. The winbecause Wagner's D. B. Epstein and son, Bernard, day. December 22, at 1 o'clock. ner" to get his membership pre- appropriate march introduces as episode Will spend the week-end in Chica- The committee in charge has ar-paid. by the cooliss ol congo, where they will attend the ranged an interesting program. Alephs Milton Saylan and Paul marked nubial bliss, -vrhlle Mendelssohn's marriage of Miss Lorraine Cohen. For reservations call Mrs. S. Sacks -were elected to represent music v ; :-r: r~.the transforMiss. Cohen has been a frequent Okun, WE 1642. the Sam Beber chapter at tho mation"accompanies ol a .bridegroom into an New officers of the group were Cornbelt regional tournament visitor at the home of Mrs. recently installed at a tea given business session to be held in ass. Epstein. in their honor at the J. C. C. Sioux City. Alephs Abe ResnicI: They are Mesdames J. Feldman, and Norman Kuklin Trill be alterRECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fried of financial secretary and national nates. Aleph Harold Zelinsky is Council Bluffs will be home to fund chairman; S. Meiches, re- Aleph Godol of the region and friends and relatives Sunday, De- cording secretary; I. Morgenstern, will preside - over tbe business cember IS. from 2 until G andtreasurer; J, Razuick, cultural session. v 1 .:c?d e i"Ci;;h e t refined fron 7 until 10 o'clock in honor chairman; S. Okun, financial A meeting -will be held at the -i - ;<• v--p"<irobfi, ideal for fill' of the marriage of their daugh- chairman; I. Raznick, gift chair- Jewish Community Center Sun•••••- f!?o «•'?!.: e n n h a v p t h e m Jn ter. Leona, to Mr. Philip Mul- man; R. Altaian, membership day, December 18. Election of ofnick. son of Mr. and Mrs. Aleck chairman, and S. Epstein, hospi- ficers will take place. Mulnick of Omaha. No invita- tal chairman. tions have been issued. Patronize Our Advertisers ,'A.ff The couple was married De- Ladies' Auxiliary cember 6. Congregation of Israel The regular meeting of the ladies' auxiliary of the Congregation of Israel will tafee place MonThe U. T. sorority will hold day, December 19, at 2 p. m. in their annual winter formal dance the assembly rooms of the synaMonday, December 19, at the Mu-gogue at 25 th and J streets. AH B!C BOX. Mell Pestor*s orchestra members are urged to attend. •will -furnish the music. Lcsm to Wstts Correctly In 1787 an order was issued Helene Albert is chairman of iA CS24 the affair. She is being assisted forcing all Jews in the Austria 2027 DodsQ by Ruth Rosenstock, Babs Roths- empire to assume surnames. child and JoyGreenberg. C '• f

Sigma Delta TauV"

Round Table Meets Sunday Afternoon

Give a

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Our Fiia Folk

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U. T. Sorority



*r. r-Zzzs c: p ^ e cu;: vr=rp ens rsj-ea ti^-


qusrd pcticm ci ir,-o-icno blue, c-rccr

Bj Mrs; David M. Neivmaa 1

Gingersnap Pudding M pound sihgersn-aps, 3 cups milk, 2 tablespoons sugar, tablespoon butter, V* cup raisins, 2 eggs, i£ teaspoon salt and I teaspoon baking powder. Break gingersnaps in small pieces, cover with milk and let Si iid 20 minutes. Add raisins, mix sugar, butter and beaten eggu together and fold into first mixture with baking powder and salt. Bake in a pan set in a pan of hot •water % hour. Serve with cream. Patronize Our Advertisers ITAVIM. PA* •you' I'o -Uohsali


and 7c!;o Advcnta^o of ThoGS Zsiixrdzy Fee.

SALAMI or Wienerz, Feinberg'o Kosher, 1b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CORNED BEEF,. Fancy Kosher Shoulder, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . SMOKED SALMON or WHITE FISH, Ib. . . . . . . . . . SCHMALTZ HERRING, Large, each .,.-.. . , , , , . CHILI, Fancy Kosher, , ' Lib. brick CORNED BEEF, • . :Fancy Kosher Brisket, Ib MANISCHEWITZ- MATZOS-and RfATZO MEAL— A Fresh S«pply a t Popular- Prices. Faacy Large Eye Domestic

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%\0\ v ^ "'. .. - ."^.. 'Bras 1

DENNIS Don Budge Oakland Cal winner of U S Wimbledon French Australian titles

GOLF Sam Snead, White Sulphur . Springs, W. Va.. professional who has won $20,000

BASEBALL SWIMBIING Charles H. <Red) Ruffing, N. Y. Katherine Rawls Thompson, Yankees pitcher, won two who holds 29 national swimWorld Series games . tains- and diving titles



FOOTBALL Saver CSrien, Tesa.3 Christian University, voted most valu« able grid player of year

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BOXTNG Henry Armstrong, Los Angeles, won featherweight, lightweight and welterweight titles

JOCKEY Canadian-born Johnny Longden. who has won 208 races out of 1,062 starts


',-, * ' .

• '














FIGCSE SKATING Robin Lee,-Brooklyn. N. Y., 1S38 national figure champion of the ice

SOCSES' • Davey Kerr, of the New Tori: Rangers, considered tops among American goaliss •


1 SHAMPION FACEK—World champion pacer and fastest harness | feorse ever recorded is Billy Direct, 4, shown with his trainer, Vic I Fleming, s t Syracuse, N.v Y, His mark of a mile in 1:55, set at I Lexington, Ky., this fall, e a t the long-standing mark of famous |j Dan Patch. Billy is owned ay Dan McConviUe of Ogdensburg, N. Y., and P a t Downey, Worcester, Mass.


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K FOS- FEESIBENT—President Roosevelt, stnmp collector, receives a souvenir rfieet of Christmas seals, i" his "White EOiJss OSCE. Left to right: Dr. James G. Tovnsetir,, president ol the local tuberciilosis associatioi); Mrs. Ernest K. Grant, managing «lirector, and Dr. Thomas Parran. Surgeon Genera! s-nd s director of the K£"Konal Tuberculosis Association.


