March 3, 1939

Page 1

In the Interests of the Jewish People


Hainan and Hitler

There ^are those who have told me that Hitler is the modern reincarnation of Haman (whose melancholy death is being observEnteredas Second Class Mai! Matter on January 31. 1931. at ed the evening of March 4 and the Fostoffice. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1878 day ot MaTch 5 ). ' Yet this theory is not flattering to Haman who among the big po\?romists must be rated as a gentleman with humane instincts. Reincarnation, as I understand it, contemplates the progressive improvement fo the soul at every rebirth and, certainly, it can not be argued that as a pogromist Hitler represents any upward and onward development. On the contrary, there is definite evidence of retrogression from the generMM SigmaHonors ous,soul of Haman. It is time to Mrs. Cohn's give Haman his due. Memory In him was none of the sadism that enjoys long-drawn out suffering- To him the destruction of At the annual meeting of M^ human life was not something to Sigma, Omaha's :; oldest womplax with but a disagreeable maten's literary organization, the ter to be'QUielily disposed of. His following poem by Cora Phebe sensitive nature dia not permit Former Chairman of Refu-i Mullin was read in memory of him to carry guilty stains on hie gee Committee Has Mrs. Frederick "Conn. T h e hands for more than a -day. poem was also incorporated inFaith in Project So it was the 13th of Adar to Rabbi Wice's eulogy: that he decreed for the settlement PLIGHT ALLEVIATED Sweet was her voice and low, of the whole Jewish problem — Lovely her face and kind, not seriously but all in one day. There was to be the least of suf- Monsky Warns Against Her judgments wise and firm, The mirror of her mind. Too Great Hope in fering: On the morning of the 13th of Adar a Jew would get Nazi Pledge Gentle; her thoughtful way. out of his bed wrap himself in Peaceful her counsel wise; his Vfillim, commend his soul to By DANIEL £. SCHORB and good will for all the mercy of God and by evening New York (JTA) — George Love' It would be all over with him. Rublee returned from his six- Shown from her candid ieyes. A pogrom, to the gentle heart month mission as director of the Beautiful, wise, and kind; Of Haman, was a holiday that Intergovernmental Refugee Com- Mother and friend and wife; Should last no more than a day. mittee, convinced that the emi- Each of us richer in knowing A moderate man. he had no un-gration terms he negotiated in The beauty of her life. quenchable thirst f o r blood. Berlin would result in "great alBlood, like wfne, was to he en-leviation"' of tlie Jewish plight in So rare her gifts and heart: r joyed best if taken in the single Germany. The plan, Rublee de- The memory of them gives occasion of one feast; its.intoxi- clared on hoard-the Queen Mary, A solemn benediction will make'it possible for 150,000 To the mourning group which cation palled in'a long-spree. It is no credit ot the -gentle Jews to emigrate within an "outmemory of Haman to suggest side limit" of five years an-d "will that-his soul has marched on into make possible orderly emigration, the body Of Hitler who even after instead of the chaotic exodus ex^ an orgy :of six years .is, not yet isting until now." . The principal problems now sated.. '.. .: / ' ". V/':;:.. :.'. .. • t h e Intergovernmental Haman, indeed, was a pogrom- facing' Committee, the 70-year-old "Washist far ahead of his barbaric timos. ington lawyer and friend of Presfar ahead even of the barbarian ident Roosevelt are: (1) to pogromists of our own times who find places for said, emigrants to make a pogrom, a matter of years go to and (2) tothe find a means of and Btretch, out its. pan for the financing the; emigration. Rabbi Wice Conducted sadistic enjoyment of the people. garding the first; Rublee '... ReBetween Haman and Hitler !s that investigations were nowsaid Rite at Temple Israel . in all the difference between the progress or contemplated- in BritSunday drinker who knows that suffici- ish and Dntch Guiana, in the Doent unto the day is the Wood minican Republic,' where he said • Over six hundred, persons, Inthereof and the drunken sot who there were "good possibilities," cluding many local dignitaries, keejis himself full through the Northern Rhodesia and in 'the attended the funeral services held '.. y e a r s . , v ' .'•'.'. • ' ••' ;'" ' • " ' afternoon at Temple IsPhilippine-; Islands, specifically Sunday rael for Mrs. Esther KJelmen Haman the dilletante, to whom the island of Mindanao. Hagen Colin, 63-, wife of Rabbi :. a pogrom was hut the hour's pasCorporation Necessary Frederick Conn. Rabbi David H. time; Hitler, the serious pogromRegarding the second, he said Wice of Temple Israel conducted ist. •'••• "• . v , : ' • ; . - . ••-. . that it would, cost jit least $1,000 This is not to say that Haman for each emigrant—-more if mass the service. was any less- the >sood business colonization was contemplated-— man on account of being' as sport- (thus making a minimum or ing as he was in the matter of his 5150,000,000 for the 150,000 pogrom- Like Hitler he was not proposed emigrants). The core nnawara pf the profit to beLJiad: of the solution ~ofrr4fl«~«aa<Bdal from a pogrom. In the Book of problem, he said, would be aprlEsther we find that on the 13th rate international corporation day of Adar the Haman pogrom- which would raise its funds ists were "to -destroy, to slay and through a loan or in any other to cause all to perish,. . » them, way it sees fit. .' , their little ones and women, and Rublee declined to discuss the TO TAKE THE SPOIL, OF THEM nature of the memorandum conFOR A PREY." taining the German government's . By this Haman meant plainly "unilateral" terms on emigration, to say that his storm troopers but he did state that he believed were to have the booty accruing there would be no further antifrom the dead Jews. We observe Jewish excesses in Germany like a generous man of the people who the November pogroms and he was happy to divide the wealth also stated that the emigration of the Jews among the soldiers as plan did not involve increased reward for a successful pogrom. commercial export of German A-gain we see a difference of goods. generosities; for Hitler hands the To Report to Hull confiscated wealth of Jews to the "I held three talks with Dr. keeping of industrial tycoons who Hjalmar Schacht (then president Mrs. Frederick Cohn financed his rise to power. There ot the Reichsbank) and nine with is nothing for the strom-troopers. Dr. Helmut Wohlthat (ministerial Mrs. Cohn died last .Thursday While the German electrical trust director of the Economics Min- morning, February 23, at the fattens by swallowing the electri- istry)," Rublee said. "The re-home of her daughter, Mrs.. Ben . cal interests of dispossessed Jews, sult was that I brought back-to Silver. She had been ill for the the storm trooper Kuno Schwein- report to the Intergovernmental past two weeks, having been Committee a document which set stricken while "Visiting in Chifull profits nothing. what the German govern- cago. "When do I get a pair of forth is willing to do in order to Mrs. Cohn, a native of Cincinshoes?" demands his wife Kune- ment make emigration orderly instead nati, came to Omaha in. 1904 • gunde who has been wearing the of chaotic." when her husband was named same shoes : since before Hitler. While the Intergovernmental rabbi of Temple Israel. She was True, there were the brief 13 hours when storm troopers had Committee is concerned with ref- a graduate of the University of their way with Jewish store last ugees regardless of race, the plan Cincinnati and had taught mathNovember, but Kuno is one ofnegotiated, in Berlin covers only ematics in the Cincinnati high the weaker storm troopers who Jewish emigration, Rublee said, schools prior to her marriage. was always being elbowed out. It because ?'the German government and first president of refused to negotiate about the theFounder wasn't a fair division. local Council of Jewish Womnon-Jews." Asked what faith he she was honorary president of Yet on Hitler's side it is only in the likelihood that the Ger- en, that organization at the time of fair to say that he is the farther- put man government would carry out seeing statesman. The short- its terms, Mr. Rublee said he was her death. The Council consighted Haman could not see that convinced that' the officials who ducted a service Monday in Mrs. if he disposed of all the Jews in negotiated with him were "sin-Cohn's memory. She had beea 24 hours he would have no more cere" and "in earnest" and said active affairs of the Temple Sisterhood and only last Jews upon whom to blame the believed that Dr. Schacht's re- Israel month was a representative- at calamities • of Shushan. Floods he moval as Reichsbank president national conference held in might come and earthquakes and no connectfbn with the ne-the Cincinnati. Other Jewish activiWithout a£y more Jews in Shus- had gotiations. ties included the J. C. C. Womhan there would be ho one upon Rublee was to report to Secre- en's Division and Hadassah. whom to fix the guilt for these tary of State Cordell Hull this disasters. She was a member of Mu Sigand will see President ma literary club and the Faculty Had events turned -out-other- week Woman's Club of the University wise than they did, Haman's Roosevelt sometime later. of Omaha. statesmanship would have been Monsky Warns Surviving besides Rabbi Cohn entirely exposed to popular indigPhiladelphia (JTA) — Henry and Mrs. Silver are two other nation at the very next depression in Shushan. There would llonsky, president of B'nai B'rith, children, Ralph Frederick Cohn .have been no Jews of whom to warned American Jewry "not to and Mrs. Ben L. Herzberg, both say to the angry people. "It's the be lulled into a feeling of unreal of Chicago. Pallbearers were: Jules M. Jews who took all the bread and and baseless hope" concerning that phase of the Rublee plan for Newman, E. I. Rubin, Harry . have all the money."" The more provident Hitler has the emigration of Jews from Ger- Rosenfeld, Max Holzman, Dave 'destroyed his Jews serially, keep- many "which seems to imply that Rosenstock and Morton Hiller. Mrs. Cohn was buried alonging on hand a reserve for emer- Jews remaining in Germany will gencies. Six years after the be-be permitted a respite from the side her parents at Pleasant Hill cemetery. ginning of-his pogrom he still is present economic pogrom." To accept any such idea "would .•imposition to blame the Jews for be extremely unwise" for the the; next war. Hitler, the thrifty, long-range Rublee plan "contains no guaran- Dinner Will Be the Jews in Germany," statesman saving Jews for the tees for told Given for Pupils a B'nai B'rith meet' rainy day; Haman the profligate Monsky ing here. While expressing apof Talmud Torah who would, have spent his Jews preciation of the "high-minded all in one day of pleasure. humanitarian intent" A Children's Hour Purim dinBut as it all turned out they purpose and the Rubles plan, he ner will be given Monday evening, hanged Haman in the morning— underlying urged caution in' prejudging it. an ending that i a s always given He said that though it "repre- March 6, at 5 o'clock for, pupils of the Talmud Torah. An inter•hope to Jews in all their times sents probably the best terms ob- esting Purim program is being ar" of pain, even to this day. Purim tainable from the Nazi regime for has become a favorite holiday be- rescuing the victims of persecu- ranged. The committee of Mothers who cause of its admonition of the tion, it does contain some hazard* fate that comes to oppressors, ous implications, readily recog- will serve the dinner are: "Mesdanies Dave Crounse, Joe Goldsven to one who tried to bo so ware, J. Bernstein, A. Noddle, A. generous a "pogromist as Haman. nized even by its proponents." Plotkin, A. Bernstein, W. Byron, Yet I for one would not be Tn Harith ibn *Amr, king of Ye-O. B: Epstein, I. Dansky and J". favor of hanging Hitler tomorrow men, embraced Judaism in 260. Shyken. (Continued on page S.)














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VOL. XVI—No. 18


Philanthropies FEAST [. TO BE i f f l THISSli

Columbia Starts New Course With Cardozo 'Bequest

New York (WNS)—Announcement has been mad© by Dean Young B. Smith of the Columbia University School of Law of a bequest made by the late Justice Local Congregations Will Benjamin N. Cardozo of the United States supreme court who left Observe Purim the greater part of his estate to Festival Columbia that the funds be used for the creation of a chair of . SERVICES ON HOLIDAY "legal philosophy." It is expected that this course Temple Israel, Bethel Plan will be required in the curriculum of the law school as a step in givSpecial Treat for ing more recognition to legal Children philosophy destined to "open the minds of students to those vast In a world "where the figure of fields of thought embraced withHitler is usually compared with in the spheres of jurisprudence the Haman of the Biblical story and philosophy which strive for of Esther, the observance of greater understanding of law as Purim on Sunday, March 5, hasa social institution, its process and special significance. . its limitation and its true funcAccording to the story, which tions in the social order." is read froni a Scroll in the Synagogue on Purim, a Persian despot, Ahasuerus, under the

Wice Named Drive's General Chairman Goldstein Chairman of the Initial Gifts Division With an unprecedented m a n d upon community !ttM

sources, the Jewish Phiian* thropies announced prepaid

tions for its 1939 campaign. Leading this year's drive, fcfe* cording to William L. Hol«h man, president of the Federfc» tion for Jewish Service, "vrill t»«i Rabbi David H. Wiee d Rabbi David A. Goldstein. The boards of the respd congregations liave unanimously voted to lend the services of tbefip rabbis to this all-important ca««>*


influence of the courtier Haman. Because of a difference with an individual Jew, Haman sought to have his master destroy the entire Jewisn people. To Esther, whom the king had recently married, Mordecai, a Women's Division SponKiibbi David A. 'i pious. Jew, revealed the plot sors Lecture by Noted against the king and her people. Women Esther disclosed to the king that she was a Jewess and that her people had been placed in jeap- " T h e Women's Division of the ordy by the action of Haman. Jewish Community Center -will For his treachery — for Haman Tuesday eveninc; present Mi^s also plotted against the throne— Dorothy Fuldheim, who is to Haman was punished and Mor-speak on " A n i e n c —Hiu Future. ' decai was given a place of honor Jews Shocked by Reported at the court. This deliverance f r o m the Proposal to End forces or intrigue and injustice Is Mandate the keynote of-the Purim festival. It is celebrated, by carnivals, By VICTOR M. B1ENSTOCK feasts, games and plays. All local -congregations will obLondon (JTA) — The Angloserve the holiday with, appropriate Jewish discussions on Palestine's services. luture broke down this week aft-

