In, the res*1£r of A © •• - J e w•kh Fee
PERiSONAIi CONDtJCTT; 1/bave been asked,to.-write on • matter that is on the minds ot many Jews. It was recently also on, the mind of Secretary Ickes and he spoke it frankly. Bntered as Second Clas» MaU Matter on Jannary U. 1SS1. a t VOL XVII—No. 10 OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6,-1939 Poatofflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 8. 1879 Je^B, he suggested, should mind their social behavior since the derelictions of one Jew are ivisjted on all his-people.- • • Jews have said to me: "Is there n o w a y to admonish Jews whose private or whose business'conduct reflects so sadly on the rest of Tryouts for the Jewish Community Center opening play of us? What can be done?" , the season will be held Sunday I used to laugh oft those dereafternoon, January 8, at 2 lict Jews" whose • ways' are ' no o'clock, at the Center. credit either to themselves or The play which has been setheir people. •• • By BOBIS SMOLAR, New York (JTA) — An unpar- lected is, "Having Wonderful Oh, I said, we as a people Chief EiiPopeaa Correspondent, should not be expected to be per$200. Private agencies have found alleled spirit of c o operation Time," by Arthur Kober. It. Jewish Telegraphic Agency has 31 speaking parts (14 fect in all bur parts. Is perfecit difficult to maintain refugee among Protestants, Catholics and women; 17 men); also' extras. in this country, in the face tion required of all Scotchmen? children in England and it is Jews Paris (JTA)—An officially enthe threats presented by the This is a comedy of Jewish Do-' Englishmen require all other said that there are more than 2,- of totalitarian states, was stressed content. The scene takes place couraged network o£ "Aryans" in Englishmen to be saints? Are 000 living in camps throughout by Dr. Everett R. Cllnehy, direc- in a summer vacation camp, the Reich EUS German travel there ' n o ' sinners ' among ' the England. Private charity will try The Center Forum will London (WNS) — Gaining mo- to support them just a- rapidly tor of the National Conference of and the vacationists are from agencies, which sells forged visas Swedes? Dr, Paruch F.'-PHPBtein, proni»»»hi to desperate Jews in -the guise of the Bronx. Christians and Jews in his annual mentum from the visit to London Are there no uncouth Frenchas they come. lecturer p.nd .writer, and noted «•»bonafide foreign immigration cer- i report. Dr. Clinchy cited the reMrs. Herman Jahr. well tificates, men? No vulgar Italians? . No of Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, president At present the Lord Baldwin cent rlio personality. Tuesday, jRP'ifcVS was revealed here, ! widespread p r o t ests by of the • ' Reichbank, who had proknown In dramatic circles, has cheating Spaniards? No greedy posed the removal' of 700,000 Fund for Refugees approximates American churches against Nazi 10, at the Jewish Community r e n The latest development in this ' been engaged as the director Macedonians?'' £266,800, representing gifts from persecution of Christians sad ter. His subject; will be "On ***• scheme came to light •when sis German Jews from Germany unfor the season. Why! "then, should we expect der an emigrant-export scheme, 45,000 contributors. January 14 Jews, and the participation of E v e of 3. £' ?• $ . " In connection with the try- German Jews, charged -with enIn all the Jews together, such a the has been set aside as "Lord BaldThis address will be a, resume tti Evian Commission, announced win Day," when 10 per cent of churches and synagogues in thou- outs, Mrs. Jahr stated, "We tering France -on forged visas, ! uniform elevation of conduct as through the eventful incevnfcUonal sands of communities in a day of are looking for new talent and were acquitted CE the state attor- | assistant director, RoIs n o t to be-found in" any other bert T. its the receipts of every theatrical cf IP "g rnc? vi!l rte prayer for the oppressed, as evi- welcome back the old." ney's statement to the court that; Pell, that the Nazi gpvmass oi people? • with the German. Italian,'Brli he was convinced tbe defendants' ernment has agreed to release enterprise will be given to the dence that "a new and glorious But Ia the recent months I 150,00 young German ."ews pro- refugee fund. arm French foreign policlwi, chapter in interfaith relations in were innocent victims cf German have . found " .myself - frowning viding t h e Intergovernmental Despite recent restrictions im- the United States has been writforgers. One of tbe Jews died in j the light of this background dajrkly on the occasional Je^r Committee can get them out im- posed by the Reich on Jewish em- ten." prison while awaiting trial. speaker will forecast the whose misdeeds get : Into . the mediately.bilities for 19 SO. Hitler's campaign igration, and since there is a At the same time, the KIASHe said members of all faiths newspapers. 1 have: wished .ex- against elderly Jews remaining in shortage of English servants now ICA Emigration association, susDr. Eraunstein's T>rogniwiitii»* 1 communication for a Jew who the Reich will be relaxed provid- that Germany is recalling domes- were Increasingly uniting against pecting that the report o£ Botions on foreign affairs Tu"« wa.s too I6ud in the bus, for a ing their children emigrate as tic help, the British Home Office "political party machines, led by livia's opening her doors to refuvery often beer, correct. As w W Nazi Hitler, , Communist Stalin, Jew who,' I heard, had practiced quickly as possible. (Continued on page 2.) gees was started by racketeering as 19S4 he predtcted the and Fascist Mussolini" which rather' sharply in a real estate travel agencies seeking to profit revolution. Three days ; A delegation representing the "deny the sovereignty cf God deal, for' Mrs. • Ylffniff who. It from the refugees' plight by promthe famous Munich Farley, >»* ; Intergovernmental C o mmisslon above all else, pour contempt on seemed to me, carried 'too much ising to obtain for them visas. predicted that Mussolini on-Refugees will leave for Berlin the spiritual values of the Judeaoof cosmetics'on her face. ' ; • •which would later prove invalid, take s. leading- hand ia Euro"*'* early in January to work oat Christlan tradition, and refuse to (Though, I. wasn't In the least denounced as ."misleading" tbe affairs, and events proved Mi*-!.. for t h e ' removal of active recognize those natural rights of disturbed on account • of Mrs. plans rumor that the'South American Mussolini called together .'**• New York (JTA) — The Amer- Republic had thrown her gates Jews and will demand asfreedom of conscience, freedom of Jones, • if- that was her name, who young eventful parley nt. Munich that elderly Jews would church, press, of pulpit, and cf ican Anthropological Association open to European. Jews. The ascarried'an equal amount of cos- surances divided Czechoslovakia, guaranteed participation in religious organizational work. has formally attacked the "Arystated to this corresponmetics bn'her face; though I did- be Dr. Braunsteip. has the economic life of Germany. The Munich peace pact, Dr. Clin- an" theories of racialism, declar- sociation dent that only individual immin't' mind the assorted non-Jewish Other of the delegation widely in this country * r, & chy said, makes cooperation ing that the terms "Aryan" and grants whose visa applications rapscallions: who were in %the includemembers George Rublee, chairman among Protestants, Catholics and "Semitic" have "no social signif- had been approved by the Bothroughout Europe, also In .-h* newspapers on the same day the of the committee, Joseph Cotton Jerusalem (JTA) — Palestine Near East. In his travels he hat" Jews more urgent than ever be- icance whatsoever." but "simply livian goverciaent could enter Jew's misdeeds/_ were reported; of New York, and a British finanNew York (WNS)—The Amer- fore because the pact "for the denote linguistic •families." The that country. Altogether, only Jewry ushered in the New Year interviewed countless p e r s o n s though on the some bus there was cial expert.. • ican Jewish Joint Distribution first time brings racism into the thirty-seventh' annual conference 200 Bolivian visas have been is- with a day of prayer and mourn- ties who iTioid pnd creat« {VID» a loud 'drunken non-Jew making of the association, which repreCommittee answered an ap- field of international policy. It was reliably reported • that ing for their persecuted co-relig- temporary world history.. a nuisance of himself; though, Hitler agreed to a proposal peal by thehas sent 1,100 American anthoropoloT sued to German Jews in 1938. Jewish Peoples ComFor pome time T)r. Plans are in preparation for en- gists, unanimously approved a as'. I chad heard. the real estate whereby "elderly, Jews would be mittee "to coordinate and centralThe Gestapo, it was learned, is ionists in Germany. Since Jan. 1 deals of.ajl non-Jews are jnot .al- unmolested i t ' their children ize relief for refugees." In a let- larging the work of the N. C. J. C. resolution asserting that "anth- encouraging racketeering German coincided with the Tenth of Tev- conducted i'np World in colleges and universities, Dr. ways above, reproach*). . . provides rio scientific travel agencies to advertise that eth in the Hebrew calendar, a fast | Forum o? the Air. P. radio fee.?.n^ emigrate at once. Under ter signed by Joseph C. Hyman, Clinchy reported. He said round ropology on personalities v h o made ^T?* •I.can-no: longer/ , be : tolerant would Executive Director of J. D. C.,.to table groups of students of the basis for discrimination against they can obtain visas without dif- &s,y, the rabbinical councils pro- news this plan governments sympatheach v e e t . Me Jias iw.TMi.. with aiv*>f fending-Jew. I should etic to Jews would be asked to William Welner,- President of the any people on the ground cf rac- ficulty when steamship tickets are claimed £ general day of prayer ?5 t> merr-hpr of the Ptaff of <C-t*~ have.liked to take the. loud one increase their purchases of Ger- Jewish Peoples Committee, the three faiths would be formed in ial inferiority, religious affilia- bought. In addition, a nest of "Aryans" throughout the Reich is for the oppressed GermaE -Jews, luinbia Univereitv, Xew York, ^ r on the bus by the throat . . "Pipe man goods. In return for which Joint Distribution C o m mlttee educational institutions through- ton or linguistic heritage." obtaining money from Jews on coupled with appeals to Britain 1 five and one-half years. He- viut. down, please, sir. -You are a Jew Germany would use part of the states that the forming of "new out the country and that the orProfessor Franz Boas of Col- the promise t o ' secure for them to permit increased immigration j also s- member of. t h e!"* and your conduct is made to re- foreign exchange thus raised to organizations only tends to dis- ganization would stimulate the University, dean of Ameri- foreign visas, which later prove \ s t s . " oC t h e Emergency ' fleet on all of us. Is there not aid • in t h e ..emigration' o£ Jews. organize and create confusion." initiation or development of cour- umbia of study directly bearing upon can a n t h r o p o l o g i sts, who to be forged. The Gestapo's ac- of refugees to Palestine. CiMiipaipc, enough rlshus.Tvlth6.ut your ma!i* That this scheme is more practi- Asserting that it "will not be re- ses moved adoption of the resolution, The Association of Gerrrmr Imthe maintenance of a "true detion was explained here 'as a This is the third prese Ing more?" sponsible for any funds raised by cal than the original Schacht plan of differing cultures" in declared in a statement that Ger- measure to Increase tfc.e emigra- migrants in Palestine organized of the Center Forum ot the .fI should like to hang the Jew is indicated by the attempt of your committee or any other com- mocracy many was the most "crude" of- tion of Jews from the Reich by demonstration? in Jerusalem PTHI i isli Community Center. the United States. •who is in jail.on account of bad German leaders to soften harden- mittee,", the answer rendered the fender and that American scien- all possible methods -in tne face Tel Aviv to EtresE the solidarity checks, .Before I sprang the trap ed British opinion.' r Peoples Committee called attentists -must strive to preserve aca- o* restrcitioss' on refugee entry between Palestine Jewg r,v.v. those I wonld say to him; "Your crime . The British Homo offlc Is will- tion to the fact that "the Amerdemic and intellectual, freefloa in imposed by many countries. in Germany end. to ask £hs,t Gerican Jewish Joint Distribution for, which-you are being hanged ing to admit refuges children the United States;. • ,* . man Jews -be permitted to enter Iscreass Parts Foils© is not th© bad cheeks. l a m hang- from the Polish-German frontier Committee Is an amalgamation of The resolutioa'foKows: "WhereThe Peris police will be in- Palestine outside ilie regul&v cuoInk you if Or th8,shame you have provided'they-can be maintained all elements In Jewish life who as, the 1prime requisites at -scleisea creased by 2*5 seen in'January to1ita. About 6,000 German Jews in brought upon your people by your by private Jewish organizations, are sincerely interested in caring fc,ft;P{•?>.icm & iro. the' .".. te~sst.j,.E2d._ _-:ii£bi2.Ee.& enforce- & stricter check - on i*:- j offense" with the checks.-You have afhe^anauai; cost---.of- '• proviSiug- for refugees~and is -asgageti.-on-a tine Gcvv,,'l <c SP^e iiieir s^&rCh ICT truta asd the freedom large -scale, in relief and reconlegal temlfrsxtE. Surprise vr&e 10.CCi 'I I and clothing for one struction parents it; th* Keict 'oy to r^ofel&im -such -truth wtstt disPrague (JTA) — p work for Jews." the minds of all the-unjust who food,.shelter wien-New- Tork news-! pentttting: p refugee child : is approximately them, t r emigrate to covered and knetrn, • and •whereas,lan newspapers have published a Me; BO-xaany." -'.' ; -•* \ The American Jewish Joint "Dis- series of proposals for far-reach- anthrcipoTogy . In many "countries, papers 'arrived here representing the Holy l»&nfi. "I should drive th^ .unscruputribution Committee, the letter ing David"T Lvovitch, vice-president reglslatloa on the is being'conscripted and its data Dr. lous real estate dealer into the Mew Tort: (,TTA> — More -i* continued, "has been in existence Nazianti-Semitic Tel Aviv {JTA) — Tne Palesdistorted 'and misinterpreted to of the Vv or!d ORT UEibri,' as say-' model which were put forth xlver: "Got Float away, from ttie since the beginning of the World under Germany's Influence. The serve the cause of'an unscientific ing that the French government tine Committee of the World Fed- E.POC teachers-', prut scholars •?? ken. of Israel'whose good name f War and is functioning to this laws to "solve the Jewish prob- racialism rather than the cause would permit 15,0C0' illegal im- eration of Jewish War Veterans colleges aiui un'vprsKies youJjave traduced.vThe one with day in an ever increasing measure lem" ,were not introduced earlier of-truth; migrants to remain In the coun- appealed to all Christian war vet- out t h e tmtioTi, Rttendftigr the *!?»> •whom your dealt • sharply -intTicthe ty-fiftli annuaj meeting'" o" -h* to the satisfaction of the entire because Great Britain had intertry if they settled in this organideal_ "will - h°ld ? o u r J ^r7 "Be it Resolved, That the sation's colony near Bordeaux. erans' or££.niz£.tions to Evid Ger- Modern l a n g u a g e AeaociatJoR rtf Jewish people who are honestly vened man pnfi Anstriar. .Tevinfe T T T the Jews' behalf in con- American Anthropological Associ- The statement is considered to be against all Jews. " H e will say America, unanimously iiafwfu': a. Interested in fulfilling their duty nectioninwith the recent loan to ation repudiates such racialism unjustified. The 'Paris office oC veterans. The p.pres-1, which WPF resolution exp-TnniTsg; that all" Jews "are sharpsters Deto this tragic period." Prague, the newspapers said. cause of - what you did to, him. and aftheres to the following the CRT declared that only .5 6 signed by Slefnnund Efiler Recalling that for the aid of vou Friedman, said that all funds The demands were made as the statement of facts; (1) Race in- illegal had been set- received by the committee vill be Got" Austrian and German refugees In Czechoslovafeian Jewish party, al- volves the inheritance of similar tled in immigrEEt-s They resolvecl tliat the a*uuv-;* Jerusalem ("WNS-Palcor Agen- this country, the J. D. C. has orthe Bordeaux colony. I should approach "Mrs. Yiffused for estpMlr-tirnert of new £-tion, ready dissolved in Slovakia and physical variations by l a r g e CE, £ body d£ "scholar*! w>i niff _vlth soap, rand water: -."My cy) — World Jewry, -was remind- ganized "the National Coordina- Carpatho-Russla, colonies in the Eoly I^and where faced prohibigroups of mankind, but its psyBerlin (JTA) — The Bolivian Jewish veterans can settle with tep.ffiPT'F rlfivofpri fr the aflvam** dear Mrs. .Yi.ffniff, permit m e t o ed that certain sections of Jewry tion Committee Fund,*' the letter tion in Bohemia and Moravia as chological and cultural connotaremove the -hideous mask _ you had ignored Palestine until too states that though they may be well. A number of newspapers tions, if they exist, have not been Consulate here denied reports their families. Capt. von Fried- meet of research, makes DO *<•*that large-scale immigration from man is former precidcEt. of. tl-e crimination of persons on t h e h«.» have put 'upon your countenanced late in an "adress delivered by well meaning these new organizaurged dissolution of the par- ascertained by science. Germany to the South American Anstrisn Jewish y,~?.v T&,S?&A$' c-k- oi rada'. reli^ioue or pollH^ii Mrs. Jones 'may ^wear "her face as Chief Rabbi -Isaac Herzog in ac- tions which spring up to aid ref- had as "endangering public inter(2) The terms Aryan and Sem- Republic had been facilitated, but Association, prererencec," f>n& "regards «'»•**• she pleas?3,_but of-your face the cepting a certificate of inscription ugees, being unexperienced, con- ty itic have no racial significance said that Bolivia was cotUcuing unjust Cwlio Are eo: many) say. in the Golden Book of the Jewish duct their affairs Inefficiently so ests." The proposed anti-Jewish meas- whatsoever. They simply-denote to grant visas OE an individual Jrpp. ^phi? | This, is -thB.Jtac.e-of the Jew—so National Fund. that the greater part of the funds Haifa {JTA} — 3ewis!i steve- tot've ??K "The tribulations that are now which the people give are not ures follow: (1) A Jewish census linguistic families. (3) Anthro- basis. Preference wes given, the brazen; so vulgar." eTiciea^or to discover sine, rili* dores ia Haifa, etopped unloading pology provides no scientific baconsulate said, to persons with But I Terrain from doing these being experienced by Jewry are used to best advantage. "But well to ascertain • the proportion of trulit." from the German vessel S. seminate thingsi becansB i haven't arro- Messianic pains. They are the meaning or not, they create con- Jews in the population; (2) Elim- sis for discrimination against any farming experience and capitalists cargo The Gsymau lviasisee, &nd vnt S. BF.rrc.Selj F.ffer the Seconr: Ofpeople on the ground of racial inwith more than $5.00© in foreign gance enough and because 1 am penalty for the neglect of the fusion- and chaos," the letter as- ination of Jews from the fields of their icDclcix, prr he,& remarked; "Tiiere is no p~p^pp.f. somewhat inhibited T>y "a sense of land redemption ' and recon- serted, "and on the whole do pTess, films, radio, hospitals and feriority, religious affiliation or exchange. In some instances, it ficer rr>T*riit1opfi iv, room for Jews but ia heaven." was states, visas were granted social Insurance; (3) A propor- linguistic heritage." justice .which keeps saying, "Se- struction by a large section of the more harm than good." Frofespsor ,T. V". Kator. of the The stevedores intend to boycott slso to medical eafi scientific tionate restriction on Jews in the gal, are offending Jews the only people," the Chief Rabbi said to versity of Kichigan eald. workers, • provided that their ap- German efcips in the future. liberal professions and economic obnoxious people in the^world?" the delegation from the directorpromise o.i jtolitical freedofts plications were approved b3" the life; (4) Denationalization of ' I am privileged only to mind ate of the Jewish National Fund ^' -. i : r lias been doomed to / r r Bolivian -government. These inJews who acquired citizenship the conduct of on© Segal whom I which handed him the certififor structions bave so far cot been after 1920; (5) Definition of the hare always kept in check not cates. modified, the consulate declared. Jews according to tns German only" because -It is right to DO dethe. national char«r.1'J»t-t* Nuremberg Laws. cent but "also because Segal Is' a Mass-Meetings Demand Entry of Jew who. Is responsible to-his peo=-German Refugees - • •. Must Refer Visas Fearing imminent anti-Jewish, . pie. I have taught Segal ;t©-know Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor AgenThe Town Crier Announces — (JTA) — Latest inNew York (JTA) — The Hab- legislation, the Supreme Council That America's Town Meeting of that he is a Jew not.pnly on Yom cy) — In towns and colonies Jewish Communities submitted the Air, known ss the Town. Hall structions received by the BoKippur; he tries to be a Jew In throughout Palestine over the Ima Theater troupe of Palestine of 22-page memorandum to the Fonim, will meet again this com- livian coEscIate here state that ail the walKs of his Ufe. week end, thousands of Jews ga- will come to America for a reper- agovernment. Meanwhile, the Jew- ing Thursday, Jaanary 10, at S iranaigration of foreigners will be tory tour in the Spring, it was anthered at meetings to demand , He knows,.in the first place, nounced by Lulse Rainer, chair- ish question was included in the p. m. in the club rooms of the permitted •without limit, but each (JTA) — Erich. Kleibthat Great Britain open the doors application.for a visa rarM be re- er,L.ondoc tnat he has a great and- good man of the Sponsorship Commit- agenda of the first session of the Jewish Community Center. famous conductor, has eencciferred to Bolivia for considera- eel all name to uphold; this; Is to say, of Palestine to German immigra- tee for the tour. Slovakian Diet on January 8. > to p.ppep.r f?f topic of disccssioa, ''Do tion by the minister of immigrathe great and good name of his tion. The anti-Semitic d r i v e in WeThe LR. SCE.IR, BTHar. TSPCPIIJ-P of Tf.ply'p ; Plans include a limited engageHave a Free Press?" is timetion. Solivia 'is aajdous to repeople. In this he has no vulgar ment on Broadway under the aus- Czechoslovakia was extended to ly and of vital ev- ceive tha following ..categories of anti-Je-wish. can-.psig-n. racial pride; the great and good pices of the Theater Guild, fol- the film industry as the move- ery citizen, especially to the Jew. In & letter to authorities ot L>a JCev York <JTA> — The, .S*S (1) Equipped Scale, name, of his people has to do with lowed by a transcontinental tour, ment against Jews was pressed in For only in a democracy — and immigrants: Kleiber vrcte: "I .1u?t Lf.uibfie r h i awRrd to " t h a t A> trained agriculturists; (2> skilled a lot of spiritual .values they have the law and medical professions. a free press Is one of the bases of after which there will be a series learned that the cioors ot I,P,T<CP(S> capitalists with la Theatre viil l?e closer, to ?