January 27, 1939

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Jewish People : Hunting a Job 'lHy Bear Mr. Segal: < .Since I have been reading and bearing so much of the tragic Slight of tbe Jews, abroad, and Since tbe question of Anti-Semttiem all over the world has become such a seriona one, it has 'occurred to me that it is now time for tbe Jews themselves to do something toward helping their fellow-Jews locally as well as

Entered u Second Class Mail Matter on January Si, 1931. at f o s t o d e c of Omaha. Nebrss&a, under tlio Act of Marcfi S. 1879

U. S.Broadcast to 7 Dramatize Jews Gifts to America



Austrian Refugee Suicide in London



« 1'^% i-

London (WNS) — Worrying •••••over treatment c* Jetrs ia GerThis problem concerns employWashington (JTA) — Jewish many acd anxiety over ths fact ment, and the difficulty that our contributions to the United States that her passport was expiring young Jewish people are having will be dramatized in a radio proprompted the suicide of Countess securing jobs. Until last year I gram sponsored by the DepartMarie Kaaageck, Austrian Jewish had not had a great deal of exment of Interior on the Columrefugee and a niece c* James perience in seeking jobs, as wasDiscussions Suspended Af- bia Broadcasting System on Feb. Nashashibi, Mufti E a c h Speyer, New York banker, accord- Great Britain Consider* fortunate to have had the same 5 as part of the series entitled, ing to Mrs. Mary de Trs-fford, a ter Removal of v Want Own Parties to Aid for Settlers in position for several years. How'Americans All—Immigrants All,' friend who identified the body ever, last Spring I was out of a Schacht Represent Arabs the Office of Education announcafter it was foand in the Thames Job, and was quite shorted to ed. near the Granite wharf. find a problem which I had never ES-SAID INTERVENES ATTITUDE REVERSED The program is intended to The countess had been despon- FRANCE OPENS LAND realized existed to such an extent. show how Jewish immigrants, dent because her husband, apIn my attempt to procure a secretarial or stenographic position, ioerins Appoints Helmuth grateful to the country of their Present Delegations Aid t oparently non-Jewish, held an im-First Group Leave* for adoption, helped to finance the portant Government post and I was confronted not only with Pioneer Work'in Fr.. Wohlthat German Mufti's Terrorist Revolutionary War and contributwent over to the Nazi cause after the fact that there is a great deal Policies Guiana Negotiator ed their services in all subsequent incorporation of Austria in the ot -prejndice shown by Gentile Maurice Samuels, noted wWi American wars. Greater Germany. She had been business men, but was doubly find one of the better-know* .*«•» C a i r o , Egypt (WKS-Palcor worrying- most over the fact that Paris (JTA) — It wag under(JTA) — After a trip shocked time after time to learn to Berlin will feature the contributions Agency) — Although the conferHirers, will speak this 7iw»*fifcj" stood this week that the British Paris to confer with Inter- of Itsuch that Jewish business men do not overnmental persons as Samuel Goni- ence of Arab delegates assembled her passport was running out and government msy sponsor a spening, January 31, before '•!** Refugee Commitshe was afraid that she would becare to hire Jewish girls in their tee officers, Director George pers, David Lubin, Lillian Wald, Center Forum on Mpal»*i3l»» here from all neighboring Arab come a -woman -without a coun- cial loan for refugee settlement offices. Dr. Joseph Goldberger and Nath; Rublee -was to return to Berlin an Straus. Toe final episode will countries to discuss Palestine try. Irithin undeveloped territories of Aiiame." The talk is sch«StoJ*i the British Empire. None of thetf iut £ o'clock. l a connection with the Since that time X have observed this week to resume the discusJews* contribution to artproblems Mrs. <2e TraJford said the coun- funds .-wouli go Jor eettlemert -\ resident of Palestine fcwsa more and more the growing seri- sions on emigration -which -were present forthcoming London discussions tess and culture in the work of. Oscar was deeply devoted to her ' i r " P to 1PS7, Mr. Samuel tK ousness of this .problem. I have suspended with the removal of Hammerstein, George Gershwin ended after a week c* meetings two children who are now with schemes outside the Empire, s^ch rUP.tified to discusB his made* the rounds of all the em-Dr. Hjalmar Schacht as Reichs- and Irving Berlin. with complete agreement anion^ their father in Austria, whom she is several now under esaminatlcr - •> has written on t h e ployment agencies, both those bank president but were anthe delegates, vrho are scheduled •was going to reach by cable in as result of definite offers made <r-w [or many years ha* •who collect a fee, and those who nounced as continuing after Rubto leave for London shortly, the the hope that he may be able lo for. large-scale refcgee eettlemest had visited Economics Dicta"i behalf oC the Zionist charge nothing at all for placing knotty problem of proser repres- reach London in time for the in-in . Ecuador, the Ikmixiictn Republic and the Parana plantation:: people. By all of these I was told tor Hermann Goering. tation for the Arabs of Palestine quest. of Brazil. the same thing. Not only have I Characterizing the talk with has not yet befn solved. T^est-known for hlg tnu»«tt»<^&>ss$ been told this by the employment Field Marshal Goering as "friendThe territories within the B-'ln~ the Jewish classics, Mr. Sus The exiled Mufti, whose repagencies, but by Jewish business ly and helpful," Rublee declared ish Empire There refugee color ': r f : ? , -p-bo hae appeared In £u*>* resentatives - all of the delegates men themselves, who, -when I the negotiations would be reration .may be supported fcy s. l ppvpral times before, is tbe *u?s* thus far chosen are, has yieldei have asked them, have admitted sumed with Ministerial Director British loan are, ia addition ic "- j o . s. number of books and •asfcS'V to a certain extent to the imthey do not care to hire Jewish Helmuth Wohlthat, who has been Britaisli Guiana, also Ncrih-c-r of his advisers and i iiioat oi -which, are on Jewing-tu>>* girls, and have given me several authorized to succeed Dr. Schacht Workers Alliance Sponsor- portunations Rhodesia, Tanganyika. Kcr.ya r.r i has finally agreed to acceptance different reasons, some of which as t h e Reich representative. ing Belarsky and Nyasaland. The" Eritteh Coitmi-1 of two delegates from the modlie raE born in Rounrnnlfe I -will attempt to list here. Wohlthat is director of the foroffice has advised Jewish ©rfrasiDeganith erate opposition led by the Nashreceived ills education, at tatione to send experts to these '"Jewish girls are too ambiti- eign exchange department .of the ashlbis. prtfl T^rpprt? rTiiverBities. After ibd Chicago Rabbi Tell* of Ex- territories to make investigation1;, ous—too . anxious for advance* Ministry of Economies. Sidor Belarsky, formerly leadWorld VP~ lie was inatle * »»»»*» NashasMM Refuses in conjunction -with the local aument/' . periences in The Goerlng-Rublee talk came ing basso of the Leningrad Opera thorities Into all settlement posAt first the Mufti had Insisted "A Jewish girl is apt to know shortly after the Reich authori- company and Leah Deganith, star Seminaries committee p?nf. to Poland, 'STViJ* sibilities, as Dr. Joseph Eosen., most of-the people I know, and ties, in a reversal of attitude as of "Ohel," Palestine's labor stage, that under no 'circumstances 3SIP to 1?C1 he wee attelM»£ •** may, carry some confidential in- sudden as that which broke off will appear in a joint recital here would he allow his men to at- Speaking before a joint stasr president of t i e American. Jewthe Inter-Allied Reparations ;*vajs-. ' formation to these people." the negotiations, indicated that on - Wednesday, February 15, atten-I the London conferences If dinner of the Temple Israel and ish Joint Agric-clt-urEl Corpora"By-putting a Jewish girl in the way was still open for re-8:15 p. m. at the Jewish Com- any members of the opposition Beth El Synagogue Men's dubs. tion, and -other American experts Local People Active « l misBJon iv Devlin and A v.-ovl<i-tr?veler he is J were Invited. our office, we give the office a sumption of the talks. The Reich munity Center. Meeting cf Reform Rabbi Joshua L. Liegman. noted are -planning to do in British PC! vitli foviT fontinentg anti "1** _ very Jewish atmosphere, and hint. that the suddenly slammei Soon afterwards he had offered Chicago writer, related his ex-Guiana In association with a BritThe two, appearing under the Groups twice traveled the entire *. thereby: give our Gentile "cus- door would be reopened was com- sponsorship of the Jewish Nation- a slight compromise, to the of-periences as the guest of niae ish expert. of Africa. Frencli -Aid tomers the impression that we municated to the Rublee mission al Workers* Alliance, will render fect that he would not object If Christian Theological seminaries. •' ' OmalianB whe participates in Among: lit? books hav« Are not liberal minded." by the American Embassy which, a program. of songs and recita- two members were present in a Meactrhiie, sponsored by Co-the Thirty-Sixth Council of thesuch Babbi Li eh man streesed three vif1eli--a^claimejl wn All of these reasons may tojointly with the British Embassy, tions In Yiddish, Hebrew and private and unofficial capacity. lonial Minister Georges Handel American Hebrew Congregations things that impressed him in his But Ragheb Bey KTashashlbl, visit: The waris and profound a n l finances partlyfcy.the Joint held last weefe in Cincinnati re- "You Gen tiles." " I , tbe these men be sound, but to mehad questioned the Reich Foreign English. they all -seem absurd. Why, for office on the possibility of con- Sidor Belarsky has appeared as opposition leader who has been sympathy for the suffering of Eu- Distribution Committee and part- turned the first part of the week. "Whsi Happened in " K m r Mob," "Jews on Instance.- should anybody.be con- tnuing the negotiations. At thesoloist with the leading symphony living in Cairo since he fled here rope's Je-srs; a feeling that anti- ly by the French Relief CommitAmong: the delegates were: demned for being ambitious, and time, the demarche had seemed a orchestras In the United States from the Palestine terrorists and Semitism meant the death of re-tee, t i e first cf three groups of Rabbi snfl Mrs. Frederick Cohn, I P.'MI "T'-pyoxid Woman." Jfs -tt* If,,so,'why blame this on the fact forlorn hope. The response was and has taken leading roles in the who was one of the two accepted ligioa End vras in essence anli- 12 Austrian and German. Jewish Rabbi and Mrs. David H. "Wice,| won fBTOe for hie translaWm* •«? that that person is Jewish? Are lnterprete-i as "very promising." Chicago Civic Opera company, the by Husseinl, categorically re- Christian; and an abyssiaal ig- refugees vrlll les,-re for French Loyal Kaplan, and Wise Serline 1 sncu prominent writers s>* «TJ i Npclip-ipr r.iRiik, Shmarym Plans Nearly Complete no pther people ambitious? Guiana on February £. Opening American Opera company of Losfused to go to London .In a pri- norance of things Jewish. \ I, .7. ^insrei' »i\d others. of French Guiana to refugees 2E • Kr. Kaplan w&s elected to the It is not my desire to create a At the time the negotiations Angeles, and the San Francisco vate capacity; and he' insisted Among the many c.tsestiQns considered .important in view ol S i-T|.t! most recent 8-niS that not only xsust the Palestine serious issue by bringing this to between Rublee and Dr. Schacht Opera Company. j executive board of the ney-lj' oryour attention, but I am only try- had been abruptly ended, the Leah Deganith Is making her National Defense party be rep-asked t i n , Eabbi Liebman tol-1, ErilaiE.*E ncd ths JCetScrSsnfiE j cnslZBi NetioDal reder&tion of j vioel^ read translation wa* £3At ing to-make a plea for-all the •Rublee • mission had In its hands first appearance in America fol- resented officially, t a t ft must •wzs one pertainiEg to the. Pro- opening cf their Guiana -CDlcxJ.es I Ternjf»e Touth. Mrs. Cohr. -war- ai CK I. J, FII-ETPT'B besi-sellav, "Fb* capable and Intelligent Jewish a plan for emigration of Jews lowing a successful tour of Paris, furthermore be accorded the same tocols of the Elfiers cf Slen. Rabcelegste to the National FederaMr. FRTPUC- appears -ft* people who are attempting to se-which represented' a considerable Lon-dpn, Warsaw and other Eu- number of representatives as were bi Lie-bmsn went on to relate the The rrcach- .press;, • i s rtalslnjr c" 'Tesiplc Sisterlioocls, :>ep.T-:er on the Center Forutn. cure responsible positions. There modification of- t h e original ropean capitals.' In Palestine, being sent by the extremists who origins of this notorious forgery, J^anS.e-1, salfi the -experiment- oZ |i ties Dcring the conference r o w •written Erst by-a-French pamph; la'.own s*^ », brilliant is very little, or probably nothing Schacht proposal for riding the where for a time she led the life havo already chosen r i s s Eusleteer to discredit Napoleon HI admitting pioneer gre-ups Eight \ w&s recs?.^*BEi cr the fieath 1E. KU-\v-v.C. iv. r-is" Jp-c!,nres he •we can do to overcome the Anti-- Jews out of Germany on Increased of a "Chalutzah" her literary eve- seinltes. Isad to frnitftl fierclopsccEts. and ths-Ets-bseqceat histcrr of ths Semitism existing in this country, Reich exports. The new plan, nings, radio appearances and cinDifficulties Etecoiatered "Our Cclcrial^ Eitefetcr," t h e out surely we can appeal to; the ff (Continued on Page 2.) _ __ ema_shorts' _sreJfctsJleil. .aa-fiseals _..^.^^iisrsupcxi--'th©- Hxiti£h'-:*ir0v£r2- tale tint!!..utilises • by tha mystic Sergias Nilcs to justify. psrE&cseoplo themselves t&- k>& a of national cultural significance. ment xn Losfioss coz&*»*T*2ic2i,*<! tlers of the Jews. little more toilerant toward their WiOi v-ip.ts*rJ. Accompanying these two artists with the delegates a t Cairo incalenflsir. -It msy be tbs Jr>egiEfellow Jews. I feel, therefore, will be Sylvia Marshall, New York sisting that it-was esssati&l that - Baring his trip east- Kabbi .niEg ot sotQetiing- teporistt." ' that the prominent and generous the opposition be invited. Jamal Liebrsan met irith Thomas Main' concert pianist. JDspeits Iiewre j "Eg- of the CEsccti'-e commHtee oZ \ ,. .j. ". "; } . i , ' ' . p 1 s ; , j o n f .m a _ Jewish men, who are doing so Harry Crounse Is chairman of Husseinl, cousin of the Mufti and and Albert Einstein, and he re- . The first grocp is eompcEed o2 i the Hebrew Unioc Coliepe s.'un-ni. j(J.7 ' ^; t i pf ' 0-r;;,-, P o r ihe Je - much to help-the Jewish-refugees, the local committee arranging the one of those chosen by the lat-peated the words of Einstein who 12 eheniiEtE, agronoEiists, tech- 1 KepresentRtiree from R!1 the ! ^,,^-';-C- r^^ipr n" at should also be-made aware of this concert. Tickets may be secured ter to represent hiia in London, had said, "science has failed &nd nicians and foresters.. Warned of juajor. Keform conrrec&tiotiK at- I J;^',^,^'^,^o f' ^ ^ local situation, and at least give from members of the Alliance or telephoned his cousin in Beirut religion • alone . has proved its the cIis-£Ctie dijrictltjes thsy tenCed the fieliberttioE or ' " " ' ' ' " " " ' " us a .chance. to prove" that they to tell him cf the demand; but force." by- calling WE 1110. would eacourter, tbey replied: _jnay;he^wrong about us. Previous to Dr. Liebraan's talk, "The ssise is tree ct t i l cufier- leaaerE nisd r c b t ' s . EpeafeerF i.vthe Mufti still refused to consent ' What answer can I or any other to any official representation of the "March of Time", film on fleveloped territcries. Tfe iaten-3 clttded Dear. CharlfECticejro, OR- i U'iwliV*"!-: I. I' fespS Refugees was shown. About 200 to develop It sad those- vrhtt vriii of the ITE't-erfji-ir- of Jewish person give to a personnel the Nashashibl opposition. Continuing its social program, •^r&ld G&rrisoii Ti.iE.rC Rarl Eesv persons were present. manager who says. "You cannot the Round Table of Jewish Youth Nuri Pasha es Said, Irscju die will be happy firing e-r. iree a t e r 'Vrilliam K. ISH&. at. vrf-Yi ss •i blame the Gentile people too will sponsor its second dance of prime minister, who had been exsoil for & worthr causs." others. \ much for being prejudiced, when the season, the "Question Mark" i treniely active in attempting to The Colonial Kirtetrr said 5E £ Kess&ges T-e?€ received from ] your own people do .not even care on Sunday night,. February 5, find solutions for the Palestine statement that If these frcrps afi- rresifient KOOSETC!;, &cfl from for- { _%o hire'Jewish-people." • •>. 1939, at the Jewish 'Community problem Immediately took an airjust themseJTes EncceEs»El-!y... the iser PresiflsEt Herbert Hoorer. I I ant wonderingif yon,will give Center. plane from Cairo to Beirut in the fioors --rill rcsi&in opsa to farther this problem- some consideration I.Te'wiPfeCoTTiTTninit;- Cefl.tn? K«>ac ?.•> Seeking to give Omaha's Jewhope of persuading the Mufti to Immigration. "AfiEitt&riC® will «nd"whether'or'not 1'you" "think ish Youths an entertaining eve] h e i r iv, i b e VRisitiE of fuiwl* accede to the deraanis of the opbe Etop-pei," the sts.tsrr.cnt dethere Is anything-at all ^re * can ning, a' new band featuring new Miss Fay Goldware. who \ras position. dared, "cE*r If the .present ezdo to bring this, situation, to, the style of music has been secured. graduated from Creighton univerAs a result of Nuri Pasha's InperiEiest proves unfieeirable." attention of the, pepple./who can Fashions in music by Gary will bs sity In 1937 with a bachelor of tercession the Mufti telephoned utu" ts>* It is unaerBtood that the v'cjsit Jielp the.most. ; . .'. .' the orchestra who will furnish the arts degree, will soon receive a to Cairo his acceptance of two DlEtribctioE. Ccmm4ttee» together Washington (JTA) — T h e Ger• ;-Very-sincerely yours-,- •-.. music ". .diploma of merit from Paris In delegates from the opposition. with ths KcthEoiOfi comni'ttes, is' Hebecca Hymojt, Cincinnati. The Center ballroom Will again recognition of her skill in writing But Neither Ragheb Bey nor his man Government has refused to fessistias esch pioneer . wiiJi 10,exempt American Jews in Gerthe French language. be. decorated this time in the I RIK" cousin Fakhri Bey, who has beea CGC frsEcs. The second group Now there are Btuffed shirts theme of the "Question Mark." Now teachng in a private school active head of the opposition in many from its anti-Semitic de- will ESJII Kareh 20. Cosmenling wiH crees except where treaty rights Bmong us wlio'will' 'say shuBh, All Center members can receive in New York City, Miss Goldware Palestine since the former left, ca. t i e experiment, French creThe National T'Erm Sc.liooT ii \ •hush, to all this-.-.*. "We should tickets ' admitting -them to these wrote a French essay in 1936 as is satisfied with this compromise. are involved. The United States E!ES newEpapere poir.t cc* that C T r e c e i r i n g E.rpi5ce.-Uons f o r P C - \ a't be speaking this ,iray abou •dances by applying at the Center a regnlar class assignment for They insist on parity, declaring Government IrEmefiiateiy moved French. GuSans- ia,s -fertile ;«oil. BlEisEJon T-ix StfiEf l~sv*'i"c Sr. s- coinW»»l»iUtt : t.c i t s 4Cd t e r m T-hich | to bring to the Reich government's ourselves-. Jtttysn'Sseemly at this office. Non-members may pur-Prof. J. Elzear Moreau, Instructor that the present delegates do not forests said --goii.-jaines hv.i c p e n s -Ar-ril 1 1 t h . V c u n r ti-'cr- b e - • 7t;;;.p--nijr' p r n nis:, A p p ' R ti«ll»j>«CV " times. Let's "keep quiet abpu chase tickets for $1 which will in-modern Iangauges at Creigh- in any sense represent the ma-attention cases iavolving treaty rich •eras svoifieS fa £fc® psst because tw€°E t h e c.g'eF cf 17 ?.ncl * ' . , hP v - \ S P C ' P \h\~i'. ?oi, t o b e s . i rights and will make a practice things like that." • admit them to all remaining ton. He, in turn submitted the jority oi Palestine Arabs, who, FrsD.se, until two yer,rs sjro, Essie Jug' compiptpf: { r e p r TPn^p yen-F i .',cl'.v. K. Ciienel will be of putting similar cases before the I believe; £owever» 41 fa-time dances. work with that of several other they claim, are in the main opit a place for .prisoners. Jey-ish or h i g h school, w h o E.re piirEir-al- ; to say publicly, vhat JSSss ,Hymon students to Rene Fuller, French posed to the Mufti's terroristic authorities. are refralEiXiS from com- IT, m e E t a l l r anfi m o r a l l y fit F.V.C. i The new developments ia thecircles lias said so well. Most of us know consul at Chicago, and Miss Gold- activities and extremist policies. ment, except to- poiEtjrut that the CEE fiemouEtrate p.n intereKl in ! % Hall Group! coatroversy over the right cf crperfiaeEt liqw true this Is; 'it Is the sk" ware's essay was exhibited at the will decjfie the future. & r r i r i i l t u r e a n d e. fiefertninstior J Americans in the Reic<vnot to he tbn In our closet and I f is -about Paris Exposition last summer to Eiafee t h a t vocRtioE. t h e i r liTr't: c Mcci discriminated a^aiast, regardless time to take it, out and let It.ratr along with hundreds of similar of race and religion, which had tie - hideously, 1pj ,th^ ^yri^ei French essays submitted from all Tho 3. C. C. Dancing classes parts of the world. The ..School: fmmdet In 1PFG.S -5 r.-,l flisoupsion gTfttJj; been the subject of several • Unitof consciences. fcolfis the cifitinctiot; of being ; rt-pe- f ed States notes to Berlin, were _ Tee,-we, haYS bar" tfwn refugees will begin this afternoon, tinder The matter had been practically niiiciie, in o'lericjr to city bcrr ' ^» '-& i"'" - clvib ronnip of the -' disclosed when a.summary cf the «—these children- driven from the the direction of Miss-Rosalie Al- forgotten here until August Borthe. EfivE.~;t£pe of an acrscultiiral i Coti'TiisniU'' Or-n'fpr to German note, dated Dec. SO, was doors, of non-Jewish .employers b e r t s , Omaha's accomplished glum, French consuler agent at trE.lnijijr."TorlFvr Tiirr pro'e---i^r,r ' t'n" Tr-vn TTPT. P'"os'.fl<'R?«t. in Berlin, £ud 'the State » . . "Ton see, it's just a policy dancer, and will be held regu- Omaha, received the diploma, New York (JTA) — The Joint Issuedsnfl msEy icdi-Ftries? s"e crpr- i "nr:- Utiror>r A.^oul War?' Department made public the test ofours," says' thV "einploymen larly on Friday afternoons. awarded by the Alliance FranBoycott Council reports teat GerBudapest (JTA,) — I.Ieas.ures crevrdsti.. Xs.rtr.in5- cfisrr. x-ptir-^?-'; : T'f<"nr'.p?Unc ir: f]?e Miss Alberts has tentatively ar- caise from its world headquarters many's share of United States im- of the German note and the manager. "We h a v e nothing •» parcel all- CEt&tes ecce'red by c?por«.i;riIUeE for those rrRcH^Rll-1" I ^V-l ^*- •'•<>"•„ T.Tasn.ry^j BOK «T American reply, dated Jan.'11. against Jews. It's Just a policy ranged her classes as follows: in Paris. Mr. Borglum plans to ports has dropped frora 5.6 per Children of ours." The 'German document, taking Jews after J-»ne 1. If 14, tnd proforward the award, only one of Its cent in 1932, tha last pre-Hitler cew pcrchE.se ot lanfi by record o ' jrnad!jp,teE 0" thp Scb-oo" i ^ ' ^ B rer1!;''?:!- and hi So our American Jewish refu- 3 and 4 years . . . . . . 3 : 0 0 p. m.kind received by a Nebraskan, to year, to 3 per ceat in IS38. Im- note of the American principle of hibit Jews w-ere snuccnccd fcr Const fiemoiiEtrSaes the orrortneiue?- :• C^e^k rr gee, jobless, wandering from one 5, 6 and 7 .years . . . . S : 4 5 p. m.Miss Goldware In New York. The ports from Germany for the first non-discrimination agaiEst for- TeleekS, Kirdstcr oi Agricclfcre, sv-E.ltf.n£T f.hose. who wi;.b the r-ro- • ^ - - P ; ' : 4:30 p. m.diploma reads in part: closed door to another, thinks of S and over 10 months of 1932, as compared eign nationals regardless of race Classes are being limited to 10 "Alliance Francaise congratu- •with the same period for 1938,and religion-, talies the position addressiEir a -mass meeting. Kee.a- per t.rsmltr t=r^> T"i"l;r,p: to wo~T<- Ip)ir= T""~ 'v Mr. Zilch. Mr. Zilch has just adPreaiaer.Bela Isnrsclj-, in &E to achieve tfceir real. i Jt"''«n Rfc vertised for help. He will cer- children. Here is the opportunity lates you on your essay and isdeclined from 564,700,000 to that the Reich has the right to wh'ie, address, justified EnsEiirr'E "rs.ee tainly provide economic refug< for children to achieve grace and grateful for your interest In the$51,400,000, a loss of 21 per cent. adopt discriiaiEatioas against any protection" ses,st"res. E p clsclE,rThe cocrse corerB threp pom- i Cone;:.-., for the wanderer. Mr. Zilch is a poise. At the same time, imports for the category of persons, provided that ed that " n o t & ye&fc. t u t e. m!!iA nominal fee of 25 cents per language and literaure." big man in the Anshe Giborim corresponding pfriod ESOW an In- It does not discriminate against tact Chrl£t3E.n lore ie ne-ossBar;' to pietc yea-E of t.vre-'-"'e n^or'.'hf: t>r.r'h ! To'inweek will be charged Centerlie i'le local congregation.crease of 84 per cent- from Bel- ths nations of. any country as drive t h e moaer-chas.£ers. out of cludes encfe Bpecial?Ep.*.;ot>s ! But Mr. Zilch has his •policies memberB; 50 cents per week will gium; from France, 13 per ceat, such. The note also says that Ger- the "TcEpie cf the EcEgtriaE EA- cl>ard.;njr, espying, rrov^frying.-, I »••"" ' ^e f."'ov.v . The meetiiii; U. too . . . "Business i s business,' be charged non-members. Netherlands, 36 per cent; Nor- many has even conceded more tion." he says, and you can't mix busiway, 41 per ceat; Sweden, 91 favorable treatment to foreign citThere &re ever iff-r p.c-re= I r \ SiEi-*^ K VISA PLtf T ness with the matter of beini I am no business man, I am all per cent; and the United King- izens. Ia coacinsios, i t reduces . A t least two CE-thplia bichopE the controversy to a question of End zzzny other lesser church fig- the School Flant. which is Socfttpr; i T'p~i? i'V Due to the fact that the Ladles dom, 47 per cent. Jewish. Being Jewish is. .on<wrong in not understanding that 1 treaty rights aad expresses rssdures Trpiiid lEgEllr t * €2&BE2;IE€ CE thing and business is quite anoth- business should be kept far apart Free Loan Society is having a din- The report indicates that the pf t h r e e JlRTRnJU., ijiess to esamiae -specific cases iner. It seems that being Jewish is from the things of being Jewish ner on February 19, the Bikur anti-Nazi boycott has been especvolving these rights. Semitic legrislatioE, it TZS pointed Cholim Society has graciously 'a way of life, and business i s and things of being Christian. ially effective in consumers' out hy Father Bela- Eas.£5i&, leadbusiness. (Just as among com Ac Err-iiCRtiPE blacfc m e frrth- i p.'.ter-ec', t-snfie ?n. false rm8a|vf«M Anyway, were I a business postponed its play until March 19.goods. German toys imported into er of HcnET&ry'E C&tSoIic Aciics, non-JewB Christianity is one thing man, I think I should say, "I On March 19 the Society will this country amounted to $1,218,3Gtorn\p,t!on Gfvpi?,t>. Jpwjsb refiiJT""*Ia a Ejeech rccsfilj- coEderaE..'ng and business quite another.) needn't favor Jews. In fact, I present, DER WILDER MENSH, 644 in 1932, dropped to 483,545 or the measures. • • "I'm sorry," says Mr. Zilch t shouldn't favor any group by rea- an excellent four-act drama, at in National 1937, and for the first 10 The Jesuits critieisis, typlcs! oi the applicant, "but I've made oth- son of race or religion, but, atthe Jewish Community Center. months of 1838, Tell to $317,452. coisinest vcice-i i n IE&EJ .cEErtMrs. J. Finkel is Chairman of All in all, er arrangements." Mr. Zilch has least, I must give JewB an equal AKKUAL I^EEri Germany's share in our Senioes . are held every Satur- ers, was echoed in & resotuiac-c had a policy on Jews in his busi- break. Particularly since I my- this affair. LOS AKGELES GROUF toy importations has been reducday morning at 10 o'clock at the ness: He himself is the only Jew self am a Jew I should be faithed from 61 per cent in 1S32 to 1. B'csi. Israel Syn&go^ae, ISth s.n£ Jssi VCz.r TTterE-Es' Associs-tipti. lie can tolerate in the l i r a of ful to the justice that la of myJEWISH, NATIONAL per cent in IS 3 8. Chicago street for the children c£ Zilch, Inc. . . . "Business," cays teaching. Ye3, I must give the the Talnrnd Tors.Ii. he, is business.** , WORKER'S "ALLIANCE priaclples also was voiced b r GesJews a break." New York (WNS) — A sun e .At. this Esnics tae Pcrtioa til &des Sstllc, E. Etesibcr of the UpYet I (who am n». business Ki, I- ;-.. 11*. Thi3 is not to say that there The Jewish National Workers timated at nearly ?250,000 repthe Week aaa ths Prcptet c£ the r;rprfo^r i man) have always believed that are not many Jewish business Alliance, Poali Zlon, Trill hold a T u i s t<"ort:J.Jce- i-o b f ftnf »-' resenting one-day's pay of 30,000 WesS are discussed. FcHswlEg€d 'Is ^€^^6*" mioy&. ^-^-t^i-ofnci" i business should essentially hav< men who conduct their business regular meeting on Wednesday, clothing workers will be turned the service there is s, short talk j Anpeles. This 1B the third larsest j to do with being Jewish and <• with equal justice, with no dis-February 1, at 8:30 p. m. All over to refugee aid, according to oa some Jewish hero of the past. j of JI?ty-fire siniilE.r or^anizs,tionr>. i being Christian. Perhaps what*! crimination either against Jews members gsTersBest Tiews .is, t ie are requested to come to a report by the Uew York joint RefresiimentE are also served. . policy j Judge Stalmaster, long active j Organisation o£ Atn^TiCii.. •*"*• the matter with business Is that or Christians. this meeting" as Important corboard of the Amalgamated Cloth* All children, wflether students in local aud cationBl phllaBtSroit needs more Christianity and (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts respondence and'business Is to be ing Workers of America, a C. I. O. of the Talmud Torah or not, are A. Wolf was the only Jew""wbo pSes, is precticiBg law on the be the guest speaker^ more Judaism. Or, perhaps, since ~ Feature Syndicate) transacted.- r , : ; : : . ' ' .' affiliate. invited to this eerrice. Co»st, ' a tbe Alamo, ^ abroad.