Rabbi Wice will be geaerfc.1 chairman o£ the campaign. Rabbi Rabbi David H. Wice GoWstein has accepted the chai3> manrfhip of the Initial Gifts di« vision. Rabbi Wice's Statement In a statement issued by Rabhl Wice, the new chairman stated: "In accepting- this heary *p» sponsibfHty in the honr of Aim At the meeting of the Council need and world catastrophe, t o£ Jewish Women held last Mon- realize the suppoif of the entli* day the following resolution was community is needed if we are t-fe adopted; raise the largest amount onr con»« Whereas Providence in His in- mnnity lias ever sought." finite wisdom "has Called Mrs. •will." he vent on, " r Frederick Cohn from service to fhe"Itco-operation of all test, the Omaha Section of the in our comniuuUj, many National Council of Jewish Wom- of labor, acd particularly, splfit en has lost one of its older and of sacrifice on the part ofa every respected members and its first member of the Jewish commtin-t Temple er a declaration tiy tlie Jews that president. of Omaha. Reports from In her passing, she will he ity the British proposals for estabAt services at Temple Israel er commi.Mii.lipp indicate lishment of an independent state greatly missed by all to whom she their CPTr.ppicn? hsve this evening Rabbi David H. Wice gave freely and abundantly of her in which the Jews would be a miwill deliver a Purim sermon enanrl in in.cry rri<?p=. frip^pd over nority were completely unaccept- time, end by her family who titled, "The Haman - Mordecai BETO. orr-"'1? .Te loved her dearly as wife, mother, able as a basis for further disensMotif of 1939." j "fail. I erv^X io • -s^jJ.'iprprmaH" meeting be- ian:l a pnbUc servant. ^^Sundax_ajtternpon_ at 3 .oc of • remetn>»et it reserved tf1>;>{ en ^fie 'government repress!}: the- Tern pie religious school tatives and the Jewish leaders, j iliis organization extend its symhold a Purim carnival. Booths, e to VllWl • how-ever, was tjeld Tuesday at i pathy and condolence to RabM a play, games and Purim money which the question of arranging j Cohn and family upon the loss of will be featured during the afterairs. Cohn. turther meetings was discussed. noon's entertainment. And be it further resolved that It is understood t h a t Dr. Beth El nir.';« d i v i s i o n . *«••• Stephen S. Wise, principal Ameri- this resolution be included in the or t Rabbi David A. Goldstein will can Jewish delegate, would not ttiinuti's of the society and « copy speak this evening at the Beth take part in further talks with be sent to each member ot her El Synagogue on "Purim f*'-is> T.~ T>I"' cent o f t^ipthe British. He conferred Tues- family. Thoughts." Tomorrow evening, ii-pC, S< ihis time *w? day with American Ambassador the synagogue will hold a double Joseph P. Kennedy -— who had celebration of Purim eve. - so f;n-e I.rronrt the po*n|-. cautioned Britain ot reaction in o i i ^ p i v o s . This is T«^ At 7:30 members of the congrethe United States to any restric- ihf ordinary gation will gather in the auditorDorothy Fuldheim tion of immigration and will iT?.'o itini e v e r y ium of the Center for the tradisail for New York on the Queen Miss, Fuldheim, often referred r- ,->>in.T3ii.H>i<y w i l l tional Hebrew reading ot the to as America's best-informed Mary this week-end. Megillah. woman, is one of the outstand'WeizHuuut Speaks The boys and girls of the reto In accordance with the Jewish ligious school will meet at the ing commentators on internationrs of the New York f JTA> — Agency Executive's decision, unsame time in the lodgeroom of the al affairs. viH be Widely-traveled, Miss Fuld- animously ratified by the all-party n a m e s of officer? of T?IP " Center for a presentation of the M'e must have heim has had personal interviews Jewish Appeal for Ke'-'ure.-p Jewish conference cemmittee^ Dr. Book of Esther by puppets. ii of big with many of the world's lead- Chaim Weizmann, president of Overseas Needs vrere r.r.u;u",nc?i.;r. uen can ing figures. She has for several the Agency, read to the Britisi to direct t h e imitPo; er-rcpr-ij.")-- o ;f- ;nUi»l Gifts years now conducted • series of representatives the statement of the Joint B i s t r i b t r k T . Co^ni.U;P?. o--.:-. i;s iHsk swiftly, *lp. lectures that have -been very pop-, rejection. United Jewish Ar-r-r." p-nc Na1 - ;>T!f- Fn.^cesefully, -III nlar. In the last" 12 years she tional Co-ordina' i n r C'on;m !••;"• The statement declared that the r ,-,- fii^frpss and CR!IM»!^ has delivered 2,000 lectures. F u n d . Inc. F.rb;-i(? AH>? Kilii'l British proposals did not take in;•>(" 1^ vhe community •«• Silver a n d Jo~£\h T. ^ n p to account the Balfour Declarar- p.-npr-r s h a r e In tion, the "solemn international been previously mnov;nc?.:I r> .nasr.nil-ri-.ising- task." tional c hair men v pledges" to the Jewish people and ••;•;«»(; h\ t h e the historical association and The following oi'iic?-:'? were ilisiributed to local, rights of the Jews in Palestine. elected: Konovr.ry i'h"irrner. i'yp".'i intevnatlonal It aserted that the proposals con- rus ACler. FlrHo^e-li••I'.ir : Louis Rabbi David H. Wice will tained no safeguards for con- Bamberger, X e v t i r k ; Aii'evt Kiuspeak on "Off the Record on tinued Jewish. immigration, that fitein, Princeton. X. ,!., i"i::; EpLocal Relief" at the meeting of it ctaitted reference to the Jew- stein. Chieaco; I-Ievbt-i'". 11. Lehthe B'nai B'rith to be held Monish national home and that it man, Xew Y o r k : Louis 1-j. Ivtvday evening at the Jewish Comwonld have the effect of reducing stein, Boston; J u l i a n v~. ?Jp.-k. munity Center. the Jews to a minority under the Xew York; Kcnry Monsky. Orr.:»George Givot, who is appearThe largest cast ever to appear domination of the Arabs. lia; William J. lSli~ni.if-r. ! ~\iicining at the Orpheum theater, will in a Center Players production In the ensuing discussion. Col- n a t i ; H a s O. Slass. Snr; F r a n c i s he present at the meeting. will take-part in Arthur Kobers onial Secretary Malcolm Mac- co: N a t h a n Straus. >;ev; York; The first report on the dues-, hilarious comedy, "Having a" Donald was understood to hare Samuel Untermyer. Mev YorL: The Beth VA S s b b a t h •collection, campaign was heard Wonderful Time," which is to declared that the proposals were Mrs. Felix i L r.';,'' X e s - and t h e Beth Ki Talmud yesterday at the "breadbreakers be given at the Center March 13, not rigid and were subject. to Y o r k : Kabul S;.e-her- h. TTise. are joining in ihc presentation rtj luncheon. Another report will 14 and 15. TAi-viivi observetp.*^? some modification in subsequent Xew Yerfc: co-chrivnter., T* ;• u I nv. nnu?u?l be given at the meeting Monday. 4, *.f "Having a Wonderful Time" is discussions. He also gave addi- Bfiervf.Hi. X ? v Y o - k ; i>^Mii SalAl Fiedler and Milton Frohm are the story of a Je\yish. summer tional details of the plan and as- omon GolCmrin. C h i ' " ~ o : F.P "nhi T : '•" 0 p. ni. T"nr rrnrv of, general chairmen of this cam- camp in the Berkshires. It en- serted that there might be other Israel Go!a=:e:E. N ? v Yov!-:; j , o r ; = v i l l be (Iv?niP-.i:-:od h^ nupp paign, and Louis Lipp and Dr. joyed a long and successful rua points to' add to the proposal IjipsKy, XPV* Yorl-;; JPTTT? N. T!?F ovi";!'""1 play h a s Leon Fellman are captaining the on Broadway and was later made j which might" change the picture. Rosenberg. Xew Yovk: Vv'i^ii'.ra TTiitpr by ^\Tt-?fi;•"•>pp. "Meyer rival teams. ~T"r.. ?.". "?,-;. >-i';-man and D»vt<! into a movie. This reference was tnl:en to re,;;o!i:=if-:.!-. T-rs. ] ;-ppmn.n will h* The Breadbreakers luncheon <• Taking part in' the production fer presumably to immigration in i• 11nvt•*• o~ ih1' piirPft.s pnn -wii! group now meets every Thurs- will b?: Betty Rosenblatt, Flor-j r.nd land questions. The Jewish day at 12:15 in the Polo room at |encc Steinberg. Ida Blacker, Re-! .delegates, however, it. c]?~r co-Lrcosr,revs. L '.!:".Uv in Dixon's. becca. Kirshenbaum, B i i e e a ! that they could cot participate in Y o r k ; K.iiih K Zeviiz, Joe Linsman, Sara Sekcr- ; further discussions on proposals v-oir-wapsev, Xev.'Yoi'k: Aw\v:.v-•'.. u,\,\vi p a r t HTf<i man. Dorothy Tatelman. Leonard : based on the principles underly- Lair.pcri, Xevr Yf-rk: ?-Y.?.-V-V'. <:• isi;;ov r^or-E, .-.iir.;.V'.>"••''•..'• Seiner, Irvin Zv.-eibnc';. Sam Kap- ing the British plan, and conse- vice-ch?. inner., lan. Myron TarnoU", Dave Weir.- : quently only p^rsor.aJ ana inforaier. '.Milton Altsuler, i:?te!k- Gil-; al Anglo-Jewish contacts would m i u e e we? niso nr.rred. bert, Beverly Mendelson, Joyce • Included among: promotions Miller, Sam ivhite. Leo Sherman. be maintained for the time being. American Corjcorn announced last -week in the Oma- Georare Shnfer, Betty Tarn off and been Drastic limitation of Jewish irr;ha Central High school's Junior Joe Saks. kowiU. into Palestine wcuf.d E. O. T. C. cadet regiment, were migration uler Che This is the first Center Players the following: have a most unfavorable ei;"ec Promoted to major: Captain production this season. upon public opinion in the L sitea tli;.;: ever before r.nJ. 2'ccuire iho mci:r-uro of r s s i - ; ! ! 1 ^ ; Ephjaim M. Gershater. 16. a senStates. Aribnsssdor Kprnedy was l;;r^f^t PROTEST ior, son of Mr. and Sirs. 1. M. i'r.dersioot] to-hare i-formrd ForC. i-iyiuin. exeoiui'-e I\V-:P.V\O" of Gershater, whose promotion was eign Secretary Lord HaMias. announced at the annual military ball of the R. O. T. C. CommisJ o r u s a l e n i tJTA 1 ) — A c e ' - ; > sioned Officers c'ub on Saturday, P. United S The Jewish Drama U-uit w i l l \ liun ol' Sti)l:ar,!ic Jcv:s h r s rrcTin ; February 25, at the Granada ball ' o n Hunday, ^larcli 10. pnvseiit ( to ;:-c Iiu;:ari-rr.lp;: American Islnna of; room of the Central club.. the Yiddish play. "I>er \\\\<W • R h o d e ? to ?':;;]>- : h " s i t u r t ' o n o[ ; '• r< 1 ( ' T" e v Promoted to staff sergeant: Mensch," for tlie benefit of the t iin Jevv-p, s o m e " . 0 0 0 of w h o m I ' • L h e J e v : s e : r m i r : ; ; f.Tit: !'.:••• •.In Sergeant Sheldon Allan Kaufman. Bikur Cholim socie-tv. i 16, a junior, son of Mr. and Mrs. pr of Paul Xerenberg ii directing ;!:e 'U-ave r y Yob. "S n= f o r e i p n e r s o r i v ; - ii u; ot ?Jacob J. Kaufman, whose promo- production wr.i,"h is to be given i;i ; 1 1 r% T tion was announced in a genera! the Jewish Community Cfi;t-r. I pul~ion. Mf^' of ;h -J.rnn : f v s ! pd el .: rrmun oi ;hp "v-idule Atlor Tae conT'ereiu-c order, in the high school paper, Tick-is a r e Z-J cents. ! of Klio;lep a r e c];is«e(l ns forpj.-n- 1 Ir'n'.ic Ilvj;ior.. : the Register. John F<--I;1 mfin. treas7iror c-C l!;e <rs yincv t h e i.-lmid v ; ; « foriiitviy [ also vciod 10 ;:<id i h r f t new areas "pboi-iii h<- iie-vov'iz-.l to UieSr ! anil s e r v e d a s ;: rel!i'.i:e 1'or \to t h e r t i i o n -— Vh'i:snia. WP.*I eh<ire5. hut Gt-rnifins T,'h .Marvin Simon, a freshman, was Draran I'nit, reports tiiat '<"•> w a sCrrf-k shouM promoted to private first class, in t u r n e d over to t h e Jewish X i - | m a n y J e w ? Troni Asi; 1 Minor H i - j vir.L.-ini;> and Western Penusy!- Ihe pvr."?nt treated as Americans." tional F u n d . ' I ter the war. ] the same order.

Adopts •TAIN PLANS Council Resolution on Mrs. Cohn's Death FOR ARAB STATE





Central R. O. T. C. Promotions Made

To Present Play, <Der Wilde Mensch'



Page 2

plc.ting Jascha Heii'etr musical*} Bande, Warsaw troupe of actors ly the last few days, Etudios have ior production in Bprins . . . Arth* the mere fact that Goebbels had brought here by Maurice Schwartz not been able to shoot, exteriors. i;r Jacobson, P£.rr,mour;i. talent to come out again with proscripalmost missed attending a recep- Lots in San Fernando Valley; head, lias introduced new s,ufl}» -• tions against the Fincks, only to tion in their honor . . . Because Warners, Universal and Republic, tion setup the t is 'sr.pposed. , tffl prove that the capacity for humthey were detained at Ellis Island report heavy losses . . . Warners or has not been exercised nor the the Incti cost of screen^ by the Immigration authorities . . has upped George Washington e'imincte opportunities for kibbetzing entests. Jacobson fcr.£ liopsfcls perfrom one reel to featurette. MonWe're released just in time tirely eliminated the liberty and form behind plate plnps. Audiencfll" through the intervention of none tague Love plays extended role freedom lie crushed and the most other than Labor Secretary Per- . . . Warners announced they hears voices thror.t'fc Rtrrlifers. It precious blessing of men have kins . . . Leib Maidus, Polish Jew- would star Paul Muni in screen gives t.V. the illusion of a real, been robbed away by the nazis. ish poet whose twentieth yohrzeit version of "Cyrano de Bergerac." live, talking- picture. It hath been said that ."wher Is being observed throughout the Pic would be on E9-4 0 sked . . . there is no vision, people perish Yiddish literary world, was a Meanwhile Akim Tatniroff will do (•Copyright 1SSP br Seven Art* even in the midst of life." Para cousin of Hy (JTA) Wishengrad capsule version to be inserted in Feature Syndicate.) phrasing the prophetic pronounce' By Harry Mendelson . . . Henry Potter, of the Phila- "The Magnificent Fraud." . . . ment, where there is humor, delphia Jewish World, tells us Lester Cohen off to N. Y. to look "" " -On the threshold of the sev- led to the latest purge of actors though it be gallow humor, and that the late Judge William M. for stories . . . Warners lifted, op- STUDENTS JOIN enth, year of Hitlerism the nazl and comedians. Recently we read where the satirical, stifled laugh Lewis, in dying recently kept a TO AID REFUGEES tion on Maxie Rosenbloom's conarmor is beginning to show a t h e news-item that German ter still flourishes, there the promise he had jbshingly made to tract." Slapsie Max is now workconsiderable number ot cracks, comedians hereafter had better throne of the tyrant is never sehim one day . . . He had prom- ing with Cagney in "Each Dawn New York (WNS) — A pen. and. the Fuehrer's Macht, power, confine their patter to "that was cure. ised Potter that he would die in I Die" . . . Louis B. Mayer lead- manent Intercollegiate Committee ' seems no longer as invincible and no lady, that was my wife" inanFor us free Americans it is ra> time for his paper to get the obit Ing Hollywood's stable owners in to Aid Student Ke.Cr.pees was • as long enduring as it seemed six ity, because nazi humor has ther hard to imagine how unut . . . And he did just that . . . Santa Anita purses. To date May- formed at a meeting: of student years ago both to his opponents reached a turning point. terably gloomy the life of humor er*B nags have trotted in with representatives of tventy-threS and his blind protagonists. less Goebbels and his tribe musi Actor Werner Finck's jokes be. Here we laugh much in the (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- $16,800. Closest competitor is colleges. The Committee will True, the -world still trembles turned his audiences to howlinv midst of trouble. We laugh nn Blhg Crosby whose glue work bring together "American stu«. graphic Agency,; inc.) lest Hitler break forth soon on all right, but Nazi stifled at ourselves and with ourgeldings have snipped the. purses dents interested in helping fellou! another grabbing expedition eith- laughters, leaders complain that only their selves. We make jokes about each for $3,600. Barbara Stanwyck- students who have been forced to : er with, his military Jaugeranut stomachs turned. Declaring nazi- other. Our president looks at carThe Leo N. Lev! Memorial hos- lish- a free hospital in H o Zeppo Marx venture stands at the discontinue their studies in t h i or with his threatening, thunder- dom "will not be ridiculed," toons and attends plays, that try pital, Hot Springs, Arlc, celebrat- Springs, and Mr. Emil Nathan o bottom with $50 in prize dough native land." ous voice. Six years of Fuearer- Propaganda Minister Goebbels exed its 25th anniversary at a banSt. Louis, a former president o . . . "Confessions of a Nazi Spy" • schart was celebrated with the pelled Finck and four other cab- audaciously to make him look rique.t' held at the Arlington hotel the Hospital association. The ad Will hit the releases May 20th . . usual Hare and flourish, and with aret artists from the reich culture diculous — and to his glory be it Jews of Hanover were sent to on "Monday, February 20, 1939, dress of the evening was deliverer said he laughs uproariously. That . M. J. Seigal in from New York Constantinople to negotiate the the added vainglorious boastings which means that they is the way of freemen — and the which was attended by 250 dis- by Rabbi Ira E. Sanders of Littl to hurry up production at Repuband'jubilation over recent victor- chamber, release of a Hanoverian noble- . By Bud Freed may no longer follow their pro- way of the leaders of freemen tinguished citizens, Jews and Gen- Rock, and Rabbi Sander's elo lic . . . Samuel Goldwyn contem- man, Lebant von Reden. . ies. . However, the Ions waited fession in Germany. who have confidence in themsel- tiles. Mayor Leo P. McLaughlin quence made a profound impres for nazl heaven and the miracles Mrs. B. C. Bolotin an< Finck several times has been ves, respect for themselves, not of Hot Springs and Governor Carl sion. to be performed by Hitler, GoerHERE AND THERE: -With E. Bailey of Arkansas, both, ex- Mrs. William Sultan, both of Ch George Cukor gone from the diIng and Goeobels seem further in hot water - - and a concentra- to be shaken by silly jokes. pressed their profound admiration cago and leaders in the women'; rectorial seat of "Gone With the for taking libOTuesterwitze from realization than ever, even tion camp too of the spirit of philanthropy ex- auxiliaries of District No. 6, wer Wind," David O. SeUnick most though Czechslovakia was gob- erties with institutions and pracBut in the lands of tyrants -bled up without resort to arms tices of the nazi party which the where freedom of speech is gag- presed by the B'nai. B'rith in present, and presented the hosp be starting to tear his hair iout and other small countries are nazis consider "sacred." He has ged and laughter is stifled, the maintaining a charity institution tal with a check for $2,000, th< strand by strand. The young prothreatened with ^imminent in- been throwing his audiences into gags become vitrollc and the stif- like this hospital which is open gift of the Women's auxiliaries o ducer has assigned Victor FlemChicago and District No. 6, B'na: ing to handle the meggfng spot. gales of laughter with quipa led laughter venomous and the to all races and creeds. vasion. B'rith. which run thus: ' . Messages were read from the A deal is in progress for John Lee objects of these barbs of ridicule Only a few years ago even opGazing long and intently at his president of the United States, The Leo N. Levi Memorial hos Mahin to do the script revision. humorless. timists were inclined to believe wrist watch, he would look up What makes the whispered gags from Mr. Harold E. Ickes, secre- pital, a national institution unde Meanwhile 6 . H. P- Garrett Is that. Hitler regime would last for suddenly and comment: "Well, I of the interior; from Messrs. the auspices ol the B'nai B'rith working on the screen play mandecades, if not for generations. really was going to discuss our so fatal to the priests and sanc- tary Monsky and' Bisgyer, president is non-sectarian and free. Be aging to stay approximately a And to his unquestioning follow- time - - but I guess I had better tuaries of nazism has been effec- and secretary, respectively, of the cause of the hot springs bath paragraph ahead of the cameras. tively described by Theadore Irers, of course, the regime was to win and Dr. S. Hoffman In a re- Supreme Lodge of the B'nai With which it is supplied, it of It is expected tht Louis B. Mayer, last for centuries, marching from not." B'rith, and from B'nai B'rith ferB special facilities in the treat David Cf. Selznlck'g pa-ln-law, will Upon his return from, a con- cent article in Ken magazine: one victory to another. centration camp; "You know it Is "With freedom of the press ex- lodges and auxiliaries from every ment of arthritis and other rheu/ help him over the crisis. Mystic Seven part of the country. Judge A. matic diseases. It admits no pa; funny. After I was released 1 The number seven may have walked around the camp and saw tinct* the whispers take the place B. Frey of St. Louis, president patients. of opposition newspapers, books Dr. Edwin R. Embree, presibeen a mystical and lucky one to the walls, guards with their guns of the hospital, and Rabbi A. B. The hospital la endeavorinj dent of the Julius Rosenwald the ancient Hebrews, but for the and the heavy gates. Everybody and periodicals . . . The Fluester- by Mayor McLaughlin, Governor during this year to raise $100,00 Foundation of Chicago, has been Naiis the seventh year of their told me how hard it was to get witze, "wit that is whispered," is Rhine, executive secretary, prethe country, for neces In town for some time seeking rule doesn't seem to promise in. But shucks, all I did was to the favorite organ of the people, sided. Addresses were delivered throughout for it is the spoken press that is Bailey, Rabbi Frank L. Rosenthal sary capital improvements, an Info on education plx. After dismuch to add either to their glory, speak one sentence." appreciate the help *of gen cussion with Marian Spitzer Emheld to be far more interesting morale or power. For many of Columbus, Ga.. one of the- pi-will erous hearted people whet-eve: bree,-he stated that while the The cabaret where Finck ap- than the 3,000 newspapers eon- of their victories have turned out to peared oneers in the movement to estabthey may be. regularly was a sellout. trolled by the Propaganda Minisfoundation had not.completed a be Illusory. The major economic Goebbels Explains try, space in it is unlimited; cansurvey of the field. It was ready and social problems remain as Goebbels explained in Voelkis- not be corrupted; bans are inefto b.ecome active in screen pedaunsolved as before, and tho ter- cher yon see," Rudich concludes, "If organ ot Chan- fective; contributors are the subror and the destruction they have cellor Beobachter, I had been an upright judge I'd goguery." Hitler, that action was tak- scribers. Circulation is no probbrought about act as accusing en against have been spattered." the comedians because lem. In a few days all Germany fingers to discredit them in"-the their "alleged After the March 14 th broadcast. humor is objecknows the latest story. Every cureyes of the German people. RALLY: When Frits Kuhn is AI Jolson and Lifebuoy come to tionable in nazi eyes." "So-called rent joke is an editorial upon a Thus on the eve of the sixth jokes about the colonial prob- Nazi government action . . . They pushing up the daisies - - in Hit the parting of the ways. Jolson anniversary of Hitler's ascent to lems, the four-year plan, the constitute a weapon of self-delerland, we hope - — and the mem has been peddling the b. o. alienapower, came reports out Germany labor service and our building fense, the potency of which is inory of that "Americanism" rally tor for two years, thirteen weeks. that surely could not add much plans turn our stomachs," Goeb- dicated by the spreading of the of the German-American Bund is He has expressed a desire to lay . joy-to the celebration: Reports bels wrote. buried with him, people will stiL off the air waves until September, whispered woke by the nazis ot mass dissatisfaction with the remember the laugh that rang bnt statements from the advertisthemselves, who play with the "What do these fellows know food situation,., protests against about around the world . . . Dorothy ing agency and William Morris poisoned weapon of the enemy. mental strain and hard high taxes, new purges in the work the Thompson's laugh . . . A laugh office indicate that he -will most in working out these "Unceasing, at every hour of ranks of. the Nazi party, renewed plans?" he demanded. that hit the Nazis right in the likely join another program. Kelthe day, everywhere that two or activity of t h e underground POET: Arrival of Salman spot where they can't, as the log and Texaco both are said to But were Finck and his ridimore Germans meet, the.whispers Schneour, distinguished Yiddish- slanguists say, take it . . . The oe after the Mammy singer. Milmovement, industrial sabotage resulting in a. twenty percent reduc- cule-slinging colleagues the only pepper away at Hitlerism. Told Hebrew poet, for a. tour of the "Bundlt's" rally, incidentally, saw ton Berle seems to be in line for culprits in that direction in Hitonce, the effect of- a gag is of country recalls the following the rise of a new K. K. K. . . . Jolson's vaeated spot. Since the tion .in production, the continued broadcasting by tfc - underground lerland, the lot of the Goebbels course wholly insignificant. Told anecdote . . . The poet many years The KoglinKuhn-Klan . . . Kun Berle show for Gillette was abanwould be rather Elysian; but the a thousand times — and a million ago was traveling by boat to Pal- by Philosemlte Koglin and anti doned due to an odd series of cirbroadcasting station, the Goebbel alfair, followed, by sharpened rub lies in that for every kib- times — a single joke takes on estine . . . One day he found his Nazi Kuhn . . . The JTA report cumstances which found the raz"If you want a real taste thrill try flavoring your betzer purged from the Reich tremendous importance. Multiply way to the sacrosanct bridge of rifts and -wranglings in the inner who covered the rally almos or blade manufacturers smotherKultur Hammer, there are tens this by the. countless Fluester- the deck . . . A sailor approached, er circle of Nazism. - ' toes with Robert's milk." got knocked down by a police if not hundreds of non-profes- witze in the wind and the slow politely informed him his pres- horse who couldn't read his press ed by expensive competition, the Wcrfpon o£ irotest sional •gagster machine-gunners," and steady undermining of the ence there was against the rules card . . i Dorothy Thompson's young comedian- hasn't been on the air.-Parkyakarkus, Lud GlusAnd .with si*£i reports of mass who arp peppering the Aryan air, Nazi system becomes apparent. Schneour ignored the sailor laugh froze in horror the next kin and Martha Haye" will remain disillusionmenr 3 and disgust with with this "stomach-turning" wit. To the forces fighting Hitler .. .. .. Speechless, the tar reported morning when she picked up a nazi policies and tactics have also The guardians of the Third Reich within Germany, the barages of to the mate . . . The mate went copy of the New York Post and with Lifebuoy. ; come new batches of jokes, satir- would, if . they could, ruthlessly ridicule constitute a primary siege up to the bridge, tapped the poet saw what the linotypist. had done . ical barbs and gags that are rap- exterminate the gag itself, but the way for the major conflict to gently on the shoulder, politely to that section reading, "Between Reports around town are that ping away at the nazi regime. each is as invisible as microbes come. Jack Benny will change his plea , murmured that he was violating Mr. Kunze's speech and a whole^ in the . .There is-no institution, no policy, and germs were before the micjewel smuggling case in ship's rules by remaining . . . sale pogrom is a very short step' New York "How the volume of Fluesterno local or national nazi big shot roscope was invented, and asguilty. If this is the brushed the officer's . . . The word befare pogrom had case. Bennyto will that has escaped the satirical quick in spreading as the black witze has swelled in recent years Schneour most likely get fingermarks off his shoulder, been turned Into "wholesome." is illustrated by the story of the gags, the venomous puna, the plague in the middle ages. a fine and suspended sentence, froze him with a look, announced waggish lawyer arrested one night loaded jokes which have spont h e treatment ' given George Bismarck Herring for being the life of the party. in measured tones, "Nevertheless, taneously come forth from the FREUDIAN: Alexander Kortfa Burns. Benny still maintains that I am remaining" . . . Sputtering The best joke that comes to The S. A. commandant sentenced people. To be sure, that is the the mate reported to will produce a series of picthres- he will fight only weapon left to a people one's .mind out of the many that him to a concentration camp until helplessly, the captain . . . Who, resplendent with psychoanalysis as the theme, one has heard or read is the one he finished telling all the known •- robbed of its freedom and liberty GAS: Schednle for first Max in white cap and gold braid, with the help of four Freudian directed against the Fuehrer: jokes about Hitler. That was - - the mouth and ear of the Germarched up to the bridge and ac- disciples who are refugees from Baer horse opera has been set One fine' morning a young three months ago. He is still in man people -.- and it is employed Germany and Austria . . . At the back to March 10th due to script costed the tall, bearded, impreswith the greatest of gusto as the Nazi, intensely -proud of his new the concentration camp." sive looking passenger who thus same time, the Nazi film authori- disease. |.. . . Mrs. Nathan Levinstrongest weapon of protest and brown uniform, thought he'd defied the hard rules ot the sea ties in Berlin will turn out what son named .official hostess for have fun at the expense of the attack against the Nazis. . . . "Sir," the captain politely they hope will be a satire in convention of Society of Motion Jewish delicatessen man in his REICH LETS POLISH -Nothing is so spontaneous and block. So on the way to work but firmly declared, "the bridge which they will ridicule psycho- Picture Engineers which will take JEWS COME BACK is intimate and gives us such a vivid he stops in at the store and asks closed to passengers. You will analysis as a "Judaeo-Marxist in- place April 17th in L. A. Mr. Levand sharp picture of the true tem- for a Hitler herring. That almost have to leave at once" , . . vention" . . . The Nazi producer inson is prexy of outfit . . . MaxWarsaw (WNS) — One thouper of ihe German people as the stunned the Jew, who fearfully sand Polish Jews expelled from Schneour, drawing himself up to will be Hans Heinz Ewers, who is well House talked Metro into gostifled laughter as echoed in 'declared that he had no Hitler Germany last October will leave his full six feet, retorted, "Do you notorious for his -pornographic Ing for another 13 weeks of jokes, epigrams, satirical tales, herring, nor had he ever heard for know who I am?" . . . Still polite- misinterpretations of the Freud "Good News'' program . . . Joe Germany March 8 to liqui- ly, riddles and fables, all directed of one. the Captain inquired, "Who?" ian theories. Laurie; Jr. emceed benefit for date their affairs there. About against the Nazi regime. The . . "I am," Schneour announced, refugees at Hollywood Knicker700 of them will bring ^their fam."What? You have no Hitler barbs of ridicule are. often a bel'the greatest living Hebrew poet" MISH-MASH: The American bocker . . . Columbia is preparter barometer of the true state herring! That's an insult to the ilies back to Poland in accord- . . . "Ah!" the Captain exclaimed, delegates at the London confer- ing picture on European refugees of mind of the people than the Fuehrer. You better have one by ance with an agreement reached 'Mr. Bialik. I am happy to make ences, headed by Rabbi Stephen titled "Fifty-One People." George manifestos and proclamations of this evening or I will report you .recently by Polish and German your acquaintance, but you will S. Wise were lodged in the same Halacz is scripting; Ralph Conn the illegal pamphlets or the news- to the Gestapo." And he went out authorities. . still have to leave the bridge." hotel as the Arab delegation . . . will supervise . . . What is known Approximately 300 of the 1,paper reports of even' the most cackling to himself and jubilant A Nazi group under the leader- in California as a "freak" wiad courageous and most reliable re- that he had put one over on the 000 already have received emiship of Dr. Robert Ley, of the has been blowing about so madJew. gration permits to. various other porter. Were they played in their QUESTION: Wonder what's beThrough Joy" moveToward evening, when the countries and will not return to hind that unannounced change in "Strength proper salting, they could very ment, is also staying at the same Poland. (In October Germany young nazi was headed for home well serve as a brilliant con:he name of the National Confer- hotel . . . All of which prompts densed history of Nazi Germany from work, he was walking on expelled about 12,000_ Poliih mce of Jews and Christiana . . . the London Evening Standard to the other side of the street, hav- Jews, most of them heads of Which is now calling itself the comment that S. S. W., surround"since the Hitler ascent. ing forgotten about the joke he families, in retaliation for a new National Conference of Christians ed by Nazis and Arabs, must be .-'• Panning a Crime .. had played on the Jew that morncitizenship law which Ger- and Jews ; . . experiencing some of the sensaAs was to be expected, the gov- ing. But lo and behold, the Jew Polish man authorities thought would tions of Daniel in the lions' den ernment was not slow in re'eojj- calls him over: strand the Jews in Germany.) VEGETABLES: M a g i s t r a t e . . . Peters believes, however, that ; niing the menace of the vitriolic "Say, Fritz, I've got your Hitler Carl Mark Rudich, who Is now under the comparison is unjust . . Havridicule that started pecking \ herring.'' Vienna (WNS) — A group of fire, tells this one on himself . . . ing always thought of the loan as away at its aacred and exalted Now the Nazi was almost stun- 40 Jews, who had taken refuge During that recent elevator strike a rather noble animal . . . Lillian institutions and its hierarchy soon after its ascent to power. To ned. "What do you mean Hitler In Hungary and had been com- in midtown Manhattan he was Hellman, young Jexvess w h o Here's why we con counteract this malicious, stifled herring? There Is no such-herr- pelled to return by Hungarian about to enter a 'strike-bound scored as a playwright with "The authorities, reached the frontier building when he stopped to tie Children's Hour" and is now laughter and whispered aerial ing. I was only joking." save you money and were sent to concentration But the delicatessen man insisa shoelace . . r As he bent down, packing them in with her "The verbal bombs, a law was passed • NO BUDGET BOOKKEEPING providing for penalties- of one to ted he had it. So the jok'ester walk- camps. Similar groups have been a barrage of vegetables, loosed by Little Foxes," appears to be on • NO COLLECTION FEES ten years in prison for crime of ed over rather reluctantly and trickling back. in recent days, strikers across the way, passed tlie way to designation as the harmlessly over his head . . "So Lady Ibsen . . . The Yiddishe Gat her at t lie punning ; at members of govern- into the store. "Here is your Hit- totaling about.-.lflO,. • NO BAD DEBT LOSSES ment or officials of the Nazi par- ler asked' for this • NO REPOSSESSION COSTS ty, the length: of . sentence, of morning, i took a Bismarck herr€ouise, •depending' upon the viru- ing, removed its brains and backlence of' the barb and the object bone, and' now its a Hitler herring," said the Jew triumphantly. against which it was directed. Laughter Flourishes •N Yet notwithstanding the severe punishment meted out to those Some of us have been inclined Visit our new largre plant Make your club meetings or who were caught releasing a barb in recent years to think that life and let us' E!T.OW you o*sr get-to-gethers more successofj ridicule, the vitriolic and sati- has become so serious as to leave! new equipment w-bicfc as rical bombardments continue. very little 'about which we can ful. Use our excellent faciliAnd in spite of the repeated vio- kibbetz, and particularly in tercapable cf retreading or ties along with a well-trained lent speeches of Goebbels and ror-ridden Hitlerland. However^ recapping1 any size car or personnel who knows how to OROUND FLOOH . . . iSTH AT DOUGLAS other Nazi leaders against the truck tire. cooperate congenially and efpunsters who "undermine public Your worn o^ut tires skillopinion," the venomous gags conCall Us For ficiently on these occasions. tinue infesting the pure Aryanfully rebuilt witli new tire Our rates are unusually realand air plaguing the molders of • Att>c3 •Kitchens • Basement* siati-skid treats, arl sonable. public opinion and the purifiers • Reproofing • Insulation tlioiissndls o? safe, eco • Residing of the German soul. NO DOWN PAYMENT noisicaf IKSSCS. Easy Monthly payments Purge of Actors ' B O B EXCELLENT fi/SEETIKG What has more than ever beMICKLINLUMBER, co. fore provoked the ire of the GoebR00EVS5 SUSTAEE.E . i i w' U B B bels and the Streichers, and has