~vvx ier-.n vise Lag most 1 given, such as the Testament and of special performances at the Although the question of elimina- a democracy. — can the Jew live technicians* aciiie'-RG re^ogplifon J*? R tvita'K at least $5,000. the prophets, such -as dreamers tion of Jews from the moving picNew York World's Fair in conJewish feilcy-citisens. JJiisic is roneiu oi tolersnee" vag g!v»R his own life, follow the dictates and saints. ture industry has not yet been dejunction with the Jewish Palesmade for every one. like tlie z\~v prof. Joser-]-: r , C his religion, and maintain his • Segal has been taught -to be cided by the trade, some firms of" and sir. "When this iourt.siE oC ColuTnhlp. TTu;Ter(?!t.y, for loyalty both to Judaism anfi to The Round Table of Jewish tine Pavilion. i '• ' i f f ! very. humble about • this with . a have begun to dismiss Jewish emconsolation, so necessary in tUese jr. bpiis.vr o? rptugppR from '£*«M"ensemble coming to Amerhis country. • • . humility that says, "You yourself Youth will hold. Its January sup- icaThe Lard tiraes, is denied to any hu- mar.v. consist of 30 members ployees. Twentieth Century-Fox The discussants will be Mrs. are neither a prophet nor a saint per meeting in the Center Club and will corporation transferred Brandman being — thai, merely bewill bring its own scenery. Frank E- Gannett, owner, publishye;rrt. FroL Clmn^*«* but at least you should never do Room on Tuesday, January 10, at feld, manager of its distributing cause he belongs to a r".i??p-eri lainTo- r,a>?.tour ' . been ciip.irman oC thr- ,N>* anything that would dishonor six o'clock. department here, to the United er, and.editor cf the third largest religion end -ace — I cannot colchain of newspapers in the UnitCoorriinp.tinp ConiKiUifl# On the agenda will be the Febyour prophetic and saintly kinsStates. Icborate either as s. Christian or tioiia' ed States and the Honorable Harfor A if! f.c neuig-ees and SimsThe regular annual raeetirs rf an men. At least, Segal, your meag- ruary dance and the March of artist." The Czech Lawyers* association L. Ickes, Secretary'of'the In- the Independent WortmeE's I^oan i;;.T.r!is Coming irow Germany, Sf* er height should try to reach to Time, scheduled for February 2. in Brno decided to introduce the old terior since IS S3, well known for association will be held Sunday, [, nnp alpo ft^rypf! pp United The latter is one of the Round the hem of their, garments." "Aryan clause" in its by-laws his active.interest in municipal, re- January 15, at S p. m. in tbe end-1, I have taught Segal.. that he Table's main projects of the year barring Jews as members. The p bod;oi the Ijeagnsci oj itorji".ra of the Congregation o" 5 owes it not only to himself to be and, it is hoped one of the most German minority is demanding form politics, Kiel:; Commission for America has the freest press in Israel at Soth aad'J streets. Eleca decent person," but .also to his outstanding ever to be presented. the dismissal of Jewish physicians Cen^s Clubs loin. Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor AgenKeiugees, s.nd is & merohst the world. But, do -we have a Free tion of officers will take place. people. • He knows very well that A 'prominent radio announcer of — The Nazis have conferred from state hospitals. Press? This organization, of which Mr. any offense he, a Jew, may com- Omaha will head the cast, which cy) one of their. most signal honors CommiUec on PoIitii/aJ Corse Thursday night to the LSeb' Wolfson is ' president, h&s mit Is double: I Is a sin agains will be made up of members of on one of the leaders who conMen's clubs of. Temple vhicJi was foruiefi Ktaort Town Kail Forum and find out been . in existence einc-s 1S£3. i The his character and against the Round Table organizations. ducted the Arab revolt in PalesIsrael F, tbe Eetb-E!. qTir.fofi'.f Leo Sherman, Chairman of this forced Annchlu^F ot the answer to. this .vital issue. Loans are to its members *n \ J e w s . ••••-•• - - ; . ' " • • •: tine, It was disclosed today by the amounts up to- S7EC.0O P.t the rcte ! V'lll hold ^.. i f> ^ p t. FtT'^r dinner •He doesn't - like the injustice event, will announce his Commit- Arabic press'here. Tuesclay, Janvsary 2 4, in the IOT-? c£ E% and are repaid in EiasU j ms».tir. that visits his sins on his people, tee later. The man honored by the German Mrs. Julius Stein, chairman of B'NAI B'RITH SETTLES • weekly instsllments to the jer aKdrtoriv.rn. of Temple Israel. but • he has - learned -' to say, • Well - Organizations'of the Round Ta- Government ; is Dr. Amin RuweiREFUGEES . " IN COLONY the Women's Division Card Parborrower. Since its existence the | Dr. Joshua Ii. L.iebman, raMii if my people are going to be held ble are invited to try out for Cenwho now lives tn Beirut'and ty, is arranging a. dessert-lunchNew York (WNS — £>r. Israel organisation lias aided its rsem-1 of Congregation Anshe ' l a n r i r of nev. . responsible for. my misdeeds I am ter Players production, "Having he. who was ths • aide-de-camp -to Chicago,, will be the guest r-ne&keon for her committee next Mon- Goldsteia, president of the -Jewish under, a double responsibility to a Wonderful Time."-Tryouts will Bey al Kawkagi, self-styl- day afternoon at 1 o'clock, at.her National Fund-of America, • an- bers with, loans totaling C-SC-C.-j er. He is considered one of tt.r observe the^straightest rectitude •be. Sunday afternoon, January 8, Fawzi 0C0. aembers. There are ££ ed "commander-in^chlef" of the home. nounced that forty Jewish refumost brilliant. rE.l;bis ir,. Americe Anyone -srishing it-'ormation in of personal conduct. Nothing that at two "o'clock, at the Center. Arab rebel activities- in. Palestine. At this time, final arrange- gees from Germany had settled to the orgE.nii&tion is in-r End is a vreli-kncwn t-penker. I do must reflect on: them and 1936. Following the collapse of ments will be made for the card in the B'nai B'rith coloay in Pal- resard The' ir, rhf,rg"- anvited .to OES of tlie vee-tlj everything I-do or say must re- POPE SCO&NS-SPREAD that campaign, Dr. Ruweihe as- party,: which is scheduled for estine and that' the settlement cseetisgs,attend nounces f.r-.r.t p. splendiC. cH^-Tier pendent Jf.'rinciTH-'V'i.y of J., held every Tuesday bound, to; their good name. '•' siean Isas m c v e t te oi-sl a in the organization of other Monday/February 6, at. the Jew- •would soon accoaiodate 1C0 refu- j Eight at 7 o'cloclt In the sxXMov- has been catered tor fcfce event, . I.have, trained. Segal'so that If OF NAZI INFLUENCE sisted Arab rebel activties in Palestine. gee families. Keservatiocs will be closed s.t ot ,'-:rv.-s p.uit o.'.iiiVt; v-'h Community Center. utx -of Conp-egation o* XsraeJ. he were in business he would Vatican City. (JTA) — Pope It is suspected that he is novr ishInasmuch £&C. Tickets may be secured; iroui i as the iacose de- The re2ja.biIitE.tiGn plan, he said, rather be hjmaelf- cheated than Pius has denounced Italy's racial to inflammatory activities rived from this fusctioa will go was made possible by a £100,000 Among the ancient I-Iebrevrsi It E.E3* member cf the eonnsUief In j ever to be suspected that any marriage laws and the exaltation linked from Beirut. The Or- towards refurnishing and. redeco- grant of Use .American Jcrisa •ras part of'the duty" or 'a-'h-tiQeFho have been deal of his was jn the least dis- In Italy- ot "a cros3 hostile to the emanating or Distinction is the ribbon rating the reception ream of the fraternal crginaxatios. grooni to supply tferee pairs of roaci, Da.Tia Feeler, Ki"nn Frohm, since betore the \voriA W**honorable. , - - cross of Christ" —• the swastika der that Germany- has pinned upon The B'-CE! B'rith colony con- snoes to fcis bride during the Art, Cohn and L. Graetz. or by it is estimated thftt only afeftsii' ft Community Center," sxi ex1 If- he were an emplover be — as a violation of the concordat the man who has done so much to Jewish sists of 2,000 acres situated la year, one for each ot tiie three calling the office of either con- to SO Jews will be ail'ectwi. In^ ceptionally good attendance Is an(Continued on page 8.) between the Italian Government stir strife in Palestine. • '•- ticipated. mediatelj', gregation. the Jordaa Valley. '• - chief - festivals. and the Holy See.
Center Players' Tryouts Sunday
Emigration of Youth Made a Condition of Hitler's Promise
o£ 1939" To Subfcct of Talk at
FT rr *r r""^
TOfViTTf,' $fJU
IE n UMk Tu'ElffiElillii ril I:
Women's Division. Plans Card Party
• Page fi
ricutturlfits; skilled technicians; BEWILDERMENT OF *HJ and all were in a state of uncon- hands? Yet, what more poignant capitalists with at least $5,000. example is there of the 'Inhumansciousness. . PEOPLE y--J To farm immigrants, the governThe News Chronicle 13 one of ity o£ Man to Man' than this? ment- is ready to grant a house the most reputable London newsBy One day, shortly after the and farm. Bolivia will continue to papers. The Editor prefaced the grant -visas to selected individuals Great and soukil are% bteufbl-t* story by saying that before pub- Black Thursday, the General Post but is not at present considering lishing it the newspaper had made Office of Vienna was in uproar. tears mass emigration from Germany. an extensive investigation and Important and less important ofWith an area of more than a half From darkness over our thousand was certain of its truth. In fact, ficials were running to and fro; years. million square miles the country the story was an eye-witness ac- there was an air of mystery and consternation' about" ~ tRe place. (Continued from Paige" 1) has a population officially esticount of the terrible scene. Mr. ^» . -,t_' mated at 3,200,000, of-whom only When questioning — for lack of Hilalre Belloc, a well-known Ang- For something unusual had hap- making strenuous efforts to is- about one-eighth are whites,-hall pleasure —lo-Catholic writer who can prob- pened; among the big parcels is as many work permits as pos- being Indians and Negroes. Thus What brought the pain, too Ion* ably be best described as the first sent by post was discovered a sue to measure, huge packet addressed to '-'The sible for Jewish women to come the South American Republic is theoretician of anti-Semitism in 1 : are those -who say that triangle or "Star of David. "• The? ;"t>lQck. elders," chosen from Britain and the intellectual fore- Fuehrer and Chancellor, Herr to England as domestic servants. seeking" to deve' op her vast and' as soon -as Germany regains, its badgle is of cloth,, sewed to- left ;amphg " the1 veteran prisoners; runner of English Nazism, wrote Adolf Hitler." The parcel was There are JIQW_ 1.1,000. refugees sparsely settled land; ,— : ~ We see it is our children's dower, colonies it. will close down.Us breast of the prison, uniform." :u|p;on;.'the destiny'.which guided a strong article in^ the intellect- crudely wrapped up; the hand- from German and Austria living ; Jewish .Paper Pleads For . ... A bitter gift beyond, our concentration camps — anikbulld, JBWB In the round-up.-which 6e- th> .step's of the roaming guards, ual anti-Semitic Weekly Review, writing was big and almost ehlia- in England. Comparatively tew Emigration Instead, an African Devils Island. curred.last June are distinguished; ;aiid upon • their t>wn adaptability saying among other things: "If ish. Surely there was something refugees are allowed to-take paid To; lik«> mole*- '** Berlin (WNS) — The only re- Peace, To <the Inmates, the change could by a "Star of David" half yellow,, to the new environment. Adapt the story is true, it makes rela- wrong about it. Was It a'bomb, employment ectas jiot.-,to> displace blinded, runs from out oufr hardly be.-'or .the "worse. The British workers,-but factories and maining Jewish newspaper in the ' S O U l / '; ;• ' ' -'•' " _-.-.".-' '"•<••*•. brown. Latest Jewish-prison-, ability and" good conduct are no tions with Berlin impossible. Eur- sent by some Jew who wished to other-enterprises-have.been Reich, released under the watch'Reich camps today are the apoth- half estabavenge his own and his" people's ers wear red and yellow. "Asoc- guarantee of protection or of jus- ope is not yet in such a chaos as eosis of Nazi sadism, the labora- ial" lished creating at -least: 15,000 ful eye of the Minister of Propasuffering on theFuehrer? The Bewilderment like birds flcbl ' inmates — "Aryans'.' arrest-. tice, but it i s a cloak which helps to tolerate things of this kind. It tories in! which Hitler's Germany, ed for ganda, isued.a plea tor mass setjObS.'-...-. ; - • > . ; - the're'1-" • • ' ••'• : - :- "••'.".beggary, for desertion from to" keep them in the background. is muddle-headed to think that matter had to be investigated. distills its purest forms of sav- the Labor tlement of European Jews in The children's .committee for Front, for breaking any How often do deaths occur in For crumbs, although tae-plaoe If because we live in a time of horAnd so the packet was opened age hatred, vengeance and cruel- of the numerous labor laws etc. the camp?' The figures are Jeal- rors, one horror more or less does some pioneer land as "the only so• • " ' •' "' •" and in it was found the dead lit- relief .ot.German; children lution of "the acute and- pressiBg ' b a r e . ' •• f ' t y . ' a brown triangle. Green-- design* ously guarded. Disease, particu- not count . . . There have been tle body of an infant o£ a few has been -granted- permission by problem."-• : Respect for self, from ttn macs .. N.» one knows for certain how ates the ordinary; criminal, red larly pneumonTaV is 'probably the massacres . . . . executions . . . days old, tenderly wrapped in a the British Government .to bring "It Is unmistakably evident/' many camps there.are, nor how the. political prisoner, bright red greatesFcause. (The inmates have riots . . . but this business at the white shawl to which there was in as many refuge, children from many, inmates. Veteran, prisoners, the homosexual and blue'the."Bi- a nickname for'the. prison doctor, gates of Berlin is in another cate- pinned a letter in the same big the Reich as it can care for. Dur- declared the article, "that areas Has lost the meaning ot Its name. schooled' in.. the "grape-vine" col- bel Forsehers," that obscure and whose real- name is said to be Eh- gory . . . " childish handwriting. The letter ing the last three weeks mpre of settlement are necessary not 1'ege-that is part of every prison mystic religious sect whose in- resom'.-They caLl him "Grausam" was also addressed to "The Fueh- than 1,100 children have been only for German Jews, but also With hair undone, the lore ot Mr. Belloc wrote this article rer and Chancellor of Germany, given haven in England, and 500 for Jews in other. European system the world over, speak of translgeance has aroused the es- which means "Cruel.") There is right 26"separate camps housing .400,- pecial tury of the Nazis. Within ample reason to believe that oc- primarily with a view to clearing Herr Adolf Hitler" aod read as more are expected to arrive here lands." The News Page asked for. Has fled from .too much pain and united support of Jewish emigrathe Sachsenhausen infernOj—the casionally an. inmate is beaten the Nazis and to disprove the within the next two weeks. The QQO to 500,000 inmates.. These follows: fright." ! .--.-- :-r v% Government has refused, how- tion bodies for * proposal to open figures would include Austria as blue-badged men "live in-a;;par- to death.' And,- occasionally, when truth of this story in the News "I,. Elisabeth Sultzer, Viennese, ticular Inferno of their own'Sffd' the prisoners, march to work in Chronicle. He pleaded with GoebBritish, Guiana, to Jewish coloni- Wandering my people go well-as* the 'old Reich. Naturally 32, am sending you herewith ever, an application by Jews In zation. along, the six-foot- bels to utter one word of denial aged .:., •;•;... , they are most easily subject to are forbidden generally to mix ith© '-morning Palestine.totake in 10,000 childTbrongh^ands ot sand a s i lanfli 5 my firstborn infant which! have 1 Liquidation ot, Je\ris]i Shops5 denial than - to verification. But with other prisoners. Able bodied wide path lying between the elec- ot the gruesome atrocity;• other- strangled with my own bands "as ren 'immediately". otsnow. 'i:---:i-< •;•:-*:,- .= : it can be safd" that a penal "grape- prisoners are put to work, haul- :trlcfflly-*chaTged:dnner fence bar- wise even antl-Semltlcally Inclined a present, to you for your" treatIt is bitterly' significant that -'• . .: Complete. ,; ; . (WNS)'..—r. Acceraing-.toj vine" coUete :has a way of un- ing stones and building material. rier and the camp walls, they find intellectuals like himself must ment of myselt and of my family. the" children" brought over" from -, Berjin: A hfiritage^or peace,?.;. . not oor« : q covering that are often be- It is said that military barracks bodies lying, i n torturous pos- conclude that he was guilty.-The Signed Elisabeth Sultzer." the Reich ire in far" worse phy'si- the , ta>al-Aniet«er VSM; Mt« But lonely* song and dying-Uo^t-. yond the reach of more formal are being erected near the camp. tures upon the ground. These are denial has never come and, what been- practically eUmliiated frb.nj :t *?••*• - - ; ' - r . - - - s • - . - . • • • — i An investigation established calconditlfen than were those res- retail Men too old to work spend the man who," goaded* beyond endur- Mr. Belloc calls "an atrocity on a Institutions.: •• trade in Berlin and most of cued and brought to England that Elisabeth Sultzer and her 1 day parading and exercising. SS ance,. . have thrown themselves scale and of a kind unparalleled the remaining shops will soon unthe war-torn Basque. The Adolph Zukor finally said fareOf these camps, three are bywander through the camp. upon the fence, ^whlch carries a in what has hitherto been the civ- husband were a Jewish couple from dergo" "aryanizing." Vienna is. loi- well, to these parts, the. scene ot words in. Germany—Dachau, Bu- guards who were uprooted and driven problem of authorities are by far lowing It they find a prisoner shirking, doath-dealing voltage from nightilized Europe of today," has been suit according to reports his.many yeaw of labor. The, too, in that these childehenwaid and -Sachsenhausen. The or a Jew whose beard looks comic fall until dawn. definitely laid to the doors of the from their home soon after the greater, words fire a3 familiar to the Ger- to "them, they gather around him Anschluss when Nazi sadism ren must find permanent settle- there and by the end «f the year last. few . hours - were devoted to Nazi regime. ' man as Sing. Sing to the Ameri- for a bit ot furil-, Their humor -Prisoners know of two forms against the Jews first raised its ment here. Since i f is understood approximately one-half* of" the autographing his autobiography, But the greatest horror Is that head. The couple tried to cross that the camps which- they now Jewish busineBs tit the^lty'^fljl "pHe House Thftt Shadows Bnll.t*' can. As lamilar, hut far more takes the form of kicks, slaps and of .punishment which awaits the :menacing. Each of the three has torrents of verbal abuse. They rule-breaker. One is the "Block," this atrocity is not the only one the frontier into Switzerland. The occupy are only a temporary dwel» have- "been taken" over- by *'aify'-n tbt fcie^associates. Dreamily lhe watfiSe.d'. workmen prepare to" t**'; a bloody:history that is still in have a penchant' for victimizing a kind of wooden, horse over of its kind. Its only distinction husband was siot before his wife's ling used in the Summer for va_Jews ' nere • %ere" begririilng "id'Jdecorate his-offices. '^They heifthe mating. Dachau once had the rabbis. "Say something In your which the victim is bent while the is that it has happened to find eyes and the woman was placed cation camps, permanent, quarreputation .of being the worst. Bu- filthy Hebrew," a guard asked a whip tails upon his exposed back. its way into the first page ot a in a concentration camp. She was ters must be established BO that leel enforcement of regutations tated at erasing his nameplates - thsv while he was present, but he chenwald -jiow rivals it. Sachsen- rabbi. The Jew replied with a The" other" Is the ."Galgen," a big London newspaper. Those pregnant and the shock of her as soon as the present holiday barring them from living in 1 who are in communication with husband's murder and the bru- season is over they will settle same buildings with "aryans ^; ftf-asked them to proceed. He Stood hausen, near Berlin, is said to,be Hebrew proverb, "The God of IsPrussian variety of gallows, shapa paradise..compared to the other rael never sleeps;" Upon demand, ed like across", to which the vlc- Jews in Germany, recerve dally talities in the concentration camp down to regular routine.of house- t«r- receiving notices to •; .vacate and watched the letters in a final of similar atrocities com- deranged her mind; she was con-; keeping, and lessons in English. premiaee . ot so-called ; Aryan f a d e - o u t . -..-.•.-•; -• •• t ' he .translated into the German, tint isbound in-sirdi fashion that accounts Souses- .-throughout Berlht- Na«Ji mitted in and outside Nazi con- stantly brooding over the • fate Great taken before adopA 'few -.weeks ago,., when- the; and was rewarded with a volley his-" weight rests, upon his arms centration camps, but newspapers which had befallen her little fam- tion; that the children are placed otticlajs did: n»_to PV9VI&X PPd«r Aor most-recent roundup of JewB was ot kickB and blows. with"his toesf barely touching the do not write removal ~ot- those s who have them and ily and over the future of her " •"'e»n"u« of their religious faith". the at its. height, .the writer received ground/There is a story that the kind-hearted about leases on apartraents. -•-.- - • gentlemen group child. When it came, Bhe strangl- in homes French Committee Named woDERmtATrofe .; the ~j£pljowing'description' from a camp' guards enlivened their There are many in the camp them together under a vague and ed it with her own hands and Paris CWNS — A special comNazi ^source, of. the arrival of a Christmas festivities last year by » A t > l e » . • KitchBnu « e s s e m e h t a who feel that the goddess of luck general description of 'InhumanThe -city ot Cracow - had : the Bent it as a 'present' to the "Fue- mittee to aid the Foreign Minis• Re-roof ln§ • I l i ' transport :at Weimar, the railroad has more to say In Sachsenhaus- posting seven such gallows, with ity of Man to Man.* - • ' ' « R t ? a hrer." try in dealing/ with the problem first Hebrew printing, .establishstation. nearest Buchewald; HO DOWM en than any more spiritual dlety. as many victims, around their ment in-P-aland. -,. ; ... ot refugees was named by for"The several hnndrd Jews were Hundreds .among the prisoners tree. ;Probably the story is not Poor Elisabeth! Her 'present' A smaller, less sensational but taken Qff the train and. bundled who spent more than a fortnight true;<-to , the inmates, who are never reached the "Fuehrer"; eign Minister Georges .Bonnet, • Abraham Schrelner, a.Galician MICKtlN LPSIIXIf CO. into the tunnel passage, .beneath in the camp suffered no more prey- to endless forebodings and no less brutal act of similar Inhu- she la still brooding in a padded who", announced that the. commit- Jew^ was, the Austrian: discoverer^ isth * Nicholas the station'. Here'one of the SS physically than pushes Or, occas- who apparently have reason to be manity was committed - in • the cell of an asylum for the insane. tee will consist of religious and of petroleum. .' '; ' .'"'."• "..'.;.r...'. J , ?'"