PlainTalk .'
Interests of the Jewish- People
Trustee On An Altar
- On a Sabbath morning recently Mr. Segal sat oil the altar of the temple of which he is one of the trustees. His function "was lo help the rabbi with the Scroll of the Law, to say the blessing, etc. ' He had been drafted for this service. It has come to r sad pass in reform temples -where few men go to Sabbath morning services; BO that in on- temple there -were no men to sit with the rabbi to help him not even trustees. Therelore, i t had become necessary to draft the trustees . . . "Y o TI, Trustee Segal, go to the service and sit -with the rabbi the coming Saturday and you. Trustee Spiegel, will do likewise on the Saturday after that" . . . and so on.
KDtered a» Second Claak Mall Matter on January SI. 1931. a t HostuTflcc of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879
XVI—No. 20
Rabbis to Speak at Teachers Colleges
SEEK FURNITURE The "Welfare Department of the Federation of Jewish Service is greatly in need of furniture for families in •want.1 A chest of drawers is particu <>•••ly desired at this time. If persons having such/, tides will call the Center fice, JA 13 GG, or Mrs. T. Tully, HA 7248, arrangements" will be made to collect the items.
Divisional Of Philanthropies
Announcement has been made that Dr. Jacob Ogle of Lincoln will speak on Friday, March 2 4, at the Nebraska State Teachers college ot Pern on "The Talmnd." On April 17 Rabbi Hyman Rabinowitz of Sioux City will speak i F i n d at the Nebraska State Teachers Will Not Accept Proposal college at Wayne. ~r u n a s " D e m g E x h a u s t e d £or Minority Both these talks are under the By Increase Status auspices of the Jewish Chautan-. Thus it came to pass that ua Jewish relief | <5 society. Trustee Segal was discoveved on > Paris (JTA) Jerusalem (JTA)—Resistance *°" 1745 | OMAHA LODGE No. 3 5 4 , 1 O. B. B. the temple's altar on that Sab- to any plan which would impose organizations, faced with a rapid! bath. ly mounting refugee problem ami minority status on the Jews grew . He gave himself to distressful throughout Palestine this week. fast decreasing funds, sought invtmj.mmrsrrar, f IMITO -IMP contemplation as he looked over In a manifesto, the Jewish Naternational assistance to avert an In the light of the seriotii the scene from his lofty position. tional Council declared that the impairment in refugee aid. LatJlTty emergencies of the past feifr Mr. Segal, indeed, was conscious British government's proposals est complication in the refugee In pajmnt of 1S39 Fladg* of such embarrassments as he were aimed a t liquidation of the situation was the addition of SO,weeks, organization for th* might feel if he had happened in- Balfour Declaration. 000 Jews in Bohemia-Moravia and 1939 Philanthropies Campaign TO F I R S T KATIOK*JL B A X K to a boudoir, sinc2 the congrega85,000 in Slovakia to the source Proposals to" limit Jewish imhas been speeded up, and th* tion was nearly all of women. (A migration to 75,000 in five years of potential refugees. Thousands New Bill Gives More Lib27-1 few bald lieads bobbed, here and were characterized by the mani- Many Pushed Over Bor- more were expected from Rueral Definition complete list of divisional & there amid: the spring millinery. festo as implying "coagulation of mania and Hungary. ders a s Victims of of Jew committee chairmen has t Of the 90 worshippers eight were Palestine Jewry into a permanent Above is pictured the first con- Harry B. Cohen, president of the co .Relief agencies in Paris and - Smugglers lodge, stated: men.)' announced by the Campaign** tribution to the 1939 Jewish PhilLondon, believing they would Budapest (JTA)—The revised minority and turning over of the "The B'nai B'rith lodge In General Chairman, Rabbi Da>Mr. Segal felt abashed not only national home to the Mufti." The anthropies campaign, the B'nai eventually be unable to cope fianti-Jewish bill, embracing a Paris (JTA) — The more than awake to present Say needs. In from looking outwardly at the Council called off for the preseat 400 Jews from Italy in Nice and nancially with the entire refugee more liberal •definition of a Jew B'rith's pledge of $250 paid in order that the qnota may be id H. "Wice. faithful womeu but also from a one-day strike scheduled for Menton situation, decided to bring it ofand extending the scope . of exfull and doable last year's gift. William L. Holzman, president and others in the "nor e a c h e d , t h e B'nai B'rith looking inwardly at himself. He Monday. ficially to the attention of Sir emptions, was brought before of the Federation for Je.wiBh Set*man's-land" near Vintimille were The local lodge of the B'nai realizes the need of a t least said to himself. You sit on this An Arab strike against the victims of a smuggling ring Herbert Emerson, both as direc- Parliament for a point-by-point Bfritb, -winch last year contrib- doubling its pledge. I hope that vice. will serve as the honorfti?J' altar, an honored elder of the British plan spread to Haifa after the duping Jews in the Italian tor of the Intergovernment Refu- debate. "Under amendments adopt- uted $126 to the campaign, in contribution •will serve as an ex- chairman of the campaign, ai»«t congregation, a rervant of Torah, Arabs in Tiberias and Nazareth cities offoreign Milan Turin. This gee Committee, and League of Na- j ed by a joint parliamentary com- view of the emergency facing Eu- ample to the community at large. Rabbi H. Grodzinsky will be hon* but you are here only because had c l o s e d their shops and was established and tions High Commissioner for Ref- \ mittee, Jews are defined as per- ropean. Jewry, increased its do- The great task that is facing orary co-chairman. when they drafted you for this. You stopped work. A conference of Italian Jewish leaders responsible sons belonging to the Jewish re- nation twofold. arrived in Omaha Jewry must be carried out really didn't "want to come but parliamentarians of Arab coun- Paris and declared that the j ugees. ligion or having at least one parThe matter has also been disIn making the contribution, successfully." you thought that as a trustee you tries will be held next month in Italian government definitely was I cussed, it was learned, with My- ent or two grandparents belongTELEGRAM RECEIVED ought to be seen doing something Cairo to discuss the Palestine not deporting anyone under the j ron C. Taylor, American vice- ing to the Jewish religion when The iolicwinc ielecram was for the Tarah. Besides, sitting problem, the Arabic daily Falas- decree for emigration of post-war chairman of the Intergovemment- the new law goes into effect. received t\<" TiaKii David H. on the altar you would look like tin reported. Scattered disorders Their descendants born after the al Committee, at a private interJewish immigrants, but had or"Wice., chairman of the Jewish an important man in Israel. law becomes effectivo will also continued. dered foreign Jews to apply to view before his departure for the be regarded as Jews. Philanthropies; Cfimpaicn, from He replied to these reproaches Boycott Council local police for prolongation of "United States, with a view to inRabbis Jonah n . "Wise and •with apologies. Oh, he" said, but Exemptions of war veterans The first Jewish act of non- their stay past the March 12 dead- teresting him in the problem of Abba HiHel Filvr-r. co-chairmen I haven't any time . . . no time co-operation with the Palestine who fought at the front have 1 raising international funds. of the United . rv.-ish Appeal: a t all. considering everything. I government was taken when Vice- line. been extended by the amendFunds Exhausted Not rven tfu? most pessi" am really making a great sacri- Mayor Daniel Auster of Jerusalem The Jewish leaders said the poments to include war orphans, acThe burden of maintaining tens miptic Rinonc v- rnnW l»»ve fice being here. My doorknob notified the authorities that the lice were accepting the applicaNoted Palestinean Leader Says War Against Jews an tive and retired university probusiness needs me . . . Sega Jewish members of the City Coun- tions and would permit-all to re- of thousands of refugees is ex- fessors; the wives and children t\\f fn**s Omaha Guest Attempt to Destroy Doorknobs, Inc. . . . but here I cil would not participate in fur- main pending their consideration. hausting the resources of relief of participants in the nationalist organizations, which are engaged Today Bible Spirit am sitting on an altar . . . We've ther council meetings until Jew- Meanwhile, the Jewish leaders dehas tlinP.VV11. T M"•p i l i i m B50,revolutionary movements of 191S got to make the quota this week ish national institutions had de- clared, about 5,000 foreign Jews not only in caring for refugees and 1919; active priests in ChrisOOO «(?.< 'ittjOTVfl? • V w into t b e outside the Reich, but for Jews Joseph Baratz. noted Pales. . . must sell a half million door are visiting Jewish relief officers wlurlpn nj o r y. p i:i h tian churches, and Olympic title tinian leader, is today the guest New York (JTA) — Terming cided on their line of action, within Germany. The situation knobs by noon today . . . and here rr JIRK I in Rome, Milan and other centers, holders. Clauses in the measure the Kazi dismemberment of I am losing two precious hours With the four Arab councillors without molestation, for assist- is especially precarious in coun- dealing with the franchise pro- of the National "Workers Alliance Czecho-Slovakia "a major tragedy alone present, the City Council tries like Switzerland, Holland, and this evening will speak a t on an altar. I doubt whether we ance and information. vide that only rabbis representfor a Jewish community which ' can make it with me being away failed to hold a meeting for lack i It is believed that several hun- Belgium, France and Luxemburg, ing the Jewish community .may the Beth El synagogue. had a noble tradition of democof a quorum. where refugees must be cared for Mr. Baratz has ">een a resident two hours from the business . . . The British authorities were dred, fearing expulsion on March in refugee camps and elsewhere be nominated to the Upper House of Palestine for over 30 years. racy and communal service.'" I wonder how soon they'll get to personally. 12, fell under the influence of by funds of Jewish organizations, and that only Jews born in Hun- He was one of the organizers of Prof. Albert Einstein warned in the Torah. but even after that I'll apparently preparing for grave racketeers gary whose parents and granda nation-wide broadcast that iC to whom they promised have to stay here listening to the developments. Curfew, it was remuneration for smuggling them principally the American Jewish parents lived in Hungary, since the well-known colony of De- the aim of exterminating the sermon . . . I wonder if I could learned, win be imposed by the to France. An investigation by J o i n t Distribution Comraittee, IS67 are entitled to vote in par- gania. For the past 10 years he Jews is achieved. "Europe fill pending their emigration overhas been a member of the World decently slip out . . . "We've got authorities for 24 hours or long- the Oedio-S'ovoVria I'y Cw« . T. A. in Nice established seas, the chances for which are liamentary elections. Zionist Actions Committee and become a barren veste.'' Pro". to make the half-million door- er at the first sign of disorder. that J almost ;. We IIVSP i\w On»*!»R Einstein, who is honorary chairJewish teachers in elementary all of the refugees slim. The police arsenal at Tel Aviv was one of the principal speakers knobs today. iT>.P.r>vi7' wnj.-Ii h a s »C" man of the United ^evish Appeal. and high schools and Jewish left Italy voluntarily because of was transferred to neighboring at the emergency meeting of the p.<3 i'i.?' fr^pB.iesi. responYet Mr. Segal's conscience did Conviction was expressed that j clerks" will be dismissed as of group held last fall in Antwerp. for Refugees and Overseas Keetls. Jaffa, leaving Jewish con- the fear of deportation. wT for th* not feel entirely vindicated by Arab sl« the Portuguese government might | January 1, 1943. Jewish judges spoke in. behalf ot the] on stables with only 25 cartridges A member of the Histadruth he Some of them were helped by Appeal these considerations. He looked ach. The Hadassah Hospital at consider favorably the opening of i and public prosecutors will lose is the .secretary of the Agricul- the Columbia Broadcasting SreItalian soldiers to cross the fron...backward, remembering the time Tel Aviv -has "preparedor two of its 10,-^tlreir posts, on. January 1, .1940.i ^ ^ « « « £ He is SW^one o ? tern 3—wrre forced ^across one when going to synagogue oh the" but the city authorities informed -.p material 000 Jewish families. Investiga- ] The number, organization and ac- T?p i - ^ l ™ ' of the Vaad I-Ia- : by " Rabbi Jonah T>. T'"i?e, chEirSabbath .was a recreation to the J. T. A. they had no knowl- ^5 e _ _l-e_r_-* JLy-°-?eL?f S 7^H It i o n s and various steps regarding j tivities of Jewish religious schools man of. the e.voea~l. Leumi. Besides being the author t h e *>!?«• •which, people looked forward nil edge of such preparatory meas- they changed their minds about this were started some time ago I will henceforth be regulated g by of a number of pamphlets on the The war against in? ^fws ITbeing smuggled into France. •week. His father used to carry ures, by a group in Paris which is now ! the ministry of religions. The i. : -fitfsQ Central Europe, the scientist asJewish National Fund, he has To Encourage Tourists a big load of tinware which bent seeking to attract the interest of proportion of Jewish students in represented the Jewish Agency in serted, aims "to exterminate, not American Jewish colonies, orMeanwhile, the Rome Tadio sta- central Jewish organizations. • him almost double, but when the ranizations the technical high schools will be the "United States. r.. V and business firms in only ourselves, but t r cer-trcy t o Tain hurt most he could always Palestine protested to Secretary tion announced that the majority ,- SIT./VER, Completely cut off from Prague, enlarged from 6 per cent, as gether with us ihf.t spirit exlook gratefully at the Sabbath. of State Cordell Hull that Brit- of foreign Jews in Italy had com- where Jewish emigration offices ] originally provided, to 12 per pressed in the Bible and in ChrisOn Monday it was only five days ain's plan to halt development of plied with the emigration decree have been closed by the Gestapo, I cent. On the other hand, new tianity which made possible Lhrfrom Sabbath when the load the Jewish homeland would en- by March 12, while those who re- central Jewish relief organisa- Jewish students will be admitted rise of civilisation in Central r r d "would be off his back and he danger an 580,000,000 American mained were being permitted to tions here were seeking to obtain to universities only if the total cf Northern Europe. If this circ is Krbbi "O?vi :"! A, Goldstein h<«»rt* •would sit with God in the syna- Jewish investment in the Holy leave gradually. At the same through Sir Herbert Emerson the Jewish students does not exceed, achieved Europe will become a ir-l Gifts Division nT gogue. God would comfort all Land. A message cabled to "Wash- time, it was stated, Italian border release of Marie Schnolka, head G per cent of the entire enrollbarren waste. For hi:man com•hirh .MiieF 1\". Xewman is f&~ his pain. ington said that American Jews authorities have been ordered not of the HIAS-ICA Emigration as- ment. munity life cr.ppot "ior.E: er.cure p.irnirn of the Oe»v• By abstaining from tinware on in Palestine were gravely appre- to discourage Jewish tourist traf- sociation in Prague, who was arLicenses for state monopolies ofl a basis ot cruo.e force, b r r t r l npc division is Arthe Sabbath he lost ?2.50 (which hensive over the British govern- fice into Italy by asking questions rested by the Gestapo. It was in the trades will not be granted ity. Terror ap.c. hate."" was his average net) but that was ment's patent intention of repu- regarding race and religion, while understood here that a list of all to Jews, under the terms of the Prof. Einstein sain: "Tiie deall right. Much bigger would be diating the Balfour Declaration police in Ascona, Trieste and German and Austrian Jewish ref- projected law. Licenses held by The supreme president of the velopments of the past week hf?1"*? P revision haft »»* his loss if he sold tinware on the and the Palestine mandate and Turin were ordered to remove all ugees registered for emigration Jewish tobacconists and liquor i'-raan Mrs. J. **, d and d establishing an Arab government insulting anti-Jewish signs from had been confiscated by the Ges- dealers must be returned at the Zeta Beta Tau, national Jewish added several hundred Sabbath. He would lose G God refugees from Czecho-Piovski?. e n d o f tv fraternity, will journey to Omars. Harry TruSMft t-iskofskr Torah. -'° years, and those held ha on Sunday, April 2, to initiate Again we are confronted v-^.h a controlled by "the authors of a restaurants, cinemas and public tapo together with other docuihp Women's Tnrin (.