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Deputies of British Jews and areby your manner or dress. The ed by her charms. She begged writing the name of Haman on an occasion for plays, maBqiio!«« now being distributed to all ref- Englishman greatly dislikes 03- that she be permitted to enter- two stones or boards, and then ades, ball or banquets. ugees in.the country. The com-tentation, loudness of dress or tain him and Haman at a private ponndins them together until the On Purim night the memb«* mandments are:. manner, or unconventionally, of banquet. The request was grant- name is eradicated In accordance of the family usually get together 1. Spend your spare time im- dress or manner. The Englishman ed. At the banquet, she begged with the literal interpretation o£ for the Purim seudah, or PtiMn? mediately in learning the English attaches great importance' to mo- to entertain them again on the the Bible injunction "And thou dinner. The housewife prepare language and its correct pronun- desty, - understatement In speech morrow. Haman's heart swells sbalt blot out the rememberance her best dishes for the occasion. rather than overstatement, and with pride, but his joy is embit- of Amalek." ciation.. Many Jews observe the 2. Refrain from speaking Ger- quietness of dress and manner. tered by. the thought of the Jew •Happy Holiday. -teenth day of Adar, the day pro man in the streets and in public He values good manners far more Mordecai. On the advice of his Purim is a very happy holiday. ceding Purim, as the Ta'anith I?** conveyances and in public places than he values the evidence of wife and friends, he builds a tall One of the most ancient customs ther, or Fast of Esther, in such as restaurants. Talk halting wealth. <You will find that he gallows on which he intended is that of Schalach Monos or the memoratiou of Esther's English rather than fluent Ger- says "thank you" for the smallest presently to hang his enemy. But sending of gifts to friends and to her people when, fasting man — and do not talk in a loud service — even for a penny hns on that night, the king could not relatives: usually trays filled with prayine;, she went before the king sleep. His servants read to him \'arious dainties. This custom in- uninvited to plead with him f&t Chief of Foreign Service, Jewish Telegraphic Agency voice. Do not read German news- ticket for which he has paid.) papers in public. 6. Try to observe and follow from the book of records an<3 cludes the giving: of alms to the the .preservation of her people. EDITOR'S NOTE: The refu3. Do not critize any Govern- the manners and customs and chanced to read how Mordecai poor, so that they too may enjoy The Megrillah, the Scroll of -SSsmmigration visas; are able, un- of prompt handling of applicagee problem is engaging the at* der ment regulations nor the way habits of • this country in social saved the life of the kin,?. The the happy .holiday. ther, will never perish,!, reads -fc these conditions, to leave Ger- tions by the aid committees and servants told the king that Mortention of virtually every na- many and business relations. things are done over here. Do not as soon as they find a rel- several attempts had been made Special cakes, in the form of Taluiudic authority. The Mejrlh tion i n the world today. How ative or 7. Do not spread the poison of decai received no recognition for triangles, friend in England to give hy these agencies to "rationalize" speak of "how much better this are eaten on Purim. lah symbolizes the eternal hop* this. At this moment, Haman arone of those nations. Great "It's bound to come in your counor that is done in Germany." It he necessary guarantees. It is be- themselves. These are knowj as Haman tas- of the Jew — the hope that Trtifh rived to get the approval of the Britain, is handling it is the lieved, try." The British Jew 'greatly obmay be true-in some matters trut however, that the number Chen, the Yiddish or German and Justice will be firmly estfthking to hang Mordecai. Without subject of the following inter- of refugees it weighs as nothing against the jects i o the planting of this cravDifficulties on earth and that Ri&M*this category in the term for Haman pockets. The lished mentioning whom he had in mind, esting and informative article country at in eo usii ess and Teace will be "fT»« one time will never Otto ScMff, chairman of the Sympathy and freedom "tit liberty en thought. Hamantaschen are filled with the king asked Haman how he fcy Mr. Bienstocfe, nead of the exceed 20,000. 8. Above all, please realize that principle ot international • German-Jewish Aid Committee, of England which is now given seeds, raisins and honey or rUidiuR JTA's foreign ^ervice. the Jewish community is relying mi,rht honor a certain person. poppy relationships. which was originally set up to you. Never forget that point. cheese. While in ths country, the refuThinking that the king meant 4. Do not join political or- on you — on each and every one LONDON "Purjm spielers" are another gees may not obtain labor per- handle the refugee work within ganization or take part in any po- of you — to uphold in this coun- himself, he suggested that the feature of the general program nl' (Copyright 1939 By Seven A fit mits, -which every alien must this country, explained some of litical activities. person ride on the king's horse try the highest Jewish qualities. To Germany's outcast thous- have in order to have the right the difficulties the various organPurim merriment: especially in in royal robes and that the highFeature Syndicate.) to maintain dignity, and to help 5. Do not make yourself couands. Great Britain today ia ex- to work here, and are consequent- izations have had to meet. est in the land act as the crier. parts of Eastern Europe. A .jroup spicuous by speaking loudly, nor and serve others. tending encouragement and sup-ly'barred from'all employment. of young men and women of the "In March," he said, "we had Then the king said, make haste port in a •wave of popular :feel- Retraining in various trades is the Anschluss, resulting in an enmask and go from house o Sir Augustus Glossop and do so to Mordecai, the ing unequalled since the Great offered them, along with langu- ormous influx of new refugees house singing and presenting hu- an English Jew, 1B generally Denunciation "War days when patriotic fervor, age instruction, hy agencies of and of pathetic appeals from othmorous sketches or episodes from ited with the renaissance of mingled with sympathy, led, thethe refugee aid bodies. Host of ers who could not come here on At the second hanquet, Esther the story of Purim. Purim is also Opera in England. British people to open their the refugees live in private homes their own initiative, asking us to •denounced the wicked Eaman behearts and homes to Belgian ref- throughout the country, some of help them to find refuge in this fore the kin-o, and exposed his ugees from the advancing Ger- them in refugee hostels, and some notoriously hospitable country. In cruel and spiteful design, revealJA 2402 — CONSULT — AT 4544 man hordes.. ing at the same time, that she on farms where they are being September we wese faced with the was herself a Jewess and, thereSince that December evening trained as agriculturists. national crisis. A list of volunfore condemned by Haman to be trhen Britain's elder statesman, Camp Kitchener teers for national service in case FOR slain. The king's wrath was terlord Baldwin, stepped to the mi- England's first camp for, refu- of emergency waB at once comrible. It was only appeased when Painting, Paperhanging and Decorating crophone and made his moving gees has Tjeen opened in Kent on piled and ordinary routine work Haman was forthwith tanged on appeal to the British people to aid the site of an old war-time mili- •was completely stayed for a week BEST QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Member of the Rabbinical Assembly of America the very gallows he had preparthe victims "of an explosion of tary encampment. Camp Kitchenso' . . . . Finally, in November ed for Mordecai. man's inhumanity to man,", refu- er. Here will .be housed some 5,- we had the pogroms which followEach year is told anew the servants -would bow deeply before The king elevated Mordecai to gee aid organizations have been 000 adult males who wil' be train- ed the death of the young Gerstory of the sacrifice him — all but Mordecai, the Jew. the position of prime minister .>o*-—•-"odeluged -with offers of. homes and ed in regular courses and prepar- man diplomat. The number of ap- ancient at a beloved queen for her peoassistance for refugees and op-ed for re-emigration within from plications, of pleading letters, and "ple. Each year the tale Is Haman was strongly offended by and permitted the Jews "To stand portunities to train young boys six months to a year. Admission of appeals of every kind which brought to life in vivid detail Mordecai'B behavior and deter- for their lives" and also ordered and girts in trades. Homes in ev- to this camp also will be restrict- we received in those first few in the reading of the Scroll, mined to wreak a bloody revenue. his soldiers to protect them. The ery part of .the United Kingdom ed by guarantees to the Home Of- days was enormous. Thus, three Adults weep for joy and child- He would make all the Jews of massacre of the Jews was thus averted. Whereupon Mordecai deare heins offered to refugees. fice and that the refugees will not times within nine months we had ren stamp their feet and join in Persia suffer. creed that the fourteenth of Since thB Baldwin plea, there is remain in the country, but will re- to face crises of our own. Every the merry laughter over the Sixteenth at Harney False Charges Adar shall be observed as a day hardly a town or village in the emlgrate, and will not become refugee organization was thrown just fate of the wicked HamAccordingly Haman appeared of feasting and gladness and of country that does not have its charges on the State. into confusion by these even's, In the story -which never before the king and lodged false sending portions one to another, own Iiord Baldwin Fund Commitbut we probably suffered worst an. By iar the most striking aspect old we find nope and charges against the Jews of Per- and gifts to the poor. tee. At the same time, the finan- of the refugee work has been the because on our shoulders rests jrrows the courage to rise above mis- sia. "There is a certain people The story of Purim has been cial response has been generous. movement for the rescue of child- approximately 75 per cent of the ery to where right is victorious. scattered abroad and dispersed repeated time and again in Jewish More than $3,000,000 has been ren from Germany. Under the refugee work." among the peoples jn all the pro- history. Many have been the Ha—THE EDITOR Buscribed thus far to the fundB British Movement for Care of The Council for German Jewry, vinces of thy kingdom," he said mans who plotted against the Jew of the Council lor German Jew- Children from Germany, headed which does not directly en'guge in to the king, "and their laws are in various periods of its history. On Saturday evening, March ry, and more than ?2,000,000 to by Viscount Samuel and Iiord refugee assistance work in Engdifferent from those of every peohand of Haman is seen today ithe non-sectarian Lord Baldwin Selbourne, some 3,000 children land, except through financial 4th. Jews the world over will ush- ple; neither do they keep the The er in the Feast^of Lots, or Purim. king's laws; therefore it profitetn bearing heavily on the back of r Fund tor Refugees.' support, will not be affected by age of 18 have been the Jew. The reading of the Me, They will assemble in the syna•The-public reaction lias almost p to the to the country and will the reorganization but will con- gogue and again read the Megil- not the king to tolerate them." illah revives the hope pf the Jew. universally been sympathetic, al- brought Haman urged the king to per- It is read in an old traditional allowed to remain here until tinue as at present, working on lah — the Old Testament scroll though Sir Oswald M o s ley's be mit him to destroy the entire .chant. At each mention of Haman, they reach the age of 19. None of the broader aspects of the GerBlacKshirts and a small section the Jewish population of Persia. The reading is usually interupted will be allowed to re- man* Jewish problem. Lord Hal- of Esther. heen king set his seal to the plan, and the Of the press have attacked the mainchildren ley's coordinating committee will by the stamping of feet or the permanently in the country, The question has often raised: How could a book in giving ol aid to foreigners while but will leave after being educat- act as the liaison body between the thirteenth day of the Hebrew whirling of "Gragers" (rattles) unemployed British suffer. refugee aid groups and thewhich the name of God does not month of Adar was determined in denunciation of Haman. The ed here and taught a means of the appear have found its way Into First Time in Omaha upon by lot as the day for the origin of this noisy denunciation Conditions livelihood. About half of these British Government. On the initBible? And the answer very wholesale massacre. Because the may be traced to the custom of Conditions have changed in children^have already been placed iative of the Lord Baldwin Fund, the at One Low Price plainly is, that even though God England since the days when she in private homes throughout the committees are being set up in be not mentioned by name. His day was chosen by lots, which in all English towns and cities to the Persian tongue is "pur,", this was able to open her gates to the country. The remainder are being is so evident in its Huguenot refugees and absorb housed in camps and hostels coordinate local efforts and serve Providnce working to save Israel that no day is called "Purim." them in the community. Today, pending the finding of homes — as liaison with the coordinating mention On becoming aware of Hainan's of the name was at all Plumbing and Heating in London. A Scottish England, with a highly industrial- a task which, by reason of the committee necessary. Like the helief in im- bloody plot, Mordecai put on sackof the Lord Baldwin Fund is also ' ENGINEERS teed population of 45,000,000 and flood of offers to be investigated being set up. cloth and sent word to his coumortality, it was taken for grantComplete 24 Hour Service sin, Queen Esther, enjoining her a standing average of around 2,- and the small volunteer staff enWork and Quality Guaranteed ed. Refugees Guided in Conduct to petition the king to revoke the 000,000 unemployed, feelst- that gaged in the work, is a slow and FREE ESTIMATES The story is one of the most death decree against the Jews. E i g h t "commandments" to she cannot of fer permanent homes arduous one. SAM J. YOUSEM to the homeless driven out of oth- For these children, in addition guide the conduct of Jewish ref- telling in the Bible. It has all the "Who knoweth whether thou are SANfTARY PLUMBING & er lands and risk the chance of to offers of homes, have, come ugees enjoying the hospitality of elements which make for human not come to royal estate for such HEATING CO. adding t o n e r army of unemploy- thousands of offers of- appentice- Great Britain have been publish- interest—hatred, love, revenge, a time as this?" Esther consentAT 2344 triumph. It tells of a brave and ed in .booklet form by the Gered to do so. "If I perish, I pered. But in line with her tradition- ships in which they world learn 161614 Capitol Jive. daring Jewess and a noble and man-Jewish Aid Committee in ish." But the king was captivatal policy of sanctuary, the coun- trades fitting them for careers in loyal Jew who together saved the conjunction with the Board of try has to a remarkable extent, their new homes. In many cases, Lively little frocks, cheery as We first Jews from imminent peril. opened her gates to the refugees the refugee aid bodies report, peorobin's chirrup! Whirligig skirts, croBriefly stated, the plot of the and offered them temporary shel- ple are making, jobs for " the3e story consists of a cold-blooded cus-bright colors, lots of good dressGerman-Jewish children. In all frame-up against a whole people, making lavished here! All in a fabric Under present economic condi- cases, precautions are taken to a collossal libel against the Jews tions, Britain is able to offer per- see that no British labor is disof rayon, so soft and silky you'll feel which the king could be made to manent homes only to a relative placed. lapped in luxury. No upkeep, either, believe only in a stupor of drunfew, though authorities such as Bel ogee Organization kenness. In a more sober frame since they wash divinely, look so fresh Sir John Hope Simpson of the Coordinated of mind the king learns of his erand pretty, you'll never b« happy Royal Institute for International London (JTA)—It was learned Cooperation between the refuThe fair name of the Jew is Affaire strenuously advocate ab- gee organizations and the Home reliably that Myron C. Taylor ror. with only one! The tables are turnBorptiqn of -large numbers «f ref- Office authorities i s close and American vice-chairman of the In- vindicated. ed. "Wickedness "is caught in the ugees aa a'source of add econoThe refugee organiza- tergovernmental Refugee Commit- net of its own weaving. Truth mic strength. The Government cordial. Use Coupon Below tions varebeing re-organized un- tee, has in recent weeks strongly triumphs over treachery. now allows "permanent settlement der1 a coordinating pressed the view upon the British committee un25OO Tears Ago in Great Britain of immigrants der the chairman ship of Lord authorities that Palestine should The story of Purim takes us with capital" whp will start indus- Hailey, noted British colonial ad- be allowed to make a strong posiback some 2500 years to Persia tries of national importance, certive contribution to solution of where the Jews lived in peace and tain outstanding specialists and ministrator and members of the the refugee question. prosperity (enjoying many priviaged people under suitable guar- League of NationB Permanent leges and even rising to high poantees that will never become a Mandates Commission, and have New York (JTA) — The Pro-sitions in the government). The been transferred to larger quartcharge on the public funds. ers. In their last weeks in their Palestine Federation of America, king on the throne was Ahasuer-New industries started fcy ref- old quarters, in "Woburn House, a Christian organization, an- us (probably the same as Xerxes ugees from the Reich today are the London Jewish communal nounced that it has sent a cable or Artaxerses). giving employment to more than center, the Jewish refugee bodies to Prime Minister Neville Chamr In the midst of a prolonged 20.000 British nationals in the being taxed to capacity by berlain. urging the British govern- celebration the king orders his "depressed areas" — those sec- were ment not to abandon the Balfour an average of 1,000 visitors a <lay Queen, "Vashti, to appear and distions of the country where per- seeking information or assistance Declaration and to Temove restric- play her charms before his princes manent unemployment and . •»- for -themselves tions on immigration -of Jews to and vassals. She refuses, whereor relatives In treme poverty had doomed whole danger in the Third the Holy Land. upon the counsellors of the king Reich. communities to slow extinction. Signatories to the cable includ- advise the selection of a new All agencies dealing in refugee Proponents of the policy Df freer Governors L. Saltenstall of Queen. The most beautiful viradmission of refugees point to case work are being housed in the ed and Frank D. Fitz- gins of the land are assembled this achievement as proof of the Bloomsbury Hotel under one roof. Massachusetts of Michigan; the Rev. and brought before the king, value which the immigration of Refugees seeking help and indi- gerald S. MacFarland, general whose heart is "won by the grace suitable elements could have for viduals desirous of applying for Charles aid for relatives or friends in secretary of the Federation of and simplicity of the Jewish maidthe nation. Germany or wishing to offer their Churches of Christ in America; en, Esther, also called Hadassah. Temporary Shelter Offered Freely help will no longer be sent trudg- the Rev. John Haynes Holmes After this even King Ahasuerus Temporary shelter in Great ing from one end of the city to pastor of the Community church; appointed Haman, who was a diBritain for the victims of Nazi per- another looking for the right bur- "William Green, president of the rect descendant of Amalek, as his American Federation of Labor, chief minister. Haman visited the secution pending his reemigra- eau to which to apply. and a number of university pro- king every day. As Haman entertion and settlement in the land Sir Henry Bunbury, former that is to be his new home, B free- comptroller of the Post Office and fessors. ed and left the palace, the king's ly off ered with certain limitations. an organizational expert, is now Refugees who have applied for work studying the Jewish comvisas to overseas countries and at and organizations in an STARTS TODAY -whose applications have been' ap- mittees proved, but who have to wait, ei- effort to eliminate overlapping and lack of coordination which in America's . ther until their quota numbers the past have been responsible for IN PERSON! Favaril* r A : No. 356. Polka .are reached or their visas are pre- many delays in action on appli"IDOL OF Dane* B a d Dot with white scarf pared, are permitted to enter the cations. The thousands of appliTHE AIR and pockets—$3.98. In I country to await, in these more cations for aid which have floodLANES!" sizes 16-44. tranquil and secure surroundings the organizations in recent receipt of their passport to a new ed as a result of increased B : Mo. 318. Paisley existence. These refugees, how- months anti-Jewish pressure in the Reich design in multi-color. ever, must be vouched for by one had brought the work of White trim, ripper of the recognized refugee aid or- the almost organizations to standstill. front—-$3.98. Sizes 12 ganizations and guarantees must The staffs, BAKES.BROILS.ROASTS.FRIES.STEWS. BOILS . BROWNS . TOASTS most of them volunto 40. be furnished by relatives or A l l FOODS DEL1O0USLY1 friends here that these refugees tary workers, were unable to cope C5 No- 3*3- Tailored will be maintained and their em- with the floods of applications Baroque vwith leather igration costs covered. Thousand and offers deluging them in rebelt—-$3.98. Sizes 16 of refugees who are awaiting cent months. Many bitter proK doesn't take a fortune-teller to predict to «. their United States or Australian tests were voiced in the press over better meeds with a new Electric Boaster. the hardships resulting from lack — — •— — MAIL ORDERS