Palestine SituationtoBe Discussed at Forms* Meeting





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*$•, K,

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firriift!i:itiS ill

Dancing Classes Start at Center

Date of Yiddish Play Is Changed

Children's Servk Meld on

Tils** f i f s p c~£;


%i') ? O*l^ HE 1

»*»<*i •'*"**


Page 2

munity in America. America has tenths percent for children's sernow the responsibility to sup- vice, 15 and 4 tenths percent for plant those Yeshivas by the estab- educational, cultural and recrealishment and maintenance of a tional activities. Essential as may progressive and modern system be relief and family welfare and of Jewish education which will child care to the maintenance of reach many times the number of a sound and healthy social order, people that our system does to- it is my judgement that -when we day. shall realize the full significance I would like to suggest anoth- and value of a comprehensive (Continued from Page 1) ' er consideration for the assump- Jewish educational program with tion of responsibility by the com- its consequent building of morale, which had been on the verge of munity as a whole for Jewish ed- courage, character values and in- attaining final form, reportedly ner happiness, the time may come called for creation ofs additions! ucation. - • • when a much greater proportion We all know from experience of communitr funds will be de- Reich exports amounting to 4 5,000,000 marks yearly. It was that our appeals for overseas, naThe following article is re» in the Sabbath, which I saw in my the society in which he lives than tional and local objects meet with voted to Jewish educational and also said to guarantee livable concultural purposes. printed from tho current issuo mother's home; the Kiddush; the does the Jew who is indifferent greater success than they did sevditions for the Reich Jews pendof 'Jewish Education." It waa Havdallah; the reading of the to his people. It cannot be gain- eral years ago. The response to Conclusion ing their emigration, to bar creaoriginally given as a speech be- Torah; — all of these ceremon- said that we have contributed to philanthropies a n d federation As I have already suggested, tion of a ghetto and to provide fore the Board of Jewish Edu- ials leave their impress.and what •our. civilization great moral and campaigns- is much more ready the Jew who is true to the tradi- training for emigration. cation in Chicago. Because the ever may be our experience In the spiritual values. I ' believe the when through some influence the tions and ideals of his ancestors The break-oft of negotiations subject matter is one of univer- future, we draw .strength .. and!world recognizes this to'be the Jew Is made more aware of his Is necessarily true to the ideals carne as a stunning surprise to sal interest to Jews, publication courage from the early: inspira- fact. Even, our enemies will not problems. It is regrettable that and traditions o£ our democracy. the Rublee mission. First intiof Mr. Monsky's article, we feel, dispute our", claims pa this score. persecution and suffering of our A well ordered program of Jewish mation of it came in a telephone tion thus obtained. • •will be a guide tO'the perplexWe are a spiritual people. How : .-We do, ;*then,.haye something co-religlonists, that threats from education is therefore a service to call stating that the appointment ed. • The Editor can we wander from land to land of" value' to give to the world, without upon our peace and se- the nation. Just as each of the with Dr. Schacht, scheduled for and preserve these spiritual val- something very worthwhile, and curity should be necessary to lift several instruments in a sym- that day, had been called off. A •" Through the centuries of Jew- ues unless it be through our con- we can best do it if our minds and us out ot our lethargy and to pro- phony, well and efficiently play- second call brought the informaish history and throughout our sciousness of and our true apprec- our souls have been enriched with mote cohesion in our ranks. ed and artistically adjusted to tion that Dr. Schacht had been Responsibility literature do we find emphasis on iation of the resplendent glory of Jewish knowledge and Jewish the whole, produces soul Inspiring replaced by Dr. Walther Funk. Jewish education as a vital life- Jewish teachings and Jewish phil- feelingl The. Torah. is a source of How much better, how much music, so does each group con- The proposal in the hands of Mr. giving force and as the primary osophy. ' -.'• . •• . = -' ', ' loftiest morality,., but of what more enduring, how much more tribute most to the pattern of our Rublee was believed the closest philosophy of Jewish "life. It has meant much to mo to he value is it to the, Jew who has commendable would be t h a t national life when it brings all approach to a workable schem© . I read a few quotations from" ,ble to read the Bible and the riot become famUiar with it. awareness, that interest in, that that is rich and beautiful in its yet evolved. The development was a hard blow to Germany 'the great Hebrew books the .rayer book in their original Ian-, ; •. - Exalted Ideals responsiveness to our common history and literature. Talmud, the Mldrash, the Rabaii, guage. The rabbis of old knew the • The prophets- of Israel. have problems if it were as a result of A long term program, calculat- Jewry, which had been -watching Slfra, etc.: "Upon three things mportance of language in the proclaimed, the m o s t exalted a true spiritual a w a k e n i n g ed to sustain the spirit is the bas- the talks with painful anxiety. Modified Plan the world exists — Torah (edu- reservation of a. people. Oiir lit-" Ideals; but: what does this mean through the positive and con- is of my appeal." What docs it The modified Schacht plan ascation), Service (work) and Kind ratura has greater significance to. the Jew• who-has no acquaint- tive force of Jewish education. avail In the life ot a people, if you Deeds." Estates can be Inherited ;o. the person who can • read. it ance with' the', prophets; I can There is, then, a quid pro quo in feed the body but starve the soul? sertedly demanded that half of but not the Torah." "He who nan it can possibly have'through readily understand the psycholo- a practical sense for the assump- The miracle ot Jewish survival is the 45,000,000 marks to be creatpromotes the Torah among child- he medium of translation.1 Need gical struggle of: those of our tion of community responsibility due to the Jew's consciousness of ed through increased German exTen is considered as he who ;here be any elaboration of this" youth, whose Jewish education in Jewish education. his spiritual heritage. His enemies ports be brought into the Reich brought them into the. world." hought? The warmth and the has been neglected. They see in We have always haJ and we however powerful, however num- annually and that the other half "Students and scholars are the glow and the beauty of the orig- some countries, supposedly civiliz- shall always have soma process of erous, may cause the Jew discom- remain out-side to finance the promoters of peace;""The educa- nal a is i too frequently qy lost In the ed/discrimination and oppression, Jewish education. Whether it will fort, may visit upon him suffering program of transferring Jewish tion of children and the mainten- xanslatlon of any piece of deprivation of all that is sacred; be effective or not, -whether it and persecution, may produce property. "While the Rublee del: ance thereof precedes the build- ture. they - observe the "prevalence" and will be really widespread and ex- temporary distress, but they can- egation did not disclose details " : ."" r :lng of the Temple." growth"of." anti-Semitism; they ert its greatest possible influence not destroy, so long as there lin- of the plan, usually well informed Our Weapon :--'-: • The education of our children would be more sanguine of meet disappointment in social and for good.,whether it will be sys- gers that undaunted Jewish spirit, observers believe! that the 45,.has been a fortress -of strength to ;heI vitality tematized and progressive in that Indestructible Jewish ideal- 000,000 mark annual supplementJudaism in the fu- business contacts. •our people - through' the ages of ure if our of method, will depend upon the de- ism, which has always preserved ary export proposal constituted children were esposThey begin to feel that it Is a suffering. It gave consolation in d to our holy Scriptures and to liability to be a Jew. This is not gree of interest and the support in Israel the will to live, to live its most important financial tea times of trial and tribulation. It it receives from the community ture. gave hope for the future.. An ap- ur wealth, of Jewish literature. the" fact in any case where the vic- as a whole. "We still have divisions not only in a physical sense, but in was no Indication whethpreciation of their heritage was Our Scriptures are our weapons tim has had an adeuqate Jewish in our. Jewish life. We shall al- the larger and more important er There or not the proposal for a huge an antidote to their suffering. A n defense against the assaults education;' The 'glory of his people ways have. I do not expect com- sense, to live as Jews with all international loan — an integral which that implies. made upon us and the recurring afid lustre of their history, the ; profound understanding of Jewplete uniformity of thinking upon Culture and spiritual values are part of the original Schacht plan ish history and tradition forges hreats of destruction. Our lltera- magnificence of their religion, the and approach to Jewish questions ,the link between successive gen- ur'e ani our religious nad ethical recognized fountain-head of all by all Jew. We have the right to eternal. The great Hebrew poet, —had been salvaged to form a erations. Our survival is due pri- )hilosophy have and will continue major religions of modern civili- expect and demand, however, a the late Chaim Xachman Bialik, part of the new scheme. Spokes: marily to our traditional .devotion .o preserve us arid to justify .out zation, make it easy for him to joint planning and cooperative ac- in his poem "Al Saf Bet Hamid- men for the Rublee delegation made it plain, however, that the existence. Our children will be withstand-such experience and to tivity on those questions in which rash," deploring the lethargy and • -to the idea and ideal of _• Jewish ;he army in the generations to: eel no loss or burden because of we have a common interest and neglected condition, of the Bet new scheme was "considerably different" from t h e original jome. They must ..know their! eiHg'a; Jew. •" '• ' education. which are so vital to the very Hamidrash says:— weapons and the" use ot them if Our ancestors would not have preservation of our people and "You shall not crumble Ohel Schacht plan. Samuel's Gift 175,000 Left Shem. I shall build you, and you Samuel, It Is said, overshadow- :hey are to be effective. The more? indured the suffering which was their ideals. It is significant that the Danshall be rebuilt. I shall bring ed both Moses and Aaron because requent the maneuvers of the heir lot were it not for their light into your walls and widen ziger Vorposten, Free City Nasi in his time, when the Torah and army and the more familiarity, ride in their heritage. Such pride Ifeglect : Jewish tradition - were little re- :hey have with the weapons which is not born of and cannot exist in Therefore, from the earliest your window . . . and when the organ which is close to the Germembered, he organized t h e they are expected tc* use. the more ewlsh history demonstrate that days of Jewish history until the clouds have departed, the halo ot man government, in the first youth, taught them and sent them assured will be the defense. he profound faith of our people present day has Jewish education God shall descend and reflect its comment on the negotiations apWill you permit me to refer to nd their zealous and passionate and spiritual culture been an In- splendor upon you. And then all pearing in the Nazi press, in some throughout the land to repopularize the Torah, which was then, the Interest which the B'nai. oyalty to'their tradition has sav- tegral and indispensable aspect of flesh; both great and small, will measure substantiated the reportand ever shall be, inescapably B'rith has manifested in the pro- d them from destruction. Hitler Jewish life. The mystery and mir- see that grass withers, blossoms ed figure in the new plan. The • bound up with the Jews as a peo- gram of Jewish .education. The and his like may take our proper* acle of Jewish destiny is under- fade, but the word ot the Lord is paper suggested that Germany B'nai B'rith is not an outgrowth y and our possessions, our free- standable only, when its discussion forever." ple. was aiming to obtain supplementary exports totaling 40,000,000 Public education, long before of the synagogue or the Yeshiva. dom and our human rights, but is based upon the background of that concept was known to our It is, however, deeply interested hey cannot destroy bur spiritual- knowledge and faith. We can disMichael Seleigson was an alder- marks yearly to finance transfer civilization, wa3 Introduced by In Jewish education and recog- ty. Only we can destroy our spir- sipate the bewilderment of our man of Galveston from 1840-1848 of Jewish property ever the stipKing Hezekiau into Judea. This nizes It as a vital prerequisite to tuality by permitting pur people people. We can alleviate their and mayor in 1833. ulated period and said that Jewencouraged literary talent. From the continuance of Jewish life. ;o become indifferent to our faith pain. We can make them happier ish organizations abroad were reOur Order was founded in 1843. "by giving them healthier outlook • his day do we inherit the gems and our history and our literaJews refused to live in the city ported to be ready to absorb this It took upon itself "the mission , u r e . - - - - • • • - • upon Jewish life. They will have ot Tiberias after its founding (26 amount. , of iBaiah. " : . " ' - •• •_•_-• of uniting Israel in the work of faith. They will be rid of their \ Upon their victory tha MaccaImportance"of Program Meanwhile, unconfirmed but c. e.) because it was discovered :. bees, declared a holiday Hanuk- promoting their highest interAn intensive program of Jewish confusion If we resolve that they to have been built on the site of , persistent reports are current ests." We have ever been alert kah. The word hlnuh means edueducation is more important to us shall have a sound and adequate an ancient cemetery. that the Reich will soon issue a cation or dedication! By the es- to the necessity, of making a con- n A America than it was when Jewish' education. tribution to the perpetuation of tablishment of * schools through there was 'mass immigration from i Recently I read that of the the land, they thwarted assimila- Judaism and we know- that its Kilssia -and Poland. In those days, eleven million dollars ot fun is preservation is not possible withtion and stemmed the tide ot the with, the great • Yeshivas and distributed for local causes 30 out Jewish education. " influence of Greek culture. schools, there was a constant flow and 5 tenths percent was for med' . Ben Zokkol Work of B'nai B'rith of cultural and spiritual inspira- ical care, 29 and 4 tenths percent In 1875 the Grand President of tion to revitalize the Jewish com- was -for family welfare, IS and 6 - Some 250 years later Vespasian the Roman general, from his en- the Order, Julius Blen, in his recampment outside the walls of port said: Jerusalem, offered Habon Yohan'Let. the Jewish youth of the an ben Zakkal the grant of any land be put in possession of the single request. Ben Zakkai. asked means of solving the enigmas of that the City of Jabneh and its the past or the doubts of the preschools be spared and that tbe In- sent and from their free and unhabitants be allowed to continue trammelled labors under the bethe education of children and nign, influence of this enlightened •adults undisturbed. "All Jews 10 country, results must flow benethe end of generations," says the ficial and blessed to all. From the Talmud, "stood at . the foot o warm and generous heart of Mount Sinai and heard the pro- youth, .education can exercise but . nouncement "I am Thy Lord." the happiest effects. We may safeThis is correct In a very true ly leave the results to the future. sense. To pass on the wisdom of Our work is to lay the foundation, the Scriptures from-father to son, to erect the structure, to provide from generation to generation, In the means and.leave the rest to :l,Wapvt<iMtoffttwU.& the light of Jewish tradition, is ad the God of Israel." , Royal Master Tires on year; I£ the -Torah were .received re- : We have become aware that recan wrap up your promt currently in each age at the foo cent generations have "grown up Jfresjand lode Jhom safely of Sinai. That the Jewish peopli Jewishly uninformed. The continowoy—Th*n are "The people of the Book" I: uation of such a condition threano idle boast, no myth, no leg' tens our very existence. We have end. It Is an historic fact. embarked upon an Intensive camWe are but a small minority in paign to educate our Jewish youth whatever country., in. which we in things Jewish. Through the inmay live. The environment Is no strumentality of our B'nai B'rith Jewish. "While we become a part Hillel Foundations, now 11" in 2 After you've put teyaf! of the larger community we mus number and more to be establishMastersffvooghttMirpocsr preserve our Jewlsiiness. It Is ou ed, and through the medium, of for 3 days—com* bock aa*\ duty and obligation to see thai the A. Z. A., a program of JewlBh M «h» tn tha VwcTtf I '••• our children shall become famil- education is carried on. ThiB aciar with the treasures bestowed tivity is for the purpose of makby our ancestors and that they ing Jewish youth Jewish-conscilearn to cherish these treasures, ous in the hope of preparing them Only through Buch a process wil for leadership in our Jewish life. Rlettes ;..;,'} -'_•)• our phenomenal existence contln Education There b cbsohxtely no cost or obuo. Wo believe in Jewish education and we shall continue to do all Beauty' of Tradition ligation involved- in this Royal £ Johnny listens to sports, swing music and comMy father, alav ha'shalom, fre- that we can In that field. We Master FREE Trial Offer! All we quented the schul three times a recognize, however, that educa•dyl Dad tunes in news, or maybe the "Gang ask isithgj you give these amazday. In my childhood I went fre tion is a science and that educaBusters!" While Mother ha3 recipes, continued quently with him. I was required tors should be in charge and ing new Royal Master Tires a to attend the Talmud Torah. Fo therefore our purpose is not tp thorough test on your own car! stories and music all day long, as she works In this I am thankful today. It i invade the province but rather tp Remember—NO COST, NO OBmy feeling that this childhood ex cooperate with those agencies In the kitchen. They never interfere with sach other's perlence, that this exposure t Jewish life whose major purpose LIGATION, NO SALES TALK — traditional Judaism, has 'served is the execution of a complete programs, because each has his ovra radio. What ROYAL MASTERS SELL THEMSELVES! • to cement. Iseparably my Interea program of Jewish education. a thrifty entertainment plan that is, when your whole - I maintain that the conscious in the problems of-my people. The transendent beauty of th and affiliated Jews makes a greatfamily can enioy the world of radio at a cost that lighting .of the candle, to ushe er contribution to the welfare; of

