December 30, 1938

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\ v ; NEW SBAB'TOAST £Jr, Segal (\rtio bas-'llTeff quite a lOng"-tIme); remembers -• • new ysdrs ot olden times. Yet In the auifiber of years that have passed the'.- -olden times are not so re- - Entered oa Seoona Class Mall Matter oa January 31, 1931. at mote;-/the distance between-now SKA, FRIDAY, DECEASES 30, 1S33 PQ3toff leg." of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March S. 1879 antj. then Is marked by- the deep, • enormously "wide gulf that is the difference 'between civilization and, savagery. Indeed, the riumbor of-^yters Is only five. :.-. -.Mr.:; Segal recalls fondly the gootf heir years, of that distant past. As one looked from the threshold'of a new year, he could - ( alwity'B see bright lights in the New York (JTA) — New York fnture; Yes, one said then,;proTimes correspondent Harold Cal- DESPISE HITLER RULS grees -was going on in;the world lender, in the first of a series of U^tf year. '-Progress 'has somer r r ^ t ~r?^ Bucharest (JTA) — The Fi-dispatches from Paris, reported Budapest (JTA) — Introducthing; inevitable, everybody, was nance New York (WNS)—Einil tion Ministry has ordered 400 after a three-week tour of Ger- Lengyel, of the new anti-Jewish bill S u r e . ; - . ' ' • • . • . : • . -•.-.-••.<•• . •-.-•"• author and lecturer, in Parliament last week was owned Inns' and 800 to-many that all over the Reich and He" ^couldn't be sure that his Jewish shops in the Bukowina, even in' the Nazi ranks there were asserted that the people of marked by stormy scenes in the own fortunes. -' would • /advance.' bacco and Moldavia prov- many who were shamed by . the Germany secretly hope their Lower House. Angry shouts of f,. That was in the hand of God. One. Bessarabia country would be defeated i c "Barbarism!" "this is the Gerto be closed on sanitary anti-Jewish excesses and who bit- the Attention* might fall sick, one . might die. inces S event of another war, begrounds. The anti-Semitic newsBut things must always go well paper Uhiversul demands 'exten- terly resented the official asser- cause they are suffering under man spirit!" "long live equality!" The Jewish Philanthropies In' the woria,. must - go forward. sion of the;order to all provflices tion that the onslaught was a Hitler's rule. Lengyel declared came from the Social Democratic The next year was sure to be;bet- oh ;the ground-that "Jews are spontaneous act of the German this to be. a fact froia conver- and Liberal deputies when the bill appeals to every contributor to The dispatch listed var- sations he had with many per- was presented by Justice Minister remit immediately the balance ter * for the world than the one the peasant." The auth- nation. theories advanced in Ger- sons, Tasnadi-Nagy. "Govern- due on each pledge! before. And If. he didn't live, to poisoning orities in Czernowltz have order- ious mostly Catholics and Andreas ,-i,i,: V ment supporters countered -with Because of the urgect need, Bee it; what of it?. The world was ed the extension to.northern Bes- many as purposes of the reinten- Protestants, on a recent trip loud applause for the bill. After the Philanthropies asks that going to be better: for his child- sarabia and Moldavia of the or-sified anti-Jewish policy; (1) to through Germany. a brief session the House ad- you do not delay. Mail your ren. That was all that mattered der issHed for Bukowina reaulr- strip the Jews of their possesions. A volunteer &nr.y of I When Hitler is ready for journed until Jan. 1, without hav- check today to the Jewish Phil(2) to intimidate opponents of anyway.—' ' - • • ' ing Jews to keep their Blops open the is cletermi war, said Lengyel, he will Nazis at home by a show of ing taken action. anthropies. 101 No. 20th. : .. So. on new year- eve he put on on gaturday and Jewish holidays. j.-ouih * p ir-ir.iffinffi of hla Tuxedo and his wife .her best v Prominent Jewish leaders de- ruthlessness, (3^ to latlmldate strike without warning-. The Government published the evening goVn and went to the text of the new "Jew Law," conin tJ?.p ern cided to ascertain what aid theJews abroad accused of working •zz-i r% r r , r r r loiiif.. best hotel- In town ,'tq see the oldRumanian Government was pre-against the Nazi regime, and (4) letter of the teaching ol Ourtaining drastic restrictions on the v\\U:h if iif "The to Bupply a sympathetic bond beJews' right to earn a living, vote, Lord." pared to extend in order to fac."• year;out1 and to welcome the good ilitate organized Jewish - emigra- tween Germany and Eastern •Eurthe from "War Secretary Leslie HorehoW public office and participate fi B i di^FA.r* L A ' ir n r n !of Oxaalia ix. order iHeriafce . BelJsha declared that "other in the nation's cultural life. from Rumania. The meet- ope. Mr. Segal himself always cele tion; 3 l lhe t r a k Ing followed a session of the J*ufaiths besides the Catholic" were The far-reaching bill would ' \ ^ I , r I I T I £ aeeds of the Jewry • brateji. his' wedding ^anniversary manian cabinet at which decisions London (JTA)—Leading mem- indebted to Pope Pius, in an ob- limit Jews to sis per cent in pro*_k>'_l_ ' _ _ . _ : i 121 Gcmary and Eastern Ei^oon.-new;year eve, had; his Mends were taken to proceed energeticfessions and cultural pursuits, bar ia.-for-sS, merry jiarty, made a" ally with elimination of minori- bers of the Church of England (Contlnued on page 7.). The them altogether from responsible great: ado .about, having married. ties from the professions, and to clergy and laity formally repudiNo additional funds are being positions in the press, theater and • Mr;';Segal"was very grateful for apply strictly the law for the pro- ated anti-Semitism or any form sought - - merely the remittance- campaign tov t t i € cinema, ban tbem from all civil everything, for it had been a good tection of national labor. The of racial discrimination in the of all pledges made this past yer.v. EitLhropiGi, v:VA service posts and limit them to of "the vast majority of 'World in. which to marry'and*to The drive for the ir.'pcTi'.'y(JTA) — Ghetto cinemsession, 'under the chairmanship name ; tl&r iito;-ii!iif. t',i twelve per ceat in private enter- as Berlin English people," In a brl&g up children. for Jews may snortljr be opened neeflefl money vr&p. ]p.r>T>rbPir! of King Carol, also discussed en- Christian prises. The present law limits .Jie could always gire.a' heart- couragement of mass emigration letter to the Neville Laski, presi5-???>t T'Trcci^n'a TTT^f^pr ?b** fj'rpf-in Berlin and other centers unfler Jews to 20 per cent in most eco- the dent of the Board of Deputies of felt- .'toaat to the rew years . .' . of Jews. auspices of the Jewish Culoff T>V. IVSarcr, P* ttip-f. ' nomic and cultural fields. British Jews. The letter said that "M^ 'friends, iflay t the. new: year ture League, Nazi-sponsored orchairman. 3>i "there should be a public expresForeshadowing a campaign of be aa good aa. the pa^t,' It must ganization which is -new in proheads are: Morris-- Jacobs, By decree of King Carol,- Ru- sion' of the feeling of the vast madenationalization and enforced cess of reorganizatioa to e£iect chairman, and Sam Bcbct, cobe '.better; The .advance of -pro- mania has"been placed in the jority of Christian English peoemigration, the bill would empowcomplete regimentation of Jewgress'fe-like-rivers that keep; on ranks of Europe's one-party tochairman, of the ETIUIB" Gifts most urgent! mur-f- Ithat, in whatever form and er the Minister of Interior to de-ish cultural life in Germany. The committee; Ephrain? IJ. Marks, flowing and can't be stopped. talitarian * states. Having dissolv- ple ; of Hungarian citizenship all league has now become sponsor chairman and Arthur Colui, as: 2tfrj Segal makes ready -even ed all political parties last Pebr-u- however modified It may be, antiLondon (JTA) — The Berlin prive persons naturalized after July 1, of all Jewish, cultural activities, sociate chalnnsri, of tine (Gennow to.celebrate his -wedding &n- ary, King Carol has replaced them' Semitism remains a wicked folly, talks ; between RIechsbank Presi- 1914, and OH?f would authorise the including 1) the theatre and eral Sollcitaiions division; MJrs. plversary on -new- year. eye but with a single - organization - to be utterly opposed to the spirit and dent Hjalmar Schacht and Direc- government to music, 2) publication and distri- Devifl Sbernian, chairntan, and pledges regulate the Ques'.wlth-no heart in it; it is like known as the "Front of National tor George Rublee of the Inter- tion of Jewish emigration and the bution ol all literature including Jewish rhOwitlt dancing In the presence • of the -Rebirth."' . - . : governmental Refugee Bureau transfer of Jewish capital from books, magazines, and newspa"V'.'e are pskisi death-throes of civlllzatipn itself, will not necessarily be Halted to the countrypers, and 3) adult education, to v.'&U nit-Li' ii hethinKs, the specific proposals contained b;- the vorkers. A "Jew" is defined as a person which is to be limited henceforth .IJevertheless'Mr. 'Segairtrnst In in the Schacht plan but the way with pjl fn t| to foreign, languages and other one or two Jewish parents 'aoii[e;'way" celebrate his wedding is open to a full discussion of all but excluded from the definition emigration requirements. aHja'gjreet the new year: for.^wbmpossibilities, the J. T .A. learn- one quarter Jews as well as half The ghetto cinemas, seen by the j - ei'-! ai|e -BO'''.meticulous ; to observe ed authoritatively. Rublee is visit- Jews who -were converted to Nazis as the only means of mal- j the occasloii of their being'mar* ing Berlin upon the invitation of Christianity before.Jan. 1, 1938. Dr. Schacht, probably as sooa as and also war veterans decorated ing the league self-supporting, jis.y the'^ comn-.' e a : : :. will be permitted to show a limitpossible after.the holidays. various apenclet. There is no joy In looking back? for exceptional bravery &nd inThe'Annual Card Party of the pver two hundred women atOfficial circles described the valids at least 50 per cent incap- ed number of foreign films, &nfi In total, fc/boul vardiat the bitter year that.has Women's Division is being plan- tended the lnncheon given by theSchacht proposals as "&. very csinselected German pictures. Bimpassed in the worjd, no Joy look- ned for Monday acitated. Less inclusive than. nltaneonslv, evening, Februt&e 'Fzzir, ere <?, i s?pllcated plan" irith many ramif-^Cbi ing'; forward at the year to" come. ary 6, at the Jewish Community Women's Mizraehl, Wednesday, ications. The plan IhcIuSes an Germany's Nuremberg. Laws in solriBfr three or fctir iR-rg-e ."PWDecember 21, at the J. C. C... Wr» Segal sees only darti shadr Cenfe"r." the deticitjoa of Jew, the bill has ish publishing houses which have Jewish, lecturer, -will be international loan to finance e a when Mrs. Shulamlth Wald of OWsHbrpqdlngr'^-onftlie shadows and ^ ^ on the Center Forum, F.?was decided to hold an even- New York City, was the main igration, secured by the poollag already drawa the fire of Hungar- been permittee! l t f i to t continue ti d rfs;£ cries -of pain.. . . cries of hisingIt,affair Nazis. at the Jewisb Community I / this -year so that both bave closed down a*l Jewish culof Jewish property in-the ReScb. ian To speaker. jiebple.-cries of the world. '.•'..'' .men and women might attend. Center on Tucsfiar ercning, JF.TISettle Jewish Problem tural societies, inolndicg -world u&ry IC, Mrs. Wald, who is the head of It would be raised abroad and •>Mr. Se^al must prepare.a toast : Mrs. Julius 'Stein, Chairman, Kis topic Trill l>e "Or Publication o£ the bill climaxed famed Jewish Society o£ Literawould be> serviced and assortired reports and what '.shall he say? What can announces that, .her committee the Women's Mlzrachl- speakers by j the Eve of 1F"£." that the governmect was ture and Science. currency obtained by the Reich one-say?' "Happy CHew\ Year" .ia will Trneet- next w.eek, - at- which bureau, came here instead of through Increased esports. The preparing, to. ""settle the Jewish D r . BifXiHeteJu, P- T>p-t,iv«; It has not yet bees, determined s4fdoiiiC'to cay in'.th6 preseace-of tfrae detallett plans- .will be work- Mrs. Shapiro, t h e scheduled nations guaranteeing ths raisiag problem once and for all." For-which Jewish literary and sciena.vast; contlnniag' tragedy;., • : ed, out. Mrs. Abe Venger- will be speaker, •because Mrs, Shapiro of ths lean, "crosld iixn,n sctssllj^ eign Minister Gsleazze Ciano of tific .publications •will bs permit- f-orn. WeetetT. was unable to leava^Ne^? York, at x •: V.T.1- i : J£eraapkfcaoljouW e^y * - MY.; •who.-visited here".last- ^esic, ted to costive. It has. fcevreTer,and sstaSieci att t e io ' this tiiae. Mrs3." ~ Wald h'as" long b& taxing-themselves-fcy increas- Italy,-, mfenas.»£^m > gpin^-^to^ jtfsjr iSPS C C h i f t h ! t was believed"ia lisve aicied Ja Us been, active in Jewish work; sne ed imports. froa Gemasy lo re-drafting. The rising anti-Semit- been fairly .established tluvt .soaie a happy new year* for that would courses -la Jewish, history £-nd reIs a leader in Ivrith,-& graduate pay the loan. W silly, H5ie. •Khigtiln^- - ia • the ism in t i e government only-last ligion will be abolished ty. the ties. He received his decree o l ' of -Hebrew College of New York i e s , fctjieT ilue •^laWng&hapVisit;'Auspicious Doctor o£ • Philosophy at Cclum- i vreelc "provoked an outburst in the education elapses.' In f.ll hia arid a graduate of New York Un... ink''.;fo> fa- ?aah fr^ •University. J Financial circles espressed the Upper Chamber -when Louis Szil- adult likelihood, tne Jeague T^ill bare iversity, She is at present a teachl i j g a c t e by.the Twentieth Cenopinion that Mr. Rublee's visit to age accused Premier Bela Iraredy only one ne-wsps.per, the Jewisli Dr. Eraunstein serrefl fie e. jreeotis5 ( ; l c r i f o Review Tuesday er In the New York public t t t r j ? L i m i t e d . -••••-••- > / • w : - j Berlin was auspieic-us at this of "creating -an atmosphere ia of the etcK of Columbia ji ^pv^i^Ts-Arp.h f"iii-sfp-"pT>ro~i The -fourth in the series of schools. Page, the only Jewish pa- member -No!: l !wish you to be strong •Book time. In-view of the Fascist de- which Christians are no longer News University, New Tort, fc ive Evening, sponsored by the per—comprising a single sheet— •tflth the 'strength of.dlgnity: To Beth-El .auxiliary, will be held at . The speaker told of the work sire to provide the most harmon- judged" by their conesty or their •which has been permitted to pub-EEG oBe-haif years. Heor fiv ^alk:with a hlghhead;; tj> etand the J. C . C Tuesday evening, Jan- being done by Women's Mlzrachl Wus background for the forth- honor, or tlieir capacities, but lish since ths November pogroms. member of the ptp-f£ o rc.:e.::>..wi.: Anglo-Germr,n trade talks solely by the degree of their anti- It was revealed that the private- the Emergency Peace Camcaig'r, aclmitif-loii oZ ICC-O vrlta the grandeur of people •who uary at 8:15 o'clock.. Rabbi among the orthodox girls in Pal- coming it is believed that the Reich is Semitism. nave lived a: long,Ume and -who, David 3,. Dr. Braccstein is tlie suib.or o estine. She told of the new A.% Goldstein will review, ly-owned Israelitische Fairaliex?- "The therefore; know that, these' en- "And "Tell" Chuelas of Majorca," tli< schools built and- supported by prepared to make considerable The new restrictions have spurof' Time,": by iAura blatt, oldest Jewish weekly in "iiTsr to avert a breakdo-wn red a rash o£ Jews to seek proemies will be tomorrow's-(rust in- K r e y . . history of the outcast people . o the -^organization, one at Jerusa- concessions ' - • . " ' ~~- • • - . • ' . . , . • . • \ Germany which was puMisbefi in the wind?to be yourselves, which • For -his -'fifth:;: -review Rabbi lem and the other in Tel Aviv. of the refugee talks, at least -un- tection by conversion to the Hamburg, and Berlin, h&s been th© Spanish Island o£ Majovea. \ ?-iivpK of. is -to: say: to., be. proija Jews, who Goldstein will / . g i v e Marquis Mrs.,Wald outlined the import- til the fate of the Anglo-German Christian religion. . . Justinian Before •vrriUng this boot the e.u know they, have something more James' /'Andrew Jackson,"- win- ance of helping refugee" and na- negotiations is decided. George Cardinal Seredi, Catholic to JIvie for than to bef urtlvfe "mice ner ej£ the Pulitzer Prize;for 1938^ tive orthodox girts to become selfMeanwhile, in what was believ- Primate of Hungary, has sent out afraid of shadows;. ...;.:•: ; ed-a plea to the dominions to supportingand to continue the pastoral letter, advising that all "will take place January 17. permit entry of Gennan Jewish aJews iwlahfyou an enlargement of This who seek conversion must Tickets may be obtained at the traditions and customs of ortho- refugees character l(that. must come- :to all rbox on the Immigration lists, office the night of the review. dox "Judaism- "Palestine must be Colonial Secretary Malcolm Mac- study the catechism two hours, •wiio -say,! S» phali I 'guafd all built through religion and this dally for at least three months. the; ways' of my life that no act we endeavor to foster in these Donald recommended in comThe Calvinist Church has stipuof jnlne shaV giveWri to my peomons allowing limited numbers lated a year's wait before conschools," said Mrs. Wald. th' atioa of about 120,CO. ple who .may be blamed for,, my ChapUn to Start Mrs. Wald, who is now touring of foreigners to settle in the dom- version. by histori; defelictioh. In my uprightness-1 religionists, and the middle-west organizing new inions, arguing that at present The new bill provides that Jews Making'Dictator* chapters ohali'staiid as-high .as the stars. well as the general public. It h».F j of the Women's Mizra- England itself could not supply register their votes 30 days after iea-si It may; be that evea after every already been acknowledged as s. jtb&t chi, .asked the continued support all the emigrants seeded. r Parliamentary and municipal Jfow's character has attained su-r r. ..Hollywood ( J T A ) —Charlie of the' local group. The Omaha Pisa Cynical classic in its field by leading j elections. Tneir deputies in the firTr r r Hs.A jjerhumap height, the voices of Chaplin ; will commence active organization presented her with a scholars in Europe and America. '. PP l " f ' 1 t London (JTA) — Terming Lower House will be limited to r r t r " out" enenjies wllryet not be stlll- work on his forthcoming and check for the fund for the com-Schacht Dr. Braunstein has traveled i ' ^ I fi proposals to link Jewish six per cent of the total and they edJ -That .will not matter' if-a: first all-talking picture, tenta- pletion of the third floor of theemigration widc!^ thror.cb.out this countr*', |?- m r £" e to Increased German will be barred froa the Upper Jew can! saiv "In all things I tively titled "The Dictator," Tel Aviv Beth Chaluzoth, recent- imports the Europe and the Nesir East. In Ms I f ^ ' "most cynical ever House entirely. have^beeii faithful to my inherl- 3hortly after, the first .of the new ly opened. mu un rrrrcrt^T travels he has met and interview- | f^psu^ trz U U Jews will be barred 'frora posiadvanced'in connection with the taijce; my. heart, my head and my year. This announcement by Al- Mrs. A- Katz, president of theNazi persecutions, Laborite lead- tions as state, smnicipal or other ed kings, prime-ministerE. dinta- j ; £^ hand- have been directed by thefred Reeves, general manager of local group, announced that due er Herbert Morrison told an East public employees, public notaries, tors, pretencers-to-thrones and i If^.^?^,, lights of 1 our Torah' and our 'pro- the Chaplin Studios, is the first to a misunderstanding in the last London meeting: "I hope that trustees, patent agents and offi- New Torli (JTA) — President many of the men who &nd j ','^{1'?^"' b a d Roosevelt has been selected to re-create cocteir.porj-.ry history. jCnic'ei phets'* I have taken unto myself .official word that an actual shoot- minute reservations several wom(Reichsbank President) cial translators. ceive the 1SES American Hebrew nit the fineness-that-Is connoted ing data has been set.. In "The en did not get served and the of-Schacht has been sent about his business Jewish nierabersiip in the medta-lthe identity .of being a' Jew." Dictator,"; conceived and written- ficers had to give up their seats and that it has been clearly in- ical, ' legal, engineering, press, Medal for Outstanding Service in No. I <jan not wish you happin- by Chaplin himself, the comedian at the speakers table; the organ- timated to him that any such theater and cinema chambers will Promoting. Better Unclerstaiidir.E Buy Pslestiae Lssd Christians Jews beess. For j the happiness ; of -anywill play not only his bid, butization regrets thte and wishes to proposals not only cynical but bo restricted to sis per cent. Yv&r Between cause of his efforts to bring for eee Colors | nuaibef Jew-and of any man Prelimin- thank those attending for their Impudent are v is s t mockery in also a new character. and offensive." (Continued on page 7.) about a humane, solution of Jewthe presence of ^ ? sotfering. ary work ia already under way. cooperation and good-nature in ish crises. Ke was "selected by e New Tore (.JTA)—A trEfi-: of i I *:an not wish you this,,nor do accepting the situation. committee of judges which in- lane in Falestice costing: f'ff.,yoa -want. to. be wished ' any hapcluded 58 protnine: persc-ns ol | COC. origiDE'ly set csie'e "or tbe piness of your own; in such a Town Hall Comes different faiths. world, ^ h o can be happy? Who j establisbmert of c." American Anti-Semitic Drive . t o Omaha! may sayi This tragedy Is no matThe citation follows: "Because i colony, has been allocated for tlie ter of. mine.* I am happy. ' by all bis words and actions since j settlement d German JewiPli vc?* in Northern China \i wish^yon rather thiBstrength, . On Thursday, evening, Janbe has been in the public service u e res 'iuion thfs pride,:this dignity, this en- uary 5, at eight o'clock, a loni he bas promoted better under- unanimously ct B r.p.*?o i£.5 cop.London (JTA)—Reports from cal Town'Hall Group will meet largement.' ...-'•' •-•"•.' • standing among all races s.ntl fererce o C the Orfier SCRS or Zlcm, for the first time at the Jew- Shanghai say Japan has launched Dr. Harris J. Levine. GTK.P.UThis shall be Mr. Segal's toast ish "Washington (WNS) — General snent by the Navy Department creeds; because, during the past an anti-Semitism campaign in Community Center to distoKhla' company and h^ offers it cuss one of our most import- North China and Manchukuo, approval of the strong tons taken that a permanent squadron ci bat- year be took the initiative of KiRSter of the orcler, v h o pressflcrisis in Jewish affairs and ed, announced t r, e. t f7f,(.l|'!|1 also:Ho all who read this. He ant problems, SHOULD barring both territories to Jewish by the State Department in re-tleships -would be kept in Atlan- every did ei'erything in bis power to towards the purchase of the land wouldn't' have- any- anniversary THEcurrent WAGNER ACT BD RE- immigrants. As a result of thebuffing a German demand for an tic -waters. about a Larnane solution, has already beer ':pvvrr:"rted. j>arty. if. he. had his say. and he VISED? drive l.'OOO Austrian Jewish refu- apology for remarks made by a Senator King's assertion that bring wjUi-.Teduce this-one to becoming of the Cabinet was evi-the United States should break and because he was responsible Fund, to Palestine. that the Town Meeting of. gees, have been diverted to Shang- member humility: Almost any kind of -cele- theAmerica's dent although Eom© criticism de- off diplomatic and commercial re- for the Evian conference for aid-bslance is expected to be raised hai. The. Shanghai Jewish Com"is broadcast weekly : brfjUohBeems to have become- in- over Air veloped because of ths strained lations witc Germany unless that ing refugees of Central Europe." before the JUIEUE! "Ovder Da-." munity was stated to be caring the NBC. Some 1,300 dis.decent,- he thinks. . • • •<. In a statement from ths YCLite diplomatic relationship. Senator nation ceases Us persecution of for 2,000 destitute Russian Jews groups throughout the ..]Mr. Segal.doesn't like to tell cussion States House the President WEE quoted tc be celebrated next.?,*s.Tcti If,, assemble each as well as 500 Viennese Jews who William H. King o£ Utah urged minorities, brought a warning as -other people; how .to'• behave, • or Uniteddeclaring that he sincerely apto listen to promin- arrived recently. Transports with the complete severance of econ- from Senator Wheeler, chairman how much to drink, or .hbvjr' much Thursday the action of ths dis-!J\'exent labor leaders, professional 3,000 to 4,000 more "Jewish refu- omic relations with Nazi Germany of the Senate Interstate Com- preciated to, Eipend Mr. Segal-is n&Jchuspa workers, tinguished committee of judges *' and- other gees were reported to be en route declaring that "the only tray to merce Committee, against a '-wave jwho pdnim, sa they say. Yet if tie were leaders ofstatesmen, him for tie deal with Germany If she conthe day analyze cur- to Shanghai. of hysteria' sleeping the United awardselected one who ordinarily gave himself a rent problems of The American Hebrew tinues her barbaric persecution of States to the brink of war. Repan interesting bid • time on new year eve heand informativeinmanner. the Jews is to interfere with her resentative Martin Dies, chairman medal. The President further A \. "ra' Torjj (JTA might say: "Well this time I Shanghai (JTA)—Ths Japanbe gladly development." Senator of the Congressional Committee stated that he glaci accepted the in C™ OPF"'68S6 shall give my wine to my kinsFollowing the -broadcast, ese Consulate has refused to economic Ro-ivc-jof Illinois thought that the investigating Tzn-Anieriean activi- honor and was deeply touched by Central men who are sufferers on ~tb>» there is discusssion on the grant visas for ten destitute fam- Lewis would react to the det-ties in the United States, said that the citation •which. secodp&r.ied given espression tb.~o!"gb Vyp eternal road. My kinsman, is tired part of the listeners for the ilies of Jewish musicians from Ill-feeling riment of the Jews in..Germany this country -was being "deluged the award. tribution of ?. XC-.C b and faint and I shall'give him'my airing til opinion and the. clar- Berlin to go to Harbin, Manchu- and might be followed by new•with propaganda for the pnrpose the Acj-sslsiian s r i n e . • • . ••••••'.: •' ifying of the question aroused* kuo, where Jobs had. been ob- outbreaks against thera. f o r 'cls£ a."iCi o i ^ i ^ of involving ns in the approachJewish Community Cen- tained for them by the HIAS-ICA -."Yes, .the §100 that I ordinsr- terThe oycott isb refugees. Tii Informed quarters espressed in g European -war." Senator invites all interested to Emigration -Association. ilf spend on a big net? year eve; participate. at e. inestsrvg in the belief that President Roose- Wheeler criticized a statement This Is an opporI shall give to the fund for thet velt would tell Congress, at itsmade by Neville Miller, president London (TTXS) The effc o: to know what is what rehabilitationr of, those who" have- tunity r.i j ^'"^ '~e ecuslly {if.'.'Ul our political, social, ami ec- 'Record-Concert Series opening session nest week, of theof the National .. Association of the American boycott ct bocome "homeless, tor" succor of on d 1 ttie ^oint Dfetrib\it;c? stiffened attitude ia diplomatic Broadcasters, wlio declared radio goods and services lias res onomic frontiers/ Come to the tkose who have -been" fobbed and Town Hall Broadcast nest •Those registered for the Record relations between the United stations shoda prohibit t h e in the decision ol the North I E(i th left hungry. . '. - • • • . :> Thursday. - Concert Series of the Jewish Com- States and Genaauy. His annual broadcasting of programs •which man Llc-yd l:ins to withdraw . He-'ucees, I "I shall greet the new year moCenter will. please note message is expected to deal with Ii n c i t e destly with cocktails at-my house. '.. The discussion will be led by munity "racialthata sack pesition vie© irn.m^v.2P.t^iy: s..vCorc.l.r,'~;' that these recorded concerts will =. C O l - • C". the international situation and hatred," Earingistated With threeTor "four cocktails 1 Miss Blanche Kleiman, Educa- be resumed oh Wednesday, Jan- defense seeds of this- country. It vr&s . a violation ef the rigfct of News Chror-i-3le report whscn I lection luit the chwrcli h& con- | llib a pink illusion of a tional Director. • uary 4, under, the direction o£ •was'noted that great EigEiflcaace free speech. Broadcasting stations curing tbe past cii;lst. \ tn Co'fjtiaued oil page §.) Mrs. Minnio-Voigt. ••was attached to the: snaonnce- . (Coatinned ca.. jage .£.),