-hrirj But I. mused Mr. Seal, come three-year deliberate campaign of places in order .not to offend Jew- ments in the HIAS-ICA office. I by Jewish chemists after five Henry Monsky as an honorary major tracedy for p. Jewish comMr?. Sam grudgingly to this temple with a murder and destruction." years. The bill also provides that member of the organization. ish tourists. It was also stated munity which had p noble trpdi~ General half-million doorknobs on my Jews can be forced to sell or lease that Jewish tourists would be perThe ceremonies will be held rt tion of democracy and comrrMiTip.l Hadassah Helps The Hebrew laborite daily Da- mitted to remain in Italy for six back: I sit on the .altar with iny their estates. j the Blackstone at 4:50 In the e.T- service." New York (JTA) — Hadassah var said editorially that the Brit- months. The present limit is doorknobs. | temoon. A dinner •will be served announced that it has completed B CobBT,, (A half hour's already gone, ish proposals meant "war against three monthsI at 6:S0. Mr. P.ionsky is "being honarrangements by cable for the imobserved Mr. Segal, and an hour Zionism" and also "Zionist "war One puzzling fact is that while J ored as a tribute 'to his %>.ork on O and a half must pass before I can against the proposals." Since the the Italian government is not mediate transfer of 234 Jewish r vi 1 ir ! behalf of American Jewry. get away from here. Then it will mandate, the newspaper said, the hindering emigration of Jews to boys and girls from Prague to Yoiiife i c uiree : The initiation ceremonies trill be 12 o'clock and "I'm sure we Jews had regarded England as a most countries, Jews who declare Palestine. The transfer, under ] be conducted "by members or the the auspices of the organization's natural ally and even during discan't make the quota what with are going to the United Youth Aliyah movement, will be Supreme Council. me being away from the office so putes had not envisaged disobedi- they r ^ - n r n i c c F" < Zeta Beta Tau is the country's eopp-tr?r ence and non-co-operation. "Now, States are given passports by the effected by the end of this week. IOTI apain th!« long.) i i r>" authorities only with great r e Temple Israel's sixth annual oldest Jewish collegiate fraternity however," the editorial added, Mr. Segal was particularly woro' congregational Passover Seder luctance. having originally been organised. ried about his competitor, that "the previous approach is inconI t n^ London (JTA) A Federa- will be held on Tuesday evening. 'm«i rtfvrruthless Knobby Doorknob Corpo- ceivable." Other Hebrew newstion of Czech Jews was formed April 4. The Seder will bes-in as a Zionist group. 4.n c ration. They had just put out papers voiced similar sentiments. here to supplement the work of promptly at 6:SO in order that Propaganda Lessens their Model T doorknob and ref p Trvlns.Rome (JTA) — Numerous the British Committee for Czech parents may bring, their children. ports were coming in to Mr. Segal •> ions K»i"Americans, Swiss, French and Refugees. H. A. Goodman was Rabbi David H. Wice will conthat they would sell no less than British nationals were revealed to elected chairman. A conference duct the Seder services and will 510,000 knobs by noon Saturday. have been among several thou- of sectional refugee committees call upon various guests in atten- • And I must sit here on an altar sand Jews questioned over the urged the British government to dance to take part in the tradi- j rs.. •while all that's going on, thought week-end as to their intentions allot for refugee aid the remain- tional rites. | "• ""1 TIP *! Mr. Segal. I should never have der of the proposed 550.000,000 of leaving Italy. Treated courteBecause the capacity of the annual bazaar and carnitaken this job as a trustee. It's ously, the foreigners were r e - loan to former Czecho-Slovakia vestry rooms of the Temple is valThe of the Vaad Auxiliary will be taking two precious hours from London (WNS) — Five thou- minded that the law ordering ex- and to accelerate emigration of limited, it is asked that reserva, held on Sunday evening. Mfiiv.h tip C&-T me. Rabbis -don't seem to un- sand Jewish deportees from Ger- pulsion of all post-war Jewish im- Jewish children from Germany. tions be made early. The dinner j 26. at the Jewish Commmity Cenderstand .what two hours mean many still live at the Polish fron- migrants by March 12 was still will be one dollar for adults ana ! ter. to doorknobs. tier station of Zbonszyn, it was in effect. They were assured, JL sixty-five cents for children. Res-I Featured at the carnival win Two hours . . . and yet. he reported by Elsely Zeitlyn, secre- however, that they had no reason ervations may be made by calling j be: Free toys for the chilc>en asked in mellower mood, what tary of the Polish Relief Commit- for concern if their applications Mrs. MoIJie Cohen, Wa. 7144, or j dancing, a Vltierbuc: ""contest", a i i i is CC are two hours lost from door- tee, following his return from a for time extensions were based on U'I the Temple Office. At. 2SS4. ! country'grocery store. The fir'avr r Icnobs. or from pants." or from visit to Jewish refugees in the good grounds. A group of six girls from the j ing for an over-stuffed chair. ladles' dresses and from other Polish-German "no-man's-land." Berlin (JTA) — A total of Applications, it is understood, 160,000 Berlin Jews have altered University, of Omaha.' under the | bin-co. games for old a n i vthlBfrs that people sell? i s there Mr. Zeitlyn reported in London V of Miss Ruth Diamond. ! and an electric toaster as" "door •will be answered b ; ' April i , nothing more important than that 30 per cent of the Zbonszyn their names or added to them the direction present a scries ol four re- j prize. these things? There was a time refugees are women and 1,500 which is considered the new unof- first names of Israel or Sarah, in dances rollovin-g t h e ! KefrcslimeiHs will be solfl ci when many Jewish stores were were children and youths up to ficial deadline for compliance compliance with a Nazi decree, ligious j throughout the evening. >"ns!.c ci r \ closed on Saturday. Tt was a day 21 years of age. He said only 4S with the expulsion order. Those according to Volk und Rasse, or- Seder. f d i I unable to show reasons for refor -dancing wili be furnished "by for God and if a lady needed a of the refugees had taken advangan of the state department of Irving: Rhodes sn<" bis ori-'nestra. corset she could wait till Satur- tage of opportunities, offered un- maining beyond that time will National Health and the German Tickets are - 3 cents. Children day night or even till "Monday, der the Polish-German agreement, certainly be ordered to leave, al- Society for Racial Hygiene. The under 3 2 will he admitted free. and if she bought elsewhere, what to return to Germany to liquidate though exceptions are likely to be newspaper also reported that a illel Mrs. A. Brookstein, AT CO 17, is of it? This was.God's day. their affairs, others having been made for Americans, British, new decree will be introduced un- . i u licktt cnalrmarj. In time these Jewish business dissuaded by reports from the French and Swiss nationals. PoT-Hltl der which Jews will be compelled London (JTA) — The British \ Meanwhile, there has been a to change such "Aryan" surnames Government's wartime support of j people died and the business they Reich that liquidation companies had lost on all the Saturdays th<=v had been established B'RITK NOT TO to buy slight relaxation in the propagan- as Deutschmann, Preuss and Ber- the idea of a Jewish national I r kept closed didn't make much dif- household. good3 belonging to the da against native Italian Jews. liner to their former Jewish home was recalled in one of a ! MEET TILL APRIL 17 "Aryan" signs posted on shops r ference anyway then. T h e y refugees at ridiculous prices. series of documents bearing on iynT names. •weren't any worse orf than the He denied rumors that the Po- are gradually disappearing, since cense of the Tssovpr pbliDer Angriff, organ of Propa- negotiations with t h e Arabs durenterprises so marked have been people who have kept open lish refugee camps would J*e liqv-iV, not ganda Minister Paul Joseph Goeb- ing the "World W a r which -were j clay, the B'nai B'rith the Saturdays. uidated, declaring that on the suffering trade losses. bels, reports that a synagogue at published by t h e j o v e r n n i e n t in j mee; OTI April C the or^anizaan official white paper. But T begrnde savins eveu contrary establishment of camps n s 111UTJ' tion's scheduled Coblenz will be converted, into a meetin date. these two hours from my door- in other parts of Poland was conOne cf these documents, a mes- i The next meeting wili be held on X i kindergarten and H i t l e r knobs, said Mr Segal, He was templated because of the anticii r sage by Commander Hogarth to I April 17. Youth home. feeling particularly contrite at pated Influx of 10,000 relatives of Arab leaders in 191S. emphasiz,-ijp >At. the this moment, for the time of refugees already in the country, ed that since world opinion favreading the Torah had come and bringing to 25,000 the total numored the retain of the Jews to CI .i ae Kel- P he must stand before th© Ark of ber in Poland. Negotiations were Palestine, "the British Goveminent u g e e . rae i r a en t i u e c . t the Law and he must remove the under way, he said, for emigrafavored the realization of this asMembers of the Des Moines Scroll from its place and divest tion of a number of children to Junior A . Z . A. will be *he guests piration and the Government was CCNTESt it of its velvet raiment and silver Palestine and 50 certificates for of the local group this Sunday. ±a.r «i | The Photography cl >b of the ornaments, and give the bless- that purpose had already been re- On the program are' scheduled a Jewish Community Center is with the freedom of the esisti^s ing. ceived. Providing funds to main- basketball game, a debate, and a planning an exhibit at the Cea- population, that no obstacle be ! It*, York (JTA> — A coisTnUOh. thought he, I am a lonely tain and train them in Palestine luncheon. If time permits the vis- ter within the coming month. placed in the tray of th? reaiiza- j This j tee c 14 prozciner.t T.-omec enman in Israel standing before God for two years, he said, was prov- itors will also be taken on a tour There is still time for cevr mem- tion of t t e Jewish locals. of Boystown. (I hope ing difficult. bers to enroll is this groin. on the Sabbath listed to sponsor National Jewish - M Use they've taken care of the order d Last Sunday the Omaha gToup A Jew rias^ d Isaac was a. r c-m- ! Hospital week is headed "by Mrs. Those interested are asked IO V 1 Ephralm Hart, a Philadelphia went to Des Moines where they bring their cameras and film to •< ber of t h e embassy seat by ; James Roosevelt, mother of the n for 10.000 doorknobs from AberIP chalraa»n «& crombie & Co. The Abercrombies Jew, was a partnjr of Joan Jacob won the debate contest by a 3 to the nest meeting, Monday, March Charleriiangne in 7C7 to the Calif ;! president. week begins I ibis animal event. ' peoples &fi Astor. (Continued on page S.) 0 decision. Harun-al-EEshlcI of. i3ag3Ed. j 27. 17, at 7 p. m.
Organization for 1939 Campaign Now Complete
160,000 Jews in Berlin Renamed
Document Recalls British P?
Des bAoines Junior A.Z* A. to Be Guests Mere Next Sunday Photography Club Planning Exhibit
Page 2
Miss Thompson's w h o l o heart and talent have gone into her espousal of the cause of the refugees. We cannot solve the problem, she holds, through anything. short of a world approach, bat we can and should ameliorate it and that more swiftly and efficiently than we arc doing. She suggests practical moves that, in spite of almost universally frozen nationalism, can bo made for Jews and Christians alike. The following article is reprinted from the special Calling America Number of S vey Graphic, February, 1039.
tain nations and certain groups in ing of a great explorer; and nations, a larger share of the nearly evtrything that was done fruits of this very civilization. for the Refugees of the 1920s was Nationalism is being artificially done under his direction and by stimulated in order to secure a his authority. He did a stupengreater part o£ the total product dous job of co-ordinating govern•which internationalism has cre- ment and private actions. ated. It makes no conceivable Past Help sense; it is turning the world InThrough joint and separate efto a jungle; and the refugees are forts, a million and a half Rusmerely people forced to run away were established s o m efrom one part of the jungle to an- sians where;'under a League commisother part of it. sion, first headed by Ambassador Their personal tragedy can Henry Morgenthau and later by only serve one great social pur- the late Charles P. Howland, pose. They are and should be Greek refugees from Turkey and ; recognized as an advancing crowd Turkish refugees from Greece shouting a great, warning: The were exchanged and resettled. jungle is growing up, and the But here, again, the situation The refugee problem Is a jungle is on fire! was somewhat different at the -chronic disease of ou- era. It is Versailles end of the 1920s from what it is not new. It has existed since the end of the Great War. It Is new, There are, at least four million today. Greek and Bulgarian pophowever, in a stage of peculiar of them, and in the last 20 years, ulations did have countries to virulence. There is not the slight- they have been forced upon the which they could go. The probest indication that it will abate world in waves. The Great War, lem was one of organizing and until the leading issues of this with its formation of new states, financing. It did not involve period are conjoined and settled, created the first batch of them. finding homes for people of no Tae League of Nations dealt with citizenship. one way or another. them more competently than any The Russians and Armenians, It cannot be cured, except as group has since been handled. who were, like today's refugees, the world's organism is restored The much maligned Treaty of men without a country, had a defto health. It can be somewhat did attempt to pre- inite place in the international laalleviated in the meanwhile. Al- Versailles some order and establish bor market which was still dethough it is a secondary illness, serve some rules in respect of minori- pleted- by the war. France in a result of a general world con- ties likely to be dispossed by Its those days had a labor shortage dition rather than a cause, it con- provisions. To take a specific and offered to place all refugees tributes to the world's social example: Germans and other non- who were able to find work. She sickness. Czech or Slovak minorities resi- took nearly half a million RusThe great question that the dent in the Czecho-Slovak state sians and Armenians. Germany "world must solve, or drift into created by th • peace treaties, took 75,000—many of whom are general anarchy, halted here and were guaranteed, u n d e r the now being driven out again, not there by the consolidations im- treaty, the right to opt •within because of a labor surplus (Gerposed by "Strong Men" upon en- two years for the state from many claims that she is short of slaved followers; is how to use which the new country had been labor) but because of a political the wealth—land and labor, and created. They •were then given policy. the medium for its exchange— an additional year In which to Character Blackened, in such a fashion that all transfer their possessions, If they who are able to work can con- wished to move. They were guarThe new wave of enforced Eutribute to it, and all can share In anteed the retention of any real ropean emigration occurs in a it, with appropriate justice. property they might possess in world which Is in a more adSolution Blocked Czecho-Slovakla, and the right to vanced stage of disintegration; is everywhere a surBut the path to every conceiv- move all personal property, with- whereofthere labor; where capital,for able program that can be ac- out interference of the customs. plus Investment, which would cepted by the reasonable and im- Migrants After Munich new create new work opportunities, is aginative mind, is blocked by Compare this with -what has cautious and sterile; where the traditions prejudices, interests, followed the "Peace of Munich." League of Nations has practically and lethargy. No protection is afforded by it for ceased to exist, and