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maNUFACOTKEBS' PEESroENT—New president of the National r Association of Manufacturers, elected at the recent congress in "I. r New York, is Howard Coohley, right.' chairman ol the Walworth Company, Inc., of New York City. Above, he is greeted by the retiring president, Charles R. Hook, president of the American C Soiling Mill Company, of Middletown. Ohio. , .t ! * •








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NEW AMBASSADOR—Japan's new Ambassador to the United States, scheduled'to arrive in Washington, D. C , soon, is Kensuke Horinouchi, who.'replaces the popular Hirosl Saito..Mr. Horinouchi is shown with bis wife and their four-year-old niece, Isami E^wamotoi outside their home in Tokyo. The new Ambassador was converted to Christianity in his boyhood.

WHAT? NO SLEIGH?—According to the cameraman who tookthis picture, jolly old Santa Clans carae dGwn from the North Pole and stopped oS at the Lake Koroonioa Club, Norco. Cal., for a brief vacation before his Christmas rush. There he enjoyed beauty treatment from Jean.O'Donnel, right, snd Karjorie Moore. left. But where bis sleigh was, tre'don't toow either.




'.. r.o.— .'." """ugoslavia.

•oT'er:i~"'^l, r~rcv llic Por-p^s'1"1' linn of his brother, ZZzzz ^--itxsvizr, in ICr/sr.lie& iov • ya.:.- ir;, leaves t h e Russia's, church in London v i t h Princess Oiga. v.-o~<J from New York police t h a t assassins were en route on the Queen Mary Ato ~ kill Sim csraspc1 Paul to oirt l>or>ao- under her'"'" cur i - d.

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FAlE-'-SEADS;FOS"O5'ENING—Early spring will see the opening of the 1930 Golden Gate InternaFxnosition on the man-made Treasure Island, in San Francisco Bay. This interesting view « J i d t upper left, next to Yerba Buena. San Francisco is in foreground, with.the new

ci WIH"

, o.Jt_i u a ^ J U u L U L u r u

TE1ES HES LUCE—While Richard (Disie> Davis, racket lawyer. awaited sentence in New York on a conspiracy charge, i2rs. Davis tried her luck in a casino in Beao, Nev. Later, Ehs -cas granted a on a cruelty charga

BCTCH EOrAL r*!T r:cs ixln~ Lec^cli c^ '. K.inz is Crc^rn Frizes nert, c z l a t ric-t; is

: ' r ',;c t, rrrort'r, 1" T>~ Kr<-•.- T5;r Netherlands. ".'r *nc-rfcc-:ol ;'ic Drlc v . rc^al -°&T.*L!J-, Next to the s. Her ijur.bEad, Piauce Bcnihard, is ccs? t-