By Hemry Moncky





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Kome (V/NS) — The Interior minister issued instruction to all officials cuplfclniiig the marriage decrees for tlie "purity ot the Italian race," Among the instructions is OBJ vfcich restricts marriages between Italiaun and foreigners. This is meant to define a Jew as one v Qo asBiitned Italian citizenship although ol foreign origin. Other instructions allow Jewish families to retain "Aryan" servants only in certain cases involving mixed Jewish families whose children are considered Aryan by law.

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Your worn' out tirea skillfully rebuilt with new llvo anti-3lild treads, adding thousands of vale, economical miles.

decree permitting German firms OECS more to employ Jewish representatives abroad. If the report is true, 1it is obviously aimed at breaking down the artl-Germ&n boycott in America, England ami elsewhere. It is pointed out here that at least a partial breakdown of the boycott vould be essential for the success of Ecy Jewish emigration scheme emrisagiEg additional German exports. It was announced officially that 175,000 Jevrs have emigrated from Germany since 1933, taking with them money and valuables amounting to approximately $150,000,000.

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY,' JANUARY 27, IS33 up their minds that anything they may do is useless, and that the nly sensible thing is to save heir own skins. People residing in a democratic country cannot have the remotest Idea what it mean;; to live in tdtalitarian state. Certainly it s true that if a dictatorship lasts for many years, the young people This,is the third in a series grow up under that regime mind vras to knock down the who of four articles. on conditions my have never known anything and try my luck by flight and preceding and following the Nazi but praise of their respective Musthe'darkness. But suddenly solini, Austrian Anschluss as told by into Hitler or Stalin—are comI espied a former police inspeca victim whose personal views tor, who, despite the swastika pletely regimented. But this takes and experiences ore humanly arm band he was wearing, seemed time and cannot be accomplished portrayed in this gripping rev- to be looking at me sympathetic- in a very short time. elation of fact.^-THE EDITOR. ally. On a sudden inspiration I I myself, while forced to stay turned to him and said, "I think in Vienna those few days after living quietly as I now do in we fought together at the battle Schuschnigg's abdication, could realize how easily one changes these United States which have of Luck in 1916." under stress. There was but one always given asylum to political He looked at me, and I sensed refugees, I often think back to that this man, although he had idea in my head—escape—and I my state of mind in Vienna on never seen me before, recognized certainly would have done more thai evening of March 11, andwithin his heart an old Austrian than shout "Heil Hitler" against marvel at the deep rooted instinct patriot, which he, fundamentally. my convictions to effect my safety. I spent hours vainly trying f BeU ?. ^ Preservation and will to ;w a s a i S 0 ( d e s p ite the turn of to gather information as to live, which man, as an individual events which made it expedient any borders remained possesses. All those past days, for him to wear the Nazi emblem. whether open—for after my one futile atI, as well as the others, had givanf He hesitated a second, then tempt I was afraid that another no thought to what would hap-. turned to the young troopers false move would result in arrest pen to us it things went wrong— • standing by and said, "I know and incarceration. •when all of a sudden we had a this man quite well, he is all horrible realization of our own right. Give him back his pass(To Be Concluded) precarious position and 'became port and let him go." • concerned only with our personal As we drove away the taxiXates. driver turned to me and said, After thinking things over for "Well, sir, that was a narrow esa hit-1 went to the apartment of cape"; then added, "I think the some friends where I met a very smart thing from now on is to mixed crowd of people. There shout 'Heil Hitler' like; crazy "were the Jewish hostess and herwhenever we pass a Nazi patrol daughters, almost distracted and and drive right past." That was not knowing which way to turn; just what we did and by this a Gentile lawyer, anything but a method finally arrived back in Nazi, who seemed quite happy at Vienna at 5 o'clock in the mornthe sudden thought that the Jew- ing. The Vaad H'lhr (Union of lBh' lawyers would be forbidden Orthodox Synagogues) of Omaha A Conquered City to practice, and, consequently, a issued the following states After resting a couple of hours has great deal of competition removed ment of its policies in regard to I went out to see what could be from his profession. done to escape. The streets of the sale of Matzo here in Omaha: "To the many friends of the There was another Gentile Vienna gave me the Impression lawyer, a typical Prussian, who of a conquered city. The people Vaad who have called in their had defended many Catholic po'ii- walking on the sidewalks or rid- orders for Matzos ani kindred ticians in Germany during the ing in the buses looked deeply de- items our most sincere thanks. To early years of Nazi rule, and who pressed and kept glancing fear- those who have not done so as yet, •was; subsequently forced to emi-fully towards the sky where in- either because they do not undergrate. After years of struggle for numerable German bombers were stand how or with whom to place existence he had found a decent droning threateningly overhead. their orders, a few 'words ol exjob here in Austria, and was now Until late afternoon the city planation." frantic at the realization he seemed extraordinarily quiet— To clear up matters we wish to would he obliged to emigrate once and then the Nazis began to cel- advise the Jews of Omaha that



rtict C o m m u n i t y Center in' Glovers- csperimer.tE in education Tills, a fcuildicg Y-feict t o tfcis fey this tfeir.rcrp.cy 'bap e^er PPPU. On the eve o£ his eightieth d o m i n a t e s t h e city, anfi i n 1 8 S 0 h e p r e s e n t e d h i s n a t i v e tc-wc w i t h blrthdar. Mr. Littauer presented n American Legion B u i l d i n g . to the Jewish Theological Seminto be A m o n g h i s o t h e r gifts t o t h e l o - ary of America fCo.OOf, c a l i t y c f M s birth ^ e r e t n e E u - i-sect to ensure continuance and g e n e L,ittauer Memorial Labora- expansion of the nest five years tory, built i n Glovereville in 1 6 3 1 , of the Seminary's work oE proa n d a r e c r e a t i o n center for t h e moting a belter understanding of Judaism among both Jews and n e i g h b o r i n g t o w n of F o n d a .


MARRY MAY Harry May, 8 3 , w h o 1»> apo moved from Omaha ?* •*'« Anereles, d i e l Tuesday in JJ»* * * geles. Mr. May. w h o ha<l inM-.1^ to Omaha from Cincinnati ••)1A«©> } ^ a half century a g o , w a s a p ; nent business m a n before -"hi Christians. moval t o t h e coast. H e b*«4 It i s small w o n a e r t h a t several This money will again finance a t r u s t e e o£ T e m p l e Israel i*tii y e a r s a g o Gloversville declared a o n e - d a y b u s i n e s s holiday, dedi- a notable experiment in educa- til t h e time of h i s death cated t o L u c i u s N . Littauer, a n d tion for democratic living. The tained his membership Ift A * to t h e gifts w h i c h h e h a d m a d e Seminary, for which Mr. Littauer Temple. holds the honorary degree of I). Surviving are one daitf^fw*, to t h e m . ' T h r o u g h o u t h i s career, L u c i u s H. L... will use this Tund to fi- Mrs. Elmer Harris of'-Los AnS*K* Louis N. L i t t a u e r h a s b e e n i n t e r e s t e d in nance courses and public lec- and one grandson. medical w o r k , a n d h a s d o n e all in tures in the Institute for Interde- Morton Hiller of Om*U« his power to c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e a d - nominational Studies and to ex- nephews of Mr. May. vance of medical s c i e n c e . In ad- pand those activities designed to Funeral services will h* bail dition to t h e h o s p i t a l a n d labora- improve the relations of Jews and on Sunday at the Hoffttv«iti_"~ Christians in the American Comt o r y a t Gloversville a l r e a d y m e n tuary. Twenty-fourth ami tioned, h e e n d o w e d t h e N a t h a n munity. streets. Rabbi Frederick Cvwa ^ L i t t a u e r ^tiftung, a part of t h e Such is the career to which will conduct the service. 3R«-.".;a£. J e w i s h h o s p i t a l in B r e s l a u . Ger- Lucius N. Littauer can look as will be at Pleasant Hill. m a n y , birthplace of h i s f a t h e r . his eightieth birthday approachHe h a s also made e x t e n s i v e es; the career of one who in his g i f t s t o S a i n t e A n t o i n e Hospital philanthropies and in his every i n P a r i s , in r e c o g n i t i o n of w h i c h day living has shown himself to The Photography club Is h e received t h e m e d a l of t h e D e - be a bearer of the true spirit of ing regularly at the Jewish J ' p a r t m e n t of H y g i e n e of F r a n c e , Democracy, and a worshipper of munity Center every Monday a n d i n 1 9 2 9 , w a s decorated by its noblest ideals. ning at 7 o'clock. At t h e F r e n c h g o v e r n m e n t w i t h t h e (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts


the club is devoting Its *»iwbadge of the Legion of Honor. Feature Syndicate) the taking of snow irfe In 1937 Mr. Littauer gave a new developing them in the & building to the National HospiIn 1276 Cbarles I of France In- room. -tal for Speech Disorders. tervened on behalf of the Jews of The club is open to sit Patron of learning Tarascon who were the victims of tenr camera enthusiast*. As is indicated clearly by theextortion by the Inquisitors. members are invited to >>? purpose to which Mr. Littauer has their cameras and come Us » Bressler Editorial Cartoon*' dedicated the funds of the Lit- Tarragona in Spain was once ings. tauer Foundation, he Is and has the "City of JewB'' because always been a patron of learning. called P a t r o n i z e Our Adver'tMC* Among his gifts to institutions of its large Jewish population. dedicated to education was the sum of $100,000 given to the New School for Social Research in New York, which was largely responsible for enabling that institution to establish the Graduate Faculty for Political and Social Sciences. In this field too falls the single I6TH AT HARNEY phllanthrophy for which, perBy "Marjorie Goldwasser Wyler haps, Mr. Littauer is best known. In 1935 be igave Harvard Univer$2,000,000 for establishing a The Joyous celebration of the sentative in the 55th to 59th sity School of Public Ad80th birthday of Lucius X. Lit- congresses, during the presiden- Graduate taaer comes as a shining light cies o r William McKinley and ministration. In making this gift; Mr. Litin the darkness—marking as it Theodore Roosevelt. His busidoes another milestone in the ness experience made him a val- tauer said: "I anticipate that this ebrate their victory. what ever profit is made will be brilliant career of a great man. ued congressman, especially on School will encourage a broad aPr made with out adding to the cus- We proudly present this re- the various finance committees proach to problems of public adVisiting friends who lived on tomers cost of the Matzos. The sume of his life and achieve- on which he served. His contem- ministration; that it will become the Ringstrasse, Vienna's famous poraries state that at the time of a graduate school to train leadprofit will come from the regular ments.—THE EDITOBi boulevard, I could watch the his resignation, in 1907, he was ers, and through them the peocharge which is made by wholetorch light procession which the without question the leader of his ple at large, how to translate salers when they sell to the varOur fiscal year closes soon. W * Nazis held. All day they had been On Friday, January 20, Lucius party in the House, and could democratic ideals of administraious dealers. busy ordering workmen and emwant stocks at their lowest «bb , -. N. Littauer c e l e b r a t e d his have followed, had he chosen to- tion into living realities, 'to make ployees to participate in the demYour dealer with few excep- eightieth birthday. It is more do so HURRY while limited quantities men happy and to m§ke men free' so, a political career which onstration, threatening punish- tions can not buy direct from the than fitting that on this occasion so that the result of studies in remain. might have led far. ment if they refused. manufacturer but must buy thru we should stop to review the administration will make its conThat is why people in foreign a jobber or wholesaler who for career which, in spite of his per- Mr. Littaner had retired to pri- tribution to bur nation's progcountries, when they saw the his handling makes a. charge sonal modesty, has kept him al- vate life, however, and apart from ress." his extensive philanthropic work


more. , * There was another man, a German Jewish business man, who ^Tvould. be forced to leave again 'the country where he thought he had found a haven; and an elderly Gentile lady with her husband, a retired official, who were worrying whether the Nazis would • continue to pay their pension, ber «auBe the husband had previously support of 4 been active in the Schuschnigg. newsreel pictures of Hitler's tri;. Every few minutes We turned umphant entry i n t o Vienna, ;©n the radio, only to hear the thought that the entire popula'same speech of Seyss-Inquart be- tion was acclaiming him, when ing monotonously repeated from the fact was that a great part of a record, to the effect that, as that enthusiasm was procured Police Minister," he still felt him- only by threats and terrorism. self responsible and that the popWorkmen Not Nazis ulace should offer no resistance Vincent Sheehan recently pub• t o . the German troops which lished in the New York Herald would march in. Tribune several articles written Decision to Leave frc^a Vienna, wherein he stated I. sat for an hour in this de- th?J$, in his opinion, the workpressing company, _ wondering men are already won over to Hit-"•what to. do,'then suddenly made ler's cause. I have not been in up" my mind to leave Austria as Austria in the last few months quickly as possible. On the way and therefore am not qualified to home I asked the taxi-driver say anything about the work:; whether he could find me a car men^ feelings today, '^rith the necessary papers to take I do know that these peome over the border. The promise pleBut have always been the most ;«f a fat tip brought results: and violent active Socialists, even by the time I had packed two more soand than the French and •nit cases he had returned with English workers, and that they a driver who was willing to take always seen in Nazism their me to Bratislava, only a little have .over an hour from Vienna; but greatest foe. I further know that these are •'situated in safe Czechoslovakia. the same people who put up such Never as long as I live shall I an heroic resistance against the ••forget - that drive through the Dolfuss government in February '-"rainy night of March 11—feeling 1934, and who were anxious and •'";»u"re that if I "did hot" succeed" irt willing to fight against the Hitescaping I would end my days in ler invasion of 1938, and I absoa concentration camp. I was lutely do not believe that having -searched about fifteen times on endured all the suppressions and -that short drive from Vienna to persecutions from 1934 to 193S «-the border, and my suitcases these men and women couid /^opened by •' force, as the'Storm- change in a couple of months and ^ ~' who already d replaced become reconciled to an ideology ' the regular gendarmes, would not that they had always despised. •wait until I could open them with Of course, there Is always i - «. key. part of the population, un All my wearing apparel was certain and timid, fearful for their - thrown out into the dirt of the stable bread, who may even en road and then tossed bacx into daily deavor to outdo the old time • the car again, and when at mid- Nazi in deeds which will make nlght we reached the Czecho- the officials forget what their af . Slovakian frontier only to learn filiations were before. But thi3 that the Czechs had hermetically is only a small group. The grea sealed the border one hour after majority of the people react ex Schuschnlgg abdicated — my de- actly the same as have the Ger spair may well be imagined. mans and Italians. In this region Austria,. CzechoHaving given up all hopes o slovakia and Hungary form a tri- being able to change conditions angle; and the' chauffeur suggest- they do not open their mouths, ed that we attempt to cross at because they full well tha Klttsee on the . Hungarian line any oppositionknow to the existing .only ten miles away. But'there, government means immediate disalso we were informed that the missal from whatever they Hungarians bad closed their fron- hold, and Is equivalent jobs starvatier two hours previously and tion for them and theirtofamilies, that no Austrian could pans. In. Vienna Return to Vienna • The Austrians are disgusted So there was nothing to do but with their former leaders, whom, return to Vienna. perfect justice they accuse On the way back, I was with having been wer.klings and insearched another couple of times of and about ten kilos from the city ept politicians. They have made

a young Storm trooper, after hav; ing examined oy luggage and Call Us FOP thrown everything into the mud looked at my passport and said • .Attics • Kitchens • Basements to me, "I think I'll seize 'your • Re-roofing • Insulation passport and keep you in jail over • Re-sIdlng night until we find out what is HO DOWN PAYMENT ^rrong with you." Easy Monthly Payments At that moment I felt sure that all was over and the only chance fJUCKUn LUEHBtEf CO. JA 5C03 • Of escape that flashed through 19th & Nicholas Sts.