Jewry Is I re Up PhilanthroT Contributions at O





5:1. %;,» • I


-Page 2


acuse, and brought to Syracuse the first automobile.



iah capital are ssen. They are: (1) A sehemc, said to be the principal o n e discussed by Dr. Schacfct ia Ixsadoc, which would biSutt the jisrs to the s-ujnaented export drive of the Keich; (2) The raising of an international

Jewish organizatlonawWch would extend credits to «mif«uU ....

Therever they settle; ( J > " E x WILLIAM LEAF chsXi£<? n" F^flP(f>rvjr t>f>tweon Jews Philadelphia (JTA) — William B. Leaf, Zionist leader and a coemigratlEe frrm_ t&e'Belcb «nd founder of the Jewish Daily ForGermasE returning from abroad, ward of NeV York, and the Jew- Jerusalem (JTA) — ExcavaBy EDDIE CANTOR loan through governments and particularly from -Sotsth America. ish World of Philadelphia, died tion of an early third-century here of pneumonia. He was 65. synagogue at Sheik Abreik in a?lc< home from a visit to room that these children were Ler.1! was formerly president of southern Palestine, shedding new (Continued from Page 1) Berlin (JTA)—The death rate land where ho raised 6520,- ' forced' tovundergo; if their eld-, the Philadelphia-branch of the light on the Jews of the era fol- in concentration camps is c'iiabto finance the transfer of ers had merely the degradation of which refused to carry • Father American Jewish Congress. lowing the destruction of the Sec- ing steadily because of the proJren. from European lands, scrubbing the streets or wiping Coughlin's programs were "intolond Temple, was announced by lonse'd cold -wave, -which, is injersccution, Eddio Cantor the boots of Nazi storm troojiers erant/; according, to "Wheeler. an expedition of the Palestine flicting extraordinary suffering DR. MAURICE PILIPPSOX j writes this article on the forced upon them it still might v Brussels (JTA) — Dr. Maurice Jewish Exploration Society. Dr. on the inadequately clothed prisNazi Press Violent lit of the yonngest victims be BO bad. But in addition to • Berlin (WNS)—Events follow- Philippson, president of the Jew- Benjamin Meizler, head of the ex- oners. Hundreds of Jews re•ate'. His plea is moving and not convenient butts for ,foul ing, the U.S..: rebuke to Germany ish Community of Brussels,, died pedition, said lie believed a much leased in the past few days are ere; - - :—THIS EDITOR. being older synagogue lay underneath returning to their homes with humor, the guinea pigs for sadis- were slowed down perceptibly be- here. He was 61 years old. and digging would continue. tic experiments, these- unfortun^ cause of the holiday season alfingers and toes frozen, in «ome aave returned from England ate people are being wiped'out though Rabbi Abram Simon, educator Greek and Hebrew inscriptions cases necessitating amputation. i t is expected that further ; e I sought aid for the most economically. • . • complications" wilt materialize de- and orator of national note, died found on the walls of the synaConditions are reported particme project'It has been my his home in Washington, less gogue's antechamber are being ularly At the present.lime there re- spite the fact that the incident at bad in the Bucnenwald lege to participate In in many 7 than three hours after preaching turned over to the Hebrew Uniwas.considered "closed" diplocamp near "Weimar, where hun\ There I sought to raise main in Germany 300,000 Jews, matically by a Propaganda Minis- at the Washington Hebrew Con- versity for study. dreds of prisoners (3o not even 3 to be used toward paying souls that are being .driven -by ' It is believed that the discov- have the boon of labor but are 'ransportation of hundreds of the intangible but relentless force try spokesman. Though the re- gregation. Dr. Simon served in Omaha of exclusion and boycott to desti- buff "left a sting behind" . the ery will afford a link between the forced to stana outdoors for when he went Palestine Jews in the era of the hours tution., to starvation, and when spokesman said the rejection was from 1898 to 1904 : or are only given the opto Washington. their last resources fail, to the couched in such terms that no Second Temple — which was de- portunity for limited exercise He was one of the founders of stroyed by the Romans ia 70 A. such as marching or bending. In grave. For the sake of their relir. further diplomatic action could be gious belief and their families forthcoming and even diplomatic the Synagogue Council of Amer- D. — and those of the Talniudic the Saehsenhausen camp, gloves they are making a gallant fight quarrels' -muBt. not interfere with ica and the Central Conference epoch after the dispersion of the and earrauffs were given to some to stave off the final reckoning. thp holiday /spirit. The official of American Rabbis. Jews. The main hall of the syn- prisoners, but the supply was inWith every penny that they can' Deutscher Dlenst was violent in agogue measures 35 by 15 meters sufficient. Fires are permitted 5n \ . find in their shrunken purses its denunciation of Senator Key and contains 20 pillars with ar- the barracks only at eight. they are feeding, clothing, and Plttman's. four-point statement, tistically carved capitals. The The plan to settle the problem sheltering tens of thousands who however, and. questioned, the reantechamber is 25 meters long of the German Jews once for all sponsibilitiesof-the superiors of have already gone on the locks of and its marble-faced walls bear is expected to be accelerated! ES destitution. Fortified by.tbp long the Senate Foreign- Relations Los Angeles (WNS) — Lewis the inscriptions. Numerous- art a result of the visit to Lcnfion of Committee .chairman.--; The organ training that pre-Hitler Germany Browne, English-born Jewish objects -were found, including a Dr. Hjairaar Schacnt, president of has given all her effir- linked i-Pittman' with -. what it writer, and chairman of several large marble menorah. the Reichsbank. Informed quartermed, anotorious Democratic clency and team work, bolstered ters believe that George Rublee, anti-Nazi meetings here reported Jewish clique in America, which by the activities o£ such ah ordirector of the Intergovernmental to police that a four-foot swastika also had as its exponents Secreganization as the American JewRefugee Burea, or his represenwas painted on the door of his ish Joint.Distribution Committee tary Ickes, and .former Ambassa- home. tative will come to Berlin in the dor ''' which, has been enaged in. relief next week or two, after -which Browne's biography of Heinand reconstructive activities ' I ,,. The 'Nazi newspaper- Uhr Blatt rich Heine, the German poet, was Dr. Schacht is expected to go to Germany, since 1933, thfese/peop •asserted'? that ^German-American among those books -. burned in London again, possibly in Febare exerting heroic efforts-to'col- relations^ had reached ^ their low- Germany in 193?. ruary. lect, husband and wisely dispense est ebb due to organized; agitaThe Reich's v-illingness to deal The Educational Department of their dwindling reserves so that tion of Ickes, Pittman, Baruch, the Jewish Community Center an- directly with the leaders of the they can save, at least temporar- LaGuardia; Wise land- Untermyer. nounces that on Sunday after- Intergovernmental Sefugee Comily, thousands of others from a Other newspapers in Germany eet*ri«M,iM, noon, February 12, the Kurth mittee is considered of primary similar fate. .. , : icarried vague threats of reprisals Marionette Show will be present- importance to observers, who - Within this implacable .'wall, of although for the-most part newsnote the development of a tenie Cantor. New York (WNS) — Threat- ed. race hatred, 300,000 .men. : wbjii- papers'were instructed to consid- ening dency, at least for the moment, of "This Roberta milk < is so fusil of ncaarishsatHat £ £\gurm letters have been received This show will feature such ilesV little children' out oTGer- e'n and children are prfsoners, UpK er- the incident closed. the German moderates against it ©ssg&t t o grew fcair."" by Raymond Massey, Walter Hus- characters as Anita, the Russian the radicals. •y and Austria .whose" "only mured In' -an invisible; dungeon, Three practical plans ton, Dorothy Thompson and the Gypsy, Miss Lulu, the Negro dancHitler Annoyed V3 was that' of being born," of their reserves vanishing, and their • ' for fostering the transfer of Jew':;h parents. • means of resistance growing feeb- .";.' Nazi policy in the current Ger- Theater Arts Committee from un- er, and Madam Lechini, the opera •• addition to those children ler with the passage, of. every dayl man-American ' diplomatic crisis known Nazi sympathizers who de- singer. efforts .to aid refugees itiefl 'for -Palestine and Other These and many others will apAs;terrible as has"imen r the-unr rwas • being personally, directed by precated from Germany. Miss Thompson pear in a most entertaining pro'.-, theNational Council ..of iversal campaign'of "boycott and 'Chancellor Adolf Hitler who, ac! sent the letters she received to 3h Women, itbrough Its affl- expropriation against the Jews in cording to reports, is described as gram. •>j the German-Jewish Child- Germany at least it h a s : been deeply angered by the position the District Attorney's office for Admission to Center members investigation. Massey and Huston ,3 Aid, is placing 240 children mercifully tempered by. time for taken by the State Department is free. There will be a charge of 1 year with private families It has ta^en the Nazi government in..Washington toward the Third Ignored the letters. 15 cents for non-members. Charge sble Fehrusr* . have religions- and ; cultural five.,years, to grind them to dust. Kelch and the blunt rejection of IcgroundS' similar to ""' those In contrast to this cold 'program the German protest--against t h e eh- the children, have left, those same forces required 'only Cleveland speech, of .Secretary of •lose chlidren;.nll coming from five weeks to accomplish, the the Interior. Harold L. Ickes. Re>i!ies made helpless by the Hit- -same results in their campaign alizing the possible- unfortunate !regime, are: admitted, for per- against the Jews in Austria. This consequences of precipitate ac•tent residence and are eligible has resulted in the collective sui- tion, Hitler, It is understood, will | citizenship. in the United cides of entire families, for when do nothing until he can make a , cs. No child leaves Germany, a family's saving are sequestered, thorough study of the issues inil'a'home has been secured for its horns looted, and the' family volved. .. ; in the U:ni t eji_. S_tat es JiveHhood suddenly- cut off, i t It Is certain that the Nazi govQuality and Vdue erf ch child may be l e g a l T y seemed the only way~ouf. ' ernment will reply in some definour Ftaliion Apparel Te?r>. pted, and;all-, remain under ite, manner and the return... to f once of Fin* Qutdi;;: • Must Save Children ' ' careful supervision of an acof Dr. Hans Dieckr ii ted social agency in the; com-; , Only one ,hope remains for Washington ~t\ott, • German Ambassador, has these children —-^ eriiigrallon.'-The I'-'Jty in which they "live. " This .been, postponed Indefinitely. salvaging of young lives caught In j^e^s^-r Price Csr.'r ^ O~r fi work has. been carried on by "certain that" "no reply will j German Jewish Children's Aid the maelstrom of persecution and eguaily be- forthcoming' until after the i Cour years.. It has taken terror,,the rescue of as many chil- first the year nnd one report i(»rea who were being deprived dren as possible from the degra- has itofthat Hitler may not make dation of life in, Nazi countries, 'r-ery bppbrtanlty in their naany decision nntit:after learning i _'snd and-:p!3ced them in good the privilege of giving --them a ttrbaf ^Presidient' jEoQserelt-lia3 to Women Who AppneUa* Good Quegie? Shm££ ySftfwc* $evmdl of Theme Fmhkmr ne(g in the Xfnited States where Chance "for life and: normal devel- .^ay/.In.'Wa fo the qpenfy 'are being-glVen a normal ed- opment itj the United States is a ;irig eeision message -of:'j£johgress.~"."..:7 iyroup I '•"••' : "' : • . - • • - . - -Grnwfi 2t'.' ~..;"' . * •' .'.;".. of our best ef- : fdon and an opportunity to project -worthy : •-..- Jewry' t o Negotiate • itlop naturally according " t o forts. . Reduced to •-.Redaceiio ••• . The.first ;direct contact be'•r, abilities. "•••"•"• rn line -with this -work every tween, the .German government 'I' recall one' proverb from my railroad station in Naai'Germany and non-German representatives ito study daya during my early has become a landmark in Jew- of: world Jewry was being nego.1th' which said, If a person sav.- ish histpjTr. From these-, stations of .the eml.'just one life'It would be as: if the .trains depart Jtpr;:,Hainburg. ;itiiate'dson.ftheipro.b.lem gration .of-Jews from Germany, It 1 ) hadi saved the whole • .world, ^Trieste and '.Marseilles; ' f o r the was -reliably- reported. Representi try as I might I cannot apply boats to • overseas -lands of refuge. atives" -<jf "America > and British Jl proverb" to "this task that-1 One or the greatest film, directors • Misses'. • Women's . . Jrai©r$" cracl'HoIf Sis? bankers were contacted as ire set for :myself despite the In the world told, me'of a ; scene Jewish" a-result of personal? meetings beStreet Dresses, Sports Dresses, Business Bresses, He?e are cxchinier Wiser «w! ., >Vthat several hundred child- which he had witnessed early this Hermann - Goering and been waiting for!- Included are Crepes, \Fools, Velvet* . . . thai mi& te smwd for'HOW ly have been Removed from that year in Germany. The mothers tween wealthy Jews In Germany. No and early Spring -wear. Every cue & Fsshsaa Bit, totry where- they do their con- and fathers saying goodbye. to official report was available as to |tr.iting in camp3 rather than their children! their last good- the relationship between the pres. French Selon—TMr£ FJo schools. - - ". " bye, and Nazis had given them negotiations:o,nd; tho meetings Just five minutes by the clock for ent !;40,000 Under 16 in; jtoadoa-- - ot- -Dr. Hjalmar I'cannot applythia proverb and their farewell. This director said Schachtr^p^sideni-Jof the ReichsSpecial Fesiicrcs in Qua" Clearance Tcva Ijp" with" as • clear': .conscience -that "if he.had put_th.islscene..on lianli,'7 with' George ;-Rublee» : per'm. I-realize that -there, are,"yet .the; screen the people/.pftther'^ty^d inah^nt/directoE-.'DJE ihe IntergovloOO children, under the ages of would not believe It,—-the tFa's ernnlental' Cbmniitte'e -on political :-2en years doomed, to a life of edy, the meaning, the sobbing, the refugees.••- According to official 't.TEdatlon and destitution in crying, and yet, in their hearts Nazi quarters, foreign banking inthe parents were happy to see terests .are" willing to advance ):i Germany." •••••. Tkcsc Gzisl&&dizig Eargidns. in Dress end Casual j. cannot say to myself "You their children go. If they could credits u p ? t o ' t w o and one-half ,ile done your part" and rest not live, they wanted their boys billions of. dollars to finance the '"i^ent when I recall the story arid girls to go to a land of free- scheme.-. ' . ; : >-.':"-. I to mo by an American cor- dom. The bell ring3 and the Jourjpondent - d u r I ri g -; my Btay ney toward hope—^and peace — .•.._* .. i-oad, that when a Viennese Jew- has begun. PROMINENT JEWS DIE The world may be 1 airly help'"inbly. begged of an official less in' the fact of T7hat wHl ulfiaro" shall I turn?'' that wor!r replied: "Turn on'the gasr" timately befall the -fathers.- and • -:Syracuse'.'N. Y. (JTA) — The >ci when this Jew asked: "What mothers who are left behind. But mayor; judges, and high officials The ?SS End $46.Coals ere richlT fsirpea wish Persian Lf»n%. J?fed FIlclj, AfserfcM F0S9 'in I do with my mother.?" the one thing the world must do. It paid tribute to David : Grody, a Blue Fox, Skunk, Beaver. SIS C6&U sre CHSrijnsasd, *rarmlr ia!e?Iined of Fkse i -no officer replied: "Throw must keep these railroad stations prominent ;Jefr, a t his funeral. QFFEB Leiab'>i Wool. Sisea 9 to IS, 10 So 46. open, It must help fill trains with Grody, who came to. Syracuse as it so and Ealn the Danube!" 1. We put a set of new U. The ghosts "of these thousands those youngest victims, and it a small boy from Poland, started . Coast—Third Floor • S. Royal Masts" Tires on ,lselples3 "children parade before must keep the gates of .r'efugo out as a -peddler and, became an your car; Trap up your ' oyeo when I recall the/stories ajar for a generation of children important • business man.' He' was present tires and "ock them thefirs't automobile; dealer fn Syr•d to mo by outraged refugees who seek hope and peace. Price Sacrifices o?8 Smart. Sports C'"-1'" ,*—--.-safely away-—Then . . . 'd children whom we succeeded Women. J»er«r OppottaKisies for Extremely G^^s:~c>.r £ 2. After you've put Royal I placing in. foster homes. The Masters through their paces ,-ysar-old boy to -whom I said for 3 days—come back and yell the sun .is. shining, y<nu give us the verdict! •sht to go down to the beach Remember—No Cost, No d get yourself some swimming" Obligation, Nt* Sales Talk jr.vered: "Mr. Cantor, I shall Coats in Tweeds, Fleeces, Nub Vools End S©?8 Boweles, Salu —RO1AL. MASTERS SELL. var go swimming or bathing in THEMSELVES! - iJlio again.1-' "I 'found out why. »re msn-teilored &n& drcssiaaksr styles, Soft Eowcfe* sa€. ,Jo back had been branded from j neck down to his "waist in an Klen's Wear Fubrics. All reslEcedi to. .,.«.* istrian concentration camp. And ,5 e^lme—they had found a picfti of Dollfuss in his possession. Higher ,Th!3 in the year 19^8. and the NOW TAKEN FOR EXPEKT E2ESTE3QADIKG Priced . jrio3 I heard of the younger , dcol children who are beaten BO .v^rely during "rece3s In school fAM FiBor ^t.tho continuance of their edVisit our new large plant and • at Son Is no longer possible; let U3 show you our new equip.ildren v^ho aro growing up with ' You cen't effor£ So ge v.n.oSher He? tvHh« ment which is capable of re ' 'Sntense hatred for their paroraJ e new Fur C<a&, iviih priees ?,?< imp" •U because their mothers and treading or recapping any size .rhor? were born Jews. t ' i , * '• / car or truck tire. —=- over,- If It vrbre And Orchestra in fho Main Dining ng 'erperloneoa in the elasij* Your .worn out tires skillfully •^ : — Room." $4.00 P?r Person including '•" Supper — Cockf ail—-Champogna rebuilt with new-live anti-skid rfi fti^ treads, adding thousands- of ^ « J FHILO HANSEN ' safe, economical miles. ..? • and Orchosfra Iniho Ballroom • Orass, Broasa, Alasainusa, $3.00 Per Person,*Including Supps? ' Ss*i Gray Iroa a a J Sosai* !' Stool CaoSia^o, V/ood aa<3 C ;. r£oeal Patterns s a d Sasb Hafc Homs,.Noiso .M 1 ' _¥•/'slants ccTS-Iocl ia stock. Takes frens ct.- EZsIicr r?"cc;; Z O~s -C , VZ -*, "^ V 1"^ Phono No. AT S326 fo? Your tlcssrvBThn i Broaso an<2 Cast Iron' ?c? a G a b Evening H *- e"-" "* CCES carries Ois CclCzitl^ CLt^ ;r . .