•"• (Schutzf-Staffel, or Hitler's elite ional slaps. Their treatment de- gullible, there is nothing in the small Sudeten town of Hohen- And those who have committed education leaders. stadt. The little town had six Nazi Denial Negotiations With corps) guard'- cried put: 'We'll pended upon, the nature of the story: to disbelieve. Jewish families who had lived this and thousands of other simEvi&n Hinted take a' little of the starch out of ilar crimes are great men, high there all their lives. After the Berlin (WNS). — Rumors ot you Jew boys now/ At the guard's in power, whose " friendship Is Munich Agreement five of the negotiations'between numbers of command, other SS trooperB besought and upon whose appeasefamilies left Hohenstadt before labored the Jews on their bared, ment depends the peace of: Eur- the Evian Commission delegation the arrival of the Nazis. One s to Berjin. and. Nazi, officials were heads 'with- whips, clubs and the " family, that of the old -engineer, ope and of the-world. denled,.bK informed' quarstocks of their guns. If any Jew. Dr. Freilach, decided to remain. A -•»'. Tremendous B«6actiosp On Wintec ' screamed too loudly, he was taken Richmond, Va. (JTA) — Free- ters and It was "stated that' "ho He had always lived in peace plan advanced up to now had deout and given 25 lashes across the with his German neighbors: they dom in scientific pursuit ot truth back with a whip. all respected him; Hohenstadt Is one of the fundamental corner- veloped any possibility of reali"The transport was then taken was his home, the home of his stones ot democracy and of civil- zation. Although t i e Sehacht planto the camp. The men stood in ancestors for generations back, ization as a whole, David Saraotf, was .rejected "by" governments inlioe/ior 13 14 hours, without home of bis children; he president of the Radio Corpora- terested in the refugee problein, In this stirring article our in the present holocaust. Jewry as the food, without water, .without perloved the place; he loved the peo- tion ot America, told the Ameri- further negotiations are not defmission to visit toilets, while the London correspondent tears off a^phole will .certainly .o.utllve Hit- ples he was the oldest. Jew In can-Association for the Advance-, initely . closed. Tie JReich,',was the lid and reveals the true over-worked camp registration ofand Nazism^ but-thousands of 'town and the President of-the meat of Science. He said the.cliCr firm • In: its „. attttiide that" foreign meaning ot a vague term com- ler g tto catch iifcis&th the: nnpnlyrused fice sought, individual Jews are, being done to Jewish .community..-. Where wias=h.e. •tatorship nations were "living" countries must "pay. for the x fordes&rlbe . &erfl£r' arrivals. Vi^-'^v^f' ''•• :' neft""arrivals I d ' "clrcunffitaijces .--'Which to start a new home at his age? through1 anrlntellectual reigh'«t lease of Jews by increased purconduct" of man"-in., deS£h. '^."It waa long atter dark when conceivable would" Ehame the beasts of the He decided to- remain. -. . :-••.. • terror.' Thought "has been pro- chases of Mercian'' goods-, ' ' \ -'• the year 1938.—-Tha Editor. scribed and leading scientists have '- New' York (WNS) — Bolivia, the? Sew prisoners were finally jungle. It is about these that we Hohenstadt had a single Syn- been exiled or "harnessed td the it is understood, is anxious to repermitted to break rank and go must shout loudest. agogue, of which the aged Dr. services of the most vicious prop- ceive three ^categori_es,-.of immito sleep. There were four new In Ma radio appeal for the refFreilaeh was the; ."GabaiJ (War- aganda." .--•-•••--••- . - •-•-••• grant: isqrrtppti and" trained -ag-j; wooden, barracks to house the idc- ugees from Germany the ex-Premden) and the leading spirit. Per^ ) g p tlmB of the 'Jew purge.' Bach ier of Great Britain, Lord BaldOne November of this h it was also this clean little house was roughly 100 meters win, spoke o£ the refugees a3 the year, a fortnight after the Nazi haps Ions and 10 meters wide. Along victims ot the 'Inhumanity of pogroms broke out in Berlin and Prayer House, which he had man: one ' side -of. each barrack were Man to Man.' In. his broadcast in Vienna, the London News aged all his life, that had helped built five rows of wooden boxea, Lord Baldwin did not mention Chronicle.carried - the following to keep him in Hohenstadt. When each about two meters square and any specific " Instances of that story prominently; on its first the Black Thursday (November 10th, the pogrom day in Ger65 centimeters^ high. The rows most terrible of all inhumanities. page: many) came, the Hohenstadt Nawere placed- pne above'the .other. For this he probably had many In the Sachsenhausen concen- zis also received orders to burn The front wall.of each box was good reasons. To begin with, almissing, so ,that it could be: en- though he did not speak as a tration camp, twenty miles' from their Synagogue. But this was tered easily. •'-- • representative of the Government, Berlin, a party of sixty-two Jews evident not enough 'fun' for them. arrived. The party was typical of they called at the house of the. "Four Jews were, put to bed he is nevertheless too important a 'numerous other parties ot this So old ,'Gabai,' marched .him through British statesman to speak within each box. They had not.even kipd which were then streaming the streets to the Synagogue and out regard to, the effect of his straw beneath them, although In the hundreds from the Jewish forced him to start the tire they were given a blanket for words on Anglo-German relation- districts in Berlin and Vienna in- there which was to destroy the last ship and his successor's policy of covering. The boxes were of fresh to the various concentration of Jewry In the city. The wood that sagged easily^ In many 'appeasement.' Secondly, like all camps of the Reich. It consisted remnant man stood there watching the instances, where a box was loaded kindly and good-hearted English- mostly of middle-aged profession- old flames devouring his beloved .litdown with heavy jnen, its bottoms men, Lord Baldwin is loathe to al. Jews. tle Prayer House together with sagged so much that .the men be- speak ot these inhumanities too the gate of the prison the his entire world. Then he walkneath were caught aa If in a vise." precisely. They sicken, the heart and make dizzy the mind of these was met by a group of ed slowly home, locked himself in Unlike Buchewald,. hidden in a: good people •who therefore hasten pirty .Guards, with, whips, dubs his room, and shot himself. forest and with i t s ' approaches to pass them over. Above all, Slick and otheramplenients. of torture. None of the big English or closed i>y signs warning- trespas- since the Great War there has ranked themselves in two American newspapers reported sers that they will "be shot with- grown up in England a hidden They lines for half an hour. At the end this poignant story. In our age out warning, Sachsenhausen bor- prejudice against all so-called of this time twelve were lying when hundreds are daily being ders a much travelled highway. 'atrocity stories.' People prefer to dead on the-ground, with smash- murdered in concentration.camps, By day its walls and guards are disbelieve them even if they know ed heads; of the others many had what is the- tragedy of a single easily see"n,'artd sometimes even for certain that.they are true. eyes knocked out, others their old man who was forced to lay • Its Inmates working oh'outside But whatever were Lord Bald- faces flattened and mutillated, fire to his world with his own jobs. By night, the camp is an island of lights in Ute dark and win's motives in ignoring specific qu&t-Prusslan countryside. Some- Instances of Nazi bestiality'totim-e4 night travellers can see .the wards the Jews during the last silver beams o f searchlights pogroms, . the Jewish press has swinging over the camp. The none of them. We are not diplowalls, -perhaps fifteen feet high, matists; we do not believe in 'apC«ri at intervals lift machine-gun tur- peasement', our hearts, It is,true, rets into menacing silhouettes sicken at the elaboration ot-theae against the Bky. " • brutalities but -unlike £or& Baldg involved in. this Royal we do not find relief by Sachsenhausen's commandant win,MMter FREE TrisI Offer! All wo turning away from the unpleasant is a,, bull-necked, barrel-chested spectacle. We cannot afford the ask is that you give these amazPrussian ..named von Zaranovski. of being squeamish about ing new Royal Master Tires a His prisoners call him "Vierkant" luxury which shame the name which means "four-square." The atrocities thorough test on your own car! of man and degrade. him lower name refers to his physique, not than any beast. Unlike Lord BaldRemember—NO COST, NO OBto bis character. The commandand other kind hearted. EngHOATION, NO SALES TALK — ant's comfortable dwelling is Just win we are not mere spectawithin the entrance to Sacksen- lishmen, &OYAL MASTERS SELL 7HEMSELVESI to a brutal and heartrenderhausen. He is-complete master of tors Ing scene.. We are ;partly in It; the •— at time — 20,000 souls the are Intended fory-us as « « AND BAtHEIN THS CUsJATlVI MSK^AtWAtERS caged within, the camp walls. This muchblows n3 for the immediate .vicPrussian seems to glory In cages tims'. ;We and should "not, .. EXPERT to which he; holds the key. On the therefore, cannot the terrible" pargrounds of his home is a small ticulars ofignore 'Inhumanities of and zoo, behind' .whose bars are a Man to Man'the «tatfc3 tier) yt& hiot'ili tpstt ht'ttbp, tle« Kton«t«;» cir«pby whlchare now.belng number of pet birds and chatter- committed daily " "' ' "b t(\Mttj* | « M ilUx *n<j feit Ho Visit our new large plant' and In- Germany. Ing monkeys. There is a sign on must not gloss them over, or let us show you our new equipa cage which reads, "Do not tor- We ourselves to get used to '3* SENSATIONAL PRICE ture the animals!" ("Bltte, nicht permit ment which is capable ot rethem. It is these particular tragquaelen!") It is a fine piece of edies, treading or recapping any size the pain and humiliation of irony, the point of which no camp the Individual Jewish man; womcar or truck tire. inmate misses. an and child which matter most Tour worn out tires skillfully Beyond the entrance, the camp (cJj!» evm p i « U ptsU. 17i«fciifcicr« «vaiUb!t vaitt tta urn rest grounds widen Into a clear space, rebuilt with new live anti-skid tooGcnnusitst tejsnissdb«s!ifcssss,SODcemplctelyraedemind somewhat half-moon in shape. treads, adding thousands . Around the'curved edge stand the .TREMENDOUS SSArZiDQVTCS TO safe, economical cailes. barracks, .some 60 of them, ar• .MOVE CUR Q\TK STQCflS ranged in three concentric rows. The average barrack is built for 80 persons. In recent weeks as sa fvzTS. ctr Ei^iic- Tr??z ffrr'ur rrr C Brass* Bronso, Aluminum* many^s 340 have slept in them. Soft Cray Iron said. SeraiBeds were removed the better to Stool Castinan>.WeesT "oad Esmots Eircrtose I7-zi"-z'cir I ,1UL Il«R accomodate- the prisoners, who Matal Patterns and Sash slept <?n the straw-strewed floor. WoijjHta carried in otocSk. Each barrack had at most 12 toilBrenso and Cast Irea ets ; some had only six! The men Grilles a Specialty. waited patiently In Hne. - - - - 27th and Martha S i c First-rollrcall Is at 6 a.-m.; un.ALL SIZES der the cold Prussian night sky. HASS23 Prisoners wear classification bad'-Salon—-Tbirel CSS3 ges, triangular In shape except for-'Jewsr who wear the • double
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Governor of the State of New York 1
To-iM,<as Americans, "contemthe cover of darkness Imposed plating the panorami ol - horror der by silence and stifled voices of and- Battering overseas, there is those who would protest. •special'reason for thankfulness. It Is our. blessing and our" respon- . '. All. this which is going on in sibility that we live in • a' land the-world, sometime resembles •whose: essential doctrine is spirit- rather a nightmare.than a reality ual' freedom, and. opportunity for intimately. and entirely governing all,its citizens irrespective.of race the lives of millions of.humanbe"or creed. Out of this rock upon ings. It is important that we rewhich American democracy is member to_ think of. these events founded, flows the,-clear water of in. their, humati. implications: not humanity, of sympathy for those merely as abstract terms./r An ab; In. "distress, of tolerance' and straction Jseems. fair a.Kay. We can mercy, - i t , is our• blessing and talk of it lightly as thou-gh it af. our • good fortune that" ever, when fected neither ourselves nor. those .there has been castastrbphe in near .and dear to us. But .when the world,'whether in China, in we know that the.tfilng called the "the Near East, in Belgium, in totalitarian state, may mean imEastern Europe, Americans have prisonment or., death for those been ready and willing to succor nearest^ and"dearest to us; .when the i needy and - the helpless—to we realize .that the- totalitarian ,aid : those whom, misfortune has state.means,we must in fear and visited. American generosity trembling ourselves those has flown out-to the world, "the thoughts"we may free.worthiest ambassador any people ly: speak'or: write; .when we. realhave ; had .in the world's history; ize - that the -totalitarian state -It could do so because-within-our reaches into every "act of our lives borders, as a people, we have nur- —regulates,;.: governs, compels, tured ^neither hatreds nor exclu- with the threat of death or imslons. i It 13 as a free people that prisonment and expropriation held •we:have-.Uved within Our borders. over our heads at-every step; of And as a. Ifree' people we " jcb'u'td the. wayr^then that abstraction share £ome of the -.blessings ot comes close. It comes home. that, freedom with those - less, for-: tunate. } V; It 1B for the reason that we .'•Today,. In many parts of' the value our freedom, our life in world, that .freedom Is lost. .Else- amity and accord with our neighwhere it is; sorely threatened. It bors, our liberty to speak and live Is threatened with guns and: tanks the truth, that I know we as aiid *tne- -panoply of .war..- It-is Americans value .our democracy. threatened by the'attacks of those It Is for- this reason that .we wDl who seek'to .cast discredit upon defend It against the menace, of freedom and; "democracy; itself. those who would Introduce among We; have only- to,'consider "the .fsjte us the totalitarian State with its of" those'who dare not: speak" lest manifest: dangers' - and tyrannies. aynelghhpr" overhear, what . they Our heritage., is not' an . abstract say; we -Tiave- only- to think ot one. It is a doctrine that is not tie-fate .of thoae thousands, cbn- merely •something •written on paflned ;ln dungeons or concentraper. It is a way of life. It colors tl<MUCMnPs^^« fear.and spirit- the thoughts and -the acts of our ual. impovjarlahment that .accom- everyday lives!, As _. Americans pkny-oppresslon, • to .know how we can greet and meet with one truly fortunate and blessed we another In -dally living, irrespec•re. And as we think of the tive ol the.lands.from which our blessings of -our own 'situation we ancestors have come. As-Amerimust realize that we have-a gravo cans, we can -extend' the.hand ot responsibility to maintain and de- fellowship to our neighbors whatfend the heritage which has come ever their religion or creed. As to us. Men have fought and died Americans, without any dictator that we might be free' and .it -is to whip us'or compel us,, we can this freedom which it is our duty stand together, a united people In to uphold, to keep Inviolate in defense of; a heritage of [freedom order t&at those -who cone after and liberty • that is :; more; dear to its. may not; be denied* its ;protec- us than life Itself. ", t l o n .
r -
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On: our side are many mighty forces...Foremost ot: all, as.I believe, :is a force that like a seemingly fragile, plant can rend "asunder, mighty -. rock's—the power , of truth-in Jhuman- relations. As si'deniocraey we :have • ndtbiing-to conceal or to explain. Our acts, dur beliefs must square with'each othqr." We must up "to out professions. of 'faith.- And as^we <l©; BO, • our. • community -life • is'- an open' book to- the Wbrld-'Not 'for us- the power of censorship. Not fort us-the.power of suppressing speech or writing with which some group may disagree.! Not for US;':the concentration camp or prison for those who utter their beliefs, who as. human* beings utilize the privilege ; guaranteed them by the Constitution of the Ifik'lted States of expressing their honest dissent "br their criticism of the acts of government or: of their'elected or appointed officers. No power is "so precious to us, none could replace this power o t truth,, of open and plain-speaking.' It is the.; guaranty -against tyranny. . It is ;the avenue -..Which w^ -Jealously must' keep ever open to. the conscience..of.civilized manfcintf. As We stand by it so we •hall .enjoy -Its. protection afld ahelter .against, the storms which BOW.range in, the"world.v. . :.. ; -;•; It is hardly necessary; for me to name the names of those who challenge, who oppose our basic doctrine..;We\have ^various forms of- regimentation- and' oppression kept - plainly • in our view by. the news services- which reach; like fingers of light across the oceans. We -knpwv of the- acts-of;dictat6rs despite the manifest-efforts which are made* to hide them. We know of. those iorces which seek in the name of rone or another form of '.'totalitarian" government to regiment all • mankind for * war, to suppress all criticism and. free discussion, to commit ' nameless and unmentionable cruelties • un-
Mutt:-have 12 more at oneo to be shipped out.of town. • Will 'buy any ' make, any Use, in fair condition.
gives significance to American democracy.. The aid we extend to the suf« fering and the oppressed is evidence that we are not indifferent to the basic humanity so sorely needed in this distracted world. It is part of our keeping alive .to the. worth and value ot what we possess. It is a gesture of sharing which says to the rest of the world: here,, taste_of a- little ;of our good fortune, share with us in a blessing that is not merely of bread but of the.spirit. Take this aid which we "give In token of a way of life by which a'-nation of freedom live'on the. American . continent. Be encouraged and have hope in these dark days. Human freedom and mercy and tolerance yet live on American soil. By the token of this hand Of friendship and of mercy which we extend, we shall- not allow -that freedom to perish. We shall defend and cherish it and with God's help we will share some ot its "blessings wlth-tEe -millions of mankind who hunger' for it across-the seas.
Community Calendar FROM JANXTART 8 TO ABY12 Sunday, January 8. . Junior Council meeting, 2 p. m.;.C and D, Jewish Community Center. Center Players Try-Outs, "Having a Wonderful Time," 2 p. m., Jewish Community Center. . Omaha. Hebrew club. 3 p. m., lodge room, Jewish" Community Center.'
neijtloned-.onej.of the expressions of the American Idea ot mercy and;generosity -toward the oppressed.; It :is my- privilege to be identified with one of the organization's whictr best, typifies and exemplifies, this, idea, of selfless generosity.- -There .is not a major organization in. the-fieldiot relief /and'•• mercy with which- the American Jewish' Joint Distribution \Committee - has'-not-- at one time'Or/.anpther''worked In:coop-eratlon' and amity. Its., aid: has been' extended to more than 40 lands.;. It ; has; often; aided those of. diverse creeds, and races without inquiring into their beliefs or- religion. Today the problems It.-is: facing ;, are heart-breaking. There fs a wonderful symbolism In; the fact that this American agency of mercy and help Is seeking to" lessen the wounds caused by war and by systems of government alien to our American democracy. Here is a practical affirmation of- the brotherhood of man, the'supremacy ot the-spirit over' the differences of race and creed, of land "> and climate. Inthe work of-the" Joint Distribution Committee.-with -which it has been -my good fortune to be connected: since its inception during the terrible World XVar, is an atfirmationi.of .the essential idea of brpthertteod '• and ; mercy which
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A. Z. A. No. 100 meeting, S p. m., G and H, Jewish Community
A. Z. A. No. 1 meeting, 3 p. m., K and L, Jewish Community Center. ' • ;-.- -. ' Junior A. Z. A. meeting, S p. m., Room E, Jewish Community Center. • . . . .' ^ Girl Scout meeting, S p. m^ Room M, Jewish Community Center. . ; Monday, January 0. Blkur Chollm, 2 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community •. Center. • Cooking Class, 6 p.'m., third floor kitchen, Jewish Community Centers • Workmen's Loan aBsocIation, 8 p. m., lodge room, Jewish. Community. Centers '•'. •': Haiomir Choral society, 8 p. m., K and L, Jewish Community Center. Photography dub, 8 . p. m., lounge, Jewish "Community .Center. . '- • . • Tuesday, January 10. Council of Jewish Women-Cultural class, 1 p. m., G and H, Jewish Community Center; - Senior Hadassah Study group, 1 p. m., Room M, Jewish Community-Center. -- • '— • Goldie Meyerson luncheon, 1 p. m., club room, Jewish Community Center. Deborah society, 2 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. Bound Table of Jewish Touth dinner, 6 p. m., club room, Jewish Community Center. Center Forum Series, Dr. Bap uch Braunsteln, "On the Eve of
AT' tea s&j inviunii'
IB16 Dodco SV.—Ojaolio,
Warsaw (JTA)—Under orders to leave, Jews of Polish nationality in Danzig, have been selling their property at ridiculously low prices. The first group of 40 Jewish families from . the Free City arrived in Warsaw and other groups arrived in other Polish cities, after warnings that they would be interned in concentration camps if they did not leave. London (JTA) — The British Government Is considering the question of Eanzlg's expulsion order against the Jews, but no decision has been, reached, it was learned. Paris (JTA) — Two Danzig Jewish leaders, delegated by the Free City's Jewish community, arrived here to confer with officials of the Joint Distribution Committee, the HIAS-ICA and other Jewish relief organizations' on plans to rescue the 4,000 Danzig Jews, who have been threatened with internment in c o n c e ntration camps to be built in the vicinity of Danzig if they do not emigrate by" April.
Rabbi Cohn Opens New Review Series This Friday morning at 10:30 Rabbi Frederick Cohn will open the. new series of book reviews given under the auspices ot the Book of the Week club of the Adult Educational department of the University'of Omaha, with a review of Philrp Van Ness Myers "History as Past Ethics." On Wednesday evening at .8 at the Fontenelle hotel Rabbi Cohn willvreview "Is America Afraid?" Discussion of a new foreign policy for America particularly appropriate at this time in connection with President Roosevelt's utterance on foreign affairs in his message to congress last Wednesday. -
B'nai B'rith Plans Membership Drive Washington (JTA) — B'nal B'rith will launch its first nationwide membership drive in five years.on Feb. 1, it was announced by Mr. Henry Monsky, B'nal B'rith president. J. Eugene Farv ber of Toledo, Ohio, is chairman of the-membership committee. 1939," 8 p. m., auditorium, Jewish Community Center. Wednesday, January 11. -Beth El Auxiliary luncheon, 1 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Comr inanity Center. , International Workers' Order,' 8 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. Thursday, January 12. , Junior Hadassah. 8 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. x Boy Scout meeting. 8 p. m.. lodge room, Jewish Community Center.