which is added on to the cost of the Matzoth which the jobber sells it to the dealers. It is this money which to the Vaa-i will be profit, that we are anxious to get for the purpose of sending to Europe. You can obtain the Matzos, handled by the Vaad by: First: Calling the Vaad Office Ja. 0887 and giving TIS your order and telling us thru which dealer yon want your order filled. Your order will be turned over to your dealer for handling as In the past. He will deliver your order and you will deal with him as yon always did, and all you are doIng Is to assure yourself that you are getting the Matzos handled by the Vaad. Second: You may give your order to your dealer as in the past and request that he fill it with Matzo's handled by the Vaad. Third: The Vaad will co-operate with all dealers to the ..fullest extent and only in cases where dealers refuse to handle Vaad Matzos will other arrangements be made.

most continually in the public eye. Lucius N. Littauer was born his next public service came in in Gloversville, New York, in 1912; when he became a regent 1859." He moved to New York of the University of the State of with his family in 1865, and was New York, a capacity in which he educated there until, in 1874 he continued to serve for two years. Foundations went to continue his studies at Harvard University, frow- which In 1930, Littauer founded he received an. A. B. degree in the LittauerMr. Foundation with a 1878. grant of $1,100,000. to which Immediately after his gradua- fund he has recently added $2,tion from college, Mr. Littauer 000,000. This money he desired entered his- father's glove "busi- should be administered in "the ness, to • which, four years later, cause of better understanding he succeeded. His business career among all mankind." Mr. Lithas been a brilliant one, and since tauer's previous philanthropies 1S7S his name has been associat- included the Nathan Littauer ed with innumerable improve- Memorial Hospital, built in Glovments and extensions of the glove ersville in 1S94, the rebuilding industry. His association with and reorganization of the New the Gloversville knitting Company York Diabetes Association, the and with the Fonda Glove Lining endowment of the Nathan LitCompany has been a long one. tauer professorship of Jewish Litand his years as president of erature and Philosophy at Harthese companies have seen great vard . University in 1925, a chair developments In the American now held by Professor Harry A. Wolfson, and the donation, to glove industry. Harvard university of 12,000 rare Republican Congresseman Mr. Littauer is a Republican, Hebrew books and manuscrips. and served his party as a repreIn 1926 he built the Jewish

Remember that your dealer will make the same margin of profit handling Vaad Matzos as he does handling any other Matzo. Your cost will not be increased as the Vaads profit is derived from their fee as a wholesaler. That by buying Vaad Matzos you are making it possible to help our unfortunate brethren in Europe. Remember that the Vaa-i is not handling Matzos for any personal profit. Remeber that the Vaad has to pay for the Matzos as soon as it reaches Omaha. Remember that the membership of the Vaad realize the amount of effort and work there is in connection with this undertaking. Yet in spite of all this we take on this obligation to those less fortunate and appeal to the Jews of Omaha to cooperate and enable us to make a success in this undertaking to help those less fortunate brethern."

New Gifts

And. speaking on behalf of the College, ,- President Conant accepted Mr. Littauer's gift as a challenge. He said, "In effect, what Mr. Littauer said to his Alma Mater was* 'On all sides w« hear the cry for wiser and more effective public administration, we hear it said that universities must help improve our governmental agencies. What can Harvard do? I will provide the funds If you will accept the challenge.* " President Conant, on hehalf of the University took up the challenge, and Mr. Littauer emerged as father of one of the greatest

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sia ilsrly—Ssle Lssts Un-

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Lucius Littauer * * Philanthropist

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3 r

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T H 5 FOES) V«8 differs from the De Luxe Ford V-8 only in appearance, appointments end price. The Ford V-8 Coupe, at right, equipped with ike "thrifty 60" engine, delivers at Detroit, taxes extra, / o r . . . . . .

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which to choose. Choice erf many finer furs. Siiss for missas and women.

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Pago 4

THE JEWISH'PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1939 03 Saturday at £:<-S T o m r r

pain when lie sav the lang- patiently to circumstances) tix&t Richard 'NewmsE will lead the great body; and the answer is invariably the same. While one great uage he loved neglected — a n i will glv© ^-ay to hiss." fcsrvSce. Mr. scfi Krs. Newman cannot perhaps point to any specific, tangible thing accom- frequently abused. wiU receive t i e congregation afplished, it is the intangibles that count, the mere coming to- Above and beyond all, Shechter the service &t the Kid&csh ia was a spirit that yearned for honor o£ their EOS. gether, the meeting of old friends and associations, the re- ter God, a genuine mystic. Jewish life fcVfcRV FRIDAY A1 ODAHA NEBRASKA. OV without God and without Torah newal of old friendships and creation of new ones; not to speak NEST THE JEWISH PRESS FUBUSHiNU CU£3PANS was beyond his conception. His Nest Friday erasing, February SUBSURIPIIOi PRICfc, Ono Vea. . . . ' . . . . C2.1 of the helpful deliberation on grave problems, information and deeply religious nature made him 3, the children cf the Hebrew battle Godliness wherever be ADVERTISINGRATES FURNISHED ON APPJ.ICAIIOM above all inspiration gained, a heightening of morals, a School will be consecrated at a he Vead found It, In secular circles, as well fepecia.1 sendee. Rabbi Goldstein, The Ladies Auxiliary «? * EDITORIAL. OPPlCEs £00 ORANOEI8 THEATER BUILDING strengthening for the tasks of the immediate present, counsel as Early Friday evening services in nationalistic. In discussing Cantor Aaron Edgar, and Mr. Sol Vaad is sponsoring- ttie snowing CIOUX CITY OFFICE.—JEW16H COMMUNITY UENIEB the project of a Jewish museum, are conducted by the Vaad at euh- Kant and the cnilArea of the Beth of "King Lear" in Tid-SlSB » t tho and guidance for the future. PRINT 8HOP ADDRESS—451* 8O- B4TM 01RBEt dowa. Shechter writes, characterisEl Talmud Tor&h will participate. Circle Theatre, SSrfi and C*lliornThe main result gained was education and stimulation in Dr. tically, "Only such a museum DAVID BLACKER • Easiness and Managing Editor ia Streets on Wednesday *no Thursday, February SSnd *no ffHAWR R. ACKERHAN . . . . . ISdlloi the discharge of the arduous role of being a Jew in these try- could give us a proper history of Beth El Tessple domestication of religious IiBONARD NATHAN - .. , . Associate Bdltoi ing and tragic times. It has never been easy to be a Jew. It the £t services Rabbi Dav. Tonight at cervices R*bbl David 23rd. Ideas. But I should like to see aa id Tenig&t A. OoldEtea's eermon topic will H. Wice will epesk on "Feiix With this feature trill RABBI FREDERICK COHN -. . ContrlbuUnfc Kdlto. is in these troublous times more difficult than ever. The Jew old Jew inhabiting there, sitting "Are We Jews, Hebrew*, or Is- Frankfurter." a. singing short Eli, Ell 6Bfit the EABB1 THEODORE) N.'LEWIS . . - Boob Edltoi knows he is misunderstood, grossly maligned, outrageously and on the floor and crying bitterly be Rabbi GoldsteSa will Tomorrow morning Calvin N. March of Time on •"Ke*agtt» * reover the exile of the Divine Pres- raelites?"' AWN PILL . . Sioux City. l o ^ s . Correspondent discuss the shown Et & <aown'towo inhumanly persecuted. He even grows impatient hearing about ence. That would be something these saisSS. ae&a'ag of each of Newman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. cently M. Newman will become a Bar theatre. Tickets vrill t?e tWrty-Ove which neither Wellhausen nor W. his ills and the grievous wrongs perpetrated upon him, even on R. Smith could explain." (288). At the service tonight Richard Mitzvah. cents and may be procured from Protection For Givers son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Auxiliary members or Mr*. Sam the part of those friendly disposed towards him. What to do God was the sum and substance NewBUJ. Newman will chant the Kiddcsh Whenever Israel suffers at the hands of her enemies, she Katzman, At. 624S, Chairman of of his life. His aversion to BibliDuring the Texu Republic, in cele&ratloa of his becossl&s • also becomes the victim of her too ardent friends. The tragedy about it? We greatly question whether speeches by Mayors cal criticism was due not only to Bar Adolphus Sterne v u Alcwta of the Moving picture Committee, o t Mitsv&fc. by calling Ja. 0887. anti-Semitic tendtnees of Morning services will be hsld Nacogdoches. of European Jewry has awakened the sympathies of the 'civil- and Senators and those high in political life, however sincere, the some of its chief protagonists, but or resolutions of protest or sympathy passed by great represenized' world. Unfortunately playing upon these sympathies has because it undermined faith. will do The chief criticism of Dr. become a convenient vehicle for many seeking personal glory tative bodies, however more than merely conventional, much good. It takes more than that, morevthan mere 'words, Shechter is his failure and negor, what is worse, personal profit. lect to define "conservative" Ju It is imperative that the local community take steps to or- words, words.' Deeds! deeds! deeds! are imperiously neces- daism. Bentwich is superbly corwhen he says "he was more ganize a representative, centralized bureau to approve or dis- sary. The evil must be attacked at its source. The world must rect successful in expressing the cant learn how to deal drastically and 'realistically,' if radically approve projects designed to aid refugees. Unless such steps of Reform than in revealing the of conservative Judaism." are taken, much money will be dissipated uselessly and the with the evils that impede its progress, how to remove ef- content (343). Even thougli he 1 was defficiently the stumbling-blocks in the path of true civilization public frightened of giving for fear the funds will be utilized initely the initiator of a new school in Jewish life, he never and human welfare and happiness. for purposes other than originally intended. to define its philosophy, In the meantime, as stressed in the meeting, the Jew must paused The Jewish Philanthropies here has constituted itself an to give it a logical and systemaframework. Though he abhoragency for transmitting funds designed for refugee aid. This exercise the utmost faith, display unbounded and unfailing tic red Reform, the old orthodoxy did fulfills one need. It has also done yeoman work in protecting courage, preserve at all costs his human dignity, in the firm not satisfy him. He is rightly rethe public from the pure racketeers who flood the mail with conviction that all will come out all right in the end if the garded as the founder of the "middle-of-the-road" J u d alsm. their literature to fleece the public by appealing to their charit- Jew preserves his reliance in God and absolute loyalty to the But never did" he venture to formable instincts. But there must be some responsible body which highest standards and precepts of righteousness. It was rec- ulate a religious philosophy to sustain this school of Jewish Bhbuld give or withhold sanction of the various ventures osten- ognized and affirmed most eloquently in speech, sermon, and thought. sibly for fund-raising but are principally designed, as stated oration, as well as discussion that religion was the key to the One wonders whether this failwhole situation. The Synagogue, as the central institution of ure was. not due to an inherent above, for the purpose of personal profit or glory. conflict between his deep mysticThe first is the commercial venture launched in the name Judaism whence shall radiate highest impulse^ for true Jewish Ism and between his scientific training and outlook. Did he of philanthropy and which emphasizes altruistic intentions living—personal, communal, philanthropic, social, was the dom- sense Intuitively that hie Judaism through its main purpose remains an attempt to commercialize inant theme of the whole Convention. The delegates were re- was chiefly one of the heart, and Texturing in a special seo solved to cultivate religion as never before, as the supreme that it could not be defended on on a people's tragedy. rational ond logical grounds? For tioB a new standard of The other, the well-meaning, motivated more by zeal than thing_in their lives and in all lives as the 'bridge' (as eloquently even in his battle with Reform he denied the principle of desense; who expend energy in efforts that realize no profits and exponded by the prominent Christian minister that addressed never velopment and evolution in JudaService and Value-Giving in one of the largest gatherings of the Council) that would con- ism. will in time come to discourage the givers. The basic concept underlying and change, he "With the coming months there will be no abatement of vey them safely across all chasms and abysses and even rivers Reform-growth unconsciously accepted. What he of persecution and of woe; as like religion's God, 'an ever activities to aid stricken brethren, and it is imperative that rejected, and rightly, was the exand the assimilatory tenonly legitimate, projects be supported. Not only must there be present help in trouble,' their strongest safeguard, their certain tremes, dencies of the movement. This co-operation in assisting the refugees and persecuted, but pro- refuge, their-unfailing deliverer, their true salvation. principle difficulty of providing How of?en in the perusal «f books dealing with the past, a rational basis for modern Judatection should be given groups and individuals philanthropical— the Reform and Conservaly inclined. Too many demands will result in the purse-strings history, biography, and even poetry and fiction we are made ism tive approaches are now thorto recall: oughly obsolete — still haunts of the cautious being tightened. impedes modern Jewish lead"The old, far-off, unhappy days and battles long ago." and ers. Only M. M. Kaplan has venThese 'unhappy days' that we are at present experiencing, tured to break through this Im. Mo'nes' Victory with what success reso near and mind-racking and heart-breaking—these "battles' passe—and When a short time ago the DesMoines Welfare Federa- that we too must wage, preferably with moral and spiritual mains yet to be seen. This biography is a splendid tion announced a campaign to raise $66,000, local gray- weapons and not with the cruel and bloody sword; these, too, portrait of a highly cultured Jew beards shook skeptical heads. Even the most optimistic of will pass and one day be only a memory of the misguided and who loved his Judaism and "CathThe Firrt Great Shipments of These Israel," a phrase he coined, Omaha doubted the success of such a drive, for Des Moines is imperfect long ago.' In--the meantime Israel girds itself to olic as much as life itself. The great New, Unusual 1939 Three V.V.V. a much smaller community than Omaha, and we had never face heroically whatever the days may yet bring with the loyalties that inspired and motivated Solomon Shechter are basic attempted to reach what seemed an exceptionally large goal. words of its inspired Psalmist ringing in its soul: "I shall not Jewish ideals which constitute the Not only was the $66,000 pledged by Des Moines Jewry, die but live, and declare the works of the Lord." indispensable foundation for a normal healthy and rich Jewish but in less than a week after the start of the campaign. Such life. They are becoming the coma triumph deserves the humble congratulations of a larger mon heritage of American Israel, now that the old denominational community. It also sets the pace for our own Philanthropies' labels are losing all significance. drive. Judaism is doomed without God, without ceremonies and custom?, The year 1939 .will lie heavy upon the shoulders of Ameriwithout Hebrew, without the Syncan Jewry and every generous impulse will be called upon. agogue and without Palestine. By DB. THEODOBE N. LEWIS Jews will be chronically sick, The systematic plundering of the Jews of Germany and AusRabbf, Mount S M Temple, Sioux Gty mentally and spiritually unhappy tria and the wholesale exiles from various other European nawithout these powerful ideals. And because this rich Jewish faith tions shall not find us deaf to pleas for assistance. "SOLOMON S H B C H T E B " BY ternational platform for the dis- is comprehensively depicted to Des Moines, by starting out the year with so successful a NORMAN BENTWICH. JEWISH semination of Jewish philosophy, the life of Solomon Shechter, Is SOCIETY. 340 convictions and ideals. this biography of vital meaning drive, leads the way for all other American communities. Con- PTJBUCATION PAGES. He came to the United States gratulations are .in order to the chairman of the campaign, Ben This is a fascinating biography with great vision and inspiring to Westernized Jews. a penetrating character study hopes. Those who were responsiSanders; the vice-chairman, Irving Stone, and all the workers and of Solomon Shechter (1849-1915) ble for his coming were seriously who did their job well. a truly great Jew who has left a alarmed at the rapid progress of Gems of the Bible