. *




_.™fcJ31 *

Swastika Painted on Writer's Door


Actors Receive Threat Letters







Brodmoor Qcts^ £*AC


Carl Lore!?



•\ 27fth and Martha Sto.







Theodore Roosevelt^ a revolution that'was itself overthrown by the Bolshevist revolution on November 7, 1917. Father Coughlia did 1 not tell us that. In other words, V I isr **-* the American Hebrew did not say that Communist revolution was the outcome largely of "Jewish Hollywood—Post-items on the thinking, of Jewish discontent, of anti-NaEi movement in Hollywood Jewish effort to reconstruct." isfa con Et. c-£,r.i ^ Among the developments It is, however, when Father Berlin (JTAV-^ The "staaten- in t l " i f 1 which have taken place since los" class of persons, which is en- trate or rr-rr-vir cr Coughlin quotes from the "officlarging rapidly as a result of Po- fror th* ial "White Paper issued by thewriting last week's column: T cesatior.E-iEa- Citj English War Cabinet in 1919," 1.) There was forced the land's Eyst.eins.tic which he says he has in his pos-committee of 56. Composed of tion cs.rripE.igE. is being celled inD- ^ z : corcirur -•> session, that he errs most flago£ the biggest nataes in creasingly to the police EES. told ; connr'ur On the paBt few Sundays the not 400 million dollars but 40Jews. And from Professor Hugo rantly. This paper, known as some Gentiles and Jews, ac- to leave the reentry wftfcSn one • p j £ r «-rReverend Charles E. Coushlln of billion dollars ol Christian pro- Valentine, distinguished professor "Russia No. 1" may be found in filmdom. Sometimes ihe | j j a r - i r ," writers, directors, and even cr two months. Detroit l a s made radio addresses perty was appropriated" in Rus- ot history in Upsala University, its original form in the British tors, ] e sJPVE v s Producers, its sole purpose is a period of grace is prolonged, but less •which are of grave concern to sia. We see a t last where the ar-Sweden, author of a book called Library or Information in Newsustained frequently Jews unable to eini-C U;" 'e drive for Americanism • vn America. Their purpose has ap- gument takes us. Great care has- 'Anti-Semitism, Historically and York City and in its abridged and the abolition of all foreign grate are jailed for a few weeks j t u r r 71" parently been to stir up racial been exercised to make It clear Critically Examined," we learn form in the New York Public Li- 'isms. First move was their part and released with a BCT deports- i j , e <• 'i. V ' ' hatred against the Jewish people that communism and the Jewish that "even in 1922, after several brary. I have studied this paper, in air program for Rededica- tion order. Scores -have been v.n- j erf, In" a country whose" traditions, race are one. and the same thing. years of intensive Bolshevlzing, and I have found nothing in it tiontheDay. der "deportation arrest" three. .or j p ~ , ~ and shorts V iS 1 - r l ! laws and institutions are the ex-Look for a Communist and find a the Jewish element amounted to to support Father Coughlin's are a part ofNewsreels r four times. their plan. Through The SPTF € it pression of racial and religious Jew! And then the murder of 20 only 19,526 members, or 5.2 percharge that "this official pape the same medium with the coopMeasures against Jevrs -who are lea?r r - o r equality. Primarily Father Cough- million Christians, the appropri- cent of the party." Professor Val- prints the names of the Jewish eration of theaters, they'll gather completing emigration re- ?0C for jr.. lin has attempted to link the ation of 40 billion dollar's worth entin also tells us that "the com- bankers, Kuhn, Loeb and Com-twenty million signatures in a training aretheir comparatively new S I C T f , Jewish, people with an unpopular of Christian property. "Who didmissariat for the administration pany, are not even mentioned in plea to President Roosevelt to development. a Students in the resocial and economic movement of Jewish affairs, appointed by this paper. When this fact was "sever all economic connections training: courses receive a State known a s communism and by this that? The Communists! And "who Lenin's government, issued a called to Father Coughlin's at- with Germany until such time a"s unemployment dole of eight end'similar devices to .place the are the Communists? They are manifesto on March 15, 1918, at-tention after his broadcast of No- Germany re-enters the family, of .marks. (S3.£0) weekly, but they rsee in -a. most unfavorable light. Jews! tacking the Jewish workers for vember 20, he answered by ap-nations in accordance with the must guarantee to leave the connThe answer to these charges Is their anti-Bolshevist attitude;' pealing not only to the "White His line of reasoning is clever but principles of internation- try Epon completion of the cournone the less distasteful and full not difficult to g[ve because, for- that "in the Ukraine in 19IS, thePaper" again but to a book by humane al law and universal freedom. The ses. Since Anschluss, miEy of • p. r " r f rr tunately, we have access to the Jewish workers with arms in Professor Denis Fahey, from Committee also moves 'or the na- •these students, who are be-ins of error. • " sources from which Father Cough-His contention i s that Nazism lln claims that he "got his infor- their hands made common cause which he quoted to the effect tionwide boycott of Nazi-made trained as carpenters, mechanics , w i t h the Jewisb bourgeoisie is the effect of communism, that farmers, have lost valuable | the "chief document treating goods. And when we examine against Bolshevism"; that as that it-is a defense mechanism against mation. of the financing of the Russian time through beseigicg- consul- j these sources we are compelled, two-fifths of the Jews of Russia Revolution is the one drawn up 2.) Warners' announce the procommunism, and that three will In ates o* the "opes" countries, is-j all fairness, to come to condnction of a new patriotic series, lived by private-trade, one-third always exist some defense against by the American Secret Service." eluding: the United States and 1less, V E F ceieb-F Pv of the Western Hemiscommunism "as long as misguid- clusions which are far different by handicraft, the coming to pow- Then follow the names of the "Heroes Australia, hence cannot possibly j chu-e 1 *_ c—vi_.-v phere." Such enthusiastic refrom those er of communism meant "great drawn by Father ed Jews and Gentiles in such Coughlin. American Jewish bankers "who sponse met the first series that make gooS pledges to emigrate j ia] Chi.", h - ' t ' f , ' ter catastrophe for the Jews than great numbers continue to propa"were engaged in this work of with "satisfactory speed." | Eer r - r T-- - V T - T I To begin with, the definition for any other section of the Rus- destruction." They are Jacob a separate department has been gate the doctrines of anti-God. Supplementing outside efforts ] cisse T C T f ? T "L established to handle these. sian people;" that "most of the of Nazism as a defense mechananti-Christ, anti-patriotism, and Schlff, Guggenheim, Max Breitto settle the Jewish problem in cEC C*"C * *-"*- c | p entl-property." It' will be noted ism against communism and theJewish workers and many of theung, and Kuhn, Loeb and Com- 3.) Warners will produce the Germany .-by . emigration, Jewish clue r r : z c *•:: o intellectual and semi-intellectua story of Chaiza Salomon, Jewish statement that "there will always that here Father Coughlin names pany, of which the directors are circles here are drawing up a serGentiles with Jews as the agents exist some defense mechanism Jewish proletariat belonged eith Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto patriot of the American Revolu- ies of proposals to be presented Keb-ev E, c r c~ I • responsible for communism. The against communism" which will er to the Social Revolutionary or Kahn, Blortimer Schiff, J. J. Han- tion, as a four-reel featurette to the Reich authorities, foreign called, "Sons of Liberty." speech is interlarded with refer- always be "characterized by per- to the Menshevifc Party, both o'. auer. governments and orginaztions "U'alcerr" -jrrv 4.) Local German consul has ences to atheistic Jews and Gen-secution" are oversimplifications which took their stand on social It does not matter that the New abroad. It is understood they deal rr1 tiles in order to make us think of fact. There are many of us. In- democratic principles, were hos- York Times for November 29 made protests to the Hays office with possible creation of camps tile to the anti-democratic Bol the cr that the speaker is harmlessly im- cluding the President of the Unitquoted Chief Frank J. Wilson of anent the production of "Nazi for transitory refugees and in- j , 1 partial. . ed States, who believe that the sheviks, and were soon • to be the United States Secret Service Spy." elude concrete suggestion lor k , bl«"s- r e T. e o-p '•>«•cruelly persecuted by them." FiBut as he proceeds, the Gentile best defense against communism nally, we read in Professor Val- as saying in Washington, " I t is 5.) Groucho Marx proposed a solving the problem of property r en&r-bi F leCn E I - 1 ,<• agents who are responsible for is not Nazism but 3emocracy — quite certain that no such report toast: "To Warners' — the only transfer. | emphasized t\ ci ..Lf communism gradually cease to be a way not "characterized by per- entin's book, "The spiritual fath- was ever made by the United studio with any guts:" ers of Bolshevism are not Jews hsd defeated tlie r-rv ,.!• of importance. The weight of his secution." There is the answer to States Secret Service," and quoted 6.) Producers shun Lewis Mileanism ard p"lli'S'T OF argument is gradually but cer-communism of Pope Pins' XI — . . . The tutors of the radical and Kuhn, Loeb and Company as say- stone's story on the Jap invasion mother of tainly thrown against the Jews. a way not "characterized by per- revolutionary Russians in athe- ing in N^ew York, "The firm of ot China. . Why so timid? The ism, materialism, nihilism, terror- Kuhn, Loeb and Company * has "It 1B the belief,, be it well or 111secution." There are the proBy MRS. M . GBAT founded, of the present German nouncements of the bishops of the ism, socialism, and anarchism never had any financial relations, Jap film market is non-existent; government," be tells us, "that Episcopal, church, "which point to were Russians — or Englishmen, or other relations, with any gov- the sympathy of all free-speaking J e w s , -'. were responsible for the a way not "characterized by per- Frenchmen, and Germans, to ernment In Russia, whether Csar- peoples is with the Chinese. Why The night brings darkness deep economic and social ills suffered secution." It gives • us pause to some extent the same as had in- Ist. Kerensky, or Communist." not speak out through the vivid! And silence by the Fatherland since the sign- wonder why Father Coughlln can- fluenced the West in the 1870's What does matter Is that I have Eight and vibrant sound of '"the i The night brings sleep. • screen? j Men lock their doors and 80's, but who had a far more ing of the Treaty of Versailles." not see, as the answer to commy possession a Nazi paper « j Against the night Oar attention is drawn here only munism, any other way but that disintegrating • effect in Russia in called World Service, published IE to Jews. Nothing is said about the of Nazism or some other defense than elsewhere." April 16th Charlie Chaplin wiU •! Primitive fright. in Hamburg twice monthly in six German dislike for the Treaty or mechanism "characterized by perU *\ i . ,_ -i._ ' iMen d u g their caves reach the half-century mark. In languages. This paper describes Versailles itself, which was drawn secution." Are these words of his All of this i s not to say that itself as an information sheet celebration theatre men vrill re- Against, the night . . and snow up by Gentiles and to the destruc- an Invitation to the Nazi forces in among Russian Communists there dealing "with the machinations of issue some of his old comedies. A million years ago. are no Jews. Naturally, there are though gray haired for And little candles glowed tlon of which the Hitler govern- America to set up their defenses some Jews, some but not many. the Jewish underworld" — a Charlie, time, remains a bos-office White in night's black • ment is committed in the belief here against communism — de-To attempt to arouse the anger sheet which, accordingly, forms some Because of the interna- A few years back. that-Germany's economic and so- fenses "characterized by persecu- of a whole country against a race "a necessary part of the intellect- favorite. tional language of pantomime, his • tV3'** , „. • chained . cial ills were due to its provisions tion?" ual armory of every Gentile." In by identifying it with the "ecoPictures have always been big! Jjrstenous^y «™*™ aa well as to Jewish influence. As to Father Coughlin's infer- nomic the issue of February 15, 1936, and social ills" of Germany • Have made night bow. Continuing, he says that the ences of Jewish responsibility for and with the murder of 20 mil-on <page 2, I find, "In February, money-makers in foreign markets. Before the light Nazi movement was formed "to communism, many facts about the 1916, it was noticed for the first That comforts me the lion Christians in Russia rid the Fatherland of Commun- Jews in Germany before the rise while Haxie -Rosehbloom likes .acting ! Electricity unctuous words time that a. revolution was being ists whose leaders,^unfortunately, of Hitler Indicate that such a link about mouthing prepared in Russia. It.was ascer. . . but not 'much dialogue . . . j "good" Jews/"religious" sr frlc©i Originally Very LI'v they identified with the Jewish cannot be forged. We might cite "sincere" Jews —- is to dis- tained that the following bank- complains he can't. get "punch" j being ioa&y wrenched race." At this point he identifies the fact that some of the leading Jews, ing houses were participants In into long sentences. Els best: regard all the facts and to go a the Jews not only with the ills newspapers in Germany at that long way toward setting race this work of destruction; Jacob lines consist of two words laid from their mothers' arms? suffered by the Fatherland but time were Jewish-owned and were against race and religion against (Jew), Kuhn, Loeb and Company. end to end! also with communism. I t is notopposed to communism, or the Jewish banking house witJi diCellclolS Scribbles: Tbe.-lGarx even mentioned, it is not granted. fact that the economic Interests religion in this country. Jacob Schiff (Jew), Felix loonytiss •will vr%Zt tiirocga the Last night "Kentucky" Father Coughlin goes farther. rectors that in all Germany there were of the Jewish people in Germany Warburg (Jew), Otto K a h n ' d with old-tinse Hollywood sir c s . cor&ns,&es, any Gentile! Communists, Again— at that time made them, of nec- He goes to a Jewish, publication, (Jew), Mortimer Schiff (Jew), greeted A glittering tfcrcag 1 for-a Kellogsr ?a£i9 program beand -more strongly now — theessity, the opponents of commun- the American Hebrew, and seeks Jerome J . Hanauer (Jew), Gug- brilliance. convict the Jews out of their genheim (Jew), Max Breltang." packed the theater. Lcsiis B. jginning Jsa. lEta. Saner Webb •weight ot the argument is thrown ism, or the fact that in pre-Nazi to own mouths on the charges that This statement and this list of Mayer, Norxsa Shearer, Charles; says, "HolIjrrooS is the place against the Jews, who "are paint- Germany the Jews who voted he levels them. I obtain- names tally exactly with the state- E.ogers, Kay Francis,. Loretta where options are good to tee-last ed ao.-at-once destroyers of Ger- were for the most part members ed from against David Selrnlck, . Joedrop." Goo5ns£E • Ace ol ""Easy the Broadman Library ment and list of names quoted by Toung, many and one with the Commun- of the liberal democratic parties. of the World War in New Schenck, Virginia Brnce,. Mervyn Aces" air fame is financing &nd York ist movement. But "we do not have to mention a copy of that magazine for Sep-Father Coughlin. What is the LeRoy, Pandro Bersan, Richard adopting a refugee. Aline MacOIOOM of Father Conghlia's In- Greene were only s few of the Kahoa absent from hereabouts From this point on the argu- these things. We hare only to re- tember 10. 1920, the issue from source formation? The British official cinemalites present. ment against the . Jews moves call that before the .Nazis came which Father for macy a. moon, is . cinemacting Coughlin quoted. It more rapidly and with less discre- into power the Communist voting is significant for saying exactly, paper, the United States Secret One could feel the tenseness J in Long Island. New Tork. • In a Persian lion. I t is charged that in 1917 strength in Germany was 6,000,- the opposite of what Father' Service report? No. The Nazi and strain of that satin and -er- burst cf confidence,_>~e.t. Ferber'B Mink-Dyed. "of the twenty-five quasi-Cabin- 000. And in all ol Germany there Coughlin made it appear to say. World Service, which undertakes mine audience during the scene autobiography "will • cover - 1.000 and Peraiss? et members" of the Soviet Ke- were only some 300,000 Jews who The article was not written by a to inform the world about the where young foals were torn from pages. Hecy 1»&ME.IT public "twenty-four were atheis- had the right to vote. • Even if Jew, but by a non-Jew. It does "machinations of the Jewish un- their mother horses. How many, ' that the several German lines ol j tic Jews", whose names Father these 300,000 Jews had all vot- not use the phrase "Russian Jew- derworld." we wondered, of these same j dialogue in her part be changed Coughlln said he had before him; ed Communist, a completely un- ish Revolution" a t all —- any- In the light of these facts can hearts have been affected or to French. that in 1935 "the,Central Com- tenable assumption in itself, what where. I t asks the question: Will we Christians have any part in Quickened to -action in the tragedy. ' w f^pwt*—£<?COTWS Floor mittee of the Communist Party would they have amounted to Patronize Oi:r Advertisers the world follow the course that the persecution of a defenseless of thousands of children, human operating in Russia consisted of among 6,000,000? people? Shall we, reared in the led to Its blood bath in 1914 or fifty-nine members," of whom To show that the Jews are retradition of tolerance fifty-six were Jews and the three sponsible for; communism i n Rus- •will it "adopt some principle ap- American and goodwill, join forces with remaining non-Jews were married sia, Father Coughlin. . quoting proaching the Golden Rule as thethose who, like Father Coughlic, to Jewesses. Then "comes a reveal- from a paper which, he says, "I basis of its political and econommock..our tradition and ing quotation from a Jewish mag- have before me," asserts that of ic statesmanship?" I t goes on to would azine, the American Hebrew, for the twenty-five members of thepoint out that "the Golden Rule, with their mockery destroy our September 10, 1920:"The achi- quasi-Cabinet ol the Soviet Re- as too many of us non-Jews are civilization? evement, the Russian Jewish rev- public in 1917, twenty-four were too apt to~ forget, is a Jewish olution, destined to figure in-his- Jews. One would very much like principle. I t is the expression of PARIS REJECTS tory as the overshadowing result to see that list of names and toJewish discontent with social, ecor the "World War. was largely know where he got it. Those who onomic, and political : conditions CURE ON ALIENS the outcome of Jewish thinking, recall .the days immediately fol- that existed in -Palestine and in Paris (JTA) — The Municipal of Jewish discontent, of Jewish lowing the Bolshevist revolution the world nineteen centuries Council rejected a proposal, to eseffort to reconstruct." The Jews remember that the first ago.' I t points out that the unrest clude alien children from city and communism again, linked this will and referred to committee Council Commissars contained caused by the Golden Rule, for- schools time by one of their own publica- at least of mulated through Jewish lips In a bill calling for a special tax on sixteen men who were tions. What could be clearer? Christ's Sermon on the Mount, fianti-Jewish outbursts Toclinch his argument of Jew- non-Jews, among them Xienin, nally resulted in the "annihilaStalin, Kalinin, Milutin, Krasin, tion of the most firmly intrench- by Councilman D'Arquier da Pellsh responsibility for communism, Kasior, and Bukharinthe most selfish d t lepoix, were ridiculed by only one more indictment need be Coming down to 1935 "we have ed, jority of the councilmen. reckless autocratic system in the added. And Father Coughlln adds the statement that "the Central world, Russian czarism." it. It Is that not only were Jews Committee of the Communist Par- what the author referred to as in Russia responsible for comty operating in Russia consisted "largely the munism, but American Jewish fi- of fifty-nine members," fifty-six being thinking, of Jewish disnanciers aided the revolution by of whom were Jews. Father Jewish • A«!ei • Kitchens • Basements of Jewish effort to recon• Re-rcoflng supplying the money. To prove Coughlin calls this an "official content, struct" — the fall of the czar. • Rs-sldins this most telling point Father disclosure." We may ask, why And this was not caused by the Coughlin goe3 to a book by Pro- "official"? And "disclosed" by Bolshevik revolution, but by the no t y 1 fessor Denis Fahey. He unearths whom? For this is a grossly in- Kk l t i ,of f March Essy Monthly Payments 12, a secret document of the Ameri- correct statement. The Central Kerensky revolution can Secret Service and tells us Committee of the Communist 1917 — a revolution supported by ISiCKLIN S.UK3ES CO. that he regrets being forced" to re- Party in Russia has nearly twice the Allies and commended by 1Sth & KlchaJaa e t a . J A ES33 veal the contents of such a."close- as many members on it as Father ly guarded and certified docu- Coughlin Indicates. And to disment." He dips Into an official prove his fantastic contention British" document which he calls that there are no more than three the British "White Paper," and non-Jews on the committee we which he says is In his possession. have' but to ask if Andreyev, MiHe assures us that this official koyan, and Stalin are Jews; if "White Paper" contains damning Molotov Kalinin, and Voroshllov evidence against the Jewish fin- are Jews; If Berla, Blinkher, and anciers. And he concludes that Budenny are Jews; it Zhdanov, now all the world may know Krupskaya, and Petrovsky •'what was restricted only to theJews. The answer in every case few, some years ago" — namely, is No. that the Russian Revolution "was can go farther In relieving launched and fomented by dis- We Jews of the charge that they tinctively Jewish Influence." The the responsible for communism Jews and communism again—this are in Russia, and froni the time' with their money-bags! quent charge that they persecutAnd then Father Coughlin un- ed Christians. • From the statiscovers the last, terrible, shocking tics of the Petrograd Communist tains result of the Jewish-Communist Party in 194.8 we learn that of ets, 'link. "Between the years 1917 the party's membership 74.3 per and 1938 more than 20 million cent were Russians, 10.5 per cent Christians-were murdered by theLatvians,. 6.3 per cent Poles, S.7 Communist government in Rus- per cent Esthonlans, 2-6 per cent oia . . . Between these same years Lithuanians, and S.6 per cent


