in Talk
In the Interests of the Jewish People
The Convert
A Christian lady in Chicago Is Interested in curing me of all the pain. I seem to suffer. She reads, me every -week, she says, and is" Entered a s Second Class. Mail Matter on January 31. 1931. a t sprry for me, -what •witli. all the OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, ^FEBRUARY 24, 1939 VOL. XVI—No. 17 •t*ostofflce. of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879 spirtual and other conflicts that rend me. Though, in fact, I am really more cheerful about everything than most Jewish writers •who weep all t i e time. I, a t least, can laugh. The lady thinks I could easily Berlin (Havas) — In a sermon get away from it all by turning at the Church of St. Anne a t Stockholm (WNS) — Swedish Christian. She writes that I could Dahlem, Pastor Gollwitzer stresspurchases from Jewish firms in become Christian with hardly any ed the need for rbsolute and unGermany have given rise to the effort since, as she has observed, reserved faith in God and scored question as to who should be paid. I, already have something of- a the Nazi religious concepts. "God Lawsuits have arisen from double Christian spirit. By becoming cannot be what men wish to make Christian, she says, I could at English Turn Down Arab him, as, for example, the Jews Provost of Seminary to Be claims, one coining from a self- British Jews Laud Rublee exiled Jewish owner and other once solve my Jewish problem and Greeks conceived their God Speaker at Beth £1 at Conference in Terms for Palestine from a koinmissar appointed by which so distresses me. She asks or as the Germans seek to con' Dinner London N Peace the German government to manme to give the matter my solemnceive a racis'l and anti-Jewish age the affairs of a company afest consideration. God," he asserted. IS AUTHOR, LECTURER ter its owner had been forced to DEADLOCK REACHED RABBI WISE SPEAKS London (JTA) — I t was reget out. "•Well, let u s imagine, that I acported from Berlin that "AryanIn many cases the amounts due Seek AssistanceforViccept _the lady's invitation . . . I Jews to . Refuse Infringe- ization" had been extended to Will Discuss Program of have been deposited by Swedish feel lifted up by the churchly Institution He ermany's jails in a ruling by the ment on Balfour debtors with Swedish authorities tuns of All Anti-Semitic grandeur as I advance down.the Tie Jewish Community Center Ministry of Justice that Jewish Represents Discrimination until the question is settled. The Declaration center aisle to take my first comLittle Symphony orchestra will (An aconnt of Miss prisoners should not be given any p first two cases of this kind hare munion. I think it's IJandl's Larmake Its. debut on Tuesday, Feb- work appear? on page 8.) of the preferred jobs ordinarily Dr. Louis Finkelstein, famed been decided by local courts, London (JTA) — The British By VICTOR M. BIEXSTOCK go they play for me &s a procesallotted to trusties. Biblical historian and Provest nf judgment in each case being giv- Section of the World Jewish Con- ruary 28, under the direction of Fresh from triumphs in sional; for my becoming a Chris- Chief of 3. T. A. Foreign Service Finite!. It will present selec- where she was invited by the Schwarze Korps, organ of the Jewish Theological Seminary, en for the Jewish owner. gTess, at its second biennial con- Al London (JTA) — Colonial Sec- theDas tian is regarded as a considerable tions prior to Dyora LapBon's problack-uniformed Elite Guard, event. . ' retary M a l c o l m MacDonal-d's complained that Friedrich August will be guest of the Beth El Syn- The court in Boras observed ference, urged on "the statesmen gram and during the intermis- istry of Fine Arts to appear ** agogue a t a dinner to be given 'the action taken by the German of the democracies" tbe necessity In my weekly column in the hree-point scheme for a compro- Israel, a cigar merchant of Herauthority in depriving an owner of extending such movements as sion. Jewish press I had bidden fare- mise solution of the Palestine rnhut, was lacking in "communMembers of the orchestra are: of his legal capacity is so foreign the intergovernmental Refugee well to Judaism. "Anif. yet," I question was flatly rejected by ity spirit" because he, though an Mary Jeanrifette Brown, Leslie to the Swedish conception of legal Committee "to include all victims •write, "it cannot be good-bye but he Jews when their considered accredited "Aryan," had refused rights that it can have no effect of anti-Jewish discrimination." A Davis, Samuel Epstein, Miriam au revoir. For I am sure the hosts reply to the proposals was deliv- to change his name in deference Margaret JFinkel, Doris on property in this country." resolution also called on represen- Fiedler, of. Israel will follow me into the ered to the British Government to the Nazi anti-Jewish campaign. Gilinsky, Norman Hahn, Alvin tative Jewish organizations to Hertzberg, representatives a t a British-Jewchurch to safety." Hlme Gerstein, Helen The German Law Academy has meet for "cooperative consulta- Hornstein, Joe Hornstein, Irving Indeed, i t is felt in Christen- sh session at St. James -Palace. decided to replace the terms "Artion" and expressed "profound The proposed compromise proKaiman, Harold Kaplan, Albert dom that I am but the vanguard yan," "German-blooded" and "of appreciation of the practical sym- Lagman, Helen Leiben and Harof Israel as I march down the vides for restriction of Jewish im- German and cognate blood'* in pathy shown to the Jewish vicriet Lewis. aisle to communion. All the read- migration, curb on land acquisi- law texts with a new term, 'Eurtims of persecution by religious ers of this column eventually tion by Jews and establishment pi ope-racial." The first two terms Also Albert Nachman, Dorothy leaders, statesmen and free peo•would follow me. My conversion Arab-Jewish political equality. ," were not exact and the third was Pessen, v Morris Richlin, Nellie ples of democratic lands." Dr. Chaim Weizmann declared too long, an academic subcommitis regarded as particularly sigRubinow, Joe Saks, Louis Saks, ; The conference urged "a unit- Larry Steinberg, Audrey Telpner, nificant because I was a temple the proposals were completely un- tee reported, while the new term R a b b i Mandelbaum to ed Jewish stand of the Jewisn Harriet Taub, Norman Turkel, trustee. acceptable to the Jews, who un- is held to come closest to the purpeople the •world over, in cooper- Sid Weisman and Richard Zlotky. Lead Services at B'nai "r My progress toward the com der no circumstances would ac- port of the racial laws. : ation with all forces striving for mnnion table i? attended by mycept permanent minority status Israel justice and freedom, to restore meditations . . . "This i*: the end or iofringement of the Balfour Jewish rights where destroyed • of being a Jew . . . No more pain Declaration such as the proposals Rabbi N. Mandelbaum, Rabbi and safeguard them where threa. . . . No more Jewish columns in implied. of the Beth Hamedrosh Ha^odel tened." Support of the World While not going into details, w^hich to weep . . . Hence forth I Synagogue of Chicago, and PresiJewish Con'gress was reiterated. shall write only in the bright light observing it would be a waste of dent of the Rabbinical Council of Dr. Louis Finkelstein time when there was no agreeDr. Stephen S. Wise declared, in Chicago and vicinity, will be the " i n which Christians abide . . Sunday, evening a t the Blackstone guest speaker at the Friday night an address: "I do not consider met on principal, he pointed out Ob, the poor oppressed Jews!" Hotel. service, to be held by the Vaa-d the Italian acceptance of the antiI am somewhat disconcerted to it was the considered view of the His visit here is part of a H'lhr at the B'nai Israel Synago- Semitic doctrine as permanent. It Work of Women's Group discover myself sighing for theJews that the proposals for re-Center Governors to Hold country-wide tour embracing con- gue, 18th and Chicago streets, is unbelievable that the people poor oppressed Jews. Even in my striction of immigration could not the Teatto del PPHPF Arts t*> * First Meeting of to Be Dramatized at ferences in western and mid-wes- this evening at 8 o'clock. new house of Christianity the be accepted since they introduced will follow the. Government in its recital oi' her ,iewish. tern cities. Year Meeting the entirely new principle of givJews seem to be haunting me Rabbi Mandelbanm is one of racialism." Disensslng the refugee Dvora Lapson, vrr-li-lcnovrn Dr. Finkelstein has an InternaBnt I tell myself that this is but ing the Arabs consent or veto the outstanding leaders of the question, Dr. "Wise warned against and Mime, v.-iU dance in Four decades of the Temple er A meeting of the Board of tional reputation in the fields of American rabbinate. Hie is pos-prejudging the plan of Jewish natural in one who has only just rights on Jewish immigration. ha Tuesday prpiiiTjE,- s>i 8 oVlA.it Jewish learning and religious Israel Sisterhood will be dramaGovernors of the Federation for - come'out of the house of Israel. Attacks Proposals sessed of great learning and ora- emigration from Germany negrK the Jewish Community C^tal^ Jewish. Service will be held Mon- scholarship. He is the author of torical ability and has served as tiated in Berlin by George Rub- tized "when t h e group presents at Through Time will bring the surcease of the r.iptfuim Oi £h* M. M. Ussishkin attacked the a biography of Akiba and more "The Cavalcade of the Sisterday evening, a t 8 o'clock a t the forgetfulness . . . The conflict mo- land scales pro'posal and expressspiritual leader of the outstand- lee. dance T-Tiw I.c-pson 6pecia1I««w Ic recently he has written a sociolhood" on March 6 at the Temple . mentarily subsides as I take the id regret that the conference Jewish Community Center. ing Orthodox congregations in S He said: " I know Rublee and following the regular monthly the prespTi'Riinp. of All members 'of the Board have- ogical study :>f the Pharisees. the country. '.._ bread and wine of the commun had begun with proposals that Myron Taylor and I am not cermeeting. Members of lie SisterThe institution Dr. Finkelstein The Vaad has extended an In-tain that in their anxiety to save hood -will enact the highlights of : lonl did not take into consideration been asked ot be present as mat- represents is the leading seminvitation to all members of thethe Jews of Germany they may Sisterhood history. Mrs. Ipidor psrvpsjini! ot ihf- Jews le<5 to I arise from my knees . . "Oh,' the Balfour Declaration, the man- ters of great importance are to be ary for the training of Conserva- Jewish community-to I must, "the pain's .all gone . .. _ date and all other British pledges discussed. tive Rabbis and teachers. Its new- Friday night service. attend the not have been led to some mis- Ziegler is chairman of the p.f'rir ir.t.Ptis:".ve Rtv^*' «">" ancient The pain of being Jewish which to the Jews. During the ensuing Members take. But I -want you to know and has arranged the reosrram. tr-odern .TevisV; lore in ly established Institute of InterI nave almost all my life, partic- discussion, a Jewish delegate told Those who are serving on this denominational Studies was re- Following the service, a recep- that .Rublee and Taylor would The Sisterhood oi Tercplr Europe i'-mx r&l?r-;'.uie, ularly in the more recent years of MacDonald that the Jews would Board for the year 1939 are: cently given a $25,000 endow- tion for Rabbi Mandelbaum will never wittingly say or do a thing "h«f Israel is one ot the- c-des' otvp.n;m y life . . . It's all gone! . . .I'm never accept the British propos- Milton Abrahams, Max Barish, ment by Lucius N. Littauer. be held and refreshments will be which would contribute to the K;-,-,-:\en exon-'^-pir t c the j EatiGEE for Tevijli voper. ir. U'r a Christian . , . This safety, this als and. they could only be impos- Leslie Burkenroad, Arthur Cohn, served; support of the Kazi Reich against I>r._Finklestein in his_ lecture. —-Hostesses. si. the J-eeepUon-fol- -the Jews. They earnestly and' fni- -comfort; this —blessedness of--no ed by~BrTtam without the "Jews' DaYB^Cohn, -B&vitJ -SoKtaanr 2>r. ... here will discuss the" expanding' s o c i e t y . ' M i r r - s s . T i n . T U ' i r ? i>-. longer being persecuted! . . . acquiescence. At>e Greenberg, David Greenberg, program of the Seminary and will lowing Dr. Mandelbaum's talk Igently strived to support us. Re- ich £0 back to ii-c et?d oi: i.i'ewill be: Mesdames N. Levinson, Poor,'."unhapjjy Jews!" member, we will consider the MacDonald again referred to J. J . GTeenberg, Mrs. Morris Kat- propose regional conferences on It's so hard to get;away from fears of the Palestine Arabs con- leman, Morris E. Jacobs, and Sam religious problems under the gui- Sam Epstein, I. Goldstein, Louis plan in America, and be Eure that nineteenth cectitry. IT;is sofi-?ry Epstein, Jacob Bernstein and the heads of English Jewry delib- consisted of a group o:' v-onif-n .jthem even in this sanctuary of cerning possible domination by Josephson. dance of the Seminary faculty. She p.PpToacUep IIPT Dave Crounse. Christianity. I sigh for them even the Jews. A Jewish spokesman erate on this plan as earnestly •who seTed for chrrity Ft. t'-ev-Itii t!?er e,\\C c.rmp&t Philip Klutznick, Robert KoopThe public is invited to attend. Temple, then located ?.t TTPr.tr1 a t the moment of my Christian replied that the Jews neither de- er, J . H. Knlakofsky, Jack W. Reservations and impartially as - -we mean to cie^FiP'MMns.. i c f-.'-'oic-. su.iy may be made by fourth and Harney streets. do." . heart is singing. sired nor intended to dominate Marer, Dr. Morris Margolin, Har- calling Arthur Cohn or Mrs. JaIn 1PCS this group lortnfiliy the Arabs, but they would never ry A. Wolf, Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, cob Blank. Oe'U.pr F«viit>'- ticket*; w i n «i>» Requisites Told organized under .he r.F.me oi rr-.\i ic "Sli^ l»Rnson'p recital. SI**' Later the men's club of our accept Arab domination. He press- Nathan S. Yaffee, I. B. Zimman, Refugee assistance work of vol- Temple Israel Sisterbocic. ~M~<i, fie fitmtrsio^e vv-.r he pnrcl«a»u»& church, gives a dinner in my hon- ed the view that a satisfactory Mrs. J . Abrahamson, Dr. O...S. untary organizations will be ren-Abram Simon, rsev ot! ^pshins- PX f;ie o~'\r~ oi: -Shp. Jewish O or. There are speeches of wel- agreement could be reached only Belzer, Mrs. Jacob* Bernstein, dered fruitless unless the pros- ton. D. C who vra? leader in U-.e TT.iinit7" Octr'r.- fir pt. t h e BOX come and finally I myself am In- by direct discussion between Paul Bernstein and Mrs. J. Blank. pect of overseas settlement is of-local movement, later oiVFinzec; .fice tl'.e eveninr. oi Miss Arabs and Jews, but MacDonald Eugene Blazer, Simon Bordy, troduced. fered by Intergovernmental Com- the National Federation cf Tem' "Mr. Segal," says the "toast- neither commented nor offered Edward Brodkey, Mrs. M. D. mittee powers, a report to theple Sisterhoods and served as Us master, "will address us on Why I any promise to attempt to ar- Brodkey, Mrs. Morris Burstein, Board of Deputies of British national president. range a meeting between the two Harry B. Cohen, Mrs. M. G. CoBecame a Christian." Dorothy Fuldheim, noted lec- Jews warned. Skepticism regardThrousiioi i ' "> 'es-i. I F ~ hen, A. Coltoff, Mrs. David Cro"Brothers in Christ," I begin delegations. turer, will appear here on Tues- ing the German Government's terh.ood1 be*; ' ^ r F T- ' -ir r t nnse, Mrs. D. B. Epstein, Louis "I believe that certain current Arab Demands readiness to assist orderly emiday, March 7, under the auspices cultura c c t " i ~ «"-* t ' Mrs. William Epstein, trends in America are a challenge At the same time, MacDonald Epstein, of the Women's Division of the gration •was expressed in the Temple at E I n. e= h i <-ir I i John Feldman, Mrs. V Feldman to everything that we as Christ was statement, vrhich "was prepared understood to have counter- and Dr. Leon FelVman. The Workmen's Circle, Branch Jewish Community Center. She and fPMf. ' r t 1 ' p^ i&ns believe in, and I feel-tha ed Arab for establish173, will Hold a special social will speak on "America—The Fu- by Leonard G. Montefiore, presi- operate'! " b n t PFIV pi T O I this is the opportune time to ment of ademands c Mrs. Leon Fellman, Al Fiedler, dent of the Anglo-Jewish Associ- Jewish PC 11 PS v P * < " r ^i" Palestine Arab state meeting this evening at S o'clock ture." speak frankly as Christians and with tentative proposals for a Mrs. S. Fish, Toby Flax, Harry at the Labor Lyceum, TwentyMiss Fuldheim is one of the ation, and read in his absence by Sisterhood ha r« uln Ff co-"p e business men." Frankle, Morris M. Franklin, Mrs. legislative council in which the and Clark streets. A ter- country's leading commentators Neville Laski, president of the financial -rer-m<; •> T- O- thp " "My fellow Christians, I refer Arabs would be a majority, re- H. Friedel, Milton Frohm, Abe second ritorial delegate will be nomi- on international affairs. She has board. Temple I-.-re ^r n d s fi^om to our treatment of Jews. I know, striction of Jewish immigration Goldstein, Mrs. David A. Gold- nated of -'hp .Tisnlof A» elected. The delegate traveled extensively in Europe and Three requisites for orderly A group of. ~> =! p-hnoT r>"ml e ^ A. Netnben;: gentlemen, that we as Christians to the Jewish zones with gradual stein, IsadOre" Goldstein, Mrs. Joe to theand club People.:" before th*t Circle conven- Asia and has interviewed many of emigration, the statement said, have fo uhe p " _., t-^s. eev all deplore the dreadful. event in diminution over a period of years Goldware, Leon Graetz, Mrs. Mor- tion, toWorkmen's ing: oi the r'ris-: Tr r uh "iodp be held in Baltimore the the world's leading figures. are (1) cessation of expulsions each v-e-l io v Oi he CCPV Monday Na2i Germany. Yet though we de- and restriction of Jewish land ris E. -Jacobs; -Mrs. Sam Josephf-vpniu?.-. Th«! part of May, will also be In her varied career she hasfrom the Reich, (2) arrange- ter of t>>p Ar pr r^r ^ p C n . t ftest these events on our lips many acquistion along the lines sug- son, Mrs. I. Kaplan, S. Katleman, first discup^ec1. T-R> "Tipaolvpd Th»;. A rr chosen at this time. been a school-teacher, an actress, ments for the maintenance of In l . r r * • « • r ° r i r \r i"of us practice privately, to a de>;Pv; licvef. of TleCuse gested in the proposals to the Mrs. Aaron Katz, J. Katz, M. r Refreshments will be served in and a foreign correspondent. those remaining in Germany, es,gree, the discriminations and in Jews. The Arabs, continuing to Katzman and -Joseph KirshenesCine Jli^f P r rounfi honor of the -members who are Mrs. David Greenberg is chair- pecially in Vienna, and (3) relax- ' During the : I F •justices that are the abomination urge establishment of an indepen- baum. recuperating from the injuries man of the committee in charge ation of immigration restrictions o _ l •women ha^e Cof today's Germany. The chie" dent state, offered universal franMrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Harvey sustained Labor day while en of Miss Fuldheirn's lecture. by the Brian states. -difference is that our ill-treat chise, autonomy to the Jews in Leon, Ization: I.Iesc'i Sam Lerner, Mrs. Sam Ler- route to the Workmen's Circle •e in1 Laski praised the "courage and | }". Corm, 5 merit of Jews is strictly privati the predominantly Jewish area: ner, Irvin r- -i C. Levin, Mrs. Irvin C. convention in Des Moines. They ReadingHead of Council persistence with •which he faced • and more or less refined while establishment of joint" councils in Levin, Mrs. M. F . Levenson, Na' Kats. Nathan Ivlll London (JTA) — It was relia- and carried out a difficult and Karri- Koser the German discriminations a r districts where the population is than Levinson, Mrs. H. Lippett, are: Mr. and Mrs. A. Foreman, Mr. Sam Lipp and Mrs. M. Sellbly learned that Lord Samuel is thankless task"' of Rublee. The IC. L. Cohn public, official and brutal." mixed and admission of Jews to Harry Marcus, Gail Margolin, cow. resigning as chairman of the retiring •director arrived in theKolzraan anc ("Yet, my fellow Christians the Cabinet. Salewin Michnick, Mrs. J. Milder, Council for German Jewry and This affair Is being arranged States on the Queen Mary ! Bernhardt T> something's to be said for vicious Minkin, I. Morgenstern, In conjunction with the Ladies' will be succeeded by Lord Read- United (•{vision, With a deadlock reached In the Morris this -week after he had communness that is forthright, frank and Anglo-Arab Mrs. L. Neveleff, Mrs. Henry New• T p c r t ' ~ e ?••• ?. ffip ti ing. Lord Samnelhas been chairdiscussions, the talks man, Irving Nogg", Sylvia, Paril- Auxiliary of the Branch 173. All icated to the German Government open, precisely because i t is turned to the interrelated queshave been urged to at- man of the Council since its in-the committee's decision on t i e forthright, frank and open). Mrs. William Racusin, and members ;b;;.te Uie Jimior A. &. A. « ception in 1936. tions of Jewish immigration, land man, tend. Reich emigration memoranduir. • "My Christian brethren, I fee" sales Mrs. Sam Ravitz. and a Palestine constitution , ilicre or; MavoL. If-, it is Quite needless for me to clar H. Resnick, Dr. Harry Rich, the conversations were reify my meaning among us bust when Mrs. Charles Ross, Milton Saylan, Monday. Official circles ness men. Is it, indeed, the Chris- sumed rpTiwrnen-s i o - -.lie atCs-lr. out that the three ques- Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, Mrs. B.'Shaftian way for us to •disqualify Jews pointed tions were and ton, Ben Silver, Mrs. Ben Silver, from earning their living in our full discussioninterdependent : :of all three would B". A. Simon, Mrs. B. A. Simon, • crps-roiioci. i.on «.«' TTipRtfTTl. f t Christian Industries? Is a man'3 bring the Anglo-Arab Mrs. Harry Stein, Mrs. Julius talks to the X>r, A, rrnwuf right to earn his bread qualified concluding stage. The decision to Stein, Mrs. Meyer Stern, Mrs. M. tained 1 icy r^ P~ " ^ by his race or religion?" past serre e- v e e >. ei i N e x l nieetJng- o i proceed to these questions was Tatle, Joseph Tretiak. Harry Members of the Jewish Folk 4< Oh, gentlemen, since becom taken while an Anglo-Arab sub- Trustin, Dr. J . A. Weinberg, Hardean's o ice troupe of New York will i b e h e l d ?.;.s.TV.u'f.. ing a Christian 1 feel as much a committee studied the dispute ry Werner, A. G. Weinstein, Al- Theater The tv. \ i _ . i here on Thursday, March ever the pain of the Jews, fo over the MacMahon correspond- bert Wohlner, Mrs. A. Wohlner, appear 2, at the Jewish Community Cenranked 1 cT the reason that I am a Christian ence. and Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf. ter under the auspices of the I. classes: f <*- -i "^-l =Let us look into our conscience; W. O., Branch 126. the Ur ' °~c; "• Cr ?c. and consider,-what our duty as , It was learned in Arab circles -sM|> at class vr ' t l •- t P The program •will include a Christian gentlemen, is to Jews." that TaacDonald outlined briefly La3"in. t one-act play, songs, dances and to the Arabs alternative proposals recitations. of jourr ^ progressive restriction of JewYes, that's the amazing thini for S1.S7; P i ' 1 v -= i Admission to the performance ish immigration for a stipulated BO ft of Mr. M«t about my becoming a Christian period, curtailment of land pur| junior, -Er ° i Is 40 cents. Tickets may be gotThe more Christian-like I get th chase under a zoning system prei I n tl Sunday a t 2 p. m. members of ten a t the office of the Jewish t •i.v pch more heavy are the Jews on m; viously outlined to the Jews and the Workmen's Circle, Branch Community Center. I J o e SoEhr.. I- ° =i conscience (though I want i n t some fore of legislative assembly 173, will hear the noted Jewish v 1 p r < ^e c_ e o ' ( the, church to escape Israel' in which the Arabs would pre- lecturer, I. Levin Shatskes, speak WITH PAYMENT OF YOUR ^ <-- i v pains.) f •"> c r i c c dominate. On the last point, i t is on the 'Jews All Over the World 1939 SUBSCRIPTION My wife chides me: "You'n understood that MacDonald did and What Will Become of Them." f taking your Christianity too ser not go into details and did not in- Mr. Shatskes' lecture will take THIS BOOK BY ONE OF THE FOREMOST LIVING ts Trn-b iously. Why can't we be happ- dicate how the proposal for Arab place a t the Labor Lyceum, 22nd JEWISH SCHOLARS AND SPIRITUAL LEADERS Christians like others? I thin: predominance would be reconcil- and Clark streets. Admission will A poem, "The Price" by Mrs. MIGHT WELL BE CALLED GUIDE TO JEWISH PROByour speech, before the men'ed with the principle of political be twenty-five cents. The speaker William Gray of Omaha, has been LEMS OF YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW. club was very rash, considerinL equality suggested to the Jews. Is on a tour of the United States accepted for publication by the . that you were addressing the bes and Canada. He is one of Po- magazine "Opinion" and will apbusiness people in town. You'n land's best-known Jewish orators. pear in a forthcoming issue. Here Is what Rabbi TiseodLore K. Lewis, simply spoiling eve*., thing for us TEMPLE TO HOLD .- Mrs. Gray is a frequent contribRab!bi of Mount Slasi Temple, Sioiis; City, You just can't mix business •witl to the JEWISH PRESS. Her says of "Crisis and Decision": Christianity. You've got to for^e GROSSMAN LEAVES FOR utor PURIM CARNIVAL •work has appearsd in other pubJewB If you a r e going to be • oC over GOLDEN GLOVES MEET lications, including "The Bostoa Christian." ,': u J. "The Jewish •worlei is coEfrcntea •vrii.h a tree The annual Purim Carnival for Advocate." ih« '.•pt. S? ry of : "Oh my dear/' I reply, " w . the children of the Temple Israel Lee Grossman, athletic direcThe Jews of Hone were in crisis and vrith t h e need for a decision. Here Christians, since we are of Chri3t religious school will be held on tor of the Jewish Community 157S forced to assume the upkeep is ginc&sice based uponr profound •wisc.oin, tssi? f « !tiin can not ignore the pains of othei the afternoon of Sunday, March Center, will leave Saturday night of the Home for Christian Conknowledge, B.BSJ w.asv. enrir:g Jewish Icya'ty." LK'.t'O-irue. people. Certainly, we.are scarce- 5, from 3 to 5 o'clock. for Chicago, where he •will act as verts. 1« V'f-l !.lsii.iK!. V i'88 ly Christians if we inflict new A full and varied program o trainer for the Omaha Golden ; Vpret, pains on them." entertainment has been arranged Gloves champions. Gregory Bar Hebraens, Bisbop .Tewi s h " W h a t did we become Christ Costumes pertaining to the Purim Grossman will return to Oma-of Aleppo and a Sew by birth, (Continued on page 8.) festival will be worn. ha, next Friday, was the last great Sjriae writer.