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Are Here TODAY, at

deep and permanent Impress up- Reform and looked to Dr. Shechon the American Jewish scene. ter to strengthen traditional JuThe author, Norman Bentwich, daism, and to counteract the inFrenzied Finance By Dr. Philip She* . the well-known English barrister, fluence of the Hebrew Union Collake the game, but over-whelmed boxer, who's down and depicts the striking qualities of lege and its doctrines. Shechter — his mystical fervor, And Shechter proved indeed a np, ex-Reichsbank president Schaoht is 'in and out.'. For the his BIBLE deep religiosity, his boundless and worthy opponent of past sis years this so-called genius of finance has played a love for Israel a n i for the Syna- relentless Rejoice not when thine enemy Reform. He was deeply outraged gogue, and his undevlating at- by the denial of Jewish national- falleth and let not thy heart bo cat-and-mouse game with the Nazis. So many times before tachment to the traditions of his ism, by the repudiation of the glad when he stuiableth. has he ostensibly been relegated to oblivion, only to return people, — in a manner that Law, Don't be a too freauent visitor almost after the manner of thy neighbor's house lest he be without fanfare, that we heardly believe this latest gesture of evokes admiration and reverence. Paul of Tarsus, by the substitu- in tion of English for Hebrew, by the sated with thee and hate thee. Shechter's life waa typical of Adolph Hitler's and expect before long we'll be seeing in the Boast not thyself of tomorrow of Jewish education, by the career of Israel In that it was neglect the secularization of pulpit and for thou knowest not what the headlines "Schacht Out." When he returns, there is no men- characterized by perpetual wan- synagogue, by the slavish desire next day will bring forth. dering, not only from one countion, but the name begins appearing in official dispatches. Let another man praise thee find favor in the eyes of of the try to another, but from one en- to thine own mouth. For a long time now Sehacht has been shorn of power. An vironment to another, each more Christian world, and to assimill- andTonot do righteousness and justice ate. Against these destructive strange and radical than Us preadvocate of relatively orthodox financial policies, he has not decessor. From hia father who tendencies he battled continuous- Is more acceptable to the Lord had much favor with such persons as Goering or his successor, was a shochet and a fervent chas- ly and bravely, though, alas, with than sacrifice. There are friends that one hath little success. The process of deWalther Punk. The predictions regarding the results of his Id, the youth inherited or acquir- judaization to do his own hurt but a loving was inexorable. ed the humility, the cheerfulness, dismissal range from the collapse of the government to anew the enthusiasm, the traditional A great t Talmudic scholar, friend stlcketh closer than a equipment of the adherents of Shechter was particularly irritat- brother. war on the Catholics. .TALMUD Besht. The typical ghetto educa- ed by the shallow statements . The dismissal of Schacht and his aides means the complete tion received in his Roumanian made from many Reform pulpits Rabbi Joshus said, "Woe unto and later at the Yeshiba, concerning rabbinic Judaism, the the age whose leaders you are, Nazification of Germany. The army, starting with the purge Village formed the basis of his enormous the Talmud, the Law and you do not know of the cares with of a year ago, has now been drawn into line with Nafci policies. talmudic learning, of his Judaism sages, the Torah — in most cases cheap which the scholars are occupied echos of Christian pseudo-schol- and whence they derive their liveOnly the financial interests held out. With Funk in control, and of his Jewish loyalties. arship, frequently a screen lor lihood." Coming to Vienna at twentyNazi economics will be put into complete operation. Our rabbis taught. Wh'en Rabbi four, he .Quickly ripened under Jew hatred. Only the ignorant, or Eliezer became 111 his disciples intellectual anti-Semite couid To the German business man this bodes evil, for there is the Influence of such outstanding the came, to visit him, they said to Jewish savants as Isaac Hirsu term the Law a burden, when it him, "Teach us the right way of little difference between the left-wing Nazi's idea of finance "Weiss, Adolph JeUinek, and oth- actually -was, to the observant and life so that we may deserve to Jew, a divine delight. After and the Russian Communist's. It may also mean the break- ers, acquiring; a scientific measur- pious Shechter's patience was exhausted inherit eternity." Ke said to ing rod for his unorganized taldown of negotiations concerning the Refugees. Already un- mudic erudition. From there he and he would speak, sarcastically them, "Be careful to honor your with Justice, about superb vo- comrades, restrain your children easiness rides the tense atmosphere of Europe. Schacht, bad went to Berlin, then the homo of but cal chords which served to con- from frivolous thoughts, let your Jewish science, where he studied as he was, alone had the trust of Europe's chancellories. Now under Stinschneider, Graets and ceal amazing Ignorance. The mas- children mingle with learned people, know what and to wTiom you there is no one left in the Reich. other great teachers. "While in ter of Talmudic lore, to whom pray and by these means you win rabbinic Judaism was a deeplv Berlin he became private Hebrew deserve eternity." tutor to Claude G. Monteflore, spiritual and ethical faith, was Rabbi Chama said,, "Never shocked by the claim that Reform who was cHiefly responsible for WHAT WAS GAINED? a man show preference for , bis removal to London, where ha was on a higher spiritual and should child over his other children." remained from 1882 to 1890, and moral level than the Judaism of oneRabbi By RABBI FREDERICK COHN Juda said, "In a town in rather desultory tasks the sages, unpardonably branded that is hilly and has slopes and • The Council has adjourned (The Thirty-Sixth Council of engaged amidst pleasant and stimulating legalistic and enslaving. And how valleys man will become old preoften did those who prated abou: the Union of American Hebrew Congregations). The delegates companionship. Dissatisfied with spiritual religion possess neither maturely." (because it is a great London Judaism, he eagerly acon the heart). have returned to their hbmes. (There were hundreds of them, cepted. In Jane, 1890, the post of spiritual ideals nor religious faith. strain Rabbi Samuel said, "He who men and women representing the Union, the National Federa- Header in Talmudlcs at Cam- Hs love for Hebrew and his es- lowers himself (exposes his ignorThe greatest single ach- timate of its importance in the ance) for the sake of learning the tion of Temple Sisterhoods, the National Federation of Tem- bridge. ievement of his twelve years at life of the Jew. he best expressed Torah finally be raised, but . ple Brotherhoods, and young people in greater numbers than this great university was tho dis- in a etinging letter, resigning he whoshall his mouth (be- i covery of the Cairo Genisab. In from the Board of the Education cause he muzzles is ashamed to expose h i s ' ever before, holding the first meeting of the new Organization, November, 1902, he was happy Alliance. A little Hebrew know Ignorance to his teacher) will child of th'e Union, the National Federation of Temple Youth to leave the cloistered quarters, ledge ho deems to be more valu- have put his hand to the mouth and the non-Jewish atmosphere, able than lengthy moralizing and (whentohe in return shall b© ques—NFTY, nifty,.not?). The various branches of the Union met of Cambridge, to become the endless repetition of biblical stortioned)." President of the Jewish Theologin serious and earnest Council, for altogether the ^better part ies. Hebrew is the only garment Rabbi Abin said, "He who ical Seminary, a position which under which Judaism can live. «jf a week. What was gained? he occupied until his death Is Judaism in translation withers. forces time will In return be by time, but to him who That question is always asked upon the convening of any 1915, and which gave him an in- His Jewish heart was filled with pressed gives way to time (yielding


and Talmud

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Content* CopyrHMli 1

THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1939 H. Roddy, Abe Hoffman, Arthur Romm, R. Rosenthal, Max Rosen and H. Rubin. ., In addition there are Mesdamea. tsadore Schriebman, J. Sherman, Nathan Simon, Dave Stein, Julius Stein, Samuel Steinberg,'Kalman Trilling, T. A. Tully, Jake Wine,' Louis Wintroub and Jack Wrigbt. An Oneg Shabboth will be held aturlay, February 18, at the home of Mrs. A. D. Frank, -when Dr. Michael Ginsburg "will speak. The book review group of Hadassah will meet on "Wednesday, 'ebruary 15.


Pag* 5



A new cooking: class is being organized by the Jewish Community Center for Thursday evening, under a most competent instructor. Tifere will be a series of A minute or so in Jevish litereight lessons. ature var ol crrrer.t comments Class will be limited to 12 girls, of theby BBTBOTHAIi TOLD day's scene ic magANNOUNCE BAB MITZVAH and anyone interested is urged to azines, book,Jewist Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stalmaster and .levrish thought. If Conference Does N o t Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barson anenroll immediately. "announce the engagement ot their nounce the Bar Mltzvah of their The Magazine: In the January Succeed, Britain There is no registration fee for daughter, Bess, to Mort Asher of Bon, Norman, on Saturday, Januissue of OPINION, "FORGOTmembers of the Center, and only TEN" to Act Indianapolis, Indiana. ary 28, at the Beth Hamedrosh by Arthur Holde. From the a nominal fee of 50 cents to non- twilight the figure of an old man Ko definite wedding date has Hagodel Synagogue, 19th and members. Geneva (WNS-Palcor Agency)' Burt streets. All friends are inas yet been chosen. detaches itself without disturbing vited. the deep stillness. — Slowly he —The British government exActivities walks through the irrriE^ogue, He pects to have a final decision on ANNOUNCE BIRTH Congregation of Israel APPEARING IN A card party will be held In stops in the center, at. the railing its policy for Palestine no later Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Friedman ANNOUNCE BAR METZVAH for the HMO of which Mrs. "STREET SCENE" of the Almeroor. Kis lips move in- than March, it was indicated yeaannounce the birth of a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Newman an- March The Ladies Auxiliary of the br Richard A. Butler, Dave Sherman is chairman. All -while his trembling yel- terday Barbara Ann, on Saturday, Jan- nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their women Three members of the Center cessantly, Congregation of Israel is sponsorBritish urtder-Becretarr of state who wish to raise their low hands fold the Tallis with rauary 21, at St. Joseph's hospital. son, Richard, at the Beth El Syn- Donor Luncheon Players are taking part next week At an executive meeting held ing a card party on Sunday, Janfor foreipn affairs, in a statemoney in this agogue on Saturday, January 28. method are requested the Community Playhouse's pid, wide-spread movements—. ment on Palestine to the League to call HA Thursday at the Jewish Commun- uary 29, at 8 p. m. in the assem- in "No one will come back — I OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY production of Elmer R i c e*s ity Center, plans were made for bly room of the Synagogue, 25th 2976. , must bear it alone," -whispers the Council. Members of the immediate Street Scene." and J streets. . a coming social event. It was deFollowing urging by Mr. Butfamily honored Mr. and Mrs. Max They are Martha Himelstein, old man wagging his head—. The money raised will be used cided that on March 13, Chapter short, short story full of Jew- ler to accelerate a League deciSetback, who observed their 40th for redecoration of the kitchen Gertrude Guss and Abe Salttman. ishA sentiment 100, will sponsor a private roller — a must read you sion on the Mandatory Power's •wedding anniversary "Wednesday skatting party to be held at the and clubroom and for the build- All have appeared in recent Cen- will truly enjoy. recommendations, which may Innight at the home of their daughter productions. ing of work tables. West Farnam Roller rink. A spevolve a modification of the Man* Over 250 women attended the Chi Chapter was officially repter, Mrs. Arthur Grossman. In the SYNAGOGUE issue of Several door prizes will be givcommittee under Leo Alperit was voted by the League annual linen shower held Wedat Pi Lambda Phi's cial January, read at my suggestion, date, n and including Harold Epstein, en and refreshments are to be to convene an extraordinary «esnesday, January 25, by the Pal- rescented Pleasant Hill Cemetery 44th annual convention in New "WHICH BOOTH IN THE MARRETURNING SUNDAY Bion in May instead of waiting till estine Supplies Department' of York City by Willard Smith, Chi- Faiu Nathan and Gerald Bern- served. Admission in twenty-five Society KET PLACE?" by Rabbi Philip September. Mr. Reuben Kulakofsky, who Hadassah stein are in charge of the affair. cents per person. at the Jewish Commun39. Also present at the convenFinkelstein. for the past few weeks has been A second degree team to be apTo enable the Mandates ComThe Pleasant Hill Cemetery Sotion, held December 28, 29, 30, pointed viBlting in Los Angeles and San ity Center. "Sholom Ash tells this mean- mission to report to the League by the membership comciety will hold a regular meeting Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, Mrs. and 31, were several Chi alumni. Jose, Cal., will return home Suntale. It happened in the Council for the latter's guidance Pioneer Women present the degree of on Tuesday, January 31, at 2:36 ingful Ben Brodkey, Mrs. Jack Kauf- Morris Alpirin, Chi-'31, handled mitt will day morning. city of Lublin after a program. et IE May meeting, it was uvugMaccabeas to those Alephs man and Mrs. Jack Wright an- hi's preparation and arrange- Ju-iaes at the B'nai Jacob Synagogue, Men, women, children had been g-ested that ac extraordinary sesThe Pioneer Women's organinow eligible to receive them. nounce 210 pieces and $214 ments in New York City. 24th and Nicholas streets. VISITOR ENTERTAINS slain; families had been uproot- sion of the Mandates Commission zation will hold its annual bazaar Those who have just reached elicontributed during the aftA board meeting will take place el; all life had been devasted. be Mrs. Joseph Kay of Berkeley, were on Sunday, March 12, all day at Of special note was the presenconvened nc later than the end gibility are Phil Sokoloff, Max All members who pledged tation of the Pi Lambda Phi tol- Cohen, Yale Richards, Harold the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-sec- at 2. There was nothing but destruc- oi! March or the first, days of CaL, who has been visiting in ernoon. money or linens and" have not tion and death everywhere. One Omaha entertained last Saturday award to Joseph Chamber- Nesselson, Milton Guss, Malcom ond and Clark streets. Mrs. I. i April. It v-ni. therefore, be necthe money over are asked erance of the survivors was walking essary for the Arab-Jewish disat a luncheon at the Old English turned lain of Coiiimbia University. This Trachtenbarg and Leonard Lewis. Kaplan and Mrs. S. Okun are BAS-A-MI to get in touch with the chairman slowly through the streets of the Inn Tor Ruth Kulakofsky, Shirley cussions in London to end in Febaward is given annually to that A meeting of the athletic com- chairmen of. the committee in A meeting ot the Bas-a-ml club deserted city, seeking to under- ruary . Brodkey, Marjorie Brodkey, Anna Immediately. individual who renders the great- mittee was held last Sunday at charge. A complete list of the contribustand the meaning of it all. He Jane Kulakofsky and Betty Saks. Members are soliciting goo-is took place oil Wednesday, Januest service in the fostering of re- the home of Chairman Jack EpOvrn PeoiMOB. Possible will be published in a future ligiousJ 18, at the home of Irene Mir- grew sad, with a sadness that is A theater party followed the tors and racial tolerance. If ibe I.onfioti discussions Ho stein. Plans are being discussed for the bazaar and co-operation ary edition of The Jewish Press., luncheon. will be appreciated. Information owitz. Louise Saylan was unani- akin to doubting. As he passec cot produce an agreement after a Joe Soshnik, Chi-41, was profor intra-chapter ping-pong an3 The'program chairman for the sented the Freshman Scholastic handball tournaments. market place, he Baw the merMra. Kay and Mrs. J. H. Kularegarding the affair may be re- mously elected the club's report- the period, the British. Mrs. JC; D. Frank pre- award for his outstanding work chants selling articles of clothing reasonable er. "kofBky left Monday night tor a afternoon, ceived by calling WE 1642 or WE government will make its own de* Chairman Leonard Lewis of the Rabbi David A. Goldstein, over the past year. Soshnik reor food — all the needs of men. j cision At the next meeting Elaine Lagweek's visit in Chicago and St. sented 5454. in the lirht of an examinawho gave a very inspiring talk on ceived a gold key by virtue of the membership committee held a man will review Erika. Mann's la- There was one booth that ap- I tion of the problem and ot the PauL Palestine, Zionism and American- fact that his scholastic average committee meeting at his home test book, "School for Barbarpeared empty and void of all discussions in London, Mr. Butler ism. A dialogue was presented of over .96 percent was highest Monday night. Sam Beber chapian," the story of education under goods. The sorrowful m&n mar-declared. Then the government Beth El Auxiliary the JOSLYN MEMORIAL ter will soon enter into its annual by Mrs. David Brodkey,' Mrs. The "January Open Evening" among all freshmen in the Fra- membership drive and will try to yelled at this sigh and inquired would BBnoKnce ite own policy. Wintroub and The next Oneg Shabboth of the at the Joslyn Memorial will be Phineas of the proprietor, 'what do you ternity's" "various . chapters over jet all desirable Jewish youths Beth old S. Barish. This was an origiEl Auxiliary will be held on held on Sunday evening, January nal skit called "Shirts" and was the nation. selL Tour booth Is empty?' And London (WNS) — Preparing RO-NOH CLUB acquainted with the fraternal orSaturday, February 4, at the 29. The galleries will be open written by a Hadassah member, the old man answered: 'I sell for conferences OP. Palestine as a As always, Chi actives and ganization. home of Mrs. Dave Sherman, 127 from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. A leccritical stage approaches, the New officers of the Ro-Noh faith.'—" pledges are assuming prominent A. Z] A. 100 announces the No. 34 th. Mrs. Reuben Kulakof- Club ture of the Town Hall Forum Ser- Mrs. M. F. Levenson. "TWENTY YEARS' ARMISBritish CRbi.net decided to appoint were elected at the last positions in the various univerTea was served by Mrs. E. A. sity activtities now getting undar graduation, from A. Z. A. of the sky will be co-hostess. ies, sponsored by the Nebraska TICE: 191S-183S" by William a committee composed among meeting. Sheldon Kaufman was outstanding members: As February 4 is the Jewish again named president. Other of- Arton. In this pertinent book, others, of representatives Society; of Colonial Dames, will Meyer, chairman, and Mrs. L W. of the Ralph Rubensten and Joe following Harold Zelinsky, past chapter and Arbor Day an appropriate and inbe presented in the concert hall at Rosenblatt, co-chairman. T h e way. are serving as members Regional Aleph Godol; Herbert teresting program has been plan- ficers are: Philip Eisenstatt, vice- Professor Artott of Smith College Colonial, roreig-n Affair*, War« S o'clock that evening. Dr. Harry women who helped serve are Mrs. Soshnik president; Arthur Cohn, secretary frankly faces our present situa- Air and N P T ministries, to conLoan Fund Compast Aleph Godol; Paul ned. A. Overstreet, Head of the De- Moe Raznick, Mrs. Max Canar, of the Agnew Sheldon Bernstein, treasurer; Al- tion in a survey of condition in clude s, study oZ Palestine probBoth of these men are Forbes, Sacks, past Aleph Godol, and Harpartment of Philosophy at the Mrs. Meyer Raben, Mrs. Lazar mittee. len Blank, corresponding secre- world history during the past EO | lems. members of the Creighton R. O. old Habler, past chairman of the College of the City of New York, Kavitch, Mrs. Cy Silver, Mrs. Jack T. tary; and Leonard Boasberg. pub- years. He tells us that war is mowi Thlp. committee vill ciraw np R C. Band. properties, social, and social servLadies' Free Loan will be speaker. His subject will Raznick and Mrs. Gerald Gross. a major industry ot nearly &U ! report Thick vill constitute final licity. "be "Ourselves at the Turn of an Those who poured were Mrs. Jo- Edward Cohn, Bennett Som- ice committtes. These graduates A dance was held last Satur- "civilized" people,.but that v*e arej instructions io the British delegaThe Ladies Free Loan Society seph Klein and Mrs. Irvin C. Le- berg, and Soshnik are makin have serverd A. Z. A. faithfully JSpoch." slaves to destruction unless tion. Colonial Secretary Malcolm The ladies who were host- their debut as radio stars in the for the past five years and will is planning a dinner for Sunday day evening at the Music Box in not we will be. At 2:30 Sound films /will. be vin. i KacDonsld. had described for the Creighton Radio Worship^ In ad- be rewarded with a free life evening, February 19, at 6 p. m. honor of the officers. esses for the afternoon were: shown in the Concert Hall on Mrs. Dave Stein, Mrs. "Leon dition, Soshnik -— concert master membership of the chapter. Paul at the Jewish Community Center It is a study of the trcraetificnE [Cabinet the. present Palestine sit"Airplane Trip" and Navy Wings news events ofthe past rear, the I ju&tior, RE-S the conference outof the University Orchestra — is Sacks and Harold Zelinsky have to celebrate the organization's VATICAN STRIKES of Gold." At 3:30 in the Lecture Graetz, Mrs. M. M. Barish, Mrs. a varsity debater, a member of already Rome — Berlin axis act the ' look. eighteenth anniversary. Members entered B'nai B'rith. Hall Mr. Francis T. B. Martin'will Gail Margolin, Mrs. A. S. Rub- the Creighton Chamber of ComFranco—Soviet Pact; of whe.*; has The eolor.SFu secretary had conAT RACE THEORY desiring reservations are asked to nitz, Mrs. A. Theodore, Mrs. merce, and an associate editor of aive an illustrated lecture. The Century basketball team, call Mrs. L. Ellis, At. S534 of happened in. the Balkans, £.n£ the ferrec earlier -with Prime Minister Julius Altman, Mrs. Louis EpVatican City (WNS) — The captained by Manual Himelstein, Mrs. A. Soskin At. 9248. "The Message of the European policy of the Chsmberl&iE Neville CharcberteiE on the PalesMrs. Nathan Simon, Mrs. Shadows, Creighton Quarterly. dangers of racism and neo- foreign moved Into a tie for third place Galleries." A piano and vocal re- stein. Government, as v;e!3 BE the inter- tine question. Meanwhile, offiThe Pledge Class has issued inThe regular monly meeting will Jay Wright, Mrs. Louis Alberts paganism were proclaimed in a cital will be given by Elwood Mrs. Sam Zager, Mrs. Max Simon, vitations' to active members and when they beat the league lead- be held on Wednesday, February national aims of VTaEhinEtori. cial reprepentp.fiveF of Palestine Kraft and Carl Nelson ot the Mrs. William Alberts, Mrs. Maxalumni to attend the Pledge Par- ing Omaha Jobbers last Sunday, 1, at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Com- speech by" Adeodato Cardinal For students of ikisiojr, a roust A3T.be in London declared that no Piazza, Patriarch of Venice, as •Western Illinois State Teachers Davis, Mrs. Julius Newman, Mrs. ty to be held Sunday night, Jan- 29-26. They have a chance to munity Center. All members who decision had RF yet been reache-i read. move into second when they play sold tickets are requested to re- reported in the Vatican newswith reisarfi to participation of 1 College. A young artists program Dave Sherman, Mrs. David R uary 29. As yet, the motif of the organ Osservatore Romano. sponsored by the Omaha Music Cohen, Mrs. Reuben Bordy, Mrs. party has not been disclosed by Wednesday night. Scout Troop turn the stubs. Arab fielegBtec in the London f Following the es&mple of j conferences. Teachers Association will take M. Brodkey, Mrs. M. D. Brolkey, the Pledges. They promise that 62, sponsored and coached by the Asuncion (WNS) — A bill to Milan and Bologna prelates, the moved up a notch in place at 4:30. Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, Mrs. this affair will be unique in its chapter, Italian Cardinal voiced his op- prohibit Jewish, immigration te.fc their league when they beat the J. C. C ORCHESTRA v ' v?t the first Leo Waxenbirg, Mrs. Julius Stein theme, and that actives and al- Junior position to the universal doctrine Paraguay was introduced in ra A. Z. A. team. umni alike will be.satisfied that and Mrs. Abe I. Pradell. Hament here by ten tieputier, ~i--:r. ir- Italy. He of the church to racist theories Beth £1 Names The Jewish Community Center this party will live np to the high " •• r ' $ • il'p requert of Little Symphony orchestra, under and denied any scientific basis Meanwhile visas issued to EOT standard set by earlier Pilam par; Dance Committee Cultural *wi'Bf the native the direction ot Mr. Al Finkel, is for the latter, declaring they con- Jews had been CBECeiefi by s, govPledge President is Ervin T ,--f c•I-.-Tint exhorbK The study group on "Orienta- ties. still receiving new members. Any stituted "morbid applications of ernment decree while i'ae refuBeiteL o" i r i gees were en ?onte, leaving: ihe~ Members of the committee in tion ot Hadassah Projects" -will interested musicians are invited materialism." Charge of the Beth El dance have meet Friday, February 3, 2 p. m. New officers of the Bikur to attend rehearsals which are He cited the example of St. stranded in Monte-rifleo, I7mru"r been announced by Mrs. M. Lias- at the home of Mrs. Gerald Goss Cholim society were electei at held every Monday evening at F Peter, in dealing with the Jew- UrugTiayan officials E-llcvefi trr 5102 Capitol avenue. A discusthe last meeting. Mrs. Louis o'clock at the Center. ish question, who never closed his stranded refugees to remain inman, chairman. sion of Hadassah activities in Neveleff was again named presidoor to his former co-religionists. definitely vhiie tafcing EICPE i. Julius TheyN. are: Hes lames prevent a recurrence ef ihz Eitue Stein, A. Meyer, Arthur Green, Palestine will be led by Mrs. Mordent. Others chosen to office TEMPLE HIGH SCHOOL FROM JANUARY 29 TO John Fair, Harry Frankel, Leo ris M. Franklin, assisted by Mrs tlOE. are: Vice-presidents, Mrs. J. FinFEBRUARY S Denies Jewish Ancestry GROUP Adler, Harry Belmont, Irvln Le- Robert Rosenthal on "Chill Wel- Sunday, January 29. kel, Mrs. S. Fish and Mrs. N. The next meeting of the Temvin, Sam Theodore, Meyer Beber, fare;" Mrs. Jack Resnick on "Pal-- Basketball Charity .games, 2 p. Levinson; recording secretary, Baja, Hungary CWNS)—PreINVEST CAFES.Y, WJSgfcV W Abe Venger. Leon Fellman, Louis estine Supplies Department," and in., gymnasium, Jewish Commun- Mrs. Harry Lippett: correspond- ple Israel High School Group will mier Imredy vigorously deAlberts, Jay Malashock. M?.x Mrs. Max Resnick on "Junior' Ha- ity Center. ing secretary, Mrs. Leon Mendel- take place on Sunday evening, nied Bela charges made by political Kaplan, Joe Rice, Sam Newman, daesah Activities." _ Mrs. Lazar financial secretary, Mrs. January 29, at the home of Rosa- opponents Annul*}-', EncSevsTTtsnt, fc.!fjp A. No. 100 meeting, 2 p. son: that he is part Jewish lie Werthelmer, 122 South ThirtyJacob Blank, Al Frank, Ttfate Kaplan is chairman and Mrs. Max tn.,A.GZ.and William Epstein, and treasurer, H, Jewish Community Mrs. Charles Ross. and reports of a "non-Aryan" mafirst avenue, at 6 o'clock. Horowich, Sam Steinberg, Irvln Givot is co-chairman. Miss Wertheimer will speak on ternal great-grandfather named Schneldeman, Dave Brodkey, Jack . The Hebrew class under the Center. n etrcnp Omaha Hebrew club, S p. m., Members of the board are: 'Disraeli." Jacob on his family tree. The Kaufman, I. Rosenblatt, Jerry leadership of Mr. J. Kahz meet; lodge T ' ie»— E room, Jewish Community Mesdames M. Brodkey, A. SchHungarian government head proGross, Leo Abramson, Phineas each Tuesday from ,10 to 11:30 Center. mntS waczkin, A. Katz, B. A. Simon, A T ?«5tJ7 WA at the J. C. C. Mrs. Leon Graetz Monday, January 80. Wintroub and Cy Silver. Jacob Tirado was the first preB- tested that he came of p*-re KagKatzman, T. Sherman, L. ident of the Amsterdam commu- yar and German stock and saiS C?4y Co. & Mrs. R. S. Kooper is co-chair- is chairman of the group and . Photography club, 7:30 p. m. M. Morgan, J. Stein, E. Weinberg, J. he had documents to prove it.urges all members -who have lounge,-Jewish Community Cen nity. man of the committee. Chait, M. Katzman, J. Goldberg, missed lessons to get in touch ter. The dance will be held on Feb- with J. Bernstein, M. Burstein, I. Kapher immediately so they can ruary 12 at the Hotel Paxton. Workmen's Loan association, 8 lan and I. Rosenblatt. make up back work. p.. m., C and D, Jewish CommunOn Monday, February 13. RabThe next meeting ot the "Sur-ity Center. GIRL SCOUTS bi Nathan Feldman and Rabbi Davival of the Jew in the World ToHazomir Choral society, 8 p H. Wice will install the officThe Girl Scouts of Troop 4 met day" will be held at 1:15 p. m. m., K and L, Jewish Community vid ers at a tea. The board members on Sunday at the Community Cen- Tuesday, February 7. Mrs. David Center. . will act as hostesses. ter. Members of the troop worked A. Goldstein is the leader'of th< Orchestra class, 8 p. m., Jewgroup and Mrs. J. Kahz is' thi on a skit. ish Community Center. : •An Investiture and Court' of chairman. Tuesday, January 31. Women's Division All members of Hadassah ar Awards Ceremony is being planCenter Forum series, Maurice urged to join study groups. Those Samuel,. "The Present Situation ned for a future meeting. From all indications, the Womwho do not belong to any classes In Palestine," 8 p. m., auditor- en's Division Card party, schedat present are urged to call Mrs. ium, Jewish Community Center uled for Monday evening, FebPaul Veret, Educational Chair rehearsal, 8 p. nu, K and ruary 6, at the Center will be a man, GL 3601, or Mrs. J. H. Kul- L, Choir most successful affair. Jewish Center. akofsky, co-chairman, WA 2052 Wednesday,Community Mrs. Julius Stein, chairman, reFebruary 1. Ladles' Free Loan society, 2 p, ports that bridge and other games B ; Hra. David Bl Newman HMO m.-, C and D, Jewish Community have been planned and delicious refreshments will be served. Both With one-thiri of the Hadassah Center. working year gone, Mrs. M. M. RUSSIAN DRESSING Junior Council, S p. m., G and men and women are urged to attend this important function, the Barish,... HMO chairman, an- H, Jewish Community Center. 1 cnp tomato soup nounces the following women who 1 % cup Wesson oil' International Workers' Order proceeds of which will be used to have raised their donor luncheon 8 p. m., C and D, Jewish Com decorate the main floor lounge. fjl cup vinegar '•••-. money and who will be honored munity Center. % cup sugar guests at the affair held in th Record Concert series, 8 p. m. LOOK YOUR BEST—TRY 1% tablspoons Worcestershire spring: Mesdames I. Abramsoc, club sauce William Alberts. Harold S. Bar- Center.room, Jewish Community J A C i l SAYLAK3rS 1 tablespoon dry mustard ish, M. M. Barish, J. Batt, Jake Thursday, February 2. 1 heaping tablespoon paprika Blank. Harry Barviroff, E. D. EARSER SHOP Teliearsal, 8 p. m.. K and 1 level teaspoon salt Brodkey, M. D. Brodkey, Ben L, Choir NEW LOCATION—103 NO. 1STH Jewish Community Center. % teaspoon black pepper Bodkey, Reuben Bordy, I. Ber- Boy Scouts, 8 p. m., lodge room tn a New Up-to-Dats Shop 1 or 2 buttons of chopped gar- kowitz and Ben Burstein. Jewish Community Center. Expert Barber*—Complete lic (as desired) Also Mesdames R. Max Canar, Town Hall Forum, 8 p. m., club Satisfaction Mix dry ingredients together, Sidney Cahan, Sam Cohen, Arthu room, Jewish Community Center. Opposite Post Office add liquids slowly. Put in a large Conn, D. B. Conn, Seymour Conn, Friday, February 3. Jar and shake well before using. Sam Davis, Herman Dansky, " T H E CUT OF YOUR HAIR .Dancing class, 3 p. m., C and COUNTS" Keep in refrigerator. Aaron Edgar, Al Fiedler, S.. Feil- D, Jewish Community Center. man, Ben Fisher, David A. Fin SALAD EV TOMATO CHEESE kel, A. D. Frank, Herman Frank RINC COMING EVENTS lin, Morris J. Franklin, Morri 2 packages lemon jello Monday, February G. M. Franklin, Leon Graetz, Elmo 3 cups tomato juice heate^d Women's Division Card party, 2 packages Philadelphia cream Greenberg, J. Grossman, Arthu 8 p. m., auditorium, Jewish ComGoldstein and J. Goodbinder. cheese Among others are Mesdames L munity Center. • 1 cup mayonnaise '•V Dissolve jello in hot tomato Hurwitz, Anna Hoffner, S. Han Patronize Our Advertisers ill Juice, mix cheese and mayonnaise dler, Joe Hertzberg, J, Kahz, Fhii JiSs _ add to cool tomato and jello mix- Katz, Ben Kazlovrsky, Jack Kantture and place in greased ring man, A. Klaiman, Allan Kohan. STHSST Ci, * «• • SEE—HEAR—MEET mold. When ready to serve, un- William Kuklln, Jack Lieb, HarWSFSATURS AMSRIOSS PfOST ry Lipsey, Leon Menielson, E. A. mold and fill center of ring with tuna salad decorated on top with Meyer, Hymie Milder, David Potet c pries Caz' i: ash, S. J. Plotkin, J. Raznlck, F. , And His ROYALS green pepper rings. cssis .«» ferci T~.. ENTERTAINING NIGHTLY A regular meeting of the Vaad Auxiliary will be held on Tues- Record Concert Series CONCERT JfO. 13 day,- February 7 at 1 p. ra. at the Wednesday, February 1 ewish ; Community Center as a dessert luncheon given for the members and a guest they might Mozart: Serenade A Little wish to bring, by a group of hos- Night Music. tesses to be announced later. Brahms: Double Concerto in The speaker of the afternoon A Minor, Opus 102. will be Dr. Mildred Clark, Professor at the University of Nebraska Medical School, whose topic will be "The Dangerous Age Auxiliary, !or Women."