By the EEV. W. C. ECERNAN As-Printed ia the Nation December 17,1938

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THE JEWISH PBESS—FBIDAY, DECEMBER 30,1938 ulated by the Christmas Season. Senator P i t t a a s , chzinzsn of "A Gleam of Light Between T « o Eternities" "Tfcs? Center the Foreign Relations Committee, openly advocates the c c a r plete severance of diplomatic relations with Germany and an ;rr.ry Comer" official commercial boycott £3 an effective means of bringing PUtll.ISnz.Li B V t f J I fRIOAV A l OiVJAHA. fl&eSSASJtA. CSV GOEBBSI-S GAB the national malefactor and international bully t o Ma knees. TH£ JSV/ISH PRESS PUBLISHING CU3PAN7 cfctaised t 7 t - ^ - • All are looking eagerly forward to President Roosevelt's Nazissiz.results tts collection of tie firs: h !•;».S&fo Or-s vea. cf- the |400,0GCl,0C01 [ - ^ enrrent cotnpronouncement on the foreign situation in his forthcoming mes- iastalneat RATEG FOHMJSHEO Of* fi.PPt.lC A HOT* fins oa the Jews were no: so esod I I -j£. car's Jswfeb. s:=n« EOITOHIAU OFFICE; CO ORAK0EIS THEATER BUILDING sage to Congress, when it convenes on January 3. All brave . . . Hitler tzi to accept bests *"yoks, and ;ac?t( tio SfOUX CJTV OFFICE—JEWISH COMR3UKHTV CENTER zsd real estate st their face vz.lzz men will admire him if he fakes this occasion to again Jand W P«IM7 S«OS» ADORES©—VSOA SO. Z47H CIREST Instead cf tie c s a l reduced vs.J~e \ { : In the D?cemBLACKBR > . Bcslaesa ana Editor and and reprobate the criminal among nations and her part- assigned to property held by jc=-| i '•v.r/v ; to lSn LATMAN— Aryans . . . Gabby Goebbels fs ia 1 EdltOT ners in crime that .are outraging the moral sence of all htnasc"An«ir«-Ttog A for a hot-ticxe by the middle cfj .^, 5 ^ NATHAN Editor ity. Shall even great and free and powerful nations, like weak cart year, wies zll the Hz& is] i-*'-.c one who p ]ht of -3ABBI FREDERICK COHN Editor and pussillanimous individuals (with or without "level heads") sapposed tofcacollected Fcrl - ^ a o t of God," b? intel H ^ J S B J THEODORE W. LEWIS • • • . • " • . • BooS Bditoi stand helpless and impotent before the perpetrators of mon- as we tcld yea last week. It Con on, profe«BOr of f? x e r t j . e Hebrew tTnion Eiosz City, lava. Correspondent Goebbels wco got this trigtz I fc-r 1 strous iniquity, particularly when this also threatens their fora sad cpoa the ^access of It | fT*' hJs stasdlas with HiUer of government and their very existence" - . , _ , , «.T-_ om t eerrsot of . . . The reason why Gabby has • G"* —T rs-ura!!y expect eymThere are lengths beyond which human nature, whether spokea so slightingly of tfcej s to Following Dr. Hjaknar Schacht's return to Berlin, after jz.^r- mdersiandfnsr. Humble Quaker mission that is r~ '. z c . i cur great Chnrch t t o T b ? r e s e n t i n S Hitler's plan for m a s emigration of Jews from Ger- diplomatic or undiplomatic, cannot go. There were no "in-Nazllssd ever fs because during i ' J -T-r r ' - : - >-~ei even to criminal* transpcaany coapled with a plan to increase German export trade, flammatory" utterances on the part of oar statesmen in 1917.the post-war years wcea Qcakera! "<C 1- " • - l — rf their arony. in a were feeding over a million Ger,-.-_-- r- v < T ,-- : , I , es8 a n ( j forbear1——-George Bublee, chairman of the Evian Commission for Eefu- Wilson's letters and speeches were models and exasperations of mans Goebbels- dida't need their r-"r i — T t r r them cheer and . -,*. gees w a s invited to Berlin by the Reich to enter into farther peace and patience, yet we found ourselvs at war with Ger- help . . . A Gerssaa Jew wsa fcis patron at the tia:e. payisg his csmany, an arrogant, megalomaniac, militaristic and aggressive - / negotiations using Schacht's discussions as a basis. Though it 7>» "-"—> r^ople beg for no pensea durlag Gaebbeli' fctila ex•"•c-.r* fr^r—r. But If anyone nnposure to sa edscatloa . . A left* - ,T7£3 evident that the Schacht plan had been coldly rejected Germany, as today. uf.j.".t.- "c rpeat to them or of success for Goebbels' "They axe slaves who dare not be . " .there was every indication that here, at last, was some tangible ''. : : ; - Ls rresent hour of df«cschlss is recordei I n the right with two or three." '*- r--p«!t from Urn iotn« by Dr. Etaaley Hfgb, wao relates * hope for the refugee. that -when & Czech a4r rqnadrca America is 'in the right' with the millions of lovers of free* This was the situation following Eublee's acceptance of wa» ordered to attack Berlia dsr• - ""•- r—i«l» Centar s qnartco Etomy actaazas-1 -r--r- r r ^ ' - r - n a — "Tit« Jewish Berlin's invitation. But events of the past week have compli- dom, justice and humanity throughout the world. J--"r~c. ir» Tre Community C«g. If the avalanche descends it will be upon the beads of thos< octlal esaaca t t s flyers returned " eated the picture to such an extent that there is every reason to ' Prague witb tbs report t t t t who have cansed the moral revulsion of a world. Upon their to beiievb that Bnblee will find these evnts a stumbling block r £5 home* of UJUer cad already dose the Jcb 1 fc-Is.1 forces p of destrnctJoa . . . That was t i e la hia discussions with Nazi officials. The blunt rejection by heads, too, will be the sin and the suffering and the sacrifice. CrrrrcEnsI life today tapressiea they pot frcra tee FREDERICK COHN. State Department in. "Washington of a German protest - - v e Jewisft school sight cf demolished bsildiags aad r-^"-v Community Ceatora-cp streets, the- preparation ship cf a drive to re:ss tzzzz fcrj -gainst Secretary Ickes' speech in Cleveland may very weli in. p integrates re!tfor Adclfa 1000-year rebulldlse Eebrew literature ia Pa'since . . ! jfluence negotiations of the Evian Conunnssion in Berlin. Nazi program . - . Usuries Eersnas, ace £.dvert;£i" ' : lading against President Roosevelt may react to the detriment FOBEIGK FLASHES director cf Columbia Pictures, is ' chess lessons frors former i 'of a Koosevelt appointee to the Intergovernmental Committee, Hitler's £3CCCE3 Ia csiftias his tsfcjsg -" r . r ^~rr .'cces. The werld's eSampioa Esc-Tie" LEE- [ baby, the referee problea, tzto : "ZZ.J,!-- j r » - e to the "but regardless of such feeling Eublee's duty is clear and the £er, sad is considering entering j the lap of other aations is isspir- ctes; tournaments ES a s»r!eiis i ' - ' •, i" v—, :ten a better oa« By DB. THEODOBE N. LEWIS Jcttitude of the United States in the present American-German lng Poland to further efforts to cc-tesfier . . . 75s rrcvjsi?rrl| Eabbi, Elbant-Sinai Temple, Sous Gty make socsbwjy elss worry about E2S*si=S editor el The New Pa!- j :T P ' September there 'diplomatic crisis may give the director of the refugee commither 3,000,000 JCITB . . . TVe pre- CEtise during the iUcesa d Szrs.! cenr, : r~i'.t "tfle the opportunity to play his part with resourcefulness and dict that if aad whea f:.r.c c Z FfiscUm to free ln(to whoni we wish a suick; t:-e jry-'. "The Book of Psatas" A com- Let ray tongue cleave to the not does flailly take over the Ger? " ; . -;." c' f "^vhere, *n& cf th# an courage. . . mentary of a y month reccTcry) is Lszsr Lipskr, EO= by Solomon B. Freehof. oaa Jewish refugees tbe world T"—••" ••" c ".y-ftiemocradee*01^ Lo~:s . . . Cc2Erat=:l£tis=s te As-; reserve •:- zzz. Union of American Hebrew Con- If X remember tbes not, ae wa . ; . will suddenly find Itself confront- Eistaat p ~ r . ; r ; vtr.: own defestee, J U. S. Atterssy Frederic!:; I gregations, Clnn. Ohio. 414 If I set not Jerusalem ed with the Polish Jewish, prob1 ~r r w "-- v<- read this book. Above ray chiefest Joy. Backer.-brother of TCew York's! He vtz pagea. cz T ¥ aa< A Refcisra to t h e Land lem, too . . . Preparatory legis7" r r -'--.r'. Is presented eoa« One of the most alarm In 5 sit- Dr. Freehof iatcrprets the test lation for this erestsaltty U al-Ccuccilcssa -~-.-*- v, ^ : ..I© attempt at rh«h* "th ** ^ v e j y interesting to note that the Jewish Agricultural uations in American Jewish life but neglects to emphasize the uni- ready coder way in Poland . . . Us ic-.c;' ("? >o-?.lioE. a« the author nsse F;:; erdnrc fc-r^cr. •ish ^Society is making it possible for many Jewish refugees in this Is tbe Ignorance concerning Jud- queness and th3 wisdom embod- Thosa who hsva been I He vt= j ; g-nz:^z t : .= ti* ! n 1 j ; - . V " confidence that the ied in this oath, taken centuries that the coantr to aism In general and the Bible, '~s AK y learn the rudiments of fanning and at the same In particular. Without an appre- ago by lonely and despairing poor :?rCc'± v- z the ZT~C r r i 'r~.r '—•""• * c"~GJjejitIy for themMs jroci cc^i vl" ZZt rr"r'" rr?.c Jewl3h refugees In Babylon. Till ciation and understanding of the 'jx" yea time instill in them a love of agricultural activity. tho 19th century no Jewish group Bible a vital Jewish life is unAgricultural work is no stranger to the Jewish people. thinkable and impossible. We arehad the folly or audacity to reLesrr to ds ve!!, see's jestics, B.WS,T tressnreR here b«Iow, when pudiate this pledge. In ignoring, t-v^bcea relieve the cprresserl judse the J-.cmsx bands can reach and valtherefore Indebted to the Union of ehti Two thousand years ago the Hebrews were a peaceful nation s c c e d e pfrrnp' jicse i r.ef cs.c ^e tieHated, but I itorsd s o f rret 1: rue C-TT Hebrew Congregations stubbornly denying these movies* want to know what European I B?tfcsrbild, £tive agriculturists, attached to the soil in the land of Canaan, American '.lliea. i.:p trrssures Jn heaves wia» for making an effort to remedy words. In transforming the peo-country etill Uteps Is slated for the nest 1 1 ° ° ^ ^ America, Prosper;.t7 retards red T-er.fe- lv,m?T. zj;vMf, cannot reach and a fervent love of the land and a reverence for growing this unfortunate condition with a ple of Israel Into a denomination, blow of Hitler's as. we'll relay to ^ : ( j ^ c e ^ = o c s t h e w o ' ^ * « ens reliEica. T^hiie fiepre^ricn voices hcT-e &n eternal Btability. of commentaries, a method Reform Judaism perpetrated a you that A u ^ r c We have, even to this day, a holiday in celebration of series :, lone ; registe-red; promotes a c i ftrecftteas re'.i- XT tLvcepiorv have stored away which preceding generations of disastrous error. Tbe wilful mis- mlr Poliakoff to Paris—Vladlj nsoncr is tfeelr treaaury but I Jews have used with great suc- reading of oar history bS3 outrag- that Runsacia will be 'tes. S the harvest: Snceotb. . y e uthe - p next r e d ito c t s i v S c * tte Tinies S are dis- j ed tbe Jewish conscience ' and fall, aad will bs followed j stored s.-w&y the saving ol cess. . trjet, t s s been revealed ES the seci by the After we were driven from our ancient land we were forced the masses from the Ukraine . . The canpaiga sgaiEEt retary cf the Sfeatcbonla Assocja-!I Onr "tbbis vrcre tscjrtt: I t ; hnasx bodies and souls In my a in Since the Book of Psalms 13 for alienated movement. The psaltnJst's Intuitica . . . Tbe ccxt socretcry cf ! tnrperesl \r;th the Kinr Mccbas, • trer^sc-r. Mr encestors bad to ciii into other fields, commerce and industry, in lands which neith- religious and devotional reasons, tion that the Jetv would always Rumania, cf coarse, will be osLa G:;ardia vill be :»Zrs. j vho fca.d distributed t i : treasure r IEZ-'C their treasures for their de^%rt cv tolerated nor helped ua. After centuries of trail blazing in the most important of Biblical be a stranger and endure seme tensibly carried ca to cave that X.arov Epstein, carghtcr cf 2'z.x I zz£ taat cf Zls rsJeEtf is U:e|F-ccnfi£r.t=; m they could not take books, the Union tag wiselyy be- type of "golus," that ao enount country frees t&s ficsjlsatisa cf Hecry Stecer . . . Ely Ccltsertsos has; rears d deprescioa, tfest t i e liro-1 tben?, a'pr.r vitb them but my iited commercial progress and scientific advancement we are again Magda Lnpejca . . . la Bag'acd gsse vritb the worthy to E, lot cf trestle to fisd i tiers n t r c c r e i Ejrsir.Et htxz, Esy~ j trearr.: Icoma M this not «* assimilation and sdjustnest me to goveraseat errpieyes have bee a u ^ turning to the soil. In Palestine, for the pa3t few decades, And not nriA ^ (^ ^ ^ M ^ t f ^ vmiM nnt and political emancipation 'S3 sscretarj" to! -zg, ' T c u r sscsstors cs-ved a o a e r 3 i&e fr,crp world. Jn f»ct this i» ordered to dlsccss no official have been entrusted to & more him the same and equal statier Jew* have taken up fanning and other rural pursuits. oa his TIEH to GerEJ.r.y—• j £"fi iccreasei t i e GS.T-:£EE OC their f Use or.: •- vaieb will not dequalified and competent interpret- give us that the non-Jew enjoyed, has ; Epics are employed as but vcat will the Xazis say about j s.isceEton! £.afi FCC djstribctf t t i s r [ Pert K E~ As cur prophet Isaiah er of Jeisrtsb lore than Dr. Soloin this country Jewa are to be given an opportunity confirmed with tragic accur- Gsnasa the oon-Aryanism of the bridge i SE£ that cf yecr aaccptcrc." '\£ta B. Frcehof, of Pittsburgh. been acy .One wonders-, bow the Ger-donjcstis cervaats i s British * to return to agriculture as a means of making* a living. Amer- mon Dr. Freehot relies mainly on houses io the Sops ef learriss Jews, who so aggressively 'ossi * ca1Ss t ' ^ a *an<* °* °PP°rtunity, especially for those who will Jewish sources* utilizing freely man cf vslss to KlUer repudiated this oath, -view tceir the rstudles of too more popular Bat why is It that the Zionist ;y ar dedicate themselves to the soil. Jewish refugees will find no medieval Jewish commentators past folly,- Reform. Judaism will leadership ia I/C=dca is sgaia never be vital till it modifies ita ,'£*°P batter opportunity for purposes of rehabilitation than to give such asRashi (X040-X705); Abra- dogmatic attitude towards Pales- falling for the espty promises of ham Ibn Erra, eleventh century; tine, and forgets the shallow and tbe Colonial Office? . . . ;ir' & every consideration to the wide range of opportunities present- David Klmchl (1160-1835), and spacious nnlrersalism of Its early KEFTGES DEPARTMENT 1 ed in this unexploited field. the Targum. Since his purpose German protagonists, •vrho saw no All credit to Bersard M. BarIs chiefly Instruction, issues of inconsistency In proclaiming them uch for his ready help to individ•ith Biblical criticisms aro Ignored. selves unlversalists and at the ual Christian refugees, of whom But the conclusion of the reput- same time professing the most es- this country has too ssany for the • The Avalanche able Biblical scholars are Incor- treme and obnoxious forms of the Christian Refugees Ccnnlttee to l tri By EABBI FEEDEBIOK OOHN porated, thus making the comrnen- Prussian patriotism and loyalty to handle No less than fifty per 3 PI Christmas, this year more than ever, has stimulated the tary, scholarly, scientific, and the "Fatherland." cent of tfcs German refuges auve in thors in New Ycrfe, by the way, t""tj moral spirit. If it has not made appreciably for 'peace and, &t%$£& follows a very simThough the volume Is beautiful- are pure Aryans . . . Aod It Is 00 80 mtr G ^ ™iW that those words sound hollow in the present eon- pie procedure. He first summar- ly gotten up, there Is some con- estimated that about twenty per fusion because the test and com-cent of all the Gensaa refugees ditions of tbe world, it has nevertheless strengthened the feel-' iz/a briefly, but^tereely, the theme mentary appear on the same page, ,, . ~ of a psalm, and the possible ocWhen It cosies con-Jews almost Elmflar, though cot iden are to indefatigable wort for refu • ; ia^ or resentment against those who have disturbed the peace caslon tbat called U forth. If anyin tlcal, type. It would be best to sentence" or gees we have cot yet cone ecrcss 5 ca of the world, who threaten most menacingly the peace among question ----use one type for»tha test and an- any of one to beat Gertruds Samuel, other for the commentary, or bet'^'•| aations and by their malicious ill-will are undermining the ceremonial practice or Jewish doc- ter still, reserve one page for thowife- of author Mssrfeo . . . If you or-Ideal, Dr. Freehof eluciare an enterprising- promoter, get ,00{ world's happiness, the very foundations of society and of civil- trine dates fully and always with deep text and another .for the Interpre- In touch with us sbost Herta tation. However, this is a minor [pgj Nation. . . - • . . understanding and learning. He defect which can easily be correct- Weintraub, IT-year-oId efeatiss neglects no opportunity to educhampioa of the Vlesaa Maccabl r\ i The tide of indignation is rising against such outrageous cate and to enlighten. The com- ed in future editions. Club, who Is now la tbls coactry e This volume should go a lone to provide cospetitloa for ©oaja } e . aations as Germany and Italy, particularly and the most vehe- mentary proper then follows, way towards making the Book of explanation tor each senHeine . . . Clap hands for the.stuitei ajent expressions of rebuke and condemnation are heard in- with Psalms better understood and tence, phrase and word. This dents of New York Uslverslty, moro deeply appreciated by ourwho aro cavlsg c s ihtlr lusctes p o ] aroaaingly, by high-placed statesmen as well as ordinary men method mafeea the message of the "ir-k-Dyed I-:u:i:rct cr.d H psalmist clear and enhances lm- people. And the rest cf tbe Bible to" provide toitloa funds for two /OR 00(1 women; SO much fio that some,-like Senator Burke, and the measureably our appreciation of should receive similar treatment refugees Frits Kortcer, ooca at the hands of competent ec&ot ^ J ^ Omaha World-Herald, which in its editorials upholds and ap- tbe text. of th® German stage, will ar3. American Israel will be now Why do Jewe pray facing Jerueervo EEO ts scter, director 'rfv plauds him, are afraid that tbi3 "emotionalism" on tbe part of salem and the Bast? This old grateful to tb'e Union for leading and writer . . . . y our diplomats will plunge this country into war. If war comc3 Synagogue custom is explained ia In this great and necessary ©r& THIS AND THAT For this illuminating commentary introductory paragraph to the The Govercrsest is plsacln^ to 31c it will not be we who are to blame but the countries which by tho fifth psalm In wolcb tho eighth we owe a debt of deep gratitude look into the cscstica of German rii their; atrocious, inhumanly cruel, fiendishly brutal and bestial verse reads as follows: "I will to the antbor. Dr. Freebof, and exchange etadeats ia this country, into Thy house, I will bow to the publishers. practically all cf whoa are ennq actions stir tho consciences of good men to their deepest depths come down toward Thy holy temple.'' gaged ia cither espionage or propn ' d so that such a responsible statesman as Senator Norris brands Tho twenty-fourth Pcalm provides aganda It night also author the opportunity to ex- Community Cdtendar check up oa the part of the Ger% > them us "outlaws" and causes a Summer Welles, gecre the , acting ng Secrc plain the problem of tho Biblical From January 1 —« January 5 jaan-Anjerlcaa Buad la IcspiriBg **. f.irv of o f Stnfn elnrinrr thn niwonitn nF fin/i«t».. 1}..I1 .1 n . r; the antl-Jewlsh demonstratioa in S^te during the absence of Secretary Hull at the Lima Kathjb and K'rf, or why a word SUNDAY, JANUARY 1 frequently spelled one way but connection with the picketing of New Years. If erence, not only to refuse to apologize at tbe insolent de- Is read In anotherradio station WMCA for its r MONDAY, JANUARY 2 11 aiand of a Hitler for the brave words spoken by Cabinet mem- A few psalms were written un- TUESDAY, JANUARY g fus3l to broadcast Father CoagbUn . . • The id<?a of the p g great emotional stress and 3rt her Ickes in depunciation and excoriation of Germany but to der Council of Jewish Women Culprovocation, and voico sentibora ia the richly fertilized £' heartily second them and even to. say that they express the ments which conflict with modern tural Class: 1 p. •nj., Roocsa G was and H, Jewish Coojraunity Cen- brain of one Allea Soil, who Is religious ideals. An example is quite chummy with the Bund mob 2" Qontimcnts of the Aluericun Government and the whole Amerthe ninth verse of- the 137th ter. . . . Drop a note to Heywood ;35 i c a n People. If-words like these make for war then let the un- Psalm. "Happy shall he bo that Rabbi Goldstein's Book Review: Broun acd Dorothy Thompson "And Tell Of Time": 8 p. m., iij apcakable Hitler and his nefarious Nazis, as was said by an-taKeth and dasheth thy little one3 congratulating then oa their trnauditorium, Jewish Community tho rock." Dr. Freehof 1y American stand ca the. ques'^j other brave American patriot at a critical period in our history against Indicates that this type of brutal- Centertions cf sEti-Semitism and Hitit\ '-make the most of it." There are times when "level heads" ar ity was a characteristic of those WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4 ler's latest blackmail scheme . . . eads are days, tbat the phrase was qulto Record Concert Series: 8 p. m., ABOUT PEOFliE ^^ h enough but high courageous hearts. They are cowards and a common one, and that It con:





Club Room, Jewish Community

the idea of defeat to tho Center. i-rpoItroon^wJio arc afraid to tuke risks on behalf of righteous- veyed popular mind. What the-psalmWorkers' Order: {T, ae&s and in vindication and championship of justice, of elemen- ist actually wishes to Gay Is some- S International p. m.. Rooms C and D, Jewlsji thing like this, "Ob, City of Babytary morality and humanity. lon, thou art about to be destroy- Community Center. There, comes a time when a low expediency and a pusillau- ed by Cyrus the Persian. Happy THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 Boy Scout Meeting; 8 p. m., imoua prudence are base betrayal of principle. The enemies of shall Cyrus be who will repay you what you' have done to us. You Lodge Room, Jewish Community democracy and of human dignity are not actuated or deterred dashed out little ones against the Center. by any such considerations; they heap up contumely and abuse stone. He will treat you In same Choir Rehearsal: S p. -ra., manner." (Pago 386). TUls Is K and L, Jewish Commun'end laugh secretly at and scorn the weakness of those whom Judicious and Informed Interpre- Rooms ity Center. they publicly .and practically officially insult and deride, hesi- tation of a sentence that shocks COMING EVENTS those who do not understand Its tating not to revile the head of our government himself, Presi- essential meaning. TUESDAY, JANUARY 1Q The same pgalm Includes the dent Roosevelt. '"Quousque tandem abutere," we esclaim with Jewish Forun- Series — Dr.two.verses, which.have Baruch Braunstein, "On tho Eve €iccro against the Catalines %vho arc devoid of all moral following Played a tremendous role in the of 1S39:" s p. in., Auditorium, scruples-aiid even the most elementary feelings of men, so that Hfo and thought of Israel: Jewish Community Center. If I forget thee, Oh, Jerusalem, tho real Germans, including some of the Nazis.themselves, are hot my right hand forget her cunIn 174S when Holland. wag being made to feei ashamed at the ruthless brutality and eon. ning, threatened by the Freseh army uciencclcss'inhumanity. Jews, It is believed, are more the JCW.T , under no ccnpu'E to (Uatmtea of the nervou3turned over the bulk of Daily the tide of indignation and of protest rises, ctim- GUbject system than any other people. wealth to tho Eovcraccat.

