In. tibcs
Interests of the Jewish People
'TRUSTEE SPEAKS . _ •'• •I have been made a member ot • n r temple's hoard of tniBteea and I certainly "will have to So something ahout that. All'these years"! have been •writing about Entered aa Second Class Mall Matter on January 81, 1S31, at VOL XVII—N*. II TDAY, JANUARY 13, 1939 temples and rabbis-and, now, sud•Postofflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 2. 1873 o: denly,' a temple and two rabbis have been thrown into my hands, you might say. And -what, Segal, are you going to do about them? •Various cynics have ribbed me: - "Segal, it's a hopeless job to try Washington (WNS)—Patrick to pump life into a dying instituB. Kelly, director oi the Institute tion-" of Criminal Science, announced •They mean that synagogues in that a program of research In general are moribund and there criminology has been made possible because seven leaders in the is no use trying to do much about The only voice ot decency in j characterized, as_one of the outworld field were available from any one ol them. That all is not men in Europe. among the Austrian and German •wpll -with temples also seems to Seventy per Cent of Native he -world today is that of Amer- standing Seek to Clarify Stand of The next war, the speaker preca, Baruch Braunstein, noted aurefugee scholars. be on the mind of the Union ot Jews Deprived of " Germany Before thor and lecturer? told the Center dicted, will be fought in the MediAmerican Hebrew Congregations Mr. Kelly stressed that the emterranean. "Mussolini aad Hitler Livelihood Forum audience last Tnesday eve• Conference ployment of the refugee scholars (Reform)' which, is meeting in ning. "America has once more went into Spain to render Gilbr&lnot oisly afforded relief to them Cincinnati .this week to find wayB assumed the moral leadership of tar ineffective aafi ElreaSy guns EXPECT AID OF ITALY and obtained for America "invaluto make the temple really signifi- REPORT SUICIDE WAVE the world." in strategic position EXUTOHES It." able assistance toward the solucant again in the hearts of Jews. Moreover out of the Spijaish Only the fear that the Infection tion of a major problem," hut Like many'another I have been Accuse Priests of Ante- from Europe's running sores venture the two dictators will be Polish Government Pre- would create opportunities for going t o . temple very seldom. Dating Baptismal pared to Repatriate given many important Spanish would poison this hemisphere Americans trained but disorgaWhen I do go I sit there restive brought about a sudden change in possessions as toe "Balearic and Certificates Deportees nized.. and quarrelsome. I quarrel -with American policy, the speaker es- Canary Islands. "In northern The following refugee scholars the prayer book. Oh, I say, this Spain, despite the talk oj the re- Paris (JTA)-— Two American Rome (JTA) — Police Taids plained. been invited by the institute prayer oeems far from the facts on cafes frequented by Jews were Hesitating to Indulge in proph- moval of volunteers. 110,000 officials of the Intergovernmental have accept research and lecturing of file as we know them, that reported from air the larger Ital- ecy, Dr. Braunstein nevertheless Italian troops, according to the Refugee Committee left this -week to positions: Dr. Leonard Adams, prayer seems an affront to m? ian towns in connection with the Informed his audience that Hitler boast of the rebel general, Queipo for Berlin to face high leaders of Dr. Mas Grcnhut, Dr. Karl Birn-' de Llano, are ready to " Intelligence. will never begin his drive to the the Reich government for the first decreed expulsion of foreign Jews bausi, Dr. Hermann Man halm. R. France." east until he has effectively antime on German soil for a con<l know I should be laying my by March 12. At the same time, Kempaer, Dr. F. Hoefer and Dr. Prance, that already the Speaking on t b s position cf tae crete discussion cf the emigration Marianne Beth. ,soul humbly before the altar and, the American Embassy has re-nihilated ermans in Alsace-Lorraine are church In the present problem. George Rcblee, director in fact, X search for the simple ceived reports that a number of being stirred as once the Sude- Catholic controversy, Dr. Braucsteln esld of the Refuges Bureau, and RobJews have been intercomforts that are supposed to American tens were. that regardless of the ostccrae of ert Pell, assistant director, departrogated by the police and kept -abide _ in holy, edifices; but my under strict surveillance, also in 'While other nations built the Spanish war, the people cf ed after conferring with French BOnl doesn't find anything. connection with the expulsion de- colonial empires, Germany was Spain will remain Catholic. "Their Foreign office officials. . .'My father always has found a cree. Ambassador William Phil- expanding in Europe, and today anger is directed not against the "Our trip," the delegation ingreat deal of spiritual satisfaction lips is taking a personal interest there are 8,500,000 Germans liv- church but the Spanish hierarchy formed the J. T. A. correspondent, Washington (JTA)—President Roosevelt's nomination *£ in the orthodox synagogue where in the cases. ' ng as minorities throughout the which in the present situation Is "is a s exploration'trip. We want Prof. Felix Frankfurter to the Supreme Court to fill the Vaaligned with the ansy aad land- to establish where the German he .goes. It is like a second home Jews picked up In the raids continent." cancy created by the death of Benjamin N. Cardozo last l owning class." ... tp him. He lingers there; after were taken to police stations and to Mussolini, w i t h Turning government stands on certain marking the first time an immigrant Jew has been elevated Dr. Braunstein was iatroficcad aspects of (Reichsbank President ' " t h e service as if reluctant to questioned as to when they were whom he has spoken, the speaker JBave. He loves the old pew in leaving the country. If unable to claimed that 95 per cent of the by Arthur Cohen. Maurice Sars- Dr. Hjalinar) Scfcacht'8 p l a n chorus of praise among the highest tribunal—stirred •which he sits, he feels the glow give a definite date they were trouble In Palestine has been fo- uel will be next speaker ca t i e which are notably unacceptable to ! papers and p u b l i c 'Racial. Religious Respect' Center Forum series. of great honor when he Is called jailed for several days and npon mented by Italy. Mussolini, he all governments . participating In the nation that lS*hCambridge, KP.?E. - T ~A>—"T :: throughout Topic for Annual to the service of the Torah. Be- their release ordered to leave the the Intergovernmental Refugee cated tliiB was one of the BMW*. am, of course, sensible of the ; fore he grew t o be as old as he country within a week or be i m Committee, and also to clarify popular appointments the prws* Competition obligation and the honor inCENTER 'ORCHESTRA other matters prior to the meet•-.. is he was happy to go to the ser-prisoned until March 12, when j cieni has made, volved." Prof:. Felix Frankfurof the Intergovernmental vices of-the morning in the dawn the fate of all Jews unable to emThe fourth annual essay con- ter told the J. T. A. vhen | TVkL geuate confirmation of sh» TO MEET MONDAY ing committee opening in London on test on "Racial and Religious Re- reached igrate, it was stated, wonld be setot bitter winter days. -at bis home lor com- inominaUor. regarded as certain, *. The Education Department of January 2fi." spect" sponsored by Dr." Philip ment on. his nomiEp.tiot?. to the 1 subcommittee of the senate •Would I be seen trudging tled "in a drastic manner." the Jewish Community Center anthrough-the snow at dawn if our It was .reliably learned here The discussions in Berlin, t h e Sher for students at the Univer- Supreme Court. He declined iary conimittep opened nounces the formation of an or- delegation disclosed, will concern sity of Omaha and Creighton Uni- to mate a more detailed state- I hePTinsc?; or-. Tuesday. P r ' temple had divine worship every that more than 300 foreign Jews chestra under the direction e l Al the following points: (1) What versity was announced today. morning? No, I would say, mywere subjected to such treatment. n^ent, preferring tc ' FraDkfr.rlor bad been invitefi FinkeL alternatives Germany is willing to Prizes totaling $100 include a his traditional bed is particularly comfortable at Italy's determination to oust all be rer>res?iitefi before the The organisational meeting will offer instead of the" unacceptable first prize of $5: second prize, dawn. The morning service of foreign Jews — their number is riiiitep' "either in person or ti* be held on Monday, January 16, details at the Scbacht's proposal; Prof. Frankfurter parr, tribcounsel," und expressed prn?«> the temple would not have a put. at 15,000 in a total Jewish at eight o'clock, a t the Jewish population of about 58,000—will (2) How many thousands of Jews ute to Justice Csriiczo, hie enre tc he represented by. i xninyan. of us. be evidenced, it is feared, by an Carnival* Entertainment Is Community Center. and "non-Aryans" the Reich gov-f lfong-time friend, in cc article unless developments arose "What's' the matter-with me? increasing Local Musician are invited to number of such cases eminent will permit to emigrate f •frfcich appeared in e. joint issii-p-f/insr rus appearance. Planned for And what could be done to pro- as the deadline this meeting to find out about the annually with a certain proportion | approaches. sue of the Columbia Law KeTide me .(as well as others) with orchestra. Affair Suicides of their capital; (3) The secnriE^ I i-iew, the Harvard Liaw Keview such' perfect satisfactions as my of a promise that Jews be gireip | t e d the Tale L»aw Journal yesovt Wf country "Pew*The. Council Bluffs Talmud lather; derives from the synaA wave of suicides has followed ;"l? Of R11 political lea»JnWan opportunity to live in peace it j ti; terfiar (TixrsfiarS clec'.icp.teif. in the- wake oT growing political Torah is sponsoring a dance and T gogues.. tiesc ribed i he nomination in suiil,. the Reich until their turn to eiai- = to Justice Card07 0. , i;stice carnival 4» be held on Sunday, and e c o n o m i c discriminations te~IT• «: a s : ' A vplconie appothirI am not sure of the answers, grate ccraes; (4) Organization • Cardozo "recorEized that new rnpr. T' , . „ "?.Tr. Frankfurter *>lii . except to the first question. I am against Jews, it was reliably January 22. starting at 8 o'clock and financing of emigration. • T>olicies must he perfected or at the Eagles Hall. Tickets are learned by this correspondent. Reone of multitude of men who have. brin s: t r / rh.p r n r r i : nn »dml**iWl* Iiong Discussion "' • discarded by the test of exone dollar per couple and entercent suicides include a number of ecui rrnonl. P M oi the fin«M>U Ji> come t o doubt the validity ^of the The discussions -are expected- to I perience, . s-P.a Etust r.ot be tainment, including cards and dismissed Jewish army and navy dee;: I ill at. lisf. feme to it- lit »*« . claims • of formal religion in a last until Jaacary 20. • The r e - | jurljrecl ss thouxl- the- legislaofficers who, after years of dis- bingo •will be arranged for those ' «. . . *'.TTis Rppolnttnfttu *wt>rld that (despite all the tinguished suit will then be reported by R c b | cent ture vere -B modem ?-"iT;.erva,"" who do not dance. Music will be service, were suddenIs? a. .e to hiB in<iepen«l«n«"* Bteeples that reach toward hea- ly humiliated lee to a raeetins of" ths officers?. Prof. Frcnkfrrter •v-riiesand degraded, and furnished by Freddie Ebener's orP.F. "V tc '!,'>•? p r e s i d e n t s fcWsven Y has gone to helL • '• capitalists' whose posses- chestra. j'ij." rr.,rr.i-::?.' w © f t * ' * » * The formal prayers for loving Jewish • exprp^ The -fortunes".oL those jprp.sfmt. and. justice and compas- sions have b.eeu_yijrtually P ^n ^ v ..•--. la Paris, rricr to t i e ?lsr:5.r he told by 1 sjponp y iladame Zorina,, .Broadcast "fion^TSOufid'empty T» v a"wortffiB p r i a t e d . ~ - - - - - = • _••-ehie estisg'cf the-coaiialttes to Lc ? T.T - ""• n T* r3! C a n i» J A ? * i f The suicides are not -reported on Topic of Vital famous Eeeres3- The drawing for •which one "word from a;dictator *. .* * *• i.s ^-ff-^.f ititu'•*<•**!'*> don oa January 26. The fieies in'the Italian press, but their octhe electric roaster •will also be 3Prv . , -. Interest .is so much, mo re patent than our (Contic-ced' on'page S.) -(Continued on page 3.) held a t this.time. ] toi". prayers-that" It can devastate a Ben Kubby, president of the people -while "another word can DISCUSSION FOLLOWS Talmud Torah, has- appointed v or! the make war. In the prayers of Mrs. Etta Yudelson chairman and Tom Kippur I found myself givMrs. Ben Seldin, co-chairman of Propaganda Menace Sub• >. 1 0 ing abdominal laughter as I par(torn w&ft « p« o;. noE- .">•PTil 1 the affair. : ject of Thursday's m Grppn, prwiUi an; roted the printed words. •-- mer.t fcr Assisting them will be the folip Sher >r PI ri. Perhaps this is snap judgment; Talks o:i! the Ame PT: FederHtioR lowing committee m e m b ers: Jjiihc-v, L-¥oTnmeruViTi£ t h e " « « . • « • yet it is the judgment of hundreds 525; third prize, $15; and fourth Drawing, Mrs. Richard Gordon 7T- r-.v.l of. S. TD8-I' *' of thousands of other plain men lent" ar Treek; a promlsins Jewish prize, $10, for each, school. Four .Delegate® A and Mrs. Ben "Kubby; Printing, Community ted lby t -RiTit P-Ts.n pxperinnw to whose hearts synagogues and Center group engaged The contest, Dr. Sher explainBen Seldin; Publicity, Mrs. Sam set-re lr> BV. -it. RE psaltefi p* in a heated discussion for almost churches have ceased to have Cincustiati Tci: ed, is not only to awakeB tolerRoffman; Bingo, Leo Krasne, tion." an honr following the broadcast meaning. It may be wrong judgance for Jews but to inspire a Conference The new members of the B'nai chairman, Ben Kubby, co-chair- of America's To-wn •Meeting of the ^ inquiries are being made feeling of respect for the differment but it must be seriously conIr-reef seal! ?v hr {fee J. T. man, and Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner, Mrs. currently as to how money can ences of all racial and religions A number cf Omslians repealer. T "Oi. Frankfurt*" sidered by the reverend doctors B'rith will be ^guests of honor at Sam Roffman, Nathan Nogg and Air. "The Town Hall Foram." leaving this ereriiTie to attend the the liftr W\P nC forcipn t»!r«* On Thursday, January 19, the be forwarded to the desired groups. •who'are troubled on account of a stag to be given in the auditor- L. Katleman. source for-the aid of refugees. All conference of the Union of! Amer- be sppoir. ie Town Hall subject will he, "Is the" trembling-structure of organ- ium of the Jewish Community Judges will award the prizes Cardrooms,. Simon " Steinberg, America Menaced by Foreign question of this nature are being Center at 8:30 on Monday even-:, ican Hehrew ConErrefrstionp to t>e h p rit I ized religion. . on the basis of the originality dishetrsg: tbr- 1Jing, January 16. A short business chairman, A. Baer, Saltzman, M. Propaganda?" Radio speakers referred to the Jewish Philanth- played by the writers, the factual held in Cincinnati, 'araiarr 1E- Court,' t Gen T.-•?"F s^itiprjsnd (E ormhsri The puzzled world looks at re- meeting of the lodge will be held Grossman. ropies, which, organization repre- basis for conclusions, coherence, 18. Four delegates from Oitishg lanfl> p" c, t.I- r is.te .Tames V-'ii urn Refreshment booth, chairman, ligion not with hostility but with at 8:15. sents all of the major agencies en- acd orderly arrangement of ma- to the youth conreret?ce which is oi Jamnn r SOWN HAIili FOSUM a sense of futility.. What troubles gaged in working out the world- terials, correctness of expression, tak-ing- place toflay ECCI tomorrcy dell (1 TPO- 1 0..l?,pr), Featured on. the program will Mrs. C. Saltzman, Mrs. L.' KatleEngland >, *i.ui. the Union "of American Hebrew be entertainment, cards, and box- man, Mrs. Harry Kubby, and Mrs. wide Jewish, aid program. • also are in Cincinnati. Thursday Night—S: 15 T~ ~; : i :*. ~ and general appeal to the public. <• . -•-'. i i r . I F . Congregations ' also troubles the ing. Refreshments will be served. Ben Seldin. At The Those s-ttenfiJng: the •ror.'er- born fit •All monies-intended for the aid It is',Dr. Sher's hope that simiF r ?P the t 7*.;. Wheel Committee, Sam Sacks, organizations of other religious Salewin Michnick Is chairman Jewish Community Center of Jewish refugees should be sest lar contests will be sponsored by ence are: Kabbi e.v.5. J.lrs. Dp-rifi among' ' he i hT re Jp-p-g appnl'i chairman, M. Grossman, Sam groups. They, too, wonder what's of the committee In charge of arto the office fo the Jewish. Philand groups in univer- H. "iS*ice. Dr. and Sirs. FreflericV. tc i?te IT icfe - ,rj •nnm\ fo> t»e ni to become of their churches in a ranging the program. Joseph Sol- Meyerson, H. Meyerson, C. SaltzSubject: "Is America Men- anthropies," states Jack W. •B£ar- individual in vbe oibem h» int sities and colleges throughout the Cohn, Mr. and Sirs. Sam «T. I,POR, mipmnt man, L. Bernstein, and Simon aced by Foreign Propaganda?" er, Chairman c* the Philanthrop- country. •world; in which many men have omonow Is chairman of "the hosand Mr. End Krs, Korris Fi. ."a-I.ouis I r p Tirspip (I.OtjlBVl Steinberg; Bake booth, Mrs. A. come seriously to doubt the au-pitality committee. "What is propaganda? cohs. ies. K y . l FT> a t r e icfe Benjamli:. V. thority of organized religion. The membership class initiated Gilinsky, Mrs. Sam Sacks, Mrs. Why was the Dies conuaittee The four at ths Tor.t^. cor^efT Ci.TuOZO "Various groups aad organisaT^ry. city). ence are Serline Somtier". I.oyp* What's to be done about me in December is the largest In the Scharf, and Mrs. Sam Meyerson. appointed? tions. In this community have inTickets, Mrs. Sol Suvalsky, lodge's history. Can a congressional investiKaplan, Faith Friefimsr., e.nS. P-r-r~ j "who has become a pillar of the chairman, Mrs. Max Cohen, Mrs. gation curb propaganda that is dicated that they are raising rey Miller. i Pro", congregation of Israel, though a funds 'for refugee purposes but He Harry Cohen, Mrs. J. Gotsdiner, anti-democratic? En route to the cor,ie~erice Kat>- | •weak, wobbly "pillar enough — a are uncertain as to t i e source or Mrs. Nathan Nogg, Mrs. Etta Yubi Wice stopped o " in r»?.venpor!: \ pillar that stands uncertain sources to which to send such delson, Mrs. Sam Roffman,- Mrs. will be Morris L. Ernst, leading where he Epol;e Isst Tight he-fore, j lp-r'y in i h s 1'ii.or."= among" a lot of other wobbly pilTeperman, Mrs. R. Katleman, 3. liberal attorney and counsel for f undsr The -Jewish- Philanthropies t h e brotherhood r l Temple j v&s E member ol the Slonisi lars. What's to be done about The Oir»ELha Hebrew Club will is the agency to which, our nationShyken, S. Rosenthal, Sam Sacks, tho Newspaper Guild, and Mr. Emann-El. I ga!.ion or the r e r i ? Peace «nnfo> me and all the host of Israel that install officers oa Sunday, Janual and overseas organisations look enoe. HIo~e veor-nUv. t h e and B. Seldin. In a dreadful new world looks a t Charming Pollock, playwright, for the safeguarding and : trans- ary 15, in the club's room et the Ke will also meeting' of ;GertE-rpl COUTICU m August, I the executive comniiUer of the >peloci^fi tiro. B« HT>. author, lecturer &nd dramatic mission of such funds." synagogues and wonders to what Jewish Cosuscnity Center. Irvln i The Photography Club elected critic. C. Levin, Omaha attorner, will, be Hebrew Ucion College ali'icnl, i merr.ber o" the fiionisv, end they-are serving.officers at Its last meeting. Carl installed as president and I. KorEvery Thursday night, at S:SO, eor>-r;i;av!rp political <?ouncU, In. sentimental mood I have lik- Bronstein was namea" president; genstern, secretan'. This Electing outstanding leaders of social month t.e V/RE liamed to the >W ed to say that if temples only Bernard Coldware; vice-president; :j has bees csilea for members thought discuss a v i t a l curreat OL ("ireclovH oi the brought back the old ceremonials Daniel Klonlck, secretary; Noronly. problem over the NBC network. •On W'efir.eRCis.y p^eriirx-. J P T Friend?, o^ lire I-Tebrpw mn!y everything might be different. man Wintroub treasurer; and Listening to this program are Nathan S. TaTe -rill act as in- j ary 25, Kahbi Fredsriclt Cohr. v: He lips ^iBuec"i F»1eptine Reform Judaism, I have argued, Norman Wintroub, supply chairmore than 1,300 Town Hall forum stalling officer. 1 review Carl Tan Dorcr.'E "^ife times, the !ar-. tiTUP in 1SS4, *<*>£ has cast off too many of the tra-man. groups, including tho local group It is urgent that all members be i Benjamin Franklin" before the ha« winter, r- number of Mr. S. Ravitz, president of the which ditional garments and has be^ . Dues for the club, which meets meets in the club rooms of lets RFC. rrii.