is without auAbove all, it is blocked by na- any minorities whatsoever. They thority; where democracies, tionalism. No solution can be can be, and have been, totally whose social philosophy encourfound as long as the world is di- dispossessed. They have no guar- ages . a humanitarian and genervided into absolutely sovereign anteed status, and there is no in- ous attitude, themselves in a states, which can make war, sing- strument to which they can ap- state of social are unrest and cautious ly, or in combination with others, peal for legal protection. about any gestures that they fear against other single states or The same is true of the minoricombinations of them; can create ties dispossessed by the conquest might add to it. Furthermore, this new wave of money systems of their own, with of Austria. They fall under the the object of undermining com- German laws, and their legal refugees, especially the Jewish, is peting systems; can direct po- status is determined by Germany preceded by a world-wide publicity campaign designed to blacken litical and diplomatic activities and Germany has simply their character and awaken dishostile to or in disregard of the wholly, made them subject to the same trust of them. In total disrenecessities of other nations; can ruthless decrees which give Jews gard of the facts about them, they monopolize resources essential to the choice of starvation or exile, are being branded as revolutionthe existence of all peoples; and and non-Nazis German race, a aries, Communists, and other . can exercise their entire orga- range of choiceofbetween conform- "disturbing elements." nized functions without let or ity, prison, exile or extirpation. hindrance. government exThe Russian revolution and the The German the property of one of World a Jangle Graeco-Turkish wars created the propriates Communication, transportation, first enormous European refugee the most solid parts of Its bourliteracy, the frontierless func- problem. Again the League han- geoisie population — the Jewish tioning of science and technology, dled it, under the leadership of —and at the same time supports have created a world so intimate- a very great man, the Norwegian an International anti-Semitic camly integrated that it is smaller explorer, Fridtjof Nansen. He paign w h i c h , in bourgeosiethan North .America was at the had the authority of a great time of the Continental Congress. name; the goodness of a great To insulate any one part of it heart; the imagination and darfrom the rest would require more ruthless and quixotic efforts than those of Japan before Perry. INVEST SAFELY. WISELY IN Should such efforts succeed, they would mean the end of modAnnuity, Endowment, Ufa ern civilization, and the return to an infinitely more primitive way of life for everybody. Represents 21 Strong CompanYet, precisely such efforts are ies—Every Type of Insuranca being made. They are not being and Bonda Written. made for the sake of establishing CALL AT 7667 or WA 5150 a more primitive'way of life, but City Finance C Insurance Co. for the sake of extending for cer-
NEW SYNAGOGUE i democratlc countries, is designed those,countries where Germany's The desperate thing about it is blood. Every class in society, to show that the Jews are all influence predominates. There- that it is easy stuff for dema- from t h e highest aristocracy "Reds." It finds it stooges every- fore, the question grows more gogues, easy to put into opera- down, has Jewish members. InMontreal (JTA) — The 17ft where. In this country, for in- rapidly than it can be met, and tion, for it affects a small eco- termarriage has gone on increas- year-old Spanish and Portuguese! stance, In Father Coughlin, who the meeting of it even incurs the nomically divided and therefore ingly for a generation. Leaders synagogue lias commenced a driva has, on occasion, sein fit to trans- risk of augmenting it. defenseless part of the popula- of such Prussian organizations as to raise £150,000 for the buildmit to the American people not The German racial theory is a tion, and by enforced emigration, the Stahlheim had Jewish grand- ing of a' new synagogue. Th« only the arguments but the exact myth totally unsupported by any the problem can be foisted upon parents on one side or the other. present structure, located close toj phraseology of Dr. Goebbels. Artificial Policy anthropological research except some other part of the world. the heart of Montreal's theate* Propaganda that made to order by subservient Therefore all plans lor dealAll this was, from ever}' view- and shopping district lias been The Russian government was German "scientists" who, like ing with this new and arbitrarily point, a highly desirable develop- found inadequate for the needs equally ruthless about its politi- statisticians, can, if they have a created refugee problem have t3 ment, based upon natural affini- of the congregation and. the nwf. cal opponents — the Russian mind to, produce "facts" to prove be considered, not only humanely ties of individuals to other indi- building will be erected in a resibut politically, and not only from viduals and to a civilization and dential district. aristocratic and industrial and almost any thesis. But actually the myth Is no the viewpoint of the countries to a culture. "* mercantile classes—whom it also forced into exile. But the^Com- longer even Germanic. It is, uu- which the refugees may go, but Not the least disconcerting of The native Jews of India speaK munist propaganda against them der Germany influence, applied to with consideration of the pos- the results of the Nazi program Mahrati, fell on deaf ears outside the Rus- any race at all, provided it is not sible effect on the countries is that it has created that sub- Persian. Malayiam, Arabic, O» sian borders, for in a predomi- Jewish. "Aryan" laws are en- creating the problem. lime irrelevance, a "Jewish" probnantly bourgeois world, the Com- couraged in Hungary among the lem—in a world that has real Not a Jewish Problem Magyars who are not even Aryan munist arguments against them problems, pressing problems to according to tne German definlFrom a humane standpoint, the solve. The attention of peoples only made them politically more desirable. The German govern- t i o n — w h i c h , incidentally, plight of these new refugees can is distracted from matters of the ment has been uniquely success- switched fi*om a lingual to racial harly be exaggerated. There is most urgent necessity to an issue ful in producing an enforced emi- background, ceases to have any no economic class of the popula- that *s a piece of bad fiction. gration while, at the same time, meaning at all. The Magyars are tion that is not affected—in the It is of supreme importance ranks of the refugees are the it systematically poisons public a Tartar people. those countries where there flower of the German intelli- that opinion against the emigrants, to Racism in Practice is still an attempt' to approach make their rehabilitation elseBut under the neo-German gentsia, people who have always public questions "In reason, shall Forced to Move Liquor where more difficult. mythology, Arabians become for had an established, bourgeois ex- refuse to he diverted by this stale istence, small traders and shop- red herring, and. this applies to Stock by RSay 1 political purposes, Aryans, and This is true of South America, keepers, workers, students, and Jews and Gentiles alike. The refwhere there is an actual shortage some peculiar racial quality sets children. Also Passover Win* ugee, problem is economic, fiof population, and where as high- them apart from the Jews, and The earlier refugees were able nancial, social and political. It and Brandy ly civilized, intelligent and skilled makes them if non—then differpopulation as the German refu- ently—Semite. Of course, they legally to transfer part of their Is not a Jewish problem, at all, gees, could, if properly organized, are differently Semite, because property; others found illegal except as it is made so in men's contribute immensely .to enhanc- the European Jews are Euro- means of getting some of It out. minds. ing the wealth of the several peans, with all conceivable kinds But today, with very few excepof European racial characteristics tions that cannot be done. countries. • ... Edward Israel died of starvaand types, including the pure The refugees who leave Ger- tion 1012 HOWARD The propaganda, furthermore, Nordic. while acting as geographer many often present cases of serfor the Greely Arctic expedition. is carefully designed for the Even the Japanese become a ious maladjustment. This is N. Levinson, Prop* various countries. In Hungary, kind of honorary Aryan, althougn most patheically true i*. the case the German propaganda against the Chinese The first foreign Jew to settle could, on the German of children, whose passion to be the Jews is on quite different thesis, make a better argument. like other children is well known, in India was Jacob Semah of grounds. In that semi-feudal Slavic peoples, whom Hit- and for whom ostracism from Bagdad who came in 1680. country, the Nazi propaganda is lerThe has described as incapable of their mates is a form of the most itself the nearest approach to state-building, and bound in the insidious and destructive cruelty. "redness" that exists. It is aimed long run to be ruled by "German Absolutely n o r m a l children ORDER YOUR at the feudal landlords and the Elements," are superiorly Aryan have been known to steal—candy, mercantile and financial inter- vis-a-vls Jews; and Slavic racial- for instance — with which to Easter Flowers and ests, and there the Jews are at- Ism is encouraged by German in- tempt other children into friendPlants Now tacked for their sovereignty in fluence and propaganda. . ship with them. the bourgeois world and for their Moral Effects All this has directly to do with Our Personal Service and importance in the intellectual life the refugee problem. Families have been broken up. of the country. Perfect Arrangement For what Germany has done, especially mixed marriages, an Racial Policy Hungary, Rumania, Poland and "Aryan" wife remaining behind, Assured This aspect of planned Interna- every other country in Central while a Jewish husband emitional policy and propaganda con- Europe is already beginning to grated. tributes enormously' to the com- copy, and there is no apparent The suicide rate mounts. The plications of the present Euro- end to it- at the moment. Even amount of mental and physical 1621 Farnam - Phone JA 4909 pean refugee problem created by Italy is adopting the German anguish that has been willfully Germany. If the racial policy "race" laws. Italy, the cradle of and absolutely senselessly proOmaha's Shop of Quality and Service which has created the main -part civilization and races, has every voked cannot be comprehended. —though by no means the whole kind of racial mixture in its pop- A problem has been created out —of the problem were really ulation that can be found in the of no problem at all. purely "Germanic" and designed Mediterranean including Semitic The German and Austrian Jewas it purported to be at the be- Arabian and Phoenician and Afri- ish populations were completely ginning, wholly for domestic pur- can negroid. assimilated. If the late Hugo poses and for the purification of v o n Hoff mansthal, if Stefan Expropriation Scheme the German "race," then the Where Fashion and Quality, Cost No Mot* German "racialism" is Ih prac- Zweig, if Arnold Schoenberg, if problem would not be insoluble. tice nothing more or less than art Professor Neumann are not AusNazi Repercussions excuse to expropriate property for trians, what is an Austrian? Overseas the benefit of depleted treasuries, Enormous numbers of the AusInternational action could take to confiscate positions for the trian Jews have been Catholics the Jews out of Germany. Their benefit of party members, and to and their fathers before them. number is not so overwhelming, get rid of part of the population Both the Lutheran and the Catheven with the addition of Austria, as one way out of the unemploy- olic churches in the Reich contained many members of Jewish where It is proportionately high- ment problem. er than in the original Reich, that they could not be^ absorbed into the western world, particularly in view of the amount of international Jewish wealth, willing to make great sacrifices on their baCustom half. Original But the German racial policy is a political export, and it Is being systematically spread to all
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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, MARCH 24,1939 War Veterans of the United States, appealed tt all Americans Wise Birthday to refrain from pnrchasinr GerFund Announced man goods or traveling on GerMrs. Charles Levinson man steamers or shipping any Funeral services were held New York (JTA) — Establ!***freight bj such steamers in a Wednesday morning for Mrs. statement on the sixth anniver- ment of a ; ation - wide Esther Marer Levinson, 58, wao sary of the date when tj.e boycott Fund in honor of the 65th died at her home Sunday afternoon. She had been . resident Emphasize Action Aimed against Oermany was first com- day of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, menced in th; United States. dent of the American Jewish Co«r* of Omaha for 36 years. Not at Czechs, gress, which occurred last Fi-S Surviving are: Her husband, But Reich day, was announced by the g*K">* Charles; two daughters, Mrs. $9,000 IS RAISED erning council of the Congress. Helen " "instein and Jeannette New York (JTA) — The Joint The fnnd will, at the behest •"» Levinson, both o' Omaha; a son, Boycott FOR ORCHESTRA Council, -which, was inDr. Wise, be used to maintain tl>» BOOK REVIEW Sidney Wallach. of 'the the Medical Fund chairman, Mrs. Herman of Mackey, Idaho; her strumental in shifting considernd opposed the anti-Jewish laws plus father, Adolph of Indianapolis; New York (JTA) — About $9,- work of the American Jewish <V>»rThat new novel just published to the last Balbo once took American Jewish Committee, is M. M. Barish, WA SS99. trade from Germany «o 000 three sisters, Mrs. Lena 'Rosen- able as a sustaining fund for thegress. Special committees will by Viking, Zweig's "Beware of Kleinlerer on an airplane trip on a business trip to California Palestine Pavilion izecho Slovakia, formally anSymphony . Orchestra set up for the purpose of Pity," is to my liking. across Libya As governor- . . . And Morris Waldman, A. J. "The Land of Israel" oooks for bluni of Los Angeles, Mrs. Ruxh nounce*? the exten^don f o the anti- Palestine of Chicago and Helen Nazi boycott to the areas of thewas raised Tuesday nijht through lishing this fund in various 1O general of Libya, Balbo appointed C. secretary, briefly visited Sol the Palestine Pavi.ion in the New Weissman of Indianapolis.; six broth- former Republic now under Nazi: a benefit concert at Carnegie calities. VISITOR: Dr. David Kleinler- his friend, Colonel Levy, as head Stroock in Miami, where he is re- York World'j Fair can be pur- MarerRobert I. and Jack W. of HalL Participating in the concert Asked what he would wish -w» er, JTA Rome correspondent who of the whole Italian police aud cuperating from an illness . . . chaser through Hadassah. All ers, Omaha; William, Harry, Sam and control. were Alexander Kipnis, basso; Jo- have on his birthday. Dr. W •was expelled by II Duce, is visit- military gendarmerie force in theRefugee row is telling this one Omahans who wish to participate Morris, "We are not declaring an exall of Indianapolis. sef Lhevinne, pianist; Chemja in the building of the Pavilion declared:- "I have two ing in the U. S. . . - He dropped colony . . . And raised strenuous with bitter relish A rabbit tension of the becott to harm Vinaver, conducting a choir of Rabbi David H. Wice conductwishes. One 1B the liberation In. to see this colyumist the other objections when, for diplomatic w a s hopping through Berlin ;an do so by purchasing these dembrracy loving masses of refugees; puggiero Hicci, violin- Europe from the bondage Of ft day and related some interesting reasons, it was suggested to himstreets at a great clip . . . A sec- books o. tickets. When the gates ed the service at the Crosby-Cur 1- the what Vas formerly Czecho-Sloist, and others. mortuary. Burial was lerism and the other is the li tales . . . Following are a few or that Levy embrace Christianity ond rabbit stopped him, asked: of the New York World's Fair son-Meyer vakia," declared Dr. Joseph TenLevy, however, th^ story is "What's the rush, is anythin- swing open on April 3 0, 1939. it in Golden Hill cemetery. tion of the Jewish people imm them . . . enbaum, chairman of the council, told, voluntarily became a con-wrong?" . Replied the first will mark the second time