Sldqey Weiufeerg cf Goldman Sachs, who has the distinction of of tho psopje duped by the late Itlasica-Coster, had a chance recently to become tbe American Ambassador to tbe U. S. S. R., but refused . . . Luls$ Rainer is .tbe chairman 'of ttie Sponsorship Coaojttea for the planned A'taerlcaa tour :of the Habima Theatre cf Palestine . . , The t6ur will be na.£e usder the auspices of the Theatre Guild snei the PalestSss Pavilion at the New York World's FsSr . . . Robert VIroval, .'16-y.eaT-oifi ' Hasgariaa violinist ffho Jg fceralfiea as eaother Menuhin. has talked &!meelf out of a- Siradivarfas . . . . TMnldng It advisable to label bfmself an An r a5. tov business reasons, &e has lost ths Jaterest cS sosG wealthy geatlenjea teaew that h h he ia sj?.d


THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 193S only place in the world where the fighters say, "It was a tough fight. Ma. I'll be home right af5698-1539 r A regular meeting of the Noter the first edition" . . . Latest Ar club -was held at the J. C. C. Fast of Tebcth ...January reports fines Scarlett O'Kara Sunday. December 25. Plans for still wanted, Golden Bey missing Ro&b Shebat ...January a New Year's eve party were comBy Bud Freed and en addition to the lists. R osh C b odesh Adar pleted. "Rebecca?" T h e s e mysufjing i ii.,^; n, Because of vacancies in three are to be worried over offices there -was an election. Sol About Threats and Things: — jrroblems Rosli (."liodcbh Xjv<an First beefs are in on "Warnes* pro- during the last ts.'.Z of that rleasMarcus, vice-president; Maurice EP OPEN HOUSE jected expose, "Confessions of a £Et stretch following a hearty First Day of J'Vwjeh T i e marriage or Miss Mollie Dr. and Mrs. Meyer Beber will ilaiman. secretary; and Ted Mo- Nazi Spy." German consulate :n yawn. Then of course there's al- • Seventh Dnv of i'essuch gil, treasurer were chosen. Morris Nttdelmaa, daughter of Mrs. Idahave open house on. New Year's ich was voted in as a new lrf>3 Angeles has protested to the cys the prospect of someone mis- p«v"i, /-•niX i, i--.,~ Kttdelman of Chicago, to Morris day for their friends In honor of Hays Office, From either 'a fie- laving the Dead End kids . . .,f 0!!l1 .!;! * ..... f ' JT.Upp, son. of Mr. Sam Lipp ol Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rubenstein member. Ed Gerber won the champion- sirs to maintain a perfect record Hope springs eternal . . . eternal; 'J'd" ULmcr Omaha, took place Sunday, De- o£ Denver, Colo. Mrs. Rubenstein r simple habitual maliciousness, hip in the club ping pong tourncember 25. at Temple Sbolem in is the former Ruth Schayer of | Tiosli Cbodesh bivcr: ament by defeating Maurice Klai- the Xazi consulate tossed in a disappointment . . . Chicago "with Rabbi Bienstock of- Denver. threat: any company making a (Continued on page S.) ! Sbavuotll ficiating. Only the immediate They will be at home from S man. Icture distasteful to the extreme %, -*,-— families attended. to 6 and from 7 to 10. aesthetic sense of German offici1 The. bride wore a skipper blue aldom will have all productions suit with a lame blouse and black AT HOSIE barred. Consulate further intimaccessories. Her corsage was ol Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Frankel A buge 250 piece cake, a tea ated that Nazis would bring pres<-•--•."• orchids and liliea-of-the-valley. Geneva <WNS)—Ti-e rp-err- , rr"c will have open house Sunday, and a play characterized the cele- sure on nations in Its orbit to E Out-ol-town guests at the wed- January 8, from 3 until 6 o'clock. bration of the seventy-eighth follow Etiit. This is an unusus.1 j1 ment o£ the Free Ci;j c ding were Mr. Sam Ltpp, Betty, In honor of their son, Stuart, who birthday of Hadassah's founder, threat in that it hinges for sucwas accused by t i e E?IPTJE ISRAEL Jacqueline, and Harry Lipp. Mr. t l s Wo: Id ."cvUi ill be Bar Mitzvah January 7, at Henrietta Szold, when two hun-cess or failure on the memories DaTii Wjce will speak > committee and M Mrs. I. I M. M Welner. e l . all of ofOm- the Beth-El synagogue: No cards dred women attended ths last of the "Warner fraters whose pic- oa "Caiiins All Youth" at ser-, Congress cf orgtrizlLf r v?7"~ aha: Mrs. L. K. F Forberger ot to drive Jfwe r^rt rr -^- yrr"^ are being issued. meeting ot the year Wednesday, tures are not being shown in Ger- viccs tonisht e.t S o'clock. York City and Mr. and Mrs. Armany, and are to be withdrawn Sular Saturday corning Ecr-1 «*r. Tte accurrtic- T-EE ZZS.£ December 28, at the J. C. C. ^^/"c' tfcp - . ; thur Lipp of-Denver, Colorado. i in a telegram to t t e I'orcle" I Hi- j ricv ; r r > f Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, president from Italy. Obviously the third vices at 11 o'clock. BIRTHDAY PARTY After the ceremony there -can member of the tyrant teo, Jalisters o£, Tvzzzt r.ri TvcI i~.\ Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fredkin en- ot the Omaha chapter, who has a wadding breakfast at the home tertained fifty guests at a birth- returned from a three-week's stay pan, must find even the gansrster !, den and Kcmlcn c' 11.: L'zz~' BETK-EI> t. of the bride's sister, Mrs. Abe .«•*"•-" T ~.r-c '7 ' > I T ' At services tonight Rabbi Dav-i c ' ^•z'-' day party Sunday, December 18, in Chicago, reported on activities epics extremely mild fare. PerGross. in honor of Charles and Eleanor, of the chapter there. Mrs. Phin- son to person murder these days id A. Goldstein w-U speak oa "We . affairs. The couple will reside in Chi- who celebrated their birthdays on ias Wiatroub, chairman o£ the is mere watercress on the but-Pass Through This World but | "Ti:c cago. afternoon, conducted the pro- chers' steak. To date the Hays Ones," a Ecrnoa for the Xetr ' Citr cf Dcrri?the same day. has issued no restraints Ones," a scrcioa ior the Xetr ' CUT rr ^cr-p- r-z c-pr.r rcc s i Honor guests were Miss Brit- jram. Reports were given by office Year. ! pofrcr-.," the te'.E^rc-Tr reai, "zz.i. \ The. rcuDic- cC ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT ton and the Radio Vanities. chairmen of tho various commit- order. Informed sentiment ca Cantor Aaron Sdgar « d the j has introduced r^ciai IcErlslcticc, rcl/,c 'LZ:!'.'' ci T,r Mrs. Sarah "Walman announces Prises wero won by Mis3 Cora tees: Mrs. M. M. Barisb, H. M. O.; •Warner lot feels that company choir will coaduet services. , obliglcs t t e vhcit .'cvitt yrrv- _ r ' c - r r t t c-r';--" ,* cr;^c" '..i the engagement of her daughter. Sledge, Arnold Duncan and IraMrs. Julius Stein, Youth Aliysh; will do pic unless government VTTT WEES \Y»"g NEXT i11-ticr. to leave in El-.crt t:—c. v^b- T to v t r I;r.r^rr; ci whispers words of doubtful wisMrs. J. H. Kulakotsky, education; Llla, to Abe Rosenthal, son of Stanley Epstein. The door prize c u t U;e Kabbi Golcistein will E?cak on Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosentbal. No was won by Mrs. Dematroff. Phyl- Mrs, M. F. Levenson, Gift fund; dom. Mrs. B.. Kulakofsky. linen show-,, date has been set for the wed-is May Kaplan drew a prize. Eight major companies hero ding. " Assisting in the serving were er; and Mrs. Max Cohn, member' have rejected Italy's six-month reprieve on monopoly of distribuMiss Sledge, Miss Alberta Hen- ship. tion. Under fascist plan companderson and Mrs. N. Kaplan. GIRL SCOUTS A bingo party will bo s ies would rent direct to govern- vice. After the serriccn Mr. ted : Nations.) The Girl Scouts met Monday. January -IS at tho Brandcis tea ment which, after six months, Mrs. Frantel wJU receive t t KidDecember 36. They •worked on ANNOUNCE BIRTH rooms for the benefit of Youth would officially take over distri- dash in honcr cf their rcn. their Hostess badge and decided Mr. and MrB. Lester Meyer anand H. M. O. Tho first bution now in hands of major to begin on the Sewing badge. nounce the birth of a son at the Aliyah The next meeting Trill be held Methodist hospital Tuesday. De- committee meeting of hostesses company exchanges. The firit Surcpean to set foct |i Arsts were l:""ci trc" C'Z will be held at 1 p. » . WednesGratifying to see the manner on American sail w a the Jew) Sunday, January 8. at the J. C. C. cember 27. day. January 4. at the J. C. C. in which entire film industry gave Luis de Torres, vhea Columbus ]a n j ^g; e r -..hosc t 0 h a v o b c e n ^ i g ^ i : ; re r-:tc:.i ' Any member •wbo desires to time and talent for radio program SPENT WEEk END HERE CrckiIIsfi U raise donor luncheon money la last Wednesday to celebrate 147tu Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kaaln of Ea like manner is asked to call tho anniversary of Bill of Bights. Asiatic sstiaas. Chicago, III., spent the week end chairman, Mrs. Morris VL Frank- Program figured to set off a. camJacob Erie?Elrcr<: rr't'rc here -with jars. Kasin's parents. Thirty Alephs returned from lin, Glendale 2£57. paign which stands to re dedicate Zcv?s cf Geraany took! Santa r e ID : f f Mr. and Mrs. A. Glnsburg. tho Sioux City regional • toura* principles of liberty or true Amert i s ZSZZZ Cf "Sciocntfceil," a 1 fore its acquisition br t i e ' ment in Bious City. Harold ZeA linen shower win ba held at icanism. Among those who aided tranrl&tioa cf "Bonaparte" in I States. Ke is believed to linsky, past regional Aleph Godol, the January meeting. Mrs. VI8ITOB LEAVES were: S. 3. Briskin, chairman cf gratitude for ^a?o:eon"a efforts I been th» firtt rro'er.Firg. ,*cv rctiMrs. Sara Krasne, who has been presided at the business session Kulakotsky is chairman. Mrs. committee, Frank Capra. P I cent ttc-c. visiting -with Mr. and Mrs. Law-ot tho delegates, where officers Ben Brodky and Mrs. Jack Kauf. Musi. Jeanetta MacDonald, ES- to BboIiEh the gistto. rence Gross for the past month, for tho-ensuing term wero elec- man are co-chairmen. ward G. Robison. James Cagncy, left Tuesday for her home in Los ted. Abe Resnick was unanimous" Pat O'Brien, Lionel Bsrryncre, "Choree FKTC&SFCJ! Perches in rcJ"Kr"r' ly declared \A!epb S'Gan. Angeles, Calif. Mickey Eooaey and msnr others. LADIES' FREE LOAN The Century chapter's basketHaving a "Wonderful Time: — SOCIETY ball players lost an exciting game VISITOR HERK Article in current film mag titl•Jtrv Ben Rich, of Atlanta, Co... to the champion Des Moines team, ed, "Hollywood's Unmarried HusThe Ladies Free Loan Society bands Is viplting here -with his parents, and the debato squad dropped the and Wives," . caused no MRJ and MrB. M. Rich, and hisdecision in the semi-finals. Abe will hold a regular meeting Wedtall sensation here, story sugResnick won second place in the nesday. January 4, at 2 p. m. at gests true path of happiness brother, Dr. Harry Rich. «. Sixteenth £7 Hrrrry the J. C. C. oratorical contest. might be found by accused where The newly elected officers will Mrs. Sam Klaver, president, will trods the preacher, the rice and US DENVER hostess to all the members at Mrs. Goodman Cohen has left officially take over their now du- be tea after the meeting, in appre- the marriage license. Peculiar for Denver, Colorado, where she ties after the first of too year- aciation Sle is that felicity of these unof the gift presented her wijl attend the -wedding of her P a u 1 Sacks, outgoing Aleph by the-officers married seems to ba c£ more enand members of Godol, led the chapter through niece. Mrs. Cohen -will be gone during ctuff than those options! one of its most successful terms. the board on the occasion of her agreements c a l l e d Hollywood - several weeks. Under his leadership the chapter fourteenth wedding- anniversary. marriages which follow John All members are urged to atwas active in all five phases of PARTY Gunther's famous formula "Marry Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saylan were the Boris D. Bogen program ot tend. Aa important business meet- in haste repeat at leisure." ing will precede the tea. surprised -with a party given by the A. 2. AStrssse too that all things ere During the past year the chap their relatives and friends Saturnot? licensed, except Ueenss . . . day, December 24, on the occa- tor held its. tenth anniversary High priced film exes was tabbed sion of their twenty-first weddlnc banquet and annual dance and "genius" by brother fcJsrh priced anniversary. They were present- numerous smokers and stags. The Tho regular meeting ot tho film exec. To prove point tabbcr ed with an electric percolator set. social service committee rebuilt Council of Jewish Women was stated this case: Actors ara signed the J, C. C. library by purchasing held Tuesday, "December 27, a tat comparatively low salary. If TONS BALES CONTEST magazine racks and book cases. the Jewish Community Center. A they succeed, thesplans become , Jlr. Gerald S. Gross, special Taey also sponsored a boy Econt very interesting panel dliscuEsien dissatisfied with "comparative" representative of the Life and ac- group. The cultural committee was presented, by the Consum- stipend. Genius keeps them hapcident department of the Omaha hold intra-cbapter debates, group ers' Council of Omaha and thepy by raisins their salaries. Ttls Insurance Agency, has been noti- discussions, and talks by prom- League of Women Voters, on method clearly indicates the seeps fied that he won a sales contest inent Jewish citizens. The reli- "Weights and Measures." Taking of the man's genius . . . VsporiES la competition with several com- gious program saw the members part as members of tho panel clouds above studios tlsess &svs pany offices located in various attend Friday night services as a were Mrs. Von McClamns, pub-are formed by the mental perspirgroup. . cities. licity chairman of the Consum- ation cf arduous mental labors cf Hte award is a trip to New ers Council of Omaha; Mrs. Sin which this is a prime Example. York and Hartford, Conn. He and PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB gleton, chairman ol Government Title of "Home Town" wts Mrs. Gross will leave on Februand Economics for the League ot changed to "Picket Fence" back ary first and will be gone ten The Photography Club of the Women Voters; and Mrs. Schae- to "Homo Town" to "Fr&skis" days. Jewish Community Center will fer also of the League of Woneii to "Home Town" to "Back Poor resume its activities a week from Voters. The discussion was- git- to Heaven." Sounds like someARRIVE FROM GERJ1AXY Monday night — January 9 at en as an educational and instruc- body needs the immediate serMrs. Harry Xowenstein's sis- 7 p. m., at the Center. tive program. An open hoard vices cf another vice-preElsJent. ter-in-law and two nieces of •HamThis activity is open to all* In- meeting of the Council was also Unsung performances which burg, Germany arrived lest Sat- terested in learning how to take part of the program for ths af- shouldn't be: Henry Hull ujday to make their home here. pictures, how to develop films, ternoon. 'Boys Town"; Spring Byicgtoa and how to make those snapshots / .///.>;: In "You Can't Take It Witt IX MINNEAPOLIS come out! The ticket sale has been launch- Ton"; Edward Ellis in "A J,:cn i. MIBS Judith Levenson left SunA dark room has been Bet nped for the new Ruth Neuhans lecRemember" . . . Famous battle day to spend the week with reU at the Center for laboratory par- ture series which is being epon. to between Errol Flynn and Aiden ativea and friends in Minneapolis. poses. The Club is led by an sored by the Federated Church Koark has degenerated into pubShe will return Tuesday to re- able and experienced teacher, Mr. Women, the League of Women licity scrap. Warners awarded sume her studios at the Univer- Sdward Trabold. •i Voters, the Y. W. C. A., the Coun- knockout to Flynn. Twentiethsity of Nebraska. cil ot Douglas County Medical Century-Fox, Roark's employer. Society, and tho Council of Jew- raises the mallet holding mitt cf Continuing O-r RcaucS'sr.; c-. Frrr.s'1". HrrT. ; ish Women. "Democracy. Ameri- mighty Roarfe. Hollywood is the ca, and the World Today" is the Utje ot the new series to bo giv•Mother Chapter A. Z. A". No. 1 PIONEER WOMEN By Davifl §!• en by Mrs. Neuhaus, who was tho came out partly if not entirely successful lecturer for tha series successful a t the Regional Tour» The Pioneer Wonien will have given last fall and attended by APPLE SAUCE COOKIES "ment and Winter Convention held over 350 women. There will again an important meeting Tuesday, 1 cup warm apple sauce In Sioux City, Iowa, last weekbe five lectures, tho price tho January 3, at the J . C. C. at 2 1 teaspoon soda end. •same as before, $1.50 for the ser- o'clock in tho afteraoca. All . 1 cup sugar ' In debate,-Justin Priesman and raerabers are urgeC to attend. ies. % cup butter Morris Kirshe'nbaum succeeded in The Chanukah -luncheon, cf 2 % cup fjour bringing second place to Mother which Hrs. K-. Altnsan was chair1 teaspoon cinnamon Chapter. They defeated Omaha > -r— F ^ j man, and of which ths host 1 54 MAN TAILORED SUITS Chapter No. 100, and were beat : 1 teaspoon nutmeg were Hesdainea J. Kaplan asd S. : Vt, teaspoon cloves in turn by Sioux City No. 13. A regular meeting ot the Vaad Okun, was very successful. Tba Z.C5. F.oiucsi to . . % cup chopped raisins Auxiliary will bo held on Tues- drawing for the set of silver was As for basketball, Chapter No. Mix soda with apple sauce, add day, January 3rd, at the B'n&i Is- won by Miss Edith Snyder. 1 drew a byo for the first round and was defeated by Des Moines butter. When dissolved, add Su-rael Synagogue, ISth and Chicain the second round; The Desgar, sift dry ingredients and com- go Sts., at 2:15 o'clock. O Moinea chapter went on to win-bine mixtures; add raising and 1 After the regular business *% 1 cup chopped walnuts. Drop by meeting the guest speaker on the the tournament. In the election of officers for teaspoon on cooJiy sheet, bake a program will be Miss Blanche * z u~r ir Vdzc: to fi'?.?5 the Corn Belt Region, Mother 350 degree F. for fifteen minutes. Kleiman, the new Education Director at the Jewish Community Chapter was successful in having The Jewish community of Mur- Center. Miss Klelman's topje will •two of her men receive offices, Stanley Turkel, the Aleph S'gan viedro in Valencia had epecial be, "Jewish Education In Tha ol>Mother Chapter, was elected privileges until the 15th century. Home." Aleph Sgan of the region, while Bare ^Wejner, the Aleph Gisbor of I,* 3 n t t » *• » :'-Jki}_Z, A. No. 1, was chosen the regional Aleph Cohen Godol.

No-AT Club

Jewish Calendar

Hollywood Merry-Go-Round

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We Wish Everyone a 1939 Foil of Peace, Happiness, Prosperity and Good Fellow. •hip,-—DAVE BERKOWITZ.


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-'.: .'»NEW RECRUITS FOR THE REICH—Peace pacts are signed but a jittery Europe seems to take little I , . (Stock-in them and goes on preparing for war. This scene is in the Heldenplatz in Vienna as 10,000 *~- (soldiers, recruited in Greater Vienna, are sworn in as part of the armed force o'f the German Reich. iy IThis is one phase of the absorption ol 'Austria by Germany.





© Charles d'Emcry.





FACE ON THE MOUNTAIN—This is the profile of the head of Abraham Lincoln, which is being cut from the mountainside of Mount Bushmore, near Rapid City. S. D. I t is one of the four heaas in the national memorial. Head is 60 feet tali. Two men are standing on the enormous chin. Below them is a 500-foct drop.






POTENTL1L CONTKOVERSir—Convening of the 75th Congress on Jan. 3 will see the start of many furious battles on a number cf national probleras. Among them will be the relief program, neutrality legislation, legislation to save the railroads from bankruptcy, &nfi'new appropriations for- low-cost housing. Here are illus-

trative scenes. Upper left, baled scrap metal .at Long Beach, Ca]., about tofceloaded for Japan: upper right, WPA workers bi::15ine dykes tiuring flood conditions in Richmond. Va.: lower left, PWA slum-clearance liouses in Atlanta, G a , end, lower right. streEmlinsd. locomotive arriving a t Nev l u f s r , Con^.

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T.IINERS MINGLE WITH ETONIANS—Soccer team of unemployed miners from Auckland, Durham. 'England, recently met the soccer team of Eton school on the famous playing field, a t Buckingham| shire. Here is an interesting group of-spectators, in which the Etonians fraternize with the miners


Top hat and striped cap indicate "Etonians. The "others are miners.



illiiiii^r*™ TO PEISON IN PARIS—Mme. Skobline. known as La Plevitzkaia. confers with her lawyers after a Paris court sentenced her to 20 years a t hard labor in prison, with banishment afterwards for 10 years. She was convicted of aiding her husband. General Skobiane, in the kidnaping of General de Miller. White Russian leader. General de Miller was believed killed.


