- In the Interests of the Jewish People
By AI/ SEGAL The Christian Re-Education of Father Coughlin
Not Hitler or Mussolini will cause the next war (-which seems Entered as Second Clasa Mall SlatteT on January SI. 1831, at not far oft). There are, indeed, VOL. XVI—No, 33SASKA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1939 .PoatoKlce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March S, 1879 a lot of people -who have a strong suspicion, amounting almost to conviction,' that these two have been brewing the hate, compounding the propaganda, mixing the TNT that shortly are to explode. But we have it on the loudest authority that it is really the Jews who are going to be responsible as the authors of the next •war. On a receir Sunday the Rev. Coughlin said it: He pictured the hideous slaughter of the youth of Weizman Aslss MacDonald Reich to Ease Pressure all nations perishing on battleon Jews During to State England's fieldB in a war fomented by the Emigration Intentions Jews. As documentary evidence ^ie quoted a paragraph that some one or other had written in the RUBLEE RESIGNS POST SECRET PARLEY HELD -American Hebrew of New York. Jews, he said, would combine the Understand Briton to Be forces of Christian nations "not Stephen W i s e Presents Named Committee Views of America to only to cast Hitler into hell bnt to substitute for the national.anChairman Meeting thems of the countries concerned The Ladies' Free Loan Bociety the national anthem of Jewry." London (WNS) — While dis- has made elaborate preparations By VICTOR M. BIKJf STOCK Pictured above are four mem- at the Temple. The very next day the Rev. cussions are being carried on in for the celebration of its 18th Coughlin was given aid and com- Chief of J . T. A. Foreign Servifce bers of the Junior A. Z. A., who, From left to right ere: Karvey London by British, Jewish and anniversary to be observed at a fort by none other than Mr. Hit- London (JTA) — Jewish lead- with Rabbi David H. IVice of Hoffman. Herbert Dolgoff, Rabbi Arab leaders In connection with banquet on Sunday, February 19, ler "who in his Reichstag speech ers Tuesday afternoon met Brit- Temple Israel, are preparing to Wlce, Albert White aad George the settlement of difficulties in starting at 6 p. in. at the Jewish likewise suggested that the Jews ish officials in what was describ- conduct the services this evening Scholaick. Palestine, the full Intergovern- Community Center. were fomenting the next war . . . ed as the most important Anglomental Eefugee Committee met ?.o Mr. I. Slorgenstarn will give Jewish session thus far of. the The .Junior Club of Mother Seholnick, Harvey Hoffman and devise uew methods of financing "I", said he, "am for peace." the principal E,ddress. A musical week-long Palestine conferences Chapter of A. Z. A. 1 will conduct Norman Polonsky. Norman "WohlSame day there came to my — to consider the role of the the services this evening at Tem- ner. Milton Soskin, Robert La- the resettlment abroad of Ger- program will he given by Cantor many's refugees. I. Levin Shatskes. one o£ PoE. Seltz. SeBk a broadside entitled "The Holy Land in the event of war. ple Israel. Rabbi David H. Wice zere and Calvin Breit will act as The committee, on which thirHymn of the Jews: Onward Reservations for the affair may land's best-known Jewish oraIn contrast with the large Jew- will speak on "If I Were 15." ushers for the affair. : tors, "will speak in Omaha on Sun- "With part of the record Christian Soldiers." This r a s one ish delegation which attended Services at the Temple begin ty-two nation are represented, j be made by calling Mrs. I. J. day, February 2 6. at 2 p. m. at tendance of seven hundred Participating in the service heard reports frcra Georgre Rub- I Soskin, AT SZiS, or Mrs. Ellis, of the outgivings of that Edmond- previous meetings, a group of six will be Albert White. George promptly at S o'clock. the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-sec- sons forced io listen to the 3 lee, American director of the son who is the front of one of the Jewish leaders, headed by Dr. ond and Clark streets. He ap- Iceeding-y via l o u d CoEUaission, on recent. conversanumerous anti-Semitic groups. Chalm "Weizmann, went Into clostions with Nazi officials in BerEdmondson had sent a copy of it ed conference -with Foreign Unequipment, ihe annual lin. Representatives of the United to every congressman. L i k e dersecretary Richard A. Butler, ui t.l>f> loc;oration of «3 Circle. States, Great Britain* France, the Coughlin and like Hitler Edmond Colonial Secretary Malcom MacM r . Sh&tF-krs, v L : K 01 f . . i . ' !-C-1 ' Netherlands, Brazil and Argen\ . •• I f i l l son places blame for tne next war Donald and Sir John Shuckbursh of the T n , - u ij. P.-_ i " - \ ' • ; ^ tina had already been given adon Jews. of the Colonial Office. , i - .", \ j v .<>..n u n i t y C e vance cpies of IXublee's report Informed circles said developBut I am not concerned with iio the V-p-lV ?--' " " - } - ' "I" , : ,-which, disclosed that tne German it The latest motion picture dethe falsifications of Hitler who ment in the parallel Anglo-Jewish government had determined the o f T: e r r " are: In Tils book tells us that any lie and Anglo-Arab discussions were scribing the development of Palpercentage of property Jewish A d m i s s i o n -\ •.'- "OP '~l v C i ,.:-. V." is righteous if it suits the nation- moving rapidly and should reach estine, "Built in a Day," will be Late Pope Had Rabb: KlrsJibhrni to Be emigrants misrht ta&e with them al purpose. Hitler's paganism lias B point soon where an Intima- shown Monday at the meeting of Anti-Semitism of Ozi&hs. Monday 1 taken to itself the ruthless oi a tion of the Government's inten- the "Women's Division of the Jewg Fascists Evening oarbaric gods who until recently tions could be expected. Belief ish Community Center. This will It. is understood that the ofU t i I \ « V L-.l-r-.-r i ! . - . , ( « had been relegated to innocuous was expressed in certain quarters be a 1 o'clock luncheon meeting ficials cf there six countries were New York (WNS) — Mournwith a board meeting at 12. Habbi Max K'rshblum of K desuetude In "Wagner operas. that the Government intended to In favor of the German plan the death of Pope Pius XI, which provides for the migration York, national secretary of the Nor am I troubled much on ac- curtail sale of land to Jews in the "Built in a Day" is part of the ing I t , • ' L. • I ' who In his lifetime had led the organization, count of Edmondson who is but Holy Land. series which has included, "This Catholic church in a fight against of approximately 200.000 wage- Xizrachi Zionist U l U . 1 t ' ' 1 I i•will be honored locally at a banany annoying rash on the social Is the Land" and "The Promised anti-Semitism. Jews throughout earning Jewish refugees through Asks Policy body. (I remember anti-Semitic Dr. "Weizman had bluntly asked Land." It pictures the building the world joined with Christian- a central bureau. This bureau, it quet to be hold Monday oenin,;. P r o v o s t of &cr~$~~- —r ' . r """-leaflets Edmondson put o u t MacDonald to state the British of a colony in the Holy Land. The is disclosed, would be responsiagainst Roosevelt in the 1936 Government's intentions and the picture, filmed in Palestine, was ity In acclaiming the loss of s ble for the orderly selection of champion of human rights. As campaign, with ao apparent effect agonizing delay by letting the highly recommended by Maurice youn^ and promising- emigrants. at all, if one is to judge by the Jews know the worst. At the same Samuel in the course of his lec- early as 1938 the head of the Outside Germany, the refugee Catholic church scored antiresult of the election.) committee would take care of the time, he formally authorized the ture recently given at the Center Semitism. Neit rrsfis.: r r - - '' problems created hy the resettleBut Coughlin marching with Colonial Secretary to arrange an Forum. ment project. The sick, aged end these two gives me an acute pain; Arab-Jewish meeting, asserting A decree Issued on September j ste'.n r i " br<;<- > - =-.—- o-. Mrs. J. M. Rice is president of since I have been brought up to that the Jews were ready to sit the Women's Division. 25. 1938, stated that: "The Cath- infirm Jews would be allo-wed to j Pro". LoviF T r~i r " r - F '-. o: ' j T.ppidns, hnaa? reraain in Germany and pending respect men of religion as bear- down with the Arabs to discuss olic church habitually prays for l phy ol "ivklbs.' r ~ o . . r ^ LJ= , e r s pf truth, justice and honest the problem. He warned, however, the Jewish people who were the the departure of promising- emihearts; especially men of religion that the Jews would not acquiesce bearers of the divine revelations grants all Jews will be restored ' ' : ' l Of who derive their ordination from in the establishment of an Arab up to the time of Christ. Actu- some of the rights .they.had prior to. the riots of last fail, and perChrist. ated, by this love, ,the Apostolic state in Palestine. "1 i r o r n , Oil "'Xt** See has protected this people mitted more noraal business and It -doesn't look like an honest Keplying to questions previouse s c. against unjust oppression, and. social .life. Heart that offers an anonymous ly raised by MacDonald when the ;. f just as every innS e£ errry end paragraph, as proof of a TIIB ac- latter presented the Arab case to Tfeese disclosures gsve rise to jealousy..amans^tae,,m""2r - rzv.zl a.~22©r-e c5.rsrf-nl--c^?w?*: en tfte cusation against a people. It is the Jews, Dr. Weizmann was^un^ be disapproved, so la E : crjecial proMem ti~£ hope was expressed ^ -insolentfalsfihopd-tfiat-in the- faco- defstobd" to" have" emphasized that i.«ie but of the fact? of current History at- it was the Government's duty to Rumor-Nested J u m i Will manner mast foe that hatred that this cooperation on the part which is. generally termed anti- of Nazi- officials- is indicative of . it -.fire, thft t e m p t s to place, on Jews, the blame maintain: order and to have referLead Zionist Semitism.'" Pope Pius XI. who the relaxation of anti-Jewsh pres,-ior war to come. False heart and red to Italian and German activitMovement fought against all forms of re- sure, fore the time being at least. false witness "are "repudiation of ies among the Arabs, aimed at the r; , : - r idAtO*.; «•»; ligious-and racial persecution, is the Christly teaching. Intemstloasl Corporation British Empire. In referring to Washington (JTA) — Louis dead leaving unsettled the CathTo dispute with, falsehood so MacDonald's presentation of the Dembitz Brandeis, first Jew to Formation of an international .,- f-'.- f.-hjit" nnt.-l apparent would be like stopping Arab case, the Zionist leader was be appointed to the United States olic church's greatest current corporation has been suggested problem—its Increasingly bitter to quarrel with a guttersnipe who reported to have commented that Supreme Court, this week anto conduct tht resettlement projT ; C*t i T c ^r r, has thrown mud at me. One is It seemed the British c official nounced his retirement from the combat with the totalitarian civ- ect on strictly economic lines. ar ilization now developing so rapangry at the guttersnipe but one spoke "con amore" (with love.) bench after 22 years of service. This company would be given -••"-? k ir, iht r T ~" C C l T C' r idly in Germany and Italy and doesn't demean himself to exLarge-scale Jewish immigration The 82-year-old liberal jurist threatening Spain and other tra- a monopoly of land, minerals, c • change words with him. To. ansT»- In accordance with Palestine's ec- gave no reason for his retirement transport and other facilities in • r " o r r t ~\\~ er, "No, I am not fomenting war," onomic absorptive capacity, an ac- in a brief letter to President ditional strongholds of the faith. the territories which might be set 1 t r e r ts; . is as ludicrous at is would be for tive policy of development and Roosevelt which stated: "PursuThe Pope was outspoken in his aside for Jewish, emigration. "t c z r ?,- T Jme to make indignant denial if safeguards against any perman- ant to the act of March 1, 1937, opposition to Nazi principles. In Jews would be permitted to dra-K ! • Ian.?s». '."it-. someone asked me if I beat my ent Jewish minority statns were I retire this day from active ser- April, 1934, he denounced "false to the extent of the wealth they een;h m i Cfc.CE.-s ttree^s-. 1'" V *[ s" " r" \ t S C c'OCit riE.MiL IIl"£.i 1" I !1~ "•wire this morning. vice on the bench." He had been Christianity" and "real pagan- would be permitted to take with <r> a r t , '."*!-* demanded by Dr. "Weizmann. I believe rather that one should vi'I be rtr.-t F" 1o rl"r r; r r-r?,in poor health for some time, ism" in Germany. In September, them from Germany. •r "Wise Speaks s attempt to undertake the Christi : p c'sc t r he h e c ft il-f r y r r n." j-«TjThe minimum per person for If Dr. Stephen S. "Wise, saying he having noly last week returned to 1937, he said religious conditions tr-r C: r ian re-education of Father Coughthe bench after an attack of grip. in the Reifch were "truly deplor- resettlement has been placed at 1 cer.tly retr-r°,." f-or" ~ r'"=^ lin. This revilement, this false spoke for millions of American Brandeis -has made no decision able." In December of that year $250 and with 400.000 Jews in• witness, this sweetnesB of- words Jews and non-Jewish sympathizhs--devoted his entire Christmas volved the total fund requireconcealing venom, this hypocrisy ers, stressed the interest of the yet regarding plans following his message to the Sacred College cf ments would be 5100,000,000. £.s -wel". E.S - ^ e v o r j ; oL t h e r . r- l . v i r n v •which pretends-friendliness -while United States in Palestine. Con- retirement, it was said by persons Cardinals to an Indictment or The refugee committee believes -plunging the knife into the back tradicting MacDonald's statement close to him, but Ms retirement Nazi Germany, its "frightful" and that approslmately 6-0,00 0 emi- O n e of ^Le c c ^ ^ ^ i j £ C L . . - i L u i ~ . , ^ -—alt this "suggests that he needs that the authors of the Balfour recalled reports aroused by two "violently brutal" persecution. (Continued on page 7.) to go hack to Christianity to learn Declaration were not aware of unusual visit to President Roosevelt on Oct. 14 and Nov. 19, that , At the end of July, mentioning (Continued on pag-i 7-X 'its lessons. • • • '•• . -N, ol t h e orsaciJE-tiOE. | j, 1 l niprt he was considering the possibility Italy by name for tha, first time, Educated to be a .priest of The Mizrachi's r e g u l a r Jrl'lave I <• t • n tn of leaving -the bench to take the he delivered the most direct of Christ, he takes words, from the K&lke -wi'li be held toraorrov.- at active leadership of the Zionist the three addresses by deploring , month bZ anti-Christ-Goebbels and S o'clock a t t h e E'liai Jacob movement in view of the tragic the "unhappy imitation of Ger' makes them his own, as he did synagogue, Twenty-fourth, rn^ world Jewish situation. Before many"—a phrase which stirred <• in a recent speech; his heart Xich.o!s.s streets. his election to '.he court, he had Premier Mussolini to violent rettndB fellowship in the false outbeen an outstanding leader of ply—and termed mankind a vast givings of Hitler's heart. During f -T O f SS.VJ Zionism in America. York (WNS)—The Amersymphony of all peoples. Again 22 hours, between 4 p. m. SunNomination Precipitated Storm ican ORT Federation has acceptin July, 193S, the Osservatoreday and 2 p . m. Monday, Conghr C o r i-i a quota of $1,257,000 as its _ Tin and .Hitler spoke on Jews with Lodge Opening Drive to His nomination to the Supreme Romano, official Vatican news- ed ! paper, denounced antl - Jewish share of the 1S29 budget of $1,such unity of revflement aa to Court by President Woodrow Raise Past and 759,000 of the World ORT UnBuggeBt almost phonographic reWilson on Jan. 28, 1916, arous- persecution as "inhuman" and ion, -which redirects Je-wish. occuCurrent Dues production. ed stormy controversy ia which declared propaganda against Jews pational life through vocational had assumed proportions unall the forces of bigotry in. the ihr Certainly, this seems far from and agricultural training for refworthy of twenty centuries of The Omaha Lodge of B'nal AnnOuEceiaeiit has -been — c United States united to oppose the Christ who gave the beatiugees and other European Jews, Christian civilization.** B'rith will hold its next^ regular oJ those members of the "^ e v his confirmation. Despite this tudes and in. the same German Not only in words but Jn action it vas announced by George Back- en's Division of the Jewish >_c"gave the Golden Rule, who des-meeting Monday evening, Febru- struggle, which formed a bitter t.ir 1r Jffi ary 20. The feature of the evennninity Center vrlio vrill se- 1 c '~ chapter in Mr. Brandeis's life, his the Pope demonstrated his hatred er, sew Federation president. pised falsehood and hypocrisy, ing will be a debate by members Canada and Siesico are includthe corcicittee pticusoriEe f-e i°-appointment was confirmed by of persecution and oppression. In who in this hour when greed, arT 1938 he appointed two Jewish ed in the American quota. This ture to be priven oa l.Iarcl " ! rogance and falsehood rule the of the Junior A. Z. A. on the sub- the Senate on June 1, 1916. ject, "Resolved That T h e r e budget is the largest in ORT's Dorothy Fulo.heini. world, still stands (before the Before his election to the court, scientists, the physicist Levi Mrs. Davia Greenberg v eyes of all men of good will) as Should be an Additional Haven of Brandeis had made a nation-wide Civita, and Professor Volterra, as history.