Swedish Court Findings Favor Jewish Owners
God Not AntUewisl Berlin Pastor Sa
Tuesday Night
J. C~C. Orchestra to Play at Miss Lapson's Recital
To Present Program of Jewish Dances atJ.CC
Neu> York Theater Group to Perform Here on Thursday
To Speak Sunday at Labor Lyceum
"Crisis an
"Opinion" to Publish Poem by Mrs. Gray
ii vision
? A?1
P i: lip
Page 2
At last mesting of the Junior A. Z. A. an election of another Work'inefc'e Circle Dramasergeant-at-arms and a publicity ticThe wiU oc Karch 12 preman was held. In the contest for sent Club' A. Goldfacen'e historical opsergeant-at-arms, Bob Lazere won eretta, "SfculsmKli" Et the Cenby a overwhelming majority. For tral Club, ilsi tnfi Dofifce streets. publicity mac, Herbert Dolgoff The performance viM begin at 8 n-on in a close -ace. These offi- o'clock. cers are n addition to the presTickets F,re fn'ir Hid eeventyent officers. cents. Reservations may be Last Monday evening the Jun-five by calling: A. Coltoff, We. ior A. Z. A. presented a -debate on made 410 6. A brisk ticket sales is re"Resolved a Ner Haven of Ref- ported, uge Should Be Found lor the Jews." The negative team, Calvin Breit and Harvey Roffman was awarded the decision. ThiB team Goldie Myerson Club The nest social meeting of the shail go to Des Moines to accept a challenge o£ the Des Moines Jun- Goldie Mve.-eon club will be held Tuesder." rehrvfi^- ss, at the ior A. Z. A. On Friday evening, February home of Kvs. Joe Kichlin, SOU 17, the Junior A. Z. A. sponsored Meredith street. A E»eci&l report of the ticket the Sabbath services at Temple Israel. Taking, part in prayer sale vTi! be given. rncT the future •were George Scholnick, Albert policies of the organization will White, Harvey Hoffman and Nor- be discussed. Refreshments will be served man Polonsky. Ushering were Bob Lazere, Bob Herzoff, Calvin and bridge will be played. All members are urged to come. Breit and Seaman Peltz.
Anne O'Hare McCormick
Operetta WiU Be Presented March 12
Junior A. Z. A.
(Editor Note: This dispatch 1>V . Mrs. McCormick to the New York Times from Rome reveals so well the attitude of the Italian • population to the Fascist anti-Jewish policy that it was deemed worthy of reproduction.)
: This is the second of two articles on the Jews of the Carribean region by, the editor of THE JEWISH PRESS. Last week the author told the story of the West Indies' oldest community, t h e three-hundrecl•year-old island of Curacao. In the following article, the problems faced by the islands with the fnfin- of refugees are related.
dad community will be signifi- casional Jew has wondered back If a fair plebiscite were held In cant. It is the closest British col- now that the infimous law is no Italy on the Government's policy ony and Trinidad is an important longer In operation. Walking toward Jews the popular vote factor in British Guiana's well- through the streets of Port-de- would be about 89 per cen France one can meet a French against It In talks with dozens being. Jewish colonial officer, a mer- of Italians during the past fortNo Prejudice The Jews in Trinidad, as well chant, the representative of a night this correspondent met only as those of the other islands, are French concern, a naval officer. two or three who did not deplor* The same law that chased the and condemn the measures taken no the victims of prejudice. The whole Carribean is a hodge-podge Jews from Martinique was reThese are so universally unpoP' of races and racial mixtures. sponsible for their removal from ular that on this subject no on Wliile social discrimination exists Haiti, then under French rule seems to hesitate to speak openly. and color lines are kept, the prej- Again I found a tiny community It is said that leaders of a group At Port-of-Spain, in Britain's udices of the type known in this primarily Egyptian and Syrian. In of young Fascists offered 25 lln Trinidad, one meets the common and other countries is non-exist- Port-au-Prince, capital of this to any boy who would smash the , , -JUSTICE BBANBEf'SV'l : , : < ^ / / ~ ;-; ;•$,/ problem of West Indian Jewry, ent. Particularly in Trinidad negro republic, there is to organ- window of a Jewish shop, and no only here on a larger scale than this true. Here Chinese, East In- ized communal life, but as else- a boy in the group would take th< elsewhere—the unorganized com- dians, B r i t i s h , Portuguese, where, the High Holidays are re- offer. Certainly there have been munity. Anyone acquainted with French, Spanish, and Negro live membered and the few Jews meet no anti-Jewish demonstrations. Sephardic Jewry would think in apparent harmony and all take for services. Placards -designating a firm as Trinidad, like Curacao and Ja- tremendous pride in this absence Dominican Republic "Nationalist" or 'Aryan' were dismaica a veritable haven of Jews. of viclons racial bias. Sharing the- island of Hispan- tributed to all shopkeepers, bu Perelra, da Silva, Henriques, da During the crisis preceding the lola with Haiti is the Dominican in Rome, at least, they are no Costa—names invariably associ- pact of Munich, arrangements, I Republic. Where Haiti Is negro: displayed. ated with Jews are everywhere was informed by a young East the Dominican Republic is Mes- It is highly probable, as wide- posed a political condition on the emblazoned on the signs o£ the Indian civil servant, * had been tizo. Where Haiti is culturally ly reported here, that Premier l. • shops. -"While undoubtedly a made that in the event of hostili- French, its neighbor is Spanish. Mussolini confided to any one tha d e aStill as that proofs of great many of these people are ties all German refugees and Pol-And where Haiti is a densely- this policy Is the first for which a Jewishanother conspiracy against Italy A large crowd attended the descendants of Jews, the Inquisi- ish Jews (because of Poland's crowded, poor, country, the land he has been unable to .win popu were discovered in Nazi raids in banquet given by the Ladies Free tions of Brazil and Colombia, pro-German attitude) were to be on the, other side of the border lar support. But the fact is true Vienna after the Anschluss. There society to celebrate its 18th from whence-many of them came, interned. That there was truth is under-populated. and authorities must be aware o is reason to believe such evidences Loan Mr. I. Morgenstern successfully eradicated any an- to the young man's statement was According to som sources Tru- what is visible and audible to the actually were sent to Rome in ?.n anniversary. principal speaker and decestral memories. shown by the wholesale removal jillo, the dictator of the country, most casual observer. Even 100 effort to induce Premier MussoII was a very interesting talk. A While Spain owned Trinidad, of Aryan Germans from Port-of- has offered room for one hundred per cent Fascists are critical or nl to join Chancellor Hitler's cru livered no one but Roman Catholics were Spain to Venezuela. thousand refugees. There is some apologetic and it is known tha sade. Diplomats who have heard beautiful musical program was furnished by Cantor E. Seltz and permitted to settle on the island. Port-of-Spain, having so small doubt about the offer, but it has In the' FasciBt Grand Counci these documents think they were his talented daughter, Shirley. After 1797, when Britain added a German population there is not been officially confirmed that ref- there was a sharp, angry division forged for this purpose. The members of the society it to her. extensive possessions, a even a consul, has escaped the ugees will be welcomed. Not only still unhealed, when the antl-Senx A confusion of contradictory presented Mrs. Sam Klaver, the few Jews came, btft the heydey barrage of anti-Semitic literature is Trujillo interested in more di- itic decrees were decided on. tales cannot obscure the fact that president, with a beautiful pin of the West Indies was over. Un- that has flooded many a Latin versified farming methods, but he Law Relaxed . for sixteen years, despite the agitil a few years ago there, was American country. wants industries 1 uilt up in the The general Impression is that tation of Roberto Farinaccl and in appreciation of her good work. never anything more than a country and he sees the Jews^xapin practice the law Is being grad other extremists in the party, the Mrs. K. Tatle, first trustee, was 0 Barbados Jewry handful of practicing Jews, most ually relaxed or exceptions are Fascist Government insisted that chosen to make the presentation. An over night's journey from able of dping this. of them English, the representa- Trinidad.brings one to Barbados, Hispaniola is a beautiful island. being broadly stretched. This re- there was no Jewish problem and The financial report was given by Mrs. H. Roitstein and Mrs. I. tives of British concerns. which in the heydr.y of the West Nature has been lavish in her fers, of course, to Italians, not to Mussolini laughed at the "child- J. Soskln. The book's were audited Just t.-evious to and shortly Indies was one of the'most im- gifts. And it would be a bless- 8,000 German refugees who have ish conception" of a pure race. after the war, a sizeable commu- portant of the Jewish communi- ing "to the West Indies if one been ordered to leave the country The turn came with a turn of the by a certified public accountant. Mrs. I. J. Soskin was program nity of Levantine Sephardi—Sy- ties. Jews were among the first island would acquire some indus- by March. screw of the Rome-Berlin axis. rians, Turks, Egyptians, Greeks colonists of this -very British tries, for the people are too poor The decree prohibiting Jews to Though this is the explanation chairman. The regular monthly meeting —settled here as they did on sev- island, coming in 1626. A syna- to buy American products whose employ "Aryan" servants is not that all officials hotly deny, it is eral' other of the islands. And gogue was built in 1679 and re-sale-price must of necessity in- strictly enforced. The .most val- obvious to the most simple Ital- will be held Wednesday, March 1, 1939, at 2 p. m., in the Jewish more recently Trinidad has be- mained standing until the -disas- clude the cost f transportation. uable technicians in the govern- ians. Community Center. The drawcome the haven for between three trous hurricane of 1831. During In the "Virgin Islands one meets ment services are retained. Jewish Ing of the silver set will be held hundred and five hundred refu- this period the Jewish community with Danish Jews whe came after heads of at least two big companat this meeting. Members have gees from Germany or emigrants prospered. The islands were rich, the settlement of those islands in ies are still working side by side been asked to come and bring from Poland. Only a few weeks commerce was great. The Jews the latter part of the eighteenth with their" successors. In many ticket stubs. ago tb9 Governor of Trinidnd of Barbados assisted the Jews of century. The community here enterprises, including state enterA short address will be given and Tobago closed the island to Curacao in the building of the was also increased by the Jews prises, the prominent Jews are by Senator Sam Klaver. synagogues in the British colon- of St. Eustatius (at that time also out while the less conspicuous refurther immigration. ies of the mainland. possessing an important commu- main. High Holy Days But evidence of the unpopularJews In need, wherever they nity whose.synagogue I: now a As yet there is no organized "He's passing oat these drinks of Robert's milk Pi Tau Pi Juniors who left when England ity of the anti-Semitic policy and congregation, but on the Hfeh might be, appealed to Barbados ruin) because lie just became the proud owner The Sigma Rho Junior PI Tan took the island from Holland. the half-heartedness with which Holy Days services are held with for assistance and there Is record Pi chapter elected new officers at of a four-pound puppy.*' one of the Egyptian merchants .of of aid extended the communities The synagogue at St. Thomas was it is executed cannot compensate New York (JTA) — Jewish ' Frederick street acting as read- of North Africa. A large, now built in 1785. Recently the com- Italian Jews for the material and lawyers find it more difficult their meeting last Sunday. Those er. The refugees have created a abandoned, Jewish cemetery tes- munity of St. Thomas appealed to moral suffering inflicted on them than their colleagues to earn a who will serve for the coming new task—and new interest—for tifies to the size of the Barbados American Jewry to help save the At a stroke they have been ex- subsistence income, according to year are: President, Stuart Siold edifice. • cluded from the governing party a study of the situation in Newmon; vice-president; Edward MalTrinidad Jewry. Not'only have community. they enlarged the community, but But the hurricane not only deAmong the residents of St. and every branch of public serv- York City on the basis of 11,400 ashock; secretary, Martin Greenthey have reawakened an interest stroyed the synagogue. It marked Crots, in the Virgin Islands, was ice. Save in exceptional -instances attorneys believed to be Jewish. berg; treasurer, Bill Stiefler; asIn things Jewish. the beginning of the end. Many a Danish Jew by tho name of they are shut out of the univer- The study, prepared by Melvin sociate editor, Alan Jacobs, and Jimmy Robinson. . . While I was in Port-of-Spain, a Jews emigrated, primarily to David Lavine, whose wife, Rachel sities. M. Fagen, executive secretary of chaplain, Outgoing officers were: PresiWhere they own or direct big the Conference on Jewish Relacorrespondent of the "Trinidad America; A few went to Eng- (sometimes said to be of Jewish Guardian", significantly published land. By.1848 there were but ancestry, but good authority dis- businesses, even industries creat- tions, and entitled "Status of dent, Irving Malashock; viceBE SAFER on Christmas Day an' article en- seventy-one Jews on the Island'. putes this) was the mother of ed by them to further the cam- Jewish Lawyers in New York president, Carl Milder; secretary, titled, "The Strangers Within Our -IJnlil the beginning of ,the pres- Alexander Hamilton. Lavine di- paign of national self-sufficiency, City," appears in the first Issue Stuart Simon; treasurer, Julius Gates," which presented a most ent century, a synagogue built af- vorced Rachel because of her mis- these business have been turned of Jewish Social Studies, quar- Conn; chaplain, Edwin Malafavorable reaction to th,e tyP© °£ ter the hurricane was kept open conduct with James Hamilton, over to others. For all but a frac- terly journal of the conference. shock, and associate editor, Alan for worship, but it has been sold, the American statesman's father. tion of their property the Jews refugee arriving in the colony. Fagen summarizes the results Jacobs. though I asked about it, no To the memory of Rachel Lavine, receive 4 per cent government "At the outset,"' the writer of and of his study as follows: " . . . . Abraham -Gottlieb beaded the one of the islanders seemed to Gertrude Aihertou, the. novelist, bonds on which they can realize the article began, referring to1 the know Jewish lawyers in New York City engineering firm that built the which building had beerected a monument at St. Croix. only the interest. refugees, ~"I have-been struck by longed to the Jews. find it more difficult to earn a bridge across the Missouri at Problems Arise A number of other prominent their general appearance, the evsubsistence income than do their Jews hail from the West Indies, Paradoxes of the situation are colleagues in the profession, that Blair. ident high standard of education Refugee Port and knowledge shown on all mat- A Montefiore memorial foun- among them Judah Benjamin, many. To discharge Jewish func- proportionately fewer of them Gradis family of Bordeaux ters on which we conversed." tain stands at one end of Bridge- the Confederate leader, who was tionaries means a step-up" for earn large incomes, that they in The 1724 established a branch of a native of Nevis;-Camille Pishundreds of state employes and town's famous Trafalgar Square, ' Tho article told how hot only enter the profession with less its firm in Santo Domingo. but no one shows, much interest saro, the famous painter, who the effect thereof is very great in are the men doctors, dentists, en:ollegiate training and largely gineers, lawyers, dairymen, et in it and when questioned the comes from the French half of a country where competition for from evening law schools and Benedictus Levi Gompertz was natives say It was built to comSt. Martins; and Cordova, the jobs is intense and the slightest cetera, but among the wives are Enjoy m. new peace of mind they are largely confined to financial agent of the Duke of Included two chemists, a bacter- memorate one of the 'long ago Texas pioneer. The De Solas and rise of salary or position ordinar- that . . . Avoid skid hazards. the individual practice of law Cleves. wars.' the Mendes, families who pro- ily takes years to achieve. Like- rather than partnership or firmiologist, a confectioner, an obGive yourself the extra stretician, a dress designer, a As in many of the other duced a large number of Ameri- wise the purchase and resale of practice. security of U. S. ROYAli modiste, a milliner, as well as the islands, names, particularly Span- can and English rabbis, were Jewish holdings must mean a MASTERS the tire that SAVE THE DIFFERENCE! Moreover, the general principal representatives of a large number ish names, attest to the Jewish originally from the West Indies. considerable "haul" for the gov- causative factors in their relastops your car in a meaa« ROUGH DRY of other trades and professions. origin of several of Barbados' im- The English banking family of ernment. orably shorter distance on ively low income status seem to Athletic Stars Pound portant families. But they are Henriques had Its origins in Against these gains, however, be: (1) The relr lively large numevery kind of road, wet or WET WASH is the fact that in a corporative ber of Jewish lawyers recently Appealing to. the English love Jewish no longer. Inter-marriage Jamaica. dry. Pound of sports was the fact that among has taken its toll. Today howPerhaps In the near future state discharging an employe Is to the New York bar. the refugees was a tennis cham- ever the Jewish population, as in West Indian Jewry will again an expensive affair. The employ- admitted SHIRTS, (2) The lack of opportunity for YOU ARE INVITED TO 'Pion, an Austrian Olympic star, Trinidad and Jamaica, is rising. produce great names. The islands er has te^pay compensation bas- beginning the practice of law as Finished with bundle and an amateur wrestling cham- A number of American Jews are jave refuge once; they are giv- ed on the employe's length of a salaried employee. (3) The pion. CONVINCE YOURSELF in business in Bridgetown. Being ing refuge'again. They are beau- service, which often amounts to necessity to prepare for a law Liberty Laundry - "It Is evident," the writer con- the east-most of the islands, it is tiful lands where nature is both a large sum. Employers of Italian career in evening law-schools and IN A FREE DEMON* cluded, after inquiring into the the first port of call for liners in lavish and dangerous, giving and correspondents who lost their without full academic training. Call AT 6637 qualifications of the refugees, the South Atlantic Bervice, and taking (as she did so disastrous- posts by government decree are STRATION. "that the majority of these new- every boat, outward bound from ly in Martinique one day in May). liable to the same 'charge and so comers specialize in some branch a European port, is crowded with West Indian Jewry is near the 13 the state itself. Even without Csrl Rictus of trade or profession; that will refugees. The Arnold Bernstein United States, yet it feels greater the losses in trade, tourism and not interfere with existing condi- line is putting a special boat In unity with the Jews of Its mother foreign exchange It cost Italy miitions, but to the contrary from service to Barbados to accommo- countrles» Holland and England. lons to dispense with, some of its personal observation, it is my date the German Jews bound for It is an unknown Jewry with a best officers, ablest administraEVERY U. S. TIRE WE SELL IS considered . opinion that these the Carribean. tors, finest teachers and most uselong history far more exciting people will prove beneficial to the But Barbados Itself is not a than even our own. ful business brains. •island." haven. The island is the second Why? In Rome it as difficult • T h e plight of 'he refugees, most densely-populated. place in to find a satisfactory explanation even under such favorable aus- the world." Competition is so keen in New York. Italians are as Beth El Auxiliary as ipices, is still not one of complete that every one seems attuned to mystified as outsiders. InnumerThe Beth El Auxiliary Oneg Something .happiness. Many of the profes- business. Even the negroes, else- Shabboth will be held on Satur- able stories are told in an atsional people, due to existing where In the tropics willing to do day, March 4, at the home of Mrs. tempt to adduce a good reasou. laws, are denied the right to prac- only what work comes their way, to Talk Tretiat, 3004 Lincoln One is that the government' was tice. The majority of the refu- eagerly seek out ways of making Joseph refused a loan from a big Italian boulevard, at 2:30 o'clock. gees have been forced to take to a living. - - - WITHOUT Lc:,:rr i s T O THRICE \ Cantor Aaron Edgar will lead nsurance company on the ground About peddling, and having arrived the group in the singing of tradi- that approval had to come from with no financial means, the EngOR MILEAGE. £.