Britain's Helping Hand to Refugees By Victor M. Bienstock

Retelling the Old Story of Purim


By Rabbi Abraham Nowak

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Business and Managing Editor . . . . Editor . . Contributing Editor Book Editor s i o u x City, I o w a , Correspondent

A Priest Preaches Hate "A lie," Hitler argued in "Mein Kampf," "is believed because of the unconditional and insolent inflexibility with which it is propagated and because it takes advantage oÂŁ the sentiments and extreme sympathies of the masses . . . Therefore, something always is retained even from the most impudent of l i e s . "











• .

• • • , : ,











The words of the mentor have born weight with the pupil. Hitler has taught, Father Coughlin has followed. The Voice of Royal Oak has indulged in an attack on the Jews unsurpassed for its vehemence and utter falseness. The American prince of demagogues, intoxicated with his own words,, is using all the time-proven catchwords and methods to capture popular attention. The advantages of anti-Semitism have become manifest and he has not hesitated to indulge. A recent pamphlet issued by the General Jewish Council points out the baselessness of certain of Father Coughlin's aecusations and reveals the amazing similarity between/an article by Goebbels and a radio broadcast by the hate-mongering priest. His authorities for certain other statements are revealed to be unreliable cranks. Nor is the pamphlet of these.Jewish groups alone in condemning the tactices of Coughlin. The Catholic publication, "The Commonweal," one of the better religious publications, in articles by Monsignor Ryan and Special Editor George Schuster has accused the radio priest of-being a liar. Rev. Birkhead, Kansas City Unitarian minister, charged that by his half truths, Father CougMin has made himself a national menace. More significant than charges by either Jews or Catholics were those Nazi cheers that greeted the mention of Father CoughlinJs name at the Bund meeting in Madison Squqare Garden. At another gathering sponsored by sympathizers of the : Spanish insurgent cause, the names of Coughlin, Hitler, and Mussolini were given the ovation of the evening. In his attempts to undermine the good name of the Jew, he has held them up as an international menace—as though the Catholic church has suddenly become nationalised. To discredit the present administration, he told how a group of international Jews met in September, 1938, in Paris. Attending •were Blum, Litvinov, Bullit and Morgenthau. This statement \ was broadcast to the nation as a fact. Morgenthau was not in Paris in September, 1938. If Blum was there, he had a right to be. It's his home. Bullit, whom Coughlin terms a half-Jew though in reality he probably doesn't have enough Jewish blood to qualify as a non-Aryan even in Germany, is the American ambassador to Paris and also had a right to be in the French capital. As for Litvinov—he is forced around our necks like a red-handkerchief. Cardinal Mundelein has stated that oCnghlin does not speak for the Catholic church. Yet at hearings in Washington, Father Coughlin did appear as a representative of the Church and was given certain privileges. Only in the instance of the ''Commonweal" has the Catholic press raised its voice against the falsehoods disseminated by the Priest—falsehoods gleaned from the notorious "Weltdienst" (which on occasion has aecused the Jesuits and Freemasons with being in league for the destruction of Germany). Surely, no one questions Father CougnUn's inalienable privilege of free speech. His being a priest does not abrogate / .- the right to express himself on injustices. But because he is a priest he has the double-duty of being quite sure of his statements. The priests who spoke for the Spanish loyalists did -not speak very long as priests. We believe the Badio Priest has an obligation to fulfill to a higher destiny than his own ego;

Purim—5699 • . To the distinguished French Jew, Catulle Mendes, the world has'long been indebted for a beautiful story published many years ago entitled, "The Lost Words of Love." In this ;•.-;.; tale an evil fairy, .smarting under some fancied^wrong, took 1 from the memory of men and women the words ' 1 love you." ^Tho ensuing tragedy can be better understood now because an : evil spirit has removed from the world the better sentiments ; that should exist between nations. . Purim is the season when the falseness of injustice and Xhate are realized, and hope fora better world and the eventual triumph of justice reborn. Annually in the press and pulpit at Purim the parallel between Hitler and Haman is drawn. This chronicle of an ancient enemy of Israel is held up as the lesson fo rail of Israel's enemies. Ao Hainan was evil so is Hitler, although alongside Hitler, Haman was only a beginner in the black arts. In the Book of Esther is recorded no such incident as happened last week when, after signing the agreement with the Evian committee that the measures against the Jews would be eased, an order is promulgated demanding the emigration of one'hundred Jews a day or 365,000 Jews a year. A man, a regime, with so little concern for the niceties of human relations can flourish for only so long. He can build his empires as one builds houses of cards. As long as the winds are favorable, the cards will not fall, but one slight breath will brins them tottering. Such precarious not build "Greater Germanies" or "greater anything." The forces of evil enjoy their hour—but never for long, the gallows, so Hitler is blind to the fact that the wages of the gallows, so Hitler is blind to the fact that the wage sof sin 'are death.'

A Just Protest The "Canadian Jewish Chronicle" registers a just and honest protest concerning the activities pf Communists here and Communist Russia. "Many are wearied of and, indeed, annoyed with, the tactics pf those Communists who upon this

continent seek to give the impression that they, and they alone are the fighters against Fascism and the saviours of the German refugees. Upon every occasion, they call their mass-meetings, draw up their protest resolutions, and in general issue the propaganda which seeks to impress upon the world at large that in the forefront of the battle aaginst Hitler Germany, will : be found their intellectual kin." . . "It is in the light of this boast that we find the official attitude of Soviet Russia of peculiar significance. For while all enlightened bodies in the various democracies of the world have been carrying on a boycott against the totalitarian states, a boycott which has been so effective as to cause the very moustached maestro to squeal with pain, Soviet Russia has been importing 15 per cent of its imports from Hitleria." Not only has the Soviet Union given material comfort to Germany, but it has likewise entered into trade relations with another of the totalitarian nations, Italy, and between the Soviets on one side and the Fascists on the other there has been ready exchange, particularly of the war materials of which Hitler stands in need. With this in mind the "Chronicle" asks: "Will some loyal Marxist be good enough, therefore, to explain to us by what ideological sophistry the breaking of the boycott is justified on the pa^rt of the Soviet Union? Or is there one standard of action for Stalin, and another for his transatlantic satellites?'


By DR. THEODORE V. LEWIS Babbl, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City P R I E S T S AND EROPHETS" JACOB HOSCHANDER. 362 PGS. JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEWWARY. NEW YORK CITY. This is an heroic but, I fear, unconvincing effort to defend the traditional Jewish point of view regarding the relationship of priest to prophet. Not only Is it unconvincing', but rather astonishing, in view of the radical opinions expressed in the first chapter, where the entire case for religious orthdoxy, Jewish and Christian, is given away. In the initial pages the author admits Judaism to be a religion of syncretism, it borrowed elements of worship and ritual from Canaanites, Babylonians, and others, that the Jahveh religion was an offshoot of Baal worship. Yes, despite this scientific attitude, Dr. Hoschander seeks to establish the thesis that there was little conflict in principle between priest and prophet, that the prophet was not morally superior .to the priest. The priests were as honest and true teachers of Judaism as the prophets. Only their pecular position In the sanctuary, which was in control of the royal family, made it Impossible for them to espouse the cause of righteousness as boldly and uncompromisingly as did the prophets. Doubts as to their sincerity on this score are without basis and justification. The author defends passionately the ceremonial law. He maintains correctly that loyalty thereto need hot necessarily conflict with a high ethical life. It is perfectly true that one may lead an honorable and examplary existence and yet obey unquestioningly all of the six-hundred and thirteen commandments, s u bscribe' to the minutiae of creed and dogma. Yet, how account for the grotesque and common spectacle of sinful and Immoral men, practising punctiliously religious ceremonial, serving faithfully as Pillars of synagogue and church? For well known psychological reasons, obedience to irrational ritual and blind belief in dogma dull the moral sense, sooth and solace an uneasy and sin laden conscience. In charge of the sanctuary and rich beneficiaries thereof the priests conveniently shut their eyes to the guilt, to the social crimes, of those who brought, frequent and expensive gifts. The" prophets, indifferent to this type ,ot bribery, placed all emphasis on justice and ethical conduct, and daringly spoke;of the Temple as a *'den of robbers." The elaborate and artificial temple rites thay riot only ridiculed but denounced because Tthe hands of those who made such services possible "were filled withlblood." It has always

been a mooted question whether

the prophets disapproved of ritual per'se, or because It became an easy substitute for "clean hands and a pure heart." Personally, I am Inclined to the latter view, and agree with the author that the prophets1 denounced the sacerdotal system because it had become a surrogate for goodness.