A. Z. A. 100

Pi Lambda Phi

Bikur Giolim

Community Calendar

NOW ON. . . . Pre-Inventoif Clecarcmce starts in earnest... • the more we can sell n o w . . . Ilia iass work we hove to do . . . so we've cut prices way d o w n . . . lor quick disposal!

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lines in Surprise Eime—First Lady Given Approbation ~ ' \

• /




REBUFFED IN ROME—British Prime Minister Chamberlain was feted, cheered and dined in Rome, D n «r!i r e . c ^ n t vls , it t 0 P r e m i e r Mussolini, but as far as the public knows no international problems were settled Above, the Prime Minister is at right, at a reception given in his honor. Mussolini is at left, with Italian Foreign Minister Ciano, center.

f •¥


JUST A HOUSEHOLD PET—By-low, baby lion; go to sleep. In another year you'll be too big and heavy for anyone to hold, so you'd better make the most of your situation right now. Frankly, this Ringling's circus cub was borrowed as a playmate temporarily, by pretty Patricia Lucas of Akron, Ohio, who was on a vacation at St. Petersburg, Fla. *

DINER-OUTERS—Henry Ford, 2nd. son of Edsel Ford and grandson of Henry Ford, motor magnate, and Miss Henrietta C Colgate daughter of Craig Colgate, New York banker, and Mrs. Colgate at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, recently.


PUBLIC APPROVES FIRST L.WT — From oil workers in California to society leaders in Massachusetts. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, one of the most active women ever in the White House, was given a strong vote of approval for the way she has occupied the position of First Lady, according to a nation-wide survey by the American —Institute ol Public Opinion. Survey showed she is more popular with women than with men.

FIT TIMBER — This caricature shows Vice President John Nance Garner, whom Elliott Roosevelt, son of the President and fellowTexan, described in a recent radio broadcast from Fort Worth as suitable timber for the Presidency in 1940. Senate colleagues endorsed the suggestion. Among them were Senator Sheppard of Texas and Senator Burke of Nebraska.

Here are some of her privities: Top, left to right: Dancing in the Nevr Deal sponsored community at Arthurdale, W. Vs.; as an airplane passenger; i4 the horse show at Fort Myer, Va. Center* opens infantile paralysis campaign: Mrs. Rooae» vtlt herself; given degree at John Marshall College of Law. Bottom, dictates daily column to Miss Malvina Thompson, her companion and secretary; visits blind craft shop, New York.

AIR RAIDERS HIT TRUCK—Here is one of the latest pictures received from Spain, taken during General Francisco Franco's Insurgent drive on £he Loyalist capital of Barcelona. It shows a supply truck near Aftesa del Segre hit by Loyalist air raiders. An Insurgent soldier attempts to salvage some of the material from the truck, set afire by the bombs.


SUCCESSOR—On direct orders from Chancellor Hitler, Dr. Walther Funk, above. German Minister of Economics, was named to the presidency of the Reichsbank. from which post Dr. Hjalriar Schacht was dismissed. Dr. Funk is 48, was wounded during the. World War and had been a newspaperman. He is successor to a man considered a financial wizard.

• *

NEW MOVE—In a sui-prisc before the opening of his soconi trial in New York. Janes J. Kincs, Tarnmanj1 chieftain, asked General Sessions court to CUE-S.1I ths consph-acy count in the 12count indictment against hiir.. on the ground that it was outlawed by the two-year statute of limitations. First trial ended in a mistrial. Second trial was set for Jan. 23. Conspiracy charge alleges aiding policy racket.

, "


HAWAIIAN EIONETRIOON—Agreement on a housekeeping arrangement is in progress in the above picture between George X. McLanahan and his bride, the former Sally Clark, sister-in-law of John Roosevelt. Recentlj7 married in Boston, they have lea-sed a house in Honolulu during their honeymoon. Kiss Clark gave up night-club singing to be married.



J P ? *J* ™AM> BEACH—Important society wedding recently was that of George Emlen Roosevelt, New York financier and the former Mrs. Mildred Cobb Rich, in St. Stephen's Episcopal church, Miami Beach, Fla. Mr. Roosevelt's father was a first cousin of the late President Theodore Roosevelt. They are shown at the PanAmerican airport, about to leave for a West Indies honeymoon. -;--•*- - y > j~ r l "

S - - ;"-••'


* •



SHE RAN OUT OF COAL—Bucking ice floes in the Zuider Zee, The Netherlands, this tugboat, "Daniel Goedkoop," ran out of coal and became stuck in the ice, while escorting a barge from Enkhuizen to Amsterdam Crew wrote a request for coal in cinders on the ice. Pilot of a National Air School plane saw it and an ice breaker soon brought a suitable supply.

BILLED WITH FLEA CIRCUS—Grover Cleveland Alexander, only baseball player elected to the Hall of Fame last year, down on his luck and appearing as an attraction in a New York dime museum. alongside freaks, curiosities and a flea circus. Alex, now 51, was the St. Louis Cardinals pitcher who strucl: out Tony Lazzcri ia. the 1826 World Series.

r.EONSTCG TAESHD tlEITr—Su^s shale slab fell from the ceiling to. the Biacfc Du^mond near Kenton, Vv'asli., ZTLS. disdcrcc- an event- freis secret for thousands of yea-rs, rt showprt s historic s-nfaial cf so^ae sort had passed that vr&y and had left its birdlike t'ootprinfe. 42 ir.ciwy IOSIJE: by 36 inches wide. Superintendent W. J. Evaas points to it. Copyright United.