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&T: VA1R—Rene Blum, brother 3ij former Premier Leon Blum of France, r as h e arrived in New "fork to supervis the theater, uusic and ballet programs.for ;he French pavilion at the New far> World's Fair. He manages he Monte,Carlo Ballet, playing a'Chlcaeo. He c f ten disagrees his brother on politics.

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OUTSTANDING RACER—Adjudged outstanding horse for 1938 is Charles S.- Howard's Seabiscuit, above, who has won six races in 11 starts, finished second four times and third once, during the year. His earnings for 1938 were $130,395, boosting his all-time winnings to $340,480. World's champion money winner was Sun Beau, whose earnings were $376,744.


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irUSI*Y—Here is Gcorpc Ccigcnfuss, captain cf the University of Washington Huskies ba'Vetball team fcr 1S39. Ke is leading the Seattle pack in early fames of the ssason.

THEMEOF TKE WESTERN FAJT*—Tilirnc structure of the 1939 uoiaea Gate international Exposition on -Treasure Island, San Francisco Bsr, is the Tower of the Sun. shown above. Itrises400 feet isto the sky in tianl of the Court of Reflections and the Court Ox Flowers. At bass of tlia tcv.-er is the Court of Honor. Exhibition braidings are a t either side


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isisiiiiiiiiiiiSiiiiiiBs^^H H'ESE .'DOUGilBOSS STABTE0—Recent dedication of a plaque O n the ho\is« in Clermnnf w r -fe.;p0 miles from Paris, where General John J . Pershing called 'on Marshal loch, Sn Ma?ch 1 " ^rjpngMfQrmed him the American^rmy was ready to fight. General Pershing's visit occurred a t iqf.ighfc of^^;the German offensive when the French array.was hard pressed • , • .• •• -

TOO nCCH F C ^ CUT—T03 C~nd ± o s s Cost .enia:a Cadet A. J . V/ildv fsintinT during tastcct!cn c t tho E:iLl: 11 R oya? ^iSilitary s HOW fil; S ©OKS—Against tlie Academy at V/coI-ich.- England. Another redet Ss sti jppirj^i our of ranl^ to aid hini Lor» sr panel shores absence of the two, who left this C E8cao-Sicvak siii acrobat flies into S2 their rifles in tho pcth oi tbo Imperial Chief of £•tag. General . developed winter resort not farfrom the es;; a o r t , while tiis l V TTie scesc Serg i* close to cloudiaacl. VOO»» •*


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Prague have provided pood el'

ffli THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1938 broke into the charmed 50 0 circle for the first time In his bowling career and toppd the insurance boys with a 504 series. Lee Harwich was nest with a 460 series, Standings of Teasas Team— W. L. Pt. Aaron Weitz was high for the State Coal & Gas 28 14 667 acto boys with a 4S5 and Sammy Fiapire Cleaners 25 17 595 Yousem •was nest with a 4TS. Jewish Community Centex Next week's schedule will pit Clicquot Club 24 IS 571 Greenberg Fruit Co 24 IS 571 the Empire cleaners against the this The1'Wardrobe ™V. 21 21 50.0 Clicquot Club Eskimos, and 1 < Cor fir per" ' T — ' V f * * er and a whispered rapid conver-i useful things. In school Harry's Smith Motors Co 17 25 405 should be a "dog eat dog' match. satlon -took place. After a few arithmetic was tho worst in the Kaiman Insurance- 17 £5 405 The top flight State Coal team minutes the teacher's face lit up class, and' Harry's grammar was Shrier Paint 12 20 286 battles it out with the Greeabcrr MYSTERY: The ladies c{ Ka-jof the I. 0. C. on EuggeetlOB o£ There •were about twenty boyg ".a a broad smile and he beckoned nearly as bad as his arithmetic fruit boys. The Wardrobes against The Jewish Community Canter the Smith motor crew and tbe jfiassab, bless em', are confronted j Meyer SleinclasB, Zionist publisad girls in all of Ginah. Only the group to follow- I n silence Harry's teacher liked him very i a nasty little mystery . . . j cist, v.-itb the approval of other i a few -were born in Palestine, the they walked along the path back much, but she gave up after a bowling league standings were teams Kalrcan in •PTticli the Federal author!- j prominent Zionist leaders and j others came from varlouB coun- to t h e hills, the two heroe3 ac- while trying to teach him useful drawn closer together after the Al Shrier's ties, if they haven't already been philanthropists . . . Our ov^n in- \ I results o£ this week's bowling glass team. tries "within the past live yearn. companied by the teacher leading things. . Thess called ia, may well be asked to | trepid Danny Schorr, who has ex- \ were tabulated together. Of these, Amnon and Hillel were the way. One or two of the group should change the standings Once Harry made an areoplane. As v,-ith a good j preesed a desire to be amongst the most beloved by began a song b u t it soon died out, He made it out of an egg box, and In the feature match of the around very much nest week, so take a hand "t-.i ih>f time r e ror.ic not ?r F many mysteries these daj^s, there the ground floor, var" re-echoing in the distant hills.. evening, Dave Franks' league their playmates. again we invite you all to c o s e a sheet. He used the sheet for appears to be a Nazi or tvro in uanefi Director cZ I>TAt last, after some fifteen min- the wings, made them like a cou- leading State Coal and Gas team, up and watch your favorite boys Lately Amnon and Hillel partithe •woodpile HadassEh oper- itles. i p p i i o r ffC f i r r e r .,- ^ cipated less and less in the game3 utes walking they beheld at the ple of box-kites, and tied them to bumped into their Jack Melchers throw the mlneralites against the ates a department of supplies, foot of one o£ the hills a plot of Empire Cleaners, and again were wooden posts. el the other boys and girls. The the sides of his aeroplane. Before •whose duty it is to collect packQuestion: Wonder .lust hcs*~ two boys would "walk off by them- ground freshly plowed and pre-he could try it out, Harry's moth- taken for a cleaning. In the first ages of used clothes and other much truth there is to the vintiselves Immediately after school pared. Near it were strewn ten er, who missed the sheet, came round the coal boys lost three odds and ends frora ot blown rumor that Radio Priest} or twelve sapplings, together with out and broke the aeroplane. And games to the cleaners, but this had been dismissed instead of re* the country . . . The contents ef Coughlln would -welcome being j maining to play, as -was their cus- a few spade3 and other imple- from the way Harry's feet went, week they lost only two games, these bundles are fonrErded to nnfrocked . . . To aC his while he was over her knees, get- which in Dave Frank's mind was tom. Frequently they were seen ments. Palestine lor the ess of needy polStical Rmbish ting his licking, you •would have a success, -especially after the way "Here we are," cried Amnon. conversing "with each other in sub~ settlers . . . Sometimes the paror y-nripn f A ray of enlightenment began thought that he was flying al- they lost the first two games this dued voices as if they •were nursBy LES GROSSMAN cels are sent by parcel post, freBOOK REVIEW ready. week. The first game was won t o dawn upon the boys and girls. t i t h i b quently via express . . . Recently. A Book that strips your emotions ing a deep secret in their by the Empires by the slim marThey understood that here was the supplies department has been His Ark oms. to tatters some tree planting to be done. BASKKTBAIX receiving expressed packages that •It wasn't that, though, that gin of only ten pins. Again in Chicspc wT"" As time went on the suspicion But why trees should be planted made Harry famous.' Harry be- the second gatae the cleaners capThere were no regular season have been defaced somewhere Is Peter Mendelssohn's "All That the " r iCi" w of the other children s on this spot they could not surilatters." came famous when he built his italized on the coal boys' errors league games this week due to the along the route—the defacement strengthened by striking evi- mise; in the last frame and eked out a holiday season and the same goes consisting of a pencilled swastika ark. Harry had been reading dence. Temperance Note:. Hitler lias regular . . . The swsEtilracd bundles cave With the help of toe teacher about Noah and how it rained lor victory by only 16 pins. But In for nest Sunday. Next Division ot Gilts won the EdtnlretiOE vf. the Womleague games will take place on the last game, the State Coal boys Amnon succeeded in getting the forty days and forty nights, when come froza points west south. en's CJsristl&n Temperance Union It. -was was a c u s t m among g tho custom January S with all six teams boys and girls ol G Glnab to d divide boys and girls to listen-to aim as the world was full of wickedness. came back to -win this game by swinging into action. b Jor his-abstinence from licjuor if he read the crumpled paper he a 799 to 762 score, due mainly He looked around him and he CAMERAMAN: Gen. Francisco not from persecution . . . Absiitheir Chanukab Gelt Into three extracted out of his pocket. to another man, Phil Katzinan's saw how wicked everybody was. Both Omaha A. Z. A. teams Franco, Spanish rebel leafier, vre portions, one part to be spent on anc poi Amnon Speaks The boys rolled dice in the alley strong finish for a 203 game. Journeyed to Sioux City to en- are informed reliably, has rebooks, toys and goodies, another don't go well together . . . PeoThe Empires were topped by their and the girls skipped rope all day, gage in the regional Basketball "Dear friends," Amnon began, fused Nazi demands to fire the portion to be saved for future use ple could Tiisderpt&nd it better il and the third to be thrown into in an excited high-pitched voice, instead of helping their mothers, captain Jack Melcher, who turned tournament. Both teams were chief cameraman in his entourage the neo-Eaman at least liafl the , minor fiUCici^Ur. v'ifc Rr>r ptl i reilfiouF jrreup. I aw pU-4 e>r i\ in Hebrew of course, "Hillel and and the people next door didn't in a 491 series, and followed by ousted by the Des Moines Alephs . . . The pixbouad, beiieve It or a Jewish National Fund box. escnse of being in r'f curs This year, Chanakah gifts were myself thank you very much t o r ;o to the synagogue, and babies Goodman Pill's 4S4. The only two who later on weat ahead to win not, is a tribesmsn . . . . Of whom he wieldn the brtcter't exchanged more generously than trusting in us and coming here. cried continually. So Harry be- big guns that the State Coal could the championship. The Century Franco is very fond. met Des in past years. The . crops had We have invited you • to share came convinced that the world boast of was Geo. Shapiro's 529 cagers from Cteaha Berlin Tale: Tfc;r :- r-c.r.r .r Moines in the first round and was HEADLINE: Prince Hnbertcs -.<* *v ( H i been good and every colonist who with us in a great Mitzvah. When was utterly bad. and that God and Phil Katzman's 507. defeated by a 27-20 score. It Loewenstein likes to relate this in sign langruage crrl owned land succeeded not only we came to Palestine, our Holy would send down a flood to deat that) SJOEE The second match of the eve\ras a nip-and-tuck battle and it anecdote: Before Hitler's day, in providing for this year, but Land, three years ago. we felt a stroy i t dam . . . atc" ning, saw the Wardrobe boys spill was heartbreaking to lose for the ani rigtt alter vrar, the famous And then Harry began to build also in saving a little for the en- little disappointed that the hills a German the dope bucket, by 'taking all Omaha team as they displayed German democratic newspaper suing season. Those without land and mountains of the land were his ark. It wasn't like in the been Coir for three games from the Clicquot their best brand of Basketball for so bare. We haa studied in our Bible because all* the boys wantVossicne Seitung used to offer a had no difficulty in finding work. ting et his de&k. Club Eskimos, and thereby setthe year at this tournament. Tbe Bible how beautiful Palestine was ed to help him, and he had to prize to the staff mac who coulfi Some worked on their neighbor's why," his. employer angrily asked ; farm while others helped to con- in the olden times, and we ex- waste much of his time chasing ting the Cllcquots back to third No. 1 cagers drew a Bye ia the think ;;p the most sensational fclxa, "aren't you cut jailing ] first round and met the Hawkeye pected to see all the hills covered place in the league standings. them away. He built his ark in headline . . . Tbe winning headstruct buildings for the newly arand shrubs. Then we the back yard. However, it must be said here, A. Z. A.'s in the semi-finals los- line was: Archdute Ferdinand business inr-teasi oi eitticg here i rived Chalutsim. It also happen- with trees : learned fromo u r ' teacher that that the Wardrobes were the only ing to them by the score ot 23- Still Alive; "World Tv'ar in Vain Bcribblicp"" . . . "I'm writing! The janitor let him do it, beed that -a few - of • the colonists during the past two thousand team this week that really turned 16. Each Omaha team lost to the . . . A grand idea, but how about t6 Kerr Hitler," the salestaan recause Harry always shoveled the •were visited by their relatives years the land became bare and snow off the sidewalk for him in in respectable scores, when they Des Moines crew by a margin of bringing it up to date, witb one torte-C "telling him that 1" fie \ from other countries who had ;lory he can Flees Reich; vrants any more come to see Palestine. Everyone desolate because it was not cared the winter time. He got togeth- shot a high team game of S47 and 7 points. The Mother Chapter like this: Hitler have mice." . . . felt happy, with the result that for properly.* This made us sad. er lots of boxes until he had a high series 2494 to lead the en- cagers got oft to a slow start and Nazism Cruslaed . . . "One. day my friend Hillel boards enough to make several tire league in this week's bowlicg. finally caught up midway in th$ tbe amount -of Chanukah Gelt Mith-Mash: QUESTION: Carl Alamassed-by some of the boys and brought'me a book and asked me arks. And for days he hammered The Clicquots were handicapped third period only to find themgirls wat quite fabulous, at least to read one of the stories in it. away, getting splinters in his fin- by the absence of their Captain selves •wthout the services of pert wants to know, eiieer acci- ly-fornied v r 1; 11 PrcSherman and Adler as they were Against Anti-Set This Was really not a story but a gers and sawdust in his clothes, Abe Feldman, and were just BO they thought. dent or intent test E3E3e the N forced out of the game via the dlscription of a beautiful custom and more and more convinced plainly York "HeraYd Tribune list neVs~oI! "Waterman Wise, eon o£ S. £. V>~. demoralized from the . A Secret personal foul route. .Reports from that the world was as wicked as in their front \; • • ?h& Council is his braln-claiii. Cough In spite of the fact that .Amnon which our ancestors practiced. it could possibly be and that the starts especially so after they the Basketball tournament to Father Coughlin t he only page indes under tee could only turn in a 715 score in and Hillel were amongst the most Whenever a child was born they flood would be a lesson for it. your correspondent states that COKEXlUtlTSt tie of Keseari Nazi situation. fortunate' thi3 Chanukab", both •would plant a tree on one of the In four days the ark was finished, the first game. Ben Kutler was one of t t e class1 Of "ice scandal: the Vay ,v»i P"*"^ I ' W ' i r t " f v i r 5 The Clicquots, you know, have iest cagers in the meet. boyB, to the knowledge and sur- hills, a cedar for a boy-child and but before it was done he had to CHANUKAH: "SUert EE E. I>.nfiau, JTA chief loses tcrr. , . , r * . 1 - * " r . r , ^ . ' " . r T n i ' . , prise of their most intimate a palm for a girl-child. When let some of the boys help him.' a team average of SO4, which inr n l i br*-v< ' - P The Midget League for all boys Chanukali Candle," reacs the as Koliy Picon is tack on tlsc elr I T friends, were not seen to spend a the children' grew up and their He made them his sons - and cludes Captain Feldman's avercineins the story of career it, part of the Chanukah Gelt or to time came to be married t h e trees daughters. Noah had sons and age. The wardrobes won the first 14 and under will svricg into ac- ot a gas appliance company, pub- &• series over "WKCA. called "I i f f ' T - ! f T ( i r , - - C i ' - " - ' i " > in several Anglo-Jeyish pagame by 93 pins, the second tion today at 4 o'clock. This will ll give a portion to the Jewish Na- were cut down and used as poles daughters in his ark. for their Chupah. Meanwhile These pers . . . Bet it vras fjuite obvious GJrs Tot Idr I^lfc." . , . "Cttlier tional Fund. game by the huge margin ol 13S be a four team affair. A Wife •R* inch ell iasides that the 'S&.zh, these trees would be adorning the pins and the last game by 40 boys are not required membership that tho tvord Chactkth fc&£ are plancing; to x\&p a •bl"ior:~ A week or two after Chanukah landscape, making the hills look been substituted for sosieifcing But the -work wasn't Quite over in the Center Physical Departpins. Moe kinsman's boys were appeared another cause of suspic- creen and alive. .- • yet. Harry had to find a wife. topped by the hot and cold boy, ment and the purpose of ecch a else . . . And as for ths Jllcstra- dt-Utr "fine" on the Ktsiefc Cathion, more telling than any of tho Noah had brought along his wife, Dr. Sam Morgan who turned in a league is to train and develop fu- ticn, since when Coes a Cfcacu-! ollss, Trill;. Hitler, Gpebbcle usAn Idea others. The two boys were obkah candle have a sprig cf feolly i Strcicher f&rorine it smC C Deris; , v - ' " { i f c T ' f V . P r t ^ f . After I finished reading t h e and Harry wanted to have the 566 series, and then who should ture Center BaEketeers. served wandering about the. Wlla around it? j &s.£ Sshacist epposieg: . . , Eroafi , , ' F T ' S I "' ,r v \V W Idone Tight. Among the come into the place position but surrounding Rosa Pinah. Not otory, Hillel said to me: 'Whything Junior Basketball league play i-vZT is appiEiKllBg IIT3E£ ES-1'.C" girls on the block, there was only Nate Horwich, the boy who ended ; : r i - i . " \T * r r r - M once, or-twice, or three times don't the Jews in Palestine to- one start on Thursday, January MISH-KASH: Lcuis Popkin iEi*-cHon Ir, tcmllEC ever rescyim 1 r - r - ir :f-.' . i f r r , girl he liked, but she belong- up on the championship team last were .they-"seen, but.every other day plant a tree for every newly5 a t 7:15 p. m. with the follow- leaving the OKT et the ea£ eft.. r r r - T . 5 1 .,day at sundown. Such frequent horn child?* This made us think ed to the "next-door family, and year. Nate turned in his first 500 ing teams participating: A. Z. A. this cus- he didn^t dare to take her along, series in his short bowling career, No;-1-and Ai-Z.-A. No. 100 Jrs., I-Ze £U t BtroUj Iftl, ?olgxwlnter v?era quit© nnd we decided -to "begin by . ourselves7: -'We"learned because." i e r people did not go" to by putting together games of 193, the Hawkeyes and the Sharp•>- unusual, although" "the" -winters. to tom | rector, post which c s helfi cince j ter of tbe Palestine w e not severe, enow that nine children were born in the synagogue. Everybody knew 167 and 151 for a 511 series. Eseoters. . last February . - . Tee OUT, teci- | Afiath _ isr: pur colony since last Chamishoh that, and poor Harry worried "Cupie" Abe Venger, topped the and froBt being very rare. While on the subject of BasketTwo dozen brains -were busily Osor Bishevat, four boys and five about it until, like a flash, he Clicquots with a 517 series and ball, a former J. C. C. league dentally, is coadactic " " I T 5""."r*"' ' " * o" •"•(•*• 1 "• r campaign for J1CC.CC0 engaged in unraveling the deep girls. Then we saved our Chan- found a way out of it. Dr. Platt was the next high boy plaver and a former member of He made the girl promise to go money -will be used ts estttljsJ secret as they termed it. Then olcah 'gelt' and sent away to the with his 483. A. Z. a few of them gathered courage. tree nursery at the Kikweh Israel to synagogue herself, and the girl cfc. " r Pf~ r«r. r J f I",.,, v The third match, saw the map! One day at sundown the tv?o ex- Agricultural School for nine, live promised. F t , P S . ' " ; -<T, ' - P . Vf~ ?• 5 ' That wasn't the end ot it. Greenberg Fruit team win two braska. plorers -were surrounded by their eappllngs, and we also obtained J friends on ths very outskirts of good black soil which we carted Harry had to find all the ani- out' of three games from Al the mals to put in the ark the way Shrier's paint and glass team, and cream*' cagers. The Individ- consulate in Berlin" f or aa iaaai- J£t£ich crisis 1B orficr, V the colony, just as they -were to this spot. v i — t r n " F v'.T ;•=• t ] i V ' . r f r ' l f Noah did. He got a dog and a who just can't seem to break in- nal whom we are referring to is g ra tion visa was surprised at the promised subordinates, to eraerpe r r S T , 771 P" O ' tVt , , T i ( T J • 1> " starting out for the customary ex Applause Irvin "Ankie" Yaffe. son o^ ^ r . with vras eiven of the to the win column for some reaalacrity -vrith which he was given with the "perfect solution" c cat, and a mouse that he trapped pedition to the hills. "Now friends, we have invited v i v t i r r T?r T i ' * j ' ' < v 1* Nathan S. Yaffe. nd Mrs. M N one . . . Asked his profession, he Empire's defense problems son or other. The Greenbergs and you to share in this great Mitz- in "cheder." The Boys Are Questioned f^l^yf^ - ^ ^ T r—1* rTc ~{-v the first Jevrish basketeer to he looted up the trsreltUr- fcr cr-, Ee phone won the first game by S57 to 755 Finally, when these things were "Where are you boys going V vah by helping us plant the trees. ' • e . ' r r i i o i o " 1 ! ; u ,. !<- r . , represented on the University oJ •fiuriE.?: the thr Everything is ready. The soil has arranged, he found that he had which incidentally was about the Nebraska squad in some 10 or 12 trepenear and tee nearest he came the first question. X'l r r l f i v . " »'- P - . I V . , Ken reveals, his bitterest high score the Greenbergs hax-e could come to it vras that It COBno dove, to let out of the ark and "Oh, just -walking," Amnon, been well prepared. We had to r r ?•". . <" i'f <•> T - r< r . ,'• years •when v e •vrere represented the bolder of the two, answered. ask one of the farmers to help us to let him know that the world shot this year, but by perform- by Phil Gerelick, last year Center veyed tbe idea oC a person pre- tried desperately to mrxk past in order to fares bis pared to unfiert£.ke anylMnc was dry. Some of the boys said ances in the past few weeks, you "Walkins where?" was- thebecause it was difficult to get a h i So S he said he was an undertaker foothold for i t on this bare rock." a dove was a pigeon and some of can look for some still higher Varsity Basketball coach. next question shot at them. (f~ ^ r I 1 * T (••". ' r " - i . f . > f scores from the fruit men in the VISITGKg - . . And was overjerefi anfi | trecld hfi-rpen to Pal< "Oh, over there." This time it - An avalanche of applause and them said a dove was a canary. -. TT f r r ! ' ' . r- r\. ' • . -r «' Harry finally decided to get a future. "slany students who are visiting astounded to get the visa, -witfc \ t£&£ve of Nar-e^^ns was Hillel who spoke. No more Cheer burst out from the group, Leo Weitz* "poor little crea- at home over the vacation persoi | t t e instructions that he vras to gc completely to pot could he -wrested from the two at the end of this long speech by canary in a little cage, which he boyB.' There was nothing to ba Amnon, and joyously they pro- hung up on the ceiling of the ark. tures" came back to win the sec- have been guests of the Commun- at once since Australia fcafi pleaPatronise Of! gained by detaining them any ceeded with the planting. The That brought its own troubles, for ond game by S34 to 738 score ity Center Physical Department ty of work far tira . . . Speaking longer, BO they were allowed t o first sapling, 4 cedar, was joined he was obliged constantly to keep and lost the last game by a 777 and exe enjoying . the facilities. of refugees, woncer if ©tier read- . — — ers Eoticed somethins IsiEtlr ,,,w,,m,i,u.^...l.».«.u.u,.u....u,,, to 736 score, "Tony" Conn was proceed, the others remaining be- to mother earth by Hillel, t h e off the cat. ~rr* Tbe Day Arrives All handball players ar© urged contradictory in that rs-ccnt ctorj- n again high boy for the Frait men hind to watch. They could see Originator of the idea. Then AmFK»»«to< Ass At last the day came when ev- with his nice 552 series, and was to sign up immediate for the dou- which told of & NEW Jersey ref- \) nothing that they had not ob-non planted the next one, a palm, served before. Amnon and Hillel In honor of his little sister wbt> erything was ready. There had followed by Max Canar, w-ho you bles regrslar season, handball use© colony calle£ Free. Acres— |] merely walked about, disappear- came into the world only a few been rain before of course, and remember we quoted as a comer. tournament play. Get vonr part- The story of Free Acres vrss! I; ing now behind one bill inonths ago. The honor of plant- there had been misgivings in Max turned in a nice 4S9 series. ner and sign up on the bulletin fiatelined SCOTCH PL.AXKS . . . i ! I behind another. This -was tried ins t h e third tree was given to the Harry's heart each time that per- Captain Leo Weitz was high man board by the Basket roora. Do Henry Monsky, B'nai B'rilh preg-; jj and" Omaha tttcrnej-, j | | . *°£ again and again, but without re- teacher. For every tree another haps this was the beginning of for the Shriers and for the en- this immediately so you won't get ident spends at -least ha5J ot t l s time I | - r ; ,««, «. suits. The two explorers -would song was sung, which re-echoed the flood. But the rain had been tire league this week with his shut out. in -Washington anS Kew York on | U£g Otsr fc, in the distant hills. I t was al-light, an afternoon drizzle, or the nic 572 series and then "Pug" i not disclose their BBCTet. -1 Those were busy days tor tho ready getting dark when the last wetness that comes squeezed out Ferer, whom we also predict a The men and women Volleyball B'na! B'ritS bnriness . . . The c-sc- ] L - — « » — ' \ children of Bosh Pinah. ChamiE- sapling was firmly established in of a foggy morning. This prom- bright future in the bowling gases players have been-snjoyiES them- retary c£ t i e Mfcrriags Brokers' i l i s t there's | ^ m m r.m ^, ised to be the real rain. A wind turned in a 487. p hoh psor Bishevat betas only. WO the rich soil. . selves as usual with tea s e n piay- AssociaUcs re?ortE a 60D12 arket for rcCixts That night at the Chamishoh grumbled in the street, and the weeks otf, everybody was occuThe last match of tha evening i r s every noon and. ths vromen r o m G ? pied in preparing for the tree Osor Bishovat celebration given sky was dark as if with a pre- saw the Smith Motor crew, take playing on Monday, •Wednesday, f girls are alvrayr -"Tt planting and tor the Arbor Day by the school, the whole colony mature evening. two out of three games from ths and Friday mornings. Ecnzething better," Le Cctltrcz. 1 The ark stood in the yard look- Kaiman Insuranca team. The first .... school celebration. Some com- learned about t h e great "MitzWO5IEVS C1AS5ES ing too small and too . fragile game was won by a 744 to a poor 1 . . . • pletely forgot the matter while vah." The Jewish Women's classes "but for the refuge© girls, thing is better." . . . TJ?.e et>cre- \ somehow for a real storm. The others maintained a watchful 683 score. The Kaimans came have been iaost discouraging to tary cf the British Israel World j boys were not so eager to go and waiting. the Physical Department end we Harry had to promise them that back strong in the second garae have urged -those who do attend Federation, which, has a srHlieE i The Note to win by a S92 to S02 score. The EjeinSers and promotes the ides, i he would have nigger babies and Erev ChamiBhoh Osor 'when the On Division Street, on the block deciding game which was vron fcy to bring their friends after the boys and girls came to school each that leads right up to the wharves popcorn for provisions. The girl, the "Pontiac" boys was won by start of the New Year. Those that the Anglo-Saxons are the tea j lost tribes of Israel, is s. SE-rearone found a little envelope in his all the boys will tell you about at the last moment thought it the slim margin of 7S5 to who have been corning and have old former war ace raised K.ont3fi desk which contained the follow* Harry Marks. The big trucks go wasn't nice for. a girl to be with only been taking advantage c* this Frank Brookstein, also class have been enjoying them- Heaver . . . Heaver, .•who was crij>- I ins note: back from the dock bulging with all the boys, and Harry had to Meet us at the Galilee gate fruit, and you can get a glimpss make one of the boys his wife. selves immensely and after real ple3 in E €,CO0-?t. ' t i r cnaEtl tomorrow - afternoon at 4 of the river looking blue and Then they all crowded in. The the boy cried and Harry had to esillerating wor o'clock. shiny, and you can hear a million ark with the four boys in it was let him climb out of the ark. They Center building ".'..'-"••• Amnon a n d Hillel whistles, particularly in the night a good deal smaller than when could hear him pattering a\fay, as of pep and enthus: The teacher too found a sim- time, .when even t h e dogs are Harry had been in it himself. if he were an extra big drop of ial Jewish women's class meets ca i u ^ : When they were all in it, togeth- rain falling there in the darkness. Tuesday and Thursday mornings " " ilar note^ on his desk. Tho twoquiet. . One by one the other bovs left at 10 a. in. boys being absent, the meaning ! ^S""When Harry lived there, he er with the- dog and the cat, there ol tbe notes remained uaesplaln- used to get the boys with Km, on •was no room for t h e canary and him. In the end he stood .done During the past week the bus-1 or the dock at night and he used to they had to bang the cage outside with the vret animals covering at iness girls" evenings classes which a,< cB° ' a ed. with a piece of oil cloth over It his knees and making frightened and David been are held on Monday and Wednes. ?-^ "tpoint out which of the boats was Had Amnon e r to let the rain run off. noises. He stood there for long day have fallen off considerably I * " ^ known aB mischievous youngsters going to France, and which one minutes, ansry, but not afraid. ycur cr; the invitations would have been to England, and which one was a to thv. expected due For several anxious minutes with the drift of the rain in his holiday season as raany of tlse' ignored, but since they had the pirate Ship, come back from Dehave been vcrkicg at fhej' reputation on ot being honest and sert Islands with a treasure in its they waited, breathlessly without face, and "his lest in puddles of stores but aJter the • sinceVe,-the class as a whole to- hold. To be sure. In the morning,' a -word passing among them. Then water. Then he too becasss a£tro2DriiC£.I i,:£io:£Ci£ uIII : gether > i t h the teacher tho boats turned out to be tug' the rain cams, first in big drops afraid of-the darlrness, which his t first of the year the class vriU £^"1=2 fc accept the invitation. They ar- boats vrtth ugly noses and tails and then in a steady downpour, ffears were peopling with strange prove very popular as it has bsm \ e ra3S?d to floEt the I. C, C— \ space . . . ir TOE s s s t kc?-r, ; ranged-to finish the tree planting ot white foam. But at dark with that knocked against the ark liks beings. He, too, climbed out up to this time vrith a!! tha wny tinto S e rzonej w;ll be ssei r-£~lr for ; in the school garden a little earl- the wind around you, and t h e the knuckles of a million uninvit- And then he went iiome and went from 33-50 girls eajcying this ier in order to meet Amnon afid night making everything myster- ed guests. I t vraa darfe,. teat vras to bed, sobbing into his pillow the class worlt. The class starts at j rockets to tee soon, part:?- for ! long story of his -svoes. It seeined £splars.tica cf siiti Icvsly epets ] Oavid at the appointed ttour.s ious, yon could be made t o believe bad enough, "but it began to be to him, that the world had really s p. d . GREETINGS EXTESBED . I £ s Vesus (not fie SItIo'si:M) &s;i I At 4 o'clock the nest day the anything especially if it was suffocating in the ark and i t was come to an end, and he lay awake necessary to raise the cover a litThe Center Physical Depart-1 Sstura (e-cli-E-Te cf itc rln-;> \ group assembled a t the Galilee Harry -who did the talking. tle. The rain drifted in through a long time in a des meat employees incluains Wil- j • .. • ^"ars -vriU iss ru.ed oct t,% t~r ; sate. A few minutes later t h s Harry could tear oft a green the opening and very slowly it knew no utterance.despair l i s a Rose, Masseur, Hiss Elsie i renuniscent and as SSIDEJ: tbe ; teacher arrived. Impatiently they banana from tho bunches that But-the nest morning, i^iics be vriekhnrg, Kassease, E r s i s Wei- j planetary csloniss that viU proS:™ '. awaited Amnon and .Hillel. At rolled by in the trucks, and he began to feel damp and uncomfortable. The Joints leaked and last the two boys appeared, but could H you y what captive p king the floor of the ark. became so got up, instead oi a cloud of rain, jner. Basket rooa Attendant. Bar- j ably ba pre-exstec t r £ Swimming Inslrao-1 iCEgry K^n . . . CrECE, \Cc!:::x. tfcere w&s a-beautiful sunlit day, id Chesseas, instead of coming from tho col-picked that b h banana, in South L^B CcESS'E.s, P>.r!-.ica! i who kaows r.I! &5>«JU Kars ens ?>? • ony, they were walking towards American Jungles. . One vssi to wet, that only t h s fact that they that, was slowly drying tip tta ark •vrisb tc esters a £s,p?r Martians, Trhici BhovZe ratti I.v;s . it, along the path leading from feel that the banana was too good ivere huddled too closely together and maSics i t for play. T£s Stood Year to all metaiters sad &» espsrt alss ca tfcfe K&cz, \'o- , the hills they had been sesii'SS- to, eatj and. put-it away until it •prevented-them from slipping on was over, scd the ark was reservit.: : ' : > • . . • .- ••• . . •: : .-.' "/ • ' l i • '' ' ; ed for a. PS useful service ia gqt.spft and .smelly'ana had to-be ;; U^—•>*.** ' * ^.^! *:^T ^^f^? : : tae imaK, . •" '• /tlhe' Soys Itcaire.' * • • . "'. laads, teat fccrdt h r o w n ' • a w a j . • " . *--•..'•.,< • * • " " -The Boys Came-' • *!; ered upon: ry's Then -one of the boys began'to itain Is ' Harry In'School Flushed and breathless Amnon ISJu It was not that he knew the cry. Harry tried to stop M s , b a t ' ind .Hillel approached tfcfc teach-