r*^rtlsis'^, ci Tire -T

THE JEWISH PEESS—FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1938 Ished, hf lefi the f HER C?»OSS BRESSLER fool. But the -princess looked > Ti^n^ni ' T nc e*f Pf into their hearts, laughed nserrily, and said: "It Is true .that you are fools. And perhaps the greatest tools, who knows? But you do not realI ly admit it in your hearts." of th.3 Jerthh Coiazaunity 0cstcr And she dismissed them. Just as they, disappointed, •were leaving the princess, they in high dudgeon and In their knew that be was a fooJ, and who saw their brother, "David the Fool," being led within the palgreat excitement forgot to call was willing to admit it. David. Then they wandered about "For that reason, banquets wero ace gates by attendants in livery. I300 1 The princess was looking out the streets of the city and asked •prepared every day within the The Teuton TrrEEfr Long, long ago, there Iive3 an the people: two castles. And it was hoped oi the window, and when she saw rattle upright Jew who had three sons. "Who is this proud person who that among the many guests David ehe fell in love with .Iin ' ±1 lie could reafl Tar .PCT M" He'named his eldest son Reuben, invites wise men to his castle and might be found one who was a instantly, and said to herself: Battle." the.second Saul, and the young- fails to provide for . their com- fool, who admitted his lack of "How I do wish that he would est David. Now the elder broth- fort? Is It his intention-to insult wisdom. But to this day no oneadmit his folly." ' IsASIMAKIA N O T ? ers 'were-proud and haughty, and U S ? " . - . • . " had" crossed the threshold of the And she went forward to greet . ' . ' " . ••;. . : ' -' I Wells' new "book, "71"? ' they looked down upon David, The- people explained that the !astle for Fools, while the Castle him.- The attendant bowed and ' rt?r," vfcicfe IF.fresngpp•whom t h e y - nicknamed • "The city belonged to a powerful "king of Wise Men was always thronged eaid: Axnsrlcfti?. n^-^Erp-pB^^ •** Pool." . .--:••• "This youth is the only guest who had one daughter. Her "hap- with.";.Tisitors. echie r e circulation, FT-" >r- o - f trho has ever dined at the Castle And David", who. was a simple, piness was thB dearest" thing: pn :When the two brothers had ' BL"b ross, basis, iv, tt" *, honest, fellow, believed them. earth to him. Now the princess heard this storyi each thought to of Fools. He says that his | Its "here" Is a ci^tr r is 'David the Fool.' "For 1£ they say I am a tool," was as delightful as "blue skies himself: Kudo" Whitlow EI>.: i thought i e , "then surely they In May-time and a s delicately "What is* your name?" asked "I shall steal away from my Fuehrer yri'A have i c know..whereof they spealt." So beautiful as petals olown from a brother and go to the princess, the princess of David. ,1 in pettier the idea •when -. anyone would ask hicr hia red rose by summer breezes. David Speaks arid tell her t h a t . I am a fool. me to suggest," sujrjief name, So would answer: "My Then 1 shall marry her and be- "My name is 'David the Fool.* litz of Chicago, "U u. The Princess ' name is David the Fool." come.the king's son-in-law and That is what my two brothers, ESECL Hitler & copy cr j But she had one very bad the. heir to the throne." . "Pnce, .th'e. two brothers set who are standing yonder, call me. negie'e reocEl cook. " i forth .1 or a wallr in the tields, and habit. She was - dreadfully inThey are wlss men and Barely :: Into the Hall the Fool walked after quisitive. She would: pry into So without telling his "brother they know of what they speak." fi^.r *-• i-rrn'r"n:'i ' " them. Suddenly «, dear sprang to- every open door and peak into where he was going, .Reuben The princess was delighted .-r ri •wards them in the path-way and every window.; And—you will sneaked away to the king's pal- with David, for she had read his • geEtioiL-Adopters . , . the brothers •were greatly, scared. hardly believe me—she would ace. Saul, on the other hand, was modesty in his heart. She quicki Bat the deer -was frightened, too, even lay her little ear against the well pleased at his brother's sud- ly sent a messenger to the king, and ran quietly away. "Where- keyhole in her curiosity to hear den disappearance and without a her father, with the glad tidings. NPS-tSEt t r i c k s i r c e I-"" i f p " i r upon the brothers said to one an- every single little whisper. word to any one, he, too, hur- So David married the princess, to the tfercne of A r - - r nother,. "That can be no wild aniOnce she happened pass- riedly wended his way to the pal- who no longer was -able to read •- . , \ . backs of half a mil'ior . " i v mal which runs from us. Come, ing the home of a holy man just ace. When they reached the pal- the secret thoughts of others, beGerman film product- r z.r . let us pursue, it." as he was reciting his prayers. ace they came face to face and came a strong, happy woman. plan to caricature Hitler in bis , bov.with the s&nctior rr.' ; -..-.•-•• .. At the Spring •-. Of course she peeked into the scowled glumly at each other. And David realized at last that next film? . . . And, for ttat mat- Warner Brothers' trp:ca!2.r Northe Nazi "Weeping bitterly, they got upopen door, and when she saw the "Gentle princess," said Reuben, his brothers had deceived him by ter, even if he makes his bur-dic ecreea star, is going to m&rrf ence and went on again a good long Zadik with eyes uplifted to the "I am a fool who am convinced calling him a fool. For he waslesqued dictator a Rumanian or the daughter of the Jewish toi-ae- | turned ^ tae ^ n" out ,. ' a film " H^ Bh o; " ; ,' e . distance uptil they came to a heavens, and with arms clasped of my folly, and who am willing a fool no longer. how can he hela co magsate Sciinssi . . . All the ' '^ • • - *• He was thea Graustarklan. Graustarklan, lie help cool,, refreshing spring. They across his chest, she burst into to admit it before any one." king's son-ln-1'aw. Nor were his looking like Hitler unless he gives money Albert EiasteiB makes on were tired and thirsty, all three very rede laughter. Her loud brothers wise men, but the great- •cp his famous mustache? . . . articles and lectures outside of Two Brothers of-them, after their long •walk, laughter interrupted the Zadik in FREE! Am est fools in the world, as they Wnoder whether Kuhn, Loebis his regular vrork s.t the tniver"That is not true," Interrupted so they stretched out "beside his prayer, and: in his anger he Saul hastily, " I am the fool. I had tried so hard to make the and CoiapaEy are going to act on is given tc refugees £ ; <""*• the; spring to have a drink; They cursed her, saying: ' Dr. Stephen S. Wise's suggestion Marina Ytrlowa, the world-famam the greatest fool living. But princess believe. vr^fe drinking long and heartily, Couchlin for