Because of his enormous sympathy • with the ceremonial and ritualistic in religion, which renders a priestly class indispensable, the author condones the compromises the priests made and their failure to denounce the wickedness of kings and princes in whose sanctuaries they served, on the ground that, had they done so, the religious life of Israel would have come to a complete' stoppage, at the order of the kin^. This is an unworthy apology for compromise and hypocrisy. The same excuse can be offered for those ministers in Germany who have made their peace with Hitler. Are. these not rendering a greater service to religion than Niemoller and his associates, now imprisoned, who refuse to compromise with their convictions, and to espouse Nazi paganism? Had the ancient priests taken their stand with the prophets against the king, a social, political, and moral revolution would have resulted. The religion they gave the people was a narcotic. As the German ministers betray God In serving Nazism, so did the priests betray God, when lacking In courage, they chose the more profitable and more secure path' of surrender to the State. The author tragically misses the majesty of the Hebrew pro-

phets, and fails to grasp the divine essence of the phenomenon of prophecy. Here too, loyalty to the traditional approach and conception leads him to unpardonable fallacy. It is fearfully pathetic for a- great scholar to state that "there 13 no rule by which true prophecy can be distinguished from false," and to pose such an irrelevant question as to whether there "is any criterion for judging the truth of prophetic predictions." The test of a true prophet is very simple. According to Jeremiah, false prophets "speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord' (Jeremiah 23:16.) A true prophet is always loyal to his inner convictions and preaches the Divine word with absolute sincerity, without evasion or compromise, and.with an utter indifference to

personal fate or fortune. He who disregards or violates the promptIngs of the soul and who speaks

as those in power wish him to do is a false prophet, dishonest and cowardly. He is a traitor to God, country, and to self. Failure to grasp .this elemental, and yet so crucial, distinction is amazing. Furthermore, to confuse prophecy with prediction and to think of an Amos in terms of a soothsayer, or a magician, is to outrageously misinterpret prophecy.; Those prophets .of , old had nothing in common with soothsayers and fortune tellers. Being naught but human, they had no more than any other individual knowledge of future events. And when they yielded to the temptation of making specific predictions, they frequently erred. For their power lay hot in foretelling the future, but in boldly and fearlessly preaching love and truth and righteousness, and in championing the cause of the poor and the widow and orphan, to the point of personal danger. Prophecy requires uncommon courage which only a Jeremiah, an Isaiah, or-a Ghandi possess. And prophecy always encounters the blind and. unprincipled opposition of the greedy, tnel aristocratic and the sheltered, those who rejoice in and prosper from the statusquo. If a case can be made for priestcraft, the author makes the best possible one. But even at best, the priests were morally inferior, spiritually beneath the prophets. The two bodies of men lived In opposite religious worlds. The goal of the prophet was fulfillment of the moral law; that of the priest rams and bullocks for the altars —? and himself. The prophets directed their vision on the eternal and the true. The priests preferred the transient and the deceptive, and above all, the security and. power*, rewards meted out to those; who stifle conscience, who conform to the prevailing mores. Though one may reject the fundamental thesis of the book, the book itself will make profitable reading by virtue of its great scholarship and its quite delightful, lucid style. And it always does "one good to read a staunch defense of the traditional point of view, even though it can -not be accepted. Especially Is this true here where tradition is defended with passionate conviction and scholarly equipment;

Reich Editor Says Anti-Hitler Bloc Will Avert War New York (WNS) — Friedrich Stampfer, former editor-in-chief of the German daily Vorwaena in Berlin, declared in an interview here that "an anti-Hitler coalition on the largest possible basis," -was necessary to avoid a war. Mr. Stampfer said that "according to confidential reports which were received from Germany, distrust of Hitler has increased since the annexation of Austria and Sudetenland for two reasons. Ffrst, through the Munich agreement the German people learned how close they were to -war and they don't ivant war. Second, the anti-Jewish riots opened even the eyes of those who

refused to believe stories.*"



Gems of the Bible and Talmud By Dr. Philip She*

Tells Jews Persecuted For What They Stand

BIBLE He who hath a bountiful eye' shall be blessed, for he glveth of his bread to the poor. Cast out the scorner and contention will go out; yea. strife and shame will cease. Foolishness is bound up In the heart.of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.



Incline thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thy heart unto knowledge. TAIiSfUD Politics kills the politician prematurely. One enters the world naked, and naked he leaves it, O, were he but as clean -/hen he goes out as when he came in! If one says, "I'll sin, and the day of atonement will atone for my sins," the day of atonement will bring no atonement for him. Only sins affecting the relation of man to God does the day of atonement for, but Bins affecting the relation of man to his fellow man are.not atoned for by the day of atonement until he appeases his fellow man. Our Babbls were taught: "In three respects is social service greater than charity. 1. Charity is done at the mere sacrifice of money, while social service is performed both with money and personal service. 2. Charity is only for the poor, while social service is for both rich and poor. 3. Charity is only for the living, while Eocial, service is for both the living and the dead. If one studies the law for the sake of knowledge and to teach to others, it becomes a law of kindness. But if he studies only for the'sake of knowledge for himself and not to teach to others, it becomes a law of unkindness.

PHI BETA KAPPA JOINS IN ATTACK ON TOTALITARIANS New York (JTA) — An American "counter-attack" on the dictatorships of Europe for their destruction of culture, true science and intellectual freedom

dictators of Germany, Russia and Italy. He noted that "science and humanity have already suffered too much through the suppression of freedom of inquiry to make any policy of appeasement possible in this field." Prof. Percy W. Bridgman, Harvard physicist and one of the world's top - ranking scientists, served notice in the current issue of Science that nis laboratory at Cambridge is closed to visitors from totalitarian states. The decision was hailed by leading scientists and educators.

Terming the Jews the front-line soldiers apainst the forces of darkness, Dr. Louis Finkelsteln, Provost of the Jewish Theological Seminary, spoke to three hundred persons at a dinner last Snnday evening at the Blackstone Hotel. "There are those who believa the Issue between the enemies of the. Jews and us is merely that of onr personal safety and comfort;' that our opposition to Hitler bt merely a reaction to his enmity to the Jew." "We are being persecuted ftf Hitler and his cohorts not because of what we are, but because of what we stand for. We stand for peace, for liberty, for learning, for human dignity, for the equality of the sexes, for the right. He stands for war, for subjugation* for barbarism, for the annihllatlon of the individual." "His persecution of us is but! the first step In the persecution of all who love the truth, and, who refuse to bow down before the Golden Image of Savagery." Delegates from Des Moines and Lincoln headed by Rabbi Levensf and Rabbi Jolt were also present. Arthur Cohn was toastmas* ter of the evenine. Mrs. J. Blanfc was chairman of the commute* in charge of arrangements. In 1348 the Duke of Grubenhagen issued patents of proteo* tion to the Jews of Goettingen. Samuel ibn Nagela wag Grand Vizier of Granada under the Calif Habus.

was called for by the United Simon Gratz waB one of the Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, nafounders of the Pennsylvania tional scholastic society with 83,To Present Medal academy of fine arts. 000 members throughout the nation, at a dinner at which 3,000 New York (JTA) — General Patronize Our Advertisers members and guests filled to ca- Hugh S. Johnson will present the pacity the ballroom of the Astor. American Hebrew medal for outFROM MARCH 5 TO MARCH 10 Dr. Christian Gauss ,dean of standing service in promoting bet- Definite place for an out* Sunday, March 5. ' the college of Princeton univer- ter understanding between Chris- standing: young man, preferSunday School Purim party, 11 sity, in the keynote address de- tians and Jews to President ably between ages 2 1 to 3 5 . a. m., auditorium, Jewish Com- clared, in behalf of Phi Beta Kap- Roosevelt at the White House on Box 3 . munity Center. pa, an ideological war against the March 6. Omaha Hebrew club, 3 p. m., Iodga room, Jewish Community Center. A. Z, A. No. 1 meeting, 3 p. m., G and H, Jewish Community Center. Junior A. Z. A. meeting, 3 p. m., room E, Jewish Community The Year of the iVeic from Coast to Coast Center. Girl Scouts meeting, 3 p. m., room M, Jewish Community Center. Monday, March 6. ***&> B'nai B'rith, 8 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. Workmen's Loan association, 8 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. ' . Orchestra class, 8 p. m., auditorium, Jewish Community Center. Tuesday, March 7. Vaad auxiliary, 2 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. Deborah society, 2 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. Senior Hadassah Study group, 2 p. m., club room, Jewish Community Center. Women's Division Forum, 8 p. m., auditorium, Jewish Community Center. » Wednesday, March 8. Beth-El auxiliary, 1 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Community ; Center. Round Table of Jewish Youth supper, 6 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. International Workers* Order, 8 p. m.; C and D, Jewish Community Center. Charm school, 8 p. W., G and H, Jewish Community Center. Record Concert series, & p. m., club room, Jewish Community 1. Instantly Removable Center. Thursday, March O. Junior Hadassah, 8 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. Boy Scouts, 8 p. m., lodge Note room, Jewish Community Center. the Town Hall Fornm: 8 p. m., Way club room, Jewish Community Center. " the Choir rehearsal, 8 p. m., K and Body, , Jewish Community Center. Yoke Friday, March 10. Thii is what makes Seaand Dancing class, 3 p. m.. C and son S k i p p e r a cold D, Jewish Community Center. Sleeve weather overcoat when

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Letters to the Editor To the Editor: A booklet entitled "Justice for the Jew" is available, free for the asking, by applying to the American League to Combat AntiSemitism, 270 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Suite 13OS. This booklet contains pertinent statements of interest to everyone concerned with the Jewish problem in America t o d a y . Among the contributors are Dr. John Haynes Holmes, minister of the Community Church of New York; Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, minister of the Riverside Church of New York; Hon. William H. Vanderbilt, governor of Rhode Island, a n d Sismund' Spaeth, chairman of the National Association for American Composers and Conductors. There are many others, all influential leaders of American life today. A postcard will brir.s you the booklet, free and without obligation. Send for it promptly. AMCTUCAX I/FMGCE TO COMBAT ANTI-SEMITISM.

Washington (JTA)—A bill to permit political and religious refugees over 65 to enter the United States upon posting of a $10,000 bond to guarantee they wonld engage in no occupation for profit and would not become public 'atrocity iharges was Introduced by Senator Smathera of New Jersey.

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Vioneer Women The Pioneer Women's organization were hostesses at a lunch-