&r; A.COUT TKES \ Largest of the Britih possses- tional Purim melodies. an international board of direclish Jewish., wholesalers on the sions • . . i n the little girl LIFETIME GUARANTEE TOBAY. \ in the West' Indies and largtors largely composed of Jews. A review of Marvin Loewenisland, in the absence of any com- est and one of the oldest Jewish m a n n e r , presenting is that during the threimunal organization, grant credits. communities is that of Jamaica. thal's book, "World Passed By," Another . Forstmann's double tened wheat shortage last year it . twill suit . . . thirteenAlready the,debts are being re- Like Barbados and Curacao it has will be given. was proposed . to buy wheat Co-hostesses for the afternoon sored skirt, pique colpaid. an old and fascinating history. will be Mrs. J. J. Frleden and through a well-known firm of lar and cuffs . . . so Public works and the expan- Here the Jewish community has Mrs. L. Moskowitz. Jewish brokers In France who imTigure-wise. sion of the Trinidad oil fields an unbroken record of three hunhave brought a measure of pros- dred years and the majority of Visit our rsev- Isrfe 85 -perity to the island, and the pros- the great enterprises of Jamaica and let us sHcw j-oc our pects for the small entrepeneur are in Jewish -hands. 4 MORE DAYS TO OUR new equipmerl v-5. ; cr if •are rather bright. A number of OTHER SUITS At one time there were so many capable of retreatiicg or -small farmers are also included Jews in the island's assembly, 16.95 to 139.95 in the refugee'band, but the com- that a resolution was introduced recapping scy cixe cer or munity of Port-of-Spain finds it to adjourn the sessions during the truck tire. impossible to provide funds to Jewish high holidays. Your worn out tires skillpurchase or lease land-holdings. When Prance conquered Marfully rebuilt with new tare However the government is,eager tinique, in 1635, she found that to introduce netv farming and anti-skid treecls, ac.C3ngr number of jews had settled •dairying methods and assistance athere thousands of safe, ecoprevious to that date. But may come from this quarter. in 1683 France --spelled all Jews In .case of settlement in British from her colonial posessslons In Guiana, the position of the Trini- America. Over the years aa oc-
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A Famous Dancer
nessed the spontaneous' performances of the Hora,. the feverish dancing of the Chalutzim. The
Paee S
Rotary Sponsors r Lecture Series
Hora, with its heavy thumping rhythm, as if symbolic of L new The first of four lectures sponpeasantry,-fired the dancer with sored by the Kotary Club on inanother ... convictionj^ that this affairs will be held toPrague (WXS) — Diplomatic ternational spirit had to be preserved for all day at the University of Omaha quarters disclosed that increasing auditorium time, in art forms, as well as in when Major C. Doug• Nazi intervention in Czecho-Slovday-to-day life. ! akia's internal affairs, extending las Booth of London speaks. "Through the courtesy of the I saw small groups of elderly peo- Living in Jerusalem and Safad, Next Friday Jr. Karl W. DeutBrisk ticket -sales for tte\ to virtually all branches of the editors of OPINION who orig- ple who themselves or their anand staying at the Comnation's activity, lias placed be- sch of Prague will discuss condi- Thomas Mann lecture are reportinally published th"«» following cestors had emigrated- f-om thetraveling munes in the Emek, observing fore the Praha government a pro- tions in his country. Dr. Deutsch ed by the committpe iu article, the JEWISH PRESS is vast Chassidic realm of Eastern and studying the dance rhythms blem which grows increasingly is a Sudeten German and previous Dr. Mann, winrp'" of 'he able to bring to its readers an Europe. Some of these had come of to the Munich pea"e pa' was acthe Yemenites and the Orienprize for "liter? fur*, in 1P29, more grave. account of the work ol the there in order to die and be in- tals, learning the legends of the tive in the" attacks on the-Nazis1. speak at the Central High Nazi agents, sent by die Reich great Jewish mime, Dvora Iiap- terred in the sacred soil of the people in Palestine, collecting the On March 10, Dr. Wilford J. Sip- toriunt on Match "5. government, have sought to im- prell of Vancouver, British Cot son. Holy Land. But the bright sun folk lore, the music, and the In all countries save hts pose their demands in foreign, utnbia, will discuss the Far Eas—The. Editor. and the enchanting beauty of the unique steps of the dancers—all Thomas Jtanji is., recognized fits domestic and ficancial affairs and tern situation. land had evidently rejuvenated became a part of Miss Lapson's the world'? srreafpp! living man <*? even to forbid newspaper's to pici; The final lecture on March 17 letters. For his refusal to recop* daily life in the East. Even the A class in anthropology! A up British, or American press comBible assumed richer meaning; Jewish girl sits next to a, Negro ments, to ban plays "unfriendly will be given by Allen D. Albert, nize the present regime in Ger»sketches of Ruth, of Elijah, of girl. Both of them have already many. Pr. Mann, an Aryan, UmX, to the Reich'1 from t t ; stage, to newspaperman. This program, according to his home, his- property, and ti!R David, of Esther, took form. The demonstrated their deep ceneem compel suspension of the showi Paul Willsie, president of the Ropoetry of Bialik, the vignettes of The following numbers will •with the cultural heritage of their citizenship, lie is BOW a roerrring of certain motion pic'ures and respe-tive races. But the Negro be interpreted by Dvora Lap- Sholom Aleiehem were recreated to force the discharge of actors. tary Club, is part of the Rotary'e ber of the Tiimiamiies Faculty fit Institute for International Underson, noted dancer, when she in dance form; the quaint Sabbath Princeton university, student is despondent. —The Jewish rroblem, moreover, « has been, given special attention standing. "You," she says to Dvora Lap- presents her recital here on ceremonials with the blessing ol Since T\is exile Dr. IWann fc»*s by Hitler wao, according: to reson, the Jew, "have an easier Tuesday, February 28, at the the candles, and the welcoming of won added laurels by hie «*r*Queen Sabbath into the home ports, threatened to scrap his Jewish Community Center: • path ahead of you. ^Ye both want change ol lelLers with the Hector S u s p e n d s Expulsion •guarantee of Czech frontiers unserved as theme for her dances. 1. Ruth and Boaz (Biblical). to present to our people a realiSofia (JTA) — Interior Minis- of G-oeitinmen university and hlfe der the Munich pact unless the 2. Shadchente (Matchmaker) zation, of their great cultural inspeech riven at the dedication of Dvora Lapson returned to Until not very Ions ago, the Jewish Question has "liquidated." ter Nedeff, denyiuE: a foreign ra- the Palestine Pavilion of the N**.' heritance, but whereas you. are dio report that 6,600 Bulgarian shadchen was a great help in America to become the only JewGeriaan schools throughout York World's Fair. Many of til* assured in the main of an estabthe matins of Jewish folk. At ish dance mime working excluCzecho-Slovakia h a v e already Jews had beeu expelled, revealed manuscripts vert recently tuwrtimes, however, the shadlished eager audience, I have an sively in ' a field whose richness that expulsion orders againet | been urged of Jewish professors chente outmatched him in and depth seem endless. Through tioned tor the benefit of the Bw> Illiterate and even more oppressand pupils. Similar action is ex- Jewish refugees have been tem- ugee FrTHl. matchmaking. ed people to work for. I'm not dance, she seeks to incarnate the pected in secondary Germany porarily suspended and that a 3. Arabian Romance. sure that they will be interested rare poetic beauty and power of TirKr - , - T): . Mann'g !«*• schools. Althugh Czecho-Slovak- a special commission is now colMany a romance still takes in what I have to offer." the Jewish soul: the idyllic noplace at the well, amidst the ian officials are entirely unable lecting material for .emulation nf : r - - * r -•• ;> £ n ;pri a t t h e lack of space at both Churches has his multiform aspects, each daily routine of -water-drawbility of the ancient Hebrew, the Dvora Lapson remained silent to cope with the Reich and must the problem of foreigners. ing, -weird songs and dances. warrants full treatment in theenforce mysticism of the Kabalist, the on these occasions. Tvhile her friend continued. "BeNazi demands, the Ger4. Sabbath. art. Dvora Lapson has been asked divine joyousness of the Chassid, Bides, you have a special gift. You man minority continues to be The lighting: of the candles she does net find workDvora Lapson, t h e Jewish dissatisfied. are a dancer. Through that talent, on Sabbath marks the arrival and the heroism of the modern whether ing solely in the Jewish idiom a dance mime, acknowledged in the of the "Queen Sabbath," - a Jew. you can carry on your work. I limiting experience. Cited cs ex- press as a "speechless Ruth guest that brings peace and tave nothing—nothing save the cheer into the Jewish home. Children's Dances amples are the other dancers, Draper," has set for. herself a Angelo Heilprin, a Hungarian knowledge that I must fight to 5. Back to the Farm. Her eminent success in this Benjamin Zemach, Lillian Sha- Euperb career. Through song, Jew, was leader of the scientific preserve and develop the culture The young American girl at field has been both encouraging pero. Belle Didjab, Pauline Krongesture, mime and dance, she is 'party that accompanied Robert -f "my people." a Hachsharah c o m m u n a l and wide-spread. She believes in er, whose interest in Jewish dancmaking articulate, and,"what is Peary's polar expedition of 1831. farm. "When Dvora Lapson spoke, it the importance of spreading the ing is only occasionally manifest more important, beloved, the - INTERMISSION Was more by way of resolution knowledge of Jewish dances on their programs. noble and joyous grandeur of the 6. Shalach Monos (Gift-SendPatronize Our Advertisers than in simple response. Yes, she among the masses. She therefore Jew, . : . . ; ing). " lifework Jvas determined to be a dancer, a devotes a great deal of time to Masquerading Furim-shpieler Tewish dancer, and present to the and the custom of sift-send"That's just it," she replies. the creating of special childern's ing are characteristic of the dances and to adapting Chassidic "My interest cannot bs occasionirorld, to Gentile as well as Jew, celebration of the Feast of the beautiful and profound poeand Palestinian dances for chil- al. It's my life work. There are Esther. The sketch is based try of her race. on a theme by Sholom Aleidren. Many of these numbers are so many themes in Jewish legend chem. the great Jewish hunow learned by tens of thousands and folk lore waiting to be re- Mrs. Rebecca. Schlalfer Always Danced ' morist. of young people throughout the vived in dance. There are so That Dvora Lapson chose to "Word has been received here 7. In the House of Study country. many contemporary happenings of the death on January 27, in become a dancer was inevitable. (Chassidic). that should be preserved in dance She had. always danced. Even as Los Angeles, of Mrs. Rebecca The outlet for many a Jewish "When the first Hebrew opera, youth was the Beth Hamia- "The Pioneers," by Jacob Wein- form. My devotion to the Jewish Schlaifer. Mrs. ScWaifer had been a child, attending the first Sholrash (House of Study) where, dances is so closely bound up in a resident of Omaha from 1893 om Aleichem school in this coun- In the silence of the night, berg, was presented in America, my belief in the historical im- to 1924, in which latter year she try, she studied dancing and panwith song and ecstacy, he Dvora Lapson was engaged to ditomime. She supplemented this delved into some of the knot- rect the ballet and be premiere portance of my race that I would moved to the West Coast. ty questions of the Gemafah. danseuse.. So successful was this feel it an evasion not to dance She was a pioneer member of study with courses given by Irma 8. Jewish "Wedding Trilogy. Duncan, Doris Humphrey, and presentation that at each perfor- of and for the Jew. If we Jews the B'nai Israel Synagogue, one a. The Bride. Michel Fokinl mance the opera was actually have any basis as a nation, we I of the founders of the Old PeoIn accordance with the old consider our cultural forms ple's Home, the Daughters of Is•That' Dvora Lapson chose to Jewish custom, the bride called to a halt while the ballet must "waits for the ceremony was encored. The English as well and preserve them at all costs . . rael Aid Society, and the Golden dance the legends and aspirations with tears, then is led to as the Jewish press accorded the Tes, even now,. with increased Hill Cemetery Society. of her race was equally inevitable. the groom. After the cereanti-Semitism rampant . . If Jews She was reared in a patriarchal mony, she dances t h e artist major praise. knew more about the cultural "mitzvah tantz" with him. Jewish atmosphere. Her father, Several years ago, an extraor- side of their lives, they would re- Warburg Institute b. The Rich Aunt. devout Chassid, imbued his house dinary educational project was spect their glorioles heritage and Reopened The rich aunt makes an hold with love for the ecstatic "appearance' 'at the 'Wolf- initiated under the sponsorship of be themselves more respected by "Btnging and dancing of this sect. Eohn -wedding. She is pom- Teachers College of Columbia London (JTA)—The "Warburg pous a n d condescending University. A committee of dis- other nations." The iiure Jewish spirit vrhicb Institute, a, library on the history with the other guests, but reigned over her home colored the tinguished American professors Miss Lapson speaks with fer• foun reverls to type as of i.rt, was reopened here in the thinking and experiences of the the dance-begins. and educators were interested in vor. To hear her recount the nu-Imperial Institute B a i l ding, C The Grandmother. young girl. FORD DEALER wil you « : The grandmother blesses introducing into the public school merous items in^ Jewish life suit- where accoinodations have been It was ho surprise then to find ' ' " . the system the national cultures of able for dance material is to won- provided by London University. bride and joins in the Dvora Lapson, after graduation arous allowance ©si y c ^ r present ear dancing. , different racial groups that have der how much of this can be ac-Speakers at the ceremonies infrom college in 1929, pursuing contributed to the making of complished in one career. There cluded Sir Alien Mawer, provost 9., Pogrom. her goal by leaving tLt colorless America. They were determined a:e the biblical, the Chassidic, of-London 'University College and Pursued by beastly oppresstatistics of her anthropology sion the victim seeks refuge to experiment in a number of the Palestinian, the Oriental, end Prof T. R. S. Boase, director of courses for the living fonntainin hiding, repenting for un- cities in New Jersey in order to finally the American Jew—each the Courtauld Institute of Art. committed sins. He is pros1 SQ of Jewish dance — for Poascertain the effect of -ewish cultrated before the persecutor land where Chassidim still prayture. They asked Dvora Lapson and pleads for mercy, but the ed and danced in their ecstatic inatrocities grow more intense, to p r e s e n t s program of dances and destruction continues. A representing Jewish life. The reterpretation of ritual — for Paldetermination to resist anil estine, where the renaissance of ports, were glowing! Miss Lapsurvive is born out of this Jewish culture inspired the arthorror. son's work made a tremendous ist with inumerable themes suit- 10. Joy of Work .(From the impression—upon the thousands of able for expression. opera, "The Pioneers") Gentile teachers and children of .Research "Weinberg. these schools. Their enthusiasm Th.e exhilaration of -work on after the performances was amazthe soil pervades the spirit of "I remember visiting the Rebthe -new peasantry in Pales- ing. "be of Tarnof during the Festival tine. The Hora has become of the Rejoicing of the Law. the national" almost symbolic, Appeared in Churches shall never forget his rapturous dance of Eretz TiErael. "I speak of this incident," exdance as he lifted the diminitive plained the artist, "because I am Torah Scroll which lie inherited them, for I saw them dance with so deeply concerned with presentfrom his great grandfather, the great abandon at the grave of the ing my work before Gentile audiRopshitzer, who was the inspira- saint Rabbi Simon Bar Yochai, ences. It is not enough for me tion of most of the Chassidic reputed .father of. the Catala, at to know that Jews find my prodances in the jl9tb. century. D E L U X E r c r . r r r r . r : - : ; J T T W '/O\ ; > • • . - . ' . . r (axes extrm* Merbn, in the holls of Galilee. grams delightful or educational. "The Chassidim stood around "Thousands upon thousands I want the Gentile as vrell to find In a circle, singing a specific tra- gathered and danced all nigh something in my work which ditional melody and clapping around the enormous fire that makes him more sympathetic and BeHi the Ford V-S end the De Luxe Ford V-£ eoroc their hands. Their faces seemed was "lit'near the holy tomb. I saw appreciative of my race." equipped vttih tempers ens! bum-e- rvr-s's. STIC-P spellbound as their eyes were little boys, mostly the offspring When Dr. John Haynes Holmes U. glued to the figure of the Rebbe of old age, who ordinarily spent tire, cig«sr lights;-, f v k firTs, (•?.?.* vl~:>,>'*•:•;. v-]-,^-^., r «\ •dancing in the center, lifting and their days in the house of study invited the dancer to give a proend heedHehf bees? i r i i c c ' c r c r ir.r/h-simer/: r-cnei. lowering the little Torah a~d pouring over the Talmud, being gram of Palestinian numbers at waving it in all directions in the transformed, in a flash, into a his Community church, a. precetsi »o egfre ehc-eg. De Lt-e ccr-s c b c heve cr, eidre; manner of the waving of the rit- group of gazelles dancing and dent was established. Later, the iaai Sicjhf e n s sen visor, do sure steerbn v.'isecl, CMCVCual palm-branch (lulab) at the hopping- to a tune hallowed by famous Rockefeller Church on Riverside Drive also asked Miss cemporfraect IE>CS:T c'oek. e r e rnsvie-r; s*se* tar Feast of Tabernacles. Passing the tradition. Lapson to give them a full eveK • I . Torah on to one of his Chassidim "I saw middle-aged mothers ning of Chassidic dances. Here, he covered his eyes with a silver ight trimmed prayer shawl and danced and old women—family providers before a raised audience of stuwith great abandon to a melody and home makers, move about dents and devout church goers, : H.AVE you envisd the people r d:r:£ past you •which became ever faster and swiftly in rhythms that were the beautiful melodies of the more exciting. His steps were mere shadows of their husbands' Baal Shem and the Bratzlaver in the gleaim-ig luxury of c. r^-,v Ford V-S? unp.—• light as he hopped and skipped and sons' dancing . . .1 could not were given we life through Miss from one side to the other, his attend these scenes without being Lapson's dancing. Many hundreds Andwisiied th^tyou CTTnod o~c of t modarms placed on his wide girdle. profoundly stirred. In my dances of people were turned away for ern cars? Well—yen cnr." TE.:1C £o your "When he was almost prostrated I try to capture that ecstasy, ne stopped for a rest and mo-those multiple rhythms, the surg,.(j) Dangerous eyeslrcin lurks in every Call Us For dealer. He'll give you a liberal trade-in G double* ing spiritual fervor of the Chastioned to the Chassidim to cc tinue to dance in a circle until sidim." modem seeing task required of yoang nnce on your present ca~. • Attics • Kitchens • Basement* lie was ready to start again . . . Travel in Palestine • Re-roofing • Insulation I shall never forget this sight. You won't know u i - i r i l ] o{ r e ^ y m •yes. And beccuse good eyesigHt is ,,*•"• ot starts, But Palestine offered even Prom this material, I fashioned • Be-sld!ng p r ~ more to Miss Lapson. She obmany of my Chassidic dances." 'motoring until you've driver; z nc^" Fbrd .; ^priceless, 1! is worthy c! the best proKO DOWN PAYMENT served the life of the workers, 1'olcnil and Palestine Easy Monthly "Payments Its V-S cumins Is brill^-t hi ?-r£snnr. their new spirit. She watched the "tecfioa you can provide. Kow ladcy Out of Poland, out of its dreary dancing in the Communes, wit-' F.HCEU.KN LUMBER C O . Ghettos, its tiny stieblacb, our ttie only car vnt,3 szti c:"int-C;" J~;:.rr engin 1Sth <5. Nicholas Sts. JA 5000 for you, fiicd you can. so easily give young artist drew source material Tvisere near its pr:c3. 1 ou'il crjcy t~~ pr for a fast growing repertoire oi 'your -children the best sigHl protection Chassidic dances. The more o£the quack, s t r c i i t E^cps prcvid^d by Ii-abandoned dances of Galicia, the known—&s abundance of soft glarephilosphic character of the dances in the North of Poland, all served free light you ccn get from ca I. E. S.-K to supply the performer not only with traditional material but Belies Sign! Lcsp. Make sure year • with a. deep-rooted realization rems
: ts easy to own this
that Chassiclism had given Jewish culture a dance form capable of expressing practically every phase of* Jewish life. In Palestine also, the dance of the Chassidim made a deep impression on Miss Lapson. "There
Plan for an enjoyable treat in our Main Dining Room, Omaha's fine eating-place. You'll experience en Tin•usually good taste our carefully prepared foods always possess. You'll Uke t i e pleasant atmosphere,
youngsters* eyes have full protection —carted hsrsis HgMing tbst costs so littls vrith YC"-s cheap els=fci= service.