--.lirF ors the come a cold religion -whose bones regularly at the Jewish Commun- Omaha Mizrachl Zionist organiza- the Jewish The Jewish Community Center present as important business is i Eook-e-TVeek clrb. sponsprec Community Center. wishes to be transacted. BefreshmeiitE I the Adult EfiucEtion depr.rtr; to announce children's rattle in the chill. Yes, if only ity Center are ten cents a month, tion, has called upon members Following the radio discussion, •! of the "Ei^ersity of Omafcs.. we had the old things back! the money to be used for. securing and their wives, as well as the there Is a local analysis of the dancing classes are to be held are to be served. professor, * general public, to attend the Mizonce a week, on Friday af tersoon Yet would I and others be more basic supplies. problem presented. rachi M'lave Malke meeting Satbeginning today, at three o'clock. faithful in our attendance then? -pWe newspapflT Persons Interested in photo! iained The Town Hall Forum is open Miss Rosalie Albert, who is Do the younger people go in graphy are invited to the next urday night a t the Adass Yeshu- to,..all Iter.'ion RP P. NPW Deal fwlvl interested. The meeting ren synagogue. well known for her ability both numbers to Orthodox services meeting to be held on Monday, repv i.Pu to have Att^ The meeting will honor the or- opens at 8:15 to permit a brief as a dancer and -as a dancicg in-. which are faithful to all the tra- January 16, at 7 p. m. a t the .ev- Deal legtB'a-il description -of the speakers and structor, has been secured as the .ganization's secretary, E i I h.n ditions? My father Is in the Center. ! Ai-ti-Semitic groups, geekluf: their topics. teacher. schul and his contemporaries are This is one of the Center's Ed- Bloch, who is leaving to join t i e There will be a nominal fee and oi target, there—lonely old men looking ucational department's-new activ- teaching staff, of the Talmud Al Torah of a Chicago synagogue. parents are urged to enroll their Tresi,(ii?tit sadly at a fading era. (The few ities. . * .T,, r children, immediately so that Mr. Bloch-has-been active in ' "brain younger men are there to say they may take advantage of this Zionist work and is secretary of .. .Tol-.nson, kaddish for their parent^). rives a copy cf excellent class. the midwest region of the Mizra f or, h 8-s What do I want then? I do dos Proa the Bible rachl. He is also a member of For further details, communi1nfiiiPt>.tl8.t have religious feeling and I The E. T. C. sorority, after the national council of the Mizcate with the Jewish. Community This book sloss is vrorti ?£.SD, &isd t iin e S£.5C. I^ should like to join with others in 3ii FS.ESS making tentative plans for a win- Center. rachi organisation. ios. an organized expression, but not os. p pnse„„* c.n* r~,v.- 'CT'*7 oE jov, ED.&T- h&vs- ho' At the meeting he will report ter formal dance, decided to fore• for a mere joint expression of our go the affair and to contribute oa the fundamental questions J. C. C. 'WILL FURNISH private supplications. My private Joe GUBS, president, announces facing the Mizrachi movement in money which would have -been ihti.l relations with. God are a matter PROGRAMS FOR CLUBS | spent for this affair toward the that the Round Table of Jewish America. between Him and me and not for relief program of the National is planning a collection efRabbi N. Feldman will also retary n public display; I have never felt Youth Co-ordinating Committee for Aid Prosrass for nolidajs. Ep^cial fort to collect all outstanding speak at the meeting. > • In tw<> the need of a synagogue for my pledges r to Refugees aad Immigrants Coraoccasions and regular ceetisgs secured by the Youth Dipersonal. devotions. ' ing from Germany. are .aour aTsilabie at the office of vision in the Jewish PhilanV - - * f p r--* I have thought of religion be- tropies campaign. In doing so the girls felt In the edu'catioEsl director cf t i e WORKER'S ALLIANCE these days of suffering among Jewish Cos:n-iEity Center. These ing made to march out of the KSSZXlZ The committee will meet on TO.'MEET SUNDAY refugees everyone must make programs encorspass a vide vasynagogues and the churches into Sunday morning, January 15, at CT ^. the world. A synagogue or church 10 o'clock, at the Jewish Com1 The Jewish National Workers' sacrifices to relieve t h e distress. riety-of interests. Iaelnded are debates, talks, dis- | that is. only a spiritual cafeteria munity Center. Alliance, Branch 54, Poale Zion, cassioss, ascl otbsr . rssterials j for dues paying members makes The Committee, headed by Joe will hold a literary meeting on ' 11OVES QUARTERS Iocs,!, Eaticcsl s,id£ intens,ti3"sal siccse weslx bj" VPE no sense to me. '. Guss, includes the following: Ann 'Sunday, January 15, a t 7:30 at The Beth El Talmud Torah is whica are entertaining, ednca- j other periodical offers each a serrice. I have thought of a dynamic Arbitman. Morris Arbltman, Syl- j the Jewish Community Center. planning to move to new <juar- tlonal 'and interesting, Ths ecu- j cational department -will he glad ' Judaism that Is not content to via Epstein, Ruth Goldstein, Beth Mr. X Morgenstern will install fers at 4808 Davenport. | than two mi"ion m | to co-operate with club leaders, The new arrangement will al•wring its hands in lamentation. Kulakofsky, Haskell liazere, Irv- the;.oKicers for the coming rear |COC,OOO^, Ot the ,lev j presidents and program chairmen It goes out Into the world bravely ing Nogg, e Pauline Rosenbaura, A -well prepared mnslcal program low lor more class rooms and also in the preparation of suitable and MAIL IK YOUS CSECE FOE $S.0O TODAY. jit was artded, 47,'!%$ Ttad carrying the bright lights it has Paul Sachs, Leo Sherman and •will be presented. Luncheon will i for a dnbroom for the children to (Interesting programs. i In excess of 12,000 each* Inse between classes. Bertha Slutzky. (Continued on page 8.) be ierved at 7:30.
Exiles to Aid-in Crime Prevention
Highly Praised
First Foreign-born Jew to Be Elevated to This High Court ACTIVE IN ZIONISM Hear Opponents Testify Senators Welcome ER AGAIN Nomination
! * •
Sorority Calls Off Dance to
_ V - »
t l tr
j r * ^ " "--'il
ti iP*1 ^ ~ ~ f
Page 2.
OFFICERS INSTALLED WELFARE FUNDS ;LEE GOES TO BERLIN FOR BY B'NAI ABRAHAM TO ifOLD MEET REFUGEE TALK LODGE IN BALTIMORE InitalktiOB of cewly elected (Continued from Page 1) ficers of tbe B'ca.1 Abraham \ tion said""that when the conversa- of South Omaha w&% held SnoO*f Om*tuM* Pi*n to Attend Convnttem tions in Berlin clarified what evening in the auditorium ot tt quota of emigrants Germany was Congregation of Israel •willing - to permit to leave the Twenty-fifth and J. In ,1894, Louis D. Brandeis, at single Individual In the United be cast-away. It is money that country along the lines of the Mm* «***> 38, was an. established lawyer In States." The officer* installed: degrades and debases its possesSchacht plan, it would then be * mmim ** Omthe. successful Boston firm of Nathan Perelman, pr««id«nt; sor and is on the way to destroy Prof. Frankfurter Is frequently the task of the Intergovernmental Goodman Meyerson, rlc*~pr#»i' Brandeis, Dunbar & Nutter. That In Washington, a guest at the his very soul." Committee to establish how this dent; M. Beber, secretary; M, year, Leopold and Emma Frank- White House. When in Boston, - Final Answer by Roosevelt 4 4 quota would be distributed among Katzman, treasurer; Lclb Wolffurter and their 12-year-old son he is often on the telephone talkThe final answer was made by m* to ttl ettU* el.. the other countries for absorp- son, A. J&eobson and Hsrr? Felix, fleeing from the poverty ing to Washington. The young President Roosevelt himself when tion. •which had.-been their lot ia Vien- lawyers he has sponsored are on January 5. he sent the name of Dworsky, trustees: Ben Martin, wM few 4ie<?#«M&fe«<t Mtfcorf-j na, arrived at Ellis Island, their found in many important posi- Prof. Frankfurter to the Senate Although no Italian represen- A. Epstein and H. Fladernura, turn nmtft* 9*99«B«<I •elwtfoos hearts brimming with hope at the tions in the Government. His for confirmation as Associate tative will participate in the Ber-board ot appeals; L. Wolf son, ill' tor ttom mm4* ot Wme&pmm 3*WM at sight of the New; WorJd. lin conversations, the delegation side guard. tb» #p#ntag B»*KUm el tfc# Chmquiet voice, -with the heavy sibi- Justice of the United States Sustated that there was & definite atat Xmembty ot the Couueil ot A banquet followed the InstalThe, bieain}ng-eyed : immigrant lant "S" - - last trace of bin for-preme Court. .Thus, 82-year-old connection between the negotia- lation ceremony. The speaker* J*wUh Federation* and Welfare youth with' brown, wavy'hair, sit- eign birth - - is listened to In Justice Brandeis, who was reporttions and Premier Benito MussoRabbi David Goldstein and Funds ia Baltimore on January ting In the immigrants' enclosure Washington because of his bril- ed recently to have told the Preslini's promise to United States •were and peering out at New York, had liant mind. In recently praising ident that if he resigned he would Ben KailowBky, who made an ap- IX. Ambassador William Phillips to peal on the critical Omabans planning to attest never heard of Brandeis. In the a national Jewish college frater- like to be succeeded by Prof. Jewish situasupport, a. solution of tha refugee years to come he was to absorb nity. Prof. Frankfurter spoke of Frankfurter, may sit on the bench tion abroad. Following their ad- are: William Holzman, Philip problem. The delegation assumes together with his 56-year-old Klutznick. Art Conn, and Paul the . Boston lawyer's philosophy, its "quiet significance." That that Premier Mussolini may geek dresses, the B'nal Abraham lodge Veret. become a close friend of the bril- phrase might better have been ap- friend, who has now completed donated $50 for refugee aid, and to I ntluence Chancellor Adolf climbing Justice Brandeia's ladPrincipal speaker will be Jan' liant jurist and finally to" be nom- plied to him. their response was followed by Hitler. der .and has met him on the fop inated, to take a place on the same voluntary Individual contributions Masaryk, former Czechoslovakia!! august Supreme Court bench as from .the 200 members and guests ambassador to Great Britain and ' When Justice Benjamin N. Carhis iellow Bo"3tdhfari»'feliow liber? Problem of. Polish .Deportees present in- amounts totaling ap- son of-the late'President Thomas, dozo died last July, the question Mssaryk, founder of the Cseco real and fellow Zionist. Berlin, , (JXAJ — .The Poliuh proximately $300. was asked: -who is most fit to re-' i "While this ''immigrant edition" public. . *: • ' •• • • -• government Is prepared to repatBrandela had been-b&rn in this place tbe brilliant Jurist? There of JtiBtlce Branded has been pririate four to five thousand "PoHIh At a meeting of the Americas country and had received all the was no doubt as to the answer. marily an'-American and a JurJews residing in the Reich, proORT federation to take place duradvantages this Republic could State bar association leaders said ist, " he has found time to remain vided that the German governing the conference in Baltimore afford. He had been given a Prof. Frankfurter would be the actively a Jew. Particularly has ment is trilling to hand over 70 Professor Alvin S. Johnson, notthorough education,' In the Uni-be3t Belection. There was placed Prof. Frankfurter been Interested per cent of their property and an ed economist and native Nebras* versity of Louisville, the Annen before President Roosevelt a let- in Zionism. In 19IS he pleaded equal proportion of the fortunes kan will be principal speaker. Dr» Realschule, in Dresden, Germany, ter written in 1933 by the most the Zionist cause before the Paris of the 6.000 Jews previously deJohnson was professor of ecoand Harvard Law School. At 22 famous Jurist of this generation, Peace Conference. Since then he ported, Nazi sources revealed. The nomics at the University of Nehe had begun practicing law in St. Supreme Court Justice Oliver has been a valued adviser of the On Tuesday, January 24, Dr. braska proposal was advanced, these Joshua before becoming director; Louis, and a- year later had gone Wendell Holmes. The letter, writ- Zionists. Last August he was L. Uebman. rabbi of Consources said, during the negotia- gregation Anshe Maariv of Chi- of the New School for Social Re* to Boston, where he was now a ten in urging Prof. Frankfurter's chosen an alternative member of the ZIoniBt Executive's political respected- lawyer. selection for the Massochusetts advisory committee. In the midst The Hadassah Youth Aliyah tions between the Polish delega- cago, will address a joint stag search in New York. Supreme Court, said: Committee announces a pledge of tion and German government rep- dinner "for the men of Temple • - Newsboy of his duties he finds time to J360 from Ralph Goldberg. This resentatives. Israel and the Beth El Congrega(Continued from Page 1) Young Felix sold newspapers "I am quite confident that, he write ouch letters as one he reThe Jews to be readmitted to tion was divulged by the chairman, at the Temple. as he struggled to master Eng- is superior in learning and ability cently penned to the New York Poland would be those who have Mrs. Julius Stein. The Youth Dr. Uebman. who was ordained lish In New York's public schools. to any one else available and that Times to denounce the ex-Mufti currence rapidly becomes common Aliyah project -which is rescuing been denationalized or who face He worked his way through the his character is equal to his gifts. of Jerusalem as "the evil genius knowledge. A striking case is that Jewish children from Central Eu- denationalisation soon. Accord- at the age of 20, is considered one of the nation's leading Re- Woodmere, L. I. (JTA) — FOB* College of the City of New York. He has been a dear friend or mine of Palestine." He has thrice vis- of the 60-year-old internationally is taking all donations for ing to the same sources, the Ger- form rabbis. His congregation is eral services were held for Har*; Early in his college days he de- for many years, but I am confi- ited the Holy Land, the last time known publisher, Angelo Fortu- rope this fund. All funds donated for mans are not interested in the cided to become a lawyer. Grad- dent that the judgment I express in 1934. Only last month - - when nato Formiggini, who bequeathed the Youth Aliyah fund go through fate of the stateless, and demand the oldest in Chicago. old Jacob!, chairman of tbe Unit-: uating , third in his class, he is not the child but the parent of he must have already known that all bis property to the poor and the Hadassah which is the sole 70 per cent ot the Jews' as their Members of the joint committee ed Palestine Appeal's Greater leaped to his death from a tower he was Elated for the Supreme worked as a teacher and as a my affection." the affair are: Dave New Tork campaign, who died of. agency for the project. own share of the spoils. The arranging Court - - he accepted a member- in his native city of Modena. clerk in New, York's Tenement Feder, Leslie Burkenroad, Milton a stroke at the age of 64 at Ilia, The mantle of juridical liberalstateless Jews, along with all GerIt costs ?360 per child between Clutched, in bis hand was a House- . Department and then he ism- had fallen from Justice ship In.: the board of the directors Frohm, Art Cohen and L. Graetz. home here. Rabbi Stephen * 6# ot the American Friends of the copy of a letter to Premier Benito the ages of 15 to 17 to take them man, Polish and other Jewish nawent to Harvard Law School. Reservations, which will be Wise delivered the eulogy. ..... Holmes to Justice Brandeis and Hebrew tionals, according to the Nazis, out of Europe and transfer them University, on which Jus- Mussolini praying that his suicide limited, may be made by calling When Frankfurter was gradu- Justice Cardozo. And now, with Messages of condolence, expreswill be leaving Germany within a i n t o Palestine. In Palestine the office of either congregation. sing especial grief at the loss ef ated from Harvard - - first in his Cardozo dead and Justice Bran- tice Cardozo had served until his would open II Duce's eyes to.the through- the Hadassah they - are year or'two in any case. injustice done to Italian Jewry, class '-, - in .1906, Brandeis was dels considering the possibility of death. Mr. Jacobi's services In behalf o£ which for generations had con-housed, clothed and given a trainmaking, a name for himself as retirement, Justice Holmes from Jewish philanthropy, poured. Into The story of Prof. FrankfurIng and educational period of two Berchtesgaden (Havas) —Fortributed their best to Italy. , WORKMEN'S CIRCLE "the people's counsel" through his the grave "was urging the selection ter's rise to the Supreme Court Is his home from all parts or th» years. At th© end of that time eign Minister Jozef Beck of PoDeprived of livelihood chatnpiotfshlp of labor and his of Prof. Frankfurter to wear this essentially the saga of the rise TO PRESENT PLAY country. Mr. Jacob! was president they are usually capable of earnland conferred Teith Chancellor According to information gathfight aga'Inst "big business. The mantle. The liberal Senator Nor- of the immigrant in democratic of Schenley Distillers Corporatheir own living. To date the Adolf Hitler and Foreign Minister young' law school graduate found ris pressed President Roosevelt to America. * He Is the third Jew to ered by foreign embassies .here at ing The Workmen's Circle Dra- tion. Hadassah Youth Aliyah has resJoachim von Rlbbentrop. One of least 20,000 native Italian Jews his ideal's and philosophy of the matic c]ub has been holding reProf. Frankfurter as the sit on the loftiest bench of the have already been deprived of cued over 4,000 young boys and the questions believed to have hearsals law closely coinciding with those nominate of the play. "Shulamlth." land, but the first of foreign girls out of hell. Of that number man who most "fully and truly been discussed was the late of the Patronize Our Advertisers of the Boston lawyer. As Bran- represents the philosophy ot gov- birth, for Justice Brandeis was means of livelihood by the newover 75 per cent have chosen to which is to be Igven March 12 Polish Jews expelled by. the Reich. dels won notable legal victories ernment of Justice Holmes and born in Louisville and Justice anti-Semitic laws. It is also esti- remain in rural occupations and at the Central club, Twenty-first mated that, approximately 70 per help in' the upbuilding of "a; Jewfor the people, Frankfurter's briland Dodge streets. Cardozo in New York City. cent of Italy's 58,000'Jews will ish National homeland. World Refugee Aid* Continues liant law school record won himhis successor, Justice Cardozo." Every member was present at Perhaps this is why Prof. Ability Undoubted I remain without a" means of exa positidn with Henry L. Stimson, London (JTA) -^-"Earl G r e y , the rehearsal held on New Tear's Frankfurter recently made one of istence when the "Aryanization" There WEB no doubt of Prof. Contributions are being accept- Lord Tyrrell, Lord Bea'rsted and eve. A collection taken up for then a United States attorney in WatWash Shirts Frankfurter's capability. The only his rare public appearances to re- of Jewish enterprises has been ed by the chairman, Mrs. Stein, Lord Stamp have accepted the refugees New York.' -> , • Finished with amounted to $15.50. The ceive an award of the National found Bundle completed. Since December .4, 4909 Webster, or GL 1948. '" objections heard were extraneous trusteeship of the Earl Baldwin money was sent to the general ofIn 1914, after serving the Gov- to legal attainments - - questions Institute of Immigrant Welfare as when decrees ousting Jews from Fund for Refugees, which In the fice of the Workman's Circle. ernment for six years in various ot geographical distribution of the one of the "distinguished citizens the .teaching profession, from four weeks since Its Inception has The committee In charge excapacities,' Frankfurter returned justices, and, more sub rosa, the of foreign birth who have made state. Institutions, and the armed Z. B, T. NAMES JACOBS received contributions totalling Our Rough Dry Servie* thanks to all these who to Harvard Law School as a pro- fact, that Prof. Frankfurter,was .significant contributions- to Amer- forces" w e n t , into effect,': 5,00,0 NEW VICE-PRESIDENT about ?I,250,000. The Parlia- pressed INCLUDES donated. ican life." fessor. From this vantage "point a Jew. Milan an'd 3,000 Rome Jews have mentary Refugee Committee isFiatwork Ironed ; he watched • the controversy that been added to the lists of-Jewish Nathan E. Jacobs, vice presi(Copyrighted by Jewish Telesued a-statement declaring it was Wearing Apparel There were some who argued, developed two" years later -when and among them influential Jews charities. dent in charge of the Chicago of- appealing to the government to tion of Great Britain and the Dried, Handkergraphic Agency, Inc.). chiefs Ironed Brandeis was nominated by Pres- who believed their policy the best fice of Bozell & Jacobs, Inc., was Initiate immediate proposals for United States was made by W, E. The extremist newspaperReident "Wilson to the Supreme for the Jews, that appointment of elected Supreme Vice President.of financial assistance for permanent Smnet, editor of the Crown Colgime Fascista charged that CathBeta Tau, oldest and larg- settlement of refugees. Refugee onist, in a letter published by the Court.', The bitter national strug- another Jew to the Supreme Court Vocational Guidance olic priests were issuing large Zeta est national Jewish college fra- children from Germany and Aus-Spectator, independent political gle that rag?d aver the selection would Increase and crystallite the Call A T f numbers of antedated baptismal : Counsel Available ternity. of the. first Jew as a member of anti-Semitism In t h e United tria, now residing in England to- and literary periodical. fi tto IItalian l J certificates Jewa q the highest tribunal of the land States. Prof. Frankfurter, it -was Mr. Jacobs, formerly of Omaha, tar : 1,800, of whom 600 have Vocational Guidance counsel Is fying them, as members of a nonmade a deep Impression on him.pointed out, had been the chief now available at the office of the Jewish faith, for exemption from attended the University of. Mis- fonnd permanent homes. Became Close Friends target of anti-Semites attacking education department of the Jew- the new anti-Semitic laws before souri. He is the son of Mrs. GerA suggestion that British Honadministration and his eleva- ish Community Center each Tues- the October. 