for ©us Spanish dancer, is touring the that they sue Father Coughlin "From this" day on, when you my brother here is a very p wiien". suddenly from among the look upon the face of anyone, man." A Story of Hebrow FoEk) libel because of his statement that country in the interests of Tunis trees/-on the hillside a rustling may you also look into his heart, they financed the Bolsheviks . . . for European refugees . . . ComJchada Steinberg. And thus they began to diswas. heard and soon a dog ap-and when you hear anyone speak, If they're doubtful of the efficacy munity centers please note . • . ^ *^*5l>^, * peared. of this method cf silencing slan- (Copyright, 19SS, by Seven Arts may you also hear the Toice of der, let them look up the records his thoughts." Feature Syndicate.) .Said David: '4Let us follow the of the late Herman Bernstein's When the princess returned to dpir. Perhaps he will bring us to the palace her maidens ran forsimilar cass against Henry Ford • • • • in the '20'B . . . aplace where people live and they ward to -meet her, with eager, wili be able to direct us." warm greetings. ABOTJT. PEOPLE His brothers began to jeer ana But she sow with pain how in In the official armament malaugh at him. for they were their hearts they hated her, and chinery to be put up in this counr.shamed to follow the advice of were exclaiming: bol, to drop the swastika because try Bernard M. Baruch will beNAZI STUFF one whom they had so often we wish that you were Rumors on the vom Rath shoot- of its political implications . . . come an important member of the called a fool.. But each In his ill,"How that we might have a vaca- ing plot ax& "getting hotter and Doff your hat to Dr. Alex Stras- War Plan Board Baroness heart of hearts knew that the hotter . . . The latest is that the berg of the Jewish General hospi- Eugene de Rothschild applied for idea was a clever one, and tion from serving you." of Montreal, who refused per- and regained her American citiShe Sobs ..".'•'• French secret police have actual tal thought: .-that the whole thing was a mission to the Deutsche Chirur- zenship . . . She did it to protect "To be sure, the dog is probShe stamped her foot with in- proof gische Gesellschaft of Berlin to I r liberty • and the Baron's milably from a nearby village, the dignation at their meanness, and put-up job to furnish a pretext for reprint an important article cf his n e further persecution of the Jews Boris Thomashevsky, inhabitants of which will be able causing" them to leave her pres- . . . At the moment, well-informed from the Canadian Medical As- lions Yiddish Roaeo cf another era, is taidirect us homeward." ence, began to sob bitterly.sociation Journal . . . And clap sources whisper that the Nazis are in a hospital, very ill Erika . ; ; - Following, the Dog . Now the king .heard of this and perfecting plans for another "out- hands for Fred Elven of the Mann, gifted daughter of Thomas, ;: So ".they followed the dog forsent his prime minister to find rage," this time to be pinned on Cincinnati Freie Pres3e, who re- has written an expose of Nazi edu17 days and 17 nights. And dur- out what was the matter. The the Catholics and to supply what fused a Hitler-proferred raedal cational methods is a volume ing that time,.they had naught prime minister entered the prin- Hitler will call Justification lor a . . . Some other Americans please called "School for Barbarians" for food but the herbs of the cess' chamber' and .greeted her billion-dollar fine to be levied copy . . . . . . We can't understand why the ground and the fruits of the trees "with a deep, sweeping bow. But against tho Catholic church in THIS ASH THAT rumor was spread that non-Aryan on; the wayside. And for drink the princess; listening- to "hisGermany . . . Five years ago 89 Nasi Ambassador Haas Dieck- George L. Weissbaui who they had water of the cool spring thoughts,* heard them say:per cent of the school children of hoff may think he's in a spot be- bought t i e New Tork Sixth Aveand of the skipping, singing "How I wish that the princess Munich attended Catholic paro- cause he'll have to explain tha nue El wrecking contract, was an brooks. might die, so that I might per- chial schools , . . Today every one American view on Nazism to theBgsat for Hitler-- . . And -of-all i P _ _ day., they reached suade- the^ iing-- to --adoptrrny of them is forced to attend Nazi- Furore—but Just fancy the posi- the senseless aa3 unfounded ruma'-terge, "magnificent city. The daughter in her -stead." The Nazi tion of Adolf's girl friend, Leai ors we've heard in r-ecent weeks conducted schools brothers looked about them and So the'prime minister left the racial laws are coming in handy Riefensthal, whose tour cf Ameri- the worst is that concerning the wondered greatly for never be- princess when" she cried but to for Mrs. Raimund von Hofmann- can filmland was punctuated by Van Raalte hosiery people, whose fore had they seen a city so beau- him in fear and sorrow: "Oh, you sthal, the former Muriel Astor . . . the slamming of dozens cf Holly- lisle hosa has been accused of, tiful, jior palaces BO grogeous. wicked, man! Away troni my The' non-Aryanism of her hus-wood doors right In the face of Nazi origin We're happy to jadi fe Is it inform you that the Van P*aalte 9 .Hurt tax besa sr*:"r*r On coming into the main Htreet sight, and never show your face band, a subject of Hitler and the the Nazi movie czarina lisle stockings are completely son of the great Austrian Jewish just a coincidence that it was of this city, their attention was to me again.* • Orooha. It is opposes.'* rpoet, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, right after Leni's visit to the American in material manufacattracted to two stalwart castles. The King Is Anxious c.— ".,'--3Over the portals of one was inThe -prime minister appeared will: make it easy for her to ob-screen capital that Charlie Chap- ture and any other respect you la detfred. cad tain the divorce she wants from lin announced a change in his Eiignt'thiak c5 . . . Wayne JEorris, scribed: before ^he king: peopl* cf "Here May Wise Men Eat for "Tour Royal Highness," said him, as she Is suing him in an Nothing." he sadly, "I fear greatly that your Austrian court . . . Imagine the And over the portals of the daughter, the princess, is ill. For embarrassment of the Voelkischer other was inscribed: she speaks of things that are Beobachter when it discovered the "Here May Pools Eat Free of strange, and have no meaning.