in hisoppression. : i in a statement, "but rather to Patronize Our' Advertisers Louis Fichtenberg help free this . martyred people PROTECTOR: W h e n Hitler vert to save Balbo embarrass- rabbit: "Haven't you heard? Hit- tory that the Jews of the world Mrs. are represented by Palestine at a ment . . . ler has just exiled all camels from Funeral services were held this visited Rome in May, 1938 . . • the brutal and unrrecedentGermany!" . . . "But you're not world's fair. , Many Omahans who week for Mrs. Louis Fichtenberg from Elaborate precautions, everyone ed invasion of its sovereign rights do not expect to use the tickets . will remember, were taken to in- POPE: This story is told of a camel!" rabbit No. 2 exclaimed. themselves are purchasing them of Chicago. by bringing about the economic Surviving Mrs. Fichtenberg are collapse of its persecutors and desure his safety . . '. Among them the new Pope's visit to America . . . "Yeh, I know," came the re-as gifts for friends in the east. •was the guarding of the railway in 1937 as Cardinal Pacelli . . . tort, "but go argue with Hitler!" Tickets or further information her husband; one. daughter, Mrs. filers." (Copyrighted by Jewish TeleBen Kubby; a son, Mr. Jack route . . . The road from Brenner While sight-seeing at the George may be obtained from Mrs. M. M.Fichtenberg, all of C o u n c i l Aids CT. S. graphic Agency, Inc.) Pass to Rome was -divided into Washington residence in Mount Barisn, WA SS99. Bluffs, and two grandchildren. Merchandise already paid for sections, each one assigned to anVernon, Pacelli was besieged by r or goods in transit are exempt The Hadassah s' ring rummage . officer who was given full re- tourists . . . Among whom were from the boycott. Dr. Tenenbaum sale will be held in April. All sponsibility for the safety prepa- several newly-weds who asked for said. He declared that the . exwomen who have bundles or merrations '. . . -The section from and received the Cardinal's blessCouncil tension of the boycott would aid chandise are requested to call Brenner Pass to Bologna was as-ing . . . The Semitic features of HA 1207. The Council of Jewish Women in building up substitute indussigned to Engineer Tedeschi—a one of the couples being blessed There will be a great number Mrs. Peter Greenberg, in the United States, regardDues Jew, and Dr. Kleinlerer's brother- aroused the interest of a news- of interesting topics for discuswill hold its annual card party tries which the council • as co:« in,-law . . . paperman in the group . . . " I beg sion and decision during the Ha- Chairman of the Dues Collect- on Monday, March 27, at the Jew- ing operating with a number of trade your pardon," he Bald, "aren't dassah March meeting to be held ing committee, Mrs. William Al- ish Community Center. A des-associations. ' . CIANO: Count Ciano, Italian you Jewish?" . . . Replied the at 2 p. m. Wednesday, March 29 berts, makes her weekly plea for sert-luncheon "will be served at 1 foreign minister and son-in-law of bride: "Sure, but the blessing at the Jewish Community Center. members to pay their dues imme- o'clock followed by bridge and A public conference to express abhorrence of, the American -H,Duce, was born in Livorno . . . won't hurt." . . . This will be preceeded by a 1 p.diately. No one is an active mem- bingo. A door prize -will be given. the people of the dismemberment of ber if her dues are unpaid. A Which is known as the Italian m. board meeting. Mrs. Henry Elakin is general "Jerusalem . . . And more famous AGENCY: A Jewish advertisThe Southwestern regional con- tea is being planned for paid up chairman, and Mrs. Joseph Klein, Czecho-Slovakia and to launch a as the birthplace of Moses Monte- ing agency, one of the biggest in ference, the Philanthropy pledge, members during April. This tea co-chairman. Mrs. Leon Fell- oration-wide movement to bring liore . . . Ciano had many Jewish the country, is handling the ad-the nominating committee and will be held only if there are 500man, hospitality chairman, -will about the pconomic isolation of classmates . . . One of whom, the vertising for Hapag, the Nazi many other subjects will be paid up members. Hadassah has be in charge of the dessert- Germany through boycott will take place on March il under editor of an Italian sporrs paper, steamship company . . .The agen- brought up during the meeting close to 700 names on the secre- luncheon. the auspices of the Volunteer tary books aid Mrs. Alberts is •was kept in his job through cy's chief account executive, a Wednesday. A lar^a attendance is expected, to pass the goal during as this party is one of the coun- Christian Committee to Eoycott Ciano's intervention . . . The program committee head striving man with an nnmistateably JewNazi Germany, it was announced the next month. All members cil's projects to raise its quota by ish name, travels to and from ed by Mrs. Phineas Wintroub wil •who X>r. W*iliam Jay Schieffelin, have not paid dues are again for the FARINACCI: Italy's Streicher Germany on the company's liners present "The Making of a Hadas- requested German-Jewish children's chairman. Supporting the United bring them Wednes- fund. Is Roberto Farinacci . . . That his . . . And says, furthermore, that sah Program, Interesting. Infor- day duringto States government's imposition of the March meeting. If anti-Semitism is of comparatively 25 per cent ol the passengers are mative, Entertaining." T h o s e anyone cannot a 25 per cent counterveiling tax attend and desires recent date — born about the Jewish . . . taking part will be Mrs. Moe Raz- to pay dues, they on subsidized German imports, Women's M.izrachi the • time of the Rome-Berlin axis — nick, -Mrs. Sidney Cahan, Mrs. Alberts, AT 0379. may call Mrs. Volunteer Christian Commitis attested to by the fact that for Irvin C. Levin, Mrs. Phineas MISH - MASH: Johnny-on-theCultural New members of the Women's tee hopes to bring about a virtual years he employed Jevrs in keyspot was Herbert Kline, whose Wintroub and -Mrs. Morris M. "The. Survival of the Jew in the Mizrachi -were honored at a mem- embargo on Nazi services as well positions . . . A Jew named Mario documentary film, "Crisis." the Franklin. World Today," study group will bership tea held on Wednesday, as Nazi products to support the Levy was until recently his right only pictorial record of Hitler's Regional Conference meet at 1:15 p. m. Tuesday, March 15. Co-chairmen of thegovernment action announced. liand man on Regime Fascists Sudetenland grab, opened in New The 15 th annual convention of J^ George Fredman. national , Farinacci's newspaper, w h i c h York the very week that the the Southwest Region: of Hadas- March 28, at the Jewish Com- tea were Mrs: 5L Arbitman. Mrs. boycott chairman of the Jewish started life simply as anti-French Furor gobbled up the rest of thesah will be held in the Hotel mnnity Center. Chapter V will B. Eisenberg and Mrs. A. G. be presented by Mrs. Julius .Stein. Weinstein. ' before it turned to anti-Semitism country Muehlebach, Kansas City, Mo., on pictures, taken Palestine chapter of Pierre The organization is planning a . . . And his personal secretary last fall, wereThesmuggled out ofMonday and Tuesday, May 1 The Van Passen's "Days of Oar1 o'clock dessert-luncheon dur•was a Jewess. • Prague, where they had'been hid- and 2. will be presented by the month of May. Proceeds den for weeks . . . Kline, a Jew, 1The principal speaker •will b Years" A. Goldstein. raised there -will be nsed to purAMBASSADOR: One of the filmed fiery Nazi rallies and pa-Mrs. David de Sola Pool of NewDavid A class in the "Study of Tal-chase linen fox-the Beth Zeiroth most important of the ambassa rades in Sudetenland His York, wife of Rabbi de Sola Pool, dors at Rome was recently aston shots of post-Munich refugees liv- who is head of the Portuguest mudic Laws" is being organized. Girl Schools in Palestine. Members and friends have been ished to receive a letter asking ing in ditches would tear the Spanish synagogue there, the old- This Trill be a seminar group. PAINTING and "Watch that smug smile fade when he finds t>ol him to help a certain German- heart out of a head of lettuce est orthodox congregation in th«Those who are interested may call asked to save any old articles for PAPERHANGING Mrs. M. F. Levenson, WA 0850, the Rummage Sale to be held aftJewish refugee .-. . The astonish countryMrs. de Sola Pool, Vincent Sheean wrote the we shared his pint of Roberts milk.*' ment derived from the fact th.i commentary . . . T. .E. Lawrence national vice-president of Hadas or Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, GL Passover. Reasonable Price* the letter was signed by Farinac was a great admirer of Dr. Chaim sah, was a delegate, to the worl Mrs. J. Tuchman has been el's own brother, a city council named chairman of the sale of AT 9892 Call Evenings convention a few year; Ya'kub ben • Yusuf ibn Killis Shekolinu It is revealed in Zionist lor in Cremona and also employed Weiziaann ago. his letters, edited by David Garwas in 960 made Grand Vizier of •: on the anti-Semitic Hegime FSLS- -nett, that-in refusing to deny re- A large delegation .of Oman the Calif of Egypt. cista . . . ports that he had accused thewomen are expecting to attend Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem of not only because of Kansas City's BALBO: Marshal Italo Balbo anti-Semitism, he explained he re- proximity but also to hear the dis- Abraham ben Isaac Ha-Levi ibn Kleinlerer relates, is one of thefused "especially as I suspect you cussion on the political situation, Migas was court physician to the chiel defenders of Jews, in Italy want my denials only to assure the immigration program fo Sultan Sulaiman,, the Great., yourself and triumph over Dr. outh Aliyah, and to see the Weizmann, a great man whose model Hadassah educational inboots neither yon nor I, my dear stitute that will be presented by Bishop, are fit to black." . . . vlrs. David A. Goldstein, viceThe noted sculptor, Jacob Ep- iresident of the region and edustein, did a bust of Rabbi Stephen :ational chairman. S. Wise during the latter's recent H 51 O Activities stay in London . . . It will be ex- All captains holding stubs for hibited in New York soon . . . the award on the trip to New The Cafe Vienna, newest refugee York are reques ed to bring them co-operative venture, got off to a to the March meeting. The drawflying start recently at 50 West ng will be held as scheduled durSeventy-seventh street in Manhat- ing the April meeting. Tickets tan . . . The place has atmosphere or books may be obtained Iroru
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DAVID BLACKER - • Business and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN • ... Editor RABBI FREDERICK COHN . Contributing Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS • - - - Book Editor ANN PILL - " Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
The New Decisiveness
tablished for the harassed. Our German Jewish element fled an oppresssion almost as bitter as that of the Na2is. "The Center The bulk of our,population of Omaha arrived here only Library Corner" within the past half century, again fleeing an oppressor — By HASKEU0 OOHEN Russia, this time. Every effort was made to help them and to adjust them to a new and strange environment, and that enA minute or so in Jewish lit erature by way of current com vironment has been kind to them. ' ments it the day's Jewish scene, If we cherish the blessings that are ours, we will do what in magazines, books and Jewish little we can to pass them on to the less fortunate. We are thought: The magazines: "THE ARYAN being called upon to make a little sacrifice for the persecuted TYPE," a short story by Ernest Jews of Centra! and Eastern Europe. We spend freely in night O. Eisenberg, in the JEWISH morbid bit of short clubs and amusement places. We pamper our precious selves in LAYMAN—a story telling, of the Germany every conceivable manner. We might also remember there are from which we have become BO to except morbid human beigns, fellow Jews, who are struggling for the very accustomed facts. Yet' when reading this short means of keeping alive and retaining their decency. story, you will question, "Is H based on facts?" or hopeful that
PRAYER FOR THE CHILDREN WHO MUST LEAVE GERMANY God of great heaves, Lord of the Azimuth, Within whose awful hand the sparrow rests, Whose armies in the heavens of our youth Pierced with their battle fcynms our troubled breasts; Father and friend, whose voice melodious Sang through the thunder in the cloudy dome, Take to Your heart which weeps for all of us, These children very small and far from home. These are no soldiers weighted with a sword, These are but babies fed with bitter bread; Their only roof and dwelling is Your word, Your love the only pillow for their head. Watch over them and guard them all forlorn In England now, amidst the alien corn. . —ROBERT NATHAN. (The Jewish Press reprints this poem with tbe special permission of Mr. Nathan.) »/
Philadelphia (WNS) — ThCl American F r i e n d s (Quakers) Service committee is making a serious study of a section of Alaska as a possible site for a permanent colony o" Jewish refugees from GermanrThe announcement was mad© by Dr. Rufus M. Jones. Haverford college professor rho headed an American Q u a k e r delegation which returned from Germany some time ago saying the Nazi government had approved a plan to speed emigration. Dr. Jones pointed out that establishment of a colony In Alaska would require "an act of congress," but added, "We have so far found no more favorable place for the Jews and non-
European statesmen have ceased deluding themselves as to Thomas Mann in Omaha it be fiction based facts. A must read. the ultimate 'appeasing' of the voracious Nazi appetite. With In THE JEWISH FRONTIER Tomorrow evening Germany's most distinguished exile will the ink on the Pact of Munich hardly dry Chamberlain, the a symposium "JEWS IN A pay a brief visit to Omaha. Not a Jew, not even a politically WORLD OF VIOLENCE.' great exponent of appeasement, has seen his words "Peace for "DEATH HAS NO TERROR." by active figure in the days preceding the rise of Hitler, Thomas our time" made foolish indeed as the grey legions goose-stepped Mahatma Gandhi. Quote: "My does not blind me to their way into the dismembered country whose frontiers had Mann represents the great Germany, the Germany that is sympathy Aryans of Germany to start their the requirements of justice. The struggling to keep alive its proud tradition; the Germany that own civilization anew." been "guaranteed" by the signatories of the much-abused pact. cry for the National Home for Rome (JTA) — Fascist offithe Jews does not make much ap- cials this week withdrew the Now with one powerful ally uselessly sacrificed without a has no haven within its own borders but in more hospitable peal to me. The sanction for it party cards of two members ,at finger being raised and without the much-desired peace having countries seeks to give expression to the stifled voice. Palestine Jews is sought In the Bible and the Verona and Trieste because they No greater indictment can be made of a political regime tenacity with which the Jews had shown New York (JTA) — Major Edbeen accomplished, the so-called democratic nations are panicalsympathy for,Jews. have hankered after a return to Decide to Pray, an attitude by party mem- ward Bowes, director of the radio ;ly hurrying about to patch their fences and to close the barn than the men it rejects and makes exiles. Thomas Mann is a Palestine. Why should they not, Such Amateur Hour, has presented to bers Is considered contrary to the living refutation of the oft-repeated charge that only Jews are Jerusalem (JTA) — Special like other people of tire earth, new racial policy, it was an- the Hebrew university In Palesdoor though 'one nation has been stolen.' services were held throught Palmake that country their home tine a rare document containing suffering at the hands of the Nazi curse. He left Germany of where they were born and where nounced. Even thieves are supposed to have a code of honor, but his own free will because he could not stomach the activities the autograph of Haym Salomon, estine by Jews in place of the 24they earn their livelihood? hour general stike against British: it is evident the dictatorships have not as yet reached the level of the regime. The country's most distinguished literary figure, San irandsco (JTA) — The Revolutionary patriot and friend proposals for a settlement ©£ The answer, sir, is the inhuman Jesuit Father Raymond F. Feeley of Washington, according to *n Arab-Jewish difficulties. of common criminals. It is doubtful if anyone was fooled by he might have conceded something to the Nazis, as Hauptmann treatment meted out to them, the of San Francisco