1, 1938, deadline. trude Jacobs of the Fontenelle dnras "be transformed into a JewIn the years that followed, the tion to the Supreme Court would Hotel. " • . . . • day afternoon by appointment. ish state under the Joint protecMeanwhile, the anti-Semitic press Prof. Frankfurter : and Justice exacerbate this situation. Every young boy or girl is and radio campaign is meeting Brandeis became close friends. He faced with the problem ot choosThe administration t w i c e , with indifference and even disapsupplied the Justice with brilliant young Harvard -graduates as law through the mouth of Secretary ing a career. Questions arising proval on the part of the majorclerks; he became the chief ex- of Interior Harold L. Ickes, made In regard to the choice may be an- ity of Italians, although effects ponent of Justice Brandels's legal clear its position regarding this swered by consulting with Miss of the campaign are noticeable In philosophy. In 3,931, when Prof. argument. Speaking last October Blanche Kleiman. Those ques- the provinces. Signs reading, Frankfurter wrote In the Harvard at a memorial meeting for Justice tions which Can be answered by "Jews not wanted here" have apCohvenientC Charge Purchases Tailoredto to Your Nctdt Law Review on "Mr. Justice Cardozo In St. Louis (where in- mail will be handled In that way. peared before a number of cafes Brandeis and the • Constitution," cidentally, Justice Brandeis began Communications should be ad- and restaurants in provincial he told of the Justice's exploring the practice of law), Mr. Ickes dressed to the Bducation Depart- cities, with the encouragement of ment of the Jewish Community local Fascist leaders and the' . • "a subject,with which he Is,grap- said: . press. ^ Jews are no longer ad; pling until he sees its social bear"Not a single gossamer In to- Center. mitted to cinemas In Ancona, ing," of Mr. Bran.deis's Immersion day's web ot anti-Semitism can be while all Jews have been expelled "in the problems, which modern traced to hiB (Cardozo's) presLITTAUER GIFT from literary societies In Venice. industry^andfinance^ have created ence on the bench; ? Respected, for society and In the conflicts en- admired and beloved by all, his New York (WNS) — A gift of gendered by them."' He was writ- actions ' answered those w h o $25,000 was given to the Jewish Point, Va. (WNS) — The ing of himself at the same.time, preach that ,the presence of Jews Theological seminary by Lucius PhiOldAlpha fraternity announced for the social view ^pf the law was in public life aids the cause of N. Littauer to Insure the contin- the award of an annual scholaralso his. anti-Semitism. He did his.part to uance and expansion of the semi- ship amounting • t o $500 for a prove that Cardozos and Brannary's work of promoting better "worthy student who is a victim It Is Prof. Frankfurter's paswill1 always' support the understanding' ot Judaism among of the oppression of minorities." sion for socializing the law anddeises cause ot righteousness; will alJews and* Christians, according to The money will be offered to stuhumanizing the functions of Govapproach the problems of Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the dents at the University of Richernment, that have dominated his ways humanity with understanding and seminary.' mond. * career. sympathy." It was his passion for social Again, Secretary Ickes, in his justice that caused Prof. Frankfurter in 1932 to take the leader- now famous Cleveland address, ship In the defense of Sacco and asserted: "I have been dismayed to hear Vanzetti, who, he believed, were being railroaded to the execution that some Jews of wealth have Car! RleKes chamber more for their radical thought their position was imbeliefs than because of evidence periled because some of their felThere it absolutory no cost or obin the case. His espousal of their low Jews held positions of religation involved in this Royal sponsibility and trust In governcause stirred an outcry of reacMaster FREE Trial Offer! All we tionaries against him when Gov- ment. I have been dismayed to ask is that you give these amazernor Ely nominated him to the hear that the suggestion has come Massachusetts Supreme Judicial from Jews of wealth that the ing new Royal Master Tires a President should not consider for Court, and ended up by declining thorough test on your own car! appointment to t h e Supreme the appointment. Court one of the ablest and most R e m e m b e r — N O COST, N O OBHe refused the nomination, he legal statesmen of his explained, because "I have other outstanding LIGATION, NO SALES TALK — generation because that appointresponsibilities which I feel I ment KOYAl MASTERSSELL THEMSELVES! might arouse prejudice ought not to sever." These rethat particular group. sponsibilities were mainly his po-against NATIONAL PARK, ARKANSAS Money that -is - cowardly enough sition at Harvard, for he believes to do this is money, that should that "the future direction of the OSINK ANO BATHE IN THE CURATIVE MINERAL WATERS 0WMd bench and bar will be determined EXPERT RETREADING * B d «VP«»vh«<J by tht UftiUd Sutci Government by the quality of our law schools." At Harvard he has gained a repuand RECAPPINO m d full e» K««ttti <nd pJ««sur«-tnj»y tation as one of the foremost legal «lcrtfif froa ye«r f«»eritt tptti in trisp, ctetr mairnUi* t i r . p h y Visit our new large plant and educators in the country. S«!l CMJMSa, lids, Ihh, fiikt er Jujt r t t u »nd rut. Hot Sptinj. let us show you our new equipPreferred- Juectnre Room N j U m l fifc effcri « BiU, JiwithM cliattt with t n r y jport «nd ment wfcicfa ia capable ct reBy nature retiring. P r o f . Broso, Bronzo, Aluminum, Frankfurter preferred the lecture treafiicg or recapping, eny size Soft Gray Iron and Serai* Brucewood raided spring;'* room in Cambridge to the limecar or truck tire. color box for this bright light of public events. He pre- Stool Castings, Wood and «;,ite~fi,-« Hot Sprint Motal Patterns nnd Soob. print jacket a n «! raided ferred' to make his contribution Tour worn out tires skillfully it tin fissd eS B«tk H<w« Row, cad jUuiud in tfct twurioui quid V/aiahto carried ia otoc!:. by turning out law graduates who Paris for the style. Wear H rebuilt isitfc new Jive acti-i «f its 6«ra CrWtte Pl&.Tkt feslhj at ««iUb!t under tht umt reel Bronso and Coat £roo have achieved fame in governwith the dress when you're Grilles 8 Specialty. treads, adding thousands or ia ft Gevuneieat KptnUti betSfceuse.500 completely modern t»4 ment. But he was drafted Into in a g-ay mood,; wear the te, economical miles. l «t tsrpri3i»s!y lew r«te> president Roosevelt's so-called dress alone when you're feel* 27th and Martha Sto. "brain trust." He has been one ing sedate—all for CUSTOM • HA SS23 of vthe- President's closest advinORIGINAL ers. General High S. Johnson has called him "the most influential
By Daniel L". Schorr
Harold Jac6biU.P. A. Leader,Dead
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Here' . . . who's blocking the production?" •
6 Jews Cited in King's Honor List
When "The Promised Land," a London (WNS)-—German par-? made-in-PsIestine film, "was being i ty agitation in Kernel FETPinFt tbe j London (JTA)—King By HELEN Sf GIEGM? released, a member of. the comI Jews reached great heights ch;r- jNew Tear's honors list mittee asked a theatre-owner if he ing the campaign prior Co the De-knighthoods tor Robert tad sound equipment that could Hollywood — Addenda on the project'Hebrew! Atlantic City (Tv'NS) — Repre- cember elections but have now de-for service to music and An Extension of the Jewish Community Center senting 2 0,000 members of the creased, the Daily Telegraph re- Abrelipms. CIPRD of the European "Apple-Cart": Jewish War Veterans of the "CnH• Disney's "Ferdinand the' Bull" after at; smornremfrt "by jSchool of Westminister Hospital. Artie Auerb^ch's dog was sent ed States, delegates opened their ported Premier V. Mironas of lyjthuania. SBertram Cohen is elevated to th* is banned in the three Fascist away to learn tricks. When the Fourth Class of Chancery of t*1* from house to house, and to cry. who owned the store was thinking countries peace-loving bulls pup was returned, Artie anxious- midwinter conference here with a "The Lithuanian government has jOrder of Knight hood. M. E. discussion c! plans for flatting "My beloved wife, my dear sons of dismissing him. aren't popular there. ly tried to put him through his. European oppression. Dr. George expressed i'.self in strongest man, member of the Board and my darling daughters, where A WISE MAN COMES terms against any discrimination Italian journals scream at Hol- paces . . . but the canine played are you? Come to your lather, to That very day, there came to lywood, and at native producers dumb. Artie went back to make a Walton, one of tbe three Quakers against minorities, including the Deputies of British Jews' "SIMON—BY—MY—: Simon the shopkeeper, to Simon- the city, a great Zadik, one of theand exhibitors, because withdraw- complaint . . . discovered the vrho went to Germany as members Jewish minority," Mironas de- committee, and Samuel Tbere "was once upon a time, a by-my-lile!" . . .' thirty-six secret Zadikim that are al of American pictures leaves trainer spoke English with a Her- of the American Friends Service clared referring to reports of anti- of New Zealand, are made ers of the Order of the Commission on tlie refugee prot- Semitism abroad. merchant whose name -was Simon. And rough, wild children gath- found in the world. And all the Italy facing a shortage of at least man Bing flavor — "Z-zit up, lem, Kmpire. Isaac Melamed, was the principal speaker. Now Simon had a strange habit ered about him, and ran after him prominent and wealthy citizens 150 films in 1929 . . . bat noise R-r-roll over!" Now Artie's own Works Department superiii*»ftTbe delegates pledged themof swearing continually, no mat-hooting and yelling. Among these went to greet him and Invited him won't1 fill the empty theatres. accent will have to undergo re700 Immigrants Helped dent in Palestine, is made an selves to Tight Comnninisin, a ter of how little importance the children were the children of Si- to their homes. But he refused "Personally and p o 1 i ti c a lly." pairs! orary member of the Order of menace •which they declared was boasts Vittorio Mussolini, "I ain thing might be. He swore by his mon-by-my-life. Tearful and them all and made his way to the glad New York (WNSV—Mrs. Ely British Empire. too easily overlooked in the face that American films, made in health., and he swore by his anxious they walking along think- woman storekeeper. From here and there: Producer Jacques Kahn, president of the -wealth. He was always swearing. ing of their father who had left The woman storekeeper Baid to I that Jewish-Communist center. Sol Wurtzel Is a grandfather for of new "isms" notably Nazism and New York Section of the Council Fascism. This viewpoint towards If any one asked him- the pay-his shop the day before and hadher assistant- "Come with me to Hollywood, will no longer come to the first time . . . his daughter is FERMI DENIES SPLIT of Jewish. Women, announced that ment of a debt, he would answer, not returned; and they could not the Zadik so that I may tell the Italy because I think that in the the mother of a baby girl. Fran- Communism is by no means a new in November, 19 38, 700 immiHome (WNS) — The stand taken by the Jewish War "By my life, I will pay you to-imagine what had happened, and sorrows of my heart to him. It long run our production will bene- ciska Gaal will Teceive a gold megrants, of whom 85 per cent -were of Italy announced that morrow," or if a customer came they wondered what had become is years since my husband left fit." However, the grumbling of dal from the Budapest Academy Veterans, btst one which they German refugees, were assisted Fermi, Italian physiciBt and Nobs* into his shop to buy something, of him. And when they realized me. Perhaps the Zadik will bless the masses gains momentum . . . of Drama when she returns to have staunchly and consistently and prepared for taking out first Prize winner now in the he would spring up hurriedly that the insane man had adopted me and return my . husband to they even dare to boo the native- Hungary this spring . . . it is a maintained. citizenship papers. Since its in- States, had disavowed made movie and cheer the Ameri- signal honori Peter Loire's thesMore than 500 delegates to the ception 3 5 years ago, Mrs. Kahn quoting him as saying be from his stool behind the counter their father's name, they became me." can-made. II Duce realizes he is pic ambition isto play the conference adopted a resolution very angry and threw stones at and begin swearing, "By my life, Good, let us go," answered said, the organization has aided not return to Italy becanoe *C on a limb without even Hitler "Hunchback of Notre Dame" and •which stated in part: "True immigrants this article cost me more than 1 him. adjust themselves in Premier Mussolini's &nti-Jewi*& Simon, "for I, too, wish to speak out as support . . . and no amount "Napoleon" . . . but a long line Americanism can brook no docAnd then Simon saw that the with the Zadik. My heart, too, is campaign. am asking of you." So he was every way. of bombast will teach Italians to of "Motoa" await him. Ruthe trines inimical to the guarantees only way left open to him was to filled with pain and longing." nicknamed "Simon-by-my-llfe." like Italian pictures. Neither -will Hilde Somer, refugeeconcert plthe Constitution of the United One day there came into his leave the city and that very night, And they both went to the Zadlk. ranting and roaring provide films ianist, is a protege of Eddie Can- of States and its Bill of Rights." It store- a Zadik, (righteous man). he did so. SIMON IS QUESTIONED . . . Italy at best can produce but tor, who met her • on board ship. added that Judaism's doctrines A NEW CITY The Zadik. noticing how often SiThe Zadlk turned to - Simon 50 of the needed 300 movies per Vicki Baum soon takes off on a were akin to. those of democracy mon swore, said, "May God listen The city which Simon came to and asked: year . . . T h e remainder must be European lecture tour. Mervyn and opposed to "any doctrine • to-your swearing and carry out was one which he had never beimported somewhere, somehow. LeRoy will operate a "Wizard of which menaces man's very right "What do you wish?" Even the Ceasars had to harken Oz" concession at the New York to believe in God."^ your-words." Simon, the merchant fore visited and no one knew him "I cannot sleep." •"• He applied for a- job to to the mob. World's Pair. answered "Amen" and the Zadik there. is your name?" the owner of the largest store in • "What •went on his way. "I do not know." . " "• • the city, saying, "I shall work at ' "Where do you come from?" Phyllis Bottome, English noveA. STRANGER ENTERS Patronize Our '-Adverti3ers Harry Ruby, married in the your store for a very small salary, list, arrived in Hollywood, a stop"I do not remember." A customer came into his store and shall do your every bidding." over on'her anti-Nazi lecture tour. morning, wired on his honeymoon "And your wife and children?" to buy a pomegranate and examWEBB, BEBE«, KLUTZNlCK *. The storekeeper looked at him l I do not know them, and they She is placing (for movie pur- in Santa Barbara that night: KELJ.EY, ^Attorney* chase) her anti-Nazi novel, "The "And they said our marriage ining it carefully said, "It looks and said: "It happens that I am do' not recognize me." . • 200 Union State Bank Bldg. Mortal Storm" Who'll have the couldn't last!" to me as though the inside of this just in need of a salesman, but "And that grieveB yon?" pomegranate is dry and empty." are .you positive that you are lit Simon burst into tears. Then spunk to produce it? In the County Court at Doaslaa :•• "That pomegranate empty?" for the work? My store is very the Zadik said: At his own eager request EdMore anon. Comity, Nebraska. • •• large, as you see. There was a ward Robinson will have the lead In the Matter *>f the Estate of Ida exclaimed Simon impatiently, "If you promise never to swear May Hardy, deceased. workman here before, who had-an in "Confessions of a Nazi Spy." "may my pockets be as empty as To the toelrB-at-law, creditors, and exceedingly bad memory so I was again, even for the truth, I shall He Is to impersonate G-Man Tur- TEL AVIV PORT the pomegranate." all other persons Interested in said pray to God in your behalf." Sihou. Despite protests lodged with TRAFFIC INCREASES eBtate: •The customer took the pome- forced to dismiss him. Are youmon promised. Ton are hereby'notified that a eopthe Hays office by the local Gergranate and went away. Just then sure that you will iorget nothAnd then theZaatt Bald: **IB man consul, Warners are rushing Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) ptemental ^petition has been filed in . Simon happened accidentally to ing?" this Court on the Slst flay of Decemyour name not Simon?" —Snip traffic at Tel Aviv Port the story into production. touch his pockets, and found them "Forget?" May I forget my 1S38, by Arthur "W. Hardy, alSimon's eyes opened with. Joy has increased 50 per cent during ber, leping Ida May Hardy died on empty. Why, the man who own name if I forget .as much as as he answered: Chaplin Is prepared for a finan- jthe last year, and goods traffic the 3rdthat day of March, 1934, Intestate; bought the pomegranate must the tiniest thing in your store!" "True, my master! I :have just cial loss in producing "The Dicta- has increased 60 per.cent, a state- that at the time of her death she was have robbed me of my money, "Well, if that is so, remain in remembered. My .name is Si- tor." Discounting in advance all ment issued by the Directorate of a resident of the State of Illinois and Fascist markets, he is also pre- the Port' announced. Eight hun- that she was possessed of.the followthought he, and leaving the shop, my store, and I shall see whether mon." described real estate situated In ran after him. • you will be true to your oath- or And he was jnst about to swear pared for the lack of English and dred and eighteen ships registered ing Douglas Count?", Nebraska, to-wif. French outlets where it may be when i e .recalled his promise and during 1938 at the Port, which South 6 ft- of West S7.6 f t of Lot He ran and ran until he met THE CONTRACT . ' hastily clapped his hand over his banned. Nevertheless, stages have began operations in October, 5 and West S7.B ft. of Lot 6, in Block two men standing together and enlarged and new sound equip, .«, . 1936, as a result of the continu- 6. Konntze and Ruth's Addition to the conversing. One wore tattered For a whole week Simon work- month. ment moved onto his lot. and pre- ing Arab strike at near-by Jaffa City of Omaha, as surveyed, platted clothes and the other was dressed ed in the store, and the storeand recorded, and known as 621-623 REUNION cautions proceed. "This film is in an elegant fur cloak. "One is keeper, Schmer'l was well pleased "Look at" the: woman,- the store- only thing sufficient to shake off Port. Sixteen thousand Bine hun- South 17th Street; Lots 23 and 21 and <he South evidently poor, and the other with him, for he was careful and keeper, who is standing behind hiB lethargy and make him go to dred travelers passed through the II Tax of. Tax Zot S5, and toe £outh Port of the all-Jewish city since III ft. •wealthy," said Simon to himse»f. hard working. So had had ar con- you," commanded the Zadik. • work' ft. of the North 150 ft. of the East again," he says.. last May. The 2-year-old port 30.75 ft. of "If I accuse the poor man of the tract prepared, engaging Simon's Simon turned, about and looked Tax Lot «S, all in Section has grown to such proportions Twenty-two (22). Township. Fifteen robbery, I shall get no money, for services for the entire year, and at the woman. • She --looked at (IS), Basse Thirteen (13) Bast, In that its'permanent staff, in all he handed it to Simon for his he will not be able to return it. him. "-At once- they- :•. recognized .It Can't Happen Here? Douglas County, Nebraska, as surnow consists of 1.- veyed, Then will I accuse the rich man." signature. Simon took the peneach other. Lewis Browne returned from classifications, platted and recorded, and known as 614-61S-61S-620 South 19th So he called- a policeman and between his fingers, dipped the "O, my Simon, my husband,". lecturing at the University of Cal-070 persons.. Street. point into the ink,- and was about B o b b e d t h e w o m a n . yelled: < • -.-••• ifornia, found a four-foot swastiThat said petitioner has an interto put his name to the contract, ka; painted on his door. He has "My wife; my;dear.wife," cried "That man in the fur coat came est in said real estate being the surbe suddenly became dis- Simon. . • been chairman at several anti- 5 DIE IN SOVIET FOR ' viving ' -,' husband of said deceased; Maid into" my Uore to buy a pomegran- when traught with fear and astonishNazi meetings . . .and "has made petitioner prays that a hearing be had And they wept for. Joy. Just 'ZIONIST ARRESTS ate and stole the money from my ment. He had completely forgotsaid, petition, that notice thereof then,' their sonsy: and daughters no bones about the fact that HitMoscow (JTA) — Five aids in '.m given pockets."' as required by law, and that ten his name! ran up, and recognized their fath- ler and he are not ' very good the Interior Commissariat of the be .•••.-••-• T H E ACCUSATIOir . upon said hearing' a decree of heirfriends." In 1933 his biography er instantly. autonomous Soviet Republic of ship be entered and further a4miniB"This R o b e r t ^ saUk is too good t o share, folk*, 4MT "Why don't yon sign your "Sir!" exclaimed the man, in-name?" asked Schmer'l wonder"O father, father,.where were on Heine was burned in Germany Moldavia were sentenced to death tration of said estate be dispensed with. you might jwst RS weS fciam t h e page.'* along with other "rerboten" dignantly, "did I come into your ingly. for having abused their powers to ? " ; ; ; ; • . books. store?-- Do you -recognize'"me? wreak veagenance on personal enTou are therefore notifies that a Simon made a". great feast to Simon hurst into tears and sobhearing will be had on said petition Just look at me. Surely you arebed, Tombstones in a Jewish ceme- emies. "I have forgotten my name." which he invited all the inhabi- tery at the County Court Room of said in San Diego were smeared mistaken." They were accused of having County, Why the man must be crazy,* tants of the city. He told them with on the "Sth day o" January. swastikas recently. lodged false charges of counterthe whole story and so impressed ••Mistaken^ _Do I recognize > e c l a ' r e d Schemr'l anl drVe him 1939. at 9 o'clock A. M.. and thEt if Raymond Massey, Walter Husrevolution against 10 school in-' • yon! As well as I recognize my aout did they become, that they made you fail to appear at said time and of his store. family, and my family recognizes up their minds never to swear, not ton,and Dorothy Thompson receiv- structors whom they had arrested place and contest the saiS petition, So Simon left the city and me! But come into my store and came to another. And thus be even in cases of truth. And from ed threatening- letters because of as alleged founders of a "Fascist*.