** serial it was advertising concerned Charge." Then the king with his attend- a war fought on German EOil . . . service, cS crer dscr So the txro toothers went into ant, hastened to his daughter. No Publication plans were quickly the castle for wise men, for they sooner did they enter than the changed, although the novelist is 100 per cent Aryan and a Nazi considered themselves very clever, princess heard the attendant, say aarmy We her® boss eblng hss&ss officer, for it is against the indeed. within his heart: ff 'I^* ' Nazi philosophy even to imagine \, David the Fool "If I could only kill the prin- an enemy setting foot on the Land ; But David said to himself: "My cess without fear of being dis- of the Holy Terror . . . brdthers are always declaring that covered. I would then rob her of FROM FOREIGN PARTS I am a fool. I shall betake my- her jewels and sell them to pay Franca is having "her troubles T' self therefore, to the. Castle .for jay debts." Eoaty with Adolf and Benito, "but that Fools and partake of a meal in "So you, too, wish to kell me,1 hasn't kept the Academy of oad lot the company of other fools." shouted the princess . excitedly. France from, electing ; Jerosne The two brothers entered the "Go* away, from mo at once, for Tharaud, the country's chief Hitcastle for sages butloun<3 neither I cannot hear to have you near ler-lover, as one of its members a bench to sit upon nor a_ morsel me.". . . . » Keep your eye peeled for of: bread to put into their The attendant was scarea. And some torrid dispatches from Spain 1 mouths. For every man who the king, too, was greatly fright- In the New York, .Times . . . Sam c:. ::z gassed by the two palaces was so ened.. Spewaek, crack correspondent and r. * Its flrtnly convinced of his own wis"What can ail you, my daugh- ace playwright, will bo sending dom, that as a result there wero ter?" he questioned tenderly. them over . . .Although German many, many .more guests than "Why do you Insult these fine, trade with the Latin-American nathere were seats or food provided. splendid people? ' Why do youtions has been" making some rapid (-T-,- had, strides, the bull-in-the-cbina-shop But David- was t h e only one "to y speak such nonsense?" tactics of, the Nasla aren't sucenter the Castle for Fools, and Insight founds there not. one table comJust then, the queen came In ceeding any too well in our Bister panion. For, rwith the exception with her maids of honor. Now republics . . . Before the month Us* Cte at the many cooks and- attendants one of these ladles was quits con- is over 8 couple more oi them will the castle was'deserted. The serv- ceited and she thought to her-ask their envoys to retnrn home Berlin . . . Which reminds ants .rushed-to him with great self: • . . . . : . : . -9 froia us that a big-cheese Nazi has just no cordiality, and they- stacked his : ""What a fool the princess is. been sent to South America, prec r r^ r™l cr i,; c;, plate heaping full with-delicious And now ugly she Is. -My tiniest foods, the like of which he hadfinger is far prettier than her sumably to make matters worse . . . H i s record includes an active never seen, let alone eaten. face." At part in the blood-purge of f o u r David Feasts "You are telling a He," sudcivx So David feasted; yet so much denly rang out the angry voice of years ago, and his name is Adolf cr" . . . js-^z fezn-bzzizz cubicb i=r .... -And it you think that's had-been prepared that he left the princess, "Tho soles of myMarx name for a Naal, just confar, more than he .had eaten. Then slippers are fairer "than your a.queer sider that if Hitler and Mussolini he.;went-out into the.street,;.whera forehead." And>shc drove oat allwere Jewish they'd be known as ;•"; ^f^Ti. :'. jinet. his brothers who were in the ' maids - of honor, from her Velvele and Baruch . . . : a ^great; rage. .. _ . . -; • room. . The queen' was terrified REPERCUSSIONS VWhat. makes you so angry, and fainted dead away, so that it Einanuel Lasker, former chess {he brothers?" asked David with sur- was quite some time before she champion of the •world, who now r.r?iizg l i e s vrZL vrhirlc ycu zvrz prise. lives in New York, has written a was revived. ' "We are hungry," explained , Then, in his despair, tho king book that will create a sensation Us the brothers. "The host of the sent for famous doctors from in Jewish circles . . . He has castle for sages is a wicked man. kingdoms far and.near. But these worked out a plan to -remove all «T" He] invitee people ' for whom he examined the princess, polished iho Jews of Central Europe, Podoes not even prepare a sufficient their spectacles, and settled them, land and Rumania to temporary number of seatB." ' very, very carefully on their training campa in Yugoslavia, and cr.d. ecus, ccp~i.£cj;l2 travel i"77 rcii] •'And I feasted and left "still noses, shook their heads slowly to establish an international employment bureau which will dis;scio*js csxa cays i s raofe than I ate," responded and with deep sighs said: Limit tribute them among various counDavid wonderingly. "May my prothe glorioas SosiHasd. "Alas! The princess suffers tries- as openings present them$43.20 cf Ctecis «r ? r, v ; • vider be blessed! If you wish, from Q Tery peculiar illness in$34.15 - and without interfering 62.15 70.20 come into the Castle for Fools, deed—-an illness to which there selves T'Tifr^i . . . 73.33 E7.S3 with the economics "balance of Hew Orleaas . *4S.1S and there you may eat to your is no remedy. For she is able to those lands . . . While TWA disS3.13 EarB=a . . ..''104.63 1I7.ES heart's content." look. into people's hearts .and to •73.30 69.ES claims disowning Lindbergh al; -W.?«3a»Bai=ii* 75.30 "No," answered the brothers, hear their thoughts." £3.45 though its letterheads co longer *—Limit 25 d«7i "wo shall wait, till the morrow. •Her Suffering carry the phrase "The Lindbergh .For then the owner of the Castle, The. poor princess suffered i i c e , " tho aviator's friends are 1» Jsw fans Cs for tho- Wise v/ill surely realise very, very much for she was con- pTOtestlES that his. interest la J.\7.£ss how many of bis guests ars fools, stantly finding in the hearts of Kssilasd is purely Edentifio and and will drivo them out, so that her friends bad wishes and cruel aeronautical and sSgnifices so I SOUTH ISTK S1-£Cii.~iwo who remain shall then have thoughts of her. At length, the Nasi leanings . . . Ail of which plenty to eat.* ' unfortunate girl, in despair, went hasn't prevented New York audi"Bhor.s Atlantis 83S! The Guests Wait to the Zadik to ptead for his for- ences from booing his picture In recent newsreels.. . . New MexBut every one of the guests giveness and that he might rethought the self.same things, and store to her ordinary powers cf ico's. Indiana are getting sick and waited for the next day, and farsight and hearing. But the holy tired of this Nazi stuff, which is tho' day after—and remained man declared that there was no causing so many local firms, " ungry, remedy for her other than that which for years have been using So the brothers left tho palace she should marry a fool, who the ancient Indian good luck sym-