•&.Approved by the llluaun.2ling Eni Society.
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RS E K C U E Y , I I N C •
Z re V K Y F. A IS'
M O T O K CA&{
Page 4
. - ;• •
DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN - - Editor RABBI FREDERICK COHN Contributing Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS - Book Editor ' A N N PILL - ' Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
Termites in the Foundation
between England and the Jew. Portunate.ly for the English, the J,ew and Arab do not have a common problem to unite them. ^ Center The Arab opposition to Zionism is in the main an opposition Library Corner" to England. It was Soviet Russia who gave the Arabs their By UAS&ELL COHEN catchword, "Zionism and British Imperialism." Until 1920 Jew and Mohammedans have gotten along fairly well together. The A minute or so in Jewish charge that Zionism is interfering with the reawakened Arab literature by way of current comof the day's Jewish scene; nationalism is ridiculous. Until twenty-five years ago Arab na- ments in magazines, books and Jewish tionalism could not boast of one accomplfshment. Today the thought. Before the eyes of world Jewry Arabs control a sizeable chunk of Asia — Iraq, Saudi Arabia, today—ths most eminent quesYemen, Syria, and Transjordan. Palestine is only a sliver in tion—Palestine, its faith, and ray of hope. The London conferences this huge empire. Without the Jews it would have remained a as Arabs-Jews meet English. useless, disease-ridden desert. ' Read THE NEW PALESTINE magazine "on the ominous reIn Iraq is a Jewish population who in no way interfered sults loom, with MacDonald setwith Arab national aspirations. The Jews, until Arab antagon- ting immigration as crux of, talks authorities stand firm ism flared over Palestine, gave full support to the Nationalist —Jewish on rights." movement and a member of the Jewish Sassoon family served in The JEWISH LAYMAN'S issue for the month of February— the first Iraq cabinet. "LEST WE FORGET FEBRUJewish accomplishments in Palestine have accelerated the ARY'S H I S T O R I C HIGHLIGHTS," b / Harold Franklin. Arab cause. One need not review here the material comforts Napoleonic, gesture—In the early and improvements that have been brought by the Jews. The summer of ISO6 a tremor ran Arab population has incrased faster than the Jewish the through French Jewry. Napoleon Bonaparte had indicated his inArabs being augmented by their brethren from the desert tention of occupying himself with Jewish affairs and Judaism. A who have been drawn by employment and high wages. "Jewish States-General" made tip Zionism has been fought by the Arabs not for what it is of one hundred and eleven depubut because of its sponsorship. The very demand that the Man- ties from France and the newly created kingdom of Italy had date be withdrawn is ample proof that the Arabs want Britain been summoned to meet in Paris In July, 1806. out. On February S, 1807. the If Britain capitulates, the Jews will pay the price, but Grand Sanhedrin -was convoked, Britain will be the loser. a body made up of forty-six rab-
"Patriotism," one sage has suggested, "is the last refuge of scoundrels." Colossal effontery, unmatched in many an eon, demonstrated the aptness of that saw when the Nazi bund gathered Monday evening "in honor of George Washington's birth/: day." . Never, in the entire history of the United States has a group, so opposed to everything for which Washington fought, existed. Only the basest hypocrisy, the utmost presumption on : the part of. these termites in the body politic permitted such a gathering. The/'rights' of man for which Washington and his fagged colonials endured manifold hardships, have been- denied •™i>y the German government whose minions inspired Monday's meetings. Should the principles of the Nazis triumph here, the aspirations of a •Washington would be the first to be ground bis and twenty-five laymen who under their heel. : were to act officially, as the anGalled expressly to sing its song of hatred for the Jews, cient Sanhedrin in Jerusalem had The Three-Fold Destiny of the Jew acted for Jewry. the speakers invoked the spirit of Washington to justify their Twelve questions were placed By RABBI FREDERICK COHN false mouthings. Of course, they are ignorant of American hisbefore the assembly of Jewish for discussion, with the tory—as testimony before the Dies committee revealed. ElseOur immediate individual problems fade into insignif- notables Emperors unmistakable . wishes these advocates of Satan would have known that Washington icance before the over-shadowing problem, the problem of secretly indicated regarding the never shared their sentiments. In their "zeal to honor Washing- problems, the problem of life. answer to each. Did the Jews consider France ton, the members of the Bund ought to read and ponder the Each person, it seems to me, had a three-fold destiny, his their Fatherland and were th&y noble sentiments expressed in the letters the first President destiny as a self, a human being; his destiny as a member of willing to defend it? • The answer was a rising vote addressed to the existing Jewish communities. "* the grou^ to which he immediately belongs, which gives him and the spontaneous cry from The permission for the Madison Square Garden meeting distinctive, concrete character; his destiny as a member of the the delegates, "Aye even unto once more raises the old issue of whether all, even its enemies, larger group of his country or nation, as a citizen of the world, death!" The other questions were simshould be accorded the privilege of free speech. The "rights" a member of mankind. ilarly answered to the Emperor's complete satisfaction, yet with America enjoys were won only with the greatest sacrifice, and The Jew, for instance, like everyone else, has this three- dignity and without servility. the struggle against the ideology of the German-American fold character and destiny. As a human being, as a self, he Submission to Napoleon's will, however, brought the Jews cf Bund is as much a battle as that: of Lexington and Concord. must live his life in the universe in which he is placed and less than they had a right This is not a group of native Americans nor American cit- which gave him being. As a member of the cosmic order he France to expect. The decree of March itzens. They have carried out no obligations to the government. must live his life. No one can do it for him. He is an indi- 17, IS08, was tolerant, where worship was concerned In the uniform of foreign, political groups, they traduce our vidual entity and as such in this order of nature must express Jewish but insnltinglv discriminatory President, mock our institutions, and blaspheme the memory himself, as every star, flower, tree, animal, every species and where their civil and political were concerned. of our greatest American. The support of the German-Amer- unit of creation. This is the reason of his existence, to fulfill rights On Napoleon's march into Poican Bund comes from the dictator nations, their ideas spring his functions as an organism of nature. It is in this capacity land, the Jevs of the invaded territory carrle forward to aid from the rubbish heap of Central Europe where the intellectual- that he is a self, and gives expression to his self-hood. This him, attracted by the rtyth that ly disinherited spew forth their foul ravings. They are men, self-ness is not selfishness. It is not egotism, it is egoism, his \ had grown up around the resurrected Sanhedrin. Seeing their who hecause of their materialist .concept of the world, have lost mere functioning as an ego, a separate individual. It is incum- gratitude, it is reported that Natheir vision and seek to leave their impress on the generations bent upon him tb develop his self-hood to the fullest possible poleon said, "The Sanhedrin is at least useful to me," which perby massacre and thievery, " extent. As Eabbi Hillel in a remarkably modern manner said- haps is the least epitaph for this — The Nazi Bund attempts to honor Washington not because two centuries ago: "If I am not for myself, who will be?" No Napoleonic gesture. This and historical facts—are worth it, Relieves in what Washington believed. Not only are members one can discharge his biological function for him except him- more your reading time. the blood brothers, but they are the spiritual descendants of self. ., Every star shines for itself though in a constellation, and On my week's reading list, 15 articles published by those Hessian mercenaries who invaded our soil (contrary to receiving a reflecting splendor. Every rose blooms for itself outstanding SURVEY— Hitler's assertion German troops never fought on American ter- though increasing the beauty and the fragrance of the garden. To- make mention of but a fewwhich I greatly enjoyed ritory) to uphold the tyranny of the Hanoverian lunatic. They Every tree grows for itself in the forest of trees. .So every ani- articles and you too will I'm sure. "ON are not interested in Washington. The scoundrels have long mal lives its own. individual existence. So also man. DISCOVERING AMERICA," by Pearl S. Buck. "THE CONSTIago been discredited and the principles they represent have But as a Jew this original cosmic man has a special char- TUTION AT 150 by Walter awakened the repugnance of the civilized world. ; - acter and function and destiny. He is to express in his own Lincoln Whittlesey, and also read AKING DEMOCRACY The attack on the Jews is now to be carried on in the name person, in his whole life, and further the interests of Judaism. "M WORK," by Luther Gullck. of a great and noble American figure. They seek protection in This has been defined in no better and no grander way than the grave, for the dead cannot protest. ' to 'be a blessing.' If the Jew has been a blessing in the four Only those defiled with traitor's blood could accept such thousand years or so of "his historical existence—and who can Community Calendar loathesome views with equanimity. The Nazi Bund has over- deny it, even 'our enemies themselves being the Judges?'—then FEBRUARY 23 TO MARCH 3 stepped the bounds of decency. It calls upon Americans to be- the Jew has fulfilled his specific* character as a Jew and must Sunday, Febrcary 23. tray their privilege, to.despoil the memory of their great. De-; share in the Jewish destiny; which sad and tragic as.it may Omaha Hebrew club, 3 p. m., room, Jewish Community inocracy has a right to defend itself, particularly against those be in the present dark and confused moment of the world, is lodge Center. - who invoke its blessing to mark it for death. A. No. 100 meeting, S p. destined to a glorious outcome when the world shall have be- m.,A.G2.and H, Jewish Community come normal and when through 'the education of the human Center. Girl Scouts, 3 p. m., roora SI, race' and the full effectiveness of 'evaluation' on the moral, Jewish The Dies Committee Again Community Center. A substantial appropriation assures the continued existence social, and political side, the world will come to its true self, Monday, February 27. of Jewish Women, 1 p. o£ the Dies Committee for another year. It is to be sincerely recognize and appreciate, and acknowledge the true character m.,Council lodge room, Jewish. Communand services of the Jew as the one who has brought the suity Center. hoped that Congressman Dies profits from the criticisms Cooking class, 5:45 p. m., third levelled against him and makes his committee an examining preme blessings to mankind. floor kitchen, Jewish Community The Jew as a citizen (more than mere inhabitant) of his Center. body and not a sounding-board for crack-pots. Photography club, 7 p. m., ^When the committee, was first organized, great hope was particular country and nation, as a member of that largest lounge, Jewish Community Cenplaced in it. Not only has it turned out to be a sad disappoint- group, the world, mankind, is involved inescapably in its des- ter. ment, making itself and its investigations ridiculous, but it tiny. What affects it, affects him, in its final results. In Board of Governor® meeting, 8 m., lodge room, Jewish Comhas given encouragement to the groups responsible for its very Theodore Eoosevelt's picturesque phrase we all go up and down p. munity Center. existence. At the Bund rally Dies was cheered as a friend. together I In the very largest sense, we are indeed, all 'in the Workmen's Loan association: S m., C and D, Jewish ConimimEather than seeking to probe Communism and Fascism, the same boat.' The Ship of Humanity sails the infinite seas of p. Ity Center. Orchestra class, S p. m., audicommittee was guilty of doing nothing more than attempting space and time. We have a momentous part in the voyage. torium, Jewish Community Cento discredit the present administration. It is our primary duty to be good passengers, to co-operate in ter. The Dies committee should answer a tremendous need. every way to make the momentous journey one of comfort, of Tuesday, February 2S Senior Hadassah Study group, Anyone associated with the labor movement can testify to the safety, of pleasure; as far as possible of happiness to all. 1 p. m., club room, Jewish Comdiscordant role of Communist-agitators. And we need not The Jew's three-fold destiny gives him a three-fold duty. munity Center. Center Forura concert, Dvora review in this space the activities of the Fascist groups, not May he be found faithful in alL*» Only thus will he derive the Lapson, S p. in., auditorium, Jewonly the Italian and German but the nativist racketeers. The greatest satisfaction from life despite its over-whelming prob- ish Community Center. rehearsal, S p. m., K and Dictators are openly boasting of the fund spent in this country lems, its devastating experiences, the tragedies he is called L, Choir Jewish Community Center, to stir discontent. Already Hitler speaks of "Unser Amerika" upon to face, his trials of body, mind and soul, that it is his Wednesday, March 1 school, 8 p. m., G and and "Germandom." heroic fate to endure but which will be transformed into ever- H, Charm Jewish Community Center. Democracies must protect themselves from the assaults of lasting triumphs at last. International Workers' Order, S p. m.. C__and D, Jewish Comenemies—both within and without. Congressman Dies has been munity Center. given a great responsibility. If he performs his obligation Fr. Coughlin Again Record Concert series, 8 p. in., Italy Reneges club room, Jewish Community honestly, his will be a great and patriotic service. If not, his Center. on Promise to Accuses Jews of will be the Judas' kiss./ Thursday, March 2.
Finance Control
The Round Table and the Square Peg The painful proceedings in London apparently will have one sure outcome — that whatever the price of peace in Palestine may be, it will be paid by the Jews. * The Round-Table conferences are ostensibly between Jews and j^rabs, who, it has been assumed, were locked in deadly combat over which has the prior right to Palestine. In reality while Arab has fought Jew, more Arabs than Jews have been killed by the terrorists and the British constabularly has suffered its share of death. :'•...:•'.'•'• It is significant that the Arabs and Jews did not meet together, but each conferred separately with Great Britain. This is as it should be, for the-struggle is not between Jew and Arab but between England and the Arab, and to a lesser degree
Lend Paintings
London (JTA) — The Italian Detroit ( J T A ) — F a t h e r has withdrawn" a Charles E. Coughlin said in his Government' promise to lend a number of old weekly broadcast that "the sys- masters to an art exhibit for the tem of lnternatlnoal finance which benefit of the Baldwin Refugee has crucified the world to the Fund, It was by the cross of depression was evolved fund committee.announced exhibit was by Jews, both for their own de- opened WednesdayThe by the Earl of fense as well as for holding the Crawford. The Rome Governpeoples of Trorld under control." ment, it was stated, rejected ofWarning that "this policy of fer of a deposit of foreign curInternationalism" would lead to rency covering value of the picwar and Communism, the priest tures. Its attitude is understood attacked the sale of American air- to be strongly resented by King planes to France, emphasizing George VI. who has been recentparticularly that Secretary of ly asked to lend pictures for exTreasury' Henry Morgenthau Jr. hibitions In Italy. had supported President Roosevelt on the question o" the airLewis, Gompertz was responcraft sale. sible for the founding of the Society for the Prevention of cruelty to animals. Patronize.Our Advertisers
Boy Scouts meeting, 7:3 0 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. Town Hall Forum, S p. m., club room, Jewish Community Center. Choir rehearsal, S p. m., K and Li, Jewish Community Center. International Workers' Order, 8 p. m., auditorium, Jewish Community Center. Friday, March 8. Dancing class, 3:45 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center.
Refugees Arrive In China
Shanghai (WNSj • The total number of refugees from Gsrmany to Shanghai Is now 800, including the 3 20 who arrived this week. Municipal authorities have established a refuges %amp capable cf iiocsing 1,560.