- "The large increase in f lir Refuge Besides Palestine." sam sought over previous | serve ES chairman and T.Irs ^ F - the one fixed light in the vast reputation in important litiga- members of the new Papal Acad- the years," Backer Laid, "is the min• An open forum discussion will tions involving the construction emy of Science. | ry Trustin &s co-chr^irmaa c~" ' darkness. imum required to meet not only | eroup. iVTerabers of the ccr — I believe It is better for the follow the debate. of labor laws and big business In an address opening the the rapidly monntisg needs in Poj tee a r e : Mesnp.mes ililton ' Starting on Monday, the lodge practices. He was born in Louis- Academy, the Pope declared that soul to go with Christ than with r r Hitler and Go'ebbels. He leads a launches its campaign to raise ville on Nov. 13, 1S56, and was all men regardless of their be- land and throughout Eastern Eur- I hainE, !Leo Abraiason. Sam ' T ope but also for refjgee Trork • TM.ii. S"-ta Bc-ber. Harry Be •—-man to that Mount whence He five thousand dollars in past and educated in Louisville, in Ger- liefs or origin, could co-operate points out the way of truth and current dues. Al Fiedler and Mil- many and at Harvard Law School. in advancing science and human "svliich has added -unprecedented : Davifi Brodkev, Edv-in-Brc I t Justice, of loving kindness and ton Frohm are general chairmen He is the author of several books progress. The same day, for the burdens on OET in many lands." jDsvjfl Cohen. Jack E. Cohr- * - 1 n of this drive. Mr. Backer announced the elec- | fhur Cohn. Bavid Colin, " r - e tolerance. on law and numerous articles on first time in history, a Jew spoke 1 t ,ir»>I Farber an3 A. D. Frank. Members of the lodge will be tion of Louis B. Bosdin, as board - He takes him to the road to Zionism. over the Papal broadcasting sta| Also Mesdaines J. ,T. F r i ^ r ^ divided into two competing teams, chairman after serving as acting Jericho where the Good Samari(Continuea on page 7.) chairman for sis years. The 1SSSj Leon Graetz, TvIaEJiin-i: H a " r *" tan finds the stricken stranger "The Busy Bees" and "The WillI . - » <f.f ing Workers" captained by Dr. budget includes the following ' Korris Katleman. Philip *;- . New York (JTA) — In markand does not kick him but picks items: Training, including re- Tnan,. Robert Koox>er, T ed contrast to the calumny that him up and carries him to the Leon Fellman and Louis Lipp. training of refugees and declassed Levey, Irvin Levin.. Tvi"ia**iT " r was heaped upon Louis D. Bran- - h o s p i c e . , (Father Caughlln's merchants and professional peo- fier, Abraham Fradeil, Sarc " - deis when he was nominated to church supports many among its ple, $7ES,00O; industrialization fel. Jfick Kasr.ick, .'oe -Rice - ~ the Supreme Court more than 22 many charities various hospitals and employment for artisans, years ago, his retirement brought named for- the Good Samaritan Z. K.osThe Round Tatle News pub- $155,000; agricultural aid . and Kosesblat forth a chorus of' newspaper lished who picked up the stricken Fred Kosenstock. Leonard £.~rt by the Round Table of praise for his judlcal service. "In Jewish Youth made its debut last settlement, S31S.O00; and refu- j Ben Silver, Julius Stein r - stranger on the road to Jericho.) gee -work, $425,000. the respect and affection of the week. Christ leads a man to look at j Steinberg-, ' Sara Theodore *•." t h e whlted sepulchres which Delegates from the Ladies' American people," said the New Joe Guss, Round Trble presioutwardly appear beautiful bu Auxiliaries of the Workmen's York Times, "he has come to oc! N*. ^ TTolf 7 " FJf'har d IT right r - . announces the following inwardly are full of dead men's Circles of Lincoln, Sioux City, cupy a place like that reserved dent, j-SIiss Blar.che S'rnman. Beth Kulakofsky, editor; bones and of all uncleanness." In Des Moines and Omaha met last for Justice Holmes." The Herald staff: I IvliSs Fulaieim has r.:' - ~ Ann Arbitman, Rose Goldstein, the symbol of the whlted sepul- Sunday at the Labor Lyceum, Tribune called him ''a liberal who Lazere Singer, Phil Malkin. snd chre He shows him the hideous- Twenty-second' and Clark, for the has been a true friend of liberty" Sylvia Epstein reporters. Dr. • John I.I. Phillips, minister i beca-css of her fearless a~" •» ' and praised his "salutary" influness of hypocrisy. first district convention. The "News" will be issued pre- of the First Central Congregation i -presentation of the facts c" c ~ ence over the -development of law. i May I . recommend that Father Those in attendance pledged to ceding outstanding Round Table Church, vrill occupy the pulpit Coughlin go with Christ to the continue their efforts on behalf events. Club members are asked this evening; at- tfcs Beth El Syn• Mount and walk again on the of the organization and to aid all to send in any contributions to agogue. Scientist Helps Italy road to Jericho and take a look campaigns for the benefit of refthe Jewish Community ~ Center Dr.' 'Phillips -sriU speak cr at the whited sepulchre. Let him ugees. • Lwow,' Poland, (JTA) — ' Prof. Educational Department. "Christian and Jew in a Sii£t:zs . learn again the Christly truth: Mrs. L. Wolf and Mrs. L Hen- Rudolf Weigel, Jewish inventor World." ' he cate cf. the KcunG "Judge not, that ye bo not judg- Ien of Branch 399 B, Lincoln, of a prophylactic vaccination The first Jew to hold important Services begin at S c'clock. Puritn Carniv has bee ed. For with what judgment ye were named to arrange for the against spottel fever, has left for political office iras Francis Saljudge, ye shall be judged; and next convention which is to be' Ethiopia with a group of Polish vador, vriio trs3 elected to the After tha capture ®i Newport Tfeis, t h e oiitEtERfiiE.Er with what measure ye mete, I held in Lincoln. scientists invited .by th» Italian first and second Provincial eoa- -•by the British dsrlns t i e Heroin- | e Ron-2d Table soc-r.l shall be measured unto you." . The members agreed to meet Government to help combat the { gresses of South Carolina (1775- tion, most c* t i e Ssrrs settles is. < is r.ndsi tfce 1 chairma ; < (Continued on page 8.) i every year. < disease in its African colony. . 1776). _ . - . . - . - .-
Are Re
ill tin iv I uiltliw
Ladies'Free Loan Society to Mark Eighteenth Year
Record Crowd Hears RafoM Goldman Address tine
Year's Report Is Workmen's Circle WH1 Mear Noted By Holzman, Orator, Febr, 26 Veret
Women's Division to See Movie at 'Meeting Monday
- '
fl r! ; II -; T
Workmen's Circle Auxiliary Molds Convention Mere
Round Table Issues "News" to Members
^ p Speaks Tonight at Beth El
• - • - %
Page 2
signs, the display lias thua The leading citizens of Dallas aroused little attention. have assured the National office of their support and leadership. Texas has secured a promise from Father Michael J. Ahern, S. J., of Western College, to give them a month of his. services for speakRome (JTA) — A concentre- ] Temple ing in the Southwest soon after tion camp for foreign Jews unable j Members of the Junior Club of Easter, 1939. to leave Italy "icfore March IS, ' A. Z. A. 1 will conduct the servfor compliance with last Oklahoma City wants to have ices this evening at Temple London (JTA) — An olfer to deadline the field secretary for the South- Israel. Rabbi David H. Wice will permit a "considerable number of October's expulsion edict, is beprepared on i n island off the west territory spend a week in speak on "If I Were 15." involuntary immigrants" to settle ing south of Italy, it ww learned. their city to set up the local in Mindanao, southernmost of the 1 On December 5 and 6 there Round Table work among school Meanwhile, increasing pressure ie The sixth annual observance disposition Is to establish a branch Philippine Islands, was raised for being exercised against fofeign Beth £1 of IJrotbcphooa Week frill Bo office 8f the National Conference w.re nino Louisiana meetings people, university people, club discussion of an all-day session of Tonight Dr. John M. Philips, the Intergovernmental Refugee Jews, -srho are being summoned FOR lield 'February 10-20, under the of Christians and Jews in Texas. with an .aggregate ot over 2,500 people, veterans groups, labor, auspices of the National Con- "There is work to be done in all people. These meetings included agricultural and business circles. minister of the First Central Con- Committee. Mindanao. 37,000 by the police and worried to leave ference of Christians and .Jews. of the small towns as well as tho student assemblies a t Newcomb, Tulsa, Oklahoma, topped off gregational church, will be'tfuest miles square, is one of the larg- the country before the deadline. MEN AND WOMEN lV The'following ' article presents large cities of the Southwest," Dlllard, and the Baptist Bible col- the day of its great youth meet- speaker at the Beth El Syna- est of the islands. The soil is ex- All Jewish officers in the Ital^three pictures of the National they say. "The educational insti- ege, and at Loyola and Tulane ing, described at the opening of gogue. His topic will be "Chris- ceedingly fertile and -well-suited ian military acci naval services THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED Conference a t work "on the tutions are receptive to this kind universities. There was a luncheon this story, by having a mass tian and J e w in a Shifting for the cultivation of rice, sugar have been dismissed, it was ofT© MEET 'r®VZ: EVERY "road»* Recently Father Ahem, of '. Americanism. Beaumont will of clergymen on Monday noon, a meeting in the auditorium when World." ' . cane, cotton, corn, tobacco and ficially announced. Under the ausDr. Clincby, with varionj rabbis support a Southwest headquarters meeting of the representatives of 2,800 people rededicated thempices of the race publication, DiNEC©. coffee. The island has an excelNext Week Indifferent states traveled rest assured of that, and Beau- women's clubs a t 3 o'clock, and a selves to the American idea. On lent climate and v^n absorb a lesa della Razsa, sn anti-Semitic Next Friday evening Rabbi 'through tho South and South- mont will carry on a Round Table splendid evening public meeting the platform were the outstandhas opered at the Piazza A. Goldstein will speak on preat nninber of refugees, it was eshibit west, speaking at. 30 meetings* program for this section of the of over 600.. in.- the Roosevelt ing clergy of the city. The lead- David Colonna, featuring a free library said. the life and work of Rabbi Akianti-Semitic literature hotel. Stales that will be a corker." —The Editor. ing laymen and women of all theba, one of the greatest men In Australia's plan to assimilate containing and explanations of the Fascist 15.000 refugees within the next SCENE m This proved to be one of the Jewish history. His address will Important organizations in civic . :.._...: - ...SCENE I . .; race theory. Despite huge Neon three years and the Dominican most enthusiastic groups In all Tho third scene Is located In affairs, agreed with the intelli- be based principally on the book The first scene is in the Colisexperience. Habbi Julius Mark gent and thoughtful president of "Aklba — Scholar, S a i n t - and Republic's offer to accept 100,eum in-Tulsa, Oklahoma. Sight St. Louis, Missouri, when a meet- pur of Nashville, and Rabbi Julian the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, Martyr," by Professor L o u i s 000 also were discussed, together thousand American youth fcaye ing of the Veterans of Foreign Felbelman of New Orleans, as Mr. John Rogers, that this is the Finkelstein, -who will speak on with the relief efforts already unWars is convened in the Civic filled; the "huge building. Every 5 well as Dr. E. McNeil Poteat of kind of thing that needs to hap- Sunday evening, February 26, dertaken or projected by Britain, auditorium. The subject of the high school in the city, every parCleveland, Ohio, joined forces pen in every crossroads village as before a dinner of the synagogue. France, the United States, Belmeeting is The Bill'of Rights and ochial school of that age group, the flying squadron a t New well as in all the Important cities Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bramson an- gium and the Netherlands. and the students of the Univer- the occasion is December 15, with Lord Winterton, chairman and and participated in the in the United States. nounce the Bar MitzvaL of their sity of Tul&a, are cheering, the 1938, one hundred and -forty- Orleans, discussions in that city. Father son, Alan, on Saturday morning, spokesman for Britain, stressed REGIONAL OFFICES Master of Ceremonies, - President seven years after ratification. the important financial aid alreaRabbi Mark and Dr. Po- In Kansas City, Mr. Joseph February 25. Pontitis. On tho platform, and The American Legion Band and Ahern, dy extended by Britain. England, addressed a meeting of stu- Porter dotting the audience, are mem-tho Veteran Bugle and Drum teat the President of the Kanbecause of its dense population, dents a t Louisiana State Univer- sas City Power and Light combers of the faculty of the college Corps provide music. City dig- sity can serve only as a country of in Baton Rouge, where they and all of. the teachers of the nitaries are on tho platform and were entertained a t supper by a pany, who Is Protestant co-chair"transition" and "technical preschools. . ' ' • . . . the' audience represents Posts and roup of all the clergymen in Ba- man of that Round Table, started paration" lor refugees, he said. a quiet campaign for funds with H e r e and there ministers, nuns, friend In eastern Missouri. He pointed, however, to efforts ton Rouge. a contribution of $500 that the priests a n d rabbis have been di- An American of German backto lind havens ia other parts of ONE DOLLAR MATCHED Natolnal Conference might be able ercted to places by the "pep ground reads the Bill of Rights the empire. Speaking for the UnitBY THREE to put a field secretary at work squad" ushers. To these 8,000 and makes a brief but stirring ap-' ed States, Vice-Chairman Myron New York (WNS) — Both the peal for the continuation of freeyouth a t this afternoon assembly An interesting development took in Missouri, Kansas and Colorado. Federation of Labor ex-' C. Taylor observed that his counthe President of the University dom and man's natural rights place in Texas. So numerous were Governor Henry J. Allen and Wil- American ecutive council and the Congress try already was absorbing 30,000 here In the United States. The Napresents a Catholic priest, a rabbi the demands upon tho National liam Allen White are endorsing of Industrial Organizations ap- German emigrants annually. A of the synagogue, and a Protest- tional Conference of Christians onference, once i t became known this move and giving their supproposed national lerris'a- great number of temporary perant minister. The speakers stand and Jews contributed the speak- that we had a ter.m scheduled for port in Kansas. An old commit- proved tion designed to permit the entry mits have been made permanent, simultaneously and break into • a ers, and a minister, rabbi and a week in Texas, that we had totee of thirty experienced laymen, of at least 10,000. refugee child- he further pointed out. The compriest discuss Democracy and put two teams into the field at ten of each faith in St. Louis, running dialogue of humor. ren of all denominations from mittee was unanimous In recogthe same time. In Houston, Tex., will.carry their share in terms o*£ Greater Germany under the sup-nizing that France, instead of beThe vast audience, electric in Freedom. . its response, soon blends into a "But democracy and freedom the committee imported two Cath- program and support for profes- ervision of the Quakers Relief ing called upon for further help, had reason to expect considerable single community of minds. The cannot endure if the religious di- olics, two Jews and two Protest- sional leadership. These two new Organization. dialogue moves into • a'•. serious visions do not trust each other," ants, for a long series of meetings branch offices, Dallas for Texas Members of the executive coun- aid from the committee. and Oklahoma, Arkansas and New cil of the American Federation of vein to deal with the marshaled observes the Presbyterian minis- that occupied two days. youth in totalitarian states of Rus- ter. "Is i t true. Father Ahem, Mexico, Kansas City for Missouri, Labor, expressing their views GERMANS FORBIDDEN Incldentially the Houston comsia, Italy, and Germany. A ; con-that thQ Catholic Church seeks mittee, composed almost entirely Kansas and Colorado, were sup- through William Green, president TO WORK FOR JEWS trasting picture" of youth in free political control of the United of Christians, raised sufficient plemented by a decision made last of the A. F. of L., felt that, beLondon — German repAmerica • is drawn. Tho chal- States? Do American Catholics money to have professional public week in Minnesota that the man cause of humanitarian reasons, resentatives(JTA) ia London are forlenge, to- the American Way iswant fascism?" prepared to tackle a piece of work they could not oppose the Idea of bidding German subjects in Engdefinitely stated in term's of dic- The priest thunders no to both, relations counsel and carry an in that state will start on his en-helping the young children, par- land to vrork for Jewish employamazing publicity campaign in terprise the first week in January. ticularly as the idea did not mean tatorship. • . ' . .. and tells why. ers, Geoffrey Macder, Liberal, repreparation tor the meetings. LatThe National Conference is modification of the immigration vealed ia Commons in asking Ths American Dream of a just "What about the accusation er