iute as to who was the greater



•D? oL

EditedfeyAunt Naomi -



To the CusfomiITS oi Nebraska Power Company


3. 4.


. Page 8

fleafb nhf: was a, reeidtnt ot the ris MarkovHz also known as M, Mar-debtedness shall not exceed twoth^rfls of iSinole an« that she m i of its paid-up capital etOCK. kovitz, Deceased. of the following described t«alest&t*: The Affairs cf this corporation Notice Is Hereby Giver.: That the in Douglas County, Nebraska* creditors of the said deceased will shall r>e managed by a Board of LSi- situated •"*• meet the executors of said estate, be- r --tors of not less than three mem- tO-Wlt: Scsr.tfa ft. of West 87.6 ft of LM K fore me. County Judge of Douglas bers. The annusl meeting of the cor- and V^est€ £7.6 ft, of lx)t 6, in Block*/ County, Nebraska, at the County poration shall be nel<3 on tiie Ui'St Court Room, in said County, on the Monday in November of each year, et Kouv-tze anf- Ruth's Addition t o f i , . Cty of. Omaha, a s surveyed, platted Slst day of January. 1839, and on the which meeting tiie stockholder;? snaji 621-fir? ANNA PILL, conespca&aft |] Slst <3ay of March. lS3ji. a t a o'clock e'ect a Board of Directors afl<3 there- and recon^ecl. an<3 known a i w <l A. M.. each day. for the purpose cf upon the Bosrfi shall eSsct a Presi- fr-outh l"th Street; T a r I/Of? ZS e n d U a n d the South presenting their claims for examina- <Jpnt, a Seereterj" s.nd a Treasurer. The Allegories of Felis Ealten and Sobers Nathan tion, adjustment ana allowance. Three Any two of s;iid of-ices may be '- aK - ',1 XI, ^ ^ " X l-ot 25, a n d t h e S o m h ident of the congregation. Rabbi S. months are allowed for the creditors by'one end the same person. Th"Re EJaKt SS.TO fv. o£ T a x L o t 26, a l l )n to present their claims, from the Slst articles may lie amended at er.y recr- decisive T w e n t y - t w o (22). Townshin Bolotnikov spoke during the pro^ day ol December. 1S3S. Borotho Saltsmaa ular or special meeting: of the stock- Fifteen ns>. Range Thirteen gram. -. . : BRVCE CRAWFORD. holders by & two-tin-OS ^Ple ff **•<?• East, iv, Oouplas County, Nebraska At the suggestion of Mr. H. At the Council Bluffs Talmud ; as purveyed, platted and recorded and County Judge. outstanding stock. When human beings want to be cient practice. In another day 32-S-SS—St. Levin, a collection was taken for Torah dance and carnival, a beau- utterly In witness whereof, the parties have known ee CM-6I6-618-620 Soufh ^9th tyrants might ignore parallel. contemptuous of their JOS. B. FRADENBURG— hereunto subscribed their ri£.rn£S this tiful electric roaster will be given kind, they refer to them as be-But today even the allegory is That said petitioner has an interThe Annual Shaare ZJon Father the benefit of German refugees away. ALFRED A. F1DLER Sth day of November, 1P3S. Tickets are now being sold longing to the zoo. Animals, be- threatened by ceasors of litera- «20 City est in1 said real estate being the surNational Bsr.k Bulldng and Son banquet will be held this and $30 was collected. ANNA M.SKUPA, and one need not be present to vivinc spouse of gaid deceased- t,afd Omaha, Nebraska TvIMRlON F. SKtrPA, reft of intelligence, are deemed to ture who must suppress not only -Sunday evening, December 18, in petitioner preys that a hearing be had win. WIJ.DIAAI J. SKUPA. be without the virtues of the civ- the written word, but the unut- NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF the social hall ot the synagogue on Btiid petition, that notice thereof in the presence oV: Mrs. Richard Gordon and Mrs.ilized. Animals r r e assumed to tered thought. "SKUPA GROCERY, INC." be piver ns required by law. and that Even "Ferdinat 8 o'clock. 12-9-3S-4t "VT. J. W J I J S O N Ben.r Kubfoy are in charge of -the be selfish, hard, brutal. The jun- and," Know all men by these presents: upon ESJO; heerinE a decree of heir the Spanish bull, has be-that the tsadersigtied have formed a Dr. Lewis J. Dimsflale -will be shir be entered and further adminig. drawing..-;' w - V . • WEBB, BEBER. KLUfZhJICK &. gle and the forest aTe the haunts come a center o* controversy. corporation under the laws of the trs^loti of said estate be dispensed toastmaster. Community singing KEi-LEY, Attorneys Tickets to are $1 perto which vicious human beings Partisans ha\-e rear! their own in- State of Nebraska. The name of this will be led by A. H. Baron. couple and may be purchased are assigned. corporation shall be "Skupa Grocery, Tou -fere therefore notiflea thai a terpretations into his actions. Inc." The program will include acin 'he County Court of Douglas with its principal of busifrom any, one of the following i w m i ? vv\ be had on said petition But Felix Salten, venerable They have assailed his author ia ness at Omaha, Doug-las County, Ne- County. Nebraska. cordion'numbers by Jackie Kruecommittees: Mrs. Saul Slnalsky, 1 the County Court Room of said hundred and fifty members dean of Austrian letters, is said accordance with their own con-braska. The general nature of the In the Matter of the Estate ol !-3a e.z ger, and the synagogue choir will andOne County, on the 24th day' ot December attended the 38th an- Mrs. Tepperman, Mrs. Sam Roff- to be in a •oncentration camp. victions. business to be transacted and the ob- Kay Hardy. n*eeasecl. present a specialty number direct- nual guests 1S3S. at P r'ciock A. M.. ana that if man, MTS. L. H. Katelman, Mrs. ject and purpose for vrhich this corTo the neSrs-Et-law, creditors, atid ?ov\ fail of the Chevra Kato Rppear a t said time and ed by Jack Krueger.. A humorous disha,banquet poration is or&anized and established all other persons interesteel III ElAC place Nate Nogg, Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner, The wisdom of his mature mind in the social hall of Shaare and contest the «aid petition be to buy. sell, own and operate estate: slcit -will be offered . b y Earl Mrs. Etta Yudelsoh, Mrs. Richard and the compassion of his sensi- MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER £ shall the Cou'-t may trrant the same. «nter Zion synagogue last Sunday evea wholesale and retai! grocery and Ton are hereby notified tlmt a petiNovich and George Shindler. AnCOHEN, Attorney* deerefi nf heirship, ana decree that Gordon, Mrs. Ben Kubby, Mrs. tive spirit are summed up l a meat business, and to buy and sell, tion filed in this C"urt on the 31V:h e, further RCiminiFstration of saw estate other oneract play will be pre-ning. ^ Max Conn, Mrs. L. H. Cohen and "Perri" (Bobbs-Merrill Co.). Peror hold or make any disposition what- day of November. 1SES. by Arthur W. be NO i ICE OF DISSOLUTION dispensed with. Heading the various speakers Mrs. Harry Cohen. ri is the young female squirrel sented by Art Bronston, Sam of real estate and real estate Harfly aHeginE that Ida Mr.y H&rr'r • . IS HEKEBT, GIVEN thai soever who, as she observes the denizens atNOTICE and chattel mortgages, and to buy, f" "fl on Ihe '•'£ Cr.y "" i*"r-cr, "'.'-, Welner,' Myron Heeger, Ksther were Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov and CRAWFORD, R *3uJv ccostittited rnefttnp r>t sell, convey, lease or cvm real estate. xr'es^z'.f. f.t-t r t i>e z.r. c / !e of the forest, learns of envy and Stockholders ot JOE L. WOLF, held County Judge. Eirenberg and Rueben Cohen. I tRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz. Mr. Sam The authorized capita.! stock shall be An attendance of over 60 washatred and kindness and love. As on tbe 1st nay nl November. 1838. V $10,000. and all of said stock shall be will be an. adaptation of the play Lipman, secretary of the organization and toastmaster of the eve- present at the B'nai B'rith meet- Donald Culross Peattie remarks was unanimous!? agreed that the cor- common and of the par value of "Exit Father, pnter Dora." he dissolved. in the foreword, this biological poration flBO.OO per share. One half of said The Chanukab\Menorah will be ning, was presented with a gold ing Monday evening. DAVID p, FEDER. Preslflent stock shall be fully paid t p . Said watch and chain as a token of A report was given by Mr. Lew fantasy may not be "an allegory. kindled" by Cantor Morris Okun, GOix>YE FEDER. Secretary stock may be issued for cash, real with; special Chanukah music. his faithful services to the group Bernstein with reference to theBut if I had on my conscience ll-18-S8-4t estate, personal property of any kind in the past years. At his suggeswhat some people hsve, I would refugee problem. Mr. Nathan or merchandise and fixtures. The Jerry George and his radio band corporation shall commence doing from the West hotel •will supply tion, the watch was raffled t o Nogg reported on the forelga re- certainly clap this man. into cus- MONSKV, GROOIN'SKY, MARER •business tipon. the filing of its articles raise funds for the German refutody." and COHEN. Attys. lief drive indicating that the goal dinner music. The. program will * F*Blr-tfiff Fispr •with the County Clerk of Douglas 737 Omaha Nat'l Bank BIdg. also include several brief talks gees, and then purchased from had been passed and that everyCounty, TCebraska. and shall continue It is easy to understand that S15 So. IStfe Street AT 4292 the winner by Mr. Lipman. one had generously responded. in a world where truth must be for a. period of ninety-nine years from and several surprise numbers. PROBATE NOTICE said date. The highest amount of inA memorial service was held Another report was given by Mr.silent, the parable and fable must Talks'will be made by represent Tn the Matter ol the Estate of Mor-

the Temple Sunday School will have a'Chahukah'party and program. Each class will participate in the program o£ recitations, plays and songs.