Vaad Rabbi N. Mandeibaum of the iPcl:fl. Sisicsrr.zn AccxiicsTT'i^fe tlisve Ifs no vision the Lwcw Siwdctits of Beth Hamedrcsh Hagodel Synapeople perish but he that keepeth gogue of Chicago will be the Ignorance the lav* r.p.pry is lie. guest speaker at the Vaad serv- j Gi'-e me nsUher poverty nor ices this evening which are to be j Warsaw. (JTA) — An attack richer,, feed me with mine allottheld at the B'nai Israel Synago- j on "brutal" political agitation in ed bread. guo, ISth anfi Chicago street?. Pclkli universities was launched tipeiiuetli all his spirit Services at the Vaad begia ct b;- ex-Premier CasiirJr Bartel in butA ai'ooi vise men stilleth it within 8 o'clock. the Senate. Lwow University, him. where Senator Bariel is a pro.'t-FWhen the righteous are msor, has such a low scholastic cr°fised •' T e m p l e the people rejoice but level, he said, that the students At services this evening Rabbi when the wicked beareth rule the cannot even identify historic ticDavid H. Wice will speak on j pernle sic;h. "Pius SI and Ills Successor. ' ! i;res such r.s E'.aymon:', Poincp.re, Say no I unto thy neighbor, world-war presiden' of France. Services at the Temple begin and come again and tomor* Riots are frequent, and students "Go promptly at S o'clock. I v.-r.l give, "v.-hen thou hast sometimes kih one another, the row by thee. Senator charged. Tak'ng advan- it £Uolei; voters are eweet; bread Beth El tage of the universities' extraTonight at services Rabbi Dav- territorial status, i-ndensradna^.s Gden in sacrct is pleasant. id A. Goldstein will base his ser- incir.lre in anti-national demonmon on the life and times of RabBartel charred that the | Our rr.bbis. taught, "For two bi Akiba. This address will he strations. academic authorities remain pas- i and a half rears lh=» school of based on the biography ol Akiba sive, arid ursed the abolition of Kabbi Slir.mraai and the school o£ written by Professor Louis Fin- extra-territorial privileges. Ef.bbi Killel debated on the queskelstein who is to speak at a dintion of the creation of man. One Domnnd Emigration ner meeting of the Beth El Synside F.rpuecl that it would have For the second Lime vrithin ?. agogue on Sunday evening. been much better If man were not week, the Sejra. heard demands Alan Bramson will celebrate for intensification of Jewish em- created and the other Side Claimhis becoming a -Bar Mitzvali by igration from Poland on a mass ed felat it is for better that matt •chanting Kiddush Friday night. scale." been created. It was decided oi Jews from has Saturday norning services be- Polish elimination by a that it would hare industry, commerce End been minority gin at 9:45. Alan Bramsoa will the liberal much better had man not professions. They were observe his Bar Mitzvah by con- voiced by Col. Joseph Wends, been created but since he had ducting the service. Mr. and Mrs. been created it behoove; him to of staff of the Government lie Jack Braiason cordially invite chief cr-.terul of his actions," Camp of National Uify. their friends to attend the servIt was related of Rabbi Joch« Denying adherence to racial ice and to participate in the Kid- theories and disavowing tb.res.tF an Ben Sakai that never was he dush in honor of their son, Alan. of violence.-Col. Wcnda declared creeted first by anyone, even by a Next Week Camp regarded Jews P.E "cul- h.T'.hen, for he always greeted Nest Friday evening at services the turally &nd economically people first. Rabbi Goldstein will speak en harmful alien Koba said, "He who loves sch« elements." His senti"Purlin Thoughts." olars shall have children that are ments were echoed by Deputr On Saturday night, March 4, notorious anti-Semite, scholars. lie who respects schothe Beth El Synagogue will have Dudzinski, that Jews be lars' shall have sons-in-law that a twofold celebration of Purim who recommended are scholars. He who fears schoibor to lars forced into eve. At 7:SO the boys and girls drain EWE nips and build aliens shall himself be a great roads as of the religious school will gath- preparation for emigration. scholar." (Because he will study er in the Lodgeroom of the JewJir.rc. in order to overcome his lif ish Community Center for a draferiority complex.) VCARSAYT (EavaE) — Opposimatic presentation of the Book of quarters predicted an early Esther in the form of a puppet tion in Premier Felician show. At the same time in the reshuffle Slawoj-Skladkcwski's Cabinet in CoL Batista Aids main auditorium of the ^"Center, order to give a more authoritarStranded Refugees the parents ana high school ian turn to the Government, es•groups will gather for the tradi- pecially on the minorities questional Hebrew reading of the tion. According Er'Tna (WXS) — Unable to to these sources, Megillah. in the United States and the Premier will relinquish his I| remain barred from Mexico, eight Ausinterior portfolio to Gen. Janusz ] trian Jews found a haven In Ha* G 1 u c k o w s l;i, Vice-Minister of | vana as ALICE MASARYK AIDS a result of a meeting with War, or Col. TVend&. At *he same , CZECH REFUGEES t i m e Wcjciech Swietoslawski ! Ool. Fnlgencio Batista, Cuban chief, on board-ship. resign as minister of relig- military New York (WN'S) — Dr. Nich- would The refugees were not permittions and education. olas Murray Butler, chairman of ed to land on arrival at Vera the American Committee for ReCruz aboard the Cuba Mail steamlief in Czechoslovakia, has aner Orizaba because they could Leaves for Fair nounced receipt of a S100 gift not meet Mexican immigration refrom the Chinese Charitable and Miss Theta Hampton, owner of quirements. When they learned Benevolent Association of Xew the Jlisti Jewelry Shoppe, left that the Cuban military chief was York, as an "expression cf the Wednesday for San Francisco, aboard on his way back to Cuba sympathy of the Chinese toward Cal., where she will exhibit her from a visit to Mexico, the refuthe innocent population, of Czech- original jewelry designs at the gees decided to appeal to him. oslovakia." World's Fair. Batista sent a radiogram to the Dr. Alice Kasaryk, who has left She plans to brinf back n€T Cuban Labor Minister, with the result that when the ship arrivthe presidency of the Czechoslo- Hollywood styles. ed in port the Jews were admittvak Red Cross, and is cow devoting all her time to the aid of refThe first poems of the Eoteu ed to Cuba. ugees, reported that the number actress Adah Isaacs Mencken apIs increasing. peared in ttie Ciccinntti Israelite. Patronize Our Advertisers
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so should call Reva Mas Simon, R. F. Silbar. J. Shykcn. I Accompanying the team were 10 chHirman of the Social Cy Silver, V. Silverman, Lester Si- i Alephs who made a tour of the mon, B. A. Simon. con'.miUf-e. j town and spei;t U;e afternoon Nathan Simon, A. SclTn-nczkin, B. i A rumma.se sale will be .heia I ClotbitiE for Kefugees Schwartz. A. "Sase, H. • Solis. Her.ry | there. Solig-. LOIUK Sorr.rner, Ben Soshnick. i A social committee mpeting: I I;v the Women's Mir.rn.ciii in the J Ellis islftm' ;>re to be c o l l e c t s . -vT. X). Stein, I. H. Stein. A. A. St€inberjr, i was he'd last Sunday r.t the Jev.-- i n'er.r future. Mrs. Jo? Turhman I flie mepUrc AVprcb lEth. TWant— A- program commemorating Samuel Steinberg-, Sam H. Ptern. and Mrs. E. TV>irber£, rhairraeu. bPrs S I T iHvoil. to P I ; ' aside tiu>X Washington's birthday, " T h e A record number of contribu- Sam Swartz. J. Stein. K. Tatle I ish Community Center. Fir.-i! request members and friends to which ' h e r win bring BO «e •> Man on the Street," and a recita- tions Arthur Theodore, Sam TheooCre. • preparations were i:\nde for tlifreceived at the Hahave the package ready, as Oxtvf tion by Miss Shirley Alberts fea- dassahwere Charles Schimrnei, Harry Silver- ; skating- ri^rty tn be he'd March caii in arty old cioihes. tured the. meeting held "Wednes- uary 25.Linen shower held on Jan- man, Harry Trustin, T. Tully. line ; 1 3 . Preparations are now hein.c ! The Women's Mizrachi prepar- will be only- one mailing. Vengfr, Paul Veret, M. WasEerraati. : Plans for Council Sftbht:-^ 1 cd the hannv.rt given in honor day, February 22, by the Omaha BJESMCK-CHERJttSS JROSS3MAN-STOLER The following women contrib- Leo "Wa-xenbersr. A. Vreiss. L. XTr-liz made io bold a smoker in the 1 of Rabbi M. Kirsliblum. which wil? be held jointly T/UI; '•: Miss Zella Helen Cherniss, The marriage of Miss Ethel hapter of Hadassah which was ute^ L. AVhiteboclc, E. I. "Widmnn, Phin^as i r.EEr future. money or £ifts: i Plans a r e being formulated for the Senior Council. March 3 0.M; Wintroub, Al Wohlner. Paul AVoV-idaughter of Mrs. Fred B. Cher- itoler to Mr. Moe Grossman will viewed by an assembly of over Jlesdames Harry Green. Dave Mil- ner. Sam T^'olf. Richard AVricht. Abe ! The secor.d issue of t h e O n - an Oneg Shabboth to be held next at the Community Center RT* l v niss, became the bride of Henry >e solemnized on Sunday, Febru- 200. Program was arranged by ler. Harry Tlubenstein. A. Sornberg. Vender, Jack Wine. N. S. TH-ffp. Ssm j ' c r y Snotl'ivM. E. monthly chap- month. ing arranged by Kita Franklyn Resnicl-, son of Mr. and ary 26, at 4:30 at the Beth Hame- Mrs. Arthur Romm. ilorris Jacobs, David Koscnth::.!, Ben Zag-er, Anna Zalk. S a m Z^-'-'tz. I ter ri'.lilieaiion. will l)e rer.dy for chairman of the KeligiouB T>. Goldman, if. I. Gordon, Blanche Zlmman, S. Handler, Mike ! distribution at the next regular Mrs. Frank Resnick, at 3 o'clock drosh Hagodel Synagogue. Reports were given by Mrs. Joe Perelman, William Milder and Hyraie Milder. mittee. Freeman. ceremony Sunday afternoon at Goldware, treasurer; Mrs. "WilDuring the past few weeks the i business meeiing. Recent addiJ. Abrahamson, I. AbM. Lazprowitz. T>. Binstr:n. N. Mit-1 tions to the giaff include Mauuel Temple Israel. bride-elect has been extensively liam Alberts, chairman of the ramson, Leo Abramson, William Al- tleman. J. Miller, Tena Feltman. F. The mathpmieal law of Rabbi David H. "Wice perform- ntertained. Among the " affairs Paid Up Membership Affair; berts, A. B. Alpirn, Sam Altscrraler, Kronm'an. A. Simons. F. H. Vrinp-r. I Himrr.eistein. Harold Epstein and Appleman, Max Arbitman, Jlor- M. London, J. Adler, Ruth Jncobs. H The Omaha Section of the Na- mortality which, if the ed the ceremony under a canopy n her honor were: a dinner by Mrs. Paul Veret, educational Sam I Harold Slutskin. Milton Guss. ris Arkin, Herman Auerljnch, Louis Turkel. H. Fir.jrer. Apnes "VTolsky, I Aleph. P o r t e r niicl chairman of lional Council of Jewish Juniors j o£ nil nctv.vi.riBl iK'»leg wae covered with Smilax and white Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Civin; a chairman; Mrs. M. F . Levenson, Asbel. Goldie, H. Greer.berp. met February irt.h fit the Com- | oped by lier.j.'iiviir, Gompefts, roses. The bride was given In shower by the Misses Ethel, Ceil, Gift Fund chairman; Mrs. Ben Mas Canar, Sidney Ca- Frpd B. Glickman. A. Rirklin. I>. Cooper. ! the publicity—publications cotn- vx r 'i ( x r- t l vhir % i tlmp n marriage by her brother Joel H. and Sarah Stoler; a dessert Brodkev. Linen Shower chair- han. J. Chait, M. E. Chapman, I. Paul i mittee, has called • " 7 C f f! ro " Rosen. Max Horwitz O. Taub David It. Cohen, Herman 1 t V OT 1 Cherniss. Small attendants who luncheon by Miss Jerry Gimpel; man; Mrs. M. M. Barish, H. M. Cherniss, Cohen, Saaaoiel Cohen. Arthur Cohn, S. Temln. B. Brown, J. Franklin, H. ' mittee meeting at . is l^rc i - ' 1 stretched the pew ribbons were a one O'clock luncheon by Mrs. O. chairman: Mrs. Julius Stein, David Cohn, ' Max Cohn, Seymour Silverman. ! Monday c l r h t . Cohn, D. B. Crounse, Herman DanIrene Cherniss, sister of the bride, N. "Weinsteln, sister of the bride- Youth Aliyah. The Cultural cor ~ *p" « . ' ^ sky, Hans Dansky, 1. Dsrslcy, Mas and her cousin, Edward Cherniss. to-be; a luncheon by Mrs. Arthur CARD PARTY H M. O. Davis, Joe Daytch, Harry Cooperman, "It is of vital importance that Harry Duboff. The bride's gown was of ivory Grossman, ant} a dinner by Mr. Chairman TTslter r - - 1 1 ' c 1 l S. Babior, Harold Barish. M. M. slipper satin and Tier veil was of and Mrs. Ben Cohen ot Harlan, all Omaha women attend the announced t h a t SI ~~ C L « rAt an executive meeting held card party to be given for the Barish, J. Batt, Sam Beber. Henry tulle, "and edged with lace. Her owa. Lewis, w r ^ * t . i '._ I. Berkowitz, Dave Bern- last Monday at the home of Aleph Leonard benefit of H. M. O. on February Belmont, bouquet was of white roses and stein, David Blacker. J. Blank, J. Godol Milton Ssylan plans were semi-finals of ihe r C r b 2S on the 10th floor of the Bran- Bloch, A. L. BlumenthaJ. N. Bordy, lilies of the valley. gional A. 2. A. * ' ' '<: ' 1 SCHNEIDER-AIiTCHULER discussed for a huge membership S. Bordy. J. Brarnson. H. Miss Mildred Berkowitz was Announcement was made of the deis Stores," stated Mrs. Dave R.. Bordy,Albert ment. will debate E1 r r •'> " Breit, A. H. Brodkey. program to be held next Sunday A. maid of honor. Bridesmaids were marriage on February 19 of Miss German, chairman of the affair. Brandt, team before the r " • " c~ Ben Brodkey, Dave Erodkey, Edat the Jewish Community Center. M/ss Shirley Greenspan and Miss Tina Altschuler, formerly of Om- A beautiful door prize will be ward D. Brodkey, Edr,-in E. Brodkey. Louis Katz, Jack Herman and B'nai B'rith. The " c ' Ruth Bioch. Frances Cherniss and aha and now of Brooklyn, N. Y., given by the card party commit- Fritz Brodkey Harold Brodkev, Mor- Jack Flattennan, who have had solved that a nev "-'•<-- - < • , - . ris Brodkey, M. D. Brodkey, R. H. tee. This affair will be in the nge be obtained lc~ / v. , " - v Xeta Rae Cherniss were flower daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Brotra, Ben Burstein. Morris Burstein. the honor of being elected into acdition to t h a t o r " r" ""•• i f r ' girls. Sam Altschuler, to Mr. Eugene form of a dessert-lunch. Those Aaron Edgar, Harry Eiser.statt, A. 2. A. 100 will receive their ,who cannot stay for the afternoon Bertha Ellis, Dave Epstein, Lcuis Ep- first decree at this time. by Palestine." Ai-~ Vlr L r o ' i Mr. Resnick's groomsman wns Schneider of New York. Lewis and Yale-K r r~i-~ "PCC Sam Epstein, Sam Faier, A. his father. Ushers were Melvin After a wedding trip to Atlan- of cards are invited to come for stein, In addition to the initiation of j ly won the Intercity school c.eN. Feldman, C. Fellmnn, S. Berkowitz. Bernard Goldstroci, tic City, Mr. and Mrs. Schneider the dessert-lunch. There will FaJk, Fellman, I. Fiedler, Davis Fiakel, S. the new members seven Alephs ! bate championship »or Central ket to be given to L r ' "' •<"• Harold Bloch, and Ervin Cohen. will be at home at 1015 Washing- also be a bingo" game. Any ad- Fish. Members that have ; ' '"" .'' 1 •'" ditional information may be re- Ben Fisher. O. Fox, A. D. Frank, including Yale Richards, Milton | Higrh. - Miss Harriet Bernstein, accom- ton Ave., Brooklyn. ceived from Mrs. Dave Sherman, H. Franklin. Morris Franklin. J. Frec- Guss, Leonard Lewis. Harold | The social service committee panied by Mrs. M. S. Grear, sang. Slutskin, Slalcom Trachtenbare, per. John Freiden, H. Friedel, H. HA 2976. continue its project of reA reception was held in the Tem-FEINTECTMIIROTVTTZ Friedlanaer, Abe Ferer, Leon Fell- Phil Sokolof and Harold Nessle- II will t h e Jewish Community ple Vestry rooms following the GIFT FTTCfD Miss Irene Mirowitz, daughter" man, B. Feltman. son will receive their second de- | building Bervice. Assisting were: Mrs. Samof Mr. and Mrs. H. Mirowitz, win Eose Grodinsky. Gerald Gross, Sam gree. Aleph Godol Milton Saylan Center library. Plans are now Mrs. M. F. Levenson, chairman Garrop, E. GelXman, A. E. Gendler, | being made for securing addition.Berkowitz, Mrs. Abe Somberg, on Sunday, February 2C, become of the Hadassah Gift Fund, anGerelick, S. E. Gilinsky, X. will address the incoming men, al bookcases and also Venetian Mrs. Dave Levine. Mrs. Julius .the bride of Sidney Feintech, son nounces the following additional Simon Gimple, A. Goldstein. D. A. Goldstein, and Aleph Kohen. Godol Frank blinds. During the past week A. Newman, Mrs. Abe Greenspan, of Mr. and Mrs." Joe Feintech of contributors: I. Goldstein, J. Goodbinder, L. Graetr, Pirscb. will explain the purpose A. has been collecting useful Greenberg, Dave Greer.ber^. Mayand Miss Bertha Newman. Des Moines. The ceremony will functions and purpose. Z. Mr. and Mrs. Schrolly Good- Abe naxd Greenberg, Fanny Grodinsky, E. svmoMs, and interesting books l o r the liAfter a. wedding trip in the take place at the home of the man In the honor of the birthday Gross. of the international fraternity. brary. Anyone having a worthsouth, the couple will be at home groom's parents in Des Moines. of their nephew, Jerry Brodkev, J. A. Gross, L. G. Gross. I. GrossThe Century basketball team while contribution call Leonard at the. Terrace Court apartments. Mrs. Eddie Mirowitz and Mr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brod- man, H. Hahn. Ben Handler, Julius was very successful "last week. Lewis, GL 31-8 9. The public is Haykin, "Win. Herzotf, Joe Kirr-.melJack Mirowitz of Oakland, Cal., key. stein. Harry Goidstrom, Joe Goldware, After upsetting the Alpha Pi Tau invited to come in any time and are visiting at the home of their ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Albert Neuman Joe Hertzberg, M. Horn. I. Hurvdtz. team 29-23 in the Jewish. Com- | inspect their J. C. C. library and -Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kuznit parents and will be present at the In memory of Harry Greenberg. M. Jacobo-pr, M. E. Jacobson, Rae munity Center league, they went Jacobson, Sam Josephson, J. Ka.ui- on to give the highly touted Boys make use of its facilities. announce .the engagement of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin C. Levin in man. daughter, Anne, to Mr. Abe Bermemory of Harry Greenberg. Lazar Kaplan, J. Klein, J. Kalman- Town quintet, ose of the best in nard Tilles, son of Mrs. Rose Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brodkey In sohn, L. Kaplan. Sam Kaplan, J. Nebraska, a gruesome battle beGoeding i a s the oldest Jewish Tilles of St. Joseph. Missouri. Katleman. Morris Katlernan, Aaron fore going down to defeat, £9-27. memory of Mrs. Sophia Ross. community in Moravia." Katz, S. H. Katz, Joe Koom, Robert No definite wedding date has ' Mrs. Joe Goldware, Mrs. Julius Kooper. Harry Krantz, J. H. Kulakofbeen chosen. An inter-club council has been Abramson and Mrs. I. Sherman in sky, L. Kulakofsky, R. Kulakofsky, Paul Kataman. organized between the two Oma-memory of Mrs. Sophia Ross. R. Lackofc. Joe Lagman, H. LapiThkWfflB* Yo« ha chapters of A. Z. A. MemMr. and Mrs. Mose Buck of dus, TO HONOR-NEWLYWEDS Laserowitz, L. Lasero*svitz, Mrs. Fannie Halperin will re- bers of this council are to be the Lufkin, Tex., in memory of their Wm. A. Lazere, Mark Loon.'S. J. Leon, ceive on Sunday, February 2G, ir. Aleph Godol, Aleph Mazkir, one aunt, Mrs. Sophia Ross. M. F. Levenson, Philip Levey. Irvin Mr. and Mrs. Irvin C. Levin in Levin, Dave Levin, N. Levinson. honor of her son-in-law and advisor and one representative at Levy- J. Lieb, Ed Lincoln, large of each chapter. From memory of Gloria, daughter -of M.Bessie daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Linsman. Mrs. N. Linsman, J. Katz. No invitations have been is- Mother chapter, the presentation Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schwartz of Lipsey, Joseph Lipsey, E. V. Lorig, Harry Lcwensteln. sued. Mrs. Katz is the former will include Irving Nogg, Aleph Chicago. . Godol: Leo Sherman, Aleph MasMrs. Milton Abrahams and Mrs. H. Malashock, Lena Mandelson, Sophie Halp3rin. Mr. Katz is the Marer, Gail Margolin, L. Margoson of Mr. and Mrs. Sair Katz of kir; Morris Kirschenbaum, repre- Edward Brodkey Yahrzeit for Jack lin. Frank Marks, M. llsyper. Harry sentative at large, and an advitheir parents, Birdie and Charles Mendelson. Leon Mendelson. E. MeySt. Croir. Falls, "Wisconson. er, Ben Millman, Sophie Slonsfcy, Joe Saltzstein. The couple were mSiTied on De sor, as yet unnamed. The purpose of the Inter-club Mr. and Mrs. Herman Auer- Morgan. cember 21 at the home of Rabbi Louis Morgan, Albert Newman. Ed David- A. Goldstein. They will council Is to establish a feeling of bauch in honor of the newly born Meyers, Samuel Nathan, H. A. Newco-operation between the chapson of Rabbi and Mrs. Edward man. Jules M. Newman. Juli-jc Newmatio their future home in Omaman. N. Nncldle, R. Coddle, S. Olanaters, and to promote a smooth Ellenbaugen of "Winston Salem, er. H. Osoff. ha. Mrs. Sam KaU. mother of the running schedule wterein the so- N. C. N. Perils, Sam Platt, A. Plotkin. I. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lowensteln groom, of St. Croix, Is the house- cial and other activities of each M. S. Plotkin. Morton Plotchapter will not interfere with in honor of the newly born son Plotkln, kin, s. J. Plotkin, Mars Polonsky, Siguest of an other, son and daugh- the affairs of the other chapter. of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cohn. mon Pizer. ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sam Eaffal, T.Iexer Raben, L. RadKatz. RUMMAGE •nziner, William Kadcsiner, Sam KaJunior A. Z. A., the junior or Julius Ra^'man, M. Rainick. Joe AH members are asked to save vltz, ganization of Mother chapter, ob- bundles Rice, Samuel Rice, J. Rinsrle, j . B . SILVER WEDDING for the rummage com- Robinson, F. H. EodSy, J. Romoneck, served its A. Z. A. Sabbath at ANNREESAHY mittee. Mrs. Peter Greenberg is J. Kosen, II. Rosen, D. Eosenbaum. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kavich of Temple Israel on the evening of chairman. Sam Rosenbaum, Sam Rosenberg, I. Rosenblatt, Slollie Rcisetiblatt. H. Fremont observed their silver Friday, February 17. The main All paid np membera will be W. part of the services were conRosenblum, M. Rosensiein. Libby wedding anniversary on Febru- ducted by the members of the invited to an affair to b9 given Rosenthal, I. Rubinow. A. S. Rubt^crn. the fin-j-ig skirt * ary 1. Out-of-town guests pres- chapter. Those taking part in in April at the Blackstone hotel. nitz. Tv". A. Rosenberg, H. A. Resnick, ent for the occasion were Mr. the services were George Schol- Invitations and the date of the Jack Raznick. Morris Sax. William iip'cw the tripled in Safferstein, Hally Pa!t7.Tnan. Ben and Mrs. Lazar Kavich, Mrs: niek, Albert "White, Harvey Roff- affair will be announced later. Shafton. , ^ . ncthing Jules Shapiro, Mas Shapiro Sarah Lintovitz, and Mrs. Mor-man, Norman Polonsky, Calvin All members are urged to pay Dave Sherman. rlB Singer, all of Omaha./ Breit, Robert Lazere, Milton So3- their dues immediately. nrp^Ts" frock, Georg-e Sherman, Jz Schriebman, The study group on the Sur-
Hadassah Lists Contributors to Linen >Shower
I Women's MIzracM
junior Council
A. Z. A. 100
A. Z. A. 1
Correct Clothes
AKKOUNTK BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bramson announce the Ear Mitzvah of their son, Alan, on Saturday, February 1 25, at the Eeth El Synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. Brarason will be at home on Sunday between 2 and u in honor of their son.