Additional Donors to Hadassah Fund

Deborah An Interesting

and nnnsflrt

In addition to the list of names luncheon meeting h a s b e « s The 27tb anniversary of Haeon last Wednesday in honor of published in The Jewish Press planned by the Deborah society dassah will be c e l e b r a t e d Dvora Lapson, noted -dancer. A last week, the following were also for Tuesday, March 14, at 1 throughout the United States in large group attended. donors to the Hadassah- linen o'clock at the Jewish Community nearly 500 cities by almost 81.An Oneg Shabboth will be held 00 members during the month Program Monday to Tell tomorrow at the home of Mrs. J. Mrs. Oscar Marx to Give fund: Mesdames Lena Rise in an, Center. Morris Micklin, Fred Hahn, A. Sermon at Beth El Work of Temple Group Fellman. A Purim program has Reservations for this affair »Y» ot March. The local; chapter of EEtJTEECH-MIBO'WTrZ NOVAK-LEEBOWITZ Rotfman, Morris Levey, Clarence being taken by Mrs, J. Tretia^, Hadassah will commemorate this Next Week Since 1890 been prepared by the members. Miss Irene Mirowitz, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Liebowitz event on Saturday, March 18, In Bergman, M. Grodinsky, Phil HA 0579. Judah Wolfson will be principal of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miro- of Rock Island, 111., announce "the the form of a city-wide Ones Mrs. Oscar 3. Marx, third "vice- Rosenblatt. J. J. Greenberg, Ernie Tbe history of the Temple Is- speaker. Mrs. J. Goldware, president of •witz, became the bridr of Mr. marriage of their daughter, Frie- Shabboth to be held at the Black- rael Nogg, Tully Kaplan, Louis Alpresident of the National Coun-! Sisterhood from its inception the Deborah, has asked friends ftf Sidney Feintech, son of Mr. and da, to Sam Novak, son of Mrs- tone hotel, although the exact in 1890 as the Ladles Sewing socil of Jewish Women and a mem- berts. William Boasberg and Karl the Talmud Torah and members Mrs. Joe Feintech of Des Molnes, Julia Novak, on Sunday, Febru- date is on Purim (March 5) ciety will be traced In the draber of its board of directors, will Sessel. of the Bociety to come. on Sunday afternoon. The mar-ary 2B. Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, chairman deliver the sermon Friday evewhich notes the deliverance of matic and musical presentation riage took place in Des Moines The wedding took place at the he Jews of Persia in 482 B. C. "The Cavalcade of the Sisterning, March 10, at the Beth El of the Linen Shower, requests "With Habbis Mannheim and Zeit- home of Rabbi David A- Gold- E. through the heroism of the hood" to be given on Monday, synagogue when the local chap- that any donor whose name was check oificiating. Cantor A. stein In the presence of the mem- Biblical Queen Esther. ter of the Council conducts its omitted from the published list March 6, In the vestry rooms of Pliskln of Sioux City chanted. please call her. bers of the immediate families. annual "Council Sabbath." Hadassah, which is the Hebrew the Temple. All Sterling and Silver . „ A dinner for 200 guests ^folThe bride was attended by hername by which Queen Esther was The service 'will be conducted Highlights or the program will PUted Hollow War* » l lowed the ceremony.' sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and known, was suggested by Miss be the organization of the Sisterby members of the Junior and PLEASANT HILL Charles Schimmel Senior Council and by Rabbi The bride was attended- by Lil- Mrs. H. Zavett. Attending the Henrietta Scold, who now directs hood. In 1902, a Sisterhood meet- Mrs. 33 1 3 DISCOUNT CEMETERY SOCIETY Gurst of Honor at ly Mirowitz. Harold Feintech was grocm were his mother and his he Youth Aliyah (immigration) Ing in the new Temple in 1908, David A. Goldstein and Cantor Reductions up to 5 0 % on brother, Isadore.. A number of af- work of the organization, as a the March of the Minutes from the -groomsman. Aaron Edgar. Hotel Opening Diamonds, Watches, A regular meeting of the PleasOut-of-town guests Included: fairs for the young couple are be- fitting honor to the brave wom- 1914 to 1939, a Quiet Quorum of Jewelry A 1 o'clock no-hostess lunch- ant Hill Cemetery society will be Mr. and Mrs. H. Kusbnitsky, Mol- ing planned. Mrs. Charles Schimmel of eon will be held at noon that held on Tuesday, March 7, at an who eaved her people from 1930 and a . sketch showing a BUY NOW AND SAVE iy Kushnitsky, Mrs. Louis Gottdestruction. The line from Jere- modern group of Sisterhood mem- Omaha was guest of honor at a same day at the Blackstone no- 2:30 at the B'nai Jacob synalieb, Misses Golde and Esther ASHER-STALMASTER gala celebration sponsored by thetel for Council members and gogue, Twenty-fourth and Nichmiah, "the healing of the daugh- bers. Miss Bess Stalmaster became er of my people," was chosen as Gottlieb, all of Kansas City; Mrs. Members of the Sisterhood who Galesburg Chamber of Commerce friends. Mrs. Marx will speak olas streets. Louis Gottfried of Chicago; Mr. the bride of Mort Asher of Indian- a motto for the group which be- will take part In the six episodes to mark the grand opening of the os the Refugee Problem as it is A board meeting will take and Mrs. Charles. Raskin, Lor- apolis Saturday evening at a cer- gan with only 36 members. are: Mesdames Louis Lipp, J. E. Hotel Custer In Galesbnrg. Hi. being faced by the Council. Res- place at 2. raine Raskin, Mr. and Mrs. M. emony performed at the home of The Oneg Shabboth program Solomon, Lawrence Gross, George More than 300 guests were pres- ervations for tbe luncheon are SQ3 3 ° | B V t ) M A ! l A -r-M.1-E. Friedman and Sylvia Fried- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis and affair is being prepared by Spltzer, J. J. Friedman, Milton ent at the affair, including Gales- 75 cents per plate and may be Patronize Oar Advertisers made by calling Mrs. Ben Shapman, all of Sioux City. Mrs. J. StalmaBter. Rabbi David A. Gold- Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky and Mrs. Abrahams, E d w a r d Brodkey, burg's leading citizens. Haznick, Mr. Morris Minkin, Mr. stein officiated. A. 5. Rubnitz, assisted by the Harold Abrahams. Leon Fellman, Local people who attended iro, WA 3409. and Mrs. Leo Fox, Miss Shirley After a wedding trip to Florida president, Mrs. M.D. Brodkey, Herman Jahr, Sam Josephson, were Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Schim- Mrs. Morris Levy, courtesy Fox, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Canar, and New York, the couple will tbe educational chairman, Mrs. Philip Romonek and Robert B. mel of Lincoln and Mrs. *R. Kul- chairman, will give a breakfast Miss Sylvia Epstein, Miss Shirley make their home in Indianapolis. Paul Veret, . and the program Rosenthal. Or. Frderick Cohn akofsky of Omaha. Warren U. for Mrs. Marx and the Council Epstein, Miss Rosalie Tuchman, chairman, Mrs. Phineas Wln- wil also participate. Fuller, assistant to the traffic board ot directors Friday mornMiss Miriam Fiedler, Miss Louise troub. All women's organisaOn the program also win be vice-president of the C. B. ft Q. Ing. Saylan, Miss Shirley Goldberg, tions throughout the city are in- Mrs. Raymon SUber, who will railroad, was toastmaster of the Mrs. Marx has been active in Morris Fine. Leo Sherman, Samvited to attend the affair and the sing, accompanied by Mrs. Harry evening. louncil work, particularly in the my Walk, Ray Shapiro and Man- Sigma Omicron Is proud to an- tea following the program. Rosenfeld. The narration will be The work of the late Charles field of peace, for the past 15 For Paid Up Members uel Himmelstein, all of Omaha. nounce Its scholarship ranking given by Mrs. Isidor Ziegler, who Schimmel was lauded by the years. A graduate of WashingAll members are requested to is chairman of the afternoon and various speakers who paid trib- ton university, St. Louis, Mo., The bride's brother. Jack Miro- over a period of eight years on tbe pay their current year dues to who has arranged the program. ute to his genius in the field of Mrs. Marx has been identified witz, and her Blster-in-law, Mrs. University of Nebraska campus. entitle to admittance for The committee In charge con- hotel management and to his ef- with peace work all her adult Eddie Mirowitz of Oakland, Cal., University scholarship statistics the Paidthem Dp Membership Affair sists of: General program chairlife. She was chairman of the showed that the chapter has on behalf of Galesbnrg. alBo attended the ceremony. be given during the latter part man. Mrs. David H. WIce: spe- forts Illinois Marathon Round-Tables Mr. Schimmel established the The couple left on a wedding ranked in first over this eight- to of April. Checks for dues may cial program chairman for March, Hotel CuBter in GaleBborg in for the Cause and Cure of War. year period'among all social fratrip in Kansas CJty. mailed to Mrs. Leon Mendel- Mrs. Isidor Ziegler; co-chairman, She was formerly state chairman ternities. High scholarship has be son, 2444 Redick, from A to M, Mrs. LOUIB Lipp; music, Mrs. 1910 and bnilt the first addition of the International Relations for always been tbe goal of Sigma and to BHYKEN'-KIRSHENBATTM Mrs. Albert Newman, 4724 Harry Rosenfeld; costumes, Mrs. In 1915. For several years it the League of Women Voters, and Miss Bess Kirshenbaum, daugh- Alpha Mu. In fact, Sigma Omi- Davenport, from N to Z. has been managed by a son. BernMax Holzman; properties. Mrs. ard. The affair last week marked in 1933 acted as delegate to the ter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Kir- cron last year was scholastically Congress tor WomAll Hadassah members and William Feller, and manuscripts. shenbaam on Sunday became the the third highest fraternity in the the opening ot a new addition to International en held In Chicago. friends are asked to save old Mrs. Jule M. Newman. bride of Sam Shyken, son of Mr. United States. the present building. She is a frequent contributor and Mrs. Simon Shyken of CounReservations may be made by Sigma Omicron last week de- clothes, hats, shoes, odd brie a Messages were received from cil Bluffs. The ceremony took feated the Zeta Beta Tau frater- brae, etc, for the rummage com- calling Mrs. Molly Cohen, WA members of the Schimmel family of current magazines. mittee. The spring s d e will oe place at the Central club. Officiat- nity in an Inter-fraternity basket7144, who with her circle Is In who were unable to attend the ing were Rabbi Davia A. Gold- ball contest. The Bcore ended 20 held during April and the chair- charge ot the luncheon which Is ceremonies. The Blackstone hostein, Rabbi Nathan Feldman, to 17. This 1B the second consec- man, Mrs. peter Greenberg, HA to precede the meeting. Members tel in Omaha is under Schimmel and Cantor Abraham Schwaczkin. utive year the Zeta Beta Tau five 1207, will gladly furnish addi- may bring guests. management. The Beth El Auxiliary One? Information, The bride's gown of Ivory bro- have bowed to the Sigma Alpha tional The drawing for the "Barrets Shabboth will be held tomorrow New Hadassah Chapter Formed caded satin was made with point- Mu team. of Wimpole Street Afghan" made afternoon at 2: SO at the home of A new Hadassah chapter haB ed sleeves and. ruching at the Ray Brown, Kansas City, h a s been organized In Fremont, Neb., by Mrs. JBorton Degen win take Mrs. J. Tretiak, 3004 Lincoln neck, and had a three-yard train. again taken active part in dra- through the effort of Mrs. A. S. place at this meeting. There will boulevard. she wore a short veil held matic .'circles. He has received a also be a box in which members At the monthly meeting of the Cantor Aaron Kdgar will lead of St. Louis, president of may depoelt their contributions -with a tiara of pearls. Miss Re- leading role in the play Tovarich, Wolf Omaha Section of the National the group in the singing of tradithe Southwestern Regional of becca Kirshenbaum attended her a . University Player's production. Hadassah, and Mrs. M. J}. Brod- for the rummage sale to be held Council of Jewish Women, a Me- tional Purim melodies. A memaister. Irving Mittleman was best Brown not only partakes in a uni- key, president of tbe Omaha this month. morial Service was held for Mrs. ber of the group will review the jnan. versity play presented each Fri- chapter. A group of IB have alFrederick Cohn, founder, first book by Marvin Loewenthal, After a short wedding trip, the day over radio station KFOR, but ready Joined. Mrs. David A. president, and at the time of her "Worlds Pafised By." Mrs. J. J. young couple will be at home in he also won a part In the KFOR Goldstein, regional first viceFrieden and Mrs. L. Moskowitx death, honorary president. Council Bluffs. Radio Guild show, presented each president, win speak before the Mrs. Sam Teper opened the will be co-hostesses for the aftA regular business meeting of Monday night. group Monday, March 6, and help A. Z. A. 100 was held last Sun- service with a prayer; Mrs. I.ernoon. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Arthur Hill, Lincoln, lias been them outline organization plans. day at the Jewish Community Ziegler read the tribute, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Isadbre Rimer- elected chairman of a committee, HMO Award at April Meeting Center. However, before the first Belman, accompanied by Mrs. Al The Beth El Auxiliary will hold man announce the engagement of sponsored by the Student CounAH captains of the HMO are of business came a first de- Finkel, sang a solo. The entire Its regular monthly luncheon their daughter, Evelyn. Sylvia, to cil, for the purpose of making requested to start getting stubs order ceremony to Jack Berman assembly stood In silent prayer meeting: on Wednesday. March 8. Mr. Sam Light, son of Mr. Philip plans for an Inter-campus bus In on the award for the trip to gree and Louis Katz. Frank - Pirsch, .and at tbe -close of the service, A board meeting a* 12 will preLight of Sioux Falls, S. D. service to and from the agricul- New York City. Each year tick- Aleph Kohn Godol, spoke to the resolutions In memory Of Mrs.cede the luncheon. No wedding date has been ture college campus. Hill is also ets are sold by Hadassah for the new The program will feature a Alephs on "What Is A. Z. Cohn were adopted. chosen. in charge of the Organizations benefit of the Hadassah Medical A.," and. he acquainted them with pageant entitled. "Watchman, Committee, whose purpose is to organization on an award with the symbols and-secrete of tbe On Monday, February 37. theWhat of the Ufeht?" ParticipatBIRTHDAY FABTX iqspect and pass approval upon the choice of a round trip ticket order. Council extended memberships to ing; in the pageant -will be Mrs. Mrs. Norman Zlotkin was host- constitutions t>f all campus or- first class to New York City t>r 10 women, who have recently ar- Harry Trustln, Mrs, Abe Venger A day in the latter part of $100 In cash as the first award ess Sunday at a birthday party ganizations, i rived in Omaha from foreign and Mrs. Sam Wolf. Mrs. Phineas March will be chosen as A. Z. A. given in honor of her daughter, Norman Harris, Omaha, was and a Tound trip ticket (tourist Sabbath day. A. Z. A. 100 as countries. Mrs. J. E. Cohen, Wintroub Is director. Costumes Helen,'and lor two students who awarded honorable mention In the class)) to New York City or $50 usual win .participate in this president, assisted by Mrs. Louis are being designed by Mrs. Harry reside at the Zlotkin home, Har- Bhort story contest, sponsored by in cash as the second award. Any event. Alephs will act as lead- Sogolow, welcomed the new mem- Duboff. ry Kay and David Kleiner of New the Awgwan, university humor captains or members desiring* ers in the ceremony, and give bers and explained to them the Cantor Aaron Edgar will premore tickets or books are reYork. magazine. aims and ideals of the Council. sent a group of Palestinian songs. quested to call Mrs. M. M. Bartsh, speeches. A committee consist- Mrs. Frohman gave the response Twelve gnesta were present. HMQ chairman, WA 8899. Money ing of Chairman Frank Pirsh, for the new members. can be raised in this manner for Milton GUBS, Joe Guss, Harold VISITS HERE Slutzkin and Nate Berg, has been Mrs. Eddie Mirowitz of Oak- By virtue of being the runner- the Don. r luncheon to be held appointed to take care of matThe-eecond lecture of the Ruth in May. land,: Cal.,: has been visiting here ups at the Corn Belt Region deLOCATION FOR MATZOS ters concerning the affair. Nenhaus series took place Wedas the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Her-bate tourney held at Sioux City nesday morning at the Brandeis Palestine Pavilion £518 No. 24th St. Joe Guss, delegate from Sam man Mirowitz. Mr. and Mrs.- Mir- last December, Mother Chapter When the gates ot the New Beber chapter to the district con- store auditorium. Mrs. Neohaus ACROSS FROM DANSKY'S owitz entertained at an affair in dlbate team will represent the York World's Fair swing open vention at Madison, Wis., will outlined the present European GARAGE her honor*! Fifty persons were Corn Belt Region at the District on April 30, 1939, among the leave for that city tonight. setup. An enthusiastic discusJA 7056 or Res.; AT 2972 present. ' / : No. 6 convention debate tourna- various national pavilions will be sion led by Dr. E. Holt, followed ment to be lield at Madison, Wi a Jewish Palestine pavilion. Such the discussion. March 4, 5 and 6. The Sioux Jewish participation will be quite The next lecture will be nela" City snnad who were the winners unprecedented at a world's fair on Wednesday morning, March to attend the district held in this country. It will mark X regular meeting ot the Vaad 7, at 10:30. The subject 1B "Life ,The Women's Mizrachi will are unableand Mother Chapter, BB the second time that Jewish Pal- Auxiliary will h e held an Tues- UneB for Europe." Mr*. X E. hold its Onejr Shabboth tomorrow conclave, were given the Invita- estine haB been represented In* day, March 7, * t 2:30 p. m. at Cohen will introduce the chairat tbe home of the hostess, Mrs. runnersup any International exposition. The the Jewish Community Center. man of the lecture, Dr. C W. M. A. Schwaczkin. 345 North Thirty- tion to attend. fifth. Co-hostess will be Mrs. A. Representing Mother Chapter significance of the Jewish Pales- The meeting will be open, to the Poynter, -dean of the University will be Justin Priesman and Mor- tine pavilion at the New York public. of Nebraska Medical BChooL K a t z . . ' . ' • • • . Kirshenbaum. Together with World's Fair can therefore not The guest speaker on the proMiss Blanche Klelmen, educa- ris be overestimated. A> Z. A. No. 1 delegate to gram will be Mrs. Gearhardt of Reports from Mrs. Fred Elikln tional director of the Jewish Com- the the District No. 6 convention At the World's Fair, where the the University of Omaha School and M». I. Klein, chairman and munity Center, will be guest Morris Arbltman. the debaters Palestine pavilion will stand as of Adult Education who win re- co-chairman of the Council card speaker. .. Through the Va4d entrain for Madison Friday a symbol ot Jewish heroism and view the book. "My Son, My Son1' party, are most encouraging. The Members and friends of the or-will night. H'Oihr you are able unity, Hadassah's Health Hall by Howard Spring. . card party will take place at the ganization have been asked to •Morris Arbitman, who Is rep-will have special significance. As The executive board -win meet Cejfter, March 37, at 1 o'elock. save their bundles for the organi- resenting to purchase WitMother Chapter, was the task of building the pavilion at 1. Tickets are SO cents. A dessert zation's Rummage Sale. Those appointed to Others the chairmanship of tenberg's Matzos luncheon •will Be served. with contributions are asked to the Junior A. Z. A. committee is beyond tbe resources of a small call Mrs. 'Joe Tuchman or Mrs. E. and will present the report an group of Individuals, no matter $19.95 to at this price. CHESED SHEL EMES how devoted to Jewish honor or The University ot Heidelberg Weinberg. . . . . . ' " this new phase of A. Z. A. to the how mindful of Jewish needs, it JTrencA Room Sixth Float $3&95 regular meeting of the Ches- was the first German University convention assembled. i Is an undertaking that compell- edASbel to admit ffewish students. Orders will NOT be Ernes will be held on TOWN HALL Concluding one of the most ingly.demands the active co-opertaken after March successful basketball seasons of ation of American Jewry as a Monday, March 6, at 2 o'clock at 14th; so place your On Thursday, March 9, the recent years. Mother Chapter bas whole. Hadassah in co-operation the Funeral home, 19th and CumINVEST SAFELY. WlSfcCV IN Town Hall Discussion group, keteers finished third in the race with this tremendous problem is ing street. order now so that a meeting at the Center, will hear for the J. C. C. title. Playing aiding by the sale of tickets to necessary supply a' broadcast on the subject, their last year of A. Z. A. basket the Land of Israel at the Fair. Thirty-sixth avenue. Co-bostess Annuity, Endowment, «_»t» will be available at "Would a Federation of Democ- ball, Herb Meiches and Morris As the Jewish people -do not have will be Mrs. Dave Hoberaan. racies Save World Peace?" MARK LEON your dealer or groAdler, led the team through the a government to represent them The group on "Orientation ot Represent* 21 Strong CompanParticipating on the broadcast year with their steady and cap-it falls on Jewry as a whole to Hadassah Projects" will meet cer cr at the Vaad, ies—Every Type ot in»ur»no« •will be: Clarence Streit, New able playing. The A. Z. A. Junior make possible this pavilion. Friday, March 3, at the home of «nd Bcnc1! Writtsn. JA CSS7. York Times correspondent; Dor- team finished second In the J CAUL AT 7667 or VV* SIM Is the "privilege of every Jew Mrs. Louis Kohl, 4121 Harney. othy Detzer, Pacifist and social C. C. Junior league, producing in ItAmerica City Finance & Insurance Co and of each Jew in Reports will be given by* Mrs worker, and George Sokolsky, some capable players who will Omaha to help support the proj- Ben Goldare on "The Hebrew journalist and lecturer. see service on the first team in ect. Hadassah In co-operation is University," Mrs. Morris Raznick future years. selling tickets that will entitle on the "Rothschiia Hadassah Girl Scouts Plans for the A. Z. A. Sabbath anyone to become contributing University Hospital," and Mrs The Girls Scouts of Troop 4 are being made by the committe members to the Jewish Palestine Lazar Kaplan on "Palestine Highwill meet on Sunday, March 5, headed by Haskell Lazere. Th exhibit. Price is $1. Members lights." Mrs. David A. Goldstein at 2:30 at the Jewish Commun- date of A. Z. A. Sabbath will b of Hadassah may earn Donor will be guest of the group and ity Center. Friday, March 17, rnd will b luncheon money in this manner. will speak on "The Situation ToAll members of the troop have held this year at the Beth-B Call Mrs. M. M. Barish, HMO day." Mrs. Morris M. Franklin is leader of the group. been urged to attend this meet- synagogue. Final plans will b< chairman, WA 8899. ing. announced nest week. . Book Bevlew Group The next meeting of Motbei The next meetnig of the Book Strikingly handsome coat Chapter will be Sunday, March 5 Review group will be held Wed Goldie Myerson Due to bad weather the Goldie 1939, at 2:15 p. m. at the Jew- nesday, March 22, at the home of . . . -with the soft up-ed Mrs. Simon Gorellck, 319 North Myerson club meeting scheduled ish Community Center. shoulder. Beautifully taifor last Tuesday was called off. • DURING MARCH THIS AD IS WORTH $10.00 ON MACHINE^ The date of the next meeting lored in Navy, Black, and will be announced in a forthcomBlack end White stripe. ing issue of The Jewish Press.


Remodeling Sale



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iven M o v i e Awards—Spain's Crest—France Fortifies Tunisia



^ ^


• II





A / \MiAW

SHE'S A BEAR—Pat O'Hara, 18, member of the Polar Bear Club of Kansas City, Mo., bought a new 1939 -model bathing suit and couldn't wait until summer to display it. Here she is on her sled, wearing the suit even though the temperature was near the zero p o i n t . O b s e r v e r s asserted there wasn't a goose pimple on her!

SPAIN'S CREST—This is the coat of arms of Insurgent Spain, which will become the official coat of arms for all Spain, when General Francisco Franco is declared victorious. Figures are the three types of men fighting for Franco—Legionnaire', Phalangist and Navarese. ' •

MOVIE AWARDS—Spencer Tracy and Bette Davis, winners of the annual awards of the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences. Mr. Tracy won his second successive award by his role as Father Flanagan in "Boys Town.'1 Miss Davis won hers for her performance in "Jezebel."

LJ^ MARETH LINE—Tunisia, for which Italian Fascists clamor, is keystone of the French colonial empire in Africa. With it, Italy could command the Mediterranean area. But France has built strong fortifications along the" Libyan border, called the Mareth Line; Here are scenes taken of if. Top, French soldiers camouflage a con-

crete pillbox. Left center,.French infantry on the march in Tunisia. Right center, typical native soldier in the colony army. Bottom, French officers inspect spiked concrete blocks on which barbed wire can be strung. Steel and concrete fortifications in the Mareth Line are manned by 35,000 fully equipped French troops.

CHARMING PET—Downtown Miami, Fla., hardly could believe its senses when a girl who gave her name only as Zorita walked with, a 10-foot Chinese bull snake on a leash. She and the snake were hustled off to a police station. She shyly admitted she was in the show business.



NAZI BATTLER—Launching by Chancellor Hitler at Hamburg of the Bismarck, new Nazi battleship named for Germany's Iron Chancellor. It's Germany's first 35,000-ton battleship since the war.

n _


NEW RECORD—Taylor Drysdale, former University of Michigan star, sets anew world record for the 120-yard swimming medley, in a Miami, Fla., pool. Time was I minute 14 8/10 seconds.

BURNER—Stove In the Sistine Chapel in which Cardinals' ballots are burned during the Papal election. Unavailing ballots mixed with straw give b l a c k s m o k e . Final ballot smoke is white.

DEFENSE —General Phillippe Berthomet, commander of the forces in Tunisia, where France has set up Mareth defense line on L i b y a n b o r d e r . General Berthomet directed building of the line.

'FAIR!FROM* THE AIR—This air view shows the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition grounds on the 400-acre, man-made Treasure Island, in San Francisco Bay. In center is the thematic Tower o f f hejSuri^ Estimated $ 1,000,000-was spent by visitorsinthe first five- days-

ROYAL FAMILY—Crown. Princess' Marie Jose of Italy, with her son, the Prince of Naples, left, and her daughter, Princess Maria Pia, in national holiday costume during a visit to Selva val Gardena.

SOOLS.OF,HEROES— what the characters mean on this Japanese ship ebeut to feaw# . Shanghai. White boxes contain ashes of soldiers killed in China. Japanese efBeld'y udmli 166,00® soldiers have been slain, but foreign military observers say the number is necrer 600.003.


J. C. C

I Si!