• •




Father and Son' Dinner Sunday


tative lathers, sons, grandfathers during the program for members Nate Gilinsky, concerning the become the channels of literature. who died during the past year. general committee meeting held Even Robert Nathan, living in and, grandsons. the United States, finds hla 'Mrs. Sam Bailln and Mrs. J- H. The committee of women in in Chicago two weeks ago. SlosoWdre in charge of the din-charge of the menu.were Mrs. S. Delegates were chosen for thethoughts have greater range in Feder, Mrs. B. Sherman, Mrs. convention to be held in Detroit, the compass of. an animal story. ner, arrangements.-.. Beulah Rutstein, Mrs. Sam ,Llp-Mich., next summer. They are He has written "Journey p i Taplman and Mrs. Frank Gorchow. In the following:. Nate Gillnsky, L. ola" (Alfred A. Knopf), the charge of the dining room were H. Katelman. Dr. I. Sternhlll. and chronicle of a Yorkshire terrier Mrs. I. Goldfine, Mrs. Ike Levin alternates are: Nate Nogg, Dr. J . who goes adventuring because Tie and Mrs. Rose Harris. Moscovitz and Millard Krasne. is tired of. the comfort he has alOfficers were re-elected at this No definite decision was made ways known. meeting and include H. Levin, as to .thef holding of another meetSpokesmen president; A- Kosberg, vice-presi- ing, this month, but an announce- ' " P e r r Animal i " is the life of a small, Final.' arrangements for the dent; Sam Lip'man, secretary, and ment will be made next week. helpless squirrel learning to deuld-wlnter Hadassah dance, were Ben Sherman, treasurer. fend herself against avarice and -completed a t tbe-regular meeting The Junior Hadassah wishes to force. The moments of sheer conThursday -evening in the Jewish extend its sincere appreciation to tentment a r e overshadowed by Community Center. . The dance Benefit Party for all those who co-operated in mak- the longer periods of fear. Alis scheduled for Sunday evening, the benefit card party a suc- ways there is the bigger animal, Home for Aged ing cess. Acknowledgment is made hungry and ruthless. And even December 25, in the Bellevue ballroom. " Mrs. Sam Shulkin and Mrs. E. for the donation by Mr. Leo lin-beyond is a greater terror: man, Miss Margaret Shulkin and Miss Rubinstein are in charge of ager of the card table, which was the hunter. Rapacity of one's Rose Bashefkin are co-chairmen Chanukah Lotke party, scheduled won by Miss Jane Hoffman. neighbors, the unpredictable fury of. the dance, with Misses Esther for next Tuesday, December 20, At the regular meeting held of the elements and the vagaries Mirken, Ethel Shlndler, Sandra at the Jewish Community Center, Monday evening in the Chevra of one's own physical requireWoskoff and Mrs. M. Slntsiy, as- from 11 to 4 o'clock. B'nai Yisroel synagogue, a report ments are forces which make exsisting with the arrangements. -was made by the treasurer. Miss istence desperately uneven. Proceeds of the affair will go Tapiola Proceeds of the dance will go toward the Home for the Aged. Rose Fox, as to the financial suctoward, the Hadassah Palestinian Everyone is invited to attend. . . cess of the affair. Much smaller in canvas and Fund' Part of this fund provides Plans for attending the district more fluid in prose- is .Robert for the upkeep of the Children's convention to be held in Sioux Nathan's "Journey of Tapiola." Village in Palestine, Meier ShveCity, la., during January were HeTe, too, one might search for yah, as well as making possible discussed. . Miss Rose Mendelson, the allegory. That is the inevitthe acceptance of more refugee The coming of the Annual president, was appointed delegate able occupation of any one who children in Palestine. Cornbelt regional tournament of and Miss Libby Grossman, alter- is not naturally attracted to aniThe theme of the meeting A. Z. A. to Sioux City, will be nate. mals as such. One is reminded Thursday evening was based on marked with adequate festivities of "Road of Ages," Nathan's Year books prepared under the earlier the Chanukah * celebration, with on December 25, 26 and 27. Costory of dissension anfl appropriate games, skits and re-chairmen Sid Baumstein and Jack guidance of Miss Maxine Lelbo- bigotry on the last march to the freshments. .Mis3 Ruth Gruesklh Merlin have worked hard to bring vitz, cultural. chairman, outlining mirage of salvation. But here it •was i n charge o t t h e arrange- to both jaTticipants and visitors a the year's work for the organiza- is Richard, the canary, Jeremiah, ments. • • the rat, and • Tapiola, the dog, program packed with activity. '•• tion, were distributed. An Interesting program pre- who are brought together on a Starting with a series of house- sented by Miss Beverly Mendel- tiny raft and for whom destrucparties on the night of the 25th, son, chairman for tho month of tion looms. Even in those mothe convention will move rapidly December, was through debates, oratory and bas- large attendance. enjoyed by thements of common • danger, there was threat and recrimination. ketball. In speaking of the conThere was vanity- and pride. vention, Coach Baumstein said he The Allegory was not over-optimistic for the A Chanukah play and program success of his basketball team, are being planned by the Talmud The use. of allegory Is an anThe Young Judeans, in co- but said that "which everVay the Torah for Sunday, December 25. The program "will be under the operation ^with the. Jewish Na- tournament comes out, the Sioux tional Fund, is trying to do ItsCity team will be in there scrap- direction of Miss Marlon Katelpart to raise 5100 for the Presi- ping every minute of the- play." man, dent Roosevelt Golden Book. The Other important events to take An election of officers was held four Young Jud6an groups, to place duHng the convention will (Continued from Page 1) raise funds, will sponsor a carni- be the regional business meeting, at the regular meeting of the val Wednesday evening, Decem- during which the regional officers Agudus Achim lodge Thursday enough at the reality of force. • It's a bet, Mr. Arbuthnot. You ber 21, at the Jewish Community will be elected and policies for the evening. will go with me to Berlin in the Center. The four leaders of thecoming year will be outlined. A meeting of the Chevra B'nai year 1985 for a visit to Einstein groups will act as general chair- The program will also include men. They are Mrs. Louis Klass, an outstanding social event in the Yisroel synagogue was held Wed- strasse, the Einstein planetarium, the Einstein national museum, and Mrs. Herman. Llcht, Jack Merlin form of the convention dance at nesday evening. we shall laugh a t force fallen and Morria Alzenberg. the Bellevue on the 26th. SchedFeatures of the evening will be uled also on the program is the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fried into oblivion. will be a t home to friends and . This is what a Jew Iike3 t o dancing, refreshments and fun for banquet, a t which Dr. Lewis J. relatives Sunday, December 18, think about when he has a moeveryone.. The public is invited Dimsdale, former president of the from 2 until 6 and from 7 to 10 ment to think amid the hour's to attend arid" help the Young local B'nai B'rith, will preside. In honor ot the marriage of their pain. Judeans, raise the funds for their daughter, Leona, to Mr. Philip Mr. Arbuthnot made the poigproject.' . Shaare Zion Auxiliary Mulnick of Omaha. nant suggestion that both of us Saturday, December 17, two The couple was married DecemYoung Judean parties will be The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare ber 6. No invitations for the re-will be dead by 1985. It's a bet, nevertheless, Mr. Arheld, one a t the home of Mr. andZion synagogue will have a n open ception have been issued. buthnot. Our ghosts shall go toMrs. Charles Raskin and. daugh- meeting Tuesday evening, Decemgether to Berlin. ter, Lorraine, and "the other at ber 20, i n t h e synagogue social Mrs. Jack Steinberg returned "We might take Hitler's ghost the home o t Mr. and Mrs. Benhall, when husbands of t h e mem- Sunday from a two-week trip to along," said Mr. Arbuthnot. bers will be guests. The meeting Gelfand and daughter, Edith. ; Kansas City. She was accomYes, we'll take him along to •will open a t 8:15 a n d Mrs. Meyer The Young; Judeans are taking panied by her mother, Mrs. A.Einstein strasse . . . "Look, Herr orders for Cbahukah lamps which Shubb, president, will preside a t Mallin, who will remain here for Hitler! Einstein strasse!" a .brief b u s i n e s s m e e t i n g . they are making;- • aa extended visit. (Copyright, 1938, by Seven Arta The invocation will "be offered Feature Syndicate) by Mrs. Abe Epstein. Mrs. M. E .