BIHTII ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Zalkin annoi'n"O the birth of a daughter, Marc'.n, Henrietta, at the Methodist Hospital on February 2. VISITS IX KANSAS CITY Mrs. Maurice Katz spent a week in Kansas City visiting friends and relatives.
kin and Norman Wohlner. Recently organized, the Junior A. Z. A. chapter is becoming very active in their five-point program which includes religion, social affairs, cultural work, social service and athletics. On Monday night, February 20, .the chapter presented a debate during the meeting of the B'nai B'rith lodge. The question debated was "Shall a New Haven Other Than s Palestine Be Established for the Jewish Refugees?" Those on the affirmative stand were Albert "White and Robert Lazere, while those taking the negative were Harvey Roffman and Calvin Breit.
Town Hall Forum
COtSIXS CIXTJ The Cousins Club wil" meet on Thursday, March 2, at the home On Thursday,, March 2, the of Mrs. Max Simon, 2028 N. 55th Town Hall Forum of the Air will present to its discussion groups VISITING PARENTS a broadcast on "How Can Our Miss Dorothy Bordy, who for Public Schools Better Educate for the past year has resided in Democratic Citizenship?" Washington, D. C , is visiting at Participating will be Dr. John the home of her parents, Mr. and "W. Studebaker, U. S. commisMrs. Nathan Bordy. sioner of education; Dr. Mortimer J. Adler, professor of philosOliSUiKVli AAJN ophy at the University of ChicaMr. and Mrs. Nathan Bordy go; Mr. Xi. H. Gulick, professor entertained at a- buffet supper and educator, and Mr. J. A. Starfor their family on the occasion rak, professor of vocational eduof their silver wedding anniver- cation at Iowa State college. sary. They were presented with The local discussion group a chest of silver. meets at the Jewish Community Center at 8:15 and participates in an open forum following the IN NEW YORK Mrs. Morton L. Degen is spend- radio talks. ing several weeks in New York. Henry Nathan was the first CL,rn HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE Jew to sit in the Canadian FedM!=s Irene Mirowitz, who is to eral parliament. be married this coming Sunday, was honored last night by members of the Bas-a-mi club at the Plumbing anil Heating home of Louise Millei\ - Miss -Mirowitz was presented - ENGINEERS . Complete 24 Hour Servlco •with a set of rose-point candle Work and Quality Guaranteed holders. The evening was spent FREE ESTIMATES in bridge. Prizes were won I>y Charlotte Nogg and Elaine Lagsam J . YousEFd . SANITARY PLUMBING & man. . AT HOSPITAL Mrs. Albert Kaplan is at the Nicholas Sean hospital. During the illness of his wife, Mr. Kap Ian can be reached at the hos pltal or at "WE 0434. ANNOUNCE BIRTH
Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Kazlowsky announce the birth of a son ; at St. Joseph's hospital on Sun day, February 19. Photography Club The Photography club is stil accepting new members. The •group meets every Monday at 7 p. n>. at the Jewish Community , Center. \;v, • Questions pertaining to a n a teur photography are considered at each meeting. . •.-.
HEATING CO. AT 2 3 4 4
iGaej/ 2 Capitol
Visit tho
It r e v i.inn~~ ymTt fur CKVI" . . „ crrjd cf;. thr firr-l breath
vival of the Jew in the "World INVEST SAFELY, WISELY tN Today will be held 'Wednesday, March 1, 1:15 at the Jewish Community Center. "Position of Annuity, Enaowmint, l_!ts Jews in Semi-Fascist Countries," Chapter IV, will be given by Mrs. R3ASK LEQN Irvin C. Levin. Aiflyisis of the RepresenU 21 Etrona Compan. "Bill of Rights" will be given by ies—Every Type of insurance -and Bonds Written. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky. CALL AT 76E7 or WA B1S0 GREAT PERSONALITIES City Finanea & Insurance Co. The -life and times of Moses Mendelsohn will be reviewed by Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, Mrs. Al T^edler and Mrs. Sidney Epstein &t the meeting to be held Friday, February 24, when Mrs. David C. Platt and Mrs. Ben Goldware will be hostesses to the group. Mrs. M. F . Levenson. is leader of the group. JJOSBS
Through the Vaad H'lhr you are able to purchase Matzos at this price. You can obtain the Matzos handled by the Vaad by calling the Vaad office, JA OS87, and giving us your order and the name of your dealer. Ask your dealer for Vaad Matzos if you place your order directly with Mm. Place your order now so that a necessary supply •vrill always be available at your dealer or grocer or at the Vaad.
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Tlie fitted bodies » the rhythrmr pki-t . . the
D oa»T rrcrj t- resij:
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O V E R T H E M—When you haven't anything else to do, why not try to emulate George Dockstader, shown leaping over a, flock of barrels with his motorcycle? He did this "death-defying" stunt at a benefit performance given by movie stunt men and women in Los Angeles, to help build a home for injured and indigent comrades.
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RUMBLE SEATER—Ever since this pussycat had claws to cling with, i t has enjoyed rides around London on its master's bicycle.While i t rides the improvised rear seat, i t never does any backseat driving.
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FRENCH HONOR—Jascha. Heifetz, famed violinist, recently WaSmade an officer of the Legion of Honor by the French government. Above, he is shown, left, receiving the decoration from Charles de Ferry de Fontnouvelle, French Consul General, in the consulate office in New York City.
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ELECTION CONCLAVE—March 1 is the probabte date on which the College of Cardine!s will meet in conclave in Vatican City to e'.sct the 262d Supreme Pontiff, successor to ^he !s^e Pope Pius. Upper pane! shows iHe Slstine Chapel in St. Peter's, where the ba!'cilng vsI»! be he!d. When a Popo is elected, e'i cenopics
e!cnc the siaes v-il] b© levered, except -ihe one ever the nev*. For.iir's see-i. Le(t, center, Gennaro GrerHo F'gr.a'ieili cil EclTionte, 71, dean cf ihe Csiclir.^^s, v !,c v '," £,?-,liounce the election. Rsg^i, cen;cr, enclei' sieve in which ihe belle's &:e bu°red. LO''1CT,, Room of Chiaroscurc, v he-e 'he Card'reis v il! effend mass.
ON PICKET LINE—^These two Chinese youngsters helped other irate citizens picket the municipal dock in Beliingham, Wash., in protest against the Japanese motorship Norway Maru, taking on a load of scrap iron. Streaming rain did not drive them away from their staunch position in front of the dock.
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IN THE PINK — Stagehand, leading money-winner of 1938, arrives at Hialeah Park, Miami, Fla., in the pink of condition. That's Earle Sande at the reins, as Jockey Jimmy Stout gazes admiringly at the stellar steed.
BEAUTY — Meet Lolita Gonzales, Mexican star of films ahd opera, who is making a tour of the United States. She is 18 years old. She is shown at the Everglades Cloud club, Miami, Fla.
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; « V / THRILLS—Gar Wood. Sr.. speedboat designer end recsr, jeeks new thrills in the air lanes. He's shewn et Ml&rrsl Ra., In his new 900-horsepower amphibian plane. >-•
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arfiwMiiiJw C«® OKES—Once a year when giant tuna migrate from the Adriatic Sea to fho
Atlantic band of Siardy fishermen puts out from Trapani, Sicily, and catch them in gigsniis nets •rvf'o mSle's Jong. Here are some of the big fish that weigh 700 to 1,000 pounds. Any person who falls i,fpongthoninfrcnoJsmaybo__killed. _ _ . . . . „ •
r EIINS $2QU ^UJ!3—For 27 years fraoshecfers have been t k D C l d ans« - reasents
J. C C. Bowling l^r PACIi A. BERG LEAGUE STANDINGS W. Ii. State Coal ana Gas . . . . 40 26 Empire Cleaners 40 26 Clicquot d a b Eskimos.. S3 28 Grcenberg Fruit Co. . . . 8 5 81 The Wardrobe 3 4 S3 Kaiman Insurance . . . . . SO SS Shrier Pant and Glass...25 41 Smith Motor Co. 2 3 44
J. C, C, SPORTS Next Sunday will see the J. C. C. Basketball league bring Its tournament to conclusion. At the, games last Sunday afternoon the Breslows defeated the Mother Chapter of A. Z. A., 32-25. The 3. A. M. were victors over the Omaha Jobbers by 38-34, and the Century Capers of A. Z. A. took
the A. P. T.'s 27-23.
In the Junior League the Or, The last round of the J. C. C.pheum Cafe team is leading the bowling league ran true to form. pack for the championship and Six more bowling nights are left is'sure to win the bunting as the and any of the top five teams can final league games come to a cop the title. This •week's re- close. Me-flbers of the championBults were State Coal, 2, Green- ship team are: Sam and Louis berg Fruits. 1; Clicquot Club, 2, Slutzky. Mitchell Landman, Sam Empire Cleaners, 1; Wardrobes, Novak, Ed Gerber and Max Del3, Smith Motors, 0; Kaiman In- rough. surance, 2, and Shrier Paints, 1. The boys displayed fine basketball spirit. These boys will be A little gas wan put on theheard from in later years in J. CLEANERS _BEAUT]iiiipP dying fire of the State Coal team C. C. basketball leagues. and Frank's boys exploded the Greenberg Fruits for two close VOLLEYBALL victories In Tuesday night's bit The J. C. C. Men's Health Club of. kegling. volleyball played against the BenAfter being ousted from Brat son Community Spikers Tuesday To Acquaint Yon -with a BEAUTY SALON Place last week after leading all night in the Center gym. Finer Quality of Cleaning season, the Gas team bounced FEATURES The following Center members back Into a tie for the lead to who participated and their posiSHAMPOO and FINGER GARMENTS start the.last round. WAVE tions are: Leslie Burkenroad, Abe FOR Tony Cohn's Herculean efforts Brodkey, Morris Franklin as spikcould not stop them. State Coal ers, and C. B. Shoppe, Joe- Cohn, honors were divided by lead-off Ey Belman and Dave Richards as • PERMANENT WAVES George Shapiro and Anchor Phil attackers. • at $3.50 and Up Katzman. George had a nice 543 CLEANERS and Phil a 567. HANDBAIili 716 Brandeis The*. Bids Florence Blvd. at Amti Seymour . Cohn's 602 was sec- The handball courts in the past AT 4333 KE 15OO ond high for the whole lea-^ue few days have really been taking and Tony's first competitive 600. a lot of punishment as over Hfty handball swatters have been parNice goin* TonyMax Canar's 469 was next high ticipating in the annual HandFIXTURE SUPPLIES for the Frnit boys. This inci- ball A. A. U. Junior and Senior dently is a fine series for Max.handball championships. who never became acquainted The Center Handball associawith a bowling bail until this tion was fortunate in signing outseason. I understand a hot let-of-town playera from Lincoln and ter from Sam Zweiback 'ad a lot Sioux City in addition to the local AND to do with the Coal boys hopping players from the Athletic club, ENTERPRISE MEAT Central club. Elks, Y. M. C. A. U . S . SLICING MACHINES back into first place. . GRINDERS AND and J. C. C. BREAD SLICERS COFFEE MILLS Large crowds have been in atThe second best match resulted In Clicquot's bottling up the Em-tendance at all these games with NEW AND USED SCALES, SLICERS pire Cleaners, 2 to 1. This match the doubles competition being AND CHOPPERS knocked the Empires down a completed Wednesday r*ght. The SERVICE ON ALL MAKES singles started last Thursday and notch, into a. tie for first.0i. O. EDDY A. J. STONER Again honors for high totals will continue until next ThursCON A. ANDERSON 704 Pierce St. 117 No. »MI St. •were shared by the leadoff and day, March 2. Sioux City. la. LJirooln, • Nefar. DISTRICT MANAGER anchor men on both teams. Oscar 8-4747 B: 8434 314 South 13th Street WRESTMNG (Hot and Cold) Mayerowich had Omaha. Nebraska The wrestlers of the Center a fine 548, and Cant. Abe FeldATLANTIC 6200 nran's 561 sparkled for the Eski- have been working out regularly with the Creighton Prep boys and mos. BUTTER The Empires' Pill with a 479 have a regular match scheduled LAUNDIVY •was hard to swallow. Although with them for this Saturday night. Captain Jack Melcher had a 521, Dr. Abe Faler, wrestling coach; he had no aid from the rest of the' sang. The way Norman and athletic coach, Lee Grossman, } AS THRIFTY A* Brown has been, performing Tues- are arranging an open Center day nights, I advise him to save wrestling tournament to be held ITS NAME his money and pass up the A... B. eoofl with the winners representQUALITY ing th& J. C- C. at the Y. M. C. A. . C. this year. _. . . .' And It Ffli-ni-i-'+*»« ; Norman can bowl only on oneopen wrestling tournament. W&mkday Drttdfpery Butter day, and the J. C.JC. Jeagna floes not roll Sundays. I won't print Mr. Brown's score for Tuesday, KIMBALL'S but it was bewteen 369 and '371.