we learned that Dallas,'Texas, :society, Interesting, rich and.var- that communists are Jews, Rabbi? spent $1,000 on the visitation ot reaching peoplo where they live. statutes affecting adults. Home Secretary Sir S a m u e l Representative . spokesmen of Hoare whether steps would be ied with the contributions of all And do Jews threaten the jobs of the National Conference team that The thirty-six meetings on this races, nations and faiths-, is Christians when they get control week and the St. Louis veterans trip with an aggregate attendance other faiths also favored the pro- taken to prevent this racial dis"The- children are to be crimination. sketched in alluring and heroic of business?" The rabbi shows $800. In other words, this of Eomewhat over 37,000 people posal. terms. The thre% man close their that a believing Jew cannot be a spent plUB seven radio broadcasts with from all denominations. Catholic, Sir Samuel stated that he was three weeks trip which cost the conversation before tho micro- Communist: that Christiana con- national conferencg something perhaps two milloin listeners Protestant and Jewish," said Mr. aware of the allegation and asked Green. "The only requisite is that phones with a . rejection of the trol the banking Industry: that over $1,000 was the occasion for among the adult radio audiences Mander to supply particulars, four commands one dictator most Jews are poor; that religious of the Southwest, and the prob- they be refugees. The arrange- promising that he would have Inlocal expenditures of approxi. abroad has flung- to. the youth of Jews and ChristlanB agree on ability of hundreds of new per-ment provides that they bo p'r.'ccd quiries made. Europe, "Believe, obey, fight, and moral and social ideals. Statistics mately $3,000. almost all oi which manent committees Ir. the small in private homes and that those 1 was contributed by the Christian who give them homes zgrce iu... die' for totalitarian statism! are given. Jews were among the first col"Even an gpen safety pin doesn't interfere with* leaders. This is an illustration towns of these states, are evi- they shall not become public A compelling' appeal' to "Beonists seat by Rome to the region These and other canards, inter- of the fact that ?1 contributed to dences of Important gains. bis enjoyment of Roberts milk." charges." liove, obey and live" for the re-spersed with falsa stories about the budget of the National Con-, of the Danube. During 1939 the National ConJohn Li. Lewis, in a statement ligion of one's tradition and for Protestants, too, ore . answered ference sets going the expendi- ference will> open elx new area the American "practices' of denio~, 'with facts, salted -with" a dash of ture of $3 worth ofienergy lia .the offices, a college division, and ex- expressing the views of the Com- The church of the Blessed Virmittee on Industrial Organization, gin in - Utrecht was built as a cracy in human -relatiocs, gairii humor, by tho nitnister, rabbi and tend and intensify its educational said,: "Assuredly America should synagogue. the plaudite : and; the; hearts of priest. . - '-•'. — ~ work in as many villages, towns do its part in caring for sortie of T H I N G S D0HEJ;1'-'*::•••- "'• these Oklahoma youth.• and-Cities as pur finances will per- the children , The speakers teach that Cathwho are victims of The list of "things ; done'* by •SCENE -n--;-. • : mit. , • olics, Jews and Protestants stand religious and racial oppression in INVEST SAFELY, WiSfcLY IN The second scene is in one of or fall together in the world to- the Dallas Committee in preparaThe work of the National ConGermany. I heartily approve of the smaller cities of south Texas, day. We have much in common. tion for three day3 of meetings ference is marching on! practical action necessary for Beaumont, an important oil cen- We must mobilize our numbers In that city, .consumes three (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts any the. accomplishment of this purAnnuity, Enacwment, «_l?e ter. Thirty, men. have left their for the sake of religion, and forpages in a typewritten report. Not Feature Syndicate.) pose." a newspaper came off tho press desks before S o'clock in the-af- America. &1ARK LEOH in a period of ten days which,did ternoon to meet at the home of Represents £i Strong Compsn. (Since that day, the St. Louis One of the pioneers in the work a prominent Catholic layman. Round Table has employed a sec- not carry news of the National tes—Every Type of insurance among the deaf was William "Van and Bonds Written. These u e n have heard the trio of retary, and with the Veterans, the Conference meetings. Every., day Praagh, a Jew of Rotterdam. CALL AT 7667 or WA 6":S0 - visiting clergymen from, the Na-Church and civic leaders, former during the preparatory period, City Ftnancs \& insurance Co. tional Conference ' -when they Governor Caulfield is leading in spot announcements were made on Patronize Our Advertisers spoke at a noon meeting of the a plan to. cover city, town and all of the radio stations with 15 . With only two lost-time acciRotary Club and their guests, 400. countryside for the Brotherhood minute programs arranged In ad-dents among it 737 employees and dition. Eight thousand people a total of 1,564.089 man hours strong. - Week educational work). were faced by the speakers in worked, the Nebraska Power "The very best meeting in'the : TOUR OF THREE Dallas alone in two day s time, at Company achieved another excelhistory of'servic© clubs in BeauThese three events were epis- the Southern Methodist university, lent safety record In 1938, it was mont,"- was the general verdict. odes in a pilgrimage entered into revealed at the company's annual At that Beaumont Rotary lunch- by several ministers, several Cath- at two huge high school assem- safety meeting Wednesday night eon, the three speakers had de-olic priests, and three rabbis be- blies, the women's club, the Lions when the annual safety awards veloped during their dialogue the tween November 28 th and Decem- Luncheon, and the auditorium were presented to each of the m, BUT peace of mind' •. area3; of misunderstanding, the ber 16th. The tour opened in meeting when Governor Allred ot company's sixteen departments. . • •» Avoid . mkid hazards. - mainlines of criticism, one group Virginia with school, college and Texas presided over 4,000 adults. Give T-ocree3f t h e extra. • Presentation of the awards to of another, and given facts which community meetings In Richmond Some people came fifty miles to departments was made by J. E. eeews-itr ef U. S. ROYAL the mass meeting. Fort "Worth enabled these top-flight business and Lynchburg. Two days of sesMASTERS—the tir© t h a t Davidson, president of th« commen of that section of Texas to sions took place in New Orleans, and Austin, the capital of Texas pany, and merit badges awarded stops -j'cmr cay in a jneas* , • resist prejudicial thinking. ^irrfslf f>bort»»r distance « n fllowed by a University meeting and the seat of the university, to foremen for perfect no-accldent were other cities visited by tht> records were presented by I. H. e-wf.s-y kind of rosd, w e t ot; . The dialogue ended with the in Baton Rouge. drawing of four-points: (1) We The clergymen of each city sat team. McNelll, superintendent of dismustn't allow a wave of anti- down together to talk about the Dallas was selected as the lo-tribution. Semitism here. Ultimately it challenge to all religion today. I t jatlon for the new Southwest ofrfTED T 0 •wopld result in a wave of anti- was made perfectly clear that if fice to serve Texas and Oklahoma. Patronize Our Advertisers Christianity. (2) We must see ever one religious.group is perseY COWVBNCC that i social ' justice is preserved. cuted all the other faiths suffer Without economic democracy po- with it. In Louisiana as in Virere A F E E litical democracy can't survive. ginia, radio broadcasting brought (3) We need to get steamed up the message t o thousands of lisSTRATBON. about the American way, to ap- teners,, while small round table preciate the values of democracy. sessions went Into administration (4) We need a rededication to re- and porgram problems, and large influential ligion. That's basic to the success assemblies reached leaders In almost all of the comof democracy. EVERY ^U TEEE WE SELL At the afternoon session in the munity Institutions of. Importhome of a leading layman, the ance.
Italy Planning to Interne Jews Who "Fail to Emigrate
By Father Michael J. Ahem, S. J. and Everett R. Clinchy
Fii f ffii If El
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' ' " - • • • •
"Nebraska Power Co* Has Safety Record
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By LEONARD NATHAN THE JEWISH PRESS herewith presents the first of two articles by its editor on the Jews of the Carribean region. The author, recently returned from an extensive trip through this region, presents a survey of the Jewish communities which have existed in the "West Indies since colonization of the 'Islands., over three centuries •go. Once more the lands .' of the Carribean are seeing -wandering Jews upon the sea's languid waters. ,Not in galleons this time, "but .on every large liner plying the South Atlantic trade routes. Kot-Spanish-speaking Jews this time, but Germans. -. .Where three hundred years ago Dutch Guiana -was the focal point ot this great migration, today British. .Guiana has teen suggested as a refuge. As once they
brought; O the islands of the Indies thp cultivation of sugar, today ; the Jews are looked to for the introduction of new methods HI farming, new industries. ;•
narrow streets are thronged with .people from the world over. And despite nature's lack of "cooperation, the place Is pleasant to look at. The Dutch brought with them their own quaint architecture, but the houses of Curacao, in their pastel pinks and lavenders, have a tropical flavor all their own. In '1634 when the original Dutch colonists came to Curacao, a few Jews were numbered in the party. Not until 1650, howevar, when the Dutch West Indies Company, on the verge of abandoning the Island as worthless, was persuaded to stimulate Jewish colonization, did the community grow. Twelve families under the patroonship of David Nassi (who founded similar colonies at Cayenne and Surinam) settled in what is now tnown as the Jodenwyk. A century later there were two thousand Jews on the island with, four congregations. Most of them had fled Brazil 'and the Inquisition. Others were from the famous colony in Surinam -where ten thousand Jews had organized an agricultural colony a t a district
American Jewry, we are apt to now know as the Jodesavanne or Bterlook, is not the child of a Jews' Plain. In Curacao for the European Jewry, as generally be- first time the principles of re-
cruise boats stop to take' advantage of the bargains. Penhas, El Siglo, the Casa Cohen, the Casa Amarillo—all become the objects of perfume, linen and liquor buyers. Modern Shops Here alone in the tropics are the shops modern and well tept. Here is little or none of the bargaining that makes shopping in the Carribean such u nuisance. To the casual observer, a t least, there seems to be an unusual spirit of co-operation rather than cut-throai competition among the I recall apologizing to one shop keeper for having overlooked him in my rounds of Curacao's fascinating shops. He asked no apologies."My competitors," he said with a dignity characteristic of Curacao Jewry, "have the same prices and the same quality mer» chandise as L" The mulatto clerks in the stores are welltrained, polite and intelligent, speaking beside their native Papiemento, Dutch, English, Freneh, Spanish and German. Principal family of Curacao Is the Jewish family of Maduro, ofttimes called the "uncrowned kings of Curacao." One docks at Madaro. wharfs, one exchanges money at the iladnro bank, one sees the ships unload cargo into Haduro lighters, ono uses- Madura fuel, one's house is lighted by the Maduro power plant, one walks down Madurostraat." The founder of the dynasty, S. E. L. Madnro. began his career In 1837 as a small dry-goods merchant. During the past century the family prospered and many of the prominent American Sephardic families, including ths Hays and Peisottos, married into it. The islands principal philanthropic fund was founded by t i e family. Kefineries Established Towards the end of the last century Curacao as a commercial center gave evidence of decline. Again nature compensated for its treatment of the island, and great oil deposits were discovered on the mainland of South -America resulting in the establishment on
Jleved, -but the grandchild. Be- ligious freedom -were enunciated tween the two lie . the exotic is- for the benefit of the Jews. Philanthropies lands of the Carribean, the West Indies. They were Jews from "Under the governor Peter Stuythese 'lands of,the sun', that fath- vesant (who was later to be so ered' the first communities of co- inhospitable as'govern of Nieuw lonial America. t Amsterdam) commerce was enOnce the richest of empires, for couraged, and in a few years Curgenerations the scene of imperial acao, strategically situated at the strife between the: great powers, crossroads of the Carribean, was the Indies now bask in their mel- to become the region's commerlow sun while the mother conn- cial center. .'..'.• .-.tries indulge in controversy elseSo wealthy did the Jewish comvhere. "Where the battles be- munity become tliat the first four tween thB .powers once raged..to- synagogues in America—those of day is a-scene of tropical languor. New York, Charleston, Newport, The history, of West Indian and Savannah—were erected with Jewry began o«<-that day the five funds raised by the islanders. Jews of Columbus's crew for the And It was from Curacao that the flrst time stepped on the newly- first Jews, augmented by a group discovered lands. Luis de Torres, from Brazil, came to America and aB has been repeated many times settled In New York and at Newelsewhere, -was. left by the Dis- port. eqyerer as the first governor of Tcday the principal shops of Cuba. . Willemstad are owned by the de: ..-.. Settlement scendants of the Spanish Jews Following the explorations and who settled the island. Familiar during, the period- of Spanish set- names in Jewish ^history. are Hentlement,' Jewish women, it is said, riques, Penha, Cardoze, Curiel, as •were forcibly; baptized and sent to well as others. Just off the busiCuba to become the wives of the ness district is the crumbling colonists. Jjater, when powers, Mickve Israel Synagogue, built less Inimical to the Jews, came the year of George Washington's t o the Carribean, Jewish commu- birth to commemorate the comnities sprang up in Jamaica, Bar- munity's centennial! bados, St. Thomas, St. Jjustatins, One of the principal points of Curacao. Surinam and elsewhere interest, always shown to tourists i s the tropics. is the Jewish cemetery, the oldest Startling price re&ictioss are /Only in Curacao, Surinam, St. Caucasian cemetery in the west- clearing our floors. Cosif—Scs Thomas, and Jamaica have the ern hemisphere. The island also —Pick out a fine piano NO^7 communities been perpetuated In boasta a Reform congregation, while the assortment is ctiU a n unbroken line.. Elsewhere, as Emanu-El. in Havana, Panama, and Puerto In 1827 Curacao (ceded hack large. Rico, -there are synagogues, but to Holland just nine years before they belong to communities of re- after capture by the English) becent vintage. . came a free port, and today still Or as in Barbados and St. Eus- enjoys that status. Because of the . tatius, the original Jewish settle- absence of duty, passengers on ment is no longer, and the silent dead are left the task of keeping ali-ve • the memory of the pioneers It's Wise to •who in fragile galleons braved ROUGH DRY pirate-ridden waters to build new These two won't last long. Pound . . ' . . . ' homes in new lands.Trades and Terms WET WASH Curacao , Pound Most, intriguing of all the Jewish communities of the Carribean ..SHIRTS, • Finished with bundle is that of vCuracao.. Here Dutch PIM4O COMPANY and Jewish initiative in an almost 1512 Douglas Gircc2 perfect teamwork have accomCall AT 6637 plished miracles. <Holland,-a late, A SSS3 1 entrant in the- race for' colonial power, found herself, the. possessor- of six virtually worthless Islands-—Aruba; 'Bonalr,- and' GUTncao off the. coast.of .Venezuela; and Saba, St. Eustatius, and part at St. Martin' In the Windward group, not far. . from.. America's NEBRASKAS OWN TR.A1N "Virgin Islands. Jews settled In all these islands; but Curacao is today'the only-one-with, a substantial community. The Island Is aimo'st a flat deBert, thirty-three 'miles • long- and Blx miles wide. The 210 square miles is small enough space, but at considerable amount of the surface area ig .given, over to. salt marshes. For its drinking water the island depends • on rain gathered, from. the. tile. . roofs, . and when .there is no rain water must be brought,' ' a t 'great expense, from the mainland, • Every bit of food consumed on the island must be Impbrteal *' Nature, so .generous, elsewhere In. the West Indies, has - treated Curacao as a stepchild. : " '" " Early Settlement • ; • Despite Its. apparent useless. OMAHA 9:15 pm ness, this island is the most thriv. CHICAGO 8:30 am ing in the Carribean; -and WiilemObservation-loungs car, calon-bedroom Btad; the capital, and only., city •worthy of the name,1 is one of the car, Pullmans, dining car, ih cambusiest places north of thB' United ARISTOCRAT States. • Across, the. famous J o n lv. Omaha 8:10 an toon 'bridge i s - a continuous Ar Chicago 7:5C p a stream of automobile traffic. The ObservaHon-lounga cai. Pulls u ^ dining cai, rfrwir cans.