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A. Z. A.


Hebrew School Friedman Is c h a i r m a n ' of "the r e a n d M r s . Herman , VCfianpfeah- Parties freshments Licht Is in charge of t h e program



SHAARE-ZION A daughter : was born, to Mr. Rabbi H. R. Rablnowitz will and Mrs'. Fraak J. Margolin, 20 speak on a timely Bubject at theTerra Alta Court, on December services in Shaare Zion this eve- 1 1 . . , - • - . ning; Cantor Morris Okun and the syngagogue choir will cfrant MOUNT SINAI the ritual.


Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will Orthodox Synagogues speak' on tha work and life ot Mlsa Lillian P . "Wald, one ot tbo Services a t Tiphereth Israel foremost social workers in Amerand Beth AhraTiatn synagogue ica, at the regular service this wilt beheld this evening at 4:45 evening. The service will begin o'clock and Saturday morning at at 8 o'clock... 9 o'clock. Rabbi 8. X- Bolotnikov This afternoon the Art group will speak a t Tiphereth Israel of the Temple Sisterhood will 1 synagogue during the morning hold its meeting In the CMc Art service Saturday. • Center at 2 :'30 o'clock. Mr. ROy The annual Yad Kislev supper Langley -will speak on the Sevwas held at Beth Abraham syna- enteenth Century Artists and Miss sogue last Mondayr.evening. One Ida" Abelman; will talk on Graphic hundred people • attended the Art and its relation to social affair. Mr. Joe Dimsdale was trends. The group will also see toastmaster and arrangements Tor the exhibit df etchings at the Art the banquet were under the di-Center; /• rection of Mr. Joe Gorchpw, pres- Sunday morning, children p£


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which will b e presented:by chil-

. Children of "the Hebrew school dren ..of t h e Sunday school. w;ill celebrate ChannSTah nest Cantor Morris Okun will light •week with a series of class room t h e Chanukah candles with t h e parties, during which the children traditional prayer. • •„ " will present programs of ChanuThe hall will b e decorated w i t h Irah songs, readings -and stories. Cbanukah decorations, a n d Mrs. Gifts will be; exchanged by theLester Goldman is In charge. children. Report cards will be issued to NAMED DIRECTOR the children.during the week of Chanukah, and the Mothers' ciub will present prizes to the children • Joe Shulkin, who has been suwho have, distinguished them- pervisor of relief in Cedar counselves during the last two semes~ ty, Nebraska, has been transferred ters. The prizes have been im- to the supervision, of the N. Y. A, project, out of Des Moines, l a . ported from- Palestine.BIRTH ANNOTJNCKD

is an. investment which brings you rich dividends Hly-two weeks out of the y e a r . . . deepening the Jewish consciousness and helping transmit the Jewish heritage to the rising generation.

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PARK, ARKANSAS DRINK AND BATHE IN THE CURATIVE MINERAL WAIE&S owned tad uptivhtd by the \)tt\\ti SttUt Gevtramtnt psurt exe»e!« fraa »6u» Uvetti* »jSft ta trisp, d t t iteSisnUUt U S«lf a» tinnU, »ic!«, ffcfc, feilt* & lavi fdia «ntl mi. Hot p N l Ptik tHsu t JR>!<3, Vu«!iH«t cUss'.t wiiVwty tpart

Ifef vUU&it ia H a l Spttnjs, Jet tilt tittd «f Bs'.S Hcaiic Rcw, «nd lituitcd la tSi« l»»arieu» (juiel ' cf iti ©wn p r i n t * perk. The b<th> crt <v<;!<U« vn&a tfc« >«m» roof

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