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JAKUASY 27, 1SS9 against Jack Melchers* Empires, who are in a tie for the leadership with the State Coal boys. The Wardrobes will try to reBy SAM ZTWEEBACK covet some of their prestige in their match with Al Shrier'E . : STANDINGS OF TEAMS Paint and Glass team, while the Name of team. "W. 1>. Pet. last. game finds the other CoState Coal and Gas..S3 21 .611 leaders, the State Coal and Gas Empire Cleaners . . . .83 21 .611 team shooting against the KaiGreenberg Fruit 8 1 2 3 :574 man Insurance team. Clicquot d o b 29 35 .537 The Wardrobe 87 37 .500 Kainwn Insurance . .23 SI .42G Smith Motor Co. . . . .20 84 .870 Shrier paint Glass . .20 84 .370 Basketball League Standings Standings in the Jewish. ComW L munity Center Bowling league, 4 1 remained the same as last week, Sigma Alpha Mn 8 3 with the exception ol the cellar Breslow Auto Glass 3 8 position which was thrown into Omaha Jobbing Co. 2 * a tie by virtue o£ the Shxier's two A. Z. A. 1 2 8 wins over Harry Smith's Pontiac Alpha Pi Tan A. Z. A. 100 2 8 Salesmen. The J. C. Basketball League i* In the feature game of the eve- getting hotter, than the proverbial ning, the Empire Cleaners main- stove with every team in running tained their fast pace, to stay in for the League championship. a tie for the leadership, by win- However the fast-stepping Sigma BEAUTY SHOP CLEANERS ning two games in their match Alpha Mn Fraternity five are with -Moe Xlnsman's Wardrobe leading the league by virtue of Clothiers, .who have been a slump their 31-19 victory over the A. Z. for. the past three weeks. The A. 1. Last Sunday's play saw Cleaners won the first game by an Riekes, Bennet and Yaffe doing 808" to 741 score. T h e Wardrobe most of the scoring for the victors To Acquaint You with a BEAUTY SALON came back in the second game to making a 27 of the team's total Finer Quality of Cleaning FEATURES eke out a win by a 781 to 765 points. SHAMPOO and FINGER GARMENTS f*<§ margin, while the last game was WAVE FOR «F"& • won by the Cleaners by a 882 to In the second game the Breslow 810 score. Glass defeated the Alpha Pi Goodman Pill was the big gun Auto team' 31-30 to acquire secfor the Cleaners when lie put Tan •PERMANENT WAVES three games of 209, 182 and 2.22 ond place In the League. at $3.50 and Up In the final tilt the A. Z. A. 100 for a beautiful 622 series, which Florence Blvd. at Ames 716 Brandeis Taea. Bids. •was also high for the entire rose to unexpected heights and AT 4 3 3 3 KE 1500 league. . Mose Franklin, who has played the best game of their been steadily improving his game lives to defeat a more -experienc-which-Buffered a severe slump all ed veteran quintet in the Omaha season, was runner-up with his Jobbing Co. The game was nip FIXTURE SUPPLIES '492 series. Captain Paul Stein- and tuck all the way with the berg of the Clothiers, was again score 4 all at the quarter, 8 all at the half, 17 all at the third quartnigh man with a. nice 549 series, and "was followed by Dr. Sam er and 29-26 for the youngsters Morgan, who turned in a 484 at the final gun. .; series. • ' With a benefit game on tap for AMD -In the most exciting match of Sunday, play in the League will I). S. SUCINO MACHINES ENTERPRISE MEAT not be held again until the folthe evening, Dave Frank's State GRINDERS AND -. - • : ^ * : AND lowing Sunday. Games were to Coal and Gas team recovered COFFEE MILLS BREAD SLICERS have been played last Wednesday their winning ways by taking two evening. • out of three games from the NEW AND USED SCALES, SLICERS Clicquot Club Eskimos. The first AND CHOPPERS game was won- by the Eskimos by The J. C. C. Women's VolleySERVICE ON ALL MAKES the big margin of 859 to 708. ball team ventured out to the A. J. STONE* CON A. ANDERSON a. a EDDY However, just before the second Benson community gym for a 7Ot Plena St. DISTRICT MANAGER 117 No. 9th St. competitive game and won maSioux City, la. game was due to start. Captain 314 South 13th Street Lincoln, Nebr. S-4747 Sam Zwelback and Co-captain and jority of the games from the BenOmaha, Nebraska B: «434 ATLANTIC 6200 Sponsor Dave Frank, got their eon women. A return match Is to heals together, and decided to be play on the J. C. C. court on • use some of X.eo Weitz's strategy. Monday. Their lineup was Immediately juggled, and Dave Frank,, of the Herman Corenman and Lester shock troops, was sent in to re- Giventer were crowned Class B .lieve Phil Katzman, who is still Handball Doubles Champions last bothered w i t h "Honey-moon Monday night when they defeattroubles." ed Sam Garrop and Sam GItler for • This strategy, in spite of the the title by the scores 16-21, 21-6, fact, that "Midge" Shukart of the 21-16.. QUALITY Coal team, who was bowling to With the Class A Doubles And It Eliminate* aid the TDsklmos, resulted in a tournament to be completed this Washday Drudgery -win for-Dave Frank's boys by a week, the Jewish Community Cen- 795 to a 781 score. In the last ter regular singles handball tourngame, "Midge" again tried to aid ament in both Class A and Class the Eskimos by shooting another B will take place at the Center big game of 104, but was re- courts starting on Monday, Janfuted by the two captains, and uary 30. On Monday two doubles this game was won by the league teams and two singles will go to CREAM COMPANY Jeaders by the slim margin of 761 the local "t. M. C. A. for some AT 6040 to 757. Captain Abe Feldman ot handball competition. the Eskimos was - top - man with \. Us 507 series, and was followed Pairing In the Class A tournaby Abe Venger's 500 Beriea. Wearing Apparel wished ment are: Yaffe, bye; Sam Ban spotlessly clean, delivered Sam Zwelback topped the coal vs. Earl Slegel; Iz Bogdanoff vs. fBUSlf GHOOL just damp enough to Iron boys with his 571 series and was Dave Richards; Sam Teper vs. P. followed by Sponsor-Dave Frank, "Wintronb; Jake Adler vs. Henry •who averaged 156 for his two Riekes; George Shapiro vs. Dave —•ALL. THE FLJkTWORK games. "Midge" Shukart. the Gold ware; Jack Ban vs. MaxBEAUTIFULLY IRONED butcher boy. took over Jack Turner: Sehriehman, bye. : Fleishman's honor of being "dogClass B pairings are as follows: SCHOOL OF /gie," by putting together games Sid Llpschultz, bye; W. Wolf son of 107, ^3 ani 104, for a nice va. D. Weiner; W. Kurs vs. M. AdBeries of 304. ler; H~. Garber, bye; H. Splegal CO-EDUCATIONAL vs. L. Hurwitz; Leo Bennan vs. Additional =3"c ALL YEAR—DAY AND In the third game of the eve- Sam Giller; Les . Giventer, Bye: Pounds M Ea. EVENING , nlng, the Greenberg Fruit boys Sam Garrop vs. Al Freedman; MONTHLY ENROLLMENT stayed right in the running by Ray Schapiro vs. Phil Katzman; STANDARD COURSES taking two -out of three games Ben Kutler, bye; Sam Wolk vs. from Ab Kalmans Insurance out- Eddie Kaplan and Harold. KapLAUNDRY CO. iONE C. DUFFY, Owner fit. The first game was won by lan, bye. the Fruit Boys by an 829 to 811 207 S. 19th St. JA 5690 Times of the matches will be AT 0280 C. B.—5473 . score, being aided by a 4S-pln posted on the J.. C. C. Physical handicap. . This loss was -dis- department bulletin board. heartening to the Insurance boys, especially when their captain All.gym classes are well attendturned in a 224 game, which was ed. Classes are held for men. bis big game of the year in spite women, and young people at conof the o p e r ation he went venient periods during the week. through just recently. v The second game was won by DIAMONDS—WATCHES—^MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ihe Insurance Agents by a 748 to TYPEWRITERS RADIOS—ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES • $28 score, which i s practically a new low game -for the . entire ~-;Jeague. In the last game the ' FVuit Boys recovered their senses 1401 DOUGLAS ST. HA 2323 -to win by a 788 to 696 score. New York (JTA) — Yehudl Captain Sam Katzman was bis boy for the Insurance team with Menubln hopes to raise a quarter ^15-517 score" and was followed- or a million dollars for Jewish - by Lee Hurwich's 504. Sponsor refugees through benefit perform"Elmer Greenberg of the Fruit ances, at. least seven of them, that "Say It Witk Flowers" Boys was big man with his 468 ho will play in the course of a and Harold Pollack was runner- world tour for which he is sailing Feb. 24, his father, Moshe Menuup with his 450 series. Always a Fine Variety of FLOWER SHOP hln. Informed the J. T. A. FRESH FISH AND. In the final match o' the eve- Mischa Elman will open, with Specialises ia DAILY ning, the Shrier Paint and Glass a Carnegie Hall recital this Sat; team went into a tie for last place urday, a three-month tour of 25 ©Center Pieces Also the Finest : i y winning - two out of three cities in the United States for the STUQEI a n d CKSCIiEFJ games from Harry Smith's Pon- benefit of refugees of all faiths. © Cut Flowers The sponsoring committee, of i^tiac boys. • ® Potted Plsssts PRIVATE DINING ROOMS •"' The Shriers won the first game which Alfred E. Smith is honor© Weddings AVAILABLE -by an 854 to 749 score, but lost ary chairman, will divide the O Corsages the second game by a 836 to 764 funds equally among the AmerMain Floor Brandeis Stare f.l& 4774 for Reservation score. The last game was wonican Committee for Christian by the Shriers by an 861 to 774 German Refugees, the Committee score. Captain Leo Weitz of the for Catholic Refugees from Ger.Paint crew put together games of many and the Joint Distribution '' 235. 145 and 225 for a big 605 Committee. series to lead his men and bring Yehudl Menuhin*s plans, the his average up to 181 for the en-young violinist's father said, call tire season. for devoting several of his perBarney' Abrams,. kept up his formances in the largest cities good shooting to. turn In a 534 abroad among the more than 90 series in spite of a bad start. Sam- scheduled In his tour to the refPHOTO-ENGC2AVINQ my "One-trip" YonBem was the ugee cause, the proceeds to be big-shot for the Pontiao boys, contributed to the Jewish refuwith his 140, 234 and 215 games gee committees In the respective for a total of 589, while little cities. It is hoped to raise more YOU CAtt HA¥S KEW gammy Steinberg, was the nest than 540,000 through a concert big boy with hia 493 series. in Eoyal-Albert Hall, London, on Aaron "Doggie" Weitz lived op April 16. A performance is also A 9B&2 KITCHEN. Advertising Art and to his name for the first time thi3 being arranged in Amsterdam and Cats for Ail Printing season by.putting together three It Is hoped to present others in games for a 383 naries, believe it Paris, Johannesburg, Melbourne •;' . Purposes or not. Sydney and possibly later in New






Sweet Butter











York. .-•... "The procaeds will go for JewNext week'a schedule will be featured by the Greenberg *Fruit ish refugees only," Mr. Menuhia versus ' Clicquot. C1 u b match, eald~ "Although Yehudi has -givwhich should result i n another en, plenty for the Earl Baldwin scramble to stay in the race lor and other funds, he feels that the Jews are the principal victims of the leadership for both teams. The Smith Motors who are cap- Nazi brutality." able of causing trouble for any t e a m will pit their strength

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1OEMTIAL By T»HINEAS J. BORON Schieffelin, chairman of the liew Volunteer Christian Committee to NAZTt XKWS Nazi Germany . . . And That attack OE Catholic church Boycott his wife is one of the sponsors property la Nasilaad which we of the series of concerts that Mispredicted a couple of months ago Elman is giving for the beneIs coming closer aad closer . . cha fit of refugees . . . An economical The Nazi chieftains have to do prep man in the WPi* Yiddish something quick to keep the production "Awake and Sing" minds of the Germans off their sent out toof get second-hand recempty bellies . , . NOT that Goeb- ords to be smashed the course bels Is practically out of the Nazi of the performance, in dug up -recpropaganda ministry. Hitler's am- ords of the Horst Weasel song bassadress of Kultur. Leni Rlef- used in the WPA "Professor enRtahl, Is preparing to return to Mamlock," a couple of years ago Naziland . . . "What sort of recep- . . . The vigor with which Emily tion she'll get after her unsucnow smashes her nightly cessful American tour is some- Edler record is more real than histhing we won't venture to fore- trionic » . . tell, but if Hitler takes our advice h e l l listen carefully to what ABOUT PEOPIiE she has to say about American Marlene Dietrich, who doesn't opinion on Nazidom . . . Hitler's like Hitler anyhow, will probably Tkclr Fatar* la S K m if glng of the Scandinavian press play the part oTthe nnale snoopYon ProrU* Tb«m witk Is growing apace . . . As for the er in Warn«r Brothers' "ConteBGerman press—to make sure that sions of a Nazi Spy" plctere . . Annuity ! • the poor business situation in the John Garfield, movledom's recent Reich, doesn't interfere with the find, was helped along the road profits of the official Nazi news- to Hollywood by Jacob Ben-Ami, papers owned by big cheeses, the who himself is now back in the government is readying a decree Yiddish theatre . . . Eighteenstopping the publication of com- year-old Fannie Brice J u n i o r peting sheets on the grounds of Frances Arn«tein to yon—who a woodpulp shortage . . . made her Broadway debut a •TRAirSOCEAJflCA INSURANCE CO. conple ot years ago, now is turntag to Hollywood . . . Her mama 1101 City Nat'L Bk. BU« It's the French Foreign Office will show her the ropes . . . Folwhich gave financial Support to lowing in the footstep* of his AT «500 the Nazi party in the days when father, the late Journalist, playeven the Germans recognized Hit- wright and diplomat Herman La* Us Finite* Your Itow ler as just a beer-brawler, It Is Bernstein, ia young David Bernreported by Paul AUard . . . De- stein, who has completed an OMCtf spite the Boise about France be- adaption of a comedy written in ing flooded with German refu- German by Rose Meller and is gees, the fact is that of the 3,- hoping to Bee it on Broadway 000.000 foreigners in France only soon . . . On our shores for a visit slightly over two per cent are is sportsman Baron Maurice <ie SURGICAL GARMENTS refugees from Hitlerland . . Ital- Rothschild, son of the late Baron ians, Poles and White Russians Edmond, who was known as the make up 50 per cent of this for- father of Jewish colonization in eign population . . . Tokyo has Palestine . . Leon Trotzky, whom long been a pal of Berlin and a news commentator recently Rome, but that doesn't prevent dubbed the Mickey Mouse of the Harbin Jewish Life, Manchu- world revolution, is said to be kuo publication, from running an planning to leave Mexico . . Febarticle on the benefits Japan's In- ruary 3rd will be the £Cth annivasion of China has conferred on versary of the birth of Shoiem the Far East . . . Among other Alelchem, famed Yiddish author things Hitler has destroyed is the . . . According ta Hollywood gostraditional Viennese waltz . . . sips, 1SSS wUI see sn addition to Whereas in former y~ars at least the Luise Rainer-Ciifford Odets fcalf a dozen fine waltses would menage, which ought to make come annually from the Danube their reunion permanent . . . Concity, this pszt year has brought gratulations to the ?<Ienorach none, the present atmosphere Journal on its twenty-fifth annithere being conducive to the cre-versary . . . And to Max L. Bernation of martial music only . . . stein, who built the Libby Hotel WE'RE TELLING TOT Turkish Baths on New York's East Side some years ago, and The Increased watchfulness of who is now staging a comeback Uncle Sara over the activities of with a new cafeteria at BroadNazi diplomatic and other repre- way and 125th Street . . . And A Camp Sonrieal support sentatives here h a s already to Maurice Levin of Hearns, designed to lift and hold brought results . . . Berlin recent- whose daughter. Sylvia, just marheavy abdominal fl«sh. ly cabled orders to lay off lor a ried Edward Bishop . . . Jerome Gives front linea m. very while . . . But only for a while, Frank of the SEC is in line for flattering effect. Expert Uncle . . . A couple of the stooges a Circuit Court of Appeals aplady attendant assures who make it their business to pointment in Washington . . . perfect fitting service. attend newsreels for the purpose (Copyright. 1839, by Seven Arts of applauding Nazatrocitles got Feature Syndicate) their lesson the other day in a Broadway filmery, when the rest r, Inf.. £ of the audience at a March of iV Nurse**. Hosnita1 » Time refugee newsreel showing and Sick Room f>upph«B «. gave physical evidence of its inMedical Arts Bids- Omaha. Nek. <v dignation . . . Despite protests by P h o n e A T t a n t i e MGff \ ranking screen players, who are fed up with the Nasis, Hollywood —worried over the totalitarian efforts to capture the world film market—has entered into the barter arrangements so beloved by the axial triangle, and is takDanzig (JTA) — The decision ing German herrings, Italian marble and Japanese silk In exchange of the Danzig Nazi-dominated for Its celluloid products . . And Senate to expel the Free City's what's this about Senator Robert Jews will be carried out within Reynolds of North Carolina plan- two weeks. The first transport ning to rsake a speech in praise of 1.000 Danzig and German 32nd and ststeless Jews, consisting of men, of Hitler.in the Senate? . . . women and children, will leave YOU SEOCLO KNOW DartzJg on Jan1. 27. One' Charles E. Blum of New The deportees will be transTork has suggested the floating ported to Kariecburg. East Prusoj a bond Jssae in this couirtry sia, and thence, in sealed railwav for the purehs.se of large tracts to Genoa via Germany, At of sparsely populated govern- coaches Geaoa, the . Jews will be put on ment-owned land In the continen- Greek steamers for an unknown C tal TJ. S. and for' the settlement probably in the dithere oj refugees In agricultural destination, rection of Shanghai. To cover the colonies modeled on these in Pal- costs of transportation, the Dar. estine . . . Refugees would have zig Senate has confiscated I Imto pledge themselves to live on properly of *iie Union of Darin the land for at least five years Synagogues, estimated at 1,0CO, . . . The bond issue, which Mr. Blum thinks ought to amount to 0 0 0 gulden. The Danzig authorities serves a quarter or a half billion dollars, world also finance the bring- an ultimatum on the Jewish com ing over of additional refugees munity declaring that the firs . . . A million and a Quarter of 1,000 of the i,COO Jews in the the $20,000,000 fund decided j Free City must emigrate "be ore upon at the "Washington Confer- the end o* January'" or face ' serence a couple of weeks ago is al- ioas consequences." ready on hand, half a million each having been contributed by Create "Portable" Glaci Bernard S£. Barcch and William Roseawzld, with Hs^ry Ittelson Berlin (WNS)—Nazis in the chipping in another 52EO.OOO . . . i-own ol Griefenhtgen, Pome~rr .n, Another million is espected Jros eciding- to make the comracr'*-"" Kuhn, Loeb . . . If present plans 10 0 'per cent "cryan" bu;.-.^_ go through, room fcr 10,000 ref- ihe town's three Jewish fat.. ..T ugees will be found in the Philip- into En £fc£jicoiieu rt^way i pines . . . acfi rolled them bey of. if TK1S ASD THAT to-wc'E Units, Eccording to a reThere's a certain appropriate- port received here. The three Jewish f s i ^ ._„ ness in tie fact that the Jewish Palestine Pavilion is being built have been living in'this "porton a site fsclcg Join Jay Street able ghetto" sicce the pos:-p;r=Jn the New York World's Fair of November 10 and vere grounds . . . A direct descendant bidden to migrate to nearb' of Joha Jay, who was the first tin. They can do their shor. ^







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Chief Justice of the U. S. Su•rssia Ccurt, 'a TTillisxi Zz.y


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, , 1 1 , , . .


• Tobsccc

* Pipes

THE 3EWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1539 dust have borrowed sorae money for food and candles.' And when I entered the house and saw the table properly set with Ch'allos and fish, : and--wtos, it was with. difficulty- -tliai'-. fc'kept back the anger that rose in me. The idea that my wife had not kept the promise was painful. However, I said -nothing. at. -the time. 1 solemnly read the -biessicg over the wine, and ate the fish. Then as the meal was drawing to its close, I said: : " 'I see that you didn't have enough courage to face things as they come. You had to . . . "But before I could finish my sentence, my wife interrupted and said: "Oh, I had quite forgotten to tell you! Do you remember the old lace-embroidered.--coat. with the little gold ^buttons .-which"-, we lost a losg time ago? Well, today, as I opened the trunk, found it. I cut off the buttons and used that money for buying food for Shabbos." Why the "Imagine my joy! My heart literally leaped within tae, and forgetting our days of worry and trouble, I seised" iny wife's" hand and led her in a merry ; dance around the rpoia. Then," when we finished our meal, we" danced again. And after the fruit and the dessert, we dance a third time, a real dance of joy and thanksgiving. " " "Thus you. see, Rabbi, how great my happiness was§ last night. For this opportunity to observe the Sabbath wa> given me by'divine grace' and "not by the hands of men. However, if I have done anything wrong in celebrating the Shabbos as I ii"d;~pleas.e tell me how I might make