HlS7riA»(>m Lv. Omaha 6:30 Ar Chicago 7;15 m Pullmans, lounge car, diner, coaches. 1,7. Oaaia..... 12i47 S B -£a CMcago.... g.33 gjjj All-roosa car, Pnilznans,. 'dining •• ear,' chair cars.. ss—causa ;• CITY/7XCKST OFFICE 16th and Femora Phoxis Atlantic 3. W. SH&RFE, General Agent
the islanu of the -world's largest! sphere of activity and became one the Royal Dutch Shell. Samuel's street, for two flays, "Wednesday refineries, those of the Eoyal; of England's leading importers of tankers (the main reason for the and Thursday, February 22 and Dutch ShelL j Oriental goods. So great did his merger) were responsible for ttis A scperb cast of Tiddish artists One can stand at t i e harbor business become that he organized one of the world's greatest comand. see the continual parade of his own shipping concern, which panies, to be registered as Brit- appear in this first production of oil tankers leaving the Shottegat he named in honor of his first ish. Though the Samuel family is a Yiddish classic. Previous to the for the oil fields of Maracaibo, lore, "The Shell Transport Com- no longer interested in the com- local shoving, the picture has serea hoars a-way. Every few pany." At first his ships went i pany, the memory cf tbe dealer been exhibited in m?cr tberitors minutes a siren shrieks and Cur- empty on the outward voyage, | in shells is l-;ept alive by the throughout the conrtry. imcUmacao's famed Pontoon bridge (the their sole purpose to return the tankers that play between the oil ;ng five of tbe Sf-lE.br.n and Katr only one, of its kind in t i e vrorld) precious.wares of the East. Oisce, fields of Venezuela and the re- circuit of Chicago. opens to permit these tankers to however, Samuel was prevailed fineries el Curacao. la addition to this r-liof-, the proceed on their way. to Vene- upon to permit barrels of oil to Circle Theater hes obtained for In Ms honor each has been be carried in his ships on their zuela. the same DrogTErc. 1 IEIIS:CB.1 short named after a precious shell. "Eli, Eli" plus the latest "March For some strange reason-this voyage to China. of Time." fleet of tankers is affectionately Merger with Roys! .Dutch known as the "Mosquito fleet." That cargo of oil further widJacob ce Cordova, a JOY The "Shell" flag flying a t the ened his horizon of interest, and Jamaica, laid out the city mast of each of these tankers with money advanced . by the Waco. Tex. brings back the story of Marcus Rothschilds lie built an experiSamuel, "who rose from humble mental tanker. Later he himself birth in the London ghetto to the entered the oil business and beBritish peerage, and who, shortly came the competitor of the Holbefore his death, became Lord lander, the late Henri Deterdinj, h Mayor of London. (then yet to be knighted) tbe opMarcus Samuel, later the first erator of the Royal Dutch Oil Co. Jacob Gonlin's immortal drama,Viscount Bearsted) began his caIn IS97, threatened by the "The Tiddish K'm-g Lear" will be reer as the Importer of precious Rockfellers, the two companies shown on the screen of the Circle sea shells. Later he widened his combined interests and organized' Theater, ESrd and California i
Kulm Barred from
New, Tork (JTA)—Fritz leader c.C foe Gerra.i Bund, hat: been rejected for service in \ " P F Tork County, part becpu.se o.C hie j against the vrvp." He had pveven "ye?'~ ic< •:• ciueption on Eirpiicatieu P:~!-;UIJ:
v-oiik' be jni'IneTi^rfl S.L a. against any rei-son because "nr.tionFilltr, sex. color, race, liET'-on . , .'' TTheti rsiipd to be [ore Thoma? T. Kaue, "coiu'ty clerk, he changed the Fr?r to '•'.no." but Mr. Kane l efi below bip pnpv.-er, "Is pro;? dicer r.Eainst . 7 « ' E . ' '
\i's BOTH. Spring anH an Anniversary at Carmans this week . . . Yes, here's a store whose entire personnel has mads a study of the •finer tfilngs for you. f o wear . . . . It's this "Human Quality" that makes you like Carmans and makes you come back time after time for your appare! needs , , . the quality of finer service . . . more helpful guidance . . . greater- interest in your needs . . a keener*tJffderstanding o f your, wants that has made Carmens. such a popular store . . . and now Our Anniversary Is dedicated t o give you GREATER VALUES than ever io prove Carman leadership in the fashion field. Join in these celebration values tomorrow.
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'EniTOBlAI. OFFICE; 603 BRANDEIS THEATER BUIUOING SIOUX CCTT OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER \ PRINT SHOP ADQRES&-45CH SO. 24TK STREET JM.VID B&A&SER - • «• » Business and Managing Editor .Editor Contributing Editor FBEDSEICK CQHN • « • . ' • - • • Book Editor RABBI THEODORE IT. Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent ...
Pius X£_1&e .Death of. a Friend
on the bounty of the world, despoiled of all worldly possessions. t p, m., K &nd Dr. Kublee has gotten a modification of this program, a ccsjGEity "Center. FROM FEBSITAET iS> TO , Jewish few concessions of little importance, only because Germany is mppr'h, s p. ni.. lodge now becoming sensitive to worl.d opinion and she was a victim Senior I5fflF»3f y ' community Center. By PIS. THBOOOSE N. LEWIS of hor own pogroms. A. S. A. No. 1 meeting:, 2 p. Round Table G and H, Jewish. C©»sauaity SMJI, Mcraat Stoal Iwaple, SIOBX C A few Jew;s winnow be permitted to earn a livelihood 60 S p. -m.sudiioi'hiUi, tG1 Juni»r A. E. A. Kcetisg, they might support the aged and the emigration of themselves niunity Center. l-ers* Order, m.. TOQXI EB Jewish CsCT.ro ed significance. Dr. GoJdn&n reand others. Imagine. International negotiations being neces- "CRISIS AND DECISION." SOL•Jewish Comf ? p, xr,,V nnf i.>, bukes Stephen S. Wise for fcs!r.g GOLDMAN. £06 PAGES. Near society, £ P- ni., room Ai, rn.ur.itr Center. sary to force a country to permit a. group of its nationals to OMON 'the founder of a SumJay oensHARPERS. Charm School, £ j . ni., G and ing Synagogue. Sunday is the Jewish Cosusunity Center. eara enough to eat. "Crisis and Decision" is a stlm-. Christian's day, and not the Jews. Omaha Hebrew club, C p. n . , K, Jewish Commun y Center. ulatfng and provocative volume He can not possibly create a Jew- lodge r c e s , Jewish QciarcxBJty Thurstlf.r, February If emigration is facilitated, the government will not repeat at essays. It voices the deepest Boy Seer'" r p, m., lodge atmosphere on Sunday naora- Center. its pogroms. (Whatever has been said of Germany before palls convictions; and loyalties of theish Comrr.uraty Ladiss' Free Loan Society einHe should have t e n d e r e d author, and also many ino'. the before these terms. In themselves every word is an indictment brilliant Sabbath." What propJseUc ner, 6 p. &., J©£f?e rooc:, Jev-isfe ter. oS. his disappointments and hisfor rehecrscl, I r>- m.t K a»d Dr. Wise Is also ta&ea to Cor2Es.UB.it? Center, of a nation that with each utterance sacrifices its right to re*fear. No earnest Jewish leader, words: task for his neglect e? Jewish edL,, Jewish CorcmunUy Center. particularly, no rabbi can view spect and even existence. Tovrr. Kail Forum, E p. ffi. WOEICE'S Division luncheon, t the American Jewish scene with ucation. "He should have storm-
ed against the ignorance of Jud- p. jn., 2O£E© rooK, Jewish Cooa- roorc, J evict; Community aism into which we were rapidly ter. _ sinking. Ha should hare pleaded snunity Center. ' Death last •vrcek finally- came to the aged Pius SI. An Flioto£:rs.pi.y club. 7:JO- p. ni.. JiTicr rTr.cla.fsr.ti, S p. m,, O day and night for more Intensive r.nfl. D, .Trvir.n Comrownity Cenumazing vitality had keptfru"alive over months when all deeducation. HJs Zionism should lounge rooE, JeviEb CcMr.nurrj- ter, By EASBIJF&SiPERIOK CQHK / ity Center. have convinced him that the desspaired of Ms life. . Since the end of 1936, death hovered near B"C£i B'ritli taeetin-j:, £ p. vs..,FrSdcy, February £ i . tiny o£ Israel is tied up wita Hethat absorbs much of Jewish eff Dancing classes, l-.iZ P. m., C feat held off, for the work of the Pope had not yet been comI have been reading Walt Whitman. " '' fort, struggle and sacrifice. Es- brew." Dr. Wise has rendered loSge roocs, lewisit ComtcunHr r.nci D, Jevish Community Cendistinguished and selfless service pecially perturbed is he about the Center. pleted. In those final two years of his pontificate, Pius XI He is as a refreshing breeze sweeping away the miasma of growing ignorance of Judaism — to Israel, but neglected the spirit- •\"crfeJ2ec's Loan association, S ter. emerged as the leading voice in the struggle to restore the a shocking phenomenon of Amer- ual heritage cf his people. p. in., C EJDS D, Jc-wisb ComroupO3"NG EVENTS Jewish life. The future genworld to morality. Had he died in 1936 he would have been -dead superstitions, live shams, all insincerities, all narrowness ican ity Center. , February ££. Tuesday In "A True Reformer," Golderation, more ignorant than ours h Forum, i p. m., audiOrchestra class, S p p. to.., aufiiremembered as a good, but harassed man, a Pope facing with and vileness., '. but, without any of the latter's man pays eloquent tribute to .Dr. torims, Community Cen- torium, Jewish Community CenFelix A. Levy, of Temple EmacuHis proclamation of brotherhood is most inspiring. In his emotional attachment to the Jew- EI. of Chicago. I t is a touching ter. wisdom a great many trying problems. But in those two addi-j people and their mores, without Eazomir Choral society, 8 P,ter, tional years he rose above the times as though inspired by that "Salut au, Monde I" \7heroThe spea&s of "You Jew journeyingany spiritual links whatever, may tribute froa era© ecbolar sad rabto another, delivered, at the ocvery force that kept Tint* alive. In an age that has produced in your old age through every risk to stand once* on Syrian be strongly tempted to disown the bi whole body* of Jewish teaching casion of a disaer tendered by ground 1 You other Jews waiting in all lands for your Mesmany %ien on horseback/ he was one of the few leaders oi and become completely de-Judaiz- the Emaau-El Congregation -la honor of the twenty-fifth annisiah I" He says in conclilsion: great spiritual depth and integrity. ed. versary of its beloved rabbi's The positive message of tho ministry. Dr. Levy has succeeded The seventeen years he sat on the throne of St. Peter cov-. "Each of us inevitable _ / •book, however, Is what grips and in breaking the shackles o£ KcMholds the reader. The aggressive ©red one of the most turbulent periods in the history of civilisaEinhorn and Geiger. Ke . Bach of us limitlessr-eaoli of us with hia or her Jewish philosophy of Dr. Solomon heia, has repudiated their uon-JeTrisa tion and certainly one of Catholicism's most critical epochs. AusGoldman and his strong and glowright upon the earth, . teachings, concerning Jewish naing Jewish affirmations inspire tionalism, Palestine, snd Jewish tria has been lost to the Nazis. In Spain and Mexico Catholic and challenge. The dominant es- tradition. Correctly does he ho'.d « Each of us allowed the eternal purports of >the fought Catholic and the Church bore the brunt of the strugsay, the theme, of the volume, Ss that the dicta of these theologians earth, "Galuf (Exile.) The concept of blinded by the promising political gle. Although a truce "between the Vatican and Italy was aiy Galut, basic In authentic Jewish conditions of their day, and t l ranged to end the century-old battle between those two, it was Each of us here as divinely as any is here." literature and thought, is mag-flicted -with the Prussi&a wornificently described. The tragic ship of the State, are na n o r s a truce that brought little peace. This was written about the middle of the last century. destiny of homelessness has rob-binding upon him than thocs of . As Papal Nuncio in Warsaw, Achille Ratti, later to: be bed the Jew of dignity and self more venerable Joseph Ksro. Germany* a supposedly advanced nation, has not learnt respect, of 'moral heroism, of the elevated to the papacy, first realized the tragedy of anti-SemitDr. I?evy is on© of the very few spiritual creativity. The- Galut in the Araericaa.-K.a.'bblaism. There is the current story, never authenticated although this yet! Germany, towards the middle of the twentieth cen- mentality and servility is a blight scholars WjNTER ANP EARLY SPRING ate, a devoted servant of C2ie tury, collecting fine-money, vengeance-money from the Jews, upon all Jews, but especially upon repeated by reputable historians, that between him and one Torah; acinble, Eiaeere, considerthe cultured and intellectual, and a charming persaaslity. of the leading Polish prelates, w^re arose an enmity directly and the other^nations looking on without moving hand or foot! upon those who boast of their ate, He is unique azaoag bis collcauttering a casual word of protest; words, words, words! and imaginary freedom. For it is the traceable to the anti-Semitic utterances of the Polish bishop. jues. Had Rcfcra Ju&ista aclatter who suffer the Galut more cepted the basic Jewish 'teacaisvjs naught but words! • . • " lake another occupant of the throne of St. Peter, whom acutely and Inescapably than the of Dr. Levy Instead cf tne »onThis is a fine commentary on twentieth-century 'civiliza- humbler and less cultured of Jewisb. ways and ideas c j less the Jews rememfcered as their champion in the fight against Jews. There is more abject men- earned but more loud end vocifthe establishment of the Portuguese Inquisition, the Medici tion.' Posterity will regard us with scorn, with derision, for tal and spiritual cowardice on erous rabbis, It \rould fcave besa Avenue than in the Jewish today much, more alive, and vilel Pope, Clement Vlf, he had the Germans with which to contend. our supposed 'advancement,' our boasted 'progress.' "We arePark Ghettos—more Galut in tlie guildAgainst the injustices and the bitter persecution of the Jews still in the lowest stages of 'civilization!' Civilization is culture ed palaces of the Jewish rich than than it is. the shacks and hovels of our Other essays, such as "Can Reof Germany, the Pope protested and wept with them in their an<J ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ l i •* *? l .™ e ^ e e r _ h ?™?.^ v * g ^ In ligion Change?" '•The Goal of poor. and selfishness. Our *morality' is nil. If we were really moral •unhappy plight. Two stimulating and forth- Judaism," "Is Einstein ReligFinal price reduction on betwould we tolerate crime carrying on with a high hand with right esays, "A People and Notious?" etc., will continue to in- $ trigue the reader. The fins.1 chapter dresses . . . for strceti an Ism" and "The Place of the "The Romanes of. a People," "Within the next few weeks, a successor will be chosen. In impunity? If we were a3 moral as we deem ourselves advanced Jew In the Modern World," dis- ter, afternoon, and formal wear. the destiny of the Jew, ac-a brilliant summary of JeTrtsn extimes past the Jews of Borne would wait at the gate of theand to the very front in science and knowledge and material sect perience, .ends on a note of exucount for the phenomenon of •Oxixi rloor of Foahiaa optimism, with, the pasVatican for the entry of the new Pontiff. In the arms of the power and skill we would find a way to put an end to mon-. anti-Semitism _nd make a com- berant strous iniquity, diplomacy or no diplomacy, national sovereignpelling plea to the world, but es-sionate conviction that "cut el Chief Rabbi would be the Torah. If the Pope paused in his pecially to the Jew, to bring to Zion shall go forth the Law, end an end the disastrous experience the word of the Lord freza *c> march and bestowed a ceremonial kiss on the sacred scroll, the ty or no national sovereignty. There is such a thing as national duty and international obligation, as well as individual of Galut with"' return to the csalem." Jews of Borne and of the world could rejoice. If he Bco'rned land where the soul of the Jew The .FeTriEli world Is cosfrcntrighteousness and personal morality. brought forth those precious crea- ed vrtta s true crisis — BBSJ wlta their homage, the Jews could look with trepidation to the comtions of the spirit which have be- the need for a decision. Here 3s ing years of the reign. . The world 13 morally: stagnant. There is no true dynamic come the heritage of mankind. guidance based upon profound The Papacy has given the Jews their greatest friends and force for right and justicei I do not find any generally hearten- Palestine Is, of courre. central to wisdom, deep knowledge, and unand to Jewish life. Nei- swerving Jewish, loyalty. their greatest enemies. Papal decrees relegated them to posi- ing condition. Things are about at a stand-still; perhaps the Judaism ther can function without It. In tions of squalor, and poverty. Papal decrees raised them to calm preceding the storm. Franco seems victorious in Spain "Anti-Zionism Tries a Comeback" author atempt to reason with and about to be recognized by England and France; supposed the prominence and brought hope. those old men in the Reform RabIn this mad world, the Jews found a friend in Pius XI. democracies bowing down to Fascism and autocracy! How will binate who have been reared unthe false slogan that Jews His denunciation- of the doctrines of the irreligious, the Fascists democracy fare in the rest of the world! The Pope dies but der s~ are a religious denomination and By HASKKIA OOEEK and the Nazis gave new courage to a bewildered people and a new Pope will be elected; and things will be about as they who blindly cling to it even today / were. A Pope dies—but real religion seems to have died long —when it is cruelly disproven in brought some hope to a strife-torn world. every Jewish Diaspora. A minute cr EO in Jewish literThe prayers of the Jews will rise with those of the re-ago, and no successor seems to have been elected. A Pope dies Two essays deal with two dis-ature by way of current CCTJtinguished leaders In the Amer—but true religion, one almost thinks, has never lived. cently deceased Pope's followers for the peace of his souL And ican Reform Rabbinate, Stephen nients o* the day's Jewish scene; • c S. Wise and Fells A. Levy. No in magazines, books and Jewish though no longer do the Jews of Rome stand with their Torah thought. The only hopeful signs seem here in America. America, one admires the former more than before the Vatican, we wait as anxiously as did they of olden despite its policy of isolation, in the persons of the President the author. For this very reason In OPINION'S February Issue —Harold Herman's "REUNION times to know the attitude of the new occupant of an ancient and its noble Secretary of State, Hull, seems to be the only one does his sharp criticism of the IN VIENNA" offers the reader man take on a peculiar and addthrone. • .'