. .Washington (JTA) —Broadcasters have the right to demand an'advance copy of talks and to refuse to broadcast speeches likely to stir up religious prejudice and. strife, Neville Miller, president of the National Association of Broadcasters, has asserted in a statement which declared that broadcasts inciting racial and. religious hatred "are an evil'not to be tolerated." This statement, obviously referring to Father C h a r l e s E. Coughlin's being barred from WMCA and other stations, was said to be receiving close attention by Frank R. McNlnch, chairman of the federal communications commission,, as was Dorothy Thompson's demand for- an FCC investigation of the Coughlin speeches, but- McNlncb has made no public comment. "The right of free speech is a right which extends to every American citizen," Mr. Miller said. "It is a right which broadcasters interpret aa one requiring that equal available for the expression of honest divergence of opinion. But in administering this responsibility we must also be cognizant of the fact that radio .by its very, nature reaches all classes .of our fellow citizens, regardless of race, religion ' or conviction, and that there is no -obligation to broadcast a speech which plays on religious bigotry, which stirs up religious or racial prejudice or hatred. Such a speech is an abuse of the privilege of free speech and unworthy of American radio." New York {JTA)— For the second consecutive Sunday, a group Of the Rev. Charles E. Coughlin's supporters picketed radio station WMCA, protesting the station's refusal to carry the priest's broadcasts unless he submitted advance copies of. his talks.
Insane Jews Moved from Nazi Clinics Mertin (Tavas) •—- Jews suffering from mental: and nervous diseases will be transferred from Berlin municipal clinics to Institutions administered by Jews under' Nazi supervision. In justification of this step Dr. Leonardo Conti, chief of the public health office here, told the Voelkischer beobacflter: "O n e Berliner in 1,000 is afflicted with a mental or nervous disease, and of those 10 per cent are Jews, although only . 3 per' cent of Berliners are-Jews." ,
DEAF CHILDREN GIVE TO REFUGEE FUND New Tork (WNS) — A touching . example .of. physically handicapped children who gave up their annual Chanukah party to be able to help refugees from Germany was displayed by pupils. of the Lexington School for the Deaf who decided to turn over the money they had saved for the party, to the Joint Distribution Committee. The' children's contribution amounted to .over $10. Patronize Our Advertisers
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J A N U A R Y 1,
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Quick Assets— .. ca»h . \ ::;:•. .-•— 94,028,758.40 United States Government Treasury Bills and Notes 1,170,000.00 f 5,108,750.49 l<oan secured by iirst mortgageson ' improved real estate . . . . . . . . . . . . „. 6,667,880.68 Delinquent interest ............ . 2,580.70 Loans .on.pass-book security . . ; . ; . . . . . . . . . ' 9,592.96 Loang\In.foreclosure*.;.'.. ......«••.'.«».*•..' 127,96622 Real" estate -sold on contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,431.25 Real estate acquired through foreclosure.... 429,461.02 Office building and future office building 1 .^l6th end Parnam Street. 195,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 1.00 ' Total.....' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .512,050,019.33 Credits tojnembers' savins and paid-up accounts. 011,447,049.02 Balance held for borroTrera . . . . . ; ; . _ . . ; . . . S1.O45.O1 Reserves ; ....*.... 1,153,440.64 Undivided profits; . . . . . . . - . . . - . - . . . . . . i . . . . 10,478.85 Borrowed:Money . . , . _ . . . . ~....#t,.;,.. NOKB.
San Francisco (WNS) — Herschel Grynszpan, Jewish youth awaiting trial in Paris for shooting & German Embassy attache, returned - a contribution, the amount was undisclosed, to Dr. George I-Iersog, San Francisco phvsician and yrartime colonel, with the wish that the money be given instead to "the 1,200 Innocent Jev.-s robbed and exiled and suffering from cold and hunger on the Polish border." Dr. Herzog said that he had sent the money to Grynszpan instead of contributing to American sources which are ' raising funds for the youth's defense. The gift was returned with a letter which read: "I cannot take it as I have done nothing to deserve it."
New York (WNS) — Th» est release of the Merch or T is a dramatic and courageous ?4 record of the Jewish refugee |>7O lem as a world problem, pointl to Palestine pettlement «u? most constructive program -A£ solving the grave problem ot ,' ish homelessness in Central Eastern Europe. The plight of Jews fleeing Nazi Germany Is dramatically • in a story which presents a y and moving account of the gn?J*i> ing of Jews in concentteiijAft camps and their search for. «. >".<*• en of refuge in neighboringtries.
Hadassah Honors Sampter's Memory
New York (ftA) — The » ' SAILORS KILLED AS tional board of Hadassah KK£ JEWISH SHIP SINKS nearly 100 guests gathered ?«*Jerusalem (JTA) — Two Jew ish sailors were killed when the Palestine Maritime League freighter Rahab.; a sailing vessel, tva's wrecked in<a;storm off Cyprus./
terday at a meeting to honoy fh* memory of Miss Jessie S«un**Ao. New Vork-born author and 5!liMf» 1st worker who died in P»l««ili>* on Nov. 25. .. . • - ,
Queries Reich on > Grynszpan's Record Paris (JTA)—The examining magistrate in the Hersch-1 Grynszpan case, utilizing the holiday adjournment, has addressed an official inquiry to the German government about, the Polish Jewish youth's record and that of his parents while living in the Reich. A similar inquiry was sent to the Polish government^ despite the fact that Grynszpan's parents had been in Germany since 1911 until they were expelled in October. In his inquiry to Berlin, the magistrate expressed particular interest in Grynszpan's school record. Lawyers for' Grynszpan, who fatally wounded a German emT basey official, touching off the wave of anti-Jewish excesses, in Germany, welcomed the news from Washington that Homer S. Cummlngs, retiring attorney general. Was considering joining the Polish youth's defense counsel. Henri Torres, one of Grynszpan's attorneys, told "the J. T. A. that be would be "glad to have Cujnmings among us." Cummings will be a great asset to the defease in this cause ceUbre, the - lawyers said, although he cannot participate in the trial officially since he is not a French citizen.
HUNTINGTON HOME TO HOUSE REFUGEES , Cleveland (WNS)—The Cleveland . Division of .the American Jewish Congress-announced plans to 'convert the mansion of the late John HcntiEgtOE," Standard Oil • Company co-founder, into a home for'Jewish refugees from Europe. The house will accombdate fifty refugees after it is remodeled along, dormitory lines.
Z Siaivings and Loan Association of
Berlin (Hayas) — Mohandas K. Gandhi, whose struggle for the independence of India has until now elicited German approbation, was subjected to German press attacks for his alleged selection of Jews as collaborators and for recommending his own policy of. passive resistance to the .Reich Jews. The Natlonal-Zeftung of Essen declared it had been Informed Gandhi had decided to surround; himself with Jewish collaborators.- Pandit .'Jawaharlal Nehru/ former chief of the Nationalist Congress Party, has appointed; four Jewish experts as technical counsellors to the Bihar Provln-i cial Government, the paper added. The Hamburger Fremdenblatt on the other hand expressed satisfaction that .certain Indian quarters, unlike the Congressists, had displayed "understanding" of the German attitude toward the'Jew-: ish problem. The Fremdenblatt quoted long extracts from a Popna newspaper 'approving t h e Reich's recent anti-Semitic • measures. • • , . ,
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Bdgar;A. Baird;-President Clark.'W.Carnaby, Secretary James'A.LyonB, Vice-President J. Herbert McMillan, Treasurer - Wayne C. Selby, Ass't Secretary DIRECTORS Edgar A. Baird Randall K. Brown Charles M. Wilhelm ._ Franfe T. B.'Martin Byron R. Hastings . . . . ; . - J.'. Herbert' McMillan. • Claire J.Baird
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1939 is now fairly launched. The Good Ship proceeds on her fateful voyage. She embarks on stormy seas. There is no TUB JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY doubt plenty of rough weather ahead. All Humanity is aboard, <Ut< BUB8UHIHIIOI PHICfc, O M VCO. . . • • destined for it knows not what Port. ADVERTISING RATEO FURNISHED ON APPMCAIION EDITORIAL OFPICE: 609 QRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING We must make Right eur rudder and Faith our guide, and SIOUA CITY OFFIC&~JEWtSH COMMUNITY UEN16R trust the Pilot of noble intentions and earnest zeal. Plans and i PHINT CHOP ADDRESS—tSW SO. 84TH 0«BEET OAVID BLACKER • • • Business and Managing Editor schemes are not enough, the most carefully thought-out course, FRANK ft. ACKBRMAN . . . . Editot the most reason-directed way. Santayana's beautiful lines ocliBOWARt) NATHAN . . . . Associate OOltot cur to us here: RABBI FKEUERICK COHN . • Contributing UJdltor "Ob world, thou chooscst not the better part RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS • • . Book Bditot It is not wisdom,to be only wise ANN PILL • ' . 8 l o a i City. Iowa, Correspondent And on the inward vision close the eyes But it is wisdom to believe the heart. TheNewYear ' Columbus found a world and had no chart. The Old Year, bent and white-bearded—looking for all the v Save one that Faith deciphered In the ikies, world like the familiar picture of the equally timeless and wanTo trust tho soul's invincible surmise dering Eternal Jew—has shuffled off the stage and the beswadWas all his science and his only art." dled New Year has made its entrance at a time when an unThe greatest problems will confront the nations and are paralleled series of Jewish crises have reached their climax. confronting them. Things are converging to an unavoidable Baby 1939 from his crib watches the beginning of the final drive for the liquidation of the German Jews, the first stages crisis. Mankind is at the cross-roads as it has never been beof liquidation of Jews in other European countries such as Hun- fore. It must choose, with destiny-determining decision. In gary, Czecho-Slovakia, Rumania and Poland, and the approach this fateful hour Lincoln's method must be OUTS; it is the highof another in the series of Palestine crises—the London confer- est diplomacy: "With firmness in the right u God gives us to see the right." '.'•,•'' ences on the Holy Land's future. In these chaotic times individuals and nations most be GERMANY guided by the everlasting rules of righteousness. It is unrightHand~in-band, two aspects of the anti-Jewish drive pro- eousness that upsets the world, unprecedented wickedness on ceed in the Reich; the utter suppression of the Jews within the the part of great and powerful nations. There can be no peace country and negotiations to get the Jews out of the country and security till these are checked. It is this that will make up under a plan which will benefit Germany's economy. the "diplomacy" and political strategy of the immediate presThe New Year—the deadline for driving the Jews ont of ent. There is no strategy'like undeviating adherence to the By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS Germany'B economy—finds most Jewish businesses in the last absolute right. BabH, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux CHy stages of "Aryanization" or liquidation. Pew Jews can work. Germany, Italy and Japan will be made to realize their In this first week of 1939 the Jews under the Nazi reign can colossal folly. There is no other way, though it array a world BAPE OF PALESTINE." cially against Weitzman, the remember that several weeks ago Das Schwarze Korpe revealed in arms. Righteous war may be s lamentable, an unavoidable ••THE WM. B. ZIFF. LONGMAN'8, President of the World Zionist the line of policy that would be followed in regard to the Jews necessity. It will be the wicked nations who will have brought GBEEJTE * CO. 525 PAGES. Organization, who, he believes, has betrayed the cause of palesremaining in Germany: extermination by "fire and sword" af- this about - The. righteous will be put upon the defensive, in The basic theme of this volume tine. This hatred extends to* the ter they have been forced into crime by destitution. behalf of freedom, justice and humanity. It is this that we it that Great Britain Is engaged member's of the Labor Party in in » gigantic conspiracy to sabot- Palestine, who, with conscious • And those Jews who are willing, anxious to accept the Nazi mean by "democracy." At bottom it is naught but political age the Intent and purpose of the animus, are branded after the demand that they emigrate? They must become salesmen for justice, vindication of the inherent dignity of man. In behalf mandate for Palestine entrusted manner of the Fascists, as Left It by The League of Nations, ists. or Marxists, to distinguish Nazi goods, under Reichsbank President Schacht's plan. Refu- of this man must be ready to risk his very life for without this to and to prevent by all means, fair from -the Revisionists, whose gee Bureau Director Rublee, negotiating with Schacht in Ber- life is valueless, on a level with the mere existence of the beast. and foul,-the establishment of a leader is Jabotinsky, and who are national home. The au- very reactionary' in social and polin, was expected to-present some alternative plant God has made life so, and it is up to man to vindicate and de- Jewish thor contends that a Jewish Pal- litical ideology. The author reestine limply does not fit in with sents the epithet Fascist, usually fend the God-like attributes of his nature. ELSEWHERE IN EUROPE the plans of the powerful and per- applied to the Revisionists. Nev• Our beloved America will be called upon to make heroic manent officials in the Foreign ertheless, It fits perfectly. The Hungary proceeded with, her plane to restrict drastically decisions in the coming days. It will have to embark upon a atid Colonial offices - • officials political^and economic programs the participation of Jews in economic life,.limit their voting ultimately direct and deter- of this party is thoroughly Fasmore definite, a more drastic foreign policy than in the past. who mine the policy of Great Britain, cist. Jabotinsky not only aspires rights and completely set them apart from the Hungarian naWe see the beginnings of such a policy in the out-spoken (so no matter who is Prime-Minister. to become a Jewish "leader," bnt tion. . The new anti-Jewish bill has led to the suicides of several reasons enter into this un- behaves in that impetuous, un undiplomatic!) fearless utterances of such of our leading states- Many compromising opposition to a predictable, uncivilized manner prominent Jews. The anti-Semitic press is campaigning for still men as Ickes, Hull, Sumner Wells, Senator King, Senator Pat- Jewish Palestine, not the least of which has become the patters for more draBtic anti-Jewish measures. being ordinary anti-Semi- European dictators. The Revistison, Senator Norris. There will be more to swell the chorus. which tism. Be the reasons what they ionists even share the Fascist conCzecho-SlovaMo is witnessing the early stages of its purge Our President, in his message to Congress just delivered, enun- may, the undeniable fact Is that tempt and hate tor the intellect of .Jews, Steps are being taken or demanded for limiting Jew- ciated clearly and bravely American aims and American de- the very country which has The author sneers insolently at the world to establish in one of the greatest intellectual ish representation in industry and the professions. The anti- termination, and traditional American adherence to the loftiest pledged Palestine a homeland for > ' the leaders of Jewry, Ahad ha Am. Semitic drive in colleges makes it extremely unlikely that many standards of justice and of righteousness. Jews is the chief and persistent None but a Fascist could write of this great spirit, with such cheap obstacle thereto. -; Jewish students will'.continue their courses. contempt. Only in Germany and There is no solution to the world's ills save righteousness. . The book Is an elaboration of Italy - are intellectuals: and liberRumania has dissolved the Czernowitz Jewish community, The terrible iniquity of Nazi dominance must be removed. The this shocking thesis and the au- als held up to ridicule' and scorn. closed nearly 1,200 Jewish-owned inns and tobacco shops, and thor with knowledge, conviction This is alien to the 'spirit and in Bukowina province registration of Jewish land has begun in Berlin'Rome axis must be broken. The Japanese ferocity must and a ruthless frankness, sus- temper of the Jew, wbo always be curbed. America must assume the role willy-nilly, "isola- tains his contention. Even those revered the mind and the learned what is feared to be a prelude to confiscation. who are kindly disposed towards man beyond all else.. Even the Poland continues to press her drive for Jewish emigration, tionist" or not, of the world's champion of justice and right- Great Britain asd who hesitate conceit and Insolence of the aujoin the author la his deep dis- thor and of his Revisionists is and the government party demands an economic war against eousness, of freedom ancTdemoeracy, of unity and peace as the to trust will find his condemnation reminiscent ot empty Fascist world's greatest, richest and most powerful nation. To Shirk Justified in many ways. The boasting. One must laugh at this the^Jews. .: such a task marked out by its history and the course of events world knows that the entrance of ridiculous assertion "Whitehall to Palestine Is rigidly and now knowing how to evaluate PALESTINE hitherto would be sheer cowardice and disgrace, and merit the Jews cruelly limited to a meagre hand- their future strength, unquestion* Final crisis of the budding'New Year is the Palestine ques- contempt of the transgressing nations who need only a de- ful, even though thousands of ref- ably fears them" (page 156). clanjor in vain at the gates. The Revisionists are not feared, tion. The conferences looking toward a solution of the knotty termined hand to arrest and restrain them. In such a crisis ugees The world knows that for no rea- but held in universal contempt Holy Land problem are to be held this month. Arabs have America would find, as in the past, England and France and lon other than that of British pol- for their Nazi methods, program, two-thirds of Palestine, end behaviour. chosen their representatives. The Arab states are ready. Brit- no doubt Russia also most helpful allies. The interests of all itici, Transjordanla, is completely cut ain wilLhave no trouble in choosing negotiators. The unknown are the same. off from the mandated territory, Despite exaggerations .here and and because it is "Judenreln" Is quantity at this writing was the Jews. The Jewish Agency and despite the author's For mutual protection and the salvation of a world they a* poverty stricken and disease there, has been subjected to considerable pressure from Zionist groups must form the nucleus of that wider Union that will one day ridden as the whole of Palestine Fascist loyalties, the volume conwas prior to the coming of the stitutes an irrefutable indictment to boycott the conferences because of Britain's continued re» include the world, even the recalcitrant arid temporarily erring Jews. The world knows, and the of Great Britain's foreign policy fusal to admit 10,000 refugee children to the Holy Land. Jews particularly BO, the tragic towards Palestine. The convicnations, to form a greater United States, patterned after Amer- consequences ot the policy of ex- tion is justified that England has While the Agency conoidered the question of its participa- ica, inspired by America and led by America to the final, cessive favoritism to the Arab not been sincere, to put it charitably, in its efforts to put the Balpopulation. tion; Britain was" reported to be preparing a plan for presenta- indubitable victory of justice and of right. . four Declaration into effect. Only The program of concession to recently did Chamberlain confirm tion to the Arabs' and Jew6. This plan, it was said, would try FREDERICK COHN. the Arabs - - and the reader will this deep rooted suspicion when to bring together the Arab and Jewish viewpoints by affirming profit tremeaduously from the he suggested many - distant and detailed analysis of the character, undeveloped countries for settleboth Arab.and Jewish rights and would include a new concep$30,000 RAISED BY the habits and the morals of these ment of Jewish refugees, but igMEMORIAL CONCERT natives tion of Jewish immigration under which entry would not be Gems of the Bible * -"is part and parcel of a nored Palestine completely. calculated and carefully planned prohibited but would be "canalized." The Jewish problem today Is New York (WN8) — HuWa eehetae to frustrate Jewish effort and Talmud Lwhanska, noted soprano was in Palestine. Homeless Arabs are one of the most pressing internaWhat Britain means by "canalization" of immigration re* By Dr. PWH» 8h«* principally responsible for arrang- a pure invention of the Colonial tional problems. There is but one mains to be explained, but the plan is said to provide for pering the Feltx M. Warburg Memor- mind, to prejudice the case of the solution — to establish a homeial Coneert given at Carnegie Jews. • The projected assembly land for the Jew in Palestine, and BIBLE . iodic rather than continued immigration. The reports on the It is not enough to- deal thy Hall before a capacity audience was not conceived ia the Interests the only way to do so is to open subject so far are vague, but some Jewish quarters hold that bread to the hungry and to who paid more than $30,000 for of democracy but " to sabotage wide the doors to all Jews who Mme. Lashanska, MUcha Jewish aspirations. la Palestine clamor for admission. The world with, Arabs demanding cessation of Jewish immigration, any bring the poor that are cast out seats. Elmao, violinist, Emaoucl Fcuor* the term democracy is utterly must compel England to fulfill to thy house but thou must draw plan that represents a concession to the Arabs would find hard- out thy soul to t&e hungry to mann, cellist, and Rudolf Serfcia, meaningless elaca eligible voters the pledge she took when she received from the League of Nagoing with Jewish negotiators. satisfy tfjejr afflicted soul. Then pianist, donated tbelr services to are arbitrarily determined by the tions mandate for Palestine,, Shall thy light rise ID darkness the benefit concert for Gens&a government, property qualifica- If she,the refuses, or if she can not The Old Year was black indeed for our people. We have and thy gloom be as the soonday. and Austrian refugees irrespec- tions are high, polygamy is a traof creed. Governor I/e&man dition, -women enslaved, bought fulfill it, then let her resign and witnessed persecutions, economic strangulation, and fiendish Thus, saith the Lord, let sot tive delivered a short talk preceding and sold like chattel, and the surrender the responsibility to tb.e wise man glory ia his wisdom • •• inhumanity such as even our tragic history has seldom record' neither lot thy mighty man glory the Intermission. ability to read is extremely rare. another government. Iu none of HE other mandated ed. Yet we have not lost courage nor have we given up hope. In bis might. Let not the rich >.'o one who seeks a complete countries has England displayed piciure of Palestine under the glory in his riches, but let If we have witnessed fragedy, we have also witnessed a new man aoy such holy zeal for democratic British can afford to ignore this him that glorieth glory in this processes. Palestine has been book. It should be made required unity among our people. We have seen torn down the useless that he understandeth gad knowmade the focal point for this ab- reading for those confused and Me, that I am the Lord who barriers which separated us from our brother-Jewe and we eth surdly bureaucratic scheme, BO as well meaning liberals who_display exercise mercy, justice and rightto create the impression that deep anxiety for the'few "Arabs'in have clasped hands for our mutual strength. eousness upon earth. • Jows are oppressing "highly de- Palestine, but who ignore the fate Thou bast been a stronghold to In this New Year, with all the voices of democracy raised the poor, a stronghold to the veloped" and "freedom loving" of six million Jews.' who' are faced BETH.EL with starvation, destitution^ and At services tonight Rabbi David Arabs. for our defense and assistance, and with such new-found solid' needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from A. Goldstein will speak on "How Any impartial examination of death, and whose 'only hope for arity among ourselves, we can look forward to the dawn which the heat. the Jew Conquers Death," the British policy in FaleEtine life ia Palestine. Cantor Aaron Edgar and the must convince even the friends of Will dispel the darkness through which we groped in 1938. In choir will lead the service. TALMUD Great Britain that those wbo .iliivS New Year with renewed courage and with renewed faith Stuart Fraakel will cbast the were In ebarge of the mandate Our rabbis were taught, "When in our destiny and in the destiny of civilisation we look for- the Jewish nation is in distress it Klddush. are animated by a passionate deOn Sabbath morning services sire to prevent, at all costs, the is the duty of every Jew the enward to a pew era of humanity and progress. tire world over to unite es one in will begin at 9:45. Stuart, eon fcVbRY FRIDAY A 1 OMAHA, NEBRASKA. 8V
"The Center Library Corner" By HASKELL COHEX A minute or so in Jewish literature by way of current comments on the •day's Jewish scene in magazines, books, and Jewish thought: The Magazines: In the current issue of the Palestine Review for sentiment read "A Palestinian Returns Home" by Harry Levin. "Like a spring that is broken and whirls swiftly back, so time in most of Europe seems to be whirling with mysterious swiftness to a sort of death; whirling barbarians. It has the immovable character of a fate, and the force that can check it has not yet been manifested. Travelling from the Baltic to the Mediterranean some of the lands have had their souls wrenched ont of them. In others something psychic has happened which has not yet materialized, but the feeling is there that the old tolerably civilised loyalties are ruptured, and in their place a bristling savage spirit has set la, still partly dormant but ready to rise up at any moment and strike. And then, one bright, sunny morning, Tel Aviv — From afar the White Sands glittered warmly. Was it Just a mirage beckoning beyond the sea-horizon? No,
it was home! The Land." . On the B.ook shelf: . . "The Rape of Palestine" by William B. Ziff. Here a world authority on Zionism gives an analysis of what is taking place In Palestine today. He airs the amazing circumstances under which the terms of the Mandate for Palestine have been altered or re-interpreted, and gives the reason for the bloody riots that have convulsed the Holy Land, from the advent of the British administration up to the present day. A book as new and as timely as today's news. On your must m l list — "The Rape of Palestine."