* the Court may grant the same, enter decree of heirship. and decree that there we shall, be able to talk wandered from city to city. He that day to this, the town "has their work in the Refugee Aid Zionist youth organization, spies afurther administration of said estate Campaign of the Theater Arts and plotters of insurrection. matters over more calmly." had been in so many that he hadbeen called, "Thou mayest - not Committee. be dispenses -with. The shopkeeper turned back in forgotten their names, and even swear." BRTCE CRAWFORD, Walter Winchell cries, "Why (Adapted from the Yiddish of the direction of his store and thethat of his native town he could Patronize Our Advertisers l-6-39-3t. County Judge. don't they make 'It Can't Happen policeman and the accused man no longer remember. He strayed Judah Steinberg). •went with him. about like a withered leaf which Simon began to - look for his is blown here and there by mishouse but could not recognize it. chievous autumn winds. He wandered from house to house ANOTHER PliACE and from store to store, but could city. length store he came to a was nto find his own. The policeman theAtlargest of which became angry and said; "Are youowned by a woman, a splendid making false accusations? Away, woman. you wicked creature. If ever "I beg of you. engage me in again you accuse an honorable your shop," he said to her. "I man, I shall imprison you." shall, for very little pay, be helpTHE HOUSE.IS GONE ful and obedient." The shopkeeper- fled from him "I do not need an assistant," in fear, and continued to look for ansvrered the woman, "because I his house. He met relatives and am all alone. My husband left friends, and pleaded with them, me and my children are still very "My friends, a great misfortune young. What can a woman do by has occurred. I cannot find my herself in so large a store? But house. I beg of •. you, take me are you sure that you are punchome." tual? In my store a woman must "Who are you?" they asked, rise at daybreak." "May my eyes not know of because they too, failed to recogsleep," cried Simon, "if I shall, nize him. 0 "You don't know me?" cried ever be late." • "If that is so, I wish you luck Simon in. astonishment. "Yon don't know your old friend, SI- and shall pay you well." And there Simon remained. He mon-by-my-lif e ? " "To be sure, we know Simon- worked in her shop and he ate at by-my-life. But you are not Si- her table. But from that day on, he could not sleep. All day he mon."* And they walked away. Woven Patterns Some of them looked at him would work very hard, and at night he would toss .from side to closely and Bald: ".Evidently one MO WHITE of those harmless lunatics, who side, unable to get a moment's Tr&ch !==dca class for mellow having left their native towns, rest. His eyes were open to the Tt^zbestized Collars lose their way and wander about darkness of the night, his brain ' . . . d a i s y rfrcois for • Call "the doctor" to fix up the electrical from town ±o town, from -village was ieavy with sad, and longing thoughts, and his heart yearned ra' cssis... biiiag Kissrdb with Improved Beszlto village." cripples on your BheH. M, OeeSriea! AppliThe unfortunate man began to for a hit of sleep which refused fcr flswer-pcrfnaed breezes . . . fold to Prolong to come. ances in your home EhoBid. b* in first class tear his hair, to weep and to Day by day he grew weaker. ehovcla fox boaci. p^rsicols moan, "Woe is me! My sons, my lite of Shirt working order—Sr rr-vr «vi-v Vr. yoH n«*d daughters, my wife, where are His strength was leaving him . your cioca-hoatcd cuHcb for you? Where are you, my loved quickly, arid he could no longer their help, 7i;."r ir v- *•>- T-t->i- 1 -r-r feem—to do his work. And the woman ones?" cia-drcneHed oul-cf-cocrs. 600 SHIRTS . 350 SHSHTS NO ONE KNOWS HIM CUt OOWE Or h!"-TrT".,- tc C T"f v©n R/tOTV And the people stared at him Call Us FOP Originally $2 • Originally 2.5 templing mea.:,, v b~.\-7 ';-:^,\ emd comand shaking their heads pityingly, luxurious, cir-cozditic-sed said to .one another: "Even by fort for you? vv""' :— • „ • Attics • Kitchens • Basements irsira via tHo Burliagiori and ccnweeping 'one may tell that he is • Re-roofing • Insulation insane.. He does not weep like a rcding Iisc3 vrill vriid: you avray • Re-sldlng normal person.'' 'Call your c©alcr lor "rpar: r-ervsce. NO DOWN-PAYTJEUT fcca isa cad caow 12. so £no ai Rude children began to run after, mocking and taunting him. Easy Monthly Payments to check fecryed or bra}???.,'; cowls cad ell. Winter tourirf fares (zes acjeiaHe spent the. night in the street HlBCKLiPl E.HE1OSS • C O . wiring a! the ssiae tixzsp, Tliess yo« cas tain and in the morning, upon awak- 19th a. Nicholas Bts. ing ccksa) ere tcnpSagly low, JA EOS) ening, began again to roam about fell advantage of yow fiiTlftjr Dectricol: €|sas25ti£les EimirJesI! Szilss vrlli
Edited hy Aunt Naomi
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Page 4
ed to increase their plant equip- are really more to be pitied thatt
ference of American Babbis was organized, in 1889, its Golden and step up production to censured." YELLOW LEAFLET ment Concern Over Refugee* meet the demand . . . Did you Gems of the Bible Anniversary to be held this year. He expressed great concern know'that Nazi outfits in the By MRS. WILLIAM GRAY The Union is tha representative body of American Reform United States are printing and over the refugee problem. Asked' and Talmud A yellow leaflet distributing copies of the Consti- •what he thought was th« most On the window's face; Judaism, It is therefore a religious body, which is as it should By DP. tution? . . . Which conspcuously hopeful solution of the question* eVfcRY raiOAV A1 OS9AHA, NBOOABttA. OV "Aryans, this is be, for the truly representative vehicle of Jews is their religious omit the Bill of Rights . . . The he shrugged his shoulders despairA Jewish place!" TUB JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPAN2 Trans Lux Theater in Boston has ingly. "They can't even swalloir organization. Jews are a religious entity. They are to be BIBLE given away to Haiiassah, B'nai ten "million of us (Czecho-Slovap n i c t , o n o voa* . . . . • . eau classed with, members of other religious organizations, Cath- Understanding is a fountain of As though in the store B'rith, Catholic societies and oth- kians)," he declared. "We are ADVERTISING BATSO PURWISWBD OfJ APPUCA HON Stood a devil for clerk • unto him that hath it, but With bloodied hands ers, $25,000 worth of tickets, the too hard to get down." The liner olics, Mohammedans, etc.; not with members of'any nation or life '" EDITORIAL. OFFICES &B ORANOEIO THEATER BUILDING foolery is the chastisement of Doing evil work. entire proceeds of which can be Washington on which he arrived SIOUX CITV OFFICE—JGVVlOH COMWUfJITV CEWTCn race, for the Jews belong to all nations and are members of fools. used by these groups for their re- "1« full of refugees," he said. PRlNl 3K0P ADDREOS—i^M GO. S « t t GTREQ7 spective refugee relief . . . Hitler He related that one refugee, the human race. They are Jews only, in their religious aspect. He -who Is slow to anger is bet- Every day was apparently the most forgot- who arrived with his wife and two ter than the mighty and he that From a different place DAVID BLACKER • • Business and Msnagtos Editor Felix Frankfurter, for example, just appointed member of the ruleth his emotions is mightier Is news of the yellow ten m*n in the world on New children, had offered the steward FRANK ft. ACKBRI3AN . « . . . Editor Year's . . . He got greetings a suit of clothes as a tip because than he that taketh a-city. On a window's face. LEONARD NATHAN . • • AssoctetQ BdllOi United States Supreme Court to succeed the late Benjamin from only two American nations, he could not afford to part with The highway of the upright Is Mexico and Guatemala . . . Even any portion of the 1150 which he PABB1 FREDERICK COHN • • • ContrlbntiDb Editoi Cardozo, is appointed not as a Jew (some would say despite to depart from evil. He keepeth The hates the Nazi's axis-mate Emperor Hirohlto of was permitted to take oat of tbe RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS ' • • •'•,. • BooB Editoi the fact) but as an American citizen. His Judaism is his ownhis way preserveth his soul. Have given birth Japan neglecting to send him a Reich. The steward, who wa» • A rebuke entereth deeper into Like serpents circle ANN PILL • • • * aibtnt City. Iowa. Correspondent private religious affair. In attempting to annihilate the Jews card . . . Billy Rose's Casa Man- German, refused the suit and told a man of understanding than a Around the earth ana will shortly present what the tbe refugee that "it was a pleasnot only of Germany but of the entire world the Nazis would hundred stripes into a fool. mighty mite of midnightery calls Pleasant •words are as a honeyFelix Frankfurter be annihilating religious values. They would be exterminating' comb, sweet to the EOUI and Until the immensity America's first "Refugee Revue." ure to serve you." Hope In Palestine Of earth's land . . . The cast will include outThe successor to Justice Cardozo has been named. We re- a powerful and influential religion not only one which has had health to the body. While Masaryk could snggest Has not room standing refugee artists . . . Franz Whoso rewardeth evil for joice not just because Felix Frankfurter is a Jew, but because power and influence over its own members in the past, as in For our small band. Lehar, noted Viennese composer, no solution of the refugee probevil shall not depart from may be brought here to partici- lem, he saw in Palestine at least while the world seethes with its hatred, in America the logical the present (there are seventeen millions'of Jews in the world) good, his bones. Nor are we winged pate . . . Tbe 8how will feature a ray of hope. "I feel, as a moral candidate for a high office is not disregarded on account of his but one which has been of the greatest influence in the past, To live in air : TLnn music verboten in Nazlland . . . Issue, that Palestine should be Though there seems peace Peters has again discovered what given a chance," he said. "It gives • aiicestry. from which has come Christianity and Mohammedanism, the Rabbi Gamaliel ben Juda said: And beauty there. he discovered three years ago — tbe Jews something to look to as "Be careful with the politicians Already in the committee hearings vicious-minded individ- Bible, Jesus, the very character of the civilization that domi- and their bosses. They will be that the trouble with vacations at a beacon. Although I am not an Miami Beach is that they end too expert Zionist, I am going to uals have raised the issue of his being a Jew. Racketeers and nates the world today; which moreover is yet to influence pro- very close to you when they need Nor are we gilled speak for Palestine on moral soon . . . your service and pretend to be And finned to be •elf-appointed saviors for the most part, none of the dissenting foundly the future.1 For Judaism is ethical monotheism. Its your grounds. Palestine remains a comfriend in order to promote Creatures of era Into which the refugee can yoices have shown themselves substantial citizens. function is to ethicise and unify the world. Never was the their selfish, interest, but when A shimmering sea. look and hope to see a little bit you will be in distress they will world more in need of moral improvement with international On previous,occasions it is believed Frankfurter might of bnmanitarianism." He will adnot extend a helping hand to Only can we dress the conference of tbe United Help each other have been named to the bench had not two other Jews occu- morality at such a low ebb, with such frightful excesses being you." Palestine Appeal in Washington Jose said: "Oh, that my And work that man pied the exalted position. With the death of Cardozp this ob- perpetrated by great nations not to speak of individual vice, lotRabbi this week-end. falls among those who solicit Shall love his brother The former diplomat expressed crime and corruption. Judaism must continue to be a great charity but not among those who jection no. longer had validity. his views to a J. T. A. reporter distribute." (Because they are liFrankfurter is an immigrant, having come from Vienna as moral force in the world, to make itself felt by the lives and able to make a mistake and fail on board a Coast Guard cutter which had taken him off the e'child. Like many immigrants who saw America as their only deeds and characters of its own members (who can calculate to do Justice to deserving cases. Washington near Quarantine and There are three men whose hope, as the only hope of the world ,he has devoted his life to the force for good of such Jews as Frankfurter, Cardozo, Bran- lives was speeding him Into port to fill are not worth living: He the achievement of the great ideal which is America's destiny. deis, to name' just a few signal examples that appropriately who depends on his neighbor's the first of his series of lecture By DAKISL I* SCHORR : Not once in his past has Frankfurter compromised himself occur to one for the moment?) as well as by the pronounce- support; he whose wife dominates New York (JTA) — Jan ^Jas- engagements In which he will over him; and he who is suffering aryk. recently resigned Czecho- seek America's aid In the defense for the furtherance of bis ambitions. Many times he has jeapor- ments and teachings of its own accredited leaders and repre- from an incurable disease. slovakia!! minister to London and of world democracy. A large dized a promising career to crusade for what he considered sentatives on every proper occasion. Jews must exert moral Rabbi Joshua said: "A man son of tbe u t e founder of toe corps of reporters and photogshould never bring forth from his Csecbo-Slovaklan Republic, be- raphers were on hand to meet justice. During the agitation at the time of the Sacco-Vanzetti influence as naturally and as inevitably as radium emits its mouth an unfit word, for the Masaryk, on tbe rollinr lieves that "there Is too damned him. trials, he took up the cudgels on behalf of the two accused mur- peculiar power; by championing and illustrating the highest scripture uses a circumvention of much anti-Semitism" In his na- stern deck of the cutter, made sv (extra) letters in order to tive country, but holds that the brief statement for tbe newsreel derers. Only the fact that Dean Pound threatened to resign moral standards, supporting by word and deed the noblest eight PKOF. FRANKFURTER: If people "Is more to be pitied than camera in which he said that it avoid an ugly word." the Munich agreement did not as head of the law school if Frankfurter were ousted saved him causes, ever on the side of progress, liberalism and humanity. There are four persons which you see a tall, dark young fel- censured." succeed In preserving p e a c e , low eating his typewriter and oththe mind of man cannot endure. "There Is not much anti-Semitfrom the wrath of the University corporation and President poor man who is proud; a rich erwise acting in a suspicious man- ism in Czecho-Slovaklan general- "then God save our souls," and Judaism stands for the highest unity; and the Jew must A Lowell. man who flatters; a lewd old man ner you'll know he's Paul A. Pet- ly," Hasaryk said in an interview added that "I don't think there be ever on the side of that which will unify, not divide and and a leader who rules over the ers . . . Who several months back wiht the J. T. A. on his arrival will be war If all tbe people who Starting with President Theodore Boosevelt, Frankfurter separate, the human race; he must stand for true brotherhood, community with selfish pride. had the temerity to predict that here to deliver a series of lectures want peace unite to prevent it." you would not be appointed to the in support of democracy. "I unhas been a loyal, public servant under every succeeding presi- for a united as well as a perfected humanity. Such ideals as Supreme Court . . . Peters, now derstand that in Slovakia there is Arab Terrorism Mounts dent, democrat and republican alike. With the advent of the international democracy should ever enlist the best efforts and predicts, and he hopes with 100 a rather wild government and it per cent more accuracy, that your New Deal and the unprecedented demand for trained minds, enthusiastic advocacy and service of the Jew. Jerusalem (WNS) — Arab terIs behaving badly. In Slovakia— nomination will be confirmed by and as a Slovak I speak with a rorism in Palestine has increased Frankfurter became a newsworthy figure. Reactionaries have the Senate — although not with0 no! the world cannot afford to dispense with the Jew. bleeding heart — there is too recently and for a time the terout some sensational pyrotechnics damned much anti-Semitism." ' attempted to paint him1 as the invisible government in Washing- The Nazis are beginning to be told this in unmistakable manrorists bad directed their activi. . . And if that prediction falls The former diplomat said that ties almost entirely against Arabs ton, but those in the know tell that Frankfurter has been out ner and they will learn their lesson in the end, perhaps it is through, Mr. Peters will tie his anti-Semitism in Czecbo-Slovakia who refused to co-operate, but El typewriter around his neck—-and was a reaction to recent events. Jews and Britons are again vicof the good graces of the administration since his opposition to too late for the real 'culture* and true welfare of Germany. At servicesBeth this evening Rabbi quit predicting . . . "The people wouldn't usually re- tims in tbe campaign of kidnapthe court reorganization bill. . Goldstein will speak on "An OldOther nations will know how to appreciate the Jew, as they New Story." Cantor Aaron Edgar act favorably to something that is ping and murder. Three Jews When Cardozo of the blessed memory died, the immediate always have, even when in moments of madness they have and the Beth El choir will con- HEADLINES: If you want to lousy," be declared.. "But I can were killed and two severely get a good idea of .the cockeyed forgive them.a great deal. They wounded last week-end. cry was for Frankfurter. First to insist on his appointment temporarily turned against him. We are all prone to bite the duct the services. sort of world we're living in these Week was the elder statesman, our own Senator Norris, who as a hand that feeds us, to reject in irritable resentment those that Mr. and Next Mrs. A. Bernstein an- days, read headlines . . . For exwesterner declared sectional considerations absurd. Senator confer favors upon us, that are our greatest benefactors. Hu- nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their ample: NAZIS WARN CHICKENS Lee, next sabbath at the Beth TO LAY MORE EGGS . . . . Burkey an out-spoken critic of Roosevelt, long before the ap- man nature remains ever the same (even the Nazis can't de- •on, HEIFETZ PERFORMS IN PADEl Synagogue. DED CUBICLE . . . Or this one pointment let it be known he would support Frankfurter should stroy it) and as some wag has remarked it is not only incorby the London Times which, our he be named. London spotter solemnly reminds rigible but ^universal.' Temple ..In a public poll conducted by a research organization, Dr. John Phillips of the First us, hardly ever makes mistakes: So we look upon this meeting of the Council, in its deepest Central LONDON TALKS ON Congregational Church fifty-six per cent of the people interviewed agreed that Frank- significance, apart from all the immediate, one may say techni-. will occupy SCHACHT PLAN tbe pulpit of Temple 8 Inches of Snow in Kent furter was the logical choice for the vacancy, that to him thecal problems that shall engage it as a body of American Beform Israel this evening. His topic will our diplomatic correspon judicial gown of Holmea and Frankfurter should fait Not even Judaism, as a great representative body of all Jews and Juda- be, "The Brass Shields." Services From . dent begin at 8 this evening. the condemnation heaped upon his head by the reactionary ism, that shall again assert and emphasize fundamental Jewish Saturday morning services beCOLLEGIATE: Martin Paster, gin at 11. press swayed the judgment of the people. values, that shall strengthen these, and help to extend these handsome young m. e. of the Next Week The opposition to Frankfurter is not as strong as it is loud, as most powerful uplifting, moralizing, and humanizing and Next Friday evening Rabbi Wlce Americas Hebrew, denies that he will report on the conference of is the founder of that Panzer ColIt is the Jew-baiter, whose appearance on the scene, shows how truly civilizing influences throughout the whole earth. the Union of American Hebrew lege, New Jersey institution which the poison of anti-Semitism has even crept to our shores. Every Congregation which he is attend- Jumped into prominence recently —FBEDERICK COHN. by walloping the N. Y. U. QuJning. possible objection has been-raised and even Jews themselves, tet . . . He isn't even a graduate felt that the appointment at this time/would not be wise. of the place, and, as a matter of The coming of Hitler shatters fact never heard of it until Petthis beautiful dream. In the early Because of bis unique position, Felix Frankfurter bears a stages of the Nazi movement, he ers broached the subject to him. heavy burden of responsibility. Every act, every utterance will experiences personal attacks bebe scrutinized. But his past record points to an even more By Dr. Tbcedot* K. Lewis, caute he is a Jew. His wife and ECONOMICS: Ira Collts, our her relatives minimise these as of FROM JANUARY 15 TO Temple. Chicago Contrib, makes a actable brilliant career on the highest court of the land. Hie ja the BabbJ, Mount Steal no import. But when the final City contribution to the science cf ecJANUARY 19 Nazi triumph occurs, his adored tradition of Brandejs, Holmes and Cardozo. onomics with the following obSunday, January 15.