-.-• facts and fiction bound into an speaking brave words for right and justice, and seemingly reagonizing story of gay Vienna solved to back up its words even with armed might should the that once was and now is—. The street was dark and Entire Collection Inxluizzg All Oar occasion demand! What fine words spoken by President Roosedreary. On the few lamps lining | Setter Fxrs... O aisi&ndixg Values After twenty-three years of inspired service, Justice Louis velt in regretfully accepting the resignation of Louis D. Branit some had been smashed in thS | si Exceptions! S e r i e s / saturnalia of the recent weeks, | \ D. Brandeis has laid aside his judicial robes. The great jurist deis as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. B? Dr. PhUlp £bc? the honeymoon weeks of the Nazi 'j' has served with dignity and distinction and has confounded What noble and tender words of praise, appreciation and grativictory; others had been tem-!ji OMiNK-DYEP yUSKRAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < U » those who with viciousness and malice opposed his appoint- tude for his long service not only to America but to all manporarily, — . " \\ •. B I B L E OKDSKiN $ 28 "How, then, did all this cosse j ment to the highest court of the,land. kind! When we reflect that Brandeis is a Jew, and that his There Is he whopretendeth about ? How did it all happen, i!t ONATURAL SpUiRREL . . . . . . . . . Every'decision he rendered during his long term was given appointment was bitterly contested because he was a Jew, six- himself rich yet hath nothing, Herr General? P2e*ss tell me I; there is he who pretendth hiiaseU if you can—." "How did it hap- I j @LEOPARD CAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . witfr wisdom and judicial restraint. Because of the Brandeis's 'teen,.years ago, the words take on tremendously added sig- poor yet hath great vealth. pen? You had better go E.ES the ' © HUDSON SEAL-Dl'ED tvfUSKR AT and the Cardozos and the Holmses the Supreme Court has re- nificance. A Jew is thus honored—nay three Jews, Brandeis, Withhold not good from him to accursed fiends — . " A must •whom it Is due, when it is in. the read. OSRSY PERSIAN P A W . . . . . tained the great respect of the people. Cardozo, Frankfurter, in succession, and rapid succession -— power of thy hand to do it. In THE NATIONAL JEWISH ® BLACK PSRSiAN LAK/i&........ The story of Brandeis has been repeated many times. have thus been honored, esteemed and appreciated—in the spirit The wis8 shall inherit honor MONTHLY published by B'nai as for the fools they carry B'rith — . Cecil Roth's story, C ELACfC PONY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .777^7.". ."."$ Given every advantage in his youth, he nevertheless became of Walt Whitman, the noble American and World-Democrat. but away shame. AND HER JEYv'S." "In ! j the champion of the people. Because he was a fearless cru- Opinion and attitude towards the Jew have been reversed in The lips of the righteous feeds, "ITALY OJAP urn: the year 161 B. C. E., Judas Mac- ji many, t u t the foolish die for cabeus, in the first flush of his © BROWN CARACUL .. - -^rm::.:,:.:.^imiif^§. sader, a storm of protest greeted his appointment and every America in the comparatively brief time of sixteen years (de- want of understanding. victories against the Syrian op®S£ALiNE-PYED~C^NlYT7777777r777777777$ ss effort was made to discredit.him. He was damned, as a radical. spite all declared 'increasing Anti-Semitism!') Opinion and He that is greedy of gain trou- pressor, sought an alliance with @JAP UIHK. e . . . . « . « . . . . . , > . l > 5^ bleth his own house but he that Leading citizens, including President Lowell of Harvard and attitude towards and treatment of the Jew will be reversed in the advancing power which was g p hateth even gifts Ehall live cheere GREY PONY • ^»^^^§j*!i beginning to dominate the Kedi- {j [ President Taft, were among the most distinguished of his op- the whole world, even in Germany (when Hitler is reversed, he fully. : terranean World, and send send am am- jj• ' World and Better a little with righteous- terranean @NATURAL SQUIRREL ........777777777777^148 position. and his Nazis over-turned from their positions of power and ness bassadors to Rome to ccaclsifie j than great revenue with in- the treaty. That was the begin- i elLACirCAlXcifL His career as a Justice has been a reproach to every voice diabolical influence and devilish activity!) It cannot be other- justice- • ning of the association of the j TALMUD that was raised against him.' It is significant that we in Ne-wise, unless mankind is to sink into the depths of degradation 'C SLACK CARACUL Jews with Western Europe and ; Rabbi Kopara -aid, "A inan the history of-the Jews in Italy. . braska knew him before his appointment when he came here instead of rising to the heights that still await man and beckon should @KAFFA PONY •".ll^JLlllllZZZlZZl^-^ always y teach his son an For more than 2,000 years they; • to campaign for Senator" Norris. Together those two, Norris him! Yes, Walt ..Whitman, 'good gray poet/ the Jew is 'still occupation which is clean and have contributed to the well-' sAVSR-DYE^CONEy^^^^j^^j^ff "What is that?" "Kabbi being of their homeland and sow , waiting for his Messiah.' And the Messiah will surely come, easy'.' and Brandeis, symbolize an epoch. svIoR,.,........TTTTTjTTTfjg Chisa said. "Needle work." (This are told to go—. Why? And , . i Although he is well along in his years, it is unlikely that as. surely-as those words are everlastingly true which you sois possibly the reason why thewhere to? OI^NK-DYES SOUjRRlL . . . . . . . . «77T77 L11 77jIg needle trade is controlled by the On the Book Shelf— \\ . Justice Brandeis will cease to be a public figure. Perhaps he inspiringly uttered: Jewish people. @JAP MMK ....................7777777777|gfg "THE MIDDLE WAY" by Kar- j • Rabbi said, "Never shall a man old Macmillan—The subject of i will, as has been suggested, devote his declining years to the O ELACKTONY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Min.Lff try to acquire too many friends "Each of us is inevitable, this book is "England's Domestic | ' Jews, to be that leader, that modern Moses, who will lead them within his house because he will Policy." "This book is offered i CSEALfME-DYED CO^^ ^i^.^z^zrJJLZlZZ^-^ not be able to p.ease all of them as a contribution towards the , •/'•--;. Each of us limitless—each of us with his or her out of their present-day wilderness. gglACK PERSIAN LAMB................. J 1 igggg and their friendship will turn to clearer formulation of the new ; • right upon the earth, hatred." ©JAP hMNK CHEVRONS.._._..........»•.•_ni^Hlf ideas of society that h.-.ye. been ! The Rabbi of Jobnai was ac-slowly emerging since the politiEach of us allowed tKe eternal purports of the r'DYlD~CONEY..... ; i ^ j L i i i i i l ^ = f customed to say, "I a a a human cal crisis of IS31." earth." • • ,. . • being, so is my neighbor a human The, generosity of the Nazi government Ss sometimes ap"If we are to retain our heritbeing. My wort is in the city and of political, intellectual anS palling in" its scope. The Reich with a great show of magThere spoke the true man, the true democrat, the true his work Is in the field. I rise age cultural freedom, while, "at the early to my work and he rises jianimity is to co-operate in ridding the country of ita Jews, American, and the true lover of his fellow-man! What a re- early to his work. As he cannot same time, opening up. the vay ~r% - ^ - c ^ " ' ~**~/~ ^ . ». r ^ i » i l i t standards cf social welg a gesture that should soften the world's heart and still the buke for.such as despicable Germany! The Jew has as much excel in ray work so can I not to higher i i t " A curity." fc*^ * ""*'in'b- +v ' ' 7 - 1 ~ . ~r ^ ~ * in his. Shall I say that I fare and economic voices of criticism. ' right ES any other on this earth, and to all on this earth, in surpass am above him because I am ad-must read. • Unfortunately anything the present German regime does Germany or in America, everywhere, and this right will yet be vancing the cause ' of learning more than he? We are threefore J. C. C. Lltils Sytaplaossy ' 23 Ejcspect. If the Nazis were sincere in their desire to pro-accorded him, also in Germany, when things will ber reversed taught whether one offers much mote their false doctrines of "racialism" they would have es- as they inevitably must be, and the doctrine of Brotherhood or little only the intention of his The Jewish Corarnunity Center building up a nusloal library pelled the Jews without any need pf preliminary negotiations. and Democracy and Humanity be learned again in the land of heart shall be fcr the sake, of Is for the recently organised LJtUs [ heaven." The concessions would all have come from the Germans anxious Leasing and of Thomas Mann, which was also the land of Men- Jeremiah Jer Ben Eieszar said Symphony. The orchestra tmeets "Sovereign of. the universe, !et weekly under tho directioa. of Kr. to make their country VTudenrein.' delsohn,- which will be the land of new Mendelsohns and my food be even as bitter as theAl Finkel. But first the Jews had to be made to suffer—for these Rathenaus and Einsteins, when the Messiah comes, as come he olive leaf but direct fr The Orchestra is raakisg plass , your a public appearance S M S . , are not sane men who rule Germany but sadists of the most will to Germany, to Italy, 'in all lands; to all men; to 'each of hsad and not from the hand cf a for I mortal man, although It maybe Persons interested are ss&ed t o . 1 jbrutal type.- Then they should be robbed. And finally thrust Jus here as divinely as any is here I C3.ll the Center, Ja. IS 66. •as sweet,ES nosey."-
Walt Whitman's Messiah
smug complacency, with satisfaction. Dr. Goldman castigates -without fear or favor the irresponsible p hi in i and unintelligent leadership Jewish life, and and the theIrrelvancy
Ceater Library Corner**
• • Jc U
Brandeis Resigns
Gems of the EibI© and Talmud
Magnanimity in.the-Reich-
. —
.••! I
Sigma Alpha Mu
Pas* 5
At the Traivc-sity debate tryThe Council of Jewish "Women outs Wednesday evening, Harold Turkel, Lincoln, was chosen to will entertain at a luncheon for debate on tha varsity team which all recent newcomers to Omaha will travel tcColorado March 23 from lands abroad on Monday, to 25 to debate several Colorado February 27, at 1 o'clock at the schools, including Denver univer- Jewish Community Center. BARKKR-KOMM An interesting program is beANNOUNCE BETBOTHAL sity. Turkel participated in a -deMiss .Ruth Romm. daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mokofsky bate in Omaha against Creighton ing arranged. All members or ^Irs. Abraham Romm ol Brook- announce the engagement of university Thursday, February the Council and their friends are invited. Reservations are open lyn, New York, and" the late Dr. their daughter, Doris Lee, to 16. Abraham Romm, -will be married Morris Koom, son of Mrs. Joseph Sigma Omicron is entered in to all interested. on Thursday, February 22, to Dr. Koom. NEtTHAUS LECTURE the inter-fraternity basketball Harold J. Barker, son of Mr. and Mr. Koom is a graduate of competition. There a r e two • Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky, chairMrs, Samuel Barter o£ Cleveland, Creigliton university, "where he leagues in the contest, Sigma man for the Council of. the comQhio. was aftiliated *-ith the Phi Beta Alpha Mu is represented in both mittee arranging the E.uth JCeu• The ceremony will be perform- Epsiloa fraternity. leagues. The A league team, of haus lecture series, lias urged all ed a't. high noun at the SherryPlans are being m-.de for a which Irvin Yaffee, Omaha, is members of the Council to attend Netberlanda Hotel in New York June wedding. manager, are the following play- Bis* series. The iirst lecture. "Good UornCity -with, only the immediate i d i t ers: Norman Bordy, Bob Bernfamilies present present. BETBOTHAIi ANNOUNCEMENT stein. . Charles Shindler, all of .ng America," will be given nest young couple will. make In announcing the negagement Omaha; David Kavlch, Fremont; CVednesday' morning at 10: SO In yg of Miss Helen Cyril Stein, to Mr. Phil Bordy, Silver Creek; Floyd ;he Brandeis auditorium, 10th their home in Chi Chicago. Harry Babendure, the Jewish Cohen of Tarkio, .Mo.; Aaron floor Brandeis store. A lecture Press last week omitted Miss Finkelstein and Ben Novicoff will be given each succeeding ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Wednesday morning for the nest Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ostrovich Stein's first name. both of Lincoln, and Sidney five'weeks. • . . Miss Stein is the ' daughter of announce the engagement ol Kalin, Sioux City. On the B Chairmen for each lecture will Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Stein. Her their daughter, Edith, to Arthur league team, of which Harry H. Abrame, son o£ Mr. and Mrs. fiance Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ginsburg, Dakota City, is team be: Dr. Lawrence Brown, Dr. EdAbe Babendure of Fremont. David Abrams. . " manager, are found these par- gar F. Holt, Dr. C. W. U. Pointticipants: Max Prostok, Stanley er, Dr. Olga Stastny and Bishop Mo 'wedding date has as yet Mayper, Edward Chait, Norman G. Bromley Osnam. been chosen. chairman, Mrs. Julius Stein, GL The tickets lor the entire series Harris, all of Omaha, and Jesse. 1948. are $1.50. Younger of New York City. ENTERTAINS FOR MISS FOB PAID UP MEMBERS At a recent executive commitJoseph Ginsburg, a prominent MARCUS During April a dessert-lunch tee meeting it was announced Miss Phyllis Soref wa3 hostess ill be held at the Blackstone Sigma Omicron alumnus and Lin- this promises' to be one cf the at a luncheon at her home last hotel to which members will be coln attorney, was elected this largest events sponsored by OmaSunday-for twenty guests in hon- admitted by a paid up member- week to head the Young Demo- ha clubwomen. or of Miss Eva Marcus, a bride-to- ship card. All members are urged cratic Club of Lancaster Counto pay their dues at the regular ty; his work (in the past several be. ' - • - • , years has* earned him. this eng ol Hadassah on Febru- viable position. Mr. Ginsburg The afternoon- was spent in meeting 2 ary 28. bridge. also has an article appearing in CARD PARTY IN EAST ! . A card party in the form of a the current issue of the OctagonMiBS Rae Borsky, -who, return- dessert-lunch will be held at 1 Ian, the fraternity's national maged last week from a fifteen days p. m. Tuesday, February 28, on azine. This article gives the auMrs. A. Wolf, Northwest Resouthern vacation left on Satur- tne 10th floor of the Brandeis thor's impressions of life in a day for a buying trip in the east. store for the benefit of the Ha- fraternity house when he went to gional president o* Hadassah, dassah Medical Organization, of school and the fraternity house was entertained Tuescay at dessert-luncheon at the synagogue, B. A. M. MOTHERS' CLUB which Mrs. Dave4 Sherman is of 1939. 