J. C C Bowling

iM? **







I**; * -Page


"You have nothing to lose but tiltns go into bblirlon to loin oth your lives!" era that once moved us. Now at So today, Jean Renoir hates a time when this tllm might' do fascism because it: breeds war— the most good, Grand Illusion has and he hates anti-Semitism, too, been banned in Germany. because it is aa-u&Bs.tcral as for- "It may be that tomorrow I tified boundaries. There is ' s shall heve to take my old uniform scene of great'bum&sity wherein out of camphor and go back to A meeting of th« B'nai B'rith Marechal and Rosectb&l, Gee tile making a distasteful march east lodge was held Monday evening. and Jew, having escaped from the ward from Paris. It will be a Plans were made for a meeting smith is general chairman. ReserGerman prison camp, are stumb- great comfort to think that some to be, held January 25, at which vations may be_made by caring a lecturer traveling under the ling, -'half-starved End • frozen, Americans wilt know that if I do i * _ _ — ' Mr. Leon Dobrosky at 68808 or auspices of the Joint Distribuacross the countryside towards this, it is done in firm convlci The Pioneer "Womn •will spon- Mr. Myer Shubb at 57158. the Swiss frontier. Editor's nolo With talk in tloc, but without a shadow of tion Committee will speak.Def: ing . organizations interested in ernments which appear to be taksor a guest speaker on Wednestho air of mass Jewish coloni" inite plans .will be announced the fate of the refugees to reKosentbsl hurts his leg, wfcieh hete fiayy January 4 th, a t 8 o'clock. ing a genuine interest in our fate. zation RS tho only hope for tbo. shortly. s , m g , b y Seven quest the pfesiduta cf the Evisn impedes his -progress. Tbe nervMrs. Yehudith Slmchonlt, -who 3. There are at present thousJews, the man who diConference in cooperation with ous tension between the' two men It was announced at the meet- Germanthe Feature Syndicate.) ivlll speak, is tho ninth annunl greatest Jewish colo- ands ot Jewish and non-Jewish them to appoint a commission of rises and snaps. Msrecbai accuses j Student Services will be held Ing that the drive for foreign rected delegate of the Working Women's young men and •women among the : ization project in history exam^ouucil of Palestine. She is on tonight at the Mount Sinai Tem- relief funds had been very suc- ines the settlement possibilities. victims of the fascist regimes, and five or sis qualified specialists, his comrade of slowing them UP in addition to their technical —they will be captured again by transcontinental tour that will ple, nepresentatives from the cessful and that all beneficiary Dr. Rosen was director of the more thousands in other Euro- who knowledge have a spark of hua German patrol if they don't ialreher to most of the 160 clubs various colleges and universities organizations would receive sub- American Jewish 7oint Agricul- pean countries, where Jewish em- manitarian interest' in t h e i r make better speed, whereupon of the Pioneer "Women. Mrs. Slm- will be represented, among them stantially larger' contributions tural Corporation which, in its igration is an imperative issue, hearts, to proceed as promptly as Rosenthal says, "Is it my fault chonlt arrived in Palestine in Wellesley, Harvard, Iowa Univer- this year. 14 years' history, invested $10- who are able and •willing to gopossible to Guiana. The funda- that I hurt my leg?" 1 9 3 1 " as part o t tho 3rd Aliya sity,-Nebraska University, MlaneA welfare fund committee was 000,000 to colonize 3,000,000 out to any place where under mental objects of this commission The Fight (Continued from page 5.) jnosCinent. Since then she has 'sota, University, Bockford, Illi- created for the purpose of handl- acres of land in Russia. Dr. Ro- proper guidance and with the should be not the writing of a This is too much for Marechal. Jived in tho Colony of Pel-Yoseph, nois, Chicago Art Institute,: North- ing the collection and distribu- sen's analysis is presented by necessary financial and moral voluminous Celluloid "Pygmalion": —- Gareport on an "invest"So when a C4erman . patrol Ifn tha valley of Jezreal. Mrs. Slm- western, and several others. After tion of charitable, funds In South- the Jewish Telegraphic Agency support they would be given a igational survey" but the deterus, you'll tell them that briel Pascal and Frank Orsatti ChonJte la principally concerned the service the students are in- western Iowa. and The Jewish Press in ar- chance to open a new country for mination in a competent and prac- overtakes you hurt your leg, that's why we are in New York for the opening the oppressed in spite of all the •pith the advancement of the col- vited to an informal Reports of membership and fi- rangement with Notes and hardships and privations they tical way whether End how, and couldn't go any faster, and then this week of "Pygmalion." And News, organ of the Council of ony life of Palestinians. In her the home of Rabbi Lewis. therein lies a story known only nance committees revealed that would have to undergo. By organ- what could and should be done they'll let us go!'* colony" she has been in'Charge of to a small handful of people. A the lodge is in the best condition Jewish Federations and Wei- izing several thousand of these to open the country for settleKosenth&l's bitterness wells up fare Funds. the Youth training projects for ment without the usual annoying in him. Before they both realize year or so ago, if anyone had in years. . . . young pioneers Into disciplined lrnigr,ants that by Thanksgiving of r tiom Germany. 1 labor front units the initial work delays and at a tempo at least to it. ther are reviling each other opined This lecture is open to the pubsome reasonable extent commen- and Marechal, weary, hungry and 1ESS Gabriel Pascal would be a The Agudas Achim lodge will of opening a country for settleThe tragic situation of the vicfavored M-G-M producer, and by ,c? 'Mrs. 1. Lubman is chairman meet Thursday, January 5, at the tims of the fascist regimes in ment could be set at a tempo that surate with the problems on hand. cold (as is Rosenthal, to be sure), way of becoming a wealthy man ! iif the ,"p"rogram. can't stand it any longer end he would make it possible to Epeed Eagles Hall. Europe has gripped the hearts of to boot, the only person who ENGAGES shouts, "Besides, I never liked up immigration on a substantial millions of decent human being would have believed it would At a family dinner Monday, in Jews anyway!" There will-be a membership all over the •world. This is perhaps scale. have been Gabriel Pascal himself the A. SaltUn home; 723 West.8th "It's a bit late for that," anmeeting of the Chevra B'nal Yis- the only, ray of light in the dark —a penniless Hungarian Jew in British Guiana Most the engagement of two daughters swers Rosenthal, "don't y o u abyss into which the powers of 1 Hollywood. Pascal would have beProject 'A. luncheon was given Wednes- were aqnpunced. Miss Margaret roel synagogue' 'Wednesday, Janthink?" reaction • are trying to drag hu- I may be an incurable optimlieved it because of his astoundday.'-Deceniber 28th, the proceeds Saltlin of Chicago Is affianced to uary 4. Maechsl goes on. by himself, manity. Efforts to find a solu- ist but I want to believe that with ing conceit, his overweening Of which' will fto used tot Child Ben, Kay man, son ot Mrs. Philip and leaves liis comrade with the nerve, Mrs. - Wax. Harris and daughter, tion or some solutions of the pro- the present world interest in the his thorough grounding in iVelfare. .Mrs. S. Shulkln and Kayman of Chicago; "and Miss Betty bad leg to shift for himself. RosLee left last week for Fre- blem are being made here and the drama, in filmville, only four Mrs. E.'Rubenstein werein charge Sally SaitUn lot.- Chicago is bo- mont,-Nebraska, where they will there. A score or more of so-call- problem, the very substantial enthal pretends indifference, tries friends knew of these qualities, means necessary for enterprise of By HERMAN G. WEINEERG 9f the-kitchen. MTBr JfcHbipshutz throthed to Samuel Abelson> "son to sing a gay song (which. Mare- and at odd times t i r daysTyisitlng relatives. ed settlement projects attract this kind could be secured they fed "or of .Mr. and Mrs.-M. AbeTsba -of wa3 general chairman, and Mrs. various degrees of attention. through a joint effort of private A story deeply stirring—but cbal sings, too, to prove his indif- lodged him, tried to help him .Chicago. No wedding-dates haveJ^orris Skalovsky was in charge Milton Yudelson left Saturday Some of these "projects" are organizations and government withoct hate. A story of men ference) but he finally breaks along. down and weeps. He feels someof trie .dining room. Approxi- been set.; Misses''Margaret and for a short stay in Chicago. purely fantastic, a great many are It seems to be more dif- made useless to life and to one standing by his side and looks mately one. hundred sifcty guesta Sally departed Monday-for Chicabased on accidental or incidental agencies. themselves. A study in types Though hungry for success, ficult to find a corner of the globe attended. Mrs. L. Klass was in go; after the holiday week-end at Week end guests in Council conversations by one or several still available for such an under- and character • that one shosld up—it is Marechal. "Come," the Pascal was fed up with Hollylatter says, "I'll help you—let's • charge of games which provided home. well-meaning individuals -with a Bluffs were Mr. and Mrs. Henry not overlook, in devising a comwood'e seemingly impenetrable taking than to find the means.: entertainment for the afternoon Maduff and family, of Anita; Mr. more or less responsible member ontjook at world go." He takes Rosenthal's arm \ doors. Grubstaked by his loyal Leaving aside. Palestine which prehensive and, smiling, jilting, with a new ; houtBand there was dancing for .The engagement of Miss Sarah and Mrs. A. Marcus and family, of a government, conversations pal Geza Herczog, another Huna problem in itself, of all the events.—THE EDITOR. • courage, they go on—together. | garian who achieved fame here the younger set. Weinsteln, daughter of Mrs. D. of.; Auburn,1 Nebr.; and Mr. and in which neither party had any Is different settlement projects that r«al understanding of the subject This is taking the whole prob- with his screen plEy of "the Life Kirlnberg, 1314 Jfenniftgs, to Mr. Mrs..,Ben COhea und family, of It is, perhaps, just as well that come up for consideration i s ! under discussion; and only a very have '' or EmiSe Sola," Gabriel beat his Danny Levlch, son ot Mr. and H f J h SHAARE ZION Jean Renoir, having at least a grain of reality few are founded on any author- in them, the British Guiana offer French anti way to New York, wangled transMrs. M. A. lievichrwas announced portation to London. The ship Mr. Harry K-ubby, accompan- ity and understanding lifting seems to come closest to our re- sioh, has not the capacity to hate, „ TV'elcome Students service" will at a party given -December 25tff, ied by his .brother and sister-in- them above the hopeless maras- quirements. heart-,1 safely docked, he strode down the is one of the he ifeld- Friday -night at § o'clock by Mrs. Eirfnberg. The wedding law, This does not mean despite the fact that two of the Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kubby and mus of empty talk. gangplank with an idea. He in Shaare, JJlon. Mr., Max Krolpff date has not been announced. that British Guiana is anywhere S T h e h a ^ ^ i n tie worid jimagine. «™?« Tbe » Christian *™J^ son, Jimmy, left last week for a has acted ; would inakc & picture of George Let us put the problem bluntly near to being an ideal country. are of Cfiicago will ' be the guest fascism and anti-Semitism. like a Christian—a disciple of Bernard Shaw's famous play and squarely — the time is now There are \indoubtedly much bet- Like his father, August Mr. Morris Davis- of Cinnati, O., short visit in El Paso, Texas. speaker. Following the service a ripe and there Is a crying neces- ter vast vacant stretches of land the great impressionist Renoir, Christ. He has beem.trne to him- " Pygmalion." tepeptlod will be held in the. so- has been visiting in the Adolpa self, therefore • he could not be Miss Jane Hoffman left last sity for a vigorous effort to re- right in this country, not to speak the son is a gentle, soul, all painter, fcl^f hall under the sponsorship" of Davis home.kind- , false to sny man. To the great playwright's esFriday, jto, sj.end two weeks visit- vitalise the territoralist move- of Australia, New Zealand, etc., liness the Ladies Auxiliary of "Shaare and good humor. tate IK a .London suburb rode | Banned in Italy, Germany Ing; in; HJJwaufcee, Wisconsin. ment as a potent factor in findetc. But what of it? We could not Zfon'.Jtfrg. A. SLverberg. and Mrs. , ''d Mrs. M. Dlmsdale," 1G1« And this shows in his work. ' j n t t e j a e e o« their common Pascal with his nerve for coming a way out. The situation get these more desirable sections. Marcus Sllverberg are-' co-chair- Silver street, anobunce" the- taar- "'^S.'nipfigj-.cbnege students who created Grand Illusion, though It atir.cks enemy—war. End the war-makers, J pany, spending his last shillings by the spread of the fasFrom the , information available, 'njen of the reception'.'. All "stu- rifee Sunday, D'eceSAer 18th^ of are spending "the winter vaca- cist powers is qualitatively so war and the imperialist war mak- DOtn - j e w a n d Christian are unit- on train fare; Arrived at the Shaw dents and the public are invited" their daughter, Rebecca, a former tion, here are Arnold Hoffman, tragic and quantitatively so stu- British Guiana appears to 'be a ers and preaches against the ua-! e d T l l a t l s v n y GT&ZK\ ransiois menage, he gained admittance to genuine offer from the British to 'attend. Henry Ginsberg, stu- Sioux Cltyan, to Sherman Orin- JScfc, Gordon, Morton Adler, Sam p«ndcus that no accumulation of t r a l boundaries b d i b t e class, la natural between ~as banned in Germany and-.Italy. the be&rdeo genius of the theater dent of University of Louisiana, stein, son of Harry 6rinstein, both Karchonsky, Lorraine Meyerson, scattered infiltration projects into Government of a corner of the race and creed that government. In"•Vienna, on the -fiay that, the w-Jth a. fabulous story ol high cinglobe for development by our peoof Hollywood. Reception was held Florence Meyerson and Herbert various countries offers a tangipreside. and society has set up, it is really Nazis moved in, GrauS Illusion ema connections. With superb ple together with other refugees'. the for 100 relatives and friends im- Rosenthal. quietest film -isaagineable. ble solution. taken "off- tbe screen in the Be:f-confidence he talked ot poThe country has not been in- There is no ranting, raving or was \ 'The refreshments for the J r . mediately following the. ceremony middle of a reel by the storm tent financial backing, of his I do not mean to imply that vestigated sufficiently. A few tearing of hair in it. Congregation' on' Saturday morn- which was - in Hollywdod. Miss troops. Renoir regards this a's a burning desire to make a picture Misses Florence and Esther any opportunity to increase im- years ago a commission was sent bases on "Pygmalion." Ing, will be given by Mr. and.Mrs. blmsdale is a graduate of Central Steinberg 'entertained their piano migration quotas to any country there by There is not a moment's bitter- signal honor—as a decoration. the League of Nations in Hlfeh School. and violin students at a musical should be neglected or overlook- the interest of the Assyrians un- ness. Rather it is like a man who Ke says: "This Incident fills-me - The astute vegetarian was not "Louis Shlndler in, honor" of the party, yesterday afternoon at their ed, but I do want to underline a der pressure to emigrate from draws up before a fireside with with .pride- .At the risk of be- deceived, somehow. Pointblank he "birth of a son. Mis3:Ruth White,; daughter of home. Included among the pupils few and tells you . a story of a coming a bore, I.repeat it on the told Pascal so. Said he didn't beIraq. The commission consisted you : fundamental facts: Mr. and Mrs. D. M. White, 2409 are Harriet Kubby. Ethel Gordon, series of events that once hap- slightest provocation. In tact, I lieve Pascal had either money orl. By far the greatest number of two members — a Briton, Genp Pierce stret,. left-Tuesday evening Owen Meyerson, Pearl Richards, of the potential small scale immi- eral J. Gilbert Browne, and an pened to him and you believe this ig prospects. "But," he said, "I adcannot restrain For decoI 60 mire your nerve. Here's what for Los 'Angeles where uhe will and Arlene Dansky of Omaha. not consider this•myselfa military story because it has the ring of gration countries stipulate that Italian, Dr. Guido Giglioli of the • A banquet which concluded the marry Charles Nathaniel Morris, ration, but a moral one: and I I'll do for you-—"' and he stepped they are willing to admit mainly Royal Colonial Institute of Flor- truth in it. 