university, re- announcement by Dr. A. 8. W. At the behest of Chief Raftbl banishment from lands where turning from Europe, declared in Rosen bach, president of t h e Isaac Nazis promises. Herzog, prayers were a»Id did, and be permitted to remain in comparative peace. they no longer have a home nor a statement: "Mussolini is def- American Friends of the Hebrew for divine intervention to block a means to a livelihood. . Hitler's act in the seizure of Czecho-Slovakia was the act University. There are only a few initely losing his grip on the In his exile Thomas Mann has become not only the world's Britain's plans for eventual II, "WE ARE TREATED Italian people. They thoroughly documents of Haym Salomon Great of a desperate man. Germany is today the sick-man of Eur- greatest literary figure, but the world's foremost champion of ASPart establishment of an Independent SUBHUMANS — WE A R E detest bis alignment with Berlin known to exist, and the Hebrew state with Jews fixed as a minorope. Her false morale should fool no one but the blind. Na- the democratic ideal. At an age when most men are content ASKED TO BE SUPERHUMANS" and aa Catholics they are very university has long desired one. ity. The strike, which had been Hayim Greenberg. bitter over the contempt he ' It will be added to the collec- called by the Jewish National tions with a population backing them as unanimously as the with memories, he is creating a new home, and taking up the byPart III of the symposium, "A showed for His Holiness in not tion of autographs of famous Council, waB postponed indefinite* Germans claim would be in no need of concentration camps. It challenge hurled at civilization. LIBERAL INTERPRETS ZION- even acknowledging the Holy Jews, formed by Dr. Abraham ly because of the international ISM" by Norman Angell. Schwadron, who donated the colFather's protest against the viocould be generous to dissenters. , He will bring a message — an optimistic message, for he "The Jewish question was, andlation of tbe Concordat by the lection to the Hebrew University situation. . In the words of her own leaders Germany has come to the is not a man to be downed by the catastrophes of the moment. is, a world question which has antl - J e w i s h l a w s recently Library In 1937. It Is the largarisen largely because of gross of- passed." est collection of its kind in the point where she must expand or die. This is in itself a confes- He has not been conquered by adversity, but inspired. He is fenses committed by non-Jews world. against the Jewish race. Antision of failure of Nazi economics. Most dangerous however, is the symbol of the Germany that yet may be. Semitism is a moral attitude of PAUL MUNI JOINS The document which Major the ego of the dictator who demands in the name of a mystic t h a t xenopbobist nationalism, TOUR COMMITTEE Bowes has presented to the Hewhich we have all alike nursed. brew university is a promissory race doctrine, the hegemony of Europe. The mis-government HOYS' OWN STORI Anti-Semitism is indeed at once Cincinnati (JTA)—Paul Muni, note for 1,76? pounds ten shill of Germany itself is proof that the Nazis could never establish the assertion of the worst side of the actor, has joined the Union of ings, which bears Salomon's en' nationalism and the denial of tts American Hebrew Congregations' dorsement. This Is the first docuanything approaching stability on the continent. Easter clothes that everj» best." National "Committee of 100" ment of Salomon's to be placed In boy .and his mother appreThe world is faced with the grave problem of acting in which will take plans for increas- any library in the Near East. The book shelf: •*- By DB. THEODORE N. LEWIS "JEREMIAH" by Stefan Zwelg ed personal service to democracy ciate for style and value I' regard to this trouble-maker. It is not an easy question to face, —Although not new, "Jeremiah" and Judaism to the country in a Babbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux Cit> Henry Harland, an American for the serious statesmen of Europe have no desire to plunge has a pacifists plea against war. Layman's Tour of more than 300 Today pacifism, as a policy not cities in the United States and non-Jew, wrote under the name of the continent into a horrible and disastrous war that will only an ethical idea, evokes but lit- Canada from April 5 to May 24. Sidney Luska, supposedly a. Rus•SIPCKIM" (STORIES) 5HCHA personalities, e. g. "The Mystic" as add to the misery of the nations involved. Perhaps Hitler would JOSEPff tle In a world of vio- "I am heartly in accord With sian Jew. B E B D I T C H B V S K Y . over whom exerybody literally lentresponse. encroachment, can the plan," Muni declared in a letbe overthrown, but the soil will be prepared for other Hitlers. PUBLISHED' BY THE METZ tramples and who takes the most be vital only when pacifism imbued with ter to Robert P. Goldman, presi- For Rent——Furnished room FOUNOATIOM. 201 PAGES. revolting insults without a word Yet no longer can responsible statesmen be conciliatory for pathos of human self sacrifice dent of the Union. Eddie Cantor for elderly couple or woman. author of this volume was of protest till he Is driven to sui- Mere deunciatlon of war undor conciliatory gestures are interpreted by the Nazis as surrenders a The Privileges of home. 2521 foremost figure in Hebrew Ht- cide, "The Wanderer;" "The La-such circumstances, rings hollow. recently joined the committee. who made a religion of S JA 3577. and encourage further depradations. Concessions in the name rature and exercised a tremen- borer," Patronize Our Advertisers dous Influence. His youth, like charity, etc. ?*Hassidic Tales" 13 of peace are treated not as acts of generosity, but flaunted as that of many of the Haskalah per- the title of the third section and was miserable in the extreme. "Happenings and Events," that of admissions of weaknesses. Such are not the actions of a strong- iod, His early tragic years have left the fourth. "Stories of Love".Is government but only of a government that must depend on deep traces upon his mind and his the title of the fifth, and the last PROM MARCH 26 TO MARCH 8 t work. His home and environment, called "Stories of Sorrow" in- Sunday, March 20. crisis and the fears of a people to keep it in power. sources of bitterness and rebel- cludes two extremely depressing A. Z. A. No. 100 meeting. 3 P. tale3 centering around death. Concerted action on the part of the governments who prize lion are easily discernible. m.,- C and D, Jewish Community Those able to read Hebrew will Center. Again The Nebraska their independence and the freedom of their citizens may put Born, In Podolia, the birthplace derive pleasure from this volume. Omaha Hebrew club, 3 p. m., of Besht, he quickly recognized a stop to the onward march of these barbarians. The Metz Foundation, the pubSets the Pace! odge room, Jewish Community and deeply resented the'' sharp continue to render con- Center. Spring is notoriously bad for international relations, and the contrast between the Jewish lishers, spicious service to the cause of Vaad Auxiliary Carnival, 5 p. hetto, In whichi he was impris- Hebrew world must look forward to months of uneasiness ahead. When oned, and "the other side" of the States. literature in the United m., auditorium, Jewish Communty Center. we should be rejoicing in the reawakening of the earth, the non-Jewish world where there Monday, March 27. a modicum of culture, of • armies are on the march with their guns of death. In such an was Council of Jewish Women Card wealth, and of freedom. Bigotry Party, .1 p. m., auditorium, Jewatmosphere the Jews prepare to observe the anniversary of and Intolerance and superstition Gems of the Bible s4 Two Long Pants ish Community Center. aggravated physical poverty. The their liberation from Egyptian bondage; the Christians the an- spiritual degradation, the enslavePhotography club, 7:30 p. m., and Talmud SCHOOL $1/175 ounge, Jewish Community Cenment of the mind, was as hard to niversary of the resurrection of their Prince of Peace. By Dr. Ph5Uj> Shar
Community Calendar
One and Two-Pants
Spring Suits
ter. endure as the rigours of the body. Add to all this, enough to embitWorkmen's Loan association, 8 p. m., C and D, Jewish Communer any sensitive youth, a mean BIBLE ity Center. step-mother who "deprives you Even a fool, when he holdeth Orchestra class, 8 p. ra.. lodge a morsel of bread and a bit of Overshadowed by more momentous stirrings, the" l&rab- ofugar," and morbidity, the mel- his peace is counted wise, and he room, Jewish Community Center. Hazomir Choral society, S p. Jewish Round Table conferences have come to conclusion' ifter ancholy outlook on life, of Berd- that shuteth his lips is esteemed m., K and L, Jewish Community is easily understood. as a man of understanding. . six weeks of discouraging effort. Since no plan for accord was itchevsky Contact with the Haskalah literHe that giveth answer before enter. reached, the two peoples will await the British proposals which ature destroyed the old and beau- he heareth, It i3 folly and confu- Tuesday, March 38. Senior Hadassah Study Group, iful faith/the simple faith of sion unto him. will go into effect without consulting either Jews or Arabs. childhood, 1 p. m., room M, Jewish Comand made him a susHe that hath a forward heart munity Center. Despite the apparent failure of the conference, new factors, picious, dangerous character in findeth no good and he that hath Alpha Gamma Chi, 7 p. m., the community, leading to expula perverse tongue falleth into some discouraging, some a little heartening, made their appear- sion from the home of his father2 and D, Jewish Community Ceuevil. : ance. Britain is 'willing and ready to grant an independent Arab in-law, and to divorce. UnhappIand life are in the pow- er.Choir Rehearsal, S "p. ra., K and seems to have pursued Ber- er Death state providing the Arabs agree to terms. The Arab delegation ness of the and they that -i, Jewish Community Center. ditchevsky, and his second marri- indulge ittongue, shall eat the fruit Wednesday, March 29. rejected the British plan merely because the mandate would age ended as disastrously as the thereof. first. After a few years at BresSenior Hadassah, 2 p. m., lodge remain in effect for some time to come. A fool's mouth Is his ruin and room, Jewish Community Center. lau, he want to Switzerland where lips are the snare of his soul. International Yv'orkers* Order, In British circles there is the feeling that despite the op- in 1896 he received his Ph. D. de- hisBetter a dry morsel and quiet- 8 p. m., C and D, Jewish Comree. He died about eight years position of the Palestine Arabs, the delegates from the indepen- ago in Berlin at the age of fifty- ness therewith, than a house full munity Center. of feasting with strife. Record Concert Series, S p. in., dent Arab states were impressed by the British readiness to con- seven. Rabbi Hlllel was a very poor room, Jewish Community The Introductory chapter of the cede to the Arab eause whatever it demanded. There exists the editor, Menachem Rlbalow, is a man and was working every day elub enter. slight possibility that out of the conference the cause of the masterful and superb psychologi- earning a Tarpaik a day (about Thursday, March SO. Boy Scouts meeting, 8 p. m., study. The spiritual struggles, 50 cents a day) one-half of which moderate Arabs will be strengthened and eventually a solution cal the conflicts of the author, are he gave away to the superintend- odge room, Jewish Community will be worked out by Jews.and Arabs, splendidly portrayed. Mr. Ribalow ent of the college (for admission) 'enter. Choir Rehearsal, S p. in.. K and truly pierced the secret places and the other half -was used to The Jewish delegation, in the light of present circum- has of the heart and soul of Berdit- suport his family. Onca it hap- ,, Jewish Community Center. March 31. stances, found it impossible to accept any of the British propo- chevsky. Especially intriguing is pened that he did not earn any- Friday, Dancing classes, 3:45 p. m., C Ribalow's analysis of the mystic- thing and the superintendent sals, though in the desire for peace they were more than will- ism, of the religious yearnings of would not admit him to enter the and D, Jewish Community Cening to make concessions that in all probability would have the author in his" later lift. Many college free of charge. He as- ter. have experienced similar longings cended the roof and swung himstalemated the Zionist cause. and hunger for the Ideals of self over to an opening where he which assumes a special sat down so that he might listen Palestine is now girding for the worst battle of what has youth, II oignancy after long , estrange- to the words of the living God been a bloody history. The hot-heads among the Arabs have ment, or shameful repudiation. from the two great scholars, SheOnly after entering the Western maia and Abtalian. It was added threatened that guns will again bark from the hills, and the world and tasting the consuming that this happened on a Friday Jews claim that self-restraint will now be thrown aside and fires that burning upon Its allur- during the season of winter and Temple ing but deceptive altars, only af- it was a snowstorm and he was the Arab guns will be answered. Tonight at services Rabbi Davter years of separation from the covered with snow. When it Ghetto, from its tradition and its dawned Shemala said to Abtalian, d H. Wice will devote his sermon Nevertheless a desire for peace persists. Britain has a huge ways, o a discussion of the life and was Berditchevsky able to stake in Palestine and will protect her interests. Among both rasp the secret power of the re- "Brother, why is it th&t every day works of the distinguished Gerideals that pervaded Us llght Is visible in the aca'demy man writer, Thomas Mann, who Jews and Arabs there are stirrings that predict eventual agree- ligious nooks and crannies, the myster- at this time and now It is yet n Saturday evening win speak at ment. Momentous days are ahead for Palestine. . ious divinity of the fanatical, dark? Is it such a cloudy day?" he Central High Auditorium. wretchedly poor but amazingly in- They raised their eyes and saw spiring personalities. After ach- the figure of a man above the Beth El eving emancipation from the window. When they -vent up they Joseph Baratz, leader of the thraldom of the Ghetto, Berdit- found on him a layer of snow •alestinian Labor Federation, will ; Newspaper columnists and radio commentators are all con- chevsky hungered for God, for three cubits thick. After remov- ie a guest of the Beth El Synagfor peace, for that mystic ing the snow they took him down, igue this evening. cerned about what the next move in Europe will mean—which truth, power which sustained the Ghet- washed him, smeared him with Rabbi David A. Goldstein -will people will be next to see the marching grey of the Nazi army. :o denizens. His spiritual rest- oil, and placed him in a warm also review Nora Wain's new lessness BO perculiarly a part of place remarking, "Such a man de- book, "Reaching for the Stars." Wherever Hitler may strike, the Jews know only too well who Berditchevsky, Ribalow describes serves that even the Sabbath will be the first victims. with great power and beauty. It should be violated for his sake." Anti-Semites Filled a portrayal of the spiritual batIn other years our own personal generosity has prompted Is tle of many a Haskalah figure, New York (JTA) — Dana B. Coral Gables, Fla. (JTA) — the amount of our contribution to the local Jewish Philanthro- and one given immortal charac- Helllngs, Grand Master of the Three men who wore Nazi-Hke by Feurberg in his Na- Grand Lodge of Free and Accept- brown shirts and carried literapies. This year tragic necessity is demanding that we respond terization chman, the hero of "Lean." ed Masons of the State of New- ture of an antl-Seniitic White to a dire want. . , This volume of short stories York, has sent a letter to every ••ront calling for segregation of contains a rich selection of the Masonic lodge in the state pro- ews were arrested in a fist-fight There is not one among us who were not ourselves or ripe fruit of the mind and pen tseting against intolerance, hatred in a barroom and were fined $25 : whose ancestors were not refugees. The first Jews to come to of Berditchevsky. It opens with and persecution and warning that each and costs by 7'Iunicipal Court few brief but revealing biogra- these were part of a movement udge Thomas C. Mayes. Two rnea America were victims fleeing the Spanish Inquisition. Curacao aphical pages, followed by a group which threatened the very exis- on the other side in the altercain the West Indies and Georgia in the United States were es- of sketches of unusual Ghetto tence of Masonry, tioa vere dismissed.