1 Aaron Finkelstein, law school ihe addressed the meeting. The S. A. SI. Mothers club will chairman. meet on Tuesday, February 21, at All Omaha women are invited junior, was honored by being the . A linen shower was also held, the Union Station restaurant for to attend this card party. Those guest speaker at the vesper serv- gifts and money which are to be a 1 o'clock luncheon. The after- who aze unable to make a com- ice last Sunday at the regular sent to Palestine. The meeting was attended by noon will be spent in bridge. plete foursome for bridge are Cathedral Choir service. This "Mrs. Louis Epstein and Mrs. aslced to attend regardless, be- choir has won national renown, over sixty local and out-of-town Harry Eisenstatt -will be host- cause tables will be arranged. For and in these vespers It intends to members. Mrs. Wolf also spoke at the esses for the afternoon. additional information call the give each religious group a Altrusa club. chance to express its view. This chairman, HA. 2976. ANNOUNCE BIRTH The hostesses for the afternoon service was broadcast over the The Hadassah is sponsoring a • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaplan an- will bo Mrs. John Faier, Mrs. Isa- two Lincoln radio stations. Ervine Green of Norfolk, a jun- series of book reviews to be given nounce the birth of a son, dore Fiedler, Mrs. Morris Eugene, on February 10 at the Frieden, Mrs. David Greenberg, ior in the law school and a mem- by Rabbi David A. Goldstein of Clfcrkson hospital. Mrs. Kaplan Mrs. H: Kalmenson, Mrs. Robert ber of the Nebraska Law Bulle- Omaha - at the Chieftain hotel. is the former Ruth Hilelstein. Kooper and Mrs. Carl Lagman. tin, has an article appearing in The first review in the series was "Also Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, the current issue of the Law Bul- given Wednesday evening. Reservations for the series are RETURNS FROM CIJNIC Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, Mrs. Phil letin. Siigma Omicron will hold a numerous. They include Drs. and Dr. M'. I. Gordon will return Rosenblatt, Mrs. Henry Solig, L. E. Gurney, H. Bertomorrow from Chicago, where Mrs. Sam Theodore, Mrs. Albert cultural hour in the chapter Mesdames ner, F . Tedeseo, 1. Sternhill, J. house within the nest few days. "Wohlner and Mrs. Sam Yousem. lie has been attending the MidThe quest speaker will be Mr. M. Moskovitz and O. Greenberg; MORRIS GINSBURG TO Winter Dental Clinic for tne past Herbert Yenne, faculty member Messrs. and Mesdames O. Sully, SPEAK •week. L. J. Bussey, H. J. Lubben, Harry Dr. Morris Ginsburg of the Uni- of the University speech depart- Iherniss, Sam Lincoln, M. Gut3OSUTS MEMOBIAXJ versity of Nebraska will speak on ment. The chapter is also going man, Harry Mauck, jr., Raymond At 2:30 on Sunday in the Con- "Anti-Semitism in the Classical to continue with its "fireside Rudolph Miller, Saul Sucert Hall of the Joslyn Memorial World" during the Oneg Shab- chats." The •purpose of these Smith, valsky, Nathan Gilinsky, Harry 'the historical sound film, "Abra- both that will be held by Hadas- meetings is to have prominent Cohen, Charles Eve, C. PJehter, ham Lincoln," will be shown. Dr. sah at the home of Mrs. KA. D. Jewish leaders speak on import.Frederick W. Clayton will speak Frank, 120 South Fifty-fourth ant Jewish problems of the day. 0. Geppert, Sam Meyerson, Nate Nogg, Leo Fitch, Milton Yudelat 3:30 in the lecture hall on street. * Mrs. M. F . Levenson will Max Cohn, Jay Cherniack, "The Human Situation." The 4 be the co-hostess. Mrs. Paul Women's Mijjacfii son, Leon Frankel, H. Gordon, M. o'clock organ recital Ui the con- Veret is chairman and Mrs. J. H. rossman, J. Gotsdiner, M. Har' cert- hall will be played by Miss Kulakofsky is co-chairman. A large group attended the ris, I*. H. Katelraan, Ben Kuhby, .Esther Leaf. . „ • . .,_.,^.-_ "SURVIVAlr OF THE JEW Benefit Bridge sponsored on eorge Krasne, Phil Saks, S. Dr. Frank Gardner Hale will !DODAY" Wednesday at the Jewish ComM. Bernstein, H. Meyerson. speak on- "The Bomance and The study group on the '"Sur- munity Center by the Women's Bubb, and S. Roffman. Value of Precious and Semi- vival of the Jew in the World ToMesdames H. E. Day, Carl HuPrecious Stones" at 8 o'clock in day" have changed their next Mizrachi. Mrs.. A. Katz, president of the ber, Grace Campbell, A. E.osenthe concert hall. meeting day from February SS, organization, extended her thanks berg, M. C. Hennessy. Morris which will be the day for Mrs. Dave Sherman's care' party, to to Mrs. M. Arbitman and her com- Yudelson, J. Kulesh, Robert MulWednesday, March 1. All mem- mittee who arranged the affair. lis, Helen Magee, Wade Thompson, Albert Pelersen, Al Krasne, bers please note the change. Ben Gershun, J. Rosen, M. Fried, ORIENTATION OF HADASSAH Many-important topics will be 1. Krasne, M. Davidson, L. BernPROJECTS discussed Wednesday, February stein, H. D. Marowitz, H. Krasne, Mrs. David A. Goldstein will be Girl Scouts Troop 4 is celebrat- Harold Bellinger, Clara Seigel, 22, during the regular meeting of Hadassah including Youth Ali- guest and speaker for the group ing its 10 th anniversary- It has Ben Telpner, Jack Steinberg, Mas yah, HOM and a Paid Up Mem- on "Orientation of Hadassah been 10 years since Omaha's onJy Steinberg, Charles Saltzman, J. bership affair. The regular meet- Projects" on Friday, February all Jewish.troop was founded. A. True, M. Lazare, M. Leibovitz In honor of the occasion the G. Best, J. J. Brown and H. Kubing will begin promptly at 2 p. 18, at&the home of Mrs. Louis Kohl, 4121 Harney. Others on members are giving a tea at the m. at the J. C. C. which will be proceeded by a board meeting to the same afternoon participating Girl Scouts Little House on Febin the program will be Mrs.-Ben be held at 12 noon promptly. Goldware on the "Hebrew Uni- ruary. 19 from 3 to 4:30. Helen Resnick, Peggy Lou Spelgal and Mrs. M. D. Brodbey, president, Mrs. Morris Raznclk on Lillian-Stainberg will be awarded '" urges all members to attend as it versity," the "Rothschild Hadassah Uni- their tenderfoot pins. is of vital importance that they versity Hospital on Mount ScoPEHFEC7 1 CARAT Everyone who has been assobe present. pus," and Mrs. Lazar Kaplan on Are you up on world affairs? "Palestine Highlights." Mrs. Mor- ciated with or is interested in this Set in Beautiful platinum The Do you know what's happening in ris M. Franklin is leader of the group is invited to attend. Mounting •with. 2 2 leader and lieutenant of Troop 4 Europe as well as in the United group. Diamonds are respectively Janet Graetz and States? "What of importance is Eva Ruderman. happening today and what about BAS-A-MI its effect cri the future? Some of Otner Exceptional Values these questions and more will be Photography Club A meeting of the Bas-a-mi was answered during the contest that Prof. Quiz will conduct during held Tuesday evening at the Jew- New angles in the taking and the program part of the Hadas- ish Community Center. Plans developing of pictures will be sah meeting to be held on Feb- were formulated for a money- demonstrated Monday evening at ruary 22, "Washington's birthday, raising project to be held in the 7 p. m. when the Photography at-the J. C. C. The program will near future. Club meets at the Center. The club affair for Irene Mirobe presented by the chairman of Mr. Trabold, instructor, has the afternoon, Mrs. A r t h u r witz, who is to be married Feb- built a press. Information regardRomm. Also on the program will ruary 26, will be given Tuesday ing the Photography Club may-be be Miss. Shirley Alberts, daugh- night at the home of Louise Mil- gotten by calling the Center. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alberts, ler. in a group of recitations. A. Z. A. 2 Daughters of Israel The British government has granted 1,200 certificates to the . Aid Society A smoker was held Sunday eveYouth Aliyah, all of which must ning at the home of Harry Goldbe used before March 31, 1939. A regular meeting fo the stein by members of A. Z. A. 1 Several hundred of these young Daughters of Israel Aid Society people have already arrived in will be held on Tuesday, Febru- Guests of the chapter were Pau Palestine from Germany, from ary 21, at 2 o'clock at the' Jewi3h Mann and sever-1 members of the Sam Beber chapter. Austria, Poland and from the Community Center. A. Z. A. 1 is sponsoring a drawSudetenland. Mrs. Julius Stein, Officers will be elected. ing for the benefit of the Youth Youth Aliyah chairman, ur^es Aliyah fund. everyone to help if these young DANCING CLASSES "people are to reach the Land of Promise within the specified All dancing classes at the Jew• time. Furthermore the Youth ish Community Center are now Aliyah committee of tHe Nation- being held on Friday. The class 33RD and CALIFORNIA ST. al Hadassah hopes to be able to originally scheduled for Monday Vied., Thar.,-Feb. 22-23 provide for at least another thou- at 4:30 is now meeting on Fri! sand children' in the nest immi- day at 5. -ISCQ3 GORDIH'S - IMMORTAL DRAMA '"sgration schedule I s s u e d on Rosalie Alberts is instructor. Make your club ineetisgs or _April 1. get-to-gethers more success• ' Those woman who desire to make out right contributions,-or ful. Use our "excellent facili• those who wish to join minyan ties along with a well-trained OMAHA'S FINEST RzatzATian temzA 100 Per Cent TALKING PICTURE groups are asked to call the personnel who knersrs how to cooperate congenially and efficiently on these occasions. Our rates are unusually reasonable.
Girl Scouts
Conversation techniques win -his discussed at the Ecxt Mission *«E A regular business meeting of the Charm school on Wedne«K% By ABNER KAIMAN ruarr tt, vi r p. m. lit «Jie Sam Beber Chapter 100, A. a. COTTPH-.TIII.V Center. Mr. Kaiman brings 'back q i e S in this respect by virtue A., was held last Sunday at the pro UP mpotF repularly m** from California the story of of having successfully organized J. C. C. Aleph. »os GiiSE. repretwo Omahans TV3ID arc to play Hollywood Bowl and Sacta Anita sented A. E. A. 100 at E. jiairi- I ery v-ee^. IScw meniberB »r« In*! vliefi. an importa-it role in the suc- Auto Parking. oiic dcnaonEti'atiDE. l;elc February cess of the Ssn Francisco Material for tiie conrpletion o£ i r at tfcs Kerrc T. T,T, C. A, World's fair. the project was ail bargred across .At v r p r p r t rn.epfin.g- ol thn BI->San Francisco bay. Ivlr. KateiWhat with the era of motoriza- niE-B has been known to handle Csal co~.mittee PIFTIS for the p.ution, no immense project for the cars totaling nearly 4.000, which r.ual spring dance vere firavn v,p. foi- >f- o.r 11 it f;ii;i--f United S U t u arnuseraent and entertainment of he has moved in or.e and cne-haif The comtuittee i? rcjroUct'nr € atrons, can be completed with- hours, considered an unusually CTIP of the conr-.trr'F 'n?.roe'' \t - - PO pry AH World Trav)ut serious attention to the cou- efficient task by opsratorE or bands. Tentative paans h&ve been enience of motorists. auto park. r The cavalcade of traffic, headTiie entire p ' r l i i " p.ren. VT;J be dravrn ci for ILe A. Z. A. 1S;.bag towards the Golden Gate ei> laid out in streets and avenues tidh vrluizti ir tr to liric . ir osition will converge u p o n like a saa.ll city to faciiit£te lo- Kerch. Chairman EfivE.rd Dolpoff \ir,rTreasure Island In San Francisco cation. Sis: supervisors will travel irrinj; KIrhtly from 9 *OJS bay, for the nany thousands cf about on rcotcr propelled, scoot- announced the f.ucccsn:"iii CIOPP aZ Midnile motorists who will hs.v? to park ers. In addition to these, four the drive for olC clD their cars necessitated prepara- "trouble shooters" will -be main- ! rses:t Si-,nds.y the tions for the largest parking job tained fcr further aid to the ir r>- tpcrrs will rlE.y thf ever accomplished in the west torists. In all 14 0 attendants % , i trjr- ,-f Ecyr- Terr.. .nd perhaps in the entire coun- be employed. The syndicate :s try. also in chargre d super-serv CF The exposition officials provid- stations, vrhlcii will handle J.rr ed an S7-acre parking area, occu- products ci 1£ western oil rrr--pying: the north, end of Treasure iietm-jr companies. These comIsland or nearly one-fifth of tta panies are providing exhibits :.t entire exposition area. Consid- the fair and their products v . : ered as one cf the largest con- supply the oil and gas and otter tracts granted by the fair offi- products sold at the stations. cials, the highest bidder was MorThe exposition clficials, belrs. ris Katelman, who heads a gyn- located on a man-made island, FO•dicate known as Bay Auto Parks, cessihle to autos onlr by xs.ee ns Incorporated, orgsxizsi for this of, a sis-lace one-way and n:-i?v \ ii purpose. long Bridge, parking and. serr.ee Katelraaa, formerly s resident for £.utos became a n y o r rrr>of Omaha, is associated in this lem. The park totals ET ac-e&. ~t. enterprise with Joseph Wolf, re- all of which the syndicate V?.E i cently a local merchant and realty alone to pave. The contract '-:•: paying almost totaled £100,Cd. holder. The exposition officials had to The area will accommodate r > carefully consider qualifications •prorirnately 15.0C0 cs.rs and If.cr cy Kosher,, L b . . . . •>•'•;• Kosher Briekmi. Ll»..« presented by bidders as to their will be converted into a £ove::.ability an-d esperien.ee in handling ment landing field, vhsa ihc fl'B Fair closes. large scale parking. Kateinna Konfeer, j IkOBurv, C * » r i « ! « r » « .
by; Misses Jane Sharfcey. Ge-c- r a i it'zr' vieve Snarkey, Doris Gree, Eva < rrcrt.rr rt anan, Marvel Graham, Frances ;ir cer;cr r Sullivan and Keva Gilinsky acd n r e to be;E. L. Gustafsen, S.obert Turner, r^£.:i oZ C... Fred Shaw and Martin Glickman. ; Tha z c n
Agudus Achim banquet Crrute as V E.E pl^nr was previously and announced for ThErsday ere- J ling was postponed due to the I X:?? A£el-ne 1/crCcs >: llness of Mr. Sam Sacks, chair-1 ccy for an :nr:e:.n.te Firy man. I Angeles v->,th 1 er v.ncic jr.. However, a regular meeting ] Mr. zz.C Tlrs. E- -'• r-.rl:« was held Thursday at the Eagies ! and her Eister, IJit-s r.^.i. halL dec. The B'nai B'rith locge d c t ] Miss ?.:arian HE.-! Monday evening. ,Kr. Richard Yv\ the veek-er.j vis'.t.rg Haines, director of relief Icr P c - 1 in Rock ISICL r.J : i D i i tawattainie county, spoke en. the enpert, la. local relief problems. The nest meeting will be held ^ru'-:r-rr Hose T c r r r ; n Monday,, February £7. tcmy.
Sirs. A. Wolf was present the Junior Kadassah meetii.5 sd ogue.
g Aa. informal disexsss-oz recent c?ertz'.:z.. concerning Junior Eadassali.
At t i e last meeting ol the v s - : rh'-r crA c r : Council Bluffs A. S. A.. ATZZII ' c ^yres r t c '; CE , S ' ";:: c : . Lincoln was elected "delegate ic 12^E.22i f-c^. ti c I* -u the District A. Z. A. conventlcz i *~ 7 *~~ "'".'*"* . at Madison, Wis., nest naonih.11 Irving Cohen was nanied alter- | J ate. The nest meeting will be Tucs- \ day evening. All rnemhers r.rc ' urged to attend as this will he a ; 2- Hcii- Ee-\ice -k a - : very important meeting. ' F~EE ESAleph Godol Telpner slates ; that the phone Esuad will cr.l! i members t i e nisht preceedisg zll \ future meetings. | EA
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Extra: ie¥hs LlzTeh of Time" *? f
Our A:m:ial
The Cultural Group cf tKa
See and Hesr This Classic Played by a Superb CEC» cf Yiddish Stage Artists.
SHOWING "THE REFUGEE" Today and Tomorrow 6,000,000 Refugees Torn Eetvreen a "World of Hate and TTar
etZS'ZSt Come in* and Relax. Let Us Help Y o u Enjoy Yourself Among Fine Surroundings and Good Fellowship. You're Always Welcome.
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COBIPLETE—Now that Boulder Dam, on the Colorado river 25 miles southeast of Las Vegas, Nev., has been completed, attention is turning to its operation as an irrigation project and as a hydroelectric plant. It is the highest dam in the world, rising 727 feet above bedrock, and impounds the world's largest artificial lake, which has a capacity Of 30.500.000 acre-feet of water. Here is a view of the dam in Black Canyon.
i .ARABS IN LONDON-rBritish government found a problem when I'in^emDers'ol'two Arab groups-^the'Defense party and the Mufti's \ enyjoysr--would[notmeet with;each other or with the Jews, in the .•-:coi?fer.ence on Palestine, in London. Above are members of the \Saudi/Arabian delegation being met at Victoria Station by Mali'cblm MacDonald. left. Secretary for Colonies. • / •
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PEIZE FOR HUBBY—Crown Princess Juliana of The Netherlands smiles proudly as she presents to her husband. Prince Bernhard, third prize be won in a point-to-point race, at Amersf oort. Race was a feature of the 125th anniversary celebration of the Hussar regiment to which he is attached. Juliana expects her second child in August.
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BELGIUM ALSO ARSIS—While the God of War grins and European nations rush t o arms, Belgium prepares to defend herself against a violation' siisii&r to that of 20 years ago. A vast network of defenses now stretches along her eastern frontier from the Alps to the ssa. These pictures, token by special persiissiori of B d i
Army Headquarters, illustrate her preparedness. Top, barbed wire entanglements and. tank traps along the frontier, which has been mined. Left center, sentries &l a blockhouse in the line. Right center, interior of one of the tunnels that stretch lor miles trader the frontier, Cottons, heavy ETtiilsry gros emplacement.
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YES SIREE, YES'SIREE!—Meet Franklin O. Roosevelt Jones, not the one mentioned in the current popular song but whose name, nevertheless, was Inspired by the song. He's the 10th child of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Russell Jones of Salem. N. J.. and he is shown here with his mother. His winking eye is caused merely by pressure 'against his mom's cheek:
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JAI-ALAI — Getting plenty of exercise is Gloria Masscn, typical island beauty of San Juan. Puerto Rico, as shs plsys j a i alai on one of t h e natural white benches. Basket on h e r hand is called a cesta, from which the pelota—a hard ball— is huijed.
CONCERNING COFFEE—Eurico Penteado. left, financial' attache of the Brazilian Embassy in Washington; and leading representative of t h e Brazilian coffee growers, meets t h e famed Oscar of The Waldorf, during a recent visit t o the Waldorf-Astoria in New York. Oscar originated several coffee dishes, on that occasion, in honor of the distinguished visitor.
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TAKES TO BEACH—Hardly suitable for outdoor life in the northern tier of states, in the Union is the costume 'worn bj* attractive F^arilynn Baker, petite dancer, shou-n aboi/e. But it's perfectlr all right for Miami. Pla.. where she's enjoying a xracstion s a d \rtiere there isn't a hint of snow or zero temperature. I n fact, she's getting a t a n .