'Convention, of the A. Z. A. was ron of Mrs.,Herman Goldring of in will not return it to t>er Fuehrer to s. writing desk in a corner of or exclusively agricultural settlence. During their investigations Because therewhich are things bold at the Jewish Community Los Angeles, December 31, there. Grand Ulrcsioa you can't; as Henri Bernstein returned to II the room. Hastily he scribbled a ers. Now, anybody who has had they had the benefit of consul"Center Tuesday evening, at which Mr. and Mrs. -White held a recepany practical experience with tation with a number of local ex- "make up" — they are too sim-; Dnce tbe Cross of St. Maurice &n& a note, handed it to his visitor. time'the'winner's of the Debating tion on Monday afternoon in HonPescal scanned It and gasped. It Jewish land settlement know that perts and officials. While the fi- pie, too artless, too lacking I n ! Lasarus." (Continued trom Page 1) Team, the Oratory Contest and or! of their daughter., •was an unconditional release givattempts to. settle Jews on iso- nal conclusion of this commission guile for that. Renoir, himself, i • Indeed, I am tempted to let good. new; year; with five I may Baaltctball Tournament were anbe able to look 100 years into'the lated farms or in small scattered with reference to the possible set- was an officer in the French army: Kecoir speak for himself at this ing to Pascf.1 sil rights for monounced: The winners of the DeMr. Philip Dobrofuky of Chica- future w.hen, doubtless, it will be groups in new countries are tlement of the Assyrians in Brit- during the, war.; Tho i-srresrior- 'moment. You must know that lie tioc picture production of Shaw's bating . team were George Galin- go was a visitor in the home ot good again for Jews. great epic, f-hs.w had given Pasbound to fail and lead to all kinds ish Guiana were unfavorable, the of his prison camp days stuck says: • oSj> and Oilmen Levlch of Sioux hlB .parents over the week-end. of trouble. Methods of settlement following facts must be borne in with hiru all these y.? The .re- ; "The appalling- atmosphere of cal- the screen rights gratis -". "No, I may not dance a t the City, .defeating the Omaha Chapsuit is this. story o* men. made war is again upon ue. Between . "Thanks." said Gabriel. "Now lun'e'raV.rol ..these my people, I perfectly suitable for peasant im- mind: . tar-No. 1 . The. winners of the The Debra Club \?11! entertain may not.serve.lavishly my own migrants of other nationalities 1. The report of the Commis- useless to life and to thbr.-'.sMv.'c taots o£ 'La Bete Kum&lne,' which it 3'ou vill please lend me » S&sket Ball Tournament was the at a dinner tonight honoring their pleasure in a tims when my kins- are thoroughly unsuitable "for our sion is couched ia terms designed —the French'prisoners and their we are new filming, the camera- poend note, I'll be able to get Des llolnes Chapter, " who won members who have been away at men liuttger and go homeless." people. Jewish land settlement to avoid assuming binding res- Gersiaa. captors—both victims of men, electricians, stagehan-s e.n& ;back to l.oncioE and start work over the Sioux City players. In school. the stupid system that reverts to actors, bewildered, look at each : on this." Ke got the money. has a chance to succeed only as a ponsibilities. tha Oratory contest, William concentrated effort under compe2. I t is evident that the opin-. war as an instrument of national : other, shake their ' heads an8 ' • In London banters were skepTo all who believe with Mr. SePearlsteib of Rock Island was . .Miss Bluma Olerisky left today gal "that the wine that'is consum- tent technical guidance animated ions of the local people with ref- policy. shrug-their shoulders. H.Mr. Kit- tical of the ctrsn&'er within their ier knew how much he vras sts- gates who wanted to borrow monby an ideal which is necessary to erence to the possibilities of the trttin-erv • Tying 'for second, place for Los. Angeles, where .she. will ed Definition on. new years eve should go Vas Tobias Shindler of Sioux City, spend two weeks visiting her par- this year rather to the faint bro- keep up the spirit and the morale country differed from the views What is the "grand, illusion?" .noying us. I S E sure he would be ey without conventional security. It is, says Renoir, the .idea that vastly pleased.. Personally, I re- They war.tefi proof of his transand Abo Rezntck of Omaha, Chap- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J . -Olenslty, ther in "Germany, he suggests that of the people, particularly during of the commission. the first difficult years when ter-No. 1G0. Mr. Frank Margolin formerly of Sioux City. 3. While the problem of this one can continue to have faith in fuse, to give him the satisfaction. action- vit'h Shaw. Unabashed, the Joint Distribution Committee hardships privations are un*roa Master, of Ceremonies. Rabbi was in a way much worn oat social systems. Two of I do not mean that I Ignore Der Pascal sought out the Irish dramai;f100 East; 42nd Street, New avoidable. and A small group of commission "RAbinowlts offered the benedicsimpler than ours, it was at the the principal' characters • in the Fuehrer. But at so time do 1 per- atist .again, secured a receipt' in York, will be' glad to receive any- Jewish settlers Mrs. A. H. Baron'-and'daugh"in a new country. it lay to' ge«. Shaw!8-handwriting stating that tion and'Rabbi Lewis was princi- ter Beverly departed Friday for body'8 mOneyv.It will convert, the my animosity animosity for tar him nim to time much more difficult: film are a Fre:ich..ana Geriaa.n with .limited, experience, depend- same pal ap'eaker. Participating in tho Lake MInnetonUa, to be the gue3ts wine into,bread. simpler—because the total num- careers officers, respectively. Each I tee best of me. / I ieel that it-has for a consideration (we'll call it ing on. financial support from ab- ber of Assyrians to be resettled stems from the aristocracy, from become a personal ni&tter between j £€,000 pcnTiaffs, caste"! he had sold program wero ' Jackie Krueger, of her parental sentee or local diiletante social age that has long since reached Hitler and me. If millfeBE of men, (screen, rights te "Pygm'aUon" to Joe Bdrricks, Jack Merlin, Leo (Copyright 1938 By Seven Arts organizations, will almost invar- was less than 20,000; more dif- an its zenith and whose doom was like myself, consider tfcis j Gabriel Pascal. RtcH, Harry Nadler and Bob PIIBficult—because for such a comFeature Syndicate.) Mr.-Raymond Fisher, "who has iably, drift apart, sliding in the paratively small number-of settl- sealed at Sarajevo. The war was menace a personal • problem, tlxe j SJn. " Sack ir. the ciir. Pascal triumbeen attending the Western Redirection o! least resistance and of war would v.ot ssnua it would be unthinkable to to wEsa sll tee ol-d, pre-war values scoarape 1 phsntlv li'acwE the receipt to the serve '.College-"1n:"CleveIan«Ji 'Ohio, MONSKY, GRODlNSKY, MARER A turning to more ramillar occupa- ers away and the French and German descend against mankind. consider making the very submen of raoney, flnclR little diWhas returned for a ten day visit is tions' of peddling, petty trading, .COHEN. Attorneyo. capital investments nec- aristocrats • knew this and were "Because I -am paciiist, cn-ltr in -negrot'atinsf-the loan. In the home of hie parents. etc., thereby supplying fuel for stantial NO i ICE OF DISSOLUTION essary for the opening of an un- resigned. There is, for example, tnaae Grand Illusion. To my mind, I,OBt?0R he interests I<e&lie HowNOTICE ISHtaUSBX GIVEN thai anti-Semitic propaganda which, is developed country. a scene wherein the aristocratic a true pacifist is £ tree rreisCh- ard, in the undertaking, lines up The South Westers Regional i a duly constituted meeting OT ever ready to flare up. Bliss Elaln Mushkln spent'last at . I therefore think that the.con- German officer "invites bis French man, a true American or n true a i.roductioE unit. Convention of Junior Hadassah week Stockholders of JOB-I*. 'WOLF, held 2. A concentrated effort ot set- clusions of this commission could colleague and prisoner iato his German. 'Among rigbt-ttinkins; •will -be held in Sioux City, Janu- friends.end In Omaha visiting on .tbe 1st day of November. iH38.ii XCe neit hear of Psscal io auw unanimously agreed time the cor- tlement that would make possible not be taken, as decisive for our private qcarters. They smoke and. men . the day .must come vrhen ary 14th, and 15th. Friday eve(cmr. of 1PSS. Ke is back in Holchat amiably.. remi&iscing about ! there will be a coraniOE ground! a sufficiently large immigration potation bo dissolved. case. We Jews have once before Biog* services, on January 13th, lyv'oofi, T;is reovie of "PygmalThe Misses-Lois" and Helen LeDAVID B. FEDER, rtesldent to play a perceptible part in solv- missed an opportunity offered to the "good old days" when sud- of understanding. Cynics1 vii! Kill open the conference, Doroion" in the can. His loyal friend GOtOTB JTEDER, Secretary that my words. e.t this moment, I vitt of Minneapolis •will-be weekdenly tbo Frencn officer says, ing the problem, would be possius by the British Government in thy Rlsoien of Des Moines will be Eerczog arranges a private 84t ble only on some primitive spot the case of Uganda. Let as not "Why did you invite n e to your reveal-.a certain amount ot child- Geza jpaeat- speaker.. Nell Sinykin, is end gucsta of their parents, Mr. screening for Frank Oreatti, one private quarters and not my two like trust. But why not? HowJOS. B. FRADENBURG— of the globe on which we would and Mrs. J." L.' Levitt, repeat the same mistake again. general chairman of the conven, of fnnsrine'F better connected ALFRED A^ FIDLER be given a chance -' to .. develop fellow, officers?" "Mar-echo! and I ever annoying that Hitler may be. Unless another, obviously more tioii. A registration of 250 guests factors' meputfi. So3<5 instantly on 120 City National Bank B through our own efforts, which Kosentha!, fellow prisoners of the "hehas in ,no. war modified my suitable, territory be offered by Miss Lillian Roiairowsky of ".'.•' Omaha, Nebraska is anticipated. the -screenoiogy, Orsatti interests means, supplied by the settlers I opinion of the Germ&ns, From any power,, which is most unlike- French officer). Chicago-waa a gue3t in^the homo NOTICE OF'INCORPORATION OP LotUs B. Mayer. Metro boss. With : themselves and by social organ- ly, and provided the Guiana offer my earliest childhood I loved a of Mrs. PhilUn pill, the wesfe: end "SKUPA GROCERY, INC." high!r ectfeusiastlc, Pascal The G e •r m a n commandant Synagogues 'Marechal' a n d a esteemed this, petiple. Te illus- UlEycr Snow all men by theso presents: izations, with the assistance' of at is as genuine as it appears to be, smiles—"O Of December 2 wins s contract te produce four that tha : undersigned have formed a least some of the democratic gov- it would be advisable for the lead- 'Roseathal'—officers?" . Itrate: If from' bcyhood I were the corporation under the laws of the * "Friday night services at the Etta Garelick of Omaha Bpent state De Boieldieu. the French offi- inseparable companion of a friend. pictures tor the Culver City cinof Nebraska. Tho name of this Beth, Abraham and Tifereth Is- several cer, answers, "They are good sol- and one day he contracted MS shall be "Skupa Grocery, day3 visiting in tho home corporation MARK OF THE BEAST By BRESSLI diers." Kis BioTy ends on a rather sad Inc/' with Its principal place of busirael Synagogue will begin at five of Mrs. Isidore Marsh.. lis, this would cot sftsrn to ir>.e pnfness a t Omaha, Douglas County, Nenote, however. You might think o'clock. The morning services ficieiit reason Tor withdrawing my Von Rruffenstcin, the German braska. The general nature of . the that the penniless Hungarian .-who will begin at nine o'clock. Rabbi ' Miss BGtty Rapoport of Cedar business replies, "A nice present from, the affection. With all my heart to be transacted and the obS.iBoIotnikov will speak a t the Rapid3 will be a gue3t in iho French Revolution." IWOHM fry t." f!rir^ in?">ns of rpsto ECliirrefi vp&Kh enfl fame, who ject Tihd purpose for which this corTifereth Israel Synagogue during homo of Miss Sena Baron over the poration is organized and established A bit.later ba says: "De Boiel- leg him to health, as 'quicKr u Is now in New VprK for the presnjiere .«f bis own production of shall bo to buy. sell, own ana operate tbe1 morning serviceon a timely -week diea—I don't know who is going possible. end. - _ "Pygmalion," would b« able to a - wholesale and retail grocery and GUbJect. After the" service, reto win this war, ' but whoever •No -Hsatred BPtod notae oC • tl\e change he meat- business, and to buy and sell, freshments will be served by Mr. does, the days of the Rauffen"In -Grand IUTJSJOSI 1 attempted j Mrs. Wm. Qppenham of Des or hold or. make any disposition whatJ. '3hapJro In honor of the Bar steins' and De Boieldieus a r e to show that we, ia France, have picked up. Put r.o, soever of real estate and real estate io a visitor in the homa of and Kip Tor,r friends, worried l**t Mltjvah of his grandchild Simon Moines chattel mortgages, and to buy, over." ' . no hate for the Germans . . . In Pascal find himaeiC broke again her daughter, Mrs. Morris-Lazen- sell.-convey, leaso or own. real estate. Loaber. Cla&s Bonds • • tee war, -we bad no bate for the sky. The authorised capital stock, shall be . I '_i * Almost the whole philosophy of •enemy' either — they vere jusi feo'nietiiiic, descended nation him in 510,000, and all or eald Etoclc shall be the film is ia that brief scene. as good Germans ES we- were full-force, prcvailet upon him to common and of tho par value of The annual Qhanukali party of r.f-prove & tisrht little financial Rabbi P . Copperstein of Rock $100.00 per share.. One naif of said Jlarccha! is a man of the people, Frenchmen! the'TJferoth Israel Synagogue was Island, 111., has arrived in Sious stock shall be fully paid up. Said arranFenient whereby the bulk of a mechanic raissd to the rank of "It Is my conviction thct I am Ms salary goes directly to his $ei<3 last Sunday,' December 25tb. City to succeed Rabbi J. D. Ma- otock may be issued for cash, real lieutenant. Rosenthal is a Jew. working -for an ideal of -human personal property of any kind •jpho1 chairman of tho evening was ron who recently went to Califor- estate, bariker. Sc iC Psiacat looks at the or merchandise . and fixtures. • The To ' Rauffenstein they belonged progress in presenting on the Mr. , ?i. Lazriowlch, president of nia. The Rabbi will reside a t c< rporatlon shall commence doing b&lance in hie hr.nkbook these to an "inferior" c!ass. Deboielscreen an undisguised expression business, upon-the tiling of its articles e the> congregation. Bri^f talks 1314 Villa Avenue. His wife and with the County Clerk of Douglas daps, tbe only thrill he can get dieu. on ,tn otfcer.fcand. was. reof truth. For example, by porwere made by Mr. S. Lipman, two daughters will arrive next County, Nebraska, and shall continue "Tore tlie •5nRj>ect;on is'the knowlgarded by Ra"£fensfr-ii s v a T *\*i' traying. la' Gran;! O;3islon, XKen e&fs tbf.t as soor ss the figure Reyercnd Coopersteini and Mr. M. week. for.a period of nlnety-nina years from only in the arrogant days before who were sincerely fulfilling their said date. The highest amount of inAlBert.-Rabbi s. Balotnikov spolso passe? the S 100.000 mark. he'U debtedness shall not exceed two-thirds from .an ancient and p.ofeis fam- duty ES society eecreed, on '"Ch-anuJtah in the Past and BIRTHS of Its paid-up capital stock. the fratcewcrk of established in- jbe able tc i3P«sd hit, money 88 ily, Hte htaeet?, Respite the fact too'Present Time." Refreshments! Mr. and Mrs. George'Taser, an- : Th6 Affairs of this corporation that b§ was a Frenchman and, at Etitutions, I believed I was is&k-j he sees .fil—tut MOI ^before then. bo managed by a Board of Dlv/ofa served by. the officers of tho nounce the birth of a daughter, shall ing lay humble contribution to I Ce moment, sa enemy. r -tors of not Ies3 than three memLadies .Auxiliary of the Syna- on December 21, 1830. bers. The annual meeting of the corHot?, strong were the ."bonds of the peace cf thp-world!, I wanted! ('Coprrlcbt.' IV'ifU by Seven Arts Co^ue. A collection waa taken poration Eball ba held on the first Feature S:"»dJc&te) c'r=s! .-'.Tfcis "explains th'e ssacatsa- s German vr'ao saw my film to ssy i Monday 1*» November of each year, at tor the German refugees. f between, the to hircseEf 'These Frenchmen tre } which meeting; tha stockholders shall REFUGEES ALL.0V/E© "haves" and the "'Have nots" -not nice people. "They eat, they drink,] ; Kasuiela Vzaes te- Almej'da. a elect B Board of Directors and thereTO REMAIN upon the Board shall elect a Presici.1 yia the arros&st daj-s. before just as we fie. Tfeer recusre lore j IVRE CLUB dent, a Secretary and a Treasurer Tho Hague, Netherland (WNS) Any two of said offices may be held tli' war, but even- today. 'Tbeanci — above EII — fneiKasMp." i About 400 refugees whofcavoe s -by 'Wox'i -War .'t&rswi cut to be s,That is • f h « the FreBcfc people] patron vt the Poe;. D&.vid Israel one end tbe samo person. These Svrc, *Iub, nov/ year party will iered tho country illegally Ja re- articles may" be: amended at any regci&ss war, after S-Il. The French w.ho EEW the filia sals aboiit the-] lid Held, in tho Community Cen- cent weeks wero "placed In rofc- ular or spsclal meeting of tha stock Tilt iiTui inll sized ficoi. und German imperialists were &s ter and will be opea to tbe pub- gee C3mp3 under tha caro- of Jew- holders by a two-thirds vote of the I l s t e a ' iE Elit; AEierJCGE PP : iat&r-asied la prolonging the i lic. Festivities w!H begin at ish orgsnlsatlona. This transfer is outstanding stock. W?,E Etficiea Dsy'a PS-PJW. Boofe. « tLelr troops trers Is feaviss see rsy. f ,]i2. I s u.y feesrt tfeia 10 o'cloc!:. Music will be fnr- not repressive in naturo and it is In iritnesa whereof, the parties have er,& to it, :since the former had me! iesnec in J.C«o" in Ca afc-aed by Bill Frr.tfilia's orches- expected that tho refuges' vives hereunto -subscribed their names thls> er^iTtiins to saia "h? it, vtne however, is tbe thoB^ht that j 193S. tr?i. Luncheon, refreshsaeats end and children will be allowed to Stb. day of November. ANNA JT.SKUPA. films have euc'a a short life. Tech- < tl-e latter had sething to gain. E 0! catcrtaip.mept have beea planned, join them In *ho damps. MARION F. SKUPA. •"Soldiers -of the world units isique ehaages, the actor"g etyis j Croesus, the veaitlileet ni^ WIT.LIAM J. SKUPA. lir. Xeon Uobrosky i3 in euai'i'o of jjl£,yii;g changes, too; EES just! •.r&nZ-'t tils 'e-sssaj"' «" Sffiisit EEticuity, Is Bisatioaei W * h e In tne preasnea of: L. i C2 recor.atloas. Ilr. Jack GoldPatronise Our Advcrtkara 12-S-3S-4t W. J. too bees tlzs' slogan i s If 14—»

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Pioneer Women

By .Joseph A. Rosen

Mount Sinai

Hollywood Merry-Go-Round

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Society News

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> • Sgnior' Hadassah


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.. Junior Hadassah

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