Leaders Honored as Humanitarians New York (WNS) — Five Jew* ish leaders were honored by Zeta Beta Tau, national college fraternity, at its annual convention here. Those inducted into membership in the society were Professor Felix Frankfurter of the Harvard Law School; Dr. Cyrus Adler, educator; Dr. Ludwig Lew* isohn, author; Edward Lasansky, Presiding Justice of the Appellate. Division. Supreme Court; Ttr* Morris Raphael Cohen, former Professor of Philosophy at til* College of the City of New York. The first known decree against Hebrew literature was the one of the Emperor Justinian, in {ESS.
Jewiah Calendar i
Rosh Chodesb Shebat ........•.,......».,..........„......;.January 31 Rosh Chodesh Adar..........••.•..»....•.....•....«««,..«......««. J'eDrRary 20 Purim • ...f.......—.................. March 5 Rbsh Cbodesh Nissan ~".t.....................»,«,.....Marcb 21 First Day of Pessach........».»«.-«M............w...«w.-...,.........AprH 4 Seventh Day of PeSsacb.......... • —April 11 ftosb Chodesh Iyaf......,»"...... • ....................April 20 Lag b'Omer -...,..• • -••••....May 7 Bosh Chodesh SJvan.................... ...—.......May 19 Shavuoth • •• • May 24-25
lending moral and. financial aid to protect the good name of Jo* rael. A Jewish Individual who will say he is not concerned with what will happen to the Jewish nation, he is only interested In bis own family and relatives and feels that he is fulfilling hjs entire duty by taking care of them is visited by tw.o mielstering angels (two volunteer social service messengers) who put their fingers of. scorn upon his head and say to him, "You who are not interested in helping your breth* ren In distress and suffering shall not live to see the day when the Jewish nation will reach Its 468* tiny and will be a blessing to all mankind."
of Mr. and Mrs. ft. A. Frankel, will celebrate bis bscpafng par Mityvah by cbaattng both tho BhachrUh and the Muaaph service.. After the services Mr. and Mrs. Frankel cordially invite the congregation to the Klddush in h of their son.
Habbi David Wice will speak on "Let's Start All Over Again" at services tonight. Regular Saturday ra o r o i n g services begin -at i t o'clock. The ancient Israelites lived chiefly on fruits and vegetables, upon which the bible placed s o restrictions. '
establishment of a Jewish homeland. The final proof of this is the warfare that has been going on in the land for the last two years, and which has taken a heavy toll amongst both the Jewish and the Arab population and which no government should have tolerated. The conclusion appears inevitable that the Brit!^ authorities secretly approve the warfare so that at the proper time they could proclaim to the world that the Balfour Declaration was unworkable and repudiate the pledge of a Jewish Palestine. The author is not only bitter against Great Britain but also against the Ziosist officials who control Zionist policy, and espe-
Paris (JTA) — The suicides of three prominent Jews in. Italy as result of Fascist racial laws, said to have been suppressed in the Italian press, were , reported by. the Italian emigre weekly, Giustizia e Liberia. Dr. A. F. Formiggini, publisher, was said to. have leaped from the Ghirlandina tower of Mofieaa, his native city, on Dec. 1, leaving- a note which bequeather the 30.000 lire found in his pocket to the poor and several notes attacking the Fascist regime. Two army officers, Gen-' eral Ascoli and Cojonel Segre, were also said to have taken their lives.
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January Clearance
SHOES AH are taken from our regular gfaef M B priced for quick seHing—00 be here earlR 160 PAIRS Women'. Style
SHOES Aod Girls' Sport Oxforts . . Oat
Group for Quick O
125 PAIRS Women'* Fine
SHOES e «•* * * * T.
fir One Cb-flttp JBT Quick Clean-Up
135 PAIRS Women's Treadeasy and Foot Friend
SHOES Short line* and Discontinued Pa*toraa . . . in One Group for Quick dean-Up
Please do not espest every Else fa every .- -• « BUT, you m&y expect, to flag exceptional valnes to y o y sias is J^s• yggjgps group*. a?ly>—SSeres—ss?»K>i; rise©
Workmen's Circle Auxiliary
Junior Council
Beth-El Auxiliary
HEBE FROM DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. M. Gelfand ot Detroit, Michigan, are visiting Mrs. A regular meeting of the Junior The regular monthly m«eU«f Gelfand's sister, Mrs. M. DavidA bingo party will be given by Council will be held Sunday, Jan- of the Beth-El auxiliary will ** son, and her brother, Mr. I. The Ladies auxiliary of Work- nary 8, at 2:30 p. m. at the J. Hadassah Wednesday, January Blacker.' 18, at l o'clock at the Brandels men's Circle, Branch 173, an-C. C. An interesting program has held at the Jewish commuaist January 11 Mr. and Mrs. Gelf and will also center Wednesday, January 11, *: floor auditorium. This will nounce they have sent in $25 to been planned. ..." tenth spend several days in Sioux City Mrs. Minnie Voigt be a dessert luncheon. Proceeds the general secretary, Mr. J. All members who have not a 1 o'clock luncheon, with with relatives. Upon their return . „.... . Commentator will go for the Youth Aliyah, H Baskin, for the Polish Jewish re- turned in their bridge tickets and Al Wohlner presiding. A to Omaha they will stay several lief fund. money are requested to do so meeting at 12 o'clock will M O and R H U H. CONCERT NO. 1O weeks before returning to DeANNOUNCE BETROTHAL HARRIS-STEJER MARRIAGE The money was raised by a without fail. Mrs. Morris. M. Franklin, chairBach: The High Mass in B Mr. and Mrs. L. Strauss of St. troit. Miss Lillian SteJer, daughter of A supper held December 27 at cede the meeting. man, is being assisted by the Mes- bazaar. The organization wishes Minor. to thank all those who made do- tbe Rome hotel was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Steier of Paul, Minn., announce the enMrs. Harry Trustin, & dames Leon Mendelson, Sidney lkw Angeles, became the bride of gagement of their daughter, Ruth, CONVALESCING * Cahan, Max Rosen. David A. Fin- nations and also those wbo patro- SO girls. The program Included chairman for this "MldwtoM* Milton Konecky underwent an apJoseph W. Harris, son of Mr. and to Charles Altman, son of Mr. kel, Paul Veret, I. Schreibman. nized the bazaar and tbe eommit- a style show featuring old-fash- Festival" meeting, will piwMUii Rabbi David A. Goldstein, %fe* Mrs. Hyman Harris, formerly of and Mrs. Julius Altman ot Oma- pendectomy recently. He is convalPeter Greenberg, Joe Hertzberg, •e and members, who worked ioned formals. escing at home. A regular board meeting was will review "The Mortal Stn?at« Omaha, Sunday. December 18, in ha. S. Handler, Harold 8. Barlsh. hard to make the affair a success. by Phyllis Bottome. The announcement was made All pledges ot the group have held Wednesday, January 4. Los Angeles. Rabbi Eugene RoJake Wine. Nathan Simon. Jack senberg officiated at the cere- known at a dinner given by Mr. Lieb, Louis Wlntroub, Morris been paid, these Include the Jewish Philanthropies and the ComTbe annual Beth-El dance mony which took place at the and Mrs. Altman for members ot Freiden and Irvin C Levin. the immediate families. No defin"The Book of the Year" will munity Chest. be held Sunday, February IS, "Westgate Masonic Temple. be the subject discussed by Dr. Members of Mrs. Sam Werthei- the Paxton hotel. The bride was gowned in white ite date has been set for the wedThe Oneg Shabbos will be held L. V. Jacks, professor of literamer Jr.'s circle of the Sisterhood •Upper satin made with a train. ding. The second social meeting ot ture at Creighton university, at January 21 at the home ot Mrs. of Temple Israel will have a supHer tulle veil was studded with J. H. Kulakofsky. 114 South the Goldie Meyerson club was FOR RENT per and an evening of entertainpearls. She carried a white bible BETROTHAL ANNOUNCEMENT held December 27 at the home of the regular January meeting of Fifty-first street. Mrs.. D. A. The Women's Mizrachi will ment Wednesday, January 18, at 6 room modern faoua*. * the Temple Israel Sisterhood MonMr. and Mrs. H. Marcus an- Mrs. adorned with orchids. Julius Hornstein, 1 6 1 9 day, January 9, in the vestry Goldstein will report on her trip hold a Bake Sale Wednesday, 6:30 p. m. in the Temple vestry ly dacorated, gieat furai»lM»& • The bride's mother wore Alice nounce the engagement ot their Maple street.' Plans for making as a national speaker for Hadas- January 25, at tbe Brandels store. rooms. 1 8 1 7 W«b»t«r St. blue and the groom's mother Du- daughter, Eva, to Tommy Iven- the club's quota were discussed room of the Temple. sah. Mrs. J. Bernstein is chairman and The affair is open to the pubDr. Jacks will review "Crippled bonnet crepe. Their corsages er, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Ivener and a money-making project deMrs. D. Crounse Is co-chairman. lic. Tickets are 75 cents and may Splendor" by Evan John; the ot Sioux City, Iowa. were of gardenias. cided on. On Wednesday. January 11, a Anyone wishing to order pas- be obtained from members of book which he considers the outThe vedding will take place Mrs. Maurice Katelman of . A luncheon and bridge will be standing book of 1938. Dr. Jacks 1 o'clock dessert-luncheon will be tries, cakes, cookies or strudel can Mrs. Wertheimer's circle. Lady wishes to Rent a. Council Bluffs, la., attended as early in the spring. given at the J. C. C. Tuesday, will be introduced by Mrs. Philip given at the home ot Mrs. Sam call tbe chairmen and have the room with refined fa»?" matron of honor. She wore shell January 10, for the purpose of chairman of the after- Davis, 28S9 Davenport street, order filled. ily. AT 7295. ' pink chiffon and carried a bou- BETROTHED distributing tickets for the proj- Romonek, with Mrs. L Schreibman as co- Tbe next meeting will be held Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaufman of ect. For reservations call Mrs. noon. Mrs. Alfred Mayer, member hostess. quet x of American beauty roses. The Pioneer Women will have Wednesday, January 18, at 2 p. of the program committee, has Mlss Rose Bekey. maid of honor, Kansas City, Mo., anounced the Sol Ash-Kenazl, 2006 N o r t h Mrs. Harry Llpsey will review, m. at the J. C. C. A board meet- a Bake Sale at the Brandeis store and the Misses Charlotte Turct- engagement of their daughter, Twenty-second street, Webster arranged the program. Ing at 1 o'clock will precede tbe Wednesday, January 11. EveryPAT RiORKt A luncheon will be served at 1 "The Mother," by Sholom Asch. regular •key and Eileen Kessel, brides- Madeline, to Hyman Goodblnder, 3020. meeting. The drawing of one Is urged to come. There will WetWHY son ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob GoodWash, only, lb..^-^.,~ o'clock, proceeding the meeting. maids,' wore pastel taffeta and be a large selection of pastries the silver coffee set will be held The January meeting will be binder, ot Omaha, at a New Year's Members ot Mrs. Mollie Cohen's Roueb I>vy, onlr, lb. -.......••• ?* tarried American beauty roses. at this meeting. All members are and cakes. circle will serve. Mrs. B. I. Wolf, in the form of a linen shower. asked Shirts finished with Mr. AlTBavarnlck was best man. eve affair. Those wishing to to donate are to bring their tickets and Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky Is chairpresident, will preside. •bundle, only „.„„.„••. Mr. Goodbinder attended the TJsfcertr were William Steier, Samstubs. Mrs. A. Schwaczkin is asked to call Mrs. Kaplan, WE man. She is being assisted by the University of Nebraska and is a A beautiful afghan, "The BarAn executive meeting was held uel Gendel and Jack Gilmore. 5454, or Mrs. Glicken, JA &135. chairman of the drawing. Mesdames Ben Brodkey, Jack i..,LL B637 The proceeds of this sale will Evelyn Sawslack was flower graduate of Creighton university Sunday at the Jewish Community rets of Wimpole Street", the Kaufman and Richard Wright. Center, where plans were dis- handiwork of Mrs. Morton Degen go tor refugees In Palestine. girl and Sonny Sorrentino was law school. Beth-El Talmud Torah No date has been set for thecussed for the coming installation will be on exhibit. The winner ring bearer. of officers, January 8. Immedi- of the afghan will be announced CULTURAL •Out-of-town guests were Sara wedding. In celebration of the compleately following tbe Installing cere shortly. The orientation on Hadassah Whitman of Omaha and Mr. and PLUMB!!*© A.h"» ?-T.,%T mony a regular business meeting Reservation may be made by projects course will be held today tion of the first semester of the Mra. Maurice Katelman of Couu- ENGAGEMENT be held. The principal busi- phoning either Mrs. Mollie Cohen at the home of Mrs. Lazar Kap- Betb-EI Talmud Torah tho chilCOMPLETE 2 « HOW r rr: ell Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman will dren of the school will be preness will be to elect a delegate to or the Temple v office, Atlantic lan. announce the engagement of their the sented to the synagogue at a spedistrict convention to be held 2884. SJUOAGBMENT ANNOUNCED-- daughter, Minda, to I. M. IriberThe class on Personalities, un- cial service of consecration FriMr. and Mrs. Joseph Bloch an- man of Flint, Mich., son. ot Madison, Wis. der the leadership of Mrs. M. F. day evening, February 3. Boy Scout Troop 63's basketnounce the engagement of their and Mrs. Abe Liberman of Sioux Mr. Jacob Kanz and all the i MR CO. Levenson, will have a discussion SANITAHY ,w>|..'<.W, «— daughter, Ruth Lee, to Harold City, Iowa. The wedding will take ball team, organized and sponon Malmonldes by Mesdames Mor- children of the Talmud Torah will CAPITOL AT 2344 sored by A. Z. A. 100, won its Perelmac, son of Mr. and early in the spring. participate in the service. ris Stalmaster. William M. Wolfe opening game over the Junior Ben Perelman. The betrothal Junior Hadassah held their Mies Friedman attended Creigh•was matie known to friends of ton university and the University Z. A. team, 11-9. Roland Lewis, regular meeting December 39 at and Mike Freeman. the couple at "a cocktail party "giv- of Missouri. Mr. Liberman is a Aleph Glsbor ot the chapter, and the Jewish Community Center at en New Year's eve by the parents graduate of Creighton university a member of the A. Z. A. basket- 8 o'clock. Reports ot the Thanks- Tuesday. January 10, at 1:15 at the J. C. C. the class of Miss Bloch. and is a member of PI Lambda ball, team,-will officially take over giving dance were received with o'clock on "Survival ot the Jew in tbe coaching duties at tbe next game much enthusiasm. Miss Bloch is a graduate of Phi fraternity. World Today" will be led by Mrs. However, Sam Beber chapter has Central High school, Mr. PerelThe girls are looking forward David A. Goldstein. All memsot confined Its. activity in the man attended the University of GIRL SCOUTS scout troop only to athletics. In to the Southwestern regional con- bers of the group are asked- to Nebraska,'where he was affiliatThe next meeting of tbe Girl an attempt to help the troop, A. vention, to be held In Sioux City be prompt. ed with Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. Scouts be held Sunday, Jan- Z. A. 100 is awarding a trophy to January 14 and 15, at the West I • No date has been set for theuary 8,will at 3 o'clock at the J. C.the most outstanding scout in the hotel. Many of this year's mem' The Hebrew class, under the ' wedding. bers are new and therefore this leadership of Mr. Jacob Kaax, C. Everyone is urged to bring troop. be their first convention. continues to meet at the J. C. C. ;**\: some sewing. Last week marked the fourth will GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Sioux City has planned varied en- every Tuesday from 10 until year that Paul Bogdonoff has Mr. and Mrs. .Philip Nathan! COUSINS CLUB for the two days they 11:30 in the morning. Mr*. L. been coach ot the chapter's bas- tertainment celebrated their golden wedding will have guests. Tbe Cousins club will not meet Graetx !• chairman of this group. ketball team. In appreciation ot anniversary Sunday, January I, at the home ot Mrs. Philip Rlngle A pre - convention gathering, at their home, 3216 Marcy St. until further notice. Members are all the assistance he has given the "An Hour of Charm," will be held players. Captain Manuel Hlmel- at the J. C. C. Thursday evening, Patronise Our Advertisers Mr, Nathan is 73 years of age and asked to call Ha. 0441. stien presented him with a gift on January 12, at 9 o'clock. All Mrs. Nathan 71. behalf ot the team. A family dinner was served to young women are Invited to at35 members of their family. Mr. TO CALIFORNIA IX WILL PAT TOO tend this program. left Mr, Reuben Kulakofsky and Mrs. Nathan have four child- "Wednesday, This will b» the last opportunTo Consult January 4, for Los ren, Louis ot Hollywood; Mrs. Angele3 and San Josa, Calif. He ity for those wishing to attend Leon Teale of New Torfc City; will visit his sister and her The Photography club of the tbe convention to pay up their lira. Dave A. Hester of Chicago; Jewish Community Center 'will dues. and Miss Esther Nathan of Oma- family. meet on Monday evening, January DIAMONDS ha. They were all present, with CALIFORNIA]* HERE DEBORAH SOCIETY the exception of Mrs. Teale, woo Mrs. Joseph Kulakofsky arriv- 9, at 1 o'clock, at the Center. WEDDING BOWS Its project ot developing pic with her husband visited here, in August Mr. Hezter, son-in-law, ed from BerKely, Calif., today to tares promises to lead to a dis- Tie regular meetinr of tfie DeJEW and Mrs. M. H. Scrck of Nowspend some time with relatives play some time in tbe near future. borah society will be held Tues- ©ad This activity, sponsored by theday afternoon, January 10, at 2 York qityt Mrs. Nathan's slater, here. educational department of the o'clock at the J. C. C. Mrs. Joe alto attended the celebration. BIRTH Jewish Community Center, is Goldware, president, will preside. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan were mar- ANNOUNCE All members are urged to attend. ~ Dr. and Mrs. Louis & Marx of open to all interested. Tied in Omaha, December 31, Lincoln anounce the birth ot a 1888. Mr. Nathan came to Omaha son Tuesday, Jan. 3. Mrs. Marx Patronize Our Advertisers Patronize Our Advertisers In 1884, when he entered the fur- is the former Ruth Green'of Oma» niture business. Later he operat- ha. ed the Omaha Reed and Rattan •work* from which he retired ID Mr. and Mrs. Simon Feldmaa 31935. announce the birth of a daugh. I ter, Marsha Sue, Sunday, January I 1
Record Concert Series
Goldie Meyerson Club
Temple Sisterhood Sponsors Review
Sisterhood Circle
Women Mizrachi
Pioneer Women
A. Z.A. 100
Junior Hadassahi
Photography Club
> 7r
In Full Swing! TODAY of Htrabtrgsl
Kitchen Chats
By Mrs. David M. Newnai Whit* Delicate Cake . 2 eups sugar' % eup butter 1 cup eold water 3 cups cake flour 3 teaspoons baking powder .6 egg whites '..%' Iteaspoon vanilla % teaspoon lemon extract Cream butter," add - sugar gradually, add flour and baking powder, which has been sifted together, alternately with the cold water. Add whites beaten stiff, and flavoring, Bake in two lay•r cake pans for 30 minutes at 875 degrees F. When cold, ice •with butter icing flavored with erange juice. Chicken and Green Pea Salad In Green Pepper Caps 1 cup cooked chicken, cut up 1 cup peas % cup mayonnaise 1 package lime jello Salt and pepper to taste Green peppers , Moisten chicken and peas'with mayonnaise and season with salt and pepper. Dissolve jello in 3 cups boiling water, cool, add chicken and peas. Wash green peppers, cut off top and remove seeds. Four jello, chicken and pea mixture into pepper cups and chill until eet. Serve on lettuce and garnish with mayonnaise. forced through pastry tube.
Mr. and Mrs. Nat* Brown announce tbe birth of a daughter last December 6.
Drastic Reductions
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Finkel an« nounce the birth, of a daughter.
an Quality Apparel
VISITS HERE Miss Eleanor Robinson of Lincoln has been the guest of Miss Jeanne EUkan. Her hostess entertained at a luncheon and house party for her. Miss Robinson has been extensively entertained during her stay here.