SCrPOKTKK.—Unswerving supporter of ths Administration is Senator Fat- McCavran of Nevada, siiovrx in caxicatare above., He cJreadr lies pr&iscd the foreiEn policy outlined by President RoosCT'elt_ e n d s expected to be Presidential ally •R-hsn clarificai on of America's i the situation positio: abroad comas nv for discussion in the Senate soon, He stressed the recent statement of President; RooseTClt ss emphasizing freedos from entangling alli-
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IKfffiijHMIW i^ 1ONSHIP FOEM—Perfectiy executed swan dive is exhibMary Hoerger from the springboard of.the Roney Plaza lih~r>a club at Iliatni. Pla, Mary is now 15 and is one of the lead-, fiv, ™ntend<u-s for a place on the American Olympic team of 1940. ? n the national women's springboard divins championship u ^ a r s old.
1 -
FOR THE DPPEE AREAS—Assembling the new giant stratosphere plane de:'^ned to operate in spaces more than five miles above the earth, here areworlanenun the CurtiEs-Wnght plant a t Stv Louis, Mo., putting the wing center-section fuselage together. Wing section is S23/j fest Sons zzxd weighs a ton. Total wins span with panels will be 103 feet. . — „ _ ^.
CalkS - N
JfiC.'G;'Bowling SRIT1SH PLAN By ABNER KA1MAN Kamo of team. Vf, I/. Pet.
Empire Cleaners . . . . 8 8 State Coal ahd Gas .SO Clicqnot C. Eskimos. SQ Greenberg Fruit Co, .34 The Wardrobe 31 KaTinnn Insurance Co.28 Shriek Paint .& Glass.24 Smith Motors Co. . . .22
23 .CIO 24 .G03 27 .571 £0 .530 32 .402 S5 .444 s o JStoV 41 .840
(Continued from page 1.) the existence in Palestine of a large Arab population of G00,000, Dr. "Wise was said to have expressed the conviction that the Americans associated with the Despite the necessity of using declaration knew this and that a "straw" bowler, the Empire President "Woodrow "Wilson cerCleaners took the series from the tainly did. What Wilson did not State Coal and Gas by winning fors.ee, he said, was that the Arab two out of three games and there- DoDulation would Increase to a by displacing Franks' "f uelers" million, and that Arab Immigrairom tno top position. "Baclmp tion would be encouraged. % Jack". - Melcher's nerculanean- efPointing out that America, reforts accomplished the resajt. His lying on. British guarantees, had 594'total included Blngleg games Invested heavily in Palestine, Dr. of 212 and 207. ^Ben Shapiro Wisa.described the consternation rolled a 510 to aid His captain. aroused in all walks of American life when it was reported recently The Shriers wielded the paint that t&e British Government was btush on the Greenberg Fruit planning'to-restrict Jewish, rights boys, though closely contented— in tho Holy Land. In describing Weitz's "wobbling willies" won prevailing condition in Palestine the, Becond game by a play-off, Dr. Wise was reported to have addus.to a tie game. Leo's 572 monished MacDonald that suptotal and Barney Ahrams* 515 pression of violence was the first did the trick. Pollack tor the principle of Anglo-Saxon law and lpgers was high with a 499. mark. that the term "mandate" implied Imposition of government. He was i^The. Clicauot Club quintet won understood to have discussed In a /pair of games from the Ward- detail the wartime correspondence robe. Mediocre games were reg-; between Prof. Fells Frankfurter, istered. Feldman anV. Dr. Platt tho head of the Zionist Commiswere high for the victors with sion, and Emir Feisal, later ting ii8 totals. Hank Coren creaked of Iraq, and was said to have prethe pins lor a 511 total but his sented the Colonial Secretary with mates trailed far behind. The copies of the letters. : . " Moderate Arabs absence of "Mitey" Paul SteinAn Anglo-Arab session was feaberg weakened the 'Wardrobe attured by -an exposition of the Iraq tack. . " Government's views on Pales•'Kaiman's "Kranke Kalickas" tine's future by Premier Nuri Paturned into "Krack Keglers," sha es-Sald, who also dealt with grabbing the evening honors with the MacMahon correspondence of high single games and high grand 1915 promising Britain's . assistance to the pan-Arab cause. total.; The moderate Palestine Arab ' "^ThB. Insurance boyfl dropped Ufa^Smith Motors a notch lower Defense Party was represented ; i>t: their ' cellar" 'position.' 'The for the first time, through its series: was won by the Insurance president, Ragheb. Bey. Nashashlboys because of- consistent "keg- bl, who sat with Premier Fuad ling" on the part of the entire Pasha el Khatlb ol Transjordan. crew. Le&Hurwich and Herbie separated from-the Palestine exMarks hit for 50G and 504, xe- tremists by an empty chair." Nashashibi'and Yacoub Farraj speclively^ Ab Kaiman provided a "Hollywood" touch in the final were included • in the delegation with a 203 game. Sam Yousem under an agremeent with the ex"plmnbed"_ont a 532 total for the tremists last week, but Nashashlbl had been confined to his hotel Smith Motor gang. by "illness" since then and Farraj has not yet arrived in London from Palestine. ' League Standings
7. ISlgma Alpha H a . . 5 iBreslow Auto Glass 5 % Z. A. 1 _. .Omaha Jobbing Co. _ 3 Alph Pi Tan 2 2 !A. Z. A. 100 . . . . . . - T i e Sigma Alpha Mu Fratern-Jtjy 'live continued to be the league leaders in^the Center JSenjio'r- baslfetbaTI" loop. •"" Last' week" the^S. A. M. defeated the fiery '&.• Z. A. 100 team by the score of ^8-28. The A. Z. A. 100 cagers without the services of two or- three • of their regular men played one of. the best "games of the- current leagne. • I t was just too much experience and height that proved-to be the downfall of the Center Cagers. The ?>. A. M. record to date now stands with seven victories and one-loss. ;•• From all indications 'they look like a hundred,to one shot to win $he Center • leagne bunting as there are only two more regular league contests to be played.
v In the other games played last Sunday, the Breslow Auto-Glass, ;which is tied with A. Z. A. 1 for the runner-up position with five victories and three defeats, handed the Omaha Jobbing five a neat trimming by the score .of 27-23. In the last game of last Sunday's-program the Mother Chapter of A. Z. A. handed a'neatly 'deciBive trimming to the Alpha P i Tau club to the tune of 33-16. Next Sunday's- play in this league will Bee the following contests: Breslow Auto Glass va. A. Z^A. 1; Sigma Alpha Mu T S . Omaha Jobbing Co., and Alpha PITau vs.-A. Z. A. 100.
JEWRY MOURNS PONTIFFSDEATH (Continued from page 1.) tion when Professor Levi Civjta lectured-on- Einstein's theory of relativity. ... ...... ._.-.„_ • - Professor Volterra and Professor Lev! Civita were_not the only 'Jewish"scholars'enfrustea "by the Pope with the important research .wprB.^Bi the Vatican. Some time agiFths pope.-who for yeafs had been chief curator of the Vatican library, summoned . the Jewish Orientalist, Professor Lev! della ViSa, who had been dismissed from the Rome University ~ because he ^nad refused to give the oath "of allegiance to Fascism, and entrusted him with registerIng" 'and classifying the Oriental manuscripts,; in the Vatican library. i " "* A similar commission In connection with the., numerous Hebrew manuscripts and works in the Bibllotheca Vaticana was given by Pope' Plus XI to the former Florence chief rabbi, Professor Umberto Cassuto, a well-known Biblical scholar.*- Last March, he sent a money grant to the refugee widow and two .^daughters t>f the famous G e r m a n , Jewish Bdentist, Helnrich Hertz, .which act was interpreted in-Rome -as a slap at Nazis. .In Washington, President Henry Monsky of B'nai B'rith, paying tribute to the Pope as "one of the greatest humanitarians of our time," called upon the 100,000 members of B'nai B'rith-- to "join with men and women of other, faiths" in sponsoring memorials, to him. - He announced that lodges and chapters of Aleph Zadik.Aleph, junior branch of the order, in the United- States and -Canada were preparing to Initiate such memorials. r A statement Issued by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, through its president, Robert P . Goldman, offered sympathies of-friends in, the Catholic church on the death of their "great and noble leader, Pope Pius XI." • . --• .
-"•'•.-• Sanlor I^eagna -.The Sharpshooters are leading the league-'•in the Junior Group With five victories and ono defeat, while the A. Z. A. 1-Juniors are qipsQ-behind with a 4-2 percentage. Hawkeyes are in third place with, "•'three wins, 'three tosses, and the A. Z. A. 100 Juniors have yet to win a game, having 'lost six straight. -"These Junior league games are The records of the Shearlth played on Thursday night. This correspondent .has observed these Israel synagogue of New York-go * . Junior league "games with a great back to 1706. deal of interest and can see many Isaac Israel served as a lieufine. J . C. C... basket flippers in tenant in the Eighth Virginia regthe making. iment during the Revolution. "i Hats off! to the two J. C. C. regular season singles handball ^namplons, .'namely. Jake Schrjeb•man and Harold Garber. Shriebxnan defeated a formidable foe in Sol Yalfe in the handball finals before a capacity' crowd of over one hundred spectators. '•" Hie championship games were played, last Thursday night on. the Center courts. Scoring of the games were 21-10, 20-21, 21-17. It was a fins exhibition. of handball playing and- both Jake and Sol will represent the Center in tha Mid-Western A. A. C. handJball linals to be played this week. f.^To^.a fellow who has had dreams time and time again of •winning a handball tournament 'at the Center, these dreams have finally come true. "We are referring t o . t h e Class B singles ihampion, Harold Garber. Time and, time again Harold has ; en•tergct..these -tournaments, played good ball but has never won a championship.' - -. '."Bat 'last; Thursday night
PERMANENT WAVES at $3.50 and Up 716 BrandoU Thea. ElAg
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Lee Grossman, physical director of the J . C. C , has again "been. honored by serving as referee In the Mid-West A. A. U. WorldHerald Golden Gloves finals held last night a t the Ak-Sar-Ben-coliseum. Lee has also been asked to serve as trainer and coach.for the Mid-West Golden Glove team which will represent this district in the Chicago Tribune "Tournament of Champiors1' at Chicago, tho latter part of this month.
trail of Na: guised as rolved in the so-called "Irish bombings that recently bare tak- . . . Her maiden came, we en place in England Here is told, is Richter, and her mother another chance for Chamberlain. vrears a swastika pendant . to "prove" the success o£ his ap- show that everything is kosher, peasement policy . . Those snart- •we presume . . . alecks who spread the rumor that ABOUT PEOPLE Washington gossip is A l f r e d Rosenberg, Germany's Number One theoretician of anti- strong that Myron C. Taylor, Semitism, has Je-vriEh blood in his FDR's representative on the inveins aren't helping the cause of | tergovernmental Refugee" Comflemocracy . . . Iff a lie spon-1 mission, will succeed Joseph P. Kennedy as Ambassador to Engeored by anti-Jewish groups Opera singer Maria Jeritza's hus- land Jan Masaryk, now in band, Baron Popper, is in an A .:=- this country, became an trian concentration camp - «• His ! Zionist when he met a beautiful j crime is that he spoke out against i German Jewish refugee girl in I Nazism . . . There Is an acute j England and heard her story of j shortage of coffee, butter and! the calvary she had suffered in eggs in Germany . . . So some! Naziland . . . Andre Maurois, disstores vhose proprietors have a tinguished French homrne de letsense of humor sport a sign read- tres, who belongs to the people Ing: "You can get a pound of cof- Hitler chooses to call parasitic, is lee free if you can tell us where : coming to these shores late this to buy a crate cf eggs" . . . j month to lecture on English history, of all things . . Henry MonTHERE AXI) HERE We're told that Justice Bran- sky, president of the E'nai B'rith. deis is in telephonic touch with! will be the main orator at th the American Zionist delegation • commencement exercises ol Stephat the Arab-Jewish "Peace" Con- j en S. Wise's Institute of Religion, ference, to give them the benefit! in May . . . Authors Pierre van of his statesmanlike wisdom . . . ' Paassen and Slacrice Samuel eel-j By the time Louis Lipsky seas on hi American delega It's suppostd to be a secret, but cuperate in Florida . . . Isaac we have an idea that the news; Stein, one of the better .iournacolnmnS will scoop us . . . Dr. i lists in the Yiddish Tires?, is Jill sit • -
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th in put have "him ex. . . Esperanto, which he created, hirn in a CE the amusement is used in certain parts of the di- hibited in alogue, though to the audience it | parks of democratic countries, may sound like gibberish . . . The j with ?.n ; .dmissjon charge the reason is that Esperanto, being | proceeds from which would be
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FLASHES Poland, Hungary, Finland and i Ese has no intentio: of returning some other small countries are J to the movies . . . comedienne, making efforts to buy helium the screen's singing ir-1j "who hasn't been sesn for the last from your Uncle Sain, their pi pose being its resale to the Xr~is j lew years, is corcing back as j for their big dirigible . . . But vre ! as her divorce from Judg-e Shal- | understand that Sscretary Ickes i sees through this little ruse . . . Oc.Uds to the English cameramen for the splendid pictures they are taking of German Jewish refugee children in England . . . Those pictures tell a more poignant story than any articles on German cruelty ever printed . . . Among those T^ho will accompany the English King and Queen to Canada and this country -vrill be the •K-ell-kno'wn Zionist journalist and orator Alexander L. EasterEian . . . The cost of shipping to Physicians', Nu^»ee5T Kraraiti this country the Palestine-made (Continued, frora page t. !<? s n t Sick Roerr PucpJies grants can be resettled annually. I exhibits for the Jewish Palestine Ketiles! Arte Eidg. Omsha. N>" Other matters scheduled lor Pavilion at the New York ^World's Fhone ATiantic EEIS Fair amounts to .the neat sum o discussion at the current session are: (1) The proposal for inclu520,000 . . . sion in the committee's scope the WE'RE TEULEvG-TOIT ' 14,0 00 Polish Jews A former inmate of a German -proDie_ MX concentration camp tells us that j deportea rom O6rmarky to ?orf l one V«*W^«'^W**t^W W ^W-%»--^^-!W%id!* ods
LADIES 27th sr.d L Streets Always a Flha Variety of FRESH FISH AMD SEAFOODS DAILY Also the Finest
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he was crowned king of the handbaH players in the -Class «B division by defeating Dr. Faier in a three-game contest b; the score of 21-14, 18-21, 21-16. The Mid-Western A. A. tj. Class A and B, Junior and Senior, singles and doubles handball championship will be held on the Center courts starting this Saturday evening. The leading players In and around Omaha and Sioux City have entered this torrnament.
j AVarner, Jr., and Sam Briekin, tlie . . One of New York's
Advertising: Art and Cuts for All Printing • ; _ Purposes
season! afterward, drink manufacturers fii. resign and return to tis law rrac- j bear' a vague resemblance to II tice in Washington. His decision I Duce . . . The idea being to flatter "Be&ito . . . The latest "inside" became known on the eve cf the j rumor about Schmeling's troubles I first session of ths committee ' with Goebbels is that th© boxer's | s i n c e l a F t September. Kr. KrtO.ee j wife, screen actress-Ondra, is es- 1 explained that he had stayed) pected to join her " ushand in months longer than he inte p America and that neither of them when he accepted to* vz'i ever return to Nasilans . . . , ment because he Frankly, we don't believe a word j months_be^ore^be;r.g invited of it . . . If you missed Quentin ditions * "" "" ^^ Jews vrc under which Reynold's line feature artcile in he permitted to leave. last week's "Collier's" you have J se^psr lee p'ans to sail for • only yourself to blame . . Tfe told ^ '* States on Saturday. F you months ago to look out for {Tnited r5lar The title -is "Unwanted" j J", 1 f - ^ authoritative gou it ted, that the committee was . . . Best story of the week about expected to arpoint Sir Herbert lows . . . A nan-Aryan, beaten V.XJ Emerson, of "Great Britain, to by hold-up men on a Berlin street succeed Kublee, in the hope that one night, yelled: "Help! Mur- it would insure more active der!" . . . . Policemen rushed to British co-operation in solv the victim and tried to silence the~Tefu-^ee problem. Eoben Pell, him with the warning: "Sh-h-! of the tJnited States Department You musn't discuss politics aloud. of State, who was assistant to George Kublee, is expected tc be or you'll get into trouble" . . . appointed vice-director of the WEST DEPARTMENT committee. Ever -since Leni -Riefehstahl got the cold shoulder in Hollywood the Nazi Consuls on the ngregation cf Israel Coast have been instructed by their government to send in daily reports on the doings of the moThe Ladies A xiliary of tion picture colony And ever srati will g OJ Mcn since a new B'nai B'rith lodge its regular as was organized in Beverly Kills, Febn-"ry £0, at 2 p. m. in the Hollywood has been losing its assembly room of the synagogue, prejudice against anti-Nazi films rwenty-fifth and J streets. The new Hollywood lodge, inThe report ol ili.> recent card cidentally, counts among its mem- party will be heard. Members bers- such celebrities as Jack Ben- "ho still retain tickets are asked ny, George Burns, the four Marx | to return them. AH members brothers, the Eitz brothers, Jack j urged to Ettesa this meeting.