Religious Services
Community Calendar
Christiana forsakes him and his
Omaha Hebrew club (installa- servation . . .-American version: can live as cheaply &$ one." tion of officers), 3 p. m., lodgo ."To and after come prison experiences, . . Nazi version: "Two rmst ilvc room, Jewish Community Center. he leaves for Paris and there finds Jewish National Workers' Al- as cheaply as one." . . . help at the hands of friendly spirits. Despite great personal suf- Hanco Social, 7 p. in., C and D, JOB: Over the teacups (c»t a fering, there Is no bitterness in Jewish Community Center. the pages — Just sorrow and grief Hazomlr Choral Society dance, hiccup in a snootful) at the Cafe over the collapse of honesty, inor* 9 p. m-. lodge room, Jewish Com- Royal, a noted Bsrila composer and conductor. Chesia "Wfnawer, ality, of honor and peace. Self re- munity Center. now an exile ia New York, reveals straint and self forgetfulness »Iondayt January 10. make t h e enormous calamity Bikur Choliin meeting, 2 p. m., that he has been rets4a©ij to do' more terrifying. C and D, Jewish Community Cen- the music for the Theatre Guild's forthcoming, production cf Stefan ter. V-. Though the novel will move any B'nai B'rith smoker, S p. in., Zweig'g brilliant biblical novel reader, it will touch especially the auditorium, Jewish Community about the life cf the Prophet Jeremiah, "Eearken Unto the Voice." Jewish reader. After imprison- Center. ment and escape to Paris, the hero Hazomlr Choral society, 8 p. is obliged to go to a rabbi for as- m., K and L, Jewish Community LETTERS: "Dear Peter," writes Aleph (Poet) Katj, "I can't unsistance. This embarrasses him ex- Center. ceedingly because even though be Orchestra class, 8 p. m., lodge der stand why nobody — at least had been born a Jew, he had nev- room, Jewish Community Center, to. ray unlimited kuowledge — has yet divulged what that Nazi er in Germany, seen a rabbi. The Tuesday* January IT. tenderness of tho eleric touches Council of Jewish Women Cul- Charge d'Affaires Kans Tfeomsea him deeply. In the public dining tural class, 1 p. in., G and H, Jew-said to Undersecretary et State Suniner Welles when he got that room, maintained for the refugees ish Community Center. by the Paris Jewish community, ICabbi Goldstein's Book Review famous kick In the teeth . . . He he meets his own father, also a "Andrew Jackeoa," 8 p. m., audi- muttered: 'I'll bs back io a flash refugee who, like him, has escap- torium, Jewish Community Cen- with a clash." . . . Believe it or not, when I was in Mexico rssesled after £ prison experience. Jn ter. the course of an intimate converChoir rehearsal, 8 p. m., K and ly. Bob Rlpley WES there too oa a visit . . . And if you l{ke Hunsation the fathers makes this L, Jewish Community Center. garian goulash — and I know striking and tragic confession. "J Wednes<*ay« January IS, have tried to live the life of the International Workers' Order, you do, since you uss so cuejs of son of a great German scholar . . . S p. "m.,.C and D, Jewish Com- It in your column — yen Tcn't get it in the Cafe HoysJ unless and I have tailed. I have tried to munity Center. live the ljfe of a German patriot Record Concert Series, S p. m., you order it-by the aaa« of '.beef , . . and I have failed. I have tried club room, Jewish Community goulash.' . . . The waiters there are that sore about Kunjjary's to live the life of a cosmopolitan Center. anti-Jewish laws." . , • of a true European . . . and I Thursday, January 19. have failed again. I was not allowJewish National Fund, S p. m., ed to live any of these Ilve3. I lounge room, Jewish Community MISH-MASH: C o n n a s f i e r was never admitted uncondition- Center. Oliver Iiocker-Larcpson, Eritirh ally as what I am. Now I am try- Town Hall Forura, 8 p. m., club Parliamentarian, recently predictJos for the last time apd now I room, Jewish Community Center. ed that 200 years hence the prebelieve I shall succeed . . . Onco Choir rehearsal, S p. tn., K and sent era will be known as the Eicyou know where you belong, the L, Jewish Community Center. steln age . .. That Hitler BTXC greater pqtrt of your troubles have ' Poy Scont meeting, 8 p. m., Mussolini will be resiecsber simcome to an end, but you have to lodge room, Jewish Community ply as "notable nonentities." . . . belon/r somewhere. Without know- Center. And that lie himself ci£i;t be reins where you belong, you can nbt called as "the rasn v i a gcrc recilive." (352). As soon as he ac* ter to Einstein . . . (TJ:<? Co~rT3Jcspts being a Jew, he experiences Refuge© Children Asrsve 3er invited the fafaed physicist to for the first time in his life tbe stay with him after his esile frons sense of belonging, and therefor© Germany.) . . . CartocElil Usury Amsterdam (WNS) — Another at happiness. What an important Bressler is an ardent tSmfrer of group of 200 child refugees armessage to many assimilated I. J. Singer and wants %o tajre rived here froa Germany and Jews. were lodged in children's homes some ticie off frors fcte clra-u-isg board to read his tsasterpicc© This is the first novel in En- at the expense of private organi- "The AshVes:si," Ja glish from Peter Mendelssohn. zations. A few will be allowed to YiddishBrothers . . . Oddly' CEOUEH, ttere His proso is $o sirnple and yet so stay with private families. a treasndcus fcorz: rigSt revsweeping and BD rjch that one may Jewish iscjigraats have been is is jewg'-hsrps . . . ICartJaetUTcrs venture the prediction that he \ylll been corning to this country in In- oS xaouth icstrcsieEt. which enormously enrich English litera- creasing numbers and since tb«p has the Jewish bsokBrouES — Its ture in the coining years. Ger- outbreak of the recent persecu^ camenoprobably a ccrruplioa many's Jpss is definitely America's tion it i« estimated that 7,000 of "jaws'-harp"being — are being forehave legally entered the country. gain.
AM, THAT HATTERS" BT half-Jewish son. With his baby,
P|!TEB MEITOEI^SQHN. HENRY HOLT & CO. 871 PAGES. This Js an autobiographical Again through the generosity of a single individual, the novel of a young Jewish refugee though his first attempt at young people of Omaha—Jew and non-Jew-^will have tha op- and, writing in English is unusually portunity to express themselves on the subject of "Racial and successful. In elmplo, beautiful Religious Respect." Dr. Philip Sher for four years has donated and forceful pros?, be describes tragedy of HKlerlsm, for Jews, this annual prize to each of the local universities, and thereby the for liberals, for idealists and for Germany. It I? more than a hit of stimulated thought-on the subject. moving fiction. It la a deep proThe topic is well-worded. Not a patronizing tolerance of test at a world gone mad. Frequently one wonders how so people or their views, but a genuine respect for those differ, crazy, fantaetio and barbaric a 'ences is encouraged. regime like that which rules Ger, "The time for fighting anti-Semitism or other hatreds," the many could have calned power. answer is given indirectly in Doctor has said, "is not after the infection has set in. Im- The simple but unforgetable fashion. munization, preventive medicine, are of primary importance in The author blepa us to recall what these last six years may have obscience and they should be the principle methods of fighting literated from c o n s c i o u s n e s s , namely, that the Najia would cot ill-will." and could not have gained power • Not only do the Jews, as a people, benefit from such meth- and control of the government without murdering their opporw ods of counter-acting the vjciousness of petty minds- The con- ent? oo matter to what political test is not merely for the specific purpose of gathering senti- g-roup they belonged, without bruments in favor of the Jews as beings. Its primary purpose is tal suppression of the press and of the democratic proto do its share in eradicating all this misunderstanding to destruction cesses, without gangsterism and which men clings as a neurotic to his problem of maladjust- last, but pot least, without downright arson. "WUPOut terror and ment. . brutality, ruthless murder of opthe regime would have In Europe, among the young, there is no hope. They are ponents, never trlumpod. • being inculcated with the seeds of hatred and intolerance. But Who is to blame tor tho rise of American youth has remained free and if others follow the Hitler? The German industrallists yes. But. also the weali and frightexample of Dr. Sher lie will continue to be free. ened officials of tho Republic who tlung to jtnelr IJperal "paclfjstlc convictions, and refused to deal energetically with a gang of boodJinns masquerading under the gu.le© Of & •pomic.a.l Party. Had the officials of the wedimar KeBy RABBI FEEDEEIOK COHH public boon wife e&ousb and
Dr. She? and Mutual Respect
The Thirty-Sixth Council of thq Union, of American Hebrew Congregations
The thirty-sixth. council of the Vnion of America** |Iet>re,w strong enough to differentiate be& political vapvemont ana Congregations meets next week in, tho city ©f ftptwees organised gangsterism, ths story
founding. It was founded by Isaac, Mayer .Wise in 1873 after <3% Germany and of civilization »RV0 beou radically differtwenty-five years of effort; plans are already afoot for a bril- might ent fro©, what it is. liant Seventy-fjfth anniversary to be held nine years hence, to "All Tnet Matters" io the. story constitute a veritable Jubileo of American Judaism. The Union Of tho dcop lovo and laarriago of the hero, a Jow, with Christian, a is the basic organization of American Beform Judaism. Jts full-blooded Aryan. Tfoo union is establishment made the Hebrew Union College a possibility and blessed with a eon. Christian. The an author with strong liba reality in two brief years (founded in 1875, its first class father, eral convictions, mskeg rasgnUJ ffrnduoting in 3883, of which the Eev. Dr. DavM Phjlipgoo, who cent plans for the support of himand his dear ones wlttj bis lif!» jufit retired n« ftebbj of thq RocJidaJe Ave, Temple Jn Cin- self pen. k greatly honored Instrument cinnati, is tho sole survivor). Jn due' course the Central Con- undor tho Republic.