I J.C.C. Sports I

w . ii. SENIOR LEAGUE Empire Cleaners .• 43 SO Lost State Gas and "Coal . . . . 41 28 Sigma Alplta Ma . . . .Won .9 1 Cliquot Club Eskimos . . SO SO Breslow Anto Glass . . . 6 3 Greenberg Fruit Co. . . . 36 S3 A. Z. A. No. 100 5 5 The Wardrobe 36 83 Jobbing Co 4k 6 Kaiman Ins. Co. 32 37Omaha Z. A- No. 100 3 7 Shrier Paint Co. . . . . . . . 25 44A. Alpha P i Tau 2 7 Smith Motor Co 24 45 FINAL " B " With only live "weeks of pin tumbling remaining the Empire STANDINGS Cleaners are leading the league Wan Xjost by two-full games, over the inOrphenm Cafe . . . . . . . 7 2 again out again State Coal and A. Z. A. No. 1 Juniors. . 5 4 Gas five. Alter' the pins were put Hawkeyes 5 4 to Bleep Tuesday night results A. Z. A. No. 100 Juniors 1 8 showed the Cleaners -winning all three of their games from the The Center cage season for Shrier Paints. The State Coals 1938-1939 came to a close last who were tied for .first last week week with t h e Senior - league were dropped to second when they champions being the high-scoring lost two to the Wardrobes. Sigma Alpha Mu teani, and the Junior league title being Won toy The Kaiman Ins.fcegglersbottled up the Cliquot Clubs -with a the Orpheum Cafe. corking 2 to 1 victory. The well A Junior boys basketball team oiled tuned up Smith Motors al- will be formed from the particimost jumped out of the cellar by pants in the. Junior league to repwinning two from the Green- resent the Center in the Y. M. berg's. C. A. tournament. All boys must be under 17 years of age. The To Acquaint You with « BEAUTY SALON _- A THREE STAR SPECIAL following boys will be asked to Finer Quality of Cleaning featured the Empire 3-game vic- tryout by Athletic Director Lee FEATURES tory. The stars were KRA&Z Grossman: Mitchell Landman, SHAMPOO and FINGER GARMENTS 518, MOSE PRANKLIN 537, andMelvin Levine, Keva KirshenWAVE FOR baum, Lou Slutsky, Harold Ep' CAPT. JACK MELCHER with 566. Capt. Leo Weitz's absence stein, Max Osterman, Marvin was a kick in the pants to theRichardB, Paul Mann, Seaman PERMANENT WAVES Paint boyB. Not one of the Shrier Peltz and Bob Fromkin. Any at $ 3 3 0 and Up boyB rolled a 500 series though other Juniors who desire a tryout CLEANERS should report for practice Tuesa -valient, try was made by the 716 Brandeis Tbeiu BUav Florence Blvd. at Ames much improved Barney (BAGEL) day, March 7, at 8 p. m.,, AT 4333 Abrams, who rolled 492 for high VOLXJEVBAUi KE 1SOO on his team. • The men's Health club volleyPill proved not to be such a ball players of the Center defeatGOODMAN when he rolled a poor ed the Benson Spikers last Thurs469 and almost ended up in theday night in-three straight games. FIXTURE SUPPLIES doghouse for the Empires. By The scores being 15-10, 15-10 and • rolling a team total of 2,551, 17-15. The Center playera "Who •which is only 40 points under the participated were: Abe Brodkey, season, record held by the • State Leslie Barkenroad, Hy Belman, Coals, the Cleaners proved that Dave Richards, C. B. Schoppe and AND Morris Franklin. they aim to hold the top spot. WRESTLING U. S. SLICING MACHINES ENTERPRISE MEAT For the first time iu Center GRINDERS AND • : / • -/• •: A N D ' The most-important match of COFFEE MILLS , BREAD SLICERS the evening as far as team posi- Athletic History, the J. C. C. will tions were concerned found the have a varsity representative NEW AND USED SCALES, SLICERS State. Gas team dropping into the wrestling squad. The team will AND CHOPPERS second place by losing two to the work out now a s the, cage season Wardrobes- Leadoff Dr. Morgan, has come to a close three times SERVICE ON ALL MAKES A. J . STONEft for the Wardrobes, who incidently weekly under the eagle eye of G. D. EDDY CON A- ANDERSON 704 Pierce St. iT7;No. »th St. inoiw is: also in the tobacco busi- Coach Dr. Abe Faier.: All wrestDISTRICT MANAGER Sioux' City, l a , Lincoln, Nebr. ness, made the poor alleys smoke lers are to report for practice on 314 South 13th Street ••4747 B: 2434 Omaha, Nebraska by dropping the pins-for a nice Tuesdays and Thursdays," at S p . ATLANTIC 6200 529 series which was high for m., and Sundays at 1 1 a. m. both teams. HANDBALL Assistance was furnished to the John Casey and Phil Wright of ; BUTTER Dr.-by his anchor man Capt. Paul the Y. M.-C. A. had just too much LAUNDRY Steinberg, with .a 507. For thestuff for Jake Schriebman and Sol first time this season not oneYaffe last Thursday night and demember of the State team had a feated the " J " handballers i n two 500 Beries. Jack Fleischman be- straight games to win the Doubles ing high with 464 followed by A. A. U. title. The singles chamGeorge Shapiro with 460.- A nice pionship were played late last ; note on the bottom "of the aver- night. QUALITY age sheets of this week, by Sec And It Eliminates Sam Zwieback, complimenting his Washday Drudgery Sweet Butter \ - former teammates for jumping back into a tie for first, last week was entirely wasted. Sam's presKIMBALL'S ence would have been more of







t o n i c

' . . • • • • ' . • •





CREAM COMPANY Although .dropping two games Omahan's will hear how the to the JCaiman's the,CliquotjGlub Czech's AT 6040 on the eve of Munich 'Eskimos are" only four out*-"of as they felt looked down the barrel first. If the Eskimos would warm of the Nazi cannon and slept with up and give their Capt. Abe Feld- a gas mask at their sides, when Wearing Apparel washed man a wee bit of -assistance they Dr. Karl W. Deutsch of Prague BUSINESS SCHOOL spotlessly clean, delivered really could make i t tough on speaks here March 3. Just damp enough to Iron the leaders. -These bowling pins resemble bottles very much anc —ALL T H E PLATWORK there is no reason why the Cliquot BEAUTIFULLY IRONED Clubs. shouldu"t feel a t home and knock them down as well as they do at the bottling works. • SCHOOL OP Abe Feldman led both teams BUSINESS with ,a fine 543. Norm Browne, who should be red in the lace CO-EDUCATIONAL Additional *9t. since* last week's "WTiteup, finally ALL YEAR—DAY AND Pounds • Ea. came through with a. 477 series. EVENING Lee Hurwich was top keggler for MONTHLY ENROLLMENT the Kaiman bunch with a 504, The KIMBALL STANDARD COURSES and was aided by first year bowler (and husband) Lloyd Bank,, LAUNDRY CO. IONE C. DUFFY, Owner with 491. • ; 207 S. 13th St. JA 5890 AT O28O C. B 5473 • The last match was a homecoming celebration .for Harry Smith. His Pontiacs ran roughJEWELRY shod over the tough' Greenberg Fruits, with himself at the wheel. Sammy Yousem was high, for the Dr. Karl W. Deutsch entire league with 571. His first AWD $AVE Dr. Deutsch, a Sudeten-German, • game of 256 was' one of the high" est rolled all season. Harry will speak under the sponsorship DIAMONDS—WATCHES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Smith's 469 and Sam (triple SSS) of the Omaha Rotary club at the TYPEWRITERS RADIOS ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES University "of Omaha auditorium, Steinberg's 41! 2 helped g i v e Greenberg's their ride. Sej-mour Friday night at 8. Open to the JEWELRY COMPANY Cohn, who has been doing most public, his lecture will be the sec- 1401 SIMON DOUGLAS ST. of;Uhe work for the Fruit boys ond of a series on notary's Instiall season, again led his team with tute of International Understanda nice 476. The only real help ing. given him was by Al Fiedler Following his address, "The with 450. All the other Fruit boys New Order in Central Europe,' were frozen out. , the meeting will be turned. into an open forum, permitting t h e LADIES Johnny's Cafe Two hundred games were a audience to .ask questions of the Your Fortune Read FREE speaker. \ premium Tuesday night, only live 27th and L Streets Afternoon Tea - - - 25c showing up. Sam Yousem,, 256; Since coming to this country in Always a Fine Variety of (2—5 Only) Barney AbramsV 217; Dr. Morgan, August, 1938, to attend the World FRESH FISH AND LUNCHEON AND DINNER 201; Jack Melcher, 201, and Mose Youth Peace Conference in New SEAFOODS DAILY York, Dr. Deutsch has been'unFranklin's 200.35c and_60c Also the Finest Complete Evening Din. Next week's schedule brings to- able to return to his homeland beners, 5 P. M. to 8 P. M. gether Cliquots vs. Smith Motors. cause of his association with AntiSTEAK and CHICKEN State Coal vs. Shrier Paint and Nazi movements in CzechoslovaDINNERS < Glass, Kaiman Ins. vs. Wardrobes kia. PRIVATE DINING ROOMS and the Greenberg Fruits vs. Em- A graduate of Prague and of AVAILABLE London, he comes from a family T S A STtOP.Ine.' pire Cleaners. well known in Czech and Aus2I2-I-W6 COURTESY BLE5. A group of JVC. C. bowlers un(VIA 4774 f o r Reservation (7L der the Kaiman Ins. banner will trian political circles. His mothtravel t o Fremont Sunday and er was a member of t h e Czech roll in the state tournament: parliament in Prague,, representHere's hoping they bring back ing the Sudeten district. His some prizes (not bacon). Those uncle, Dr. Julius Deutsch, was the KOing are Phil Katzman, Paul first minister of war in the postSteinberg, Sam Yousem, Jack war Austria cabinet. Other speakers on the Rotary Melcher and Leo Weitz. I EMS EN' forum will be: Dr. Wilford J . I S 0 7 FAEMA1VS Sipprell, Vancouver, British Columbia, March 10, and Allen D. PHOTO-ENGRAVING Albert, Chicago, newspaper corCOMPANY , respondent. March 17. There -will be a small admission O VENETIAN ELIK for each of the lectures. O WINDOW EIIAO _: New York (WNS) — Two forO LINOLEUM mer students of the Hebrew .UniO PAINT i versity in Jerusalem, Victor' Ca- year endowed a Chair in French Advertising O VARH1SKF.S Civilization at the Hebrew unibasso and Joseph Ur,, were seO HOUSE CLEANING lected by a commission under the versity and presented the unichairmanship of the French con- versity with a large and valuable sul general, M. Outrey, to be theFrench library. Victor Cabasso, recipients of the two stipends of born in Egypt, was a student of 16*060 .Jrancs. each, which the the Faculty of Science at Hebrew French government placed at the university, and has been teachdisposal, of the Hebrew univer- ing French in Jerusalem. sity to •- erable two students or Joseph Ur, born in Poland, regraduates of the university to de- ceived the degree of M. A. in the vote themselves to a year's fur- Humanities at Hebrew univerther study In French schools or sity. He translated into Hebrew C scientific institutes. tho French philosophical classics The French government last which have been published ,


6 lbs. 48c


STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ing tendency to anti-Semitism in By ^HETKAS J . BIRON this country is due to the search NATZO HOT STUFF for a reason not t o engage in acNow is the time to remind you tual warfare against the dictaof our favorite astrologer's pre- tors . . . *'I didn't raise my tooy diction that it trill be in March to fight for the Jews" is the slothat the fate of Europe will be gan the pro-Nails are launching 1101 City Naf I Bk. , • decided . . . Everything depends upon how the democracies stand THIS AND THAT up to Hitler this month . . . It We"thlnk it rather stupid to AT 6500 f Britain. and Trance show them- feature* interview with an antiselves willing to fight for their Semitic an leader and >tve space to principles the Nazis will have to his diatribes against t h e Jewish back down, for the German Gen- race . . . I t is bad judgment on eral staff won't permit the sui-the of a general publication, cidal war which would result . . . but part downright inexcusable The Army knows tha* the ersatz when if« by a Jewish paper . . . OF materials of which Adolf is soYet adone prominent American Jewproud won't stand up under the ish weekly proudly highlighted strain of warfare . . . We're all such an interview with Leon for Hitter's new idea of taking Daudet a couple of weekB ago . . . back to Germany such workers as Hadassah going places these don't like it in this country, and days, whatiswith Aryan Mrs. EuIncluding hope he*n soon have all our local Meyer making a large donaNuteis . . . Those who have al- gene tion to the Youth Aliyah. and ready left—only a couple of doz-Mrs. Louis D. Brandeis officially en so far, unfortunately—appar- becoming a member . . . Which ently know what lies ahead at us that Mrs. Jam*»? them, for even before sailing: they reminds was a patroness of a were afraid to open their mouths Roosevelt recent Junior Hadassah dance In In the presence of reporters . . . New AUFRED S. York . . . Of the six woman So many American holders of de- Judges of New York City three faulted dollar bonds of German non-Aryans . . . They are corporations have sued, won their are Jeanette G. Brill, Anna Moskocases and collected (as the com•wite Kross and Justine Wise INSURANCE CO. panies have assets in this coun- Polier-. . try) that some or these corpora- ABOUT .PEOPLE L«t Us Finance Your N« tions are now offering to resume Car or Refinance Yeur Those rumors nbout Governor small Interest payments in s n endeavor to forestall further suits Lehman's impending resignation OldCar are cropDinp up again . . . In view • » • of the fact that it was only the INSIDK TIPS danger of a victory by tbe popuTip to Adolf Hitler: Carl Schurz. lar Attorney Prwey that after whom one of the Berlin madeDistrict him change his mind about SURCICAl CARMENTS groups with the airt of introduc- retiring after last term, we are ing Nazism into the TJ. S. is not completely incredulous . . . A 'WWWWWV named, was forced to leave Ger- .surprise party for Dr. Stephen S. many in 1848 because of his ef-Wise is being prepared by WB forts in behalf of democracy . . . official family of the Free SynaOne of his lifelong friends, inci- gogue and Jewish Institute of Redentally, was a Dr. Abraham ligion to celebrate the «5th anniJacob! . . . I t wasn't for asking versary x>f his birth . . . The surGerman students in the V. S. toprise element lies in the fact that act as spies that Georg Rettig the party is scheduled to take was dismissed as director of theplace two days after TT. Wise's American branch of - the Berlin birthday, this'.year,--as student exchange sytem . . . I tusual falls which on St. Patrick's day was for being heaTy-handed . . . What with new plans for the enough to be found out . .:. Keep redemption of German Property Fitted Is Jews, at your weather eyes on Governor so much per head, being evolved Comfort to the Julius Heil of "Wisconsin ., . Any- v«ery other day,, Mjeyer w^^ w«1sOB* w*o wai -stress in a public "gal, director of the N. Y. "World's speech that he is particular hapPalestine "Pavilion, suggests py to be addressing a Christian Fair the newspapers list the curSpecialise in Propaudience, and express the hope that rent quotation on Jews In their that this country will soon have daily erly Fitting the financial columns . . . Ethel what he -calls a "Christian govDorothy Thompson's <omPatient ernment," sounds had to us - . . Moses, at that Madison Square •We expect him to start a "Heil psnion Bund meeting, from Heil" movement by any day nowGarden which both were ejected ' for in. . . Father Coughlin is preparing dulging You are invited to call in their constitutional a blast against prominent news- right to laugh, and consult Our Exis the wife of Jack paper scribes who have criticized Moses, who is Miss Thompson's pert Men and Women him . . . He's going to point out agent . . .' Jack is the son of Mrs. Fitters at No Obligathat they don't belong t o theHarry Moses, who was quite acCatholic faith . . . tion to You. tive as a Broadway producer for WE'RE TELXXSG YOU a number of years, having opened Henry C. Wolfgang, one of the her theatrical career by discoverfounders of the German Bund, ing Katberine Hepburn . . ~ ElizOCllCT COMPANY, Inc. has been convicted of forgery . . . abeth Bergner. -whom many conPhysicians'. Nurses', Hospital sider the greatest actress of her Whten reminds us of the old and Sick Room Supplies adage about birds of a feather time, is seriously ill in London Medical Arts Bids. Omaha, Nab. . . . .For instance, Fritz Julius . . . Felix Frankfurter Is the, most Phone ATlantic 6826 Kuhn, fuehrer of the Bund! is human of all Supreme Court j,ussuspected of being the same Fritz ticas . . . He attends public funcJulius Kuhn who was imprisoned tions and is seen as usual in here during the World War for places of entertainment . . . Sol espionage . . . Aside to Hugh R. Kaplan, young American Jewish Wilson, V. S. Ambassador to Ger- pianist, -irlll be one of the topmany, now in this country: Why notchers before long . . . Erika don't you open up instead of be- Mann, daughter o* Thomas, having as if you l»ad to go back clamis that 37 per cent of'Naxi to Germany? . . . A subterfuge youth have flat feet, because uf that -would destroy the efficacy too much parading . . And sprainof t h e anti-Nazi boycott will ed shoulders because of too much come before the U. S. Customs Heil Hitlering? . . . Orchids t o 32nd and Harnry «i Court in April . . . An importing Stefan Zweig, who's turning over, firm has discovered that it's the royalties from his play "Jerecheaper to import Fascist-made miah" to the fund for German goods without "marking the coun- writers in exile . . . 20-year-old try of origin on them, as the law Lilliam B. Freedman of Portrequires, and then simply paying land, Me.. i« not only a pretty the 10 per cent fin . provided for girl, but a full-fledged policewoviolations of the law . . . Another man . . . . . ' . ' Nebraska fr-V". rrv:?case, coming -up this month., cen- (Copjright, 1939, by Seven Arts Ccrarrrv Feature Syndicate) ters on the question of -whether Sudeten imports ordered before Munich bat shipped later must THOSE D A M . AGED CLOTHES be marked "Made in Germany" LEHMAN PLEDGES _ BEAUTIFULLY . . . It must be a sign of some- .*" USEFUL AGAIN thing or other when the Oratorio AT a REASONAID TO PAVILION and Festival Society of Tonkers ABLE COST New York (WNS)—The Amerand the Music Guild of Dobls ican Committee for Jewish PalesFerry and Hastings unite in an-. tine Participation, as part of their nouncing the composer of thedrive to enlist support for its famous oratorio "Elijah," as Kelix $350,000 exhibit at the TVorld"s Bartholdy . . . Afraid, we sup-Fair, issued certificates of mem-{ ESTIMATE'S GIVEN ON ANY pose, that the name Mendelssohn bership in the Jewish Palestine would scare away Nazi custom- Pavilion project to Governor and ers . . . Mrs. Herbert H. L.ehman. XOU SHOrLD KXOAV Mrs. Israel Goldstein, chairman of the committee, told the goverSupreme Court Justice- McRey- nor that the pavilion would try nolds, who failed to sigTi his col-to give the American public a leagues" letter of regret to Jus-true picture of the work done by tice Brandeis when the latter re- Jews in Palestine. Governor Lehtired, and who also failed to par- man assured the group his inCo. Foundries ticipate in the Supreme Court terest in the project aufiofpledged memorial services for Justice full support In mating the paB-- i £ T> Cardozo recently, is the one who S o f t G r e y Kroir, M ! ; Sera"pointedly read a newspaper while vilion a success. S t e e l Car.tinsrti, %Vooc* e c t Gardozo was being sworn in to Johs.nne£brr£ (JTA) — De\< Ketal. the High Court a number of years fense Minister 0s*"£l<3 TiroT rro- V, XX ago . . . Probably he's never got- pored creation of an autonomous 1 t c;£;iite. e&rrifci kfl tiOC» ^n::,e anil t.s;c-!. l'-o ten over the fact that TToodrow refugee state as ihe only war to Wilson appointed him for georelieve the •world ol a problem graphic reasons primarily . . H.s.y- •which lie said was concrsbuting mond Clapper, Scripps-Hovrard greatly to European unrest. May-I s 1-V !;•, % % <O *Z columnist, has evolved the inor ^age told grueEts at a. luncitgenious theory that the increas- eoa in honor cl Lord ilarier.