The third match found the CREAM COMPANY Wardrobes in one of their heat AT 604O "vraves. The hapless, Smithless, WTotorless boys were of no help to the brave efforts of Sam You-Hungarian Head Objects sem, whose 529 was high for the to Being Branded Wearlna Apparel wathed team. Leo Blacker, a newcomer BUSINESS SCHOOL Anti-Semite apotletsly dean, delivered to the Smiths, started out with a lu«t damp enough to Iron 186 first game, "but couldn't make Budapest (JTA) — Premier his strike ball work the next two. Paul Telecki, successor ol anti- A L L THE FLATWORK • Without the services of Pudgy Semitic Bela Imredy who resignBEAUTIFULLY IRONED (Grocery Banquet) Steinberg, ed when his Jewish ancestry was Smiths were forced to use a straw revealed, served notice that he which netted their downfall. Cap- objects to being branded an antiSCHOOL OF tain Paul Steinberg again led the Semite. The new Premier instiBUSINESS Wardrobe boys with 556 and was tuted court action against 81.ably assisted by Dave Cohn and year-old Josef Veszi, retired ediCO-EDUCATIONAL Addition*! "Jc Dr. Morgan with 490, respec- tor-in-chief of Pester- Lloyd, for tively. ALL YEAR DAY AND so describing him. Veszi, a Jew, Pound* • Eau Dave Conn's bid on the wrecked had been editor of this semiofEVENING Smith Motors was Tefuaed by theficial organ of the Foreign Office The KIMBALL MONTHLY ENROLLMENT board. since 1913. Vaszi faces a fine of STANDARD COURSES 1,000 pengoes (about ?300). LAUNDRY COIONE C DUFFY, Owner . T h e last match of the evening While the new Premier has deAT O28O C. B.—5473 produced the highest team scores. clared Tie will proceed with Im2 0 7 S. I9th,St. JA5890 T h e revamped, much-inspired redy's anti-Jewish bill ,it is pointKaiman Insurance team plastered ed out here that expectations of the Shrier Paints with two de-some modification of the hill are JEWELRpsiill feats. Justified by als record. The .Abner Kaiman, who has taken Premier belongs to the school of a new interest in bowling, has "moderate anti-Semites" and as a found out he's got what It takes university professor always treatand rolled a classy 510 as lead- ed his Jewish students with oboff for his team. His team had jectivity. "Valentin Homan, -who WATCHES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS the high single game of 871 and replace3 Count Teleki as Minister TYPEWRITERS RADIO ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES high Beries of 2,422. of Education, is known as an exSIMON ' Sam Katzman with. 500 andtreme anti-Semite. Lee Hurwich with.505 aided Ab Conversions Increase in rolling this fine series. AlA eharp increase in the nnmthough Leo Weltz had an im-"ber of conversions, attributable to portant engagement, he showed present and pending anti-Jewish the fine spirit of a Captain by legislation, has brought protests showing up. He was amply re- from Christians object to atwarded by rolling a beauty of a tending serviceswho •with the con650 series. This spirit is what verts. Two Hungarian LADIES Calvtaist makes the J. C. C. league what It Bishops, announcing receipt of Your Fertu-8© SSssd f"JSSE Is today. I believe Leo Is gun-such protests from church memL Streets ning for a 700 series. More luck bers, issued an open letter saying Afternoon Tea - - - 2 5 e Always a Pine Variety ot (2—5 Only) that "=ih.«=j«fo n n e i Church rioea mHLFIS 4NP AND not wish to seek a political quesSEAFOODS DAILY 35c and 50: Solomonow with 463 were the tion. As long as It is not convincComplete Evening DinAlso the Finest other nice series on the Shrier ed that the conversion of some tiers, 5 P. M. t o 8 P. M. "earn. Israelites is a hypocritical gesSTEAM and CHICKEN ture, it must consider them to be DINNERS New faces appearing In J. C. brothers in Christ." PRIVATE DINING ROOMS C. lineups are Leo Blacker, Rube AVAILABLE Police investigating the bombr STTOftfne. Brown, Gomberg, Mart Ferer, ing of a synagogue revealed the 2IM4-15 CCISTTNEY BIC5. Jack Rosenblum. a n d Herbie existence of a secret terrorist orMA 4774 for Reservation Marks. Remarks for the books ganization known as the "Black and scenes for Silly- Symphonies Front," an affiliate of Capt. Fercan be heard and Been every enc Szalasl's Hungarist Nazi ParTuesday. night. Everyone should ty, The police said that a group ;ome to see their friends perform. of eight young members of the organization met two days before Next week's schedule brings the bombing at the Ireen House .he top State Coal team np of the Hungarian Nazis and were against the tough .Wardrobe instructed in every detail of the • team, the Empires against the bombing. Trial of five members Shriers, the Clicquots and Kai-of the organization will be held mans which should be a pip, and soon. • the Greenbergs against the Smith Motors. ROME CHIEF RABBI
6 lbs. 48c
GOING TO SEATTLE Two hundred scores for last Rome (JTA) — Special prayTuesday were: Feldman, 203; Melcher, 200; S. Cohn, 245; G.ers of thanksgiving were offered Shapiro, 214; H. Marks, 213, and by the Sephardic Jewish Commuaity here following receipt of a Leo Weitr, 245, 232. cable announcing that Isadora Kahan, Sephardic Chief Rabbi of CZECHS FOLLOW NAZI Rome, has been appointed spiritCLASSIFYING METHOD ual leader of a synagogue in SePrague (WNS) The Czecho- attle, Wash. slovak Cabinet decided to review Rabbi Kahan, a Hungarian by all citizenship papers obtained cy birth and an Italian by naturaliJews since October .1918, the date zation, . was among those ordered of Czecho-Slovakia's indepen- expelled from Italy under the dence.-It decided also to register anti-Semitic decrees of last Octoall Jewish refugees and to expel ber. He has been Sephardic chief rabbi here for the last six years. Lhem as soon as possible.
1DENT1AL Neal O'Hara has suggested that By "BEfEAS J. BDROJJ the correct translation of the OVERSEAS FLASHES name of Hitler's Schwarzer Korps The low-down on Bela Imredy's is blackguards . . , How about resignation from the Hungarian the dictatorships one-manprime ministry, ostensibly due to calling his discovery of a Jewish grand- lacracies? . . . 1IO1 City Mat*! Bk. mother i.n,his pedigree. Is this: REFUGEE KOTES It was opposition to the anti-Jew-, Hannes Schneider, ski expert ish measures. Jie Introduced - that of what used to be the Austrian AT 6500 really was. responsible . for his Tyrol, is now a refugee in this.. political 'downfall. . ..And If Ira-:country, having arrived just in redy really believed in everything time 'to teach enthusiasts the auhe said about the Jews while he thentic "Arlberg technique" that was Hungary'-. Number-One anti- is •&!« specialty . . . He now heads Semite, he should not have re- a New Hampshire ski school . . . . signed, bat should hire com- Which reminds us that it was a mitted suicide . . . Don't think Dr. Leo Roth of New York "who for a moment that the election introduced skiing here a quarter of a new Pope has no significance of a century ago, using a Central in the Nazi situation'. Tne wrong Park hill . . . Wolfgang Martin, man would tremendously etren- once the conductor of the Vienna ghthen Hitler's standing- In Bar-State Opera, now leads the Woope and America . . . George Ru- men's String Symphony of Baltiblee, who worked out the "agree- more . . . Another refugee who i s ment" between the Intergovern- doing well is Harry Hcrner of mental commission and the Reich Vienna . . . His stage settings for authorities, resigned immediately the Theatre Guild's "Jeremiah" after MB "achievement" because are receiving critical acclaim, and he has a suspicion that his scrap he Is now busy designing the cosof paper, will become a Munich tumes and sets for Broadway's ALFRED S. pact If attempts are made to put forthcoming "Family Portrait" . . ABOUT PEOPLE It Into execution . . . The Reich, j&ow that the pockets of the Ger- Remember we told you a man Jews hare been emptied. Is couple of years ago that Sidney INSURANCE CO. after money belonging to Jews Lumet. then playing the Thlrteenoutside Of Germany , . . That's Yeax-Old Boy in "The Eternal VmX Us Flnwte* Y e w all there is to the agreement . . . Roafl," •would one dayfoea feaCar or Refinance Y< The birth, of the ex-Kaiser's first tured film player? . . . "Well, the great-grandson, whose mother is critics are hailing his perfora Romanoff while his father is a mance in Paramount*s " . . . one Hohenzollern, is spuntn-: further third of a nation . . . " as superb rumors, of a coming German-Rus- . . . Actor Gustave Schacht, who sian alliance . . . The infant's is helping the Yiddish version of: father. Prince Louis Ferdinand, Clifford Odets1 "Awake a n d JUWICAUARWEKT5 Sing" be oae of the season's sucis a Nazi, by the way . . . cesses, is celebmting the birth of HERE AKT> THERE his third grandson . . . A son of Those close to Ed Eduard the Ernestine SclramaniiBenes*, ex-President of Czechoslo- Heinklate expecte-1 to have a part vakia, -w-ho Iig now in this coon- In the is brothers Nail spy try, will tell you that notwith- picture Warner . . . His mother, you may standing his official denials he Isremember, proudly provery pessimistic about tne future claimed thatalways she had a Jewish of the Jews in Czechoslovakia as grandmother — which still leaves long as Hitler dominates that her son an Aryan, to part of Europe . . . He is reported the Nuremberg laws according . To give to' have advised those Jews who the French public a. .trne-to-llfe asked for Ms counsel to get their of America, movie producer xelatlxes out of Czechoslovakia idea Property Fttt*d fc Henri spent four now, without waiting for further monthsDiamant-Berger in these United States Comfort to the developments . . . The face of the making sound recordings of pracpublisher of the London Jewish tically every phase cf American Patient Chronicle must be d these days life . . The records will be broad. . . In 1937 when Jamal Husseini, cost over the French official cousin of the Grand Mufti, visited radio system . . . The reports J We SpAeializtt Itt PropEngland, the Chronicle hailed about Dr. Sigmund Freud's fortherly Fit tin* tkm him as the great hope for better coming visit to this country are Patient Arab-Jewish relations . . . Hus- optimistic .». . Dr. Freud, who is seinl •was lionized and. dined by by no means a well man, will the Chronicle crowd, who even most probably cancel his trip . . . You are invited to call had him address Jewish audi- All the columnists hailel the reand consult Our Exences . . . At the present Arab- conciliation of Luise Ra'ner with Jewish-British conference in Lon- her playwright husband, Clifford pert Fitters. Men and don this same Hussein! Is the Odets . . . And the next morning Women Without most violent exponent of Arab- saw headlines announcing that antl-Je-risb. policy . . . Th« VegeObl&ation had sailed for London while tarian Society of New York is Luise Odets was en route to South pleading with newspaper editors America . . . not to call Hitler a vegetarian . . . They say that Mr. H. eats sausages . . . They might have (Copyright, 19S9, by Seven Arts ' Physician*', Nurses', Hosp?t»? Feature Syndicate) and Sick Room Supplies added that he likes human blood
HEAR YE An aside to those who' clamored for the continuation of Martin Dies* special brand of investigation of snbvere're activities: America's Number-One N a z i , Fritz Kuhn, Is going around raisa fWNS) — The Intering money for the investigation fund . . . We may seem a bit fus-governmental Committee on Refsy, but we are fed up with, those ugees acthc-ired the establishartists and performers trtio per- ment of s. private international mit the issning of publicity sbost corporation to finance a five-year their social Intimacy vrith or vuh- 1300,000,000 pls-i for tne emiISc acclam by Aflolph Hitler . . . gration of Jews from. Germany. The latest culprit is Eleanor The refugee committee disclosed Holm, girl friend of Billy Rose, it vrould try to mere 150,000 in the who wants Mr. and Mrs. America young Jevrs from Germany SB to know that she was feted by first year of the r^ 'B operation. Adolph trtiile Is Germany for the Sir Herbert Emerson, new di136 Olympics . . . Something is going to happen to Ivlax Schmel- structeS to inform the German ing becanse of the daring anti- government that It -roEl-fl conHitler unbliclty pat out about tinue to fierote its best efforts to him . . . The latest story from aiding "involuntary German refMax's jjress ag'ent describes him ugees." The corporation plan was a n ~£nmusTiisuC^Tl^T
EXCHANGE From Film Daily -we cull the story o* the Italian cops who vrere sent out to arrest any fcissers or booers at a shoeing of a German £ilra (the only kind permitted tu be imported into Italy today) . . . It seems that, contrary to expectations (the Aryaaed German films being •unpopular amos-g- the art-Iov'ng Italians), the gendarmerie returned without a Eingle prisoner . . "Tve couldn't arrest the entire audience," ^ a s taeir explanation . . .
i;i^d for
Torfe (WXS) — A Lincoln's birthday "mite offering" for Jewish refugee chiiden given by four Southern Churches j ^ "is the name ot Christ' vras sect j <, to Palestine by Kccacsali, thc-jc Tv'oaen'E Sionist Orts.nizat.ion of j ^ America. The Conor, Samuel C. | ^ KcK.ee, Secretary f the ?*'adison- _ ^ viile, Kectcrty Ministerial Asso-j^ ciaticc disclosed that the Christians of his4- corc.mv.EitT "felt keenly the plight of the Jetrs of j £ Eurcpe and irsshed. + > help."
New Shipment of Spring and Summer
Pastel Pearls $1 $1.50 $1.95 «05</i So. 18th S t Securities Bldg. Lobby
| \ J. ^ *• vSi
HARVESTER COMPANY 15th A Jones JA 7800 W» Do Our Own Financing
SS3 So. 13
Medical Arta Bide. Omaha, Nei, Phone ATlantie 6S2f
Billy Rose's Refugee Review, posals T5r. Rubles brought back • ^ demonstratively enjoying all thefrom, conferences vrith 1SF.I1 olli- ' cracks against the Fuehrer . . . cials is Eer'is. Tie emigration of young JewA to? to the agencies •which organized the anti-Xazi boycott, ish Mrage earners frcr- Germany j 5 / and to the Aineriean Federation as soon as possible vr&s the first j % l. of Labor, u-liich is supporting part Gf the Plan ana VTLOZB re-1 that boycott: Keep an eye on theEminlng in tlis Eelct woulS ftnre negotiations novr going oa for ex- E certain amount of. 'reeS tensive bartej deals between Ger- vrork End live cntxl the j-r many and American Midwestern e~5grants could arrance eventfarmers and packers . . . This is ually to call for their parents or ) I the beginning of a bis: drive to relatives. break the boycott in this country
32nd and
Jackson 1<MO
r&r fTt-^Trrvr*-r i
S£5 So, tSih St. AT &ZB2 * Candies Tobecrc
* Cigar* • Pipes
per that it has "plenty of parking . . . but ae quickly disappeared . space." . . . Who wants 't? . . . A . the cameraman was busy on big New York publishing house closeups of McLaglen's molars. At will shortly bring out one of the year's most sensational books . odd moments thereafter when . Which, develops the thesis — things were slack, someone apDorothe Saltzmaa By Bud Freed not new — that Berlin's bully-boy parently ventured, "Let's take a MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent is no longer among the living . . shot of Gunga Din," and out popAn A. Z. A. meeting was held His job is being handled by PRESSED OUT—Foreign langWednesday evening at the home number of the lads who doubled ped Jaffe from hiding. They gave uage theatre which opened reof Arnold Linco'n. The monthly Under the direction of Forfor him . . . The Hy (JTA) Wish him a grand fadeout though . program was distributed" by Aleph cently in downtown Los Angeles Ga.11.0., the San Carlo Opera but then he was dead and no men- is attempting to create a method tuno engrads have reproduced again Godol Telpner. company is scheduled to appear . . A girl . . . Arthur Settel, for Plans are being made for an ace to closeups. which, should it meet with suc- at the Paramount theater in Omamer JTA Cairo correspondent, i.( A. Z. A. Sabbath. To our seasoned preview eyes cess, might spread and prove an March r.ncl 4, and to preThe Jewish youth organizations BOOK 1EVIEW now on the editorial staff of the "Gunga Din," with its million- entering wedge for fascist proplladam • Butterfly Carmen, of the city will join the other could be superber Than American Jewish Congress . . dollar sham battles, looked like aganda in large population cen- sent C a r , The next B'nai B'rith meeting Nothing youth groups of the "city, at a "A Peculiar Treasure" by Edna That figure 153,774 mentioned in collected shaving from "Lives of a ters. .Theatre submits advertising and II Trovator, three well-known will be held' Monday, February Perber. last week's colyum represents th Bengal Lancer,'' "Charge Of the copy plus the usual blurbs which Dr. Louis Finkelstein, dean of Brotherhood Day meeting, to be 27, at the Eagles Hall. maximum total nu ber of quota Light Brigade," and others of dailies usually run somewhere in grand operas. the Jewish Theological Seminary held Sunday, February 26, at the San Carlo's Omaha appearance* 'of America and a well known First Presbyterian Church at 3 SURPRISE: One of the finest immigrant admissible into th that ilk . . . and we hand it the theatrical section as news. In silcc will mark the 20th annual tour A meeting of the Talmud Torah o'clock. Clubs meeting on Sunday United States in any one year author, will speak at a noon alleged publicity for picture, thea- conducted by Mr. Gallo. ' This will be held March 6. Further personalities in American Jewish under the 1924 Immigration Ac "epic" prize for unreality; luncheon this Sunday at Shaare afternoon have changed their information life got the surprise of his life the ter takes opportunity to issue year's tour was begun with a regarding this meetmeeting time to enable them to . . . If anybody should ask you Zion. synagogue. His topic will be other night . . . When the entire propaganda. Thus far the L. A. lengthy stay in New York's Meting will be announced later. attend this meeting. We'll take 'Fisherman's Wharf novelist I. V. Morris looks a lo "The iFuture of Judaism." staff of the American Jewish papers have successfully staved ropolitan opera house, where, in Among the numbers on the for humanness. Producer Sol LesDr. Finkelstein is > the author program wil bi an address by • The next meeting of the Agu-Committee tossed a dinner for like Henry Montor, of the UPAser served the preview on a silver off attempts to crack their col- I two weeks' time, che attendance of many articles and books and George Galinsky, and songs by dus Achim lodge is Thursaay Harry Schneidermar in testimony . . . Louis Adamic, the writer, is platter of Crustacea. In short, the umns. Theatre is now attempting totaled 70,000 opera lovers. to his 30 years as editor of the gathering information for a book press was stuffed with a fish din- to bring pressure on sheets under . Opera goers will remember San contributor to many journals. the choir of Shaaro Zion synago- evening, March 2. Yearbook and committee assistant to be called A Nation of Nations, ner After serving ten years as rab-gue. the better to see the pre-•argument that papers are violat- Carlo opera seasons held in Omasec'y. . . .They gave. him a gor- which will contain one or more view,—my bi of a prominent New York city dears. About five hun- ing freedom of press. To date no ha in past years under the sponchapters on the Jews in America Mr. and Mrs. Abe 3ear are exgeous traveling bag . . . congregation, Dr. Finkelstein bedred guests banqueted in the Fi- organization has shouldered the sorship of the World-Herald, and . . . To gather all the data pos pected home .today from Lawcame: professor of theology at esta Room of the Ambasador. At theatre's slightly reversed torch, will welcome the return of Mr. sible, he's circulating broadsides rence, Kans., where they attendthe seminary. He was graduated INTERVIEW: A prominent to 7,000 members of the Jewish a center table was Bobby Breen, and papers continue their ban Gallo's artists who will include ed an annual reunion, on Februfrom;! the Seminary in 191S and Yiddish journalist' was interview- Publication Society asking for Henry Armetta, and their famil- stating that they will have no part Coe Glade, Dimitri O n o f r e i , ary 22. • holds the degree of Doctor of ing the Frankfurters in their new help in the way of facts, details ies . . . and we defy Mussolini's of subversive propaganda. Mostyn Thomas, Hi7i Koyke, They, also visited in Kansas Washington Ehilosophy from Columbia Uniapartment recently . ideas, opinions, etc., on the drama racial experts to designate the Tandy MacKenzie, Norino Greco, : City. . INCLUDED OUT — Sam Goldversity. . . The journalist, who was break- of the Jewish story in this coun "Aryan" difference . . , all with Lyuba Senderowna, Nino and ing In a new pair of kickers, was try . . . B'nai B'rith has captur- black hair and dark eyes, they wyn lost his opportunity to be- Harold Kravitt and many others. The luncheon, Sunday will beA panel discussion on "Jewish come a radio actor on the GateMeyerson, student at acutely uncomfortable . . . Ob- ed Hollywood . . . The- Beverly looked like' one family! gin at 12 o'clock. Madame Butterfly will be preWomen in History" will be a fea- Leo university, way to Hollywood prgram when sented on Saturday afternoon a t is spending the serving his' fidgets, Mrs. E. po- Hills Lodge was organized with ture of the program a t the meet- Drake •'Fisherman's Wharf," for coling of the Senior Hadassah chap- week-end here with his .parents, litely asked the reason for his 647 charter members, making i orful background, is one of Bob- Jesse Lasky dropped a page of 2:15, and II Trovator will be apparent discomfort . . . The jourGoldwyn's name was on heard Saturday evening at 8:15. ter Tuesday, February 28. Mrs.Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Meyerson. biggest lodge ever organized by Breen's best. The story is script. nalist explained, that his "shoes the dropped page which included an Carmen will be held Friday eveLouis Agranoff, Mrs. Herman in the order's 96-year history . . simple-. . . the music lilting . . . Licht, and Mrs. S. Bolotnikov "Maxine Leibovitz left late last were uriberably tight . . . Mrs. Even Slapsie Maxie Rosenbloom the photography, excellent . . . introduction to United Artist pro- ning at 8:15. Prices for the two evening perwill speak on the panel. Mrs. Max week for Iowa City, where she F. smiled understanding^ . . . belongs . . . And can now rub el and the atmosphere of the lowly ducer. By time situation was Goldwyn's allotted formances will be $2.75, $2.20, Rosenstock is in charge of • the will spend a few weeks. She also "It must be." •she.said, "as bad bows with such notables as the homespun life of a group of Ital- corrected, as waitfng for the Senate's contime had flown. program arrangements and will plans to visit in Dubuque, Water$1.65, $1.10 and S3 cents, a n d ' ' - Ritz brothers, the Marx brothers, ian fishermen itt San Francisco loo, Muscatine and Rock Island, firmation." . A matinee and evening show- preside during the program. for the matinee, $2.20, $1.65, Jack Warner J r . Sol Lesser and BABY SNOOKS—Fannie Brice's Bay provides a pleasant hour in • • • ' ing ot the Jewish movie "The The meeting will be preceded 111. others . . . . . option has not been lifted by $1.10, S3 and 55 cents. All seat* the theatre. Sinking Blacksmith" will be giv-by a dessert luncheon at 1:30 at HUMOR: Goebbels* punishMetro. I t is rumored that she will be reserved. Herbert Rosenthal, student at ment of several German. comeden here Sunday, February 26, in the Jewish Community Center. Box office will be open Satnr* will join 20th-Fox. Meanwhile, Edward Robinson, -who owns the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. S. B. Gelfand and Mrs. Mark the University of Nebraska^ vis- ians who pei'sfsted in cracking day a t World-Herald. however, she will continue to do one of the finest private collecited here last week-end. • * The afternoon show will start at Sabel are chairmen of the lunchwise at the expense of the Nazi tions of paintings, likes originals Baby Snooks on Good News pro3 o'clock and the evening per- eon and Mrs. M. E. Skalovsky regime recalls that the quality . . . but not too original. His five- gram due to studio deal with Included In the cast • of "Ceil- of formance at 8. with Mrs. I. Levin in charge of anti-Nazi Joke in Germany year-old hopeful, Manney, inherits Maxwell Huse which states that By HELEN ZIGMOND ing Zero,"1 all school play of the Is an . The movie, written by David the dining room. gauged not by the laughs it the bent but not the manner. The she must be on radio hour. University of Omaha, is Eugene brings Pinski. is brought here by the Mrs. W. C. Slotsky will preside Telpner. but by the length of term kiddie has' developed a flare for GAS—Irring Berlin heading for Poale Zion and Pioneer Women's at the meeting. (Continued from page 1.) it draws in a concentration camp Hollywood — Jesse Lasky is murals, but how can anyone paint groups. David Sperling, and Mas for its originator or repeater . . . one of those rare persons . . . a murals bn paper? Manney's solu- Phoenix, Arizona, t o clefr > fiv6 Mason, will speak briefly followOne of the finest collections of native son of California. He wastion Is Bimple: "Papa should re- numbers for his next musical a t ians for if we're not going to en* ing each performance. anti-Nazi "Fluesterwltze" (whis- born in San Jose -. , . the third move the 'old masters' from the 20th-Fox, "~..*hen Winter Comes." joy it?" Bhe asks. pered Jokes) is published in the generation on California soil. His walls, and he, Manney. would fill Pic will star Don Ameche and Admission will be thirty-five So I guess III not be convertcurrent issue of Ken . . < .-cents for adults'and ten cents for grandfather was a hero of cover- them up with murals. Then his Rudy.Valtee . . .-Seymour Felix children, and proceeds will go ed-wagon days, and his father parents: won't have to buy .anyhas been signed to -do dance direc- ed, Bince as a conscientious Chris* Gerry Gross and his "Fashions tion for 20th-Fox's "Rose ot tion I should feel obliged to take TRAVEL: Waiters, on Atlantic was established, in the shoe'bus- more costly paintings. toward the German Refugee in Music" orchestra will be Washington Square" . . . Repub- up the pains of Jews vicariously. liners try to avoid assignments .to iness when Jesse appeared on the Funds. . brought here from Omaha, to supis first studio , to adopt plan It would be just trading pain lor refugee tables . . . Anticipating scene.. ply music for the Purim Dance", Another precocious youngster lic small tips . . . But many a waiter OL putting all screen credits at pain. given by the Ladies Auxiliary of is Harry j o e Brown, jr., who at end of pictures. I am mindful of a 'group of conis pleasantly surprised by the genwill follow Shaare Zion, Sunday evening, Did you know that Eddie Can- the ripe age of four becomes an title from -which Cast Warsaw (JTA) — Fifty years erous gratuities handed out by verted Jews who live in Baltipoint pic will March 4. The band features a ago two Jewish banker-philanth. . . Which not infre- tor was orphaned when an infant actor AND a critic! Cast for a begin. Directors, writers and more. They call themselves ChrisHammond organ played by Ernie ropists, the brothers Wawelbefg, refugees . . . was brought up by his grandpart with his mother, Sally Eilers, quently exceed the tips given by bth«r Hollywood craftsmen will tian Jews by which they mean Hostesses have been named for Priesman, songs by Gerry Gross founded .the Wawelberg Technical notables of the highest order and mother? I t was Grandma Esther in "They Made Me a Spy," and probably complain . . . Louis R. they are still Jews who religiousand several novelty numbers. High School, which soon was rewho unwittingly started his caunder the supervising eye of his the Book Review Tea, to be givother-apparently well-to-do travly believe otherwise than most According to the ticket com- garded as one of the finest tech- elers. reer. One summer through the father, associate producer, Junior Lipstone takes over Paramount Jews do. They publish an interen by the Council of Jewish Wommusic department succeeding mittee, an unusually large attennical institutes in the city. Community "Welfare Center she is developing movie acumen. One en on March 6, when Rabbi David esting little paper called "The was able to send him to Surprise day, watching his mother, he crit- ©orris * Morros% . ' . Leni Riefen- Mediator," (Henry Einsprung, edNow, the'director of the WaffGoldstein of Omaha will review dauce is expected at the dance, KOSHER: There are fifteen sthahl received a parting adieu which will he given at the BelleCamp. There, at an enter- icized, "You weren't actng . elberg school has expelled 45 the Joseph series by Thomas itor.) o£ schochtlm In. NewLake Tue Ball room. Jewish students because they re- grades tainment Eddie gave imitations of you didn't say anything." Sally from Hollywood that was in strict Mann. It is altogether unlike the genYork's troubled schochtim union fused to sit in "'ghetto" benches . . . They are graded according to his grandma Interviewing the Po- explained she didn't have any keeping with the icy reception shfe eral Tlio Hostesses include Mesconversionist press, what met. In leaving she. was quoted assigned them under Governmentlish servant girl. It . threw the lines for that scene. He mulled it dames.Leo Chaiken.A. Agranoff, skill and experience . . . And the camp into hysterics , » . 'waB Msover, then advised, "You oughtta as saying to inhabitants of Ger-»| with its intelligence, what witli backed regulations in-force since L. Agranoff, A. H. Baron, David entire union numbers - only 311 first -big- "hit." • an absence of fanaticism. It is, 1 9 3 7 . • ..-•••. , man 1 embassy. " I hope next time indeed, say Bomethln'". Baker, Si Krueger, Abe Pill, Joe members. , almost like any Jewish Services at the Beth Abraham it will be different when I come, The students had been under Rosenthal, W. C. Slotsky, Sam and Tiphereth Israel synagogues paper you might pick up in ita yes?" Supply your own answer ShulEIn, M. Menin, Sam Bailin, will begin at 6:15 this evening suspension since they began the Sam Pokrass relates how he worrying about the current pain Nev'mind, h'it's f a l l Tight, 'OrMETAMORPHOSIS: Any day Abe Davidson, A. "1. Davis, L. S. and, Saturday morning a t 9 practice' of' standing in the rear now that famous bumbershoot of ace . . . just a bit dashed, don't was boarding a street car when . . . Dwain Esper, independent of Jews, in its protest against tbe of the classroom in .protest and distributor, closed a persecutors. Those c o n v e r t e d Goldberg, Joe Kutcher,. SI Rich, may turn into a you know, at the sight of Sam he noticed that, a lady in front of producer t against the regulation. A memor- Chamberlain's M. Rubin, C. E. Stein, B, Rosen- o'clock. him had a monkey under her deal with Miss Riefenstahl for Jews haven't been able to escape bbmbershoot . . . And the Nazis, Jaffe, one of the finest actors of andum they had sent ot the,Min- remembering1 Munich, may be stage or screent sacrificed to the arm. Nudging the conductor he Olympic pictures which no one the agony of Israel and " don't thai and A. I. Schwartz. Harold Lebowich, son of Mr. A^Fnrim motif will br carried and Mrs. Abb Lebowich, 810 18th ister of Education some time ago surprised to find it loaded . • « insignificant innocuous part of asked if monkeys were allowed else would have . . . Berlin's very seem to want to. They appear to was forwarded to the school's diont during the program. Gunga Din. They seem to want in the car. The nickel-taker anr much annoyed with American be better Christians by remaining street, will celebrate his Bar rector and their expulsion followHEADLINE: "Hitler," a rece,nt Jaffe in pictures, but not in his swered, "Just sit in a corner . . . film industry which, they say, conscious Jews. Mitzvah tomorrow morning at the ed. stands under "predominating (Copyright 193-9 by Seven Arts headline, based on a ston* of the own skin. First he was Lama in nobody will notice you!" Beth Abraham synagogue. Jewish influence" . . . Their "inVegetarian Society, announced, "Lost Horizon" and now "bheeFeature Syndicate Mr. and Mrs. Lebowich will reAntonio Enfiq'uez Gomez, a "Is-Not a Vegetarian." . . . It stee" of "Gunga Din" . . . in both, cessant agitation against the ceive their friends In the synago- Marrano who later professed his will be news when the headline completely unrecognizable even to Third Reich in the United States, gue social hall following the servwhich among other things ham- "Salman Schneour Arrive* A Purim dance and party will ice, in honor of their son. Cantor Judaism, was Spanish court poet. reads: HITLER IS NOT A CAN- a doting mother. pered the showing of the OlymNIBAL . . . be given by the Youth Council at A. Pliskin will conduct the servMidway through the film, when New York (JTA) — Salman Jews until 1848 were forbidden pics film," further annoys them Schneour, the Jewish Community Center, ice. Rabbi S. .1. Bolotnikov will the smoke cleared and the racket Paris (WNS) —The Count of the Yiddish-Hebrew to live in the Grand Duchy of MISH-MASH: A funeral parlor died down, we descried Jaffe in Paris, heir to the pretender to . . . And that is the reason, they poet Saturday evening, February 25. speak on this occasion. author, arrived from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. advertises in an Anglo-Jewish pa- a far corner . . . encourajjing sign the French throne, condemned go on to say, for the tacit boy- Paris and Everyone is invited to attend the Tuesday on the lie <le affair. anti-Semitism in his newspaper, cott of American films in the France, at the invitation ot the A six piece orchestra will sup"Courrier Royale." Third Reich, These aren't Jewish National Workers* Alliply the music for dancing and a "Tne spiritual atmosphere of tears you see;—It's just the ance, for a lecture tour covering' Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will Purim. theme will be carried out France, permeated as it is. with onions . . . of important cities in the United in the entertainment and decora- speak on "God Living in Our Christianity, reason and human"Haym Solomon," originally States and Canada. This Is his Midst" at the service in Monnt tions. ity," said the article, "has no Intended as a feature-length pic- first' visit to America since 1922, Joe Goldstein is chairman of Sinai Temple this evening. .The place for racial struggles. That ture by "Warner Brothers, will be He will be the guest at a recep* service begins a t 8 o'clock. the affair. Assisting him will be is why it is. certainly exaggerated issued as a two-reeler under the tion here Sunday evening. Annabell Emleln, Soyel Heshelow, to speak of a Jewish peril in title "Sons of Liberty," with The Bazaar groups of the TemMiriam Rocklinv Miriam Blank. France as far as it concerns the Claude Rains playing the part of Patronize Our Advertisers ple Sisterhood will have a desThe A. W. R. club is in charge French Jews who become part of Haym . . . "Confessions of a Nazi of "the floor arrangements and sert luncheon and meeting this the French community." Spy" will be released "as i s " in BEN E. kAZLOWSKY, Atty. decorations, and the Intermediate afternoon in the Temple Annex. The Count regarded foreign spite of pressure from the Brown 532 Insurance Bldg. Dramatic Club will be in charge Jews as formingpart of the probShirt powers that be to drop the Members of the Temple Broth, of refreshments. * NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PE* lem of immigration, a delicate picture or failing that, a change erhood held a stag meeting MonTITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF The committees are making day question to be treated with gen- of title . . . Central figure of a evening at the Martin Hotel. FINAL ADMINISTRATION : plans to accomodate a large aterosity. Warner Brothers film, to be callACCOUNT f tendance. ed "The Bishop Who Walked In the County Court o f With God" is The Rev. Dr. Mar-County, Nebraska. Junior Hadassah will meet next tin Niemoeller, head of the LuthIn the Matter of the Estate of Tuesday evening in the Jewish eran Church in Germany who Simon Dikimewicz, Deceased: persons interested in said mat* dared to speak his mind and now ter.AUare A Mah. Jong- tournament will be Community Center. Miss Ida Edhereby notified that on tha sponsored by Council of Jewish elman is in charge of the proBerlin (WNS) — A special resides in a Nazi concentration loth day of February. 1939. Eva Women Wednesday, March 1, at gram and Miss Dena Baron will decree issued here declared that camp . . . Charlie Chaplin wants Dikiniewtcz filed a petition in saia Court, praying that her final 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community presiSe. "aryan" landlords must report to Fannie Brice fo play Hitler's wife County account filed herein be Center., • .. official offices all dwellings free in his forthcoming "The Dicta- administration settled and allowed, and that she ba of Jewish tenants or which in the tor." discharged from her trust as admln« . Participants will bring bundles istratrix and that a hearing will be future will be vacant. Landlords (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts had oJ old clothing to be sent by on said petition before said Court are permitted to give Jewish Council to Ellis Island. AttracFeature Syndicate.) on the 11th day ot" Ma.rch, 1939, and tenants notice without warning tive tournament prizes. that if you fail ts aii'.vai- before said Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Levine, 1106 Court on the f=ni'-1 Hih dsy of March, and these dwelling's, now occu19SD, at 9 o'clork A. M., and contest Iowa street, announce the engagepied by the disenfranchised, will said petition, the O u - r may grant the Shcutre Zion ment of their daughter, Miss be made available to Germans. prayer of Fair. piMuinn, emer a decree Goldie Levine, of Portland, Oreof heirship. r.ncl nir-.U« such other and A fin&ace ministry announce.Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz ' will gon, to George Maccoby of Portfurther onirrs-. ;;!wra!iees and dement in the official tax paper disWhen H. .V Kaltenborn. the crees, as fo iv::>- Onip-t may seem speak on "Rabbi Akiba" at the land. closed that the government was author, to the f^-" thrtt all matters on world af- proper, service this evening, basing his The. bride-elect has resided In having serious trouble in coilect- fairs at authority pel-Killing to s;'k. esi-ie may ba 1 Technical high school's sermon on the biography written Portland for the last year. She V id ng the $400,000,000 punitive auditorium, the audiences will by. Dr. I». Finkelstein, who will is a graduate of Central High fine levied on German Jews as not see a movie type newshawk. speak«here Sunday. School. "punishment" for the shooting of Instead they will see and hear Cantor Morris Okun and the a German embassy attache in a polished and America's synagogue choir will chant the Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg Paris by a Jewish youth. This shrewdest speaker news commentator. service. . . . entertained last Friday evening, announcement was coupled witb Ever since his student days -.,1 honoring Humphrey Sabel of nstructions to Jews to sell all Harvard, Mr. Kaltenborn has Saturday morning, Eugene Mat- London, England, who is making personal belongings before , at- been winning honors because of lln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan his home with the Goldbergs. empting to liquidate stocks, :iis speaking ability. Matlin will celebrate his fear bonds or real estate. The measAn associate editor of the Mitzvah at Shaare Zion; Mr. and The Ivre Club met Tuesday eveure was believed necessary beEa-^le, Mr. Kaltenbovn Mrs. Matlin will^ serve refresh- ning in the Jewish Community cause of heavy depreciation of Brooklyn n the early days of radio packed ; ment to the Junior Congregation Center. eal estate \-alues as well as a that paper's auditorium each in honor of Eugene. stock market slump. week as he lectured on current Mrs. Leon Gladwin of Detroit, events. More than 100 women attended Michigan, is visiting her with Mr. It was his ability to attract the Purim Tea given Tuesday by and Mrs. M. Silver and Mr. and arge crowds at these lectures the Ladles Auxiliary. Featured on Mrs. A. Galinsky. which resulted in Mr. TO.lienthe program was a piano number born's stepping into radio in by Morton Raskin and Opal BulJoe Hendlyn departed recently The Northwestern Bell Tele- 1922.. lard, and. a skit by members of for a-Florida vacation. phone Company arid .ubsidiaries Typical of rewEbawks. v the Auxiliary. A bake sale con) the threat of now tragedies of the work of the Joint Distribution Emigration assistance to Palestine at the end of 1S3S owned and .op- have advanced far in the journcluded the. meeting Mrs. Sam Krupnick will arrive for millions of Jews in Europe, Committee, the United Palestine is their only hope. Happy German erated S21,000 telephones in the alism profession. Mr. Knlfcnborn in Sioux City today, to spend the of Iowa, Minnesota, Ke- still considers hirziseU as a reBeginning next Monday, and week end, enroute from Californ- American Jewry has made dramatic Appeal, and the National Coordinat- refugee children are shown ia photo states ;raska, South Dakota and North porter. continuing on,alternate Mondays, ia to her home in Chicago. Mrs. answer In the organization ot the ing Committee Fund, Inc., which are 3 taken in one of the hundreds of Dakota. There was a net gain of Jewish Appeal for Refugees combiped in the United Jewish Ap- Palestinian farm settlernects £aRabbi Rabinowitz will present Krupnick before moving to Chi- United 0,459 telephones, or about 2.5 those of The Tri-State TelepI and Overseas Needs, combining in peal headed by Rabbi Abba Hillel anced by thet'UPA. Photo 4 shows cago was an instructor in the He.three lectures on the literature of unprecedented nationwide cam- Silver, of Cleveland, and • Rabbi a water well being bored by Jewish >er cent, during the year. Calls I and Telegraph Company cud the Bible. These meetings will be brew School here. She will be a- one paign the three major agencies deal- Jonah B. Wise, of New York, Na- settlers in Palestine. Young refu- averaged 5,000,000 daily. Of this ' Dakota Central Telephone Co;nguest in the home of Rabbi and a continuation of the book review gees beiag trained as weavers are Jaily average, about 100,000 were Pany, subsidiaries fo the NorthIng with the problem • of the refu- tional Chairmen. Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz. group of the Ladies Auxiliary. the subject of photo 5 taken ia a ong distance calls. gees from Germany and the plight Photo 1 shows a family of Jews r;Tde meeting will begin at 1:30 JDC maintained refugee camp ia - These figures are from the an- western Bell Company. of Jews in European lands, the living in an underground hovel In Members of the Sisterhood promotion of Immigration and set-Poland where the. JDC is carrying Belgium. As soon as refugees pass nual Monday and": will be held at the report of the board of ci- ) were hostesses at a Card party in Jewish Community.Center. through freedom's gates (photo 6) •ectors .of the Northwestern Bell tlement In Palestine, and refugee on many reconstructive services; the Temple Annex Wednesday Will share flre-roosrs hocpe and Integration in the Photo 2 shows the plight of a Jew- they are aided to settle and adjust Telephone Company announced Emma Lazarus was introduced evening. Mrs. Jack Robinson and adjustment themselves to their new environ- >y President A. A. X,owman at the •with nice cocple or with ish mother and daughter, among United States. here by the National Cooi .nnual meeting of the company middle-aged lady. HA ES2S. to|the literary world by Ralph Mrs. M.'A. Weiner wer.e in charge Pictured above are some phases hundreds, who are stranded in "no- ment of arrangements. .-...'<=' • •Waldo Emerson. man's-land" in. Central Europe. diaatiag Committee. 'ebruary 9. The figures includes
Council Bluffs
Hollywood Merry-Go-Rourscf
To Participate in Brotherhood Day
Our Film Folk
Auxiliary Names Dance Orchestra
Hostesses Named for Council. Tea
Orthodox Synagogue
Purim Masquerade Party at Center
^ ^
French Royalists Hit Anti-Semitism
Mount Sinai
U. J. A.—America's Answer to Plight of Jews Abroad
unior Hadassah
Nazis' Find Fine Hard to Collect
Kaltenborn Unusual "News Commentator
Increased Use of Telephones