Fur Trimmed Coats . . sacrificed Winter Sport Coats . . sacrificed Luxurious Fur Coats . . sacrificed French Room Dresses.. sacrificed Pin Money Dresses . . sacrificed Junior Dresses.. sacrificed Nelly Don Dresses..sacrificed Children's Wmr . . . in Speclaf CEe&rance Groups! Foundation Garments . , . . in t Fr$®e Fine Shoes . . . in Spedai- CZczremce Quality Mats . . . in Speckd CHe&r&neG
Meet me at the Plaraoro •— I am in charge of the Snooker ana Billiard Department. Morris "Kelly" "
eur femous Corset Department pre$enH history.mefcing value I N o t "special wle" merchandise > • • «*• • few restricted rfyle* . . . but every lovely, v, freth Rexses b esr stock, reduced! for e limited t?ma... ptf bcci to price later! A "find" if yea Inaw Rcracs, wonderful opporta-.Hy to becerae e s qgaurted, if yeu dzn'il Treated eerstiieres trill "Sbeissograph" you ead fci jira to yasr special Flexeet figure type , . . { £ * mtmosl ht ceajert ez& Uvclizeit for you.
pi every rf'tr cr brrr-rc i
Goebbels h^ih-r^ ^1j
FROEUCH AND FIRST WIFE—Here are Gustav Froelich. German actor whose friends are reported to have seriously beaten Nazi Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels. and Froelich's first wife, the singing actress Gitta Alpar. on a honeymoon in Egypt. Froelich was forced to divorce her because she was the daughter of a Hungarian Jewish rabbi. GARDENS — This is the Palace of.Homes and Gardens expected to interest many visitors to the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition, on Treasure Island, San Francisco Bay. In the foreground is part of the South .Garden that adjoins the palace. ' Gardens will present homely as well as exotic plantsand shrubs from many lands. The palace architecture is in keeping with the general plan of the exposition.
SHE FASCINATED GOEBBELS—Exotic Lida Baarova, Czech film star, In whose flat friends of her husband, Gustav Froelich. German actor, cornered Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda, and beat him almost to death, according to report £rom B rlm _ ? - F1"0611011 w »s said to have been thrown into a concentration camp. Goebbels' wife plans a divorce
GOVERNOR GENERAL—Here Is a new studio portrait of the Duke and Duchess of Kent, of Great Britain, taken on the Duke's 36th birthday, on Dec 20. The Duke will leave London early in 1939 to become Governor General of Australia. He will be accompanied by the Duchess, the former Princess Marina of Greece.
TO AID RAILROADS—Discussing plans for a bill to be introduced in the forthcoming Congress for the aid of financially sick railroads, are Senator Burton K. Wheeler, left, of Montana, and Representative Clarence F. Lea of California. Senator Wheeler and Representative Lea are chairmen, respectively, of the Senate and House Interstate Commerce committee.
CHIEF — Here is a new picture of Colonel F. C. Harrington, former chief enginser of the WPA, who recently succeeded Harry Hopkins as WPA Administrator, when Mr. Hopkins wa.v named Secretary of Commerce Colonel Harrington is shown a$ he took over his duties la his Washington office.
EXACT rCK, OrEXING—This is hew Vice r-r.MdrnL John N. Garner possd for cameramen in his O3CIF,! r w t i o - , ns President cf the Senate, in preparation for the opening of Conpvesp on Jan. S. Democratic control will continue in the 78th COTI—^F- Observers predict that foreign relations will occupv much eclpnuon of the
new Congress.
IrVrt «--"•*
HAMBLETONIAN FAVORITE—Winter book favorite for the 1939 Hambletonian stake is Nibble Hanover, owned by Dunbar W. Bostwick and his sister. Mrs. Ogden Phipps, of Old Westbury, L. I. The horse, shown ; above with his trainer, Harry Whitney, was bought as a yearling, for $2,000, at the 1937 Old Glory auction in New York. He won the Futurity at Lexington. Ky.
STEPPER — Arriving at Miami. Fla., for a vacation from arduous duties in Hollywood studios and night club appearances in New York, is Paula Stone, above, daughter of Fred Stone and one of the widely known "Stepping Stones." She planned to rest for .several weeks.
42-TON PIPE—H-ose section of the siphon that spans ths A1IAsiericaa cs.nsl is raised fcr cables onto a truck an3 trailer for transportation from Calissco, Cal., to New River. This section is 27 feet Ions. Each section cf the pipe line vrsishs E?prcsiinately 42 tons.
;i v"ft>j '; ; r / ,!,'•
N h
, ^!
CRIMSON'S CAGER'S—"A leader among indoor sports attractions this season ot the year is basketball, getting into gear among the nation's colleges. Offering to the sport from John Harvard's school on the Charles river in Cambridge, Mass.; is shown above. Left to right:" Homer Peabody, Fred Heckel, Ulysses Xupien, Douglas MacLeod and Charles Lutz. , ..
JUNIOR LINKSEIAN—Following In his dad's footsteps is Johnny Revolta, Jr., 5, son of the 1935 professional golf champion, shown with pop on the championship Miami Biltmore country club course at Coral Gables, Fla. Young Johnny, with his miniature clubs he received for Christmas, attempts to get that characteristic Revolta putting stance.
KO BARGAINS — Bosauss ths~ tried to buy their vray in by paying cash to pursa-poor pesressas Tv-ho snifoht sponsor the—, E3 girlc and women have found thsir applications to bs presented at the Brit' h court turned do\m by the Earl of Clarendon, above, British Lord Chamberlain. His office is rigidly attempting to stamp out this practice.
' : .
^ q i d c k l y aslhey'crossed^the border. "At left is a heap of baskets. dothing, arms, helmets and other articles the soldiers made the refugees cive ms for sanitary reasons. Copyright Onited Newsplctam
THE JEWISH PBESS—FRIDAY, JANUARY 6,1939 s lay-off due to his operation this winter, came back in the harness, and took it easy to shoot a 450 cones to lead his hoys in their Standings of Teams t g loss; Abner Kaiman Name ot Team W. It. Pet. right on his heel3 T7itn a 440 State Coal & Gas Co..30 15 .667series. Captain Leo Welts -was Empire Cleaners . . . . . 2 7 18 .600the bis sun for the Cellar holdClicquot C. Esklmoa.-25 20 .550ers with a nice 568 series, and Greenlierg Fruit Co.. 25 20 .556Solly Taffe vras in the runner-up The Wardrobe . 23 22 .511 position Mth a 444 series. Smith Motors Co. . . . 1 8 27 .400 Next week's schedule i s feaKaiman Insurance Co.18 27 .400tured by the State Coal-Wardrobe Shrier Paint Glass .,.14 81 .311match, trhich T?ill have much to do -with the standings. The ClicVDopster" Abner Kaiman. pre- quots Trill try and come back into dicted the outcome of all of this the win column at the expense of •week's matches •with the excep- the Kalmans. The" Greenbergs tion ot his o-wn team. Abner should find trouble when they picked the State Coal over the shoot against the Smith Motor Greenbergs, the Empires over the boys, and the last match finds the Clicquots, the "Wardrobes over the Empire Cleaners going against Smith Motors, bat in his ownthe Shrier Paint hoys. match, the Shrier Paint boys knocked his "Kalakes" as he calls them, for a 2-to-l margin in games v o n . After the reaultn were tabulated, the standings In the league were left in junt the same position as last veet's, vlth the Wardrobes picking up one game on the third place teams, namely the Greenbergs and the League play In the Center loop ClicQUOtB, who are in a dead neat •will be resumed this Sunday, Jancor third place. uary 8 with the following games taking place: A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. In the feature match of the Alpha PI Tau at 2:15 P. m.; Bresevening, the Empire Cleaners aft- low Auto Glass will clash -with the er, losing: the first game to the league»leadlng Omaha Jobbing Clicquot - Club Eskimos, came quintet at 3:15 p. m., ana the last ^ .strong to -win the last two game on the court the A. Z. A. games, to stay right on the heels No. 100 will tangle with the SigoC the league leading State Coal' ma Alpha Mu Fraternity 5. Adand Gas team. The Clicquot Clubs, mission to Is who for the first time this year Center members and non-memwere' siren a handicap, had 1 bers a charge of fifteen cents. pins given to them, and won the Last night the Junior League first game by a 788 to 767 score due^malnly to Benny Stein, whose started play with great prospecdiligent practicing has finally tive Center league basketball brought him up to a 124 game. players in the making. The four The Empires went back for ven-teams participating in this league geance in the second and third are the A. Z. A. No. 1 Jrs., the games, and won by the big mar-A. 2. A. No. 100 Jrs., the Hawfcr gins of 793 to 671, and S77 to eyes, and the Sharpshooters. The 741, respectively. Goodman Pill Junior League plays every Thursof the SmpireB, was again their day with the first game taking big gun with a nice 547. series, place at 7:15 p. m. -January J" and was followed by Captain Jack schedule of games-will find the Melchet'B 511. Oscar Mayofwlch, A. 2. A. No. 1 Jrs. and the- No. the."Hot and Cold" boy wonder, 100 3 ft.' opposing each "other was top man for the usually high while the Hawkeyes and -the powered Clicquots, with a 49f> Sharpshooters will face each othseries, while the best their next er in the night-cap starting at 8 man could'do'was a 469 by Cap- p. m. tain Abe Feldman, who evidentalThe Midget league open to ah ly i s i t i l l suffering from the ef- youngsters pried the lid oft last fects of New Tf ear's. week when their league went into action last Friday afternoon at 4 •:ln; the next best match of the p. m. The Boy Scouts defeated the evening, .Dave' Frank's league A. 2. A. Midgets, 11-9 tn a very leading 13tate Coal and Gas team hard fought contest all the way. came back to lite to win two out Young Bobby Fromkin vras the of -three from the Stubborn Greenberg Fruit team. The Coal star for the losers making all ol boys, started out nicely to win the nine points for his team. The Bear first- game "by the comfortable Cats had things all their own margin of 808 to 764 in spite of way by defeating the Tigers 18-? HANDBALI/ giying-ihe. Greenbergs a big 67Regular season doubles handpin handicap. In the second game, the Coal Dealers, kept up their ball will start play on January 9 . hot shooting to win ny a JS39 to The entries closed January 5.
J. C C
To Acquaint You with e Finer Quality of Cleaning GARMENTS
PEERLESS CLEANERS Florence Blvd. at Ames
TOLEDO SCALES U. S. Slicing Maeain* and Bread Slicera
AND Enterprise Meat Grinder* and Coffee MiO«
DISTRICT MANAGER 314 south 13th Street Omaha, Nebraska
™* " * " * "VS ** 47
And It Eliminates Washday Drudgery
Sweet Butter
742 score, but In the last game the Greenbergs took advantage: ot Under the directing of Dave Jack Fleishman's good nature- Chesneau, swimming instructor, & ness, and hospitality, to win by few boys have been working out 788 to 762. Anchor man Phil for the Midwestern A. A. TJ. swimKstzman of the State Coal team ming, and diving championships CREAM COMPANY ptitrtogether games or 1B!F;~22S" to be held at the Omaha Athletic :; AT 6040 and 187 to be high man with a Club op January 14. Under Dave's 580 leries, and was followed up tutelage -the Center meremen are by George Shapiro, the dtainu- expected to; make a good showing tfysr;ltttXe southpaw, who had a In this stiff competition. nice 662 series: -.The -Greenbergs Were -again popped by "Tony" Coha, who had a nice 531 series, while the best their next mar could do was a, 409 by Captain Al Fjaier. who incidentally, is Bteal« ing the limelight .away from Max SCHOOL OF Canar. Max you know is the boy whom we predicted high things tor In the bowling game, but we Hollywood—-The latest "March have discovered he just can't stay of Time" called "The R e f u g e e CO-EDUCATIONAL in the limelight. This was proved Today and Tomorrow" should ALL YEAR—DAY AND in the Becond game when he was awaken all peoples of the democEVENING shooting in the tenth frame work- racies to the imperative need of Mr. JJe MONTHLY ENROLLMENT ing'on a~ strike and then shot an- immediate ACTION. STANDARD COURSES other perfect strike, only to foul, Rochement, producer of Time and: have It taken away from him. shorts, has told how his cameraSens C. DUFFY, Owner On his second ball, Max wanted men spent months in Palestine, 207 S. 19th St. - JA5S9O the boys to know that he could in Poland, in refugee camps in do It again, and then be again Holland and Switzerland gather-
threw another perfect strike, only to foul jonce more..:. But to\.make matters even up, Jack Fleishman of the Coal team, by putting together games of 144, 117 and another big 117 game for a nica 378
Weiring Apparel washed spotlessly clean, delivered just damp enough to iron
6 lbs.48c
ing material. He said it is most important that "this problem be presented -accurately- • for Iho world and-for oivillzaUoni" -...
• 3
Additional Pounds 7c Each
C. B.—5473
."Uncle" Carl Laemmle held a premiere at bis house, but i t wasn't a movie opening . . i t was the debut of a self-heating "hotdbg." Sounds trivial, but the tale behind the "dog" Is this: Laemmle is placing on the market a new typa of can for foods - - a two-compartment affair, w h i c h heats food in the upper section when the lower part is punctured. Topper is that the Inventor Is a refugee whom Laemmle met on his travels abroad . . . and *Unde* Carl Is playing "angel" again.
series to help the Greenbergs along. In the third match, the Wardrobes, stayed right in the win collumn by winning two out of three games from the Smith Motor Boys. This match featured Captain Paul Steinberg's first 600 series in our league..And Paul's boy* not to be outdone, followed him right along in shooting big score's, to "be the high team scorers, of the evening. The Wardrobes won the first game by a 816 to' 684 score. And, incidenOff the Air: Jesse Lasky breaks tally, ihis is about the lowest score the Smith Motors have shot Into a new field—radio. Becomes all season. The Smith boys came Hollywood's "Major Bowes", by back strong In the second game conducting a talent quest over the to- win by a 922 to 876 score, air under the sponsorship of a mainly due to Sammy Tousem's chewing gum company. The boy 203-same and Sammy Steinberg's and girl selected will be contractbig 221 game. The last game went ed as feature players at RKO . to the Wardrobes by a 866 to 757 Celia Adler, heard In "Her Honmargin. The Wardrobes ended up or, Nancy James," celebrates Her with a team scdVe ot 2.55S which 25th year in the Yiddish theatre was close to the record of 2,591 . . . Gertrude Berg and family the State Coal team a few celebrated "Mollie's" wedding anweeks back. Captain Paul Stein- niversary at a gala dinner, made berg, with his 629 series, was more festive by son Charnay's high man and was followed by first tuxedo . . . Sophie Tucker Hank Coren. who had a nlce.548. has sung "Some ot These Days" "Doggie" Weitz was top man for about 30,000 times since 1911. the Pontiac boys with a 535, and She first introduced it at the perwas followed by the "Little ro- sistent request of her Negro maid tund potatoe peddler" Sammy who begged her to give the then Steinberg, who had a 489 series. unknown composer a "break." The last match of the evening, Now that it's official - - direct featured the big upset, when Al Shrier's Paint and Glass team from the subterranean, labyrinfinally broke into the win column, thine vaults of the publicity deto take two out of three games partment — that Charlie Chapfrom Abner,Kaiman's "Kalakes." lin will produce "The Dictator" The Shrlers won the first game and will speak on the screen for by a 747 to 728 score, and then the first time, it can bo added took the second game by a 731that he'll disguise hiB own voice to 662 score, but then couldn't in a sort of tragi-comic timbre. stand the prosperity and dropped the fast game by only four pins, Hedy LaMarr is both beautiful in a .712 to 708 score. Captain and witty. On seeing her, dressLeo Weitz, then tried to pull a ing-room redecorated with frothy "f enegler" " in scores .to try andfrills, she said, "I was wishing capture the. last game, but spon- it was lined with naughty pine!' sor Abner Kaiman was watching him like a hawk, and the result • the refusal of thewas that the scores stood as they Mexican union ot projectionists to were scored, Capain Sam Katz- unreel "Carmen," a German proman, of "the Kaimans, after a duction, in Mexico.
Always a Flno Variety of
FISH AND DAILY Also the'Finest
Funeral Cut Fl • Potted
4774 fer iteservatien UA ' ^ V •••:»})
3 A aa sa
An orphan boy who became the owner of a prosperous packing There are refugees and refu- plant, he recently donated 50,000 gees . . . There are those who pounds of meat to needy families couldn't stand it any longer, and ot every race and creed in Denthere are others who didn't leave ver . . . There must be something until they were actually kicked wrong with the book of William out . . '. In the latter category is Ziff. "The Rape of Palestine" . . . a man now in London, 'who 'was The Goyim rave about itl but the the Austrian consul in Brnenn, Jewish, reviewers call it anything Czechoslovakia, until the Natis but a good book . . . Ziff's views marched into Vienna . . . This on Zionism, which he thinks are non-Aryan millionaire flew the original and new, merely repeat swastika fl&g over his factory to the old battle cry of Jabotinsky celebrate Hitler's capture of Aus- and his followers . . .
tria . . . The Nazi propaganda ministry is all a-jitter because ABOUT PEOFLE Uncle 8am Is watching the short We understand that Rabbi Abwaves carefully to see that noth- ba HiUel Silver's congregation ing is put over on him . . . Awas ready to give Its leader a tight watch is also being kept on sabbatical year to direct the 4eslocal Nazis for subversive propa- tiniee ot the Joint Jewish Counganda . . . Did you read the in-cil . . . B u t nothing came of It terview Dorothy Dunbar Bromley Incidentally, the silver-tongued had with Lady Astor In London orator ot Cleveland was the first the other day? . . . It seems that to subscribe to the underwriting the peeress assured the American journalist that she is "so much against Hitler that I wouldn't think of accepting an Invitation to meet him if one were offered me" . . . To top It, the Americanborn ffl. P. referred to Hitler as a 'lunatic" . . . The Nail government's reward to Carl Hefer, German Aryan artist, for winning first prize in the Carnegie International Exhibit this year was a decree forbidding him to paint . . . They don't like American medals in Naiiland, it seems Messrs. Ford and Lindbergh please note . . . HEAR TE
fund which Is Tnaking possible the Hablma Theatre's visit to the United States in the Spring . . . Felix Frankfurter's appointment to the Supreme Court bench la in the bag . . . The gentleman who looks as If oe might be Leon Blum, ex-premier of France, acty is Rene Blum, Ids brother . He Is in New York Just now to look over Broadway dramatic offerings, and his appearance In the eight spots is constantly starting rumors that Leon himself is visiting us . . . The Jewish women of Cincinnati are all set for a big treat early next month, when Jane Manner, former Cincinnatiaa who now is one of New Tork's foremost teachers of dicWarning to editors of great tion, will, return to them long American dailies: Before printing enough to give a dramatic recital letters to the editor signed with . . . Congrats to Isaac Cannel, typical Jewish names and protest- who has been promoted to the ing that the majority of Jews are position ot secretary of organisaCommunists, check the source tion of the American Jewish ConThis new Nazi propaganda trick gress . . . Arthur Holz, Viennese has beea devised by Hitler-lovers graphologist now a refugee In here . . . Clarence H. Low. dy-this country, is being hailed as namic treasurer of the N. Y. the greatest handwriting expert State Democratic Committee, is of our time . . , He says that Hitnow spending all his time setting ler's calligrapty reveals his militaristic tendencies, his signature up an anti-Hitler organisation Its purpose will be to enlighten resembling an airplane propeller American people on the real . . . Our e t a cssdidaJs for topr of fier Sohoene Aiiolf notch honors In the fcaadwritingDon't let any one tell you reasiiiLg field, fccwever, is playthat Oskar Maria Graf, president wright Ossip Drsnow (eutixor of of the German writers' association "The Bronx Express"), vrhs the In America, has asti-Semitic lean- other day told .Dorotiy Thompings . » . -A real eon cf the Ger-son things about tsrsal* ttat even man soil, of pure Aryan stock, he she ha5 cever realised . . . Wash•was fighting Fascism long before ington Hebrew Congregation, long Hitler came to power . . . Those l e i fcy tae late Ks.bbi Abr&m Siis shopping around for a German Jewish refugees who re-mon, cently criticised him at a meetiag new raibi . . . Soaebody -with the must have forgotten Ms famous <;uE.Iifics.tiors oj a Solosoa Freeopen letter to the Nazis a few hof or a Philip Bernstein is being years ago, entitled "Verbrennt sought . . . Credited wita bringmien!" (burn me!) . . . In this ing about t i e comeback of Join letter Graf protested against the BarryEiore is t i e wife, Elaine republication of one o* his boots Earrie, Dee Jacobs . . . When he by the Nazis . . . Don't be sur- married her Jofcn was one of the prised if Fritz Kuiin, un-American toboggan, but ncv/ he's bacfe on Kftti fuehrer, will succeed in get- top . . . Kost Buicessful process ting Father Coughlin to address servers in this country are the the big Nazi rally at Madison Turner sisters of New York, •who Square Gardes oa February 20th. once served a lawyer with a euniKions while he was deliveries his KEFTTGEE REFERENDUM address to the jury . . . George Some time nest nioath fists will Gershwin's last composition, fly. and blood will flow because which Ess jest been dissevered, of the Naai persecution oJ. Jews was propheticaEy ns-tnes "Obit. . „ T&e occaaioa will be a beis- uary" fey the late caisposer. fit bout between two Maries — Baer and Rossabloosi—for a CalMotion, picture activities for ifornia refugee fund . . . We're all for the idea, recestly broad- the refugee funds: Eddie Cantor addressed the cast frosi Los Angeles, that every American camauaity sponsor one Harvard Student Refugee Coun("The -ME<3 refugee family . . . There are cil. Bert Gordcs plenty of Ary&s refugees to sup- Russian") acccE-ranieS him. Tie Interstate Circuit of Texas ply the towns where there aren't enough Jews to take care of Jew- i a s collected ?70,000 at benefit ish exiles . ••". . The eJtuatjoa, in- performances in its 137 theatres. cidentally, now has reached the Nicholas Scbratk was responGt&ge when refegses of long sible for the benefit snowing o* standing £e!p those of a newer "Prginallcii," wtica retted I I , vintage . . . Nobel Prise winners 500 to be divided arsons ens .TevThomas Kasn and Albert Einstein 5sh EES two Ciristias. organizafor • exaaple. have beea aiding s tions. refugee painter by posing for him Translus Theatre' la Boston . . . We wonder whether Hitler placed at the disposal oj Cathowill like the sew suede sports lic, Jewish, and Protestant organsuit his. girl friend. Leni Riefea- isations 100,000 admission tick- \ \ Ethal, recently bought in Califor- ets, the sale of which will realize nia . . . . And we "vroader even $25,0 00 for Tictinas of Nasi permore whether, if he suggests that secution. she ought to buy her clothes in 'shrinkage of the SI&TXEE: TT.r Hitlerlaad, she will explain that this particular suit is the handi- began in vaudeville as the "£ Is work of a German relugee . . . Musical Mascots." Their tct in Clap hands for the new "March tfcose dars inclnded Groixic. of Time newsreel, on the refugee Karpo, Chico, Seppo, tfceir cir^er problem . . . Tae scenes of condi- and their aunt. Later j< EPC. tions in Kasiland &re enough to Auntie vrere dropped, s.nC v.I'e; mate your hair stand on end, and toured as "Tie Four,rmust have taken some tall smug- gales." Music VES their "tour it force" . . . each of the brokers gling to bring over . . . was able to play three or fru" THIS AXD THAT instruments. Yfhey they cLIirbro Orchids to Walter TTinciell for to Broadway musicals, crn;?c":the best Nazi jefce of the lacath became predominant in their rr_. . . A drunt was picked cp in tine, and t i e r ^rere fcnewr c.rrBerlin the otter day for yelling ply as the 'Tour KE,TX Eroth?~s>." that Goebbels 'sras a "Sctweias- Of recent rears, Seppo, iec*.^; fcund," he reports . . . The drunk like the fifth wheel to & carr^irc. was convicted en the following bowea out, took to the : ; : : : ; three counts . . . First, for being business. They rema's. but e t:'~ disorderly and under the influ- . . . yet still lack the cohet cr, i-' ence of liquor . . . Second, lor the Kitz Ercthers. Lattert" ccrblaspheming a high official . . . Third, for endangering the safety tract Epecif icaily guarcxte cf tb» Karl re^rrs t y rere^?!r^ s casti s cf all three i s v state recret . . . A bcrquet to L.o~is K. Sis^as., Terser!;- cf t i l r z end zc— cZ DJIT-CT . . .