HESS AftHA Pill,; eozrespcafel

A meeting of the A. Z. A. waa held Thursday evening at the Fund and a number of trees wer« home of Yale Gotsdiner. The Aleph Godql called the sold at the meeting. Mrs. W« C meeting to "order, and the ritual Slotsky presided. • , ••• was gone through. In the course of the "meeting, tentative plans were made for a Father and Son banquet to .be held in the near future. ,As- A. Z. A. intends to The Jewish Art Theater group hold a social event once a month, i present .two' plays Tuesday Miss Helen Levitt, daughter o: this will be Its first undertaking. Once, on a Friday evening, a: evening, January 31, in the Jew- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt, Belle The social committee in charge of ish Community Center at 8:3 vue apartments, will become th Aleph! Norman Rosenthal is mak- the Tzaddik sat among his fol lowers at the table, absorbed, a: o'clock. The first is "The Pam bride of Walter S. Leeser of Min ing arrangements. was his custom, in contemplatinj pered Darling" and" the second neapolis, Sunday, January 29 r A financial report was given by •"TSVest Eighty." -. The ceremony will take place ai Treasurer. Bob Passer. All mem- the problems of the universe, hi face suddenly lit up and he broke The cast of "The Pampered noon in the "Warrior with Rabb: bers.were urged to pay their dues into a cheerful laugh. His followDarling" will include Minna Rose Theodore N. Lewis and Rabbi H as soon as*-possible. Then the ers surprised at his unusual con Bergson, Ruth Friedman, Elain R. Rabinowitz officiating. program was turned over to the duct, looked silently at each othMushbin, Elaine Schlalfer, Jo Wedding music during the cer- Cultural chairman and a very in- er, seeking to find an explanation Goldstein, Myron Heeger, Esther emony will be played by Mrs. teresting-discussion was held on the Rabbi's merriment, Eirenberg, Harriet" Rosenblum Frank Huntsman, pianist, and the different phases of Jewish for minute or two later the Tzaddik Arthur Bronston, Earl Novlch and Mrs. Crowther, violinist. Mrs. life. ,. ' laughed again; and in a short George Shindler. . Fredrick Roost will sing while, a third time — the last, a •; ' • Alepb Godol Telpner has apMembers of the cast of "Wes Promise Me" and "I Love You pointed the following Alephs as full hearty laugh, like the ring Eighty" are Morris Raskin,- Ku Truly." heads of .committees: Social, Nor- Ing laughter of a child. ben Cohen and Lillian Rivin. The bride will wear her moth- man Rosenthal; athletic, Milton The plays have been directed er's wedding gown which is ivorj . The Tzaddik's men were quit membership, Y a l e uneasy by Mrs. Morris "Weisberg, with satin fashioned in Empire styl< Katelman; at the apparent irrever Gotsdiner; financial, Bob Passer; Mrs. Lucille Lavalliere as con- and with a long train. Her vei cultural, N o r m a n Rosenthal; ence of their master, but out o sultant director. deference to him, they remained will be floor-length, of ivory lllu phone squad. Jack Lincoln. The group is working on sev- sion tulle, and will be caught in '• Before the meeting ended, the discreetly silent. With bated eral other plays to be presented a cap trimmed with orange bios treasurer '.announced that the breath and longing eyes they on the stage and over the radio at soms. She will "wear above elbow c h a p t e r made a substantial looked forward to Reb Zev, th a later date. Parts will also be length mitts of ivory net and wil amount on the check room at the oldest-and most respected among cast in> the near future for carry a colonial bouquet of lilies Talmud Torah dance. The next them, to ask the question tha three-act play that -will climax the of the valley. meeting will be held in two was on everybody's lips. Certain season of the group. weeks, the place to be announced it was, that a man as serious a Attending the bride will be her The plays. Tuesday evening will sister, Miss Lois Levitt, who wil" later. their Rabbi would not act as hi be open to the public.'.. ; did without sufficient reason. wear a white tulle gown with a What was the reason? lace jacket. She will . wear -next regular meeting of After Shabbos sweetheart bonnet of white lace theThe Agudus- Achim lodge will be But Reb Zev, too preferred no and carry an old-fashioned bou of talisman roses and swee' held Thursday evening, February to put the question this time. InFuneral services for; Abraham' quet stead, he waited patiently -until peas. B. E. Nichol of Mil- 2, at the Eagles hall. M. Herzoff, who died In his home waukee Mr. the Shabbos was over. Only then, will act as groomsman. last Saturday after an illness of A regular meeting of the.B'nai on Saturday night after the stars A wedding dinner will follow more than a year; were held in B'rlth lodge was held Monday had appeared in the heavens and the family residence Sunday.aft- the ceremony, and places will he evening at the Eagles hall. the Havdallah had been pro. ernoon, Rabbi ~H.~Rr-Rabinowitz set for GO guests. A special meeting was also held nounced, did he approach the A reception will.be held in the Wednesday" officiated. at the synagogue, at Tzaddik for an explanation. "Ah," Mr. Herzoff was-a retired sales- Warrior hotel lounge between the which Dr. Joseph Duenner, noted replied the Tzaddik, "I shall b< hours of 2:30 and 5:30. No inman and had made his home in sociologist, was speaker. This was glad to tell you why I laughed in vitations have been issued. Sioux City for the last 40 years,deed, glad enough. But first you an open meeting. coming directly to Sioux City Mr. Leeser and his bride wil' will have to get my carriage reafrom Russia. • be at home in Minneapolis followThe Council Bluffs Chapter of dy and drive me to a place I shal ing a West Indies cruise. -Surviving are the. widow, Ida; Hadassah will sponsor a series of Indicate. When you arrive there, four sonsi-Archie jot Chicago, a n i Guests from out of town will book reviews in the near future. you will learn the reason yourSol, Bernard" ami Ernest, all of include Mr. and-Mrs. I. Chapman Rabbi David A. Goldstein.- o£ Oma- selves. •" -" ...-•• Sioux City; three daughters, Mrs. Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cher- ha will review several books, the The carriage was made ready Leah Strauss of Phoenix, Ariz., niack. Council Bluffs; Harold names of which are to be an- and the horse immediately harand Helen and Sylvia Herzoff, Cherniack,. Denver; Mr. and Mrs. nounced later. nessed; and, accompanied by Fritz Richter, Fritz Leeser, Mr. both of Sioux City. Reviews will be held at the some of his followers, the Rabb and Mrs; Robert Schneider, Mr. Chieftain hotel on the following set out at once. There was nothFuneral services for Mrs. Mary Aaron Levitt, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. dates: February 15, March 8 and ing unusual in this procedure, for Raskin Lewis...24, a former resi- Tankel, all of Minneapolis; Mr. April 12. Admission charge is the Tzaddik-had made It his pracdent of Sioux City, were held and Mrs. Harry Davidson, Mr. 50 cents;-per Bingle admission, or tice to take his followers out into here Thursday afternoon, .it and Mrs. J. Barmish, Mrs. L. 51 for the series. the country on Saturday night in Shaare Zion. synagogue. Mrs Ginsberg, all of Des Moines; Mrs. Mrs. S. Suvalsky and Mrs. H. midsummer so that they might B. W. Harris, Mr. Sam Rubinson, Lewis lived in Sioux City until D. Marowitz are chairmen I n spend a few hours in contemplattwo years ago. She had been ill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paper of St. charge, . ing the handiwork of the Creator Paul, and Mrs. D. Gaffen of Storm for several months. Rabbi H. R. in forest and field. But this time Rabinowitz and. Cantor Morris Lake, Iowa. The next regular meeting of they did not go by. the usual Okun officiated' at the service. . the Cultural Group of Hadassah r o u t e . ' • • - ' . Survivors include her father, will be held Monday, February After an hour or two of travelBen RasKin; the widower, Ben 13, at the home of Mrs. Herman Ing the Tzaddik suddenly ordered Lewis, five brothers and three Crouae, 35 North Seventh street. hia driver to go straight ahead on sisters. an -unfamiliar road. Through There will be » committee moonlit farmlands and sleeping By HELEN ZIGMOND meeting ot the Talmud Torah villages they passed, until at BRING JEWISH Monday evening at the home of dawn they found themselves in a TALKING MOVIE Hollywood — A prospective Mrs. Etta Yudelson. tiny forest hamlet. movie-maid is Caryl Gould, curThe Bookbinder Approximately "300 "attended The National Workers Alliance rently Rudy Vallee's • featured the dance and carnival Sunday. As soon as they arrived, the Branch 197 of Sioux City Is malting plans to show the Jewish singer. Miss Gould, erstwhil The affair waa very successful. Tzaddik ordered bis servant to movie, "The Singing Blacksmith," Goldberg, is very young, petite, No complete receipts have as yet report to the Gabbai, or trustee of the Synagogue; and in a short by David. Pinski. . The date and and pretty. She's native New been announced. while, the entire town learned of place of Bhowlng will be an- Yorker. Since her engagement at Miss Isabelle Greenberg of AI- the presence of the visitor and nounced in a forth coming Issue the Cocoanut Grove she has been gona, la., president of the Sigma thronged to do htm reverence screen-tested at two studios . of The Jewish Press. Proceeds of the movie will go and her chances for a cinema ca- Delta Tau chapter at Iowa City, But the Tzaddik paid no attention was a guest Tuesday a t the home to those who crowded around his reer are very bright. toward German Refugee work. of Miss Maxine Lelbovitz. carriage. Instead he requested the Gabbai to fetch for him Reb ShabAuthor Rian James, formerly Fred Blum of ^Cansas City, Mo., sai the Bookbinder. associated with The Brooklyn The Gabbai was somewhat takEagle, is now In cahoots with the has been a house guest this week Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will stork. Bird left an eight pound at the home of Mrs. Etta Yudel- en aback by this unusual requestTrue, Reb Shabsai was an honest speak at Shaare Zlon synagogue heir, yelped Jeffrey Rian James son. : :' and God-fearing man — as all this evening on "The Plague of Can you remember when Jewish Mrs. Rae Etta Boss left Sat- who knew him would readily acDarkness," basing his sermon on boys were named Moses, Isaac or urday for a three-week visit in knowledge. But what business did the anniversary of the sixth year Jacob? '" New York. En route borne she he have with this holy man, the of Hitler's power. Cantor Morris plans to visit in Columbus, Ohio. great Tzaddik of Medziboz? Okun and the. synagogue choir HarryBrand cheered his •will chant the ritual. The Gabbai -was about to give friends with a New Year greetMK George Steinberg left Sat- voice to his question, but a look Earl Pollack will act as cantor ing: "Even if it's a bad ^year.-it during the Junior Congregation only has 365 days—some have urday for Excelsior springs where from the Tzaddik sent him off sihe will spend ,a few weeks; lently on his errand. service tomorrow morning. ReIn a few minutes he returned freshments will be served by Mr. 366!" accompanied by Reb. Shabsai and Mrs. Max Ginsberg in honor longer. "Ooo!" he exclaimed, " I Wheel of the Great Petition of the engagement of their son, never knew pictures were like They stationed themselves at the Henry, and the graduation of gains momentum . . . a reel to be this." "They aren't," laughed the Rabbi's carriage and awaited his clipped into national newsreel their son, .Morris. pleasure. was made by Hollywood's "Com- director, enjoying the joke, "1*11 The Rabbi cast one glance at use the best ten seconds of that mittee of 5 6." It depicts promThe fifth in the series of book take? . . . the rest was on your the bookbinder and said -sharply, inent film personalities signing reviews by Rabbi Rabinowitz, will 'Fetch the man's wife." own time I" be given Monday afternoon, Jan- the new "Declaration of IndepenThe woman came, and at the nary 30, in the Jewish Commun- dence" destined for President Tzaddik's orders, took her post Talkietown Chatter:' . Benny ity Center. It will begin at 1:30 Roosevelt's consideration. at her husband's right. Rubin is scribbling a book ot dia- ti'on o'clock, aricf the book will be "My "Now," the Tzaddik, turnlect verse called, "The Great Sa ing to thesaid Along the Nazi front! Son, My Son," by Howard Spring. bookbinder, "tell us Heeb." Actor Charles Adler has Despite hundreds of protests In what you did last night. No need Buenos Aires, the Leni Rlefen- become an agent with two rela- to be ashamed. Conceal nothing: tives, Luther Adler and vrffe, Sylstohl film got a showing — betell us the whole truth." cause the German Embassy guar- via Sidney, as his first clients. The Story Shirley Deane wrote a cong, "ParRabbi Sol I. Bolotnlkov will anteed the purchase of 700 tick- don Me for Loving You," In less O Rabbi," replied Reb Shabspeak'-at'the Beth Abraham syna- ets daily. than two hours and received an sai, "1 will hide nothing. If I have gogue this Saturday morning. His In Ohio the Russlan-inade Anti- immediate contract from New done wrong'in any way, I shall Bubject will.be "The Optimism or Nazi film, "Professor Mamlock" gladly .do the penance you prethe Jew,".- The service' will be- was bared by censors . . . no York publishers. That little girl scribe." And this is the story he long taken for Binnie Barnes' gin at 9-"o*clbcfc.. Friday evening reason given. ..-.-. is "now reported to be her told: services; will begin • tonight- at In London a new song-hit, is niece^ "I am, as you, a humble,craftsdaughter! Eddie Cantor is trying 5:30 o'cloct. cal.'ed, "I'm a Refugee" . . . has to put over.his man. Formerly, when things were idea of big air Following the service tomor- already sold more • than 2,000 shows touring the country to al- right, my wife used to do all the row, Mr. and Mrs. N. Okun, 811 copies. . low smaller towns the chance of marketing for Shabbos on the West Eighth street, will be hosts In Italy muttering increases at. being audiences at Important Thursday preceding. In those to their friends in honor of the the void left by withdrawal of Joan Blondell's days we had fish and meat, and double wedding in Los Angeles ot American films. II Duce, cover- broadcasts. mother, who shed seventy pounds candles, and wine and fruit and -their daughter. Miss Leah Okun, ing up, is endeavoring to coerce cakes, too,—- In short, everything and their granddaughter, Miss the four smaller Hollywood com- with strenuous dieting, is now to make the Sabbath complete. On very sick. J. Edward Bromberg Rose Austin. panies to remain for a six-month returns to his alma mater, the Friday mornings, when the clock struck ten, I would quit my work oxtension under the old set-up, New York stage.. and prepare to receive Princess ronic if the fate of Fascism turns Sabbath. I would wash up, put on the film question . . . • little Shooting a scene from "Never on my holiday clothes, and go to. A committee on vocational cracks may unleash big floods. In Germany the prompted press Say. Die," Martha Raye stepped the synagogue where I would reguidance, appointed by the Youth Council; will meet this Sun Say hurls the ludicrous V accusation Into a.- gopher hole and painfully main till after evening prayers. afternoon in the Jewish Commun- hat Ickes commissioned Chaplin turned her ankle. Shortly after This I had been in the habit of ity Center to discuss plans for its to make the "Dictator." The ;hat was strapped up, she got in doing for many, many years. But •work. "The committee is headed news, though surprising, didn't he way of a fragment of flying now, as you see, I have grown oodr was struck on the ear. old; my strength is gone; it is by Dr. Frank Epstein, Mrs. Louis stir a hair of Charlie's mustache. Klass and Rudy Schindler. In Hollywood Edward Rbinson "Movies are your Best entertain- only with the greatest difficulty that I manage to make a living. has received many letters con- ment," she sighed. Indeed, there are time when I The elocution-class will meet emning him for taking the lead cannot even afford to purchase Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock n the Nazi spy picture . . . but End of the If no . . . the barest of Shabbos necessities. with Mrs. Morris Weisberg. e doesn't falter in his determihaYet I have kept* up some of my ion. ANTI-SEMITISM TURN former On Friday mornShooting a scene for ''They CARDINAL ANTI-FASCIST Ings, forhabits. SENIOR HADASSAH example, promptly at the Jade Me a Criminal," the direcstroke of ten, I quit work and Reports of the treasurer, the :or Instructed John Garfield to Rome (JTA) — II Regime Fas- go to the synagogue, there to rechairmen on Child Welfare, Na- 'grab the girl-and hold the kiss iista', anti-Semitic Fascist organ, main until after the prayers. tional Fund, Youth Aliyoth and mtil 1 yell 'Cut' " Cameras dmits editorially that iidefenso l a s t Friday . -. Membership,, were heard at the ;round . . . the lovers clinched. i. Cardinal Schuster, Archbishop.of "Now, last Friday, when the dessert-luncheon, meeting of" the seconds ticked off . . . his face Milan,"who had previously been a clock struck ten, I put my work Senior - Hadassah, held Tuesday lushed . . . perspiration showed uper-Fascist, was now "esagger^ aside and left my bench as usual. . . and still no word from the afternoon in the Jewish Communatedly opposing" Fascism because But the week had been rather a irector. Suddenly 'John broke ity Center. The program featured he Fascists were combating the bad one. The little work I had the work of the Jewish_National way . . . could hold his breath no finished. would not buy fish, or

By Aunt N&pzai

Society News


ShaareZiori •-.


J. C. C. News


OUBS If Not Aided, Nation {Wi Solve Problem in Own Way'

N. Z. (.JTA) ~ Creation or inter-feiife groups on atf college campuses to promote the principles of democracy and social justice s.v.6 tc eliminate religious and racial prejudice vos urged by delegates from £P colleges and universities in the Esst at a threeday conference at Drew University, held under the auspices of the National Conference of Christions and Jews. The 5 7 Froter-tsnt, Catholic and Jewish student delegates were informed by Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, director of. the N, C. J. C, that the organizations would shortly add to its steff a traveling secretary to assist in the work of organizing sucti inter-laith campus groups and providing such groups with programs.

candles, or anything else for the Sabbath. There were two possibilities open to me; either to beg from my neighbors (who, I know Warsaw (JTA) — A Polish would have helped me gladly), warning was given to the western or to go without food on this day powers that if they do not assist of days. I chose the later course. the emigration of Jews from PoHowever, I was afraid lest my land, then "-we will have to solve wife prove weaker than I, lest she the problem in our own way." borrow some Shabbos things from .The statement was made in the our neighbors. And so I made her Sejm by Deputy Surbj-nski of the promise not to take a thing from Government party, who comanybody, even if it were freely plained that Western governoffered. Before leaving for Shul, ments were considering only the I told my wife not to expect me problem of emigration from Gerback very early, for I had planned many and were neglecting the to stay later in synagogue so as Polish question despite its urgto avoid coining home with the ency. other worshippers. You see, I A proposal by Captain Victor didn't want them to see me reCazalet, British M. P., for a terturning to a dark' and cheerless ritorialist solution of the Jewish home on Shabbos. , emigration problem was hailed by BRAZILIAN AIDS GRYNSZPAN FUND the Warszawski Dziennik NaroA Discovery dowy, organ of the. anti-Semitic "As soon as I left the house, Sao Paulo, Brazil (JTA) — National Democratic (E n d e k) my wife began sweeping the floor Calling on Brazilian intellectuals party. and cleaning as usual. But, as she Fifty German-Jewish children to support Hes-schel Grynszpan as had no cooking to do, she finished among, the 5,000 Polish-Jewish a symbol of Jewish persecution, her work at an early hour. She exiles from Germany detained at the young Brazilian poet, Cazaldidn't want to stay idle, so she the Polish frontier/ station of ans deCampos has announced that looked around for something to Zbonszyn.will be brought to Eng- he will donate- 50 percent of th© keep her busy. Stuck away in a land at the expense of the Bald- proceeds of his new book, "Mar« corner of our room was an old win Fund for Refugees, the Cen- cha Heroica" to the American trunk, one we had had for a great tral Refugee Committee an- Journalists' Defense Fund for tha many years. It was to this trunk young Polish Jew who killed ai nounced. that my wife turned her attenGerman Embassy official in Paris* tion. While looking through it, Sanitation fund was started by Dorothyj she found some old cloaks and Paris (JTA)—One' of the nuwt The Thompson. odds and ends we had worn many, amends." •*"•• •''••.; • ; " " ? serious of -the "no-man's-Ian i s " many years ago, when we were The Tzaddifc turned,round to situations exists at Zbonszynon both young and prosperous. Like his followers and said:* "> * - - .the" German-Polish border,- from To Open Refugee Farm T the good housewife she is, she where a pitiful appeal was re"Even the angels of Heaven rebrushed them carefully folded Pleasantville (WNS)—Reports ceived by the Joint Distribution them again and put them back joiced with them and Joined. in Committee office here. that a group of wealthy New York their dance. And I, who witnessed into the old trunk, as she was s .The number of infectious dis- Jews had commissioned him toi working, she came across an old these things with my own eyes, MO^-I eases is growing, the district hos- survey a tract of South Jersey d coat, one we had considered lost could I remain dl farming f i compital Is overcrowded and " con- land, as. a model all these years, a fine coat, trim- ious?" f for German Jewish refu^stfmptives are mingling with, the Martin Buber med with delicate lace and having healthy," the message s a i d . gees, "Were'confirmed by John M« The Jewish Child small gold buttons. These she im"There are~ a very great number Adams, city engineer. It is bemediately removed and took them suffering from mental shock. lieved that the site will be someto the goldsmith, hoping they Technicians Banned Sanitary conditions are horrible, where 'in- Kullica. Township about might be of value. The goldsmith owing to the pest of lice." Act- 20 . miles west -of Atlantic Citj; examined the buttons and tested -." Berlin"(WNS)'— Jewish, dent- ing immediately ihe J.. D. C. In about 1,000 acres 1E area. them for their value and pro- ists, chemists and veterinaries Paris assigned $20,000 for de* nounced them.genuine. He bought were hit by Vriew .decree b'atiETiig "lousing and for buying cots and ...-NOTICE" of INDEBTEDNESS them from her and paid her more them from practicing in Ger- linen for the refugees, since the7 ' Notice "is lrereby given that on the than enough to pay for the Shab- many. Hardest hit were the still sleep on straw in condemned 19th day of January, 1939, the amount bos meal. Jewish dentists, numbering be- stables. of all existing dehte of Wertheimer "After the Friday services, long tween 600 and 650. Most of them and Degen Feed Yards, Inc., a Neafter the entire congregation had already had been deprived of "BOwith Us principal When the city of New Orleans braska• ofcorporation, business in Omaha, Nebrasleft the synagogue I walked slow- cial insurance practice, which voted to erect a statue of Judah place ka, was $ none. ly home. As I approached my had furnished them withy the bulk Tourp, the Jews protested beSAM •VnETRTHEIMER, house, I was surprised to see of their practice. Jewish~~chen>.. cause "as" Tonro was an Orthodox President, lights in our windows. ists and veterianaries have al- Jew, he • was in his lifetime opSOL, li. DEGEN. J. J. REGAN, most disappeared ES~a-, result -of- posed—to the idea of. graven ._ Dinner . ., JSAM WERTHEIMER, images. Hajorfty of Directors. "Ah," I said to myself, •she a heavy- anti-Jewish boycott. •





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