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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, MAKCH 24,1939 RIEKES-CHALi: stunned by the announcement, both of Omaha, and Raleigh At an afternoon ceremony, paused for a silent tribute to "Woolfe and Aaron Finklestetii, Tuesday, March 14, Miss Dorothy Brother Kaus, whose generosity, both of Lin oln. Chait, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. whose kindliness, whose ideal Other teams that Sigma OmiBen Chait, became the bride 'ol charaiter will long live in the cron defeated during the tournaHenry Riekes, son of Mr. and minds of the men of Pi Lambda ment were those representing the Mrs. Samuel Riekes. The mar- Fhi who survive him. The feel- Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Nu and riage was performed at the Black- ings of the men present were Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternities. stone hotel in the presence of the beautifully expressed by Ephraim Another permanent trophy will Marks, whose eulogy of Brother be given to the chapter as a reimmediate families. Rabbi H. Kaus was a most eloquent expres- sult of its victories. Sigma Alpha ADLER-SKLAR MBERMAN-FRIEUMAN Groazinsky officiated. sion and a most fitting tribute. l a has continually dominated in At a Snnday evening ceremony Miss Minda Friedman, daughThe couple was unattended. In honor of Brother Kaus, mem-j the "annual inter-fraternity handat the Blackstone hotel, Miss ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fried- Mrs. James Cohen played t h e sers of the fraternity throughout ball contests by winning nine Charlotte Sklar, daughter o£ Mr. man, became the bride of Isadore harp. the nation are observing a one- championships in the last 12 and Mrs. Abe Sklar, became the M. Liberman of Flint, Mich., son The bride wore a gown of white years. bride of Arthur Adler, son of Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Liberman satin, made with shirring on the month period of mourning. Sigma Omicron made a bid for and Mrs. Morris Adler. Cantor of Sioux City, at a 1 o'clock cere- shoulders to give the bodice fullthe inter-fraternity b o w l i n g Aaron Edgar officiated. mony at the home of the bride's ness, long sleeves puffed at the chsmiponship by defeating the The bride wore a lace and net parents. shoulders and tight from the elPhi Gamma Delta fraternity. gown, the lace forming parallel Rabbi David H. Wlce officiated bow. Her finger-tip, length tulle In keeping with the national Those representing Sigma Alpha, bands fitted at the -waist and ex- in the presence of the immediate veil was caught to a braided band program of A. Z. A. to raise funds Mu were Norman Bordy, David tending to the hemline, the skirt families. of satin. She carried a prayer for the Youth Aliyah, Mother Kavich, Fremont; Irving Zveitel, sweeping into a three-yard train. Chapter for the past few weeks Grand Island; Homer Laboviii, The bride wore a gown of book with gardenias. The sleeves of the bodice -were flesh-toned French illusion made A dinner- for B5 guests fol- has been conducting a drawlnz. Lincoln, and Sidne Kalin, Sioux Sunday afternoon at the chap- City. The Sigma Alpha Ma team large and puffed and- the gown with a Chantilly lace bodice. The lowed the service. regular meeting, this drive had the highest score of any fraliad a sweetheart neckline. The sleeves were short and puffed and1 After a three-week wedding ter's bridal veil of tulle was finger-tip the neckline was appliqued in trip to the west coast, the couple for Youth Aliyah funds will be ternity for the day with a fivecompleted and the grand prize man total of 1,649. Kavich led length. flowers of Chantilly. Her veil of will reside in Omaha. awarded. his teammates to victory by The bride carried a white ivory the same material was caught at Last Friday marked Omaha A.. bowling 203-202 games or a Bible with a -white orchid and a the top with a fresh gardenia, RETURNS HOME Z. A, Annual Sabbath. The servseries of 405. Kalin bowled the shower of sweetheart roses. tinted to match, the gown. She Mrs. I. Pearlman, who lias been Miss Florence Sklar, sister of carried a colonial bouquet of gar- visiting her daughter, ?£rs. 3. X3. ices were held at the Beth El Beccnd highest t!sgle'3 game synagogue. Alephs Morris Arbitall fraternities with a 207 the bride, was maid of honor, and denias. Kendis of Los Angeles, for the man, Bernard Goldware, Stanley among score. ..-•'• . Mrs. Ben Fineman, sister of the The bride's only attendant was past seven months, has returned Silverman, Leonard Margules and The chapter also defeated the groom, was matron of honor. her sister, Miss Ruth Friedman, home. Alvin Hertzberg represented the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity in a Bridesmaids were Miss Delores whose "gown of pint aet over Mother Chapter. ping-pong match, winning toe Sklar, Miss Dorothy Fried and chatreuse net was made in basque Aleph Mazkir Leo Sherman, contest four game* to one. The Mies Betty Brockman. style. Her colonial bouquet was chairman of the social committee, ping-pong team consisted of NorSidney Adler, brother of the made of pink gardenias with rows is making plans for a big social man Bordy, Kavich, K a l i n , groom, was best man. Nathan of pink and chartreuse tinted affair to be held before Passover. Finklestein ai*d Eirifle Green, On Sunday evening:, March 12, Cooper, Louis Hurwitz and David sweetpeas. Chi chapter welcomed in-fi Its ac- Full plans will be announced at Norfolk. Relss -were ushers. Harry Liberman of Sioux City, tive ranks five new Creighton the next meeting. In the inter-fraternity debate Following the ceremony a re- brother of the bridegroom, "was men. In honor of these new/memThe next regular meeting of meet, Sigma Omicron has shown ception was held for two hundred groomsman. the Mother Chapter is to be held bers, some 46 active and alumni itself to be strong contenders for guests. The table had the wedMrs. Friedman wore a shirt- men gathered for tho Xormal this Sunday, March 26, at 2:15 the debate champs by defeating ding cake as a cepterpiece. As- waist gown, the skirt of hyacinth initiation banquet, held on that at the Jewish Community Cen- the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, last sisting were: Miss Min Yaffee, blue chiffon, the bodice of fus- evening at the Paxton hotel. The ter. year's winner, in the first round Miss Reva Bordy, Miss Betty U t - chia. Mrs. Liberman's gown was banquet marked the close of an of the tournament. -Henry Greenexceedingly busy initiation week. - lean, Mrs. Phil Katztnan, Mrs. E. ot black chiffon. berger. Grand Island, and Ben M. Casell and Mrs. Phil Kavich. For six days, the neophytes Novicoff. Lincoln, represent SigOut-of-town guest3 at the cereOut-of-town guests attending mony included: Mrs. Herman were subjected to tests of their ma Alpha MU. the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Milestone and" Mrs. Samuel P. physical, mental and moral fitSigma Omlcron hai capably Melvin Tannenbaum, Omaha, E. M. Casel of SL Louis, Mo.; Cohen, both, of "Washington, D. ness. The climax of the week's Bhown its versatility on the Ne- was initiated Wednesday into acactivity was reached on Sunday braska campus toy ranking first tive membership of Pershlag ••".Mr; and Mrs. Reuben Gartlandt C ; Mr. and Mrs. Simon Galiski .Of Long Island, New "^ork; Mr. of Topeka, Kans., and Mr. and afternoon, when these men were in scholarship, first In athletic Rifles, honorary military organiinducted into the fraternity In the events, first In campus activities, zation of the R. O. T. C. unit at and Mrs. Louis Chasen of Sioux Mrs. Morris Wiener of Sioux City. traditionally beautiful and imthe University of Nebraska. MelCity, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil KaThe couple left on a wedding pressive formal initiation cere- and first in forensic meets. The high scholastic ranking of vin also participated with the Tich of Columbus, Neb. trip to Chicago. They will make mony. Sigma Omicron, the chapter be- Crack Squad, a group who excell After a brief eastern wedding their home in Flint. Principal speaker of the eve- ing ahead of all social fraterni- in the PersMng Rifles organizatrip the couple will reside at the ning was Milton Abrahams, -who ties for the last eight years, and tion, yesterday when the group Hanscom apartments. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED welcomed the new actives on be- th* many activities that Sigma demonstrated their military abilMrs. A l f r e d Gerlisky an- half of the alumni. Dr. David Alpha Mn men participate in have ity before the Nebraska State nounces the engagement of her Kahn Flatt, who presentee shin- often been mentioned in this col- Press associatioiu BETROTHAL TOLI> Mr. and Mrs. I. Stoler announce '. daughter, Lois, to David L. Si-gles and pins to the new men, umn. the engagement of their daughter, mon, son of Mrs. Harry Simon of announced for the first time the The athletic ability possessed Ethel, to Henry Ginsburg. son of Des Moihes, la. winners of the various "raternity by Sigma Omicron was most reMr. and Mrs. Philip Ginsburg. No wedding date has as yet awards, and presented to the of- cently shovm when the chapter's ficers of the active chapter their handball team captured the interNo definite weddiirg date has been set. . Robert Xttenstein, honorary been chosen. "Many affairs have been planned respective honorary keys. Final- fraternity handball throne by de- member of Kosmet Klnb, has been ly, Joe Soshnlk spoke In behalf of feating the Sigma Phi Epsilon selected as Bong director for the in Miss Gerlisky's honor. the active members. Harry Perel- fraternity in the final round. The coming spring production, "Alias AKXOTJNCE BIRTH man served as toastmaster for the score for the contest was 4-0. Alladin." His choice for this posi: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sogoloff an- PLEASANT HILL- CEMETERY • evening. The four, who represented Sig- tion was based on bis excellent nounce the birth of a daughter SOCIETY A regular meeting of the PleaRex Willard Smith notified" ma Omicron In the tournament work done for the last spring at the Methodist hospital on FriCemetery Society will be those present of the passing of and who reached the final round show. He contributed four of the day, March 17. The baby -was sant Hill : •born on her mother'B "birthday. held on Tuesday, March 28 at Herbert Kaus, national executive by not losing a single game, were six songs used, and won the.prize Mrs. Sogoloff is the former Babe 2:30 at the B'nal Jacob Synago- council head. T h e members. Irvin Yaffe and Norman Bordy, for the song judged best In the gue. Shafton.
A. Z. A. 1
K Lambda PK
Sigma Alpha Mil
Zeta Beta Tau
ANNOUNCE BERTH Mr. and iMrs. Joel Chemise announce the- birth of a daughter, Sandra Marilyn, on March 17, at St. Joseph hospital. Mrs. Chersiss was formerly Miss Lillian Perelman.
show. Paul Kraaae /was selected as a member of the '"pony horns" for this springs production due to his excellent work In the recent tryouts. Alpha Theta this week advanced to the position of leading contender for the title ia its league of the intra-maral ping-pong tournament by defeating the Sigma Alpha Mu and Beta Sipma Psi
Sisterhood The sponusors of the annual Sisterhood rummage sale have asked persons with contributions to have them ready for collection on Monday. The rummage sale will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, March 8 and 28, at the Benefit Shop, 316 Sdttth Thirteenth street. The calt is being conducted Dy two nistefhood circles, those of Mrs. William Feiler and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, jr. Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, co-chairman of Mts. Fetter's circle, is in charge of the sale. Mrs. Manning Handler, WA 1138, is In charge of collections.
Noar Society A meeting of the Noar society was held at the Jewish Community Center last Sunday. Miss Blanche Klelman, educational director of the Center, spoke to the members on social and cultural policies. Maurice Klaiman gave a humorous reading. Refreshments •were serred. The society is planning a play and practice will be held next Sunday at the home of Carl Weiss. Casting and the date of presentation will be decided by the program committee. Any Jewish high school boy deBiring to Join the society Is asked to call Maurice Kiaimn-n. secretary, WE 4875.
GoWie Mycrson
Itt&gtriiada&t Ladks« Chfcb
Due to a change of plans the Purim luncheon to have been given by the G oldie . Myerson Club has been canceled. The completion of the Club's project will take place at the home of Mrs. H. A. ReBnick, 2408 Crown Point, oa Tuesday, March 28. Members have been urged to come and bring their tickets. Refreshments will be served.
~A benefit card party will en by the Independent Club on Snnday evening, MW*4 26, mt 1 o'clock, «t 2222 Mlaaal Admission will be te cents. Patronize Our Advertiser*
Sterling and Sihrw Plated Hollow Via
33 1/3r/0 Discount
A meeting of the Bas-a-mi was held Tuesday evening at the home of Sylvia Epstein. A drawing is to be held for a beautiful R. C. A. radio on June 4. All proceeds will be turned over to charity. Tickets may be obtained, from all members of the club.
(Continued from page 1.)
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At 2:30 in the Concert Hall of the 'Joslyn Memorial;- £wo sound films — "String Choir" and "PercuBSion Group" — will be shown. Dr. John F. Allen will speak at 3:30 in the Lecture Hall on "The Constitutional Factor in Disease." Miss Evelyn Smith will give the ANNOUNCE BIRTH 4 o'clock piano recital In the ConMr. and Mrs. Nate Gittnick an- cert Hall. nounce the birth of a son on At 8 p. m. Dr. Abram L. Sachar March 13 at the Clarkaon hospi- will speak on the Town Hall JTortal. um.
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emergency, must respond as never beforetothe calL To DO our share Omahamust at least ilouble the donation it made to the Jewish Philat. | | | i | 'twice as much ais you have given liwetofbre i?aiidmore if possible* ' - • . ' ' " • ^ • ^ . ' ' ^ . . • • ' • / • ^ • • ^ • • • • • • • i i - . ; - . - . ' : ' : ; - ^ ^ ^ ' - ' ^
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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, MARCH 24,1939 referee in all bouts; The results
are as follows: J. C. C Bowling Heavyweight — Alvin HertzBy PAUli A- BKKG berg defeated Irving Nogg.
TEAM STANDINGS W. State Gas and Coal 47 Empire Cleaners 46 Wardrobes 43 . Clicquot Clnb Eskimos... 42 Grcenbcrg .Fruit Co. . . . 40 Kalman Insurance 30 Smith Motors 30 Shricr Faint and Glass.. SO
31 32 30 30 38 42 48 49
Championship form was shown by all the bottom teams in the J.
115 Pound — Max Kirshenbaum won on fall from Bob Fromkin—1:47. 125 Pound — Sam Freedman won on fall from Keva Kirshenbaum—4:02. 135 Pound — Sheff Katskee won on fall from Morris Ruderman—53 seconds. 135 Pound — Lee White won on fall from Barney 3ahn—2:20. 145 Pound -:— Jake Freedman won on fall from Bernie Epstein —5:26. _. 155 Pound — Stan Silverman declsioned Norman Hahn. Sheff Katskee decisioned Bill Susman. 165 Pound — Sol Weiner-Dr. Abe Faier,. exhibition.
C. C. Bowling league, who must have seen the Pathe News of the A. B. C at Cleveland shown at all theaters this week, when they defeated the lour top teams at least two games. The higgest upset was the three-game victory of the Smith Motors over the league HANDBALL leading Empire Cleaners. A mixed doubles handball tourThe other team that was tied nament has been arranged by the for the lead, the State Coal and committee with winners advancGas, lost two to the Kaiman Ins ing into the championship »racket ,;boys, thus remaining in front of and losers going into the consola' t h e Empires by the slim margin tion play. "Mrst round matches ! of one game. The two teams that must be completed by March 30. -: were tied lor fourth last, week, The pairings are as follows: Wardrobes and Clicquots, lost Giventer-Garber vs. winner of two games to the Shriers and the Greenfield-Lerman and GouldGreenbergs, respectively. This Yaffee. still leaves the "Wardrobes and Adler-Adler vs. Temln-Boggy. the Clicquots tied for fourth. Turner-D. Weiner vs. MannBurroughs. The feature match ot the eve- Zorinsky-Soskin vs. Freem'anning, between the Smith Motors Goldware. Spiegal-S. Epstein vs. Teperand the Empires, was the biggest upset of- the season when the Colick. W. Bloom-Kurs VB. WoolfsonSmiths, who were tied for the cellar, scored a 3-round K. O. Pollack. Dr. Faier-Ferer vs. Katzmanover the loop leaders. Little man Steinberg, who was the sensation Richards. of the league, had a very busy E. Marks-Franklin vs. RossenTiight. Leading both teams with Korney. 551, Sam was the sparkplug in the Smith victories. CLASSES An increased attendance in all women's classes, both in the This CHUBBY hard working the morning i.nd evening, are very serious bowler also had the only gratifying to the physical depart200 game rolled in the entire "With spring weather here, league, a: 214. Harry Smith's ment. urging all members to 516 and Rube Brown's 496 also we are advantage of the fine, up-tohelped the Motor's cause. The take sanitary natatorium. All Empires had great difficulty in date those interested in signing up for cleaning the pins off the alleys. swimming classes, get in touch At the conclusion of the match with Lee Grossman, physical dithe Empires*were low with a 690rector, or Dave Chesneau, swimgame, with a 2,265 series, and ming instructor. very low in spirit. The Empires' Junior boys and girls classes poor performance was topped by will take place at 3 p. m. during Pill's poor 471 series. their spring vacation. The Center physical departThe evening's second upse found the Kaiman Ins. bowling ment will be closed on the followthe State Gas team over for two ing days during the Passober victories. According to rumors holidays: From Monday, April 3, Dave Franks, backer of the Coal at 5 p. m. to Wednesday, April 5, boys, bad radioed an S. O. S. for at 5 p. m., and from Sunday, April 9, at 5 p. m. to Tuesday, hlB SHARK. Abner Kaiman led his team April 11, at 5 p. m. with a fine 528 total, and was A big swim party is scheduled ably assisted by Sam Katzman's for Wednesday evening from 8 to 501. Phil Katzman, who was 9 o'clock. All members of the tops in the league Tuesday night, Center are invited. This event takes place every won the third game single handed, with his 553 series. George other" week. Shapiro with 500 was also a big •; help tor-the Gas House gang. As usual Jack Fleischman was dog on the Coal team. Fleischman might be tops in the yeast world but in bowling, what a cargo. By HELEN ZIGMOND In the third match the Greenbergs climbed up to within two Hollywood — Garson Kanin games of their rivals, the Clic- 25-year-old Jewish wonder-boy, is quots, whom they defeated two the talk of Hollywood these days out of three. The margin of He's the chap who directed "A victory in all three games was Man to Remember," one of the very close. finest pictures born in this cine Greenbergs won the first by 13 ma-surfeited city. What's more ping, lost the second by 14 pins . . . he created that little gem on and won the third by five pins. a " B " budget, which means, a Dentist Dr. Platt's 535 was a shoe-string, albeit a silk one. CROWNING performance. NorSeeing his genius, R-K-O enman Brown finally hit a 500 trusted him with "The Great Man series when he rolled 506. Sey- Votes," John Barrymore starring. mour Cohen's 507, and Jimmy Currently he's directing "Little Burroughs' 454 were the Green- Mother," a Ginger Rogers' vebergs' standard bearers. hicle. If practice makes perfect Norm Kanin is a graduate of what he should hit 300 soon. Abe Feld- terms the "borscht circuit"— the man's 440 was overlooked be- Jewish summer camps around cause I doubt if any of the spec- New York. At one of these, his tators recognized him with his father had a hotel. Garson and BEARD. 440 is an event in a his brother, Michael, helped with ' track meet, but in a bowling everything . . . waited on table, match, Abe, for you it's 1—y. et cetera. In spare moments they dashed off entertainment for the In the final match of the eve-guests. They became such an atning the tough Wardrobes proved traction that people came from not so hard to beat when the all around the vicinity . . . even lowly Shriers won two. It seems from, other hotels. that the Wardrobes after defeatGarson's first professional acting the State Gas three games, ing consisted of a small part in the Empires two out of three, Broadway's "Boy Meets Girl.1 took the Shrler boys too light. Then producer George Abbott Sam Horwich of the Wardrobes took notice of him . . . gave him led both teams with aO3. Barney a chance at directing. Hollywood Abrams wielded the paint brush got the news. Sam Goldwyn con the first two games during the traded him, but could never find absence of Capt. Leo Weitz. His an assignment for him. He moved 496 led his teammates. to R-K-O, where for various reasons his first job never reached Leo appeared in the lineup the the cameras. Then came "Man last game but proved to be too to Remember". . . and even thick heavy a Weights for his men to skinned Movietown critics opened carry. This was th° Wardrobes their eyes. lone victory. Joe Solomonow's He has story instinct . . . 478 showed up some of the feeling human values . . . and league's hotshots against whom a deft, for directorial sense that is he rolled. The two checks Paul amazing in one so young. Steinberg received for hi3 efforts in the state tournament at Freof colorful figures mont, before the match, must of . . Speaking ' . there's Meyer . . . lowwent to his head instead'of in his ly prop man . . . Grace an ex-pugilist wallet. -He rolled a very low 462. - . . whose real love is poetry! With only two weeks of bowlthe Muse strikes him ing left the following games are Apparently he heaves a bit of papieron tap for next week: Smith Mo- as scenery into the stacks . . tors vs. State Coal and Gas, Em-mache for from time to time his odes, pires vs. Kaimans, Greenbergs vs. lyrics, or jingles are found enWardrobes, and Shriers vs. Clicquots. After this week's flock of livening the bulletin board. low scores next week should The "Royal Family"- of the bring a storm of high ones. Yiddish theater at last comes to Hollywood — Bessie Thomashef sky was signed for a part in "Little Mother." Although she ha_ played in a number of Yiddish films, this will be her debut lu English-speaking pictures. The last regular scheduled outside basketball games are on tap Leni still has the chills from for this Sunday afternoon at the the Hollywood cold-shoulder. RuCenter, with the Junior A. Z. A. mor whispers that Fraulein Riefcagers from Des Moines and Oma-enstahl, in retaliation, will proha playing In the feature at 2:30 duce, under the official sponsorp. m. In the preliminary starting ship of Der Boss, a film tirade •at 1:15 p. m., the A. Z. A. No.against Democracy in general . . . 100 will engage in a bit of out- U. S. In particular . . . and no side competition with the Paxton doubt, Hollywood very speciaL Nationals. Admission is free. Eddie Cantor boasts that he and Ida are the parents of "oneWRESTLING An all J. C. C. wrestling, tour- at-a-time quintuplets!" nament was "held' in the Center gym with Shef Katskee winning Signing off . . . Hollywood. two championships. Dr. A b e (Copyrig-nted by Jewish Tele..Faier, wrestling coach, served as graphic Agency, Inc.)