DRESSES Formerly m u c h higher priced . . cleverly designed dresses . . . goodlooking enough to w e a r l o n g after the Blessed Event . . Several different l in nxzes 10 te
THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1939 August, 1938. Arbitman has been chosen delegate to several conventions prior to this time, i n cluding the National Bar Mitzvah convention held in New York. He was recently selected the outstanding Aleph of Mother Chapter. At the last meeting, Past Aleph Godol Joe Hornsteln. an alumnus of A. Z. A., spoke concerning the ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooksteln problem of the persecution of the of Hollywood, California, an- Jews. nounce the birth of a eon on January 1 at the Hollywood Hospital. Mrs. Brookstein la the former Dorothy Kaplan of Omaha. *•
Council Aids in Mrs. Neuhaus' . Lecture Series |
Record Concert Series
CONCERT XO. 11 Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky, Mrs. I Wednesday. January 18, J. E. Cohen and Mrs. M. M. Gutt8 P. M. man represented the Council at Mrs. Minnie Volgt, commenthe tea given last Friday afternoon by Mrs. Earle R. Stiles, tator. ENGAGEMENT TOLD PROGRAM president of the Omaha Council Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harris of Bach: The High Mass in B of Federated Church Worsen, for Chicago announce the engagement members of the Ruth Neufcaus Minor. of their daughter, Gertrude, to " , lecture committee of that organi- , Kyrle Arnold Crane, son of Mrs. I. OrGloria zation and for the presidents and ensteln ol Chicago. The Harrises Credo chairmen of similar committees are former Omahana. Miss Harris " Sanctui n the five major women's organiIs a. niece of Mrs. Morris Beitel of Osanna, Benedictus. Agnus Omaha. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT A benefit bingo party in the zations sponsoring the new series Dei The conple are planning a June Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klrshen- form of a dessert-lunch will be of lectures by Mrs. Neahaus. Berlin Philharmonic Choir "America, Democracy and the wedding. baum announce the engagement held at 1 p. m. Wednesday, JanLondon Philharmonic Orof their daughter, Bess, to Sam uary 18, on the tenth floor of the World Today" is the general ,title Shylcen of Council Bluffs, son of Brandeis store for the Hadassah of the new five-lecture series chestra BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED Albert "Coats, conducting. Mrs. Esther Nathanson of Es- Mr. and Mrs. Simon Shyken, also Medical organization and the Ha- which Mrs. Neuhaus will conduct dassah Youth Aliyah. beginning February 22. Followtherville, Iowa, announces the en- of that city. CONCERT NO. 12 gagement of her daughter, Evelyn No wedding date has as yet A door prize is being donated ing the pattern of the talks which Beethoven. Ouverture Leoby the State Furniture company. were sponsored EO BuccessfElly by Alice, to Henry Ginsburg. eon of been chosen. An addition to the names of the ouncil earlier this season, Mrs. nore No. 3 Sir, and Mrs. Mas Glnsburg of Quintet la Sioux City, Iowa. RETURNS FROM SO. AMERICA hostesses published is Mrs. Harry Neuhaus will lecture on Wednes- E Schumann: Flat Major, Opus 44 Lipsey. Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, day mornings at 10:30 a. xal at Miss Nathanson is a student at AND WEST INDIES Artus Schnabel and tht Pro the University of Minnesota. Mr. Leonard Nathan returned home GL 2857, chairman of the party, the Brandeis store, tenth floor Ginsburg graduated from the Un- on Sunday after a visit in Port- will gladly furnish additional in- auditorium, all tlaks to be fol- Arte Quartet. auditorium, all talks to be foliversity of Minnesota in June and o'f-Spaln, Trinidad, and Curacao, formation. Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky, who is is at present a member of the fac- Netherlands West Indies. En UNEN SHOWER ulty of the University of Louisana route -to Trinidad Mr. Nathan Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky an- general ticket chairman for all at Baton Rouge. spent time in Haiti and Venezue- nounces the linen shower that will groups co-operating in this proj.No wedding date has been chos- la and on his return he visited be held In the form of a tea and ect, held a meeting of the chairen. the Leeward and Windward program on the afternoon of the men of these organisations last At the recent Sigma Alpha Mu groups, the French West Indies, regular meeting Wednesday, Jan- Wednesday afternoon at the Y. uary 25. Mrs. Ben Brodkey re- W. C. A., to organize the co-oper- National Convention In Kansas and the Virgin Islands. APPROACHING MARRIAGE City, MiEsiouri, Sigma Omicron ports that all 656 on the calling ative ticket selling campaign. Mrs. Joseph Koom announces Chapter received two distinctive list for Hadassah have been conthe engagement and approaching awards. The chapter was presenttacted personally over the telemarriage of her daughter, Lillian, ed with the Founder's Cup, a LADIES' FREE LOAN phone by her. A large attendance to Charles Lieb, son of Mrs. Jacob beautiful silver trophy that bears is expected and all members are Lleb. , engraved names of the eight to attend. Mrs. E. A. MeyA board meeting of the Ladies the At the first regular meeting of urged Miss Koom attended Crelghton founders of Sigma Alpha Mu, the er will be In charge of the tea. Free Loan society will be held on university, and Mr. Lleb is a the year of Mother Chapter of Mrs. Jack Kaufman and MrB. fraternity's gold octagonal pin graduate of the Dworafc School of Aleph Zadik Aleph, the new of- Richard Wright will be on the Monday, January 16, at 2 p. m. with sixteen pearls, the fraternat the home of Mrs. S. Mogil, ity's coat of arms, and the same fiers. for the* coming six-month Accounting. committee. 2012 North Twenty-second street. of each ye&r'e winning chapter. . The wedding will take place on term were formally and officially Linen Shower CULTURAL Installed by Advisor Art RobinAll members who have sold March 5. publications, and fraThe Hadassah Oneg Shabbot tickets are requested to bring Scholarship, son. The new officers are Aleph ternal relations are the basis upon Godel, Irving Nogg: Aleph S'gan, will be held Saturday, January their stubs at that time. which the CUP IS awarded. Sigma •yiBlTlSO RELATIVES Turkel; Aleph Glsbor, Leo 21, at the home of Mrs. J. H. Omlcron is proud of their excellMr. and Mrs. Eli Lewis and Stanley Sherman; Aleph Mazkir, Dave Kulakof sky, ^14 South Fifty-first 'daughter, Sharlene of Detroit are Weiner; Aleph Shotare Godol, street. Mrs. D. A. Goldstein will DAUGHTERS OF ISRAEL ent record in national standing. Morris LIpp, North Flatte, and visiting Mr. Lewis' mother and speak on "A Hadassah So j urn in Slaters. During their "stay Blr" Haskell Cohen; Aleph Shotare the. Northwest Region." The Daughters of Israel Aid so- Raymond Brown, Kansas City represented Sigma Omicron at the and Mrs. Lewis will be at the Kotone, Bob Bramson; Aleph The Orientation course on Ha- ciety will meet at 2 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green- Sopher, Alvln Hertzberg. and dassah Projects being given by Jewish Community Center Tues- convention. A group of chapter alumni alsa attended. Aleph Kohen Godol, Haskell Laberg. Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, of which day, January 17. zere. Officers will be elected at that Mrs. Lasar Kaplan Is chairman Among the highlights "of the After the installation, Aleph RETURN HOME and Mrs. Max Givot is co-chair- time. As this is to be an extreme- convention was the election of Godol Nogg gave a short address ly important meeting, all memMrs. David Hexter of Chicago which he stated his plans for man, will be held Friday, Janu- bers have been urged to attend. Harry B. Cohen, alumnus of Sigand Mrs. M. H. Serck of New in ary 20. ma Omicron and prominent Omathe next six months, after which York, both of whom were In Oma- he announced the committees for ha attorney, to the office of Vice The class on "Personalities" ha to attend the Golden Wedding the new term. These are: Supreme Prior of the Sigma Alhas postponed the meeting date Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Philpha Mu National Fraternity. For of the group from January 13 to Cultural committee: Chairman, ip Nathan, left last Sunday for Haskell Cohen, Max Kirshen- January 27, when a discussion on the past several years Harry has At the regular meeting of the been their homes. Mrs. Hester is a baum, Stanley Silverman, Milton Malmonldes will be given. Mrs. Regional Advisor or the fraDeborah society held last Tues daughter of the Nathans and Mrs. Cackin and Morris Kirshenbaum. M. F. Levenson Is the leader of ternity's Missouri Valley Proday afternoon, Mrs. Joe Goldware Serck a sister of Mrs. Nathan. His sincere efforts to beneSocial committee: Chairman, the group, and Mrs. Al Fiedler, was re-elected president by unani- vince. fit the fraternity, his fine fraternLouis Nathan of Hollywood left eo Sherman, Bernard Epstein, chairman. mous acclaim. al spirit, and the cooperation that for his home last night. The next class on the "Survival Lee White, Paul Schaplro and The Deborah society, under the he has given during the rapid of the Jew in the World Today" leadership Harry Goldstein. of Mrs. Goldware, has growth of Sigma Alpha Mu makes LEAVES FOR RICHMOND Social service committee: Chair- will be held Tuesday, January 24, done much to contribute to the well deserving of such an Dr. W. J. Resnick of Richmond, man, Morris Arbitman, Bernard at the Jewish Community Center. education of Jewish children In him Virginia, who spent the holiday Goldware, Leonard Margules and Mrs. D. A. Goldstein is the leader Omaha. A detailed program for honor. and Mrs. Jacob Kahz Is the chair- the coming year was discussed. Irvin Yaffe. Omaha, has reseason with his parents, Mr. and Warner Frohman.from the West coast with Mrs. J. M. Resnick, last week reReligious committee: Chair- man. Other officers elected were: turned University of Nebraska basturned to his home. Dr. Resnick man, Haskell Lasero, Harry GoodMrs. Jacob Bernstein, vice-presi- the ketball team. Because of Yaffe's i t resident physician at the Anns binder, Lazier Singer and LeonGIRL SCOUTS dent; Mrs. C. S. Ross, secretary; fine chewing in earlier games he Sheltering Hospital in Richmond. ard Boasberg. Girl Scouts, Troop 4, met Sun- Mrs. Ben E. Kazlowsky, corre- •was chosen to inake the trip -with Membership committee: Chair- day, January S. The girls are spondence secretary; Mrs. Hynan man, Justin Friesman, Sam«Jtu- working on their ceedlecraft and Noddle, treasurer; Mrs. Michael 8. A. M, MOTHER'S CLUB C o n n , membership chairman: "A regular meeting of the 3. A. derman, Robert Perelman, Nor- choral speaking badges. INVEST SAFELY. WISELY IN The "Song of the Bow" te be- Mrs. K. Tatle, honorary presiM. Mother's Club will be held on man Hahn and Alvln Hertzberg. ing learned and will be presented dent, and Mrs. A. Wolf, honorary Athletic committee: Chairman, Tuesday, January 17, at the home 'of Mrs. Julius Tatelman, 2831 S. Robert Bramson, Louis Blumkln, at the next meeting, January 22. vice-president. CnCswmtnt, Utm Members of the board of di12nd street. A 1 o'clock luncheon Theo Cohen, Keve Kirshenbaum rectors are: Mrs. Michael Cohen, Temple Youth Group will be served by Mrs. Tatelman. and Herb Meiches. Si C&rono Csmpan* Finance committee: Chairman, A report will be given by the The next meeting of tho Tem- Mrs. Fanny Bernstein, Mrs. J. y Typ* ef liwurane* president, Mrs. Harry Elsenstatt. Dave Weiner, Ed Stein, Morris ple Youth Group will be held at Flnkle, Mrs. William Epstein and end Bone* Written. Adler and Advisor Art Grossman. the home of Miss Harriet New- Mrs. Dave Crounse. CALL AT 7667 or WA 6150 Kibitzer staff: Chairman, Alvln man, 3509 Pine street, on SunCity Finance A Insurance Co. JOSLYJT MEMORIAL Morris Arbitman, Jer- day, January 15, at I p. n . Three short sound films, "Cross- Hertzberg, Patronize Our Advertisers ry Grossman, Morton Soref and roads of the Pacific," "Gateway Irving Wohlner. of the Pacific" and "Saga of the Phone squad: Chairman, Irving Silver Horde," will be shown In the concert hall at the Joslyn Me- Wohlner, Leonard Herman, Normorial this Sunday afternoon at man Hahn, Ralph Turkel and Jerry Grossman. ' • • '.itf' 2:30 p. m.. Junior Aleph club: Stanley Tur. The Reverend Robert Sheridan kel, Miller will lecture on "Can We Be Nogg.Haskell Lazere. and Irving Enthusiasts Today?" at 3:30 this Also, at tho meeting, Leonard Sunday in the Joslyn Memorial Boasberg was initiated into the lecture hall. "*• An organ and piano recital by chapter. Morrls Arbitman has been Edward Davis Berryman will, be presented in the concert hall at chosen as the delegate of Mother the Memorial Sunday at 4 o'clock. Chapter to attend the District 6 to be held in Madison, A lecture of the Town Hall convention this coming March. Aleph Forum series, sponsored by the Wia., has truly an outstandNebraska Society of Colonial Arbitman ing record as a member of A. Z. Dames, will be presented in the A. He has served as Aleph Godol, concert hall at the Joslyn MemorGisbor and Aleph Kohen ial Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Aleph besides holding the posiProfessor Herbert Heaton of tho Godol, of chairman of the Regional University of Minnesota will be tion the lecturer, speaking on "Aus- Convention held in Omaha In tralia and America: A Compare •ton of Two Democracies."
Sigma Alpha Mu
the squad. His playing was partly responsible for the victories over California and the University of California at Los Angeles.
Women's Mizrachi The next meeting of the Women's MizracSii will be held on Wednesday, January S, at 2 p. ni. at the Jewish Community Center. A board meeting will take place at 1. The drawing for the .silver coffee set will be held at this time. All members are urged to return tickets and stubs. Mrs. E. Weinberg, chairman of the Jewish National Fund tree Fund donations, announces the following contributions: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White on the occasion of the marriage of their daughter, Ruth. Mr. -and Mrs. S. Riekes on the birth of a great-granddaughter, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Roaentbal of Chicago. Mrs. Al Rosenblatt in honor of the birth of a grandson, the son of Mr; and Mrs. John Rosenblatt. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Potash in honor of their son's Bar Mitzvah. Mrs. Meyer Horn In memory of her late husband.
Ladies'Club The Omaha Ladles CluK was organized Thursday evening, January 5, at the home of Mrs. Sarah Barsbn with twenty-three members present. The following officers were elected at this meeting: Mrs. H. Weiner, treasurer; Mrs. L. Plnkovitz, financial secretary; Mrs. Max Horwitz, recording secretary; and Mrs. Sarah Barson. loan secretary. Mrs. Max RosenBtein was chairman for the evening. Funds ' were donated by the members for Jewish refugees. The next.meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Louis Adler.
Young Judea
COMPLETE PLANS FOR CARD PARTY Mrs. Julius Stein, Chairman, annonces that plans have been completed for the Women's Division Card Party, scheduled for Monday evening, February 6, at eight o'clock, at the Jewish Community Center. Funds raised from this event will go towards refurnishing and redecorating the reception room on the main floor of the Jewish Community Center. Both men and women are Invited to attend. - The ^Committee-in-charge of arrangements is: Mrs. Julius Stein, chairman: Mrs. Abe Venger and Mm. William Levey, co-chairmen; and Mesdames Max Barish, Henry Belmont, Jacob Bernstein, David Blacker, R. Bordy, Anna Brodkey, Arthur Cohn, Jack Cohn, Bertha Ellis, Dave Epstein, J. J. Friedman, Joe Goldware, David Green> berg, Robert Kooper, J. H. Kulakofsky, William Levey, Irvlfl Levrn, Mo^ Mssmaij' J. M. Malashpek, Louis Neyeleff, J. M. Rice, Ben Shapiro; Bave Sherman. Ben Silver. Harry Tfu8tln, Bud Wolf, and Miss Blanche Zimman and •Kalah Franklin.
(MENORAH CHAPTER) A regular meeting of the norah Chapter of Young Jufl*** was held Tuesday, January 8, ** the Jewish Community Cflntat. Anns ArTiUmnn. geve R report «r. the umbscriptioR dance held 2"**cember £1 at the Music Bos. Further plane -were at the meeting, primarily a berehip tea to be piven in the future. Kalfib Franklin, p dent of Junior Hadassor, le new sponsor of the club. The next meeting will be Thursday, January 19, at the ish Community Center. London (JTA) — Stefan Zw*>tfc. noted ^Austrian author, has »tplied to the Home Office tor ti*«» uraliiaUon as a British subJ*Bi. He has lived in London for f yeara. ' \
IT WILL PAY ¥ 0 0 To Oonratt
Patronise Our Advertisers
PLUMBING COMPLETE 24 Hour r r n v r r
Deborah Society
ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zollotuchen of Sioux City announce the birth of a daughter, Shirley Elaine on Monday, December 26.
Bombay Room Hotel Fontenelle OMAHA'S WELCOME TO THE WORLD
The Sale that always bnngs arowdi . . . the Sale that Offers the Gceatest Values of the Entire Year . . . on our Eatrcnct floor!
BAGS . : . .Were $1.98 to $18,50 Half Price .
NO W ...
n icafflgt uwocaa '
Coming Soon—^RTxth McGinn!?, World's Women Pocket Billiard Champion. Ladiea .Especially Invited. Artipfosioa Free.
every era, {irc;!i H ; : ; ^ fa CJ? rfeji fcr o Ca'rjd fea... prf bsci ka fefcr! A "VMKT" IT ysa bow Razees, o rcr^crfx riL-.*cd, il yea csa'i! $oa esA {it tptclet Flexeet « cessjofi tz-Z. l&vdlz
URE PICTU mcer Study—Vale Dean to Bench .A/ft BASE " SUBMARINE BASE
'Johnston l.' APiatmural
MEW BASES FOB DEFENSE—This map shows the location of 25 new air. submarine, destroyer and mine bases, establishment of which has been recommended to Congress by;the Navy, through Navy Secretary Claude Swanson. Idea is'to extend continental defenses into the Caribbean Sea, Alaska and the Pacific to support a fighting fleet in the Atlantic or Pacific at any time.
BOAT SHOW — Boat builders from Maine to Florida-to California are exhibiting new styles in motor boats and other pleasure craft at the 34th annual Motor Boat Show in New York City, where scores of craft already have been made fast in indoor harbors. Above is a cruiser bound for the show that was floated down the Harlem and East rivers from Morris Heights, N. Y., hoisted out of the water and trucked through city streets to the show.
CRN TO BURN FOR RIGHTS—Helen Hunt, Florida member of the National Woman's Party Congressional Committee,' lights one of the two urns on the steps of the party's building in Washington-; The£ares will burn until the equal rights amendment is passed by both houses of Congress.
WHAT KEEPS IT UP?—If this vogue continues, about the only place for straps will be in street cars and on harnesses. Here's the latest strapless bathing suit, fashioned like the strapless evening gowns, that recently made its advent and is a feature of Market Week in Los Angeles. Blonde Marjorie Moore models the suit with effective attractiveness.
APPOINTED—Prof essor Charles E. Clark, dean of the Yale Law School, appointed by President Roosevelt to & vacancy on the "United States Circuit Court of Appeals. His jurisdiction includes Vermont. Connecticut and part of New York. He is a liberal.
SOCIALITE HELD—Mrs. Anita Imelda Bowie, socially prominent San Franciscan, signing bond papers before Federal Commissioner Ernest E. Williams. She is charged with falsifying passport information. Warrants assert she and James O'Brien, former dude ranch operator, obtained passports as "Sir St. James Joseph O'Brien and Lady O'Brien." ;>
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IT'S GYPSY — Well, if it isn't Gypsy Rose Lee, former strip tease artist—or Louise Hovick of the films, if you prefer! During a recent vacation period at Miami, Pla.. the cameraman caught her thus, in her latest sun suit creation, i t bears a flower design.
^t!iC~^r~ ~
FO^ CANCEK REEEAEC3—A »ow X-rr.r ra? chine, designed to operate e.t l.OOC.OOC volc&, ret SITISLII c*iOuE.h ^oi installation in existing hospital l-u-lii-gs. if 'osir.p cspomoird. as above, a t the General Eieetnc ConnErT's plrr,; pf Sriieneci-fdy, N. Y. L. E. Dempstrr. left, end V . F. ">"es-enao-r r.-c the designers. With a hs£.vr ics£ shield it TC.&IIS <.COC p i
BASEBALL OBIORTAL—Remember Cy Young, who in 22 veers from 1890 to 1311 pitched 8i3 games with an average or .ei9, and who is inunortalizod in Baseball's Kail of Fame at Cooperstown. N. Y.? Well, here he is. about to besin his new duties as serjeantat-arms in tho Ohio State Senate, at Columbus. The b£ton Ss examines is a rniniaturo baseball bat. Si
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B3A EEVIVE FLORIDA CANAL - President Roosevelt's emphasis of defense as a vital national issue may revive in Congress interest in ,the old Florida ship canal. Proposed course of the canal is shown in map. The canal was begun in 1935, with stress on commercial advantages gained by shipping saving a day's run around _ the treacherous Florida keys. After
$5,400,000 was spent on It, Congress refused another $12,000,000 appropriation and work stopped Proponents now say that especially in war shipping by way of the canal from the Gulf areas and to and from the Pacific by the Panama Canal would be protected. Scenes above, top, construction work; center, office buildings and, bottom, workmen under army supervision.
LADT ADMIRAL TO TRY FOR $50,CC0—Mighty War Admiral arrives s.t Miami, Fla., frcra Samuel D. Riddle's farm a t Berlin, Md., to try for a second victory in the $50,000 Widener race at Hialeah Park, March 4. He is greeted by Paula Stone, left, dancing daughter of Fred Stone, and his trainer, George Conway\ right. Conway said the horse might race even before the Widener.
T. r'. graduated from Smith College. She studied Ifw e'r Oxford, Ep.gland, opened s. law oSce in Chicago, worked i~ Kev; York, and later returned to Irosuois County to bscoms z, coimtr judge.