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Page 8 Synagogue Auxiliary heard the sixth in the series of reviews given by Rabbi Rablnowitz. The book, reviewed r's.s "All This and Heaven Too," by Rachael Field. The group will continue to meet, and lectures on the Bible will be the program.
MISS ANNA* PILL, eorrespoadent
Rabbi Rablnowitz spoke at Waterloo, la., last Sunday, appearing on the Forum program of the Jewish community there. He spoke on the Conference In Lon\ The Jewish National Workers don. Alliance will have as guest speaker, the chairman of the Mid-west region of the Alliance, Arthur Shuthin, prominent Milwaukee attorney. The lecture will be At. a meeting of the executive given Thursday evening,. Febru-. committee of A. Z. A., held this ary 23, at the Jewish Community week, Cecil Pill was named secCenter. He will address an all- retary, to succeed Calmon Levich, membership meeting. who resigned. Plans were niade Mr. Shuthin will discuss Jewish for an old clothes drive, to be diproblems of- today and speak of rected by the.Social Service comthe entrance of Albert Einstein mittee. A new pledge class was into the order. Mr. Max Mason initiated at the regular meeting held Wednesday evening. will introduce the - speaker.
National Workers' Speaker to Be Here
Speaking before an audience o£ Inore than GOO people that overtaxed the capacity of the Jewish Community Center auditorium. Gerhart Se^ar, a former member of the German Keicnstag, painted a dramatic picture of conditions in Germany under the Hitler regime. The speaker stressed the difference between the German people and the Nazis, Baying that the'German, people.have been terrorized into ^passive acceptance of the regime. He stressed the point that in Germany there were millions rwho disagreed with Hitler, but their loss of civil .liberties and their fear of the Concentration Camps, kept them in line. Mr. Seger, when a member of the Keichstag, was one of 117 members who vere thrown into jail, or concentration oamps, to give' Hitler a majority vote. The speaker was introduced by Dr. Lewis J. Dlmsdale. The lecture was sponsored by the B'nal B'rltii Open Forum.
short : wedding trip, Mr. Rice and his bride will make their home in Sioux City. ""Among the out-of-town guests who will attend the wedding will be Mr. and Mrs, Meyer Rice, Mr. and Mrs. H. Winick, Mr. William Rosenberg, Mrs., Max Rosenberg, Mr. Dave Waldinger, Mr. Charles Levitah and Mrs. Anna Booth: of Des Moines, Ia.# Miss Rose Gold of Lincoln; Mr. Mor-ris Mulmed of Fort Dodge; Mr. Max Shiftman of Houston, Tex. The bride-elect has been the guest of honor at a number of parties during the past few weeks. Among her hostesses were Mrs. J. Shapiro and daughter, Idel; Misses Elaine Schlaifer and Ruth Friedman; Mrs. Fannie Stern, Misses Rose and- Gertrude Reznlck, Mrs. Sam Sperling, Mrs. Ben Edelman, M n . L. Kaplan, Mrs. M. Levitsky, Mrs. Rodney Slacter and Miss Annie Herman.
ices throughout the Middle West and West. While assuring ultra-modern and safe long-distance bus schedules between the Great Lakes and Pacific Coast, these amazing new buses will usher in new advancements i n air-condtioning which, •will maintain a perfectly comfortable balance between temperature and humidity at all times regardless of weather conditions.
Burlington Buys New Bus Fleet
Providence (WNS) — German exchange students in the United States 3nd Canada have been directed to act as agents Of the German government on American and Canadian university campuses, according to an article i» the Providence Bulletin which claimed It had received such information in a letter sent out by George Rettig, until recently director of the American branch of the German University Exchange Service, in which' exchange students were requested to supply Nazi authorities with information of political and economic conditions in this country.
Air-conditioned, completely modern, and including every comfort for long-distance travel . . . a fleet of new streamlined buses will be introduced this spring by the Burlington Trailways bus system for service on its ChicagoCalifornia lines, according to announcement today by W. E. Fuller, vice-presideii.. of the Burlington Transportation Company. According to Mr. Fuller, the new fleet will be operated on daily limited schedules over the company's through routes between Chicago and Saa Francisco and Los Angeles. For the past four years the company, owned and operated by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, has operated over 365,000 h\iz miles per month oa these California routes, in addition to its extensive serv-
Patronize Our Advertisers
Miss Gloria Novitsky entertained 20 .oung people at a ValNew York (WNS) — The exIRVIN C. LEVIN, Atty. entine birthday party' Saturday 763 Brandeis Theater Lids. CANTOR PLEASES IN evening. Miss Miriam Schlmmell istence of the German University of Omaha, a week-end visitor In Service, with, offices here, was NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PE. CONCERT SUNDAY the Novitsky home, was among disclosed last December by Dr. Nelson P. Mead, acting president TITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF the guests. An audience of more than 300 of the College of the City of New FINAL ADMINISTRATION people heard the concert given York who charged that the orACCOUNT Sunday evening by Cantor A. In the County Court of Douglas ganization was acting as a Nazi Mrs. A, S. Wolf of St. Louis, Pliskin at the Jewish Community County, Nebraska. propaganda center in the United president of the Southwest region Center. His program included In the Matter of the Estate of Ales States. Rettig was recently re- Slskin<2. Deceased: of Senior Hadassah, will be the operatic numbers, Jewish Folk called to Germany by Nazi offi- All persons interested in said matguest speaker at the Hadassah Songs and Hebrew songs, and was (Continued from Page 1> cials because the German Em- ter are hereby notified that on the Oneg Shabbott, to be held tomor- well received by the audience. day of January. 1939, Harry Sisin Washington felt he had 31st In that Sunday's sermon the bassy kind filed a petition in said County row afternoon at 2:30. The meetAssisting Cantor Pliskin on the been indiscreet in sending out Court, that his final admining will be held in the home of program were Mr. Gordon Kin- Rev. Coughlin offered to send a letters to German exchange stu- istrationpraying account filed herein be setMrs. J. H. Levin, 3405 Nebraska ney, cellist, and Miss Edwarda crucifix to every one who asked dents. tled and allowed, and that he be disstreet, with- Mrs. Levin and Mrs. Metz, pianist, both of Morning- for it. In the magazine Time it charged from his trust as administrahad been said that he was known tor and that a. hearing will be had Sam Bailin as hostesses. side college. as "Silo Charlie" Coughlin beon said petition before said Court on Members of the Senior HadasWill Fight Restrictions the 25th day of February, 1939. and cause the crucifixion tower of his sah board met wj,th Mrs. Wolf that if you fail to appear before said church looked more like a silo Thursday evening in the home of on the said 25th day of Febto some. He regarded this as a Warsaw (WNS) — Polish Jew- Court ruary, 1939, at i» o'clock A. lit., and the, president, Mrs. W. C. Slotdefamation of the sacred implicontest said petition, the Court may ry adopted a resolution to fight sky, and this evening Junior Hacations of-the- crucifixion. There- against any attempt to restrict grant the prayer of said petition, dassah members will meet with enter a decree of heirship, and make fore (in a sort of expiation for Jewish rights In Palestine. The such other and further orders, allowher, also in Mrs. Slotsky's home. Miss Libbie Dervin, daughter the sin of Time, it seemed) he resolution was adopted by a spe- ances and decrees, as to this Court was giving a crucifix to whoever may seem proper, to the end that all of Mr. and Mrs. Max Dervin, will cial conference of Polish Zionist The dues committee of Senior become the bride of Meyer Rice, asked for one. matters pertaining to said estate may Committees for the annual Hadassah organizations called to discuss the be finally settled and determined. met with the- commit- son of'Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rice Purim dance, sponsored by the tee chairmen, conferences suggest that he take one British-Jewish-Arab BRTCE CRAWFORD. Mrs. H. S. Novit- of Des Moines, this Sunday after- of May-12-3-33-St. County Judge. Auxiliary, of Shaare . Zion synathese crufixes to.his own medion Palestine in London. sky and Mrs. Mike Grueskin, to gogue,. have been named, and noon at 5:30 o'clock in the tations and remember Simon of make plans for collecting during plans have been completed to Shaare Zion synagogue. Rabbi H. Cyrene. Simon of yrene was the bring an unusually fine out-of- the coming weeks. The commit- R. Rabinowitz and Cantor Morris one who relieved Christ of the FREE! Aa Expert Counsellor oa Room Arrangement tee includes Mesdames E. N. town orchestra to Sioux City for Okun will officiate at the cere- burden of the heavy cross on the the affair. The dance will be held Grueskin, Victor Mazie, Sam Kap- mony. road to the crucifixion and car• in the 'oahroom of the Bellevue lan, Sam Bailin, Philip Sherman, Miss Elaine Schlaifer, pianist, ried it part way to Calvary. apartments on March 4. Mrs. I*. Moe Lazere, Sam Slotsky, Henry and Miss Gisela Pill, 'cellist, will The Rev. Coughlln's Christian J. Kaplan and Mrs. Sol H. Novit- Sherman, Louis- Agranoff, Jack play the wedding march and re- re-education will be about comsky are general chairmen of the Robinson, Joe Levin, Joe Kutch- cessional, "and Mrs. Dave S. Shul- plete if he says, "Yes, Simon of "FAMOUS FOR FIES FURNITURE dance, and Mrs. Lester Goldman er, Louis Goldberg, S. B. Gelfand, kin will sing "At Dawning." Cyrene! He suggeststhat It.Is the Use Our Easy Payment Plan—-F&rnara at 22nd L. J. Kaplan and Morey Lipshutz. is in charge of the ticket sales. The' bride will wear a white duty of men to help carry the The ticket committee will be satin gown, princess line, with a burdens of those who are heavily composed of Mesdames A. Bain, short train. Her long veil will afflicted, on the way to crucifixions. Certainly it is not the part A. Epstein, Morris Rubin, Morey be caught in a coronet. Xilpsbutz, Milton MushkSn, Ben Miss'Mary Dervin of Chicago, of a righteous man to climb on Sekt, Louis Chesen, Joe Kntcher, who will be maid of honor, will the back of one who is already Sam. Kaplan, James Gang, Louis wear a cerise chiffon dinner burdened beyond his strength and Kla§s, S. H. Shulkin, Henry" Sherdress. Albert Rice of Lincoln to i e a p falsehood upon all the ' man, S. L. Snovsky, Arthur Kapwill be groomsman, and Miss San- pain he carries.? lan, Mike Grueskin • and S. B. Mr. E. N. Grueskin presented a dra Lee Rice, flower girl. The Gelfand. . • .• report of the National Conference wedding party will also "include (Copyright 1939 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) of Federations, at a meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rice of Waterthe Co-ordinating committee held loo, Mendel Dervin,. Mrs. Max here Wednesday evening. Fifty Smith of Chicago, the parents of Palestine Terror Increases men attended the dinner meeting. the bride and • groom, .and -Mrs. Mr. Grueskin also gave a report Sarah Dervin, grandmother of the Tel: Aviv (JTA), Opening > of the "work of the National Co- bride. conference of, %bp. Jewish FarmRabbi David : A. Goldstein of ordinating committee and ' told A wedding dinner will be ers' Association, President Zvi Omaha will be the guest'speaker how the local group was working served following the ceremony, to Butkovsky declared that Arab a t "the.' March meeting: of the with the national to help resettle which 165 relatives and friends terrorism had increased despite Council, scheduled for Monday, the'German Jewish refugees. have been invited. Following a the London conferences. March 6. He will review "Joseph Mr. E. E. Baron, chairman of in Egypt," by Thomas Mann. The the committee, presided at the meeting will be in the form of a meeting and a financial report tea, and plans are in the hands of was given. Permanent committhe Council educational commit- tees-for the work In Sioux City tee, headed by Mrs. H. S. Novit- were appointed at the meeting. sky. '.
Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women's organl» zation vrl\l Hold It? Ones Shabbotft af MhP fr.oroe of Mrs. Max Goldstein, S2P North Thirty-fifth avesue. Principal speaker of the afternoon will be Joe liadinowskl. Mrs. Kose Su-ariz vlll give a reading. Commur.H:- einr-lug will be led I T K^S. J. Eazniclc, Refreshments are to be served i by tlie hostess.
Society News
''Scotch" fiat com* te mean "thrifty" and "say. ing." Your telephone it Scotch because H'« • thrifty investment for you • • • it saves you time, money, worry end trouble. Americans havefcWv*>»U't buzl Iba-pam in tele* phone service. No ether peepfe f?c?; eueh good telephone service efc euch lew? i NORTHWESTECK EELS, TELEfM®NE
Council of Jewish > Women
The Council group ptudying AUXILIARY PURIM J e w i s h ! Contemporary Affairs, TEA NEXT TUESDAY will me*et Monday afternoon.-February 20, in the home of Mrs. The February meeting of the Sam Pickus. Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion will be "Held next Tuesday, the 21st, and will be in the form of a Purim tea. The meeting will take Place in the social hall of the synagogue. The Jewish movie, "The SingA skit, "The Partition of the ing Blacksmith," by David Pinskl, Hbmentashen," will be a feature •will be shown at the Jewish Com- of the program. Miss Miriam munity Center, Sunday, February Blank will present a reading, and 26, under the auspices of the Na- Morton Raskin will be heard in a tional Workers Alliance and the piano solo. pioneer Women. •Two performances will be. giv: en, 'one at "3 o'clock in the aftern o o n and ,the second a t 8 o'clock Services at B"eth Abraham and . in the evening. . . ProceedB will go toward the Tiphereth Israel synagogues will German Refugee fund; and the begin at 6 o'clock this evening Jewish community is urged to re- and at 9 o'clock tomorrow mornserve this date and attend one of ing. Rabbi S . ' I. Bolotnlkov will the performances. speak during the morning serrIce at Tiphereth Israel, using as his subject "The Jewish Tax."
Shaare Zion
532 Insurance Bldg,
The study group of Junior Hadassah will meet next Wednesday evening in the home of Miss Dena Baron, when Miss Jessie Slutaky will; review "Roots In the Sky." by Sidney Miller. Miss Sadie Shulkin will speak on the Jews in China.
In the County Court of Douglas County. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Simon Dlklmewlcz, Deceased: All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 15th day of February, 1939, Eva DilUmewicz filed a petition in said County Court, praying that her final COUNCIL PLANS administration account filed herein bo settled and allowed, and that she be from her trust as admin; V l:^:.: CLOTHING DRIVE dischargedistratrix and that a hearing will bo - The Council of Jewish Women had on said petition before said Court the 11th day of March. 1930. and are planning a drive to secure on that if you fall to appear before said clothing'to be sent to Ellis Island Court on the said 11th day of March, for German refugee work, and 1339, a t 9 o'clock A. II.. and contest said petition, the Court may grant the bundles of clothing will be of said petition, enter a- decree brought to the Jewish Commun- prayer helrshlP. and make such other and i t y : Center, when' a~ Mah Jong of further orders, allowances and detournament will be held March 1. crees, as to this Court may. seem proper, to the end that all matters At le tournament, first and pertaining to said estate may be lecond prizes, will be cash prizes. finally settled and determined. Admission to the tournament will BRYCE CRAWFORD,
be 50 cents.
County Judge.
Those who were fortunate enough to have heard Rabb! Solomon Goldman last Monday night at the Jewish Community Center must have realized they were indeed hearing the inspiring andpoetic words of a Great-Teacher.in IsradL '"
Mount Sintii
e cis ion
Orthodox Synagogues
Rabbi H. R. Rablnowitz l speakJthis evening on the subject/ "Is. It a Law or Merely a Custom"? Cantor Morris Okun and the synagogue choir will chant the ritual. At the service tomorrow morning. Jack Schwartz, son of Mr. and,Mrs. A. I. Schwartz, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah. Mr. and Mrs.-Schwartz will receive their friends in the synagogue followThe Sisterhood of the. Temple ing the service, in honor of their will sponsor a card party next son, and will also serve refreshWednesday evening in the annex ments to the Junior Congregaof the Temple. tion. The Art Appreciation group of the Sisterhood will meet this aftThe Book Review circle of the ernoon in the home of Mrs. A. H. Baron. BEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atty.
risis an
To Show Jewish Movie February 26
, Babbl Theodore N. Lewis •will speak on the subject "A Giant Departs" at the service In Mount Sinai Temple tonight. • i Sunday evening, Rabbi Lewis •will address a meeting of the National Council of Jews and Christians in Waterloo, la. Next Monday evening he will speak at a Masonic dinner, and Tuesday evening! he will be the guest speaker at a dinner meeting in the Riversidq Methodist church.- r
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