Our Film Folk
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Complete YOUR SPRING With
By "HBTEAS J. BIRON allowed the use of his legs to carry him to a concentration CZECH MATE camp" . . . Orchids to the sponJust for record's sake, we want sors of the film ''Crisis," who to remind you that we told you prefer to remain anonymous . . . early this year, and repeated it Crisis" is a picture on the betbree columns ago, that the tate trayal of Czechoslovakia, made 1101 City Nan Bk. of Europe would be decided in during and right after t h e Munthe month of March . . . Unfor- ich sell-out . . . Somebody ought tunately the democracies have not to tell columnist F. P. A. not to stood up to Hitler at this writ- compare President Roosevelt and ing, with the result that the Ides Hitler, even in a joke . . . Onej of March saw Mm the master of of "the publishers of Adolf's "Mein that weary Old "World . . . Bat Kampf" in this country — there how come that J. M. Patterson's are two — is actnall;- trying to New York Daily News, which sell it as a test-book on how to usually sponsors a liberal edi- win adherents . . . For shame, say torial p o l i c y , is applauding we . . . Hunks of skunk cabbage OF Adolf's capture of Czechoslovakia to those union officials who go as "restoring Central Kurope to on besmirching the reputation of something of its pre-war logical the owners of the Ex-Lax comarrangement?" . . . If you want pany with the calumny that they to know why the Nazi press has have bought German-made mastarted on a most murderous cam- chinery, when, the union leaders Includins paign against the Ciechoslovak- know definitely that there isn't ian Jews, read Demaree Bess* ar- anything to the charge . . . Israel ticle "Jewish Pawns in Power Matz, founder and head of the Politics." in the March 18th Sat-company, rates AA-l as a huurday Evening Post . . . Now is manitarian and anti-Fascist . . . the time for some of you ama-We're told that the Yeshiva Colteur radio broadcasters to get &lege building will shortly undermessage through to the Golem, go foreclosure proceedings a n i whom legend has slumbering in will be purchased by Fordham a Prague synagogue attic . . . Tell High school . . . It wouldn't surhim that the time has come for prise us, for the Yeshiva has been him to waken from his century- in financial difficulties f o r INSURANCE CO. long sleep and rescue the Jews of months, but we do hope t ain't his city from their arch-enemy BO . . . Aside to Grorer A. L«t Us Finance Tour New . . . It'was for just such a. rescue, "Whalen: Stop telling people that if you remember, that a medieval the reason why the German govCar w Refinance Your Prague rabbi made that animated ernment has no exhibit at the Old Car clay figure . . . New York World's. Fair is that the Nazis couldn't afford the exYOU SHOCIiD KNOW pense . . . The truth is that Gruesome are the stories told they're afraid of pickets and rotabout the barring or Italian Jew- ten eggs . . . SURGICAL GARMENTS ish refugees, trying to enter France . . . The cruelty of the ABOUT PEOPIiE frontier guards can never be ex- Forecasters insist that Louis Plained away . . . Is Admiral American Labor Party Horthy. Hungarian regent, going Waldman, will be appointed to the to resign too, now that he knows leader, Y. State Supreme Court bench that his grandma was a Jewess N. Governor Lehman . . . The named Weiss T - , . Dr. chawn by After many years' experience In behind Thomas DewWeiznxann is at his -wits' end andmaster-mind fitting trusses, we believe the ey's presidential campaign is none has unofficially told the British other George Z. Medal ie. government that he no longer can ©ae ofthan the more active Jewish guarantee self-restraint on the communal of New York part of the Yishub in Palestine, . . . Talkingleaders with its sponge rubber and air or politics, watch out now that Britain has confirmed for James Marshall, cushion pads that hold juai like son of the her intention of curtailing Jew- late Louis Marshall, who your hand Is the answer to all is beish immigration. The people who ing very seriously considered rupture sufferers. Neat, simple, for really know what happened at the the N. Y. State Republican ticket efficient; no pressure on back London Palestine Conference are . . . Pierre van Paassen, whose or hips; no leg straps. No bar those who read the daily columns "Days of Our Years" was first on across front. Can be worn In of Jacob Fishman in the Jewish the non-fiction best-seller list last bed or bath. Weighs six ounces. Morning Journal of those weeks week, is packing up his furnitxire No matter how good your truss . . . Irishman's reporting of the to take up residence in France, Is, if interested in the best, see conference from New York was notwithstanding warnings from this one. Consult our exper. better than a n y eye-witness his friends that the European fenced fitter without obligation. story . , . war-danger is very ^reat . . . Aside to Jewish organizations: WE'RE TEI/MXG YOU The Dies Committee investigat- Klaus Mann, son of Thomas «URQICAL ing un-American activities is pre- Mann, has developed into an EngCOMPANY, Inc. paring to prove that the Bund re- lish speaker who will make any Physicians', Nurses', Hospital ceived millions of dollars from audience eit up and take notice and Sick Room Supplies Germany to finance its Nazti ac- . . . Ludwig Lewisohn's n e w Medical Arts Blag. Omaha, Neb. tivities here . . . Humor has it novel, "Forever Wilt Thou Love,' Phone /\Tlantic 5825 that the German embassy at is threatening to reach the best"Washington is directly impli- seller class . . . There" isn't a sinThe business transactions will cated in these financial transac- gle Jewish character in the book tions . . . This doesn't surprise . . . Leon Blum postponed his vis- be through them (who will be here to serve you daily) and us . . . And if the Dies Commit- it to the United States because subject to your doctor's aptee wants enotfgh data to jail he expected a new European crisis Fritz Kuhn tre are ready to sup- on March 15th . . . P. S.: He got proval. ply the information . . . Winchell. it . . . "Which reminds us that who knows what he's talking few know that his brother Rene, about, says he can prove that the now in this country, is the editor Nazi storm troopers here carry of a sports encyyclopedia that is HOME •weapons that can be classified as accepted as the supreme authority deadly . . . The managers of Mad- on all sports matters back in the ison Square Garden are trying to old country . . . Sidney Franklin, reconcile those vrho can't forgive only Jewish matador in captivity, them for renting their arena to is going to show his wares at the the Bund . . . They're offering1 the New York World's Fair . . Garden rent-free now for meet- Whenever a talented photographings to promote Americanism . . er or painter comes to Albert Father Coughlin is going to re- Einstein for assistance, the pro32nd and Harsirr £ tire from the air before the end fessor, who hasn't enough money of April. -R-e hear . . . Is there to help them all, consents to pose any connection between this and for a picture of sketch . . . Such the new Pope's disgust at the Einstein portraits are relatively Coughlin type of "Catholicism?" easy to sell — and that's whv • . . The reason why a recent is- the newspapers and magazines all sue of Click, nationally circulated have a plentiful supply of then . . pictorial publication, was •with- (Copyright, ISCEI. by "srver A,-« Feature Syndicate.) drawn from Pennsylvania news- I stands is that the distract attorney's office objected to photos of covers of German magazines and 300,000 RUMANIAN newspapers depicting nude women, which are part of Goebbels' JEWS LOSE RIGHTS campaign to increase the German Bucharest (JTA> — I t a r birth rate . . . Click had captioned those pictures "Breed, Damn You. cabinet statement to the J. recertly that only 15 0.00C Breed" . . . •would be deprived of the, COMMENTS senship during the revision The German Jewish Children's cess scheduled to end K Aid Committee in this country careful inquiry by Jev.-ish t has several thousand letters on zaiiOES revealei ibst MIP rum* PI file from American families to be donations z°l v. ' >e icc~ready to adopt German Jewish er SCO,CCO to --IC f Ce o- rca" ' 50 per cent of the totrl , T EV, • refugee youngsters Novr, ever, is_ the tine for congress to population in Tluvz let the bars do-a-n for the kiddies In certain c ti^s. . . . And those who- oppose in- j closed, 60 per ccrit of the ,'p? ich creasing the immigration quota ' population has- g.:-caJ' beer -eTor refugees should be told that moved from the t Uze fh r almost a quarter of a million more people left the United States in the last eight years than j Hollywood came in . . . The best comment i EO truth to t he r o r on the recent Berlin dispatch, that lie Charlin has rbfTICOT under the decrees calling for j to film "The r , c - . c - ' their valuables Jews need not sur-| ascertained £.t -fc Chrp1 render gold dental work now mI No definite s L o g use was vrritten by Ernest L. j been set because Chrr r Meyer, x . Y., Post columnist . . . j yet finished the s c . i t Meyer concludes his masterpiece I the plans are £ c : g rlcr of sarcasm by hailing Hitler be- ! may get before tfcc cirrei cause "every Jew is generously weeks.
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Largest Stock of N«w and UMH ^ Truck* in Middle W e n 1 SERVICE STATION OPEN 8 A. M. to 1 A. M. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE
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Page 8
The total aufhortssed cap* felt certain compunctions on tho debtedncss. imi stock of this corporation is $100,way. He said, my father, who was so poor didn't care at all about losing 5 2.50 "vrorth of tinware (which was a fortune) on (Continued from page 1.) cor.0 r c r ceiH c u m u a e the Sabbath. stork, breferre.1 both as to dividends Dorotho Saltzman "^ said they couldn't, wait, had to At the next meeting of our and as'to assetF in U-.c r.vont of liquiA regular meeting of the Jun- In order to prove that the NeMISS ANNA PILL, correspondent p have them by Monday and with board of trustees we are to dis- dation or (liSsoTution v windingg up ior Hadassah -was held Monday braska Power company h a s hich Prerporat i ana me away from the business noth- cuss (as a, special order of busi- of the corporation, among its employes the best at the synagogue. After -the busistock shall be subject to reing ever is done right. What ness) what's the natter with the ferred hll b demption at any time unonan Thirty ness meeting, a Purim Play was beard growers in the city, J. E. could they do without me? If I temple and what can we do about (31) days notice, at VA-. plus >" u n " Davidson, president, announced New York (JTA) — Forma- could only get to the telephone it? It seems to me that the mat- paid dividends aecruei! presented. thereon, all today by long distance telephone tion of a national committee of more fully set id-H: hi the Articles ter is with people and with the as from New York City that ?50 in 53 leading American scientists of incorporation. Slock may he paid Services at ^eth Abraham and Mrs. Etta Yudelson and Mrs. But courageous people for in cash, property and services or The president of the Knobby times. Tiphereth Israel synagogues will Joe Scharf will be co-hostesses prizes will be awarded in several and educators, including three Doorknob might say to bell with doorknobs other things of value, as determined Corporation w a s n ' t begin tonight at 6:45 o'clock. Sat- Tuesday at a 1 o'clock benefit classifications for the best beards Nobel Prize winners, to campaign by the tfJoard of Directors. All stock and all that, at least for two urday morning services will ?e- Hadassah luncheon. The lunch- grown by company employes. The for preservation and extension of standing on an altar at this mo- hours a week . . . to hell with all when issued shall be fully paid and. He was up and doing. I that for the sake of our self- non-assessable. Not less than ten (10) gin at 9 o'clock. eon will be held at the home of contest will end on the first day democracy and intellectual free- ment. of the capital stock shall be of the Golden Spike Days celebra- dom, was announced by Prof. shouldn't be surprised, thought respect as people who don't live shares Open House and Election Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov will Mrs. Scharf. • subscribed and paid for before the Mr. Segal, if they didn't exceed by doorknobs alone. tion. Franz Boas, chairman of the tea-ch the laws of Passover every corporation shall transact any other The afternoon will be spent at to Be Held on business. The time of commenceday at the Beth Abraham syna- several games of cards and bin- In making this announcement group, which is known as the 510.000 with their Model T this That, it seems to me, is the ment of this corporation is January March 29 week. I've got to admit it's a gogue during the evening serv- go; there will be a door prize and entering the competition, Mr. American Committee for Democwhole answer to the problem of 5th. 1939, upon which date the Arswell doorknob. ices. Davidson said that he was fully racy and Intellectual Freedom. ticles of Incorporation were filed in presented. Admission is 50 cents what's the matter with syna- the office of the County The Annual meeting of the The Nobel Prize winners on the That's the whole trouble . . . gogues Clerk of Mchiras Chometz will take person, and reservations may aware of the fact that the Union and churches as well. Federation of Jewish Social Serv- place at the Beth Abrham syna- per County, Nebraska, and th© made with Mrs. Yudelson, Pacific group has had several committee are Prof. Robert A. competition, he said. It drives (Copyright, 1939. by Seven Arts Douglas time of termination of the corporaice will be held next Wednesday ogue with Rabbi Bolotnikov, ev- be 5645. All members and their weeks start in the beard-growing Millikan of the California Insti- me. drives everybody, drives me tion is January 1st, 2n:>9. unless soonFeature Syndicate.) evening. March 29, when reports ery day fron. 5 to 7 o'clock, or friends from this altar and from all the tute of Technology; Prof. Arthur er dissolved as provided by law. The race, but he feels certain that are invited to attend. of the officers will be heard and during he late evening at the affaire of the corporation are to be things I'd like to be doing rather H. Compton of the University of Power company employes will not Mrs. Max Steinberg is in charge election of the board of directors rabbi's home, 207 Fourteenth St. by a Board of Directors, sell doorknobs. It intrudes MONSKY. GRODINSKY. MARER &. conducted of the bingo games. Other com- only overtake the U. P. beard- Chicago, and Prof. Harold C. than consisting of not less than two, nor will be. held. COHEN, Attorneys. Urey of Columbia university. Five even when I'm standing here beraisers but surpass them by many more than fi directors, as may bo mittee members include Mrs. Ef737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. The meeting will be in the God . . (The Abercrombies fixed by the Ey-Laws, and until other ta Yudelson, Mrs. Joe Scharf, inches of whiskers before the pre- college presidents, nine college fore form of an Open House, and will provision is made the number of the certainly will go over to the NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN That and university deans, the presiMrs. H. Meyerson, Mrs: H. Fried, miere date. afford an opportunity to the JewKnobby" Doorknob people if we the undersigned have formed a corpo- directors shall be three. The Board dent of the American Association Mrs. Sam Lincoln. Mrs. L. BernThe classifications and prizes ish community to inspect the Cendon't deliver that order by Mon- ration under the laws of the State of Directors shall elect a. President, stein, Mrs. M. Bernstein, Mrs. offered are as follows: §15 forfor the Advancement of Science, day.) of Nebraska. The name of said cor- Vice-President. Secretary and Treaster w_.ich has been remodeled ) Prof Wesley C. Mitchell of Coporation is REGIS HOTEL. COM- urer, any two of which offices, e x Nate Gilinsky, Mrs. Sam Katelthe most becoming beard; $10 for and" redecorated. PANY, and the principal place of cepting those of President and Vicelumbia, and the president-elect, man and Mrs. H. Marowitz. I should like to say to hell with transacting; the longest beard; 55 for the ' Mr. Morey Lipshutz is in charge Us business is Omaha, President, may be held by the same All reservations are to be In thinnest beard; 55 for the fuzzi- Prof. Walter B. Cannon of the doorknobs . . . for the sake ot my Doug-las County, Nebraska. The genof the arrangements : nd will preby Sunday. Bingo and cards will est beard; $5 for the blondest Harvard Medical School, are also self-respect. Should I begrudge eral nature of the business to be person. side at the maeting. in addition V. GERHARD. i transacted by the corporation is to myself two hours on an altar? If Arthur Sanford was named be played-at both the Scharf and beard; $5 for the reddest. beard; among the membersto the reports and election, a DONALD BEODEET. .