Pit* 7
THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1939 put the Cleaners within one game of the league leaders, and only one game in front of the Greenbergs, who are in third place. Standings of Teams Goodman Pill, again was top man Name of Team W. L. Pet. for the leaders with a 551 series, State Coal & Gas Co...30 18 .625 and Captain Jack Melcher was in 19 .604 the runner-up position with a 507. Empire Cleaners Greenberg Fruit Co. -.28 20 .583 Captain Leo Weitz was high for Clicquot C'b EBkimoa_26 22 .542 hia cellar holders with a 491 The Wardrobe 26 22 .542 series; featured by "his middle Kaiman Insurance Co.ld 29 .396 game of 136. Julian Milder was Smith Motors, Inc. 18 30 .375 the next high man with a 458. Shrier Paint & Glass_16 32 .333 Next week's schedule will be The scramble toward Pennant- featured by the Greenberg Fruitville, In the J. C. C. Bowling Empire Cleaner match, with both league, took on aspects of one of teams out for blood, to stay in the' the closest races in the entire race. The Clicquots have a tough city, this -weeTt, -when D a v e customer in meeting the Smith Frank's State Coal and Gas team, Motor boys. While the Wardrobes who have enjoyed a comfortable will take on the re-juvenated lead -during the entire season, Kaimans, and In the last match, suffered a severe jolt at the hands the State Coal team will try and of Moe LinBman's fast coming recover some of their lost presWardrobe crew. tige in their match with the last ' ThlB match, which was the fea- place Shrier Paint and Glass ture match of this week's bowl- team. ing, resulted in three losses for the erat-while league leaders, plus a headache for sponsor Dave Frank, and a Blight concussion for Captain Sam Zweiback of the Coal team. The Coal boys were all BASKETBALL prepared to offer the good old aliPlay in the J . C. C. basketball 1 bi, t h a t their Anchor Man "Phil * tournament last Sunday found Katzman, -who is still enjbyingthls i^r-teams tied for first place. honeymoon, was out of . t o w a . b t The 'AV"85.-JB>/1 team loBt to the the WardrobeB knocked .this £»• A»; : P.^'&- 21-19. ThB Breslow cose all to smitherens, by just Axrto Glass upset the applecart plain "Hot" bowline, and getting and' defeated the Omaha Jobbing the strikes when mostly needed. Co 26-25. The S. A. M-'B took the A. Z. A. 100. 35-21. The Clothiers won the first In the A. P. T.-A. Z. A. game same by a score ol 794 to 756, due to "Hank" Coren'B nice 202 Art Adler Bhone as star of the game. The second game was won game by caging four field goals by the slim margin of only 811 and one freethrow for a total of io 797. in spite of the fact that 9 points. At the half the-A. Z. Jack Fleishman, "who brought his A.'s were in the lead by one point. In the afternoon's second game Inspiration along, responded with MB big 189 game. But the rest Norm Rosenthall proved to be the of Jack's colleagues just couldn't thorn in the side of tbe Jobbers pull with him. In the last game, by retrieving bail off the backthe Wardrobes shot their big boards both on offense and degame of the evening and won by fense and scoring seven of the the huge margin of 898 to 776, team's total points. due mainly to Captain Paul SteinThe losers had two stars, to berg's big 256 last same. Novak and Iz Bogdanoff, who toGeorge Shapiro, bowling in gethed made 15 points. This game anchor position for the Coal boys, was the first loss for the Jobbers was their high man with a 525 in the regular season's play. series, and was followed by Sam The Sigma Alpha Mu's proved, Zweiback's little 462 series. Captain Paul Steinberg, for the sec- to be too powerful for the Cenond-straight week, broke into the tury quintet. Riekes, Burroughs, charmed "600" circle, and led his and Bennet led the offensive atteam with an even 600, and was tack. followed by Hank Coren's 526. The J. C. C Junior baBketball league got off to a flying start In the next best match of the last Thursday with the Hawkeyes evening, the Kaiman .Insurance defeating A. Z. A. 100 Junteam, who through some hook or iors, 23-5,the and the Sharpshooters crook, have rounded up a team of winning from the A. Z. A. 1 Junnine, men, upset the dope, by win- iors, 15-7. The score of the latning two out of three games from ter game was 7-7 in the fourth the fart slipping Clicquot Club quarter until the Sharpshooters, Eskimos. The first game,, which packed by Mike Landman, forged was only mediocre bowling on the j a i l of both teams, was won by ahead. She Clicanots by a score ol 747 to The Junior League plays every ?tD in Bpite of the Kaimans re- Thursday. On January 19 the Hawkeyes will play the A..Z. A. ceiving a 77-pin handicap. ; ."Captain Sam Katzman of the 1 Juniors and the A. Z. A. 100 Kaimans then started to insert his Juniors, the Sharpshooters. The shock troops inserting substitute first game is called for 7:15.
In the Midget;League the A. Z. A. Midgets defeated the Boy Scouts, 26-10. The Bearcats routed the Tigers, 15-2. Games in this league are played on Fridays at 4. -
n i n e by the surprising score of 880 to 815. The Kaiman's captain, still using strategy, then inserted his "ace in the hole," Abner Kaiman, and they copped the last game by a 816 to 770 score. TheJCllcquots, who were off form WRESTLING could only boast of one "500" About 20 boys met yesterday •eries, and that was "Cupie" Venunder tutelage of Dr. Abe Faier der's even 500 series. wrestlings. The boys will work Next best was Captain Abe for twice a week and hope to orFeldman, who Is still suffering out ganize a J. C. C varsity wrestling from New Tear's, and came team. All boys interested In "the through with a 462 series. Lloyd sport are Banks, the Kaiman's lead off man, workouts. urged to attend the was top man with a nice 493 The next workout will be held series, and was followed by both Frank Brookstein, and Lee Hur-on Sunday at 11. wich, who both had 452 for the HANDBALL three-game totals. Mr.- Kaiman The regular, season's donbles and. Mr. Katzman will be served with an official notice this week handball tournament got -under tljsrt-they will have to drop three way last week. The Class B semi-finals win be o?-'their four substitutes in order to conform with league regula- held on Wednesday; the Class A tions, in spite of the fact that it semi-finals on Thursday, and t h e will probably. bs a jolt; to their finals in both classes on Monday, . . . •vanity, especially after they have January 23. been flirting with Miss Cellar poLee Grossman, director of Censition all season. ter athletics, has been asked to as referee in the Golden I n the third match of the eve- serve Gloves tournament. This is the ning, .r.the Greenberg Fruit boys fourth year in this capacity. tept:'up their winning wayB by making a clean sweep of their VOLLEYBALL series, with the lowly Smith MoDue to the increased attendance tors team. noon-day volleyball sesIncidentally, the Greenbergs in theonly the first 12 players shot their biggest scoreB of the sions, coming on the gym floor will be season in winning: three games. entitled to play on that day. The first game was won by an Health club members are to t>e 851 to 801, the second game by given preference. All games will an. 838 to 796 and the last game start promptly a t 12:30. by a big 870 to 724 score. The Greenbergs' big guns were "Tony" Cohn, with his big 544 Series, and then Harold Pollock, who laid off for one week, came An installation of officers was back with his season record score of 553. The usually high scoring held Sunday at the Jewish ComSmith boys were topped by Sam-munity Center. Milt SayIan, newmy "one trip" Yousem, who re- ly elected Aleph" Godol, outlined sponded with a 501, and then his plans for the ensuing term. Sponsor Harry Smith came back The highlight of the affair was the presentation of a Past Aleph to life with a 492 series. The Greenberge' three wins put Godol pin to Paul Sacks, outgoing them in third place in the stand- Aleph Godol, in appreciation of ings just two games back of the the work he has done for the State Coal team. Again we cau-chapter. The installation was contion the rest of the teams. Look cluded with the -appointment of out for the Greenberga, as they the following committees: Cultural: Walter Greenberg, just won't give up. no matter who chairman; Gerald Bernstein and their competition is. Harold Epstein. In the final match of tbe eve- Athletic: Jack Epstein, chairning, the Empire Cleaners took man; Manuel Himelstein, B e n two out of three - games from Al Kutler and Norman Kuklin.: Social: Joe Guss, chairman; Shrier's Paltit and Glass team. The-Shriers won the first game Leo Alperson, Al Kaplan and Harby catching the Empires all off old Slutzkin. Religious: Frank Plrsch, chairguard and won by a score of S05 to 690. and believe it or not, this man, and Nate Berg. score is absolutely correct. Julian .Social service: Edward Dolgoff, Milder finally came back to life chairman; Joe Raznick and Wal. with a ISO game which was in- ter Greenberg. spiration for the rest of the Publicity and publications: MilShrlers to keep up their good ton Cuss, chairman; Manuel Himwork. elstein, Joe Gusa, Tale Richards •In the second game, both teams and Harold Oruch. Phone squad: Norman Ruback, snowed a complete reversal of form, and the Empires copped this chairman: Ben Miller, Phil Sokolgame by a score of 837 to 646, off, Paul Nathan and Leonard and this score ia also correct. The Lewis. Membership: Leonard Lewis, last game was the closest of their match and resulted in a win for chairman; Yale "Richards, Ben the Cleaners by a 830 score to Miller, Lester _ Abrahamson and Milton Guss. 7D. >. The Empires' two wins coupled Patronize Our Advertisers with the State Coal's three losses
A. Z. A.100
To Acquaint Yen with a Finer Quality of Cte&ni&s GARMENTS FOR
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the gent in Question had htt By FHZXEAS J . BUOX money back . . . So he took a boat GOEBBELS GAB tor France, and settled down in a Walter Winchell, who scooped Riviera hotel to await developAmerica on the affair between ments . . . Pretty soon his readBarbarocrat Goebbels and Lita ing of tbe financial pages conBarova, got his advance informa- vinced him that business was tion from a German Aryan cin- booming in Germany . . . So he ema director visiting this country packed his trunk and went back . . . It seems that the affair was to Berlin, bank account and all, common gossip throughout Berlin to make hay while the Jfaii sun" for many months . . . Thus, for shone . . . The $a.y-*>tt is tfeat now instance, when Lida, in a recent he has had to setl'liis -new—and film, had to say, as part of her flourishing—businesB iff order t« role, "111 go to the doctor and raise the dough to pay his allotted get some money," everybody in share of the $100,000,000 paythe first-night audience guffawed ment recently extorted from the loudly, because Goebbels is known Jews of NazUand . . Then there's as" "the doctor" to the German the occurrence that took place at people . . . The picture was im-a recent broadcast in New Yt>rk, mediately withdrawn, and has made in connection with a plea never been shown again in Nazi- for aid for German Jewish refuland . . You remember, of course, gees . . . One of the speakers rethat we told you some weeks ago marked that after all Germany the greatest air power of the a t Goebbels was on his way out isn't world . . . Whereupon a bona fide . . . And you realize that if he refugee the broadcasting room hadn't lost favor with the powers grew so In indignant that atthat be his highly protected per- tendants volubly had to hustle him out, sonality could never have been lest he break UT? the program , . subjected to that horse-whipping ABOUT PEOPLE . . . Don't think it's an accident that the beginning of the end for "Shakespeare's M e r c i a n t-— the little doctor came during film 1939," the Brattleboro Theatre's qneen Leni Kiefenstahl's absence anti-Fascist version of "The Merfrom Hitlerland . . . Leni has had chant of Venice" that is coming it in for Joe Paul ever since the to Brooklyn, is being done under time he broke up a party by -ac- the auspices of a gToup that Incusing her of non-Aryanism, but cludes Constance Morrow, sister the Nazarina of the films, after of Mxs Charles A. Lindbergh . . . doing the spade work in the un- Over in Lakewood, N. J.; they've dermining of Goebbels, decided it renamed ISth Street, calling it would look better, and less like "Walter Winchell B.O&S . . . Just the climax of a personal grudge, for luck,.we presume . . . Head if she weren't on the scene when of the Theme (World of Tomorit would become obvious to every- row) Committee of the New York body that he's on the skids . . . World's Fair is Robert David Incidentally, New York will soon Kohn. notefi architect who was rehave a chance to see ju6t what sponsible for Manhattan's Temple type of beauty Gabby falls for . . Emanu-El . . . Dnricg his recent Billy Rose, diminutive impresario, stay In New York. Max Reinhardt is hoping to have Gitta Alpar, one broke all precedents by getting op of Goebbels' ex-flames, in the for him, at. the unspeakably early "Refugee Revue" he's puting on hour of noon to visit the Bite in the Casa Manana late this where the Jewish Palestine Pavilmonth . . . ion will Bt&nd in the World's Fair YOU SHOOiD KNOW ~ . . . Latest yoEH££ter to make a The New Year's gift Dr. Steph- hit over the ether is 10-year-old en S. Wise treasures most is a Lenore de Koven, who's wowing collection of F . D. B-'-s published them In children's part* ia the state papers, sent to him by the "Five Star Final" program in President with a most affection- which her father, Roger de Kovate inscription . . . David Ben en, plays a prominent part . . . Gurion's visit to America is Broadway Is looking forward to shrouded in mystery • • . Unless a new play by Charlie MacArthur It has something to do with the and Ben Hecht, and novelist postponed Arab-Jewish round- Leane Zugsmith hope that her table conference in London . . . first play will soon be produced Don't be surprised, by the way, if . . . Film star Anita Louise and Dr. Wise, Louis Lipsky and Dr. Buddy Adler are expected to team Solomon Goldman are drafted to up before the year Is over . . . attend that conference n e x t Once Kaimund von Hofmannsmonth '. . . March of progress stahl's divorce from the former note: A new auto road connecting Alice Astor is a fait accompli he the Jerusalem-Jericho road with plans to wed a titled Englishwothe Dead Sea has just been com- man . . . A group of New York pleted in Palestine . . . In the artists recently thought they had Riverside Drive apartment *• of discovered a new Mexican photoShalom Asch. whose new 800- grapher, an artist in his field, page novel on Jesus is nearing named Orevc^—only to learn that completion (with Maurice Samuel the photos they admired so greatdoing the English version), you ly were the work of a 21-year-oli can see one of the rarest collec- home-town eteno named Revs tions of Chanckah lamps and Freed . . . Which reminds us that other Jewish ceremonial objects the garage of Nathan P. Meyer of in captivity . . . Tip for Zionists: Manhattan derbies HE an art galNext time somebody tries to per- lery. . . . Friends of Mrs. Rose suade you that Tanganyika is bet- Gershwin, mother o£ the late comter for the Jewish refugees than poser, are still getting autoPalestine because Mussolini won't gra.phed pistes of George . . She try to muscle in on that East Af- cuts his signatures from his old rican territory, just point out that checks enfi pastes them on the this very Tanganyika controls the pictures . . . New Dealers will be British ship lanes from the Cape happy to learn that one of the to the Indian Ocean, and there- Schecter brothers •vrho wrecked fore also can become a bone of the NPJi. new is plucking chickens serious imperialist contention . . at a nickel a carcass in a Bronx meat m a r k e t . . . FORECASTS (Copyright, IPS?, t y Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) Our favorite astrologer claims that if the other nations stand up to Hitler 1SS9 will see his end ... . But that if resistance to him isn't great enough., next March will be t i e blackest time of modern history . . • The Quakers beSTO they sxe approaching & soKcsicEl club, because lution of the refuges problem, but of Matinee its interest in the rausie etuDorothy Thompson, to wcose po- fients Omana, Is pres litical wisdoa we always bow. MauriceofDmaesnn is a lecture reprophesies that BO large-scale so- cital at the Josivn Hercorial oa lution will be found for it this Friday. year . . . If Neville Cfcainfterlain p. m. January £7, 1ESE, at S goes to Nasiland again in the near Student tickets at E5 cents E,nfi future he'll be anything but appeased by the sight of t i e fancy adult tickets et SO certs, may be anti-British posters that now are purchased from the music "teacher embellishing shop windows in the at vour school or from Kiss Helen Reich . . . You can erpeci France ycillizms or Kiss Tiola Feres:!. Mr. D c n e s E i l , irtensations.-. to espei her refugees before long if Daladier remains in power . . . French pianist, is well tseTB as Perhaps Fascism wouldn't make a concert artist,- conductor such great strides in so many author. He was a close personal countries if somebody xrould take friend ot Debussy, ffiatir oi the trouble 1to explain to the pub- compositions be has edited. Kis pro£rrE.n is. Oa&h& yrill inlic that tbe Fascist and. Nazi salute dates from R o s s a antiquity, clude a Dsbuscy group nt TTFU! EE when—as cow—it vras the sign other modern cumbers, the classiof the slave greeting his master cal ar.S romantic composers •win . . . Ctarlie Chaplin hopes to hare bis "Dictator" film ready during 19S9, but isn't premising anything . . . TRUE STORIES Paris <TTKS)—I* on B.KIH. SO- | A couple of years ago. when the cialist leader, resigned from the ' Havara arrangement with Pales- Paris bar, a mere pras:pte£ by tine was initiated, a certain Ger- his deEirs to fievots all his tine man Jew converted his sizable to politics. He fcxs rot pleafied fortune into goods and emigrated any cases for years, bet t i s 1 to Palestine . . . The Yisiub, al- cation frees t i n frors. s. ru: ways cmicus to he".p a rcf-^ec.