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V' - .Page 8
THE JEWISH PEESS—FEIDAY; JANTJAEY 6, 1939 talking ',lousUj^ Ja Greek, and all the earth is.'.Zull .of" Joy. (From the Hebrew ot 'David Frlschsian.)
V.'.' •..-..--
. Finns
p.- (,TTA>. — Bally
.Nasl interference with 'linns: ,isi Denmark 10 miesaS c? Jevrisb. employ* eei. . &z reporiefi I T newspaper* . Reuben, a n d ' - Simeon, were •.r.r p~.'izrY"\??T "hare r e ffeere. : tten? froiri f-prmRn firms friends. Reuben was-the son of A Talmud Torah meeting was a rich merchant;- Simeon, of a i»!W»v»^»^>v»«i»i^^ ! ceivefi ~>r iicti? of employees and held Wednesday at the synagopoor'cabinet-maker.-" • :nET tc sever relationship gue-Reports were made on ticket to the ground, and his compansales.' • One • day Reuben the ions rejoice In his victory. At a house'of VACATION NOTES: After a< ^ ^ i 3i!Bedn;to pay • him- a 'All arrangements for the dance little distance several Jewish e r *ecl Ooper.hR.per steel tirm three-year absence, your homesick j If~f!J.~^. visit. No-wr Simeon was so poor and carnival were completed. The warm sunlight .bathe's, the lads throw the discus; others are that, the .'three roosis is nrhieh he Mr. Peters finds himself back. In1| ^ J r b v s s forcefi by German ~. Bafijch. Bratinstein, lecturer racing down the long, smooth •-' There -will'be i regular meeting houses along the streets .of Jeru- path; some are dancing in-their lived had hardly -asr furaittirfe. in Miami Beach . . . Where a.cold an)J author, -will the Jewto discharge its Jewitsll it- t t • all. : So .that. when ..Efeuben wave — even if the temperature managing- director. of the B'nai Bl.rith Monday. Jan- salem. Great, masses . of soft, joy.ish Cojnunity Center, Slonday eve•• The great open place eeenife white clouds wander lazily across tosit dewa. he'found that hits.only 1.8 above—is big uary 9, at. the Eagles Hall. xilrigv January 9, at 8:30. The flooded with happiness, yet little .\?Sinte& the blue, blue sky, as though news to rate an ' eight-column there were no chsirs fa tbfe .house.. meeting, -which is- open to the Jose is suddenly overcome with The Hebrew Mothers Club will public, is Bponoored by the B'nal Mrs. Max Harris and daughter, tired, or their wanderings. The sadness, as he remembers that he He wanted to put down his books, banner iri every locul newspaper JEWISH WORKERS air Is clear and pleasant;the but there .fras-no'table. -And tee. . . Provided the wave is ' v.p B'rtth Lodge and Is one in a ser- have a dessert luncheon ana meet* Betty Lee. have returned from a trees still -wear their. green gar- should be at school. He tries to bed'ttpon'which Siraeoa slept WSB north . . ...'Even as three years DEMARB FKOTECTION ies of .'Forum lectures sponsored ing next Tuesday afternoon at short visit in Fremont, Nebr. turn away, but his feet seem ago, when your co-yumist "was ments* which, do not stir in the only a rough board. . byV-tfieI'lodge. DrrBraunBteln will 1:30 In the social hall of Shaare ! rooted to the ground. So much Jerusalem (\\ Nt:> — Jewish "Simeon," Reuben .: eaicJ, "isn't chased down here by an antiMr. .and Mrs. Ben Cohen and fam-breeze, as though the very leaves life and youth, and dancing and •jieafc' on t'Jjioqritles and "World Zioh synagogue. : . . _ • . ; ; ily of Harlan, la.," spent the week feel ,the approach of the coming playing In the sunshine! No won-it true that your father. Is a cab- Seiaitic. bug, he ra,n into some ot workers went on strike with the P e a c e . " " . • ' . .••-•••' •• ' • " • • ' • ' . that "unusual" weather . . . . . storm. ' ••-.-' for "less murder." after . •: • IVIrs. Abe Bain -will :".prestd«r at "a % d here* , :-'. der that he is tempted and that inet niaker?" ; Pf. .BraunBteln has been, a.,memStorniy.winds acompanied .by hea-& Jewish carpenter was killed -and The little children are playing "Yes, it's true,':'; replied Sibervpf the: Columbia University brief business meeting ; M i l j i e his bad angel will not suffer him vy rains . ... . But between the a JeviBfa truck driver shot and raeoa, "why do yoa ask?" EacuUyv:snd was the director.of . ; Ku'bby and Mr. andand singing in the streets, .and to depart. woimtlefl. The vorkcrs, employed raindrops, Peters & B% KubbV and son, Jimmy, as they play together, they shout: "There is something I cannot aiweeldy radio! broadcast of Inter- afternoon will tre spent-at cards.' In the Square aged to do some" of the things in Jerusalem FuKie Works Dereutpn^d" las'tr'^eek from El Paso, "Summer has-come! Summer has understand," explained Keuber., national events called World" AIhour passes, two hours, after ^some hesitation. "If your that -help lure the weak-minded psrtrneEts, demandefl that the T , ; ^where they visited wlch come!"> The yellow, sand Is scat- t h An lifraf'orumpf the Air. \ ; ' r1 e e and still the. boy stands in father^ laakes furniture for oth-, and tkin-blooded far from home government take more effective tered by their dancing feet.; the ";»5He 1B the author of "The Chu'"\ golden sun shines—kindly upon the square 'near the Temple'. The ers, -why has he no furniture ia . . . . After. 1.S50 .-miles hy car in safety measures. • •tas. "of;Majorca," the history of has already" reached the zen- his own house?" Dr. Theoaoxe;';N. -Lewla "•' two fiays, during which our only ,• . the outcast people of the Spanish After.. spending the holidays their, hair. Their tender little sun" when little Jose looks up anil contact with the world was Island of Majorca. .-He has also speak on "Men and--Events <if- hero-.the following university .stu- hearts beat:faster, until it seems ith, . . . .. No Answer -.: ... frightened! ' More than half a had his. work appear In .the New 1938," at thfc Friday"-veentng "ser- dents haye-returned to school: they .must burst with: joy.. : is Simeon could not answer why. througfe . the isbiguHoujj. Walter day has'flown, and he has not vices a t 8 o'clock, in-Mount Slnal York Times, B'nal B'rith maga-. The question had never occurred Wiacheil over, .the -radio —— and Suddenly the children hear: a Maryin Fitch,''••• Leonard Brown, • stfne,-":Travel -Magazine,-, Church-' T e m p l e . ,•• . w -t ut- •:• >'.-.;: - ; . - Jack Gordon, Lorraine Meyerson, familiar voice: "To:school,: chil- gone to- school! to him. before. Surprised and dis-all'-'we r e n e c N r of his broadcast . Mount Sinai. ^Sisterb.Qo.d. will What -will his teacher say— appointed, is "Xhat.Kax (or was man,' arid Christian Education.... i t d -ReubeaR b le't l ' S ' Florence ;Meyeripu, Sam Karch- dren! It is time to go!" how meet at 1 o'dook--today for the onjskyi(Continued1 from Page IX' V will tie punish him! " He aU and -went ioiae. Jt -would not) be the ,next opponThe OW Man. Ben Cutler, Herbert Ro.,-••• 13r. i LewisVJ.' Dlinsdale, "chair- monthly meeting. rMr. Lynn. Beyer ready sees his master's stern On the la-wn surrounding his ent for i s r r u p i n ' Lou Nova man of. the 3 ' n a i B'rith Forum, of MorningsJde. college ••witl speal? Ben.thal,;r Arnold Hoffman ' and The little ones stop their play, face; he hears his,harsh voice re•would i(o conduct his relatlofiB Morton^ Adler. . • •-.-... own beautiful hone, Reubpa n e t was good to get out on a golf with -his workers that on account. •wililntrordtice'the speaker. ."• and, as they turn, they see a tall on "Jewish XontribntipnB to Litproving him.' Jose determines to a laundress, white pill who was busy hang- course . and. poke a of him they would have only re» old man standing before them. leave the place,- but even as he erature." Mrs..Fred, liersipff will from one hole 4.0 another spect for "Jews. He would -«ay:; Introduce the- rspeafcer.- • Mrs." 1^ His beard is white, his eyes pene- runs, away, .he still sees what : he ing out the clothes of Reuben's around . , . And then to go to 'the flogs "What if some Gentiles are laborAgranoff will give the-invpcatlon. trating, his forehead severe-and has seen ail inorning:—he is pur- family. She was an- old/"WD. . ». ,= Where (at the dog tracks, Mrs.: L. S. Goldbers and._ - Mra.. determined. What child does not sued-by visions of the boys and bent, and ugly, and moreover, "we mean) we ran pght smatrk crushing employers? I ow» ifr't* Hollywood tnjraelf,. t6"air;teacftiiig and to misMeyer Harrison > are •. jointly . .in know the stern old man? What girls dancing under the blue sky; dirty and In tatters. B b rushed to her as .he spied. -_fi.ex. inVo sopte anti-Seinitista of the pedp1e-' set the loftiest or excharge of the luncheon. child does not recognize Jose, the by. pictures of the youths wrestle'r ry- G o - R o u n d son of Joezer? •-In-the- first from a distance. snootiest sort ing and,running in the gymplace, the only . dog (greyhound. " Youth Council will spon"I'll ask you a question,!old nasium. Now as he .stands and gazes .he to- 2VJtemi_ he.wpald By Bud Freed to you) tfcst seemed to .-have any. «or> a Cabaret Dance, this Saturr upon them, his face becomes : He can see the lithe lads woman," he said to her,,; "£hat Jewish blood in him was a lean go.'.hie Quiet >.-&;/ as one who tnnst day • evening, January -7 at the milder, his eyes grow misty with throwing the discus, but nbw heyou must answer. "Why' is It and hUBgTy looking mut named. •-carrj-"" not only his own "dignity, J^wfeh" Community' Center. The CYCXE tears, while he "murmurs to him-pictures his teacher's face dark- that the cabinet ' maker who but the dignity of a people ag.well* danpe -will be a stag affair, and up another self: "These little ones still re- ened with wrath and.trembles be- makes furniture for the whale Beaj-erstein . . . . . Beaversteln v/a£ Not .that this. Segal believes , a very, very ..long shot in tbe "Kill Tie' given ^in;a-Parisian 6tyle. •world lias -riot furnltrire In, his Mr. and ;Mrei;; .TBpn ^ShindJiaK year: • one. :ais- floods, . fire and main! We have only; the chil- neath his half-closed eyes; he can that by proper social conduct'he sixthv— or. was jt seventh —• race with a mock bar. floor show and 19-3.4 own house?" . . . . • • The cycles dren-left, the -one staff on which hear the gay youths as.they sing McDonald-"stre"&t,--anni>un^"e fflta3;.good.ami ;bad. U e n d of anti» : at^he Miami .Beaeh Kennel :ciaB: BjHedalty. numbers. Tommy, Hart the -engagement The old woman looked a£ : "of -their''dangbi i l l g o xani ::'Th« boys- will con- our nation can lean." -He stands In their joy, but he also hears his is .is«.tisned' -that .by; i %-. Our. apparent kinship' iaoved. ^ M Ills orchestra will furnish the sigbed heavily, a i d then Bh* sal ter. Mlsa Jean Shihdler,' td Alb.eft. Urme:io get:the;-girls. All will like a man In a dream and thinks rabbi's stern voice. us -to- wm& ;tp- his -financial, sup- his OWE proper social, conduct ho m u s i c . .•:•••.•.•.; : ; . . . - . : "Why don'f you' rathera^fe B>e continue to get press agents.. As of his people. . ' ' ' William Aronow/. son of Mr.' aHd No Attention JBeaverstein got- o?f "to"a hSmsei:", f.t least,. is not hurtinjar .' "^airqld.Grueakin. is : general still another question: "Why : Js port-V... long as thepress ; agents continue What has happened to his naJose runs as fast as his tired it fast .'start,, but his -ariti-Seccitic h5s. people.. Ke feels thai here chairman of- the dance. Assisting Mrs. S. J. Aronow of Des that I, who wash and clean for thefires, floods and dition of late? It is true that his feet will .carry, him, until . he playmates crowded him laf'the' •Hilm'wlH'be• Clara Dvorkin, Sop- The wedding date has not been vorces, everyone should remain there-he. maj-; touch »a miad people are still living in the land reaches the street - where . his others,. am myself d i r t y and is rajl and ran. right over h i m ' . . ' . and . . ., . '." V ite',: Franklin and tpis Novltsky, set thtt through, him will derive a. • equally: miserable. In the meantatters?" • " Beaverstein. got up, all "right, and! publicity; prances Kalin and Sov- Miss Shlndler is a Central high time, despite the amazing consist- of their fathert, but the "land no school, stands. He lingers before -In. •Depressed, Reuben left.; the longer belongs to them. The coundoor a moment and wipes the ey,|Ieshelbw are assisting • the school graduate and .13 attending arriving New Years, Hol- try -is • under the sway of the the laundress;. crossed. the J lawn , and for all we .know he ; may Siill "bfej event,"It ought i o be OE some good sweat from his face, while his committee: wltK their plans.' Ad- the University'of Iowa,.where^Mf. ency-of Tuncing.. . . . .Every . d o g your to Segal's character to be under " drives faster and faster Greek ruler, Antiochus, who is thumps so wildly, that he entered the yard "of his "house. plunging- Peters ' deesdsdl" vras this strict-discipline of obligation mission'is twenty-five cents a per- Aronow -R-ill; be greduated; from lywood its. "ever diminishing orbit and now fighting in Egypt, while !n heart Here-geese were" 'feeding'''la'- the : the college of dentistry in June. in can almost hear It beating. wide pasture^ '-•,.• ' - - ^ r --,w.ofth. "investisE' in turce'd out" to' to his pe.dpl&." I t may make .a The bride-elect-te_~ a ^memb6rr. of one day it:must catch itself. his, place rules the governor AnThe next moment he turns the . ' . " ' • ' " - . T h e . " O e e s e " , ' ' • , . ' • « • . - - • ; - , . • ' : •bs E, virtual Etreicter . . ' . Eornc- map." of him: " "" '" ". ; '• • -The" JanilSr? -meeting of theSigma. Delta Tau sorority and Mr. Without ?too much' emphasis on dronlcus. This Andronlcus now < hovr t i e word must "bave been Youth .Council /will take place Aronow belong -to' PhlEpsllQn the demarcations of time, it re^ rules the country like -a tyrant, handle of the door and enters the (I • ought tc sss ' that them "Geese. g«ese," JReubea :; ..cried iiext Monday evening- at the Cen- fraternity." She is" a former vio- mains a n excellent, if occasional and It, is he wh6 seeks to uproot school room. ' Sut what has hap-oat to them, ."you ..feed here sad PESsed that"a JTA m-n VF.E rid-praises of Segs.1 do not mean that ^er.-~All /presidents, reporters, and linist with the Sioux City sym- virtue to.take stock every so of.- the last remnant of the Jewish pened?' Toe boys "sit in their do not bother about the rest of icg'hl.m ami th'e.hcisnd just turn- he is -rithout fault. He has r his adVieore of the youth group are phony orchestra.. She is 'spending ten. The past-.year saw some fine spirit. For Andronicus has butusual- places, but not a pupil the .world. Can- you answer /me ed 'tail and ran in the opposite di- faults but he is trying his best;) : raises his eyes and- every young rection . . . After being- cleaned contributibns. From the studios. inrite'dto attend. 1SS8, by Seven Arts the vacation period a t home. Both Metro donated the Judge Hardy one wish—to turn the land of Is- face looks grieved and troubled. two questions? . _W$y is It that by ^ttse Streicher bwc-'rcTt,. your (Copyright, :••-• - -FeEtuxc. Syndicate J -. -, ... the cabinet-tusker '.-.who xpafcos' Miss Shindler and her fiance re- series,. "The Last Gangster," rael Into a Greek province: A heavy dark cloud of- sorrow 'Us =co£yiiEiist "decided- to Coming of the Greeks sumed t i e l r studies a t the- uni-"Boys Town," and "Navy, Blue seems to hover above the room furniture .isr Trfth<?»t furniture tern to1 the ocean, confident that" Little by little the land'Is growTerslty an January.3.. '•- • • • • and fill every corner. What has hicasel'v and • why .:tb-e laundress en the briny deep he'-'would, be f a r and Gold." The last" three being for everybody, is herproof that a little artistry can do ing more Greek under his rule, caused this great change in who.washes from the influence of Propaganself dihty.smd in;.tatters?," Mr. and Mrs. - P . ' fL tlelfand much even with the .most- thread- for. he is daily introducing Greek school? da. Monster- Goebbels. and his~--''c. JLOIM« Goldsmith The geesechattered and ancustoms and Greek laws, and has >C6uncil of" Jewish Women -trill 1615 Isabella street, announce the bare :of themes. , "Stage Door" And the master—he is bending monstercttes . ... But, alas, we Louii-aoldsniiih, 7fi, died a t hold .their/monthly, meeting 3Ion- betrotial of their daughter,r Miss and. "A Man to Remember" come almost succeeded in Hellenizing over his desk, his head support- swered: were soon to Bs horribly disil- his home.-IS 01 So. S5 Ave.. Fri. "Why dda't' you better' ask us day, January 9 r In " Je-trisa ccrh.- Charlotte -Gelfasid: of New York from. RKO. - Best of Columbia's the entire nation. ed on his hand, his eyes closed! another question?-V^hy is It that lusioned The long arm of theday, December SO- The funeral nittnity. center J at. 1 o'clock-. The dJy, to I>r. lieoaard . Jackier- of Streets in Jerusalem have lost Suddenly he raises his eyeis and '.'You Can't Take I t .with ftll"service group o f - - H i XEW-TOTI eitjr, soa 'of -2Irr- and You", and " T h e Awful Truth." their Hebrew names, and have sees little Jose standing before we •'•who furnish, -the | fine-, soft Propaganda .Monster had dropped took .place"Sunday, January 1, which people sleep 'com- Its poison into the "pea-green '.'At^ with' 'Ksbhis .Frederick "Cohttiand 2£y8« -jl; ££ . £aro& Is l ij lira.. 3D. Jackier of NantieofcW Pa. 20th-century F o x contributed Greek names instead; Hebrew him. EV Wicre officiating. Burial ar&. c' compelleil teE«e • ., • Fetetr' t r c cempan.iniiC'harge' "ot the'meeting. ' Mrs. . .IUES Galfsxd. attended Columbia coina are gradually disappearing, "My son, you are late today, Fiwrnvt HOI cemetery." JJitlf Roadman, will .be. the gnest imlvereity.-DE.- JaeMer i s a ^rad- Alexander's Ragtime Band" and while Greek coins take their very late—bat it is a good thing to sleep 02 the'.'harfi,. Etony. .flopr foES rrep?,re€ to t-m- -Fitness wsss Scrrj-o-r "ETC Ste wife, I J W * : '« of'the" chicken "co.op?" ' ' ;• •'"• ti> tfcss? c?.fi- ^crC?- .. '."Ocr '-r.tftrtopeaker. The nest meeting of the nste;ot Columbia College and. of "In Old" Chicago." "Four Daugh- place; Hebrew names are forbids that you have come." TT cost" «» tbouC.SJ'rc, eon, Eennfic; - s .clsnghteir," Mrj, Disappointed, Reuben went Jcr.catpring class will meet on Mon-the college of physicians and sur- ters,". VThe Slstera" and "White den; Hebrew flags are-torn-down, '•-. "What has happened?" thinks t Feally oiiXU.XC- Co Goodman Till; .'ans fouT'/traa'd* 7."', Re;Btr&ycd--iatothe.jst^bSe d J a n i j a r y 16: The "Contem- geons of • - Colnmbla university. Banners'* belong to Warners. aDd even in that part of-the* Tem- the boy wondering'at the tender: into chilfireE. all oC Oraaha;.E brother, '. Jewish Affairs" group will Their wedding date, has not been Roach's.'iMerrlly.We Live" was ple where.the Sanhedrln gathers, ness in his teacher's voice. "He and noticed .a cow..; Jack ol LOE'AEEEIGG. Tfee-tfcrer one of the most screwball corned-' even there, the Hebrew banner is has never spokea'so gently-to mo "Tou-cow," he siarted, "I Efflt tfciste ot. it) on, Monday, January 23. i n iclfiefi- to Co lei).. .Universal may take bows for replaced, by the Greek flag. jte Some Of Mrs.. Robert Sacks. before." The Child csarvelea that ask yfflu -three cnestions. • First, rf that :ts,ke'.