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Page 8

BEN E. KA2LOVVEKV, Atty. act to the detriment of hundreds 632 Insurance P t i of thousands of non-Jews. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON P E , Previously Premier TeleKi had TITION FOR SETTl.F.IWENT OF Kabbi H. R. Rablnowitz will said he would advocate legislation . FIINAU APIVHNISTRATION speak this evening on a Purini proposed by the previous govern(Continued from, page 1.) ACCOUNT theme entitled "Ignorance Our ment under Bela Imredy for setEK>rotho Saltzman were chance to place the noose Main Tragedy." Cantor Okun and In the County Court of Douglas tlement of the Jewish issue. He MISS ANNA PILL, corresponden County, Nebraska, the choir will sing special Purim Budapest (WNS) — Premier said regulation of Jewish affairs in my hands. The Talmud Torah Purim In the - Watte- of the Estate OI no gentlemen," I would Simon music. meeting will be held Monday at Count Paul Teleki smashed the was a national necessity, but that say"No, Dikimewicz, -Deceased: to the' posseman. _ At the Junior Congregation 8:30 p. m. at the synagogue. This Nazi party in Hungary following it was also "a painful operation AH persons interested in said mat« "Hang' him now!" ~ Saturday morning, refreshments Is to be an open meeting, featurter are hereby notified that on the on the body of the Hungarian na"No, gentlemen, let us wait." 15th day of February. 1939, lSva will be served to the children by ing Miss Blanche Kleiman, edu- swift raids in which police ar- tion." Dlkimewiez -filed s petition in said "Hang him! Hang him!" Tom Ivener, in honor of his mar-cational director of the Omaha rested 500 persons alleged to be County Court, praying That tier final riage on Sunday to Miss Esther Jewish Community Center. She Nazi sympathizers and confiscated account filed herein be Hanging WTO .with our own hands administration and allowed. e.(ni that she bo Delegates to the. sernlrannual Marcus in Omaha. tons of propaganda material. Car"Let us be artistic about this, settled will speak on a subject pertaindischarged from her trust as adminconference of the Workmen's Sunday morning, children of is so crude. In time when he hasistratrix- and that a hearing will bo rying out their orders against tbe Circle of this district will meet the Shaare Zion Sunday school ing to Jewish education. had on said petition before said Court enough rope, he will hang himMembers.of the Junior Hadas- Hungarists police authorities said on the 11th day of March, 1939. and here Sunday, March 5, for a dis- will, be hosts to the Mount Sinai self. That will be a more beautithey found the names of many that if you tail to appear before said cussion of the problems of the Sunday school at a program In sah will present a skit . about New York (JTA) — Heinrich ful hangjng.. Destiny, my friends, Court on the sa/d 11th day of March, Purim; and several recitations prominent' Hungarians listed on lodge. Delegates are expected to the synagogue. gives hangings far more satisfy- 1939. at 9 o'clock A. M.. and contest Goldschmidt, a Jewish refugee will be given by Hebrew school the membership rolls seized in come from Des Moines-, Lincoln petition, the Court may grant th« from Austria, told this week how ing than, the. handings that men said students. prayer of said petition, enter a deciee Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare and Omaha. Delegates representthe raids. do. Let us. therefore, leave this of he saved a Torah scroll from the heirship, and make such other and There will be Purim refreshing the Ladies' auxiliary of the *' Zion Sponsoring Budapest, meanwhile, appeared synag9gue, one be the perfect ending. Let us be further orders, allowances and dements. Everyone is welcome <o calm during the tense martial law Seitenstettengasse hanging to Hitler himself. It will crees, as to this Court may seem Workmen's Circle will also atof the largest in Vienna, during Affair . Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will attend and a large turn-out is ex- which" had been declared in effect proper, to the end thnt all matters tend the meetings. the Nazi pogroms last November patient, gentlemen." pertaining to said estate may be The meetings Sunday will he speak at Mount Sinai Temple this pected. since February 3, when the Do-in which almost all synagogues in Destiny weaves the rope . . . finally settled nnd determined. . The annual Purim dance, spon- held in the Jewish Community evening on a Purim message. hany Street Synagogue w a s Germany were gutted or damaged. an elaborate rope, indeed, woven sored by the Ladies' auxiliary of Center. BRYCE CRAWFORD, The service begins promptly at A regular meeting of the Agu-bombed in anti-Semitic outbreaks. Early in the morning the tem-of golden strands that connote 2-17-39-3t. County Judge. Shaare Zion synagogue, will be S o'clock. An investigating committee, at the glory and crimson strands that dus Achim lodge was held Thursple was occupied by Nazi storm held this Saturday ni-gUt, March day evening a t the Eagles hall. ministtry of interior, set up to in- troopers and badly damaged. All are for blood and white stratHiS 4, in the Bellevue ball room. , The quire into activities of the Hun-its scrolls and other holy objects that are for righteousness ravishJUNIOR HADASSAH sale ot tickets, according to the Nazi party, found the head- were burned or thrown in the ed and innocence despoiled. committees, indicates that a lar^e The B'nat B'rtth lodge held a garist Mrs. Louis Goldberg reviewed meeting Monday, February 27. quarters of the Nazi party to be Danube. Risking his life, GoldThen one morning Destiny will number of' people plan to attend Why Let Your Radio a "hotbed of seditious activity." schmidt climbed a fire escape and arrive with her rope . . . "Your "The Education of Hyman Kapthis gala affair, the first o£ the Police were particularly anxi- saved one of the burning and al-rope, Herr Hitler. It is time for Suffer? lan" at the Junior Hadassah spring season. The,second in a series of book meeting Tuesday evening. t A .reviews sponsored by' fhe Senior ous to identify members of the ready badly damaged scrolls. He the hanging." Call PAUL SPERLING Gerry's Fashions in Music, party's so-called Black Front de- later had, it repaired and manPurim skit was presented by •which features Ernie Priesman Purim will be celebrated in Young Judedn and refreshments Hadassah, and given by Rabbi scribed as a party police force to aged to smuggle it out of Ger- (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts David A. Goldstein of Omaha will wtiich was attributed the bomb- many. Goldschmidt arrived in ^at the Hammond organ, •will sup-Sioux City Saturday night and were served. Feature Syndicate^ be presented Tuesday, March 7, ing of the Dohany Street Synaply, the music for dancing. The Sunday with the reading of the United States reecntly and Miss Dena..Baron presided at orchestra is led by Gerry Gross, Megillah, masquerade parties, the meeting, and Miss Ida Edel- at the Chieftain hotel. The books gogue. Meanwhile Jew - baiting the will present the Sefer Torah to Airway Vacuum Dealer to be reviewed Tuesday are "Sav•who has made Victor and Bruns- and special programs. 404 6th St. Ph. 57856 man was in charge of the pro-age Symphony," by Eva Lips, and was denounced in the Lower Rabbi Joseph Lookstein of Temwick records and who has been At the Beth Abraham and Tip- gram. House by Dr. Charles Rassay, ple Yeshurun at a special servMr. Edwin H. Friedman anMODERN EQUIPMENT 'The Savage Hits Back," by featured at the Paradise restau- hereth Israel synagogues, the leader ot I the National Liberal ice. nounces to the public that he is Julius Lips. rant Iu New York, and the In-Megillah will be read Saturday EXPERT TRAINING party, who warned that the pronow dealer for Airway Vacuum diana Roof ball room at Indian- evening at 6:45 o'clock. Purim The review, will start promptly posed anti-Jewish law would reCleaners in Nebraska and Iowa. Patronize Our Advertisers * apolis. :• at 8:15 p. m. services will also be held in the Mrs. L.-J. Kaplan is chairman synagogues Sunday "morning at be,the dance. Assisting her areS o'clock.' Tickets for the Thomas Mann , Mrs. Sol Novitsky, Mrs. Lester Shaare Zion congregation will Harry Feldman, 1115 Seven- lecture to be presented March 25 Goldman, and a lai'go committee read the Megillah Saturday night teenth street, announces the ap-at the Omaha Central High school o£ auxiliary members. at a service which will begin at proaching marriage on March 15 auditorium are obtainable at the 7 o'clock. The children will "be of his daughter, Miss Ruth Feld- Lewis and Emarine .hook store. given noisemafcers by Mr. andman, to Samuel L. Raskin of Mrs. J. Jacobson in honor of the Oklahoma City, son of Mrs. H. Mrs. Max Steinberg Is leaving engagement of their son, AbeRaskin of that city. today for Sioux City, where Jacobson, and Mr. and Mrs. M. The wedding will take place late plans to spend the week-end Lazriowich in honor of their 25th in Kansas City, and Mr. Raskin she with relatives. ' wedding anniversary. and his bride will make their The Sunday school of Mount home in Oklahoma City, where Bob Passer and Yale Gotsdiner Rabbi David Goldstein of Omahe is a jeweler. Both Miss Feldha will review • the Joseph books Sinai Temple will have- a Purim man and her fiance are gradu- have been chosen through a series ot school contents to represent by Thomas Maun at a tea given Carnival Sunday afternoon a t 3 ates of Central High school. Thomas Jefferson High school at by the Council of Jewish Wom- o'clock in the Temple Annex, en, Monday afternoon, March 6, Miss Frances Kalin and Miss Ida Mr. and Mrs. M. Silver, resi- the Drake university debate conat 1:15; .Rabbi Goldstein-, whose Kdelman are in charge ot the dents of Sioux City for the past test in Des Moines, March 10 and 1 1 . boot? reviews'in Omaha are high- arrangements. years, will celebrate their B^th At Shaare Zion the Sunday 46 lights on that city's calendar! rewedding anniversary Sunday, :Leo Meyerson. returned t o '. cently reviewed the Joseph series school and Hebrew school classes March 5. Bchool a t Drake university early •for an audience" of more than GOO will join for a Purim masquerade The occasion will be celebrated this week after spending the week party Sunday afternoon from 3 people. a dinner for the Immediate end with his parents. The meeting is open to all theto 5. Qames, favors and prizes with family at the Warrior hotel, and •women of the city. Tea will be will be features to entertain the followed by an open reception at Week-end guests at the home served following the review. Mrs. children at both the Temple and the Warrior from 3 to 6 o'clock; of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steinberg Shaare Zion. Mrs. H. Licht is in Leo Chaikin is in charge of the Mrs. Henry Newman, Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bartnlck arrangements,, and Mrs. M- Lip-charge of the arrangements at Newman, Mrs. A. "B. New-and daughters. Marcla and Shirshutz. with Mrs. Abe Epstein, in the synagogue with the Hebrew Jules school and Sunday school facul- man and Mrs_ Philip Galinsky of ley. Miss Frarices Pollman, Mr. charge of the tea table. ties assisting. Palestinian candy Omaha, neices of Mr. and Mrs.Clarence Malin and Mr. Morris will be served by Esther and Pau- Silver, will preside at the teaKantor, all of Kansas City,\ Mo. line Friedman in honor of their table. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gladwln of mother's birthday. Mrs. Hae Etta Ross returned - The Young Judean groups will Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Silver Saturday from a five-week "visit give a Purim party Saturday eve- of Omaha, .Mr. and Mrs. Harry in the east. She visited in New ning in the Jewish Community Raskin of Yankton. Mr. Ted Sil-York, New Jersey* Philadelphia, Center. Assisting the five groups ver of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs.Chicago and Columbus, Ohio. with the arrangements will be William Galinsky of Sioux City, • A meeting of all the Jewish Mesdames Finkenstein, L. children of Mr. and Mrs. Silver, and 'Christian youth organizations Heeger, J. A. No Retreat Guttleman, I. Mana- will be with them to participate .•was held Sunday afternoon in the ker, B. Fish, I. Mirken, M.. in the celebration. . LevitBerlin (WNS) — Any retreat First • Presbyterlr.n church when. that Germany might take i n h e r . these groups celebrated Brother- sky, M. Sherman and J . Levin. Of interest to Sioux Cityans fight against the Jews would not hood day together. was the marriage Sunday of Miss be attributed to "reason* and A feature of the- meeting w i s Irene Mirowitz. daughter of Mr. strength, but weakness," said Althe awarding of prizes for esand Mrs. H. Mirowitz of Omaha, bert Rosenberg, Nazi culture minsays submitted in the Brotherto Sidney Feintech of Des Moines. ister who also spoke of the "unhood^ essay contest. Among ~the The Mirowitz family, lived in veraclty of political Catholicism" "winners was Morris Aizenberg, Sioux City before moving to charging collaboration of prewho is active in the Zionist work Omaha. . - . ' . . lates with "atheistic Marxism." and a leader of a Young Judean The Annual Talmud Torah The wedding took place In the group. . sponsored by the He-home of the groom's parents in A. permanent organization of a banquet, Mothers club, is scheduled Des Moines, with Rabbi Mann- fering "The Duke of West Point/' city-wide Youth Council which brew to' take place Sunday, evening, heimer of Des Moines and Can-with Louis Hayward, Tom Brown, will include- all Jewish and Chris- March at the Jewish Com- tor A. Pliskin of Sioux City of- Joan Fontaine and Allan Curtis. tian youth organizations is being munity 12, Center. Mrs. Abe Bain ficiating. effected at a meeting today. Miss Is president Patronize Our Advertisers of the Hebrew MothPrances Kalin is temporary sec- ers club. The program Is being Miss Ann Hart man, who lias retary of the council. arranged by the Hebrew School been, a guest in the JV Jacobson EPHRAI.M U. MARKS AND REED, RAMACCIOTTI, ROBINSON 4. faculty. . •"'-. '•- .-":" home, and who has been the RUHSKA, Attorney*. Mrs. A. Feinberg and Mrs-jMoe guest of: honor at a number of 905-910 First National Bank Bldfl. Lazere are in charge JO£ the tick- parties, departed this week for NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE ets, and Mrs .Ben Sherman ig In her home in Chicago. SALE charge of the menu. 'Dr. Lewis DImsdale, S a m Notice Is hereby given that on fhe Cohen and Lester Davidson sailed 18th day of March, 1939, at 10 o'clock Sunday from New York for a A. M., at Murphy's Chicken Hut at . The Sisterhood of Mount Sinai Center street, Omaha, Nebraska, West indies cruise. They will 4917 the undersigned -will sell at public aucTemule will hold its March meetreturn about the middle of tion to the highest bidder for cash: ing in the Temple annex this aft. 1 Xyon & Healy baby grand piano, Funeral services for Louis M. March. ernoon, following a 1 o'clock 75 walnut chairs, tapestry covered Rice were held Friday morning luncheon. 30 dining tables, walnut with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Galinsky seats, maple tops, 1 -walnut buffet, 1 maA feature of the program will at Shaare Zion synagogue, with • Comprehensive covering of local, national and inand Dr. Delia Galinsky will spend hogany red davenport with velour be a. skit. "Via Iowa," presented Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Canr seat and back, 1 rocker to set, 1 Sunday in Minneapolis, where ternational Jewish news of all types. by the board members of the A. tor Morris Okun officiating. Mr. brown mohair davenport, 1 brown moA. U. W. Mrs. Herman GalinsKy Rice, who was 52, died in an they will attend the birthday hair chair to set, 1 walnut occasional Iowa City hospital. He had been celebration. of Mrs. Galinsky's chair, velour seat, 1 mahogany liwill- offer the invocation. brary table, 1 table lamp, 1 floor •"Interpretative editorial policy which keeps tH« Mrs. Harry Bailin and the hospital 10 days before his mother, Mrs. Cohen, who will be lamp, 1 mahogany bed, mattress and 99 years old. Max Rosenstock are in charge of death. springs, 1 mahogany chest of drawreader abreast of the latest developments in Jew* ers, 1 6x9 velvet rug mixed colors, 1 Born in Russia, Mr. Rice came the luncheon arrangements, and walnut bed, mat-tress and springs, 1 George Galinsky, Pearl RobMrs. Lester Goldman, a member to Sioux City 35 years ago, and ish life. walnut chest of drawers, 1 walnut of the program committee, will had been a Hebrew instructor bins and Eva Borkin, were among dresser, all to set, 1 long steel kitchen hte Central High school students table. 1 National cash register, 1 preside during the program. Dr. here..'. double gas range (Garland), 1 flat Delia Ga'.insky will preside at the Survivors include the! widow, who were inducted into the Honor top • Educational features which broaden the base of commercial desk oak, 1 oak small society of the school. business meeting which will fol- Belle, and five daughters, Mrs. bookcase, 1 oak swivel chair, 1 maEli Jacobson, Mrs. Sidney Slptsky Jewish culture. • low, • hogany coffee table. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron, Covered by chattel mortgage In faand Miss Ruth Rice, all of. Sioux City; Mrs. S. Baumstein of Des 1810 Grandview, will be hosts to vor of State Finance Company, signed % Moines and Mrs. Harry Bonus of members of the Shaara Zion syna- by Dana Murphy, said mortgage be' ' ©A children's page designed to stimulate Jewish • gogue board Wednesday evening. ing dated December 14th,1936, and Newcastle, Neb. having been filed in the office, -of interest in the Jewry of the morrow. the County Clerk of Douglas County. The Jewish Youth Council met Nebraska, on the 7th day of January, DATE SET FOR at the Center last night for its 1937. Said sale will be for the purregular monthly meeting. The pose of foreclosing said mortgage, for ANNUAL MEETING -'- - _ • Local columns covering sports, the Jewish calen* costs of sale and all accruing costs, A. W. R. raffle was held at this and for the purpose of satisfying the meeting. '. •' dar of events, religious, social and, fraternal doMarch 15 has been the date set amount- now due thereon, to-wit: for the annual meeting of the $172.06; that no suit or other proceedings, and organisational activities. ings a t law have been instituted to T h e Intermediate Dramatic Federation of Jewish Social Servsaid debt or any part thereof. club is holding.its meetings every ice. Jan Garber, "Idol of the Air-recover STATE FINANCE COMPANY, Friday afternoon r.t the Center, .. Morey Lipshutz Is chairman of lanes," and his orchestra, open a Mortgagee. . - ••- - •National columns by famed authors . • • in botK Its membership now numbers 20. the'meeting,-details of which will week's engagement at the Orv By E. 1.. MARKS The club is divided in two groups, be announced In a forthcoming pheum today in person on the3-3-39-3t. Its Attorney. . ' • serious and light vein. " ' one group working on plays and issue of The Jewish Press. stage. The famous band leader MILTON ABRAHAMS, Attorney the other group holding literary brings with him his Chicago and social meetings. Miss ShirBlackhawk Revue, including Lee Notice by Publication on Petition for • In short, a paper devoted to the ideals of Judaism ley Fein directs the club's activiSettlement of Final Administration Bennett, Omaha's own golden Account. ties. . voiced baritone of the radio, " and-Jewish progress. • •. • . Friday • night services will beA special added attraction is !n the County Court of Douglas Membership is still open in the gin at 6:15 today, and Saturday the p e r s o n a l appearance of County, Nebraska. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESelecut'ion class which meets at morning at 9 o'clock in both George Givot of stage, radio and OF Elliot Rubenstein, deceased: the Center every Sunday- at 2 Tiphereth Israel and Beth Abra- screen, known as the Greek Am- TATE All persons interested in said mat.o'clock. Any children between ham synagogues. Rabbi S. I. bassador of Good Will, Givot was ter are hereby notified that on the •the ages of 6 and J2 may join Bolotnikov will speak during the .just recently the guest star of 28th day -of February 1939 Morris rtuFor Information on Your Subscription, Call morning services at Tiphereth the Rudy Vallee Hour and hasbensteln filed a petition in said Counthe group. -.^ ; Israel synagogue tomorrow. His appeared In both Metro-Goldwyn- ty Court, praying that his final administration account filed -herein l>e Miriam Blank and Bernlce Ga- subject will be "150 Years of the Mayer and Twentieth. Century- Settled and allowed, and that ho be American Constitution." discharged from his trust'as adminisIinsKy-are directing the play to Fox pictures. trator and that a hearing will be had be given by the Center Players Other outstanding acts in the on said petition before said Court on for the^CIty One-Act Play tournathe 25th day of March 1939, and that revue include Rudy Rudisill and A. Z. A. If you fail to appear before said Court ment- that will be held this Fritz Heilbron, screwball comics; on said 25th 'day of March 19.15 month. Toby Shindler and Martin Fredericks and Yvonne, dance at 9theo'clock A. M.. and contest saiil Weiner will leave today for Madi- stylist; the Three Ryans, three petition, the Court may grunt the The Zionist study group met son, AVis., where they will at- roustebouts,- and Vicl. Allen, prayer of said petition, enter a. decree of heirship, nnd make such other ami Wednesday -evening in the e'eft- tend the district" A/ Z. "A., coiivea- rhythm in taps. . : orders, allowances and dutor. Anyone interested-in join- tiou. In order to accommodate the further ^B I; } 88© Brans! ©Is Tfieatre Bldi orees. as to this Court may seem ins the group "may- get' in touch At the A. Z: A, ^meeting Wed- crowds first show starts at .11 a. proper, to the end that all matters with Morris Aizenberg. nesday evening, plans were -dis- m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. pertaining: to said estate-may be findetermined. cussed for a social affair to" be As the screen attraction with ally settled andBRYCE CRAWFORD Our Advertisers held this month.- • V " the stage show the Orpheum is of- 3-3-39-3tCounty Judge.

Shaare Zion



District 'Meeting to Be Meld Mere

Refugee Tells Mow

Torah Was Saved

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