* engage In and conduct a general hoProf. Boas said the committee you come to think of it this Is the chairman of the 1939 United the Yudelson homes. $5 for the blackest beard. A spe3-24-39~4t. ~t Bhort play, presented by the Centel business In all its branches; to cial prize — as yet unannounced hoped to set up local chapters in most decent thing I've done this acquire, lease, construct, own, operter Players and introduced by Jewish Appeals drive, at a meetweek, but they had to make me hundreds of schools and colleges ate, sell or otherwise dispose of and ing of the executive committee —will be given for the best "hanMiss Dorothy Merlin, superintenThe next meeting of the B'nal wrth hotels, cafes, restaurants, throughout the country. The do it. (Old man Abercrombie was deal dent, will depict the work of the held this -week. E. N. Grueskin B'rith lodge will be held Mon- dle-bar" mustache. bars, buffets, tobacco shops, news very positive when he told me was named vice-chairman, and committee, he asserted, vras an Federation. The play has been stands and all other properties, enterday evening, March 27. they must have those doorknobs Sam Cohen, treasurer. outgrowth of the scientists' comprises, equipment and facilities for written by Mrs. S. H. Shulkin and any and all purposes necessary or mittee which organized the na-by Monday.) ) 317 No. 15th JA 5604 The drive is scheduled to open Miss Miriam Blank. The choir of Miss Beverly Steinberg of Omaconvenient in connection with the tionwide Lincoln's Birthday proBhaare Zion synagogue will offer April 30 with a breakfast for the ha entertained a party of 12 reHaving said the blessings, hav- operation of hotels, and all things ingram this year. "We are pledged," ing clothed the Torah in its vel-cident thereto X>T allied or contribu- SPECIAL PRICES FOR SPRING a group of selections and a nov- workers, and the official solicita- cently at tHe home of her cousin, Prof. Boas declared, "to protect vet raiment, having listened to tory thereto; to purchase, lease or elty number will be given by Pau- tions will begin May Day. The Larry Steinberg. ON otherwise acquire, own, nolcl, mortworkers wil linclude a Junior Diline and Esther Friedman. New York, March 20—General and extend intellectual freedom. the sermon, Mr. Segal hurried gage, 1939 WALLPAPER encumber, demise, sell, assign, and a Women's Division, corporation in 1938 sold to strengthen our appreciation of back to his doorknobB. Yet he transfer and convey or otherwise dis- Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Of-icers ot the Federation are vision Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bobrick and Foods hairmen for these two divisions pose of. manage, operate, construct the largest amount of food, in dol- the long and glorious heritage of E. N. Grueskin. president: B. will family, formerly of Lincoln, Neb., and generally deal in real and personbe named later. Roofing Paper lars and tonnage, in its history, American democracy, to combat Baron, A. H. Baron. H. Fishgall, have moved to Council Bluffs to al property of every class and desLev! Myers.Harby, a South Car- cription This drive raises funds for na- make their home. Mr. Jules C M . Chester, chairman of the propaganda for racial or religious We Install Every Kind of L. J. riaplan, Frank Margolin, and wheresoever situated; to Jew, was in command of the purchase or otherwise acquire and and Dr. Lewis J. Dimsdale, vice- tional and over seas relief, and Eisenberg-, also formerly of Lin- board, a n d Clarence Francis, discrimination or intolerance, to olina Inlaid Linoleum Galveston harbor during the Civil to hold, assign, transfer, guarantee, the committee expressed the bemake our schools fortresses of president, reported to shareholdpresidents; Jack Robinson, secrecoln, is making his home here, pledge or otherwise dispose of and War. lief that Sioux City Jewry would democracy." ESTIMATES ON MATERIALS tary: Eli Robinow and Victor generally deal in stocks, bonds or Both Mr. Bobrick and Mr. ers and employes in their annual Mazie. treasurer; and Miss Dor- respond generously, in view of Eisenberg are affiliated with the joint published statement made FREE other securities or evidences of inconditions in Euro' e. public today. othy Merlin, superintendent. MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER R. & S. Shore Store here. Frankfurter Retains AND COHEN, Attorneys A year book of the 1938 activNet sales of the corporation -737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. ities of the Federation has been be held in Sioux City tomorrow, Miss Sylvia Endelman is CQn- and subsidiary companies for the Commission mailed to the Jewish homes in may make reservations by calling valascing at home "from a recent year ended December 31, 1938, Washington (JTA) — Supreme NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PESioux City this v.eek. TITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF the Jewish Community • Center. appendectomy. : totaled $135,221,301 a g a i n s t Court Justice Felix Frankfurter FINAL ADMINISTRATION The sessions are open to everyone $133,126,506 in 1937. Net prof- •will retain his army reserve comACCOUNT interested. The afternoon session Mrs. Al Krasne spent a few its were $13,577,075 or $2.50 a mission, which technically subwill be held at the Good Shep- days visiting in Sioux City this common share in 1938 against jects him to call for service in the In the County Court of Douglas herds Home, when Iowa legisla- week. $9,206,295 or $1.75 a common event of war. Justice Frankfur- County, Nebraska. tion affecting social welfare will ter is a major in the Judge Advo- In the Matter ot the Estate of Louis snare in 1937. Micklin. Deceased: be discussed. A movie of early Mr. Jack Ficbtenberg, who pre"Consumers In 1938 bought cate General's section of the re- AH persons interested in said matIowa w^l also be shown at this viously resided- In Chicago, Is our products at . lower average servo corps. ter are hereby notified that on the Dinner will be served at making his home here with his prices," said Messrs. Chester and It was thought he would resign 16th day of March. 1939, Reva Micklin The Senior Hadassah will have the Warrior Hotel in the evening. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Francis prefacing their remarks. his commission when named to and Maurice D. Micklin filed a petition In said County Court, praying its Oneg Shabbot, tomorrow afterMrs. Ben Kubby. "Average earnings of employes the bench,,but he informed Brig. that their final administration acnoon with Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, Gen. Edwin M. Watson, presicount filed herein be settled and alwere generally higher than in Youth Council will sponMrs. Louis ' A-n noff. and Mrs. sorThe lowed, and that they be discharged previous years. We increased dential secretary, that he intends from skating party at the Rigau- be an evsnt of early June. their trust as executrix and exBen Pill as hostesses in the home don athis Saturday night at 9 ecutor and that a hearing •will be The twins are graduates of earnings over the 1935-36-37 to retain the commission. of Mrs. Agranoff and Mrs. Pill, o'clock. Admission had on said petition before said Court is 25 cents and Central high school and fromer average by 15.7 per cent, and paid 2002 Suinmitt avenue. on the 15th day of April, 1939, and $10,502,880 in common dividends anyone planning to attend is askstudents of Morningside college. ard Ambrose, accompanied by that If you fait to appear before said The program will include curto secure their tickets from Mr. Phillips attended the Univer- and $322,500 in preferred divi- Ruth Kassal. Court on the said 15th day of Aprii. rent events, a paper on The sec- ed members of the Youth Council or dends to stockholders. 1939, at 9 o'clock A. M., and conttst sity of Minnesota where he was a The Association Orchestra is ond Youth Aliyoth by Airs. Frank petition, the Court may grant member of the Sigma Alpha Ma composed of men and women who said ulargolin, and singing of Hebrew the Jewish Communitr- Center, the prayer of said petition, enter a fraternity. Mr. Dreyer attended play for recreation. Anyone capdecree of heirship, and make such folk songs. preparatory school and able of playing an orchestral in- other and further orders, allowances A Center orchestra has been or- Princeton and decrees, as to this Court may Cornell University at 'thaca, N. strument is invited to join the More than 350 people attended ganized under the • leadership of proper, to the end that all matHe was graduated from the group. There is no charge. Re- seem . the Hadassah .card rty, given Harold Slotsky. ; The group has T. ters pertaining- to said estate may be University of California at Los hearsals are held each Wednesday finally settled and determined. Wednesday evening. !Vrs. Sameight members p.:.d has started its Angeles and is studying law now Music lovers of Omaha will be evening at the Y. M. C. A., 17th Greenstone and Mrs. Abe Pill rehearsals. BRYCE CRAWFORD. at the University of Southern and Harney. given a special treat Wednesday were chairmen of the affair. Pro0-24-33-Ct, County Judge. California there. night, March 29, when the Assocceeds went to the Youth Aliyoth The Elocution Class will meet iation Orchestra presents its first Funds. this Sunday at 2 o'clock. Last A. Tankel has returned to free concert of the season. The JA 2402 — CONSULT — AT 4544 weeks meeting was postponed be- herMrs. home in St. Paul, after Visit- Concert will begin at 8 p. m., in The Senior Hadassah will make cause of the illness o: the leader. collections of the Jewish National Miss Shirley Fein, director, will ing here with her son-in-law and the auditorium at the Y. M. C. A. Fund boxes during the e:.rly part meet with the group this Dunday. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Le- The public is invited. The orches-FORvitt. tra will be directed by Frank of April. Mach, prominent Omaha violinist. Painting, Paper-hanging and Decorating The Eplurum club wiK collect Dr. and Mrs. Al Koback, reGuest artists at the March 29 JUNIOR HADASSAH books of Jewish interest 2->r the cent BEST QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED in the E. E. Baron concert Include James Keenan, C?nter library, during the coming home,guests have returned, to their baritone accontpanied by Ruth MEETING THURSDAY week. Anyone who has books on home in Chicago. - Eastlund, both from the Harry Junior Hadassah will be hos-Jewish subjects or of Jewish inCooper Studio. Special numbers tesses to the three girls groups of terest that they wish to contriFREE I An Expert Counsellor on Room Arrangement Ben Golder of Chicago, 111., 5s will be given by members of the bute to the Center, may call the Young Judea • .. their meeting visiting here with his parents, Mr. orchestra as follows: violin -duet Center office and a member of the next Thursday evening, March 30. by Mary Jeanette Brown, and and Mrs. J . Golder. Miss Dena Baron will preside at club will collect the books. The Shirley Karlen, accompanied by committee in charge of the prothe meeting and a program will A daughter was born to Mr. Marion Karlen; trio violin solo ject is Sherman Sperling, Sidney be presented by members of HaMary Jeanette Brown, accom"FAMOUS FOR FINE FURNITURE" Goldberg, Bernard Lehman, and and Mrs. Max Merlin, 1412 Re-by dassah and Young Judea. panied by Zell Abrahamson; and becca street, on March 15. Morton Rosenfeld. The meeting will bo held in the Use Our Easy Payment Plan—Farnam at 22nd a violin trio composed of Donald Jewish Community Center. Korisko, Allen Miller, and LeonAaron Hart was one of the officers aiding in the defence of MOUNT SINAI Canada against Montgomery's invasion of 1775. Habbi Theodore N. Lewis will speak this evening on the new Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Friedman, book written by Pierre Van Paas- 1722 Jackson street, announce sen "'Days of our Years." The the engagement ot their twin service begins at 8 o'clock. Plumbing and Heating daughters, the Misses Esther PauMake Tuesday a day of ease and ENGINEERS line and Pauline Esther FriedComplete 24' Hour Service man, to Lewis A. Dreyer and Morcomfort instead of one of dreaded Work and Quality Guaranteed ton B. Philips, respectively. FREE ESTIMATES Mr. Dreyer is a con of Mr. and drudgery! Not only can you do The local A. Z. A. chapter will SAK3 J . VQUSEE7] conduct services at Shaare Zion Mrs. Dave Dreyer of Beverly Hills, SANITARY PLUMBING <£. California and Long Island, N. Y., your whole Ironing while you're synagogue this evening, commemHEATING CO. 7 DAYSGLP*... orating nterrational A. Z. A. sc.1 and Mr. Phillips is a son of Mr. AT 2344 but lock at the tmaxing difference seated, when you use one of the bath. Speakers will be Calmon and "*rs. Jay Phillips of Minneap1616 Vz Capitol Avo. in t&css Baked Xevfch and Toby Schindler. Other olis. The double wedding is to new Electric Ironers—but you can members of the chapter will assist in reading the ritual. •Rtpnductdfrem certified, ur.Tdoucbcd'phstosrepbt cj' identicsffaods. rtfrizsrated, unctvend, et comparable temp do it faster, so that you have mor» At Junior Congregation services tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eirentime to relax. bsrg will serve refreshments in honor of the engagement of their 0 (UKU)h i(51 \ . •(."Mi son, Philip. With the broad ironing surface, 1901 FARM AM ST. Members of the Junior CongreAT 4483 gation are preparing for their anthe piles of flatwork disappear so .nual service which will be held March. 31. fast they seena to fairly melt before)' .. • Rabbi-H. It. Rabinowitz addressed members Oi! the Kiwanis MADE ONLY BY GENERAL MOTORS! you. Shirts and dresses are easy, club Thursday, speaking on the ; Puzzle of Palestine. too . . . you ceni turn, out every ; The meeting of the Bible Study, group, scheduled for next Monday article in record tias, with' each' has been postpon.'. Th date for at tho Sensationally © Come in. See how die new"Coid. . . with elegant new modern styltha meeting will be anno-.nced in low Prieo of Only piece looking fresh cs new! Wall" Principle preserves even ing . . . new MEAT-TENDER for fresh a forthcoming issue of T Jewhighly perishable foods days longmeats . . . new SUPER-MOIST HYish Prc:s. er than ever before. Prolongs DRATORS for freshening vegeThe Ladies Auxiliary met Tuestheir original freshness—retains rich tables . . . Genuine QUICKUBE These new Electric Ironers are) day afternoon in the synagogue nutritional values— saves peak fresh TRAYS for releasing cubes instantly social hall. The business meeting flavor. Food is not dried out by . . . Vet it costs no more than ordi~ thrifty to operate, because your moisture-robbing air circulation. nary "first line" refrigerators! Con:. was followed by an afternoon of cards. OnlyFrigidaire gives you this vince yourself ia. 5 minutes. Don't electric service costs so little in revolutionary advancement. And buy till you see our Demonstraputs you years ahead in every way tion. Conje in today. Omaha.
Nebraska Power Co. Offers Prizes to Beard Growers
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General Foods Co. Claims Record Sales
New Orchestra to Give Concert
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