*ocr•VlBlUng SIBS Sophie Slutfik?,.l3 keeping the. standard of Deanna . Th high-priest, that Onlas who his, teacher's' vdiee, So '• bitter and why is-It that .lhe.-icftbiaet-raa.ker'-, gEj. epics above.par*-and Par- sought to save Judaism when An- sorrowful, can. still remain -gentle wto raakes furaitQre for Samuel-Jfege Sr~ -7-£,-an Oma< /Orthodos Synagogues ' Miss Doris Bibnlb. of. Aberdeen, DUrbln. isis-'OKt-.sere.?al miles ib" the" fish-' ha reckieEt for 5 rev.TB, dlefl S*tamount'finally gave Crosby fans, body y hss no .fcrciture c u . eif? : dronlcus c a m e , the governor and loving. And the boy's heart Squth Dakota. - They were, roomiEg backs o£f the Florida keys "Sing -You Sinners." Of Walt why is It that the launDBcesstxPT f l , Fitter a long ^ x . e v e n i n g will mates at-.the University of-Chica- Disney nothing can be. said that slew, and appointed in his stead, is filled with reiaore as he thinks Second, "We. were lire only tribesmen urfip.r, illness. The ;uneral took place . •••.-••• " - . . . • .has not already-been repeated ten one Menelaus, a Jew with a Greek bf'hls wasted day and remembers dress who -washes for eterrbody ca board,-all.the bggln-tonight a t 5:15 o'clock at go. others eppearing T 1, -r-ith burial a t heart. And now who can tell that .he has been gazing upon for- is dirty herself? And third, why to- be tpna-fide "Arrans" - - and •Beth Abraham and TJphereth 18time?. - Besides "Snow White," what the future holds in store for bidden sights. should ,It be that the-geese-who " the Pleasant Hill cemeterj". Mrs,. M.-Blank, ^Slpuf. Apart- Disney-has ra<3 synagogues. Saturday morh•very pleasant ones, too, including kept the quality of his furnish us with the.Jine feathers He. is -Eiirrivec, by four sons. ng/?erylce3 .will .begin at. ; ;9jnents, has-feturned"from. Chicago, other: products .visibly above that our people? g? Hebrew No More for our -beds must th'emstelves a- lovely ,• ypurg, -I aflywith apple- .Sarnuel. - « Omalia: Joseph "Only these-little ones remain, o'clock. At Tiphereth Israel syn- where Bhe;vt8lted; "My son." repeats the master of his competitors. A personal only the new generation," murres-:tbeBta.-Ea.d the 'neatest film- j • Sleep on hard floors?" and •agdgue~MT.'and "Mrs.'A. Saitlln in a trembling voice, "take your Choice :fbrl the .best studio, of the murs the old man to himself. His i \ ' The Cow . uc..•?',.- : pie we're seen .in many a EcSon % Miss TEve^^t&ansonof'.EstheV- year \ tlr, s^rve ^ '.refreshment . pt s: f piloting book and read your passage, for goes to Warners. Though : A-ll 'Of -us. eropped liies orer The cow jtist looked-at-.Reuben, ' thb^morning service, in honor of vlll'e, Iowa "spent |a^t wee"k, in the many of the epics arriving from face resumes its sternness and he this is the last hour. Tomorrow ^morning service •. " A n d the side..of the.boat tbe. 'engagements of their, daugh- home, of Mr. and Mrs. Max Qins- that Burbank lot ^ leave one cries a second time: "To school, you will study Hebrew no more." with, her Hg eyes, -then. Jier, lips but-seepoor. •"EGn-Arrs.ns" pulled children! It is time to go to moved: ' ters, Sally and Sjargaret. Rabbi S. burg, lOSr-rieth street, . HIB voice is choked, with tears: Mrs, • Kose . Crrcenberg, 60,' ot speechless, it seems to me that school!" is.' "rriggling fish after fish . . . '•'Why dentyou ask' 'saestill L'TSplotnlkov. will -Bpeak. during The children cannot understand 214 •Sri-.tli Forty-second street^ they turned out a better percentT c t r Kr. Peters was ' ctritingly ; ' The Children Scatter' t ^ " inbrnihg" 'service: at' Tiphereth Tar.' and Mrs. A.'B.'Frled&an, age^ot good; "A" products with why their rabbi, a strong man,'is another (juestioa? Why. - is ; ,It resifictit of Ornate for. more than I . . ... The .fash, • obThe children quickly scatter in crying like a little child. And the that I who give riy milk freely" to 1722 Jackson stree'tiand^daUghf -fewer-- tw»imlllion dollar errors. ly having, .been t'irped ®*Z fcyfiftr- years, died Thursday, Deshould have to be gej'ters, Esther a n d : -PauJhteV. ^aro Metro-: may creach for a laurel on different directions, and Joezer, teacher continues: "They have everybody Go*Stels" '-agents,7bid a. field: day cember 7,1, s t her home, .Funeral ; leaving this week for li6s.'Ange ie3 the consistently entertaining qual- t!ie youngest son of Rabbt Jose; extinguished our last spark, they arated & whole day from .lay i.wn at' h.3ST.espea-E€ . .- .-.'They -coEfis- services verc *eld Friday mornruns the fastest. But he does not have taken our language from flesh and blood, 'the calf, .f-or-iesx fca'efi, ..c-xproprif-tefi EES just 'plsic Itg, .Dsoerrbpr £3, -Bt t h e Jewish and •. San 'Erancisco,' '.where' tlfey ity of i t s !'R" pictures. follow the others, for the sun Is us! What shall, we teach our lest .he .'.drink soraeof ray'raiik?" will spend, the ,*winter;nn>nths. BONEBREAIflER .every, juicy h i t of FiiTiera.1 Home wiih iatermiMit in shining so- temptingly' that It: Is children now? How will our chil- Desperate, Re.uben- w&Kted to; ' ' -The. regular meeting'' of the Miss Pauline Friedman spent last Golden " Kill Cemetery... '. 1 Junior HSdassah Chapter will be week end In. Minneapolis, as : a It is unfortunate that the year hard for a little boy to leave the dren learn the history of their run away to his own room'to. lock he-tossed, their y&y ".". . The fish Survi-ving Ere the husband, • off Kisnsi Beach vrill long rememfresh, keen air and the bright himself up a few hours, -. when held: nest Tuesday evening, to. guest; of -Mr. :'and"-Mrs. Jayr TPhil- must end with a story such'as people, how will they learn of SamueJ; 6&i->ghter, Ida Mitchell, : ber lEa£.U Walton Peters for his, sunshine and go to school. Suddenly he met a Jew. complete plans for the convention lips. • - . " . ••;":"' .". '•'•"'' ' '" • this. Italy, has announced that the greatness of Israel?" -And " ' ~ ' generosity that day . . . . . But your S. D.; cons. ME l h ; will - take . place in, Sioux "Jew, you are old "-find wis©," fishing four of. the major picture comThe lad stops-as he passes the again he weeps and the children i-pi York, I>Tfbr., -coiyiiraist-.goteven .in '.the * January; 14 and 15^ Reuberr cried, "won't you ;&EiEpeiri1 . ' Fa,.; sisterE,' IGTC, Kobert- . Among itha Btudents. .who rare; panies have consented to make bridge over the Kidron, for there weep witS him... Because .ihe^fish s'ii j^is"^ Nell; §in?kin, general chalr- homo last- week,;-fQr omnier^vaca-i deals with the dictator who finds he sees a Greek store, where all rae four' questions that I 'will ssk" Mrs..Aline S^CTTJ, TS'VB. Mary Telpto. poetic h'ejg'h'is . And little Josa cries the hardan of the Convention, has -a'a- tlon were lister- Laaribwlchv a' the Jawbone of, an ass extremely kinds of playthings afe displayed; you? . Why does a g ,her;'brother, ?.lerer Coren, all b$ noivnced the following committee etudent atiCreighton University In fitting to his personal scheme. little Jose lingers to fake just one est, for he feels thaChe has been who ..makes furniture for.- every'OiafehE, Etid'three grBRdchildren« a traitor. But suddenly he knows FOOEJ' ODE TO. A F chairmen for' the -various events; Omaha,: and- Bernard ^LairiQwIch,' This report-has.not yet been.con- look at the beautiful toys, but he OD>E A body have to." do .without 'furnithat a new spirit has entered his Margaret'Shulkin will head the who" is enrolled at\tfae.vUnivorslty firmed - here. • No, one .is anxious cannot force himself; to leave the ture? Why should the lauadress The.fisfey took ray bait, but left. WEBS. PESXR, KI.UTZNICK * my book,' registration 'committee and Ruth of: Iowa. Both' iaroA'apno^f *Mr.- to : make any statement. If it, until a Greek • servant heart. who washes-, for-: .everj'bpdy- have KELV.EY. Attorneyt . For the third tlnse he hears the there An not much comes put and curses' him and he 2CC Union State Bank Bldg. to be in dirty tatters? Why should The .-ungrateful, anti-Semitic lit•Gruesbln has been named ch'air- and Mrs.: Morris;.Lasriowich.-; ]_ ,:true, however, : : r rabbi's voice. .-"Children, this is ' tie crook. to.;be saldl -Yet Is it hot unfor- is obliged to; run away^ • , ; geese/ that -give".us the soft'feathman'of the'Saturday night dance, the, last hour. .Tomorrow we will " In the Count?- Court o j that.•'jthere are .those' who, *rnk|b. will be a stag; affair. . .•:• •"• Earl Hlmowlt? ;haa ^departed -ifor He passes the Square of Jeh'os- no 'longer study our. Torah." : His er-beds have to sleep on; bare, NeftrapKs. MI MISH-MASH:.The -Ho- County,' hard-'ground? Why should acow, ••-.. 'Tlie Sunday noqn Iunchqon will Ames, where ; enrolled a t gaining.adulation for petty chari- haphat and the Bridge of-AmtioiIn tb.e j\i&ttcr oC tlie Ef5te.t« oi Ida, voice has lost Its bitterness; now that giveg- us- -hsr milk . have-, to tel'Lafayette, vhere we are stay1 tii.-. are .willingto sell out a : chus and the washers' field , on It^is filled with, a'great grief as .be'iarrangedby Saretta "Krigsten Iowa State:CoHege.;.-; - r . ; , ; ? * ; !. ; ia&:is .-a ylsasant plkce', owhed'ty Tc the" heirs-e.t->ew, cpe<Utor»i and . Ah<l fiether, MirSIn. with Dorothy oura^ for a nickel? and on until he "comes to the Mar- though he had said.: "To.rnorrov,- deprive''Usr t)v,-.n:'ca!f from the '&-Detroit • .merchant namefi I. E.all other pe^^onF -Sp-ieresSed i a id Merlin and' Frances Kallh in. - Mr.v and Mrs.-Preston Pplcky Warners' radio studio, KFWB, ket of Andronicus.".Now and then all-existence Iwfll" be wiped-, out, liillk she. tc .others?'* Irvir.g Cohen. . .-.Its mscager Is cha.rge of .the buffet supper- sch- and Mr. and Mrs.- Bert polsky: of broadcast'.the- oath administered he pauses to take a look at theand the entire earth will. be made is ^ O UBTe bB'^'cy notified tiiat » ' » u p i1 _PTSO l Saliter, * A _ plemental reillion has been filed In ddjijed for Sunday 'evening,.. The Lincoln, spent - last- week end' here to Na2is \VL Bund cataps through- trinkets that a r e ; on sale-^-the desolate." The ' . Olit e s I his Crjnrt or. Oie SSs't fle,y of Decera» c reception committee will be" bead- with Mrs.- Polsky's^parents, Mr. out.the country. Program titled, beautiful things from Athens arid sadljs siLook..-his h e a d . •• Hardy, a l They i ber, isa: er!ea e "' . . A New Xeiigaage *- > *'r.perttia"B.erger and Bluma and Mrs. A. I/. Stein, 2720 Stone •'America Marches On" also pre- Sparta, the gilded sandals,, the "J»iy boy," he said, "has It ever |i P 5 ' SeEir.p tlif.'t .KR R y Hardy died on arv Theboys hurry to' open their strings of pearls, the silver stars, occurred to youto ask this quesh. 1934,"intestate: sented a. dramatisation of the - Mifiifftn.-' M Rozpfsky'. and Rose Park Boulevard. "•'.".• 3rd 6P.V O\ ]V-/S .* • Mr. &nd Krs. j&cq'ues the as1 little Jose takes his; tion:-Why;" is it that the Jew. •who raaniser her death she was that a t the time I ot BasheTkln are in - charge 'Cot the salient' points in. Secretary Ickes the little images' of horses,' dogs books; l!n."T, parents of Ken.K!in£,_ pepj aTesT«3enTo" th6lSlate oFimnois and his hands tremble" and his (?ie.= and-human beings, made of. wood, Saturday.night banquet. "was the first -one-to teach justice blast- at 'totalitarianism. the followDr. Leon. Gallnskyj. physiclajn; at HAVING r mac,! that with tears. He has ruvor to the nations,ishoald be .the-last f :A! JST'OMDERFUIA TIME stone and metal,; which shines so fill situated in b v Oakdale, Iowa,- was- a recent Visi- - -R<Si|PlutI6ns staying st studied' •with so • much, seal besg EX t n e s a m e p i a c e . . .\'" <-"=•"-'•<^ ••="••• ';:"-;-"• =•>-»| ; brilliantly in the sunshine that to-wit: 1 one ta receive i t at'their "hsBSs?" ; " recommended for tor' In- the- home of ''file ' parents;, studios:.Warners, L 6 E has a horse that, performed j ^ ~ f ^ ^ r ^ ° s ~ T t i of Lot it is a pleasure to look at them. fore; the words' . ha.vfe • Reuben; who-5rsa now,.toe tafi • * "We will do f Mr. and Mrs. Herman Galinsky. our-, .best- to. keep Jimmy Cagney meant-so much to him'as they to say anything, quickly ran tip a major m'racie cown at Trepi- I 5 and Vest, u. oi J>:> 6, ininBlock To School do today, for. rha.ciria. u-nlVes ' ; tie- porch .of his house •vrhere fcis cal Park here . , . The L>«T."se. i *>. frmsr.tifp f-n<T Futii'p Addition to the vThe, Blecutioh class will meet out of jail during the coming But suddenly he remembers ' City of Omaha, as surveyed,- r's-ttecl Mr, Morris vDavls -left Wednes- j e r , and we will strive to find that today a language dies, and raotlier.- was: sitifag- and • knitting'. triaai«d Ken's Mamma, paiS «-,.«„' this 'Sunday, afternoon with Mrs: day, * * ' ^"" ' anil ~eco"c'ie(i. snii kr.orn ft« 631-62* that he should be at school infor his home in. Cincinnati, is' carried to the grave. Heknows tors in hies one-cay a t ' t h e isaag3.7th FSrewf: Morris WelBberg: in the Center, and; cleaner gutters for the stead of- lingering here, and he that today a nr.t!6n-will be s~ept • • f'Manta; dsax^" he", cried,. "G&n't n'flcent- rate ..of •= S to 1 . . . Your '•South after visiting here- with- his newTax 'Coin 23 end ?4 and ihe South anil :p)anB; will be : dis6uBsed • for a Ohio, you ansvrer -.m-e-'rth?. five •questions Dead-End Kids;"Selznick intertries to continue on his way. But Lot ?S>, pnfi the South a.people wiped out.,] that I-. -K-ill ssk you-? " Mr. Peters - v,-ill >.-£ for Ket'E 11 ft. of T a sNorth • Tadiq-iprogram to-be presented in son and daughter, ^Mr." and -Mrs. national, ."We will either find when he" reaches the open place away, 1R0 ft. of th"> East His"teacher speaks to him no • .tfie near fature*. - ' . : A.:M. D r f : •Scarlett - OfHara- or shut up." which Is at the corner of the' Tem- tenderly arid, his voice1s: so' sweet •'Metro, J'We will stop trying to ple, he stops once-more. For the '•; trhifl. atterhoon, the intermedf- : Dr., and Mta, A." Tankei of'."sfc , sell^.thei-publlc these hard tack Greeks.have built.a great citadel and,'hi3 explanations so pleasant. Paul, Minnesota,'-visited-this week J that it seems Co Jose that God's ale-Dramatic Club will meet with pictures ^wrapped in two and here, and a large gymnasium, its leader, Miss. Sylvia Herzoff'. In the home of their son-in-law three million dollar gold service." where t h e y teach dahcfntr-CTtd. secrets are' flowing from : -the MrV nd'MrBr-MBer 20thrCen]tury Fox, "We will do square'letters of his bdok, sec• TijeS^will cast-parts'-for tyro'plays and daughter," wrestling to the1 children of Is-rets that he ne'fer knew and nevThat eekl petitioner Ises BTI Levitt. .-v-i. -/;-" to. be-glveii la February.' everything in our power to pre-rael. you, ,but I ..-canlt.: ...Maybe,,. '' eel in .said r e s ' estate er-understood before. serve that great American instiyou'grow-'up-aa-d.-.TP-ill be..a great The boy stands and gazes at his And. •• as- the teacher ta.H-s to vivinft" husband of said d'jeert,"^; man., you -•wiJl r-be :.g;bj,e tp answer NAZI GUARD DEMAND tution, Shirley • Temple, by find- brethren, • Jewish' boys like him- hira. i i>cti*iOT?er prvss the* P. hearir.i; o« the tears flow from the lit- Uiem> f o r y e u r s f e l f . " ing a good story and new sup: ! on e&lC. petition, thf.t n<^'« tn f •'..•• : self/ arid wonders at- their .feats tle boy's eye.-; a-ncl ..l\e .-co- 3-o ' i be riven as required by I " ' , an?; porting people for ; her." Para- of strength arid skill. As he his Reuten. "felt -better-now, w-Uh 'Embaime'd Soulsj" will be the SEGREGAf IOH OF JEWS mount heart iri"weeping. He. the S.TSZS .of. his':" in other aroand j ixnor> said hearing « ^ ^ ^ > and RKOi"We will not re- watches "them his heart beats can tender Berlin (WNS)..—.J5an Schwar-. sflbject-of Rabbi-H. >R. Rablnphardly realize what has hap- j liiisi\but etai 'i>e[ was "far -froip 'ship ^e enieret an<S fr,r!h-r pom: more than- three time? faster with Jojvthe' Joy of Hrirf- peno.d J&S Massxyfc, jf""''or, l€ b e JTA) T7ite's EGrjmdn Friday evening. Ser- ze Korpa,- organ of Adolf 'Hitier'a prgaolsQ c" fo-if! e"^-" *lisi>e . . The child takes a.11- ouili !• evEfeiac' Klr-ist^r- < 1939." Walt Disney,' "We under the shining* blue skies, the .hia. heart being satisfied^—.' omer C: vi'ce3. .will besin promptly at .8elite; guard, j demanded. Jim {C|W during that he jrlll:never ' and BOE V2 thfi| "011 e? therefore notU'icC tlv. stay as'sweet as we are." All Joy of feeling himself young and in '.'Wait till t grow. c p ; " .he.-mur-. j tc-Greato'«l6<;k. Saturday morning isadore cars for 'the segregation of travel- will visit" the citadel square -asain. of. the Cseshc- j lie bo: written - out 100 vigorous and- strong-.;urea to-'hi!a:sSf... ""I'll change j £5 rs NaBIer.-".will c.elebrateSvhla> Bar Ing- Jews, and pointed'to-: t a o e z - tthescore.rto The sun is-setting; the roon P.!^Vff1.-!-!T! t F.eptbtlc ,..--val-:Js.E sci"ed OK th? { C*. t h e Cou'niy Covvi .,00m • • -. Two Jewish boys enter the groves darker. No oae speaks; this wcrld if.I'CE.2. -Wait till I United of tho i m e s . - : .'..... •,.' , ' • - • • Mitivah .in ;the wnagogrrg.: Fql- ample of Southern sections ; ..-States liner T-CasMnCton i Cc " if- >* ,^ -(Cppyrlsht,;.1938, by Seven Arts arena, ready for the •vyrestling all.listen to.the master's trenib1 iowing'tne Bar Mitzvah.a^fecep- United,States.. ti?np a n d --' • Dr. *B7"KirscheE5auia, for-Nev York and vrae to arrive j ^ ; ; tioa will ha spohaored by Mr. and "If the state, railways, bcicause •,. • "Feature Syndicate) .. '.'..- match, their bare bodies• glisten- lls'g voice, as ha teaches the : ; -The- Jewish. Child. •• ' coruefis" the pal ing with oil. Ia a moment they Torah for the last •time.- -In-the J3r3,;3enShera|an,' in the" social- of WBilHHrasidered . - f l c , . , a n c l a l <>= ent<?r ip.T?.i!i: 4Sir f 1 isati. m hali ,of .the synagogue.,- • Harold £rQundsr eannot decide : to.forbid •, In Talmudlc times, dancing In are locked In a close embrace; streets outside, people are. heard UeiraUip. and « rtor,' i a ' Jc.lUt&3T - ft'lC I S' they sway backward and forward, -nrilBtraiian ot Roseathal will "be cantor during Jews complete" use ofKthe- "rail- honor of the bride was considered tp the fourtesath" century, make, other speeches ' •p.r'th, ' ' ' Junior Congregation services and road-sleepers, then at least they an-Sct of piety. Sedate rabbis of- struggling together, sway lag. like . Beajania • Meadez Seisas was BEXCE ' — — -..-Y.-. - . . one oi the Joun'Ters of the-New; tEe-'-fe'a-rtiiEt^-s'rf- coa.t-etfiporary Burton Llpschutz will read the should assign Jews special sec- ten vied with one another in itsreeds in a strong wind. County <i-e-SS-Bt. Jewish 'isally -csa be traced., i .•. Fatroaize• Oar Afivertisors Xi " ' ' tlons, the weekly publication isaid. exercise. Suddenly one throws the other York, stock exchange.
:.: ^meeting o t the Agudas Achlm .Lodge t?as held Thursday. There was an election of officers.
:? Gduiicil 6f Jewish
s e t .
•. : . . • - - , . . • . : • . - - • • - • . - . . : . . ' . .
. c • J.C. C. News .
Ivfasaryk Arrives . '. to Address Parley