WH0L.E8.AtE * Candies * Cifara • Pipas
Page 8
during the last year had become right of self defense to keep demonarchists, not because they clared enemies of state from powconsidered it an ideal government, er; it is another for a state to anbut because they say in Otto a nul from one day to the next, the (Continued from Page 1)' bulwark against Nazism. There is democratic achievements of generlittle doubt that, had the foreign tions. Yet that is exactly what oc- to Bhovr the v a r in the darkness. powers permitted it, and had Otto curred in Austria. I do not believe that Dolfuss It meets the dynamic ideologies' More than 100 .women attended came back at the time that Hitler the regular meeting of the Nationtook over Austria, three-quarters I himself was a fascist, or that he of'the brutalitarians with a dyof the population would have wel- really liked the new constitution namic expression o" its ideals—^-its al Council of Jewish Women Moncomed him as a sarior. Even the which he introduced. I believe l?.e belief in the essential, dignity of day, and brought bundles of old the individual, its devotion to libSocial Democrats were for the did it for three reasons: clothing for the'German refugee By a Former Officer of the Austrian Army most part in favor of the Hapswork. The clothing has been sent First, as a good' Catholic, he erty, its tolerance, its vision of burgs as the lesser of two evils. sought to follow the ideas oS: the a more just and lovely socia! orto'the refugee committee in Hol• - This is the first in a series ot land. Schuschnigg made many fatal Pope as to the construction of der. articles- on conditions preceding" composed as it was of Social DemThe catering class of the Coun- and following-the Austrian An- ocrats* Christian Socialists, Agrar- errors, but the most disastrous the State on a cooperative basis In this it does not march cil will meet next Monday after- schluss as told by - a victim ians, etc., could not rule Austria ones in his foreign policy were, — theories which a clever states- alone, for it has no illusion of benoon at Central High school. whose personal views and ex- because of internal dissensions in j first, the belief that Hitler would man would never have applied at ing the exclusive possesor of The group studying Contem- periences are humanly portray- the policies of the component par-! act as a gentleman and keep his such a crucial period. Second, not light. It goes hand in hand with ties, but more especially because j word, as given in the agreement numerically, but in a military other faiths, a dynamic Judaism porary Jewish Affairs will meet ed in this gripping revelation of in the home of Mrs. Robert Sacks fact. —THE EDITOR of the stubbornness and radical- of July 11, 193G, to respect Aus- way, his staunchest partisans were marching with a dynamic Chrison Monday, January 23. ness of the Socialist leaders — a trian independence and not inter- the Heimwehr, under Starhem- tianity, to trample dov.-n the vintwith domestic affairs; and, berg, who had real fascistic in- age where the grapes of hate are The Social: Service group, will Since the annexation of Austria situation which finally led to the fere destruction of the Social Democra- second, his faith that any inter- clinations. But the main reason stored, to carry light by which to meet Tuesday, January 17. to Germany, numerous articles, in tic party. There was, therefore national fairness still existed in a was that Dolfuss thought, by in- lead the way out of the dreadful newspapers and magazines, have nothing to do but compromise and Nazi or Fascist government, and PLANS CONCERT attempted tell the 'inside story" support, as rulers of Austria, the that such a government would troducing a semi-fasclstic consti- wilderness, to find n. more just of what-happened. Most of these representatives of the right wing abide by its signature if it were tution and principles, he would se- and lovely world here and now. •Cantor. A. Pllskin will, present failed to attain their goal because of the Christian Socialists — Then the young may come to not to its advantage to do so. In cure Mussolini's help against Hita concert of songs'at the Jewish the writers, although intending to fus3 and Schnuschnigg. the synagogues and the churches internal affairs S c h uschnigg's ler. Community Center on February be truthful, were unconsciously Dollfnss Mistaken . . . "Yes, here is something for most serious mistake was his conIn the hope of giving the people viction that army and police are 12. His program will consist of deceiving themselves.' In this calculation I believe he us to have a hand in. This looks confidence, there two men conoperatic. numbers, Jewish Folk .This can easily be explained by enough to secure the rule of a was entirely wrong. Mussolini like good religion to us . . . " Puzthe fact that we Austrians — that structed an utterly superficial country when the country's gov- helped Austria on July 25, 1934 zled, wobbly trustees like myself Songsr and classics. theory called the "Austrian Idea" He will be assisted by' Mrs. Is, those of us who were not Nazis ernment is sustained only by an by mobilizing some divisions at may come . . . "Yes, this looks Gordon" Kinney, cellist, and Miss — had been fooling ourselves which sought to imbue the masses artificial party and artificial slo- the Brenner Pass, not because like something. At least it isn't with a sense of patriotism and Austria had a constitution some- futility. At least It's alive." Edwerda Metz, pianist, both of during the last years of our coungans. try's independence. Instead- of love of country. As the majority what similar to the Italian one, Mornlngside college. Thus having made Judaism of the people scoffed at this It will always remain my firm and not because fascistic ideas strengthening our d e m o c r a t l c "idea," they proceeded to build conviction that the downfall of were predominant in government vital in the modern world we principles', we contended ourselves with the cultural freedom we en- up a large organization, patterned Austria began in March 1933, circles, but purely and simply be- might look after the interior decjoyed, and became careless of the in many ways after the fascist or- when Dolfuss suppressed the Aus- cause it sufted Italy's foreign pol- orations, such as the ceremonials. This is just a poor bewildered dire consequences -which the loss ganizations, and called the Patrio- trian parliament and began to icy and was definitely to Italy's Junior Hadassah members will of real democratic freedom may tic or Fatherland Front. Of any rule supported only by the army advantage. temple trustee speaking out loud conduct the -service at •" Shaare bring in its wake. We Tjelieved ten people one might meet iir Aus- and police. Her destruction was then, instead of trying with no pretension at all of beZion synagogue this evening at 8 that one man — Schuschnigg — fria at this time, there would be enormously hastened when the Vi- to Dolfuss, -unite as all the parties in- ing sure that he is right. o'clock. Miss Dorothy Riessea of could, by some miracle, stem the one, perhaps, who sincerely be- ennese workmen were shot down cluding theone Socialists, who were (Copyright, 1939, By Seven Arts Des Moines will speak on the sub- tide of Nazi brutality which was lived in the Dolfuss and Schusch- in cold blood on February 1934, working tor the Independence of Feature Syndicate.) ject "The Present Situation and engulfing u s — a belief for which nigg "Idea" and two who believed at the time that Dolfuss gave the Austria, ruthlessly s u ppresaed Jewish Youth." Cantor Morris we were to pay a dreadful penal- in the Nazi idea; the remaining order to shell the Social Democ- them •— «onf Iscating their properseven did not believe In any par- racies workers* homes. Unite Refugee Activity •••-.• Okun and the synagogue- choir ty. ty and destroying their organizaty but supported the Fatherland will chant the ritual. tion — actions which must have As long as the old monarchy Front because It seemed to be Social Democrats Banned. The Hague (WNS) — H o m e At .the • Senior Congregation existed, the Austrians who spoke The official polling figures known would make irreconcilable Minister H. Van Boeijen anservice tomorrow morning, MOr- the German language as 'their their only protection against Hit- show enemies of people who representbeyond doubt that one-thirfr ler. nounced the creation of a governton Welner will celebrate his Bar mother tongue, were entirely satof the population were Social ed one -third ot the county. Ad- inent committee for the co-ordinaMitzvah. isfied within the borders of the Weak Foundation Democrats. Nevertheless, despite ding to this the 25 per cent who tion of all Netherland efforts by Austro-Hungarian empire, and the th stubbornness bb extreme "were Nazis and who would be The foundations of Schusch- the part of the population that want- nigg's power were the army and ideas of their leaders, a compro- against him .no matter what he private societies and committees ed union with the Reich was' in- the police, the latter being nearly mise between the Socialists and did, there was an unquestioned on behalf of all classes of refuUnder the chairmanship of significant. But after our defeat 20 per cent Nazi. These founda- the Dolfuss government could majority of 60 per cent antagoin the World War -— when it was tions were so weak that no Aus- have been achieved had Dolfuss nistic to the government, a figure Boeijen, the committee will deal all practical problems of imclear to all, save a few irreconpatriot or anti-Nazi wished not sternly decided to scrap the which any able statesman must with Mr. and Mrs. J. L . Levitt, cilable monarchists and devout trian have viewed with alarm, partic- migration, transmigration and aid old democratic constution in favto weaken the government furthBellevue apartments, announce Catholics, that restoration was er by telling the truth about its or of a semi-fascist one. ularly as it represented the most in order to co-ordinate all efforts. the engagement and approaching Impossible — we thought It would instability. The masses, therefore, militarized part of the people. Suddenly the government and marriage of their daughter. Miss be a solution of our problems to gradually abandoned their true inINVEST HUGE SUM The only sensible course thereHelen Charlotte Levitt, to Walter join up with Germany, then gov- clinations and turned to the "Aus- its adherents adopted the stand S. Leeser of Minneapolis. A win- erned by the Weimer Republic trian Idea," originated and prop- that there would- be, "no. more fore for Dolfuss or, especially Jerusalem (WNS) — A report ter wedding has been decided by This would have given us a three- agandized by Dolfuss and Schus- parties tolerated in the country." Schuschnigg, to have pursued This might have had excellent re- would have been to reconcile the Issued by the American Economic the bride. fold advantage; union with people chnigg. sults had It applied to Commun- moderate part of the Socialist par- Committee of Palestine on the deMiss Levitt Is- a graduate of speaking a common language; Farclally enough, in the last ists and Nazis only —*• parties ty . as soon as possible by taking velopment here through Jewish, Central High school. She attend- better economic conditions; and months before the Germans which aimed at the desruction of their representatives into the gov- enterprise revealed that Jews ined the University of Minnesota in the protection of a great power in few marched in, the policy of an In- the State. Switzerland — certain- ernment. Instead, overestimating vested J4.540.S85 during 1938. Minneapolis, and was graduated external politics. Anschluss at this dependent Austria gained more ly an ideal democratic county — the strength of his patriotic slo- The sum includes nearly $2,000*from the University, of Iowa at time would even, have strengthen- adherents than ever before — a suppressedthe Communists and gans and propaganda, and blind- 000 for building up activities, el our democratic status as the Iowa City, policy which, had it come to Its Czechoslovakia, also a true de- ly trusting to Mussolini's friend- $62,000 for industrial enterprises, Reich was also a democracy. logical fruition, would have led to mocracy, outlawed the N a zis, ship, plus the army and police — nearly $1,000,000 for agriculture. Mrs. Esther Nathansoa ot Esththe restoration of the monarchy without doing any harm to their the Chancellor led Austria to her $606,000 for new urban and Nazi Opposition ervllle, la., announces the engagefarming estates and $438,000 for and the recognition of Otto of democratic institutions. It is One ruin. This then was. our Jeeling" — meat of her daughter. Miss Evetransport and other business. Hapsburg. Most of the people thing for a country to use her —TO BE CONTINUED— lyn Nathanson, to Henry H. Gins- until Adolf Hitler came to power. berg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max From then on we became strongly Ginsberg, 102 Sixteenth street. opposed to the idea, simply be-' Both are former students a.t the cause we did not want to join University of Minnesota, where with a Nazi country. With such a Miss Nathanson was a member of powerful /Germany as ; a close it must be obvious that Sigma X»elta Tau sorority and Mr. neighbor real reason for opposing AnGinsberg of Sigma Alpha Mn fra- our schluss could not - be openly ternity. Mr. Ginsberg is working stated. for his master's degree this year Dolfuss, ' Austria's chancellor at the University of Louisiana. The wedding date baa not been when.Hitler came to power in Germany, belonged wholeheartedset. ly and sincerely to the group that Miss Beatrice Levltsky, 808. had always been against joining Eighteenth street, has departed up with Germany and which realfor a three-week visit with friends ly thought that an independent in Dallas, Tex. . . . . . . . . . . . Austria would, in the long run, succeed. But even he and his sucMr. and Mrs. Jack Llpman.of cessor in office,. Schuschnigg, Stevens Point, Wis., were visitors must have been influenced, to a great extent, by the rather prein Sioux City last week. dominant feeling of the people, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Schu- that the .country was unsound, unlein have returned from a. seven- stable, and of artificial construcweek trip to New York City and tion. How else can one explain the Chicago, where they visited Mr. fact that two men who were fightand Mrs. Bills Botts and Mr. and ing for the maintenance of AusMrs. Preston Heller, respectively. trian independence, • were always speaking- of Austria as a "second State" and of the vital Mr.' and Mrs. Fred. Sherman, German for. Austria "to uphold 311 Twenty-first street, announce necessity German culture?" , the birth of a son January 9, According to all estimates, the 1939, at the Lutheran hospital. population was divided in this fashion:. 20 to 25-per cent Nazi or Nazi sympathizers; 10 to 15 per cent fiercely, opposed to annexation of any kind; the remainIng 60 per cent desirous of Anschluss — but not under the Hitler regime. This latter 60 per cent Members of the Council Bluffs A. Z. A. No. 7 met Tuesday eve- Jewish European affairs, will be ning at the .home of Bob Yudel- the speaker. . son. An election of offlcera was The next regular meeting of the held, ~and • the following were Agudiis Acb'im' lodge will be held elected- for the coming term: Thursday evening, January 19,-at Aleph. Godol, Eugene • Telpner; the Eagles hall. Aleph S'gon, Vernon Fitch; Aleph Mazkir, Arnold Lincoln; Aleph Mr. ana Mrs. • Joseph KirschenGisbor, Bob Passer; Aleph Shotor, baum of Omaha have announced Joe Wolf8on; Aleph Shotor, Ko- the engagement -of their daughtone, Bob Yudelson;. Aleph Soph- ter, Bess, to Sam Shy ken, son of er, Jack Lincoln; Aleph Kohen Mr. and Mrs. S. Shyken. Godol, Norman Rosenthal. No definite plans for the wedThe following advisers were ding have as yet been made. elected: Nate Nogg, Ernest Ross, Meyer Maltz, Millard Krasne, Ben Mr. and Mrs. B. Balaban celeTelpner, Abe Katelman and Har- brated their tweaty-fifth wedding ry Cohen. anniversary • at a surprise party During. the meeting, Aleph given them at the home of Mrs. Godol Telpner appointed all of his Balaban's brother-in-law and Biscommittees .for the coming term. ter, Mr. and Mrs. J,- Siegel, on The chapter hopes to make this Sunday, January 8, by friends and term one of its most successful relatives who presented • them ones. ~ . with a gift. There will be a cultural proAbout 35 guests were present. gram, conducted by Aleph Norman Rosenthal, at the next meetMr. Philip Saks is convalasclng r; . . . . ,•'•"' .".-'... • ish Achievement ing. All members are urged to at the Jenny Bdmunson hospital entertaining columns , T ., •„ -*,, . attend, , from'a recent operation. ° • . • •- T h eXT Vital Message of£ TJudaism
MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent
Noted Speakers to Address Sessions Held in Sioux City BANQUET SATURDAY Senior Hadassah to Assist - i n Entertaining . Delegates
noon with Rabbi S. I; Bolotnikpv, Cantor Morris OUun and Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis officiating. . Survivors include the widow, Rose; five sons, Joe, Isadore and Lawrence of Sioux City; William of Bridgeport, Conn., and Jules of- Houston; Tex..; three daughters, Mrs. J. Gerelick of Dubuque, la.;. Mrs. Arnold Bramson of Detroit, and Mrs. Jules Kroloff of Phonenix, Ariz.; a brother, "J. H. Mosow, and a sister, Mrs. J..N. Krueger, both of Sioux City. Mr. Mosow had resided in Sioux City 36 years and was in business here during that time.
• The thirteenth annual confer> ence of the southwest region of Junior Hadassah will be held here Reports of the congregational tonight, Saturday and Sunday, activities were heard at the an•when more than 200 delegates nual meeting of Shaare Zion synaare expected. Miss Nelle Sinykin gogue held. Wednesday evening. is general chairman of the con- Mr. Morey Lipshutz presented the general report; of the congregaference. Among the speakers scheduled tion, while Mr. Ell Robinow gave for the conference will be Harry the financial report. Mrs; Meyer Friedberg, Kansas City attorney; Shubb reported on the work of Bertha Gortenberg, regional pres- the Ladies Auxiliary, and Isadore .. ident, and Miss Dorothy Reissen Shindler gave the report of the Junior congregation. Rabbi Rabof Des Moines. inowitz spoke briefly on the The conference will open this spiritual aspects of the synagogue. evening at the regular Friday Cantor Morris Okun presented evening service at Shaave Zioa synagogue. Miss Dorothy Reissen a group of songs, accompanied at of ! Des Moines, la., will be the the piano by Mrs. Okun. guest-speaker and her subject will be "The Present Situation a n d Jewish Youth." Miss Dena Baron, president of the local chapter, will act. as chairman. Members of the chapter will read the ritual. To assist German refugee famRegistration will be held at the ilies now in the city and those Martin hotel Saturday morning who will come, the Council of beginning at 10 o'clock, and. the Jewish Women is endeavoring to Regional Board will have a lunch- secure clothing and furniture. eon at noon. There is . a special need at the In the afternoon the Senior Ha- present time of a used wash madassah and Ladies -Auxiliary of chine and radio. Shaare Zion will be hostesses to Anyone having' these articles • the Junior Hadassah at an Oneg they wish to donate, may call the Shabbot in the Jewish Community Jewish Community Center, and Center. Mrs. A. H. Baron and arrangements will be made to call Mrs. Herman Licht are in charge for them. of the program arrangements and eight hostesses will serve tea. They 'Will include Mrs. Sam Kaplan, Mrs. A. L. Galinsky, Mrs. Abe Pill. Mrs. A. Rosenfeld, Mrs. Morris Rubin, Mrs. Morris Skalovsky, The Intermediate Dramatic clut Mrs. Eli Robinow and Mrs; W. C. has cast parts for two plays whict Slotsky. will be presented. in. February. A banquet will be held at 7 The cast of the first play, "His o'clock Saturday evening at the Old Time Sweetheart," will inMartin hotel, with Miss Sinykin clude Gloria Novitsky^ Harold presiding. The program will in- Slotsky, Irene Leyitsky and Doris clude the invocation by Mrs. H. Grueskinl The second play is R. Rabinowitz; greetings by Miss "The Ghost Named Henry," and • Dena Baron; president's message the cast will include Harley Bab" by' Miss Bertha Gortenberg; and a bitt, Sammy Heeger, Betty _Mlr: millinery style show by the T. S. ken, Jean Shubb and Doris Kap. -Martin company. A dance in; the lan. They will be directed by hotel ballroom -will follow the Miss Sylvia Herzoff. The regular, meeting of the club will be held banuet. Sunday morning, the opening this afternoon. conference session will begin at 10 o'clock. Miss Gortenberg will The Youth Council met Monday preside. Invocation will be given evening when the library commit. 1>y Mrs. T. N. Lewis and greetings tee announced its plans to secure Trill" be offered by Mrs. W. S. books of Jewish interest for the Slotsky. Senior Hadassah presi- Center library. The Council has dent; Mrs. D. L. Rodin, Mrs. H. also decided to sponsor a social K. Rabinowitz and Mrs. T. N. night once a month in addition to Lewis, Junior Hadassah advisors. the monthly Youth Council dance. : A "luncheon will follow at 1 A round table discussion for the o'clock, with Harry Friedberg of club advisors was also planned to Kansas City guest speaker. Miss be held January S3. The next Minn Off man of Marshalltovrn edition of the Council paper will • will show moving pictures of Pal- appear January 18. Miss Sylvia estine taken on a recent trip. Jack Herzoff has been named associate Krueger •will present a musical. editor to work with Miss Ruth number. Miss . Dena Baron will Singer, editor. preside A business session a t 3 o'clock Amigas jclub met; Thursday •will feature the election of offi- at Los the Center, with Misa Clara , cers and the selection of the conT Dvorkin Plans were vention city for-next year. Mrsi discussed presiding. for a social gathering E. N. Grueskin, president of the and refreshments were served at local Council of Jewish "Women, the close of the evening. •will install the officers. A tour of the city at 4:30 will be folThe A. W. R. club met Sunday lowed by a supper'at 6:30, The conference will close w^th an in- afternoon at the Center. Miss formal dance at the Community Lois Novitsky presided. Plans were discussed for holding raffle. Center. Regional officers are Miss GorThe Community Center la anxtenberg, president; Faye Cohen, Dorothy Merlin a n d _Mildred ou8 to secure a rug for its library. Sfcbatz, vice-presidents; Min Off- Anyone having a used rug they man, recording secretary; Blanche wish to give to the Center, is Kleiman, corresponding secretary, asked to call the Center office. and Kalah Franklin, treasurer. -•••-Assisting Miss Sinykin, general chairman, have been Misses Margaret Shulkin, F a n Rosofky, Bluma' Merlin, Bertha Berger, Mary Rosofsky, Dorothy Epstein, The Ladies Auxiliary -will give yRuth Grueskin, Ida Edelman, a luncheon on • Tuesday, • January * Saretta Krigsten, Esther Mirkin, 17, at which will be shown an exRose Bashefkin, Jean Montrose, hibit of Palestinian objects. Mrs. Dorothy Merlin. Frances Kalin Joseph Gordon of Minneapolis and Mrs. "W. C. Slotsky. will be the guest speaker. The luncheon will be held in the Social hall of the Shaare Zion synagogue.
Council Collects Furniture, Clothes
]. C.C. News
Ladies' Auxiliary Luncheon Tuesday
Mount Sinai
This evening Rabbi T..N. Lewis will speak on "Palestine, Great Britain and the Jews." Rabbi T. N. Lewis will leave Saturday, January 14, for Cincinnati, Ohio, where he will attend a convention of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. During his: stay he will also attend the executive sessions of the Central Conference of American Rabbis.
Orthodox Friday night services will begin at 5:15 o'clock at Beth Abraham and Tlfereth Israel synagogues. Saturday morning services will begin at 9 o'clock. Rabbi S; I. Bolotnikov will speak at the Beth Abraham synagogue during the morning service.
Death Claims Sam Mosow Samuel MOEOW, 71, died in his home.last Wednesday following a lingering illness. Funeral services were held Thursday after-
[erg Austria
As Told to Dorothy Frank
are Zion
The Hebrew Mothers club, auxiliary of the Talmud Torah, will sponsor a dance Saturday night, January 21, at the Bellevue ballroom. Bill Franklin and his orchestra will furnish the music for dancing. Mrs. Joe Kutcher and'Mrs. MilA regular meeting of Hadassah ton Mushkin are chairmen of the dance. Proceeds will go toward will be held at the Chieftain hothe upkeep of the Talmud Torah. tel Wednesday, January 18, at 2:15. Rabbi Harry Jolt of". Lincoln TOBY SCHINDLER will be the guest speaker. The Choral group will give several seHEADS A. Z. A.lections. Toby Schindler was elected Mrs. Morris Lazar Is chairman president of the Sioux City A. Z. of this month. A. chapter at their annual election held this .week. He.succeeds The B'nal B'rith lodge held a Myron Heeger, who was elected meeting Monday evening.. president of the Cornbelt Region Rabbi David A. Goldstein spoke, at their recent tournament In describing the achievements and Sioux City. • ' . • - . ' setbacks of the Jewish people Morris Ginsberg was named from the earliest days to the presvice-president; Calmon . Lsyich, ent time. secretary; Sid Shapiro, treasurer; Further plans were made for a Lawrence Mushkin, sergeant at joint meeting of the B'nai B'rith arms; David Kuntz, Junio? ser- and Hadassah, which . i s to be geant at arms; Sam Kaplan,' re- held- on the evening of January porter, and Myron Heeger, re^- 25 at the synagogue. ligious advisor. . '•}.,. I Dr. Dunner, an authority on
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Mrs. Ben Abrahamson and her daughter: and son, Lucille and Harold, spent Sunday in Sioux City visiting with relatives. They were accompanied by Mrs. I. Rositsky of Auburn, Neb. Mrs; David Cetron - of Davenport arrived here Monday for a short stay. ' Nineteen friends and relatives surprised Mrs. A. Leibovitz at a birthday dinner Tuesday evening. -The dinner was served buffet style. Cards furnished the evening's entertainment. Herbert Rosenthal left Monday evening with the ' University of Nebraska wrestling team for Pennsylvania. . • . , ...
The team will make a tour of the east. .
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